User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: She wanted to die. Assistant: 她必须要死。 User: As new technological innovations continue to reduce the capital cost of desalination, more countries are building desalination plants as a small element in addressing their water crises. Assistant: 海水淡化技术的成本随着新科技不断下降,越来越多国家兴建海水淡化设施作为应付水危机的其中一个方法。 User: Uzbl is a discontinued free and open-source minimalist web browser designed for simplicity and adherence to the Unix philosophy. Assistant: Uzbl是一种自由并开放源代码的极简主义风格网络浏览器,遵循Unix哲学。 User: In this case it is desirable to return a read-only view to the client, so that only the newly created thread is able to resolve this future. Assistant: 在这种情况下,future将只读视图返回给客户端,以便仅让新创建的线程能够解决这个future。 User: IBM wanted to use the Intel 8088 in its IBM PC, but IBM's policy at the time was to require at least two sources for its chips. Assistant: IBM要用Intel 8088在他们的IBM PC,但是IBM当时的政策要求他们所使用的芯片至少要有两个货源。 User: It took its name from the Syrian patriotic leader and politician; the former prime minister Saadallah al-Jabiri. Assistant: 它得名于叙利亚爱国领袖和政治家,前总理萨阿杜拉·贾比里。 User: International Tibet Independence Movement. Assistant: 西藏独立运动。 User: There he founded a weather observation station on Mauna Loa, studied Kona lows, and flew a research mission into Typhoon Marge aboard a specifically equipped Air Force weather plane. Assistant: 在那里,他在冒纳罗亚火山上创办了一个气象观测站,研究科纳低气压,参加了台风玛姬的研究飞行,当时他使用的是一艘专门配备​​的空军气象飞机。 User: In some cases, spouses even spied on each other. Assistant: 有些情况下,夫妻之间甚至也会彼此监视。 User: This problem is common to many of the Internet Protocol specifications (such as SMTP, Telnet, POP and IMAP) that were designed prior to the creation of encryption mechanisms such as TLS or SSL. Assistant: 此问题在加密机制(如TLS或SSL)产生之前的许多Internet协议规范(如SMTP 、Telnet 、POP和IMAP)中较为普遍。 User: Inability to go beyond the investigator's current knowledge - the investigator cannot find causes that they do not already know. Assistant: 无法超越调查人员当时现有的知识水平:无法找出他们当时并不了解的原因。 User: During the Namibian War of Independence the seminary was bombed in 1981 by the South African Defence Force. Assistant: 另一方面,该村的神学院在纳米比亚独立战争(英语:South African Border War)进行期间于1981年被南非国防军炸毁。 User: It also officially supports Wine. Assistant: Wine也被官方支持。 User: It is one of the least altered of the Gothic palaces of Venice. Assistant: 它是威尼斯改变最少的的威尼斯哥特式宫殿之一。 User: The MotoBoard, which was gasoline-powered was released in the summer of 1975, but were banned in California due to their noise and pollution in 1997. Assistant: 由汽油动力驱动的MotoBoard于1975年夏天发售,但由于噪音和污染问题,于1997年在加利福尼亚州禁止使用。 User: An investor can get plots of land on the territory of the park for up to 99 years or purchase it as private property. Assistant: 投资者可租用园区土地长达99年或购买作为私人财产。 User: He sponsored an amendment to the Family Medical Leave Act exempting businesses with fewer than fifty employees. Assistant: 他支持了一项《家庭与医疗假期法案》修正案,其中对那些雇员人数少于50的企业予以豁免。 User: In the classical period, Aeschylus uses the word to refer to Apollo and to Asclepius, Apollo's son. Assistant: 在古典时期,埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)使用Iatromantis这词汇指称阿波罗 或者是阿波罗之子阿斯克勒庇俄斯(Asclepius)。 User: The GDP dollar (INT$) data given on this page are derived from purchasing power parity (PPP) calculations. Assistant: 页面上提供的美元估算的国内生产总值,都根据购买力平价(PPP)的计算产生。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In the 20th century, Turku was called "Finland's gateway to the West" by historians such as Jarmo Virmavirta. Assistant: 在20世纪图尔库被诸如亚尔莫·维尔马维尔塔等历史学家称为“芬兰通往西方的门户”。 User: Secular weddings are also common, often presided over by a judge, Justice of the Peace, or other municipal official. Assistant: 世俗的婚礼普遍由法官、治安法官或其它市政府官员主持。 User: Shannon–Fano coding should not be confused with Shannon coding, the coding method used to prove Shannon's noiseless coding theorem, or with Shannon–Fano–Elias coding (also known as Elias coding), the precursor to arithmetic coding. Assistant: 香农-范诺编码不应该与香农编码混淆,后者的编码方法用于证明Shannon's noiseless coding theorem,或与Shannon–Fano–Elias coding(又被称作Elias coding)一起,被看做算术编码的先驱。 User: In March 1964, Malcolm X (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz), national representative of the Nation of Islam, formally broke with that organization, and made a public offer to collaborate with any civil rights organization that accepted the right to self-defense and the philosophy of Black nationalism (which Malcolm said no longer required Black separatism). Assistant: 1964年3月,伊斯兰国度的全国代表马尔科姆·X (Malik El-Shabazz)正式脱离该组织,并发表公开演讲,愿意与任何民权运动组织合作,只要他们支持自卫权利和黑人民族主义(马尔科姆称不再需要他们支持黑人分离主义)。 User: The outer five, including the unconfirmed K2-138g, are likely small gaseous worlds with no solid surface. Assistant: 较外侧的5颗行星,包含尚未确认的K2-138g,可能是没有固态表面的小型气态行星。 User: It is believed that the devas (heavenly beings) do an eight-part puja (worship) of the tirthankaras, which takes eight days. Assistant: 城隍崇拜可追溯到周朝,是除夕要祭祀八个神之一——水庸。 User: With this RTD, the researchers sent a signal at 542 GHz, resulting in a data transfer rate of 3 Gigabits per second. Assistant: 使用该RTD,研究人员发送出542 GHz的信号,得到的数据传输速率是每秒3千兆位(Gigabits)。 User: In November, fleet and unit exercises were conducted in the Baltic Sea. Assistant: 11月,舰队及部队演习在波罗的海举行。 User: Not used as an insult in most circumstances. Assistant: 在大多数情况下不是侮辱性称谓。 User: Parsing the HID descriptor can be complicated. Assistant: 解析HID描述符可能很复杂。 User: In 1812, a wealthy merchant named Simeon Lord bought the land of Captain John Townson and named it Lord's Forest. Assistant: 1812年,一个名叫西米恩·洛德的有钱的商人买了约翰·汤森的土地,并命名为洛德的森林(Lord’s Forest)。 User: The diagnostic approach for toothache is generally carried out in the following sequence: history, followed by examination, and investigations. Assistant: 诊断牙痛时,通常按以下顺序进行:查证病史,随后作出检查和调查 。 User: NGSCB-enabled applications are to be split into two distinct parts, the NCA, a trusted module with access to a limited Application Programming Interface (API), and an untrusted portion, which has access to the full Windows API. Assistant: 启用NGSCB的应用程序将分割为两个截然不同的区块:NCA——可以访问有限应用程序接口(API)的可信模块,以及可以访问全部Windows API的不可信部分。 User: While the success rate can be low, the pairs nest several times during the breeding season. Assistant: 虽然成功率会很低,但是在繁殖期时它们会几次筑起对巢。 User: Anyone attempting to cross the control strips would leave footprints, which were quickly detected by patrols. Assistant: 任何试图穿过控制地带的人都会留下脚印,而这很快就会被守军发现。 User: Germany won the quarter-final against England 3–0, and defeated China 1–0 with a late goal by Bettina Wiegmann in the semi-final. Assistant: 德国队在四分之一决赛以3比0战胜英格兰,并凭借贝蒂娜·威格曼的唯一入球在半决赛击败中国。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 On June 11, 2009, Bradford, England, United Kingdom, became the first City to receive the City of Film Honor. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2009年6月11日,英格兰的布拉德福德成为第一个“电影之都”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In 1976, the front building of Tianjin hotel was reinforced for better earthquake resistance. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1976年,天津宾馆前楼进行过抗震加固。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The complex was fully renovated between 1999 and 2004. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 复合于1999至2004年完全翻新。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A period of exceptionally cold and snowy winter weather in January 2017 occurred in Eastern and Central Europe. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2017年1月欧洲寒潮是发生在东欧和中欧的一场极端天气。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Langley et al. showed that the mutant non-functional β-galactosidase was lacking in part of its N-terminus with its residues 11—41 deleted, but it may be complemented by a peptide formed of residues 3—90 of β-galactosidase. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 兰利等人表明,因为其残基11-41遭到删除,该突变且无活性的β-半乳糖苷酶基因片段在其N-末端的一部分缺乏,,但还是可以由残留下的β-半乳糖苷酶3-90残基形成的肽来补充。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When the Khmer Rouge came to power in 1975, artists were among those viewed as a threat to the regime's agrarian socialist vision, and several of the performers on the album are believed to have been among those killed during the ensuing Cambodian Genocide of 1975-1979. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1975年红色高棉掌权之后,这些艺术家被认为是对当局农业社会主义(英语:Agrarian socialism)展望的威胁,此专辑中数名艺术家被认为在1975年至1979年期间的红色高棉大屠杀中遇害。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The mosque was likely built for the embassy staff, but visits by other foreigners are deemed possible, too. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 清真寺可能是为使馆工作人员建造的,但也可能也是接待其他外国穆斯林。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The twelfth was postponed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第十二个被淘汰。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 More fossils were later found from Arizona. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 之后在亚利桑那州发现了更多化石。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Similarly, Tye Van Horn, a writer for The Elm, has suggested that the Slender Man represents modern fear of the unknown; in an age flooded with information, people have become so unaccustomed to ignorance that they now fear what they cannot understand. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 网站The Elm的作者泰·范霍恩(Tye Van Horn)指出,瘦长人代表着现代对未知的恐惧:在一个资讯超载的时代,人们已经不习惯未知的感觉,导致他们对未知的东西有着强烈的恐惧感。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Josefine Hawelka died on March 22, 2005 after managing the café for sixty-six years with her husband. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2005年3月22日,和丈夫管理咖啡馆达60年的约瑟芬·哈维卡去世。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1929, the conservatory of the Dominican order was transferred to nuns of the Compagnia di Maria and in 1937 it was recognized legally as a school. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1929年,道明会的学校交给玛利亚会的修女,1937年获法律承认。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Each synodic day, this gradual motion is a little less than 1° eastward (360°/year or 365.25 days/year), in a manner known as prograde motion. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 太阳看来每日移动略少于一度,(360度/年)/(365.25天/年),以顺行的方式朝向东方。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Today, there are two principal Chinese communities in Mexico: one in Mexicali and the other in Mexico City. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 今天,在墨西哥有两个重要的华人群体,一个在墨西卡利,一个在墨西哥城。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Prior to the 1960s, ethane and larger molecules were typically not separated from the methane component of natural gas, but simply burnt along with the methane as a fuel. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1960年代前乙烷和其它大分子一般不被从甲烷中分离出来,而是直接和甲烷一起当作燃料使用。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: These churches are often large and of considerable architectural significance. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这些教堂通常较大,具有相当的建筑学意义。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The 9th Panchen Lama died here. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 十一世班禅喇嘛即出生于此地。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Other groups of C chondrites, e.g., CO, CV, and CK chondrites, are relatively poor in volatile compounds, and some of these have experienced significant heating on their parent asteroids. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 其它的C球粒陨石,像是CO、CV、和CK球粒陨石,相对的缺乏挥发性化合物,并且其中一些在其母体小行星经历了重大的加热。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Rick and Debbie—friends of Becca and Howie who have a daughter, Emily, Danny's age. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Rick与Debbie-蓓卡与浩伊的朋友,有一个与Danny同龄的女儿Emily。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Technetium-97m (97mTc; 'm' stands for metastability) is the most stable, with a half-life of 91 days (0.0965 MeV). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 锝-97m(97mTc;“m”代表“介稳态”)最为稳定,半衰期为91天。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Pew Research Center reports that respondents self-identifying as "just Muslim" make up a majority of Muslims in seven countries (and a plurality in three others), with the highest proportion in Kazakhstan at 74%. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 皮尤研究中心报称在七个国家里自称“只是穆斯林”的穆斯林占大多数,在另外三个国家则占相对多数,当中比例最高的国家是74%的哈萨克。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The song is in the key of E major. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这首歌的关键是发挥E大调。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the cracking process carbon is also produced which gets deposited on the catalyst (catalyst coke). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在裂化工艺中,碳也会被产生,并且附着在催化剂上,成为催化剂焦炭(catalyst coke)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: I spent a lot of time on my own. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他占据我太多的时间。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For example, to ensure that someone was always talking to Liu, they invited relatives over to the house. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 例如,为确保总是有人对亦婷说话,他们邀请亲友到家里来。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Bottlenose dolphins herded the swimmers together and surrounded them for 40 minutes, preventing the shark from attacking, as they slowly swam to shore. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 宽吻海豚属围住他们40分钟,防止鲨鱼袭击他们。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He described dreams as messages to the dreamer and argued that dreamers should pay attention for their own good. Assistant: 他将梦描述成给予做梦者的讯息,可以帮助做梦者自我改善。 User: IndieDB.com voters give URW a 9.7. Assistant: IndieDB.com投票得分为9.7。 User: Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke, the leader of the First Order and Kylo Ren's master. Assistant: 安迪·瑟克斯 饰 最高领导人史诺克(Supreme Leader Snoke),第一军团的最高领袖,凯罗·忍的主人。 User: Free to Choose Media. Assistant: 现为自由传媒人。 User: A Cleveland controller thought he heard "Get out of here" and "We have a bomb on board" coming from Delta 1989. Assistant: 一名克利夫兰管制员认为他听到来自达美航空1989班机的“离开这里”和“我们有一颗炸弹”通信。 User: This view today, however, is far from universally accepted. Assistant: 但是,这种观点现在普遍没有得到认同。 User: As in previous years, the competition was contested in a straight knockout format. Assistant: 和以前一样,比赛都会以淘汰赛的形式举行。 User: Queen Elizabeth II visited the university library with the Duke of Edinburgh on 18 March 1970. Assistant: 伊丽莎白二世女王陛下于1970年3月18日与爱丁堡公爵一起参观奥塔哥大学图书馆。 User: Filippo Brunelleschi (1404–1472) started investigating the geometry of perspective during 1425 (see the history of perspective for a more thorough discussion of the work in the fine arts that motivated much of the development of projective geometry). Assistant: 菲利波·布鲁内莱斯基(1404年-1472年)于1425年开始研究透视的几何结构(对于美术如何推动大部分投影几何的发展,可参见透视图的历史)。 User: Phantom II production ended in the United States in 1979 after 5,195 had been built (5,057 by McDonnell Douglas and 138 in Japan by Mitsubishi). Assistant: 美国本土的F-4生产线一直运作到1979年,一共建造了5,195架(麦克唐纳生产了5,057架,日本三菱生产了138架)。 User: Public scrutiny can result in a negative financial, political, legal and government impact. Assistant: 公众的审视会发现更多财务、政治、法律和政府影响上的问题。 User: This does not necessarily mean that having a healthy diet or going to the gym are not important, but they are not as significant as the key activities. Assistant: 这并不一定意味着吃的健康或去健身房并不重要,只是他们没有重要的习惯那么重要。 User: After a strike in 1962, the city condemned the assets of the bus companies. Assistant: 1962年纽约巴士行业罢工之后,市政府冻结了各巴士公司的资产。 User: The cat would be either dead or alive long before the box is opened by a conscious observer. Assistant: 薛定谔猫对他来说并不是什么谜题,在盒子被一个有意识观察者打开之前,猫早已不是死的就是活的了。 User: Later that year, the new director, Edward O. Leech, issued a report stating that the gold dollar "is too small for circulation, and ... used almost exclusively for the purposes of ornament. Assistant: 新任局长爱德华·利奇(Edward O. Leech)也于同年递交报告,称1美元金币“尺寸太小,不适合流通......几乎只能作为装饰品使用”。 User: Winners and losers in a world where the high seas is closed to fishing. Assistant: 水行侠在世界各地冒险,居住在水下的遇难渔船。 User: The original factory in Wilson has sat vacant ever since. Assistant: 在威尔逊的原本工厂从此一直空着。 User: The rifle is lined up with the target, butt to the ground (as shown in the photograph above), and held to the proper angle to ensure the correct ballistic trajectory, a skill which must be learned in training. Assistant: 发射时,步枪与目标对齐、枪托底板与地面接触(如最上图所示),并保持着适当的角度以确保正确的弹道轨迹;这是必须在训练中学习的技能。 User: Some bodies in the Solar System, including Saturn's moon Hyperion and the asteroid 4179 Toutatis, lack a stable geographic north pole. Assistant: 太阳系内的一些天体,包括土星的卫星土卫七和小行星 4179,没有安定的地理北极。 User: In the model circle above, the Archimedean area (accepting Goodwin's values for the circumference and diameter) would be 80, whereas Goodwin's proposed rule leads to an area of 64. Assistant: 根据上述的圆模型,阿基米德公式计算出的面积(假设古德温的直径和周长值是正确的)为80,而按照古德温的建议,其面积应该为64。 User: Work councils, for example, may not strike at all, but trade unions retain an almost unlimited ability to strike. Assistant: 工会可能根本不会进行罢工,但仍保留几乎无限的罢工权力。 User: The entirety of A-Deck was devoted to First-Class recreational space and accommodation, along with most of B and C Decks. Assistant: 整个A甲板以及大部分B和C甲板专门用于头等舱的娱乐和住宿。 User: Pierre-Rose-Ursule Dumoulin-Borie (20 February 1808 – 24 November 1838) was a French Catholic missionary priest and a member of the Paris Foreign Missions Society. Assistant: 伯多禄·博里(Pierre-Rose-Ursule Dumoulin-Borie,1808年2月20日-1838年11月24日)是一位法国天主教传教士,属于巴黎外方传教会。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Australia has diplomatic representatives in over 90 locations. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 澳大利亚在90多个地点都有外交代表。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This regular tiling can also be constructed from symmetry alternating two colors of pentagons, represented by t1(5,5,3). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该镶嵌也可以透过在对称性中以两种颜色替五边形交错涂色而构成,其表示为 t1(5,5,3)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Still used for its original purposes, it now can also be visited by tourists as one of Mantua's museums. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该剧院仍在使用,现在也作为曼托瓦的一座博物馆供游客参观。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:By 1 June 2007, 22.5% of its pending cases were complaints against the Russian Federation by its citizens. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 截至2007年6月1日,已有其中的22.5%是针对俄罗斯。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Beach erosion damaged coastal roads, leaving debris and marsh grass behind when the storm passed. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 海滩侵蚀令多条沿海道路受损,风暴过后路上堆起瓦砾和沼泽的水草。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The European Commission, in its 2002 country report, recognised Bulgaria as a functioning market economy, acknowledging the progress made by Prime Minister Ivan Kostov's government toward market-oriented reforms. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 欧盟委员会在其2002年的国别报告中承认保加利亚是一个运作良好的市场经济体系,承认总理伊万科斯托夫政府在面向市场的改革方面取得的进展。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The coat of arms of Brazil was created on November 19, 1889, four days after Brazil became a republic. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 巴西国徽启用于1889年11月19日,即联邦共和国成立四天以后。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Fat feminism and the related fat acceptance movement originated in the late 1960s, alongside second-wave feminism. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:肥胖女性主义与接受肥胖运动源自第二波女性主义,出现于六零年代晚期。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Cities and towns in Arizona function largely in an identical manner, but cities are provided with additional powers that a town charter does not provide, limited primarily to certain powers regarding the regulation of utilities and construction within the city limits. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 亚利桑纳州的市和镇总体上拥有同等地位,但市拥有部分镇宪章中不具备的权力,主要是有关该市范围内公用事业的监管和建设。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It was declared redundant in 1999. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 她在1999年宣布退役。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Of these, 845 are cultural, 209 are natural and 38 are mixed properties. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1092处世界遗产中,文化遗产占845处,自然遗产占209处,文化与自然双重遗产占38处。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Coma Cluster is an example of a type II. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 后发座星系团是II型的例子。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Film critic Rex Reed said that the abuse of power featured prominently in The Whistleblower; a number of government officials participate in the sex trade or turn a blind eye to it (including peacekeepers, UN members and mercenaries). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 影评人雷克斯·里德(Rex Reed)认为,滥用权力在《告密者》中占有突出地位,一些政府官员要么亲自参与了色情行业,要么对之视而不见,这其中还包括维和人员、联合国人员和雇佣兵。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:BITS provides API access to control jobs. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: BITS提供API接口来控制任务。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: New technological fields may result from the technological convergence of different systems evolving towards similar goals. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:新的技术领域可能会因为有类似目标的不同系统技术融合后来产生。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in operations research and theoretical computer science. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它是组合优化中的一个NP困难问题,在运筹学和理论计算机科学中非常重要。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Assuming that something that appears to be wrong or unlikely in the game world is a mistake of the game's master rather than something that could be investigated. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:假定在游戏世界中似乎错误或不太可能的事物是游戏主持者的错误,而不是可以调查的事物。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The results of the act were mixed in economic terms according to Knight: Between 1985 and 1987, U.S. imports from South Africa declined 35%, although the trend reverses in 1988 when imports increased by 15%. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 根据Knight的说法,法案的结果可以用经济数据来说明,从1985到1987年,美国从南非的进口下降了25%,此趋势在1988年扭转,当年增长了15%。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The stadium has undergone a process of "Arsenalisation" since 2009 with the aim of restoring Arsenal's heritage and history. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 自2009年开始,阿仙奴会方进行一项名为“Arsenalisation”的行动,目的是为了回复阿仙奴的文化与历史。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: To look at them was scary. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:前监若此,甚可畏惧。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In September 2010, over a third of South Africa's workforce were out of work, and so were more than half of blacks aged 15–34, three times the level for whites. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 2010年9日,南非超过三分之一劳动人口失去工作,年龄介乎15至34岁的黑人中有一半以上失业,比例是白人的三倍。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Now other states have followed their lead. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 现还发动其他国家参加捐款。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Avoiding the perpetuation of the resource curse is a similar objective of many simple living adherents. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 避免助长“资源诅咒”(Resource curse)也是许多简单生活追随者的目标。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Then the grandfather recovers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 祖父余复之。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Teaching at Oxford existed in some form as early as 1096, but it is unclear when a university came into being. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 虽有记录证实牛津的教学最晚始于1096年,但至今仍不清楚大学正式的创办日子。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) is an international peacekeeping force overseeing the terms of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:多国观察员部队(Multinational Force and Observers,MFO),是一支根据1979年戴维营协议而设立的维持和平部队,主要任务是监督埃及和以色列履行和平协议。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The book reveals that he was only nine years old when he first witnessed the misery that violence brings. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 他的一部早期作品显示,他于963年率先描述了在当时属于致命性灾难的异位妊娠。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1960 one of these sources, 3C 48, was found to be associated with what appeared to be a small blue star. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1960年时其中一个电波源3C 48被发现与一个“蓝色小恒星”有关连。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They walk a little while and come to a huge opening. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 又走了几十步,突然变得开阔明亮。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Behar subsequently told Koppelman that Selena and her band would leave EMI and find a record company willing to record an English-language album for Selena. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Behar随后告诉百代唱片的主席Charles Koppelman,赛琳娜和她的乐队将会离开百代唱片公司,然后寻找一家愿意为赛琳娜制作英语专辑的新唱片公司。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to the magazine's website, the SF stands for "science fiction", but the X doesn't stand for anything in particular. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 根据官方网站,SF代表科幻,X可以代表任何事。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Reflexes may also be limited to those areas affected by the atypical neurology, (i.e., individuals with cerebral palsy that only affects their legs retaining the Babinski reflex but having normal speech); for those individuals with hemiplegia, the reflex may be seen in the foot on the affected side only. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:反射也可能仅限于那些受到非典型神经学影响的区域(即脑瘫患者只影响到腿部的巴宾斯基反射,但仍具备正常语言能力);对于偏瘫患者来说,只会在受影响的一侧中能看到反射。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They had huts made of mud, and erected stone fortresses to protect their villages. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他们居住在以泥造成的茅屋,并且用石头堆砌出要塞以保护他们的村落。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 From the 6th century onwards, Goidelic-speaking peoples from Ireland colonised it and it became a centre of religious activity. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 从六世纪开始,说盖尔亚支语的人从爱尔兰迁徙来到此岛并进行开垦,使该岛成为了一个宗教活动的中心。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Thomas rejected the request, referring to the local-born Indians as "foreigners". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 汤玛斯不但回绝此项要求,还称土生印度裔为“外国人”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Visitors can access some of Lake Michigan's beach fronts from the state park. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 游人可以从湾仔峡公园下望香港仔水塘。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The typical emitter spacing ranges from 6 to 24 inches (150–600 mm). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 典型的发射器间距范围为6至24英寸(150-600 mm)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The banks of the canal are lined with granite. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:运河的河岸由花岗岩建造。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: These rifles were first produced by Stag Arms but marketed under the Smith & Wesson name. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最初,这些步枪是由雄鹿武器公司所生产,但在史密斯威森的名义以下销售。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 我余下的生命里将像一个孤独的男人,我希望自己是一个女人,或者说我将像一个孤独的女人在自怨自艾。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Coxen's fig parrot is listed as endangered by both the Queensland and New South Wales state governments as well as under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 寇氏鹦鹉被澳大利亚的昆士兰及新南威尔士州政府列为濒危物种,同时也被列入澳大利亚联邦政府在1999年颁发的《环境保护与生态多样性保存法》指出的濒危物种中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In Winston's experience, the dissident is beaten and tortured, and, when near-broken, he is sent to Room 101 to face "the worst thing in the world"—until love for Big Brother and the Party replaces dissension. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在温斯顿的自身经历中,异己先会被殴打和折磨,然后在接近崩溃的时候,被送至101室去面对“世界上最可怕的东西”,直到异议被爱党爱老大哥的思想所取代。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Following a brief operational pause, the advance 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) to the Utah Line began on 11 April, the day after MacArthur's dismissal. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在短暂停顿之后,于4月11日,麦克阿瑟被解职的第二天开始,该旅继续推进5公里(3.1英里)到达犹他线。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Ram Manohar Lohia advocated the use of non-violent Gandhian techniques to oppose the government. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Ram Manohar Lohia鼓吹使用甘地式的非暴力手段来反抗政府。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This would continue only to be legally possible between a man and a woman; to retain civil partnerships for same-sex couples and allow couples already in a civil partnership to convert this into a marriage; to continue to permit civil partnership registrations on religious premises as is possible, i.e., on a voluntary basis for faith groups and with no religious content; and to allow individuals to be able legally to change their gender without having to end their marriage. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 这将使得合法婚姻继续维持在一男一女的结合; 保留同志伴侣的民事伴侣关系并允许已经处在民事伴侣关系的伴侣将其转变为婚姻; 在可能的情况下,继续允许在宗教场所登记民事伴侣关系,即信仰团体在自愿基础上并且没有任何宗教内容;以及 允许个人合法地变更其性别,而无需结束其婚姻。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Hedge funds and investment banks are very interested in SPACs because the risk factors seem to be lower than standard reverse mergers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 对冲基金和投资银行对SPAC非常感兴趣,因为风险因素似乎低于标准的反向并购。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The krill's bioluminescent organs contain several fluorescent substances. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 南极磷虾的生物萤光器官包含了几种萤光物质。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 According to the Institute of Physics, holders of the award of the Chartered Physicist (CPhys) demonstrate the "highest standards of professionalism, up-to-date expertise, quality and safety" along with "the capacity to undertake independent practice and exercise leadership" as well as "commitment to keep pace with advancing knowledge and with the increasing expectations and requirements for which any profession must take responsibility". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:根据英国物理学会,拥有CPhys的物理学家展示了“专业的最高标准,最新的专业知识与能力”,并且拥有“独立实践并发挥领导作用的能力”,也“承诺追求不断进展的知识,并承担对所有专业都逐渐增加的期望和要求”。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The ACE project was started at office space obtained at 4a Market Hill in Cambridge. Assistant: ACE项目在位于剑桥4a Market Hill的办公室启动。 User: Much like the spirits mentioned earlier, the passing soul could either bless or wreak havoc on its family and neighbours during its 40 days of passing. Assistant: 在这40天中,游荡的灵魂既能保佑,也能肆虐其家庭和邻居。 User: Some species are native to rocky and coastal areas, but the majority are grassland plants. Assistant: 一些种主要是原生于多岩和海岸地形,但大多数种是草原植物。 User: Ghana also has a Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences which trains undergraduate and postgraduate students in the techniques of nuclear science application in such areas as agriculture, medicine, and research. Assistant: 加纳有一所核与相关科学研究生院(Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences)培训核科学在农业、医疗、研究领域应用的本科生与研究生。 User: Since 1965 a State Secretary has been appointed each formation with responsibility for taxation. Assistant: 1965年起,开始指派一位国务秘书负责税务。 User: Louisiana also hosts many important cultural events, such as the World Cultural Economic Forum, which is held annually in the fall at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center. Assistant: 该州也主办过很多重要的文化活动,如世界文化经济论坛,每年秋天在新奥尔良莫里尔会议中心举办。 User: The two whites with whom he fled were sentenced only to an additional year of their indenture, and three years' service to the colony. Assistant: 有两个白人逃逸后只被判处追加劳动时间,并为殖民地服务三年。 User: The spectral theorem extends to a more general class of matrices. Assistant: 谱定理可以推广到更为一般的矩阵。 User: In the courtyard of the monastery complex is the Church of the Annunciation (1503–1511, destroyed 1944, in the process of being rebuilt since 1985. Assistant: 在修道院的庭院内是圣母领报堂(1503–1511, 毁于1944年,1985年开始重建)。 User: Ẓāhir (Arabic: ظاهر‎) is an Arabic term in some tafsir (interpretations of the Quran) for what is external and manifest. Assistant: 其字根来自于阿拉伯语:فقر‎(faqr,意为贫穷),人称名词化之后形成法基尔(fakir)。 User: Now it's a listed building ... Assistant: 现在列为登录建筑.。 User: The company's largest site and corporate headquarters is in Ingelheim am Rhein near Mainz and Frankfurt, Germany. Assistant: 公司最大的厂区和公司总部位于德国美因茨和法兰克福附近的Ingelheim am Rhein。 User: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the first significant overhaul of telecommunications law in more than sixty years, amending the Communications Act of 1934. Assistant: 1996年美国电信法(Telecommunications Act of 1996)是将近62年第一个大幅修正1934年美国通讯法的美国电信相关法令。 User: This was later recognised as the most likely theory. Assistant: 这在后来被认为是最准确的理论值。 User: Allen's own fears about the film's reception are recounted in a biography of Allen by Eric Lax, where he quotes Ralph Rosenblum, the film's editor: He managed to rescue Interiors, much to his credit. Assistant: 伍迪·艾伦对影片评价的担忧在Eric Lax所著的艾伦的自传中有所记述,在书中,他引用的电影剪辑Ralph Rosenblum的话:“他(艾伦)成功拯救了《我心深处》,很大程度上是靠他的声誉。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Originally, Bomis planned to make Wikipedia a profitable business. Assistant: 本来,Bomis计划把维基百科打造为盈利业务。 User: The helicopter was shot down near the village of Podrute, located in an area administered by the city of Novi Marof, north of Zagreb. Assistant: 这架直升机坠毁于萨格勒布北方,新马罗夫市所辖地区的Podrute村附近。 User: Many government offices are headquartered here. Assistant: 许多政府机构的总部都设置于此。 User: Legislation may contain uncertainties for a variety of reasons: Words are imperfect symbols to communicate intent. Assistant: 成文法含有不确定意义的原因有多种: 文字在表达意图时是不完美的符号。 User: Please forward this to everyone you know, especially girls. Assistant: 请复制给你知道的每个人,特别是女性。 User: On June 9, 2008, an Orange Line train (2000-series) derailed between the Rosslyn and Court House stations. Assistant: 2008年6月9日,一列2000系列的橘线列车在罗斯林站及府站(Court House)中间出轨。 User: Stiller spent more than 25 hours over 6 weeks exploring the island, using all-terrain vehicles, boats, and helicopters. Assistant: 他在6个星期里花了超过25小时使用全地形车、船只和直升机对岛上进行探索。 User: Magic ceremonies for instance accompanied the litany for the invocation of rain. Assistant: 热闹的祭龙仪式亦与古老年代祈求降雨的传说有关。 User: Device manufacturers' reasons to use Linux may be various: low cost, security, stability, scalability or customizability. Assistant: 使用Linux的原因可能是多种 - 成本低,安全性,稳定性,可扩展性和可定制性。 User: In March 2002, after the equitization of FPT, Bình became the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FPT Corporation. Assistant: 2002年3月,在融促公司(英语:FPT Corporation)公平化之后,张嘉平成为该公司的主席兼首席执行官(CEO)。 User: This prevents new calls, and does not interrupt old calls that remain working. Assistant: 这可以防止新的呼叫进入该交换机,也不会中断还在通话的呼叫。 User: Singapore English can be classified into Singapore Standard English (SSE) and Singapore Colloquial English (Singlish). Assistant: 新加坡英语又有标准新加坡英语(Standard Singapore English (SSE))和新加坡式英语(Singlish)的区分。 User: A program's control flow graph (CFG) is used to determine those parts of a program to which a particular value assigned to a variable might propagate. Assistant: 一个程序的控制流图(control flow graph, CFG)被用来确定对变量的一次赋值可能传播到程序中的哪些部分。 User: This particular custom coincides with the moon’s cycle. Assistant: 不少传统资料认同月经周期与月亮周期相似。 User: After this, many sit-ins took place in order to non-violently protest against racism and inequality. Assistant: 这之后,许多抗议种族主义和不平等的静坐示威活动相继发生。 User: Roughly 700 years of dormancy were broken in about 1480, when large amounts of pale gray dacite pumice and ash started to erupt, beginning the Kalama period. Assistant: 在约1480年,持续了700年的平静期被打破,大量的灰白色英安岩轻石和火山灰开始喷发,标志着卡拉玛时期的开端。 User: The "c" in "cD" refers to the fact that the galaxies are very large, hence the adjective supergiant, while the "D" refers to the fact that the galaxies appear diffuse. Assistant: 在"cD"中的"c"是指这些种星系都很大,因此是巨大星系,而"D"指的是这些星系的外观是弥漫性的事实。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: A negative α T {\displaystyle \alpha _{T}} is broadly cited as important for reactor safety, but wide temperature variations across real reactors (as opposed to a theoretical homogeneous reactor) limit the usability of a single metric as a marker of reactor safety. Assistant: 负的 α T {\displaystyle \alpha _{T}} 常被视为是核能安全的重要指标,不过由于实际反应器的大幅度温度变化(和理论上的均质反应器不同),限制了以此单一数值作为核能安全指标的可行性 。 User: SA Water House is also the headquarters of the Australian Water Quality Centre (AWQC). Assistant: 南澳水务的办公楼也是澳大利亚水质中心(AWQC)的总部。 User: Management explains that while the Zero Theorem would prove that everything is meaningless, the entire purpose of Mancom in "crunching entities" was to bring order to disorder, finding meaning in some form that he could sell. Assistant: 管理员解释说,虽然零定理会证明一切都毫无意义,但Mancom的在“本体论”上的目的是为了使秩序混乱,便找到他能以某种形式来出售的意义。 User: This is because, in the absence of other data, we would assume that all of the relevant contractors have the same risk of cost overruns. Assistant: 这是因为,在没有其他数据时,我们会假设所有承包商均具有相同的成本超支风险。 User: In 1935, Morton's 30-year-old composition "King Porter Stomp", as arranged by Fletcher Henderson, became Benny Goodman's first hit and a swing standard, but Morton received no royalties from its recordings. Assistant: 1935年,由弗莱彻·亨德森(英语:Fletcher Henderson)安排的莫顿30岁的作曲《King Porter Stomp》成为了班尼·古德曼的第一首歌和摇摆乐标准,但莫顿并没有收到唱片的版税。 User: The album was certified double platinum in Finland with more than 60,000 sold copies, the second best selling album in Finland of 2002. Assistant: 专辑超过60,000套的销量获得了芬兰的双白金认证,专辑也是2002年芬兰销量第二高的芬兰专辑。 User: A popular French ballad, À la claire fontaine was adapted by the voyageurs and gave us the version that is known today in Quebec. Assistant: 一个受欢迎的法国民谣《À la claire fontaine》使我们了解今天的魁北克。 User: It has a mass at least half that of Jupiter and is located in an eccentric 130-day orbit. Assistant: 它的质量至少是木星的一半,在椭圆轨道上130日周期公转。 User: In FIA sanctioned races, a white flag warns of a slow car ahead. Assistant: 在国际汽车联盟旗下实事中,白旗警告车手前面有速度缓慢的赛车。 User: The Poppendiecks' involvement in the Agile software development community, including talks at several Agile conferences has resulted in such concepts being more widely accepted within the Agile community. Assistant: 通过Poppendieck夫妇在敏捷软件开发社区中的努力,包括在敏捷开发会议上的几次演讲,精益软件开发已经被敏捷开发社区广泛接受。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Borglum wired Coolidge on October 31, notifying him of the problem; the President confirmed his approval of the design the following day. Assistant: 10月31日,博格勒姆致电柯立芝告知此事,总统于次日确认他已批准硬币设计。 User: 1254 – Copenhagen receives city charter. Assistant: 1254年哥本哈根获得城市权。 User: Although modern German antisemitism also has its roots in German nationalism and Christian antisemitism, she argues that a foundation for this was laid by the Roman Catholic Church, "upon which Luther built". Assistant: 虽然现代德国反犹主义的根源也来源于德国民族主义和基督教反犹主义,但她认为罗马天主教会已经建立了一个反犹的根基,而“路德的观点是建立在这个根基上的”。 User: Throughout the war, the German Navy suffered from a chronic shortage of high-quality coal. Assistant: 在整个战争期间,德国海军都长期处于优质煤短缺的状态。 User: Thus for a polynomial function with only real roots, all critical points are real and are between the greatest and smallest roots. Assistant: 所以对于一个只有实数解的多项式函数,所有的临界点会是实数且落在最大的根和最小的根之间。 User: Kaykhusraw had named his youngest child Kayqubad as his successor, but because he was a weakly child, the new vizier Shams al-Din Isfahani placed Kayqubad's two underage brothers Kaykaus II and Kilij Arslan IV on the throne as well, as co-rulers. Assistant: 凯霍斯鲁二世指定最年幼的凯库巴德为储君,由于他只是一个孩童,维齐尔沙姆斯丁·伊斯法哈尼(Shams al-Din al-Isfahani)于是同时将凯考斯及阿尔斯兰放上王位。 User: Braxton retired in 1899. Assistant: 布力于1899年退休。 User: One of his most significant contributions to astronomical science was a series of articles he wrote on the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Assistant: 马当对天文科学最重要的贡献之一是他在盎格鲁 - 撒克逊编年史上写的一系列文章。 User: The citizens of the town seemed to serve in 6th legion (victrix). Assistant: 响水乡人民政府划归第六区(九龙区)公所管辖。 User: Adams, whose father is from Antigua, was invited to join the Antigua and Barbuda squad for Caribbean Cup qualifiers in October 2014, but decided against accepting the invitation. Assistant: 阿当斯父亲是安提瓜岛人,他曾获邀代表安提瓜和巴布达出战2014年加勒比海杯,但拒绝了安提瓜和巴布达的邀请。 User: As of 2003, many of the most popular programming languages, including C and its derivatives, do not have direct support for coroutines within the language or their standard libraries. Assistant: 到2003年,很多最流行的编程语言,包括C和他的后继,都未在语言内或其标准库中直接支持协程。 User: Many Estonians consider themselves to be Nordic rather than Baltic. Assistant: 许多爱沙尼亚人认为自己是北欧国家而不是波罗的国家。 User: Saddam Hussein was caught the Sunday before this episode aired, on December 13, 2003, during Operation Red Dawn. Assistant: 萨达姆被红色黎明行动所捕获,2003年12月13日在他的藏身之处。 User: Quick removal can also prevent deaths of other animals that may wish to feed on the carcass, as well as animals that may go into the road to try to move the body of an animal in their social group. Assistant: 尽快移除尸体也可以防止其他野生动物进入道路试图食用尸体,或是防止同类动物试图取回它们同伴的尸体。 User: An example of cogeneration with trigeneration applications in a major city is the New York City steam system. Assistant: 在主要城市中具有三重热电联产应用的实例是纽约市蒸汽系统。 User: Deflationary principles do not apply to representations that are not analogous to sentences, and also do not apply to many other things that are commonly judged to be true or otherwise. Assistant: 紧缩原则并不适用于与常见语句不相似的表述,也不适用于许多其他一般被判断为真或假的事物。 User: Zur Blutlehre. Assistant: 血液学家。 User: Nu er da Vaaren kommen (At last the spring's upon us). Assistant: 春色东来,循我来时道。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: This coincidence is explained by complex multiplication and the q-expansion of the j-invariant. Assistant: 这个巧合可以用j-invariant(英语:j-invariant)的复数乘法(英语:complex multiplication)及q展开来表示。 User: The original wooden pier with steel underpinnings was destroyed in a 1982 fire; the current concrete structure dates from 1993. Assistant: 1982年发生的火灾把原来的有钢铁支撑的木制码头摧毁;而目前的混凝土结构是始于1993年。 User: This principle is now known as the Victor Meyer esterification law and was discovered in an attempt to esterify o-iodosobenzoic acid. Assistant: 这个原理被称为“维克托·梅耶酯化律”,用来尝试酯化邻氧碘苯甲酸。 User: Kardelj was shot and wounded in 1959 by Jovan Veselinov (sl). Assistant: 1959年,卡达尔受到朱凡·凡塞诺夫(Jovan Veselinov)的枪击而受了伤。 User: As the state protection ended, there was no other choice but to reconsider the situation of the Company. Assistant: 随着国家保护的结束,没有其他选择,只得再次考虑公司的情况。 User: In the 11th century, populations north of the Alps began to settle new lands, some of which had reverted to wilderness after the end of the Roman Empire. Assistant: 在11世纪,阿尔卑斯山北部的人口开始移居至新的土地,某些在罗马帝国末期回归到野蛮状态。 User: The expedition, named after its supply ship, was a private venture, financed by public contributions augmented by a government grant. Assistant: 该考察行动命名自其补给船,为一私人探险活动;该活动乃由英国政府补助增加的公共捐款资助。 User: In some people, particularly older people, hearing loss can result in loneliness. Assistant: 对某些人而言,尤其是老年人口,听力缺损可能造成孤独感。 User: I know that this recent movement of mine through Georgia has had a wonderful effect in this respect. Assistant: 在这方面,我知道我最近在乔治亚的行动已有了很好的效果。 User: Rather, they prefer to follow leads by themselves. Assistant: 不然,肜当使处先驱,其败必也。 User: In the 1870s, the first regular public-transport (omnibus) line went over the bridge (officially called "Charles Bridge" after 1870) later replaced by a horse tram. Assistant: 在1870年代,第一条定期开行的公共交通线路通过该桥(1870年以后正式称为“查理大桥”),后来改为 horse-tram。 User: According to Michael Ledeen, quoting "family sources", he was blackmailed into returning. Assistant: 外交专家迈克尔·莱丁据“家族内部消息”指出他是被胁迫回国的。 User: She retired from Fed Cup play after the 2011 Fed Cup tie with Italy. Assistant: 她在2011年联合会杯与意大利的比赛后退役。 User: Once Andros' arrest was known, the discussion in London turned to dealing with Massachusetts and its revoked charter. Assistant: 由于安德罗斯被捕已是“既成事实”,伦敦的关注重点就变成如何处理马萨诸塞殖民地及其遭到撤销的特许状。 User: For example, low or high doses of an antigen can cause the system to switch to a suppressed state for the antigen, while intermediate doses can cause the induction of immunity. Assistant: 比如,低剂量或高剂量地施以一种抗原都可以引起系统对抗原的准备变为抑制状态,而中等剂量则可以导致免疫的产生。 User: Strongly emphasised is that the relief of social and personal needs are addressed irrespective of creed. Assistant: 宗旨是希望社会不幸人士,不分种族及宗教信仰,都能够得到保护及协助。 User: When the Borbón king was restored in 1814, it became known as the "Plaza Real". Assistant: 1814年,波旁王朝恢复后,国王将其改名为“皇家广场”(Plaza Real)。 User: It prints to standard output. Assistant: 后来标准生产型。 User: In 2006, Sakurai ranked #8 in HMV's "Top 30 Best Japanese Singers of All Time". Assistant: 2006年,樱井和寿在HMV的“30位最佳日本歌手”中,名列第八。 User: In the spring of 2007, Flyleaf headlined their Justice & Mercy Tour which first featured Skillet and Dropping Daylight. Assistant: 2007年春天,飞叶乐团展开“Justice & Mercy Tour”,一起参与第一站的乐团有 Skillet 和 Dropping Daylight(英语:Dropping Daylight)。 User: Anomalous – meteorites that have properties that are unusual for their group or grouplet. Assistant: Anomalous: 异常,具有不寻常属性的陨石集团或次集团。 User: Large iron ore deposits exist in central Iran, near Bafq, Yazd, and Kerman. Assistant: 铁矿主要分布于伊朗中部邻近Bafq、Yazd及Kerman。 User: One common method of scheduling employees to ensure the availability of appropriate resources is a Gantt chart. Assistant: 调度员工以确保适当资源可用性的一种常见方法,是甘特图。 User: HRH wanted the University to be a Saudi university with international standards that responds to the contemporary educational needs and provide education that satisfies the requirements of local students to become global graduates. Assistant: 王子殿下希望将这所大学打造成符合国际标准和当代需求的沙特大学,为学生提供满足需求的卓越教育。 User: This method of analysis is often called the time domain point-of-view. Assistant: 这种分析方法通常称为时域观点。 User: In the December 4, 2014's Weekly Famitsu they revealed three new female characters. Assistant: 2014年12月4日出版的《Fami通》公布三位新女性角色。 User: Danny Bensi and Saunder Juuriaans composed the films score. Assistant: 丹尼·本西(Danny Bensi)和桑德·朱里斯(Saunder Jurriaans)为电影制作配乐。 User: Otherwise both get d; often d = 0 {\displaystyle d=0} . Assistant: 例如:在图(四)中,截止频率是 D 0 {\displaystyle D_{0}} 。 User: Professionally, Prince Konrad is a qualified banker who has worked for various banks as an analyst. Assistant: 康拉德亲王曾是一位银行分析师,就职于多家银行。 User: During the Soviet times, people with Ainu surnames were sent to gulags and labor camps, as they were often mistaken for the Japanese. Assistant: 因此他们被称为千岛人、堪察加人等,在苏联时代,有阿伊努姓氏的人被送到古拉格,因为他们常常被误认为是日本人。 User: He voiced support for Qatar's role in supporting the Arab Spring, including its withdrawal of its ambassador. Assistant: 他对卡塔尔在阿拉伯之春中所起的作用表示支持,包括其撤回大使的行为。 User: This crown appeared in the coat of arms for the first time in 1923 to symbolize the sovereignty of the people after the dropping out of the royal crown. Assistant: 该顶冠首次于1923年出现在纹章上,象征着王权之冠退位后的人民主权。 User: Frédéric François dedicated to her his eighth appearance at the Olympia in March 1998, followed by a tour that attracted more than 300,000 spectators. Assistant: 弗雷德里克.弗朗索瓦(Frédéric François)决定在1998 年3 月,开启他在奥林匹亚音乐厅的第八次音乐之旅,期间,共有 300,000 多位观众陆续观看了演出。 User: In the absence of an officially appointed consul, American businessman Henry Wolcott — local agent for a Boston trading company — raised the Stars and Stripes above his company office near the Bund and became the first Acting U.S. Consul in Shanghai. Assistant: 在没有官方任命领事的情况下,一家波士顿贸易公司驻沪办事处的美国商人吴利国(Henry Wolcott)在其外滩附近的办公室顶上升起了星条旗,遂成为第一任美国驻上海代领事。 User: The company also gave away free cookbooks, with every recipe calling for Crisco. Assistant: 该公司还发送免费食谱,每项烹饪法都用到Crisco。 User: Unlike modern Vietnamese, the Rục language still allows presyllables with a minor vowel, such as caku:4 "a bear" (cf. Vietnamese gấu). Assistant: 与现代越南语不同,哲语仍然允许在前面添加次要音节,例如“熊”作caku:4(越南语:gấu)。 User: Officials in the nation requested assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States, and on March 20, 1998, the area was declared a disaster area; the declaration allowed for the usage of emergency funds. Assistant: 当地官员向美国联邦紧急事务管理局请求援助,,该岛于1998年3月20日成为灾区,以便动用应急资金。 User: If the neuron is in the first layer after the input layer, the o k {\displaystyle o_{k}} of the input layer are simply the inputs x k {\displaystyle x_{k}} to the network. Assistant: 若该神经元处于输入层后的第一层,输入层的输出 o i {\displaystyle o_{i}} 就是网络的输入 x i {\displaystyle x_{i}} 。 User: In 2010, production resumed with Iranian investment and Chinese assistance. Assistant: 2010年,在伊朗的投资和中国的援助下恢复兴建。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Altogether he described some 500 to 600 species and subspecies. Assistant: 他总共记述了大约500到600种物种和亚种。 User: Battle Isle was Blue Byte's first big success in Europe. Assistant: Battle Isle 是Blue Byte首次在德国和欧洲都取得成功的作品。 User: They "captured" the Navajo natives and forced them to the fort. Assistant: 他们“抓捕”当地的纳瓦霍人并将他们关入到堡垒中。 User: The Mediterranean island of Corsica has a significant and growing group calling for independence from France. Assistant: 地中海岛屿科西嘉正形成一种强烈的且持续增长的呼声,希望能从法国脱离,自行独立。 User: However, his time was disallowed for not respecting track limits, meaning that he had to set another fast lap. Assistant: 然而,他的时间因为未遵循赛道限制遭到驳回,意味着他必须要再做出另一个计时圈。 User: At the time of the game's events, only two main factions remain. Assistant: 在游戏故事开始时,只有两个主要派别存在着。 User: On 3 December 2008, the European Commission proposed amendments to the Dublin Regulation, creating an opportunity for reform of the Dublin System. Assistant: 2008年12月3日,欧洲联盟委员会提出对《都柏林规则》的修订提议。 User: In Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's translation of The Golden Legend, Uriel is one of the angels of the seven planets. Assistant: 在亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗翻译的《黄金传说》中,乌列尔是七大行星的天使之一,祂是火星的天使。 User: On the balance, the view of his legacy in present-day Ukraine is more positive than negative, with some critics acknowledging that the union with Russia was dictated by necessity and an attempt to survive in those difficult times. Assistant: 但总体而言,现在的乌克兰对他的正面看法大过对他的负面看法,而部分批评家也承认与俄罗斯联盟是无奈之举,也是让乌克兰在那困难年代存活的尝试。 User: A modified M113 Armored Personnel Carrier could carry injured astronauts away from the complex to safety. Assistant: 然后躲避在掩体中,改装的M113装甲运兵车可以将受伤宇航员送到安全地点。 User: In that form, she wants nothing more than to renew her bond with the Doctor, even calling him her "boyfriend" at one point. Assistant: 由于记忆随着一点一滴的回想起来跟散叶的“约定”,而再次跟她成为“朋友”。 User: Initial attractions included Rocket to the Moon, Astro-Jets and Autopia; later, the first incarnation of the Submarine Voyage was added. Assistant: 最初开幕时的设施包括奔月火箭(Rocket to the Moon)、宇宙喷射机(Astro-Jets)和大赛车场(Autopia),不久后又加入了潜水艇之旅(Submarine Voyage)。 User: Between 1960 and 1991 the building served as the premises of the Shanghai Higher People's Court and Shanghai Second Intermediate Court. Assistant: 1960年至1991年期间,该建筑物作为上海市高级人民法院和上海市第二中级法院的所在地。 User: Gastric acid is one of the main secretions of the stomach. Assistant: 胃酸是胃的主要分泌物。 User: Some recent research indicates whales may use such features as navigational aids throughout their migration. Assistant: 近期研究指出鲸鱼可能利用海底山此特色作迁移时的航行辅助。 User: The set of group elements g that join sides to each other are generators of Γ, and there is no smaller set that will generate Γ. Assistant: 将边两两连接的群元素集合g是Γ的生成元,没有更小的集合可生成Γ。 User: Atmospheric sources of noise are the most ubiquitous, and include electromagnetic signals prompted by cosmic microwave background radiation, or more localized radio wave noise from nearby electronic devices. Assistant: 大气中的噪声源非常普遍,包括宇宙微波背景辐射造成的电磁信号,以及附近的电子设备造成的本地无线电噪声。 User: The inscription confirms that the capital was originally surmounted by a statue of Marcian, in continuation of an imperial architectural tradition initiated by the Column of Trajan and the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome. Assistant: 碑文证实顶部原本有马尔西安的雕像,延续由罗马的图拉真柱和马可奥里略圆柱开始的帝国建筑传统。 User: In Ancient Days Men Feared the Lord 173. Assistant: 县学生,应天府乡试第一百七十三名。 User: A similar ceasefire deal was signed in 1995, but it was dissolved within three months. Assistant: 1995年签署了类似的停火协议,但协议在三个月内终止。 User: The toxic mud is spreading across the Espírito Santo coast, where cities closed down access to beaches. Assistant: 毒泥水散布到圣埃斯皮里图州沿海,造成沿岸城市关闭海滩。 User: She said that "as a strong, economically healthy country we have the strength to do what is necessary". Assistant: 她说,“作为一个强大的、经济健康的国家,我们有能力不设上限地安置寻求庇护者。 User: Second, a society where opportunity is equal where everyone can, in Michael Gove’s brilliant phrase, “write their own life-story”. Assistant: 其次,一个机会均等的社会要做到每个人都有权利享有,在迈克尔·戈夫那最美的词汇中我们能听到,“让他们著成属于自己的生命篇章”。 User: A technician loads an instrument canister into the vacuum-sealed diagnostic instrument manipulator. Assistant: 一名技术员把仪器罐装入真空密封的诊断仪器。 User: Operation Storm commenced at dawn on 4 August 1995 and was declared complete on the evening of 7 August, despite significant mopping-up operations against pockets of resistance lasting until 14 August. Assistant: 作战行动于1995年8月4日拂晓正式展开,并于8月7日晚间宣告结束,不过对反抗势力的扫荡行动则一直持续至8月14日为止。 User: It began as an academic concept, but has since been invoked more widely, outside of academia. Assistant: 它起初是一个学术概念,但后来在学术界之外被更广泛地引用。 User: Another potential application is the detection of toxic chemicals, and the measurement of their concentrations, in the environment. Assistant: 另一个有潜力的应用是对有毒化学物质的探测及其在环境中浓度的计量。 User: Swear is now class 4. Assistant: 成绩是全年级第四。 User: While it eventually became a bestseller in the United States, The Red Badge of Courage was more popular and sold more rapidly in England when it was published in late 1895. Assistant: 虽然小说最终在美国成为了畅销书,但《红色英勇勋章》在1895年登陆英国时却更受欢迎,卖的更快。 User: When the primary current exceeds a certain value, the core is pushed into its saturation region, limiting further increases in secondary current. Assistant: 当原电流超过某一特定值时,芯进入一种饱和状态,限制次级电流的进一步递增。 User: It has been affected a little by the neighbouring culture, but is distinctly far more quiet and orderly than its neighbour. Assistant: 它受到了邻国印度文化的影响,但明显比其邻国更安静、更有秩序。 User: A highly attentive parent who is reluctant to leave their child's side and who themselves seem to require constant attention. Assistant: 家长非常关注孩子,不愿离开孩子身边,而且他们本身似乎也非常需要他人关注。 User: Later that year World War II ended, and Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration, surrendering unconditionally. Assistant: 1945年第二次世界大战结束,日本接受《波茨坦宣言》,无条件投降。 User: An excess of cystathionine in the urine is called cystathioninuria. Assistant: 尿液中胱硫醚过多被称为cystathioninuria症。 User: Rothstein then took Luciano on a shopping trip to Wanamaker's Department Store in Manhattan to buy expensive clothes for the fight. Assistant: 然后,罗斯汀便带卢西安诺去曼哈顿的沃纳梅克百货公司购物,为这场比赛购买昂贵的衣服。 User: They are designed by the Adidas company. Assistant: 该足球是由Adidas公司生产。 User: Instead, we follow our customers' visions. Assistant: 相反,我们是遵照客户的愿景。 User: The following domains, in the form of indicators and composite indexes, were selected to achieve the development of the WGI: Peace and Security, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Participation, Sustainable Development, and Human Development. Assistant: 以下方面,以指标和复合索引的方式,被选择来实现WGI的发展:和平和安全,法治,人权和参与,可持续发展和人类发展。 User: It is said that after one particularly satisfying victory over the Philadelphia Phillies, Mutrie (who was also the team's manager) stormed into the dressing room and exclaimed, "My big fellows! Assistant: 据说在一次令人满意的胜利之后,Mutrie(当时的总教练)冲进更衣室并且大叫:“我的大家伙们!我的巨人们!(My big fellows! User: Historian Lizabeth Cohen says that by depicting this freedom as a celebration in the private family home rather than a worker with a job or a government protecting the hungry and homeless, Rockwell suggests that ensuring this freedom was not as much a government responsibility as something born from participation in the mass consumer economy. Assistant: 历史学家丽莎白·科恩(Lizabeth Cohen)表示,画中以私人家中庆祝节日来体现免于匮乏的自由,而不是描绘政府保护那些食无果腹、无家可归的人,或是拥有工作的工人,这说明洛克威尔认为保障这份自由并不完全是政府的责任,而是大众消费经济环境下需要所有人参与才能产生的东西。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Landed with no nose under-carriage at Bahrain Airport. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 飞机在无襟翼的情况下迫降在喀布尔机场未铺平的跑道上。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:403.11 - Password change. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 403.11 - 密码更改。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Danielson became a vegan in 2009 after suffering from elevated liver enzymes and several staph infections. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 丹尼尔森在肝酶升高和几种葡萄球菌感染后于2009年成为素食主义者。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Germany was now a totalitarian state with Hitler at its head. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 德国正式成为一个由希特勒统治的极权国家。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A 24-second snippet was leaked online by TMZ in July 2009 and a full version was leaked in December 2013. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这首歌的24秒片段于2009年7月在TMZ网站上流出,且完整版本在2013年12月也被泄漏。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The evolution of that profile was later criticized in a 1995 report by a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee: The Subcommittee is ... concerned that, as Marshals investigating the Weaver case learned facts that contradicted information they previously had been provided, they did not adequately integrate their updated knowledge into their overall assessment of who Randy Weaver was or what threat he might pose. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:参议院司法委员会的一个小组委员会后来在1995年的一份报告中批评该配置文件的演变: 小组委员会关注到,由于调查威弗案件的法警了解到的事实和他们以前一直以来得到的信息相矛盾,他们并没有充分将他们了解到的最新消息和他们关于兰迪·威弗是谁或可能构成什么威胁的整体评估进行整合。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Welsh Tract was to have been a separate county whose local government would use the Welsh language, since many of the settlers spoke no English. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这一块威尔士地产预计将会成为一个单独的县,并且其地方政府将会使用威尔士语,这是因为许多开拓者都不说英语。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 LF and VLF (very low frequency) broadcasts have long been used to distribute time and frequency standards. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 长波及甚低频的广播已经长期被分配用作广播时间和频率标准。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the 15th and early 17th century, Poultry was noted for its taverns, but few were rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在15世纪到17世纪早期,家禽街以酒馆而著称,但是1666年伦敦大火后很少被重建。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Devotees fast during these six days. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 荣被困六阅月。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the summer of 1907 he took the First State Examination in Law, but also went later to Göttingen to attend discussion circles with Husserl. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1907年夏天,他参加了首次国家法律考试,又前往哥廷根出席了与胡塞尔的讨论会。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Such "double-opponent" cells were initially described in the goldfish retina by Nigel Daw; their existence in primates was suggested by David H. Hubel and Torsten Wiesel and subsequently proven by Bevil Conway. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这样的“双重拮抗”细胞最初由Nigel Daw于金鱼视网膜中描述;它们在灵长类中的存在由大卫·休伯尔和托斯坦·威泽尔提出,随后由Bevil Conway(Bevil Conway)证明。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Republished in 2000 in the Very Short Introduction series. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 福建人民出版社2000年曾推出该系列的简体字版。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On the opposite side of the mountain is the first bioreactor landfill in Southern Oregon, the Dry Creek Landfill, which began a program in 2006 to generate power from collected methane. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 山的另一边建有干溪填埋场,是南俄勒冈第一个生物反应器填埋场,源于2006年一个通过收集甲烷来发电的项目。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Burdisso was then signed by Roma permanently on 28 August 2010 for a €8 million transfer fee. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2010年8月28日布尔迪索终于永久转会到罗马,据报道称转会费大约为800万欧元,分三年付清。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In March 1999, Pegasus Overseas Ltd (POL) from Antwerp, Belgium, a subsidiary of Lazare Kaplan International, started marketing such diamonds that were processed by General Electric (GE). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1999年3月,卡普兰国际(英语:Lazare Kaplan International)下属公司比利时安特卫普的Pegasus Overseas Ltd (POL)开始营销经通用电气 (GE)处理的这种钻石。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Upward stopping muons (USM) are also produced in the rock beneath the detector, but stop in the inner detector. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 缈子向上停止事件(Upward stopping muons, USM)亦产生于探测器底部的岩层,但其路径停止于内层探测器内部。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It has replaced traditional flatbed celluloid film editing tools and analogue video tape-to-tape online editing machines. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:它取代了传统的平面赛璐珞底片剪辑工具,以及类比的录像带线性剪辑机器。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Additionally alternative biochemistry also allows for new synthetic auxotrophies. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 此外替代生物化学还将允许新的合成营养缺陷型。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The name of the new administration is the Danish Transport Authority. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:发动机的制造商是阿拉伯工业化管理局。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Burzum's eponymous debut album was released in 1992, being the second album released on Deathlike Silence Productions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 Burzum 的同名首张专辑发行于1992年,这是在 Deathlike Silence Productions 公司下发行的第二张唱片。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: In an interview with The Irish Times, Hozier stated, I found the experience of falling in love or being in love was a death, a death of everything. Assistant: 赫齐尔曾对《爱尔兰时报》表示:“我发现爱上一个人的感觉和死亡一样,一种一切都死去的感觉。 User: If Germany had not committed aggression, a staged withdrawal would take place; after five years, the Cologne bridgehead and the territory north of a line along the Ruhr would be evacuated. Assistant: 若德国未进行攻击性行动,军队将分阶段撤出;五年后将撤出科隆桥头堡及鲁尔河以北领土;十年后将撤出科布伦茨桥头堡以北领土;十五年后剩余军队将全部撤出。 User: The sixth bit is 0 for Receive or 1 for Transmit. Assistant: 第六位对于接收为0,对于发送为1。 User: Construct the shortest-path tree using the edges between each node and its parent. Assistant: 用各个顶点和它们的父节点之间的边构造最短最短路径树。 User: The partially buried, wrecked hulls of two other tanks may be seen at Titchwell Marsh in Norfolk, UK. Assistant: 另外两辆被部分掩埋的盟约者坦克则可以在位于英国诺福克的体治威沼泽(英语:Titchwell Marsh)中看到。 User: However, this waste heat becomes a liability when using air conditioning. Assistant: 然而,这种余热在使用冷气就时变成负担。 User: On the early model shotgun the 10A, the upper plastic section also housed the built-in flashlight and carrying handle. Assistant: 在早期型号的10A型上,顶部塑料部分还收纳了内置式手电筒和连瞄准助条式提把。 User: For the first time, the second player can choose their own separate team of three characters, unlike the previous two games where both players are forced to use the same characters. Assistant: 本作中,第二玩家可以选择有别于第一玩家的角色队伍,而不像前两作一样,两名玩家必须使用相同的角色。 User: TOTP values are valid for longer than the amount of time they show on the screen (typically twice as long). Assistant: TOTP代号的有效期会长于屏幕上显示的时间(通常是2倍或更长)。 User: The term has been used in some cases to refer to the inland portions of coastal states, especially if they are rural. Assistant: 这个词语在某些场合会被作为沿海州份内陆地区的指代,特别是当这些地区为乡村时。 User: The brand was launched in 1981 and sold under the Clear name in most certain global countries, it is known as Ultrex in Greece, Linic in Portugal and Pure Derm in India. Assistant: 该品牌于1981年推出,在全球大多数国家以Clear名称销售,在希腊名为Ultrex,在葡萄牙名为Linic,在印度名为Pure Derm。 User: Usually, ice climbing refers to roped and protected climbing of features such as icefalls, frozen waterfalls, and cliffs and rock slabs covered with ice refrozen from flows of water. Assistant: 通常来讲,攀冰指的是依靠绳索并受保护地在例如冰瀑,冻瀑布,以及覆有冻结水流的悬崖和岩石板上攀登的活动。 User: On May 16, 1977, about one minute after an S-61L landed and its 20 passengers disembarked, the right front landing gear collapsed, causing the aircraft to topple onto its side with the rotors still turning. Assistant: 1977年5月16日,一架S-61L直升机载着20名旅客刚降落不到一分钟,右侧的起落架突然断裂,导致旋翼还在高速运转的直升机侧翻。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In this view, the character of George Harris embodies the principles of free labor, while the complex character of Ophelia represents those Northerners who condoned compromise with slavery. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在此观点下,乔治·哈里斯这样的角色成为了自由劳动者信条的形化,而奥菲利亚这样的复杂角色则代表着那些默许与奴隶制度妥协的北方人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The BFV clearly defines the season as starting on 1 July of a year and finishing on 30 June the following year. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 巴伐利亚足协明确的将赛季定义在每年的7月1日开始,并在次年的6月30日结束。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the late 1920s and early 1930s, a complex set of alliances was established among the nations of Europe, in the hope of preventing future wars (either with Germany or the Soviet Union). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而从1920年到1930年的十年之间,列强与中东欧国家,或是中东欧国家之间,也签署了为数不少的协议,以防止未来的战争爆发,而他们的两个主要假想敌分别为苏联与德国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The outbreak of hostilities in Europe in August 1914 was an enormous surprise, but the government of the Union of South Africa was well aware of the significance of the common border South Africa shared with the German colony of South-West Africa. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在1914年8月,欧洲爆发的敌对行动是出乎意料的,但南非联邦政府非常清楚南非与德属西南非殖民地边界的重要性。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Soon after, the whites left Hamilton Hall and moved to Low Library, which housed the President's office. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 随后,白人示威者离开了汉密尔顿大楼,迁移到位于校长办公室的哥大洛氏图书馆。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Elizabeth Mayor J. Christian Bollwage said that it was unclear whether the train station was a specific target, or whether the bombs were dumped by someone looking to quickly get rid of them. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 伊丽莎白市长J·克里斯蒂安·博罗维奇(英语:J. Christian Bollwage)表示,目前尚不清楚火车站是否是特定目标,炸弹是否是被想要迅速摆脱爆炸的人抛弃的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He died at Estillac near Agen. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他死于阿根(Agen)附近埃斯蒂拉克(Estillac)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1938 he was stationed at Makassar in southwestern Sulawesi, tasked with the supervision of the forests. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 1938年,他被派往苏拉威西西南部的望加锡,负责林业监督。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The record company then quickly switched to the "Disco Mix" of the song, which helped sustain its life on the charts, although not by much. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 唱片公司把这首歌很快更换成“混合Disco”形式,使其保持在流行榜中的排名,虽然作用不大。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She promises to keep the insurance secret, unless someone blabs. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 算法的设计者坚称,算法不可能出错,除非有人为操纵。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The beaches of southern Ocean County experienced a loss of 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m) of sand, while locations further to the north experienced only minor erosion. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 海洋县南部海滩流失了0.9到1.2米厚的沙子,更北部的地区则只出现了轻微的侵蚀。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The nuclear family remained the only other independent unit. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 核心家庭是最基本的单位。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 9 March 2016, heavy Russian airstrikes started hitting the Palmyra area, with 32 ISIL fighters reported killed by the next day. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2016年3月9日,俄军开始在巴尔米拉一带进行猛烈空袭,至次日已有32名伊斯兰国战士被炸死。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His favorite musicals growing up were My Fair Lady, Gypsy, West Side Story, and Bye Bye Birdie. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他喜爱的音乐剧有 My Fair Lady、Gypsy、西城故事 和 Bye Bye Birdie。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The first two STAT proteins were identified in the interferon system. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 最早的两个STAT蛋白是在干扰素系统中被发现的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Sense the presence of other beings within a certain distance. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在另一个生物的视角下有些事物会有所不同。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, some Irish people disfavour or disapprove of the use of the name "Eire" in English texts or speech. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 但是,部分爱尔兰人不认同在英语中使用“Eire”一词。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The party also polls well among migrant voters, especially those from Turkey and Morocco, where its support is twice as high as in the general population. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 绿色左派也获得穆斯林移民选民的支持,特别是土耳其和摩洛哥裔,其支持度比全国选民支持度高出一倍。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When the flag is of regular proportions, having length equal to ​3⁄2 of the width, the coat's axis is placed at a distance from the hoist equal to ​1⁄2 of the flag's width. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 当国旗长宽比正常,即长为宽的3⁄2时,国徽的中轴线与最近侧边的距离是国旗宽度的1⁄2。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: FISTTP — Like the older x87 FISTP instruction, but ignores the floating point control register's rounding mode settings and uses the "chop" (truncate) mode instead. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: FISTTP - 类似过去x87浮点运算中的FISTP指令,不过此指令的运算执行或忽略掉浮点控制暂存器的rounding(溢绕)模式的设定,并且用“chop”(truncate,截切)模式取代。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: A new shuttle service, named H, would run between 57th Street and World Trade Center. Assistant: 在57街和世界贸易中心之间开行H线。 User: In control engineering, a state space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, u {\displaystyle u} output, y {\displaystyle y} and state variables, x {\displaystyle x} related by first-order differential equations. Assistant: 在控制工程中,状态空间表示法是物理系统的数学模型,由有许多输入 u {\displaystyle u} 、输出 y {\displaystyle y} 、状态变数 x {\displaystyle x} 的一阶微分方程所组成。 User: In 1550, Dương Văn An was the first Vietnamese man to write about Phong Nha cave. Assistant: 1550年,杨文安是第一个描写峰牙洞的越南人。 User: While both his brothers, Hafez and Rifat Assad, enforced secularism, Jamil was said to be deeply religious. Assistant: 不同于哥哥哈菲兹·阿萨德和弟弟里法特·阿萨德的世俗主义倾向,据说贾米勒·阿萨德沉迷于宗教。 User: The governor also traveled in the South; in Savannah at the end of March 1895, he became the first presidential hopeful in American history to address an audience of blacks when he spoke at an African American church. Assistant: 麦金莱亲自前往南方多地演说,于1895年3月末抵达萨凡纳并在当地一间非裔美国人教堂演讲,成为美国历史上首位尚未获提名就已向黑人群体演说的总统候选人。 User: Throughout the afternoon, crowds had filled the floor outside the blocked-off aisle, and the galleries as well, wanting to see the President, even if they could not greet him. Assistant: 整个下午,拥挤的人群占满了通道和外面的画廊,希望即使没法打招呼也至少能看到总统。 User: Alternative explanations for the name-letter effect, such as frequent exposure and early mastery, have been ruled out. Assistant: 有关姓名字母效应的其它解释,比如字母出现频率和早期习得,都被一一排除。 User: Among them was Shi Xie, who was deified in the sixth century. Assistant: 那尔撒斯(ナルサス,声:盐泽兼人/浪川大辅;(港)苏强文(OVA)/黄启昌(动画)) 十六翼将之一。 User: In the final phase, codenamed Goitre, elements of the 43rd Division would cross the river to hold the area taken, while the 15th Division would continue to expand their bridgehead. Assistant: 在代号为“甲状腺肿”的最后阶段,第43师属部将抵达河对岸并防守已攻占的地区,而第15师将继续扩展桥头堡阵地。 User: At dedication on June 8, 1897, the building was designed as the University Library. Assistant: 自1897年6月8日的落成典礼起,礼堂一直作为大学图书馆使用。 User: After the capitulation of Japan in 1945, he was arrested by the Nationalists and sentenced to death the following year. Assistant: 1945年日本投降后,他于1945年被国民政府逮捕,后被判处无期徒刑。 User: As June came to a close, speculation arose that Perot was planning a National Convention to follow the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Assistant: 6月底,开始有媒体猜测佩罗是否会在民主党和共和党全国大会后自行召开全国大会。 User: There is no express service during late nights and the lower level is closed during that period. Assistant: 深夜时不设快车服务,该段时间下层将关闭。 User: However, Newton explains that when a stone is thrown horizontally (meaning sideways or perpendicular to Earth's gravity) it follows a curved path. Assistant: 然而,牛顿解释道,当一个石块被水平抛出时(垂直于地球引力),它的运动轨迹是曲线。 User: Ordinary quantum field theories, which form the basis of modern elementary particle physics, are defined in flat Minkowski space, which is an excellent approximation when it comes to describing the behavior of microscopic particles in weak gravitational fields like those found on Earth. Assistant: 作为现代物理中粒子物理学的基础,通常意义上的量子场论是建立在平直的闵可夫斯基时空中的,这对于处在像地球这样的弱引力场中的微观粒子的描述而言是一个非常好的近似。 User: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also participated as separated entities, showing the worst result for Wales which in mathematics was 43rd of the 65 countries and economies. Assistant: 英国、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰也作为独立实体参加,显示威尔士的最坏结果,在数学上是65个国家和经济体中的43个。 User: Over several years, he made months-long trips to what was then the Wild West to further his research. Assistant: 在这几年,他做了数次为期几个月的长途旅行,前往当时所称的蛮荒西部(Wild West),以推进他的研究。 User: A reduced-gravity aircraft is a type of fixed-wing aircraft that provides brief near-weightless environments for training astronauts, conducting research and making gravity-free movie shots. Assistant: 减重力飞机(Reduced-gravity aircraft)是一种固定翼飞机,提供短暂的近乎失重环境,可以进行太空人训练、研究,或拍摄无重力的电影画面。 User: The 75-mm armed M4 tanks were never completely replaced during the war with some units in Europe still having about a 50/50 mix. Assistant: 由于处于战争期间,搭载75毫米炮的M4“雪曼”坦克从未被完全地取代,欧洲的一部分部队仍然有着大约50/50的混合。 User: 1995 June 25: Ultraviolet Hubble Space Telescope images with 50-kilometer resolution. Assistant: 在1995年6月25日,哈伯太空望远镜的紫外线观测得到分辨率达到50公里的影像。 User: "There was already a replacement. Assistant: ”于是就使用了一献。 User: The most important political decision for Linz was taken in the late Middle Ages. Assistant: 对林茨市来说最重要的政治决议是在中世纪晚期做出的。 User: Our government was doing almost an underground work under the rigorous pressure of president Kuchma and criminal-oligarchic groups. Assistant: 我们的政府在库奇马总统和犯罪寡头集团的严峻压力下进行地下活动。 User: Two parallel runways are designated 5L/23R and 5R/23L, and a cross-wind runway designated 14/32. Assistant: 2个平行跑道是 5L/23R 和 5R/23L,一个直角跑道 14/32。 User: Every Wonderbra advertisement contained versions of the musical theme, "We care about the shape you're in. Assistant: 每一个神奇胸罩的广告中都包含有多种版本的音乐主题,歌词中唱道:“我们关注您的造型。 User: He was a vocal opponent of the Vietnam War and the nuclear arms race. Assistant: 他不断地发表评论反对越南战争和核军备竞赛(nuclear arms race)。 User: Water in this layer can lower the melting point, and may play an important part in its composition. Assistant: 水可以降低熔点,扮演了重要角色。 User: In 2013, Business Insider’s Silicon Valley 100 included Barra at #92. Assistant: 在2013年,《商业内幕》杂志的硅谷100名人榜包括巴拉在第92名。 User: Therefore, even a small disturbance along other axes causes the object to 'flip'. Assistant: 因此,一个很小的扰动就会使物体发生"翻转"。 User: As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Assistant: 起初如何,今日亦然,直到永远。 User: However, the convention to encode the user agent and version inside the peer_id field still applies. Assistant: 不过,在peer_id中编入user agent和version仍然适用。 User: Although conversion to Islam is relatively free of legal complications, those wishing to leave Islam risk the loss of civil rights and face immense societal pressure. Assistant: 虽然向穆斯林改宗传教没有法律上的复杂性,但是那些希望改宗的穆斯林却面临着丧失约旦公民权的风险,并面临着巨大的社会压力。 User: In another, perhaps unorthodox, way Georgia also influenced the culture of Iran. Assistant: 即使从未受中国统治的日本,在艺术方面同样不能摆脱中华文化的影响。 User: Throughout its history it suffered numerous invasions and attacks, and was destroyed by the Swedes in 1645. Assistant: 阿尔滕堡修道院多次被入侵及攻击,在1645年被瑞典人摧毁。 User: It covers an area of 15,090 km2 and recorded a population of 3,556,729 in the 2014 Moroccan census. Assistant: 面积约15,090平方公里,2014年摩洛哥人口普查中该区数据为3,556,729人。 User: Originally the plane was to have a Curtiss-Wright turbo-ramjet engine, but this ran into problems and a more conventional Allison J71-A-4 turbojet was employed, fitted in pairs in overwing pods to keep the spray out of the intakes. Assistant: 最初飞机计划采用柯蒂斯-赖特公司的涡轮-冲压喷气发动机 ,但这种发动机的研制陷入困境,之后更换成更为传统的艾利逊J71-4涡喷发动机,它被成对安装在翼上的发动机短舱中,避免吸入飞溅的海水。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Black hole filtering refers specifically to dropping packets at the routing level, usually using a routing protocol to implement the filtering on several routers at once, often dynamically to respond quickly to distributed denial-of-service attacks. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 黑洞过滤所指的是在路由层次丢弃数据包,通常使用路由协议来补充几个路由器上的过滤,时常可以快速动态响应拒绝服务攻击。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 1812 – War of 1812: The Siege of Fort Harrison begins when the fort is set on fire. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1812年:1812年战争:哈里森堡垒战役爆发。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Baron James acquired a vast collection of works of art, and statues adorned a number of the château's rooms. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 詹姆斯男爵收购大量艺术品和雕像,用于装饰城堡的众多房间。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This added support for bitmap fonts and increased the maximum resolution to 300 dpi. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 它支持位图字体,并且最大分辨率提高到 300 DPI。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the first stages of Dutch literature, poetry was the predominant form of literary expression. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 多米尼加的文学中,诗歌最初是主要的表现形式。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Adjacent to the Singapore Polytechnic on one side, and undeveloped land on the other, the building of the station was met with reservations by some members of the public over its low catchment area. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 在旁边与新加坡理工学院相邻,另一边有未开发的土地,地铁站的建筑在低汇水盆地上,符合公共成员的保护区。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 23 March 2003, a new Chechen constitution was passed in a referendum. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2003年3月23日,公民投票通过了新的车臣宪法。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Other notable stagings featured John Philip Kemble in 1811, Samuel Phelps in 1845, and Charles Kean in an 1856 production that was famous for its elaborate sets and costumes. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 其他有名的版本包括1811年的约翰·菲利普·肯布尔(John Philip Kemble)版本、1845年的塞缪尔·菲尔普斯(Samuel Phelps)版本,1856年的查尔斯·基恩(Charles Kean)主演的版本以其精细的布景和服装而著称。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The truth conditions of various sentences we may encounter in arguments will depend upon their meaning, and so logicians cannot completely avoid the need to provide some treatment of the meaning of these sentences. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 我们在论证中可能遇到的各种句子/判决的有效性条件依赖于它们的意义,所以负责任的逻辑学家不能完全避免提供某种处理这些句子的意义的需求。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The British newspaper The Times has reported that the prime suspect is an Italian named Francesco Gullino (or Giullino) who was last known to be living in Denmark. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 主流报章《泰晤士报》报导,一个原名为Francesco Gullino(或 Giullino)的意大利裔丹麦人是最大嫌疑犯,而保加利亚的诉讼时效会在2008年届满。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: During the 2008 US presidential campaign, Unger was in frequent contact with candidate Barack Obama via email and Blackberry. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在2008年美国总统大选中,昂格尔经常通过邮件和Blackberry同候选人奥巴马联系。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Because Thai cuisine is heavily marketed internationally and has attracted world culinary attention earlier than Indonesian cuisine, despite its Indonesian origin, there is a widespread misconception abroad that satay originated from Thailand. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:由于泰国在国际上大量推广泰国美食,比印度尼西亚美食早吸引了世界烹饪界的注意,因此国际上普遍误解沙嗲是从泰国起源,而不知道是印度尼西亚起源。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The Volga drains most of Western Russia. Assistant: 伏尔加河的流域包括了俄罗斯西部的大部分。 User: The activity of one gram of natural potassium is the number of atoms of 40K in it, divided by the average lifetime of a 40K atom in seconds. Assistant: 每克天然钾的放射性活度,等于其中40K的原子数量除以40K原子以秒计量的平均寿命。 User: The exterior, designed by BMW designer Mark Johnson, was approved in November 2010 and production finalized in 2011. Assistant: 其外观是由BMW设计师马克·约翰逊(Mark Johnson)所设计,它是在2010年获得批准,并于2011年敲定量产。 User: Large parts of the former palace are now occupied by various agencies and organisations such as the Aeronautical and Aerospace University of Nanjing, the Archives of the Nanjing Military District, and the No. 2 Historical Archives of China. Assistant: 原明故宫的其他区域现为南京航空航天大学、南京军区档案馆、中国第二历史档案馆等单位占据。 User: Human Rights Watch also supports writers worldwide, who are being persecuted for their work and are in need of financial assistance. Assistant: 每年,人权观察对世界各地的那些需要财政援助,并且受迫害的作家提供补助金。 User: While experiments ended in the summer of 2014, the complete shutdown and dismantling of the facility was postponed until at least May 2015. Assistant: 虽然实验于2014年夏季结束,但该设施的完全关闭和拆除工作推迟至2015年5月。 User: 2008 Nepal, the world's only Hindu Kingdom, was declared a secular state by its Constituent Assembly after declaring the state a Republic on 28 May 2008. Assistant: 2008 仅存的印度教王国尼泊尔,通过制宪会议于5月28日成立共和制后宣布成为世俗国家。 User: It is not known whether this may be a psychosomatic reaction to the terrifying realization of what has just occurred (i.e. the high probability of inevitable impending death from a fatal radiation dose), or if it is a physical effect of heating (or nonthermal stimulation of heat sensing nerves in the skin) due to energy emitted by the criticality event. Assistant: 不过我们仍不清楚这是对刚才发生的恐怖事件的一种心理反应,还是事故释放出的大量能量引发的一种确实存在的物理热效应(或者是非热能信号触发了皮肤中的热感受器)。 User: The student transfer ultimately did not take place. Assistant: 最终,退出学联议案未能通过。 User: Indian losses amounted to 23,000 according to Arrian, 12,000 dead and over 9,000 men captured according to Diodorus. Assistant: 阿利安的记载中印度军的损失为23,000名,而狄奥多罗斯所提供的为12,000名战死,9,000名被俘。 User: The treaty allowed the Vietnamese to station soldiers within Laos and to place advisers throughout the government and economy. Assistant: 该条约允许北越在老挝境内派驻士兵,并在政府和经济管理安排顾问。 User: At the center of the square is the İzmir Clock Tower, an old landmark built in 1901. Assistant: 在广场的中心,是建于1901年的地标建筑伊兹密尔钟楼。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Robert Carlisle Giffen was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania, on 29 June 1886. Assistant: 罗伯特·卡莱尔·吉芬(Robert Carlisle Giffen)1886年6月29日出生于宾夕法尼亚州的西切斯特。 User: The whole process takes a few seconds, during which time the sound of the discs being flipped over is quite distinctive. Assistant: 整个显示内容设定过程需要几秒钟时间,期间发出的圆盘翻转的声音十分独特。 User: On 4 May 2007 the Ariane 5 ECA set another new commercial record, lifting into transfer orbit the Astra 1L and Galaxy 17 communication satellites with a combined weight of 8.6 tonnes, and a total payload weight of 9.4 tonnes. Assistant: 播放媒体 2007年5月4日,亚利安5号ECA型运载火箭更进一步创下新的商业酬载纪录,酬载的两枚卫星Astra 1L卫星及Galaxy 17通讯卫星总重8.6吨,再包括其他酬载,共重9.4吨。 User: As of October 2018, the car's principal structure had been built, as well as the track it was intended to run on. Assistant: 2018年10月,该车的主要结构已经建成,以及它预计运行的道路也已经完成。 User: She is the daughter of the screenwriter Ian Stuart Black. Assistant: 她是剧作家Ian Stuart Black的女儿。 User: Eta Andromedae was discovered to be a double-lined spectroscopic binary in a series of spectra taken in 1899 and 1900. Assistant: 奎宿一在1899年和1900年拍摄的一系列光谱中被认定为双谱双星。 User: Japan acquired its first torpedoes in 1884, and established a "Torpedo Training Center" at Yokosuka in 1886. Assistant: 1884年日本购买了它的第一条鱼雷,1886年它在横须贺市开办了“鱼雷训练所”。 User: Drummer Alex Van Halen had great difficulty hearing the other band members over all the noise of the stage; louder monitors did not help. Assistant: 范海伦的鼓手亚历克斯感觉在所有舞台上的噪声当中听到其他乐队成员的声音有很大的困难;声音很响的耳机并没有多少帮助。 User: This game started Square's popular and long-running Final Fantasy series. Assistant: 此款游戏开启了史克威尔的流行和长时期之系列最终幻想。 User: He left Bulgaria in 1905 and went to then Austro-Hungarian Empire. Assistant: 1905年他离开保加利亚去往奥匈帝国。 User: This church now is the parish church. Assistant: 现在这座教堂是教区教堂。 User: Such theoretical studies have revealed that biological networks share many features with other networks such as the Internet or social networks, e.g. their network topology. Assistant: 这些理论研究表明,生物网络与其他网络(例如因特网或社交网络)共享许多特征。 User: Early American currency went through several stages of development during the colonial and post-Revolutionary history of the United States. Assistant: 早期美国货币(英语:Early American currency)在美国殖民地和革命后历史经历了几个发展阶段。 User: While the game was generally praised for its control, graphics, and variety, it was criticized for its simplistic AI, unsatisfactory minigames, and overpowered skills for the Final Fantasy characters. Assistant: 虽然游戏在操作、画面和多样性方面获得称赞,但简单的人工智能、不尽人意的小游戏,以及最终幻想角色过强的技能则受到批评。 User: This trend manifested itself in garden design, with greater emphasis on fountains and ponds in gardens. Assistant: 这一趋势在园林设计中体现出来,在园林中更强调喷泉和池塘。 User: The Jevons paradox is perhaps the most widely known paradox in environmental economics. Assistant: Jevons悖论也许是环境经济学中最广为人知的悖论。 User: All TLS versions were further refined in RFC 6176 in March 2011, removing their backward compatibility with SSL such that TLS sessions never negotiate the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) version 2.0. Assistant: 所有TLS版本在2011年3月发布的RFC 6176中删除了对SSL的兼容,这样TLS会话将永远无法协商使用的SSL 2.0以避免安全问题。 User: The industry is composed of sawmills, fish-canning, molasses plants, as well as some cigar and leather goods factories. Assistant: 工业有锯木厂、鱼罐头工厂、糖蜜厂,还有一些雪茄和皮革制品厂。 User: The 1st Marine Division had already been chosen to make the assault. Assistant: 美国海军陆战队第1师已被选定实施这次进攻。 User: Professional Painter. Assistant: 职业油画家。 User: However, some found its title offensive and "against families", so the League began discussions for a new name. Assistant: 然而有些批评意见认为它的头衔具有冒犯性且“违反了家庭价值”,所以联盟内部开始打算把组织名改掉,并为此进行过探讨。 User: PuTiNa's essays reflect his dominant poetic personality. Assistant: 波洛克的绘画能够反映他温和的性格。 User: His paternal grandfather fled the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and started a shop on the west coast before being interned in the Second World War. Assistant: 他的祖父在1905年因日俄战争而逃难至美国,其后在西岸经营店铺,于第二次世界大战中被囚禁。 User: If he is in a condition to continue the action he will disregard it; if he is not, it will be an excuse for his retreat and no blame can be attached to him. Assistant: 而如果它被开启时障碍门上有物件压着,则它就不会升起,直到物件被移除。 User: The principal trade of the firm in its early days were export of tea and imports of cottons and woolens as well as trade in opium. Assistant: 该公司在成立初期的主要贸易是茶叶、生丝、棉花和毛织品以及鸦片进出口。 User: It was the birthplace of Emperor Basil I (867–886), the founder of the so-called Macedonian dynasty in Byzantinum. Assistant: 是皇帝巴西尔一世(867 – 886,拜占庭马其顿王朝的创始人)的出生地。 User: The most numerous were the Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI of which 13 saw service, bombing Russia and London: four were shot down and six lost on landing. Assistant: 其中数量最多的是齐柏林-斯塔肯 R.VI轰炸机,总共有13架投入服役,并参与了轰炸俄罗斯和伦敦的任务:总共四架被击毁,六架在着陆时失事。 User: If a pathogen breaches these barriers, the innate immune system provides an immediate, but non-specific response. Assistant: 如果病原体通过了这层障碍,那么紧接着先天性免疫系统就会产生迅速但非特异性的免疫反应。 User: The Curtiss A-2 was a small 2 cylinder V-type engine built by the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company around 1909. Assistant: 不要与Curtiss A-2飞机混淆 A-2是一个小型双缸V型引擎,由柯蒂斯飞机与发动机公司在1909年间生产。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Andy Baio served as the site's CTO until November 2010, when he joined Expert Labs. Assistant: 直到2010年11月前,Andy Baio(英语:Andy Baio)担任该网站的CTO,而之后他加入了专家实验室(英语:Expert Labs)。 User: Barrera seemingly embraced the idea. Assistant: 当时巴瑞拉看似赞同了这项建议。 User: He was confined there with Joseph Dudley and other dominion officials until 7 June, when he was transferred to Castle Island. Assistant: 他和包括约瑟夫·达德利在内的其他自治领官员一起在这里关押到6月7日,然后又被转送到卡斯特岛上。 User: Many of these targets are small and require long focal lengths, which can push the focal ratio far above f/5. Assistant: 此外,许多这样的目标很小,因此需要较长的焦距,导致光圈远远小于f/5。 User: He was a Member of the Obama National Arts Policy Committee. Assistant: 也是奥巴马的国家艺术政策委员会的委员。 User: This temple has the unique distinction of having Lord Hanuman facing his Lord, Rama, whom he worshiped with steadfast and selfless devotion. Assistant: 认为过去的敬虔是对“主”忠心,尊“主”为大,走上宿命论的道路,一切逆来顺受。 User: Like children's rights, women's rights and refugee rights, minority rights are a legal framework designed to ensure that a specific group which is in a vulnerable, disadvantaged or marginalized position in society, is able to achieve equality and is protected from persecution. Assistant: 少数人权利和儿童权利、女权、难民权一样,也是为了保障一些处于社会弱势或边缘地位的群体而设立的法律体系,目的是让他们能达至平等的地位、免受迫害。 User: The tree and the fruit resembles HIMAYUDHEEN to a larger extent. Assistant: 硬木与又称做软木的针叶树材刚好成一对比。 User: For example, Earth's rotation is gradually being slowed by the Moon, by an amount that becomes noticeable over geological time as revealed in the fossil record. Assistant: 例如,地球的自转就因为月球而逐渐减缓,从一些化石在地质时间上的推移可以察觉其总量。 User: In Windows Vista, it can also be played using the mouse. Assistant: 在Windows Vista中,该游戏也可用鼠标操作。 User: For comparison, UTF-8 protects all 128 ASCII characters and needs one bit for this, and a second bit to make it self-synchronizing, resulting in "modulo 64" arithmetic (8 − 2 = 6; 26 = 64). Assistant: 相比较而言,UTF-8保护所有128个ASCII八位字节,而且需要两个跟踪字节的多字节编码才能达成这个目的,它构成对64的求模运算(8-2=6, 26=64)。 User: Certification was granted on 3 May 1972. Assistant: 1972年5月3日获得试航证书。 User: The bronze tabernacle is made by Girolamo Campagna. Assistant: 祭台使用了Girolamo Campagna的设计。 User: A massive hydrogen/helium (H/He) atmosphere is thought to be unlikely in a planet with a radius below 1.5 R⊕. Assistant: 由氢和氦组成的厚重大气层被认为不可能在半径小于1.5 R⊕的行星形成。 User: Sydney Kowalske as young Clara Steele, Cliff's daughter. Assistant: 雪梨·科瓦尔斯克 饰演 克拉拉·史提尔(Clara Steele) 克里夫的女儿。 User: Rootkits can use kernel access to embed themselves in an operating system, becoming nearly impossible to remove. Assistant: Rootkit可使用内核访问将其嵌入到操作系统,使其近乎不可能被删除。 User: Then they will accept some guidance from outsiders—from the government or the party or whatever it is. Assistant: 汉氏诸侯或称王,至于四夷亦如之,违于古典,缪于一统。 User: In recent years, Haitian and French agronomists have bred a new variety of pig similar to Haiti's Creole pig. Assistant: 近年来,海地和法国农学家培育出类似海地克里奥尔猪的新品种猪。 User: Line for line, this has to be one of the cleverest series on television today. Assistant: 值得注意的是,最后一集依然是有线电视台中最多人观看的节目。 User: At age 23, she was the youngest and only female member of the team which built and experimented with the world's first nuclear reactor (then called a pile), Chicago Pile-1, in a project led by her mentor Enrico Fermi. Assistant: 早在23岁,伍兹就参与了世界上首个核反应堆Chicago Pile-1的建设,她是导师费米领导的项目团队中最年轻的一员。 User: One of them became a bat, another an owl and the third an eagle owl. Assistant: 牛首被灭后无敌手,后来内部分裂,三族各霸一方。 User: Apple was concerned enough that it used its auto-update capability for the first time, though only for recent versions of macOS. Assistant: 苹果公司首次使用自动更新功能解决该问题,不过这只适用最近的MacOS版本。 User: The S-600P is similar to the standard S-600 but is equipped with the dual turbo charged V-12 engine of the S65 AMG and includes police lights, siren, run-flat tires, a gun mount, a Lanix computer station integrated with the host police network, optional prisoner cage and restraint seats, and level B6/B7 armoring. Assistant: S-600P是标准的S-600相似,但配备了S65 AMG的双涡轮增压V-12引擎,可选配包括警灯、警报器、防爆轮胎、枪架、Lanix集成主机网络警察电脑、囚犯笼和客制座椅,级别为B6/B7的装甲。 User: On 4 January 1913, the Ottoman Navy and Army attempted a landing at Bozca Ada (Tenedos) to retake the island from the Greeks. Assistant: 1913年1月4日,奥斯曼海军及陆军试图在博兹贾岛登陆,以从希腊人手中夺回该岛。 User: In late March, Thiem traveled to Miami, an outdoor hard court tournament. Assistant: 3月下旬,蒂姆参加迈亚蜜Miami 户外硬地赛。 User: His publicly given reason is his standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble. Assistant: 艾伦给出的公开解释是:他要参加周一晚上的单簧管演出。 User: In July 1921, the Army Air Service and the US Navy conducted a series of bombing tests off Cape Henry, led by General Billy Mitchell. Assistant: 1921年7月,美国陆军航空队(英语:United States Army Air Service)和美国海军在陆军少将威廉·米切尔的指挥下,于亨利角(英语:Cape Henry)进行了一系列的轰炸试验。 User: In 2001, the Overseas Press Club of America awarded Kluger and Michael Lemonick the Whitman Bassow Award for "best reporting in any medium on international environmental issues" for their work on global warming. Assistant: 2001年,美国海外新闻俱乐部授予克鲁格和michael lemonick惠特曼·巴斯托“关于国际环境问题的最佳报道”奖,以表彰他们在全球变暖方面的工作。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The album "Coming to You Live" (2017) by Korean artist DPR Live features a song titled "Laputa" featuring Crush (singer). Assistant: 韩国艺术家DPR Live的专辑 "Coming to You Live" 以一首题为"Laputa"的歌为特色。 User: For this reason, Americans refer to all German troops serving with the British armies as "Hessians". a form of synecdoche. Assistant: 因此,美国人将所有的服务于英国军队的德意志佣兵都称作“黑森佣兵”。 User: The method is known by different names in different disciplines. Assistant: 这个方法在不同学科中有不同的名字。 User: It is typically the type of an expression that is evaluated purely for its side effects. Assistant: 它通常是纯粹为了副作用而评估的表达型别。 User: By 03:50, the rate increased, and the ship slipped beneath the waves by 07:00. Assistant: 03:50左右时,下沉速度增快;舰体最终于07:00完全没入水中。 User: The name Kherson is a contraction of Chersonesos, an ancient Greek colony founded approximately 2500 years ago in the southwestern part of Crimea. Assistant: 克森尼索 (希腊语:Χερσόνησος; 拉丁语:Chersonesus)是古希腊的一个殖民地,建于约2500年前,位于克里米亚的西南部。 User: To exert an influence, something, such as a wave or particle, must travel through the space between the two points, carrying the influence. Assistant: 要对另一个点造成影响,一个波或是粒子,必须先行经两点中间的空间,之后才能造成影响。 User: In the present day, the Punu are noted for their cloth made of palm fiber, and for iron weaponry. Assistant: 属火门式(Touch Hole)火器,可以看作近世的火枪与现今各式枪械的前身。 User: In this season, there were 73 days on which tropical cyclones were active, which was more than twice as much as the previous season and 19 days above the average. Assistant: 全季有73天存在热带气旋活动,比平均值高19天,比前一个气旋季高了一倍有余。 User: Carter gets traded to the New Jersey Nets. Assistant: 卡特也在这个时期内被交换到新泽西篮网。 User: Pujol engaged in a variety of occupations prior to and after the Spanish Civil War, such as studying animal husbandry at the Royal Poultry School in Arenys de Mar and managing various businesses, including a cinema. Assistant: 普约尔在西班牙内战之前和之后尝试了多种机会,比如在滨海阿雷尼斯的皇家家禽饲养学校学习畜牧业,还经营过多种业务,包括一家电影院等的管理经营工作。 User: The Master of International Affairs (MIA) is a master's degree awarded by schools of international affairs. Assistant: 国际企业硕士(Master of International Business),是商学院提供的一种硕士学位。 User: At the n+j+3rd instruction the algorithm compares the number in the "w" register (e.g. 0) to the number in the "φ" register—if they are the same the algorithm has succeeded and it escapes through exit; otherwise it increments the contents of the "y" register and loops back with this new y-value to test function φ( x, y ) again. Assistant: 在 n+j+3rd 指令算法比较在 "w" 寄存器中的数(比如 0)与在 "φ" 寄存器内的数 -- 如果它们是相同的,则算法成功并通过“exit”退出;否则它增加 "y" 寄存器的内容并回到“loop”再次用新的 y 值去测试函数 φ( x, y )。 User: The bottom-up approach of the reforms promoted by Deng, in contrast to the top-down approach of the Perestroika in the Soviet Union, is considered an important factor contributing to the success of China's economic transition. Assistant: 与苏联经济改革时自上而下的模式相比,邓小平改革时自下而上的方法被认作中国经济成功转型的重要因素。 User: The second CDDL proposal, submitted in early January 2005, includes some corrections that prevent the CDDL from being in conflict with European Copyright law and to allow single developers to use the CDDL for their work. Assistant: 2005年1月,修正后的CDDL进行第二次的提案送交:预防CDDL和欧洲著作权法抵触,以及允许单开发者使用CDDL进行自己的工作。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to a major Russian pollster, the only eras of the 20th century that Russians evaluate positively are those under Nicholas II, and under Khrushchev. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 俄国人对赫鲁晓夫的看法很复杂,据某项调查显示俄国人对20世纪仅认同的两个年代分别是尼古拉二世时代和赫鲁晓夫时代。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Back in the physical world, the elderly Kelly (Denise Burse) visits Yorkie (Annabel Davis). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 回到现实世界中,耄耋老人凯莉(丹妮斯·布鲁斯(英语:Denise Burse))来看约克(安娜贝尔·戴维斯 饰)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Some women organised a feminist movement, following earlier attempts in 1789 and 1848. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一些妇女组织了一个女权运动,继续了1789年和1848年的政治主张。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Those who opposed the Awakening would come to be called the Old Side. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 因为已经老旧废弃了,所以叫老旧废弃的“老旧废弃游乐园”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This method has since been promoted by John Jeavons, Director of Ecology Action. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此后,该方法由生态行动总监John Jeavons推动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, Keurig Dr Pepper insists it is not the formula for Dr Pepper, but is instead a medicinal recipe for a digestive aid. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:但是,Dr Pepper Snapple集团坚称那并非Dr Pepper真正的配方,称那是一种帮助消化的药用配方。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Compulsive hoarding in its worst forms can cause fires, unsanitary conditions such as rat and cockroach infestations and other health and safety hazards. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 强迫性囤积在其最坏的例子可能会造成火灾,不卫生的环境(如老鼠、蟑螂横行),被收集物摔倒受伤,对自己和其他人健康和安全构成危险。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander, This you will do, that is our strong, firm belief. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 你的目标是让这个伟大的国家更加伟大, 我们坚信你言出必行。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这项调查案包括唐纳德·特朗普的选战和俄罗斯政府之间可能存在的任何联系和协调,“以及任何直接或可能直接在调查过程中出现的事项。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The surgery was performed at Allegheny General Hospital. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 嫌犯则被送到阿利根尼综合医院(英语:Allegheny General Hospital)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Sometimes they supplicate him on bended knee; sometimes they stand with their back turned to him. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:而背后的这个“人”有时候是默默地坐在一旁,有时却是将手臂伸向她。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:His candidacy gained only 42 of the necessary 46 votes. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他仅得到42票,未达所需的46票。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, most people, as well as scientists, assume that the observer doesn't change whether the tree-fall causes a sound or not, but this is an impossible claim to prove. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过,多数人,连同科学家,都假设了有否观察者在附近,都不会影响到树木倒下时所发出的声音;不过,这个假设亦不可能被证实。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Difficulty: strenuous. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 扎手:棘手。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The tropical depression moved west-northwestward and started showing signs of falling apart on July 18. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 低气压向西北偏西方向移动,于7月18日开始表现出退化迹象。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这时将有大量的钱,所以没有人会(作为慈善礼物)收受。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 They mate for life unless one of the pair gets killed, when a new pair bond may be formed. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它们为终身配偶制,若配偶被杀,新的配对才可能会形成。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Even though many of the lands of his uncle of York had been granted for life only, or to him and his male heirs, the remaining lands, concentrated in Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire, Yorkshire, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire were considerable. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 尽管其伯父约克公爵的很多土地只被许可为他一人或其男嗣所有,其余在林肯郡、北安普敦郡、约克郡、威尔特郡和格洛斯特郡的土地也是可观的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He released the Lost & Found EP on 22 December 2010. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他在2010年12月22日发行《Lost & Found》。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Programming language definitions usually specify compile time requirements that source code must meet to be successfully compiled. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 程序设计语言通常指出源程序必须满足的编译期要求。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Upon arrival, the captain on the scene immediately called for an additional five ambulances, then 30 fire engines, and after reaching the wreck he called for every heavy search and rescue unit in the city. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 抵达后现场的消防队队长立即要求增派5辆救护车、30辆消防车支援,抵达残骸他要求对每节车厢都仔细搜索并救援每一个伤者。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Despite her young looks, she actually has lived for hundred years. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:虽然看上去是一个少女,但其实已生存了不知几百年。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Online distributed computing relies heavily, if not completely, on volunteer computers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:服务器软件一般,但不总是,运行在强大的专用商业计算机上。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Shooting of the program was conducted in a fully enclosed campus, and the producers installed 120 cameras in the filming area and 15 movie cameras. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 节目的拍摄地为随即选择的全封闭式校园,制作方在拍摄地共安装了120台摄影机,还有15台跟拍摄像机。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The rest of the year was spent on individual ship training. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这一年的其余时间都用于舰只的单独训练上。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A neighbourhood system is another name for a neighbourhood filter. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 邻域系统是邻域滤子的另一个名字。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Certain jurisdictions specifically prohibit the use of the title engineer to any individual not a registered member of a professional engineering licensing body. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:某些司法管辖区特别禁止没有注册与登记成为专业的工程学特许机构会员的个别人士使用工程师头衔。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The typedef may be used to define a new pointer type. typedef int *intptr; // type name: intptr // new type: int* intptr ptr; // same as: int *ptr intptr is a new alias with the pointer type int *. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 可以使用typedef来定义一个新的指标型别 : typedef int *intptr; // type name: intptr // new type: int* intptr ptr; // same as: int *ptr 在上面那段程式码中,intptr是一个 指标型态int*的 新的别名。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Martínez became the anchor of the team's pitching staff and turned in several outstanding seasons. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 马丁尼兹成为球队的王牌投手,在接下来的几个赛季都有着优异的表现。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Any ring has two ideals, namely the zero ideal {0} and R, the whole ring. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 任何环有两个理想,零理想 { 0 } 与整个环 R。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After this move, Rovio closed its Tampere studio, moving their operations to its Espoo location. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在这之后,Rovio宣布关闭其在坦佩雷的工作室,并把那里业务迁至埃斯波的办公楼。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Represent short time slices of experience. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:代表了短时间片段的经历。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He found that ammonium salts can be produced by the reaction between organic compounds and sulfuric acid; this step is a digestion. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他发现铵盐可以从有机化合物和硫酸两者的反应中产生,这个步骤就是蒸馏。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2007, the breed was declared the official national horse breed of Finland. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在2007年此品种被宣布为正式的芬兰国马。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The government modified the regulations again, substantially loosening them, and Bernstein, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, challenged them again. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 尽管政府再次修改并大幅度宽松了法规,时任伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校教授的伯恩斯坦再次向他们发起了挑战。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Hanna believed, like many conservative businessmen of his time, that labor, business, and government should work together cooperatively for the benefit of society. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 汉纳与许多同时代的保守派商人认为,劳工、企业和政府应当携手合作,造福社会。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The gubernatorial nominee, however, was John H. Gear, an opponent of Prohibition who had worked to defeat Weaver in his quest for the governorship two years earlier. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 但会上选出的州长候选人是反对禁酒的约翰·吉尔(John H. Gear),他还曾在两年前努力确保韦弗竞选州长失败。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During this time, in a telegram to Pollock, Linderman asked that production of trade dollars be hastened because Mexico was preparing to issue another series of dollars with the older design popular in Asia, a design that was discontinued in 1866. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 林德曼在此期间给波洛克发电报,要求加快贸易银元的生产进程,因为墨西哥当时也正准备将本已于1866年停产、但在亚洲很受欢迎的一系列老银元设计重新投产。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 11 December, the second Azarov Government postponed social payments due to "the temporarily blocking of the government". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 12月11日乌克兰政府(英语:Second Azarov Government)改变了社会保障金的发放时间,全因“政府的临时封锁”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Ottoman government closed Armenian societies and restricted Armenian political movements. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 奥斯曼帝国政府关闭了亚美尼亚社区并限制了亚美尼亚的政治运动。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In total he constructed over 1,300 km (800 miles) of railway to important urban centres of Ireland. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他一生中建造了超过1,300千米的铁路线,连接了爱尔兰各大城市的中心。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Following the non-binding Copenhagen Accord put forth in 2009, international expectations for the COP16 conference were reduced. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 继不具备法律约束力的《哥本哈根协议》于2009年通过后,国际社会对本次会议的期望有所降低。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Wróbel acknowledged that Chodakiewicz made some good arguments but wrote that they are "overshadowed by numerous flaws", lack a sense of proportion, and make selective use of information from sources that support Chodakiewicz's view. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 罗贝尔承认霍达基耶维茨提出了一些好的论断,但这些亮点“被众多缺陷所掩盖”,缺乏比例感,并有选择性地使用支持作者观点的信息来源。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The secretary-general appoints all staff at the United Nations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:秘书长任命所有联合国的职员。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The industrialist's work for the railroad was highly praised by its president, Charles Francis Adams; Hanna's knowledge of the coal business led to him being appointed head of one of the board's committees with responsibility in that area. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 联合太平洋铁路总裁查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯(Charles Francis Adams)对汉纳的工作赞不绝口,汉纳对煤炭业务的了解也令他成为董事会煤炭事务委员会的负责人。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As of 2004, the population included 149,800 foreign-born (5.5% of the state population). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 截至2004年,此州的居民为在国外出生的有149,800人(占总人口数的5.5%)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Radically different from previous treatments of the subject, it shows a lone blindfolded female figure sitting on a globe, playing a lyre that has only a single string remaining. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 与之前的主题探讨截然不同,油画展示了一名蒙着眼睛的孤独女性坐在球状物上,并弹奏只剩下一根弦的里拉琴。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They are essential data for optimal window and overhang seasonal design. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:它们是设计适宜的窗户和季节性旋臂最主要的资料。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: LogicalDOC can be set up to support distinct full-text indexes for each supported language in order to apply specific indexing algorithms tailored to a particular language or variant. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: LogicalDOC可以建立支持对应于每一种支持语言的全文索引和标签,为应用特定的适合于某一种语言或其变种的索引算法。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His experience in this period left Suharto with deep distaste for both Islamic and communist radicalism which he believed could be countered only with material and financial sufficiency on the part of the people. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在这段期间,苏哈托体认到,要消灭共产主义和伊斯兰激进份子,必须让他们获得经济和物质上的满足。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: With the weather improving over the United Kingdom and Normandy, Hausser's preparations for his counter stroke came under continual harassment from Allied aircraft and artillery fire, delaying the start of the attack to the afternoon. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:随着英国以及诺曼底上空的天气好转,豪塞尔的反攻准备活动开始不断地受到盟军战机及火炮的袭扰,这使得反攻的开始时间推迟到下午。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Nor is it the most powerful. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 它也不是最强大的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Grand Prix de Pau was the name of the prize awarded for the 'Heavy' (fastest) class. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 波城大奖(Grand Prix de Pau)是为“重型”(最快的)级别颁发的奖项名称。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The town has a number of Sikh temples. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该市有众多锡克教圣地。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A federal district court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals summarily rejected this contention, each citing Wong Kim Ark as a controlling precedent, and the Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 联邦地区法院和第九巡回上诉法院都断然拒绝了这种论调,并援引黄金德案为一个有效的法律先例,最高法院也拒绝了这个案件的调卷令。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He also provided a warship support force that included two battleships. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他还提供了战斗支援舰队,其中包括2艘战舰。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Normandy was therefore chosen as the landing site. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 综上考虑,诺曼底最终选定为登陆点。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Age's Patrick Donovan wrote that Minogue "looked fit and healthy and was in good voice". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 世纪报'的Patrick Donovan则赞扬凯利“看上去很得体,身体健康,声线尚佳”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A second warning triggers a yellow card. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 警方一度出示黄色警告。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Horii stated in an interview that the team focused more on puzzle solving than the game's story. Assistant: 堀井在一次采访中称,相较于游戏情节团队更为专注于解谜。 User: Once the airfield was seized however, 24th Tank Corps was cut off, and found itself without supplies deep inside the German lines. Assistant: 当机场被攻占后,第24坦克军的后路被切断,并发现当地没有物资可供它们使用。 User: WDDM 1.1 does not have this limitation. Assistant: WDDM 1.1没有这种限制。 User: However, high levels of oxidative damage increases the degree of cross-linking between protein fragments, rendering the aggregates resistant to proteolysis. Assistant: 但高水平的氧化损伤增加了蛋白片断之间互相连接的程度,所形成的聚集物就能够抵抗蛋白酶体的降解。 User: The AMP has been used to study attitudes towards political candidates and has proven useful in predicting voting behavior. Assistant: AMP 曾用于研究对政治候选人的态度,并被证明在预测选举行为上很是有效。 User: After studying in the public schools, Willard worked as a teacher. Assistant: 后来读了师范学校,威尔姆自己也当了教师。 User: As of January 1, 2018, Palestinian militants from Gaza had fired at least 18 rockets at Israel. Assistant: 截至2018年1月1日,加沙的巴勒斯坦武装分子向以色列发射了至少18枚火箭弹。 User: The frequency spectrum of an actual FM signal has components extending infinitely, although their amplitude decreases and higher-order components are often neglected in practical design problems. Assistant: 实际FM信号的频率谱具有无限延伸的分量,但它们的幅度会减小,在实际设计问题中也常忽略高阶分量。 User: Standard modules could be interconnected in more uniform ways and were easier to develop and maintain. Assistant: 标准化模组可以用更有秩序的方式来连接,也更容易开发与维护。 User: The Soviet Union then renounced the non-aggression pact with Finland, and on November 30, 1939, launched the first offensives of the Winter War. Assistant: 苏联随后毁弃《苏芬互不侵犯条约》,并于1939年11月30日向芬兰发动了冬季战争的首波攻势。 User: Publishing in all common citation styles. Assistant: 包装引用类似于一般的引用。 User: Nationals of the 46 countries listed below do not require prior visa arrangements and can obtain a visa waiver upon arrival in Qatar. Assistant: 下列 46 个国家和地区的公民无需事先签证安排,即可在抵达卡塔尔时获得免签。 User: The dedication ceremony of the road to the summit took place in March 1966, two months after completion of the road. Assistant: 到顶端道路的通车典礼在完成两个月后的1966年3月举行。 User: He announced, "You are no longer my children, and I am no longer your father. Assistant: 且他亦表达“我已经不是你的父亲”。 User: The theory has been further confirmed with new evidence since then, most notably by Eugene Shoemaker during the 1960s. Assistant: 之后该理论被更进一步的新证据证实,其中最著名的是1960年代尤金·舒梅克的相关研究。 User: They may be the same as the Bindjali. Assistant: 其机能与王连者相同。 User: Therefore, on 3 August 1791 Burke published his Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, in which he renewed his criticism of the radical revolutionary programmes inspired by the French Revolution and attacked the Whigs who supported them, as holding principles contrary to those traditionally held by the Whig party. Assistant: 在1791年伯克发表了《呼吁从新辉格回归老辉格》一文,再度展开他对于法国大革命中燃起的激进革命思想的批判,并且批评辉格党内部那些支持这些革命的人。 User: In a 2002–2003 survey of 1,030 animals including 679 bats from Gabon and the Republic of the Congo, 13 fruit bats were found to contain EBOV RNA. Assistant: 一项于2002-03年、涉及1,030只动物的实验显示,679只加蓬及刚果蝙蝠中的13只,带有模式种的核糖核酸片段。 User: Truth: Not as you are. Assistant: 若不能如身者。 User: WinZip 10 added support for creating and extracting PPMd-compressed ZIP archives. Assistant: WinZip 10加入了创建/解压PPMD算法压缩的ZIP压缩文件。 User: It is often called DMCA anti-circumvention provisions. Assistant: 其二则是所谓的DMCA反规避法案。 User: TNT operated the Dutch national postal service under the name TNT Post. Assistant: 在荷兰本国,TNT N.V.一度以TNT邮政的名义运作。 User: He returned to Singapore in 1890 and passed his final examination in Teochew in November 1891. Assistant: 他于1890年到新加坡,并于1891年11月在潮州通过期末考试。 User: Crawling To the Top. Assistant: 齐霸业达于顶峰。 User: One track, "Liar", was re-recorded for The Healing of Harms. Assistant: 其中"Liar" 这首歌,重新录制于The Healing of Harms 该张专辑。 User: Players can wage war on one another or form diplomatic relationships. Assistant: 玩家们可以互相之间进行战争,或者建立复杂的外交关系。 User: M74 is the brightest member of the M74 Group, a group of 5–7 galaxies that also includes the peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 660 and a few irregular galaxies. Assistant: M74是M74星系群中最亮的成员,这个群组有5-7个星系,包括特殊的螺旋星系NGC 660和几个不规则星系 。 User: The Schützenpanzer Lang HS.30 (also Schützenpanzer 12-3) was a West German infantry fighting vehicle developed from 1956 to 1958. Assistant: Lang HS.30步兵战车(又称SPz 12-3)是联邦德国于1958年装备的一款步兵战车,由瑞士的西斯帕诺·苏莎公司设计。 User: In March 2017 he received the 2017 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. Assistant: 2017年3月,他获得2017年联合国教科文组织/吉列莫·加诺世界新闻自由奖。 User: Crowd surfing extended for the first time to the classical music scene, when in June 2014 at the Bristol Proms an audience-member was ejected by fellow audience members during a performance of Handel's Messiah after he took the director's invitation to "clap and whoop" to the music a step too far by attempting to crowd-surf. Assistant: 人群冲浪首次扩展到古典音乐情景,是在2014年6月在布里斯托尔舞会,一名观众在亨德尔的《弥赛亚》表演时接受了指挥跟着音乐的节奏“拍手高呼”的邀请后由于人群冲浪的过火尝试被其他观众驱逐出场。 User: Other Sikhs joined him in the early 1900s, and by 1911 more than a hundred Sikh families had settled in Thailand, mainly in Thonburi Region. Assistant: 1911年时,已有超过一百个锡克教家庭在泰国定居,主要在吞武里(ธนบุรี)地区。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Early 19th-century England was almost unique among major nations in having no class of landed smallholding peasantry. Assistant: 19世纪早期的英格兰竟然没有一个有产的小农阶级,这在当时的大国中几乎是独一无二的。 User: A comprehensive layout for a new magazine might show placeholders for text and images, but demonstrate placement, typographic style, and other idioms intended to set the pattern for actual issues, or a particular unfinished issue. Assistant: 新杂志的综合布局可能会显示文本和图像的占位符,而不是展示位置,排版风格和其他旨在为实际问题或特定未完成问题设置模式的习语。 User: In 1982, letter bombs were sent to all four major party leaders in the UK, including Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Assistant: 1982年,邮件炸弹被寄给了包括首相玛格利特·撒切尔在内的四个主要政党领导人。 User: Relying on his knowledge of the coast and prevailing winds in place of his compass, Bernie steers CG 36500 toward home—a task made more difficult as Chatham loses power. Assistant: 柏尼凭借着他对海岸的知识和盛行的风来代替指南针,将CG 36500驶向查坦,但因查坦失去电力,使得这项任务变得更加困难。 User: The USSR's forcible annexation of Estonia in 1940 and the ensuing Nazi and Soviet destruction during World War II crippled the Estonian economy. Assistant: 在1940年苏联的首次强行吞并跟后来二战中纳粹德国和苏联相继占领削弱了爱沙尼亚的经济。 User: Bermudo was elected by the palatine officials (the nobility of the royal palace) to replace Mauregatus, who had died of natural causes in 788. Assistant: 贝尔穆多为官方宫廷大臣(王宫的贵族)推举出来取代马乌雷加托的,马乌雷加托于788年自然去世。 User: Can passengers in this area please make room. Assistant: 他人输入同一个房间名时可以进入这个房间。 User: These areas included the Baja California, Sonora and Sinaloa, while some had awaited to enter the United States to reunite with family members in Filipino American communities in California, and elsewhere. Assistant: 这些领域包括下加利福尼亚州,索诺拉州和锡那罗亚州,虽然有些人是等待进入美国与在加利福尼亚州和其他地方的家人团聚。 User: As Harris/Grimm's unsuccessful efforts had taken more than forty days, Ballard decided that extra help would be needed. Assistant: 鉴于哈里斯与格林努力了40多天仍未能成功,巴拉德决定寻求更多帮助。 User: The Associated Press noted the fire started near a property where PG&E detected sparks on the day before its outbreak. Assistant: 《美联社》报导火灾发生在一处房屋附近,PG&E公司在大火发生前一天在该处发现了火花。 User: In addition to his official 82 films, Chaplin has several unfinished productions in his body of work. Assistant: 除了卓别林官方发布的82部电影,他还有一些未完成的作品。 User: This initiates the disease cycle. Assistant: 这是科举制度的开始。 User: The war imposed an additional economic burden of very high military expenditures. Assistant: 事件也导致新一轮军费开支的大幅度增加。 User: They are also used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and several other disorders. Assistant: MAOIs也被用于帕金森氏病和一些其他疾病的治疗。 User: The Western European Union Satellite Centre (presently the European Union Satellite Centre). Assistant: 欧盟辖下另有欧盟卫星中心(European Union Satellite Centre)。 User: On this trip, the team also found two other undescribed Nepenthes taxa on the mountain: N. ovata and a plant they named N. xiphioides. Assistant: 在这次考察中,该团队还在潘丘卢保山上发现了另外两个在当时尚未被描述的类群——卵形猪笼草(N. ovata)和似刃猪笼草(N. xiphioides)。 User: At 8:50, the chief engineer ordered an evacuation of the engine room through a call to the assistant engineer. Assistant: 8时50分,轮机长致电助理工程师,命令疏散机房内的船员。 User: At the time, the company offered yen-deposit accounts, investment trusts, card loans, and bank payments. Assistant: 当时银行提供日元存款账户、信托投资、信用卡贷款和电子金融转账等业务。 User: Despite the specificity of the name, game engines are often used for other kinds of interactive applications with real-time graphical needs such as marketing demos, architectural visualizations, training simulations, and modeling environments. Assistant: 游戏引擎经常会应用于交互应用的实时图像显示,比如营销演示、建筑可视化、训练模拟、环境建模。 User: The territory of Ukraine is indivisible and inviolable. Assistant: 国家拥有的领土理论上是不可分割、不可侵犯的。 User: Diving without appropriate bailout equipment. Assistant: 申纂果然不设备。 User: About 3% of full-term and 30% of premature infant boys are born with at least one undescended testis. Assistant: 大约3%的足月和30%的早产儿出生时至少有一个未睾丸下降。 User: Ali resumed the land which had been granted by Uthman and swore to resume whatever some elites had taken before him. Assistant: 跟他来的有他的封地的农民,他们在这里对先前因教宗命令而遭受的劫掠展开报复。 User: On 30 August 1940, at least 87 persons were executed at the forest glade. Assistant: 1940年8月30日,至少有87人在森林空地被处决。 User: In addition, Askia established standardized trade measures and regulations, initiated the policing of trade routes and also established an organized tax system. Assistant: 贸易方面,阿斯基亚建立起标准化的商贸规则、统一度量衡体系,并派官监督商路情况,此外还创制了基本的税收体系。 User: Historically, violent crime has been concentrated in a few cities in the East Bay, namely Oakland, Richmond, and Antioch, but also East Palo Alto in the Peninsula, Vallejo in the North Bay, and San Francisco. Assistant: 历史上,暴力犯罪经常出现在东湾的奥克兰、里奇蒙和安条克,以及半岛上的东帕罗奥图、北湾的瓦列霍和旧金山。 User: There was also a short-lived wartime state existing from 8 March to 22 September 1918 with the same name. Assistant: 这也是一个存在于1918年3月8日至9月22日的,在战时成立的短命国家的名称。 User: Access to all the data in the system allows complex searches for data across all the data items managed by WinFS. Assistant: 透过存取系统中所有资料的能力,您可以建立复杂的搜寻来寻找由WinFS所管理之所有资料项目中的资料。 User: Throughout Charles's reign, the issue of how far the English Reformation should progress was constantly in the forefront of political debate. Assistant: 在查理一世整个的统治过程中,英格兰宗教改革总是不停的成为争论的焦点。 User: Sunny Beach has a very small permanent population, but during the summer the resort is home to many thousands of tourists. Assistant: 阳光海滩虽然常住人口很少,但在夏季吸引大量游客。 User: By 1976, NATO was ready to standardize on a small calibre round, and testing of the various rounds head-to-head started in 1977. Assistant: 1976年,北约已准备好制定其制式小口径枪弹,并于1977年开始测试各种同类的枪弹。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: By 1956 the Wan brothers have created the first colored animation of notable length titled Why is the Crow Black-Coated, which became the first Chinese animation recognized internationally. Assistant: 1956年,万氏兄弟创作了第一部彩色动画值得注意的是采用长标题乌鸦为什么是黑的,作为所公认的第一部国际化的中国动画。 User: Other more conventional settlements had already developed by then; Dronten, the local major town, was founded in 1962, followed in 1963 by two smaller satellite villages, Swifterbant and Biddinghuizen. Assistant: 当时其他已经存在的定居点有:成立于1962年的德龙滕(Dronten),这也是当地主要的城镇;另有两个成立于1963年的卫星村庄斯维夫特班特(Swifterbant)和比丁豪曾(Biddinghuizen)。 User: A few weeks later another Dutch instrument-maker, Jacob Metius also applied for a patent. Assistant: 几周后,另一家荷兰仪器制造商,Jacob Metius(英语:Jacob Metius)也申请类似的专利。 User: The Middle column is the balance and synthesis between these opposing tendencies. Assistant: 中间一列是这两个对立趋势的的平衡与综合。 User: Shortly after, Algerian pirates hijacked three Danish-Norwegian ships and sold the crew into slavery. Assistant: 不久之后,阿尔及利亚海盗劫持了三艘丹麦-挪威船只并将船员卖为奴隶。 User: On September 28, 2010, UP dedicated a specially painted GE ES44AC locomotive, as a tribute to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Assistant: 2010年9月28日,联合太平洋铁路将一台GE ES44AC柴油机车的装甲黄涂装基础上,在机鼻两侧喷涂巨大的粉丝带,以纪念Susan G. Komen乳腺癌基金会。 User: Vivian Sobchack notes that the film's humor and irony rely on the assumption of the audience's historical (self-) consciousness. Assistant: 薇薇安·索布查克指出,影片的幽默和讽刺依赖于观众(自我)意识的假设。 User: The winter training cruise went into the Kattegat from 22 to 30 November. Assistant: 冬季训练巡航于11月22-30日进入卡特加特海峡。 User: Humid subtropical climates lie on the east side of continents, roughly between latitudes 20° and 40° degrees away from the equator. Assistant: 潮湿的亚热带位于大陆东部,大约在距离赤道20-40°纬度范围内。 User: A group of economists and lawyers, who are largely associated with the University of Chicago, advocate an approach to competition law guided by the proposition that some actions that were originally considered to be anticompetitive could actually promote competition. Assistant: 一群经济学家与律师,他们大多与芝加哥大学有关,提倡用来施行竞争法的一种方法,主张某些原始被认为反竞争的行动实际上会促进竞争。 User: The commissions conduct general reviews of electoral boundaries once every 8 to 12 years, and interim reviews. Assistant: 边界委员会大约每8至12年就会对所以选区边界进行一次全面性评估,而中期评估亦会按时进行。 User: McCarthy, newly married to Jean Kerr, cut short his honeymoon to open the investigation. Assistant: 虽然刚刚与吉恩·克尔新婚,麦卡锡为了着手调查将蜜月假期缩短。 User: In 1923, Chicago voters elected a new mayor, William Dever, who proceeded to crack down on Torrio, the Capone brothers, and their South Side Gang. Assistant: 1923年,芝加哥选民推选了新的市长威廉·丹佛(英语:William Emmett Dever),他接下来镇压托里奥、卡彭兄弟和他们的南边帮。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Gutenberg is one of the five castles of the principality and one of two that have survived preserved until the present day. Assistant: 古滕堡城堡是列支敦士登的五座城堡之一,也是保存至今的两座城堡之一。 User: After investigating the complaints further, BioWare released a statement acknowledging that "on some standard definition TVs the smallest text in Mass Effect 2 can be difficult to read", and concluded that they were unable to resolve it through a title update. Assistant: 经过进一步调查,BioWare发表声明承认“在一些标准清晰度电视上,《质量效应2》中的最小文本可能难以阅读”,并表示他们无法通过游戏更新来解决此问题。 User: Third edition, June 2004. Assistant: 新事通讯,2004年6月号。 User: When the news spread of Henry's death, the citizens of Pavia revolted, destroying the imperial palace, which dated to the Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great during the 5th century. Assistant: 当亨利的死讯传到帕维亚时,帕维亚的居民发动了起义,摧毁了那里的皇宫,这是5世纪东哥特王国国王狄奥多里克大帝 建造的。 User: David Luiz was systematically trying to injure James Rodríguez by fouling him six times and the ref never once pulled out a card. Assistant: 大卫·路易斯意图用六次犯规伤害哈梅斯·罗德里格斯,但裁判从未投出一张卡。 User: The lawmakers claim there is no evidence to suggest the Japanese military was directly involved in coercing the women. Assistant: 议员表示,没有政府表明日本军队曾直接强迫妇女。 User: He was subsequently barred from entry to his office by the United States Federal Protective Service, which handles security at federal facilities. Assistant: 他后来前往以安全为由被联邦警卫局封锁的事发区域。 User: Madagascar's economy quickly deteriorated as exports fell, industrial production dropped by 75 percent, inflation spiked and government debt increased; the rural population was soon reduced to living at subsistence levels. Assistant: 随着出口量下降,马达加斯加的经济迅速恶化,工业产值下跌75个百分点,通货膨胀和国债规模飙升,农村人口的生活水平很快降至仅能维持生存的程度,全国出口收入中有过半花费在债务还本付息上。 User: It is one of the five continental bodies under the flag of the Badminton World Federation (BWF). Assistant: 它是羽毛球世界联合会(BWF)旗下的5个大洲联合会之一。 User: They can be serviced or replaced from below, without needing to take out the entire axle. Assistant: 它可以从下方被直接替换而无需拆除空心轴。 User: The density (3.62 g/cm3) is again intermediate between those of strontium (2.36 g/cm3) and radium (≈5 g/cm3). Assistant: 它的密度(3.62 g·cm−3)仍然在锶的(2.36 g·cm−3)和镭的(~5 g·cm−3)之间。 User: The Greek Macedonian population is mixed, with other indigenous groups and with a large influx of Greek refugees descending from Asia Minor, Pontic Greeks, and East Thracian Greeks in the early 20th century. Assistant: 希腊马其顿人人口混杂,与其他土著部族,以及希腊难民(来自小亚细亚)、旁狄希腊人(英语:Pontic_Greeks)和东色雷斯(英语:East_Thrace)希腊人在20世纪初大量涌入。 User: At the last minute into a light-emitting diode display Two International Finance Centre countdown clock on the external walls prior to 1 January 2011 1. Assistant: 于踏入2011年1月1日前的最后一分钟由国际金融中心二期外墙上的发光二极管显示倒数钟。 User: Models 73 and 74 are taller, full-sized frames, whereas the 75 retains the compact frame of the other models. Assistant: 73型和74型具有较高、全尺寸的底把,而75型则保留了其他型号的紧凑型底把。 User: Communications equipment and the cockpit are on the upper deck. Assistant: 驾驶舱的通信设备设于上层。 User: When Violet Kellty, who had an undiagnosed stroke, dies in her isolated cabin in the North Carolina mountains, Dr. Jerome "Jerry" Lovell, the town doctor, finds a terrified young woman hiding in the house rafters. Assistant: 一位名叫维欧莉特·凯尔提的中风女病人在北卡罗莱纳州的森林中去世,附近镇上的医生杰利·洛威尔(连姆·尼森饰)在她位于林中的一个木屋子里找到了一个吓坏了的女子(朱迪·福斯特饰)。 User: If they could kill us all, they would gladly do it. Assistant: 如果他们能杀死我们全部,他们很乐意这样做。 User: He is considered to be the founder of Baltic philology. Assistant: 他被认为是西方哲学的奠基者。 User: In addition, Nanyuan Airport was lacking in radio beacons, forcing the crew to rely on a commercial broadcasting station to navigate. Assistant: 此外,南苑机场缺乏无线电信标,迫使机组人员依赖商业广播电台进行导航。 User: The Tale of Benjamin Bunny is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, and first published by Frederick Warne & Co. in September 1904. Assistant: 《小兔本杰明的故事》(The Tale of Benjamin Bunny)是一本由碧雅翠丝·波特(Beatrix Potter)撰写的童书,最早是在1904年9月由Frederick Warne & Co.出版社发行。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Furthermore, units in the area were depleted after months of fighting, especially those which took part in the fighting in Stalingrad. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:加上该战区经过数个月的激战后,德国部队,特别是在斯大林格勒城内作战的部队消耗甚巨。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In 2015, she became the judge and mentor of The Voice Australia. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2015年她成为澳大利亚好声音(英语:The Voice Australia)的评委和导师。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Verbally and physically harassed by several white prison wardens, the Rivonia Trial prisoners spent their days breaking rocks into gravel, until being reassigned in January 1965 to work in a lime quarry. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 经利弗尼亚审判的囚徒遭几名白人典狱官的辱骂和体罚,日复一日负责把大石凿成碎石,直至1965年1月被调至石灰矿场干活。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In such cases, statistical methods should be used. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 对此,需要使用统计学分析方法。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The NWDR announced plans to begin a regular television service from Hamburg starting with Christmas 1952. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:西北德国广播随后宣布将在1952年圣诞节前后开始从汉堡正式开始电视广播。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The legation guards were insisted upon, and, as speedily as possible, they were provided from the war-ships of the several powers, and quartered in Peking. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 使馆护卫坚持尽可能快地经由列国战船提供,驻扎北京。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Gancwajch and surviving members of the group later re-emerged posing as Jewish underground fighters, though in reality they were hunting for Poles hiding or otherwise supporting the Jews. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 甘茨瓦伊什和小组的幸存成员后来重新出现,他们冒充犹太地下战士,搜寻协助藏匿犹太人或以其他方式援助犹太人的波兰人。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The hurricane soon began to weaken as deep convection diminished and the eye disappeared on satellite imagery. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 飓风很快开始减弱,其中的深层对流开始消退,卫星图片上的风眼也逐渐消失。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a free and open source game, it has not received as much attention from mainstream review sites, but many niche game sites as well as open source game review sites have discussed it, averaging between 7 and 8 out of 10. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 作为免费开源软件,游戏没有获得主流评论网站的太多关注,但许多相关站点站点和开源游戏评论站评论了游戏,并给予其7到8分。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The M80 Zolja is still produced in Serbia and in the Republic of Macedonia. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: M80“黄蜂”仍然在塞尔维亚和马其顿共和国生产。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, the Maya did also exert a widespread influence over neighboring contemporary cultures, one which was significant and not to be overlooked. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过,玛雅在其周边地区同一时代的文化中确实发挥了影响作用,这一点是显著的并且不能被忽视。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 If necessary, they return to the weighbridge for re-weighing without their load. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 如需转乘,应在美孚站转乘以免缴付再入闸费用。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:After Bartholdi had made the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1886, the mayor of Bordeaux contacted him, but his new project was canceled after much hesitation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1886年巴特勒迪完成纽约的自由女神像后,波尔多市长联系他,但是他在几经犹豫后还是取消。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:One month later, he sustained a shin injury which resulted in a fifteen-game absence. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一个月后,米斯经历了胫骨受伤,导致他缺席了15场赛事。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Some tentative evidence indicates fecal microbiota transplantation and probiotics may decrease the risk of recurrence. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一些临床试验的结果显示粪便微生物移植和益生菌可能可以减少复发的机会。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Logical psychologism is a position in logic (or the philosophy of logic) according to which logical laws and mathematical laws are grounded in, derived from, explained or exhausted by psychological facts or laws. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:逻辑心理主义是一种逻辑学(或逻辑哲学)的立场,认为逻辑法则和数学法则都奠基于、衍生于心理事实或法则,或从中得到彻底解释。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: ‹ The template Infobox NRHP is being considered for merging. › 240 Centre Street, formerly the New York City Police Headquarters building, between Broome and Grand Streets in the Nolita neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, was built in 1905-1909, and was designed by the firm of Hoppin & Koen. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 中央街240号(240 Centre Street)原为“纽约市警察总部”大楼(New York City Police Headquarters),位于美国纽约市曼哈顿,介于布隆街(Broome Street)与格兰街(Grand Street)之间,建于1905-1909年,由Hoppin&Koen公司设计。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Lithuanian historians note that fierce resistance by the Prussians won time for the young Lithuanian state to mature and strengthen so it could withstand the hundred-year crusade, culminating in the 1410 Battle of Grunwald, with minimal territorial losses. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 立陶宛历史学家指出,是普鲁士的激烈抵抗为新生的立陶宛国家赢得时间,使其得以成熟并稳固根基,并因此才能以最小的领土损失的代价,经受住百年的十字军,在格伦瓦德之战国力达到巅峰。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Little Universe". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:小宇宙》。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Long Description continues for as many lines as desired and may contain HTML markup for display formatting. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 而长描述则以任意多行继续,而且可以包含 用于格式化显示的 HTML 标记。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 And structural explanations can be tested and refuted. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 而且结构解释可以被测试与驳斥。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The station started construction on February 26, 2013 and was opened on August 18, 2017. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:该站于2013年2月26日动工兴建,2017年8月18日开通。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Kevin Connolly (born March 5, 1974) is an American actor and director. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 凯文·康诺利(英语:Kevin Connolly,1974年3月5日-)是一位美国演员和导演。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The museum can be reached via public or private transport. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 美术馆的定义可分为公开和私人性质。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Spain have sent out two aircraft containing 15 tonnes of aid material for the victims. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 飞机搭载了15吨的测试设备以及2立方米用作压舱物的水。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At one point in the game, players may evolve their base class talent into one of two specializations, which depend on the class chosen by the player. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在游戏中的某个时刻,玩家可以将他们的基础能力转化为两种专业能力中的一种,这取决于玩家选择的职业。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: To increase their chances of finding the wreck, the team employed a much more capable sonar device, the Scripps Deep Tow. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 为了增加他们发现泰坦尼克号残骸的机会,小队雇用了一件能力更强的声纳设施"Scripps Deep Tow"号。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While self-contradictions in these stories make an absolute timeline impossible, an approximate chronology may be discerned. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 由于这些故事中的一些自身矛盾使人无法得到一条完全的时间线,因此只能从中看出一部粗略的编年史。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The firm built a reputation in private sector urban regeneration, renovating old houses and factories to accommodate modern uses. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:事务所在私人投资的城市再生项目中建立了良好声誉,这些项目将旧房屋和工厂翻新,使之满足现代发展的需求。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On Thursday, August 1, 1974, Chief of Staff Alexander Haig contacted Ford to tell him that "smoking gun" evidence had been found. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1974年8月1日尼克松的顾问团首领亚历山大·黑格告诉福特说“机关”线索被找到了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Philippine political parties are typically very cautious about supporting gay rights, as most fall along the social conservative political spectrum. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 菲律宾政党通常对于支持同性恋权利非常谨慎,因为他们大多数处于社会保守的政治谱系。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He noted that he had submitted the first draft of the song to the National Day Parade song committee, which had returned it with several changes. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他指出,他提交了第一次草案的歌曲的国庆日的阅兵歌曲的委员会,该委员会已恢复它与一些变化。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A First Day Cover was also issued on the same day. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而首部预告片也在是日推出。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In a May 2012 interview with Eurogamer, the developers of Football Manager stated that the ratio of pirated players vs legitimate players was 9:1 for their game Football Manager Handheld. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在2012年5月的《Eurogamer》的访问中,《足球经理系列》的开发者表示,在他们的游戏“掌上足球经理”上,盗版玩家与合法玩家的比例为9:1。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Meanwhile, some passengers had boarded the larger Twin Otter. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 与此同时,一部分乘客已经登上了稍大的双水獭飞机。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The service includes account management and allows purchasing service before the flight using the product web site. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该服务有帐户管理功能,允许在产品网站上提前购买服务。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Arlington National Cemetery has a Canadian Cross of Sacrifice with the names of all the citizens of the USA who lost their lives fighting in the Canadian forces during the Korean War and two World Wars. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 阿灵顿国家公墓有一个加拿大的救赎十字架,上面刻有所有于朝鲜战争及两次世界大战中,属加拿大势力并奋战而死的美国公民的名字。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After less than a minute, they were escorted outside the building by guards. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在不到一分钟的时间后,她们被大楼外的警卫送出教堂。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Established in April 1982 as Bulletin / South Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, it continued publication until 2003. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:其创刊于1982年4月,当时的名称为《Bulletin / South Australian Carnivorous Plant Society》,该名称一直使用到2003年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Meanwhile Algeria is a close partner of Iran. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:同时,阿尔及利亚是伊朗的密切合作伙伴。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The freedom of press guaranteed in the new constitution also drew much attention to the brutal working conditions in Guatemala City. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:新宪法所保障的新闻自由也让大众注意到危地马拉市残酷的劳动条件。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Returning to New York City, he moved in with artist and A∴A∴ member Leon Engers Kennedy in May, learning of his mother's death. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 回到纽约后,他得知了自己母亲的死讯,并在5月时与A.'.A.'.的成员、艺术家里昂·恩格·肯尼迪生活在一起。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:As S increases with respect to ≥, the points xS in the net are constrained to lie in decreasing neighbourhoods of x, so intuitively speaking, we are led to the idea that xS must tend towards x in some sense. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 当S对≥而言为增加时,网内的点sS会被限制在x的递减邻域内,直观地说,这使得xS在某些意义上时必须趋向x。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A 2008 report by the United States National Research Council identified urban runoff as a leading source of water quality problems. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 美国美国国家科学研究委员会在2008年的报告指出,城市径流是水质污染的主要原因。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Whereas; his daughters have almost no inclination towards their father’s teachings and ultimately turns out to be rebellious against him. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 及免丧,其父以其幼少无子,欲嫁之,誓不许。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:December 16 — MicroProse releases Civilization. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 12月16日,MicroProse(英语:MicroProse)制作了《文明》。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In the games, Master Chief rarely speaks during player-controlled gameplay, making him an almost silent protagonist. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在游戏过程中,士官长从不会在玩家控制的游戏中说话,使他成为一名几乎沉默的主角。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 However, in October 2002 (following the introduction of Creative Suite branding), each new version of Photoshop was designated with "CS" plus a number; e.g., the eighth major version of Photoshop was Photoshop CS and the ninth was Photoshop CS2. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但是,在2002年10月,随着Creative Suite品牌的推出,Photoshop的每个新版本都被指定为“CS”加上一个数字; 例如,Photoshop的第八个主要版本是Photoshop CS,第九个主要版本是Photoshop CS2。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Another possibility is establishing the UNPA as a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 另一种可能建立联合国议会大会作为联合国委大会的附属机构。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The attempt to detect a tachyon from the future (and violate causality) would actually create the same tachyon and send it forward in time (which is causal). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:从未来试图要去侦测快子(并导致违反因果律)将会导致产生相同的快子,并且将它向时间前进的方向送出(因而使因果律正确)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Beef was generally more expensive and would at most have been available once or twice a week, and then mostly for the royalty. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 牛肉普遍比较昂贵,大部分是供应给皇家食用,一般家庭每周最多只能吃一至两次。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They both represent the characteristics of the Winter Games, including "Snow and Ice". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:它们是象征著冬季奥运会项目中最不可缺少的两种元素——雪和冰。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The company also owns the US company Future US. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 公司在美国也设有分部Future US。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In 1993, Private Law status was established. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1993年,成立法律系。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:During its early years, the foundation operated in Michigan under the leadership of Ford family members and their associates and supported the Henry Ford Hospital and the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, among other organizations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在其早期,福特基金会在密歇根州福特家庭成员和他们的同事的领导下运行,基金会支持亨利福特医院、亨利福特博物馆和格林菲尔德村,以及其他组织。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This drama is about a pure man who accepts a dangerous destiny for the woman he loves. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此剧讲述为了心爱的女人而甘心接受危险命运的纯情派男人秀浩的故事。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The same applies to machines and equipment in automation engineering. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:还有一些社团和组织投身于工程管理领域。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Rowling's youngest child, daughter Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, to whom she dedicated Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was born on 23 January 2005. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 罗琳最小的女儿麦肯基·珍·罗琳·莫瑞(Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray)在她专注于写作《混血王子的背叛》时出生,那时是2005年1月23日。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He left China in 1953, when his passport had expired, and returned to the United States by way of the Soviet Union and Europe. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他于1953年离开中国时护照已经过期,通过苏联和欧洲返回美国。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Since some ionizing radiation can penetrate matter, they are used for a variety of measuring methods. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 因为一些电离辐射可以穿透物质,它们被用于许多的测量方法。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Graphing support in Origin includes various 2D/3D plot types. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Origin支持各种各样的2D/3D图形。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 IGN praised the length of the campaign as well as the combat system. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: IGN赞扬游戏长度以及战斗系统。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Cato Institute advocates policies that advance "individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 依据研究所的格言,卡托研究所支持的是那些可以促进“个人自由、小政府、自由市场、以及和平”的政策。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Jeffrey Kluger (born 1954) is a senior writer at Time magazine and author of nine books on various topics, such as The Narcissist Next Door (2014); Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio (2005); The Sibling Effect (2011); and Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13 (1994). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 杰弗里·克鲁格(英语:Jeffrey Kluger,1954年-)是《时代》杂志的资深作家,撰写了九本关于各种主题的书;如《隔壁的自恋者》(2004年)、《辉煌的解决方案:乔纳斯·索克与小儿麻痹症的征服》(2005年)、《兄弟姐妹效应》(2011年)和《失落的月亮:阿波罗13号的危险航行》(1994年)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Avogadro constant is named after the early 19th-century Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro, who, in 1811, first proposed that the volume of a gas (at a given pressure and temperature) is proportional to the number of atoms or molecules regardless of the nature of the gas. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 阿佛加德罗数及其定义已被阿佛加德罗常数取代, 阿佛加德罗常数以19世纪初期的意大利化学家阿莫迪欧·阿佛加德罗命名,在1811年他率先提出,气体的体积(在某温度与压力下)与所含的分子或原子数量成正比,与该气体的性质无关。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Kurdish political party HDP announced that the attack had been carried out against the wedding of their party members. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 库尔德政党人民民主党宣布,袭击是针对他们的党员婚礼。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Agriculture in Singapore became heavily reduced as early as 1987. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 早在1987年,新加坡的农业就大幅度减少。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to the Algerian Constitution of 1963, Article 75. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据1963年《阿尔及利亚宪法》第75条。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Vehib Pasha, commander of the Ottoman Third Army, called those members of the Special Organization the "butchers of the human species". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 奥斯曼第三军团司令韦希布·帕夏曾称“特别组织”的成员是“人类的屠夫”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However the Naval Aviation Museum near the airport is a popular tourist spot and is one of three such museums in India. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 机场附近的海军航空博物馆是一个比较受欢迎的旅游景点,印度有三个这样的博物馆。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They aid the photographer in low light. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 投球员在灯光下获得帮助。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Ms. Delcati: Enrico's previous grade teacher, she now teaches his little brother. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 代尔卡谛(Delcati):安利柯的上一年级女老师,现在教他的弟弟。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These usually end their life as a type II supernova. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:该星会以II型超新星结束生命。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The latter was transformed into the "electronica-inspired" "Russian Unicorn", which Bublé himself praised as his "new favorite song" and "one of the coolest things I've ever seen". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 最后一首歌被改变成Russian Unicorn,而麦可·布雷称赞道这是他“新的最喜欢的歌”,并且说“这是我见过的最酷的东西了”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In order to obtain it they must sign a statement proving they are Bulgarian by origin, effectively not recognizing their rights as a minority. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 为了得到保加利亚国籍,申请者们必须签署一份声明以证明他们是保加利亚出身,实际上否认了其少数民族的权利。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Texcoco has been called "the Athens of the Western World"—to quote the historian Lorenzo Boturini Bernaducci. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 当时的特斯科科被史学家洛伦索·波图里尼·贝尔纳杜奇(英语:Lorenzo Boturini Bernaducci)称为“西部世界的雅典”。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: During the 2000s, the foreign ministry warned that the increasing influence of the EU would further isolate Israel in global affairs. Assistant: 2000年代时,以色列外交部警告称欧盟日益增长的影响力将以色列进一步孤立在全球事务中。 User: Football Night in America—Renewed for an eighth season on August 19, 2009. Assistant: Football Night in America—2009年8月19日官方宣布续订第八季。 User: In his book Life on Mars, Schiaparelli wrote: "Rather than true channels in a form familiar to us, we must imagine depressions in the soil that are not very deep, extended in a straight direction for thousands of miles, over a width of 100, 200 kilometers and maybe more. Assistant: 斯基亚帕雷利在他的著作《Life on Mars》中写下:“火星上的水道并非我们平常所认知的型态,我们必须想像在土壤的沉陷并不深,并且这样的水道延伸数千公里,且水道宽度达100或200公里,甚至更宽。 User: Had he been more successful in all his ventures, he would have controlled not only the most productive farmland around the Eastern Mediterranean and Adriatic seas, but also the entire trading facilities of the area. Assistant: 这比他所有的行动都更为成功,他不仅控制了东地中海以及亚得里亚海沿岸绝大部分肥沃的农田,而且还掌控了这一地区的全部贸易活动。 User: He is the son of former professional basketball coach and former NBA player Jaren Jackson. Assistant: 杰克森是前职业篮球教练和前NBA球员老杰伦·杰克森的儿子。 User: Acceptable daily intake or ADI is a measure of the amount of a specific substance (originally applied for a food additive, later also for a residue of a veterinary drug or pesticide) in food or drinking water that can be ingested (orally) on a daily basis over a lifetime without an appreciable health risk. Assistant: 一日可接受摄取量 或 ADI 是衡量食物或饮用水中特定物质(最初适用于食品添加剂,后来也适用于兽药或农药残留物)的量的量度,衡量每天不影响健康下可摄入食物及饮用水量。 User: It is the only site for liver, pancreas and pancreatic islet cell transplantation and one of two sites for kidney transplantation in Scotland. Assistant: 这里也是苏格兰唯一一个肝脏、胰腺、胰岛细胞移植中心以及苏格兰的两个肾移植中心中的一个。 User: Karl Harris, 34, English motorcycle racer, race collision. Assistant: 卡尔·哈里斯(Karl Harris),34岁,英国摩托车赛车手,比赛事故。 User: Future research also includes new varieties of expressions that the Internet and its various technologies are constantly producing and their effects not only on written languages but also their spoken forms. Assistant: 进一步的研究显示,互联网及其相关技术在不断创造着新的语句的表达方式,并且这些新的形式不仅仅在书面语上有所体现,人们也同样在口语表达中观察到了这些变化带来的影响。 User: In 1934 he was awarded an Order of the Republic medal by his namesake Niceto Alcalá-Zamora, president of the Second Spanish Republic, but during the Spanish Civil War he was exploited by Nationalist propagandists and he played in a benefit game for their cause. Assistant: 1934年,他被与他同名的西班牙第二共和国总统尼塞托·阿尔卡拉-萨莫拉颁发共和国勋章,但在西班牙内战中他被利用了作为民族主义的宣传员,指他在一个利益博弈的世界中发挥自己的事业。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Working in a fixed basis, ω can be represented by a matrix. Assistant: 取定一组基,ω 能表示为一个矩阵。 User: The CPU's memory management unit (MMU) stores a cache of recently used mappings from the operating system's page table. Assistant: CPU的内存管理单元(memory management unit MMU)存储最近用过的映射缓存,来自操作系统分页表。 User: On 1 July, Rupert outmanoeuvred the Covenanters and Parliamentarians to relieve the city. Assistant: 7月1日,鲁珀特用计挫败苏格兰人与议会派联盟,解围了城市。 User: Later, most countries (and scientific journals) adopted the Declaration of Helsinki. Assistant: 不久,许多国家(和科学机构)接收了《赫尔辛基宣言》。 User: Despite the film being a hit, Hughes remains unsatisfied with the end result and orders the film to be recut after its Hollywood premiere. Assistant: 尽管电影受欢迎,晓治仍然不满意最终的结果,并命令要在好莱坞首映之后重新剪接电影。 User: He is best known for his roles in the acclaimed film American Sniper and the Fifty Shades film series. Assistant: 他最出名是演出电影《美国狙击手》和《格雷的五十道色戒》系列。 User: The Israeli government was said to be mulling retaliation, by a number of diplomatic and financial moves, against a number of nations which had sponsored or supported the resolution. Assistant: 以色列政府称,他们正在考虑用一系列的外交和经济手段来报复赞同这项决议的国家。 User: Upon examination of both female and male stomach matter, Lahanas found a distinction of food material percentages. Assistant: 而检查完雌性和雄性的肚子后,Lahanas发现两性进食植物名动物的百分比的分别。 User: National symbols of the United States are the symbols used to represent the United States of America. Assistant: 美国国家象征(英语:National Symbols of the United States)指的是那些常常被使用作为美利坚合众国象征的事物。 User: After the reorganization of Prague Polytechnic in 1920, the School of Chemical Technology was formed as one of seven sections of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Assistant: 1920年布拉格理工重组后,化学技术学院成为布拉格捷克理工大学的七个学院之一。 User: The traditional restaurant consists of several baroque halls, offering small traditional Viennese delicacies to grand gala buffets. Assistant: 传统的餐厅包括好几个巴洛克大厅,提供传统的维也纳美食。 User: UMLS further provides facilities for natural language processing. Assistant: UMLS还进一步提供有若干适用于自然语言处理的工具。 User: Barber, Barrie. Assistant: 巴里,Barri。 User: An extraordinary commission was appointed: Vergniaud wrote and read its recommendations for National Convention to be formed, the king be provisionally suspended from office, a governor appointed for his son, and the royal family be consigned to the Palais Luxembourg. Assistant: 任命组成一个特别委员会:韦尼奥起草并宣读其建议,普选组成国民公会,国王被暂时停职,总督委任给他的儿子和王室寄住在卢森堡宫。 User: As Bill and I talked, we realized that these wings would get cumbersome when Bat-Man was in action and changed them into a cape, scalloped to look like bat wings when he was fighting or swinging down on a rope. Assistant: 在比尔和我讨论后,我们意识到,当蝙蝠人在行动的时候,这些翅膀会变得很笨重,我们把它重新设计成带条纹的斗篷,当他在战斗或在绳子上荡来荡去的时候看起来就像蝙蝠的翅膀。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: I cannot tolerate this uncertainty, I can think of nothing but that I am madly in love. Assistant: 我不能容忍这种不确定性,我能想到的只有我疯狂的爱。 User: While one dose is often all that is required for lifelong protection, often two doses are given. Assistant: 虽然单一剂量通常能达到终身保护的效果,但通常会给予双剂量。 User: For example, to make a sandwich, the player would first be required to chop a cucumber into slices before the time limit elapses. Assistant: 举例来说,制作一个三明治,玩家首先必须在时间内将小黄瓜切片。 User: Jorge Antonio Pacheco Albert, Director of Civil Protection for the Port of Acapulco, reported that approximately 800 were injured during the passage of Henriette along the coast and that 337 people relocated to temporary shelters. Assistant: 阿卡普尔科港民防部门负责人豪尔赫·安东尼奥·帕切科·阿尔伯特(Jorge Antonio Pacheco Albert表示,亨丽埃特在海上经过期间,海岸沿线有约800人受伤,另有337人迁至临时避难所。 User: Seven models of masking. Assistant: 七者著弊纳衣。 User: His father told him that if he and his brother David chopped down all the small dead chestnut trees along the edge of their field, he could sell the wood to a tannery. Assistant: 他的父亲当时跟多克说,如果多克和他兄弟大卫能把农场里所有枯萎的小板栗树都砍掉,他们父亲就能帮他们把这些木头卖给皮革厂换钱。 User: The English Passenger Vessels Act of 1803, which regulated travel conditions aboard ships, attempted to make transportation more expensive in order to stop emigration. Assistant: 英国1803年旅行船只法案对船上的旅行环境进行了规范,试图使得运输变得更加昂贵以限制移民。 User: Those grand princes' title and position was at the time usually translated as king. Assistant: 在当时,这些大亲王的头衔以及爵位通常会被翻译为“国王”(英语:King)。 User: Although electric lighting has phased out candles in many parts of the world, candlesticks and candelabra are still used in some Western countries homes as a decorative element or to add atmosphere on special occasions. Assistant: 虽然电力照明已经淘汰了世界上许多地方的蜡烛,但烛台和枝状大烛台仍在西方的一些家庭作为装饰元素使用,或者在特殊场合用于增添气氛。 User: No descendants. Assistant: 不降之子。 User: Through the Guardianship of Infants Act in 1886, women could be made the sole guardian of their children if their husband died. Assistant: 1886年的儿童监护人法令(Guardianship of Infants Act)通过后,女性可以在丈夫逝世后成为儿女的单独监护人。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: After the war, the Order was almost extinct and the surviving members splintered into competing factions. Assistant: 战争结束后,会团已几近灭亡,少数幸存的成员还分成两派相互竞争。 User: Energy consumption figures for a standard workload may make it easier to judge the effect of an improvement in energy efficiency. Assistant: 标准工作负荷的能耗数据可能会更容易判断电效率。 User: 1st Comte. Assistant: 加爵一等。 User: This theoretical framework assumes that "voiced stops" in PIE were actually voiceless to begin with, so that the second phase did not actually exist as such, or was not actually devoicing but a loss of some other articulatory feature such as glottalization or ejectiveness. Assistant: 这个理论假设PIE的“浊塞音”原本应该是清的,所以第二阶段并不是浊塞音变清塞音,而是丢失了其他某种音节特征例如声门化或挤喉。 User: With the collapse of Roman rule in the early 5th century, London ceased to be a capital, and the walled city of Londinium was effectively abandoned, although Roman civilisation continued in the area of St Martin-in-the-Fields until around 450. Assistant: 5世纪初罗马统治崩溃,伦敦不再为首府,伦蒂尼恩城也几乎被遗弃,虽然罗马文明在今圣马田教堂附近地区持续存在直至约450年。 User: While in port in Kiel, the old pre-dreadnought Hannover accidentally collided with Kaiser, though neither ship was seriously damaged. Assistant: 而在基尔的港口,前无畏舰汉诺威号意外与皇帝号相撞,但两艘舰只均无严重损害。 User: At some point, Curry had a disagreement with Sinclair and formally left Science of Cambridge, but did not join the other Acorn employees at Market Hill until a little while later. Assistant: 与此同时,Curry与Sinclair产生了分岐并正式离开了Science of Cambridge,但他并没并没有立即加入CPU,而是在稍晚才成为CPU的雇员。 User: In 1969, Smith participated in the Stonewall riots. Assistant: 1969年,史密斯参加了石墙暴动。 User: The Teredo server de-capsulates the ping onto the IPv6 Internet, so that the ping should eventually reach the IPv6 node. Assistant: Teredo服务器解开封装并将ping传往IPv6互联网,使ping最终抵达IPv6节点。 User: Two of the six express lines (Routes 60 and 110) only operate during the morning and evening weekday commute periods. Assistant: 六条快速路线中的三条(60,110,和950路线)仅在早上和傍晚的平日通勤期间运行。 User: In Paris on 18 August 1662, Pascal went into convulsions and received extreme unction. Assistant: 1662年8月18日的巴黎,帕斯卡开始抽搐且进入了临终。 User: EUROCAE ED-120 (RTCA DO-290) is the safety and performance requirements (SPR) for continental airspace and should be consulted for the safety objectives relevant to the use of CPDLC in continental airspace. Assistant: EUROCAE(英语:EUROCAE) ED-120(RTCA DO-290)是用于陆上空域的安全和性能要求(SPR),并应磋商与在陆上空域使用CPDLC相关的安全目标。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: From the autumn of 1605 until 1609, Scheiner studied theology in Ingolstadt. Assistant: 从1605年到1609年秋天,沙伊纳在因戈尔施塔特钻读神学。 User: He did, however, support Morton's (and Lincoln's) war policies and considered himself a War Democrat. Assistant: 不过,他支持莫顿和林肯的战争政策,自认属主战派民主党人。 User: Here are some examples: Fighting: In a fight, touch may be used to challenge an opponent and to coordinate movements during the fight. Assistant: 举例如下: 打斗:在打斗中,触摸可用于挑衅对手或是协调身体动作,打斗的落败者也会用触摸表示屈服。 User: In 1969, 145 years after Byron's death, a memorial to him was finally placed in Westminster Abbey. Assistant: 在拜伦死去145年后的1969年,另一座拜伦的雕像才放入西敏寺。 User: There was also a Tomcat Tritium version with tritium night sights called the "Alley Cat". Assistant: 还有一款装有氚光夜间瞄准具的氚光“雄猫”版本,被命名为“野猫”式(Alley Cat)。 User: In Delaware County, flooding was reporting along the Chester Creek. Assistant: 特拉华县的切斯特溪(Chester Creek)沿线发生洪灾。 User: There are two racewalking distances contested at the Summer Olympics: the 20 kilometres race walk (men and women) and 50 kilometres race walk (men only). Assistant: 竞走在夏季奥林匹克运动会当中为田径项目之一,其中只有20公里竞走(男子与女子组)以及50公里竞走(只有男子组)。 User: Brus was born in 1921 into a Jewish family in Płock in the Second Polish Republic. Assistant: 布鲁斯1921年出生在波兰第二共和国普沃茨克的犹太人家庭。 User: Little was recorded of Cabot's first voyage. Assistant: 关于卡博托第一次远航的记载很少。 User: It was a quick session – around 10 minutes or so – but I felt great afterwards. Assistant: 这是一个很快的过程,大约10分钟,之后我感觉好极了。 User: He formed a cabinet including 4 center-right ministers. Assistant: 他组建内阁任用4个中间偏右的部长。 User: Eventually, the Head of the Fire Department calms down enough to ask him what is happening. Assistant: 最终,消防部门负责人要大家冷静下来,问他发生了什么事。 User: The persecution and violence against the Chinese in Mexico finally culminated in 1931, with the expulsion of the remaining Chinese from Sonora. Assistant: 针对在墨西哥华人的迫害与暴力行为最终在1931年达到高潮,这其中包括剩余的华人从索诺拉被驱逐出境。 User: This marks the beginning of the Thirteenth Generation. Assistant: 这标志了十三年战争的开始。 User: This is known as the Age of the Sturlungs. Assistant: 这个时代被称为绳文时代。 User: Gameloft released a handheld version for Apple's iOS on May 27, 2010. Assistant: Gameloft于2010年5月27日发行了适用iOS系统的版本。 User: When movement on the other flank was halted by the enemy's fanatical defense, Capt. Foley moved to personally direct this critical phase of the battle. Assistant: 当另一侧的攻击势头被敌军阻止之时,弗利上尉又亲自过来指挥这一侧的战斗。 User: SODIS bags with a water layer of approximately 1 cm to 6 cm reach higher temperatures more easily than SODIS bottles, and treat Vibrio cholerae more effectively. Assistant: 水层大约1厘米至6厘米的SODIS袋比SODIS瓶更容易达到更高的温度,更有效地治疗霍乱弧菌。 User: Some researchers have argued that the Olmec civilization came into existence with the help of Chinese refugees, particularly at the end of the Shang dynasty. Assistant: 一些研究者主张,奥尔梅克文明的存在是因为得到了中国难民的帮助,尤其是商朝末年的中国难民。 User: However, Britain and her allies' goal of restoring the French Bourbon monarchy in the Treaty of Paris and the subsequent Congress of Vienna, which sought to prevent further revolutions in Europe, ultimately failed with the later Revolutions of 1848. Assistant: 反法同盟在巴黎条约和维也纳会议上恢复法国波旁王朝的统治,并试图阻止欧洲的进一步革命,但这种企图随着1848年革命的爆发而落空。 User: From then till the death of the last king in 1474, the kingship was held exclusively by the Ó Conchobair's. Assistant: 从那时起直到1474年最后一位国王去世,王权完全掌握在Ó Conchobair's王室中。 User: The company established ties with more video game developers and would go on to publish several games for fourth, fifth, and sixth generation game consoles. Assistant: 公司继续与电子游戏开发商建立关系,并在第四、第五和第六游戏机世代发行了多部游戏。 User: Thus, an electric car that derives its power from an on-board battery pack is a form of battery electric vehicle (BEV). Assistant: 如果电力来源是电池,而电池的能量来自外部电源,这就是纯电动车或电池电动车(BEV)。 User: In the 1920s the laws were widely disregarded, and tax revenues were lost. Assistant: 在1920年代,该法律被广泛忽视,并且损失了税收收入。 User: Democratic peace is a statistical artifact. Assistant: 民主和平论是人造的统计结果。 User: The current solar cycle is currently the subject of research, as it is not generating sunspots in the expected manner. Assistant: 目前的太阳周期是当前很适当的研究主题,因为它似乎并未如研究所期望的方式生成太阳黑子。 User: Slovakia announces that they will comply with this ruling, recognising marriages performed abroad. Assistant: 斯洛伐克宣布他们将遵守这项裁决,承认在国外注册的同性婚姻。 User: Practical theology consists of several related sub-fields: applied theology (such as missions, evangelism, religious education, pastoral psychology or the psychology of religion), church growth, administration, homiletics, spiritual formation, pastoral theology, spiritual direction, spiritual theology (or ascetical theology), political theology, theology of justice and peace and similar areas. Assistant: 实践神学由一些相关的次级领域组成:应用神学(Applied theology,例如差传、传福音、教牧哲学或宗教哲学)、教会发展、教会管理、传道学、灵性养成、教牧神学、精神指导、精神神学、政治神学、正义和平神学等类似领域。 User: Metro: DPML Metro project develops the next generation of the Merlin Service Platform using the Open Participation Software model. Assistant: Metro:DPML Metro(英语:DPML Metro)项目使用开放式参与软件模型开发下一代Merlin服务平台。 User: Furloughed at the end of the Philadelphia campaign, Scott returned to active service in March 1779 and was ordered to South Carolina to assist General Benjamin Lincoln in the southern theater. Assistant: 费城战役接近尾声之际,斯科特开始休假,再于1779年3月重返部队,受命前往南卡罗莱纳协助南方战场的本杰明·林肯少将。 User: Although Iron Man is not immediately under suspicion, Stark is forced to hand the armor over to the authorities. Assistant: 虽然钢铁人一开始并没有成为怀疑的对象,史塔克仍被迫交出动力装甲给有关当局。 User: Each facility is situated in semi-mountainous, bowl-shaped terrain to help shield against radio frequency interference. Assistant: 每个设施皆位于半山腰、碗状地形,以帮助阻挡无线电波干扰。 User: The scene was filmed in a period of three days, and took approximately twelve takes to complete. Assistant: 这场戏花了三天拍完,一共拍了约12次才算完成。 User: I am teaching her chess. Assistant: 我顾无学其犹洟唾。 User: Ramanuja renounced his married life, and became a Hindu monk. Assistant: 杜勒西达斯结婚之后抛弃妻子,出家为印度教僧人。 User: These included E.T. taking a bath, and Gertie telling Mary that Elliott went to the forest on Halloween. Assistant: 还增加了一些原版中没有包含的镜头,如E.T.洗澡,还有格蒂告诉妈妈说埃利奥特在万圣节当晚去了树林等。 User: He also had progressive ideas about Sydney social politics. Assistant: 他对雪梨的社会政治持有进步观点。 User: It would enable Steve to do the music patterns he is famous for. Assistant: 这样,小约翰能够专心从事他所热爱的音乐事业了。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In particular, despite the fact that the Anatolian languages are the earliest-attested IE languages, much of the complexity of the Cowgill–Rix system is absent from them. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:特别是,尽管有着安纳托利亚语是最早的实证了的印欧语的事实,很多 Cowgill-Rix 系统的复杂性在其中缺失。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Some of the game's tracks became mainstays to the Final Fantasy series: the "Prelude", the arpeggio played on the title screen; the "Opening Theme", which is played when the party crosses the bridge early in the game and later referred to as the Final Fantasy theme; and the "Victory Fanfare", which is played after every victorious battle. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一些游戏曲目成为最终幻想系列的基本要素,包括标题界面用琶音演奏的《Prelude》;在游戏开头过桥时播放的背景音乐,后来成为最终幻想主题曲的《Opening Theme》;以及队伍每场战斗胜利后播放的《Victory Fanfare》。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Despite not supporting the 3DS's automatic brightness setting ("Power Save Mode"), the 2DS was rated by Nintendo as having slightly longer battery life than the 3DS; Nintendo rated the 2DS as being able to play from 3 to 5.5 hours of 3DS games or 5 to 9 hours of DS games on a single charge. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 虽然2DS不支持3DS的制动亮度设定(“省电模式”),但其任天堂标称电池工作时间比3DS略长;任天堂标称2DS一次充电可以游戏3-5.5小时3DS游戏,以及5-9小时DS游戏。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: President Salva Kiir announced that the attempt was put down the next day, but fighting resumed December 16. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统次日宣布已镇压政变成功,但战斗在12月16日恢复,且内战至今。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This amount will be provided by both the European Union and the Greek Government. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些资金将由欧盟和希腊政府共同承担。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Some years before, he had said of them: "They are a superior set of people . . . a nation of an old and deep-rooted civilization. . . . Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 死前一年,曾对诸子说:“人之生死,如草木之荣枯,此自然之理也。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He was a vigorous opponent of measures designed to weaken the Tennessee Valley Authority. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他还极力反对那些旨在削减田纳西河谷管理局权力的措施。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On 5 June 2004, former Green Party presidential candidate Noël Mamère, Mayor of the Bordeaux suburb of Bègles, conducted a same-sex marriage ceremony for two men, Bertrand Charpentier and Stéphane Chapin. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2004年6月5日,前欧洲生态-绿党总统候选人、同时也是波尔多贝格莱市长的诺艾尔·马梅尔(英语:Noël Mamère)主持了两名男同性恋者柏特兰·查本蒂尔(Bertrand Charpentier)与史蒂桑·查宾(Stéphane Chapin)的同性婚姻仪式。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 10 people died. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 10人死亡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 To ensure balance, the Commission repeatedly invited the DPRK to provide information, but it always refused. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 为确保公正,委员会多次邀请北韩政府提供信息,但均遭到拒绝。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A parking lot outside Dodger Stadium was used for the ice planet of Delta Vega and the Romulan drilling rig on Vulcan. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 道奇体育场外的一处停车场被用于拍摄织女四星的冰川世界以及罗慕伦人在瓦肯星上的钻探平台。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 And when the enemy has finally been defeated, how will you be able to hold your head high between Heaven and Earth? Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 不过要是没有力气,拖着乏力之躯又如何能死得壮烈并留名于后世? User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The entities within the imported module may be imported, instead of just the module name, using the FROM Module IMPORT Item * syntax: MODULE HelloWorld EXPORTS Main; FROM IO IMPORT Put; BEGIN Put("Hello World\n") END HelloWorld. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:可以使用以下FROM Module IMPORT Item *语法导入导入模块中的实体,而不仅仅是模块名称: MODULE HelloWorld EXPORTS Main ; 来自 IO IMPORT Put ; BEGIN Put (“Hello World \ n” ) END HelloWorld 。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Standard & Poor’s: Leveraged Commentary & Data. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其子公司包括杠杆评论与数据(英语:Leveraged Commentary & Data)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Smooth grip. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 持续发烧。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Moorland is generally related to high-ground heaths with—especially in Great Britain—a cooler and damper climate. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 高沼地(英语:Moorland)一般指位于高地上,气候更冷、更潮湿的石楠荒原——特别是在英国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He was found not liable on the charge that he had deliberately made an untrue or misleading statement. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他否认曾经使用决定论来判断一个理论正确与否。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Jenson tells him about a recurring dream in which he tries to warn people about the "sneak attack" on Pearl Harbor before it happens, but the warnings are disregarded. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 詹森告诉博士:他反复做着同一个梦,梦中他试图在珍珠港被袭之前警告当地人珍珠港将受到偷袭,但警告被众人忽视。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Also, since the Brooklyn-Queens border travels on Wyckoff Avenue for part of the length of this station before turning south, the entire Manhattan-bound platform, as well as the eastern half of the Canarsie-bound platform, is located in Queens, although New York City Transit considers this station to be in Brooklyn. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:同时,布鲁克林和皇后区的边界在转南以前是沿威克奥夫大道而行,整个曼哈顿方向月台和卡纳西方向月台的东半部都位于皇后区,但纽约市公共运输局却将此站视为布鲁克林。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The chief commander in the frontline was the commander of the 9th Group Army Wu Qiwei. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:前敌总指挥为第九集团军司令吴奇伟。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Residents purchased large quantities of gasoline in the days after Fabian, some of whom bought over US$500 worth. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 居民在法比安过去的几天里购买了大量汽油,有些人购买的数额超过500美元。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Australia and New Zealand are generally larger and wealthier than the other countries that make up the rest of the forum, Australia's population is around twice that of the other 17 members combined and its economy is more than five times larger. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 澳大利亚和新西兰通常比论坛成员的其他国家更大,更富裕,澳大利亚的人口约为其他17个成员国的两倍,其经济规模是其五倍多。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 31 May 2006, Polish 1st Independent Airborne Brigade was awarded the Dutch Military William Order by HM Queen Beatrix for gallantry at Arnhem during Operation Market Garden in 1944. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2006年5月31日,波兰第1独立空降旅被荷兰贝娅特丽克丝女王授予威廉军事奖章以嘉许他们于1944年市场花园行动期间在阿纳姆的英勇。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Clarence Douglas Dillon (born Clarence Douglass Dillon; August 21, 1909 – January 10, 2003) was an American diplomat and politician, who served as U.S. Ambassador to France (1953–1957) and as the 57th Secretary of the Treasury (1961–1965). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 克拉伦斯·道格拉斯·狄龙(Clarence Douglas Dillon,1909年8月21日 - 2003年1月10日),美国金融家、外交家、政治家,美国共和党人,曾任美国驻法国大使(1953年-1957年)和美国财政部长(1961年-1965年)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It is a declaration of a physician's dedication to the humanitarian goals of medicine, a declaration that was especially important in view of the medical crimes which had just been committed in German-occupied Europe. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此宣言为医师对于医学的人道主义目标的宣誓,在德占欧洲无数医学罪行后显得尤为重要。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Chinese economic reform was, by contrast, a bottom-up attempt at reform, focusing on light industry and agriculture (namely allowing peasants to sell produce grown on private holdings at market prices). Assistant: 相比之下,中国的经济改革却是一种自下向上设计的改革,将改革的重心放在了轻工业和农业上(允许农民以市场价格出售农产品),可以自赚自得。 User: As a Christian pastor and theologian Luther was concerned that people have faith in Jesus as the messiah for salvation. Assistant: 作为一个基督牧师和神学家,路德关心的问题是人们对耶稣作为弥赛亚的救恩。 User: However, the Sri Lankan government did not issue the first flood warnings until May 17, the same day that the flooding began. Assistant: 但是,斯里兰卡政府直到5月17日才首度发布洪水警报,洪灾也是在这天开始。 User: They can move anywhere on the field, but they usually try to prevent scoring. Assistant: 它们有时会走到平原,但一般都会避开开放的地区,避免受到掠食。 User: The Georgi-Glashow model predicts additional gauge bosons named X and Y bosons. Assistant: 大统一理论预言新的规范玻色子,称为X及Y玻色子。 User: This is done through the following means. Assistant: 这可以由下列方法作到。 User: Designs for various buildings for the 1901 Glasgow International Exhibition were not constructed, neither was his "Haus eines Kunstfreundes" (Art Lover's House) of the same year. Assistant: 他为 1901 年的格拉斯哥国际博览会设计的各种建筑物并没有建造,同年 "Haus eines Kunstfreundes" (艺术人之家)的计划也流标。 User: Winter King is the first book in this series. Assistant: 街头霸王,该系列的首部作品。 User: January 27- John Kerry wins the New Hampshire Primary with 38% of the vote. Assistant: 1月27日,克里在新罕布什尔州中以38%的得票率赢得该州的初选胜利。 User: Greening was appointed a vice-chair (with responsibility for youth) of the Conservative Party on 15 December 2005, having earlier that year been appointed a member of the Work and Pensions Committee. Assistant: 2005年12月15日,葛林宁被任命为保守党的副主席(负责青年事务),当年早些时候被任命为下院工作和养老金委员会委员。 User: The IDE includes the compiler and an editor with syntax highlighting and checking, a powerful debugger and a class library. Assistant: 该IDE包括编译器,一个语法高亮和检查的编辑器,一个强大的调试器和一个类库。 User: As president of the state senate, acted as governor from November 15, 2010 until November 13, 2011 when he was inaugurated as governor after the special election held on October 4, 2011. Assistant: 作为州参议院议长,2010年11月15日至2011年11月13日代理州长;经过10月份的补选,于11月13日正式担任州长。 User: The Convention votes the arrest of the Deputies involved in the uprising. Assistant: 公会投票逮捕参与起义的议员。 User: Valve's Half-Life 2 was the first game to require installation of the Steam client to play, even for retail copies. Assistant: Valve的半条命2是第一款需要Steam才能运行的游戏,包括零售版。 User: Attracted to the preachings of the Raskol ideologists, many posad people, mainly peasants, craftsmen and cossacks fled to the dense forests of Northern Russia and Volga region, southern borders of Russia, Siberia, and even abroad, where they would organize their own obshchinas. Assistant: 受到分离教派理论家布道礼拜的吸引,许多波萨德(英语:posad)的居民,主要是农民,手工业者和哥萨克人逃到了俄罗斯北部和茂密的森林中的和俄罗斯南部边境伏尔加河沿岸地区、西伯利亚,甚至远至国外,在那里他们将组织自己的村社。 User: It is the leading single cause of severe diarrhoea among infants and children, being responsible for about 20% of cases, and accounts for 50% of the cases requiring hospitalisation. Assistant: 它是婴儿与幼儿严重腹泻的主要单一原因,其中大约20%的婴幼儿腹泻案例是归因于此,而统计大约50%的案例需要住院治疗。 User: While claiming religious tolerance, she intended to recall the Believers into the official church. Assistant: 她一面呼吁宗教宽容,一面又号召旧礼仪派回归官方教会。 User: On 12 September 2012, Fiddler was acquired by Telerik and Eric joined the company to work on Fiddler on a full-time basis. Assistant: 2012年9月12日,Fiddler被Telerik(英语:Telerik)收购,Eric加入公司全职从事Fiddler的工作。 User: When they were first cultivated, carrots were grown for their aromatic leaves and seeds rather than their roots. Assistant: 当春初伊人立柳坑畔,择牝马系之,已而云雾晦冥,类有物与接,其产必有龙驹。 User: Identifies topics of trans-European importance to science and scholarship, and propose appropriate action to ensure that these issues are adequately studied. Assistant: 寻找具备跨欧洲重要性的学术问题,提议适当的方式,以确保这些问题被充分的研究。 User: Because of early spread and inherent resistance to anticancer drugs, patients have poor prognosis. Assistant: 因为早期转移扩散对抗癌药物有抵抗性,患者的预后通常很差。 User: Very early models were produced directly from the Portuguese prints and were nearly identical to the HK91 with the exception of modifications for compliance with the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. Assistant: 非常早期型号更是购入除了经过修改以外几乎与HK91相同的制成品以后直接生产,以符合突击武器禁令。 User: Neither irrigation, nor soil improvements, nor animal husbandry saw notable advances. Assistant: 灌溉、土壤、畜牧都没有进步。 User: The cousins went to the police; Alvarez was arrested and Scully went on the run. Assistant: 两女孩报警后,阿尔瓦雷斯被捕,而斯卡里则开始逃亡。 User: Fidel was sentenced to 15 years in the Presidio Modelo prison, located on Isla de Pinos, while Raúl was sentenced to 13 years. Assistant: 这场审判中,菲德尔·卡斯特罗被判15年徒刑并服刑于松树岛的监狱中,而劳尔则是13年徒刑。 User: During this period, Lamu became a center of poetry, politics, arts and crafts as well as trade. Assistant: 在此期间,拉穆成为一个政治、艺术、诗歌、手工艺品和贸易中心。 User: However, the choice of instruction set architecture may greatly affect the complexity of implementing high-performance devices. Assistant: 然而,对指令集架构的选择可能会对实作高效能的机器产生大的影响。 User: Dresden left Wilhelmshaven on 11 September and stopped in Newport, where she met the rest of the ships of the squadron. Assistant: 德累斯顿号于9月11日离开威廉港,至纽波特经停,在那里与代表团的其余舰只会合。 User: It is the least reactive metal. Assistant: 铕是反应性最高的稀土元素。 User: Wenceslas IV of Bohemia signed a defensive treaty with the Poles against the Teutonic Order; his brother, Sigismund of Luxembourg, allied himself with the Order and declared war against Poland on 12 July, though his Hungarian vassals refused his call to arms. Assistant: 瓦茨拉夫四世和波兰人签署防御条约,共同抗击条顿骑士团;他的兄弟,西吉斯蒙德加入骑士团一方,尽管他的匈牙利诸侯拒绝响应他的号召,西吉斯蒙德仍于7月12日向波兰宣战。 User: After dinner the salon begins. Assistant: 在开海日前夜祭,铃鹿的演唱会开始。 User: Ron is present in most of the action throughout the series. Assistant: 《罗斯》是整个系列中收看人数最多的一集。 User: A year after their wedding she had a miscarriage and became seriously ill. Assistant: 婚后一年,玛利亚流产了并且病得很重。 User: Survival time - the remaining duration of life. Assistant: 存活时间(Survival time)- 生命还有的时间。 User: Together with other museums such as the Stockholm Maritime Museum, it belongs to the Swedish National Maritime Museums (SNMM). Assistant: 该博物馆与斯德哥尔摩海事博物馆(英语:Maritime Museum (Stockholm))等博物馆均从属于瑞典国立海事博物馆(瑞典语:Statens maritima museer)。 User: The show's writers did not worry too much about perfecting Scorpio's lines because they knew Brooks would rewrite or ad lib new ones. Assistant: 编剧们并不怎么担心斯科皮奥的台词,因为他们知道布鲁克斯会自行改写或即兴发挥。 User: The 1993 South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation Gold Cup was the first South Asian Football Federation Cup, held in Lahore, Pakistan between 16 July 1993 and 23 July 1993. Assistant: 1993年南亚足球锦标赛,为第一届南亚足球锦标赛,于1993年7月16日至23日在巴基斯坦拉合尔举行。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: On 5 October 2004, three regencies were carved out of the province of South Sulawesi to form West Sulawesi as the 33rd province of Indonesia. Assistant: 2004年10月5日,南苏拉威西省其中3个县份(英语:List of regencies and cities of Indonesia)脱离该省,并成为印尼第33个省份——西苏拉威西省。 User: The General Chief of Staff, Marshal Vasilevsky, recognized that the Soviet Army of 1942 was not ready to conduct major offensive operations against the well-trained German army, because it did not have quantitative and qualitative superiority and because leadership was being rebuilt after the defeats of 1941. Assistant: 参谋总长华西列夫斯基元帅认识到1942年的苏联红军仍然无法承受高训练度的德军发动的大规模攻势,因为此时红军尚未对国防军形成在数量上及素质上所必须的优势,其军官队伍从上到下均仍在1941年的大败后的重建当中。 User: The tower's construction date is enshrouded in mystery. Assistant: 关于该塔的建筑时间则是个谜。 User: Because of the wide array of legal requirements and because it is an expensive process, IPOs also typically involve one or more law firms with major practices in securities law, such as the Magic Circle firms of London and the white-shoe firms of New York City. Assistant: 由于广泛的法律要求和昂贵的申请程序,首次公开募股通常会需要一家或多家主营证券法的律师事务所参与,比如伦敦的Magic Circle和纽约的White Shoe。 User: For the sake of simplicity, most Portuguese people have two surnames. Assistant: 简单起见,大多数葡萄牙人有两个姓氏。 User: The phone is available in black, white, and bright green. Assistant: 这款手机有黑色,白色和浅绿色。 User: Once in space, the flower-like main dish was to open its 27 'petals' within 30 minutes. Assistant: 当它进入太空后,像花的主碟型天线将会把它的 27 个“花瓣”在 30 分钟内展开。 User: PUM integrated itself in IU. Assistant: 禅修可以融入整个人。 User: Although a Christian, he believed Islam to be proof of "Arab genius". Assistant: 虽然他是一名基督徒,却相信伊斯兰教是“阿拉伯天才”的证明。 User: In a ceremony at the Palais de la Nation in Léopoldville, King Baudouin gave a speech in which he presented the end of colonial rule in the Congo as the culmination of the Belgian "civilising mission" begun by Leopold II. Assistant: 在利奥波德维尔民族宫举行的仪式上,博杜安发表演讲,提出刚果殖民结束是由利奥波德二世开始的比利时“文明使命(英语:Civilizing mission)”的高潮。 User: In 2001, he started work on the Bioconductor project to promote the development of open-source tools for bioinformatics and computational biology. Assistant: 2001年杰特曼发起了Bioconductor(英语:Bioconductor)计划,旨在促进开发计算生物学与生物信息学的开源工具。 User: Even before its premiere, the series was officially renewed for a second season with eight new episodes. Assistant: 在电视首映之前,该系列也正式开拍了第二季,共8集。 User: In 1949, after the Malayan Union had been replaced by the semi-autonomous Federation of Malaya, UMNO shifted its focus to politics and governance. Assistant: 1949年,马来亚联邦被半自治的马来亚联合邦取代后,巫统开始转至注重政治及施政。 User: He frequently beat them. Assistant: 敬宗时常殴打他们。 User: These emergent economies are considered by most players to be an asset of the game, giving an extra dimension of reality to play. Assistant: 这些突现经济被大部分玩家视为游戏的资产,提供另一个现实予玩家。 User: Brandon Widder of Digital Trends included PCSX2 in his Best Emulators article. Assistant: Digitaltrends.com(英语:Digitaltrends.com)的Brandon Widder将PCSX2列入他的“最佳模拟器”文章中。 User: Pinocchio is known for having a short nose that becomes longer when he is under stress (chapter 3), especially while lying. Assistant: 匹诺曹最著名的一个特点就是他的短鼻子会因心理压力(尤其是在撒谎的时候)变长。 User: The constitution envisaged New Mexico as being a State. Assistant: 墨西哥宪法描述墨西哥为世俗国家。 User: The rebuilding after the partial destruction would transform Myrtle Beach from a "quaint summer colony to a high-rise resort city". Assistant: 针对局部破坏进行的重建工作将把默特尔比奇从“古朴的夏季殖民地转变成高档度假城市”。 User: The museum contains notable collections of dinosaurs, minerals and meteorites, Near Eastern and African art, Art of East Asia, European history and Canadian history. Assistant: 博物馆收藏展品包括恐龙、矿物和陨石、近东及非洲艺术品、东亚艺术品、欧洲历史、加拿大历史、文化等。 User: However, the legions were never able to reach Poland and did not liberate the country, as Dąbrowski had dreamed. Assistant: 但是,军团未曾到过波兰一步,自然也不能如东布罗夫斯基所想的那样解放祖国。 User: Continuing on through another half turn we encounter the other side of the cut, where z = 0, and finally reach our starting point (z = 2 on the first sheet) after making two full turns around the branch point. Assistant: 继续半周我们遇到了另一个边的切割,在 z = 0 处,在绕分支点两周之后最终到达我们的起点(第一片上的 z = 2)。 User: It has been proposed that it is a degenerate star or a hot helium star, but it seems unlikely that it is a normal star. Assistant: 有人提出,他是一颗简并的恒星,或是一颗炙热的恒星,但似乎不是颗普通的恒星。 User: Many parks are smaller, located in the various districts: there is also a total of 240 playgrounds in these parks. Assistant: 在各个街区还有很多小公园,总计有240处市民休闲区。 User: The event attracted some negative responses from religious conservative groups and the far-right. Assistant: 该活动吸引了一些宗教保守团体和极右人士的负面回响。 User: The company is best known for its fiduciary services, which includes tax, trust, business management and outsourcing processes. Assistant: 该公司最出名的是它的信托服务,包括税收、信托、企业管理和外包流程。 User: 1996–1999 figures exclude x86 PCs. Assistant: 1996-1999年的数据不包含x86个人电脑。 User: Thus, liberalization in short is "the removal of controls" in order to encourage economic development. Assistant: 因此,自由化总之是“消除管制”,以鼓励经济发展。 User: In 2001, a historic Protestant church built in 1936 which was being petitioned for return to the local Christian community, was demolished. Assistant: 2001年,一座当地基督徒团体请求收回的建于1936年的古老的更正教堂遭到拆毁。 User: Then glue is pasted, made from tamarind seeds. Assistant: 之后,将捐献者的骨髓液(造血干细胞)透过静脉注射。 User: After World War II, more advanced trawlers and numerous motorised ships were added to the fleet. Assistant: 在第二次世界大战后,更先进的拖网渔船和众多的机动轮船加入了船队。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These extensions secure the collection’s status as the largest public collection of African contemporary art in Europe for the long term. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 这些藏品的增加确保了伊瓦连瓦屋长时间以来的欧洲的当代非洲作品最大收集地的地位。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The president once remarked about his brother, "If I want something done and done immediately I rely on the Attorney General. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:肯尼迪总统曾经这样评价他的弟弟:“如果我想办成并且迅速办成事情,我需要依靠司法部长。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, some private schools administered by foreign entities conduct classes in English. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是有些外国人设立的私立学校,例如国际学校,则使用英语教学。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:After this, Flight 472 flew past Runway 09 on the west side of Santacruz Airport while descending, and executed a 360-degree turn in order to approach again from the west and land. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:随后,472号航班在下降过程中不慎飞过了贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉国际机场西侧的09跑道,机组旋即做了一个360度转弯以重新降落在09跑道。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In his memoirs, Smoot made it abundantly clear: The world is paying for its ruthless destruction of life and property in the World War and for its failure to adjust purchasing power to productive capacity during the industrial revolution of the decade following the war. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在他的回忆录中如此写道:“世界在一战中付出了生命和财产的惨重代价,但它至今仍无法回复商品购买力,以适应战后十几年间由于工业革命而导致的产能的急遽增长。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1969 the Vikings earned a 12–2 record, the best in the NFL. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1969年,维京战绩12胜2负,是NFL最好的战绩。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Only the Union of Lublin (1569) created permanent union between Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, after which the federal state Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was established. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 直到1569年的卢布林联合,波兰王国和立陶宛大公国才形成永久性联盟,此后联邦制国家波兰立陶宛联邦成立。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, the term more often has the connotation of being an illegal or unauthorized act. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,这个词往往有被非法或未经授权的行为的内涵。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:After two years as Director of Prisons, Ng Joo Hee moved on to become the Commissioner of Police. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 两年后, Ng Joo Hee成为警察总监。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the attempt to resolve Issue 2 of whether the Registrar's understanding of the Ordinances had been unconstitutional as infringing the rights to marry and to privacy, the Court broke down the analysis as in the following table and so found them unconstitutional. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在处理议题二时,即婚姻登记官对婚姻条文的解读方式是否侵犯了W的婚姻权及隐私权,终审法院有以下的分析,并发现婚姻登记官的解读方式违宪。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Yogurt and coffee are preferred breakfast drinks. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 酸奶和咖啡是早餐首选的饮品。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He and a colleague coined the term investigative psychology and began trying to approach the subject from what they saw as a more scientific point of view. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他和一位同事靖奎创立了“调查心理学”这一词,并且开始尝试以他们认为较科学的观点来逼进此一主题。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 15 March 1806 he ceded the Duchy of Berg to Napoleon. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1806年3月15日,他把贝尔格公国交给了拿破仑。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The US State Department and the CIA World Factbook estimate that Muslims make up 0.2% of the population. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国国务院和“ 中情局世界概况”估计,穆斯林占东帝汶的0.2%人口。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Malaysia generally has an efficient and widespread system of health care, operating a two-tier health care system consisting of both a government base universal healthcare system and a co-existing private healthcare system. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 马来西亚拥有高效和广泛的医疗保健系统,运营由政府基层普及医疗系统和共存私人医疗系统组成的双层医疗保健系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The team at home have worked very hard and are getting the results. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 客队顺利挑战成功,而总算有了住所。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to Anderson, Top Gear had "become even better", whereas The Grand Tour "seemed more scripted, less natural and at stages, forced... attention is often skewed away from the cars as the presenters, namely Clarkson, seemed to chase controversy and headlines". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:《Top Gear》“变得越来越好”,但《壮游》“显得更流程化、不自然、像被强迫......注意力常常从汽车上被拉走,因为名为克拉克森的主持人似乎只想要话题和头条“。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: To address this, Yoshida began writing "Letters from the Producer" which would discuss design direction, upcoming changes, player feedback, and increase transparency in the development process. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:吉田为此开始编写“制作人来信”,论述了设计方向、未来变更、玩家反馈,并增加开发过程透明度。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1963 he showed that the exact number of such structures is 28. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1963年他表明这种结构的确切数目是28种。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Felke's regimen included a healthy diet and outdoor exercise. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 菲尔克的养生之道包括健康饮食和户外运动。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: During these maneuvers, the division visited Kungsbacka, Sweden, from 9 to 13 December. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在此期间,支队从12月9日至13日到访了瑞典的孔斯巴卡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Due to increases in prize funds over the years, this list consists entirely of current players. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:由于近年来赛事奖金激增,导致前十名全部是现役选手。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin discoloration and unexpected hair color results. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些化学品的使用可导致一系列的不良影响,包括皮肤刺激和过敏、头发断裂、皮肤变色的和意想不到的染发结果。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: At The Telegraph, Robbie Collin argued that "a little of the new Spider-Man went an exhilaratingly long way in Captain America: Civil War last year. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:《每日电讯报》的罗比·科林(Robbie Collin)表示:“去年,新任小蜘蛛侠在《美国队长3》中踏上了令人兴奋的漫漫长路。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It is owned and operated by UBM Technology Group (formerly a part of CMP Media), a division of UBM and acts as the online sister publication to the print magazine Game Developer. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 网站由Unite Business Media的UBM TechWeb部门持有并运营,是纸质杂志《游戏开发者》的在线姊妹出版物。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It became a must-have book for middle-class parents in China. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这本书备受中国中产阶级家长的欢迎。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Blair helps Marcus escape. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:然而,布莱尔帮助马库斯逃生。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Dutch mobilised their armed forces on 28 August 1939, four days before Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:荷兰于纳粹德国入侵波兰前的四天,1939年8月28日发起了武装部队动员。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Class S had links to the Takarazuka Revue, an all-women revue established in 1914, in which the stories feature male characters romancing women, with female actresses playing both the male and female roles. Assistant: S级与1914年成立的全女性宝冢歌剧团有联系,该团作品的特点是故事中的角色无论男女均由女性扮演。 User: Gambia fired the final shots of the attack. Assistant: 冈比亚号打出了本次行动的最后一发。 User: Concerning this second component of ancestry, the authors remark that while it correlates with "the pattern of the Islamic expansion", and that "a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners," they also say that "its presence in Lebanese Christians, Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews, Cypriots and Armenians might suggest that its spread to the Levant could also represent an earlier event". Assistant: 关于祖先血统的第二个派别,作者指出,虽然它与“伊斯兰扩张的模式”有关,而且“伊斯兰教扩张前的黎凡特与欧洲人而不是中东人具有更多遗传相似性”,但是,“它在黎巴嫩基督徒、阿什肯纳兹犹太人和塞法迪犹太人、塞浦路斯人和亚美尼亚人中的存在可能表明,它之所以传给黎凡特可能是更早的事情。 User: In 1967, a Catholic institution, Saint Patrick's College, was incorporated into Carleton. Assistant: 在1967年,天主教St. Patrick学院正式与卡尔顿大学合并。 User: Pocket Gamer gave the game a 9/10 and a "Gold Award". Assistant: 而Pocket Gamer则给予此游戏9/10分,并授予此游戏“金奖”。 User: Bartz and the others resolve that the fight is not Galuf's alone, together traveling to the distant planet world, where Exdeath is already wreaking havoc in pursuit of that world's Crystals. Assistant: 巴兹等人决定,这场战斗不是格鲁夫一个人的,并一起前往遥远的另一个星球,而艾克斯迪斯为追寻那个世界的水晶已经开始了破坏。 User: This is said to be the most powerful aspect, intensifying the effects of the involved planets mutually — and being a major point in the chart. Assistant: 这被认为是最有能量的相位,强化了所参与的行星彼此之间的影响力——以及作为星盘上的主要观点。 User: The main criticism was that the temple was using fundraising methods that did not fit in with Buddhism. Assistant: 主要的批评是有关于寺院的募款方式不符合佛教的做法。 User: The player must also try to balance the budget and pay off the country's debts without losing votes and causing tax evasion due to very high taxes. Assistant: 另外,玩家亦需要平衡预算和国债比例,但又不能收取过高的税,否则就会引发逃税问题。 User: The MP34 was a selective-fire weapon (single shot or full auto), firing in blowback mode with an open bolt. Assistant: MP34是一枝击发调变式(单发或全自动)武器,以反冲作用枪机射击,开膛待击。 User: They fought against the Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch at Survivor Series, in what was Rhodes' first on-screen title shot and pay-per-view match, but were unsuccessful. Assistant: 他们在“幸存者系列”上与标记组冠军Lance Cade和Trevor Murdoch进行了对抗,这是罗德斯第一次在屏幕上的标题射击和按次付费的比赛,但是没有成功。 User: She also expressed concern for the view expressed by government officials that solutions to the issue of domestic abuse and violence could be found in socialist or communist countries. Assistant: 她也对政府官员的下述观点表示担忧,即从社会主义或共产主义国家可以找到解决家庭虐待和暴力问题的办法。 User: He applied the standard snake-bite treatment of the time (making crossed cuts over the fang marks and applying potassium permanganate) and then walked four miles to the camp's first aid tent, by which time his arm was swollen. Assistant: 他采取了当时标准的蛇伤急救程序,在伤口处进行十字切割,并涂抹高锰酸钾,然后他徒步行走了4英里来到夏令营的急救营地,当时他的手臂已经肿起来了。 User: From a mathematical point of view, a function of n arguments can always be considered as a function of one single argument which is an element of some product space. Assistant: 从数学的角度来看,有n个参数的函数总是可以想成是有1个参数的函数,其参数为某个积空间的元素。 User: Reasoners at this level judge the morality of an action by its direct consequences. Assistant: 前习俗水平的道德推理,是根据行为的直接后果来进行推理。 User: By 1986 there were reports that Rayamjhi had been however soon expelled from the party, which after his expulsion took the name 'Matri Samuha' ('Mother Group'). Assistant: 截止到1986年,有报道称,雷亚玛吉很快被开除党籍,开除后,他起了一个名字叫“马特里·萨姆哈”(Matri Samuha)。 User: There was no organised championship in these years. Assistant: 这些年里没有组织锦标赛。 User: This was likely carried out by either Domenico Antonio Vaccaro or his followers. Assistant: 可能是由多梅尼科·安东尼奥·瓦卡罗或他的追随者设计。 User: After using these two arguments to dispel solipsism and skepticism, Descartes seems to have succeeded in defining reality as being in three parts: God (infinite), minds, and material things (both finite). Assistant: 在通过这两个证明驳斥了唯我论与怀疑论后,笛卡尔似乎成功地将实在定义成了三部分:上帝,灵魂,以及物质性事物。 User: One particular variety, the pastel com o diabo dentro (literally: Pastel with the devil within), is particularly spicy, and is made with a dough made from sweet potatoes and cornmeal. Assistant: 其中有个特别辣的口味,被称作pastel com o diabo dentro(字面意思:馅饼与里面的魔鬼);是用番薯和玉米粉面团制成的。 User: Most were Communists or fellow travellers. Assistant: 他们大部分是广府人和客家人。 User: Initially dedicated to the Virgin of the Annunciation and Saint Gabriel the Archangel (Vergine Annunziata e a San Gabriele Arcangelo), however the order rededicated it to their patron Teresa of Avila. Assistant: 该堂最初供奉圣母领报及圣加俾额尔总领天神(Vergine Annunziata e a San Gabriele Arcangelo),但赤足加尔默罗会修会将其改而供奉他们的主保圣德肋撒。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: In the first years of their marriage, the Keplers had two children (Heinrich and Susanna), both of whom died in infancy. Assistant: 在他们婚姻的早年,他们生育了两个子女(海因里希与苏珊娜),但是都在襁褓里夭折了。 User: Tchelio tells the Prince and Truffaldino where the three oranges are, but warns them that they must have water available when the oranges are opened. Assistant: 听着,屈法迪诺赛里欧、王子和屈法迪诺的三重唱 赛告诉王子和屈三个桔子的位置,但警告他们打开橘子时他们必须有水可用。 User: Electronics need to be rigorously tested and modified to be "space hardened" or resistant to the outer space environment (vacuum, microgravity, thermal extremes, and radiation exposure). Assistant: 电子产品需要经过严格测试和修改,来监测其抵抗外部空间环境(真空,微重力,极端温度和辐射暴露)的能力。 User: The continuous maps defined on X/~ are therefore precisely those maps which arise from continuous maps defined on X that respect the equivalence relation (in the sense that they send equivalent elements to the same image). Assistant: 因此定义在X/~商的连续映射恰是由定义在X上与等价关系一致的连续映射(它们将同一个等价类中的元素映到相同的像)诱导的。 User: Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (/ˌmoʊpərˈtwiː/; French: ; 1698 – 27 July 1759) was a French mathematician, philosopher and man of letters. Assistant: 皮埃尔·路易·莫佩尔蒂(法语:Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis,1698年7月17日-1759年7月27日)是一位法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家。 User: In modern times modular arithmetic is sometimes used in digital signal processing. Assistant: 在现代,同样的模算术有时用于数字信号处理。 User: According to Swinscow, he was introduced to Hammond by a General Post Office clerk, eighteen-year-old Henry Newlove. Assistant: 据斯文思科交代,他是通过一名中央邮局的员工认识哈蒙德的,这名员工就是18岁的亨利·纽拉夫。 User: In the Media Access Control (MAC) layer, performance issues such as throughput and end-to-end delay are also addressed. Assistant: 在介质访问控制(MAC)层中,还解决了诸如吞吐量和端到端延迟之类的性能问题。 User: Several men wearing military uniforms, had earlier entered the mosque, tied up the guards there and set explosives, resulting in the blast. Assistant: 几个人穿着一件军用制服,及早进入了清真寺,阻塞卫兵那里和集合炸药, 造成疾风。 User: One of the rooms in the chapter has a similar viewing machine as in the Lair, where the Kid can see places where Six has been, and he even witnesses Six herself treading through the sea of shoes. Assistant: 此章节的其中一个房间里有着和巢穴里相似的观察机器,小孩可以透过它来观察小六曾经来过的地方,他甚至发现到小六本身正在离开鞋之海。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: It contains about 75 family members who dedicated themselves to God. Assistant: 其本地佛为观世音菩萨,共有75尊跟随的眷属神。 User: The concreting progressed rapidly, so that the 100 metre mark was exceeded on 4 October 1966. Assistant: 浇灌工作非常顺利,在1966年10月4号就超过了100米。 User: In modern terms, the first log was a resistivity log that could be described as 3.5-meter upside-down lateral log. Assistant: 在现代模式下,这第一条曲线是电阻率曲线,可被描述成3.5米的侧向测井曲线。 User: Unfortunately, without a hard hat liner, the recirculation of energy WILL NOT occur. Assistant: 可逆的热力学过程不会有能量的损耗。 User: The Bahá'í Faith has also undertaken joint development programs with various other United Nations agencies. Assistant: 巴哈伊还参与了其它联合国部门的开发项目。 User: It has been declared of cultural interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay. Assistant: autores.uy已被乌拉圭教育和文化部宣布为文化利益。 User: During this project, active and passive microwave satellite imagery was used for the first time to determine the wind speed within a tropical cyclone. Assistant: 人类在该项目期间首度采用主动和被动微波卫星图像确定热带气旋风速。 User: They were sworn to continue the rebellion of their father. Assistant: 誓言要从母亲那里把爸爸抢走。 User: As a final condition, Gama secured from John III of Portugal the commitment to appoint all his sons successively as Portuguese captains of Malacca. Assistant: 最后一个条件是约翰三世答应任命他的几个儿子可以先后成为葡萄牙马六甲舰队的队长。 User: The C standard library does not specify any specific resolution, epoch, range, or datatype for system time values. Assistant: C标准库并没有为系统时间值指定特定的分辨率,历法,范围,和数据类型。 User: Together, they have several curious adventures while searching for the Scarecrow. Assistant: 海里对各种奇怪的事都有所了解,在探索金字塔时帮助仙石晃解迷。 User: In the early Jurassic due to powerful marine transgression, water broke into the present area of the Gulf of Mexico creating a vast shallow pool. Assistant: 在侏罗纪早期的 海侵(英语:Marine transgression),水进入了现在的墨西哥湾,形成狭长形的湖泊。 User: Approved by a 94.5 percent margin, the new Constitution went into effect three days later on 9 April 1968. Assistant: 经94.5%的赞成票表决通过,新宪法在三天后的1968年4月9日生效。 User: Original E653 series interior view (standard class) in January 2010 Original E653 series standard class seating The Green (first class) cars in E653-1000 series sets have 2+1 seating, arranged with pairs of seats on the seaward side and single seats on the landward side. Assistant: E653系原始内部设计(普通车厢),2010年1月 E653系原始普通车厢座位 E653系1000番台的绿色车厢采用2+1座位布置型式,海侧为两座并排,山侧则为单个座位。 User: This is a parody of similar theistic claims about God—that God, as creator of the universe, is not subject to its laws and thus not physically detecting him tells us nothing about his existence or lack thereof. Assistant: 这和一类有神论者对上帝的矛盾描述很相似:因为上帝创造了宇宙,祂并不服从宇宙服从的定律,因此人们没有办法用物理的方法检测到上帝的存在,从而不能判断上帝的存在与否。 User: The deaths of Ramishvili and Zaćwilichowski (1930) and of Hołówko (1931), the most active promoters of Prometheism, were an irreparable loss to the movement. Assistant: 普罗米修斯计划最积极的赞助者诺埃·拉米什维利(1930年)和斯坦尼斯瓦夫·扎奇维利霍夫斯基(1931年)相继去世,这对该计划而言着实是不可弥补的损失。 User: It was Arkansas' first National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Assistant: 是土木工程领域最早的国家重点实验室。 User: During the Cultural Revolution, the film industry was severely restricted. Assistant: 文革期间,电影工业受到严重制约。 User: The incentive spirometer is also issued to patients recovering from pneumonia or rib damage to help minimize the chance of fluid build-up in the lungs. Assistant: 诱发性肺活量计还被提倡给肺炎或肋骨损伤的患者,用于帮助减少液体滞留肺部的机会。 User: Neither Luxembourg nor Cyprus have yet used the provision of 13 June 2005 resolution to benefit from use in official EU institutions. Assistant: 无论是卢森堡抑或塞浦路斯都没有选择动用2005年6月13日的决议来使其国内用语成为欧盟官方语言。 User: Legislators largely ignored the report, a decision Kentucky historian Thomas D. Clark called "one of the most egregious blunders in American educational history". Assistant: 但是,州议员在很大程度上无视了这份报告,肯塔基历史学家托马斯·D·克拉克(Thomas D. Clark)称这是“美国教育史上最严重的失误之一”。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Bish herself is also an author. Assistant: 项俊波也是一名作家。 User: The study showed that there are significant differences in costs related to travel delay for the total road network particularly at the desirable transit-supportive densities. Assistant: 该研究显示在交通延迟导致的总路网成本方面(各个方案)差距显著,尤其是在人口密度(达到)支持公交车使用的时候。 User: In 2016, there are around 500 international students at the university. Assistant: 2016年,该大学约有500名国际学生。 User: Algeria was one of his favorite destinations. Assistant: 特别是慕斯唐是他们的最爱的目的地之一。 User: The EBA has the power to overrule national regulators if they fail to properly regulate their banks. Assistant: EBA有权否决国家监管机构,如果他们不能正确地监管自己的银行。 User: For example, in a 4:3 polyrhythm, one part plays 4 4 while the other plays 3 4, but the 3 4 beats are stretched so that three beats of 3 4 are played in the same time as four beats of 4 4. Assistant: 例如4:3的复节奏,就是在一个声部演奏4 4拍的情况下,另一个声部演奏3 4拍;但3 4拍要适当拖长,以与4 4拍声部所占时长相等。 User: The storm then develops two concentric eyewalls, or an "eye within an eye". Assistant: 这时风暴中将发展出两个“同心风眼墙”,或是“一个风眼内存在另一个风眼”。 User: Windle was one of the top seeds for the race, and Talbot advised him to swim hard in the first half of the race before slowing down. Assistant: 温德是这场比赛的头号种子之一,塔尔博特建议他在比赛的前半段轻松地游,然后放慢速度。 User: Whether or not behaviors are compulsions or mere habit depends on the context in which the behaviors are performed. Assistant: 决定一个行为是强迫性的还是出于习惯、习俗是需要考虑这个行为产生的背景的。 User: Indivisibility fallacy: most subscribers to revolutionary Leftism wrongly believe that institutional structures must stand and fall together. Assistant: •不可分拆性的谬误:多数投身革命性左翼事业的人都错误地相信,制度结构只能整体兴盛或衰败。 User: There were 1,950,605 households in which 6,913,913 resided, forming 97.77% of the provincial population and resulting in an average of 3.54 persons/household. Assistant: 辖区内共有1,950,605个家庭户,家庭户人口6,913,913人,占总人口的97.77%;家庭平均人口规模3.54人。 User: Three categories of ovarian development are determined in this species. Assistant: 该物种的模式产地在福建三都。 User: She chose the name "Edward" because she thought it was "a name that had once been considered romantic, but had fallen out of popularity for decades". Assistant: 梅尔选择“爱德华”这个名字是因为她认为那是一个浪漫的名字,但数十年来已不再流行了。 User: Relief First Officer Al-Batouti had close to 5,200 flight hours in the 767 and a total of roughly 12,500 hours. Assistant: 后备副机长巴图提驾驶波音767的时数亦接近5,200小时,总飞行时间约12,500小时。 User: He noted that uniform acceleration can be used as an approximation for any form of acceleration within special relativity. Assistant: 他指出,匀加速运动可以作为相对论中任意形式匀加速运动的一种近似。 User: Beach Soccer Worldwide and FIFA decided on holding the tournament there, due to the success of the 2010 Asian Beach Games, also held there. Assistant: 国际沙滩足球和国际足联决定在那里举办比赛,由于 2010年亚洲沙滩运动会的也在那里成功举行。 User: It is also advisable to avoid words with negative connotations. Assistant: 此外,更避免了不宜同音假借的词组。 User: Carpenter cast people that he had worked with previously, including Victor Wong, Dennis Dun and Donald Pleasence. Assistant: 卡本特与以前一起工作过的人,包括黄自强,丹尼斯·邓和唐纳·普莱森斯。 User: Player 2 will use small wood pieces. Assistant: 兴与小孩子玩耍2-S中的吐槽角色。 User: Beckham became acting governor, but because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the election, a special election was held on November 6, 1900 to determine who would complete Goebel's unexpired term. Assistant: 还未满30岁的贝克汉姆也随即成为代理州长,但考虑到这次选举过程中的多个非同寻常的情况,肯塔基州于1900年11月6日举行了一次特别选举,旨在决定完成格贝尔剩余州长任期的人选。 User: A Malay kampong, which has since been cleared, could also be found at Tanjong Punggol. Assistant: 在Tanjong Punggol也可以找到一个已被清除的马来甘榜。 User: While working with ground penetrating radar for detection of urban gas leaks, road voids, and buried land mines at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, Michelson became interested in the use of high technology applications to archeology. Assistant: 在乔治亚理工学院利用地面渗透雷达监测天然气泄漏、地面空洞以及地底矿藏的工作,使得迈克尔逊对如何在考古学中应用高科技技术产生了兴趣。 User: In the Divine Comedy, Dante places Constance in Paradise (though he subscribed to the story that Constance had been a nun): "This other radiance that shows itself to you at my right hand, a brightness kindled by all the light that fills our heaven-- she has understood what I have said: she was a sister, and from her head, too, by force, the shadow of the sacred veil was taken. Assistant: 在《神曲》中,但丁采纳了科斯坦察曾为修女的故事,将她列在《天堂篇》: “在我右边向你显示出的 这另一片光辉,放射出我们 这一重天的全部光明, 我所谈有关我的事情,也是指她本人: 她生前曾是修女,同样也曾被人 从她的头部夺去那神圣头巾的阴影。 User: Furthermore, unlike other agreements on intellectual property, TRIPS has a powerful enforcement mechanism. Assistant: 此外,不同于其他知识产权协定的是,TRIPS具备有力的执行机制。 User: It is part of the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site that encompasses the Old City. Assistant: 它是包含旧城的联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产的一部分。 User: Another common motif in poetry is the bird as a messenger, bringing news from afar. Assistant: 诗歌的另一意象是以鸟为信使,带来远方的信息。 User: Poorly written audio drivers have been a common source of system instability in Windows, especially with games that make use of extended audio card capabilities. Assistant: 在底层编写的音频驱动程序一直是Windows系统不稳定的一个常见来源,特别是使用扩展音频卡功能的游戏。 User: In his book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, the British author Gavin Menzies made the controversial claim that the fleet of Zheng He arrived in America in 1421. Assistant: 英国作家加文·孟席斯在他的书《1421:中国发现世界》中做了有争议的宣称。 User: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) describes green claims on products as very vague, inviting consumers to give a wide range of meanings to the claim, which risks misleading them. Assistant: 澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会(ACCC)提出有关产品的“绿色”是很含糊的,并欢迎消费者对此提出多种定义,以免误导他们。 User: It was opened to the public service in 1715. Assistant: 1715年向公众开放。 User: In Lisp jargon, the expression "to cons x onto y" means to construct a new object with (cons x y). Assistant: LISP 编程中表达要把 x 加入 y 的语法:(cons x y),构造了一个新物件。 User: The topping out ceremony of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) took place on December 23, 1970, while the South Tower (2 World Trade Center)'s ceremony occurred on July 19, 1971. Assistant: 1号楼(北楼)的盖顶仪式于1970年12月23日举行,2号楼(南楼)的盖顶仪式于1971年7月19日举行。 User: Modern historians also disagree about her status. Assistant: 现代历史学家也对她的所处地位意见不一。 User: So fools complain that they are unable to read all the law. Assistant: 余部佛心一念不能了一切法。 User: It was reputed to be the most difficult military defence line in North Africa. Assistant: 它被称为北非最艰难的军事防线。 User: They manipulate, infiltrate, control, bribe, are contracted by and function as government. Assistant: 他们操纵、渗透、控制、贿赂、与政府结契或者扮演政府职能。 User: In 1837, Sir Charles Wheatstone resurrected the work of Wolfgang von Kempelen, creating an improved replica of his Speaking Machine. Assistant: 1837年, 查尔斯·惠斯复原肯佩伦的成果,制成他的说话机器的一个改进的复制品。 User: A single consonant following a checked vowel is doubled if another vowel follows, for instance immer 'always', lassen 'let'. Assistant: 跟随在一个闭音节元音(受阻元音)之后的一个单一辅音如果有另一个元音随后则双写,例如immer“always”,lassen“let”。 User: France has a special military corps, the French Foreign Legion, founded in 1830, which consists of foreign nationals from over 140 countries who are willing to serve in the French Armed Forces and become French citizens after the end of their service period. Assistant: 法国外籍兵团是隶属于法国陆军的一支特殊部队,于1830年建立,主要由来自140多个国家、意愿效力法军的外籍人员组成,其服役满五年后可申请法国国籍。 User: His earliest teachings are primarily defined by his interpretation of the Qur'an and other Islamic traditions. Assistant: 祂最早的教义主要是根据祂对《古兰经》和其他伊斯兰传统的阐释来确定。 User: It is cognate to German Kaiser. Assistant: der Kaiser为德文的皇帝。 User: The concept of the natural environment can be distinguished as components: Complete ecological units that function as natural systems without massive civilized human intervention, including all vegetation, microorganisms, soil, rocks, atmosphere, and natural phenomena that occur within their boundaries and their nature. Assistant: 自然环境可分为几个主要组成部分: 完整的生态单位,是指没有受到人为大规模干扰下自我运作的自然系统,包括所有植物,动物,微生物,土壤,岩石,大气,和在其范围内发生的自然现象。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Many insects can detect polarization of light, so it has been proposed that this feature may be used as a visual signal between moths. Assistant: 许多昆虫能够探测光的偏振,所以有科学家提出这种特性可能用于不同蛾之间的视觉信号传递。 User: Most occur on or near the peaks, such as Black Mixen and Bache Hill. Assistant: 丘陵地带则大多在北部与靠近山脉地区,如新竹丘陵、苗栗丘陵。 User: This allowed the core interpreter to stabilize, even as it enabled ordinary Perl programmers to add new language features. Assistant: 这使得核心的直译器非常稳定,即使它允许一般的Perl程序员添加新的语言特性。 User: This is because models which depend linearly on their unknown parameters are easier to fit than models which are non-linearly related to their parameters and because the statistical properties of the resulting estimators are easier to determine. Assistant: 这是因为线性依赖于其未知参数的模型比非线性依赖于其未知参数的模型更容易拟合,而且产生的估计的统计特性也更容易确定。 User: It was advertised as "A Cure for the Living Dead" as well as "Perpetual Sunshine". Assistant: 这种产品被宣传为“治愈活死人的良方”和“永恒的阳光”。 User: News about Cornell's departure emerged in July 2006, when insiders stated that after the third album was released, he would depart the band and restart his solo career. Assistant: 关于康奈尔离职的消息于2006年7月出现,当时内部人士表示,在第三张专辑发行后,他将离开乐队并重新开始他的个人生涯。 User: The Astrographic Catalogue plates, of typically 6 minutes exposure, were in due course photographed, measured, and published in their entirety. Assistant: 天文目录上的干片一般都是曝光6分钟,在适当的时候进行拍摄、测量和完整的印制。 User: The earliest written document that mentions the Albanian language is a late 13th-century crime report from Dubrovnik. Assistant: 最早提及有关阿尔巴尼亚语的文件,为杜布罗夫尼克的一份犯罪纪录,纪录于13世纪晚期。 User: Through their work they influenced the cultural development of all Slavs, for which they received the title "Apostles to the Slavs". Assistant: 他们的传教活动大大影响了斯拉夫人的文明进程,这使得他们获得“斯拉夫人的传教士”的称号。 User: Its objective is "determining the services of all divisions are implemented according to policy, legislation / regulations and current guidelines". Assistant: 其目标是“确定各部门的服务是根据政策,立法获规定和现行指导方针实施的”。 User: Despite starting from the back, he was in 12th position by turn 1. Assistant: 虽然他从后面起步,但到第1弯的时候,他已经是第12名了。 User: The wealthy preferred to invest their fortunes in public debt (juros). Assistant: 富人喜欢将其财富用来买公债(juros)。 User: On February 24, 2005, Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew told the House of Commons that Canada would not participate in the American National Missile Defense Program, and that he expected to be consulted in the case of a missile being launched over Canadian airspace. Assistant: 然而,2005年2月24日,加拿大外交部长皮埃尔·佩蒂格鲁(英语:Pierre Pettigrew)宣布加拿大将不会加入美国的弹道导弹防御系统,同时马丁政府希望美国在其导弹飞越加拿大领空前征询加拿大的同意。 User: This card has the numerical value of nine. Assistant: 老头牌即为数字一九牌。 User: With a thickness of 8.3 mm (0.33 in), it is slightly thinner than the Galaxy Note II, and is also slightly lighter. Assistant: 厚度为8.3毫米,比 Galaxy Note II稍薄,并且稍微轻一些。 User: According to the tradition, the sword housed under the altar belonged to Andrea Doria, and was donated to this church by Pope Paul III. Assistant: 根据传统,放置在祭台下面的剑,属于安德烈·多利亚,由保禄三世捐赠给这所教堂。 User: Six bar stools are provided. Assistant: 也可用六个碗代替。 User: He was in charge of planning and constructing Charles de Gaulle Airport (Roissy) in Paris from 1967 on. Assistant: 他曾经于1967年负责规划建设了巴黎夏尔·戴高乐国际机场(位于Roissy)。 User: Tux the penguin is used as a symbol of Linux. Assistant: Tux(一只企鹅)是Linux的标志。 User: Thus, a population of 50,000 or greater has been used as a de facto standard to define a metropolis in the United States. Assistant: 因此,人口是否等于或大于50,000在实际上已经是在美国界定大都市的标准。 User: Rather, he enjoys causing mischief and mayhem. Assistant: 它斥骂自慰为罪和恶习。 User: Each version was essentially an armored tube provided with armament and a Walter HWK 109-509 rocket engine for power. Assistant: 这些衍生型号简单说来都是一个装有装甲,并装有武器和一台沃尔特HWK109-509(英语:Walter HWK 109-509B)火箭发动机的管子。 User: His running mate is Ahmad Zia Massoud. Assistant: 他的竞选搭档是艾哈迈德·齐亚·马苏德(Ahmad Zia Massoud)。 User: After its appearance in London, the balloon was taken to Edinburgh, where it was flown over the Meadows, a public park near to the city centre, as part of the protests against Trump's two-day-visit to Scotland, permission to fly the balloon near Turnberry golf course having been refused. Assistant: 气球在伦敦出现后,气球被带到了爱丁堡,在那里它飞越麦道斯,一个靠近市中心的公园,作为反对特朗普对苏格兰进行为期两天访问的抗议活动的一部分,在坦伯利高尔夫球场(英语:Turnberry (golf course))附近让气球升空的许可被拒绝。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There have been relatively large nominal wage increases in particular sectors, such as construction where, on average, workers' nominal wages have risen to almost Rp.60,000 per day, from Rp.29,000 pre-tsunami. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 那时在某些特殊行业名义工资涨了不少,例如建设行业,工人每天的名义工资平均几乎涨到了60,000印尼盾,而海啸前为29,000印尼盾。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In commemoration of Lewat Djam Malam's theatrical rerelease in June 2012, Sinematek started the Friends of Sinematek (Sahabat Sinematek) program to promote the documentation and restoration of Indonesian works. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2012年6月,为纪念《宵禁之后》再度上映,该馆推出“电影资料馆之友”(Sahabat Sinematek)计划,以推广印尼电影的储存和修复工作。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Spanish design was selected in 2007, with Navantia responsible for construction of the ships from the keel to the flight deck, and BAE Systems Australia handling the fabrication of the superstructure and fitting out. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:西班牙设计于2007年被选中,Navantia负责建造从龙骨到驾驶舱的船舶,以及BAE Systems Australia负责上层建筑的制造和装配。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: From 1945 to 1952 he undertook the design and construction of the Unité d'Habitation in Marseilles. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 从1945年到1952年,他在马赛进行了马赛公寓(Unité d'Habitation)的设计和建造。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Meanwhile, the lack of planetarium manufacturers had led to several attempts at construction of unique models, such as one built by the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, which operated 1952-2003. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 同时间,缺乏天象仪制造商的特殊环境,也造成一些机构尝试发展出独立的模型,像是加利福尼亚州科学院在旧金山市金门大桥公园建造的,从1952年一直工作到2003年。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Boeing was also awarded a development contract to build, and deliver 18 initial operational KC-46 tankers by 2017. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 同时波音亦赢得一份生产合约,在2017年前交付首18架KC-46。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On February 4, 1860, two members of the company's board of directors wrote a letter requesting Helm's resignation; they claimed they had voted for his re-election as president of the company with the understanding that he would resign when the main line between Louisville and Nashville was finished. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1860年2月4日,公司两位董事会成员写信要求赫姆辞职,声称自己之所以投票支持他担任总裁是因为相信他会在路易维尔到纳什维尔之间的主干线建成后辞职。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1964, Grass Valley demonstrated its first video product, a video distribution amplifier in a hotel room at the National Association of Broadcasters convention. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1964年,Grass Valley在全国广播公司协会的酒店房间展示了它的第一个视频产品,一个视频分配放大器。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The stable version of SILK was first introduced in Skype 4.0 Beta 3 for Windows, released on January 7, 2009. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: SILK的稳定版本最早在Skype 4.0 Beta 3 for Windows中引入,于2009年1月7日发布。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During the Archaic period, alligators probably lived along the east coast of China, including southern Shandong. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在古代,扬子鳄可能居住于中国东部沿海,包括山东南部。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Over 450 years, through the 19th century, states Donald N. Levine, the warfare between Amhara and Oromo had been "more or less continuous". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 唐纳德·莱文(Donald N. Levine)叙述,在450年的时间里,持续到19世纪,安哈拉人与奥罗莫人之间的战争“或多或少是连续的”;安哈拉人与奥罗莫人之间的战争一直非常具有破坏性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They even lived in Hungary and held performances there for a month. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 他们因此成为了该岛上的难民,并在当地生活了一个月。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 14 July 2000, the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) hurled by a X5.7 solar flare provoked an extreme (G5 level) geomagnetic storm the next day. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在2000年7月14日,一个太阳闪焰引起了 X5.7级的日冕物质抛射 (CME) 猛然发生,引起激烈的地磁风暴 (G5水准)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Low-protein diets to treat kidney disease include the Rice diet, which was started by Walter Kempner at Duke University in 1939. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:低蛋白饮食治疗肾病主要提倡 米食饮食,从1939年 Walter Kempner在杜克大学提出。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Tickets for the contest became available online for purchase on 28 February 2012. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 售票系统在2012年2月28日开放,并可在线上购票。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Ji-cheol is an incompetent husband and dad. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 刑警智哲是无能的丈夫和爸爸。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: By the age of ten, Watson had performed in various Stagecoach productions and school plays, including Arthur: The Young Years and The Happy Prince, but she had never acted professionally before the Harry Potter series. Assistant: 10岁时的沃森已经参与过学校的多部舞台剧演出,包括《亚瑟:青年时代》(Arthur: The Young Years)和《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince),但在参演《哈利·波特》系列电影前还没有任何职业演出经历。 User: Considerable segments of Thailand's economic, political and academic elite are of Chinese descent. Assistant: 泰国的经济、政治和学术界都有华人的影响力。 User: This concept was established as English law by the 17th century jurist Sir Edward Coke, in his The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628: For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium . Assistant: 17世纪法律学者爱德华-科克爵士在他1628年的《英国法律学会》中确立了这个英国法律概念: 人的房屋是其城堡,是他最安全的避难所。 User: Freemen, or free tenants held their land by one of a variety of contracts of feudal land-tenure and were essentially rent-paying tenant farmers who owed little or no service to the lord, and had a good degree of security of tenure and independence. Assistant: 自由人,或自由佃农,他们在封建地契上通过一系列协议拥有土地,是基本上只交付地租的农民,很少或不对领主服役,有一定的稳定性和独立性。 User: He has also suffered some throat damage which causes him to speak in a low, muffled voice. Assistant: 他也遭受一些喉咙损伤,导致他说话时声音低沉和阻塞。 User: Xiaoxiang poetry has a long tradition in China, and later has been of influence more globally. Assistant: 潇湘诗在中国有长期传统,后来的影响更全局化。 User: Błaszczykowski married Agata Gołaszewska in June 2010. Assistant: 布瓦什奇科夫斯基在2010年6月迎娶Agata Gołaszewsk为妻。 User: Copies of this prototype are fashioned and issued to many nations to represent the national standard of the kilogram and are periodically compared to the Paris prototype. Assistant: 这个原型的副本被制作并颁发给许多国家来代表公斤的国家标准,并定期与巴黎原型进行比较。 User: A training variant of the M72 LAW, designated the M190, also exists. Assistant: 除了作战用版本之外,M72亦有专门用于训练用的版本,称为M190。 User: To escape the many temptations to which he was exposed, with the knowledge of two friends, he became engaged in the year 1544 to a young girl of humble descent, Claudine Denoese, promising to publicly marry her as soon as his circumstances would allow it. Assistant: 为了避免陷入外界的诱惑,他于1544在两名朋友的介绍下与出自寒门的克洛迪娜·德诺斯(Claudine Denoese)订婚,并答应她在他的条件允许的情况下和她公开完婚。 User: For earlier events see History of Thailand. Assistant: 泰国历史是泰国领土上发生的历史。 User: The referendum was held on 1 March 1979. Assistant: 1979年3月1日,举行了公民投票。 User: The students, however, did not observe proper archaeological procedures and did a lot of damage. Assistant: 但是学生们没有遵守适当的考古程序,造成了很大的伤害。 User: At the 2004 Summer Olympics. Assistant: 以及2004年夏季奥林匹克运动会。 User: In 1939, Van Zeeland became president of the Committee on Refugees, established in London, and was made High Commissioner for the repatriation of displaced Belgians in 1944. Assistant: 1939年,范泽兰成为建立在伦敦的难民委员会会长,1944年他被任命为归国比利时人移置事物的高级代表。 User: This turn of events proved highly unpopular with the local Greek population, and their representatives under Georgios Christakis-Zografos formed the Panepirotic Assembly in Gjirokastër in protest. Assistant: 这一事件证明,当地希腊人民非常不受欢迎,他们在Georgios Christakis-Zografos下的代表在吉诺卡斯特组成了Panepirotic议会,抗议希腊人留在吉诺卡斯特生活。 User: In 1979 Michelson directed the Army's Indirect Fire Simulation effort conducted for Combat Development and Experimentation Command (CDEC). Assistant: 1979年,乔治亚理工研究院主持了军方战斗发展与试验司令部(Combat Development and Experimentation Command,CDEC)项目的间接火力仿真任务。 User: That day, Russia also set up plans for new imports of cucumbers from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Turkey. Assistant: 当天俄罗斯亦开始计划改由乌克兰、土耳其、阿塞拜疆与埃及进口小黄瓜。 User: Realizing that proximity to the campus would be a boon for revenues, the first business district was established in College Station near the campus, taking its name for the closest on-campus landmark: the north gate. Assistant: 意识到接近校园将是收入的福音,第一个商业区在校园附近的大学城建立,以其最近的校园地标:北门。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In the language of differential topology, the degree of a smooth map can be defined as follows: If f is a smooth map whose domain is a compact manifold and p is a regular value of f, consider the finite set f − 1 ( p ) = { x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n } . {\displaystyle f^{-1}(p)=\{x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ,x_{n}\}\,.} By p being a regular value, in a neighborhood of each xi the map f is a local diffeomorphism (it is a covering map). Assistant: 在微分拓扑的语言中,一个连续映射的度数可如下定义:如果 f 是一个连续映射,定义域是一个紧流形,设 p 是 f 的一个正则值,考虑有限集合 f − 1 ( p ) = { x 1 , x 2 , . . , x n } . {\displaystyle f^{-1}(p)=\{x_{1},x_{2},..,x_{n}\}\,.} 由 p 是一个正则值,在每个 xi 的一个邻域中映射 f 是局部微分同胚(这是一个覆盖映射)。 User: Smaller is better. Assistant: 数值越小越好。 User: His family moved frequently to afford rent, but never left his hometown. Assistant: 他的家庭因为付不起房租时常搬迁,但却从未离开家乡。 User: He establishes Paris (Lutetia) as his capital and gets baptized, making Roman Catholicism the official religion of the Kingdom of the Franks. Assistant: 克洛维一世把巴黎(卢泰西亚)定为首都,并受洗,使罗马天主教成为法兰克王国的官方宗教。 User: In 1982, he took a position as professor and Guggenheim Fellow at his alma mater, Harvard, and also became director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Assistant: 1982年,他成为了母校哈佛大学的教授的一位教授并获得古根海姆奖,并且成为了哈佛-史密森天体物理中心的主任。 User: GID exists when a person suffers discontent due to gender identity, causing them emotional distress. Assistant: 当一个人因性别认同而感到不满时,性别认同障碍就会存在,从而导致他们情绪低落。 User: HIP 56948 is among the best candidates for a solar twin because of the known possible contenders, its lithium abundance most resembles that of our own star. Assistant: HIP 56948可能是已知孪生太阳的最佳候选者,它的锂丰度最类似于我们的太阳。 User: Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee CBE, CStJ (27 May 1922 – 7 June 2015) was an English actor, singer and author. Assistant: 克里斯多福·弗兰克·卡兰迪尼·李爵士,CBE,CStJ(英语:Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee,1922年5月27日-2015年6月7日),生于英国英格兰伦敦,男演员、歌手。 User: Sultan Mahmud proposed that a state for Arakanese Indians be established in the northern part of Arakan, where Indians were a majority. Assistant: 苏丹马赫穆德提议在印度人占多数的阿拉干北部建立一个阿拉干印度人州。 User: Bahá'u'lláh claimed that the scriptures of the world's religions foretell a coming messianic figure that will bring a golden age of humanity, the kingdom of God on earth. Assistant: 巴哈欧拉认为,世界上各个宗教的经文预言了一个即将到来的弥赛亚人物,他将带来人类的黄金时代,即在地球上的神的国。 User: Since that time, the parliament has demonstrated real independence from the executive branch. Assistant: 自此,国会开始真正的独立于行政部门之外。 User: Nettl identifies two "essential features" of Hungarian folk music to be the use of "pentatonic scales composed of major seconds and minor thirds" (or "gapped scales") and "the practice of transposing a bit of melody several times to create the essence of a song". Assistant: Nettl 辨认出两项匈牙利民谣的“关键特质”:“包含五声音阶的运用(由大二度与小三度,或间隔音阶(gapped scale)所谱成)),也有部分旋律数度反复的变调所创造的歌曲主轴。 User: He was the first player in college baseball history to hit 30 home runs and steal 30 bases in the same season. Assistant: 他是大学棒球历史上第一个单赛季完成30支本垒打30次盗垒成功的球员。 User: After they hatch, the larger one will be fed more, and the smaller one will eventually die of starvation or siblicide. Assistant: 经孵化后,较大的雏鸟会吃得较多,而最细小的则因饥饿或自杀而死亡。 User: Corporate: Bonds are issued by corporations. Assistant: 公司债券:某一家公司发行的债券。 User: In 1949, there existed 20 archdioceses, 39 apostolic prefectures, 3080 foreign missionaries, and 2557 Chinese priests. Assistant: 1949年,在中国有20 个总教区、39个宗座监牧区,3080 名外国传教士,和2557名中国神父。 User: Other current issues to gain Amnesty International's attention in the past 10 years include missing children, failure of law enforcement to properly investigate and prosecute crimes against women, and rendering organized labor illegal. Assistant: 其他在过去十年间,曾受国际特赦组织关注的议题包括了儿童失踪、对妇女受害的犯罪的调查和执法不力,以及宣告工会为非法组织等等。 User: The region doubled as the fictional Eastern European nation of Sokovia, with crews replacing local storefronts with Cyrillic script. Assistant: 该地区将在片中作为虚构的东欧国家索科维亚,剧组将当地店铺门面换成西里尔字母。 User: In the 1990s, though, Chinese people began to move into some parts of the western Lower East Side, which 50 years earlier was populated by Eastern European Jews and 20 years earlier was occupied by Hispanics. Assistant: 1990年代,华人开始移居下东城的西侧,这地区50年前是东欧犹太人所居,20年前则是西班牙人所居。 User: After the discovery it was recognized that fragments of these sayings attributed to Jesus appeared in manuscripts discovered at Oxyrhynchus in 1898, and matching quotations were recognized in other early Christian sources. Assistant: 此作被发掘出来后,人们发现手稿中载有一些耶稣语录的片段,与1898年发现的俄西林古蒲草纸(Oxyrhynchus)中的耶稣语录相同,而它们亦能在早期的基督教教会文献中找到。 User: The stadium holds 15,275 spectators, for football matches 15,163. Assistant: 体育场可容纳15,275名观众,足球比赛时仅可容纳15,163名观众。 User: Much of the Cylons' technology is based heavily on bioengineering and/or synthetic biology rather than conventional robotics. Assistant: 大多数的赛隆科技发展在生物工程学和合成生物学而非机器人工学上。 User: The outer wall was a formidable defensive edifice in its own right: in the sieges of 1422 and 1453, the Byzantines and their allies, being too few to hold both lines of wall, concentrated on the defence of the outer wall. Assistant: 外墙的防御力惊人,在1422年及1453年的围城战里,拜占庭帝国及其盟友的兵力不足以守护两层城墙,于是集中兵力死守外墙。 User: However, the "crossing" or exchange of postcards works in a different way. Assistant: 然而,这种明信片的“交流”或“交换方式”是不同的。 User: However, he is a seeker of knowledge and so will tell no one of his knowledge. Assistant: 诸有所问,皆为了知,不为娆乱。 User: Zinc-activated ion channel (ZAC), is a human protein encoded by the ZACN gene. Assistant: 锌激活离子通道(英语:Zinc-activated ion channel,ZAC),是一种由人类基因ZACN 编码的蛋白质。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: On March 31, 2016, Robin Wright entered final negotiations for a role in the film, and on April 2, Dave Bautista posted a picture of himself with an origami unicorn, hinting at a role in the film. Assistant: 2016年3月31日,罗宾·莱特进入参演的最后会谈,4月2日,戴夫·巴帝斯塔在自己的网站上贴出折纸的图样,暗示自己将会在片中饰演一名角色。 User: The remains will be buried in this city. Assistant: 死后葬于栾城。 User: The Ciccone siblings resented housekeepers and invariably rebelled against anyone brought into their home ostensibly to take the place of their beloved mother. Assistant: 西科尼家的兄弟姐妹对管家感到愤怒并一贯地抗拒任何表面上要来到他们家取代他们钟爱的母亲的人。 User: Prior to 1999, revaluations were normally carried out every three years or longer. Assistant: 1999年之前,差饷物业估价署通常每三年或以上重估差饷一次。 User: With a career spanning more than three decades, magazines such as Allure and Men's Health have named Brinkley one of the most attractive women of all time. Assistant: 职业生涯横跨三十多年,Allure、花花公子以及 男士健康都赞誉布琳克莉是有史以来最有魅力女性之一。 User: By 1987, about 80% of the country's territory was permanently controlled by neither the pro-Communist government and supporting Soviet troops nor by the armed opposition. Assistant: 1987年,全国大约80%的地区已持续被亲共政府控制(并支持苏军)和军队以外的势力占领。 User: Fisher's brother Philip was serving on the training ship Atalanta, which disappeared somewhere between the West Indies and England, believed lost in a storm. Assistant: 载有费舍尔幼弟的训练舰亚特兰大号(HMS Atalanta)在西印度和英国之间的海面消失,相信舰只是因为风暴失事。 User: Unlike the nitrate, the oxide is similar to the corresponding samarium salt and not the neodymium salt. Assistant: 与硝酸盐不同,钷氧化物的性质相似于钐盐而非钕盐。 User: Thinking the other man is Le Tenia, he assaults him, but the man wrestles Marcus to the ground, breaks Marcus's arm, and attempts to rape Marcus on the club floor. Assistant: 马库斯认为这另一个男人就是绦虫,打了他,但是那个人将马库斯摔倒在地,打断了马库斯的手臂,并企图在俱乐部的地板上强奸马库斯。 User: Japanese Cubans are Cuban citizens of Japanese ancestry. Assistant: 日裔古巴人,是指祖先有日本人血统的古巴公民。 User: The ratio of intenuclear distances r(Me-Cl)/r(Cl...Cl) is 1.630 and this value agrees well with the value for the regular tetrahedron model (1.633). Assistant: 核间距比r(Me-Cl)/r(Cl...Cl)为1.630,与正四面体模型的预测值(1.633)很接近。 User: They executed 5, 10, and 20 kilometer ring patrols to increase force security and stayed ready to react at a moments notice to deploy anywhere in Afghanistan to react to "troops in contact" that requested support. Assistant: 他们将进行5,10以及20公里的环形路线巡逻以保证基地安全,同时他们随时准备接受紧急命令前往位于阿富汗任何地方的交战区支援己方作战部队。 User: In 1797, he extended his claim about non-conductivity to liquids. Assistant: 1797年,他将他的有关绝热性的推论推及液体。 User: In 1630 the Dutch invaded the Brazilian Northeast and in 1637 they took the Fort of São Sebastião and ruled over Ceará. Assistant: 1630年,荷兰入侵巴西东北部并于1637年占领圣塞巴斯蒂昂,开始对塞阿拉进行统治。 User: In Greenland, she is the mother of weather, who decides the quantity and the time for snow to fall. Assistant: 在格陵兰岛因纽特人神话中,阿西亚齐是决定降雪量和时间的天气之母。 User: Besides the first good description of the sphenoid bone, he showed that the sternum consists of three portions and the sacrum of five or six, and described accurately the vestibule in the interior of the temporal bone. Assistant: 除了第一次正确的描述蝶骨外,他还展示了胸骨由三部分组成,骶骨是由五块或六块组成;正确的描述了前庭(vestibule)位于颞骨的内部。 User: The lyrics talk about embracing one's hairstyle as their ultimate expression of freedom. Assistant: 歌词谈论了拥抱自己的发型,根本上是表达了自由的理念。 User: After their ship sank, crushed by the ice about 25 miles away, the twenty men from the Antarctic landed here in their lifeboat and built a sturdy double-walled stone hut whose remains are clearly visible today. Assistant: 在船撞上浮冰漂流25英里沉没后,20名队员乘救生艇登上此岛,并搭建了双层厚的石棚屋避难,该棚屋至今仍伫立于该地。 User: Last time it was reconstructed in 1962-1965. Assistant: 此桥最后一次重建于1962年-1965年。 User: Under Umar, the caliphate expanded at an unprecedented rate, ruling the Sasanian Empire and more than two-thirds of the Byzantine Empire. Assistant: 在欧麦尔的统治下,哈里发国快速的扩张,统治了萨珊王朝及三分之二的拜占庭帝国。 User: The report emphasized U.S. military actions abroad, including the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, conducted without the approval of the United Nations. Assistant: 报告还强调了美国在国外的军事活动, 包括2003年3月在未获联合国授权的情况下对伊拉克发动美伊战争。 User: A day, symbol d, defined as 86 400 seconds, is not an SI unit, but is accepted for use with SI. Assistant: 称为“日”的时间测量单位定义为86,400SI秒,并且标示的符号为d,但它虽然不是SI单位,但被接受并且在SI中使用。 User: In 1887, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz discovered but could not explain the photoelectric effect, which was later explained in 1905 by Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics 1921). Assistant: 1887年,海因里希·鲁道夫·赫兹发现了光电效应,1905年,爱因斯坦解释了该现象,并为此获得了1921年的诺贝尔物理学奖。 User: Though the EU has very limited influence in this area as the content of educational systems is the responsibility of individual member states, a number of EU funding programmes actively promote language learning and linguistic diversity. Assistant: 欧盟虽然不直接影响各成员国的语言政策,但提供资金予若干提倡语言学习以及多样化的计划。 User: Management is supportive. Assistant: 管理是反应式的。 User: A light aircraft carrier, or light fleet carrier, is an aircraft carrier that is smaller than the standard carriers of a navy. Assistant: 轻型航空母舰也称为轻型舰队母舰是比标准航空母舰较小的航空母舰。 User: For example, if the type of a variable as specified in the source code is narrower than the native register width (such as "int" on a 64-bit machine, a common scenario), then the compiler can safely use a signed 64-bit integer for the variable in the machine code it produces, without changing the defined behavior of the code. Assistant: 假设源代码中变量的类型比原生寄存器的宽度要窄(比如常见的在64位机器上的int类型),那么编译器就可以在生成机器码时把这个变量当作64位有符号数,对代码的语义没有任何影响。 User: Up to a 500 milliliter (1 pint) of excess fluid can be removed per hour. Assistant: 最多每小时可除去过量的流体500毫升(1品脱)。 User: Craig is listed as co-producer. Assistant: 克雷格被列为联合制片人。 User: India has the largest population of around three times the combined population of the 6 other countries in the region. Assistant: 它是该地区的最大国,约占四分之三的土地印度拥有该地区最庞大的人口,大约是其余六国人口总和的三倍。 User: For the convenience and comfort will be accommodated. Assistant: 乃令士谦先,且通邻好。 User: In 1697, the arches were walled-up in order to provide more space for the oratory that is attached to the loggia; the masonry was removed in 1889, revealing the long-hidden decoration. Assistant: 1697年,拱门被关闭,以便为演讲提供更多的空间;砖石建筑于1889年被拆除,显出长期隐藏的装饰。 User: Her repairs were completed on 9 June although some of her guns were removed during this time to reinforce the defenses of the port. Assistant: 胜利号回港进行了修理,直到6月9日才结束,在此期间俄军从胜利号上拆除了一些火炮搬到陆地上协助防御。 User: OK Go is an American rock band originally from Chicago, Illinois, now based in Los Angeles, California. Assistant: OK Go摇滚乐队最初在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥组建,目前在洛杉矶。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Of the nine who testified, three had claimed mistreatment they had suffered. Assistant: 弟三人,孙皓时都封为列侯。 User: In August, the third official storm capsized the American brig Bainbridge off Hatteras, North Carolina, drowning 80 people. Assistant: 8月,第三号飓风致使美国“班布里奇号”双桅横帆船在北卡罗莱纳州哈特拉斯近海沉没,导致80人溺毙。 User: Dieter Kuhn states that an analysis of texts and textiles from the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) proves that the figured fabrics of that era were also crafted with the use of a drawloom. Assistant: 学者迪特尔·库恩(Dieter Kuhn)指出,对来自汉朝(前202年-220年)文献与纺织品的一项分析证明,那时样式华丽的织物也是利用织布机缝制而成。 User: It is a vocational school according to the Western model. Assistant: 这是一所以西方模型的私立学校。 User: Two optional protocols were adopted by the UN General Assembly. Assistant: 两次大会通过《海牙公约》。 User: The astronauts observed that the ejecta of South Ray was very bouldery, and reported that it would have been difficult or impossible to drive there on their rover. Assistant: 宇航员们观察到,南射纹线坑的喷出物全都是很大巨砾,他们报告说在那里很难或无法驾驶月球车。 User: The Italians equipped at least one company in each tank battalion with more heavily armed Semovente 75/18 assault guns. Assistant: 义军而后在每个坦克营装备了至少一个连的较重型的75/18突击炮。 User: The Los Angeles Police Memorial is a monument outside Parker Center, the LAPD's headquarters, and was unveiled on October 1, 1971. Assistant: 在帕克中心外有一处洛杉矶警察局纪念碑,已于1971年10月1日揭牌。 User: He nationalized the foreign-built railroads and signed the first restrictive immigration legislation in the last years before the Mexican Revolution. Assistant: 他将这些外来人建造的轨道国有化并在墨西哥革命前的最后几年里签署了第一份限制移民的法律。 User: While the Year Without a Summer, in 1816, occurred during the Dalton Minimum, the prime reason for that year's cool temperatures was the highly explosive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which was one of the two largest eruptions in the past 2000 years. Assistant: 虽然无夏之年,1816年,发生在道尔敦极小期温度最低的一年,但当年的低温主要是因为印尼的坦博拉火山的激烈喷发,这是过去2000年坦博拉火山两次最大的爆发之一。 User: The process includes the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, of which some of these countries are already part. Assistant: 这个过程包括了欧洲汇率机制,其中一些国家已经在进行中。 User: The first sixpences were minted in 1551, during the reign of Edward VI. Assistant: 英国的第一款六便士在爱德华六世治下的1551年开始铸造。 User: L'Être et le neutre. Assistant: 曾祖父和中立。 User: When the angle between the sun and the horizon is less than 10 percent, as it is just after sunrise or just prior to sunset, sunlight becomes too red due to refraction for any colors other than those with a reddish hue to be seen. Assistant: 当阳光和地平线的角度小于10%,就在日出之后或是日落之前,因为阳光中可见的色调,除了红色之外都会被折射掉。 User: At a speech following this Roosevelt said, "you can criticize me, my wife and my family, but you can't criticize my little dog. Assistant: 罗斯福在一次演讲中表示,“你可以批评我、我妻子和我的家人,但你不可以批评我的小狗。 User: Logic errors occur in both compiled and interpreted languages. Assistant: 逻辑错误在编译语言和解释语言中都可能出现。 User: The conflicts and criticism between Jesus and the Pharisees continue, e.g. they criticize Jesus for associating with "publicans and sinners", whereby Jesus responds: "It is not healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Assistant: 耶稣和法利赛人之间的冲突和批评仍旧继续,例如,他们批评耶稣与“公众和罪人”来往,借此耶稣回答说:“康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。 User: A small portion of the city limits extend into Peoria County. Assistant: 北京市区的一小部分延伸至皮奥里亚县。 User: In the original eight-color version, pink stood for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit. Assistant: 在最初的八色版本中,粉色代表性能力,红色代表生命,橙色代表复原,黄色代表太阳,绿色代表自然,青绿代表艺术,靛蓝代表和谐,紫色代表精神。 User: One of the most important concepts with the regard to the composition of a film is maintaining a balance of symmetry. Assistant: 关于电影构图的一个最重要的概念是保持对称的平衡。 User: The political aim was to discredit the Japanese-sponsored republic and build the concept of a functioning democracy as a grass roots level, while the economic objective was to prevent the enemy's looting. Assistant: 政治目标是诋毁菲律宾第二共和国,建立基层民主的概念,而经济目标是防止敌人的掠夺。 User: They approached various sites that were hosting the image and quickly had it removed. Assistant: 他们联系了多个发布图片的网站,很快就已将这些照片删除。 User: The rest of the sections include filamentous species. Assistant: 本总目包含了所有蜱螨类的生物。 User: This time the pots do not have to be of equal size though, depending on the results of the first round. Assistant: 然而根据第一轮的结果,此时的分档并不需要具有相同的数量。 User: It is not clear if aciclovir eye drops are more effective than brivudine eye drops. Assistant: 但是眼内容剜出术较眼球摘除术更易引起交感性眼炎。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The old Observatory building houses the Institute of Astronomy Library which has a collection of modern and historical astronomical books. Assistant: 古老的天文台建筑是天文研究所的图书馆,搜集了迷人的现代与历史性的天文学书籍。 User: The Bureau of Indian Affairs did not set up land allotments in the Southwest. Assistant: 印第安事务局在西南部没有进行土地分配。 User: He always sees the best in others, seeks internal fulfillment free of accolades, and shapes the world around himself to fit his desires. Assistant: 他总是看到别人的优点,寻求内心满足作为嘉奖,并根据自己的意志改变周围环境。 User: The total number of ocean-going transits increased from 11,725 in 2003 to 13,233 in 2007, falling to 12,855 in 2009. Assistant: 远洋航行船只数量从2003年的11,725艘上升到2007年的13,233艘,又回落到2009年的12,855艘。 User: Due to the cancellation of Morocco being hosts of the 2015 edition, the national team of Morocco were originally banned by CAF from entering the 2017 and 2019 Africa Cups of Nations. Assistant: 由于摩洛哥作为的主机取消2015年版,国家队摩洛哥最初是由CAF进入联合国的2017年到2019年非洲杯取缔。 User: Another option used at restaurants is to assign customers a confirmed return time, basically a reservation issued on arrival. Assistant: 餐厅使用的另一种选择是为客户指定确认的退货时间,基本上是抵达时发出的预订。 User: His composition "Jelly Roll Blues", published in 1915, was the first published jazz composition. Assistant: 他的作品《杰利·罗尔蓝调》于1915年出版,是第一部出版的爵士乐作品。 User: The team logo is a yellow football at the centre of a blue curling wave, which symbolises the beaches of the Central Coast. Assistant: 球队的标志是一个黄色足球在蓝色的弯曲波浪上,象征中海岸的海滩。 User: He began by teaching anatomy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and Earth and Space Sciences, where future artist Gregory S. Paul worked and collaborated informally under his guidance. Assistant: 他起初于巴尔的摩的约翰·霍普金斯大学教授地球科学、解剖学,并曾于地科领域指导后来知名的古生物插画家格雷戈里·保罗。 User: She turned to cross country in November 2011 and came third at the Cross de Atapuerca race then won the Cross de Soria. Assistant: 2011年11月时吉普图则改投入越野赛跑,一方面在阿塔普埃尔卡越野赛跑(Cross de Atapuerca)中拿下第三名,另一方面亦在国际索里亚越野赛跑(Cross Internacional de Soria)中夺得冠军。 User: It is currently unknown whether the planet is a gas giant like Uranus or Neptune, or has terrestrial composition like CoRoT-7 b. Assistant: 目前还不知道这颗行星是像天王星、海王星的气体巨星,还是构造像地球的柯洛7b。 User: At the beginning it was an oratory devoted to all the martyrs. Assistant: 起初它是一个经堂,供奉所有殉道圣人。 User: Shortly after the birth of their son, Telemachus, Odysseus was called to war, leaving Penelope to run the kingdom and raise Telemachus alone. Assistant: 他们的儿子忒勒马科斯出生后不久,奥德修斯就应征参军去了,佩涅罗珀只得独自照料国家,抚养忒勒马科斯。 User: The theories were posted on Internet forums by people including Richard Finke and William Thomas, and were among many conspiracy theories popularized by late-night radio host Art Bell, starting in 1999. Assistant: 这些理论由理查德·芬克(Richard Finke)和威廉·托马斯(William Thomas)等人在网络论坛发布,于1999年起由深夜电台节目主持人亚特·贝尔(英语:Art Bell)讨论。 User: The show aired in Australia in 2010 on ABC2, and in New Zealand, it screened on FOUR. Assistant: 2010年,此剧开始在澳大利亚ABC2电视台播出,在新西兰,FOUR电视台正好在播此剧的第四季。 User: At least 712,000 people were executed while 1,290,000 were imprisoned in labor camps. Assistant: 至少712,000人被处决,1,290,000人被投进劳改营,并有1,200,000人“处以长期的思想改造”。 User: This type of act occasionally uses public transport as a venue. Assistant: 这种类型的演出偶尔会使用公共交通站作为表演场所。 User: This did not put an end to the wrangles over what should be on the coin: the commission wished to have the coins dated 1900, but have them to sell as early as possible in 1899. Assistant: 但这并没有为针对硬币所刻内容的争吵划上句点:拉法耶特纪念委员会希望硬币上所刻年份为1900,但硬币则要在1899年就开始销售,并且时间越早越好。 User: Villela (2000, pp. 2). Assistant: Villela(2000年,第2页)。 User: In 1948 Cornelius P. Rhoads became the director of Memorial. Assistant: 1948年,科尼利斯·罗达(英语:Cornelius P. Rhoads)成为纪念医院院长。 User: Traidenis also made incursions into Poland, especially surroundings of Lublin and Łęczyca, that continued to about 1306. Assistant: 特莱德尼斯也曾袭击过波兰,特别是他曾包围卢布林和文奇察,这次围攻持续到约1306年。 User: Its downside is the relative weakness, for a military handgun, of its 8×27mm ammunition. Assistant: 而它唯一较明显的缺点就是作为一枝军用手枪火力较弱,口径只有8×27毫米。 User: The data-flow confluence operator used is set union, and the analysis is forward flow. Assistant: 数据流汇流运算(data-flow confluence operator)则是使用联集,而他的分析则是正向流动。 User: Lyricist and composer Marvin Hamlisch was hired as musical supervisor of the festivities. Assistant: 作词和作曲家马文·哈姆利奇获聘担任晚会的音乐总监。 User: It is uncommon in far north New Hampshire and in Maine is common only in a strip about 50 miles from the coast. Assistant: 在美国,东部锦龟在新罕布什尔州最北的地方则不常见,而在缅恩州也只见于离海岸线50英里内一带区域。 User: The collapse of the world market combined with a steep drop in agricultural production due to drought led to economic diversification, moving away from a reliance on wheat production. Assistant: 世界市场的崩溃以及由于干旱导致了农业生产产量的急剧下降,迫使经济呈现多样化发展,远离了对小麦生产的依赖。 User: She continues to paint. Assistant: 他仍然不断作画。 User: It was concluded that the previous trials in 1944 and 1947 were not a bar to proceedings under the principle of ne bis in idem, as at the 1944 trial Koch had only been charged with receiving, while in 1947 she had been accused of crimes against foreigners after 1 September 1939, and not with crimes against humanity of which Germans and Austrians had been defendants both before and after that date. Assistant: 得出的结论是,1944年和1947年的判决不属于“双重审判”,1944年的判决仅指控贪污,而在1947年她因1939年9月1日后的针对外国人的犯罪行为而受到指控,1947年她被控的罪行,与之前被控的反人类罪无关。 User: When starting a program, even a native 32-bit Windows program, MS-DOS momentarily executes to create a data structure known as the Program Segment Prefix. Assistant: 即便是原生32位Windows程序,启动程序时MS-DOS也会被短暂执行以创建称为“程序段前缀”的数据结构。 User: Once a homeland was granted its nominal independence, its designated citizens had their South African citizenship revoked and replaced with citizenship in their homeland. Assistant: 一个家园一旦被给予形式独立后,其公民须注销南非公民资格,成为家园的公民。 User: For a cell to divide, it must first replicate its DNA. Assistant: 细胞分裂一般需要先复制其DNA。 User: A person who often writes polemics, or who speaks polemically, is called a polemicist. Assistant: 一个经常写作反调文章,或者说话唱反调的人,是一个辩论者或争论者。 User: All of the Ninth Doctor novels except Only Human make reference to the "Bad Wolf" story arc of the first series although in keeping with the TV series, the Doctor does not acknowledge these as significant. Assistant: 除了《唯一的人类》外,上述五部小说均涉及到电视剧系列1的故事线—恶狼,尽管博士在剧中并没有意识其关连。 User: Exceptions include Papa Lazarou facing the Reverend Bernice in the Christmas Special (both Reece Shearsmith), Les McQueen buying a magazine from Pop's son (both Mark Gatiss), and Alvin Steele buying food from Iris at a supermarket checkout in Series 2 (again, both Mark Gatiss). Assistant: 罕见的几次例外有:Papa Lazarou跟Bernice牧师在圣诞特辑中的会面(两个角色都由里斯·谢尔史密斯扮演);Les McQueen从Pop的儿子那里买杂志(两个角色都由马克·加蒂斯扮演);Alvin Steele在超市结账时的柜员是Iris(两个角色都由马克·加蒂斯扮演)。 User: Article III of the United States Constitution does not specify the number of justices. Assistant: 《美国宪法》第三条并没有制定大法官人数。 User: The typical American downtown has certain unique characteristics. Assistant: 典型的美国下城有一些独有的特点。 User: Magicians and scientists have suggested concealed pieces of phosphorus may have instead been responsible. Assistant: 魔术师和科学家认为隐藏的磷块可能是物体着火的成因。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Hamburg was also used as barracks ship later in the war, and Leipzig became a training ship in 1917. Assistant: 汉堡号也在战争后期担任宿营船职能,而莱比锡号则于1917年成为教练船。 User: The VMM works with virtual devices (loadable kernel modules, which consist mostly of 32-bit ring 0 or kernel mode code, but may include other types of code, such as a 16-bit real mode initialisation segment) to allow those virtual devices to intercept interrupts and faults to control the access that an application has to hardware devices and installed software. Assistant: VMM作用于虚拟设备(可加载的内核模块,主要由32位环-0或内核模式码组成,但也包了括其它类型的代码,譬如16位实模式初始化段)以允许这些虚拟设备拦截中断或故障来控制一个应用程序对硬件及软件的访问。 User: During the Copper Age, the population of this region grew. Assistant: 在红铜时代,这个地区的人口滋长。 User: Two of these tribes are attested based upon archaeological evidence: the Mitanni and the Kassites. Assistant: 这些部落中有两个经考古证据得到证实:米坦尼和加喜特人。 User: On 30 April, May stated that it was her intention to lower taxes if the Conservatives won the general election, but only explicitly ruled out raising VAT. Assistant: 4月30日,梅首相表示,如果保守党赢得大选,她打算降低税收,但只明确不会提高增值税。 User: Hebrew poet Rachel lived in the small white house in the courtyard in 1925 and wrote a poem inspired by a pear tree Hunt planted in the courtyard. Assistant: 1925年,希伯来语女诗人雷切尔住在院内的白色小房子,从院内的梨树获得灵感,写了一首诗。 User: Some publications found fault with complaints which remained from the original, including the combat system. Assistant: 一些文章批评了本作仍未改掉的毛病,其中就如战斗系统。 User: The Battle of Annual (1921) during the Rif War was a sudden, grave, and almost fatal military defeat suffered by the Spanish army against Moroccan insurgents. Assistant: 在1921年的安瓦勒战役,摩洛哥的叛乱分子更令西班牙军队遭到突然、严重而几乎致命的挫败。 User: Israel carried out further airstrikes in Gaza. Assistant: 以军继续空袭加沙。 User: Jan fell in love with her not knowing who she really is. Assistant: 盖尔知道自己已经爱上她,不过却不知道该怎么办。 User: As a result, there has been a significant increase in agricultural and cattle production. Assistant: 因此,农业和肉牛生产都有了显著增加。 User: Reportedly Kabila had tried to cultivate a good relationship with Mobutu, but the latter allegedly neglected his work and seemed uninterested in it. Assistant: 据报导,卡比拉曾试图与蒙博托建立良好的关系,但后者据称忽略了他的工作,似乎对此并不感兴趣。 User: Lastly the reorganization of resource acquisition and use. Assistant: 其核心是对资产的收益和风险要素进行分离和重组。 User: His son Damien is a professional golf coach. Assistant: 其子安秉勋则是一位职业高尔夫球运动员。 User: This is the Oldest Modern Educational Institution in Asia. Assistant: 这是亚洲最古老的数学学会。 User: Some of the countries listed, such as Iceland and Monaco, have no standing armies but still have a non-police military force. Assistant: 部分列表中的国家,如冰岛与摩纳哥,并无设置军队,但仍保有非警武力。 User: The logic and the linguistic expression of the two series are radically different. Assistant: 这两个系列的逻辑和语言表式极端不同。 User: Because the availability of contraceptive methods was poor, abortion was the most common means of family planning. Assistant: 因为可用的避孕方法很少,堕胎是最常用的计划生育手段。 User: The relocation happened during an escalation of the Gaza border protests and caused international condemnation. Assistant: 搬迁适逢加沙边境抗议活动升级,引起国际谴责。 User: Members meet as a Conclave. Assistant: 诸国皆聘以重爵。 User: It was their second championship title. Assistant: 这是他的第二个冠军头衔。 User: This is because that function, although continuous, is not differentiable at x = 0. Assistant: 这是因为,函数虽然是连续的,但它在点x = 0不可导。 User: By the afternoon of 17 February, Rommel's troops had occupied Feriana and Thelepte (roughly 24 km (15 mi) southwest of Kasserine) forcing the evacuation on the morning of 18 February of Thelepte airfield, the main air base in British First Army's southern sector. Assistant: 到了2月17日下午,隆美尔的部队已占领菲里阿纳和泰莱普特(约在凯塞林西南15英里(24公里)),迫使泰莱普特机场在2月18日早上进行疏散,这是英国第1军团在南部的主要空军基地。 User: As tensions rose between the US and the USSR, each government in Korea claimed it had sovereignty over the whole country. Assistant: 随着美国和苏联之间的局势渐趋紧张,朝韩两国政府都声称对整个半岛拥有主权。 User: This Old Guitar. Assistant: 以上旧通志。 User: Therein lies the challenge in machine translation: how to program a computer that will "understand" a text as a person does, and that will "create" a new text in the target language that sounds as if it has been written by a person. Assistant: 于是,这对机器翻译便是一项挑战,即:要如何设计一个程式使其能够如同真人一样的“了解(认知)”一段文字,并且能够“创造”一段好似真人实际写作出来的目标语言的文字。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: It was here that Christiaan and his brothers received their early education. Assistant: 起初,叶芝和他的兄弟姐妹接受的是家庭教育。 User: Chaplin demanded half of the total gross, and considering audiences would be more attracted by the film itself than its technology, he demanded higher ticket prices compared to talkies. Assistant: 影片的一半票房归于卓别林自己,他也使影片票价高于有声电影票价,因为他认为观众会被电影本身而不是电影技术吸引。 User: The Chorus asks the heavens why they do not reward the innocent and punish the guilty and evil. Assistant: 天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。 User: He was then ridden to the edge of town on a wooden rail, and left there with the warning not to return. Assistant: 后来又以筑中城之功拜崔沆为门下侍中、封晋阳侯,但被崔沆推辞不受。 User: A few manufacturers did produce licensed MCA machines (most notably NCR), but overall the industry balked at IBM's restrictions. Assistant: 倒是有几个制造商生产出了正版MCA接口的机器(其中包括NCR)但是总的看来,IBM的限制挡住了MCA的脚步。 User: Falcon Stadium, located outside of the Cadet Area, is the football field and site of the graduation ceremonies. Assistant: 猎鹰体育场位于学员区以外,是橄榄球场和举行毕业典礼的场地。 User: Resistance and Johnson noise If electric current is running through a wire loop with a resistor in it, the current will rapidly go to zero because of the resistance. Assistant: 电阻和约翰逊噪声 如果电流通过导线环带运行的电阻,因为阻力电流会迅速变为零。 User: On the other hand, the poor performance of a team or a sportsman results in less advertising revenues. Assistant: 在团队对决中失败的团队将淘汰公演中获得收入最低的表演者。 User: A collider is a type of particle accelerator. Assistant: 回旋加速器是一种粒子加速器。 User: It had Asian personalities Jet Li, Maggie Cheung, Zhao Wei, and former "American Idol" judge Paula Abdul making an appearance at the gala event, along with some 1,600 guests. Assistant: 开幕仪式请来亚洲巨星李连杰、 张曼玉 、赵薇 和前“美国偶像”评委宝拉·阿巴杜,另外亦邀请了约1,600名客人。 User: The American Cancer Society lists "heart disease, lung infections, increased asthma attacks, middle ear infections, and low birth weight" as ramifications of smoker's emission. Assistant: 美国癌症协会将“心脏病、肺炎、哮喘、中耳炎、低出生体重”列在吸烟危害表里。 User: He is a co-owner of Blue Ink, a tattoo studio in Leicester. Assistant: 他是Blue Ink的合伙人之一,这是一间在李斯特的纹身店。 User: The semantics of logic refers to the approaches that logicians have introduced to understand and determine that part of meaning in which they are interested; the logician traditionally is not interested in the sentence as uttered but in the proposition, an idealised sentence suitable for logical manipulation. Assistant: 逻辑的语义指称逻辑学家已经介入来理解和确定他们感兴趣的意义部分的方式;逻辑学家在传统上只对是命题的句子感兴趣,它是适合逻辑操纵的理想的句子。 User: Then Medhavi fell down dead. Assistant: 后卡扎菲倒台。 User: Deimos looks more like a bright star or planet for an observer on Mars, only slightly bigger than Venus looks from Earth; it has an angular diameter of about 2'. Assistant: 而火卫二看起来更像是一颗行星或明亮的恒星,只比地球上看见的金星稍微大一点而已,角直径约2'。 User: The New York Times calls this The Subway Shuffle. Assistant: 纽约时报将此称为“地铁拖曳”(The Subway Shuffle)。 User: As a result, as time went on, increasing numbers of citizens petitioned the King to override the common law, and on the King's behalf the Lord Chancellor gave judgment to do what was equitable in a case. Assistant: 因此,随着时间的演进,越来越多的人民请求国王推翻普通法,且由国王的代表——大法官做出对案件公正的判决。 User: Although Western food became fashionable, it was still hard for the Chinese people to adapt to some types of Western cooking, such as medium rare beefsteak. Assistant: 虽然在当时吃西餐是非常时髦的生活方式,但是中国人一开始难以适应西菜的烹饪方式,就比方说这半生半熟的牛排。 User: La Superba (Y CVn, Y Canum Venaticorum) is a strikingly red giant star in the constellation Canes Venatici. Assistant: La Superba,即猎犬座Y(Y CVn, Y Canum Venaticorum),是一颗位于猎犬座的恒星,因为外表极为偏红色而闻名。 User: Dr. Hanna had fallen ill with complications from his spinal injury (he died on December 15, 1862), and Mark Hanna, even before his father's death, was made a partner. Assistant: 他的父亲因脊椎损伤并发症病倒,于1862年12月15日去世,但汉纳在父亲离世前就已成为企业合伙人。 User: In the process, he committed 73 fouls but was only given eight yellow cards. Assistant: 在此过程中,他共有73次犯规,但只获得了8张黄牌。 User: A plan was announced in 2002 to develop ecological tourism with visits to desert and nature preserves. Assistant: 2002年,当局宣布计划发展生态旅游,参观沙漠和自然保护区。 User: An era of economic growth and development begins. Assistant: 是高度经济成长时期的开始。 User: Each year he was given over a hundred demerits – earning him membership in the "Century Club" – for offenses such as shoes not being shined, formation faults, room in disorder, and talking out of place. Assistant: 每年他被记过上百次,成为违规“世纪俱乐部”的一员,记过的原因包括鞋子擦得不亮、编队失误、房间凌乱和说话出格等,父亲为此多次来校训斥他。 User: New crossing points were established and East German crossing regulations were slightly relaxed, although the fortifications were as rigorously maintained as ever. Assistant: 两国政府在边界地区修建了新的过境点,东德也适当放松了过境规定,但是其军事设施依然像往常一样严密监控着整个地区。 User: Lawrie also stated that some of the lettering should be strengthened, but if the Mint director, Nellie Tayloe Ross, was not disturbed by these things, the coin should go forward. Assistant: 劳列还认为,银币上的部分刻字有待加强,但要是铸币局局长内莉·泰洛·罗斯觉得这都不是问题,那么就可以开始投产。 User: Similarly, communications between the Earth and spacecraft are not instantaneous. Assistant: 地球与航天器之间的通讯无法瞬时传递。 User: The route was also a foundation for many chain stores back in the 1920s, sprouting up next to it to increase business and sales. Assistant: 这条公路也为许多连锁卖场奠基,早在1920年代,随着人口的增加,连锁店开始在公路旁开设大型卖场以增加业务和销售。 User: This information is presented as a table for ease of presentation; it is a vector, not a matrix. Assistant: 以上信息为了方便表示被写成表格形式,但它实际上是一个矢量,而非矩阵。 User: Four national judges, elected through the D'Hondt method. Assistant: 四处国民军训,处长由杜心如。 User: Her success, however, comes at a cost. Assistant: 然而,成功亦有其代价。 User: In 1998, it was moved into the newly created order Caudovirales. Assistant: 1998年,异动到新设立的宙组。 User: Various implementations of these generic widgets are often packaged together in widget toolkits, which programmers use to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Assistant: 常规控件的不同组合通常打包在部件工具箱中,程序员可以构建图形用户界面(GUIs)。 User: The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe has clarified and expanded upon COBE's accomplishments. Assistant: 威尔金森微波各向异性探测器澄清并且扩展了在宇宙背景探测者上所获的的成就。 User: Lee released the self-produced "Purple Rain" featuring CHEEZE as part of BTOB's solo project series, Piece of BTOB on August 10, 2017. . Assistant: 收录曲《Purple Rain》曾于2017年8月10日Solo特别企划《PIECE OF BTOB》发表。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Meanwhile, Euromaidan's Denys Shevchuk left the roundtable meeting with former presidents Kravchuk, Kuchma, and Yushchenko, claiming, "This is just a fiction". Assistant: 与此同时,亲欧盟示威方面的丹尼斯·舍夫丘克退出了和前总统克拉夫丘克、库奇马和尤先科的圆桌会议,说:“这不过是个幻想(fiction)”。 User: He was the winner of the Gold Medal and First prize in the experimental competition at the 29th International Physics Olympiad in 1998. Assistant: 1998年,他在第29届国际物理奥林匹克竞赛中获得金奖和一等奖。 User: He described the college as “young, poor, and small”. Assistant: 比尔形容学院“年轻,穷,小”。 User: Medications used to treat diabetes do so by lowering blood sugar levels. Assistant: 抗糖尿病药用于降低血中的葡萄糖浓度来治疗糖尿病。 User: The ship stopped in British Ceylon on her way to East Asia, where she visited ports in Thailand, China, and Japan. Assistant: 舰只在去往东亚的途中曾在英属锡兰停留,并从那里造访了泰国、中国和日本的数个港口。 User: In the Bryan Note issued by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan on 13 March 1915, the U.S., while affirming Japan's "special interests" in Manchuria, Mongolia and Shandong, expressed concern over further encroachments to Chinese sovereignty. Assistant: 美国国务卿威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩1915年3月13日在备忘录中提到,美国在肯定日本对中国山东和满洲、蒙古地区的“特殊利益”的同时,对日方进一步侵犯中国主权表示担忧。 User: Thurston constructed a compactification of the Teichmüller space T(S) of a surface S such that the action induced on T(S) by any diffeomorphism f of S extends to a homeomorphism of the Thurston compactification. Assistant: 瑟斯顿构造了曲面S的泰希米勒空间T(S)的一个紧化,令S的任何微分同胚f诱导在T(S)上的作用,可以延伸成瑟斯顿紧化上的一个同胚。 User: This makes it very different from many other faith groups. Assistant: 这是它与其他宗教最大的不同。 User: The British diplomats stated their case first, demanding the creation of an Indian barrier state in the American Northwest Territory (the area from Ohio to Wisconsin). Assistant: 随着和平谈判开始,英国要求在美国西北部地区(从俄亥俄到威斯康辛的这片地区)成立印第安人阻隔州。 User: Blanpain described the comet as having a "very small and confused nucleus". Assistant: 布朗平描述这颗彗星有一颗"非常小且弥散的核心"。 User: The name comes from Lukhmanovskaya Street, which in turn, is named for Dmitry Lukhmanov, a 19th-century Russian merchant. Assistant: 站名来自卢哈曼诺夫街,街名来自19世纪俄罗斯商人德米特里·卢哈曼诺夫。 User: There are many methods for coloring Parchment Craft work. Assistant: 目前栽培方式以太空包栽培法居多。 User: In North America and Europe bargaining is restricted to expensive or one-of-a-kind items (automobiles, antiques, jewelry, art, real estate, trade sales of businesses) and informal sales settings such as flea markets and garage sales. Assistant: 在北美和欧洲讨价还价仅限于昂贵商品或某一类物品(汽车、珠宝、艺术品、房地产、企业贸易销售)和非正式的销售,如跳蚤市场和车库的销售。 User: All the treasure it was carrying was lost. Assistant: 他绘制的祭坛画现已全部失传。 User: In terms of service there were indisputable improvements. Assistant: 但是,情况并未有改善的迹象。 User: They had anticipated that, by leaving Idaho, they might leave the war behind them and live peacefully. Assistant: 他们曾预期离开了爱达荷,就可以离开战争并和平地生活了。 User: Amendments to the penal code have reduced the number of capital offenses. Assistant: 他改革刑法,减少了要判处死刑的数目。 User: Steam would emanate from below, deep within the earth, and bestow clairvoyance. Assistant: 中阴根故,往生彼处,受根义,行中阴处,天眼见中阴色。 User: At one time Imperial China had successfully standardised units for volume throughout its territory, but by 1936 official investigations uncovered 53 values for the chi varying from 200 millimetres to 1250 millimetres; 32 values of the cheng, between 500 millilitres and 8 litres; and 36 different tsin ranging from 300 grams to 2500 grams. Assistant: 曾几何时,封建中国已经成功地在全国范围内标准化了单位,但到了1936年,官方调查发现了尺的53种数值,从200毫米到1250毫米不等; 32个版本的升,数值在500毫升和8升之间;36种不同的斤,从300克到2500克不等。 User: Condé Nast Publications, under the ownership of S.I. Newhouse, announced in June 1981 that it was reviving the magazine. Assistant: 收购了康得纳斯公司的媒体大亨士毅·纽豪斯(Si Newhouse)在1981年6月宣布将会重新出版这本杂志。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: In response, the Knights of Columbus published posters and magazines presenting Cristero soldiers in a positive light. Assistant: 骑士会对此发行了海报和杂志将基督军士兵列为正义的典范。 User: Many people who are considered "leaders" often fall into this category. Assistant: 许多被认为是“领袖”的人往往属于这一类。 User: The economic downturn following the 1973 oil crisis, technological improvements and economies of scale, and a wide-reaching restructuring of steel production throughout the European Economic Community led to the closure of many of the steelworks. Assistant: 但是1973年石油危机后的经济衰退,加之技术改进,规模经济以及整个欧洲经济共同体内钢铁生产大规模重组,导致谢菲尔德地区的许多钢铁厂倒闭。 User: With the release of Mathematica 7, the parallel programming tools were redesigned and included in Mathematica, and gridMathematica was redesigned to work directly with Mathematica. Assistant: 在 Mathematica 7 发布后,并行程序工具重新进行设计,并且包括在 Mathematica 中,,而 gridMathematica 经过重新设计,可以直接通过 Mathematica 使用。 User: This practice is called electoral fusion. Assistant: 这种方式被称为选举君主制。 User: Miss Mitchell's Comet (formally designated C/1847 T1) is a non-periodic comet that American astronomer Maria Mitchell discovered in 1847. Assistant: 米切尔小姐的彗星(正式的名称是C/1847 T1)是美国天文学家玛丽亚·米切尔在1847年10月发现的一颗非周期彗星。 User: Capone completed his term in Alcatraz on January 6, 1939, and was transferred to the Federal Correctional Institution at Terminal Island in California to serve out his sentence for contempt of court. Assistant: 卡彭于1939年1月6日完成了他在阿尔卡特拉斯的刑期,并被转移到加利福尼亚州的终端岛联邦教化所,因藐视法庭而服刑。 User: From a young age, she was recognized for her beautiful voice. Assistant: 从她年轻时,其美妙的嗓音就为人所知。 User: In interviews, Kwan said she needed to "take responsibility" for her skating. Assistant: 整体来说,关颖珊说她需要对她的溜冰“负责任”。 User: His career in Albania came to a quick end in 1997. Assistant: 他在阿尔巴尼亚短暂的教练生涯在1997年结束。 User: Thomas Hobbes instead founded a contractarian theory of legal positivism on what all men could agree upon: what they sought (happiness) was subject to contention, but a broad consensus could form around what they feared (violent death at the hands of another). Assistant: 托马斯·霍布斯独创了一套符合众人意志的自然法理论:何为众人所寻求的(指幸福)乃是争论的焦点,然而在谈到他们惧怕的事物(例如凶杀)时,却可以达成广泛的共识。 User: In iOS 7, the Safari web browser received multiple significant updates. Assistant: 在iOS 7中,内建浏览器Safari获得许多重大更新。 User: The city's total area in 2011 was 41.53 km2 (16.03 sq mi). Assistant: 该市总面积 41.53 km2(16.03 sq mi)。 User: Soundtrack is functionally and visually identical to Soundtrack Pro's multitrack editing mode, but includes fewer Logic plugins and lacks the highly regarded noise removal tool. Assistant: Soundtrack在功能和外观上与Soundtrack Pro的多轨编辑模式相同,但是含更少Logic的插件,且缺少备受好评的噪音消除工具。 User: During the medieval period the imperial eagle was usually single-headed. Assistant: 在中世纪时期,帝国之鹰通常是单头的。 User: Moreover, the industrial enterprises of the Bavarian Chemical Triangle have demanded for quite some time an upgrade of the outdated and congested railway lines. Assistant: 此外,巴伐利亚化工三角区内的企业一直在呼吁将陈旧及拥挤的线路进行改造。 User: Until the merger with Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees and Right Union of Lithuania), it was known just as Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives). Assistant: 在合并立陶宛政治犯与被驱逐者联盟(Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees)和立陶宛右派联盟(Right Union of Lithuania)前,该党名为“祖国联盟(立陶宛保守党)”。 User: It was performed in 10 teams, and FC Avenir Beggen won the championship. Assistant: 共有10支球队参赛,其中FC Avenir Beggen获得冠军。 User: Thailand's telephone numbering plan in Thailand is managed by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) in accordance with International Telecommunications Union's (ITU) recommendation E.164. Assistant: 泰国的电话号码由泰国国家广播和电信委员会(英文缩写:NBTC)进行管理,采用国际电信联盟E.164标准。 User: On 23 September 1868 the small Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway (A&BR) was opened. Assistant: 在1868年9月23日,小艾尔斯伯里和白金汉宫铁路(A&BR)被启用了。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Q magazine (10/01, pp. 152) - 4 stars out of 5 - "This remains an excellent starting point for this most curious band". Assistant: Q (杂志) (10/01, pp. 152) - 4星评价(5星满分) - “对于这个让人好奇的乐队来说,这是一个很好的起点。 User: Satellite Boy is a 2012 Australian film about a young Aboriginal boy struggling to maintain the traditions of his heritage in the modern world when a mining company expands into the region. Assistant: 《卫星男孩》是一部2012年的澳大利亚电影,讲述的是一家当世的矿业公司在扩张至该地区时一年轻的土著男孩艰难地维持着他的遗产传统。 User: If verbs are classified by stem vowel and if the stem ends in a consonant or vowel, there are nine basic classes in which most verbs can be placed; all verbs in a class will follow the same pattern. Assistant: 如果动词按词干元音分类并且如果词干结束于一个辅音或元音,有九个基本类让大多数动词归入其中;在一类中的所有动词服从相同的模式。 User: This practice promotes healthy habits in software development. Assistant: 单元测试实践有利于促进健康的软件开发习惯。 User: Generally speaking, noise is most intense when a rocket is close to the ground, since the noise from the engines radiates up away from the jet, as well as reflecting off the ground. Assistant: 通常火箭在地面附近的噪音最大,因为噪音从羽流中辐射出去,并被地面反射。 User: The final product was innovative in its use of the "motion comics" element and the "Lucy" story, but used very little user-generated footage. Assistant: 最后成了革新性的制作主要是用了"动态漫画"的要素及"露西"故事性的叙述法,不过使用很少的观看者自制的连续镜头。 User: SADC embraced the newly democratic South Africa as a member in 1994 and has a broad mandate to encourage growth, development, and economic integration in Southern Africa. Assistant: 南部非洲发展共同体于1994年把新民主的南非增添为成员,促进非洲南部地区经济增长、发展和融合。 User: The filmmakers initially intended to film a climactic battle scene set in Russia, and the crew moved to Budapest to film it there. Assistant: 制片人最初打算于俄罗斯拍摄电影的高潮战争场景,但最终剧组选择迁移至布达佩斯拍摄该场景。 User: In addition, Pan Am participated in several notable humanitarian flights. Assistant: 泛美也有参与一些著名的人道飞行任务。 User: The Dutch are proud of their cultural heritage, rich history in art and involvement in international affairs. Assistant: 荷兰人对于自己的文化传统引以为豪,历史上荷兰艺术和音乐极大的影响了世界艺术的发展。 User: Vigadó (usually translated as "Place for Merriment") is Budapest's second largest concert hall, located on the Eastern bank of the Danube in Budapest, Hungary. Assistant: 维加多音乐厅(Vigadó Concert Hall)是布达佩斯第二大的音乐厅,位于匈牙利首都布达佩斯多瑙河的东岸。 User: Although there was rural damage, the city of Hartford was spared from flooding due to previously constructed dykes. Assistant: 虽然附近的农村地区受到破坏,但哈特福市内由于之前建造的堤坝而得以幸免。 User: Experiments with mysid shrimp show that BBP is acutely toxic to these organisms. Assistant: 用mysid虾进行的实验表明,BBP对这些生物体有剧毒。 User: February 12 – Chile proclaims its independence from Spain. Assistant: 2月12日——智利正式脱离西班牙而独立。 User: Any consonant may occur in the onset except the three laterals. Assistant: 百搭卡可以作为任何数字,除了数字3。 User: Nadezhda Kotyk has been working from many years on this position. Assistant: 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔在那里工作多年。 User: Taking this character to television, Hoyle produced two shows for Channel 4, The Divine David Presents (1999) and The Divine David Heals (2000), before killing off the character at a farewell show at Streatham Ice Arena, south London, titled The Divine David on Ice (2000). Assistant: 霍伊尔还将这一人物带上电视,在英国第四台制作有两档节目:1999年的《神圣大卫出品》(The Divine David Presents)和2000年的《神圣大卫治疗》(The Divine David Heals),然后又于2000年在南伦敦的斯特里汉姆冰场演出《冰上神圣大卫》(The Divine David on Ice),让角色在这个告别节目中丧生。 User: When provided as a morale boost or care package, military chocolate is often no different from normal store-bought bars in taste and composition. Assistant: 当作关怀包裹或提升士气用途的军用巧克力,其味道与成分通常无异于一般市售巧克力,包装或铸型却往往不同。 User: It is thought to be most closely related to U. peranomala. Assistant: 它被认为与灵异狸藻(U. peranomala)之间存在近缘关系。 User: O was an international fetish magazine published in Germany. Assistant: «O»,一份在德国出版的国际恋物杂志。 User: It was chosen as the lead song for the CD. Assistant: 尽管如此,她仍然成为了一名歌手,发出了首张CD。 User: Representatives of several companies which were taking part in the standardization of patent-encumbered competing formats stated objections against the start of the standardization process for a royalty-free format: representatives of Polycom and Ericsson—the creators and licensors of G.719—as well as France Télécom, Huawei and the Orange Labs (department of France Télécom), which were involved in the creation of G.718. Assistant: 参与专利保护竞争格式标准化的几家公司的代表表示反对开始免版税格式的标准化过程:Polycom和爱立信的代表(G.719的创始人和许可人)以及法国电信,华为和橙色实验室(法国电信部门),参与创建G.718。 User: Erastus J.O. Mwencha (November 15, 1947) in Kenya, is the former Secretary-General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and former Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, to which he was elected on February 6, 2008. Assistant: 伊拉斯特斯·姆温查 (Erastus J.O. Mwencha,1947年11月15日) 是一名肯尼亚外交官,前任东部和南部非洲共同市场秘书长,现任非洲联盟委员会副主席,2008年2月6日当选。 User: In December 2015, Google started offering a Google Play Music family plan, that allows unlimited access for up to six family members for US$14.99/month. Assistant: 2015年12月,Google开始提供“Google Play 音乐”家庭计划,最多可容纳6位家庭成员,每月US $ 14.99。 User: Since 1925, Canada has claimed the portion of the Arctic between 60°W and 141°W longitude to the North Pole; however, this claim is contested. Assistant: 自1925年起,加拿大宣称西经60度至141度的北极地区为其领土,但是一直没有得到广泛承认。 User: Navigation and balance are also managed by the control system. Assistant: 导航和平衡也由这个控制系统控制。 User: The neutrino beam at J-PARC is designed so that it is directed 2 to 3 degrees away from the Super-Kamiokande detector. Assistant: J-PARC被设计成距离超级神冈探测器有2°到3°。 User: Leela initially sees Fry as a friend and nothing more, but deeper affection for him appears occasionally, such as on the numerous occasions when he risks his life for hers ("Love and Rocket", "The Sting", "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences"). Assistant: 莉拉最初视弗莱一个朋友,但更深入感情,偶尔出现比如可为她冒着生命危险(《刺》,《爱和火箭》,《Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences》)。 User: The book also goes into detail on the life, supporting role and ultimate death of Merle Watson. Assistant: 这本书还讲述了生活中的细节、配角以及莫尔·沃森的去世。 User: On November 24, 2008 HS Produkt introduced the final version of VHS assault rifle. Assistant: 2008年11月24日,HS Produkt(英语:HS Produkt)公司介绍了当时VHS突击步枪的最终版本。 User: Let us therefore be stricken with awe at this so great love of Christ. Assistant: 并肩培育丰盛生命,携手见证基督大爱。 User: Now assume that n≥1 and the sets U(k/2n) and V(k/2n) have already been constructed for k = 1,...,2n-1. Assistant: 现在假设n≥1,且集合U(a/2n)和V(a/2n)对于a = 1,...,2n-1已经构造了。 User: In the meantime, Prince Aleksey Trubetskoy led the southern flank of the Russian army from Bryansk to Ukraine. Assistant: 同时,亲王亚列克谢·特鲁贝茨科伊率领俄军南翼从布良斯克到达乌克兰。 User: The victory of Rutherford Hayes in the hotly contested Ohio gubernatorial election of 1875 indicated his "let alone" policy toward the South would become Republican policy, as happened when he won the 1876 Republican nomination for president. Assistant: 拉瑟福德·海斯在竞争激烈的1875年俄亥俄州州长选举获胜,意味着他对南方的“放任”(let alone)政策也将成为共和党的政策,这一点也随着他赢得共和党提名,成为1876年总统大选候选人而成为事实。 User: He combined moisture with ventilation to "condition" and change the air in the factories, controlling the humidity so necessary in textile plants. Assistant: 他把水汽与通风系统结合以“调节”及转变工厂里的空气,控制纺织厂中极重要的空气湿度。 User: Supporters argue that if IR is the study of foreign affairs and relations, it ought to include non-state actors as well as the state. Assistant: 他们主张国际关系是以研究外交事务和关系为主的,国家和非国家的参与者都应该包含在内。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Finally, before returning, Holmes spent time doing chemical research on coal tar derivatives in Montpellier, France. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 到法国以后,花了几个月的时间在蒙彼利埃研究煤焦油的衍生物。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 French troops were spread all across its empire, primarily to deal with the local population. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 法军遍布了整个帝国,它主要被用来解决本地事务。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Many of the most pressing scientific problems that are faced today are due to the limitations of the materials that are available and, as a result, breakthroughs in this field are likely to have a significant impact on the future of technology. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 今日许多科技上的问题受限于材料能够容许的极限,也因此,在此领域的突破在未来科技具有指标性的影响。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This contradicted however the Aristotelian view of motion then valid in Europe. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:然而,这一反驳与当时欧洲普遍接受的亚里士多德运动观是相矛盾的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Lord Mersey did however find fault with the "extremely high speed (twenty-two knots) which was maintained" following numerous ice warnings, noting that without hindsight, "what was a mistake in the case of the Titanic would without doubt be negligence in any similar case in the future". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 不过,默西勋爵特别指出“在无数的冰情警告下仍保持着极高的速度”、“毫无疑问,泰坦尼克号遭遇的任何错误,未来都可能在任何类似情况下产生疏忽”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The country did not grant this couple full refugee status according to international standards. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国政府并没有将尖吻鲟列为全国性濒危。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The venue for the game was Dick's Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, Colorado. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 球队的主场是科罗拉多州商贸城 (科罗拉多州)的Dick's Sporting Goods Park。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The book is set in 1999 (25 years in the future from 1974) and consists of diary entries and reports of journalist William Weston, who is the first American mainstream media reporter to investigate Ecotopia, a small country that broke away from the United States in 1980. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:此书设置于未来的1999年(从1974年看25年后的未来),包含了记者威廉·韦斯顿(William Weston)——第一个彻底调查生态乌托邦(在1980年从美国分裂出去而新建立的国家)的美国人——的日记和报告。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Listaller simply includes the Autopackage packages into its own package container format and handles Autopackage like any other Listaller package file. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Listaller在其档案格式中包含了Autopackage包,Listaller在处理Autopackage档时就如同在处理其他的Listaller档案格式 。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Taking the study of perception as his point of departure, Merleau-Ponty was led to recognize that one's own body (le corps propre) is not only a thing, a potential object of study for science, but is also a permanent condition of experience, a constituent of the perceptual openness to the world. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 以对感知的研究作为出发点,梅洛庞帝逐渐认识到身体不只是一件物事、一个科学研究的对象,它同时也是经验的永恒前提,由向世界知觉性的开放和倾注(investissement)形成。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Timothy White was appointed editor-in-chief in 1991, a position he held until his unexpected death in 2002. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 蒂莫西·怀特(英语:Timothy White (writer))于1991年被任命为《公告牌》的主编,直至2002年他突然去世。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Explosive volcanism, often taking the form of umbrella-shaped plumes, paints the surface with sulfurous and silicate materials. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 爆发的火山,经常产生伞形的流束,将表面涂装上硫磺和硅酸盐的材料。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Supergiants are evolved stars and may have undergone convection of fusion products to the surface. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 超巨星是演化中的恒星,可能已经经历了融合产物至表面的对流。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They are skilled at fighting on land or water. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这场战役涉及陆地和水域的战斗。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: SkiFree is a computer game created by Chris Pirih and released with the Microsoft Entertainment Pack in 1991. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: SkiFree是一个电脑游戏,Chris Pirih于1991年创作,当时他工作在Microsoft。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On September 5, 2017, Gauri was shot to death by unknown assailants outside her home in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, for reasons not yet clear. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2017年9月5日,兰凯什在其位于班加罗尔城“Rajarajeshwari Nagar”地区的居所遭到致命枪击,凶手身份未知、动机不明。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 We choose kindness. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 谓贤善性。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He would later publish a translation of Clausewitz. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:之后他着手翻译索福克勒斯的作品。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The combined stellar classification of the system is B2 IV-V, while the individual components may have spectral classes of B3 IV, B3 V, and A5 V, in order of decreasing mass. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 骑官六恒星系统的合并光谱为B2 IV-V,而系统三颗恒星各自的光谱型从质量高到低分别为 B3 IV、B3 V 与 A5 V。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Transportation infrastructure in the Philippines is relatively underdeveloped. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 菲律宾的运输基本设施相对不发达。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In May 2017, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel in the FBI's investigation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 2017年5月,前联邦调查局局长罗伯特·穆勒被任命为联邦调查局的调查特别顾问。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The goal of the project is to make HTTP requests simpler and more human-friendly. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该项目的目标是使HTTP请求更简单,更人性化。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Battle of Monterrey was the US Army's first major encounter with urban warfare. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:蒙特雷战役是美军第一次遭遇到的重大城镇战。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In the episode "Too Young", she becomes 18 again by absorbing the parts sacrificed by her candy subjects in order to reclaim her kingdom from the Earl of Lemongrab. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在“太年轻”,吸收的糖果质量再次变回18岁,以便从柠檬公爵手中夺回她的王国。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Heroes have a "block meter" used to block attacks. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而且英雄有一个“超能力”用来格挡攻击。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The actual maximum code rate allowed depends on the error-correcting code used, and may be lower. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:所允许的实际最大码率取决于所使用的纠错码,并可能更低。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Julie McKuras states that the film was released in May of the same year. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 朱莉·马库拉斯(Julie McKuras)则指出,这部电影是在同年五月公映的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The A40 is a major trunk road connecting London to Goodwick (Fishguard), Wales, and officially called The London to Fishguard Trunk Road (A40) in all legal documents and Acts. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 A40公路(A40 road),是英国的一条干道,连络首都伦敦与威尔士的费什加德,正式名称为伦敦至费什加德干道(The London to Fishguard Trunk Road),全长412公里。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: So, the people were justified to take anti–merger stand. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:与虫奉行、火钵争夺正宫地位。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1989, Félix Gallardo was arrested; while in prison and through a number of envoys, the drug lord called for a summit in Acapulco, Guerrero. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1989年,费利克斯·加利亚多被捕;在狱中,通过一些特使,这位毒枭呼吁在格雷罗州阿卡普尔科召开一次峰会。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Every year, about ten secondary school students from local and international schools in Hong Kong are selected to be the "Hong Kong Outstanding Students". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 每年,大约有10名在香港本地中学及国际学校就读的学生被选为“香港杰出学生”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Biased writers attributed this to their partial European ancestry. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 分子生物学推断为原始亚欧人的祖先。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 University Campus Oldham (UCO), located in Oldham, Greater Manchester, opened in May 2005. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Oldham校区位于大曼彻斯特的奥尔德姆市,在2005年5月开放。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Instead, 8254 and RTC are typically used in periodic mode with a very small time interval. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 相反,8254和RTC通常以非常小的时间间隔用于周期模式。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In northern India, there is the BrahmarākŞhasa, a vampire-like creature with a head encircled by intestines and a skull from which it drank blood. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在印度北部,有关于布拉马拉卡·莎萨的传说,它是一种与吸血鬼相似的生物,头顶环绕肠子,通过一根骷髅骨吸食血液。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The crew attempted to match the camera angles, lighting, and music as much as possible. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 剧组试图尽可能采用相同的镜头角度、照明和音乐。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The head of each participating family pays a share at the end of each season to tselingas, the stani leader, in whose name the lease was originally taken. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这种复合体被称为stani(στάνη),这个词也用来指协作组共享租来的土地,每位家主在季末时会支付给tselingas(stani的领导者,土地最初以他的名义租用)一定份额。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After leaving NASA, Aldrin continued to advocate for space exploration. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 离开航空航天局后,奥尔德林继续宣传太空探索。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to the US Secretary of State Dean Acheson, it was the initiative of the then legal counsel to the president Clark Clifford, who suggested to president Truman to initiate an assistance on a worldwide basis, and to include the issue in his inaugural address. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 根据美国国务卿迪安·艾奇逊(英语:Dean Acheson)的说法,最开始是总统的法律顾问克拉克·克利福德(英语:Clark Clifford),建议杜鲁门总统开展世界范围内的援助,并建议将这一主张包括在总统的就职演说之中。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Social, economic and health security issues for the elderly. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:老年人的社交、经济和健康安全问题。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There were different grades of quachtli, ranging in value from 65 to 300 cacao beans. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 夸奇特利有多种规格,价值自65至300可可豆不等。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Thus, not only are there infinitely many infinities, but this infinity is larger than any of the infinities it enumerates. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:所以,不只是有无限多个无限,而是这个无限大于无限的任何枚举。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Unintentional weight loss can be the characteristic leading to diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and type 1 diabetes. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 非刻意的体重下降可能是诊断其他疾病时的特征之一,例如癌症及1型糖尿病。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Hundred Years War 1337-1453. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 百年战争发生于1337年-1453年之间。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: M. l. leucopterus and M. l. edouardi are both generally smaller than their mainland relatives, and both subspecies tend to have smaller family groups that consist of only one male and one female, with an occasional helper bird. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: M. l. leucopterus和M. l. edouardi通常体型都比大陆的亚种小,两个亚种的家庭往往也都比大陆上那些由一雄性一雌性和一只临时的辅助者鸟构成的的家庭规模小。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Community: Any switch ports associated with a common community VLAN can communicate with each other and with the primary VLAN but not with any other secondary VLAN. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 公共(Community):与公共VLAN相关联的任何交换机端口都可以相互通信,并与主VLAN进行通信,但不能与任何其他辅助VLAN进行通信。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Instead, the statement was read to students by a school administrator. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因此后来是由学校中的行政管理人员宣读声明。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There were also the same factions emerging as the Democratic-Republican party began to lose its coherence. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 随着相同的纷争发生在党派内部,民主共和党开始失去团结与一致。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After conversions, it became home to the Vienna School Authority in 1922. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 1922年改为维也纳学校管理局驻地。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For instance, in 1803 he believed that oxygen atoms were 5.5 times heavier than hydrogen atoms, because in water he measured 5.5 grams of oxygen for every 1 gram of hydrogen and believed the formula for water was HO. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 例如,1803年,他认为氧原子的质量是氢原子的5.5倍,因为他对于水做测量发现每得到1g的氢会得到5.5g的氧,并坚信水的分子式是HO。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It mainly decays by emission of electrons to 248Cf with a half-life of 7001250000000000000♠25±5 minutes, but also releases α-particles of 6.87 MeV energy, with the ratio of electrons to α-particles of about 400. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它主要以放射电子的形式进行衰变成为248Cf,半衰期为25 ± 5分钟;它也会进行能量为6.87 MeV的α衰变,释放的电子数大约是α粒子数的400倍。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, she gave birth during the procedure, and smuggled him home to Providence, Rhode Island, where he spent his childhood. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:然而她在手术过程中反而生下,并走私他回家至罗得岛普罗维登斯,在那里度过童年。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There is considerable debate about whether the Khazzoom-Brookes Postulate is correct, and of the relevance of the Jevons paradox to energy conservation policy. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 关于哈兹弗-布鲁克斯 Postulate是否正确以及Jevons悖论对节能政策的相关性存在相当大的争议。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The eight-hour round-trip flight from Rabaul to Guadalcanal, about 1,120 miles (1,800 km) total, seriously hampered Japanese efforts to establish air superiority over Henderson Field. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 从拉包尔到瓜达尔卡纳尔岛的8个小时大约1,120英里(1,800公里)的往返航程,严重阻碍了日军对亨德森机场建立空中优势。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Mac an Tàilleir (2003) states that "it is said to be unrelated to the name Aran in Ireland" (which means "kidney-shaped", cf Irish ára "kidney"). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 马克·安·泰尼尔(Mac an Tàilleir)在2003年表示“"阿伦(Arran)"这个词语与爱尔兰并无联系(他的意思直白的说指“肾的形状”,与爱尔兰语中 ára"肾"作比较)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:At the same time, the loss of privacy and security can increase the incidence of theft and loss of company secrets. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:同时这也会造成隐私和安全的丧失,可能会使得公司的机密遭窃或遗失。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Due to the particular political situation of Western Sahara, this airport appears in the Moroccan AIP as GMML and in the Spanish AIP as GSAI. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 由于西撒哈拉的特殊政治形势,该机场在摩洛哥的代码中是GMML,在西班牙的代码中则是GSAI。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The forest contains a number of sites of special scientific interest, primarily associated with the upland moorland environment. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 基尔德森林有大量科学景点,基本上都与高地沼泽环境有关。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By May 1892, it was apparent that additional funds were needed to complete the fair's buildings. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 到1892年5月时,博览会的预算已出现明显不足,还需要更多资金才能让各项建筑工程完工。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1968 the Cambridge Mission to Delhi also joined the organization. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1968年,剑桥赴德里传教会(Cambridge Mission to Delhi,CMD)也加入进来。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In May 2010, after the 2010 general election which resulted in a hung parliament, it was reported that David Cameron wanted to invite Davis and other right-wingers such as Michael Howard and Iain Duncan Smith into his Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition cabinet. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2010年5月大选之后,出现了一个悬置国会,因此戴维·卡梅伦想邀请戴维斯和其他党内重量级人物,如迈克尔·霍华德和伊恩·邓肯·史密斯到他的保守党 - 自由民主党联合内阁任职。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: DB 620 Coupled DB628 engines. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: DB 620 并联式 DB 628 发动机。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The association between psychological stress and sleep is complex and not fully understood. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 睡眠不足 睡眠与心情之间有着复杂,且未被人们所完全认识的关系。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 是枪械与渔具的制造商。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Arsenal's home, Highbury, was completely redeveloped, with Leitch's stands from 1913 demolished and replaced with modern Art Deco stands, parts of which remain to this day — the façade of the East Stand is now a Grade II listed building, and both façades have been retained as part of the modern-day redevelopment of Highbury into an apartment complex. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 球队的主场高贝利球场被完全重建,建于1913年由列治设计的看台被拆卸,取而代之的是现代的装饰艺术运动看台,直至现时还有部分保存--在东看台的立面,被列入二级历史建筑(listed building),而两面的立面仍被保留,成为将高贝利重建成住宅大厦的一部分。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: For example, changes in Earth's atmospheric composition (especially the concentrations of greenhouse gases) may alter the climate, while climate change itself can change the atmospheric composition (for example by changing the rate at which weathering removes CO2). Assistant: 这些因素有些会互相影响,例如,地球大气组成的变化(特别是温室气体的浓度)可能会影响到气候变化,而气候变化也会改变大气组成(例如风化作用会改变二氧化碳的浓度) 大气中温室气体的比例变化对地球气候的影响最大。 User: A bill must be passed by both Senate and House to become a law. Assistant: 一项法案必须由参议院和众议院都通过才能成为法律。 User: Kerem Demirbay opened the scoring for Hoffenheim in the 16th minute. Assistant: 凯雷姆·德米尔巴伊(英语:Kerem Demirbay)在第16分钟为霍芬海姆先开纪录。 User: The trust company executives understood they would not receive further help from Morgan; they would have to finance any bailout of the two struggling trust companies. Assistant: 此时信贷公司的决策层都心知肚明他们别无选择:要么一起救摩根的两家信贷公司,要么等死。 User: Arming merchantmen was quite usual in those days. Assistant: 毕竟在当时,雇佣兵是十分常见的。 User: A second shell from this salvo struck the forward main battery, which was disabled, though it would manage to fire one last salvo at 09:27. Assistant: 这次齐射的第二枚炮弹击中了前主炮塔并使其失效,尽管它还是设法于09:27发射了最后一轮齐射。 User: I had ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. Assistant: 哈代说:“我搭计程车来,车牌号码是 1729 {\displaystyle 1729} ,这数字真没趣,希望不是不祥之兆。 User: Chilean entry stamp in a New Zealand passport, issued by the PDI at Santiago Airport. Assistant: 新西兰护照上的智利入境印章,由圣地亚哥机场的智利调查警局(PDI)签发。 User: In 1983, Paul Asente and Chris Kent ported the system to UNIX on the VS100, giving a copy to those working at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science. Assistant: 在1983年,Paul Asente和Chris Kent把系统移植到VS100的Unix上,给了一份拷贝给MIT的电脑科学实验室。 User: Although they generally move in the same direction along a path across the sky (the ecliptic), individual planets sometimes reverse their direction briefly, exhibiting retrograde motion. Assistant: 虽然它们通常沿着一条路径循着同样方向从天空的这一端移动到那一端(请参阅黄道),但是某些独特的行星有时候会短暂地逆转其移动方向,显示出逆行运动。 User: The Commodore has the New Jersey District Attorney's office arrest Nucky for election fraud and recruits Nucky's political allies. Assistant: Commodore使新泽西地区检察局因选举舞弊而逮捕努基,并招募努基的政治盟友。 User: The letters C, J and Q are used only for foreign words and names. Assistant: 字母 C、J 及 Q (使用括号)仅用在引用的外来语或名称。 User: There shall be no hope for them, they shall perish. Assistant: 他们犯罪并不是因为他们的自由,乃是由于他们有犯罪的可能。 User: By early 2001, Popocatépetl's glaciers were gone; ice remained on the volcano, but no longer displayed the characteristic features of glaciers such as crevasses. Assistant: 2001年初,波波卡特佩特火山冰川消失,虽然火山高处仍有冰雪存在,但是已经没有冰川典型特征出现,例如冰隙。 User: Only the southernmost island has large areas covered by trees, while more northerly islands have no trees, or spotty tree cover. Assistant: 只有南部的特定岛屿有大片地域被树木覆盖,向北更多的岛屿没有树木或只有零星的树木覆盖。 User: Until 2008, it housed offices of the Agriculture Ministry and the Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites (SPIHS). Assistant: 直到2008年,农业部和以色列遗产保护协会(SPIHS)设此。 User: Heavy rainfall caused severe inland flooding, destroying bridges and multiple mudslides, some of which blocked roads. Assistant: 暴雨引发严重的内陆洪灾,多座桥梁被毁,还催生多起泥石流,导致部分道路堵塞。 User: Accessed August 2011 What are you laughing at? Assistant: 2011年8月,常有人讨论“整个场面我Hold住”、“What is fashion? User: By this measure of success, the adoption of a revenue-neutral carbon tax at the British Columbia government level, greenhouse gas emission reduction programs, and the promotion of the Green (Tax) Shift by the federal Liberal Party under former leader Stéphane Dion, indicate that Green Party policies are gaining traction in Canada. Assistant: 事实上,不列颠哥伦比亚省省政府采纳的碳税、"Cap and Trade"减排温室气体措施,及前联邦自由党党魁狄安提倡的“绿色(税项)转移”,证明绿党政策在加拿大越来越受认可。 User: Teal's first assignment was to organize what became TI's Central Research Laboratories (CRL). Assistant: 蒂尔的第一个任务是组织公司的中央研究实验室(Central Research Laboratories, CRL)。 User: OWASP Development Guide: The Development Guide provides practical guidance and includes J2EE, ASP.NET, and PHP code samples. Assistant: OWASP开发指南:“开发指南”提供了实用指南,包括J2EE,ASP.NET和PHP代码示例。 User: The events of the novel take place in various locations, especially on the world Hyperion. Assistant: 小说中的故事发生在多个地点,大多在海伯利安。 User: His father gave him the name of his own father. Assistant: 一个人的父名取自他的父亲。 User: After the age of 10, Kinski rarely saw her father. Assistant: 金斯基自从10岁以后就很少见到她父亲。 User: According to early reports, the driver of the tanker, Omar Díaz Olivares, allegedly was speeding and lost control of his vehicle. Assistant: 根据稍早前的报道,气罐车的司机奥马尔·迪亚兹·奥利瓦雷斯(Omar Díaz Olivares)当时超速行驶并且车辆已经失控。 User: Nuclear reactors that are intended to be sold to countries that otherwise do not possess nuclear weapons must be made tamper-resistant to prevent nuclear proliferation. Assistant: 准备出售给其他不拥有核武器的国家的核反应堆必须实现防篡改,以防止核扩散。 User: On 16 August 1917, Karlsruhe participated in a mine-sweeping operation in the North Sea. Assistant: 1917年8月16日,卡尔斯鲁厄号参加了在北海进行的扫雷行动。 User: Like many budding actresses, Ball picked up radio work to supplement her income and gain exposure. Assistant: 像许多崭露头角的青年演员一样, 露西尔同时做广播工作,以获得额外收入和增强知名度。 User: In those countries, any film or photo with a child subject in a sexual act is considered pornography and illegal. Assistant: 在该些国家,任何关于与儿童性行为的电影或照片都被认为是色情和非法的。 User: Rule 18 – Ball at rest moved 18-1 – If a player's ball is moved while at rest by an outside agency (generally defined as anything other than a player, caddie, their equipment, and balls in play) there is no penalty; the ball must be replaced at its original lie. Assistant: 规则18 – 被移动之静止球 18-1 被局外者: 如静止球被局外者移动,并无处罚,该球必须置回原位。 User: The corresponding tool in statistics is called principal component analysis. Assistant: 统计学中对应的工具称为主成分分析。 User: OAuth 2.0 is not backwards compatible with OAuth 1.0. Assistant: OAuth 2.0是OAuth协议的下一版本,但不向下兼容OAuth 1.0。 User: All four crew members and 40 of the 49 passengers were killed. Assistant: 全部4名机组人员和所有49名乘客中的40人遇难。 User: It provided a model for self-financed 16 mm production and distribution, one that was soon picked up by Cinema 16 and other film societies. Assistant: 它为自筹资金的16毫米影片(英语:16 mm film)的生产和发行提供了一种模式,并很快被影院16(英语:Cinema 16)和其它电影社团(英语:Film society)所采纳。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The common people in the Song era could purchase simple fireworks from market vendors; these were made of sticks of bamboo packed with gunpowder, although grander displays were known to be held. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 宋朝百姓可以从市场小贩买到简单的烟花,而这些烟花都是由竹筒装满火药而成,纵然竹筒烟花有诸多限制,历史记载当时较华丽的烟火表演仍旧举办。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Only when the advance knowledge of the content of the message by the receiver is less than 100% certain does the message actually convey information. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 只有当接收实体对消息对先验知识少于100%时,消息才真正传递信息。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The modern notion of records in computer science, with fields of well-defined type and size, was already implicit in 19th century mechanical calculators, such as Babbage's Analytical Engine. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 现代计算机科学中的记录形式,具有明确的类型和大小的字段,已经隐含在19世纪机械的计算器,如巴贝奇的分析机中。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the coming weeks, Callum's body is found. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 几个小时之后,皮波的尸体被发现。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The software is made available for ISPs who provide and run SixXS PoPs. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 该软件是为提供和运行SixXS PoPs的ISP提供。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: To its south stands a series of 19th-century buildings that are mostly banks. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 其南侧矗立着一系列19世纪建筑,大多是银行。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 15 December 1994, during major restructuring of Victoria's local governments, Werribee changed less than most – losing only some rural land around Exford in its north to the Shire of Melton, and Laverton Reserve on its eastern boundary to the City of Hobsons Bay. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1994年12月15日,在维多利亚州地方政府大规模重组期间,市政府名称重新恢复为云登市,并且其北部的Exford的农村土地划归了梅尔顿郡,莱沃顿自然保护区划归到了东边的霍布森湾市。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Supporting this theory was a passage of the "Moscow Declaration" of November 1, 1943, in which the minister of foreign affairs of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Soviet Union claim that "Austria the first free country that should fall prey to the typical aggressive policy of Hitler should be liberated from German rule", and that the Annexation of 1938 should count as "invalid and futile". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:莫斯科宣言 1943年11月1日美国、苏联和英国三国外长在莫斯科签署宣言,一方面他们声称:“奥地利,一个自由的国家,典型的希特勒侵略政策的牺牲品应该从法西斯德国的统治之下解放出来,”并且“法西斯德国在1938年3月15日对奥地利的占领应该被看作是无效的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He showed an extraordinary disposition toward asceticism and solitude, and in 1239 retired to a solitary cavern on the mountain Morrone, hence his name (Peter of Morrone). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:其间彼得罗表现出禁欲主义和孤独的性格,1239年开始在摩罗尼山上一个洞穴独自修行,因此有“摩罗尼的彼得罗”称号。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 At the time, he saw only three of them, and he believed them to be fixed stars near Jupiter. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在当时,他只看到了三个伽利略卫星,并以为它们是固定在木星附近的恒星。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 4.0: Released November 11, 2008. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 4.0: 发布于2008年11月11日。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At least four ships sustained structural damage or took on water, and the Bell Flower lost her captain and a crew member to the sea. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 至少有四艘船的船体受损或进水,“贝尔弗劳尔号”(Bell Flower)的船长和另一名船员长眠大海。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Over a period of three months there were a number of performances, parties, poetry evenings and film nights. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在超过3个月的时间内,举行了许多表演,舞会,诗歌晚会和电影之夜。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At that time, he also worked at Beijing Normal University and was vice-secretary-general of the Beijing Young Christian Association. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 其后他曾在北京高等师范学校任职,还曾任北京基督教青年会副总干事。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 You had to be in more than one sport to participate in the Games. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:他们在一个运动场比赛表演来赢得更多的参加者。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Due to a large demand for housing in Istanbul much of it was developed quickly with whatever material was available and could collapse in a major earthquake or other natural disaster. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 由于伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)大量的住房需求,许多房屋都用触手可及的任何材料建造,因此在大地震或其他自然灾害时容易倒塌。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Korda entered LPGA Tour Qualifying School in the fall of 2010 as a 17-year-old. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 杰西卡在2010年秋天17岁时进入了LPGA巡回赛资格学校(英语:Qualifying School)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Therefore, they put it into its own genus and species. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:然后,他把她的大脑和生殖器分离出来。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As of 2016, typical server-based communications systems do not include end-to-end encryption. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 直到2016年,典型的基于中心服务器的通信系统尚不包括端到端加密功能。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and US Court of International Trade are also based in New York, also on Foley Square in Manhattan. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院和美国国际贸易法院(英语:United States Court of International Trade)同样位于曼哈顿的弗利广场。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Whole chapters are devoted to brewing coffee, taking photographs, or repairing a tiny model aircraft engine, sometimes with only a few lines of dialogue. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:几乎所有剧情都由煮咖啡、闲聊、拍照、修理模型飞机引擎之类无关紧要的活动构成,经常在一整篇中只有少数几句对话,甚至完全没有台词。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Whereupon he promised with an oath, to give her whatsoever she would ask of him. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 已,闻京师变,众皆哭,北向拜,又罗拜相盟誓。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Permanent residency in Canada is a status granting someone who is not a Canadian citizen the right to live and work in Canada without any time limit on their stay. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 加拿大永久居民是一种在加拿大的在留资格,拥有加拿大永久居民身份的人不是加拿大公民,但是可在加拿大无限期停留、生活与工作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The power of the chief minister is subject to a number of limitations. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 州首席部长的权力受到一些限制。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For the first half of the 20th century, the South Saskatchewan would completely freeze over during winter, creating spectacular ice breaks and dangerous conditions in Saskatoon, Medicine Hat and elsewhere. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 于20世纪上半叶,南方萨斯喀彻温河将在冬季完全冻结,造成壮观的水静止流动景象,但也为萨斯卡通和梅迪辛哈特带来的水患。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Gecko is primarily used in web browsers, the earliest being Netscape 6 and Mozilla Suite (later renamed SeaMonkey). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Gecko主要用于网页浏览器,最早使用于Netscape 6和Mozilla Suite(后来改名为SeaMonkey)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The existence of surface plasmons was first predicted in 1957 by Rufus Ritchie. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 表面电浆子的存在是由Rufus Ritchie在1957年首先预测出。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Many quality assurance, engineering design, manufacturing, installation, and end-use factors may influence whether or not something is safe in any particular situation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多品质保证、工程设计、制造、安装及使用上的因素都会影响一系统在特定应用下的安全性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After the storm, the American Red Cross sent relief to Houma, Louisiana and other affected regions to assist in rehabilitation work. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:风暴过去后,美国红十字会向霍玛及其他灾区提供援助物资并协助善后工作。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It demonstrates that while some films, particularly those in the Hollywood tradition that combines "realism and melodramatic romanticism", are intended as a form of escapism, others require a deeper engagement or more thoughtful response from their audiences. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 片中提到,虽然有一些电影,尤其是传统的美国电影,通常会把“现实主义和通俗剧式的浪漫主义”相结合,有意地传达某种避世主义,但还有一些电影则意在让观众对电影有更深刻的思考。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: A big flood leveled the town in 1883. Assistant: 然而,一场豪雨在1883年淹没了古毛镇。 User: This successor was codenamed Cairo. Assistant: 这个计划的代号为Cairo。 User: When the United States re-established diplomatic contacts with China in 1971, Adler renewed his US citizenship. Assistant: 当中美于1971年恢复外交时,阿德勒恢复了他的美国公民身份。 User: French is more widely spoken in the Sahel region in the north of the country than in the south. Assistant: 法语在该国北部的萨赫勒地区的流通情况要比南部高。 User: Dunlop was mostly a visual observer, doing stellar astrometry work for Brisbane, and after its completion, then independently discovered and catalogued many new telescopic southern double stars and deep-sky objects. Assistant: 敦洛普大部分都是以目视观测,为布里斯班进行恒星的位置测量,在完成这些工作后,他独力发现和编辑许多新的南半球望远镜双星和深空天体。 User: The Jewish catacombs are similarly important for the study of Jewish culture at this period. Assistant: 犹太人墓穴对于研究这一时期的犹太艺术也同样重要。 User: Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said military action was being "taken outside the chain of command" and it was an "illegal attempt" to seize power by "part of the military". Assistant: 土耳其总理比纳利·耶伊尔德勒姆称军队“受到了外界的命令”,一部分军人试图夺取权力,并称这是“非法的行动”。 User: Mixing a color with any neutral color (including black, gray and white) reduces the chroma, or colorfulness, while the hue remains unchanged. Assistant: 将颜色和任何的中性色混合(包括黑,灰和白色)可降低彩度或视彩度,同时色相保持不变。 User: Rheinland participated in nearly all of the fleet advances throughout the war. Assistant: 莱茵兰号在整个战争期间几乎参与了全部的舰队推进。 User: They do not follow traditional social democracy, but Portuguese social democracy as defined by Sá Carneiro's actions and writings, which includes a degree of centrist and leftist populism. Assistant: 他们不追随传统社会民主主义,而是遵循萨·卡尔内罗含有中间派与左派民粹主义的“葡萄牙社会民主主义”。 User: The route ends in Stellenbosch at the R44. Assistant: 在R44上前进叶片位于底部。 User: Their childhood home in Exeter is now the American Independence Museum. Assistant: 他们兄弟童年时期在埃克塞特的房子成为了当今的美国独立博物馆(英语:American Independence Museum)。 User: The Webster–Ashburton Treaty, signed August 9, 1842, was a treaty that resolved several border issues between the United States and the British North American colonies (the region that became Canada). Assistant: 韦伯斯特-阿什伯顿条约(英语:Webster–Ashburton Treaty)签署于1842年8月9日,用于解决美国与英属北美殖民地(后来的加拿大)之间的数个边界问题。 User: Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies, is a specialization in anthropology and sister sciences (sociology, psychology, economics, political science) that uses field data from many societies to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture. Assistant: 跨文化研究(Cross-cultural studies),有时称为“全文化研究”(Holocultural Studies),是人类学及其姐妹科学(社会学、心理学、经济学、政治学)的一项专门,运用来自许多社会的实地研究资料,检视人类行为的视野,并检视关于人类行为与文化的假设。 User: Appropriately treating underlying illnesses (such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes mellitus, and malnutrition) can decrease the risk of pneumonia. Assistant: 治疗原有的疾病(比如艾滋病、糖尿病以及营养不良等)也能降低肺炎的风险。 User: I shall not commit carnal sins. Assistant: 不能灭无量罪。 User: User objects may represent employees, contractors, vendors, partners, customers or other recipients of a service. Assistant: 用户对象可能代表雇员、承包商、供应商、合作伙伴、客户,或其它的一个服务的接受者。 User: The structure was restored in 1982, and stone reliefs portraying historic moments in Karlovy Vary history were added to the orchestra space in 1995-1996. Assistant: 1982年,这座建筑进行了重建,1995-1996年,乐队空间加上了描绘卡罗维发利历史的石雕历史纪念碑。 User: The actual green boulevard extends for only two thirds of the street; its southern part was razed in the 1960s to make way for a tunnel under the Arbat Square. Assistant: 但是真正的林荫大道已经只有三分之二的部分;其南段在1960年代被夷为平地,让位给阿尔巴特广场下的隧道。 User: "Ep 18: Vicious Lies and Broken Ties". Assistant: ” 刘昫:“土运中微,群盗孔炽。 User: It was 25 years before another television program won that award again, the next occasion being for the episode "The Inner Light" from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Assistant: 直到25年后,星际迷航系列中才有《星际迷航:下一代》的《The Inner Light》再获雨果奖。 User: She even raised money to pay her own salary. Assistant: 他拥有自己的封地以支付自己的薪水。 User: For Comte, the physical sciences had necessarily to arrive first, before humanity could adequately channel its efforts into the most challenging and complex "Queen science" of human society itself. Assistant: 对孔德而言,物理科学应该先到来,在人类可以对最具挑战性、最复杂的人类社会本身的“女王科学”充分投入努力之前。 User: The first asymmetric imine reduction was reported in 1973 by Kagan using Ph(Me)C=NBn and PhSiH2 in a hydrosilylation with chiral ligand DIOP and rhodium catalyst (RhCl(CH2CH2)2)2. Assistant: 1973由Kagan第一次发现了亚胺的不对称还原反应:底物Ph(Me)C=NBn与PhSiH2,在手性配体DIOP和铑催化剂(RhCl(CH2CH2)2)2条件下发生氢化硅烷化反应。 User: The seeds are hydrophilic, absorbing up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked. Assistant: 它具亲水性,浸泡时能够吸收其重量12倍的液体。 User: The largest school in the city is Statesboro High School. Assistant: 斯泰茨伯勒最大的学校是斯泰茨伯勒高中。 User: Given the age of the institution, many of the collections have great historical as well as scientific value, such as specimens collected by Charles Darwin. Assistant: 由这个机构建馆已有百余年,许多藏品具有伟大的历史和科学价值,例如由达尔文所采集的标本。 User: A semi-group has an associative binary operation, but might not have an identity element. Assistant: 半群有一结合二元运算,但没有单位元素。 User: A modified Harvard architecture machine is very much like a Harvard architecture machine, but it relaxes the strict separation between instruction and data while still letting the CPU concurrently access two (or more) memory buses. Assistant: 改进的哈佛架构机更像哈佛架构机,但它放松了指令和数据之间严格分离的这一特征,仍然允许CPU同时访问两个(或更多)内存总线。 User: To achieve greater bandwidths multiple λ/4 coupling sections are used. Assistant: 为了获得更大的带宽,使用多个λ/ 4耦合部分。 User: Finally, she happily agrees to go with him. Assistant: 但她最终还是同意与好友同行。 User: Laravel 2 was released in September 2011, bringing various improvements from the author and community. Assistant: Laravel 2 2011年9月正式发布,并由作者与社群提供了许多优化。 User: New drugs are the products of a long drug development process, the first step of which is often the discovery of a new enzyme inhibitor. Assistant: 新的药物是长期药物研发过程中的产物,而发现新药的第一步往往是发现新的酶抑制剂。 User: According to a council report, "the quality of life, low crime rates, relatively low house prices and good-quality education" attracted people to the town. Assistant: 该杂志评论道:“好的学校、低的犯罪率、高技术经济行业的好职业和极好的户外生活使得科林斯堡成为第一名”。 User: As both the assistant-prosecutor and the defence mentioned, there was not enough evidence for that particular accusation, and it was crossed out from the indictment by the president of the jury. Assistant: 就像助理检察官和辨方所提到的那样,没有足够证据证明这项特定的指控存在而且陪审团员从起诉书中删除了。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The volcano erupted at 7 pp. m. local time on 30 September 2007, throwing lava and ash hundreds of meters into the air. Assistant: 杰贝尔·阿尔泰尔岛上的火山在2007年9月30日当地时间傍晚7时喷发,将熔浆和火山灰喷至几百米高的空中。 User: While the firefighters successfully protected Pepperdine University to the south, the entire portion of the Malibu coast west to the community of Solromar suffered damage from the fire. Assistant: 消防队成功保护佩珀代因大学以南的地带,但马里布沿海西至索尔罗马社区(Solromar)的所有地方都被大火破坏。 User: The golden spike was driven on 29 December 1930, and the first passenger train arrived on 15 January 1931. Assistant: 1930年12月29日打入了金道钉,1931年1月15日首部载客列车抵达。 User: After being held at the Duncan Intramural Fields on the south side of A&M's campus for twenty-seven years, in 1992, Bonfire was relocated to the Polo Fields on the northeast corner of campus. Assistant: 在TAMU校园南侧的邓肯校内场地举办27年后,1992年,篝火改到校园东北角的马球场。 User: The third qualifying period remains unchanged with the ten fastest drivers all advancing to the final ten minutes of qualifying. Assistant: 排位赛第三阶段保持不变,最快的十辆赛车晋级至最后十分钟的排位赛。 User: Other leading causes included inadequate assessment of the patient's condition, and poor leadership or training. Assistant: 其他的主要原因还包括对于病人状况没有充分评估,以及领导能力不佳或培训不足。 User: Chatham was amongst those selected by casting director Robi Reed while Reed was searching for authentic-looking military personnel for the movie. Assistant: 查塔姆是由选角导演罗比·里德(英语:Robi Reed)挑选的,而里德正在为电影寻找看起来真实的军事人员。 User: Healthy diets for guinea pigs require a complex balance of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and hydrogen ions; but adequate amounts of vitamins A, D, and E are also necessary. Assistant: 一只健康的豚鼠需要平衡的钙、镁、磷、钾和氢离子,另外还需要足量的维生素E、A和D。 User: Basic ED units are armed with machine guns, 105 mm cannons, and rocket launchers, while more advanced vehicles can be equipped with laser & ion cannons (developed in response to the UCS' habit of AIs) as well as nuclear missiles. Assistant: 基本的ED部队配备了机枪、105毫米炮和火箭发射器,而更先进的部队则使用激光武器、离子枪(用来对付UCS使用AI系统的部队)和核弹。 User: This naturally led to the need to store in some way the progress, and how to handle the case where the player received a "Game over". Assistant: 这自然有了以某种方式储存进度的需求,以及如何处理玩家角色死亡情况的需求。 User: He moved to Australia after his retirement. Assistant: 退休后移居澳洲。 User: In September 2017, Google launched its first major payments service outside the United States, in Tez, India. Assistant: 2017年九月,Google在美国外的印度启动了首个主要支付服务——Tez(英语:Tez (software))。 User: Social class, religion, ethnicity, or any other personal factors should not be factors in someone's ability to receive or perform a type of science. Assistant: 社会阶级、宗教、种族或个人因素不是人们获取或从事某种科学的因素。 User: Under the principle of negative parliamentarism, a government needs at least 175 members of parliament to not vote against it (such members should either vote 'yes' or abstain). Assistant: 根据消极议会制(Negative parliamentarism)的规定,政府需要获得最少过半数(175名)议员投票不反对(即支持和弃权票总和)才能获通过。 User: In July 2007, following the success of Lovely, Parker released her second fragrance, Covet. Assistant: 2007年7月,Lovely香水大受好评后,帕克发表了她第二个香水“Covet”。 User: It is formerly one of the longest running video game magazines in the United States and Canada, and is Nintendo's official magazine in North America. Assistant: 本刊是在美国和加拿大地区最长寿的电子游戏类杂志之一,也是任天堂在北美发行的官方杂志。 User: Error: the server sends an error packet if a request is invalid. Assistant: 错误:如果请求无效时,服务器会传送一个错误封包。 User: Time Magazine named his album best hip-hop album of the year. Assistant: 《时代杂志》将该专辑称为当年最佳嘻哈专辑。 User: She was formerly affiliated with Mausu Promotion, and is now affiliated with Mediaforce. Assistant: 妻子是Mausu Promotion的代表取缔役、儿子目前是同公司的専务取缔役。 User: They are very well armed inside. Assistant: 被视为正统武装。 User: The Evening Garden. Assistant: 晚间的大厅。 User: The process can be linked to its larger objectives in the organization including its priority and consequences of failure. Assistant: 该流程可被连结到组织的更大目标中,包括其优先权与失败的结果。 User: People disregard their own behaviour when assessing themselves (but not others). Assistant: 它使人觉得在观察自己的行为(虽然他并不能控制局面)。 User: Its new building, designed by Alessandro Mendini, has transformed the museum into one of the most modern and innovative of its kind in the Netherlands. Assistant: 由亚历山大·门蒂尼(Alessandro Mendini)所设计的建筑让格罗宁格博物馆成为荷兰最现代且最创新的博物馆之一。 User: Instead, it just cut to an image of the Simpson house. Assistant: 此外,他曾经出现在动画《辛普森一家》的其中一集。 User: In 2004, the conservatory had around 275 faculty members and 1,400 students. Assistant: 2004年,约有275名教职员和1,400名学生。 User: Within a native .NET/Mono application, all code is managed; that is, it is governed by the CLI's style of memory management and thread safety. Assistant: 在原生的.NET/Mono应用程序中,所有代码都是托管的,也就是说,是受管于CLI式的内存管理和线程安全管理的。 User: His status was verified after documents confirming his age were uncovered in Poland (formerly, the family's oldest document was from his wedding at age 25, but Guinness regulations require documentation from the first 20 years of a person's life to claim the record; the newly found documents were discovered by Jewish Records Indexing – Poland). Assistant: 在克里斯塔尔的年龄文件在波兰揭露后,他的年龄进行了验证(在那之前,家里最古老的是他25岁结婚时的文件,但吉尼斯法规要求记录的文件是从一个人最初20年的生活开始,新发现的文件由犹太人记录索引发现)。 User: The Lord be with you. Assistant: 主与你同在。 User: Kirk Van Houten is given a stereotypical Brussels accent, as "Van Houten" is a name which can be assumed to be Belgian. Assistant: 柯克·范霍滕改成布鲁塞尔腔调,为“范霍滕”是可以被假定为比利时人的姓氏。 User: It is made of 25 tonnes of metal fibre and 35 tonnes of steel, and is located at the peak of the CitraLand residential estate. Assistant: 它由25吨金属纤维和35吨钢制成,位于CitraLand住宅区的顶峰。 User: Paran headed this new police force, named the Hawk-Police (or Wingmen), and his son became one of the first recruits. Assistant: 巴兰领导这个新的警察部队,命名为鹰警察(翼人Thanagar),和他的儿子成为第一个新兵之一。 User: Meanwhile, other species move in synchrony to confuse and avoid predators such as schools of sardines and flocks of starlings. Assistant: 与此同时,其他物种以同步的方式移动,以迷惑和躲避沙丁鱼群和椋鸟群等掠食者。 User: Most failing projects fail to achieve 20% of their goals and this trend applies across all categories. Assistant: 大多数失败的项目未能达到他们的目标的20%,而且这一趋势适用于所有的类别。 User: In 2012, Zameen.com received an angel investment from Gilles Blanchard, the founder of Seloger.com, a French property website. Assistant: 2012年,Zameen.com得到了法国房地产网站Seloger.com创始人吉勒·布朗夏尔的天使投资。 User: Gene duplication is believed to play a major role in evolution; this stance has been held by members of the scientific community for over 100 years. Assistant: 基因重复在演化过程中扮演重要角色,近百年中受到科学界中许多成员的支持。 User: His hobbies include Chinese art and most outdoor sports. Assistant: 纽璧坚的个人兴趣包括中国艺术和大部分户外运动。 User: Then it can be proved that the equation has a unique solution for x in any place in the string. Assistant: 这样,超平面可以用该x值来确定,其法线为x轴的单位向量。 User: Once the delay of all ONUs has been set, the OLT transmits so-called grants to the individual ONUs. Assistant: 当所有的ONT延迟被确定,OLT传输就授权给独立的ONT。 User: In 1791 the Shuckburgh telescope was installed at his private observatory in Warwickshire, England. Assistant: 1791年沙克伯勒在英格兰沃里克郡的私人天文台安装了一架望远镜。 User: From 1804 until the Russian Revolution, the Ukrainian language was banned from schools in the Russian Empire, of which the biggest part of Ukraine (Central, Eastern and Southern) was a part at the time. Assistant: 从1804年至俄国革命之前,俄罗斯帝国统治下的大范围乌克兰地区(包含乌克兰中部、东部和南部),乌克兰语被所有学校禁用。 User: At least 1 in 18 stars brighter than 9.0 magnitude in the northern half of the sky are known to be double stars visible with a 36-inch (910 mm) telescope. Assistant: 在北半球的天空中,比9等亮的恒星中,每18颗就至少有一颗是双星,可以使用口径36-英寸(910-毫米) 的望远镜分辨出来。 User: However, statistical studies by law professors and the Department of Justice have found that punitive damages are only awarded in two percent of civil cases which go to trial, and that the median punitive damage award is between $38,000 and $50,000. Assistant: 然而,法律教授与司法部做出的统计研究发现,只有 2% 的进入审判阶段的民事案件中存在惩罚性赔偿,而金额的中位数处于 $38,000 到 $50,000 之间。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As originally designed, the canal's two-mile long waterway had two outlets, one on either end, which allowed sediment to be flushed into the ocean. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据最初的设计,运河的两英里长水道,在两端各有一个出口,以便于沉积物冲入海洋。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Event presentation was augmented by a four-sided overhead scoreboard with several auxiliary boards. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 事件演示是增加了几个辅助板四面开销记分牌。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The right to print was restricted to two universities and to the 21 existing printers in the city of London, which had 53 printing presses. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 印刷的权利仅限于两所大学和伦敦市的21个印刷者,总共53部印刷机。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the time, the drug was legal. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在那个时代这些药物的使用是合法的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 After the decline of heavy manufacturing, the city's economy has since diversified into a service economy, including retailing, education, and healthcare sectors. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 重工业衰落后,全市工业从此进入多元化服务经济,包括零售、教育和医疗保健行业。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The name was suggested by Nawa'a Napoleon, an associate professor of Hawaiian language at Kapiolani Community College. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这个名称是由任教于卡比奥拉尼社区学院(英语:Kapiolani Community College)的夏威夷语副教授Nawa'a Napoleon所建议的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She wears number 20. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他目前身披20号球衣。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The color temperature at which this test is made tends to vary slightly between manufacturers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 不同厂商所选用的反射式测光表校正常数之间有微小的差别。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Musical Form and Musical Performance. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 》不同风格的音乐与表演。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: His holy relics are undecayed and wonder-working; there are traditions that this saint particularly helps sick children and those who suffer from cancer. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 他的圣髑没有朽坏,据说还施行神迹,特别是帮助生病的孩子和癌症患者。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: One-third of them will have serious dysfunction. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:约10%的人会造成严重残疾。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On 22 February 1918, Rheinland and her sister Westfalen were tasked with a mission to Finland to support German army units to be deployed there. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1918年2月22日,莱茵兰号及其姊妹舰威斯特法伦号被派遣至芬兰,以支援部署在当地的德国陆军部队。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Wright is a curious child living in a household of strict, religious women and violent, irresponsible men. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 怀特是一个好奇心很重的孩子,而他生活的家庭却是一帮严厉苛刻的宗教女以及一伙缺乏责任感的粗暴男。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 It was announced in January 2009 on the Consumer Electronics Show and was integrated in Skype for the first time in version 4.0 beta 3 from January 7, 2009, with the final version being released on February 3. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它于2009年1月在 Consumer Electronics Show 被宣布,并在2009年1月7日在4.0 beta 3版本中被首次整合到Skype,最终版本在2月3日发布。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The university's legal team was now headed by former U.S. Solicitor General and Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox, who had argued many cases before the Supreme Court. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 大学的律师团由前美国副检察长,水门事件特别检察官阿奇博尔德·考克斯(Archibald Cox)领头,他曾多次参加最高法院的法庭辩论。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On October 26, the Weather Bureau hoisted hurricane warnings along the east coast of Florida from Key West to West Palm Beach, and on the west coast up to Tampa. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 10月26日,气象局向从基韦斯特到西棕榈滩之间的佛罗里达州东部沿海地区和坦帕以南的西部沿海地区发布了飓风警告。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Some companies also provided offers for developing a Game Boy title. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此外亦有其他几间公司提交过Game Boy作品的开发计划书。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The issue of illegal immigration has long been controversial in the United States. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 非法移民在美国一直是一个争议性话题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On average, radiotherapy after surgery can reduce the tumor size to 107 cells. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 放射线疗法后肿瘤平均含107枚细胞。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: These were discovered by the Cassini probe imaging team and were given temporary designations: R/2004 S 1, which lies along the orbit of the moon Atlas; and R/2004 S 2, centered at 138,900 km from Saturn's center, inward of the orbit of Prometheus. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 卡西尼号的影像小组发现洛希裂缝中有两处尘土密度较高的区域,已经依据暂时命名为:R/2004 S 1,沿着阿特拉斯的轨道分布着;和R/2004 S 2,距离土星中心138,900公里的同心圆,紧邻在普罗米修斯的内侧。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This became the Lincoln Bible. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这本圣经后来成为林肯圣经。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Ruth Turner of Harvard University was the leading 20th century expert on the Teredinidae; she published a detailed monograph on the family, the 1966 volume "A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae" published by the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:哈佛大学的Ruth Turner是20世纪时本科物种的领先权威:她在1966年发表了一大册详尽的黑白绘本“A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae”,由Museum of Comparative Zoology出版,详述本科物种。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, Lombardo was convinced by his wife to return in 1987. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而,戴夫的妻子说服了他,于1987年又回到乐团中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: U.S. civilians arms companies of Colt and Remington-UMC as well as other companies were producing M1911 pistols under contract for the U.S. Army, but even with the additional production there existed a shortage of M1911s. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:美国民间武器公司柯尔特(英语:Colt's Manufacturing Company)和雷明登-UMC以及其他公司根据合同为美国陆军生产M1911手枪,但是即使有额外的生产公司,仍然存在着M1911手枪数量上的短缺。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 His uncles were all professional musicians, whose posts included church organists, court chamber musicians, and composers. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他的叔叔们也是职业音乐家,包揽了从教堂管风琴到宫廷作曲家、音乐家的职位。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It was one of the most destructive riots in American history. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这是美国历史上最为惨重的骚乱之一。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 2008: DTIC launches DoDTechipedia, DoD’s scientific and technical information wiki. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2008—DTIC启动了DoDTechipedia(英语:DoDTechipedia),国防部科技信息维基。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The ruling made it possible for The New York Times and The Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 本案的判决使得纽约时报和华盛顿邮报可以在不经过政府检查的情况下合法地出版当时是机密的一份美国政府文件,即五角大楼文件。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In vertebrae 8-14, the distal ends of the distal portions of the neural spines are expanded posteriorly. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在第八到第14节脊椎,后方神经棘的末端较大。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This led to the discovery of HF radio propagation via the ionosphere in 1923. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 致使1923年使用电离层传播高频无线电波的发现。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It would seem at first glance that the more they overlapped the better the relationship; but this is not so. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 似乎相交的地方越多,关系便越好;可惜事实非此。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Croatian historian Aleksandar Stipčević writes that analysis of archaeological material from that period has shown that the process of romanization was rather selective. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 克罗地亚历史学家Aleksandar Stipčević(英语:Aleksandar Stipčević)则叙述道,对该时期考古资料的分析表明,罗马化过程是相当有选择性的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: International courts are formed by treaties between nations or under the authority of an international organization such as the United Nations and include ad hoc tribunals and permanent institutions but exclude any courts arising purely under national authority. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 国际司法机构(包含法庭、法院、仲裁机构等),其建立是依据国际多边条约、或依据联合国等其他国际组织的授权,包括了特设法庭、常设司法机构,不包括纯粹由一国家设置者。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: National was awarded rights from Florida to New York City and other cities along the East Coast in 1944, with flights starting in 1945. Assistant: 1944年,国家航空获得佛罗里达至纽约等东岸城市的航权,次年开始飞航这些城市。 User: However, the Czechoslovak Constitutions do not define anything like a post of acting president. Assistant: 然而,捷克斯洛伐克的宪法并不定义代理总统一职。 User: Alexa Internet was founded in April 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. Assistant: Alexa Internet由布鲁斯特·卡勒和布鲁斯·吉里亚特于1996年建立。 User: The payoff matrix facilitates elimination of dominated strategies, and it is usually used to illustrate this concept. Assistant: 收益矩阵有助于剔除劣势策略,而且经常被用于说明这个概念。 User: The ship took part in the summer cruises to Norway each August in 1911, 1913, and 1914. Assistant: 该舰还分别于1911年、1913年和1914年参加了每年8月驶往挪威的夏季巡航。 User: Work was completed in September 1978 and operation of the Stuttgart S-Bahn began with three lines (all beginning at Schwabstraße station): the S1 to Plochingen via Esslingen, the S4 to Ludwigsburg and the S6 to Weil der Stadt via Feuerbach and Leonberg. Assistant: 1978年9月工程完工,斯图加特快速铁路的三条线路开始运行(全部从施瓦布大街站出发):S1线经过埃斯林根开往普洛欣根,S4线开往路德维希堡,S6线经过费叶巴赫和莱翁贝尔格开往魏尔德尔斯塔特。 User: For example, Activision acquired Raven (1997); Neversoft (1999), which merged with Infinity Ward in 2014; Z-Axis (2001); Treyarch (2001); Luxoflux (2002); Shaba (2002); Infinity Ward (2003) and Vicarious Visions (2005). Assistant: 例如: 美国动视公司收购的Raven (1997),Neversoft(1999),Z-Axis(2001),Treyarch(2001), Luxoflux(2002),Shaba(2002),Infinity Ward(2003)和Vicarious Visions(2005)。 User: In 1968, she came under contract with Austrian director Franz Antel and from the late 1960s to early 1970s, she acted in various films of Antel (including his acclaimed Frau Wirtin series) as well as that of Franz Marischka. Assistant: 1968年,芬芝与奥地利导演弗兰茨·安特尔(英语:Franz Antel)缔约,1960年代晚期至1970年代初期,她在安特尔(包含颇受好评的《The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan(英语:The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan)》系列)与弗兰茨·马里施卡(Franz Marischka)的多部作品中演出。 User: During the 1920s, the Red Cross Society of China contributed to help other countries hit by natural disasters. Assistant: 在1920年代,中国红十字会救助了其他遭受自然灾害的国家。 User: Once ripened, berries are typically of a contrasting color to their background (often of green leaves), making them visible and attractive to frugivorous animals and birds. Assistant: 一旦成熟,莓果通常具有与其背景(通常是绿叶)形成鲜明对比的颜色,使得它们对于食果动物和鸟类是可见的和有吸引力的。 User: Plants from Mount Mulu and several other mountains have internodes up to 10 cm long. Assistant: 产自姆鲁山及其他几个山区的变型,其节间距可长达10厘米。 User: In 1891 he turned to Catholicism. Assistant: 1891年,他加入了基督教。 User: This includes billboard modifications, google bombing, flash mobs and fake parking tickets for SUVs. Assistant: 具体行动包括篡改广告牌,谷歌轰炸,快闪族活动和给SUVS贴假停车票等。 User: However, the latter in no way influenced the police. Assistant: 但此结果并未对政策造成影响。 User: Some prefer to eat them at this later stage. Assistant: 会把喜欢的东西留在最后吃。 User: Best Film: Pacchigi! Assistant: 电影“Pacchigi! User: The issue of how to determine if a teaching is a genuine teaching of the Buddha is present in the earliest Buddhist scriptures. Assistant: 根据这种理解模式全面发展出一种关于如何理解《圣经》的学说,是新教神学目前一项重要任务。 User: The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, while reentering Earth's atmosphere over Louisiana and Texas. Assistant: 哥伦比亚号航天飞机灾难发生于2003年2月1日,哥伦比亚号当时执行STS-107任务在得克萨斯与路易斯安纳上空再入大气层。 User: It has a 3.5 mm headphone jack along with AKG tuned stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos support. Assistant: 音响方面,Samsung Galaxy J8配有3.5 mm耳机插孔以及支持Dolby Atmos的AKG调谐立体声扬声器。 User: Most of the above-mentioned undergraduate programmes can be continued with either a general or a specialised graduate program. Assistant: 学生可选择各种研究所课程,上述本科课程的大部分都可以由一般的或专业的硕士课程接续。 User: During the next few days, the system passed south of the country while slowly organizing. Assistant: 接下来的数天里,系统从该群岛以南经过,并在这一过程中缓慢组织。 User: Updated in Windows 7 to support TLS 1.2. Assistant: Windows 7中更新为支持TLS 1.2。 User: The Forum was also the home of the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks from 1997 to their 2001 move to Staples Center. Assistant: 该建筑也是WNBA洛杉矶火花队从1997年至2001年间场馆。 User: When he found out that his daughter had reported him, he sent Beatrice and Lucrezia away from Rome to live in the family's country castle at La Petrella del Salto in the Abruzzi mountains. Assistant: 当弗朗切斯科发现他的女儿竟告发他时,他将贝亚特丽切和卢克蕾齐亚送离罗马,送到阿布鲁佐山间,位于佩特雷拉萨尔托的那座属于倩契家的城堡中。 User: These stages are the only ones to feature background music during play, and cannot be paused. Assistant: 它们是游戏中唯一使用背景音乐的关卡,也不能被暂停。 User: UTF-1 is a multi-byte encoding like UTF-8; a single Unicode code point can be encoded in one, two, three, or five bytes. Assistant: UTF-1是一个类似于UTF-8的多字节编码;一个单一的Unicode代码点可以被编码成一个、两个、三个或五个八位字节。 User: The Gold Coast neighborhood grew in the wake of the Great Chicago Fire. Assistant: 黄金海岸地区的开发始于芝加哥大火之后。 User: It's just dirty money and (Salomon) should give it all to some charity for the sexually abused or something. Assistant: 这是肮脏钱,萨罗门应该把它全捐给慈善团体为性侵犯受害人或者什么。 User: Canada's official goal (set by Own the Podium) for these games were at least 19 medals of any colour (an improvement of one or more from 2012), and a top 12 finish in terms of overall medals won. Assistant: 加拿大代表团在本届奥运定下的目标是至少获得19枚奖牌(与2012年相比增加一枚)同时在奖牌总数上跻身前12名,加拿大最终获得22枚奖牌,奖牌总数位列前10名,达到了目标。 User: The bank offers various banking and credit products, such as Nordstrom Signature VISA, Nordstrom retail credit and debit cards, interest-bearing checking accounts, check cards, and certificates of deposits. Assistant: 银行提供各种银行和信贷业务,比如诺德斯特龙VISA信用卡,诺德斯特龙零售信用卡和借记卡,有息支票账户,支票保证卡和存款单。 User: It takes 5 minutes and patients go home within one hour. Assistant: 不久因丁忧归里,居家五年。 User: He always gave the example of Galileo whose theory in astronomy was not accepted for a long time. Assistant: 它曾被伽利略用作反驳当时亚里士多德学派所谓上天永远不变的理论。 User: Pagani has stuck with a single-clutch gearbox because it weighs 40% less than double-clutch gearboxes. Assistant: 帕加尼仍然坚持使用单离合变速器,因为其比起双离合变速器来说要轻了 40%。 User: On March 10, 2010, OnLive announced the OnLive Game Service would launch on June 17, 2010, in the US, and the monthly service fee would be US$14.95. Assistant: 2010年3月10日,OnLive正式宣布于2010年6月17日在美国推出在线游戏服务,每月收费4.95美元。 User: Interstate 865 serves as connector to I-65 to I-465, on the northwest side of Indianapolis. Assistant: I-865:连接I-65与I-465的辅助路线,位于印第安纳波利斯西北侧。 User: Female participation in gaming is increasing. Assistant: 参与游戏的女性人口不断增长。 User: Eight countries from Western Europe and East Asia submitted films for consideration for the first award, and five of these were selected as Oscar nominees. Assistant: 来自西欧和东亚八个国家提交影片来审核竞争,在五个在被选为奥斯卡提名。 User: If certain problems are found, medical imaging, such as with MRI, may be performed. Assistant: 若已找出某些特定病征,则可考虑进行医学照影,例如MRI。 User: On May 16, 2013, Google announced the release of seven new programs, including reminders from Evernote, fashion news from Elle, and news alerts from CNN. Assistant: 2013年5月16日,Google宣布推出七个新的应用程序,包括Evernote的备忘事项提醒、来自《ELLE》杂志的时尚资讯和来自CNN的新闻通知等。 User: The Hopping Prophet's faith is an orderly one. Assistant: 先知的预言真实可信。 User: On the contrary, the European Union was ready to help with Angolan reconstruction. Assistant: 通过该合作,中国向安哥拉重建进程提供了大规模援助。 User: Individuals infected with H. pylori have a 10 to 20% lifetime risk of developing peptic ulcers and a 1 to 2% risk of acquiring stomach cancer. Assistant: 感染幽门螺杆菌者有10%到20%的风险发展为消化性溃疡,有1%到2%的风险发展为胃癌。 User: David Michaels, of the George Washington University School of Public Health, first published Rose's warning letter on his blog. Assistant: 乔治华盛顿大学公共卫生学院的大卫·迈克尔斯首次在他的博客中公布罗斯的信。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Often catalytic cycles show the conversion of a precatalyst to the catalyst. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 通常这样的循环都展示了催化前体到催化剂的转化。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Further, Jesus would have entered Jerusalem at an especially risky time, during Passover, when popular emotions were running high. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 并且,耶稣进入耶路撒冷是在一个特别危险的时刻,那是逾越节期间,大众情绪极为高涨。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 At the end of 1987, railway construction began on the new line to Kassel. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:自1987年末起,则开始了通往卡塞尔方向的新建铁路的轨道建设。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 12 January 2015, on the 11th anniversary of his first day of school, Google's homepage Google Doodle was about Kimani Maruge. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2015年1月12日,在他第一天上学的11周年纪念日,Google的主页Google涂鸦是关于基马尼·马鲁格的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2014. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 电影于2014年8月31日在威尼斯电影节首映。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This resulted in the TRG-22/42 rifle system. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其改进的结果是TRG-22和TRG-42这两枝狙击步枪系统。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Cable Networks Akita acquired its naming rights in 2015. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:有线电视公司秋田公司在2015年获得了命名权。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It has also been applied in large-scale clustering problems, such as clustering documents by the similarity of their sets of words. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:它同样也应用于大规模聚类问题,比如通过文档间包含的词语相似性进行聚类。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Fisher's role in this operation was rewarded with what his superiors regarded as one of the most prestigious postings in Russian foreign intelligence, the United States. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:费雪在此次对美国作战行动中扮演的角色便被其上司认为是在苏联对国外情报局中的最高典范。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Bioinformatics has increasingly shifted its focus from individual genes, proteins, and search algorithms to large-scale networks often denoted as -omes such as biome, interactome, genome and proteome. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:生物信息学的关注焦点逐渐从个别基因、蛋白质和搜索算法转向大规模网络,并产生了各种“组”(-omes)如生物组(biome)、相互作用组(interactome)、基因组或蛋白质组。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Of those who receive the so-called "provisional green light", 70% never return to Dignitas. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 后来病情没有恶化的人,有七成再也没有回到Dignitas。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In scientific literature it is common to cite name, surname, and initials of the authors of an article. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在科学文献中通常引用文章作者的名字、姓氏以及首字母。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: That same year, she and the cruiser Leipzig made the first goodwill visit to the United Kingdom since the end of World War I sixteen years earlier. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 同年,它与另一艘轻巡洋舰莱比锡号对英国进行了自第一次世界大战结束后、十六年来的首次友好访问。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It passed the House in August 1846 and February 1847 but not the Senate. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该协议于1846年8月和1847年2月通过了下院,但没有通过上院。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On maps, national forests in the west generally show the true extent of their area, but those in the east often only show purchase districts, within which usually only a minority of the land is owned by the Forest Service. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 地图上美国西部的国家森林多为其真实大小,而东部的森林绝大的部分都是购买区,只有少部分在森林局的管理之下。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Chaplin uses the Girl's blindness to remind the Tramp of the precarious nature of romanticism in the real world, as she unknowingly assaults him multiple times. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:卓别林用女孩的失明来提醒流浪汉浪漫主义在真实世界里的危险性,在片中她几次无意间冒犯了他。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In contrast to other organisations, the EU's style of integration has "become a highly developed system for mutual interference in each other's domestic affairs". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 和其他国际组织不同,欧盟系统已经“变成一个正在互相干涉其他国家内部事务的系统”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, the airstrip was heavily bombed by Allied forces. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 然而,飞机跑道被盟军严重炸毁。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In July 1983, Grimm went back a third time with Ryan aboard the research vessel Robert D. Conrad to have another look at the "propeller". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1983年7月,格里姆和莱恩第三次登上科考船 "Robert D. Conrad"号,再次前往察看那只螺旋桨。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: According to the submarine's executive officer, the fire was intended to force the Japanese soldiers to abandon their boats and none of them were deliberately targeted. Assistant: 据这艘潜艇的执行官员说,美军开火的目的是迫使日本士兵放弃他们的船只,并非针对特定士兵目标。 User: The game world was made larger and optimized to run faster. Assistant: 游戏世界被做得更大,运行速度优化得更快。 User: On 23 September 2001, Isaak was arrested in his home in Asmara, Eritrea. Assistant: 2001年9月23日,伊萨克在厄立特里亚阿斯马拉的家中被捕。 User: The trials were conducted in shallow water due to the war; in deep water, the ships would have exceeded 29 knots (54 km/h; 33 mph). Assistant: 由于战时处境,试航是在浅水区进行的;若在深水中,这些舰只的航速预计将超过29节(54公里每小时)。 User: In the event of a major incident, such as civil unrest or a major disaster, many governments maintain the right to declare a state of emergency, which gives them extensive powers over the daily lives of their citizens, and may include temporary curtailment on certain civil rights, including the right to trial. Assistant: 当发生内乱或重大灾害等重大事件时,许多国家的政府都有权宣布进入紧急状态,使其有权对公民的日常生活进行广泛约束,并可能暂时限制包括审判权在内的某些公民权利。 User: Argentina quickly responded, as the Brazilian ships outclassed anything in the Argentine fleet. Assistant: 阿根廷迅速做出反应,鉴于巴西舰艇将超越阿根廷海军的任何舰只。 User: NASCAR Heat Evolution also includes a dynamic AI and Speed Rating system that matches the players skill level. Assistant: 《热力纳斯卡 进化》还有匹配玩家技术水平的动态AI和速度评价系统。 User: Data staging areas are often transient in nature, with their contents being erased prior to running an ETL process or immediately following successful completion of an ETL process. Assistant: 资料盘点区在本质上通常是暂存的, 其内容在执行 ETL 处理前, 或成功完成 ETL 处理后立即会被清除。 User: She is patroness of the unfortunate, especially orphans. Assistant: 也是不幸者,尤其是孤儿的守护神。 User: Trazodone was patented and marketed in many countries all over the world. Assistant: 交沙霉素现在已在多个国家开始销售、使用。 User: A freely floating soap bubble therefore approximates a sphere (though such external forces as gravity will slightly distort the bubble's shape). Assistant: 一个自由浮动的肥皂泡因此近似于一个球体(尽管由于重力这样的外力会轻微使得肥皂泡的形状变得扭曲)。 User: He therefore announced that early elections would take place on 24 June 2018. Assistant: 因此他宣布,选举将于2018年6月24日举行。 User: The New Nintendo 3DS and its XL variant were first released outside Japan—in Australia and New Zealand, on November 21, 2014, with the smaller model only available in white. Assistant: 新的任天堂3DS及其XL型号最早于2014年11月21日在日本以外的澳大利亚和新西兰发布,但较小的型号只有白色供选择。 User: The British expressed interest in mounting their 17-pounder on the M4 in August 1943, offering a monthly allotment of 200 weapons and ammunition, which could begin three months following acceptance. Assistant: 英军表示,他俩有兴趣在1943年8月在M4“雪曼”以上搭载他俩本土生产的QF 17磅炮,每月分配200门武器和弹药,可在获得采用以后三个月开始。 User: After having foreseen an approaching storm, Max must take on the responsibility to prevent it from destroying her town. Assistant: 在预见一场风暴即将到来后,麦克斯必须承担起责任,防止小镇遭受破坏。 User: Wynne and his family buried Smoky in a World War II .30 caliber ammo box in the Cleveland Metroparks, Rocky River Reservation in Lakewood, Ohio. Assistant: 怀恩和其家庭以一个二战期间使用的.30口径弹药盒装着斯默克的遗体,并将之葬于克利夫兰都会公园中。 User: British destroyers conducted a series of attacks against the fleet, some of which targeted Deutschland. Assistant: 英国驱逐舰对舰队进行了一系列攻击,其中一些是针对德国号。 User: People in Oviedo's time knew this story in several versions, but Oviedo regarded it as myth. Assistant: 在奥维耶多的时代,人们所知的这个故事有若干个版本,但是奥维耶多将它看作了虚构故事。 User: X-gal has a number of variants, which are similar molecules with slight differences serving mainly to produce colors other than blue as a signal. Assistant: X-gal的有许多不同的变异体,它们是相似的分子且仅具有些微的差别,主要的功能为产生颜色,并以产生蓝色以外的的信号为主。 User: Positive mood also facilitates resistance to temptations, especially with regards to unhealthy food choices. Assistant: 积极心境也有助于抵制诱惑,特别是在吃垃圾食品方面。 User: However, a programme of modifications during the first few years in service improved matters considerably, and the series has since matured into a highly reliable engine. Assistant: 然而,在修改了最初几年的服务方案并完善了相关事项,这一系列的发动机现在已经高度成熟了。 User: However, numerous studies have been conducted with animals. Assistant: 然而,已经对动物进行了许多研究。 User: All my goods and all my affairs, I leave them to you and to my nephews. Assistant: 以上这些地方,都被授予给我、我的子孙、还有我的亲族。 User: The French order called for substantial modifications to meet French standards, resulting in the DB-7 (for Douglas Bomber 7) variant. Assistant: 法国的订单要求大量修改,衍生出DB-7(道格拉斯轰炸机Douglas Bomber 7)的修改型。 User: An open source data logger based on the Raspberry Pi computer Data Loggers are changing more rapidly now than ever before. Assistant: 基于树莓派(Raspberry Pi)计算机的开源数据记录器 数据记录器行业正在以比以往都快的速度变化。 User: Italian/Judaeo-Italian: In addition to being spoken by Italian Jews, Italian is also spoken by many Jews from Libya (a former Italian colony) and immigrants from other former Italian colonies (Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia) as a primary or second language. Assistant: 意大利语: 除了意大利裔犹太人使用外,很多来自利比亚、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚以及索马里(前意大利殖民地)都会以意大利语为第一或第二语言。 User: The film exited U.K. theatres after just 5 weeks in release with a final box office take of £680,643—equaling roughly AU$1m. Assistant: 这部电影在英国上映仅5周之后就退幕了,总计票房收入为680,643英磅——相当于大概1百万澳元。 User: Two years later, the western portion was split off to become Iowa Territory. Assistant: 两年后,西部分裂成为爱荷华领地。 User: Following the German defeat in World War I, three of the Deutschland-class battleships were allowed to be retained in the German Navy, which was reorganized as the Reichsmarine: Hannover, Schleswig-Holstein and Schlesien, along with several of the Braunschweig-class battleships. Assistant: 随着德国在第一次世界大战战败,德意志帝国海军被重组为魏玛国家海军,它获准保留三艘德国级战列舰:汉诺威号、石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因号和西里西亚号,再连同几艘不伦瑞克级战列舰用于沿海防御。 User: Tension heightens between the nations as a result. Assistant: 国共之间出现紧张局面。 User: Jarmusch's first major film, Stranger Than Paradise, was produced on a budget of approximately $125,000 and released in 1984 to much critical acclaim. Assistant: 《天堂陌影》(Stranger Than Paradise)制作预算约125,000美元,于1984年发行,获得许多正面评价。 User: This is also the first album to feature new band members Justin Lockey and Elliott Williams. Assistant: 这也是新成员贾斯汀·洛基和埃利奥特·威廉姆斯加入后的第一张专辑。 User: While his ten-year reign was marked by various state-building accomplishments, Mindaugas's conflicts with relatives and other dukes continued, and Samogitia (western Lithuania) strongly resisted the alliance's rule. Assistant: 在位10年,明道加斯在国家建设方面功劳卓著,而其与亲属和其他公爵的冲突仍在继续,且西立陶宛强烈抵制联盟的统治。 User: The song is also well known by the beginning and refrain of the first stanza, "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" ("Germany, Germany above all"), but this has never been its title. Assistant: 这首歌也也常以首句歌词“德意志胜过一切”称呼,但事实上从未以此为正式曲名。 User: The player uses their combined abilities to complete various missions, typically aimed to disrupt the armies of Sauron. Assistant: 玩家需要用他们的组合技能来完成各种任务,以瓦解索伦的军队。 User: As a result, they are not member states of the Commonwealth of Nations. Assistant: 因此,它们也不是英联邦成员国 。 User: In 1683 Suriname was sold to the Dutch West India Company. Assistant: 1683年,苏里南被卖给了荷兰西印度公司后称荷属圭亚那。 User: A direct reference to these similarities may be found in Spielberg's draft of the screenplay, which introduces Quint watching the film version of Moby-Dick; his continuous laughter prompts other audience members to get up and leave the theater. Assistant: 斯皮尔伯格所写的剧本草稿中可以找到这些相似之处的明证,其中昆特首次出场时正在观看1956年版的电影《白鲸记》(Moby-Dick),他一边看一边不断地发笑,使得其他观众都起身离开了电影院。 User: Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil was crowned as the 13th king in the Copán dynasty in July 695. Assistant: Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil于695年7月上台,他是科潘的第13位统治者。 User: In addition, "three-quarters of Americans feel that increasing renewable energy and decreasing U.S. dependence on foreign oil are the country's top energy priorities". Assistant: 此外,"四分之三的美国人认为是该国的顶级能源优先问题,是增加可再生能源,和减少美国对外国石油的依赖"。 User: In June 2014, it was reported that Time Warner was negotiating to acquire a minority stake in Vice Media; among the company's plans were to give Vice Media control over the programming of HLN—a spin-off network of CNN which had recently struggled in its attempts to re-focus itself as a younger-skewing, social media-oriented news service. Assistant: 2014年6月,据报道时代华纳正在尝试谈判收购Vice媒体的少数股权;该公司的计划之一是让Vice媒体制作头条新闻的节目——这是CNN的衍生网络,该网络最近一直在努力重新将自己重新定位为一个年轻化的社交媒体新闻服务。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: It also used the same game controller ports popularized by the Atari 2600, allowing gamers to use their old joysticks with the system. Assistant: 它也内建与Atari 2600相同并广受欢迎的埠,让玩家在该系统上得以使用他们的旧摇杆。 User: A stable, covalent bond forms within 2 minutes. Assistant: 一稳定的共价键在2分钟之内形成。 User: In another example, Joey made up an anecdote referred to as the "Europe story" or the "magic story"; apparently, anyone who hears it will immediately want to have sex with the teller. Assistant: 另一个例子是,Joey 编造了一个奇闻,Chandler 和 Monica 称为欧洲故事;显然,每个听过的人都想立即跟讲述者上床。 User: The area commanders and other officers were rarely Regular Army officers; the qualification for appointment was more often expert knowledge of the local language and peoples. Assistant: 地区指挥官和其他军官很少是真正的陆军军官;任用资格往往是当地语言和人民的专业知识。 User: Post-war tests conducted by the British Royal Navy showed that the guns on Baden could be ready to fire again 23 seconds after firing; this was significantly faster than their British contemporaries, the Queen Elizabeth class, which took 36 seconds between salvos. Assistant: 由英国皇家海军在战后对巴登号进行的实验表明,主炮在完成发射后只需23秒即可重新装填完毕,这比英国同时代的伊丽莎白女王级的36秒显著增快。 User: Her personal best time is 11.49 seconds, achieved in October 2007 in Wuhan. Assistant: 她的个人最好成绩是11.49秒,于2007年10月在武汉获得。 User: The opposition claimed the national character was stained and Canning read out in Parliament the previous administration's plans in 1806 to stop the Portuguese navy falling into the hands of France. Assistant: 坎宁亦于议会中宣读上届政府的计划,意图于1806年阻止葡萄牙海军落入法国手中。 User: Karl Verner is credited as the first scholar to note the factor governing the distribution of the two outcomes. Assistant: 卡尔·维尔纳第一个开始去探求,究竟是什么因决定了这两种结果的分配。 User: Since DNA is an informative macromolecule in terms of transmission from one generation to another, DNA sequencing is used in evolutionary biology to study how different organisms are related and how they evolved. Assistant: 由于DNA是携带有遗传信息的大分子,在进化生物学中,DNA测序被用于研究不同生物体之间的相关性以及它们是如何进化的。 User: His work established his enduring reputation as a "Founder" of Biblical archeology, and influenced much of future archaeological field work. Assistant: 他的成就确立了他成为圣经考古学重要"奠基人",并且影响了从未来的考古田野工作。 User: The village of Warsaw is near the center of the town in a valley. Assistant: 沃索村位于山谷的镇中心附近。 User: This confirmed suspicions among the Allies regarding the "armed neutrality" of Vichy territories. Assistant: 这证实了盟军中,有些人怀疑维琪法国" 武装中立"的看法。 User: The number of jurors required for certain cases was reduced, juror salaries were set at a fixed rate, and penalties were established for soliciting jury duty. Assistant: 部分类别案件要求的陪审员数量也有减少,陪审员的报酬以固定比率确定,并针对招募陪审员的做法制定了罚则。 User: According to a report published by Greenpeace and Peking University’s School of Public Health in December 2012, the coal industry is responsible for the highest levels of air pollution (19 percent), followed by vehicle emissions (6 percent). Assistant: 根据绿色和平组织和北京大学公共卫生学院2012年12月发表的报告,煤炭行业造成的空气污染最高,占19%,其次才是车辆尾气排放(6%)。 User: Firefox 4 initially shipped with over 80 locales and introduced 10 new locales, including 6 African languages. Assistant: Firefox 4则首次提供了超过80种在地化版本,并引入10种新的在地化版本,其中包括了6种非洲语言。 User: John Lennon had privately left the group by the time the album was released and McCartney publicly quit the following year. Assistant: 约翰·列侬在专辑发行前就已私下离队,麦卡特尼则在第二年公开宣布退出乐队。 User: He later stated, "the woman was already dead. Assistant: 我告诉我自己:“好吧,这具身体已经死了。 User: The Ottoman administration ignored the name of Macedonia. Assistant: 奥斯曼政权无视了马其顿之名。 User: The hurricane, along with Danny and Juan, also affected several other barrier islands, and Elena itself removed as much as 112 ft (34 m) of beach along the island of Grand Isle, Louisiana. Assistant: 艾琳娜和丹尼、胡安还对其它多个屏障岛构成冲击,其中艾琳娜单在格兰德艾尔就侵蚀掉了纵深34米的海滩。 User: The reform was done in pursue for higher GDP growth and greater tax collection rates. Assistant: 改革是为了追求更高的国内生产总值增长和更高的征税率。 User: It can also be used for bonding fabrics, wood, and other materials to these surfaces. Assistant: 它也可以用于粘接面料、木,或其他材料至上述材料的表面。 User: Since the 2013 general election, members of the Legislative Assembly have received a salary and are expected to work full-time and give up all previously held jobs or business interests. Assistant: 从2013年福克兰群岛普选(英语:Falkland Islands general election, 2013)开始,立法议员成为受薪工作,并且需要全职从事议会的工作,放弃之前的任何工作职位或商业利益。 User: The Gentleman Juggler style is established by German jugglers such as Salerno and Kara. Assistant: 杂耍绅士型态的表演是由德国杂技者如Salerno和Kara所创。 User: Then, a keyword or term associated with the command is typed into the address bar followed by entering the term afterwards or selecting the command from a list. Assistant: 之后,与命令有关的关键词或术语将键入地址栏,随后输入关键词或从列表中选择命令。 User: Thianthrene was first synthesized by John Stenhouse by dry distillation of sodium benzenesulfonate. Assistant: John Stenhouse第一次通过苯磺酸钠的干馏制备出噻蒽。 User: Possibly 2 to 3 designated marksman rifles and battle rifles are planned for use at squad level. Assistant: 据计划,可能有2至3枝精确射手步枪型和战斗步枪型在班队中使用。 User: Membership is reserved to writers who have produced works in the French language, but it is not limited to citizens of France. Assistant: 会员资格保留给以法语创作的作家,但不限于法国公民。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The deadline was originally December 14, 1973, but was extended to January 9, 1974 because of the energy crisis and Christmas mail delays. Assistant: 参赛者递交作品的截止日期起初定在1973年12月14日,但由于能源危机和圣诞邮件延误的共同影响延迟到1974年1月9日。 User: The network called for a two-day general strike on 5–6 February 2012. Assistant: 该组织也呼吁公民在2012年2月5日到6日展开大罢工。 User: They go on to argue, based on situation semantics, that the "denial liar" can be true without contradiction while the "negation liar" can be false without contradiction. Assistant: 他们接着论证,基于情境语义学,“拒绝的说谎者”可以为真而不矛盾,同时“否定的说谎者”可以为假而不矛盾。 User: More severe or progressive cases require high-dose systemic corticosteroids for months to years. Assistant: 更严重的病例可能需要若干月到若干年的全身大剂量类固醇治疗。 User: This means that Puig obtained 35% of the worldwide growth within this five-year period. Assistant: 这意味着普伊格的市场份额在这5年间获得了35%的全球增长。 User: In 1971, South Korea and Singapore established consular relations by renaming the Korea Trade Centre to a consulate-general. Assistant: 1971年,韩国与新加坡建立领事级外交关系,韩国驻新加坡的贸易中心易名为总领事馆。 User: FIVB, through several companies, sold the broadcasting rights for the 2018 World Championship to the following broadcasters. Assistant: 国际排联通过几家公司将2018年世界锦标赛的转播权卖给了以下的广播公司。 User: The ramparts have four surviving gates: Porte St. Jean: dates back to at least 1694, was demolished in 1791 because of its poor condition and rebuilt. Assistant: 城墙有4个幸存的城门: 圣若望门:可追溯至1694年,1791年拆除重建,1865年再次重建。 User: Sun and moon, these minister for aye; The laws of day and night cease nevermore: Given for signs to Jacob's seed that they Shall ever be a nation — till these be o'er. Assistant: 但以月或年定期间,于最后之月,无相当日者,以其月之末日,为期间之末日。 User: He was born in Chicago. Assistant: 他出生在芝加哥。 User: 42% of the population is under the age of 24, while 6% of the population is over 60 years of age. Assistant: 42%的人口在24岁以下,而6%的人口是60岁以上。 User: The river IJssel branch flows to the north and enters the IJsselmeer (formerly the Zuider Zee), initially a brackish lagoon but a freshwater lake since 1932. Assistant: 莱茵河分支艾瑟尔河流向北方,进入艾瑟尔湖(艾瑟尔湖前身为咸水潟湖,但是自从1932年以来逐渐成为一个淡水湖泊)。 User: John Watts de Peyster was an early advocate of implementing military style discipline and organization to the force. Assistant: 约翰·沃茨·德佩斯特(英语:John Watts de Peyster)是将军队的纪律与组织引入警察部门的最初倡导者之一。 User: In a travelogue about Petersburg in 1821, the French statesman Joseph de Maistre commented that he did not know "whether Peter's bronze hand protects or threatens". Assistant: 法国政治家迈斯特(Joseph de Maistre)在他1821年的彼得堡旅行笔记中提到,他不明白“彼得的青铜手究竟是在保护自己还是威慑敌人。 User: Rainfall also spread into Bangladesh. Assistant: 梯田也分布在北坡。 User: On his last voyage, Cook again commanded HMS Resolution, while Captain Charles Clerke commanded HMS Discovery. Assistant: 在这次旅程,库克再一次负责指挥HMS决心号,而他的随员查尔斯·克拉克则指挥伴舰HMS发现号(HMS Discovery)。 User: Most of the Hmong in Thailand would eventually be resettled in the United States and other countries. Assistant: 大部分在泰国的苗族人最终定居在美国和其他国家。 User: A 1963 graduate of Barnard College with an MA (1965) in 18th century English Literature from Columbia University, Jong is best known for her first novel, Fear of Flying (1973), which created a sensation with its frank treatment of a woman's sexual desires. Assistant: 容从巴纳德学院1963年毕业,并与在从哥伦比亚大学获得18世纪英语文学硕士学位(1965),容最好的小说是处女作《怕飞》(1973年),它因坦率处理女人的性欲产生轰动。 User: In Arabic, the word also means the body or form of something, particularly the human body. Assistant: 在阿拉伯语中,海卡尔亦有肌体或形式之意,有时特指人类的肌体。 User: Forests are being destroyed at a rapid pace. Assistant: 森林在以很快的速度消亡。 User: In 1500 most of the commercial activity slowly moved from Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Navona, that was the favorite place since it was wider. Assistant: 1500年,大部分商业活动最慢从鲜花广场转移到更为宽阔的纳沃纳广场。 User: It is estimated that at least one out of every fifty engineers in the United States got their bachelor's degree from Penn State. Assistant: 据估计,美国每50位工程师中就有一位从宾州州立大学获得学士学位。 User: Otherwise I would never have written a work. Assistant: 不然我不会写任何作品。 User: The disc documented retro live performances from their Savage Amusement Tour in 1988, all the way through the Face the Heat Tour in 1994. Assistant: 该CD在1988年的野蛮游乐之旅中记录了复古的现场表演,一路在1994年的“Face The Heat”中。 User: The common cold is generally mild and self-limiting with most symptoms generally improving in a week. Assistant: 普通感冒通常是温和的并有自约性,所以大多数症状一般会在一周内改善。 User: The police were informed that the final two members of the gang were hiding at 100 Sidney Street in Stepney. Assistant: 警方获悉,帮派剩下两名成员藏匿在斯特普尼西德尼街100号。 User: All other vehicles are charged based on size and purpose and are not subject to the return-trip discount. Assistant: 其他车辆根据大小和用途收费,而且不受返程折扣。 User: Jack invites Ally to his next show. Assistant: 积逊邀请艾莉到他的下一场演唱会。 User: On 8 February 1980 Linhas Aéreas de Angola airliner registered D2-TYC, a Yakovlev Yak-40, was shot down near Matala, Angola with the loss of all on board (four crew and 15 passengers). Assistant: 1980年2月8日,TAAG安哥拉航空注册编号D2-TYC的雅克-40客机在安哥拉马塔拉附近被击落,机上人员全部失踪(4名机组人员和15名乘客)。 User: Government departments and the learned societies were huddled away in small old buildings all over the city. Assistant: 政府部门和学术团体都蜷缩在城市各处逼仄而陈旧的建筑里。 User: Studies vary in their estimates of mortality. Assistant: 申恩的研究中对死难者数目作出不同方法的估算。 User: After independence, some of the Chinese who held PNG nationality became involved in local politics, primarily as fundraisers or middlemen for major politicians. Assistant: 独立后,一些持有巴布亚新几内亚国籍的华人参与当地政治,主要是为主要政治家的筹款人或中间人。 User: At dusk or evening of the early summer of 1877, J.H. McNeil of Kelton, Box Elder County, and several other employees of the Barnes and Co. Salt Works company on the lake's north shore reported seeing a huge creature with a crocodile-like body and the head of a horse in the waters of the Great Salt Lake. Assistant: 在1877年初夏的一个黄昏或晚上,博克斯埃尔德县凯尔顿镇 的J.H. McNeil和Barnes and Co. Salt Works公司的几个员工在湖的北岸看到了湖水中有一个长着鳄鱼身体和马头的巨大生物。 User: The entrance at Broadway and 32nd Street is unstaffed, has two street stairs, and one stair to each of the two Broadway platforms on the very south end. Assistant: 位于百老汇和32街的入口无职员驻守,有两条街梯,最南端也有各一条楼梯前往两个百老汇月台。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Stauffenberg placed the single primed bomb inside his briefcase and, with the unwitting assistance of Major Ernst John von Freyend, entered the conference room containing Hitler and 20 officers, positioning the briefcase under the table near Hitler. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 史陶芬堡进入会议室后在不知密谋的恩斯特·约翰·冯·弗莱恩特(英语:Ernst John von Freyend)少校帮助下,成功将自己的公事包绕过了会议室内所聚集20名人员与希特勒,并安置于希特勒所在位置附近的会议桌底下。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Lily James as Young Donna, founder of Donna and the Dynamos. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 莉莉·詹姆斯 饰 年轻的当娜,当娜与发电机乐队(Donna and the Dynamos)的始创人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Luxembourg was guaranteed independence and neutrality from its three surrounding neighbors (Belgium, France, and Prussia), but it rejoined the German customs union, the Zollverein, and remained a member until its dissolution in 1919. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:卢森堡在其三个邻国(比利时、法国和普鲁士)之间保持了其独立和中立地位,直到现在都维持着独立,但又重新参加了德意志关税同盟,直至1919年同盟瓦解为止。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In a radio interview he explained that "I was doing three sessions a day, fifteen sessions a week. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在一次广播采访中,他解释道:“我那时一天参与三个录音期,一周十五个。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 During the Axis occupation of Greece, thousands of Greeks died in direct combat, in concentration camps, or of starvation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:希腊经济在轴心国占领期间被摧毁,成千上万的希腊人因抵抗、被关在集中营或饥饿致死。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Another reason for surplus supply of enslaved people was major warfare conducted by expanding states, such as the kingdom of Dahomey, the Oyo Empire, and the Asante Empire. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 而奴隶供给剩余的其他原因是由于国家扩张,如达荷美王国、奥约帝国、和阿散蒂王国。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The college has day and night shifts. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:经济学院有日间部和夜间部。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, the revolutionary junta did not immediately threaten the interests of the landed elite. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 然而,革命军政府并未立刻威胁到精英地主的利益。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Zoey also hires him as her lawyer in what became a futile battle to save the Arcadian. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 柔伊还聘请他成为她的律师,为保卫阿卡迪亚做无谓的奋斗。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On another review, Billboard favored the album, stating that it "makes for good listening out of the cinematic context" and that the financial success of the soundtrack may have been propelled by Jimmie Rodgers' "smooth vocal treatment". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在另一篇评论中,《告示牌》对专辑表示看好,称可以从中听出电影的情节发展,认为原声带在商业上的成功可能是由吉米·罗杰斯“平稳的声线发挥”所推动的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In Soviet times, about half of the strong alcohol produced at the factory was exported, mainly to Western European countries. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在苏联时期,大约一半工厂生产的烈酒被出口,而且主要地进口到西欧。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As part of the action plan, Russia committed itself to the restoration of its customs regulations on imports from Ukraine that had existed before mid-August 2013. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 此外,俄罗斯还会将其对于乌克兰的海关进口管理条例恢复到2013年8月中旬之前的情况。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Most new slots accept both CardBus and the original 16-bit PC Card devices. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 大部分新的插槽都支持Cardbus和较老的16位PC卡设备。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For example, according to Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, if Muhammad had mastered writing and reading he possibly would have been suspected of having studied the books of the ancestors. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 据神学家法赫尔丁·拉齐所述,如果穆罕默德通晓阅读和书写,他就可能会被质疑曾经看过以往的先知所得的经书,从而临摹出《古兰经》的内容。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In October 1975, Steven Spielberg told the San Francisco Film Festival that "making a sequel to anything is just a cheap carny trick" and that he did not even respond to the producers when they asked him to direct Jaws 2. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1975年10月,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格在出席旧金山国际电影节(英语:San Francisco International Film Festival)时表示,“为任何电影拍摄续集都只是个廉价把戏”,并且当制片人们邀请他执导《大白鲨2》时甚至不屑予以回应。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: BioWare stated that Mass Effect 3 ends Shepard's story arc and that future games in the series would feature a different context. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: BioWare表示,《质量效应3》是薛帕德故事线的终结,该系列的后续游戏将具有不同的背景。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Less than a week before the election, President Obama formally endorsed Murphy in a mass email to supporters and urged supporters to organize and vote for Murphy. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 总统奥巴马在距选举还有不到一周时向众多支持者群发邮件,正式表态支持墨菲,还敦促支持者们组织起来投票支持墨菲。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Stocks are traded at the Belgrade Stock Exchange. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 证券在贝尔格莱德证券交易所进行交易。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Not sure if same entity. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 并非同一种器具。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Though it had been successful in maintaining its independence from the European colonial powers, Siam had been forced to cede Laos, Cambodia and its own four southernmost provinces, at the height of imperialism between 1889 and 1909, and it had also had to grant extraterritorial rights to foreign citizens. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管在欧洲殖民势力的威胁下,暹罗成功保持了其独立,然而在1889年到1909年间,在帝国主义盛行的时期,暹罗也曾被迫割让了老挝、柬埔寨以及它自己的四个最南边的府,此外,暹罗还曾不得不授予外国公民治外法权。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Mutant proteins can disturb cardiac function in the contractile apparatus (or mechanosensitive complexes). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:突变的蛋白质会扰乱收缩器(或机械力敏感的复合体)中的心脏功能。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ormoc City itself is located in a flood-prone area, with the Anilao and Malbasag rivers converging just north of the city and taking a 90 degree turn towards the bay. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 奥尔莫克位于易被洪水侵袭之处,阿尼洛河与麦巴沙格河在城市北部合流,并90度转弯流向奥莫克湾。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Two days later, United States President George W. Bush declared the island as a disaster area. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 两天后,美国总统乔治·沃克·布什宣布楚克州为灾区。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, holds an annual math contest named in his honour. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢大学每年都会举办一场以他命名的数学竞赛。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 A second resolution, introduced in June 1910, passed the House, but was ignored by President William Howard Taft. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1910年6月再次提出的决议案在众议院获得通过,但总统威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱没有理会。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The aim of AC is to define whether and how these and other aspects of consciousness can be synthesized in an engineered artifact such as a digital computer. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:人工意识的目标是定义意识的这些方面,是否以及如何能够在一台人工的机器,例如数字计算机内工程合成。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The headquarters of the Soviet 15th Mechanised Corps was destroyed, and its commander, General-Major Ignat Karpezo, was wounded. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 苏联第15摩托化兵团的指挥所被摧毁,而指挥官伊格内提·卡尔佩佐少将则受了伤。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Alexander Nevsky signs the first peace treaty between Kievan Rus' and Norway. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 亚历山大·涅夫斯基签署基辅罗斯与挪威之间的和约。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Blount Report of July 17, 1893, commissioned by President Cleveland, concluded that the Committee of Safety conspired with U.S. ambassador John L. Stevens to land the United States Marine Corps, to forcibly remove Queen Liliʻuokalani from power, and declare a Provisional Government of Hawaii consisting of members from the Committee of Safety. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1893年7月17日发表的布隆特报告宣称安全委员会与美国公使约翰·L·史蒂文斯图谋让美国海军陆战队登陆,以强迫削除利留卡拉妮女王的势力,从而宣布成立有安全委员会成员参与的临时夏威夷政府。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: British author and Catholic social activist Paul Vallely wrote that he felt the UN report had been hurt by the Commission having gone well beyond the issue of child abuse to issues such as contraception. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 英国作家兼天主教社会活动家保罗·瓦利(英语:Paul Vallely)写道,他认为联合国的报告受到委员会的影响远远超过儿童虐待问题,例如:避孕;不过他也觉得这份报告在涉及是否向警方举报虐待事件等问题确实带给梵蒂冈重大的压力。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The investigation was launched at the behest of Boris Yeltsin. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 外型是参考鲍里斯·叶利钦而来。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Mutations had the greatest impact during the first 3 weeks of development, and reversal of mutations in adults did not improve behavior and cognition. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:突变在第3周的发育中影响最大,而且成年后修复这一突变并不会改善行为和认知水平。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The incident caused an uproar in the British media, and there were calls for Aragonés to be sacked. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 事件引来英国媒体一片哗然,纷纷要求阿拉干尼斯下台。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Kuhn wrote "... as I was reading him, Aristotle appeared not only ignorant of mechanics, but a dreadfully bad physical scientist as well. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他写道:“......当我阅读了,亚里士多德看来不仅对力学无知,而且是个很糟的物理学家。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2009 he became French Cadet champion before moving up to the KF3 class in 2010, where he won the Junior Monaco Kart Cup. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在2009年他成为了法国Cadet冠军,随后在2010年升到KF3组别,在那里他赢得了摩纳哥卡丁车青少年杯。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:They are still active and releasing albums, although they are mostly confined to pub concerts. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这些乐队现在仍在发行专辑,虽然他们的活动常常仅局限于酒吧演出。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is situated in the Curran building. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 它坐落在Curran大楼。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Joint compatibility branch and bound (JCBB) is an algorithm in computer vision and robotics commonly used for data association in simultaneous localization and mapping. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 联合相容分枝定界(英语:Joint Compatibility Branch and Bound,简称JCBB), 是计算机视觉和机器人研究中在同步定位与地图创建时经常使用的一种数据关联算法。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It is widely used in Japan. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 日本则一直普遍使用。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Sometimes only one fruit develops with an angle of 45–180° at the base. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 有时只会长出一个果实,在基部形成45-180°。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Kaiser had long wanted a large naval force to assure Germany of what he called "a place in the sun". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 德皇威廉二世长久以来一直想建立一支庞大的海军力量以确保他对德国人民所承诺的“太阳下的一席之地(德语:Platz an der Sonne)”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Finally, along with most of the members of the group, he was arrested from their hideout in a forest near Jaduguda in the present-day Jharkhand state in 1969. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1969年,他与大部分团体成员一起,在他们的藏身处、贾杜戈拉附近的森林(现贾坎德邦)被捕。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This policy was maintained in the belief that education of Bengalis in India had led to discontent and rebellion. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这项政策一直维持着,这是基于这个信念,在印度的孟加拉地区的教育已导致不满和反抗。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Some 63 carbines, many pistols, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were picked up off the battlefield by Nez Perce warriors. Assistant: 约63把卡宾枪,许多手枪,以及数百发弹药被内兹珀斯勇士从战场上捡到。 User: The cool central Arctic climate pushes almost unimpeded into the low-lying islands of the northwest and north-central sector of the Queen Elizabeth islands; reaching to Bathurst Island. Assistant: 凉爽的北极中心气候几乎能够不受阻碍地进入伊丽莎白女王岛西北部和北部中心地区的低洼岛屿并达到巴瑟斯特岛。 User: Research shows that discrimination has led to more use of informal mental health services by Asian Americans. Assistant: 调查显示,歧视使亚裔美国人更多的使用非正式的心理健康服务。 User: He warns his son this must stop. Assistant: 他认为这是儿子的心愿,一定要完成。 User: Throughout the series, the Alliance is shown to govern the star system through an organization of "core" planets, following its success in forcibly unifying all the colonies under a single government. Assistant: 影集中的“星际联盟”经由位在“核心星群”的行政组织发号司令,后来武力统一所有殖民星球,统治河外星系。 User: In regular operation, no service needs to cross over the tracks of another service. Assistant: 正常营运下没有任何服务路线需要跨到其他轨道服务。 User: These facts are examples of a much broader phenomenon, in which discrete structures are usually free on sets. Assistant: 这些性质是更广泛现象的实例,在其中离散结构通常自由于集合上。 User: Polyphenols include phytoestrogens (top and middle), effective mimics of animal estrogen (bottom). Assistant: 多酚包括植物雌激素(顶部和中部),是动物雌激素的有效模拟物(底部)。 User: She finds her friend Sam and a man called Mathias, who claims to be one of the passengers. Assistant: 最后,她找到了珊曼莎和一位自称同为船难生还者的男人马蒂亚斯(Mathias)。 User: However it also has regressive implications since tax incidence studies show that ultimately it would be poor people who would bear a great deal of the burden of many pollution taxes. Assistant: 然而,这种税制也有倒退的一面:税收研究表明:最后污染代价有很大一部分由穷人承担。 User: In early 2009, Viadeo acquired the Indian professional social networks services, ApnaCircle. Assistant: 2009年初,Viadeo收购了印度的专业社交网络服务——ApnaCircle。 User: In the following we are assuming that the Instruction Register (IR) encounters the μy "routine" at instruction number "n". Assistant: 在下面我们假定指令寄存器 (IR) 遇到了在指令号 "n" 的μy“例程”。 User: An author of more than 60 books, he helped to revive Thomas Aquinas for modern times, and was influential in the development and drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Assistant: 马里顿一生里出版超过60本著作,并在当代致力振兴圣托马斯·阿奎那的哲学思想,并对开发起草《世界人权宣言》具有影响力.。 User: The West Yorkshire shoddy industry in towns such as Batley and Dewsbury lasted from the early 19th century to at least 1914. Assistant: 西约克郡巴特利和迪斯伯里粗呢工业从十九世纪早期持续到1914年左右。 User: The pool area includes 29 rentable cabanas. Assistant: 泳池区域包含29间可租借的休憩亭。 User: One jump ahead. Assistant: JUMP出道。 User: Mysterious Britain Gazetteer. Assistant: 郝毅博 英国记者。 User: The separate colonies joined the Universal Postal Union in 1891. Assistant: 1891年,各殖民地分别加入了万国邮政联盟。 User: The goal was to have women see their Wonderbras as a cosmetic—a beauty enhancer—rather than a functional garment. Assistant: 公司的目标是让女性将神奇胸罩视为一种化妆品,一种美容增强剂,而不是一款功能性的内衣。 User: February 21 – Greek government-debt crisis: Eurozone finance ministers reach an agreement on a second, €130-billion Greek bailout. Assistant: 2月21日——希腊国债危机:欧元区财长提供第二轮130亿欧元援助希腊。 User: Twenty-two of the 48 people on board were killed, including 16 players. Assistant: 机上48人有22人遇难,其中包括16名运动员。 User: Another component to filming the show came when it was decided to use three 35 mm film cameras to simultaneously film the show. Assistant: 另一部分拍摄即将开始时,他们决定要用三台35毫米的相机同时拍摄。 User: Einstein explained this in section XX of Einstein 1961. Assistant: 爱因斯坦自己也在科普书籍《Einstein 1961》的第XX节中有相关解释。 User: AVX2 expands most integer commands to 256 bits and introduces fused multiply-accumulate (FMA) operations. Assistant: AVX2指令集将整数操作扩展到了256位,并引入了FMA指令集作为扩充。 User: In addition to that he also understands Flandre's words. Assistant: 同时也能听懂弗兰朵的语言。 User: In 1935 it merged with the stock exchange of Augsburg to form the Bayerische Börse. Assistant: 1935年它与奥格斯堡交易所合并,组成“巴伐利亚交易所”。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Alexander's conquests produced a lasting extension of Hellenistic culture and thought across the ancient Near East, but his empire broke up on his death. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 亚历山大的征服使得希腊文化和思想传播到了当时的近东,但他的帝国在他死后四分五裂。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There is also some evidence suggesting that the hexapod groups may not share a common origin, and in particular that the Collembola belong elsewhere. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 亦有一些证据猜测六足亚门可能不是同源的,尤其弹尾目可能属于其他类群。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Although founders initially called the institution Georgia Baptist Female Seminary, it has never been affiliated with or governed by any religious organization. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 虽然创始人最初称乔治亚州浸信会女性神学院,但它从未与任何宗教组织有任何关联或统治。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: American officials said that North Korea cancelled a meeting with Pence at the last minute. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国官员表示,朝鲜在最后时刻取消了和彭斯的会面。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 8 July 1982, the gateway of Perrache station and the escalator connecting it to the Cours Charlemagne were inaugurated. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1982年7月8日,培拉休车站连接查理曼林荫道的自动扶梯投入使用。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In areas that the group controlled, they set up local governments (Sandatahang Tanod ng Bayan, Barrio United Defense Corps) and instituted land reforms, dividing up the largest estates equally among the peasants and often killing the landlords. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在该集团控制的地区,他们成立了地方政府——巴里奥联合防卫队(Sandatahang Tanod ng Bayan),并实行土地改革,在农民中最大化平均分配土地,经常杀死地主。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The collaboration released the raw scientific data along with Jupyter Notebooks containing Python code to process the data and reproduce the figures from the discovery paper. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这次发布了原始的科学数据以及包含Python代码的Jupyter Notebook文件,用于处理数据并从发现论文中复制数据。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Sura Singhanat was extremely angry, he chased them personally. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 索拉辛哈那极为愤怒,亲自追赶他们。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Like his younger, more famous brother, he was a prominent clubman (Harvard and The Century). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 正如他更为有名的弟弟一样,他们都是一个著名俱乐部——世纪哈佛(Harvard and The Century)的成员。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Globe opened in autumn 1599, with Julius Caesar one of the first plays staged. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 环球剧场于1599年秋天开放,《朱利叶斯·凯撒》是第一部上演的剧作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: MARIE found that radiation levels in orbit above Mars are 2.5 times higher than at the International Space Station. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 载有火星辐射环境实验仪(Mars Radiation Environment Experiment)的NASA探测卫星2001火星奥德赛号曾在火星轨道探测到极高的辐射,其数值比国际空间站的高出2.5倍。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He also pursued a magic career as The Scientific Phenomenalist; performing scientific and physics-based experiments on stage. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他还以化名“科学现象主义者”(The Scientific Phenomenalist)从事魔术演出,在舞台上表演以科学和物理为基础的实验。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Military and economic changes caused the northern part of the country to plunge into famine. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 军事与经济的变化,引起历史上仅仅能维持自身需要的越南北部,在这时发生了饥荒。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Each physical media has its own device driver: access to the disk is performed by a port driver, while access to a SCSI device is handled by a miniport driver working atop the SCSI layer. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:每个物理介质都有自己的设备驱动程序:访问磁盘由端口驱动程序执行;访问SCSI设备则由在SCSI层上运作的微型端口驱动程序处理。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By the 12th century Khmer architects had become skilled and confident in the use of sandstone (rather than brick or laterite) as the main building material. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 高棉的建筑师在12世纪已比以前更加熟练而自信地运用砂岩代替砖或红土作为主要的建筑材料。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the Netherlands in the 17th century, social status was largely determined by income. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 17世纪的荷兰,一个人的社会地位主要取决于收入。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Furthermore, they stressed self-sufficiency, which became an important aspect of Labor Zionism. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 此外,他们强调自给自足,这成为社会主义锡安主义的重要方面。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first woman to be awarded the prize was astronomer Andrea Ghez in 2012. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 第一位被授予该奖项的女性是美国天文学家安德烈娅·吉兹(英语:Andrea M. Ghez),于2012年获奖。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In part, the new tax system was designed to force owners of large plantations with huge tracts of uncultivated land either to sell or to have it confiscated for failure to pay taxes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因此在某种程度上,新的赋税系统是要迫使手中拥有大片未开垦土地的大地产主,或是出卖土地,或是因为缴不起税而使土地充公。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The cyclone brought only minor damage to Spain and France, most of which were caused by some strong wind gusts, swells, and some heavy rainfall. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 气旋对西班牙和法国仅造成轻微的损失,其中大部分是由强烈的阵风、涌浪和强降雨造成。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The second property implies that the covariance function depends only on the difference between t 1 {\displaystyle t_{1}} and t 2 {\displaystyle t_{2}} and only needs to be indexed by one variable rather than two variables. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 第二个属性表明相关函数仅仅与 t 1 {\displaystyle t_{1}} 和 t 2 {\displaystyle t_{2}} 之间的差值相关,并且可以仅仅用一个变量而不是两个变量来表示。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The United Nations' agency UNESCO adopted the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in 2005 that declares support for interculturality. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 联合国教科文组织在2005年通过了《 保护和促进文化表达多样性公约》,这项公约宣布了联合国对跨文化主义的支持。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 For newly written code to use a piece of existing code, some kind of interface, or means of communication, must be defined. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:如果编写代码时要利用已有的代码,则必须定义某种接口或者通信的方法。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Soderbergh approached Gaghan to work on his film, but found he was already working for producer/director Edward Zwick. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 索德伯格联系了加汉来编写本片的剧本,但当时加汉正在与导演兼制片人爱德华·兹威克合作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Creating an effective system of youth development. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 因此,它是一个趋势去发展青年军系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Estonian paramedics have access to an e-ambulance app, which - via X-Road - allows medical personnel immediate access to patient medical records. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 爱沙尼亚医护人员可以通过X-Road访问一个电子救护车应用程序,医务人员得以即时访问病人病例。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: That same year he joined the cast of the movie The Cure where he played the role of Ryan Earl, a member of a research team that he feels he deserves greater recognition and fame. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:同年他加入了电影“The Cure”的演出,在电影里饰演主角Ryan Earl,一名研究团队的队员,这让他觉得受到更多人的认识与增添更多名气。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Mill Creek Regional Park is a large outdoor recreational facility with athletic fields and a water park, Splash in the Boro. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 磨坊溪休闲公园是一个大型户外休闲场所,有运动场和水上中心,即伯勒泼水园。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Time magazine included Microsoft Surface Pro 3 in the list of the 25 best inventions of 2014. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 时代杂志还将Surface Pro 3评为2014年度25大发明之一。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Officially retired from the museum in 1923, he continued his work without interruption. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1923年,他正式从博物馆退休,但之后他还不间断地在这里继续他的研究。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The spacecraft also made observations of plasma and energetic particles. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这艘太空船还观察了电浆和高能粒子。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Voluntary post-conscription overseas peacekeeping service is popular, and troops serve around the world in UN, NATO, and EU missions. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:兵役后的自愿海外维和服务很受欢迎,维和部队在世界各地执行联合国、北约及欧盟的使命。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As of 2017, a 9-1-1 system is in use in Mexico, where implementation in different states and municipalities is being conducted. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:截至2017年,墨西哥正在使用9-1-1系统,在不同的州和市进行实施。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In Military Edge Flower, teams had to dress up as Russian soldiers and learn the steps of the Trepak dance. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在“军中绿花”任务中:队伍要穿上俄罗斯军装并学习跳Trepak舞,然后要表演给评审看。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In 1969, the stack of logs set the world record for the height of a bonfire at 109 ft 10 in (33 m) tall. Assistant: 1969年,木堆以109英尺10英寸(33米)高的篝火创造了世界纪录。 User: An EP could contain synchronized flow only (called ESP: Expanded Synchronized Flow Pattern)), but normally wide moving jams form in the synchronized flow. Assistant: 一个EP可以只包含同步流,称为扩展的同步流形态(expanded synchronized flow pattern, ESP),但一般情况下同步流中会出现宽运动堵塞。 User: Women who have three or more children are also likely to have dizygotic twins. Assistant: 拥有3个及以上孩子的女性也更易拥有异卵双胞胎。 User: St. George Island and Honeymoon Island State Parks were heavily affected, with appreciable but lesser damage in numerous other protected areas. Assistant: 圣乔治岛和蜜月岛也受到一定程度影响,但程度上虽仍相当可观,但还是不及其它多个保护区严重。 User: The University of Zimbabwe, which was the single university in the country at that time, could not cope with the demand for university education. Assistant: 但当时全国仅有一所大学,即津巴布韦大学,并不能满足整个国家大学教育的需求。 User: The top 10 floors are occupied by Radisson Blu Hotel Lyon, the highest hotel in Europe. Assistant: 顶部十个楼层开设丽笙酒店,是欧洲最高的酒店。 User: They lost everything. Assistant: 他们失去了一切。 User: LSG Sky Chefs reports it has about 30% of the airline catering market worldwide. Assistant: 汉莎天厨报告它们大约占有30%的飞机餐点业的市场。 User: Beyond that, students need practice to improve their questioning abilities. Assistant: 除此之外,学生需要练习来提高他们的提问能力。 User: The Prime Minister announced the creation of the Australian Sports Medal on 31 December 1998. Assistant: 澳大利亚总理首次在 1998 年 12 月 31 日宣布正式创立澳大利亚体育奖章。 User: The goal of treatment should be to treat the increased intracranial pressure. Assistant: 治疗的目标应该是去治疗上升的颅骨内压。 User: She took part in the German naval expedition to China in 1900 to suppress the Boxer Rebellion; by the time the fleet arrived the siege of Peking had already been lifted, and Wörth saw little direct action in China. Assistant: 它于1900年曾随帝国海军远征至中国,以镇压义和团运动,但当舰队抵达时,北京之围已经解除,使得韦尔特号在中国几乎没有执行任何直接行动。 User: His grandfather was Judge Peter Johnston, who had fought under Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee during the Revolutionary War, and his great-grandmother was the sister of Patrick Henry. Assistant: 他的爷爷是彼得·约翰斯顿(Peter Johnston)法官,曾于革命战争期间在亨利·“轻骑兵哈里”·李部下效命,他的太婆则是帕特里克·亨利的妹妹。 User: The idea is to add value to the customer through the ability to relate to them. Assistant: 这个想法是通过与客户联系的能力附加价值给他们。 User: Since electrons are fermions, no two electrons can be in the same state, so not all electrons can be in the minimum-energy level. Assistant: 因为电子是费米子,在一个原子内不能有两个电子有着相同的量子状态,所以不可能让所有的电子都在最低的能量。 User: This led to a financial deficit of about $600,000,000. Assistant: 财务赤字达600,000,000美元。 User: It's really good exercise. Assistant: 这是一个很好的练习。 User: Masoud Salehi, president of Zahedan University said that presence of women generates some problems with transportation. Assistant: 扎黑丹大学校长马苏德·萨利希称女学生涌现为交通衍生了问题。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Sony also introduced two machines (the VP-1100 videocassette player and the VO-1700, also called the VO-1600 video-cassette recorder) to use the new tapes. Assistant: 索尼也开发了两种用来使用这种新磁带的机器(VP-1100盒式录影播放机和VO-1700盒式录影录制机)。 User: The unit is named after the Swedish chemist Theodor Svedberg (1884–1971), winner of the 1926 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on disperse systems, colloids and his invention of the ultracentrifuge. Assistant: 该单位根据瑞典化学家特奥多尔·斯韦德贝里(1884年-1971年)的名字而命名,他是1926年诺贝尔化学奖得主,因其在胶体化学上的研究并且他发明了超速离心机(英语:ultracentrifuge)。 User: Not available through retail or OEM channels, this edition will get distributed through Microsoft Software Assurance (SA). Assistant: 此版本不会透过零售和OEM版发售,而是透过大量授权协议Microsoft Software Assurance发行。 User: Khatami himself described the "twin bills" as the key to the progress of reforms in Iran. Assistant: 哈塔米本人将这两个议案称为是伊朗改革的关键。 User: Between 1925 and 1927, Mussolini progressively dismantled virtually all constitutional and conventional restraints on his power and built a police state. Assistant: 在1925至1927年间,墨索里尼逐步削除了几乎所有宪法对其权力的限制。 User: All three funnels were equipped with a steel glacis for splinter protection. Assistant: 全部三座烟囱都配备有钢制斜堤作为弹碎保护。 User: In modern usage, the meaning of the term is often figurative and represents a canonical piece of literature, making it a literary benchmark emblematic of what defines U.S. literature in a given era. Assistant: 在现代用法中,这个词往往是比喻与代表一种美国文学在一个特定的时代的文学基准写作方式。 User: Denmark has a developed mixed economy that is classed as a high-income economy by the World Bank. Assistant: 阿尔巴尼亚有一个发展中国家和混合经济,它被世界银行归类为中高收入经济体。 User: Hope is traditionally considered by Christians as a theological virtue (a virtue associated with the grace of God, rather than with work or self-improvement). Assistant: 因此在传统上,希望被基督徒视为神学美德(一种与上帝恩典相关的美德,而不是工作或者自我完善)。 User: As Israeli forces advanced towards the Suez Canal and the Jordan River, and appeals for a cease-fire came, the tension relaxed aboard ship. Assistant: 随着以色列军队向苏伊士运河和约旦河推进,并且国际社会开始要求双方停火,舰上的气氛开始趋于平和。 User: As many as 1,500 elk and 5,000 deer were killed, and an estimated 12 million Chinook and Coho salmon fingerlings died when their hatcheries were destroyed. Assistant: 多达1,500只加拿大马鹿和5,000只鹿死亡,约1,200万条支努干鲑鱼和银大麻哈鱼的幼鱼因其育苗场被毁而死亡。 User: The Court of the Lions (Spanish: Patio de los Leones; Arabic: بهو السباع‎) is the main courtyard of the Nasrid dynasty Palace of the Lions, in the heart of the Alhambra, the Moorish citadel formed by a complex of palaces, gardens and forts in Granada, Spain. Assistant: 狮子庭院(西班牙语:Patio de los Leones,阿拉伯语:بهو السباع‎)是摩尔人纳斯瑞德(Nasrid)王朝狮子宫的主要庭院,位于西班牙格拉纳达阿尔罕布拉宫的心脏,为包括宫殿、花园和堡垒的建筑群。 User: However, the city is relatively close to some of the wettest temperate rainforests of the contiguous United States. Assistant: 但此市却非常靠近美国本土中最潮湿的一些温带雨林。 User: These were the first of the Honda 'Dreams' sold outside Japan. Assistant: 这是系列第一次以“Quest”做标题在日本以外发售。 User: The station opened on 29 September 1978. Assistant: 车站开通于1978年12月29日。 User: The Mexican Revolution itself was the culmination of political and social opposition to Porfirio Díaz policies. Assistant: 墨西哥革命本身即是人民阶层与政治层级人物反对波费里奥·迪亚斯之政策的高峰期。 User: The foil-wrapped package actually contained lemons. Assistant: 劫机者那个包裹里其实只有一些柠檬。 User: Before the arrival of Marco, elementary schools were closed on the three barrier islands in Lee County. Assistant: 风暴来袭前,李县三个屏障岛上的小学予以关闭。 User: Simultaneous strong stimulation of a separate pathway, capable of inducing cell body protein synthesis, then may prompt the production of plasticity-related proteins, which are shipped cell-wide. Assistant: 同时,对于单独通路的强烈刺激,能够诱导胞体内蛋白质的合成,可能促使生产可塑性相关的蛋白质,而运输到细胞各处。 User: The studio moved the release date to March 30, to allow more time for Malaysia's censor board to make a decision on whether or not to release the film without changes. Assistant: 该工作室将发布日期移至3月30日,以让马来西亚的电影审查委员会有更多时间作出是否在不进行删减的情况下发行电影的决定。 User: Other shrines, such as St. Catherine's Hill, Hampshire were the focus of generally local pilgrimage, many of which are only identified by brief mentions in various texts, rather than by physical evidence. Assistant: 其他朝圣地主要被本地朝圣者朝圣,其中许多都只是在不同文献中被简短提到,而没有实物证据。 User: TeliaSonera opened W-CDMA service in Finland October 13, 2004 with speeds up to 384 kbit/s. Assistant: TeliaSonera于2004年10月13日开始在芬兰提供384kbps速率的W-CDMA服务。 User: Azerbaijan and Israel abolished double taxation between countries in April 2017. Assistant: 阿塞拜疆和以色列于2017年4月取消了国家间的双重征税。 User: Voronezh Oblast is the birthplace of Pavel Cherenkov, co-recipient of the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physics. Assistant: 沃罗涅日州是1958年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者帕维尔·阿列克谢耶维奇·切连科夫的出生地。 User: Later, trade and the organization of commerce continued to be sources of great wealth. Assistant: 贸易和商业组织均成为了萨第斯巨大的财富来源。 User: Only 18 species of mammals are found in Bahrain, animals such as gazelles, desert rabbits and hedgehogs are common in the wild but the Arabian oryx was hunted to extinction on the island. Assistant: 巴林仅有发现18种哺乳动物:羚羊、沙漠兔子和刺猬是该国常见的野生动物,但是阿拉伯羚羊却因被猎杀而灭绝。 User: A theoretical model of the effect of self-efficacy on transgressive behavior was developed and verified in research with school children. Assistant: 一个用自我效能对越轨行为影响的理论模型,已在学校孩子们身上得到了研究和验证。 User: Darwin's visage, particularly his iconic beard, continues to be culturally significant and widely recognisable into the 21st century. Assistant: 达尔文的容貌,尤其是其标志性胡子,直到21世纪依然有重要文化意义和有辨识度。 User: First and foremost, cable movies must be faster-paced. Assistant: 此后,张卫健在电视台的剧集中主要担正男主角。 User: It was described in 1820 by American author Washington Irving in his The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.: The mistletoe is still hung up in farm-houses and kitchens at Christmas, and the young men have the privilege of kissing the girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. Assistant: 而最出名的描述当属美国作家华盛顿•欧文(Washington Irving)1820年的著作《英伦见闻录》(The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent),其中写道: 槲寄生仍然在圣诞节被挂在民家与厨房的屋顶上,年轻男子有特权在其下亲吻女子,每次亲吻便从树丛中拔下一颗浆果。 User: Gorin was cited in the 1971 case New York Times v. United States. Assistant: 1971年《纽约时报》诉合众国案(New York Times v. United States)。 User: 31 March – The Royal Navy withdraws from Malta. Assistant: 3月31日——英国军队完全撤离马耳他。 User: Conversely, since it is a type of formal third-party certification, museums using this name space obtain a way to assure visitors of the site's validity. Assistant: 反过来说,因为它是一种正式的第三方认证,使用这个名称空间的博物馆可以获得确保游客有效浏览的方式。 User: In January 2007, the exterior of the library was refreshed when the dark brown walls were repainted white and green. Assistant: 九龙公共图书馆于2007年1月把整座深啡色的外墙涂上白色及绿色。 User: His favorite phrase was "you bet". Assistant: 他最喜欢的一句话则是“passion(热情超越热情)”。 User: The Sheltons had two children: Dorris Shelton Still, born 25 August 1904 and Dorothy Madelon, born 27 May 1907, both in Kangding, China. Assistant: 史德文夫妇有两个孩子:Dorris伊万杰琳, 出生于1904年8月25日;多萝西 Madelon,出生于1907年5月27日,两人都出生在中国康定。 User: On 26 May, Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Sudomo said that President Suharto was very concerned about the way the campaign was being conducted and the large number of deaths. Assistant: 政治及安全统筹部长苏多莫在5月26日表示苏哈托总统对竞选活动进行的方式,以及竞选活动造成的死伤感到非常关注。 User: Deputy Director Horace M. Albright had suggested to President Roosevelt that the historic sites from the American Civil War should be managed by the National Park Service, rather than the War Department. Assistant: 而时任管理局副局长建议罗斯福总统,美国内战遗留下来的遗迹应该由国家公园管理局管理,而非美国陆军部。 User: In 2002, GnuGk 2.0 was released. Assistant: 到了2002年底,GnuGK 2.0正式发布。 User: It was later confirmed that there were no explosives inside the vehicle. Assistant: 事后证实,嫌犯的车内并没有炸药。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Google Compute Engine can be accessed via the Developer Console, RESTful API or command-line interface (CLI). Assistant: Google计算引擎可通过开发者控制台、RESTful API或命令行界面(CLI)访问。 User: He is the author of the internationally renowned International Law: A Treatise, the first edition of which was published in 1905–1906. Assistant: 其代表作为International Law: A Treatise,于1905-1906出版。 User: In 1746 at the age of 18 he entered the University of Glasgow, studying there for four years before spending another four at the University of Edinburgh, furthering his medical studies. Assistant: 18岁时他进入格拉斯哥大学,四年后去了爱丁堡,继续其医疗研究。 User: The rules may be defined in a publication or created by the gamemasters. Assistant: 规则可能从出版物中定义,也可以由玩家创建。 User: In this respect, Proposal 2 is similar to California's Proposition 209 and Washington's Initiative 200, other initiatives that also banned the use of race in public university admissions decisions. Assistant: 该倡议与加利福尼亚州209法案和华盛顿州200号倡议(英语:Initiative 200)存在共同点,就是这三者都禁止公立大学在招生程序中使用种族因素。 User: The king went to the beach resort town of Hua Hin in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province to his summer villa, Klai Kangwon (วังไกลกังวล: translated as 'far from worries'). Assistant: 国王去了班武里府的华欣海滩度假胜地,他的夏季别墅“克莱康原”(วังไกลกังวล:意为 “远离忧虑”)。 User: The first variant of the weapon was the AMR 5075. Assistant: 该武器的首款衍生型为AMR 5075。 User: The series was broadcast on the commercial broadcast television network Fox. Assistant: 在葡萄牙,该剧被TV network Fox广播公司播放过。 User: He was one of the leaders of the Research Institute of Experimental Surgery, where Professor Alexander Vishnevsky performed the first Soviet open-heart operation in 1957. Assistant: 他是实验性手术研究所的领导人之一,亚历山大·维什涅夫斯基教授于1957年在此研究所进行了苏联的第一例开放式心脏手术。 User: Several sources also call them natural killer cell-like T cells due to their close relationship to NK cells. Assistant: 一些资料称其为“类似T细胞的自然杀伤细胞”,是因为其与自然杀伤细胞有密切关联。 User: The stadium operated as a movie theatre for the last time on Saturday 13 August 2005. Assistant: 在舞台剧的最后上演日2005年3月13日时多追加了1次公演。 User: In August 2015, two former Kaspersky employees alleged that the company introduced modified files into the VirusTotal community anti-virus database to trick its rivals' programs into triggering false positives. Assistant: 2015年8月,两名卡巴斯基前员工声称该公司将经过修改的文件混入VirusTotal社区反病毒数据库,以欺骗竞争对手的程序触发误报。 User: In 1934, a year after the Nazis seized power, the new government adopted the “Gesetz zur Vorbereitung des organischen Aufbaus der deutschen Wirtschaft” (Law detailing the organic construction of the German economy). Assistant: 纳粹党上台一年后,新政府于1934年颁布了《德国经济结构准备法》(结构法)。 User: Oumar Tatam Ly (born 28 September 1963) was Prime Minister of Mali from 5 September 2013 to 5 April 2014. Assistant: 奥马尔·塔特姆·利(法语:Oumar Tatam Ly, 1963年9月28日-),马里政治人物,2013年9月5日至2014年4月5日担任马里总理。 User: As the race began, BAR's Takuma Sato made an excellent start, moving from eighth to fourth in seconds. Assistant: BAR 的佐藤琢磨在一开始表现十分出色,从第八位升到第四位。 User: The KDP demanded control over the city and its rich oilfields, whereas the government countered that the 1947 census showed that Kurds made up only 25% of the population of the city, and Iraqi Turkmen over half. Assistant: 库民党要求控制这个富产石油的城市,但政府反驳说根据1947年的人口普查,库尔德人仅占该市人口的25%,而伊拉克土库曼人则超过了一半。 User: He was from Gusinje, hence his byname. Assistant: 出自姜姓,以名为姓。 User: In 2003 the population of Bashkir horses was reported as 94,470. Assistant: 2003年巴什基尔马的种群数量为94,470。 User: In 1950, Spanish American novelists were tolerated but marginal in the literary landscape, with Paris and New York representing the center of the literary world; by 1975 they were celebrated as central figures. Assistant: 1950年,西班牙语系美洲作家虽然被承认但却不被重视,巴黎和纽约才是当时文学世界的中心;但到1975年他们在文坛上成为举世皆知的人物。 User: In a special general meeting of society members, in September 2004, it was decided the bulletin would cease publication. Assistant: 在2004年9月的一次会员的特别大会上决定停刊。 User: Equation spaces are fixed size arrays that are allocated as needed, the size of which is set during compilation or startup. Assistant: 方程空间是固定的数组,在需要时分配,大小会在编译或启动时被设置。 User: He secured the support of the army, toured the country making populist speeches that condemned the assembly, and presented himself as the protector of universal male suffrage. Assistant: 他拉拢亲信,争取军队支持,巡游全国发表演说谴责议会,并声称自己是普选权的保护者。 User: This includes a dialogue between Boris and his father in which each line alludes to, or is composed entirely of, Dostoyevsky titles. Assistant: 其中包括在鲍里斯和其父亲的一场对话,其间每句台词都暗指或直接说出了一部陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:When he "floated" back to the ground and the "light" left him, he saw that the real world in comparison was full of decay, corruption and meaningless repetitive action. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 当他“飘回”地面、“光线”离开了他,他感到现实世界充满了腐朽、堕落和毫无意义的重复行为,所以死亡终会降临到每人身上。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This is the most important event in the School's calendar. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 是课程中最有趣的了。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This feast lasted three days, and—as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow—it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这次宴会持续了三天,据参会者爱德华温斯洛所说,宴会有90个美洲原住民和53个朝圣者参加。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning or in response to exercise or cold air. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 晚上和清晨的症状,及对锻炼和冷空气的反应,通常会更加严重。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 With this release the build number of Vista increased to 6001.17052.071129.2315. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 安装之后版本号跃升至6001.17052.071129.2315。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne), also known as the Declaration of the Rights of Woman, was written on 5 September in 1791 by French activist, feminist, and playwright Olympe de Gouges in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 妇女和女性公民权利宣言(法语:Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne),也被称为女性的人权宣言,由法国政治活动家、剧作家奥兰普·德古热在1791年写成。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There they signed a petition on 7 September calling for East Timor's integration with Indonesia; most accounts indicate that UDT's support for this position was forced by Indonesia. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 9月7日,民盟在西帝汶请愿,希望印尼吞并东帝汶;许多报道称民盟的立场是印度尼西亚迫使其持有的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The series focuses on six elementary school students and their interaction with other classmates and teachers. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:下课后 讲述的是六名小学生和他们的同学与老师之间发生的各种事情。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These controls were gradually lifted in the Western zones, but were tightened between Western and Soviet zones in 1946 to stem a flow of economic and political refugees from the Soviet zone. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:西方占领区的管制随着时间渐为松绑,但1946年,为防堵经济、政治难民大量自苏联占领区流出,西方和苏联占领区之间的管制又再转森严。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Finally, on September 13, 2004, the Beijing Communication Administration shut down YTHT. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2004年9月13日,北京市通信管理局下达通知,永久关闭一塌糊涂BBS。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It lies close to the supernova remnant SN 1006. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 超新星残骸SN 1006扩张的比较。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Several journals have merged into Angewandte, including Chemische Technik/Chemische Apparatur in 1947 and Zeitschrift für Chemie in 1990. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 有多个期刊被并入《应用化学》,它们包括1947年被并入的 Chemische Technik/Chemische Apparatur 和1990年被并入的 Zeitschrift für Chemie 。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Southern states seceded from the Union in the months following Lincoln's election, forming the Confederate States of America, and beginning the American Civil War. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:南方各州在林肯当选几个月后宣布脱离联邦,组建美利坚联盟国,并随即挑起了南北战争。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Jyotirindra Basu (8 July 1914 – 17 January 2010); known as Jyoti Basu was an Indian Marxist ideologue, theorist and statesman belonging to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from West Bengal, India. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 乔提兰德拉·巴苏(Jyotirindra Basu;1914年7月8日-2010年1月17日);广为人知的名字是乔蒂·巴苏(Jyoti Basu),是印度马克思主义理论家、理论家和政治家,他属于印度西孟加拉邦的印度共产党(马克思主义)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In order to allow faster and more reliable crossings near the mouth of the river, a bridge was planned. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 为了使哥伦比亚河口的跨河交通更快、更可靠,人们开始规划建造一座大桥。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Some new genetic studies suggest that recent erosion of human population structure might not be as important as previously thought, and overall genetic structure of human populations may not change with the immigration events and thus in the Azerbaijanis' case; the Azeris of the Azerbaijan Republic most of all genetically resemble to other Caucasian people like Armenians, and people the Azarbaijan region of Iran to other Iranians. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一些新的遗传研究表明现在的人类人口结构的紊乱可能没有和以前的思想一样重要,人类人口的全体遗传结构可能不会随着移民事件而改变,譬如在阿塞拜疆人中的例子,阿塞拜疆共和国的阿塞人的大部分基因与其他的高加索人相似比如亚美尼亚人,且在伊朗境内的阿塞拜疆区的人与其他伊朗人相似。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For example, Alioramus had 76 to 78 teeth in its jaws, while Tyrannosaurus had between 54 and 60. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 举例而言,分支龙具有76到78颗牙齿,而暴龙具有54到60颗。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Anomaly detection for IDS is normally accomplished with thresholds and statistics, but can also be done with soft computing, and inductive learning. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 入侵检测系统的异常检测通常是通过阈值和统计完成的,但也可以用软计算和归纳学习。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, Whitlam and Fraser put aside their differences; Whitlam wrote in 1997 that Fraser "did not set out to deceive me". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而惠特拉姆和弗雷泽后来则冰释前嫌,1997年惠特拉姆在评论弗雷泽的时候评论其“始终没有打算欺骗我” 。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Like other massive star-forming regions, such as Orion and Carina, W5 contains large cavities that were carved out by radiation and winds from the region's most massive stars. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 就和其他大规模的恒星形成区域,例如猎户座和船底座一样,W5内有数个因为区域中大质量恒星发射的恒星风和辐射造成的空洞。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He was therefor a spy among us, but not known to be such, otherways the Mob of Edin. had pull him to pieces". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:去而来而不知其所止,吾已往来焉而不知其所终;徬徨乎冯闳,大知入焉而不知其所穷。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It was an unusually solid construction, capable of holding several hundred people. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:其建筑规模宏大,可容纳几千人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In control theory, overshoot refers to an output exceeding its final, steady-state value. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在控制理论中,过冲是指输出超过了它的最终稳态值。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In researching the role, Nicholson visited a Los Angeles hospital to see how cancer patients coped with their illnesses. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 为了演好这个角色,他剃光了自己的头发,并且亲自到洛杉矶当地的医院中了解癌症病人是怎样对抗病魔的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Oscar Munoz (born January 1959) is an American businessman. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:奥斯卡·穆诺兹 (西班牙语:Oscar Muñoz,1959年1月-)是一位美国企业家。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: McKinley became the first Republican candidate to win in New York City, and won in its rival city of Brooklyn as well. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 麦金莱成为美国历史上首位赢得纽约市的共和党总统候选人,同时还在相邻的布鲁克林市取胜。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Ryan tied Phoebe to a chair and told her he wanted to save her. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Tom从Rachel手上取得电话,并命令她坐下。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Within an hour the fort's east face was reduced to rubble and its artillery silenced. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在一小时之内,堡的东面被夷为平地,其火炮沉默。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Kingdom Hearts II was released in 2005, resolving the elements foreshadowed in the first game's secret ending. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 《王国之心II》之后于2005年发行,本作解释了首部游戏神秘结尾中的一些伏笔。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 2008, Kiselyov moved to Ukraine. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:于2008年,基谢廖夫移民至乌克兰。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Only the Congress can pass changes to FIFA's statutes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 只有议会有权修订国际足联章程。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: No other shareholder has a holding exceeding 3%. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 相对地,并没有任何其他的持股人拥有3%以上的球会股票。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:RDRAM memory chips also put out significantly more heat than SDRAM chips, necessitating heatspreaders on all RIMM devices. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:RDRAM的内存芯片比SDRAM芯片发出更大的热量,所以所有的RIMM皆需要散热片。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Time Reversal Signal Processing is a technique for focusing waves. Assistant: 时间反演 信号处理是一项使波聚焦的技术。 User: About 80% of the planet consists of a mosaic of volcanic lava plains, dotted with more than a hundred large isolated shield volcanoes, and many hundreds of smaller volcanoes and volcanic constructs such as coronae. Assistant: 金星表面有 80% 是火山熔岩组成的平原拼接而成,并散布着一百多个大型盾状火山和数百个小型火山以及火山地形结构,例如冕状物。 User: After Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, the wealthy Baghdadi Jews (many of whom were British subjects) were interned, and American charitable funds ceased. Assistant: 日军偷袭珍珠港以后,富裕的巴格达犹太人(许多是英国公民)被捕入狱,而美国慈善基金也停止了。 User: Today it is one of the most sacred relics of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka and respected by Buddhists all over the world. Assistant: 如今此树被视为斯里兰卡佛教圣地之一,受到全世界佛教徒的尊崇。 User: Knowing this paved the way for the discovery of mamavirus because scientists knew to look for other giant viruses. Assistant: 此事为妈妈病毒的发现铺平了道路,科学家们了解到了巨型病毒的存在。 User: For example, DNA and RNA are polymers of the type n. Assistant: DNA和RNA就可以看做是 n 类型的聚合物。 User: India Today was established in 1975 by Vidya Vilas Purie (owner of Thompson Press), with his daughter Madhu Trehan as its editor and his son Aroon Purie as its publisher. Assistant: 《今日印度》由印度企业家Vidya Vilas Purie创建于1975年,他的女儿Madhu Trehan担任编辑,他的儿子Shivani Gupta担任出版商。 User: The phrase is French for "fatal woman". Assistant: 法语原意指“致命的女人”。 User: In the 2000, 2004 and 2006 elections CNN exit polls found that roughly 80% of self-described conservatives voted Republican. Assistant: 在2000年和2004年,大约80%自称为保守派的人都投票给了共和党。 User: It also stated that six aircraft had been launched to find the flight. Assistant: 另外,报告中亦提到当时已有六架飞机起飞前往搜索新西兰航空航机的踪迹。 User: In all the Nordic countries with a Ghent system—Sweden, Denmark and Finland—union density is about 70%. Assistant: 在所有采取根特系统的诺曼底国家——瑞典、丹麦、芬兰——工会密度为70%。 User: Availability is typically given as a percentage of the time a system is expected to be available, e.g., 99.999 percent ("five nines"). Assistant: 可用性(Availability)是指系统的运作时间,工作时间比总时间,一般用百分比表示,例如99.999%(5个9)。 User: The Twittys and their supporters criticized a perceived lack of progress by Aruban police. Assistant: 特威提一家及其支持者批评阿鲁巴警方在案件调查方面缺乏进展。 User: This secured enough parliamentary votes to allow Abhisit to be elected Prime Minister. Assistant: 各个不同军队派别最后决定让塔列布出任总理职。 User: In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project. Assistant: 除了使用传统的编译工具链之外,Arduino项目还提供了一个基于Processing语言项目的集成开发环境(IDE)。 User: Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states). Assistant: 这样的企业在美国禁酒时期(1920年–1933年,某些州份时期较长)变得显眼出名。 User: February 23 President Trump announces a plan for the largest ever package of sanctions against North Korea, aimed at cutting off revenue for its nuclear program. Assistant: 2月23日,特朗普宣布对朝鲜实施最大规模的制裁,切断其核项目的利润。 User: The layout process remained the same as with cold metal type, however: assembly into physical galleys. Assistant: 布局过程与冷金属类型保持一致,只是:要组装成物理样板。 User: Their submission to the British and French governments was drawn from the 1975 project, including 11 volumes and a substantial environmental impact statement. Assistant: 他们呈予英法两国政府的计划取自1975年项目,包括了11卷内容和一份充实的环境影响评价。 User: Low resolution Blue Marble datasets are included with the initial download; as a user zooms into certain areas, additional high resolution data is downloaded from the NASA servers. Assistant: 低分辨率的Blue marble数据现在包含的初始安装内,当用户放大到特定区域时,附加的高分辨率数据将会自动从NASA服务器上被下载。 User: Raids were aimed at the 60 MW Vemork power station at the Rjukan waterfall in Telemark, Norway. Assistant: 袭击的目的是挪威泰勒马克尤坎瀑布的60兆瓦韦莫克电站。 User: Officials assured there was no shortage, but requested drivers to conserve gas. Assistant: 官员保证汽油供应不存在短缺问题,但也要求司机节省使用。 User: However he had first to complete two years national service. Assistant: 但他第一次代表国家队上场却是两年后。 User: Napolitano became the first female Secretary of Homeland Security. Assistant: 纳波利塔诺是首位女性国土安全部长。 User: In 1927 Dunn's widow, Mrs. George Pross (Dunn had died in 1922), sold the team to a syndicate headed by Alva Bradley. Assistant: 1927年,唐恩的遗孀乔治·普洛斯夫人(Mrs. George Pross)将球队卖给艾瓦·布莱德雷(Alva Bradley)所领导的财团。 User: Uranus governs societies, clubs, and any group based on humanitarian or progressive ideals. Assistant: 天王星也掌管协会、社团,以及任何基于人道主义者或进步思想的团体。 User: Rock art of what appear to be antelopes and a giraffe are also found at Dorra and Balho. Assistant: 可能是羚羊与长颈鹿的岩石艺术在Dorra和Balho发现。 User: The second phase, PSI-2, focused on implementing the high-throughput structure determination methods developed in PSI-1, as well as homology modeling and addressing bottlenecks like modeling membrane proteins. Assistant: 在2006年开始的第二期计划,PSI-2,重点是实施在PSI-1中开发了高通量的结构确定方法,以及同源建模(Homology modeling)和解决诸如膜蛋白质建模的瓶颈。 User: Between 400 and 500 soldiers had been wounded and more than 215 militants had been captured. Assistant: 大约400到500名政府军士兵受伤,超过215名武装分子被抓获。 User: Only one crew member survived the sinking; the wreck was located by German Navy divers in 1983. Assistant: 全舰仅1名船员幸免于难;舰只残骸的方位则由联邦德国海军潜水员于1983年探明。 User: Astronomers have previously noticed that the Milky Way sits in a large, flat array of galaxies called the Local Sheet, which bounds the Local Void. Assistant: 天文学家在之前注意到,银河系位于被称为本地板的一个巨大、扁平的星系伫列,它是本地空洞的边界。 User: WDSibyl is an open source Delphi-like IDE and compiler available for Microsoft Windows and OS/2, and is a commercial Borland Pascal compatible environment released by a company called Speedsoft that was later developed into a Delphi like RAD environment called Sybil and then open sourced under the GPL when that company closed down. Assistant: WDSybil,一个开源的可用于Microsoft Windows和OS/2的类Delphi的IDE和编译器,最初由一个叫做Speedsoft的公司发布的商业Borland Pascal兼容环境,后来在一个叫做Sybil的类Delphi RAD里开发,然后在公司关闭时在GPL下开放源代码。 User: The Polish ambassador to Italy is also accredited to the Republic of San Marino. Assistant: 派往意大利的教廷大使也是驻圣马力诺大使。 User: The player then learns that GLaDOS' personality was inherited from that of Caroline, the personal assistant of Aperture Science CEO Cave Johnson and is much warmer to Chell when under Caroline's influence. Assistant: 后来玩家才知道GLaDOS的人格继承自光圈科技CEO凯夫·约翰逊(英语:Cave Johnson (Portal))的私人助理卡罗琳,在卡罗琳的影响下GLaDOS对雪儿的态度变得温暖了不少。 User: The controls in Annex A are derived from and aligned with ISO/IEC 27002. Assistant: 这些在附注 A 中的控制是由 ISO/IEC 27002 衍生而来。 User: They attacked him and his companions and snatched all that was with them (of merchandise). Assistant: 武承嗣、武三思等都争着追捧他们,甚至为他们执鞭牵马。 User: The discovery of this O-type binary star system made use of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, and the description was published on 13 October 2015. Assistant: 由两颗O型恒星组成的VFTS 352联星系统是由欧洲南方天文台的甚大望远镜发现的,并且相关文章于2015年10月13日发表。 User: The German commission completed its report on July 29, 1943. Assistant: 德国委员会于1943年7月29日完成了报告。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Herin is an Lord of Horses. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 金妮的护法是一匹马。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A reporter writes an article that embarrasses a politician. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 一位记者撰写了一篇文章,令一名政客陷入尴尬境地。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He became Kapudan Pasha for a brief time during the first reign of Mustafa I (1617-1618). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在穆斯塔法一世第一次执政时被任命为卡普丹帕夏(1617-1618)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Clearly, the angular velocity could not be constant, but it proved very difficult to find the formula describing the rate of change of the planet's angular velocity. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 很明显地,角速度是不能恒为定值的,但要找出描述行星球角速度变化率的公式,非常困难。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He announced a moratorium on the death penalty, in accordance with the norms of the European Council. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他宣布按照欧洲理事会的规范暂停了死刑。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Habibie's father died when he was 14 years old. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 哈比比的父亲在他14岁时过世。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:During World War II the clock was nearly destroyed by Nazi fire. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 第二次世界大战期间,这座钟几乎被纳粹主义的战火烧毁。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Otello Corporation ASA (formerly Opera Software ASA) is a Norwegian internet company which develops advertising and mobile solutions for operators, publishers and advertisers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Otello公司(英语:Otello Corporation;全称:Otello Corporation ASA,前称:Opera Software ASA),是挪威的一家互联网公司,为运营商、发行商和广告商开发广告和行动解决方案。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 ABC and Dial Global both offer AC 24-hour networks programming soft and hot AC. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: ABC和Dial Global都为AC提供24小时播放soft和hot AC的网络平台。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Frederick tried – with significant success – to strengthen his influence on the Church in Germany. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 腓特烈一世尝试并成功加强自己对德国的教会的影响力。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: From 1925, Bayern shared the Grünwalder Stadion with 1860 Munich. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:自1925年起,拜仁与慕尼黑1860共同使用绿森林体育场。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: But when he returned to mount his horse, the Imidange had surrounded his party and attacked, killing eight burghers and an interpreter. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 杰复使人走登闻鼓下,讼泰妄逮将校至八十六人,并及其婿纳赂事。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Lorentz Park contains many unmapped and unexplored areas, and is certain to contain many species of plants and animals as yet unknown to Western science. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 洛伦茨国家公园中有许多尚未列在地图内,也未开发的领域,其中必定还有许多科学界还不知道的植物及动物。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: To an observer on the surface of Venus, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east, although Venus's opaque clouds prevent observing the Sun from the planet's surface. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 金星上的观测者会看见太阳从西边升起,然后从东边落下;但实际上,由于不透明的云层,在金星表面是看不见太阳的。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Each issue in the system may have an urgency value assigned to it, based on the overall importance of that issue. Assistant: 一个事务可能有几个方面,系统中的每个事务可能有一个分配的紧急值,这个值是按照这个事务整体上看的重要性分配的。 User: Edith Bratt and Ronald Tolkien were formally engaged at Birmingham in January 1913, and married at St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church, Warwick, on 22 March 1916. Assistant: 1913年1月,伊迪丝和罗纳德在伯明翰正式订婚,然后于1916年3月22日在圣贞女玛丽罗马天主教堂结婚。 User: It is one of 20 Wayne Townships statewide. Assistant: 这是全州20个韦恩镇区之一。 User: Dactyl was found on 17 February 1994 by Galileo mission member Ann Harch, while examining delayed image downloads from the spacecraft. Assistant: 艾卫在1994年2月17日由伽利略号任务成员Ann Harch发现,当时他正检视从探测器传回的照片。 User: He wanted to collect samples of the air at different heights to record differences in temperature and moisture. Assistant: 他打算收集不同高度的大气来测量温度与湿度的变化。 User: Of late, CRPF contingents are also being deployed in UN missions. Assistant: 最近,联合国特派团也部署了CRPF的特遣队。 User: After overcoming the garrison, they murdered Cardinal Beaton and hung his body from his window on the front of the castle. Assistant: 在克服守卫之后,他们杀死了比顿主教并将他的尸体挂在他房间的窗户外。 User: It is Melbourne's second largest auditorium for classical music (after Hamer Hall in Arts Centre Melbourne). Assistant: 墨尔本演奏中心(英文:Melbourne Recital Centre)是墨尔本第二大音乐厅(仅次于维多利亚艺术中心)。 User: They also point out that the customer has full transparency inclusive of conversion fees, and can make an informed choice whether or not to use DCC. Assistant: 他们还指出,客户对于包括转换费用在内,有充分的透明了解,并可以作出明智的选择是否使用DCC。 User: Noon and Bean demonstrated that the generalized travelling salesman problem can be transformed into a standard travelling salesman problem with the same number of cities, but a modified distance matrix. Assistant: 令人惊喜的是,Behzad与Modarres证明了广义旅行商问题可以转化为相同城市数量的标准旅行商问题 ,只是要改变距离矩阵。 User: In 2006, the MPAA admitted having made illegal copies of This Film Is Not Yet Rated (a documentary exploring the MPAA itself and the history of its rating system) — an act which Ars Technica explicitly described as hypocrisy and which Roger Ebert called "rich irony". Assistant: 2006年,美国电影协会承认非法复制《影片未分级》(一部探索美国电影协会本身及其分级系统历史的纪录片),这行为被Ars Technica描述为是虚伪的,也被罗杰·艾伯特戏称“极富讽刺性”。 User: The proper arrow-pushing mechanism is shown in Figure 4. Assistant: 适当的箭头推动机构示于图4。 User: The star is a Beta Cephei variable with about 4.7 times the Sun's diameter, and pulsates every 2.2 hours, varying by 1% in brightness. Assistant: 该星是一颗仙王座β型变星,直径为太阳直径的4.7倍,每2.2小时脉动一次,亮度变化约1%。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There are also large numbers of Muslim Rohingya refugees in Pakistan. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 罗兴亚族穆斯林的大量外逃。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 After successfully hiding in West Germany for several decades after the war, Viktors Arājs was eventually arrested, tried, and imprisoned for his crimes. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然成功地在战后的西德藏匿了数十年,维克托斯·阿拉斯最终仍被逮捕受审,并为他所犯下的罪行入监服刑。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since the independence, "Erebuni" is mainly used for military or private flights. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 自独立以来,埃雷布尼机场主要用于军事领域或私人航班。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The former was assigned to the 1908–09 building year, while the latter was assigned to 1909–10. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:前者被分配至1908-09年度建造,而后者则被分配至1909-10年度动工。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The FIBA was dissolved and the English Amateur Boxing Association in partnership with the French Boxing Federation decided to create AIBA; the Association Internationale de Boxe Amateur. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 英国业余拳击协会和法国业余拳击协会合作决定成立国际业余拳击协会(AIBA)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The federal government should be used to protect the laboring men, women and children from exploitation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 联邦政府应该用来保护劳动的男人,女人和儿童免受剥削。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Suspension bridge using iron chains: Although there is evidence that many early cultures employed the use of suspension bridges with cabled ropes, the first written evidence of iron chain suspension bridges comes from a local history and topography of Yunnan written in the 15th century, which describes the repair of an iron chain bridge during the reign of the Yongle Emperor (r. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 铁索吊桥 尽管有证据表明,许多早期文化中皆利用绳索构筑吊桥,第一个铁索吊桥的文字记载来自写于15世纪、云南当地史地方志。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In particular, K(s) ≥ n0 is true. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 所以,K(s) ≥ n0 成立。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 国际护士理事会(International Council of Nurses、缩写ICN)是一个代表世界各地130多个国家护士协会共超过13万名护士的组织。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The cast members became best friends off screen, and one guest star, Tom Selleck, reported sometimes feeling left out. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 主角们在戏外也成为了最好的朋友,曾被报道说客串明星——汤姆·塞莱克有时感觉自己被排除在外。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the second game of the 2005–06 season, O'Neal injured his right ankle and subsequently missed the following 18 games. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在2005–06赛季的第二场比赛中,欧尼尔不慎扭伤右脚踝,随后错过了18场比赛。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Hardin, seeing that Stone had been betrayed and hoping he might now be able to secure the nomination, re-entered the contest. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 哈丁看到斯通遭到背叛后认为自己有望获得提名,于是重新加入。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Although these are the laws as laid down by FIDE and, as such, are used at almost all top-level tournaments, at lower levels different rules may operate, particularly with regard to rapid play finish provisions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虽然这些是世界国际象棋联合会规定的规则,并且在所有高级别比赛中使用,但是在一些较低级别的比赛中可能有其他规则,尤其是快棋中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He can fly without using his wings. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 你可以没有双翼而飞行。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Bermuda Electric Light Company received aid from the Caribbean Electric Organization, which sent over 20 electricians to repair power lines. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 百慕大电灯公司获得了加勒比电力组织的协助,该组织派出了超过20位电工来岛上修复供电线路。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1975, women's football was officially re-instated and the Division 1 Féminine returned with funding from the French Football Federation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1975年法国女子足球正式复办,而在法国足球总会资助下法国甲组女子足球联赛卷土重来。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Kit later throws the disastrous jade down the ocean. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 阿杰后来把这块可能带来大祸的玉牌扔进了海水里。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However it does not have a recursively enumerable set of axioms, and thus does not satisfy the hypotheses of the incompleteness theorems. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但是它的定理集不是递归可列举的集合,因此也不满足不完备定理的假设。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Initially the Italian government had offered to let the pope keep the Leonine City, but the Pope rejected the offer because acceptance would have been an implied endorsement of the legitimacy of the Italian kingdom's rule over his former domain. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 原本意大利政府想让教宗保留狮子市,但教宗拒绝这个条件,因为若果接受的话,就暗示他对意大利王国吞并他的领地作出法律支持。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Al-Qaum, Nabatean god of war and the night, and guardian of caravans Lords of the Night, group of nine gods, each of whom ruled over a particular night Itzpapalotl, fearsome skeletal goddess of the stars Metztli, god or goddess of the moon, night and farmers Tezcatlipoca, god of the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife Yohaulticetl, lunar goddess known as the "Lady of the Night" Shalim, god of dusk Apep, the serpent god, deification of evil and darkness Kuk, uncreated god and the personification of the primordial darkness Khonsu, god of the moon Nut, goddess of night also associated with rebirth Artume (also called Aritimi, Artames, or Artumes), Etruscan goddess of night Achlys, primordial goddess of the clouding of eyes after death, the eternal night, and poison Artemis, goddess of the hunt who was commonly associated with the moon Asteria, goddess of nocturnal oracles and the stars Erebus, primordial god of darkness Hecate, goddess of witchcraft who was commonly associated with the moon Hypnos, god of sleep Nyx, primordial goddess of night Selene, goddess of the moon Thanatos, personification of death, twin brother of Hypnos and son of Nyx and Erebus Ratri, goddess of night Chandra, god of the moon Rahu, celestial deity of darkness and eclipse Indra, god of the sky, ruler of all other sky gods Bhairava, god of night, guardian of all 52 shaktipeethas Kali, goddess of time Ahriman, god of darkness, night and evils. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 其在庙门之外者凡三,南曰大沙泉、小沙泉,北曰沸泉,庙内东所厅宇对岸曰滮泉,曰屑金泉,曙观楼后曰冰壶泉、锦澜泉、规泉,山后度红桥曰露华泉、鉴空泉、印月泉,观澜亭畔曰藕泉、跃鱼泉、松风泉,扇淳室后为晴碧泉、白榆泉,向绿轩畔曰桃花泉,主善堂之西曰琴脉泉,秀举楼之右曰杏泉、澹泉,再南曰浏泉,枢光阁东配殿南为洗钵泉,西所依绿轩右曰浣花泉,辉渊榭之南曰漱石泉,桥畔曰乳花泉、漪竹泉、柳泉、枫泉、云津泉,乐清馆之南方池曰月泉,西曰贯珠泉,凡二十有八,皆御书。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: This became the team's full-time logo in 2010. Assistant: 2010年他成为球队的终结者。 User: NeXTSTEP also introduced a new windowing system based on Display PostScript that intended to achieve better WYSIWYG systems by using the same language to draw content on monitors that drew content on printers. Assistant: NeXTSTEP 还推出了基于 DPS 的窗口系统,通过在显示器和打印机上使用同一种语言以达到更好的所见即所得效果。 User: The discovery was announced at a press conference. Assistant: 警方报告在新闻发布会上公布。 User: She confronts the cybernetic lifeform Mother Brain, as well as its guardians, Kraid and Ridley. Assistant: 她将面临机械生物——母脑和它的守护者:克雷德和雷德利。 User: The jinn differ from the angels in regard of their position; while the angels dwell in heaven, the jinn lie on earth along with humans or in an intermediary realm. Assistant: 天神是居住在天的众神总称;不过被逐出天的素戋呜尊之子大国主神则为国神。 User: Oral LD50 values reported for rats range from 1000–3400 mg/kg. Assistant: 大鼠的口服LD50值为1000-3400mg/kg。 User: Suppose that the area of triangle A B C {\displaystyle ABC} is 1. Assistant: 设三角形 A B C {\displaystyle ABC} 面积为1。 User: Most passengers were women, with two or three men who entered when no more women came forward. Assistant: 大多数乘客都是女性,当甲板周围找不到更多女性时,有两三个男性获得允许登艇。 User: They recommended to him to continue his schooling, so in 1845, he went to Klagenfurt Lyceum . Assistant: 他们建议他继续他的学业,所以1845年他前往克拉根福接受中学教育。 User: Comcast denied that this infringed on net neutrality principles since "it runs its Xfinity for Xbox service on its own, private Internet protocol network". Assistant: Comcast 否认该行为违反了网络中立性原则,因为“这项服务是在 Xbox 服务自身所拥有的专用互联网协议网络上执行其Xfinity程式。 User: These systems are not currently used in aircraft. Assistant: 大型飞机上目前尚无此类应用。 User: Pashto is one of the two official languages of Afghanistan, and it is the second-largest regional language of Pakistan, mainly spoken in the west and northwest of the country. Assistant: 普什图语与达利语同为阿富汗的两种官方语言,并且在巴基斯坦西部和西北部地区属于使用人数第二多的语言。 User: However, this scene is still manually preserved and become a part of Nanbin Park in 2005. Assistant: 现在这个场景人工保存,并于2005年成为南滨公园的一部分。 User: In the 2006 House races, the voters with incomes over $50,000 were 49% Republican while those under were 38%. Assistant: 在2006年的众议院选举里,年收入超过$50,000的选民有49%投给共和党,少于之的选民则只有不到38%。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Because of this and because the mutation rate of animal mtDNA is higher than that of nuclear DNA, mtDNA is a powerful tool for tracking ancestry through females (matrilineage) and has been used in this role to track the ancestry of many species back hundreds of generations. Assistant: 由于动物的mtDNA的突变速率高于细胞核DNA,较为容易测量计算,使mtDNA成为用来追溯动物母系族谱的有效工具,例如许多物种在数百个世代以前的祖先。 User: In 1946, Cambodia was granted self-rule within the French Union and had its protectorate status abolished in 1949. Assistant: 1946年,柬埔寨被法国授予自治权,在1949年其保护国地位被取消。 User: Clarke, Davis & Tamin 1309 was designated as the holotype. Assistant: 编号为“Clarke, Davis & Tamin 1309”的标本被指定为模式标本。 User: He sailed through the straits of Gibraltar, founded or repopulated seven colonies along the African coast of what is now Morocco, and explored significantly farther along the Atlantic coast of the continent. Assistant: 他驶过直布罗陀海峡,沿海今日摩洛哥的非洲海岸建立或重建了七个殖民地,并沿着非洲大西洋海岸探索更远。 User: After these criteria are applied, they may define the position of some of the teams involved, but not all of them. Assistant: 在应用这些标准后,他们可以定义所涉及的一些队伍的位置,但不是所有队伍的位置。 User: A 2009 article by Google engineers Arvind Jain and Jason Glasgow states that more than 99 person-years are wasted daily due to increase in page load time when users do not receive compressed content. Assistant: 2009年Google工程师Arvind Jain和Jason Glasgow的文章指出,每天有超过99人年的时间由于用户没有接收到已压缩内容而增加的页面加载时间而浪费。 User: In January 2014, the U.S. Department of Defense annual testing report found that the older A191 or MK 248 Mod 0 .300 Winchester Magnum service round loaded with aerodynamically less efficient 190 gr (12.32 g) Sierra MatchKing Hollow Point Boat Tail (HPBT) bullets fired from the XM2010 demonstrated adequate performance and lethality. Assistant: 2014年1月,美国国防部的年度测试报告中发现,从M2010发射旧式的A191或Mk 248 Mod 0 .300温彻斯特麦格农狙击弹所装填的空气动力学上效率较低的190格令(12.32克)塞拉利昂(英语:Sierra)比赛之王(英语:MatchKing)空尖尾锥(HPBT)弹头子弹时证明具有足够的性能和杀伤力。 User: Pargo eventually came to be the richest man of the Canary Islands. Assistant: 后来,阿马罗·帕戈甚至成为了加那利群岛的首富。 User: Geek Time. Assistant: 时大迦叶。 User: Scouting was founded in Korea in 1922 while under Japanese rule, and sent representatives to the first Far East Scouting competition in Beijing in 1924. Assistant: 韩国童军运动是在1922年10月于日本统治下开始发展,并于1924年派代表,参加在北京举办的第1次远东童军竞赛。 User: FIFA International Soccer received mostly positive comments from the press. Assistant: FIFA国际足球收到大部分正面评价。 User: FIA President Jean Todt maintained his stance that the country was secure, and was quoted as saying "it is clear the Grand Prix can go ahead. Assistant: 国际汽联主席尚·陶德仍旧坚持着他认为该国安全无虞的立场,并提到“很显然地,这场大奖赛可以照常举办。 User: Offices in classical antiquity were often part of a palace complex or of a large temple. Assistant: 西方古代的办公室通常是宫殿或大型庙宇中的一部分。 User: Weather systems such as weather radar (typically Arinc 708 on commercial aircraft) and lightning detectors are important for aircraft flying at night or in instrument meteorological conditions, where it is not possible for pilots to see the weather ahead. Assistant: 天气预报 气象系统如气象雷达(典型如商用飞机上的ARINC 708(英语:ARINC 708))和闪电探测器(英语:Lightning detector)对于夜间飞行或者指令指挥飞行(英语:Instrument meteorological conditions)非常重要,因为此时飞行员无法看到前方的气象条件。 User: The texture and flavor of R & B owe a lot to him. Assistant: 而Hip Hop and R&B型的“Bongo Flava”流派也变得非常流行。 User: They dug their own grave, JC. Assistant: 太祖命将攻之,不克。 User: Kate Spencer (Manhunter): In the backup story to Batman: Streets of Gotham, she flirts with, and agrees to go out on a date with Dick Grayson. Assistant: 凯特·斯宾塞(猎人):在《蝙蝠侠:哥谭街头》中,她与迪克调情,并同意之后与他约会。 User: After an earthquake in 1635, the last reconstruction in 1656 led to the Baroque building by Dionisio Lazzari seen today. Assistant: 1635年地震后,于1656年由迪奥尼西奥拉扎里重建成今天看到的巴洛克式建筑。 User: The formation of ice sheets can cause Earth's surface to sink. Assistant: 冰原的形成可导致地球表面下沉。 User: It replaced the Papua New Guinea Overall Championship (PNGOC) as the country's major soccer competition. Assistant: 这项赛事取代了巴布亚新几内亚全国俱乐部锦标赛 (PNGNCC),成为全国主要的足球赛事。 User: Martin recorded two songs in Camp Rock, "Too Cool" and "2 Stars". Assistant: 她在摇滚夏令营里演唱了两首歌,分别是 "Too Cool" 和 "Two Stars"。 User: Claudette wobbled to the northwest over the Gulf of Mexico and gradually restrengthened. Assistant: 克劳德特蜿蜒向西北方向进入墨西哥湾并开始再度增强。 User: Many Linux distributions that use Plasma as the default desktop environment include the KRename software. Assistant: 许多使用 Plasma 作为默认桌面环境的 Linux 发行版都包括该软件。 User: Their marriage is icy and they openly treat one another with disdain. Assistant: 夫人臣事主无二厥心,为其易者,与为其难者,途径若分,理道则一。 User: Garcia is regarded as one of the most successful and prolific agents in the history of the FBI. Assistant: 加西亚被认为是FBI的历史上最成功和最资深的探员之一。 User: Bluetooth low energy (Bluetooth LE, BLE, marketed as Bluetooth Smart) is a wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries. Assistant: 蓝牙低功耗(Bluetooth Low Energy,或称Bluetooth LE、BLE,旧商标Bluetooth Smart)也称蓝牙低能耗、低功耗蓝牙,是蓝牙技术联盟设计和销售的一种个人局域网络技术,旨在用于医疗保健、运动健身、信标、安防、家庭娱乐等领域的新兴应用。 User: The school was established on December 19, 1996 as the Beijing Korean Kindergarten (北京韩国幼儿园). Assistant: 学校在1996年12月19日成立,初名北京韩国幼儿园( Beijing Korean Kindergarten)。 User: The rural bias of the state legislature, which had also failed to redistrict seats in the state house, affected politics well into the 20th century, failing to recognize the rise of industrial cities and urbanized areas. Assistant: 州议会偏向郊区也造成无法在州议会重新编配议席,一直影响政治到20世纪,难以回应工业城市和都市地区的堀起。 User: It was designed in 1923 urban plan as entry to the then new eastern part of the town. Assistant: 这座广场设计于1923年的都市计划中,定位是城市东部新的门户。 User: Using popcorn as an incentive, Jerry is able to lead Nell outside and into the sun. Assistant: 通过使用爆米花作为鼓励,杰利成功地引导妮尔走到阳光之下。 User: Steinbrenner is a pilot. Assistant: 格伦是一名飞行员。 User: Before Roi and his companions sealed them, the Sohrem promised him that it was not over. Assistant: 纵王褒朽树于前,孟仁变竹于古,方之于君,无”以过也。 User: It was acquired by Bank of America in 1992. Assistant: 在1992年,被美国银行合并。 User: The Báb and Anís were suspended on a wall and a large firing squad of soldiers prepared to shoot. Assistant: 巴孛和阿尼斯被吊在墙上,一大队基督徒士兵准备射击。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: She is definitely aggressive. Assistant: 表现相当咄咄逼人。 User: It was created by David Beaird. Assistant: 最后杜暹谥号被重拟为“贞孝”。 User: One of those questions was: "What year were you born?". Assistant: 既然如此,她生于何时卒于何年,哪来的朝代限制呢?”。 User: Players who succeed on the ATP Challenger Tour earn sufficient ranking points to become eligible for main draw or qualifying draw entry at ATP World Tour tournaments. Assistant: 在ATP挑战赛赢得足够的积分后,才能参加ATP世界巡回赛参赛资格的抽签。 User: E trains continue west along 53rd Street while M trains turn south and enter the IND Sixth Avenue Line. Assistant: E线列车沿53街西行,而M线列车转向南进入IND第六大道线。 User: Similar to the 92 series, the frame is constructed of a light alloy, and the slide and barrel are constructed of steel. Assistant: 与92系列相似的是,其底把是由轻型合金所制造,而套筒和枪管则是由钢所制造。 User: The catalogue of cultural relics prohibited from being taken out of the country for exhibition shall be made public on a regular basis by the competent cultural relics administrative department of the State Council. Assistant: 禁止出境展览文物的目录,由国务院文物行政主管部门定期公布。 User: Any attempt to launch an attack using the TOR network will actually harm the network itself. Assistant: 任何试图使用TOR网络发起攻击的行为实际上都会损害网络本身。 User: Thanks to his mastery of the language, he was able to get a resident permit for five months, during which time he worked as a tourist guide, and later on with the French edition of the Moscow Journal, and finally at Mosfilm, where he directed film dubbing. Assistant: 由于精通俄语,他获得了五个月的居留证,在此期间,他曾担任导游,之后承担了 “莫斯科日报”的法文版,最后在莫斯科电影制片厂指导电影配音。 User: The sedimentary methane hydrate reservoir probably contains 2–10 times the currently known reserves of conventional natural gas, as of 2013. Assistant: 沉淀物生成的甲烷水合物含量可能还包含了2至10倍的目前已知的传统天然气量。 User: Dominican Youth not take it anymore and university groups rebelled. Assistant: 现在的年轻人已经不来学了,国术总会也名存实亡了。 User: In an interview with El Mundo, he said: Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. Assistant: 他说“在我们了解科学之前,相信上帝创造宇宙是很理所当然的。 User: EA released an online-only standalone demo of the retail game, featuring the Sidi Power Plant map, with either conquest or Titan modes. Assistant: 艺电只释出多人线上游戏的试玩版,内含一幅地图 – Sidi Power Plant – 并可以执行征服模式或泰坦模式。 User: This area boomed during the Prohibition years when Americans crossed the border to drink and gamble. Assistant: 在美国禁酒时期,美国人越过边境来喝酒和赌博,因此这一地区在这期间发展迅速。 User: Instead of joining the fire on the much closer cruisers, Prinzregent Luitpold engaged the leading battleships of the British line, firing a total of 21 salvos. Assistant: 不同于向更接近的巡洋舰开火,柳特波德亲王号瞄准的是英舰队形领头的战列舰,并发射了21发齐射。 User: Some residents believed that the terror beast was the same animal that was slain by humans a year previous, and that it had come back to life to exact revenge. Assistant: 但当地居民认为,马拉维恐怖野兽是复活的怪物,对一年前杀死它的人类实施报复。 User: Risks—maritime and commercial—were important for individual voyages. Assistant: 对于个人出海来说,航海风险和商业都十分重要。 User: With that unit he returned to Italy, where he took part in the war against the 3rd coalition. Assistant: 他与部队回到意大利,在那个地方他参与了反对第三联盟的战斗。 User: Arse Elektronika is an annual conference organized by the Austrian arts and philosophy collective monochrom, focused on sex and technology. Assistant: Arse Elektronika(英语:Arse Elektronika)是由奥地利艺术和哲学联合monochrom(英语:monochrom) 每年所举办的大会,侧重于性和技术间的话题。 User: Although her origins are debated, research has suggested that she was a South American native and sailed from Barbados to New England with Samuel Parris. Assistant: 虽然提图芭的出身是有争议的,不过根据研究,她是一位拉丁美洲原住民,和塞缪尔·帕里斯一同从巴巴多斯渡海航行到新英格兰。 User: If more than an hour's play is lost, time may be added on subsequent days. Assistant: 如果损失一个多小时的比赛时间,可添加到第二天的比赛时间上。 User: Nash also founded the Jim Jennings Memorial Endowment Fund, established in honour of a volunteer staff member at Santa Clara University who served the basketball team for more than 20 years. Assistant: 奈许还为在圣克拉拉大学篮球队服务超过20年的职员建立了吉姆·珍宁基金(Jim Jennings Memorial Endowment Fund)。 User: Despite his intelligence and personal charm, Walker consistently proved to be a limited military and political leader. Assistant: 除了他的智力和个人魅力,沃克一直被认为是一个才能有限的军事、政治领导者。 User: The monthly pension in U.S. dollars was around $20–$25 until 2000, then dropped to $15–$20 between 2001 and 2004, and now is $64. Assistant: 每月退休金在2000年前约20至25美元,在2001至2004年间降至15至20美元之间,现时是64美元。 User: It normally costs more than beef. Assistant: 通常片酬较高。 User: At Level V there is no internal conflict because what a person does is always in accord with their own internal sense of values. Assistant: 在第五层之所以没有内心的冲突是因为此时个人的所作所为都是基于他们自己内心的价值观。 User: He has been friends with Chiba since middle school. Assistant: 与小牧爱佳曾是中学时代的学友。 User: The amateur branch remained DFC Dordrecht, while its professional counterpart became simply FC Dordrecht. Assistant: 业余分支仍然DFC多德雷赫特,而其专业对口变得简单FC多德雷赫特。 User: According to UBS AG, the Fukushima I nuclear accidents have cast doubt on whether even an advanced economy like Japan can master nuclear safety. Assistant: 根据瑞银集团称,福岛第一核电站事故使人怀疑是否像日本这样的先进经济体能够掌握核安全。 User: Both groups are right. Assistant: 每两股都是相对的。 User: In October 2016, through a MoU agreement between Italian Football Federation (FIGC) and Qatar Football Association (QFA), he has been appointed as the responsible of the area "Performance e Ricerca" for Club Italia. Assistant: 2016年10月,通过意大利足球联合会(FIGC)和卡塔尔足球协会(QFA)的谅解备忘录协议,他被任命为意大利俱乐部“Performance e Ricerca” (运动表现和研究) 部门的负责人。 User: Hitler ordered Sixth Army to remain on the defensive, rather than try to break out. Assistant: 希特勒命令第6军维持守势,而非试图突围。 User: In the 1970s, the line was extended in two stages: from Diego de León to Alfonso XIII (1973) and from Alfonso XIII to Esperanza (1979). Assistant: 1970年代,路线分两段延长:1973年延长到阿方索十三世站(西班牙语:Estación de Alfonso XIII)并在1979年延长至希望站(西班牙语:Estación de Esperanza)。 User: The Tu-1 was abandoned because of its unreliable engines. Assistant: 但Tu-1却因其引擎不可靠而被取消。 User: He continued to wear number 5, becoming the first Red Sox player to wear that number since the departure of fan favorite Nomar Garciaparra in 2004. Assistant: 他身穿5号球衣,这也是自2004年诺马·贾西亚帕拉离开红袜队之后第一次有球员穿此号码。 User: Dixon was the sister of football player Erny Pinckert. Assistant: 迪克逊是橄榄球运动员厄尼 · 平克特的妹妹。 User: Rockwell has stated that he feels hands are second only to heads in importance to the expression of a story. Assistant: 洛克威尔曾表示,他觉得从讲故事的角度来说,手的重要程度仅次于头。 User: In 1827, Hungarian physicist Ányos Jedlik started experimenting with electromagnetic coils. Assistant: 1827年,匈牙利物理学家安幼思·杰德利克(ÁnyosJedlik)开始尝试用电磁线圈进行实验。 User: Phan Quang Đán, the government's most prominent critic, was allowed to run. Assistant: 政府最突出的批评者潘光诞(Phan Quang Dan),被允许参加竞选。 User: The mechanism by which minoxidil promotes hair growth is not fully understood. Assistant: 米诺地尔促进毛发生长的机转目前还未完全了解。 User: Forty notes that the brigade group lost these tanks over 48 hours from 13–14 June. Assistant: Forty还点出旅团是在13-14日间的48小时内损失了20辆。 User: They pointed to the distinctive spelling of Iry-Hor's name: the Horus falcon holds the mouth hieroglyph in its claws. Assistant: 他们指出,“Iry-Hor”的名字的独特的拼写:猎鹰在其爪子上抓住“嘴”的加汀纳符号。 User: At the same time, Lenin offered Poles the territories of Minsk, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi, in what was described as mini "Brest"; Polish military leader Kazimierz Sosnkowski wrote that the territorial proposals of the Bolsheviks were much better than what the Poles had wanted to achieve. Assistant: 与此同时,列宁向波兰提出把明斯克、日托米尔及赫梅利尼茨基地区划归波兰;波兰军方领袖Kazimierz Sosnkowski认为这个提议比他们本来要求的更加好。 User: Thirty-seven years after he predicted its existence, a working solid-state memristor was created by a team led by R. Stanley Williams at Hewlett Packard. Assistant: 在他预测忆阻器存在的三十七年后,在惠普公司由R.斯坦利·威廉斯(R. Stanley Williams)领导的研究小组开发出能工作的固态忆阻器。 User: In 1281 the ten-year truce expired and was renewed by Roger. Assistant: 1281年十年停战到期,由罗杰续期。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: China's second space station. Assistant: 属第二代空间站。 User: From 2007 to 2009 the church organized an event called Prayer in the Square, a prayer rally which took place in Times Square. Assistant: 从2007年到2009年,该堂组织了广场祷告(Prayer in the Square)活动,意为在时代广场举行的祷告聚会。 User: An RGB triplet (r,g,b) represents the three-dimensional coordinate of the point of the given color within the cube or its faces or along its edges. Assistant: 一个RGB组合(r,g,b)表示代表一个给定颜色的点在立方体内部、表面或者边上的三维坐标。 User: Either case is usually shown against outlines for the theoretically favored regions. Assistant: 这两种情况均常用于展示理论偏好区域的外形。 User: The first revision of the standard, TIA/EIA-568-A.1-1991 was released in 1991. Assistant: 标准的第一次修订,TIA / EIA-568-A.1-1991于1991年发布。 User: The individual is stronger to be a part of the social process and thus, he can have a more powerful impact to make evolve the values’ system of the society. Assistant: 在一社会过程中,个体会有较强大的力量,因此可能可能调整社会的的价值系统。 User: The ship was steered by means of two quarter rudders at the stern (prymnē), which also housed a tent (skēnē) that covered the captain's berth (krab(b)at(t)os). Assistant: 这船只是由两个位于船尾(prymnē)的四分舵控制转向,船尾还有一个以帐篷(skēnē)覆盖着的船长的泊位(krab(b)at(t)os)。 User: In May 1994, Spyglass licensed NCSA's Mosaic browser for several million dollars, with the intent to develop their own Web browser. Assistant: 1994年5月,Spyglass公司以数百万美元的价格取得NCSA的Mosaic浏览器授权,旨在开发自己的网页浏览器。 User: In particular, the elderly are often ignored and marginalized. Assistant: 因此外地人常常受到本地人的排斥和蔑视。 User: There is a lighthouse. Assistant: 备有照明灯。 User: Only then is the girl able to confront her mother. Assistant: 只有女孩才能直面对抗她的母亲。 User: Although Marcus believes himself to be human, John and his wife Kate think that Marcus has been sent to execute him and orders him to be killed. Assistant: 马库斯认为自己是人类,但约翰认为马库斯是天网派来杀死他的,于是下令摧毁他。 User: In the first round of the presidential election, incumbent President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Unity Party led the presidential field with 43.9% of the vote, followed by Congress for Democratic Change candidate Winston Tubman with 32.7%. Assistant: 首轮总统选举中,团结党候选人、现任总统埃伦·约翰逊-瑟利夫获得43.9%的支持率,民主变革大会候选人温斯顿·杜伯曼获得32.7%。 User: Too many soldiers, exasperated by the rocky soil of Tunisia, were still digging shallow slit trenches instead of deep foxholes. Assistant: 太多的士兵,因突尼斯的岩石土壤,仍然挖掘战壕,而不是建立深深的散兵坑。 User: El Salvador is divided into 14 departments (departamentos), which in turn are subdivided into 262 municipalities (municipios). Assistant: 萨尔瓦多全国共被划分为14个省(西班牙语:Departamentos),共下辖262个市镇(西班牙语:Municipios)。 User: How sodium gets to mesospheric heights is not yet well understood, but it is believed to be a combination of upward transport of sea salt and meteoritic dust. Assistant: 目前仍不清楚钠是如何到达中气层的高度,但它被认为是海盐和陨石尘埃的组合输送上去的。 User: Development also took place at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where developers implemented L4 on several 64-bit platforms. Assistant: 新南威尔士大学也同样进行着开发,在那里开发者在多种64位平台上实现了L4。 User: His books have been translated into more than 170 languages. Assistant: 他的书翻译超过170种语言。 User: In addition, due to interactions with other stars that result in an increase in velocity, some of the stars gain sufficient energy to escape the cluster. Assistant: 另一方面,由于和其它恒星的交互作用会使速度增加,有些恒星会获得足以脱离星团的能量。 User: Carly lives in Seattle with her 26-year-old brother and guardian Spencer, and produces the show in a makeshift third-floor studio loft in their apartment. Assistant: Carly 和她的26岁的监护人哥哥 Spencer 居住在华盛顿西雅图的一座公寓里。 User: For these reasons, most countries have now mandated dedicated protective earth connections that are now almost universal. Assistant: 由于这些原因,多数国家已经强制使用现在已经很普遍的专用保护接地连接。 User: The station is named after the streets of Rue Michel-Ange (named after the painter Michelangelo) and the Rue Molitor (named after Marshal Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor). Assistant: 车站的名称来自米歇尔-安热大街(Rue Michel-Ange,以画家米开朗基罗命名)和莫利托大街(Rue Molitor,以法国元帅加布里埃尔·让·约瑟夫·莫利托命名)。 User: Therefore, despite there being no direct transfer of money, there is a strong Robin Hood effect, with the better-off subsidising the less well-off. Assistant: 因此,尽管没有金钱的直接流通,但是仍然存在着强大的罗宾汉效应,由富裕者补贴相对不富裕者。 User: The treaty left a large number of Slovenes and Croats in Italy. Assistant: 该条约将为数甚多的斯洛文尼亚人和克罗地亚人留予意大利。 User: In an interview following qualifying, Lewis Hamilton expressed that it was "very special" to get another pole in Canada, since Canada had been the scene of his first race win in 2007. Assistant: 在排位赛后接受采访时,路易斯·汉米尔顿表示在加拿大取得另一座杆位“非常地特别”,因为他在2007年的加拿大拿下了他生涯的首座分站冠军。 User: The initial production consisted of white and red table wines, but another significant development started a few years later. Assistant: 云岭最初的产品只有白葡萄和红葡萄餐酒,但几年之后便有了很大的发展。 User: Upon arriving in Kingston on the 25th, Köhler learned of the rising political tensions in Europe during the July Crisis that followed the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Assistant: 在25日抵达金斯敦后,克勒得知欧洲的政治紧张局势随着七月危机正不断升级,并导致了弗朗茨·斐迪南大公遇刺。 User: There he assembled a new band and recruited the Chicagoan Jody Williams from Memphis Slim's band as his first guitarist. Assistant: Howlin' Wolf在那里组建了一个新乐队并且从Memphis Slim的乐队中挖来了芝加哥人Jody Williams作为他乐队的第一个吉他手。 User: Around 50 poems are attributed to her, and are regarded highly in Persian culture. Assistant: 此外,被认为由其所作的诗约50首,这些诗在波斯文化中具有高度影响力。 User: Jonathan is pushed over a banister and falls in the direction of some dangerous farm equipment. Assistant: 强纳森被推过一根栏杆,摔向一些危险的农用设备——中。 User: By four days later, the water treatment plant was repaired. Assistant: 苏特过境4天后,水处理厂也已得到修复。 User: All songs written by Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson. Assistant: 所有歌曲由Leonard Cohen和Sharon Robinson编写。 User: Real Madrid controversially lost the game 2–1. Assistant: 在决赛以2:1击败皇家马德里。 User: She secretly loves Tomakazu. Assistant: 暗中喜欢花冈靖子。 User: Both ships had brief careers; shortly before the outbreak of World War I, the ships departed the German colony at Tsingtao. Assistant: 两艘同级舰的服役生涯都较为短暂;在第一次世界大战爆发前不久,它们都离开了德国在青岛的殖民地。 User: Private libraries would have existed, and monasteries would also keep various kinds of texts. Assistant: 在中世纪前期,私人的图书馆继续存在着,而寺院也保留了各种各样的书籍。 User: The Tasman Peninsula is well known for its rugged eastern coastline, and much of it is now the Tasman National Park. Assistant: 塔斯曼半岛以其崎岖的东部海岸线而出名,其中大部分地区如今成为塔斯曼国家公园。 User: Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) was a 2G mobile telecommunications standard used exclusively in Japan. Assistant: PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) 是一种由日本开发及使用的2G移动电话通讯标准。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: On that first day of the operation, thirteen MiG-21s were used to destroy or disable six targets in the Gospić and Zagreb Corps AORs, at the cost of one severely and three slightly damaged jets. Assistant: 作战首日,共有十三架米格战斗机出勤,受命攻击或摧毁戈斯皮奇兵团与札格瑞布兵团作战区域内的六处目标;其中一架严重受损,另有三架轻微受损。 User: The discoveries are what have been termed Hot Jupiters, massive gas giants that, unlike the planet Jupiter, orbit very close to their parent stars. Assistant: 被发现的这两颗行星都是热木星,它们是大质量的气体巨星,但与木星不同的是轨道非常靠近其母恒星。 User: Although she probably never met him in person, she was responsible for raising funds and public sympathy for Merrick. Assistant: 虽然她很可能没亲自见过梅里克,但她对为梅里克筹集资金和取得公众同情做出很大努力。 User: Richard Cohn argues that while a sequence of triads built on these three pitches (C major, Ab major, and E major) cannot be adequately described using traditional concepts of functional harmony, this cycle has smooth voice leading and other important group properties which can be easily observed on the Tonnetz. Assistant: 理查德·孔恩(英语:Richard Cohn)认为,一个构筑在这三个音调(C major、Ab major 和 E major)上的三和弦模进是无法用传统功能和声(英语:Diatonic function)的概念充分地描述出来的,而这个循环却有着平滑的声部进行;这一点与其他重要的性质均可在调性网络上容易地看出。 User: Unlike in First-Class, which offered many staterooms with private bathrooms, Second-Class bathroom facilities were all shared. Assistant: 与头等舱不同的是,头等舱提供了许多带有私人浴室的房间,而二等舱浴室设施都是共用的。 User: Æthelstan became the first king of all the Anglo-Saxon peoples, and in effect overlord of Britain. Assistant: 于是埃塞尔斯坦成为了所有盎格鲁-撒克逊人的国王,而实际上他也已经成为了整个不列颠的国王。 User: Finally, the gunman steps out and Jack seems to recognize him. Assistant: 布恩最终要求杰克放弃,杰克赞成。 User: Henderson Field is an uncontrolled airport (no tower). Assistant: 亨德森机场是一座无管制机场(没有塔台)。 User: SECREST(*), to copy security from media to disk. Assistant: Mega-CD以光碟为储存媒介。 User: In March that same year, Adriaan van Roomen sought the resolution, by any of Europe's top mathematicians, to a polynomial equation of degree 45. Assistant: 同年三月,阿德里安·范·罗门向欧洲顶尖数学家求多项式的45度解。 User: The event was not universally embraced during its early years, which included a boycott by two-time defending overall champion Phil Mahre in December 1982. Assistant: 在其早期,超级大回转并不被人们普遍接受,甚至受到包括1982年12月两届卫冕总冠军的菲尔·梅尔(Phil Mahre)抵制。 User: Scenes set in the nearby villages Pandino and Moscazzano were filmed between May 17 and 19, and shooting in Crema began on June 1. Assistant: 电影于5月17日和19日在潘迪诺和莫斯卡扎诺附近的村庄取景拍摄,并于6月1日开始在克雷马拍摄。 User: Bethesda's Oblivion was released simultaneously for console and PC, but was considered a major launch title for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Assistant: 贝塞斯达的《湮没》同时发行主机和PC版,但被认为主要针对Xbox 360和PlayStation 3开发。 User: He begins his works with ego-cognition, from ego-virtualization to ego-identity. Assistant: 他以自我认知开始工作,从自我虚拟到自我认同。 User: A "head tax" of fifty cents was collected on each immigrant. Assistant: 对每个移民收集了50美分的人头税。 User: In 1993, he was caught by police in his home village. Assistant: 1993年,他在家乡被警察抓住。 User: An additional team promoted to an A-Licence. Assistant: 发售时已升格至Team A。 User: Rewritable holographic storage can be achieved via the photorefractive effect in crystals: Mutually coherent light from two sources creates an interference pattern in the media. Assistant: 可重写的全息存储技术可以通过晶体的光致折变效应来实现: 从两个光源产生的相干光可以在介质上产生干涉图样。 User: One of the challenges to Ghana’s agricultural economy is its lack of transportation. Assistant: 加利福尼亚经济的一个问题是制造业的缺乏。 User: Much of his research is aimed at understanding the determinants and dynamics of financial corporate liquidity. Assistant: 他的研究主要对象是了解金融企业流动性的决定因素和动态。 User: As well as the specific material named crown glass, there are other optical glasses with similar properties that are also called crown glasses. Assistant: 除了具体以材料命名的冕牌玻璃之外,其他的光学玻璃也有与被称为冕牌玻璃性质相似的产品。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He saw the game like few players see it. Assistant: 或者说它少见到只有极少数的玩家玩到过它。 User: Someone who had the stomach for the stamina to think along those lines, to get into the head; if you're going to start writing about Reinhard Heydrich, for instance, you have to get into his face. Assistant: 有人要有能忍受从一堆线去找出它们的源头的体力;例如,假如你要开始写关于莱因哈德·特里斯坦·尤根·海德里希的故事,你必须要进入他的思维。 User: Variable data printing (VDP) (also known as variable information printing (VIP) or variable imaging (VI)) is a form of digital printing, including on-demand printing, in which elements such as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing process and using information from a database or external file. Assistant: 可变数据打印(英语:Variable-data printing,缩写VDP)是一种数字印刷方式,也包括按需印刷,可变数据打印是指,在不停机或降低印刷速度的情况下,一个印刷页面中的元素如文本、图形和图像在下一个印刷页面中可以立即改变,且使用的信息来自数据库或外部文件。 User: In ancient Rome, adoption of boys was a fairly common procedure, particularly in the upper senatorial class. Assistant: 在古代罗马,领养男孩是很常见的事,尤其在上层社会元老院阶层中。 User: He attended high school in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where his father was a professor at nearby Duke University. Assistant: 他在北卡罗来纳州的教堂山读高中,当时他父亲是附近杜克大学的教授。 User: Germany's strength for 1940 would then be spent; only in 1942 could the main attack against France begin. Assistant: 德军在1940年的兵力将被耗尽,要等到1942年才能发动对法国的主要攻势。 User: For example, if a meter reading of a lighter-than-normal subject indicates EV 16, and an exposure compensation of +1 EV is applied to render the subject appropriately, the final camera settings will correspond to EV 15. Assistant: 例如,测得某一比中性灰更亮的物体的EV为16,并设定+1EV的曝光补偿以修正曝光,那么最终的拍摄参数对应于EV15(而不是17)。 User: Taking pity on him, the god Hermes (also known as Mercury) dived into the water and returned with a golden axe. Assistant: 在死亡之国,当众神的使者赫尔莫德(Hermod)来到地底时找到他们时,她让赫尔莫德带回她编织的一张绣花地毯,也许即是暗示著开满花草的大地。 User: However, the "only if" part is false: For example, 2341 ≡ 2 (mod 341), but 341 = 11 × 31 is a pseudoprime. Assistant: 然而,这一假说的前设是错的:例如, 2 341 ≡ 2 ( mod 341 ) {\displaystyle 2^{341}\equiv 2{\pmod {341}}} ,而341=11×31是一个伪素数(质数)。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Father John grows obsessed with finding and helping this woman, and begins visiting the city's red-light district with the hopes of finding her. Assistant: 神父约翰决定找到并帮助这个女人,开始在市内的红灯区转悠,期望能找到她。 User: He was impressed by the Abbasids and when released told Nasr he wanted to join them, but his obligations to Nasr brought him back. Assistant: 曦已潜遣他的门客姚淮源交金人,这时曦还兴州,把安丙留在鱼关,不久又下令让他回到武兴。 User: He also published several medical textbooks. Assistant: 他们还订购了数百军事书籍。 User: In his judgement, Justice Lai noted that Took had no history of mental abnormality, the behaviour the defence cited was "not necessarily abnormal" and the murder was "clearly the product of a cold and calculating mind". Assistant: 黎法官在判词中指出,卓良豪并没有心理异常的病例,辩方引述的行为“未必异常”,谋杀“明显是在头脑冷静清楚时犯下的”。 User: Dædalus, the Academy's quarterly journal, is widely regarded as one of the world's leading intellectual journals. Assistant: 其主办的季刊《代达罗斯》被广泛的认为是国际最重要的学术刊物之一。 User: Scholarship recipients are required to work in Penang after they graduate. Assistant: 奖学金获得者将获得2千万令吉赞助他们的学习,毕业后必须在槟城工作。 User: They have been superb in their charity. Assistant: 当时海内名流,钦佩其高节。 User: He sits in the Hong Kong legislature as a member of the Finance and House Committees, and of the Legislative Panels on Constitutional Affairs, Housing, Manpower, Transport, and on Welfare Services. Assistant: 他在香港立法机构任职,作为金融和内务委员会成员,以及宪法事务、住房、人力、交通和福利服务的立法委员会的成员。 User: Many systems, such as crystal lattices, have a unique ground state, and (since ln(1) = 0) this means that they have zero entropy at absolute zero. Assistant: 许多系统,例如晶体,具有非简并的基态,并且(由于 ln ⁡ 1 = 0 {\displaystyle \ln 1=0} )这意味着它们在绝对零度下具有零熵。 User: A type I cluster is dominated by a bright, large, supermassive cD galaxy; for example Abell 2029 and Abell 2199. Assistant: I型的星系团由亮且大的超大质量cD星系主导,像是阿贝尔2029和阿贝尔2199。 User: 1819 – Alabama becomes the 22nd U.S. state. Assistant: 1819年:亚拉巴马州成为美国第22州。 User: Since 2006, the board has been required to include at least two Academy graduates. Assistant: 2006年起规定委员会中必须有两名学校毕业生。 User: On January 31, 1865, the House called another vote on the amendment, with neither side being certain of the outcome. Assistant: 1865年1月31日,众议院再次对修正案发起表决,各方均未知鹿死谁手。 User: In 1907 at the Bad Homburg spa in Germany, Hall met Mabel Batten, a well-known amateur singer of lieder. Assistant: 1907年在德国霍姆堡温泉城时,霍尔结识了知名的业余德国艺术歌曲歌手玛贝尔·巴登。 User: NFS version 4.1 (RFC 5661, January 2010) aims to provide protocol support to take advantage of clustered server deployments including the ability to provide scalable parallel access to files distributed among multiple servers (pNFS extension). Assistant: NFSv4.1(RFC 5661,2010年1月)旨在为并行访问可横向扩展的集群服务(pNFS扩展)提供协议支持。 User: Near Raseiniai, the XLI Panzer Corps was counter-attacked by the tanks of the Soviet 3rd and 12th Mechanised Corps. Assistant: 在拉塞尼艾附近,第41装甲军遭到来自第3及第12摩托化军数辆战车的反击。 User: According to Ionesco, he had several possible endings in mind, including a climax in which the "author" or "manager" antagonizes the audience, and even a version in which the audience is shot with machine guns. Assistant: 据尤内斯库所说,他脑海内有很多种结尾,其中一个是“作者”和“剧院经理”一起敌对观众的高潮,甚至还有一个观众被机关枪射杀的版本。 User: Upon his appointment as Secretary of State, Clay was prepared to recommend Crittenden to replace him as chief counsel in Kentucky for the Second Bank of the United States, but the bank chose not to hire a replacement. Assistant: 成为国务卿后,克莱本打算推荐克里滕登继任自己的美国第二银行肯塔基分行首席法律顾问一职,但该行决定暂不再聘请替代人选。 User: For Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway listed conditions came in force from 1 January 2008. Assistant: 2008年3月1日,规则的适用范围延伸至非欧盟的瑞士和列支敦士登。 User: There, Braunschweig underwent repairs at the Blohm & Voss shipyard, which lasted from 10 January to 26 February. Assistant: 在那里,不伦瑞克号进入布洛姆-福斯船厂进行维修,历时从1月10日至2月26日。 User: These protests were eventually successful in pressuring Sargsyan, who resigned on 23 April. Assistant: 事件导致山崎正夫于10月23日辞任董事。 User: The first crude oil was discovered in the North Sea in 1969, and soon thereafter construction began on the oil terminal at Sullom Voe, north east of the village of Brae, which became operational in 1975 and was completed in 1982, becoming the largest in Europe. Assistant: 北海是在1969年发现原油,之后就在萨洛姆湾建立原油码头,在1975年开始营运,在1982年完工,是欧洲中最大的一个。 User: Most of the 57 people known to have died in that day's eruption succumbed to asphyxiation while several died from burns. Assistant: 已知遇难的57人中大多数在那天火山爆发后因窒息而死,还有数人死于烧伤。 User: The tram then takes the guests to Courthouse Square section and then other buildings in the back lot. Assistant: 之后,车会将游客带到法院广场(英语:Courthouse Square) 区和后园区的其他建筑。 User: And sleepy clock-hands laze away The clock-face wearily ascending. Assistant: 于是许大炮松手,让头顶的大石压死自己。 User: The Energy Finance Track prepares students for positions in project-financing, valuation, and risk management in the energy sector. Assistant: 2. 能源金融:培养学生在能源部门的项目融资、估价和风险管理等职位做准备。 User: The unemployment rate in Jerusalem (8.3%) is slightly better than the national average (9.0%), although the civilian labor force accounted for less than half of all persons fifteen years or older—lower in comparison to that of Tel Aviv (58.0%) and Haifa (52.4%). Assistant: 耶路撒冷的失业率(8.3%)略低于全国平均水平(9.0%),工作人口占15岁以上人口不到一半,低于特拉维夫(58.0%)和海法(52.4%)。 User: In the north, the Bénoué River is seasonally navigable from Garoua across into Nigeria. Assistant: 在北方Benoue河是只能季节性通航的河流,该河从Garoua流向尼日利亚。 User: Marxian economists do not lean entirely upon the works of Marx and other widely known Marxists, but draw from a range of Marxist and non-Marxist sources. Assistant: 马克思主义政治经济学没有完全倾向马克思或其他马克思主义者,他所描绘的包括了马克思与非马克思的资讯。 User: This is rejected by many Muslims, who consider the Ahmadiyya not to be Muslims. Assistant: 许多穆斯林拒绝了这个观点,他们认为阿赫迈底亚派不是穆斯林。 User: In 1933, after a year of building an organization, the party organized its first public meeting, a Landdag in Utrecht which was attended by 600 party militants. Assistant: 在成立自己的组织一年后的1933年,NSB在乌得勒支召开了它的第一次代表大会,有600名党派激进分子参加了大会。 User: The protests marked the largest outbreak of public anger over high unemployment and two decades of political inertia in the country since the end of the Bosnian War in 1995. Assistant: 这场示威标志着自1995年波斯尼亚战争结束以来波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳国内人民对于高失业率和20多年政府的政治惰性的愤怒的最大爆发。 User: There are many economics-related scientific journals. Assistant: 有几个地球物理学有关的科学期刊。 User: Estimates of the mass of the primary by other means range from a low of 1.92 to 2.10 solar masses, up to 2.84 or even 4.8 solar masses. Assistant: 对主星的质量估计范围从较低的1,92-2.10太阳质量,到2.84甚至4.8太阳质量。 User: The band members are also acclaimed artists and political activists who advocate independence for Taiwan and self-determination for Tibetans and Uighurs. Assistant: 乐团成员同时也是政治活动家,他们主张台湾独立和西藏及维吾尔族的人民自决。 User: The first regular bus routes were established in 1926, and the first trolleybuses were introduced in 1956. Assistant: 第一条定期的公共汽车线路开通于1926年,第一辆无轨电车在1956年上路。 User: You are always alone. Assistant: 总是一个人。 User: The province's main harbour was built in Table Bay, which in its natural state was fully exposed to the northwesterly storms that bring rain to the province in winter, as well as the almost uninterrupted dry southeasterly winds in summer. Assistant: 西开普省的主要港口建在桌湾,在自然状态下,其完全暴露于冬季为该省带来降雨的西北风暴,以及夏季几乎不间断的干燥东南风。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The House of Lords met in the medieval hall of the Queen's Chamber, before moving to the Lesser Hall in 1801. Assistant: 上议院则在中世纪的”女王厅“里召开会议,直到1801年后才改为莱斯厅。 User: This occurs only in normoxic conditions. Assistant: 这只会发生在含氧量正常的条件。 User: The original Greek national emblem depicted the goddess Athena and an owl. Assistant: 原来的希腊国徽由雅典娜和猫头鹰构成。 User: November 23: The Paris Commune orders the closing of all churches and places of worship in Paris. Assistant: 十一月二十三日:巴黎公社下令关闭巴黎所有的教堂和宗教场所。 User: The protagonist, Rex Chance, is required to collect animal DNA throughout the campaign in order to add more animal varieties to his army of combined creatures. Assistant: 而游戏的主角,Rex Chance,将不断搜集各种动物的DNA,让他的怪物大军越来越强大。 User: Hidalgo began helping Royce work hands-on with bachata music. Assistant: 伊达尔戈着手在巴恰塔音乐方面帮助罗西。 User: Another feature of boards of directors in large public companies is that the board tends to have more de facto power. Assistant: 大型上市公司的董事会还有一个特点,就是董事会通常拥有实际的权力。 User: He also set the 60 m indoor world record twice. Assistant: 他又曾两次打破室内60米跑世界纪录。 User: At the 2004 census, the district had a population of 480,394. Assistant: 2004年的人口普查中该区人口为480,394人。 User: You are the repositories of the NATIONAL FAITH AND WILL Although the cause of the Civil War was the Treaty, as the war developed the Republicans sought to identify their actions with the traditional Republican cause of the "men of no property" and the result was that large Anglo-Irish landowners and some less well-off former Protestant Loyalists were attacked. Assistant: 虽然内战的起因是英爱条约,随着战事的发展共和派也寻求将自己的行动理由定义为传统的共和主义的为了“无产者”,结果就是战争中爱尔兰的英国大地主与一些并不十分富有的新教徒保皇派也受到袭击。 User: A held, high synthesizer note, with no other changes except inner frequency modulations, becomes the musical motif of the gang members, and reoccurs during certain violent acts in the film. Assistant: 而当中的高合成音除了内部频率调制之外没有其他变化,这是用来当作帮派成员的音乐主题,并在电影中的某些暴力行为中呈现。 User: Röntgen had family in Iowa in the United States and planned to emigrate. Assistant: 伦琴有亲属居住在美国爱荷华州,他曾经也打算移民。 User: Caseworkers may also provide mediation services to constituents and obtain government information and publications. Assistant: 还可以向选民提供调解服务,并获得政府信息和出版物。 User: In July 2009, the possessions of the museum, 500 boxes in all, were scheduled to be auctioned. Assistant: 2009年七月,所有所有物,共计500箱,被安排拍卖。 User: Dr. Simon Campos (Dominic Monaghan) — A quantum physicist and research partner of Stanford academic Lloyd Simcoe, who doesn't believe he is responsible for the blackout. Assistant: 多米尼克·莫纳汉 饰演 Simon Campos博士(香港配音:罗伟民) 量子物理学家,在斯坦福大学是Llyod Simcoe的研究伙伴,但他并不相信自己应当为昏迷负责。 User: Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (1992) offered players a full 360 degree view of the game world. Assistant: 《地下创世纪:冥河深渊(英语:Ultima Underworld:The Stygian Abyss)》(1992)为玩家提供了360度全方位的游戏世界观。 User: At Crufts, the English Cocker Spaniel has been the most successful breed in winning Best in Show, winning on a total of seven occasions between 1928 and 2009, with wins in 1930, 1931, 1938, 1939, 1948, 1950 and 1996. Assistant: 在历次克鲁夫茨狗展中,英国可卡犬一直是赢得总冠军中最成功的品种,1928年至2009年间共七次赢得该比赛:分别是在1930年、1931年、1938年、1948年、1950年和1996年。 User: To date, Justice Stone is the only justice to have occupied all nine seniority positions on the bench, having moved from most junior Associate Justice to most senior Associate Justice and then to Chief Justice. Assistant: 到目前为止,斯通法官是唯一一位在法官中担任所有9个高级职位的法官,他从最初级的大法官升至最高级的大法官,然后又升为首席大法官。 User: Pinhole camera: The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) observed that the spaces between the leaves of trees acted as tiny pinholes which cast the image of a partial solar eclipse onto the ground. Assistant: 小孔成像:古希腊哲学家亚里士多德(公元前384-322年)观察到,介于树叶间的细缝可如小针孔般投射部分日蚀的影像到地面上。 User: As the laws on provincial viticulture were relaxed, vast vineyards began to flourish in the rest of Europe, especially Gaul (present day France) and Hispania. Assistant: 随着葡萄栽培法的限制在各省逐渐放宽,大片的葡萄园开始在欧洲其它国家蓬勃发展,特别是高卢(现在的法国)和西班牙。 User: Each of its entries is a nonnegative real number representing a probability. Assistant: 它的每一项都是一个表示概率的非负实数。 User: July 13: The National Assembly declares itself in permanent season. Assistant: 七月十三日:国民议会宣布永远存在。 User: Zone 1, on the front of the grip, has an anti-slip surface that is less assertive to work in conjunction with more sensitive parts of the hand. Assistant: 区域1,在握把的前部,具有防滑表面,这使得与自己手中较为敏感的部分紧握一起时感觉不明显。 User: From 26 June 1995 to 2001, he served as the minister of information. Assistant: 1995年6月26日至2001年,担任信息部长。 User: Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences. Assistant: 温度差异会导致气压差异。 User: He soon landed an art job paying $10 a week. Assistant: 他使出浑身解数,才谋得一份护送小学生的工作,每星期只赚10元。 User: United Nations Security Council resolution 689, adopted unanimously on 9 April 1991, after recalling Resolution 687 (1991), the Council noted a report by the Secretary-General and decided to establish the United Nations Iraq–Kuwait Observation Mission to monitor the demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait, known as the Kuwait–Iraq barrier. Assistant: 联合国安全理事会第689号决议,于1991年4月9日一致通过,该决议回顾了之前通过的第687号决议,由秘书长提请,决定设立联合国驻伊拉克-科威特观察团,以监督伊拉克和科威特之间的非军事地带,被称为“科威特-伊拉克屏障”。 User: In 2014, the festival returned to its original one weekend format, selling out pre sale tickets in under five minutes. Assistant: 2014年,音乐节又回归到了一个周末的正常时间并在5分钟之内售光了所有的预售票。 User: The only legitimate reason for entrance was to bury a relative of Genghis Khan. Assistant: 唯一一个可以进入的合法理由是埋葬成吉思汗亲属。 User: It is the largest registry of twin adults in the UK. Assistant: 这是英国最大的成人双胞胎项目。 User: All songs written by Debbie Gibson. Assistant: 所有歌曲均由黛比·吉布森本人创作。 User: During his remarks Netanyahu said there is "no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel", adding that Jerusalem has "been the capital of Israel for nearly 70 years". Assistant: 内塔尼亚胡发表讲话时说,“不把耶路撒冷看成以色列首都就不能讲和平”,补充说耶路撒冷“已成为以色列近70年的首都”。 User: It is part of the Birmingham-Hoover Metropolitan Statistical Area, which in 2010 had a population of about 1,128,047, approximately one-quarter of Alabama's population. Assistant: 根据2010年的人口调查,伯明翰都会区人口为大约1,128,047,约占亚拉巴马州总人口的四分之一。 User: TSM works by recording the lap times of people in each race, and then, when the player goes online, the game itself recreates those lap times, i.e. AI opponents in multiplayer mode are actually emulating the laps raced by real people at another time. Assistant: TSM的工作原理是,记录下每位玩家每场比赛的圈时,之后当玩家上线时,游戏再现这时圈时,即多人模式中的AI车手实际上模仿了其他时候的真人玩家的比赛。 User: The final round was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in December 1986. Assistant: 本届赛事决赛圈于1986年内举行,在沙特阿拉伯利雅德举行。 User: Prior to that, in December 1971, the second group selected for Tu-142 operations started its own conversion training. Assistant: 在此之前,在1971年12月,第二组被选中参加Tu-142作战的士兵开始了他们自己的转换训练。 User: The uncertainty (or noise) of the measurements caused by the astrophysical components of the sky background is called confusion noise. Assistant: 由天文物理元件造成的背景所引起测量上的不确定性(或噪音)称为致淆噪声。 User: Until the 1990s, was also the only university in this city. Assistant: 截至1990年代,他曾是该市的唯一大学。 User: The publication had falsely claimed she had once been part of the militant group The Angry Brigade that staged bomb attacks in the 1970s. Assistant: 该书错误地称她曾经是1970年代激进组织“愤怒旅(英语:The Angry Brigade)”的成员。 User: Studies have suggested that behavior in this game is heritable. Assistant: 两项最近的研究表明这个博弈中的行为是可遗传的。 User: Her daughter by him, Sara Houghton, is also an actress, and they were once cast as mother and daughter in Three Thousand Troubled Threads. Assistant: 二人生的女儿Sara Houghton也是一名演员,她们在Three Thousand Troubled Threads中扮演了母女。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She served as the leader of the torpedo boat flotillas, flying the flag of Kommodore Andreas Michelsen. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 它作为鱼雷艇区舰队的向导舰,悬挂着区舰队司令、海军大校安德烈亚斯·米歇尔森的旗帜。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Version 3.0 does not retain previous versions of files and skips files which are open by another program. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:3.0版本不会保留先前版本的档案,并会略过被其他程式开启了的档案。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The prime mission of a married woman, regardless of her social status, was to bear at least one son in order to carry on the family name. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:已婚妇女在家庭中的角色取决于配偶的社会地位,但是不论社会地位如何,已婚妇女的首要任务就是生一个儿子去延续家族的香火。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Two Dutch soldiers died in Iraq. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 荷兰在战争中损失两名士兵。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Le Matin's political leanings moved progressively towards nationalism and, after the World War I, openly anti-parliamentary and anti-Communist. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 之后,《晨报》逐步走向民族主义的政治倾向,并在一战后公开表明了反议会制以及反共产主义立场。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As a result, they were thereafter constrained professionally to becoming entrepreneurs and professional managers in trade, manufacturing, and banking. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 结果,由于这些限制,他们成为贸易、制造和银行等领域的企业家或职业经理人。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Unwilling to risk losing their horses in the swampland, the Holsteiners refused to fight on foot, forcing the knights to camp for the night. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 从荷尔斯泰因过来的骑士拒绝步战,以免在沼泽地失去战马,迫使骑士团部队原地扎营度夜。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: St. John's Mutual Relief Society organized. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 马来西亚圣约翰救护机构成立。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As the new target date was approaching, the band again discarded songs, which they deemed "flat" and "passionless". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:但随着新目标日期的临近,乐队再一次放弃了已有的歌曲,认为它们“平面”和“缺乏激情”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The basic design of the gun was still the 1900 design. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 但其基础设计仍是1900年的版本。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In his comparatively short career of 20 years, he and Paco de Lucía revolutionized the art of flamenco, attracting vast new audiences to the art form. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在他短短二十年的职业生涯中,他跟 Paco de Lucia 革新的佛朗明哥音乐,吸引了很多新的听众。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The first Jewish place of worship, the Temple Freda synagogue, was opened in 1913. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 第一个犹太人的礼拜场所,弗雷达犹太教堂,于1913年开放。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When the Germans withdrew in early 1919, the town was seized by the Red Army. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 1919年德军撤退后,该城为红军所占领。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: China and Syria have significant trade relations. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 中国和叙利亚有重要的贸易关系。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Construction started in June 2011 and the stadium was officially opened by Prince Edward, Duke of Kent on 12 March 2012. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 2011年6月动土,球场于2012年3月12日由根德公爵主持官方揭幕礼。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The key elements of Hubbard's so-called science don't seem testable, yet he repeatedly claims that he is asserting only scientific facts and data from many experiments. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 贺伯特所谓的科学,其关键要素,似乎不能测试,但他一再声称,他从许多实验中,确立了科学事实和数据。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 After her commissioning, Elbing was assigned to the II Scouting Group, which typically operated alongside the battlecruisers of the I Scouting Group. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 入役后,埃尔宾号被即被分配至第二侦察集群服役,该部队通常会与第一侦察集群的战列巡洋舰共同运用。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This list contains devices that have been confirmed and officially announced by their manufacturers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该列表包含已确认并制造商正式推出的装置。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This was based upon the European view at the time that race was a biologically based scientific category. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这个分类是依据当时欧洲的观点,认为种族是一种具有生物基础的科学类别。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In early 2006, Engadget reported that they were victims of their likeness being stolen and used as a store name at a mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 2006年前期Engadget报导他们的名称被马来西亚吉隆坡一个购物中心中一间与其名字相似的店铺所盗用而成为受害者。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The top three drivers appeared on the podium to collect their trophies, and were interviewed by a selected media delegate before the subsequent press conference. Assistant: 前三名车手站上颁奖台领取他们的奖杯,之后在记者会前,先接受了一位选定的媒体代表采访。 User: In this stage of DT, countries are vulnerable to become failed states in the absence of progressive governments. Assistant: 在 DT 的这个阶段,如果没有进步的政府,国家很容易成为失败的国家。 User: It was the tallest building in Germany from 1978 until 1990. Assistant: 从1978年到1990年,该楼曾为德国最高建筑。 User: In the context of ardent desire for independence from Turkish occupation, and with the explicit influence of similar secret societies elsewhere in Europe, three Greeks came together in 1814 in Odessa to decide the constitution for a secret organization in freemasonic fashion. Assistant: 由于对希腊脱离鄂图曼帝国统治的强烈愿望以及来自欧洲各地类似的秘密组织的明确影响,1814年,三个希腊人聚集在敖德萨商议建立友谊社,一个模仿共济会形式的秘密组织。 User: On 22 May, George Sabra, president of the SNC, issued a call for reinforcements to be sent to al-Quasyr stating "Everyone who has weapons or ammunition should send them to Qusair and Homs to strengthen its resistance". Assistant: 5月22日,叙利亚全国委员会(SNC)主席乔治·萨布拉(英语:George Sabra)呼吁“每个拥有武器或弹药的人都应将其送往古赛尔和霍姆斯,增加反对派的抵抗能力”。 User: The meteoric iron has a Nickel concentration of 6.96%. Assistant: 这些铁陨石含有浓度6.96%的镍。 User: In the same year, the Land Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, on the 60th anniversary of Kristallnacht, issued a declaration saying: "It is imperative for the Lutheran Church, which knows itself to be indebted to the work and tradition of Martin Luther, to take seriously also his anti-Jewish utterances, to acknowledge their theological function, and to reflect on their consequences. Assistant: 同年,巴伐利亚福音路德教会的( Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria)会议在碎玻璃之夜60周年上发表声明说:“路德教会必须认识到自己得益于马丁·路德的工作和传统,并且认真地考虑他的反犹太言论,承认它们的神学功能,并反思它们的影响。 User: In recent years, the use of substances enriched in the non-radioactive isotope 13C has become the preferred method, avoiding patient exposure to radioactivity. Assistant: 在近些年来,利用含非放射性的同位素13C已成为首选方法,避免患者暴露于放射性中。 User: He was also the chief United States prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials. Assistant: 他是纽伦堡审判中担任美国的总检察官。 User: On 10 March, Gorbachev stated that the borders between the republics would not change, in accordance with Article 78 of the Soviet constitution. Assistant: 为了回应示威,戈尔巴乔夫声明,按照苏联宪法第78条,两个共和国之间的边界不可更改 。 User: One major hospital damaged by the earthquake was inundated with the injured and lacked medical supplies for treatment. Assistant: 一家主要医院因地震受损,大量伤者无法得到治疗和所需的医疗用品。 User: Early childhood education: Covers the education of a child from the period from birth to eight years of age. Assistant: 根据美国学前教育协会(英语:National Association for the Education of Young Children)的定义,儿童早期是从出生后一直到八岁的期间。 User: It is the fourth largest island in the Eastern Caribbean with a population of people mainly from African descent. Assistant: 它是东加勒比地区的第四大岛,人口主要来自非洲的后裔。 User: Furthermore, unhealthy digital habits, such as constantly checking for emails and social media updates, could be developed and thus lead to insufficient engagement in present social interactions. Assistant: 另外,错失恐惧症可能会让人养成包括不停查看邮箱和社交媒体更新在内的不健康的上网习惯,使得人们不能在现实生活的社交互动中有充分的参与。 User: Romantics tended to believe in imagination over reason, the "organic" over the mechanical, and a longing for a simpler, more pastoral time. Assistant: 浪漫主义者往往更相信想象力而非原因,更相信“有机的”而非机械的,他们渴望更简单、更牧歌的时代。 User: Although born to a Catholic family, Carlin rejected religion. Assistant: 尽管出生于一个天主教家庭,但卡林却拒绝宗教信仰。 User: Researchers have identified 50,870 Google Chrome extensions and 34,407 programs that inject ads. Assistant: 研究人员筛选出了被用于广告注入的50,870个Google Chrome插件和34,407个程序。 User: Results: The T20 category is for athletes with intellectual impairment. Assistant: T/F20级:此级别的运动员为智能障碍。 User: Proton therapy for ocular (eye) tumors is a special case since this treatment requires only comparatively low energy protons (about 70 MeV). Assistant: 质子治疗 眼(眼)的肿瘤 是一种特殊情况,因为这种治疗,只需要相对较低的能源的质子(约70兆电子伏的)。 User: On 11 September, the Italian High Command sent two explicit instructions to Gandin, to the effect that "German troops have to be viewed as hostile" and that "disarmament attempts by German forces must be resisted with weapons". Assistant: 9月11日,意大利高级指挥部向甘丁下达了两条明确指示,大意是说,必须敌对德国,必须武力拒绝解除武装。 User: In the same year, the population of Johannesburg's urban agglomeration was put at 7,860,781. Assistant: 同年,大约翰内斯堡都会区(英语:Greater Johannesburg)人口为7,860,781。 User: Depression may increase one's ability to perceive time accurately. Assistant: 沮丧可能可以提高人对时间知觉的精确性。 User: In 1969, programmer Ken Thompson worked for Bell Labs on the Multics operating system. Assistant: 1969年,肯·汤普逊作为程序员在贝尔实验室的Multics操作系统项目中工作。 User: This version also tends not to experience as many software issues. Assistant: 所以你不需要回答关于该软件的很多问题。 User: It goes this way: Newton: Absolute space and time. Assistant: 可以做如此描述: 牛顿:绝对空间与时间。 User: It gradually organized and intensified, and based on observations from the Hurricane Hunters, the NHC assessed the depression as a tropical storm late on September 11; upon doing so, they gave it the name Gordon. Assistant: 低气压逐渐组织并增强,9月11日晚,美国国家飓风中心根据飓风猎人侦察机的观察报告评估系统已经增强为热带风暴,于是将其命名为戈登(Gordon)。 User: The show received full support from the Hong Kong Fire Services Department which assisted in filming. Assistant: 该剧获得香港消防处全力支持协助拍摄。 User: Their validity had to be established by means of real-world experience. Assistant: 公设的有效性必须建立在现实世界的经验上。 User: Some douse with a bucket of cold water. Assistant: 找一口大锅,装满冷水。 User: For example, in Jamaican Patois, the Igbo word unu, meaning "you" plural, is still used. Assistant: 例如,在牙买加土语里,伊博字中"unu"(您),意思是“你”的复数,仍在使用。 User: Recently, a number of Maryland cities have partnered with cities in Estonia through a program developed by the Maryland National Guard after Estonia gained its independence from the Soviet Union. Assistant: 爱沙尼亚脱离苏联独立后,该国多个城市与马里兰州城市通过马里兰国民警卫队设计的方案结成伙伴关系。 User: Thompson and Russell suggest that this contact zone is between two different subspecies lineages because the A. m. columbianum lineage is geographically isolated and restricted to the central Oregon Mountains. Assistant: 汤普森和罗素指出,结合区位于这两个不同的亚种之间的原因是哥伦比亚长趾蝾螈族群在地理上处于隔绝与受限的状态,它们无法进入俄勒冈山区的中部。 User: Several reviewers have described "Starvin' Marvin" as one of South Park's "classic episodes". Assistant: 多位评论家称赞《饿死鬼叭噗》是《南方公园》的“经典剧集”之一。 User: Finally, on 19 April, a simple procedure was implemented that cleared up the paperwork jam and the number of evacuees dramatically increased from 20 April onwards. Assistant: 后来在4月19日实施了步骤更为简单的流程,以排除公文塞车的乱象,成功出境的难民数量才于4月20日开始急遽增加。 User: The TB-3 was piloted by Zalevskiy, the I-5s were piloted by Altynov, Suprun, and Suzi. Assistant: TB-3由Zalevskiy驾驶,I-5则是由Altynov、Suprun和Suzi驾驶。 User: Due coppie azzurre qualificate. Assistant: 为拴在一起的两只蓝色鹦鹉。 User: Some cultures, for example, have elaborate systems of "social deixis", or systems of signalling social distance through linguistic means. Assistant: 又例如,一些文化里面有精妙的“社交直示语(英语:deixis)”系统,或通过语言手段表达社交距离的系统。 User: The Bolsheviks argued in favour of preparations for an armed uprising against Czarist rule, which Menshevik leader Julius Martov denounced as 'putschist'. Assistant: 布尔什维克提出要发动武装起义来对抗沙皇统治,孟什维克领袖尤里·马尔托夫公开指责此举为“叛徒”。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 During construction, the US government kept many aspects of the project under wraps, with many details released only in a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 施工期间,美国政府对很多方面的相关计划都予以保密,大部分细节只在美国参议院外交关系委员会的报告里才有记载。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A witness reported that the gunfire lasted at least two hours. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一个目击者说,枪炮声至少持续了两个小时。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Professionals also use digital movie cameras, motion/performance capture, bluescreens, film editing software, props, and other tools used for movie animation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 专业人员也采用数字摄像机、运动捕获或者表演捕获、蓝幕、影片编辑软件、小道具,以及其他工具来制作动画电影。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The king came to believe that the real threat to Siam came from the French, not the British. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 蒙固坚信对于暹罗国家主权的威胁仅仅来自于法国,而非英国。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Christopher Heaton-Harris (born 28 November 1967) is a British Conservative Party politician. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 克里斯·希顿-哈里斯(英语:Chris Heaton-Harris,1967年11月28日-)是一位英格兰政治人物,他的党籍是保守党。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Over the following 20 years, the red-and-green was present on every republican item in Portugal. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在随后的20年中,红色和绿色出现在了所有共和党相关的东西上。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Included among these are a large number of lunar and Martian meteorites, making Oman a particularly important area both for scientists and collectors. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 其中还包括了大量的月球陨石和来自火星的火星的陨石,使得阿曼成为科学家和收藏家特别重视的一个地区。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2003 Kazakhstan established Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions that aims to facilitate religious dialogue ensuring inter-religious tolerance and freedom in Kazakhstan. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2003年,哈萨克斯坦成立了世界和传统宗教领袖大会,旨在促进宗教对话,确保哈萨克斯坦的宗教间宽容和自由。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:So we leased out a warehouse for at least five years. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 从此与债主进行了长达五年的官司缠讼。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Late on December 16 and early on December 17, the low intensified as it approached the west coast of Florida, with sustained winds of tropical storm force, and gusts to hurricane force, being reported at Clearwater Beach. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 12月16日晚到12月17日清晨,残留低气压在逼近佛罗里达州西海岸期间增强,皮尼拉斯县克利尔沃特比奇(Clearwater Beach)测得的持续风速达到热带风暴标准,阵风时速更达飓风强度。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The band toured the world and subsequently released the 1975 live LP, E. C. Was Here. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 乐队在全球巡回演唱,很快于1975年发行了现场录音大碟《E.C.曾经在这里》。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 However, a member of the Dalai Lama's staff rejected López's offer, citing the inappropriateness of giving a weapon as a gift; López has said he will try to explain his purpose more clearly. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 但是达赖喇嘛的一名工作人员认为,以武器为礼物是不合适的,因此拒绝了洛佩斯的礼物。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His father was a bus driver who would often complain about the presence of sex workers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 父亲是被虐待狂,原本是麻衣母亲工作场所的常客。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Obtaining the optimal control action is then reduced to first determining the region containing the current state and second a mere evaluation of PWA using the PWA coefficients stored for all regions. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 因此求得最佳控制解的作法会简化为先决定包括目前状态的区间,再来是用所有区间内的PWA系数来计算PWA。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Most graphic hardware has internal support for blitting operations or sprite drawing. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 多数图形硬件对于位图传送操作和精灵绘制有内部支持。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was designed by Teuto Rocholl. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由Teuto Rocholl设计。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The 360/300 was also built in 360/300F freighter configuration. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 而肖特360-300亦设有货机型号360-300F。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: With a projected top speed of 120 mph (190 km/h), the Sonett I had the prospect of success on the European race circuit, and a production run of 2,000 units was planned for 1957. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Saab Sonett预计最高时速达到190km/hr,在当时是最有希望得到欧洲赛场拿到冠军的车型之一,并且于1957年有生产2,000辆的计划。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The film attracted attention for the appearance of Orson Welles as Will Varner, the patriarch of the family. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:电影引起了奥逊·威尔斯的注意,他有意出演瓦纳家族族长威尔·瓦纳一角。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While checking in, he gave the false name of "Peter Bergmann" and listed his address as Ainstettersn 15, 4472, Vienna, Austria. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在登记入住时,他使用了假名“彼得·柏格曼”,并在居住地址栏上填入“Ainstettersn 15, 4472, 维也纳, 奥地利”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Topological K-theory can be generalized vastly to a functor on C*-algebras, see operator K-theory and KK-theory. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:拓扑 K-理论可推广为 C*-代数上一个函子,参见算子K-理论与 KK-理论。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Handel quit the show after five months. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:节目播出五个月后停播。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Parks replied he knew the man, but had no knowledge of his political affiliations. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Parks回复他认识这男人,但有对于他的政治活动则不清楚。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: RC Optical Systems and Star Instruments won a lawsuit in 2008 against Meade Instruments over Meade's description of RCX400 and LX200R telescopes and the Ritchey-Chrétien classification. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 RC光学系统和恒星仪器(Star Instruments)在2008年赢得了对米德仪器的诉讼,超越密德的RCX400和LX200R望远镜和里奇-克莱琴的等级。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Many of these inventions occurred late in the Greek period, often inspired by the need to improve weapons and tactics in war. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 许多发明后期发生在希腊时期,通常是受到在战争中的武器和战术的启发。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The charges against the Kochs comprised private enrichment, embezzlement, and the murder of prisoners to prevent them from giving testimony. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 对二人的指控包括私人集资,贪污,谋杀囚犯以防止他们作证。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In memory of the fighting there, the bridge has been renamed the "John Frost Bridge". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 为了纪念这次守桥英军的英勇战斗,战后该桥被重新命名为“约翰福洛斯特”大桥。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It may transmit considerable power, or only motion, with negligible power. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:它可能传输相当大的功率,或只能进行运动,功率非常小。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The virtual school was founded primarily to provide an education stream for modern Pagans and their children that is Pagan-focused. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:虚拟学校的建立主要是为异教徒聚焦的现代异教徒及其子女提供教育。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The tornado was rated an F-3 by the Japan Meteorological Agency, making it the most powerful tornado to ever hit Japan. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 日本气象厅将龙卷风评定为F-3级,成为袭击日本的龙卷风中最高记录。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, an ADT may be implemented by specific data types or data structures, in many ways and in many programming languages; or described in a formal specification language. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一个ADT可以用特定数据类型或数据结构实现,在许多程序设计语言中有许多种实现方式;或者用形式规范语言描述。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Later opinions have been divided. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 后来在发展出几种不同的见解。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Operations were terminated on August 17, 1980, after 1485 orbits. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 任务活动在1980年8月17日结束,共计环绕1485次火星轨道。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The only internationally recognized authority for naming celestial bodies is the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 国际公认唯一能够为恒星或天体命名的权威机构是国际天文学联合会(IAU,International Astronomical Union)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi too pointed out that Anwar had missed his own deadline, and dismissed his claim to have secured the defection of 30 MPs. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 首相阿都拉也指安华已错过他的“变天”日期,并否认说他有30位国阵议员的跳槽。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:By the time he attended a standardisation conference in Paris, France, in May 1896, the international consensus was that all ephemerides should be based on Newcomb's calculations—Newcomb's Tables of the Sun. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1896年5月纽康出席了在法国巴黎的标准化会议,并达成了所有星历表必须基于纽康的计算成果,即纽康的太阳表。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This tool works because audiences are more inclined to pay attention to something off balance, as it may seem abnormal. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这个工具之所以有效,是因为观众更倾向于关注一些不平衡的东西,因为这些事物看起来很不同寻常。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In early 2013, Garbuzov and Menzinger turned professionals of World DanceSport Federation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 2013年初,瓦迪姆·加布佐夫和凯瑟琳·门森格成为世界舞蹈联合会的专业舞者。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: And then come out again. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 后再次出现。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 22 February 2006, the party opened some of its archives to the public, in a move the party argued was to hit out at all the rumours surrounding the party. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2006年2月22日,工人共产党对外公布了一些党的档案,以此来反驳所有有关该党的谣言。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark was Wollstonecraft's most popular book in the 1790s—it sold well and was reviewed favorably by most critics. Assistant: 《短居书简》是沃斯通克拉夫特在1790年代最受欢迎的书——十分畅销且绝大多数评论家都给出了正面的评价。 User: This is optimal for some graphs, and by Vizing's theorem it uses at most one color more than the optimal for all others. Assistant: 这对于一些图而言是最优的,根据Vizing定理,最坏情况下,这种算法给出的结果比最优值多使用一种颜色。 User: Reification is the constructive or generative aspect of perception, by which the experienced percept contains more explicit spatial information than the sensory stimulus on which it is based. Assistant: 具体化(Reification)是知觉的“建设性”的或“生成性的”方面,这种知觉经验,比起其所基于的感觉刺激,包括了更多外在的空间信息。 User: On February 14, 2018, the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection was notified by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China, that a 68-year-old female patient living in Changzhou of Jiangsu Province developed symptoms on Christmas day of 2017. Assistant: 在2018年2月14日,香港卫生防护中心接获中国卫计会通报病例,有一名68岁居于江苏常州溧阳的女性患者在2017年的圣诞节感染了H7N4。 User: After the Army abandoned its search for a new pistol, the Model 39 went on the civilian market in 1955 and was the first of Smith & Wesson's first generation semi-automatic pistols. Assistant: 其后因美军放弃寻找新的手枪,此枪在1955年被改在民用市场上销售,亦是史密斯威森公司的第一代半自动手枪。 User: As expected, Hancock carried the South and border states, but Garfield swept all but one of the Northern states (the exception was New Jersey, which he lost by just two thousand votes). Assistant: 汉考克正如之前预期的那样席卷南部,加菲尔德则赢得除新泽西州以外所有的北方州(新泽西州以仅2000票落败)。 User: During the Long March in 1935, Fu was responsible for communal distribution and conducting preparatory work for combat. Assistant: 1935年,傅钟参加长征,负责群众工作和战勤工作。 User: The immune system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity. Assistant: 免疫系统通过特异性不断增加的分层防御来保护生物体免受感染。 User: Active tags may contain functionally separated transmitters and receivers, and the tag need not respond on a frequency related to the reader's interrogation signal. Assistant: 有源标签可以包含功能分离的发射器和接收器,标签不必对读取器询问信号的频率作出回应。 User: A few years afterwards the family moved to a company town called Brandon Mill, on the outskirts of Greenville, South Carolina. Assistant: 居住几年后,又移居到格林维尔附近的一个公司市镇,名叫布兰顿织布厂(Brandon Mill)。 User: Many renewable resources can be depleted by human use, but may also be replenished, thus maintaining a flow. Assistant: 许多可再生资源可以因人类的使用而耗尽,但还可能会得以再生,从而以一定的流量维持下去。 User: He established that cultural plurality is a fundamental feature of humankind and that the specific cultural environment structures much individual behavior. Assistant: 他确立文化多样性是人类的一个基本特征,而且这个特定文化环境建构了许多个体行为。 User: A new Central Asian Union was proposed by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev on April 26, 2007, in order to create an economic and political union similar to that of the EU encompassing the five former Soviet Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Assistant: 中亚联盟是由哈萨克斯坦总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫2007年4月26日提出的,为了创建一个类似欧盟的涵盖五个前苏联中亚共和国——哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的经济和政治联盟。 User: Microorganisms and plants can synthesize many uncommon amino acids. Assistant: 许多植物和微生物都可以合成芳香族氨基酸。 User: It set a local box office record by running for almost three months. Assistant: 该次上演打破本地票房纪录,并上演了两年。 User: The duo finished in eighth place, with 119 points, thus making them Ireland's most successful entry in 10 years. Assistant: 这个二人组合最终以119分名列第8位,但这已经是爱尔兰近10年来最不错的成绩了。 User: As significa. Assistant: 于意云何。 User: The main calutron patents were Methods of and apparatus for separating materials (Lawrence), Magnetic shims (Oppenheimer and Frankel), and Calutron system (Lawrence). Assistant: 电磁型同位素分离器的主要专利有: 分离材料的方法和设备(劳伦斯)、磁场垫片(奥本海默和弗兰克尔)、以及电磁型同位素分离器系统(劳伦斯)。 User: For example, Leonard Hayflick, who determined that fibroblasts are limited to around 50 cell divisions, reasons that aging is an unavoidable consequence of entropy. Assistant: 比如,李奥纳多·海佛烈克(英语:Leonard Hayflick)发现成纤维细胞最多只能分裂50次,并由此得出结论——老化是熵增无可避免的后果。 User: Woman Sentenced To Death By Stoning In Abu Dhabi. Assistant: 公子士到楚国,在叶地被毒杀。 User: Walras was not able to provide a definitive answer to this question (see Unresolved Problems in General Equilibrium below). Assistant: 瓦尔拉斯不能提供该问题的明确答案(参见下文中的未解决的问题)。 User: A stem cell possesses two properties: Self-renewal, which is the ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while still maintaining its undifferentiated state. Assistant: 干细胞具有两种属性: 自我更新,其是经历多个细胞分裂周期同时仍保持其未分化状态的能力。 User: The name of the mountain itself was changed on September 19, 2007. Assistant: 它的体积因为中央的凹陷,于2007年9月19日进行了修正。 User: In April 2010 it was reported that the 7 May launch of the first boat had been postponed due to 'technical reasons'. Assistant: 2010年4月据报导,应在5月7日下水的第一艘亚森级因为“技术原因”而被迫延迟。 User: At the center of the cluster lie interacting galaxies NGC 1549 and NGC 1553. Assistant: 在这个集团中心的星系是仍在进行交互作用的NGC 1549和NGC 1553。 User: Their decision to attract Jews to Manchukuo came from a belief that the Jewish people were wealthy and had considerable political influence. Assistant: 他们决定吸引犹太人到满洲国,是因为他们相信犹太人拥有大量金钱和政治权势,而且拥有神奇的能力来获取这些。 User: Lviv remains today one of the main centres of Ukrainian culture and the origin of much of the nation's political class. Assistant: 今天,利沃夫仍是乌克兰的主要文化中心,该国大部分政治人物都来自这一地区。 User: Such individuals have identical genotypes and can be used to separate the effects of genotype and environment. Assistant: 他们相同的基因型可以用来分离基因和环境的效应。 User: The bill passed the Senate, Parliament's upper house, in February 2015 and was sent to President Nursultan Nazarbayev for signature. Assistant: 该裁决于2015年2月获得哈萨克斯坦议会上院参议院通过,并被交由努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫总统签署。 User: It was actually in an entirely new model class aimed at a different market, with a substantially higher price and performance than the 6 Series. Assistant: 实际上8系是面向不同市场的全新级别车型,相对于6系,其价格更高且性能更加优异。 User: The massive expansion of American military presence in Vietnam opened a new era of war from the air. Assistant: 美军在越南战争中越来越广泛的介入开创了战争的一个新纪元:空中打击。 User: However, accounts of the way Claudius died vary greatly. Assistant: 然而,有关于克劳狄乌斯死法死亡原因的记载解释大相径庭。 User: The tape parts were created at Pierre Schaeffer's studio, and were later revised at Columbia University. Assistant: 录音带的部分在皮耶·薛菲的录音室制作,并且之后在哥伦比亚大学作修订。 User: In 1948, the PKP began an armed struggle against the Philippine government, turning the Hukbalahap into a People's Liberation Army. Assistant: 1948年,菲律宾共产党开始与菲律宾政府进行武装斗争,将虎克军重组为人民解放军。 User: The next leg of the tour was in Germany, from 16–30 October, followed by a single live performance in Luxembourg on 31 October. Assistant: 巡演下一站是10月16日至30日在德国,10月31日在卢森堡举行了单次现场演唱会。 User: Her goal was to understand air flow, including thrust and drag forces, in order to improve United States planes. Assistant: 她的目标是了解包括推力和阻力在内的空气流动,从而改进美国的飞机。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The first three nations to qualify athletes for the Games were Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands who each qualified four athletes for the team dressage by winning medals in the team event at the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games. Assistant: 前三个确认出赛运动员的国家代表团是德国、英国和荷兰,他们都有四个运动员在2014FEL世界马术运动会(英语:2014 FEI World Equestrian Games)的团队盛装舞步比赛中赢得奖牌而获得参赛资格。 User: During the peak hour, some trains stopped only at Munich Hauptbahnhof, Munich East, Grafing and Rosenheim. Assistant: 而在高峰时段,部分列车则仅停靠慕尼黑总站、慕尼黑东站、格拉芬和罗森海姆。 User: Chong Lit Cheong, chief executive officer of JTC said that Andrew Kuan's work at JTC had been unsatisfactory since his first year there and he had been asked to resign twice in 2003 and 2004. Assistant: 裕廊集团行政总裁Chong Lit Cheong称,自从关玉麟在裕廊集团的第一年起,他的工作表现一直不令人满意,曾经在2003年以及2004年两度被要求辞职。 User: A set is convex if and only if it is a star domain with respect to any point in that set. Assistant: 一个集合是凸集,当且仅当它关于该集合中的任何点都是星形域。 User: Cup games are not counted here. Assistant: 预选赛进球没有被计算在内。 User: The Staller Center which contains the largest movie screen in Long Island's Suffolk County holds the annual Stony Brook Film Festival. Assistant: Staller艺术中心拥有长岛苏福克郡最大的电影荧幕,并承办一年一度的石溪电影节。 User: In New York City he became involved with O'Horgan's theater company as a "general aide", signing on as associate producer for Lenny and for Eve Merriam's Inner City. Assistant: 在1971年,哈维回到纽约市,在欧海根戏院公司(O'Horgan's theater company)任职助理制作人,筹备 "Eve Merriam's Inner City" 与 "Lenny" 两出戏系。 User: LOINC was created in response to the demand for an electronic database for clinical care and management and is publicly available at no cost. Assistant: LOINC是针对临床医疗保健与管理工作在电子数据库方面的需求而创建的。 User: A small, low-level swirl of clouds devoid of convection persisted for a few days before dissipating. Assistant: 一个小规模且不含对流的下层云层漩涡还持续了几天时间后再逐渐消散。 User: SOHR reported the deaths of 52 people; 15 in Damascus Countryside, 10 in Homs and 10 in Dera'a. Assistant: SOHR报道52人遇害,15人死于首都农村,10人死于霍姆斯,10人死于德拉。 User: In 2011, Mulally was named Person of the Year by the Financial Times ArcelorMittal Boldness in Business Awards. Assistant: 2011年,在《金融时报》安赛乐米塔尔的商业新锐奖(Boldness in Business Awards)中被评为年度人物。 User: The US started putting pressure on the Cuban government to expel him. Assistant: 美国开始向古巴政府施压来驱逐他出境。 User: The Jewish Bride (Dutch: Het Joodse bruidje) is a painting by Rembrandt, painted around 1667. Assistant: 犹太新娘(The Jewish Bride,荷兰文:Het Joodse bruidje)是伦勃朗作于大约1667年的一幅画作。 User: Despite these hindrances, Gian Gastone, aged 52, commenced his reign with a burst of ebullience, releasing prisoners, abolishing exorbitant taxes, "Pensions on the Creed" (monies paid to converts to Christianity) and public executions. Assistant: 除去这些,52岁的吉安·加斯托内在一阵突然爆发的热情中统治着这个国家,释放囚犯,废除苛捐杂税,发放抚恤金。 User: Abnormal developments such as certain medical conditions, developmental delays, and hearing impairments may interfere with a child's ability to babble normally. Assistant: 异常发展,如某些健康状况、发育迟缓和听力障碍可能阻碍小孩正常牙牙学语的的能力。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: As such, no social institution or convention can contain us. Assistant: 因此,没有任何社会制度或习俗能够包纳得了我们。 User: Nykänen was the only ski jumper in history to have won all five of the sport's major events: a gold medal at the Winter Olympics (three times), the Ski Jumping World Championships (once), the Ski Flying World Championships (once), four World Cup overall titles, and the Four Hills Tournament (twice). Assistant: 尼凯宁是历史上唯一赢过所有五项赛事的跳台滑雪运动员:冬奥会金牌(3次)、世界跳雪锦标赛冠军(一次)、世界飞台滑雪锦标赛(英语:FIS Ski Flying World Championships)冠军(一次)、四次世界杯大满贯、及跳台滑雪四站赛冠军(两次)。 User: One named Wahlitits (Shore Crossing) was the son of Eagle Robe, who had been shot to death by Lawrence Ott three years earlier. Assistant: 其中一个叫岸边渡口(Wahlitits "Shore Crossing")的人是鹰袍(Tipyahlanah Siskan "Eagle Robe")的儿子,而鹰袍在三年前被一个叫劳伦斯·奥特的人射死了。 User: Cirque du Soleil, who was concurrently renting the Hollywood and Highland Center for their show Iris, performed a dance number at the ceremony inspired by their aforementioned show. Assistant: 在同一时间为其节目“Iris”租用好莱坞和高地中心的太阳剧团为晚会表演了根据该节目启发而设计的舞蹈曲目。 User: Individual and large group cases of interpositioning, when called for, have been remarkably effective in dampening conflict and saving lives. Assistant: 在个人和大型团体介入的情况下,一旦听到呼吁就会非常有效地抑制冲突并且拯救生命。 User: In 1767, Murphy's play was brought to the United States, where it was first performed at the Southwark Theater in Philadelphia. Assistant: 1767年,墨菲的这部剧作被搬到了美国的舞台上,在费城的索斯沃剧院(Southwark Theatre)进行了首演。 User: Most Christian traditions teach belief in life after death as a central and indispensable tenet of their faith. Assistant: 大多基督教传统将对永生的信仰作为他们信仰的中心和不可或缺的宗旨。 User: Smith's strategy on Samar involved widespread destruction to force the inhabitants to stop supporting the guerrillas and turn to the Americans from fear and starvation. Assistant: 史密斯对萨马尔的战略是破坏,迫使居民停止支持游击队,因恐惧和饥饿转向美国人。 User: Calls for a public enquiry were turned down by the Lord Mayor who was firm that neither he or Victoria Police acted inappropriately. Assistant: 道尔拒绝了部分民众进行公开调查的要求,他坚称无论是他本人还是维多利亚州警方都并无行为不当之处。 User: The track is inspired by the sound of southern hip hop. Assistant: 其中许多快节奏的歌有南方嘻哈(Southern hip-hop)的特色。 User: The first report of the invasion in the Hong Kong Chinese-language press appeared in the Kung Sheung Evening News on 20 September 1931, condemning it in harsh terms and calling on Chinese people to "stand up and take action". Assistant: 在1931年9月20日,香港中文新闻界刊登了首次入侵的报告,严厉谴责,并呼吁中国人“站起来,采取行动”。 User: By 1987, all but a fraction of Braille production was completely computerized. Assistant: 1987年除了一部分产品以外,所有的盲文产品已经计算机化。 User: However, it was widely claimed that his body had been moved after his death and that he had actually been murdered at his home along with fifteen other people. Assistant: 然而广泛的认知是他的尸体被移动过,第一现场是他在家中被50个人联手谋杀。 User: Its precursor was the Chinese Workers’-Peasants’ Red Army Military Medical School and Chinese Workers’-Peasants’ Red Army Health School which had been founded in Ruijin city, Jiangxi province, in 1931. Assistant: 其前身为中国工农红军军医学校和中国工农红军卫生学校,1931年11月创建于江西瑞金。 User: The first television debate, held on 23 May was, according to instant polls, won by Mark Rutte on 36%, with Job Cohen second on 24%, and Geert Wilders and Jan Peter Balkenende third, on 18%. Assistant: 在5月23日举行的第一次电视辩论中,根据即时民意调查,36%认为马克·吕特胜出,24%认为Job Cohen胜出,而现任首相扬·彼得·巴尔克嫩德与自由党党魁基尔特·威尔德斯则同时有18%认为胜出,位居第三。 User: I was a lady in waiting attending Emperor Taizong, and I suggested to him, "I only need three things to subordinate it: an iron whip, an iron hammer, and a sharp dagger. Assistant: 武氏在太宗身边侍候,对太宗说:“我能制服它,但是须要三件东西:一是铁鞭,二是铁𣒌,三是匕首。 User: Coulibaly was reportedly in contact with the Kouachi brothers as the sieges progressed, and told police that he would kill hostages if the brothers were harmed. Assistant: 库利巴利据称在围攻过程中与寇瓦奇兄弟碰面,并告诉警方如果两兄弟受伤,他会杀害人质。 User: First man from Hastings to play in top flight English football. Assistant: 最终普雷斯顿成为首届英格兰足球联赛冠军。 User: Proffer worked with Michael Wagener in both of them handling the production roles. Assistant: 普洛弗与麦克•瓦格纳在这两个项目中合作,担任制作人角色。 User: What determines absolute system performance is actual latency time, usually measured in nanoseconds. Assistant: 决定系统性能的最终元素是实际的延迟时间,通常以纳秒为单位。 User: The programmer must carefully analyze database access code to ensure that any relaxation of isolation does not cause software bugs that are difficult to find. Assistant: 程序员需要小心的分析数据库访问部分的代码来保证隔离级别的降低不会造成难以发现的代码bug。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Hawass also claimed that the sculptor Thutmose had created the eye, but it was later destroyed. Assistant: 哈瓦斯同时也宣称雕刻家图特摩斯其实有雕出左眼,只是这只眼睛后来被毁掉罢了。 User: The noise frightens them. Assistant: 来使吓得屁滚尿流。 User: The series returned with NBA Live 14 in November 2013. Assistant: 2013年11月,EA带着LIVE系列的新作品NBA LIVE 14重新归来。 User: Lewis asserts that since kafa'a "does not forbid unequal marriages", it is in no sense a "Muslim equivalent of Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany or the apartheid laws of South Africa. Assistant: 不过,刘易斯指出它并不禁止志位不等的婚姻,所以它不是“穆斯林版本的纳粹德国的纽伦堡法案或南非的种族隔离政策”。 User: Google announced in April 2010 that they would hire two employees to work with the Linux kernel community, but Greg Kroah-Hartman, the current Linux kernel maintainer for the stable branch, said in December 2010 that he was concerned that Google was no longer trying to get their code changes included in mainstream Linux. Assistant: Google于2010年4月宣布他们将会聘请两名员工跟Linux内核社团合作,但目前Linux内核对于稳定分支维护者的葛雷格·克罗哈曼,他于2010年12月说他担心Google不再试图让他们的代码更改包含在主流Linux中。 User: The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation was renamed the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in 2007. Assistant: 2007年,世贸中心纪念基金会更名为九一一国家纪念博物馆。 User: The tonne, litre, and hectare were adopted by the CGPM in 1879 and have been retained as units that may be used alongside SI units, having been given unique symbols. Assistant: 公吨、升和公顷是国际度量衡大会在1879年采用的,今天保留为可与SI并用的单位,有各自的专用符号。 User: He levied soldiers from the states in each district, and seems to have fixed the amount of tribute to be paid by the allies. Assistant: 他从每个地区征召士兵,并且从盟友处征收一定数量的贡品。 User: Studies done on Alosa in Iranian waters have shown that spawning varies in time, place, and temperature of the waters they inhabit. Assistant: 在伊朗水域的研究显示各个种排卵的时间、地点和水温都不一样。 User: Contact with skin can cause irritation and rapid blistering; contact with eyes will result in temporary blindness. Assistant: 其汁液与皮肤接触会引起刺激和迅速起泡;接触眼睛会导致暂时的失明。 User: Some Céli Dé took vows of chastity and poverty and while some lived individually as hermits, others lived beside or within existing monasteries. Assistant: 有些信徒发誓要保持贞洁和贫穷,有些人自己隐居,有些则住在现有修道院中或者附近。 User: The distinction can also be described as the difference between inspiration and revelation. Assistant: 这种差异也可以形容为启发和启示的差别。 User: Relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia began in 1932, after the creation of the new Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Assistant: 土耳其和沙特阿拉伯之间的关系始于1932年,沙特阿拉伯新王国成立后。 User: Moreover, its western shore—the one still to be retaken—was much higher and steeper than the eastern, complicating the offensive even further. Assistant: 此外其右岸有待收复-其高度及深度比左岸要大得多,令进一步的进攻更复杂化。 User: From these experiments, he concluded that the Earth was itself magnetic and that this was the reason compasses point north (previously, some believed that it was the pole star (Polaris) or a large magnetic island on the north pole that attracted the compass). Assistant: 从这些实验,他推论地球具有磁性,因此,指南针的磁北极会指向北方(在此之前,很多学者认为是北极星或位于北极的一个巨大磁岛吸引著磁北极)。 User: This version of Outlook Express introduced various changes to the user interface and relied on WinFS for the management and storage of contacts and other data. Assistant: 此版本的Outlook Express引入了对用户界面的各种更改,并依赖WinFS来管理和存储联系人和其他数据。 User: If Company A's Manufacturing division asks the Supply Chain division what the lead time is, they will be quoted 5 days since shipping will be included. Assistant: 如果甲公司的生产部门向供应链部门询问前置时间,他们得到的回复将会是5天,因为运输时间也会计入前置时间。 User: She announces that El supports Yam. Assistant: 她宣布,伊勒支持雅木(Yam)。 User: The current Duke of York is Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II. Assistant: 现任约克公爵是安德鲁王子,伊丽莎白二世女王陛下的第二个儿子。 User: This means that a separate clock does not need to be sent alongside the signal, but suffers from using twice the bandwidth to achieve the same data-rate as compared to non-return-to-zero format. Assistant: 这意味着不需要将单独的时钟与信号一起发送,但是与不归零代码相比,使用两倍的带宽来实现相同的数据速率。 User: Tom Cruise doesn't look like Barry Seal. Assistant: 汤姆·克鲁斯的样子不像巴瑞·塞尔。 User: The Party's page claimed that the Coptic Church had declared "war against Islam and Muslims" and that "The Pope of the Church is involved in the removal of the first elected Islamist president. Assistant: 该党的网页声称,科普特教会宣布“对伊斯兰教和穆斯林进行战争”,并且“教会教皇参与罢免了第一个当选的伊斯兰主义总统。 User: Following the creation of the role, the Chief of Staff supplanted the Principal Private Secretary in running Downing Street operations and effectively replaced the power of the Cabinet Secretary in terms of co-ordinating government policy. Assistant: 在幕僚长这个职位设立后,有效地取代了首席私人秘书负责运行唐宁街和内阁秘书在协调政府政策方面的权力。 User: Starting in late 2006, the NSF and other United States federal agencies sponsored several workshops on cyber-physical systems. Assistant: 从2006年末开始,美国国家科学基金会和其他美国的联邦机构赞助了一些CPS的研讨会。 User: During the morning Self-Defense Force helicopters drop water four times on the spent-fuel pools of units 3 and 4. Assistant: 早晨,自卫队直升机四次从空中浇洒水于于3号机与4号机的乏燃料池。 User: After a comment made by Daario, Daenerys visits her two captive dragons, Viserion and Rhaegal, which she locked underground to prevent them from killing people. Assistant: 为回应达里奥的意见,丹妮莉丝拜访她的两条圈养龙韦赛利昂和雷哥,这两条龙被她深锁在地底下,以防它们出来杀人。 User: In 1984 this union, together with Maoist organizations from all over the world, formed Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Assistant: 1984年,伊共盟与来自世界各地的毛派组织一起组成了毛派国际组织革命国际主义运动。 User: After the break-up of the USSR in late 1991 and the end of the Cold War, many of its component states and allies nevertheless underwent Westernization, including privatization of hitherto state-controlled industry. Assistant: 苏联在1991年解体后,许多前加盟国和盟友开始进行西方化,包括国营企业的私有化。 User: 1344 – Charles takes Quimper with the help of a French army, courtesy of King Philip VI of France, and slaughters 2000 civilians. Assistant: 1344年—夏尔在法王腓力六世的帮助下攻打坎佩尔,并屠杀2000名市民。 User: Later that year Matsui bought a new home in Atami in Shizuoka Prefecture and from then until 1946 he spent his winters living in Atami and his summers living at his old house on Lake Yamanaka. Assistant: 之后几年,松井在静冈县热海买了新房子,从那时至1946年一直过着冬季住热海、夏季住山中湖老屋的生活。 User: Apple's financial losses continued and the board of directors lost confidence in CEO Gil Amelio, asking him to resign. Assistant: 苹果的财务损失一直持续著,最后乔布斯说服董事会开除CEO Gil Amelio聘他为主席和过度时期的CEO。 User: Environmental enrichment is concerned with how the brain is affected by the stimulation of its information processing provided by its surroundings (including the opportunity to interact socially). Assistant: 丰富环境涉及大脑是如何受其周围环境提供的信息处理的刺激(包括互动的机会社交)所影响。 User: The British film The Relief of Belsen was screened on 2 May 2011 in partnership with the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations. Assistant: 宣传方案与英国常驻联合国代表团合作,在2011年5月2日上映了英国电影《贝尔森拯救行动》。 User: This is because the charges that transfer are trapped there for a time long enough for their effects to be observed. Assistant: 因为,电荷会被入陷于那表面,在那里度过很长一段时间,足够让这效应被观察到的一段时间。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Women are allowed to serve in all combat arms including front-line infantry and special forces. Assistant: 女性允许参加包括前线步兵及特种兵的所有战斗部队。 User: Everybody knows what's happening. Assistant: 谁都明白是怎么一回事。 User: Since the release of iOS 7 users have complained about the link between GPS, WiFi, and the App itself. Assistant: 自iOS 7版发布以来,用户抱怨App本身链接GPS、WiFi。 User: In July 1914, about two weeks after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Pommern was with the High Seas Fleet during its annual summer cruise to Norway. Assistant: 1914年7月,即发生于萨拉热窝的斐迪南大公遇刺案约两周后,波美拉尼亚号正随公海舰队进行前往挪威的年度夏季巡航。 User: Delayed effects may appear months to years after irradiation and include a wide variety of effects involving almost all tissues or organs. Assistant: 延迟效应可能会在照射数月后甚至数年后出现,其影响的广泛几乎涉及所有的组织或器官。 User: Most villages have a shaman who helps cure the sick and predict the future for the village. Assistant: 大多数村庄都有一个巫师帮助治疗病人,并预测村庄的未来。 User: Sea ice area refers to the total area covered by ice, whereas sea ice extent is the area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice, while the volume is the total amount of ice in the Arctic. Assistant: 海冰面积即是受冰覆盖的总面积,海冰广度即是占了至少15%海冰的海洋面积,而体积即是在北极中的海冰总数。 User: To encourage users to continue playing while paying subscription fees, Yoshida revealed the "Legacy Campaign" which rewarded players who paid for at least three months of service with permanently reduced monthly payments, an exclusive in-game chocobo mount, and their names featured in the credits of Version 2.0. Assistant: 为鼓励收费期间玩家留在游戏中,吉田宣布了“遗产活动”,奖励至少付费3个月的玩家永久降低月使用费、游戏中专属的陆行鸟坐骑、他们的名字出现在版本2.0中。 User: In course of the final battle, 32 government soldiers and at least 19 rebels were killed. Assistant: 在最后的冲突中,有32名政府军和至少19名反对派武装丧生。 User: Noh play and poetry began to develop. Assistant: 曾发展田汉入党,并开始诗歌创作。 User: The brighter stars, however, are not true members of the cluster, as they are closer to the Earth than the dimmer ones. Assistant: 然而由于较亮的恒星只是比较喑的更接近地球,因此它们并不是这个星团真正的成员。 User: It has been known since ancient times and recorded by various cultures. Assistant: 这种现象在古代就已经知道,并且在许多不同的文化中都有纪录。 User: Kirkus Reviews considered the book an excellent chronological account of the First Amendment, subsequent legislation, and case law. Assistant: 《科克斯书评》认为《言论的边界》对第一修正案和日后的立法以及判决先例进行了一次出色的年代考证。 User: One of the challenges in studying abiogenesis is that the system of reproduction and metabolism utilized by all extant life involves three distinct types of interdependent macromolecules (DNA, RNA, and protein). Assistant: 在研究生命起源过程中的一大问题是,所有现存生物所使用的信息复制系统和能量代谢体系都涉及三种不同类型的生物大分子(DNA、RNA和蛋白质)之间的紧密合作,缺一不可。 User: They may not increase the severity of the punishment. Assistant: 他们必不能免罚。 User: Word Viewer 2007 was released on 26 September 2007. Assistant: Word Viewer v11在2007年9月26日发行。 User: In November 2013, the operators of CryptoLocker launched an online service that claimed to allow users to decrypt their files without the CryptoLocker program, and to purchase the decryption key after the deadline had expired; the process involved uploading an encrypted file to the site as a sample and waiting for the service to find a match; the site claimed that a match would be found within 24 hours. Assistant: 2013年11月,CryptoLocker的操作者开放了一个线上服务,允许用户不用CryptoLocker程式就能解密档案,并且必须于截止时间前下载解密金钥;这个过程包含了将解密档案样本上传到恶意软件的网站,然后在24小时内,网站会依据请求,寻找匹配的金钥。 User: In the twentieth century there was a surge of activity in Scottish literature, known as the Scottish Renaissance. Assistant: 二十二世纪有一股恢复苏格兰文学的浪潮兴起,称为苏格兰式复兴。 User: At a grand ball, Vronsky continues to pursue the married Anna, much to the delight of the gossiping spectators. Assistant: 在一个盛大的舞会上,渥伦斯基继续追求已婚的安娜,这让一众喜欢八卦的看客非常高兴。 User: Sure we break no laws. Assistant: 无我则一切法说。 User: When the w(t) is a Gaussian function, the transform is called Gabor transform. Assistant: 当 w(t) 为高斯函数时, 此转换被称为加伯转换。 User: For the authorized frequency bands for amateur radio use see: Authorized frequency bands. Assistant: 对于业余无线电爱好者要使用授权频段,请参见:授权频段。 User: Lois is an award-winning journalist for the Metropolis newspaper, the Daily Planet, and the love interest of the superhero Superman. Assistant: 露薏丝·莲恩是一个屡获殊荣的《星球日报》记者和超级英雄超人的爱好者。 User: Throughout its lifespan, Windows Phone 7 was shipped on 28 unique devices. Assistant: 在其整个生命周期中,Windows Phone 7在28个独一无二的装置上运行着。 User: The network says, do a run-through. Assistant: go loop() // 执行另一个循环。 User: Such a dark surface is thought to be indicative of a primitive and heavily space weathered surface containing some organic compounds. Assistant: 这种黑暗的表面被认为是指示原始和大量太空风化的表面包含一些有机化合物。 User: Locke was unhappy with this edition, complaining to the publisher about its many errors. Assistant: 洛克对这个版本感到不满,向出版商抱怨它有很多错误。 User: Both planets are less massive than Jupiter. Assistant: 两颗行星的质量都小于木星。 User: The toqui had the power to enforce obedience of the troops, organize them, and appoint leaders to them. Assistant: 战争领袖有权利让部队服从自己,组织他们,以及为他们任命统帅。 User: In early 2006, Square Enix discovered that a group of players had found a way to generate game currency and exchange it for real currency, which, in turn, drove up prices for all items across the game. Assistant: 史克威尔艾尼克斯在2006年上半年发现一组玩家以虚拟货币交换真实货币,反过来推动游戏全部道具价格上涨。 User: In February 1917, the ship began patrolling the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, searching for German commerce raiders. Assistant: 1917年2月起,八云开始在印度洋和南太平洋一带巡逻,搜寻德国的破袭舰。 User: In Malaysia, the HTC Legend debuted on 3 major operators DiGi, Maxis and Celcom. Assistant: 在马来西亚,HTC Legend由DiGi, Maxis 和 Celcom发售。 User: Judaism uses the term "sin" to include violations of Jewish law that are not necessarily a lapse in morality. Assistant: 犹太教所称的“罪”包括了违反犹太教律法,但并不一定是道德上的缺失。 User: Through them, knowledge penetrates the reality of insight. Assistant: 与刹那缘起,同样被归类在《品类论》的思想中。 User: It burned down in 1872 but was rebuilt. Assistant: 它烧毁于1872年,后被重建。 User: It was a popular fashion in the 19th century. Assistant: 这在19世纪是一种流行时尚。 User: Although companies can still use animal testing in countries outside Europe (such as China, which requires animal testing on all imported cosmetics), the Leaping Bunny applies to a company's global market, and does not certify product that use animal testing anywhere in the world. Assistant: 虽然企业在欧洲境外的国家仍然可进行动物实验(例如中国政府规定所有进口化妆品都必须经过动物实验),“跳跃的兔子”标章的涵盖范围亦适用在一家公司的国际市场,只要该公司产品在世界其他地区有做动物实验,那么该产品就不可以使用“跳跃的兔子”标章。 User: During this period, the Italian fleet laid naval mines at the entrance to the Dardanelles in an attempt to prevent the Ottoman fleet from entering the Mediterranean. Assistant: 在此期间,意大利舰队在达达尼尔海峡的入口处敷设了水雷,试图阻止奥斯曼舰队进入地中海。 User: Many studies have also shown that gum disease is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and preterm birth. Assistant: 许多研究也显示,牙龈疾病会增加患糖尿病,心脏病和早产的风险。 User: Data linking is one of the main goals of the EU Open Data Portal, which makes available thousands of datasets for anyone to reuse and link. Assistant: 而资料的连结也成为欧盟开放资料入口网促使千笔资料集开放使用与连结的主要目的。 User: Monocrotophos is principally used in agriculture, as a relatively cheap pesticide. Assistant: 久效磷主要用于农业,且是一个相对便宜的农药。 User: Evidently SO(2) inside GL(2, R) is compact and not maximal. Assistant: 显然 SO(2) 在 GL(2, R) 中紧但不是极大元。 User: In the 2017–18 season, the D-League entered into a multi-year partnership with Gatorade and announced it would be rebranded as the NBA Gatorade League, which was officially shortened to "NBA G League" prior to the season. Assistant: 在2017 - 18赛季,发展联盟与佳得乐签下了长期合约,并宣布将改名为NBA佳得乐联盟,赛季开始前名称正式订为“NBA G联赛”。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Artisans and merchants gave up their manufactured products. Assistant: 工匠和商人放弃他们生产的产品。 User: One of the first ships built from steel, she had a relatively deep keel design to: accommodate as much cable as possible; keep the ship stable in the Atlantic Ocean swells; and yet a design which was also very hydrodynamic to keep her fuel efficient and fast in operation. Assistant: 它是首批用钢建造的船只之一,龙骨设计相对较深,从而尽可能多地容纳电缆,并在大西洋中保持稳定,而且这个设计也以水为动力,以保证燃油效率和运行速度。 User: Sinus rhythms may be present together with various other cardiac arrhythmias on the same ECG. Assistant: 窦性心律也有可能和其他的心律失常一并显示在ECG上。 User: There are some individual politicians who support the return of Karelia, such as MEP Ari Vatanen, and two candidates in the presidential election of 2006: Timo Soini and Arto Lahti. Assistant: 有个别政治活动家支持归还卡累利阿,例如欧洲议会议员阿里·瓦塔宁(英语:Ari Vatanen),以及在2006年芬兰总统大选中的两位候选人蒂莫·索依尼(英语:Timo Soini)和阿尔托·拉赫蒂(Arto Lahti)。 User: MOFA reported that among four Russian libraries and document archives holding 51 maps, 29 used Sea of Japan, 8 used Sea of Korea, 1 used Korea Strait, 1 used East Sea, 1 used Sea of China, and 11 used no name. Assistant: 4份俄罗斯图书馆的文件和档案包含的51张地图显示,29幅标注了日本海,8幅标注了朝鲜海,标注朝鲜海峡、东海和中国海的各1幅,其余11幅无标注。 User: Clement Greenberg argues that modernist art excludes "anything outside itself". Assistant: Clement Greenberg提出:“现代主义艺术拒任何非己之物于门外。 User: The flight is going...." 07:18 UT Gagarin sent another spacecraft status message, not received by ground stations. Assistant: 莫斯科受到部分信息:“......接收良好,飞行继续......” 格林尼治时间 07:18 加加林发送飞船状态信息,但是这一信息再一次没有被地面收到。 User: Writing for the So So Gay website, Damien Ryan gave Uncle David a rating of 0.5 out of 5, describing it as "terrible". Assistant: 《So So Gay》的达米安·赖恩(Damien Ryan)对本片的评分仅有0.5(最高为5),觉得电影“糟透了”。 User: A piscivore /ˈpɪsɪvɔːr/ is a carnivorous animal that eats primarily fish. Assistant: 食鱼动物(piscivore/ˈpɪsᵻvɔər/)是指以鱼类为主食的肉食动物。 User: The armies of Louis XIV were some of the most impressive in French history, their quality reflecting militaristic as well political developments. Assistant: 路易十四的军队是法国历史中最强大的军队之一,军事上和政治上的因素影响着它的战斗力。 User: Hitler also believed that the independent Swiss state had come to existence due to the temporary weakness of the Holy Roman Empire, and now that its power had been re-established after the National Socialist takeover, the country had become obsolete. Assistant: 希特勒也认为瑞士会成为独立国家仅仅是因为神圣罗马帝国一时的衰弱,而帝国的元气已在纳粹党掌权后完全恢复,瑞士也因此没有理由继续存在。 User: Ver complaints with moving away. Assistant: 调边亚子用以转调来变身。 User: 1981 No events. Assistant: 1981 啥也没有。 User: After the success of the Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang party chose the text to be its party anthem and publicly solicited for accompanying music. Assistant: 国民党北伐成功后,国民党选择以此训词为党歌并公开征求伴随音乐。 User: Their lifestyle was predominantly supported by fish, shellfish and sea mammals. Assistant: 他们主要依靠鱼,贝类和海洋哺乳动物维持生活。 User: The effects of Danny caused the gasoline production of Gulf Coast oil refineries to decline and thus contributed to an increase in gas prices in the months following Danny throughout the United States. Assistant: 风暴导致墨西哥湾沿岸炼油厂的汽油产量下降,致使美国的汽油价格在风暴过去后上涨并保持了数月之久。 User: Each process is defined together with process inputs and outputs, key process activities, process objectives, performance measures and a maturity model. Assistant: 在其框架中,定义了每个过程,以及过程中的输入输出,关键活动,目标,性能测试和基本的成熟度模型。 User: This relationship is closest in the case of nilpotent Lie groups. Assistant: 这种关系在幂零李群时最密切。 User: Spain ordered 19 tanks in 1970, and later agreed to manufacture another 180 tanks in Spain. Assistant: 西班牙于1970年订购了19两坦克,并在随后同意在西班牙生产另外180辆。 User: In August 2016 a permanent hybrid turf was installed, consisting of 95 percent natural grass reinforced with plastic. Assistant: 2016年8月,体育场铺设了永久性混合草皮,由95%天然草皮及塑胶加固而成。 User: William Still, sometimes called "The Father of the Underground Railroad", helped hundreds of slaves to escape (as many as 60 a month), sometimes hiding them in his Philadelphia home. Assistant: 威廉·斯蒂尔常被称为“地下铁路之父”,他帮助了数以百计的奴隶逃走(多时达每月60人),有时帮助他们藏在自己在费城的家里。 User: UBC was delisted from SET on April 11, 2006. Assistant: IBM的美国专利已于2006年8月11日到期。 User: The tour started on 5 October 2018 in Santa Ana, and concluded on 12 February 2019 in Perth. Assistant: 是次巡回演唱会在2018年10月5日于美国圣塔安娜揭开序幕,并暂定于2019年2月12日在澳洲珀斯结束。 User: Academics have described the film as a satire of American middle-class notions of beauty and personal satisfaction; further analysis has focused on the film's explorations of romantic and paternal love, sexuality, materialism, self-liberation, and redemption. Assistant: 学术界已经把本片描述为是对美国中产阶级有关美的观念和个人满足感的一个讽刺,对影片的分析也一度集中在其有关父爱、浪漫、性行为、美丽、唯物论、自我解放和救赎的探索上。 User: Nauru became self-governing in January 1966. Assistant: 1966年1月,瑙鲁建立自治政府。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Iran beat China in the third place play off to claim the third berth at the World Cup for the third year in a row. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:伊朗击败中国第三名,连续第三年在世界杯上获得第三个位置。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In March 1947, the Central Indonesian National Committee (the Indonesian legislative body) was enlarged from 200 to 514 seats. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1947年3月,中央印尼民族委员会(英语:Central Indonesian National Committee)的席位从200席扩大到514席。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By about four-to-one, African Americans (80% to 18%) said the shooting raised important issues about race, while whites, by 47% to 37%, said the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 约四分之一的非裔美国人表示枪击案暴露出重要的种族问题,而37%到47%的白人表示种族问题更值得关注。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During the child's infancy, Chang's grandmother put off persistent requests for her to be brought to the General's main household, until he became very sick and it was no longer a request. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在孩子的婴儿时期,张的外祖母不断要求将她带到将军的主家庭,直到将军得了重病,她才不再请求。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The resulting construction is close to the density of water, thus making it easier to move in different depths. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:制造后潜艇的密度接近水的密度,所以可以在不同深度中轻松的移动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A green military vehicle (later confirmed to be Hound) and a white emergency response vehicle were also revealed. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 同时被披露的还有一辆绿色军车(后被证实为探长)和一辆白色紧急响应车。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1997, a temporary art exhibit known as the Canal Street Canal by Alexander Brodsky, was installed on the northbound trackway. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1997年一度设有由亚历山大·布罗德斯基(英语:Alexander Brodsky)制作、名为“坚尼街运河”(Canal Street Canal)的临时艺术展品,安装于北行轨道。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There are a range of college societies and sports teams (often in collaboration with other colleges), as well as weekly academic seminars and annual conferences. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 学院里有各种各样的社团与运动队(通常是与其它学院合作),以及每周的学术研讨会与每年的大型会议。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 When asked about the possibility of Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister, former leader Tun Dr. Mahathir reacted by saying, "He would make a good Prime Minister of Israel". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当问及安华成为下任首相的可能性时,前首相马哈迪表示“他可能会是很好的以色列总理。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Listriolobus pelodes has a plump, sausage-shaped body about 4 centimetres (1.6 in) long and 2 to 3 centimetres (0.79 to 1.18 in) wide. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 Listriolobus pelodes有微胖的身躯、肠形的身体,约4厘米(1.6英寸)长及2至3厘米(0.79至1.18英寸)阔。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Council further recommended that all members providing military forces and other assistance to The Republic make these forces and assistance available to a unified command under the United States of America. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 建议所有提供军队及其他援助的会员国,将此项军队及其他援助提供给美利坚合众国主持的联合司令部(a unified command under the United States of America)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Upon activation, it immediately perceives all humans as a "security threat", and formulates a plan to systematically wipe out humanity itself. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:激活后,它立即感觉到所有人类都是“安全威胁”,并制订计划系统地消灭人类。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Very severe hypothyroidism and myxedema coma are rare, with it estimated to occur in 0.22 per million people a year. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 非常严重的甲减和粘液性水肿昏迷是罕见的,据估计发病概率大概是每年每百万人中有0.22个人会发病。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Beginning about 1898, coin-operated mechanical pianos also became popular. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:从1898年左右开始,投币式机械钢琴也变得流行起来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 This malware became known as Download.ject and caused users to infect their computers with a back door and key logger merely by viewing a web page. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该恶意软件被定名为Download.ject,它会在用户浏览网页时偷偷电脑中安装后门以及一个键盘击键记录软件。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By road distances, about 28% drive on the left, and 72% on the right, even though originally most traffic drove on the left worldwide. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 如果按道路里程计算,全世界28%的可通行道路是靠左行驶的,72%靠右行驶。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: City residents were ordered to return to work. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 众人于是受命返回驻地。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Proponents of the abolitionist theory of animal rights, such as Gary L. Francione, do not accept the concept of carnism as they believe it indirectly supports the animal welfare position by neglecting to call for the immediate rejection of all animal use and for not explicitly promoting veganism. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 主张动物权利废除论的人士(例如盖瑞.弗兰西恩)并不认同肉食主义的概念,他们认为该概念为了呼吁大众立即扬弃所有的动物使用;为了不用明显的手段宣导纯素主义,而采用忽略的手段间接主张动物福利立场。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Tab S4 can run up to 20 multiple application windows simultaneously, and supports split screen, drag and drop, and right click functionality. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: S4可以同时运行高达20个应用程序窗口,并且支持分屏、拖放和右键单击功能。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Rhythmbox website Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Rhythmbox网站 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Wi-Fi Alliance also claims that WPA3 will mitigate security issues posed by weak passwords and simplify the process of setting up devices with no display interface. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:Wi-Fi联盟还称,WPA3将缓解由弱密码造成的安全问题,并简化无显示接口设备的设置流程。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A codelet has the following properties: It is a pure function. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: codelet具有以下属性: 它是一个纯函数。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: UMNO politicians actively campaigned in Singapore for the Singapore Alliance, contending that Singaporean Malays were being treated as second-class citizens under the Chinese-dominated, though ostensibly multiracial, PAP government. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 巫统政治人物积极在新加坡为新加坡联盟党拉票,声称虽然执政的人民行动党政府表面上是多种族的,却是由华人所主导,在新加坡的马来人常被视为二等公民。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Two years later he executive produced the science fiction television series Dark Angel (2000) starring Jessica Alba. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 两年后,他担任执行制片人的科幻题材电视剧《末世黑天使》在美国播出,该剧由杰西卡·阿尔芭主演。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A boundary post still exists in front of Sydney Square. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 边境邮政今日仍见于悉尼广场前方。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Gregory Bateson (9 May 1904 – 4 July 1980) was an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician, and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 格雷戈里·贝特森(Gregory Bateson,1904年5月9日-1980年6月4日)是一位英国人类学家、社会科学家、语言学家、视觉人类学家、符号学家、控制论学者,他的著作还贯穿了许多其他学科。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They placed their wagon train in a crescent at their end of the field, from which point their families could watch what they may have expected to be an overwhelming victory. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他们将他们的马车队放在战场的后方,这样他们可以让自己的家属看到自己取得一场预料中的压倒性胜利。