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The man thinks the pyramids were grain silos and going to prison can make you gay. He is not capable, intelligent or honest.
You know what I still don't get - who the hell cares? Why are people so invested in other people's sexuality or gender expression? Why should it matter to you if Joey wants to wear a dress & heels? Why shouldn't Suzie climb trees & kick ass? And if Joey & Suzie continue to dress as the other gender or want to marry the same sex, so what? Why not? Who are they hurting? As for the LGBTQ activists who may or may not be trying to turn gender studies into a science, perhaps they're just trying to establish a right to exist in a society in which many want to see them eradicated. Imagine being LGBTQ & growing up in a religious household where you're taught that you are basically the devil incarnate? What a shitty upbringing that would be. Thank goodness not all religious people hold this opinion, but far too many do. When LBGTQ people are accepted by their family and community, they thrive. Simple as that. Those who have experience brutal rejections sometimes do not, which is heartbreaking.
Chris Steele is a gay porn actor...is he involved in this too?
Here's something you and all the ill-informed commenters should know. Trump and others cite the cost to the military for medical care for transgender service members. The upper end of the cost estimate is about $8.4 million per year. Meanwhile, they spend $84 million on erectile dysfunction drugs! It's also less than three of trump's government-funded golf trips, at $3.6 million each. Value for money? I think we get more value for transgender medical care than the buffoon's golf time.
So a bunch of dead guys are more important than living gay ones? Well, as long as YOU'VE got your priorities straight...so to speak.
So all parents should switch gender to see if THEY are transgender too. And it's best to do it in public, particularly at work. Get some god makeup too.
"The baker is a bad Christian. Jesus would serve them." ============ You are right. Jesus probably would have served them. After all, Jesus ate with a lot of sinners and healed a lot of sinners. - But your supposition that Jesus would have baked them a "gay wedding cake" and officiated at their wedding is as wrong as you also supposing that Jesus would have performed abortions.
Are you implying being homosexual makes you violent? That's absolutely absurd. You do know homosexuals are the targets of bulling and violence don't you? Who perpetuates that?
So basically Doug is saying that the Christians who run the west with their War against Drugs, War against Sex, Sin , freedom of speech and even men are just as radical as the Muslims in the east with their intolerant attitude toward freedom of speech, gays, and women?
OMG! Stop the presses! The WH fires its chief usher. She's a black, immigrant, woman and gay. How disgusting. How can Trump do such a thing. I heard Trump personally fired her. Next he's going to fire the WH gardener. What is going on? Let's organize and protest and riot in the streets! Hawaii needs to file a lawsuit.
Hi Bill. I've listened to Nora, and I hope I was respectful, but I disagree with her. I don’t think it’s hateful to believe that men and women are fundamentally different—unless ‘hate’ means something completely different to you than it does to me. And I’m not sure there is such a thing as misogyny—I’ve never met anyone who ‘hates women’, though who knows, it's a big world. I assure you my comments on ‘LGB’ are not baseless. As doctor I've had considerable experience with (male) homosexuals, incudig many AIDS patients. I'm not saying I know more homoseuxals than you—if you're a cleric or an actor you may well know more—but I've met enough to have a pretty well-informed understanding of the psychopathology underlying the condition. As for 'T' (transgenderism): when someone believes they are something that they are not, that is the definition of delusional thinking. I'd refer you to The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, a fascinating read. Peace.
I would trust any transgendered soldier to have my back before I would trust Trump, or any of his bible-thumping christian bigots.
This makes no sense. Canada and Trudeau have already gotten their headlines for stepping up to the plate with compassion and virtue to take the refugees and others who are being impacted by the Trump travel ban. No one is going to find out what you're doing with the Emerson 'problem'. Enough already with looking for a technicality to save face. It's not necessary. This is similar to the theatrics of whether Canada should do the right thing and not sell billions of dollars of arms to the worst human rights violator in the world. No one found out you did that either, you get to keep the money and the 'peace loving honest broker' stuff. Along the same lines, European countries marvel at the relative ease in which Canada can bring in tens of thousands of Syrians compared to the chaos in their own countries. What they don't know is the secret seems to be to limit the influx to orphans, families and homosexuals. You would be stupid to let that info out. You've already gotten your headlines.
Then let's put the gay men on an island and lesbian women on another and after 100 years see if anyone is left, if it is a natural lifestyle!
Exodus 35:2 Those that work the Sabbath shall be put to death. Masterpiece Cake is open on Saturdays. Odd that it's ok to go against some pretty strong direction by Yaweh, yet somehow claim your religion prevents you for baking a cake for two homosexuals. Salad bar Christianity....I love it. LOL
Phillips will sell gay couples a standard, out-of-the-cooler, sheet cake. He refuses to design any wedding cake for gay couples. A service he offers to ANY straight couple who walks through the door. That's discrimination. If Phillips refused to design cakes for inter-racial couples you'd be condemning him. But because he refuses to design cakes for gay couples, you're fine with it.
Try being a homosexual over in Saudi Arabia...I am sure they feel real loved over there.
True, but Gays and Lesbians should show a little restraint in their behavior. Kissing and making out in front of children is taking it too far. I read that this is what happened in front of the shooter's little 3 year old boy and that is what set him off. That kind of behavior by Gays is extremism.
Did this baker say gays, blacks, women etc. couldn't patronize his bakery?
I can't believe you stated that gays "love the pageantry." This is an ignorant and demeaning statement. I am gay and I hate pageantry. And so do most of my gay friends. Sadly for you, you know very little about us.
Meli26, You're a bit heavy on the histrionics. On the gay oppression. Yes, indeed, as was widespread to varying degrees around the globe then. He backed off starting in the mid 80s and into the 90s. Speaking of the mid 80s, by then about 25,000 Americans had died of Aids, mostly gay. Ronald Regan famously turned a blind eye to the crisis. 'Crisis, what crisis.', and The Band Played On. Prior to his gay 'enlightenment', Castro gets a bit of reprieve in my book. As mentioned in my original post, when you have a giant living next door ready to resort to just about any means to have their way with you, get some license to respond in kind. The Cuban gay population of the late 50s and early 60s was known to have a number of people helping the CIA( check out wiki). Finally, I wonder if PET's 'The govt has no business in the bedroom's of the nation' statement helped plant that enlightenment seed in his friend. I hope so.
Pope Francis has said that homosexual conduct is a serious sin. Do you contend he does so because he's in this closet. Do you really believe that even a bare majority of those who oppose homosexual acts do so because they're gay? If so, you have less intelligence than God gave you.
However, this case that is being talked about isn't about that. It's about a baker refusing to serve gays a wedding cake, no matter how it is decorated, when he serves wedding cakes to straight people. I know this, because I've actually read the case, and the refusal of service was before any discussion of how the cake was decorated. From the Colorado Court of Appeals decision, in the statement of facts: "Craig and Mullins promptly left Masterpiece without discussing with Phillips any details of their wedding cake." So, this isn't about how the cake was decorated. So, my statement of this being about whether or not someone can get an religious exemption from obeying anti-discrimination laws still holds true. I personally like Antonin Scalia's take on religious exemptions to laws when the case of Employment Division v. Smith came accross the Supreme Court. He wrote for the court that to force every law to have a religious exemption would be nothing more than anarchy.
Klastri, this transgender issue is not a matter about people hating others who are different. It is a matter of forcing the majority to change common sense values, norms and rules to accommodate a few individuals with mental or phycological disorders. Practical solutions like single stall restrooms do not satisfy transgender advocates. They want total, absolute and unrestricted access to restrooms of the transgender’s choice. The hatred is not against transgenders. It is against advocates forcing the will of a very small minority on the majority.
Wow, check out the number of MAGAphants that like this post. Now, taxscrouge, I'd like you to ponder why people join the military. Some are patriotic gung ho types, some are expected to do it by their family, some so they can pay for a college education, some to develop skills only offered in a military job. And some, not just transgender people, join for the medical care. In fact, they do this, because the military provides insurance to all active members and their family regardless of any preexisting conditions. I knew a family (because our daughter had cancer) who joined the military so that their son (who was already diagnosed with cancer, could have the best medical care. So what you and your MAGAphant lapdogs are saying is that you'd like to decide who, and for what treatments, should be covered by medical insurance. Why do you guys hate our active military that you'd let your homophobia dictate medical coverage. Oooh, you guys are nasty.
Uh huh. Just like women get themselves raped. Too bad lesbianism isn't a choice.
Has Pat Robertson weighed in to blame it on The Gays yet?
A bunch of gays and trannies stomp out imagine that
In fact, he is being asked to cater the wedding and to write something on the cake that he finds offensive (presuming he finds those prohibited actions offensive). Refusing services to blacks in not religious. Refusing to perform mixed race marriage is also not religious (no Biblical prohibition based on race). Hobby Lobby is not being asked to provide personal services for a (insert religious objection like "gay wedding" here). The baker will sell cake all day long to anyone who asks. The decorations are his personal services specific to the wedding (akin to wedding photographers services). Not nearly as simple as it looks. Can't wait to read what SCOTUS has to say.
Michael Golijuch this is so funny you finally learning about Kirk he will tell you what you want to hear but backstab you later.. Dont cry about it now michael you endorsed him and suppported him.. Yes what a slap in the face a sexual predator on women and a homophobic..
Ah how things maybe come full circle. Trump preached the birther canard about Obama for years and then there were the constant stories out of the alt right about Obama being gay, Michelle was really a man, Hillary was a lesbian Bill Clinton a pedophile and rapist and then there was Sex Island where Bill and Hill could go and and pleasure themselves with underage girls. And remember Pizza-gate as well. To Obama's and the Clinton's credit they never took the bait on this crap. So now here we have stories about Trump. Well turn about is maybe fair play? Although yes it is still unseemly. And best part is that Trump can't just ignore it like the Obama's and the Clinton's did. He goes nuts.
I hate defending a Trump mouth piece but any scan of the internet will show you that Hitler did not use chemical weapons during World War 2. Both the Nazis and the Allies had large stockpiles available but neither side used what was available. The Japanese did. Using gas in the death chambers is not using gas as a weapon. The Jews, male homosexuals, mentally disabled, Russian and other POW’s, Romani, clergy of many religions and others all died in the chambers but these murders were not used with what most consider weapons. This mouthpiece can't express very well, but in this case his facts were real.
Or killing gays Or forcing women to cover themselves head to toe.
So let's see...if you are young, engaged, educated earth dwellers, you are what...against stupidity, in favor of change, maybe even for change sake...no that partly Trumpette's appeal, blow the sucker up. I think there are many voters of all strips who want to belong, have a sense of community, that they understand. Younger voters are much more likely to appreciate the energy and vitality of change. They like Sanders because he has energy, great for and gray-haired white guy. We all believe in the balance between the conservative, values of the past but again being anti-youth, anti-gay, anti climate change in really just putting one's head in the sand. What we all long for is a vital, vivid vision for hope, for innovation, for growth in our ethics and ideals...sort of the founding Fathers and America...we hope for change, and it's coming whether we vote to stay or leave.
AlwaysThere, WHY, would you ever want to go and meet people like garycrum that......... 1. DO NOT believe in GOD. 2. SUPPORT ABORTIONS. 3. Vote in politicians that break Civil Law costing taxpayers MILLIONS of DOLLARS. 4. Supports Lesbians, Homos, Trans. whatever's.......... Really, I know your answer to that. Do not argue with a idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
I hope the all gays end up with HIV/AIDs and super STD viruses.
Seriously if you had told me that there would be a demonstration by a group calling itself "The Proud Boys" in Boulder 5 years ago I would have guessed it was a gay rights demonstration. I have a suspicion that it's actually an elaborate troll to make white supremacists look like fools.
Typical republican hypocrite. Reagan wouldn't mention the word AIDS until his buddy Rock Hudson revealed he had it. Then he could find money for research into a cure. Nancy Reagan was against stem cell research until Ronald got dementia and it was his only hope for a cure. Then she got behind research. Dick Cheney was anti gay/lesbian until his daughter revealed she was a lesbian. Then he was OK with gays and lesbians. Republicans wont grow a conscience until it affects them personally.
Really. It's fallible to the point of I can't remember what hotel it happened in or was it Friday or Saturday night. You don't forget sexually assaulting a 14 year old boy, unless you did it to so many the names have even blurred. Spacey was a predator and is now hiding behind booze, memory and gayness. He's garbage.
Why should anyone be paid to go kill people half way around the world? This should be your agument, not that they are trans or gay or whatever. If you respect life then you should be against war. Sad that the Donald went against another of his platforms. But oh so typical of the clown.
The abortion gospel makes women cheap, accessible, childless, and exchangeable to wicked men. Belief systems which preach the Satanic abortion gospel also preach the "moral goodness" of promiscuity, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography, and trans gendering. Only a belief system will claim to know what is morally good. What underlying belief system ties these beliefs together? Is it government sanctioned and taught to children in our public schools?
Thank you for demonstrating that your bigotry extends beyond racism and homophobia but to Islamophobia as well. As does your ignorance.
You cherry pick the parts of the Bible you like, and judge gays for doing the same. I know many Christians who would call you a Jezebel for claiming to have authority over men. That is fine with me, but your hypocrisy isn't. And if you are going to flag people who state this simple fact we will flag you into oblivion as well...
But does anyone ever share 100% of your values? I saw a video of someone walking through the streets of NYC asking people who claimed to be Hillary voters who said a particular quote, Hillary or Trump, then a somewhat shocking quote was read. Almost everyone attributed it to Trump, yet they were Hillary quotes. I take those things with a grain of salt because you never know how they are edited, but Hillary was anti-gay marriage until it became politically expedient for her in the past couple of years. Hillary's campaign staff started the Obama birther controversy. Hillary called black men "Super Predators". I could go on. Don't mistake this as me suggesting Trump has never done similarly stupid things, but are they really "values" if people are willing to set them aside to support a political party?
"And I can actually imagine the people on the right jumping gleefully that they can now treat women, immigrants, LGBT, and poor with total disregard for humanity, respect and compassion. Break a leg during your show!" Trump stated specifically that he was going to protect gays during his acceptance speech. You're just going with a narrative because you're a Simple Simon partisan who does not question what he is told by the media. Where is the evidence that Trump is anti-gay? Where is it? You say stupid crap like "alt-right and "Breitbart." THE EDITOR OF BREITBART IS FLAMBOYANTLY GAY! The editor of the London office is MUSLIM. How stupid do you have to be, to actually believe the lies that the mainstream media tells you?
Another 'UGE lie from president Giant Orange Dungbeetle. He lies more than other 71-year old bleach blonde homos. As a pathological liar and cheater (business and marriage), he simply cannot help himself that every time he opens his foul filthy mouth, another dangerous lie pops out. Who knew that sending America's youth off to be killed could be so difficult (for a draft dodger & war-mongering chicken-hawk COWARD)!
Obama is the racist. When white racist Dylann Roof tragically murdered nine black Christians in Charleston, South Carolina, Obama said: “The motivations of the shooter remind us that racism remains a blight that we have to combat together.” Yet, when homosexual black racist Vester Lee Flanagan, whose alias was “Bryce Williams” during his failed career in journalism, viciously gunned down a reporter, Alison Parker, and a cameraman, Adam Ward, only because they were white, Obama said: “The number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism.” More: "Trayvon Martin could have been my son." "My grandmother was a typical white person." "That's just how white folks will do you..."
My neighborhood had a gay, straight, tranny, granny, psycho, non-psycho, maybe=psycho, could be psycho march for under noticed imbeciles..... everyone showed up
I think it is time for Justin to name to the court the first trans indigenous person...why? Because it's 2017 silly....
Try distancing yourself from your ancestors and relatives who appropriated Canada from the indigenous peoples. Start packing your bags and get out!! You can always move to the West Bank or Gaza where your Palestinian friends and cohorts live. I'm sure you'd be more than welcome, unless of course you are gay, or a female having yet to undergo genital mutilation, or worse yet, JEWISH.
Overqualified cause he's black and hispanic. Guess if he was gay and trans he would really be a shoo in.
Bruce, you're the traitor for voting for this monster. Youre the same as he. Go back to your little distorted world, and keep your trap shut. As a gay man, I want you to go hide your two faces once and for all. It's your vote that brought this on. You own this.
This is the new age Canada now, workers rights have been eroding rapidly. Consider having a sex change, claim to be homosexual/lesbian or develop some deviant mental disorder if you want any type of workplace protection - sorry folks, I'm dead serious on this one.
They are so full of it, they were never going to visit anyways, now they think they are going to make Trump feel bad, go back to your coke snorting and closeted gay sex boys
Two lesbians and a pit bull walk into a bar.......
Alabama does not make decisions based on principles, the law, ethics, right or wrong....they are outcome driven regardless of the means by which they use to get there. They will bend the law, they will close their eyes to molestation, ignore unethical practices AS LONG AS they can achieve a certain outcome i.e: they will elect a pedophile with no respect for the law as long as their outcome is achieved. The outcome? They want someone in power who will make sure blacks will never be in charge of their state, they want someone in charge to make sure gays will never be treated like human beings in their state. It goes back to their lynching days where they would Lynch a black man without evidence just to appease the ignorant redneck populace. And the educated Alabamians are even worse than the mentally deficient, they perpetuate this generation after generation.
I didn't object to it. Heck, it proves my point about the main objection to homosexuality is that God is somehow made unhappy by people he created gay having gay sex. Such a God would be an Ogre and God is not an Ogre.
<I have been called all sorts of names here which I don't particularly like.> Your point? We ought to call each other names we don't like? Two wrongs make a right? Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names won't hurt you? Words don't matter? When someone intends to offend another person and sets out to do it, the other ought not object? What in the world do you mean? <I would not be upset in the slightest if someone refered to me as someone attracted to the opposite sex.> How do you know what you would feel or think if you were a homosexual? I happen to be a white person. One night about fifty years ago, I was working at a summer job. It was a season of racial unrest and there had been riots in the town. I looked around and realized that I was the only white person among over two hundred people. It was the proverbial "Aha moment": So that's what this feels like, I said to myself. It was a moment of insight, but I didn't think I knew what it was like to be a person of color.
Yes. He couldn't even bake them a cake from an irrational belief that this "participation" in an event he would not even be present at would mean his buddy Jehovah/Allah/Yahweh would frown on it. That somehow this six-degrees of separation between himself and the icky, icky gays would get some kind of taint on him.
There's a difference between a business and a tv show. Why would Ellen want someone on her show that calls her what this idiot did in her church? I'd like to see christians use Jesus' actual words on homosexuality instead of Leviticus. You know what Jesus was supposed to have said on the subject? Not one thing. Please note how these people that use Leviticus to condemn homosexuals, ignore the no shellfish, no two fibers in clothing and every other rule in the book but glam on the homosexual passage like a life boat. I'm guessing WWJD isn't something they really ask themselves that much.
Aw yes, that oft-used claim by conservatives that liberals are "smug". I remember fondly how smug you conservatives were when that weasel Harper was in the PMO not taking questions and being contemptuous of Parliament. The the election happened and it wiped the smug off your smug little faces. Yes, we're the majority in this country. Always have been. That's why gay marriage is legal. Liberals made it so, not you. I will laugh at people like you until I'm in my grave. Because you suck.
Tabby Cat is using it in a disgusting offensive way and damn right it's a slur. It's a slur against every single non-transsexual person out there. Wake up. The 'victims' of bigotry are now the bullies. Tabby Cat isn't funny and should be dismissed for her hateful rant.
The democrats are not going to be happy until we are all un-armed and cowering helplessly face-down on the floor of a gay bar toilet.
Are republicans tired of winning yet? Love that wall they are building and their destruction of Isis. Keep it up republicans. There is never an imaginary fear too big to be afraid of. Time to bring back Same sex marriage? What jokes you have become.
Makes you wonder why he supports this incompetent jerk the other 99.9% of the time? He probably is just afraid some LGBT is going to make a mud puddle out of every Republican they find.
Risque? Absolutely. In poor taste? Possibly. But homophobic? Please...
Yeah, just look how Americans like Craig Weinerman openly support terror, genocides, and the continuing Western/Roman holocaust by Israeli or "sunni" Arabs who are even permitted to sexually molest young humans of every nationality incl. American even in Los Angeles or London England.... HAHAHAHA, these weak pigs (from any place) would NOT EVEN BE ALLOWED TO SUPPORT TERROR OR GENOCIDES if they were in Iran, despite whatever purported criticysms and shortcoming there may be about Iran. I rest my case. Hopefully AS SOON AS THE WESTERNERS STOP DESTROYING JESUS' PEOPLE THEY HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO STOP OR PUT ASIDE SINCE 2300 YEARS AGO by Alexander the homo father of today's Western terrorists who gladly choke on whole world's genitals before doing anything peaceful, positive, or productive, then perhaps, humaity's paycheck can stop being wasted on Western Terism and trying to CRIPPLE great nations while selling and gifting their daughters and sisters for their Saudi masters to rape, ki
So it's better to have ignorant bigots in command positions? You're suggesting that the work output of the service person was degraded. Good luck trying to get evidence for that. There is no proof of any kind - none - that transgender personnel management has challenged national defense. It's all being made up by bigots and imbeciles.
Liberals are really quite stupid aren't they? It's like they read Marx or Lenin and believe the world works like that. It really is scary that these are the attitudes of the liberals. They are up against a killer in Trump. That guy eats babies and you are trying to objectify women in the negotiation? Protecting Canadian enterprise is job 1, not protecting women. That is done by domestic laws... Listen kid, The economic survival of Canadian enterprises depends on economics not on virtue signaling or some gay rights crap. Gender rights? WTF! Laws protect gender not trade deals. The stupidity of these liberals is really frightening
So you're ok with the death penalty for homosexuals as long as there are at least 2 witnesses? You pathetic coward.
Gay baiting is OK if a liberal does it. Otherwise, it's homophobia.
There is no such thing as transgender! You are either male OR female! You are born what you are, this transgender stuff is a big lie!
Or if you try to leave the "religion of peace." If you are gay, dead. And slandering the so called prophet will get you killed, or at least targeted for death.
I am /was a single male parent. and I was an LPN . Sad the alcoholic female who couldn't work (no child support) lost out on most of her children's lives. This article is just as biased as our Justice system is. Oh and some of the best cooks, hairstylist and crossstitchers I love met are men. Well except the hairstylist he was flaming gay, but he was still better than most female hair dressers. totally bogus article .
Liberalism is a mental illness. This month it's all about supposedly bullying transgender individuals. Next month it might well be complaining about having the right to pick their nose and eat it in public view.
Can liberals please explain this: Christians merely teach that homosexuality is sinful. Muslims teach that homosexuals are pigs to be decapitated. Liberals teach homosexuality is the pinnacle of human achievement. So why do liberals praise Muslims to much, yet have demonic hatred for Christians?
Oh look, a liberal gay-baiting.
One of the most abhorrent things coming from this guys “Christian” supporters is that the Bible supports sexual abuse of underage children by way of the example of the Virgin Mary and Joseph and therefore the word of God supports Moore. This is a breaking of the 10 Commandments— according to Paul, the most important being the use of God’s name in vane which constitutes a profound disrespect of God. According to Paul, God’s punishment for those using God’s name in vane to minister for their own causes is to turn them into lusting persons including homosexuals that will face further punishment beyond that.
I do not indulge in name-calling. I do say that someone is ignorant if they display ignorance, I say that someone is stupid if they show stupidity, I say that someone is a liar if they lie. I say, for example, that Cardinal Burke is a homophobe because he advised grandparents to shun their gay children lest the grandchildren not become homophobes -- and yes, that is what he said.
Transgender kids don't have much choice in their gender. Christianity is a choice.
i would and will never attend a pride parade, that does not mean in any way i am against the right of people who are gay to live thier lives in any way they want, this typical column of stupidity is the usual eft wing BS that infects canada with trash
linda hamilton. you don't like blacks, you don't like gays.. who do you like?
Molleda is a gay Latino man.
Kenny your "outing' gay kids" by your actions. What a bunch bigots!
All the women who voted for Trump are derided as being only men . All the blacks who voted for Trump are summarily dismissed as white. All the gays who voted for Trump are condescended to as being ignorant uneducated straight males. That is the homophobia, racism and misogyny you should be talking about. The left is the bastion of hatred and intolerance.
"against hate, fear and irresponsibility."? Does that include the homosexual slurs made by members of the Democrat Party uncovered by the Wikileak e-mails and voice-mails which exposed the Democrats for what the hateful mindless little minions they really are.
State Department defends US vote against death penalty ban at the UN how about this: US Votes Against UN Ban On Death Penalty For Homosexuality Death for being a homosexual. Let's do the same...........death for being Christian/Muslim. Fair? Hell YES!
https://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/lawmakers-push-to-end-military-transgender-ban/ Lawmakers Push to End Military Transgender Ban Congress has the power to do what Congress did. President Obama signs legislation. He couldn't and didn't over-reach his powers as the fascist Trump is attempting.
Yer transgender phobia is unwarranted fake Beaver.
You are a true He-man. The Manliest of men. A brute. I bet your daughter will be very proud of you when she's out in the world among her gay and lesbian and transgendered friends.
Conservative Christians have the power. Conservative Christians can't stand the fact gay people have the same rights as them. They want to restore their former power imbalance that was in favor of them. Conservative Christians want the right to discriminate against gay people, on religious grounds. But, if a gay business owner discriminates against a Christian, that Christian can sue the gay business owner on grounds of religious discrimination.
You're so busy pointing a finger at gay folk that you forget you have three fingers pointing back at yourself.
Many of them will up and disappear with their gay lovers when they are in their forties and fifties leaving a trail of destruction and empty churches behind them. Hell mend them.
Your comment represents a double standard. If heterosexual procreation is necessary for the survival of the human race, then heterosexual relationships are vital and necessary. However, if you're homosexual, TOO BAD!
For some of them? Forever. Because he makes "libtards cry". That's how low they have set the bar. I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter how much of an embarrassment he makes of himself and the country. It doesn't matter how often he brings us to the brink of actual nuclear war. It doesn't matter how much economic damage he does to his own base. It doesn't matter that he takes to Twitter and obsesses over things like people kneeling at football games when Puerto Rico is still mostly without power. None of this matters, because much of his base are so nihilist that they don't even care if they are getting battered by his policies, as long as they think the "blahs", the women, the gays, non-xtians, the liberals, etc., are getting it worse and if they think tRump is erasing the black president's legacy. A core of deplorables will stick with him because he pisses off what they perceive to be "liberals" - i.e., anyone who is not dumb/hateful enough to have voted for this moron.
You think because he isn't married he is gay? Wow there you have it folks the tolerant homophobic left on full display
The men of Sodom didn't know Lot's guests were angels. All anal sodomy was considered rape back then, because those being penetrated were not willing recipients, knowing what Scripture said about men lying with men. The homosexual issue was made clear by Lot offering his daughters (knowing they were homosexuals) and the men rejecting the offer. Revisionist interpetation on your part.
"What we guys do"? How can women....never mind. And women are afraid of male homosexuals.... because they fear it might lead them to becoming lesbians?
I've been led to believe that we're all freaks, gay, outsiders, misfits, or feminazis. I'm convinced that mental illness is contagious.
You completely missed my point concerning the gay issue. I was pointing out that our society is sinking in part because it no longer accepts God inspired values. Gays parading in the streets supporting sinful anti-God like behavior proves that on a big scale. I'm not saying gays are thugs at all--but they're encouragement of anti-God like behavior is spreading. Gays aren't inspiring crimes---but lack of morals allows people to shoot and kill others and sleep like babies at night. A God-less society is a lawless society . Today's kids don't care if they kill someone or not. Bad parents and public schools teaching our kids nothing about respect and values is adding to our problems . In conclusion , gays had nothing to do with this shooting . I hope that clears it up for you .One more thought---look at how the thug in Furguson robs a store then tries to take a gun from a cop and gets shot . His parents just got a million bucks for him getting what he deserved . What a pathetic message