User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Sounds too impressive. Assistant: 听起来很惊人。 User: An English version of the scenario is available. Assistant: 本游戏现有英语版本。 User: The background for these conflicts was the unclear Norwegian succession laws, social conditions and the struggle between Church and King. Assistant: 这些冲突的背景是由于不明确的挪威继承法,社会条件以及教会与国王之间的斗争而成。 User: Monkeyshines, No. 1 was shot by William K. L. Dickson and William Heise for the Edison labs. Assistant: 《恶作剧1》是威廉·肯尼迪·迪克森和威廉·海斯为爱迪生实验室拍摄的。 User: Since the idle threads are always in a Ready state (if not already Running), this can never happen. Assistant: 由于闲置进程一直都处于就绪态(如果未处于运行态),所以这种情况不可能发生。 User: After 106 – 107 years, the viscous accretion rates fall below the photoevaporation rates at r g {\displaystyle r_{g}} . Assistant: 在106 – 107年后, r g {\displaystyle r_{g}} 处的黏滞吸积率会低于光致蒸发率。 User: Extended in April 2008 Not envisioned in the Action Plan, but invitations sent and accepted by Ukraine. Assistant: 在2008年4月延长 不包括在行动方案里,但欧盟已提出邀请,乌克兰接纳了有关邀请。 User: Then the three corps could capture Leningrad without heavy street fighting. Assistant: 而3个军可以不需要进行巷战而攻占列宁格勒。 User: In early 1929, Wessel wrote the lyrics for a new Nazi fight song Kampflied ("fight song"), which was first published in Goebbels's newspaper Der Angriff in September, under the title Der Unbekannte SA-Mann ("The Unknown SA-Man"). Assistant: 1929年初,威塞尔为一首新的纳粹战歌(Kampflied)写了歌词,最初于9月发表在戈培尔的报纸《进攻》(Der Angriff)上,标题是《不知名的冲锋队员》(Der Unbekannte SA-Mann),这首歌后来称为《旗帜高扬》或《霍斯特·威塞尔之歌》。 User: Bruce Ismay". Assistant: 布鲁斯·伊斯梅”。 User: This period in the history of the Austrian Empire would become known as the era of "neo-absolutism", or Bach's absolutism. Assistant: 历史上这一时期的奥地利帝国被称为"新开明专制主义时期",又称巴赫的专制主义。 User: He has made various other recordings for Delos and Finlandia Records with works by composers such as Debussy, Paganini, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Wieniawski and Ysaÿe. Assistant: 他也为Delos唱片与Finlandia唱片(英语:Finlandia Records)录制多种其他作曲家例如德布西、帕格尼尼、舒伯特、柴可夫斯基、维尼亚夫斯基及伊萨伊等的作品。 User: After the fall of the Soviet Union, the authorities were not in a hurry to get rid of such name. Assistant: 苏联解体以后,当局并不急于摆脱这样的名字。 User: Many are killed. Assistant: 多人被杀害。 User: Flooding was severe. Assistant: 洪水滔天。 User: There are relatively few examples of the successful refolding experiments, as for bacteriorhodopsin. Assistant: 有相对较少的成功再折叠实验的例子,比如像对细菌视紫红质的实验。 User: In the late 2000s, Malaysia began to become a popular destination for Japanese retirees. Assistant: 2000年代末期,马来西亚成为日本退休人士的热门目的地。 User: The Law of Magdeburg implemented in Poland was different from its original German form. Assistant: 在波兰实施的马格德堡法律和日耳曼原来的形式是不同的。 User: 67.1% spoke English, 27.9% Crow, 2.5% Cheyenne and 1.3% Spanish as their first language. Assistant: 有67.1%人口的母语为英语、27.9%为克罗语、2.5%为夏安语、以及1.3%为西班牙语。 User: He published the first volume of his Conspectus Generum Avium before his death, the second volume being edited by Hermann Schlegel. Assistant: 在他去世之前,他发表了《Conspectus Generum Avium》的第一卷,而第二卷是由赫尔曼·施勒格尔(Hermann Schlegel)校订的。 User: On a more local basis, factors such as road kills and the availability of human food have affected some wildlife species. Assistant: 在更当地化的基础上,诸如路杀以及人类食品的获得等因素已经影响了野生物种。 User: The fire started on July 22, when a man cutting timber dropped his cigarette in Caribou-Targhee National Forest just outside the park's western border. Assistant: 7月22日,由于一个伐木人将香烟掉在公园西边界的卡里布-塔伊国家森林,导致了这场大火的燃烧。 User: This resulted in a range of largely spontaneous protests in 1915 which were then often co-ordinated by local Labour movements, such as that in Glasgow, where the ILP played a leading role. Assistant: 这导致了1915年发生了一系列的自发性抗议活动,这些抗议活动常常由当地的工党组织来协调,例如在格拉斯哥,独立工党发挥了主导作用。 User: The course is offered to both part-time and full-time students. Assistant: 按学习方式 分为全日制硕士生和非全日制硕士生两种。 User: It may be going through a short-lived luminous phase that may have lasted for as little as a few million years (Fosbury et al., 2003, in pdf). Assistant: 他可能只持续了很短暂的发光阶段,或许只有数百万年的时间(Fosbury et al, 2003, in pdf)。 User: The investigation is not yet completed. Assistant: 调查尚未结束。 User: In a mid-credits scene, Waller meets Wayne in a restaurant and hands him a dossier containing information on future members of the Justice League. Assistant: 在片尾彩蛋片段(英语:Post-credits scene)中,华勒递给韦恩一份有关正义联盟的未来成员的资料。 User: The remaining 80% were then evacuated to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, some aircraft even taking off from the highways adjacent to the bases as the runways were overrun. Assistant: 剩下的百分之八十的飞机被疏散到了沙特阿拉伯和巴林,在机场跑道超负荷的时候,甚至有一些飞机是在邻近基地的高速公路上直接起飞的。 User: Through analysis of this data, he discovered that the stars come in a limited number of distinct types and subtypes, which could be distinguished by their different spectral patterns. Assistant: 经由分析这些资料,他发现恒星的类型和子类型的数量是有限的,可以将其依照光谱的不同而加以区分。 User: After four years of self-imposed exile Aflaq returned to Iraq In 1974, a year before the Lebanese Civil War broke out. Assistant: 经过4年的自我放逐,阿弗拉克于黎巴嫩内战爆发前一年(1974年)回到伊拉克。 User: This song was played very frequently on Swedish radio stations. Assistant: 本曲在朝鲜中央广播电台的音乐节目中多次被播放。 User: One of the aims of science is to find models that will account for as many observations as possible within a coherent framework. Assistant: 科学的目标之一,是在条理前后一致的框架内找出一些模型,而这些模型尽可能诠释最多的观测结果。 User: At the very least. Assistant: 至少是这样。 User: It is found in Cambodia and Vietnam. Assistant: 发现于柬埔寨和越南。 User: After the tumor has thawed, the probe is removed, bleeding is controlled, and the procedure is complete. Assistant: 肿瘤解冻后,取出探针,控制出血,手术完成。 User: Benjamin Abraham Horowitz (born June 13, 1966) is an American businessman, investor, blogger, and author. Assistant: 本·霍罗威茨(英语:Ben Horowitz,1966年6月13日-)是一位美国商人,投资人,博客撰写人和作家。 User: The theory is used in contexts where a qualitative, rather than quantitative, description would help in understanding the predominant factors which drive chemical properties and reactions. Assistant: 该理论可用于定性描述,而非定量的描述,这将有助于了解化学性质和反应的主要驱动因素。 User: The blacklists are updated periodically. Assistant: 《禁书目录》定期更新。 User: The revised version was designated KP/-31 SJR (suujarru, or "muzzle brake"). Assistant: 新型号被称为KP/-31 SJR(suujarru,意即“枪口制退”)。 User: Tengiz is operated by Tengizchevroil, a 40-year partnership planning to produce billions of barrels of oil from the field. Assistant: 田吉兹是由田吉兹雪弗龙公司(Tengizchevroil)来运行,其签署了40年的合作契约,计划从此地产出数十亿桶石油。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thika Falls has a drop of about 25 meters in a wilderness area within walking distance of the Blue Post Hotel, which is one of the oldest hotels in Kenya. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:锡卡瀑布落差25米,所在区域保持着自然原生态,从肯尼亚最悠久的酒店之一的蓝后酒店( Blue Post Hotel)步行可达。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 If the property is of significantly small value, they must wait one day. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 如果该遗失物的价值显著的低,发现者须等待一天。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Though the storm never made landfall, 23 deaths were reported in Cuba from significant flooding, the worst in 32 years. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 阿尔贝托虽然自始至终均未登陆,但古巴还是因重大洪灾导致23人丧生,是该国32年来致死人数最多的洪灾。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She asked Hewlett to redesign the Rippers to make them more human, allowing them to have the actual actors' facial expressions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:为此她要求休莱特重新设计袋鼠人,令其与人类更加接近,并且能够表现出真人演员的面部表情。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一些美国之音雇员被认为在广播中受到共产主义影响,但是这些攻击都是毫无根据的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As a result, violence escalated steadily from that summer and sharply after November 1920 until July 1921. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 结果暴力活动从夏天开始稳步升级,至1920年11月大爆发,直到1921年7月止。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The magazine's content focuses on China business news, opinion and analysis. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 《中国经济评论》的内容集中于中国的商业新闻、观点和分析。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: From 24 January 1941, Menzies spent four months in Britain discussing war strategy with Churchill and other Empire leaders, while his position at home deteriorated. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1941年,孟席斯前往英国与英国首相丘吉尔和其他领袖商讨战略,但当时国内情况却不容乐观。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Fomalhaut holds a special significance in extrasolar planet research, as it is the center of the first stellar system with an extrasolar planet candidate (designated Fomalhaut b, later named Dagon) imaged at visible wavelengths. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:北落师门在系外行星的研究中具有特殊意义:它是第一颗在可见光波长成像,成为系外行星候选者的中心恒星(这颗行星被称为北落师门 b,后来命名为Dagon)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: All 3 judges had high hopes for him. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这三位大师对他都有很深的影响。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1852, the traveller Col. G.C. Mundy wrote that the name came from Wala-mala, meaning an Aboriginal burial ground. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 1852年,旅行家G·C·穆迪上校写到,该名字是从“Wala-mala”演化而来的,原意是“土著墓地”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Van Doesburg saw in these paintings his ideal in painting: a complete abstraction of reality. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 凡·杜斯伯格在其画作中看到了两人绘画理念的不谋而合:对现实的彻底抽象。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Rowe was the first biographer to pass down the tradition that Shakespeare retired to Stratford some years before his death; but retirement from all work was uncommon at that time, and Shakespeare continued to visit London. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 罗是第一个根据传统认为莎士比亚在他逝世前几年退休回到雅芳河畔斯特拉特福的传记作家,但是停止所有的工作在那个时代并不多见,并且莎士比亚继续去伦敦。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It is awarded annually to a promising young researcher. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:该奖金每年授予一位青年统计学家。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1983, Lang presented a performance-art piece, a seven-hour re-enactment of the transplantation of an artificial heart for Barney Clark, a retired American dentist. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 同年,她制作了一部行为艺术短片,内容是为一名叫做Barney Clark的退休的美国牙医的一个长达七个小时的人工心脏移植手术。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Ordóñez's recibiendo requires three attempts, displaying the fighter's artistry and bravery that Hemingway likens to that of legendary bullfighter Pedro Romero. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:奥多涅斯的“接收”动作需要作三次尝试,显示了战斗的艺术和勇气,海明威将他比作是传说中的斗牛士佩德罗·罗梅罗(西班牙语:Pedro Romero)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Interest in post-colonial literatures, gay and lesbian literature, writing by people of colour, working people's writing, and the cultural productions of other historically marginalized groups has resulted in a whole scale expansion of what is considered "literature", and genres hitherto not regarded as "literary", such as children's writing, journals, letters, travel writing, and many others are now the subjects of scholarly interest. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:人们开始关注后殖民文学(英语:post-colonial literature),同性恋文学(英语:LGBT literature),有色人种的作品,劳动人民的作品和其他历史上被看作边缘人群的文化作品,这导致了人们所说的“文学”的整体规模的扩张,有些流派,像儿童作品,日记,书信,旅行日志和其他之前不被认为属于“文学”范畴的题材,现在成为许多学术研究的对象。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Traditional VPN systems require the user to ask the firewall's administrator of the company to open an endpoint (TCP or UDP port) on the firewall or NAT on the border between the company and the Internet. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 传统的VPN系统需要使用者去请求公司的防火墙管理者,在防火墙或公司与网络间的NAT开放一个终端点(TCP或UD端口)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Because they are a grace, no one can rightfully desire to receive revelations. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其次是对于那些具有权势的人来说,他们并不希望一般大众有阅读的能力。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: France uses a civil law system; that is, law arises primarily from written statutes; judges are not to make law, but merely to interpret it (though the amount of judge interpretation in certain areas makes it equivalent to case law). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:法国采用民法体制;那是:法律主要产生自书面成文法;法官不制订法律,而只不过阐释它(虽然在某些领域的一些法官解释使它与判例法相当)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In addition, the Ministry of State for the People's Armed Forces was established, which controlled a central guard battalion, two divisions, and an independent mixed and combined arms brigade. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 就在此时,朝鲜人民军下辖有中央边防营、两个师和一个独立混合旅。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As a legal term of art, "license" means "permission", and it can implicate a legally enforceable right or privilege. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在法律术语上说,“合法”就是代表“证明”的含义,而且它可以牵涉一个法定强制性执行的权利和特权。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:An alternative viewpoint is presented in Donald Knuth's Structured Programming with go to Statements, which analyzes many common programming tasks and finds that in some of them GOTO is the optimal language construct to use. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:另外一种观点出现在高德纳的Structured Programming with go to Statements 中,文章分析了许多常见编程任务,然后发现其中的一些使用GOTO将得到最理想的结构。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Li Yinhe (Chinese: 李银河), a sexology scholar well known in the Chinese LGBT community, proposed the Chinese Same-Sex Marriage Bill (Chinese: 中国同性婚姻提案, pinyin: Zhōngguó Tóngxìng Hūnyīn Tí'àn) as an amendment to the marriage law to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2008. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在中国同性恋社群里广为人知的社会学家李银河教授分别在2003年、2005年、2006年和2008年向中国人民政治协商会议提交了作为婚姻法修正案的《中国同性婚姻提案》。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It includes visual art, literature, music, film, design, architecture as well as life style. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 它涵盖了视觉艺术、文学、音乐、电影、设计、建筑以及生活型态各个方面。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Both of these, as well as those from other nations, are periodically returned to the BIPM for verification. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这两个原器,跟其他国家的一样,都要定期送回BIPM作质量核准。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Ukraine assisted with an Ilyushin Il-76. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 俄罗斯派出一架伊留申-76。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The steeple was added between 1848 and 1850. Assistant: 1848年和1850年之间增加了尖顶。 User: The voice West uses for Fry has been described as that of a "generic Saturday-morning good guy". Assistant: 威斯特用弗莱被形容为“普通周六上午好人”。 User: A celebrated conjecture of Vladimir Arnold relates the minimum number of fixed points for a Hamiltonian symplectomorphism f on M, in case M is a closed manifold, to Morse theory. Assistant: 阿诺尔德的一个著名猜想是关于 M 上一个哈密顿辛同胚 f 的不动点的最小数,当 M 是一个闭流形变为莫尔斯理论。 User: Because of the combination of insane intellects, D.A.V.E. believed himself to be a human criminal whose brain was trapped in a digital prison, which he escaped. Assistant: 由于与疯狂的思想的结合,D.A.V.E. 他相信自己是一个大脑被困在一个数字监狱里的人类罪犯。 User: In addition to that, all founding members of the League were national societies from countries of the Entente or from associated partners of the Entente. Assistant: 此外,联盟的所有创始成员都是协约国或其伙伴国的国家协会。 User: The Board of Supervisors in Yavapai County, which at the time encompassed Phoenix, officially recognized the new town on May 4, 1868, and formed an election precinct. Assistant: 当时管辖凤凰城地区的亚瓦派县于1868年5月4日将该地区正式命名为凤凰城并设置一个选区。 User: By the winter of 1873-1874, the southern Plains Indians were in crisis. Assistant: 1873年冬天,南部平原的印第安人陷入了危机。 User: Computer security is a branch of computer technology with an objective of protecting information from unauthorized access, disruption, or modification while maintaining the accessibility and usability of the system for its intended users. Assistant: 计算机安全是计算机技术的一个分支,其目标包括保护信息免受未经授权的访问、中断和修改,同时为系统的预期用户保持系统的可访问性和可用性。 User: Bivins played college football at Morris Brown College. Assistant: 母亲Sheryl曾在Morris Brown College代表大学打篮球比赛。 User: Apple attempted to fix the issue with iOS 4.0.1, but failed to do so. Assistant: 苹果企图透过iOS 4.0.1更新解决此问题,然而成效不彰。 User: At times he was a very difficult player to coach. Assistant: 在关键场次,他仍是教练员手中一枚重要的棋子。 User: Inflation in 1260 caused the government to replace the existing paper currency with a new one in 1287, but inflation that resulted from undisciplined printing remained a problem for the Yuan court until the end of the Dynasty. Assistant: 1260年发生的通货膨胀,使元朝在1287年用新的纸币代替了旧有纸币,但是由于无节制的纸币印刷导致的通货膨胀直到元朝末期依然存在。 User: However, the amendment ultimately passed Congress almost unchanged and by unanimous vote. Assistant: 不过,这条修正案最终在国会几乎是以全体一致同意的投票结果通过。 User: Huguenot minister Daniel Chamier is among his ancestors, as is Sir William Burnaby, 1st Baronet. Assistant: 胡格诺部长丹尼尔·切米尔(英语:Daniel Chamier)和威廉·伯纳比(英语:Sir William Burnaby, 1st Baronet)皆是他的祖先。 User: A very old named reaction is the Claisen rearrangement (1912) and a recent named reaction is the Bingel reaction (1993). Assistant: 早期的人名反应如克莱森重排反应(1912),较新的反应则如Bingel反应(1993)。 User: According to The Economist, in the Netherlands, fewer men had to fight in the World Wars of the 20th century, and so Dutch women did not experience working for pay at rates women in other countries did. Assistant: 当他们开始工作,他们选择兼职开始做起: 根据经济学家,20世纪的世界大战中,荷兰男人不得不为了打仗,所以荷兰女人没有经历过工资,而在其他国家的女性就有。 User: When a broad consonant follows a front vowel, there is a very short vowel sound (called an onglide) just before the consonant, e.g. díol /djiːl̪ɣ/ ('sell') is pronounced . Assistant: 如果宽辅音出现在前元音之后,会在辅音之前出现一个很短的元音(叫做上滑音),比如díol /djiːl̪ɣ/“卖”会发音作。 User: The city contains 85.6 miles (137.8 km) of streets, one hospital, one fire station, one police station, and five parks. Assistant: 阿什兰市有85.6英里(137.8公里)的街道,25个路口,一个医院,一个消防局,一个警察局和六个公园。 User: Before the convention there were a number of online phishing expeditions that may have been hackers looking for weak spots in the convention's network. Assistant: 大会开始前,网上出现了一些钓鱼式攻击团伙,可能是黑客试图在会场网络中寻找漏洞。 User: From 1964 to 1970, he was news director of WALB-TV in Albany, Georgia. Assistant: 自1964年到1970年,他在奥尔巴尼的WALB(英语:WALB)电视台出任新闻总监。 User: Governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedure. Assistant: 政府权力只有在依照书面的、公开的法规以及既定的程序行使时才是正当的。 User: Any force stop attempt, result in the app restarting itself. Assistant: 任何强制停止的尝试的结果只会导致应用程序自动重启。 User: Eleven fatalities were confirmed, all of them occurred in Jalisco, most of which from drowning. Assistant: 经过确认,共有11人在墨西哥丧生,并且全部发生在哈利斯科州,其中大部分属溺毙。 User: In any system with waves, the waveform at a given time is a function of the sources (i.e., external forces, if any, that create or affect the wave) and initial conditions of the system. Assistant: 在任何有波的系统中,在给定时间的波形式是该系统的源(即可能存在的产生或影响波的外力)与初始条件的函数。 User: On March 25, 2007, Runway 7R/25L reopened after being shifted 55 feet (17 m) south to prevent runway incursions and prepare the runway for the Airbus A380. Assistant: 2007年3月25日,7R/25L跑道在南移17米后重新开始使用,为起降空中客车A380做准备。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: This is probably the origin of the misapprehension that Ramanujan was unable to prove his results and simply thought up the final result directly. Assistant: 这可能是对拉马努金不能证明自己的结果而只是直接想到最后结果的误解的起源。 User: In anticipation of such a move, local officials and the military proposed extending the Blue and Green Lines to service each base. Assistant: 地方官员及军方为了因应这次更动,建议将蓝线和绿线延伸到两个基地。 User: The coin continued to be minted until 1945, when the Treasury ordered that a new design, featuring recently deceased president Franklin Roosevelt, take its place. Assistant: 墨丘利10美分硬币一直生产到1945年,再经财政部下令,由纪念不久前去世的总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福的新设计取代。 User: It was the only independent program to be part of the Bowl Championship Series coalition and its guaranteed payout, and it has one of the largest, most widespread fan bases in college football. Assistant: 此外,学校还是唯一一所参与冠军碗系列赛(英语:Bowl Championship Series)的独立学校,并拥有大学美式足球中最大的球迷群体之一。 User: 1958 – Meselson–Stahl experiment proves that DNA replication is semiconservative. Assistant: 1958年,梅瑟生-史达实验证明了半保留复制。 User: In 359 BC, King Perdiccas III of Macedon was killed by attacking Illyrians. Assistant: 前359年马其顿国王佩尔狄卡斯三世在与伊利里亚人作战时阵亡。 User: His advocacy of the use of Thomas splint for the initial treatment of femoral fractures reduced mortality of compound fractures of the femur from 87% to less than 8% in the period from 1916 to 1918. Assistant: 他对托马斯夹板在股骨骨折上的广泛使用使得1916年至1918年间,复合股骨骨折的死亡率从87%降至不到8%。 User: In June 2013, Edward Snowden was charged under the Espionage Act after releasing documents exposing the NSA's PRISM Surveillance Program. Assistant: 2013年6月,爱德华·斯诺登根据该法被起诉,当时他发布了一些文件,揭露美国国家安全局的棱镜监测计划。 User: TFS is subject to national regulations, such as minimum spend and restrictions on the types of products on which it can be claimed. Assistant: TFS受国家条例的制约,如最低消费,以及退税产品种类的限制。 User: Edwards began the 1957–58 season in good form and rumours abounded that top Italian clubs were seeking to sign him. Assistant: 1957/58球季,爱华士的良好表现,导致传出有意大利顶级球会希望签入他。 User: King Harek died trying to stop them. Assistant: 楚康王想除掉他们。 User: He was seen in the episode "The Great Scarecrow Scare". Assistant: 于插曲“The Great Scarecrow Scare”中出现。 User: A number of other opponents created Hands Off The Internet, a website created in 2006 to promote arguments against Internet regulation. Assistant: 其他反对者则成立了Hands Off The Internet这个网站,该网络成立于2006年,目的为促进反对互联网监理之论述。 User: Easily excited. Assistant: 容易兴奋。 User: This is the first ever school founded by the Maryknoll Fathers in Hong Kong after the Second World War. Assistant: 这是玛利诺神父会在二战后在香港所开办的第一所学校。 User: Although most of the contaminated ice was cleaned up, controversy currently surrounds recently declassified information indicating that one of the bombs was not accounted for. Assistant: 尽管大多数受污染的冰盖得到了清理,最近解密的信息表明一枚氢弹的污染并未得到清理。 User: Publishers send books to book review editors in the hope that their books will be reviewed. Assistant: 出版社通常会把新书寄给书评编辑,希望新书能得到评论。 User: It was renamed the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation in 1995. Assistant: 基金会在1995年更名为宇航员奖学金基金会(Astronaut Scholarship Foundation)。 User: This is an exaggerated number, because the local terrain determine that they cannot be placed on a battlefield at the same time. Assistant: 当地的地形和物产决定了他们不能同时投放在一个战场里。 User: Automatic (Delayed): The service starts a short while after the system has finished starting up. Assistant: 自动(延迟启动):服务会在系统启动后过一会启动。 User: However, with the introduction and widespread use of both oxacillin and methicillin, antibiotic-resistant strains called methicillin-resistant and oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA/ORSA) have become increasingly prevalent worldwide. Assistant: 然而,随着苯唑西林和甲氧西林的引入和广泛使用,耐甲氧西林和耐苯唑西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA / ORSA)的菌株在世界范围内变得越来越普遍。 User: It is a strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. Assistant: 这个策略工具也能有效的了解市场的成长或衰退、企业所处的情况、潜力与营运方向。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In the case of Kepler-419c, this would be practically the same to have a stable orbit, albeit a bit longer, around 65 days. Assistant: 开普勒419c的情形则是周期在65日左右的卫星有一个稳定的轨道,虽然较前述模拟结果稍长。 User: Parliament House was constructed between 1897 and 1905. Assistant: 国会大厦建筑于1897年至1905年。 User: The ban was partially rescinded in 1979, when women were again allowed to participate in Cut, and completely rescinded in 1981. Assistant: 禁令在1979年废除,女性再次允许参与砍伐,1981年禁令完全废止。 User: Milton: Paradise Lost. Assistant: 梁天监中废。 User: Thomas Rymer, for example, condemned Shakespeare for mixing the comic with the tragic. Assistant: 例如托马斯·赖默批评莎士比亚将悲剧和喜剧混合在一起。 User: He had dinner with John D. Rockefeller and sold his wife some Tibetan jewelry. Assistant: 他与约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒共进晚餐,并卖给他的妻子一些西藏首饰 。 User: The book was first published in 2005 by Heinz Heise and a second edition was published in 2006, with updated and revised chapters. Assistant: 2005年,Heinz Heise首次出版该书,2006年发行更新并修订了章节的第二版。 User: In the old economy, energy was produced by burning something — oil, coal, or natural gas — leading to the carbon emissions that have come to define our economy. Assistant: 在旧经济中,能源来自燃烧东西 - 石油,煤炭,天然气 - 导致了碳排放量定义我们的经济。 User: Since June 2008, a "Thursday Market", a daylong celebration of business, commerce, and community, has been established to encourage business along the street. Assistant: 自2008年6月以来,为促进沿街的商业,设立了“周四市场” ,是一个为期一天的商业和社区的庆祝活动。 User: THIS IS NO JOKE. Assistant: 这可不是一个笑话。 User: The Bellerive Foundation (Switzerland) and World Animal Protection were also involved in the "Into the Blue" campaign. Assistant: 瑞士的Bellerive基金会(Bellerive Foundation)和世界动物保护协会也参与了该次运动。 User: There are seven main groups of indices: Global Equity, Regional and Partner, Fixed Income, Real Estate, Alternative Investment, Responsible Investment, and Investment Strategy. Assistant: 除指数数据外,还有七个收入类别:全球股票、区域和合作伙伴、定息证券、房地产、另类投资、责任投资和管治及提供投资策略。 User: Under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 the Lord Chancellor is no longer a judge. Assistant: 《2005年宪制改革法令》通过后,大法官不再担任上院议长,也不再具法官身份。 User: An eastern mezzanine at Third Avenue, along with stairwells to the platforms, was partially completed in the 1980s but not opened along with the rest of the station. Assistant: 第三大道的东夹层连同月台的楼梯井,在1980年代已经部分完工,但未有与车站其余部分一同启用。 User: In January 2012, Scorsese discussed the possibility of utilizing 3D, reconsidered later. Assistant: 2012年1月,史柯西斯讨论了转为3D电影的可能性。 User: Hale posits that Washington's death signaled a transition in the practice of lynching, demonstrating its acceptance in modernized, 20th-century cities. Assistant: 黑尔指出,华盛顿的死标志着私刑实践的转变,表明这一行径在20世纪的现代城市仍然得到接纳。 User: To meet the growing needs of vehicle traffic, another ferry, the Presidente Porras, was added in November 1942. Assistant: 为了满足日益增加的陆上交通的需求,另一辆渡船,Presidente Porras在1942年11加入。 User: Most of the fuselage was found near Unionville, but the engines and parts of the tail section and left wing were found up to six miles away from the main wreckage. Assistant: 多数机身残骸在犹尼昂维被发现,但发动机、尾翼和左机翼的散落位置则距离机身残骸位置6英里。 User: NASA Successfully Tests First Deep Space Internet, NASA press release 08-298, 18 November 2008. Assistant: NASA成功测试了第一个深空互联网 ,NASA新闻稿08-298,2008年11月18日。 User: However, the results of these studies were disappointing, and no further clinical trials were carried out in the United States until the 1990s. Assistant: 但这些研究结果令人失望,且直至上世纪末,美国没有展开进一步临床试治。 User: Currents threats to the species include urbanisation, industrialisation, agricultural expansion, colonisation and associated road-building. Assistant: 如今的主要威胁是城市化、工业化、农业扩大、殖民地化和相关道路的建设。 User: Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. Assistant: Visual Studio 2010将会提供一些工具来使并行计算更加简单:除了.NET Framework的本地代码并行扩展以及并行模式库(Parallel Patterns Library),Visual Studio 2010还包含了用于调试并行程序的工具。 User: Until that time, her mother, actress Michelle Williams, will hold the statuette in trust for Matilda. Assistant: 而在这以前,她的母亲,女演员蜜雪儿·威廉丝将负责保管奖座。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: PhC(H)N2, a red liquid b.p.< 25 °C at 0.1 mm Hg. Assistant: 一个苯基取代的PhC(H)N2,红色液体,0.1mmHg时的沸点小于25 °C。 User: He also pointed out that the modern view of primitive cultures was simplistic in denying them a history. Assistant: 他也指出,当代对于原始文化的观点是简化的,否定他们具有历史。 User: At the 1912 International Congress of Mathematicians, Edmund Landau listed four basic problems about prime numbers. Assistant: 在1912年国际数学家大会中, 埃德蒙兰道列出了关于素数的四个基本问题。 User: Just before the Japanese dive bombers began their attacks, Enterprise and Saratoga cleared their decks for the impending action by launching the aircraft that they had been holding ready in case the Japanese fleet carriers were sighted. Assistant: 就在日军轰炸机开始袭击时,企业号和萨拉托加号正在清空甲板,发射已经准备就绪、用来攻击日本航母的飞机。 User: Social-cognitive models of health behavior change cast self-efficacy as predictor, mediator, or moderator. Assistant: 健康行为改变的社会认知模型将自我效能认作为一个预测者、媒介或调节者。 User: Once again, we urge Washington to stop trying to set itself up as a judge far outside its borders and to follow the generally accepted international legal procedures". Assistant: 我们再一次敦促华盛顿不要把自己定位为远超出其国境的法官,遵循国际公认的法律程序。 User: In 2012, The Observer named the Regeneration Trilogy as one of "The 10 best historical novels". Assistant: 2012年,《观察家报》称重生三部曲为“10部最好历史小说之一”。 User: In many cultures, burning incense has spiritual and religious connotations, and this influences the design and decoration of the censer. Assistant: 在许多文化中,烧香有精神和宗教内涵,影响了香炉的设计和装饰。 User: All mention of wolf attacks was subsequently censored. Assistant: 袋狼说是后来才提出的。 User: In 2008, Black Enterprise magazine rated Comcast among the top 15 companies for workforce diversity. Assistant: 2008年,《黑人企业(英语:Black Enterprise)》杂志将康卡斯特列为员工多样性公司的前15名。 User: Recurring themes include dressing up as and interpreting the behaviour of various animals in public, racing unsuspecting car-drivers whilst dressed up as Mario à la Mario Kart, and numerous provocative interactions with parking enforcement officers and the police. Assistant: 他恶作剧的模式包括装扮成各种动物或角色,并将动物或角色的个性于公众地方表演出来,或装扮成玛利欧驾驶跑车与一些司机赛车,以及公然挑衅警察。 User: Such a construction allows for natural ventilation of rooms placed under the stands and access to natural light. Assistant: 这种外墙结构同样使得看台下的房间可以获得自然通风和自然照明。 User: The term Yellow Pages is not a registered name within the United States and is freely used by many companies. Assistant: 在美国,它是指一个类别的东西,而在其他一些国家,它是一个注册的名称,“ 黄页 ”一词在美国并不是一个注册名称,被许多公司自由使用。 User: The two later kiss. Assistant: 之后二人亲吻。 User: There were numerous high-ranking mafia organised crime figures present at the crime scene watching the explosion, as well as Slovak Information Service operatives. Assistant: 在犯罪现场有许多许多高级别的黑手党官员目睹了这次爆炸,包括斯洛伐克信息服务部的代表。 User: In 1959, Derrick Henry Lehmer extended and simplified Meissel's method. Assistant: 1959年,德里克·亨利·勒梅尔(Derrick Henry Lehmer)推广并简化了梅塞尔的方法。 User: In 1986, Selchow and Righter was sold to Coleco, which soon after went bankrupt. Assistant: 1986年,Selchow and Righter将游戏售予Coleco(英语:Coleco),其后再售予孩之宝。 User: By February 18, 1744, it reportedly was as bright as the planet Venus (with an apparent magnitude of -4.6) and at this time displayed a double tail. Assistant: 在1744年2月18日,报告的亮度已经如同金星一样明亮(是星等约-4.6等),并且当时已有两条彗尾。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Created for SmartTVs, Ubuntu TV provides access to popular Internet services and stream content to mobile devices running Android, iOS and Ubuntu. Assistant: Ubuntu TV专门为智慧电视打造,可以存取网络服务,也可以串流到使用Android、iOS或Ubuntu的装置上。 User: NASA wanted to find an "ordinary person," a gifted teacher who could communicate with students while in orbit. Assistant: 美国宇航局希望找到一个“普通”但有天赋的老师,可以在轨道上与学生交流。 User: According to Mark Roeder the rise of the geek represents a new phase of human evolution. Assistant: 马克·罗德称极客的崛起代表着人类进化的新阶段。 User: The Machinery Room’s facade deserves particular attention. Assistant: 机房的立面值得格外注意。 User: The Southwest Center for the Study of Hospital and Healthcare Systems in cooperation with Rotary International is sponsoring a rainwater harvesting model program across the country. Assistant: 西南医院和医疗保健系统研究中心与Rotary国际合作,正在全国范围内赞助一个雨水收集模型计划。 User: The second-generation company leaders included Paul Louis Audemars and Paul Edward Piguet, and the third generation included Jacques Louis Audemars and Paulette Piguet. Assistant: 第二代传人包括Paul Louis Audemars 和 Paul Edward Piguet, 而第三代传人包括Jacques Louis Audemars 和 Paulette Piguet。 User: Most of these vehicles were used by the occupation forces in France. Assistant: 大部分这些前哨都被法国突袭队所占领。 User: The fact that a number of Jews held important positions in the Polish Communist party and security services also affected popular sentiment. Assistant: 一些犹太人在波兰共产党和安全部门担任重要职务,这影响了民众的情绪。 User: Table grapes, grown mostly along the Orange River in the country's arid south, are becoming an increasingly important commercial crop and a significant employer of seasonal labor. Assistant: 在南方干旱地区的奥兰治河上的葡萄正在成为一种越来越重要的商业作物,并成为季节性劳动力的重要雇主。 User: Several CIA agents and allies were imprisoned, weakening the coup effort. Assistant: 几名中情局特工和盟友遭监禁,政变势力削弱。 User: The fortification spirit is sometimes referred to as brandy but it bears little resemblance to commercial brandies. Assistant: 这种强化后的烈酒有时也被称为白兰地,但它与商业上的白兰地没有多少相似之处。 User: On further inspection, they discovered that all messages containing links to The Pirate Bay in both public and in private messages, regardless of content, were being blocked. Assistant: 经过进一步检查,他们发现所有包含海盗湾链接的公共和私人消息,无论内容如何,都被阻止。 User: Some changes included the ordination of women to the priesthood, open communion, and changing the church's name from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the current name in April 2001. Assistant: 这些改变包括了容许女性拥有圣职权柄、开放圣餐、以及在2001年4月将教会名称从重组后的耶稣基督后期圣徒教会改为基督社区。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:President George Washington engaged Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant to design the new capital city. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:乔治·华盛顿总统亲自协助城市规划师皮埃尔·查尔斯·朗方(Pierre Charles L'Enfant)选址。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It is updated every five years. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该分类每5年更新一次。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The members of B. ser. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 个体I是P的成员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A staging area, or landing zone, is an intermediate storage area used for data processing during the extract, transform and load (ETL) process. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 盘点区或接地区, 是资料处理过程在萃取/转置/载入(ETL)的中介储存区。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The observatory also has 1.5- and 1.2-meter reflectors and a second 1.3-meter reflector named PAIRITEL (Peters Automated IR Imaging Telescope, ex-2MASS ). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 该天文台也有口径1.5和1.2米的反射望远镜,以及命名为PAIRITEL(Peters Automated IR Imaging Telescope,2微米全天巡天)的红外线望远镜。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It was discovered independently by several observers including Leslie Peltier in the USA and E. Loreta in Italy. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 它是被几位观测者独立发现的,包括在美国的Leslie Peltier和在意大利的E. Loreta。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In October 2016, Miranda Hart joined the cast, however, her character was later removed from the film. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2016年10月,米兰达·哈特加盟电影,然而她的角色在正片中被删减。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: TAMUCC teams all compete under the team name Islanders, the name taken from TAMUCC being located on an island. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: TAMUCC团队全部以团队名称“Islanders”竞争,这个名字来自TAMUCC位于岛上。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He conquers the trials of the five towers, each representing one continent, and revives the mainland of the Earth. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他通过了五座塔的试炼,而每座塔各封印一块表面世界大陆。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Foley was released from jail 44 days later. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:佛利被拘留44日后获释。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This process of collaborative feedback and individual effort is common at BioWare, and it behooved Karpyshyn to make sure the style was consistent across all different areas. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这种个人工作与协作反馈的方法在BioWare中很常见,并且卡宾森有必要确保所有不同区域的风格一致。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 28 June she arrived at Pearl Harbor to await better ice conditions. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 6月28日它航抵夏威夷珍珠港,并在那里暂停等待北极地区较好的海象。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Variable L is also visible only in procedure B and C but it does not hide any other variable. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 时间支配变化,而无论B系列或C系列,在没有A系列的情况下,都无法包含变化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Nevertheless, before and after this date local Church leaders pursued a policy of independence. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:但不论此前此后,当地教会领导人都实行独立自主的政策。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:August 8 – Irish forces are defeated by English Parliamentary forces in the Battle of Dungan's Hill. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 8月8日 –Battle of Dungan's Hill: 爱尔兰部队被英格兰议会部队打败。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The average length of the human tongue from the oropharynx to the tip is 10 cm. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 人类的舌头从口咽到尖端的平均长度为10厘米。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A street on the campus of the University of Kiel is named for her; on it are located the Department for European Ethnology and the Institute for Prehistory and Ancient History, where the Johanna Mestorf lecture theatre is also named for her and has a portrait of her on display. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 基尔大学一条街道以她的名字命名,这条街道上坐落着欧洲民族学系和史前史与古代史研究所,以她的名字命名的约翰娜·梅斯托尔夫讲堂里挂着她的肖像。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These areas contribute a great abundance of population (not species) level biodiversity and ecosystem services, including cultural value and planetary nutrient cycling. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些区域有助于极多的族群生物多样性和生态系统服务, 包括文化价值和行星养分的循环。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 As the earthquake occurred, the trains were running with a speed of 200 km/h for Nagaoka, the emergency braking system started to work immediately at the alert of the earthquake. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 地震发生时,此辆列车正往长冈站方向以时速200km行驶,在收到地震警报后紧急刹车系统开始运作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the 1950s and mid-1960s anthropology tended increasingly to model itself after the natural sciences. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1950年代与1960年代中期,人类学逐渐倾向于以自然科学为典范。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Matilda of Tuscany (Italian: Matilde di Canossa , Latin: Matilda, Mathilda; 1046 – 24 July 1115) was a powerful feudal Margravine of Tuscany, ruler in northern Italy and the chief Italian supporter of Pope Gregory VII during the Investiture Controversy; in addition, she was one of the few medieval women to be remembered for her military accomplishments, thanks to which she was able to dominate all the territories north of the Papal States. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:卡诺莎的玛蒂尔达(意大利语:Matilde di Canossa,拉丁语:Matilda,Mathilda; 1046年-1115年7月24日)是意大利北部的强大的封建统治者,也是叙任权斗争中在意大利支持教皇格雷戈里七世的主要人物;此外,她是中世纪少数几个因为军事成就而出名的女性,她因此统治教会国家以北的所有领土。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Game Theorists reached one million subscribers on December 17, 2013. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:游戏理论家在2013年12月17日成功达到了一百万订阅数。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This rule has been applied in American law, and has a lengthy common law history. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这一规则在美国法律中同样适用,并有着一段漫长的普通法历史。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Nonetheless, the disorder of the state finances, largely inherited from Gustav III's war against Russia, as well as widespread crop failures in 1798 and 1799, compelled him to summon the estates to Norrköping in March 1800 and on 3 April the same year. Assistant: 然而,瑞典自古斯塔夫三世对俄罗斯征战失利后,一直受于混乱,1798和1799年的失败政变更使形状雪上加霜,使他不得不于1800年3月和4月在北雪平召开国会会议。 User: Isolates of HIV-1 and HIV-2 with resistance to antiretroviral drugs arise through natural selection and genetic mutations, which have been tracked and analyzed. Assistant: 具有抗逆转录病毒药物抗性的HIV-1和HIV-2分离株产生于自然选择和基因突变,这些突变已被追踪和分析。 User: Rachel Grant as Peaceful Fountains of Desire, a Chinese agent working for Mr. Chang, undercover as a masseuse. Assistant: 雷切尔·格兰特(Rachel Grant)饰为张先生工作的间谍,以按摩师的身份做掩护。 User: They arrived at night. Assistant: 很快便到了晚上。 User: Buy the goods of villagers in all honesty and without stealing. Assistant: 诚实地购买村民的商品而不偷窃。 User: Albert Grossman, then managing both Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary, brought the trio the song which they promptly recorded (on a single take) and released. Assistant: 然后经纪迪伦和彼得、保罗和玛丽的阿尔伯特格罗斯曼(英语:Albert Grossman),带来了这首他们立即录音(一次成功)的三重唱歌曲并发行。 User: Whatever may be argued philosophically on the point, the idea of a necessary evil is a fallacy as urged in excuse of party, for those who urge it are saying what they would deny if expressed in other terms. Assistant: 不管在哲学上如何论述必要之恶,这一谬论是党派所使用的借口,如果不称之为必要之恶,很多主张就会变得难以启齿。 User: Short-term side effects may include a decrease in short-term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, red eyes, and feelings of paranoia or anxiety. Assistant: 短期副作用可能包括:短期记忆力下降,口腔干燥,运动机能受损,红眼,产生偏执或焦虑感。 User: The Club de Pescadores ("Fisherman's Club") is situated on the banks of the Río de la Plata in Costanera Norte Avenue. Assistant: 钓鱼俱乐部(Club de Pescadores)坐落在拉普拉塔河岸边的Costanera 北大道。 User: The Egyptian forces besieged in the Faluja Pocket were allowed to return to Egypt with their weapons, and the area was handed over to Israeli military control. Assistant: Faluja地区的埃及军旅得以回国,但该地区将转交至以色列手中。 User: The standard model TV-B-Gone consists of an infra-red LED, two CR2032 cells and an integrated circuit containing the television power code database, all in a plastic case. Assistant: TV-B-Gone的标准型号由红外LED、两个CR2032电池,以及包含电视电源遥控代码数据库的集成电路构成。 User: Thomas Marten then told the court how he had dug up his daughter, and Maria's 10-year-old brother George revealed that he had seen Corder with a loaded pistol before the alleged murder and later had seen him walking from the barn with a pickaxe. Assistant: 安·马滕被传唤为玛丽亚失踪那天发生的事情以及她后来的梦境作证;托马斯·马滕随后告诉法庭他是如何挖出他的女儿的;玛丽亚10岁的弟弟乔治说他在所谓谋杀发生之前看到科德拿着一把上了膛的手枪,后来又看到他拿着一把镐从谷仓里走出来。 User: Abraham Aluckal (later bishop Mar Severios) was appointed as its first vicar. Assistant: 巴邛曲珠是第一世谢瓦拉活佛。 User: Some groups think that Motamedi edifice had been changed; it is now its police office. Assistant: 一些人认为,Motamedi楼曾受到过改造——它现在是警察局的所在地。 User: Clarification of this point awaits DNA examination. Assistant: 目前,程晓强正在接受组织审查。 User: The city features a weather forecast office of the National Weather Service, which serves all of Southwestern Ohio and portions of Kentucky and Indiana. Assistant: 该市设有威尔明顿公共图书馆,还设有美国国家气象局的天气预报办公室,为俄亥俄州西南部和肯塔基州和印第安纳州的部分地区提供服务。 User: At the time, he was working in the Eastern European practice of the Boston Consulting Group in London, and managed the Russian proprietary investments desk at Salomon Brothers. Assistant: 当时,他在伦敦的波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)东欧业务部门工作,并在所罗门兄弟管理俄罗斯自营投资部门。 User: Very occasionally, a PB number of Z would be drawn. Assistant: 单曲或BGM基本上每次皆会使用数首B'z乐曲。 User: The completed museum provides 2,000 m2 of exhibition and learning space. Assistant: 整个展馆共提供了2,000 m2的学习与展览空间。 User: The French were the first to see a need for greater protection and began to introduce steel helmets in the summer of 1915. Assistant: 法军首先意识到了他们需要更好的防护,并且在1915年夏天开始配发钢盔。 User: However, that season was cancelled because of a labour dispute. Assistant: 但这项工程由于劳资纠纷搁浅。 User: After his release, he remained under police control and some of his suspicious-looking astronomical equipment was confiscated. Assistant: 获释后他仍在警察的掌控之下,并且部分被认为有间谍工具嫌疑的天文仪器遭到没收。 User: After earning a medical degree at Transylvania University, Blackburn moved to Natchez, Mississippi, and gained national fame for implementing the first successful quarantine against yellow fever in the Mississippi River valley in 1848. Assistant: 布莱克本在特兰西瓦尼亚大学获得医学学位后移居纳奇兹,并于1848年因在密西西比河谷成功实施首例黄热病隔离检疫而获得了全国性的声誉。 User: White is a senior Southeast Asian archaeologist in the Greater Philadelphia area. Assistant: 乔伊斯·怀特是美国大费城地区的资深东南亚考古学家。 User: The cat can be considered an observer of the apparatus; meanwhile, the experimenter can be considered another observer of the system in the box (the cat plus the apparatus). Assistant: 猫可以被认为是仪器的一个观察者;同时,实验者可以被认为是盒子内部系统(猫加仪器)的另一个观察者。 User: The governor, Sir Charles Arden-Clarke, released Nkrumah and invited him to form a government as "leader of government business", a position similar to that of prime minister. Assistant: 总督查尔斯·阿尔丁-克拉克爵士(Sir Charles Arden-Clarke)释放了恩克鲁玛,邀请他组建政府担任“处理政务的首脑”,即类似首相的职位。 User: The Sudetenland Crisis ultimately was resolved in the Munich Agreement in September 1938 and led to a temporary slackening of tensions in Europe. Assistant: 苏台德区危机最终于1938年9月的慕尼黑协定得到解决,使欧洲的紧张局势暂时减缓。 User: Spielberg later calculated that during the 12-hour daily work schedule, on average only four hours were actually spent filming. Assistant: 据斯皮尔伯格之后的计算,每天12个小时的工作日程中,平均只有4小时的确是用在拍摄上。 User: The court's report found that "he retreat of the Kentucky militia, which, considering their position, the deficiency of their arms, and other causes, may be excusable," and that the formation of the troops on the west bank was "exceptional", noting that 500 Louisiana troops supported by three artillery pieces and protected by a strong breastwork were charged with defending a line that stretched only 200 yards (180 m) while Davis's 170 Kentuckians, poorly armed and protected only by a small ditch, were expected to defend a line over 300 yards (270 m) long. Assistant: 法院在报告中裁定,“考虑到所处位置、武器不足以及其他方面原因,肯塔基州民兵的撤退是情有可原的”,并且西岸部分的构成上也存在问题,拥有三门火炮支援和牢固工事保护的500名路易斯安那州军人只需要保护180米的战线;而戴维斯手下的170名肯塔基州军人不但武器落后,只有一条小沟的保护,却需要坚守超过270米的战线。 User: The diving competitions feature up to 136 athletes. Assistant: 跳水比赛最多将有136位运动员参赛。 User: It's time to get up. Assistant: 现在是他下台的时候了。 User: About 60 FEMA personnel worked at the hospital, who required additional items, such as their own supply of water and food, to prevent them from acquiring local diseases. Assistant: 联邦紧急事务管理署有约60名工作人员在这所医院工作,但他们也需要包括食物和水在内的其他物品来防止自己感染当地疾病。 User: He is the son of a musician. Assistant: 是一位音乐家的孩子。 User: The Czech name "Čechy" is derived from the name of the Slavic ethnic group, the Czechs, who settled in the area during the 6th or 7th century AD. Assistant: 波希米亚的捷克语名称"Čechy"则是从6或7世纪迁入这片地区的捷克斯拉夫部落的名称演化而来。 User: Berat District (Albanian: Rrethi i Beratit) was one of the thirty-six districts of Albania, which is now part of Berat County. Assistant: 培拉特区(阿尔巴尼亚语:Rrethi i Beratit)位于阿尔巴尼亚中部,属于培拉特州的一部分,是阿尔巴尼亚36个区之一。 User: On 29 January 2004, the Ho Chi Minh People's Court found him guilty of "abusing democratic rights to jeopardise the interests of the state, and the legitimate rights and interests of social organisations and citizens" and sentenced to 30 months' imprisonment. Assistant: 2004年1月29日,胡志明市人民法院认定他“散布民主权力言论,危害国家互联网以及合法权利、社会组织和人民的利益”,判处30个月的监禁。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: After the Polish-Ottoman War (1683–1699), it was conquered by the Habsburg Empire and later became a part of Austro-Hungary. Assistant: 波兰-奥斯曼帝国战争(1683-1699)之后,它被哈布斯堡王朝征服,后来成为奥匈帝国的一部分。 User: Before Windows 95 was introduced, NFO files also sometimes used ANSI-escape sequences to generate animated ASCII art (ANSI art). Assistant: 在Windows 95还没出现以前,NFO档案有时也使用连续的ANSI跳脱字元来产生动态的ASCII艺术图案(ANSI art(英语:ANSI art))。 User: A similar session in DOS (though the concept of a "home directory" may not apply, depending on the specific version) would look like this: C:\> dir workreports <DIR> Wed Oct 9th 9:01 games <DIR> Tue Oct 8th 14:32 encyclopedia <DIR> Mon Oct 1st 10:05 text txt 1903 Thu Oct10th 12:43 C:\> cd games C:\games> DOS maintains separate working directories for each lettered drive, and also has the concept of a current working drive. Assistant: 在DOS中,与之相似的过程(“起始目录”的概念可能会不适用,这取决于该DOS的版本)会像这样显示: C:\> dir workreports <DIR> Wed Oct 9th 9:01 games <DIR> Tue Oct 8th 14:32 encyclopedia <DIR> Mon Oct 1st 10:05 text txt 1903 Thu Oct10th 12:43 C:\> cd games C:\games> 应注意的一点是,在不同的操作系统中,如果不给出变量会让cd产生不同的结果。 User: In 1942, there was a strike for rights and pay equal to that of white mariners. Assistant: 1942年发生罢工,要求与白人水手相同的工资。 User: In this context, common law means the legal environment the United States inherited from England at the time. Assistant: 这里的所谓“普通法”,是指这一时点美国从英国继受的法律制度。 User: In 2005, he began his own record company, JayTee records. Assistant: 2005年夏天,他自己的唱片公司“JayTee Records”宣布正式开张。 User: The court ruling did not stop de facto or residentially based school segregation. Assistant: 法院判决并没有制止事实上或居民区学校的隔离政策。 User: The stand is currently sponsored by Regulatory Finance Solutions (RFS). Assistant: 主要赞助广告是“RFS”(Regulatory Finance Solutions)。 User: There have also been attacks proposed against reduced-round versions of the cipher, that is, versions of DES with fewer than 16 rounds. Assistant: 也有一些其它的针对削减了回次的密码版本,即少于16回次的DES版本。 User: Like many species of mid-water animals, it is deep red in color. Assistant: 如同其他水中动物一样,本物种是深红色的。 User: Authorities sent a unit of the BGB and two units of the Bangladesh Army as reinforcements to the area to conduct a coordinated operation. Assistant: 当局派遣了一个孟加拉国步枪队部队和两个孟加拉国军队作为该地区的增援部队,以进行协调行动。 User: Northwest Africa 7325, also known as NWA 7325 is the first meteorite believed to have originated from Mercury. Assistant: 西北非7325(Northwest Africa 7325,缩写:NWA 7325),被认为是地球上已知第一颗来自水星的陨石。 User: With the outbreak of the American Civil War, Horace Tuttle enlisted in the 44th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and served at New Bern, North Carolina. Assistant: 南北战争的爆发,贺拉斯·帕内尔·塔特尔在麻塞诸塞州成为第44位志愿登记的步兵,并被分发至北卡罗莱纳州的新伯尔尼。 User: Colley Cibber produced the most successful of the Restoration adaptations of Shakespeare with his version of Richard III, at Drury Lane starting in 1700. Assistant: 科利·西伯制作了最成功的莎士比亚改编版《理查三世》,从1700年开始在特鲁里街皇家剧院演出。 User: Also known as the Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests. Assistant: 亦称为限制地下核武器试验条约。 User: It was considered a compromise between constitutionalists and republicans. Assistant: 它是立宪派和共和派妥协的产物。 User: Leading and Supervising Instruction. Assistant: 管理与监控技术。 User: This is referred to as "the Event" or "the Incident", and is thought to be the reason for the unusual properties of the Room and the Objects from within it. Assistant: 这就剧中所称得“那件事”,被认为是从此之后这个房间和里面的“物件”拥有不平常功能的起源。 User: The combined sales tax in Utica, for example, is 8.75%. Assistant: 阿拉米达县目前的销售税(sales tax)是全加州最高的,为8.75%。 User: On November 28, 2006, the follow-up titled: Million Dollar Hold'em: Winning Big in Limit Cash Games (ISBN 1-58042-200-4), which focuses on limit hold'em strategy, was released. Assistant: 2006年11月28日,他发表了另一本扑克指导丛书,名叫《Million Dollar Hold'em: Winning Big in Limit Cash Games》(ISBN 1-58042-200-4)。 User: Business quarters that are equal would make accounting easier. Assistant: 商务季的四季都相等,使会计更容易。 User: Like other media disciplines, such as television and film studies, game studies often involves textual analysis and audience theory. Assistant: 如其他媒体学科,像电视或电影研究,游戏研究通常使用内容分析法以及观众理论。 User: Michel Charles Oksenberg (1938 – 2001) was a leading American political scientist and China watcher who moved between academia and policy work. Assistant: 米克尔·查理·奥森柏格(Michel Charles Oksenberg,1938年-2001年),美国政治学者,长期研究中国,为美国政府重要的中国事务专家。 User: The results of the 1854 elections were so favorable to the Know Nothings, up to then an informal movement with no centralized organization, that they formed officially as a political party called the American Party, which attracted many members of the now nearly defunct Whig party as well as a significant number of Democrats. Assistant: 1854年的选举结果对于“一无所知”人来说是多么的辉煌,所以他们正式地建立了一个叫“美国人党”的政党,并吸引了现在几乎不存在的辉格党成员和一大批民主党员,还有一批禁酒主义者。 User: He also explores the guilt and the myths associated with procrastination and argues that in many cases it is actually a good thing. Assistant: 在演讲中,他还探索了拖延症带来的内疚和迷惑感,但他认为这些感觉在许多情况下它实际上是一件好事。 User: The minimum duration of the New Forest pannage season is 60 days, but the start date varies according to the weather – and when the acorns fall. Assistant: 林地养猪通常持续60天,但起始日期随天气变化而变化——当橡果掉落时。 User: Masuda approaches each of his games with the mindset that a beginner should be able to easily play it. Assistant: 增田创作每款游戏时,都秉持着应该使初学者能轻松上手的心态。 User: Ranked No. 119 in the world at the time of his victory in Switzerland, Bellucci jumped 53 spots in the ATP World Tour rankings to No. 66 as a result. Assistant: 在世界排名当时为119,他在瑞士的胜利,贝鲁奇积分上涨53点,在ATP世界排名为66位。 User: He preferred to pass his time in Masajid (Mosque) by reciting the Qur'an, Listening Naats and Praying Five Times. Assistant: 他曾接受访问谈及自己的作息规律,指自己每天必定在早上五时起床,未到八时便开始办公,寒暑无间,数十年如一日。 User: One smoot is equal to Oliver Smoot's height at the time of the prank, 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m). Assistant: 一斯穆特等于奥利弗·斯穆特的身高(五英尺又7英寸,约1.70米) 。 User: In 1939, M. A. Linnikova in the USSR created a modified version of PPD. Assistant: 在1939年,原苏联的M·A·林尼科娃创建了一种修改版的PPD,PPD-L。 User: He was defeated each time. Assistant: 但他总被晋所败。 User: Even more was done at the other two contraband stations at Orkney and Kent. Assistant: 另外两人在埃塞克斯和肯特的清真寺外示威被捕。 User: Some elements of the previous century have been retained, including postmodernism, polystylism and eclecticism, which seek to incorporate elements of all styles of music irrespective of whether these are "classical" or not—these efforts represent a slackening differentiation between the various musical genres. Assistant: 有部分音乐元素从上世纪保留下来,包括后现代主义(英语:Postmodern music)、多元风格主义(英语:Polystylism)和折衷主义(英语:Eclecticism in music),它们试图融合所有音乐风格的元素,不管这些元素是否“古典”——这些努力代表着各种音乐类型之间松散的区分。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In attempt to prevent Indonesia taking control of the region, the Dutch significantly raised development spending off its low base, and encouraged Papuan nationalism. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 为了防止印度尼西亚控制巴布亚,荷兰当局显著提高了对巴布亚的开发支出,并鼓励巴布亚的民族主义。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It readily forms hard, stable carbides in alloys, and for this reason most of world production of the element (about 80%) is used in steel alloys, including high-strength alloys and superalloys. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:它很容易在合金中形成坚硬、稳定的碳化物,因此,世界上大多数钼产品(约80%)都被用作某种铁合金,包括高强度合金和高温合金。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Initial production version. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 最初的生产版本。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As such, lexicon similarity between Standard Singaporean Mandarin and Standard Mainland Mandarin has reached almost 90%. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:因此,新加坡标准华语和现代标准汉语在词汇方面的相似度已达90%。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Flink's Table API is a SQL-like expression language for relational stream and batch processing that can be embedded in Flink’s Java and Scala DataSet and DataStream APIs. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Flink的表API是一种类似SQL的表达式语言,用于关系流和批处理,可以嵌入Flink的Java和Scala数据集和数据流API中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These jaws were packed with dozens of teeth, well suited for chewing tough vegetation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 嘴部有多列牙齿,适合咀嚼坚硬的植物。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The autofocus system (SAFOX IXi+) is an advance over the K-5 and features 11 AF points, 9 of which are cross-type (i.e. sensitive to vertical as well as horizontal edges). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: K-30的自动对焦系统是比K-5更先进的 SAFOX IXi+,共有11个自动对焦点,其中 9个是十字自动对焦(对垂直方向对焦灵敏度与水平方向对焦相同)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Moroccan breeding birds are resident, dispersing along the coast after the nesting season. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在摩洛哥的隐鹮是留鸟,在繁殖季节后会沿海边分散。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Within six years of its completion St Andrew Square became one of the most desirable and most fashionable residential areas in the city. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 六年后圣安得鲁广场完成,成为全市最舒适和最时髦的住宅区之一。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Flagwavers: Move a display (or "flag") around at a certain frequency. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 旗帜舞者:以某种频率挥动某种显示(或“旗帜”)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Georgiana May, a friend of Stowe's, wrote a letter to the author, saying: "I was up last night long after one o'clock, reading and finishing Uncle Tom's Cabin. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:斯托夫人的一位朋友乔治亚娜·梅(Georgiana May)曾经写信给她谈到:“我昨晚子夜醒来,耗尽终夜读完了这本书。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This island was formerly used for the grazing of market cattle and stocking wood. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 此岛以前是用来放牧牛只与储放木材的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Seeing that no one is home, the merchant sneaks in and finds tables inside laden with food and drink, which seem to have been left for him by the palace's invisible owner. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在里面,他发现桌子上摆满了吃的和喝的,这明显是城堡的主人留给他的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While several senior Starfleet officers want to rescue Kirk and McCoy, the Federation President refuses to risk full-scale war. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 虽然部分资深星际舰队官员希望营救寇克与麦科伊,但联邦总统拒绝了他们的请求,以避免引发全面战争。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: With the help of other French doctors, Kouchner put Biafra in the media spotlight and called for an international response to the situation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在其他法国医生的帮助下,库希内将比夫拉置于媒体的聚光灯下,并呼吁国际社会的回应。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Designed so that downward pressure stabilizes this portable speed bag platform, it can be installed and removed through a tension system that allows for use in any doorway. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种便携式速度袋平台设计为向下压力稳定,它可以通过允许在任何门口使用的张力系统进行安装和拆卸。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2001, Nash formed the Steve Nash Foundation. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2001年,史蒂夫·奈许基金会(Steve Nash Foundation)成立。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:First non-Scottish winner. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 首名获选的非英国球员。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Tanna is a 2015 Australian-Ni-Vanuatu film set on the island of Tanna in the South Pacific, depicting the true story of a couple who decided to marry for love, rather than obey their parents' wishes. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 《塔纳岛之恋》(Tanna)是一部2015年澳大利亚和瓦努阿图合拍剧情片,背景设定在南太平洋的塔纳岛,讲述一对部落男女的爱情故事,改编自真实事件。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Like his father before him, he made incursions into Assyria. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:后父丧归养,久之,因举荐起用为尚宝丞。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Years later, he tutored John Milton in Dutch and American Indian languages in exchange for refresher lessons in Hebrew. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 多年后威廉姆斯教约翰·弥尔顿荷兰语,作为交换,由约翰教授他希伯来语的进修课。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: 'Friendly' is used in this context as technical terminology, and picks out agents that are safe and useful, not necessarily ones that are "friendly" in the colloquial sense. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 ‘“友好的’”在这里是技术用语,并挑选出安全有用的代理商,并不是口语中所说的“友好”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The M6-IC was not down selected as part of the competition. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 M6-IC没有下架并且被选为竞赛型号的一部分。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Coordinates: 41°00′57′′N 74°12′36′′W / 41.015834°N 74.210136°W / 41.015834; -74.210136 Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) is an American medical technology company that manufactures and sells medical devices, instrument systems, and reagents. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 坐标:41°00′57′′N 74°12′36′′W / 41.015834°N 74.210136°W / 41.015834; -74.210136 碧迪医疗(英语:Becton, Dickinson and Company,简称BD)是一家研发、生产和销售医疗设备,医疗系统和试剂的医疗技术公司。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Also in November, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg were brought onto the project to rewrite the script as an adult-oriented, R-rated film. Assistant: 同样于11月,塞斯·罗根与伊凡·戈博被任命改写剧本,将其向成人方面发展,使该片成为一部R级电影。 User: Solar panels provide additional electric power to the aircraft. Assistant: 高电量电池能为机载系统提供额外动力。 User: LDA instead makes the additional simplifying homoscedasticity assumption (i.e. that the class covariances are identical, so Σ 0 = Σ 1 = Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma _{0}=\Sigma _{1}=\Sigma } ) and that the covariances have full rank. Assistant: 相反,LDA做出额外简化的方差齐性假设(即 ,不同类之间协方差是相同的,所以 Σ 0 = Σ 1 = Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma _{0}=\Sigma _{1}=\Sigma } ),并且协方差是满秩的。 User: In January 2017, a train painted in Serbian flag colors and with the words "Kosovo is Serbia" was prevented from crossing into Kosovo. Assistant: 2017年1月,一列用塞尔维亚国旗颜色和用多种语言表示“科索沃是塞尔维亚”字样的火车被阻止进入科索沃北部边境。 User: The party was founded on 12 July 2009, in Zürich, by about 150 people. Assistant: 政党在2009年7月12日成立于苏黎世当时大约有150人。 User: On 25 November, rebels seized control of the Marj al-Sultan military airbase in Eastern Ghouta after a battle in which two Syrian Army helicopters were shot down. Assistant: 11月25日,反对派控制了位于东古塔地区的Marj al-Sultan空军基地,在战斗中两架政府军直升机被击落。 User: He stayed in Huntingdon Place Tynemouth for a few days, and in South Shields on Tyneside for over a month, departing at the end of April 1854. Assistant: 他在泰恩赛德的泰恩茅斯待了一个多月,在1854年4月底离开。 User: From 1942 to 1945, Boyd was a soldier in the 79th Infantry Division. Assistant: 从1942年至1945年,博伊德是第79步兵师(英语:79th Infantry Division (United States))的士兵。 User: Furthermore, he has served as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Planetary Space Science (1969–present), the Editorial Advisory Board of Space Science Reviews (1967–77), and the Editorial Committee of Space Science Reviews (1977–present). Assistant: 此外,从1969年迄今也是行星太空科学顾问委员会的成员,太空科学评论的编辑咨询委员(1967年至1977年)和编辑委员(1977年迄今)。 User: Since no such findings occurred, he was certain that this was a pre-mortem wound. Assistant: 而伤口上恰好不是这种情况,他确定了这是生前所造成的伤口。 User: For instance, exit() might be system call number 1, and write() number 4. Assistant: 举个例子,exit()可能是1,write()可能是4。 User: There are strong indications that this reaction was performed in late 2004 as part of a uranium(IV) fluoride target test at the GSI. Assistant: 有强烈证据显示重离子研究所在2004年底一项氟化铀(IV)实验中曾进行过这个反应。 User: Every winter it hosts the "White Turf" horse race on the frozen Lake St. Moritz attended by the international upper class. Assistant: 每年的冬天这个高山村庄都会在冰冻的圣莫里茨湖上举办“白草地”赛马比赛,参与比赛的都是国际性上流社会的人士。 User: For two years the Victorian police searched for them, locked up their friends and families, but could not find them. Assistant: 两年来,维多利亚州警方的搜查,锁定了他们的朋友和家人,但无法找到他们。 User: Ibrahim was to control an area that encompassed eastern Algeria, Tunisia and Tripolitania. Assistant: 易卜拉欣控制着包括阿尔及利亚东部,突尼斯和的黎波里塔尼亚在内的地区。 User: Objective-C was extended at NeXT to introduce the concept of multiple inheritance of specification, but not implementation, through the introduction of protocols. Assistant: Objective-C在NeXT时期曾经试图引入多重继承的概念,但由于协议的出现而没有实现之。 User: An osculating orbit and the object's position upon it can be fully described by the six standard Kepler orbital elements (osculating elements), which are easy to calculate as long as one knows the object's position and velocity relative to the central body. Assistant: 一个吻切轨道和该天体的位置能以六个标准的开普勒的轨道要素(吻切要素)充分的描述,只要知道相对于中心天体的位置和速度,就很容易计算。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Using the tail code XE, the squadron operates numerous aircraft and helicopters of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. Assistant: 飞机机尾代码为XE,这个中队装备使用了许多美国海军和美国海军陆战队的飞机和直升机。 User: As his condition worsened, the angelic voices developed into demonic ones. Assistant: 由于他的病情续渐恶化,天使般的声音变为了魔鬼的声音。 User: Dogs of same breed have similar characteristics of appearance and behavior, primarily because they come from a select set of ancestors who had the same characteristics. Assistant: 犬种是指一个类群的狗,它们有着很相似且几乎一样的外表、行为,或是两者,这主要是因为它们来自一群有着相同特征的祖先。 User: In 2012, he wrote a book about Pomponne and Robert Arnauld d'Andilly. Assistant: 2012年,他写了一本关于Pomponne和Robert Arnauld d'Andilly的书。 User: Working under production designer Sarah Greenwood and set decorator Katie Spencer, the crew filmed on seven estates in six different counties. Assistant: 美术指导莎拉·格林伍德(Sarah Greenwood)和内部装饰师凯蒂·斯宾塞(Katie Spencer)指导剧组在六个郡的七处庄园进行拍摄。 User: Hobart described his subsequent first-ballot nomination for vice president as a tribute from his friends, but Hatfield noted, "it came equally as a tribute from wanted a ticket to satisfy the business interests of America, and Hobart, a corporate lawyer, fit that requirement perfectly". Assistant: 霍巴特曾形容自己随后在第一轮投票中获得副总统候选人提名是朋友们送给自己的礼物,但马克·哈特菲尔德指出:“这也是来自汉纳的礼物,他希望能够讨好美国的商业利益集团,而身为企业律师的霍巴特完全符合这项要求。 User: Flash Player 9 (initially called 8.5): Added ActionScript 3.0 with the advent of a new virtual machine, called ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2), which coexists with the previous AVM1 needed to support legacy content. Assistant: Flash Player 9(原称为Flash Player 8.5):增加ActionScript 3.0和一个称为AVM2(ActionScript Virtual Machine 2)新的虚拟机,它可以与前版本AVM1共存以便支持旧内容。 User: According to the Committee of Ten, the goal of high school was to prepare all students to do well in life, contributing to their well-being and the good of society. Assistant: 根据十人委员会的说法,高中的目标是让所有学生学好如何生活、并为他们的自身福祉与社会福祉做出贡献。 User: The Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2012 placed Tel Aviv University among the world's top 90 universities. Assistant: 2012年,泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名将特拉维夫大学列为世界90强大学。 User: In some cases, wolves do not need to physically attack livestock to negatively affect it: the stress livestock experiences in being vigilant for wolves may result in miscarriages, weight loss and a decrease in meat quality. Assistant: 某些例子中,狼不需要真正攻击到牲畜,牲畜看见狼所承受的紧张压力,就会可能导致流产、体重减轻、肉质下降。 User: Production has now been discontinued. Assistant: 现已停止生产。 User: By the end of 1963, there was unrest in regions of the central and eastern Congo. Assistant: 到1963年底,刚果中东部和东部地区出现动乱。 User: They were unable to advance farther immediately and they had been unable to capture Falaise. Assistant: 但是他们无法立即进一步推进,也一直无法攻占法莱兹。 User: In the early 1890s the Russian biologist Dmitri Ivanovsky used this filter to study what became known as the tobacco mosaic virus. Assistant: 1890年代初,俄国生物学家德米特里·伊凡诺夫斯基在研究现在我们所说的烟草花叶病毒时就用到了这种过滤器。 User: Some, such as Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, argue that the First Amendment, which specifically restricts Congress, applies only to the Congress and not the states. Assistant: 一些人,如美国家庭协会的布莱恩菲舍尔,认为第一修正案特别限制国会,只适用于国会,而不适用于各州。 User: Kokiri Paetae. Assistant: 如鸡一飞。 User: Inside You Only Live Twice. Assistant: 》中两次现身。 User: The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a group alleged to have been founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Assistant: 三百人委员会(英语:Committee of 300),亦称为奥林匹斯众神(英语:The Olympians),据称是个于1727年由英国贵族成立的团体。 User: This reflects how powerful collective intelligence can be if left to develop. Assistant: 这反映了如果允许其发展,那么集体智慧会有多么的强大。 User: The court ordered that two of the police officers involved will stand trial. Assistant: 当局已经将涉案的两名警员停职扣查。 User: Its largest subsidiary, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. provides electric, gas and steam service to more than 3 million customers in New York City and Westchester County, New York, an area of 660 square miles (1,700 km2) with a population of nearly 9 million. Assistant: 纽约联合迪爱生公司(Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.)是联合爱迪生旗下最大的子公司,为纽约市和威斯特彻斯特郡超过3百万的顾客提供电力、瓦斯和蒸汽,提供服务的区域总面积约为660平方英里(1,700平方公里),区域内住有近900万的居民。 User: This enables the SIM to build up an interactive exchange between a network application and the end user and access, or control access to, the network. Assistant: 这使SIM卡能在一个网络应用程序与最终用户之间建立一个交互式交换,并访问或控制对网络的访问。 User: Foreign missionary groups openly promote their religious beliefs. Assistant: 原教旨主义者常支持使用政治力量去维护他们的宗教信仰。 User: Observations to date are summarised in the table below: Recent data on the decay of 272Rg has revealed that some decay chains continue through 260Db with extraordinary longer life-times than expected. Assistant: 下表列出至今为止的观测: 260Db 近期有关272Rg的衰变数据指出,某些衰变链通过260Db时的半衰期比预期的长许多。 User: Synonyms for this protein include sialoprotein I and 44K BPP (bone phosphoprotein). Assistant: 这种蛋白质的同义词包括唾液蛋白I和BPP(骨磷蛋白)。 User: As is similar with the other gold halides, this compound is unique for being a coordination complex of a group 11 transition metal that is stable in an oxidation state of three whereas copper or silver complexes persist in oxidation states of one or two. Assistant: 与其它金的卤化合物的相似之处是,该化合物是唯一的11族元素的稳定金属化合物,且除了铜和银的氧化物之外,第三个有两种化合价的高化合物。 User: By the 1840s, the Ottoman Empire had become the "sick man of Europe", and its eventual dissolution appeared inevitable. Assistant: 1840年代时,鄂图曼帝国变成了“欧洲病夫”(sick man of Europe),而其瓦解最终亦不可避免。 User: In 1966, Chess Informant categorized the chess openings into five broad areas ("A" through "E"), with each of those broken down into one hundred subcategories ("00" through "99"). Assistant: 1966年国际象棋通报将国际象棋开局分为五个大类(A到E),每大类细分为一百个小类(00到99),出版为五卷本,每卷分别标为“A”到“E”。 User: Hewlett-Packard product recycling solutions manager Renee St. Denis describes its process as: "We move them through giant shredders about 30 feet tall and it shreds everything into pieces about the size of a quarter. Assistant: 惠普公司产品回收解决方案的管理人员雷尼·圣丹尼斯(Renee St. Denis)这样描述他们处理报废计算机硬件的方法:“我们让它们(电子垃圾)从30英尺高的破碎机中通过,这样它们大多都变成了很小的碎片。 User: 11 November 1918 First World War ended. Assistant: 1918年11月11日,第一次世界大战结束。 User: The Secretary of the Air Force, Harold E. Talbott, announced the winning site on 24 June 1954. Assistant: 时任空军部长哈罗德·E·塔尔伯特于1954年6月24日宣布校址的选定。 User: African-American migrants arrived after waves of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe; there were competition and tensions in their relationships, too. Assistant: 在非裔之后到来的东欧移民潮,也同样增加了竞争和紧张气氛。 User: The attack sparked widespread reactions in Pakistan, receiving condemnations from public, government, political and religious entities, journalists, and other members of Pakistani society. Assistant: 袭击事件在巴基斯坦引起广泛反应,遭到公众、政府、政治和宗教机构、记者和社会科学家的谴责。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Argentina come as a previous twice World Cup champion. Assistant: 阿根廷两次获得世界杯足球赛的冠军。 User: For example, she pointed out in an interview that some competition organizers would chop down trees and alter rocks just for the sake of a competition; she could foresee that competitions would all eventually take place on artificial walls for environmental reasons. Assistant: 比如她在一次采访里指出一些比赛组织者为了比赛砍树和改变岩石:她可以预言有朝一日由于环境保护的原因所有比赛都只会在人工攀岩墙上进行。 User: In 1964 the Federal Council allowed television advertising, as a means of keeping licence fees down. Assistant: 1964年,作为保持牌照费低廉的一种手段,联邦委员会允许播出电视广告。 User: In 2011, Governor John Lynch vetoed HB 218, a bill passed by Republican lawmakers, which would have drastically curtailed the powers and responsibilities of NHRTA. Assistant: 在2011年,州长约翰·林奇否决了共和党议员通过的HB218法案,一旦通过其将大大削减NHRTA的权力和责任。 User: Examples of technologies which Omni Processors may employ include combustion, supercritical water oxidation and pyrolysis. Assistant: Omni处理器可采用的技术实例包括燃烧,超临界水氧化和热解。 User: The game was produced by GREE, the Japanese gaming social network. Assistant: 游戏由日本游戏社交网络GREE出品。 User: In September 2011, during UEFA's first ever full strategy meeting, Michel Platini proposed a qualification format involving two group stages, but the member associations did not accept the proposal. Assistant: 2011年9月,在欧足联首届全面战略会议上,米歇尔·普拉蒂尼提出设两个小组赛阶段的资格赛赛制,但该提议未获会员足协认可。 User: At the time, the temperature of the Sun was considered to be too low to overcome the Coulomb barrier. Assistant: 当时,太阳的温度被认为太低,以至于不足以克服库仑障壁。 User: Eventually, the core will be hot enough for helium fusion; the Sun will burn helium for a fraction of the time it burned hydrogen in the core. Assistant: 最终,太阳核心的温度高得足以使氦发生聚变,太阳在燃烧氢的时候会有小部分的时间来燃烧氦。 User: Andress said that she owed her career to that white bikini, remarking, "This bikini made me into a success. Assistant: 安德斯表示她把自己的职业生涯归功于白色比基尼,说道:“比基尼把我带向成功。 User: StepMania developers conducted StepMix contest for step builders to create stepcharts/stepfiles that can be played using StepMania. Assistant: StepMania开发者为谱面编写者举办了StepMix比赛,以创建大量可在StepMania游玩的谱面。 User: His portrait is Shorpy.com's logo. Assistant: 他的肖像是Shorpy.com的标志。 User: During the November 1830 Uprising, he was a courier for the Polish revolutionary government. Assistant: 在1830年波兰起义中,他是波兰革命政府信使。 User: Still others wanted slavery excluded from the document, or to lift the ban on ministers serving in the General Assembly. Assistant: 此外还有人希望从宪法中去掉对奴隶制的保护,或是解除牧师担任州议员的禁令。 User: In 1998, as one of the special relief measures to address the impact of the Asian financial crisis at that time, the Chief Executive ordered a refund to all ratepayers of the rates paid for the April to June 1998 quarter. Assistant: 1998年,亚洲爆发金融风暴,行政长官下令向所有缴纳人退还当年4至6月季度的差饷,作为纾解民困的措施之一。 User: The repeal of Prohibition in 1933 dried up some of their business, but by then Southerners had developed a taste for moonshine, and a number of the drivers continued "runnin' shine", this time evading the "revenuers" who were attempting to tax their operations. Assistant: 在1933年禁止撤销榨干了这些人的一些生意,不过南方人那时已盯上了月下私酿的口味,导致一定数量的车手继续“脚下油光”。 User: A classical example of an inductive bias is Occam's Razor, which assumes that the simplest consistent hypothesis is the best. Assistant: 一个典型的归纳偏置例子是奥卡姆剃刀,它假设最简单而又一致的假设是最佳的。 User: However, in 2004 Congress denied $26 million funding for 7,000 rifles to do a wide scale test fielding of the XM8 in 2005. Assistant: 然而,国会却在2004年拒绝了向陆军拨资2600万美金购买7,000枝步枪用于2005年的测试。 User: In 1924, while driving alone from Paris to Fontainebleau, he had a near-fatal car accident. Assistant: 1924年,当他从巴黎开车到枫丹白露,发生了一起要命的车祸。 User: Santa Cruz also was defeated 3–1. Assistant: 圣十字也被国家队以1-3击败。 User: Each Student, on admission, is placed in one of these houses. Assistant: 每名学生和老师于入学时,均会随机地被编入其中一个学社。 User: Ten Aermacchi MB-339 PAN jets from the Italian Air Force display team, Frecce Tricolori, were performing their "pierced heart" (Italian: Cardioide, German: Durchstoßenes Herz) formation. Assistant: 十架来自意大利空军三色箭飞行表演队的MB-339喷气机正在表演名为“心脏穿刺”的特技表演。 User: The government appealed for international aid, seeking clothes, food, and medical supplies. Assistant: 政府呼吁国际社会伸出援手,提供衣物、食品和医疗用品。 User: The Kentucky Court of Appeals struck down the law, claiming it was in violation of the Contract Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Assistant: 但是肯塔基州上诉法院宣布这条法案违反了美国宪法的契约条款,因此是无效的。 User: Its upgraded version, the Atlas-D rocket, later served as a nuclear ICBM and as the orbital launch vehicle for Project Mercury and the remote-controlled Agena Target Vehicle used in Project Gemini. Assistant: 它的更新版本Atlas-D火箭后来充当运营核洲际弹道导弹的作用,用来作为水星计划的轨道运载火箭和远程控制的双子座计划。 User: The two toured together for four years. Assistant: 二人已相恋四年。 User: It was the first case in which a slave was determined to be free soon after being brought voluntarily to a free state. Assistant: 而按照当时的法律案例,一个奴隶一旦到过自由州,就自动获得,并且此后一直拥有自由人的身份。 User: In the meantime, due to a conflict of interest, Bray had sold "Ain't No Big Deal" to an act on another label, rendering it unavailable for Madonna's project. Assistant: 与此同时,因一些利益上的问题,Bray向一间唱片公司的某旗下艺人卖出了〈Ain't No Big Deal〉,令其不能收录在麦当娜的专辑。 User: Her goal in life is to become an actress. Assistant: 一生的目标是成为一名女演员。 User: Both materials have been detected in the plumes generated at Io's volcanoes, with sulfur being a primary constituent of Pele-type plumes. Assistant: 这两种物质在埃欧火山的羽状物中被检测了出来,而且硫磺是Pele型主要的组成成分。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: It survives in Czech, where it is called kroužek. Assistant: 它仍存在于捷克语中,被称为kroužek。 User: Due to the phone itself being music centric, the Xperia E1 includes a dedicated Walkman shutter button found atop the phone that controls the Walkman application and a shaking gesture that handles track navigation. Assistant: 由于手机本身是以音乐为中心的,Xperia E1包括一个专门的随身听快捷按钮,这个按钮可以控制内置的Walkman音乐播放应用,还支持摇动手势来处理跟踪导航。 User: For many important matches, unofficial scorers keep tally for the broadcast commentators and newspaper journalists allowing the official scorers to concentrate undisturbed. Assistant: 对于许多重要的比赛来说,非正式的计分员为广播评论员和报社记者记录分数,而让正式的记分员集中精力在比赛中,而不被打扰。 User: Present-day knowledge of the original materials and methods used in construction of this particular Arab dhow stems largely from the shipwreck itself. Assistant: 当下对黑石号这艘阿拉伯帆船建造材料和工艺的了解主要来源于沉船本身。 User: The favorable conditions of the western Caribbean Sea allowed the storm to intensify and it regained Category 5 status the next day before making landfall in southern Quintana Roo. Assistant: 加勒比海西部的有利条件让风暴得以在次日再度强化并达到五级飓风标准,然后在金塔纳罗奥州登陆。 User: Named after the two founders of her owners, the sailors who served aboard her pronounced the name "Macky-Bennett". Assistant: 它以两位设计者的名字命名,服役于该船上的海员称它为麦凯-班纳特号。 User: In August 2012, Mohamud was selected as a Member of Parliament (MP) in the newly formed Federal Parliament of Somalia. Assistant: 2012年8月,马哈茂德被选为新成立的索马里联邦议会议员(MP)。 User: On the other hand, the limitation of three dimensions in geometry was surpassed in the 19th century through considerations of parameter space and hypercomplex numbers. Assistant: 在另一方面,几何学仅有三维的局限性,因参数空间和超复数的提出而被克服了。 User: A 2006 meta-analysis found that democracy has no direct effect on economic growth. Assistant: 一次最近的综合分析则认为民主制度对于经济成长没有直接的影响。 User: Meretskov was provided with several units specially configured to meet the requirements for operations in the far north. Assistant: 梅列茨科夫准备了由数种兵所组成的部队,以适应北方的环境。 User: An air battle with the Iraqi helicopter airborne forces was fought over Kuwait City, inflicting heavy losses on the Iraqi elite troops, and a few combat sorties were flown against Iraqi ground forces. Assistant: 在科威特城外一场与伊拉克直升机空降部队的战斗中,伊拉克精锐部队遭受了大量的损失,同时也有几个架次的飞机对伊拉克地面部队进行了攻击。 User: Contractors were rushing the construction. Assistant: 承建商为协兴建筑。 User: Battle victories in the first 10 installments of the series were accompanied by a victory fanfare; this theme has become one of the most recognized pieces of music in the series. Assistant: 系列前10作战斗胜利都配有战斗号角;该主题曲已成为系列最具标志性的音乐之一。 User: By 1920, the majority of Americans lived in cities instead of rural areas. Assistant: 1920年:美国的城市人口超过农村人口。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: In 2014, Paramount Pictures became the first major Hollywood studio to distribute all of its films in digital form only. Assistant: 2014年,派拉蒙影业公司成为好莱坞第一家仅以数字形式发行所有影片的电影公司。 User: The over 360 described species are primarily found in tropical and subtropical waters, as members of coral reef communities, specifically associated with their sponge prey. Assistant: 现时本科有超过360个已描述的物种,主要发现于热带及亚热带的水域,是所在地的珊瑚礁群落的成员,特别是在其猎物海绵的附近。 User: This prismatic family has 16 forms. Assistant: 每个图池会有16张谱面。 User: The gardens also combat two forms of alienation that plague modern urban life, by bringing urban gardeners closer in touch with the source of their food, and by breaking down isolation by creating a social community. Assistant: 农圃还可以避免人们在现代城市生活中的互相疏远,通过食物的来源来将居民们紧密联系在一起,并通过建构社会团体来打破人们的隔阂。 User: Each member has composed hit singles, and all four were inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2003. Assistant: 他们的每位成员都有创作过多首的热门单曲,并且在2003年四名乐团成员都入选了歌曲作者名人堂(英语:Songwriters Hall of Fame)。 User: During the Pahlavi dynasty (1925–1979), Iranian nationalism experienced a resurgence due to the Pahlavi government's bolstering of patriotic sentiment. Assistant: 在巴列维王朝时期(1925年至1979年),伊朗民族主义因官方对爱国情绪的鼓动而迎来复兴。 User: She remained popular after the war, appearing on radio and television in the UK and the US and recording such hits as "Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart" and her UK Number one single "My Son, My Son". Assistant: 琳恩在战后仍活跃于英国和美国的电台和电视节目,并继续灌录不少歌曲,较有名的作品计有“Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart”(“再会,甜心”)和“My Son, My Son”(“儿子、儿子”)等。 User: Masica (1991:146) considers the visarga along with letters ङ ṅa and ञ ña for the "largely predictable" velar and palatal nasals to be examples of "phonetic overkill in the system". Assistant: Masica (1991:146)认为visarga和“在很大程度上可预测出来的”软腭鼻音和硬腭鼻音的字母ङ ṅa与ञ ña一起是“这个系统在语音上的过犹不及”的例证。 User: On the other hand, finite state automata are of strictly limited power in the languages they can recognize; many simple languages, including any problem that requires more than constant space to solve, cannot be recognized by a DFA. Assistant: 在另一方面,DFA在可识别的语言上有严格的限制—很多简单的语言,包括需要多于恒定空间来解决的任何问题,不能被DFA识别。 User: On September 15, 1998 the new company, MCI WorldCom, opened for business. Assistant: 1998年9月15日,新公司MCI世通正式营业。 User: In 1957, Orange County State College became the twelfth state college in California to be authorized by the state legislature as a degree-granting institution. Assistant: 1957年, 富勒顿分校经由加州州议会立法授权成立,为第十二所可颁发学位的的州立学院。 User: The 33 characters classified as ASCII Punctuation & Symbols are also sometimes referred to as ASCII special characters. Assistant: 有33个字符被定义为“ASCII标点及符号”,有时也被成为ASCII 特殊字符。 User: Vermouth is used as an ingredient in many different cocktails, as people found it ideal for lowering the alcohol content of cocktails with strong spirits as their base, for providing a pleasant herbal flavor and aroma, and for accentuating the flavors in the base liquor. Assistant: 威末酒用作许多不同鸡尾酒的配方,因为人们发现,当使用烈酒作为鸡尾酒的基酒时,威末酒可以理想的降低鸡尾酒的酒精含量,并产生一种令人愉悦的草药味道和香气,从而强化基酒的风味。 User: After the text-based phase of Setup is finished, the computer reboots and starts a graphical phase of setup from the hard disk, prompting the user to reinsert the installation media, to enter the product key, and then it continues copying files and drivers. Assistant: 在文本界面的安装结束之后,计算机重启并从硬盘启动图形界面的安装程序,提示用户重新插入安装媒介、输入产品密钥然后继续复制文件与驱动程序。 User: The SH2 domain, which was first identified in the oncoproteins Src and Fps, is about 100 amino-acid residues long. Assistant: 最初是在癌蛋白Src与Fps之中鉴定出了SH2结构域,该结构域长度约为100个氨基酸残基。 User: In Narnia, some animals can talk, mythical beasts abound, and magic is common. Assistant: 在纳尼亚,有些动物能够说话,神话生物相当地多,而魔法也相当地普遍。 User: A study by Hobbs and Keane, 1996 explains that patient factors commonly related to or causative of patient violence include; male sex, relative youth or the effects of alcohol or drug consumption (Hobbs and Keane 1996). Assistant: 霍布斯(Hobbs)及基恩(Keane)在1996年的研究指出,较容易有侵略行为的病人特质有:男性、较年轻,或是受到酒精或毒品的影响。 User: Over 2 million Jews arrived in the United States between 1890 and 1924, most from Russia and Eastern Europe. Assistant: 超过二百万犹太人在1890年至1924年抵达美国,大部分来自俄罗斯和东欧。 User: In the 70’s he created the Beuchat swordfish logo, which can still be found on every product. Assistant: 于七十年代,他更剑鱼设计成Beuchat商标 ,时至今天,每件产品都可发现踪影。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Along with other groups who made observations around the globe, they found that cosmic rays were 15 per cent more intense at the poles than at the equator. Assistant: 与其他在世界各地观测的研究组一道,他们发现两极的宇宙射线比赤道要强上15%。 User: However, this has not been done as of January 2019. Assistant: 但截至2019年1月仍未开工。 User: Coca-Cola's recipe is maintained as a corporate trade secret. Assistant: 例如可口可乐的配方,就是一种商业秘密。 User: The 5VZ-FE is a non-interference engine. Assistant: NGC 5是一个椭圆星系。 User: The opening of the station brought significant growth to the adjacent community of Forest Hills, transforming them from quiet residential communities to active population centers. Assistant: 此站的开业对邻近的森林小丘社区带来显著增长,并将它原本的安静住宅区转变为活跃的人口集中地。 User: The siblings developed a rivalry early on, with both brothers competing for their parents' and sisters' attention. Assistant: 两兄弟很早就开始了竞争,彼此互相争夺父母和姐姐的注意力。 User: From 1984 to 1987, he was Undersecretary of State at the Office of Foreign Economic Affairs, a job he left when he was nominated to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1986. Assistant: 1984至1987年间,他担任外国经济事务办公室副部长,1986年又卸去此职,被任命到红十字国际委员会工作。 User: On 24 July, the Lithuanian Parliament unanimously approved and gave full support for Iceland’s membership application to join the European Union. Assistant: 7月24日立陶宛议会全票支持给予冰岛的申请支持。 User: "Una máscara de cobre de 3000 años. Assistant: ”赐给徐成伯绢三千匹。 User: Belgium, Greece and Luxembourg: Two years. Assistant: 比利时、希腊和卢森堡:两年。 User: Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) returns from the Looking Glass, bearing Charlie's final message that the freighter offshore is not owned by Penny Widmore (Sonya Walger). Assistant: 德斯蒙德·休谟(亨利·伊安·库斯克饰)离开达摩计划水下工作室“窥镜”,带着查理遇难的消息返回,查理临死前称,距岛不远的货轮并不是由德斯蒙德前女友潘妮·威德摩尔(索尼亚·瓦格尔饰)所派。 User: Eventually the mayor himself, Pétion, arrived; he mounted a chair, harangued the people, and urged them to withdraw quietly. Assistant: 最终,市长本人,佩蒂翁,到达; 他爬上椅子,对公众慷慨激昂的演说,并敦促他们悄悄地退出。 User: They also entered the Korean market, setting up an office in Seoul in January 1908. Assistant: 它们还进入韩国市场并于1908年1月在首尔建立办事处。 User: Party leaders' stated opinions on 14 September, about government formation: VVD: Wants first to negotiate a possible formation with PvdA, and then invite all other parties to join (except for SP or PVV). Assistant: 各党党魁在9月14日针对内阁筹组发表意见: VVD: 希望先与工党协商,再邀请其他各党加入(除社会党或自由党)。 User: Aragonese, Asturian, and Occitan (locally known as Aranese) have some degree of official recognition. Assistant: 阿拉贡语、阿斯图里亚斯语及奥克语(地方称阿兰语)则受到一定程度的官方承认。 User: Replaced the original code sample with something that is easier to read/follow. Assistant: 它用来对一个资料类型取一个别名,目的是为了使源代码更易于阅读和理解。 User: So heavy were the Luftwaffe's losses that four of Luftflotte 4's transport units (KGrzbV 700, KGrzbV 900, I./KGrzbV 1 and II./KGzbV 1) were "formally dissolved". Assistant: 德国空军如此沉重的损失,令第4航空舰队的4个空运单位(KGrzbV 700、KGrzbV 900、I./KGrzbV 1及II./KGzbV 1)被解散。 User: As far as user communities, Neutral Third Party is creating standards for business process interoperability. Assistant: 至于用户群体方面,中立第三方(Neutral Third Party)则正在为业务过程互操作性创立种种标准。 User: The Queen Mary 2 is the largest cruise ship ever to sail from Los Angeles. Assistant: 玛丽皇后二号是当前唯一一艘最为远洋定期客轮运营的大型客轮。 User: Protozoa- Help consume bacteria, fungi and micro organic particulates. Assistant: 原生动物 - 帮助消耗细菌,真菌,和微型的有机颗粒物。 User: Early in the recall process, Republican George Rivera announced his candidacy for Giron's senate seat. Assistant: 罢免进程早期,乔治·里维拉(George Rivera)宣布参选竞争吉隆的参议员席位。 User: The elections to the Russian Constituent Assembly took place 25 November 1917. Assistant: 俄国立宪会议选举于1917年11月25日正式举行。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Thus was born the California Dream of instant success. Assistant: 所以,一夕成功的加利福尼亚梦(英语:California Dream)就出现了。 User: Don't Go Out Tonight 3. Assistant: 三点钟以后,出门就诊。 User: Wright was the pioneer of what came to be called the Prairie School movement of architecture, and he also developed the concept of the Usonian home in Broadacre City, his unique vision for urban planning in the United States. Assistant: 赖特开创了称为草原学派(英语:Prairie School)的建筑运动,也发展了广亩城市中Usonia(英语:Usonia)住家的概念,这是他在美国都巿规划中的独特见解。 User: During that period there were no sanitary facilities or hygiene laws as exist today, and guts, offal, and blood were thrown into a runnel down the middle of the street or open space where the butchering was carried out. Assistant: 在此期间,没有卫生设施或今天的卫生法律,内脏和血被扔进街道或空地中间的排水沟。 User: NGC 1866 was discovered August 3rd, 1826 by James Dunlop. Assistant: NGC 1866于1826年8月3日由詹姆士·敦洛普发现。 User: The death toll in August alone stood at 67 people. Assistant: 仅在8月一个月,大火就导致67人死亡。 User: In the English version of Persona 3 the role of both the protagonist and Ryoji is taken by Yuri Lowenthal. Assistant: 在《女神异闻录3》的英文版中,主角和望月绫时都由尤里·洛文塔尔(英语:Yuri Lowenthal)配音。 User: Josiah Parrish in Champoeg, Oregon witnessed Mount St. Helens in eruption on November 22, 1842. Assistant: 乔赛亚·兰伯森·帕里什(Josiah Lamberson Parrish)牧师在俄勒冈州尚波伊(Champoeg)目击了1842年11月22日的爆发。 User: For the Left Hand Alone, 1992. Assistant: 《爱与寂寞散步》,1992年。 User: Two weeks later the season highlight happened on October 30 when quarterback Jim Zorn came back from missing four games with an injury to throw four touchdown passes in a 56-17 win over the Buffalo Bills at the Kingdome. Assistant: 两星期后,即10月30日当球队的四分卫Jim Zorn受伤四个星期后再次上阵,他掷出了四次的达阵传球,以56-17击败在金郡巨蛋水牛城比尔。 User: Within 24 hours, all Afghan provinces along the Iranian border had fallen, including Herat. Assistant: 在24小时内,所有的阿富汗沿伊朗边境各省,包括关键的城市赫拉特,都被北方联盟攻下。 User: Don Criqui was the host of this particular competition. Assistant: 唐·佩奇就是因为这种怪异的情况而对暴胀取批判的立场。 User: The last year for Formula One at Reims came in 1966, final sports car competitions were held in 1969 and Motorcycle racing continued for another 3 years. Assistant: 兰斯最后一次举办一级方程式是在1966年,最后一次举办跑车比赛是在1969年,而摩托车比赛则又延续了3年。 User: On the death of the Abbé Salabert in 1807, Maximilian I Joseph acquired the building. Assistant: 1807年阿贝·萨拉贝特死后,马克西米利安一世收购了这座建筑。 User: It severed ties with the Southern Baptist Convention in July 2012. Assistant: 2012年7月断绝与美南浸信会的关系。 User: Long-distance traffic was now concentrated in the main hall and local traffic towards Pasing was moved to the wing station. Assistant: 长途客运此时被集中在中央大堂,往帕兴方向的短途运输则被移往翼站。 User: Nothing had changed, but everything was different. Assistant: 什么都没改变,可是一切已经大不相同。 User: According to Straczynski, the first meeting with potential buyers was with Netflix. Assistant: 据斯特拉日恩斯基所说,他们见的第一个潜在买家就是Netflix。 User: Charles X used this slight against his diplomatic representative to first demand an apology from the dey, and then to initiate a blockade against the port of Algiers. Assistant: 查理十世利用这一轻微的行动发兵,首先要求对他的外交代表道歉,然后对阿尔及尔港发起封锁。 User: Ascenders and descenders are very prominent, and apertures are wide to easily distinguish letters from one another. Assistant: 长字母的上升下延部分非常突出,而且间隔较宽,因此很容易与其他字母区分。 User: Also, on 25 August, Frontier discontinued further alpha purchases. Assistant: 8月25日,Frontier停止了alpha测试版本的下载。 User: Around that time, his brothers joined him. Assistant: 这之后,盟友们便与他分道扬镳了。 User: In the upper echelons of traditional Middle Eastern society, wealthy Christian Palestinians Reema and Omar prepare for the marriage of their visiting daughter Tala to Hani in Jordan. Assistant: 在传统的中东的上流社会中,Reema和Omar正为他们的女儿Tala准备婚礼。 User: He plots to rob his brother's bank by constructing a tunnel from the nearby home of antique dealer George Jones, who is currently on a trip to Cairo to purchase antique rugs. Assistant: 贺拉斯打算从住在银行附近的古董商乔治·琼斯(George Jones,惠勒·奥克曼饰)家里挖掘隧道,琼斯这时正前往开罗购买古董地毯。 User: The main dialect is known as Chavchuven Koryak. Assistant: 主要的方言称为"查楚文科里亚克语"(Chavchuven Koryak)。 User: On May 1, 2013, actor Kelsey Grammer was cast as the lead human villain named Harold Attinger. Assistant: 2013年5月1日宣布,演员凯尔塞·格拉玛将出演人类反派头目,名为“哈罗德·亚汀杰“。 User: As one recent historian states, "Was Dominic the first of the inquisitors? Assistant: 如同近年一位历史学家所言: “道明是第一位异端裁判者吗? User: During the Cuban Missile Crisis he supported diplomatic efforts. Assistant: 在古巴导弹危机期间,腊斯克支持进行外交努力。 User: The incubation period is 30–35 days, with another 70 – 100 days before the chicks fledge. Assistant: 孵化期约为30-35天,雏鸟出生后的70-100天就会换羽。 User: On 10 June 2012, in Mumbai, India, a group of 100 Anonymous members and college students gathered at Azad Maidan, dressed all in black and wearing Guy Fawkes masks, to protest against the Indian Government's censorship of the Internet. Assistant: 2012年6月10日在印度孟买,一群穿着一身黑并戴着盖伊·福克斯面具的100名匿名者组织成员及大学生在阿萨德广场(英语:Azad Maidan)聚集,以抗议印度政府对互联网的审查制度。 User: Multi-objective Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (MOCBA) is the OCBA concept that applies to multi-objective problems. Assistant: 多目标最优计算量分配(MOCBA)将OCBA应用于多目标问题。 User: In response to Erika's threat, the government of Saint Martin first issued a tropical storm warning late on September 4. Assistant: 面对风暴的威胁,圣马丁岛政府于9月4日晚首度发布热带风暴警告。 User: This technique was created to measure how group members feel when it comes to inclusion, control, and affection/openness or to be able to get feedback from people in a group. Assistant: 该理论可用于测量和控制组织成员如何感受爱、归属和控制,或如何能够在组织中获取其他成员的回馈。 User: When Verwoerd became Prime Minister in 1958, the policy of "separate development" came into being, with the homeland structure as one of its cornerstones. Assistant: 维沃尔德于1958年成为首相后,“分别发展”政策逐步形成,而黑人家园体系是该政策的重要组成部分之一。 User: Ta'xet is the Haida god of violent death. Assistant: 诸侯方面,曹宣公死于军中。 User: From this, Kant concluded that we have knowledge of synthetic a priori propositions. Assistant: 依此,康德断定有综合先验命题的知识存在。 User: Judge F.L.H. Rumpff concluded that the prosecution could not show that the ANC had become a communist organisation and therefore no treason could be proven nor that any act of violence was to be used to overthrow the state. Assistant: 法官F.L.H.伦普夫得出结论后认为控方无法证明非洲人国民大会已成为一个共产主义组织,因此不能证明任何叛国行为,也不会用任何暴力行为来推翻国家。 User: The oldest documentary evidence of what was probably chariot warfare in the Ancient Near East is the Old Hittite Anitta text, of the 18th century BC, which mentioned 40 teams of horses at the siege of Salatiwara. Assistant: 古近东对马战车作战的最早记载可能是赫梯语阿尼塔文献(公元前18世纪),该文献提到了在围困Salatiwara时有40队的马。 User: Hugo Grotius (1583–1645) played a leading part in the foundation of international law. Assistant: 雨果·格老秀斯(1583–1645)奠定了国际法的基础。 User: At that point, she promised to God that if she were to be blessed with a child, then her child would look after the thorn tree. Assistant: 小时候,林清凉的父亲希望她长大后能当律师,为台湾人辩护。 User: The Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi gave a sermon in Qatar in which he stated: "Today the train of revolution has arrived at a station that it was destined to reach, the Syrian station. Assistant: 逊尼派教士首领Yusuf al-Qaradawi,在卡塔尔布道说“今天,革命的火车已经抵达了应该到达的站点—叙利亚站。 User: Every year since then, a member of the President's administration has participated and made formal remarks during the lighting ceremony. Assistant: 此后每年,总统的行政成员都参加国家灯台的点灯仪式,并发表正式讲话。 User: There are also other historical names such as Kibulamatadi, Kikwango, Ikeleve (literally: He is not here), and Kizabave but they have largely fallen out of use. Assistant: 还有其它曾经使用过的名字如Kibulamatadi,Kikwango,Ikeleve和Kizabave,但是很长时间都不再使用了。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Their purpose is to measure the illumination level in the interior and to switch off or reduce the output level of luminaires. Assistant: 其作用在于测量室内的亮度,减少或者关闭灯的输出量。 User: In the 19th century, the metric system was adopted by almost all European countries: Portugal (1814);Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (1820); Switzerland (1835); Spain (1850s); Italy (1861); Romania (1864); Germany (1870, legally from 1 January 1872); and Austria-Hungary (1876, but the law was adopted in 1871). Assistant: 在19世纪中,公制系统获得了几乎所有欧洲国家的采用:葡萄牙(1814年);荷兰、比利时和卢森堡(1820年);瑞士(1835年);西班牙(1850年代);意大利(1861);罗马尼亚(1864);德国(1870年,法定为1872年1月1日);和奥匈帝国(1876,法律上于1871年)。 User: The game is a third person shooter. Assistant: 第三人称射击游戏(Third-person Shooter)。 User: Apache CXF is an open-source, fully featured Web services framework. Assistant: Apache CXF是一个开源的,全功能的,容易使用的Web服务框架。 User: Adelle Kirk, formerly a manager at the global Kurt Salmon management consulting firm that specializes in the apparel and retail businesses, said that making bras is complex: Bras are one of the most complex pieces of apparel. Assistant: 专门从事服装零售业务的管理咨询公司科特·萨蒙,其原全球经理阿德尔·柯克表示,制造胸罩极为复杂: 胸罩是最为复杂的服饰之一。 User: The church was originally built to meet the needs of Anglican worshippers among the civil population of Gibraltar, as the King's Chapel was primarily reserved for military use. Assistant: 这座教堂最初是为了满足直布罗陀平民中圣公会信徒的需要,因为已有的国王礼拜堂主要为军人服务。 User: He injured his right elbow in the October 1931 tournament, which reduced his power and never healed properly. Assistant: 他在1931年10月的比赛中他的右肘受伤,但从未得到正常的治疗,这减少了他的力量。 User: An object's surface brightness is its brightness per unit solid angle as seen in projection on the sky, and measurement of surface brightness is known as surface photometry. Assistant: 物体的表面亮度是其在天空中投影的单位立体角内的亮度,对表面亮度的测量被称为表面光度测定法。 User: Chihuahua enacted a law permitting only a single priest to serve the entire Catholic congregation of the state. Assistant: 奇瓦瓦州颁布法律允许只允许一位教士服务本州的全部天主教团体。 User: There are at least three additional possibilities. Assistant: 至少有三种其它可能。 User: At the mountains of madness, and other novels (Corr. Assistant: 著有《后山集》、《后山谈丛》、《后山诗话》等。 User: Suitable breeding sites include small fish-free ponds, marshes, shallow lakes and other still-water wetlands. Assistant: 适宜的繁殖点包括小型鱼塘、沼泽湿地、浅水湖泊、和其他静水湿地。 User: The party was launched on 5 October 1972 under the name National Front for French Unity (Front national pour l'unité française), or Front National. Assistant: 1972年10月5日,该党正式成立,全名为“法国统一民族阵线”(Front national pour l'unité française),简称“民族阵线”。 User: Twenty years later, Franklin D. Roosevelt won the state with 55% of the vote over incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover. Assistant: 20年后,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福以55%的选票在印第安纳州战胜在任共和党总统赫伯特·胡佛。 User: The speed of Prussian mobilization astonished the French, and the Prussian ability to concentrate power at specific points—reminiscent of Napoleon I's strategies seventy years earlier—overwhelmed French mobilization. Assistant: 普鲁士动员的速度超出了法国的预期,并且其军队能够在特定的地点集中力量(与七十年前拿破仑一世的战略相似),完全压倒了法国的动员。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: As the first open university in the country, OUM initially opened to 753 learners in 2001. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2001年,作为国内最早期的开放大学,OUM为753名学生敞开了大门。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Elliott 2001, pp. 63. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Elliott 2001,第63页。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The situation frustrated the public, as the coins were widely disliked and many banks and businesses refused to accept them. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此举引发公众不满,因为这种硬币在美国很多地方都不受待见,许多银行和商家根本就不接受。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Ball was rated as a consensus five-star recruit by major scouting services. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: Ball被主要的球探服务评为一致的五星级新兵。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Order, which was founded by King James VII in 1687, consists of the Scottish monarch and 16 knights. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 蓟花勋章骑士团由詹姆斯七世建立于1687年,由君主和16位骑士组成。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Rather, it adopted the philosophies of all the preceding cultures, causing Roman culture to be in a constant flux. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 相反,它采用了所有以前的文化的哲学,导致罗马文化在不断的变化中。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After arriving in Spain at age 22, he went on to appear in more than 300 official matches for a handful of clubs in the country. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在他22岁到西班牙发展后,他代表数支球队累计上阵了超过300场正式赛事。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The effects of being a latchkey child differ with age. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 钥匙儿童受到的影响因年龄而异。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Her birthday is on April 1. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 生日为4月1日。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 All such tests are usually called Student's t-tests, though strictly speaking that name should only be used if the variances of the two populations are also assumed to be equal; the form of the test used when this assumption is dropped is sometimes called Welch's t-test. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 但更为严格地说,只有两个总体的方差是相等的情况下,才称为学生t检验;否则,有时被称为Welch检验。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Known to drink heavily. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 饮酒至斗许不乱。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Landlords: a historically important social class who retain some wealth and power. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 地主:在历史上曾经相当重要的阶级,现在只维持部分财富和权力。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Confrontation with authority made printers radical and rebellious, with 800 authors, printers and book dealers being incarcerated in the Bastille in Paris before it was stormed in 1789. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在法国,由于与当局对抗,约800个作家、印刷者和书商被关押在巴黎的巴士底狱,直至1789年监狱被民众占领。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Other notable sections of the cemetery are the cemetery of the Finnish Guard, the Artist's Hill and the Statesman's Grove. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 墓园中其他著名的区域包括芬兰卫兵陵园、艺术家之山以及政治家树林。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Sport in Afghanistan is managed by the Afghan Sports Federation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 乌克兰的体育运动主要由乌克兰奥委会管理。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: These trucks are permitted to carry fuel, gas canisters and chemicals (flammables), and are neither permitted to enter tunnels nor city areas unless route arrangements have been made in advance with the fire services. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这类车辆允许运载燃料、瓦斯和化学物品等;除非在事先知会消防部门,否则不允许进入隧道和市区。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In contrast to its earlier place amongst the wealthy, during the 17th and 18th centuries, the pasty became popular with working people in Cornwall, where tin miners and others adopted it due to its unique shape, forming a complete meal that could be carried easily and eaten without cutlery. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这种馅饼早期这是有钱人的食物,在17、18世纪之间,其在康沃尔的劳动阶级受到欢迎,康沃尔人和锡矿工们把这种造型特殊、携带方便、不用餐具就可以食用的肉馅饼当作正餐。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Richard Hofstadter, for example, in 1955 wrote that prohibition, "was a pseudo-reform, a pinched, parochial substitute for reform" that "was carried about America by the rural-evangelical virus". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 例如,理查德·霍夫施塔特在1955写道禁酒令“是假改革,是痛苦的教区替代品”“将乡村福音派病毒散布全美国”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In order to express the game's mood, Meguro incorporated strong acid jazz elements into the score. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:为了充分营造游戏的气氛,目黑将司将强烈的酸爵士元素融入了音乐。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The museum locomotive V 60 150 was burnt up in the great fire at the Nuremberg Transport Museum's locomotive shed. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 其中,纽伦堡交通博物馆收藏的V 60 150 号博物馆机车在大火中被毁。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The specific epithet eymae honours Pierre Joseph Eyma, a Dutch botanist who worked extensively in the Dutch East Indies and who originally discovered the species. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其种加词“eymae”得名于荷兰植物学家皮埃尔·约瑟夫·艾玛,他曾在荷属东印度群岛进行了广泛的研究,并发现了许多新物种。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Interns, usually undergraduate or graduate students, support the activities of visiting scholars and staff while learning the business of top-level research. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 实习生通常由本科生或研究生担任,支持访问学者和工作人员的活动,同时学习作顶尖研究。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 From 3 January 2013, the shark was fully protected in New Zealand territorial waters under the Wildlife Act 1953. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 从2013年初开始,生活在新西兰水域的远洋白鳍鲨因《1953年野生动物法》而获得了全面保护。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Others fled to Egypt. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 也有一部分人逃往埃及。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Évian Conference was convened in Évian in July 1938 to discuss the problem of Jewish refugees. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1938年7月,埃维昂莱班召开埃维昂莱班会议,商讨犹太难民的问题。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Ministry is called the "Mother of all Ministries" because most ministries, like the former Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Ministry of Education, Culture and Science split from the ministry at one time or another. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 内政及王国关系部有“部会之母”之称,因为多数部会,如农业部和教育文化及科学部都是从这里分离出去。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He holds British and American citizenship. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他持有美国/英国公民。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Mexico City surrendered the day after Maximilian was executed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:墨西哥城在马西米连诺被处决后一日投降。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Even if no security requirements are specified, additional security testing should be performed to ensure that an attacker can’t tamper with the software and steal information, disrupt the software’s normal operations, or use it as a pivot to attack its users. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 即使软件没有指定好的安全性要求,也应当对其进行额外的安全性测试(英语:security testing)从而保证攻击者无法随意修改软件并盗取数据、妨碍软件的正常工作或者用它当作攻击其他用户的跳板。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Burges was born on 2 December 1827, the son of Alfred Burges (1796–1886), a wealthy civil engineer. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 威廉·伯吉斯于1827年12月2日出生,他的父亲是一位富有的土木工程师阿尔弗雷德·伯吉斯(英语:Alfred Burges)(1796年-1886年)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Coronation Spoon is the only part of the mediaeval Crown Jewels which survived the Commonwealth of England. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这个饰有金银丝的勺子是中世纪王冠宝石中唯一流传到当今英格兰联邦的部分。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 New to the event from previous years was the expansion from 16 to 18 total teams, as well as establishment of new qualifying regions; the Americas were split into separate North and South America regions, and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region was split off from Europe. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 为了建立新的赛区参赛队伍由前几年的16支队伍扩大到18支队伍; 美洲赛区分为北美和南美独立赛区,独立国家联合体(CIS)赛区与欧洲分离。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It is marked as being located at 52°14’40”N 21°00’42”E (in accordance with the coordinate system used at that time). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1880年,一条标记子午线的细柱竖立在华沙剧院广场,标示为位于52°14’40”N 21°00’42”E(根据当时使用的座标系统)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Nauru finally joined the UN in 1999. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1999年,瑙鲁加入联合国。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Architectural historian Mark Jarzombek later described the library space as a "capacious oculus light into its center, and its perimeter surrounded by a row of Corinthian columns. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 建筑史学家Mark Jarzombek后来描述图书馆空间为“有通光孔的巨大圆孔,它的周围由一排科林斯柱子围绕。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 1886 – In England, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, outlawing sexual relations between men (but not between women) is given Royal Assent by Queen Victoria. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1886年 – 在英格兰,根据维多利亚女王的御准1885年刑法修正案(英语:Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885)宣布男性之间的性行为违法(但是女性之间则不然)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Finally, in 1880, the 14-year-old Emma and her family moved to London, England where they lodged with their countryman, Francis Pichler, at 162 Great Portland Street. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 直到1880年,一家人搬到伦敦并寄住在同乡法兰西斯·毕希勤(Francis Pichler)在大波特兰街(英语:Great Portland Street)162号的住所。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Patterson hired Robert Ball Hughes, a Philadelphia artist, to modify the design. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 帕特森聘请费城雕塑家罗伯特·波尔·休斯(Robert Ball Hughes)修改设计。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 This secrecy is necessary to ensure that items of national security are not made public, and so that ministers can speak freely and disagree with each other during discussions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 此保密制度为的是确保关乎国家安全的信息不被泄漏,此外与会部长可以畅所欲言并在意见相左时无需顾忌公众影响。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: 1282 - Aragonese in power. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1282年—阿拉贡统治。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Bushmen, or San, have inhabited the lands for thousands of years since they roamed the area as nomadic hunters. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:布须曼人,或称桑人(San)在这片土地上居住了上千年,他们在该地区游牧狩猎。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai condemned the attack, saying in a statement: "I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold-blooded act of terror in Peshawar that is unfolding before us". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉·优素福扎伊谴责此次袭击,并在声明中表示:“我对白沙瓦恐袭这种摆在我们面前的毫无意义的冷血行为,感到伤心欲绝。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If Alice later tripped over the same rock herself, she would be more likely to blame the placement of the rock (situational). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 如果之后春娇被同一块石头给绊倒了,她将更有可能归咎于石头的位置(情境)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt said "I wish it was a joke". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 瑞典前首相卡尔·比尔特说:“我希望这是一个笑话。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Plutonium normally has six allotropes and forms a seventh (zeta, ζ) under high temperature and a limited pressure range. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在一般情况下,钚有六种同素异形体,并在高温、限定压力范围下有第七种(ζ)存在。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They were laid out in a uniform plan. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他们制定了一个统一的计划。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The memorial is divided into six stations that are connected by a circular route. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:纪念碑被分为六个站,这些站是通过环形路线连接起来的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Firstly, cometary orbits may be perturbed by interaction with the giant planets, such as Jupiter. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:首先,彗星轨道可能与大行星,像是木星,产生交互作用,而受到摄动。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Physicist Wolfgang Pauli even used Kepler's priority dispute with Robert Fludd to explore the implications of analytical psychology on scientific investigation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 物理学家沃尔夫冈·泡利甚至使用开普勒与罗伯特·弗勒德的先后之争来探究分析心理学对科学研究的意义。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Almost half of them had signed their wages over to white creditors before being deployed. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 出发前,它们中几乎有一半与白人债权人签署了劳动合同。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1985, he became a track and field coach at Palm Springs High School. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 1985年,成为棕榈泉高中(英语:Palm Springs High School)的田径教练。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In this case, guarded quantifiers can be used to mimic a smaller range of quantification. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在这种情况下,可以监控量词来模拟更小的量化范围。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They are operated by the Yum! Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:ORANGE ※这首曲子是由Yum! User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In their ethnographic work anthropologists have cast a critical eye on discourses and practices produced by institutional agents of development in their encounter with ‘local culture’ (see for example Ferguson 1994). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在他们的民族志研究工作,人类学家将批判的眼光投在体制化的发展机构在遭遇“地方文化”时所做的论述和实践(例如 Ferguson 1994年)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Membership and participation in technical societies, regular reviews of periodicals in the field and a habit of continued learning are therefore essential to maintaining proficiency. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 参加技术社团,看这个领域的期刊和保持持续学习的习惯很重要。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: She started her career as a model along with Zeenat Aman. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 她跟随泽尼特·阿曼(英语:Zeenat Aman)开始了模特儿职业生涯。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: For example, in 2002, La Monte Young, along with Marian Zazeela, and senior disciple Jung Hee Choi founded the Just Alap Raga Ensemble which performs Indian classical music of the Kirana Gharana and merges the traditions of Western and Hindustani classical music, Young applying his own compositional approach to traditional raga performance, form, and technique. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2002年,拉蒙特·扬、玛丽安·扎泽拉与其弟子Jung Hee Choi(英语:Jung Hee Choi)一同创立了Just Alap Raga乐团(英语:Just Alap Raga Ensemble),演奏印度的基拉那(英语:Kirana gharana)古典音乐,并融合了西方和印度古典音乐的传统,拉蒙特将自己的创作方法运用到传统的Raga表演、形式和技巧中。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The yellow color and name of the corpus luteum, like that of the macula lutea of the retina, is due to its concentration of certain carotenoids, especially lutein. Assistant: 黄体的黄颜色及其命名,类似于视网膜中的黄斑,是由于含有高浓度的类胡萝卜素,特别是叶黄素。 User: Other risk factors include an older mother, smoking, and poor diet. Assistant: 其他风险则包含高龄孕妇、吸烟,及饮食不均。 User: Qualcomm no longer sells these products. Assistant: Borland不再支持该产品。 User: Rabbi Ephraim Klyne, dean of Torah Temimah School, London. Assistant: 拉比以法莲Klyne,学校的托拉Temimah,伦敦院长。 User: The Venetian ambassador stated in 1603 that she "possessed languages so thoroughly that each appeared to be her native tongue". Assistant: 威尼斯大使曾于1603年说她“驾驭语言是如此之好,以至于好像每种语言都是她的母语。 User: In his speech, Premier Li Keqiang stressed the importance of Europe as a partner for Chinas reform programme and gave important impulses for the bilateral cooperation between China and Europe in the future. Assistant: 李克强总理在闭幕陈辞中强调了与欧洲合作对于中国落实改革项目的重要性,为进一步强化双边合作奠定了决定性的基础。 User: The Court declared that the Fifteenth Amendment "commands that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race or color, and it gives Congress the power to enforce that command. Assistant: 法院宣称,第十五条修正案“命令投票权不得因种族或肤色而受到拒绝或削减,并赋予国会执行这一命令的权力。 User: The Cavaliers used the pick to draft Chad Kinch. i On February 1, 1980, the Denver Nuggets acquired Alex English and a first-round pick from the Indiana Pacers in exchange for George McGinnis. Assistant: i 1980年2月1日,丹佛掘金从印第安纳步行者处换得阿历克斯·英格利什和首轮选秀权,以交换乔治·麦克吉尼斯。 User: In June 1893, fair authorities had half dollars stacked as a model of the Washington Monument, 22 feet (6.7 m) tall. Assistant: 1893年6月,博览会管理方用哥伦布半美元堆叠出高达6.7米的华盛顿纪念碑模型。 User: Bolton seemed willing to sell having recruited Gary Cahill as a replacement. Assistant: 保顿愿意将他出售,似乎是因为他们收购了加利·卡希尔作为替代品。 User: For instance, the default device for sound input and output is /dev/dsp. Assistant: 例如,声音输入和输出的预设设备是 /dev/dsp。 User: These valves are arranged in three levels, each cutting through the main dam structure and discharging onto the face of the spillway. Assistant: 这些阀门放置三个层中,每个层都贯穿主坝体,并且向溢洪道的表面放流。 User: Sam infiltrates White Box Technologies and witnesses Black Arrow murdering scientists that are no longer needed. Assistant: 山姆潜入白盒科技,看见一些科学家已被黑箭的特工杀害。 User: Culm sheath colors appear purple-green usually striped with yellow. Assistant: 竿鞘(英语:Culm sheath)颜色呈紫绿色,通常带黄色条纹。 User: The theorem has several important consequences, some of which are also sometimes called "Hahn–Banach theorem": If V is a normed vector space with linear subspace U (not necessarily closed) and if φ : U → K is continuous and linear, then there exists an extension ψ : V → K of φ which is also continuous and linear and which has the same norm as φ (see Banach space for a discussion of the norm of a linear map). Assistant: 这个定理有一些重要的结果,其中有些也有时称为“哈恩-巴拿赫定理”: 如果V是一个赋范向量空间,其子空间为U(不一定是封闭的),且φ : U → K是连续和线性的,那么存在φ的一个扩张ψ : V → K,也是连续和线性的,且范数与φ相同(关于线性映射的范数的讨论,参见巴拿赫空间)。 User: The game focuses on tactics and ship management instead of resource collection and base construction. Assistant: 该游戏注重战术和太空船的管理,而非搜集资源和基地的建造。 User: La Vuelta. Assistant: 现在翻转过来。 User: Behavioral autonomy encompasses an adolescent's developing ability to regulate his or her own behavior, to act on personal decisions, and to self-govern. Assistant: 行为自主包括青少年调节自身行为、依据个人决策行动,以及自我管理的能力。 User: Brian Russell De Palma (born September 11, 1940) is an American film director and screenwriter. Assistant: 布赖恩·拉塞尔·德帕尔马(Brian Russell De Palma,1940年9月11日-)是一位美国电影导演和编剧。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Menri in India and Triten Norbutse Monastery in Nepal now host the only two geshe programs in the Bon lineage. Assistant: 位于印度的该寺和位于尼泊尔的重建的孜珠寺(Triten Norbutse)是目前苯教仅有的两座有格西修习制度的寺庙。 User: Rocks in the central uplifts were probably once buried several kilometers beneath the surface, but raised by the impact process. Assistant: 在撞击坑中心隆起区域的岩石可能曾经深埋在火星表面之下数公里处,但因为撞击而抬升。 User: Seeckt was born in Schleswig on 22 April 1866 to an old Pomeranian family, which had been ennobled in the eighteenth century. Assistant: 塞克特于1866年4月22日出生在石勒苏益格的一个古老的波美拉尼亚人家庭里,其于十八世纪被封为贵族。 User: According to the Pope Gregory I's letters, in the island contained a Romanized and Christianized area (that of the provinciales) that co-existed with, in the interior, pagan or semi-pagan cultures (Gens Barbaricina). Assistant: 教皇格里高利一世的信件中提到,这座岛屿是一片并存着罗马化和基督化的地区(省名),内陆则盛行异教徒和半异教徒文化(巴巴里斯诺人)。 User: A few of the buildings from this early period can still be seen today. Assistant: 部分早期建筑的基础部分至今可见。 User: Isabella's mother Maria and the Ibelins (now closely allied to Conrad) argued that Isabella and Humphrey's marriage was illegal, as she had been underage at the time; underlying this was the fact that Humphrey had betrayed his wife's cause in 1186. Assistant: 伊莎贝拉的母亲玛丽亚和伊贝林兄弟(现在与康拉德紧密地同盟)辩称伊莎贝拉和汉弗莱的婚姻是非法的,因为她当时的年龄还不够;与此相关事实上是由于汉弗莱于1186年背叛了他妻子。 User: Even then, owing to the strong taboo against death, Takita was worried about the film's reception and did not anticipate commercial success, and others expressed concern that the film lacked a clear target audience. Assistant: 即使是在这个时候,泷田洋二郎仍然因为对死亡强烈的社会忌讳担心电影不会得到好评,商业上也难有建树,其他剧组成员则担心电影没有明确的目标观众。 User: When they returned in 1945, they found their family members driven out of their traditional villages by the rising waters of Shasta Lake. Assistant: 当他们在1945年返回时,发现他们的家庭成员被沙斯塔湖上涨的水赶出了传承的村庄。 User: It has also appeared in poetry. Assistant: 樗蒲在诗词也出现不少。 User: Ancient Greek scholars Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote about dentistry, including the eruption pattern of teeth, treating decayed teeth and gum disease, extracting teeth with forceps, and using wires to stabilize loose teeth and fractured jaws. Assistant: 古希腊学者希波克拉底和亚里士多德写过有关牙科的文章,包括牙齿萌出模式,蛀牙和牙龈疾病治疗,用钳子拔牙,用金属丝稳定松动的牙齿和断裂的下巴。 User: In 1904, San Francisco merchant Rueben Hale proposed an exposition in his home city for 1915, both to commemorate the opening of the Panama Canal and to mark the 400th anniversary of Vasco Núñez de Balboa becoming the first European known to view the Pacific Ocean from the Americas: in phrasing then current, he discovered the Pacific. Assistant: 1904年,旧金山商人鲁本·黑尔(Rueben Hale)提议1915年的世界博览会在旧金山举办,一方面是纪念巴拿马运河通航,另一方面也标志着瓦斯科·努涅斯·德·巴尔沃亚“发现太平洋”400周年,他实际上是首位从美洲大陆看到太平洋的欧洲人。 User: Whitesnake are a hard rock band formed in England in 1978 by David Coverdale, after his departure from his previous band Deep Purple. Assistant: 白蛇乐团(英语:Whitesnake)是英国的一个摇滚乐团,由大卫·科弗代尔在离开深紫乐团后、于1978年创立。 User: In 1168, the Wendish capital, Arkona, was taken, and the Wends became Christians and subject to Danish suzerainty. Assistant: 1168年,丹麦军队攻取文德人的首都阿科纳,文德人自此改变成为基督徒,丹麦成为文德人地区的宗主国。 User: The Yao chief Mataka rejected Christianity, as Islam offered them a social system which would assimilate their traditional culture. Assistant: 约奥族酋长马塔卡拒绝了基督教,因为伊斯兰教给他们提供了一个可以吸收他们传统文化的社会体系。 User: Designed by the firm of McKim, Mead, and White, the Greek Classic memorial was built of Georgia marble and was dedicated in 1917. Assistant: 纪念馆由麦金,米德和怀特事务所设计,采用格鲁吉亚大理石构建,属希腊古典主义风格,于1917年落成。 User: The first Tibetan Terriers in the US were imported in 1956 by Dr. Henry and Mrs. Alice Murphy of Great Falls, Virginia. Assistant: 1956年,美国第一批西藏㹴由居住于弗吉尼亚州大瀑布(Great Falls, Virginia)的亨利医生和艾丽斯墨菲夫人所进口。 User: This definition is elegant and easy to work with abstractly (such as when proving theorems about properties of trees), as it expresses a tree in simple terms: a list of one type, and a pair of two types. Assistant: 这种定义是精致的,易于工作的抽象性(如用于证明关于树的属性的定理),因为它用简单术语表示一棵树:一个类型的列表,两个类型组成的一对。 User: The action takes place in two periods—World War II and the late 1990s, during the Internet boom and Asian financial crisis. Assistant: 全书共分为两个篇章,第一部分的时间是第二次世界大战,第二部分则是互联网泡沫和亚洲金融危机期间。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Those who came earlier often spoke fluent Hebrew and have integrated into Israeli society. Assistant: 早先来的人一般能讲流利的希伯来语,现在已融入以色列社会。 User: Fung’s maternal grandfather is a member of the Communist Party of China and a retired physician, now resides at Beijing. Assistant: 冯的外祖父是退休医生及中国共产党党员,曾在文革期间被批斗,并一直于北京居住至今。 User: Operations were suspended definitively in August 1944, when a Swissair DC-2 was destroyed in Stuttgart during an American bombing raid. Assistant: 1944年8月,由于瑞士航空一架DC-2在斯图加特被炸毁,瑞士航空不得不暂停运营。 User: Nobody gave us a chance in that game. Assistant: 但在该场比赛中没有获得上场机会。 User: It was released directly to home video on March 9, 1999. Assistant: 它在1999年3月9日发售成为家庭录像带。 User: He also helped the squad qualify for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, California of the same year. Assistant: 同年他还帮助球队获得了参加加州洛杉矶奥运会的参赛资格。 User: Others posit that some of the actions of Stalin's regime, not only those during the Holodomor, but also dekulakization and targeted campaigns against particular ethnic groups, can be considered as genocide at least in its loose definition. Assistant: 然而,斯大林时期的一些行动,不光是乌克兰大饥荒期间的,还有去富农化及针对少数民族的目标行动(英语:Polish operation of the NKVD),可被视为种族灭绝, 至少是在宽松定义上。 User: Seventy-one percent of suicides in Japan were male, and it is the leading cause of death in men aged 20–44. Assistant: 自杀的日本人中大多是男性,为20-44岁男性死亡的首要原因。 User: A more sensitive Marcello aspires to become a writer, of leading an intellectual life amongst the elites, the poets, writers and philosophers of the time. Assistant: 一个更敏感的马塞罗渴望成为一个作家,在当时的精英、诗人、作家和哲学家中领导一个知识分子的生活。 User: Simon chose to set the show in Baltimore because of his familiarity with the city. Assistant: 于是,西蒙决定把故事背景设置在巴尔的摩这个他所熟知的城市。 User: As of 2010, in the United States 7 to 10 million acres (2.8 to 4.0 million hectares) of soil were afflicted by superweeds, or about 5% of the 170 million acres planted with corn, soybeans, and cotton, the crops most affected, in 22 states. Assistant: 截至2010年在美国2.8至4.0百万公顷土壤由超级杂草折磨,或68百万公顷中约5%种植了玉米,大豆,棉花,农作物受影响最严重,有22个州。 User: Lt. Col. Paul Bloomquist was killed by the last bomb, and dozens of Americans and Germans were injured. Assistant: 第三枚炸弹的爆炸导致保罗·布隆姆奎斯特中校丧生,数十美国及德国人受伤。 User: Frank Gasparro's reverse design of the Kennedy half dollar was also influenced by the experience he gained from designing the President John. Assistant: 弗兰克·加斯帕罗曾设计过约翰·肯尼迪总统致谢奖章,这次经历也对他设计的半美元背面产生影响。 User: Daniel Ricciardo described it as "a crazy race", but said that "that's the way Jules would have wanted it". Assistant: 丹尼尔·里卡多形容这是“一场疯狂的比赛”,但又表示“这正是儒勒本来就想要有的”。 User: In Australia, Canada and New Zealand people of British origin came to constitute the majority of the population contributing to these states becoming integral to the Anglosphere. Assistant: 在澳洲、加拿大和新西兰,英国移民后裔人口占了这些国家人口大多数,这些人口更成为了英语圈不可分割的一部分。 User: However, a regular ping-pong table may be utilized if available. Assistant: 必要时可以使用真实棋盘做媒介。 User: Additionally while discrete transistor and IC CPUs were in heavy usage, new high-performance designs like SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) vector processors began to appear. Assistant: 另外,由于分立晶体管与IC CPU的使用量大增,新的高性能设计,例如SIMD(单指令多数据)、向量处理机开始出现。 User: Using the few leads he gathered in Berlin, Bourne tracks Malcolm Smith, a former Treadstone surveillance operative, in London and arranges to meet him in Paddington Plaza. Assistant: 利用在柏林收集到的稀少线索,伯恩跟踪到前绊脚石监控行动人员马尔科姆·史密斯,于是安排他与自己在伦敦帕丁顿广场(Paddington Square)碰头。 User: The advertising device sends a packet on at least one of these three channels, with a repetition period called the advertising interval. Assistant: 宣告设备在这三个频道中的至少一个上发送封包,发送周期被称为宣告间隔。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Until 2003, Ljubljana was the only European capital city without a Jewish place of worship. Assistant: 直到2003年,卢布尔雅那是唯一没有犹太人礼拜场所(犹太会堂)的欧洲首都。 User: The Ministry of Education provided funds to the Chinese Islamic National Salvation Federation for Chinese Muslim's education. Assistant: 教育部为中国穆斯林教育而给回教救国联合会(Islamic National Salvation Federation)提供资金。 User: On 29 May 2009, Marco Kroon, a member of the Korps Commandotroepen and a former member of the Netherlands Marine Corps, was awarded the Military William Order, the highest military decoration in The Netherlands. Assistant: 于2009年5月29日一位前荷兰海军陆战队指挥官马可波罗克朗 ,被授予威廉军徽 -荷兰最高军徽。 User: In this same edition, he introduced two-part names (see binomen) for animal species, something that he had done for plant species (see binary name) in the 1753 publication of Species Plantarum. Assistant: 在这本书中,林奈为动物定义了二名法命名规则(此前他曾在1753年出版的《植物种志》中介绍了类似的植物命名法则)。 User: Clifford, a wealthy Amsterdam banker was a keen botanist with a large herbarium and governor of the Dutch East India Company. Assistant: 克利福德,一位有钱的阿姆斯特丹银行家,是一位热心的植物学家,拥有一座大型的植物标本馆(herbarium),并身为荷兰东印度公司董事之一。 User: On average ten surgeons/nurses involved in 100 operations sustain 172 single gloves perforations but with double gloves only 50 inner gloves would be perforated. Assistant: 平均来讲,每十名医生或护士每参与100次手术,只佩戴一层手套会遇上172次手套破损,而佩戴两层手套则只会遇上50次。 User: The conclusion was to be titled The World's Organic Classification and Organisation, but the work remained unfinished. Assistant: 作品尾声题目原定为“世界有机分类与组织”,但终未完成。 User: They eventually separated. Assistant: 之后他们最终分手了。 User: Charles was dependent on his mother and advisors to interact with the foreign envoys since he had no foreign language skills apart from German and was ignorant of the world outside the Swedish borders. Assistant: 卡尔是如此的依赖他的顾问与专业人士,主要因为他除了德语之外不会其它外国语言,而无法与外交使节有所互动,更甚者是他对瑞典国界之外的事一无所知。 User: Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer, the platform is intended as a low-cost system to encourage interest and development in VR applications. Assistant: 该平台以其折叠式纸板头盔命名,旨在以廉价成本,激发对VR应用的兴趣和发展。 User: The plan, according to the Senate report, instructed Chinese officials in the U.S. to improve their knowledge about members of Congress and increase contacts with its members, the public, and the media. Assistant: 根据美国参议院的报告,这份方案责成在美国的中国官员提高美国国会议员认识并增加同美国议员、公众和媒体的接触。 User: He currently lives in Basel, Switzerland, where he teaches at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Assistant: 他现在居住于瑞士巴塞尔,并在当地的巴塞尔古乐学院(英语:Schola Cantorum Basiliensis)从事教学与研究工作。 User: The Second Demographic Transition (SDT) is a conceptual framework first formulated in 1986 by Ron Lesthaeghe and Dirk van de Kaa in a short article that was published in the Dutch sociology journal Mens en Maatschappij. Assistant: 二次人口转变是1986年 Ron Lesthaeghe 和 Dirk van de Kaa 在荷兰社会学期刊 Mens en Maatschappij 上发表的一篇短文中首次提出的概念框架。 User: The first part of the song contains stereotypical language that black characters used in old movies, like "I's finished ... pluckin' y'all's chickens" and "I's free now thanks to y'all, Master Lincoln". Assistant: 歌曲的第一部队包含在旧电影中黑人角色所说的刻板语言,如“我已完成......拔出你所有的大麻”和“我已自由,多谢你,林肯大师”等。 User: Program analysis can be performed without executing the program (static program analysis), during runtime (dynamic program analysis) or in a combination of both. Assistant: 程序分析可以在不执行程序的情况下进行(静态程序分析),也可在执行时进行(动态程序分析(英语:Dynamic program analysis)),或结合二者。 User: In 1974 the first realtime two-way LPC packet speech communication was accomplished over the ARPANET at 3500 bit/s between Culler-Harrison and Lincoln Laboratory. Assistant: 1974年,第一个双向实时LPC语音包通信在Culler-Harrison与林肯实验室之间通过ARPANET以3500位/秒的速度实现。 User: At the same time, a new clock was installed. Assistant: 然而只有较大的一号表被完成。 User: The latter is widely accepted. Assistant: 其中第三种观点被普遍接受。 User: Though the characters of Karras and Kinderman were acquainted during the murder investigation in The Exorcist and Kinderman expressed fondness for Karras, in Exorcist III Blatty has Kinderman remembering Karras as his "best friend". Assistant: 尽管Karras和Kinderman角色在第一部对谋杀案的调查中才变成熟人并且Kinderman表达了对Karras的喜爱,在《驱魔人3》中Blatty使得Kinderman视Karras为最好的朋友。 User: The next day, commercial logging equipment was set on fire, with "ELF" and "Go Log in Hell" spraypainted on a truck. Assistant: 次日,商业伐木设备被放了火,一辆卡车被喷涂上“ELF”和“到地狱去伐”。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: More generally, the term may refer to a seven-dimensional vector space over any field, such as a seven-dimensional complex vector space, which has 14 real dimensions. Assistant: 更广义的来说, 该术语可以指任何体 (数学)上的七维向量空间,例如七维复矢量空间,其实际有着十四个维度。 User: Since no structural theory existed at that time Gerhardt called the compound he obtained "salicylic-acetic anhydride" (wasserfreie Salicylsäure-Essigsäure). Assistant: 因为当时还没有分子结构理论(英语:Structural theory),格哈特把所得的化合物称为“水杨酸乙酸酐”(wasserfreie Salicylsäure-Essigsäure)。 User: All that this nationalism has done is to weaken China. Assistant: 马来人民族主义又激起华人的反对。 User: To a large extent, NP is a reaction to the way in which the automobile has affected the environment and reshaped the cities. Assistant: 广义上说,新徒步主义是机动车道挤压环境和改造城市的造成的反应。 User: A total of 28,035,184 voters participated in the first round of voting. Assistant: 总共有28,035,184名民参加了第一轮投票。 User: According to the Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Qiangba Puncog, Tibet's economy has grown on average 12% per year from 2000 to 2006. Assistant: 据西藏自治区主席向巴平措说,西藏的经济从2000年至2006年每年增长平均12%。 User: As suburbanization began to increase through to the late 20th century, urban health and infrastructure precipitously dropped. Assistant: 随着郊区化开始增长一直到20世纪末,城市健康和基础设施水平发生断崖式下降。 User: On 14 July, a government official stated that Army troops had recaptured 60 percent of the Jobar district. Assistant: 7月14日,一名政府军军官声称政府军攻占了约巴区60%的地方。 User: Amid 2011 the siege of Hama, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement documenting deaths in Hama as well as condemning the violence, including the alleged killing of eight Syrian policemen. Assistant: 2011年哈马被困期间,俄罗斯外长发布一项声明,其中记录了哈马死亡人数,包括据说在冲突中被杀害的8名叙利亚警察,并谴责暴力行动。 User: The SmartMedia format was launched in the summer of 1995 to compete with the MiniCard, CompactFlash, and PC Card formats. Assistant: 在1995年夏,由东芝公司推出,以与MiniCard、CompactFlash和PC card等存储卡标准竞争。 User: In Qt, QMainWindow::createPopupMenu is a factory method declared in a framework that can be overridden in application code. Assistant: 在Qt,QMainWindow::createPopupMenu是在框架中定义的工厂方法,可以在应用代码中重写。 User: Other officers may be elected and/or appointed as needed. Assistant: 必要时,得由县长邀请或指定有关人员出席。 User: The classical perspective on competition was that certain agreements and business practice could be an unreasonable restraint on the individual liberty of tradespeople to carry on their livelihoods. Assistant: 竞争的古典观点认为,某些协议与商业行为可能是对商人维系其生计之个人自由的不合理限制。 User: Both are describing the Russian term "selsoviet". Assistant: 两者在俄语中都是同一个词“selsoviet”。 User: Joanna David and Tim Wylton appeared as the Gardiners, Elizabeth's maternal aunt and uncle. Assistant: 乔安娜·大卫(Joanna David)和蒂姆·怀顿(Tim Wylton)饰加纳德夫妇,伊丽莎白的舅父母。 User: Their father, a Cambodian judge, abandoned the family during World War II, running off to Battambang with a Cambodian princess. Assistant: 她的父亲是一位柬埔寨法官,在第二次世界大战期间抛弃了家庭,和一个柬埔寨公主私奔到马德望省。 User: Hopes for a quick capture of Rome were frustrated by the Germans, who conducted a fighting withdrawal to the Gustav Line, which the landing at Anzio and the fighting at Monte Cassino in January 1944 failed to break. Assistant: 盟军本期望能快速攻占罗马,但德军成功战斗撤退至古斯塔夫防线,盟军于1944年1月发动安齐奥登陆战和卡西诺战役均未能突破该防线。 User: There are several committees for which the Cabinet Office is administratively responsible, but which are not Cabinet committees. Assistant: 内阁办公厅下设若干委员会负责行政性事务,这些委员会不是内阁委员会。 User: He ends each "lesson" by relieving himself. Assistant: 昔聆其‘终风’诸说,每为解颐”。 User: The physical view is displayed and printed (what most people consider a PDF document). Assistant: 物理视图可以显示和打印(多数人认为的PDF文档)。 User: The rest of the state's coast also sustained considerable damage, and the inland pecan and soybean crops were severely diminished in Alabama and Mississippi. Assistant: 阿拉巴马州的其他沿海地区也遭受了程度相当可观的破坏,该州和密西西比州内陆的美洲山核桃和大豆作物受到沉重打击。 User: Since only a small fraction of L-leucine is metabolized into HMB, pharmacologically active concentrations of the compound in blood plasma and muscle can only be achieved by supplementing HMB directly. Assistant: 由于只有一小部分L-亮氨酸被代谢成HMB,因此只能通过直接补充HMB来实现药物活性浓度的化合物在血浆和肌肉中的浓度。 User: Persistent public demand for the new coins prompted Woodbury to contact Patterson, requesting more silver dollars. Assistant: 新银元发行后获得成功,公共需求经久不衰,为此伍德伯里请帕特森生产更多银元。 User: All isotopes of technetium must be handled carefully. Assistant: 使用所有锝同位素都必须谨慎。 User: Also, the idea that France had a civilizing mission was spreading. Assistant: 而且,法国人肩负着传播文明的使命。 User: Piłsudski faced stiff opposition from Dmowski's National Democrats who opposed Ukrainian independence. Assistant: 毕苏斯基受到国内的国家民主党人强烈反对,他们反对乌克兰独立。 User: The earliest known name for the mare may be "The Shrine of Hecate"; Plutarch records that the Ancient Greeks gave this name to the largest of the "hollows and deeps" on the Moon, believing it to be the place where the souls of the deceased were tormented. Assistant: 该月海最早的名称可能是希腊神话的"赫卡忒圣地";普鲁塔克曾记录古希腊将该名给予月球上最大的"地洞和深渊",相信那儿是死者灵魂受折磨的地方。 User: The Security Council strongly condemned the attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania and regarded the incidents as a threat to international peace and security. Assistant: 安理会强烈谴责在纽约、华盛顿特区和宾夕法尼亚州发生的袭击事件,并认为该事件对国际和平与安全构成了严重威胁。 User: Because of a lack of sound stage space on the Paramount lot, many scenes were filmed around Hollywood. Assistant: 由于在派拉蒙外景场地(英语:backlot)布置摄影棚的空间不足,电影的大部分场景都是在好莱坞附近拍摄的。 User: As to this coming of rain from the mountains, some hold that the clouds carry the rain with them, dispersing as it is precipitated (and they are right). Assistant: 时山东霖雨,自陈汝至于沧海,皆苦水灾。 User: The Wrong Girl". Assistant: 怪盗少女)”。 User: Weather Underground also established a forum, weather forecasting competition, blog and Facebook page to provide a platform for weather enthusiasts around the globe. Assistant: 网站亦设立讨论区、天气预测比赛、网志、facebook专页等,为全球气象爱好者提供一个交流平台。 User: For processors lacking those features, the best solutions known are based on adding counts in a tree pattern. Assistant: 对于没有这些特性的处理器来说,已知的最好解决办法是按照树状进行相加。 User: They offered to make their Persian ally Ariaeus king, but he refused on the grounds that he was not of royal blood and so would not find enough support among the Persians to succeed. Assistant: 他们向他们的波斯盟友Ariaeus提出让他成为王,但是他拒绝了,原因是他没有皇室血统,没有波斯人会支持他。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: According to him, Germans first threw the children into a water canal and then threw bricks at them, looking satisfied. Assistant: 根据该目击者的说法,德国人首先将孩子们扔进水渠,然后向他们扔砖头,看上去对此很满足。 User: Named for their shape, bowstring trusses were first used for arched truss bridges, often confused with tied-arch bridges. Assistant: 弓弦桁架(Bowstring truss)因其外型得名,最早用在有拱的桁架桥,常和系拱桥(英语:tied-arch bridge)混淆。 User: Other, larger versions made of plastic encasing lesser balls are called Duotone balls. Assistant: 由塑料包裹的阴道球相对较大,并遭称为“Duotone balls”。 User: Fifty-five of the 130 countries that levy VAT/GST allow foreign visitors to have their taxes reimbursed. Assistant: 征收增值税/消费税的130个国家中有52个允许外国游客报销税款。 User: McCain returned to Saigon in November 1974; he and a couple of other former POWs received the National Order of Vietnam, that country's highest honor. Assistant: 1974年11月,麦凯恩再度抵达西贡,同其他多名昔日的战俘一起获得该国最高荣誉越南国家勋章。 User: This composition is a cyclic rotation; the concept has been further developed by V. V. Kisil. Assistant: 这个组合是一个循环旋转(cyclic rotation),V. V. Kisil做了更进一步的推演。 User: On 7 July 2007, it was announced that Intel Corporation and Novell had also become patrons of KDE. Assistant: 2007年7月7日,又宣布英特尔公司和 Novell 公司也成为 KDE 的赞助商。 User: Pseudomonas aeruginosa In general, both anaerobic and aerobic unsaturated fatty acid synthesis will not occur within the same system, however Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Vibrio ABE-1 are exceptions. Assistant: 铜绿假单胞菌 在正常情况下,无氧和有氧的不饱和脂肪酸合成不会在同一个系统内发生,但铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)和弧菌(Vibrio)ABE-1为例外。 User: Ghazan then retreated most of his forces in February, probably because their horses needed fodder. Assistant: 合赞在2月撤走了他的大部分军队,大概是因为马匹要补充饲料。 User: Other trade products included honey and slaves, and a great deal of smuggling was also conducted. Assistant: 其他贸易产品包括蜂蜜和奴隶,还进行了大量走私活动。 User: See "The Monopoly Tournaments" below. Assistant: 参见在下面的“球场问题”。 User: SCSI is an advanced controller interface which is particularly good where the disk has to cope with multiple requests at once. Assistant: SCSI是一个高级的控制接口,对于磁盘需要同时接受多重访问请求的场合尤为有效。 User: I do not support this system in any way. Assistant: 但本人并不认同这种安排。 User: In 2006 Oka announced that H+ 3 was ubiquitous in interstellar medium, and that the Central Molecular Zone contained a million times the concentration of ISM generally. Assistant: 2006年,冈武史宣布星际介质中普遍存在H3+, 而中心分子区(英语:Central Molecular Zone,即银河系中心)的H3+浓度通常可达到星际介质的一百万倍以上。 User: Hence works created by "authors" were deemed original, and merges with the doctrine of property prevalent at the time. Assistant: 因此,著作乃系由原创的“著作人”所创造,并且与当时流行的财产权理论相结合。 User: AUW admits students solely on the basis of merit, regardless of their family's income level. Assistant: 该大学录取学生仅以学生的成绩为依据,不管学生的家庭收入如何。 User: GParted and Ubuntu live CDs provide a bootable Linux system of disk utilities including secure erase. Assistant: Gparted和Ubuntu live CD提供可启动的Linux系统,上有包含安全擦除的磁盘实用程序。 User: Systems for process control and protective relays used analog computation to perform control and protective functions. Assistant: 过程控制和保护继电器系统使用模拟计算来执行控制和保护功能。 User: It focuses on smaller downloadable games from both major publishers and independent game developers. Assistant: 其内容集中于大型发行商和独立游戏开发者的小型可下载游戏。 User: Donnie Humphrey, 53, American football player (Green Bay Packers). Assistant: 唐尼·汉弗莱(英语:Donnie Humphrey),53岁,美国美式足球运动员(绿湾包装工)。 User: 1957 – In Roth v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment. Assistant: 通过1957年的“罗斯诉美国案(英语:Roth v. United States)”, 美国最高法院裁定色情淫秽内容并不受第一修正案的保护。 User: The Ottoman Empire dissolved not only because of its outdated systems, but also its traditions were not applicable to the demands of its time. Assistant: 奥斯曼帝国之所以解体不只是因为他的制度过时,而且是因为他的传统无法适用于当时的要求。 User: It is named after the state's first governor, Stevens T. Mason. Assistant: 县名纪念首任州长史蒂文斯·T·梅森 (Stevens T. Mason)。 User: The band's political stance was energised by the passing of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Assistant: 该音乐祭是导致英国政府,于1994年颁布刑事司法与公共秩序法案(Criminal Justice and Public Order Act)的主因。 User: The pylorus is considered as having two parts, the pyloric antrum (opening to the body of the stomach) and the pyloric canal (opening to the duodenum). Assistant: 幽门(pylorus)是胃和十二指肠的连接口,包含幽门窦(pyloric antrum)和幽门管(pyloric canal)两个部分。 User: La Ronde noire (in French). Assistant: 圆圈为○(黑色)。 User: Helena Sofia (Helene) Schjerfbeck (pronounced ; July 10, 1862 – January 23, 1946) was a Finnish painter. Assistant: 海莱内·谢尔夫贝克(瑞典语:Helene Schjerfbeck,国际音标发音:,1862年7月10日-1946年1月23日)是芬兰画家。 User: But the Three Leagues had already called upon the Swiss for help and troops from Uri had already arrived in Chur. Assistant: 然而三同盟已经叫瑞士人来帮忙了,并且来自乌里的部队已经抵达了库尔。 User: As late as at least 1979, Alaska only served Seattle in the continental 48 states, though they did offer connecting service to Texas on Braniff International Airlines. Assistant: 迟至最早1979年,阿拉斯加航空在美国大陆48州中只服务西雅图,不过阿拉斯加航空提供了通过布兰尼夫国际航空去往得克萨斯州的转机服务。 User: The Party of Regions complained the coalition agreement deprived the Party of Regions and the communists of any representation in the executive and leadership in parliamentary committees while in the local regional councils won by the Party of Regions, the coalition parties were locked out of all committees as well. Assistant: 地区党抱怨执政联盟剥夺地区党与共产党所有入主行政部门与领导议会委员会的权利,但在地区党拿下的地方基层地区委员会,执政联盟的各党也被排除在委员会之外。 User: The consequence of such rapid glucose breakdown is the formation of lactic acid (or more appropriately, its conjugate base lactate at biological pH levels). Assistant: 葡萄糖的迅速分解所产生的结果是形成乳酸(或更确切地说是乳酸在生理pH水平下的共轭碱乳酸盐)。 User: The rage aura can be customized with different colors and effects to appear like fire, electricity, and ice, among others. Assistant: 愤怒系统的光环可以定制成不同颜色和效果,比如像火、电、冰或其他造型。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Hela province officially came into being on 17 May 2012, comprising three districts previously part of Southern Highlands Province. Assistant: 赫拉省正式成立于2012年5月17日,包括南高地省的先前三个区的部分。 User: The strange spectrum of 3C 48 was quickly identified by Schmidt, Greenstein and Oke as hydrogen and magnesium redshifted by 37%. Assistant: 3C 48奇怪的光谱迅速的被施密特、格林斯坦和Oke发现是氢和镁被红移37%的谱线。 User: The whole country descended into chaos as a quarter of the villages of Kurdistan were attacked and 80,000 refugees created. Assistant: 整个国家陷入混乱,四分之一的库尔德村庄被袭击,产生了80,000难民。 User: This leads to the model of a minimal dumb network with smart terminals, a completely different model from the previous paradigm of the smart network with dumb terminals. Assistant: 这导致了一个具有智慧终端的最小化笨网络,与之前具有笨终端的智慧网络之架构完全地不同。 User: The act was enacted in tandem with the McKinley Tariff of 1890. Assistant: 该法案与1890年的麦金莱关税一同颁布。 User: Though perhaps unobvious at first, like the boolean logical operators XOR, AND, OR, and NOT, relational operators can be designed to have logical equivalence, such that they can all be defined in terms of one another. Assistant: 虽然一开始可能不那么显而易见,像布尔逻辑运算符 XOR,AND,OR 和 NOT,这些关系运算子可以设计为具有逻辑等同性,使得它们都可以相互定义。 User: He was writing a new song. Assistant: 创作了新曲。 User: He was also one of three nominees for the Golden Glove Award, losing out to Manuel Neuer of Germany. Assistant: 他是世界杯金手套奖的被提名者,最后输给了德国的曼努埃尔·诺伊尔。 User: For technical reasons involving gauge invariance, gauge bosons are described mathematically by field equations for massless particles. Assistant: 基于技术上的原因,规范不变性导致规范玻色子在数学上被描述为无质量粒子的场方程。 User: Earlier designs had radiators at the ends of the hohlraum, but it proved difficult to maintain adequate X-ray symmetry with this geometry. Assistant: 早期的设计中,环空器的每一段都有辐射器,但是实践证明,这种结构很难维持足够的X-射线对称性。 User: Because of train lengths and the high power requirements in North America, HEP is supplied as three-phase AC at 480 V (standard in the US), 575 V, or 600 V. Transformers are fitted in each car for reduction to lower voltages. Assistant: 受列车运行区段长度及电力要求影响,北美洲铁路的列车供电制式为480伏(美加标准),575伏或600伏的三相交流电,每节车厢都设有变压器。 User: The Hukbalahap movement has deep roots in the Spanish encomienda, a system of grants to reward soldiers who had conquered New Spain, established in 1570. Assistant: 虎克军运动根源于西班牙的监护征赋制,这个奖励体系是为了奖励征服新西班牙(1570年成立)的士兵。 User: The Aetolians, under the command of Aegetas, accordingly entered the town at night; and when their best men were within the walls, they were made prisoners by Alexander and his associate. Assistant: 夜市老大江一官,为人正直豪爽,但任谁也不知道他与代表方恰恰有过一段情,更为了恰恰不惜赔上自己在夜市中的地位,差点成为众矢之的,遭人唾弃。 User: During times of foreign oppression the Catholic Church was a cultural guard in the fight for independence and national survival. Assistant: 在外国占领时期,天主教会仍然是许多波兰人为独立和民族生存而战的文化堡垒。 User: Critics of Soviet rule charge that the Soviet education system was full of propaganda and of low quality. Assistant: 对苏联统治的批评指出苏联的教育体系充满了政治宣传且质素低下。 User: In November 2014, del Toro confirmed that the script was complete and handed it in to Warner Bros. to be reviewed. Assistant: 2014年11月,戴托罗证实该剧本已完成并呈交给华纳兄弟公司审核。 User: In 1866 he study medicine in Bowdoin's Medical School, and later in New York University where he received his M.D. in 1869. Assistant: 1866 年,他在鲍登学院的医学院学医,1869年获纽约大学医学博士。 User: He is awaiting a resentencing hearing. Assistant: 他愿意等待延安的回音。 User: The official emblem, slogan ("Trigger the Fever") and look of the tournament were unveiled on 16 June 2016. Assistant: 官方标志、口号(Trigger the Fever,唤醒狂热)以及赛事外观在2016年6月16日发布。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The hottest stars are about B9 (pointing to an intermediate age of several 100 million years, an estimate of which is not known to the present author), and the brightest of photographic mag 14. Assistant: 最热的恒星是B9(指出中间的年龄大约是数百万年,估计这是当前的作者所不知的),最亮星的摄影星等约为14等。 User: Other beers brands are also brewed on site. Assistant: 啤酒花亦可分段加入。 User: A spokesman for the group, Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, said regarding the situation that "when our men arrived, they released the Muslims", but were holding Christians hostage. Assistant: 组织发言人谢赫·阿里·马哈茂德·拉基描述了有关情况:“当我们的人抵达时,他们放走了穆斯林”,但却挟持了基督徒当人质。 User: She was ordered to be detained "to be brought to a future trial", but no record of another trial exists, so it is possible the charge was dismissed at some point. Assistant: 法庭下令将她拘押“留待后期发落”,但没有任何记录表明之后案件有经过再审,所以有可能诉讼已在某个时间撤销。 User: Video footage uploaded on the Internet shows rioters pushing police cars on their sides and setting an ambulance on fire. Assistant: 上传网络的现场视频画面显示,暴徒将停靠在他们一侧的警车掀翻并且纵火燃烧一辆救护车。 User: They provide more fruit per unit of land, higher quality fruit, and reduce the danger of accidents by harvest crews working on ladders. Assistant: 他们每单位土地提供更多的水果,质量更高水果,并减少在梯子上工作的收割员的事故危险。 User: The Committee was authorized by Senate Resolution 307 on September 19, 1918 to investigate charges against the United States Brewers Association (USBA) and allied interests. Assistant: 奥弗曼委员会于1918年9月19日得到美国参议院307号决议的授权,开始针对有关美国酿酒商协会(USBA)威胁协约国利益的指控展开调查。 User: It was not until January 1919, when the world-famous pianist and composer Ignacy Jan Paderewski became Prime Minister of Poland and foreign minister of a new government, that it was recognized in the West. Assistant: 直到1919年1月,世界著名钢琴家和作曲家伊格纳奇·帕德雷夫斯基担任新政府的总理和外交部长后,波兰才得到西方的认可。 User: Now web developers submit a Sitemap directly, or wait for search engines to find it. Assistant: 现在网页开发者无需直接提交一个站点地图,而是等待搜索引擎来找到它。 User: It is shedding mass through its stellar wind at the rate of 3.0 × 10−8 solar masses per year, which is equivalent to losing the mass of the Sun every 33 million years. Assistant: 它正经由恒星风以每年3.0 × 10−8太阳质量的速度流失质量,这等于3300万年就会流失掉1太阳质量。 User: It's meant to replace common scalers and be easily integrated by monitor manufacturers, who only have to take care of the power delivery circuit board and input connections. Assistant: 它旨在取代常见的倍线器,可以轻松由显示器制造商集成,显示器制造商只需要处理电源输送电路板以及输入连接。 User: In spite of numerous envoys and calls for help from Khmelnytsky in the name of the shared Orthodox faith, the tsar preferred to wait, until the threat of a Cossack-Ottoman union in 1653 finally forced him to action. Assistant: 尽管赫梅利尼茨基以同信东正教为由,向沙皇派了很多使节来寻求帮助,沙皇依然更愿持观望态度,直到1653年哥萨克-鄂图曼联盟最终强迫他做出决断。 User: In 2007 he assumed responsibility for some local lines, which now form the London Overground network, adding to the existing responsibility for the London Underground, trams and buses. Assistant: 2007年市长开始负责管理一些本地线路,这些线路现今共同组成伦敦地上铁网络;此外市长还负责管理伦敦地铁、电车及公交车。 User: Until the late 19th century, there had been a small inner court in this corner of the Enderûn Courtyard. Assistant: 在十九世纪后期,内廷庭院的角落有一个小内庭。 User: She has also used the stage name Karen Malhotra. Assistant: 她也有使用艺名 Karen Malhotra。 User: Between 1907 and 2007, Labor Prime Ministers exercised a predominant influence over who was elected to Labor ministries, although the leaders of the party factions also exercised considerable influence. Assistant: 在1907年到2007年期间,尽管当选总理的工党领袖在政府成员挑选上占据了主导地位,但是其他工党领导者也在其中发挥了重大影响。 User: Most of his advisers favored retaliatory bombing of North Vietnam and the introduction of American combat troops, while Johnson preferred the existing strategy of training the Army of the Republic of Vietnam to protect South Vietnam from the Vietcong. Assistant: 大多数总统的顾问都赞同对北越展开报复性的轰炸行为并且引进美国作战部队,但是约翰逊却倾向于执行现有的战略,即训练南越军让他们自己保护南越。 User: Bethesda's vice president of marketing Pete Hines explained that the new game has no elements from the cancelled Prey 2 outside of the player facing against aliens. Assistant: 贝塞斯达的营销副总裁Pete Hines解释说,新游戏没有任何元素来自已被取消的《猎魂2》。 User: This conclusion is, while not entirely wrong, somewhat misleading. Assistant: 这个结论虽然不是完全错误的,但有些误导。 User: Instead Oslo has two smaller rivers: Akerselva (draining Maridalsvannet, which flows into the fjord in Bjørvika), and Alna. Assistant: 而奥斯陆有两条较小的河流:Akerselva河(从玛利达尔斯湖流出,注入奥斯陆峡湾)和阿尔纳河。 User: As former member of the defunct pro-independence party he was purged in 1922 for "nationalist deviation", but regained favour during the effort for Ukrainization and made Ukrainian Commissar of State Planning in 1925. Assistant: 由于他曾加入过倾向乌克兰独立的战士党,他在1922年因“背叛民族主义”的原因遭到清算,但在1925年因为乌克兰化运动的影响,格林科被任命为乌克兰国家计划政委。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: After capturing The Point, the 1st Marines moved north into the Umurbrogol pocket, named "Bloody Nose Ridge" by the Marines. Assistant: 攻占“点”后,第1陆战团队向北进入五姐妹山口袋里,海军陆战队称之为“血腥鼻头角”。 User: In addition, Friedan has been criticized for focusing solely on the plight of middle-class white women, and not giving enough attention to the differing situations encountered by women in less stable economic situations, or women of other races. Assistant: 还有一部分人认为贝蒂·弗里丹只关注到了美国的中产阶级白人妇女,却忽略了经济来源并不稳定的妇女以及其他种族的妇女。 User: The triple expansion engines were supplied with steam by 18 coal-fired marine-type boilers with 36 fire boxes. Assistant: 三胀发动机通过十八台燃煤式船用锅炉和36个燃烧室供应蒸汽。 User: German historian Theodore Mommsen wrote (in his The Provinces of the Roman Empire) that coastal Dalmatia and its islands were fully romanized and Latin-speaking by the 4th century. Assistant: 德国历史学家特奥多尔·蒙森在其著作中写道,达尔马提亚沿海及其岛屿至4世纪被完全罗马化并通行拉丁语。 User: Noordin and Azahari Husin were thought to have masterminded the 2003 JW Marriott hotel bombing in Jakarta, the 2004 Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, the 2005 Bali bombings and the 2009 JW Marriott - Ritz-Carlton bombings, and Noordin may have assisted in the 2002 Bali Bombings. Assistant: 他和阿扎哈里·胡辛(Azahari Husin)被认为是2003年雅加达万豪酒店爆炸案、2004年雅加达澳大利亚使馆爆炸案、2005年巴厘岛爆炸案和2009年雅加达酒店爆炸案的幕后主谋,也有认为他参与了2002年巴厘岛爆炸案的规划。 User: He refuses to talk about his past, so the details are unknown. Assistant: 他同意将自己的故事从头到尾讲一遍,不漏掉细节。 User: The game's open world is divided into several regions. Assistant: 游戏的开放世界分为几个区域。 User: As scientific knowledge and medicine advance, formulating a precise medical definition of death becomes more difficult. Assistant: 事实上,随着科学知识和医学的进步,对死亡精确的医学定义反而变得更加问题重重。 User: Each fugue is marked with the number of voices, from two to five. Assistant: 每首赋格上都标记着声部的数目,从二到五。 User: I saw to the excavation of the rock-tomb of his majesty, alone, no one seeing, no one hearing. Assistant: 听了庆子这番话后,透愤而自杀,但只是眼盲而未死。 User: Consequently, in 1779, General George Washington of the Continental Army appointed General John Sullivan and James Clinton to lead the Sullivan Expedition, a retaliatory military campaign designed to unseat the Iroquois Confederacy and prevent the nations from continuing to attack New York militias and the Continental Army. Assistant: 公元1779年,大陆军总司令华盛顿指示John Sullivan将军及James Clinton将军进行一场歼灭易洛魁联盟部落的战役,进而避免该联盟持续攻击纽约并遏止对于大陆军的威胁。 User: Because of the year 2000 problem and the introduction of the euro that disrupted legacy systems, many companies took the opportunity to replace their old systems with ERP. Assistant: 由于2000年问题,并引进欧元扰乱原有系统,许多企业趁机用ERP替换原有系统。 User: Four men were awarded the Medal of Honor, three for an 1875 action against the Comanche. Assistant: 其中四位还获得荣誉勋章,三位是因为在1875年抵抗科曼奇族的行动中的出色表现而获此殊荣。 User: Visitors can walk or ride along the same path that the mules used to tow the canal boats loaded with goods and passengers. Assistant: 今日,参观者可以沿着同一条步道徒步或骑行,过去作为运河船舶装载货物和乘客的运河。 User: His group comprises several members of staff, postdoctoral research fellows, postgraduate students and overseas visitors. Assistant: 他的研究组由数名职员、博士后研究员、研究生和外国客座人员组成。 User: Migraine: The Evolution of a Common Disorder. Assistant: 混乱术:使对方产生混乱状态。 User: Most of the arrestees were deported within two days. Assistant: 多数受逮捕的居民都会于逮捕后两日内遭流放。 User: A single origin for the retrograde irregulars of Uranus seems unlikely given a dispersion of the orbital parameters that would require high impulse (Δv ≈ 300 km), implying a large diameter of the impactor (395 km), which is incompatible in turn with the size distribution of the fragments. Assistant: 天王星的不规则卫星只有逆行卫星的单一来源似乎不太可能满足轨道参数需要高度分散和高冲量(δV ≈ 300公里)的需求,这意味着冲击体的大直径(395公里),又要符合碎片散布的尺寸分布。 User: The allegations are that Abdul Razak Baginda, an aide of Najib, received "commission" payments from the French submarine builder DCNS. Assistant: 该指控指出纳吉助理阿都拉萨巴金达在法国潜艇制造厂DCNS收了“佣金”。 User: Christian restorationism is generally used to describe the 19th century movement based on this belief, though the term Christian Zionism is more commonly used to describe later forms. Assistant: 基督教“复原主义”一般是用来形容19世纪包含这样信念的运动,虽然基督教“锡安主义”的是较常用来形容后来的形式。 User: This was the last major confrontation between the IRA and British forces in the period 1919–1922. Assistant: 这是在1919-1922年间最后一次共和军和英军的大规模对抗。 User: In addition to shooting, enemy soldiers can also drive vehicles and track the player down. Assistant: 敌军除了会射击玩家,还可以驾驶载具以追踪玩家。 User: When empty, the aircraft could even climb on one engine at 200–300 ft per minute. Assistant: 如果是空机,则可以在单引擎运行的情况下达到每分钟200-300英尺的爬升率。 User: The current collection of the museum is divided in the following categories: Ancient Egypt Ancient Near East Etruscan civilization Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Prehistoric Netherlands Roman Netherlands Medieval Netherlands In the central hall of the museum stands an original Egyptian temple, the Temple of Taffeh, which was taken apart in Egypt and reconstructed in the museum. Assistant: 该馆当今藏品分为如下类别: Ancient Egypt Ancient Near East Etruscan civilization Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Prehistoric Netherlands Roman Netherlands Medieval Netherlands 在该馆中心厅内立有一原初埃及神庙——塔法神庙(Temple of Taffeh),这是从埃及运来重新搭建于该馆的。 User: He currently works and lives in Beijing and New York. Assistant: 现工作、生活于北京和纽约。 User: Stable below 1800 °C, U 2C 3 is prepared by subjecting a heated mixture of UC and UC 2 to mechanical stress. Assistant: U2C3在1800 °C以下稳定,通过对UC和UC2的混合物进行机械施压可以形成。 User: About 100 meters behind the front line, protesters erected a secondary barricade using cement planters and steel ripped from massive billboards, to slow police if they tried to chase protesters back to the square again. Assistant: 在前线背后约100米处,示威者使用水泥花盆和从许多广告牌上撕开的铁架搭建第二道路障,以便在警方再次回到广场追捕示威者时可拖慢他们。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said on Twitter that he was heartbroken over the shooting and reasserted his support for gun control. Assistant: 维珍尼亚州州长特里·麦考利夫(英语:Terry McAuliffe)也在Twitter上称对事件感到心碎,并重申了他对枪支管制的支持。 User: Under Peurifoy's tenure, relations with the Guatemalan government soured further, although those with the Guatemalan military improved. Assistant: 佩乌里弗伊任期内,尽管与危地马拉军方的关系有所改善,但和危地马拉政府的关系进一步恶化。 User: Following many other violent incidents, all forms of group protests were banned in the square and the police units maintained a round-the-clock presence to prevent any incidents. Assistant: 经过许多其他暴力事件,禁止在广场举行一切形式的群体抗议,全天24小时警察守卫,以防止任何事故。 User: In 1958, he returned to his country to read law at the Catholic University of Chile. Assistant: 1958年,他回到他的国家并在智利天主教大学读法律。 User: Another claim was posted on the left-wing, open-publishing website IndyMedia. Assistant: 另一份声明在左翼自由发布网站IndyMedia(英语:Independent Media Center)公布。 User: Between 170 and 180 his activities went largely unrecorded, in spite of the fact that he occupied an impressive number of posts in quick succession. Assistant: 在170到180年之间,他的活动基本上没有记载,尽管他很快获得了一系列职位。 User: There is no assumed sequence to the above actions and they could be carried out in parallel. Assistant: 以上操作不含有顺序执行的假设,因此可以并行进行。 User: The PL/I programming language provided for COBOL-style records. Assistant: PL/I编程语言提供了COBOL格式的记录。 User: The principle ex injuria jus non oritur is one of the fundamental maxims of jurisprudence. Assistant: Ex injuria jus non oritur原则,是法理的一个真理支柱。 User: The curves C turn out to be torsors over E, and form a set carrying a rich structure in the case that K is a number field (the theory of the Selmer group). Assistant: 曲线C其实就是E上的主齐性空间,并在K为一个数域的情况构成一个有更丰富结构的集合(Selmer 群理论)。 User: While Ivan Shishman was desperately trying to resist against the strong Ottoman pressure, his brother Ivan Sratsimir not only withheld help but tried to make use of the difficulties which his brother faced to expand his domains over certain areas of the Tarnovo Tsardom. Assistant: 在伊凡·希什曼拼命地试图抵抗奥斯曼帝国的强大压力之际,他的兄长伊凡·斯拉齐米尔不仅袖手旁观,还试图落井下石以蚕食弟弟的领土。 User: By accomplishing these two goals, they would eliminate the need to participate in trade or to purchase their food from the outside world. Assistant: 为了实现这两个目标,他们会避免参与贸易或者向外界购买食物。 User: The foundation is "committed to improving the State of the World". Assistant: 论坛的目标是“致力于改善世界经济状况”。 User: Damage was estimated at $11 million, and a report published in 2003 indicated that there were about 70 deaths in the country; however, newspaper accounts from shortly after the hurricane indicated there were around 100 deaths. Assistant: 飓风过后不久,有新闻报导称古巴约有100人遇难,但2003年发布的报告认为该国共有70人丧生。 User: The sight has two settings, “1 i 2” and “4” (that correspond to firing ranges from 100 to 200 m and 400 m respectively). Assistant: 瞄准具有两个设置,分别是“1 i 2”和“4”,分别对应100—200米和400米射程。 User: He did not find the planet but noticed the regular variation in the number of sunspots and published his findings in a short article entitled "Solar Observations during 1843". Assistant: 他虽然没有发现祝融星,但注意到太阳黑子数量规律的变化著,并且以一篇名为"1843年太阳观测"的短文,将他的调查结果与发现公布。 User: Schwarzenegger has stated this was a "terrible decision", as Glaser "shot the movie like it was a television show, losing all the deeper themes", and believes this hurt the movie. Assistant: 史瓦辛格表示这是一个“糟糕透顶的决定”,因为格拉泽“把电影拍得像是电视节目,失去了其深层次的主题”,他相信这对电影造成了很不利的影响。 User: But because the core diameter increases, there is less room for swarf, so a balance must be chosen. Assistant: 但由于核心直径增加,切屑的空间较小,因此必须选择平衡。 User: Even though the field is just over 1% as strong as Earth's, its detection by Mariner 10 was taken by some scientists as an indication that Mercury's outer core was still liquid, or at least partially liquid with iron and possibly other metals. Assistant: 即使场的强度刚超越地球的1%,水手10号检测到的这个值让一些科学家认为水星的核心仍是或至少部分仍是液体,且可能具有铁和其它金属。 User: Creeping waves are the scattering into the rear of an object due to diffraction, which is the reason both ears can hear a sound on one side of the head, for instance, and was how early communication and broadcast radio was accomplished. Assistant: 爬波是由于衍射而到物体背部的散射,这就是为什么两只耳朵能听到头一侧声音的原因,也是如何完成早期无线电通信和广播的原因。 User: Doubts have been raised about whether Rosebraugh or other unofficial spokespeople actually have ties to the cells involved, although the press office claim they do not know the identities of ELF members. Assistant: 对于罗斯布劳或者其他非官方发言人是否真的与相关的细胞有联系,令人疑窦丛生,尽管新闻办公室声称他们不知道ELF成员的身份。 User: Betsy Sharkey of the Los Angeles Times opines that, through this use of humour, the film avoids becoming too dark and instead acts as a "warmhearted blend" of whimsy and irony. Assistant: 《洛杉矶时报》的贝琪·夏基(Betsy Sharkey)指出,通过采用幽默,电影成功避免了成为一部过于黑暗的作品,而且热心地将奇思妙想和讽刺成功融合。 User: Richards What the World Needs Now. Assistant: Alexis想要的是......整个世界。 User: Groovy has since changed its governance structure to a Project Management Committee in the Apache Software Foundation. Assistant: Groovy已经将其治理结构更改为Apache软件基金会的项目管理委员会(PMC)。 User: Carbon is abundant in the Sun, stars, comets, and in the atmospheres of most planets. Assistant: 碳大量存在于彗星、大部分行星大气层、太阳以及其他恒星中。 User: This is possible because the server, for each window, maintains a separate event mask for each client. Assistant: 这是可以的,因为服务器会为每一个客户端维护事件掩码,而且是每一个视窗都维护一份独立的事件掩码。 User: In August 2005, her place was taken by a former Malaysian TV3 presenter, Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim, who is 33 years younger than the Sultan. Assistant: 2005年,博尔基亚苏丹迎娶了比他年轻33岁的马来西亚TV3频道女记者亚兹丽娜·玛兹哈。 User: According to the results of the 2001 census 7% more men were without religion than women. Assistant: 根据2001年人口普查的结果,没有宗教的捷克公民中男性比女性多7%。 User: In Canada, part-time workers are those who usually work fewer than 30 hours per week at their main or only job. Assistant: 在加拿大,兼职员工都是那些在他们主要或者唯一工作每周少于30小时的。 User: Some species of eels also live in deeper water on the continental shelves and over the slopes deep as 4,000 m (13,000 ft). Assistant: 也有部分鳗鱼生活在深海中,深度可达4,000米(13,000英尺)。 User: Nature had given him a sign. Assistant: 自然给了他启示。 User: He remained involved as a nationalist activist on a limited basis, speaking a few times to Perhimpunan Indonesia, a Netherlands-based organization of Indonesian students. Assistant: 他在有限的范围内依然保持着民族主义活动家的作风,多次对位于荷兰的印度尼西亚学生组织印度尼西亚协会(英语:Perhimpunan Indonesia)发言。 User: Diagram 2 considers two possible values of q 2 {\displaystyle q_{2}} . Assistant: 图2 考虑 q 2 {\displaystyle q_{2}} 的两个可能值。 User: Two researchers have even termed friendship networks a "behavioral vaccine" that boosts both physical and mental health. Assistant: 有两位女研究人员甚至称友情关系是“行为疫苗”(behavioral vaccine) ,意指友谊可以保护身心健康。 User: Following the attack the FAA suspended all Turkish flights into and out of the United States for about five hours, allowing only the 10 flights that were already in the air during the attack to land in the U.S. All the flights suspended were Turkish Airlines flights. Assistant: 案发后,美国联邦航空管理局取消了所有进出美国的土耳其航班达五个小时,只允许10架在袭击期间已经升空的航班登陆美国。 User: However, this is the 'other' class, for words not fitting well elsewhere, and about half of the class 9–10 nouns are foreign loanwords. Assistant: 另外,这是一个“其它”的类别,适用于不适合放在其它类别中的词,并且大约一半类别9–10的名词是外来词。 User: It was developed by Custom Materials, now part of 3M. Assistant: Velostat是由Custom Materials开发,现在已是3M公司的一部分。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are considered the main cultural hubs of Israel. Assistant: 特拉维夫和耶路撒冷是以色列主要的文化中心。 User: Over a fifth of the Bronx's area, 7,000 acres (28 km2), is given over to open space and parks, including Pelham Bay Park, Van Cortlandt Park, the Bronx Zoo, and the New York Botanical Gardens. Assistant: 布朗克斯区其中五分之一的面积(近7,000英亩(28平方公里))属于公共场地和公园,包含范可兰公园(英语:Van Cortlandt Park)、培罕湾公园(英语:Pelham Bay Park)、布朗克斯动物园(英语:Bronx Zoo)和纽约植物园。 User: In particular, Walras's model was a long-run model in which prices of capital goods are the same whether they appear as inputs or outputs and in which the same rate of profits is earned in all lines of industry. Assistant: 特别地,瓦尔拉斯的模型中资本品无论作为投入或产出其价格均相同,所有行业获得相同利润率。 User: It was rebuilt after fires in 1105 and again in 1661, the latter to a design by Baldassarre Longhena. Assistant: 在1105年和1661年火灾后曾两次重建,后一次是由Baldassarre Longhena设计。 User: All of the writers were to be working individually with George R. R. Martin, who also co-wrote two of the scripts. Assistant: 所有的编剧都将单独与乔治·R·R·马丁共同创作,马丁也联合执笔了两个剧本。 User: Terry can also breed two monsters, combining them into a new, stronger monster. Assistant: 玩家可将怪物编入参战队伍,还可将两只不同怪物融合,得到强力的新怪物。 User: Faith and reason, while distinct but related, are the two primary tools for processing the data of theology. Assistant: 信仰和理性虽然是不同的、但却是互相关联的,这两者是研究神学资料的主要工具。 User: For instance, many ambulance services use a system called the Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (AMPDS) or a similar solution. Assistant: 例如,许多救护车服务使用先进医疗优先调度系统(英语:Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System)(AMPDS)或类似解决方案。 User: Another city native and independent filmmaker, Joy Lusco, also wrote for the show in each of its first three seasons. Assistant: 另外一位本地人,独立电影制作人乔伊·卢斯克·凯肯(Joy Lusco Kecken)也为该剧的前三季写过剧本。 User: The signal was observed at the same time as a flare of hard X-rays, suggesting a link between the events. Assistant: 这个信号被发现的同时,也短暂地观测到了硬X射线,显示两个事件之间存在一定的联系。 User: His hands are bound and he is blindfolded. Assistant: 他的眼睛被弄盲,并被投入监狱。 User: Founded in 1970, the School's master's and doctoral programs enroll full-time and part-time students from all over the world. Assistant: 商学院成立于1970年,学校的硕士和博士课程招收来自世界各地的学生。 User: As the ground thaws in the summer, the floors of the winter houses began to flood. Assistant: 由于在夏季地面解冻,冬季房屋的地面开始进水。 User: Scott Patrick Moir (born September 2, 1987) is a Canadian ice dancer. Assistant: 斯科特·莫伊尔(Scott Moir,1987年9月2日-)是加拿大冰舞选手。 User: In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Assistant: 最后我纯洁的心会胜利。 User: Technology is even important in face-to-face social situations. Assistant: 技术在在面对面的社交活动中也很重要。 User: You can still feel free. Assistant: 看见便能自由了。 User: Youngest champion: John McDermott in 1911 at 19 years, 315 days. Assistant: 年龄最小的冠军: John McDermott,1911年,当时年龄为19岁零315天。 User: In the X Window System core protocol, only four kinds of packets are sent, asynchronously, over the network: requests, replies, events, and errors. Assistant: 在X Window核心协议中,只会在网络上以异步方式传送四种封包:请求、回应、事件和错误。 User: He was originally buried eight miles (13 km) outside of Warrenton, but in 1891 his remains were moved to the Guilford Courthouse Battlefield, where they were interred under a monument intended as part of a "shrine to patriots". Assistant: 萨姆纳起初下葬在沃伦顿(Warrenton)城外约13公里处,之后又在1891年迁至吉尔福德法院战场遗址,这里为他树起纪念碑,成为“爱国者圣殿”的组成部分。 User: In the most-reduced counter machine model, per each arithmetic operation only one object/mark is either added to or removed from its location/tape. Assistant: 在最精简的计数器机模型中,对每个算术指令只有一个物件/标记被要么增加到要么减少自它的位置/磁带。 User: Content under other highly permissive licenses such as the WTFPL or public domain-like licenses, should be relicensed as CC0 before being uploaded according to the site's FAQ. Assistant: 其他高度宽松自由软件授权条款如WTFPL或类公共领域的授权条款应该在上传前根据网站上的常见问题集重新授权为CC0。 User: On 27 January 2009, it crashed on final approach to its destination. Assistant: 2009年1月27日,该班机在其目的地最终进近时坠毁。 User: While initially it planned to wholly sell itself off to the consortium the deal did not go through due to regulatory approvals, it settled by selling its consumer-facing web browser business instead. Assistant: 虽然最初它计划完全出售给财团,但由于监管机构的批准,这笔交易没有经过,它透过出售其面向消费者的网页浏览器业务来解决。 User: Whenever it is noticed that a woman found to be missing from written history, Women's History first describes her role, second, examines which mechanisms allowed her role to be omitted, and third, asks to what other information these mechanisms were blind. Assistant: 当发现某个女性被发现被记录的历史忽略时,女性史首先描写她的地位、其次探讨因何机制其地位受到忽略,最后了解因这个机制还造成哪些资讯未被察觉。 User: Special event stitching of the 2010 event replaces the "SS" stitching on the headrests of the front interior seating, with special premium accented floor mats and Inferno Orange accented interior trim kit. Assistant: 2010年的特别活动缝纫取代了前座头枕原本的“SS”缝纫,并配有特别的优质应力地板垫和火海橙应力内饰套件。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Dolphins responded more to tourist than fishing vessels. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 它们对回应旅客而多于捕鱼船。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A concealed canasta may be natural or mixed and carries a bonus score of 100 points (so 400 for a concealed mixed canasta and 600 for a concealed natural canasta). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 一个隐藏的凯纳斯特可能是天然的或混合的,并且获得100分的奖励分数(所以400个隐藏和混合的凯纳斯特和600个隐藏的天然凯纳斯特)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The European Commission has, since at least 2003, been investigating various options for storing documents in an XML-based format, commissioning technical studies such as the "Valoris Report". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 欧洲多个政府最早于2003年开始探讨多种以不同XML基础的格式作储存文件的可行性,并作出诸如“Valoris报告”等的技术研究。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He wrote a letter to Wang Tao, inviting him to come to Scotland to continue assisting in the translation of more Chinese classics. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 理雅各来信邀请王韬到欧洲游历并前来苏格兰继续帮助翻译中国经典。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Following the November Uprising in 1831, Vilnius University was closed and Russian repressions halted the further development of the city. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1831年十一月起义以后,维尔纽斯大学被关闭,俄国人的镇压阻止了该市的发展。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Socialist Register is a socialist journal published annually. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 《社会主义年鉴》(英语:Socialist Register)是每年出版的社会主义期刊。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After 1894, the comet was considered lost again after the 1901 and 1907 returns remained unseen. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1894年之后,这颗彗星再度失踪,在1901年和1907年的回归都未能看见。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Santoro has stated he enjoyed working with Sanchez and hoped to return to work on Lost. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 桑托罗还表示自己很喜欢与桑切斯合作,希望将来能继续在《迷失》中演出。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: An earthquake occurring in 1531 further damaged the old castle, contributing further to its decay and neglect. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1531年地震损坏了城堡,导致其进一步衰败。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The antipodes of the Chatham Islands lie in France, just north of the city of Montpellier. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 查塔姆群岛的对跖点则位于法国城市蒙彼利埃的北部。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the 1990s some material scientists concluded that the steel plate used for the ship was subject to being especially brittle when cold, and that this brittleness exacerbated the impact damage and hastened the sinking. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在1990年代时,一些材料科学家得出结论,当时用于泰坦尼克号的船体钢板在寒冷环境下特别易碎,这种脆性加剧了冲击损伤并加快了下沉速度。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The primary goal of the Pioneers, whose membership was compulsory, was the indoctrination of youth into Communism. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 这些成员为强制性加入的先锋组织,其主要目标是引导青少年信仰共产主义。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The bridge, dedicated to Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy-Aosta, 2nd Duke of Aosta, was designed by architect Vincenzo Fasolo; the building started in 1939 and the inauguration took place in 1942. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这座桥得名于第二任奥斯塔公爵埃曼努埃莱·菲利贝托,由建筑师文森佐法索洛设计,于1939年动工,于1942年揭幕。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: At the start of the First World War the first schemes for international organisation to prevent future wars began to gain considerable public support, particularly in Great Britain and the United States. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在第一次世界大战伊始之际,通过建立国际组织来避免战争再次爆发的提议获得了广泛的民众支持,特别是在英国和美国。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On May 17, 2010, JPL engineers revealed that a flipped bit in an on-board computer had caused the issue, and scheduled a bit reset for May 19. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2010年5月17日,喷射实验室的工程师透露出太空船上的电脑产生乱码而导致了这个事件,并且计划在5月19日重设电脑位元。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The application form contained a question asking if the student wished to be considered disadvantaged, and, if so, these candidates were screened by a special committee, on which more than half the members were from minority groups. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 申请表格中包含一个问题,询问提出申请的学生是否希望被认为属于弱势群体,作出肯定回答的学生将由一个特别委员会进行筛选,该委员会中大部分成员是少数族裔。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Hicks, who lost two teenage daughters in the disaster, went on to campaign for safer stadiums and helped to form the Hillsborough Families Support Group. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 希克斯在惨剧之中失去了他两名年轻女儿,事件后他参与加争取更安全球场运动、同时亦协助筹组希斯堡家属支援组(Hillsborough Families Support Group)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Thanks to a 4–0 victory at Potsdam in the first leg Frankfurt was able to claim their second European title. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 得益于首回合在波茨坦取得的4比0大胜,法兰克福确保了自己第二次捧起欧冠奖杯。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: By mid-morning, a rough banding eye had formed, and by the next morning a full eye developed. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 到了上午风暴中已经有带眼形成,并在次日早上发展成一个完整的风眼。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Each resource performs a different function. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 每个资源拥有不同的功能。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 As American air strikes against IJN ships became more common, the captains of destroyers and cruisers under air attack had to decide whether or not to jettison torpedoes to prevent them from being detonated during the attack. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 随着美军空袭日军船只的行动更加频繁,遭受空中打击的日军驱逐舰与巡洋舰舰长必须决定是否抛弃这些鱼雷,以避免它们在攻击中被引爆。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The classical prime number theorem serves as a prototypical example, and the emphasis is on abstract asymptotic distribution results. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 以经典的素数定理为原型,重点关注抽象渐进分布的结果。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 After the 2008 financial crisis Bulgaria turned to policy of budget deficits and at the end of 2013 the state debt rose up to 7.219 billion euro, representing 18.1% of the GDP. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2008年金融危机后,保加利亚转向财政赤字政策,到2013年底,国家债务上涨至7.219亿欧元,占GDP的18.1%。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Umunna can be seen as the most important pillar of Igbo society. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Umunna可以被视为是伊博人社会中最重要的支柱。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In July 2016 a cross-party committee of MP's ascertained that Hunt had 'broken his pledges on NHS funding and is misleading the public about health service reforms'. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2016年7月,一个跨党派的议员委员会确定,亨特已经违反了对国民卫生服务资金的承诺,并关于卫生服务改革问题上误导公众。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The servant declines accepting only a little gold and a horse on which to see the countryside. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 侍从则谢绝说他只需要一些钱和一匹马,让他去看看外面的世界。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Timocracy is listed as the first "unjust" regime. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 勋阀被列为第一种“不公正”的政治制度。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Specifically, the positional relevance model assigns more weights to words occurring closer to query words based on the intuition that words closer to query words are more likely to be related to the query topic. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 具体来说,位置相关性模型的权重分配更多查询词发生的词接近基于直觉,文字接近查询单词更容易被搜索词相关的话题。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: During the running of the race, he placed fourth, behind Glenn Curtiss, Blériot and Latham. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 速度竞赛中他位列第四,在格伦·柯蒂斯,布莱里奥和莱瑟姆之后。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It participated at the Winter Olympics in 1928, 1948, 1952 and continuously since 1960. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 并于1928年、1948年、1952年及1960年起参加冬季奥运迄今。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It issued bearer shares only. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他们可以主动募集的只有发票。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Barbara – Boris Bear's girlfriend. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 芭芭拉熊(Barbara Beer) 波里斯的女朋友。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: If the victim is the villain, and his death is climactic, the sound designer may add reverb to the impact, in order to enhance the dramatic beat. Assistant: 如果受害者是坏蛋,而他的死是高潮性的,则声音设计师可能会给冲击声加入回响,以增强戏剧化的节奏感。 User: Due to the damage caused to the station during the Second World War, its importance for long-distance traffic declined in the following years. Assistant: 但由于在第二次世界大战期间遭受了的严重的破坏,车站在战后初期的长途运输重要性被降低。 User: Any factor that causes a greater likelihood of loss should theoretically be charged a higher rate. Assistant: 任何从理论上导致损失的风险增加的要素,都要引起费率的增加。 User: Zahedan is located in Balochistan region. Assistant: 扎黑丹位于俾路支地区。 User: In a system supporting parallel message passing but not pipelining, the message sends x <- a() and y <- b() in the above example could proceed in parallel, but the send of t1 <- c(t2) would have to wait until both t1 and t2 had been received, even when x, y, t1, and t2 are on the same remote machine. Assistant: 在支持并行消息传递但不支持流水线操作的系统中,上面示例中的消息发送x <- a()和y <- b()可以并行进行,但发送t1 <- c(t2)将不得不等到t1和t2都被接收,即使x、y、t1和t2在同一个远程机器上。 User: Today anchors started out as "Communicators". Assistant: 《今天》节目的主播起初被叫做“传播者(Communicators)”。 User: Exoplanets obviously range in size, types, and orbits, but using this technique will help us search for planets that are of similar size to Earth. Assistant: 系外行星在体积、型态与轨道类型差异相当多样,而微引力透镜技术可协助天文学家搜寻体积与地球相近的行星。 User: It also houses the Herkulessaal (Hercules Hall), the primary concert venue for the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Assistant: 王宫内的赫拉克勒斯厅(Herkulessaal)为巴伐利亚广播交响乐团主要的表演场地。 User: After the Iraq War, there were press reports that he had started talks with US government representatives on helping to form a coalition with other anti-Assad groups to provide an alternative Syrian leadership, on the model of the Iraqi National Congress. Assistant: 伊拉克战争后,有媒体报道说他与美国政府代表进行谈话,以寻求美国帮助他与其他反对派组织组成一个反对巴沙尔·阿萨德的联盟(类似于伊拉克的国民大会),目的是未来能取代巴沙尔政权。 User: The Professional 325 (PRO-325) and Professional 350 (PRO-350) were PDP-11 compatible microcomputers introduced in 1982 by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) as high-end competitors to the IBM PC. Assistant: Professional 325(PRO-325)和 Professional 350(PRO-350)是迪吉多公司在1982年作为IBM PC的一个高端竞争者将其引入市场的,它与迪吉多公司先前的PDP-11处理器相兼容。 User: Whatever his dad says, he does. Assistant: 无论父亲提出什么样的要求,他都照做。 User: According to David Morse, the offensive thermometer incident in "Fools for Love" made it easy for Tritter to stand up to House; as House's equal, Tritter "gets who House is on all levels and can really shake his foundation". Assistant: 据大卫·摩斯所说,《傻爱》中发生的温度计事件让崔特下决心站出来反抗豪斯,他和豪斯是同等的,“在任何一方面都不比豪斯差,可以真正动摇到豪斯的根基”。 User: The present-day Mošovce can be characterized as an important tourist area with many sights. Assistant: 现在Mošovce被改建成一个有许多景点的重要旅游区。 User: Internal alterations were carried out on the building by the Public Works Department in 1985. Assistant: 由公共工程局领导的大厦内部改建工程也于1985年展开。 User: Although ICMP messages are contained within standard IP packets, ICMP messages are usually processed as a special case, distinguished from normal IP processing. Assistant: 虽然ICMP是包含在IP数据包中的,但是对ICMP消息通常会特殊处理,会和一般IP数据包的处理不同,而不是作为IP的一个子协议来处理。 User: 1683 – The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world's first university museum. Assistant: 1683年:英国牛津大学阿什莫林博物馆正式开放,成为世界首个大学博物馆。 User: An enraged Cody fires him but is forced to relent when star attraction Annie Oakley takes Sitting Bull's side. Assistant: 被激怒的科迪对他开火,但是当大明星安妮·欧克利站在了坐牛一边时,科迪被迫态度温和了起来。 User: Allah's Messenger said: (We will not accept your ransom until our two companions return safely. ) meaning Sa`d bin Abu Waqqas and `Utbah bin Ghazwan, "For we fear for their safety with you. Assistant: 耶稣问12使徒说:“你们也要去吗?”彼得回答说:“主啊,你有永生之道,我们还归从谁呢?我们已经信了,又知道你是上帝的圣者。 User: Several countries produced the components of the LAT, who then sent the components for assembly at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Assistant: 数个国家参与制造了大面积望远镜的一部分组件,之后各组件送至史丹佛线性加速器中心的国家加速器实验室(SLAC)组合。 User: Although African leaders supported the emancipation of Black South Africans, they preferred this to be attained through peaceful means. Assistant: 虽然非洲各国领导人支持解放南非黑人,但是希望以和平的方式解决。 User: Grassi concluded that the comet was a fiery body which had moved along a segment of a great circle at a constant distance from the earth, and since it moved in the sky more slowly than the moon, it must be farther away than the moon. Assistant: 格拉西断言彗星是个炽热的天体,离地球以固定距离沿着圆形轨迹运动,因为它在天上运行速度比月亮慢,所以它必定离月亮远。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Roberts was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996, and is currently serving his fourth term. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1996年,罗伯兹当选为美国参议院议员,至今任职四个任期。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Myra returns in September and moves back in. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 循吉以为耻,阅九月辞归。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This is an analysis of overall vocabulary in bilinguals, as this is the more accurate and appropriate measure of language development in bilinguals. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这是双语人士的词汇总体分析,因为才是对于双语语言发展的更准确,更适当的分析方法。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He had heard stories about the tomb of Archimedes, but none of the locals were able to give him the location. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他听说了阿基米德之墓的故事,但当地没有人能告诉他其之具体位置。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She edited the film in Germany after flying directly there from Hong Kong with the Snowden footage, to prevent the FBI from showing up with a search warrant for her hard drives. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 她带同史诺登的影片从香港直飞德国,在德国编辑影片,以防止FBI人员携搜查令现身搜她的几个硬盘。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Tuan (used more generally as a respectful term of address for men, like 'sir') Awang/Dayang, Abang/Dayang or Dayangku (used in Sabah and Sarawak, for male and female, respectively) by Patrilineal Noble descent Wan Nik Che Tun Azmi All hereditary titles are controlled and regulated as well as registered by the Malaysian National Registration Department and must appear in the National Registration Identity Cards (NRIC), passports as well as all official documents. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: Awangku/Pangiran/Pengiran, Dayangku (普遍在沙砂的男女,源自汶莱马来人贵族血统). Tuan (普遍在尊称男性时使用,如“Sir”) Awang/Dayang,Abang/Dayang 或 Dayangku (分别普遍在沙砂的男女使用) Wan Nik Che Tun Azmi 所有的世袭封衔都受到管制,受马来西亚国民注册局管辖,还有世袭封衔必需出现在国民注册身份证(NRIC,即大马卡),护照及官方文件。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Louis XVI formed a series of cabinets, veering at times as far-left as the Girondins. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 路易十六组成了一系列的密议室,有时转向极左的吉伦特派。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On November 16, the group released the 46th single "High Tension". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 11月16日,发行第46张单曲《High Tension》。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 With this project, the revitalization of downtown Los Angeles appears to be reaching the area around Union Station and Olvera Street. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:通过这个项目,洛杉矶市中心的复兴看来正在扩张到联合车站和奥尔维拉街周围地区。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Luftwaffe losses amounted to 2,127 aircraft. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:德国空军损失飞机2,127架。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, despite the wooden structure was badly damaged in the 2013 attack, the concrete structure was standing and the photographs along with the other artifacts were safe and sound. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管在此次袭击事件中建筑的木制结构损毁严重,但混凝土结构尚存,照片和其他文物依旧保存完好。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He left Martin in 1928 to join Consolidated Aircraft in Buffalo, New York, eventually becoming vice president and general manager. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1928年贝尔离开了马丁公司参加了位于纽约州布法罗的统一飞行器,最终成为副总裁和总经理。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:On 16 June, a large car-bomb was detonated at an Army checkpoint outside the Mazzeh Military Airport, killing 10 soldiers and wounding 10 others. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 6月16日,在Mazzeh军用机场附近的一处政府军检查站发生了一起严重的汽车炸弹袭击,导致10名士兵丧生,10名士兵受伤。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Within anthropology, some of his most important contributions were to the study of gender, as in his 1975 work in which he described women as "muted" in social discourse. Assistant: 在人类学当中,他的某些最重要 贡献是对于性别研究,他在1975年的作品将女性描写为在社会论述中“禁声”。 User: The Pittsburgh Athletic Association is a nonprofit membership club chartered in 1908, operating to 2017. Assistant: 匹兹堡体育协会是一家非营利性的会员俱乐部,成立于1908年,运营至2017年。 User: For three years the VfR fired increasingly powerful rockets of their own design from this location. Assistant: 那三年间,VfR在这里自行设计,并发射越来越强大的火箭。 User: Infrasound detector arrays in Kenya also detected a sound wave from the direction of the expected impact corresponding to energy of 1.1 to 2.1 kilotons of TNT. Assistant: 在肯雅的次声波探测器阵列也检测到相当于1.1至2.1千吨TNT火药爆炸能量对应于预期撞击的方向。 User: The statement further claimed that only 19 "terrorists" were killed in Gu Dar Pyin by security forces "acting in self-defense". Assistant: 声明进一步声称,只有19名“恐怖主义分子”在古达的因安全部队“自卫”中丧生。 User: There are four types of two-port network, and the type of amplifier desired dictates the choice of two-ports and the selection of one of the four different connection topologies shown in the diagram. Assistant: 有四种二端口网络,如何选择取决于反馈的类型,图中展示了这4种不同的连接拓扑结构。 User: Since he was responsible for keeping the imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots, and her 140 retainers, he hoped to get her moved to Melbourne. Assistant: 这是因为他想把他负责看押的苏格兰女王玛丽一世以及她的140名仆从,转移到墨尔本去。 User: When a single process starts consuming a large amount of memory, it usually occupies more and more of main memory, pushing other programs out to secondary storage – usually significantly slowing performance of the system. Assistant: 当一个简单的进程消耗大量的内存时,它通常占用越来越多的主内存,使其他程序转到次级存储设备,使系统的运行效率大大降低。 User: Under this act, white males between the ages of 16 and 60 were obligated to possess arms and to take part in the defense of their communities by serving in nightly guard details and participating in weekly drills. Assistant: 法令规定,任何男性白人界乎16岁至60岁之间均有责任带有武器,以及于入夜后派遣小队站岗,维护社区安全,更要参与每星期的演习。 User: In 1890, Abdul Hamid created a paramilitary outfit known as the Hamidiye, which was mostly made up of Kurdish irregulars tasked to "deal with the Armenians as they wished". Assistant: 1890年,哈米德二世创建了一支准军事队伍“哈米迪耶”(Hamidiye),由库尔德族非正规人员组成,任务是“随他们想怎样地去处理亚美尼亚人”。 User: Ten atoms of258Sg were detected and decayed by spontaneous fission. Assistant: 他们探测到10颗258Sg原子,其进行了自发裂变。 User: Persse continues to pursue Angelica. Assistant: 继续追杀弗拉休。 User: These agreements take many of these regulatory powers from state governments and open up international routes to further competition. Assistant: 这些协约取代了国家政府大多数的管理权,把国际航线开放给更多的竞争。 User: Two expansions were also released, Sea of Blood and Plague Fleet. Assistant: 游戏有两个扩充:Sea of Blood 和 Plague Fleet。 User: This was the last time the castle was used in war. Assistant: 这是该城堡最后一次用于战争。 User: Semen is also a form of genetic material. Assistant: 精液也是遗传物质的一种。 User: Cloning refers to a process whereby a new object is constructed by copying the behavior of an existing object (its prototype). Assistant: Cloning 指一个新对象通过复制一个已经存在的对象(就是他的原型)来构造自己的过程。 User: Each mode has its own requirements and features, and is adapted to serve the specific demands of freight and passenger traffic. Assistant: 每种模式都有其自身的要求和特点,并能够满足特定需求的客运和货运交通。 User: Gladiator sweat and fats of the animals fighting in the arena were sold in souvenir pots outside of the games to improve complexion. Assistant: 角斗士的汗水和竞技场里战斗的动物的脂肪会装在纪念品壶中进行售卖,具有提升肤色的作用。 User: They usually had a plot of land of between an eighth and a half an oxgang (Hufe); they had few cattle and no more than one horse. Assistant: 通常它们一次只生一只小骆驼,成年骆驼会一直亲自照顾小骆驼,直到小骆驼18个月为止。 User: It soon becomes clear that Li Jun is hiding a secret: that he is the widower of one of Wu's executed prisoners. Assistant: 不久便明朗了,其实李军隐瞒了一个秘密:他是吴红燕处决的罪犯之一的鳏夫。 User: He also claimed to have known at the time he wrote the letter that the French scheme was destined to fail. Assistant: 他还表示,自己在写信的时候已经知道,法国的计划注定要失败。 User: The Brandywine flag was carried by the 7th Pennsylvania Regiment at the Battle of Brandywine. Assistant: 布兰迪旗曾被第七宾夕法尼亚步兵团在布兰迪战役中使用。 User: To keep up with increasing demand, America has had to rely on imported avocados for 85% of the total amount sold. Assistant: 完成收购,英美资源的持股量会增至85%。 User: He can then hoist or swing himself on top of them. Assistant: 此后,会以手机应用软件或游戏推出,朝各方发展。 User: In early episodes, Leonard is reluctant to let Penny know about his recreational activities (such as Klingon Boggle), as he does not want her to see him as a geek. Assistant: 在早期的剧集中,伦纳德很不情愿让佩妮知道自己的业余生活(比如“克林贡填字游戏”),因为他不希望被佩妮视为一个极客。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Moseley found that the exact number of lanthanides had to be 15, and that element 61 had yet to be discovered. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 莫塞莱还预测了编号为61的元素的存在,这种镧系元素当时并未被发现。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Individual transportation usually is prohibited. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 通常禁止私人交通。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: While not as adept as Madame Xanadu, Zatanna has proven herself able to call upon tarot reading for insight or divination. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 和善于此道的上都夫人一样,扎坦娜证明了自己能够利用塔罗牌洞察或占卜。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Rehan eventually reveals his true identity to them. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这时隼人终于表露他的真正身份。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Fregattenkapitän Friedrich Berger was the ship's last commander, serving from September 1918 until the ship's decommissioning on 4 October. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 海军中校弗里德里希·贝尔格是莱茵兰号的末任舰长,任期从1918年9月直至10月4日该舰退役。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A five-speed manual transmission was standard. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:驱动系统方面,5速手动变速箱,是标准的装置。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If one's social status was of high importance in Çatalhöyük, the body and head were separated after death. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 如果一个人在加泰土丘文明中身份重要,他的头与身躯在死后会被分开。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Previously, in late May 2006, the Victorian sports minister, Justin Madden, said that he wanted his state to drive a bid to stage the 2018 World Cup. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:先前,维多利亚州体育部长贾斯汀·马顿(英语:Justin Madden)于2006年5月称他希望他所在的州能够申办2018年世界杯。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Department of Transport was created in 1935 by the government of William Lyon Mackenzie King in recognition of the changing transportation environment in Canada at the time. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1935年,麦肯齐·金政府为了改变加拿大交通环境而成立交通部。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In June and July following the 2006 FIFA World Cup, press speculation linked Salcido to several clubs in Europe, with one report claiming that he had agreed to sign for FA Premier League club Arsenal F.C. However, these speculations proved false as he signed a four-year contract with Dutch champions PSV Eindhoven on 10 July 2006. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在6月和7月后,2006年世界杯踢毕,有媒体猜测联系沙斯度与数间欧洲知名球会有联系,在一份报告声称,他已同意签署阿仙奴,但事实证明这些猜测是错误的,他在2006年7月10日与荷兰班霸PSV签署了一份为期四年的合同。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:With a known magnetic field, its distance from the Hall plate can be determined. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在已知磁场下,其距霍尔盘的距离可被设定。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: PCI is later replaced by PCI-E (see below). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: PCI亦开始被PCI-Express取代。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In practice, it is usually the frequency that is kept fixed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:但实际上通常是固定频率。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a World Heritage Site. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 潟湖和城市的一部分被列为世界遗产。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It was one of the first commercial wine-producing regions in California (and possibly the United States), utilizing high-quality French varietal vines imported from France. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这个产区是加州(也可能是全美国)第一批开始商业生产葡萄酒的地区,使用着从法国进口的、高质量的葡萄品种。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The quotient of a semisimple Lie group by a compact subgroup is a symmetric space and so the theory of automorphic forms is intimately related to harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:半单李群对紧子群的商是对称空间,因此自守形式的理论与对称空间上的调和分析有密切联系。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The hero's story begins with a flashback dream of the death of his parents at the hands of the Dark Lord, the ruler of the nation of Granz. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 男英雄的故事以一场梦开始,他梦见他的双亲死于Granz国统治者Dark Load的过去。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Despite pleas by the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme, high public figures, and leaders of the film industry, he vowed never to work in Sweden again. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他最后终于从惊吓中恢复,但是尽管瑞典首相奥洛夫·帕尔梅与许多政治界和电影界的大人物再三请求,他还是发誓再也不在瑞典工作。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the final, the winner was selected from the remaining six entries. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第三位进入决赛的是从剩下选手中票数最高的前三位中评选出。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The first version of the engine, originally named W3D, was a major modification of the SurRender 3D engine developed by Hybrid Graphics Ltd. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 引擎的第一个版本是W3D (Westwood 3D),是SurRender 3D引擎的高度修改版本,由Hybrid Graphics开发。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1868, Norman Lockyer hypothesized that these absorption lines were caused by a new element that he dubbed helium, after the Greek Sun god Helios. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1868年,诺曼·洛克假设这些吸收谱线是一种新元素造成的,他以希腊的太阳神为依据,将之命名为“氦”,而在25年之后才在地球上分离出氦元素。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, the "intermediary" Rotstein was in fact an agent of the Irgun, conducting a sting operation under the direction of the Irgun intelligence leader in Haifa, Israel Pritzker, in cooperation with the British. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 但是,“中间人”罗特施泰因实际上是伊尔贡的间谍,此时正与英国人合作,在伊尔贡驻海法情报头目伊斯雷尔·普利茨克的指挥下进行诱捕行动。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The obelisk was designed by António Tomás da Fonseca, and two allegorical statues of Independence and of Victory were sculpted by Alberto Nunes and Simões de Almeida , respectively. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 纪念碑是由António Tomás da Fonseca设计,象征“独立”和“胜利”的雕像是雕塑家Simões de Almeida和Alberto Nunes的作品。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Alfonso was acknowledged as a king by Charlemagne and the Pope, and Asturias as a kingdom for the first time. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 阿方索是头一个受到查理曼及教皇承认的阿斯图里亚斯国王,同时也是阿斯图里亚斯王国首次被承认为是一个王国。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:With his banking support, and high-level political connections, Rothstein soon managed to end-run Tammany Hall to the street gangs. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 随着他的银行支持和高层政治关系,罗斯汀不久便设法将坦慕尼协会与街头帮派联系起来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He holds Russian citizenship. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他拥有俄罗斯国籍。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Among other notable parks are the Maritime Victory Park on Krestovsky Island and the Moscow Victory Park in the south, both commemorating the victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War, as well as the Central Park of Culture and Leisure occupying Yelagin Island and the Tauride Garden around the Tauride Palace. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 其他著名公园还有克列斯托夫斯基岛上的海岸胜利公园以及南部的莫斯科胜利公园,都是为了纪念在第二次世界大战中战胜纳粹德国,以及叶拉金岛上的中央文化休息公园,和塔夫利宫周围的塔夫利花园。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In contrast to the surviving Latin manuscripts, there are "at least fifty-nine manuscripts or fragments of manuscripts" containing the Old French translation. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:和现存的拉丁文手稿相比,有“至少五十九份手稿或手稿残片”包含了古法语译本。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The final number of neutral Russian athletes invited to compete was 169. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 受邀参加比赛的中立俄罗斯运动员人数最终确定为169人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This is because chemists now have easy control of the chemical makeup of the polymer and, thus, the structural and electronic properties of the material. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这是因为现在的化学家可以很方便地控制聚合物的化学组成成分,甚至于该材料的结构和电子性质。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 To prove Homer's lack of intelligence, he tricks Homer into entering a nuclear power plant design contest intended for children by taking out references to Kids on the flier. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:为了实现计划,他骗霍默加入为儿童比赛做准备的核电厂。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Not all eight would attach at one time, but would rotate in and out during the flight, detaching and re-attaching as needed. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 并非八架战斗机都能同时对接,但是可以在飞行中旋转移动、在需要时离机或是回收。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It should therefore be made clear in advance whether list ranking or absolute votes take precedence in that case. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 因此,应事先明确清单排名或绝对选票是否优先于该情况。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Godly noted that "Trivial names having the status of INN or ISO are carefully tailor-made for their field of use and are internationally accepted". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: E.W. Godly 曾在他的著作中写道:“国际非专利药品名称(INN)或国际标准化组织(ISO)所认可的惯用名都是根据它们所在的领域谨慎地选取的,并已得到国际上广泛的认可。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Your spirit of liberty bestow On us now as of yore. Assistant: 父亲郑公勉,曾任县丞。 User: Accordingly, the disease can be detected clinically by looking for these antibodies in the blood. Assistant: 所以可以通过检测血液中的抗体来对该病进行诊断。 User: The government of Boyko Borisov elected in 2009 undertook steps to restore economic growth, while attempting to maintain a strict financial policy. Assistant: 新政府和财政纪律 2009年当选的Boyko Borisov政府采取步骤恢复经济增长,同时努力维持严格的财务政策。 User: To avoid antagonizing other Mafia members, Luciano had previously refused to authorize a film, but reportedly relented after Lissoni's death. Assistant: 为了避免引起其他美国黑手党成员的反感,卢西安诺在以前拒绝批准电影,但据报导,在梭尼去世后,他就心软了。 User: The Dave Clark Five made the list of nominees for the class of 2008, and on 13 December 2007 it was announced that the band would be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 10 March 2008. Assistant: 戴夫·克拉克五人组在摇滚名人堂2008届入选者的提名名单中出现,而在2007年12月13日,官方宣布DC5将于2008年3月10日入选摇滚名人堂,并由汤姆·汉克斯担任引言人。 User: Decent Scouts look down upon silly youths who talk dirt, and they do not let themselves give way to temptation, either to talk it or to do anything dirty. Assistant: 端庄得体的童军须鄙视那些口出秽言的愚蠢少年们,不要让自己屈服于口出秽言或做出不干净事情的诱惑。 User: They are generally large (up to 3 cm), very robust, hairy bees, with visibly protruding faces, and the apical portion of the wings are studded with microscopic papillae. Assistant: 该族蜜蜂很容易辨认,通常个头很大(达3厘米),很强壮,毛茸茸,明显突出的面孔,翅膀顶端布满了细小的乳头。 User: As of March 2019, there are seven living former prime ministers of Canada, the oldest being John Turner (born 1929). Assistant: 截止2019年03月, 在世的加拿大前总理有7位,其中最年长的是约翰·特纳 (1929年出生)。 User: That same year, they released their first self-published title (with no co-publishers), Justice League Heroes, which was distributed by Eidos on the Xbox. Assistant: 同年,公司首次独自发行电子游戏——《正义联盟英雄(英语:Justice League Heroes)》,并交由Eidos分发销售本作的Xbox版本。 User: At 38 stories, it was tallest office building west of the Mississippi River until the Kansas City Power & Light Building (1931), and the tallest building on the West Coast until the Space Needle (1962). Assistant: 史密斯塔共有38层,曾是密西西比河以西最高办公大楼,直到1931年被堪萨斯城电力与照明大厦超过,但仍是西海岸最高建筑,直到1962年被西雅图另一座建筑太空针塔超过。 User: Commercial Sei whaling ended in the eastern North Pacific in 1971. Assistant: 北太平洋东部的商业猎捕塞鲸的行动则在1971年结束。 User: On October 2, 2018, several copies of the album were accidentally sold in a record store in Australia and the record was subsequently illegally leaked. Assistant: 2018年10月2日,专辑的几张CD副本意外在澳大利亚的一家唱片店上架出售,随后该唱片在网上泄露。 User: The dbm library was a simple database engine, originally written by Ken Thompson and released by AT&T in 1979. Assistant: dbm是简单database engine家族的第一个实现,最初由Ken Thompson编写,并由AT&T于1979的发布。 User: As such, video games also give new meaning to the concept of religion. Assistant: 这崭新关系也给予惯性概念新的内涵。 User: In microbiology, opportunism refers to the ability of a normally non-pathogenic microorganism to act as a pathogen in certain circumstances. Assistant: 在微生物学中,机会主义指代普通非致病菌在某种环境下的反应类似致病菌。 User: The Hacktivismo Declaration recognises "the importance to fight against human rights abuses with respect to reasonable access to information on the Internet" and calls upon the hacker community to "study ways and means of circumventing state sponsored censorship of the internet" and "implement technologies to challenge information rights violations". Assistant: Hacktivismo宣言认识到“用尊敬的心态与合理的原因而使用互联网信息的自由权利来打击那些滥用这方面权利之人的重要性.”并号召黑客们“学习突破国家互联网审查制度不合理性的方法和手段”并且“挑战那些侵犯互联网信息自由权利的相关方面。 User: Therefore, some Dutch people move to Belgium or Germany for at least six months, in order to be governed by the EU family unification rules instead of the Dutch family unification rules. Assistant: 因此,一些荷兰人会先搬到比利时或德国居住至少6个月,这样移民时就可以遵照欧盟而不是荷兰的家庭团聚法。 User: Updated estimates from 2010 are also provided. Assistant: 2010年的估计也提供在表中。 User: For instance, the back office may require a few days to make payment. Assistant: 转账可能需要几天才会到账。 User: After swimming together, they go into a cave to get warm and they begin kissing. Assistant: 他们一起游泳后,走进一座山洞暖和身子,两人开始接吻。 User: From 1913 to 1918, Muhammadiyah established five Islamic Schools. Assistant: 从1913年到1918年,穆哈默迪亚设立了5所伊斯兰学校。 User: Sherburne Wesley Burnham (December 12, 1838 – March 11, 1921) was an American astronomer. Assistant: 舍本·卫斯里·伯纳姆(英语:Sherburne Wesley Burnham,1838年12月12日-1921年3月11日)是一位美国天文学家。 User: The pope emerged as a figure above and out of the direct control of the Holy Roman Emperor. Assistant: 教宗跃升为一位高于并且外在于神圣罗马帝国皇帝的直接控制的人物。 User: Two Sunnis and an Alawite were killed in Tripoli and 15 people were wounded on 22 October. Assistant: 10月22日在的黎波里,两名逊尼派和1名阿拉维派在冲突中丧生、另有15人受伤。 User: The Director General of ORF, Alexander Wrabetz, commented in reference to the slogan: "With the song contest in Vienna, we want music to build bridges across borders, cultures and languages. Assistant: 奥地利广播公司之总监Alexander Wrabetz对标语下了注解:“对于这次在维也纳的赛事,我们希望以音乐作为一座跨国界、文化及语言的桥梁。 User: Vogel first became involved in politics in 1862, winning election to the provincial council of Otago. Assistant: 1862年沃格尔首次开始参与政治,任奥塔戈省省务委员。 User: Until October 2014 only Aviastar use the airport three times a week due to the runway being only 1,350 meters long. Assistant: 直到2014年时,由于机场跑道只有1,350米长,仅航星航空一家航司开通了麻拉邦鄂的航班,每周三个班次。 User: Many implementations achieve this by using a device known as a trampoline, a piece of code that repeatedly calls functions. Assistant: 很多实现透过一种叫做弹跳床 (trampoline)的装置,也就是一块不断进行函数调用的代码。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: However, many of these old structures have yet to be properly explored, a process which would help shed further light on local history and facilitate their preservation for posterity. Assistant: 有许多遗迹亟待认真考察,以利于进一步阐明当地的历史以及促进它们的保存。 User: A new flag was introduced and fixed in the Constitution, accepted on February 2, 1922 by the First Congress of Soviets of the Armenian SSR. Assistant: 一个新的国旗方案被提出,并于1922年2月2日的亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国第一届苏维埃大会上获得通过。 User: Over the next 96 hours, the wing landed in the remaining 1,200 soldiers of the brigade as well as their vehicles. Assistant: 在接下来的96个小时内,空军联队把173旅剩下的车辆和1,200士兵载抵当地。 User: Caterina's solitary resistance was admired throughout all Italy; Niccolò Machiavelli reports that many songs and epigrams were composed in her honour. Assistant: 卡特琳娜的孤独抵抗在整个意大利受到了尊敬,马基维利纪录有许多歌曲及短诗都在歌颂其勇气。 User: The mineral Blue John is now scarce, and only a few hundred kilograms are mined each year for ornamental and lapidary use. Assistant: 迄今,蓝萤石已十分稀少,每年仅开采出几百公斤作装饰和雕刻用。 User: This song is considered to be among the finest recordings of The Miracles, and it sold over one million records within two years, making it The Miracles' fourth million-selling record. Assistant: 这首歌被认为是奇迹乐团的最好的录音之一,在两年内它售出了超过一百万张,使之成为奇迹乐团的第四张百万销量的录音。 User: The band broke up in 1988, and Ocasek later discouraged talk of a reunion. Assistant: 乐团于1988年解散,在这之后奥卡西克从不鼓励谈论重聚。 User: Hasta la vista, baby. Assistant: 对妮儿一见钟情。 User: Following the release of this tape, Ut commented: Even though it has become one of the most memorable images of the twentieth century, President Nixon once doubted the authenticity of my photograph when he saw it in the papers on June 12, 1972. ... Assistant: 录音带释出之后,黄幼公表示:“尽管我拍的这张照片成为二十世纪最值得纪念的几张照片之一,1972年6月12日当尼克森总统在报纸上看到照片时,也怀疑过它的真假......对我、肯定也对其他许多人而言,这张照片的真实性无以复加。 User: None of Menander's plays have survived to the present day in their complete form, but one play, The Bad-Tempered Man, has survived to the present day in a near-complete form. Assistant: 米南德的戏剧都没有以完整的形式保存到今日,但是其中一部戏剧《古怪人》(The Bad-Tempered Man)以近乎完整的形式保存至今。 User: The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here. Assistant: 看哪,在这里有一人比约拿更大!当审判的时候,南方的女王要起来定这世代的罪;因为她从地极而来,要听所罗门的智慧话。 User: He directed his first short film in 1968, I'm Coming Home, and another for his graduation, A Quiet Day at the End of the War in 1970. Assistant: 他在1968年执导第一部短片《重返家园》,毕业作品是1970年《战争结束的平静日子》。 User: INTJs thus develop a strong confidence in their ability and talents, making them natural leaders. Assistant: 因此INTJ发展出一种对自己能力和才华强烈的自信,使他们成为天生的领导者。 User: During his three seasons at Verdy, Bismarck was twice selected as a member of the J. League Best Eleven, in 1994 and 1995. Assistant: 在三个赛季里,俾斯麦曾在1994年和1995年两次选为J联赛最佳11人。 User: If we evaluate the molecular revolution within the context of biological history, it is easy to note that it is the culmination of a long process which began with the first observations through a microscope. Assistant: 如果我们在生物学历史的背景中评估分子生物学的发展,很容易注意到它是从第一次显微镜观察开始的研究高峰。 User: Sun Hao, now a captive, humiliated himself by covering himself with mud and having himself bound behind his back. Assistant: 未几陆武惠殁,赵以大计外迁,寻被讦下狱论死,赦出,家顿落。 User: The School of Foreign Service (SFS) was founded in 1919 by Edmund A. Walsh to prepare students for leadership in foreign commerce and diplomacy. Assistant: 1919年,外事学院由埃德蒙·A·沃尔什建立,以培养外贸和外交方面的领导人才。 User: At least a third of the Convention's 55 delegates owned slaves, including all of the delegates from Virginia and South Carolina. Assistant: 仅与会的55位代表中就有25位是奴隶主,其中包括所有来自弗吉尼亚和南卡罗莱纳的代表。 User: Unverified reports claim that a portion of the security forces in Jisr al-Shugur defected after secret police and intelligence officers executed soldiers who had refused to fire on civilians. Assistant: 有未经证实的报导称基斯尔(Jisr)的安全部队有一部分叛变,之后秘密警察和情报人员处决拒绝对平民开枪的士兵。 User: If the obelisk did not exist, the sun disk would hit an area about 20 metres beyond the wall of the church. Assistant: 如果没有这个方尖碑,太阳的光影将投射在教堂的墙壁上,距离地板约20米的高度上。 User: For various reasons, he ended up staying in Shanghai. Assistant: 在之后的一段时间里,周炜良一直滞留于上海。 User: However, seasonal changes in infection rates also occur in tropical regions, and in some countries these peaks of infection are seen mainly during the rainy season. Assistant: 然而,热带地区的流感盛行率也有季节性变化,有些国家的感染似乎在雨季达到高峰。 User: In his book, In the ass. Assistant: 系之他所,题诗壁上。 User: In his live report from the event, Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter described the event as "one of the best shows I've ever seen. Assistant: 在赛事的现场报道中,戴夫·梅尔策表示赛事“是我所看过的最好的比赛之一。 User: The surgery was conducted through the president's mouth, to avoid any scars or other signs of surgery. Assistant: 手术是在总统的嘴里进行,以求避免出现任何他人能够看出来的伤疤或痕迹。 User: While at Makerere, Achebe was asked to read a novel written by a student (James Ngugi, later known as Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o) called Weep Not, Child. Assistant: 在马凯雷雷,阿切贝被邀请阅读当时还是学生的詹姆士·恩古吉所写的一部小说——《孩子,你别哭》。 User: Local shop owners have also allegedly discriminated against persons based on their perceived race by forbidding these persons from shopping at their shops. Assistant: 据称,本地商店店主根据他们所认定的种族,歧视来客,禁止这些人在他们的商店购物。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It has an extremely high magnetic permeability (approximately 7005800000000000000♠800000 N/A2) and a low coercivity. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 超合金的磁导率非常高,约800000 N/A2,而其矫顽力非常低。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In addition, Mexico was struck by four tropical cyclones in 2006, none on the Atlantic coast and all along the Pacific coast. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此外,2006年墨西哥一共受到4个热带气旋的吹袭,并且袭击的都是太平洋海岸,大西洋海岸寂然无声。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In 1967, Donald McCormick wrote The Red Barn Mystery, which brought out a connection between Corder and forger and serial killer Thomas Griffiths Wainewright when the former was in London. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1967年,唐纳德·麦考密克(英语:Donald McCormick)撰写了《红谷仓之谜》,这部小说揭示了科德和伪造犯、连环杀手托马斯·格里菲斯·韦纽赖特(英语:Thomas Griffiths Wainewright)在伦敦时的联络。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: An I-var (as in the language Id) is a future with blocking semantics as defined above. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: I-var(如在语言Id中)是具有上面定义的阻塞语义的future。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Soviet state was considered as the source of human rights. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在苏联国内,苏联政府被认为是一切人权的权源。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Once Camby finally returns, Diane flips through his passport, discovering that he did not go to Geneva but to Johannesburg. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 坎比回国,黛安翻阅了他的护照,发现他去了南非,而非日内瓦。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1957, the colony gained independence under the name of Ghana. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 1957年,殖民地以加纳之名取得独立。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Shortly after peaking in intensity, the hurricane again weakened as it underwent an eyewall replacement cycle. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 达到最高强度后不久,飓风又一次因进入眼墙置换周期而减弱。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He used a beam of light reflected from a mirror 8 kilometers away. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 斐索把一束光射向8公里以外的一面镜子。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Hugh Skinner as Young Harry. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 休·斯金纳(英语:Hugh Skinner) 饰 年轻的哈利。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Additionally, a portion of the Metropolitan Branch Trail was completed as part of its construction. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此外,大都会支线的一部分作为其建设的一部分完成。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He served in the Navy SEALs for ten years, including three tours of duty, reaching the rank of lieutenant commander. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他在海军海豹突击队服役了十年,并且出兵海外三次 ,达到了中尉指挥官的级别。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Specifically, this sought to bar the Philippines from recognizing same-sex marriages contracted overseas. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 具体而言,此举旨在禁止菲律宾承认其他国家注册的同性婚姻。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: She stated, "It's not a political film. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 她指出:“这不是政治影片,不是反矿业影片。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In a 2011 review of the state of modern scholarship, Bart Ehrman wrote, "He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在2011年一篇回顾现代学术界状况的文章中,巴特·叶尔曼写道:“耶稣当然是史实人物,几乎所有够格的古代史学者,不论是否是基督徒,都会同意这点的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The project was started by David Reveman of Novell and first released on January 2, 2006. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这个计划最初由David Reveman发起,并在2006年1月2日的时候第一次释出(release)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:AFP 3.2 adds support for Access Control Lists and extended attributes in Mac OS X Server 10.4. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: AFP 3.2添加Mac OS X Server 10.4中的访问控制列表和扩展文件属性支持。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He has two wives, one called Nebet, the other one Neferkaus. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 桀受二女,无子,刻其名于苕华之玉,苕是琬,华是琰。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Harper Lee, 89, American author (To Kill a Mockingbird). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 哈珀·李(英语:Harper Lee),89岁,美国作家,小说《杀死一只知更鸟》的作者。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The fishermen no longer had a possibility to sell their summer catch. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:想不到的是,那位渔民竟然走大运,连年渔获丰收。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The decision was falsely interpreted by video game journalist Phillipa Irving as "pulling out" from the Spectrum market. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 电子游戏记者菲利帕·欧文将这一决定误解为“退出”Spectrum市场。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: When the electric field is removed the atom returns to its original state. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:假设将外电场关闭,则原子会回返原来状态。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Food commodity prices were relatively stable after reaching lows in 2000 and 2001. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 食品类商品价格在2000年和2001年达到低点后相对稳定。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: At the same time, to achieve the penetration required, Wallis designed the Tallboy to be very aerodynamic so that, when dropped from a great height, it would reach a much higher terminal velocity than traditional bomb designs. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:同时,为了达到穿透力的需要,沃利斯设计了一个非常符合空气动力学的外形,当其从很高的高度投下时,其终端速度会比传统设计的炸弹高很多。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 It contains the Al-Sakhir Palace, built in 1870. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 它包含建于1870年的萨基尔宫(英语:Al-Sakhir Palace)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Felix went on to chair the mathematics department at the University of Chicago, and in 1999 became the president of the American Mathematical Society. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 菲利克斯接着担任芝加哥大学数学系主任,并于1999年成为美国数学学会的主席。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It has been known for scorers to use both methods in conjunction with one another, in case the computer goes down or runs out of battery. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 对计分员综合使用两种方式已经众所周知,万一计算机坏了或电池没电了。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Saint Petersburg Mint (Monetny Dvor), founded in 1724, is one of the largest mints in the world, it mints Russian coins, medals and badges. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 圣彼得堡造币厂成立于1724年,是世界上最大造币厂之一,制造俄罗斯硬币、奖章和徽章。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Increasing sales facilitated production on a larger scale in factories with broader market distribution. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 逐渐增加的销售量促进了工厂中更大规模的生产,也开拓了更广阔的市场。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The M197 went into service on later marks of the AH-1 Cobra, using either the M97 or A/A49E-7 armament subsystems, and was also fitted in a ventral turret on the U.S. Marine Corps YOV-10D Bronco NOGS. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在后来代表性的AH-1“眼镜蛇”投入服役以后,M197亦使用M97和A/A49E-7两种武器子系统投入服役,并同时安装在美国海军陆战队YOV-10D野马NOGS的机腹炮塔内。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Previously, in 685 BC, the Megarans had established Chalcedon (present-day Kadıköy) on the Anatolian shore, across the Bosporus. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:此前,在前685年,墨伽拉人已经在博斯普鲁斯海峡对岸的安那托利亚海滨建立了迦克墩(今天的卡德柯伊)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: And he was carried to such a pitch of pride, that he established a school. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 毕业后将继续以SOLO身份活跃于艺能界。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Australian TV network ABC and the indigenous rights group Rettet die Naturvölker released a documentary called Blood on the Cross in 1999. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 澳洲ABC电视及原住民权益团体Friends of Peoples Close to Nature(英语:Friends of Peoples Close to Nature)在1999年发表了一部名叫《Blood on the Cross》的纪录片。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: This first WFPC consisted of two separate cameras, each comprising 4 800x800 pixel Texas Instruments CCDs arranged to cover a contiguous field of view. Assistant: 广域和行星照相机包含了两架独立的相机,每架都有四片德州仪器的800X800画素CCD,构成了相邻接的视野。 User: He could not ignore them anymore. Assistant: 他不再宽恕他们。 User: In 2013, a proposal was made to earmark over $10 billion to phase out old diesel commercial vehicles with a view to improving the air quality. Assistant: 于2013年,提出以超过一百亿元淘汰老旧柴油商业车,以改善空气质量。 User: However, some evidence shows the two conditions are closely related. Assistant: 然而,现在有一些证据指出这两种状况其实是密切相关的。 User: After the single feed went into effect in 2001, most of the newscast is presented by a Toronto-based anchor, with a Vancouver-based anchor presenting a brief segment of Western Canadian news. Assistant: 当2001年实施全国联播后,大部分的新闻由多伦多的主播播送,而同时由一名温哥华主播播送简短的加西新闻摘要。 User: An identical bill was introduced by Democrats in the United States House of Representatives on 12 July 2017. Assistant: 2017年7月12日,民主党人在美国众议院提出了相同的法案。 User: Izzo made his professional debut against the Central Coast Mariners away at Bluetongue Stadium on 1 December 2012, replacing Eugene Galeković who was unavailable as a result of international duties. Assistant: 2012年12月1日,伊佐在对作客对中岸水手首在上场,代替因为参加国家队而无法出赛的尤金·加莱科维奇。 User: Some exhibits from these events were kept to constitute the original collection of the new Technological, Industrial and Sanitary Museum of New South Wales. Assistant: 部分展品从这些展览后中保留下来,并且在新的新南威尔士技术、工业和卫生博物馆中展出。 User: This same method works on some, but not all, IPv4 anycast addresses. Assistant: 同样的方法适用于相同,但非全部的IPv4任播位址。 User: The embassy formally opened over a year behind schedule in January 2009 with a staff of over 16,000 people, mostly contractors, but including 2,000 diplomats. Assistant: 2009年1月,当大使馆后迟了超过1年而启用时,在初期共容纳了16,000名雇员,但大部分都是承包商,其中的外交人员大约2,000名。 User: He worked in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Assistant: 他在莫斯科和圣彼得堡工作。 User: Alonso put in several fast laps to extend his lead, and pitted on lap 41. Assistant: 阿隆索做出几趟快速的圈数,增加他的领先地位,并且在第 41 圈时进站。 User: The paper compared the event to a scene from the BBC comedy The Thick of It. Assistant: 那篇文章将此事件与BBC喜剧《幕后危机》的场景作比较。 User: In 2010 and 2013, Paraguay experienced the greatest economic expansion of South America, with a GDP growth rate of 14.5% and 13.6% respectively. Assistant: 在2010年,巴拉圭目前正在进行该区域最大的经济扩张,也是南美洲最快的,达到14.5%的国内生产总值增长率。 User: In February 2017, China announced it would ban all imports of coal for the rest of the year. Assistant: 同样在2017年2月,中国宣布将在今年余下时间禁止所有煤炭进口。 User: From 1965–1968, Bayramov served as an art instructor at the Shota Rustaveli Turkmen State College of Arts in Ashgabat. Assistant: 1965年至1968年,拜拉莫夫在阿什哈巴德的绍塔·鲁斯塔韦利土库曼艺术学院教授艺术。 User: The cover is different as well. Assistant: 封面也各自不同。 User: In 1972, Brentwood College became the first all-boys boarding school in Canada to gradually integrate girls, starting with 20 grade 12 students, becoming officially co-ed for the fall session. Assistant: 1972布伦特伍德中学成为加拿大第一个逐渐接收女生的男生寄宿学校,从接收20名12年级女生开始,最终在当年秋季正式成为男女同校的学校 。 User: Naples was the most-bombed Italian city during World War II. Assistant: 那不勒斯是在第二次世界大战中受到空袭最多的意大利城市之一。 User: Meca One - Meca One is cold, ruthless, and arrogant. Assistant: 高祖受禅,不食,发愤恸哭而绝。 User: RETScreen is managed under the leadership and ongoing financial support of the CanmetENERGY Varennes Research Centre of Natural Resources Canada, a department of the Government of Canada. Assistant: RETScreen是在加拿大政府下设的加拿大自然资源部洁净能源署 (CanmetENERGY) 瓦雷纳 (Varennes)研究中心的领导和持续财政支持下进行管理运营的。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Object permanence is considered to be one of the earliest methods for evaluating working memory. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 物体恒存是早期用来测试 工作记忆的其中一项方式。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Drivers were equally critical of the retention of the changed format: Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel told the press that he was "as disappointed as probably anyone I know", while Mercedes's Lewis Hamilton called the decision "strange , particularly because the most important thing is the fans were unhappy". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:车手们对于维持目前赛制表示批评,法拉利的赛巴斯蒂安·维泰尔向记者表示“他与任何他认识的人一样失望”,梅赛德斯车手路易斯·汉米尔顿表示“特别重要的是因为车迷们已经感到不满”,称这项决议相当“奇怪”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Note: Because Ives often made several different versions of the same piece, and because his work was generally ignored during his life, it is often difficult to put exact dates on his compositions. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 附记:因为艾伍士的一首作品经常有许多版本,而且因为艾伍士长期被世人忽略,他的确切作曲日期难以完全得知。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Football is the most popular sport in France, with over 1,800,000 registered players, and over 18,000 registered clubs. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 法国拥有超过1,800,000名注册球员以及超过18,000家注册俱乐部。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Their colors change under stress. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 另外,其颜色会随着温度的变化而变化。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Configuration status accounting - Recording and reporting all the necessary information on the status of the development process. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:配置状态报告:记录和呈报与开发过程状态相关的所有必要资讯。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Etty was best known for his painting of nude or near-nude women in historical and mythological settings but had also painted men involved in various forms of combat. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 埃蒂最著名的是他在历史或神话背景下所化的裸体的或半裸体的女人,但也作出了一些男人参与各种形式格斗时的绘画。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: During that debate, Sestak strongly attacked Toomey's voting record in what The Morning Call reporter Colby Itkowitz described as "an obvious effort to show Democrats that he could hold his own in a general election matchup". Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 辩论期间,谢斯塔克对图米的投票纪录发起猛攻,《晨间呼叫报》(The Morning Call)记者科尔比·艾特科维兹(Colby Itkowitz)认为,这显然是为了向民主党人证明,他完全可以在普选中守住阵地。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1996 Habu predicted a computer would beat him in 2015. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在1996年,羽生善治预测计算机会在2015年打败他。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Increasing numbers of diesels saw mass withdrawals of these engines. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这个柴油发动是有坦克用发动机改良而来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She talks to Afia about the same. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 与亚修为同一个人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 And also that the communion is the cause of the unity of knowledge and the soul. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 它成立的主旨是在讨论学习关于智性上和灵性上基础于以及互补于摩门教的知识。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Others may only desire gentle or nurturing treatment, based on the desire to be cared for or to "surrender the responsibilities of adult life". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 其它的情境可能仅有温柔的培育或呵护,以及“抛开各种成人肩负的责任”。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Robertson has denounced left-wing views of feminism, activism regarding homosexuality, abortion, and liberal college professors. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:罗伯逊谴责女权主义的左翼观点,关于同性恋的维权行动,堕胎和自由主义的大学教授。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The first trailer for the film was released on 15 May 2018 and with more than 5 million views in the first 24 hours, it was the top trending video on YouTube. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:电影的首支预告片于2018年5月15日发布,在最初的24小时内观看次数超过500万次,成为YouTube的热门视频之首。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In August 2013, the core Vert.x project completed its move to the Eclipse Foundation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2013年8月,Core Vert.x 项目完成了向Eclipse基金会的迁移。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The 747 line was further developed with the launch of the 747-300 in 1980. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 波音公司在开发747的同时并没有打算开发747-300,而747-300的也是在1980年才开发。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Sunway Iskandar, known as Nature’s Capital City, is home to eco parks, villas, boutique retail centers, and a health and wellness village. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 双威依斯干达,被认为是大自然的首都城市,此区有许多生态公园、别墅的精品零售中心,以及保健和健康村庄。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Multiple studies have shown that bilinguals recognize cognate words more quickly than non-cognate words, especially identical cognates, which produce the strongest effect. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:多项研究表明,双语更迅速地识别同源词比非同源词,特别是相同的同源词,它产生作用最强。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In addition to this, DR-DOS' EMM386 3.xx can optionally run some modules (such as DPMS) on ring 1 instead. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 特别的,DR-DOS的EMM386 3.xx可以可选地在Ring 1运行某些模块。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Laurie's name appears next to a model of a human head with the brain exposed; Edelstein's name appears next to a visual effects–produced graphic of an angiogram of the heart. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:劳瑞的姓名旁边出现的是人的头部模型,大脑暴露在外;埃德尔斯坦的姓名旁边则是视觉特效制作的心脏血管造影图像。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A role can have many permissions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 一个角色可拥有多个权限。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Similar to the California, 458 Italia, FF and LaFerrari, the F12berlinetta transmits power through a 7-speed dual-clutch semi-automatic gearbox operated by the driver using paddle shifters present behind the steering wheel. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:与法拉利California, 458 Italia以及FF等车款一样,F12采用了7速双离合手自一体引擎,驾驶者可以通过方向盘后的换挡拨片进行快速换挡。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Several writers, including Kenneth Kurz in his book, Nixon's Enemies, and Ingrid Scobie in her biography of Helen Douglas, Center Stage, describe Chotiner incorrectly as Nixon's 1946 campaign manager. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 多位作家,包括《尼克松的敌人》(Nixon's Enemies)一书作者肯尼思·库尔兹(Kenneth Kurz)和海伦·道格拉斯传记《中央舞台》(Center Stage)的作者英格丽·斯科比(Ingrid Scobie)都错误地将乔蒂纳描写成尼克松1946年的竞选经理。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 However, in October, it was confirmed that she was still unable to return to Lebanon due to the war, and US medical schools had began their fall term 2 months earlier. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 当她十月知道无法回黎巴嫩时,才发现美国的医学院经已开课两个月。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Less than 1% comes from Europe. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 不到1%不在美国。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The gameplay of the mobile phone version is closer to the original game's design, but featuring updated graphics and sound, an improved world map, and other minor changes. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 移动电话版的游戏系统和原版相近,但图形、音效做了更新,使用了改进的世界地图并做了其它小修改。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although the various Baltic tribes were mentioned by ancient historians as early as 98 B.C., the first attestation of a Baltic language was about 1350, with the creation of the Elbing Prussian Vocabulary, a German to Prussian translation dictionary. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 古代历史学家早在公元前98年就提到了各种波罗的部落,但第一次证实波罗的语的存在却在1350年左右,证据是一本日耳曼语-普鲁士语字典,名为“Elbing普鲁士辞汇表”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The World Travel and Tourism Council claims that business and personal tourism rose by 11.3% and 4.6%, respectively, in real terms in 2007, with the growth in personal tourism only modestly below that of the preceding year. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 世界旅游及旅游理事会(World Travel and Tourism Council)称,2007年,商业和个人旅游的实际增幅分别为11.3%和4.6%,个人旅游的增幅仅略低于前一年。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The school is in School Improvement II AYP status. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该中学为福建省二级达标学校。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Regardless of Trent's background, the player can play him in different roles, such as being a trader, pirate, or bounty hunter. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但玩家在行为方式上却有相当的自由,例如可以成为商人,海盗,或赏金猎人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They have also published criticism of liberal feminism and radical feminism, claiming that the former simply reinforces a class system that perpetuates the oppression of women and that the latter fails to recognize the primary contradiction in a class system and therefore does not address the core of the problem. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该组织还发表了对自由主义女权主义和激进女权主义的批评,声称前者简单地强化了一种使女性受到压迫的阶级体系,而后者却没有认识到阶级体系中的主要矛盾,因此没有解决女权主义的核心问题。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A full international for Belarus since 2001, he has won over 70 caps for his country. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在国家队方面,他曾自2001年起为白俄罗斯国家足球队上阵,曾出赛超过70场。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: La Noche (The Night). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 及夜,璘方获归。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For example, in some interpretations of quantum mechanics (such as the many-worlds interpretation) the ket vector associated to the system state is said to correspond to an element of physical reality, while in other interpretations it is not. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 例如在某些量子力学的诠释中(比如多世界诠释),表示系统状态的ket矢量就对应着物理实在的元素,然而在另一些诠释中就没有。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Washington and Hamilton viewed resistance to federal laws in Pennsylvania as particularly embarrassing, since the national capital was then located in the same state. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 华盛顿和汉密尔顿视宾夕法尼亚州对联邦政府法律的反抗为奇耻大辱,因为当时的首都就位于宾夕法尼亚州。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Sales of merchandise with team mascots and nicknames ranging from T-shirts to beer cozies generate millions of dollars in sales each year, and teams contend that a change in team mascots would render this merchandise useless. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 带有吉祥物和队名的球队商品销售,从T恤到保温杯每年可以赚进数百万美元;各球队因而坚称,吉祥物的更换会让商品付诸东流。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Altogether, this subfamily includes about 900 described species, but new ones continue to be discovered. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 目前已知的野鲮属物种有一百多种,而且还不断有新物种被描写。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The minefield she laid later sank the destroyer Leytenant Zatsarenni on 30 June. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由它布设的这个雷区其后于6月30日击沉了俄国驱逐舰察萨里尼中尉号(英语:Russian destroyer Leytenant Zatsarenni)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Some trees flower profusely until the entire trunk is covered with racemes. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 每逢开花时节,树叶全面脱落,枝梢挂满红花。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He was formally deposed on 31 October 1925, when Reza Khan was proclaimed Shah by the Majlis, as Reza Shah Pahlavi. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 他在1925年10月31日被正式罢免,议会宣布礼萨汗成为沙阿,建立了巴列维王朝。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In public service, Juwono Sudarsono has served as Vice Governor of The National Defence College (Lemhannas), 1995-1998; Minister of State for the Environment under President Suharto, 1998; Minister of Education and Culture under President B.J. Habibie, 1998-1999; Minister of Defence under President Abdurrahman Wahid (the first civilian to occupy this position in 50 years), 1999-2000; Ambassador to the United Kingdom under President Megawati Sukarnoputri, 2003-2004; and Minister for Defence under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 2004-2009. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在公共事务方面,尤沃诺·苏达梭诺曾于1995年—1998年担任国防学院(Lemhannas)副主管;在1998年苏哈托总统任期内曾担任国家环境部长;1998年—1999年优素福·哈比比总统任期内曾担任教育和文化部长;1999年—2000年阿卜杜拉赫曼·瓦希德任内的国防部长;2003年—2004年梅加瓦蒂·苏加诺普特丽任内的驻英国大使;2004年—20009年苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺任内的国防部长。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The zoo opened a new American Bison Exhibit on August 30, 2014 as part of their 125th anniversary celebration. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 2014年8月30日,动物园为庆祝建园125周年,新设了美洲野牛展馆。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: «Je me rappelle les fastes du Couchant. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 以春秋之义,闻丧寝伐。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 X2 and XPAK were later competing standards with smaller form factors. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: X2和XPAK后来竞争的标准与更小的外形尺寸。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Truman's feisty campaign style energized his base of traditional Democrats, consisting of most of the white South, as well as Catholic and Jewish voters; he also fared surprisingly well with Midwestern farmers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 然而杜鲁门凭借其犀利的选举风格,巩固了民主党基本盘和南方白人、天主教徒及犹太人的票源,并意外地获得了美国中西部农场主的支持。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If power is reduced for four-fifths of a second (0.8 s), this is a special non-data "marker," used for framing. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:如果功率减少五分之四秒(0.8秒),这是用于一个完整的帧一个特殊的非数据标记。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He will grow his empire at any cost, killing anyone who fails him or opposes him. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他的统治充满暴力,杀死他的对手和任何不支持他的人。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The South Side boasts a broad array of cultural and social offerings, such as professional sports teams, landmark buildings, museums, educational institutions, medical institutions, beaches, and major parts of Chicago's parks system. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:南区拥有自己的专业运动队和标志性建筑,博物馆,教育机构,医疗机构和芝加哥的公园系统的主要部分。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As such, consumers play a vital role in the economic system of a nation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 因此,消费者在一个国家的经济体系中扮演着重要的角色。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Prostitution is often directly linked to low-level government corruption. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 性服务业通常与低层政府的腐败相联系。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:John DiMaggio voices: Crosshairs A cocky Autobot paratrooper and sniper who transforms into a green and black 2016 Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray, equipped with a custom split-spoiler. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 约翰·迪·马吉欧 声演 准星,身兼博派的伞兵及狙击手,载具型态为绿黑相间的2016年款雪佛兰科尔维特C7(英语:Chevrolet Corvette (C7)),且配备了定制的扰流板。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Early 717 operators were delighted with the reliability and passenger appeal of the type and decided to order more. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最早使用717的航空公司对于该款飞机的可靠度相当满意,乘客也偏好该型飞机,于是航空公司下了更多的订单。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Computerworld, 14 November 2012. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 《世界报》2012年11月14日。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The trend has continued to the present day with modern nightclubs worldwide regularly playing electronic dance music (EDM). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种趋势持续至今,全世界的夜店都常态性地播放电子舞曲。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A common method for measuring the discrepancy between the expected output t and the actual output y is the squared error measure: E = ( t − y ) 2 , {\displaystyle E=(t-y)^{2},} where E is the discrepancy or error. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 衡量期望输出 t {\displaystyle t} 与实际输出 y {\displaystyle y} 之间的差异的一个常见方法是采用平方误差测度: E = ( t − y ) 2 {\displaystyle E=(t-y)^{2}\,} , 其中 E {\displaystyle E} 为差异或误差。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, aggression is manifested in two different ways: boys are more physically aggressive, while the girls are more socially aggressive (name-calling and ignoring). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而男孩和女孩的侵略性会以两种不同的方式表现:男孩较具肢体上的侵略性,而女孩较具社交上的侵略性(取绰号和忽略)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: One massive international child pornography ring was centered in the Netherlands. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 一个庞大的跨国儿童色情圈被发现在荷兰。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The US, UK and EU categorize it as a terrorist organization. Assistant: 目前被菲国、美国等国家列为恐怖组织。 User: The Canadian Victoria Cross also includes metal from the same cannon, along with copper and other metals from all regions of Canada. Assistant: 加拿大维多利亚十字勋章还包括有同一加农炮上的金属,以及来自加拿大所有地区的铜和其它金属。 User: The Decree would change operations of state enterprises in a number of ways; to introduce an accounting system based on profits, to replace output targets with profit targets for most enterprises, to provide more autonomy to managers in state enterprises in relation to production, human resources and financial decision making, to eliminate allocation of budgets and inputs to state enterprises, as well as restrictions on selling on the free market, to provide subsidies only in the form of loans by state-owned commercial banks, and to allow for retaining depreciation charges other than large public projects. Assistant: 此决议会在许多方式上改变国有企业的经营;基于收益引入会计系统,在大部分企业以收益目标取代生产目标,提供更多自主权给管理者,涉及产量、人力资源、财务决策,以消除国有企业的预算分配及投入,此外管制在自由市场上的销售,提供仅仅以国有商业银行的贷款形式的补贴,且不同于大型公共工程,允许保留折旧费。 User: Speaking through the inner screen door, Altobelli told Manson that Melcher had moved to Malibu. Assistant: 阿尔托贝利通过内屏门告诉曼森,梅尔切已经搬到马里布。 User: In October, he settled in at Calcutta. Assistant: 12月,他在加尔各答。 User: Since businesses operate globally, social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around the world. Assistant: 以制作地图为手段,绿地图系统促进全世界各地社区的可持续发展。 User: A numbering of people were killed in the shelling of Aleppo Central Prison on 7 July, though who fired the shells was not immediately known. Assistant: 7月7日,有多人在对阿勒颇中央监狱的炮击中丧生,不清楚是哪一方发动炮击。 User: The calls overhead from large groups of Canada geese flying in V-shaped formation signal the transitions into spring and autumn. Assistant: 当一大群加拿大雁的迁徙飞行的形状为V型时,代表转入春天和秋天。 User: Concepts of infinite things such as an infinite plane wave exist, but there are no experimental means to generate them. Assistant: 有些事物的概念和无限有关,例如无限平面波,但现今尚没有方法可以由实验产生无限平面波。 User: A further variation of the X08 chassis used by the 308 is an SUV or an MPV, named 3008. Assistant: 使用的308的X08底盘的另一变型车是SUV或MPV的3008。 User: Naval architecture, also known as naval engineering, is an engineering discipline dealing with the engineering design process, shipbuilding, maintenance, and operation of marine vessels and structures. Assistant: 船舶工程,又称造船工程,是一个工程学科,其研究对象为工程设计过程(英语:Engineering design process)、造船、船舶维护,及船只的操作与构造。 User: The first person to propose the existence of efferent copies was the German physician and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz in the middle of the 19th century. Assistant: 第一个提出感知副本可能存在的是19世纪中期的一名德国的医生与物理学家赫尔曼·冯·亥姆霍兹。 User: The above indicated commanders are the only representatives of the Allied Powers empowered to accept surrenders and all surrenders of Japanese Forces shall be made only to them or to their representatives. Assistant: 己、上述所指定之司令官为唯一被授权接受投降之同盟国代表,所有日本军队应只向彼等或其代表投降。 User: He reads the Bible every day. Assistant: 他固定在礼拜日上教堂,每日读圣经。 User: Shortly after this exchange, the two are transported away. Assistant: 之后的两个月内,节目被移出频道,该两集也被移除了。 User: Ten years later, in the summer of 1857, two express trains, three ordinary passenger trains, and one mixed train ran daily between Halle and Eisenach via Erfurt. Assistant: 十年后,在1857年夏天,每日已有两对快速列车、三对普客列车以及一对客货混编列车在哈勒至艾森纳赫之间经由埃尔福特运行。 User: Etheridge contested the result and requested a recount of the vote. Assistant: 艾塞瑞吉认为这结果有争议,并要求重新计票。 User: Requests for proposal were issued on December 30, 1954, for the airframe, and February 4, 1955, for the rocket engine. Assistant: 对机身的请求在1954年12月30日公布,1955年2月4日公布对火箭发动机的请求。 User: Designed primarily as a coaxial machine gun by the Rock Island Arsenal and produced by General Electric, the M73 was developed as a replacement for the M1919A4E1, M1919A5, and M37 machine guns that continued to serve in the immediate post–World War II environment. Assistant: 设计上主要作为同轴机枪的M73,是由岩岛兵工厂(英语:Rock Island Arsenal)开发、通用电气公司生产,以取代在二战后不久的环境下继续作为同轴机枪服役的M1919A4E1、M1919A5以及M37车载机枪。 User: A sequel, Despicable Me 2, released on July 3, 2013, was once again directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud, and written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio. Assistant: 神偷奶爸2,在2013年7月3日上映,导演为皮埃尔·科芬和克里斯·雷诺,编剧为Cinco Paul和Ken Daurio。 User: For infinite Boolean algebras the notion of ultrafilter becomes considerably more delicate. Assistant: 对于无限布尔代数,超滤子的概念变得相当微妙。 User: If multiple drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is detected, treatment with at least four effective antibiotics for 18 to 24 months is recommended. Assistant: 如果检验出细菌对多种药物有抗药性(英语:Multidrug-resistant TB)(MDR-TB),建议使用最少四种有效的抗生素进行18到24个月的疗程。 User: And in the past 20 or 30 years, the capitalist system has also tried it. Assistant: 在过去的20或30亿年,可能这种类似的过程也造成了极环星系。 User: The municipality has recently closed the "pub district" in the neighbourhood of the restaurants and bars of Ben-Yehuda and Jaffa Road, and is planning on redeveloping it as the new business and culture district. Assistant: 市政当局最近关闭了本耶胡达街和雅法路的“酒吧区”,计划重建为新的商务和文化区。 User: The rest of his career, till his death in Sceaux near Paris, was nearly occupied by the composition and publication of his many works and in fulfilling the duties of the numerous educational positions to which he was successively appointed. Assistant: 终其职业生涯,也即直至他于巴黎郊外的索镇去世,他几乎一直在写作和发表他的数量巨大的著作,并承担了他后来所担任的各种教职。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The German legal magazine Legal Tribune Online assessed all three requirements set up by the DFL as legally questionable. Assistant: 而在线法律杂志《法律论坛在线(德语:Legal Tribune Online)》在评估了德国足球联赛协会的三项条件后,认为其存在法律问题。 User: The ceremony culminates at a pond or stream, where the people offer a series of tributes to Pachamama, including "food, beverage, leaves of coca and cigars. Assistant: 仪式的高潮在池塘或溪流边,在那里,人们将提供包括“食物、饮料、古柯叶和雪茄等”一系列贡品给帕查玛玛。 User: More problematic – and never properly addressed by Cumont or his successors – is how real-life Roman Mithraists subsequently maintained a quite complex and sophisticated Iranian theology behind an occidental facade. Assistant: 更有问题的是──及其从来没有被库蒙或他的继承者妥善地解决──真实生活中的罗马密特拉教徒是如何在西洋外观背后接着主张著一个相当复杂和精致的伊朗神学。 User: In 2004, he began his first regular television series, in the crime drama CSI: New York, in which he plays Detective Mac Taylor. Assistant: 2004年,加里开始在电视剧《犯罪现场调查:纽约》中出演常规角色——纽约犯罪实验室的领头人麦克.泰勒(Mac Taylor)。 User: Kelly was strongly in favour of adding an NHL team in Canada. Assistant: 奈许还积极将美国大联盟带入加拿大。 User: Age of candidacy is the minimum age at which a person can legally qualify to hold certain elected government offices. Assistant: 候选人年龄是一个人合法获得某些民选政府机关的参选资格最低年龄。 User: Dragon Quest IV differs from the rest of the series by breaking up the game into five distinct chapters, each of which focuses on a different protagonist or protagonists. Assistant: 和系列其他作品不同,《勇者斗恶龙IV》将游戏分成了五个独立的章节,每一章都有不同的主角。 User: It was an early forerunner of the better known House Un-American Activities Committee, and represented the first congressional committee investigation of communism. Assistant: 该委员会为后来组建为人熟知的众议院非美活动调查委员会奠定了基础,是美国国会中第一个负责调查共产主义的委员会。 User: All of these facilities were designed so that they allowed a digression of thought, and a relaxation of the mind. Assistant: 所有这些设施的设计都是为了让思想脱颖而出,放松心灵。 User: Supporters of this theory believe that the murderer worked, or posed, as a midwife, who could be seen with bloody clothes without attracting suspicion and would be more easily trusted by the victims than a man. Assistant: 该理论的支持者相信该名女性凶手的工作是接生员,她能在不引起注意和嫌疑的情况下身着沾满血腥的衣服,而且比男人更容易获得受害者的信任。 User: Howard also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June. Assistant: 霍华也率先提案在骄傲日前后举行为期一周的各种活动,成为了每年六月在世界各底举行之LGBT骄傲庆典的起源。 User: Each tower also has study rooms, lounges, laundry rooms, and storage areas. Assistant: 每个塔楼还设有书房、休息室、洗衣房和储藏区。 User: In 1979 he was elected Member of Parliament, but went back to local politics to serve as Municipal Commissioner (kommunalråd) of Katrineholm from 1985 to 1989. Assistant: 1979年被选为国家议会议员,1984年离开议会回到喀特林尔摩担任市长(1985年-1989年)。 User: In the book's fictional universe, history resists time travel that would cause the past to be altered, by preventing visits to certain places or times. Assistant: 在小说虚构的世界中,历史会通过阻止对特定地点或时间进行穿越来预防可能会改变过去的时空旅行。 User: Nigerian Libraries Vol. Assistant: 北京图书馆藏。 User: The territory around the capital was renamed in 1939 Governorate of Scioa: originally it was called "Governorato di Addis Abeba", but in 1939 the name was changed to show the region of Scioa around the area of Addis Abeba. Assistant: 首都阿的斯阿贝巴周围的地区于1939年改名为Scioa省:最初名为“阿的斯阿贝巴总督区”,但在1939年把阿的斯阿贝巴地区周围改名为的Scioa地区。 User: Pedimental gorgoneia were common in Sicily; probably the earliest occurrence being in the Temple of Apollo in Syracuse. Assistant: 三角楣饰的女魔脸形饰在西西里岛相当普遍,其最早可能是出现在锡拉库萨的阿波罗神庙。 User: But even then the station was not spared from air raids. Assistant: 虽然如此这座桥没有被空袭破坏多少。 User: When the Province of South Australia received its original constitution in 1857, it was the most democratic in the British Empire, combining a universal-suffrage lower house (the House of Assembly), with a restricted-suffrage upper house (the Legislative Council). Assistant: 1857年通过的宪法成为大英帝国中最民主的地方,一个普选的下议院(众议局),一个限制选举的上议院(立法局)。 User: Russell, the investigator, shows up early, and so does Ralph's daughter Carla, who wants to introduce Peta, her girlfriend. Assistant: 同时出现的还有Ralph的女儿Carla,她想要介绍她的女朋友Peta给他认识。 User: McLaren, which had a troublesome season so far, proved to be more competitive, with Jenson Button saying that the car "felt good" and that he hoped to qualify the car in the top ten. Assistant: 赛季至今仍陷入瓶颈的麦拉伦车队证明了他们是具有竞争力的,简森·巴顿表示车辆“感觉不错”,且他也希望能够在排位赛中进入前10名。 User: During the meeting, nobody was able to stop the infant from crying until it was passed to a servant's arms. Assistant: 在会议席上 , 谁也无法令小男婴停止哭声 , 一个传一个 , 直到传到一个工人手上。 User: From 1950 to 1965, Starker played and recorded on the Lord Aylesford Stradivarius, the largest instrument made by Antonio Stradivarius. Assistant: 1950至1965年间,斯塔克使用的是安东尼奥·斯特拉迪瓦里制作的Lord Aylesford Stradivarius大提琴。 User: These devices and techniques evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. Assistant: 这些装置和技术可用来评估材料、元件或系统的性质,而不会对它们造成损伤。 User: To a larger degree, modern Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Jews who migrated into northern France and lower Germany around 800–1000 CE, later migrating into Eastern Europe, as well as local Europeans who intermixed with Jews. Assistant: 在更大程度上,现代的阿什肯纳兹犹太人是犹太人的后代,他们在公元800-1000左右迁移到法国北部和德国南部,后来迁入东欧,他们也包括与犹太人混血的当地欧洲人。 User: Alexis Petridis, writing in The Guardian, said that some of the songs are "mostly beautifully turned", but marred by lyrics that are "so devoid of personality that they sound less like song lyrics". Assistant: Petridis 赞扬了专辑中的某些歌曲,称它们“被最美妙地组织起来”;但是他抨击了歌词,宣称“它们是如此地缺乏个性,以至于它们听起来不太像歌词了”。 User: Because Helm did not condemn his son, Benjamin, for joining the Confederate Army, federal authorities classified him as a southern sympathizer. Assistant: 由于他没有谴责自己的儿子本杰明加入邦联军队,联邦政府因此认为他对南方抱持同情。 User: The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. Assistant: 2017年大西洋飓风季的第九场获命名(英语:Tropical cyclone naming)的风暴、第四场飓风、第二场大型飓风和首场五级飓风,伊尔玛在其漫长的一生中造成广泛和灾难性的破坏,特别是在加勒比地区东北部和佛罗里达礁岛群。 User: In part they are firm and thus capable of supporting flight. Assistant: 另外她有些孤僻和防卫性,所以可施展出防护罩。 User: Along the way Huddersfield had also recorded an 8–2 thrashing of Everton, a 6–0 beating of Barnsley, and 5–0 wins over Lincoln City and Southampton. Assistant: 在这个过程中,哈特斯菲尔德曾经以8-2大胜埃弗顿、6-0大胜巴恩斯利及5-0挫林肯城及南安普顿。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Kaczyński is the identical twin brother of the late Polish President Lech Kaczyński. Assistant: 孪生弟弟是已故波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基。 User: By 1939 she had married Mas Sardi (1910–1953) and had a son, Idris (born 7 June 1938). Assistant: 1939年,她嫁给马斯萨尔迪(Mas Sardi,1910年—1953年),并育有一子伊德里斯(1938年—2014年)。 User: Those working on descriptive ethics aim to uncover people's beliefs about such things as values, which actions are right and wrong, and which characteristics of moral agents are virtuous. Assistant: 从事描述伦理学的学者试图揭露人们的想法,这包括价值观、对与错的举止、道德主体的哪种特征具有良善的本质等等。 User: An estimated 112,000 to 120,000 Japanese migrants and Japanese Americans from the West Coast were interned regardless of their attitude to the US or Japan. Assistant: 二战期间,美国西太平洋海岸有大约112,000至120,000名的日本移民和日裔美国公民遭到美国政府集中囚禁,而未考虑他们的态度是支持美国还是支持日本。 User: When the fleet was scuttled in June 1919, Frankfurt was one of the few ships that were not successfully sunk. Assistant: 当舰队于1919年6月自沉时,法兰克福号是少数几艘未能成功沉没的舰只之一。 User: And, in 1992, 76 OH-58A were modified with another engine upgrade, a thermal imaging system, a communications package for law enforcement, enhanced navigational equipment and high skid gear as part of the Army National Guard's (ARNG) Counter-Drug RAID program. Assistant: 在1992年,76架OH-58A都升级了引擎、感热影像系统、通讯套件,还加强了导航系统和即时减速刹车以配合陆军国土防卫的反毒计划(RAID)。 User: Three great architects worked to create the Palazzo, each contributing his own style and character to the building. Assistant: 三个伟大的建筑师创造了这座宫殿,每个都为这座建筑贡献了自己的风格和特色。 User: Some data loggers interface with a personal computer, and use software to activate the data logger and view and analyze the collected data, while others have a local interface device (keypad, LCD) and can be used as a stand-alone device. Assistant: 部分数据记录器具有连接个人计算机的接口,使用特定软件可以激活记录器和查看与分析收集到的数据,还有一些记录器具有本地接口(如键盘、LCD屏幕),可以作为独立设备使用。 User: The first wide-screen film was produced in 1960. Assistant: 第一部宽屏幕电影在1960年生产。 User: Many Australian women have experienced sexual harassment and/or sexual or physical violence in their lifetime. Assistant: 大量女性站出来指控曾在生活或工作中遭遇性骚扰/强奸/强奸未遂等。 User: William Miller posits a more moderate theory, stating "the Revolution (...) wrought disturbances upon white servitude. Assistant: 威廉·米勒给出了更加温和的理论,称“革命(...)对白人劳工造成影响。 User: (Class A) Full-system ride that requires a rider to stop at each station. Assistant: (A类) 要求选手途径整个地铁系统,每个车站都要经停。 User: WARP is a full-featured Direct3D 10.1 renderer device with performance on par with current low-end graphics cards, such as Intel GMA 3000, when running on multi-core CPUs. Assistant: WARP是一个全功能Direct3D 10.1渲染设备,运行在多核心CPU上时性能与目前低端的显示卡(如Intel GMA 3000)相当。 User: The Tu-142 reached initial operational capability in December 1972 after a successful flight-test programme. Assistant: 在成功的飞行测试计划之后,Tu-142在1972年12月达到了最初的作战能力。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In 1960, Vietnam Football Association was established in the North. Assistant: 越南足球协会 1960年,越南足球协会(Vietnam Football Association)成立于北方。 User: Some of the government's executive authority is theoretically and nominally vested in the Sovereign and is known as the royal prerogative. Assistant: 政府的一些行政权力在理论和名义上属于君主,称皇家特权(Royal prerogative)。 User: A reputation system's vulnerability to a Sybil attack depends on how cheaply Sybils can be generated, the degree to which the reputation system accepts input from entities that do not have a chain of trust linking them to a trusted entity, and whether the reputation system treats all entities identically. Assistant: 信誉系统遭到Sybil攻击造成的破坏程度取决于Sybils是否可以很容易的生成,信誉系统如何对待来自于与值得信任的实体不存在信任链关系的实体的参与,信誉系统是否同等地对待所有实体。 User: Hepatitis viruses can develop into a chronic viral infection that leads to liver cancer. Assistant: 肝炎病毒可以诱发慢性病毒感染从而导致肝癌。 User: DGCs are backed by gold through unallocated or allocated gold storage. Assistant: 数字黄金货币通过未配额或者分散配额的黄金存储来资助。 User: Pollock arrived first and the transfer ceremony took place on March 31, 1917, on Saint Thomas. Assistant: 波洛克抢先抵达,交接仪式于1917年3月31日在圣托马斯岛举行。 User: Long Beach Airport has one terminal in Streamline Moderne style that is a historical landmark and was renovated in early 2013. Assistant: 长滩机场有一座现代流线风格的航站楼,作为一个历史性地标,其在2013年被翻新。 User: Allen Hughes was attached to direct. Assistant: 艾伦·休斯被接洽为导演。 User: Mohammad Alloush, a key member of Army of Islam coalition of Salafist and Islamist rebel groups, wrote that US-led military strikes in Syria were a "farce" as long as President Assad remained in power. Assistant: 伊斯兰军反叛的萨拉菲派和伊斯兰派关键人物穆罕默德·阿卢什(Mohammad Alloush)写道,只要阿萨德总统一日掌权,美国主导对叙利亚的空袭就是一场“闹剧”。 User: Further advancement in the field of contact mechanics in the mid-twentieth century may be attributed to names such as Bowden and Tabor. Assistant: 20世纪中期接触力学领域的进步要归功于Bowden和Tabor。 User: He had the lowest fielding percentage among major league shortstops, at .963. Assistant: 他的防守率也是大联盟最低,仅.963。 User: Several modifications of the basic CSP definition have been proposed to adapt the model to a wide variety of problems. Assistant: 基于CSP定义的几种修改,提出使该模型广泛适应各种各样的问题。 User: They are generally filled with air and fitted around a tight PU-based or leather material. Assistant: 它们通常充满空气,并且围绕紧密的PU基或皮革材料装配。 User: Dodgeball was a location-based social networking software provider for mobile devices. Assistant: Dodgeball是基于地理位置的移动社交网络软件供应商。 User: It was a marketing failure because any girl who might want a model train would want a realistically colored train, while boys in the 1950s did not want to be seen playing with a pink train. Assistant: 这是一个失败的营销,因为任何一个想要铁道模型的女孩都希望得到颜色符合实际的火车。 User: More conducive was the Australian Thelemite Frank Bennett, who also spent several months at the Abbey. Assistant: 更有帮助的是来自澳大利亚的泰勒玛主义者弗兰克·班尼特(Frank Bennett),他在修道院呆了好几个月。 User: However, some regional cuisines make extensive use of them. Assistant: 当地的厨房很多用它。 User: Digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication. Assistant: 数码媒体则包括互联网和移动电话网络。 User: He had previously negotiated with the Beiyang government and other northern warlords, resisted Sun's call for the Northern Expedition and was unwilling to provide the National Assembly long-term shelter during the Guangdong-Guangxi War. Assistant: 他曾和北洋政府和其他北方军阀谈判,反对孙中山号召北伐,在粤桂战争期间不愿为国民大会提供长期庇护。 User: He is well known for his vocal support of the State of Israel. Assistant: 这使他产生强烈支持以色列的观点。 User: In the same class, Fred Parke created an animation of his wife's face. Assistant: 在同一班上,弗雷德·帕克(Fred Parke)创作了他妻子脸部的动画。 User: Using this information the attacker can construct a new packet and transmit it on the network. Assistant: 应用这些信息攻击者可以重建新的数据包并在网络上传送。 User: The National Assembly building was destroyed during the earthquake on 12 January 2010. Assistant: 该酒店在2010年1月12日发生的地震中遭到摧毁。 User: Montagu Place runs along the north end, George Street along the south end. Assistant: 沿北侧是蒙塔古坊(Montagu Place),沿南侧是乔治街。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The reflection spectra measured by remote observations of S-type asteroids, however, did not match that of OC meteorites. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:然而远距离对S-型小行星观测的反射光谱却与普通球粒陨石不符。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Neither show, however, was renewed for a second season. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 但该剧并未获得第二季的续订。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The original Sony Betamax video recorder for the NTSC television system could only record for 60 minutes, identical to the previous U-matic format, which had been sufficient for use in television studios. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:最早的NTSC系统Betamax可录制一个小时,这与先前的U-matic格式一样,而对于电视业界已经足够。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: With Laotian truck driver Lanh and three welders he builds 42 bridges between 2008 and 2010. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在老挝卡车司机拉赫(Lanh)和三位焊接工的帮助下,2008年至2010年间,他建造了42座桥梁。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Score released an EP called Myths & Legends on April 14, 2017, including new songs "Higher" and "Miracle". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:新专辑于2017年4月14日正式发行,其中包括新曲“Higher”和“Miracle”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: At the 1999 Women's World Cup in the United States, the German team also failed to qualify directly, but managed to beat the Ukraine in a qualifying play-off. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在美国举办的1999年世界杯中,德国女足同样未能直接晋级,但在附加赛战胜乌克兰还是使他们搭上了通往美国的末班车。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Thanks to the quick thinking of an employee of the building, who cut down the flagpole that customarily displayed the royal banner whenever the monarch was in residence, the Republicans were led to believe that Manuel II had abandoned his home. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 多亏思维敏捷的雇员砍倒了悬挂表示君主居住在宫内的皇家旗帜的旗杆,才使得共和党人相信曼努埃尔二世已经放弃了他的住处。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Customers had informed Remington "that some R51 pistols had performance issues" some serious. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 客户已通知雷明登,“一些R51手枪有性能上的问题。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Throwback Game of the Week. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 损败,归黄道周。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Their release was conditioned upon the 78-year-old Viktor Ephrussi signing away his ownership of the building and its entire contents, including many valuable works of art and the library in which were many rare incunabula. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:78岁的维克托·埃弗吕西签字放弃对建筑及所有内部艺术品和珍稀古版书的所有权后获释。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:However, Charles's placating actions did not have the desired effect, and the porteños, some of them versed in the ideology of the French Revolution, became even more convinced of the need for independence from Spain. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而国王安抚修正的行动并没有达到预期效果,一部分精通法国大革命理论的布宜诺斯艾利斯市民对脱离西班牙的独立活动越发渴望。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Julie Walters and Stellan Skarsgård also reprised their roles as Rosie and Bill, respectively. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 茱莉·华达丝及史戴伦·史卡斯格也分别重演萝西及比尔的角色。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Whosoever is verbose brings on sin. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:凡交往,必骗尽。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:SSL 2.0 is a deprecated protocol version with significant weaknesses. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: SSL 2.0是一个被弃用的 协议版本,具有明显的缺陷。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This is based on the medieval belief that flies could enter a person's head and cause mental illness. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这是基于中世纪的迷信,认为苍蝇如果进入一个人的头,就会导致心理疾病。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Between 1998 and 2006 the community was known as the Abbey of Hagia Maria Sion, in reference to the Basilica of Hagia Sion that stood on this spot during the Byzantine period, but it resumed the original name during the 2006 celebrations of the monastery's centenary. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 1998年至2006年间,它称为锡安圣玛利亚修道院,在拜占庭时期,在这个地方曾有一座圣锡安教堂,但在2006年庆祝修道院成立一百周年时恢复原名。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As in the other forms of Pacific dance such as the Tahitian hura the buki emphasizes the movement of the hips. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 如同其他太平洋舞蹈形式,舞者须强调臀部的动作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the aftermath of the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, a Serbian army invaded Dibër and entered Peshkopi in early December 1912. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在奥斯曼帝国解体后,一支塞尔维亚的军队巴尔干战争中的塞尔维亚入侵迪勃拉地区,并于1912年12月初攻入佩什科比。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Benazir Bhutto: Prime Minister. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 吉莫·廷礼:不丹总理。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Delray Beach station is a train station in Delray Beach, Florida, that is served by Tri-Rail and Amtrak. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 德拉海滩站(英语:Delray Beach Station)是德拉海滩的一座铁路车站,由三铁路和美铁提供服务。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Examples are computer CPUs, graphics ICs. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 例如计算机CPU,图形IC。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A justice of the peace in Australia is typically someone of good stature in the community who is authorised to witness and sign statutory declarations and affidavits and to certify copies of original documents. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 澳洲的太平绅士通常是由社区中有良好纪录的公民担任,有权见证与签署法定声明及宣誓书(英语:Affidavit),以及公证文件副本。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The right to housing is also enshrined in Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Article 16 of the European Social Charter (Article 31 of the Revised European Social charter) and in the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 住房权也体现在《身心障碍者权利公约》的第28条、欧洲社会宪章(英语:European Social Charter)的第16条(修正版欧洲社会宪章的第31条),在非洲人权宪章(英语:African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights)中也包括了住房权。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The skeleton was found with others in the upper section of the Los Colorados Formation. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 化石发现于洛斯科洛拉多斯组(Los Colorados Formation)的上层。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He is a sculptor who has designed several monumental sculptures, including the award-winning Sentinel. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他是一位雕刻家,设计了许多纪念性雕像,包括获奖作品“哨兵”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: At the end of 1908, the hotel's chairman, William Harris, proposed the removal of the name "Ritz" from the hotel. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1908年末,酒店主席威廉·哈里斯曾提议将酒店名称中的“丽兹”移除。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Neither of these powers, however, has so far been exercised. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 当然这些权力至今尚未行使过。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 From December 1889 to May 1895, it was occupied by the German botanist Georg August Zenker as an agricultural research station named Jaunde after the local Yaunde or Ewondo people. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 自1889年至1895年5月,德国植物学家奥古斯特·乔治·岑克尔(August Georg Zenker)将此地用作农业研究站,此研究所以当地人部落“Yaunde”为名取作Jaunde。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: She later served as president twice. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他于任内期间先后两次担任总统。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The side of the neck is red, going into yellow. Assistant: 颈部的侧面为红色,慢慢过渡到黄色。 User: The outbreak of World War I was a pivotal moment for Russia and Alexandra. Assistant: 第一次世界大战的爆发改变了俄国和亚历山德拉的命运。 User: Emergency volunteers provided water and food to the affected residents. Assistant: 应急志愿者向受灾居民提供水和食品。 User: Verdeț and his wife Reghina, were married in 1947. Assistant: 维尔德茨和他的妻子雷吉娜(齐奥塞斯库的妹妹)于1947年结婚。 User: The cluster has a redshift of z=1.067. Assistant: 这个星系团的红移值为z=1.067。 User: According to the Associate Press it is unlikely the letter's demands would be met as "two-thirds of the 86-member assembly are considered strong loyalists of Khamenei and would oppose" any investigation of him. Assistant: 据《美联社》预测,这封信件不会得到“由86名议员组成、当中三分二被认为是哈梅内伊亲信的议会认可,并且会反对”对哈梅内伊作出任何调查。 User: Examination of the bones revealed that they are honeycombed with tiny air cells, and are very thin, like the bones of a chicken or an ostrich, making the neck lighter and easier to lift. Assistant: 对于这些骨头的检验,显示出它们是由蜂窝状骨细胞所构成,而且骨细胞非常细,类似鸡或鸵鸟的骨细胞,使得波塞东龙的颈部较轻,且较容易举起。 User: The common theme in these conspiracy theories is that aliens have been among us for decades, centuries or millennia, but a government cover-up enforced by "Men in Black" has shielded the public from knowledge of a secret alien invasion. Assistant: 他解释: 这些阴谋论的共同主题是外星人在人类之间生活了几十年、几百年甚至上千年,但是一个由政府秘密机构组成的黑衣人单位强制掩饰(英语:Cover-up)了真相,使得公众对外星生命入侵的情形一无所知。 User: Percussionist James Wormworth, who often acted as Weinberg's on-air substitute, serves as the band's permanent drummer. Assistant: 打击乐詹姆斯·沃尔姆沃斯经常在直播时担任温伯格的替补,作为乐队的永久鼓手。 User: In the United States, a credit score of 600 or below is considered a poor score, thus limiting available credit (or requiring the borrower to pay higher interest rates). Assistant: 在美国,信用评分为600或以下被认为是一个差的成绩,从而限制了可用信用(或要求借款人支付较高的利率)。 User: In addition to the headquarters at New Scotland Yard, there are many police stations in London. Assistant: 除了新苏格兰场的总局之外,伦敦地区的警察分局约有140个。 User: Wagner developed a compositional style in which the importance of the orchestra is equal to that of the singers. Assistant: 瓦格纳创造了一种新的作曲风格,使得管弦乐队与歌手的地位同样重要。 User: The arrival of personnel at the airfields was slow, necessitating, on the 23rd, a one-day delay and omission of 1st Brigade from the plan; consequent mission changes caused near chaos in command channels. Assistant: 空降部队人员很缓慢的到达机场,因此有必要从23日延期一天和从计划中删除第1旅的参与;由此命令的改变引致附近的指挥渠道混乱。 User: The railways are all standard gauge and are built to the heaviest North American standards. Assistant: 这些铁路都是标准铁轨并且按照美国重型标准建造。 User: Ten years later, the writer encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him that the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turned out to be de Fontgibu. Assistant: 十年后,他在巴黎某餐厅点干果布丁吃,侍应告诉他最后一个干果布丁也给了另一个客人。 User: Around the same time, New People's Party chairwoman Regina Ip, a 2012 candidate who did not receive enough nominations, expressed her interest in running for the second time. Assistant: 在此同时,当时为潜在候选人,曾在2012年参选行政长官、但后来因提名不足而放弃的新民党主席叶刘淑仪,第二次表示自己有兴趣参与这次行政长官选举。 User: One of the two tank battalions of the Polish 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade being formed in France was also partly equipped with first 24 R 40s, which were then on 31 May given to 25 BCC, after which the Polish battalion received another 28 R 40s, the last thirteen on 19 June. Assistant: 还有在法国逐渐的波兰第10装甲骑兵旅团的两个营中,有一个营最初装备了24辆R 40坦克,之后5月31日,BCC收到了25辆,再之后,波兰又收到了28辆,最后的13辆于6月19日交付。 User: His personal best jump of 8.27 metres is the Asian indoor record. Assistant: 他的个人最好一跳8.27米是亚洲室内纪录。 User: Simpson was a pensioner who lived in the nearby village of Gilmerton and visited Edinburgh to supplement her pension by selling salt. Assistant: 辛普森住在附近村庄,靠养老金生活,来爱丁堡是为了卖盐补贴己用。 User: Dibitales, an iPad app for children to create their own 3D movies with the Dibidogs characters. Assistant: DIbitales,一个让孩子们可以制作自己的3D动画的iPad应用程序。 User: Historian J.N. Druckman observed "television primes its audience to rely more on their perceptions of candidate image (e.g., integrity). Assistant: 历史学家德鲁克曼说道“电视”让观众更多关注于候选人形象(例如,正直)。 User: All sacred images are made to exact specifications that have remained remarkably unchanged for centuries. Assistant: 每个神圣的画像都有其特殊的规格,并在几世纪以来一直保持不变。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: In 1784, he went to Russia, where he worked as a teacher for ten years. Assistant: 在1784年,他远赴俄罗斯并在那里从事教育工作达十年之多。 User: In 2007, Mafikeng was reported to have a population of 250,000 of which the CBD constitutes between 69,000 and 75,000. Assistant: 2007年的报告显示,本市人口已经达到250,000人,其中居住在中央商业区(CBD)的人口介于69,000到75,000人。 User: Then, in the space of just 10 days in May, Shawn Hill, John Patterson, and Jason Bergmann went on the disabled list. Assistant: 如此在5月的10天里面,Shawn Hill、John Patterson和Jason Bergmann也跟着进入伤兵名单。 User: In West Bengal this party gained momentum in participation in Bhangor against an ongoing Power Grid project. Assistant: 在西孟加拉邦,该党派在班戈(Bhangar)反对正在进行的电网项目。 User: Brown and Donewald spoke at the church, urging them to stop protesting at the strip club and saying, "It's not our job to tell these women that it's time to get out of there ... Just love them. Assistant: 布朗和唐沃尔德在教堂演说,呼吁教众不要再到脱衣舞俱乐部前抗议:“我们的工作不是告诉那些女人离开那个地方......只管爱她们。 User: He toured Europe in 1964 as part of the American Folk Blues Festival, produced by the German promoters Horst Lippmann and Fritz Rau. Assistant: 他在1964年作为音乐家之一参加了在欧洲举办的美国民谣蓝调音乐节,这场音乐节是由德国的活动举办人Horst Lippmann和FritzRau筹划的。 User: 60 per cent of the wastewater treatment plants are overloaded and 38 per cent have been in operation for 25 to 30 years and need to be reconstructed. Assistant: 在俄罗斯,有60%的废水处理厂运行过载,38%的废水处理厂已经运行了25-30年并急需重建。 User: Founder and Current Member. Assistant: 组成及现时成员. . User: Current fossil and DNA evidence shows that all existing species can trace a continual ancestry back to the first primitive life forms. Assistant: 现在化石及DNA证据显示所有存在的物种可以追踪一个连续的系谱至最初的原始生命体。 User: The Decapolis was a center of Greek and Roman culture in a region which was otherwise populated by Semitic-speaking people (Nabataeans, Arameans, and Judeans). Assistant: 德卡波利斯城市是该地区希腊文化和罗马文化的中心,有别于闪米特人(纳巴泰人、亚兰人和犹太人)。 User: By this time (the 7th century) the concept had clearly reached Cambodia as Khmer numerals, and documentation shows the idea later spreading to China and the Islamic world. Assistant: 在同一时期(西元七世纪),其概念已很清楚地传到了柬埔寨,后来显示其观念的文书更传到了中国和伊斯兰世界。 User: It was intended to sound different from the music of previous Final Fantasy titles, featuring more musical styles and vocal pieces. Assistant: 游戏有意于让音乐与以往的最终幻想的作品听上去有所不同,加入更多的音乐风格和人声作品。 User: It is only placed on display for special occasions, such as Franklin's birthday. Assistant: 这架琴仅在富兰克林生日等特殊场合才会被展出。 User: He reviewed the Iraq sanctions policy during this period and issued a document that included consideration of regime change. Assistant: 同时间,索尔斯审视了对伊拉克的制裁,并提交了一份文件,当中考虑了伊拉克政权更迭的问题。 User: But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Assistant: 但是根据这些资料,无论谁在设想,师傅很少参与,是对世事的无知。 User: He also worked to improve the traffic system and put an emphasis on charity, such as distributing free soup to the poor. Assistant: 另外,艾哈迈迪内贾德致力改善交通系统,热衷于慈善活动,如向贫苦大众分发免费的汤水。 User: TopStyle 3.5 was released on October 15, 2007 (version Assistant: TopStyle 3.5于2007-10-15发布(版本号:。 User: She returns shortly after but leaves. Assistant: 但不久又被放逐,后又返回。 User: Agriculture was the primary source of income, with 75% of the population making their living from farming. Assistant: 当时农业是唯一的收入来源,75%的人口靠耕种为生。 User: Example: The meromorphic function f(z) = 1/(1 − e1/z) has an essential singularity at z = 0 and attains the value ∞ infinitely often in any neighborhood of 0; however it does not attain the values 0 or 1. Assistant: 例如,亚纯函数f(z) = 1/(1 − exp(1/z))在z = 0处具有本性奇点,在0的任何邻域内都无穷多次取得值∞;但它无法取得0或1的值。 User: According to the retired Lt. Col. Samsudeen Sarr's autobiography, the Gambian defence ministry hosted an official delegation to Pyongyang in October 1996, visiting among other places the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. Assistant: 退休上校桑莳丁·萨尔(Samsudeen Sarr)在自传中指出,冈比亚国防部于1996年10月派了一个代表团到平壤,并参观了锦绣山太阳宫等地。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Cristiano Ronaldo won the award with nearly 35% of the vote. Assistant: 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多以将近35%的得票率赢得该年度的此项大奖。 User: But in fact, approximately 100 of Juneau's crew had survived the torpedo attack and the sinking of their ship and were left in the water. Assistant: 事实上,朱诺号的大约100名船员在鱼雷攻击中幸免于难,但被困在沉没的船上。 User: The Japanese representative stated that the name of the Sea of Japan had already been accepted worldwide and that any change would introduce confusion. Assistant: 日本代表说,日本海的名称已经被世界公认,任何做出的变化将会导致地名的混淆。 User: He was employed successively at the ministries of the interior and of war, and was appointed on 20 September 1793 third deputy suppliant of Paris by the Luxembourg section. Assistant: 他相继受雇于内政部的和战争部,1793年9月20日由卢森堡地区任命为巴黎的第三诉求代表(third deputy suppliant of Paris)。 User: Newark capitulated, and later that same day, league owners voted to refuse future contracts to blacks, citing the "hazards" imposed by such athletes. Assistant: 纽华克屈服了;就在同一天稍晚,联盟各球团老板决议不再和任何黑人选手签约,并逐项列举这些选手带来的“危害”。 User: Wilhelm Marx House was previously home of the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange and presently includes a theatre, called "JuTA" ("Junges Theater in der Altstadt", or "Young Theatre in the Old Town"). Assistant: 威廉·马克思大楼曾是杜塞尔多夫证券交易所的所在地,现在是老城青春剧院(Junges Theater in der Altstadt)。 User: Manufacturers of sound-masking devices recommend that the volume of white noise machines be initially set at a comfortable level, even if it does not provide the desired level of privacy. Assistant: 声掩蔽设备制造商建议,白噪声播放器的音量最初应设置在令人舒适的档位,即使此声级不能满足保护隐私的要求。 User: The mosaic, found in the Sicilian Villa Romana del Casale, features ten maidens who have been anachronistically dubbed the "Bikini Girls". Assistant: 这块马赛克在卡萨尔的古罗马别墅中被发现,上面有十位在考古学上被戏称为“比基尼美女”的少女。 User: At Santa Maria della Pieve, Arezzo, this screening is carried even further, as the roofline is horizontal and the arcading rises in many different levels while the colonettes that support them have a great diversity of decoration. Assistant: 在阿雷佐的圣玛利亚教堂,这种遮盖被更进一步,屋顶轮廓似乎是水平的,拱廊从众多不同的层高上升起,支撑它们的小柱富有多样性的装饰。 User: Films by PRC nationals cannot be submitted to foreign film festivals without government approval. Assistant: 中华人民共和国境内的影片未经政府许可不能提交到外国电影节。 User: Any regular expression may be used as the rule pattern. Assistant: 任意正则表达式均可作为规则模式。 User: It introduces scrolling sprite graphics with collision detection, and uses a racing wheel controller. Assistant: 它包括带碰撞检测的卷轴精灵图形,并使用赛车方向盘控制器。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: That train reported seeing derail bar debris between the tracks near where No. 363 had stopped, but the tracks remained clear and available for service. Assistant: 其中有驾驶员报告看见363号列车遗留的零件,但是轨道没有被阻挡,依然能使用。 User: Feige then led an advisory commission assigned to assist the Soviet effort to complete the ship. Assistant: 费格随后还负责带领一个顾问委员会,负责协助苏联完成该舰的建造。 User: It was officially opened in 2007. Assistant: 它于2007年正式开放。 User: Stefani launched her first solo arena tour in October 2005, which coincided with the news of her pregnancy (her son, Kingston James McGregor Rossdale, was born on May 26, 2006). Assistant: 专辑的巡回演出于2005年10月展开,在巡演途中也传出了他怀孕的消息,并且在2006年5月26日产下儿子Kingston James McGregor Rossdale。 User: A sequel was published in 1985 called Beyond the Chocolate War. Assistant: 《巧克力战争》的续集《超越巧克力战争(Beyond The Chocolate War)》于1985年出版。 User: Fairbairn's works include: Psychoanalytical Studies of the Personality (1952) and From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W. R. D. Fairbairn (1994). Assistant: 费尔贝恩的作品包括:《人格的心理分析研究》(1952)、《从本能到自我:罗纳德·费尔贝恩研究论文选集》(1994)。 User: New York became the financial capital of the world, but the Wall Street Crash of 1929 hurled the Western industrialized world into the Great Depression. Assistant: 纽约成为世界的金融中心,但1929年的华尔街崩盘将西方工业化世界带入了大萧条。 User: NSC 68 is a source of much historical debate as is the escalation of the Cold War. Assistant: NSC-68号文件被历史学家认为是冷战升级的重要因素。 User: These qualities no doubt influenced Warren Hastings, the Governor-General of the EIC, when he appointed him his private secretary. Assistant: 毫无疑问,这些素质影响了东印度公司总督沃伦·黑斯廷斯,后者任命博格尔为自己的私人秘书。 User: Around 1900, 116 railwaymen per shift worked the points and signals for about one hundred trains on the spot. Assistant: 早在1900年,车站便已有116名员工轮班为约100班列车的进出负责扳道及调度工作。 User: If the geodetic coordinates of the zenith camera is known or measured, e.g., with a GPS-receiver, vertical deflections are obtained as result of the zenith camera measurement. Assistant: 如果天顶摄影机的参考椭球体是已知或测量过,也就是以GPS接受器测量,就可以得到天顶摄影机的垂直偏转结果。 User: In 1969 he quit politics. Assistant: 1969年退出政界。 User: Overall, the forecasts were fairly accurate. Assistant: 事实证明,这一预测总体上较为准确。 User: That year, two days prior to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion organized by the CIA with the participation of Cuban exiles, Douglas A-26 Invader aircraft from Brigade 2506 bombarded José Martí Airport and Antonio Maceo Airport in Santiago de Cuba. Assistant: 同年,在中央情报局参与的失败的猪湾入侵的两天之前,古巴流亡者组成的2506大队驾驶B-26轰炸机轰炸了何塞·马蒂机场和古巴圣地亚哥的安东尼奥·马塞奥机场。 User: He contributed songs to American singer Teedra Moses's 2004 album Complex Simplicity, Christina Milian's It's About Time, and the American boy band Youngstown, none of which, however, brought Ne-Yo much mainstream attention. Assistant: 他曾为蒂德拉·摩西(英语:Teedra Moses)2004年专辑《Complex Simplicity》、克里斯蒂娜·米莲的专辑《It's About Time》,以及美国男子乐队Youngstown写过歌曲,但这些都未能给尼欧带来太多主流关注。 User: In August 2008, SAMU, the federal emergency medical services, purchased 400 motorcycle ambulances to be deployed nationwide between December 2008 and 2009. Assistant: 2008年8月,联邦紧急医疗服务(法文:Service d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence,简称SAMU),采购了400摩托车作为救护车,并于2008年12月和2009年之间部署于全国。 User: SSSE3 contains 16 new discrete instructions. Assistant: SSSE3包含了16个新的不同于SSE3的指令。 User: They were also the engineers and architects of that time, and so had need of mathematics in any case. Assistant: 艺术家们同时还是当时的工程师和建筑师,因此自然无论如何都要用到数学。 User: After modern Turkey emerged from the war victorious, the Treaty of Sèvres was discarded and the Treaty of Lausanne was signed in its place in 1923. Assistant: 随着当代土耳其作为战胜国崛起,《色佛尔条约》遭到废除,并于1923年重新签订了《洛桑条约》。 User: Some of the premises of the film include: The Federal Reserve System is unconstitutional and has maxed out the national debt and bankrupted the United States government. Assistant: 这部片中假设的一些前提为: 联邦储备系统不但违反了宪法,而且膨胀了美国的国债、使美国政府正在迈向破产的边缘。 User: Ye Chit, Ye Swe, Ye Myint and Ye Tint were the boxers he trained from Mandalay. Assistant: 陈世俊(?年-?年),字兰侯,号识庵,浙江海宁县人。 User: Church and state should be separate. Assistant: 教会与政府必须分离。 User: Michael Bwana, another student who fled, said that "most of the people still inside there are girls", in reference to the remaining student dormitory where the gunmen were believed to be hiding. Assistant: 另一名逃走的学生迈克尔·伯旺那说:“大多数人还在里面,还有女生”,提到剩余的学生宿舍估计是枪手藏匿的地点。 User: A similar effect has been found for numbers related to birthdays: people tend to prefer the number signifying the day of the month on which they were born. Assistant: 在与生日有关的数字中也出现了类似的效应:人们更倾向于能反应他们出生年月的数字。 User: Such a force would be spontaneously broken into the three forces by a Higgs-like mechanism. Assistant: 这样的结构将磁偶极矩抵消,产生一个四极矩。 User: The defendants, Morland and the editors of The Progressive, would not accept security clearances, which would put restraints on their free speech, and so were not present at the in camera hearings. Assistant: 莫兰和《进步》的几位编辑拒绝接受安全审查,因为这将束缚他们的言论自由,所以他们没有出席私下进行的听证会。 User: Other tanks are in the collections of the Musée des Blindés in France, the Royal Museum of the Army in Brussels and the Kubinka Tank Museum, Russia. Assistant: 还有一批征服者坦克藏于法国的装甲博物馆,布鲁塞尔的皇家军事博物馆和俄国的库宾卡坦克博物馆中。 User: Statistics accurate as of match played 3 November 2018. Assistant: 统计精确到2018年11月3日的比赛。 User: These islands were known as the Danish West Indies and were eventually sold to the United States in 1917 for 25 million dollars. Assistant: 而其后这些岛屿组合为丹麦属西印度群岛,并在1917年以25,000,000美元卖予美国,后者以之为海军基地的用途。 User: The Canadian classification for avalanche size is based upon the consequences of the avalanche. Assistant: 加拿大雪崩规模分级是根据雪崩的后果划分的。 User: Upon ascension he took up the name Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus. Assistant: 他的登基之后改名为马尔库斯·奥瑞里乌斯·安东尼努斯(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus)。 User: Satyaki then emerges from his swoon, and swiftly decapitates his enemy. Assistant: 尚氏尝于帝前语侵后,后不胜忿,起批其颊。 User: To be beneficial, the complication rate of the surgery should be kept below 4%. Assistant: 只有手术并发症的几率低于4%才是有益的。 User: The annual rainfall in 2010 was 10.5 inches (270 mm) and the annual days of sunshine 310. Assistant: 2010年年降水量为10.5英寸(270毫米),光照时间为310天。 User: From the 1920s onward, the movement spread around the globe, eventually affecting the visual arts, literature, film and music of many countries and languages, as well as political thought and practice, philosophy and social theory. Assistant: 1920年以后超现实主义运动蔓延至各个领域,最终影响全球多个国家及语言的视觉艺术,文学,电影和音乐,乃至政治思想及政策实施,哲学及社会学理论。 User: A total of 49 houses were severely damaged, 2 were destroyed, and overall more than 100 were affected. Assistant: 共计49户房屋严重受损,两套被毁,受灾总人数超过100。 User: George Connell, 84, Canadian academic and biochemist, President of the University of Toronto (1984–1990). Assistant: 乔治·康奈尔(George Connell),84岁,加拿大学者和生物化学家,多伦多大学校长(1984–1990)。 User: During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Perry spoke on how she felt during the breakup: "Imagine what you go through. Assistant: 在《娱乐周刊》的访问中,佩芮说出她对于分手的感觉:“想一下你的经历,想一下你分手后发生了什么。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: The game was later released for the Wii and Wii U Virtual Consoles. Assistant: 游戏后来与Wii和Wii U的Virtual Console上再版。 User: In April of that same year, a new charter was adopted for the college, still in use today, granting power to a private board of twenty-four Trustees. Assistant: 同年四月,学校正式采用了赋予二十四位校董事权力的新章程,并且一直沿用至今。 User: Undertaking),1 Medical Institutions (Central Govt. Assistant: 总参谋部(1个):中央警卫局。 User: In 1980 the government set up the Yulara Development Company Ltd to develop tourist accommodation, staff housing and a shopping centre. Assistant: 1980年,政府成立了尤拉拉发展有限公司以发展旅游住宿,员工住房和购物中心。 User: To Kepler's disappointment, however, Galileo never published his reactions (if any) to Astronomia Nova. Assistant: 但是令开普勒失望的是,伽利略从未发表过其对《新天文学》的(任何)反应。 User: News of the execution, released on 13 February, provoked international outrage. Assistant: 2月13日发布的处决消息激起国际愤慨。 User: Although linear algebraic groups have a classification that is very similar to that of Lie groups, their representation theory is rather different (and much less well understood) and requires different techniques, since the Zariski topology is relatively weak, and techniques from analysis are no longer available. Assistant: 虽然对线性代数群可如李群类似地进行分类,但是它们的表示论却非常不同(而且人们尚未能很好理解),并且要求的技巧也不一样;这是由于扎里斯基拓扑相对而言是较弱的拓扑,使得分析中的技巧不再适用。 User: In 1916, France seized the territories after the fall of German forces in western Africa. Assistant: 1916年,德军在非洲全线失败时,法国占领了这块领地。 User: The area is subject to frequent flooding; at some places the high-water mark of floods is fourteen meters above the surrounding countryside. Assistant: 该地区经常洪水泛滥,在一些地方洪水高水位的标志超过周围乡村14米高。 User: In 1950 and 1951, the Deutsche Bundesbahn converted locomotives 01 042, 01 046, 01 112, 01 154 and 01 192. Assistant: 1950到1951年德国联邦铁路(DB)对01 042、 01 046、 01 112、01 154 、01 192这几辆机车进行了改造。 User: Each subsequent shot is fired single-action mode. Assistant: 而后续的射击都将会以单动操作模式射击。 User: Change is inevitable because of this threshold, therefore the previous self can no longer exist. Assistant: 但由于这样的修改,枪机必须相应地进行修改,因为原来位置以上的阻铁已不再存在。 User: Khomeini accused the PMOI to be responsible and, according to BBC journalist Baqer Moin, the Mujahedin were "generally perceived as the culprits" for the bombing in Iran. Assistant: 霍梅尼指控组织要为事件负责,英国广播公司记者巴吉尔·穆安(Baqer Moin)指组织在伊朗“逐渐被当作罪犯”。 User: For example, kats- is the root for the word "man". Assistant: 举例示之,kats-(字根结尾为子音"s")为单字"男人"的字根。 User: Donovan subsequently brought in attorney Thomas M. Debevoise to assist him; Fisher was tried in Federal Court at New York City during October 1957, on three counts: Conspiracy to transmit defense information to the Soviet Union – 30 years imprisonment; Conspiracy to obtain defense information – 10 years imprisonment; and Conspiracy to act in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without notification to the Secretary of State – 5 years imprisonment. Assistant: 1957年10月,费雪被纽约市联邦法庭以下列三条审理: 企图传递国防资讯给苏联 -- 30年有期徒刑 企图取得国防资讯 -- 10年有期徒刑 企图在没有告知国务卿的情况下以外国政府特务的身份在美国领土活动 -- 5年有期徒刑 费雪的前助理海罕南在法庭上指认他,而检察官并没有找到其他费雪间谍情报网的成员。 User: Meanwhile, Western spiritual writing was deeply influenced by the works of such men as Jerome and Augustine of Hippo. Assistant: 同时,西方的灵修著作深受耶柔米及希波的奥古斯丁的影响。 User: As a personified version of conservative democracy, key ideals of Erdoğanism include a religious inspired strong centralised leadership based primarily on electoral consent and less so on the separation of powers and institutional checks and balances. Assistant: 埃尔多安主义的关键理想包括宗教激励强而有力的集中领导,主要基于选举同意,而不是权力分立和制度制衡。 User: The cable serves different functions with different games. Assistant: 该传输线为不同的游戏提供不同的功能。 User: In the Season 6 opener "Escape From the Citadel", Finn has lost half of his right arm, up to his elbow, from which a flower protruded. Assistant: 在第六季《逃离恶魔城》,阿宝已经失去了一支右臂,延伸至手肘有花伸出。 User: Two Governors from the Harrow School Board of Governors in the UK are members of the Governing Body; they attend its meetings and visit the School in Hong Kong three times a year to ensure quality control and guidance from the Harrow family. Assistant: 两名英国哈罗公学校董会成员为学校校董会成员,他们每年来港3次,视察校舍及出席会议,确保哈罗公学大家庭的品质管理和提出指导。 User: It was first performed on 25 February 1904 at the Molesworth Hall, Dublin, by the Irish National Theater Society. Assistant: 1904年2月25日由爱尔兰国家戏剧协会在都柏林Molesworth礼堂首演。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Furthermore, words that do not meet the "criteria" of a semantic category may still use that category because of their association with a prototype. Assistant: 此外,不符合语义类型“标准”的名词仍可能使用此分类的分类词,因为通过这些词可以联想到这个原型。 User: The observable universe is one causal patch of a much larger unobservable universe; other parts of the Universe cannot communicate with Earth yet. Assistant: 从地球上观测到的可见宇宙只是更大的整体宇宙的一小部分,但其他的“不可见宇宙”区域与我们之间尚未有信息的传达。 User: Hence the central provision under EU law asks whether a concentration would, if it went ahead, "significantly impede effective competition... in particular as a result of the creation or strengthening off a dominant position..." and the corresponding provision under US antitrust states similarly, No person shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock or other share capital... of the assets of one or more persons engaged in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where... the effect of such acquisition, of such stocks or assets, or of the use of such stock by the voting or granting of proxies or otherwise, may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly. Assistant: 因此,欧盟法律的核心条款询问,如并购成功,集中化是否会“严重阻碍有效竞争......特别是造成或加强支配地位之结果......”,而在美国的反托拉斯法中也有类似的条款: 没有人可以直接或间接收购全部或部分股票或其他股本......一人或多人进行商业活动或任何会影响商业之活动的资产,其中......收购此类股票或资产的效果,或使用此类股票进行表决、授予代理等行为,可能会实质减少竞争,或趋向于形成独占。 User: Luke Wroblewski has summarized some of the RWD and mobile design challenges, and created a catalog of multi-device layout patterns. Assistant: Luke Wroblewski 总结出了 RWD 和移动设计中的一些挑战,还创建了一个多设备布局模式的目录。 User: Each model can be verified with Spin under different types of assumptions about the environment. Assistant: 径流可以用数学模型配合各种水质取样方式进行分析。 User: According to former President Richard M. Nixon's 1967 Foreign Affairs article, Thailand entered a period of rapid growth in 1958 (with an average growth rate of seven percent a year). Assistant: 美国前总统理查德·尼克松于1967年发表的《外交事务》中指出,泰国在1958年进入快速增长的时期,平均每年增长7%。 User: In an early work, That Jesus Christ was born a Jew, Luther advocated kindness toward the Jews, but only with the aim of converting them to Christianity: what was called Judenmission. Assistant: 在早期的作品《耶稣基督是一个犹太人》中,路德提倡对犹太人要仁慈,但其目的只是为了将他们转化为基督教,这就是所谓的Judenmission。 User: Westerly was also flooded, where 200 homes were washed away. Assistant: 华盛顿县小镇韦斯特利(Westerly)也被洪水淹没,冲走了镇上200套民宅。 User: Subsidies for some polluting industries were cancelled, while other polluting industries were shut down. Assistant: 一些污染行业补贴被取消,一些污染行业被关闭。 User: When either of these isotopes undergoes fission, it releases neutrons with an energy distribution peaking around 1 to 2 MeV. Assistant: 这两种同位素发生裂变反应时,它们都会释放能量大约在1到2 MeV的中子。 User: Indiana's capital and largest city is Indianapolis, the second largest of any state capital and largest state capital east of the Mississippi River. Assistant: 印第安纳州的州府和最大城市是印第安纳波利斯,它是美国第二大州府和密西西比河以东最大的州府。 User: The Keggin and Dawson structures have tetrahedrally-coordinated heteroatoms, such as P or Si, and the Anderson structure has an octahedral central atom, such as aluminium. Assistant: Keggin和Daswon结构包含四面体协调的杂原子,比如P或者Si,而Anderson结构拥有八面体中心的原子,如铝原子。 User: The logo of the new News Corporation was unveiled at an investor presentation on May 28, 2013; the handwritten logo uses script based on Murdoch's own handwriting. Assistant: 新的新闻集团标志是在2013年5月28日的一个投资者会议上公布的,该标志是基于默多克的手写而进行设计的。 User: He performed an unauthorized takeoff and two McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle fighters were subsequently scrambled to intercept the aircraft. Assistant: 他进行了一次未经授权的飞行,随后两架麦克 唐纳道格拉斯F-15鹰式战斗机升空进行拦截。 User: The telescope's data are relayed daily via a 2 GHz transponder providing a 667kbit/s downlink to a 70m Deep Space Network telescope. Assistant: 该望远镜的数据每天以2千兆赫兹的转发器发送,转发器以667kbit / s下传至70米深空网络望远镜。 User: The initial CUDA SDK was made public on 15 February 2007, for Microsoft Windows and Linux. Assistant: 最初的CUDA软件发展包(SDK)于2007年2月15日公布,支持Microsoft Windows和Linux。 User: External modifications, such as metal bodies and reinforced plastics that make AEGs look and feel even more realistic, have become very popular. Assistant: 外部的修改,使用金属机构和增强塑料,使AEG的外观和感觉更加逼真,已经成为很受欢迎的卖点。 User: Eleven people died and 52 were injured. Assistant: 法军11人死亡,52人受伤。 User: It was decided the effects of kryptonite poisoning on Clark, "Clark time", and the appearance of kryptonite when in the proximity of Clark would need to be illustrated in a way the audience could understand if they were not familiar with the character. Assistant: 剧组经过讨论后,决定并构思了氪星石对克拉克的影响、“克拉克时间”(Clark time)及当克拉克附近有氪星石出现时,他们应该要如何以一种连不太了解该角色的观众都能够了解的形式呈现。 User: The area of 900 square kilometres (350 sq mi), includes the wild oases of Hatiyat Tabaghbagh and Hatiyat Umm Kitabain, and is a mosaic of lakes, salt marshes, scrubland, wild palm groves and Desmostachya bipinnata grassland. Assistant: 面积是900平方公里,包括Hatiyat Tabaghbagh和Hatiyat Umm Kitabain野生绿洲,那里有湖泊、盐沼、灌木丛、野棕榈树林和哈尔法草(Desmostachya bipinnata)为主的草原。 User: Meigs' Syndrome is named for Joe Vincent Meigs. Assistant: 梅格斯综合症是以乔·文森特·梅格斯(英语:Joe Vincent Meigs)命名。 User: In late February Austrian Field Marshal Joseph Radetsky placed Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) under martial law as disturbances spread. Assistant: 2月底,当骚乱蔓延的时候,奥地利陆军元帅约瑟夫·拉德茨基宣布意大利伦巴第-威尼斯地区进入戒严。 User: While moving near western Jamaica, the hurricane produced strong winds of about 80 mph (130 km/h), which wrecked about 90% of the banana crop. Assistant: 途经牙买加西部期间,飓风产生了时速近130公里的狂风,破坏了约90%的香蕉作物。 User: Giroud is a Roman Catholic and has a tattoo on his right arm from Psalm 23 in Latin: "Dominus regit me et nihil mihi deerit" ("The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want"). Assistant: 基奥特为一名天主教徒,右手上其中一个纹身为诗篇第23篇的拉丁文版本(Dominus regit me et nihil mihi deerit),意思为“耶和华是我的牧者;我必不至缺乏”。 User: Programs written in the interpreted language Rexx store an already parsed version of the code as an extended attribute, to allow faster execution. Assistant: 使用解释性语言REXX编写的程序将已经解析过的代码版本作为扩展属性保存以获得更快的运行速度。 User: Ponte degli Scalzi is located close to the site of construction of the fourth bridge over the Grand Canal, popularly known as Ponte di Calatrava although it was formally inaugurated as the Ponte della Costituzione. Assistant: 赤足桥靠近大运河上的第四座桥,俗称为卡拉特拉瓦桥(Ponte di Calatrava),正式开幕时命名为宪法桥(Ponte della Costituzione)。 User: The CPC continues to have relations with non-ruling communist and workers' parties and attends international communist conferences, most notably the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties. Assistant: 今日中国共产党继续与非执政的共产党和工人党保持联系,并且派代表出席共产党和工人党国际会议、国际共产主义研讨会等国际共产主义会议。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Maurice V. Wilkes and J. A. Ratcliffe researched the topic of radio propagation of very long radio waves in the ionosphere. Assistant: 莫里斯·威尔克斯和约翰·拉克利夫研究了极长波长电波在电离层的传播。 User: They bring the widower to the home, and, after he lies and says that they had engaged in adultery, a trial is pursued. Assistant: 后期因为无意间偷听到最中和新月的谈话,确认众人已遭到背叛,转而和最中彻底决裂。 User: 1971 – The Convention on Psychotropic Substances is signed at Vienna. Assistant: 1971年:联合国发起的《精神药物公约》在奥地利维也纳签署。 User: The blistering resultant from PD exposure may also be delayed, for as little as 30 minutes, or as long as 32 hours depending upon the concentration of the dose. Assistant: 此外,它导致的糜烂效果并不立刻显现,少则延迟30分钟,多则32小时,这要取决于吸入的浓度。 User: The Coptic Church later separated from the church of the Romans and the Byzantines. Assistant: 科普特教会后来与罗马人和拜占庭人的教会分离。 User: It is the largest park in Mangalore. Assistant: 它是曼哈顿岛上最大的公园。 User: One reason for this is the FAT file systems (including FAT12/FAT16/FAT32), which are the only ones that Windows 9x supports officially, though Windows NT also supports FAT12 and FAT16 (but not FAT32) and Windows 9x can be extended to read and write NTFS volumes using third-party Installable File System drivers. Assistant: 其原因之一是Windows 9x只正式支持FAT文件系统(包括FAT12/16/32),尽管Windows NT也支持FAT 12及16,且Windows 9x也可通过第三方的Installable File System驱动器来实现对NTFS卷的读写。 User: In only 70 years, Goguryeo rebuilt its capital Hwando and again began to raid the Liaodong, Lelang and Xuantu commandaries. Assistant: 不过仅仅70年,高句丽就重建了丸都城,并开始袭击辽东,乐浪和玄菟。 User: It is sometimes said to be the first impredicative ordinal, though this is controversial, partly because there is no generally accepted precise definition of "predicative". Assistant: 人们有时称它是第一个非断言序数,虽然这是有争议的,部分原因是由于没有普遍接受的确切定义“非断言”。 User: The incident upset Noel to such an extent he temporarily quit the band and flew to San Francisco (it was from this incident the song "Talk Tonight" was written). Assistant: 此举让Noel大为恼火,一气之下退出乐团飞到旧金山(在那里创作了Talk tonight)。 User: The 2010 HSBC Asian Five Nations will be the final qualifying stage for the Asian representative at the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Assistant: 2010年亚洲五国赛是2011年世界杯橄榄球赛亚洲代表的最后排位赛。 User: March 28, 1981: The Hijacking of Flight Garuda Indonesia Flight 206. Assistant: 1981年3月28日 - 印度尼西亚鹰航空的GA 206次航班遭到劫持。 User: This was the first fatal accident involving a 737. Assistant: 这是737系列第一次致命事故。 User: The Asian qualifiers took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the second time, between August 14 and August 18. Assistant: 亚洲预选赛在阿拉伯联合酋长国的迪拜举行,8月14日至8月18日第二次举行。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Mao's Red Guards were given carte blanche to abuse and kill the ones perceived to be enemies of the revolution. Assistant: 毛泽东的红卫兵被授予自由行使侮辱和杀死革命敌人的权力。 User: On 15 January 2016, Hundstorfer was officially announced as the SPÖ's candidate. Assistant: 2016年1月15日,鲁道夫·洪德施托弗尔(Rudolf Hundstorfer)被正式宣布为社民党的候选人。 User: However, many Druze in Lebanon at the time were members of the non-religious party, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. Assistant: 但是,当时黎巴嫩的很多德鲁兹派教徒都是一个非宗教性质政党“叙利亚社会民族主义党”的成员。 User: Supergirl first appeared in a story published in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) titled "The Supergirl from Krypton". Assistant: 超级少女的形象首先出现在《动作漫画》#252,标题为“来自氪星的超级少女”(1959年5月发行)的故事中。 User: The object of the task is to improve the efficiency of agriculture. Assistant: 这项工作的目标是改善农业效率。 User: In Virginia, 125 planes were relocated from Langley Air Force Base to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Assistant: 弗吉尼亚州的兰利空军基地有125架飞机转移到俄亥俄州代顿的赖特-帕特森空军基地。 User: The wreck of Moltke was raised on 10 June 1927, and scrapped at Rosyth from 1927 to 1929. Assistant: 毛奇号的残骸于1927年6月10日被打捞上岸,并于1927年至1929年间在罗塞斯(英语:Rosyth)拆解报废。 User: These include strange stars (composed of strange matter) and the more speculative preon stars (composed of preons). Assistant: 主要包括夸克星和奇异星(成分以奇异物质为主)和更理论的先子星(由先子(前子)组成)。 User: Between 8 and 9:30 am, snow flurries were reported in several areas outside Miami. Assistant: 上午8时至9时30分,佛罗里达州南部许多地区,包括迈阿密,都发生了积雪。 User: Stanley's administration was affected by the United States' entry into World War I. The legislature established and funded a state Council of Defense, but Stanley vetoed a bill that would have banned the teaching of German in public schools. Assistant: 立法部门建立了州防御部门并向其拨款,不过斯坦利否决了一项禁止公立学校教授德语的法案。 User: The area affected by the blast can be subdivided into three roughly concentric zones: Direct blast zone, the innermost zone, averaged about eight miles (13 km) in radius, an area in which virtually everything, natural or artificial, was obliterated or carried away. Assistant: 受到影响的区域也大致分为三个同心圆地区: “直接爆炸区”,最内部的圈,平均半径约为13公里,该区域内几乎所有天然或人工的事物都被湮灭或冲走,因此也被称为“除树区”。 User: A small card written by the magazine's book editor gave a detailed description of the plot, concluding with the comment "might make a good movie". Assistant: 杂志中夹有一张卡片,其上有书籍类文章编辑对小说情节的详细描述,最后还附上了一句“没准能拍部好电影”。 User: The child would grow up healthy, but with some of the behaviours of a pig. Assistant: 女孩健康地长大成人,但有些行为举止很像猪。 User: Gable first tries to withdraw from the very idea but later goes forth with the role after Louis B. Mayer threatens him with a suspension. Assistant: 盖博首先试图打消这个想法,但后来在路易斯·B·梅耶威胁中止合同后终于决定继续担任这个角色。 User: Operation Mo (MO作戦, Mo Sakusen) or the Port Moresby Operation was a Japanese plan to take control of the Australian Territory of New Guinea during World War II as well as other locations in the South Pacific with the goal of isolating Australia and New Zealand from their ally the United States. Assistant: MO作战(日语:MO作戦,Mo Sakusen),或称为莫尔斯比港行动,是大日本帝国于第二次世界大战期间的一次作战代号,主要目标为攻击并控制澳属新几内亚以及诸多太平洋上的小岛,以达到孤立澳洲及新西兰,使其得不到美国支援的目的。 User: Only true friendship can save her now. Assistant: 现实的女友妙也选在此时离弃他。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Since alkyl triflates are extremely reactive in SN2 reactions, they must be stored in conditions free of nucleophiles (such as water). Assistant: 由于三氟甲磺酸烷基酯在SN2反应中活性太强,因此储存中不能接触亲核试剂(如水)。 User: It is connected by an overhead pedestrian bridge to the National Museum of Malaysia. Assistant: 天文馆由一个行人天桥连接,可通往国家博物馆。 User: Falun was originally famous for its copper mine, and is today an important service and industrial city even though the mine is closed (since 1992). Assistant: 此地最早是因出铜矿而闻名,直至今日它仍然是相当重要的工业城市,即使矿坑已于1992年关闭。 User: Applying the Internet model of organized crime, the proliferation of computer viruses and other malicious software promotes a sense of detachment between the perpetrator (whether that be the criminal organization or another individual) and the victim; this may help to explain vast increases in cyber-crime such as these for the purpose of ideological crime or terrorism. Assistant: 随着互联网有组织犯罪模式的发展,病毒的增殖和其它软件导致破坏者(有组织犯罪分子或个人)和受害人的分离;这帮助解释了日益增长的计算机犯罪,例如意识形态犯罪或恐怖主义。 User: Enthusiastic and hard-working Ball had been able to secure film work briefly at the Samuel Goldwyn Studio and Columbia Pictures and then eventually at RKO Radio Pictures. Assistant: 工作热情而努力的鲍尔曾在高德温演播室(Samuel Goldwyn Studio)和哥伦比亚影视(Columbia Pictures)短暂从事过影视工作,然后才最终来到雷电华电影公司(RKO Radio Pictures)。 User: The border between Rego Park and Forest Hills is home to many Bukharan Jews, one of the largest populations of such in the world outside of Israel. Assistant: 雷哥公园和森林小丘之间的区域居住着许多布哈拉犹太人(英语:Bukharan Jews),是世界上以色列以外地区中最大的聚居区之一。 User: The genetic code encodes 20 standard amino acids for incorporation into proteins during translation. Assistant: 遗传密码编码20种标准氨基酸,用于在翻译过程中掺入蛋白质中。 User: However, The Guardian's Barney Ronay and the Associated Press's Karl Ritter wrote in their reports that television replays suggest Zabaleta had gotten a touch on the ball first before bringing down Dejagah and therefore did not foul the Iranian. Assistant: 然而,《卫报》的巴尼·罗纳和美联社的卡尔·里特尔,却在报道中写道电视回放显示,萨瓦莱塔先碰到球,德贾加然后倒下,阿根廷不算犯规。 User: As of July 2012, they had yet to receive promised compensation from the government. Assistant: 截止2012年7月,他们还没有收到政府承诺的补偿。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 He is known for re-establishing the power of the Portuguese monarchy, reinvigorating the Portuguese economy, and renewing his country's exploration of Africa and the Orient. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 若昂二世在位期间为夺回国王的权力,振兴葡萄牙经济,并重启葡萄牙对非洲及东方的探索。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Instead comes the village's priest in focus for them. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该堂的主任牧师为彭善彰。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For example, the comet 177P/Barnard (also P/2006 M3), discovered by Edward Emerson Barnard on June 24, 1889, was rediscovered after 116 years in 2006. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:例如,彗星177P/巴纳德 (也称为P/2006 M3),是Edward Emerson Barnard在1889年6月24日发现的,在116年后的2006年又再度被发现。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Following the acquisition, TrigML, and its accompanying integrated development environment (IDE) were rebranded by Qualcomm as uiOne. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 收购后,TrigML及其相关的集成开发环境(IDE)被高通重新命名为uiOne。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Their average heart rate is 300 to 400 beats per minute, with a respiratory rate of around 100 per minute. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其平均心率约为每分钟300至400次,每分钟的呼吸次数约为100次。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was married briefly in the 1950s but had no children. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他曾于1950年代短暂结婚,但并未生育。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: King left in 1962 without having achieved any dramatic victories. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 金在1962年出狱,没有获得胜利。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In Lightning's scenario, she unintentionally supports Hope's goal of killing Snow to avenge his mother's death. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在雷光的剧本中,她无意间支持了霍普为报母亲去世之仇而杀死斯诺的目标。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Caesium was also thought to be radioactive in the early 20th century, although it has no naturally occurring radioisotopes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 20世纪初,人们认为铯是放射性的,尽管它没有天然放射性同位素。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The episode cuts to 41 years later, showcasing photos of the life that Allison has had. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 情节快转到41年后,一连串的相片展现了Allison的生活。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Pac-Man must sometimes fight and defeat enemies in order to progress. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 木旺出阵失利,但随后奋勇当先大破敌军并乘胜追击。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, this procedure was not followed by the Uri camp which might have allowed terrorists to sneak into the camp undetected using the tall grass and bushes around the perimeter. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,乌里营地没有遵循这一程序,这可能让恐怖分子使用周围的高草和灌木丛隐蔽行踪,从而进入营地。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Widespread vandalism and extreme shortages of textbooks and supplies had a devastating effect on school operations, prompting Italy and other countries to provide material assistance. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 广泛的破坏行为和教科书和用品的极度短缺对学校的运作产生了破坏性影响,促使意大利和其他国家提供物质援助。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It emits at yellow-green color, at 544 nm. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 它会发出波长544nm的黄绿色光。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Membership of ITU is open to only Member States of the United Nations, which may join the Union as Member States, as well as to private organizations like carriers, equipment manufacturers, funding bodies, research and development organizations and international and regional telecommunication organizations, which may join ITU as non-voting Sector Members. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:国际电信联盟的会员也可能是一些私人组织像运营商、设备制造商、资助机构、研究和开发组织以及国际和地区电信组织,它可以作为无投票权的部门成员加入。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Senior commanders would be given more overall control of their budgets and internal appointments. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 高级指挥官将更多地控制他们的预算和内部任命。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 When the F-15E Strike Eagle came into service, it was originally called a "dual role fighter", but it instead quickly became known as a "strike fighter". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 当F-15E投入服役时,它最初被称为"双功能战斗机", 但之后就迅速地被改称为战斗机。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Cardiovascular disease, with a meta-analysis estimating a 2-fold risk of arterial disease for women with PCOS relative to women without PCOS, independent of BMI. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:心血管疾病研究分析估计有多囊性卵巢综合症患者的动脉疾病风险相对于没有女性的2倍,与BMI无关。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 During adulthood, people are capable of using a lot of different display rules depending on the situation they are facing and the people they are with. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:到了成年时期,人们开始能够使用大量不同的表达规则,并根据不同的情况、不同的对象来应对。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The structure was built in a 13th-century French French Gothic Revival style between 1880 and 1885. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 建筑采用13世纪法国哥特复兴风格,建于1880-1885年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Despite his mother's attempts to clean and bandage the wounds, surgeons in Tallinn later amputated the whole hand. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然他的母亲尝试清理和包扎伤口,塔林的医师仍将他的整个右手截肢。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, as the Israeli forces moved to speedy victory in the Six-Day War, the Arabs charged that 6th Fleet aircraft were providing air cover for Israeli ground forces. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,随着以色列军队在战场上不断取得胜利,阿拉伯国家指责美国海军第六舰队为以色列陆军提供空中掩护。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 On October 4, 2010, Williams made an announcement saying that he will stay with the company and "be completely focused on product strategy". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:根据Twitter 2010年10月4日发表的一篇博客,威廉姆斯将继续留在公司并“将所有精力集中于产品战略上”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Thereafter, the two earldoms have remained united. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 经此事以后,两人关系变得疏淡。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Baldwin defeated her Republican opponent, former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, in the 2012 United States Senate election in Wisconsin. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 鲍德温代表民主党于2012年的美国参议院选举中击败她的共和党对手,前威斯康星州州长汤米·汤普森。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This stand has for many years housed a basic LCD scoreboard and clock between the upper and lower tiers, however at the start of the 2006–07 season both were replaced by a modern colour video scoreboard. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 多年来“巴拉摩径看台”的上、下层之间设置一面基本的LCD记分牌及时计,直到2006/07年球季季初才双双被一座现代化的彩色视讯记分牌所取代。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Johnson once said: We have whisky, wine, women, song and slot machines. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:强森曾经说过: “我们有威士忌、葡萄酒、女人、歌曲和老虎机。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The book proclaimed that humanity was entering a new Aeon, and that Crowley would serve as its prophet. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这本书宣称人类已经进入到了一个新的纪元,且克劳利将充当起它先知的角色。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He searches the LAPD records and discovers twins born on that date with identical DNA aside from the sex chromosome, but only the boy is listed as alive. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:他搜索LAPD记录,发现在那天出生的双胞胎除了性染色体以外具有相同的DNA,但只有男孩被列为活着。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Because of the film's limited budget, Ivory and the producers wrote several variations, one of which was to leave the lead characters alone in the family's house. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于电影的预算有限,艾佛利与制片人写了多个变动,包括将主角独自留在家中的想法。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Many of the Somali social norms come from their religion. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:许多索马里社会习俗来自他们的宗教。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In March 1945, while still on crutches, Knoke became the officer commanding at Jever air base. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1945年3月,虽然他仍然拄着拐杖,诺克成了耶菲尔空军基地的指挥官。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: He retaliated by asking for a position in the Army, but instead was named as Commander General of Transports, where he was able to show his great abilities as an organizer. Assistant: 作为报复,他又请求在陆军中获得一个位置,但结果却是他被任命为了运输总指挥,而在这一领域,他将会显示他作为一名组织者的能力。 User: L-type calcium channels are composed of five subunits. Assistant: L型钙通道由五个亚基组成。 User: In all the other boats, the occupants eventually decided against returning, probably out of fear that they would be capsized in the attempt. Assistant: 其他的所有救生艇最终决定不要划回去,可能担心他们会在过程中翻覆。 User: In 1987, she launched her professional career with a solo recital in Paris and a performance with the Orchestre de Paris under Daniel Barenboim. Assistant: 1987年,她展开事业生涯,在巴黎举行独奏会;又与巴黎管弦乐团合作演出,由丹尼尔·巴伦波因指挥。 User: She purchased a tract of land in Moscow and constructed a hospital, an orphanage for girls, and quarters for the nuns. Assistant: 她在莫斯科买了一块土地,兴建医院、孤女院和修女宿舍。 User: His attacks against the Sasanian Empire resulted in the conquest of Persia in less than two years (642–644). Assistant: 他对萨珊王朝的攻击即为历时不到二年结束的伊斯兰对波斯的征服,(642–644)。 User: KzS Richard Engel replaced Hopman in 1911 and commanded the ship until August 1915. Assistant: 海军上校理夏德·恩格斯于1911年顶替霍普曼,并指挥该舰至1915年8月。 User: In January 2015, Musk said that he hoped to release details in late 2015 of the "completely new architecture" for the system that would enable the colonization of Mars. Assistant: 2015年1月,马斯克说他希望在2015年末发表用于火星殖民的全新架构的细节。 User: Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. Assistant: 毛发是哺乳动物的特征之一。 User: Despite such popularity the guitar remains less popular than it was in the 1960s. Assistant: 吉他虽然如此流行,却未达1960年代的程度。 User: In December 2002, Typhoon Pongsona struck Guam and caused additional flooding and damage. Assistant: 2002年12月,台风凤仙重创关岛,引起更严重的洪灾和破坏。 User: The church was important as it was a place of worship for foreigners communities. Assistant: 该教堂是一所侨民教堂,是新教各派联合进行宗教活动的场所。 User: In addition to the general-purpose model he wears, Stark has developed several specialized suits for space travel, deep-sea diving, stealth, and other special purposes. Assistant: 除了一般时期穿着的泛用功能装甲,史塔克还研发了数套特殊功能装甲让他可以适应太空旅行,深海潜水,匿踪潜行等状态。 User: The former (narrow sense) generally come from condensed-matter systems in quasi-equilibrium, as discussed below. Assistant: 前者(狭义上)一般来自于准平衡凝聚态系统,下文将会展开讨论。 User: A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines (1987) was a sensitive satire on the Western film itself. Assistant: 《嘉布谴大街来的人(英语:A Man from the Boulevard des Capucines)》(1987年)是一部属于西部电影本身的敏感的讽刺作品。 User: July 14 – Canadian National Railway opens Central Station in Montreal. Assistant: 7月14日:加拿大国家铁路在蒙特利尔开设蒙特利尔中央车站。 User: Patients were told that they were receiving a "treatment" that might cure their cancer, but the Pentagon was trying to determine the effects of high levels of radiation on the human body. Assistant: 病人被告知,他们在接受可能治愈他们癌症的“治疗”,但实际上,国防部是想测试高水平放射对人体的影响。 User: Since January 2003, the Goldenes Dachl has housed the International Alpine Convention's Office. Assistant: 自2003年1月起,国际阿尔卑斯公约办公室入驻黄金屋顶。 User: However, while the name was official in 1798, it wasn't until about 1870 that it became common. Assistant: 虽然这个名字在1798年成为官方名称,但是直到1870年才开始通用。 User: The App Store was opened on July 10, 2008, with an initial 500 applications available. Assistant: App Store (iOS)于2008年7月10日开放,最初提供了500个应用程序。 User: The split in the Tory party over the repeal of the Corn Laws had profound implications for Disraeli's political career: almost every Tory politician with experience of office followed Peel, leaving the rump bereft of leadership. Assistant: 托利党分裂一事对迪斯雷利的政治生涯有深远影响:几乎所有有担任官职经验的党员都追随了皮尔,令托利党出现了领袖空缺。 User: Studies on Asian topics. Assistant: 这些类是类型论里的研究主题。 User: On December 11, 1816, President James Madison signed the congressional act that formally admitted Indiana to the Union as the nineteenth state. Assistant: 1816年12月11日,詹姆斯·麦迪逊总统批准了印第安纳作为第19个州加入联邦。 User: All Heroes refer to each other by their last name. Assistant: 在变身前后成员彼此间都是以名字称呼。 User: The main part of the fleet then left for India, with a few ships remaining under Albuquerque. Assistant: 舰队的主力接着赶赴印度,剩下来的部分由阿尔布开克领导留守索科特拉岛。 User: Originally these reminders were specific to the device Cortana was installed on, but since Windows 10 Microsoft synchronizes reminders across devices. Assistant: 最初这些提醒仅限于安装了小娜的设备,但自Windows 10以来,可以在设备之间进行同步提醒。 User: I hated the name. Assistant: 讨厌自己的名字。 User: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced "fire") is a draft standard describing data formats and elements (known as "resources") and an application programming interface (API) for exchanging electronic health records. Assistant: 快捷式健康照护互操作性资源(Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources,FHIR,缩写读音同“Fire”)是一项标准草案,描述的是用于交换电子病历(Electronic health record,EHR)的数据格式和数据元(又称为“资源”)以及应用程序界面(Application Programming Interface,API)。 User: Later, in the 1980s, they were art and music rooms. Assistant: 1980年代末,大雄宝殿成为音乐茶座和舞厅。 User: It's hard to define, but we know it when we find it ... Assistant: 这很难形容,但当你看到它的时候你就知道它。 User: This approach eventually resulted in the complete resolution by Venkatesh and Philippe Michel of the sub-convexity problem for GL(1) and GL(2) L-functions over general number fields. Assistant: 这种方法最终导致文卡泰什和菲利普·米歇尔完全解决了GL(1)和GL(2)L-函数对一般数域的子凸性问题。 User: Men may cross their legs sitting on a chair or a mat but women generally would not. Assistant: 奥奈达男性会在脸上或是身体以部落得图腾装饰,但女子基本上并不会如此做。 User: From 1944 until 1991, the Soviet KGB used St. Olaf's Church's spire as a radio tower and surveillance point. Assistant: 在苏联占领时期从1944年直到1991年,苏联克格勃将圣奥拉夫教堂的尖顶用作广播发射塔和监视点。 User: The Royal Australian Navy landing ship HMAS Choules set sail from Sydney to Queensland to support post-storm recovery. Assistant: 澳大利亚皇家海军乔勒斯号登陆舰(英语:HMAS Choules)(L100)从悉尼到昆士兰航行,以提供灾后恢复。 User: Individual risk factors can have separate pathophysiological processes to, in turn, cause this beta cell destruction. Assistant: 每个风险因子可能有不同的病理过程,造成β细胞的破坏。 User: The crater itself and the museum curator, Tom Rodman, were featured in the June 1, 2013 broadcast of Bob Phillips's syndicated television series, Texas Country Reporter. Assistant: 这个陨石坑本身和博物馆的馆长,汤姆·罗德曼,于2013年6月1日接受德州国家记者鲍勃·菲力浦斯在辛迪加电视系列的专访。 User: Hang glider performance then increased rapidly. Assistant: 很快,CBS一扫颓势,迅速崛起。 User: The first is sharing, a sort of “me-first collaboration” in which the social effects are aggregated after the fact; people share links, URLs, tags, and eventually come together around a type. Assistant: 第一个步骤是分享,基于一种“始于自我协作”,这样的社会影响随之增大;人们分享连接,统一资源定位符网页地址,标签,最终汇集成一种类型。 User: Companies needed fast Internet connectivity and non-stop operation to deploy systems and to establish a presence on the Internet. Assistant: 公司需要快速的Internet连接,以及不断的部署系统并出现在Internet上。 User: It built on the hardware and software of the Nokia N800 with some features added and some removed. Assistant: 它的主要硬件和软件都基于N800,同时也修改了许多特性。 User: More accurate precision-guided munitions ("smart bombs"), nuclear-armed missiles or bombs were able to be carried by smaller aircraft such as fighter-bombers and multirole fighters. Assistant: 公元1960年代,重型轰炸机已经无法和洲际弹道导弹在核战略上匹敌,更准确的精确制导武器 ("智能炸弹")、搭载核子弹头的导弹 或炸弹能够由更小型的飞机,例如战斗轰炸机或多用途战机来携带。 User: At first the committee had intended to honor only Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, but a committee member and advocate for women scientists, Swedish mathematician Magnus Goesta Mittag-Leffler, alerted Pierre to the situation, and after his complaint, Marie's name was added to the nomination. Assistant: 起初,委员会仅表彰皮埃尔和贝克勒尔,但有位倡导女性科学家权利的委员,瑞典数学家哥斯塔·米塔-列夫勒向皮埃尔通报了情况,并向上申诉,玛丽才获得提名。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: The real Rabbi Jacob arrives at Orly, where no one is waiting for him any more. Assistant: 现实中的雅各则获得马戏团收留,不用再留在每天被人杯葛的老人院。 User: Geode NX uses the Thoroughbred core and is quite similar to the Athlon XP-M that use this core. Assistant: Geode NX使用Thoroughbred核心并与使用这核心的Athlon XP-M十分类似。 User: It could have, for example, required violators to compensate federal, state, and local governments for the estimated damage to their respective economies caused by the violations. Assistant: 例如,要求违法者赔偿联邦、州及地方政府,他们因违反法律预估所造成之经济损失。 User: It does not touch on the wisdom or unwisdom of the marriage the King has proposed. Assistant: 史书没有记载曹国公主的婚配情况。 User: When he testified himself he said: "that there is a very wicked part of me. Assistant: 我们互相见面的时候,都是问对方说:‘我觉得你活得很不好。 User: Like most Indonesian ethnic groups, including the Sundanese of West Java, the Javanese are of Austronesian origins whose ancestors are thought to have originated in Taiwan, and migrated through the Philippines to reach Java between 1,500BC and 1,000BC. Assistant: 像大多数印度尼西亚的族群一样,其中包括西爪哇的巽他人,爪哇人的祖先被认为起源于台湾南岛语族,并透过迁移菲律宾公元前1,500年至公元前1,000年之间到达爪哇。 User: BitchX has frequently been noted to be a popular IRC client for Unix-like systems. Assistant: BitchX经常被认为是类Unix系统中流行的IRC客户端。 User: It is conceivable that DSPD has a role in causing depression because it can be such a stressful and misunderstood disorder. Assistant: 普遍认为,DSPS是引起抑郁的重要原因,因为它是一种带来很大压力和误解的紊乱。 User: A lawyer by profession, Burnett had held only one public office—circuit court clerk—before being elected to Congress. Assistant: 伯内特本是执业律师,入选国会前只从事过巡回法院书记员这一份公职。 User: However the power that a prime minister has over his or her cabinet colleagues is directly proportional to the amount of support that they have with their political parties and this is often related to whether the party considers them to be an electoral asset or liability. Assistant: 但是首相在其内阁拥有的权利和其在党内获得的支持数量成正比,而支持数量则通常与首相在政党眼中是选举资源还是选举包袱有关。 User: The castle is now maintained by Cadw. Assistant: 城堡现在由Cadw管理。 User: If class X is a strict subset of Y, then X is shown below Y, with a dark line connecting them. Assistant: 如果类别X是类别Y的子集合,则X将会画在Y底下,并以一黑线相连。 User: Guido van Rossum, creator of Python. Assistant: 吉多·范罗苏姆,创造了Python。 User: Today, Green Arrow is frequently depicted as one of the few superheroes willing to stand up to Batman directly. Assistant: 今天,绿箭常被描绘成少数愿意直接与蝙蝠侠对立的超级英雄之一。 User: The fundamental assumption behind the theory is that propositions are composed of two terms – hence the name "two-term theory" or "term logic" – and that the reasoning process is in turn built from propositions: The term is a part of speech representing something, but which is not true or false in its own right, such as "man" or "mortal". Assistant: 在理论背后的基本假定是命题由两项组成 - 这是名称“二项理论”或“词项逻辑”的来源–而推理过程依次建造自命题: 项是表达某个事物的词类(part of speech),不论及它们自身的真或假,比如“人”或“必死的”。 User: Two of the greatest successes of the Big Bang theory are its prediction of the almost perfect black body spectrum and its detailed prediction of the anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background. Assistant: 大霹雳理论的两个最伟大成就为其近乎完美的黑体辐射能谱及其详细地预测宇宙微波背景辐射的各向异性。 User: These 1804 "Plain 4" coins differ from the eagles actually struck in 1804 in the way the "4" in the date is styled, and are among the most valuable US coins. Assistant: 这4枚硬币上所标年份虽然仍是1804,但与1804年铸造的硬币存在不同,其上数字“4”的字体存在差异,4枚金币也从此跻身最珍贵的美国硬币行列。 User: It was the last Salem home where the Hawthorne family lived. Assistant: 这是霍桑一家人在塞勒姆市里所居住过的最后一间房子。 User: The following year she reached the fourth round at the Australian, the French and the US Open, as well as the third round of Wimbledon. Assistant: 次年,她在澳大利亚、法国和美国公开赛打进第四轮,在温网打进第三轮。 User: She is reported to have been 57 years old when she died, by The Hindu, but Hindustan Times reports that she was 46. Assistant: 据《印度报》报道,她去世时57岁, 但《印度斯坦时报》报道为46岁。 User: The program was known as Project Juno and was a cooperative arrangement between the Soviet Union and a group of British companies. Assistant: 这个项目被称为朱诺计划,它是一群英国公司和苏联之间的一个合作项目。 User: Throughout Alessia's existence, it caused only minimal damage. Assistant: 纵观阿莱西亚的一生,并没有造成大量破坏。 User: In the first week of release, the DS version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time sold 101,718 copies in Japan, while Wii version sold only 21,721 copies. Assistant: DS版本《最终幻想水晶编年史 时之回声》发售首周在日本售出101,718份,而Wii版只售出21,721份。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: German tanks remained restricted to the roads but U.S. armored vehicles could maneuver more freely, although the effectiveness of the devices was exaggerated. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:而德国的坦克仍然受到道路的限制时,美军的装甲部队已经较能操作自如, 纵使这些设备的效能被夸大。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The house, frozen with stupor, forgets to applaud. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 冷雨幽窗不可听,挑灯闲看牡丹亭。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The data indicated that reductions in blood pressure occurred within two weeks of subjects’ starting their designated diets, and that the results were generalizable to the target sample of the U.S. population. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 研究数据显示在受试者开始进行分配到的饮食方式的两周内,血压便开始下降,而且此结果可以被概化至全美的目标族群。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Monday episodes feature the Pressure Test. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 星期一是压力测试。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The tunnelling experts were later honoured by the Singapore government for their efforts. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 隧道专家其后获新加坡政府表扬。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At least 78 people were killed by the landslide. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:至少有78人死于本起事故。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Collectivist anarchists advocate workers cooperatives and salaries based on the amount of time contributed to production. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 集体无政府主义提倡工人合作社和基于对生产贡献份额的薪水。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Only thus will he become a good camorrista before God. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 由此可见,在该日期以前,宜贵人已降为宜常在。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Economic historians differ however on the long-term impact of the Revolution. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 经济历史学家就革命的长期影响意见不一。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, gluons are never observed as free particles, since they are confined within hadrons. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而作为自由粒子,胶子从来没有被观测到,这是由于它们被限制在强子之中了。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a cultural movement, the Italian Renaissance affected only a small part of the population. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在这场文化运动中,意大利文艺复兴只有影响到小众的人口。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Even and Itai also contributed to this algorithm by combining BFS and DFS, which is the current version of the algorithm. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Even和Itai也将算法与BFS和DFS结合起来,形成了当前版本的算法。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Between 2009 and 2014 the hardest-hit sectors, in terms of jobs, were Information and Communication, Construction and Manufacturing which each lost around 500 full-time jobs. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在2009年至2014年期间,邓迪市的信息通信产业、建筑业和制造业连续裁员,造成了每个行业约500个工作岗位的流失。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The two visitor elevators carry 12 people each in about 40 seconds to the observation platform at 203 metres, where Berlin's highest bar is also located. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 两部载人电梯,每部载12人大约40秒后将游客带到203米高的观景点,在这也有全柏林最高的酒吧。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Microsoft Flight Simulator reached commercial maturity with version 3.1, and went on to encompass the use of 3D graphics and graphic hardware acceleration. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 其在3.1版本中达到了商业上的成熟,且继续包含了3D建模和图形硬件加速的使用。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The Neponset River is a river in eastern Massachusetts in the United States. Assistant: 尼庞西特河(英语:Neponset River)是美国马萨诸塞州东部的一条河流。 User: The son made immortal, Aeacus, was the king of Aegina, and was known to have contributed help to Poseidon and Apollo in building the walls of Troy. Assistant: 作出不朽功绩的儿子-埃阿科斯,是埃癸娜岛国王,著名的贡献是帮助波塞冬(Poseidon)和阿波罗(Apollo)修建了特洛伊(Troy)城墙。 User: In asymmetric conflicts, where one conflict party is politically, economically, and/or militarily clearly superior, the stronger party may not be interested in a truly sustainable conflict resolution. Assistant: 在非对等冲突中,有一方的政治,经济,和/或军事上明显更胜一筹,较强方可能对一个实际 的可持续的冲突解决方案不感兴趣。 User: NASA called this mission STS-320 instead of STS-321. Assistant: 美国航空航天局将此次任务编号为STS-320,而不是按惯例编为STS-321。 User: The sensor is also used as an ambient light sensor for automatic brightness adjustment. Assistant: 该传感器还可用作自动调节亮度功能的环境光传感器。 User: He continued to work on the river and was a river pilot until the Civil War broke out in 1861, when traffic was curtailed along the Mississippi River. Assistant: 于是他继续在河上工作并一直是领航员,直到1861年南北战争爆发而缩减了密西西比河的交通。 User: The church was under the patronage of the Pisane noble families, who owned a series of private chapels for their burials; the Franciscan were limited to the administration of the cult. Assistant: 该堂得到比萨的贵族家庭的赞助,他们拥有一系列的私人小堂用于墓葬;方济各会仅限于管理该教派。 User: Wallace has won three Emmy Awards and the Dupont-Columbia Silver Baton Award. Assistant: 华莱士获得了三个艾美奖以及哥伦比亚大学杜邦哥伦比亚银质奖章。 User: In 2014 Google added two high bit depth profiles: profile 2 and profile 3. Assistant: 2014年,谷歌向VP9添加了两个高色彩深度Profile:Profile 2和Profile 3。 User: No legal instrument (i.e. no written contract) is made between Grameen Bank and its borrowers; the system works based on trust. Assistant: 格莱珉银行和借款人不签订法律文件(即没有书面合同),这个体系完全是基于信用来运行。 User: In 1923, former UT athletics director L. Theo Bellmont (the west side of the stadium is named in his honor), along with 30 student leaders, presented the idea of building a concrete stadium to replace the wooden bleachers of Clark Field to the Board of Regents. Assistant: 1923年,前UT体育总监L. Theo Bellmont(体育场的西侧以他的名义命名)以及30名学生领袖向学校董事会提出了建立一个混凝土体育场来替代Clark Field的想法。 User: Hedonism is the philosophy that pleasure is the most important pursuit of humanity. Assistant: 享乐主义(英语:Hedonism)是一个哲学思想,认为享乐是人类最重要的追求。 User: Discretionary review forces parties to always concentrate their resources on persuading the trial court to get it right the first time around (rather than assuming an appellate court will "fix it later"), thus increasing the overall efficiency of the judicial system. Assistant: 自由裁定的复审能够迫使各方始终集中司法资源说服初审法院(英语:Trial court)(一审法院)在第一时间做到正确(不是假设上诉法院将“稍后修正”)的判决,从而提高司法系统的整体效率。 User: Pérez-Álvarez has claimed that Kafka may have possessed a schizoid personality disorder. Assistant: 佩雷斯·阿尔瓦雷斯(Pérez-Álvarez)认为卡夫卡是个类精神分裂型人格违常患者。 User: The third type shows the weather god with ears of corn and bunches of grapes. Assistant: 赛特的形象通常是一位豺头人身的神祇,长有长方形的耳朵和弯曲凸出的长嘴。 User: The Non Access Stratum (NAS) signaling terminates at the MME and it is also responsible for generation and allocation of temporary identities to UEs. Assistant: 其内部的非接入层(NAS)信令终端也负责生成和分配UE的临时身份。 User: Miglustat (Zavesca or NB-DNJ) is a drug approved for treatment of several rare lipid storage disorder diseases. Assistant: Miglustat(英语:Miglustat)(Zavesca 或 NB-DNJ)是核可治疗多种罕见的脂质储存障碍疾病的药物。 User: In 1989, she made her debut with London Doubt Boys. Assistant: 在1989年,以《London Doubt Boys》出道。 User: The sighting of the ballistic computer depends on the target's speed, weather conditions, projectile temperature, and projectile type. Assistant: 弹道计算机的瞄准过程取决于目标的速度、天气条件、弹药的温度与种类。 User: Three teams of two competed to win cash and prizes. Assistant: 预赛各组前两名连同按成绩递补2人晋身决赛,争取奖牌。 User: Actresses Samantha Smith and Adrianne Palicki were "a treat", although Steenbergen would have liked Jeffrey Dean Morgan to return. Assistant: 萨曼塔·史密斯和阿德琳妮·帕里奇两位女演员的表现也让斯汀伯根感觉是“一种享受”,她还希望能看到杰弗里·迪恩·摩根回归。 User: There, he read more of Darwin's work and was influenced by the ideas of science and society in the writings of H. G. Wells. Assistant: 在那儿他阅读了更多达尔文的著作,并受到赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯科学观和社会观的影响。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: For the first time, the event was streamed live on the World Archery YouTube channel, ArcheryTV. Assistant: 本届赛事为第一次有在世界射箭YouTube频道和ArcheryTV上直播。 User: By the 3rd century BC, improved iron casting techniques led to the development of the heavy moldboard plow, seen in Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) artwork such as tomb carved bricks. Assistant: 到了公元前3世纪,铸铁铸造技术的改善导致重型带犁板铁犁的发展,一如汉朝(公元前202-后220年)时期墓刻砖等等艺术作品所示。 User: The deadline for all designs was rescheduled three times and was then set for a final date of January 10, 1889. Assistant: 在三度推迟之后,所有设计的截止日期,最终被定为1889年1月10日。 User: PC World reported an 81 percent increase from 2010 to 2011 of particularly advanced targeted computer attacks. Assistant: 据《PC World》杂志统计,从2010年到2011年,针对性的高级电脑黑客攻击增长了81%。 User: The exchange rate from US dollar at that time was 2 colones for a dollar. Assistant: 当时的收兑比价为一元苏币换一元二角现洋。 User: Nearly a year passed with much debate on the formation of an appropriate working group. Assistant: 近一年来,成立了一个适当的工作组,进行了大量辩论。 User: Later, it was used by Jean Gottmann in his landmark 1961 study, Megalopolis: The Urbanized Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, to describe the chain of metropolitan areas along the northeastern seaboard of the US, extending from Boston, Massachusetts, through New York City, Philadelphia, and Baltimore and ending in Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia. Assistant: 后来,简·戈特曼(英语:Jean Gottmann)在其1961年具有里程碑意义的研究《Megalopolis: The Urbanized Northeastern Seaboard of the United States》(大都市带:城市化的美国东北海岸)中使用该词描述美国东北沿海的大都市区,该大都市区自马萨诸塞州的波士顿起,经纽约、费城和巴尔的摩,止于华盛顿特区和弗吉尼亚州北部。 User: The larger the margin of error, the less confidence one has that the poll's reported percentages are close to the "true" percentages; that is, the percentages in the whole population. Assistant: 误差范围越大,该调查得到的百分比接近“真实”值(也就是在整个样本空间中的百分比)的可能性越低。 User: Salisbury gradually ceased to attend meetings of the council. Assistant: 索尔斯伯里渐渐不参加国会。 User: Cressey was also highly involved in a number of professional organizations, serving as President of the International Geographical Union, the Association for Asian Studies, and the Association of American Geographers. Assistant: 他还高度参与了一些专业组织的工作,如担任国际地理联合会、亚洲研究协会和美国地理学家协会的主席。 User: Similar to the ASN, the Media Education Consortium (MEC) is a network of schools of journalism and communication at over 30 Chinese universities. Assistant: 与美国研究联络会类似,媒介教育联合会(简称MEC)是一个由超过30所中国大学新闻传媒学院组成的学术网络。 User: It is the second "high rise" LDS temple to be constructed, after the Hong Kong China Temple, and the third LDS temple converted from an existing building, the previous two being the Vernal Utah Temple and the Copenhagen Denmark Temple. Assistant: 它是中国香港圣殿之后世界上第二座“高层”圣殿,也是第三座由既有建筑物改建的圣殿(前两座是犹他州维纳圣殿和丹麦哥本哈根圣殿)。 User: In 2011, Comcast received criticism from Writers Guild of America for its policies in regards to unions. Assistant: 2011年,康卡斯特集团受到了美国编剧工会对其工会政策的批评。 User: Doublelift: The Road to Success. Assistant: 意珠心境殿:为第二进殿。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Black, on move, must allow White to play Kc5 or Ke5, when White wins one or more pawns and can advance his own pawn toward promotion. Assistant: 如黑先走,则不得不允许白方走Kc5或Ke5,从而让白至少赢得一个兵并且可让白兵继续前行直至升变。 User: While this is not the first official multi-touch support for Mac OS X, it has been expanded; other frameworks, such as Lux, have already created multi-touch support. Assistant: 虽然这并不是Mac OS X的第一个官方Multi-touch支持,但在Lion中这一功能得到了扩展。 User: Due to its unusual polyamphoteric character, cyanophycin is soluble in water under acidic (0.1 M HCl) and alkaline conditions. Assistant: 由于其不寻常的多重两性特征,藻青素可以在酸性(0.1 M HCl)或碱性水溶液中溶解。 User: Among those affected even with treatment the risk of death is 70% to 90%. Assistant: 病人即使受到治疗,死亡风险也高达70%到90%。 User: In 1939, Britain and France offered military support to Poland in the likely case of a German invasion. Assistant: 1939年,英国和法国宣布保证波兰领土完整,并会在波兰遭遇德国攻击时提供军事支持。 User: After the Reichstag fire in 1933, she emigrated from Berlin, Germany to England with her parents and Jewish psychoanalyst Paula Heimann (1899–1982). Assistant: 在1933年德国国会大厦火灾后,她从德国柏林岁父母和犹太精神分析学家 Paula Heimann(1899–1982)移民到英国。 User: The Tokyo Weather Center began to issue warnings when Emma was spotted on September 3, east-southeast of Iwo Jima. Assistant: 东京的天气中心在9月3日开始对台风发出警告时,艾玛位于硫磺岛的东南偏东方向。 User: After her demise, Saint-Boniface consecrated her sister Relindis as her successor. Assistant: 在她死后,圣博尼法斯将她的妹妹Relindis祝圣为她的继任者。 User: Randall spent early December in conference with Tilden while committees examined the votes from the disputed states. Assistant: 12月上旬,兰德尔同蒂尔登会晤,多个委员会则在审查存争议州的选票。 User: His friends are quoted as saying that Adams mentioned the idea of "hitch-hiking around the galaxy" to them while on holiday in Greece in 1973. Assistant: 不过亚当斯的朋友们认为,他在1973年时于希腊渡假时才想到书名的这个主意的。 User: Madonna moved in with boyfriend John "Jellybean" Benitez, asking his help for finishing the album's production. Assistant: 麦当娜邀请她当时的男朋友John "Jellybean" Benitez帮助完成她的专辑。 User: Serbia's military successes and Serbian outrage over the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina emboldened Serbian nationalists in Serbia and Serbs in Austria-Hungary who chafed under Austro-Hungarian rule and whose nationalist sentiments were stirred by Serb "cultural" organizations. Assistant: 塞尔维亚的军事胜利与塞尔维亚人对奥匈帝国吞并波黑的愤慨之情,给国内和奥匈帝国塞族中的民族主义者壮了胆,奥匈帝国塞族对奥匈帝国的统治恼怒成羞,他们的民族主义情绪被塞族“文化”组织煽动。 User: The final was played on 27 May 2015 at the Stadion Narodowy in Warsaw, Poland. Assistant: 决赛于2015年5月27日,于华沙国家体育场进行。 User: The heavenly schoolmen are even aware of Babylonian scholastic discussions, so they require a rabbi's information about an aspect of purity taboos. Assistant: 天上的学者对于巴比伦的学术辩论更加清楚,所以他们要求拉比般关于洁净诫命的信息。 User: Typically, metamodels are – and always should follow - a strict rule set. Assistant: 通常情况下,元模型是,而且始终遵循一个严格规则集。 User: Palau currently has no political parties. Assistant: 目前,帕劳共和国并没有正式的政党。 User: They had five daughters, Marjorie, Natalie, Edna, Marilyn, and Janet, who provided comic fodder for Cantor's longtime running gag, especially on radio, about his five unmarriageable daughters. Assistant: 他们有五个女儿,Marjorie、Natalie、Edna、Marilyn和Janet,她为康托尔的长期连续笑话提供了滑稽喜剧素材,特别是在收音机中,讲述了他五个未达结婚年龄的女儿。 User: He played in the final of the Gold Cup, but did not fly with the team to Venezuela for the Copa America. Assistant: 他在打毕美洲金杯决赛,并没有随队飞至委内瑞拉出席美洲国家杯。 User: An iOS port of the DS remake was released on March 24, 2011 on the App Store. Assistant: iOS上的DS移植版于2011年3月24日在App商店发行。 User: The first pope to take the name "Stephen" after regnal numbering became customary was called Stephen IX during his lifetime and signed all his documents "Stephanus Papa Nonus", Latin for "Pope Stephen IX". Assistant: 在名字后附加编号成为惯例后,第一位名为德范的教宗是司提反九世,他一生中所有的文献签名都是“教宗司提反九世(拉丁语:Stephanus Papa Nonus)”。 User: On 1 June 2005, the U.S. Army announced that Camps Eagle and Long would close. Assistant: 2005年6月1日,美国陆军宣布即将停用江原道的老鹰营和隆营。 User: One study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol concluded that high doses (0.28 mg/kg) of thujone in alcohol had negative effects on attention performance in a clinical setting. Assistant: 在《酒精研究杂志》发表的一项研究表明,临床上,含有高剂量(0.28毫克/千克)侧柏酮的酒精会对注意力产生负面影响。 User: Some individuals at the time of moulting have been found in South Africa or Australia. Assistant: 有时有些个体在南非或澳大利亚被发现。 User: Windows 9x-based versions of Windows use a simple search algorithm to fix broken shortcuts. Assistant: Windows 9x的Windows用一个简单的搜索算法来修复损坏的快捷方式。 User: Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., 418 U.S. 323 (1974) — opinion is not libel; "actual malice" not necessary for defamation of private person if negligence is present. Assistant: 格兹诉罗伯特‧韦尔奇公司案(英语:Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.),418 U.S. 323 (1974) — 意见不算诽谤,如果疏忽存在的话,“真实恶意”对于有关非公众人物的诽谤并非必须。 User: However, she does state that Donen's marriage to Coyne was unhappy and that Donen was very close to both her and Kelly. Assistant: 不过她有提到多南和科尼的婚姻并不幸福,而且他与自己和凯利的关系都很亲近。 User: Dispara! Assistant: 发射! User: The company gradually grew; it began printing stamps in 1852, and Waterlow' sons Alfred, Walter, Sydney and Albert joined the business. Assistant: 公司逐渐地发展;从1852年起,它开始印制邮票,同时华德路的儿子阿尔弗雷德、沃尔特、西尼与阿尔伯特也加入进来。 User: According to the IDF, the rocket fired at Kibbutz Alumim in the Negev marked the first time militants in Gaza have used this type of weapon. Assistant: 根据以色列国防军的说法,这枚火箭弹从内盖夫向基布兹阿鲁文发射,意味着这是加沙武装分子首次使用这种武器。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Largely due to their protests, the French government passed a law on February 16, 1859, which set the A above middle C at 435 Hz. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 由于他们的反对,法国政府在1859年2月16日通过了一个法案定义中央C上的A为435赫兹。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In late August 1654 Janusz Radziwiłł defeated invading Russians at the Battle of Szkłów, but this was his last victory. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1654年8月,他在什克武夫战役击败俄罗斯入侵者,但这已是他人生中最后一次胜利了。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Heavy precipitation (as sensed by radar) or severe turbulence (as sensed by lightning activity) are both indications of strong convective activity and severe turbulence, and weather systems allow pilots to deviate around these areas. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 暴雨(雷达可飞机简便厕所感知)或闪电都意味着强烈的对流和湍流,而气象系统则可以使飞行员绕过这些区域。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 May 2012 – DAGR hits a truck target moving 25 mph fired from an AH-64D Apache 3.5 km away. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 2012年5月—由AH-64D“长弓阿帕契”发射的DAGR击中一辆以时速25英里每小时行驶距离达3.5公里的卡车目标。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:After 133 days of negotiations, longer than the turmoil itself, the second Treaty of Paris was concluded on 20 November. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在133天的谈判之后,(这个天数比拿破仑复辟时间还要长33天),第二次巴黎协议在11月20日签署了。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Sudan I, Sudan III, and Sudan IV have been classified as category 3 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 苏丹一号、三号和四号被国际癌症研究机构认定为3级致癌物质。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thereafter, Büchsel became the deputy commander of the I Squadron, but he remained aboard Kaiser Friedrich III only briefly before transferring his flag to the ironclad Württemberg. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 其后,比希塞尔成为第一分舰队的副司令,但他仅在德皇腓特烈三世号舰上短暂留任,随即将自己的旗帜转移至铁甲舰符腾堡号。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This unique surface of Janus nanoparticles allows two different types of chemistry to occur on the same particle. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这种独特的Janus纳米颗粒表面可以让两种不同类型的化学性质呈现在同一颗粒上。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Banksy's works have dealt with various political and social themes, including anti-war, anti-consumerism, anti-fascism, anti-imperialism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism, nihilism, and existentialism. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:Banksy的作品主题涵盖各种政治与社会议题,包括反战、反恐、反法西斯、反帝国主义、反独裁、无政府主义、虚无主义及存在主义。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Dickens was a fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian society. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 狄更斯是英国维多利亚时期社会阶层与贫穷的猛烈抨击者。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The buildings were restored and a new church built, but the monastery was closed during the French Revolution, becoming a tobacco factory. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 后来新建了一座教堂,但是修道院在法国大革命期间关闭,改为一座烟草工厂。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Currently Egoboo is being developed by the previous "Resurrection" project, which has reorganized itself as the official development team. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:就是现在的Egoboo,仍在稳步进行,"Resurrection" 成了 “官方”Egoboo。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For the first time his name was introduced to the general public in 1990 at the then mega-popular Yugoslav weekly "Vikend/Weekend". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1990年,他的名字首次在当时流行的南斯拉夫周刊“Vikend / Weekend”上向公众介绍。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: According to Ramzy Mardini, an Iraq expert at the Jamestown Foundation, "the rise of the Awakening councils may risk reigniting the Jaysh al-Mahdi". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 詹姆斯敦基金会的一名伊拉克专家拉姆齐·马尔迪尼(Ramzy Mardini)称,“觉醒委员会地位的上升可能触怒迈赫迪军”。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Aside from these, thereafter there is no eyewitness to events in Jerusalem until William of Tyre, archbishop of Tyre and chancellor of Jerusalem, who began writing around 1167 and died around 1184, although he includes much information about the First Crusade and the intervening years from the death of Fulcher to his own time, drawn mainly from the writings of Albert of Aix and Fulcher himself. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 此后耶路撒冷发生的诸多事件就再没有目击者了,直到提尔的威廉,提尔大主教和耶路撒冷的大臣,于1167年前后开始写作,并于1184年左右去世,尽管他涵盖了第一次十字军东征以及介于富尔彻死后到他自己所处时代中间的年代的诸多信息,主要还是引用了艾克斯的阿尔伯特(Albert of Aix)和富尔彻自己的著作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2014, together with prominent producer Vladimir Kartashkov he founded the television and film production company "Soar Productions". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在2014年,他与著名制片人弗拉基米尔·卡塔什科夫一起创办了电视和电影制作公司“翱翔制作”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 2011, STU’s proposed program of transform itself into a self-governing institution of higher education and conducting Medical Educational Reform was designated as the “Guangdong Pilot Project of Comprehensive Educational Reform”. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2011年,汕大自主办学综合改革、医学教育改革项目被列为广东省教育综合改革试点项目。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Air Force annexed part of Cape Canaveral to the North in 1951, forming the Air Force Missile Test Center, the future Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 空军基地在1951年有征用了卡纳维拉尔角北部土地,从而组建了空军导弹测试中心,即后来的卡纳维拉尔角空军基地(CCAFS)。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: GAS is cross-platform, and both runs on and assembles for a number of different computer architectures. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 GAS是跨平台的,可以运行或为不同的计算机系统结构编译。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Furthermore, foreign powers, such as Israel and Syria, became involved in the war and fought alongside different factions. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此外外国势力,例如叙利亚和以色列在内战爆发后加入了进来并且与不同派别并肩作战。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For the same reason, an SPP on a smooth metal surface cannot emit energy as a free-space photon into the dielectric (if the dielectric is uniform). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 同样的原因,光滑金属表面上的极化激元不能将能量通过自由空间光子的形式发射到电介质中(如果电介质是均匀的话)。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:During the 1980 season, Alan Jones partnered with the Argentine Carlos Reutemann. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1980年 1980年,阿兰·琼斯与阿根廷人Carlos Reutemann搭档。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 1969, his meeting with the Belgian producer Constant Defourny led to his first contract with a record company: Barclay-Belgique. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1969 年,他和比利时制片人 Constant Defourny 相遇,并与唱片公司 Barclay-比利时签订了首个合同。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:UMNO held its own rally, which soon became a riot, on 13 May. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 5月13日,巫统举行了自己的集会,这很快就演变成一场暴动。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:To let different clients access servers, a number of standardized RPC systems have been created. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:为了允许不同的客户端均能访问服务器,许多标准化的 RPC 系统应运而生了。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They played no part in the war. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:但是,它并没有参加一战。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Classification is done with multiple stages, first classifying an utterance into one of two general groups (e.g. soothing/neutral vs. prohibition/attention/approval) and then doing more detailed classification. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 分类是通过多个阶段完成的,首先将一个话语分为两个一般组(例如安慰/中立与禁止/关注/批准)之一,然后进行更详细的分类。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:They intended to land closer to Index, but actually landed next to Last crater. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他们原本想降落在它的附近,但实际上却降落在最后坑附近。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Radar reflectivity data suggest that at a centimeter scale these areas are smooth, as a result of gradation (accumulation of fine material eroded from the highlands). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 雷达反射资料显示在公分等级之下这些区域是平坦的,这是夷平作用(gradation,指从高地侵蚀出来的细颗粒物质在低地沉积)的结果。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Circa 1931, Sunset was a paved road from Horn Avenue to Havenhurst Avenue. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 大约于1931年左右,日落大道由霍恩大道(Horn Avenue)至海文赫斯特大道(Havenhurst Avenue)之间的路段铺设为柏油路。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His marriage to Christie produced a son, Harry Waters, a musician who has played keyboards with his father's touring band since 2002, and a daughter, India Waters, who has worked as a model. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 他与克里斯蒂的生下了一个儿子哈里·沃特斯,是一个音乐家,他从2002年起就和父亲的巡回乐队一起弹奏键盘,还有一个女儿印第安·沃特斯作为模特儿。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thus, the precompiled header can be shared across all project modules, which dramatically reduces the build times. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 因此,预编译头被全项目共享可以显著减少生成时间。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Then, in 1872, Marsh named a more complete specimen as a new genus, Rhinosaurus ("nose lizard"), but soon discovered that this name had already been used for a different animal. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然后在1872年,马什根据更完整的化石,命名了一个新的属Rhinosaurus,但是很快的这个名称被证实已经登记在案了。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) is a Win32 API used by Microsoft Windows systems to perform a variety of security-related operations such as authentication. Assistant: 安全支持提供者接口(英语:Security Support Provider Interface,缩写SSPI)是Microsoft Windows操作系统中用于执行各种安全相关操作(如身份验证)的一个Win32 API。 User: The clustering of venues is aimed at easing the traffic flow, bus and Mass Rail Transit service for games athletes and officials were provided. Assistant: 场馆的聚类旨在缓解车流,赛会会也为比赛选手和官员提供了公共汽车和地铁服务。 User: 410 members were elected, who then elected the first female President of the European Parliament, Simone Veil. Assistant: 随后这些议员选出第一位女性欧洲议会议长西蒙娜·韦伊(Simone Veil)。 User: Not the usual one, it’s two. Assistant: 不可谓两明,此为两过。 User: He even once managed to steal the Crown Jewels. Assistant: 随后,他给妻子约瑟芬戴上了皇冠。 User: The layout is very similar to the LAPA FA-03 bullpup rifle. Assistant: 他的配置构型非常像LAPA FA-03突击步枪。 User: The Chinese Exclusion Act did not address the problems that whites were facing; in fact, the Chinese were quickly and eagerly replaced by the Japanese, who assumed the role of the Chinese in society. Assistant: 此外,《排华法案》并未解决这样一个白人面临着的问题:事实上,华人很快就迅速且急切地被在社会中扮演着性质与华人相似的角色的日本人所取代。 User: KDbg is implemented using the KDE component architecture. Assistant: KDbg 使用 KDE 架构下的相关组件实现。 User: Euan Phimister, professor of economics at Aberdeen University, said that although independence would affect the relationship, it was likely that there would be continued English demand for electricity generated in Scotland due to the lack of spare capacity elsewhere. Assistant: 阿伯丁大学经济学教授尤安·菲米斯特表示,尽管独立会影响伙伴关系,但仍不能阻止英国人对苏格兰的电力需求,天然气电力市场办公室的预测显示英国的剩余产能所剩无几。 User: GroenLinks describes itself as "green", "social" and "tolerant". Assistant: 绿色左派称自己为“绿色社会”、“宽容”。 User: Dagong Europe's Long-Term Credit Ratings consists of ten categories, ranging from ‘AAA’ – the highest credit quality, to ‘D’ – an actual default context. Assistant: 大公欧洲长期信用评级共包含十个级别,自 ‘AAA’级 – 代表最高的信用程度,到 ‘D’级 – 债务违约。 User: In particular, sciences and arts articles contain graphs, charts, maps, earth satellite maps, chronological tables, pictures of the arts, and portraits. Assistant: 特别是那些科学及艺术条目包含了图表、地图、地球卫星图片、大事表等等。 User: Despite this, the three Caucasus states have said in the past they would one day consider applying for EU membership, particularly Georgia. Assistant: 尽管如此,有三个高加索国家已表示,他们终有一天会考虑申请加入欧盟,特别是格鲁吉亚。 User: These systems run on a host of technologies, many of them based on GC-MS. Assistant: 这些监测系统的操作依赖大量的技术,其中,许多是基于GC-MS的。 User: In an 1889 experiment of the Imperial Russian Technical Society at Saint Petersburg, the chief of the Russian balloon corps took aerial photographs from a balloon and sent the developed collodion film negatives to the ground by pigeon post. Assistant: 1889年,俄罗斯帝国技术学会在圣彼得堡进行了一项实验,俄罗斯热气球公司的首席在热气球拍摄空中照片,然后将处理过的火棉胶(collodion)负片借由鸽子邮务送回地面。 User: The minimum value (for a distant new moon) is based on a similar scaling using the maximum Earth–Moon distance of 407 000 km (given in the factsheet) and by calculating the brightness of the earthshine onto such a new moon. Assistant: 最小值(对新月的距离)是建立在相同的基础上,以数据页上的最远距离,407,000公里,并且计算地球照在新月上的亮度。 User: Some systems have expanded offerings that include off-site encrypted resume and data storage, which are often legally required by equal opportunity employment laws. Assistant: 有些申请人追踪系统提供扩充产品,像离线加密履历及资料存储,这些通常是法律要求的均等就业机会必备功能。 User: Besides offices, the Histadrut building housed a movie theater and a hall that became the home court for the Jerusalem Hapoel Basketball Club beginning in the mid-1950s, as it was the only roofed facility in the country. Assistant: 以色列总工会大楼除了办公以外,还设有一个电影院,以及耶路撒冷夏普尔篮球俱乐部主场大厅,开始于1950年代中期,当时是全国唯一的有盖设施。 User: The thrust of each engine was 490 newtons and the total spacecraft delta-v was about 2,040 meters per second. Assistant: 每个引擎的推力是490牛顿,太空船整体的速度变化是每秒2,040米。 User: The co-operation between seminarians and non-seminarians has been remarkably positive. Assistant: 团与师团之间的互相影响远非完美。 User: The slide rule was invented around 1620–1630, shortly after John Napier's publication of the concept of the logarithm. Assistant: 计算尺发明于大约1620–1630年,在约翰·纳皮尔对数概念发表后不久。 User: She had one sibling, older brother Robert "Robbie" Santos. Assistant: 她还有一个弟弟罗伯特·“罗比”(Robert "Roby")。 User: Soon afterwards in 1913, the Commonwealth Government purchased the property. Assistant: 不久后的1913年,联邦政府购入这些地产。 User: DualShock 3 rumble will also be supported. Assistant: 而DUALSHOCK 3的隆隆声也将获到认同。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: He had previously been the producer of the original version of Hearts. Assistant: 他曾担任过原版《心灵传说》制作人。 User: This variant has won a number of stress tests in Malaysia over T-90, T-84 and K1 tanks, and has won the competition for a new Malaysian MBT. Assistant: 这种改型车在马来西亚举办的一系列压力测试中力压T-90、T-84和K1等坦克,并因而在马来西亚新型主战坦克的竞标中获胜。 User: The Qing forces attacked but were driven back. Assistant: 清军进攻但被击退。 User: Éric Tronche was informed of his son's disappearance when he returned home from work at around 11 pm. Assistant: 冯正虎在接受BBC记者采访时指他已经在当地时间下午三点左右顺利到家。 User: Nobukazu Kuriki (栗城 史多, Kuriki Nobukazu, June 9, 1982 – May 21, 2018) was a Japanese mountaineer and entrepreneur. Assistant: 栗城史多(日语:栗城 史多/くりき のぶかず Kuriki Nobukazu,1982年6月9日-2018年5月21日),是日本登山家。 User: Although the Whigs actually won fewer seats—292 seats—there were several small groups in Parliament that might be willing to side with the Whigs on particular issues, like the 38 Conservative members of Parliament who were Peelites, who had already joined with the Whigs in June 1846 to repeal the Corn Laws; the 113 members who were Free Traders and who were interested in eliminating all tariffs on consumer goods; and the 63 members of the Irish Brigade who were interested in the independence of Ireland and Tenant's Rights for Irish tenants. Assistant: 有38人是皮尔派,在1846年6月加入辉格党,企图废除谷物法;有113人是自由贸易者,希望废除一切关税;有63人是爱尔兰旅(Irish Brigade),目标是争取爱尔兰独立,保障爱尔兰农民权益。 User: None of the other major participants or organizers of the robbery were ever brought to trial. Assistant: 其他抢劫的参与者和策划者无人被起诉。 User: This served to transport the food particles to the mouth. Assistant: 这些纤毛用于将食物颗粒输送到口部。 User: Three men, allegedly from the Paraguayan police, assaulted him on 19 December 2000 after he photographed a police station in San Alberto. Assistant: 于2000年12月19日,三名很可能是巴拉圭警察的男子在柯尼格拍摄了圣阿尔韦托中一间警局的照片后袭击了柯尼格。 User: Meteorite finds are those meteorites that were found by people, but whose fall was not observed. Assistant: 发现陨石是那些被人们找到,但未曾观测到其墬落的陨石。 User: The museum collections include historic surgical instruments, sculptures, medieval archives, and works of art, including paintings by William Hogarth. Assistant: 博物馆馆藏包括历史外科用具、雕塑、中世纪文件和艺术品(例如威廉·贺加斯的画作)。 User: In his distraught state, Glicken refused to accept Johnston's death, and had to be comforted by Swanson before calming down. Assistant: 格里肯感到心烦意乱,而且拒绝接受约翰斯顿的死讯,经过斯旺森的安慰后才逐渐冷静下来。 User: 9M220O – This variant is included with an expanding rod warhead for use against helicopters. Assistant: 9M220O:这个型号装有延伸连杆(英语:Continuous-rod warhead)型弹头用以反直升机。 User: Although they were permitted to volunteer to fight, Americans of Japanese ancestry were generally forbidden to fight in combat in the Pacific Theater. Assistant: 虽然获准加入志愿兵,日裔美籍的血统使他们普遍禁止前往太平洋战区作战,他们被安排到欧洲战场,参与对抗轴心国的战斗。 User: For early modern logicians like Arnauld (whose Port-Royal Logic was the best-known text of his day), it is a psychological entity like an "idea" or "concept". Assistant: 对于早期的现代逻辑学家如Arnauld(他的《Port Royal逻辑》在过去某个时期是最周知的教科书)它是一个认知实体如“观念”或“概念”。 User: For example, parents and therapists might not think to add slang terms, such as "innit". Assistant: 例如,家长和治疗师可能不会想到邀加入俚语,如“ 是吗 。 User: Bit oriented protocol can transfer data frames regardless of frame contents. Assistant: 面向比特的协议可以传输数据帧而不管帧的内容如何。 User: Prior to the Doi Moi, Vietnam faced an economic crisis; inflation soared to over 700 per cent, economic growth slowed down, and export revenues covered less than the total value of imports. Assistant: 在革新之前,越南面对一个经济危机;通货膨胀飙升至700%以上,经济增长下降,以及出口收入比进口额的总数还少。 User: Generally speaking, cremation is cheaper than a traditional burial service, especially if direct cremation is chosen, in which the body is cremated as soon as legally possible without any sort of services. Assistant: 一般来说,火葬费用低于传统的土葬服务,尤其是选择直接火葬,尸体只要依法尽快火化,而没有其他任何形式的服务。 User: The flotilla would then attempt to return to Germany via the Atlantic Ocean. Assistant: 然后,分舰队将试图经由大西洋返回德国。 User: Ged also receives a scar in his struggle with the shadow which hurts whenever the shadow is near him like Harry Potter's scar when Voldemort is near him. Assistant: 主角格得同样在与反派黑影斗争的过程中留下了一块伤疤,而且此后每当黑影在附近时,伤疤就会隐隐作痛,这与哈利·波特的伤疤与佛地魔之间的奇妙联系有异曲同工之妙。 User: Ivanov perfectly remembered all the events of many years with the slightest detail, showing all the crime scenes almost without error. Assistant: 伊凡诺维琪抛球的方向极度不稳,尽管近几年问题有许多改善,但是其双误数并无特别减少。 User: Sierra Leone is home to one government-owned national radio station and roughly two dozen private radio stations, as well as one government-owned and one private TV station. Assistant: 塞拉利昂拥有一个由政府拥有的国家广播电台和大约二十个私人广播电台,还有一个由政府拥有的和一个私人电视台。 User: The methods they use for converting its ‘dirty’ money into ‘clean’ assets encourages corruption. Assistant: 将‘脏’钱转化为‘干净’的钱会导致腐败。 User: He is the twenty-seventh of The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors. Assistant: 死徒二十七祖中的第13位。 User: With this, Barrett moved the entire grip forward by about 4 inches, to where the front of the trigger guard is at a right angle to the ejection port. Assistant: 这样,巴雷特将整个握把向前移动了大约4英寸,扳机护圏的前端与抛壳口成直角。 User: Belgium's preview video featured Nicole & Hugo performing the song "Goeiemorgen, morgen", but Nicole was struck with a sudden illness days before the contest final, with Jacques Raymond & Lily Castel stepping in at short notice to perform the entry in their place. Assistant: 在比利时的预览影片中,妮可与雨果(Nicole & Hugo)演唱《明天早安》(Goeiemorgen, morgen)一曲,但妮可在比赛前几天因突发病中风,故临时改由雅克·雷蒙德(Jacques Raymond)和莉莉·卡斯特尔(Lily Castel)演唱。 User: The Soviet Union, other Eastern European countries, and China all offered Albania large amounts of aid. Assistant: 苏联、其他东欧国家和中国都向阿尔巴尼亚给予了大量援助。 User: Jackson Jackson The Sanderson Farms Championship is a professional golf tournament on the PGA Tour, played annually in Mississippi. Assistant: Country Club of Jackson Country Club of Jackson 桑德森农场锦标赛是美国高尔夫球PGA巡回赛的一个赛事,在密西西比州举行。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: At about 225,000 people, if Paradise were to be an incorporated city it would be the fourth or fifth largest city in the state, after Las Vegas (585,000), Henderson (260,000), and North Las Vegas (229,000); Reno has a population of about 225,000. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:以区域内225,000的人口数计算,天堂市若是一个建制地区,将成为内华达州第五大城市,次于拉斯维加斯(585,000人)、亨德森(260,000人)北拉斯维加斯(229,000人)和雷诺(225,000)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, minification is not necessarily convenient nor efficient and may still require separate HTTP connections to get the page and the minified resources. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:但是,这一举措十分不方便,也不高效,依然需要诸多HTTP链接来加载页面和页面资源。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Matthew James Canavan (born 17 December 1980) is an Australian politician. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 马修·卡纳万(Matthew Canavan,1980年12月17日-)是一位澳洲政治人物。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The statement was designed to defend the position of biblical inerrancy against a perceived trend toward liberal conceptions of Scripture. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该声明的目的是捍卫圣经无误论的立场,抵制兴起的自由主义对圣经理解的趋势。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While the aircraft's luggage capacity is adequate to carry the belongings of the passengers, the logistics train of the President means that the aircraft must fly preceded by an aerial convoy of several cargo transports, which carry the helicopters, motorcade vehicles, and other equipment required by the presidential entourage. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 如飞机货舱足以装下乘客行李,总统专机需与载有总统所用直升机、车队及其他随从设施的货机伴飞。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Tasks include launching external programs, starting and stopping downloads, and shutting down the computer in all possible ways. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 任务包括启动外部程序、开始和停止下载,以及以所有可行的方式关机。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: British Standard 2979:1958, from BSI, is used by the Oxford University Press. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 英国标准2979:1958是牛津大学出版社使用的主要转写标准。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This was a rare phenomenon for schools of that time. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此诚在学校历史上一稀遘难遇之盛事。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Moore-Gilbert claims that this approach unfairly puts rock at the apex, and makes every other influence become an add-on to the central core of rock. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Moore-Gilbert 认为这不合理的方式将摇滚乐放在顶点,让受到其他音乐影响的特色成为摇滚乐核心的附属品。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 According to Simon Tolkien: My grandmother died two years before my grandfather and he came back to live in Oxford. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 根据孙子西蒙·托尔金的记叙: 祖母比祖父早去世两年,之后祖父搬回了牛津。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Total height including buried portion. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:骨缝的曲折结构包括尖及圆的部分。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This was to allow Singaporean voters to recognise the presidential candidates more easily when marking their choice on the paper. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这是让新加坡选民在选票上能更轻易辨认总统候选人。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the US, regional Palmer maps are featured on the cable channel Weatherscan. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在美国,地区性的Palmer地图是有线电视频道Weatherscan的服务内容。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon condemned the attack, calling it "totally unacceptable". Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 联合国秘书长潘基文谴责了这次袭击,称这“完全不能接受”。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The four actors locate Four Leaf, Cody, and Tugg and cross a bridge rigged to explode to get to Underwood's helicopter. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 四位演员找到了塔格、四叶和科迪,众人跨越桥梁逃往接应的直升机,并且还要把桥炸掉以防焰龙帮追击。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As part of their revolutionary activity, the RSDLP and other revolutionary groups (such as anarchists and Socialist Revolutionaries) practised a range of militant operations, including "expropriations", a euphemism for armed robberies of government or private funds to support revolutionary activities. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 除了政治活动,该党连同其他革命团体(如无政府主义者和社会革命党人)策划了一系列激进行动,包括所谓“征用”,即武装抢劫政府或私人资金支持革命活动的委婉说法。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Specific situations, such as an installation outdoors, in a hazardous environment, or in other out-of-the-ordinary locations might require specialized equipment and more stringent installation practices. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 特定情况下,安装在室外,在危险的环境中,或在其他外的不同寻常的位置就需要专门的设备和更严格的安装方法。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Lobera later says Colocolo and Peteguelen were the leaders that discovered the advance of the army of Francisco de Villagra and summoned all the people who could fight from the neighboring provinces to oppose the Spanish in the battle of Battle of Marihueñu. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 洛韦拉之后说,科洛科洛和佩特格伦两位酋长发现了弗朗西斯科·德·比利亚格拉的军队正在行进,他们召集了附近地区的所有的能战斗的人来在马里韦纽战役中阻挡西班牙人。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Since the late nineteenth century, baseball is regarded as the national sport; football, basketball, and ice hockey are the country's three other leading professional team sports. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 自19世纪末期,棒球被认为是美国的国民运动;橄榄球、篮球和冰球是美国领先的三个职业团体运动。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Another autodidact, Nicolaus Reimers, in 1587 translated Copernicus' De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium into German for Bürgi. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 另一名自学者-“尼古劳斯·赖默斯”(Nicolaus Reimers),在1587年曾为他将哥白尼的《天体运行论》(Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium)译成德文版。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: GRASS supports raster and vector data in two and three dimensions. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:GRASS 支持二维和三维的栅格和矢量数据。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: There was no one else in the library room except the library assistant. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:当然,房间中除了他以外就没有其他人了。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: One tropical cyclone, Hurricane Lester, affected Central America, causing two deaths in Guatemala. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 飓风莱斯特影响到了中美洲,导致危地马拉两人丧生。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Exegesis of each verse ends with a survey of narrations (hadiths) on that verse. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:万全子万禧、孙万椿皆遵从万义颛的教诲谨慎小心。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The high school graduation rate is consistently around 80%, higher than any other province. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 市西中学的高考一本率长期保持在80%以上,本科率则接近100%。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: People who grapple with FOMO might not know exactly what they are missing but can still hold a fear that others are having a much better time or having a much more rewarding experience on the spur of the moment. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 有错失恐惧症的人也许并不清楚有什么被他们错过了,但仍然恐惧于在错过的那一刻别人可能有一段愉悦的时光或是非常有意义的经历。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: While traditional charms dangle, Italian charms feature individual pieces soldered flat onto the surface of the link. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 而传统手链中 ,意大利魅力的体现是将单个的碎件焊成扁平接到链环的表面。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Both parties agreed that the surplus needed to lessen but disagreed about whether to raise or to lower tariffs to accomplish the same goal. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 两党一致认为应该缩减盈余,但在是否要通过提高或者降低关税来达成这一目标上莫衷一是。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Germany and Spain operate the Taurus missile while Pakistan has made the Babur missile, a variant of the US Tomahawk missile. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 德国与西班牙使用金牛座导弹而巴基斯坦也发展自己的巡航导弹类如英美的战斧巡弋导弹,名之为巴卑尔巡航导弹(Babur missile)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These hypotheses appear to be corroborated by more direct evidence from ancient DNA. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这些推测来自于古老的DNA,似乎透过更直接的证据予以佐证。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Khrushchev reached the Stalingrad Front in August 1942, soon after the start of the battle for the city. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 赫鲁晓夫于1942年8月抵达斯大林格勒前线,不久之后斯大林格勒战役打响。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Soundtrack was removed from Final Cut Express 4, which lowered its price and may have encouraged people to buy Logic Express. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 Soundtrack 在 Final Cut Express 4 时被移除,而且降价,这可能使人们更愿意花钱买 Logic Express。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In fact, the fate of the Pueblo people themselves depends upon him. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 今复移檄追征,则是朝廷自失大信于民。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Immunity (or, more accurately, tolerance) to P. falciparum malaria does occur naturally, but only in response to years of repeated infection. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 人体可以自然对于恶性疟原虫产生免疫力(或者说免疫耐受),但只有在数年多次感染后才会产生。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The British solution involved the independence of Belgium, which Palmerston believed would greatly contribute to the security of Britain, but any solution was not straightforward. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:英国提出的解决方案是让比利时独立,巴麦尊勋爵相信这样能尽量保证英国的安全,但事情并不简单。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Also the schedules under which tax is levied have changed. Assistant: 而税收抵免的标准也因此产生变化。 User: The C-46 was also employed in the abortive U.S.-supported Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. Assistant: C-46也被用于1961年失败的猪湾入侵行动。 User: Huge areas, especially in China and Europe, were cut down long ago to make way for cultivation. Assistant: 分布于欧洲以及中国等地,目前已由人工引种栽培。 User: Common jobs are: Chief of staff: Highest-ranking and usually highest-paid legislative staffer in the office of a member of Congress, usually the chief operating officer of the office, reporting directly to the member. Assistant: 常见的工作有: 幕僚长:国会议员办公室最高级别和最高薪的立法工作人员,通常是办公室的首席运营官,直接向议员报告工作。 User: With the permission of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV, the free imperial city began its so-called "second city expansion," increasing the surface area of the city threefold. Assistant: 在神圣罗马皇帝路易四世的许可下,开始了“第二次城市扩张”,城市面积增加了三倍。 User: Before a law is enacted, the French President, the speaker of either house of Parliament, or, more commonly, 60 parliamentarians from the same house may petition the Council for review. Assistant: 在一部法律被颁布前,法国总统、国会两院之一的议长,或者,更通常地,来自同一议院的60名国会议员可以要求检查。 User: It is a joint project by the French real estate company Immochan and the Chinese investment company Dalian Wanda. Assistant: 该项目由法国房地产公司Immochan和中国投资公司万达集团联合开发。 User: He is also engaged in public debates and interested in constructive dialogue between Christianity and Islam. Assistant: 他还参与了基督教和伊斯兰教之间的对话。 User: Four weeks later at the 2006 PGA Championship, Woods again won in dominating fashion, making only three bogeys, tying the record for fewest in a major. Assistant: 在2006年PGA锦标赛中,伍兹只造出三次bogeys,追平了最少bogeys的记录。 User: October 28: The Convention forbids religious instruction by clerics. Assistant: 十月二十八日:公会禁止神职人员发布宗教指令。 User: This is a key difference between Common Lisp and Scheme. Assistant: 这是Common Lisp和Scheme编程语言的一个重要不同之处。 User: This call ended after one minute. Assistant: 此通话在一分钟后结束。 User: Dōseiai (同性愛, "same sex/gender love") was another term coined at the turn of the 20th century to describe same-sex female relationships; both of two feminine partners and of a masculine and feminine partner (also called ome). Assistant: Dōseiai(同性爱,"same sex/gender love")是20世纪初创造的另一个用来描述女性同性关系的术语,包括两个都是很女性化的女性同性伴侣和一个男性化一个女性化的女同性伴侣(也称为ome)。 User: (Season 1–4) She is the investigator. Assistant: (西番雅书1:1,4)他所发出的是个毁灭的信息。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Sometimes, the prosecutor agrees to reduce a charge or to drop some of multiple charges in exchange for the defendant's acceptance of the penalty. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 另外,有可能发生的是,检察官同意减少部分指控,以换取被告进行认罪协商。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On 5 November 2009, he was sworn in as President of Fiji. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2009年11月5日宣誓成为新任斐济总统。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Britain had offered to give the United States access to its scientific research, so the Tizard Mission's John Cockcroft briefed American scientists on British developments. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:英国方面还允许美方参与其科研过程,由此,蒂泽德计划的约翰·考克饶夫为美国科学家简要介绍了英国的研发进展。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since 1943, in accordance with the George Cross (Restriction of Use) Ordinance, it is unlawful in Malta to use the George Cross, an imitation of it or the words George Cross for the purposes of trade or business without the Prime Minister's authorisation. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 自1943年以来,根据乔治十字(限制使用)条例,马耳他使用模仿乔治十字或“乔治十字”字样没有首相授权的贸易或商业目的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC; French: Confédération syndicale internationale (CSI); German: Internationaler Gewerkschaftsbund (IGB); Spanish: Confederación Sindical Internacional (CSI)) is the world's largest trade union federation. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 国际工会联合会(英语:International Trade Union Confederation),(法语:Confédération syndicale internationale), 简称国际工联(ITUC) 或 (CSI),是现在世界上最大的跨国工会组织。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The lower two floors of the tower make a monumental archway into the main street of the city, the Merceria, which linked the political and religious centre (the Piazza) with the commercial and financial centre (the Rialto). Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 塔的下面两层设有巨大的拱门,通往城市的主要街道,Merceria,连接了政治和宗教中心圣马可广场与商业及金融中心里亚托。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Eurozone is broadly similar being service-based economies based on high public spending (compared to the United States), high taxes and wealth being created by the sale of goods and services. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 大致相若的欧元区经济体是基于服务的高公共开支(相对于美国)、高税收和正由商品和服务的销售创造的财富。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In November 1928, Morton married Mabel Bertrand (1888-1969), a showgirl, in Gary, Indiana. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1928年11月,莫顿在印第安纳州盖瑞与歌舞女郎梅布尔·伯特兰德(1888-1969年)结婚。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The latter is sometimes tackled by disguising the mast as something else, such as a flag pole, street lamp, or a tree (e.g. palm trees, pine trees, cypress) or rooftop structures or urban features such as chimneys or panels. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:后者有时通过将天线杆伪装成一些其它的东西来解决,例如一个旗杆、一个路灯,或一棵树,或者屋顶设施,或城市设施,例如烟囱、装饰板。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His nephew Christoph Froschauer the Younger (1532–1585) took over the shop. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他的侄子小克里斯托夫・弗罗绍尔(1532年–1585年)接管了印刷作坊。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Geologists announced on April 30 that sliding of the bulge area was the greatest immediate danger and that such a landslide might spark an eruption. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:4月30日,多名地质学家宣布隆起区域的移动有着最为巨大和即时的危险性,并且一次山崩就可能引发火山爆发。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He was recalled on May 7 when James McDonald was placed on the disabled list. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 5月7日,因为James McDonald进入伤兵名单被召回大联盟。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Complicated relationships with fellow revolutionaries caused him to be expelled from the First International. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他与同时期革命分子的复杂关系导致了他被驱逐出第一国际。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:NETLINK_IP6_FW NETLINK_IP6_FW provides an interface to transport packets from netfilter to user-space. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: NETLINK_IPV6_FW NETLINK_IPV6_FW提供了一个将包从netfilter传送到用户空间的接口。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many were suspicious of the government, rejected consumerist values, and generally opposed the Vietnam War. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 许多人怀疑政府,拒绝消费主义价值观,及普遍反对越南战争。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Garriott even discussed collaborating with Wizardry's Andrew C. Greenberg on "the ultimate fantasy role-playing game". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 加里奥特甚至与《巫术》的安德鲁·C·格林伯格(Andrew C. Greenberg)讨论过合作“终极幻想角色扮演游戏”。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, it was not a good year to be Eike Batista who fell from seventh to 100th, suffering the largest net loss of anyone on the list. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,这对埃克·巴蒂斯塔来说不是个好年头,他从第7名跌落至第100名,遭遇了榜单上最高的净亏损。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The Italians proved uncontrollable by imperial authority: in 1162, for instance, the Pisans together with a few Venetians raided the Genoese quarter in Constantinople, causing much damage. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:事实证明帝国当局无法控制这些意大利人:例如,在1162年,比萨人和少数威尼斯人袭击了君士坦丁堡的热那亚区,造成了很大的损害。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Lotter was involved in funding the National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit in Tanzania which had successfully pursued a number of high-profile ivory traffickers. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:洛特尔曾参与创立坦桑尼亚全国及跨国重刑案调查机构(英语:National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit),该组织曾成功追捕数名恶名昭彰的象牙走私者。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:That same year, the developers of NTRU joined with Daniel Lieman and founded the NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc., and were given a patent on the cryptosystem. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:同年,Daniel Lieman加入了NTRU开发团队,并成立了公司NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc., 获得了该加密系统的专利。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:She was scrapped in mid-October 2012 in Bahrain. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2012年年底他在叙利亚被绑架。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The governing body is Racing Victoria Limited. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:掌管实体是维多利亚赛马有限公司。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Also, unlike normal processes, the kill command has no effect on a zombie process. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 与正常进程不同,kill命令对僵尸进程无效。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: During the party, Gilcrest becomes attracted to Ng, who is having fun dancing with Carson. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:派对上,吉尔克雷斯特被正在和卡森跳舞的吴吸引住。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Soon after the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, all first-class football in Britain was suspended, and the 1939–40 Football League season annulled. Assistant: 第二次世界大战于1939年爆发后,所有英国的顶级足球赛事都暂停,而1939/40年球季亦取消了。 User: CoBRA personnel are trained in guerrilla warfare, field engineering, tracking of explosives, jungle survival techniques along with ops tactics to fight insurgents. Assistant: 眼镜蛇成员接受游击战、实地工程、爆炸物追踪、丛林生存技术和与反叛分子作战战术的训练。 User: The first gamma-ray telescope carried into orbit, on the Explorer 11 satellite in 1961, picked up fewer than 100 cosmic gamma-ray photons. Assistant: 第一个送上绕地球轨道的伽玛射线天文卫星是1961年发射的探索者11号卫星,接收到少于100个伽玛射线粒子。 User: He further stressed that the men must follow "only party discipline". Assistant: 他更进一步强调亲卫队成员必须“只遵从党的纪律”。 User: She spent some time at Sarah Lawrence College and then became involved in New York City's downtown artists scene, which included the Fluxus group. Assistant: 她到莎拉劳伦斯学院学习,接着进入了纽约市中心的艺术家圈,包括激浪派团体。 User: In February 2017, William Happer, a possible Trump science advisor with skeptical views on human caused global warming, described an area of climate science as "really more like a cult" and its practitioners "glassy-eyed". Assistant: 2017年2月,威廉·哈怕(William Happer),一位当时有意担任川普的科学顾问的气候变化怀疑论者宣称,气候科学的某些范畴“非常像个邪教”,而不少气候学家“都是呆子”。 User: This is a list of major active social networking websites and excludes dating websites (see Comparison of online dating websites). Assistant: 本列表列出主要而且活跃的社交网络网站,它排除了交友网站(参见在线交友恋爱网站对比(英语:Comparison of online dating websites))。 User: At the time Antigonus was in Aegium, a three-day march from Megalopolis. Assistant: 在那段时间,安提柯在埃吉乌姆,与梅格洛玻利斯有三天的路程。 User: It formed a political party. Assistant: 他创建了一个秘密的政党。 User: It is also possible to keep a separate journal of all modifications to a database management system. (sometimes called after images). Assistant: 为所有对数据库管理系统的改动持续记录成为一份单独的日志也是可能的(有时被称为后映像)。 User: This setting can be played using Mind's Eye Theatre, which is a set of LARP rules also published by White Wolf. Assistant: 这个设置可以使用“Mind's Eye Theatre”—由White Wolf发行的一套LARP规则。 User: Mitchell Weiser and Claudio Pizarro left Bayern after their contracts expired. Assistant: 米切尔·魏泽尔和克劳迪奥·皮萨罗在合同期满后离开拜仁。 User: The United Nations peacekeeping mission employed Indian Air Force Mi-24/-35 helicopters to provide support during the Second Congo War. Assistant: 联合国维和部队雇用了印度空军的Mi-24/-35参加二次刚果战争的任务,从2003年以来这些机体都是由以色列飞行员操作。 User: Her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) argued that urban renewal did not respect the needs of city-dwellers. Assistant: 她的著作《美国大城市的死与生》认为市区重建不尊重大多数市民的需求。 User: The team were adjacent to Harry Weslake's engine development plant and half a mile from Elva cars. Assistant: 该队比邻哈利·韦斯特莱克的引擎研发厂,且与艾娃汽车(英语:Elva (car manufacturer))仅有半英里的距离。 User: Among other alterations, Barber changed the Roman numeral MCMVII for the date to the Arabic numeral "1907". Assistant: 巴伯还将罗马数字“MCMVII”改成阿拉伯数字“1907”。 User: To encourage public participation in the games, it was announced on 28 January 2015 that 18 of the sports will be free for spectators, while the other 18 are kept at relatively affordable levels of between S$5 to S$20. Assistant: 为了鼓励大众观赏比赛,大会于2015年1月28日宣布给予大众免费观赏18个运动项目,而其他18个运动项目的入场票价格则维持在新币5块至20块之间的实惠水平。 User: This shows the back garden of his grandmother's house. Assistant: 大臣庞回忆他老家的花园。 User: According to the distributor, "the filmmakers had always wanted to deliver the movie to the people who helped them make it". Assistant: 发行商表示,“电影制作者们希望可以将电影献给帮助他们完成了电影的人们”。 User: The research program in the Electrical Engineering Department dealt with both experimental and theoretical aspects of semiconductors, and the research program in the Physics Department dealt with theoretical aspects of macroscopic quantum systems, particularly superconductivity and quantum liquids. Assistant: 电机系的研究计划是关于半导体实验和理论,物理系的研究计划是关于宏观量子理论,特别是量子超导性和量子液体。 User: Mesilau East River forms a deep ravine, and Mesilau Cave is located nearby. Assistant: 东马西劳河具一个深沟,马西劳洞(Mesilau Cave)位于其附近。 User: In October 2003, Anderson jokingly said on Howard Stern's radio show that she does not expect to live more than 10 or 15 years, but this was misconstrued and taken seriously by many websites and tabloids. Assistant: 2003年10月她在霍华德·斯特恩的广播节目中开玩笑说她估计活不了10至15年了。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Professional cricket is almost always played on a grass surface. Assistant: 专业板球几乎都是在草地上。 User: The wealthiest members of the community were also able to send their children to Australia for further studies. Assistant: 社会上最富有的成员也把孩子送到澳大利亚进修。 User: Attempts to form a coalition with the Communist Party had failed. Assistant: 曾试图调和国民党和共产党之间的矛盾,但未能成功。 User: An N'Ko font, Conakry, is available for Windows 8, macOS, and OpenOffice-LibreOffice's Graphite engine, which was developed by SIL International. Assistant: 在Windows 8、macOS和OpenOffice-LibreOffice的由SIL International发展的石墨引擎上可以获取的一个西非书面字母字体叫Conakry。 User: Following the murder of ANC activist Chris Hani, Mandela made a publicised speech to calm rioting, soon after appearing at a mass funeral in Soweto for Tambo, who had died of a stroke. Assistant: 非国大领袖克里斯·汉尼被谋杀后,曼德拉作了一场公开演讲以平息骚乱,不久后他到索韦托参加了一场大型葬礼,悼念死于中风的坦博。 User: After heavy battles against the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) between 1993 and 1995, tensions grew between the Shan nationalist field officers and the Chinese leaders. Assistant: 1993年至1995年期间,与缅甸国防军进行了重大战斗之后,掸族民族主义野战军官与华人领导者之间的紧张局势日益扩大。 User: PC DOS 6.1 (1993), from IBM, while the original release did not include a disk compressor, a custom version of SuperStor/DS (after acquiring AddStor) was included in a later release, also introducing the preload API in the PC DOS line. Assistant: PC DOS 6.1(英语:PC DOS 6.1)(1993年),出自IBM,原始版本未包含磁盘压缩器,而SuperStor/DS的定制版本(在收购AddStor后)包含在之后的发布版本中,并也在PC DOS产品线中包括预加载API。 User: British Airways cancelled all departures. Assistant: 英航则取消了所有的离港航班。 User: According to a November 1, 1916 Winchester internal report, Great Britain's London Armory was sent 120 Model 1907 rifles and 78,000 rounds of .351SL ammunition between December 1914 and April 1916 for use by the Royal Flying Corps. Assistant: 根据温彻斯特公司于1916年11月1日的内部报告,英国伦敦兵工厂于1914年12月到1916年4月期间把120支温彻斯特1907型步枪及78,000发弹药送往英国皇家飞行军团并提供给作战人员使用。 User: Davis was also unhappy with the story's title. Assistant: 此外,迪欧也不满意作品的图案设计。 User: The principal objective of his researches was to demonstrate through range of appropriate tests that the third law of thermodynamics is a basic natural law. Assistant: 他研究的主要目的是通过一系列适当的实验来证明热力学第三定律是自然的基本定律。 User: These include the SI unit cubic metre (m3) and its divisions, in particular the cubic decimeter, more commonly called the litre (1 dm3 = 1 L = 0.001 m3), and the cubic centimetre, also called millilitre (1 cm3 = 1 mL = 0.001 L = 10−6 m3). Assistant: 体积单位包括国际单位制的单位立方米(m3)以及其衍生单位,较常用的是也可以称为升的立方公寸(1 dm3 = 1 L = 0.001 m3),以及也可以称为毫升的立方公分(1 cm3 = 1 mL = 0.001 L = 10−6 m3)。 User: It is unusual to see more than 5 fielders on the leg side, because of the restriction that there must be no more than two fielders placed behind square leg. Assistant: 五名防守球员出现在背面区的情形并不常见,这是因为禁止超过两名防守球员位于背后内野(square leg)之后的缘故。 User: Her mother Janis published Loving Amy: A Mother's Story, in 2014. Assistant: 她的母亲珍妮丝于2014年出版了《爱着艾美:一个母亲的故事》。 User: Their term of office is nine years. Assistant: 这些人的任期为九年。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: In June 2011, IBEX was shifted to a new more efficient, much more stable orbit. Assistant: 2011年6月,IBEX变轨到了一个更有效的轨道。 User: This will allow for 13 days of campaigning to take place. Assistant: 这表示将有13天的竞选活动。 User: According to historical records, she was only arrested once, and the reason was not prostitution. Assistant: 而记录表明,她只被捕过一次,原因并非卖淫,也没有被关押进监狱。 User: Teri McMinn was a student who worked with local theater companies, including the Dallas Theater Center. Assistant: 泰莉·麦克米恩(英语:Teri McMinn)是与当地戏剧公司合作的学生,其中包括达拉斯剧院中心达拉斯剧院中心(英语:Dallas Theater Center)。 User: Under differentiability and constraint qualifications, the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions provide necessary conditions for a solution to be optimal. Assistant: 在可微函数及约束规范的条件下,卡罗需-库恩-塔克条件(KKT条件)是有最佳解的必要条件。 User: This set of messages is called Registration, Admission and Status (RAS). Assistant: 这一消息是所谓的注册,许可和状态(RAS)。 User: By this time the other people in the lifeboat had lost patience with Hichens. Assistant: 此时,救生艇上的其他人对希琴斯失去了耐心。 User: Freedom of Speech was published in the February 20, 1943 Issue of The Saturday Evening Post with a matching essay by Booth Tarkington as part of the Four Freedoms series. Assistant: 《言论自由》于1943年2月20日在《星期六晚邮报》首发,一同发布的还有小说家布斯·塔金顿的文章,来作为四大自由系列的一部分。 User: In cryptography, ciphertext stealing (CTS) is a general method of using a block cipher mode of operation that allows for processing of messages that are not evenly divisible into blocks without resulting in any expansion of the ciphertext, at the cost of slightly increased complexity. Assistant: 在密码学中,密文窃取(CTS)是一种使用分组密码操作模式的通用方法,该操作模式允许处理不能均匀分割成块的消息,而不会导致密文的扩展,代价是稍微增加了复杂性。 User: On 30 September 1941, the Wehrmacht commenced its offensive on Moscow. Assistant: 1941年9月30日,中央集团军展开对莫斯科的进攻。 User: Boddy's paper endorsed her, while Truman praised her. Assistant: 博迪的报纸表示拥护她,杜鲁门总统也终于褒扬了她。 User: May 2007: A book digitizing project partnership was announced jointly by Google and the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne. Assistant: 五月:一本数字化计划的书,被公告为Google及县立、洛桑大学图书馆所纳入。 User: The King and Zamoyski then opted for attacking directly the inland Russian territory necessary for keeping Russian communication lines to Livonia open and functioning. Assistant: 随后,国王和扎莫伊斯基选择直接攻打沙俄内地要地,以切断俄国到利沃尼亚的通信线路。 User: If the partner refuses permission, the player may not go out this turn. Assistant: 如果伙伴拒绝许可,玩家可能不会出现这个回合。 User: Mining ceased at the onset of World War I, and many of the orchards were abandoned during the Great Depression, but some still remain. Assistant: 其中采矿业在第一次世界大战爆发后中止,许多果园都在大萧条期间废弃,但仍然有一部分留存至今。 User: The region of faulting may actually function as its own microplate. Assistant: 实际上,这一断层区域可能起到了微型板块的作用。 User: In November 1847, Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India made several observations from the Sawajpore station at the east end of the Himalayas. Assistant: 1847年11月,英属印度测量局局长(英语:Surveyor General of India)安德鲁·华欧(英语:Andrew Scott Waugh)从位于喜马拉雅山脉东端的观测站做了几次观测。 User: After four years he landed on one of the Scilly Isles. Assistant: 四年后,他登陆了在锡利群岛的其中一个岛上。 User: He worked for a time as a royal secretary, and then settled in the village of Czarnolas, a part of his family inheritance. Assistant: 他曾做过王室书记官,随后定居在恰尔诺拉斯村,这是他家族遗产的一部分。 User: 1970 – Salvador Allende is elected President of Chile. Assistant: 1970年:萨尔瓦多·阿连德当选智利总统。 User: Currently, three retail banks are allowed to print notes for circulation in Scotland: Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland, and Clydesdale Bank. Assistant: 目前有三家银行有权在苏格兰发行英镑纸币,包括苏格兰银行、皇家苏格兰银行、克莱兹戴尔银行。 User: The Bellman pseudospectral method was first applied by Ross et al. to solve the challenging problem of very low thrust trajectory optimization. Assistant: 贝尔曼拟谱法最早是由Ross等人使用的,是要求解很有挑战性的低推力轨迹最佳化问题。 User: However, when the track shifted further to the east, mandatory evacuation orders were issued for coastal areas of North Carolina, with tens of thousands removed from their homes. Assistant: 飓风之后进一步向东转向,北卡罗莱纳州沿海地区因此收到了强制疏散令,数以万计的居民为此背离家园。 User: Larkin responded to the criticism by saying, "I wanted to say that same-sex relationships are no more problematic but no easier than any other human relationships. Assistant: 后来一些对康有为的批评指,“康有为并没有着意到,异族通婚只会令新的种族诞生,而不会很好地使人类社会平等大同。 User: On 13 October 1961, Westfälische Rundschau journalist Kurt Lichtenstein was shot on the border near the village of Zicherie after he attempted to speak with East German farm workers. Assistant: 1961年10月13日,西发里亚评论报(德语:Westfälische Rundschau)记者库特·利希滕斯坦(英语:Kurt Lichtenstein)在边境村庄齐歇利(德语:Zicherie)附近中弹身亡,原因是他试图同一名东德农民交谈。 User: Now, however, it is clear that the nation as a whole was better off when he was keeping his views to himself. Assistant: 但是,披汶的声誉在国内的下降速度完全超乎了他本人的想象。 User: He was professor of astronomy at Uppsala University from 1730 to 1744, but traveled from 1732 to 1735 visiting notable observatories in Germany, Italy and France. Assistant: 他于1730年至1744年任瑞典乌普萨拉大学天文学教授,1732年至1735年期间曾走访德国、意大利及法国各地显著的天文观测站。 User: Like other kiwis it is nocturnal. Assistant: 最后更自称为夜后妮克丝的化身。 User: Microsoft has published a blog entry with "Twenty Questions (and Answers)" on Windows Vista Content Protection which refutes some of Gutmann's arguments. Assistant: 此外,微软已在其部落格上发布了《二十个问题(及答案)》和其他Windows Vista内容保护的相关文章,准备反驳部分Gutmann的论点。 User: After his house was bombed, he continued work on his book, The Controversy over the Existence of the World. Assistant: 在他的房子被炸毁之后,他继续写作《关于世界之存在的争端》一书。 User: In the mid-1990s, CRS went through a significant institutional transformation. Assistant: 1990年代中期以后,全军编制体制重大调整。 User: Miles can also be earned with Brussels Airlines' non-airline partners. Assistant: 目前旅客亦可从Privilege的非航空公司伙伴获得飞行里数。 User: Watson was not seriously injured in the fall, but an underlying medical condition prompted the surgery which required him to be airlifted to Winston-Salem. Assistant: 沃森在那次摔倒中并没有严重受伤,但是手术中出现了一个潜在的医疗状况,这使他被迫通过空运被转到了温莎市。 User: His studio is located at the old freight yard in Münster. Assistant: 他的工作室位于明斯特的一所老旧货物仓库中。 User: Billy experiences a flashback to the battle that made them famous. Assistant: 比利此时回想起那场让他们出名的战役。 User: The result of such projection is defined as the set that is obtained when all tuples in R are restricted to the set { a 1 , ... , a n } {\displaystyle \{a_{1},\ldots ,a_{n}\}} . Assistant: 这种投影的结果定义为当所有在 R {\displaystyle R} 中的元组被限制为集合 { a 1 , . . . , a n } {\displaystyle \{a_{1},...,a_{n}\}} 的时候所获得的集合。 User: Lorentz National Park was listed as a natural World Heritage Site in 1999, however an area of about 1,500 km2 was excluded from listing due to the presence of mining exploration titles within the park. Assistant: 洛伦茨国家公园在1999年列为世界文化遗产,不过因为其中有1,500平方公里的区域有在开采矿产,被排除在世界文化遗产的范围外。 User: In 1912, Johnson's wife Mabel died. Assistant: 1912年,强森的妻子Mabel去世。 User: In the introduction of his Gallipoli Diary, he commented: "There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win". Assistant: 在他的日记对于加里波利之战介绍写作时,他有说过:“这没有什么,只是其中一方一定不会赢得这场战争。 User: It is the most famous monument of Livorno and is located in Piazza Micheli. Assistant: 这是里窝那最著名的纪念碑,位于米凯利广场。 User: The agency was created in April 1997 by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act for the purpose of combining and integrating the related inspection services of three separate federal government departments: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Health Canada. Assistant: 机构成立于1997年4月,目的是整合加拿大农业及农业食品部、加拿大渔业及海洋部及加拿大卫生部等三个联邦政府部门(英语:Structure of the Canadian federal government)的相关监管功能。 User: The government of Georgia issued a statement declaring that "The heir of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and others arrives . . . and carries on propaganda in favor of the Union Treaty. Assistant: 格鲁吉亚政府发表声明,指出“华盛顿、杰佛逊、林肯和其他总统的继承人到来......继续为支持新联盟条约的政治宣传。 User: Their paths conclusively demonstrated that they were orbiting in the immense gravitational grip of a supermassive black hole nearly three million times more massive than the sun. Assistant: 它们的路径令人信服的表明,是受到一个超大质量黑洞,几乎是太阳质量的300万倍,的引力牵引。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: X-ray active optics, using actively deformable grazing incidence mirrors, are also being investigated. Assistant: 利用主动变形掠入射镜的X射线主动光学也在进行研究中。 User: To help stimulate urban renewal in Lower Manhattan, David Rockefeller suggested that the Port Authority build a World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. Assistant: 为了刺激市区更新大卫·洛克菲勒建议港口事务管理局在下城建造世界贸易中心。 User: There is no known correlation between model number or production date and display type. Assistant: 在目前,型号或生产日期与显示屏幕材质之间没有已知的相关性。 User: Dow's enemies seized on the mistake and demanded that the police search the municipal building for illegal liquor. Assistant: 道的政敌抓住机遇,要求警方搜查市政大楼寻找非法烈酒。 User: On 18 June 2014, the bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies, in a 56-4 vote. Assistant: 2014年6月18日,法案经由众议院以56-4的结果获得通过。 User: Bovrisse said, "I keep hearing about how Japan is championing women, making us shine, creating new opportunities, but this is all fiction, all talk. Assistant: Bovrisse说:“我不断听到关于日本是如何捍卫女性、让我们更加精彩,创造新的机会,但这些都是幻影,嘴上说说而已。 User: Examples include checking out groceries or other goods that have been collected in a self service shop, in a shop without self-service, at an ATM, at a ticket desk, a city bus, or in a taxi stand. Assistant: 例如,检查在自助服务 商店 ,没有自助服务的 商店 , ATM ,售票处, 城市公交车或出租车站收集的杂货或其他商品。 User: Posey presided over the assembly which ultimately divided the territory into three judicial districts and appointed several judges. Assistant: 波西主持了大会,最终将该领地划分为三个司法区,并任命了几位法官:398。 User: Alice Augusta Ball was born on July 24, 1892 in Seattle, Washington to James Presley and Laura Louise (Howard) Ball. Assistant: 爱丽丝·鲍尔在1892年7月24日在西雅图出生,父母是詹姆士·普雷斯利·鲍尔(James Presley Ball)及劳拉·路易丝·鲍尔(Laura Louise Ball)。 User: The mainstay of treatment is antipsychotic medication, along with counselling, job training, and social rehabilitation. Assistant: 治疗的重心是为患者处方抗精神病药,以及安排咨询、工作培训和社会康复。 User: Facade Altar Ceiling of the altar and dome. Assistant: 从高架桥远眺达拉谟市区和达拉谟座堂。 User: Another clean-room design example is VTech's successful clones of the Apple II ROMs for the Laser 128, the only computer model among dozens of Apple II compatibles which survived litigation brought by Apple Computer. Assistant: 另一个净室设计的例子是VTech对Apple II ROM在Laser 128(英语:Laser 128)上的成功克隆,这是Apple II所引发的几十个兼容克隆及苹果公司诉讼中唯一幸存的计算机型号。 User: He laid siege to Petrovaradin (in modern-day Serbia), but soon lifted it. Assistant: 他围困斯雷代茨(今索非亚),但久攻不克。 User: Every man can tame a shrew but he that hath her". Assistant: 认为人与人之间的一切都是伪善的,只是为了讨好自己。 User: Still, the Democrats retained a clear majority in the House. Assistant: 不过,众议院仍以民主党为绝对多数。 User: Starting from July 1991 T-72 modernization programs were implemented by the Bumarcombine which had been producing T-72s under Soviet license. Assistant: 于1991年7月启动的T-72现代化改进项目是由Bumar企业联合体执行的,该企业曾经按照苏联颁发的许可证生产T-72型坦克。 User: The relationship of Javert and Valjean develops as a binary opposition between law and love. Assistant: 贾维尔和尚万强的关系在法律和爱之间呈现两元对立。 User: In another episode, Penny accompanied the men to the comic book store to shop for a gift for her 13-year-old nephew. Assistant: 在另一集中,佩妮陪这帮朋友去漫画书店去给她13岁的侄子买礼物。 User: It typically does not spread directly between people, and most people who are exposed do not become infected. Assistant: 军团病一般不直接通过人际传播,大多数人在暴露后没有被感染。 User: In late 2013, after undergoing a rebranding exercise, the Museum launched its new logo with a new slogan Singapore's Museum of Asia. Assistant: 2013年底,博物馆在进行品牌重塑活动后,又推出了新标志,标语为“亚洲的新加坡博物馆”。 User: Canonical form addresses run from 0 through 00007FFF'FFFFFFFF, and from FFFF8000'00000000 through FFFFFFFF'FFFFFFFF, for a total of 256 TB of usable virtual address space. Assistant: 传统格式将从0至00007FFF`FFFFFFFF,以及从FFFF8000`00000000至FFFFFFFF`FFFFFFFF总计256TB的地址范围作为可以使用的虚拟地址空间。 User: The trial was halted when Meri died March 27, 2009 at the age of 89. Assistant: 审判因为梅里2009年3月27日逝世而中断,他死时89岁。 User: Many wireless communication systems must compensate and correct for multipath effects. Assistant: 很多无线通讯系统必须要做补偿和修正,因为多通道效应(multipath effects)的影响。 User: It also reported a rebel soldier was killed near Zabadani. Assistant: 该组织还报道说有一名反抗军死在Zabadani附近。 User: The school has a total of 57 classrooms. Assistant: 全校共57班。 User: In South Africa, Christian Boers have celebrated December 16, the Day of the Vow (now called the Day of Reconciliation, as annual Sabbath (holy day of thanksgiving) since 1838, commemorating a famous Boer victory over the Zulu Kingdom. Assistant: 在南非,基督徒布尔人从1838年开始将12月16日——誓言日(现在被称为和解日)——作为每年的安息日(感恩节的圣日)来庆祝,以纪念布尔人对祖鲁王国著名的胜利。 User: The first of these perspectives to provide a hyperlink to Wikipedia was "A White Collar Protein Senses Blue Light", and dozens of enhanced perspectives have provided such links since then. Assistant: 首篇提供往维基百科的超链接的那些文章是“A White Collar Protein Senses Blue Light”,自此以后有数十篇enhanced perspectives提供了这类连结。 User: Concluding the First OPEC Summit in Algiers they called for stable and just commodity prices, an international food and agriculture program, technology transfer from North to South, and the democratization of the economic system. Assistant: 总结于阿尔及尔举行的OPEC第一次高峰会,它呼吁定下稳定而合理的物价、国际食物和农业计划、由南至北的技术转移,及经济系统的民主。 User: Two years later, in. Assistant: 光绪二年,登进士。 User: F2FS supports two victim selection policies: greedy, and cost-benefit algorithms. Assistant: F2FS支持两种受者选择策略:贪婪、成本效益算法。 User: His work greatly influenced the Bauhaus and constructivist movements, and he experimented with production techniques and stylistic devices that would go on to dominate 20th-century graphic design. Assistant: 他的作品大大影响包豪斯和建构主义运动,而且,他试验生产技巧和修辞格,这主宰20世纪的图形设计。 User: Scientists and herpetologists who have studied Gustave claim that his uncommon size and weight impede his ability to hunt the species' usual, agile prey such as fish, antelope and zebra, forcing him to attack larger animals such as hippopotamus, large wildebeest and, to some extent, humans. Assistant: 研究古斯塔夫的科学家们和爬虫学家们宣称它那不寻常的体型妨碍了它猎杀鱼类、羚羊和斑马等常见的灵活猎物,使它只能去攻击较大型的猎物如河马、巨型牛羚和人类。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While many other authors had published works of fantasy before Tolkien, the great success of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings led directly to a popular resurgence of the genre. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:尽管在他之前有很多其他作者的奇幻作品问世,但《霍比特人》和《魔戒》的巨大成功造成了该文学类型的流行与复兴。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although Lorentz-breaking interactions are motivated by constructs such as string theory, the low-energy effective action appearing in the SME is independent of the underlying theory. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 尽管洛伦兹破缺的相互作用源于弦论等的构建,但是在低能情况下SME中产生的有效作用量却独立于以它为基础的理论。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While not necessarily a full realization of a smart pipe, 3 is one of the first operators to offer such a combination of bandwidth and value-added services for flat-rate pricing. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虽然不一定是智慧水管的完全实作,3 是第一家以固定资费提供带宽与加值服务搭售的业者。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Early computer installations were designed only to support a single writing system, typically for left-to-right scripts based on the Latin alphabet only. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 早期的电脑只设计成支援一种书写方向,传统上是只支援源于拉丁字母的由左至右方向。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Such a referendum was ultimately held on 26 May 1987 when the proposal was approved by Irish voters, who voted by 69.9% in favour to 30.1% against, on a turnout of 44.1%. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 该公投最终于1987年5月26日,议题以69.9%赞成对30.1%反对,投票率为44.1%。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thunderstorm activity persisted near the center, and on October 27, the storm attained tropical storm status and was named Grace. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:中心附近的雷暴活动持续存在,并于10月27日,风暴达到了热带风暴标准,被命名为格雷斯(Grace)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Kid's Stuff. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:Kid的最后遗作。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The freedmen wanted to cultivate their own plots rather than work on plantations. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 自由人想耕作自己的土地,而不是经营种植园。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By the early 20th century, a few hundred people lived on Little Cayman and exported phosphate ore, coconuts, and marine rope. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 20世纪前期,为数不多的居民在小开曼岛上以输出磷矿、椰子和海军绳维生。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Member of the National Agreement for Change. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该党是全国争取变革协议的成员。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The location is strategically significant because it controls United States spy satellites as they pass over one-third of the globe which includes China, the Asian parts of Russia and the Middle East. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:松树谷的位置在战略上相当重要,全球有三分之一的区域都在其可控制的美国间谍卫星探测范围中,当中包括了中国、中东油田以及部分俄罗斯。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:However, Mahathir was not an influential deputy prime minister. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 不过,马哈迪不是个有影响力的副首相。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 On January 17, 2007, "Snow (Hey Oh)" became the band's record-breaking 11th number-one Modern Rock single in the United States and is the third consecutive chart-topping Modern Rock single from Stadium Arcadium. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在2007年一月,"Snow (Hey Oh)"破记录的成为该乐队第11首在美国流行摇滚单曲里成为榜首的歌曲,并且是第三首'Stadium Arcadium'专辑里连续称霸流行摇滚单曲列表的曲目。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 17 July 1791, Hébert was at the Champ de Mars to sign a petition to demand the removal of King Louis XVI and was caught up in the subsequent Champ de Mars massacre by troops under Lafayette. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1791年7月17日,埃贝尔在战神广场签署了一份请愿书,要求国王路易十六退位,随后遇上拉法耶特侯爵指挥的国民自卫军引起练兵场惨案在。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: I should entrust him with greater authority in the military. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 希望你在军队中起更大的作用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He was shot and killed by US soldiers in Baghdad, Iraq on 17 August 2003. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:于2003年8月17日,他在伊拉克巴格达被美国陆军射杀。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the 1970s and 1980s, a healthy local economy fueled by foreign investment spurred recognition and conservation of the city’s cultural heritage. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 而在1970年代至1980年代,因经济稳定加上来自海外的投资增加,都市的文化财产的重建和保护得到进展。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: April 3 – 2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 4月3日:发生2017年圣彼得堡地铁爆炸案。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 From 1947 to 1950 the head of state under the Indian Independence Act 1947 was King of India, who was also the Monarch of the United Kingdom and of the other Dominions of the British Commonwealth. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1947年至1950年的独立过渡期内,印度国家元首为印度皇帝,亦即英国国王,与其他英联邦自治领一样。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Rulin reprised her role as Kelsi Nielsen in High School Musical 3: Senior Year, also with a larger part, and performed in three songs, one of them being a duet alongside Lucas Grabeel. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 卢琳在《歌舞青春3:毕业季》中继续饰演凯西·尼尔森,戏份也继续增加,参与演唱了三首歌,其中一首与卢卡斯·格拉贝尔合唱。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: The Turkish government attempted to preserve the ship as a museum, including an offer to West Germany to sell the ship back in 1963, but none of the efforts were successful. Assistant: 土耳其政府曾试图将该舰作为博物馆保存,包括在1963年向西德建议回购舰只,但这些努力都没有成功。 User: SMCC or its water-soluble analog, Sulfo-SMCC, is commonly used to prepare antibody-hapten conjugates for antibody development. Assistant: SMCC或它的水溶性类似物,磺基-SMCC,通常使用于制备抗体 - 半抗原结合物的抗体开发。 User: I shouldn't have worried." - Dave Faulkner. Assistant: 今君以汰,无乃不济乎?”王弗听。 User: You don't know what happened. Assistant: 但是并不知道发生了什么。 User: Although the technology existed, it remained for British designers to develop a system that could deliver shaped charge ammunition in a larger size and with a greater range than that possessed by the No. 68. Assistant: 虽然技术已有实质应用,英国设计师仍然需要开发的比68号榴弹更大规模和射程的锥形装药武器。 User: Finally, the global version clock is incremented, new write values from the log are written back to memory and stamped with the new clock version. Assistant: 最后,全部版本号增加,所有新写入的内存将从日志中重新写入到内存中,并且更新其新的版本号。 User: Rates of radio and TV population coverage reached 78.7% and 84.8% respectively, 4 and 5% respectively higher than in 1990. Assistant: 广播和电视人口覆盖率分别达78.7%和84.8%,比1990年提高4和5个百分点。 User: Through Windows 9x's memory managers and other post-DOS improvements, the overall system performance and functionality is improved. Assistant: 通过Windows 9x的内存管理器及其它的“后DOS”改进,整体系统的性能及功能得到改善。 User: IGN's Jeremy Dunham praised the ordering of the puzzle elements, that new gaming elements are introduced at "an ideal pace", and that most puzzles have solutions where the player must "think 'outside the box'". Assistant: IGN的杰里米·邓纳姆(Jeremy Dunham)赞赏该作中谜题元素的出现顺序,认为新的游戏元素以“理想的节奏”引入,而绝大多数的谜题需要玩家“突破常规的思考”才能解决。 User: The second oil crisis in 1979 once again hit hard in Italy's fragile economy. Assistant: 1979年的第二次石油危机再一次沉重打击了意大利的经济。 User: Crude Tall Oil (CTO), a co-product of the pulp and papermaking process, is defined as a waste or residue in some European countries when in fact it is produced “on purpose” and has significant value add potential in industrial applications. Assistant: 粗妥尔油(Crude Tall Oil)造纸业生产过程的副产品,在一些欧洲国家被认为是垃圾或残余物,但可以再生产出有工业附加值的产品。 User: The compost itself is beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, addition of vital humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil. Assistant: 堆肥本身在许多方面对土地有利,包括作为土壤调理剂(英语:Soil conditioner),肥料,添加重要腐殖质或腐植酸,以及作为土壤的天然杀虫剂。 User: This radical approach to movie making led to a slight dismantling of film industry: the very field in which they were working. Assistant: 此激进的方式来制作电影,导致电影工业曾轻微解体:特别是他们工作的领域。 User: Stuart Reid, Johnson's colleague at The Spectator, described the latter's views as being those of a "liberal libertarian". Assistant: 约翰逊《旁观者》的同事斯图尔特·里德(Stuart Reid)将后者的观点描述为“自由的自由主义者”观点。 User: In the 1850s, the Marines would see further service in Panama and Asia, attached to Matthew Perry's East India Squadron on its historic trip to the Far East. Assistant: 在1850年代,多数海军陆战队多在巴拿马和亚洲活动,和佩理的东印度分队军一起行动也成就了著名的远东战斗史。 User: In statistics, Shuckburgh was a pioneer in the collation of price indexes. Assistant: 在统计学中,沙克伯勒是一位物价指数整理先驱。 User: The most populous of them is Baltimore, Maryland. Assistant: 人口数最高的独立市是马里兰州巴尔的摩。 User: Later, it was used by chemists such as Glauber, Priestley, and Davy in their scientific research. Assistant: 之后格劳勃、普利斯特里、戴维等化学家也在他们的研究中使用了盐酸。 User: On average, today's cars are about 75 percent recyclable, and using recycled steel helps reduce energy use and pollution. Assistant: 平均而言,现在的汽车中有75%是可以回收的,而使用回收的钢铁可以减少能源的消耗及污染。 User: Greater cooperation between federal and state agencies on a national level has been coordinated through the National Interagency Fire Center. Assistant: 在美国国家消防中心的协调下,联邦和州机构的合作更加紧密。 User: The first chasers were given the same time as his. Assistant: 以上均相同者被查处时间早者居前。 User: At T+58.788, a tracking film camera captured the beginnings of a plume near the aft attach strut on the right SRB. Assistant: 在T+58.788时,一台追踪摄像机捕捉到了右侧SRB靠近尾部支架处出现的烟羽(英语:plume (hydrodynamics))。 User: He obtained permission from his father to rent a furnished apartment at 24 Rue de l'Ancienne-Comédie, which he shared with Édouard Bonamy, another student of Nantes origin. Assistant: 从父亲那里获得准许后,凡尔纳在l'Ancienne-Comédie街24号与另一位来自南特的Édouard Bonamy合租了一个单元房。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Upon the release of Prism, "By the Grace of God" received generally favorable reviews from music critics, who appreciated its vulnerability and picked it as one of the musical highlights from the album, but criticized its placement on the record. Assistant: 在《超炫光》发布后,《感谢上帝慈悲》在乐评人中主要得到的回应是正面的,他们欣赏其脆弱性并认为其是专辑中音乐性最精彩的其中一个,但是批评其在录制中的配置。 User: The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. Assistant: GrADS:格网分析和显示系统(Grads)是一个交互式桌面工具,用于简单获取、处理、可视化地球科学数据。 User: It gradually winds its way to the north. Assistant: 它逐渐向北扩展。 User: Other universities became interested in the software at Berkeley, and so in 1977 Joy started compiling the first Berkeley Software Distribution (1BSD), which was released on March 9, 1978. Assistant: 其他大学开始对伯克利的软件感兴趣,在1977年,伯克利的研究生比尔·乔伊将程序整理到磁带上,作为First Berkeley Software Distribution(1BSD)发行。 User: This setup allowed Williams to use the same ROM chip as in the upright cabinets. Assistant: 这种设置使Williams能够使用与直立式机柜相同的ROM芯片。 User: Some have argued that the U.S. Christian right may have borrowed beliefs from the Filipino religious conservatism. Assistant: 有些人认为美国基督教右翼可能借用了菲律宾宗教保守主义的信仰。 User: The male then mounts the female, rearing backwards to be able to join their cloacae. Assistant: 海人 (能) 龙宫盗走宝物“面向不背之珠”,海人前往龙宫取回。 User: After an extensive search for a new CEO in 2010, Mozilla selected Kovacs to replace former CEO John Lilly. Assistant: 在2010年广泛寻找一位新的执行长之后,Mozilla选择科瓦克斯取代前任执行长约翰·李利。 User: This foundation for a constitution was carried into the United States Constitution. Assistant: 宪法的这一根基,被融入到了《美利坚合众国》宪法中。 User: African-American musicians and other performers also played to mixed audiences. Assistant: 非裔美国人的音乐家和其他表演者也拥有形形色色的观众。 User: Other preventive measures include hand washing and properly cooking food. Assistant: 其他预防方法包括洗手与正确的食物处理方式。 User: In many accounts, individuals in camouflage uniforms on armored military vehicles entered the neighborhoods first, removing the makeshift barricades that Uzbek residents had erected. Assistant: 在很多情况下,一开始一些身着迷彩服的人乘坐装甲车抵达这些社区,之后移走那些乌兹别克居民设立的临时路障。 User: The acquisition of CIRUS was a watershed event in nuclear proliferation with the understanding between India and the United States that the reactor would be used for peaceful purposes only. Assistant: 此次与美国的合作成为印度和美国之间在理解核武器扩散的定义上的分水岭,而该反应堆也将只用于和平目的。 User: Social trading platforms or networks can be considered a subcategory of online social networks. Assistant: 社交交易平台或网络可以被视为在线社交网络的一个子类别。 User: We can rewrite the upper example using : instead of true: while : do echo hello done The null command may take parameters, which are ignored. Assistant: 我们可以用:代替true重写上面的例子: while : do echo hello done 空命令可以有参数,但会被忽略。 User: Topics classified under the term of quantum optics, especially as applied to engineering and technological innovation, often go under the modern term photonics. Assistant: 在量子光学术语下分类的主题,特别是应用于工程和技术创新的部分,通常属于现代术语“光子学”这门学科。 User: The brand was positioned to young women as a more natural alternative to the heavily-structured bras worn by their mothers. Assistant: 该品牌定位于年轻的女性,向她们提供了一个与自己母亲一辈人所使用的沉重结构型胸罩截然不同的替代品。 User: In total, 89 merchantmen (of 126,518 grt) were lost, and the Royal Navy lost 29 of its 40 destroyers used in the battle (8 sunk, 23 damaged and out of service). Assistant: 总计有89艘商船(排水量共126,518吨)损失,其中英国皇家海军出动的40艘驱逐舰中有29艘受损(分别有8艘沉没、23艘被重创,需脱离现役身份)。 User: Amplitude modulation of a carrier signal normally results in two mirror-image sidebands. Assistant: 载波信号的振幅调变通常导致两个镜像边带。 User: 96 to 98% of semen is water. Assistant: 人类射出的精液中,有96%至98%是水分。 User: Although Baldwin suffered from leprosy, he was an effective and active military commander, defeating Saladin at the battle of Montgisard in 1177, with support from Raynald of Châtillon, who had been released from prison in 1176. Assistant: 虽然鲍德温四世身染痳疯病,不过他仍然是一位有效率及积极的军队领导,且于1177年的蒙吉萨战役击败萨拉丁,其间他得到沙底隆的雷纳支持,雷纳已于1176年从监狱放出来。 User: With support of the Kiev city authorities, architect-restorer Y. Lositskiy and others restored the western part of the stone walls. Assistant: 得到了基辅当局的支持,建筑师-修补者 Y. Lositskiy 等人重建了石墙的西部。 User: This structure was the first hydroelectric dam built in Montana and the first built on the Missouri River. Assistant: 黑鹰水坝是蒙大拿州第一座使用此结构的水力发电坝,也是第一座建造在密苏里河的水坝。 User: The war led to independence for Cuba within a few years. Assistant: 它导致40年间为了波兰的独立所发生的战斗。 User: The OCBA method for constrained optimization (called OCBA-CO) can be found in Pujowidianto et al. (2009) and Lee et al. (2012). Assistant: 针对带约束优化问题的OCBA方法(称为OCBA-CO)可参见Pujowidianto等人(2009) 和Lee等人(2012)。 User: Orewa North Primary School was founded in 1978, and another primary school opened at Red Beach to the south in 1988. Assistant: 奥雷瓦北小学始建于1978年,另一所小学在红海滩南部于1988年开放。 User: On October 1, 1935, he was awarded the Order of Lenin. Assistant: 1935年10月1日,苏联政府授予他列宁勋章。 User: It can also suppress enemy positions such as exposed troops, dug-in positions, and occupied built-up areas. Assistant: 它亦可用以压制敌军阵地,例如暴露于掩体以外的部队、被挖入深处的位置以及被占领的建成区。 User: Orogeny was used by Amanz Gressly (1840) and Jules Thurmann (1854) as orogenic in terms of the creation of mountain elevations, as the term mountain building was still used to describe the processes. Assistant: Orogeny这个字被Amanz Gressly (1840) 和朱尔斯·舒曼 (1854)用来描述造山带(orogenic)是山脉出现与抬升过程。 User: Installing a hybrid OR is a challenge to standard hospital room sizes, as not only the imaging system requires some additional space, but there are also more people in the room as in a normal OR. Assistant: 对于标准的医院房间大小安装复合手术室是一大挑战,因为不仅成像系统需要一些额外的空间,而且一个正规的手术有更多的人在房间里。 User: Enforcement of the 13th amendment began during the Reconstruction period, but there were many setbacks between that time and full enforcement. Assistant: 对第十三号修正案的执行开始于南方重建,但是从当时到完全执行期间阻挠重重。 User: The US State Department expressed concern that Marques had not received a fair trial. Assistant: 美国国务院对德莫赖斯没有得到公平审判表示关切。 User: Five years later, in 1907 he was appointed Head of the Biochemical Department, a position which he held until his retirement in 1930 (though he continued his scientific work at the Institute after his retirement). Assistant: 1907年成为生物化学系主任,他在那儿一直工作到1930年退休(不过退休后他继续在研究所从事研究)。 User: After the final word-pair, subjects had to do the multiplication distractor task for 20 seconds. Assistant: 最后的一对词展示完之后,被试需要做20秒的乘法扰乱任务。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The discoveries of the twentieth century brought about the earliest known New Testament manuscript fragments. Assistant: 二十世纪的发现带来了已知最早的新约圣经手稿片段。 User: May 4 – In the Superga air disaster, an Italian Airlines Fiat G.212 CP carrying the Torino football team crashes into the Superga hills near Turin, killing all 31 on board. Assistant: 5月4日 - 苏佩尔加空难:意大利航空菲亚特G212CP客机载着都灵足球俱乐部球员撞向了苏佩加山附近,机上31人全部遇难。 User: Spanos concludes that it is Grande's "best album yet, and one of 2018's strongest pop releases to date. Assistant: 布列塔尼得出结论,这是爱莉安娜的“最佳专辑”,也是迄今为止2018年最强劲的流行专辑之一。 User: Robert Falcon Scott's British Antarctic Expedition took place from 1910–1913. Assistant: 1910年至1913年罗伯特·福尔肯·斯科特率领的英国南极探险队绘制了地图。 User: An early success of the formalist program was Hilbert's formalization of Euclidean geometry, and the related demonstration of the consistency of those axioms. Assistant: 数学形式主义的一个早期成功的例子为希尔伯特对欧几里得几何的公式化,以及相关地,对此些公理相容性的确定。 User: During his career he studied nebulae, interstellar matter, the night sky and cometary physics. Assistant: 在他一生的职业生涯中,曾研究过星云、星际物质、夜空和彗星。 User: It is responsible for operational matters such as fundraising, membership, candidates and internal elections. Assistant: 它负责党务工作诸如筹资、党籍、候选人和党内选举。 User: Transgender people are frequently targets of anti-trans violence. Assistant: 跨性别人群往往是反对跨性别者的暴力目标。 User: In most situations, arithmetic coding can produce greater overall compression than either Huffman or Shannon–Fano, since it can encode in fractional numbers of bits which more closely approximate the actual information content of the symbol. Assistant: 在大多数情况下,可以产生比哈夫曼或的香农-范诺更大的整体压缩,因为它可以在小数位编码,这更接近实际的符号信息内容。 User: On one occasion, on 12 May in Horsens, the three leading figures of the party managed to collect over 2,000 signatures in one day. Assistant: 5月12日,三位主要人物在霍尔森斯计划于一天内收集2,000份签名。 User: In 2004, the organization pioneered the foundation of the American Studies Network (ASN), a network of Chinese universities with American studies programs which currently includes more than 50 members. Assistant: 2004年,中美教育基金首创了美国研究联络会(American Studies Network),该联络会目前由50所设有美国研究项目的中国高等院校组成。 User: The term SUT means also a stage of maturity of the software because a system test is the successor of integration test in the testing cycle. Assistant: SUT也表明软件已经到了成熟期,因为系统测试在测试周期中是集成测试的后一阶段。 User: Although still intact and barely damaged, the Chinese army did not challenge the Alliance again and the Alliance troops continued their march, mostly unopposed, to Beijing. Assistant: 虽仍然完整且受损极小,中国军队没有再挑战联军,联军继续进军,基本未受阻,直至北京。 User: In order to test how a computer-generated body part (specifically John Silver's cyborg arm) would mesh with a traditionally animated character, the crew took a clip of Captain Hook from Peter Pan and replaced his arm with the cyborg arm. Assistant: 为了要知道若将电脑动画制成的肢体部分套用在一个传统手绘角色身上(尤其是史约翰的生化人手臂)看起来会如何,制作小组取了一段《小飞侠》中虎克船长(Captain Hook)的动画,并将他套上了生化人的手臂,以进行测试。 User: The force of 122 men targeting Zacapa were intercepted and decisively beaten by a garrison of 30 Guatemalan soldiers, with only 30 rebels escaping death or capture. Assistant: 针对萨卡帕的122名叛军遭到30名危地马拉士兵的拦截和痛击,其中逃出来的叛军只有30位。 User: Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) Compatibility program allows a service or a product to be reviewed and registered as officially "CWE-Compatible" and "CWE-Effective". Assistant: 通用缺陷列表兼容性项目允许一个服务或产品被审核并被官方地注册为“通用缺陷列表兼容的”和“通用缺陷列表有效的”。 User: These disputes involved the competition between the southern and northern states for power in Congress and for control over future territories. Assistant: 对于在新的西部州拥奴和废奴的争议,显示了南北各州在国会中的权力争斗,和对未来领土控制权的争夺。 User: Even carefully crafted neutral writing could be taken in an assertive context through the incidental use of a word with a loaded social context. Assistant: 甚至是有意构筑中立的写作也得在确定的语境中进行,通过偶然的用词,而该词却包含既定的社会语境。 User: Be Your Own Auto Repair Technician. Assistant: 依赖程序员、机械维修专业人员。 User: Team SA, therefore, can be represented as shown in Figure 2. Assistant: 它可以通过操作员来转动,如图2所示。 User: Valproate was first made in 1881 and came into medical use in 1962. Assistant: 丙戊酸于1881年首次合成,并于1962年开始用做医疗用途。 User: The first storm of the 1973 hurricane season, forming in mid-April, developed more than a month before the official start of the season. Assistant: 1973年大西洋飓风季的首场风暴于四月中旬成型,此时离飓风季正式开始还有一个多月。 User: Inside the sanctuary, ten stone angels supporting the nave beams face inward; several windows contain stained glass, including a Tiffany, a LaFarge, and a window over the altar was created by Franz Mayer & Co. of Germany. Assistant: 在圣所内部,10个石头天使支持面向内的中殿大梁;几扇花窗玻璃窗户,其中一扇蒂芙尼玻璃(Tiffany),一扇拉法基(LaFarge),祭坛上面的窗户由德国弗兰兹梅耶公司(Franz Mayer & Co.)制造。 User: The school included Protestants and Catholics. Assistant: 这所学校同时招收天主教徒和新教徒的孩子。 User: They began storing the wines on trestles at the winery or in special rooms known as estufas, where the heat of island sun would age the wine. Assistant: 他们在酒厂的架子上,或者在一个被称为“estufas”的特殊房子里存储酒,岛上日晒产生的高温,有助于酒液熟化。 User: Luxembourg plates had displayed the EU flag on the left since 1988. Assistant: 卢森堡从1988年起已在车牌左边呈现欧盟旗帜。 User: Most desktop publishing software allows for grids in the form of a page filled with coloured lines or dots placed at a specified equal horizontal and vertical distance apart. Assistant: 大多数桌面出版软件的网格是以页面上填充彩色线或点呈现的,这些线或点放置在指定的相等的水平和垂直距离上。 User: Greeks regarded mythology as a part of their history. Assistant: 希腊人认为神话是他们的历史的重要组成部分。 User: A nationally Important Cultural Property. Assistant: 国家级重要文化财。 User: The most visible fortlet is Kinneil, at the eastern end of the Wall, near Bo'ness. Assistant: 如今最明显的小堡就是金内尔(Kinneil)小堡,在整个长城偏东的地方,博内斯附近。 User: At Hambach, the positions of the many speakers illustrated their disparate agendas. Assistant: 在哈姆巴赫,许多演讲者的立场展现出了他们截然不同的政纲。 User: The type List<? extends Animal> acts as an interface type containing only the covariant methods of List<T>, but the implementer of List<T> did not have to define it ahead of time. Assistant: extends Animal> 类型就像一个只包含 List<T> 的那些协变的函数的接口,然而 List<T> 的实现者并不需要预先作出定义。 User: The term cycles per second was largely replaced by hertz by the 1970s. Assistant: 1970年代,“赫兹”基本取代“每秒周数”。 User: Each release incorporates hundreds of individual standards documents, each of which may have been through many revisions. Assistant: 每一次发布包含数百单独的标准文件,每一份文件可能经过了多次改版。 User: In other cases, programs may require an unreasonably large amount of memory because the programmer has assumed memory is always sufficient for a particular task; for example, a graphics file processor might start by reading the entire contents of an image file and storing it all into memory, something that is not viable where a very large image exceeds available memory. Assistant: 另一方面,程式有可能申请不合理的大量内存,因为程式设计者假设内存总是足够运行特定的工作;例如,图像档案处理器会在开始时阅读图像档案的内容并把之储存至内存中,有时候由于图像档案太大,消耗的内存超过了可用的内存导致失败。 User: Consequently, Tony became blind at just a few days old. Assistant: 在这种情况下,八通关古道仅20年间即成废道。 User: Interactivity as a medium produces meaning. Assistant: 比喻义是通过打比方产生的意义。 User: Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, was known as "The Leader". Assistant: 奥斯瓦尔德·莫斯利,法西斯主义British Union的领导人,被称为“领袖”。 User: The damage done by this disease significantly aided European attempts to displace and conquer the native population. Assistant: 这一破坏性影响很大程度上帮助了欧洲殖民者对原住民进行驱赶和征服。 User: SPARQL is a RDF query language - it can be used to query any RDF-based data (i.e., including statements involving RDFS and OWL). Assistant: SPARQL可用于查询任何基于RDF的数据(也就是说,包括那些涉及到RDFS和OWL的声明)。 User: The Guardian writer Duncan Grieve gave the song a positive review, highlighting Lorde's vocal performance and the track's lyrical content. Assistant: 《卫报》的邓肯·格里夫(Duncan Greive)给予将歌曲正面评价的重点放在洛德的声线表现和歌曲歌词内容上。 User: On May 31, 2006, Klotzbach's team released its final pre-season forecast for 2006, confirming its earlier prediction. Assistant: 2006年5月31日,克罗兹巴赫的团队发布了2006年的最后一份季前预报,再次确认了之前的预测。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In one highly publicized incident, Los Angeles County, California District Attorney Steve Cooley blamed actor Robert Blake's acquittal on murder charges on the CSI effect. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在一个受到高度宣传的事件中,洛杉矶地区检察官史蒂夫·库利将男演员罗伯特·布莱克(Robert Blake)谋杀罪名的无罪开释归咎于CSI效应。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: West argues that the similarity of Odysseus's and Gilgamesh's journeys to the edges of the earth are the result of the influence of the Gilgamesh epic upon the Odyssey. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:韦斯特曾称,奥德修斯与吉尔伽美什相同的大地边缘之旅,是《奥德赛》受到《吉尔伽美什史诗》影响的结果。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: From 1841 to 1843 the Swiss-Italian brothers Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati erected the present building. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 从1841年到1843年,瑞士意大利人加斯帕雷·福萨蒂和朱塞佩·福萨蒂兄弟兴建目前的建筑。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The church porch was also built at around the same time. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:教堂的回廊也在那个时候被建立起来的。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It gained national attention and was derided and criticized, most notably by Jesse Jackson and Kweisi Mfume who regarded it as an attempt to teach slang to children. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 该方案受到全美关注,并遭受到嘲讽和批评,其中较为知名的批评之声来自民权领袖杰西·杰克逊和奎西·姆费姆(英语:Kweisi Mfume),他们认为这是尝试向儿童教授俚语。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: There are 75 counties in the U.S. state of Arkansas. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 美国阿肯色州共有75个县。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Such points usually lie on high-contrast regions of the image, such as object edges. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这样的点通常在图像的高对比度区域,如物体边缘。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The total length of the bridge, including the approach viaducts, is 2,010 metres (6,590 ft) with spans of 17 x 40 + (150+350+150) + 17x40 (m). Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 整个斜拉桥的总长度含引桥为2,010米(6,590英尺),其跨度为17 x 40 + (150+350+150) + 17x40米。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Then if T is the Thue–Morse sequence, then f(T) is T again; that is, T is a fixed point of f. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:最后,假若能量等于零,则离心率等于1,这轨道是抛物线轨道。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On July 4, 2009, McNair was fatally shot by his mistress, Sahel Kazemi, in a murder–suicide. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2009年7月4日,麦克奈尔被他的情人萨赫勒·卡齐米(Sahel Kazemi)枪杀身亡,卡齐米随后亦举枪自尽。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In southeastern Virginia, the remnants of Barry caused over 60 traffic accidents, which resulted in 10 injuries. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 弗吉尼亚州因巴里的残余导致了超过60起交通事故,共有10人受伤。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Intermarriages between Chinese and Taiwanese Singaporeans often resulted in the Taiwanese partner moving to Singapore and obtaining citizenship. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:也有许多新加坡华人和台湾人通婚,台籍配偶也因此移民到新加坡,并且取得公民权。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:With the availability of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitors and home blood pressure machines, the importance of not wrongly diagnosing those who have white coat hypertension has led to a change in protocols. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 随着24小时动态血压(英语:Ambulatory Blood Pressure)监控和家用血压器的出现,为避免对患有白大褂恐惧性高血压的患者做出错误诊断,诊断程序随之发生了变化。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By the time of Stanley's election to the House, the American Tobacco Company had eliminated all its substantial competitors either by acquisition or by driving them out of business. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 斯坦利当选联邦众议员时,美国烟草公司已经通过收购或是设法令其倒闭消除了几乎所有的竞争对手。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Hope was eager to advance public awareness of historical painting and design and to influence design in the grand houses of Regency London. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 霍普当时渴望提高大众对历史题材绘画和设计的意识,以及去影响摄政时代的大型住宅设计。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He also co-sponsored legislation allowing hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the Nazis to enter the United States legally. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 库珀与他人共同努力,令国会通过法案,允许数十万因纳粹而流离失所的人们合法移民美国。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: She made three depositions to the German police (on 8, 18 and 22 August), admitting that she had been instrumental in conveying about 60 British and 15 French soldiers, as well as about 100 French and Belgian civilians of military age, to the frontier and had sheltered most of them in her house. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 她被关进圣吉勒斯监狱十周,在监禁的前二周中,德国警察分别于8月8日、18日和22日对她进行了三次审讯,她承认帮助过约60名英军和15名法军士兵以及大约100名法国和比利时应征人员逃往边境,并曾将他们中的大部分人隐藏中自己的家中。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The total heat capacity of the solid, if it is a conductor or semiconductor, may also contain a non-negligible contribution from the electrons. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 如果固体是导体或半导体,那么它的总热容还可能含有电子的不可忽略的贡献。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Therefore, Samoth and Lancelot had parted ways with Burzum. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:因此,Samoth 和 Lancelot 离开了 Burzum。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Government forces failed to respond effectively to the insurrection at first, partly due to logistical difficulties and a failure to appreciate its scale. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:沙俄政府最初未能镇压叛乱,部分原因是在后勤运输上有困难,且错误地估计了叛乱规模。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Doris Kresimon scored the first international goal in the 25th minute. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:多丽丝·克雷西蒙(德语:Doris Kresimon)于第25分钟射入了首个国际入球。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although in the show, Howard has been mentioned as speaking these languages, the writers have not explored his proficiency much. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 虽然剧集里提到霍华德会说这些语言,编剧并没有深究他到底有多熟练。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The three slogans of the Party—War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength—are also examples. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 党的三条口号——战争即和平,自由即奴役,无知即力量——也是例子。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 This result is variously known as Matiyasevich's theorem (because he provided the crucial step that completed the proof) and the MRDP theorem (for Yuri Matiyasevich, Julia Robinson, Martin Davis, and Hilary Putnam). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这一结果即马季亚谢维奇定理(由他提供的完成证明的关键步骤)和MRDP定理(即尤里·马季亚谢维奇(Yuri Matiyasevich),朱莉娅·罗宾逊(Julia Robinson),马丁·戴维斯(Martin Davis)和希拉里·普特南(Hilary Putnam)各人姓氏的首字母缩写)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1878, after an amendment to the Matrimonial Causes Act, women could secure a separation on the grounds of cruelty and claim custody of their children. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1878年,国会修订了婚姻诉讼法令,此后,女性可以以丈夫虐待家人为由,提出分居,并且取得儿女的抚养权。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Meanwhile, Hera caused Eurystheus to be born prematurely, making him High King in place of Heracles. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 同时赫拉让欧律斯透斯提早出生,让他取代了赫拉克勒斯的至尊国王的位置。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 31 December 1875, he finally resigned. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在1875年12月31日,他终于辞职,卸任了委员职务。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Where telephone penetration is less than 80%, Gallup uses face-to-face interviewing. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 若当地电话覆盖人口数高达80%以上,盖洛普使用电话访谈;反之,盖洛普面对面访谈。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Founded in 1966, the Georgetown Law Weekly is the student-run paper on the Law Center campus, and is a three-time winner of the American Bar Association's Best Newspaper award. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 《乔治城法律周刊》创办于1966年,由法律中心学生运营,曾三次获得美国律师协会的最佳报纸奖项。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Coding theory – is the study of the properties of codes and their respective fitness for specific applications. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 编码理论(英语:Coding theory)是研究编码的性质以及它们在具体应用中的性能的理论。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It includes preventing access to opportunities, physical or social isolation, withholding necessary information, keeping the target out of the loop, ignoring or excluding. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 隔离 包括阻止访问的机会,身体或社会隔离,隐瞒必要的信息,保持目标的循环,而忽略或排除。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It is one of the few world airlines that fly to all six habitable continents. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 达美航空也是少数飞往所有六块居住大陆的航空公司之一。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Flink’s DataSet API is conceptually similar to the DataStream API. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Flink的数据集API在概念上与数据流API类似。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The arrest of her brothers and friends in 1937 for participating in the German Youth Movement left a strong impression on her. Assistant: 1937年她哥哥和朋友因为参加德国青年运动而遭逮捕给她造成了很深的影响。 User: After ČKD bankruptcy in 2000 Alstom (as new owner of FIAT Ferroviaria) took over whole order, reducing number of sets to seven and raising total price, while provided an improved version of ETR 470, equipped to work on 25 kV 50 Hz AC, 15 kV 16.7 Hz AC and 3,000 V DC, thus suitable to operate in Germany, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Assistant: ČKD于2000年破产后,阿尔斯通作为菲亚特铁路的拥有者,接收了全部订单,将列车数量降至7列并提升了项目总价,提供ETR 470的改进版——可在25kV 50Hz交流、15 kV 16.7Hz交流和3,000V直流电气化线路上行驶,能够在德国、奥地利、斯洛伐克和捷克行驶。 User: Among others, there are Israelis. Assistant: 此外,亦有闽东人。 User: While no new locales were introduced in Episode One, large alterations were made to the appearance of both City 17 where the game takes place and the Citadel from the end of Half-Life 2 to reflect the changing shape of the world and remind the player that their actions have major effects on the story line. Assistant: 虽然本作没有引进新的场景,但是Valve却大幅度修改了17号城的样貌,反映出游戏世界的变化,同时提醒玩家任何行动都会对这个世界造成重大影响。 User: The prime unit of measure for aviation (altitude, or flight level) is usually estimated based on air pressure values, and in many countries, it is still described in nominal feet, although many others employ nominal metres. Assistant: 航空的主要计量单位(高度或飞航空层)通常基于气压值推算,在许多国家依然以英尺表示,尽管许多其他国家使用米。 User: After finishing one-and-a-half weeks of filming in Austria, on August 30, Cruise arrived in the Moroccan capital city of Rabat for filming more scenes. Assistant: 8月30日,在奥地利历时一个多星期的拍摄结束,演员克鲁斯抵达摩洛哥拉巴特拍摄余下的场景。 User: During his time as leader of the council he co-hosted The Eric and Brandon Show with local MP Eric Pickles on Phoenix FM, a local radio station in Brentwood. Assistant: 在职期间,他曾与时任影子内阁成员埃里克·皮克尔斯共同主持当地广播电台菲尼克斯调频(英语:Phoenix FM)的《埃里克和布兰登秀》节目。 User: All my life I've played boys and girls. Assistant: 我一生都扮演过男孩和女孩。 User: On this week, almost all other news has been pre-empted including the 2007 London Car Bombings coverage. Assistant: 收看BBC新闻频道的观众数量更是自2007年伦敦汽车炸弹事件以来最高的。 User: According to long-time writer Jon Vitti, Meyer usually invented the best lines in a given episode, even though other writers may receive script credits. Assistant: 据长期编剧乔恩·维蒂透露,即使某集的片尾字幕上写着其他编剧的名字,该集其中最好的几句话一般也是迈耶写的。 User: A subtle but important difference in the style between the two historians was their manner of addressing each other during their TV debates: Trevor-Roper always addressed Taylor as "Mr Taylor" or just "Taylor", while Taylor always addressed Trevor-Roper as "Hugh". Assistant: 从两人的论战的小处,亦不难发现这种分别,正如特雷弗-罗珀会以“泰勒先生”或“泰勒”来称呼对方,但泰勒却以“休”来直呼特雷弗-罗珀。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: Technologies to study gene regulatory networks include ChIP-chip, ChIP-seq, CliP-seq, and others. Assistant: 研究基因调控网络的技术包括ChIP-chip、ChIP-seq、CliP-seq等。 User: Immediately after the loss of independence by the peoples of the Black and Caspian Sea basins and the annexation of those lands in 1921 by Soviet Russia, Poland was the only country in Europe that gave material and moral support to the political aspirations of their Promethean (pro-independence) émigrés. Assistant: 在黑海和里海沿岸的人们失去了独立,1921年苏俄吞并了这些地方后,波兰成为了欧洲唯一一个为普罗米修斯主义流亡者(即支持独立的流亡者)的政治计划提供物质和精神支持的国家。 User: In October 2003, the then-editor of Edge, João Diniz-Sanches, left the magazine along with deputy editor David McCarthy and other staff writers. Assistant: 在2003年10月,《Edge》时任主编若昂·的迪尼兹-桑切斯离开了杂志社,随之离开的还有副主编大卫·麦卡锡和其他的特派编辑。 User: He is also the chairman of the Emirates Golf Federation and Arab Golf Federation. Assistant: 另外,他还担任阿联酋海湾联盟与阿拉伯海湾联盟的主席。 User: Further, economic equilibrium can correspond with monopoly, where the monopolistic firm maintains an artificial shortage to prop up prices and to maximize profits. Assistant: 更进一步说,经济均衡和垄断也同样相应,垄断的组织可以故意维持市场的供应短缺来哄抬价格,进而获取最大的利润。 User: US State Department staff later reported that significant amounts of cash and heroin were found in the vehicle. Assistant: 美国外交部人士在私下里说在车上发现了大量现款和海洛因。 User: In 2015 it was the primary source of entertainment for millions of Cubans. Assistant: 其在2015年为古巴人的第一手娱乐资源来源。 User: The session lasted sixty days, and the legislature passed many of the bills he advocated. Assistant: 这次会议历时60天,议会通过了州长倡导的大部分法案。 User: The Huffington Post's Dominique Mosbergen called the music video "haunting". Assistant: 《赫芬顿邮报》的多米尼克·默斯贝根(Dominique Mosbergen)称录影带“令人难忘”。 User: His two heads constantly argue. Assistant: 两国领导人保持经常交往。 User: The museum closed after Geddes' death in 1932. Assistant: 博物馆在1932年格迪斯去世后关闭。 User: Drug abuse, tobacco smoking, and alcohol drinking, as well as a lack of or too much exercise may also increase the risk of developing certain diseases, especially later in life. Assistant: 吸烟、酗酒、吸毒及缺乏运动也会增加后半辈子某些疾病的罹患风险。 User: It had stood vacant for 12 years, since the death of Stanisław Żółkiewski; presumably King Sigismund had feared that Koniecpolski, if given the post earlier, would have become too powerful a magnate. Assistant: 自斯坦尼斯瓦夫·若乌凯夫斯基战死后,这一职位已空缺12年;也许国王恐惧如果过早给予科涅茨波尔斯基这个职位,科涅茨波尔斯基就会权高镇主。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: For example, the square of the gambler's fortune in the fair coin game is a submartingale (which also follows from the fact that Xn2 − n is a martingale). Assistant: 例如,公平硬币博弈中赌徒财产的平方是下鞅(同时也是根据Xn2 − n是鞅的事实得出的)。 User: He was offered a government post in September 2007, but remained in hiding until December 2009, when he went to Brazzaville to take up the post. Assistant: 2007年9月他获得政府职位,但之后一直隐蔽,直到2009年12月才去布拉柴维尔上任。 User: Tang assures them that he will not leave until the situation is resolved. Assistant: 他告诉英拉,不会在与她会见直到人民赢得胜利。 User: I am not trying to hurt your man. Assistant: 吾不忍害此人。 User: Singapore also plans to take part in the project. Assistant: 新加坡也计划参与此项目。 User: A JAR file allows Java runtimes to efficiently deploy an entire application, including its classes and their associated resources, in a single request. Assistant: 一个JAR文件允许Java运行时高效地部署一组类和它们相关的资源。 User: Button has at least three tattoos: a black coat button on his right forearm; a large tribal design encompassing his left shoulder and upper chest; and Japanese kanji-characters on his ankle which says "一番" (Ichi ban, "Number One" in Japanese); this was done before he won the world title, and is the name of Button's triathlon team. Assistant: 巴顿拥有两个刺青:在他的右前臂有个黑色大衣钮扣;及在他的脚踝有个日文汉字“一番”(一番,Ichi ban,日文“第一名”之意);这是在他赢得世界冠军前就有的,同时也是巴顿的铁人三项的队名。 User: The aim of these links is to achieve scientific cooperation in risk assessment, including in the area of food and feed, as well as the exchange of scientists' views and scientific findings. Assistant: 目的是在食品和饲料安全性风险评估方面进行合作,并交流科研人员和科学知识。 User: Fellow workers, prepare for the Revolution. Assistant: 追随师哲参加革命。 User: Oppenheimer was very concerned about the discovery of diamonds in 1908 in German South West Africa, fearing that the increased supply would swamp the market and force prices down. Assistant: Ernest Oppenheimer非常关注1908年在德国及非洲西南部的矿藏开采,担心供应量增加会导致价格下降。 User: General Ma told the British consulate in Kashgar that he immediately required assistance against the Russians, pointing out that he owed allegiance to the Chinese government, and that he intended to save Xinjiang from the grip of the Russians. Assistant: 马仲英将军告诉英国驻喀什领事馆:他需要立即的援助以抵抗苏联,他指出:他效忠中国政府,试图将新疆从苏联掌握中解救出来。 User: In recent times, a third term, "lawful orders" has become common parlance for some people. Assistant: 最近,第三种说法“合法命令”常常被一些人提到。 User: The Swedish term for these ships was initially 1:a klass Pansarbåt ("1st class armoured boat") and later Pansarskepp ("armoured ship"). Assistant: 瑞典一开始将之分类为“一等装甲艇(1:a klass Pansarbåt)”,后来改成“装甲舰(Pansarskepp)”。 User: Historians like Tabari, Masudi, and others state that, according to tradition, Eve is buried in Jeddah, but fail to give any detail of her tomb. Assistant: 塔巴里(英语:Tabari),马苏迪和其他历史学家指出——根据传说——夏娃被葬在吉达,但没能给出关于她的墓冢的具体信息。 User: He hath spoken in the darkness. Assistant: 而在联赛中,颓势在赛季中段显现。 User: After 130 shooting days, the film wrapped up principal photography in July 2012. Assistant: 经过了130天的拍摄期,电影于2012年7月结束拍摄。 User: Since the early 1980s his interest has shifted to political psychology. Assistant: 1980年代以后,他的工作向政治伦理方面转向。 User: Secondly, most companies want to avoid spending money on reforestation. Assistant: 二、大部分在当地作业的公司都尝试避免在人工造林这方面花费。 User: Imhotep in the 3rd dynasty is sometimes credited with being the founder of ancient Egyptian medicine and with being the original author of the Edwin Smith Papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical observations. Assistant: 埃及第三王朝的印何阗有时候被誉为埃及医学的创始人及详细说明了治疗、疾病和解剖学的观察的艾德温·史密斯纸草文稿的原作者。 User: The new Mint director, Henry Linderman, objected to the proposal, stating that the price and supply of aluminum were as yet uncertain, and that the metal was too expensive to use in a minor coin. Assistant: 新任铸币局局长亨利·林德曼(Henry Linderman)认为,当时铝的价格和供应渠道都难以保持稳定,并且用铝来制作小面额硬币成本太高,所以没有接受朗埃克的建议。 User: In retaliation for Madison's victory in that battle at Virginia's ratification convention, Henry and other Anti-Federalists, who controlled the Virginia House of Delegates, had gerrymandered a hostile district for Madison's planned congressional run and recruited Madison's future presidential successor, James Monroe, to oppose him. Assistant: 为了报复麦迪逊之前的胜利,亨利与其他主控弗吉尼亚州众议院的反联邦党人先是通过杰利蝾螈来给麦迪逊计划的国会议席竞选制造一个充满敌意的环境,还找来了将来会成为麦迪逊后一任总统的詹姆斯·门罗来与他竞选。 User: The band was notorious for their elaborate, theatrical shock rock stage shows. Assistant: 乐团因其精心设计的戏剧性休克摇滚(英语:Shock rock)舞台表演而广为人知。 User: The song was written by R. Kelly and produced by Kelly and Jackson. Assistant: 它是由R. Kelly写的,由R. Kelly和杰克逊制作的。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Niulakita is the only island that has no football club. Assistant: 纽拉基塔岛是唯一一个没有足球俱乐部的海岛。 User: Sonderaktion Krakau is depicted in the 2005 miniseries Karol: A Man Who Became Pope and the 2007 Polish film Katyń directed by Academy Honorary Award winner Andrzej Wajda. Assistant: 克拉科夫特别行动在2005年迷你剧《卡罗尔:成为教皇的人(英语:Karol: A Man Who Became Pope)》中有所描写,在奥斯卡荣誉奖得主安德烈·华依达导演的2007年波兰电影《卡廷惨案》中也有出现。 User: A user may simply type "fossil ui" from within any check-out and Fossil automatically opens the user's web browser in a page that gives detailed history and status information on that project. Assistant: 用户可以简单地键入“fossil ui”,Fossil就会自动在用户的网页浏览器中打开一个网页,提供详细历史和状态信息。 User: This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. Assistant: 本条修正案不得作如此解释,以致影响在本条修正案作为宪法的一部分生效以前当选的任何参议员的选举或任期。 User: Human Rights Watch was one of six international NGOs that founded the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers in 1998. Assistant: 1998年,人权观察作为六个国际非政府组织之一,参与创建了制止使用童兵联盟。 User: This shows that when the efference copy is incompatible with the afference, the sensory information is perceived as if it were exafference. Assistant: 这显示,如果感知副本与传入的讯号不吻合,那么这个感知就会被视为是外来的感官讯号接收。 User: Some examples of associative operations include the following. Assistant: 一些可结合的运算的例子如下。 User: India started the process to bring the island country Maldives into India's security grid. Assistant: 印度也开始将马尔代夫纳入印度的安全网。 User: While depending on species and environmental conditions, some green lacewings will eat only about 150 prey items in their entire life, in other cases 100 aphids will be eaten in a single week. Assistant: 根据物种和环境的不同,有些草蛉科的生物一生只吃掉大约150只蚜虫,另一些一周就可以吃掉100只蚜虫。 User: Of course, it is prayed a lot for the dead person. Assistant: 所为来,诛首恶者毋寡。 User: In 1998-99, non-mineral sectors of the economy grew at 8.9%, partially offsetting a slight 4.4% decline in the minerals sector. Assistant: 1998至1999年期间,非矿产行业增长8.9%,抵销了采矿业轻微下跌4.4%的部分影响。 User: Isidoro Álvarez, 79, Spanish businessman, CEO of El Corte Inglés. Assistant: 伊西多罗·阿尔瓦雷斯(西班牙语:Isidoro Álvarez),79岁,西班牙商人,前英格列斯百货首席执行官。 User: One such instance of subjectivity appears regarding emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Assistant: 小说的背景是关于拿破仑·波拿巴时期保皇党的阴谋。 User: It was intended for use on personal computers and on server. Assistant: 它可以在个人计算机和服务器上。 User: It later fell into disrepair and ruin. Assistant: 因此心中更加不安,而致破灭。 User: Its area is 107 hectares. Assistant: 占地面积共107公顷。 User: External monitoring is more reliable, as it keeps on working when the server completely goes down. Assistant: 外部监控通常更可靠,因为可以在服务器完全关闭时继续运作。 User: 1918 – The Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland is established. Assistant: 1918年:波兰共和国临时人民政府宣告成立。 User: British-Australian astronomer John Bolton made many early observations of quasars, including a breakthrough in 1962. Assistant: 英澳(英语:British-Australian people)天文学家约翰·博尔顿对类星体做了许多早期的观测,包括在1962年的突破。 User: A year later, on 1 July 1976, he took over as president of the committee, succeeding Eric Martin. Assistant: 一年后的1976年7月1日,他接替埃里克·马丁担任委员会主席。 User: In addition to the Technology and Innovation Centre, a 5000m2 Industry Engagement Building is located adjacent to the TIC building. Assistant: 除技术与创新中心外,还有一个5000平方米的工业事务大楼,毗邻TIC大楼。 User: Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa is a Bahraini royal and deputy prime minister of Bahrain. Assistant: 哈立德·伊本·阿卜杜拉·阿勒·哈利法(Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa),是一名巴林皇族成员和巴林副总理。 User: On the weekends of 9–10 November 2013 and 8–9 February 2014 all voting stations were opened for new voters to register and for those who moved residence to re-register in their new voting district. Assistant: 在2013年11月9日-10日和2014年2月8日-9日周末所有投票站开放新选民登记,那些居住在他们的新选区也将重新登记。 User: Forms The FCC auctions have used a Simultaneous Multiple Round Auction (SMRA, also referred to as the Simultaneous Ascending Auction) in which groups of related licenses are auctioned simultaneously over many rounds of bidding. Assistant: 执照的拍卖是以一个同时的多轮的方式进行,也就是说,多个执照的拍卖是同时进行的。 User: He had two brothers, Anton and Max, both prominent as lawyers. Assistant: 他有两名兄弟Anton和Max,两人都成为知名的律师。 User: There, he worked as a delivery driver for an art gallery, and spent most of his time at the Cinémathèque Française. Assistant: 他曾担任艺术画廊送货司机,花费大部分时间在电影资料馆中。 User: In 2001 the airline received maintenance and technical performing certificates from the German aviation authority Luftfahrt-Bundesamt. Assistant: 2001年取得了从德国联邦航空局发出的维修及技术保养认证。 User: At the time of its release, the PC version suffered from numerous technical glitches, making online play impossible for many players. Assistant: PC版本在发行后遇到很多技术问题,使得很多玩家无法加入在线游戏。 User: One year later, Ellis and Adaline are going to a New Year's Eve party. Assistant: 一段时日之后,爱德琳与埃利斯一起出席除夕派对。 User: It communicates via dedicated ports, which means that the communication interfaces of the application software must be mapped to these ports. Assistant: 它通过专用端口进行通信,这意味着应用软件的通信接口必须映射到这些端口。 User: In 2003 there was an outbreak that affected 143 and killed 128, a death rate of 90%, the highest Ebola death rate ever recorded up to that date. Assistant: 2003年的疫情有143人受影响,128人死亡,死亡率90%,是迄今为止最高的埃博拉死亡率。 User: Before dawn on 31 October 2003, David Crick, a Fathers 4 Justice campaigner, climbed a 100-foot (30 m) tower crane near Tower Bridge at the start of a six-day protest dressed as Spider-Man. Assistant: 2003年10月31日,“Fathers 4 Justice”运动倡议者大卫·克里克(David Crick)爬上一座100英尺(30米)高的塔式起重机,准备开始一场为期6日的集体身着蜘蛛侠装束的示威抗议。 User: When the former Shah of Iran died in Egypt in July 1980, Nixon defied the State Department, which intended to send no U.S. representative, by attending the funeral. Assistant: 1980年7月,伊朗沙王穆罕默德-礼萨·巴列维在埃及去世,美国国务院本不打算派任何美方代表出席葬礼,但尼克松选择无视其指令,亲自出席葬礼。 User: The modified bill passed both houses of Congress on October 4, 1973, and the bill was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on October 18. Assistant: 修改后的法案于1973年10月4日在国会两院通过,总统理查德·尼克松于10月18日签署,法案生效成为法律。 User: Day and Morland hoped that by demystifying nuclear weapons, they would promote more critical public debate, and improve the prospects for nuclear disarmament. Assistant: 戴和莫兰希望通过对去除核武器的神秘感来推动更多公共辩论,为将来的核裁军创造可能。 User: PUIS requires corresponding BIOS support. Assistant: PUIS需要相应的BIOS支持。 User: Meazza is a FIFA Hall of Champions Inductee and Italian Football Hall of Fame Entrant. Assistant: 梅阿查是国际足联冠军名人堂和意大利名人堂成员。 User: After graduating from high school, Danielle was spotted by musician Jenny Lewis at a jam session in Laurel Canyon, which led to Danielle joining Lewis' touring band. Assistant: 高中毕业后,丹尼尔在月桂谷(英语:Laurel Canyon, Los Angels)的一场即兴演奏会上获得音乐人珍妮·路易斯(英语:Jenny Lewis)的赏识,受邀加入路易斯的巡演乐队。 User: Sir Nathaniel Wraxall in his Historical Memoires (1815) accused the Monks of performing Satanic rituals, but these claims have been dismissed as hearsay. Assistant: 纳撒尼尔·拉克索尔爵士(Sir Nathaniel Wraxall)在他的《历史记忆》(1815)中指控僧侣们表演撒旦式的仪式,但这种主张已经被当成是一种谣言而被摒弃了。 User: In the first part of the 20th century, plant ecologists often used the species–area curve to estimate the minimum size of a quadrat necessary to adequately characterize a community. Assistant: 20世纪初,生态学家会以物种面积曲线来估计样方内最少的物种数量,足以使样方有群落的特征。 User: The Esperanto community is one of the few worldwide linguistic communities whose members are, without exception, bi- or multilingual. Assistant: 世界语社群是少有的世界性语言社群之一,其成员无一例外都会两种或多种语言。 User: During this time, labor feminists also expanded women's participation in unions. Assistant: 在这段期间,劳动女性主义者亦增加了女性在工会中的参与。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Staf de Clercq, co-founder and leader of the Flemish nationalist Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond, was referred to as den Leider by his followers. Assistant: Staf de Clercq(英语:Staf de Clercq),弗拉芒民族主义Vlaams Nationaal Verbond创始人之一和领导人,被他的追随者称为“den Leider”。 User: For believers, it is easier to deal with them and with life's other hardships. Assistant: 更有人认为:请神容易,送神难。 User: In some cases, it is not clear if the references are to Jesus, or other people, and scholars continue to debate their historical value, and exactly which references, if any, may be to Jesus. Assistant: 在某些情况下,人们不清楚这些地方提及的是耶稣还是其他人,而且学者们持续地讨论它们的历史价值,以及弄清究竟哪些地方提到的是耶稣。 User: The boxers Jack Johnson and Joe Louis (both of whom became world heavyweight boxing champions) and track and field athlete Jesse Owens (who won four gold medals at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin) earned fame during this era. Assistant: 拳击手杰克·约翰逊和乔·路易斯(两人都成为世界重量级拳击冠军)和田径运动员杰西·欧文斯(在柏林1936年夏季奥林匹克运动会获得四项金牌)都在此时争光。 User: The Preparatory School provides an academic, athletic and military program for qualified young men and women who may need certain additional preparation prior to acceptance to the Academy. Assistant: 预科学校为达标的、在正式入校之前需要额外准备的青年男女提供学术、体育与军事课程。 User: The Istana is the official residence and office of the President of Singapore. Assistant: 新加坡总统府(马来语:Istana)是新加坡总统的官邸与办公地点。 User: The list of parents as the last argument to the merge process preserves the local precedence order of direct parent classes. Assistant: 父类列表作为合并过程的最后实参,保持了直接父类的本地前趋序。 User: In an area covering 22,000 m2 (240,000 sq ft), 140 stalls and shops offer flowers, exotic fruit, game, poultry, spices, cheese, fish, juices and so on. Assistant: 市场占地22.000m2, 140个店铺出售鲜花、进口水果、猎物、家禽、调味品、奶酪、鱼、果汁等。 User: There's the witch girl. Assistant: 那就是魔法少女。 User: Richard then moves into the Thompson home where he acts as a bodyguard to Nucky, his companion Margaret Schroeder (Kelly Macdonald) and her two small children. Assistant: 理查然后搬进汤普森的家,成为努基、他的伙伴玛格丽特·施罗德(凯莉·麦当劳 饰演)和她两个小孩的保镖。 User: The majority of officers had been of aristocratic birth and had fled France during the final stages of the monarchy or to avoid the subsequent Terror. Assistant: 多数官员一直由贵族担任,而且在君主制的最后阶段及在后续的恐怖统治下避祸而逃离法兰西。 User: TAMS ceased operating on March 31, 2016. Assistant: TAMS与2016年3月31日歇业。 User: He has also translated books. Assistant: 他还翻译了六部书籍。 User: A trail on Besar goes through the thick jungle, and some stretches of beach are home to various resorts so visitors can wander freely. Assistant: 而大停泊岛上的一条小径穿过厚厚的丛林,一些小径则通往海滩,游客可以在这里自由游荡。 User: Meine was a highlight singer during the performance. Assistant: 迈恩在这段表演期间为焦点歌手。 User: However, he also composed instrumental music, two choral works, and four operas. Assistant: 他还作有器乐、两部合唱与四部歌剧。 User: The King dies and a disputed succession takes place. Assistant: 武王突然死去,又无子,为了继任者的问题发生争执。 User: BioWare also licensed their Aurora game engine to the company. Assistant: BioWare还把自己的极光游戏引擎授权给公司使用。 User: Most sources give his date of birth as November 3, 1846, but a diary which he kept during his military service stated that November 3, 1864 was his 16th birthday, indicating birth in 1848. Assistant: 大多数资料都认为他出生于1846年11月3日,但在其军事服役期间所带的日记上却记载着1864年11月3日为他的16岁生日,也就是说他生于1848年。 User: After 34 hours of self-learning of Go and against AlphaGo Zero, AlphaZero won 60 games and lost 40. Assistant: 在34小时的训练后(约自我训练2100万局),AlphaZero以60胜40败的成绩打败AlphaGo Zero。 User: It remained there until 1974 when the department moved to the science campus north-west of the city. Assistant: 此建筑成为天文系的系址,直到该系于1974年搬到莱顿城西北部的科学校区。 User: These discoveries are largely attributed to the German chemist Emil Fischer who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry nearly 60 years earlier. Assistant: 而这些基础工作很大程度上早在60多年前就被德国化学家,诺贝尔化学奖得主埃米尔·费歇尔完成。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: A wood bridge was built over the Aare which allowed increased trade and limited settlements on the east bank of the river. Assistant: 在阿勒河上建造了一座木桥,以增加贸易,在河东岸也形成有限的定居点。 User: Symmetrical stimulatory interactions follow from the postulate that activation of B cells, T cells and A cells involves cross-linking of receptors. Assistant: 对称刺激作用的假定是,B细胞、T细胞和A细胞参与受体的交叉耦合。 User: Three warships of the U.S. Navy have been named the USS Colorado. Assistant: 美国海军以该州命名了USS Colorado战舰。 User: Fundamentals for factors. Assistant: 也有人为因素。 User: With the loss of the trees and the flowers, the bird had no shelter or food and disappeared in 1940. Assistant: 它们的灭绝是因失去栖息地,没有了遮蔽处或食物而于1940年消失。 User: Wolvesey Castle was the Norman bishop's palace, dating from 1110, but standing on the site of an earlier Saxon structure. Assistant: 沃夫西城堡(Wolvesey Castle)曾是诺曼主教的居所,约于1110年建于更古老的萨克逊建筑之上。 User: In server-side scripting, parameters determine how the assembly of every new web page proceeds, including the setting up of more client-side processing. Assistant: 服务器传递给脚本的参数决定了每一个网页的生成方式,有时包括如何生成更多的用户端脚本。 User: Whipworm ova (Trichuris suis) and Hookworm (Necator americanus) have been tested for immunological diseases and allergies. Assistant: 猪鞭虫(一类鞭虫)和美洲钩虫(英语:Hookworm)已经用于免疫性疾病和过敏反应的测试。 User: One example was Broad Street goods station in London. Assistant: 当时该址由伦敦地铁贝克卢线的一座通风井占据。 User: Three months after independence, the communists began an armed insurgency against the government. Assistant: 缅甸独立三个月后,共产党人开始武装抵抗新政府。 User: Anthropologists believe that a tribal structure based on bilateral descent helps members live in extreme environments because it allows individuals to rely on two sets of families dispersed over a wide area. Assistant: 人类学者认为双系继嗣有利于成员在极端环境下繁衍,因为这样他便有构成人员来自更广泛领域的其他家族成员可以依靠。 User: Therefore, precise analysis of Pb isotopic ratios can be used to study the circulation of the different oceans. Assistant: 因此,可以利用铅同位素比的精确分析来研究不同海洋的环流。 User: Mayor's Community Affairs Unit. Assistant: 联合国主要机构的附属机构。 User: Silicosis increases the risk about 30-fold. Assistant: 矽肺症(英语:Silicosis)提高了大约30倍的风险。 User: The Sarakatsani were found in several mountainous regions of continental Greece, with some groups of northern Greece moving to neighbouring countries in the summer, since border crossings between Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia were relatively unobstructed until the middle of the 20th century. Assistant: 在希腊的一些山区能见到萨拉卡察尼人,处在希腊北部的一些部落会在夏季越过边境线进入邻国——阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚和南斯拉夫——这条相当通畅的道路一直持续到20世纪中叶。 User: In the meantime, the crew would shift to television commercials while the head writers worked out a new script. Assistant: 与此同时,组员们转投电视广告,而领衔编剧们则创作新剧本。 User: As of 2009, the CIA stated that there were approximately 44,000 "... airports or airfields recognizable from the air" around the world, including 15,095 in the US, the US having the most in the world. Assistant: 截至2009年,美国中央情报局指出,全球从空中可辨认出的机场大约有44,000座,其中美国拥有15,095座,为世界之最。 User: There have also been discussions of creating an interchange with the Central line between Liverpool Street and Bethnal Green which runs almost underneath the station. Assistant: 此外,也有讨论关于建设一个转乘站连通中央线的利物浦街站和贝斯纳尔格林地铁站。 User: He helped to run the New York office, gave some speeches from his own front porch in Paterson, and in October went on a short campaign tour of New Jersey, though he was a reluctant public speaker. Assistant: 除与他人共同管理纽约竞选总部外,他数次在位于帕特森的自家前门走廊向支持者演说,并于10月短暂在新泽西州内竞选,不过他本人并不是很乐意在公共场合演讲。 User: In July 2017, Snatchbot sponsored the Chatbot Summit held in Berlin, Germany. Assistant: 2017年7月,Snatchbot赞助了在德国柏林举行的Chatbot峰会。 User: Industry advises post-editing to be used when it can at least double the productivity of manual translation, even fourfold it in the case of light post-editing. Assistant: 这一行业建议,当译后编辑可以至少比人工翻译的生产量翻至少两倍,或在简略译后编辑的情况下翻四倍时,使用译后编辑。 User: Many of these refugees are being repatriated with the assistance of the UNHCR, but there are still sizable groups of Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Tehran who are reluctant to leave, being pessimistic about the situation in their own countries. Assistant: 在联合国难民署的协助下,许多难民得以被遣送回国,但德黑兰仍有可观数量的阿富汗和伊拉克难民不愿意离开,他们对祖国的前景感到悲观。 User: The Livonians referred to themselves as rāndalist ("coast dwellers") and supported themselves mainly by fishing, but also by agriculture and animal husbandry. Assistant: 立窝尼亚人自称为rāndalist(“海岸居民”),他们也的确配得上这个称呼,他们主要以捕鱼为生,但也从事农业和畜牧业。 User: His speeches were perhaps the greatest single factor in the development of the events of the time. Assistant: 他的演讲也许是当时影响事件发展的最大单一因素。 User: In 1964 Merrill C. Rueppel became the director of the newly merged Museum. Assistant: 1964年梅尔·C·路佩尔( Merrill C. Rueppel)成为新馆馆长。 User: Submerged floating tubes allow construction of a tunnel in extremely deep water, where conventional bridges or tunnels are technically difficult or prohibitively expensive. Assistant: 埋弧焊的浮动管允许建设的隧道在非常深的水,在传统的桥梁或隧道技术上的困难或昂贵。 User: Barnes remained contemptuous of Nin and would cross the street to avoid her. Assistant: 巴恩斯仍然对尼恩表示蔑视,过马路会避开她。 User: R-phrases (short for risk phrases) are defined in Annex III of European Union Directive 67/548/EEC: Nature of special risks attributed to dangerous substances and preparations. Assistant: 警示性质标准词(英语:Risk Phrases,简写:R-phrases)是于《欧联指导标准67/548/EEC 附录III: 有关危险物品与其储备的特殊风险性质》里定义。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Anti-feminism is opposition to feminism in some or all of its forms. Assistant: 反女权主义是反对女权主义的一部分或全部形式。 User: Other protocols in this group are the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) and the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). Assistant: 这个协议组中其他重要协议有数据拥塞控制协议(DCCP)与流控制传输协议(SCTP)。 User: A mid-latitude trough of low pressure approached the storm, and caused Edith to turn to slowly drift towards the northeast. Assistant: 一道中纬度低压槽朝风暴逼近,迫使伊迪丝转朝东北方向缓慢漂移。 User: He completed his postdoctoral stay at Rice University before moving to Richland, WA in 1993 to accept a joint position between Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assistant: 之后,他在莱斯大学 做博士后,直到1993年搬到华盛顿州里奇兰接受华盛顿州立大学和西北太平洋国家实验室的联合聘用。 User: It is the second oldest cemetery in Queensland. Assistant: 它是昆士兰地区最大的公墓。 User: For fifteen years he had never had a holiday. Assistant: 接下来的十五年里他都没有出海。 User: During the World's End storyline, Helena and Kara found their way back to Earth 2, where she was united with her thought to be dead grandfather, Thomas Wayne, who has taken over the identity of Batman. Assistant: 在“世界末日”故事线中,海伦娜和卡拉找到了回到地球2的方式,回到那里后她与她以为早已死去的祖父托马斯·韦恩联合,托马斯·韦恩接任了蝙蝠侠的身份。 User: There is little evidence regarding effects from their use beyond two or three years. Assistant: 极少证据显示他们实行药物治疗超过两三年后的效果会怎样。 User: The deposit has never been commercially mined. Assistant: 矿床从未被商业开采。 User: The primary flight feathers of the wings and the main covert feathers are dark blue. Assistant: 初级飞羽及主要翼毛都是深蓝色的。 User: CSV is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values (many implementations of CSV import/export tools allow other separators to be used). Assistant: CSV是一种分隔的(英语:Delimiter-separated values)文本文件,它使用逗号来分割值(许多CSV导入/导出工具的实现也允许使用其它的分隔符)。 User: In the original publishing, the book begins with a set of essays under the heading "Sand County Almanac," which is divided into twelve segments, one for each month. Assistant: 在最初的版本中,该书是以真正的“沙乡年鉴”作为开端的,它分为十二节,每节对应一个月。 User: The following is a list of mountains on the Moon, arranged by relative height in kilometres. Assistant: 下面是根据相关高度进行排列的月球山脉列表。 User: What amounts to a substantial lessening of, or significant impediment to competition is usually answered through empirical study. Assistant: 实质减少或严重阻碍竞争的程度为何通常可透过实证研究来回答。 User: The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) use a wide range of foreign equipment, with a large percentage originating from the United Kingdom, France/Europe and the United States. Assistant: 文莱皇家武装部队(RBAF)所使用的外国军事设备范围广泛,有很大比例来自英国、法国等欧洲国家及美国。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This ensured American control of the lake for the rest of the war, which in turn allowed the Americans to recover Detroit and win the Battle of the Thames to break the Indian confederation of Tecumseh. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这场战役奠定了美国在伊利湖的控制权,让美国人收复了底特律和赢取泰晤士战争,并击败了特库姆塞的印第安联邦。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Although she and her classmates decided to stay at the university, after her brother was injured by shrapnel, their parents sent them to live with their sister in Austin, Texas, with plans to return the following summer. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 她和其他同届学生决定留在大学,但她的弟弟后来被炸弹碎片击中受伤,迫使其父母在学年完结后举家前往美国,跟她在奥斯汀的姐姐会合,待夏季完结才回黎巴嫩。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:28: Soviet troops mass by the Latvian border. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:28日:苏军在拉脱维亚边境聚集。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: PulseAudio achieves this by providing adapters to applications using other audio systems, like aRts and ESD. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:PulseAudio通过提供适配器给那些使用不同的声音系统,像aRts和ESounD。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1984, the TRON project was officially launched. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1984年:TRON项目正式启动。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:FAX was privately owned by Kamarudin Meranun, Raja Razali, Raja Azmi and Tony Fernandes. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: FAX是Kamarudin Meranun、Raja Razali、Raja Azmi和东尼·费南德斯拥有的私人公司。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Physical copies for the PlayStation 4 were made available through various online retailers in the United Kingdom, while limited to Amazon.com and videogamesplus.ca in the United States and Canada, respectively. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 PlayStation 4的印刷版发售在多个英国的网络零售商,在美国和加拿大则分别局限于亚马逊和网站videogamesplus.ca。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A hypothesis is that the name of the city comes probably from the Italian word fiera, meaning trade fair in English. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一个假设是,城市的名字可能来自意大利的词fiera,意思是英文中的'trade fair'。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This type of approach is implemented in the program MEGAN4. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 这种搜索方法是MEGAN4程式里面就有的。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: (John 4:7-15) The site is counted as a Christian holy site. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:(约翰福音 4:7-15) 该处成为基督教圣地。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The plant is operated by Georgia Power. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 该电站的运营权属于Georgia Power。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Displayed at right the color mellow apricot. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 右侧颜色为Mellow apricot。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The idea of an underwater electric rail tube was first proposed in the early 1900s by Francis "Borax" Smith – the San Francisco Chronicle ran a front-page editorial in 1900 suggesting an electrified subway. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 早在1900年左右,过海铁路隧道的构想就已经被法兰西·波拉克斯·史密斯(英语:Francis Borax Smith)先生提出了——他在旧金山时报的头版专门写了一篇社论,提议建设电气化铁路。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The most notable fraud conviction has been that of Gordon Foxley, Director of Ammunition Procurement at the Ministry of Defence from 1981 to 1984. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最有名的舞弊定罪是1981年至1984年国防部国防获得首领戈登·福克斯雷被定罪。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: If there is a planet orbiting the star, then the astronomer will also see the same thing twice, which helped astronomers discover OGLE-2014-BLG-0124Lb. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:如果通过的前景星旁边有行星环绕,天文学家就可在短时间内两次观测到微引力透镜现象,这帮助天文学家发现OGLE-2014-BLG-0124Lb。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Both countries maintain an embassy in each other's capital city. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 两国目前在双方的首都互设大使馆。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The group's first round of matches were played on 9 and 10 January, the second round on 13 January, and the final round on 17 January. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该组第一轮比赛将于1月9和10日举行,接着分别于1月13日和1月17日进行第二轮及最后一轮比赛。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Significant past damage to the condor population has also been attributed to poaching, lead poisoning (from eating animals containing lead shot), DDT poisoning, electric power lines, egg collecting, and habitat destruction. Assistant: 导致加州神鹫数量下降的重要原因也归咎于偷猎(特别是为制作博物馆标本)、铅中毒(吃的动物尸体里的铅残留)、DDT中毒、电力传输线、蛋收集研究和栖息地破坏。 User: These developments are tracked by the PACE project which is funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 619712. Assistant: 这些事态发展都是跟踪的步伐项目 其经费由 欧洲联盟's第七框架方案的研究、技术开发和示范下的赠款协议没有。 User: The Arizona Daily Star highlighted the book in their "Hot Reads" section. Assistant: 《亚利桑那每日星报》(The Arizona Daily Star)在其“热门读物”(Hot Reads)栏目中推荐了本书。 User: Bullock was once engaged to actor Tate Donovan, whom she met while filming Love Potion No. 9. Assistant: 布拉克曾经与演员坦特·唐纳文订婚,当时他们是在拍摄Love Potion No. 9而相遇,不过他们的关系只维持了4年。 User: However, in spite of many claims to the contrary, it is widely held that Cauchy recognized the importance of Galois' work, and that he merely suggested combining the two papers into one in order to enter it in the competition for the Academy's Grand Prize in Mathematics. Assistant: 不过也有说法是柯西认识到了这两篇文章的重要性,只是建议把它们合并起来以期参加数学学术大奖的竞争。 User: In heavy rain events, this feature leaves the upper two-thirds of the mountain range unstable. Assistant: 在大雨期间,这样的地形使超过三分之二的地区不稳固。 User: The accused were prevented from defending themselves by a decree of the National Convention. Assistant: 被告被国民公会的法令制止自我辩护。 User: In twelve years they had built Göttingen into one of the world's foremost centres for physics. Assistant: 在此前的十二年间,他们将哥廷根建造成最为重要的物理研究中心之一。 User: Rebel militias occupied the Rwenzori Mountains from 1997 to June 2001. Assistant: 1997年至2001年6月,反政府民兵占领了鲁文佐里山区。 User: A♭ (A-flat; also called la bémol) is the ninth semitone of the solfège. Assistant: 月里嫦娥难到此,九天仙子怎如斯。 User: In March 1981, a special conference was held with the voting result of 57 to 4 in support of unification. Assistant: 1981年3月举行了特别会议,投票结果57对4支持合并。 User: Open clusters are often dominated by hot young blue stars, because although such stars are short-lived in stellar terms, only lasting a few tens of millions of years, open clusters tend to have dispersed before these stars die. Assistant: 疏散星团通常由蓝色的年轻恒星为主,虽然就恒星而言,它们只有数千万年的寿命是短暂的,但在它们寿终正寝之前,疏散星团多数都已经溃散。 User: Lindsell succeeded Henry as editor and during his editorial administration much attention centered on debates about biblical inerrancy. Assistant: 林赛尔是继亨利之后的总编,在他的编辑任期内,杂志的很多笔墨着重于有关“圣经无误”的辩论。 User: The first M1129 vehicles were put into service in Spring 2005 with the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Assistant: 第一辆M1129迫击炮车于2005年春季被交付予第172史崔克旅级战斗队使用。 User: In 1925, Coolidge nominated Stone to succeed retiring Associate Justice Joseph McKenna, and Stone won Senate confirmation with little opposition. Assistant: 1925年,柯立芝提名斯通接替即将退休的大法官约瑟夫·麦肯纳,斯通以微弱的反对获得参议院的批准。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The game was one of Polygon and IGN's most anticipated 2016 releases. Assistant: 本作在Polygon及IGN上均是2016年最令人期待的电子游戏。 User: A practical woman, when faced with problems of flooding in parts of the Fens that threatened some of her properties, she was able to initiate an ambitious drainage scheme, involving foreign engineers, that saw the construction of a large sluice at Boston. Assistant: 作为一个务实的女人,当面临沼泽地的部分洪水泛滥威胁到财产的问题时,她能够发起一场雄心勃勃的包括外国工程师的排水方案,在波士顿建立了一个大型水闸。 User: It is the second feature thriller by director Oriol Paulo, following El Cuerpo (The Body, 2012). Assistant: 它是由奥瑞欧·保罗(西班牙语:Oriol Paulo)在《尸物招领(英语:The Body (2012 film))》之后导演的第二部长片。 User: He described Muslim leaders as unwilling to bring about change, focussing on points of theology, rather than the practical education of young people in ways to achieve political change. Assistant: 他描述穆斯林领袖不愿意改变,宁愿侧重于神学观点,也不愿教育其他方式来实现政治变革。 User: A fundamental issue contributing to a nuclear power system's complexity is its extremely long lifetime. Assistant: 关于核能发电系统的另一个有关复杂性的根本问题是,核电站的生命周期非常长。 User: If we consider equivalence classes of functions such that two functions are equivalent if they are equal almost everywhere, then the weak derivative is unique. Assistant: 如果我们考虑函数的等价类,其中两个函数是等价的如果它们几乎处处相等,那么弱导数是唯一的。 User: Automake aims to allow the programmer to write a makefile in a higher-level language, rather than having to write the whole makefile manually. Assistant: Automake目标是让使用者透过高阶语言来写makefile,而不是透过纯手工的方式来写整个makefile。 User: Pierpont, as he preferred to be known, had a varied education due in part to the plans of his father. Assistant: 他喜欢被称作皮尔庞特,受过多种多样的教育,这部分源于他父亲的安排。 User: With this new invention, cottonseed oil began to be used for illumination purposes in lamps to supplement increasingly expensive whale oil and lard. Assistant: 有了这个新发明后,棉籽油开始应用于照明灯,取代日益昂贵的鲸油和猪油。 User: Third Class on board Titanic was noticeably more comfortable than what was offered on many of her competitors, though Third-Class passengers enjoyed the smallest proportion of space on board and very few facilities. Assistant: 尽管泰坦尼克号三等舱乘客在船上的空间比例最小,设施也很少,但相比其许多竞争对手所提供的明显更为舒适。 User: Before that time, the different German states issued a variety of different currencies, though most were linked to the Vereinsthaler, a silver coin containing ​16 2⁄3 grams of pure silver. Assistant: 在那之前,不同的邦国发行了各种不同的货币,其中大部分与联合塔勒(Vereinsthaler)挂钩, 一枚银币含 16 2 3 {\displaystyle 16{\frac {2}{3}}} 克纯银。 User: Lesley-Ann Brandt as Naevia – Lucretia's loyal body slave. Assistant: 莱斯利-安·勃兰特 饰 妮维雅 – Lucretia的忠诚的私人奴隶。 User: Evidence-based behavioral practice (EBBP) "entails making decisions about how to promote health or provide care by integrating the best available evidence with practitioner expertise and other resources, and with the characteristics, state, needs, values and preferences of those who will be affected. Assistant: 循证行为实践(EBBP)“即借由需要通过将最佳可用的证据与医学从业者的专业知识及其他资源,以及那些将受到影响的特征、状态、需求、价值观与偏好加以整合,而来决定如何促进健康的方法或提供护理照护之步骤。 User: A claw hammer is a tool primarily used for driving nails into, or pulling nails from, some other object. Assistant: 羊角锤,是主要用于将钉子打入其它物体或从其它物体提取钉子的工具。 User: These beetles are viviparous. Assistant: 这些生物体仍是生命。 User: Wanda Gág: Artist, author, translator, and illustrator most noted for writing and illustrating the children’s book Millions of Cats. Assistant: 汪达·佳谷:艺术家,作家,翻译家,插画家,以其创作儿童书籍一百万只猫闻名。 User: De vrouw die een stad kan verlichten. Assistant: 是只乌鸦,能够破坏城市。 User: This has led to criticism from individuals and groups that would like to see her books banned. Assistant: 这也导致了希望禁止她的书籍的个人和团体的批评。 User: On March 8, 2016, DJDS released an 80's inspired remix via Soundcloud. Assistant: 在2016年3月8日,Dj Dodger Stadium(DJDS)通过SoundCloud发布了一个80年代迷幻混音。 User: They do not stop blaspheming our Lord Christ, calling the Virgin Mary a whore, Christ, a bastard, and us changelings or abortions (Mahlkälber: "meal calves"o). Assistant: 他们不停止亵渎我们的主基督,称圣母马利亚是妓女,基督是私生子,我们是低能儿或流产的胎儿(Mahlkälber:“小牛犊”)。 User: Jeffrey John (born 6 June 1992) is a French sprinter. Assistant: 杰弗里·约翰(英语:Jeffrey John)(1992年6月6日-)是法国田径运动员。 User: In one episode, Sheldon tries to "improve" Penny, rewarding her with chocolate for what he considers "correct behavior", as in operant conditioning of lab rats. Assistant: 有一次谢尔顿试图用巧克力“改良”佩妮,对佩妮的他认为“正确的行为”进行奖励,就像小白鼠的操作性条件反射一样。 User: These machines can only be set in motion by a force at the input, and when the input force is removed will remain motionless, "locked" by friction at whatever position they were left. Assistant: 这些机器只能通过输入端的力进行运动,而当输入力被移除时,它们将保持静止不动,在剩下的任何位置通过摩擦力“锁定”。 User: Ancient Greece was a collection of city-states, out of which the original form of democracy developed. Assistant: 古希腊是一群城邦的集合,从中发展出早期的民主制度。 User: Some planned moving the capital there permanently; however, this idea did not gain popular support and in 1948 the reconstruction of Warsaw began. Assistant: 有人建议让罗兹成为永久的首都,但建议没有受到支持,1948年华沙开始重建。 User: The game's logo represents various main characters; the blue sky symbolizes Zack; the white feather symbolizes Angeal; and the water symbolizes Aerith. Assistant: 游戏标识代表各个主角:蓝天象征扎克斯,白羽毛象征安吉尔,水象征爱丽丝。 User: Pitt was also forced to introduce Great Britain's first ever income tax. Assistant: 皮特更首次在英国开征所得税。 User: Maria further strengthened to attain hurricane status while making its closest approach to Bermuda. Assistant: 玛丽亚接下来增强至飓风标准,并在此期间从距百慕大最近的位置经过。 User: Although kings, rulers and powerful people have always been able to pay for entertainment to be provided for them and in many cases have paid for public entertainment, people generally have made their own entertainment or when possible, attended a live performance. Assistant: 尽管国家首脑,统治者和有权力的人民总是能够为他们提供娱乐费用,并且在很多情况下为公共娱乐付费,但人们通常会自己娱乐或者在可能的情况下参加现场表演。 User: The original piece was placed in the Musée Fabre in 1989, but moved again during the refurbishment of the museum to the Opéra Comédie, which is at the square. Assistant: 1989年,原作陈列在法布尔博物馆,但在博物馆整修时,又迁到位于广场上的喜剧院。 User: The roots are eaten in a variety of ways, and the leaves can be eaten as a leaf vegetable. Assistant: 根可以有多种煮法,叶子当为叶菜类般食用。 User: The reference signal may be generated from three separate phase references using the α β γ {\displaystyle \alpha \beta \gamma } transform. Assistant: 参考信号可以用三个独立的相讯号用 α β γ {\displaystyle \alpha \beta \gamma } 转换(英语:Alpha beta gamma transform)转换。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: The different regulatory arrangements sometimes result in particular technologies being developed first for either the U.S. or in Europe depending on the more favorable form of regulation. Assistant: 不同的规章制度有时就会导致产品根据有利的法规条款的不同最初是为美国还是为欧洲市场设计。 User: See the Russian Wikipedia entry on him. Assistant: 中俄关系 俄罗斯总统访问北京。 User: Relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) were tense following Rwanda's involvement in the First and Second Congo Wars; the Congolese army alleged Rwandan attacks on their troops, while Rwanda blamed the Congolese government for failing to suppress Hutu rebels in North and South Kivu provinces. Assistant: 同时卢旺达还因参与了第一和第二次刚果战争导致与刚果民主共和国的关系紧张,刚果军方声称曾受到卢旺达部队的攻击,而卢旺达则指责刚果政府未能有效压制南、北基伍省的胡图族反政府武装。 User: For instance, the Linux kernel contains two modules to communicate with Windows networks: smbfs and cifs. Assistant: 例如,Linux内核 包含两个与Windows网络通信的模块:smbfs和cifs。 User: It is unknown whether the copies were made right after each other, or weeks, months or even years apart. Assistant: 间接来源则是在事件发生以后几天,几周,几个月甚至好几年以后才记录下来的。 User: Of the 54 survivors, 17 had only minor injuries but two were seriously burned and died in hospital. Assistant: 在54名幸存者中,17人只有轻伤,但有两人严重烧伤后在医院死亡。 User: He stated in an interview in 1910 that he was born in 1869, and this is the year listed on his grave marker. Assistant: 他在1910年接受采访时声称他出生于1869年,他的墓碑也刻着这一年。 User: A journal report from 1983 indicated that untreated DPB had a five-year survival rate of 62.1%, while the 10-year survival rate was 33.2%. Assistant: 一份1983年的学术报告指出,未经治疗的弥漫性泛细支气管炎患者5年存活率为62.1%,10年存活率为33.2%。 User: Rostock was also hit by three 4 in (100 mm) shells, probably from the destroyer Broke. Assistant: 罗斯托克号还遭到三枚4英寸(100毫米)炮命中,可能是来自布罗克号。 User: January - June 1998. Assistant: 1998年6月 - 动工。 User: At the Isthmian Games in 196 BC, Flaminius declared all the Greek cities free, although Roman garrisons were placed at Corinth and Chalcis. Assistant: 在前196年的地峡运动会,弗拉米尼乌斯宣告所有的希腊城市的自由,而罗马的卫队仍旧驻扎在科林斯和哈尔基斯。 User: It was the first time Papua New Guinea is hosting the APEC meetings. Assistant: 此次峰会也是巴布亚新几内亚首次主办的APEC会议。 User: In early September 2016, Sony confirmed a second generation of DualShock 4 controllers, known as the DualShock V2 (CUH-ZCT2), which hosts slight improvements over the original DualShock 4, including USB communication, a longer battery life and the ability to see the light bar from the top of the touchpad. Assistant: 2016年9月初,索尼公司确认了第二代DualShock 4控制器,被称为“DualShock V2”(CUH-ZCT2),它比原来的DualShock 4有微小的改进,包括USB通信改进、更长的电池寿命,并且改进了触控板,使控制器顶部的灯条能于触控板顶部看到,而无需翻转控制器,DualShock V2于2016年9月15日发售。 User: If a hero character is killed, that character will respawn back at their base after a delay period, which gets progressively longer the farther into the match. Assistant: 如果一个英雄角色被杀死,那个角色会在延迟一段时间后重新复活回到他们的基地,复活时间会随着角色等级越来越长。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The holdings of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts currently include around 700,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings, applied works, photographs, and archaeological and animalistic objects. Assistant: 普希金造型艺术博物馆目前拥有约700,000幅绘画、雕塑、素描、应用作品、照片、考古和动物。 User: German-South Korean relations were established in the 1950s and play a vital role in the foreign policy of both countries today. Assistant: 德韩关系或韩德关系建立于1950年代,并在今日两国间的外交政策中扮演重要角色。 User: On 15 May 1947, the General Assembly established the "United Nations Special Committee on Palestine" (UNSCOP). Assistant: 1947年5月15日,大会设立了“联合国巴勒斯坦问题特别调查委员会”(UNSCOP)。 User: Around the same time, John Gunther dubbed Knoxville the "ugliest city" in America in his best-selling book Inside U.S.A. Gunther's description jolted the city into enacting a series of beautification measures that helped improve the appearance of the Downtown area. Assistant: 在同一时期,《美国内部》的作者John Gunther说诺城是美国最丑的城市,这在引发了诺城一系列的美化运动,改善了中心城区的市容。 User: Eystein nonetheless gained the affection of his people, and was highly regarded by the saga writers for his deeds. Assistant: 尽管如此,埃斯泰因仍然得到人民的喜戴,并且他的行为也被萨迦作家高度评价。 User: So the computer can know that the scale moved 5μm to the right. Assistant: 根据观测资料,该天体相对于地球的运动速度大约时速5公里。 User: Rothblatt is responsible for launching several communications satellite companies, including the first private international spacecom project (PanAmSat, 1984), the first global satellite radio network (WorldSpace, 1990), and the first non-geostationary satellite-to-car broadcasting system (Sirius Satellite Radio, 1990). Assistant: 罗斯布拉特负责过几个 通讯卫星 公司的上市,包括第一个私人国际通信项目(PanAmSat、1984年),第一个全球卫星无线电网络(世界空间,1990年),和第一个非地球静止轨道的卫星-汽车广播系统(天狼星卫星广播,1990年)。 User: The Reel Source forecasting service calculated that "96–97%" of audiences that attended recommended the film. Assistant: Reel Source预告服务计算96-97%的观众推荐它。 User: Although Croatia was still officially part of Yugoslavia until its independence declaration on 8 October 1991, this team already served as a de facto national side. Assistant: 虽然在1991年10月8日独立宣言生效之前,克罗地亚依法仍属于南斯拉夫的一部分,但这支队伍已经是事实上的克罗地亚国家队。 User: In December 2010, Huawei opened a Cyber Security Evaluation Centre to test its hardware and software to ensure they can withstand growing cyber security threats. Assistant: 之后华为在2010年12月开设网络安全评估中心,对该公司生产的硬件和软件进行测试,以确保能够抵御日益严重的网络安全威胁。 User: In the 560s the Avars began to expand from their base on the north bank of the Danube; by the end of the 6th-century, they were the dominant power in Central Europe and routinely able to force the Eastern emperors to pay tribute. Assistant: 在560年左右,阿瓦尔人从他们多瑙河北岸的基地扩张;在6世纪晚期,阿瓦尔人成为中欧的主导势力之一,并像常例一般有能力迫使拜占庭帝国向其纳贡。 User: General category theory, an extension of universal algebra having many new features allowing for semantic flexibility and higher-order logic, came later; it is now applied throughout mathematics. Assistant: 广义范畴论随后产生,且更容纳了语意灵活性和高阶逻辑等多种新特征的泛代数,现在被运用到数学的所有分支。 User: In 1965, he testified in defense of Jacek Kuroń and Karol Modzelewski, who were on trial for their "Open Letter to the Party" calling for democratic reforms. Assistant: 在1965年,他为因为书写"致党的公开信"、呼吁推动民主改革而受审的雅采克·库隆(英语:Jacek Kuroń)和卡罗尔·莫泽莱夫(英语:Karol Modzelewski)辩护。 User: Trial of Ronald True. Assistant: 有萝莉控的资质。 User: In the cartography unit at Bordeaux, Zapf drew maps of Spain, especially the railway system, which could have been used to transport artillery had Francisco Franco not used narrow-gauge tracks to repair bridges after the Spanish Civil War. Assistant: Zapf 在波尔多的地图部队绘制西班牙地图,特别是铁路系统的 — 如果西班牙内战后 Francisco Franco 没有使用窄轨铁路以修复桥梁的话,它可能已经被用于运输炮兵部队了。 User: See also militarism, technological escalation, arms race. Assistant: 另见 军国主义、技术升级(英语:technological escalation)、军备竞赛。 User: On December 13, 2007 the International Court of Justice was set to resolve at 10 AM. Assistant: 2007年12月13日上午10时,国际法院最终作出决议。 User: The project documents remained secret for nearly 45 years, and despite Reiffel's revelations, the United States government has never officially recognized its involvement in the study. Assistant: 此计划文件被保密了将近45年,尽管有雷菲尔的泄密,美国政府仍从未正式承认曾参与此研究计划。 User: Henry is forced to tell his story next. Assistant: 亨利慊悔的故事后来成一个传说。 User: I want someone to look at that number and say 'that's fucked up' and fix it. Assistant: 我希望当有人看到这个数字的时候能说‘(我们)搞砸了’并挽救它。 User: Louis Renault was very interested in the programme as it on the one hand threatened to compete with his own Char D2 — and the Char B1 in the production of which he had a large stake — and on the other hand offered an opportunity to repair his reputation as France's most prominent tank producer, that had been damaged by the failing AMC 34 and AMC 35 projects and complaints about the reliability of his other types. Assistant: 雷诺公司的创始人路易·雷诺对G1坦克计划非常有兴趣,一方面是因为G1坦克很有可能威胁到雷诺公司生产的D2战车以及已有大量储备的B1战车,另一方面则是因为该计划将能够修复雷诺公司作为法国军备工业界最优秀战车制造厂的名声,这个名声在该公司设计的失败作品AMC 34、AMC 35坦克以及一些其他型号的坦克时被破坏。 User: By 1928 all of China was at least nominally under Chiang's control, and the Nanjing government received prompt international recognition as the sole legitimate government of China. Assistant: 1928年,全中国至少在名义上已经在国民政府的统治下,而国民政府也获得国际承认成为中国唯一合法的政府。 User: Around 1994 and 1995, WADs were primarily distributed online over bulletin board systems or sold in collections on compact discs in computer shops, sometimes bundled with editing guide books. Assistant: 在1994年到1995年间,这些WAD档主要透过BBS系统来发布,或者被集中于一片CD上然后贩卖,或者被放在杂志中出售。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: This level marks the real emergence of the third factor, described by Dąbrowski as an autonomous factor "of conscious choice (valuation) by which one affirms or rejects certain qualities in oneself and in one's environment". Assistant: 这个层次意味着“第三因素”的真正出现,Dąbrowski称其为自为的因素,“它来自于清醒的选择(评估),此时人接受或者拒绝他自身或者环境中的某种性质”。 User: Chams were ordered to wear Vietnamese-style clothes and forced to adopt Vietnamese customs. Assistant: 昂梅在位期间,所有柬埔寨人被迫改穿越南人的服装,梳越南人的发式。 User: Once they earned €30, the organ grinder would give them their next clue. Assistant: 当他们赚取30欧元后,碾风琴师会提供下一条线索。 User: Many visitors came to him and some became his devotees. Assistant: 数名前来求道的访客中,许多都变成了他的信徒。 User: In February 1968, McNamara resigned his position and was replaced by Clark Clifford, who was chosen because of his personal friendship with Johnson and his previous opposition to McNamara's suggestions that the number of troops in the South Vietnam be stabilized and that Rolling Thunder be ended. Assistant: 1968年2月,麦克纳马拉辞去了国防部长的职位,接替者是克拉克·克利福德,他被选中是因为他与约翰逊的私谊,并且之前他也反对过麦克纳马拉关于停止向南越增派部队并结束滚雷行动的提议。 User: According to official Polish statistics from interwar period, Poles formed the largest linguistic group in these regions, and were demographically the largest ethnic group in the cities. Assistant: 根据波兰的研究,波兰人是该地区的最大民族,在人口统计学上也是该地区城市里德最大民族。 User: Neotamandua borealis foraged on social insects such as ants and termites. Assistant: 追踪费洛蒙(trail pheromones)可在社会性昆虫,如蚂蚁和白蚁中起到道路定向作用。 User: However, in utopias, the projection of the myth does not take place towards the remote past but either towards the future or towards distant and fictional places, imagining that at some time in the future, at some point in space, or beyond death, there must exist the possibility of living happily. Assistant: 然而,神话中所说的往往都没有在遥远的过去中的某个时间里发生过,但是人类在想象在未来的某个时间里,在遥远的,虚构的一个地方里,人类“超越了死亡”的存在并且快乐的生活在一起。 User: Mail systems often limit their users' choice of name to a subset of the technically valid characters, and in some cases also limit which addresses it is possible to send mail to. Assistant: 邮件系统往往限制其用户对名称的选择,将其限定于一个技术上有效的字符集的子集内,在某些情况下甚至会对收件人地址作出限制。 User: The Canary Islanders also brought "a love for well-seasoned food", including use of ground cayenne pepper, a spicy hot red chili pepper. Assistant: 加那利岛人同时也带来了对“调味食物” 的热爱,包括研磨的番椒粉——一种辛辣的红辣椒。 User: The band played a show in Anchorage, Alaska in January 2008, introducing their U.S. tour with Madina Lake in February and March 2008. Assistant: 2008年一月,乐团在阿拉斯加州的安克拉治进行演出,一直到二月与三月乐团Madina Lake才加入这场美国巡回。 User: In the months leading up to Nixon's 1969 speech, his vice-president Spiro T. Agnew said on May 9, "It is time for America's silent majority to stand up for its rights, and let us remember the American majority includes every minority. Assistant: 1969年5月9日,即尼克松演讲之前,其副手斯皮罗·阿格纽说道:“美国人中沉默的大多数是时候站起来为他们的权利奋斗了,让我们记住包含了每一个少数的大多数。 User: Mulder and Scully release the Peacocks' pigs to lure them out of the house before searching it. Assistant: 穆德和斯嘉丽把这家人养的猪放出,希望能把嫌疑人引出来,然后再进入屋内搜查。 User: Abo has made a great effort to preserve the memory of her slain revolutionary husband, Pierre Mulele. Assistant: 阿波作出了巨大的努力,以纪念她被杀害的革命丈夫,穆里勒。 User: On June 27, the National Population and Family Planning Commission announced it would send inspection teams across China to review the practices of local family planning divisions. Assistant: 6月27日,国家人口和计划生育委员会向全国各地派出督查队伍,审查地方计划生育部门的做法。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A second and less-well-known story speculates that the name honors there being 33 corporate sponsors at Disneyland in 1966-1967 when the club was being built and opened. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 第二和不太知名的故事推测,名字来源于在迪士尼乐园在1966-1967年刚开始建设和开放时,提供赞助的33家公司。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Marine attack squadrons (VMA) fly the AV-8 Harrier II; while Marine Fighter-Attack (VMFA) and Marine (All Weather) Fighter-Attack (VMFA(AW)) squadrons, respectively fly both the single-seat (F/A-18C) and dual-seat (F/A-18D) versions of the F/A-18 Hornet strike-fighter aircraft. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:海军陆战队打击中队(Marine Fighter Attack Squadron,VMFA)和全天候打击中队(Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron,VMFA(AW))装备有单座(F/A-18C)及双座(F/A-18D)的F/A-18黄蜂式战斗攻击机。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The Radical's programme, inspired by French Radicalism, was adopted, and Nikola Pašić was elected as the president of the central committee. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在会议中,受法国激进主义的鼓舞,尼古拉·帕希奇当选为总裁。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:She was fourteen and it was a difficult transition. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:享年四十一岁,追赠太常。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: To all this activity must be added numerous writings of a miscellaneous nature, addresses, letters, and the like, and exegetical works that extended over the whole of his life and that include both commentaries and treatises on Biblical archaeology. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 此外,他的活动还必须加上不计其数的其他作品,诸如演说、书信等等,以及他致力一生的解经著作,包括评注和圣经考古的论述。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In the third season starts a relationship with Cindy. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 早期迷恋雀儿,第三季开始与辛蒂交往。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, it was shown by Abraham (1912) that those models belong to the class of "vector theories" of gravitation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是亚伯拉罕于1912年则指出,这些模型都属于“矢量引力理论”的一种。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, they also announced that the red carpet festivities would be severely curtailed. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过他们也宣布晚会前的红地毯活动将会大幅缩减。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the time, U-Land Airlines officially disappeared in the media layout. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 至此,瑞联航空正式在媒体版面消失。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In March 1767, King Ekkathat of Siam offered to become a tributary but the Burmese demanded an unconditional surrender. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1767年3月,暹罗国王埃甲他希望成为缅甸的朝贡国,但缅甸却要求他无条件投降。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Experimentation with screw propulsion continued in some quarters, however, and between 1750 and the 1830s numerous patents for marine propellers were taken out by various inventors, though few of these inventions were pursued to the testing stage, and those that were proved unsatisfactory for one reason or another. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 但螺旋桨的研究也同时在进行着,在1750年和1830年代之间,许多发明家取得了各种有关螺旋桨的专利,但这些发明很少进入实用化的测试阶段,少部分真的进行实用化测试的发明则无法达到令人满意的效果。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Filmation Studios (in association with MGM Television) also tried their hands at producing a Tom and Jerry TV series. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 飞美逊工作室(Filmation Sto.)(米高梅MGM电视)也尝试过制作《猫和老鼠秀》(Tom and Jerry Show)。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:When the program calls StoreRecord on the object, something needs to choose which behavior gets enacted. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 当一个程序调用对象的存储记录时,有一些东西需要来决定采取哪种行为。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Otherwise the structure has been unaltered. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 至今建制未变。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 He is also part of the Red Bull Junior Team programme. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他同时也是红牛少年车队计划中的一员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Following a brief military career, including service in the American Civil War, he became a successful entrepreneur and commercial photographer. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 曾经参与军事上的工作,包括在美国内战中服兵役,最终成为一位成功的企业家及商业摄影师。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In August 2011, Spanish tabloid magazine Cuore published photographs of Anaya kissing director Beatriz Sanchís at a naturist beach in Menorca. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在2011年8月,西班牙小报杂志《Cuore》发表了安娜亚在梅诺卡岛的裸体沙滩亲吻女导演Beatriz Sanchís的照片。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:San Francisco transported troops to the port of Valparaíso during the 1891 Chilean Civil War, from which they could move on to protect the American consulate in the capital of Santiago. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1891年智利内战期间,美军部队先乘圣弗朗西斯科号抵达瓦尔帕莱索港口,再赶赴该国首都圣地亚哥保护美国驻当地领事。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The decision came as a surprise to Chile, as it had bid in August 2006 to host the 2008 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup, which was finally granted to New Zealand (Ecuador was unsuccessful in both bids). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 国际足联这一决定令智利感到意外,因为它在2006年8月申办了2008年国际足联U-17女子世界杯,最终被授予新西兰(厄瓜多尔 两次申办都不成功)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By 1988 the division was renamed Pfizer Animal Health. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1988年,该部门更名为辉瑞动物保健。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Shuker has stated that " back well-regulated business but in return we expect them to provide decent, secure and well-paid jobs" and Leslie has stressed that the group is pro-NATO. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:舒克指出:“(我们)支持受良好监管的营商环境,但反过来我们希望商人提供体面、安全和高薪的工作”,莱斯利强调小组是亲北约的。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This has been used traditionally in the industrial control area, and there are many industrial instruments which support this communication standard. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这已经在传统上用于工业控制区域,并且有许多支持该通信标准的工业仪器。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 In spite of diversification the AIOC still relied heavily on its Iranian oil fields for three-quarters of its supplies, and controlled all oil in Iran. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 英伊石油公司的四分之三石油供应都是来自伊朗的油田,公司已全面控制了伊朗的石油。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Other sources of inspiration were Adriaen van Ostade and Isaac van Ostade, painters of rural scenes, who lived in Haarlem. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 给予斯特恩灵感的还有阿德里安·范·奥斯塔德(Adriaen van Ostade)和伊萨克·范·奥斯塔德(Isaac van Ostade),他们是农村风景油画家,住在哈勒姆。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Brownell undertook flight training in the United Kingdom. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 Brownell在英国接受飞行训练。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to an online survey of over 25,000 men who self-report a homosexual or bisexual orientation, 49.8% have ever used vibrators. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一项以25,000名自认为男同性恋者或男双性恋者为对象的互联网调查显示,49.8%的受访者曾使用过按摩棒。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For this reason, children were forbidden in Aboriginal culture to play at such places, and only allowed to visit when accompanied by an adult. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 故此,澳洲原住民传统上不容许孩童到这些地方玩耍,只可由成人陪同才能到这些地方。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Such girls will then, by necessity, carry the values of National Socialism into the next generation as the mental bulwark of our people. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这样的女孩必将把国家社会主义的价值观传授给下一代人,成为我们民族的心灵壁垒。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After his first loss, Cerdan recorded five consecutive wins, which led him to challenge Saviello Turiello for Europe's welterweight title in Milan, Italy. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在他的第一场失利之后,塞尔当因连续5场的胜利而有机会在意大利米兰挑战萨维耶罗·图列洛(Saviello Turiello)的欧洲次中量级拳击冠军的头衔。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A directive was issued on 6 May 1968 to proceed with the development of the twin-engine design. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 1968年5月6日指令颁布正式开发双引擎版构型。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Chen believes that he is "too young" to make a game with a strong message, and so designs the company's products to avoid overt meanings. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 陈星汉认为对自己而言,制作一款含有很强烈的信息的游戏,自己还“太年轻”,因此在他设计公司的游戏产品时会避免一些过于明显的含义。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The infantry tank, according to Guderian, was to be heavily armored to defend against enemy anti-tank guns and artillery. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 古德里安说,歩兵坦克需拥有厚装甲,以防御敌人的反坦克炮和火炮。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For the next 17 years Segni taught Agrarian Law at the Universities of Pavia, Perugia, and Cagliari; he was also rector of Sassari University. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在接下来的17年里,塞尼在帕维亚、佩鲁贾和卡利亚里的大学教授土地法律,同时担任萨萨里大学的校长。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, the first real theatre, the Grand-Théâtre or Salle Bauveau was constructed in 1787. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,第一个真正的剧院,大剧院(Grand-Théâtre)兴建于1787年。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Unlike the earlier act, this act did not prohibit the colonies in question from issuing paper money but it forbade them to designate their currency as legal tender for public or private debts. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 与先前的法案不同,这项法案并没有禁止相关殖民地发行纸币,但禁止各殖民地将货币指定为公共或私人债务的法定货币。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The main church (the katholikon) was inaugurated in 1049, and the complex finished in 1055, after Constantine's death. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:主教堂于1049年启用,而座建筑群则于1055年、君士坦丁九世死后才完工。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Many well-placed community leaders and devotees permitted the addition of several new shrines within the precincts of the temple. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 许多有较高地位的社区领袖以及印度教徒答应在该庙周围空地上兴建若干新的圣坛。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The TB-1 became the Soviet Air Forces' first standard heavy bomber, also being fitted with floats for use as a torpedo bomber (TB-1P), and for aerial survey operations. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 此后,TB-1成为了苏联空军第一种标准重型轰炸机,部分的TB-1被改装成鱼雷机(型号为TB-1P)或是参与航空测量任务。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Lavigne described the album as being about her life experiences rather than focusing on relationships, and its style as less pop rock than her previous material, reflecting her age. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:艾薇儿形容这张专辑是关于她的个人经历而不是关于人际关系,随着年龄增长,这张专辑与她之前的专辑相比,流行摇滚元素相对减少。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, the idea of an organized mass purge, directed by Luciano, has been debunked as a myth. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 然而,由卢西安诺指挥的有组织大规模清除的主意被揭穿只是一个神话。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Square of the Victims of Fascism (Croatian: Trg žrtava fašizma) is one of the central squares in Zagreb. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 法西斯主义受害者广场 (克罗地亚语:Trg žrtava fašizma) 是萨格勒布市中心的一个方形广场。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It has been estimated that 15% of the homosexual demographic is associated with fraternal birth order. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据估计15%的男同性恋人口与出生顺序有关。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The test was created by J.W. Trevan in 1927. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这测试最先由J.W. Trevan于1927年提出。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The lead single "The Road" was released on April 22. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 4月22日 发布原创单曲《The Road》。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Du Bois was organized and disciplined: his lifelong regimen was to rise at 7:15, work until 5, eat dinner and read a newspaper until 7, then read or socialize until he was in bed, invariably before 10. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 杜波依斯是一个自律而有条理的人:他一生作息稳定,早上7:15起床,白天工作,晚上5点到7点吃晚饭、读报纸,夜间阅读、参加社会活动,总是10点前上床睡觉。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When Jimmy finds out that Nucky enabled the Commodore to rape Gillian, it creates a rift between them that sets the stage for a major conflict in season two. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 当吉米发现努基给予Commodore机会去强奸Gillian时,他们之间产生分歧,这设定作为第二季中的主要冲突。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Regarding the Relativity Principle, the moving magnet and conductor problem (possibly after reading a book of August Föppl) and the various negative aether drift experiments were important for him to accept that principle — but he denied any significant influence of the most important experiment: the Michelson–Morley experiment. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 至于相对性原理,尽管移动中的磁铁与导体问题(可能是因为阅读了奥古斯特·奥托·弗普勒的一本书之后),以及许多关于以太漂移实验所得出的否定结果对于爱因斯坦接受这一原理是重要的,但爱因斯坦认为在这方面没有任何东西能超过迈克耳孙-莫雷实验对他产生的影响。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: More generally, if V is an (internal) direct sum of subspaces U and W, V = U ⊕ W {\displaystyle V=U\oplus W} then the quotient space V/U is naturally isomorphic to W (Halmos 1974, Theorem 22.1). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 更一般地,如果V写成子空间U与W的一个(内部)直和: V = U ⊕ W {\displaystyle V=U\oplus W} 则商空间V/U自然同构于W (Halmos 1974,Theorem 22.1)。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In "Prisoner Number 775 is Missing", Sir George arrives at Area 51, where he attacks the guards and removes the base, turning it into a new Forever Knights stronghold. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在《Prisoner Number 775 is Missing》开始,他强行闯入五十一区并轻易打败试图阻挡他的守卫。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Damien bids goodbye to Stan and Kyle since his dad "is always on the move" he has to leave. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 达米恩向斯坦和凯尔告别,因为他的父亲“总是在走南闯北”,所以他也不得不离开。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Schwartzberg proposes a professional election commission "to ensure that assembly elections are carried out, to the maximum extent, on a level playing field". Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 施瓦茨贝里建议设立一个专门的选举委员会“以确保大会选举能尽可能的在公平竞争的环境下进行。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While The Cartoonstitute was ultimately scrapped, Cartoon Network executives approved the production of a Regular Show series. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然“卡通学院”项目最终取消,但卡通频道的执行委员会批准《天兵公园》系列的继续制作。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Although not made public, NSC 68 was manifested in subsequent increases in America's conventional and nuclear capabilities, thereby adding to the country's financial burden. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:虽然没有公开,但NSC-68号文件出台后美国常规武装和核能力都明显增强,从而大幅提升了美国的财政负担。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By Axel Cleeremans and Luis Jiménez, learning is defined as "a set of philogenetically advanced adaptation processes that critically depend on an evolved sensitivity to subjective experience so as to enable agents to afford flexible control over their actions in complex, unpredictable environments" (Cleeremans 2001). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 阿克塞尔·克里尔曼斯(英语:Axel Cleeremans)与Luis Jiménez认为,学习可以定义为“一组系统发生学上的高级改变行为,它高度依赖于主体经验的感觉演化,以便让他们拥有在高度复杂、无法预测的环境中灵活控制行为的能力。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1887 while living in London, he began to receive some monthly financial support from some distant family members. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 1887年在伦敦生活期间,他开始每月收到一些远亲的资助。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Her year came to an end at the Shanghai Marathon, where she came in second place some thirty seconds behind Irina Timofeyeva. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 她这一年以上海马拉松结束,获亚军,以大约30秒之差落后于艾瑞娜·蒂莫菲耶娃。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Finally in 676, Muawiyah sent an army to invest Constantinople from land as well, beginning the First Arab Siege of the city. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 676年穆阿威叶从陆地派了支部队入侵君士坦丁堡,开始了阿拉伯人对君士坦丁堡的第一次围城。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Some critics in the political circles commented that the amnesty was too restrictive and little more than a restatement of the surrender terms which had been in force for a long period. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 有政界人士认为,大赦令太过严格,只是重申了投降条款。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 已发表的证据的广度表明,气候变化的净损害成本(英语:Economic impacts of climate change)可能是显著的并随着时间增加。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Zoologist Ray Lankester gave it the name haplodrili, while zoologist Berthold Hatschek later named it Archiannelida. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 动物学家Ray Lankester命名为haplodrili,而另一位动物学家Berthold Hatschek则在稍后时间命名为Archiannelida。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, virtually all German Namibians are fluent in Afrikaans and are either familiar with English or can speak it fluently. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,几乎所有的德裔纳米比亚人都说流利的南非语,或者熟悉和说流利的英语。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Similar comments can be made about the cosmic microwave background. Assistant: 关于宇宙微波背景也可以做类似论述。 User: In August 2007, a recent skin of an injured Fiji petrel, that subsequently died was made available for study in Fiji. Assistant: 2007年8月,一只刚刚因受伤而死去的斐济圆尾鹱被发现,因此其尸身被送往菲济的学术机构研究。 User: Despite the Ancon's small numbers the sheep's contribution to the history of biology has been substantial. Assistant: 尽管安康羊为数不多、其貌不扬,它在生物学历史上的贡献却是巨大的。 User: For example, between the ages 2 and 6, the brain increases from 70% of its adult weight to 90%. Assistant: 例如在二岁时,大脑为成年时大脑重量的70%,六岁时已成长大脑重量的90%。 User: In June 1959 Qantas entered the jet age when the first Boeing 707-138 was delivered. Assistant: 1959年6月,澳航迈入喷气时代,接收了第一架波音707-138客机。 User: The United Nations General Assembly has designated September 16 as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. Assistant: 每年的9月16日是国际臭氧层保护日。 User: Crunchbase profile Mui, Chunka. Assistant: 只想拥抱你 DVD,pchome。 User: To see it after sunset, one will need to wait until December. Assistant: 而在太阳西落后看到它,则要等到12月份。 User: This is because a liquid will condense on almost any surface, but crystallization requires the presence of crystal faces of the proper kind. Assistant: 这是因为液体几乎在任何表面都会凝结,但结晶需要存在适当类型的晶面。 User: Wire and write the Republican National Committee whether you think I should stay on or whether I should get off. Assistant: 我也恳请大家给共和党全国委员会写信或发电报,告诉他们你觉得我是否应该继续参选。 User: It was established on 17 October 1924. Assistant: 1924年10月17日成立。 User: Christ's proclamation at the Last Supper that the bread and wine were his body and blood must be taken literally, since God is truth. Assistant: 基督在最后的晚餐上宣告,面包和酒就是他的身体和血,因为上帝是真理。 User: The fund invests in early stage internet investors. Assistant: 软银对于分众的投资是早期投资。 User: The droplets would normally evaporate below the condensation level, but strong updrafts buffer the falling droplets, and can keep them aloft much longer than they would otherwise. Assistant: 液滴通常会在冷凝水平以下蒸发,但强劲的上升气流缓冲下落的液滴,并且可以将它们悬浮得比它们以前更长时间。 User: In the game, Torneko and his wife Nene and son Poporo journey to a distant island for a vacation. Assistant: 在游戏中,特鲁尼克和他的妻子妮妮及儿子波波鲁去一个遥远的岛屿度假。 User: Blessed John Henry Newman went there to give thanks for his conversion, which had been the subject of prayer there. Assistant: 令人尊敬的John Henry Newman去那里以感谢他的皈依,这是在那儿的祷告之主题。 User: Moreover, recent studies show that the Inuit have evolved a number of rare genetic adaptations that make them especially well suited to eat large amounts of omega-3 fat. Assistant: 不仅如此,近期研究显示因纽特人带有特定的基因,让他们非常适合摄取omega-3脂肪。 User: In 2012, six expatriates were sentenced to floggings of either 40 or 100 lashes. Assistant: 2012年,六名外派人员被判鞭打40或100鞭。 User: Although the Front Mission video games use self-contained, standalone stories, these tie into a greater overarching storyline that encompasses the entire series. Assistant: 虽然前线任务电子游戏使用自包含、独立的故事,但这些结合为完成整个系列的更大故事情节。 User: The book called for complete disarmament and the use of world judicial tribunals to solve international disputes. Assistant: 他认为应当讨论裁军问题,并搭建一个国际法庭来调解国际冲突。 User: In electron micrographs of cross-striated muscle, the Z-line (from the German "Zwischenscheibe", the disc in between the I bands) appears as a series of dark lines. Assistant: 在电子显微照片下Z线(Z盘)(德语:"Zwischenscheibe",盘之间)表现为一系列暗色线条。 User: Nearly ten thousand Turks had been killed at a cost of (only) two-and-a-half thousand Russians. Assistant: 有接近一万名土耳其军队阵亡,而俄军仅伤亡两千五百人。 User: Douglas repeatedly avoided the question, but with four days to go before the election and the Democratic candidate "close to collapse" from the bitter campaign, she responded to the latest Holt needle with her "hope and pray" that Democratic gubernatorial candidate James Roosevelt would be elected. Assistant: 道格拉斯一再回避了这个问题,但到了距选举日还剩四天时,激烈的竞选已经让她“接近崩溃”,面对霍尔特又一次提出的问题,她表示自己“希望并祈祷”民主党州长候选人詹姆斯·罗斯福能够当选。 User: Adobe declared that it is not producing a PDF 1.8 Reference. Assistant: Adobe宣称没有制定PDF 1.8参考。 User: Hagemeyer was one of the first library activists to make strides for the Deaf community. Assistant: Hagemeyer也是第一个为聋人社区做出贡献的图书馆活动家。 User: For example, the local movie 881 revived the popularity of getai after it was released. Assistant: 当地电影《881》发行后,复兴了歌台的流行。 User: Paul's work would result in a series of important innovations in both camera and exhibition technology. Assistant: 保罗的工作为摄影机和放映机技术带来了一系列重要的革新。 User: The Tadich Grill is a seafood restaurant located in the Financial District neighborhood of San Francisco, California, United States. Assistant: Tadich Grill是一家海鲜餐厅,座落于美国加州旧金山的金融区附近。 User: Catalytic RNA molecules (ribozymes) were discovered in the early 1980s, leading to a 1989 Nobel award to Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman. Assistant: 具有催化功能的RNA(核酶)在1980年代早期被发现,而使得托马斯·切赫(Thomas Cech)与西德尼·奥尔特曼(Sidney Altman),获得1989年的诺贝尔化学奖。 User: The two images can be subtracted, leaving hopefully only the incoming light from the source. Assistant: 将这两个影像互减,希望只有留下来自光源的影像。 User: Instead of creating the file with the current date and time stamp, the system gives the smith.jr file the same date and time as the smith file. Assistant: 此时系统将给与smith.jr与smith文件相同的修改日期和时间而并不使用当前的系统时间。 User: OS X Yosemite and later support the iOS AirDrop protocol, which is used for transfers between a Mac and an iOS device as well as between two 2012 or later Mac computers, and which uses both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Assistant: 但是,OS X Yosemite或更新版本支持iOS的AirDrop协议(使用Wi-Fi和蓝牙),这适用于一台Mac与一台iOS设备以及两台2012年或更新版本的Mac计算机之间的传输。 User: They next go to Harken's house, where Kurt and Nick go inside while Dale waits in the car. Assistant: 他们接下来到哈肯的房子,库尔特与尼克进入侦查,戴尔在车里把风。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: In February 2018, she performed "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, and although she lost a duel to Ricky Ben Ari, she proceeded to the next stage after being selected by the judges. Assistant: 2018年2月,她表演了辣妹合唱团的《Wannabe》,虽然在与Ricky Ben Ari的对决中输了,但经由评审选择而晋级到下个阶段。 User: Around that time, Mad Doc Software also created an autonomous cross-country navigation system for the United States Department of Defense, and had roughly 100 employees. Assistant: Mad Doc Software为美国国防部门制作了一个独立的越野导航系统。 User: Vincent then brought them food and comfort. Assistant: 于是护卫长送他粮食和礼物,放他去了。 User: It was during these years that Éluard published two of his main works: "Capitale de la Douleur" (1926) and "L'Amour la Poesie" (1929). Assistant: 正是在这些年中艾吕雅发表了他的两个主要作品:《Capitale de la Douleur》(1926年)和《L'Amour la Poesie》(1929年)。 User: God mount) and Sama comes from Samataro) In Kamisama Kazoku Z he becomes a "god", but according to his words, seems like it is only "an increase in duties". Assistant: 此说认为“如如哥”之名源自谢崇祥之小名“如如”,而谢崇祥年纪又较东恩纳宽量稍大,故称呼他为“如如哥”。 User: It has since been viewed by many critics as the Who's best record and one of the greatest albums of all time. Assistant: 许多评论家认为它是谁人乐队的最佳唱片和有史以来最伟大的专辑之一。 User: As Kenna, Patricia and Lane were threatening land, their pressures were measured by Hurricane Hunters using dropsondes. Assistant: 由于肯纳和帕特里夏威胁到陆地,因此气象部门派出侦察机采用投落送测量其气压。 User: Though it survived several earthquakes intact in 1687 and 1746, it suffered extensive damage in an earthquake in 1970. Assistant: 虽然在1687年和1746年地震中幸存,但是在1970年地震中遭到严重的破坏。 User: For more general conversions, see the Lorentz transformations. Assistant: 更为普遍的变换请参见洛仑兹变换。 User: As a percentage of GDP, the external debt remained constant between 2004 and 2005. Assistant: 2004年至2005年期间,外债占国内生产总值的比例保持不变。 User: It was built to replace the previous Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT). klia2 started its operations on 2 May 2014 and all flight operations at LCCT were moved to klia2 by 9 May 2014. Assistant: 2014年5月9日,低成本航站楼(LCCT)正式关闭,所有在低成本航站楼运营的航空公司将航班转移至2号航站楼(KLIA2),该航站楼于2014年5月2日正式投入使用。 User: Here, the architrave corners bore gorgons, surrounded by lions and perhaps other animals. Assistant: 这里,在楣梁角落刻有戈尔贡(gorgons)雕塑,被狮子也许还有其他的动物所围绕着。 User: The materials are chosen to make the differences large enough that these local electric fields are strong, which splits excitons much more efficiently than single layer photovoltaic cells. Assistant: 这两层所用的材料要尽可能使这两种差异更大,从而使得局部电场大到足以使激子分离,比单层太阳能电池更有效。 User: These lenses conferred many practical benefits upon the designers, builders, and users of lighthouses and their illumination. Assistant: 这样的组件给予灯塔的设计者、建造者以及使用者切实的好处。 User: KIRREL has been shown to interact with Nephrin and Tight junction protein 1. Assistant: KIRREL已显示出与肾病蛋白 及紧密接头蛋白1(Tight junction protein 1)有蛋白质交互作用。 User: Gold Age was a registered legal corporate entity of Panama. Assistant: e-Bullion是在巴拿马注册的合法公司实体。 User: Although he was a prisoner, he was given freedom to move within a six-mile radius and was allowed to correspond and trade with acquaintances in Virginia. Assistant: 虽然身为战俘,但英军却允许他在方圆约十公里范围内自由活动,还能同弗吉尼亚的熟人通信及交易。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: On receiving news of their army's defeat, Henry fled into exile in Scotland with his wife and son. Assistant: 一收到自己部队的败战消息,亨利立即带着妻子与儿子躲避流亡到苏格兰。 User: There are never more than three vowels per syllable. Assistant: 永康话有6个单字调。 User: But the reader may wonder why—the modern texts do not state the reason—the unbounded μ-operator is searching for a function R(x, y) to yield zero, rather than some other natural number. Assistant: 但是读者可能奇怪于为什么无界μ算子查找生成零而不是某个其他自然数的函数 R(x, y) -- 现代教科书没有给出原因。 User: And therefore Amathaon ab Don, and Arawn, King of Annwn (Hell), fought. Assistant: 曾祖父巴巴汗,为汗国东部哈密、吐鲁番一带的统治者。 User: The earliest people in Skopje Valley were probably the Triballi, a Thracian tribe that received influences from Celts, Scythians and Illyrians. Assistant: 最早来到斯科普里的人们很有可能是色雷斯人部族特里巴利人,他们受到了斯基泰人及凯尔特人、伊利里亚人很强的影响。 User: The Port of Haifa (Hebrew: נמל חיפה‎) is the largest of Israel's three major international seaports, which include the Port of Ashdod, and the Port of Eilat. Assistant: 海法港(希伯来语:נמל חיפה‎‎)是以色列三大国际港口(另外两座是阿什杜德港和埃拉特港)中最大的港口。 User: Article XV – The society has the right of requesting an account from any public agent of its administration. Assistant: 第十五条 社会有权要求机关公务人员报告其工作。 User: Empire rated it five stars out of five, declaring the movie one of Newman's best performances. Assistant: 《帝国》杂志给电影五星的高度评价(最高五星),称这是纽曼最出色的其中一场演出。 User: ALMA began scientific observations in the second half of 2011 and the first images were released to the press on 3 October 2011. Assistant: ALMA从2011年的下半年开始科学观测,在2011年10月3日向新闻界释出第一张图像,全面运作始于2013年3月。 User: Their musical theatre writing partnership has been called the greatest of the 20th century. Assistant: 他们的音乐剧写作合作关系被称为20世纪最伟大的友情。 User: I'm on the lookout for the maddest, sickest, most badass people to collaborate with. Assistant: 我现在在寻找一些最疯狂、最病态、最坏的人们合作。 User: Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva. Assistant: 湿婆节(Maha Shivaratri),是一个印度教节日,每年举行,敬奉湿婆。 User: In 1799, the Combination Act was passed, which banned trade unions and collective bargaining by British workers. Assistant: 1799年,整合法案通过,禁止英国工人组织工会或进行集体谈判。 User: His first internationally recognized design, the Pacific Science Center with its iconic arches, was constructed by the City of Seattle for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. Assistant: 山崎实第一个被国际广泛认可的建筑是太平洋科学中心,该建筑是为西雅图举办1962年世界博览会所建。 User: After Unix became more widespread in the early 1980s, AT&T stopped the free distribution and charged for system patches. Assistant: 1980年代,UNIX 的使用变得更加广泛,而 AT&T 在此时停止了 UNIX 的免费分发,并且开始为系统补丁收费。 User: This represents an increase of 32 percent compared to the first funding period. Assistant: 这占驱逐机联队初期战力的百分之32。 User: Implementations send and receive timestamps using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port number 123. Assistant: 发送和接收时间戳采用用户数据报协议(UDP)的通讯埠123实现。