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OMG! Reality??? You might well believe you are some crusader for homosexuality, or maybe you are a homosexual yourself [I don't you so I can't say one way or the other. What I do know is your kind of thinking/beliefs concerning homosexuals is very dangerous and does far more harm then good to those living in such a choosen lifestyle and those victimized by it.
motleycrew is right and I too agree...In general and in specific you indeed appear to be protecting and condoning an alleged bad behavior.
"Sexual harassment" in the work place or in private is wrong, it is bad behavior and such behavior is ALWAYS a CHOICE.
Sexual ACTS whether legally consensual or illegal by law, whether involving heterosexuals or homosexuals are purely behavioral choices. The so-called orientation argument is pure horse dung! | True | toxic |
No matter how hard the liberal bishops and Pope Francis try. The only followers they now have are illegals, home ose xuals, muslims and Protestantized Catholics. | True | toxic |
Stop wasting our tax money and resources on your stupid pet projects, there are 1000's starving on our streets - enough of this crap
Use you own damn money if you haev such a hardon for this
I'm a white male = I have less rights than any metro-sexual transgender whatever they are called.....
I am far more concerend about y own rights thank you
Give me a break
Socialism is dead
You parasites have killed the host | True | toxic |
Wouldn't be a normal day in the Globe if there wasn't at least one column chastising those of us at the bottom of the elitist ladder for our treatment of women....muslims....trans individuals or the environment. Yet around the world thousands upon thousands of people still want to come to this land devoid of empathy and compassion and are willing to go to unbelieveble lengths to get here. Yes here, a land according to the left where you are in danger of roving mobs of (insert leftist insult here) and they still want to come here. | True | toxic |
She;s afraid she might get buried beside a Jew or homosexual. | True | toxic |
Plus, if he thinks homosexuals are sinners, he is required to serve them, following the example of Jesus who served sinners.
This guy is really bad at being a Christian. | True | toxic |
I dislike being the only one who's willing to say this, but the discourses of white nationalists, misogynists, homophobes, religious fanatics and those who seek the destruction of the living planet should NOT be tolerated.
The groups that practice these discourses are still around and they have a long, sad history: of oppressing and killing people of color, women and gays, of poisoning our water and air, disrupting the climate, destroying biodiversity and ecosystems, and of rationalizing extinctions as good for business.
To discourage those discourses because of their prior history is not "censorship"; it's merely good sense. Those who don't learn history's lesson must repeat them. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. Your right to cry "Fire!" in a crowded theater is not protected by the Constitutions, etc.
Pluralism does not mean that racism, religious fanaticism and ecocide are treated equally with all other ideologies and interests. | True | toxic |
Why are most conservatives against actual people? No heart?
Gays shouldn't have any rights
Women are too stupid to control their own bodies.
But love the orange toddler | True | toxic |
Gay men are not pedofiles but if you're a man who preys on boys, you're gay and a pedofile.
The gay community can try to argue otherwise but that is the way it is. | True | toxic |
OldSchool: I could care less whether I date myself or not, it is what it is. To many of you people out there are hung up on numbers. Yes, I oppose "ALL" gay and lesbian, trans-mutilated "TRIPS". As it states in the BIBLE, 1 Corinthians 6, "Those who are sexually immoral, (idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to HOMOSEXUAL acts, men who practice HOMOSEXUALITY), WILL NOT INHERIT GODS KINGDOM.
I rest my BIBLE.............. | True | toxic |
No more queers and faggots in the military. It's about time. | True | toxic |
wow klastri you are one very hateful person. why do you persistently resort to insults and name calling when you can't comprehend something or flat out don't agree with somebody? life can't be that bad for you, can it?
rth simply was warning people to be careful criticizing shepard smith since he is gay. and as is often the case when you do criticize someone who happens to be gay or in some minority group you are automatically labeled as a homophobe, bigot, or racist when their status wasn't even an issue.
cholo got what he said. why didn't you? wait, you just proved rth's point..... | True | toxic |
Pandora regularly calls me a liar, because she does not like me saying things about her that she does not want to hear. RD called me a liar on multiple occasions. You want quotes?
Yes, I accuse you of the sin of sloth, Trid, because you tell us "let other people make your moral decisions for you". That is exactly the same attitude that Eichmann took. That should make you think, "Perhaps unquestioning obedience is not a proper attitude."
One reason for not following the magisterium unquestioningly is that it while it claims to preach acceptance of homosexuals; in practice, it does the opposite. The homophobia practiced by the institutional Church is a perversion of Christianity. | False | non-toxic |
No it is not. Your example makes no sense but so typical of the wacko right. Face up to your imaginary fears. Gays are not going to attack you.
To date no one has ever responded to my question of what religious belief is being violated. There are none. | False | non-toxic |
I agree. Gay men shouldn't be around children. | True | toxic |
Trump supporters don't go into gay bars and kill 50people. An Obama voter did. | True | toxic |
But yet you are arguing it from a legal standpoint.
His orientation is not the issue here. It's the way he conducts himself. Which straight males are just as capable of being guilty of.
Look at this comment thread. When Weinstein does this people don't say "Well of course he did. All straight men are rapist pigs." But that's what's being argued here. "If Adam West did this it's because he's gay" is the argument being put forward, and it's bigoted and wrong. People's orientation does not make them guilty. Their outward behavior does. | False | non-toxic |
Yeah... that would be the same defence used by guys who had beaten up gays. Maybe not the best defence for people to be promoting, huh? | False | non-toxic |
Don't forget about the people who went to African countries to teach that homosexuals are sinners who need to be punished. There has been havoc there and grave injustices. I donate monies to local groups which either feed hungry people or who provide care for animals. I would not donate to a missionary cause. | True | toxic |
Is that meant to be ad hominem; you think that being aware of the location of gay males makes someone inferior in their opinions on this site?
How long have you disliked gay males? What is it about gay males that you dislike? Do you know any gay males? | False | non-toxic |
I make a comment about a truism about Barney...That he is a Gay person and they cut out my comment...Well God will deal with that censorship soon enough for me!! And Barney Censor that ADN your attempt to be the PCness in this forum is ironic....Touched a sensitive nerve..... About God or Gays? | True | toxic |
He is a cringing coward expecting other councilors to do his dirty work. He is afraid BLM will rally thousands of Black youth and gangs to riot all over downtown again. He doesn't want to be held accountable for that so he smiles and sells out the gay community. | True | toxic |
Tell that to the hundreds of boys sodomized by gay priests. | True | toxic |
Ha ha ha. I love drinking liberal tears. Here gather a bunch of whiners who are too childish too accept a democratically elected president. I see 30 people tops (including a few children) in the picture not 60. By the way, I don't care if these people have "hurt feelings" because of the election of Donald Trump. For 8 years, white working class people have been called every disgusting name in the book: racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, bigots, islamophobic, etc. just because they don't embrace every single last socialist liberal whim. Even this article does it. Now you expect our sympathy???? LOL. LOL. LOL. Get a grip!!! | False | non-toxic |
In the interest of "firsts" and political correctness, I won't be satisfied until we get Hawaii's first transgender Tongan-Vietnamese midget as police chief. Hiring a regular white woman is such a huge disappointment. | True | toxic |
Complete truth. You supported Burke when he told grandparents to shun their gay children, lest the grandchildren come to accept gays. You supported Paprocki in his quite blatant homophobia. No, you have, time and again, supported homophobia, and you are doing it again here, when you claim that those who oppose bigotry are themselves bigots.
My comment is quite correct. You claim that I am uncivil when I point out the FACT of your anti-gay bigotry, but that's just too bad. You clearly believe that saying "Once again, you show yourself to be a bigot" is worse than your bigotry. Actual followers of Christ would disagree. | False | non-toxic |
Yes, this is exactly right. The issue was never about imagery on the cake itself, it was what the cake represented, and the fact the Baker did not agree with gay marriage - although, he seemingly had no issues baking wedding cakes for people who committed adultery, or had been divorced, or even if the person had stolen things in the past, or even murdered anyone. Apparently, for this baker, the definitive factor on if he will get into heaven or not is if he ever baked a cake that was later on used in a gay wedding.
And I agree - if the couple had wanted some image on the cake that the baker found offensive, or was not a normal image/item that he had used in the past for other wedding cakes, and the baker refused on those grounds, I would be much more inclined to side with the baker. But that is not the case here. | True | toxic |
If you are Satanic, gay , trans or even a pedo and the Left will be very tolerant of you, but if you are Christian they have zero tolerance for you. | True | toxic |
I don't get it...Adultery is frowned upon by the Military but people want transgender/gay lifestyle to be accepted. Sorry, to me all 3 are immoral. | True | toxic |
For your information home schooled fair WAY better than Public school children (proven Fact), you STUPID libtards took GOD out and put Transsexuals and Pedophiles in. THERE IS NOT one day that I dont read about another teacher molesting students, HELL its an epidemic. So you can keep your transgender bathrooms and Pedophiles in the school, and Ill keep my NORMAL students OUT!!! | True | toxic |
I wonder how many taxpayers know they paid for the tranny surgery because this little brat started a hunger strike and only would stop if they paid. What a real american!! | True | toxic |
I hate to pop your egregiously offensive balloon but the vast majority of pedophiles are "straight" and suffering from an incurable mental illness...the reason priests so often molested altar boys is because that's all that was available. The hideous serial pedophile Fr. Oliver O'Grady was an equal opportunity child rapist...his youngest victim was a 6 month old girl. Now there's SICK for you! As for your snotty comment that "most people don't care about the burial of gay parishioners", that is one for the books. Most families that don't have their heads up their hindquarters have a loved one who is LGTBQ about whom they care mightily. You prove that DENIAL is not just a river in Egypt. I hope your "handlers" pay you well for your offensiveness! | False | non-toxic |
I wonder how many Muslim women died at the hands of a muslim man in the world today
You lesbian shiteheads should be ashamed.
You are not for women
You are for yourselves and your Globalists ethos
You lost - you are irrelevant | True | toxic |
You are lying. There is no clitorectomy at birth. There is no stoning for talking. Women don't have to wear the hijab at all times. There is no killing babies for being "born lesbian"(!!!!!) How in the world would one determine at birth that a baby is lesbian? Are you non compos mentis? Does rationality baffle you? | False | non-toxic |
So can I up in my neck of the woods. But, that was heterosexual men on girls which is of course, a very different more 'natural' kind of pederasty.
I will give MY this much credit, he has certainly put a big spot light on the hypocrisy of the religious right. He has them defending a flaming gay man who espoused the NAMBLA philosophy. | True | toxic |
The only comparison I was making between pedophilia and homosexuality is that Jesus doesn't speak about either, the point being that silence does not imply acceptance.
You decided to try and make a distinction with respect to harmfulness, and I replied in kind. While I might have not mentioned harmfulness of lesbianism (AIDS is primarily a male homosexuality issue), it doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is, indeed, harmful. | True | toxic |
The best qualified candidate is not always the disabled native lesbian who has converted to Islam.
Funny how that works. | True | toxic |
Perhaps you could point out comments where Pandora or LotL have called JH, 'liar, hypocrite, fool' or compared him to a Nazi war criminal. On this very thread he has accused me of the sin of sloth and of hating homosexuals simply because I follow what the Church teaches.
I can't understand why anyone defends the man unless, of course, they agree with him. | True | toxic |
I'm so sick of self righteous religious BS. How is any kind of LGBT activity hurting you or your lifestyle? | False | non-toxic |
Radir wants to be transported to a time when all those blacks, women, gays, etc. knew their places. | True | toxic |
Did you mean first man? Michael is who she really is NOT Michelle. Obama is gay. Bet I will be flagged for saying this. Liberal newspaper | True | toxic |
Because its hate against White people. Only works if you are a minority, gay ect....ever hear of the WET (White entertainment tv) nope, not politically correct but its ok to have the BET (Black entertainment tv). How about the NAAWP( national association for the advancement of White people) nope, not politically correct but the NAAACP (national association for the advancement of Colored people) is OK. How about the congressional Black caucus...OK but its a no no to have a congressional White caucus. Its politically correct to hate White people, nothing racist about it. | True | toxic |
Of course he was homophobic and misogynist. By today's standards everyone in 1850 was homophobic and misogynistic. What a laugh. And this dude is a University President. U Chicago is my school and in my will, I am thinking of deleting them for employing such an idiot. | True | toxic |
everyone that thinks rangerMC is not batshit, balls to the wall nuts, raise their hand please. only a masochist with severe mental problems would choose to be transgender in this world, with so many rangerMCs running around in it. the people we need to keep out of our military, government, religion and neighborhoods are little rangerMCs. i hear wyoming has lots of secluded mountaintops-go find one and get our of our society. there is no place here for racist, bigoted despots like you. | True | toxic |
A gay cake maker is does not have to make a cake condemning homosexuality as that would be political. Political thought is not protected. If the cakemaker had said he would not make a cake for the couple because they were Democrats, he would be fine. That is not a good example.
If you offer a service to the public, you must offer it to all.
According to Colorado law, he may as well have refused to bake a cake for white people.
Would that bother you? | False | non-toxic |
"light stepping Jesuit priests"
RD has to insert his fear and loathing of gays even into this comment. | True | toxic |
what a bunch of bs from the gay agenda liberals! no science biology of course to support it, just ideological bent nonsense.. | True | toxic |
Homophobe! Now you're a lesbian hater? Just kidding.
Npo need for moral high ground, but there is no doubt that Hillary had the moral low ground. Actually, he morality was more like a huge empty sink hole. | True | toxic |
Another christian tempted by the prospect of sex with other men....
must. stop. gaysex. | True | toxic |
I've made this same point repeatedly, and then when I add it must be because lesbian sex is a mainstay of male heterosexual porn, I get deleted. LMAO | True | toxic |
What these femanazis fail to realize is that President Trump has hired and cut paychecks to more women blacks latinos gays lesbians transgenders and muslims than all previous presidents combined. | True | toxic |
Because the LGBTQ community claims being LGBTQ+ does not make you a Pedophile? | False | non-toxic |
Need a citation to selective rights. Do you mean how Dred Scott, because he was black, was chattel? Is that an example of liberalism? And is consevatism where people adhere to tradition based on the Bible, where slavery is authorized by the Bible (and where gays need to be stoned to death)? | True | toxic |
'some kind of relationship?' NO, they were, and are homosexuals, just say it. | True | toxic |
I guess that means a few more gays are going to be killed because of this religion. How many women are going to be abused too. | True | toxic |
Yes, hodad, the LESBIANS are coming to take over the conservative south. Soon your lettuce will come from these LESBIAN farmers. Your tomatoes too! OMG! the corn too!!! Watch out for all those LESBIAN vegetables coming your way! | True | toxic |
They are the freakie new breed of drag queens. They can't even admit they are gay. | True | toxic |
President Obama issued "guidance" from the oval office to all public schools that stated that they must allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom and locker room facilities that they wanted to or they could face the consequences of losing Federal funding.
President Trump rescinds that "guidance" stating that it is not under the authority of the executive branch of the Federal government to force such policies upon public schools and it should be a state government decision.
Now tell me how Trump is the bully here? | False | non-toxic |
In his book The Changing Face of The Priesthood by Rev. Donald B. Cozzens, he estimates that as many as 58% of priests were gay...... And that percentages were even higher in younger priests.
So much for "No gays allowed."
Silly me, I thought hair dressers held the title. | True | toxic |
I'm as conservative as they come. But I don't want to hear about abortion or gay marriage or sex education or bathrooms.
That ship has sailed.
Stop wasting our time with distractions. I'm no fan of any of the Clintonistas, but James Carville was right. It's the economy, stupid. | True | toxic |
So, turns out the anti-gay bigot is a pervert and kiddie rapist. Of course the GOP stands up for him. Being a pervert is only bad if you're a democrat. Its a bonus if you're a republican. | True | toxic |
Why is it that evangelical Christians (and I am making an assumption about you here - if I am wrong I apologize) think that everyone who disagrees with their views is a Muslim, gay, going to hell, a Liberal (slung as if it's a bad word), granola eating tree hugger? | True | toxic |
The gays need colonoscopy. | True | toxic |
women can only act as beards... for obviously gay men who want to pretend they aren't. | True | toxic |
In my opinion, the Catholic bishops need to ask themselves a couple of "dubia" ... and need to come up with some convincing answers.
[1] is the homosexual orientation really an objective disorder? If so, why so?
[2] are "homosexual acts" always "intrinsically evil"? Even if between a monogamous loving couple in a same-sex (civil) marriage?
Perhaps a commission (much like the one established to examine the contraception question in the 60s) could be established to assist Pope Francis and the bishops in undergoing the necessary discernment. Such a commission should include experts (including scientists) as well as committed gay couples. A scientific consensus is emerging: http://tinyurl.com/grmhhs8 . We are about both Faith and Reason. Gaudium et Spes 62 sums it up well: "The recent studies and findings of science, history and philosophy raise new questions which effect life and which demand new theological investigations." | False | non-toxic |
There are deviants (monsters) that are more than willing to pretend to be transgender for the opportunity to prey on women and little girls that are alone in a bathroom. I don’t fear for myself. I fear for the victims that you now have a hand in creating. | True | toxic |
"homosexual men ... are implacably hostile to the feminist agenda"
You don't actually know any gay men, do you? | True | toxic |
you think and talk about it more than most gay folks I know do. sounds almost as if you are fantasizing about it and can't get it out of your thoughts. LOL | False | non-toxic |
These transgender folks have a method to their madness. They want the government to pay fo their body alteration. The costs of this type of operation is costly and they feel the tax payers should pay for it | True | toxic |
A significant proportion of Muslims agree with killing homosexuals, Apostates, and women who have sex out of wedlock. | True | toxic |
if rumours and suspicions are true there are more big name gay Conservatives than big name gay Liberals | False | non-toxic |
Firing gays who marry is OK? Not in my vision of Christianity. | False | non-toxic |
Burke, Cordileone and Donohue, the three stooges of gay U.S.A. | True | toxic |
Ah SD, do I see elitism hiding here? Trump supporters are stupid and gullible and believe fake news while liberals see the truth? This kind of thinking is beneath you. When I look at what passed for news regarding Trump with virtually all the liberal media pumping out nonsense about how unstable, lecherous, and outright stupid he is, I see another kind of fake news. Most of us Trump supporters do not believe "Joan Rivers was killed for outing Obama as gay and Michelle as a transgender man" -like stories. But there are common-sense-deprived people all across the political spectrum. To suggest that more of them support Trump requires substantiation that is lacking - at least if you live up to your name. | True | toxic |
This is a disgusting comment. There are many homosexuals who live better lives because Justin Trudeau walked in gay parades. Shame on you. | True | toxic |
Lespark, you sound like a gay person that speaks from experience. | True | toxic |
Yes, and all women have to do is cease being found attractive by rapists and they don't have to worry about being raped. All black people have to do in order to stop being targeted by racists is stop being black. All transgender people have to do is quit being who they are, live a lie and they don't have to worry about being denigrated and depicted as perverts. And all you have to do, Mr. Curry, is stop posting ridiculous comments to stop torturing the rest of us. | True | toxic |
Oh, gay and black, you just caused all our white christian friends here to start salivating at the same time, for what I'm not sure. | True | toxic |
Nothing of what you claim is in my post. Nothing. A black person is obviously black to all casual observers. Not always, but the vast majority of the time. This fact does not apply to homosexual people. When a bisexual person engages in homosexual activity, does this make them homosexual or do they continue to be bi? My point is that, really, it is none of my, nor your, business. Unless you observe the activity, or if they proclaim their sexual preferences, you have no way of discriminating against the person. Black Americans do not have this ability to hide their status. | True | toxic |
Cite a source where Muslims are trying to make stoning homosexuals or sluts not crimes in the U.S. And if you need sources of Christians trying to influence our laws based on their dogma, just ask. | True | toxic |
this report is gay as fuck | True | toxic |
Yes it is. Just as it was ok for that same singer to rant and rave tin her church on stage in front of the congregation about how nasty homosexuals. | True | toxic |
so I'm going to ask all you socialist supporters, why is it ok for a oped guy to call Christians, "Religious Right" but I would be slammed if I called Homosexuals "The Gay Left". So for like the 5th time, please me understand. this why I'm asking all you Liberal elites because as you keep stating, I'm not too smart and do not know much. so please help this dumb guy out. Please leave Alinsky, Rules for radicals scripture out of your answer.. hahaha.. Sandya, shame on you thinking its ok to call Christians, "The Religious Right". shame on you. I thought you Socialist were "Tolerant". That's what you all say.... | False | non-toxic |
Well, since you're gay, I suppose it's OK that you sexually harassed a minor. My bad. | True | toxic |
It was hardly a secret he was gay. He is a hypocrite but he will be forgiven all his sexaul trangression by Hollywood,. He may even win an Oscar for being so politically virtuous and so Democrat. | True | toxic |
Sheryl8, you need to look into the personal beliefs and religious affiliations of more conservatives. Many (not all) are anti-gay or many (not all) play to the percentage of the base that is anti-gay. You know this. You sound like a fiscal conservative. Social conservatives are different. You know that too. Trost is running to lead a party that will field a leader that might bring us the next PM. Hardly a minor figure. He is clearly fair game, especially for satirical treatment for such a ridiculous position. | True | toxic |
More intentional ignorance.
You have failed to support your dubious contentions with any sort of evidence.
You admit that gays do not have special rights and then in the same post you go on to say that a baker has to make a cake for a gay skinhead.
I am having a hard time believing you are not trolling because this is so ridiculous. | True | toxic |
Hey robinson did you know that muslims like to throw gays off of rooftops to their death and in every mosque on every Friday they call for the killing of Jews and infidels?
But that's okay with these leftists! | True | toxic |
I suppose that white men might also be transgendered so... | True | toxic |
Well thank God for the Niagara Catholic Schoolboard. It's about time someone at the top of an organization stood up to this insanity. Children rarely get confused about gender but they are sponges & this crap just feeds them this social contagion. People have gone stupid supporting transgender diagnosis as if it is something to be celebrating. Lupron the puberty blocker causes sterility and brittle bones. They are supporting the chopping off of healthy body parts & putting people on life long hormones. Young women are taking testostorone right now without knowing long term effects. There are no studies. Sure Gender dysphoria is a medical condition that requires compassion & all people need to be respected but let's stop celebrating this. The same thing has happened in Australia in their curriculum. The Education Minister put an end to educating kids about transgender issues as there was a alarming increase in kids. Kudos to the Niagara schoolboard for protecting their kids. | True | toxic |
Roy Moore is one of those cons that really seems to struggle with understanding this country and its laws. It seems like he struggles with a great many things, actually. He is a creationist, for example. He also didn't seem to understand the law when it came to gay marriage.
So...of course the cons voted for this idiot. | True | toxic |
This is going to be critically important when the country collapses.
And let me ask: it's OK to use "queer" again?
How about the very useful "niggardly"? A word that applies well to many pols lately.
How about "transvestite"? Or, even the co-opted "gay"?
Removed from usage by ignorance and illiteracy, these are now restored to us? Good for English. | True | toxic |
A total obsession with gays is its own problem. What a waste of life's energy. Weak personal boundaries at the very least. | True | toxic |
Islamic law is irrelevant to those who do not feel bound by it. Your religion says that you are to kill gay people. Are you doing that? | True | toxic |
Anything negative involving the 2nd Amendment, showing support for abortion, treating gays as equal citizens, or treating Muslims the same way, other than that, they would support him even if he decided to round up political undesirables and jail them. | True | toxic |
Eastman claimed that at West Point he was subjected to speeches by gay cannibals. | True | toxic |
Oh Rthur, but your ARE a homophobe. Do you remember all your comments about the transgender community? I fully own that I am an idiotphobe. I like to start my comments to all MAGAphants with something like Rthur, pocho, les, sarge, ronin, STD, etc, are idiots. Like you have no tolerance for gays, I have no tolerance for idiots and morons. Please don't cry about me saying mean things to you. Best you move on the the article about Senator Schumer calling the baby-in-chief "childish". THAT should really make your head explode. You MAGAphants must really hate Schumer having proven that it doesn't take much to hand your baby-in-chief HUUUUGGGGE defeats. Sane America is enjoying watching his and him MAGAphants' mental illness. | True | toxic |
Orobator is yet another effeminate gay male like John Hobson. They are an absolute plague on the RCC. | True | toxic |
Since they apparently are not black, Homosexual, or Muslim the only reasonable conclusion is that they all must be suffering from a mental illness. | True | toxic |
Your obsession with homosexuality is pathological. Bro, you need to get some heavy duty therapy before you flip out completely! | False | non-toxic |
Subsets and Splits