Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325
is a continuum. And I think that it doesn't have to be smart with foresight like us, but
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it doesn't have to be completely blind either. I think there may be aspects of it. And in
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particular, this kind of multi scale competency might give it a little bit of look ahead maybe
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or a little bit of problem solving sort of baked in. But that's going to be completely
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different in different systems. I do think it's general. I don't think it's just on Earth.
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I think it's a very fundamental thing.
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And it does seem to have a kind of direction that it's taking us that's somehow perhaps
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is defined by the environment itself. It feels like we're headed towards something. Like,
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we're playing out a script that was just like a single cell defines the entire organism.
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It feels like from the origin of Earth itself, it's playing out a kind of script. You can't
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really go any other way.
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I mean, so this is very controversial, and I don't know the answer. But people have argued
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that this is called, you know, sort of rewinding the tape of life, right? And some people have
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argued, I think, I think Conway Morris, maybe has argued that it is that there's a deep
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attractor, for example, to human to the human kind of structure and that and that if you
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were to rewind it again, you'd basically get more or less the same thing. And then other
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people have argued that, no, it's incredibly sensitive to frozen accidents. And then once
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certain stochastic decisions are made downstream, everything is going to be different. I don't
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know. I don't know. You know, we're very bad at predicting attractors in the space of complex
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systems, generally speaking, right? We don't know. So maybe, so maybe evolution on Earth
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has these deep attractors that no matter what has happened, it pretty much would likely
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to end up there or maybe not. I don't know.
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What's a really difficult idea to imagine that if you ran Earth a million times, 500,000
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times you would get Hitler? Like, yeah, we don't like to think like that. We think like,
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because at least maybe in America, you'd like to think that individual decisions can change
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the world. And if individual decisions could change the world, then surely any perturbation
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could result in a totally different trajectory. But maybe there's a, in this competency hierarchy,
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it's a self correcting system. There's just ultimately, there's a bunch of chaos that
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ultimately is leading towards something like a super intelligent, artificial intelligence
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system that answers 42. I mean, there might be a kind of imperative for life that it's
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headed to. And we're too focused on our day to day life of getting coffee and snacks and
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having sex and getting a promotion at work, not to see the big imperative of life on Earth
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that is headed towards something.
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Yeah, maybe, maybe. It's difficult. I think one of the things that's important about Chimerica
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bioengineering technologies, all of those things are that we have to start developing
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a better science of predicting the cognitive goals of composite systems. So we're just
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not very good at it, right? We don't know if I create a composite system, and this could
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be Internet of Things or swarm robotics or a cellular swarm or whatever. What is the
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emergent intelligence of this thing? First of all, what level is it going to be at? And
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if it has goal directed capacity, what are the goals going to be? Like, we are just not
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very good at predicting that yet. And I think that it's an existential level need for us
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to be able to because we're building these things all the time, right? We're building
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both physical structures like swarm robotics, and we're building social financial structures
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and so on, with very little ability to predict what sort of autonomous goals that system
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is going to have, of which we are now cogs. And so learning to predict and control those
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things is going to be critical. So in fact, if you're right and there is some kind of
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attractor to evolution, it would be nice to know what that is and then to make a rational
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decision of whether we're going to go along or we're going to pop out of it or try to
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pop out of it because there's no guarantee. I mean, that's the other kind of important
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thing. A lot of people, I get a lot of complaints from people who email me and say, you know,
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what you're doing, it isn't natural. And I'll say, look, natural, that'd be nice if somebody
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was making sure that natural was matched up to our values, but no one's doing that. Evolution
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optimizes for biomass. That's it. Nobody's optimizing. It's not optimizing for your happiness.
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I don't think necessarily it's optimizing for intelligence or fairness or any of that
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Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325
I'm going to find that person that emailed you, beat them up, take their place, steal
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everything they own and say, no, this is natural.
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This is natural. Yeah, exactly. Because it comes from an old worldview where you could
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assume that whatever is natural, that that's probably for the best. And I think we're long
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out of that garden of Eden kind of view. So I think we can do better. I think we, and
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we have to, right? Natural just isn't great for a lot of life forms.
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What are some cool synthetic organisms that you think about, you dream about? When you
Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325
think about embodied mind, what do you imagine? What do you hope to build?
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Yeah, on a practical level, what I really hope to do is to gain enough of an understanding
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of the embodied intelligence of the organs and tissues such that we can achieve a radically
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different regenerative medicine so that we can say, basically, and I think about it as,
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you know, in terms of like, okay, can you, what's the goal kind of end game for this
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whole thing? To me, the end game is something that you would call an anatomical compiler.
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So the idea is you would sit down in front of the computer and you would draw the body
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or the organ that you wanted. Not molecular details, but like, yeah, this is what I want.
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I want a six legged, you know, frog with a propeller on top, or I want a heart that looks
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like this, or I want a leg that looks like this. And what it would do if we knew what
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we were doing is put out, convert that anatomical description into a set of stimuli that would
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have to be given to cells to convince them to build exactly that thing, right? I probably
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won't live to see it, but I think it's achievable. And I think with that, if we can have that,
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then that is basically the solution to all of medicine except for infectious disease.
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So birth defects, right? Traumatic injury, cancer, aging, degenerative disease. If we
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knew how to tell cells what to build, all of those things go away. So those things go
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away. And the positive feedback spiral of economic costs, where all of the advances
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are increasingly more heroic and expensive interventions of a sinking ship when you're
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like 90 and so on, right? All of that goes away because basically, instead of trying
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to fix you up as you degrade, you progressively regenerate, you apply the regenerative medicine
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early before things degrade. So I think that that'll have massive economic impacts over
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what we're trying to do now, which is not at all sustainable. And that's what I hope.
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I hope that we get it. So to me, yes, the xenobots will be doing useful things, cleaning
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up the environment, cleaning out your joints and all that kind of stuff. But more important
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than that, I think we can use these synthetic systems to try to develop a science of detecting
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and manipulating the goals of collective intelligences of cells specifically for regenerative medicine.
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And then sort of beyond that, if we think further beyond that, what I hope is that kind
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of like what you said, all of this drives a reconsideration of how we formulate ethical
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norms because this old school, so in the olden days, what you could do is if you were confronted
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with something, you could tap on it, right? And if you heard a metallic clanging sound,
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you'd say, ah, fine, right? So you could conclude it was made in a factory. I can take it apart.
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I can do whatever, right? If you did that and you got sort of a squishy kind of warm
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sensation, you'd say, ah, I need to be more or less nice to it and whatever. That's not
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going to be feasible. It was never really feasible, but it was good enough because we
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didn't have any, we didn't know any better. That needs to go. And I think that by breaking
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down those artificial barriers, someday we can try to build a system of ethical norms
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that does not rely on these completely contingent facts of our earthly history, but on something
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much, much deeper that really takes agency and the capacity to suffer and all that takes