User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After moving through the islands, the hurricane curved northeastward, affecting dozens of other ships and wrecking four. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 经过群岛后,风暴转向东北,致使四艘船只沉没,数十艘受到影响。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In late 1997, the series culminated in Haskell 98, intended to specify a stable, minimal, portable version of the language and an accompanying standard library for teaching, and as a base for future extensions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1997年底,该系列形成了Haskell 98,旨在定义一个稳定、最小化、可移植的语言版本以及相应的标准库,以用于教学和作为将来扩展的基础。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Masses of the large moons were taken from Jacobson, 2006. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 大卫星的质量取自Jacobson, 2006。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:I think they were just so competitive and creative. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:我认为他们非常具有实力和创造力。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: 5.2 runtime does not support applications coded for 5.1 or before. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 5.2运行时不支持为5.1或更早版本编写的应用程序。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:One common example in French is the word for fox: the Latin-derived French: goupil was replaced by French: renard, from Renart, the fox hero of the Roman de Renart; originally German Reinhard. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:本传说散布的结果造成了法语用以表示“狐狸”的“goupil”一词(来自拉丁语vulpes),渐渐被取代成“renard”(来自主角Renart的名字,源于日耳曼语族的Raginhard)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the first book, it is revealed that he is the oldest of the Outlaws. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:前编剧集团“ぶらざあのっぽ”主宰(此外这里也记述ぶらざあのっぽ的介绍)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: But under China's One Child Policy, they need to find the money to pay the penalty or the couple must find a way for Fai's wife to give birth in Hong Kong. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 不过由于中国的一孩政策,两人必须要找到钱支付罚款,或者安排太太来港产子。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Over the past decade, the capacity of peak load energy sources was between 10.3-14.8%, slightly lower than the expected 10-15% value. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 过去十年来,尖峰负载发电厂的发电比例在10.3-14.8%之间,较预期的10-15%要低。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The islands' judicial system, overseen by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, is largely based on English law, and the constitution binds the territory to the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 群岛的司法系统主要沿袭英国法律,受外交及联邦事务部监督,宪法中还将领地与《欧洲人权公约》的各项原则相结合。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: All unofficial implementations that don't depend on Mi Fit app installed are missing some features official app has, such as OTA firmware update or ability to set different LED colors. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 所有不依赖于 Mi Fit 应用安装的非官方实现都缺少官方应用程序的一些功能,比如 OTA 固件升级或者设置不同的 LED 颜色的功能。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many scholars believe that his reputation has been exaggerated by legend. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 很多学者相信他的名声被传说夸大。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Here the adult insects emerge. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 将形成乳牙的齿芽出现。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Now every two years the event takes place, accompanied by some auto-shows and exhibits. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 现在每两年在这里举办一场比赛,伴随着一些汽车展。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:While those close to Gypsy still believed she was a teenager, by the 2010s she was in fact an adult, and began to test the limitations of her mother's scheme. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:虽然吉普赛身边的熟人都以为她还只是青少女,但事实上,2010年左右她已经成年,也开始挑战母亲设下的种种限制。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: McMillen and Himsl released an expansion "Wrath of the Lamb" in May 2012, but were limited from further expansion due to limitations with the Flash platform. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在2012年的五月二十九日,作者又推出了新的DLC“羔羊之怒”,但这之后因为受到Flash平台的限制,无法继续制作新的拓展。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A notable restriction of this let is that the name f is not defined in M, since M is outside the scope of the lambda-abstraction binding f; this means a recursive function definition cannot be used as the M with let. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这个let显著的限制,是在M中并没有定义f名称,因为M不在绑定f的lambda抽象范畴之内;这意味着递归函数定义不能以let来使用M。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At that time, paid jobs in astronomy were quite rare. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:那时,一份受薪的天文学工作是很罕有的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They had never played in the Soviet Top League or Russian Premier League, until 2017. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 直到2017年冲超前,他们从未参加过苏联顶级联赛或俄罗斯超级联赛。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Chinese Government, aiming to promote a nationwide credit system, has also set up a credit system research group. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:社会信用系统是一项中华人民共和国政府为了建立国家信誉系统而提出倡议。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 These strains, which include genes derived by reassortment from human, swine and avian viruses, have become a major cause of swine influenza in North America. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些毒株,包括由人类、猪只、及禽鸟的病毒基因重组而演变出来的新型毒株,成为引发北美猪流感的主因。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The short-lived positron emitting isotopes 11C, 13N, 15O and 18F used for positron emission tomography are typically produced by proton irradiation of natural or enriched targets. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 用于断层扫描的半衰期很短的正电子发射同位素11 C、13 N、15 O和18 F通常由天然核反应或人工用质子轰击富集的靶获得。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The cane rips into the victim’s naked skin, pulps the fatty tissue below, and leaves scars that extend to muscle fibre. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 藤鞭割破受害者裸露的皮肤,把下面的脂肪层打烂,留下的伤痕深致肌肉纤维。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The existence of arcs was difficult to explain because the laws of motion would predict that arcs would spread out into a uniform ring over short timescales. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 弧的存在非常难于理解,因为运动定律预示弧应在不长的时间内变成分布一致的圆环。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Part of Maunder's job at the Observatory involved photographing and measuring sunspots, and in doing so he observed that the solar latitudes at which sunspots occur varies in a regular way over the course of the 11 year cycle. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 蒙德在格林尼治天文台的部分工作包括了太阳黑子的摄影与量测,在进行摄影与量测的过程中他发现太阳黑子出现于太阳的纬度变化是呈现规则的11年周期。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1987, she received the National Medal of Science, the highest American scientific honor. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1987年 获得美国国家科学奖章,美国最高的科学荣誉。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Suppose we have a chicken from which we collect eggs at noon everyday. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 我希望我有一只母鸡能够每天生一些棕色鸡蛋给我吃。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The D3DX library was introduced in Direct3D 7, and subsequently was improved in Direct3D 9. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: D3DX库在Direct3D 7中被引入,并在之后的Direct3D 9中得到改进。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: After the Livonian War (1558–1582), Lithuania acquired vassal state Duchy of Courland with capital in Jelgava. Assistant: 在利沃尼亚战争(1558年-1582年)后,立陶宛获得属国库尔兰公国和首都叶尔加瓦。 User: This could only mean that they were to be accused of treason. Assistant: 这意味着他们将被指控叛国。 User: Abeid Amani Karume (4 August 1905 – 7 April 1972) was the first President of Zanzibar. Assistant: 阿贝德·阿玛尼·卡鲁姆,(1905年8月4日-1972年4月7日),是桑给巴尔的第一任总统。 User: The meeting with incumbent President lasted for more than two hours. Assistant: 临时内阁会议因而中断超过两小时。 User: This interpretation is supported by the distribution of the carbon monoxide, which is also concentrated in the vicinity of ±60° latitudes. Assistant: 这个解释被一氧化碳的分布所证实,而一氧化碳确实也聚集在±60°附近区域。 User: My feeling is the Anonymous group needed an all-purpose image to hide their identity and also symbolise that they stand for individualism – V for Vendetta is a story about one person against the system. Assistant: 我觉得匿名者组织会去用它是因为想要有个通用的形象来掩盖他们的身份,同时也正好能象征他们代表着个人主义,而《V怪客》正是这样一个关于个人抵抗现存社会体制的故事。 User: The client machine requests access to exported data, typically by issuing a mount command. Assistant: 客户端请求导出的数据,通常调用一个 mount 命令。 User: With Ricky Rubio sidelined in early November, LaVine took over the starting point guard role and took advantage of the increased minutes. Assistant: 随着卢比欧在11月初的缺阵,拉文接手了先发得分后卫的位置,并增加了他的上场时间。 User: Bond, Kissy, Tanaka, and the surviving ninjas escape through the cave tunnel before it explodes, and are rescued by submarine. Assistant: 田中、邦德及幸存的忍者在基地爆炸前成功逃生,再由外面等候的潜艇所救。 User: Damaged factories in Rhode Island prevented employees from working for three weeks after the storm. Assistant: 罗德岛州多家受损的工厂直到风暴过去三周后才安排雇员回厂上班。 User: Pixar claims that Presto is designed to be intuitive and familiar to animators who have traditional cel animation experience. Assistant: 皮克斯声称 Marionette 的设计目标是让有传统动画经验的动画师觉得直观和熟悉。 User: Sazanami Gothic (さざなみゴシック) – Also a font formerly considered free and included with a number of Linux distributions. Assistant: Sazanami Gothic(さざなみゴシック) – 同样曾经被认为是自由字体并附赠于多个Linux发行版。 User: Rockefeller had laid out a plan for reversing the Americanization of the war, while other Republican candidates tried to remain non-specific about how they would handle it. Assistant: 这时只有洛克菲勒已经制定扭转美国对参与越战程度的方案,其他共和党候选人都没有给出具体计划。 User: Allenby Square, a name commemorating Field Marshal Edmund Allenby who commanded the British forces which captured Palestine in the First World War, has been bestowed at different times on two different squares in Jerusalem. Assistant: 艾伦比广场是耶路撒冷两个不同的广场的名称,得名于第一次世界大战中指挥英军占领巴勒斯坦的埃德蒙·艾伦比元帅。 User: One tournament (Motor City Open) was contested in nearby Taylor, MI, while the other six (including the PBA World Championship) took place at Thunderbowl. Assistant: 其中,除了汽车城公开赛在艾伦帕克附近的泰勒_(密歇根州)(英语:Taylor, Michigan)举行以外,其他六场(包括PBA世界冠军赛)都在艾伦帕克举行。 User: A total of 19,372 dwelling units were constructed between 1952 and 1968. Assistant: 1952至1968年间,该区总共建成了19,372个住宅单位。 User: Many theorists have presented models of the brain and have established a range of estimates of the amount of computing power needed for partial and complete simulations. Assistant: 许多理论工作者给出了人脑的建模,并对部分或完整的模拟需要的计算能力作出了一些估计。 User: Balatá was often used in the production of high-quality golf balls, to use as the outer layer of the ball. Assistant: 巴拉塔胶常常被制造成高尔夫球运动中用的高品质高尔夫球的表层。 User: Poor living conditions led to high rates of sickness, injury, and death, as well as sabotage and criminal activity. Assistant: 糟糕的生活条件使劳工频繁生病、受伤和死亡,并导致破坏和犯罪行为的发生。 User: Most often, this technique is employed in enzyme technology during industrial or laboratory production of enzymes. Assistant: 此项技术经常在酶技术领域用于工业或实验室生产酶。 User: The actual amount of VAT reclaimable depends on the VAT rate applicable in the particular country to the goods purchased, and may be subject to a deduction for administration fees. Assistant: 索要的实际增值税金额依赖于特定国家实施的所购物品的增值税比率,也可能因为手续费的缘故,退税金额减少。 User: This was typically self-deprecating, but contains an important grain of truth. Assistant: 这些虽然不免流于自夸,但仍有相当的真实性。 User: However, Crete was notable for its very effective archers, whose services as mercenaries were in great demand throughout the Greek World. Assistant: 然而,克里特人以优秀的弓兵闻名当时,他们经常受到希腊世界广泛地雇请。 User: This would lead Brooks to pursue a new direction in artificial intelligence and robotics research. Assistant: 因此,布鲁克斯将在人工智能和机器人技术的研究上追求一个新方向。 User: In November 2008, the first Basic People's Court financial tribunal in the People's Republic of China was established in Shanghai Pudong New Area People's Court. Assistant: 2008年11月,中华人民共和国首家基层人民法院金融审判庭在上海市浦东新区人民法院成立。 User: In 2006, a toxic waste spill off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire, from a European ship, prompted the Commission to look into legislation against toxic waste. Assistant: 2006年的欧盟船只在科特迪瓦海岸倾泻有毒废弃物事件促使欧洲委员会开始研究对有毒废弃物的立法。 User: Nilakantha attributes the series to an earlier Indian mathematician, Madhava of Sangamagrama, who lived c. 1350 – c. 1425. Assistant: 尼拉卡莎将该数列归功于更早期的印度数学家桑加马格拉马的马德哈瓦(英语:Madhava of Sangamagrama)( 1350 – 1425)。 User: During the Iron Age and era of classical antiquity, the expansion of ancient Rome, both the Republic and then the Empire, throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Western Europe built upon existing systems of agriculture while also establishing the manorial system that became a bedrock of medieval agriculture. Assistant: 到了铁器时代以及古典时代,古罗马的扩张,罗马共和国以及之后建立的罗马帝国,把古代地中海和西欧都贯穿起来,在原有的农业体系之上建设了一套庄园体系。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: He denounced secession as anarchy, and explained that majority rule had to be balanced by constitutional restraints. Assistant: 他认为分裂国家是无政府主义的行为,并解释多数派统治的原则需要通过美国体制中的宪法限制来平衡。 User: The complaint of a former Relief Party governor over the ill effects of pro-relief legislation prompted wry celebration among members of the Anti-Relief faction. Assistant: 一位曾身为赈灾派领袖的前州长却要来申诉赈灾立法的不良影响,这促使反赈灾派议员进行了讽刺性的庆祝活动。 User: Laar won the 2006 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, awarded by the Cato Institute. Assistant: 拉尔在2006年获得了卡托研究所颁发的米尔顿·弗里德曼自由奖。 User: From Cradle to Grave. Assistant: 从迦叶至掘多。 User: Pilot-controlled lighting (PCL), also known as aircraft radio control of aerodrome lighting (ARCAL) or pilot-activated lighting (PAL), is a system that allows aircraft pilots to control the lighting of an airport or airfield's approach lights, runway edge lights, and taxiways via radio. Assistant: 飞行员控制灯光(英语:Pilot Control Lighting,PCL),也称作航空无线电控制式机场灯(Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting,ARCAL),它是由飞行员经飞机的无线电发射机控制的进场灯光系统、跑道灯和滑行道灯。 User: The East Slavs were united in the Kievan Rus' during the 9th to 13th centuries. Assistant: 东斯拉夫人曾在9到13世纪统一在基辅罗斯内。 User: As the probe descended through 156 kilometres (97 mi) of the top layers of the Jovian atmosphere, it collected 58 minutes of data on the local weather. Assistant: 当探针在木星大气层的顶层内下降了156公里(97英里),收集了58分钟当地的天气资料。 User: Further, it is recognized as one of eight official native tongues in the Northwest Territories. Assistant: 克里语与其他八种美洲原住民语言在加拿大西北地区拥有官方语言地位。 User: Mars is drier and colder than Earth, and in consequence dust raised by these winds tends to remain in the atmosphere longer than on Earth as there is no precipitation to wash it out (excepting CO2 snowfall). Assistant: 火星比地球寒冷而干燥,因此被风吹入大气层中的尘埃留在大气层中的时间会比地球长,且没有降水可以使尘埃落下(除了落下二氧化碳冰以外) 。 User: Wearing loose-fitting clothing. Assistant: 穿着一身小丑装束。 User: Although many scholars reported during this period that vampires did not exist, and attributed reports to premature burial or rabies, superstitious belief continued to increase. Assistant: 虽然这一时期的许多学者都发表言论声称吸血鬼并不存在,并且解释了不成熟的埋葬和狂犬病,迷信还是有增无减。 User: In the first round they paired against the Baltimore Bullets. Assistant: 球队战绩一度接近榜首的巴尔的摩子弹队。 User: The final number of participants was 590 from 90 countries. Assistant: 最终共有来自90个国家590位运动员参赛。 User: In April, Haverhill Police informed him of complaints of trespassing on private property. Assistant: 4月,黑弗里尔警方通知他有侵犯私人财产的投诉。 User: He also made his debut for the reserves during the season, coming on as a 61st-minute substitute for Freddie Veseli in a 1–0 defeat away to West Bromwich Albion on 6 March 2012. Assistant: 在这个赛季中,他也完成了代表曼联预备队的首秀,在2012年3月6日客场1-0击败西布罗姆维奇的比赛中,威尔逊第61分钟替补弗雷德里克·维塞利出场。 User: The ALTA Annual Conference has convened every year since 1978 in various locations throughout North America. Assistant: 自1978年以来,该协会每年在北美各地举行年度会议。 User: This is one of the causes for concern over the environmental impact of the use of these fuels as power sources. Assistant: 这就是对使用这些燃料作为能源的环境效果的担心的原因之一。 User: For example, the electron has charge −1 and the positron has charge +1, implying that the gauge transformation has opposite effects on them in some sense. Assistant: 举例来说,电子有-1的电荷而正子有+1的电荷,暗示了规范转换(gauge transformation)在某些方面对它们则有相反的效果。 User: He showed no outward signs of ill health, and doctors observing him noted that his eyes were lively and his tongue clean. Assistant: 他没有表现出任何外在的不健康迹象,对他进行观察的大夫指出其双眼活动正常,舌头上也干净。 User: This is a surprisingly difficult problem. Assistant: 这提出了一个令人惊奇的困难问题。 User: This province was established in 1927, when the Canarias province (with Santa Cruz de Tenerife as the capital city) was divided into two provinces: Las Palmas and the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Assistant: 该省是在1927年成立的,当时的加那利省(首府为圣克鲁斯-德特内里费)划分为两个省份:拉斯帕尔马斯省和圣克鲁斯-德特内里费省。 User: 1968 - Pickering Electronics company formed to design and manufacture high reliability reed relays for the new Automatic Test Equipment market. Assistant: 1968 - 品英电子正式成立,专门设计和生产高可靠性的簧片继电器给新兴的自动测试设备 ( ATE: Automatic Test Equiment ) 市场。 User: The company generates part of its sales through public transport contracts; Support will also be provided for maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure. Assistant: 该公司的收入有部分来自于与公营机构的服务合同,以及政府对于维护和扩大基础设施建设的财政补贴。 User: Typically the larger access devices will be located in a building owned by the telecommunication company near to the customers they serve. Assistant: 通常,较大的接入设备将位于电信公司拥有的建筑物中,靠近他们所服务的客户。 User: Tucson, Arizona's second largest city, is a major commercial and academic center. Assistant: 县治图森既是亚利桑那州中第二大城市,亦是一个主要的商业和学术中心。 User: In a statement directed at an absent Joshua, Neku says that although he will not forgive him for what he has done, he trusts him. Assistant: 音操对不在场的约书亚称,他不会原谅他的所为,但他信任他。 User: In fact, the color is quite similar to the Green Pea galaxies (GPs), which are compact star-forming galaxies. Assistant: 事实上,颜色非常类似于绿豌豆星系(Green Pea galaxies,GPs),这都是致密恒星形成的星系。 User: Bread is symbolic for life. Assistant: 大地正象征了生命。 User: Their alternative design included Marzullo's algorithm, a modified version of which was promptly added to NTP. Assistant: 他们的替代设计包括Marzullo算法(英语:Marzullo's algorithm),其修改版本已及时添加到NTP。 User: There are also foreign students who are from different countries. Assistant: 外籍老师和学生来自不同国家。 User: The church is the subject of intense religious devotion by the people of Salvador and is the site of a famous celebration held every year in January (Festa do Senhor do Bonfim). Assistant: 该教堂是萨尔瓦多人虔诚祈祷之所,也是每年一月举办的一个著名庆典(Festa do Senhor do Bonfim)之所。 User: DriveSpace could also not be used with FAT32, making it of little use on PCs with large hard drives. Assistant: DriveSpace也不能与FAT32一起使用,这使其几乎不会用在大空间的PC硬盘。 User: Close observation for the early signs is recommended in those people. Assistant: 在毒蛋中为领导者的地位,成绩为其中第一。 User: As the success of the song grew, it brought more attention to Holly, with the band at the time being billed as "Buddy Holly and the Crickets". Assistant: 随着这首歌的不断成功,霍利亦收到愈来愈多的关注,当时他的乐队被称作“巴迪·霍利和蟋蟀乐队”(Buddy Holly and the Crickets)。 User: Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated action fantasy film based on William Joyce's The Guardians of Childhood book series and The Man in the Moon short film by Joyce and Reel FX Creative Studios. Assistant: 《捍卫联盟》(英语:Rise of the Guardians)是一部2012年美国3D电脑动画奇幻冒险片,根据威廉·乔西创作的系列书籍 The Guardians of Childhood (《守护者联盟》系列图书,简体中文版已由漓江出版社出版)和Joyce与Reel FX制作的短片 The Man in the Moon 改编而成。 User: Charles James, who stayed out of the priority argument, worked on a much larger scale and possessed the largest supply of lutetium at the time. Assistant: 查尔斯·詹姆士回避了这一争议,转而大规模发展生产,并成为了当时最大的镥供应商。 User: OpenBSD does not include closed source binary drivers in the source tree, nor do they include code requiring the signing of non-disclosure agreements. Assistant: OpenBSD的开发人员不容许源代码树中包含闭源的二进制驱动,不愿签署保密协议。 User: She won the World Under-10 girls championship in 2005. Assistant: 她于2005年赢得世界10岁以下女子锦标赛。 User: Plenty of oxygen was still in the water. Assistant: 大部分氢结合氧存在水中。 User: As the center of an Islamic scholarly community, the University was very different in organization from the universities of medieval Europe. Assistant: 作为一个伊斯兰学术中心,桑科雷大学与中世纪的欧洲大学有很大的不同。 User: Historian and libertarian Ralph Raico argues that what these liberal philosophers "had come up with was a form of individualist anarchism, or, as it would be called today, anarcho-capitalism or market anarchism". Assistant: 历史学家拉斐·莱科(Ralph Raico)宣称这些自由主义哲学“与一种形式的个人无政府主义一起出现,或者如同今天它的称呼,无政府资本主义或市场无政府主义。 User: He had also been an active advocate of Baha'i rights, civil rights and women's rights in Iran. Assistant: 他也是伊朗公民权利和妇女权利的积极倡导者。 User: The nearest town to Golden Gate Highlands National Park is Clarens (17 km to the west), but Phuthaditjhaba is also easily reached by a good tar road, driving through the access gate to the east of the park. Assistant: 离金门高地国家公园最近的城镇是克莱伦斯(距西部17公里),但通过一个柏油路也极易到达普塔迪特哈巴,驾车穿过入口大门至公园西部。 User: Generally, tomatine is regarded to cause less toxic effects to mammals than other alkaloids such as solanine. Assistant: 通常,番茄碱被认为对其它生物碱例如茄碱来说对哺乳动物的毒性作用较小。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: It is one of only two medical schools in Wisconsin, along with the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and the only public one. Assistant: 它是威斯康辛州唯一的私立医学院,和威斯康辛大学医学和公共健康学院一起为威斯康辛州仅有的两所医学院。 User: Before their arrival, the forest was a hunting area for the Shawnee tribe. Assistant: 在他们到达之前,森林是肖尼部落的狩猎区。 User: Yirawala strongly opposed the commercialisation of his work. Assistant: 缪尔极力反对将自然商业化。 User: Its role in immunity is complex; it eventually stops the viruses from reproducing by killing the infected cell and its close neighbours. Assistant: 干扰素是病毒感染之后由机体所产生的一种激素,它在免疫中的作用较为复杂,可以确定的是它能够通过杀死受感染细胞及其邻近细胞来逐步阻止病毒的复制。 User: In May 1935, the institution as a university held its first commencement at Miller Outdoor Theatre. Assistant: 1935年5月,该机构作为一所大学在米勒户外剧院举行了第一次毕业典礼。 User: As a cost-cutting measure, the three actors were asked to accept reduced salaries. Assistant: 出于削减成本的角度考虑,制片人希望3人同意削减片酬。 User: Model cars are also used in car design. Assistant: 汽车模型亦应用于汽车设计上。 User: China's Family planning policy forced couples to have no more than one child. Assistant: 韩国的计划生育政策没有中国“一对夫妻只生一个孩子”的强制要求。 User: On 23 July 1880, southern Albanian committees of the League of Prizren held a congress in the city, in which was decided that if Albanian-populated areas of the Ottoman Empire were ceded to neighbouring countries, they would revolt. Assistant: 1880年7月23日,阿尔巴尼亚南部委员会在该市举行了一次大会,决定如果鄂图曼帝国的阿尔巴尼亚人口居住区被割让给邻国,他们就会起而反抗。 User: What remained of the walls was totally razed in 1941. Assistant: 由于人类滥杀,此种鸵鸟已于1941年绝种。 User: There have been cases where sick MPs were wheeled into the House from far afield to vote for the government on a crucial vote. Assistant: 有些情况下,生病的议员被强制从别处推入国会,在关键投票上投票给政府。 User: Subsequently, Clearchus returned to Sparta and appealed to the ephors, asking to be given a force to settle the political dissensions then rife at Byzantium and to protect the city and the neighbouring Greek colonies from Thracian attacks. Assistant: 随后克利阿科斯返回斯巴达,并呼吁五督政官,要求派兵重返拜占庭,并保护这座城市及邻近殖民地免受遭色雷斯人的袭击。 User: The new philosophy of racial role reversal was transcribed by many popular hipster authors of the time. Assistant: 关于种族角色的观念的逆转被当时很多受欢迎的嬉普士作家转述过。 User: NASA had achieved its first landing goal with enough Apollo spacecraft and Saturn V launchers left for eight follow-on lunar landings through Apollo 20, conducting extended-endurance missions and transporting the landing crews in Lunar Roving Vehicles on the last five. Assistant: 由于拥有足够的阿波罗号宇宙飞船和土星五号火箭发射器为阿波罗20号接连八次的月球着陆提供支撑,执行了超负荷的任务,并在最后五次任务中将登陆人员输送至月球探险车。 User: Then the Shadows come into their room. Assistant: 帝诏诸边将入侍豹房。 User: NASA decided to use Casablanca as the TAL site, but because it was not equipped for night landings, the launch had to be moved to the morning (Florida time). Assistant: NASA最后决定改使用达尔贝达作为TAL场地,但由于该场地的配备无法应对夜间降落,使得发射又不得不被改到佛罗里达时间的清晨。 User: Perry, who had led the soldiers in the White Bird Canyon battle two weeks earlier took command of the soldiers and volunteers, now numbering about 85. Assistant: 佩里曾在两周前在怀特伯德峡谷战役中领导了士兵们,现在他取得了这些士兵和志愿兵们的指挥权。 User: Later Coffin went into politics. Assistant: 后来索福克勒斯进入政界。 User: The following of MKSS was largely made up of Dalits. Assistant: MKSS的以下主要由达利特组成。 User: Since the size of the user data portion of a sector (logical sector) in data optical discs is 2,048 bytes, the size of an ISO image will be a multiple of 2,048. Assistant: 因为光盘上每个逻辑扇区的用户数据是2,048字节,ISO映像的大小会以2,048字节为基础单位。 User: Wool was previously taxed based on a schedule: more valuable wool was taxed at a higher rate. Assistant: 羊毛先前按照一份清单征税,这意味着越有价值的羊毛征收越高的税率。 User: It appears that the final torpedo may have detonated against Bismarck's port side superstructure, which was by then already underwater. Assistant: 最后的鱼雷似乎引爆了俾斯麦号左舷的舰艛建筑,而它已经位于水下了。 User: The anion was first synthesised by Webster in the 1960s and its conjugate acid much later on. Assistant: 其阴离子最初由Webster于1960年代发现,其共轭酸后来被发现。 User: In response to the attack on the protesters, two newly formed Islamist rebel groups of the FSA attacked ISIL positions in more than half a dozen locations in the governorates of Aleppo and Idlib. Assistant: 作为对开火事件的回应,叙利亚自由军内两支新成立的部队攻击了在阿勒颇省和伊德利卜省多个地区的伊斯兰国据点。 User: One such definition, from the European Union Council of Ministers of Transport, defines a sustainable transportation system as one that: Allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and society to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and promotes equity within and between successive generations. Assistant: 欧盟运输部长理事会是这样定义可持续性交通的: 可持续性交通是满足个人,公司和社会基本需要,使其在安全的,按照人类和生态系统健康的方式,并促进后代公平繁衍的方式发展。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The information is relayed in near-real time to the US Army's common ground stations via the secure jam-resistant surveillance and control data link (SCDL) and to other ground C4I nodes beyond line-of-sight via ultra high frequency satellite communications. Assistant: 这些信息可以经过保密的监视与控制数据链(SCDL)线路很快地传递至美国陆军的地面站,或者通过特高频卫星通信传递至地面的C4I节点。 User: Females of some mammal and some non-mammal species, such as alligators, have clitorises. Assistant: 一些哺乳类动物的雌性拥有阴蒂,有些非哺乳类动物亦同样拥有,比如鳄鱼。 User: They are designed to operate in areas with limited space. Assistant: 它特别适用于在有限的空间里进行的挖掘工程。 User: In the same century, Aristarchus computed the size and distance of the Moon from Earth, obtaining a value of about twenty times the radius of Earth for the distance. Assistant: 阿里斯塔克斯在同一个世纪计算出月球大小和距离,得知地月的距离是地球半径的20倍。 User: In 2009 Zalando began operations outside of Germany when it started offering deliveries to Austria. Assistant: 2009年,Zalando首次在德国之外的国家开展经营活动,并开始提供到奥地利送货服务。 User: Within this context of trying to restore a certain social order, women were often the victims of sexual violence if politically active and posing a threat to the existing order. Assistant: 在致力于恢复社会秩序的情况下,如果女性对现有的体制构成威胁,那么她们通常是性暴力的受害者。 User: Other X window managers that mimic the 4Dwm look and feel exist, such as 4Dwm theme for IceWM and 5Dwm. Assistant: 世上有其它模仿4Dwm界面外观的窗口管理器,如IceWM带有"4Dwm"主题。 User: It has gained notoriety for threatening nuclear attacks on neighbouring South Korea and once running an apparently guest-written article endorsing President Donald Trump during his election campaign. Assistant: 由于威胁对邻国韩国进行核攻击而声名狼藉,而且曾经在2016年美国总统选举期间刊登了一篇赞成唐纳德·特朗普当选总统的文章。 User: The improved CAN FD extends the length of the data section to up to 64 bytes per frame. Assistant: 改进了的CAN FD将每个帧拓展至最多64字节。 User: The Geographia Generalis by Bernhardus Varenius and Gerardus Mercator's world map are prime examples of the new breed of scientific geography. Assistant: 由杰拉杜斯·麦卡托(Gerardus Mercator)和伯恩哈德·瓦伦纽斯(Bernhardus Varenius)的著作《地理学概论》(Geographia Generalis)正正是新出现的科学化地理学的一流例子。 User: The King of Denmark sent his son and a navy ship to battle with the "irksome" pirates. Assistant: 丹麦国王派他的儿子阿尔夫率一艘海军舰艇来与这些“令人恼怒的”海盗们作战 。 User: The name Mekatelyu is a transliteration of the phrase "make I tell you", or in standard English "let me tell you". Assistant: Mekatelyu这个名字音译自“make I tell you”(让我告诉你)。 User: In response, the Army National Guard Bureau created the Reconnaissance and Aerial Interdiction Detachments (RAID) in 1992, consisting of aviation units in 31 states with 76 specially modified OH-58A helicopters to assume the reconnaissance/interdiction role in the fight against illegal drugs. Assistant: 所以1992陆军国土防卫署成立了侦察与空中禁航特遣队(RAID),在31州设立飞行队使用76架改装型OH-58A对抗空中非法运毒。 User: Attributes are drawn as ovals and are connected with a line to exactly one entity or relationship set. Assistant: 属性绘制为椭圆形并通过一条线与所属的实体相连。 User: On March 28, 2012, Derulo appeared on American Idol to announce he would allow fans to help him finish the lyrics for a new song entitled "Undefeated", as part of a partnership with American Idol and Coca-Cola. Assistant: 2012年3月28日,德鲁罗出现在《美国偶像》节目中,宣布作为和《美国达人》、可口可乐合作的一部分,歌迷可以帮助他完成一首名为“Undefeated”的新歌的歌词。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Over a year later, Law expressed his anger toward Rock in The New York Times telling columnist Craig Modderno, "At first I laughed because I didn't think he knew who I was. Assistant: 此事过去一年多后,洛在接受《纽约时报》专栏作家克雷格·莫德诺(Craig Modderno)采访时表示对洛克当时的话感到愤怒:“起初我一笑置之,还以为他不认识我。 User: Boards oversee county departments. Assistant: 派他巡查郡县核实。 User: Fis Fis is Milika's son. Assistant: 马贤达是武术家马凤图之子。 User: This article is about the area of Kwun Tong. Assistant: 邝的粤语式拼音为Kwong。 User: Despite lasting for a full month, John barely affected land at all, bringing only minimal effects to the Hawaiian Islands and the United States military base on Johnston Atoll. Assistant: 虽然强度很高,持续时间也长达一个月,但约翰基本没有对陆地构成显著影响,只有夏威夷群岛和美国位于约翰斯顿环礁的军事基地受轻微影响,风暴残留之后还对阿拉斯加州产生影响。 User: By the end of the day, the Lancastrian line had broken up, as small groups of men began fleeing for their lives. Assistant: 等到这天结束时,兰开斯特的战线已经被打散,小股小股的部队开始为着自己的性命逃逸。 User: Assuming then the defensive, he justifies the Christian abstention from worship of the national deities by arguing that it is absurd and indecent, quoting at length the pagan poets and philosophers in support of his contention. Assistant: 接着,他为基督教不参加异教神祇的祭祀而辩护,他认为这样的祭祀是荒谬而下流的,他大段引用异教诗人和哲学家以证明他的观点。 User: While on the return trip to Kiel, the fleet conducted tactical exercises. Assistant: 在返回基尔的途中,舰队进行了战术演练。 User: Many died in violence between members of Inkatha and the UDF-ANC faction. Assistant: 很多人死于因卡塔自由党和UDF-非国大派之间的暴力斗争中。 User: According to a SpaceX-released Payload User's Guide, the Merlin 1D Vacuum can throttle down to 39% of its maximum thrust, or 360 kN (81,000 lbf). Assistant: 根据SpaceX发布的载荷用户手册,默林真空1D最低能节流至满推力的39%,或者360 kN(81,000 lbf)。 User: Beforehand, Aniston paid verbal tribute to actor Bill Paxton, who died the day before the ceremony. Assistant: 此前,安妮斯顿还提到了在典礼前一天逝世的比尔·派斯顿。 User: At this time, Whiskey knocks down Maria to save Pioneer II and Pioneer II also ignores her own safety and shoots a cannon near herself and Pioneer I and destroys the robot it while saving Curly and Whiskey. Assistant: 这时威士忌为了救先锋二号而打倒了玛利亚,而先锋二号也不顾自身安危启动瞄准自己与先锋一号的钢炮,消灭先锋一号,成功救出卷毛与威士忌。 User: In Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, Cimbolic & Cartor (2006) noted that because of the large share of post-pubescent male minors among cleric victims there is need to further study the differential variables related to ephebophilia (sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19) versus pedophilia (sexual interest in prepubescent children, generally those 13 years of age or younger) offenders. Assistant: 在《性成瘾与强迫:预防及治疗杂志(英语:Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity)》上,辛伯里克(Cimbolic)与卡特(Cartor)在2006年指出,由于在神父性虐待案中,后青春期未成年人受害者占据着较大的比例,因此需要研究恋童癖(对通常小于13岁的前青少年期的儿童有强烈的性吸引力)和恋青少年癖(对通常处于15岁到19岁的青春期中晚期的青少年有强烈的性吸引力)罪犯之间的差异变量。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In 1997, AIA merged with Kitty Hawk Inc. and Conrad Kalitta resigned to start Kalitta Leasing for buying, selling and leasing large aircraft. Assistant: 1997年,美国国际航空与小鹰公司(Kitty Hawk Inc.)合并成小鹰航空,康拉德·卡利塔随后辞职并组建卡利塔租赁公司,提供大型飞机买卖及租赁服务。 User: Between 1870 and 1872, different versions of the bill, with a larger three-cent piece, twice passed the House and once the Senate, but differences between the houses could not be reconciled. Assistant: 1870至1872年间,联邦众议院两度通过这一法案的不同版本,联邦参议院也有一次,但众议院中存在的分歧仍然无法调和。 User: From 1942 to 1943, even Corsica and Nice (Italian Nizza) were temporarily annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, nearly fulfilling in those years the ambitions of Italian irredentism. Assistant: 自1942年至1943年,连科西嘉岛、尼斯亦并入意大利之内,几乎完成意大利民族统一主义多年以来的目标。 User: In 1970 she also won a Western Australian honour, the Walter Lindrum Award. Assistant: 1970年考特也获得西澳荣誉“华特·林多姆奖”(the Walter Lindrum Award)。 User: Not all the modernisations would be effective at reducing costs. Assistant: 并非所有的现代化措施对缩减开支都有效。 User: One may stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes, pick mineral samples, wild berries, mushrooms and flowers (as long as they are not protected species). Assistant: 任何人都可以在离房屋一定距离外露营、采集矿石、莓果、蕈类和花(除了保育物种)。 User: His first short film, Dobermann (which he wrote, produced, directed and edited), broke the school record for the number of awards won by a student production. Assistant: 弗洛里安的第一部短片Dobermann(自己编写、制作、导演和剪辑)当时即打破了该校学生所获奖项的记录。 User: A slow pace is uncomfortable for the rider and is not encouraged when training the horse to perform the gait. Assistant: 慢步伐会令骑乘者感到不舒服,也不鼓励用来训练马匹。 User: A "cropped fan" derivative of the -2, the -3 engine has a smaller fan diameter at 60 in (1.5 m) but retains the original basic engine layout. Assistant: CFM56-3系列的风扇直径比-2系列减小至60英寸(1.5米),但是保留了原始发动机布局。 User: In mid-2010, Dylan launched a site for his art called Sprouse Arts, and in mid-2011, Cole launched a site for his photography called Cole Sprouse Photography. Assistant: 2010年中期,迪伦为他的艺术品推出了一个网站名叫史普洛兹艺术(Sprouse Arts),而在2011年中期,寇尔为他的摄影作品推出了一个网站名叫寇尔·史普洛兹摄影(Cole Sprouse Photography)。 User: It was first published by Macmillan in 2000 and later republished in other languages. Assistant: 《列宁传》最早在2000年由麦克米伦出版公司首次发表,后来则以其他语言再版。 User: Later, `Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'u'lláh's son and successor, in his Will and Testament, elaborated on its functioning, its composition and outlined the method for its election. Assistant: 后来,巴哈欧拉的儿子和继承人阿博都巴哈,在他的遗嘱与圣约,阐发世界正义院的功能、构成和选举方法。 User: Two Indonesian election officials were also reported killed when delivering voting equipment in Papua. Assistant: 有报道指出,印尼两名选举官员在巴布亚省运送选举设备期间被杀。 User: Following an assessment of the storm's impact, 180 homes and 16 administrative buildings were found to have been destroyed by Cyprien. Assistant: 风暴过后所做的评估表明,该市有180套民房和16幢政府大楼被西普里安摧毁。 User: The Democrats and the Radicals were not quite strong enough to get the constitution through on their own and they made an alliance with the Yugoslav Muslim Organization (JMO). Assistant: 激进党与民主党势力不足改变宪法,故此与南斯拉夫穆斯林组织合作。 User: He was Executive Editor of the school's Law Review and a member of the St. Thomas More Law Honor Society. Assistant: 他是法学院《法律评论》杂志的执行编辑,也是圣•托马斯摩尔法律荣誉学会的会员。 User: The coating allows for the replacement of traditional cast-iron cylinder liners and marks Ford's first use of this process. Assistant: 该涂层可用于替换传统的铸铁汽缸套,标志着福特是第一个采用此工艺的制造商。 User: A weak low-pressure area that organized in the northeast Gulf of Mexico began to intensify on July 28, while located west of the Tampa Bay. Assistant: 7月28日,墨西哥湾东北部上空组织成形的弱低气压区在行进至坦帕湾西部时开始增强。 User: His performing and recording became sporadic until a revival in the 1990s with the emergence of Britain's rave scene. Assistant: 他的表演和录制变得零星散发,直到1990年代随着英国锐舞的出现而得以复苏。 User: It disappeared in the 1995 election. Assistant: 导致其在1995年的选举中失利下台。 User: Shut It Down 9. Assistant: 沟口九段门下。 User: He was my idol. Assistant: 他一直是我的偶像。 User: Japanese cuisine. Assistant: 日式料理。 User: A training cruise into the Baltic followed at the end of the year. Assistant: 进入波罗的海的训练巡航随后在年底进行。 User: From early 1659, William spent seven years at the University of Leiden for a formal education, under the guidance of ethics professor Hendrik Bornius (though never officially enrolling as a student). Assistant: 从1659年初开始,威廉进入莱顿大学,他花了七年的时间,在伦理学教授亨德里克·博尼修(Hendrik Bornius)的门下接受正规教育(尽管他从未作为通过官方途径注册入学的学生)。 User: As this was occurring the 442nd's 2nd Battalion was receiving a heavy barrage by the Germans from inside Belvedere, and the Germans remained unaware of their situation. Assistant: 此时在伯法迪尔内的442团第二营正受到来自德国人沉重的火网射击,而德国人仍未察觉到他们的处境。 User: Another story is the one of his love for Nireus, who was "the most beautiful man who came beneath Ilion" (Iliad, 673). Assistant: 其他的还有关于伊菲托斯的神话;以及赫拉克勒斯和尼柔斯之间的爱情,尼柔斯被誉为“来自伊利昂(即特洛伊)的最美的男子”(《伊利亚特》,673)。 User: At the beginning of 2008, Valerie returns from Greece. Assistant: 在2008年,维亚拿回归巴伦西亚。 User: The Roidmudes' main objective is to have at least four of them achieving this state, reaching their so-called "Promised Number". Assistant: 香川县是自本州进入四国的要道,因此有“四国门户”之称。 User: However, the second part -vilkas, meaning "wolf" is very rare to non existent in Lithuanian names. Assistant: 但是,第二个部分-vilkas(意为狼)则几乎不曾立陶宛姓名中出现过。 User: During the first, which began on 13 July 1908, Braunschweig stopped in Las Palmas from 23 July to 7 August before returning to Germany on 13 August for the autumn maneuvers. Assistant: 其中在1908年7月13日开始的第一次中,不伦瑞克号于7月23日至8月7日期间都停靠于拉斯帕尔马斯,然后返回德国参加8月13日的秋季演习。 User: In January 2010, the congregation of St Andrew's and St George's was united with St George's West, Shandwick Place, to form the congregation of St Andrew's and St George's West. Assistant: 2010年1月,圣安德鲁圣乔治堂会与圣乔治西堂会(St George's West)合并,成立圣安德鲁圣乔治西堂会。 User: The service made money by charging a small fee, about 1%, on each transfer. Assistant: 该公司通过收取每笔交易一小笔费用(1%左右)来赚钱。 User: The damage tally also included 30 corporate offices, 13 hotels (among which Shepheard's, Metropolitan and Victoria), 40 movie theaters (among which Rivoli, Radio, Metro, Diana and Miami), eight auto shows, 10 firearms shops, 73 coffeehouses and restaurants (including Groppi's), 92 bars and 16 social clubs. Assistant: 损失的记录也包括30间公司办公室、13间饭店(包括 Shepheard's、Metropolitan 和 Victoria))、40间电影院 (包括 Rivoli、Radio、Metro、Diana 和d Miami)、八个汽车会展、10 间武器店、73 间咖啡店及餐厅 (包括 Groppi's)、92 家酒吧及 16 间俱乐部。 User: On September 27, Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs and Judges Chester J. Straub and Christopher F. Droney heard arguments in the case. Assistant: 9月27日,审判长丹尼斯·贾可布和法官切斯特·J·斯特劳勃以及克里斯托弗·F·卓尼听取了该案的辩论。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The risk is greatest in young people and females. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 青少年和女性的发病风险最大。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Su-57 has a glass cockpit with two 38 cm (15 in) main multi-functional LCD displays similar to the arrangement of the Su-35S. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Su-57使用数字化座舱,有两部38cm (15吋)的主多功能LCD显示器,与Su-35S所用的相近。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As if I expected to see, rather like hearts, a lost pair of kites hurrying towards heaven. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 就好象我希望看见,如相偎之心,一对迷失的风筝正一路赶去天堂。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In early 2009, the North American Street Newspaper Association hired an Executive Director for the first time. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在2009年,北美街报协会首次聘请一名执行董事。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The art department gave each shot its color scheme and general lighting. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 艺术部给出每个镜头的配色方案和大致昭明。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Quit India speech is a speech made by Mahatma Gandhi on 8 August 1942, on the eve of the Quit India movement. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 退出印度演说(英语:Quit India speech)是圣雄甘地于1942年8月8日退出印度运动爆发前夕所发表的演讲。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Now only part of a single column remains: everything else has been scavenged for building material for modern housing. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过到了现在,只有一条柱的一部分能保存下来,因为其他的物料,已经用来建设现代住宅。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The film also features a few obvious stagings such as the scene of a woman getting out of bed and getting dressed and the shot of chess pieces being swept to the center of the board (a shot spliced in backwards so the pieces expand outward and stand in position). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:影片也有一些显著的演出,比如一位妇女下床且穿衣的场面(摄影机在当时是相当笨重且吵杂,而且无法偷偷摸摸)和国际象棋被扫回画面棋板中间的镜头(镜头刚好和下一幕背景接合,使得部分画面延续至恰当的位置)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 It can also be said to operate either upwards or downwards (or neither). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它不能分辨是找到了最大值或者最小值(或者都不是)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He gets more than he bargained for. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这比他之前获得的奖金总和还要多。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a dual-band device it operates on GSM-900/1800 or GSM-850/1900 networks. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:采用GSM-900/1800 或 GSM-850/1900 的网络双频电话。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 "A lot of us for eight months made sacrifices. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: ”以来,相隔8个月选拔复归。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In an analysis of the contemporary party system, Jefferson wrote on February 12, 1798: Two political Sects have arisen within the U. S. the one believing that the executive is the branch of our government which the most needs support; the other that like the analogous branch in the English Government, it is already too strong for the republican parts of the Constitution; and therefore in equivocal cases they incline to the legislative powers: the former of these are called federalists, sometimes aristocrats or monocrats, and sometimes Tories, after the corresponding sect in the English Government of exactly the same definition: the latter are styled republicans, Whigs, jacobins, anarchists, dis-organizers, etc. these terms are in familiar use with most persons. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在对当时的政党制度的分析中,杰斐逊于1798年2月12日写道: 在美国内部出现了两个政治派别,一派相信行政部门是我们政府最需要支持的部门; 另一个像英国政府类似的分支一样,(该派认为)对宪法的共和部分来说(行政分支)已经太强大了; 因此,在模棱两可的情况下,他们倾向于立法权:这些人的前者被称作联邦主义者,有时被称作贵族分子或独裁分子,有时被称作保守党(托利党),与英国政府的相应派系完全对应的定义:后者被大多数人所熟知的称呼包括,共和党人、辉格党人、雅各宾派、无政府主义者,混乱分子等。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is intended to be similar in architectural style to the Hoyle Building, but to be sufficiently distinctive so as to retain an independent identity. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 它与霍伊尔大楼的建筑风格类似,但足够独特,保留其独立性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A gravitationally lensed galaxy also provides indirect evidence of Population III stars. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:重力透镜星系也提供了第三星族星的间接证据。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Many Muslim Madheshis claim origins in India, Afghanistan, Arabia and Persia. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多马德西穆斯林主张他们起源于印度,阿富汗,阿拉伯和波斯。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Some "modernization theories" of nationalism see it as a product of government policies to unify and modernize an already existing state. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:一些民族主义的“现代理论”也认为民族认同主要是政府政策的一个产品,政府使用这个政策来统一和现代化已经存在的国家。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Coalition forces reported the death in combat of 139 U.S. military personnel and 33 UK military personnel. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 联军报称有139名美军和33名英军战斗人员阵亡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Stage 2 Mild reduction in GFR (60–89 ml/min/1.73 m2) with kidney damage. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2) CKD2 (轻微) – GFR 从 60 至 89 mL/min/1.73m2,且有明显肾损伤。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Alignment with the Earth's axis is the only direction for which the gyroscope's spinning axis can be stationary with respect to the Earth and not be required to change direction with respect to inertial space. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:与地轴相同的朝向是陀螺仪的转轴能够与地球保持相对静止并且不必改变与惯性空间的相对方向的唯一方式。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Mongols crossed the frozen Danube in February 1242 and the royal family ran off as far as the well-fortified Dalmatian town of Trogir. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:蒙古人在1242年2月越过冻结了的多瑙河和王室跑守卫森严的达尔马提亚城镇特罗吉尔。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 A survey of Switzerland in 1838 revealed that the foot had 37 different regional variations, the ell had 68, there were 83 different measures for dry grain, 70 measures for fluids and 63 different measures for "dead weights". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1838年瑞士的一项调查显示,foot(尺)有37种不同的区域变体,厄尔则有68种;干谷粒有83种不同计量单位,液体有70种,禽畜“胴体重量”则有63种。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: On 8 October, a five-minute behind-the-scenes video which details the film's ship-construction process in Malta, titled "Chapter 1: Building the Ships," was posted on Yash Raj Films' YouTube channel. Assistant: 10月8日,记录电影舰船在马耳他制造全过程的五分钟制作花絮《第一章:制造舰船》("Chapter 1: Building the Ships"),在YouTube公布。 User: Mainly because of family conflict, they come to live on the streets and take on the full responsibilities of caring for themselves, including working to provide for and protecting themselves. Assistant: 他们主要是因为家庭冲突而流落街头,住在街上,自行照顾自己及工作谋生。 User: Jeeves is a member of the Junior Ganymede Club, a London club for butlers and valets. Assistant: 吉福斯是小盖尼米德俱乐部(Junior Ganymede Club)的会员,这是一间专属于男仆和管家的伦敦俱乐部。 User: Born in England, he represents the Republic of Ireland internationally. Assistant: 生于英格兰的他曾代表爱尔兰在国际赛上阵。 User: In 1191, during the Third Crusade, Saladin demolished the city because of its potential strategic importance to the Christians, but the leader of the Crusade, King Richard I of England, constructed a citadel upon the ruins. Assistant: 1191年,在第三次十字军东征期间,萨拉丁因为亚实基伦对基督徒的潜在战略价值而摧毁该市,但是十字军领袖理查一世在废墟建造一个根据地。 User: The discovery of anandamide came from research into CB1 and CB2, as it was inevitable that a naturally occurring (endogenous) chemical would be found to affect these receptors. Assistant: 大麻素的发现源自于对CB1和CB2的研究,因为这是一个无可避免的内源性化学物质,并且会影响这些受体。 User: During that European winter season, he raced in New Zealand Formula Atlantic. Assistant: 在这段欧洲的冬季期间,他参加了新西兰太平洋方程式。 User: The turret can traverse 360°. Assistant: 炮塔能够360°环射。 User: The valley was originally not only made through glacial erosion but by the high pressure melting water which pushed its way beneath the ice. Assistant: 山谷的形成不仅仅由于冰川侵蚀,还与冰下面高压力的融化水的推动相关。 User: When you think about when it was released, what it can do, how much it costs, the type of games it will have, it's just in a very nice position. Assistant: 你想想看它是什么时候发布,它能做什么,需要花多少钱来买,能玩什么类型的游戏,它处于一个很恰当的位置。 User: The dialect described here is the colloquial language of Central Tibet, especially Lhasa and the surrounding area, but the spelling used reflects classical Tibetan, not the colloquial pronunciation. Assistant: 藏语语法所描述的话语只有是指西藏中部,尤其是拉萨市及周边地区的口语;但使用的拼写法反映出古典藏文,而不是口语发音。 User: Vaughan considered that the process of breakup was asymmetrical for initiator and respondent: the former 'has begun mourning the loss of the relationship and has undertaken something tantamount to a rehearsal, mentally and, to varying degrees, experientially, of a life apart from the partner'. Assistant: 沃恩认为分手过程对提出者与回应者是不对称的:前者“已经开始悼念关系的失去,并且对没有另一方的生活,在一定程度上已经有了心理准备。 User: The student-faculty ratio at UNT is 23:1, and 28.8 percent of its classes consist of fewer than 20 students. Assistant: UNT的学生和教师比例为23:1,其中28.8%的班级由不到20名学生组成。 User: From time to time throughout its existence, Scouting has been suppressed by a change in government, usually when an authoritarian regime comes into power, as is the modern-day case with Cuba, Laos and the People's Republic of China. Assistant: 在童军活动随时间存续发展下,会因为政权交替而受到打压,尤其是在专制政权建立时;当代案例包含了古巴、老挝与中华人民共和国。 User: Changes included a 1-cent reduction in the tax that was advocated by William Findley, a congressman from western Pennsylvania, but the new excise law was still unsatisfactory to many westerners. Assistant: 修改的内容包括由来自宾夕法尼亚州西部的国会议员威廉·芬德利所倡导的将税收削减1美分,但新税法仍然未能消除西部人民的不满。 User: Being a Gallium3D-type of driver, Nouveau needs only minor adaptations to work with this implementation. Assistant: 因为是Gallium3D风格的驱动程式,Nouveau只需要一点小修改就可以与这个实做一同运作。 User: 1848 – German revolutions of 1848–49: King Ludwig I of Bavaria abdicates. Assistant: 1848年:德意志1848年革命:路德维希一世 (巴伐利亚)退位。 User: In his yearly report to the secretary of war, Magoon reported that many Cubans held the popular belief that neither the United States nor the US-backed Cuban government had explored the wreckage because evidence might be found to suggest that the ship was not sunk by a torpedo, as was the official report—something that would cast doubt on the justification for the United States' war against Spain. Assistant: 马贡在递交战争部长的年度报告中称,古巴人普遍认为,美国及美方支持的古巴政府之所以没有探查战舰残骸,是因为这艘船很可能不是被鱼雷击沉,他们怀疑这种说法只不过是当年美国向西班牙开战的借口。 User: Vice Governor Jorge Henn rejected it as immoral, and most of the families also initially rejected the proposal. Assistant: 副省长乔治·海恩(Jorge Henn)认为这样的和解是不道德的,因此表示拒绝,大部分受害者亲属起初也拒绝和解。 User: A Bachelor of Medicine (lääketieteen kandidaatti, medicine kandidat) is allowed to conduct clinical work under the supervision of senior medical staff. Assistant: 医学学士(芬兰语:lääketieteen kandidaatti)只能在高级医护人员的指导下进行临床工作。 User: The man eventually drove off. Assistant: 男子最终径自离去。 User: Salt Lake City fired 806 armor-piercing projectiles and then 26 high-capacity shells after the supply of armor-piercing ammunition was exhausted. Assistant: 盐湖城号共发射了806发穿甲弹,在穿甲弹耗尽后又发射了26发高爆弹,炮弹和发射药被搬到后弹药库以保持后方火炮开火。 User: Talks with Andy Serkis and Oscar Isaac began by March and continued into April. Assistant: 同年3月,剧组与奥斯卡·伊萨克和安迪·瑟克斯就该片的角色进行会谈,并一直持续到同年四月。 User: In 1920, The Bolsheviks took over northern Sakhalin, but within months the Japanese captured it and began to exploit its oil, coal, and other resources. Assistant: 1920年,苏俄军队占领了库页岛北部,但几个月后日本军队便占领了该地,开始在当地开采石油、煤炭和其它资源。 User: They then frightened away the guards and rescued him. Assistant: 多蕗和阳球都曾经险被碾碎,后因被选为命运之人而得救。 User: The 1911 Grand Prix season consisted of Grand Prix races in the United States and Europe. Assistant: 1911年大奖赛赛季(英语:1911 Grand Prix season)包括在美国和欧洲举办的大奖赛赛事。 User: In Hell, they are tormented by Satan, made to face their own fears, and realize their only escape is to take Death's offer. Assistant: 地狱之核:能让恶魔重生以及改造恶魔的装置,被米拉珍破坏。 User: In the 1970s and 1980s the European Greens were generally sceptical of European political and economic integration, which was seen as contrary to environmental and social interests. Assistant: 在1970年代与1980年代,欧洲绿党是不赞同欧洲政治与经济整合,认为这是与环境和社会利益对立。 User: Shared-disk file systems normally do not scale over 64 or 128 nodes. Assistant: 共享磁盘文件系统通常不超过64或128节点的规模。 User: Software and hardware manufacturers can also close the loop with their customers by linking error signatures to Windows Error Reporting Responses. Assistant: 软件和硬件制造商还可以通过将错误签名链接到Windows错误报告响应来关闭与客户的循环。 User: The note is now predominantly red in color. Assistant: 如今字迹已呈红褐色。 User: The two models that explain land mass propose either a steady growth to the present-day forms or, more likely, a rapid growth early in Earth history followed by a long-term steady continental area. Assistant: 陆地的形成有两种模型解释,一种认为陆地持续增长至今,另一种更可能的模型认为地球历史早期陆地即迅速生成,然后保持到现在。 User: The town's name is derived from an Indigenous Australian word meaning "thigh". Assistant: 这座小镇的名字源自一个澳洲土著词语,意思是“小道”。 User: She also earned money sweeping the floors of a local bank, and from 1930 until 1932, she lived in New York City, working as a secretary and also as a radiographer. Assistant: 她还给当地一家银行扫地来挣钱,从1930到1932年,她生活在纽约市,并做过秘书和X射线技师的工作。 User: If it cannot, the interior charge will induce an equal and opposite charge on the inside surface, so the net charge inside is still zero. Assistant: 如果不存在,则内电荷将会在内表面上感应出等量异种电荷,因此内部净电荷仍为零。 User: Karaite Judaism may have its origins among the Sadducees of the same era. Assistant: 卡拉派犹太教可能起源于同时代的撒都该人。 User: In August 2014, another truck collided with many cars at the lower part of the highway, killing two people. Assistant: 在2014年8月,一辆货车与两辆私家车在公路山脚相撞,导致两人死亡。 User: On 13 December, Köln, Leipzig, and Nürnberg covered the return of several destroyers that had laid an offensive minefield off Newcastle. Assistant: 12月13日,科隆号、莱比锡号和纽伦堡号又为几艘在纽卡斯尔附近布设攻击性雷区后返航的驱逐舰提供掩护。 User: According to the Institute of Legal Medicine of Colombia, the test verified that he is in fact Clara Rojas' son. Assistant: 而根据哥伦比亚法医研究所的检验,结果确认了小孩真的是克拉拉·罗哈斯的儿子。 User: Clinical "staging systems" such as the Rai four-stage system and the Binet classification can help to determine when and how to treat the patient. Assistant: 临床“分期系统”如Rai四级系统和Binet分级系统可以帮助确定何时开始进行以及如何治疗患者。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It has two manuals and twenty stops. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 它有两台管风琴以及10口钟。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He and Kiedis hired drummer Cliff Martinez and guitarist Jack Sherman to fill Irons's and Slovak's places, respectively. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他和Kiedis雇用了鼓手Cliff Martinez和吉他手Jack Sherman来分别填补Irons和Slovak的空缺。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Throughout 30 May, Royal Air Force Harriers were active over Mount Kent. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在五月三十日,英国皇家空军所属的猎鹰开始对肯特山周边地区进行密接支援。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Afterward, Joan is taken in by distant relatives. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 随后,贞德被远房亲戚带走。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: 9999 was the last possible line number in some older programming languages such as BASIC. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在一些旧的编程语言,9999通常是最后一个行号,如BASIC。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Crows have been known to attack dogs, cats, ravens, and birds of prey. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 乌鸦甚至于会攻击狗、猫、渡鸦和猛禽。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 A few obeyed, but the majority left the battle line and fled north out of harm's way. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一些人听从了,但是多数人则离开了战线,往北逃离,以免受到伤害。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Jainism has between four and five million followers, with most Jains residing in India. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 目前耆那教有四五百万信徒,大部分生活在印度。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Main tournament was the Amateur European Championship. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:主要赛事是欧洲业余冠军赛。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2005, Zhangye Danxia was voted by a panel of reporters from 34 major media outlets as one of the most beautiful Danxia landform areas in China. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 2005年,34家主流媒体记者联合票选张掖丹霞为中国最美丹霞地貌景区。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Daily Mash provides parodic coverage of current affairs and other stories and has been described as the U.K.'s leading satirical news website. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:The Daily Mash提供对时事和其它新闻报导的戏仿评论,被称为英国首屈一指的讽刺新闻网站。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since all maximal paths have the same number of black nodes, by property 5, this shows that no path is more than twice as long as any other path. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 因为根据性质5所有最长的路径都有相同数目的黑色节点,这就表明了没有路径能多于任何其他路径的两倍长。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By dawn they had ascended to 3,000 feet (910 m) and could see the northern coast. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 到早晨他们已经前进了3,000英尺(910米),可以望到北海岸了。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He has appeared in over fifty films, including Jim Jarmusch's Night on Earth, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, Coffee and Cigarettes and The Limits of Control. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他总共演出超过五十部以上的电影,包括美国独立电影导演宗师吉姆·贾木许(Jim Jarmusch)的《地球之夜》、《鬼狗杀手》、《咖啡与烟》及《极限控制》等...。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For transgender and transsexual people, this process commonly involves reassignment therapy (which may include hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery), with their gender identity being opposite that of their birth-assigned sex and gender. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:对于跨性别或变性人,这一过程通常涉及性别转换疗法(可能包括激素替代疗法和性别重置手术),其性别认同与其出生的性别指定相反。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On April 28, 1962, Taiwan Television was formally established. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1962年4月28日,台湾电视公司成立。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Since then, Australia has become one of the biggest markets for Chinese students for tertiary education. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此后,澳大利亚成为中国学生到海外留学的最大市场之一。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Jackson stated that he wanted "to improve the conditions for children throughout the world". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 杰克逊希望“可以改善全世界儿童的情况”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Scanian War in 1676 led to a shut-down, which lasted until 1682. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1676年发生的斯科讷战争导致大学一度关闭,直到1682年才得以复校。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 From 1992 on, all Cartes Bleues / CB have been smart cards. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 从1992年起,所有的Cartes Bleues / CB卡均为智能卡。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Cogeneration plant Most of Munich airport's electricity and heat is generated by its own cogeneration plant (CHP), which is located south of the northern runway to the west of the airport. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 慕尼黑机场的大部分电力和热能依靠其自身的一座中央热电站供给,该供电站位于机场的西端,北起降跑道以南。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Since the Russian intervention, they have provided the Tiger Forces with infantry equipment; including the AK-74M and 1P87 collimator sights. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在俄罗斯军事介入叙利亚后,老虎部队获得了一些陆战装备,包括AK-74M和1P87准直式瞄准镜。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The U.S. Department of State's 2010 Human Rights Report found that "legal provisions helped provide protection for homosexual conduct; however, societal discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity continued to be a problem. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:美国国务院2010年《人权报告》发现,“法律规定有助于保护同性恋,但是,基于性取向或性别认同的社会歧视仍然是一个问题。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Some of these theories are now regarded as too simplistic, and more current ones, such as Siegfried Morenz' hypothesis that deities emerged as humans began to distinguish themselves from and personify their environment, are difficult to prove. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:一些理论现已被视为过于简单化, 而更新的理论则难以找到证据支持,比如齐格弗里德·莫伦兹(Siegfried Morenz)的假说——当人类开始将自己与所处环境区分开来,并开始将环境人格化时,就开始塑造神灵。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: But it’s fun to collaboratively plan strategy when you can be attacked or attack at any time. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 但当您可以随时遭受到攻击或攻击时,协同规划战略相当有趣。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2000 major direct foreign investment in the oil sector began, boosting the country's economic prospects. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2000年,外资开始大规模投入乍得的石油业,这有助推动该国的经济发展。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Queen Emma later wrote in a letter that hundreds of Hawaiians were ready to tear to pieces anyone who opposed Lunalilo. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 艾玛王后(Queen Emma)在后来的一封信中说,如果谁敢反对路纳利罗,成千上万的夏威夷人将会把他撕成碎片。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This may be a lost film. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这部电影可能是最近的遗失电影。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: From its source, the river first flows southeast to Voronezh, then southwest to its mouth. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:顿河从其源头起,首先向东南方流向沃罗涅日,然后向西南方向入海。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 AOL, Red Hat, Sun Microsystems/Oracle Corporation, Google and other companies and individual contributors have co-developed NSS. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 AOL、Red Hat、Sun微系统/Oracle公司、Google及其他公司和个人贡献者协作参与了NSS的开发。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The CH-53C was apparently very similar to the HH-53C, even retaining the rescue hoist, the most visible difference being that the CH-53C did not have an in-flight refueling probe. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:CH-53C外观上极类似HH-53C,同样保留了救援吊索,唯一差别是CH-53C没有空中加油管。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1931 he succeeded Sante De Sanctis to the chair in psychology at the Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1931年,他接下桑特·德·桑克蒂斯(英语:Sante De Sanctis)的罗马大学心理学系主任的位置。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Compression using Content-Encoding is more widely supported than Transfer-Encoding, and some browsers do not advertise support for Transfer-Encoding compression to avoid triggering bugs in servers. Assistant: 使用Content-Encoding的压缩比Transfer-Encoding有更广泛的支持,并且某些浏览器不宣告Transfer-Encoding压缩以避免触发服务器的缺陷。 User: It was to be done under Barnsley Council's Remaking Learning project. Assistant: 导致一个称为“再造巴恩斯利”(Remaking Barnsley)以巴恩斯利镇中心为主的重建计划。 User: Remko Tronçon started writing his custom patches for Psi in 2003, and became an official developer in May 2005. Assistant: Remko Tronçon2003年开始为Psi写补丁,2005年5月成为正式的开发员。 User: CiNii (/ˈsaɪniː/) is a bibliographic database service for material in Japanese academic libraries, especially focusing on Japanese works and English works published in Japan. Assistant: CiNii(/ˈsaɪniː/ )是一个面向日本学术图书资料的书目数据库(英语:Bibliographic database)服务,尤其是日本出版的日语和英语著作。 User: It has some facilities for scripting in Python, as well as the creating macros from existing constructions. Assistant: 它有一些Python脚本设施,以及从现有工具创建宏。 User: If the extinct lineages are taken into account, it seems likely that the concept of Palaeoptera will eventually be discarded or changed in content to more accurately reflect insect evolution. Assistant: 如果把已经灭绝的族群也加进来的话,古翅下纲这个概念最终将被废弃或是被改变成更准确地反映出昆虫进化的关系。 User: In 1964, Williams was acquired by jukebox manufacturer Seeburg Corp. and reorganized as Williams Electronics Manufacturing Division. Assistant: 1964年威廉姆斯被点唱机制造商Seeburg收购,并重组为威廉姆斯电子生产部。 User: Born in the city of Basra, Salim began studying religion and politics at a young age. Assistant: 他出生于伊拉克城市巴士拉,在年轻时即开始学习宗教和政治。 User: It is not clear which of these plays the most critical role in maintaining amenorrhea. Assistant: 但是仍不清楚其中何者是主要的机制。 User: Further, the warlord Wang Du the military governor of Yiwu Circuit (義武, headquartered in modern Baoding) also believed that the move was targeting him, and therefore prepared to resist. Assistant: 此外,军阀义武军节度使王都也认为此举是针对他的,也准备抵抗。 User: Subsequent advertisements for highly ranked films often cite their CinemaScore grades. Assistant: 得分高的电影经常会在他们之后的广告中引用其影院评分成绩。 User: Most of these provinces were designated in the 1960s alongside Centre-South Province (split into Centre and South in 1983). Assistant: 以上省份大部分都在1960年代成立,唯中部省和南部省在1983年从中南省分拆而成。 User: The term universe of discourse generally refers to the collection of objects being discussed in a specific discourse. Assistant: 论述全集一词通常是指在特定论述中被讨论的一群物件。 User: This prompted a strengthening of the stern structures on all German capital ships. Assistant: 这促使所有德国主力舰都对舰艉结构进行了强化。 User: During the First World War, the stadium was used by American soldiers for games of baseball. Assistant: 在第一次世界大战时,球场亦曾经是美军用作进行棒球比赛的地方。 User: To the IWW, all the union bureaucracy of the AFL functioned pretty much as a "labor aristocracy". Assistant: 而IWW,劳联的所有工会的官僚运作几乎为“劳工贵族”。 User: While the copolymers' unit structures are less polar than that of pure PVDF, the copolymers typically have a much higher crystallinity. Assistant: 由于共聚物的结构单元比纯PVDF的极性小,因而上述共聚物通常结晶度也较高。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The OpenOffice.org API was based on a component technology known as Universal Network Objects (UNO). Assistant: OpenOffice.org的API基于被称为通用网络对象(Universal Network Objects,缩写为UNO)的组件技术。 User: On 25 June 2013 Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became the Emir of Qatar after his father Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani handed over power in a televised speech. Assistant: 2013年6月25日,塔米姆·本·哈迈德·阿勒萨尼在他的父亲哈迈德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼在电视演讲中交出权力后成为卡塔尔的埃米尔。 User: Private messages were not affected, and the bug had been resolved a month prior. Assistant: 私信不受影响,并且错误已在一个月前得到解决。 User: A commercially viable thermistor was invented by Samuel Ruben in 1930. Assistant: 第一个在商业应用上可行的热敏电阻是由Samuel Ruben在1930年发明。 User: This is an important and lengthy passage of text, the techniques of which require precise astronomical detail and advanced knowledge of complex progressive techniques. Assistant: 这是一篇具重要性与章节冗长的主题,其中的技巧需要精确的天文细节和复杂累进技巧的高深学问。 User: The poor working conditions, and exploitation of children and women along with men, were taken to expose the corruption in meat packing factories. Assistant: 恶劣的工作环境,对儿童与妇女的剥削,揭露的工厂的腐败。 User: The prime minister of Egypt, Hisham Qandil, paid a visit to the Gaza Strip on 16 November. Assistant: 埃及总理希沙姆·甘迪勒16日于访问加沙地带,以示声援哈马斯。 User: It was also one of the finalists of the Benzinga Fintech Awards 2015 in New York, for Research Platforms & Tools - Best in Class. Assistant: 它也是在纽约举行的2015年度Benzinga金融科技奖(Benzinga Fintech Awards)参选研究平台及工具——同类最佳应用的决赛者之一。 User: There are various theoretical explanations for the shrinking city phenomenon. Assistant: 对于城市收缩现象有各种理论解释。 User: After Guadalcanal, Allied personnel regarded the Japanese military with much less fear and awe than previously. Assistant: 瓜达尔卡纳尔后,盟军面对日本的军事人员没有原先的恐惧和敬畏。 User: The town is the site of an annual Viking festival, where Viking culture enthusiasts from around the world display reconstructions of Viking garb, handicraft, sword-fighting and longbow shooting. Assistant: 这个城市是每年维京节的举办地点,来自全世界的维京文化爱好者在那里重现维京人的服饰,手工艺,剑术等。 User: The Abus gun (Turkish: Obüs meaning howitzer) is an early form of artillery created by the Ottoman Empire. Assistant: 奥斯曼榴弹炮(土耳其语:Obüs,意为“榴弹炮”)是奥斯曼帝国创造的一种早期形式的火炮。 User: They proceed to a motel after making some purchases. Assistant: 他们进入了一间酒吧,随后进入了一家酒品商店。 User: Agricultural waste is common in Mauritius (sugar cane residue) and Southeast Asia (rice husks). Assistant: 农业废物在毛里求斯(甘蔗渣)和东南亚(稻壳)中很常见 。 User: The railroad was making a good profit. Assistant: 铁路十分成功并带来了丰厚的利润。 User: Subsequent excavation at this site turned up the fossil skeleton of Animantarx; no bones had been exposed on the surface. Assistant: 后来的挖掘就发现了活堡龙的骨骼化石,当中没有一根骨头是暴露在地层表面。 User: The last two pipes (3) noted the time radiation reached the far end of the radiation channel, the difference between (2) and (3) being the radiation transit time for the channel. Assistant: 最后的两根导管(3)显示了辐射到达辐射通道远端的时间,而(2)和(3)的时间差就是通道的辐射传输时间。 User: This is not exclusive to English or French folklore. Assistant: 并非其英语或法语名称的缩写。 User: The media coverage of Catholic sex abuse cases is a major aspect of the academic literature surrounding the pederastic priest scandal. Assistant: 媒体关于天主教会性虐待案的报道是围绕这些恋童癖神父丑闻的学术文献的重要方面。 User: Other bridges follow in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and also an international bridge between Honduras and El Salvador. Assistant: 他们在哥斯达黎加和尼加拉瓜继续建造桥梁,还在洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多之间建造了一座国际大桥。 User: The Nutrilite brand is known as Nutriway in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Australia and New Zealand. Assistant: 纽崔莱品牌在丹麦、芬兰、挪威、瑞典、土耳其、澳大利亚和新西兰等地被称为Nutriway。 User: JUMP's first regular one-man show. Assistant: JUMP的初演单曲。 User: The worm then emerges from the skin over the course of a few weeks. Assistant: 之后线虫会用数周时间从皮肤中逐渐脱出。 User: A casket was buried under the foundation stone which held 1959 Scout mementoes, stamps, coins, photographs, etc., and a programme of the ceremony. Assistant: 一个棺木埋入奠基石之下,棺木中装了1959年的童军纪念品,邮票,硬币和照片等等东西,还有一份庆祝计划。 User: On October 12, 2005, mobile phone manufacturer Nokia announced what the company refers to as the Eseries, consisting of the three mobile phones, the Nokia E60, Nokia E61 and Nokia E70. Assistant: 2005年10月12日,诺基亚于手机制造商记者招待会上宣布了E系列,并发布了3款该系列的手机E60,E61和E70。 User: A Red-Green alliance is an alliance between Green parties and social democratic parties. Assistant: 一个红绿联盟是一个绿党与一个社会民主党的联盟。 User: Finally, some small areas such as Montenegro/Zeta and Mount Lebanon did not merit the effort of conquest and were not fully subordinated to the Empire. Assistant: 一些细小的地区如黑山及黎巴嫩山并没有完全附属于奥斯曼帝国。 User: While SpaceX exclusively spent its own money to develop its previous launcher, the Falcon 1, development of the Falcon 9 was accelerated by NASA funding parts of development costs and committing to purchase several commercial flights if specific capabilities were demonstrated. Assistant: 尽管SpaceX自己花钱研发了先前的猎鹰1号火箭,但NASA提供的一些开发资金和购买的几次演示飞行使猎鹰9号的开发大大加快。 User: In the mid and late 17th century, due to Russian and Swedish invasions, there was much devastation and population loss on throughout the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, including ethnic Lithuanian population in Vilnius surroundings. Assistant: 因为俄国和瑞典的入侵,整个立陶宛大公国遭到严重毁坏,损失大量人口,其中包括维尔纽斯周边地区的立陶宛人口。 User: The following day, a SWAT team of around 70 officers arrived at a protest demanding that protesters disperse. Assistant: 翌日,70名特警队员抵达抗议地点,要求示威者散去 。 User: The period of the Gold Rush was marked by the California Genocide. Assistant: 而青山的美学是受到加利福尼亚州地理的影响。 User: The "Plus" in the name was a reference to the additional features it offered over the original portable Apple IIc, such as greater storage capacity (a built-in 3.5-inch floppy drive replacing the classic 5.25-inch drive), increased processing speed, and a general standardization of the system components. Assistant: 型号中的"Plus"代表其较Apple IIc增加了一些功能,例如更大的存储容量(以3.5英寸内置软驱替代原有的5.25英寸软驱)、更快的处理速度及系统贳件统一标准化。 User: Now installed by default on OpenBSD. Assistant: 现在默认安装在OpenBSD上。 User: Around 1200, these lands were divided for the first time. Assistant: 到1200年,这些土地第一次被划分。 User: There is a fierce competition between private taxi companies. Assistant: 私营计程车公司间的竞争激烈。 User: Normal costs arise during routine day-to-day business operations. Assistant: 收入一般在日常的商业活动中产生。 User: Kinsey estimated that approximately 50% of all married males had some extramarital experience at some time during their married lives. Assistant: 金赛预测大约50%已婚男性在婚姻生活中有一些婚外的性经验。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch) of the 24 books of the Tanakh, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它的意义广泛,可以指塔纳赫(Tanakh)24部经中的前五部,也就是一般常称的《摩西五经》(Pentateuch)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The band headlined music festivals across the Netherlands, while their Mother Earth tour DVD claimed the prestigious Edison Award. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 乐队的标题在荷兰音乐节,而他们的Mother Earth巡演DVD声称著名的爱迪生奖。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:But not all questions studied in applied ethics concern public policy. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:应用伦理学所研究的问题并不是都关注于公共政策。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Gathering Log also displays the names and locations of items that can be gathered in the world. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 收集日志也会显示名称物品在世界上可以收集的地点。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This was greeted with cheers and laughter from the conference, but the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party described them as gingerism and "anti-Scottish". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这次会议迎来了欢呼和欢笑,但是自由民主党和苏格兰民族党将他们描述为“姜”和“反苏格兰”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They lasted there only for one season and were relegated after finishing last. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 同年遣人向后黎朝上降表,去年号奉正朔。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:TCE, the Chemical Engineer. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:丁嗣贤,化学工程专家。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Blacknose sharks in the South Atlantic Bight (off the Atlantic coast of the southern United States) migrate northward in the summer and southward (or possibly offshore) in the winter; a similar migration occurs for sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 生活在南大西洋湾(美国南部的大西洋海岸附近海域)的黑吻真鲨在夏天向北部鱼类迁徙,冬天则向南部(或者远离海岸)迁徙;生活在墨西哥湾的黑吻真鲨也有相类似的迁徙运动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The study of mathematics, physics, and in particular, of electricity, had captivated his imagination. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 对数学、物理,特别是电学的研究,迷住了他的想象。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Ferrites at Microwave Frequencies. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 频率属于微波范围。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Habsburg Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire refused to sign the treaty and remained therefore at war with France. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 哈布斯堡君主国及神圣罗马帝国拒绝签署该和约,并持续了与法国间的战争。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In C++11, the explicit keyword can now be applied to conversion operators. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在C++11中,关键字explicit修饰符也能套用到型别转换函数上。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Modified and Roadster classes were seen as more attractive to fans. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 改装车级和跑车级本来预期会较吸引车迷。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:His ruined nose was the subject of much ribald comment by his enemies. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:然而,他的坏名声多半是由他的敌人谣传所致。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By 15 March, Soviet commanders introduced preliminary plans for an offensive towards Kharkov, assisted by a large number of reserves. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 3月15日,苏联将领们开始制定向卡尔可夫发动进攻的计划,并预想要集结一支强大的预备队。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: At the extreme west, where the stones are tallest, there is a stone circle which has 39 stones. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最西部的石头最高,在那里还有一个由39块石头组成的石环。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:CAN also routinely holds student air quality monitoring programs in conjunction with schools in the Hong Kong area. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:CAN还按例与香港地区学校举办学生空气质量监测项目。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His scientific background was that of a geographer, Sinologist and ethnologist. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 格鲁施克的科学背景是一个地理学家,汉学家和民族学家。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2009, his first year in office, Thailand experienced a negative growth rate for the first time since the 1997 financial crisis: a GDP of -2.3 percent. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2009年即他上任第一年,泰国录得1997年金融危机以来首次负增长,国内生产总值减少2.3%。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The bright collar at −45° latitude is also connected with methane clouds. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在纬度−45°的明亮"衣领"也与甲烷云有所关联。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Because it is composed of the two most abundant elements in the universe, hydrogen and helium, it is believed to occur naturally in the interstellar medium, although it has not been detected yet. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 因为它含有宇宙中最丰富的两种元素:氢和氦,因此被认为广泛存在于星际介质中。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the Seoul Olympics of 1988, international air traffic to Korea increased. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 随着1986年亚运会和1988年奥运会的召开,韩国旅游业开始迅速增长。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Fearing that the Ohio governor would emerge as a candidate, Harrison's managers arranged for McKinley to be permanent chairman of the convention in Minneapolis, requiring him to play a public, neutral role. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 哈里森担心麦金莱会成为他的对手,所以任命他为明尼阿波利斯共和党大会永久主席,迫使他采取公开、中立的态度。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: There are 206 bones in the adult human body and 270 in an infant. Assistant: 成人有206块骨头,而新生儿的有超过270块。 User: Harrison was told that a further reward of £10,000 would be forthcoming if he could demonstrate the replicability of his watch. Assistant: 后来经由国会再次议定预支给哈里森10,000英镑,请他证明可以复制另一只准确的表。 User: The first of today's organizations to award a world title was the World Boxing Association (WBA), then known as the National Boxing Association (NBA), when it sanctioned its first title fight in 1921 between Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpentier for the world heavyweight championship. Assistant: 现代第一个世界拳击冠军的头衔是由世界拳击协会(当时名为“全国拳击协会”)所颁发,他们安排了杰克·登普西与乔治斯·卡彭蒂尔(英语:Georges Carpentier)之间的重量级世界冠军争霸赛。 User: In others, the policy was enforced through intimidation. Assistant: 在其他情况下,该政策通过恐吓来执行的。 User: 1963 statistics from the Republic of China on Taiwan's Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission showed just 450 registered overseas Chinese remaining on the island. Assistant: 1963年中华民国侨务委员会的统计显示,仅有450名登记的海外华人留在岛上。 User: The music helps to augment that. Assistant: 我希望音乐能够增加这一点。 User: Their first daughter, Ava Catherine, was born in 2011, and their second daughter, Gia, was born in 2014. Assistant: 他们的第一个女儿Ava Catherine出生于2011年,而第二个女儿Gia则出生于2014年。 User: In April 2011, the Wikimedia Foundation conducted its first semi-annual Wikipedia survey. Assistant: 2011年4月,维基媒体基金会进行了第一次半年度维基百科调查。 User: In February 1950 the northeast group would combine with other divisions to become the predecessor of Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Assistant: 在1950年2月,东北电影制片厂联合其他部门一同成为上海美术电影制片厂的前身。 User: One approach to measure theory is to start with a Radon measure, defined as a positive linear functional on Cc(X). Assistant: 进入测度论的一个途径是从拉东测度开始,定义为 C(X) 上一个正线性泛函。 User: Ahmadinejad said he planned to create an "exemplary government for the people of the world" in Iran. Assistant: 艾哈迈迪内贾德称他计划构建一个“世界人民的模范政府”。 User: Leader accesses the computer and begins searching for someone. Assistant: 乐团进入录音室,开始准备下一张专辑。 User: Its song was last heard in 1987, and it is now probably extinct. Assistant: 1987年仍有听到它们的歌声,但之后就被认为是已灭绝。 User: The FIT's supreme body is the statutory congress, which is held every three years. Assistant: F.I.T 的最高机构是法定的国会,每三年举行一次。 User: The domain is characterized by a highly conserved core WRKYGQK motif and a zinc finger region. Assistant: 该结构域的主要特征是一个高度保守的WRKYGQK模序和一个锌指区域。 User: Two years later, the manufacturer began a development study, code-named 7X7, for a new wide-body aircraft intended to replace the 707 and other early generation narrow-body jets. Assistant: 两年后,波音公司开始了新的研发计划——代号“7X7”的一种新式宽体客机,意在取代波音707及其他窄体客机。 User: TCP provides a checksum for protecting the payload and addressing information from the TCP and IP headers. Assistant: TCP提供用于保护有效载荷和来自TCP和IP报头寻址信息的校验和。 User: Starting in 2008, The Egyptian government introduced newer machine-readable passport (MRP), in order to comply with international passport standards and requirements with 96.7% conformance to ICAO Document 9303. Assistant: 2008年开始,埃及政府使用新的可机读护照,以便遵守国际护照的标准,其有96.7%符合国际民航组织第9303号文件中的规范。 User: The flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) is similar to the flags of other British dependencies and colonies as it has the Union Flag in the upper hoist-side corner. Assistant: 英属印度洋领地旗帜与其他英国属地和殖民地相似,旗帜上方靠近旗杆一侧有米字旗,象征着英国的领地。 User: Computer architects need such tools to evaluate how well programs will perform on new architectures. Assistant: 电脑架构分析师需要这类工具来评估程式在新的系统结构中运作的情形。 User: As long as the machines were synchronized, the mix would sound more-or-less normal, but if the operator placed his finger on the flange of one of the players (hence "flanger"), that machine would slow down and its signal would fall out-of-phase with its partner, producing a phasing effect. Assistant: 只要机器是同步的,混音听起来或多或少比较正常,但若操作人员把她的手指放在播放器的边缘(所以叫“镶边”),那个机器会慢下来信号和另外一个的相位差就会改变,产生相变的效果。 User: They might even permit comparisons between faces. Assistant: 他们也可以用面部表情来描述情形。 User: Provides a set of specifications that describes basic software modules, defines application interfaces and builds a common development methodology based on standardized exchange format. Assistant: AUTOSAR 制订了一系列标准规范,包括基础软件模块规范介绍、应用接口定义规范以及基于标准交换格式创建共同发展方法论的规范。 User: Caiaphas is mentioned throughout the works of William Blake as a byword for a traitor or Pharisee. Assistant: 在威廉·布莱克作品中,该亚法成了叛徒或法利赛人的绰号。 User: Protocol 14 was drafted with the aim of reducing the workload of the Court and that of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which supervises the execution of judgments, so that the Court could focus on cases that raise important human rights issues. Assistant: 第14条协议就是为了减轻法庭和监督法官执行情况的欧洲委员会部长理事会的工作量而设立, 以促使法庭集中精力处理与人权有关的重大案件。 User: Today the European Union and NATO, and formerly also the Western European Union, all carry out some of the functions which was envisaged for the EDC, although none approach the degree of supranational military control that the EDC would have provided for. Assistant: 今天欧洲联盟和北约,以及之前的西欧联盟,都实现了为欧洲经济共同体设想的一些职能,但是没有一个能够达到欧洲经济共同体跨国军事控制的程度。 User: This in turn would diversify the Russian economy, increasing the share of high-tech civilian products and non-primary exports. Assistant: 该战略的主要目标是使俄罗斯经济模型多元化,提高民用高科技产品和非石油产品的出口份额。 User: The Legendre ordinary differential equation is frequently encountered in physics and other technical fields. Assistant: 勒让德方程是物理学和其他技术领域常常遇到的一类常微分方程。 User: The following week the song dropped to number 30. Assistant: 接下来的一周,这首歌的排名降至第30位。 User: The Anti-Defamation League has called on the chief Rabbis to speak out against the interfaith assaults. Assistant: 反诽谤联盟要求主要的拉比公开反对针对信仰的攻击。 User: We will do everything we can to support you. Assistant: 我们会尽全力来帮助你。 User: User authentication mode: This mode requires that the user provide some authentication to the pre-boot environment in the form of a pre-boot PIN or password. Assistant: 用户认证模式:此模式要求用户以预引导PIN或密码的形式向预引导环境提供认证。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 This game can be played online. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此游戏不可以在网上玩。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Anand made visits to China in September 1991 and Japan in December 1991, and went on to meetings with President George H. W. Bush in the United States. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:阿南1991年9月访问了中国,1991年12月访问了日本,并在美国和乔治·H·W·布什总统会谈。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Teeth are made of multiple tissues of varying density and hardness. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 牙齿是由多重组织组成,具有不同的密度和硬度。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These events occur against economic and political breakdown in the U.S.: corporate concentration, slashed government budgets, and military adventurism abroad, aided by a compliant corporate media. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些事件发生在美国国内经济与政治没落的背景之下:企业资本的集中化、被大幅削减的政府预算,以及唯唯诺诺的公司媒体(corporate media)的促使下在国外的军事冒险主义。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Their support of Conrad's rule greatly influenced the Saxony nobility. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 她们对康拉德的支持大大地影响了萨克森的贵族们。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: October 7 ESA's Science Programme Committee has approved the extension of mission operations for Mars Express until 31 December 2012. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:10月7日 ESA的Science Programme Committee确定将火星特快车的任务延伸至2012年12月31日。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Along the predominantly marshy coasts of Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus counties, erosion and structural damage were much more limited, partly due to the local southerly or southeasterly wind direction. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 帕斯科县、赫尔南多县和西特拉斯县沿线海岸以湿软沼泽为主,所受侵蚀和结构破坏要有限得多,这部分是因为当地的风向为南风或东南风。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Isotopes of other elements are not so great a problem as they can be removed by chemical means. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 若生成其他元素的同位素并不是很大的问题,因为我们可以使用化学方法将它们除去。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Due to the instability of the ion, fulminate salts are friction-sensitive explosives. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于离子的不稳定性,雷酸盐多是对摩擦敏感的炸药。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Independent parties have ported the library to many platforms, including the Amazon Kindle,HP TouchPad,PlayStation Portable,Wii, and DOS. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该库被一些独立组织移植到多个平台,包括Amazon Kindle、HP Touchpad、PlayStation Portable、Wii和DOS。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In Germany, despite the existence of laws against unfair business practices and unfair competition passed in 1909 (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb or UWG) it was widely believed that the predominance of large cartels of German industry had made it easier for the Nazis to assume total economic control simply by bribing or blackmailing the heads of a small number of industrial magnates. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在德国,尽管已于1909年通过法律规范不公平竞争(Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb,亦简称为UWG),人们还是普遍认为,德国工业大型卡特尔的优势使其更容易让纳粹透过贿赂或恐吓少数工业巨擘的主管,以施行经济总量管制。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the most recent restoration of the painting in 1994, the subtle colour scheme and the intimacy of the girl's gaze toward the viewer have been greatly enhanced. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 于1994年的修复后,画作精密的颜色运用及画中少女对其观察者的亲密目光更被专家所留意。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is the third title in the Sabreman series, but the first to use the isometric Filmation engine. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这是Sabreman系列的第三作,为首款采用等角投影画面引擎的游戏。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This type of protein design could have future applications in drug discovery, green chemistry, and bioremediation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这一类型的蛋白质设计将来可能在药物设计、绿色化学、生物修复等领域得到应用。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For those who knew him, he will never be forgotten. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他们(受难者)将永远不会被忘记。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A non-MECE example would be categorization by nationality, because nationalities are neither mutually exclusive (some people have dual nationality) nor collectively exhaustive (some people have none). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 不能使用MECE原则的一个案例是,将人们分成国籍的几类(因为有些人没有国籍或具有两种及以上的国籍)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On 2 April the Senate officially deposed Napoleon with the Acte de déchéance de l'Empereur; by 11 April it had approved the Treaty of Fontainebleau and adopted a new constitution to re-establish the Bourbon monarchy. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 4月2日,参议院以皇帝的退位法(英语:Acte de déchéance de l'Empereur) 正式废除了拿破仑; 由4月11日,它已批准了枫丹白露条约并通过了新宪法重新建立了波旁王朝。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 My first lawyer Tom Howard told me to say that I shot Oswald so that Caroline and Mrs. Kennedy wouldn't have to come to Dallas to testify. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 鲁比写道: “乔,你也知道我第一个律师汤姆 霍德华告诉我说,我向奥斯瓦尔德开枪是为了卡罗琳和肯尼迪夫人不会到达拉斯作证。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was cleaned and repainted, although structural damage was not repaired. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:拉结会堂得到了清洗和粉刷,但是结构损伤并未修复。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is a private organization that receives funding from several major governments (mostly the United States and United Kingdom, although other countries including Canada, Japan, France, and Italy have been mentioned). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这是一个由几个国家政府资助(绝大多数经费来自美国和英国,尽管加拿大、日本、法国和意大利也曾资助)的私人机构。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1904, Gershuni was arrested, and Yevno Azef succeeded him, with Boris Savinkov as his deputy. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1904年格尔舒尼被捕,叶夫诺·阿泽夫取而代之,鲍里斯·萨文科夫担任副手。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1984, at the beginning of reform and opening up, Tianjin was listed as one of the 14 coastal open cities by the State Council and the economy began to develop rapidly, especially as a symbol of Tianjin Development Zone. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1984年,改革开放伊始,天津被国务院列为14个沿海开放城市之一,经济开始快速发展。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: China instead threw its weight behind demands for an immediate ceasefire. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:中方呼吁有关方面保持克制,立即停火。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As the size and number of the armies grew and the technology to communicate and control improved, the difference between "military strategy" and "grand strategy" shrank. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:但是在更后期,随着军队的扩大,通讯与控制科技的进步,“军事战略”与“大战略”之间的差异又缩小了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She was born in spring of the Year of the Sun 466 of the First Age. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 她出生在第一纪元太阳纪466年的春季。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1923, during the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, about 1,400 Greek families from Pontus and Asia Minor were settled in Kozani. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1923年希腊与土耳其的人口交换中,约1,400个来自本都和小亚细亚的希腊家庭定居于此。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Aside from the security and compliance issues enumerated above, cloud providers and their customers will negotiate terms around liability (stipulating how incidents involving data loss or compromise will be resolved, for example), intellectual property, and end-of-service (when data and applications are ultimately returned to the customer). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:除了遵从上面列举的安全和规范议题,云端服务提供商和客户依照责任来协商订定条款(例如,当有资料遗失的事件发生时该如何协商解决)、知识产权、与服务的终止(何时会将资料和应用程序还给客户)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: KPDF is a free PDF reader based on Xpdf. Assistant: KPDF是一个基于Xpdf的自由的PDF阅读器。 User: The final stage of the project, E-4, was to be a nuclear strike on the Moon as a display of force. Assistant: 计划的最后阶段:“E-4”,将在月球上发动核打击以显示军力。 User: Marty Whelan provided commentary of the contest for Ireland on RTÉ. Assistant: RTÉ的Marty Whelan为本次比赛在爱尔兰的转播提供了评论解说。 User: The term strange attractor was coined by David Ruelle and Floris Takens to describe the attractor resulting from a series of bifurcations of a system describing fluid flow. Assistant: 奇异吸子这个词最早是由David Ruelle与Floris Takens所命名,用以描述流体系统经一连串分岔所产生的吸子结果。 User: World Cup 98 2002 FIFA World Cup 2006 FIFA World Cup 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil World-class Soccer (A collectible card game for Android and iOS which is released in Japan and mainland China only.) 2018 FIFA World Cup (Released as a free update for FIFA 18) Similar to FIFA World Cup games, in 2000, EA purchased the license from UEFA to publish official European Championship video games prior to each tournament. Assistant: World Cup 98 2002 FIFA World Cup 2006 FIFA World Cup 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 2018 FIFA World Cup (作为FIFA 18的免费更新) 同“FIFA世界杯”游戏,2000年,艺电(EA)从欧洲足球协会联盟购买了版权,在每一届欧洲冠军杯比赛开始之前发布UEFA官方欧洲冠军杯游戏。 User: 28: The Red Army occupies Romanian Bessarabia and the northern part of Bukovina. Assistant: 28日:苏联红军占领比萨拉比亚及北布科维纳。 User: Nas first went by the nickname Kid Wave before adopting his more commonly known alias of Nasty Nas. Assistant: 他最初用的艺名是Kid Wave,稍后采用了他现在为人熟知的艺名Nasty Nas。 User: The Dutch had settled in America long before the establishment of the United States of America. Assistant: 荷兰人早在美国建立之前便已长期居住于北美。 User: It mostly shows shots of Flo Rida and several girls on a beach. Assistant: 录像带展示了佛罗·里达和许多女孩在沙滩上狂欢的场景。 User: The graduate employment rates are also one of the highest (over 95%). Assistant: 毕业生多年来都保持相当高的就业率(95%以上)。 User: The next god is obviously elderly. Assistant: 上帝最初乃是上古的祖宗神。 User: The colossal work is 24.5 meters high, created in marble from Carrara and brass by the Spanish sculptor Agustí Querol Subirats. Assistant: 这个巨大的作品高24.5米,由西班牙雕塑家Agustí Querol Subirats用卡拉拉大理石和黄铜创作。 User: Tonnant joined the War of 1812 late. Assistant: 威尔金森在后来参加了1812年战争。 User: The expedition spent two months studying the open tombs, visiting about 16 of them in total. Assistant: 这次的探索持续两个月,他们研究了已打开的陵墓,并走进其中16个陵墓内加以研究。 User: She went on to study at the School of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University, and was invited to teach there in 1994, earning her MFA in 1997. Assistant: 她在雪城大学(也称锡拉丘兹大学/ Syracuse University)视觉和行为艺术学院学习,并受邀于1994年开始在那里任教,于1997年获得了艺术硕士学位。 User: The filmmakers hired cinematographer Roger Deakins (known for frequently collaborating with the Coen brothers) as a visual consultant to help them with lighting and overall look of the film and to "add a live-action feel". Assistant: 电影的制作群雇用了摄影技师罗杰·狄金斯(著名于常常和柯恩兄弟的作品合作)作为这部电影的视觉效果顾问,并请他帮忙加强了电影的打光、整体的视觉效果以及加入了一点动作方面上的“实际感”。 User: In his acceptance speech the Dalai Lama criticised China for using force against student protesters during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Assistant: 达赖喇嘛的领奖感言中批评了中国政府对天安门事件的学生示威采取的武力镇压行为。 User: The beginning of 2002 film Hart's War, set during the Battle of the Bulge, involves a scene where German soldiers are dressed as US MPs. Assistant: 2002年的美国电影《哈特的战争(英语:Hart's War)》以突出部战役为背景,其中出现了伪装成美军的德军士兵。 User: Observations of Circinus X-1 in July 2007 revealed the presence of X-ray jets normally found in black hole systems. Assistant: 2007年对圆规座X-1的观察发现了一般在黑洞系统能见的X射线喷流。 User: It included the territories that were formerly a part of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. Assistant: 其包含以前属于南非共和国和奥兰治自由邦的领土。 User: One of the first uses of vector graphic displays was the US SAGE air defense system. Assistant: 矢量图形显示器的最初应用之一是US SAGE防空系统。 User: The victims were either beaten to death, killed with a bayonet, killed with a hammer, or shot to death. Assistant: 受害者要么被殴打致死,要么用刺刀杀死、要么用锤子杀死,要么被枪杀。 User: On 5 April 2009 at the Parliamentary elections the Democratic Party won only 2.97% of votes, and remained out of the Parliament. Assistant: 在2009年4月5日的议会选举中,民主党只获得了议会外的2.97%的选票。 User: Kate Chopin's narrative style in The Awakening can be categorized as naturalism. Assistant: 凯特·肖邦在《觉醒》中的叙述风格可被归为自然主义。 User: Official website GitHub repository Assistant: 官方网站 GitHub Repository User: The child's remains were a remarkably well-preserved tiny skull and an endocast of the brain. Assistant: 这个孩童的遗骸包括一个保存完好的细小头骨及其脑子的颅内腔模型(endocranial cast)。 User: EAP-FAST uses a Protected Access Credential (PAC) to establish a TLS tunnel in which client credentials are verified. Assistant: EAP-FAST使用一个保护访问凭证(Protected Access Credential,PAC)来建立TLS隧道,并通过该隧道对客户端证书进行验证。 User: The lunar atmosphere probably originates from outgassing of warm material below the surface. Assistant: 月球大气层可能源自表面下被温暖物质的释气。 User: Around the mausoleum is a park fitted with strong beamed spot-lights which at night project light on the white mausoleum. Assistant: 陵墓周围是一个公园,公园里安装了强光射灯,晚上的时候射灯的灯光会照射在白色的陵墓上。 User: They were clean. Assistant: 它们是干净的。 User: In March 2014, Mozilla came under some criticism after it appointed Brendan Eich as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Assistant: 2014年3月,Mozilla在任命布兰登·艾克担任新任首席执行长(CEO)之后受到了一些批评。 User: In May 1895, the Powers forced Abdul Hamid to sign a new reform package designed to curtail the powers of the Hamidiye, but, like the Berlin Treaty, it was never implemented. Assistant: 列强迫使哈米德二世于1895年10月签署新的一连串改革,以抑制“哈米迪耶”的权力,可是与《柏林条约》规定的改革一样,从未得到落实。 User: In 2010, Fu, Ballantyne and Lambkin transferred it and three other Luciola species to the new genus Aquatica. Assistant: 2010年,Fu, Ballantyne 及 Lambkin将本物种及另外三个同属物种移往新建立的水萤属(Aquatica)。 User: Shannon and Weaver also recognized that often there is static that interferes with one listening to a telephone conversation, which they deemed noise. Assistant: 香农和韦弗也发现在电话对话中常有静电影响通话,这就是通信中的噪音。 User: Until the 19th century, number theory was a synonym of "arithmetic". Assistant: 在十九世纪以前,数论(number theory)是算术的同义词。 User: Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Assistant: 这国不举刀攻击那国;他们也不再学习战事。 User: Mr Sorbin, her husband. Assistant: 是名凡夫人。 User: In general, problems with nervous control can cause spasticity or paralysis, depending on the location and nature of the problem. Assistant: 神经控制的问题有可能会导致痉挛或是瘫痪,依部位及特性的不同而定。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 His main goal was to ensure the power of the sultanate while at the same time establishing a strong central bureaucracy within the Sublime Porte to indefinitely postpone the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他在改革中的目标是保证苏丹统治并建立一个中央集权的朴特以无限期推迟奥斯曼帝国最终没能避免的解体。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) is a precursor polypeptide with 241 amino acid residues. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 前脑啡黑细胞促素皮促素(Pro-opiomelanocortin),简称POMC,为一种由241个氨基酸组成的前驱多肽。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The majority of the early recipients of the title fell into two categories: participants in the Chechnya conflicts or cosmonauts. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此头衔的授予对象主要有两个类别:车臣冲突的参与者和宇航员。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1994 prototypes were tested, and an information series appeared in 1995. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1994年,该枪的原型进行了测试;1995年,该枪信息系列亦出现。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Taxay agreed, opining that Barber's "chief concern seems to have been in making the portrait of McKinley as different as possible from that on the Louisiana Purchase coins". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 塔克西也有同样看法,认为巴伯“最为关注的事情似乎是要让麦金莱的肖像尽可能和路易斯安那购地博览会金币上不同”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He wrote that this "next great iPad game" was already one of his mobile favorites, and is set apart from others by its "style" and "achingly beautiful" mountain landscape. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他写道,这个“全新的伟大iPad游戏”已经成为他最爱的移动设备游戏之一,其“风格”和“美丽得无与伦比的山景”是如此的出类拔萃。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: For each integer r ≥ 2 there is a code with block length n = 2r − 1 and message length k = 2r − r − 1. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 对于所有整数 r ≥ 2,存在一个分组长度 n = 2r − 1、k = 2r − r − 1 编码。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Undersecretary of Justice. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 司法副大臣贰之。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 I think they're young men who want to live. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 我想这些年轻人想活命。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Sometimes referred to as the "Heroin Highway," much of the ninety tonnes of heroin that are trafficked through Tajikistan each year pass along this route. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 每年途经塔吉克的海洛因约有90公吨,其中有大部分为透过此公路贩运,因此此公路有时被称为“海洛因公路”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Goethe used "Gingo" instead of "Ginkgo" in the first version to avoid the hard sound of the letter "k". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 歌德后来将“Ginkgo”(德语银杏)中的"k"改为"g"是避免发"k"这个硬音。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1703 Peter the Great had founded his new capital, Saint Petersburg, in that furthest-flung corner of the Gulf of Finland. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1703年,彼得大帝在芬兰湾的最东面建造了他的新都圣彼得堡。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Text analysis involves information retrieval, lexical analysis to study word frequency distributions, pattern recognition, tagging/annotation, information extraction, data mining techniques including link and association analysis, visualization, and predictive analytics. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:文本分析包括了信息检索、词典分析来研究词语的频数分布、模式识别、标签\注释、信息抽取,数据挖掘技术包括链接和关联分析、可视化和预测分析。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In practice, information is usually carried by weak stimuli that must be detected by specialized sensory systems and amplified by energy inputs before they can be functional to the organism or system. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在实务上,信息可能只有微弱的刺激,必需用特定的感测系统来侦测,且经过能量的放大,才能会生物或是系统有用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The name of the river probably comes from an Old English word meaning "fast-flowing", since it descends over 100 m (328 ft) in its initial four miles (6.4 km). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这条河的名字可能来自古英语,意思是“水流湍急的”,因为它在源头的6.4公里(4英里)落差了100米(328英尺)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He was the first son of Lazare Carnot, an eminent mathematician, military engineer and leader of the French Revolutionary Army. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 他是法国大革命时期著名的,杰出的数学家,军事工程师和法国革命军领袖拉扎尔·卡诺的长子。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Ward continues to be honored as the protector of Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. Assistant: 沃德一直被誉为伊利诺伊州芝加哥格兰特公园的保护者。 User: Participants in the TIROS project included the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Radio Corporation of America, the United States Weather Bureau, the United States Naval Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), the Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Assistant: 参与TIROS项目的机构包括美国国家航空和航天局(NASA)、美国陆军信号的研究和发展实验室、美国无线电公司、美国气象局、美国海军摄影的解释中心(NPIC)、环境科学服务管理局(ESSA)和美国国家海洋和大气管理署(NOAA)。 User: As long as that directly connected route's interface is active, the BGP route to the destination will not be put into the routing table. Assistant: 只要直连的端口还在正常工作,去向该目的前缀的BGP路由就不会被真正纳入路由表(主路由表)。 User: By five days after Isabel, most power outages in southeastern Pennsylvania were repaired, with all outages restored by a week after the hurricane. Assistant: 伊莎贝尔来袭5天后,该州东南部大部分停电区域都已恢复正常,所有停电地区都在飓风过后一周内恢复。 User: Prost won the next two Grands Prix at Silverstone and Hockenheim. Assistant: 法国人在接下来的银石和霍根海姆连取两场胜利。 User: Hawaii became a state of the United States in 1959. Assistant: 夏威夷于1959年成为美国的一个州。 User: A relatively strong weather system, the wave progressed westward, but by the time it had reached the Leeward Islands ten days later, it had degenerated substantially. Assistant: 这一天气系统相对较强并逐渐向西行进,但在10天后抵达背风群岛时,东风波已经大幅退化。 User: Innocent people are involved. Assistant: 无辜百姓民众受到牵连。 User: However, after Boxing Canada could not find a venue that was available for the dates suitable for AIBA, Boxing Canada withdrew from hosting. Assistant: 然而,加拿大拳击协会无法找到场馆可以符合AIBA要求得日期,所以退出主办。 User: Citizens of the following 60 countries may obtain a visa on arrival valid for 60 days: Citizens of the following 5 countries may obtain a visa on arrival valid for 14 days: Holders of confirmed onward tickets may transit through Mauritius without a visa for a maximum time of 24 hours. Assistant: 以下61个国家的公民可获60天落地签证: 以下5个国家的公民可获14天落地签证: 持有经确认的下一程机票的旅客可在毛里求斯免签证过境,最长可停留24小时。 User: When last seen, Diana has been placed under arrest by Philip, who does not know that Diana secretly planted a bomb on board the Leader's shuttle. Assistant: 最后一次看到是被菲利普逮捕,在这之前她秘密地在领导人的航天飞机上安装了一个炸弹。 User: According to historian Joan Scott, conflict occurred between Women's History historians and other historians in a number of ways. Assistant: 根据历史学家琼·瓦拉赫·斯科特所述,女性史史家和其他史学家有几个冲突的点。 User: During the 2005 season, injuries suffered by running backs Corey Dillon, Patrick Pass, and Kevin Faulk forced the Patriots to rely more on Brady's passing. Assistant: 2005赛季,由于跑卫科里·迪伦(Corey Dillon)、帕特里克·帕斯(Patrick Pass)和凯文·福尔克(Kevin Faulk)的接连受伤,爱国者队地面攻击大打折扣不得不更多依赖布雷迪的传球进攻。 User: He believed the angels of the Lord was on his side and without fear he continued his journey. Assistant: 深爱着涂山红红,打算在七夕向她表白,却未能成功。 User: Measurements of Earth system processes, past and present, have led to the conclusion that the planet has moved well outside the range of natural variability in the last half million years at least. Assistant: 对过去和现在地球系统过程的测量结果表明,在过去的50万年中,地球所发生的变化已经远远超出了自然变化的范围。 User: The captives were forced to march the 350-mile length to Gallipoli, stripped of clothing down to their shirts and most without shoes, with hands tied and beaten by their captors. Assistant: 战俘被迫前往350公里以外的盖利博卢,他们被剥去衣衫,大多数战俘都没有鞋子,他们的双手被绑,又被劫持者毒打。 User: He receives a concussion, and when he revives he is blind. Assistant: 盛彦回来知道后,悲恸欲绝,而母亲盲目竟然复明。 User: However, in the 1990s it contracted to half of that size before being acquired and expanding again, mostly in Asia. Assistant: 然而,1990年代时双圣的餐厅数量减少了一半,接着再次被买下并在亚洲地区重新扩张。 User: In draft scripts for the film that would become Star Wars, the term "Stardestroyer" refers to two-man fighters flown by what would become the Galactic Empire. Assistant: 在原本星际大战电影剧本手稿里,术语“Star Destroyer”指的是飞过双人战斗机的人—后来手稿它成为银河帝国制式战机。 User: Equestrianism has been a long tradition, popular among the Tsars and aristocracy, as well as part of the military training. Assistant: 圣彼得堡马术一直有悠久的传统,在沙皇及贵族阶级中流行,也是军事训练的一部分。 User: Zer Customs. Assistant: 何等名物。 User: An emergency evacuation shelter in Newport News reported minor wind damage. Assistant: 纽波特纽斯的一处应急避难所因大风而出现轻度损伤。 User: C1q, a member of the C1 complex, is able to interact with the Fc region of antibodies. Assistant: C1q是C1复合物的成员,能够与抗体的Fc区相互作用。 User: American soldiers in other countries have spread diseases that ultimately disrupted entire societies and healthcare systems with famine and poverty. Assistant: 在国外作战的美军也常常传播疾病到国外,造成贫穷、饥荒、卫生系统的破坏,甚至最后摧毁整个社会。 User: However, the growth continued to be weak in the following years, and GDP only reached pre-crisis levels in 2014. Assistant: 然而,随后几年的增长继续疲弱,允许在2014年之前实现危机前的国内生产总值水平。 User: 22% of students are foreign, and come from over 110 different countries. Assistant: 22%的学生是国际学生,来自超过110个不同的国家。 User: As of 2003, nearly half of all known RNA structures had been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Assistant: 截至2003年,所有已知RNA结构中近一半已通过核磁共振波谱法确定 。 User: Individuals and groups within the collaboration are writing their own code to perform further analysis of these objects, searching the patterns of detected particles for particular physical models or hypothetical particles. Assistant: 参与该实验合作的个人和团体可以利用他们自己输入的程序代码对收集到的对象数据进行深入分析,在被探测粒子的规律中寻找某种物理模型或者假想的粒子。 User: The Venusberg Erotic Art-Museum is a virtual Erotic-Museum, founded 1997 by a German collector and run as a paysite. Assistant: The Venusberg Erotic Art-Museum(维纳斯山情色艺术博物馆) 是一个虚拟情色博物馆,由一位德国收藏家于1997年创建,是付费网站(paysite)。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Recited only by the prayer leader. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 命告由于徽定殿。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It moved westward through the Caribbean, intensifying into a tropical storm on October 5 south of Puerto Rico, and into a hurricane on the following day. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:系统向西穿越加勒比地区,于10月5日在波多黎各以南海域增强成热带风暴,再于次日达到飓风强度。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: If he refused to acknowledge blacks' influence on the party, he would lose their votes; if he acknowledged it, he would lose many white voters. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这让布拉德利陷入两难境地,如果他不承认黑人对党派的影响,那么就会失去这部分选票;但如果承认就又会失去大部分白人支持。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Everyone on board was evacuated as soon as the fire broke out and hence there were no casualties. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 所有的人员都被撤离,这次火灾后来被扑灭,没有造成任何人员伤亡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When Batman defeats the Joker and his plans were exposed, it was assumed that Standler was cleared of all charges. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 当蝙蝠侠击败小丑并曝光他的计划后,斯坦德清除了所有指控。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The area that had erroneously been identified as a mortuary temple, turned out to be further remnants of the western tomb. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 曾被错误鉴定为神庙的区域,其实是西部坟墓的遗迹。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The church itself was built from 1435 to 1444, a late Gothic edifice designed by Domenico del Fattore, with a single nave with cross-vaults and a short apse. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:教堂本身建于1435至1444年,是一座晚期哥特式建筑,由Domenico del Fattore设计。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On several clay seals, this group of characters is found accompanied by a second, free-standing mouth hieroglyph. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在这几个泥土印章里,这组字母事被发现的伴随第二个独立的“嘴”的加汀纳符号。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1862, Vacheron Constantin became a member of the Association for Research into non-magnetic materials. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1862年,瓦什隆&江诗丹顿成为非磁性物质研究协会会员之一。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 However, Arianrhod was angry about her humiliation at Math's court. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过,阿丽安萝德仍然为她在马斯的宫中的蒙羞而愤怒。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This marked the first time in nearly 20 years that the brothers had appeared and performed together. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这是近20年来兄弟俩第一次出现并一起表演。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:"Conclusion. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:”的结论。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Louis suffered from mental illness and as a result, his brother Prince Frederick acted as Regent. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 因患有精神疾病无法执政,他的弟弟弗里德里希亲王任摄政。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This fosters a "threatening" and "unnerving" atmosphere, which has been imitated in works such as David Fincher's 1995 thriller Seven and the Coen brothers' 1991 drama Barton Fink. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这样的声音推动了一种“存在威胁”并且“令人不安”的气氛,大卫·芬奇1995年的惊悚片《七宗罪》和科恩兄弟1991年的喜剧片《巴顿芬克》都模仿了这一做法。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The National Crime Syndicate was the subject of numerous movies, mostly in the 1950s, some of which were inspired by the Kefauver hearings. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 全国犯罪集团是许多电影的主题,主要是在1950年代的电影,其中一些是受到凯弗维尔听证会(Kefauver hearings)而启发的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: National exceptions to copyright (such as "fair use" in the United States) are constrained by the Berne three-step test Patents must be granted for "inventions" in all "fields of technology" provided they meet all other patentability requirements (although exceptions for certain public interests are allowed (Art. 27.2 and 27.3) and must be enforceable for at least 20 years (Art 33). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 除非公共利益需要(Art. 27.2 and 27.3),专利权必须在所有技术领域中得到认可,且有效期至少为20年(Art 33)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Grunau changed the name for the place to Rickoyoto (from Prussian rikijs - ruler and -ote - a place name ending) and invented the term "Kriwe of Kriwes" (Lithuanian: krivių krivaitis, Latvian: krīvu krīvs). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 格拉瑙也将这个地方的名称改为“Rickoyoto”(来自于普鲁士语rikijs——统治者和-ote——地名后缀)并创造了专门用语克列维(Kriwe)(Lithuanian: krivių krivaitis)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The continents of the surface world submerged into the sea and the under world was sealed away. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 地表世界的大陆潜入海底被封印了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The elephant, one of the symbols of Buddhism and the Gautama Buddha, possibly represents the victory of Buddhism brought about by Demetrius. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:大象是佛教和释迦牟尼的象征之一,可能代表德米特里一世所带来佛教的胜利。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: From 1966 until 1968, the UK confidentially discussed with Argentina the transfer of the Falklands, assuming its judgement would be accepted by the islanders. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1966年至1968年,英国就移交福克兰群岛同阿根廷进行秘密谈判,认为群岛居民会接受这样的安排。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Other changes include the removal of overt Judeo-Christian religious references and certain potentially objectionable graphics. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:此外其他明显的变化有,去掉了明显有关犹太-基督宗教内容,以及某些潜在让人反感的图形。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Search for acceptance Songs about a welcoming promised land where the dream of acceptance and belonging and hope lives. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:找寻认同感 歌曲是关于生活中接纳和归属感的梦想与希望的温馨主题。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Hardline is a political label. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:4shared是官方商标。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since 1920, it has remained largely unchanged, running between Pelham Bay Park and City Hall with a peak-express variant in the Bronx. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1920年起就保持大致不变,来往佩勒姆湾公园和市政府,并在布朗克斯以尖峰特快的变种营运。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 6 March 2015, police officers arrived at Li's apartment where she was living with her partner. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 2015年3月6日,警察到达李婷婷与她的伴侣居住的公寓。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Of the eleven valid combinations, the five that lack the "by" clause have been retired because 98% of licensors requested attribution, though they do remain available for reference on the website. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 11种有效组合中,五种缺乏“BY”的条款已经失效了,因为98%的特许人要求署名。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Classes were cancelled in advance of Kennedy's appearance. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这个项目在肯尼迪执政的早期就被取消了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was released in the U.S. in October 2003 and was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 于2003年10月在美国发行,由华纳兄弟动画制作公司制作。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Commutativity is a special property, attained only by particular functions, and often in special circumstances. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 可交换性是一个特殊的性质,只有特定函数具有,而且通常是在特定的情况下满足。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This Chinese is said to have been here for twenty years, and obviously, therefore, is not a wartime evacuee. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这位华人据说在此已20年,所以显然不是战时撤退人员。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Other theorists recently began to use the term include political thinkers associated with Autonomist Marxism and its sequelae, including Sylvère Lotringer, Paolo Virno, and thinkers connected with the eponymous review Multitudes. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 其他最近使用过该术语的政治思想家们涉及自主论马克思主义(Autonomist Marxism)及其后继思想,包括Sylvère Lotringer,Paolo Virno,以及同名法语评论期刊Multitudes相关的思想家们。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The album met with critical acclaim; NME's Mat Snow wrote that Reckoning "confirms R.E.M. as one of the most beautifully exciting groups on the planet". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这张专辑再一次获得了好评,NME的Mat Snow写到:“《Reckoning》巩固了R.E.M. 作为这个星球上最棒乐团的地位。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The gamblers' wives then arrive, and the "police" leave the men to be scolded, purportedly in place of being arrested. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:众赌徒的夫人随后到达,“警察”离开现场,让太太教训这些被抓现行的先生。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: You know he didn't get up there by himself. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 但他本人并未登场过。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Each group was sent to a different person and was composed on a different day. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 每一组都分别寄送给了不同的人,在不同的日子里写作成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The expansion is futuristic themed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 扩张是未来主题。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On July 1, 1988, MCAD became a wholly independent institution, no longer governed by the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1988年7月1日,明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院成为了独立机构,不再由明尼阿波利斯美术馆管辖。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The authors of the study noted that these improvements were the opposite of the changes that would normally occur over a 10- to 20-year aging period. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这篇论文的作者指出,这些改善成果约可抵消一般10到20年的老化影响。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Precise timing of the pulses shows that the stars orbit only approximately according to Kepler's Laws: over time they gradually spiral towards each other, demonstrating an energy loss in close agreement with the predicted energy radiated by gravitational waves. Assistant: 从脉冲的精确计时显示出,两颗星只是大约符合开普勒定律:随着时间演进它们逐渐呈螺旋形运动互相靠近,表现出能量损失,这能量损失很符合预测的引力波带走的能量。 User: Emanuel Leutze grew up in America, then returned to Germany as an adult, where he conceived the idea for this painting during the Revolutions of 1848. Assistant: 德国出生的埃玛纽埃尔·洛伊茨在美国长大,成年后回到德国,在1848年革命期间构思这幅作品。 User: Muslims first came to Germany as part of the diplomatic, military, and economic relations between Germany and the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. Assistant: 穆斯林在18世纪时来到德国,作为德国与奥斯曼帝国之间的外交,军事和经济关系的一部分。 User: As for the third placed candidate Tan Jee Say, he released a statement in the afternoon of 28 August and said he looked forward to Tony Tan performing the duties and responsibilities of the office of president in a fair and honourable manner. Assistant: 至于排行第三的候选人陈如斯,他与8月28日发表声明,说他期待陈庆炎以公正、光荣的方式履行总统的职责与责任。 User: Zinc nitride can be obtained by thermally decomposing zincamide (zinc diamine) in an anaerobic environment, at temperatures in excess of 200 °C. The by-product of the reaction is ammonia. Assistant: 氮化锌可以通过氨基锌的在无氧环境中的热分解(200°C)得到,此反应的副产品是氨气。 User: Henry Scherren wrote, "A male tiger from Penang served two female Indian leopards, and twice with success. Assistant: 而Henry Scherren写到:“一只来自槟城(马来西亚州属)的雄虎与两只雌豹交配,两者兼交配成功。 User: Well-known white musicians such as Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, Milton Mezzrow, Muggsy Spanier or Joe Sullivan were inspired by Afro-American icons like Louis Armstrong. Assistant: 许多有名的白人音乐家如Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, Milton Mezzrow, Muggsy Spanier 和 Joe Sullivan等都深受Louis Armstrong这样的非裔美国偶像鼓舞。 User: The Austrian embassy in Seoul is located in the same building as the Australian embassy, often leading to misdelivered mail and confused visitors. Assistant: 奥地利驻韩大使馆跟澳洲大使馆位于同一栋建筑,因此时常有邮件误递及误导访客的情形。 User: When the work was completed, three dragons rushed against the wall, and though the two that attacked the sections of the wall built by the gods fell down dead, the third forced its way into the city through the portion of the wall built by Aeacus. Assistant: 城墙建好后,有三条蛇分别从三个人建造的城墙向城里爬,结果在两位大神所建的墙上爬的蛇都摔死了,而在凡人埃阿科斯所建的墙上爬的蛇则成功进入了城内。 User: This etymological relationship is presumably behind the frequent claim in scientific publications that aurum meant "shining dawn". Assistant: 也许是因为这种词源关系,是科学出版物中常说aurum意思是“闪亮的黎明”。 User: Inputs are usually placed on the left, and separated from the outputs, which are on the right. Assistant: 输入通常放置在左侧,分隔于在右侧的输出。 User: Snowden learns of the practices the NSA and other U.S. government agencies are using not just in Japan, but in most countries which the U.S. is currently allied with, which include planting malware in different computers that manage government, infrastructure and financial sectors so that, in the event that any allies turn against the US, that country can effectively be shut down in retaliation. Assistant: 史诺登得知NSA及其他美国政府部门的做法不仅在日本使用,而是大部分美国目前正在与之结盟的国家,当中包括在管理政府的不同电脑中植入恶意软件,基础设施和金融部门亦然,若果有任何盟友反对美国的话,该国将遭到恶意袭击以报复。 User: Another change is the increasing age at which young Americans leave their parental home. Assistant: 另外一个变化是,年轻人离开家长家庭的年龄在不断增长。 User: She works in Joe's Pie Diner, where her job includes creating inventive pies with unusual titles inspired by her life, such as the "Bad Baby Pie" she invents after her unwanted pregnancy is confirmed. Assistant: 她在Joe's Pie Diner工作,职责包括以奇怪的名称创作新式馅饼,例如当她发现自己怀孕时创作的“坏婴孩馅饼”。 User: The Windows Vista version has been updated in Windows Vista SP1 to include the improvements made in Windows Server 2008. Assistant: 而Windows Vista版本的磁盘重组工具亦将会透过Windows Vista SP1更新,去支援Windows Server 2008中所作的改进。 User: They can learn to talk. Assistant: 应如是教弟子言。 User: A visit, or attempted visit, which does not conform to these rules may still be recorded on the website as an incomplete visit. Assistant: 没有遵守上述规定的拜访将在网站上记为一次未完成的拜访。 User: These documents are submitted to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the Mine Safety and Health Administration for consideration in their formulation of legally binding safety and health standards. Assistant: 这些文件被上交到职业安全卫生管理局和矿山安全卫生管理局,以供他们制定具有法定效力的安全卫生准则。 User: Finally, the peptide side chains can also be modified covalently, e.g., phosphorylation Aside from cleavage, phosphorylation is perhaps the most important chemical modification of proteins. Assistant: 最后,肽侧链也可以共价修饰,例如, 磷酸化 除了切割,磷酸化可能是蛋白质最重要的化学修饰。 User: Its Via station code is MTRL; its Amtrak code is MTR, and its IATA code is YMY. Assistant: 它的VIA代码是MTRL,Amtrak代码是MTR,而IATA代码是YMY。 User: Roosevelt left for a vacation in the Adirondack Mountains after expressing outrage that Czolgosz might serve only a few years under New York State law for attempted murder, the maximum penalty for attempted murder in New York at that time being ten years. Assistant: 罗斯福对凶手根据纽约州法只会因谋杀未遂而入狱数年深感愤怒,其最高刑罚也只是十年监禁。 User: The design goals for the new engine included increased reliability (increased fatigue life and increased chamber and nozzle thermal margins), improved performance (thrust design objective 140,000 pounds-force (620 kN) and 70-100 percent throttle capability), and improved manufacturability (lower parts count and fewer labor hours). Assistant: 新发动机的设计目标包括提升可靠性(提高的疲劳寿命、燃烧室、喷嘴的热余量),提升性能(设计目标140,000英磅力(620千牛顿)以及70-100%节流能力),更易于制造。 User: In the United States occupation is one of the prime factors of social class and is closely linked to an individual's identity. Assistant: 在美国,职业是社会阶级的主要因素,并且紧密的联系到一个人的身份。 User: Since 25 March 2001, all five states have also been within the Schengen Area. Assistant: 2001年3月25日起,以上五国都皆成为申根区的成员国。 User: The BPEL4People specification introduces a WS-BPEL extension to address human interactions in WS-BPEL as a first-class citizen. Assistant: BPEL4People规范引入了一个WS-BPEL的扩展,用于在WS-BPEL中引入人员交互。 User: The tropical cyclone that formed late in the storm's duration caused little impact, limited to power outages and slick roads; one person was killed in Newfoundland from a traffic accident related to the storm. Assistant: 风暴发展成热带气旋后产生的影响很小,主要只是停电和道路湿滑,纽芬兰岛有一人在风暴相关的交通事故中丧生。 User: The video game Deus Ex (2000) features a biomechanically augmented character, Gunther Hermann, whose 'killphrase' is "Laputan Machine". Assistant: 在视频游戏Deus Ex 具有生物力学增强的角色Gunther Hermann的'killphrase'是"Laputan Machine"。 User: As a result, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook followed suit immediately. Assistant: 微软、雅虎和Facebook也随后跟进。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Later, it was reported that another convoy that was sent to the city was attacked by rebels and halted. Assistant: 之后,据报道另一支车队被派往该市,但遭到反对派武装攻击并被迫终止。 User: On 16 March 1919, all military detachments of the Cheka were combined in a single body, the Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic, which numbered 200,000 in 1921. Assistant: 1919年3月16日,所有契卡的军事分支组成单一武装共和国内卫部队,1921年有200,000人。 User: He had arranged in advance for newspapers to cover the first peacetime congress of its kind. Assistant: 他事先安排媒体对这次会议冠以和平时期第一次会议的标题。 User: As a result, prices for Schiele's drawings increased and he received many portrait commissions. Assistant: 这次的展览非常成功,席勒作品的价格大涨,他也接到许多绘制肖像画的委托。 User: Ten Talents. Assistant: 有才能。 User: A majority opinion in countries which use the common law system becomes part of the body of case law. Assistant: 使用普通法制度的国家中的主要意见书将成为判例法正文的一部分。 User: Within three years, the Bank was considered a creditworthy institution. Assistant: 不到三年时间,该银行被认为是一家信誉良好的机构。 User: Company A of the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry, from the Virginia National Guard in Bedford, Virginia was annihilated by overwhelming fire as it landed on the 116th's westernmost section of the beach, along with half of Company C of the 2nd Ranger Battalion which was landing to the west of the 116th. Assistant: 在第116团登陆区最西侧的来自弗吉尼亚州贝德福德的1营A连(原属弗吉尼亚国民警卫队)被德军猛烈的火力击溃,在其西侧登陆的第2游骑兵营(英语:2nd Ranger Battalion (United States))C连也面临半数伤亡。 User: Engelbart's presentation was the first to publicly demonstrate all of these elements in a single system. Assistant: 恩格尔巴特的演讲第一次在单一操作系统中公开演示这些元素。 User: From 1 January 2004, all new applicants for British citizenship by naturalisation or registration aged 18 or over if their application is successful must attend a citizenship ceremony and either make an affirmation or take an oath of allegiance to the monarch, and make a pledge to the UK. Assistant: 自2004年1月1日起,所有年满18岁或以上,透过归化或登记途径提交申请取得英国公民身份的新申请者,如果申请一经批核,他们必须出席一个公民身份仪式,向英国及英国君主作效忠宣誓。 User: Inside the temple, there is a large stone with a medallion on it, symbolizing the New Age group and its beliefs. Assistant: 在寺庙里,有一块上面带圆形徽章的大石头,象征着新纪元运动组织和它的信仰。 User: U. reticulata was originally described by James Edward Smith in 1808, but he did not cite a specimen and instead referred to a botanical print in Hendrik van Rheede's 1689 Hortus Malabaricus. Assistant: 1808年,詹姆斯·爱德华·史密斯正式描述了网纹狸藻,但并未引用标本,而是提及了亨德里克·冯里德的1689年《马拉巴的花园》(Hortus Malabaricus)中的插图。 User: Now known not to exist, the object has been explained as a series of misidentified stars and internal reflections inside the optics of particular telescope designs. Assistant: 现在已经知道并不存在,这个天体被解释为一系列标示错误的恒星或是光学望远镜设计时内部独特的反射。 User: As with majority of the Lamborghini models, the Estoque derives its name from the sport and tradition of bullfighting: An estoque is a type of sword traditionally used by matadors. Assistant: 与其他蓝宝坚尼跑车命名法则相同,Estoque得名于斗牛运动及其传统:Estoque是一种传统上由斗牛士使用的剑。 User: Its entrance marks the northern end of Dee Why Beach and the southern extent of Long Reef Beach. Assistant: 它的入口即是德威海滩最北端以及长礁海滩(Long Reef Beach)南部延长线的标志。 User: The corresponding Discord server was similarly changed to give the appearance of a hack by Sombra. Assistant: 相应的Discord服务器也进行了类似的更改,做出黑影入侵的样子。 User: While it did not perform well on the Billboard charts in the United States, "Overprotected" peaked at number 22 in Canada, while reaching the top five in Italy, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Assistant: 虽然歌曲在美国《告示牌》排行榜并未取得好成绩,在加拿大也仅排行第22,但歌曲于意大利、罗马尼亚、瑞典和英国进入了前五名。 User: ISTJs are well-prepared for eventualities and have a good understanding of most situations. Assistant: ISTJ们对大部分的可能性都做好了准备,对各种情形也有充分了解。 User: The earliest dental amalgams were first documented in a Tang Dynasty medical text written by the Chinese physician Su Kung in 659, and appeared in Germany in 1528. Assistant: 最早的牙科用汞合金的使用记载出现在659年中国唐朝医生苏宫的一篇医学文章中,并于1528年出现在德国。 User: According to tradition, Abraham lived with one wife (Sarah) in Syria, but Al-Buraq would transport him in the morning to Makkah to see his family there, and then take him back to his Syrian wife in the evening. Assistant: 按照传统,易卜拉欣和一个妻子住在叙利亚,但布拉克会在早晨载着易卜拉欣到麦加看望家人,又在晚上载着他回到叙利亚。 User: The domus publica, where the Pontifex Maximus dwelled, was located near the Atrium until that role was assumed by the emperors. Assistant: 罗马大祭司(Pontifex Maximus)居住的domus publicae靠近贞女之家,直到其角色被皇帝取代。 User: Laura Parker at GameSpot said that the game was a "successful twist" on the gameplay of the previous games in the series, and that it "lacked none of the magic" of them. Assistant: GameSpot的劳拉·帕克称,游戏“成功结合了”系列前作的游戏要素,且“魅力之处完全没有缺失”。 User: The church is situated on the north side of Margaret Street in Fitzrovia, near Oxford Street, within a small courtyard. Assistant: 该教堂位于菲茨罗维亚玛格丽特街北侧,靠近牛津街,一个小院子内。 User: Between 8 and 9 September, Force H, covering the landings at Salerno, came under fierce German air-attack and narrowly avoided being torpedoed. Assistant: 9月8日到9日间,掩护萨莱诺登陆的H舰队遭到德国空军的猛烈空袭,但成功击落不少来犯飞机。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Different color spaces, such as CIELAB or CIELUV may be used, and will yield different results. Assistant: 设计了其他色彩空间(特别是CIELuv和CIELab)来满足这个问题。 User: There are several reasons offered for why violence escalated in these years. Assistant: 这些年份里暴力升级有许多原因。 User: Black soldiers returning from overseas felt a new sense of power and worth, and were representative of an emerging attitude referred to as the New Negro. Assistant: 一些海外归来的黑人士兵感到获得了新的权力与价值,浮现出了极具代表性的“新黑人”思潮(New Negro)。 User: The concept of post-editing is linked to that of pre-editing. Assistant: 译后编辑这一概念与译前编辑相关。 User: To be French, according to the first article of the French Constitution, is to be a citizen of France, regardless of one's origin, race, or religion (sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion). Assistant: 根据法国宪法第一条,成为法国公民,不分本人出身、种族或宗教(sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion) 法国遵照其原则,以建立用法语维系、共同生活的意愿。 User: Isentress (raltegravir) is a human immunodeficiency virus integrase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV infection. Assistant: 艾生特(Isentress,拉替拉韦)是人类免疫缺陷病毒整合酶抑制剂,用于治疗艾滋病毒感染。 User: There are also many Greek Orthodox Christians, with origins dating back to the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, who are of Arabic-speaking or mixed Greek and Arabic-speaking ancestry and live in southern Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Assistant: 现今有部分希腊东正教徒,其祖先历史可以追溯到拜占庭和奥斯曼时期,他们的祖先使用阿拉伯语或希腊语,生活在土耳其南部、以色列、巴勒斯坦、伊拉克、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦和埃及。 User: It is a semi automatic version of the M77 with a polymer thumbhole stock and a 10 round magazine. Assistant: 它是M77的半自动版本,装有聚合物拇指孔式枪托和10发可拆式弹匣。 User: Conservative political strategist Tim Phillips, now head of Americans for Prosperity, has remarked that the Republican Party is "too disorganized and unsure of itself to pull this off". Assistant: 保守派的重要智囊,美国昌盛组织的领导者Tim Phillips认为共和党目前“十分混乱,并且不知道自己是否应该从(茶党运动)中脱身”。 User: The Asinaeans in Messenia worshipped him as their ancestral hero. Assistant: 苗族长期以来尊蚩尤为其始祖,把他当作祖先和英雄加以崇拜。 User: Intermarriage has reduced this practice, but it is commonly used when both father and mother belong to the same ethnicity. Assistant: 婚姻减少了这种起名,但是当父母和母亲属于同一种族时,通常使用这种做法。 User: As of the 2010 census, it had a population of 27,023, an increase of 1.2% since 2000. Assistant: 截至2010年美国人口普查,人口已达27,023人,自2000年以来增长了1.2%。 User: Barnett and Coxe states 45 squadrons and 36 battalions. Assistant: Barnett 和 Coxe 认为是45个骑兵中队和36个步兵营。 User: Yahweh thus establishes his position relative to the Israelites, who are expected to render complete submission, allegiance, and obedience to him. Assistant: 赵谦,以故京兆郡丞,献帝时迁为侍中,司空。 User: Strong winds and flooding destroyed several houses and severely damaged a number of others. Assistant: 狂风和洪灾致使不少房屋被毁,另有相当数量严重受损。 User: Harris' role was initially presented as that of Eve, an MI6 field agent who works closely with Bond. Assistant: 哈里斯的角色最初展现为密切配合邦德的军情六处驻外间谍伊芙。 User: As with water and steam, air was also necessary to burn coal. Assistant: 除了水和蒸汽以外,还需要空气来进行煤的燃烧。 User: Abell 2199 List of galaxies doi:10.1086/175100. Assistant: 阿贝尔2199 星系列表 doi:10.1086/175100. User: While not strictly an example of national metrication, the use of two different systems was a contributing factor in the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999. Assistant: 尽管严格而言并非全国性公制化下的例子,但两个计量体系混用是1999年火星气候探测者(Mars Climate Orbiter)任务失败的一个影响因素。 User: But I have to get used to it. Assistant: 你必须对它习惯。 User: Some consider the revolutionary industrial unionism of the IWW to be a form of anarcho-syndicalism. Assistant: 一些人认为IWW的“革命工联主义”是无政府工团主义的一种形式。 User: Environmentalists blame Israel, Jordan and Syria for extensive damage to the Jordan River ecosystem. Assistant: 环保主义者谴责以色列、约旦和叙利亚大规模损害约旦河的生态系统。 User: He and his wife Pauline went to China as missionaries with the Southern Presbyterian Church in 1872 and settled in Suzhou along the Grand Canal of China. Assistant: 1872年,他和妻子 Pauline受美南长老会派遣前往中国传教,定居在京杭大运河畔的苏州。 User: He was the most famous member of the aristocratic Krasiński family. Assistant: 他是克拉辛斯基家族(Krasiński family)最有名的成员。 User: Peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist, is not considered a ghost, but an "indestructible spirit of chaos" according to Rowling. Assistant: 皮皮鬼(Peeves)是霍格华兹的调皮捣蛋鬼,并不当作是幽灵,据罗琳所说是“牢不可破的混乱的精神”。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Full professors earn on average about 70% more than assistant professors in the same institution. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在同一学校中,正教授的工资比助理教授的工资平均高出70%左右。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Iosseliani was posted to the Black Sea Fleet where he served on submarines Shch-207 and Shch-207 before commanding the submarine M-111. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 埃奥塞里亚尼在被派黑海舰队指挥潜艇M-111之前在SHCH-207和SHCH-207服役,他完成了11次战争巡逻,发动了12次攻击,击沉两艘敌方运输舰。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This is done in order to demonstrate the unique aspects of a firm's product and create a sense of value. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 差异化是为了表明一个产品的特殊方面,从而创造出其特殊的价值。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Sulla: The Last Republican. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 陈暠:前朝最后一位皇族。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Amy Carter, former President Jimmy Carter's daughter. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 艾美·卡特, 卡特总统的女儿。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The site was occupied by a sizable agricultural population by the 1st century. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:到1世纪为止一直被大规模的农业人口所控制。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The members of the local country band ask Mac permission to perform one of his songs, and he agrees. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当地乡村乐队请求麦克授权他们表演他的一首歌,麦克同意了。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The next day, Admiral Augustin Boué de Lapeyrère ordered the entire French fleet to begin raising steam at 22:15 so the ships could sortie early the next day. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 海军上将奥古斯汀·布埃·德·拉佩雷尔(英语:Augustin Boué de Lapeyrère)于次日下令所有法国舰队在22:15时开始运转锅炉,让军舰能在次日能早些启程。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Even moderately fast speeds would have required large leg muscles. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 即使以中等高速奔跑,仍然需要大型的腿部肌肉。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The remainder of the interior floor is somewhat rough and irregular, particularly in the southern half. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 坑内其余地区地形略为崎岖和不规则,尤其是南半部。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 One theory of shrinking cities is deindustrialization or, the process of disinvestment from industrial urban centers. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 收缩城市的理论之一是去工业化,或工业城市中心的撤资过程。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Psychologist Richard Gregory estimated that about 90% of the information is lost between the time it takes to go from the eye to the brain, which is why the brain must guess what the person sees based on past experiences. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 心理学家理查德格雷戈里估计大约90%的信息在从眼睛到大脑的这段时间之间丢失,这就是为什么大脑必须根据过去的经验猜测人们看到的内容。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: CozyCot started in November 2001 as an Internet portal based in Singapore, where members could post reviews and share shopping and fashion tips and opinions. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:2001年11月,CozyCot开始以互联网服务平台的形式立足新加坡,让会员可张贴评论及分享购物和潮流的贴士和心得。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Northern Brits from beyond Hadrian's Wall invade the North of modern-day England causing Emperor Commodus to allow swathes of Northern cities to establish city walls. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 哈德良长城外的北布立吞人入侵今英格兰北部,致使皇帝康茂德收紧北部城市以建设城墙。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Napoleon treated it as a mere continuation of the previous constitutions, and it therefore took the form of an ordinary legislative act "additional to the constitutions of the Empire". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 但由于拿破仑仅仅将它视为他先前宪法体系的延续,所以它的形式更像一部附加于帝国宪法的普通法案。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Koo Bon-moo, 73, South Korean business executive, Chairman of LG Corporation, brain tumor. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 具本茂(韩语:구본무),73岁,韩国企业家,LG集团会长,脑肿瘤。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Mark coins and banknotes continued to be accepted as valid forms of payment in Germany until 28 February 2002. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在2002年2月28日以前,马克硬币和纸币继续在德国作为有效的支付形式。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: For several years, Jobs denied paternity, which led to a legal case and various media reports in the early days of Apple. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 几年来,乔布斯否认其父亲身份,引致了苹果公司早期法律案件和各种媒体报导。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On May 11, a brief depression formed near Bermuda but dissipated the following day. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:5月11日,百慕大附近形成低气压,但很快就于次日消散。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the following years Magdeburg gained a reputation as a stronghold of Protestantism and became the first major city to publish the writings of Luther. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在随后的几年中,马格德堡成为了新教的“堡垒”,也是第一个出版马丁·路德著作的城市。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In response to DES Challenge II-2, on July 15, 1998, Deep Crack decrypted a DES-encrypted message after only 56 hours of work, winning $10,000. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 为了响应第二届DES挑战赛的号召,“深译”加入了1998年7月15日举行的复赛,仅用56小时成功破解了DES加密的消息,获得了10,000美元奖金。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Appears to not sing. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他们不唱我们唱。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The civil law and its effects made possible a pattern in Church life that has been imitated throughout the centuries in many places and cultures, wherever possible. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 民法及其影响使得教会生活中的一种模式成为可能,这种模式在许多地方和文化中被模仿了数个世纪。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: President Johnson asked the FBI to conduct "name checks" of his critics and members of the staff of his 1964 opponent, Senator Barry Goldwater. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:约翰逊总统曾下令联邦调查局将他的批评者,时任国会议员的巴里·戈德华特“列入名单”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:London River Services, responsible for licensing and co-ordinating passenger services on the River Thames within London. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 伦敦游船服务,负责协调和发送执照给泰晤士河上的旅客运输服务商。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Young associations will contain 10–100 massive stars of spectral class O and B, and are known as OB associations. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 年轻的星协,包含10-100颗光谱分类为O和B的大质量恒星,会被称为OB星协。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The compound is readily degradable by certain microorganisms, such as Arthrobacter sp. strain R1 (ATTC strain number 49987), which was isolated from an aquifer contaminated with a complex mixture of pyridine derivatives. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 该化合物易于被某些微生物降解,例如节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)(sp.菌株R1,ATTC菌株号49987),可从吡啶衍生物的复杂混合物污染的水层中分离出来。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Also around 1869, he formed a law partnership with a young local attorney, and his future son-in-law, Daniel Trigg. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:约翰斯顿还于1869年左右同当地青年律师合伙开办律师事务所,这个名叫丹尼尔·特里格( Daniel Trigg)的年青人之后成为约翰斯顿的女婿。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:T-theories form the basis of much fundamental work in philosophical logic, where they are applied in several important controversies in analytic philosophy. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: T-理论构成了哲学逻辑中很多基础工作的基础,它们被应用于分析哲学中很多重要争论。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: August 2001 - started ADSL service. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2001年8月,开始提供ADSL服务。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Petition Clause protects the right "to petition the government for a redress of grievances". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 请愿自由条款保护的是“向政府请愿伸冤的权利”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After the merger, the new entity has seven directors. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 合并后,董事会将会有七个组成。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Changing demographics of gender also affected religious doctrine. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:性别人口结构的变化也影响到宗教教义。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: As a member of the Democratic Party, White represented Louisiana in the United States Senate from 1891 to 1894. Assistant: 作为民主党的一员,怀特在1891年至1894年间代表路易斯安那州进入美国参议院。 User: Trapping atoms with this method allows scientists to study individual atoms with great accuracy. Assistant: 质谱的发明使得科学家可以直接测量原子的准确质量。 User: They regarded the Chinese as clever but dangerous—and indeed during the 1920s and 1930s, reflecting events in China, the Chinese Nationalist Party (the Kuomintang) and the Communist Party of China built rival clandestine organisations in Malaya, leading to regular disturbances in the Chinese towns. Assistant: 英国认为华人聪明但危险,在1920年代和1930年代里,呼应着中国本土中国国民党与中国共产党之间的斗争,马来亚的华人也组织相互敌对的秘密组织,在华人城镇里经常爆发动乱。 User: As late as April 1958, with the French Fourth Republic in its death throes, he formed part of a majority of African francophone leaders who still sought associational formulae that would somehow preserve viable links between France and its African empire. Assistant: 最迟于1958年4月,在法兰西第四共和国行将就木之时,波冈达成为大多数法语系非洲领导人中的一分子,他们寻求某种联合的法案,使法国与它的非洲殖民帝国保持切实可行的联系。 User: There will never be another Patrick Moore. Assistant: 更何况这些天体并不是Patrick Moore发现的。 User: The first party political student clubs were also formed during the war. Assistant: 抗战时期著名的校园文艺社团突兀社亦是创建于该校。 User: In June 2006, AMD unveiled the world's lowest-power x86-compatible processor that consumes only 0.9 W of power. Assistant: 2006年6月AMD展示了世界上最低功耗的x86处理器,仅耗0.9瓦电能。 User: The series events causes the breakdown of Nancy and Darren's marriage. Assistant: 这次行动加速了玛丽与达恩利婚姻的破裂。 User: Fundamentally, the representation of a population in the thousands or millions by a reasonable size, thus accountable governing body involves arithmetic that will not be exact. Assistant: 从根本上说,以合理的规模表示数千或数百万人口,因此负责任的管理机构涉及不准确的算术。 User: Other languages where verbs are a closed class include Basque: new Basque verbs are only formed periphrastically. Assistant: 其他动词是封闭词类的语言有巴斯克语:新巴斯克语动词只会迂回地构成。 User: His father is Tom Casten. Assistant: 他的父亲是义士阮道。 User: On September 23, 1815, he saw Marianne for the last time. Assistant: 1815年9月23日歌德与玛莉安最后一次见面。 User: Diendéré apparently fled to the Vatican embassy. Assistant: 诺列加见大势已去,便逃入梵蒂冈大使馆。 User: 14: The Polish government-in-exile moves to London. Assistant: 14日:波兰流亡政府迁往伦敦。 User: Kirkilas was born in Vilnius in 1951. Assistant: 基尔基拉斯于1951年生于维尔纽斯。 User: Because of its ability to reveal the previously hidden diversity of microscopic life, metagenomics offers a powerful lens for viewing the microbial world that has the potential to revolutionize understanding of the entire living world. Assistant: 由于其能够揭示以前隐藏的微生物多样性,总体基因体学提供了一个强大的镜头,用于观察微生物世界,这些微生物世界有可能彻底改变对整个生命世界的理解。 User: Shelby assembled three hundred militiamen and joined McDowell at Cherokee Ford in South Carolina. Assistant: 谢尔比集结了300民兵与麦克道尔在南卡罗莱纳州切罗基福特(Cherokee Ford)会合。 User: On March 6, 2012, Bryan released his fourth Spring Break EP entitled Spring Break 4...Suntan City. Assistant: 布莱恩在2012年3月6日发行他的第四张迷你专辑《Spring Break 4 ... Suntan City》。 User: The PLO's initial reaction was that the resolution didn't apply to them because it didn't mention the PLO. Assistant: 巴解组织对决议的最初反应是决议不适用与他们,因为决议中没有提到巴解组织。 User: Rhodes supervised the working of his brother's claim and speculated on his behalf. Assistant: 罗兹监督长兄的工作,并以长兄的名义投机。 User: Bowie later stated "I would never have any intention of accepting anything like that. Assistant: 鲍伊后来表示:“我绝不会有任何意图接受这样的事情。 User: For these reasons, they are used in most graphics editors. Assistant: 因此,它们在多数图形编辑器中得到采用。 User: It was like standing under a steel railway bridge while an express train passes overhead mingled with the noise of a pressed steel factory and wholesale breakage of china. Assistant: 当时就像站在铁路钢桥下,一列高速火车(英语:Express train)从高处呼啸而过,充满钢铁扭曲和大规模瓷器爆裂的混合声音”。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: In urban areas, about 50 percent of women under 40 have HIV. Assistant: 在城市地区,40岁以下的妇女大约50%感染艾滋病毒。 User: There was a human habitation here during the Iron Age II time. Assistant: 在铁器时代这里就有人生活。 User: When the male becomes sexually aroused, the penis becomes erect and ready for sexual activity. Assistant: 当男性接收到性刺激时,阴茎会勃起,预备进行性行为。 User: Cresco is a Latin phrase meaning "I grow". Assistant: 克雷斯科是一个拉丁语短语,意思是“我成长”。 User: It consists of 1 city, 16 wards, 63 village groups and 450 villages. Assistant: 德努漂镇下分1城市、16区、63村组以及450村庄。 User: Supernova SN 2005df is visible as the bright star just above the galaxy. Assistant: 超新星SN 2005df在该星系正上方可见。 User: He claimed that by rapidly rotating a disk of such material, the nuclear spin became aligned, and as a result created a "gravitomagnetic" field in a fashion similar to the magnetic field created by the Barnett effect. Assistant: 他声称由这种材料制成的高速旋转的碟子中,自旋核将成为一条直线,从而产生出“重引力”场,大致类似于巴尼特效应产生的磁场。 User: The policies of Mohammad bin Salman's administration have been heavily influenced by his adviser Saud al-Qahtani, who has been described as a "nationalist ideologue" and whose role has been compared to that formerly of Steve Bannon. Assistant: 穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammad bin Salman)政府的政策深受其顾问沙特·卡塔尼(Saud al-Qahtani)的影响,后者被描述为“民族主义理论家”,其作用与史蒂夫·班农的作用相比较。 User: But he gets talked into overloading the car by letting Sophie get in with them. Assistant: 但他们在乘车时却遭他车撞翻,使得厄尔得以抓走查莉。 User: Indiana was admitted to the Union on December 11, 1816. Assistant: 印第安纳州于1816年12月11日加入联邦。 User: Once confirmed and named, it became (243) Ida I Dactyl. Assistant: 一旦确定名称之后,它的名字就成为(243) Ida I Dactyl。 User: This version of the character is also completely insane. Assistant: 他们的外形也是千奇百怪。 User: West Wailuaiki on Maui recorded 3.87 inches (98 mm) in one day, which was the highest daily rainfall total from the hurricane. Assistant: 茂宜岛上的西威鲁埃基(West Wailuaiki)在一天内记录了98.3毫米的降雨量,是飓风带来单日降水量最高的地方。 User: In 1952, professional tennis player Harold Blauer died when injected by Dr. James Cattell with a fatal dose of a mescaline derivative at the New York State Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University. Assistant: 1952年,专业网球运动员哈罗德·布劳尔(英语:Harold Blauer)在被哥伦比亚大学纽约州精神病研究所(英语:New York State Psychiatric Institute)的詹姆斯·卡特尔博士注射致命剂量的墨斯卡灵衍生物后死亡。 User: The main force led by Taylor continued across the Rio Grande, winning the Battle of Monterrey in September 1846. Assistant: 泰勒领导的主力军跨过格兰德河,1846年9月在蒙特雷战役中获胜。 User: It is based on a novel of the same name by Sanjay Gupta. Assistant: 改编自桑贾伊·古普塔的同名小说。 User: Its definition is suggested by Cayley's theorem (named after Arthur Cayley) and uses a specified, usually finite, set of generators for the group. Assistant: 它的定义是凯莱定理(以阿瑟·凯莱命名)所暗含的,并使用这个群的特定的通常有限的生成元集合。 User: He stated that certain people would be investigated and suspects would be identified. Assistant: 他表示,技术事故会调查某些人,从而确定嫌犯。 User: On June 28, 2009, the two firms announced they would merge, pending approval by shareholders and regulatory agencies, in a merger of equals. Assistant: 2009年6月28日,两家公司宣布将会合并,由股东和监管机构批准,为一平等的合并(英语:Mergers and acquisitions)。 User: The crew gathered supplies and made its way back to Europe, but the trip took several months and the captain and most of the men died before reaching land. Assistant: 船员们采集了补给品并一路往欧洲返回,但是这趟航行花掉了若干个月,船长和大多数人员在抵达陆地之前就死了。 User: The principle was articulated by Hans Moravec, Rodney Brooks, Marvin Minsky and others in the 1980s. Assistant: 这个理念是由汉斯·莫拉维克、罗德尼·布鲁克斯(Rodney Brooks)、马文·闵斯基等人于1980年代所阐释。 User: They were stationed around Constantinople in Thrace and Bithynia, and formed the core of the various imperial expeditions in the 6th and early 7th centuries. Assistant: 这些军队残部驻扎在色雷斯和比提尼亚,成为6世纪及7世纪早期多次征战的核心力量。 User: The majority of Chinese work in 3,500 workshops in the garment industry and ready-to-wear. Assistant: 大多数华人在服装行业的3,500个作坊工作。 User: These voters are in favor of the redistribution of wealth, free choice for euthanasia, opening the borders for asylum seekers, the multicultural society and are firmly against building new nuclear plants. Assistant: 这些左派选民赞成重新分配财富,安乐死的选择自由,为难民开放边界,多文化社会与坚决反对建设新核电厂。 User: With the C-46, airlift tonnage increased significantly, surpassing objectives with 12,594 tons in December 1943. Assistant: 装备C-46之后,航线的空运吨数明显提高,于1943年12月达到12,594吨。 User: This plan should include the reduction of exposure to allergens, testing to assess the severity of symptoms, and the usage of medications. Assistant: 此计划应该包括对减少过敏源暴露的降低、测试以评估症状的严重性及药物的使用。 User: When the African-American musical tastes began to change in the early 1960s, moving toward soul and rhythm and blues music, country blues found renewed popularity as "folk blues" and was sold to a primarily white, college-age audience. Assistant: 当非洲裔美国人的音乐品味在1960年代初期开始发生变化,转向灵魂乐和节奏蓝调的音乐类型时,出现乡村蓝调重新流行而成为民间蓝调,并且出售给主要的白人社交和大学时代的听众。 User: Opened in 1904, the New York City Subway is one of the world's oldest public transit systems, one of the world's most used metro systems, and the metro system with the most stations. Assistant: 纽约地铁在1904年通车,是世界上较早的公共交通系统之一,较多人使用的地铁系统之一,亦是世界上最多车站的地铁系统。 User: On 7 August 2016 Sjöström won the gold medal in the 100-meter butterfly at the Rio Olympics, setting a World record with a time of 55.48. Assistant: 2016年8月7日,她以55.48秒赢得里约奥运会100米蝶泳金牌并打破世界纪录。 User: The Arduino project started in 2003 as a program for students at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, aiming to provide a low-cost and easy way for novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators. Assistant: Arduino项目始于2003年,作为意大利伊夫雷亚地区交互设计研究所Ivrea的学生项目,目的是为新手和专业人员提供一种低成本且简单的方法,以创建使用传感器与环境相互作用的设备执行器。 User: Her family were Unitarians and several of them had scientific interests; as a child they encouraged her in her interest in natural history. Assistant: 她的家庭是一位论派且其中几位对科学有兴趣;当他还是孩子时,他们便鼓励她对于自然历史的兴趣。 User: After the return from Italy, the general amnesty of August 16, 1859 had marked the evolution of the absolutist or authoritarian empire towards the liberal, and later parliamentary empire, which was to last for ten years. Assistant: 意大利一役后,他在1859年8月16日宣布大赦,标志着君主专制帝国转变为生存了十年的自由主义、实行议会制的国家。 User: In 1979 and 1980, construction of on-base family housing and additional community-support facilities gave the base a sign of stability. Assistant: 1979年和1980年,基地内官兵住宅区和社区支援设施的设置使乌山基地增添了些许适于安居的意象。 User: Additionally, Tsetlin worked on reasonable and collective automata behaviour, and on automata games. Assistant: 此外,Tsetlin也在研究合理及集体性的自动机行为,以及自动机游戏的。 User: In 1935, Dr. Gerard Berchet was assigned to this polyamide research. Assistant: 1935年Gerard Berchet博士加入到聚酰胺的研究项目中。 User: The Catholic Church honours him as a saint. Assistant: 罗马天主教会将他尊为圣人。 User: This effect is analogous to an effective increase in concentration of the reagents. Assistant: 这个效应可以类比为增加了反应物浓度的效应。 User: The area was originally inhabited by the Dharawal (or Turuwal) Indigenous Australians. Assistant: 起初,这个地区居住着名为达沃(Dharwal)或(图汝沃(英语:Turuwal))的澳大利亚原住民。 User: The heavy units of the High Seas Fleet sailed at 13:40, with the objective to provide distant support for Boedicker's ships. Assistant: 公海舰队的重型部队则于13:40起航,目的是为伯迪克的舰群提供远程支援。 User: It is placed on all garments as well as on accessories like gloves, caps or bags and indicates the article as a Golfino brand product. Assistant: 它放置在所有服装和配件上,比如手套,帽子,提包,标显了Golfino的品牌商品。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The third-placed teams entered the FIFA U-20 World Cup play-off. Assistant: 小组第三名则进入U-20世界杯附加赛。 User: In experiments on animals, yttrium and its compounds caused lung and liver damage, though toxicity varies with different yttrium compounds. Assistant: 动物实验显示,钇及其化合物会造成肝和肺的破坏,但不同化合物的毒性程度各异。 User: Phoolan herself dragged him out of his house and stabbed him in front of the villagers. Assistant: 普兰刺伤了和她感情疏远的丈夫,并把他在村民面前拖曳。 User: Islam is the official state religion in the Republic of Iraq, but the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Assistant: 伊斯兰教是伊拉克共和国的官方宗教,但伊拉克宪法保障宗教自由。 User: The returning individuals are placed through a deradicalization program by the National Agency for Combating Terrorism, and are put on a watchlist for the agency and local governments alike. Assistant: 回国人士被列入国家打击恐怖主义机构(英语:National Agency for Combating Terrorism)的反激进化计划及该机构和地方政府的监视名单。 User: Lucas claimed to have killed his mother in self-defense, but his claim was rejected, and he was sentenced to between 20 and 40 years' imprisonment in Michigan for second-degree murder. Assistant: 卢卡斯声称攻击他母亲是出自防卫,但这项自辩被驳回,他被判二级谋杀,在密歇根州监禁20至40年。 User: The disease, or rather, gene activation, is passed on laterally from male to female as per an STD. Assistant: 这种疾病,或毋宁说是:基因活化,由男人向女人横向传递,类同于STD(性传播疾病)。 User: Nature, love, and despair are frequent themes in Leino's work. Assistant: 自然、爱情和绝望是雷诺作品里经常出现的主题。 User: The United States Congress was spending more and more on the military and less and less on anti-poverty programs at the same time. Assistant: 美国国会把越来越多的钱花在军事上,与此同时,花在消除贫困项目上的钱越来越少。 User: There is no microsculpture. Assistant: 没有任何微生物。 User: Below 118 K MnO is antiferromagnetic. Assistant: 118 K以下时,一氧化锰具有反铁磁性。 User: Gorton was born in Chicago, Illinois and served in the United States Army from 1945 until 1946. Assistant: 戈登出生在芝加哥,曾在1945年至1946年期间在美国军队服役。 User: In 2014, Mustafa Akyol wrote of a new "brand of Turkish neonationalism" promoted by Justice and Development Party (AKP), the country's ruling party, the leader of which is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (assumed office in 2014). Assistant: 2014年,穆斯塔法·阿科尔(Mustafa Akyol)写道,正义与发展党(AKP)推动了一个新的“土耳其新生主义品牌” ,该党的领导人是雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安总统(2014年上任)。 User: A sherd from above the Grave Circle A at Mycenae is simply inscribed "to the hero", and Whitley suggests that the unnamed race of the Silver Age might have been invoked. Assistant: 从位在迈锡尼的墓地圈A(英语:Grave Circle A, Mycenae)上面的一块陶片被简单地刻写著“致与英雄(to the hero)”,以及惠特利对此提议出了白银时代(Silver Age)的无名种族可能已在英雄崇拜仪式上被人们祈求着。 User: Wide receiver Jerry Porter was benched by Shell for most of the season in what many viewed as a personal, rather than football-related, decision. Assistant: 而外接手Jerry Porter在整个赛季大多数时间都被放在板凳上,大家都觉得这是主教练Shell针对个人,而非是因为比赛需要。 User: On 8 August, the 4th and the 7th Guards Brigades, the 2nd Battalion of the 9th Guards Brigade and the 1st HGZ advanced north to Lička Kaldrma and the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, eliminating the last major pocket of ARSK resistance in Donji Lapac and the Srb area by 8 p.m. and achieving all of Split Corps' objectives for Operation Storm. Assistant: 8月8日,第4与第7卫戍旅、第9卫戍旅第2营与第1克罗地亚卫戍旅向北推进至波赫边界附近,并于晚间八时左右在下拉帕克与瑟尔布地区消灭了最后一个塞军大型口袋,进而完成了所有斯普利特兵团在风暴作战中的作战目标。 User: He was a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee from June 1997 to May 2000 and a professor at the London School of Economics (1985–2002, Emeritus Professor since 2002). Assistant: 他曾于1997年6月至2000年5月期间担任英格兰银行货币政策委员会的成员,于1985年至2002年期间伦敦政治经济学院担任教授(于2002年后转为名誉教授)。 User: Operation Ceasefire entailed a problem-oriented policing approach, and focused on specific places that were crime hot spots—two strategies that when combined have been shown to be quite effective. Assistant: 停火行动引进了问题导向治安处理办法,以及将焦点集中在特定犯罪热门地点 — 这两种策略相结合之下证明用来打击犯罪相当有效。 User: Assad also met with a delegation from Deraa in his first direct contact with representatives close to the protesters. Assistant: 阿萨德会见一个来自德拉的示威者代表团,这是他首次与示威者们进行直接接触。 User: In total all wards but Tydlesday East were contested. Assistant: 至此,除宁远外,辽东地区全数陷入满清的统治下。 User: The funding issues led to something of a reduction in the scale of the project, with the proposed mirror diameter reduced from 3 m to 2.4 m, both to cut costs and to allow a more compact and effective configuration for the telescope hardware. Assistant: 资金的缩减导致目标项目的减少,镜片的口径也由3米缩为2.4米,以降低成本和更有效与紧密的配置望远镜的硬件。 User: It is an experience. Assistant: 这是一条经验。 User: Alfonso IV of Aragon (1299 – 24 January 1336). Assistant: 阿方索四世(1299年-1336年1月24日)。 User: Poverty in North Korea is extensive, though reliable statistics are hard to come by due to lack of reliable research, pervasive censorship and extensive media manipulation in North Korea. Assistant: 朝鲜,由于缺乏可靠的研究、该国普遍的审查与广泛的媒体操纵而难以获得可靠的统计数据,但朝鲜贫困的情形普遍被认为十分严重。 User: At that time, most members were 'gentleman astronomers' rather than professionals. Assistant: 成立之初的成员主要是“绅士天文学家”而非专业人士。 User: There, she survived World War II; in the aftermath of the war, she was loaded with chemical weapons and scuttled in the Skaggerak to dispose of them, on 31 May 1947. Assistant: 在那里,它于第二次世界大战中幸免于难;当战争结束后,舰只于1947年5月31日装填入化学武器,并在斯卡格拉克海峡作凿沉处置。 User: The Solitude of Prime Numbers, his first novel, has sold over a million copies and was translated into thirty languages. Assistant: 《质数的孤独》是他的第一部小说,已售出超过一百万册,被翻译成30种语言。 User: This allows the use of a carrier-sourced iPhone on other networks. Assistant: 此让使用的载体来源的iPhone在其他网络上使用。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 She is in the same class as Maito. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:卡贴上的图样为猫。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The UHF radio modems worked similar to walkie-talkies, but sent data, not voice. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:UHF无线电调制解调器类似无线对讲机,但只发送数据,而非声音。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Features added include a full night and day cycle, enhanced draw distance, the same vegetation technology used in Far Cry 2, improved lighting, reflection and special effects, new cloth system, and a new AI and NPC navigation system. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在《刺客教条2》时Anvil被做出多项的改良,加强内容包括增加日夜循环、增强景深距离,加入被使用于Far Cry 2的场景植被技术,增强光影、反射与特殊效果,新的服装系统、新的AI与NPC行进导航系统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A planet would need to be situated much closer to this star in order to receive a comparable amount of energy as the Earth. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这代表行星需要比地球更接近恒星,才能接收相同的能量。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Jumping to one's death is common in both Hong Kong and Singapore at 50% and 80% respectively. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:跳楼自杀在香港和新加坡均比较常见,分别占到了自杀人口的50%和80%。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: H.263v2 (also known as H.263+, or as the 1998 version of H.263) is the informal name of the second edition of the ITU-T H.263 international video coding standard. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: H.263v2(通常也叫做H.263+或者1998年版H.263)是ITU-T H.263 影像编码标准第二版的非正式名称。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 15 August 747, Carloman renounced his position as majordomo and withdrew to a monastic life, being tonsured in Rome by Pope Zachary. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 747年8月15日,卡洛曼放弃了宫相的职位,并退休到修道院生活,由罗马教皇圣匝加在罗马为他进行剪发礼。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The plot then centers around two locations: a temple where Jackson appears in an affectionate semi-nude scene with his then-wife, Lisa Marie Presley, and a theater where Jackson performs the song to an empty hall. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:接着情节集中于两个场景:半裸的杰克逊与他当时的妻子Lisa Marie Presley 在一庙宇中亲热,杰克逊在一空剧院中演唱这首歌。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The S-Bahn service to Staaken was interrupted for several months. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 通往斯塔肯的S-Bahn服务也被中断了好几个月。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 I thank God so much, I'm blessed to be a part of this team. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:我非常感谢神,我有幸成 为这个团队的一部分。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The board was informed of the rationale for using the Whitewing, LJM, and Raptor transactions, and after approving them, received status updates on the entities' operations. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 董事会知悉使用 Whitewing,LJM 和 Raptor 交易的根据,并在批准他们之后收到了这些实体运作状态的最新消息。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It is the ability to disturb our thinking about form that makes these projects deconstructive. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些建筑计划之所以被称为解构就是它有能力干扰了我们对形式的思考模式。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It is too small to cause a total eclipse, appearing only as a small black dot moving across the Sun. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:但它因为太小而不会造成日全食,只会是出现一颗穿越太阳表面的小黑点。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Their main novelty was the use of superheated steam ran through a standard turbine thus resulting in a better efficiency compared to the earlier Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant pilot plant. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 主要创新之处在于使用热蒸汽通过涡轮机,从而比早先的奥布宁斯克核电站有更高的发电效率。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Emperor Group’s first co-working space, Mustard Seed, is located at Emperor Group Centre, Wan Chai, providing young entrepreneurs with resources, partnership opportunities, community affiliations as well as leasing options at a concessionary rent no higher than half of the market rental. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 英皇集团的首个共享工作空间项目Mustard Seed位于湾仔英皇集团中心,为年轻创业者提供资源、合作机遇以及人际网络,亦以不多于市值租金一半的优惠价租出办公位。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Thomas Aquinas College is a Roman Catholic liberal arts college offering a single integrated academic program. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:托马斯阿奎那斯学院(Thomas Aquinas College)是位于美国加利福尼亚州圣保拉的一所罗马天主教私立文理学院,仅提供一个文学学士学位。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: All of the members of Leonard's family are accomplished scientists, except for his younger brother Michael, who is a tenured law professor at Harvard University. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 伦纳德家里的所有成员都是科学家,除了他的哥哥,是哈佛法学院的终身法学教授。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Coastal Pacific is a long-distance passenger train between Picton and Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand, operated by The Great Journeys of New Zealand. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 太平洋海岸号是一条来往于新西兰南岛的皮克顿和基督城之间的长途旅客列车,由Tranz Scenic负责运营。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Stone said of this aspect of the episode, "The whole basis of South Park was that kids are little shitheads and civilization and society controls them. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:斯通对此表示:“整个《南方公园》的基础在于,这些孩子都是些小混球,是文明和社会约束了他们。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The outcome was the Treaty of Kars, a successor treaty to the earlier Treaty of Moscow of March 1921. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 结果,卡尔斯条约的签订取代了1921年的莫斯科条约。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The list was consolidated and republished in Directive 2001/59/EC, where translations into other EU languages may be found. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 该列表被集中并再出版于指导标准2001/59/EC,读者于该处也可以找到其他欧盟语系翻译。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: OmegaT is a computer-assisted translation tool written in the Java programming language. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:OmegaT是一个使用Java编程语言编写的计算机辅助翻译工具。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: As U-862 did not find any worthwhile targets off New Zealand, the submarine's commander planned to return to Australian waters in January 1945 and operate to the north of Sydney. Assistant: U-862号在新西兰海域没有发现任何有价值的目标,它的船长因此决定于1945年1月回到澳大利亚水域并在悉尼北部执行任务。 User: Multiple linear regression is a generalization of simple linear regression to the case of more than one independent variable, and a special case of general linear models, restricted to one dependent variable. Assistant: 多元线性回归是简单线性回归到多个自变量的概括,以及一般线性模型的特例,仅限于一个因变量。 User: Generating billing information. Assistant: 生成计费信息。 User: The project started in 1953 and is considered one of the most important hydraulic projects in northern Syria. Assistant: 1953年启动的加卜计划被认为是叙利亚北部最重要的水利工程之一。 User: The books focus on the exile and suffering of the Bubi people, persecuted by Nguema's regime. Assistant: 诗集描写布比族人受到恩圭马政权压迫而流亡和他们的苦难。 User: Maize fields which had been previously burned by wildfires caused by an ongoing drought in Kingsville were swept down, while cotton crops withstood the hurricane well. Assistant: 克雷伯县县城金斯维尔(Kingsville)的部分玉米地此前已因持续干旱引发的山火受损,飓风来袭后又被刮倒,不过棉花作物基本得以经受住风暴的考验。 User: Although Philip II was officially the last king of the Franks (rex Francorum) and the first king of France (roi de France), in (systematic application of) historiography, Hugh Capet holds this distinction. Assistant: 虽然腓力二世是最后一位法兰克人的国王,法兰西的第一位国王,但在历史编纂学中,是于格·卡佩制造了这种区别。 User: Devoe and Kelly both survive with minor injuries. Assistant: 德辅与凯利两人均幸存且仅受轻伤。 User: There, she stopped in Varna, Bulgaria, before returning to the Mediterranean and steaming through the Suez Canal. Assistant: 在那里,它曾经停于保加利亚的瓦尔纳,然后返回地中海并穿行苏伊士运河。 User: The game tackles the question of whether Lightning is happy after the events of XIII. Assistant: 游戏着手雷霆在《XIII》故事之后是否幸福的问题。 User: Then on 15 July the coins, which weighed 11 kg, were taken to the British Museum in London for conservation and identification. Assistant: 7月15日,总重11千克的硬币被带到伦敦大英博物馆保护和认证。 User: With Dr. Donald McLean, Buncke performed the first successful microvascular transplant using omentum to fill a large scalp defect In 1969.. Assistant: 1969年,本基与唐纳德·麦克林合作进行了首例成功的微血管移植,用网膜来修复大块头皮缺损。 User: Likewise, an error inside a virtual machine does not harm the host system, so there is no risk of the OS crashing on the laptop. Assistant: 类似的,虚拟机中的故障不会对宿主机产生损害,所以不会令笔记本上的操作系统死机。 User: The Russian energy strategy of 2003 set a policy priority for reduction in natural gas based power supply, aiming to achieve this through a doubling of nuclear power generation by 2020. Assistant: 2003年俄罗斯能源战略设定的政策优先事项是减少基于天然气的发电,其目的是通过核能使到2020年发电增加一倍。 User: It operates as a separate satellite office for OCZ and maintains its own product lines. Assistant: 为OCZ的独立卫星办公室,维护产品线。 User: It is currently in production by Everspin Technologies, and other companies, including GlobalFoundries and Samsung, have announced in 2016 product plans. Assistant: 它目前由Everspin(英语:Everspin Technologies)公司生产,其他公司,包括格罗方德(GlobalFoundries)和三星集团已经宣布产品计划。 User: But James took it to another level. Assistant: 后来乔纳斯把他带到了另一个地方。 User: In 1957, the CIA and Israeli Mossad aided the Iranian government in establishing its intelligence service, SAVAK, later blamed for the torture and execution of the regime's opponents. Assistant: 1957年,美国中央情报局和以色列摩萨德协助伊朗政府建立其情报部门萨瓦克,该部门因酷刑折磨和处决政权反对者而遭到批评。 User: Principal financial support for the website came from AT&T, and members included BellSouth, Alcatel, Cingular, and Citizens Against Government Waste. Assistant: 该网站的主要经济来源为AT&T,以及BellSouth、Alcatel、AT&T行动及公民反政府浪费等公司与团体。 User: Their only child, Valerie, was born February 27, 1955. Assistant: 他们唯一的孩子,Valerie,生于1955年2月27日。 User: Taqnia's President, Ali Mohammed Al−Ghamdi, noted that the An-178 had been selected because "its price and low operational costs are important advantages in comparison with other airplanes of this class". Assistant: Тaqnia Aeronautics的主席Ali Mohammed Al−Ghamdi表示选择An-178是因为“对比其他同类型飞机,它的价格和较低的运营成本有比较重要的优势。 User: Death Valley National Monument was proclaimed in 1933, placing the area under federal protection. Assistant: 1933年,死谷国家遗址被宣布为美国国家遗址,并将该区域置于联邦的保护之下。 User: In 1965 he excavated Dainzú. Assistant: 1965年,由岳欣接任。 User: Just as in years before, the qualifying procedure was divided into three parts, with the first part (Q1) running for 16 minutes and the second and third parts (Q2 and Q3) being 15 and 14 minutes long, respectively. Assistant: 正如多年来一般,排位赛程序划分为三个部分,第一阶段(Q1)长16分钟,而第二、第三阶段(Q2、Q3)分别长15及14分钟。 User: Floo Powder is a glittering powder used by wizards to travel and communicate using fireplaces. Assistant: 呼噜粉(Floo Powder)是一种闪光的粉状物,巫师可以通过壁炉来使用。 User: According to the CPT theorem, this means they should also be time irreversible, and so establish an arrow of time. Assistant: 根据CPT定理,这意味着它们同时是时间不可逆的,由此产生一个时间箭头。 User: Similar population declines were discovered on Santa Cruz Island, where the population decreased from 2,000 adults in 1994 to less than 135 in 2000, and on Santa Rosa Island where foxes may have numbered more than 1,500 in 1994, but were reduced to 14 animals by 2000. Assistant: 在圣克鲁兹岛亦发现相似的下降,于1994年由2,000头成年的岛屿灰狐下降至2000年的135头;而在圣罗莎岛,于1994年的1,500头下降至2000年的14头。 User: He won't say whether or not any small natural satellites have been discovered. Assistant: 他不想说是否发现了任何小的天然卫星。 User: Tammsaare was interested in philosophy and psychology. Assistant: 库思老本人对文学和哲学就很感兴趣。 User: The Road is a 2006 novel by the American author Cormac McCarthy. Assistant: 《长路》(The Road)是美国作家科马克·麦卡锡2006年的一部长篇小说。 User: Businesses requested compensation for financial losses caused by the closure, which was scheduled for May 30 and 31. Assistant: 当地企业因原定于5月30至31日的拍摄而休息所造成的财务损失均获得赔偿。 User: Her father tried to interest her and her sister in taking a flight. Assistant: 他父亲想培养她和她妹妹对飞机的兴趣,因此带她们去参加飞行。 User: They were almost correct, as the comet arrived on 13 March 1759. Assistant: 他们的结果几乎完全正确,彗星于1759年3月13日回归 (通过近日点)。 User: A United Nations laissez-passer (UNLP or LP) is a travel document issued by the United Nations under the provisions of Article VII of the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations in its offices in New York and Geneva, as well as by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Assistant: 联合国通行证(英语:United Nations Laissez-Passer,缩写:UNLP、LP)是联合国根据1946年通过的《联合国特权和豁免权公约》第7条所颁布的一种特殊旅行证件,仅联合国和国际劳工组织有权颁发。 User: Three scenes involving primarily physical effects in the film were the chase at a building site in Madagascar, the Miami Airport chase sequence, and the sinking Venetian house, with sets located on the Grand Canal and in Pinewood Studios. Assistant: 片中主要应用到物理特效的3场戏分别是马达加斯加一幢建筑工地和迈阿密国际机场的追逐戏,以及威尼斯那幢房屋沉入水中的戏段,这些镜头的置景分别是在大运河和松林制片厂搭建。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The relocation of the government was completed in 1999. Assistant: 政府迁移于1999年全部完成。 User: The others notice that Robin has been acting strange lately, and try to figure out why. Assistant: 罗伯特意识到自己在前一晚已经对谜团有了线索,现在正在重新寻找当时的发现。 User: Kirk Wise, one of the directors, said that they chose Fox for the role because they felt he gave his character his own personality and made them more believable on screen. Assistant: 导演柯克·维斯表示,选择福克斯来为主角配音是因为他们相信福克斯可以在角色身上注入自己的个性,让银幕上的人物更加真实可信。 User: Pierre Anga (1940–1988) was a Congolese army officer and rebel leader who was an opposition figure to Congolese President Denis Sassou-Nguesso. Assistant: 皮埃尔·安加(1940年—1988年)是刚果共和国军官暨反政府武装领导人,曾经大力反对刚果共和国总统德尼·萨苏-恩格索。 User: Hugo de Vries connected Darwin's pangenesis theory to Weismann's germ/soma cell distinction and proposed that Darwin's pangenes were concentrated in the cell nucleus and when expressed they could move into the cytoplasm to change the cell's structure. Assistant: 许霍·德弗里斯把达尔文的泛生论连接至魏斯曼的发现并提出达尔文的泛生论应集中于细胞核,他表示细胞核可以移动到细胞质去改变细胞结构。 User: Herrick had studied the asteroid's orbit, and requested the name, along with the other asteroid, 1580 Betulia. Assistant: Herrick曾经研究这颗小行星的轨道,并且要求继(1580) 拜突利亚之后采用这个名字。 User: GT2 GPU was used, while maximum supported memory is 8 GB of LPDDR3-1600. Assistant: GPU部分为GT2,最大支援8GB LPDDR3-1600。 User: Scientists were concerned that should there be a massive die-off of the pyrosomes, it could create a huge dead zone as the decomposition of their bodies consumed much of the oxygen dissolved in the surrounding seawater. Assistant: 科学家们担心,如果大量火体虫死亡,它可以造成一个庞大的死亡区,因为分解它们的身体会消耗溶解在周围海水中的大量氧气。 User: Therefore, he spoke of the relativity principle as the "Lorentz-Einsteinian" basic assumption. Assistant: 因此他将相对性原则成为“劳伦兹-爱因斯坦”基本假设。 User: To avoid casting blame on Germany and infuriating the Allies, he withdrew into the background and merged his troops with the "Special Russian Corps", led by Cossack General Pavel Bermont-Avalov. Assistant: 为免德国被指责并激怒协约国方,戈尔茨让自己的部队合并到由哥萨克将军本莫特·阿瓦洛夫领导的“特别俄国军团”。 User: The heroes then discover a door leading to an unknown location; they consider entering, but decide to return to their own world. Assistant: 勇士之后看到了一扇通向未知之处的门,他们考虑过进入,但最终决定返回他们自己的世界。 User: Proponents for popular election noted that ten states already had non-binding primaries for Senate candidates, in which the candidates would be voted on by the public, effectively serving as advisory referenda instructing state legislatures how to vote; reformers campaigned for more states to introduce a similar method. Assistant: 普选方式的支持者们指出,已经有十个州拥有非强制性的参议员候选人初选,公民将投票选出候选人,其选举结果将有效成为州议会投票的指导意见。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Independent ad agencies or Internet marketing consultants can assist business owners in determining sound opportunities for yellow pages advertising and provide objective information on usage, possession and preferences. Assistant: 独立广告公司或互联网营销顾问可以帮助企业确定是否需要在黄页打广告,并提供有关使用、占有和偏好的客观信息。 User: For instance, a reference to Newt Gingrich in Quebec is generally replaced with one to Mike Harris. Assistant: 举例来说,纽特·金里奇在魁北克省普遍更换成麦克·哈里斯。 User: MPlayer was previously called "MPlayer - The Movie Player for Linux" by its developers but this was later shortened to "MPlayer - The Movie Player" after it became commonly used on other operating systems. Assistant: MPlayer最初的名字叫做"MPlayer - The Movie Player for Linux",不过后来开发者们简称其为"MPlayer - The Movie Player",原因是MPlayer已经不仅可以用于Linux而可以在所有平台上运行。 User: Rosetta was built in a clean room according to COSPAR rules, but "sterilisation generally not crucial since comets are usually regarded as objects where you can find prebiotic molecules, that is, molecules that are precursors of life, but not living microorganisms", according to Gerhard Schwehm, Rosetta's project scientist. Assistant: 罗塞塔号依照COSPAR规则在无尘室建造,但根据罗塞塔号计划科学家的讯息,“杀菌一般并不是关键,因为彗星通常被视为能找到prebiotic分子的物体,也就是生命前导的分子,但不是活的微生物”。 User: His momentum continues to decline after the concert, together with contractual disputes between the record company, Hacken's singing career was started to fell in the trough. Assistant: 之后声势持续下滑,加上与唱片公司的合约纠纷,歌唱事业陷入低潮。 User: Large numbers of Greeks were expelled and others were deprived of the right to work by a license system that banned the practice of a trade or profession without permission. Assistant: 数量可观的希腊人被驱逐,其他人则被没执照不能行业的执照制度剥夺工作权利。 User: Meanwhile, there were further clashes at the Brenner Pass on the Italy-Austria border between 'No Borders' protesters and Austrian police. Assistant: 与此同时,在意大利 - 奥地利边界的布伦纳山口“无边界”抗议者和奥地利警察之间发生了进一步的冲突。 User: Mirtazapine is a potent 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, and cyproheptadine, a drug that shares this property, mediates recovery from serotonin syndrome and is an antidote against it. Assistant: 米氮平是一种有效的5-HT2A受体拮抗剂,而赛庚啶是一种具有这种特性的药物,可介导5-羟色胺综合征的恢复,并且在临床上已成熟,可作为对抗它的解毒剂。 User: In February 2017, Poppy starred in a series of videos for Comedy Central called "Internet Famous with Poppy". Assistant: 2017年2月,她在Comedy Central(英语:Comedy Central)演出了一系列影片名为"Internet Famous with Poppy"。 User: Australia's trade relations were heavily geared towards the British Empire, and at Federation in 1901, trade with China accounted for 0.3% of Australian merchandise trade flow. Assistant: 澳大利亚的贸易关系大幅度倾向大英帝国,在1901年澳大利亚联邦成立时,与中国的贸易衹占了澳大利亚货物贸易的0.3%。 User: This demonstrates Chopin's admiration for Maupassant, yet another example of the enormous influence Maupassant exercised on nineteenth-century literary realism. Assistant: 这既体现了肖邦对这位法国作家的崇敬,也体现了莫泊桑对十九世纪现实主义文学的巨大影响。 User: It can also occur in pregnant women who have a form of extreme morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum. Assistant: 它还可能发生在一类严重清晨剧吐的怀孕妇女(即妊娠剧吐)中。 User: Hymes also pioneered a linguistic anthropological approach to ethnopoetics. Assistant: 海姆斯也开创了语言人类学的一种研究方法,民族诗学(ethnopoetics)。 User: Bash can also read and execute commands from a file, called a shell script. Assistant: Bash还能从文件中读取命令,这样的文件称为脚本。 User: In January 1994, British Minister of State for Defence Procurement Jonathan Aitken confirmed in parliamentary debates that a Russian T-80U tank was imported for "defence research and development purposes". Assistant: 1994年1月,时任英国国防采购大臣约拿单·艾特肯在国会辩论中承认“以国防科研为目的”进口了一辆俄罗斯的T-80U坦克。 User: The documentary tells the story of four characters fighting to protect Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, home to the world's last mountain gorillas, from war, poaching, and the threat of oil exploration. Assistant: 纪录片讲述四个人为保护刚果民主共和国维龙加国家公园——山地大猩猩的最后家园而战,对抗战争、偷猎和石油勘探等威胁的故事。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Variety and Deadline both noted that the film's opening weekend could have been even greater if not for Hurricane Irma shutting down nearly 50% of Florida's theaters, a state that typically accounts for 5% of the country's box office grosses. Assistant: 《综艺》和Deadline都认为,如果不是飓风艾玛使佛罗里达州近50%的戏院关闭营业,那《它》的首周末票房成绩应该会更高,而这也占了美国总票房的5%。 User: His wide experience in all areas of public life - as a diplomat and academic - and his involvement in social development, business and civil organizations have all helped shape his vision of the need to secure decent work for women and men throughout the world. Assistant: 作为外交官和学者,他在公共生活领域以及参与社会发展、商业和市民组织的广泛经历帮助他形成保障全球男女体面劳动所需的视野。 User: The acidity of the soil is therefore a result of hydrolysis of aluminium. Assistant: 因此,土壤的酸度来源于铝化合物的水解。 User: It was removed as a CDP for 1990 and did not report a population, but had its CDP status restored for 2000 and 2010. Assistant: 1990年,该地从普查指定地区中删除并没有报告人口,但其普查地的地位在2000年和2010年获得恢复。 User: Otto Piene was born in 1928 in Bad Laasphe and was raised in Lübbecke. Assistant: 奥托·皮纳1928年出生于巴特拉斯菲(Bad Laasphe),在吕贝克(Lübbecke)长大。 User: The modern computer, or Von Neumann machine, would play a central role in cognitive science, both as a metaphor for the mind, and as a tool for investigation. Assistant: 冯·诺伊曼结构的现代计算机在认知科学中扮演了中心角色,既是对心智的模仿,也是研究的工具。 User: Gonzalez assured Filipinos that the government would not use these powers unnecessarily. Assistant: 菲利帕夏向他们保证,英军不会对他们采取军事行动。 User: The range of Greek sea gods of the classical era range from primordial powers and an Olympian on the one hand, to heroized mortals, chthonic nymphs, trickster-figures, and monsters on the other. Assistant: 古典时代希腊海神的范围不仅有从原始神到奥林匹斯神的一脉,还包括了英雄、克托尼俄斯、宁芙、怪兽等神话角色。 User: He died on 16 January 1871 in Geneva, leaving only one surviving daughter. Assistant: 1871年1月16日朗东在日内瓦去世,只留下一个幸存的女儿。 User: The northbridge extends to the north of the PCI bus backbone in support of CPU, memory/cache, and other performance-critical capabilities. Assistant: 北桥芯片将PCI总线主干延伸至北边,以支援CPU、内存或快取(Cache)、以及其他攸关效能的功能。 User: The proscenium is 12.20 m wide and 14.80 m high. Assistant: 舞台则长12.20米、高14.80米。 User: To date clusters do not typically use physically shared memory, while many supercomputer architectures have also abandoned it. Assistant: 迄今为止,集群通常不使用物理共享内存,而许多超级计算机体系结构也放弃了这一点。 User: It was Ford's first automatic transmission developed for front wheel drive and transverse engine location. Assistant: 它是福特首款为前轮驱动和横向发动机定位而开发的自动变速器。 User: This fact greatly enhanced troop morale. Assistant: 这大大加强了图阿雷格人的军事实力。 User: According to Josh Thomas, an amateur brewer who has toured North Korean breweries: he average Pyongyang man beer fairly frequently — at least once a week. Assistant: 一位业余酿酒师乔许·汤玛士(Josh Thomas)说道: 平均来说,平壤男性喝啤酒的频率相当频繁——每周至少一次。 User: The battle demonstrated the Japanese Navy's considerable superiority over the Allies in night fighting which lasted until the Battle of Cape St. George. Assistant: 此役证明了日本海军在夜战中的明显优势,这一优势直到圣乔治角战役才被扭转。 User: As a result, F1 operates as it did before (for example, a help window may be opened when it is pressed), but also operates like the shift key (pressing "a" in a text editor while F1 is down adds "A" to the current text). Assistant: 结果,F1 仍做它以前所做的(例如,按下 F1 时,会开启说明视窗),不过又和 Shift 一样(在文字编辑器里,按下“a”和 F1,就会打出“A”)。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: In response to a run on the American gold supply, Carlisle felt forced to end silver coinage. Assistant: 为了保证美国的黄金供给,卡莱尔强行终止银币制造。 User: Senators Beckham and Ollie M. James endorsed him, as did Governor James B. McCreary. Assistant: 联邦参议员贝克汉姆和奥利·M·詹姆斯,州长詹姆斯·B·麦克里都表示支持他。 User: Although it is true that the gravity of passing stars can detach planets into interstellar space, distances between stars are so great that the likelihood of the Milky Way–Andromeda collision causing such disruption to any individual star system is negligible. Assistant: 虽然经过的恒星有可能会把行星剥离太阳系送入星系空间,但恒星间的距离如此之巨以至于银河系和仙女座星系的相撞对单个的恒星系统的干扰是可以忽略不计的。 User: In some parts of the world, especially in India, snake charming is a roadside show performed by a charmer. Assistant: 在世界上的某些地方,尤其是印度,弄蛇术是相当著名的街头表演。 User: Volume I. Lizards and Volume II. Assistant: 总结亚里士多德的第一卷和第二卷。 User: All F9F-2s were eventually so modified, and the B designation was dropped. Assistant: 所有的F9F - 2最终被如此修改和B指定被丢弃。 User: Hansen made copies of his letter available to several newspapers. Assistant: 汉森还把自己的信件复制了多份并发给多家报社。 User: He subsequently separated from the Marine Corps with an honorable discharge. Assistant: 不久他辞去海军军官,专门传道。 User: Laar is credited with having helped bring about Estonia’s rapid economic development during the 1990s. Assistant: 拉尔的最大成就是在1990年代促进了爱沙尼亚的经济快速发展。 User: On August 17, 2011, European astronomers announced the discovery of three planets orbiting 82 G. Eridani. Assistant: 2011年8月17日,欧洲的科学家公布在波江座82周围发现三颗太阳系外行星。 User: It is best known for its professional football team, which plays in the Bundesliga, the top tier of the German football league system, and is the most successful club in German football history, having won a record 28 national titles and 18 national cups. Assistant: 其最为人所熟知的的下属部门是参加德甲联赛、即德国足球联赛系统的顶级赛事的职业足球队,这也是德国足球史上最成功的俱乐部,赢得过28次德甲冠军及18次德国杯冠军。 User: A solution with a molality of 3 mol/kg is often described as "3 molal" or "3 m". Assistant: 重量摩尔浓度为3mol/kgw的溶液可表示为“3 molal”或“3 m”。 User: One of the many examinations for which Grassmann sat required that he submit an essay on the theory of the tides. Assistant: 格拉斯曼参加过的诸多考试中的一次要求他递交关于潮汐的一篇文章。 User: After extensive research and experimentation, it has been shown that "phase radio-altimeters" are most suitable for ground effect vehicles, as compared to laser, isotropic or ultrasonic altimeters. Assistant: 广泛的研究和实验证明相对于激光、各向同性或超声波测高计,“相无线电测高计”最适合地面效应车辆。 User: The successful candidate had to be a patrician with an impeccable political record, respected by his fellow senators. Assistant: 成功的候选人必须是一位贵族,政治纪录毫无暇疵,及得到他的同僚元老尊敬。 User: It was created on the Eastern Front in the autumn of 1943 in preparation for upcoming winter operations. Assistant: 该师的基础单位于1943年秋季在东部战线上编成,以为将来的冬季战事做准备。 User: Notes from life in six essays. Assistant: 改编自《六个梦》中的《生命的鞭》。 User: On 29 November 1945, the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was declared. Assistant: 1945年11月29日,南斯拉夫联邦人民共和国宣布成立。 User: July 29 – Rail traffic is suspended in France between French-retained and German-occupied territories. Assistant: 7月29日:来往法国和德国占领地区的铁路交通停运。 User: Serving under the Khans, they gained confident from them. Assistant: 成为了勋臣,他们得到功臣田作为他们的奉禄。 User: Frozen dog urine was used by Inuit as a medicine, and their fur was more prized than that of wolves, due to its greater resistance to wear. Assistant: 冰冻狗尿被因纽特人作为药物使用,因为穿起来更结实耐穿,它们的皮毛比狼的皮毛要贵很多。 User: Governor Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guard to support the segregationists on September 4, 1957. Assistant: 1957年9月4日,阿肯色州州长Orval Faubus部署国民警卫队来支持这些种族隔离主义者。 User: To this end, Treyarch unveiled a matchmaking system designed to pair players up based on their skills within the game to ensure that online games are relatively equal in terms of player skill. Assistant: 为此,Treyarch推出匹配系统,根据游戏技能匹配玩家,确保在线游戏的玩家技能方面相对平等。 User: The treatise on the Resurrection of the Dead, the first complete exposition of the doctrine in Christian literature, was written later than the Apology, to which it may be considered as an appendix. Assistant: 《论身体复活》(Resurrection of the Body)一文是基督教著作中第一部完整详尽解说这一教理的作品,写作于《辩护文》之后,可能是其附录。 User: The player takes the role of Tomohiro, managing the girls' schedules and helping them improve their skills. Assistant: 玩家可操控智弘,以安排女孩子们的行程与训练其技巧为主。 User: The resulting lagoon, according to the CIA, would have four benefits: It would be spectacular and peaceful. Assistant: 根据美国中央情报局的说法,这个人工造出的湖将有四个好处: 这将是壮观和和平的。 User: In the United States, the phrase is used in the District of Columbia as part of the campaign for a vote in Congress, to publicize the fact that District of Columbia residents pay Federal taxes, but do not have representation in Congress. Assistant: 在美国,这句话作为华盛顿特区在国会中争取投票权运动的一部分,被用来宣传华盛顿居民在缴纳联邦赋税的同时却在国会中没有代表席位的情况。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Pop singer/songwriter Kate Bush reportedly wrote and recorded a song for the film to be used in the scene in which Aladar and his family mourn the destruction of their island, but due to complications, the track was ultimately not included on the soundtrack. Assistant: 据报道,流行歌手/歌曲作者凯特·布什为该片创作并录制了一首歌,准备用于-{艾力达-}及其家庭悼念小岛的毁灭一幕,但由于复杂的原因,最终的专辑中并未包含这首曲子。 User: Although ACLU leadership was divided on whether to challenge the Federal Loyalty Program, some challenges were successfully made. Assistant: 虽然ACLU的领导在是否挑战联邦忠诚度计划产生分歧,一些挑战还是成功了。 User: Objectivism does not, however, regard art as propagandistic: even though art involves moral values and ideals, its purpose is not to educate, only to show or project. Assistant: 不过,客观主义并不将艺术看作一种宣传的模式:虽然艺术牵扯到了道德价值和观念,但它却不具有教育的功能,而只是一种表现或突出。 User: But with growing size and complexity of organizations, a distinction between owners (individuals, industrial dynasties or groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and control) gradually became more common. Assistant: 但当组织变得越来越庞大、越来越复杂时,产业所有人(个人、工业王朝世家或股东群)与每日管理人(独立的策划、控制等专业人士)相互分离变得更加寻常。 User: Usually it will have a more delicious taste if it is preserved for a longer time. Assistant: 为保存一段更长的时间,通常会以真空为主。 User: Macroeconomic causes encouraged widespread child labour across the world, over most of human history. Assistant: 宏观经济鼓励童工在世界范围内存在,在人类历史上渊源流传。 User: Minimum time between stoppages is estimated at 32,000 rounds, making it a very reliable weapon. Assistant: 据估计停机之间的最短时间是在第32,000发,使其成为一门非常可靠的武器。 User: Engineers can now have numerical control over automated devices. Assistant: 工程师现在可以数字控制自动化设备。 User: CSN also mines iron ore, limestone, and dolomite, and maintains strategic investments in railroads and power supply companies. Assistant: CSN还开采铁矿石,石灰石和白云石,并对铁路和电力公司进行战略投资。 User: As the scheduled final days of Shop at Home approached, Jewelry Television announced it would purchase all assets of the network and maintain 100 unspecified jobs in Nashville under its sale agreement. Assistant: 在SAH接近结束营业的前几天,Jewelry Television宣布收购其部分资产且依照合约保留100个在纳什维尔的不特定工作机会。 User: Prior to this, the Portuguese authorities had only allowed Roman Catholic burials in the colony. Assistant: 在此之前,葡萄牙当局只允许天主教墓葬在殖民地。 User: In his 1829 study On the Church, Delahogue stated: "Ultramontane theologians attribute infallibility to the Bishop of Rome considered in this aspect and when he speaks, as the saying is, ex cathedra. Assistant: 在他1829年的论文《在教会之上》,Delahogue说:“教宗至上主义的神学家将无谬误归因于罗马主教在这方面的考虑,和当他们说ex cathedra。 User: Rosetti tries to persuade White to surrender Nucky, but White denies knowing his whereabouts. Assistant: 罗赛迪试图说服White交出努基,但White否认知道他的下落。 User: Catgirl (Kitrina Falcone) – Catgirl is Catwoman's sidekick. Assistant: 猫少女(卡翠娜·法尔科尼)——她是猫女的助手。 User: A standard test of cerebellar function is to reach with the tip of the finger for a target at arm's length: A healthy person will move the fingertip in a rapid straight trajectory, whereas a person with cerebellar damage will reach slowly and erratically, with many mid-course corrections. Assistant: 测量小脑功能的标准测试是,用指尖伸向一手臂远的目标:健康人会以笔直的轨迹移动指尖,但是小脑损伤的患者的伸手指动作缓慢且不稳定,中途会有许多次修正。 User: The following table lists these students: The following table lists all Putnam fellows from 1938 to present, with the years they placed in the top five. Assistant: 下表列出了这些学生: 在下表中列出了1938年至今的所有普特南研究员, 以及他们进入前五名的年份。 User: The following year it became a weekly. Assistant: 我记得去年的元旦是星期几。 User: On 16 August, the Lega Serie A postponed the opening matches for both Genoese clubs Genoa and Sampdoria that were originally scheduled for 19 August. Assistant: 8月16日,意甲联盟宣布将热那亚及桑普多利亚原定于8月19日进行的两场比赛延期推后举行。 User: At its closure, Monthly Review announced that it would maintain an online archive of the site. Assistant: 在结束时,《每月评论》宣布它将保留该网站的在线存档。 User: The case is an important decision in British constitutional law and had unusual legal repercussions at the time. Assistant: 该案件是英国宪法中的一个重要决定,在当时具有不同寻常的法律影响,并引起极大争议。 User: After a system has experienced an oops, some internal resources may no longer be operational. Assistant: 若系统遇到了oops,一些内部资源可能不再可用。 User: In 1711, Ahmed Karamanli, an Ottoman cavalry officer and son of a Turkish officer and Libyan woman, seized power and founded the Karamanli dynasty, which would last 124 years. Assistant: 1711年,奥斯曼骑兵官员,土耳其军官和利比亚妇女的儿子艾哈迈德·卡拉曼里夺取了权力,并建立了卡拉曼里王朝,这将持续124年。 User: The second contract is the owner-contractor contract, which involves construction. Assistant: 第二份合约是业主与营造厂间的合约,这份合约中涉及营建部分。 User: More than 20,000 households lost power due to the storm, though the vast majority was restored within a day. Assistant: 由于暴风雨,超过20,000户家庭失去电力,尽管绝大多数家庭在一天之内恢复了电力。 User: For networks without AppleTalk zones, an asterisk (*) would be substituted for the zone name. Assistant: 对于无AppleTalk区域的网络,一个星号(*)将代替区域名称。 User: The main campus covers 489 acres (2.0 km2) of land including Heritage Grove and contains over 14,800,000 square feet (1,375,000 m2) of buildings. Assistant: FSU 主校区占地489英亩(2.0平方公里),包括 Heritage Grove,占地面积超过14,800,000平方英尺(1,375,000平方米)。 User: Since April 1976, the policy has been that Canadian citizens born in Jerusalem have their birthplace identified only by the city's name, with no national designation, due to the unresolved legal status of Jerusalem. Assistant: 由于悬而未决的耶路撒冷定位问题,出生在耶路撒冷的加拿大公民在护照上只有城市的名字(JERUSALEM)而没有国家的名称。 User: The exterior of a set is the interior of its complement, equivalently the complement of its closure; it consists of the points that are in neither the set nor its boundary. Assistant: 一个集合的外部(exterior)是它补集的内部,等同于它闭包的补集;它包含既不在集合内,也不在边界上的点。 User: The bishop appoints priests and other members of the faithful to various advisory bodies. Assistant: 主教任命司铎及其他信友为各种顾问团体。 User: A variety of synthetic fibres are also used. Assistant: 也可以使用各种合成纤维。 User: The model was first proposed by Pierre Carreau. Assistant: 本模型由皮埃尔·卡罗率先提出。 User: A clip of Jackson singing "Speechless" was included in the 2009 documentary-concert film Michael Jackson's This Is It. Assistant: 杰克逊演唱《无言》的片段出现在2009年传记式演唱会电影《迈克尔·杰克逊:就是这样》中。 User: The values of these constants have been carefully measured, but the reason for their specific values remains a mystery. Assistant: 那些常数数值受到小心的量度,但她们的特定数值仍然是一个谜。 User: This proved controversial and was widely discussed in Japanese society. Assistant: 相关事件的争议还引发了日本社会的广泛讨论。 User: Its winter range is from southern Canada south to Florida and central Mexico. Assistant: 冬天则分布在加拿大南部至佛罗里达州及墨西哥中部。 User: Also this phone has the advantages of a rollable display; it is lighter, thinner, and more durable than LCD displays. Assistant: 另外这款手机具有可卷曲显示器的优势,它比液晶显示器更轻,更薄,更长的耐用性。 User: Most services, perishable goods like the Big Mac, and housing cannot be purchased very far from the point of consumption (where the consumer happens to live). Assistant: 多数服务、易腐烂的货物,如巨无霸,以及住宅都不能在离消费点过远的地方卖出(这却恰好是消费者住的地方)。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The film is set five years after the events in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Assistant: 电影被设定在《变形金刚:月黑之时》的四年之后。 User: The airlines' air operators certificate permits the transport of passengers, goods and mail (at July 2007). Assistant: 串联航空在2007年7月获得的准营证包括了客运,货运和邮件等航空业务。 User: The building features large 2-story bay-windows overlooking both the Charles River to the south and Eastman Courtyard to the north, as well as high ceilings in the library spaces. Assistant: 大楼的特色为有两层凸出窗户,可以向南俯瞰查尔斯河和向北俯瞰Eastman庭院,也可以看到图书馆的天花板。 User: This crisis made the Tiers Parti ridiculous while the Doctrinaires triumphed. Assistant: 这场危机让第三党出了洋相,而空论派则取得了胜利。 User: The Lake Eyre Yacht Club is a dedicated group of sailors who sail on the lake's floods, including recent trips in 1997, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2009. Assistant: 艾尔湖帆船会是一个特别的团体,会员会在该湖小型泛滥时航行,包括1997年、2000年、2001年和2004年的航程。 User: 31 U.S. soldiers were also killed in the conflict. Assistant: 31名美国士兵也在冲突中丧生。 User: It is considered to be one of the oldest inhabited monasteries in the world, and still maintains many of its ancient traditions. Assistant: 它被认为是世界上最古老的有人居住的修道院之一,仍然保留着许多古老的传统。 User: The 2007 base price in the U.S. was $33,470. Assistant: 2007年款ES在美国的售价为33,470美元。 User: The iPod Photo was available in a 40GB version for US$499 and a 60GB version for US$599. Assistant: iPod photo起始包括40GB和60GB版本,分别售$499和$599。 User: During Ravalomanana's first term, thousands of new primary schools and additional classrooms were constructed, older buildings were renovated and tens of thousands of new primary teachers were recruited and trained. Assistant: 马达加斯加在拉瓦卢马纳纳的第一个任期里新建数以千计的小学,还新增大量教室,旧建筑经过翻新,全国还招募和培训数万名小学教师。 User: The Dhaka laboratory soon became the world's leading cholera research facility and was later renamed the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Assistant: 后者成立后不久就成为了世界上其中一家最先进的霍乱研究设施,后来这个实验室的名字被改为孟加拉国际腹泻疾病研究中心(International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh)。 User: This amounts to 6.9% of Táchira's population. Assistant: 占萨拉戈萨总人口的9.6%。 User: From this point onwards various scholars were drawn to Anandamayi Ma's spirituality and teaching, though she continued to describe herself as "a little unlettered child". Assistant: 学者们也被阿南达玛依·玛的灵性和教导所吸,尽管她自称“未受教的小孩”。 User: Lucy McFadden, one of the co-investigators of the impact, stated "We didn't expect the success of one part of the mission to affect a second part . Assistant: 任务的合作研究者之一露茜·麦克法登(Lucy McFadden)说:“我们事先没有预料到任务成功的一部分(明亮的尘埃云)会影响另一部分(看见生成的撞击坑)。 User: Astronomy, the study of objects and phenomena originating beyond the Earth's atmosphere, is a science and is a widely studied academic discipline. Assistant: 天文学研究起源于地球的大气层之外的事物和现象,是一门科学,并且是一个研究范围广泛的学术。 User: The woman must consistently attend a Bible study for four months, read Francine Rivers' book Redeeming Love, and be interviewed by the chapter's leaders, who then decide whether the woman should join the organization's outreach team. Assistant: 有意参与布道的女性必须连续参加查经班学习4个月,阅读弗朗辛·里弗斯的小说《救赎之爱》(Redeeming Love),还要同分会领袖面谈,后者将决定这位女性是否能加入组织的外联组。 User: Balanced Budgets, Fiscal Responsibility, and the Constitution with Richard E. Wagner. Assistant: 平衡预算、财政责任与宪法 同理查德·E·瓦格纳合著。 User: Established in 1801 by Federalist and Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century, under the name New York Evening Post. Assistant: 创办于1801年,由联邦党和开国元勋亚历山大·汉密尔顿所创立的,成为19世纪受欢迎的大报,以《纽约晚报》(New York Evening Post)为名。 User: Although Russia cited technical reasons for stopping oil deliveries to Lithuania, Lithuania claims that the oil supply was stopped because Lithuania sold the Mažeikių refinery to Polish company PKN Orlen. Assistant: 虽然俄罗斯以技术理由停止供油给立陶宛,但对方宣称原因是她将马热伊基艾炼油厂卖给波兰公司PKN Orlen。 User: Conventional routing protocols, such as OSPF and BGP, can be adapted to route on name prefixes by treating names as a sequence of opaque components and doing component-wise longest prefix match of a name in an Interest packet against the FIB table. Assistant: 传统的路由协定,比如OSPF和BGP,都可以适用于将名字视为不透明的序列组件来对名字前缀进行路由,并对兴趣封包中的名字针对FIB表做出基于组件的最长前缀匹配。 User: The Order of the Red Star is a red enamelled 47mm to 50mm wide (depending on the variant) silver five pointed star. Assistant: 红星勋章是一个红色搪瓷47毫米到50毫米宽(取决不同的变种)银质五角星。 User: Decimal numbers are an essential part of the metric system, with only one base unit and multiples created on the decimal base, the figures remain the same. Assistant: 十进制数是公制系统的一个重要组成部分,同时系统只有一个基本单位和以10为基底创建的倍数,而前面的数字保持不变。 User: In his early works, including his most famous collection Helkavirsiä (1903) influence of the national epic Kalevala is visible. Assistant: 在包括他最著名的诗集《Helkavirsiä》(1903年)的早期作品中,芬兰民族史诗《卡勒瓦拉》的影响是显然易见的。 User: In October 1650 Maria Eleonora attended her daughter's postponed coronation ceremony. Assistant: 到了1650年的10月份,玛利亚很自豪地出席了女儿被推迟了的加冕典礼。 User: The Danish alphabet has traditionally seen "W" as a variant of "V", but today "W" is considered a separate letter. Assistant: 在丹麦语字母中,传统上W看作成V的变体,但现在W看成是独立的字母。 User: In manage (file manager) there is a bookmark menu in which folder paths for quick navigation can be stored. Assistant: 在档案页(文件管理器)中有一个书签选单,其中可储存快速导航的文件夹路径。 User: Altogether, over 324,903 of the 1st class and 951,652 of the 2nd class were issued during the war. Assistant: 在整个卫国战争期间,苏联共颁发了324,903枚一级卫国战争勋章和951,652枚二级卫国战争勋章。 User: Hayes and Wheeler had not served in the House of Representatives at the same time, so Hayes was unfamiliar with his running mate. Assistant: 因为他们两人从来没有同时担任众议员,故海斯对于他的竞选伙伴并不熟。 User: Jay was born in London, England, and is Jewish. Assistant: 金柏格出生于英国的伦敦,是一名犹太人。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Instead, it is often used for boot or rescue floppy discs, live USBs, or other lightweight boot systems. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它通常用于启动或抢救软盘,live USB和其他轻量级引导系统。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 To them, we're only a shell. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:而我,只能算是一条毛毛虫吧。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A pseudoknot is a nucleic acid secondary structure containing at least two stem-loop structures in which half of one stem is intercalated between the two halves of another stem. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一个假结结构是含有至少两个茎环结构的核酸二级结构,其中一个茎的一半嵌入另一茎的两半之间。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Such problems included the widespread use of cars, the position of women, city planning, pollution, the role of gossip magazines' journalists, and the Finnish society's remaining ideological divides. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这些社会问题包括汽车的普遍使用、妇女的地位、城市规划、污染、八卦杂志记者的角色、以及芬兰社会中还存有的意识形态的分裂。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Ellis would later become a fellow of the college as well. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 后来,米兰大学也成为中心的成员。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is in the Durance valley that the most important traffic routes are found: the A51 autoroute and the railway main line. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:正是在迪朗斯河谷,分布着十分重要的交通线路 (包括 A51高速公路, 铁路, 国道等)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Zanetti's company Ahiida owns the trademarks to the words burkini and burqini, but they have become generic terms for similar forms of swimwear. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 Zanetti的公司Ahiida也拥有burkini及burqini这两个字的商标,不过后来成为类似形式伊斯兰教女性泳衣的通称。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 This passageway was closed in the 1990s and passengers now must walk at street level to connect to the commuter railroads. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该通道在1990年代关闭,乘客必须在街道行走以连接通勤铁路。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Reed and Craig later served as precedents to strike down a number of state laws discriminating by gender. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 之后,里德和克雷格案成为先例,被多次援引并推翻了多个州的性别歧视法律。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Reviewing his performance in July 2016, The Guardian said that the UK still had a budget deficit of 4%, a balance-of-payments (trade) deficit of 7% of GDP, and (apart from Italy) the worst productivity among the G7 nations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:《卫报》在2016年7月回顾了他的在职表现,说英国仍然有4%的预算赤字,国际收支赤字占国内生产总值的7%,而意大利则是七国集团中表现最差的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, the band's international discography is complicated, due to different versions of their albums sometimes being released in other countries, particularly during their early years on Capitol Records in North America. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,他们在世界其他国家的作品目录则非常庞杂,尤其是早期在美国由Capitol Records发行的作品。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Ploshchad Gagarina is the only underground station on the Moscow Central Circle line. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 加加林广场站是莫斯科中央环线上唯一的地下车站。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A man's name would consist of his personal name followed by the Malay phrase anak lelaki, meaning 'son of', and then his father's name. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 男性人名会有个人名字,后加上马来文anak lelaki (意为“之儿子”),最后是父亲名字。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The first single, "Alles neu" ("Everything New"), was released on August 15, 2008. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:第一单曲 "Alles neu" ("Everything New"/一切都是新的)发行于2008年8月15日。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: William Garrard was the county lieutenant of Stafford County, by virtue of which he held the rank of colonel and was in command of the county militia. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:威廉·加勒德是斯塔福德县的县副将,他拥有上校军衔,并因此担任县民兵部队指挥官。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 10: Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 10日:意大利向法国和英国宣战。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When asked about 0.999..., novices often believe there should be a "final 9", believing 1 − 0.999... to be a positive number which they write as "0.000...1". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 问到关于0.999...的时候,初学者常常相信应该有一个“最后的9”,也就是说,相信1 − 0.999...等于一个正数,可以写为“0.000...1”。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Government plans to have New Delhi Railway Station built inside Central Park were rejected by railway authorities as they found the idea impractical, and instead chose the nearby Paharganj area. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:政府计划将新德里火车站建在中央公园内,但是铁路部门认为这不切实际而加以拒绝,改设于附近的Paharganj地区。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Their death must have been rapid. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 但他们的灭亡必定会速速来到。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Aram Avakian was initially selected to be the film's director, but when he continually refused to do a sentimental-type dog story, he was replaced by Leslie H. Martinson. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 原本,这部片属意由 Aram Avakian 担任导演,不过,因为他本人拒绝拍摄一部过于煽情的动物故事,于是由Leslie H. Martinson取代。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Meanwhile, Ana is introduced to her new personal security team. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 同时,安娜获得她新的个人安全团队的保护。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When the absolutists declared the countercoup, they demanded and received the resignation of the previous grand vizier Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:当时专制主义者宣告反政变,他们要求并获得了先前大维齐尔侯赛因·希勒米帕夏的辞职。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Palikot Movement wanted to end religious education in state schools, end state subsidies of churches, legalize abortion on demand, lower the voting age to 16, give out free condoms, allow same-sex marriages, switch to the mixed-member proportional representation system, reform the Social Security Agency, abolish the Senate, legalize cannabis and implement flat taxes. Assistant: 帕利科特希望终止公立学校的宗教教育、终止教会的国家补助、堕胎合法化、分发免费保险套、允许同性婚姻、选举制度改为联立制、改革社会安全局、解散上议院、大麻合法化和推行单一税。 User: Together the Eckenstein-Crowley expedition attempted K2, which had never been climbed. Assistant: 艾肯斯顿-克劳利小队一起尝试了从来没被攀登过的乔戈里峰(世界第二大高峰)。 User: For us it was not a question of the professional honor of a soldier, it was the question of an idea, an aim that had to be achieved. Assistant: 对我们而言,这不是关于士兵职业荣誉的问题,而是关于一种思想,一个应当被实现的目标的问题。 User: Such study aims to benefit both linguists and web users. Assistant: 因此,互联网语言学将能够使得语言学家和用户同时受益。 User: In an ISAM system, data is organized into records which are composed of fixed length fields. Assistant: 在ISAM系统,数据组织成有固定长度的记录,按顺序存储的。 User: The investigation into the possibility of conspiracy in the assassination was inadequate. Assistant: 对阴谋的可能性的调查不足够彻底。 User: That is, the Leopards cannot move or capture on their turn. Assistant: 除骑士外,其余棋子不得越子,不能改变方向。 User: Examples of groups that are residually finite are finite groups, free groups, finitely generated nilpotent groups, polycyclic-by-finite groups, finitely generated linear groups, and fundamental groups of 3-manifolds. Assistant: 剩余有限群的例子有:有限群、自由群、有限生成幂零群、 polycyclic-by-finite群,有限生成线性群、3-流形的基本群。 User: Its supporters say that there are multiple ways to read Islam's sacred texts, and they stress the need to leave room for "independent thought on religious matters". Assistant: 自由派的支持者认为解读宗教经典的方法有多种,又强调有需要“在宗教事务上留有独立思考”的空间。 User: The EU's Migration Commissioner said the cap on asylum claims would break EU and international law. Assistant: 欧盟移民专员表示庇护申请的上限将违反欧盟和国际法律。 User: He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby (his most famous), and Tender Is the Night. Assistant: 中大通四年,因昼寝,忽惊觉曰:“愿公复来,不可久住。 User: This guarantees that all N+-to-substrate junctions are reversely biased by 3 V or more, decreasing junction capacitance and increasing circuit speed. Assistant: 这可以确保N+至基层的结点(junction)都有3V甚至更高的逆向偏压,可以降低结点电容,并且提升电路的速度。 User: Observations of the Bullet Cluster are the strongest evidence for the existence of dark matter; however, Brownstein and Moffat have shown that their modified gravity theory can also account for the properties of the cluster. Assistant: 子弹星系团是有暗物质存在最有力的证据;然而Brownstein 和Moffat 已经表明他们修正的引力理论也可以解释星系团的性质。 User: The two powers promised each other support in case of attack by Russia. Assistant: 故而两国都有互相提携、抗击俄国的声音。 User: The top four designs were produced and brought to the SEMA Show. Assistant: 后来前4个设计被用在SEMA车展。 User: However, due to the aridity of the land, only 13.5% can be used for crop production, and only 3% is considered high potential land. Assistant: 但是由于土地干旱,只有13.5%面积可用于种植作物,3%被认为是高潜力的土地。 User: For the ICT-VT, a four-car configuration was chosen, without a restaurant car, otherwise, Deutsche Bahn aimed for a common appearance and the greatest possible technical commonality with the IC T. Even the possibility of coupling together an electric and diesel train and operate them jointly was to be provided. Assistant: ICT-VT选用了4节编组方案,未编入餐车;此外德铁以与IC-T外观和最大化技术通用性为目标,甚至可将电动和柴油动力列车重联运行。 User: The President of Russia Vladimir Putin had resumed construction in 2005 and, as Prime Minister of Russia, inaugurated the completed dam on 12 August 2011. Assistant: 2005年,俄罗斯总统普京于重新继续建造大坝,并于2011年8月12日宣布竣工。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Condom use without spermicide or use of birth control pills does not increase the risk of uncomplicated urinary tract infection. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 使用避孕套但不用杀精剂,或服用避孕药不会提高无并发症的尿道感染风险。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: NEADS was entering the most chaotic period of the morning. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:朝贡体系到了清朝达到最成熟的地步。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The term Dark Ages is no longer in common use among modern scholars because of the difficulty of using it neutrally, though some writers have attempted to retain it and divest it of its negative connotations. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在现代学者中间,不经常使用“黑暗”一词,这是由于尽管有些作家试图保留和剥离它的负面内涵,但是要想中立地使用这个词仍然是很难的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In September 2013, Mexico's president Enrique Peña Nieto, on his fiscal bill package, proposed a 10% tax on all soft drinks, especially carbonated drinks, with the intention of reducing the number of patients with diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases in Mexico, which has one of the world's highest rates of obesity. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2013年9月,墨西哥总统恩里克·佩尼亚·涅托在他的财政包裹政策中建议对所有软饮料,特别是碳酸饮料征收10%的税, 以减少糖尿病和其他心血管疾病患者在墨西哥境内的人数,该数据是世界上最高的肥胖率之一。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In Chapter 1, Aristotle notes that emotions cause men to change their opinions and judgments. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在第1章中,亚里士多德指出,情绪会导致男人改变他们的观点和判断。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By the spring of 2004, several thousand people – mostly from the non-Arab population – had been killed and as many as a million more had been driven from their homes, causing a major humanitarian crisis. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:拥有较好装备的牧民武装部队很快地占了上风,到了2004年春天,数千人(大多数是非阿拉伯族群)遭到杀害,超过一百万人被迫离开家园,造成了一场人道危机。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Bartov argues that far from being the "untarnished shield", as successive German apologists stated after the war, the Wehrmacht was a criminal organization. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Bartov认为,远不是untarnished盾,作为战后表示连续德国辩护,德军是一个犯罪组织。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A number of states have background check requirements beyond federal law. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多州颁布超过联邦要求的背景检查法。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 GWR steam freight trains also ran through West Acton until 1938, when the London Underground tracks were segregated further east, through East Acton station, and to the west of North Acton station. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 大西部铁路蒸汽货运列车也通过西阿克顿站直至1938年,伦敦地铁将轨道分离到东面通过东阿克顿站,前往北阿克顿站。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Subsequent decisions have applied the principle to the children of foreign nationals of non-Chinese descent. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 之后一些案件的判决则进一步认定非中国血统的其他同类外籍人仕的后代同样适用这一原则。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The name Albion was used by Isidore of Charax (1st century BC–1st century AD) and subsequently by many classical writers. Assistant: Albion这个词曾经被查拉克斯的伊西多尔(英语:Isidore of Charax)(公元前1世纪–公元1世纪)以及多名古典时代的作家使用。 User: He is very generous, patient, friendly, and devoted to the things he loves, which are his friends and the love for science. Assistant: 他非常地有雅量,并且有耐心,热心进取,专注于他所爱的事物,像是科学研究。 User: Fake Taxi has released videos to websites such as Pornhub and YouPorn. Assistant: 在此前MindGeek已经拥有诸如Pornhub和YouPorn等网站。 User: By a series of successful expeditions, he gradually extended the Dutch possessions from Sergipe on the south to São Luís de Maranhão in the north. Assistant: 在一系列成功远征的鼓舞下,他逐渐将荷兰属地从南方的塞尔希培拓展到北方的马拉尼昂的圣路易斯。 User: The ark features a Mount Rushmore-like sculpture of Solidus Snake, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Big Boss. Assistant: 舰身上有四个仿美国拉什莫尔山雕像的雕像,从左到右分别为Solidus Snake、Solid Snake、Liquid Snake和Big Boss。 User: This simpler model with no dynamic behavior, no memory allocation or deallocation, just a narrow set of well-defined integer and floating point operations enables much greater performance and potential for optimization. Assistant: 这个更简单的模型没有动态行为,没有内存分配或释放,只有一组简单、定义明确的整数和浮点操作,从而可实现更好的性能和优化潜力。 User: Adolf "Adi" Dassler (3 November 1900 – 6 September 1978) was a German cobbler, inventor and entrepreneur who founded the German sportswear company Adidas, and the younger brother of Rudolf Dassler, founder of Puma. Assistant: 阿道夫·“阿迪”·达斯勒(Adolf "Adi" Dassler ,1900年11月3日 - 1978年9月6日)是德国运动服装公司阿迪达斯的创始人,也是PUMA的创始人鲁道夫·达斯勒的弟弟。 User: They are very similar to the vowels of Spanish and Italian. Assistant: 其发音十分类似西班牙语和意大利语的元音。 User: Glasser believed that "pleasure" and "happiness" are related but are far from synonymous. Assistant: 威廉·葛拉瑟医生认为,“满足”和“快乐”是有联系,但是完全不同的。 User: SAS or serial-attached SCSI is the current connectivity to replace the previous generation parallel-attached SCSI (PAS) devices. Assistant: SAS(串列SCSI)是目前代替并行SCSI(PAS,已淘汰)设备的连接方法。 User: At times amulets were given the form of a cartouche displaying the name of a king and placed in tombs. Assistant: 有时护身符给予象形茧的形式以显示国王的名字,并置放于墓葬。 User: Following the Constitutional Convention, he became one of the first twelve men to be members of the Kentucky Senate, and served in that body three separate times from 1800 to 1808, again from 1811 to 1812, and finally from 1819 to 1822. Assistant: 1800年至1808年,担任第一届肯塔基州参议院的12名议员之一,并三度出任(1800年至1808年,1811年至1812年,1819年至1822年)。 User: The platform reported that 45% of users in the United States had a friend who had posted using the term. Assistant: 据脸书统计,45%的美国用户至少有一个朋友发布了带该标签的状态。 User: She left after six. Assistant: 下午六时,所有人都离开了。 User: Ecological economists may begin by estimating how to maintain a stable environment before assessing the cost in dollar terms. Assistant: 生态经济学家可能会在衡量成本的金钱价值之前,首先评估要如何去维持环境的稳定。 User: The terms of the agreement between them included the expulsion of Edgar. Assistant: 他们之间达成的协议中,很可能包含驱逐爱德加的条款。 User: A solar flyer has also been proposed by Geoffrey A. Landis in place of a balloon, and the idea has been featured from time to time since the early 2000s. Assistant: 杰弗里·兰迪斯则提出以太阳能飞行器代替气球的方案,而这个想法在2000年代早期以后不时被提出。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: New streets were constructed leading to it, and it served as the site of the market and the location of various sporting events (perhaps better thought of as riots, in the fashion of the Florentine football matches that are still practised to this day). Assistant: 新的街道通往它,它也担任了市场和各种体育赛事举行的地点(看作是一种暴动可能更贴切,佛罗伦斯足球比赛的传统仍然流传至今)。 User: Thus, it may be the images themselves that lead some of the participants to recall more details of the event. Assistant: 如同上辑,本剧让相近的演员阵容,演绎每集截然不同的故事。 User: WR 42e and NGC 3603 MTT 58 both have a spectral type of O2If*/WN6 indicating an extremely massive young star. Assistant: WR 42e(英语:WR 42e)和NGC 3603 MTT 58的光谱型都是O2If*/WN6,代表两颗恒星都是极高质量的年轻恒星。 User: In 1968, the ACLU successfully sued to desegregate the Alabama prison system; and in 1969, the New York affiliate adopted a project to represent prisoners in New York prisons. Assistant: 1968年,协会成功地通过诉讼废除了阿拉巴马州监狱系统的种族隔离;1969年,纽约分会实行了一个为纽约监狱中的犯人提供代理的项目。 User: The most commonly used classification is based on the depth of injury. Assistant: 最常用的分类法是根据损伤的深度。 User: Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. Assistant: 常春藤的学生很多都来自美国的东北部地区,特别是纽约、波士顿,以及费城地区。 User: Most Reformed Christians, however, disavow Christian reconstructionism and hold to classical covenant theology, the traditional Reformed view of the relationship between the Old Covenant and Christianity. Assistant: 然而,大多数改革基督徒拒绝基督教重建主义,并坚持古典圣约神学——即旧约和基督教关系的传统观。 User: For this dying, saved it for the future "76. Assistant: 这次剿灭行动被后世称作“鸸鹋战争”。 User: For example, it is converted to glycidyl nitrate, an energetic binder used in explosive and propellant compositions. Assistant: 例如,它能转换成缩水甘油硝酸酯,一种用于爆炸或推进组件的高能粘合剂。 User: Nonetheless, Judge Hugh Richardson sentenced him to death, with the date of his execution set for September 18, 1885. Assistant: 然而,法官休·里查德森 (Hugh Richardson) 判里尔死刑,执行日期为1885年9月18日。 User: Frederick had reneged on his promise to lead the Fifth Crusade, but was now eager to cement his claim to the throne through Conrad. Assistant: 腓特烈曾违背自己率领第五次十字军的诺言,现在却急于巩固他通过康拉德得到的王位。 User: Knowing only violence and having very little opportunities, Niko turns to the Balkanic criminal underworld for the following ten years, while at the same time trying to search for the two other men who survived the ambush. Assistant: 尼克则留在祖国沦为罪犯,在地下世界打拼了十年,同时也在追查另两名幸存者的下落。 User: After one minute we will either cut to a commercial or go to something else. Assistant: 过了一分钟的时候我们就要么会切换到广告,要么会进入别的程序。 User: Four delegates were chosen by the Massachusetts legislature, including Adams, who agreed to attend, despite an emotional plea from his friend Jonathan Sewall not to. Assistant: 包括亚当斯在内四位代表被马萨诸塞议会所委任,尽管他的一位朋友Jonathan Sewall动人地恳求亚当斯不要出席,但他依然答应出席大陆会议。 User: Aside from music, Nash has acted in various films and TV shows. Assistant: 除了音乐,纳什还参演过各类电影和电视剧。 User: This was a larger version of the T-18, with a more powerful engine (the T-18 was based on the Renault FT). Assistant: 该车是T-18坦克的较大版本,拥有功率更大的引擎(T-18设计基于雷诺FT-17)。 User: On June 2, 1949, a federal court refused to reinstate the three players pending their trials but urged for the antitrust issues to be adjudicated as soon as possible. Assistant: 1949年6月2日,联邦法院拒绝了3位球员在候审期间取消禁令,让他们可以继续打球的要求,但也敦促对棒球业界的反垄断问题尽快作出裁决。 User: A survey of 603 residents in northeastern North Carolina indicated 57% of residents along the Outer Banks and 77% of residents in storm surge-prone areas of the Pamlico Sound did not evacuate despite being under a mandatory evacuation. Assistant: 对卡罗莱纳州东北部的603位居民进行的一项调查显示,虽然接到了强制撤离的命令,但外滩群岛沿岸57%的居民和帕姆利科湾(Pamlico Sound)风暴潮易发区77%的居民都没有离开。 User: The first documented mention of Qedar is from a stele (c. Assistant: 大藏信夫(大蔵 信夫(おおくら のぶお),声:㭴井笙人) 在第1话登场。 User: Theirs was a morganatic marriage. Assistant: 连伟健曾有一段婚姻。 User: He taught himself to play guitar at the age of nine, stealthily playing the guitar of a friend of his mother's, who often stayed at the Hurt home while courting a woman who lived nearby. Assistant: 他在9岁时自学吉他, 吉他是偷偷玩儿的他母亲的一个朋友的吉他,因为这个人为了讨好赫特家附近的一个女人而经常待在赫特家。 User: There was a study in 1991 that showed the hypothalamus of a gay man differed with that of a straight man. Assistant: 一项1991年的研究指出,一名男同性恋者与一名异性恋男性的下丘脑有所不同。 User: Subjects covered included the ice warnings received, the inadequate number of lifeboats, the handling of the ship and its speed, Titanic's distress calls, and the handling of the evacuation of the ship. Assistant: 证词涉及的主题包括:所收到的冰山警告、救生艇数量不足之情况、船只的操控与速度情形、泰坦尼克号的遇险呼救信号,以及船只的疏散状况。 User: The following is an example of a to-do due on April 15, 1998. Assistant: 下面的例子描述了一个应于1998年四月15日的待办事项。 User: He is a translator of several Spanish classics to Arabic. Assistant: 翻译了西班牙语几部经典至阿拉伯语。 User: It is slightly smaller than the Sun, with 94% of the Sun's radius and about 91% of the Sun's mass. Assistant: 该恒星的光度稍低于太阳,半径是太阳半径的94%,质量是太阳质量的91%。 User: Well the gypsies have gypped us. Assistant: 人类搭挡为美琪。 User: However, in future years, the profits could not be included, so new and additional income had to be included from more projects to develop additional growth to appease investors. Assistant: 但是在之后几年,利润却不能被计入,所以就需要其他的新项目来继续提高账面收入以满足投资者的期望。 User: Andrea Antonelli (17 January 1988 – 21 July 2013) was an Italian motorcycle racer. Assistant: 安德烈亚·安东内利(意大利语:Andrea Antonelli,1988年1月17日-2013年7月21日),是意大利的摩托车选手。 User: The puerperal fever befell in Maria Christina, while Albert in mid-June became ill with smallpox; however they were able to recover. Assistant: 玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜出现了产褥热,而阿尔伯特在6月中旬患了天花,但是他们还是恢复了过来。 User: In 2009 they organized a third conference in NY. Assistant: 2009年,他代表新西兰参加了联合会杯。 User: France had just finished hosting the Euro 2016 football tournament, during which the country had extensive security measures in place. Assistant: 法国刚办完2016年欧洲足球锦标赛,期间该国落实了广泛的措施,并部署了众多军人。 User: Armed with only her fearlessness, a never-give-up attitude and her faith in others, Anna is determined to save both her kingdom and her family. Assistant: 仅以一颗无畏之心、永不放弃的态度及对他人的善意当武器的安娜,决心要拯救国家和自己的亲人。 User: Other reported ongoing actions include civil and criminal investigations by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California, an unspecified FBI investigation, and two class action fraud lawsuits. Assistant: 其他相关的事件包括美国证券交易委员会、加利福尼亚州北部地区检察官办公室(英语:U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California)及联邦调查局针对民事及刑事的调查,以及二起诈骗的集体诉讼。 User: Deeply troubled by this occurrence, the king of Tycoon makes ready to travel to the Wind Shrine on the back of his drake, quelling the worries of his daughter, Princess Lenna. Assistant: 泰肯王对此深感不安,在并骑在飞龙的背上前去风之神殿,平息他女儿蕾娜公主的不安。 User: As of November 2013, the XM813 was being tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground over three months to ensure reliability levels of 40,000 mean rounds between failures. Assistant: 截至2013年11月,XM813已正在阿伯丁试验场进行超过三个月的测试,以确保故障平均发数(英语:Mean Rounds Between Failure,简称:MRBF)达到40,000发。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Alstermo IF Orientering – orienteering department. Assistant: 擢山东布政使,署巡抚。 User: They were most influential from 1965 under the rule of McLean and Winter until the takeover led by Bulger in 1979. Assistant: 他们在1965年由麦连和温特统治下最具影响力,直到1979年由巴尔杰领导为止。 User: The government of Egypt is taking steps to close the Egyptian-Sudanese trade center of Alshalateen and move it to the border control pass point on the 22nd parallel, which has had its facilities enlarged and its administrative manpower increased to handle the Egyptian-Sudanese land trade. Assistant: 埃及政府采取步骤关闭位于Alshalateen的两国贸易中心并将其迁移到北纬22度线上,并扩大了设备与行政人员配置,以更加强对两国陆上贸易的控制。 User: It belonged to Smolensk Governorate. Assistant: 这是一份斯摩棱斯克统治者的列表。 User: Numerous toys based on characters, sets, and props from the film were made by Hasbro, and a vast majority of the products was released on August 1, 2017. Assistant: 孩之宝制作了不少基于电影角色、布置和道具的玩具,并已于2017年8月1日发布大批产品。 User: Graeme Reid, the LGBT Rights Program director at Human Rights Watch in New York, issued a statement that the Jamaican government should send an "unequivocal message" that there would be "zero tolerance" of anti-LGBT violence. Assistant: 人权观察纽约总部的LGBT权益项目主任格雷姆·里德(Graeme Reid)发表声明,呼吁牙买加政府发出“明确信息”,对任何反LGBT暴力行径都将采取“零容忍”的态度。 User: He set the national record at 77.04 metres on August 4, 1989 at a meet in Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi. Assistant: 他于1989年8月4日在江西井冈山市的国家集训队与江西队对抗赛上创下77.04米的国内纪录。 User: It can be used to pick the "best" model, or it can be used to give a linear weight to the predictions from each model in the bucket. Assistant: 它可用于选择“最佳”模型,或者可用于为桶中每个模型的预测提供线性权重。 User: After the death of Nader Shah in 1747, the chief of the Manghit tribe, Muhammad Rahim Biy Azaliq, overcame his rivals from other tribes and consolidated his rule in the Khanate of Bukhara. Assistant: 在1747年纳迪尔沙死后,Manghud部落首领Muhammad Rahim Biy Azaliq击败了其他部落的竞争者,巩固了布哈拉汗国的统治。 User: Woman – Peggy Whitson, 10 spacewalks for a total time of 60 hours, 21 minutes. Assistant: 女性: Peggy Whitson( 美国), 10次, 60小时21分钟。 User: The Bataan was also the first LHD built to house females (as opposed to being modified after completion), with dedicated berths for up to 450 female sailors or Marines. Assistant: 巴丹号也是第一艘建造时就有女性专用舱室(而不是建成后再改造)的直升机船坞登陆舰,女性专用铺位可供多达450名海军或海军陆战队女兵使用。 User: As natural language becomes manifestations of world perception, the literature of a people with common Weltanschauung emerges as holistic representations of the wide world perception of the people. Assistant: 自然语言如果是对世界知觉的体现,那么民族的文学便能揭露民族对于世界知觉的整体特征。 User: The Jelling stones (Danish: Jellingstenene) are massive carved runestones from the 10th century, found at the town of Jelling in Denmark. Assistant: 耶灵石(Jelling stones)是公元10世纪巨大的经雕刻的卢恩石(runestone),发现于丹麦耶灵。 User: Some providers (such as Skype) also use their own closed, proprietary formats. Assistant: 一些供应商(如Skype),还可以使用自己的封闭专有格式。 User: When compressed at room temperature to 7 GPa, α-berkelium transforms to the beta modification, which has a face-centered cubic (fcc) symmetry and space group Fm3m. Assistant: 在室温下压缩到7 GPa时,α-锫会转变为β型,该结构属于面心立方(fcc)对称型,空间群为Fm3m。 User: His works explore such themes as suicide, poverty, human manipulation, and morality. Assistant: 他的作品探索自杀、贫穷及道德等主题。 User: This rating was originally TV-M prior to the announced revisions to the rating system in August 1997, but was changed due to a trademark dispute and in order to remove confusion with the Entertainment Software Rating Board's (ESRB) "M for Mature" rating for video games. Assistant: 在1997年8月宣布调整分级系统前,此分级原为“TV-M”,但由于注册商标的争议,以及避免和娱乐软件分级委员会(ESRB)的电子游戏“M for Mature”分级混淆,因而改为“TV-MA”。 User: They developed an extensive trading network. Assistant: 保持一个强大的贸易网络。 User: The U.S. Army also used the Remington 700/40x action as the basis for its M24 Sniper Weapon System. Assistant: 美国陆军也有装备衍生自雷明登700/40x步枪作为M24狙击手武器系统。 User: In 2006 he was appointed as head of the Department of Tax and Money Laundering at the General Prosecutor's Office, and in 2008 he became Deputy Prosecutor General. Assistant: 2006他被任命为总检察官办公室的税务和洗钱部门的负责人,并在2008成为副总检察长。 User: Why don't you just sit down and think, think, think, think. Assistant: 作意、触、受、想、思。 User: The series—created by Robert King, Michelle King, and Phil Alden Robinson—is a spin-off and sequel to The Good Wife, which was created by the Kings. Assistant: 由罗伯特·金(英语:Robert King (writter))、米歇尔·金(英语:Michelle King)和菲尔·奥尔登·罗宾森(英语:Phil Alden Robinson)编剧,是《傲骨贤妻》的续篇。 User: She is experienced in counselling various interest groups in both the UK and Malaysia, ranging from youth, students, married couples, and women involved in domestic violence. Assistant: 她在英国和马来西亚帮助咨询过的对象不仅是青年,学生,已婚夫妇,而且也包括遭受家庭暴力的妇女。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: He linked his way of thinking to how he made several discoveries. Assistant: 他把他的思考方式和他如何作了几个发现联系起来。 User: As a result of these collaborations, Rock Steady touches on many musical styles, focusing on electropop, dancehall, and new wave. Assistant: 由于这些合作,《摇滚万万岁》触及了许多音乐风格,主要集中于电音流行、舞场(英语:dancehall)和新浪潮。 User: However, his great wealth and power, as well as the arrogance of his nephew and heir Giannettino Doria, had made him many enemies, and in 1547 the Fieschi conspiracy to dislodge his family from power took place. Assistant: 然而,由于他所坐享的巨额财富和大权,同时缘于他的侄子兼继承人吉安尼汀诺·多利亚(Giannettino Doria)的嚣张气焰,致使他四处树敌,(最终)费斯齐(家族)的一场推翻多利亚家族(对热那亚)统治的阴谋于1547年发酵了。 User: In high school, Casares earned a Rotary Club scholarship as an exchange student in Washington, Pennsylvania. Assistant: 在高中时,卡萨雷斯在 宾夕法尼亚州的华盛顿 作交换生时获得扶轮奖学金。 User: In 1924 he was transferred to full-time academic duties as a member of the Communist Academy. Assistant: 1924年,他改任共产主义学院(英语:Communist Academy)全职学者。 User: A new algorithm for CJK fonts was introduced in FreeType 2.2, based on Akito Hirai's patch. Assistant: 新的用于中日韩字体的算法于FreeType 2.2中加入,基于Akito Hirai的补丁。 User: Following the divorce, her father returned to Greece but would occasionally visit, while Diamandis remained in a bungalow in Wales with her mother, where she shared a bedroom with her sister; she described her childhood as "simple and idyllic" and "peaceful, very normal, poor". Assistant: 离婚后,父亲回到希腊,偶尔回来探访,当时玛琳娜和家人住在威尔士的平房里,她必须和姐姐共用一间卧室;她形容自己的童年是"简朴恬静" 以及 "和平、非常平凡且穷苦"。 User: As an example, for Café Corner, the designer wanted to include a bicycle piece in the set, but at the time, the machine that made bicycle pieces was broken. Assistant: 举个例子,对于转角咖啡馆,设计师希望在套装中包含自行车组件,但在当时,制作这个自行车组件的机器损坏了。 User: March 24: U.S. ambassador Edwin Reischauer is stabbed by a Japanese youth. Assistant: 3月24日:美国大使埃德温·赖绍尔被日本青年刺伤。 User: People has a unique graphical interface, unlike Windows Contacts' File Explorer-based interface, based on the Metro design language that had already been used for Outlook.com and the integrated online People service. Assistant: 人脉具有独特的图形界面,与Windows连络人的基于文件资源管理器的界面不同,基于已用于Outlook.com和集成在线人员服务的Metro设计语言。 User: Traps include lightning and boulder traps, the latter instantly killing creatures it comes into contact with. Assistant: 陷阱包括闪电陷阱和巨石陷阱,后者可立即杀死与之接触的生物。 User: The Exchange 106 (formerly TRX Signature Tower) is a skyscraper under construction within the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) area, a new financial district currently being developed in Kuala Lumpur. Assistant: 106交易塔(英语:The Exchange 106,前称TRX标志塔)是位于马来西亚吉隆坡新建的敦拉萨国际贸易中心(TRX)金融中央商务区内的摩天大楼,目前正在建造中。 User: Labour productivity. Assistant: 劳动生产率。 User: Cyrillic was created by the orders of Boris I of Bulgaria by Cyril's disciples, perhaps at the Preslav Literary School in the 890s. Assistant: 西里尔字母或许是西里尔的门徒所创,或许是在890年代的普雷斯拉夫文学学校(英语:Preslav Literary School)。 User: One vehicle would be sent to the Netherlands for training purposes, and the rest go directly to Afghanistan. Assistant: 第六辆将运回荷兰本土作训练用途,其余四辆将运送至阿富汗。 User: In order to request only HTML resources, a crawler may make an HTTP HEAD request to determine a Web resource's MIME type before requesting the entire resource with a GET request. Assistant: 为了只请求HTML资源,爬虫在抓取整个以GET方式请求的资源之前,通过创建HTTP的HEAD请求来决定网络资源的MIME类型。 User: An example of two volcanic plugs can be found at the Pitons, in Saint Lucia, as they rise abruptly out of the eastern Caribbean Sea. Assistant: 在圣卢西亚的Pitons,可以发现两个火山栓的例子,因为它们突然从东加勒比海上升。 User: Tomar is a city in Portugal. Assistant: 托马尔(Tomar)是葡萄牙的一座城市。 User: The award can be given to a maximum of three recipients per year. Assistant: 每年获最终提名者限定最多三名。 User: They will even sometimes help or take care of other sick rats. Assistant: 有时她还会出于某些原因帮助小智一行人。 User: For example, DDR3 SO-DIMMs provide clock speeds such as 533 MHz (1066 MT/s, PC3-8500), CAS latencies such as 7, and higher capacities such as 4 GB per module. Assistant: 例如,DDR3 SO-DIMM提供533 MHz(1066 MT/s,PC3-8500)的时钟速度,CAS深度(英语:CAS latency)为7,并且有单个模块4 GB的高容量。 User: This means to "comprehend all things social in terms of a definite historical epoch". Assistant: 这意味着“在一个确定的历史时期理解所有的事物”了。 User: The last Polish census of 2002 showed that the Silesians are the largest national minority in Poland, Germans being the second; both groups are located mostly in Upper Silesia. Assistant: 根据2002年波兰全国最新人口普查:斯拉夫西里西亚人是波兰第一大少数民族,德国人居第二位——他们多数都在西里西亚聚居。 User: At his death in March 2006 at the Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) Zoo in India, Adwaita is reputed to have reached the longest ever measured life span of 255 years (birth year 1750). Assistant: 2006年3月,它在印度加尔各答(加尔各答)动物园死亡,阿德维塔据说是有史以来最长寿龟只,它死时的年龄为255岁(1750年出生)。 User: In 1981, he included its American version in his "basic record library". Assistant: 1981年,他把该专辑的美国版收入自己的“基础唱片资料馆”("basic record library")。 User: This had the same chassis and propulsion but received a body made by Short Brothers. Assistant: 这有相同的底盘和推进,但收到了一个身体肖特兄弟。 User: As a result of projects derived from Investment Law No. 10 of 1991, hotel bed numbers had increased 51 percent by 1999 and increased further in 2001. Assistant: 在1991年第10号投资法案下,酒店睡床数量在1999年增加51%,在2001年进一步增加。 User: Fifteenth-century Italy was one of the most urbanised areas in Europe. Assistant: 15世纪的意大利是欧洲城市化水平最高的地区。 User: These worms damage the lymphatic system. Assistant: 这些病原体会破坏淋巴系统。 User: The modern-day consensus is that the number of deaths of the forced marches and in death camps rose to tens of thousands, and included civilians. Assistant: 当今的共识是强行军以及灭绝营造成包括平民在内的死亡人数数以万计。 User: A minor planet 1793 Zoya discovered in 1968 by Soviet astronomer Tamara Mikhailovna Smirnova is named after her. Assistant: 1968年,由苏联天文学家Tamara Mikhailovna Smirnova发现的小行星1793以她的名字命名。 User: In July 2014, former State Department official John Tye published an editorial in The Washington Post, citing his prior access to classified material on intelligence-gathering activities under Executive Order 12333, and arguing that the order represented a significant threat to Americans' privacy and civil liberties. Assistant: 2014年7月,美国前国务院官员约翰·泰(英语:John Tye (whistleblower))在"华盛顿邮报"上发表了一篇社论,引用了他在12333号行政命令下收集的保密材料,并认为该命令对美国人的隐私和公民自由构成重大威胁。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Examples include accounting, recruitment, and technical support. Assistant: 例如:会计、招募、技术支持。 User: Specified USB 3.1 data rate of 10 Gbit/s (SuperSpeed+). Assistant: 指定的USB 3.1数据速率为10 Gbit/s(SuperSpeed +)。 User: The use of Anzali Wetland's bank as the city dump and the release of human and industrial waste into the wetland have already put in danger the lives of animal species and at least 78 species of birds living in the area. Assistant: 安扎利湖作为城市供水的水源地和生活、工业污水的排放处,已经严重威胁到居住于此的许多动物种群,包括至少78种鸟类。 User: It emphasizes mobility process rather than muscle strength to achieve maximally efficient and expressive movement. Assistant: 而且在表现手法上更达到了以静制动,以动衬静,动静相宜的完美效果。 User: Since 2008, Jerry Becker (guitar, keyboards, backing vocals) and Hector Maldonado (bass, guitar, percussion, backing vocals) have been touring and recording with the group around the world. Assistant: 2008年,杰里·贝克尔(吉他、键盘乐器和和声)与赫克托·马尔多纳多(贝斯、吉他、打击乐器和和声)开始参加乐团歌曲录制,并随乐团一起巡演。 User: The earliest forms of Buddhism, along with Hindu influences, entered the Funan kingdom with Hindu merchants. Assistant: 佛教最早传入的形式,是与印度教一同影响柬埔寨,由印度商人传入扶南王国。 User: Over time, he gradually took over responsibility for the relationships between the small Bahá'i exile community and the outside world. Assistant: 随着时间的推移,阿博都巴哈渐渐的担负起沟通被流放的巴哈伊群体和外部世界的责任。 User: He managed to land the biplane in a field near Trent Valley railway station. Assistant: 波朗把他的双翼飞机停在利奇菲尔德特伦特谷火车站(英语:Lichfield Trent Valley railway station)旁的平地上。 User: He estimated the group velocity at 74.5 km/s. Assistant: 他估计这个星群的速度是74.5km/s。 User: Because supernovae are relatively rare events within a galaxy, occurring about three times a century in the Milky Way, obtaining a good sample of supernovae to study requires regular monitoring of many galaxies. Assistant: 因为超新星是一种在星系中相对罕见的事件,在银河系大约每世纪只发生三次,要获得好的研究样本,就需要定期监视许多星系。 User: She tries to explain that she's the mysterious princess, yet no one believes her. Assistant: 她自称是真正的公主,但没人相信她的话。 User: Christian reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Reformed theonomic movement that developed under the ideas of Rousas Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen and Gary North; it has had an important influence on the Christian Right in the United States. Assistant: 基督教重建主义是一个原教旨主义者在鲁沙斯•鲁西洛纳(Rousas Rushdoony),格雷格•班森(Greg•Bahnsen)和加里•诺斯(Gary North)的思想下发展起来的改革主义运动。 User: Sharon's state funeral was held on January 13 in accordance with Jewish burial customs, which require that interment takes place as soon after death as possible. Assistant: 根据犹太人的丧葬习俗,沙龙的葬礼于1月13日以举行,以尽快下葬。 User: Sun Worship. Assistant: 谥宣惠。 User: The park includes the three larger islands Komodo, Padar and Rinca, and 26 smaller ones, with a total area of 1,733 km2 (603 km2 of it land). Assistant: 科莫多国家公园包括科莫多岛、帕达尔岛和林卡岛3个较大的岛屿,以及26个小岛,共733km2,其中陆地面积603km2。 User: Sans Soleil. Assistant: 不包括太阳。 User: As a result, close economic, political and military relations between the two sides have been maintained. Assistant: 自那时起,中以两国就发展了亲密的经济、军事和战略合作关系。 User: I am told he is very rich. Assistant: 据说她是个有钱人。 User: Each sector has a separate direction of tracking, typically of 120° with respect to the adjacent ones. Assistant: 每个扇面都拥有一个独立的跟踪方向,通常是 120 ゚——考虑到毗邻扇面。 User: In 1926, five monks along with their Tibetan guru Tsering Norbu were expelled from the country. Assistant: 1926年,五个和尚连同他们的西藏上师次仁罗布从该国被驱逐出境。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 He had defeated Oscar Negrete previously. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:过去曾战败奥利维尔。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, the battle also accelerated the collapse of the Roman army in the west. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而,这次战役也加速了西部军队崩溃的速度。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was first identified in 1825 in Cornwall, England. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 于1825年首次发现于英格兰康沃尔郡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On social media, 59% of Mauritanian Facebook users used French on the website in 2014. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2014年的调查显示,59%的毛里塔尼亚人用法文发Facebook。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Scientists calculate that the water was present intermittently for a few months to a few years. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 科学家估算出水必须间歇地存在数月至数年。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:These families were first examined because of their apparent role in transducing cellular signals of cell growth or death. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这些基因家族被首先研究是因为其参与了细胞生长和死亡的信号传导。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Munis and the FOR had developed an "ultraleft" policy: they were opposed to the "Communist" states, regarding them as state capitalist; they were opposed to the capitalist system and its form of government; they did not believe in parliamentarism, political parties or trade unions; they did not believe in any kind of nationalism or national liberation struggles and affirmed the "inevitable necessity of the communist revolution on a world scale". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 Munis和该组织发展出一套“体制外左翼”的政策:反对“共产主义”国家,认为它们的本质是“国家资本主义”;反对资本主义体制及其政府形式;不相信议会制、政党及工会;不相信任何种类的民族主义或民族解放斗争,肯定“在世界范围内发生共产主义革命的必然性” 。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There is also a private Straus Medical Center at #28 Straus. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在斯特劳斯街28号还有一个私人斯特劳斯医学中心。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The chapel, hospital and abbey were first mentioned in 1228 and at the time sat about 150 meters (490 ft) outside the western gate in the first city wall. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 小堂、医院和修道院在1228年首次提到,当时位于第一道城墙的西门外150米(490英尺)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Students are admitted only as freshmen. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在校学生只会作为研究生而被接纳。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 1970: MacGregor House (W61) first occupied in September 1970. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1970年:MacGregor宿舍(W61)1970年9月开始住人。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is the fifth mainstream game of the Call of Duty series and returns the setting to World War II. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这是决胜时刻系列的第五代游戏,时间从前作的现代战争返回第二次世界大战。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, a red rash, and an increased risk of a sunburn. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 常见的副作用有腹泻、恶心、呕吐、红色皮疹,以及比较容易晒伤的风险。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Turkel's other television appearances include Sky King (in the 1957 episode "Mystery Horse"), Frontier Doctor, U.S. Marshal, The Asphalt Jungle, Mackenzie's Raiders, Kojak, Tales from the Darkside, and Miami Vice (in the episode "Indian Wars"). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 特科尔的电视演出包括 Sky King (在1957年的插曲 "Mystery Horse"), Frontier Doctor, U.S. Marshal, Kojak, Tales from the Darkside, 和 迈阿密风云 (在情节“印第安战争”)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Initial results in properly selected patients with unresectable liver tumors are equivalent to those of resection. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 正确选择不可切除的肝肿瘤患者的初步结果与切除术相当。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After his graduation in 1768 he stayed on as a tutor, becoming a Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy (science) in 1771. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 1768年毕业后,他担任教员,并在1771年成为数学和自然哲学教授。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Thirty-five volunteer services provided aid for the flood victims in Texas, including food, clothing, and volunteers to help repair the houses. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 35个志愿组织为德克萨斯州灾民提供包括食品、衣物在内的多种援助,还有志愿者帮助修复房屋。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Deutsche Bank Building across Liberty Street from the World Trade Center complex was later condemned owing to the uninhabitable toxic conditions inside; it was deconstructed, with work completed in early 2011. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 自由街对面的德意志银行大厦因为内部毒气无法使用被拆除,这个工作到2011年初才结束。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The theorems are useful in 'circuit analysis' especially for analyzing circuits with feedback and certain transistor amplifiers at high frequencies. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 定理在“电路分析”特别是分析反馈电路、和某些晶体放大器在高频的响应中很有用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 A You and Yours documentary, first aired on BBC Radio 4 in December 2006, criticized the services offered by many land banking companies in the United Kingdom, suggesting that they were scamming their customers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:一个名为“You and Yours”纪录片于2006年12月4日在BBC英国广播公司首次播出 ,批评这些英国土地公司所提供的服务是欺骗客户的活动。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This metadata can automatically improve the reader's experience and make it easier for users to find the web page online. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这个元资料可以自动提高阅读者的体验,让使用者更容易在网络上寻找网页。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The South Cluster, a crater cluster located to the south of the Apollo 15 site near Mons Hadley Delta, is believed to have formed as a result of a secondary impact, or the impact of ejecta/debris from a larger impact elsewhere on the Moon, probably the crater Autolycus about 100 mi (160 km) northwest of the cluster's location. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 南部坑簇是一群位于哈德利·德尔塔山附近阿波罗15号降落点以南的陨石坑,据信为二次撞击造成的结果,或形成于月球其它地方较大撞击所抛射喷出物/碎岩的撞击,可能是距坑群西北约100英里(160公里)的奥托里库斯陨石坑。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The company's predecessor, Cray Research, Inc. (CRI), was founded in 1972 by computer designer Seymour Cray. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 公司的前身是1972年由计算机设计师希穆尔·克雷(en:Seymour Cray)创立的克雷研究(Cray Research , Inc,缩写:CRI)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:To increase the yield rate, advanced interventional imaging with angiographic C-arms has proven to be beneficial. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 如想进一步提高检出率,先进的C型臂血管造影介入成像已被证明是有效的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He says during the period of elaboration of any deductive theory we choose the ideas to be represented by the undefined symbols and the facts to be stated by the unproved propositions; but, when we begin to formulate the theory, we can imagine that the undefined symbols are completely devoid of meaning and that the unproved propositions (instead of stating facts, that is, relations between the ideas represented by the undefined symbols) are simply conditions imposed upon undefined symbols. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他说, 在制定任一演绎理论之时,我们会选择使用未定义的符号来表示概念,并以未证实的命题来描述事实;不过,当我们开始公式化这个理论时,我们可以想像,未定义的符号是完全没有意义的,而未证实的命题(并非描述事实,而是以未定义符号表示的概念间之关系)只是附加于未定义之符号上的条件。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Thus, a man called Anbuselvan whose father is called Ramanan may be called Anbuselvan anak lelaki Ramanan (formal), Anbuselvan a/l Ramanan (as on his government identification card), Anbuselvan Ramanan or R. Anbuselvan. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因此,有个男性名叫Anbuselvan 而他的父亲名叫Ramanan 可被称为Anbuselvan anak lelaki Ramanan (正式),Anbuselvan a/l Ramanan (官方身份证), Anbuselvan Ramanan 或R. Anbuselvan。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:As a result, the Sherman Firefly was perhaps the most valued tank by British and Commonwealth commanders, as it was the only tank in the British Army able to reliably penetrate the frontal armour of Panthers and Tigers at the standard combat ranges in Normandy. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因此,雪曼萤火虫可能是英国最有价值的坦克,因为它是唯一可以在一般战斗距离有效对付虎式和豹式的英国坦克。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Potential measures currently being discussed by the(World Health Organization)-Food and Agriculture Organization includes reducing the levels of salt in foods, limiting inappropriate marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, imposing controls on harmful alcohol use, raising taxes on tobacco, and curbing legislation to curb smoking in public places. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 最近,世界卫生组织-联合国粮农组织讨论的措施包括,减少食物中的盐分,限制向儿童的不恰当地营销不健康的食品和饮料,提高烟草税及禁止公共场所吸烟等限制性立法。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By design, it is immune to timing attacks and it accepts any 32-byte string as a valid public key and does not require validation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:根据设计,它不受定时攻击的影响,并且它接受任何32字节的字符串作为有效的公钥,并且不需要验证。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Walaka originated from a trough of low pressure that the National Hurricane Center (NHC) first forecasted on September 22. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 瓦拉卡诞生于一片低压区,该低压首次于9月22日由国家飓风中心关注。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Battery talk time is up to 20 hours. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 电池通话时间长达20小时。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This number, however, is not universally accepted and may have been exaggerated. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这一数字的真实性并不被广泛认可,可能有所夸大。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The SILK codec is patented and licensed separately from the SILK SDK. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 SILK编解码器拥有专利,并且SILK SDK有独立的许可协议。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Robin Webb writes that ALF volunteers were viewed as the "Robin Hoods of the animal welfare world". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 罗宾·韦伯写道,ALF的志愿者被看作是“动物福利界的罗宾汉”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The laboratory experience was borne out in the clinical setting with Canada's first trauma unit for which Nelson was a co-founder. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 实验室经验在加拿大第一创伤单位的临床环境中得到证实,尼尔森是联合创始人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The majority of its soldiers opted not to return to Poland, which fell under Soviet occupation, preferring instead to remain in exile. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 大多数士兵选择不返回到苏联占领下的波兰 ,而宁愿流亡 。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: In November 2009, the Peruvian government issued an official apology to Peru's Afro-Peruvian people for centuries of racial injustice; it was the first such apology ever made by the government. Assistant: 2009年11月,秘鲁政府向秘鲁非裔秘鲁人民正式道歉数百年来的种族不公正;这是政府有史以来第一次这样道歉。 User: The World Economic Forum rates Botswana as one of the two most economically competitive nations in Africa. Assistant: 世界经济论坛评估博茨瓦纳为非洲两个最有竞争力的国家之一。 User: Building on the work of James Hargreaves and Richard Arkwright he invented the spinning mule, a machine that revolutionised the industry worldwide. Assistant: 他基于詹姆斯·哈格里夫斯和理查·阿克莱特的研究工作,发明了走锭细纱机(英语:Spinning mule),这一机器革新了世界的工业发展。 User: Buddhist Social Action. Assistant: 佛教的社会责任。 User: Tracing the origins of words like "bull" and "Thursday" is more difficult. Assistant: 某些字当要追溯起源时倍显困难,像是"bull"和"Thursday"。 User: In Canada, motor vehicle licence plates are issued by the transportation department in each province and territory. Assistant: 在美国及加拿大,驾驶执照由各州份及省份的交通牌照部门签发。 User: He argued that a pacific union of liberal states has been growing for the past two centuries. Assistant: 他主张一个爱好自由和平的国家联盟在过去两个世纪里持续成长。 User: The Open Source Definition is a document published by the Open Source Initiative, to determine whether a software license can be labeled with the open-source certification mark. Assistant: 开源定义是开放源代码促进会出版的文件,来确定一个软件许可证是否可以被标记为开源证书标记。 User: Brüning openly admitted in his memoirs that the purpose of the "presidential government" was to do away with democracy and restore the monarchy by bringing back the exiled Wilhelm II, and complained at much length about how unfair it was that Schleicher had turned Hindenburg against him in the spring of 1932, leading to the president to fire him and replace him with Papen. Assistant: 布吕宁明确承认在他记忆里“总统制政府”的目的是踢开民主制并通过流亡的威廉二世回来恢复君主制,并长时间抱怨施莱谢尔在1932年春让兴登堡反对他,致使总统将他解任并以帕彭取而代之。 User: The Church of Scientology responded vehemently to the film, complaining to film critics about their reviews and denouncing the filmmakers and their interviewees. Assistant: 山达基教会对本片作出了强烈的回应,抱怨批评电影评论家有关他们的评价和谴责电影制片人和他们的受访对象。 User: The Dorchester opened on 18 April 1931, and it still retains its 1930s furnishings and ambiance despite being modernised. Assistant: 多切斯特酒店开业于1931年4月18日,现在酒店内仍然保留了1930年代的家具和气氛。 User: It is thus hoped that the ANITA experiment can shed light on the origin of these cosmic rays. Assistant: 该实验希望可以揭示那些宇宙射线的起源。 User: There, he undergoes painful reconstructive surgery, turning him into an Inhumanoid himself. Assistant: 他还患有洁癖强迫症,这使得他成为一个孤僻的人。 User: Like the 386 and 486SX, it had no on-board math coprocessor, but unlike the 486SX, it could make use of an Intel 387DX or compatible numeric coprocessor. Assistant: 像386DX和486SX一样,它没有集成浮点运算单元,但又与486SX不同的是,它可以使用与英代尔386DX匹配的任何浮点运算单元。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: This third object should also be of small enough mass that it introduces no additional complications through its own gravity. Assistant: 第三个天体的质量也必须够小,才不致于因为自身的引力影响而使情形变得复杂。 User: In the Fajans method, named after Kazimierz Fajans, typically dichlorofluorescein is used as an indicator; the end-point is marked by the green suspension turning pink. Assistant: 在以卡西米尔·法扬斯的名字命名的法扬司法中,一般用二氯荧光素(DCF)作为指示剂;终点的标志是绿色的悬浮液突变为粉红色。 User: The Soundtrack also comes with a bonus VCD. Assistant: 此张专辑也附有Bonus VCD。 User: In November 2016 WHO announced the end of the Zika epidemic. Assistant: 2016年11月,世卫组织宣布寨卡疫情结束。 User: King's University College completes incorporation process. Assistant: 香港大学会负责整个计分机制。 User: Sandino lived with his mother until he was nine years old, when his father took him into his own home and arranged for his education. Assistant: 桑定由母亲抚养至9岁,之后被父亲接回父方家里,并接受父亲安排的教育。 User: Other books dealing with agroecology, but without using the term explicitly were published by the German zoologist Friederichs (1930) with his book on agricultural zoology and related ecological/environmental factors for plant protection, and by American crop physiologist Hansen in 1939 when both used the word as a synonym for the application of ecology within agriculture. Assistant: 关于农业生态学的其他书籍,但没有明确使用这一术语 由德国动物学家Friederichs(1930)与他的关于农业动物学和用于植物保护的相关生态/环境因素的书出版,以及美国作物生理学家Hansen在1939年使用该词作为在农业中应用生态学的同义词。 User: The recipient's flag of about 4 inches by 6 inches (precisely 10.16 cm x 15.24 cm) was mounted directly below this metal plate covered with a clear plastic cover. Assistant: 受赠方旗帜约4英寸×6英寸(恰好为10.16厘米×15.24厘米),上覆透明塑料罩,直接安装在金属牌的下面。 User: In America and in our country there are nuclear weapons — terrible weapons that can kill millions of people in an instant. Assistant: 美国与我国都拥有核武器,那种恐怖的武器能在一瞬间杀死无数人。 User: In 2002 the net-metering scheme was extended another four years up to end of 2006. Assistant: 在2002年的净计量电价的计划再延长4年,直至2006年结束。 User: On 31 August 1978 Eastern Airlines and British Airways announced orders for the new 757, powered by the -535. Assistant: 在1978年8月31日,美国东方航空和英国航空宣布订购采用RB211-535C发动机的新波音757飞机。 User: On all models of the PS3, the last seven characters of the serial number make up the console's model number. Assistant: 关于PS3的型号,厚版本机器序列号上以“CECH”打头的最后7位字符即为该机的型号。 User: Another important development was that of Michel Foucault's analysis of historical and scientific thought in The Order of Things (1966) and his study of power and corruption within the "science" of madness. Assistant: 另一个重要发展是米歇尔·福柯的历史和科学的思想的分析,在《词与物》的和他在疯狂的“科学”范围内对权力和腐败的研究。 User: A number were then re-barrelled to chamber 9×19 ammunition and issued to German troops as the MP34(ö) – Maschinenpistole 34 österreichisch (literally "Machine-pistol 34, Austrian"). Assistant: 其后,一部分枪管改装为9×19毫米鲁格手枪子弹,并获发配予德国军队,命名为MP34(ö)(德语全写:Maschinenpistole 34 österreichisch,意为:“冲锋枪34型,奥地利”)。 User: Firstly, as soon as its instruments were switched on, the IUE observed a small number of high priority objects, to ensure that some data had been taken in the event of an early failure. Assistant: 首先,当仪器一开启就马上观测一小部分高优先的目标天体以确认在早期的失效状态中获得一些资料。 User: The team expanded to roughly 20 astronomers located in the United States, Europe, Australia, and Chile. Assistant: 该小队囊括了美国、欧洲、澳大利亚和智利的大约20位天文学家。 User: Obama said that the consequences of using these weapons would be enormous, and their deployment would widen the conflict in the region, and would concern America's allies as well. Assistant: 奥巴马表示,使用这种武器的后果会是灾难性的,他们的使用会扩大冲突区域,并引起美国军队担忧。 User: It is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it, and must be ingested in our diet. Assistant: 这意味着,它是人的生命必不可少的,不能由生物体合成的,因此必须成为我们的饮食的一部分。 User: Along the southwestern coast of Mexico, Hurricane John produced heavy surf, strong winds, and heavy rainfall, which flooded roads, caused mudslides, and downed trees. Assistant: 飓风约翰在墨西哥西南海岸沿线产生狂风暴雨和强烈的海潮,造成树木倒塌、道路被淹,还引发了泥石流。 User: The lake itself is believed to have more fish than any other in the world and ranks second to the Amazon river in biodiversity. Assistant: 甚至被认为,洞里萨湖本身的鱼类数量世界第一,生物多样性仅次亚马逊河流域。 User: The result nevertheless kept the club within a point of the promotion places. Assistant: 在这场比赛之后,俱乐部始终维持在升级区的排名之内。 User: After the publication of Chaos, Gleick collaborated with the photographer Eliot Porter on Nature's Chaos and with developers at Autodesk on Chaos: The Software. Assistant: 在《混沌:开创新科学》出版后, 格雷克与摄影师艾略特·波特合作创作《自然的混沌》,与Autodesk合作开发《Chaos: The Software》软件。 User: Hundreds of citizens were expelled during the communist oppression of the 1950s, with the aim of replacing "reactionary" people with the proletarian class. Assistant: 数百名公民在1950年代的镇压中遭到驱逐,以达到用无产阶级来取代“反动派”人口的目的。 User: Jonathan Mane-Wheoki, 70, New Zealand art historian, curator and academic, pancreatic cancer. Assistant: 乔纳森·马内-韦沃基(Jonathan Mane-Wheoki),70岁,新西兰艺术史学家、策展人与学术人,胰腺癌。 User: An unassigned IP space, however is not the same as a reserved IP space for private use (called a reserved IP address). Assistant: 然而未分配的空间与私人使用的保留IP空间(即保留IP地址)不同。 User: The standard was developed jointly in a partnership of VCEG and MPEG, after earlier development work in the ITU-T as a VCEG project called H.26L. Assistant: 该标准是作为VCEG和MPEG的一部分开发的,此前在ITU-T作为VCEG的项目,叫做H.26L。 User: John only inherited a part of the Butes' Glamorgan estates, and in the first decades of the 20th century he sold off much of the remaining assets around Cardiff, including the coal mines, docks and railway companies, with the bulk of the land interests being finally sold off or nationalised in 1938. Assistant: 约翰只继承了部分格拉摩根的家产,在20世纪的第一个十年里他卖掉了许多剩下的加的夫附近的财产,包括煤矿、码头和铁路公司,最后家族所有的地在1938年都被卖掉或者国有化了。 User: For instance, the U.S. side of the Mohawk St. Regis reservation in northern New York has recently had unemployment as high as 46 percent. Assistant: 比如美国莫霍克族保留地近来失业率达46%。 User: Today, the Phaeton hypothesis, superseded by the accretion model, has been discarded by the scientific community; however, some fringe scientists regard this theory as credible and even likely. Assistant: 如今法厄同星的理论已经被科学社群抛弃,由吸积盘模型所被取代;然而,一些非主流科学仍然认为这个理论可信,甚至有可能性。 User: The state of Mississippi observes Davis's birthday in conjunction with the Memorial Day Federal holiday. Assistant: 密西西比州将国定假日国殇日视同戴维斯诞辰纪念日。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Mills is often seen as a "closet Marxist" because of his emphasis on social classes and their roles in historical progress and attempt to keep Marxist traditions alive in social theory. Assistant: 米尔斯常被视为一个“秘密马克思主义者”,因为他强调社会阶层和各个阶层在历史进程中的角色,并且努力保存马克思主义传统在社会理论中的地位。 User: The Cascades are a 75-foot (23 m) waterfall northwest of the Art Museum and named for the waterfalls that flowed down Art Hill during the 1904 World's Fair. Assistant: 75-英尺(23-米)高的瀑布,位于艺术馆西北方,并在1904年世界博览会期间将该瀑布命名为流下艺术山。 User: For years, employees of Cygnus Solutions were the maintainers of several key GNU software products, including the GNU Debugger and GNU Binutils (which included the GNU Assembler and Linker). Assistant: 多年间,Cygnus Solutions的员工是GNU几个主要软件产品的维护者,这些软件包括GNU Debugger、GNU Binutils(包括GNU Assembler和GNU Linker)。 User: As DNA sequencing costs diminished, many tumors were sequenced for the first time around 2010. Assistant: 随着DNA测序成本逐渐降低,2010年左右许多肿瘤首次得到测序。 User: Following the 2011 Fukushima I nuclear accidents an OpinionWay poll at the end of March found that 57% of the French population were opposed to nuclear energy in France. Assistant: 在2011年福岛第一核电站事故发生后,3月底的一个民意调查(an OpinionWay poll)显示法国57%的人口反对法国的核能。 User: For example, the respected poet and essayist Anna Laetitia Barbauld and Wollstonecraft sparred back and forth; Barbauld published several poems responding to Wollstonecraft's work and Wollstonecraft commented on them in footnotes to the Rights of Woman. Assistant: 例如,著名的诗人和杂文作家安娜·巴鲍德与沃斯通克拉夫特曾你来我往地辩论;巴鲍德曾发表过几首诗来回敬沃斯通克拉夫特的作品,而沃斯通克拉夫特在《女权》的脚注中又对她的一首诗发表了评论。 User: Some members of the standards committee that developed XSLT, including James Clark, the editor, had previously worked on DSSSL. Assistant: 编订XSLT规范的委员会成员,包括编辑James Clark,具备DSSSL的工作经验。 User: All the rules can be interpreted in this way. Assistant: 所有规则都可以用这种方式来解释。 User: To read the correct time, the gnomon must also be moved northwards by a distance Y = R tan ⁡ α tan ⁡ δ {\displaystyle Y=R\tan \alpha \tan \delta \,} where R is the radius of the Foster-Lambert dial and δ again indicates the Sun's declination for that time of year. Assistant: 要读取正确的时间,晷针也必须配合太阳的赤纬在子午线上移动适当的距离Y: Y = R tan ⁡ α tan ⁡ δ {\displaystyle Y=R\tan \alpha \tan \delta \,} 此处的R是朗伯日晷的半径,δ是一年当中太阳在当时的赤纬。 User: Construction was repeatedly halted or slowed, and were finished in the fourteenth century thanks to the support of Alfonso X and Sancho IV. Assistant: 工程一再停止或放慢,多亏阿方索十世和桑乔四世支持,才得以在十四世纪完成。 User: Indeed every other combination of two symmetries still gives a symmetry, as can be checked using the group table. Assistant: 确实,两个对称的所有其他组合仍得出一个对称,这可以使用群表来检查。 User: The Colony of Singapore was a British Crown colony that existed from 1946 until 1963, when Singapore became part of Malaysia. Assistant: 新加坡直辖殖民地是一个英国直辖殖民地,存在于1946年至1963年,后来新加坡加入马来西亚联邦。 User: The refurbished theatre re-opened on 30 November 1998 by Prince Edward. Assistant: 1998年11月30日,修复的皇家交易所剧院由爱德华王子揭幕。 User: Once sufficient information about the new British cruisers became available, it was obvious that they were not simply an enlargement on previous designs but a whole new type of warship—the battlecruiser—to which Blücher was quite inferior. Assistant: 当获得英国新巡洋舰的实际细节后,德国人意识到它们不仅仅是对以往设计的扩充,而是一种全新的军舰类别——战列巡洋舰,这使得布吕歇尔号处于严重的劣势。 User: At Palomar Observatory, Antoine Labeyrie and others used speckle interferometry with the Hale Telescope to resolve the system in 1977. Assistant: 在帕洛马山天文台,Antoine Labeyrie和其他海尔望远镜斑点干涉仪的使用者在1977年分析出这个系统。 User: In 1942, Austin J. Tobin became the Executive Director of the Port Authority. Assistant: 1942年奥斯丁·托宾(Austin J. Tobin)成为了纽新港务局的执行董事。 User: There are numerous examples of subadditive functions in various areas of mathematics, particularly norms and square roots. Assistant: 在数学的各个领域中有很多次可加函数的例子,特别是范数和平方根。 User: This water is maintained under subatmospheric pressure to ensure that in case of a leak air will be sucked in rather than water spill out inside the FGD. Assistant: 这水被维持在大气压强之下 ,以确保在漏气的情况下气体会被吸入而不是水在FGD内会溢出。 User: According to co-producer Alex Louie, the original 1996 release of Bad Mojo was commercially successful. Assistant: 根据联合制作人亚历克斯·路易(Alex Louie)的表述,1996年的初版《坏蟑螂》取得商业性成功。 User: Production spanned from August 1990 to September 1991. Assistant: 四期工程分别于1990年1月至1991年8月落成完工。 User: Afterwards, he was elected as President of the National Assembly on 3 May 2007; he received 45 votes against 34 for Bruno Amoussou. Assistant: 随后,他在2007年5月3日,以45票对34票,超过布律诺·阿穆苏(英语:Bruno Amoussou),当选贝宁国民议会议长。 User: Two protesters were shot dead when participating in a riot on the Gaza border fence on December 8. Assistant: 12月8日,两名抗议者在参加加沙边境围栏的骚乱时被击毙。 User: The Papal state also used Sant'Angelo as a prison; Giordano Bruno, for example, was imprisoned there for six years. Assistant: 罗马教宗也用圣天使城堡当作监狱,例如焦尔达诺·布鲁诺在此被囚禁了六年。 User: An FFT is any method to compute the same results in O ( n log ⁡ n ) {\displaystyle O(n\log n)} operations. Assistant: FFT则是能够在 O(N log N) 次操作计算出相同结果的任何方法。 User: In vertebrates, there are five cyclin B isoforms (B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5), but specific role of each of these isoforms in regulating mitotic entry is still unclear. Assistant: 脊椎动物细胞中周期蛋白B有五种亚型(英语:isoform)(B1、B2、B3、B4、B5),但是每种亚型在调节有丝分裂过程中的具体角色尚不清楚。 User: Tourism also became increasingly important. Assistant: 旅游业也变得越来越重要。 User: After returning to Germany, he first assisted his half-brother in re-building the family firms, and then from 1949 to 1953 studied mechanical engineering in Hanover and Stuttgart, where his family owned large firms (AFA/VARTA in Hanover, a private equity firm in Stuttgart). Assistant: 返回德国后,他首先协助他的兄弟重建家族企业,然后从1949年到1953年在汉诺威和斯图加特学习机械工程,他的家族拥有两个大公司( AFA / VARTA在汉诺威,私募股权公司在斯图加特)。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: However, in John 13:27–30, when Judas left the gathering of Jesus and his disciples with betrayal in mind, some thought that Judas might have been leaving to buy supplies or on a charitable errand. Assistant: 但在《约翰福音》第13章第27节至第30节参中,犹大离开大家前去密谋,一些门徒以为犹大是去买东西或做慈善。 User: The finding is unexpected because comets, not asteroids, are typically considered to "sprout jets and plumes". Assistant: 此一发现是出人意料之外的,因为彗星,不是小行星,才会有这种典型的"喷流萌芽和羽流"。 User: That is why, walking across a school campus on this particular December morning, I keep searching the sky. Assistant: 这也是为什么,在这个特别的十二月的早晨,走过一个学校校园时,我不停地在空中搜寻。 User: For classical propositional logic this does not yield a problem, since the conclusions that one can draw from a collection of premises do not depend on these data. Assistant: 对于经典命题逻辑这不导致问题,因为你能从一组前提中得出的结论不依赖于这些数据。 User: The university includes colleges of Law and Medicine and a teaching hospital. Assistant: 大学包括法律、医学等系所,亦有一所教学医院。 User: On December 17, for the community it was carried out the collection of vehicle signs, body color, and station name views of the activities. Assistant: 12月17日起,面向社会开展征集车辆标志、车体颜色、车站站名意见的活动。 User: Mark Hildreth as Joshua—The physician in charge of the medical crew on board the Visitors' New York mothership. Assistant: 马克·海尔德烈斯(英语:Mark Hildreth (actor)) 饰演 Joshua:纽约飞船上医疗队伍的指挥。 User: India Post issued a commemorative stamp in honour of the centennial. Assistant: 印度邮政发行纪念邮票以纪念百年纪念.。 User: Sam Cooke was similarly deeply impressed by the song, incorporating it into his repertoire soon after its release (a version would be included on Sam Cooke at the Copa), and being inspired by it to write "A Change Is Gonna Come". Assistant: 山姆·库克也对这首歌印象深刻,在发行后不久就将其融入到他的表演曲目中(一个将被包括在Sam Cooke at the Copa(英语:Sam Cooke at the Copa)的版本),并受到这首歌的启发写了《改变即将到来》。 User: In 2017, he joined the cast of the USA Network drama series Mr. Robot during its third season. Assistant: 2017年,他加入演出USA电视台的剧集《黑客军团》第三季。 User: The internal project codename is S-550. Assistant: 该内部项目代号为S-550。 User: The church was erected by the now-defunct religious order the "Humiliati" in the mid-14th century, under the direction of Tiberio da Parma, who is buried in the interior. Assistant: 该堂由现已解散的修会谦卑者派(Humiliati)建于14世纪中叶,由蒂贝里奥·帕尔马指导,他也安葬于堂内。 User: They manage to escape and find refuge on a nearby island off the coast of Norway, but the fate of the Nautilus is unknown. Assistant: 一行人逃生及时,来到挪威海岸附近的小岛上,鹦鹉螺号命运未知。 User: RSA Security has never officially released the algorithm; Rivest has, however, linked to the English Wikipedia article on RC4 in his own course notes in 2008 and confirmed the history of RC4 and its code in a 2014 paper by him. Assistant: RSA Security从来没有正式公布这个算法,罗纳德·李维斯特在2008年的自己的课程笔记中与RC4的英文维基百科文章,并且在2014年的文件中确认了RC4及其代码的历史。 User: Magazines fall into two broad categories: consumer magazines and business magazines. Assistant: 杂志一般分为消费者杂志和商业杂志两类。 User: The resignation speech was delivered from the Oval Office and was carried live on radio and television. Assistant: 这场辞职演说是在椭圆形办公室发表的,通过电视和广播直播。 User: During the Gelugpa-Karmapa struggle in 1635 he was expelled from Lhasa. Assistant: 1635年,格鲁派-夏玛巴斗争中,他被赶出拉萨。 User: China has cultivated close commercial and military relations with India's neighbour Pakistan and competed for influence in Nepal and Bangladesh. Assistant: 中国发展了与印度的邻居和竞争对手巴基斯坦的密切商业和军事关系,并且努力争取在尼泊尔和孟加拉国的影响。 User: It contains Menaion. Assistant: 裴满曰麻。 User: In electronics, control systems engineering, and statistics, the frequency domain refers to the analysis of mathematical functions or signals with respect to frequency, rather than time. Assistant: 在电子学、控制系统及统计学中,频域(frequency domain)是指在对函数或信号进行分析时,分析其和频率有关部分,而不是和时间有关的部分,和时域一词相对。 User: From 20–28 August, the 63rd Army and the 21st Army counter-attacked near Serafimovich, forcing the Italian Eighth Army to fall back. Assistant: 8月20日到28日之间,第63集团军和第21集团军在绥拉菲莫维奇附近发动反击,击退了意大利第8集团军。 User: He is left by them penniless and discouraged. Assistant: 方秉之被劾也,势汹汹,且逮秉。 User: In its middle period (1903–1906) the brigade's members included more than a dozen women and more than four dozen men—some nobles, honorary citizens, priests, and merchants. Assistant: 在组织的中间阶段(1903-1906)年,该小组的成员包括十几名女性和四五十名男性——不少是贵族、荣誉市民、牧师和商人。 User: Treehouse, which also uses open allocation. Assistant: Treehouse,也采用开放式分配。 User: Designed by A. Quincy Jones, the tower is 161 ft (49 m) tall and contains 48 bells, each weighing from 28 pounds (13 kg) to 5,091 pounds (2,309 kg), covering four chromatic octaves. Assistant: UCR的钟塔由A.昆西.琼斯设计,塔高161英尺(49米),共有48口钟,每口钟重28磅(13千克)至5,091磅(2,309 千克)不等,音域达四个半八度。 User: With elected members in a decisive majority, Ghana had reached a level of political maturity unequalled anywhere in colonial Africa. Assistant: 因为拥有一个以民选议员为主的立法机构,加纳达到了非洲其他殖民地无可比拟的政治成熟程度。 User: Lui posted a picture of herself holding a piece of paper with the handwritten words "#metoo lly" (her initials). Assistant: 她特别用了“#metoo”标签,并上传了一张她手书“#metoo lly”(lly为其姓名首字母)的照片。 User: This is because it is common in some parts of its range and the population is thought to be stable. Assistant: 这是因为其为一个分布范围相对较大的常见物种,族群数量稳定。 User: An initial sketch by a pupil from Jules Garnier High School in Nouméa was transformed into a three dimensionsal cartoon character by graphic designers at Banana Studio in Nouméa. Assistant: Joemy的最初形象来自努美阿的Jules Garnier高中的一名学生,后经Banana Studio的平面设计师改造成三维卡通人物。 User: It received an average grade of "B" from market-research firm CinemaScore. Assistant: 从A+到F,市场调查机构CinemaScore给出的平均分为“B”。 User: Bob Strauss wrote in the newspaper that the film achieved a "near-perfect entertainment balance" of comedy, romance, and suspense. Assistant: 鲍勃·施特劳斯(Bob Strauss)在报纸上写道本片在戏剧、爱情和悬疑之间获得了“近乎完美的娱乐平衡”。 User: The first book on these two second messengers. Assistant: 例如,在《古兰经》里,当两者并列时乃以使者为首位。 User: Xavier used the church as his base for his missionary journeys to China and Japan. Assistant: 圣方济·沙勿略将此教堂作为他前往中国和日本传教之旅的基地。 User: They succeeded in taking over Jerusalem, and held it until 70, when the son of Roman Emperor Vespasian, Titus, retook the city and destroyed Herod's Temple during the destruction of Jerusalem. Assistant: 他们成功夺回了耶路撒冷,并坚持到了70年,罗马皇帝韦斯巴芗的儿子提图斯攻陷城池,摧毁了圣殿。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: 10,000 signatures were collected during the petition, numbers which represented a significantly stronger response from the public, in comparison to their petition held throughout the year of 2010, where 25,000 signatures were collected. Assistant: 期间,10,000个签名被征集到,反映了公众大幅增强的反响——相比于2010年他们贯穿全年的请求只获得了25,000的签名。 User: The tax is imposed at the point of production or importation, in two bands. Assistant: 税金将在生产或进口时在两个频带征收。 User: On the one hand, CSDs are considered political parades, and therefore also include speeches, political mottos, and attendances and patronages from well-known politicians. Assistant: 一方面,克里斯托弗大街纪念日活动被认为是政治性的游行,所以也包括了演说、政治的箴言以及知名政客的参与和赞助。 User: Johannesburg: Village Publishing. Assistant: 东京:福村出版。 User: Obama was the fourth U.S. President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, after Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and Woodrow Wilson (1919)—both of whom received the award during their terms—and Jimmy Carter (2002), who received the award 21 years after leaving office. Assistant: 奥巴马是美国历史上第三位在就职期间获得诺贝尔和平奖的总统,另外两个是西奥多·罗斯福(1906年,因成功调停日俄战争)和伍德罗·威尔逊(1919年,因倡导国际联盟),他们都是在第二个任期获得这一奖项的。 User: In a small environment such as a freely falling lift, this relative acceleration is minuscule, while for skydivers on opposite sides of the Earth, the effect is large. Assistant: 在一个小环境中(比如一个自由下落的电梯),两者之间相对运动的加速度是非常小的;但是对于地球两边的跳伞运动员来说,这个现象非常明显。 User: Whole roof construction is based on 82 girders. Assistant: 整个建筑的屋顶由82条梁架起。 User: Check if the current node is empty or null. Assistant: 字串由空格或零填充。 User: In January 2013, with the winter transfer window opened, Baptistão was linked with moves to the likes of Liverpool, Manchester United, Queens Park Rangers, Leeds United and Brighton, but nothing came of it. Assistant: 2013年1月,冬季转会窗开启,巴普蒂斯唐与前往诸如利物浦, 曼联, 女王公园巡游者, 利兹联以及布莱顿等球队的传言相联系, 但并未成行。 User: Scher said the former strippers were the most effective JC's Girls volunteers because they understand from personal experience the situations of the women they are trying to help. Assistant: 据谢尔表示,脱衣舞娘往往是最有效率的志愿者,因为她们有相应的经验,知道试图帮助的女性所面临的处境。 User: When the King formed a new cabinet mostly of constitutional monarchists (Feuillants), this widened the breach between the King and the Assembly and the majority of the common people of Paris. Assistant: 当国王组成了新内阁主要的君主立宪派(斐扬俱乐部),这既扩大国王和议会的不和,而且另一方面也加深了和大多数巴黎人民的对立。 User: However, when the Assyrians turned their attention to expanding their colonies in Asia Minor, the Amorites eventually began to supplant native rulers across the region. Assistant: 可是在亚述人把他们的注意力转向殖民小亚细亚之后,亚摩利人终于开始取代南部的土著统治者。 User: The size of an electrospun fiber can be in the nano scale and the fibers may possess nano scale surface texture, leading to different modes of interaction with other materials compared with macroscale materials. Assistant: 静电纺丝形成的纤维可以达到纳米的细度,而且其表面可以有纳米数量级的结构,使得它与宏观材料相比可以和物质产生不同的反应。 User: In height and body, shape of neck and rump, uniformity of coat, and teeth, it appears horse-like. Assistant: 在身高和身体的形状、颈部及哮吼、均匀大衣、牙齿,看来像马。 User: Radio and television was controlled by the state. Assistant: 德意志民主共和国境内的电视台和广播电台受国家控制。 User: The .40 S&W version of the pistol reportedly has an identical 6+1 capacity. Assistant: 该枪的.40 S&W的版本的弹匣容量被设计成有着相同的6+1发 容量。 User: Nobody really supported it, especially record labels. Assistant: 没有人会支持它,特别是唱片公司。 User: The façade of the church is a mix of styles: the portal and the rose window above were part of the original church, while the statues and the two flanking towers were added in the beginning of the 18th century. Assistant: 其立面为混合风格:大门和玫瑰窗是最初的哥特式原来建筑的一部分,而在18世纪初增加了雕像和两侧的钟楼。 User: Ninety percent of the buildings on the island were destroyed, along with countless historical documents, artifacts, and cultural treasures, and the tropical landscape was turned into "a vast field of mud, lead, decay and maggots". Assistant: 岛上有90%的建筑完全摧毁,郁郁葱葱的热带景观,变成了“一个布满泥泞、铅、腐烂和蛆虫的广阔领域”。 User: EGS-zs8-1 is a high-redshift Lyman-break galaxy found at the northern constellation of Boötes. Assistant: EGS-zs8-1是在北天的牧夫座方向上发现的一个高红移的莱曼断裂星系。 User: Various news reports, including those provided by the Associated Press, have stated that it is the brightest object seen so far in the universe. Assistant: 包括美联社在内的很多新闻报道都称这是迄今为止在宇宙中看到的最亮的天体。 User: A KFC executive stated that the taste of the chicken will vary between regions depending on the oil variety used, and whether the chicken has been corn-fed or wheat-fed. Assistant: 肯德基一位高层人士说,鸡的口感会因地区而异,这要看使用哪种食用油,也要看鸡的饲料是玉米还是小麦。 User: Outside Japan, these games are only sold as part of Metroid Prime: Trilogy and cannot be purchased individually. Assistant: 在日本以外的地区,这几款作品只作为《银河战士Prime三部曲(英语:Metroid Prime: Trilogy)》中的一部分,没有单独拆分售卖。 User: The governor of Aragua state, Tarek El Aissami, claimed that six opposition protesters were arrested for having firearms with one of the arrested being accused of allegedly shooting an officer with El Aissami saying, "He's a fascist. Assistant: 阿拉瓜州州长Tarek El Aissami声称六名反对派示威者因持有枪支被逮捕,其中一人因涉嫌枪击一名警察被捕。 User: Italy's culture minister, Giuliano Urbani, supported the conductor but called for urgent action by management to safeguard the smooth operation and prestige of La Scala. Assistant: 意大利的文化部长乌尔巴尼 (Giuliano Urbani)支持穆蒂,并促请管理层迅速采取行动,确保一切运作畅顺及维护歌剧院的声望。 User: This set new records for both the number of NPCs competing and the number of athletes overall. Assistant: 无论是在参与国家数量上,还是运动员的总数上都创下了新的纪录。 User: The film was released in North America on January 15, 2016, alongside 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi and Norm of the North. Assistant: 该片在北美于2016年1月15日上映,与《13小时:班加西的秘密士兵》和《北极熊诺姆》共同竞争。 User: The community was named for Charles W. Fairbanks, 26th Vice President of the United States. Assistant: 查尔斯·W·费尔班克斯,美国第二十六任副总统。 User: The library takes advantage of processor features including MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, AES-NI and multi-core processors. Assistant: 该库利用处理器的包括MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3、SSSE3、SSE4、AVX、AVX2、AVX-512、AES-NI和多核心处理器特性。 User: However, some corrosion mechanisms are less visible and less predictable. Assistant: 然而,仍然有一些腐蚀的机制无法观察到,也难以预料。 User: The protesters have also smashed a stone statue of Basil al-Assad, the brother of the current President of the country, and set fire to a Ba'ath Party outpost. Assistant: 抗议者向总统阿萨德的亲兄巴塞勒·阿萨德的雕像投掷石块,并在复兴党的哨点放火。 User: In 2002, the plan to create an INSAS carbine was discarded and instead, the Indian Army issued a General Staff Qualitative Requirements (GSQR) for a new submachine gun. Assistant: 2002年,研制INSAS卡宾枪的计划被抛弃;取而代之的是,由印度陆军发布、关于一枝新型冲锋枪的总参谋部定性要求(GSQR)。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The People's Republic of China is an active participant in the climate change talks and other multilateral environmental negotiations, and claims to take environmental challenges seriously but is pushing for the developed world to help developing countries to a greater extent. Assistant: 中国积极参与有关气候变化的对话以及其他多边环境谈判,亦表示认真面对环境问题的挑战,又推动发达国家加大协助发展中国家的力度。 User: Biochemical studies have identified the taste receptors responsible for the sense of umami as modified forms of mGluR4, mGluR1 and taste receptor type 1 (T1R1 + T1R3), all of which have been found in all regions of the tongue bearing taste buds. Assistant: 生物化学研究已识别负责感知鲜味的味觉感受器,是mGluR4、mGluR1和味觉感受器类型1(T1R1 + T1R3)的一种变异形态,并在舌头上任何区域的味蕾找到所有味道。 User: Her body was brought to Naples where for several days it was put on display to the public as proof of her death. Assistant: 她的尸体被带回那不勒斯,作为她已死的证据暴尸数日。 User: O'Brien accuses a wide range of prominent individuals — from United States, Canadian, Mexican and Saudi Arabian government officials, to stars of the Country and Western music scene — of being part of a Project Monarch conspiracy to run sex slave rings and commit child abuse. Assistant: 凯茜更揭露许多知名人士 — 从美国、加拿大、墨西哥和沙特阿拉伯的政府官员,到西方乡村音乐、流行音乐和嘻哈音乐的明星,都被滥用于帝王计划中,进行性虐待和精神控制的手段。 User: The Cavaliers, who had the second-worst record (19–63), had a combined total of 227 chances (22.7%) to win the lottery, which consists of 199 chances (19.9%) from their own pick and 28 chances (2.8%) from the Clippers' pick. Assistant: 第二差纪录(19-63)的骑士队共有227个中奖球(22.7%)获得状元签,其中包括199个中奖球(19.9%)和28个中奖球(2.8%)来自快船队的选秀权。 User: The ministry is headquartered at the Hardthöhe district in Bonn and has a second office in the Bendlerblock building in Berlin. Assistant: 联邦国防部(德语:Bundesministerium der Verteidigung)是德国内阁中的部会,总部位于波恩的 Hardthöhe,在柏林的 Bendlerblock 设有第二办公室。 User: He also took part in army matches, and in one season played nearly 100 matches in total. Assistant: 他亦曾经在军队赛事中上阵,在一个球季里他总共上阵了接近100场赛事。 User: The feasibility study of an airport-to-airport Express Train has been finished and ready for prequalification offering. Assistant: 机场到机场快速铁路的可行性研究已经完成,准备进行资格预审。 User: I am friendly to this position up to a point. ... Assistant: 这种缩写一般会在后面加一个点“.”. 。 User: It currently participates in the Juntos Podemos Más coalition. Assistant: 目前,它是在一起我们能为智利做更多联盟的成员。 User: The game is a 3D platformer. Assistant: 《The Room》是一个3D游戏。 User: They also appeared together on The Jane Whitney Show, in 1993, with another Allin fan called Wendy. Assistant: 1993年,他们两人也在The Jane Whitney Show中和另一位叫Wendy的歌迷同台。 User: For Northern, Central and Eastern Europe Hamburg has a central role in business with China, as Hamburg is the transit station for most of the imports from China and a distribution center for onward transport to the new EU accession countries, but also to Russia and Western and Southern Europe. Assistant: 而对于北欧、中欧和东欧而言,汉堡也是与中国关联的交通枢纽,汉堡是大部分从中国进口商品运往新欧盟成员国、俄罗斯、西欧和南欧的转运和分散中心。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: While studying naturally fluorescing minerals in 1896, the French physicist Henri Becquerel discovered that they emitted radiation without any exposure to an external energy source. Assistant: 于1896年,在研究天然发萤光矿石的时候,法国物理学家亨利·贝克勒发现,不需要施加外能源,这些矿石就会自然地发射辐射。 User: 30 out of the 38 senators who were present agreed to this request and expressed the view that the program of KSČM did not reject violence as a means of attaining power and adopted The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx. Assistant: 38位出席的参议员中有30位同意,表示该党党纲未否认将暴力当做夺取权力的手段,并且采纳《共产党宣言》的主张。 User: A Chinese labor movement began to take shape, driven by the efforts of railway workers and seamen to organize, backed with Moscow's support. Assistant: 中国的工人运动以铁路工人与海员为先锋,在莫斯科的支持下发展起来。 User: These sources are usually independent of each other (e.g. Jewish sources do not draw upon Roman sources), and similarities and differences between them are used in the authentication process. Assistant: 它们通常是相互独立的(例如犹太来源并不引用罗马来源),并且它们之间的相似性和差异性用于鉴证过程中。 User: She released her second EP, Change, in November 2016 and third, Ready, in February 2017. Assistant: 她于2016年11月发布了第二张EP《改变》,于2017年2月发布第三张EP《准备就绪》。 User: Professor and author Cornel West addressed the frustrations that some critics have expressed at the protest's lack of a clear and unified message, saying, "It's impossible to translate the issue of the greed of Wall Street into one demand, or two demands. Assistant: 教育家兼作家Cornel West针对一些批评者说抗议者缺乏具体的目标时表态说“把针对华尔街贪婪的焦点概括成一两种具体诉求是很难的,我们谈的是民主的觉醒”。 User: She had no falls on the ice throughout the season in international events. Assistant: 她在整个赛季都不曾在冰面上跌倒。 User: Oslo is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Assistant: 奥斯陆是全球生活成本最高的城市之一。 User: The rest of the IV Scouting Group did not notice the reduction in speed, and so the ships became disorganized. Assistant: 第四侦察集群余部没有留意到速度的下降,因此舰只变得混乱。 User: The use of hoods around street lights not only improves the amount of light directed toward the ground, but also helps reduce the light directed toward the sky. Assistant: 鼓励为街灯装上反射罩,不仅能使照向地面的灯光增加,也使直接射进天空的光量降低。 User: Her majors were computer science and art, and she researched machine learning. Assistant: 她学的是计算机科学和美术专业,还研究机器学习。 User: The Swedish Film Institute (Swedish: Svenska Filminstitutet) was founded in 1963 to support and develop the Swedish film industry. Assistant: 瑞典电影学院(瑞典语:Svenska Filminstitutet)成立于1963年,致力于发展瑞典电影工业。 User: Two hours a day are devoted to translating useful books into Chinese with his students, besides the labour of preparing and delivering his lectures at the Government College. Assistant: 他还每天需要抽出两个小时的时间和他的学生们专心把一些有价值的书翻译为中文,当然他还要为政府学院准备讲义或者讲课。 User: Users can publicly discuss documents and analyse their credibility and veracity. Assistant: 使用者能公开讨论文档并分析其可信度和真实度。 User: The eastern side of the hurricane blasted the southeastern New England coast between November 2 and November 3, damaging over 250 vessels at Provincetown, Massachusetts, and running aground 20 others. Assistant: 飓风东侧于11月2至3日吹袭新英格兰东南部,普罗威斯顿有超过250艘船受损,另有20艘搁浅。 User: This program is limited to 20 students who participate in a modified Social Studies and PE program, focusing on first nations history, environmental studies, and outdoor leadership. Assistant: 本程序是有限的20名学生参加改性社会学和体育节目,聚焦于土著名族的历史,环境研究,和户外领导。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: After the initial captivity near Stalingrad they were sent on a "death march across the frozen steppe" to labor camps elsewhere in the Soviet Union. Assistant: 在一开始在斯大林格勒附近的关押后,他们被送到一场“穿越结冻草原的死亡行军”,前往位于苏联某处的劳改营。 User: Every year, about 6-10 students are selected through the written exams and the interviews similar to the ones used in the time of CUSPEA, and they are admitted by the above three U.S. universities. Assistant: 每年有6-10名学生通过和CUSPEA时代类似的考试和面试,获得美方学校的入学许可和奖学金。 User: The S-IVB third stage would be used as the second stage for the C-IB, which would serve both to demonstrate proof of concept and feasibility for the C-5, but would also provide flight data critical to development of the C-5. Assistant: 火箭的第三级被用作C-IB火箭的第二级,而C-IB火箭将要测试C-5火箭的设计概念和可行性,同时也用来提供对C-5火箭的继续研究非常重要的飞行数据。 User: Before its identification, its function has been hypothesized for as much as 30 years as being linked to the cell surface receptor c-Mpl, and in older publications thrombopoietin is described as c-Mpl ligand (the agent that binds to the c-Mpl molecule). Assistant: 在促血小板生成素被研究清楚之前长达30年的时间里,它的功能都被认为是与细胞表面受体c-Mpl相连,在旧的出版物中,促血小板生成素甚至被称为“c-Mpl 配体”(c-Mpl ligand)。 User: In other two counties of Slavonia: Požega and Virovitica, as in city of Požega, Roman Catholics outnumbered Orthodox population. Assistant: 在斯拉沃尼亚的另外两个县:波热加和维罗维蒂察则相反,如在波热加市,罗马天主教徒数量超过东正教徒。 User: The highest rates occur in women 16–35 years of age. Assistant: 灼伤发生率最高的是16至35岁的妇女。 User: In November 1921, the League decided that the frontiers of Albania should be the same as they had been in 1913, with three minor changes that favoured Yugoslavia. Assistant: 1921年11月,国际联盟决定阿尔巴尼亚的国境应与其1913年的国境大致相同,其在国境的划分上有三个有利于南斯拉夫的微小变动。 User: The new nation's flag kept the colours and stripes of the federation's flag, with the only change being the replacement of the kanaga with a green star. Assistant: 塞内加尔新国旗保留了原马里联邦的国旗的整体样式,唯一的变化是用绿色五角星代替kanaga人形图案。 User: In doing so, Rosas was able to make much deeper incursions than his predecessors, and destroyed several indigenous settlements. Assistant: 如此,罗萨斯比罗德里格斯和里瓦达维亚完成了更深入得多的侵略,并摧毁了若干个原住民定居点。 User: However, it was not uncommon for individual Armenians to choose to fight in the Lebanese Forces, and a small number chose to fight on the other side for the Lebanese National Movement/Lebanese National Resistance Front. Assistant: 但是不同寻常的事,个别亚美尼亚人选择站在“黎巴嫩力量”那一边,而有少数亚美尼亚人站在黎巴嫩民族运动/黎巴嫩全国抵抗阵线阵营中。 User: Unlike the other two sent to CNN, it was not addressed to a specific person. Assistant: 和另外两个寄给CNN的包裹不同,该包裹没有具体的收件人。 User: She gave birth to her first child in February 2016 with her partner Steve Ladner, and became the first Conservative minister ever to take maternity leave. Assistant: 她于2016年2月与她的伴侣Steve Ladner生下了她的第一个孩子,并成为首位休产假的保守党政府大臣。 User: Learning to lip read is very difficult because many sounds look the same on the lips. Assistant: 但是,读唇是有限的,因为很多音素发音有相同的唇形。 User: Nintendo never commissioned any servers or Internet services to interface with the console, but allowed other publishers to do so and made them responsible for managing the online experiences for their games. Assistant: 任天堂从未部署任何服务器或互联网服务与主机进行交互,但允许其他发布商这样做,并让他们负责管理其游戏的在线体验。 User: In April 2011, Gabriel Alvarez of Complex magazine ranked it at number 100 on their "100 Best Eminem Songs" list, calling it a love song and praising Rihanna's vocals as beautiful. Assistant: 2011年4月,《Complex(英语:Complex (magazine))》的加布里埃尔·阿尔瓦雷斯(Gabriel Alvarez)将其排在“百大最佳阿姆歌曲”名单中的第100名,称它是一首情歌并赞赏蕾哈娜的演唱部分十分美丽。 User: During this period, however, the university as a private institution was facing financial troubles. Assistant: 然而,在此期间作为私立机构的大学面临着财务困境。 User: The Congregations Law of 1875 abolished religious orders, ended state subsidies to the Catholic Church, and removed religious protections from the Prussian constitution. Assistant: 1875年的《会众法(英语:Congregations Law)》取缔了修会,停止了国家对天主教的补助,并将宗教保障的条款从普鲁士宪法中剔除。 User: She always goes to the cats' meeting. Assistant: 偶尔会跟猫女一起打工。 User: This method could be used to increase the geographic areas for which the SODIS method could be used as regions with highly turbid water could be treated for low costs. Assistant: 该方法可用于增加可以使用SODIS方法的地理区域,因为可以以低成本处理具有高度浑浊水的区域。 User: Richard backed Guy, his vassal from Poitou, while Philip supported Conrad, a cousin of his late father Louis VII. Assistant: 理查支持居伊,他来自普瓦图的附庸,而腓力支持康拉德,他已故的父亲路易七世的表弟。 User: They turned professional in 1891 and joined The Football League two years later. Assistant: 球会在1891年转为职业,并于两年后加入足球联赛。 User: Students from all over the world "tweeted" messages of support to Anne and shared their thoughts about what they have learned from her life. Assistant: 来自世界各地的学生传达了对安妮的支持,分享了他们从安妮身上学到的东西。 User: Winds in Busan reached 154 km/h (96 mph), the second-highest wind speed for the city after Typhoon Thelma in 1987. Assistant: 釜山的风速也达到每小时154公里,是该市有纪录以来的第二高风速,仅次于1987年的台风塞尔玛。 User: Keeping with the policy at the time, the unit was segregated, and large number of the other members of the 442nd RCT were previously interned Japanese Americans from the continental United States, commanded by mostly white officers. Assistant: 根据当时的政策,军中亦实行种族隔离,所以重组后的第442步兵团突显日裔特色,而在此之前,第442步兵团的士兵来自美国本土的日裔美国人集中营,军官则大多数为白人。 User: Telephone lines fitted with DSL splitters use low-pass and high-pass filters to separate DSL and POTS signals sharing the same pair of wires. Assistant: DSL分离器使用低通和高通滤波器分离共享使用双绞线的DSL和POTS信号。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: From Kepler-9d (closest to star) to Kepler-9b (second from star), the ratio of their orbits is 1:12. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 最接近母恒星的开普勒9d和第二近的开普勒9b轨道共振比例是1:12。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 5 October 2005 Flake appeared briefly on Deutsche Welle. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2005年10月5日,Flake出现在德国之声上。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Two of the councillors are elected to act as mayor and deputy mayor. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其中一人被其他议员推选担任市长和副市长。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 All the stuff they put in about the Japanese girl: they put in a scene where the star gets to f*** some girl, and it's pretty hard to get it out. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他们把这些东西放在这名日本女孩身上:他们放了一个明星去操女孩的场景,且很难将它删掉。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The number of teams competing this year was increased to ten which meant necessary alterations to the past organisational structure of the tournament. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 本届参加比赛的球队数量增加到10个,这意味着必须改变以往锦标赛的赛制。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The formation of the Sun may have been triggered by shockwaves from one or more nearby supernovae. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:太阳的形成可能是一颗或多颗邻近的超新星激震波所致。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Corporation Incorporation Stock Par value Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 《晋书》 《资治通鉴》 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On the one hand, Sartre's existentialist philosophy committed him to a position that human beings fundamentally were free to act as they pleased. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一方面,萨特的存在主义 哲学使他坚定一个立场,人类基本上是随自己喜欢而行动的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A candidate key is a unique identifier enforcing that no tuple will be duplicated; this would make the relation into something else, namely a bag, by violating the basic definition of a set. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 候选键(码)是强制元组不重复的唯一性标识符;否则关系就违背了集合的基本定义而成为是叫做包的东西了。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1893 they established the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO) aiming to confront the Serbian and Greek action in Macedonia. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1893年保加利亚建立了马其顿内部革命组织(VMRO)旨在对抗塞尔维亚和希腊在马其顿的活动。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The distinction between songs and calls is based upon complexity, length, and context. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:鸟啼与鸟啭之间的区别基于复杂程度、长度与环境。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The commissioned corps uses a tiered system of response, with Tier 1 response teams ready and able to respond to an event within 12 hours, and Tier 2 teams ready and able to respond within 36 hours. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 军官团最近采用了一种分级系统以管理行动部署,1级行动小组能在12小时内预备并部署应付事件,2级小组能在36小时内预备妥当。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Joseph Goebbels was placed in charge of this ministry shortly after Hitler took power in 1933. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 约瑟夫·戈培尔在希特勒1933年掌权之后不久变执掌该部。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It drew on a range of non-Keynesian economic thought, particularly the Chicago School and Neo-Classical School. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 它吸取了一系列非凯恩斯主义经济思想,特别是芝加哥学派和新古典主义学派。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In Zaire, he for instance lamented the widespread corruption and poverty, while complaining that Mobutu Sese Seko's "military regime... is extremely galling to a black from South Africa". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 例如在萨伊,他抱怨普遍存在的腐败和贫困,同时抱怨蒙博托·塞塞·塞科的“军政府......使来自南非的黑人极大痛苦”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Before the release of Mac OS X 10.4, iSync also synchronized a user's Safari bookmarks with the then .Mac subscription service provided by Apple. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在Mac OS X v10.4推出之前, iSync还能与苹果推出的.Mac服务同步用户的Safari书签。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Electrical engineering has many subdisciplines, the most common of which are listed below. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 电机工程学拥有许多分支学科,以下列出几种最广为人知的学科。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Established by the Society of Jesus as Marquette College on August 28, 1881, it was founded by John Martin Henni, the first Bishop of Milwaukee. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 该校于1881年8月28日由耶稣会建立,它的创始人是John Martin Henni,密尔沃基大主教管区的第一任主教。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Aleister Crowley was highly prolific and wrote on the subject of Thelema for over 35 years, and many of his books remain in print. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:阿莱斯特·克劳利在超过35年的时间里是一位高度多产的作家,写了非常多关于泰勒玛这一主题的作品,且其中有很多现在依然在版。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 2004, when the contentious negotiations between the two companies made a split appear likely, Michael Eisner, Disney chairman at the time, put plans in motion to produce Toy Story 3 at a new Disney studio, Circle 7 Animation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:但于2004年两家公司谈判产生些争议面临分裂后,迪士尼总裁迈克·艾斯纳在新的迪士尼动画工作室Circle 7 Animation 提出《玩具总动员3》制作计划。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The most massive stars in the cluster are the binary star system BD+31°643, which has a combined spectral class of B5. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该天体中质量最大的恒星是一个联星系统 BD+31°643,由两颗光谱类型 B5 的恒星组成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A suitable anti-anti-HIV antibody envisaged for use in this vaccine is the monoclonal antibody 1F7, which was discovered by Sybille Muller and Heinz Kohler and their colleagues. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一个理想的抗抗HIV抗体是抗体1F7,发现者为 Sybille Muller 和 Heinz Kohler 等人。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After the conquest of Alexandria in the 7th century, astrology was taken up by Islamic scholars, and Hellenistic texts were translated into Arabic and Persian. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 亚历山大在七世纪由阿拉伯人统治之后,占星学知识由伊斯兰学者(Islamic scholars)所传承,并将希腊占星文献翻译成阿拉伯文与波斯文。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The PC BIOS which IBM introduced operates in real mode, as do the DOS operating systems (MS-DOS, DR-DOS, etc.). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 IBM引进的PC-BIOS与DOS操作系统(MS-DOS, DR-DOS等等)都是在真实模式下运作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Even a puppy from a “Toy” sized lineage could grow to be a springer. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 甚至来自于“玩具犬”血统的幼犬也可以长成为史宾格犬。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Senussi tribes of Libya and the Sudan are one of the strongest adherents of Sufism. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:其中,在利比亚和苏丹的赛努西(英语:Senussi)部落是苏非主义的忠实信徒。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 1908 - Plata Bridge built. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1908完工的钢筋水泥桥。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Its members were considered moderate and preferred for France to remain a constitutional monarchy in opposition to the republicans. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 成员多为温和保守派,希望法国能够建立君主立宪制而非共和制。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:These were successful, and in 1939, Proskouriakoff transferred onto the Carnegie payroll and was duly dispatched to Copán to gather data for reconstructive drawings of that site. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 此举获得了成功,1939年,普罗斯库里亚科夫成为卡内基的一员,并被派遣到科潘为当地遗址的重建图收集数据。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Consequently, on the expiration of Doria's contract he entered the service of Emperor Charles V (June 1528). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 因此在多利亚(与法王)的契约到期之后,他就为(神圣罗马帝国)皇帝查理五世(1528)服役。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The loss of this lucrative province deprived the Byzantines of their valuable wheat supply, thereby causing food shortages throughout the Byzantine Empire and weakening its armies in the following decades. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这些丰饶的行省的陷落使得拜占庭失去了宝贵的小麦供给,导致接下来几十年拜占庭帝国食物的短缺与军队的疲软。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Fraser, who petitioned the government for restitution for his losses during his war service, also speculated in land purchases on the frontier. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 弗雷泽在独立战争结束后向政府要求赔偿因服务战争而造成的损失,以及请求购买在边境的土地。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This can be done either internationally or domestically. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 此功能可经由内部或外部来提供。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Late on October 6, the remnants of Grace moved inland over Wales, bringing heavy rains and high winds to the region. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 10月6日晚,格雷斯的残留进入威尔士陆地上空,在当地产生狂风暴雨。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: All players are dealt two cards. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 每位玩家发两张牌。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:They have been together for fifty years but when asked–by Pozzo–they do not reveal their actual ages. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 年近五十,始登甲科,而不肯试为吏。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Until 1972, 81 members of the Canadian military (including those from Newfoundland) and 13 Canadians serving in British units had been awarded the Victoria Cross. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:直到1972年,81个加拿大军队成员(包括纽芬兰的)和13个服役英国部队的加拿大人获颁十字勋章。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This design helps prevent repetitive-strain injuries and hand fatigue during training. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这种设计有助于在训练时防止重复性紧张损伤和手部疲劳。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 A reasonable molecular model of condensation would seem to be that two or three molecules of water vapour come together to form a tiny droplet, and that this nucleus of condensation then grows by accretion, as additional vapour molecules happen to hit it. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:合理的冷凝分子模型似乎是两或三分子的水蒸气聚集在一起形成一个微小的液滴,而这种缩合的核心因附加的蒸气分子碰撞而随着水分子集聚而增长。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The last constraints enforce that there is only a single tour covering all cities, and not two or more disjointed tours that only collectively cover all cities. Assistant: 最后的约束迫使覆盖所有城市的路径只有一条,而不是两条或者多条分散的路径在一起覆盖的。 User: Code snippets can only be used in a valid context (statements snippets are only offered when you can insert statements). Assistant: 代码片段只能在有效的上下文中使用(仅在您可以插入语句时才提供语句片段)。 User: That year, the event was staged on the same weekend as the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey. Assistant: 同年协助成立土耳其总统杯自行车赛(英语:Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey)。 User: It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Assistant: 戏剧在莎士比亚年代颇为流行,并与《哈姆雷特》一道成为最常上演的戏剧。 User: Are We OK? Assistant: 小旦好? User: Under these names, it was published by EMAP for twelve years, before the rights were sold to the publisher, Future plc. Assistant: EMAP以这些名义发行杂志12年,后来将杂志权利售给现出版商Future plc。 User: The "21" Club was only part of a series of businesses owned by Charlie Berns and Jack Kriendler. Assistant: 21俱乐部只是Charlie Berns和Jack Kriendler拥有的一系列生意的一部分。 User: Additionally, H.225.0 defines media packetization using RTP for traditional codecs like G.711, H.261 and H.263. Assistant: 此外,H.225定义了使用传统的编解码器如G.711,H.261和H.263 的 RTP打包媒体。 User: Knuth used to pay a finder's fee of $2.56 for any typographical errors or mistakes discovered in his books, because "256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar", and $0.32 for "valuable suggestions". Assistant: 他会奖励每一个找出他的著作中任何错误的人,他们每指出TeX的一个错误,就能得到2.56美元,因为“256美分刚好是十六进制的一美元”(256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar);另外,对于每个“有价值的建议”,他设立了0.32美元的奖金。 User: The programme was hosted by Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler and began on 21 March 1960. Assistant: 《黑频道》由卡尔·爱德华·冯·施尼茨勒主持,于1960年3月21日首播,时长20分钟。 User: President: Barack Obama (D-Illinois) Vice President: Joe Biden (D-Delaware) Chief Justice: John Roberts (New York) Speaker of the House of Representatives: John Boehner (R–Ohio) Senate Majority Leader: Harry Reid (D–Nevada) Congress: 113th Los Angeles, California, U.S. January 1 The following laws go into effect: Thirteen states – Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington – all increase their minimum wages. Assistant: 总统:贝拉克·奥巴马(民主党) 总统:乔·拜登(民主党) 首席大法官:约翰·罗伯茨 众议院议长:约翰·博纳(俄亥俄州共和党人) 参议院多数党领袖:哈里·瑞德(内华达州民主党人) 国会:第113届 1月1日: 多项法律生效: 亚利桑那州、科罗拉多州、康涅狄格州、佛罗里达州、密苏里州、蒙大拿州、新泽西州、纽约州、俄亥俄州、俄勒冈州、罗得岛州、佛蒙特州和华盛顿州的最低工资标准提升。 User: Social learning theory suggests that one way in which human beings learn is by the process of modeling. Assistant: 社会学习理论指出人类的学习行为是经由一连串的模式学习。 User: In the month after Hurricane Kate struck the island, the government of Cuba issued a request to the United Nations (UN) World Food Council for international assistance. Assistant: 飓风凯特袭击古巴后的一个月里,该国政府向联合国世界粮食理事会请求国际援助。 User: The film ends with the women dragging McBurney's body to the road so that he will be found by the next Confederate soldiers who pass by. Assistant: 电影结束时,女生们把麦伯尼的尸体拖到大闸外的马路上,好让下次经过的同盟军士兵们能发现他。 User: If Apollo 15 had flown as an H mission, it would have been with CSM-111 and LM-9. Assistant: 如果阿波罗15号是一次H任务,则会使用CSM-111号指令/服务舱和LM-9号登月舱。 User: Riccioli dealt not only with astronomy in his research, but also with physics, arithmetic, geometry, optics, gnomonics, geography, and chronology. Assistant: 里乔利的研究并不只局限于天文学,还涉及物理、算术、几何、光学、测时、地理和年代学。 User: Cordell Hall, the newest dormitory, was used for housing and meals; lectures and lab sessions were held in the Engineering Building. Assistant: 住宿和就餐位于最新的宿舍楼Cordell Hall,课程和实验位于工程楼。 User: They must say each word aloud while they were writing. Assistant: 他们必须在写每一字时大声朗读出来。 User: All games were played in Manila, Philippines on April 14–21, 2012. Assistant: 所有赛事于2012年4月14日 至21日在菲律宾马尼拉举行。 User: At 09:15, the Japanese carriers launched a combined strike of 18 fighters, 33 dive bombers, and 18 torpedo planes, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Kakuichi Takahashi. Assistant: 09:15日军两艘航母派出由18架战斗机、33架俯冲轰炸机和18架鱼雷机组成的联合编队,由高桥赫一海军少佐率领。 User: Their tail code was XF, and they flew the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Grumman F-14 Tomcat and the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet until their disestablishment in 1994. Assistant: 他们的机尾代码为XF,他们使用过麦克唐纳-道格拉斯的F-4“鬼怪II”、格鲁曼公司的F-14“雄猫”以及麦道公司F/A-18“大黄蜂”等战斗机,直到队伍于1994年解散。 User: Although two OAO missions were failures, the success of the other two increased awareness within the astronomical community of the benefits of space-based observations, and led to the instigation of the Hubble Space Telescope. Assistant: 其中有两次轨道天文台是失败的,而成功的其他两次则在天文学的领域内为太空观测的优点提供了良好的认识,并鼓舞了后续的哈勃太空望远镜。 User: The Soul series of weapon-based fighting games also achieved considerable critical success, beginning with 1995's Soul Edge (known as Soul Blade outside Japan) to Soulcalibur V in 2012. Assistant: 兵器格斗游戏的《魂之系列》也取得相当大的成功,系列自1995年的《刀魂》至2012年的《剑魂V(英语:Soulcalibur V)》。 User: On 2 October 2006, the United Nations Independent Special Commission of Inquiry made a number of recommendations including that several individuals be prosecuted. Assistant: 2006年10月2日,联合国独立特别调查委员会提出了若干建议,包括对多人提出起诉。 User: The Bavarian league system consists of senior men's, women's and male and female junior leagues as well as cup competitions. Assistant: 巴伐利亚足球联赛系统包括男子和女子成年联赛、男子和女子青少年联赛以及杯赛。 User: Law and Gospel. Assistant: 律法与福音。 User: Consistent use of an issue or bug tracking system is considered one of the "hallmarks of a good software team". Assistant: 坚持使用事务追踪管理系统或缺陷追踪系统被认为是“一个好的软件团队的标志”。 User: Should bring him right back to the top ten. Assistant: 在3月份将他降回前头十枚目。 User: In a February 2015 survey of top auto journalists, 46% predict that either Tesla or Daimler will be the first to the market with a fully autonomous vehicle, while (at 38%) Daimler is predicted to be the most functional, safe, and in-demand autonomous vehicle. Assistant: 根据顶尖汽车记者于2015年2月所作的调查显示,有46%的人预测特斯拉汽车或戴姆勒会是第一家推出完全自动驾驶汽车的公司,其中有38%的人预测戴姆勒会推出功能最全、安全且符合需求的自动驾驶汽车。 User: Automatability: The degree to which it is possible to automate testing of the component under test. Assistant: 可自动化性:待测元件是否可以自动测试。 User: His role is that of a strict taskmaster who brings spending under control, in particular by cutting out frivolous expenses. Assistant: 他的角色是一个严格的建工,他将成本控制的很严格,特别是在削减无谓支出方面。 User: This time they were accused of encouraging women to renounce and writing in Newari. Assistant: 这一次,他们被指控在鼓励女性放弃印度教信仰和用尼瓦尔语写作。 User: Following World War II, Denmark ended its two-hundred-year-long policy of neutrality. Assistant: 第二次世界大战之后,丹麦加入北约,结束了其长达200年的中立国身份。 User: He walked the 120 miles (190 km) to the port of Calais in Maine where he met the captain of a ship who agreed to take him to Salem, Massachusetts so that he could join his father. Assistant: 之后他旅行了190公里到美国缅因州卡利斯,并遇到了一位愿意载他到马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的船长,他因此得以和已经移民到美国的父亲见面。 User: During the Great Strike in 1905, the so-called "Red Manifest" was read from the balcony of the Tampere City Hall. Assistant: 在1905年俄国革命期间,所谓"Red Manifest" 就是在坦佩雷市政厅的阳台宣读。 User: As of March 2016, "One Card All Pass" T-money is accepted at major retailers, most express bus and some intercity bus routes, express road toll booth, Korail railroad station, all metro system, and all bus system except Gimhae. Assistant: 在2016年3月,T-money的“一卡通用”版被主要的零售商接受,高速巴士及城际的一些公交路线,快速公路收费站,韩国铁道公社火车站,所有的地铁系统以及除了金海市之外的所有公交系统。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The acting is marvelous. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 演出引起轰动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:For example, the Yorùbás use the words Ṣebi and Abi when speaking Pidgin. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:例如,约鲁巴人说皮钦语时使用的Şe和Abi。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The blunder led to Harrison being placed on permanent sick leave and then discharged. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 此次失误令哈里森需要接受永久性的有薪病假,更进而逼使他退伍。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The currently used standard epoch is J2000.0, which is January 1, 2000 at 12:00 TT. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 现在使用的标准历元是J2000.0,即TT(Terrestrial Time)时间2000年1月1日12:00。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Lopez had his 100th career block in a game versus Santa Clara University on December 19, 2007. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 罗培兹在2007年12月19日对上圣塔克拉拉大学的比赛中达成大学生涯第100个阻攻。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Poly I:C is known to interact with toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), which is expressed in the membrane of B-cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Poly I:C与toll-like receptor(TLR)3相互作用,TLR3是B细胞、巨噬细胞和树突状细胞表面的一种蛋白。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the meantime, Charles "Tex" Watson had commented publicly that "no one was killed" at the desert camp during the month-and-a-half he was there, after the Tate–LaBianca murders. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在此期间,德克斯·沃森(Tex Watson)公开发表评论说莎朗·蒂-拉比安卡谋杀案发生之后,他在那个荒凉的营地待的一个半月时间里没有人被杀害。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Hugo worked only on paper, and on a small scale; usually in dark brown or black pen-and-ink wash, sometimes with touches of white, and rarely with colour. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 雨果只在纸上小幅绘画;通常用深棕或黑墨笔画,有时也上白色,但很少用彩色。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Similarly, Tony Cummings from Cross Rhythms also considered Hudson to be a "vocal talent", recommending readers to listen to the album. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 同样,《穿越节奏(英语:Cross Rhythms (magazine))》的托尼·卡明斯(Tony Cummings)认为哈德森是“声乐人才”,推荐读者去听这张专辑。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:His first ended in March 1899 when he left to become secretary-manager of Bedminster. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1899年3月,他离开了布里斯托城转任贝德明斯特的秘书领队。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: People columnist Janice Min wrote that "the most egregious crime at the 68th Academy Awards on March 25 was–egad!–the relentless elegance and good taste that deprived viewers of genuine, Grade A snicker fodder. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 《人物》周刊专栏作家珍妮丝·明(Janice Min)写道,“3月25日举办的第68届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中最令人震惊的犯罪行为就是——哦天呐!——那永无止境的优雅和高品味......这是最高级的笑料!”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Surgery is only considered if the entire tumor can be safely removed while preserving sufficient functional liver to maintain normal physiology. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 手术切除术去除肿瘤,同时保留足够的剩余健康肝脏以维持正常的生理功能。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The bank was accused of falsifying loan applications so that borrowers would qualify for mortgages. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该银行被指控伪造贷款申请,以便借款人有资格获得抵押贷款。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Iron is present in all cells in the human body and has several vital functions, such as carrying oxygen to the tissues from the lungs as a key component of the hemoglobin protein, acting as a transport medium for electrons within the cells in the form of cytochromes, and facilitating oxygen enzyme reactions in various tissues. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在人体内,铁存在于所有的细胞并且参与维持多项生理机能,比如以血红蛋白的形式从肺里运输氧到其他器官中,比如以细胞色素的形式在细胞内传输电子,再比如在各种器官中作为酶反映的重要部分。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to Hildebrand, Röhr & Steinmetz, Breslau was built with only three funnels, with the fourth added after trials. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 据希尔德布兰德、洛尔和施泰因梅茨的说法,布雷斯劳号在建造时仅设三座烟囱,第四座是在试航后添加。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It uses 64-bit inode numbers, and allows for more secure storage. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 苹果文件系统使用64位inode号码,并允许使用更安全的存储。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Afterwards, there has been a sharp decline in tourism since the 2011 Yemen Crisis. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 所以此次事故非常打击自2011年埃及革命以来已经出现明显下滑的旅游业。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The first produces the shadow map itself, and the second applies it to the scene. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第一步是产生阴影图本身,第二步是将阴影图应用到场景中。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Her family returned to the United States in 1949. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 她和家人在1949年回到了美国。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: There are design techniques to ensure that no glitches occur on the outputs during that brief period while those changes are rippling through the chain, but most systems are designed so that glitches during that brief transition time are ignored or are irrelevant. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 有确保在这些变化在沿着链传播这段短暂时期在输出上不出现glitch的技术,但是设计出的大多数系统都忽略在短暂的转移时间的冒险。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Cassivellaunus, a warlord from north of the Thames, had previously been at war with most of the British tribes. Assistant: 泰晤士河北边的一个军阀卡西维拉努斯,在这之前他曾对大多数不列颠部落发动过战争。 User: The figures represented are almost entirely collected by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) on behalf of UNESCO with 2015 estimates based on people aged 15 or over who can read and write. Assistant: 本世界各国识字率列表的资料大多来自于联合国教科文组织统计研究所(UIS)替联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)进行的调查,收集15岁以上能够读写的人口比率,若资料来自其他来源会提供注解。 User: At the end of 2017, the Chair of the Board Renate Pilz retired from the management of the company. Assistant: 2017年底,董事会主席Renate Pilz从公司管理层退休。 User: NGC 6974 was reported by Lord Rosse, but the position he gave lies in an empty region inside the main loop. Assistant: NGC 6974的报告是罗斯伯爵提出的,但是报告的主要位置是在环内空无一物的区域。 User: The final storm was Cyclone Kesiny, which killed 33 people when it struck Madagascar in the midst of a political crisis. Assistant: 作为本季最后一场风暴,气旋可辛尼吹袭了正处政治危机中的马达加斯加,夺走了33人的生命。 User: Several private institutions of higher learning are located within the city. Assistant: 教育质量较好的学校多位于德城区内。 User: The thermosphere contains traces of carbon dioxide and water, which may have been deposited from external sources such as meteorites and dust. Assistant: 热成层包含可以察觉到的二氧化碳和水,其来源可能来自外部,例如流星体和尘埃。 User: The Cover Feed served as the replacement home screen while using Facebook Home; it was used to view updates posted by others on Facebook in a full screen environment and access an application launcher. Assistant: 在使用Facebook Home时,封面动态(Cover Feed)取代了原本的主画面,使用者可在全萤幕环境中浏览其他用户张贴的状态更新,并可同时取用应用程序启动器。 User: Hermann Zapf's typeface Melior, published in 1952, uses superellipses for letters such as o. Assistant: 字体设计师赫尔曼·察普夫在1952年设计的Melior(英语:Melior)字体,利用超椭圆作为字母o的外形。 User: Until 1955, the Anglican Church of Canada was known as the "Church of England in the Dominion of Canada" or simply the "Church of England in Canada". Assistant: 直至1955年,加拿大圣公会还一直被称为加拿大自治领英国国教会(Church of England in the Dominion of Canada)。 User: Global wind power installations increased by 35,800 MW in 2010, bringing total installed capacity up to 194,400 MW, a 22.5% increase on the 158,700 MW installed at the end of 2009. Assistant: 在2010年,全球风力发电装置增加了35,800 MW,总装机容量达194,400 MW,和在2009年年底的158,700 MW的装机容量相比,增加22.5%。 User: Roa Bastos also broadcast Latin American programs at the invitation of the BBC and France's Ministry of Information. Assistant: 罗亚·巴斯托斯还在BBC和法国信息部的邀请下制作了许多关于拉丁美洲的广播节目。 User: The Citizen Card (Portuguese: Cartão de cidadão) or CC is an identity card issued by the Portuguese government to its citizens. Assistant: 葡萄牙护照(葡萄牙语:Passaporte português),是由葡萄牙共和国政府向其公民发出的旅行证件。 User: A portion of the original border partially survives as the border between the Republic of Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, making it one of the most stable borders in Europe. Assistant: 一部分边界持续保持至今成为立陶宛共和国与加里宁格勒地区边界,是欧洲历史上最稳固的国界线之一。 User: Studies on the matter are ambiguous, suggesting that most of this effect is due to the greater familiarity of serif typefaces. Assistant: 关于这个问题的研究是模棱两可的,这表明大多数这种影响是由于对衬线体的熟悉程度更高。 User: The most prominent feature of the boneclaw are its claws; its three, bony fingernails seem to grow and shrink randomly between two and ten feet long, and are razor sharp. Assistant: 宁玛派的教法传承,主要有三种:一远者经典传承,二近者埋藏传承,三甚深净境传承。 User: In response to the Protestants, Catholics developed a counter-image to depict the High Middle Ages in particular as a period of social and religious harmony, and not 'dark' at all. Assistant: 为了应对新教徒,罗马天主教廷发展了一个相反的形象,把那个时期描写成一个一点也不“黑暗”的,而是社会与宗教和谐共处的时期。 User: February 1 – American Civil War: Texas secedes from the Union. Assistant: 2月1日——美国南北战争:德克萨斯州宣布脱离美国。 User: It is the first Japanese missile system that uses a complete digitally controlled interface. Assistant: 它亦是第一款采用了完全数字控制界面的日本导弹系统。 User: The income of the Duchy of Lancaster accrues to the Duke of Lancaster, a title which has been held by the reigning monarch since 1413. Assistant: 兰开斯特公国的收入归兰开斯特公爵所有,这一爵位自1413年以来一直由在位君主拥有。 User: Unfortunately he is killed later in the novel. Assistant: 小说中后来遭到暗杀。 User: A record 100,000 birds are reported to pass the park during summer months every year, and the large geese population of the island is known to constitute the most abundant herbivores of the island. Assistant: 记录称100,000种鸟类每年夏季都会有鸟类途径此地,岛上数量众多的大型鹅构成了岛上最大的食草动物群。 User: In Kabbalistic theology, these letters remain the immanent spiritual forces that constantly recreate all existence. Assistant: 在卡巴拉理论中,这些字母依然保持了内在灵力,来不断地再造万物。 User: The main campus is relatively compact, being 104 acres (0.4 km2) in area, but includes fifty-four buildings, student residences and apartments capable of accommodating 80% of undergraduates, and various athletic facilities. Assistant: 主校区面积0.4平方公里(104英亩),54栋建筑及学生住所,可容纳80%的本科生及各种体育设施。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Holloway then introduces Burt, Anton, and Jane's performance, the "Disappearing Audience". Assistant: Holloway介绍Burt,Anton和Jane的节目, “消失的观众” 。 User: However, some newspapers disagreed. Assistant: 部分报纸给出了不同意见。 User: After arriving on Earth, he became Ultraman's chief rival and was eventually killed by him. Assistant: 抵达地球上后,成为魔超人的主要竞争对手,并最终被他杀死。 User: A topology is order consistent with respect to a certain order ≤ if it induces ≤ as its specialization order and it has the above property of inaccessibility with respect to (existing) suprema of directed sets in ≤. Assistant: 拓扑是关于特定次序≤是序相容的,如果它引发≤作为它的特殊化序,并且它有关于在≤中有向集合的(现存)上确界的不可到达性质。 User: In the long term, the greatest changes in the Solar System will come from changes in the Sun itself as it ages. Assistant: 长远来说,太阳系最大的改变将来自于太阳自身因衰老而带来的改变。 User: The Kiel Canal, connecting the North Sea with the Baltic Sea, is the most heavily used artificial seaway in the world reporting an average of 89 ships per day not including sporting boats and other small watercraft in 2009. Assistant: 而连接北海与波罗的海的基尔运河,是世界使用最频繁的人工航道,在2009年平均每天89船只使用(不包括运动艇和其他小型船只)。 User: Semen color is also influenced by the food we eat: foods that are high in sulfur, such as garlic, may result in a man producing yellow semen. Assistant: 精液颜色也会受男性食用食物而影响:例如食用含硫量高的食物(例如蒜)会使精液颜色变黄。 User: The symmetry of the controller also allows left-handed gamers to reverse the controls (similar to the Atari Lynx). Assistant: 而控制器因为其对称性还允许左撇子游戏玩家反转控制功能(类似于Atari Lynx)。 User: Henry Moseley, who identified atomic number as the nuclear charges. Assistant: 亨利·莫塞莱,发现核电荷数等于原子序数。 User: In 2010 Portugal had 10,572,721 inhabitants. Assistant: 2010年,葡萄牙有人口10,572,721人。 User: Only seasonally on the menu, asparagus dishes are advertised outside many restaurants, usually from late April to June. Assistant: 菜单只是季节性的,许多餐馆做芦笋菜肴广告,通常从四月下旬至六月。 User: In her free time she sings Beijing opera. Assistant: 在她的空闲时间时,她也会唱唱京剧。 User: The Navy reported the loss of 11 landing craft in the surf during World War II. Assistant: 海军报告称,二战期间在此损失11登陆艇。 User: Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment and critical earth system elements or processes such as the climate, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity. Assistant: 环境保护主义呼吁依法保护、恢复并改良自然环境,也可以说是控制污染或保护动植物多样性的运动。 User: When the Emirates Cup resumed in 2013, Turkish side Galatasaray earned nine points to finish top of the group, and a year later Valencia became the first Spanish winners of the tournament as the hosts lost their decisive game against Monaco. Assistant: 2013年,加拉塔萨雷在比赛中一共拿下九分,成为第一个夺得酋长杯的土耳其足球俱乐部,次年,巴伦西亚成为第一个赢得赛事冠军的西班牙足球俱乐部,东道主则在对阵摩纳哥的关键比赛中失利。 User: It also caused widespread mudslides, which closed at least eight roads. Assistant: 降水还引发大规模泥石流,造成至少8条道路封闭。 User: Their music combines elements of pop, rock, indie and punk together with lyrics in German. Assistant: 其音乐风格混合了流行、摇滚、朋克,结合德语歌词。 User: Originally, if a user opened an RDP (remote desktop) session to a server it would load the login screen from the server for the user. Assistant: 在最初,如果用户打开一个到服务器的RDP(远程桌面)连接,则服务器提供登录屏幕画面。 User: Berea College provides all students with full-tuition scholarships and many receive support for room and board as well. Assistant: 伯里亚学院为全体学生提供全额奖学金 ,许多学生同时也得到食宿补助。 User: According to the United Nations Development Report of 2009 Chile has high competitiveness, quality of life, political stability, globalization, economic freedom, low perception of corruption and comparatively low poverty rates. Assistant: 在拉美大环境下,智利拥有较高的竞争力和生活质量,具有稳定的政治环境,全球化的、自由的经济环境,以及较低的腐败感知和相对较低的贫困率。 User: Operetta and music halls became available, and new drama theatres such as the Moscow Art Theatre and the Suvorin Theatre in Russia opened. Assistant: 轻歌剧和公共音乐厅出现,俄罗斯开设了新的剧院,如莫斯科艺术剧院和俄罗斯苏沃林剧院。 User: Some historians also believe that Henry Warnell hid during the battle, although he may have been a courier who left before the battle began. Assistant: 一些历史学家认为Henry Warnell得以逃脱,但是他也可能作为通信员在此前就离开阿拉莫了。 User: Its name, derived from the Arabic Al-hamma, means fountains or baths. Assistant: 其名称来源于阿拉伯语 Al-hamma,意为喷泉或浴室。 User: Its 5,800 images, nested concentrically and taking advantage of very low-level sunlight, provided strong confirmation of the crater-on-crater, gently rolling contours of the lunar surface. Assistant: 它的5,800张影像,利用低角度阳光的长处和同轴嵌套,提供火山口对火山口的强烈对比,有效的呈现月球表面高低起伏的轮廓。 User: The Lancetani had to surrender. Assistant: 登兰德人只好投降。 User: As these names were published without an adequate description, they are both considered nomina nuda. Assistant: 由于这两个名称发表时都没有附带充分的描述,所以都为裸名。 User: Further operations were delayed until July when Montfort attempted the recapture of Quimper. Assistant: 行动被推迟到7月蒙福尔尝试夺回坎佩尔时。 User: The imperfect nature of the miRNA:miRNA* pairing also affects cleavage. Assistant: 由于RNA的不完全配对性质,miRNA:miRNA*双链体的配对程度也会影响切割 。 User: Producer Andrew A. Kosove suggested that Harrison Ford, who had starred in the original film, was unlikely to be involved. Assistant: 制片人安德鲁·科索夫(英语:Andrew Kosove)指出,前集的演员哈里逊·福特不大可能会参与其中。 User: Neither the military or security heads, including a Soviet army advisor, nor the local civic leaders, sought to prevent the aggression. Assistant: 不管是军方的负责人(包括一名苏联军队顾问)、公安部的负责人、还是当地的民间领袖,当时都没有试图阻止暴行。 User: He has played minor roles in several films. Assistant: 之后在几部电影中演出了几个小的角色。 User: The boys were expected to request the relationship, which was seen as a method to pass on knowledge and maintain loyalty on the battlefield. Assistant: 男孩被认为需要一位指导者,这种指导者被认为对于传递知识,以及在战场上保持忠诚都非常重要。 User: So they are relatively easy targets in which to establish attacker tools. Assistant: DokuWiki的安装很简单,预设提供配置工具。 User: The complaint form is available online or by phone (1-877-ID-THEFT). Assistant: 投诉表格可在线或通过电话(1-877-ID-THEFT)填报。 User: Vice-President Carlos García, who was on an official visit to Australia at the time, assumed the presidency to serve out the last eight months of Magsaysay's term. Assistant: 副总统卡洛斯·加西亚当时正式访问澳大利亚,接任麦格塞塞最后八个月的总统任期。 User: In the course of the 12th century, the non-Christian Pomeranians faced continuous pressure from their expanding Christian neighbours Denmark, Poland, and the Saxon dukes of the Holy Roman Empire. Assistant: 在12世纪,信仰异教的非基督徒的波美拉尼亚人面临着来自周围基督教徒邻居丹麦,波兰和神圣罗马帝国的萨克森公爵持续不断扩大的压力。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: In the above systems the causal system (Example 2) is stable because |z| > 0.5 contains the unit circle. Assistant: 在上述系统中因果系统(例2)是稳定的,因为 |z| > 0.5 包含单位圆。 User: Discussion groups sprang up at major universities which developed into organized and important independent groups, e.g., the "Sapha Na Dome" and "Sethatham" and the "SOTUS" group. Assistant: 在主要几间大学开始出现不少读书会以及重要的公民团体,如“Sapha Na Dome”、“Sethatham”,以及“SOTUS”等等。 User: The walls were also covered with 34 paintings representing mythologic or religious subjects, or representing trades. Assistant: 墙壁上布满了34幅神话、宗教或贸易题材的画作。 User: Apiata received his medal from Governor-General Anand Satyanand at a ceremony held at Government House, Wellington on 26 July 2007. Assistant: 阿皮雅塔于2007年7月26日在惠林顿总督府举办的一场仪式上从新西兰总督阿南德·萨蒂亚南德手中接过这枚勋章。 User: Makrai announced his decision in May 1413, allotting the entire northern bank, including Memel, to Lithuania. Assistant: Makra于1413年五月宣布将所有北方领土包含梅梅尔归于立陶宛。 User: President Emmanuel Macron said the hostage taking "appeared to be a terrorist act" and that he would return to Paris within hours to coordinate an official response. Assistant: 当时身在布鲁塞尔的法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙表示这次事件“似乎是一场恐怖袭击”,并且回应称他将在几小时内返回巴黎并给出正式的回应。 User: The only GUI the program ever displays is a window with a progress bar and mount options (cancel or skip verification) or an error report if it could not mount the image. Assistant: 这个程序所能显示的唯一一个GUI是一个有progress bar的窗口并列出一些选项(取消或跳过认证),当它不能列出映像时会显示一个错误报告。 User: The Establishment of the Moscow Foundling Home (Moscow Orphanage) was the first attempt at achieving that goal. Assistant: 建立莫斯科弃儿之家(莫斯科孤儿院(英语:Moscow Orphanage))就是实现这一目标的初尝试。 User: We could do our own thing and go at our own pace. Assistant: 我们决定分别过好属于自己的人生、在属于自己的路上走下去。 User: The foreign contingent helped to consolidate southern Vietnam and modernized its army, navy and fortifications. Assistant: 外国军队协助阮福映,巩固在越南南部的统治,将其军队现代化,并建造城堡。 User: Through most of 1601, he was supported directly by Tycho, who assigned him to analyzing planetary observations and writing a tract against Tycho's (by then deceased) rival, Ursus. Assistant: 差不多1601年一整年,他得到了第谷的直接资助,第谷安排他分析行星观测结果与编写反对第谷(此时第谷已过世)对手——乌尔苏斯的小册子。 User: He has two older brothers, Thomas Asbæk, an art consultant at Asbæk Art Consulting, and Martin Asbæk, a gallery owner at Martin Asbæk Gallery. Assistant: 他有两个哥哥,其中一个Thomas Asbæk位Asbæk艺术咨询公司的艺术顾问,另一位Martin Asbæk则是Martin Asbæk画廊的老板。 User: Every year, in the spring, elections are held for next year's staff. Assistant: 每年的春季选举选出下一年的工作人员。 User: He is currently dead. Assistant: 目前已经死亡。 User: The Chetniks were also known to persecute and murder non-Serbs and communist sympathizers. Assistant: 切特尼克也以迫害、杀害非塞族人和共产党及其支持者而被人熟知。 User: She then meets up with Prince Kaddar. Assistant: 后来他随同王师范降朱温。 User: Only an estimated 10% of the capital in Tajikistan moves through the banking system, and small businesses rarely borrow from banks. Assistant: 只有约一成资金流经银行系统,小型企业甚少从银行借款。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In the event of excessive loads on the Boeing 747 engines or engine pylons, the fuse pins holding the engine nacelle to the wing are designed to fracture cleanly, allowing the engine to fall away from the aircraft without damaging the wing or wing fuel tank. Assistant: 在过度负重的波音747发动机或发动机吊架上,连接发动机短舱及机翼的保险引脚设计可使发动机一旦脱落也不会损坏飞机机翼或机翼油箱。 User: During these visits, Maria developed an attraction to Nikolai Dmitrievich Demenkov, an officer of the day at the Tsar's Headquarters. Assistant: 在造访这里期间,玛丽亚受到沙皇指挥部的一名官员尼古拉·德米特里耶维奇·杰缅科夫所吸引。 User: Her young son, Henri, the Comte de Chambord, is said to have wept bitterly when his family left for Austria in 1832 as he had become very attached to Scotland. Assistant: 她的小儿子亨利,尚博尔伯爵,据说在1832年全家前往奥地利时曾经痛哭,因为他已经深受苏格兰吸引。 User: As of November 2017, all of the world's 500 most powerful supercomputers run Linux. Assistant: 截至2017年11月,世界前500台最强的超级计算机全部使用Linux。 User: Olivier paid his respects, and "stood and prayed for forgiveness for all the evils that had sprung up between us", before helping Merivale make funeral arrangements; Olivier stayed until her body was removed from the flat. Assistant: 奥利维尔表达了他的敬意,在帮助梅里韦尔处理葬礼的安排之前,“站在那里祈求原谅所有我们之间发生的不快。 User: The RSU and other Maoist organizations were banned in Andhra Pradesh, but in 2004 the state government lifted the ban to allow for peace talks. Assistant: 激进学生会和其他毛派组织在安得拉邦被取缔,但在2004年,州政府取消了禁令以允许和平谈判。 User: Albrecht Wilhelm Roth created the first such synonym, Commelina polygama, in 1790. Assistant: 例如,阿尔布莱希特·威廉·罗斯(英语:Albrecht Wilhelm Roth)在1790年发表了鸭跖草的第一个异名Commelina polygama。 User: B or b (pronounced /biː/ BEE) is the second letter of the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Assistant: B (音读 bee /ˈbiː/)是ISO基本拉丁字母(英语:ISO basic Latin alphabet)的第二个字母。 User: Thus, the Bahá'í teachings recognize the divine origin of several world religions as different stages of in the history of one religion, while believing that the revelation of Bahá'u'lláh is the most recent (though not the last—that there will never be a last), and therefore the most relevant to modern society. Assistant: 因此,巴哈伊教义承认许多世界宗教的神圣根源,把它们看作是同一宗教的不同历史阶段,并且相信巴哈欧拉的启示是最近的启示(并非最后一个,且永无最后一个),与现代社会最为息息相关。 User: Problems of asymmetric information and moral hazard, both based around information economics, profoundly affected modern economic dilemmas like executive stock options, insurance markets, and Third-World debt relief. Assistant: 信息不对称以及道德风险的问题都是以信息经济学为基础,深刻地影响了现代经济困境,像高管股票期权,保险市场,以及第三世界的债务减免。 User: König's first salvos fell short of her target, and so she shifted her fire to the nearest British ship, Tiger. Assistant: 国王号的第一次齐射未能命中其目标,于是转向距离更近的英国舰只——虎号开火。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: NGC 2536 is a barred spiral galaxy with a prominent inner ring structure encircling the bar in the constellation Cancer that is interacting with NGC 2535. Assistant: NGC 2536位于巨蟹座,是正与NGC 2535进行交互作用中的一个棒旋星系。 User: In the next two years, the same two groups showed that the congenital deficiency of a vWF-cleaving protease was associated with formation of platelet microthrombi in the small blood vessels. Assistant: 自接下来的两年,同样的两个团队证明了vWF裂解酶与小血管的血小板血栓生成相关。 User: The gasifier uses biomass fuels such as CCA or creosote impregnated waste wood and other kinds of recycled wood to produces syngas that is combusted on site. Assistant: 气化炉使用生物质燃料,例如CCA或杂酚油浸渍的废木材和其他类型的再循环木材,以产生在现场燃烧的合成气。 User: On September 10, 2012, at least 18 hours before the attack in Benghazi, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a video to coincide with the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in 2001, which called for attacks on Americans in Libya in order to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi in a drone strike in Pakistan in June 2012. Assistant: 2012年9月10日,离班加西攻击事件至少18小时前,基地组织领导人艾曼·扎瓦希里释出了一段与2001年911事件11周年相呼应的影片,片中号召穆斯林攻击在利比亚境内的美国人,以为基地组织利比亚分支领导人阿布·叶哈亚·里毕的死复仇(于2012年6月在巴基斯坦死于美国无人机的攻击)。 User: Service Control Manager (SCM) is a special system process under the Windows NT family of operating systems, which starts, stops and interacts with Windows service processes. Assistant: 服务控制管理器(Service Control Manager,简称SCM)是Windows NT操作系统中的特殊系统进程,其控制Windows服务进程的启动、停止和交互。 User: The Christian astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus (fourth century), after whom the crater is named. Assistant: 费尔米库斯·马特尔努斯(英语:Julius Firmicus Maternus),约活动于公元4世纪前后。 User: Stemming from these conflicting cultural views, between September 1935 and June 1939, numerous polemics were published in the magazine, discussing the best course of action for Indonesian cultural development. Assistant: 这些作家相互冲突的文化观念还令他们于1935年9月至1939年6月期间在杂志上开展多场论战,争论推动印尼文化建设的最佳办法。 User: The Diseases Database is a free website that provides information about the relationships between medical conditions, symptoms, and medications. Assistant: 疾病数据库(Diseases Database)是一个免费提供关于医学症状、症候或是药物资讯的网站。 User: Kissing the corpse on the forehead is typical among Italian Americans and others. Assistant: 亲吻已故人的前额在意大利裔美国人和其他人之间十分典型。 User: Leaching of bottle material There has been some concern over the question of whether plastic drinking containers can release chemicals or toxic components into water, a process possibly accelerated by heat. Assistant: 浸出瓶子材料 对于塑料饮用容器是否可以将化学品或有毒成分释放到水中这一问题存在一些担忧,这一过程可能会因加热而加速。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As with chemical weapons, the Biological and Chemical Defence Review Committee has since 1990 conducted annual site visits and inspections at CFB Suffield and elsewhere to verify that all remaining military activities involving biological warfare agents are purely defensive in nature. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:国会化学战和化学防务审查委员会自1990年以来每年进行实地考察和检查在萨菲尔德等前研究中心,以验证涉及生物战剂的所有军事活动的性质是纯粹的防御。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 They covered the war together in northeastern Aragon and in the southern Córdoba province. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 他们在阿拉贡东北部和科尔多瓦南部一起报道这场战争。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1928, Crowley was introduced to young Englishman Israel Regardie, who embraced Thelema and became Crowley's secretary for the next three years. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1928年,克劳利被介绍给了年轻的英国人伊斯雷尔·瑞格德(Israel Regardie),后者相信了泰勒玛并成为克劳利之后三年的秘书。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A number of countries in the region, including Turkey, Russia and Iran, called for the crisis to be resolved through peaceful negotiations. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 中东地区的其他一些国家以及土耳其,俄罗斯和伊朗,呼吁通过和平谈判解决危机。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Most professional organizations of global scope (see List of international professional associations) are located in the United States. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 实际上,大多数全球性专业组织(见国际专业协会名单)都位于美国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:First-generation biomass technologies can be economically competitive, but may still require deployment support to overcome public acceptance and small-scale issues. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第一代生物质能技术可以在经济上有竞争力,但是可能仍然需要部署支持,以克服公众的接受和小规模的问题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The largest concentration of Moravians today is in Tanzania. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 现在世界上摩拉维亚弟兄会最大的集中地位于坦桑尼亚。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Vice Media broadcasts two news programs on HBO. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Vice媒体目前在HBO上有两档新闻节目在播放。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While some are actually used by visiting tourists and resident scientists, the bulk are sold overseas to collectors. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其中除了少数真正被来访的游客和驻地的科学家使用外,大部分都被海外的邮票收藏者所购买。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Meanwhile, the Turkish National Movement had established another government in Ankara, proclaiming itself to be the sole government of the nation and rejecting the sultanate. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 其间,土耳其国民运动在安卡拉建立了另一个政府,宣布其为该国唯一的政府并反对苏丹的统治。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It was not until the late 1990s that Trident finally released a competitive chip, the TGUI-9880 (Blade3D). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 直到1990年代晚期,终于推出了一颗具竞争性的3D绘图加速芯片-TGUI9880 (Blade 3D)。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Material information itself cannot travel faster than light even if that information is transmitted indirectly. Assistant: 信息即使是以非直接的方式传播,信息的传播也不会比光速快。 User: From 2003 until 2005 she was minister-counselor at the Uzbek embassy in Moscow, and served as adviser to the minister of foreign affairs from 2005 to 2008. Assistant: 2003年至2005年,她成为乌兹别克驻俄罗斯大使馆公使衔参赞,2005年至2008年任外交部长的顾问。 User: Robert College is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools. Assistant: 罗伯特学院被纽约州独立学校协会认证。 User: The Taiwan Relations Act Affirmation and Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2014 (H.R. 3470) is a bill that would allow the sale of several Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates to Mexico, Thailand, and Taiwan. Assistant: 2014年阐明台湾关系法及海军舰艇移转法案(英语:Taiwan Relations Act Affirmation and Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2014),或称众院第3470号法案(H.R. 3470),是允许分别销售与转让派里级巡防舰予墨西哥、泰国和台湾的一项法案。 User: The famine, which claimed as many as one million lives, has been described as the result of the economic policies of the North Korean government and deliberate "terror-starvation". Assistant: 有指造成多达一百万人死亡的饥荒,被认为是朝鲜政府的经济政策所导致,而且被视为有意的“恐怖饥饿”。 User: Winchester has 11,500 residents in the park, with much smaller numbers for the other districts and boroughs. Assistant: 公园内有11,500名温切斯特居民,较其他地区和行政区都要少。 User: Other Kantians have not repeated Doyle's argument that all three in the triad must be present, instead stating that all three reduce the risk of war. Assistant: 其他的康德派则不一定认同所有三个条件都必须存在,而是会指出这三个条件都能够减少战争的风险。 User: Before beginning work on "The Bronze Horseman", Pushkin had read Mickiewicz's Forefathers' Eve (1823–32), which contains a poem entitled "To My Muscovite Friends", a thinly-veiled attack on Pushkin and Vasily Zhukovsky for their failure to join the radical Decembrist revolt of 1825. Assistant: 在创作《青铜骑士》之前,普希金也阅读了密茨凯维奇的先人祭 (1823–32),其中有首诗叫作《献给我莫斯科的朋友》,不加掩饰地批评了普希金和 茹科夫斯基,因为两人没有参加1825年的十二月党人起义。 User: The gyroscopes were intended to be so free from disturbance that they would provide a near-perfect space-time reference system. Assistant: 这些陀螺仪远离一切可能的扰动,从而提供了一个近于完美的时空参考系。 User: A third specimen is MFSN 25161, a partial skull, lacking the lower jaws. Assistant: 第三个标本(编号MFSN 25161)是一个部分头颅骨,缺乏下颌。 User: When allowed by law, abortion in the developed world is one of the safest procedures in medicine. Assistant: 在已开发国家,合法的堕胎为医学上最安全的程序之一。 User: I would see, over and over again, that some of these people had been arrested for crimes that were mentioned in these reports. Assistant: 近年来,不少人士因涉及上述罪行而被逮捕。 User: It allows for an assessment of the degree of disability, although it is not a measurement instrument. Assistant: 另外,ICF允许透过评估的方式来判断障碍程度,但它并不是一项测量工具。 User: He fails in the attempt, and is presumably sent to Hell. Assistant: 另外,他喜好仙道,曾经尝试能否在空中飞翔。 User: The game also features night missions, in which the player can remove light sources to hide their presence. Assistant: 游戏还有夜间任务,玩家可以设法关闭光源隐藏自己。 User: For additional equipment, it has an anchor rail. Assistant: 企业拥有铁路专用线,与安李铁路相连。 User: If not, violence will likely continue or worsen. Assistant: 如果情况继续恶化的话,将可能发生暴动。 User: There are only two cosets: the set of even integers and the set of odd integers; therefore, the quotient group Z/2Z is the cyclic group with two elements. Assistant: 只有两个陪集:偶数的集合和奇数的集合;因此商群Z/2Z是两个元素的循环群。 User: Since the Solar Wind is its main driver, solar flares effects can be traced with the instruments aboard Wind. Assistant: 由于太阳风是其主要的驱动力,因此太阳风探测器携带的仪器可以追溯太阳闪焰的影响。 User: In 1996, Arkin married psychotherapist Suzanne Newlander. Assistant: 1996年,阿金娶了一位心理治疗师苏珊尼·纽兰德。 User: This can be done through the use of the soundtrack, camera angles, heavy shadows, and surprising plot twists. Assistant: 这可以借助于使用音乐、摄影机角度、重阴影和令人惊讶的大逆转。 User: It had been thought that NGC 2808, like typical globular clusters, contains only one generation of stars formed simultaneously from the same material. Assistant: 一直以来都认为NGC 2808是个典型的球状星团,只有由相同材料在相同时间形成的一代恒星。 User: The Federal Ministry for Atomic Issues was established in 1955, concentrating on research in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Assistant: 联邦教育及研究部的前身是1955年成立的联邦原子部,负责研究核能源的和平使用。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Bedford married his second wife, Ruby McLagan, in 1920. Assistant: 1920年贝德福德娶了他的第二任妻子,Ruby McLagan。 User: Restrictive cultures overtly discourage sexual activity in unmarried adolescents or until an adolescent undergoes a formal rite of passage. Assistant: 拘束的性文化显然会阻碍未婚青少年的性活动,并可能持续至青少年接受正式的通过仪礼为止。 User: From 1953 to 1957, though every effort was made to decipher the microphotograph, the FBI was unable to solve the mystery. Assistant: 在1953到1957年,花尽了所有力气和方法,联邦调查局都无法解码这个显微照片之谜。 User: The Federalists fought back and Congress rejected the Jefferson–Madison counter-proposals. Assistant: 联邦党人反击,国会拒绝了杰斐逊-麦迪逊的对应建议。 User: Heads: Pivot and follow some detectable phenomena, such as a light (These are popular in the BEAM community. Assistant: 头颅:枢纽并伴随着一些可以测量到的现象,比如光(这在BEAM社区中非常流行。 User: There are 172 species of birds, including four species of hummingbird, broad-winged hawks, yellow-crowned night herons, and the brown trembler. Assistant: 岛上有172种鸟类,其中主要包括4种蜂鸟、宽翅鹰、黄冠夜鹭和棕色震颤鸟。 User: In April 2006, Hitachi announced plans for a modern paternoster-style elevator with computer-controlled cars and standard elevator doors to alleviate safety concerns. Assistant: 2006年4月,日立公司宣布,计划推出一种带有电脑控制车厢和标准电梯门的现代帕特诺斯特式电梯,以缓解安全隐患。 User: She has over 60 published articles. Assistant: 她撰写的论文有60余篇。 User: Resides in Europe. Assistant: 现居住于欧洲。 User: At around 03:00, British destroyers conducted a series of attacks against the fleet, some of which targeted Hannover. Assistant: 大约03:00左右,英国驱逐舰对舰队进行了一系列攻击,其中一些是针对汉诺威号。 User: He explained that the location of the sculpture is meant to emphasize that "repression could happen anyplace". Assistant: 他解释说,将纪念碑建立在这一个位置是要提醒人们“镇压可能发生在任何地方”。 User: None of the wildlife found in the game pose any direct threat to the player. Assistant: 游戏中的野生动物不会对玩家构成任何直接的威胁。 User: She is a NASA Early Career Fellow. Assistant: 他是比盖兹大一年的原NASA职员前辈。 User: A stellar occultation by Galatea was observed on September 8, 1987. Assistant: 曾经有一次巫女星掩星在1987年9月8日被观测到。 User: The wars had also greatly changed the course of daily life. Assistant: 战争也极大地改变了日常生活。 User: In November 2010, Ford said that he and Spielberg were waiting for Lucas to present an idea to them. Assistant: 2010年11月,哈里森·福特说,他和斯皮尔伯格在等待卢卡斯为他们展示一个想法。 User: The law suggests a registered club should have minimum 7 members. Assistant: 该法律还提出注册俱乐部应具有至少7名会员。 User: He succeeded Vincent Auriol as President on 16 January 1954. Assistant: 1954年1月16日接替樊尚·奥里奥尔出任总统。 User: In the upcoming legislative session, the major question was expected to be the Cincinnati Southern Railway's request for authorization to build a track connecting Cincinnati, Ohio, with either Knoxville or Chattanooga, Tennessee, through Central Kentucky. Assistant: 这届立法会议面临的一个主题问题是辛辛那提南方铁路请求获得授权,建设一条从俄亥俄州辛辛那提穿过中肯塔基州连接田纳西州诺克斯维尔或查塔努加的铁路。 User: It is estimated that each year at least one million children, mostly girls, become prostitutes. Assistant: 估计每年至少有一百万名儿童开始儿童卖淫,其中大部分是雏妓。 User: The series eventually ran to 15 volumes. Assistant: 其后史官随类增至十五卷。 User: Retroactive application of the fused grid model can be seen in the centres of old European cities, such as Munich, Essen, and Freiburg and in newer railway towns or suburbs such as Vauban, Freiburg and Houten in the Netherlands. Assistant: 从历史来看,融合型路网模型的追溯性案例可以在欧洲古老城市的市中心见到,比如慕尼黑,Essen和Freiburg,以及在一些较新的火车城镇或者郊区,比如Vauban, Freiburg以及荷兰的Houten。 User: On September 21, 2001, a North American tour was announced that kicked off exactly two months later after various dates were postponed. Assistant: 2001年9月21日,巡演的北美场次全部向后推迟两个月。 User: The loss of soil from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage networks. Assistant: 农田土壤的损失可能反映在减少作物生产潜力,降低地表水质和破坏排水网络。 User: It can also refer to a period in which fragmentary or external historical documents, not necessarily including a developed writing system, have been found. Assistant: 原史时代同样可以指一个文明的某些不完整的或外部的历史记载(不一定包括一个完整的书写系统)被发现的时期。 User: The tower is on the west bank of the Tamar river, on a solid dolerite rock base which carries 78% of the weight of the main span. Assistant: 桥塔位于塔马尔河西岸,塔基建在牢固的辉绿岩(英语:Diabase)之上,承担了78%的主跨重量。 User: It seems most likely these are due to other effects, with the report mentioning uncertainties in the precise beam shape and other possible small remaining instrumental and analysis issues. Assistant: 这些似乎极可能源自于其他影响,报告中曾提及精确光束的不确定性及其他存在于仪器中的微小误差。 User: The corridor lets them traverse the distance in minutes. Assistant: 通过闸口后便直接进入月台范围。 User: Ecotourism and agriculture, paired with greater investments in education, health, and private enterprise, are key elements of Madagascar's development strategy. Assistant: 生态旅游和农业是该国的支柱产业,对教育、卫生和民营企业提供更多投资则都是马达加斯加发展战略的关键要素。 User: Franz Cumont argued that it isn't; Marvin Meyer thinks it is; while Hans Dieter Betz sees it as a synthesis of Greek, Egyptian, and Mithraic traditions. Assistant: 弗朗茨·库蒙(英语:Franz Cumont)则表明说这(文本)不是; 马文·迈耶(英语:Marvin Meyer)(Marvin Meyer)却认为这(文本)是;而汉斯·迪特尔·贝茨则将其视为希腊、埃及,以及密特拉密教传统的综合。 User: In 2009, Verpakovskis had to extend his contract with Dynamo Kiev for two years and the Greek Super League club Ergotelis signed him on a two-year loan. Assistant: 2009年,维尔帕科夫斯基斯与基辅迪纳摩续约两年,与此同时来自希腊的埃尔格特利斯俱乐部也和他签订了一份为期两年的租约。 User: After the third course of treatment, 17.8% of the remaining 310 participants remitted. Assistant: 第三疗程之后,310名参与者中17.8%的人症状减轻。 User: In May 2016, NVIDIA unveiled in-game screen capture software with professional features that would allow the average person to achieve the art quality of professional game photographers. Assistant: 2016年5月,NVIDIA推出了具备专业功能的游戏中屏幕捕获软件,ANSEL,使得普通人也能够实现专业游戏摄影师的艺术品质。 User: While fewer than four percent of Bangladeshis overall had higher educational background, nearly 30% of Bangladeshis in Japan had graduated from secondary schools. Assistant: 虽然只有不到4%的孟加拉国人具有较高的教育背景,但近30%的在日孟加拉国人中学毕业。 User: The first placebo-controlled trial was probably conducted in 1931, when sanocrysin was compared with distilled water for the treatment of tuberculosis. Assistant: 第一次的安慰剂对照实验可能是在1931年开始的,当时用sanocrysin治疗结核病,以蒸馏水安慰剂比较其效果。 User: Finger said that he was also inspired by an image in Steeplechase Park at Coney Island that resembled a Joker's head, which he sketched and later shared with future editorial director Carmine Infantino. Assistant: 芬格说他的灵感来源于科尼岛越野障碍赛马公园的一幅肖像,该肖像像一个小丑的头像,并在后来与未来的总编卡麦英凡提诺一起将其勾画出来。 User: At the start of the war, three-fourths of the Red Army officer corps was composed of former Tsarist officers. Assistant: 战争开始之际,四分之三的红军军官由前沙皇时期的军官组成。 User: The entire structure measures 19.57 meters long by 8.40 meters wide, standing to a height of 19.21 meters. Assistant: 整个建筑长19.57米,宽8.40米,高19.21米。 User: After numerous deaths in football stadiums, Brazil passed a law in 2003 outlawing alcohol sales in stadiums. Assistant: 鉴于发生过众多在体育馆内致人死亡案件,巴西2003年通过一项禁止在体育场馆内销售酒精。 User: Following his removal, Franz wrote two books that related his personal experiences with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and his views on Jehovah's Witnesses teachings. Assistant: 脱教以后,法兰斯撰写了两本书,内容关于他在守望台圣经书社的经验和他对耶和华见证人的教条的看法。 User: Moving groups were studied intensely by Olin Eggen in the 1960s. Assistant: 对移动星群的研究始于1960年代的Olin Eggen。 User: She bore seven names and was described as seven witches in incantations. Assistant: 她有七个名字,说成七巫婆。 User: In March 1927, Sousa Mendes was assigned to serve as the Consul in Vigo in Spain, where he helped the military dictatorship neutralize political refugees. Assistant: 1927年3月,他来到西班牙维戈担任使馆领事,并帮助西班牙新政权中立了反对派。 User: The donation is said to be connected with an event in his family. Assistant: 画作的捐赠被认为与其家族中的事件有关。 User: There has been controversy over whether the team represents the Republic of Ireland or the entire island of Ireland, which comprises both the Republic and Northern Ireland. Assistant: 这个队伍的争议在于是代表爱尔兰共和国还是整个爱尔兰岛,包含共和国与北爱尔兰。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: In 1983, opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr. was assassinated at the Manila International Airport upon his return to the Philippines after a long period of exile. Assistant: 1983年,反对派领导人小贝尼格诺·阿基诺在长时间流亡返回菲律宾之时,于菲律宾国际机场被暗杀。 User: The Wechloy campus, also first opened in 1982, is home to the studies of natural sciences as well as the library of natural sciences. Assistant: Wechloy校园,在1982启用,是自然科学,以及自然科学图书馆的家。 User: Bowdler's first published work was Letters Written in Holland in the Months of September and October 1787 (1788), which gave his eye-witness account of the Patriots' uprising. Assistant: 鲍德勒首部出版的作品是作为荷兰爱国者运动(英语:Patriottentijd)目击者而于1788年出版的《1787年九月与十月荷兰通信集》。 User: The fire also caused the collapse of the dome. Assistant: 大火也导致穹顶倒塌。 User: It won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting. Assistant: 它赢得了2014年的普利策奖——普利策调查性报道奖。 User: Macri announced that the city would take over the underground on 13 November 2012. Assistant: 马克里宣布布宜诺斯艾利斯市将于2012年11月13日接管地铁系统。 User: I don't know why I wandered out to this part of Texas drunk, and you took me in and pitied me and helped me to straighten out, marry me. Assistant: 我搞不懂为啥我会醉倒在这里,而你又收留我可怜我帮助我重新站起来,还和我结婚。 User: Furthermore, intellectual property of the inventions belongs to the inventor and not the employer. Assistant: 而且发明的知识产权归发明者而非雇主所有。 User: In addition to the old high rents, taxes, and interest rates, the average citizen was faced with cash payments for new taxes, military conscription, and tuition charges for the newly introduced compulsory education. Assistant: 除了旧的高租金、税金和利率之外,一般公民还面临着新的现金支出,如地租改正、征兵制的实施,及新引进义务教育的学费。 User: When King Solomon married the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh, a sandbank formed which eventually formed the "great nation of Rome" – the nation that destroyed the Second Temple (Herod's Temple). Assistant: 当所罗门王娶了埃及法老的女儿,一个沙岸就形成了并最终成为罗马帝国 -- 该帝国摧毁了第二圣殿。 User: The Award began in 1985 as the "Hong Kong Outstanding Female Students Award", which only accepted applications from female students; it was opened to male students in 1987. Assistant: 该奖项始于1985年的“香港杰出女学生奖”,只接受女学生的申请。 User: M. l. leucopterus inhabits similar habitats on Dirk Hartog Island and M. l. edouardi does the same on Barrow Island. Assistant: M. l. leucopterus亚种栖息于德克哈托格岛上相似的地方,而M. l. edouardi亚种也同样如此。 User: He also ridiculed Kilgore, who had strong support from the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Rural Electric Association, and the Farm Bureau, by calling him a "Casanova". Assistant: 约翰逊还嘲讽拥有《路易斯维尔信使日报》、农村电力协会和农业局强大支持的基尔戈,称他是“卡萨诺瓦”。 User: While the first Wikipedia administrators were appointed by Jimmy Wales in October 2001, administrator privileges on Wikipedia are now granted through a process known as requests for adminship (RfA). Assistant: 维基百科的管理员最早是由吉米·威尔士本人在2001年10月委任的,而目前维基百科的管理员权限需通过申请成为管理员的过程授予(requests for adminship,简称RFA)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The next five-year plan set a goal of improving energy intensity by 16%. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:十二五规划设定了能耗强度提升16%的目标。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Petrified wood is common in some parts of the world, and is most frequently found in arid or desert areas where it is more readily exposed by erosion. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 石化木普遍存在于世界的部分地区,且最常在酸性及沙漠地区中所发现,因为那些地方很容易因侵蚀作用而暴露。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The sanitation facilities are being improved. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这类服务设施的卫生条件有了改善。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 His fighting clothing is similar to what master martial artists wore. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 其彩衣设计与约翰摩亚练马师赛马团体相同。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The phone does not have a front-facing camera or a digital compass. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 手机并没有前置摄像头或数字指南针。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Mughals attempted to retake the city in 1651 but the arrival of winter forced them to suspend the siege. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 但在1651年莫卧儿军队于1651年试图夺回这座城市,但冬季的到来迫使他们暂停围攻。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This outflow, according to theorists, is caused by an inability for cities in richer nations to find a productive niche in the increasingly international economic system. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据理论家们说,这种外流是由于富裕国家的城市无法在日益增长的国际经济体系中找到富有成效的利基市场。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: How to Advertise and Promote Your Small Business. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:帮助与拥护小型商业活动。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: But you have not lost horns. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 但是她们并没有马蹄形的轨道。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first attempt to regain power from the Bolsheviks was made by the Kerensky-Krasnov uprising in October 1917. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 最初从布尔什维克手中夺回政权的尝试是1917年10月发动的克伦斯基-克拉斯诺夫起义。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Americans are not always aware of this. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是当时美国人不知道这件事。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: According to Elon Musk, the complexity of the development work and the regulatory requirements for launching from Cape Canaveral contributed to the delay. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 伊隆·马斯克表示,开发工作的复杂性以及从卡纳维拉尔角发射要满足的规章要求共同造成了这次推迟。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A gentlemen's agreement or gentleman's agreement is an informal and legally non-binding agreement between two or more parties. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 君子协定是适用于立案双方或多方间一种非正式及无强制约束效力之协定。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, on 3 May 2007, Koeman announced his immediate resignation due to motivational problems, after a troublesome season, where Feyenoord eventually finished seventh. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,在2007年5月3日,科曼宣布,他因成绩不佳而作出请辞,该季球队最终只名列第七。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The initiate would often be blindfolded, and the mystagogue would literally "guide" him into the sacred space. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 这入教者通常都是被蒙上眼睛的,并且秘法家会照字面地(literally)“引导”着他进入神圣的空间。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As Mary halts Brenda's infection using an enzyme cure, Mary explains that the enzyme can only be harvested from an Immune's body, not manufactured, and that arguments over the methods of manufacturing the cure with Ava led to Mary's departure from WCKD. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:当玛丽以酶治疗布兰达的感染时,她解释指这种酶只能从免疫的身体中收集,而不能制造出来,此治愈方法让她与艾娃·佩吉争论起来,结果导致玛丽离开W.C.K.D.。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Rather, a zone may be entirely logical and is arbitrarily defined by the network administrator. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 相反,一个区域可能是完全合乎逻辑的,是由网络管理员任意定义。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The radio installation was either the VHF TR.1133 or TR.1143 fitted with the "Rebecca" beam approach equipment. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:电台为搭载了“瑞贝卡”盲进场信标系统的VHF TR.1133或者TR.1143。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: An example of salt weathering can be seen in the honeycombed stones in sea walls. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:盐风化的例子亦可以在海堤上的蜂窝石(honeycombed stones)找到。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Due to Iceland's limited currency, the government has explored the possibility of adopting the euro without joining the European Union. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由于冰岛本身的货币有限,因此政府考虑不加入欧盟但是采纳欧元的可能性。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 It is rumored that Mazarin's niece, Marie Mancini, a mistress of Louis XIV of France, is also portrayed on the facade, in the central female mascaron. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:有传言说,马萨林的侄女玛丽·曼奇尼,路易十四的情妇,也出现在圣堂的立面上。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In 1909 and 1910 travelled to Inner Mongolia and the Ordos area. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1909年和1910年,前往内蒙古和鄂尔多斯地区。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the summer of 2006, a close friend of the band, Larry Clark, officially joined on vocals and changed their name to We Came as Romans. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2006年的夏天,乐团的友人Larry Clark正式加入乐团,成为新主唱,乐团正式更名为We Came as Romans。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 See Alaska boundary dispute; Pig War. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 参见:阿拉斯加州边界争议(英语:Alaska boundary dispute)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the age of nine, Gilman was discovered by Ray Benson of Asleep at the Wheel, who helped him record demos. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在9岁时,被Asleep at the Wheel乐队的Ray Benson发现并帮助其录制了一些小样。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The main campus is south of the city centre, adjacent to Victoria Park. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 主校区位于市中心以南,与维多利亚公园相邻。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Fran Lewine of the Associated Press wrote that no First Lady had ever undertaken a "mercy mission" resulting in such "diplomatic side effects". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 美联社的弗兰·勒万(Fran Lewine)指出,还没有任何一位第一夫人像帕特这样怀抱着“仁慈的使命”成就而如此惊人的外交效果。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Both of them love her very much. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:每个人都会非常想念她。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: If mean subtraction is not performed, the first principal component might instead correspond more or less to the mean of the data. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:如果不执行平均减法,第一主成分有可能或多或少的对应于数据的平均值。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While some members of the group (most notably Thompson) left the party after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the common points of British Marxist historiography continued in their works. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 虽然该集团的一些成员(最突出的是汤普森)在1956年匈牙利革命后离开了党,但英国马克思主义史学的共同点仍然延续在他们的著作中。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Abloh met his wife, Shannon Sundberg, in high school. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 阿伯拉赫与他的妻子香农·桑德伯格(Shannon Sundberg)于高中时相识,两人在2009年结婚。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: IL-1 has a major role in neuroinflammation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: IL-1在神经炎症中扮演重要角色。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Nvidia claims a 128 CUDA core SMM has 90% of the performance of a 192 CUDA core SMX. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: NVIDIA称128个CUDA核心的SMM可以达到192个CUDA核心的SMX的90%的效能。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The expedition crew was composed of a Russian, American and Canadian who were operating off the Russian research ship Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 探险队员由美国,法国以及俄罗斯人组成,他们搭乘克尔德什院士号(英语:Akademik Mstislav Keldysh)研究船前往。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This form of the Euler equations is useful for rotation-symmetric objects that allow some of the principal axes of rotation to be chosen freely. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这个形式的欧拉方程对于有旋转对称性的物体很有用,因为有些主轴的选取是自由的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Given the stigmatisation of victims and their isolation or fear thereof, they might prefer to remain silent with regard to the violations they have suffered. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 考虑到对污名化和孤立的恐惧,受害者可能更倾向于对自己所遭受的暴力保持沉默。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ndwandwe Mthethwa The Mthethwa Paramountcy, sometimes referred to as the Mtetwa or Mthethwa Empire, was a Southern African state that arose in the 18th century south of Delagoa Bay and inland in eastern southern Africa. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:穆提特瓦(英语:Mthethwa),有时被称为穆提特瓦帝国,是18世纪兴起于非洲东南部马普托湾南方与邻近内陆的国家。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She was hired after Michaels saw her photographs of Las Vegas and other work. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 迈克尔斯在看到她拍摄的拉斯维加斯等摄影作品后决定聘用她。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: To the relief of the royals, the two sets of soldiers were reconciled by his charismatic mediation and a tenuous peace was established within the palace. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 两队士兵在他富有魅力的调停下和解了,皇室得救了,脆弱的和平在王宫里得以建立。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In 1874, on the formation of Assam as the Chief Commissioner's Province, it was chosen as the headquarters of the new administration because of its convenient location between the Brahmaputra and Surma valleys and more so because the climate of Shillong was much cooler than tropical India. Assistant: 1874年,阿萨姆省成为了最高专员省(Chief Commissioner's Province),该省首府便设在西隆,因为其不但有位于布拉马普特拉河及苏尔马河(Surma River)谷地之间的便利位置,而且其气候也较热带印度更加凉爽。 User: His wife, Katherine, died in 1964. Assistant: 他的妻子凯瑟琳于1964年去世。 User: Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy, and Man Ray created the film Ballet Mécanique (1924), sometimes described as Dadaist, Cubist, or Futurist. Assistant: 费尔南·莱热、达德利·墨菲(英语:Dudley Murphy)和曼·雷制作的影片《芭蕾职业(英语:Ballet Mécanique)》(1924),有时被描述为达达主义、立体主义或者未来主义。 User: RPF is often incorrectly defined as Reverse Path Filtering, particularly when it comes to unicast routing. Assistant: RPF通常被错误地定义为反向路径过滤,特别是当涉及单播路由。 User: During the Cold War, North Korea aligned with the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. Assistant: 冷战期间,北韩与苏联及中华人民共和国站在同一阵线。 User: In 1847 the rest of the Diocese of Australia was divided into the four separate dioceses of Sydney, Adelaide, Newcastle and Melbourne. Assistant: 1847年,澳洲圣公会教区被划分为雪梨、阿德莱德、纽卡素和墨尔本四个教区。 User: The convention and the press coverage it generated, however, cast a harsh light on Atlantic City, which by then was in the midst of a long period of economic decline. Assistant: 其产生了大会和新闻报导,对大西洋城当时正处于经济长期衰退期间来说,造成了严厉的目光。 User: It seems that promises and call-streams were never implemented in any public release of Argus, the programming language used in the Liskov and Shrira paper. Assistant: 似乎promise和call-stream从未在Argus的任何公开发布中实现, Liskov和Shrira论文中使用的编程语言。 User: Leszek II traveled to Hungary to ask for help. Assistant: 莱谢克二世前往匈牙利寻求帮助。 User: Suppose one wanted to investigate the abortion – breast cancer hypothesis, which postulates a causal link between induced abortion and the incidence of breast cancer. Assistant: 假设有研究者在研究堕胎-乳癌假说(英语:abortion – breast cancer hypothesis),其中认为堕胎和乳癌之间有因果关系。 User: He shall carry out whatever He wishes, with permission from His Lord. Assistant: 然彼非欲,于彼贪著者,是名为欲。 User: In 1989, Nauru took legal action against Australia in the International Court of Justice over Australia's administration of the island, in particular Australia's failure to remedy the environmental damage caused by phosphate mining. Assistant: 1989年,诺鲁向国际法院对澳大利亚作出法律行动,指控澳洲政府管治期间未能尽力保护环境,减低采矿带来的环境破坏。 User: It has influenced various music genres, such as American country and roots music, and to some extent modern rock. Assistant: 它影响了各种音乐种类,例如美国乡村和根源音乐,并在一定程度上影响现代摇滚。 User: Crime Alley is also where Dr. Leslie Thompkins maintains her clinic. Assistant: 犯罪巷也是莱丝莉·汤普金斯(英语:Leslie Thompkins)医生运营其诊所的地方。 User: Pure hydrogen-oxygen flames burn in the ultraviolet color range and are nearly invisible to the naked eye, so a flame detector is needed to detect if a hydrogen leak is burning. Assistant: 因为纯的氢-氧燃烧火焰是在肉眼几乎看不见的紫外线的色彩范围,所以如果氢气泄漏在燃烧,需要火焰探测器才能检测到。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Gabon's first political party, the Jeunesse Gabonais, was founded around 1922. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 加蓬的第一个政党,青年加蓬,大约于1922年成立。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Trilinear filtering, though somewhat more complex, can make this transition smooth throughout. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 三线性过滤尽管比较复杂,但是可以使得过渡非常平滑。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She shares her discovery with WCKD's leader, Ava Paige, both agreeing that they must find Thomas. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 德瑞莎跟W.C.K.D.的艾娃·佩吉分享了她的发现,两人都同意他们必须找到汤玛士。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The yuan was equivalent to 7 mace and 2 candareens (or 0.72 tael) and, for a time, coins were marked as such in English. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1元相当于7钱2分(或0.72两)银,并且在那时硬币被这样用英语标记。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: An Interior Ministry spokesman announced that the Ministry wished first to "establish a dialogue" with the suspects. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,该部发言人表示希望率先与嫌犯“建立对话”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:According to the press conference at Comic-Con 2009, a new vehicle appears called a "Light Runner," a two-seat version of the light cycle. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2009年动漫展的记者会,发表名为“光速四驱车”(Light Runner)的双人座版本的光轮新车。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: LCC reported the deaths of 70 people were killed, including 17 in Idlib. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 LCC报道,70人被部队所杀,其中17人死于伊德利卜。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The ad, intended for a 40-foot billboard Clear Channel manages in Times Square, was to have the slogan, "Democracy is best taught by example, not by war," along with a red, white and blue cartoon image of a bomb. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这个广告原本预计刊登在时代广场上清晰频道拥有的大型看板,广告标语是“传递民主的最佳方式是树立典范,而不是战争”,旁边搭配红、白、蓝三色的炸弹卡通图案。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The indigenous people that reside in the city's outskirts are generally practicing Christians. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 居住在市郊的非马来土着通常都是基督教徒。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:SF Weekly called it the "Best Old-School Arcade" for 2011. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 在2011年,雪菲尔被《泰晤士高等教育》评为年度最佳大学。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As the Cold War developed and the Guatemalan government clashed with U.S. corporations on an increasing number of issues, the U.S. government grew increasingly suspicious of the Guatemalan Revolution. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 随着冷战的不断发展以及危地马拉政府和美国企业就日益增多的问题产生冲突,美国政府不断怀疑危地马拉要革命。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Two languages are spoken in Haiti. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 海地有两种语言。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ofsted Inspection Report, Ofsted. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 检送图表请核办到部。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Core Data provides undo, redo and save functions for developers without them having to write any code. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Core Data 为开发人员提供撤销,重复以及保存例程,同时他们不用为此编写任何代码。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The 1962 Men's World Weightlifting Championships were held in Budapest, Hungary from September 16 to September 22, 1962. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1962年世界举重锦标赛于1962年9月16日至9月22日举办于匈牙利布达佩斯。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 She is now an independently elected member of the Board. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他是委员会的无表决权的成员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The 2013 World Congress of Philosophy is organized by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies in collaboration with the Greek Philosophical Society. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 由国际哲学社会联合会(英语:International Federation of Philosophical Societies)与希腊哲学学会(Greek Philosophical Society)合作举办。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This results in such an intense outward energy flux that convective energy transfer become more important than does radiative transfer. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这就产生强大向外的能量通量,对流的能量传递变得比辐射转移更为重要。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During the 1960s, '70s and '80s, many units were sold in countries such as Spain (as SEAT 600), where it became the icon of the Spanish miracle, Argentina, where it was nicknamed Fitito (a diminutive of FIAT) and former Yugoslavia where it was nicknamed Fića (pronounced ). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在1960、70和80年代,此车款在多个国家颇受欢迎,例如在阿根廷,它被称为“菲蒂托”(Fitito;Fiat的简称)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1781 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) and a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (LRCP), but did not continue to practice medicine. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 1781年,他获选为皇家学会会员(FRS)与伦敦皇家内科医学院成员(LRCP),不过他再没有继续从事医学实践,而是致力于监狱改革的事业。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Both President George Washington and Vice President John Adams attended the college's commencement on May 6, 1789, as a tribute of honor to the many alumni of the school who had been involved in the American Revolution. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1789年5月6日,乔治·华盛顿总统与约翰·亚当斯副总统参加了哥伦比亚学院的毕业典礼,以表彰那些参与了美国革命的校友们。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The design remained unchanged until 1830 when the Prussian military advisers appointed by the sultan made a few minor improvements, standardising the weapons in order to improve efficiency. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1830年,由苏丹指派的普鲁士军事顾问们为了提高效率而对奥斯曼榴弹炮做了一些较小的改进,使得这些武器标准化了。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Tennis Magazine ranked it the third Greatest tennis season of the Open Era, behind Roger Federer's 2006 and Rod Laver's 1969. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 《网球杂志》将乔科维奇这一赛季评为网球公开化年代以来,第三个最伟大的赛季,排在费德勒2006年赛季和罗德·拉沃的1969年赛季之后。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On New Year's Day in 1912, and the following weeks, Nerman and some of his Swedish friends went to Germany to follow Karl Liebknecht during his election campaign. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1912年元旦和接下来的几周里,尼曼与其友人在德国选举期间,前往德国跟随卡尔‧李卜克内西。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The police later reported some of the bottles of purchased liquor were also missing. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 警方后来报告说,一些她买的饮料的瓶子也不见了。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In pre-modern Mecca the most common sports were impromptu wrestling and foot races. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 在前现代时期的麦加,最普遍的运动是即席摔角和赛跑。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This facility is used mostly for real-time applications, such as video streaming. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这一机制最常被用在实时应用中,比如视频流。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The school was founded in Milan in 1935 by the tailor Giulio Marangoni, and became a Scuola Professionale Artistica or "professional art school" in 1942. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1935年,由意大利时装设计师 Giulio Marangoni 在米兰创立,1942年,成为一所“专业艺术学校”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On the subreddit, users' times and the subsequent flair colors became status symbols. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在 subreddit上,用户的时间和随后的天赋颜色成为状态符号。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利是同样不可避免的。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 2013: 12 May, highest rated player on Shogi Club 24 is computer program Ponanza, rated 3453. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2013年5月12日,Shogi Club 24上最高评价的棋手是计算机程序Ponanza,评分3453。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Schweiger and Carlson separated in 2005 and were divorced in 2014. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在2005年,施魏格尔和卡莱森分手,并于2014年离婚。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On June 15, it degenerated back into a tropical depression, and a day later, it dissipated over the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 6月15日,气旋降级为热带低气压,并于一天后在太平洋开放水域上空消散。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: According to eyewitness, the driver of the car rammed the gate of the entrance and struck the parked vehicles in the church. Assistant: 目击者认为,司机开车冲破入口大门,撞破教堂中停放的车子。 User: From the 16th to 19th centuries, hot chocolate was valued as a medicine as well as a drink. Assistant: 16世纪至19世纪,热巧克力除了充当饮料外也用作药物。 User: For the production of electromagnetic radiation, there are many methods, depending upon the wave length (see electromagnetic spectrum). Assistant: 有许多方法可以可以产生电磁波辐射,取决于波长(见电磁频谱)。 User: After initially classifying the murder as one committed out of road rage, the Justice Department reclassified the case in 2000 as a terrorist attack. Assistant: 此谋杀案原先归因为路怒症,但美国司法部于2000年将其重新定性为恐怖袭击。 User: The fundamental course outline include: Computer Auditing Overview Legal and Ethical Issues for Computer Auditors Understanding CAATs Computer Auditing Project Planning Data Access Skill and Knowledge Data Verify Skill and Knowledge Data Analysis Skill and Knowledge Audit Finding Report Skill and Knowledge There are several certification programs from various CAATs vendors and professional associations as the following: International Certified CAATs Practitioner (ICCP): established by the International Computer Auditing Education Association (ICAEA). Assistant: 最根本的课程大纲包括: 电脑稽核概述 电脑稽核法律和道德问题 了解电脑辅助稽核技术 电脑稽核项目计划 数据访问的技能和知识 数据验证技能和知识 数据分析技能和知识 稽核调查报告的技能和知识 有来自不同厂商的电脑辅助稽核技术和专业协会为以下几个认证项目: 国际电脑稽核软件应用师(International Certified CAATs Practitioner, ICCP):国际电脑稽核教育协会(ICAEA)成立。 User: De Zegher disputes any wrongdoing. Assistant: 故将士皆为他战,所向无敌。 User: Testing of IgG is not indicated for diagnosis of allergy. Assistant: IgG检测不能用于过敏的诊断。 User: He then tendered his resignation, but it too was ignored. Assistant: 司马邺及后再度任命,但张轨亦再次辞让。 User: According to the Palestinian government and Gush Shalom, during the Second Intifada in the Battle of Nablus in 2002, Israeli bulldozers destroyed 85% of the mosque, including the Mamluk-era mihrab. Assistant: 第二次巴勒斯坦大起义期间,在在2002年的纳布卢斯之战中,以色列推土机摧毁了清真寺的85%,其中包括马穆鲁克时期的米哈拉布。 User: And the old one is kept with the old ones. Assistant: 古之道术有在于是者。 User: BIRT has two main components: a visual report designer within the Eclipse IDE for creating BIRT Reports, and a runtime component for generating reports that can be deployed to any Java environment. Assistant: BIRT有两个主要部分:集成于Eclipse IDE、用于创建BIRT报表的的可视化报表设计器,以及用于生成报表、可以部署到任意Java环境的运行时组件。 User: There are two major monomer families of cutin, the C16 and C18 families. Assistant: 角质有两种主要的单体家族:C16和C18家族。 User: Supports all ISO 9660 levels and the Joliet extension. Assistant: 支持所有ISO 9660规范和Joliet扩展。 User: One of the largest festivals of its kind in the United States, the Oakland Greek Festival offers a wide variety of Greek foods, cultural exhibitions, Greek dancing, and live music. Assistant: 作为美国最大的此类节日之一,奥克兰希腊节提供各种希腊食品,文化展览,希腊舞蹈和现场音乐。 User: PCI slots are "rotated" compared to their ISA counterparts—PCI cards were essentially inserted "upside-down," allowing ISA and PCI connectors to squeeze together on the motherboard. Assistant: 值得注意的是,PCI插槽反转的话与ISA是很相似的——PCI卡本来是颠倒插入的,允许ISA和PCI连接器在主板上挤在一起。 User: The period at Buffalo marked a turning point in White's biography. Assistant: 在布法罗的三年标志着怀特人生的转折点。 User: Within an increasingly favorable environment for formation, the disturbance was assigned a medium chance of becoming a tropical cyclone within the next 48 hours later that day, and a high chance of development on May 31 as it became increasingly better organized. Assistant: 受惠于日益有利的环境,在当天晩上扰动在48小时之内发展为热带气旋的几率为中等,5月31日,该扰动的组织得有所改善,其发展几率提升至高。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, progress was made in the understanding of the chain transfer reaction and the behavior of chain transfer agents. Assistant: 从1940年代到1950年代,在理解链转移反应和链转移剂的行为方面有了进展。 User: Since 1995, however, Canadian direct participation in United Nations peacekeeping efforts has greatly declined. Assistant: 自1995年以来,加拿大在联合国维和任务中的直接参与变得越来越少。 User: The imperial ban was dropped silently. Assistant: 帝国禁令被悄无声息地停止了。 User: Management professors Sumantra Ghoshal of the London Business School and Christopher Bartlett of the Harvard Business School wrote in 1997 that companies must manage people individually and establish a new work contract. Assistant: 1999年,管理思想家,彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)在《哈佛商业评论》中写道: 伦敦商学院的管理学教授苏曼特拉·戈夏尔(Sumantra Ghoshal)和和哈佛商学院的克里斯托弗·巴特里特(Christopher Bartlett)在1997年写到公司必须个性化地管理员工,建立新的工作合同。 User: Above all, the book concerns the knowledge of God the Creator, but "as it is in the creation of man that the divine perfections are best displayed", there is also an examination of what can be known about humankind. Assistant: 首先,该书关注了有关造物者,即上帝的知识,但是“由于神的完美在人的造就这件事上得到了最好的展现”(as it is in the creation of man that the divine perfections are best displayed),书中还包含了一部分讨论我们对人类自身的理解。 User: Its perimeter was rectangular, with width of 23.46 m (77.0 ft) and length 49 m (161 ft) with an eastward orientation so that light could enter the interior of the temple at sunrise. Assistant: 该庙平面呈长方形,宽23.46米(77.0英尺),长49米(161英尺),面向东方,因此日出时阳光可以照进神庙内部。 User: The partial sums of 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯ are 1, 3, 7, 15, ...; since these diverge to infinity, so does the series. Assistant: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... 的部分和数列是 1, 3, 7, 15, ...,由于该数列发散到无穷,所以部分和数列也发散到无穷。 User: Prior to this, the Siamese throne did not have a law or formal system regulating the royal succession. Assistant: 在此之前,暹罗王位没有合法或正式的系统来管理王位的继承。 User: One programmer has control over the workstation and is thinking mostly about the coding in detail. Assistant: 一个程序员控制电脑并且主要考虑编码细节。 User: Additionally, Littlewood supposes that a human is alert for about eight hours per day. Assistant: 利特尔伍德还假设一个人每天有8小时足够清醒和警觉。 User: He tried to become involved with communism for a brief period but then resolved to devote himself to scientific research. Assistant: 他曾短暂的试图参与共产主义运动,但最终投身于科学研究。 User: In his letter to Khomeini, Bazargan stated that "...repeated interferences, inconveniences, objections and disputes have made my colleagues and me unable to continue our duties ...". Assistant: 巴札尔甘在写给霍梅尼的信件中提到“......不断的干预、麻烦、阻力和争议使我和我的同事无法继续履行我们的职务......”。 User: It is an endangered language. Assistant: 为一种濒危语言。 User: Like her mother, grandmother, and sisters, Eleanor was renowned for her beauty. Assistant: 像她的母亲、祖母和姐妹一样,埃莉诺以美貌闻名。 User: The chapter ends with the Kid standing by the sausage, indicating that it is him who Six eats. Assistant: 篇章以小孩站在香肠旁结束,暗示小六吃掉的小矮人就是他。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Serbia's strategic location between two continents has subjected it to invasions by many nations. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 塞尔维亚因其处于两大洲战略位置,而被多个民族所征服。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On February 10, 2017, workers began clear-cutting trees on the hillside below the emergency spillway. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2017年2月10日,右线盾构机在世纪大街站开始吊装下井。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These all take place in the "Millennial Fair", the festival at the beginning of Chrono Trigger, which in the anime has been infested by a festive gathering of monsters coming through portals. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 情节全部发生在“千年祭”——即《时空之轮》开场中的节日——上,怪物们通过传送门前来聚会。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This solar eclipse happened simultaneously with the 2013 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and it was possible to observe a partial solar eclipse in Abu Dhabi before the sunset while the F1 race took place, as shown briefly during its broadcast. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 此次日食发生时恰逢2013年阿布扎比大奖赛,而阿布扎比正好能在日落前F1比赛进行过程中看到日偏食,这在直播中也出现了短暂画面。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Mbalu Fonnie, a licensed nurse-midwife and nursing supervisor at the Kenema hospital in Sierra Leone, with over 30 years of experience, died after contracting Ebola while caring for a fellow nurse who was pregnant and had the disease. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 塞拉利昂凯内马医院有超过30年经验的持牌助产士和护理主管Mbalu Fonnie,死于埃博拉,还照顾怀孕的同乡护士。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Short title, Commencement and Repeal (Part 35) The conditions to be fulfilled to be a Nepalese Citizen are outlined below (Copied from Section 11, Part 2, Constitution of Nepal, 2015)(final) (1) The persons who have acquired citizenship of Nepal at the commencement of this Constitution and the persons who are eligible to acquire citizenship of Nepal under this Part shall be deemed to be the citizens of Nepal. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 以下为识别的条件 (来源于2015年尼泊尔宪法第11部分第2部分复制而来) (1) 在本宪法生效之日获得尼泊尔公民资格的人员和根据本部分有资格获得尼泊尔公民资格的人员应被视为尼泊尔公民。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Vincent, Green River's drummer, moved to Japan after the break-up and did not return to the United States for many years. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而绿河乐队的鼓手Alex Vincent在原乐队解散后搬到了日本,许多年之后没有再回美国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 OpenGL is an evolving API. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: OpenGL是一个不断进化的API。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The storm slowly weakened over Hispaniola and was last noted near Bombardopolis, Haiti later that day. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 风暴在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛上空缓慢减弱,最终于当天在海地邦巴多波利斯(Bombardopolis)附近失去踪影。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Sabatini Gardens (in Spanish: Jardines de Sabatini) are part of the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain, and were opened to the public by King Juan Carlos I in 1978. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 萨巴蒂尼花园(西班牙语:Jardines de Sabatini)是马德里王宫的一部分,1978年西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世将其对公众开放。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The meat of an infected animal poses no risk of infection when properly cooked. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:但妥当地煮熟了的动物肉不会有传播病毒的危险。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Fodor, in response, argues that the LOT is unique in that it does not have to be learned via an antecedent language because it is innate. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 作为回应,福多主张,LOT是独一无二的,这是由于并不必须通过在先的语言来学习它,它就是先天的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These were ideal places for economic activity to develop. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这些是经济活动发展的理想场所。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Lester's closing narration describes meaningful experiences during his life; he says that, despite his death, he is happy because there is so much beauty in the world. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 莱斯特在最后叙述中讲述了生活中有意义的经验,他说,尽管他死了,他还是很高兴,因为这世界上有这么多的美。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On 15 December, it was re-taken by Serbian troops under Marshal Radomir Putnik. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 但随后不久的12月15日,它又被拉多米尔·普特尼克元帅率领的塞尔维亚军队夺回。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The open-source implementation of the IJG was one of the major open-source packages and was key to the success of the JPEG standard. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 IJG的开源是其中一个主要的开源包,并且是JPEG标准的成功的关键。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 248Cm(19F,xn)267−xDb (x=4,5) This reaction was first studied in 1999 at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in order to produce 262Db for chemical studies. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 248Cm(19F,xn)267-xDb (x=4,5) 保罗谢尔研究所首次在1999年研究了这项反应,从而产生262Db作化学实验。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Condor then seized Ground Squirrel after he fled, but Ground Squirrel managed to cut off Condor's head when Condor paused to take a drink of the blood. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:之后加州神鹫抓住逃出来的地松鼠,但是地松鼠抓住神鹫喝血的时机砍掉了它的脑袋。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The emergency room physician, Maurice Leonard, as well as the hospital (as legal persona) were found not responsible for Zion's death in the civil trial. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:陪审团还裁决,接收锡安入院的急诊室医生莫里斯·莱纳德(Maurice Leonard)和医院不需对锡安之死负责。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The name of the town is from General Benjamin Ledyard, an early settler. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其名称来源于一位名为本杰明·莱迪亚德将军(Benjamin Ledyard)的早期定居者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: All the followers of each religion have been allowed to profess their respective religious faith and perform their respective duties freely. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 每个宗教信仰者都被允许自由地宣传自己的宗教信仰,履行各自的义务。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Commission's report The COI issued two versions of the report: a summary one of 36 pages and a detailed one of 372 pages. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:委员会报告 联合国委员会发布了两份不同长短的报告,其中一份36页,另外一份372页。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The probes discovered and confirmed several new satellites orbiting near or within the planet's rings, as well as the small Maxwell Gap (a gap within the C Ring) and Keeler gap (a 42 km wide gap in the A Ring). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这艘太空船发现并确认了一些新的卫星在接近环或环的内部环绕着土星,也发现了一些新的小环缝:马克士威缝(在C环内的缝)和Keeler环缝(在A环内一个宽42 公里的环缝)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: More recently this field has become known as the philosophy of information. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 最近,该领域已经发展成为信息哲学。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Most deists believe that God does not interfere with the world or create miracles. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 大多数自然神论者相信上帝不干预这个世界或者创造神迹。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, without a formal conversion, many highly observant Jews will reject a convert's Jewish status. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而假如未经正式改宗,许多恪守教规的犹太人可能会拒绝承认其犹太身份。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Illinois Route 145 lies east of the city and serves remote areas of nearby Shawnee National Forest. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 伊利诺伊州路145位于梅特罗波利斯以东,服务附近的肖尼国家森林(Shawnee National Forest)的边远地区。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2010, the Russian guitarist Alex Feather Akimov released "Love The Way You Lie (Heavy Remix)", a recording that was recognized by Billboard.biz (Web Trends). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2010年,俄罗斯吉他手亚历克斯·费瑟·阿基莫夫(英语:Alex Feather Akimov)发行了《喜欢你说谎的样子 (重版混音)》,该录制得到Billboard.biz(网络趋势)认可。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Axel then rebuilds. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 随后,埃塞尔雷德复辟。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The warnings and lead times in the region were described as "very good". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这一地区警告的及时发布获得了“非常好”的评价。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a roadside bomb destroyed a military vehicle near Idlib, killing 10 soldiers. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 叙人权观察说在伊德利卜有一个路边炸弹摧毁了一辆政府军的军用车,导致10名士兵死亡。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1973, Yemen had notified Ethiopia of its intent to perform an aerial survey, and an ambiguous response by Ethiopia was later a point of contention; Ethiopia designated the islands in the area as having "no recognized owner". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1973年,也门注意到埃塞俄比亚试图在岛上建立空军基地,埃塞俄比亚对此做出了含糊的回应,认为这一海区的岛屿都应看作是“没有公认的主权”,这成了两国之间的一个争论焦点。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The ability to webcast using cheap/accessible technology has allowed independent media to flourish. Assistant: 廉价、易访问的网络广播技术已使独立媒体蓬勃发展。 User: Analytical – Asks why we find features and populations in a specific geographic area. Assistant: 分析性(Analytical) - 探究地理区域中总体及特点出现在所在地的原因。 User: Consequence of disobedience to order 96. Assistant: 详情请参见反96系统。 User: Marius Sophus Lie (/liː/ LEE; Norwegian: ; 17 December 1842 – 18 February 1899) was a Norwegian mathematician. Assistant: 马里乌斯·索菲斯·李(Marius Sophus Lie,1842年12月17日-1899年2月18日)挪威数学家。 User: Second, if non-normal models are considered, then every consistent theory has an infinite model; this affects the statements of results such as the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, which are usually stated under the assumption that only normal models are considered. Assistant: 第二,若考虑非正规模型,则每个相容理论都会有个无限模型;这会影响如勒文海姆–斯科伦定理之类结论的叙述,此类结论通常是在假定只考虑正规模型之下叙述的。 User: Nintendo announced on September 24, 2004, that two Game Boy Advance Video cartridges, featuring "classic" episodes from the early days of the Pokémon series, would hit stores on September 27 that year. Assistant: 任天堂在2004年9月24日宣布,9月27日将上架“经典”两个Game Boy Advance Video卡带,其中收录“经典”的早期神奇宝贝剧集。 User: The International Labour Organization was created in 1919 on the basis of Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles. Assistant: 国际劳工组织于1919年根据《凡尔赛条约》第十三部分成立。 User: Ursatz (usually translated as "fundamental structure") is the name given by Schenker to the underlying structure in its simplest form, that from which the work as a whole originates. Assistant: 原始结构(Ursatz,英译通常为“fundamental structure”)是申克为作品赖以发端的底层最简结构所拟的术语。 User: A full Court is made up of a 3-judge panel and a petty jury of 9 jurors (vs. 12 jurors on appeal), who, together, render verdicts, and if a conviction is handed down, also determine a sentence. Assistant: 一个完全的法庭由一个3名法官小组和一个9名陪审员(相比于对上诉案件的12名陪审员)的小陪审团组成,他们一起呈送判决书,并且如果一项定罪被正式宣判,他们也决定判刑。 User: Wakefield score is first. Assistant: 葵恩薇儿排名第一位。 User: Eventually, this trend will reverse and increase. Assistant: 最终,这种增加的趋势将会反转。 User: Sirius is one of the 27 stars on the flag of Brazil, where it represents the state of Mato Grosso. Assistant: 大犬座δ是巴西国旗上27颗星之一,代表着巴西的罗赖马州。 User: By 2004, the technology developed for the G11 was licensed for the Lightweight Small Arms Technologies project, the current project of which is a light machine gun prototype for the US Army. Assistant: 2004年,美国陆军购入了G11的技术受权用于其Lightweight Small Arms Technologies(英语:Lightweight Small Arms Technologies)计划,该计划预定研发一系列枪械,考虑以塑胶作子弹壳或使用无壳弹。 User: The mass of the system is 4.66 ± 0.22 × 1020 kg, with about 4% of this being in Actaea. Assistant: 此系统的质量为4,66 ± 0,22 × 1020 千克,约有4%集中在潫卫一。 User: One F-111 was lost over Libya, probably shot down. Assistant: 其中一架参与行动的F-111在利比亚上空遭击落。 User: They have done this for a long time, for many years, and past administrations were never able to cope", he said. Assistant: 他们做这些事情已经很久,很多年了,而过去的政府从未有能力去处理。 User: For comparison, the similarly sized NASA Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity had, by their fifth anniversary in January 2009, traveled a total of 21 km (13 miles) and transmitted over 125,000 images. Assistant: 和NASA相似大小的火星探测漫游者,精神号和机会号做一个比较,它们在2009年1月迈入第五周年,总共旅行了21公里 (13英里) 和传送回125,000张影像。 User: In 1954 Japan's ambassador to Turkey assumed the additional role of minister to Israel. Assistant: 1954年,日本驻土耳其大使开始兼任驻以色列大使。 User: For example, earlier on, groups from the lower levels of society are severely restricted from aggregating and pooling their intelligence. Assistant: 例如,在早期,来自社会下层的群体在汇总和集中他们的智能时受到严格限制。 User: Straight also told investigators that the Apostle John Peter Astbury had been recruited for Soviet intelligence by either Blunt or Burgess. Assistant: 斯垂特告诉调查人员,约翰·阿斯特伯里(John Peter Astbury)是由布朗特或者伯吉斯的介绍才成为间谍的。 User: In March 2015 the Swedish national register of photography was in the process of being transferred to the KulturNav site. Assistant: 2015年3月,瑞典国家摄影记录(Swedish national register of photography)开始转移到KulturNav网站。 User: The Canadian Air Force deployed a total of 18 CF-18s, enabling them to be responsible for 10% of all bombs dropped in the operation. Assistant: 加拿大空军部署了18架CF-18大黄蜂战斗攻击机负责投放占据10%的炸弹。 User: Livestock production is a significant part of the town's economy. Assistant: 畜牧生产是该地区经济的重要组成部分。 User: Or two, securing a withdrawal route in case government forces abandon Damascus and decide to retreat to the coast. Assistant: 第二,确保撤离路线,若政府军放弃大马士革,可往海岸地区撤退。 User: His most pressing issue, however, was to settle the states' territorial disputes over the Northwest Territory. Assistant: 条例的主要成就是解决了各州对西部土地所有权的纠纷。 User: Adobe finished converting their entire font library to OpenType toward the end of 2002. Assistant: Adobe公司已经在2002年末将其字体库全部改用OpenType格式。 User: 7: General Semyon Timoshenko takes command of Soviet Army forces in Finland. Assistant: 7日:谢苗·康斯坦丁诺维奇·铁木辛哥将军获苏联对芬军队指挥权。 User: Many castles were built during this period, but they are greatly outnumbered by churches. Assistant: 很多城堡建设在这一时期,但是这一数目被教堂远远超过。 User: In a distributed system the problem takes on more complexity because a global time is not easily known. Assistant: 在分布式系统中,问题变得更为复杂,因为并没有全局通用的时间。 User: This is a list of African auto racing and moto racing circuits sorted by country. Assistant: 这是法国国家铁路机车和动车组列表。 User: Its pedestrian sidewalks and roundabouts, paved with the traditional Portuguese pavement, are decorated with many monuments and statues that pay hommage to important personalities like Almeida Garrett, Alexandre Herculano and others. Assistant: 它的人行道和圆环,都铺设传统的葡式碎石路,装饰着许多重要人物的纪念碑和雕像,包括阿尔梅达·加勒特、亚历山大·埃尔库拉诺等人。 User: In March 2012, a research paper reported an extensive study on the security of social login mechanisms. Assistant: 2012年3月,一篇研究论文报告了对社会登录(英语:Social login)机制的一项广泛研究。 User: Philippe continued to steadily strengthen, becoming a hurricane late on September 18 as it traveled north in a low-shear environment and some models suggested that this trend would continue and Philippe would go on to become a major hurricane. Assistant: 菲利普继续稳步强化,于9月18日晚行进至风切变较少的海域后达到飓风标准,部分预报模型还认为风暴会保持增强趋势并成为大型飓风。 User: Preparations began over 800 miles away at Inchon where on October 15, thousands of marines and soldiers, 30,184 in total, embarked transports to participate in the landing. Assistant: 筹备从仁川展开超过800英里远征的行动在10月15日展开,成千上万的海军陆战队员和士兵,共30,184人,搭乘运输舰参加登陆行动。 User: He dropped out of Pasadena Junior College and Stanford University due to financial difficulties during the Great Depression, and in 1934 he united with Forman and graduate student Frank Malina to form the Caltech-affiliated Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT) Rocket Research Group, supported by GALCIT chairman Theodore von Kármán. Assistant: 经济大萧条期间因经济困难的问题而在帕萨迪纳市立学院和斯坦福大学被迫退学,但在1934年得到古根罕喷气推进研究中心(英语:Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory)(GALCIT)的支持下他与Forman及法兰克·马利纳(英语:Frank Malina)组成了GALCIT火箭研究小组。 User: They seem to have used their mounted men for reconnaissance. Assistant: 叡山是赏识其才能而收为手下。 User: Cuba was a profitable, fertile country with an important strategic position in the Gulf of Mexico. Assistant: 塞萨洛尼基是一座兴旺、生动的城市,其商业港对希腊来说具有战略意义。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: 'Long read' and 'Long write' operations can be used when the length of the characteristic's data exceeds the MTU of the radio link. Assistant: 长读(Long read)和长取(Long write)可以在特征的数据长度超过无线链路的最大传输单元(MTU)时使用。 User: She was also pleased with the hypnotism scene, because it gave Chase "something to do". Assistant: 她也对催眠戏段感到满意,因为这让蔡斯“有事可干”。 User: As a result, this section of the complex was closed until further notice. Assistant: 因此,这部分的车站关闭至另行通知为止。 User: There are 4 subnuclei; they are situated at the floor of the fourth ventricle. Assistant: 该合共包含了四个亚核,皆位于第四脑室(英语:fourth ventricle)底部。 User: For example, Myles McNutt of The A.V. Club commented on the scene in which Brienne meets Sansa, who rejects her offer of help and protection, saying that it creates crisis regarding the character's purpose. Assistant: 例如,《影音俱乐部》的迈尔斯·麦克纳特(Myles McNutt)指出布蕾妮向珊莎提供帮助和保护但被拒绝的场景,创造出针对角色目的的危机。 User: There is also no permanent connection between Venice and the well-populated Giudecca island, although a tunnel has been proposed at not much greater cost than a bridge, promising better access for tourists and residents. Assistant: 威尼斯与有许多居民的朱代卡岛之间也没有永久的通道,尽管已计划修建隧道,并不需更大的成本,更方便游客和居民出入。 User: Anthropology engages often with feminists from non-Western traditions, whose perspectives and experiences can differ from those of white European and American feminists. Assistant: 人类学经常面对来自非西方传统的女性主义者,他们的观点和经验可能有别于欧洲和美国的白人女性主义者。 User: As an element of Task Unit 14.7.1 from September 1983 to May 1986, she was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation. Assistant: 1983年9月至1986年5月,它隶属于14.7.1特遣部队;期间曾荣获“功勋团队奖章”。 User: This effectively ended 38 years of Dutch rule on Taiwan. Assistant: 1987年:中华民国政府正式解除在台湾与澎湖实行长达38年的戒严令。 User: Her paternal great-grandfather, Lawrence Tyson, was a U.S. Senator from Tennessee during the 1920s. Assistant: 家族在政商界关系良好,她的曾祖父劳伦斯·泰森在1920年代是代表田纳西州的一位美国参议员。 User: It was suggested in the late 1980s that crocodilians were originally active, warm-blooded predators and that their archosaur ancestors were warm-blooded. Assistant: 在1980年代晚期,有些科学家提出鳄鱼最初为活耀、温血的掠食者,而它们的主龙类祖先也是温血动物。 User: It also introduced the first version of System Restore, which allowed users to revert their system state to a previous "known-good" point in the case of system failure. Assistant: 它也引入了第一版的系统还原机制,使用户能在系统故障的情况下还原系统到之前“已知良好”的状态。 User: He describes it as "a feature of Palestinian propaganda", writing that Herzl was referring to the voluntary resettlement of squatters living on land purchased by Jews, and that the full diary entry stated, "It goes without saying that we shall respectfully tolerate persons of other faiths and protect their property, their honor, and their freedom with the harshest means of coercion. Assistant: 他将其描述为“巴勒斯坦宣传的一个特征”,认为,赫茨尔在这里是指的是自愿重新安置生活在犹太人购买的土地上的擅自占地者,而整篇日记则说:“不用说,我们应该以最努力的手段尊重有信仰的人,保护他们的财产、荣誉和自由。 User: Her unique voice earned her a recording contract with her label, Imperial Records, a division of Teichiku Entertainment, Inc. Currently, Tiana is a senior at Cornell University. Assistant: 她的独特声音帮助她赢得了唱片合约,唱片公司是帝国唱片公司,Teichiku娱乐的一个部门,Inc .) 目前,萧鸣儿是康奈尔大学的一位毕业班学生。 User: The case mangling, especially, is a common issue that must be dealt with in order to call Fortran libraries (such as LAPACK) from other languages (such as C). Assistant: 名字修饰就成为了需要解决的一个特别常见的问题,因为需要调用来自其它语言(例如C语言)的Fortran库(例如LAPACK)。 User: Three of his books have been Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award finalists; and The Information was awarded the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award in 2012 and the Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books 2012. Assistant: 其中有三本列入了普利策奖和美国国家图书奖决选名单;《信息简史》荣获2012年美国笔会/E·O·威尔逊科普文学奖和2012年皇家学会温顿科普图书奖。 User: Rejtan was thus able to disrupt the proceedings on that day. Assistant: 雷伊坦因此能够扰乱当天的会议。 User: However, if placed in water that is too deep (completely submerged), they may drown. Assistant: 凡成功兵到处,海水皆暴涨。 User: Historian Lowell H. Harrison maintained that Laffoon expected his rival faction to nominate the aging Beckham to oppose Rhea and that Laffoon hoped that a two-stage primary would wear Beckham down. Assistant: 历史学家洛厄尔·哈里森(Lowell H. Harrison)认为,拉冯预计他的对手会提名年势已高的贝克汉姆来与瑞亚对抗,因此希望贝克汉姆因难以承爱两轮制初选的压力而放弃。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: He received honorary degrees from Cambridge University (1916) and the University of Poznań (1923). Assistant: 他得到了剑桥大学(1916年)和波兹南大学(1923年)的荣誉博士学位。 User: Othello is referred to as a "Barbary horse" (1.1.113) and a "lascivious Moor" (1.1.127). Assistant: 奥赛罗被认为是匹“巴巴里马”(1.1.113),一位“放荡的摩尔人”(1.1.127)。 User: The icy Galilean moons, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, all generate induced magnetic moments in response to changes in Jupiter's magnetic field. Assistant: 冰的伽利略卫星欧罗巴、佳利美德和卡利斯多,都对木星的磁场产生反应生成诱导的磁矩。 User: Where in the process a dividing line is drawn between life and death depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs. Assistant: 在死亡过程中,生死分界线位置的取决因素已经超越了生命体征的存在与否。 User: Authority's objectives are: 1.To develop human and natural resources in FATA. Assistant: 经济发展上的问题有:1.容易受到天然灾害影响。 User: Stocks are either wood or composite, with the composite stocks being matte black or camouflage to match the rest of the gun. Assistant: 枪托可以是由木材或复合材料所制造,而复合材料枪托则具有黑色或迷彩表面以配合该枪的其余部分。 User: During the special plenary parliamentary debate of 28 July 2006, on the naturalisation process of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, D66 supported a motion of no confidence against minister Rita Verdonk. Assistant: 2006年7月28日,议会针对阿扬·希尔希·阿里(Ayaan Hirsi Ali)归化案举行全体特别辩论会议,民主66支持对莉塔·维尔东克(Rita Verdonk)的不信任案。 User: The rapid development of the urban settlements saw the plantation and estate areas developed and converted into residential and commercial areas. Assistant: 伴随着城市的迅速发展,昔日的种植园和庄园成为了居民区和商业区。 User: For example, someone who passionately opposes abortion or meat eating may concurrently advocate violence to kill an abortionist or attack a slaughterhouse, which makes that person a violent person. Assistant: 举个例子,一个强烈反对堕胎和吃肉的人可能同时提倡使用暴力杀死替人堕胎者或是攻击屠宰场,这就导致此人成为一个暴力的人。 User: This almost leads to a loss of a verb form in Modern French. Assistant: 这导致了法语一些动词形式的消失。 User: An additional (undisclosed) number was ordered in December 2008. Assistant: 2008年12月,还宣布另外一份(同样未公开数量)的订单。 User: Initially, the project was to cost $75 million and consist of six 16-story buildings comprising 1,400 apartment units, a 350-room hotel, office space, shops, 19 luxury "villas" (townhouses), and three-level underground parking for 1,250 vehicles. Assistant: 原规划中,水门综合大厦会耗资7,500万美元兴建,并兴建6幢16层高的大厦,设有1,400个公寓单位、拥有350间客房的酒店、办公室、商店、19个豪华联排别墅和3层高、可供1,250部车辆停泊的地下停车场。 User: He also succeeded in gaining the release of Austrian doctors captured by the French. Assistant: 他还成功地帮助被法军俘虏的奥地利医生获释。 User: According to Greg Ellery, Juliette Danielle had "just gotten off the bus from Texas" when shooting began, and "the cast watched in horror" as Wiseau jumped on Danielle, immediately beginning to film their "love scene". Assistant: 饰演斯蒂文的葛瑞格·艾勒瑞称,茱丽叶·丹尼尔在拍摄开始时“刚刚从德克萨斯州开来的巴士上下来”,全体演员在拍摄的第一天都“惊恐地看着”维索趴到丹尼尔身上,开始拍摄他们的性爱戏。 User: Maslow's theory was fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality. Assistant: 马斯洛的理论在他于1954年的书籍著作《动机与人格》(Motivation and Personality)当中完整阐述。 User: The VNC protocol (RFB protocol) is very simple, based on transmitting one graphic primitive from server to client ("Put a rectangle of pixel data at the specified X,Y position") and event messages from client to server. Assistant: VNC协议Protocol(RFB)是一个简单的协议,传送服务端的原始图像到客户端(一个X,Y位置上的正方形的点阵数据),客户端传送事件消息到服务端。 User: Mary Downer, 89, Australian arts patron. Assistant: 玛丽·唐纳(Mary Downer),89岁,澳洲艺术赞助人。 User: This would lead to a "war of ideas" over the meaning of the anime, hopefully culminating in new communication between the two cultures. Assistant: 这样在对这部动漫的理解上将会产生“论战的念头”,并最终有希望的以建立起两种文化新的交流为最终结果。 User: In Unlimited Saga, for example, the style of his compositions mix classical marches, tango music, electronic ambiance, instrumental solos, bossa nova, and jazz. Assistant: 比如在《无限沙迦》中,他的作曲融合了古典进行曲、探戈音乐、电子氛围、乐器独奏、波萨诺伐舞曲以及爵士乐。 User: On 16 January 1890, the jury found Parke guilty and the judge sentenced him to twelve months in prison. Assistant: 1890年1月16日,陪审团判帕克有罪,法官对其处以12个月在监狱服刑。 User: Renewable energy commercialization involves the deployment of three generations of renewable energy technologies dating back more than 100 years. Assistant: 可再生能源商业化涉及到历史可以追溯到100年以上的三代的可再生能源技术的普及。 User: The Hôtel Solvay is a large Art Nouveau town house designed by Victor Horta on the Avenue Louise in Brussels. Assistant: 索尔维公馆(Hôtel Solvay)是一幢大型的新艺术运动城市住宅,由维克多·奥塔设计,位于布鲁塞尔路易斯大街(Avenue Louise)。 User: It now has a radius more than ten times the radius of the Sun. Assistant: 现在它有超过10倍太阳半径。 User: Produce webbing from its own mass (adapted from Spider-Man). Assistant: 个人歌集为《素性集》(由他人编纂)。 User: Young blue jays playfully snatch brightly coloured or reflective objects, such as bottle caps or pieces of aluminium foil, and carry them around until they lose interest. Assistant: 年轻的冠蓝鸦会高兴的夺取颜色鲜艳或反光的物体,如瓶盖或铝箔,然后带着这些东西到处闲逛,直到它们失去兴趣时才会扔掉这些东西。 User: Historically, the word "tampon" originated from the medieval French word "tampion", meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper. Assistant: 英语中的名称“tampon”是源自中世纪的法语词汇“tampion”,意为一块堵塞孔洞的布料、栓或塞。 User: In 1917, only two pairs of expresses ran on the line, the others were cancelled due to lack of personnel, rolling stock, locomotives and coal. Assistant: 至1917年,该线路上仅剩两对快速列车班次维持服务,其余的则因缺乏人员、车厢、机车和燃煤而取消。 User: The extra must be downcycled into building materials or re-inserted into the regular waste stream. Assistant: 剩下的只能降级为建筑材料或是送入普通废料中去。 User: Cornelius "Con" Moulson (September 3, 1906 - October 27, 1989) was an Irish footballer and manager. Assistant: 科尼利厄斯“康”·莫尔森(英语:Cornelius "Con" Moulson,1906年9月3日-1989年10月27日)是一位爱尔兰足球运动员及领队。 User: New Zealand does not have a large temperature range, apart from central Otago, but the weather can change rapidly and unexpectedly. Assistant: 除了奥塔哥中部地区之外,新西兰的温差并不大,但有时天气会在短时间内迅速变化。 User: This allows the payment to be directed to a specific office. Assistant: 函数指针只能指向具有特定特征的函数。 User: Yet, this is not always the case and there are familiar objects that violate this mass / weight proportionality. Assistant: 然而情况并非永远如此,许多人们熟悉的事物经常违反质量 / 重量的比例。 User: Independent tests indicate that the "10.2 MP" array of the Foveon X3 sensor (in the Sigma SD10) has a resolution similar to a 5 MP or 6 MP Bayer sensor, and at low ISO speed even similar to a 7.2 MP Bayer sensor. Assistant: 这项优势让Foveon X3感光元件可以比同样画素的Bayer感光元件有更高的分辨率,在一些测试中一台总画素10.2MP的SD10(三百四十万× 3)可以和五百万或六百万的Bayer感光元件有类似的分辨率,在低ISO下可以媲美七百二十万画素的Bayer感光元件。 User: They often have asked family members to help wake them in the morning, or they have used multiple alarm clocks. Assistant: 患者经常求助于家人在早上唤醒他们,或者他们会设置许多闹钟。 User: In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. Assistant: 面对不确定性, 拒绝妄加猜测。 User: At confederation, the Liberal-Conservative Party of Canada became Canada's first governing party under Sir John A. Macdonald, and for years was either the governing party of Canada or the largest opposition party. Assistant: 该党前身为保守党,创始于1867年,在约翰·亚历山大·麦克唐纳的领导下成为加拿大第一个执政党,并且多年来都是加拿大的执政党或官方反对党。 User: The thirty world's busiest airports by aircraft movements are measured by total movements (data provided by Airports Council International). Assistant: 本页是关于全世界三十座最繁忙的机场(按飞机升降量),资料是由国际机场协会(Airports Council International)为准。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The dome of City Hall is supported by four massive pillars of Italian marble. Assistant: 会议厅由四个巨大的意大利大理石柱支撑。 User: Unicorn Lynx of MobyGames described him as "one of the most complex characters ever seen in a game", citing the struggle Cloud faces in assuming responsibility as a leader while confronting "his own deep psychological problems" and "the truth about his very existence". Assistant: MobyGames的Unicorn Lynx形容他是“见过的游戏中最复杂的角色之一”,由于他是如何对付“自己的深层的心理问题”和“关于他存在的真理”,而承担责任的一个领导者。 User: Most manufacturers recommend bringing cool, fresh air in at the bottom front of the case, and exhausting warm air from the top rear. Assistant: 很多制造商建议从机箱后面抽入冷空气,让热空气从顶部散发。 User: Respiration likewise resumes and the machine is removed. Assistant: 呼吸同样恢复,装置被移除。 User: To keep in review the needs that may arise for further study and, where necessary, to promote inquiry and research. Assistant: 8.回顾那些需要进一步研究的问题,并且在必要是鼓励调查和研究。 User: Several minutes after opening fire, Holland ordered a 20° turn to port, which would allow his ships to engage with their rear gun turrets. Assistant: 在开火几分钟之后,霍兰德下令向左转舵20°,以将他的舰只得以使用后部炮塔交战。 User: In an attempt to discover his identity, the police officers take Rémi to Garofoli, who reveals the truth: Vitalis used to be the famous Italian singer Carlo Balzani. Assistant: 在试图了解身份的过程中,警察将雷米带到了加洛弗里,后者揭露了真相:卫塔里斯曾经是意大利的著名歌手卡罗·巴札尼。 User: He predicted that "he second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America," and would be commemorated annually with great festivities. Assistant: 他预言到 “1776年七月的第二天,将会成为美利坚历史上最值得记忆的纪元”, 并且会被以隆重盛典的方式所纪念。 User: Those of Shakespeare's plays that seem to display the unities, such as The Tempest, probably indicate a familiarity with actual models from classical antiquity. Assistant: 这些似乎显示统一的莎士比亚戏剧如《暴风雨》可能表明精通来自古典时期的实际模型。 User: Care Not Killing. Assistant: 一不杀生。 User: Two of these subsystems—reproducer and boundary—process both matter–energy and information. Assistant: 然而,前两个子系统既处理物质/能量也处理信息:再生器和边界。 User: In 1995, he was awarded the Israel Prize for Hebrew literature. Assistant: 1995年,他荣获以色列希伯来文学奖。 User: In this work, Gauss used comprehensive approximation methods which he created for that purpose. Assistant: 在这项工作中,高斯使用了他为此目地而创建的全面近似法。 User: The writer Anton Chekhov visited Derbinskoye in 1890 during his travel through Sakhalin and described it in his book, Sakhalin Island. Assistant: 作家安东·帕夫洛维奇·契诃夫在1890年来到杰尔宾斯科耶,其所著的书Ostrov Sakhalin(中译《萨哈林旅行记》)中著述他在萨哈林岛考察的经过。 User: It has a regular stage/jazz band typically for students grades 10–11, a classical orchestra which encompasses all grades, and a unique Rhythm and Blues band usually reserved for those in grades 11–12 by audition. Assistant: 它同时因为有一个剧场而超乎其他学校常规地有一个爵士乐团,通常是10-11年级学生参与,一个所有年级参与的交响乐团,和一个为11和12年级学生提供的蓝调音乐乐队。 User: Stanisław Wojciechowski of Polish People's Party "Piast" (PSL Piast), another of Piłsudski's old colleagues, was elected the new president, and Wincenty Witos, also of PSL Piast, became prime minister. Assistant: 毕苏斯基的另一位同事,属于波兰人民党“皮雅斯特派”的斯坦尼斯瓦夫·沃伊切赫夫斯基当选为新总统,而同属于波兰人民党“皮雅斯特派”的文岑蒂·维托斯当选为总理。 User: They are each given a personality. Assistant: 有谁人都能依靠的性格。 User: Starting out as an amateur, Shelby initially raced a friend's MG TC and borrowed Cad-Allards. Assistant: 作为一名业余爱好者,谢尔比最初参加了一场朋友的赛事 并借了一台Cad-Allard。 User: Lavilla's term ended on 6 April 1979 when Íñigo Cavero was appointed justice minister. Assistant: 拉维莱的任期在1979年4月6日结束,司法部长一职由由Íñigo Cavero继任。 User: However, he did not release any source code in fear of a Microsoft lawsuit regarding possible violation of the DMCA. Assistant: 但是,他因为担心可能违反DMCA和招致微软诉讼而没有发布任何源代码。 User: As a result of the controversy, the bikini was explicitly banned from many other beauty pageants worldwide. Assistant: 争论的结果是,比基尼被世界各地许多其他的选美比赛明令禁止。 User: Event must be verified The story must be documented by reliable sources: e.g., reputable newspaper articles, confirmed television reports, or responsible eyewitnesses. Assistant: 必须为获得证实的事件(The event must be true) 只接受具公信力的报刊、出版的文章、经证实的电视报导、可信目击证人的证词为消息来源。 User: At this length the phase delay and the interference of any reflections on the line become important and can lead to unpredictable behaviour in systems which have not been carefully designed using transmission line theory. Assistant: 在这个长度下相位延迟和线中的反射干扰非常显著,那么没有用传输线理论仔细的研究设计过的系统就会出现一些不可预知行为。 User: Until 2008 the organisation was known as International Commission of Agricultural Engineering. Assistant: 2008年前, 该机构名称为国际农业工程委员会。 User: The church is located in the northeastern corner of the old city, just inside the eastern wall, between the Irodotou and Apostolou Pavlou streets. Assistant: 该教堂位于老城区东北角,就在东城墙内,介于Irodotou街与Apostolou Pavlou 街之间。 User: The southernmost part of Nordland (Helgeland) is also sometimes considered to be part of Central Norway. Assistant: 诺尔兰郡的最南部有时也被认为是中挪威的一部分。 User: Before transfer printing ceramics were hand painted, a laborious and costly process. Assistant: 在印刷术发明前,书的复制都是由手工完成,其成本与人工都相当高。 User: Soon after the German invasion of the USSR in 1941, Wehrmacht units encountered new Soviet tanks, the medium T-34 and the heavy KV. Assistant: 1941年,德国入侵苏联之后不久,德军单位遇到了新的苏联坦克,中型的T-34和重型的KV。 User: By 1924, these clubs became organized as 4-H clubs, and the clover emblem was adopted. Assistant: 到了1924年,这些俱乐部都成了四健会的组织并采用了四叶苜蓿的标志。 User: Trade barriers, especially protective tariffs, were viewed as harmful to the Southern economy, which depended on exports. Assistant: 贸易障碍,尤其是保护性关税,遭倚赖出口的南方视之为经济伤害。 User: When the time came for the troops to return home, Bradley found that the state had no money to pay for the hospital trains needed for their trip. Assistant: 等到部队可以返乡时,布拉德利却发现州政府没有钱来支付承载军人的医疗火车。 User: In mammals, 70% to 80% of CpG cytosines are methylated. Assistant: 在哺乳动物中,70%到80%的CpG位点的胞嘧啶是甲基化的。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: LeShan was married to Lawrence LeShan, the American psychologist and writer. Assistant: 洛杉和是美国心理学家和教育家的劳伦斯·洛杉结了婚。 User: This applies to distributed generation as most grids are not suited to receive electricity from many small sources. Assistant: 这也适用于分散式发电,因为大多数电网不适合获得许多小来源的电力。 User: Van Riebeeck reported the first comet discovered from South Africa, C/1652 Y1, which was spotted on 17 December 1652. Assistant: 赞·范里贝克报告在南非发现了第一颗彗星C/1652 Y1(英语:C/1652 Y1),它在1652年12月17日被发现。 User: Ventuno then compared scenes from pulled videos with Google Zürich photos, and noticed matching things, indicating that the pulled videos were recorded at Google Zürich, and that the channel and all similar channels were run from Google Zürich. Assistant: Ventuno后来比较被撤除的影片中场景和苏黎世Google的照片,并注意到其相似之处,并指出撤除的影片纪录是来自于苏黎世Google的照片,而Webdriver Torso这个频道和所有相似的频道全都是由苏黎世Google所运作。 User: Perpetual rights to "The Hockey Theme" were subsequently picked up by CTV, which began using it for hockey broadcasts on its TSN and RDS sports channels beginning in the 2008–09 season. Assistant: 随后CTV取得了“冰球”一曲的永久使用权,并从2008-09年球季开始在它下属频道的冰球节目中使用。 User: Once the cores are of sufficient mass (5–10 M⊕), they begin to gather gas from the surrounding disk. Assistant: 一旦核心有足够大的质量(5–10 M⊕),它们开始从盘面收集气体。 User: Ellsworth was unanimously confirmed by the Senate, and served until 1800, when he resigned due to poor health. Assistant: 埃尔斯沃思得到参议院一致通过,他一直任职到1800年,但埃尔斯沃思法院很少处理有影响的案件。 User: Recent research focuses on philosophical debates in the 20th century in South Africa and India, and the phenomenon of the migration of philosophical texts and traditions across cultures. Assistant: 其近期的研究聚焦于二十世纪南非和印度的哲学论辩,以及跨文化哲学与传统文化融合所遇到的挑战。 User: In addition to being nominated for five Laurence Olivier Awards, Paige has won many other awards for her theatre roles and has been called the First Lady of British Musical Theatre due to her skill and longevity. Assistant: 除了五度提名奥立佛奖之外,佩姬也获得了许多其他奖项的肯定,因而有“英国音乐剧第一夫人”的美誉。 User: These systems could accommodate several fan units, and so became popular in stores, restaurants, and offices. Assistant: 这种系统可以同时带动多个风扇单元,因此开始流行于商店、餐馆和办公室。 User: The Canadian government then ordered the construction of three new armed patrol vessels. Assistant: 海军一共建造了三艘印第安纳级战舰。 User: On the top flies the Military Ensign of Sweden, it is hoisted and lowered every day, indicating the nation is at peace. Assistant: 在其顶部飘扬瑞典军旗,每天升起和降下,表明国家处于和平之中。 User: Tunisia was on Reporters Without Borders' "Internet enemies" list. Assistant: 无国界记者将中国列入了“互联网敌人”名单。 User: Play media The common eider (pronounced /ˈaɪ.dər/) (Somateria mollissima) is a large (50–71 cm (20–28 in) in body length) sea-duck that is distributed over the northern coasts of Europe, North America and eastern Siberia. Assistant: 播放媒体 欧绒鸭(学名:somateria mollissima,英语:common eider)是一种体型较大(50~71厘米(20~28英寸))的秋沙鸭(英语:Merginae),主要分布在欧洲、北美洲、东西伯利亚的北侧海岸上。 User: Louis Kuehnle, (/ˈkuːnliː/; December 25, 1857 – August 6, 1934), known as "Commodore Kuehnle", was an American business entrepreneur and politician of German descent. Assistant: 路易斯·库尔勒(Louis Kuehnle,/ˈkuːnliː/;1857年12月25日-1934年8月6日),被称为“准将库尔勒”("Commodore Kuehnle"),是美国企业家和德国血统的政治家。 User: CT Good Idea. Assistant: 蔡善述。 User: Escapes in September. Assistant: 九月封灭胡侯。 User: The Prince of Wales Hospital, officially opened in 1982, serves as a regional hospital. Assistant: 威尔士亲王医院于1982年正式启用,是一家分区医院。 User: In the first 8 months of 2012, Libya was China's 5th largest trading partner in Africa. Assistant: 2012年首8个月,利比亚是中国在非洲第五大贸易伙伴。 User: On 7 October 1965, on what would have been his 80th birthday, the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen was officially renamed to what it had been called unofficially for many years: the Niels Bohr Institute. Assistant: 1965年10月7日,玻尔冥诞80周年之际,理论物理研究所正式更名为尼尔斯·玻尔研究所。 User: And the scribes mocked him, saying, "Precinct captains hast thou none, nor talents of silver. Assistant: 于是魏了翁遗丙书,说:“幕府举辟,当用经术信厚之士,不可用违反丧礼之人。 User: Nokia quoted the following claimed operating times Talk time: Up to 6.0 hours (3G), 9.5 hours (GSM) Standby time: Up to 17 days (3G), 18 days (GSM) Video playback: Up to 4.5 hours (offline mode) Video recording: Up to 3.6 hours (offline mode) Music playback: Up to 40 hours (offline mode) With the optional DVB-H Nokia Mobile TV Receiver, SU-33W it is possible to watch television on the phone. Assistant: 诺基亚公布的数据如下 通话时间:3G条件下最多6.0小时,GSM条件下最多9.5小时 待机时间:3G条件下最多17天,GSM条件下最多18天 视频播放:离线模式下最多4.5小时 录制视频:离线模式下最多3.6小时 音乐播放:离线模式下最多40小时 搭配DVB-H诺基亚移动电视接收器SU-33W就可以在手机上收看电视节目。 User: They travel to an intact alien city destroyer and discover that alien survivors sent a distress call to their home world before their defeat. Assistant: 他们前往一个完整的外星人驱逐舰,发现外星人的幸存者在失败之前向他们的家乡发出了一个求救电话。 User: Already certain tidal areas in the southern provinces have been designated for shellfish culture. Assistant: 舟山群岛附近的渔场曾被称为中国海洋鱼类的宝库。 User: ECS Classics. Assistant: ISO编号ECS。 User: Mitigation of these risks continues until their overall contribution to the hazard are considered acceptable. Assistant: 然后会利用各种方式减轻风险,直到整体的风险降低到可接受的程度为止。 User: Syria's state news agency SANA said a general, Rajeh Mahmoud, was killed along with three other soldiers on the outskirts of Damascus. Assistant: SANA报道称在大马士革郊外Rajeh Mahmoud将军与另外3名政府军士兵遇袭身亡。 User: Reliable sources from the Archives of American art: a selection of letters, sketches and photographs. Assistant: 苏格兰戏剧档案馆:新闻稿、照片、和信件的扫描件。 User: He concluded that the game, then over three years old, "still packs a punch as a first-person shooter". Assistant: 他总结称,这款当时已经三岁高龄的游戏“仍是一部强劲有力的第一人称射击游戏”。 User: Bahá'ís between the ages of 15 and 70 are required to perform one of three prescribed obligatory prayers daily and individually, according to a set form and in accordance with specific laws. Assistant: 根据巴哈伊律法,15岁至70岁的巴哈伊信徒每日需要以特定的形式独立诵读三篇指定的必诵祷文中的一篇。 User: The minister, William Clark Kerr, remained in the Church throughout this period, ringing the church bell and conducting Sunday services. Assistant: 威廉克拉克科尔牧师在此期间一直留在教堂,定时敲响教堂的钟声,进行礼拜。 User: The Executive (from Nixon to Reagan) argued that the Cold War required placing regional security in favor of U.S. interests over any behavioral concerns of national allies. Assistant: 从尼克松到里根,美国认为冷战中维护美国利益的区域安全高于盟友的任何行动关切。 User: As Interim President, his main task was to organize new elections, after which, in July 2001, he stood down from the presidency. Assistant: 他就任的首要任务是组织廉洁的总统选举,并于2001年7月离任。 User: Our mighty doors availed us naught, for the assault was from within. Assistant: 我们宏伟的大门完全没有作用,因为袭击是从内部发生。 User: Roadrunner was a supercomputer built by IBM for the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA. Assistant: Cell用于Los Alamos国家实验室的IBM Roadrunner超级电脑。 User: From 1984 to 1993 inflation averaged 9% per year, New Zealand's credit rating dropped twice, and foreign debt quadrupled. Assistant: 从1984-1993年,通货膨胀平均每年为9%,两次新西兰的信用评级下降,外债翻了两番。 User: The George Cross (GC) is the second highest award of the United Kingdom honours system. Assistant: 乔治十字勋章 (GC) 是英国荣誉制度设置的第二高奖。 User: Bangladeshi visa in a U.S. passport. Assistant: 美国护照上的孟加拉国签证。 User: In addition, JAXB includes a "schemagen" tool that can essentially perform the inverse of "xjc", creating an XML Schema from a set of annotated classes. Assistant: 此外,JAXB包括了一个“schemagen”工具,能够执行“xjc”的反向操作,通过一组标注的Java类创建一个XML模式。 User: Most of these styles were already recorded by him between 1909 and 1928. Assistant: 他在1909到1928年录下了大部分的曲式。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Evidence for her actual historical existence or acta is very sparse. Assistant: 有关她的官方纪录及同时代的文件都是相当缺乏。 User: In 1670 agents of the new Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who had failed to persuade the convent of Saint Catherine to sell Veronese's Mystical Marriage of St Catherine of 1575 (now Gallerie dell'Accademia), turned to San Silvestro and attempted to bribe every member of the confraternity to sell the work, but failed after two years. Assistant: 1670年,托斯卡纳大公科西莫三世·德·美第奇的代理人未能说服圣加大肋纳修道院出售委罗内塞的“圣加大肋纳的神秘婚姻”(1575年,现在在学院美术馆),转向圣西尔物斯德肋堂,试图贿赂协会的每一个成员出售这幅作品,但两年后失败。 User: As it is also the national church of Ethiopia, and Mass is celebrated according to both Latin and Alexandrine (Coptic) rite. Assistant: 由于它又是埃塞俄比亚国家教堂,因此举行拉丁礼和亚历山大礼两种弥撒。 User: If the player is 18 years or older and has verified their account via a credit card, text messages become much less restrictive, allowing them to see and type some words that are usually filtered, though some are still restricted. Assistant: 18岁及以上的玩家在用信用卡验证后,文本聊天的限制降低,可发送并查看一般的过滤字词,但部分字词仍为过滤字词。 User: Gay Identity: The Self Under Ban. Assistant: 民俗用:民间用于避邪用。 User: From the late 19th century until the mid-1970s the street had three classic department stores: Barkers of Kensington, Derry & Toms and Pontings. Assistant: 从19世纪末到1970年代中期,街上曾有三个传统的百货公司:Barkers of Kensington、德里&汤姆斯(Derry & Toms)和Pontings。 User: Jarva usually approached his long films and short documentary films from some social problem and from one or more possible ways to solve it. Assistant: 亚尔瓦通常在他的长篇电影和短篇记录片里去剖析一些社会问题,并提出一个或多个可能的办法去解决这些问题。 User: The revised notes, except for SGA2, were published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Mathematics series. Assistant: 除SGA 2由北荷兰出版公司出版以外,其他各卷都属于施普林格出版社的Lecture Notes in Mathematics系列。 User: Local transport within Tirana is by bus or taxi. Assistant: 地拉那的当地交通工具主要是巴士或的士。 User: He acknowledges the dialog is poor and the story lame but says the film is "not as bad as you’d suspect" and an adequate bloody low-budget vampire film. Assistant: 他承认对白很差、故事不流畅、剪辑太仓促,但电影“不如你怀疑的那么糟”,这还有个充足血腥的廉价吸血鬼电影。 User: In 1421, the Bohemian Diet declared Sigismund deposed and formally offered the crown to Władysław on condition that he accept the religious principles of the Four Articles of Prague, which he was not prepared to do. Assistant: 在1421年,波西米亚议会宣布西吉斯蒙德罢免王位,并将王位交给瓦迪斯瓦夫,但是瓦迪斯瓦夫需要接受他不愿接受的宗教原则布拉格四法。 User: The first major contribution of Woodward's career in the early 1940s was a series of papers describing the application of ultraviolet spectroscopy in the elucidation of the structure of natural products. Assistant: 伍德沃德1940年代早期的工作集中在利用紫外光谱来阐明天然产物分子的结构上。 User: But as of 2017, the cave is still not open for public. Assistant: 然而截至2017年,该建筑仍未向公众开放。 User: The Lehrter Bahnhof took over the freight operations in Spandau and operated as Spandau freight yard (Güterbahnhof) on the grounds where the shopping centre of Spandau Arcaden (“arcades”) is now located. Assistant: 莱尔特车站转而主要承担斯潘道的货物运输,并以“斯潘道货运站(Spandau Güterbahnhof)”的名称获得保留,这一站址便是如今的大型购物中心“斯潘道购物廊(Spandau Arcaden)”的所在地。 User: The first, RSS Victory, was built and launched in Germany while the remaining five were built locally by Singapore Shipbuilding & Engineering (now Singapore Technologies (ST) Marine). Assistant: 第一艘胜利号于德国建造,其余五艘由新加坡船舶和工程建造(即现在的新加坡科技工程有限公司)。 User: In the 1970s this was Borussia Mönchengladbach, in the 1980s the category expanded to include Hamburger SV. Assistant: 在1970年代,主要竞争者是门兴格拉德巴赫;1980年代,这一范畴扩大至汉堡。 User: General Lee personally interceded. Assistant: 后由李相接任。 User: The amendment was rejected by Arkansas on January 24, 1961. Assistant: 1961年1月24日,阿肯色州否决该修正案。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Also, every GSM provider from the Netherlands and Belgium is available. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 并且他们可以收到荷兰的和比利时的所有移动电话服务供应商的信号。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In a system that also supports pipelining, the sender of an asynchronous message (with result) receives the read-only promise for the result, and the target of the message receives the resolver. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在同样支持流水线的系统中,异步消息的发送方(包括结果)接收结果的只读承诺promise,消息的目标接收resolver。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Section 71 vests judicial power in a "Federal Supreme Court" to be called the High Court of Australia, and such other federal courts as Parliament creates, and in such other courts as Parliament invests with federal jurisdiction. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 第71章将司法权赋予一所名称为澳大利亚高等法院的“联邦最高法院”,以及国会设立的其他联邦法庭,以及其他国会决定赋予联邦司法权的法庭。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The group's popularity generated unprecedented interest in British music, and a number of other UK acts subsequently made their own American debuts, successfully touring over the next three years in what was termed the British Invasion. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他们的流行引发了美国人对英国音乐前所未有的兴趣,之后其他英国乐队接连在美国首演,并在接下来的三年中连续巡演,这种现象被称作“英国入侵”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Trisect the segment BC and find BD to be one third of BC. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 作BC的垂直平分线,并设BC的中点为D。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It is usually only referred to as the Mexican hat wavelet in the Americas, due to taking the shape of a sombrero when used as a 2D image processing kernel. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 它通常只在美国才会被称作 墨西哥帽小波,是因为在处理内核2D图像时,形成了墨西哥宽边帽的形状。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The samples are also required to be salt-free; they should not contain ions. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这些样品还应该是无盐的,即不包含离子。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Allin also stated that his mother attempted to escape before she filed for divorce, but Merle Sr. thwarted the attempt by kidnapping Allin. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 Allin也指出他母亲在签字离婚前曾试图逃离这一切,但其父Merle Sr.却以扬言绑架GG Allin的方式来阻止她。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The economy is based on private ownership, frequently by foreign investors. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 经济以私有制为主,经常由外国投资者拥有。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The type species is Secernosaurus koerneri, described in 1979. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 模式种是S. koerneri,是在1979年所叙述。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Arcadius was a weak ruler, dominated by a series of advisors as he was more concerned with appearing to be a pious Christian than he was with political and military matters. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 阿卡狄乌斯是个较为文弱的君主,在皇位上被一系列权臣所左右,而相比于处理帝国内政与军事,似乎更加热衷于做一个虔诚的基督教徒。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She had never been married and was looking, like Godwin, for financial stability. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 她在此前从未结过婚,并同戈德温一样在寻求稳定的经济来源。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the California High School Speech Association's 54th State Tournament Great Oak had its first finalist win. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:曾获第五届台湾管乐协会杯管乐大赛高中职组全国第二名,于第七届获得高中职组全国第一名之佳绩。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As it turned out, Axford's wife began going into labor with the birth of his second child that night, and he was unavailable to comment after the game. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 比赛结束后,阿克斯福德因为其妻子在当晚开始产前阵痛,将要生下他们的第二名孩子,所以无法对这场比赛发表言论。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Associate, Academic - have full working group participation but without working group voting rights. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:学术会员 - 拥有完整的工作组参与权,但没有投票权。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Nesvizhskiy 4th Grenadier regiment (the General-Field Marshal Prince Barklay-de-Tolli, Mikhail Bogdanovich's) was named for the Prince in 1880s. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1880年Nesvizhskiy第四掷弹兵团(伟大的元帅、亲王巴克莱·德托利,米哈伊尔·博格达诺维奇专属)以亲王的名字命名。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The AAA was replaced by a similar program that did win Court approval. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: AAA被类似的计划取代,该计划获得法院的批准。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The family later expanded to include the 99105 and 99110. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此系列产品后来扩展到了99105和99110。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In the feature film 42, Chapman is played by Alan Tudyk. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在电影传奇42号中,Alan Tudyk饰演查普曼。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 These images provided the first direct confirmation of an asteroid moon. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这批照片第一次直接证实了小行星卫星的存在。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Japan Air Self-Defense Force: Being used as an anti-aircraft MANPAD by the 101st Base Protection Team. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 航空自卫队:被101基地保护小组作为便携式防空导弹系统所使用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:They've spent enough time in jail. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:他们并没有在监狱里待上很长的时间。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Sweet studied political science, theology, and philosophy in Canada, France, and Germany. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:史威特曾在加拿大、法国和德国学习政治学、神学和哲学。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In July 2016, the GitLab CEO confirmed the open-core business model of the company. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2016 年 7 月,GitLab CEO 确认了公司的开放核心功能。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This is especially true in Costa Rica, where it inhabits only a very small area. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:尤其是在哥斯达黎加,它们只生活在很细小的区域。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Syndrome has no superhuman powers, but he is incredibly intelligent, having invented numerous weapons and high-tech vehicles that use such principles as robotics, anti-gravity, and zero-point energy, which he sold to black market buyers to make himself rich. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 辛拉登并没有任何超能力,但他非常聪明,发明了许多使用机器人、反重力和零点能量等原素的武器和高科技载具,他把武器卖给黑市买家,让自己变得富有。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: ConnectBot is an open-source Secure Shell client for the Android operating system. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: ConnectBot是一个Android操作系统上的开源Secure Shell客户端。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Toyota provides cross functional teams to help suppliers discover and fix problems so that they can become a stronger, better supplier. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 丰田提供跨职能团队帮助供应商发现问题解决问题,这样他们可以做的更好。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 1 The two Conservative MPs were elected as members of the Family First Party, which merged into the Australian Conservatives in April 2017. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 1 两个原属家庭第一党的立法局议员在2017年4月,转籍至澳洲保守党。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The characters wear clothes, live in houses, and drive cars, but still display some characteristics of the animals on which they are based. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 动画里的角色都像人一样穿着衣服,住在屋子里,有些也会开车,但同时仍保留其动物的特性。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Victor Ajax has been sentenced to death, sitting in an electric chair. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 维吉妮雅后来仍被法院判处死刑,必须坐上电椅。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many crucial events happened in present-day Gauteng with regards to the anti-apartheid struggle, such as the Sharpeville massacre of 1960, the Rivonia Trial in 1963 and 1964 and the Soweto Uprising of 1976. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:现今的豪登省曾经发生了许多关于反种族隔离斗争的重大事件,例如1960年的沙佩维尔屠杀,1963年与1964年的里沃尼亚审判(英语:Rivonia Trial)以及1976年的索维托起义。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Its Physical Coding Sublayer 8B10B PCS is defined in IEEE 802.3 Clause 48 and its Physical Medium Dependent PMD in Clause 53. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 它的物理层编码使用 IEEE 802.3 Clause 48 定义的 8b/10b PCS,物理介质(PMD)则被定义在 Clause 53。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Much of the complex, including the tower, launch stand and erector was demolished in June 1967. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 发射复合体的大部分结构,包括服务塔,发射台,起重器都在1967年7月拆除。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It adds fiber-optic communication to and from the operator during flight. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 它新增了在飞行期间就在导弹与操作员之间的光纤导线。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to a 2008 estimate, the order contains 18 genera and over 250 species worldwide. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 根据2008年的估计,该目包含18个属和250多个品种。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The United States Census Bureau considers Concord part of Greater Boston. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 美国人口普查局将康科德归为大波士顿的一部分。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A total of 24 programmes are offered under these faculties. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 各学院共提供24个教学项目。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Some women will need antidiabetic drugs, most commonly insulin therapy. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:有些孕妇可能需要降糖药物,最常用的是胰岛素疗法。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Because we cannot make exact copies of a quantum state, this method does not work. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 因为我们不能复制完全相同的量子状态,这个方法行不通。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Hallé Orchestra moved to the Bridgewater Hall in 1996 and the Free Trade Hall was closed by Manchester City Council. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 1996年,交响乐团迁往新落成的布里奇沃特音乐厅,自由贸易厅被市议会关闭。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Drs. William B. Ryan of Columbia University and Fred Spiess of Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California joined the expedition as consultants. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:而哥伦比亚大学的威廉·B·莱恩博士(英语:William B. Ryan)及加利福尼亚州斯克里普斯海洋学研究所(英语:Scripps Institution of Oceanography)的弗莱德·斯匹斯博士( 英语:Fred Spiess)则作为顾问加入到探险中。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Intuitively, if multiple copies of a system exist, a fault in one would be noticeable as a difference in the State or Output from the others. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:直观而言,假如系统存在多分拷贝,其中一个的故障会因为与其它系统的状态或者输出有差异,而变得明显。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both sections of the structure have a slightly rectangular base plan, oriented in a north-south direction with extremely steep sides, which make it impossible that the structure was ever a true pyramid. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 金字塔的两个部分都有近似长方形的地基,南北朝向有十分陡峭的斜坡,这使得这个建筑不可能是一座正真的金字塔。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2008 the 76th Air Assault Division was involved in the 2008 South Ossetia war, being deployed to South Ossetia and fought in the Battle of Tskhinvali. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2008年,第76空中突击师参与了南奥塞提亚战争,并被部署至南奥塞提亚。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:About twelve hours after reaching typhoon status, Oliwa began to undergo unexpected rapid intensification. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在达至台风强度后大约12小时,奥利华在没有预计的情况下开始爆发性增强。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: As of January 2019, the Pakistan International Airlines fleet consists of the following aircraft: In December 2003, PIA introduced a new image that was applied to its first Boeing 777-200ER and on two newly leased Airbus A310s, one of which was in service. Assistant: 截至2016年4月,巴基斯坦国际航空的机队拥有以下飞机: 2003年12月巴基斯坦国际航空在引入其首批777-200ER和两架租借的A310-300时第一次使用了新的外表喷漆。 User: In addition to documentary footage filmed in some fifty countries, he became known for his hundreds of interviews of political, scientific and artistic personages. Assistant: 他除了给大约五十个国家拍摄纪录片之外,还因为给数百名政治,科学和艺术的人士做过专访而闻名。 User: One such patrol, returning during the hottest part of the day after a sleepless night far from base, and very little water, suffered casualties of 160 men who collapsed from heat exhaustion. Assistant: 有一回巡逻,160名队员因上一夜未能入睡且缺少水的摄入,又因回到营地时正是一天中最热的时候而晕厥了过去。 User: Flaminius, like Sempronius, was impetuous, overconfident, and lacking in self-control. Assistant: 弗拉米尼的个性和塞姆普罗尼乌斯一样,既浮躁、过分自信又缺乏自我控制。 User: The isotopes with mass numbers of 129, 131, 132 and 136, have half-lives between a day and two weeks, while most of the other isotopes have half-lives from a few seconds to fractions of a second. Assistant: 具有质量数为129、131、132以及136的同位素的半衰期在一天和两周之间,而大多数其它的同位素的半衰期仅数秒或者少于一秒。 User: Cannabis, however, does not appear to independently increase the risk. Assistant: 但大麻(cannabis)似乎并不单独增加此风险。 User: Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase in particular appeared to have significant amounts to lose with Enron's bankruptcy. Assistant: 花旗集团和摩根大通看起来尤其会因安然公司破产而损失惨重。 User: Between 1823 and 1873, the city's population doubled every ten years. Assistant: 1823年–1873年这段时间,城市的人口每十年增长一倍。 User: Ezio must also assassinate some other important targets such as Gasper Martinez, Pedro Llorente, a Templar spy, and Juan de Marillo. Assistant: 埃奇欧也必须暗杀掉一些其他的重要目标,如:加斯珀·马丁内斯,佩德罗·略伦特,圣殿骑士的间谍以及胡安·德·马里罗。 User: The construction was completed in July 1838. Assistant: 当时预定在1838年7月完工。 User: Frederick Douglass Boulevard eventually terminates near the Harlem River at the Harlem River Drive around West 159th Street. Assistant: Fredrick Douglass Boulevard 最后结束于哈莱姆河西159街附近的Harlem River Drive。 User: The Ganges river dolphin is a true river dolphin, but is extremely rare and considered endangered. Assistant: 恒河海豚是一种真正的江猪,但是已经极为罕见,属于濒危动物。 User: She has appeared on Fox News, MTV, E-Channel, Oxygen, Good Morning America and other shows. Assistant: 她也出现在 MTV, E-Channel, Oxygen, Good Morning America 和其它的一些电视节目中。 User: Smith was first to take out a screw propeller patent on 31 May, while Ericsson, a gifted Swedish engineer then working in Britain, filed his patent six weeks later. Assistant: 史密斯于5月31日首先取得了螺旋桨专利,六周后,在英国工作的瑞典天才工程师艾瑞克森也提交了他的专利。 User: Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. Assistant: 牛顿最先将微积分应用到普通物理当中,而莱布尼茨创作了不少今天在微积分所使用的符号。 User: With the objective of preventing a coup, one of the members took on the appearance of XIII to confuse the opposite side and force it to make errors. Assistant: 带着阻止政变的目标,其中一名成员披上13的外衣以迷惑对手,迫使它制造错误。 User: In general practice, only one of the given names (the Western or Chinese name) is used. Assistant: 一般做法上都只使用一种名字(洋名或华语名字)来称呼。 User: More generally it is known as F-bound polymorphism, and it is a form of F-bounded quantification. Assistant: 更一般地被称作F-bound polymorphism,是一类F 界量化(英语:F-bounded quantification)。 User: On May 29 it had dropped to magnitude 8.55. Assistant: 5月29日时它彗星的亮度下降到8.55等。 User: President Harry S. Truman later called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her human rights achievements. Assistant: 哈里·S·杜鲁门总统在赞扬她的人权成就时称她为“世界第一夫人”。 User: Another example is the cod of the North Sea. Assistant: 另一个例子是北极的烟霞。 User: Four years after Western Samoa came under German rule in 1899, the colonial governor Wilhelm Solf lifted Malietoa's ban and shipped in Chinese labourers from 1903 onwards. Assistant: 在西萨摩亚于1899年受德国统治四年之后,殖民地总督威廉·索尔夫(Wilhelm Solf)从1903年起解除了马列托的禁令,并在中国运送劳工。 User: Squeak is the vehicle for a wide range of projects including multimedia applications, educational platforms and commercial web application development. Assistant: Squeak 是在广泛开发项目中使用的工具,包括多媒体应用,教育平台和商业网络应用程序等。 User: These resource shortages caused by the world wars, and other such world-changing occurrences, greatly encouraged recycling. Assistant: 由世界大战和其它巨变导致的资源紧缺极大地刺激了回收事业。 User: His short film BlinkyTM was released on March 20, 2011, and concerns a robot helper that turns murderous. Assistant: 短片《坏机器人》于2011年3月20日发布,描述了一个机器人帮手变杀手的故事。 User: Chen Yin attended Cornell University, where she majored in Economics with concentration in international relations and East Asian studies. Assistant: 陈音曾就读于康奈尔大学,学习的是国际关系和东亚研究的经济学。 User: During his time at Swindon, he played over 20 matches, saving a penalty on his debut, and was described as "one for the future" by manager Iffy Onuora. Assistant: 在效力史云顿期间,他上阵了超过20场比赛,更在处子之战中扑出点球,被当时的领队奥奴拉(Iffy Onuora)大赞“明日之星”。 User: The Maldives law criminalises homosexuality and prescribes criminal penalties for same-sex sexual conduct and relationships. Assistant: 马尔代夫法律将同性恋定为犯罪,并规定对同性性行为和同性伴侣关系进行刑事处罚。 User: Prosecution for rape occurred mainly if another offense had also been committed, or if the rape was considered to be a flagrant violation of social order. Assistant: 对强奸的起诉通常发生在另一起犯罪也已发生,或被视为对社会秩序的明目张胆侵犯时。 User: Various websites let people sign into XMPP via a browser. Assistant: 还有一些网站更允许大众经由浏览器登入进XMPP。 User: Tashkent was the location of a historic meeting in January 1966 between Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistani President Muhammad Ayub Khan. Assistant: 塔什干是1966年1月印度总理拉尔·巴哈杜尔·夏斯特里与巴基斯坦总统阿尤布·汗之间历史性会晤的地点。 User: The airport is owned by the Government of Nunavut (GN) and operated, under a 30-year contract, by Nunavut Airport Services. Assistant: 该机场由努纳武特政府所有,并在与努纳武特机场服务的30年合约下由它运行。 User: In this way, painting and photography merge, are transported to the limits of current artistic awareness. Assistant: 如此绘画与摄影便泯然若一,被带到当下艺术意识的边界。 User: Design for the first series of ten euro notes Notes printed before November 2003 bear the signature of the first president of the European Central Bank, Wim Duisenberg, who was replaced on 1 November 2003 by Jean-Claude Trichet, whose signature appears on issues from November 2003. Assistant: 十欧元纸币第一版式设计 纸币在2003年11月前印有欧洲中央银行首任行长维姆·德伊森贝赫的签名,并在2003年11月1日由让-克洛德·特里谢所接替,后者的签名一直生效至2012年3月。 User: Bulova is a now defunct Hong Kong football club which were dissolved after the 1984–85 season. Assistant: 宝路华足球队 (简称宝路华,英文:Bulova) 是已经解散的香港足球会,曾经是香港甲组足球联赛球队,在1984–85年球季前宣布解散。 User: This activity decreases somewhat further north in the state, but even the far north of the state reports thunder on about 60 days per year. Assistant: 越向北部雷暴数量则越少,然而就算州的最北端仍有大约每年平均60日有雷暴。 User: In 1931, while engaged in research at the California Institute of Technology, he visited the Zoellner family conservatory in Los Angeles, where he played some of Beethoven and Mozart's works with members of the Zoellner Quartet. Assistant: 1931年,当他在加州理工学院做研究时,曾去洛杉矶拜访佐尔那家族音乐学院(英语:Zoellner family conservatory),并和佐尔那弦乐四重奏(英语:Zoellner String Quartet)的成员一起演奏莫扎特和贝多芬的作品。 User: However, studies performed in the summer of 1991–92 found significant stratification in a 500-metre (1,600 ft) wide trough in the southeastern part of the lake, where it is up to 105 metres (344 ft) deep. Assistant: 但是,在1991-92年度夏季进行的研究表明,在湖泊的东南部有一个500-米(1,600-英尺) 宽和深达105米(344英尺)深的槽内,发现有显著的分层。 User: Selim was the governor of Manisa and Bayezid was the governor of Kütahya, two cities at almost equal distance from Constantinople, the capital. Assistant: 塞利姆是马尼萨的总督而巴耶济德则担任屈塔希亚的总督,两座城市距离伊斯坦布尔的距离基本上是相等的。 User: Australian fur seals were hunted intensively between 1798 and 1825 for commercial reasons. Assistant: 1798年和1825年之间由于商业原因澳大利亚毛皮海狮被大量捕杀。 User: That year, he began his autobiography, which was smuggled to London, but remained unpublished at the time; prison authorities discovered several pages, and his LLB study privileges were revoked for four years. Assistant: 这一年,他开始写自传,当时自传被偷运到伦敦,但一直未被出版;狱官发现了其中的几页,于是他的学习特权被中止了四年。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: But I understand what they're doing. Assistant: ’但我明白他们在做什么。 User: The following year, both of Ward's partners left him, but he hung on. Assistant: 第二年,沃德的两个创业伙伴都离开了他,但他仍然坚持下去。 User: Chadian Prime Minister Kalzeubet Pahimi Deubet said that at least 2,500 Nigerians and 500 Chadians had sought refuge in the neighbouring country following the attacks, some of whom were trying to cross Lake Chad in flimsy and overloaded canoes. Assistant: 乍得总理帕伊米·德贝称,至少有2,500尼日利亚人(英语:Nigerians)和500乍得人因为攻击,试图使用独木舟穿越乍得湖到达邻国寻求庇护。 User: It is the newest airport and, with Liepāja International Airport and Riga International Airport, is one of the three notable airports in the country. Assistant: 该机场与里加国际机场、利耶帕亚国际机场是拉脱维亚最主要的三座机场。 User: This is contrary to pre-existing companies in reverse mergers. Assistant: 这与反向并购中已有的公司相反。 User: The prime minister has claimed that Thailand's economic slowdown is not attributable to his government, but is due to the world economic situation. Assistant: 首相表示泰国经济衰退与他的政府无关,而是与世界经济状况有关。 User: In the Databases Directive 96/9/EC—the member states of the EU are obliged to confer protection known as the database right on non-original databases, that is on those that embody no creativity, but are a consequence of substantial investment (financial, labour etc.). Assistant: 在数据库指令96/9/EC中,欧盟成员国必须对其授予保护权——非原创数据库的数据库权利,也就是对那些没有原创性作品的保护,这是大量投资(金钱、劳力等)的结果。 User: He saw Social Democracy as a "tool" of the living God, and its followers as unwitting servants of God. Assistant: 他视社会民主为一种源自于上帝的〝手段〞,让民主的追求者在无心之中完成上帝的心意。 User: Cowan Creek44°35′42′′N 110°41′40′′W / 44.59500°N 110.69444°W / 44.59500; -110.69444 (Cowan Creek), a tributary of Nez Perce Creek about 6 miles (9.7 km) west of the Lower Geyser Basin on the Mary Mountain trail. Assistant: 考恩溪(Cowan Creek)44°35′42′′N 110°41′40′′W / 44.59500°N 110.69444°W / 44.59500; -110.69444 (Cowan Creek),内兹珀斯溪的一条支流,在玛丽山小道旁,位于下间歇泉盆地以西约6英里(9.7公里)处。 User: Their legal status was close to that of slaves. Assistant: 在法律上,他们处在近似于贱民的地位。 User: Other methods use highly branched organic compounds, so-called dendrimers, to bind the DNA and get it into the cell. Assistant: 其他方法使用具多侧炼的有机化合物,所谓树枝状聚合物,结合DNA并让它进入细胞内。 User: Computer models have been very successful at calculating the behavior of Type II supernovae when the shock has been formed. Assistant: 电脑模拟曾经很成功的计算出II型超新星在冲激波形成之后的行为。 User: Others such as Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Estonia opposed it. Assistant: 其他国家,如奥地利、匈牙利、斯洛伐克和爱沙尼亚反对。 User: As with hardcore films, availability of softcore films varies depending on local laws. Assistant: 正如硬调色情一样,软调色情电影的提供据地方法律而定。 User: I don't like rock. Assistant: 不喜欢红色。 User: On his return to Britain he tried his hand at a number of different entrepreneurial business ventures, including a failed attempt to export marmalade to Japan. Assistant: 在他回到英国后,又在一些不同的创业企业中尝试过,包括向日本出口果酱,但不成功。 User: The news of the outbreak of the Second World War therefore came as a shock. Assistant: 因此第二次世界大战爆发的消息对他来说是一大震惊。 User: Paddy's Markets still operate on part of the site of the vegetable markets as a produce and flea market. Assistant: 派蒂市场(Paddy's Market)仍然作为农产品和跳蚤市场在旧蔬菜市场的边上运作。 User: The property has changed hands since construction: in 1841, it was bought by Carl Mayer von Rothschild of the German family of financiers; in 1867, it passed to the Duke of Monteleone, Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes, whose widow then willed it to the Italian state in 1952. Assistant: 该物业自建成以来曾数次转手:1841年,被德国金融家卡尔·迈耶·冯·罗斯柴尔德收购;然后在1867年转移给蒙特利昂纳公爵迭戈·阿拉戈纳·皮尼亚泰利·科尔特斯,其遗孀在1952年将别墅卖给意大利政府。 User: The assassination might have accelerated the military coup on September 12 of that year led by chief of staff Kenan Evren. Assistant: 暗杀可能加快了那一年9月12日的以参谋长凯南·埃夫伦为首的军事政变。 User: Thus the spectrum losses represent the vast majority of lost power. Assistant: 因此,失去柱名的精灵等同于失去大半的力量。 User: In 1407, the fall of Da Bang fortress, and the defeats of the Hồ at Moc Pham Giang and Ham Tu all precipitated the fall of the Hồ dynasty. Assistant: 1407年,多邦(Da Bang)城堡垒的沦陷,木凡江(Moc Pham Giang)及咸子关的失败都促成了胡朝的覆灭。 User: Basic-256 an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach anybody the basics of computer programming. Assistant: BASIC-256 是易于使用的 Basic 版本,设计用于教会孩子们计算机编程的基础知识。 User: The design and construction was done by the ten construction companies in the CTG/F-M group. Assistant: 隧道的设计和施工由CTG/F-M联合体中的10家建筑公司完成。 User: He is the earliest royal mummy on display in the recently revamped (2006) Royal Mummies Hall at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Assistant: 他的木乃伊是在2006年最近改组中最早展出于开罗埃及博物馆的木乃伊。 User: 2002 Helnwein established a studio in Los Angeles. Assistant: 2002年,郝文在加州洛杉矶成立工作室。 User: Deliveries for the A330s began in 2010 while the first A350 was to be delivered in 2017. Assistant: A330会在2010年间开始交付而第一架A350将会在2017年交付。 User: A TSH assay is now also the recommended screening tool for thyroid disease. Assistant: 对TSH进行化验,也成为目前对甲状腺疾病进行筛查的建议手段。 User: Germany met Sweden in the final, which was played at the Fritz Walter Stadion in Kaiserslautern, Germany, on 26 March 1995. Assistant: 1995年3月26日,德国对阵瑞典的决赛在凯泽斯劳滕的弗里茨·瓦尔特体育场举行。 User: In July 2005, The Killers performed on the London stage of the Live 8 concert, playing "All These Things That I've Done". Assistant: 2005年7月,杀手乐团在伦敦Live 8演唱“All These Thing That I've Done”。 User: Since only a neutron is lost in this process, the atom does not gain or lose any protons, and so it does not become an atom of a different element. Assistant: 由于在这个过程中只有一个中子被失去了,原子不获得或失去任何质子。 User: Weir's opera Armida was premiered on television, rather than on stage. Assistant: 威尔的歌剧《阿米达(英语:Armida (Weir))》在电视上首演,而并非在舞台上。 User: The Polish military refused to give investigators access to documents, and the officers and soldiers were never punished. Assistant: 波兰军方拒绝给调查人员查看文件,而且不管是军官和士兵都没有被处罚。 User: They explained to him that he has gift of healing. Assistant: 据传祂行使一切治愈的神迹。 User: Their adventures lead them to discover that there lies a whole world beyond the boundaries of the floating continent upon which they were living. Assistant: 在冒险中他们发现,他们生活的浮动大陆边界之外,还有更大的世界。 User: The French financier and politician Jacques Laffitte (1767–1844) had his mansion at number 27. Assistant: 法国金融家和政治家雅克·拉菲特 (1767年至1844年)在27号拥有公馆。 User: It can be difficult to diagnose. Assistant: 可能难于诊断。 User: On 14 February 2011, following a 0–1 away loss against Real Sociedad that placed the Navarrese inside the relegation zone, Camacho was fired. Assistant: 2011年2月14日,客场0-1败给皇家社会后,奥萨苏纳跌入降级区,卡马乔为此被解雇了。 User: Kenyan police say the case remains under investigation. Assistant: 但伯明翰警方表示,事件仍在调查当中。 User: The film explores several themes, including the consequence of violence and father-son relationships. Assistant: 《非法正义》探讨了许多议题,包括暴力的后果以及父子关系。 User: The average depth of their dives is about 300 to 600 m (980 to 1,970 ft), typically for around 20 minutes for females and 60 minutes for males, as they search for their favorite foods, which are skates, rays, squid, octopuses, eels, small sharks and large fish. Assistant: 平均潜水深度约300至600米,通常雌性潜约20分钟,雄性60分钟,以寻找食物,如鳐、鱿鱼、章鱼、鳗鱼、小鲨鱼和大型鱼类。 User: This amount translated to 86% of the possible points and the third highest percentage in Heisman history. Assistant: 换算下来,他总共拿下了86%的得票率,这在海斯曼奖历史上可以排到第三高。 User: In April 2010, the opera L'amour coupable by Thierry Pécou to a libretto by Eugène Green based on the Beaumarchais play, received its world premiere at L'Opéra de Rouen. Assistant: 2010年4月,Thierry Pécou的歌剧 有罪的爱 ,把Eugène Green的歌剧剧本基于博马舍的剧本合并,在鲁恩歌剧院世界首演。 User: Oxygen isotopic ratios, which may be measured very precisely, yield a unique and distinct signature for each solar system body. Assistant: 氧同位素的比率,可以非常精确的测量,是太阳系每个天体独特且鲜明。 User: Later cases were sourced either from more recent GRG data, from administrative reports or from press coverage, as indicated in the table. Assistant: 后来的案例来自最近的GRG数据, 以及行政报告或新闻报导,如表中所示。 User: His mother obliges, taking away his toys, drawings, and even his clothes. Assistant: 于是他的母亲夺走了以撒的玩具甚至是衣服。 User: The most important characteristics of class 4 softswitch are protocol support and conversion, transcoding, calls per second rate, average time of one call routing, number of concurrent calls. Assistant: 第四类软交换的最重要特征有协议支持和转换、转码、每秒呼叫速率、一次呼叫路由的平均时间、并发呼叫的数量。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There, Debra receives a message from her younger brother, who informs her that he and their parents were camping in West Virginia at the time of the initial attacks and are now on their way home. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 也就是在这时,黛布拉收到来自她的弟弟的信息,信息中说他和他们的父母都在攻击刚开始的时候被困在了西弗吉尼亚州,现在在回家的路上。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He called on the other GOP presidential candidates to release their plans on Social Security. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他还呼吁其他共和党总统候选人公布各自的社会保障方案。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The residents of these neighborhoods had taken up paving stones and blocked the narrow streets with barricades, and had to be dislodged by the army. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这些地方的街区的人民已采取了用石头铺路、在狭窄的街道设置路障,但最后还是被军队所拆除。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Participants should also organise a support team, plan and start their training schedule at least three months before the event. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:每组队伍最少提前3个月开始组织支援队伍、计划行程及不断练习。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Two weeks before the E3, game journalists received a cryptic e-mail, worded as a press release from Aperture Science, hinting that the presentation on Portal 2 would be replaced with "a surprise" jointly hosted by Aperture Science and Valve. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在E3大会两星期之前,游戏网站编者们收到了一封由光圈科技发布的、内容隐晦的邮件,暗示《传送门2》的展示会被换成一个“惊喜”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This is considered by most historians and journalists to be the end of the Second Indochina War. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 多数历史学家认为这标志着第二次印度支那战争的结束。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Further studio recording took place in Rotterdam on 22 October 2016 and Lapland on 3 November 2016. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:荷兰鹿特丹的拍摄在2016年10月22日进行,芬兰拉普兰区的拍摄则在2016年11月3日进行。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There was no funeral. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:没有任何随葬品。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 It is commonly used for agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, and silviculture purposes, as well as garden maintenance (including home use). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 它通常用于农业,园艺,葡萄栽培和造林,以及园林养护(包括家用)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The PzB 39 remained in use until 1944, by which time it had become hopelessly inadequate against all but the lightest armored vehicles. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:PzB39至1944年仍在服役,但此时甚至对付轻型装甲目标都已力不从心。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Company also created sub-brands to target different socioeconomic and lifestyle segments of the consumer market. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该公司还针对消费市场的不同社会经济状态和生活方式创建了子品牌。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: An interactive kiosk is a computer terminal featuring specialized hardware and software that provides access to information and applications for communication, commerce, entertainment, or education. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 互动式资讯服务站(英语:Interactive kiosk,简称:Kiosk)是一部电脑终端机,以特定规格的硬件与软件来制作,用来提供通讯、商业、娱乐或是教育的资讯与应用服务。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Arts Council chairman Kenneth Clark was disappointed with the response of British critics to the exhibition, and their focus on a theme of nationhood paid little regard to the works of Bellette and several others. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:艺术委员会主席肯尼斯·克拉克对英国群众对展览的反响很失望,英国群众由于民族意识而对巴勒特以及其他几位画家的作品关注很少。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A root-5 rectangle is particularly notable in that it can be split into a square and two equal golden rectangles (of dimensions Φ × 1), or into two golden rectangles of different sizes (of dimensions Φ × 1 and 1 × φ). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 根号5矩形之所以特别,是因为可以分割成一个正方形及二个大小相同的黄金矩形(二边长为Φ × 1),或是二个大小不同的黄金矩形(二边长分别为Φ × 1及1 × φ)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: JScript was first supported in the Internet Explorer 3.0 browser released in August 1996. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: JScript最初随Internet Explorer 3.0于1996年8月发布。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is found only in Israel. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 它们只分布在以色列。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After another week, the DVD became the first music DVD in Oricon history to exceed 500,000 in sales. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 一星期后,它更成为了Oricon历史上首张能冲破500,000张销量的音乐DVD。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Stimson, General George Marshall and Rear Admiral William R. Purnell reviewed the document and made minor changes, and it was then sent to the British Embassy for approval. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 史汀生、乔治·卡特莱特·马歇尔上将和威廉·珀内尔(英语:William R. Purnell)少将(英语:Rear Admiral (United States))审阅了修改后的草案,稍作修改后送交英国使馆审批。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The idea of reciprocity, once known as Bunsen–Roscoe reciprocity, originated from the work of Robert Bunsen and Henry Roscoe in 1862. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:倒易律这一概念源自Robert Bunsen和Henry Roscoe在1862年所做的工作,并曾被称作Bunsen-Roscoe倒易律。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Incumbent president Moncef Marzouki announced on 20 September 2014 that he would run for re-election. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 现任总统蒙塞夫·马尔祖基2014年9月20日宣布他将竞选连任。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 All those teams have now relocated to the New GSP stadium. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 球队主场位于新GSP体育场。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Strijdom's government also severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而斯揣敦的政府也断绝了与苏联的外交关系。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In flight, it's ungraceful. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:时有隆夷,事亦工拙。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The manuscripts themselves are described in detail with respect to copyist, place and time of origin, librettist, previous owners, and dedicatees. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 手稿本身的详细说明包含抄写员、原本地点与时间、歌词作者、历代持有人、受奉献者等。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Nixon administration strongly supported Israel, an American ally in the Middle East, but the support was not unconditional. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 尼克松政府对美国在中东的盟国以色列予以大力支持,但这样的支持不是无条件的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Curling The women's tournament gold medal game: South Korea 3–8 Sweden Figure skating The exhibition gala, featuring performances by the individual gold medalists and many others. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 冰壶 女子金牌赛: 韩国 3–8 瑞典 花式滑冰 个人各项金牌得主等表演。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is estimated that 30% of those Hong Kongers who moved away in the 1980s have returned to Hong Kong. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 根据估计,至少30%于1980年代移民离开香港的香港人回流香港。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Particularly, the last three or four decades before World War I saw significant economic development and urbanization. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 值得一提的是,第一次世界大战前的三十或四十年间体现出了标志性的经济发展和城市化进程。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Upon considering the appeal, the higher authority may set aside the NJP, decrease the severity of the punishment, or may deny the appeal. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 若需求曲线比较有弹性时,则供应者承担较大的成本上升或税项,。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The office can be traced to 1950, when United States Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray decided to centralize manpower issues for civil, military, and reserve personnel under one individual, with the position being elevated to Assistant Secretary when manpower issues proved to be a problem during the course of the Korean War. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 美国陆军人力暨后备事务室的历史可以追溯至1950年,时任陆军部长高登·格雷(英语:Gordon Gray (politician))决定统一化美国陆军人力与后备的相关议题,将文职官员、军方与后备动员的人事管理事务统合为一,在朝鲜战争期间证明了美国陆军人力事务是一项重大问题,人力与后备事务主官随即提升到助理部长级别。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Reardon and Yeates' friends set up a website and used social networking services to help look for her. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 里尔登同叶茨的朋友们一起设置一个网站并希望利用社交网络寻找她的下落。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:To be adored or to be known? Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 你会给赞或分享吗? User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Simulation also refers to activities where an optimum for some problem is searched for, while this is not usually the aim of an educational game. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 模拟还会涉及如何寻找某个问题的最佳解决方案,而这通常不是一个教育性游戏的目的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Despite the fact that English is recognised as the language of commerce and science, it ranked fourth, and was spoken by only 9.6% of South Africans as a first language in 2011. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管英语位列第四,并且在2011年仅有9.6%的南非人以英语作为其第一语言,但其为南非政界、商界以及传媒的最主要语言。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For them there was only one way to do a thing, the Japanese way; only one goal and interest, the Japanese interest; only one destiny for the East Asian countries, to become so many Manchukuos or Koreas tied forever to Japan. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在他们看来,只有日本人的做法是正道,只有日本的利益才是真正的利益,亚洲诸国只有一个命运,那就是成为像满州人和朝鲜人那样的永远的‘皇国’臣民。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The thickness of the lining is generally in the range 80 to 300 mm. Assistant: 衬里的厚度一般范围为80到300毫米。 User: Canton erupted in celebration, with McKinley making speech after speech to the townsfolk and to those who poured in that day by rail from across Ohio, even from his birthplace of Niles. Assistant: 坎顿立即开始庆祝活动,麦金莱先向市民演说,然后又向当天从俄亥俄州各地赶来的民众演讲,其中还有些人是专程从候选人出生的尼尔斯赶来。 User: Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, IAPTI was established on 30 September 2009, Saint Jerome's day. Assistant: IAPTI 总部设在阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯,于2009年9月30日的圣杰罗姆节成立。 User: The Democrats of the 21st Century (Dutch: Democraten van de 21ste Eeuw) is a political party in Suriname. Assistant: 21世纪民主党 (荷兰语:Democraten van de 21ste Eeuw) 是苏里南的一个政党。 User: When a phagocyte ingests bacteria (or any material), its oxygen consumption increases. Assistant: 当吞噬细胞在吞食细菌(或其他物质)时,它的耗氧量会增加。 User: Leaders of EU member states agreed to seek a package deal that would give significant posts to the new political parties in an effort to win back public support for the European Parliament. Assistant: 欧盟成员国领导人同意达成一揽子协议,并将关键的委员会部长职位给予新的政党,努力赢回欧盟成员国公民对欧盟的信任。 User: Wildermann, Patrick: Bitte schnell was trinken. Assistant: 后游京师,好饮酒,以鼓琴自娱。 User: On 21 Sept 2015, Bello was sentenced to 4 months' jail. Assistant: 2015年9月21日,Bello被判处4个月监禁。 User: Rebels were accused of kidnapping Lebanese TV journalist Fidaa Itani because his coverage was considered "not suitable" for "the Syrian revolution and revolutionaries". Assistant: 武装反对派挨批绑架了黎巴嫩电视台记者Fidaa Itani,因为认为他的报道“不适合叙利亚的革命和革命者”(他之后获反对派释放并前往土耳其)。 User: The sides of her head and neck are streaked with black, and the underparts are rich buff. Assistant: 头部至颈背间有黑色斑纹,下身呈黄色。 User: In November 2014, Harlow spoke in a TED presentation, recalling her experience with it. Assistant: 2014年11月,哈洛在TED发表演讲,再度回顾她与白癜风的经历。 User: Even though half of her family is Spanish, she doesn't speak but understands. Assistant: 虽然他有一半的西班牙血统,不过他的西班牙语并不流利。 User: Although the missile had entered service with the Chinese army in the mid 1980s, it was not until 1990 when it was first publicly revealed in China.. Assistant: 虽然曾早在1980年代中期,该导弹就开始投入中国人民解放军中服役,但直到1990年,它才在中国首度公开显现出来。 User: Acre was defended by Henry II's brother Amalric of Tyre, the Hospitallers, Templars, and Teutonic Knights, the Venetians and Pisans, the French garrison led by Jean I de Grailly, and the English garrison led by Otton de Grandson, but they were vastly outnumbered. Assistant: 阿克由亨利二世的弟弟提尔的阿马尔里克(Amalric of Tyre),医院骑士,圣殿骑士,以及条顿骑士,威尼斯人和比萨人,格莱里的让一世(Jean I de Grailly)领导的法国驻军,以及格朗松的奥顿(Otton de Grandson)领导的英国驻军防守,但他们的人数处于绝对劣势。 User: It solves some of JIF's limitations in regard to simple JPEG encoded file interchange. Assistant: 它解决了JIF在简单JPEG编码文件交换方面的一些限制。 User: DDBJ began data bank activities in 1986 at NIG and remains the only nucleotide sequence data bank in Asia. Assistant: DDBJ于1986年在国立遗传学研究所开始了数据库的运作,并且仍然是亚洲唯一的核苷酸序列数据库。 User: Five songs from the episode are being released as singles. Assistant: 专辑中有5首歌曲作为单曲发布。 User: Kondratyuk later enrolled at the Great Polytechnic in Petrograd to study engineering, where he was influenced by Ivan Meshcherskiy. Assistant: 康德拉图克后来进入圣彼得堡技术大学学习工程,在这里他深受伊凡·梅谢尔斯基(英语:Ivan Meshcherskiy)的影响。 User: Lennon later said that until he met Ono, he had never questioned his chauvinistic attitude toward women. Assistant: 列侬在日后表示,他在遇到小野前从未怀疑过自己对女性的大男子主义态度。 User: The expedition, with attacks from the spring through the fall, also destroyed the crops and winter stores of the Iroquois, to drive them out of the land. Assistant: 远征军的攻势一路从春季持续到秋季,同时也摧毁了易洛魁联盟的作物以及过冬用的谷仓,试图迫使他们撤离自己的土地。 User: "We want do something. Assistant: ”这是不得不做的事。 User: The barber, Muhammad `Alí of Isfahán, apparently refused and spread word of the danger around the community. Assistant: 这位理发师,伊斯法罕人穆罕默德·阿里,明确拒绝了他的要求,并在社团内部传播了这个危险的消息。 User: The returning birds died before they could reproduce, thus rendering the species extinct in the wild in Turkey as of 1992. Assistant: 这只回来的隐鹮在繁殖前死去,故令它们于1992年在土耳其野外灭绝。 User: Some units are able to drain health from enemies in order to replenish their own, and most are immune to poisoning. Assistant: 有些单位在攻击敌人时恢复自己的生命值,而且大多数都可以免疫中毒。 User: On one occasion, an unnamed individual believed his reputation had been injured by something Scott had said and challenged him to a duel. Assistant: 某位不知名姓的人士认为自己的名声因斯科特曾说过的某句话受损,所以向州长挑战要求决斗。 User: Moreover, the Soviet Union contributed to the build-up of the Laotian armed forces. Assistant: 而且,苏联促成了老挝武装力量的建立。 User: Friday, 5 November – 19:30 Peter Ebdon 0–2 Nigel Bond Sunday, 7 November – 15:00 Steve Davis 1–4 Jimmy White These matches took place between 29 and 30 May 2010 at the Cue Garden, Bradford, England. Assistant: 11月5日 – 19:30 彼得·艾伯顿 0–2 奈吉尔·邦德 11月7日 – 15:00 史蒂夫·戴维斯 1–4 吉米·怀特 预赛于2010年5月29日至30日进行。 User: According to a U.S. study on 2429 adult male sex offenders who were categorized as "pedophiles", only 7% identified themselves as exclusive; indicating that many or most child sexual abusers may fall into the non-exclusive category. Assistant: 美国的一项研究调查了2429名都被归类为恋童的成年男性性犯罪者,并发现当中只有7%是只偏爱儿童的恋童者,其余的都是非只偏爱儿童的儿童性侵犯者。 User: He knew Ruby and described him as a "born loser". Assistant: 他认识鲁比并说他是一个"天生的失败者。 User: It was concluded that over-efficaciousness negatively affected student motivation, so that students who believed they were "good at languages" had less motivation to study. Assistant: 得出的结论是,过度的自我效能会对学习动力产生消极影响,并减少了学生自认为“擅长语言”这一因素对其学习的促进作用。 User: The clay pellets are inert, pH neutral and do not contain any nutrient value. Assistant: 粘土颗粒是惰性的,pH中性,不含任何营养价值。 User: As such, they usually have one or more solar telescopes. Assistant: 为此,它们通常有一架或多架的太阳望远镜。 User: Angela continued to argue this in her defense during the boardroom, though admitted that it would have not countered the entire $7,000 difference in sales. Assistant: 安琪拉虽然继续为自己办护,但亦承认这不足以构成$7,000的差距。 User: The NetBSD project began as a result of frustration within the 386BSD developer community with the pace and direction of the operating system's development. Assistant: 因386BSD开发社区在操作系统开发的节奏与方向上的失败,该计划得以开始。 User: The use of live animals also raised concerns about cruelty; the American Humane Association placed the film on its "unacceptable list". Assistant: 对动物的利用也引起了争议,美国人道协会(American Humane Association)就将本片列入其“无法接受名单”。 User: The military of the French-controlled Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815) and the Russian-controlled Congress Kingdom of Poland (1815–1831) used the white cockade, which was also worn by the cadets who started the November Uprising against Russian rule on 29 November 1830. Assistant: 法国控制的华沙公国(1807年-1815年)和俄国控制的波兰会议王国(1815年-1831年)使用白色帽徽,于1830年11月29日发动反抗俄国统治的十一月革命的军校生也佩戴这种帽徽。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: More were developed in response to NIST solicitation. Assistant: 在NIST的征集下开发了更多的模式。 User: He left Leeds in the summer of 2005, having spent one season at the club, playing 38 matches and scoring four times for the team as they reached the third round of the League Cup and attained a 14th-placed finish in the league. Assistant: 2005年夏天,他在列斯联度过一个球季后离开,他总共上阵38场赛事及取得四个入球,球会则打入联赛杯第三圈并在联赛排第14位。 User: The first task of a nuclear weapon design is to rapidly assemble a supercritical mass of fissile uranium or plutonium. Assistant: 核武器设计的第一个任务是快速的将裂变物铀或者钚快速的组合在一起并超过链式反应的临界质量。 User: The orbit raising will take 1.5 months before reaching the Moon's area of influence. Assistant: 在飞船抵达月球转移轨道后,还需要5.5天才能抵达月球。 User: This included evidence that birds had evolved from reptiles, including the discovery of Archaeopteryx in Europe, and a number of fossils of primitive birds with teeth found in North America. Assistant: 这些证据包括了鸟类从爬行类动物演化而来的证据,始祖鸟在欧洲的发现,以及大量原始鸟类化石在北美洲的发现。 User: Later, The Northeast Proton Therapy Center at Massachusetts General Hospital was brought online, and the HCL treatment program was transferred to it during 2001 and 2002. Assistant: 后来,东北部的质子治疗中心在 马萨诸塞州总医院 被带上网,和HCL处理程序被转移到它在2001年和2002年。 User: At the 2007 Interactive Achievement Awards, Wii Sports won "Outstanding Achievement in Game Play Engineering", "Outstanding Achievement in Game Design", and "Outstanding Innovation in Gaming". Assistant: 在2007年互动成就奖中,《Wii Sports》摘得“游戏技术杰出成就奖”、“游戏设计杰出成就奖”和“游戏杰出创新奖”三项大奖。 User: As always, the Partisan resistance displayed frustrating survivability and effectiveness and new events started to influence the fighting in Yugoslavia. Assistant: 与往常一样,南斯拉夫游击队的抵抗显示出生存性和有效性,并开始进行新的行动以影响在南斯拉夫的战局。 User: The P85 was affordable, initially retailing for just $295, about $100 cheaper than its nearest competitors. Assistant: P85的价格实惠,最初的零售价仅为$295,比最接近的竞争对手便宜约$100。 User: IMD has two main educational offerings: Degree programs: the MBA and the EMBA Executive education: open enrollment and company custom programs The degree programs have triple accreditation by AACSB, AMBA, and EFMD(EQUIS). Assistant: IMD主要提供以下两类课程: 学位课程: MBA课程、EMBA课程 高管课程: 公开课程、定制培训课程 IMD的学位课程为 AACSB、 AMBA 及 EFMD(EQUIS)共同认可。 User: Another member of the team was William D. Pawley, a wealthy businessman and diplomat with extensive knowledge of the aviation industry. Assistant: 而团队的另一名成员是富有的企业家、外交官威廉·鲍雷,他对航空业有广泛的认识。 User: As she explained in an interview, "the thing I didn't like too much towards the end was how focused it was on just indoor climbing and training. Assistant: 她在采访中解释说“我不喜欢的是后来所有的精力都集中在室内攀岩和训练上。 User: Others buy these products direct from family farms. Assistant: 有的人则直接从家庭农场购买这些产品。 User: February 27, 2005: Reached final orbit around the Moon with an orbital period of about 5 hours. Assistant: 2005年2月27日:达到最终的环月轨道,轨道周期为5小时。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Whereas only 20,600 MAS-49 were manufactured, the MAS-49/56 was mass-produced, attaining a total of 275,240 rifles issued between 1957 and 1978. Assistant: 而MAS-49/56被量产,总共有275,240把在1957年至1978年的。 User: While Thelema is most often regarded as a religion—a new religious movement and contemporary mystery religion in particular—it is also referred to as a philosophy, "religious philosophy", "spiritual philosophy", or "religious matrix". Assistant: 泰勒玛常被视作是一种衍生于西方神秘主义的社会性或灵性哲学,且更常被视作是一种宗教——尤其是一种新兴宗教——此外它也被称作是一种哲学,是“宗教哲学”、“灵性哲学”或“哲学矩阵”。 User: Initial line-up of the commercially available M.2 expansion cards is 22 mm wide, with varying lengths of 30, 42, 60, 80 and 110 mm. Assistant: 市售的M.2扩展卡主要是22毫米宽,长度有30、42、60、80和110毫米等规格。 User: The Lithuanian forces offered little effective resistance and surrendered Minsk to the Cossacks and Cherkassky on 3 July. Assistant: 立陶宛军队很少发动有效的反抗,并在7月3日放弃了明斯克,将这座城市留给了哥萨克和切尔卡斯基部。 User: She supported Stonewall during their "It gets better..... today" campaign to prevent homophobic bullying, and dedicated the music video to her song "Firework" to the It Gets Better Project. Assistant: 她石墙慈善组织(英语:Stonewall (charity))的“今天会更好”(It gets better......today)的预防同性恋欺凌运动期间支持该组织,将她的歌曲《烟火》的音乐录影带献给It Gets Better项目。 User: Various versions of the Anza are currently in service with the Pakistan Army, with the Mk-III version being the most recent. Assistant: 目前,安扎导弹的历代各种版本都在与巴基斯坦军队(英语:Pakistan Army)服役,其最新版本为Mk-III。 User: The west end of the Yogo dike outcrops just southwest of Yogo Creek, about 3 miles (5 km) north of Yogo Creek's confluence with the Middle Fork of the Judith River; from there it runs east-northeast and ends about 0.5 miles (800 m) from the Judith River. Assistant: Yogo堤西端从与朱迪斯河中央支流(Middle Fork Judith River)交汇处3英里(5公里)以北的Yogo溪西南岸露头,开始向东北偏东方向延伸并止于离朱迪斯河大约0.5英里(800米)处。 User: Karume was willing to work within the electoral framework of the new government, and actually informed a British police officer of the revolutionary plot set to take place in January. Assistant: 卡鲁姆表示愿意在新政府的选举框架内工作,并实际向一名英国警官通报了将于1月份进行的革命阴谋。 User: Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly. Assistant: 犹太历史季刊。 User: Akera bayeri (Marcus & Marcus, 1967) - It can be found along the coast of Colombia and Brazil. Assistant: Akera bayeri (Marcus & Marcus, 1967):见于南美洲哥伦比亚及巴西海岸。 User: Members are aged from 12 to 17 years old. Assistant: 会员年龄由12岁至17岁。 User: Although originally intended as a prototype, it became clear that the machine was a potentially useful resource, especially given the lack of other computing devices at the time. Assistant: 虽然最初被设计为原型机,但很明显,该机器是一个潜在很有用的资源,特别是在当时缺少其他计算机设备的情况下。 User: The discovery of significant oil reserves in 1959 and the subsequent income from petroleum sales enabled the Kingdom of Libya to transition from one of the world's poorest nations to a wealthy state. Assistant: 1959年,利比亚发现了巨大的石油储量,随后石油销售的收入使利比亚从世界上最贫困的国家一跃成为一个非常富有的国家。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The lower river suffered from severe pollution and industrial abandonment in the 20th century. Assistant: 其下游河道在20世纪遭受了严重的工业废渣污染。 User: Costume of Cambodian Hokkien defines the inheritance of the two culture. Assistant: 柬埔寨福建人的传统服饰展现了中柬文化的特色。 User: The more sources the higher the frequency. Assistant: 强度越大,频率越高。 User: Wayne and Luka barely escape, only to find that their pirate fortress (trailer) has been sieged, and that Rick has been taken captive. Assistant: 韦恩和露卡勉强逃脱,但他们发现基地已被围困,里克也被抓走了。 User: It is one of only two lunar maria that are named after people, the other being Mare Smythii (named after British astronomer William Henry Smyth), and is located along the eastern lunar limb. Assistant: 这是月球上仅有的二处以人名命名的月海之一,另一个是史密斯海(英国天文学家威廉·亨利·史密斯之名命名),位于月球东侧边沿。 User: Bana spent two days living with Read to help him practice for the role. Assistant: 巴纳花了两天时间与立德住在一起,以帮助他练习这个角色。 User: This puts a strain on his relationship with Lisa, who leaves him. Assistant: 这使他与离开他的Lisa的关系变得紧张。 User: After almost a decade of extensive research and data collection as well as unfruitful negotiations, a hearing began before an FPC trial examiner on November 18, 1946, to determine whether the rivers where Montana Power had constructed dams prior to 1935 were navigable and therefore should be licensed under the act. Assistant: 经过长时间的研究、数据收集以及谈判之后,1946年11月18日开始举行听证会,以确定蒙大拿电力公司在1935年之前修建水坝前,河流是否可通航以致水坝属法律生效范围 。 User: SN 2014J is one of the closest supernovae to Earth observed in recent decades. Assistant: SN 2014J是近几十年来最靠近地球的超新星之一。 User: Everything I did was totally on instinct. Assistant: 一切他做到的事情都是源于本能。 User: In 2006, the cinema was closed and the newer building was demolished, while the Deutschlandhaus still can be found near the square. Assistant: 2006年,电影院关闭,新建筑拆除,而早期旧址 Deutschlandhaus 还能在广场附近找到。 User: Hizb ut-Tahrir is suspected of having several hundred members in Azerbaijan, and several members of it were arrested and prosecuted by Azerbaijani authorities. Assistant: 该组织被怀疑在阿塞拜疆有数百名成员,其中一些成员被阿塞拜疆当局逮捕和起诉。 User: The US turned to Saudi Arabia and Iran as "twin pillars" of regional stability. Assistant: 美国仰赖沙特阿拉伯与伊朗这“两根柱子”作为中东地区局势稳定的保证。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: While the primary purpose of the promotion/relegation system is to maintain competitive balance, it may also be used as a disciplinary tool in special cases. Assistant: 虽然升降班制度的主要目的是保持竞争平衡,但它也可以用作特殊情况下的纪律工具。 User: ADI Limited of Australia, produced a small trial run of modern Model 1887/1901 shotguns, chambered for modern smokeless 12-gauge shotshells. Assistant: 在澳洲的ADI有限公司,制作了一个小型的试作型的现代版温彻斯特M1887霰弹枪,发射现代的无烟火药型12铅径霰弹。 User: Similarly to BB84, the protocol involves a private measurement protocol before detecting the presence of Eve. Assistant: 与BB84类似,该协议在检测Eve的存在之前涉及私密测量协议。 User: This is often frightening but is not dangerous. Assistant: 这通常很可怕,但并不危险。 User: This visit was also an act of protest that he made with François Châtelet against the brazilian military government (dictatorship). Assistant: 这次访问也是他与弗朗索瓦·奇特尔(François Châtelet)一起反对巴西军事政府独裁的抗议行动。 User: WDDM 2.0 introduces a new virtual memory management and allocation system to reduce workload on the kernel-mode driver. Assistant: WDDM 2.0则引入了一种全新的虚拟内存管理和分配系统,以减少核心模式驱动程式(kernel-mode driver)的工作负载。 User: The Cocoon fal'Cie are responsible for keeping Cocoon floating, as well as providing light and water to the people that live inside. Assistant: 茧的法尔希负责维持茧的漂浮,并为生活在其中的人类提供给光和水。 User: This star displayed no lines of hydrogen in its spectrum, but strong helium lines as well as the presence of carbon and oxygen. Assistant: 这颗恒光谱没有氢线,但有强烈的氦线和碳和氧的谱线存在。 User: Force India updated their VJM09 to improve airflow. Assistant: 印度威力为改善气流,升级了他们的VJM09。 User: Typically, two catalysts are needed for this reaction: a zerovalent palladium complex and a copper(I) halide salt. Assistant: 一般情况下,该反应需要两种催化剂:一种钯(0) 错合物和一种铜(I) 卤化物。 User: Due to the public change of attitude to animals kept in captivity and unsuitably cramped space, the zoo also suffered dwindling visitor numbers. Assistant: 由于公众对笼养动物和不合适的细小饲养空间态度改变,动物园的访客数字也减少。 User: Other artists, such as the Symbolist painters and some of the Surrealists, were kinder to the tradition. Assistant: 其他画家,如象征主义和一些超现实主义画家,则对传统较为同情。 User: An analysis of a large database of charity donations revealed that a disproportionately large number of people donate to disaster relief following hurricanes with names sharing their initial letter (e.g. Kate and Kevin following Hurricane Katrina). Assistant: 一项有关慈善捐助大数据库的分析发现,超乎寻常多的人都选择捐助那些以含有他们名字首字母命名的飓风赈援救灾活动(比如:凯特(Kate)和凯文(Kevin)选择捐助飓风卡特里娜)。 User: Other recent results suggest that these large clusters of vacancies (mini-voids) are a likely cause in other types of diamond as well. Assistant: 最近研究结果表明,这些大的空位团很可能还是其他类型钻石的成因 。 User: Io, which has active volcanism and an ionosphere, is a particularly strong source, and its currents also generate radio emissions, which have been studied since 1955. Assistant: 有着火山活动和电离层的埃欧,是带电粒子的强力来源,从1955年开始就在研究由它的电流所发射出来的电波辐射。 User: Virtual elements within the Matrix Trilogy utilized state-of-the-art image-based computer rendering techniques pioneered in Paul Debevec's 1997 film The Campanile and custom evolved for The Matrix by George Borshukov, an early collaborator of Debevec. Assistant: 在黑客帝国三部曲中的虚拟环境是基于最尖端的计算机图像渲染技术,这种技术首先在1997年Paul Debevec的电影The Campanile Movie中使用,并且由Debevec的早期合作者George Borshukov进行改进。 User: More advanced modern aircraft replaces these with the integrated electronic Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System or Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor. Assistant: 更加先进的现代飞机采用集成的电子型发动机显示和机组警告系统或电子集中式飞机监视器(英语:Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor)取而代之。 User: She teaches French, art, and drama at Westdale Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario. Assistant: 目前在加拿大安大略省哈密尔顿的韦斯特代尔中学(英语:Westdale Secondary School)教法文、艺术和戏剧。 User: The loss and repair of some of the original assets posed another hurdle, with Kitase commenting that it might have been easier to recreate the data from the ground up. Assistant: 原资产部分损失与修复是也是一重问题,北濑的意见是这可能更易于从头重建数据。 User: Having removed his shoes, the Pope paused for a full two minutes, eyes closed in silent meditation, standing side by side with Mustafa Çağrıcı, the Mufti of Istanbul, and Emrullah Hatipoğlu, the Imam of the Blue Mosque. Assistant: 他除去了鞋子,合上双眼静止了近两分钟,期间一直与伊斯坦布尔大教长穆斯塔法·贾里奇(Mustafa Cagrici)及苏丹艾哈迈德清真寺阿訇一起。 User: Full-text search. Assistant: 支援全文搜寻。 User: The main defect of Kripke semantics is the existence of Kripke incomplete logics, and logics which are complete but not compact. Assistant: Kripke 语义的主要缺陷是存在 Kripke 不完备逻辑和完备但不紧致的逻辑。 User: The effect is small (roughly 43 arcseconds of rotation per century), but well above the measurement error (roughly 0.1 arcseconds per century). Assistant: 这个误差相当小,大约为每世纪43弧度秒,但这还是要比测量引起的误差每世纪0.1弧度秒大很多。 User: This prevented him from discerning the fundamental social and political upheavals of the 20th century and aligning his thinking and actions accordingly. Assistant: 这一点使他不去考虑二十世纪的社会和政治动荡,想法和行动始终一致。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Out of worry, the man peeked into the bathroom, but there was no sight of the woman, only fragments of ice floating in the bathtub. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 非常担心的男子就到浴室那里去窥看究竟,结果没有看到女子的身影,只看到冰的碎片漂浮在浴缸的水面上。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She is a stepmother to Johnsen's two children from his previous marriage. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这也让她成为了詹森前段婚姻的两个孩子的继母。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The 50th livraison appeared on July 23, 1792, by which time all the dictionaries eventually published had been begun except for seven: Jeux familiers and mathématiques, physics, Art oratoire, physical geography, Chasses and Pèches. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在1792年7月23日的第50次付运,最终出版了所有的字典,除却了七本包括:jeux familiers和mathmatiques、物理、艺术装饰、自然地理、chasses和pèches。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The present gate was built in 1939. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:目前的城门建于1939年。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The crucial goal of a targeted microarray in medical practice is to provide clinically useful results for diagnosis, genetic counseling, prognosis, and clinical management of unbalanced cytogenetic abnormalities. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 靶向微阵列在医疗实践中的关键目标是为不平衡的细胞遗传学异常的诊断、遗传咨询、预后和临床管理提供临床上有用的结果。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1957, the local school was made into an area school to accommodate the influx of students. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 1957年,当地学校转型成为地区性学校,以容纳大量涌入的学生。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: One of the first playgrounds in the United States was built in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park in 1887. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 美国第一个公共游乐场是1887年建立于旧金山的金门公园。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Cassini–Huygens came under fire politically in both 1992 and 1994, but NASA successfully persuaded the United States Congress that it would be unwise to halt the project after ESA had already poured funds into development because frustration on broken space exploration promises might spill over into other areas of foreign relations. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该计划在1992年和1994年两度遭到政治之火波及,但NASA成功说服美国国会停止该专案计划是不明智的,在EAS已经将资金投入发展之后,因为受到挫折而伤害到执行太空探险计划的承诺,可能影响到其他领域的对外关系。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Due to the Christian right's views regarding ethics and to an extent due to negative views of eugenics common to most ideologies in North America, it has worked for the regulation and restriction of certain applications of biotechnology. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 由于基督教右翼对道德的看法,并且在一定程度上归因于北美大多数意识形态共有的优生学的负面观点,因此它一直致力于监管和限制生物技术的某些应用。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Intensive research has been conducted by many groups to optimize blood and dialysate flows within the dialyser, in order to achieve efficient transfer of wastes from blood to dialysate. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 很多团队做过大量研究,旨在优化透析器中的血液和渗透液流动,从而让废物有效地从血液转向渗透液。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: However, there was another, possibly more important, factor. Assistant: 除此之外,还有其他可能更为重要的课题。 User: The son left in anger and, in about 1832, emigrated to the United States, where he was quite successful. Assistant: Eugene很生气,所以在大约1832年时移居美国,他在那里相当成功。 User: Famously, the failure to predict the orbit of Uranus in the 19th century led not to the rejection of Newton's Law but rather to the rejection of the hypothesis that the solar system comprises only seven planets. Assistant: 19世纪时,天王星的轨道的预测失败,没有导致牛顿定律的拒绝,而是导致了太阳系只有七个行星的假说的拒绝;随后的调查发现了第八颗行星,海王星。 User: The performances by Cui and other rock artists during the protests have been described as "a revolutionary few days that rocked a nation," and many protesters sang "Nothing to My Name" to give voice to their rebellion against the government, and their desire for personal freedom and self-expression. Assistant: 马图赛兹认为,他与其他几位艺术家在这一事件期间的表演是“一场在几天时间里震撼了整个国家的革命”,许多抗议者通过演唱《一无所有》来表达自己反抗政府的呼声和对个人自由和自我表达的渴望。 User: These appear again in Revelation 4:7. Assistant: 仅于剧中数回登场(第4.6-7话)。 User: In some cases, other disability-specific organizations will also have some governance of athletes in that sport within their own group. Assistant: 在某些情况下,其他残疾人组织也将在自己的团体内对运动员进行一些管理。 User: This phase will be followed by the development and assembly phase, and by a first flight in 2011. Assistant: 下一阶段就是开发和生产,并于2011前首飞。 User: She also shot 18 hours of footage for a documentary on the making of the film, but it remained unfinished. Assistant: 她也拍摄过18小时的《金甲部队》制作特辑纪录片,但最终未完成。 User: It is not dead. Assistant: 它并没有死。 User: This experiment yielded a value of the mass of the Earth of 8.1 ± 2.4 × 1024 kg, corresponding to a mean density of 7,500 ± 1,900 kg·m−3. Assistant: 而这项实验得到地球质量值为 8.1 ± 2.4×1024 kg ,其对应平均密度值为 7,500 ± 1,900 kg·m−3六。 User: The advance to a cross-plane was proposed at an automotive engineering conference in the United States in 1915, but it took another eight years to bring to production. Assistant: 1915年,垂直面的设计构思在一次美国汽车工程大会上出现,但是用了8年时间才有了总成。 User: The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission embarked on a seismic retrofit, designed to bring the Sports Arena up to 21st century seismic standards. Assistant: 洛杉矶纪念体育场委员会加固了体育场,旨在使达到体育场21世纪的抗震标准。 User: Bronna Góra became the location of secluded massacres in 1942, with trainloads of Jews transported and dislodged there from the Ghetto in Brześć, the Pińsk Ghetto, and all other ghettos created by Nazi Germany in the area. Assistant: 1942年,布隆纳山成为与外界隔绝的屠杀地点,成列车的犹太人从布列斯特隔都、平斯克隔都 和纳粹德国在该地区创建的所有其他隔都运到这里下车。 User: Boa Sr., the last person who remembered any Bo, died on 26 January 2010, at the age of approximately 85. Assistant: 老宝儿(Boa Sr.)女士为最后一位阿卡波语的说话人, 死于2010年1月26日,享寿约85岁。 User: He succeeded at his third attempt, and was ready to start his medical studies in the autumn of 1887. Assistant: 他在报考第三次时合格,将在1887年秋天开始他的医学课程。 User: At the distribution, UC announced in a press release "We are extremely pleased to be returning these funds to the members of the class. Assistant: 关于赔偿分配,加州大学在一份新闻稿中宣布:“我们非常高兴将这些资金返还给成员们。 User: In 1874 and 1875, the diamond fields were in the grip of depression, but Rhodes and Rudd were among those who stayed to consolidate their interests. Assistant: 1874年-1875年间,钻石场的效益不容乐观,但罗兹与拉德坚持要留下,巩固他们在当地的利益。 User: Polyacrylonitrile is used as the precursor for 90% of carbon fiber production. Assistant: 聚丙烯腈被用作90%碳纤维生产的前体。 User: While staying at Sri Ramanasramam, Brunton had an experience of a "sublimely all-embracing" awareness, a "Moment of Illumination". Assistant: 下塌拉玛那修道院时,Brunton经验到了“拥抱一切万物”的觉知,一种“开悟的片刻”。 User: There has been criticism to some suggested BECCS deployment scenarios, where there would be a very heavy reliance on increased biomass input. Assistant: 有人批评一些被建议BECCS部署的情景会造成严重增加使用生物质能的依赖。 User: Convention Nos. 138 and 182 lead in the fight against child labour, while Nos. 107 and 169 promote the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples and protect their right to define their own developmental priorities. Assistant: 公约第138号和第182在反对童工劳动的斗争,而第107号和169促进原住民和部落人民的权利和保护他们的权利。 User: As Director of the United States Aeromedical Research Laboratory, he applied his medical and aviation knowledge to the improvement of aircrew protection from temperature extremes and the lack of oxygen at high altitude. Assistant: 作为美国航空医学研究实验室主任,他将医疗和航空知识应用于改善机组人员防止极端温度和在高海拔缺乏氧气。 User: The new vitamin received the letter K because the initial discoveries were reported in a German journal, in which it was designated as Koagulationsvitamin. Assistant: 这个新的维生素以K标示是因为最初的发现在德国学报报告,德文便是Koagulations 维生素。 User: I didn't sign it. Assistant: 我不签。 User: A Gallup poll in May shows that 56% of the public believed that sending troops to Vietnam was a mistake, 61% of those over 50 expressed that belief compared to 49% of those between the ages of 21–29. Assistant: 一份该年5月的盖洛普民调显示高达56%的民众认为对越南用兵是个错误;50岁以上的民众中有61%如此认为,而21至29岁的民众则有49%这么认为。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The problem occurred because of a known failure mode of the internetwork which, through a mistake on the part of the TFTP protocol designers, was not taken into account when the protocol was designed; the failure mode interacted with several details of the mechanisms of TFTP to produce SAS. Assistant: 这个问题的产生是因为一个在网络上已知的错误,由于协定的设计者在设计协定时没有考虑到,与TFTP的机制细节互相影响而产生SAS。 User: On 27 March 2016 Saleh Al Abdooli has been appointed the Group CEO, extending his responsibility to international operations. Assistant: 2016年3月27日,Saleh Al Abdooli(英语:Saleh Al Abdooli)已被任命为集团首席执行官,将其职责扩展到国际业务。 User: He performed with Lionel Hampton before finishing high school. Assistant: 他在高中毕业前与莱昂内尔·汉普顿(Lionel Hampton)一起表演。 User: It is also available in Windows Server 2019. Assistant: 它也可在Windows Server 2019中使用。 User: As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Jesus. Assistant: 一些天主教会使用这个符号来代表“谦逊”和“毫不配与耶稣相比”。 User: The higher quality coal was generally reserved for the smaller craft, whose crews were less able to clean the boilers at the increased rate demanded by the low-quality coal. Assistant: 优质煤通常被保留用于小型船只,因其船员不太能够按照劣质煤的增加速度来清洁锅炉。 User: The Jacksonville Axemen are a semi-professional rugby league team founded in 2006, and now play in the USA Rugby League. Assistant: 杰克逊维尔掷斧者(英语:Jacksonville Axemen)是一支创立于2006年的半职业橄榄球队,现隶属于美国英式橄榄球联盟(英语:USA Rugby League)。 User: Britain intervened when two British flagged ships were plundered by Abu Dhabi. Assistant: 当悬挂有英国旗帜的两艘船只被阿布扎比掠夺之后,英国开始干预。 User: It was said at that time that he was the only member of the commission who could persuade the court of the justice of the national claims. Assistant: 据说当时,他是委员会中唯一能说服匈牙利司法法院的委员。 User: Ty Burr from Entertainment Weekly graded it a C+ and wrote that the film "covers primal issues of abandonment, infanticide, motherly love, and self-respect, pounds you with pathos is extremely faithful to the novel". Assistant: 《娱乐周刊》的泰·布林(英语:Ty Burr)给出C+评价,写道:“影片涵盖了遗弃、杀婴、母爱和自尊的原始问题,使你感到悲伤(且)非常忠实原著”。 User: Initially the flags were changed for cleaning every six to eight weeks, but between 1922 and 1923 the practice gradually stopped until letters to the media led to its reintroduction. Assistant: 一开始,纪念碑上的旗帜每6-8星期会进行清洗,1922年到1923年之间此规则逐渐松弛,以致民众致信媒体投诉后又恢复。 User: Brown's performance and subsequent reputation were mixed. Assistant: 布朗的表演及其角色扭曲的故事情节都获得了肯定。 User: As a Jew, Soutine had to escape from the French capital and hide in order to avoid arrest by the Gestapo. Assistant: 作为一个犹太人,苏丁只能逃离巴黎,躲藏起来,以免被盖世太保捉住。 User: Maintain the special position of the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate rights of all communities. Assistant: 捍卫马来民族、沙巴和砂拉越子民的特殊地位以及所有种族的合法权利。 User: The suspect (15 at the time of the crime, but turned 16 shortly after), whose name has been protected by the police, allegedly posted details and photos of the crime to the popular Japanese message board 2channel, and told police that, "I wanted to kill someone. Assistant: 嫌犯(当时为15岁,但不久即满16岁)的名字被警方以法律为由而保密,据称在日本知名网络论坛2channel发文,并告诉警方:“我想杀人,我已经一个人买凶器了。 User: When n < 30, p 2 {\displaystyle p_{2}} would interfere with p 1 {\displaystyle p_{1}} and lower significantly the volume of liquid. Assistant: 当n <30时, p 2 {\displaystyle p_{2}} 会干扰 p 1 {\displaystyle p_{1}} ,并显着降低液体的体积。 User: Yorktown dispatched a strike force of four SBDs, which could not locate the target. Assistant: 约克城号派出了4架SBD,但没找到目标。 User: US naval staff concluded that American shipyards could not easily replicate French methodologies and that the necessary parts were not available; all proposals were rejected by Admiral Ernest King, operational commander of the US Navy, in March 1944, and Jean Bart remained in Casablanca. Assistant: 然而,美国海军司令部人员认为美国的造船厂无法轻易地复制法国的造舰技术,而且也没有符合法国军舰的零件;所有的建造方案在1944年3月被时任美国海军作战部长恩斯特·金恩否决,而让·巴尔号只能继续停留在卡萨布兰卡。 User: By the time the chyme has reached this tube, most nutrients and 90% of the water have been absorbed by the body. Assistant: 食糜达到结肠的时候,大部分的营养物质和90%的水已经被人体​​吸收。 User: A similar (though opposite) difficulty with vested interests arose over the introduction of water tube boilers into navy ships, which held out the promise of improved fuel efficiency and greater speed. Assistant: 既得利益者在海军引入提高燃油效率、提高航行速度的水管锅炉(Water-tube boiler)时也制造了类似问题。 User: Fox blamed a "changeover of staffing responsibilities" for this error. Assistant: 福克斯将这个错误归咎于“人员配置的变化”。 User: In 1938 architect Claude Bragdon reminisced of the excitement he felt when he saw Little Nemo, saying he "had witnessed the birth of a new art". Assistant: 1938年,建筑师克劳德·布拉格顿(Claude Bragdon)在回忆中追溯了自己看到《小尼莫》时的激动心情,称他“见证了一种新兴艺术的诞生”。 User: The mosque can hold up to 3,200 (including women) and is most crowded during the jummah prayers on Friday. Assistant: 这座清真寺最多可容纳3,200人(包括女性),在周五的主麻日期间最为拥挤。 User: While housing prices were increasing, consumers were saving less and both borrowing and spending more. Assistant: 在房价不断增加同时,消费者较少储蓄,借贷和开支更多。 User: Syria responded by ending its prior affiliation with the Palestinian Rejectionist Front and began supporting the Maronite-dominated government. Assistant: 作为回应,叙利亚终止了与先前盟友“巴勒斯坦拒绝阵线”的合作关系,转而支持马龙派主导的黎巴嫩政府。 User: Sir William Phips. Assistant: 维里斯·费尔爵士。 User: The city's main musical venues are the Finnish National Opera, the Finlandia concert hall, and the Helsinki Music Centre. Assistant: 市内的主要音乐场馆除芬兰国家歌剧院之外还有芬兰地亚大厦和赫尔辛基音乐厅。 User: In the Superman comics, Professor Hamilton formerly worked there, and Dr. Kitty Faulkner, also known as the superheroine Rampage, is currently employed there. Assistant: 在《超人》漫画里,汉密尔顿教授之前在此工作,基蒂福克纳博士(即超级女英雄暴怒)现正供职于此。 User: The Greek term is dikaios, and it has variously been translated as just, righteous, upright, and of good character. Assistant: 清世工词者,往往以诗文兼擅,独性德为专长,仁和谭献尝谓为词人之词。 User: Numerous authors have rewritten or adapted this tale. Assistant: 许多作家都对这则故事进行了改编或改写。 User: This theory was so important to him that he originally intended to entitle his Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems the Dialogue on the Ebb and Flow of the Sea. Assistant: 这个理论十分重要,以至于他最开始将著作命名为《关于海洋潮汐与流动的两大世界体系的对话》。 User: Moderators of nationally televised presidential debates have included Bernard Shaw, Bill Moyers, Jim Lehrer, and Barbara Walters. Assistant: 国家总统辩论电视直播历届主持人主要包括乔治•萧伯纳,比尔•莫耶斯,吉姆.莱勒和芭芭拉•沃尔特斯。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Oil price increases in 1970 and 1971 would allow funding both states with this military expansion. Assistant: 1970年至1971年间上涨的油价也使两国有能力支付其国内日益扩张的军费。 User: A most noticeable achievement in this field is a set of ceramics tiles in tribute to French writer Irène Némirovsky. Assistant: 而岱铎的陶制作品中最引人注意的作品是为向法国作家依蕾娜·内米洛夫斯基致敬的陶制作品。 User: New City is the county seat, and most populous community of Rockland County and the location of the Clarkstown Police Department, Sheriff's office and corrections facility. Assistant: 新城是罗克兰县的县城,也是罗克兰县人口最多的社区,克拉克斯敦警察局、警长办公室和治安设施的所在地。 User: I got up. Assistant: 《我起来。 User: For example, open source libSass bindings now exist for Node, Go, and Ruby. Assistant: 例如,libSass现在已经被应用到Node.js、Go和Ruby等环境。 User: Finally in early 1865 General Robert E. Lee said black soldiers were essential, and legislation was passed. Assistant: 最后,在1865年早期,罗伯特·E·李将军称黑人士兵参战是必须的,相关法案出台。 User: Nez Perce may refer to: Nez Perce people, Native American people living in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Assistant: 内兹珀斯可能是指: 内兹珀斯人:生活在美国太平洋西北地区的美洲原住民。 User: The Christians were divided between a 21% who were Catholic, 4% other Christians and 1% who were Eastern Orthodox. Assistant: 基督徒中有21%是天主教信徒,4%是其他基督宗教信徒,1%是东正教信徒。 User: He did it everywhere and all the time. Assistant: 只有祂能遍一切界、一切地、一切时、一切处。 User: Interplay's decision to scrap plans for Fallout 3 and Bethesda's subsequent acquisition of the Fallout brand created mixed feelings among that series' fan community. Assistant: Interplay决定放弃《辐射3》计划,贝塞斯达随后收购辐射系列品牌,此事在系列粉丝社区中引发了复杂的情绪。 User: This is an astonishingly high number. Assistant: 这是一部了不起的惊人巨著。 User: They did not use any LLC header but started the IPX packet directly after the length field. Assistant: 他们没有使用LLC头,而是直接在长度字段后面开始IPX数据包。 User: The C1 complement complex can also interact with the Fc region of IgG and IgM immune complexes activating the classical complement pathway and marking the antigen with C3b. Assistant: C1补体复合物还可以与IgG和IgM免疫复合物的Fc区相互作用,激活经典补体途径并用C3b标记抗原。 User: There are ways, however, for offended and injured people to overcome the resultant psychological effects, remain in or return to society, regain healthy feelings within personal relationships when they were affected by the outside relationship trauma, regain social approval, and recover the ability to concentrate and be productive in educational and work environments. Assistant: 然而,常常有大量有效途径冒犯和伤害到人们所克服的心理影响,遗留或是返回到社会,重新获得私人关系中的健康感情,就当他们受到外界关系的伤害,重获社会认可,恢复教育、工作等环境下集中注意力和制造力的能力时。 User: The growth of professionalism in German football meant that the team they sent was no longer a senior national team squad, instead an amateur team. Assistant: 德国足球的职业化进程意味着他们派出的国奥队不再是一支资深国家队,而是一支业余球队。 User: The couple decided not to seek Parliamentary approval for their marriage. Assistant: 这对夫妇决定不寻求议会批准他们的婚姻。 User: One of the last Georgian survivors of the uprising died in July 2007 and was buried with military honors in Zugdidi, Georgia. Assistant: 该起义的最后的格鲁吉亚幸存者之一Pokro Gakhariadze在2007年7月去世,并被以军礼葬于格鲁吉亚的祖格迪迪(Zugdidi)。 User: They want to end their life. Assistant: 他们想结束自己的生命。 User: This block appears very frequently in media and mass-market photographs of the city and its tourist attractions and has appeared in an estimated 70 movies, TV programs, and ads, including in the opening credits of the television series Full House and its sequel Fuller House. Assistant: 这个街区时常出现在大众媒体及此城市的旅游景点介绍上,更曾登上约70部的电影、电视节目及广告之中,其中也包括了电视剧《欢乐满屋》的片头画面。 User: A separate station of the same name but served by the Circle, District and Hammersmith & City lines is nearby, to the south of Marylebone Road. Assistant: 此站附近还有一个同名车站,设有环线、区域线和汉默史密斯及城市线,在马里波恩路南面。 User: As Brown had been thought to be a supporter of Goebel, this announcement caused no small stir among Democrats. Assistant: 由于布朗曾被视为格贝尔的支持者,所以这一消息在民主党人中引起了不小的轰动。 User: The Ravine des Cabris reached an all-time record flood while three other rivers reached their second-highest levels, behind the flood event caused by Cyclone Firinga in 1989. Assistant: 卡布里斯河水位创下新纪录,另外还有三条河流到达史上第二高水位,仅次于1989年气旋弗林加引起的洪灾。 User: The Pope awarded Carrera the Order of St. Gregory in 1854. Assistant: 在1854年教皇授予卡雷拉圣格雷戈里勋章。 User: Arousing fears of "inquisitions", Malone argued that the Bible should be preserved in the realm of theology and morality and not put into a course of science. Assistant: 他成功地引起了群众对“宗教裁判所”的恐惧,提出应将圣经保留在神学和道德层面上,而与科学无关。 User: The legislature therefore repealed the requirement for the governor's endorsement in order to hide the origin of the bonds. Assistant: 因此,州立法会废除了要求州长签字认可的条件,意图隐藏债券的来源。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Now known as CPSP, it is characterized by perceived pain from non-painful stimuli, such as temperature and light touch. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 现在被称为中风后中枢疼痛,其特征是感知的疼痛并非来自痛苦刺激,如温度与轻触。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Exposure to Agent Orange increases the risk of CLL, and exposure to certain insecticides may increase the risk. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 若是曝露于橙剂Agent Orange会增加CLL的发生率,暴露于某些杀虫剂也可能会增加。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Ernesto Guevara spent long periods traveling around Latin America during his studies of medicine, beginning in 1948, at the University of Buenos Aires. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 埃内斯托·格瓦拉在医学学习期间花了很长时间周游拉丁美洲,开始于1948年布宜诺斯艾利斯大学。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This controversy, the latest phase of the German dualism debate that had dominated the politics of the German states and Austro-Prussian diplomacy since the 1701 creation of the Kingdom of Prussia, would come to a head during the following twenty years. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这一争论即是最新一期的德意志二元(英语:German dualism)争论,自1701年普鲁士王国建国开始便成为了德意志诸国政治和奥地利-普鲁士外交的主题,而在接下来的二十年时间中则将完结。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Around 02:45, several British destroyers mounted a torpedo attack against the rear half of the German line; Grosser Kurfürst spotted six unidentified destroyers in the darkness. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 次日02:45左右,几艘英国驱逐舰利用鱼雷攻击德舰队形的后半部分;大选帝侯号发现有6艘身份不明的驱逐舰处于黑暗中。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These campaigns increased condom use significantly. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:那些推广活动显著增加了避孕套的使用率。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this view, the Kingdom of God is not a future state, but rather a contemporary, mysterious presence. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:根据这种看法,神的国不是一个未来的国度,而是现时的、神秘的当下。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 26 November 2018, Walls received an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Edinburgh in recognition of his scholarly contributions to the study of Christianity in Africa and the non-Western world. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 华尔斯于2018年11月26日于爱丁堡大学获颁神学荣誉博士学位,肯定他多年于非洲及非西方基督教研究的贡献。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As the Luftwaffe was now on the strategic defensive, bomber production and that of the He 111 was suspended. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于德国空军当时正处于战略防御,所以轰炸机及He 111的生产都被中止。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Fraumünster pastor Johann Caspar Ulrich (1705–1768) in the 1755/1756 revision added commentaries, interpretations and concordances. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 苏黎世圣母大教堂(Fraumünster)牧师约翰·卡斯珀乌尔里希(Johann Caspar Ulrich,1705年–1768年)在1755/1756年修订版中添加了注释、说明与索引。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Rita Maria Walburga Grosse-Ruyken was born in Donauwörth, and grew up in a hamlet in the Swabian-Danube region. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Rita Maria Walburga Grosse-Ruyken成长于一座位于士瓦本-多瑙河地区的村庄。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The personnel were not notified of the tests, and were not given any protective clothing. Assistant: 士兵没有被告知这项实验,也没有穿任何防护服。 User: If accepted, the authors or maintainers will include the patch in their software, either immediately or in a future release. Assistant: 如果被接受了,作者或维护者就会包含该部分的修补程式到他们软件中,可能是立即释出或包含在未来的版本中。 User: It would be better, she writes, when "two virtuous young people marry . . . if some circumstances checked their passion". Assistant: 她写道,“两个品行优秀的青年人结婚,如果有某种情况阻碍了他们的情欲”是值得庆幸的。 User: To pay at points of sale, users hold their authenticated device to the point of sale system. Assistant: 要在销售点支付费用,用户将其认证设备保存到销售点系统。 User: However, no effects were reported in the Bahamas. Assistant: 不过,没有出现巴哈马受灾的报道。 User: The Council called for an assemblage of the peers at Leicester to protect the king "against his enemies". Assistant: 这次国会召集贵族到莱斯特集会,以保护国王“对抗他的敌人”。 User: The Sigma series pistols were so similar to the competing Glock pistols that Glock sued Smith & Wesson for patent infringement. Assistant: 由于西格玛系列手枪与其竞争对手格洛克手枪是如此的相似,导致格洛克起诉史密斯&威森侵犯专利。 User: Comparing to the first sixth month from January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013, 32,997 accounts was affected. Assistant: 与2013年1月1日至2013年6月30日6个月相比,那时有32,997个账户受到影响。 User: United, formerly located in Terminals A and C, began operating all flights out of Terminal B effective April 2014. Assistant: 2014年4月,原本位于航厦A和C的联合航空开始改在航厦B外运作所有航班。 User: Amsterdam has two universities: the University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam, UvA), and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Assistant: 阿姆斯特丹有两所大学:阿姆斯特丹大学与阿姆斯特丹自由大学。 User: Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from muscle systems or from organs. Assistant: 肉类是动物的肌肉或器官直接使用的一个例子。 User: Dyer concludes the Elder Things slaughtered the survivors and dogs only out of self-defense or scientific curiosity, that their civilization was eventually destroyed by the shoggoths and that this further entity has preyed on the enormous penguins. Assistant: 戴尔总结,古老者屠杀幸存者与犬只是出于自卫或科学性好奇心,他们的文明最终被修格斯摧毁。 User: They have not yet had any children. Assistant: 他们至今没有子女。 User: In general purpose computer programs it is customary to define all constants as association constants. Assistant: 在通用的计算机程序中,习惯性以结合常数来定义所有的常数。 User: The dynamic reports are examples of Rich Internet applications (RIAs). Assistant: JavaFX技术主要应用于创建Rich Internet application(RIAs)。 User: Its high speed makes it more likely to be able to intercept a fast moving aircraft. Assistant: 其超高的飞行速度能使他拦截并且击中快速移动的飞机。 User: In 1910, the American Chemical Society established the Willard Gibbs Award for eminent work in pure or applied chemistry. Assistant: 1910年,美国化学学会创设了威拉德·吉布斯奖(英语:Willard Gibbs Award),以表彰对于纯化学或应用化学做出杰出工作的人。 User: In 1985 Margaret Thatcher said Number 10 had become "one of the most precious jewels in the national heritage". Assistant: 前首相玛格利特·撒切尔就曾在1985年说过,唐宁街10号已经成为“全国的遗产中,最珍贵的珠宝。 User: 3D ICs promise many significant benefits, including: Footprint More functionality fits into a small space. Assistant: 3D IC技术中承诺许多显著的利益,包括: 脚印(footprint) 更多的功能融入一个狭小的空间。 User: One of the most famous Christian families in Hebron (Khalil) is Abu Gharbieh, which helped to improve the foundations of the city. Assistant: 希伯伦最著名的基督教家族之一是阿布Gharbieh,帮助改善了城市的基础。 User: They begin to sing against each other. Assistant: 然后以歌声呼唤对方。 User: The series appeared on a number of fall television best lists, and garnered several awards and nominations. Assistant: 该剧曾多次登上各种最佳电视剧名单,并多次获得各种奖项及提名。 User: Previously, the proper way to address people of the same or higher social status had been by title and surname. Assistant: 以前,称呼一个与自己同等或高一些社会地位的人的正确方法是在姓前面加头衔。 User: The south transept forms an organ chamber and vestry. Assistant: 西跨院是省牲亭和馔造房。 User: Child erotica is non-pornographic material relating to children that is used by any individuals for sexual purposes. Assistant: 儿童情色(英语:Child Erotica)是指任何用于个人性目的的非色情的与儿童相关的材料。 User: Though these Chinese skyscraper commissions represent a major shift in tempo from the firm's earlier work in the United Kingdom, the projects attempt to retain human-scale and pedestrian-oriented characteristics with an aim to achieving urban vibrancy. Assistant: 尽管这些中国摩天大楼设计任务与事务所早期在英国设计的项目大相径庭,我们仍然尽力在项目中维持人文尺度和步行导向的特征,旨在让城市充满活力。 User: Evil being, evil face, evil mouth, evil tongue. Assistant: 申仪,生卒年不详,表字不详,益州上庸人,申耽弟。 User: The museum hired the Detroit Tree of Heaven Woodshop, an artists' collective, to use the wood to make benches, sculptures and other amenities in and around the building. Assistant: 博物馆雇佣了一个艺术家组织,底特律天堂树木工店,来把木材做成建筑周围的长凳、雕塑和其他设施。 User: Exposure epochs are mostly recorded by means of the timing-capability of GPS-receivers (time-tagging). Assistant: 曝光时机主要利用GPS纪录拍摄时间(时间标记)的能力。 User: 1984 – Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space. Assistant: 1984年,麦克·加里奥(英语:Marc Garneau)成为该国第一位太空人。 User: During this period, when Frederick II of Hohenstaufen began to reorganise his Sicilian kingdom, Western culture and religion began to exert their influence more intensely. Assistant: 在此期间,霍亨斯陶芬家族的国王腓特烈二世开始重整了西西里王国,西方文化和宗教开始对西西里及马耳他发挥更强烈的影响力。 User: UML provides mechanisms to represent class members, such as attributes and methods, and additional information about them. Assistant: UML提供机制,以代表类的成员,如属性和方法,对他们的其他信息。 User: The system requires all unskilled laborers to have an in-country sponsor, usually their employer, who is responsible for their visa and legal status. Assistant: 该系统要求所有非技术工人都有一个国内的保荐者,通常是他们的雇主,负责他们的签证和法律地位。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Louis Napoleon, the future Napoleon III, was born at number 15 on 20 April 1808. Assistant: 拿破仑三世于1808年4月20日出生在该路15号。 User: During the construction, a provisional iron bridge was released, in order to allow the circulation of traffic. Assistant: 在施工期间,使用了临时铁桥,以保证交通流通。 User: Mrs. O'Brien recalls a lesson taught to her that people must choose to follow either the path of grace or the path of nature. Assistant: 奥布赖恩太太(洁西卡·崔丝坦饰)内心有些许彷徨,人生究竟是该选择恩典之路,还是遵循本性之途。 User: NEC releases the PC-8801 home computer in Japan. Assistant: NEC在日本发行PC-8801家用电脑。 User: Otherwise, if an empty cell is found, the key cannot be in the table, because it would have been placed in that cell in preference to any later cell that has not yet been searched. Assistant: 否则,如果搜索遇到了空的单元,键在表中就不存在,因为键应当被存放在所有未被搜索的单元之前。 User: This gives organisms a handle for biotransformations. Assistant: 这为生物体提供了生物转化的手段。 User: Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th President of the United States, upon Lincoln's death. Assistant: 安德鲁·约翰逊,美国第十六任副总统,在亚伯拉罕·林肯遇刺身亡后,继任为美国第十七任总统。 User: The type species, Chalicotherium goldfussi, from Miocene and Pliocene Europe, was described by Johann Jakob Kaup in 1833. Assistant: 模式种为 Chalicotherium goldfussi,生存于中新世至上新世的欧洲,由约翰·雅各布·考普(英语:Johann Jakob Kaup)于1833年发表。 User: On September 6, 1522 Victoria returned to Spain, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the globe. Assistant: 1522年9月6日,维多利亚号返抵西班牙,终于完成了历史上首次环球航行。 User: Faraday's earliest chemical work was as an assistant to Humphry Davy. Assistant: 法拉第最早的化学成果来自于担任戴维助手的时期。 User: Most of the victims buried at Vinnytsia were killed using a .22 calibre bullet fired into the back of the neck. Assistant: 大多数葬于文尼察万人冢的受害者都是用射入脖子后部的一枚0.22口径的子弹杀死的。 User: In 1945, after the end of World War II, these two provinces were merged and combined with the neighbouring Hesse-Darmstadt to form the northern and western part of the newly founded state of Hesse. Assistant: 1945年,二战结束后,两省又重新合并,并加入了黑森人民州,组成了现代的黑森州。 User: Her maternal grandmother was Jewish, but she is not religious. Assistant: 马修·柏德瑞克的母亲是犹太人,但她没有信奉犹太教。 User: At a certain point there were many Muslim students entering the nation of Cuba interested in studying at Cuba's prestigious schools. Assistant: 当时,一大批各国著名知识分子来到古巴,以结识古巴革命领导人为荣。 User: His rule was confined to the western half, as eastern Mercia was then part of the Viking-ruled Danelaw. Assistant: 他的统治只局限于麦西亚的西半部,因为东半部已被纳入维京人的丹麦区。 User: The objective of the raid was of offensive reconnaissance and capturing prisoners. Assistant: 袭击的目的是抓获俘虏及缴获敌军的情报。 User: When Voyager 1 is unable to communicate directly with the Earth, its digital tape recorder (DTR) can record about 64 kilobytes of data for transmission at another time. Assistant: 当旅行者1号无法与地球直接通信时,它的数字磁带记录器(DTR)可以记录大约64千字节的数据,以便在另一个时间传输。 User: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio described the packages as "an act of terror" and stated that all politicians must stop encouraging attacks on media. Assistant: 纽约市长比尔·白思豪认为包裹袭击是“恐怖行为”,表示所有政客必须立即停止在媒体上鼓吹袭击。 User: 1983 Elxsi launches the Elxsi 6400 parallel minisupercomputer. Assistant: 1983年:Elxsi推出Elxsi 6400平行微型超级电脑。 User: With the rise of the Nazi Party, Reiniger and Koch decided to emigrate (both were involved in left-wing politics), but found that no other country would give them permanent visas. Assistant: 随着纳粹党的崛起,雷尼格和科赫决定移民(二人均参与左翼政治),但发现没有其他国家会给予他们永久签证。 User: There are ongoing efforts to eliminate the disease globally. Assistant: 疫苗在全球依然能有效地消除这个疾病。 User: Since summer 2004, Meetinghouse Square is also home to the 'Speaker's Square' project (an area of public speaking) and to the 'Temple Bar Food Market' on Saturdays. Assistant: 自2004年夏天以来,聚会所广场每个星期六还举办演说广场(Speaker's Square)项目和坦普尔酒吧区食品市场(Temple Bar Food Market)。 User: The process may also be performed on pork. Assistant: 此外还可以在陶瓷制作中使用。 User: The organization aims to involve women of Afghanistan in both political and social activities aimed at acquiring human rights for women and continuing the struggle against the government of Afghanistan based on democratic and secular, not fundamentalist principles, in which women can participate fully. Assistant: 该组织旨在让阿富汗妇女参与旨在争取妇女人权的政治和社会活动,并继续根据民主和世俗原则而非原教旨主义原则与阿富汗政府斗争,从而妇女可以充分参与。 User: Review of the performance by the Academy of Santa Cecilia. Assistant: 后入Santa Cecilia歌剧院学习。 User: NGC 4631 contains a central starburst, which is a region of intense star formation. Assistant: NGC 4631的中央包含一个星爆区,这是恒星剧烈生成的区域。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Similarly, since + requires both of its arguments be of the same type, x must be an integer, and thus, addone accepts one integer as an argument. Assistant: 类似的,因为 + 要求它的两个实际参数都是整数,x 必须是整数,因此 addone 接受一个整数实际参数。 User: He identifies the central problem with all the different notions of holism as the idea that the determining factor in semantic evaluation is the notion of an "epistemic bond". Assistant: 他把一切不同的整体主义概念所具有的核心问题,认定为:语义评价中的决定性因素是“认识键合”(epistemic bond)这一观念。 User: In mid-May, northern forces began a push toward Aden. Assistant: 5月中旬,北方的政府军开始向亚丁推进。 User: The pieces in this album, and all the production of Melomics109, is distributed under CC0 licensing, and it is available in audible and editable (MIDI) formats. Assistant: 这张专辑中的各个部分以及Melomics109的所有产品均以创作共用授权条款许可发行,并以可听与可编辑(MIDI)格式提供。 User: They were among the first to promote the new technologies of steel-frame construction in commercial buildings, and developed a spatial aesthetic which co-evolved with, and then came to influence, parallel developments in European Modernism. Assistant: 他们是第一批在商业建筑中推广钢框架建筑新技术的人,并发展了一种与欧洲现代主义并行发展的空间美学。 User: After the revolutionary government in 1903, the Radicals of Pašić formed several governments that began the important reforms of the nation. Assistant: 1903年新政府成立后,帕希奇率领人民激进党组阁,开始对国家重要的改革。 User: A single fast reactor can thereby feed several slow ones, greatly increasing the amount of energy extracted from the natural uranium, from less than 1% in a normal once-through cycle, to as much as 60% in the best fast reactor cycles. Assistant: 这样,一个快堆就可以为好几个热中子堆供应燃料,从而极大地增加了从天然铀中提取的能量总量——从原来的低于1%,到在最好的快堆循环中的60%。 User: One of the best-known measures to deal with the economic problems of that time was implemented under General Prem Tinsulanonda's government, in power from 1980 to 1988. Assistant: 最为人熟悉的应对当时经济问题措施,在1980至1988年期间由炳·廷素拉暖政府推行。 User: In other words, continuous functions into Hausdorff spaces are determined by their values on dense subsets. Assistant: 换句话说,到豪斯多夫空间的连续函数确定自它们在稠密子集上的值。 User: The investment in cooperatives had limited long-term results, however. Assistant: 不过在亚洲,相关运动经过多年努力,其成果依然有限。 User: In other words, SAPI is an application programming interface (API) provided by the web server to help other developers in extending the web server capabilities. Assistant: 换言之,SAPI是一项由网页服务器提供的应用程序接口(API)以帮助其他开发者扩展网页服务器的功能。 User: The next day, Otis kills Bill and mutilates his body for art. Assistant: 隔日,奥提斯杀死了比尔,并将他残缺的身躯作为装置艺术。 User: HTC Wildfire S is considered to be an update of 2010's HTC Wildfire, having a newer, 600 MHz processor by Qualcomm, support for the faster Bluetooth 3.0 specification, and a screen with double the resolution (HVGA, updated from QVGA). Assistant: 它被认为是2010年的HTC Wildfire的更新,有较新的处理器,支援速度更快的蓝牙3.0规范,最重要的是,萤幕采用双倍的分辨率分辨率 (HVGA, updated from QVGA)。 User: Although the economy as a whole gained 975,941 jobs between 1995 and 2006, the agro-processing sector lost 45,977 jobs. Assistant: 虽然整体经济在1995年至2006年之间增加975,941个就业职位,但农产品加工业的就业职位则减少45,977个。 User: Bayezid built the magnificent Ulu Cami in Bursa, to celebrate this victory. Assistant: 巴耶塞特于布尔萨营建他美丽的新首都,以庆祝这次胜利。 User: After her father was dismissed from his work, Li's mother took a factory job in Beijing, but continued to be responsible for all domestic matters. Assistant: 父亲被解雇后,母亲在北京一家工厂找了份工作,继续为家中事务操劳。 User: 5 Seconds of Summer, also known as 5SOS, are an Australian pop rock/pop punk band formed in 2011 in Sydney, Australia. Assistant: 五秒盛夏(英语:5 Seconds of Summer,又称5SOS),是澳大利亚的一支流行朋克/流行摇滚男子乐团。 User: Before announcing their discovery, the team used spectroscopy on the Gemini North Telescope and the Very Large Telescope to obtain a spectroscopic redshift of 7000708500000000000♠7.085±0.003. Assistant: 在宣布他们的发现前,这个小组使用双子北望远镜和甚大望远镜对它的光谱进行进一步分析,并最终确定它的红移值为7.085±0.003。 User: It is a very variable species, much like the related fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca), and its systematics are still not completely untangled. Assistant: 这是一个非常易变的物种,很像福克斯麻雀(Passerella iliaca),其系统分类还没有完全确定。 User: Several months of planning occur before each show, which is usually filmed in October. Assistant: 每届电影节为期两周左右,通常在九月举办。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For CBC and CFB, reusing an IV leaks some information about the first block of plaintext, and about any common prefix shared by the two messages. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 对于CBC和CFB,重用IV会导致泄露明文首个块的某些信息,亦包括两个不同消息中相同的前缀。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:They are both successful and become friends. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 二人相处下来亦成为好友。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It constructed its first building on Keap Street in 1870. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 它于1870年在Keap街建造第一座建筑。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: After 9 Thermidor, year II (27 July 1794), the new government of the Thermidorian Reaction placed the National Guard under the control of more conservative leadership. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 共和二年热月9日后(1794年7月27日),热月政变的新政府把国民自卫军置于保皇党控制之下。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the game, the player begins by controlling a frog to eat bugs and defend fruit. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在游戏一开始,玩家控制青蛙吃掉虫子和保卫水果。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A month later, he was reported to have begun writing a script for a sequel that would reveal more about Oliver and resemble Michael Apted's Up series. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一个月后,据报导他开始为续集创作剧本,其将揭示更多关于奥利佛的内容,并且类似于迈克尔·艾普特(英语:Michael Apted)的《成长》系列。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Accordingly, she was forced to leave Rodrigo of Aragon, her only child by Alfonso of Aragon, behind forever. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:因此她被迫与阿拉贡的罗德里哥也就是她与阿方索唯一的孩子永远地分开。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 There is tentative evidence that affected children have a slightly increased risk of epilepsy at 2%. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 但有未确定的证据显示患儿患癫痫的风险可能会稍有增加2%。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He is also regarded as the guardian of the country. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他也因此被奉为保卫国家的圣人。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Fremantle Markets opened in 1897, forming a precinct providing handicrafts, speciality foods, dining halls and fish and vegetable markets. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 费利曼图市场于1897年开始启用,里面出售手工艺品、特殊食品、参观、鱼和蔬菜市场。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Namibia gained independence in March 1990. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1990年,纳米比亚获得独立。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Widespread protests continued for another day. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其他国家的示威活动在后一天举行。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Under the Morgan-Keenan spectral classification scheme, planetary nebulae are classified as Type-P, although this notation is seldom used in practice. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在摩根·凯纳光谱分类下,行星状星云被列为P型,然而在实际中很少使用此种标示法。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Indeed, the regolith was found to be quite firm by the robotic Surveyor spacecraft that preceded Apollo, and during the Apollo landings the astronauts often found it necessary to use a hammer to drive a core sampling tool into it. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:的确,表岩屑经由阿波之前的测量员太空船机器人发现是相当牢固的,并且在阿波罗计划期间,太空人经常发现必须用锤子才能将工具置入矿样。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Journalist Joe McGee, writing for Quincy, Massachusetts Patriot Ledger, summarized the incident: "At a hairpin turn, she went off the road. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 昆西的《爱国者总账》(美国杂志)的记者乔·麦吉总结到:“在一个急转弯时,她驶下了公路。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Tarzan is eventually brought to justice by Chamaco. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 李卓最后被曾昭科缉捕。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Following the deadline, Republicans indicated that a vote had taken place and passed, while Democrats declared that the vote had taken place after midnight, making it void. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:截止日期后,执政共和党宣布在截止日期前已经投票并通过了该议案;但是民主党人却宣称该投票发生在截止日期后,因此是无效的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Many remediation strategies have not taken into account that people with autism suffer from difficulties in learning social rules from examples. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 许多补救策略并没有考虑到有自闭症的人,考量实例学习社会规则遭受的困难。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Now, the proper length of this object in S' shall be calculated by using the Lorentz transformation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:现在这个物体在S'系中的原长可以通过洛伦兹变换计算。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Hilary Koprowski, 96, Polish-born American virologist and immunologist, invented first effective live polio vaccine, pneumonia. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 希拉里·科普罗夫斯基(波兰语:Hilary Koprowski),96岁,波兰裔犹太人,美国病毒学家,研发脊髓灰质炎疫苗的先驱科学家,肺炎。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Dorcas Good, The Diary of a Salem Witch (1999) by Rose Earhart, is a fictional diary of remembrance by an adult character, based on her imprisonment as a child during the witchcraft trials, based on what happened to Dorothy Good. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:《Dorcas Good: The Diary of a Salem Witch》(1999年),萝丝·伊尔哈特(Rose Earhart)所著的虚构日记,日记的主人是长大成人后的多萝西·古德,内容则是她对小时候经历过的塞勒姆审巫案的回忆。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Judge Larson explicitly stated, Eckert and Mauchly did not themselves first invent the automatic electronic digital computer, but instead derived that subject matter from one Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:法官拉尔森明确表示:“埃克特和莫齐利并非他们自己首先发明了自动电子数字计算机,而是继承了约翰·文森特·阿塔纳索夫的发明。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: FCL also lacks support for higher-order fuzzy sets, subsets, and so on. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: FCL亦缺少能力去处理较高层次(higher-order)的模糊集合、子集等等。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 One major focus of enquiry is the prediction of eruptions; there is currently no accurate way to do this, but predicting eruptions, like predicting earthquakes, could save many lives. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 目前并没有准确的方法可以预测火山的喷发,但是,预测火山的喷发如同预测地震一样可以拯救许多生命。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Lilly was succeeded by Gary Kovacs on November 8, 2010. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 李利职务于2010年11月8日由盖瑞·科瓦克斯继任。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was eventually bought by James South, and it remained at his observatory at Kensington until 1870. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这件仪器最后被詹姆斯·南买下,在1870年之前都安置在他位于肯辛顿的天文台。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: You have to give up the ideal of making everybody happy, it's just not gonna happen, but you hope you make the majority happy. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 你需要放弃令所有人快乐的理想,因为这是不会发生的,但你会希望大部分的人会开心。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: During the winter of 1948, the lake basin was once filled with freshwater, which primarily originated from melted snow water from the mountains, as well as supplementary groundwater; owing to the lesser use of water to irrigate cultivated land during the winter, the water level was higher. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在1948年冬季时,湖盆曾经充满淡水,湖水主要依靠山上积雪融化,以及地下水补充,在冬季由于农田灌区用水少,水位提升;夏季由于农业用水量大,蒸发量也大,水位骤减。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Analytical Marxism is understood to have originated with the publication of G. A. Cohen's Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence (1978). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 被认为起源于G·A·科恩的《卡尔·马克思的历史理论:一个辩护》(1978)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There are also competing claims on behalf of fellow pilots Robert Loraine, James Henry Joyce, and A. E. George. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 同时还有他的飞行员伙伴Robert Loraine,James Henry Joyce和Mr A.E. George。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 There is also typically a digestive chamber with one or two openings to the exterior. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一般也会有个内部的消化腔,和表皮连有一或两个开口。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Company was not only engaged in fighting. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 战斗值不仅仅在战斗中使用。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Banksy's work grew out of the Bristol underground scene, which involved collaborations between artists and musicians. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 班克斯的创作生涯源于早年参与布里斯托地下圈子(英语:Bristol underground scene),当中包括了不少艺术家与音乐人的跨界别合作。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Since then, it has lost most unneeded DNA, unlike the tomato, and now has a genome only a tenth as long as the tomato's. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:后来大部分无用的DNA都已消失了,但番茄并未如此,以致其基因组大小只有番茄的十分之一。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Infection during early pregnancy may result in a child born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) or miscarriage. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 怀孕初期患病可能导致婴儿染有先天性风疹症候群(英语:Congenital rubella syndrome)(Congenital rubella syndrome / CRS)或流产。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The team's leading scorer was Mike McCarron, with 649 points in 60 games. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 整个赛季,球队得分最多的是迈克·麦克卡伦,他在60场比赛中总共拿下649分。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both debated the worth of attempts to change quantum theory. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 辩论中双方试图改变量子理论。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:An hour later residents reported hearing another explosion. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 大约在同一时间,该地区村民听到巨大的爆炸声。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: July 11 1200 UTC - Tropical Depression 05W forms 110 nautical miles (200 km) southwest of Marcus Island, Japan. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 7月11日 1200 UTC - 热带低气压 05W 于日本南鸟岛西南110海里(200公里)形成。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Another major contribution to the collections was made by Philipp Franz von Siebold, a German physician who was employed on Deshima (Japan) by the VOC from 1823 until his expulsion by Japan in 1829. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 另一个对藏品的巨大贡献来自菲利普·弗兰茨·冯·西博尔德(Philipp Franz von Siebold),一位德国医生,自1823年至其于1829年被日本驱逐出境之前被荷兰东印度公司聘用在日本出岛工作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He married Bell Goodchild, with whom he had six children, including Samwise (his youngest son), and lived at number three Bagshot Row in Hobbiton-across-the-Water. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他是一名哈比人,娶了贝尔·古尔桥(Bell Goodchild),他们共有六名孩子,包括山姆·詹吉(Samwise Gamgee),他们一家居住在夏尔(Shire)的袋边街(Bagshot Row)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Chelomey was to design, build, and test the first Soviet cruise missile at the earliest possible date. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 切洛梅是设计,制造和测试尽早第一枚苏联巡航导弹。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: DNA evidence suggests the bonobo and common chimpanzee species effectively separated from each other fewer than one million years ago. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 近期DNA证据表明倭黑猩猩和一般的黑猩猩在至少一百万年前就演化为两个不同的种。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Then suddenly, Mesfin disappears, and Saba is left all alone in the palace. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:不久,梅卡一世去世,伊蒙被大议会召去宫中。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On the same day Mobutu fled into exile, Laurent-Désiré Kabila became the new president of Congo. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 蒙博托流亡当天,洛朗-德西雷·卡比拉成为刚果民主共和国总统。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Something truly meaningful and artistic. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 非常的具有艺术性。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In January 2005, NASA selected NuSTAR for flight pending a one-year feasibility study. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2005年1月 NASA 选定 NuSTAR 进行一年的可行性研究。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Though he noted that many of the tracks are similar to the originals, he wanted to "bring out subtle properties of the in-game melodies and making them more distinct," rather than greatly change the songs. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虽然他注意到许多曲目与原作相似,但他想“带出游戏中旋律的微妙属性并使它们更加鲜明”,而不是大大改变歌曲。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Lisak believes rape victims should be treated with respect, and that every report of an alleged rape should trigger two simultaneous investigations: one into the incident itself, and a second into the alleged perpetrator to determine whether they are a serial offender. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 利萨克认为强奸受害人需受到尊重,每一个涉及强奸的案件都需要同时启动两种调查:一个是针对案件本身,另一个则是针对嫌犯本身,确认是否可能是强奸惯犯。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Bradwardine's analysis is an example of transferring a mathematical technique used by al-Kindi and Arnald of Villanova to quantify the nature of compound medicines to a different physical problem. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:布拉德华的分析,是al-Kindi和Arnald of Villanova两人研究量化复合药剂本质时所用的数学技巧,后来被转移到了另一个完全不同物理问题上的例子。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 One decade later, a study of kohl manufactured in Egypt and India found that a third of the samples studied contained lead, while the remaining two-thirds contained amorphous carbon, zincite, cuprite, goethite, elemental silicon or talc, hematite, minium, and organic compounds. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 十年过去了,在埃及和印度的眼影粉制作研究中发现,三分之一的研究样品中含有铅,然而剩下的三分之二含有无定型碳、红锌、赤铜、针铁,工业硅或者滑石、赤铁、朱砂和有机化合物。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 And we will proudly wave them to the sky. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 彼以天下让兮,我以之逃。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The most famous of these is the Bridge of the Gods legend told by the Klickitat people. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其中最著名的大概是Klickitats人的众神之桥(Bridge of the Gods)传说。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In Italy, the Congress restored the pre-Napoleonic patchwork of independent governments, either directly ruled or strongly influenced by the prevailing European powers, particularly Austria. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在意大利,会议恢复拿破仑时代前的各国独立政府,当中一些是直接统治的,一些则受欧洲列强的强大影响。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Fuel: kerosene + oxygen. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 燃料:煤油、氧。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The aircraft's first commercial flight used a JT9D-powered 767-200 on the Chicago-to-Denver route. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 首次商业飞行是一架装备JT9D引擎的767-200型从芝加哥到丹佛的航线。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1993 he joined the Centro Stile Lancia, and three years later he was made responsible for Interior Design of the marque. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1993年他加入蓝旗亚设计中心(Centro Stile Lancia),三年后他成为该品牌汽车内饰设计的负责人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Businesses, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, and craftsmen in these regions are expected to pay a protection money. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这些地区的商业、企业家、店主与工匠必须支付保护费于掌控该地的犯罪集团。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from New Mexico. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1975年8月,施密特从NASA辞职,参加共和党新墨西哥州选区的参议员竞选。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both platforms received a global release on March 2, 2016. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 两个平台在2016年3月2日同时进行全球发行。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:As of 2016, Japan has 30–40 international schools. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在2016年时,日本国内有30至40所国际学校。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: More than 50% of its weekly programation is produced live. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 超过六成的节目在香港制作。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:If a directory file is specified, it is automatically changed to name/. to use any file system that might be mounted on that directory. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 如果指定了目录文件,将自动更改为name/.,即是可能挂载在此目录中的任何文件系统。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Prestvannet during winter. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 冬天出生。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: One study has translated this to the fact that women attempt to commit suicide more as a demonstration, while men commit suicide with a determined purpose. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这一研究表明了这样一个事实:女性尝试自杀更多地出于威胁,而男子自杀则有确定的目的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This new music tried to break boundaries and express emotions that people were actually feeling but had not talked about. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这种新音乐试图打破束缚,表达出人们感受到,但不敢说的事情。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Some other mishaps occurred during the construction process, including disruption of telephone service in Lower Manhattan when telephone cables were crushed by pile drivers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在建造过程中,还有一些其他不幸的事件发生,包括由于吊车撞断了电话线影响了曼哈顿下城的电话服务等。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1969, he received the Arjuna Award in recognition of his contribution to Indian football. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1969年,印度政府为其颁发阿诸那奖(英语:Arjuna Award),以表彰他对印度足球的贡献。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Allen then made his critically acclaimed comedy-drama Husbands and Wives (1992), which received two Oscar nominations: Best Supporting Actress for Judy Davis and Best Original Screenplay for Allen. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 艾伦随后拍摄了广受好评的《丈夫和妻子》(1992年),并获得了两项奥斯卡提名:最佳女配角(朱迪·戴维斯)和最佳原创剧本(伍迪·艾伦)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The lyrics is originally written as a prose by a chemistry teacher of the school in 1953. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 歌词最初为一位化学老师于1953年的一篇散文。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Construction on Osan AB during the 1980s was dictated largely by mission changes and enhancements, and the threat from North Korea. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1980年代乌山空军基地的建设则主要是因应任务性质的改变和增强,及朝鲜人民军的潜在威胁。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Large parts of the city centre were also cleared to make way for a new system of roads. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 市中心大片地区被清理出来,为新的道路系统开路。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Currently, the parliament secretariat administration is divided into eight departments. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 现时,国会秘书处分为八个部门。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Prototypes may also be exempted from some requirements that will apply to the final product. Assistant: 原型也可以免除适用于最终产品的一些要求。 User: Nelson was a highly experienced officer who had been blinded in one eye during fighting in Corsica in 1794 and subsequently commended for his capture of two Spanish ships of the line at the Battle of Cape St. Vincent in February 1797. Assistant: 纳尔逊战斗经验丰富:早在1794年,纳尔逊在科西嘉的战斗中失去一眼;1797年二月,他在圣文生角战役中因俘获两艘西班牙战列舰而得到嘉奖。 User: In the same year with his competition partner Kathrin Menzinger, Garbuzov starred in the ORF eins program Starnacht am Wörthersee, which brought him an entry in the International Movie Database (IMDb) as a show dancer. Assistant: 在同一年,与他的竞赛伙伴凯瑟琳·门齐杰一起,瓦迪姆·加布佐夫在奥地利ORF第一台的电视节目中演出,这使他作为一个舞蹈演员表演者进入了互联网电影数据库(IMDB)。 User: Kokhsar village has only one guesthouse. Assistant: 冈山道的服务区只有高梁服务区一座。 User: He owns an insurance business. Assistant: 其有保险公司。 User: But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary. Assistant: 不过,虽然法律无法阻挡同一行业的人偶尔聚在一起,但不应该有促进此类聚会的法规;至少,不应使其成为必要。 User: After these three phases were completed, the "routine phase" of operations began on 3 April 1978. Assistant: 在以上三个阶段完成后,IUE 的常规操作阶段于1978年4月3日开始。 User: A slight change in the orbital period in 1973 suggests there is a third component of the multiple star system—most likely a red dwarf—with an orbital period of 62.2 ± 3.9 years. Assistant: 它在1973年的轨道周期的微小变动意味着可能存在着多星系统的第三星——最有可能的是轨道周期为62.2±3.9年的红矮星。 User: Schley landed her troops that day and then performed antisubmarine patrol duty until she reembarked her troops on 7 February. Assistant: 雪利号在那里放下登陆部队后,转为执行反潜巡逻任务,到了2月7日,她又运回了原来的登陆部队。 User: The Prussians signed a peace at Malmö, requiring them to remove all Prussian troops from the two duchies and agree to all other Danish demands. Assistant: 普鲁士人在瑞典王国的马尔默签署了和平协议,同意撤走在石、荷两地的军队并同意丹麦的其它要求。 User: He jumped into the water, and pushing a boat in front of him, went to their rescue. Assistant: 在船上晾干后带回留念,多余的就留在了船上。 User: In 2013, 19 airlines operated at CNX, serving more than 5.3 million passengers, 43,000 flights and 18,000 tonnes of cargo. Assistant: 2013年,有19家航空公司选择在清迈国际机场运营,服务超过530万人次、43,000次航班和18,000吨货物。 User: Many young mothers hid their infants beneath their piled clothes fearing that the delousing "disinfectant" might harm them. Assistant: 许多犹太妇女当除去衣服后,会把其婴儿藏在自己的衣服的下方,因为她们担心消毒剂会伤害其婴儿。 User: Much work was done by email and file exchange. Assistant: 利用电子邮件和文件交换完成大量工作。 User: On April 6, 2018, Kun officially debuted as the leader and center of said boy group, Nine Percent. Assistant: 2018年 4月6日,朱正廷以为期一年半的限定男子团体NINE PERCENT成员名义正式出道。 User: There have been occasional infiltrations by Rwandan rebels from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda in subsequent years, but these are always stopped quickly by the Rwandan army and there is thought to be no threat to tourism in the park. Assistant: 随后几年来,卢旺达解放民主力量的卢旺达反叛份子偶尔渗透,但这些人总是被卢旺达军队很快的阻止,并认为公园里的旅游业不会受到威胁。 User: As Rorie Sherman, staff reporter for the National Law Journal wrote in an article published on April 18, 1994, "It is a time of unparalleled desperation about crime. Assistant: 国家法律杂志记者罗瑞·谢尔曼(Rorie Sherman)在1994年4月18日发表的文章里写道:“这是大众对犯罪行为感到空前绝望的时刻。 User: Sport is usually governed by a set of rules or customs, which serve to ensure fair competition, and allow consistent adjudication of the winner. Assistant: 体育运动常会有一系列的规则或传统,用以保证公平竞争、确保对于胜负裁决的一致性。 User: Reporter Israel Epstein witnessed and reported on the battle. Assistant: 记者伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦目睹并报告了战役。 User: The police contacted Treves, who went to the station. Assistant: 警方联系了特里夫斯,他就来到了车站。 User: However, the expansion of the definition of the Nanking Massacre to include areas outside of Nanking has not been without controversy. Assistant: 但是,把南京大屠杀的定义扩大到南京以外的地区并非没有争议。 User: Malaysia has a strong oral tradition that has existed since before the arrival of writing, and continues today. Assistant: 马来西亚有坚强的口语传统,自从书写文字到来之前就已存在,一直持续到今天。 User: The main focus of the collection is Nigeria, but there are equally important artworks from Sudan, Mozambique, Tanzania, DR Congo, Haiti, India, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Assistant: 除了收藏了大量的尼日利亚的作品之外,还有来自苏丹、莫桑比克、坦桑尼亚、刚果民主共和国、海地、印度、巴布亚新几内亚和澳大利亚的重要艺术作品。 User: Industry in Lebanon is mainly limited to small businesses that reassemble and package imported parts. Assistant: 黎巴嫩的工业主要限于小型商务活动如重新装配和包装进口零部件。 User: The commonly used physico-chemical treatment processes are filtration, air stripping, ion exchange, chemical precipitation, chemical oxidation, carbon adsorption, ultrafiltration (UF), reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis, volatilization, and gas stripping. Assistant: 常用的物理化学处理方法有过滤、空气气提、离子交换、化学沉淀、化学氧化、活性炭吸收、超滤(UF)、反渗透(RO)、电渗析、蒸馏和气体气提等。 User: In 2005, the U.S. think-tank the Council on Foreign Relations stated that the MEK had 10,000 members, one-third to one-half of whom were fighters. Assistant: 在2005年美国的智囊团对外关系委员会认为伊朗人民圣战组织的成员达10,000人,当中33%至50%的成员是战士。 User: Galaxolide was first synthesized in 1965, and used in the late 1960s in some fabric softeners and detergents. Assistant: 佳乐麝香首次合成于1965年,并于1960年代后期用于一些织物柔软剂和清洁剂。 User: She was Maria Theresa's favourite child, as can be seen in the letters that the Empress wrote to her. Assistant: 她是玛丽亚·特雷西娅最喜欢的孩子,这可以从女王写给她的信中看出。 User: CLF provides the UICC with energy, a transmission clock, data and signal for bus management. Assistant: CLF为UICC提供能量,传输时钟、数据和信号用于总线管理。 User: This is the central mirror. Assistant: 这是中央镜片。 User: The group held a number of meetings over the years, which included Brazilian finance minister Ciro Gomes, Chilean senator Carlos Ominami, Argentinian politicians Dante Caputo and Rodolfo Terragno, and Mexican politician and future president Vicente Fox. Assistant: 该团体多年来召开了许多会议,参会的包括巴西财政部长Ciro Gomes,智利议员Carlos Ominami,阿根廷政治家Dante Caputo和Rodolfo Terragno,墨西哥政治家、后来担任总统的Vicente Fox。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Consists of seven members elected by the Congress. Assistant: 议会由7名选举产生的议员组成。 User: No equally large authoritative DNS providers have yet deployed DNSCurve. Assistant: 尚无其他类似的权威DNS提供商部署DNSCurve。 User: He treated 0 as a number and discussed operations involving it, including division. Assistant: 他把零视为一个数,并讨论包含零的运算,包括除法。 User: The Daydream platform was announced at the Google I/O developer conference in May 2016, with the first VR headset released on November 10, 2016. Assistant: 最初于2016年5月举行的Google I/O开发者大会上宣布,首款VR头设在2016年11月10日推出。 User: The missions range from gathering intelligence to capturing and/or eliminating terrorists. Assistant: 任务包括了搜集情报来捕捉或除去恐怖份子成员。 User: Taking place during the American Civil War, the story is about a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Assistant: 故事情节发生在美国内战时期,一名叫亨利·弗莱明的联盟士兵逃离了战场。 User: In 1622, he gave eight of his sons (who were called "princes," or beile) control over one banner each and ordered them to meet to deliberate major policies, especially military matters. Assistant: 1622年,努尔哈赤确定八名子侄(贝勒)每人各掌一旗,并命令他们开会就重要政策特别是军事事务进行商讨。 User: These short stocks were intended to accommodate South Vietnamese soldiers, and the Military Model 77E was the first United States combat shotgun equipped with a rubber recoil pad. Assistant: 装上这些短枪托的目的是要适应南越士兵的身材,而且M77E是美国第一枝配备了橡胶缓冲垫(英语:Recoil pad)战斗霰弹枪。 User: She had a recurring role on HBO's Boardwalk Empire as Gillian Darmody, a showgirl at the Beaux Arts and mother to gangster Jimmy Darmody (played by Michael Pitt). Assistant: 她在HBO的《酒私风云》中饰演Gillian Darmody,这角色是一名Beaux Arts的表演女郎和黑帮吉米·达摩狄(米高·彼特 饰演)的母亲。 User: Because of its relationship to the wave equation, the Helmholtz equation arises in problems in such areas of physics as the study of electromagnetic radiation, seismology, and acoustics. Assistant: 因为它和波动方程的关系,亥姆霍兹方程在物理学中电磁辐射、地震学和声学等相关研究领域里有着广泛应用。 User: But he proved himself a good businessman, and eventually became the head of the Staten Island Railway. Assistant: 不过,他后来在商界崛起,最终成为史泰登岛铁路的负责人。 User: Now, natural desire would be in vain if it could never be fulfilled. Assistant: 于是世界本质就是某种无法满足的欲求,所以从逻辑上说,它永不可能被满足。 User: On January 26, 2005, he made a career-high 8 three-point field goals against the Los Angeles Lakers. Assistant: 2005年1月26日,他在对阵洛杉矶湖人的比赛中投中了职业生涯最高的8个三分。 User: The Australian Catholic leadership and media were particularly glowing towards the South Vietnamese head of state. Assistant: 澳大利亚天主教领袖和媒体对这位南越国家首脑更是青眼相看。 User: The growth of the Jewish community in Palestine and the devastation of European Jewish life sidelined the World Zionist Organization. Assistant: 犹太社区在巴勒斯坦的增长以及欧洲犹太人生活的破坏使得世界锡安主义组织被边缘化。 User: At the Honig Breet House, visitors can experience how a family of merchants and paper makers lived in the Zaan region in 1830. Assistant: 在Honig Breethuis博物馆,游客可以体验1830年代的赞丹造纸商家庭的生活方式。 User: The prank drew comparison to the 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds which provoked panic in the United States. Assistant: 1938年:奥森·威尔士在美国播出广播剧《世界大战》,其写实风格导致全美国发生大恐慌。 User: From 2007 to 2010 she worked as Deputy Rector. Assistant: 2007至2010年,他转任首席副校长。 User: Steven Pinker considers Trivers to be "one of the great thinkers in the history of Western thought", who has: ...inspired an astonishing amount of research and commentary in psychology and biology—the fields of sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, Darwinian social science, and behavioral ecology are in large part attempt to test and flesh out Trivers' ideas. Assistant: 史迪芬·平克认为泰弗士是“西方思想史上最伟大的思想家之一” ,他说泰弗士 启发了惊人数量的心理学和生物学的研究述评——社会生物学、进化心理学、达尔文主义社会科学和行为生态学领域中的很多研究都是尝试去测试和具体化泰弗士的观点。 User: At an early stage in post-World War II designs for the street, a "high level walkway" was planned, as a further shopping frontage for the first floor level, in lieu of the other side of the street. Assistant: 在第二次世界大战战后初期 的街道设计中,规划了一条“高层走道”,作为底层购物区的延伸。 User: The discovery of the great dodecahedron is sometimes credited to Louis Poinsot in 1810, though there is a drawing of something very similar to a great dodecahedron in the 1568 book Perspectiva Corporum Regularium by Wenzel Jamnitzer. Assistant: 这个多面体被认为是由路易·庞索(英语:Louis Poinsot)在1810年发现,虽然在温佐·雅姆尼策尔(英语:Wenzel Jamnitzer)于1568年出版的著作《Perspectiva Corporum Regularium》中有一幅形状非常类似大十二面体的图画。