2 values
The left to right shunt rate(F)and the transverse seetional area of ductus arteriosus(A)were calculated by color Doppler flow convergence method in 20 patients with patent ductus arteriosus.The results indicated that the shunt rate(F)was correlated fairly with Qp-Qs,Qp/Qs(measured by pulsed wave Doppler),the pressure gradient(△P)and the diameter of left ventricle(DLV)(r=0.81,0.62,0.69 and 0.53;P<0.001,0.005,0.001 and 0.01,respectively).The transverse sectional area of ductus arteriosus(A)was also correlated closely with the diameter of ductus arteriosus(Dd)measured directly in two-dimensional view(r=0.81,P<0.001).The F value of group Qp/Qs≥2:1 was apparently higher than that of group Qp/Qs<2:1(P<0.005).The color Doppler flow convergence method can rapidly and exactly evaluate the left to right shunt severity of patent ductus arteriosus.
The left to right shunt rate(F)and the transverse seetional area of ductus arteriosus(A)were calculated by color Doppler flow convergence method in 20 patients with patent ductus arteriosus.The results indicated that the shunt rate(F)was correlated fairly with Qp-Qs,Qp/Qs(measured by pulsed wave Doppler),the pressure gradient(△P)and the diameter of left ventricle(DLV)(r=0.81,0.62,0.69 and 0.53;P<0.001,0.005,0.001 and 0.01,respectively).The transverse sectional area of ductus arteriosus(A)was also correlated closely with the diameter of ductus arteriosus(Dd)measured directly in two-dimensional view(r=0.81,P<0.001).The F value of group Qp/Qs≥2:1 was apparently higher than that of group Qp/Qs<2:1(P<0.005).The color Doppler flow convergence method can rapidly and exactly evaluate the left to right shunt severity of patent ductus arteriosus.
Thoracic aorta was performed in 11 normal subjects and 32 patients with coronary artery disease by transesophageal echoeardiography(TEE).All subjects had undergone diagnostic cardiac catheterization including coronary angiography 32 patients were with obstructive coronary artery stenosis which was defined as either>75% narrowing of the luminal diameter in at least one of the left anterior descending,lef,circumflex or right coronaries or>50% stenosis of the left main coronary,including 12 single-vessel disease(SVD),12 double-vessel disease(DVD)and 8 triple-vessel disease(TVD).The total ahterosclerosis score(TAS)and the stiffness index(β)of the descending thoracic aorta were calculated from TEE for evalualing the atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta.The result showed that TAS and β were significantly higher in patientS with coronary artery disease than those in normal control subjects(P<0.05).There were close relation between the TAS or β and the extent of coronary artery disease(r=0.71,r=0.57,respectively),This study indicates that detection of atherosclerotic plague in the thoracic aorta by TEE is useful in the noninvasive prediction of the presence and severity of coronary artery disease.
Thoracic aorta was performed in 11 normal subjects and 32 patients with coronary artery disease by transesophageal echoeardiography(TEE).All subjects had undergone diagnostic cardiac catheterization including coronary angiography 32 patients were with obstructive coronary artery stenosis which was defined as either>75% narrowing of the luminal diameter in at least one of the left anterior descending,lef,circumflex or right coronaries or>50% stenosis of the left main coronary,including 12 single-vessel disease(SVD),12 double-vessel disease(DVD)and 8 triple-vessel disease(TVD).The total ahterosclerosis score(TAS)and the stiffness index(β)of the descending thoracic aorta were calculated from TEE for evalualing the atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta.The result showed that TAS and β were significantly higher in patientS with coronary artery disease than those in normal control subjects(P<0.05).There were close relation between the TAS or β and the extent of coronary artery disease(r=0.71,r=0.57,respectively),This study indicates that detection of atherosclerotic plague in the thoracic aorta by TEE is useful in the noninvasive prediction of the presence and severity of coronary artery disease.
The present paper reports five species of Hymenosomatidae in the collections of the Beijing Natural History Museum. Among them Halicarcinus messor (Stimpson) and Elamenopsis sinensis (Shen) have been previously reported from the Chinese waters. The other three, Elamena longidactylis, Halicarcinus longipes and H. unidentatus are described as new species in this paper.
本文报道北京自然博物馆馆藏膜壳蟹Hymenosomatidae共5种.其中篦额滨蟹Halicarcinus messor Stimpson与中华拟薄板蟹Elamenopsis sinensis (Shen) 曾发现于中国东海,这次标本检查中发现中华拟薄板蟹在广东沿海也有分布.其它三种均为新种,分别定名为长指薄板蟹Elamena longidactylis sp. nov.,长足滨蟹Halicarcinus longipes sp. nov. 与单齿滨蟹H.unidentatus sp. nov., 对每一新种给予详细记述,并附有形态特征插图.
本文报道北京自然博物馆馆藏膜壳蟹Hymenosomatidae共5种.其中篦额滨蟹Halicarcinus messor Stimpson与中华拟薄板蟹Elamenopsis sinensis (Shen) 曾发现于中国东海,这次标本检查中发现中华拟薄板蟹在广东沿海也有分布.其它三种均为新种,分别定名为长指薄板蟹Elamena longidactylis sp. nov.,长足滨蟹Halicarcinus longipes sp. nov. 与单齿滨蟹H.unidentatus sp. nov., 对每一新种给予详细记述,并附有形态特征插图.
The present paper reports five species of Hymenosomatidae in the collections of the Beijing Natural History Museum. Among them Halicarcinus messor (Stimpson) and Elamenopsis sinensis (Shen) have been previously reported from the Chinese waters. The other three, Elamena longidactylis, Halicarcinus longipes and H. unidentatus are described as new species in this paper.
Two new species of genus Deraeocoris Kirschbaum from China are described in this paper: D. fujianensis sp. nov. and D. pseudokerzhneri sp. nov. The male genitalia are illustrated. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
本文记述齿爪盲蝽属 Deraeocoris Kirschbaum 二新种,即福建齿爪盲蝽Deraeocoris fujianensis sp. nov.正模♂,福建武夷, 1982-08-05, 邹环光采; 副模 1♂, 3♀♀,采自福建武夷和拟克氏齿.爪盲蝽D. pseudokerzhneri sp. nov., 正模♂,四川峨嵋山报国寺,1957-05-30, 郑乐怡、程汉华采;副模6♂♂, 12♀♀, 均采自四川峨嵋山.描绘了雄性外生殖器解剖图.模式标本存放在南开大学生物系.
本文记述齿爪盲蝽属 Deraeocoris Kirschbaum 二新种,即福建齿爪盲蝽Deraeocoris fujianensis sp. nov.正模♂,福建武夷, 1982-08-05, 邹环光采; 副模 1♂, 3♀♀,采自福建武夷和拟克氏齿.爪盲蝽D. pseudokerzhneri sp. nov., 正模♂,四川峨嵋山报国寺,1957-05-30, 郑乐怡、程汉华采;副模6♂♂, 12♀♀, 均采自四川峨嵋山.描绘了雄性外生殖器解剖图.模式标本存放在南开大学生物系.
Two new species of genus Deraeocoris Kirschbaum from China are described in this paper: D. fujianensis sp. nov. and D. pseudokerzhneri sp. nov. The male genitalia are illustrated. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
The nomenclatorial problem of the Oriental lantern fly genus Pyrops Spinola, 1839, is briefly reviewed. A synonymic list of species of Pyrops with 62 new or reinstated combinations is presented to improve nomenclatorial and taxonomic stability. Pyrops rhli Schmidt is emended as P. ruehli.
Linnaeus (1758, 1764,1767) 将产于南美的蜡蝉laternaria和产于中国的蜡蝉candelaria 分别描记于 Cicada、Laternaria 和 Fulgora 三个不同的属下,由此产生了命名学上的一个问题.一些学者将 candelaria 及东洋区的相关种类归为 Fulgora 下(如 Distant, 1906, 1916; Baker, 1925);而另一些学者则将laternaria 及新热带区的相关种类归于 Fulgora 下(如 Metcalf, 1947).这一问题直到1954年经国际动物学命名委员会(ICZN,1954)裁决才得以解决.ICZN (1954)的决议包括:将 laternaria 作为Fulgora 的模式种及将新热带区的相关种类归于 Fulgora;Fulgora 为蜡蝉科的模式属;将 Laternaria 作为无效名,并以 Pyrops 取代,其模式种为 candelaria.然而,国际动物学命名委员会的这一决议并未得到一些学者的注意.例如,Lallemand (1963)在其"亚洲及澳大利亚的蜡蝉科的订正研究"中仍将东洋区种类归于蜡蝉属 Fulgora.在我国,Fulgora 则一直被广泛使用出现在研究论文(如周尧及王思政(见周尧、王思政及黄桔,1985))、教科书(如周尧,1980;古德祥及陈振跃,1980;袁锋及张雅林,1996)及一些区系专著中 (如周尧等,1985;周尧等,1987;李子忠,1987;彭建文及周石涓,1992).最近,日本学者 Sato & Nagai (1994)又描记了东南亚蜡蝉属 Fulgora 的四个新种和新亚种,并将锥头蜡蝉 Saiva cultellata (Walker)移入蜡蝉属 Fulgora.为了澄清命名学上的这一混淆,以保持名称的稳定性,本文给出了东方蜡蝉属 Pyrops 的全部种类名录,同时建立新组合50个,恢复原有组合12个,并将 Pyrops rhli Schmidt 修订为 Pyrops ruehli Schmidt.
Linnaeus (1758, 1764,1767) 将产于南美的蜡蝉laternaria和产于中国的蜡蝉candelaria 分别描记于 Cicada、Laternaria 和 Fulgora 三个不同的属下,由此产生了命名学上的一个问题.一些学者将 candelaria 及东洋区的相关种类归为 Fulgora 下(如 Distant, 1906, 1916; Baker, 1925);而另一些学者则将laternaria 及新热带区的相关种类归于 Fulgora 下(如 Metcalf, 1947).这一问题直到1954年经国际动物学命名委员会(ICZN,1954)裁决才得以解决.ICZN (1954)的决议包括:将 laternaria 作为Fulgora 的模式种及将新热带区的相关种类归于 Fulgora;Fulgora 为蜡蝉科的模式属;将 Laternaria 作为无效名,并以 Pyrops 取代,其模式种为 candelaria.然而,国际动物学命名委员会的这一决议并未得到一些学者的注意.例如,Lallemand (1963)在其"亚洲及澳大利亚的蜡蝉科的订正研究"中仍将东洋区种类归于蜡蝉属 Fulgora.在我国,Fulgora 则一直被广泛使用出现在研究论文(如周尧及王思政(见周尧、王思政及黄桔,1985))、教科书(如周尧,1980;古德祥及陈振跃,1980;袁锋及张雅林,1996)及一些区系专著中 (如周尧等,1985;周尧等,1987;李子忠,1987;彭建文及周石涓,1992).最近,日本学者 Sato & Nagai (1994)又描记了东南亚蜡蝉属 Fulgora 的四个新种和新亚种,并将锥头蜡蝉 Saiva cultellata (Walker)移入蜡蝉属 Fulgora.为了澄清命名学上的这一混淆,以保持名称的稳定性,本文给出了东方蜡蝉属 Pyrops 的全部种类名录,同时建立新组合50个,恢复原有组合12个,并将 Pyrops rhli Schmidt 修订为 Pyrops ruehli Schmidt.
The nomenclatorial problem of the Oriental lantern fly genus Pyrops Spinola, 1839, is briefly reviewed. A synonymic list of species of Pyrops with 62 new or reinstated combinations is presented to improve nomenclatorial and taxonomic stability. Pyrops rhli Schmidt is emended as P. ruehli.
Objective:to assess the efffects of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) metabolism on cardiac arrhy thmia in patients with angina pectoris (AP).Mathods:Using luminol dependent separated PMN chemiluminescence (CL) techonology, PMN metabolism in AP patients with cardiac arrhythmias and those with sinus rhythm were studied.Results:PMN—CL peak-value and its integration were higher in both AP patients acompanying cardiac arrhythmias and with sinus rhythm than that in normal subjects. PMN—CL peak-value in AP patients acompanying cardiac arrhythmias was significantly higher than that in AP patients with sinus rhythm.Conclusion:The onset of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with AP is relevant to PMN metabolism.
Objective:to assess the efffects of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) metabolism on cardiac arrhy thmia in patients with angina pectoris (AP).Mathods:Using luminol dependent separated PMN chemiluminescence (CL) techonology, PMN metabolism in AP patients with cardiac arrhythmias and those with sinus rhythm were studied.Results:PMN—CL peak-value and its integration were higher in both AP patients acompanying cardiac arrhythmias and with sinus rhythm than that in normal subjects. PMN—CL peak-value in AP patients acompanying cardiac arrhythmias was significantly higher than that in AP patients with sinus rhythm.Conclusion:The onset of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with AP is relevant to PMN metabolism.
Objective:Report an unusual case with atrial dissociation (AD) and the mechanism was investigated.Methods:Catheters were put routinely and endocardial electrophysiological study was carried out. Refractory periods of different positions were measured, atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation were induced and the activation sequence was mapped. Then the atrial flutter was ablated with conventional methods.Results:In this particular case, AD manifested as right atrial fibrillation and left atrial flutter, the ventricles were controlled by the right atrial fibrillation. After radiofrequency catheter ablation, atrial flutter could not be induced, and AD disappeared.Conclusion:AD may be caused by differences of the refractory periods of the atria. Each atrium had its functional self-protective block zone resulting in occurrence of different rhythms at the same time. AD, which was initiated by atrial flutter, could be ablated successfully.
Objective:Report an unusual case with atrial dissociation (AD) and the mechanism was investigated.Methods:Catheters were put routinely and endocardial electrophysiological study was carried out. Refractory periods of different positions were measured, atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation were induced and the activation sequence was mapped. Then the atrial flutter was ablated with conventional methods.Results:In this particular case, AD manifested as right atrial fibrillation and left atrial flutter, the ventricles were controlled by the right atrial fibrillation. After radiofrequency catheter ablation, atrial flutter could not be induced, and AD disappeared.Conclusion:AD may be caused by differences of the refractory periods of the atria. Each atrium had its functional self-protective block zone resulting in occurrence of different rhythms at the same time. AD, which was initiated by atrial flutter, could be ablated successfully.
Objectives:Successful results of radiofrequency ablation in 3 cases with atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pethway were reported.Methods:The locations of atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway were identified by the atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway potential found at tricuspid annulus and the earliest V wave found at right ventricular or tricuspid annulus during tachycardia.Results:During electrophysiologic study, the bypass tracts were identified to be atriofascicular nature in 2 cases, and atrioventricular nature in 1 case. All of them were successfully ablated by radiofrequancy current delivery. The target sites were determined by atriofascicular and atriorentricular accessory pathway potentials in 2 cases with atriofascicular tract, and by the earliest activation of intracardiac V wave in 1 case. The successful targets were at 7:30 of the tricuspid annulus clock surface in 2 cases, and at 10:00 of the tricuspid annulus clock surface in 1 case.Conclusion:Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe and effective way for the curative therapy ofatriof ascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway with tachycardia.
Objectives:Successful results of radiofrequency ablation in 3 cases with atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pethway were reported.Methods:The locations of atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway were identified by the atriofascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway potential found at tricuspid annulus and the earliest V wave found at right ventricular or tricuspid annulus during tachycardia.Results:During electrophysiologic study, the bypass tracts were identified to be atriofascicular nature in 2 cases, and atrioventricular nature in 1 case. All of them were successfully ablated by radiofrequancy current delivery. The target sites were determined by atriofascicular and atriorentricular accessory pathway potentials in 2 cases with atriofascicular tract, and by the earliest activation of intracardiac V wave in 1 case. The successful targets were at 7:30 of the tricuspid annulus clock surface in 2 cases, and at 10:00 of the tricuspid annulus clock surface in 1 case.Conclusion:Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe and effective way for the curative therapy ofatriof ascicular and atrioventricular accessory pathway with tachycardia.
Objective:To quantitatively evaluate the dynamic change of ventricular repolarization during 24 hours in healthy subjects.Methods:Variabilities of QT interval and of heart rate were analyzed simultaneously by 24-hour Holter recording in 24 healthy subsjects.Results:The QT interval to the end (QTe) and the peak (QTp) of T wave prolonged while parasympathetic activity enhanced or heart rate decreased, whereas they shortened when sympathetic activity augmented or heart rate increased. The QT interval corrected for heart rate with Bazett's formula (QTc) had a small change during day and night, two peak values were displayed at the first hour after awakening in the morning and at noon, respectively. The standard deviation of QTe every hour (QTv) and the 3-lead range of QTe (?QT) were larger in the day than at night, the diurnal two-peak pattern of both of them were also displayed.Conclusion:The change of ventricular repolarization during 24 hours in healthy subjects, which is related to the physiologic behaviour, is modulated by autonomic nervous system and heart rate as well as other factors.
Objective:To quantitatively evaluate the dynamic change of ventricular repolarization during 24 hours in healthy subjects.Methods:Variabilities of QT interval and of heart rate were analyzed simultaneously by 24-hour Holter recording in 24 healthy subsjects.Results:The QT interval to the end (QTe) and the peak (QTp) of T wave prolonged while parasympathetic activity enhanced or heart rate decreased, whereas they shortened when sympathetic activity augmented or heart rate increased. The QT interval corrected for heart rate with Bazett's formula (QTc) had a small change during day and night, two peak values were displayed at the first hour after awakening in the morning and at noon, respectively. The standard deviation of QTe every hour (QTv) and the 3-lead range of QTe (?QT) were larger in the day than at night, the diurnal two-peak pattern of both of them were also displayed.Conclusion:The change of ventricular repolarization during 24 hours in healthy subjects, which is related to the physiologic behaviour, is modulated by autonomic nervous system and heart rate as well as other factors.
Objective:The safety and efficacy of intravenous diltiazem in patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter were evaluated.Methods:321 eligible patients from 27 hospitals were administered with diltiazem of 10 mg iv injection within 5 minutes followed by 10~15 mg · h-1 infusion.Results:63% and 94.3% patients had a satisfactory ventricular response control 20 min after diltiazem injecticn and 0.5~1.5 h after diltiazem infusion, respectively. The ventricular rate decreased from 141.0±14.2 bpm to 102.1 ±13.6 bpm 20 min after injection and to 82.1±13.9 bpm 0.5~1.5 h after infusion. No death and worsening cardiac function were observed in the study.Conclusion:Diltiazem is safe and efficacious to control the rapid ventricular response in patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter.
Objective:The safety and efficacy of intravenous diltiazem in patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter were evaluated.Methods:321 eligible patients from 27 hospitals were administered with diltiazem of 10 mg iv injection within 5 minutes followed by 10~15 mg · h-1 infusion.Results:63% and 94.3% patients had a satisfactory ventricular response control 20 min after diltiazem injecticn and 0.5~1.5 h after diltiazem infusion, respectively. The ventricular rate decreased from 141.0±14.2 bpm to 102.1 ±13.6 bpm 20 min after injection and to 82.1±13.9 bpm 0.5~1.5 h after infusion. No death and worsening cardiac function were observed in the study.Conclusion:Diltiazem is safe and efficacious to control the rapid ventricular response in patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter.
Objective:The purpose of this study was to explore pathogenetic mechanism and evaluation methods of syncope during flying in pilots.Methods:30 male pilots with syncope (syncope group. S-group) and 42 healthy pilots (control group. C-group) were tested with head-up tilt (HUT) test combined with heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. heart rates, blood pressure (BP) and HRV were compared in two groups.Resalts:Before HUT, mean RR interval (mRR), standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN) and root mean sguare of successive RR interval (rMSSD) were significantly decreased in S-group than that in C-group (P<0.01); but BP had no difference (P>0.05) in two groups. During HUT, SDNN, high fegueney (HF), total power spectrum (TPF), mRR, short time HRV, systolic BP (SPB), diastolic BP (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MBP) had significant differeence (P<0.01).Conclusions:HUT combined with HRV is a quantitative analysis method for diagnosing and evaluating autonomic nerve system dysfunction in pilots with syncope during flying.
Objective:The purpose of this study was to explore pathogenetic mechanism and evaluation methods of syncope during flying in pilots.Methods:30 male pilots with syncope (syncope group. S-group) and 42 healthy pilots (control group. C-group) were tested with head-up tilt (HUT) test combined with heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. heart rates, blood pressure (BP) and HRV were compared in two groups.Resalts:Before HUT, mean RR interval (mRR), standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN) and root mean sguare of successive RR interval (rMSSD) were significantly decreased in S-group than that in C-group (P<0.01); but BP had no difference (P>0.05) in two groups. During HUT, SDNN, high fegueney (HF), total power spectrum (TPF), mRR, short time HRV, systolic BP (SPB), diastolic BP (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MBP) had significant differeence (P<0.01).Conclusions:HUT combined with HRV is a quantitative analysis method for diagnosing and evaluating autonomic nerve system dysfunction in pilots with syncope during flying.
Objective:This study evaluated atriofascicular tract (Mahaim fiber) in 4 patients including its location, electrophysiologic characteristics, criteria for ECG diagnosis and experiences of catheter ablations.Methods:There were 3 men and 1 woman with a mean age of 28±14 years (range 16 to 47). Patients were referred for management of documented symptomatic wide-QRS tachycardia for a history of 2 to 17 years. One patient had syncope. Programmed stimulation was performed to determine functional properties of the AV node and Mahaim fiber. RF current were delivered at the site with maximal AP potential.Results:Tachycardia which typically showed left bundle branch block pattern and left axis deviation were induced in all patients; Obvious AP potential were recorded in three patients, and no accessory pathway retrograde conduction were found. Two pathways located at right lateral wall and the other two at right posterolateral wall. All the atriofascicular tracts were successfully ablated with a mean number of 2.2 radiofrequency applications of 67±24 s in duration · At a mean follow up of 14±7 (8 to 25) months, all patients are asymptomatic without antiarrhythmic therapy.Conclusion:Atriofascicular tract is a special kind of accessory pathway with slow, decremental and unidirectional antegrade conduction. Intermittent alternation of body surface ECG and unique morphology during tachycardia usually show the clue of diagnosis of it. RF catheter ablation can be guided by clearly recorded AP potential.
Objective:This study evaluated atriofascicular tract (Mahaim fiber) in 4 patients including its location, electrophysiologic characteristics, criteria for ECG diagnosis and experiences of catheter ablations.Methods:There were 3 men and 1 woman with a mean age of 28±14 years (range 16 to 47). Patients were referred for management of documented symptomatic wide-QRS tachycardia for a history of 2 to 17 years. One patient had syncope. Programmed stimulation was performed to determine functional properties of the AV node and Mahaim fiber. RF current were delivered at the site with maximal AP potential.Results:Tachycardia which typically showed left bundle branch block pattern and left axis deviation were induced in all patients; Obvious AP potential were recorded in three patients, and no accessory pathway retrograde conduction were found. Two pathways located at right lateral wall and the other two at right posterolateral wall. All the atriofascicular tracts were successfully ablated with a mean number of 2.2 radiofrequency applications of 67±24 s in duration · At a mean follow up of 14±7 (8 to 25) months, all patients are asymptomatic without antiarrhythmic therapy.Conclusion:Atriofascicular tract is a special kind of accessory pathway with slow, decremental and unidirectional antegrade conduction. Intermittent alternation of body surface ECG and unique morphology during tachycardia usually show the clue of diagnosis of it. RF catheter ablation can be guided by clearly recorded AP potential.
Objective:To study the clinical manifestations and prognosis of patients with ayyhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD).Methods:From 1975 to 1995, the clinical and follow-up data of 12 patients with ARVD were studied retrospectively.Results:During ventricular tachycardia (VT) attack, syncope was found in 41.6%, shock in 50%, heart failure (CHF) in 16.6%, ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 33.3%. The VTs were of LBBB configuration in all patients. During sinus rhythm, T wave inversion over right pericordial leads was shown in 100%, ventricular postexcitation waves were observed in 66.6%, ventricular late potentials in 100%, during EPS fractional potentials in 50%, induced VT in 83%. All patients heart was enlarged, mean cardiothoracic ratio was 0.6, mean RV diastolic dimension 3.8 cm, RV outflow tract 4.4cm. One case was associated with LV enlargement. The average follow-up period was 7.2 years. 10 patients with sustained VT (SuVT) had an average recurrent attack period of 5. 6 years, 6 patients were known to have a relative remission period of 9.3 years. Total cardiac mortality was 50%, 66% of which were sudden death (SD).Conclusion:This disease usually has trends of family clusters. SuVT and SD are most common; CHF is less. Eliminating precipitating factors is as important as antiarrhythmic drugs for controlling malignant ventricular arrhythmias. In this group, mean clinical course was 13 years. One patient who had an ICD implanted has survived for more than 5 years.
Objective:To study the clinical manifestations and prognosis of patients with ayyhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD).Methods:From 1975 to 1995, the clinical and follow-up data of 12 patients with ARVD were studied retrospectively.Results:During ventricular tachycardia (VT) attack, syncope was found in 41.6%, shock in 50%, heart failure (CHF) in 16.6%, ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 33.3%. The VTs were of LBBB configuration in all patients. During sinus rhythm, T wave inversion over right pericordial leads was shown in 100%, ventricular postexcitation waves were observed in 66.6%, ventricular late potentials in 100%, during EPS fractional potentials in 50%, induced VT in 83%. All patients heart was enlarged, mean cardiothoracic ratio was 0.6, mean RV diastolic dimension 3.8 cm, RV outflow tract 4.4cm. One case was associated with LV enlargement. The average follow-up period was 7.2 years. 10 patients with sustained VT (SuVT) had an average recurrent attack period of 5. 6 years, 6 patients were known to have a relative remission period of 9.3 years. Total cardiac mortality was 50%, 66% of which were sudden death (SD).Conclusion:This disease usually has trends of family clusters. SuVT and SD are most common; CHF is less. Eliminating precipitating factors is as important as antiarrhythmic drugs for controlling malignant ventricular arrhythmias. In this group, mean clinical course was 13 years. One patient who had an ICD implanted has survived for more than 5 years.
Objective:The clinical and electrophysiologic characteristics of five patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and complete atrio-ventricular block and the results of treatmenet were reported.Methods:Electrophysiologic studies were performed in all five patients and radiofrequency ablation for accessory pathway in four of them.Results:During electrophysiologic study, no atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia could be induced, and the morphology of pre-excited QRS complex was not changed by programmed atrial stimulation. Complete atrioventricular block was unmasked when antegrade conduction of accessory pathway was ablated. Except one patient who refused to ablate the accessory pathway, pacemakers were implanted in other four patient after ablation, and no atrial fibrillation occurred during follow-up in these patients.Conclusions:Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome associated with complete atrioventricular block is one of the indications for radiofrequency ablation. It is important to evaluate the function of atrioventricular conduction system before ablation. Pacemaker should be implanted after successful accessory pathway ablation.
Objective:The clinical and electrophysiologic characteristics of five patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and complete atrio-ventricular block and the results of treatmenet were reported.Methods:Electrophysiologic studies were performed in all five patients and radiofrequency ablation for accessory pathway in four of them.Results:During electrophysiologic study, no atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia could be induced, and the morphology of pre-excited QRS complex was not changed by programmed atrial stimulation. Complete atrioventricular block was unmasked when antegrade conduction of accessory pathway was ablated. Except one patient who refused to ablate the accessory pathway, pacemakers were implanted in other four patient after ablation, and no atrial fibrillation occurred during follow-up in these patients.Conclusions:Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome associated with complete atrioventricular block is one of the indications for radiofrequency ablation. It is important to evaluate the function of atrioventricular conduction system before ablation. Pacemaker should be implanted after successful accessory pathway ablation.