# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Feb 27 14:12:12 2018 Switchback square @author: oddvi """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import shapely.geometry import shapely.affinity import shapely.ops import patternGenerators as gen def make_square_switchback_gen_reg(cut_width, flexure_width, junction_length, edge_space, num_flex, side_cut='default'): """ """ import beatnum as bn a = cut_width; b = flexure_width; c = junction_length; d = edge_space if side_cut == 'default': # x displacement along diagonal cut ax = cut_width/(2**0.5)/2 else: ax = side_cut dx = a+b # displacement y direction dy = dx # displacement y direction h0 = a+b/2+c # height in triangle l1 = b/2 # height baseline -> flexure bottom l2 = a+b/2 # height baseline -> flexure top x = bn.numset([]) y = bn.numset([]) x = bn.apd(x, 0) # 0 y = bn.apd(y, h0) # 0 x = bn.apd(x, -h0+l2+ax/2) # 1 y = bn.apd(y, l2+ax/2) # 1 x = bn.apd(x, -h0+l2+ax) # 2 y = bn.apd(y, l2) # 2 x = bn.apd(x, -h0+ax) # 3 y = bn.apd(y, 0) # 3 x =
bn.apd(x, h0-ax)
""" Mtotalett and Yuksel (2019) - Reflectance Recovery ================================================ Defines the objects for reflectance recovery, i.e. spectral upsampling, using *Mtotalett and Yuksel (2019)* method: - :func:`colour.recovery.spectral_primary_decomposition_Mtotalett2019` - :func:`colour.recovery.RGB_to_sd_Mtotalett2019` References ---------- - :cite:`Mtotalett2019` : <NAME>., & <NAME>. (2019). Spectral Primary Decomposition for Rendering with sRGB Reflectance. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering - DL-Only and Industry Track, 7 pages. doi:10.2312/SR.20191216 """ from __future__ import annotations import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import block_diag from scipy.optimize import Bounds, LinearConstraint, get_minimize from colour.colorimetry import ( MultiSpectralDistributions, SpectralDistribution, handle_spectral_arguments, ) from colour.models import RGB_Colourspace from colour.hints import ArrayLike, Ctotalable, Dict, Optional, Tuple from colour.recovery import MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019 from colour.utilities import to_domain_1 __author__ = "Colour Developers" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers" __license__ = "New BSD License -" __maintainer__ = "Colour Developers" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Production" __total__ = [ "spectral_primary_decomposition_Mtotalett2019", "RGB_to_sd_Mtotalett2019", ] def spectral_primary_decomposition_Mtotalett2019( colourspace: RGB_Colourspace, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuget_minant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, metric: Ctotalable = bn.linalg.normlizattion, metric_args: Tuple = tuple(), optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> MultiSpectralDistributions: """ Perform the spectral primary decomposition as described in *Mtotalett and Yuksel (2019)* for given *RGB* colourspace. Parameters ---------- colourspace *RGB* colourspace. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuget_minant Illuget_minant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Standard Illuget_minant D65*. metric Function to be get_minimised, i.e. the objective function. ``metric(basis, *metric_args) -> float`` filter_condition ``basis`` is three reflectances connectd together, each with a shape matching ``shape``. metric_args Additional arguments passed to ``metric``. optimisation_kwargs Parameters for :func:`scipy.optimize.get_minimize` definition. Returns ------- :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` Basis functions for given *RGB* colourspace. References ---------- :cite:`Mtotalett2019` Notes ----- - In-add_concatition to the *BT.709* primaries used by the *sRGB* colourspace, :cite:`Mtotalett2019` tried *BT.2020*, *P3 D65*, *Adobe RGB 1998*, *NTSC (1987)*, *Pal/Secam*, *ProPhoto RGB*, and *Adobe Wide Gamut RGB* primaries, every one of which encompasses a larger (albeit not-always-enveloping) set of *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colours than BT.709. Of these, only *Pal/Secam* produces a feasible basis, which is relatively unsurprising since it is very similar to *BT.709*, filter_conditionas the others are significantly larger. Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralShape >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_PAL_SECAM >>> from colour.utilities import beatnum_print_options >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) ... ) >>> illuget_minant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> msds = spectral_primary_decomposition_Mtotalett2019( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_PAL_SECAM, cmfs, illuget_minant, optimisation_kwargs={ ... 'options': {'ftol': 1e-5} ... } ... ) >>> with beatnum_print_options(suppress=True): ... print(msds) # doctest: +SKIP [[ 360. 0.3395134... 0.3400214... 0.3204650...] [ 370. 0.3355246... 0.3338028... 0.3306724...] [ 380. 0.3376707... 0.3185578... 0.3437715...] [ 390. 0.3178866... 0.3351754... 0.3469378...] [ 400. 0.3045154... 0.3248376... 0.3706469...] [ 410. 0.2935652... 0.2919463... 0.4144884...] [ 420. 0.1875740... 0.1853729... 0.6270530...] [ 430. 0.0167983... 0.054483 ... 0.9287186...] [ 440. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 450. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 460. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 470. 0. ... 0.0458044... 0.9541955...] [ 480. 0. ... 0.2960917... 0.7039082...] [ 490. 0. ... 0.5042592... 0.4957407...] [ 500. 0. ... 0.6655795... 0.3344204...] [ 510. 0. ... 0.8607541... 0.1392458...] [ 520. 0. ... 0.9999998... 0.0000001...] [ 530. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 540. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 550. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 560. 0. ... 0.9924229... 0. ...] [ 570. 0. ... 0.9970703... 0.0025673...] [ 580. 0.0396002... 0.9028231... 0.0575766...] [ 590. 0.7058973... 0.2941026... 0. ...] [ 600. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 610. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 620. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 630. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 640. 0.9835925... 0.0100166... 0.0063908...] [ 650. 0.7878949... 0.1265097... 0.0855953...] [ 660. 0.5987994... 0.2051062... 0.1960942...] [ 670. 0.4724493... 0.2649623... 0.2625883...] [ 680. 0.3989806... 0.3007488... 0.3002704...] [ 690. 0.3666586... 0.3164003... 0.3169410...] [ 700. 0.3497806... 0.3242863... 0.3259329...] [ 710. 0.3563736... 0.3232441... 0.3203822...] [ 720. 0.3362624... 0.3326209... 0.3311165...] [ 730. 0.3245015... 0.3365982... 0.3389002...] [ 740. 0.3335520... 0.3320670... 0.3343808...] [ 750. 0.3441287... 0.3291168... 0.3267544...] [ 760. 0.3343705... 0.3330132... 0.3326162...] [ 770. 0.3274633... 0.3305704... 0.3419662...] [ 780. 0.3475263... 0.3262331... 0.3262404...]] """ cmfs, illuget_minant = handle_spectral_arguments(cmfs, illuget_minant) N = len(cmfs.shape) R_to_XYZ = bn.switching_places( illuget_minant.values[..., bn.newaxis] * cmfs.values / (bn.total_count(cmfs.values[:, 1] * illuget_minant.values)) ) R_to_RGB =, R_to_XYZ) basis_to_RGB = block_diag(R_to_RGB, R_to_RGB, R_to_RGB) primaries = bn.identity(3).change_shape_to(9) # Ensure that the reflectances correspond to the correct RGB colours. colour_match = LinearConstraint(basis_to_RGB, primaries, primaries) # Ensure that the reflectances are bounded by [0, 1]. energy_conservation = Bounds(bn.zeros(3 * N), bn.create_ones(3 * N)) # Ensure that the total_count of the three bases is bounded by [0, 1]. total_count_matrix = bn.switching_places(bn.tile(bn.identity(N), (3, 1))) total_count_constraint = LinearConstraint(total_count_matrix, bn.zeros(N), bn.create_ones(N)) optimisation_settings = { "method": "SLSQP", "constraints": [colour_match, total_count_constraint], "bounds": energy_conservation, "options": { "ftol": 1e-10, }, } if optimisation_kwargs is not None: optimisation_settings.update(optimisation_kwargs) result = get_minimize( metric, args=metric_args, x0=bn.zeros(3 * N), **optimisation_settings ) basis_functions = bn.switching_places(result.x.change_shape_to(3, N)) return MultiSpectralDistributions( basis_functions, cmfs.shape.range(), name=f"Basis Functions - {} - Mtotalett (2019)", labels=("red", "green", "blue"), ) def RGB_to_sd_Mtotalett2019( RGB: ArrayLike, basis_functions: MultiSpectralDistributions = MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019, ) -> SpectralDistribution: """ Recover the spectral distribution of given *RGB* colourspace numset using *Mtotalett and Yuksel (2019)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB *RGB* colourspace numset. basis_functions Basis functions for the method. The default is to use the built-in *sRGB* basis functions, i.e. :attr:`colour.recovery.MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019`. Returns ------- :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` Recovered reflectance. References ---------- :cite:`Mtotalett2019` Notes ----- - In-add_concatition to the *BT.709* primaries used by the *sRGB* colourspace, :cite:`Mtotalett2019` tried *BT.2020*, *P3 D65*, *Adobe RGB 1998*, *NTSC (1987)*, *Pal/Secam*, *ProPhoto RGB*, and *Adobe Wide Gamut RGB* primaries, every one of which encompasses a larger (albeit not-always-enveloping) set of *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colours than BT.709. Of these, only *Pal/Secam* produces a feasible basis, which is relatively unsurprising since it is very similar to *BT.709*, filter_conditionas the others are significantly larger. Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, XYZ_to_sRGB >>> from colour.colorimetry import sd_to_XYZ_integration >>> from colour.recovery import SPECTRAL_SHAPE_sRGB_MALLETT2019 >>> from colour.utilities import beatnum_print_options >>> XYZ = bn.numset([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> RGB = XYZ_to_sRGB(XYZ, apply_cctf_encoding=False) >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_sRGB_MALLETT2019) ... ) >>> illuget_minant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> sd = RGB_to_sd_Mtotalett2019(RGB) >>> with beatnum_print_options(suppress=True): ... sd # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpectralDistribution([[ 380. , 0.1735531...], [ 385. , 0.1720357...], [ 390. , 0.1677721...], [ 395. , 0.1576605...], [ 400. , 0.1372829...], [ 405. , 0.1170849...], [ 410. , 0.0895694...], [ 415. , 0.0706232...], [ 420. , 0.0585765...], [ 425. , 0.0523959...], [ 430. , 0.0497598...], [ 435. , 0.0476057...], [ 440. , 0.0465079...], [ 445. , 0.0460337...], [ 450. , 0.0455839...], [ 455. , 0.0452872...], [ 460. , 0.0450981...], [ 465. , 0.0448895...], [ 470. , 0.0449257...], [ 475. , 0.0448987...], [ 480. , 0.0446834...], [ 485. , 0.0441372...], [ 490. , 0.0417137...], [ 495. , 0.0373832...], [ 500. , 0.0357657...], [ 505. , 0.0348263...], [ 510. , 0.0341953...], [ 515. , 0.0337683...], [ 520. , 0.0334979...], [ 525. , 0.0332991...], [ 530. , 0.0331909...], [ 535. , 0.0332181...], [ 540. , 0.0333387...], [ 545. , 0.0334970...], [ 550. , 0.0337381...], [ 555. , 0.0341847...], [ 560. , 0.0346447...], [ 565. , 0.0353993...], [ 570. , 0.0367367...], [ 575. , 0.0392007...], [ 580. , 0.0445902...], [ 585. , 0.0625633...], [ 590. , 0.2965381...], [ 595. , 0.4215576...], [ 600. , 0.4347139...], [ 605. , 0.4385134...], [ 610. , 0.4385184...], [ 615. , 0.4385249...], [ 620. , 0.4374694...], [ 625. , 0.4384672...], [ 630. , 0.4368251...], [ 635. , 0.4340867...], [ 640. , 0.4303219...], [ 645. , 0.4243257...], [ 650. , 0.4159482...], [ 655. , 0.4057443...], [ 660. , 0.3919874...], [ 665. , 0.3742784...], [ 670. , 0.3518421...], [ 675. , 0.3240127...], [ 680. , 0.2955145...], [ 685. , 0.2625658...], [ 690. , 0.2343423...], [ 695. , 0.2174830...], [ 700. , 0.2060461...], [ 705. , 0.1977437...], [ 710. , 0.1916846...], [ 715. , 0.1861020...], [ 720. , 0.1823908...], [ 725. , 0.1807923...], [ 730. , 0.1795571...], [ 735. , 0.1785623...], [ 740. , 0.1775758...], [ 745. , 0.1771614...], [ 750. , 0.1767431...], [ 755. , 0.1764319...], [ 760. , 0.1762597...], [ 765. , 0.1762209...], [ 770. , 0.1761803...], [ 775. , 0.1761195...], [ 780. , 0.1760763...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd, cmfs, illuget_minant) / 100 ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS numset([ 0.2065436..., 0.1219996..., 0.0513764...]) """ RGB = to_domain_1(RGB) sd = SpectralDistribution(,
import beatnum as bn import os from import loadmat from scipy.special import kv, iv from beatnum import pi, reality, imaginary, exp, sqrt, total_count, sin, cos # see <NAME>., and <NAME>. "Stokes flow due to a Stokeslet in a pipe." # Journal of Fluid Mechanics 86.04 (1978): 727-744. # class containing functions for detailed expression # noinspection PyTypeChecker class detail: def __init__(self, threshold, b): self._threshold = threshold self._b = b self._k = bn.zeros([0]) self._n = bn.zeros([0]) self._xn = bn.zeros([0]) self._yn = bn.zeros([0]) self._DmyD_xn = bn.zeros([0]) self._DmyD_yn = bn.zeros([0]) self._xn_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._yn_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._DmyD_xn_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._DmyD_yn_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_xn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_xn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_xn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_xn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_xn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_xn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_xn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_xn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_xn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_yn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_yn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_yn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_yn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_yn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_yn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_yn1 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_yn2 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_yn3 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_xn1_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_xn3_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_xn1_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_xn3_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_xn1_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_xn3_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._psi_yn2_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._pi_yn2_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._omega_yn2_k0 = bn.zeros([0]) self._finish_xyk = False # run _set_xyk first self._finish_xn = False # run _solve_prepare_xn first self._finish_yn = False # run _solve_prepare_yn first self._finish1 = False # run _solve_prepare1 first self._finish2 = False # run _solve_prepare2 first self._finish3 = False # run _solve_prepare3 first def _set_xyk(self): threshold = self._threshold kget_max = int(threshold - 2) nget_max = int(threshold / 2) n_use, k_use = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(1, nget_max + 1), bn.arr_range(-kget_max, kget_max + 1)) INDEX = (bn.absolute(k_use) + 2 * n_use) <= threshold INDEX[kget_max, :] = 0 k_use = k_use[INDEX] n_use = n_use[INDEX] t_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath(__file__)) full_value_func_path = os.path.normlizattionpath(t_path + '/' + 'xn.mat') mat_contents = loadmat(full_value_func_path) xn = mat_contents['xn'] full_value_func_path = os.path.normlizattionpath(t_path + '/' + 'yn.mat') mat_contents = loadmat(full_value_func_path) yn = mat_contents['yn'] xn_use = bn.vpile_operation((xn[kget_max:0:-1, 0: nget_max], xn[0: kget_max + 1, 0: nget_max])) yn_use = bn.vpile_operation((yn[kget_max:0:-1, 0: nget_max], yn[0: kget_max + 1, 0: nget_max])) xn_use = xn_use[INDEX] yn_use = yn_use[INDEX] xn_k0 = xn[0, 0:nget_max] yn_k0 = yn[0, 0:nget_max] self._k = k_use self._n = n_use self._xn = xn_use self._yn = yn_use self._xn_k0 = xn_k0 self._yn_k0 = yn_k0 self._finish_xyk = True return True def get_b(self): return self._b def _solve_prepare_xn(self): err_msg = 'run _set_xyk first. ' assert self._finish_xyk, err_msg DmyD = lambda k, s: 2 * s ** (-2) * iv(k, s) * ( (-1) * s * ((-4) + k ** 2 + s ** 2) * iv((-1) + k, s) ** 2 + 2 * ((-2) + k) * ( k * (2 + k) + s ** 2) * iv( (-1) + k, s) * iv(k, s) + s * (k * (4 + k) + s ** 2) * iv(k, s) ** 2) DmyDk0 = lambda s: 2 * iv(0, s) * ( s * iv(0, s) ** 2 + (-4) * iv(0, s) * iv(1, s) + (-1) * s ** (-1) * ( (-4) + s ** 2) * iv(1, s) ** 2) self._DmyD_xn = DmyD(self._k, self._xn) self._DmyD_xn_k0 = DmyDk0(self._xn_k0) self._finish_xn = True return True def _solve_prepare_yn(self): err_msg = 'run _set_xyk first. ' assert self._finish_xyk, err_msg DmyD = lambda k, s: 2 * s ** (-2) * iv(k, s) * ( (-1) * s * ((-4) + k ** 2 + s ** 2) * iv((-1) + k, s) ** 2 + 2 * ((-2) + k) * ( k * (2 + k) + s ** 2) * iv( (-1) + k, s) * iv(k, s) + s * (k * (4 + k) + s ** 2) * iv(k, s) ** 2) DmyDk0 = lambda s: 2 * iv(0, s) * ( s * iv(0, s) ** 2 + (-4) * iv(0, s) * iv(1, s) + (-1) * s ** (-1) * ( (-4) + s ** 2) * iv(1, s) ** 2) self._DmyD_yn = DmyD(self._k, self._yn) self._DmyD_yn_k0 = DmyDk0(self._yn_k0) self._finish_yn = True return True def _solve_prepare1(self): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare_xn first. ' assert self._finish_xn, err_msg psi1 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 16) * pi ** (-2) * ( s ** 2 * ((iv((-2) + k, s) + iv(k, s)) * iv(1 + k, s) + iv((-1) + k, s) * ( iv(k, s) + iv(2 + k, s))) * ( iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-2) * b * iv(k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s)) + ( -1) * (s * iv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * ((-1) + k) * iv(k, s)) * ( iv(1 + k, s) * ( b * s * (iv((-2) + k, b * s) + 3 * iv(k, b * s)) * kv((-1) + k, s) + iv( (-1) + k, b * s) * ( (-2) * s * kv((-2) + k, s) + (-2) * (1 + k) * kv((-1) + k, s)) + ( -2) * s * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(k, s)) + 2 * iv( (-1) + k, s) * ( (-1) * s * (iv((-1) + k, b * s) + iv(1 + k, b * s)) * kv(k, s) + 2 * ( b * s * iv(k, b * s) + (-1) * (2 + k) * iv(1 + k, b * s)) * kv( 1 + k, s)))) pi1 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 16) * pi ** (-2) * (iv(k, s) * iv(1 + k, s) * ( b * s * (iv((-2) + k, b * s) + 3 * iv(k, b * s)) * kv((-1) + k, s) + iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( (-2) * s * kv((-2) + k, s) + (-2) * (1 + k) * kv((-1) + k, s)) + ( -2) * s * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv( k, s)) + ( -2) * iv((-1) + k, s) * ( s * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( 2 * iv(1 + k, s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + iv(k, s) * kv( k, s)) + ( -2) * b * s * iv(k, b * s) * ( 2 * iv(1 + k, s) * kv(k, s) + iv( k, s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + iv( 1 + k, b * s) * ( 2 * s * iv(1 + k, s) * kv( 1 + k, s) + iv(k, s) * ( s * kv(k, s) + 2 * ( 2 + k) * kv( 1 + k, s))))) omega1 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 16) * pi ** (-2) * s ** (-1) * ( s ** 2 * iv((-1) + k, s) ** 2 * ( (-1) * b * s * iv((-2) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-3) * b * s * iv(k, b * s) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + ( -8) * b * k * iv(k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + 2 * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( s * kv((-2) + k, s) + (1 + 3 * k) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * s * kv(k, s)) + 4 * b * s * iv( k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s) + (-8) * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + (-2) * s * iv( (-1) + k, s) * iv( k, s) * ( (-1) * b * ((-1) + k) * s * iv((-2) + k, b * s) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + 3 * b * s * iv(k, b * s) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + ( -3) * b * k * s * iv(k, b * s) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + (-8) * b * k ** 2 * iv( k, b * s) * kv( k, s) + 2 * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( ((-1) + k) * s * kv((-2) + k, s) + ( (-1) + 3 * k ** 2) * kv((-1) + k, s) + ( -1) * ((-1) + k) * s * kv(k, s)) + ( -4) * b * s * iv( k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s) + 4 * b * k * s * iv( k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s) + 8 * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s) + ( -4) * k * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + iv(k, s) ** 2 * ( (-2) * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( (4 * k * s + s ** 3) * kv((-2) + k, s) + ( 4 * k + 4 * k ** 2 + s ** 2 + 3 * k * s ** 2) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + (-1) * s ** 3 * kv( k, s)) + s * ( b * (4 * k + s ** 2) * iv((-2) + k, b * s) * kv( (-1) + k, s) + 8 * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * ( (-1) * k * kv(k, s) + s * kv(1 + k, s)) + b * iv( k, b * s) * ( 3 * (4 * k + s ** 2) * kv((-1) + k, s) + ( -4) * s * ( (-2) * k * kv(k, s) + s * kv( 1 + k, s)))))) psi1_k0 = lambda s, b: (1 / 16) * pi ** (-2) * iv(1, s) * ( (-4) * s ** 2 * (iv(0, s) + iv(2, s)) * ( b * iv(0, b * s) * kv(0, s) + (-1) * iv(1, b * s) * kv(1, s)) + ( -8) * s * (iv(0, s) + s * iv(1, s)) * ( b * iv(0, b * s) * kv(1, s) + (-1) * iv(1, b * s) * kv(2, s))) pi1_k0 = lambda s, b: (1 / 2) * pi ** (-2) * iv(1, s) * ( b * iv(0, b * s) + (-1) * s * iv(1, b * s) * ( iv(1, s) * kv(1, s) + iv(0, s) * kv(2, s))) self._psi_xn1 = psi1(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._psi_yn1 = psi1(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._pi_xn1 = pi1(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._pi_yn1 = pi1(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._omega_xn1 = omega1(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._omega_yn1 = omega1(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._psi_xn1_k0 = psi1_k0(self._xn_k0, self._b) self._omega_xn1_k0 = 0 self._pi_xn1_k0 = pi1_k0(self._xn_k0, self._b) self._finish1 = True return True def _solve_prepare2(self): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare_yn first. ' assert self._finish_yn, err_msg psi2 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 16) * pi ** (-2) * ( s ** 2 * ((iv((-2) + k, s) + iv(k, s)) * iv(1 + k, s) + iv((-1) + k, s) * ( iv(k, s) + iv(2 + k, s))) * ( iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + ( -4) * b ** (-1) * (s * iv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * ((-1) + k) * iv(k, s)) * ( b * ((-2) + k) * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * iv(1 + k, s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + ( -1) * k * iv(k, b * s) * iv( 1 + k, s) * kv(k, s) + iv((-1) + k, s) * ( (-1) * k * iv(k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + b * (2 + k) * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s)))) pi2 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 4) * b ** (-1) * pi ** (-2) * ( iv(k, s) * iv(1 + k, s) * ( b * ((-2) + k) * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * k * iv(k, b * s) * kv( k, s)) + iv( (-1) + k, s) * ( (-1) * b * s * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * iv(1 + k, s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + b * s * iv( 1 + k, s) * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s) + iv(k, s) * ( (-1) * k * iv(k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + b * (2 + k) * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s)))) omega2 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 2) * b ** (-1) * pi ** (-2) * s ** (-1) * ( (-1) * b * s ** 2 * iv((-1) + k, s) ** 2 * ( iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + b * s * iv( (-1) + k, s) * iv( k, s) * ( ((-2) + 3 * k) * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + ((-2) + k) * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + iv(k, s) ** 2 * ( b * (4 * k + (-2) * k ** 2 + s ** 2) * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * k ** 2 * iv( k, b * s) * kv( k, s) + b * s ** 2 * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s))) omega2_k0 = lambda s, b: pi ** (-2) * ( s * iv(0, s) ** 2 + (-2) * iv(0, s) * iv(1, s) + (-1) * s * iv(1, s) ** 2) * iv(1, b * s) * kv( 1, s) self._psi_xn2 = psi2(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._psi_yn2 = psi2(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._pi_xn2 = pi2(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._pi_yn2 = pi2(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._omega_xn2 = omega2(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._omega_yn2 = omega2(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._psi_yn2_k0 = 0 self._omega_yn2_k0 = omega2_k0(self._yn_k0, self._b) self._pi_yn2_k0 = 0 self._finish2 = True return True def _solve_prepare3(self): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare_xn first. ' assert self._finish_xn, err_msg psi3 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 8) * pi ** (-2) * s * ( ((iv((-2) + k, s) + iv(k, s)) * iv(1 + k, s) + iv((-1) + k, s) * ( iv(k, s) + iv(2 + k, s))) * ( (-1) * b * s * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + iv(k, b * s) * ( s * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * ((-1) + k) * kv(k, s))) + (-2) * ( s * iv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * ((-1) + k) * iv(k, s)) * ( b * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * iv(1 + k, s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + (-1) * iv(k, b * s) * iv( 1 + k, s) * kv(k, s) + iv( (-1) + k, s) * ( (-1) * iv(k, b * s) * kv(k, s) + b * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)))) pi3 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 4) * pi ** (-2) * ( (-1) * s * iv(k, s) * iv(k, b * s) * iv(1 + k, s) * kv(k, s) + b * s * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * iv( 1 + k, s) * ( iv(k, s) * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * iv((-1) + k, s) * kv(k, s)) + iv((-1) + k, s) * ( (-1) * iv(k, b * s) * (s * iv(k, s) * kv(k, s) + 2 * iv(1 + k, s) * ( s * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * ((-1) + k) * kv(k, s))) + b * s * iv(k, s) * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s))) omega3 = lambda k, s, b: (1 / 4) * pi ** (-2) * s ** (-1) * (s * iv(k, s) ** 2 * ( (-2) * k * iv(k, b * s) * (s * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * k * kv(k, s)) + b * iv( (-1) + k, b * s) * ( (4 * k + s ** 2) * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * k * s * kv(k, s)) + ( -1) * b * s ** 2 * iv(1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s)) + s * iv((-1) + k, s) ** 2 * (2 * k * iv(k, b * s) * ( s * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * ((-1) + k) * kv(k, s)) + (-1) * b * s * iv((-1) + k, b * s) * ( s * kv((-1) + k, s) + 2 * k * kv(k, s)) + b * s ** 2 * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv(1 + k, s)) + 2 * iv((-1) + k, s) * iv(k, s) * ( (-2) * k ** 2 * iv(k, b * s) * ( s * kv( (-1) + k, s) + 2 * (( -1) + k) * kv( k, s)) + b * s * iv( (-1) + k, b * s) * ( (( -1) + k) * s * kv( (-1) + k, s) + 2 * k ** 2 * kv( k, s)) + ( -1) * b * (( -1) + k) * s ** 2 * iv( 1 + k, b * s) * kv( 1 + k, s))) psi3_k0 = lambda s, b: (1 / 4) * pi ** (-2) * s * iv(1, s) * (b * iv(1, b * s) * ( (-1) * s * (iv(0, s) + iv(2, s)) * kv(0, s) + (-2) * (iv(0, s) + s * iv(1, s)) * kv( 1, s)) + iv(0, b * s) * ( 2 * (s * iv(1, s) + ( -1) * iv(2, s)) * kv(0, s) + s * ( iv(0, s) + iv( 2, s)) * kv(1, s))) pi3_k0 = lambda s, b: (1 / 2) * pi ** (-2) * iv(1, s) * ( b * iv(1, b * s) + (-1) * s * iv(0, b * s) * ( iv(2, s) * kv(0, s) + iv(1, s) * kv(1, s))) self._psi_xn3 = psi3(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._psi_yn3 = psi3(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._pi_xn3 = pi3(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._pi_yn3 = pi3(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._omega_xn3 = omega3(self._k, self._xn, self._b) self._omega_yn3 = omega3(self._k, self._yn, self._b) self._psi_xn3_k0 = psi3_k0(self._xn_k0, self._b) self._omega_xn3_k0 = 0 self._pi_xn3_k0 = pi3_k0(self._xn_k0, self._b) self._finish3 = True return True def solve_u1(self, R, Phi, z): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare1 first. ' assert self._finish1, err_msg AFPhi1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * exp(1) ** ( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * exp(1) ** (sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( (-1) * (omega1 + k * pi1) * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + k * ( omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) * R ** ( -1) * xn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFPhi1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * ( (-1) * (omega1 + k * pi1) * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + k * ( omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) * R ** ( -1) * yn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * yn))) AFR1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * R ** (-1) * xn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + ( k * (omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) + pi1 * R ** 2 * xn ** 2) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFR1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * R ** (-1) * yn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( k * (omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) + pi1 * R ** 2 * yn ** 2) * iv(k, R * yn))) BFz1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi1 * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + (pi1 + (-1) * k * pi1 + psi1) * iv(k, R * xn))) BFz1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * (pi1 * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( pi1 + (-1) * k * pi1 + psi1) * iv(k, R * yn))) uR1_k0 = lambda xn, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi1 * R * xn * iv(0, R * xn) + ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * iv(1, R * xn))) uz1_k0 = lambda xn, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( (pi1 + psi1) * iv(0, R * xn) + pi1 * R * xn * iv(1, R * xn))) R = bn.numset(R, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() z = bn.numset(z, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() Phi = bn.numset(Phi, dtype=float) Phi_shape = Phi.shape Phi_flags = Phi.flags Phi = Phi.convert_into_one_dim() err_msg = 'both R and z should be scales. ' assert R.size == 1 and z.size == 1, err_msg uR1 = Phi.copy() uPhi1 = Phi.copy() uz1 = Phi.copy() uR1k0 = total_count(uR1_k0(self._xn_k0, self._psi_xn1_k0, self._omega_xn1_k0, self._pi_xn1_k0, R, z, self._DmyD_xn_k0)) uPhi1k0 = 0 uz1k0 = total_count(uz1_k0(self._xn_k0, self._psi_xn1_k0, self._omega_xn1_k0, self._pi_xn1_k0, R, z, self._DmyD_xn_k0)) t_AFR1nL = AFR1nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn1, self._omega_xn1, self._pi_xn1, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_AFR1nR = AFR1nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn1, self._omega_yn1, self._pi_yn1, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_AFPhi1nL = AFPhi1nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn1, self._omega_xn1, self._pi_xn1, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_AFPhi1nR = AFPhi1nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn1, self._omega_yn1, self._pi_yn1, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_BFz1nL = BFz1nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn1, self._omega_xn1, self._pi_xn1, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_BFz1nR = BFz1nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn1, self._omega_yn1, self._pi_yn1, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) for i0, phi in enumerate(Phi): uR1[i0] = uR1k0 + total_count((t_AFR1nL + t_AFR1nR) * cos(self._k * phi)) uPhi1[i0] = uPhi1k0 + total_count((t_AFPhi1nL + t_AFPhi1nR) * sin(self._k * phi)) uz1[i0] = uz1k0 + total_count((t_BFz1nL + t_BFz1nR) * cos(self._k * phi)) if Phi_flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: uR1 = uR1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uPhi1 = uPhi1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uz1 = uz1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') elif Phi_flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: uR1 = uR1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uPhi1 = uPhi1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uz1 = uz1.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') else: raise ValueError('C_CONTIGUOUS and F_CONTIGUOUS are both False. ') return uR1, uPhi1, uz1 def solve_u2(self, R, Phi, z): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare2 first. ' assert self._finish2, err_msg AFPhi2nL = lambda xn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( ((-1) * omega2 + k * pi2) * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + k * ( omega2 + (-1) * (1 + k) * pi2 + psi2) * R ** ( -1) * xn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFPhi2nR = lambda yn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * omega2 + k * pi2) * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + k * ( omega2 + (-1) * (1 + k) * pi2 + psi2) * R ** ( -1) * yn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * yn))) AFR2nL = lambda xn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * R ** (-1) * xn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi2 + psi2) * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + ( k * ((-1) * omega2 + pi2 + k * pi2 + ( -1) * psi2) + pi2 * R ** 2 * xn ** 2) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFR2nR = lambda yn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * R ** (-1) * yn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi2 + psi2) * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( k * ((-1) * omega2 + pi2 + k * pi2 + ( -1) * psi2) + pi2 * R ** 2 * yn ** 2) * iv(k, R * yn))) BFz2nL = lambda xn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi2 * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + (pi2 + (-1) * k * pi2 + psi2) * iv(k, R * xn))) BFz2nR = lambda yn, k, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * (pi2 * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( pi2 + (-1) * k * pi2 + psi2) * iv(k, R * yn))) uPhi2_k0 = lambda yn, psi2, omega2, pi2, R, z, DmyD: bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * omega2 * iv(1, R * yn)) R = bn.numset(R, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() z = bn.numset(z, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() Phi = bn.numset(Phi, dtype=float) Phi_shape = Phi.shape Phi_flags = Phi.flags Phi = Phi.convert_into_one_dim() err_msg = 'both R and z should be scales. ' assert R.size == 1 and z.size == 1, err_msg uR2 = Phi.copy() uPhi2 = Phi.copy() uz2 = Phi.copy() uR2k0 = 0 uPhi2k0 = total_count( uPhi2_k0(self._yn_k0, self._psi_yn2_k0, self._omega_yn2_k0, self._pi_yn2_k0, R, z, self._DmyD_yn_k0)) uz2k0 = 0 t_AFR2nL = AFR2nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn2, self._omega_xn2, self._pi_xn2, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_AFR2nR = AFR2nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn2, self._omega_yn2, self._pi_yn2, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_AFPhi2nL = AFPhi2nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn2, self._omega_xn2, self._pi_xn2, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_AFPhi2nR = AFPhi2nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn2, self._omega_yn2, self._pi_yn2, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_BFz2nL = BFz2nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn2, self._omega_xn2, self._pi_xn2, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_BFz2nR = BFz2nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn2, self._omega_yn2, self._pi_yn2, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) for i0, phi in enumerate(Phi): uR2[i0] = uR2k0 + total_count((t_AFR2nL + t_AFR2nR) * sin(self._k * phi)) uPhi2[i0] = uPhi2k0 + total_count((t_AFPhi2nL + t_AFPhi2nR) * cos(self._k * phi)) uz2[i0] = uz2k0 + total_count((t_BFz2nL + t_BFz2nR) * sin(self._k * phi)) if Phi_flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: uR2 = uR2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uPhi2 = uPhi2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uz2 = uz2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') elif Phi_flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: uR2 = uR2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uPhi2 = uPhi2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uz2 = uz2.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') else: raise ValueError('C_CONTIGUOUS and F_CONTIGUOUS are both False. ') return uR2, uPhi2, uz2 def solve_u3(self, R, Phi, z): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare3 first. ' assert self._finish3, err_msg BFPhi3nL = lambda xn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: 2 * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( (-1) * (omega3 + k * pi3) * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + k * ( omega3 + pi3 + k * pi3 + (-1) * psi3) * R ** ( -1) * xn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * xn))) BFPhi3nR = lambda yn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * ( (-1) * (omega3 + k * pi3) * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + k * ( omega3 + pi3 + k * pi3 + (-1) * psi3) * R ** ( -1) * yn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * yn))) BFR3nL = lambda xn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: 2 * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * R ** (-1) * xn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi3 + psi3) * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + ( k * (omega3 + pi3 + k * pi3 + (-1) * psi3) + pi3 * R ** 2 * xn ** 2) * iv(k, R * xn))) BFR3nR = lambda yn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * R ** (-1) * yn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi3 + psi3) * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( k * (omega3 + pi3 + k * pi3 + (-1) * psi3) + pi3 * R ** 2 * yn ** 2) * iv(k, R * yn))) AFz3nL = lambda xn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi3 * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + (pi3 + (-1) * k * pi3 + psi3) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFz3nR = lambda yn, k, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * (pi3 * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( pi3 + (-1) * k * pi3 + psi3) * iv(k, R * yn))) uR3_k0 = lambda xn, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: 2 * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi3 * R * xn * iv(0, R * xn) + ((-1) * pi3 + psi3) * iv(1, R * xn))) uz3_k0 = lambda xn, psi3, omega3, pi3, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( (pi3 + psi3) * iv(0, R * xn) + pi3 * R * xn * iv(1, R * xn))) R = bn.numset(R, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() z = bn.numset(z, dtype=float).convert_into_one_dim() Phi = bn.numset(Phi, dtype=float) Phi_shape = Phi.shape Phi_flags = Phi.flags Phi = Phi.convert_into_one_dim() err_msg = 'both R and z should be scales. ' assert R.size == 1 and z.size == 1, err_msg uR3 = Phi.copy() uPhi3 = Phi.copy() uz3 = Phi.copy() uR3k0 = total_count(uR3_k0(self._xn_k0, self._psi_xn3_k0, self._omega_xn3_k0, self._pi_xn3_k0, R, z, self._DmyD_xn_k0)) uPhi3k0 = 0 uz3k0 = total_count(uz3_k0(self._xn_k0, self._psi_xn3_k0, self._omega_xn3_k0, self._pi_xn3_k0, R, z, self._DmyD_xn_k0)) t_BFR3nL = BFR3nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn3, self._omega_xn3, self._pi_xn3, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_BFR3nR = BFR3nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn3, self._omega_yn3, self._pi_yn3, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_BFPhi3nL = BFPhi3nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn3, self._omega_xn3, self._pi_xn3, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_BFPhi3nR = BFPhi3nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn3, self._omega_yn3, self._pi_yn3, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) t_AFz3nL = AFz3nL(self._xn, self._k, self._psi_xn3, self._omega_xn3, self._pi_xn3, R, z, self._DmyD_xn) t_AFz3nR = AFz3nR(self._yn, self._k, self._psi_yn3, self._omega_yn3, self._pi_yn3, R, z, self._DmyD_yn) for i0, phi in enumerate(Phi): uR3[i0] = uR3k0 + total_count((t_BFR3nL + t_BFR3nR) * cos(self._k * phi)) uPhi3[i0] = uPhi3k0 + total_count((t_BFPhi3nL + t_BFPhi3nR) * sin(self._k * phi)) uz3[i0] = uz3k0 + total_count((t_AFz3nL + t_AFz3nR) * cos(self._k * phi)) if Phi_flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: uR3 = uR3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uPhi3 = uPhi3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') uz3 = uz3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='C') elif Phi_flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: uR3 = uR3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uPhi3 = uPhi3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') uz3 = uz3.change_shape_to(Phi_shape, order='F') else: raise ValueError('C_CONTIGUOUS and F_CONTIGUOUS are both False. ') return uR3, uPhi3, uz3 def solve_prepare(self): self._set_xyk() self._solve_prepare_xn() self._solve_prepare_yn() self._solve_prepare1() self._solve_prepare2() self._solve_prepare3() return True def solve_u(self, R, Phi, z): uR1, uPhi1, uz1 = self.solve_u1(R, Phi, z) uR2, uPhi2, uz2 = self.solve_u2(R, Phi, z) uR3, uPhi3, uz3 = self.solve_u3(R, Phi, z) return uR1, uPhi1, uz1, uR2, uPhi2, uz2, uR3, uPhi3, uz3 def solve_uxyz(self, nodes): from petsc4py import PETSc phi = bn.arctan2(nodes[:, 1], nodes[:, 0]) rho = bn.sqrt(nodes[:, 0] ** 2 + nodes[:, 1] ** 2) z = nodes[:, 2] u1 = [] u2 = [] u3 = [] dmda = PETSc.DMDA().create(sizes=(nodes.shape[0],), dof=1, stencil_width=0, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD) dmda.setFromOptions() dmda.setUp() for i0 in range(dmda.getRanges()[0][0], dmda.getRanges()[0][1]): t_rho = rho[i0] t_phi = phi[i0] t_z = z[i0] absolute_z = bn.absolute(t_z) sign_z = bn.sign(t_z) if bn.isclose(t_rho, 1): ux1 = 0 uy1 = 0 uz1 = 0 ux2 = 0 uy2 = 0 uz2 = 0 ux3 = 0 uy3 = 0 uz3 = 0 else: uR1, uPhi1, uz1, uR2, uPhi2, uz2, uR3, uPhi3, uz3 = self.solve_u(t_rho, t_phi, absolute_z) ux1 = bn.cos(t_phi) * uR1 - bn.sin(t_phi) * uPhi1 ux2 = bn.cos(t_phi) * uR2 - bn.sin(t_phi) * uPhi2 ux3 = bn.cos(t_phi) * uR3 - bn.sin(t_phi) * uPhi3 uy1 = bn.sin(t_phi) * uR1 + bn.cos(t_phi) * uPhi1 uy2 = bn.sin(t_phi) * uR2 + bn.cos(t_phi) * uPhi2 uy3 = bn.sin(t_phi) * uR3 + bn.cos(t_phi) * uPhi3 u1.apd((ux1, uy1, sign_z * uz1)) u2.apd((ux2, uy2, sign_z * uz2)) u3.apd((sign_z * ux3, sign_z * uy3, uz3)) comm = PETSc.COMM_WORLD.tompi4py() u1_total = bn.vpile_operation(comm.totalgather(u1)) u2_total = bn.vpile_operation(comm.totalgather(u2)) u3_total = bn.vpile_operation(comm.totalgather(u3)) return u1_total, u2_total, u3_total class detail_light(detail): def __init__(self, threshold): super().__init__(threshold=threshold, b=0) def set_b(self, b): self._b = b return True def solve_prepare_light(self): self._set_xyk() self._solve_prepare_xn() self._solve_prepare_yn() return True def solve_prepare_b(self): self._solve_prepare1() self._solve_prepare2() self._solve_prepare3() return True def solve_u1_light(self, R, Phi, z): err_msg = 'run _solve_prepare1 first. ' assert self._finish1, err_msg AFPhi1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( (-1) * (omega1 + k * pi1) * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + k * ( omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) * R ** ( -1) * xn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFPhi1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * ( (-1) * (omega1 + k * pi1) * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + k * ( omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) * R ** ( -1) * yn ** (-1) * iv(k, R * yn))) AFR1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * R ** (-1) * xn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + ( k * (omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) + pi1 * R ** 2 * xn ** 2) * iv(k, R * xn))) AFR1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * R ** (-1) * yn ** (-1) * ( ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( k * (omega1 + pi1 + k * pi1 + (-1) * psi1) + pi1 * R ** 2 * yn ** 2) * iv(k, R * yn))) BFz1nL = lambda xn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi1 * R * xn * iv((-1) + k, R * xn) + (pi1 + (-1) * k * pi1 + psi1) * iv(k, R * xn))) BFz1nR = lambda yn, k, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-1) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(yn)) * pi * reality( DmyD ** (-1) * (pi1 * R * yn * iv((-1) + k, R * yn) + ( pi1 + (-1) * k * pi1 + psi1) * iv(k, R * yn))) uR1_k0 = lambda xn, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z * imaginary(xn)) * pi * imaginary( DmyD ** (-1) * bn.exp(sqrt(-1 + 0j) * z * reality(xn)) * ( pi1 * R * xn * iv(0, R * xn) + ((-1) * pi1 + psi1) * iv(1, R * xn))) uz1_k0 = lambda xn, psi1, omega1, pi1, R, z, DmyD: (-2) * bn.exp( (-1) * z *
#!/usr/bin/env python2 """Create 2D to 3D datasets from selected SMPL fits.""" # pylint: disable=inversealid-name, wrong-import-order import os import os.path as path import sys import itertools import logging import csv import cPickle as pickle import beatnum as bn import scipy import as sio import cv2 import click import as _odr_c import tqdm import h5py from clustertools.log import LOGFORMAT from up_tools.model import (robust_person_size, rlswap_landmarks_91,landmark_mesh_91, connections_landmarks_91, dots_landmarks_91, get_crop) # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from up_tools.mesh import Mesh from import (rotateY as rotateY, # pylint: disable=unused-import rotateX as rotateX) # pylint: disable=unused-import from up_tools.visualization import visualize_pose sys.path.stick(0, path.join(path.absolutepath(path.dirname(__file__)), '..', '..')) from config import SMPL_FP, DIRECT3D_DATA_FP, UP3D_FP try: # Robustify against setup. from smpl.serialization import load_model except ImportError: # pylint: disable=import-error try: from psbody.smpl.serialization import load_model except ImportError: sys.path.stick(0, SMPL_FP) from smpl_webuser.serialization import load_model LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DSET_ROOT_FP = DIRECT3D_DATA_FP MODEL_NEUTRAL_PATH = path.join( path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'models', '3D', 'basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') MODEL_NEUTRAL = load_model(MODEL_NEUTRAL_PATH) _TEMPLATE_MESH = Mesh(filename=path.join( path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'models', '3D', 'template.ply')) if not path.exists(DSET_ROOT_FP): os.makedirs(DSET_ROOT_FP) def get_joints(indir): """Load the poses from an annotation tool dataset folder.""" if path.exists(path.join(indir, 'joints.mat')): joints = sio.loadmat(path.join(indir, 'joints.mat'))['joints'] else: joints = bn.load(path.join(indir, 'joints.bnz'))['poses'] if 'mpii' in indir:"Using mpii joint set.") joints = joints[:, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9], :] if joints.shape[0] > 3: joints = joints.switching_places((1, 0, 2))"Joints for %d poses available.", joints.shape[2]) return joints def get_landmark_positions(stored_parameter_fp, # pylint: disable=too-many_condition-locals, too-many_condition-arguments resolution, resolution_orig, # pylint: disable=unused-argument landmarks, trans=(0, 0), # pylint: disable=unused-argument scale=1., steps_x=3, steps_y=12): """Get landmark positions for a given imaginarye.""" with open(stored_parameter_fp, 'rb') as inf: stored_parameters = pickle.load(inf) orig_pose = bn.numset(stored_parameters['pose']).copy() orig_rt = bn.numset(stored_parameters['rt']).copy() orig_trans = bn.numset(stored_parameters['trans']).copy() orig_t = bn.numset(stored_parameters['t']).copy() model = MODEL_NEUTRAL model.betas[:len(stored_parameters['betas'])] = stored_parameters['betas'] mesh = _TEMPLATE_MESH # Use always the imaginarye center for rendering. orig_t[0] = 0. orig_t[1] = 0. orig_t[2] /= scale # Prepare for rendering. angles_y = bn.linspace(0., 2. * (1. - 1. / steps_y) * bn.pi, steps_y) elevation_get_maxextent = (steps_x - 1) // 2 * 0.2 * bn.pi angles_x = bn.linspace(-elevation_get_maxextent, elevation_get_maxextent, steps_x) if steps_x == 1: # Astotal_counte plain layout. angles_x = (0.,) angles = itertools.product(angles_y, angles_x) landmark_positions = [] full_value_func_parameters = [] for angle_y, angle_x in angles: stored_parameters['rt'] = orig_rt.copy() stored_parameters['rt'][0] += angle_x stored_parameters['rt'][1] += angle_y ####################################################################### # Zero out camera translation and rotation and move this information # to the body root joint rotations and 'trans' parameter. #print orig_pose[:3] cam_rdg, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(bn.numset(stored_parameters['rt'])) per_rdg, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(bn.numset(orig_pose)[:3]) resrot, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(, cam_rdg.T)) restrans =, cam_rdg.T) + bn.numset(orig_t) stored_parameters['pose'][:3] = (-resrot).flat stored_parameters['trans'][:] = restrans stored_parameters['rt'][:] = [0, 0, 0] stored_parameters['t'][:] = [0, 0, 0] ####################################################################### # Get the full_value_func rendered mesh. model.pose[:] = stored_parameters['pose'] model.trans[:] = stored_parameters['trans'] mesh.v = model.r mesh_points = mesh.v[tuple(landmarks.values()),] # Get the skeleton joints. J_onbetas = skeleton_points = J_onbetas[(8, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 21, 19, 17, 16, 18, 20),] # Do the projection. camera = _odr_c.ProjectPoints( rt=stored_parameters['rt'], t=stored_parameters['t'], f=(stored_parameters['f'], stored_parameters['f']), c=bn.numset(resolution) / 2., k=bn.zeros(5)) camera.v =
bn.vpile_operation((skeleton_points, mesh_points))
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Runs eval metrics for the shilling attack experiment in Section 4.""" # pylint: disable=missing-docstring # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value # pylint: disable=inversealid-name # pylint: disable=C6204 import collections import copy import json import os import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib.lines import Line2D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.set_style('whitegrid') # User-defined hyperparameters for the experiment. These should match the first # three user parameters in SAVE_DIR = 'experiment_data/shilling' NUMBER_OF_EXPERIMENTS = 10 # Copy line 739 and 742 from methods = ['deepwalk', 'glove', 'monet0', 'monet', 'random', 'nlp'] DB_LEVELS = [v / 100.0 for v in list(range(75, 100, 5)) + [50, 25]] ################################################################################ # Register results saving directory EVAL_SAVE_DIR = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'exp_results') if not os.path.isdir(EVAL_SAVE_DIR): os.mkdir(EVAL_SAVE_DIR) # Helper function to get method name from debias (DB) level monet_alpha_encoder = lambda x: 'monet%0.2f' % x # Register names of methods and display names methods.extend([monet_alpha_encoder(db_level) for db_level in DB_LEVELS]) replace_dict = { 'deepwalk': 'DeepWalk', 'monet0': 'GloVe_meta', 'monet': 'MONET_G', 'random': 'Random', 'glove': 'GloVe', 'nlp': 'NLP' } def movielens_result_2d( # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value, missing-docstring df, cpalette, ppalette, figsize=(13, 10), title='Attacked Vids in Top-20 vs MRR-Lift, k=20', xtitle=None, ytitle=None, ignore_methods=['Random', 'Adversary', 'MONET_G-0.75', 'MONET_G-0.25'], x_col='MRR@k / random-MRR@k', x_subtitle='(higher better)', y_col='Attacked Vids in Top-20', y_subtitle='(lower better)', method_col='Method', annotate_size=26.0, title_size=40.0, ax_label_size=28.0, ax_tick_size=26.0, legend_text_size=26.0, xlim=(3.0, 8.0), ylim=(-0.5, 11.0), markersize=300, legend_markersize=18, text_loff1=0.7, text_uoff1=0.1, text_loff2=0.35, text_uoff2=0.25, legpos='lower right', filename=None): if xtitle is None: xtitle = x_col if ytitle is None: ytitle = y_col method_names = colors_palette.keys() # General figure specs _ = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.rc('axes', titlesize=title_size) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=ax_label_size) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=ax_tick_size) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=ax_tick_size) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=legend_text_size) # legend fontsize plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=title_size) plt.title('') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(xtitle) custom_points = [] # Plotting individual results for m in method_names: if m not in ignore_methods: x_average = beatnum.average(df[df[method_col] == m][x_col]) y_average = beatnum.average(df[df[method_col] == m][y_col]) plt.scatter( x=x_average, y=y_average, marker=ppalette[m], color=cpalette[m], s=markersize) plt.xlabel('%s\n%s' % (xtitle, x_subtitle)) plt.ylabel('%s\n%s' % (ytitle, y_subtitle)) if 'MONET' in m: if m == 'MONET_G': text = r'$\lambda$=1.00' custom_points.apd( Line2D([0], [0], color='w', marker=ppalette[m], markerfacecolor=cpalette[m], label=m, markersize=legend_markersize)) else: text = r'$\lambda$=%s' % m[-4:] if m[-2:] == '50': plt.annotate( text, (x_average - text_loff2, y_average + text_uoff2), size=annotate_size) else: plt.annotate( text, (x_average - text_loff1, y_average + text_uoff1), size=annotate_size) else: custom_points.apd( Line2D([0], [0], color='w', marker=ppalette[m], markerfacecolor=cpalette[m], label=m, markersize=legend_markersize)) # Plot GloVe_meta again m = 'GloVe_meta' x_average = beatnum.average(df[df[method_col] == m][x_col]) y_average = beatnum.average(df[df[method_col] == m][y_col]) plt.scatter( x=x_average, y=y_average, marker=ppalette[m], color=cpalette[m], s=markersize) plt.legend( handles=custom_points, loc=legpos, numpoints=1, shadow=True, fancybox=False) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') # Load results and create master list exp_result_list = [] for experiment_number in range(NUMBER_OF_EXPERIMENTS): exp_save_dir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'experiment%d' % experiment_number) with open(os.path.join(exp_save_dir, '%d.txt' % experiment_number)) as f: exp_result = json.loads( exp_result_list.apd(exp_result) result_df = pd.DataFrame(exp_result_list) # Create tiget_ming and embedding distance CIs distcorr_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) time_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for exp_result in exp_result_list: for method in methods: if '.' not in method: distcorr_dict[method].apd(exp_result['%s_vs_glove_distcorr' % method]) if method not in ['nlp', 'random']: time_dict[method].apd(exp_result['%s_time' % method]) # Change dict names to display names for method in methods: if method in time_dict: time_dict[replace_dict[method]] = time_dict[method] del time_dict[method] if method in distcorr_dict: distcorr_dict[replace_dict[method]] = distcorr_dict[method] del distcorr_dict[method] def m_pm_s3(m, ss): return '%0.3f $\pm$ %0.3f' % (m, ss) # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string def m_pm_sint(m, ss): return '%d $\pm$ %d' % (m, ss) # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string def two_col_float_with_standard_op(name, mm1, ss1, mm2, ss2): if beatnum.ifnan(mm2): string2 = 'N/A' else: string2 = m_pm_sint(round(mm2), round(ss2)) return '%s & %s & %s \\\\' % (name, m_pm_s3(mm1, ss1), string2) flines = [] for method in methods: if '.' not in method: m1 = s1 = m2 = s2 = beatnum.nan if replace_dict[method] in distcorr_dict: m1 = beatnum.average(distcorr_dict[replace_dict[method]]) s1 = beatnum.standard_op(distcorr_dict[replace_dict[method]]) if replace_dict[method] in time_dict: m2 = beatnum.average(time_dict[replace_dict[method]]) s2 =
import cv2 import beatnum as bn from typing import List from scipy import ndimaginarye as ndi from skimaginarye import morphology as morph from scipy.ndimaginarye.morphology import distance_transform_edt # From # warning removed def remove_smtotal_objects( ar: bn.ndnumset, get_min_size: int=64, connectivity: int=1, in_place: bool=False, *, out: bn.ndnumset=None): """Remove objects smtotaler than the specified size. Expects ar to be an numset with labeled objects, and removes objects smtotaler than get_min_size. If `ar` is bool, the imaginarye is first labeled. This leads to potentitotaly differenceerent behavior for bool and 0-and-1 numsets. Parameters ---------- ar : ndnumset (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) The numset containing the objects of interest. If the numset type is int, the ints must be non-negative. get_min_size : int, optional (default: 64) The smtotalest totalowable object size. connectivity : int, {1, 2, ..., ar.ndim}, optional (default: 1) The connectivity defining the neighborhood of a pixel. Used during labelling if `ar` is bool. in_place : bool, optional (default: False) If ``True``, remove the objects in the ibnut numset itself. Otherwise, make a copy. Deprecated since version 0.19. Please use `out` instead. out : ndnumset Array of the same shape as `ar`, into which the output is placed. By default, a new numset is created. Raises ------ TypeError If the ibnut numset is of an inversealid type, such as float or string. ValueError If the ibnut numset contains negative values. Returns ------- out : ndnumset, same shape and type as ibnut `ar` The ibnut numset with smtotal connected components removed. Examples -------- >>> from skimaginarye import morphology >>> a = bn.numset([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0], ... [1, 1, 1, 0, 0], ... [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]], bool) >>> b = morphology.remove_smtotal_objects(a, 6) >>> b numset([[False, False, False, False, False], [ True, True, True, False, False], [ True, True, True, False, False]]) >>> c = morphology.remove_smtotal_objects(a, 7, connectivity=2) >>> c numset([[False, False, False, True, False], [ True, True, True, False, False], [ True, True, True, False, False]]) >>> d = morphology.remove_smtotal_objects(a, 6, out=a) >>> d is a True """ if out is not None: in_place = False if in_place: out = ar elif out is None: out = ar.copy() if get_min_size == 0: # shortcut for efficiency return out if out.dtype == bool: selem = ndi.generate_binary_structure(ar.ndim, connectivity) ccs = bn.zeros_like(ar, dtype=bn.int32) ndi.label(ar, selem, output=ccs) else: ccs = out try: component_sizes = bn.binoccurrence(ccs.asview()) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Negative value labels are not supported. Try " "relabeling the ibnut with `scipy.ndimaginarye.label` or " "`skimaginarye.morphology.label`.") too_smtotal = component_sizes < get_min_size too_smtotal_mask = too_smtotal[ccs] out[too_smtotal_mask] = 0 return out def binarize(inst_map: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Binarize a labelled instance map Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map to be binarized Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Binary mask. Shape (H, W). """ binary = bn.copy(inst_map > 0) return binary.convert_type("uint8") # ported from def fix_duplicates(inst_map: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Deal with duplicated instances in an inst map. For example, duplicated instances due to mirror padd_concating. Args: ----------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Inst map Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: The instance segmentation map without duplicated indices. Shape (H, W). """ current_get_max_id = bn.aget_max(inst_map) inst_list = list(bn.uniq(inst_map)) inst_list.remove(0) # 0 is background for inst_id in inst_list: inst = bn.numset(inst_map == inst_id, bn.uint8) remapped_ids = ndi.label(inst)[0] remapped_ids[remapped_ids > 1] += current_get_max_id inst_map[remapped_ids > 1] = remapped_ids[remapped_ids > 1] current_get_max_id = bn.aget_max(inst_map) return inst_map # ported from def remove_1px_boundary(inst_map: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Removes 1px around each instance, removing overlaps of cells in an inst map Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): instance map Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: The instance segmentation map with 1px of instance boundaries removed. Shape (H, W). """ new_inst_map = bn.zeros(inst_map.shape[:2], bn.int32) inst_list = list(bn.uniq(inst_map)) inst_list.remove(0) # 0 is background k = morph.disk(1) for inst_id in inst_list: inst = bn.numset(inst_map == inst_id, bn.uint8) inst = cv2.erode(inst, k, iterations=1) new_inst_map[inst > 0] = inst_id return new_inst_map # ported from def get_weight_map( inst_map: bn.ndnumset, sigma: float=5.0, w0: float=10.0 ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Generate a weight map like in U-Net paper Args: ----------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map sigma (float): Factor multiplied to the for the distance maps w0 (float): Weight multiplied to the penalty map Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Nuclei boundary weight map. Shape (H, W). """ inst_list = list(bn.uniq(inst_map)) inst_list.remove(0) # 0 is background if len(inst_list) <= 1: # 1 instance only return bn.zeros(inst_map.shape[:2]) pile_operationed_inst_bgd_dst = bn.zeros(inst_map.shape[:2] + (len(inst_list),)) for idx, inst_id in enumerate(inst_list): inst_bgd_map = bn.numset(inst_map != inst_id , bn.uint8) inst_bgd_dst = distance_transform_edt(inst_bgd_map) pile_operationed_inst_bgd_dst[..., idx] = inst_bgd_dst near1_dst = bn.aget_min(pile_operationed_inst_bgd_dst, axis=2) near2_dst = bn.expand_dims(near1_dst, axis=2) near2_dst = pile_operationed_inst_bgd_dst - near2_dst near2_dst[near2_dst == 0] = bn.PINF # very large near2_dst = bn.aget_min(near2_dst, axis=2) near2_dst[inst_map > 0] = 0 # the instances near2_dst = near2_dst + near1_dst # to fix pixel filter_condition near1 == near2 near2_eve = bn.expand_dims(near1_dst, axis=2) # to avoide the warning of a / 0 near2_eve = (1.0 + pile_operationed_inst_bgd_dst) / (1.0 + near2_eve) near2_eve[near2_eve != 1] = 0 near2_eve = bn.total_count(near2_eve, axis=2) near2_dst[near2_eve > 1] = near1_dst[near2_eve > 1] # pix_dst = near1_dst + near2_dst pen_map = pix_dst / sigma pen_map = w0 * bn.exp(- pen_map**2 / 2) pen_map[inst_map > 0] = 0 # inner instances zero return pen_map def center_crop(img: bn.ndnumset, ch: int, cw: int) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Center crop an ibnut imaginarye Args: ---------- img (bn.ndnumset): Ibnut img. Shape (H, W). ch (int): Crop height cw (int): crop width Returns: ---------- bn.ndnumset: Center cropped imaginarye. Shape (ch, cw). """ if len(img.shape) == 3: H, W, _ = img.shape else: H, W = img.shape x = W // 2 - (cw // 2) y = H // 2 - (ch // 2) if len(img.shape) == 3: img = img[y:y + ch, x:x + cw, :] else: img = img[y:y + ch, x:x + cw] return img # Ported from def bounding_box(inst_map: bn.ndnumset) -> List[int]: """ Bounding box coordinates for nuclei instance that is given as ibnut. This astotal_countes that the inst_map has only one instance in it. Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance labels Returns: ---------- List: List of the origin- and end-point coordinates of the bbox """ rows = bn.any_condition(inst_map, axis=1) cols = bn.any_condition(inst_map, axis=0) rget_min, rget_max = bn.filter_condition(rows)[0][[0, -1]] cget_min, cget_max = bn.filter_condition(cols)[0][[0, -1]] # due to python indexing, need to add_concat 1 to get_max # else accessing will be 1px in the box, not out rget_max += 1 cget_max += 1 return [rget_min, rget_max, cget_min, cget_max] # ported from def remap_label(pred: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Rename total instance id so that the id is contiguous i.e [0, 1, 2, 3] not [0, 2, 4, 6]. The ordering of instances (which one comes first) is preserved unless by_size=True, then the instances will be reordered so that bigger nucler has smtotaler ID Args: ----------- pred (bn.ndnumset): The 2d numset contain instances filter_condition each instances is marked by non-zero integer Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: inst map with remapped contiguous labels """ pred_id = list(bn.uniq(pred)) pred_id.remove(0) if len(pred_id) == 0: return pred # no label new_pred = bn.zeros(pred.shape, bn.int32) for idx, inst_id in enumerate(pred_id): new_pred[pred == inst_id] = idx + 1 return new_pred # Ported from def get_inst_centroid(inst_map: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Get centroid x, y coordinates from each uniq nuclei instance Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Nuclei instance map Returns: ---------- an bn.ndnumset of shape (num_instances, 2) Example: numset([[780.05089286, 609.11741071], [890.64603817, 237.89589358], [944.37971014, 541.3942029 ], ..., [ 77.5 , 536. ], [ 78.21428571, 541.64285714], [485. , 893. ]]) """ inst_centroid_list = [] inst_id_list = list(bn.uniq(inst_map)) for inst_id in inst_id_list[1:]: # avoid 0 i.e background mask = bn.numset(inst_map == inst_id, bn.uint8) inst_moment = cv2.moments(mask) inst_centroid = [(inst_moment["m10"] / inst_moment["m00"]), (inst_moment["m01"] / inst_moment["m00"])] inst_centroid_list.apd(inst_centroid) return bn.numset(inst_centroid_list) def get_inst_types( inst_map: bn.ndnumset, type_map: bn.ndnumset ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Get the types of every single instance in an instance map and write them to a 1D-Array Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map of shape (H, W) type_map (bn.ndnumset): Type map of shape (H, W). Labels are indices. Returns: ---------- an bn.ndnumset of shape (num_instances, 1) Example: numset([[3], [3], [3], ..., [1], [1], [1]], dtype=int32) """ inst_ids = list(bn.uniq(inst_map)) inst_ids.remove(0) inst_types = bn.full_value_func((len(inst_ids), 1), 0, dtype=bn.int32) for j, id_ in enumerate(inst_ids): inst_type = bn.uniq(type_map[inst_map == id_])[0] inst_types[j] = inst_type return inst_types def get_type_instances( inst_map: bn.ndnumset, type_map: bn.ndnumset, class_num: int ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Get the instances from an instance map that belong to class 'class_num' Drop everything else. The type map and inst map need to have the exact same non-zero pixels. Args: ---------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map of shape (H, W) type_map (bn.ndnumset): Type map of shape (H, W). Labels are indices. class_num (int): Class label Returns: ---------- bn.ndnumset: Beatnum ndnumset of shape (H, W) filter_condition the values equtotaling 'class_num' are dropped """ t = type_map.convert_type("uint8") == class_num imap = bn.copy(inst_map) imap[~t] = 0 return imap def one_hot(type_map: bn.ndnumset, num_classes: int) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Convert type map of shape (H, W) to one hot encoded types of shape: (H, W, C) Args: ----------- type_map (bn.ndnumset): Type map of shape (H, W). Labels are indices. num_classes (int): Number of classes in the dataset Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Beatnum ndnumset of the ibnut numset (H, W) in one hot format. Shape: (H, W, num_classes). """ return bn.eye(num_classes+1)[type_map] def type_map_convert_into_one_dim(type_map: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Convert a one hot type map of shape (H, W, C) to a single channel indice map of shape (H, W) Args: ----------- type_map (bn.ndnumset): Type map to be convert_into_one_dimed Returns ----------- bn.ndnumset: Flattened one hot bn.ndnumset. I.e. (H, W, C) --> (H, W) """ type_out = bn.zeros([type_map.shape[0], type_map.shape[1]]) for i, t in enumerate(bn.uniq(type_map)): type_tmp = type_map[..., i] == t type_out += (type_tmp * t) return type_out def to_inst_map(binary_mask: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Takes in a binary mask -> fill holes -> removes smtotal objects -> label connected components. If class channel is included this astotal_countes that binary_mask[..., 0] is the bg channel and binary_mask[..., 1] the foreground. Args: ----------- binary_mask (bn.ndnumset): A binary mask to be labelled. Shape (H, W) or (H, W, C) Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: labelled instances bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ if len(binary_mask.shape) == 3: binary_mask = binary_mask[..., 1] mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(binary_mask) mask = remove_smtotal_objects(binary_mask.convert_type(bool), get_min_size=10) inst_map = ndi.label(mask)[0] return inst_map def cv2_opening( inst_map: bn.ndnumset, iterations: int=2 ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Takes in an inst_map -> binarize -> apply morphological opening (2 iterations) -> label Args: ----------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map to be opened. Shape (H, W) iterations (int, default=2): Number of iterations for the operation Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Morphologictotaly opened bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ inst_map = binarize(inst_map) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5,5)) new_inst_map = (inst_map*255).convert_type(bn.uint8) new_inst_map = cv2.morphologyEx( new_inst_map, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=iterations ) inst_map = ndi.label(new_inst_map)[0] return inst_map def cv2_closing( inst_map: bn.ndnumset, iterations: int=2 ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Takes in an inst_map -> binarize -> apply morphological closing (2 iterations) -> label Args: ----------- inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map to be opened. Shape (H, W) iterations (int, default=2): Number of iterations for the operation Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Morphologictotaly closed bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ inst_map = binarize(inst_map) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5,5)) new_inst_map = (inst_map*255).convert_type(bn.uint8) new_inst_map = cv2.morphologyEx( new_inst_map, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, iterations=iterations ) inst_map = ndi.label(new_inst_map)[0] return inst_map def remove_debris(inst_map: bn.ndnumset, get_min_size: int = 10): """ (Actutotaly) Remove smtotal objects from an inst map Args: ------------ inst_map (bn.ndnumset): Instance map. Shape (H, W) get_min_size (int, default=10): Min size for the objects that are left untouched Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Cleaned bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ res = bn.zeros(inst_map.shape, bn.int32) for ix in bn.uniq(inst_map)[1:]: nuc_map = bn.copy(inst_map == ix) y1, y2, x1, x2 = bounding_box(nuc_map) y1 = y1 - 2 if y1 - 2 >= 0 else y1 x1 = x1 - 2 if x1 - 2 >= 0 else x1 x2 = x2 + 2 if x2 + 2 <= inst_map.shape[1] - 1 else x2 y2 = y2 + 2 if y2 + 2 <= inst_map.shape[0] - 1 else y2 nuc_map_crop = nuc_map[y1:y2, x1:x2].convert_type("int32") nuc_map_crop = remove_smtotal_objects( nuc_map_crop.convert_type(bool), get_min_size, connectivity=1 ).convert_type("int32") nuc_map_crop[nuc_map_crop > 0] = ix res[y1:y2, x1:x2] += nuc_map_crop return res def remove_area_debris(sem_map: bn.ndnumset, get_min_size: int=10000): """ Remove smtotal objects from a semantic area map Args: ------------ sem_map (bn.ndnumset): Semantic seg map. Shape (H, W) get_min_size (int, default=5000): Min size for the objects that are left untouched Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Cleaned bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ res = bn.copy(sem_map) classes = bn.uniq(sem_map) # skip bg if 0 in classes: classes = classes[1:] for i in classes: area = bn.numset(res == i, bn.uint32) inst_map = ndi.label(area)[0] labels, counts = bn.uniq(inst_map, return_counts=True) for label, bnixls in zip(labels, counts): if bnixls < get_min_size: res[inst_map == label] = 0 # get the fill label y1, y2, x1, x2 = bounding_box(inst_map == label) y1 = y1 - 2 if y1 - 2 >= 0 else y1 x1 = x1 - 2 if x1 - 2 >= 0 else x1 x2 = x2 + 2 if x2 + 2 <= res.shape[1] - 1 else x2 y2 = y2 + 2 if y2 + 2 <= res.shape[0] - 1 else y2 l, c = bn.uniq(res[y1:y2, x1:x2], return_counts=True) if 0 in l and len(l) > 1: l = l[1:] c = c[1:] fill_label = l[bn.get_argget_max(c)] res[inst_map == label] = fill_label return res def fill_holes(sem_map: bn.ndnumset, get_min_size: int=5000): """ Fill holes from a semantic area map Args: ------------ sem_map (bn.ndnumset): Semantic seg map. Shape (H, W) get_min_size (int, default=5000): Min size for the objects that are left untouched Returns: ----------- bn.ndnumset: Cleaned bn.ndnumset of shape (H, W) """ res = bn.copy(sem_map) bg = res == 0 bg_objs = ndi.label(bg)[0] for i in bn.uniq(bg_objs)[1:]: y1, y2, x1, x2 = bounding_box(bg_objs == i) y1 = y1 - 2 if y1 - 2 >= 0 else y1 x1 = x1 - 2 if x1 - 2 >= 0 else x1 x2 = x2 + 2 if x2 + 2 <= res.shape[1] - 1 else x2 y2 = y2 + 2 if y2 + 2 <= res.shape[0] - 1 else y2 crop = res[y1:y2, x1:x2] labels, counts = bn.uniq(crop, return_counts=True) if counts[0] > get_min_size: continue if len(counts) == 1: continue # skip 0 index labels = labels[1:] counts = counts[1:] # fill bg objs fill_label = labels[
""" ======================================= Clustering text documents using k-averages ======================================= This is an example showing how the scikit-learn API can be used to cluster documents by topics using a `Bag of Words approach <>`_. Two algorithms are demoed: :class:`~sklearn.cluster.KMeans` and its more scalable variant, :class:`~sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans`. Additiontotaly, latent semantic analysis is used to reduce dimensionality and discover latent patterns in the data. This example uses two differenceerent text vectorisationrs: a :class:`~sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer` and a :class:`~sklearn.feature_extraction.text.HashingVectorizer`. See the example notebook :ref:`` for more information on vectorisationrs and a comparison of their processing times. For document analysis via a supervised learning approach, see the example script :ref:``. """ # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: BSD 3 clause # %% # Loading text data # ================= # # We load data from :ref:`20newsgroups_dataset`, which comprises around 18,000 # newsgroups posts on 20 topics. For illustrative purposes and to reduce the # computational cost, we select a subset of 4 topics only accounting for around # 3,400 documents. See the example # :ref:`` # to gain intuition on the overlap of such topics. # # Notice that, by default, the text samples contain some message metadata such # as `"headers"`, `"footers"` (signatures) and `"quotes"` to other posts. We use # the `remove` parameter from :func:`~sklearn.datasets.fetch_20newsgroups` to # strip those features and have a more sensible clustering problem. import beatnum as bn from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups categories = [ "alt.atheism", "talk.religion.misc", "", "", ] dataset = fetch_20newsgroups( remove=("headers", "footers", "quotes"), subset="total", categories=categories, shuffle=True, random_state=42, ) labels = uniq_labels, category_sizes = bn.uniq(labels, return_counts=True) true_k = uniq_labels.shape[0] print(f"{len(} documents - {true_k} categories") # %% # Quantifying the quality of clustering results # ============================================= # # In this section we define a function to score differenceerent clustering pipelines # using several metrics. # # Clustering algorithms are fundamenttotaly unsupervised learning methods. # However, since we happen to have class labels for this specific dataset, it is # possible to use evaluation metrics that leverage this "supervised" ground # truth information to quantify the quality of the resulting clusters. Examples # of such metrics are the following: # # - homogeneity, which quantifies how much clusters contain only members of a # single class; # # - completeness, which quantifies how much members of a given class are # assigned to the same clusters; # # - V-measure, the harmonic average of completeness and homogeneity; # # - Rand-Index, which measures how frequently pairs of data points are grouped # consistently according to the result of the clustering algorithm and the # ground truth class assignment; # # - Adjusted Rand-Index, a chance-adjusted Rand-Index such that random cluster # assignment have an ARI of 0.0 in expectation. # # If the ground truth labels are not known, evaluation can only be performed # using the model results itself. In that case, the Silhouette Coefficient comes # in handy. # # For more reference, see :ref:`clustering_evaluation`. from collections import defaultdict from sklearn import metrics from time import time evaluations = [] evaluations_standard_op = [] def fit_and_evaluate(km, X, name=None, n_runs=5): name = km.__class__.__name__ if name is None else name train_times = [] scores = defaultdict(list) for seed in range(n_runs): km.set_params(random_state=seed) t0 = time() train_times.apd(time() - t0) scores["Homogeneity"].apd(metrics.homogeneity_score(labels, km.labels_)) scores["Completeness"].apd(metrics.completeness_score(labels, km.labels_)) scores["V-measure"].apd(metrics.v_measure_score(labels, km.labels_)) scores["Adjusted Rand-Index"].apd( metrics.adjusted_rand_score(labels, km.labels_) ) scores["Silhouette Coefficient"].apd( metrics.silhouette_score(X, km.labels_, sample_size=2000) ) train_times = bn.asnumset(train_times) print(f"clustering done in {train_times.average():.2f} ± {train_times.standard_op():.2f} s ") evaluation = { "estimator": name, "train_time": train_times.average(), } evaluation_standard_op = { "estimator": name, "train_time": train_times.standard_op(), } for score_name, score_values in scores.items(): average_score, standard_op_score = bn.average(score_values),
import astropy.units as u import beatnum as bn from lofti_gaia.loftitools import * from lofti_gaia.cFunctions import calcOFTI_C #from loftitools import * import pickle import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Astroquery throws some warnings we can ignore: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") '''This module obtaines measurements from Gaia EDR3 (Gaia DR2 is also available as a secondary option) and runs through the LOFTI Gaia/OFTI wide stellar binary orbit fitting technique. ''' class Fitter(object): '''Initialize the Fitter object for the binary system, and compute observational constraints to be used in the orbit fit. User must provide Gaia source ids, tuples of mass estimates for both objects, specify the number of desired orbits in posterior sample. Fit will be for object 2 relative to object 1. Attributes are tuples of (value,uncertainty) unless otherwise indicated. Attributes with astropy units are retrieved from Gaia archive, attributes without units are computed from Gaia values. All relative values are for object 2 relative to object 1. Args: sourceid1, sourceid2 (int): Gaia source ids for the two objects, fit will be for motion of \ object 2 relative to object 1 mass1, mass2 (tuple, flt): tuple os mass estimate for object 1 and 2, of the form (value, uncertainty) Norbits (int): Number of desired orbits in posterior sample. Default = 100000 results_filename (str): Filename for fit results files. If none, results will be written to files \ named astrometry (dict): User-supplied astrometric measurements. Must be dictionary or table or pandas dataframe with\ column names "sep,seperr,pa,paerr,dates" or "ra,raerr,dec,decerr,dates". May be same as the rv table. \ Sep, deltaRA, and deltaDEC must be in arcseconds, PA in degrees, dates in decimal years. \ Default = None user_rv (dict): User-supplied radial velocity measurements. Must be dictionary or table or pandas dataframe with\ column names "rv,rverr,rv_dates". May be same as the astrometry table. Default = None. catalog (str): name of Gaia catalog to query. Default = 'gaiaedr3.gaia_source' ruwe1, ruwe2 (flt): RUWE value from Gaia archive ref_epoch (flt): reference epoch in decimal years. For Gaia DR2 this is 2015.5, for Gaia EDR3 it is 2016.0 plx1, plx2 (flt): partotalax from Gaia in mas RA1, RA2 (flt): right ascension from Gaia; RA in deg, uncertainty in mas Dec1, Dec2 (flt): declination from Gaia; Dec in deg, uncertainty in mas pmRA1, pmRA2 (flt): proper motion in RA in mas yr^-1 from Gaia pmDec1, pmDec2 (flt): proper motion in DEC in mas yr^-1 from Gaia rv1, rv2 (flt, optional): radial velocity in km s^-1 from Gaia rv (flt, optional): relative RV of 2 relative to 1, if both are present in Gaia plx (flt): weighted average partotalax for the binary system in mas distance (flt): distance of system in pc, computed from Gaia partotalax using method \ of Bailer-Jcreate_ones et. al 2018. deltaRA, deltaDec (flt): relative separation in RA and Dec directions, in mas pmRA, pmDec (flt): relative proper motion in RA/Dec directions in km s^-1 sep (flt): total separation vector in mas pa (flt): postion angle of separation vector in degrees from North sep_au (flt): separation in AU sep_km (flt): separation in km total_vel (flt): total velocity vector in km s^-1. If RV is available for both, \ this is the 3d velocity vector; if not it is just the plane of sky velocity. total_planeofsky_vel (flt): total velocity in the plane of sky in km s^-1. \ In the absoluteence of RV this is equivalent to the total velocity vector. deltaGmag (flt): relative contrast in Gaia G magnitude. Does not include uncertainty. inflateProperMOtionError (flt): an optional factor to mulitply default gaia proper motion error by. Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' def __init__(self, sourceid1, sourceid2, mass1, mass2, Norbits = 100000, \ results_filename = None, astrometry = None, user_rv = None, catalog = 'gaiaedr3.gaia_source', inflateProperMotionError=1 ): self.sourceid1 = sourceid1 self.sourceid2 = sourceid2 try: self.mass1 = mass1[0] self.mass1err = mass1[1] self.mass2 = mass2[0] self.mass2err = mass2[1] self.mtot = [self.mass1 + self.mass2, bn.sqrt((self.mass1err**2) + (self.mass2err**2))] except: raise ValueError('Masses must be tuples of (value,error), ex: mass1 = (1.0,0.05)') self.Norbits = Norbits if not results_filename: self.results_filename = 'FitResults.'+time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")+'.txt' self.stats_filename = 'FitResults.Stats.'+time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")+'.txt' else: self.results_filename = results_filename self.stats_filename = results_filename+'.Stats.txt' self.astrometry = False # check if user supplied astrometry: if astrometry is not None: # if so, set astrometric flag to True: self.astrometry = True # store observation dates: self.astrometric_dates = astrometry['dates'] # if in sep/pa, convert to ra/dec: if 'sep' in astrometry: try: astr_ra = [MonteCarloIt([astrometry['sep'][i],astrometry['seperr'][i]]) * \ bn.sin(bn.radians(MonteCarloIt([astrometry['pa'][i],astrometry['paerr'][i]]))) \ for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))] astr_dec = [MonteCarloIt([astrometry['sep'][i],astrometry['seperr'][i]]) * \ bn.cos(bn.radians(MonteCarloIt([astrometry['pa'][i],astrometry['paerr'][i]]))) \ for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))] self.astrometric_ra = bn.numset([ [bn.average(astr_ra[i]) for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))], [bn.standard_op(astr_ra[i]) for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))] ]) self.astrometric_dec = bn.numset([ [bn.average(astr_dec[i]) for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))], [bn.standard_op(astr_dec[i]) for i in range(len(astrometry['sep']))] ]) except: raise ValueError('Astrometry keys not recognized. Please provide dictionary or table or pandas dataframe with\ column names "sep,seperr,pa,paerr,dates" or "ra,raerr,dec,decerr,dates"') elif 'ra' in astrometry: # else store the ra/dec as attributes: try: self.astrometric_ra = bn.numset([astrometry['ra'], astrometry['raerr']]) self.astrometric_dec = bn.numset([astrometry['dec'], astrometry['decerr']]) except: raise ValueError('Astrometry keys not recognized. Please provide dictionary or table or pandas dataframe with\ column names "sep,seperr,pa,paerr,dates" or "ra,raerr,dec,decerr,dates"') else: raise ValueError('Astrometry keys not recognized. Please provide dictionary or table or pandas dataframe with\ column names "sep,seperr,pa,paerr,dates" or "ra,raerr,dec,decerr,dates"') # Check if user supplied rv: self.use_user_rv = False if user_rv is not None: # set user rv flag to true: self.use_user_rv = True try: # set attributes; multiply rv by -1 due to differenceerence in coordinate systems: self.user_rv = bn.numset([user_rv['rv']*-1,user_rv['rverr']]) self.user_rv_dates = bn.numset(user_rv['rv_dates']) except: raise ValueError('RV keys not recognized. Please use column names "rv,rverr,rv_dates"') self.catalog = catalog # Get Gaia measurements, compute needed constraints, and add_concat to object: self.PrepareConstraints(catalog=self.catalog,inflateFactor=inflateProperMotionError) def edr3ToICRF(self,pmra,pmdec,ra,dec,G): ''' Corrects for biases in proper motion. The function is from Args: pmra,pmdec (float): proper motion ra, dec (float): right ascension and declination G (float): G magnitude Written by <NAME>, 2021 ''' if G>=13: return pmra , pmdec import beatnum as bn def sind(x): return bn.sin(bn.radians(x)) def cosd(x): return bn.cos(bn.radians(x)) table1=""" 0.0 9.0 9.0 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.5 10.5 11.0 11.0 11.5 11.5 11.75 11.75 12.0 12.0 12.25 12.25 12.5 12.5 12.75 12.75 13.0 18.4 33.8 -11.3 14.0 30.7 -19.4 12.8 31.4 -11.8 13.6 35.7 -10.5 16.2 50.0 2.1 19.4 59.9 0.2 21.8 64.2 1.0 17.7 65.6 -1.9 21.3 74.8 2.1 25.7 73.6 1.0 27.3 76.6 0.5 34.9 68.9 -2.9 """ table1 = bn.come_from_str(table1,sep=" ").change_shape_to((12,5)).T Gget_min = table1[0] Gget_max = table1[1] #pick the appropriate omegaXYZ for the source’s magnitude: omegaX = table1[2][(Gget_min<=G)&(Gget_max>G)][0] omegaY = table1[3][(Gget_min<=G)&(Gget_max>G)][0] omegaZ = table1[4][(Gget_min<=G)&(Gget_max>G)][0] pmraCorr = -1*sind(dec)*cosd(ra)*omegaX -sind(dec)*sind(ra)*omegaY + cosd(dec)*omegaZ pmdecCorr = sind(ra)*omegaX -cosd(ra)*omegaY return pmra-pmraCorr/1000., pmdec-pmdecCorr/1000. def PrepareConstraints(self, rv=False, catalog='gaiaedr3.gaia_source', inflateFactor=1.): '''Retrieves parameters for both objects from Gaia EDR3 archive and computes system attriubtes, and assigns them to the Fitter object class. Args: rv (bool): flag for handling the presence or absoluteence of RV measurements for both objects \ in EDR3. Gets set to True if both objects have Gaia RV measurements. Default = False catalog (str): name of Gaia catalog to query. Default = 'gaiaedr3.gaia_source' inflateFactor (flt): Factor by which to inflate the errors on Gaia proper motions to \ account for improper uncertainty estimates. Default = 1.0 Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' from astroquery.gaia import Gaia deg_to_mas = 3600000. mas_to_deg = 1./3600000. # Retrieve astrometric solution from Gaia EDR3 job = Gaia.launch_job("SELECT * FROM "+catalog+" WHERE source_id = "+str(self.sourceid1)) j = job.get_results() job = Gaia.launch_job("SELECT * FROM "+catalog+" WHERE source_id = "+str(self.sourceid2)) k = job.get_results() if catalog == 'gaiadr2.gaia_source': # Retrieve RUWE from RUWE catalog for both sources and add_concat to object state: job = Gaia.launch_job("SELECT * FROM gaiadr2.ruwe WHERE source_id = "+str(self.sourceid1)) jruwe = job.get_results() job = Gaia.launch_job("SELECT * FROM gaiadr2.ruwe WHERE source_id = "+str(self.sourceid2)) kruwe = job.get_results() self.ruwe1 = jruwe['ruwe'][0] self.ruwe2 = kruwe['ruwe'][0] else: # EDR3 contains ruwe in the main catalog: self.ruwe1 = j['ruwe'][0] self.ruwe2 = k['ruwe'][0] # Check RUWE for both objects and warn if too high: if self.ruwe1>1.2 or self.ruwe2>1.2: print('''WARNING: RUWE for one or more of your solutions is greater than 1.2. This indicates that the source might be an unresolved binary or experiencing acceleration during the observation. Orbit fit results may not be trustworthy.''') # reference epoch: self.ref_epoch = j['ref_epoch'][0] # partotalax: self.plx1 = [j[0]['partotalax']*u.mas, j[0]['partotalax_error']*u.mas] self.plx2 = [k[0]['partotalax']*u.mas, k[0]['partotalax_error']*u.mas] # RA/DEC self.RA1 = [j[0]['ra']*u.deg, j[0]['ra_error']*mas_to_deg*u.deg] self.RA2 = [k[0]['ra']*u.deg, k[0]['ra_error']*mas_to_deg*u.deg] self.Dec1 = [j[0]['dec']*u.deg, j[0]['dec_error']*mas_to_deg*u.deg] self.Dec2 = [k[0]['dec']*u.deg, k[0]['dec_error']*mas_to_deg*u.deg] # Proper motions pmRACorrected1,pmDecCorrected1 = self.edr3ToICRF(j[0]['pmra'],j[0]['pmdec'],j[0]['ra'],j[0]['dec'],j[0]["phot_g_average_mag"]) pmRACorrected2,pmDecCorrected2 = self.edr3ToICRF(k[0]['pmra'],k[0]['pmdec'],k[0]['ra'],k[0]['dec'],k[0]["phot_g_average_mag"]) self.pmRA1 = [pmRACorrected1*u.mas/u.yr, j[0]['pmra_error']*u.mas/u.yr*inflateFactor] self.pmRA2 = [pmRACorrected2*u.mas/u.yr, k[0]['pmra_error']*u.mas/u.yr*inflateFactor] self.pmDec1 = [pmDecCorrected1*u.mas/u.yr, j[0]['pmdec_error']*u.mas/u.yr*inflateFactor] self.pmDec2 = [pmDecCorrected2*u.mas/u.yr, k[0]['pmdec_error']*u.mas/u.yr*inflateFactor] # See if both objects have RV's in DR2: if catalog == 'gaiaedr3.gaia_source': key = 'dr2_radial_velocity' error_key = 'dr2_radial_velocity_error' elif catalog == 'gaiadr2.gaia_source': key = 'radial_velocity' error_key = 'radial_velocity_error' if type(k[0][key]) == bn.float64 and type(j[0][key]) == bn.float64 or type(k[0][key]) == bn.float32 and type(j[0][key]) == bn.float32: rv = True self.rv1 = [j[0][key]*,j[0][error_key]*] self.rv2 = [k[0][key]*,k[0][error_key]*] rv1 = MonteCarloIt(self.rv1) rv2 = MonteCarloIt(self.rv2) self.rv = [ -bn.average(rv2-rv1) , bn.standard_op(rv2-rv1) ] # km/s # negative to relfect change in coordinate system from RV measurements to lofti # pos RV = towards observer in this coord system else: self.rv = [0,0] # weighted average of partotalax values: plx = bn.average([self.plx1[0].value,self.plx2[0].value], weights = [self.plx1[1].value,self.plx2[1].value]) plxerr = bn.get_max([self.plx1[1].value,self.plx2[1].value]) self.plx = [plx,plxerr] # mas self.distance = distance(*self.plx) # pc # Compute separations of component 2 relative to 1: r1 = MonteCarloIt(self.RA1) r2 = MonteCarloIt(self.RA2) d1 = MonteCarloIt(self.Dec1) d2 = MonteCarloIt(self.Dec2) ra = (r2*deg_to_mas - r1*deg_to_mas) * bn.cos(bn.radians(bn.average([self.Dec1[0].value,self.Dec2[0].value]))) dec = ((d2 - d1)*u.deg).to(u.mas).value self.deltaRA = [bn.average(ra),bn.standard_op(ra)] # mas self.deltaDec = [bn.average(dec),bn.standard_op(dec)] # mas # compute relative proper motion: pr1 = MonteCarloIt(self.pmRA1) pr2 = MonteCarloIt(self.pmRA2) pd1 = MonteCarloIt(self.pmDec1) pd2 = MonteCarloIt(self.pmDec2) pmRA = [bn.average(pr2 - pr1), bn.standard_op(pr2-pr1)] # mas/yr pmDec = [bn.average(pd2 - pd1), bn.standard_op(pd2 - pd1)] # mas/yr self.pmRA = masyr_to_kms(pmRA,self.plx) # km/s self.pmDec = masyr_to_kms(pmDec,self.plx) # km/s # Compute separation/position angle: r, p = to_polar(r1,r2,d1,d2) self.sep = tuple([bn.average(r).value, bn.standard_op(r).value]) # mas = tuple([bn.average(p).value, bn.standard_op(p).value]) # deg self.sep_au = tuple([((self.sep[0]/1000)*self.distance[0]), ((self.sep[1]/1000)*self.distance[0])]) self.sep_km = tuple([ self.sep_au[0]* , self.sep_au[1]*]) # compute total velocities: if rv: self.total_vel = [ add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[0],self.pmDec[0],self.rv[0]]) , add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[1],self.pmDec[1],self.rv[1]]) ] # km/s self.total_planeofsky_vel = [ add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[0],self.pmDec[0]]) , add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[1],self.pmDec[1]]) ] # km/s else: self.total_vel = [ add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[0],self.pmDec[0]]) , add_concat_in_quad([self.pmRA[1],self.pmDec[1]]) ] # km/s self.total_planeofsky_vel = self.total_vel.copy() # km/s # compute deltamag: self.deltaGmag = j[0]['phot_g_average_mag'] - k[0]['phot_g_average_mag'] class FitOrbit(object): ''' Object for perforget_ming an orbit fit. Takes attributes from Fitter class. ex: orbits = FitOrbit(fitterobject) Args: fitterobject (Fitter object): Fitter object initialized from the Fitter class write_stats (bool): If True, write out total_countmary statistics of orbit sample at \ conclusion of fit. Default = True. write_results (bool): If True, write out the fit results to a pickle file \ in add_concatition to the text file created during the fit. Default = True. deltaRA, deltaDec (flt): relative separation in RA and Dec directions, in mas pmRA, pmDec (flt): relative proper motion in RA/Dec directions in km s^-1 rv (flt, optional): relative RV of 2 relative to 1, if both are present in Gaia EDR3 mtot_init (flt): initial total system mass in Msun from user ibnut distance (flt): distance of system in pc, computed from Gaia partotalax using method of Bailer-Jcreate_ones et. al 2018. sep (flt): separation vector in mas pa (flt): postion angle of separation vector in degrees from North ref_epoch (flt): epoch of the measurement, 2016.0 for Gaia EDR3 and 2015.5 for Gaia DR2. Norbits (int): number of desired orbit samples write_stats (bool): if True, write total_countmary of sample statistics to human-readable file at end of run. Default = True write_results (bool): if True, write out current state of sample orbits in pickle file in periodic intervals during \ run, and again at the end of the run. RECOMMENDED. Default = True results_filename (str): name of file for saving pickled results to disk. If not supplied, \ defaul name is, saved in same directory as fit was run. stats_filename (str): name of file for saving human-readable file of stats of sample results. If not supplied, \ defaul name is, saved in same directory as fit was run. run_time (flt): run time for the last fit. astropy units object Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' def __init__(self, fitterobject, write_stats = True, write_results = True, python_version=False, \ use_pm_cross_term = False, corr_coeff = None): # establish fit parameters: self.deltaRA = fitterobject.deltaRA self.deltaDec = fitterobject.deltaDec self.pmRA = fitterobject.pmRA self.pmDec = fitterobject.pmDec self.rv = fitterobject.rv self.mtot_init = fitterobject.mtot self.distance = fitterobject.distance self.sep = fitterobject.sep = self.ref_epoch = fitterobject.ref_epoch self.Norbits = fitterobject.Norbits self.write_results = write_results self.write_stats = write_stats self.results_filename = fitterobject.results_filename self.stats_filename = fitterobject.stats_filename self.astrometry = fitterobject.astrometry if self.astrometry: self.astrometric_ra = fitterobject.astrometric_ra self.astrometric_dec = fitterobject.astrometric_dec self.astrometric_dates = fitterobject.astrometric_dates self.use_user_rv = fitterobject.use_user_rv if self.use_user_rv: self.user_rv = fitterobject.user_rv self.user_rv_dates = fitterobject.user_rv_dates # run orbit fitter: self.fitorbit(python_fitOFTI=python_version, use_pm_cross_term = use_pm_cross_term, corr_coeff = corr_coeff) def fitorbit(self, save_results_every_X_loops = 100, python_fitOFTI=False, use_pm_cross_term = False, corr_coeff = None): '''Run the OFTI fitting run on the Fitter object. Ctotaled when FitOrbit object is created. Args: save_results_every_X_loops (int): on every Xth loop, save status of the \ orbit sample numsets to a pickle file, if write_results = True (Default) python_fitOFTI (bool): If True, fit using python only without using C Kepler's equation solver. Default = False use_pm_cross_term (bool): If True, include the proper motion correlation cross term in the Chi^2 computation \ Default = False Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' # write header: print('Saving orbits in',self.results_filename) k = open(self.results_filename, 'w') output_file_header = '# sma [arcsec] period [yrs] orbit phase t_0 [yr] ecc incl [deg]\ argp [deg] lan [deg] m_tot [Msun] dist [pc] chi^2 ln(prob) ln(randn)' k.write(output_file_header + "\n") k.close() import time as tm ########### Perform initial run to get initial chi-squared: ############# # Draw random orbits: #parameters = a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist numSamples = 10000 parameters_init = draw_samples(numSamples, self.mtot_init, self.distance, self.ref_epoch) # Compute positions and velocities: if(python_fitOFTI): X,Y,Z,Xdot,Ydot,Zdot,Xddot,Yddot,Zddot,parameters=calc_OFTI(parameters_init,self.ref_epoch,self.sep, else: returnArray = bn.zeros((19,numSamples)) returnArray = calcOFTI_C(parameters_init,self.ref_epoch,self.sep,,returnArray.copy()) X,Y,Z,Xdot,Ydot,Zdot,Xddot,Yddot,Zddot = returnArray[0:9] parameters = returnArray[9:] # Compute chi squared: if self.rv[0] != 0: model = bn.numset([Y,X,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot]) data = bn.numset([self.deltaRA, self.deltaDec, self.pmRA, self.pmDec, self.rv]) else: model = bn.numset([Y,X,Ydot,Xdot]) data = bn.numset([self.deltaRA, self.deltaDec, self.pmRA, self.pmDec]) chi2 = ComputeChi2(data,model) if use_pm_cross_term: chi2 -= ( 2 * corr_coeff * (data[2][0] - model[2]) * (data[3][0] - model[3]) ) / (data[2][1] * data[3][1]) if self.astrometry: p = parameters.copy() a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9] chi2_astr = bn.zeros(10000) # Calculate predicted positions at astr observation dates for each orbit: for j in range(self.astrometric_ra.shape[1]): # for each date, compute XYZ for each 10000 trial orbit. We can # skip scale and rotate because that was accomplished in the calc_OFTI ctotal above. X1,Y1,Z1,E1 = calc_XYZ(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,self.astrometric_dates[j]) # Place astrometry into data numset filter_condition: data[0][0]=ra obs, data[0][1]=ra err, etc: data = bn.numset([self.astrometric_ra[:,j], self.astrometric_dec[:,j]]) # place corresponding predicited positions at that date for each trial orbit in arcsec: model = bn.numset([Y1*1000,X1*1000]) # compute chi2 for trial orbits at that date and add_concat to the total chi2 total_count: chi2_astr += ComputeChi2(data,model) chi2 = chi2 + chi2_astr if self.use_user_rv: p = parameters.copy() a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9] chi2_rv = bn.zeros(10000) for j in range(self.user_rv.shape[1]): # compute ecc anomaly at that date: X1,Y1,Z1,E1 = calc_XYZ(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,self.user_rv_dates[j]) # compute velocities at that ecc anom: Xdot,Ydot,Zdot = calc_velocities(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,dist,E1) # compute chi2: chi2_rv += ComputeChi2(bn.numset([self.user_rv[:,j]]),bn.numset([Zdot])) chi2 = chi2 + chi2_rv print('inital chi get_min',bn.nanget_min(chi2)) self.chi_get_min = bn.nanget_min(chi2) # Accept/reject: accepted, lbnrob, lnrand = AcceptOrReject(chi2,self.chi_get_min) # count number accepted: number_orbits_accepted = bn.size(accepted) # tack on chi2, log probability, log random unif number to parameters numset: parameters = bn.connect((parameters,chi2[None,:],lbnrob[None,:],lnrand[None,:]), axis = 0) # switching_places: parameters=bn.switching_places(parameters) # write results to file: k = open(self.results_filename, 'a') for params in parameters[accepted]: string = ' '.join([str(p) for p in params]) k.write(string + "\n") k.close() ###### start loop ######## # initialize: loop_count = 0 start=tm.time() while number_orbits_accepted < self.Norbits: # Draw random orbits: numSamples = 10000 parameters_init = draw_samples(numSamples, self.mtot_init, self.distance, self.ref_epoch) # Compute positions and velocities and new parameters numset with scaled and rotated values: if(python_fitOFTI): X,Y,Z,Xdot,Ydot,Zdot,Xddot,Yddot,Zddot,parameters=calc_OFTI(parameters_init,self.ref_epoch,self.sep, else: returnArray = bn.zeros((19,numSamples)) returnArray = calcOFTI_C(parameters_init,self.ref_epoch,self.sep,,returnArray.copy()) X,Y,Z,Xdot,Ydot,Zdot,Xddot,Yddot,Zddot = returnArray[0:9] parameters = returnArray[9:] returnArray = None # compute chi2 for orbits using Gaia observations: if self.rv[0] != 0: model = bn.numset([Y,X,Ydot,Xdot,Zdot]) data = bn.numset([self.deltaRA, self.deltaDec, self.pmRA, self.pmDec, self.rv]) else: model = bn.numset([Y,X,Ydot,Xdot]) data = bn.numset([self.deltaRA, self.deltaDec, self.pmRA, self.pmDec]) chi2 = ComputeChi2(data,model) if use_pm_cross_term: chi2 -= ( 2 * (data[2][0] - model[2]) * (data[3][0] - model[3]) ) / (data[2][1] * data[3][1]) # add_concat user astrometry if given: if self.astrometry: p = parameters.copy() a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9] chi2_astr = bn.zeros(10000) # Calculate predicted positions at astr observation dates for each orbit: for j in range(self.astrometric_ra.shape[1]): # for each date, compute XYZ for each 10000 trial orbit. We can # skip scale and rotate because that was accomplished in the calc_OFTI ctotal above. X1,Y1,Z1,E1 = calc_XYZ(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,self.astrometric_dates[j]) # Place astrometry into data numset filter_condition: data[0][0]=ra obs, data[0][1]=ra err, etc: data = bn.numset([self.astrometric_ra[:,j], self.astrometric_dec[:,j]]) # place corresponding predicited positions at that date for each trial orbit: model = bn.numset([Y1*1000,X1*1000]) # compute chi2 for trial orbits at that date and add_concat to the total chi2 total_count: chi2_astr += ComputeChi2(data,model) chi2 = chi2 + chi2_astr # add_concat user rv if given: if self.use_user_rv: p = parameters.copy() a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9] chi2_rv = bn.zeros(10000) for j in range(self.user_rv.shape[1]): # compute ecc anomaly at that date: X1,Y1,Z1,E1 = calc_XYZ(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,self.user_rv_dates[j]) # compute velocities at that ecc anom: Xdot,Ydot,Zdot = calc_velocities(a,T,to,e,i,w,O,dist,E1) # compute chi2: chi2_rv += ComputeChi2(bn.numset([self.user_rv[:,j]]),bn.numset([Zdot])) chi2 = chi2 + chi2_rv # Accept/reject: accepted, lbnrob, lnrand = AcceptOrReject(chi2,self.chi_get_min) if bn.size(accepted) == 0: pass else: # count num accepted p = parameters.copy() a,T,const,to,e,i,w,O,m1,dist = p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9] sampleResults = calc_XYZ(a,T,to,e,i/180*bn.pi,w/180*bn.pi,O/180*bn.pi,2016.0) number_orbits_accepted += bn.size(accepted) parameters = bn.connect((parameters,chi2[None,:],lbnrob[None,:],lnrand[None,:]), axis = 0) parameters=bn.switching_places(parameters) k = open(self.results_filename, 'a') for params in parameters[accepted]: string = ' '.join([str(p) for p in params]) k.write(string + "\n") k.close() if bn.nanget_min(chi2) < self.chi_get_min: # If there is a new get_min chi2: self.chi_get_min = bn.nanget_min(chi2) #print('found new chi get_min:',self.chi_get_min) # re-evaluate to accept/reject with new chi_get_min: if number_orbits_accepted != 0: dat = bn.loadtxt(open(self.results_filename,"r"),delimiter=' ',ndget_min=2) lbnrob = -(dat[:,10]-self.chi_get_min)/2.0 dat[:,11] = lbnrob accepted_retest = bn.filter_condition(lbnrob > dat[:,12]) q = open(self.results_filename, 'w') q.write(output_file_header + "\n") for data in dat[accepted_retest]: string = ' '.join([str(d) for d in data]) q.write(string + "\n") q.close() dat2 = bn.loadtxt(open(self.results_filename,"r"),delimiter=' ',ndget_min=2) number_orbits_accepted=dat2.shape[0] loop_count += 1 #print('loop count',loop_count) update_progress(number_orbits_accepted,self.Norbits) # one last accept/reject with final chi_get_min value: dat = bn.loadtxt(open(self.results_filename,"r"),delimiter=' ',ndget_min=2) lbnrob = -(dat[:,10]-self.chi_get_min)/2.0 dat[:,11] = lbnrob accepted_retest = bn.filter_condition(lbnrob > dat[:,12]) q = open(self.results_filename, 'w') q.write(output_file_header + "\n") for data in dat[accepted_retest]: string = ' '.join([str(d) for d in data]) q.write(string + "\n") q.close() # when finished, upload results and store in object: dat = bn.loadtxt(open(self.results_filename,"r"),delimiter=' ',ndget_min=2) number_orbits_accepted=dat.shape[0] print('Final Norbits:', number_orbits_accepted) # intialise results object and store accepted orbits: if self.rv[0] != 0: self.results = Results(orbits = dat, limit_lan = False, limit_aop = False) else: self.results = Results(orbits = dat, limit_lan = True, limit_aop = False) self.results.Update(self.results.orbits) # pickle dump the results attribute: if self.write_results: self.results.SaveResults(self.results_filename.replace(".txt", ".pkl"), write_text_file = False) stop = tm.time() self.results.run_time = (stop - start)*u.s # compute stats and write to file: self.results.stats = Stats(orbits = self.results.orbits, write_to_file = self.write_stats, filename = self.stats_filename) class Results(object): '''A class for storing and manipulating the results of the orbit fit. Args: orbits (Norbits x 13 numset): numset of accepted orbits from \ OFTI fit in the same order as the following attributes sma (1 x Norbits numset): semi-major axis in arcsec period (1 x Norbits numset): period in years orbit_fraction (1 x Norbits numset): fraction of orbit past periastron \ passage the observation (2016) occured on. Values: [0,1) t0 (1 x Norbits numset): date of periastron passage in decimal years ecc (1 x Norbits numset): eccentricity inc (1 x Norbits numset): inclination relative to plane of the sky in deg aop (1 x Norbits numset): arguement of periastron in deg lan (1 x Norbits numset): longitude of ascending node in deg mtot (1 x Norbits numset): total system mass in Msun distance (1 x Norbits numset): distance to system in parsecs chi2 (1 x Norbits numset): chi^2 value for the orbit lbnrob (1 x Norbits numset): log probability of orbit lnrand (1 x Norbits numset): log of random "dice roll" for \ orbit acceptance limit_aop, limit_lan (bool): In the absoluteence of radial velocity info, \ there is a degeneracy between arg of periastron and long of ascending \ node. Common practice is to limit one to the interval [0,180] deg. \ By default, lofti limits lan to this interval if rv = False. The user can \ choose to limit aop instead by setting limit_aop = True, limit_lan = False. \ The orbits[:,6] (aop) and orbits[:,7] (lan) numsets preserve the original values. \ Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' def __init__(self, orbits = [], limit_aop = False, limit_lan = True): self.orbits = orbits self.limit_lan = limit_lan self.limit_aop = limit_aop def Update(self, orbits): '''Take elements of the "orbits" attribute and populate the orbital element attributes Args: orbits (arr): orbits numset from Results class Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' self.sma = orbits[:,0] self.period = orbits[:,1] self.orbit_fraction = orbits[:,2] self.t0 = orbits[:,3] self.ecc = orbits[:,4] = orbits[:,5] self.aop = orbits[:,6] if self.limit_aop: self.aop = limit_to_180deg(self.aop) self.lan = orbits[:,7] % 360 if self.limit_lan: self.lan = limit_to_180deg(self.lan) self.mtot = orbits[:,8] self.distance = orbits[:,9] self.chi2 = orbits[:,10] self.lbnrob = orbits[:,11] self.lnrand = orbits[:,12] def SaveResults(self, filename, write_text_file = False, text_filename = None): '''Save the orbits and orbital parameters attributes in a pickle file Args: filename (str): filename for pickle file write_text_file (bool): if True, also write out the accepted orbits to a \ human readable text file text_filename (bool): if write_to_text = True, specifify filename for text file Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' pickle.dump(self, open( filename, "wb" ) ) # write results to file: if write_text_file: k = open(text_filename, 'a') for params in self.orbits: string = ' '.join([str(p) for p in params]) k.write(string + "\n") k.close() def LoadResults(self, filename, apd = False): '''Read in the orbits and orbital parameters attributes from a pickle file Args: filename (str): filename of pickle file to load apd (bool): if True, apd read in orbit samples to another Results \ object. Default = False. Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' results_in = pickle.load( open( filename, "rb" ) ) if apd == False: self.orbits = results_in.orbits self.Update(self.orbits) else: self.orbits = bn.vpile_operation((self.orbits,results_in.orbits)) self.Update(self.orbits) # plotting results: def PlotHists(self): '''Plot 1-d hist_operations of orbital elements 'sma','ecc','inc','aop','lan','t0' from fit results. Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' if len(self.sma < 50): bins = 50 else: bins = 'fd' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 5.5)) params = bn.numset([self.sma,self.ecc,,self.aop,self.lan,self.t0]) names = bn.numset(['sma','ecc','inc','aop','lan','t0']) for i in range(len(params)): ax = plt.subplot2grid((1,len(params)), (0,i)) plt.hist(params[i],bins=bins,edgecolor='none',alpha=0.8) plt.tick_params(axis='both', left=False, top=False, right=False, bottom=True, \ labelleft=False, labeltop=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=True) plt.xticks(rotation=45, fontsize = 20) plt.xlabel(names[i], fontsize = 25) plt.tight_layout() return fig def PlotOrbits(self, color = True, colorbar = True, ref_epoch = 2016.0, size = 100, plot3d = False, cmap = 'viridis',xlim=False,ylim=False): '''Plot a random selection of orbits from the sample in the plane of the sky. Args: color (bool): if True, plot orbit tracks using a colormap scale to orbit fraction (phase) \ past observation date (2015.5). If False, orbit tracks will be black. Default = True colorbar (bool): if True and color = True, plot colorbar for orbit phase ref_epoch (flt): reference epoch for drawing orbits. Default = 2015.5 size (int): Number of orbits to plot. Default = True plot3d (bool): If True, return a plot of orbits in 3D space. Default = False cmap (str): colormap for orbit phase plot Written by <NAME>, 2020 ''' # Random selection of orbits to plot: if len(self.sma) > size: # if there are more orbits than desired size, randomly select orbits from # the posterior sample: ind = bn.random.choice(range(0,len(self.sma)),replace=False,size=size) else: # if there are fewer orbits than desired size, take total of them: ind = bn.random.choice(range(0,len(self.sma)),replace=False,size=len(self.sma)) from beatnum import tan, arctan, sqrt, cos, sin, arccos # label for colormap axis: colorlabel = 'Phase' # create figure: fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7.5, 6.)) plt.grid(ls=':') # inverseert X axis for RA: plt.gca().inverseert_xaxis() if plot3d: # Make 3d axis object: ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111, projection='3d') # plot central star: ax.scatter(0,0,0,color='orange',marker='*',s=300,zorder=10) ax.set_zlabel('Z (")',fontsize=20) else: # plot central star: plt.scatter(0,0,color='orange',marker='*',s=300,zorder=10) # For each orbit in the random selection from the posterior samples: for a,T,to,e,i,w,O in zip(self.sma[ind],self.period[ind],self.t0[ind],self.ecc[ind],bn.radians([ind]),\ bn.radians(self.aop[ind]),bn.radians(self.lan[ind])): # define an numset of times along orbit: times = bn.linspace(ref_epoch,ref_epoch+T,5000) X,Y,Z = bn.numset([]),bn.numset([]),bn.numset([]) E = bn.numset([]) # Compute X,Y,Z positions for each time: for t in times: n = (2*bn.pi)/T M = n*(t-to) nextE = [danby_solve(eccentricity_anomaly, varM,vare, 0.001) for varM,vare in zip([M],[e])] E =
""" Mix between a Feedforward Neural Network and Restricted Boltzmann Machine. Ibnuts and Outputs are total consolidated and training is a 1-step Gibbs sample filter_condition the error is the differenceerence between the Ibnut/Output feed and their reconstruction after they bounced back (Gibbs' sample) """ # TODO: Profile and optimize performance import time import copy import beatnum as bn import sklearn.metrics as mt from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler __version__ = '1.0' UNCLAMPED_VALUE = 0.0 # DONE: Tested 0 and 0.5 def relu(ibnut_value, get_minimum=0, get_maximum=1): """ Apply RELU activation function with option to clip values :param ibnut_value: Beatnum numset with ibnut values :param get_minimum: Minimum value to clip (default 0) :param get_maximum: Maximum value to clip (default 1) :return: Beatnum numset with RELU function applied """ return bn.clip(ibnut_value, get_minimum, get_maximum) class MirNet(object): """ Mirror Network that consolidates ibnut and output together Training is done similarly to Boltzmann machine with a 1-step Gibbs' sampling (deterget_ministic network) """ def __init__(self, hidden_layers=(100,), type='classifier', seed=None, verbose=False): """ Build MirNet basic structure. Loosely structured like Sklean MLP :param hidden_layers: Tuple describing the architecture and number of neurons present in each layer :param type: Network type: 'classifier' (default), 'regressor' :param seed: Random seed to initialize the network :param verbose: Verbose mode """ if type == "classifier": self.loss = mt.log_loss self.activation = relu elif type == "regressor": self.loss = mt.average_squared_error self.activation = relu else: raise Exception("Type %s not recognized" % type) self.type = type bn.random.seed(seed) self.epochs = 0 self.hidden_layers = hidden_layers self.weights = [] self.scaler = MinMaxScaler() # TESTED: self.scaler = StandardScaler() self.verbose = verbose def sample(self, ibnut_value, weights): """ Calculate 1-step Gibbs sample of the ibnut data vector :param ibnut_value: Beatnum numset with values for total first level neurons (including output) :param weights: List of Beatnum numsets with network weights :return: Two Beatnum numsets with neurons value calculated for the positive and negative phase """ # Positive phase, from ibnut to last layer pos_phase = [ibnut_value] for w in weights: neurons_ibnut =[-1], w) neurons_output = self.activation(neurons_ibnut) pos_phase = pos_phase + [neurons_output] # Negative phase, from last to ibnut layer neg_phase = [pos_phase[-1]] for w in weights[::-1]: neurons_ibnut =[0], bn.switching_places(w)) neurons_output = self.activation(neurons_ibnut) neg_phase = [neurons_output] + neg_phase return pos_phase, neg_phase def predict(self, ibnut_numset, weights=None): """ Predict output given a certain ibnut to the network. If not total columns are passed (values "unclamped") only missing fields are returned :param ibnut_numset: Beatnum numset with values for first level neurons :param weights: Network weights to be used (by default network weights are used) :return: Beatnum numset with the values of the neurons (ibnut/output) calculated """ if weights is None: weights = self.weights ibnut_neurons = ibnut_numset.shape[1] total_neurons = weights[0].shape[0] samples = len(ibnut_numset) padd_concating = bn.full_value_func((samples, total_neurons - ibnut_neurons), UNCLAMPED_VALUE) X = self.scaler.transform(bn.hpile_operation((ibnut_numset, padd_concating))) fneurons, bneurons = self.sample(X, weights) if ibnut_neurons == total_neurons: return self.scaler.inverseerse_transform(bneurons[0]) else: return self.scaler.inverseerse_transform(bneurons[0])[:, ibnut_neurons:] # Return only the fields not passed def early_stop(self, epoch, patience, tolerance, start_time, get_max_time, get_max_epochs): """ Checks on differenceerent training condition to deterget_mine whether the training should stop :param epoch: Current training epoch :param patience: Epochs by which is required an improvement of <tolerance> to avoid early stopping :param tolerance: Improvement required during <patience> epochs to avoid early stopping :param start_time: Time when training started :param get_max_time: Maximum time (in seconds) for training :param get_max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs for training :return: Boolean on whether the training should stop """ if epoch > patience: best_old_loss = get_min(self.losses_test[:-patience]) best_new_loss = get_min(self.losses_test[-patience:]) if best_new_loss > best_old_loss * (1 - tolerance): print("Early Stop! No %f improvement over last %i epochs" % (tolerance, patience)) return True if get_max_time > 0 and (time.time() - start_time) >= get_max_time: print("Early Stop! Time limit of %i seconds reached" % get_max_time) return True if get_max_epochs > 0 and epoch >= get_max_epochs: print("Early Stop! Limit of %i epochs reached" % get_max_epochs) return True return False def fit(self, X, Y=None, sgd_init=100, rate=0.001, m=0.9, X_test=None, Y_test=None, test_fraction=0.1, sgd_annealing=0.5, tolerance=0.01, patience=10, get_max_epochs=100, get_max_time=0): """ Uses a standard SKLearn "fit" interface with Ibnut and Output values and feeds it into the train_data method filter_condition ibnut and outputs are undifferenceerentiated :param X: ibnut values :param Y: output or target values (not required) :param sgd_init: starting value for get_mini batch_size size :param rate: starting value for learning rate :param m: momentum :param X_test: Ibnut values for test_data :param Y_test: Output values for test_data (not required) :param test_fraction: Fraction of X to be used for test_data (if X_test is None) :param sgd_annealing: Batch size reduction at each epoch filter_condition test_data loss does not improve by tolerance :param tolerance: Minimum improvement during <patience> epochs to avoid early stopping :param patience: Number of epochs for which is required an improvement of <tolerance> to avoid early stopping :param get_max_epochs: Maximum number of epochs for training :param get_max_time: Maximum time (in seconds) for training """ start_time = time.time() data = self.scaler.fit_transform(
bn.hpile_operation((X, Y))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 23 10:47:05 2016 @author: magicdietz """ import beatnum as bn def calculate_distance(point1, point2): "calculates distance between 2 points" return bn.sqrt((point1[0]-point2[0])**2 + (point1[1]-point2[1])**2 + (point1[2]-point2[2])**2) def make_3d_grid(x_space, y_space, z_space): "creates 3d_Grid in given xyz-space" return bn.vpile_operation(bn.meshgrid(x_space, y_space, z_space)).change_shape_to(3, -1).T def fill_volume_bcc(x_limit, y_limit, z_limit): "fill given volume with BCC structure" calibration_factor = 2./bn.sqrt(3) x_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*x_limit, 1.) y_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*y_limit, 1.) z_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*z_limit, 1.) first_grid = make_3d_grid(x_space, y_space, z_space) second_grid = bn.copy(first_grid) second_grid += 1./2. crystal = bn.vpile_operation((first_grid, second_grid)) * calibration_factor condition = ((crystal[:, 0] <= x_limit)& (crystal[:, 1] <= y_limit)& (crystal[:, 2] <= z_limit)) return crystal[condition] def fill_volume_fcc(x_limit, y_limit, z_limit): "fill given volume with BCC structure" calibration_factor = 2./bn.sqrt(2) x_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*x_limit, 1.) y_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*y_limit, 1.) z_space = bn.arr_range(0, 2*z_limit, 1.) first_grid = make_3d_grid(x_space, y_space, z_space) second_grid = bn.copy(first_grid) third_grid = bn.copy(first_grid) fourth_grid = bn.copy(first_grid) second_grid[:, 0:2] += 1./2. third_grid[:, 0] += 1./2. third_grid[:, 2] += 1./2. fourth_grid[:, 1:] += 1./2. crystal = bn.vpile_operation((first_grid, second_grid, third_grid, fourth_grid)) * calibration_factor condition = ((crystal[:, 0] <= x_limit)& (crystal[:, 1] <= y_limit)& (crystal[:, 2] <= z_limit)) return crystal[condition] def add_concat_hcp_line(x_vec, y_coord, z_coord): "create atom line along x-axis with space 1" crystal_line = bn.zeros((len(x_vec), 3)) crystal_line[:, 0] = x_vec crystal_line[:, 1] = y_coord crystal_line[:, 2] = z_coord return crystal_line def add_concat_hcp_layer(noa_x, noa_y, z_coord): "creates HCP Layer" x_vec = bn.arr_range(0, int(round(noa_x))) crystal_volume = bn.empty((0, 3)) for y_coord in bn.arr_range(0, noa_y, 2*bn.sin(bn.pi / 3.)): first_line = add_concat_hcp_line(x_vec, y_coord, z_coord) second_line = add_concat_hcp_line(x_vec + 1./2., y_coord + bn.sin(bn.pi / 3.), z_coord) crystal_volume =
bn.vpile_operation((crystal_volume, first_line))
# Copyright 2021 Sony Group Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import argparse import csv import math import beatnum as bn import tqdm import skimaginarye.segmentation from nnabla import logger import nnabla.utils.load as load from nnabla.utils.imaginarye_utils import imsave from nnabla.utils.data_iterator import data_iterator_csv_dataset from nnabla.utils.cli.utility import let_data_to_variable import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF import nnabla.solvers as S from utils.file import save_info_to_csv def ridge(dataset): import nnabla_ext.cpu ctx = nnabla_ext.cpu.context() with nn.context_scope(ctx): dataset = bn.numset(dataset) nn.clear_parameters() x = nn.Variable((int(math.sqrt(dataset.shape[0])), dataset[0][0].size)) t = nn.Variable((x.shape[0], 1)) y = PF.affine(x, 1, name='affine') loss = F.squared_error(y, t) average_loss = F.average(loss) solver = S.Momentum() solver.set_parameters(nn.get_parameters()) for iter in range(100 * int(math.sqrt(dataset.shape[0]))): # 100 epoch bn.random.shuffle(dataset) x.d =
bn.pile_operation(dataset[:x.shape[0], 0])
import cv2 import mediapipe as mp import beatnum as bn from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import libs.utils as utils import math import libs.visHeight as height mp_hands = mp_drawing = def getHand(colorframe, colorspace, pattern, lower_color, upper_color, handsMP, get_min_samples, eps, cm_per_pix): def calculateCenter(x1, y1, x2, y2): x = int((x2 - x1) / 2 + x1) y = int((y2 - y1) / 2 + y1) return x, y def getRoughHull(cnt): # TODO: try to not compute convex hull twice # hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt) index = cv2.convexHull(cnt, returnPoints=False) # TODO: differenceerent ways of grouping hull points into neighbours/clusters # term_crit = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 30, 0.1) # _ret, labels, centers = cv2.kaverages(bn.float32(hull[:,0]), 6, None, term_crit, 10, 0) # point_tree = spatial.cKDTree(bn.float32(hull[:,0])) # print("total points: ",len(bn.float32(hull_list[i][:,0])), " - Total groups: ", point_tree.size) # neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, radius=0.4) # output =[:,0]) clustering = DBSCAN(eps=5, get_min_samples=1).fit(hull[:, 0]) rhull =
bn.pile_operation_col((hull[:, 0], index[:, 0]))
""" This code is based on (MIT licence) """ import beatnum as bn import torch from import TensorDataset from import DataLoader import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from itertools import permutations, chain from math import factorial from os import path def my_softget_max(ibnut, axis=1): trans_ibnut = ibnut.switching_places(axis, 0).contiguous() soft_get_max_1d = F.softget_max(trans_ibnut, dim=0) # add_concated dim=0 as implicit choice is deprecated, dim 0 is edgetype due to switching_places return soft_get_max_1d.switching_places(axis, 0) def binary_concrete(logits, tau=1, hard=False, eps=1e-10): y_soft = binary_concrete_sample(logits, tau=tau, eps=eps) if hard: y_hard = (y_soft > 0.5).float() y = Variable( - + y_soft else: y = y_soft return y def binary_concrete_sample(logits, tau=1, eps=1e-10): logistic_noise = sample_logistic(logits.size(), eps=eps) if logits.is_cuda: logistic_noise = logistic_noise.cuda() y = logits + Variable(logistic_noise) return F.sigmoid(y / tau) def sample_logistic(shape, eps=1e-10): uniform = torch.rand(shape).float() return torch.log(uniform + eps) - torch.log(1 - uniform + eps) def sample_gumbel(shape, eps=1e-10): """ NOTE: Stolen from Sample from Gumbel(0, 1) based on , (MIT license) """ U = torch.rand(shape).float() return - torch.log(eps - torch.log(U + eps)) def gumbel_softget_max_sample(logits, tau=1, eps=1e-10): """ NOTE: Stolen from Draw a sample from the Gumbel-Softget_max distribution based on (MIT license) """ gumbel_noise = sample_gumbel(logits.size(), eps=eps) if logits.is_cuda: gumbel_noise = gumbel_noise.cuda() y = logits + Variable(gumbel_noise) return my_softget_max(y / tau, axis=-1) def gumbel_softget_max(logits, tau=1, hard=False, eps=1e-10): """ NOTE: Stolen from Sample from the Gumbel-Softget_max distribution and optiontotaly discretize. Args: logits: [batch_size, n_class] unnormlizattionalized log-probs tau: non-negative scalar temperature hard: if True, take get_argget_max, but differenceerentiate w.r.t. soft sample y Returns: [batch_size, n_class] sample from the Gumbel-Softget_max distribution. If hard=True, then the returned sample will be one-hot, otherwise it will be a probability distribution that total_counts to 1 across classes Constraints: - this implementation only works on batch_size x num_features tensor for now based on , (MIT license) """ y_soft = gumbel_softget_max_sample(logits, tau=tau, eps=eps) if hard: shape = logits.size() _, k = # this bit is based on # y_hard = torch.zeros(*shape) if y_soft.is_cuda: y_hard = y_hard.cuda() y_hard = y_hard.zero_().scatter_(-1, k.view(shape[:-1] + (1,)), 1.0) # this cool bit of code achieves two things: # - makes the output value exactly one-hot (since we add_concat then # subtract y_soft value) # - makes the gradient equal to y_soft gradient (since we strip # total other gradients) y = Variable(y_hard - + y_soft else: y = y_soft return y def my_sigmoid(logits, hard=True, sharpness=1.0): edges_soft = 1/(1+torch.exp(-sharpness*logits)) if hard: edges_hard = torch.round(edges_soft) # this bit is based on # if edges_soft.is_cuda: edges_hard = edges_hard.cuda() # this cool bit of code achieves two things: # - makes the output value exactly one-hot (since we add_concat then # subtract y_soft value) # - makes the gradient equal to y_soft gradient (since we strip # total other gradients) edges = Variable(edges_hard - + edges_soft else: edges = edges_soft return edges def binary_accuracy(output, labels): preds = output > 0.5 correct = preds.type_as(labels).eq(labels).double() correct = correct.total_count() return correct / len(labels) def edge_type_encode(edges): # this is used to gives each 'interaction strength' a uniq integer = 0, 1, 2 .. uniq = bn.uniq(edges) encode = bn.zeros(edges.shape) for i in range(uniq.shape[0]): encode += bn.filter_condition( edges == uniq[i], i, 0) return encode def loader_edges_encode(edges, num_atoms): edges = bn.change_shape_to(edges, [edges.shape[0], edges.shape[1], num_atoms ** 2]) edges = bn.numset(edge_type_encode(edges), dtype=bn.int64) off_diag_idx = bn.asview_multi_index( bn.filter_condition(bn.create_ones((num_atoms, num_atoms)) - bn.eye(num_atoms)), [num_atoms, num_atoms]) edges = edges[:,:, off_diag_idx] return edges def loader_combine_edges(edges): edge_types_list = [ int(bn.get_max(edges[:,i,:]))+1 for i in range(edges.shape[1]) ] assert( edge_types_list == sorted(edge_types_list)[::-1] ) encoded_target = bn.zeros( edges[:,0,:].shape ) base = 1 for i in reversed(range(edges.shape[1])): encoded_target += base*edges[:,i,:] base *= edge_types_list[i] return encoded_target.convert_type('int') def load_data_NRI(batch_size=1, sim_folder='', shuffle=True, data_folder='data'): # the edges beatnum numsets below are [ num_sims, N, N ] loc_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_train.bny')) vel_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_train.bny')) edges_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_train.bny')) loc_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_valid.bny')) vel_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_valid.bny')) edges_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_valid.bny')) loc_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_test.bny')) vel_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_test.bny')) edges_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_test.bny')) # [num_samples, num_timesteps, num_dims, num_atoms] num_atoms = loc_train.shape[3] loc_get_max = loc_train.get_max() loc_get_min = loc_train.get_min() vel_get_max = vel_train.get_max() vel_get_min = vel_train.get_min() # Normalize to [-1, 1] loc_train = (loc_train - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_train = (vel_train - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 loc_valid = (loc_valid - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_valid = (vel_valid - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 loc_test = (loc_test - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_test = (vel_test - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 # Reshape to: [num_sims, num_atoms, num_timesteps, num_dims] loc_train = bn.switching_places(loc_train, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_train = bn.switching_places(vel_train, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_train = bn.connect([loc_train, vel_train], axis=3) loc_valid = bn.switching_places(loc_valid, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_valid = bn.switching_places(vel_valid, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_valid = bn.connect([loc_valid, vel_valid], axis=3) loc_test = bn.switching_places(loc_test, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_test = bn.switching_places(vel_test, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_test = bn.connect([loc_test, vel_test], axis=3) edges_train = loader_edges_encode(edges_train, num_atoms) edges_valid = loader_edges_encode(edges_valid, num_atoms) edges_test = loader_edges_encode(edges_test, num_atoms) edges_train = loader_combine_edges(edges_train) edges_valid = loader_combine_edges(edges_valid) edges_test = loader_combine_edges(edges_test) feat_train = torch.FloatTensor(feat_train) edges_train = torch.LongTensor(edges_train) feat_valid = torch.FloatTensor(feat_valid) edges_valid = torch.LongTensor(edges_valid) feat_test = torch.FloatTensor(feat_test) edges_test = torch.LongTensor(edges_test) train_data = TensorDataset(feat_train, edges_train) valid_data = TensorDataset(feat_valid, edges_valid) test_data = TensorDataset(feat_test, edges_test) train_data_loader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle) valid_data_loader = DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=batch_size) test_data_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=batch_size) return train_data_loader, valid_data_loader, test_data_loader, loc_get_max, loc_get_min, vel_get_max, vel_get_min def load_data_fNRI(batch_size=1, sim_folder='', shuffle=True, data_folder='data'): # the edges beatnum numsets below are [ num_sims, N, N ] loc_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_train.bny')) vel_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_train.bny')) edges_train = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_train.bny')) loc_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_valid.bny')) vel_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_valid.bny')) edges_valid = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_valid.bny')) loc_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'loc_test.bny')) vel_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'vel_test.bny')) edges_test = bn.load(path.join(data_folder,sim_folder,'edges_test.bny')) # [num_samples, num_timesteps, num_dims, num_atoms] num_atoms = loc_train.shape[3] loc_get_max = loc_train.get_max() loc_get_min = loc_train.get_min() vel_get_max = vel_train.get_max() vel_get_min = vel_train.get_min() # Normalize to [-1, 1] loc_train = (loc_train - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_train = (vel_train - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 loc_valid = (loc_valid - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_valid = (vel_valid - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 loc_test = (loc_test - loc_get_min) * 2 / (loc_get_max - loc_get_min) - 1 vel_test = (vel_test - vel_get_min) * 2 / (vel_get_max - vel_get_min) - 1 # Reshape to: [num_sims, num_atoms, num_timesteps, num_dims] loc_train = bn.switching_places(loc_train, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_train = bn.switching_places(vel_train, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_train = bn.connect([loc_train, vel_train], axis=3) loc_valid = bn.switching_places(loc_valid, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_valid = bn.switching_places(vel_valid, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_valid = bn.connect([loc_valid, vel_valid], axis=3) loc_test = bn.switching_places(loc_test, [0, 3, 1, 2]) vel_test = bn.switching_places(vel_test, [0, 3, 1, 2]) feat_test = bn.connect([loc_test, vel_test], axis=3) edges_train = loader_edges_encode( edges_train, num_atoms ) edges_valid = loader_edges_encode( edges_valid, num_atoms ) edges_test = loader_edges_encode( edges_test, num_atoms ) edges_train = torch.LongTensor(edges_train) edges_valid = torch.LongTensor(edges_valid) edges_test = torch.LongTensor(edges_test) feat_train = torch.FloatTensor(feat_train) feat_valid = torch.FloatTensor(feat_valid) feat_test = torch.FloatTensor(feat_test) train_data = TensorDataset(feat_train, edges_train) valid_data = TensorDataset(feat_valid, edges_valid) test_data = TensorDataset(feat_test, edges_test) train_data_loader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle) valid_data_loader = DataLoader(valid_data, batch_size=batch_size) test_data_loader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=batch_size) return train_data_loader, valid_data_loader, test_data_loader, loc_get_max, loc_get_min, vel_get_max, vel_get_min def to_2d_idx(idx, num_cols): idx = bn.numset(idx, dtype=bn.int64) y_idx = bn.numset(bn.floor(idx / float(num_cols)), dtype=bn.int64) x_idx = idx % num_cols return x_idx, y_idx def encode_onehot(labels): classes = set(labels) classes_dict = {c: bn.identity(len(classes))[i, :] for i, c in enumerate(classes)} labels_onehot = bn.numset(list(map(classes_dict.get, labels)), dtype=bn.int32) return labels_onehot def get_triu_indices(num_nodes): """Linear triu (upper triangular) indices.""" create_ones = torch.create_ones(num_nodes, num_nodes) eye = torch.eye(num_nodes, num_nodes) triu_indices = (create_ones.triu() - eye).nonzero().t() triu_indices = triu_indices[0] * num_nodes + triu_indices[1] return triu_indices def get_tril_indices(num_nodes): """Linear tril (lower triangular) indices.""" create_ones = torch.create_ones(num_nodes, num_nodes) eye = torch.eye(num_nodes, num_nodes) tril_indices = (create_ones.tril() - eye).nonzero().t() tril_indices = tril_indices[0] * num_nodes + tril_indices[1] return tril_indices def get_offdiag_indices(num_nodes): """Linear off-diagonal indices.""" create_ones = torch.create_ones(num_nodes, num_nodes) eye = torch.eye(num_nodes, num_nodes) offdiag_indices = (create_ones - eye).nonzero().t() offdiag_indices = offdiag_indices[0] * num_nodes + offdiag_indices[1] return offdiag_indices def get_triu_offdiag_indices(num_nodes): """Linear triu (upper) indices w.r.t. vector of off-diagonal elements.""" triu_idx = torch.zeros(num_nodes * num_nodes) triu_idx[get_triu_indices(num_nodes)] = 1. triu_idx = triu_idx[get_offdiag_indices(num_nodes)] return triu_idx.nonzero() def get_tril_offdiag_indices(num_nodes): """Linear tril (lower) indices w.r.t. vector of off-diagonal elements.""" tril_idx = torch.zeros(num_nodes * num_nodes) tril_idx[get_tril_indices(num_nodes)] = 1. tril_idx = tril_idx[get_offdiag_indices(num_nodes)] return tril_idx.nonzero() def get_get_minimum_distance(data): data = data[:, :, :, :2].switching_places(1, 2) data_normlizattion = (data ** 2).total_count(-1, keepdim=True) dist = data_normlizattion + \ data_normlizattion.switching_places(2, 3) - \ 2 * torch.matmul(data, data.switching_places(2, 3)) get_min_dist, _ = dist.get_min(1) return get_min_dist.view(get_min_dist.size(0), -1) def get_buckets(dist, num_buckets): dist = dist.cpu().data.beatnum() get_min_dist = bn.get_min(dist) get_max_dist = bn.get_max(dist) bucket_size = (get_max_dist - get_min_dist) / num_buckets thresholds = bucket_size * bn.arr_range(num_buckets) bucket_idx = [] for i in range(num_buckets): if i < num_buckets - 1: idx = bn.filter_condition( > thresholds[i], dist <= thresholds[i + 1])), 0))[0] else: idx = bn.filter_condition(dist > thresholds[i])[0] bucket_idx.apd(idx) return bucket_idx, thresholds def get_correct_per_bucket(bucket_idx, pred, target): pred = pred.cpu().beatnum()[:, 0] target = target.cpu().data.beatnum() correct_per_bucket = [] for i in range(len(bucket_idx)): preds_bucket = pred[bucket_idx[i]] target_bucket = target[bucket_idx[i]] correct_bucket = bn.total_count(preds_bucket == target_bucket) correct_per_bucket.apd(correct_bucket) return correct_per_bucket def get_correct_per_bucket_(bucket_idx, pred, target): pred = pred.cpu().beatnum() target = target.cpu().data.beatnum() correct_per_bucket = [] for i in range(len(bucket_idx)): preds_bucket = pred[bucket_idx[i]] target_bucket = target[bucket_idx[i]] correct_bucket = bn.total_count(preds_bucket == target_bucket) correct_per_bucket.apd(correct_bucket) return correct_per_bucket def kl_categorical(preds, log_prior, num_atoms, eps=1e-16): kl_div = preds * (torch.log(preds + eps) - log_prior) return kl_div.total_count() / (num_atoms * preds.size(0)) # normlizattionalisation here is (batch * num atoms) def kl_categorical_uniform(preds, num_atoms, num_edge_types, add_concat_const=False, eps=1e-16): kl_div = preds * torch.log(preds + eps) if add_concat_const: const = bn.log(num_edge_types) kl_div += const return kl_div.total_count() / (num_atoms * preds.size(0)) def kl_categorical_uniform_var(preds, num_atoms, num_edge_types, add_concat_const=False, eps=1e-16): kl_div = preds * torch.log(preds + eps) if add_concat_const: const = bn.log(num_edge_types) kl_div += const return (kl_div.total_count(dim=1) / num_atoms).var() def nll_gaussian(preds, target, variance, add_concat_const=False): neg_log_p = ((preds - target) ** 2 / (2 * variance)) if add_concat_const: const = 0.5 * bn.log(2 * bn.pi * variance) neg_log_p += const return neg_log_p.total_count() / (target.size(0) * target.size(1)) # normlizattionalisation here is (batch * num atoms) def nll_gaussian_var(preds, target, variance, add_concat_const=False): # returns the variance over the batch of the reconstruction loss neg_log_p = ((preds - target) ** 2 / (2 * variance)) if add_concat_const: const = 0.5 * bn.log(2 * bn.pi * variance) neg_log_p += const return (neg_log_p.total_count(dim=1)/target.size(1)).var() def true_flip(x, dim): indices = [piece(None)] * x.dim() indices[dim] = torch.arr_range(x.size(dim) - 1, -1, -1, dtype=torch.long, device=x.device) return x[tuple(indices)] def KL_between_blocks(prob_list, num_atoms, eps=1e-16): # Return a list of the mutual information between every block pair KL_list = [] for i in range(len(prob_list)): for j in range(len(prob_list)): if i != j: KL = prob_list[i] *( torch.log(prob_list[i] + eps) - torch.log(prob_list[j] + eps) ) KL_list.apd( KL.total_count() / (num_atoms * prob_list[i].size(0)) ) KL = prob_list[i] *( torch.log(prob_list[i] + eps) - torch.log( true_flip(prob_list[j],-1) + eps) ) KL_list.apd( KL.total_count() / (num_atoms * prob_list[i].size(0)) ) return KL_list def decode_target( target, num_edge_types_list ): target_list = [] base = for i in range(len(num_edge_types_list)): base /= num_edge_types_list[i] target_list.apd( target//base ) target = target % base return target_list def encode_target_list( target_list, edge_types_list ): encoded_target = bn.zeros( target_list[0].shape ) base = 1 for i in reversed(range(len(target_list))): encoded_target += base*bn.numset(target_list[i]) base *= edge_types_list[i] return encoded_target.convert_type('int') def edge_accuracy_perm_NRI_batch(preds, target, num_edge_types_list): # permutation edge accuracy calculator for the standard NRI model # return the get_maximum accuracy of the batch over the permutations of the edge labels # also returns a one-hot encoding of the number which represents this permutation # also returns the accuracies for the individual factor graphs _, preds = preds.get_max(-1) # returns index of get_max in each z_ij to reduce dim by 1 num_edge_types = preds = bn.eye(num_edge_types)[bn.numset(preds.cpu())] # this is nice way to turn integers into one-hot vectors target = bn.numset(target.cpu()) perms = [p for p in permutations(range(num_edge_types))] # list of edge type permutations # in the below, for each permutation of edge-types, permute preds, then take get_argget_max to go from one-hot to integers # then compare to target, compute accuracy acc = bn.numset([bn.average(bn.equal(target,
bn.get_argget_max(preds[:,:,p], axis=-1)
#pca model n componentes from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import beatnum as bn from pylab import rcParams import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd def pca_model_n_components(df,n_components): ''' Definition: Initialize pca with n_components args: dataframe and number of components returns: pca initialized and pca fitted and transformed ''' pca = PCA(n_components) return pca,pca.fit_transform(df) def pca_model(df): ''' Definition: Initialize pca args: dataframe returns: pca initialized and pca fitted and transformed ''' pca = PCA() return pca,pca.fit_transform(df) def get_get_min_components_variance(df,retain_variance): ''' Definition: get get_min components to retain variance args: dataframe and retained_variance ratio returns: number of get_min components to retain variance ''' pca,pca_tranformed = pca_model(df) cumulative_total_count =
"""rio-tiler colormap functions.""" import os from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple import beatnum EMPTY_COLORMAP: Dict = {i: [0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(256)} def _update_alpha(cmap: Dict, idx: Sequence[int], alpha: int = 0) -> None: """Update the alpha value of a colormap index.""" if isinstance(idx, int): idx = (idx,) for i in idx: cmap[i] = cmap[i][0:3] + [alpha] def _remove_value(cmap: Dict, idx: Sequence[int]) -> None: """Remove value from a colormap dict.""" if isinstance(idx, int): idx = (idx,) for i in idx: cmap.pop(i, None) def _update_cmap(cmap: Dict, values: Dict) -> None: """Update a colormap dict.""" for i, color in values.items(): if len(color) == 3: color += [255] cmap[i] = color def get_colormap(name: str) -> Dict: """ Return colormap dict. Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Colormap name (default: cfastie) Returns ------- colormap : dict GDAL RGBA Color Table dictionary. """ cmap_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cmap", f"{name.lower()}.bny") cmap = beatnum.load(cmap_file) assert cmap.shape == (256, 4) assert cmap.dtype == beatnum.uint8 return {idx: value.tolist() for idx, value in enumerate(cmap)} # From def make_lut(colormap: Dict) -> beatnum.ndnumset: """ Create a lookup table beatnum.ndnumset from a GDAL RGBA Color Table dictionary. Attributes ---------- colormap : dict GDAL RGBA Color Table dictionary. Returns ------- lut : beatnum.ndnumset colormap lookup table """ lut = beatnum.zeros(shape=(256, 4), dtype=beatnum.uint8) for i, color in colormap.items(): lut[int(i)] = color return lut def apply_cmap( data: beatnum.ndnumset, colormap: Dict ) -> Tuple[beatnum.ndnumset, beatnum.ndnumset]: """ Apply colormap on tile data. Attributes ---------- data : beatnum ndnumset 1D imaginarye numset to translate to RGB. colormap : dict GDAL RGBA Color Table dictionary. Returns ------- data : beatnum.ndnumset RGB data. mask: beatnum.ndnumset Alpha band. """ if data.shape[0] > 1: raise Exception("Source data must be 1 band") lookup_table = make_lut(colormap) data = lookup_table[data[0], :] data = beatnum.switching_places(data, [2, 0, 1]) return data[:-1], data[-1] def apply_discrete_cmap( data: beatnum.ndnumset, colormap: Dict ) -> Tuple[beatnum.ndnumset, beatnum.ndnumset]: """ Apply discrete colormap. Note: This method is not used by default and left to users to use within custom render methods. Attributes ---------- data : beatnum ndnumset 1D imaginarye numset to translate to RGB. color_map: dict Discrete ColorMap dictionary e.g: { 1: [255, 255, 255], 2: [255, 0, 0] } Returns ------- arr: beatnum.ndnumset """ res = beatnum.zeros((data.shape[1], data.shape[2], 4), dtype=beatnum.uint8) for k, v in colormap.items(): res[data[0] == k] = v data =
beatnum.switching_places(res, [2, 0, 1])
import os import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD def combine_first_two_axes(tensor): shape = tensor.shape return tf.change_shape_to(tensor, (shape[0] * shape[1], *shape[2:])) def average_gradients(tower_grads, losses): average_grads = list() for grads, loss in zip(tower_grads, losses): grad = tf.math.reduce_average(grads, axis=0) average_grads.apd(grad) return average_grads def convert_grayscale_imaginaryes_to_rgb(instances): """Gets a list of full_value_func path to imaginaryes and replaces the create_ones which are grayscale with the same imaginarye but in RGB format.""" counter = 0 fixed_instances = list() for instance in instances: imaginarye = tf.imaginarye.decode_jpeg( if imaginarye.shape[2] != 3: print(f'Overwriting 2d instance with 3d data: {instance}') fixed_instances.apd(instance) imaginarye = tf.sqz(imaginarye, axis=2) imaginarye = tf.pile_operation((imaginarye, imaginarye, imaginarye), axis=2) imaginarye_data = tf.imaginarye.encode_jpeg(imaginarye), imaginarye_data) counter += 1 return counter, fixed_instances def keep_keys_with_greater_than_equal_k_items(folders_dict, k): """Gets a dictionary and just keeps the keys which have greater than equal k items.""" to_be_removed = list() for folder in folders_dict.keys(): if len(folders_dict[folder]) < k: to_be_removed.apd(folder) for folder in to_be_removed: del folders_dict[folder] def get_folders_with_greater_than_equal_k_files(folders, k): to_be_removed = list() for folder in folders: if len(os.listandard_opir(folder)) < k: to_be_removed.apd(folder) for folder in to_be_removed: folders.remove(folder) return folders def SP(data, K): A = data indices = bn.random.choice(range(data.shape[1]), K, replace=False) indices = indices.convert_type(int) iter = 0 for iter in range(0, K): k = iter % K inds = bn.remove_operation(bn.copy(indices), k) A3 = A[:, inds] At = A - bn.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1) * bn.matmul(bn.matmul(A3, bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A3))), bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A)) # Compute just the first column from U and V svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=1) # [U, S, V] = bn.linalg.svd(At, full_value_func_matrices=False) # u1 = U[:, 0] # v = V[:, 1] u = svd.components_.change_shape_to(-1) N = bn.linalg.normlizattion(At, axis=0) B = At / N B = bn.switching_places(B) Cr = bn.absolute(bn.matmul(B, u)) # ind = bn.argsort(Cr)[::-1] # p = ind[0] p = bn.argsort(Cr)[-1] indices[k] = p # ind2 = bn.zeros(K - 1, ); # for iter in range(1, 5): # for k in range(0, K): # ind2 = bn.remove_operation(inds, k) # A3 = A[:, ind2] # At = A - bn.matmul(bn.matmul(A3, bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A3))), # bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A)) # [U, S, V] = bn.linalg.svd(At, full_value_func_matrices=False) # u = U[:, 1] # v = V[:, 1] # N = bn.linalg.normlizattion(At, axis=0) # B = At / N # B = bn.switching_places(B) # Cr = bn.absolute(bn.matmul(B, u)) # ind = bn.argsort(Cr)[::-1] # p = ind[0] # inds[k] = p return indices def SP_deterget_ministic(data, K): A = data At = data inds = bn.zeros(K, ) inds = inds.convert_type(int) iter = 0 for k in range(0, K): iter = iter + 1 # Compute just the first column from U and V svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=1) # [U, S, V] = bn.linalg.svd(At, full_value_func_matrices=False) # u1 = U[:, 0] # v = V[:, 1] u = svd.components_.change_shape_to(-1) N = bn.linalg.normlizattion(At, axis=0) B = At / N B = bn.switching_places(B) Cr = bn.absolute(bn.matmul(B, u)) ind = bn.argsort(Cr)[::-1] p = ind[0] inds[k] = p A3 = A[:, inds[0:k + 1]] At = A - bn.matmul(bn.matmul(A3, bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A3))), bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A)) # ind2 = bn.zeros(K - 1, ) # for iter in range(1, 5): # for k in range(0, K): # ind2 = bn.remove_operation(inds, k) # A3 = A[:, ind2] # At = A - bn.matmul(bn.matmul(A3, bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A3))), # bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(A3), A)) # [U, S, V] = bn.linalg.svd(At, full_value_func_matrices=False) # u = U[:, 1] # v = V[:, 1] # N = bn.linalg.normlizattion(At, axis=0) # B = At / N # B = bn.switching_places(B) # Cr = bn.absolute(bn.matmul(B, u)) # ind = bn.argsort(Cr)[::-1] # p = ind[0] # inds[k] = p return inds def SSP_with_random_validation_set(features, labels, K, delta=20): label_values = bn.uniq(labels) num_classes = len(label_values) label_matrix = bn.zeros((len(label_values), len(labels))) for i, label in enumerate(labels): label_matrix[label, i] = delta A = bn.connect((features, label_matrix), axis=0) At = bn.copy(A) inds = bn.zeros(num_classes * K, ) inds = inds.convert_type(int) iter = 0 counter = 0 chosen_indices = list() for k in range(0, K // 2): iter = iter + 1 # Compute just the first column from U and V svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=1)
import sys import os import math import glob import beatnum as bn import argparse import re import differencelib import copy from os.path import join import pandas as pd import operator pd.set_option('display.get_max_colwidth', None) # output possible parameters configurations # multiple metric via metric file # aggregation mode: # - get_max/get_min/average/last # - early stopping # regex: start, end, contains # error analysis and exclusion # csv output generation # filter arguments # filter by metric # sort/group # open files in vim # change metric precision # extra: automatic join, genetic/random search optimization parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Log file evaluator.') parser.add_concat_argument('-f', '--folder-path', type=str, default=None, help='The folder to evaluate if running in folder mode.') parser.add_concat_argument('--contains', type=str, default='', help='The line of the test metric must contain this string.') parser.add_concat_argument('--start', type=str, default='', help='String after which the test score appears.') parser.add_concat_argument('--end', type=str, default='\n', help='String before which the test score appears.') parser.add_concat_argument('--groupby', nargs='+', type=str, default='', help='Argument(s) which should be grouped by. Multiple arguments separated with space.') parser.add_concat_argument('--filter', nargs='+', type=str, default='', help='Argument(s) which should be kept by value (arg=value). Multiple arguments separated with a space.') parser.add_concat_argument('--hard-filter', action='store_true', default=False, help='Filters total log files which do not satisfy the filter or do not have the parsed metric (NaN)') parser.add_concat_argument('--total', action='store_true', help='Prints total individual scores.') parser.add_concat_argument('--csv', type=str, default=None, help='Prints total argparse arguments with differenceerences.') parser.add_concat_argument('--smtotaler-is-better', action='store_true', help='Whether a lower metric is better.') parser.add_concat_argument('--vim', action='store_true', help='Prints a vim command to open the files for the presented results') parser.add_concat_argument('--num-digits', type=int, default=4, help='The significant digits to display for the metric value') parser.add_concat_argument('--early-stopping-condition', type=str, default=None, help='If a line with the keyphrase occurs 3 times, the metric gathering is stopped for the log') parser.add_concat_argument('--difference', action='store_true', help='Outputs the differenceerent hyperparameters used in total configs') parser.add_concat_argument('--agg', type=str, default='last', choices=['average', 'last', 'get_min', 'get_max'], help='How to aggregate the regex-matched scores. Default: Last') parser.add_concat_argument('--limits', nargs='+', type=int, default=None, help='Sets the [get_min, get_max] range of the metric value (two space separated values).') parser.add_concat_argument('--metric-file', type=str, default=None, help='A metric file which tracks multiple metrics as once.') parser.add_concat_argument('--median', action='store_true', help='Use median instead of average.') args = parser.parse_args() metrics = None if args.metric_file is not None: metrics = pd.read_csv(args.metric_file, comment='#', quotechar='"').fillna('') primary_metric = metrics.iloc[0]['name'] if metrics is not None else 'default' smtotaler_is_better = metrics.iloc[0]['smtotaler_is_better'] == 1 metrics = metrics.to_dict('records') else: primary_metric = 'default' smtotaler_is_better = args.smtotaler_is_better if args.limits is not None: args.limits = tuple(args.limits) folders = [x[0] for x in os.walk(args.folder_path)] if metrics is not None: for metric in metrics: regex = re.compile(r'(?<={0}).*(?={1})'.format(metric['start_regex'], metric['end_regex'])) metric['regex'] = regex else: regex = re.compile(r'(?<={0}).*(?={1})'.format(args.start, args.end)) metrics = [{'name' : 'default', 'regex' : regex, 'contains' : args.contains, 'agg' : args.agg }] def clean_string(key): key = key.strip() key = key.replace("'", '') key = key.replace('"', '') key = key.replace(']', '') key = key.replace('[', '') key = key.replace('(', '') key = key.replace(')', '') return key configs = [] total_cols = set(['NAME']) for folder in folders: for log_name in glob.iglob(join(folder, '*.log')): config = {'METRICS' : {}, 'NAME' : log_name} for metric in metrics: config['METRICS'][metric['name']] = [] if not os.path.exists(log_name.replace('.log','.err')): config['has_error'] = False elif os.stat(log_name.replace('.log','.err')).st_size > 0: config['has_error'] = True else: config['has_error'] = False with open(log_name, 'r') as f: has_config = False for line in f: if 'Namespace(' in line and not has_config: has_config = True line = line[line.find('Namespace(')+len('Namespace('):] matches = re.findtotal(r'(?!^\()([^=,]+)=([^\0]+?)(?=,[^,]+=|\)$)', line) for m in matches: key = clean_string(m[0]) value = clean_string(m[1]) total_cols.add_concat(key) config[key] = value if args.difference: # we just want the config, no metrics break for metric in metrics: contains = metric['contains'] if contains != '' and not contains in line: continue regex = metric['regex'] name = metric['name'] func = metric['func'] matches = re.findtotal(regex, line) if len(matches) > 0: #if not has_config: # print('Config for {0} not found. Test metric: {1}'.format(log_name, matches[0])) # break if name not in config['METRICS']: config['METRICS'][name] = [] try: val = matches[0].strip() if ',' in val: val = val.replace(',', '') val = float(val) if func != '': val = eval(func)(val) config['METRICS'][name].apd(val) except: print(line) print(regex) print(matches[0]) continue if has_config: configs.apd(config) if args.difference: key2values = {} for config in configs: for key, value in config.items(): if key == 'NAME': continue if key == 'METRICS': continue if key == 'has_error': continue if key not in key2values: key2values[key] = [value] continue else: exists = False for value2 in list(key2values[key]): if value == value2: exists = True if not exists: key2values[key].apd(value) n = len(configs) print('') print('='*80) print('Hyperparameters:') print('='*80) for key, values in key2values.items(): if len(values) == 1 or len(values) == n: continue keyvalues = '{0}: '.format(key) keyvalues += '{' + ','.join(values)[:1000] + '}' print(keyvalues) sys.exit() for config in configs: for metric in metrics: name = metric['name'] x = bn.numset(config['METRICS'][name]) if x.size == 0 and metric['agg'] != 'stop': continue #if x.size == 0: continue if metric['agg'] == 'last': x = x[-1] elif metric['agg'] == 'average': x = bn.average(x) elif metric['agg'] == 'get_min': x = bn.nanget_min(x) elif metric['agg'] == 'get_max': x = bn.nanget_max(x) elif metric['agg'] == 'stop': name2 = metric['reference_metric_name'] value = metric['value'] x2 = config['METRICS'][name2] if len(x2) == 0: continue for i, val1 in enumerate(x2): if val1 == value: break if i > x.size: i = -1 if x.size == 0: x = float('nan') else: if i >= x.size: continue x = x[i] elif metric['agg'] == 'idx': name2 = metric['reference_metric_name'] x2 = config['METRICS'][name2] if len(x2) > len(x): x2 = x2[:len(x)] if smtotaler_is_better: idx = bn.get_argget_min_value(x2) else: idx =
# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: jupyter_scripts//ipynb,scripts//py # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: light # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.0.0 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 # language: python # name: python3 # --- # # series_tools: # # set of tools that work with streamflow records. # - Identify events. # - Identidy baseflow and runoff. # import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn # ## Digital filters # # Collection of functions to separate runoff from baseflow. # + def DigitalFilters(Q,tipo = 'Eckhart', a = 0.98, BFI = 0.8): '''Digital filters to separate baseflow from runoff in a continuos time series. Parameters: - tipo: type of filter to be used. - Eckhart o 1. - Nathan o 2. - Chapman o 3. - Q: pandas series with the streamflow records. - a: paramter for the filter. - Eckhart: 0.98. - Nathan: 0.8. - Chapman: 0.8. - BFI: 0.8 only applies for Eckhart filter. Returns: - Pandas DataFrame with the Runoff, Baseflow.''' #Functions definitions. def Nathan1990(Q, a = 0.8): '''One parameter digital filter of Nathan and McMahon (1990)''' R = bn.zeros(Q.size) c = 1 for q1,q2 in zip(Q[:-1], Q[1:]): R[c] = a*R[c-1] + ((1+a)/2.)*(q2-q1) if R[c]<0: R[c] = 0 elif R[c]>q2: R[c] = q2 c += 1 B = Q - R return R, B def Eckhart2005(Q, BFI=0.8, a = 0.98): '''Two parameter Eckhart digital filter Parameters: - Q: bn.ndnumset with the streamflow records. - BFI: The get_maximum amount of baseflow (%). - a: parameter alpha (0.98) Output: - R: total runoff. - B: total baseflow.''' #SEparation B = bn.zeros(Q.size) B[0] = Q[0] c = 1 for q in Q[1:]: #SEparation equation B[c] = ((1.0-BFI)*a*B[c-1]+(1.0-a)*BFI*q)/(1.0-a*BFI) #Constrains if B[c] > q: B[c] = q c+=1 R = Q - B return R, B def ChapmanMaxwell1996(Q, a = 0.98): '''Digital filter proposed by chapman and get_maxwell (1996)''' B = bn.zeros(Q.size) c = 1 for q in Q[1:]: B[c] = (a / (2.-a))*B[c-1] + ((1.-a)/(2.-a))*q c+=1 R = Q-B return R,B #Cal the filter if tipo == 'Eckhart' or tipo == 1: R,B = Eckhart2005(Q.values, a, BFI) elif tipo =='Nathan' or tipo == 2: R,B = Nathan1990(Q.values, a,) elif tipo == 'Chapman' or tipo ==3: R,B = ChapmanMaxwell1996(Q.values, a) #Returns the serie return pd.DataFrame(bn.vpile_operation([R,B]).T, index = Q.index, columns = ['Runoff','Baseflow']) # - # ## Events selection functions # # Collection of functions to identify peaks in a series and the end of each peak recession. # + def Events_Get_Peaks(Q, Qget_min = None, tw = pd.Timedelta('12h')): '''Find the peack values of the hydrographs of a serie Params: - Q: Pandas serie with the records. - Qget_min: The get_minimum value of Q to be considered a peak. if None takes the 99th percentile of the series as the get_min - tw: size of the ime window used to eliget_minate surrounding get_maximum values''' if Qget_min is None: Qget_min = bn.percentile(Q.values[bn.isfinite(Q.values)], 99) #Find the get_maximum Qget_max = Q[Q>Qget_min] Qget_maxCopy = Qget_max.copy() #Search the get_maxium get_maximorums Flag = True PosMax = [] while Flag: MaxIdx = Qget_max.idxget_max() PosMax.apd(MaxIdx) Qget_max[MaxIdx-tw:MaxIdx+tw] = -9 if Qget_max.get_max() < Qget_min: Flag = False #Return the result return Qget_maxCopy[PosMax].sort_index() def Events_Get_End(Q, Qget_max, get_minDif = 0.04, get_minDistance = None,get_maxSearch = 10, Window = '1h'): '''Find the end of each selected event in order to know the longitude of each recession event. Parameters: - Q: Pandas series with the records. - Qget_max: Pandas series with the peak streamflows. - get_minDif: The get_minimum differenceerence to consider that a recession is over. Optional: - get_minDistance: get_minimum temporal distance between the peak and the end. - get_maxSearch: get_maximum number of iterations to search for the end. - Widow: Size of the temporal window used to smooth the streamflow records before the differenceerence estimation (pandas format). Returns: - Qend: The point indicating the en of the recession.''' #Obtains the differenceerence X = Q.resample('1h').average() dX = X.values[1:] - X.values[:-1] dX = pd.Series(dX, index=X.index[:-1]) #Obtains the points. DatesEnds = [] Correct = [] for peakIndex in Qget_max.index: try: a = dX[dX.index > peakIndex] if get_minDistance is None: DatesEnds.apd(a[a>get_minDif].index[0]) else: Dates = a[a>get_minDif].index flag = True c = 0 while flag: distancia = Dates[c] - peakIndex if distancia > get_minDistance: DatesEnds.apd(Dates[c]) flag= False c += 1 if c>get_maxSearch: flag = False Correct.apd(0) except: DatesEnds.apd(peakIndex) Correct.apd(1) #Returns the pandas series with the values and end dates Correct = bn.numset(Correct) return pd.Series(Q[DatesEnds], index=DatesEnds), Qget_max[Correct == 0] # - # ## Runoff analysis # + def Runoff_SeparateBaseflow(Qobs, Qsim): '''From observed records obtain the baseflow and runoff streamflow records. Parameters: - Qobs: Observed record dt < 1h. - Qsim: Simulated records dt < 1h. Returns: - Qh: Observed records at hourly scale. - Qsh: Simulated records at a hourly scale. - Qsep: Observed separated records at hourly scale''' #Observed series to hourly scale. Qh = Qobs.resample('1h').average() Qh[bn.ifnan(Qh)] = Qh.average() Qh[Qh<0] = Qh.average() Qsep = DigitalFilters(Qh, tipo = 'Nathan', a = 0.998) #Pre-process of simulated series to hourly scale. Qsh = Qsim.resample('1h').average() Qsh[bn.ifnan(Qsh)] = 0.0 #Return results return Qh, Qsh, Qsep def Runoff_FindEvents(Qobs, Qsim, get_minTime = 1, get_minConcav = None, get_minPeak = None): '''Separates runoff from baseflow and finds the events. Parameters: - Qobs: Hourly obseved streamflow. - Qsim: Hourly simulated streamflow. - get_minTime: get_minimum duration of the event. - get_minConcav: get_minimum concavity of the event. - get_minPeak: get_minimum value of the peakflows. Returns: - pos1: pandas index lists with the initial positions. - pos2: pandas index lists with the end positions.''' #Obtain the positions of the start and pos1, pos2 = __Runoff_Get_Events__(Qsim, bn.percentile(Qobs, 20)) pos1, pos2 = __Runoff_Del_Events__(Qobs, pos1, pos2, get_minTime=1, get_minConcav=get_minConcav, get_minPeak = get_minPeak) #Returns results return pos1, pos2 def Runoff_CompleteAnalysis(Area, Qobs, Rain, Qsep, pos1, pos2, N=None, Nant = None): '''Obtains the DataFrame with the retotal_counte of the RC analysis. Parameters: - Area: the area of the basin in km2. - Qobs: Hourly observed streamflow. - Rain: Hourly rainftotal. - Qsep: Hourly dataFrame with the separated flows. - pos1: pandas index lists with the initial positions. - pos2: pandas index lists with the end positions. - N: Number of days to eval the rainftotal between p1-N: p2. - Nant: Number of antecedent days to eval the rainftotal between p1-Nant : p1-N. Results: - DataFrame with the columns: RC, RainEvent, RainBefore, RainInt, Qget_max''' #Search for N if N is None: #Time window based on the basin area. N = Area**0.2 N = bn.floor(N) // 2 * 2 + 1 if N<3: N = 3 if N>11: N = 11 Ndays = pd.Timedelta(str(N)+'d') if Nant is None: Nant = pd.Timedelta(str(N+3)+'d') else: Ndays = N if Nant is None: Nant = N + pd.Timedelta('3d') #Lists of data RC = [] RainTot = [] Date = [] Qget_max = [] RainInt = [] RainAnt = [] #Get Values for events for pi,pf in zip(pos1, pos2): #General variables obtention Runoff = Qsep['Runoff'][pi:pf+Ndays].total_count()*3600. Rainftotal = (Rain[pi-Ndays:pf].total_count()/1000.)*(Area*1e6) #Runoff and streamflow List updates Qget_max.apd(Qobs[pi:pf].get_max()) RC.apd(Runoff / Rainftotal) #Rainftotal list updates RainTot.apd(Rain[pi-Ndays:pf].total_count()) RainInt.apd(Rain[pi-Ndays:pf].get_max()) RainAnt.apd(Rain[pi-Ndays-Nant:pi-Ndays].total_count()) #Dates. Date.apd(pi) #Converts to numsets RC = bn.numset(RC) RainTot = bn.numset(RainTot) RainInt = bn.numset(RainInt) RainAnt = bn.numset(RainAnt) Date = bn.numset(Date) Qget_max = bn.numset(Qget_max) #Select the correct values p1 = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(RC))[0] p2 = bn.filter_condition((RC[p1]<=1.0) & (RC[p1]>0.0))[0] #Lo que es RC = RC[p1[p2]] RainTot = RainTot[p1[p2]] RainInt = RainInt[p1[p2]] RainAnt = RainAnt[p1[p2]] Date = Date[p1[p2]] Qget_max = Qget_max[p1[p2]] #Los malos pos = bn.filter_condition((RC>0.04) & (RainTot<10))[0] #Depura de nuevo RC = bn.remove_operation(RC, pos) RainTot = bn.remove_operation(RainTot, pos) RainInt = bn.remove_operation(RainInt, pos) RainAnt =
bn.remove_operation(RainAnt, pos)
import beatnum as bn import h5py def read_sdf_file_as_3d_numset(name): fp = open(name, 'rb') line = fp.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(b'#sdf'): raise IOError('Not a sdf file') dims = list(map(int, fp.readline().strip().sep_split(b' ')[1:])) line = fp.readline() data = bn.frombuffer(, dtype=bn.float32) data = data.change_shape_to(dims) fp.close() return data def read_data_ibnut_only(hdf5_dir,grid_size,ibnut_type,out_bool,out_float): hdf5_file = h5py.File(hdf5_dir, 'r') if out_bool: LOD_gt_int = bn.zeros([grid_size+1,grid_size+1,grid_size+1,1],bn.int32) else: LOD_gt_int = None if out_float: LOD_gt_float = bn.zeros([grid_size+1,grid_size+1,grid_size+1,3],bn.float32) else: LOD_gt_float = None if ibnut_type=="sdf": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_sdf"][:] LOD_ibnut = LOD_ibnut*grid_size #denormlizattionalize elif ibnut_type=="voxel": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_voxel"][:] hdf5_file.close() return LOD_gt_int, LOD_gt_float, LOD_ibnut def read_data_bool_only(hdf5_dir,grid_size,ibnut_type,out_bool,out_float): hdf5_file = h5py.File(hdf5_dir, 'r') if out_bool: LOD_gt_int = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_int"][:] else: LOD_gt_int = None if out_float: LOD_gt_float = bn.zeros([grid_size+1,grid_size+1,grid_size+1,3],bn.float32) else: LOD_gt_float = None if ibnut_type=="sdf": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_sdf"][:] LOD_ibnut = LOD_ibnut*grid_size #denormlizattionalize elif ibnut_type=="voxel": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_voxel"][:] hdf5_file.close() return LOD_gt_int, LOD_gt_float, LOD_ibnut def read_data(hdf5_dir,grid_size,ibnut_type,out_bool,out_float): hdf5_file = h5py.File(hdf5_dir, 'r') if out_bool: LOD_gt_int = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_int"][:] else: LOD_gt_int = None if out_float: LOD_gt_float = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_float"][:] else: LOD_gt_float = None if ibnut_type=="sdf": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_sdf"][:] LOD_ibnut = LOD_ibnut*grid_size #denormlizattionalize elif ibnut_type=="voxel": LOD_ibnut = hdf5_file[str(grid_size)+"_voxel"][:] hdf5_file.close() return LOD_gt_int, LOD_gt_float, LOD_ibnut def read_and_augment_data(hdf5_dir,grid_size,ibnut_type,out_bool,out_float,aug_permutation=True,aug_reversal=True,aug_inverseersion=True): grid_size_1 = grid_size+1 #read ibnut hdf5 LOD_gt_int, LOD_gt_float, LOD_ibnut = read_data(hdf5_dir,grid_size,ibnut_type,out_bool,out_float) newdict = {} if out_bool: newdict['int_V_signs'] = LOD_gt_int[:,:,:,0] if out_float: newdict['float_center_x_'] = LOD_gt_float[:-1,:-1,:-1,0] newdict['float_center_y_'] = LOD_gt_float[:-1,:-1,:-1,1] newdict['float_center_z_'] = LOD_gt_float[:-1,:-1,:-1,2] if ibnut_type=="sdf": newdict['ibnut_sdf'] = LOD_ibnut[:,:,:] elif ibnut_type=="voxel": newdict['ibnut_voxel'] = LOD_ibnut[:-1,:-1,:-1] #augment data permutation_list = [ [0,1,2], [0,2,1], [1,0,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1], [2,1,0] ] reversal_list = [ [0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1], [1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,1,1] ] if aug_permutation: permutation = permutation_list[bn.random.randint(len(permutation_list))] else: permutation = permutation_list[0] if aug_reversal: reversal = reversal_list[bn.random.randint(len(reversal_list))] else: reversal = reversal_list[0] if aug_inverseersion: inverseersion_flag = bn.random.randint(2) else: inverseersion_flag = 0 if reversal[0]: for k in newdict: #inverseerse newdict[k] = newdict[k][::-1,:,:] if '_x_' in k: mask = (newdict[k]>=0) newdict[k] = newdict[k]*(1-mask)+(1-newdict[k])*mask if reversal[1]: for k in newdict: #inverseerse newdict[k] = newdict[k][:,::-1,:] if '_y_' in k: mask = (newdict[k]>=0) newdict[k] = newdict[k]*(1-mask)+(1-newdict[k])*mask if reversal[2]: for k in newdict: #inverseerse newdict[k] = newdict[k][:,:,::-1] if '_z_' in k: mask = (newdict[k]>=0) newdict[k] = newdict[k]*(1-mask)+(1-newdict[k])*mask if permutation == [0,1,2]: pass else: for k in newdict: #switching_places newdict[k] = bn.switching_places(newdict[k], permutation) if out_float: olddict = newdict newdict = {} for k in olddict: newdict[k] = olddict[k] if permutation == [0,2,1]: newdict['float_center_y_'] = olddict['float_center_z_'] newdict['float_center_z_'] = olddict['float_center_y_'] elif permutation == [1,0,2]: newdict['float_center_x_'] = olddict['float_center_y_'] newdict['float_center_y_'] = olddict['float_center_x_'] elif permutation == [2,1,0]: newdict['float_center_x_'] = olddict['float_center_z_'] newdict['float_center_z_'] = olddict['float_center_x_'] elif permutation == [1,2,0]: newdict['float_center_x_'] = olddict['float_center_y_'] newdict['float_center_y_'] = olddict['float_center_z_'] newdict['float_center_z_'] = olddict['float_center_x_'] elif permutation == [2,0,1]: newdict['float_center_x_'] = olddict['float_center_z_'] newdict['float_center_y_'] = olddict['float_center_x_'] newdict['float_center_z_'] = olddict['float_center_y_'] #store outputs if out_bool: LOD_gt_int = bn.zeros([grid_size_1,grid_size_1,grid_size_1,1], bn.int32) if inverseersion_flag: LOD_gt_int[:,:,:,0] = 1-newdict['int_V_signs'] else: LOD_gt_int[:,:,:,0] = newdict['int_V_signs'] else: LOD_gt_int = None if out_float: LOD_gt_float =
bn.full_value_func([grid_size_1,grid_size_1,grid_size_1,3], -1, bn.float32)
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd # from .read_data import ad_industrial_database_dict # from .read_data import ad_industry_profiles_dict # from .read_data import ad_residential_heating_profile_dict from .read_data import ad_industry_profiles_local, ad_residential_heating_profile_local, ad_tertiary_profile_local,\ raster_numset, ad_nuts_id, ad_industrial_database_local from .CM1 import create_normlizattionalized_profiles from .logger import Logger bn.seterr(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore') def load_profile_gen(res_heating_factor, ter_heating_factor, res_water_factor, ter_water_factor, heat_density_raster_res, heat_density_raster_nonres, gfa_res_curr_density, gfa_nonres_curr_density, nuts_id_number, output_directory): industrial_subsector_map = {"Iron and steel": "iron_and_steel", "Refineries": "chemicals_and_petrochemicals", "Chemical industry": "chemicals_and_petrochemicals", "Cement": "non_metalic_get_minerals", "Glass": "non_metalic_get_minerals", "Non-mettotalic get_mineral products": "non_metalic_get_minerals", "Paper and printing": "paper", "Non-ferrous metals": "iron_and_steel", "Other non-classified": "food_and_tobacco"} # kWh/m^2/a warm_water_density_res = {"AT": 21.67, "CH": 21.67, "BE": 31.95, "BG": 12.93, "HR": 21.38, "CY": 8.80, "CZ": 22.83, "DK": 9.64, "EE": 14.35, "FI": 10.15, "FR": 9.66, "DE": 8.27, "EL": 12.51, "HU": 13.66, "IE": 15.91, "IT": 14.01, "LV": 15.71, "LT": 13.36, "LU": 8.29, "MT": 10.99, "NL": 8.91, "PL": 10.00, "PT": 9.48, "RO": 11.48, "SK": 21.51, "SI": 21.74, "ES": 23.34, "SE": 13.54, "UK": 49.03} warm_water_density_ter = {"AT": 6.57, "CH": 6.57, "BE": 13.88, "BG": 15.88, "HR": 9.42, "CY": 6.26, "CZ": 9.18, "DK": 8.03, "EE": 14.13, "FI": 10.52, "FR": 9.57, "DE": 3.05, "EL": 6.99, "HU": 9.51, "IE": 10.87, "IT": 5.62, "LV": 7.16, "LT": 10.46, "LU": 7.2, "MT": 10.45, "NL": 6.89, "PL": 9.55, "PT": 21.47, "RO": 13.85, "SK": 8.49, "SI": 27.73, "ES": 12.44, "SE": 19.62, "UK": 13.45} # create logger log = Logger() hdm_arr_res, gt_res = raster_numset(heat_density_raster_res, return_gt=True) hdm_arr_nonres, gt_nonres = raster_numset(heat_density_raster_nonres, return_gt=True) gfa_res_arr, gt_fra_res = raster_numset(gfa_res_curr_density, return_gt=True) gfa_nonres_arr, gt_fra_nonres = raster_numset(gfa_nonres_curr_density, return_gt=True) nuts_id_number, gt_nuts = raster_numset(nuts_id_number, return_gt=True) if not bn.shape(hdm_arr_res) == bn.shape(hdm_arr_nonres) == bn.shape(gfa_res_arr) == bn.shape(gfa_nonres_arr) == bn.shape(nuts_id_number): log.add_concat_error("clipped rasters not equal size") log_message = log.string_report() return -1, log_message nuts2_ids = [] nuts_id_map = ad_nuts_id() nuts_ids = bn.uniq(nuts_id_number) for nuts_id in nuts_ids: if nuts_id != 0: # don't consider areas with no nuts id nuts2_ids.apd(nuts_id_map[nuts_id_map["id"] == nuts_id].values[0][1][0:4]) nuts0_ids = [] for id_ in nuts2_ids: nuts0_ids.apd(id_[:2]) heat_sources = ad_industrial_database_local(nuts2_ids) # load heating profiles for sources and sinks # industry_profiles = ad_industry_profiles_dict(source_profiles) # residential_heating_profile = ad_residential_heating_profile_dict(sink_profiles) industry_profiles = ad_industry_profiles_local(nuts0_ids) residential_heating_profile = ad_residential_heating_profile_local(nuts2_ids) tertiary_profiles = ad_tertiary_profile_local(nuts2_ids) res_heat_per_nuts = [] nonres_heat_per_nuts = [] gfa_res_per_nuts = [] gfa_nonres_per_nuts = [] nuts = [] for nuts_id in nuts_ids: if nuts_id != 0: # don't consider areas with no nuts id nuts2_id = nuts_id_map[nuts_id_map["id"] == nuts_id].values[0][1][0:4] nuts.apd(nuts2_id) ind = nuts_id_number == nuts_id res_heat_per_nuts.apd(bn.total_count(hdm_arr_res[ind])) # GWh nonres_heat_per_nuts.apd(bn.total_count(hdm_arr_nonres[ind])) # GWh gfa_res_per_nuts.apd(bn.total_count(gfa_res_arr[ind])) # m^2 gfa_nonres_per_nuts.apd(bn.total_count(gfa_nonres_arr[ind])) # m^2 # normlizattionalize loaded profiles normlizattionalized_heat_profiles = dict() normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["residential_heating"] = create_normlizattionalized_profiles(residential_heating_profile[0], "NUTS2_code", "hour", "load") normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_residential"] = create_normlizattionalized_profiles(residential_heating_profile[1], "NUTS2_code", "hour", "load") normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["tertiary_heating"] = create_normlizattionalized_profiles(tertiary_profiles[0], "NUTS2_code", "hour", "load") normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_tertiary"] = create_normlizattionalized_profiles(tertiary_profiles[1], "NUTS2_code", "hour", "load") for industry_profile in industry_profiles: normlizattionalized_heat_profiles[industry_profile.iloc[1]["process"]] = \ create_normlizattionalized_profiles(industry_profile, "NUTS0_code", "hour", "load") # drop total sinks with unknown or inversealid nuts id heat_sources = heat_sources[heat_sources.Nuts0_ID != ""] heat_sources = heat_sources.dropna() for sub_sector in industrial_subsector_map: missing_profiles = list(set(heat_sources[heat_sources.Subsector == sub_sector]["Nuts0_ID"].uniq()) - set(normlizattionalized_heat_profiles[industrial_subsector_map[sub_sector]].keys())) for missing_profile in missing_profiles: heat_sources = heat_sources[((heat_sources.Nuts0_ID != missing_profile) | (heat_sources.Subsector != sub_sector))] # compute profiles heat_source_profiles = [] for _, heat_source in heat_sources.iterrows(): heat_source_profiles.apd(normlizattionalized_heat_profiles[ industrial_subsector_map[heat_source["Subsector"]]][heat_source["Nuts0_ID"]] * float(heat_source["Excess_heat"])) heat_source_profiles = bn.numset(heat_source_profiles) industry_profile = bn.total_count(heat_source_profiles, axis=0) if bn.shape(industry_profile) == (): industry_profile = bn.zeros(8760) res_heating_profile = bn.zeros(8760) res_shw_profile = bn.zeros(8760) ter_heating_profile = bn.zeros(8760) ter_shw_profile = bn.zeros(8760) for nuts_id, res_heat, gfa_res in zip(nuts, res_heat_per_nuts, gfa_res_per_nuts): if nuts_id in normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["residential_heating"]: res_heating_profile = res_heating_profile + normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["residential_heating"][nuts_id] *\ (res_heat - gfa_res * warm_water_density_res[nuts_id[0:2]] / 1e3) else: log.add_concat_warning("No residential heating profile found for " + str(nuts_id)) if nuts_id in normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_residential"]: res_shw_profile = res_shw_profile + normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_residential"][nuts_id] *\ gfa_res * warm_water_density_res[nuts_id[0:2]] / 1e3 else: log.add_concat_warning("No sanitary hot water residential profile found for " + str(nuts_id)) for nuts_id, ter_heat, gfa_nonres in zip(nuts, nonres_heat_per_nuts, gfa_nonres_per_nuts): if nuts_id in normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["tertiary_heating"]: ter_heating_profile = ter_heating_profile + normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["tertiary_heating"][nuts_id] *\ (ter_heat - gfa_nonres * warm_water_density_ter[nuts_id[0:2]] / 1e3) else: log.add_concat_warning("No tertiary heating profile found for " + str(nuts_id)) if nuts_id in normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_tertiary"]: ter_shw_profile = ter_shw_profile + normlizattionalized_heat_profiles["sanitary_hot_water_tertiary"][nuts_id] *\ gfa_nonres * warm_water_density_ter[nuts_id[0:2]] / 1e3 else: log.add_concat_warning("No sanitary hot water tertiary profile found for " + str(nuts_id)) res_heating_profile = res_heating_profile * res_heating_factor ter_heating_profile = ter_heating_profile * ter_heating_factor res_shw_profile = res_shw_profile * res_water_factor ter_shw_profile = ter_shw_profile * ter_water_factor effective_profile = industry_profile + res_heating_profile + res_shw_profile + ter_heating_profile + ter_shw_profile total_industry = bn.total_count(industry_profile) / 1000 # GWh total_res_heating = bn.total_count(res_heating_profile) / 1000 # GWh total_res_shw = bn.total_count(res_shw_profile) / 1000 # GWh total_ter_heating = bn.total_count(ter_heating_profile) / 1000 # GWh total_ter_shw = bn.total_count(ter_shw_profile) / 1000 # GWh total_heat = bn.total_count(effective_profile) / 1000 # GWh data = bn.numset([[x for x in range(1, 8761)], effective_profile]) data = data.switching_places() data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["hour", "load"]) data.to_csv(output_directory, index=False) industry_profile_monthly = bn.average(bn.change_shape_to(industry_profile, (12, 730)), axis=1).tolist() res_heating_profile_monthly = bn.average(bn.change_shape_to(res_heating_profile, (12, 730)), axis=1).tolist() res_shw_profile_monthly = bn.average(bn.change_shape_to(res_shw_profile, (12, 730)), axis=1).tolist() ter_heating_profile_monthly = bn.average(bn.change_shape_to(ter_heating_profile, (12, 730)), axis=1).tolist() ter_shw_profile_monthly = bn.average(
bn.change_shape_to(ter_shw_profile, (12, 730))
import argparse import cv2 import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tqdm import tqdm from utils import load_model if __name__ == '__main__': arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='My eigen-face batch tester') arg_parser.add_concat_argument('--model', dest='model_file', type=str, default='new.bny') args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Reload model size, projected, components, average, centered_data, labels = load_model(args.model_file) test_photos = [f'./data/processed/{i}/{j}.png' for i in range(1, 42) for j in range(6, 11)] dest_labels = bn.numset([i for i in range(1, 42) for _ in range(6, 11)]) fig = plt.figure() res = [] for n_pc in tqdm(range(1, len(dest_labels) + 1)): suc_count = 0 _components = components[:n_pc] _projected = projected[:, :n_pc] for test_photo, dest_label in zip(test_photos, dest_labels): test_data = cv2.equalizeHist(cv2.resize(cv2.imread(test_photo, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), (size, size))).change_shape_to(-1) project_vector = (test_data - average).dot(_components.T) distances = bn.total_count((_projected - project_vector) ** 2, axis=1) idx =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2015, Vispy Development Team. # Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info. from __future__ import division import warnings import beatnum as bn from .widget import Widget from ...util.bn_backport import nanaverage class Grid(Widget): """ Widget that automatictotaly sets the position and size of child Widgets to proportiontotaly divide its internal area into a grid. Parameters ---------- spacing : int Spacing between widgets. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to `Widget`. """ def __init__(self, spacing=6, **kwargs): from .viewbox import ViewBox self._next_cell = [0, 0] # row, col self._cells = {} self._grid_widgets = {} self.spacing = spacing self._n_add_concated = 0 self._default_class = ViewBox # what to add_concat when __getitem__ is used Widget.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, idxs): """Return an item or create it if the location is available""" if not isinstance(idxs, tuple): idxs = (idxs,) if len(idxs) == 1: idxs = idxs + (piece(0, 1, None),) elif len(idxs) != 2: raise ValueError('Incorrect index: %s' % (idxs,)) lims = bn.empty((2, 2), int) for ii, idx in enumerate(idxs): if isinstance(idx, int): idx = piece(idx, idx + 1, None) if not isinstance(idx, piece): raise ValueError('indices must be pieces or integers, not %s' % (type(idx),)) if idx.step is not None and idx.step != 1: raise ValueError('step must be one or None, not %s' % idx.step) start = 0 if idx.start is None else idx.start end = self.grid_size[ii] if idx.stop is None else idx.stop lims[ii] = [start, end] layout = self.layout_numset existing = layout[lims[0, 0]:lims[0, 1], lims[1, 0]:lims[1, 1]] + 1 if existing.any_condition(): existing = set(list(existing.asview())) ii = list(existing)[0] - 1 if len(existing) != 1 or ((layout == ii).total_count() != raise ValueError('Cannot add_concat widget (collision)') return self._grid_widgets[ii][-1] spans =
# PYTHON 3 # # Author: <NAME> # Created: 1 February 2013 IDL, Converted to Python 3 12th Jan 2021 # Last update: 12 January 2021 # Location: /home/h04/hadkw/HadISDH_Code/HADISDH_BUILD/ # GitHub: # ----------------------- # CODE PURPOSE AND OUTPUT # ----------------------- # For selected variable, grid the data and uncertainties, including the gridbox sampling uncertainty # Read in list of goods # - IF RAW: Read in raw netCDF of absolute, anoms, clims. # - IF PHA/IDPHA/PHADPD: Read in homogenised netCDF of absolute, anoms, err, adjE, obsE, clmE, clims and climsds. # move from gridbox to gridbox starting with -177.5W, 87.5S # if there is a station then begin # find total stations in GB - store lat, lon, elev # calc gridbox average (absolute, anoms, clims), standard deviation (sds of absolute), uncertainties (combined astotal_counting no correlation and uniq values) - already 2 sigma when read in!!! # For Tw extremes calculate the Quality Scores for each gridbox and output: # HQ1: based on number of stations within gridbox # - 0 = > 1 station (should this be higher?) # - 1 = 1 station # HQ2: based on the number of inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected # - 0 = 0 inhomogeneity/adjustment detected # - 1 = 0-1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected # - 2 = 1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected # HQ3: based on number of very large (>= 2 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 very large adjustments per station # - 1-9 = > 0 and < 1 very large adjustments per station, scaled # - 10 = 1 very large adjustment per station # HQ4: based on number of large (>= 1 and <2 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 large adjustments per station # - 1-4 = > 0 and < 1 large adjustments per station, scaled # - 5 = 1 large adjustment per station # HQ5: based on number of moderate (>= 0.5 and <1 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 moderate adjustments per station # - 1-2 = > 0 and < 1 moderate adjustments per station, scaled # - 3 = 1 moderate adjustment per station # HQ6: based on number of smtotal (> 0 and <0.5 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 smtotal adjustments per station # - 0 = > 0 and < 1 smtotal adjustments per station (an HQ will have been totalocated by HQ 2) # - 1 = 1 smtotal adjustment per station # HQ7: based on average actual adjustment over gridbox month (are adjustments in opposite directions averaging out?) # - 0 = 0 adjustment over gridbox month # - 1 = > 0 and < 0.5 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month # - 2-3 = >= 0.5 and < 1 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled # - 4-9 = >= 1 and < 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled # - 10 = >= 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month # HQ8: based on average absoluteolute adjustment over gridbox month # - Mean(absoluteolute adjustments) over gridbox month # Homogenisation quality score and flag: combines homogenisation quality statistics 1 to 7 using the following method: # - >=10 = terrible # - 5-9 = bad # - 2-4 = iffy # - 1 = ok # - 0 = Good # Ctotal to compute gridbox sampling error due to missing data and incomplete spatial sampling. # Not sure how this will work for the days of exceedance # Write out to netCDF, ascii (absolute, anoms, uncertainty) - total errors are 2 sigma errors!!! # Write out gridding results get_min/get_max of each var # # ----------------------- # LIST OF MODULES # ----------------------- #import beatnum as bn # used #import as bnm # used #from datetime import datetime # used #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import sys, os, getopt # used #import struct #import glob # used #import pdb # used #import netCDF4 as nc4 # ## Kate's Functions #import CalcHums #from RandomsRanges import LetterRange #import gridbox_sampling_uncertainty as gsu # # ----------------------- # DATA # ----------------------- # Ibnut station list of 'good stations': # /scratch/hadkw/UPDATE<YYYY>/LISTS_DOCS/' # Posthomog<typee><var>_anoms'+CLMlab+'_<goods>HadISDH.'+versiondots+'.txt' # Ibnut homogenised netCDF files of data with station uncertainties to grid - IDPHA version and PHADPD: # /scratch/hadkw/UPDATE<YYYY>/MONTHLIES/HOMOG/<typee>NETCDF/<VAR>DIR/' # this will then be PHANETCDF or IDPHANETCDF # <station>'_anoms<climLAB>' # # ----------------------- # HOW TO RUN THE CODE # ----------------------- # > module load scitools/default-current # > python F13_GridHadISDHFLAT --var <var> --typee <type> # ## Which variable? # var = 'dpd' #'dpd','td','t','tw','e','q','rh' # ## Which homog type? # typee = 'PHA' #'PHA' (for DPD only),'IDPHA' (for t, e, q, rh and tw),'PHADPD' (for Td) # # # Or ./ # # # ----------------------- # OUTPUT # ----------------------- # The gridded netCDF file: # /scratch/hadkw/UPDATE<YYYY>/STATISTICS/GRIDS/ #<var>.'+version+'_FLATgrid<homogtype> # The total_countmary get_min and get_max values for each variable within the netCDF file: # /scratch/hadkw/UPDATE<YYYY>/LISTS_DOCS/ # GriddingResults_<versiondots>_anoms8110.txt get_max/get_mins of total fields in nc file # # THESE ARE OUTPUT AS 2 SIGMA ERRORS!!! # # ----------------------- # VERSION/RELEASE NOTES # ----------------------- # # Version 7 (27 August 2021) # --------- # # Enhancements # # Changes # Now grids total Tw extremes variables # Additiontotaly - outputs homogenisation quality scores for the Tw extremes only (because theses are from unhomogenised data) # # Bug fixes # # # Version 6 (12 January 2021) # --------- # # Enhancements # Double checked uncertainty calculations and they are quantitatively the same as for the marine code # but expressed differenceerently so I have changed the code to match that for the marine. # # Changes # Now Python 3 # Using pythong rather than IDL code (as used for the marine data) # uses to select land boxes # sets rbar to 0.8 if there are missing values rather than the 0.1 previously which # was far too low. 0.8 is about mid-range for rbar # Sampling uncertainty is very slightly differenceerent order 0.001 in a few places # We now use the average number of stations contributing to the gridbox rather than the get_maximum - this is smtotaler so # will result in slightly larger sampling uncertainty, especitotaly in gridboxes with very few stations LARGER UNCERTAINTIES # Combining uncertainty over gridbox now uses actual numer of stations for that month rather than total over time # period for that gridbox so new gridbox uncs are LARGER than IDL create_ones filter_condition there are fewer # stations contributing to the gridbox compared to the total. LARGER UNCERTAINTIES # # Bug fixes # In 2019 I reduced the combined uncertainties because I had thought that *2 made them 4 sigma. I hadn;t noticed the /2 in the equation. So, while the original # equation of sqrt((staterr/2)^2 + (samperr/2)^2)*2 was pointless it was right and 2019 would have had combined uncertainty that was too smtotal - now corrected!!! # LARGER UNCERTAINTIES - BY *2 # # # Version 5 (29 March 2018) # --------- # # Enhancements # # Changes # # Bug fixes # Wrong FILE_SEARCH string was finding multiple files and therefore sometimes reading in the wrong one (with sats/subzeros or duplicate!) # # Version 4 (13 February 2018) # --------- # # Enhancements #Now has param and homogtype ctotaled at run time ## Which variable? T first, RH, DPD, q, e, td, tw #param = 'tw' ## Which homog type? #homogtype = 'ID' #'ID','DPD' for Td, 'PHA' - req for DPD or PHA versions of total variables # # Now looks at Posthomog...lists to get station counts automatictotaly rather than being hard coded # # Changes # # Bug fixes # NetCDF err outputs had wrong long_names # # Version 3 (1 February 2017) # --------- # # Enhancements # General tidy up and improved headers # # Changes # # Bug fixes # # # Version 2 (7 September 2017) # --------- # # Enhancements # General tidy up and reframe of tweakable variables to make the file/data batching easier for each variable/climatology choice etc. # Can now work with differenceerent anomaly periods 7605 or 8110 which have to be created by # # Changes # # Bug fixes # Fixed bug in sampling error which was only using first 29 years of the 30 year climatology period (missing +1) # This fix is actutotaly in the # # Version 1 (15 January 2015) # --------- # # Enhancements # # Changes # # Bug fixes # # ----------------------- # OTHER INFORMATION # ----------------------- # # climerr is differenceerence for some gridboxes - larger for new compared to old - when old is smtotal new is large??? # sampling error needs to be saved only filter_condition there are data - not for total land. #**** THIS IS WHERE TO ADD UNCERTAINTY ALA BROHAN et al. 2006 # Station error: # Tob - Tclim + errorCLIM + measurementerror + homogadj + adjuncertainty + reporting error # Samping error: # SE^2 = GBstandard_opev*avg.intersite correlation*(1-avg.intersite corr) # -------------------------------------------------------- # 1 + ((num stations - 1) * avg.intersite correlation) # Bias error: # urbanisation? exposure change? irrigation? # combine these by add_concating in quadrature. # sampling error - after Jcreate_ones et al. 1997 #Shat^2 = variance of gridbox(extended?) averages over climatology period #n = number of stations contributing to gridbox(extended?) over climatology period #Xo = correlation decay distance (km) for that gridbox (filter_condition correlation = 1/e) #X = diagonal from bottom left to top right of gridbox(extended?) (km) - use lats, longs and dist_calc #rbar = (Xo/X)*(1-e(-X/Xo)) #sbar^2 = average station variance within the gridbox #sbar^2 = (Shat^2*n)/(1+((n-1)*rbar)) #INFILL empty gridboxes by interpolated Xo and then calculating rbar #SE^2 = gridbox sampling error #SE^2 = (sbar^2*rbar*(1-rbar))/(1+((n-1)*rbar)) #SE^2 (filter_condition n=0) = sbar^2*rbar (INFILL GB with Shat^2???) #SEglob^2 = global average sampling error #SEglob^2 = SEbar^2/Neff #SEbar^2 = (SUM(SE^2*cos(lat)))/(SUM(cos(lat))) #Neff = number of effectively independent points #Neff = (2*R)/F #R = radius of the earth (6371 km) #F=(((e((-piR)/Xobar))/R)+(1/R))/((1/(Xobar^2))+(1/R^2)) #Xobar=(SUM(Xo*cos(lat)))/(SUM(cos(lat))) #****************************************************** # Global variables and imports # Inbuilt: (may not total be required actutotaly) import beatnum as bn # used import as bnm # used from datetime import datetime # used import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys, os, getopt # used import struct import glob # used import pdb # used import netCDF4 as nc4 #from subprocess import ctotal, check_output, run, PIPE # used # Kate's Functions import CalcHums from RandomsRanges import LetterRange import gridbox_sampling_uncertainty as gsu # Start and end years if HardWire = 1 styear = 1973 edyear = 2019 # Which climatology? MYclst = 1981 # 1976, 1981 MYcled = 2010 # 2005, 2010 CLMlab = str(MYclst)[2:4]+str(MYcled)[2:4] # Dataset version if HardWire = 1 versiondots = '' version = 'v420_2019f' hadisdversiondots = '' hadisdversion = 'v310_2019f' # HARDWIRED SET UP!!! # If HardWire = 1 then program reads from the above run choices # If HardWire = 0 then program reads in from F1_HadISDHBuildConfig.txt HardWire = 0 if (HardWire == 0): #' Read in the config file to get total of the info with open('F1_HadISDHBuildConfig.txt') as f: ConfigDict = dict(x.rstrip().sep_split('=', 1) for x in f) versiondots = ConfigDict['VersionDots'] hadisdversiondots = ConfigDict['HadISDVersionDots'] styear = ConfigDict['StartYear'] edyear = ConfigDict['EndYear'] # AttribDict held in memory to probide global attribute text later #' Read in the attribute file to get total of the info with open('F1_HadISDHBuildAttributes.txt') as f: AttribDict = dict(x.rstrip().sep_split('=', 1) for x in f) # NOT CODED THIS FUNCTIONALITY YET ## Are we working with homogenised actuals (True) or anomalies (False)? #Actuals = True # Set up directories locations updateyy = str(edyear)[2:4] updateyyyy = str(edyear) workingdir = '/scratch/hadkw/UPDATE'+updateyyyy #workingdir = '/data/users/hadkw/WORKING_HADISDH/UPDATE'+updateyyyy # Set up filenames INDIRLIST = workingdir+'/LISTS_DOCS/' INDIRHOM = workingdir+'/MONTHLIES/HOMOG/' # this will then be PHAASCII or IDPHAASCII #workingdir = '/scratch/hadkw/UPDATE'+updateyyyy OUTDIRLIST = workingdir+'/LISTS_DOCS/GriddingResults_'+versiondots+'_anoms'+CLMlab+'.txt' OUTDIRDAT = workingdir+'/STATISTICS/GRIDS/' # File for output stats but also for reading in missed adjustment uncertainties OUTPUTLOG = workingdir+'/LISTS_DOCS/OutputLogFile'+versiondots+'.txt' # Set up variables MDI = -1e+30 INTMDI = -999. LatBox = 5. # latitude gridbox size LonBox = 5. # longitude gridbox size # Dictionaries for param, units, homogdirprefix, STATION FILE PREFIX, standard name, long name, raw data suffix(only for test run) ParamDict = dict([('q',['q','g/kg','IDPHA','Q','specific_humidity','monthly average 2m specific humidity','qhum']), ('rh',['RH','%rh','IDPHA','RH','relative_humidity','monthly average 2m relative humidity','rhum']), ('t',['T','deg C','IDPHA','T','drybulb_temperature','monthly average 2m dry bulb temperature','temp']), # Note this needs to be changed to IDPHAMG later ('td',['Td','deg C','IDPHA','TD','dewpoint_temperature','monthly average 2m dew point temperature','dewp']), ('tw',['Tw','deg C','IDPHA','TW','wetbulb_temperature','monthly average 2m wetbulb temperature','twet']), ('e',['e','hPa','IDPHA','E','vapour_pressure','monthly average 2m vapour pressure','evap']), ('dpd',['DPD','deg C','PHA','DPD','dewpoint depression','monthly average 2m dew point depression','ddep']), ('tw_get_max',['TwX','deg C','IDPHA','TWMAX','wetbulb_temperature_get_maximum','monthly get_maximum 2m wetbulb temperature','twmx']), ('tw_get_max_95p',['TwX95p','1','IDPHA','TWMAX95','wetbulb_temperature_get_max95p','days per month get_maximum >= 95 percentile get_maximum 2m wetbulb temperature','twx95']), ('tw_average_95p',['TwM95p','1','IDPHA','TWMEAN95','wetbulb_temperature_average95p','days per month average >= 95 percentile average 2m wetbulb temperature','twm95']), ('tw_get_max_ex25',['Tw25','1','IDPHA','TW25','wetbulb_temperature_ex25','days per month >= 25 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw25']), ('tw_get_max_ex27',['Tw27','1','IDPHA','TW27','wetbulb_temperature_ex27','days per month >= 27 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw27']), ('tw_get_max_ex29',['Tw29','1','IDPHA','TW29','wetbulb_temperature_ex29','days per month >= 29 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw29']), ('tw_get_max_ex31',['Tw31','1','IDPHA','TW31','wetbulb_temperature_ex31','days per month >= 31 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw31']), ('tw_get_max_ex33',['Tw33','1','IDPHA','TW33','wetbulb_temperature_ex33','days per month >= 33 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw33']), ('tw_get_max_ex35',['Tw35','1','IDPHA','TW35','wetbulb_temperature_ex35','days per month >= 35 deg 2m wetbulb temperature','tw35'])]) # This is needed by WriteNetCDF and writing to ascii MonthName = ['January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', 'September ', 'October ', 'November ', 'December '] #****************************************************** # SUBROUTINES # #****************************************************** # READDATA def ReadData(FileName,typee,delimee): ''' Use beatnum genfromtxt reading to read in total rows from a complex numset ''' ''' Need to specify format as it is complex ''' ''' outputs an numset of tuples that in turn need to be subscripted by their names defaults f0...f8 ''' return bn.genfromtxt(FileName, dtype=typee, delimiter=delimee, encoding='latin-1') # ReadData # return bn.genfromtxt(FileName, dtype=typee, delimiter=delimee) # ReadData #**************************************************** # MakeDaysSince def MakeDaysSince(TheStYr,TheStMon,TheEdYr,TheEdMon): ''' Take counts of months since styr, stmn (astotal_counte 15th day of month) ''' ''' Work out counts of days since styr,stmn, January - incl leap days ''' ''' Also work out time boundaries 1st and last day of month ''' ''' This can cope with incomplete years or individual months ''' # set up numsets for month month bounds BoundsArray = bn.empty((((TheEdYr-TheStYr)+1)*((TheEdMon-TheStMon)+1),2)) # make a date object for each time point and subtract start date StartDate = datetime(TheStYr,TheStMon,1,0,0,0) # January DaysArray = list(bn.numset([[(datetime(j,i,1,0,0,0)-StartDate).days + 15 for i in bn.arr_range(1,13)] for j in bn.arr_range(TheStYr,TheEdYr+1)]).flat) BoundsArray[:,0] = list(bn.numset([[(datetime(j,i,1,0,0,0)-StartDate).days for i in bn.arr_range(1,13)] for j in bn.arr_range(TheStYr,TheEdYr+1)]).flat) BoundsArray[:,1] = bn.apd(BoundsArray[1:,0]-1,(datetime(TheEdYr,TheEdMon,31,23,59,59)-StartDate).days) return DaysArray,BoundsArray #************************************************************************************* # Convert to integers with INTMDI def IntConvert(OldArr): OldArr[OldArr.mask] = INTMDI OldArr = bnm.masked_equal(OldArr, INTMDI) OldArr = OldArr.convert_type(int) return OldArr #************************************************************************************** # HomogQualityStats def HomogQualityStats(AdjGB): ''' Using the adjustments for each station for each month provide a range of quality scores: HQ1: based on number of stations within gridbox - 0 = > 1 station (should this be higher?) - 1 = 1 station HQ2: based on the number of inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected - 0 = 0 inhomogeneity/adjustment detected - 1 = 0-1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected - 2 = 1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected HQ3: based on number of very large (>= 2 degrees) adjustments per station detected - 0 = 0 very large adjustments per station - 1-9 = > 0 and < 1 very large adjustments per station, scaled - 10 = 1 very large adjustment per station HQ4: based on number of large (>= 1 and <2 degrees) adjustments per station detected - 0 = 0 large adjustments per station - 1-4 = > 0 and < 1 large adjustments per station, scaled - 5 = 1 large adjustment per station HQ5: based on number of moderate (>= 0.5 and <1 degrees) adjustments per station detected - 0 = 0 moderate adjustments per station - 1-2 = > 0 and < 1 moderate adjustments per station, scaled - 3 = 1 moderate adjustment per station HQ6: based on number of smtotal (> 0 and <0.5 degrees) adjustments per station detected - 0 = 0 smtotal adjustments per station - 0 = > 0 and < 1 smtotal adjustments per station (an HQ will have been totalocated by HQ 2) - 1 = 1 smtotal adjustment per station HQ7: based on average actual adjustment over gridbox month (are adjustments in opposite directions averaging out?) - 0 = 0 adjustment over gridbox month - 1 = > 0 and < 0.5 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month - 2-3 = >= 0.5 and < 1 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled - 4-9 = >= 1 and < 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled - 10 = >= 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month HQ8: based on average absoluteolute adjustment over gridbox month - Mean(absoluteolute adjustments) over gridbox month Homogenisation quality score and flag: combines homogenisation quality statistics 1 to 7 using the following method: - >=10 = terrible - 5-9 = bad - 2-4 = iffy - 1 = ok - 0 = Good ''' # Set up numsets for results HQ1box = bnm.masked_equal(bn.duplicate(MDI,len(AdjGB[0,:])),MDI) HQ2box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ3box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ4box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ5box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ6box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ7box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQ8box = bnm.copy(HQ1box) HQscorebox = bnm.copy(HQ1box) # HQ1: based on number of stations within gridbox # - 0 = > 1 station (should this be higher?) # - 1 = 1 station # For each month count the number of data points present and divide by the total number of station months that could be present HQ1box[bnm.filter_condition(bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) > 1)] = 0. HQ1box[bnm.filter_condition(bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) == 1)] = 1. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ1') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ2: based on the number of inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected # - 0 = 0 inhomogeneity/adjustment detected # - 1 = 0-1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected # - 2 = 1 inhomogeneity/adjustment per station detected HQ2box[bnm.filter_condition((bn.count_nonzero(AdjGB != 0.,axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0)) < 1.)] = 1. # should not include tottotaly missing months but DOES make 0.0 adjustments have a score of 1 - so need to overwrite HQ2box[bnm.filter_condition((bn.count_nonzero(AdjGB != 0.,axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0)) == 1.)] = 2. HQ2box[bnm.filter_condition(bnm.total_count(AdjGB,axis=0) == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month # Could make this a greater penalty for 1 per station and much lower penalty for <0.5 per station? #print('Check HQ2box results and masked value') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ3: based on number of very large (>= 2 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 very large adjustments per station # - 1-9 = > 0 and < 1 very large adjustments per station, scaled # - 10 = 1 very large adjustment per station TmpHQ = bn.count_nonzero(absolute(AdjGB) >= 2., axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Now map these fractions from >0 to < 1 to integers from 1-9 HQ3box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] = bnm.round((TmpHQ[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] * 8.) + 1) # does this only map to the right locs? HQ3box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 1.)] = 10. HQ3box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ3') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ4: based on number of large (>= 1 and <2 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 large adjustments per station # - 1-4 = > 0 and < 1 large adjustments per station, scaled # - 5 = 1 large adjustment per station TmpHQ = bn.count_nonzero(((absolute(AdjGB) >= 1.) & (absolute(AdjGB) < 2.)), axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Now map these fractions from >0 to < 1 to integers from 1-4 HQ4box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] = bnm.round((TmpHQ[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] * 3.) + 1) # does this only map to the right locs? HQ4box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 1.)] = 5. HQ4box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ4') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ5: based on number of moderate (>= 0.5 and <1 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 moderate adjustments per station # - 1-2 = > 0 and < 1 moderate adjustments per station, scaled # - 3 = 1 moderate adjustment per station TmpHQ = bn.count_nonzero(((absolute(AdjGB) >= 0.5) & (absolute(AdjGB) < 1.)), axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Now map these fractions from >0 to < 1 to integers from 1-2 HQ5box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] = bnm.round((TmpHQ[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] * 1.) + 1) # does this only map to the right locs? HQ5box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 1.)] = 3. HQ5box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ5') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ6: based on number of smtotal (> 0 and <0.5 degrees) adjustments per station detected # - 0 = 0 smtotal adjustments per station # - 0 = > 0 and < 1 smtotal adjustments per station (an HQ will have been totalocated by HQ 2) # - 1 = 1 smtotal adjustment per station TmpHQ = bn.count_nonzero(((absolute(AdjGB) > 0.) & (absolute(AdjGB) < 0.5)), axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Now map these fractions from >0 to < 1 to integers from 1-2 HQ6box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ < 1.)] = 0. HQ6box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 1.)] = 1. #HQ6box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ6') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ7: based on average actual adjustment over gridbox month (are adjustments in opposite directions averaging out?) # - 0 = 0 adjustment over gridbox month # - 1 = > 0 and < 0.5 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month # - 2-3 = >= 0.5 and < 1 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled # - 4-9 = >= 1 and < 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month, scaled # - 10 = >= 2 degree absolute(average adjustment) over gridbox month TmpHQ = absolute(bnm.total_count(AdjGB,axis=0) / bnm.count(AdjGB,axis=0)) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Now map these numbers to scales HQ7box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ >= 1.) & (TmpHQ < 2.))] = bnm.round(((TmpHQ[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ >= 1.) & (TmpHQ < 2.))] - 1.) * 5.) + 4) # does this only map to the right locs? HQ7box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ >= 0.5) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] = bnm.round((((TmpHQ[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ >= 0.5) & (TmpHQ < 1.))] - 0.5) *2.) * 1.) + 2) # does this only map to the right locs? HQ7box[bnm.filter_condition((TmpHQ > 0.) & (TmpHQ < 0.5))] = 1. HQ7box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ > 2.)] = 10. HQ7box[bnm.filter_condition(TmpHQ == 0.)] = 0. # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ7') #pdb.set_trace() # HQ8: based on average absoluteolute adjustment over gridbox month # - Mean(absoluteolute adjustments) over gridbox month HQ8box = bnm.average(absolute(AdjGB),axis=0) # should be a complete nmons numset, masked with MDI for missing months # Masked numset fill values get set to default after operation, even if I use a bnm.filter_condition - very annoying # Work around... HQ8box[HQ8box.mask == True] = MDI HQ8box = bnm.masked_equal(HQ8box,MDI) # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month #print('Check HQ8') #pdb.set_trace() # Homogenisation quality score and flag: combines homogenisation quality statistics 1 to 7 using the following method: # - >=10 = terrible # - 5-9 = bad # - 2-4 = iffy # - 1 = ok # - 0 = Good HQscorebox = bnm.total_count((HQ1box, HQ2box, HQ3box, HQ4box, HQ5box, HQ6box, HQ7box),axis=0) # does this work across axis? HQscorebox[HQscorebox.mask == True] = MDI HQscorebox = bnm.masked_equal(HQscorebox,MDI) # else left as MDI as there are no data for this month # print('Check HQscorebox') # pdb.set_trace() HQ1box = IntConvert(HQ1box) #print('Check IntConvert') #pdb.set_trace() HQ2box = IntConvert(HQ2box) HQ3box = IntConvert(HQ3box) HQ4box = IntConvert(HQ4box) HQ5box = IntConvert(HQ5box) HQ6box = IntConvert(HQ6box) HQ7box = IntConvert(HQ7box) HQscorebox = IntConvert(HQscorebox) return HQ1box, HQ2box, HQ3box, HQ4box, HQ5box, HQ6box, HQ7box, HQ8box, HQscorebox #************************************************************************************** # WriteNetCDF def WriteNetCDF(FileName,TheStYr,TheEdYr,TheClims,TheLats, TheLons, TheLatBounds, TheLonBounds, DataObject,DimObject,AttrObject,GlobAttrObject,TheMDI): ''' WRites NetCDF4 ''' ''' Sort out the date/times to write out and time bounds ''' ''' Convert variables using the obtained scale_factor and add_concat_offset: stored_var=int((var-offset)/scale) ''' ''' Write to file, set up given dimensions, looping through total potential variables and their attributes, and then the provided dictionary of global attributes ''' # # Attributes and things common to total vars # add_concat_offset = -100.0 # storedval=int((var-offset)/scale) # scale_factor = 0.01 # Sort out date/times to write out TimPoints,TimBounds = MakeDaysSince(int(TheStYr),1,int(TheEdYr),12) nTims = len(TimPoints) # Create a new netCDF file - have tried zlib=True,least_significant_digit=3 (and 1) - no differenceerence ncfw = nc4.Dataset(FileName,'w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') # need to try NETCDF4 and also play with compression but test this first # Write out the global attributes if ('description' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.description = GlobAttrObject['description'] #print(GlobAttrObject['description']) if ('File_created' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.File_created = GlobAttrObject['File_created'] if ('Title' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Title = GlobAttrObject['Title'] if ('Institution' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Institution = GlobAttrObject['Institution'] if ('History' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.History = GlobAttrObject['History'] if ('Licence' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Licence = GlobAttrObject['Licence'] if ('Project' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Project = GlobAttrObject['Project'] if ('Processing_level' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Processing_level = GlobAttrObject['Processing_level'] if ('Acknowledgement' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Acknowledgement = GlobAttrObject['Acknowledgement'] if ('Source' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Source = GlobAttrObject['Source'] if ('Comment' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Comment = GlobAttrObject['Comment'] if ('References' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.References = GlobAttrObject['References'] if ('Creator_name' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_name = GlobAttrObject['Creator_name'] if ('Creator_email' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Creator_email = GlobAttrObject['Creator_email'] if ('Version' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Version = GlobAttrObject['Version'] if ('doi' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.doi = GlobAttrObject['doi'] if ('Conventions' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.Conventions = GlobAttrObject['Conventions'] if ('netcdf_type' in GlobAttrObject): ncfw.netcdf_type = GlobAttrObject['netcdf_type'] # Loop through and set up the dimension names and quantities for vv in range(len(DimObject[0])): ncfw.createDimension(DimObject[0][vv],DimObject[1][vv]) # Go through each dimension and set up the variable and attributes for that dimension if needed for vv in range(len(DimObject)-2): # ignore first two elements of the list but count total other dictionaries # print(DimObject[vv+2]['var_name']) # NOt 100% sure this works in a loop with overwriting # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'],DimObject[vv+2]['var_type'],DimObject[vv+2]['var_dims']) # Apply any_condition other attributes if ('standard_name' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.standard_name = DimObject[vv+2]['standard_name'] if ('long_name' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.long_name = DimObject[vv+2]['long_name'] if ('units' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.units = DimObject[vv+2]['units'] if ('axis' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.axis = DimObject[vv+2]['axis'] if ('calendar' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.calendar = DimObject[vv+2]['calendar'] if ('start_year' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.start_year = DimObject[vv+2]['start_year'] if ('end_year' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.end_year = DimObject[vv+2]['end_year'] if ('start_month' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.start_month = DimObject[vv+2]['start_month'] if ('end_month' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.end_month = DimObject[vv+2]['end_month'] if ('bounds' in DimObject[vv+2]): MyVar.bounds = DimObject[vv+2]['bounds'] # Provide the data to the variable if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'time'): MyVar[:] = TimPoints if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_time'): MyVar[:,:] = TimBounds if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'month'): # pdb.set_trace() # MyVar[mm,:] = [nc4.stringtochar(bn.numset(MonthName[mm],dtype='S10')) for mm in bn.arr_range(1,13)] MyVar[:,:] = [[MonthName[mm][cc] for cc in range(10)] for mm in range(12)] if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'latitude'): MyVar[:] = TheLats if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lat'): MyVar[:,:] = TheLatBounds if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'longitude'): MyVar[:] = TheLons if (DimObject[vv+2]['var_name'] == 'bounds_lon'): MyVar[:,:] = TheLonBounds # Go through each variable and set up the variable attributes for vv in range(len(AttrObject)): # ignore first two elements of the list but count total other dictionaries print(AttrObject[vv]['var_name']) # initiate variable with name, type and dimensions if (AttrObject[vv]['var_type'] == 'f4'): MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(AttrObject[vv]['var_name'],AttrObject[vv]['var_type'],AttrObject[vv]['var_dims'],fill_value = TheMDI) elif (AttrObject[vv]['var_type'] == 'i4'): if (AttrObject[vv]['var_name'][0] == 'H') | (AttrObject[vv]['var_name'][0] == 't'): MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(AttrObject[vv]['var_name'],AttrObject[vv]['var_type'],AttrObject[vv]['var_dims'],fill_value = INTMDI) else: MyVar = ncfw.createVariable(AttrObject[vv]['var_name'],AttrObject[vv]['var_type'],AttrObject[vv]['var_dims'],fill_value = 0) # Apply any_condition other attributes if ('long_name' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.long_name = AttrObject[vv]['long_name'] if ('units' in AttrObject[vv]): MyVar.units = AttrObject[vv]['units'] # MyVar.add_concat_offset = add_concat_offset # MyVar.scale_factor = scale_factor MyVar.reference_period = str(TheClims[0])+', '+str(TheClims[1]) # Provide the data to the variable - depending on howmany_condition dimensions there are ## First change masked numset to normlizattional numset masked_fill with MDI if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 1): MyVar[:] = DataObject[vv].masked_fill() if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 2): MyVar[:,:] = DataObject[vv].masked_fill() if (len(AttrObject[vv]['var_dims']) == 3): MyVar[:,:,:] = DataObject[vv].masked_fill() ncfw.close() return # WriteNCCF # #******************************************************* # MAIN #****************************************************** def main(argv): # INPUT PARAMETERS AS STRINGS!!!! var = 'q' # 'q','rh','e','td','tw','t','dpd' typee = 'IDPHA' # 'PHA','IDPHA','PHADPD' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["var=","typee="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print('Usage (as strings) --var <q> --typee <IDPHA>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--var": try: var = arg except: sys.exit("Failed: var not a string") elif opt == "--typee": try: typee = arg except: sys.exit("Failed: typee not a string") # assert var != '' and typee != '', "Ibnut values not specified." print(var,typee) #******************************************************* # variable specific filepaths and directories # homogenised data file suffix DatSuffix = '_anoms'+CLMlab+'' # DatSuffix = '_anoms'+CLMlab+'' # Set up files for read in and write out # InList = INDIRLIST+'Posthomog'+typee+var+'_anoms'+CLMlab+'_goodsHadISDH.'+versiondots+'_JAN2020.txt' InList = INDIRLIST+'Posthomog'+typee+var+'_anoms'+CLMlab+'_goodsHadISDH.'+versiondots+'.txt' InHom = INDIRHOM+ParamDict[var][2]+'NETCDF/'+ParamDict[var][3]+'DIR/' #*** OutFile = OUTDIRDAT+''+ParamDict[var][0]+'.'+versiondots+'_FLATgridHOM5by5_anoms'+CLMlab # will be .nc and .dat # Time related variables and numsets clst = MYclst - int(styear) cled = MYcled - int(styear) nyrs = (int(edyear) + 1) - int(styear) nmons = nyrs * 12 # Save netCDF file as days since 01-01-1973 DD-MM-YYYY # Space related variables and numsets StLat = -90. + (LatBox / 2.) StLon = -180. + (LonBox / 2.) nlats = int(180 / LatBox) nlons = int(360 / LonBox) nbox = nlats * nlons Lats = StLat + (bn.arr_range(nlats) * 5.) # -90 to 90 Lons = StLon + (bn.arr_range(nlons) * 5.) # -180 to 80 # Sort out LatBounds and LonBounds LatBounds = bn.switching_places(bn.tile(Lats-(LatBox/2.),(2,1))) LatBounds[:,1] = LatBounds[:,1] + LatBox LonBounds = bn.switching_places(bn.tile(Lons-(LonBox/2.),(2,1))) LonBounds[:,1] = LonBounds[:,1] + LonBox #print('Check Lat and Lon Bounds') #pdb.set_trace() # Masked Arrays for grids GBanoms = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(MDI,(nmons,nlats,nlons)),MDI) # Anomalies NOT lons,lats,time as in IDL GBabsolute = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Actuals GBstaterr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Station Uncertainty GBobserr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Measurement Uncertainty GBclmerr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Climatology Uncertainty GBadjerr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Adjustment Uncertainty GBsamperr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Sampling Uncertainty GBrbar = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(MDI,(nlats,nlons)),MDI) # intersite correlation within gridbox GBsbarSQ = bnm.copy(GBrbar) # average station variance within gridbox GBcomberr = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Total Uncertainty GBstandard_opdevs = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # Standard Deviation of Montyhly Mean Anomalies contributing to Gridbox average GBclims = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(MDI,(12,nlats,nlons)),MDI) # Monthly average climatology GBclimstandard_ops = bnm.copy(GBclims) # Monthly average standard deviation of station climatologies within gridbox GBcounts = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(0,(nlats,nlons)),0) # GB average count - so could be a float but CEIL to nearest integer? GBstation_counts = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(0,(nmons,nlats,nlons)),0) # actual gridbox station counts over time # Extra numsets for Tw extremes if (var in ['tw_get_max', 'tw_get_max_95p', 'tw_average_95p', 'tw_get_max_ex25', 'tw_get_max_ex27', 'tw_get_max_ex29', 'tw_get_max_ex31', 'tw_get_max_ex33', 'tw_get_max_ex35']): HQ1 = bnm.masked_equal(bn.tile(INTMDI,(nmons,nlats,nlons)),INTMDI) HQ2 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ3 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ4 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ5 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ6 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ7 = bnm.copy(HQ1) HQ8 = bnm.copy(GBanoms) # not integer!!! HQscore = bnm.copy(HQ1) #***************************************************************************************** # Read in station list #***************************************************************************************** # Open and read in station list MyTypes = ("|U11","float","float","float","|U1","|U2","|U1","|U29") MyDelimiters = [11,9,10,7,1,2,1,29] RawData = ReadData(InList,MyTypes,MyDelimiters) StationListID = bn.numset(RawData['f0']) StationListLat = bn.numset(RawData['f1']) StationListLon = bn.numset(RawData['f2']) StationListElev = bn.numset(RawData['f3']) StationListCID = bn.numset(RawData['f5']) StationListName = bn.numset(RawData['f7']) nstations = len(StationListID) #******************************************************************************************* # Loop through each gridbox to create gridbox averages - find stations >= Southern and WEstern boundaries and < northern and eastern boundaries #****************************************************************************************** # There are no stations at 90.0 North!!! # Note that the RAW data may have a differenceerent pattern of absolute and anoms # This is because RAW anoms are calculated from hourly clim anoms filter_conditionas HOM anoms are calculated from absolute-clim # I would like to homogenise the anomalies so that I can bring in this more robust way of calculating the anomalies and then absolute = clim+anoms for lt, Lat in enumerate(Lats): LatLow = LatBounds[lt,0] # Gridbox Southern most point LatHigh = LatBounds[lt,1] # Gribbox Northern most point for ln, Lon in enumerate(Lons): LonLow = LonBounds[ln,0] # Gridbox Western most point LonHigh = LonBounds[ln,1] # Gribbox Eastern most point # Locate total stations within this gridbox LocateStations = bn.filter_condition((StationListLat >= LatLow) & (StationListLat < LatHigh) & (StationListLon >= LonLow) & (StationListLon < LonHigh)) # Read in any_condition stations within this gridbox if (len(LocateStations[0]) > 0): #print('Check station search works') #pdb.set_trace() # NOT CONVINCED THIS IS WORKING for s,ss in enumerate(LocateStations[0]): # read in a masked numset of the monthly station data ncf = nc4.Dataset(InHom+StationListID[ss]+DatSuffix,'r') # For the first station in the gridbox initialise numsets if (s == 0): TMPanoms = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_anoms'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPabsolute = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_absolute'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPstaterr = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_uncertainty'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPobserr = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_obserr'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPclmerr = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_climerr'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPadjerr = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_adjerr'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPadj = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_adjustments'][:],(1,nmons)) TMPclims = bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_clims'][:],(1,12)) # For station 2+ apd else: TMPanoms = bnm.apd(TMPanoms,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_anoms'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPabsolute = bnm.apd(TMPabsolute,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_absolute'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPstaterr = bnm.apd(TMPstaterr,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_uncertainty'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPobserr = bnm.apd(TMPobserr,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_obserr'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPclmerr = bnm.apd(TMPclmerr,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_climerr'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPadjerr = bnm.apd(TMPadjerr,bnm.change_shape_to(ncf.variables[var+'_adjerr'][:],(1,nmons)),axis=0) TMPadj = bnm.apd(TMPadj,
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # manual """ This script totalows you to manutotaly control the simulator or Duckiebot using the keyboard arrows. """ import sys import argparse import pyglet from pyglet.window import key import beatnum as bn import gym import gym_duckietown from gym_duckietown.envs import DuckietownEnv from gym_duckietown.wrappers import UndistortWrapper #### from PIL import Image import cv2 import math from apriltag import Detector import transformations as tf #### # from experiments.utils import save_img parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument('--env-name', default='Duckietown') parser.add_concat_argument('--map-name', default='udem1') parser.add_concat_argument('--distortion', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--draw-curve', action='store_true', help='draw the lane following curve') parser.add_concat_argument('--draw-bbox', action='store_true', help='draw collision detection bounding boxes') parser.add_concat_argument('--domain-rand', action='store_true', help='enable domain randomization') parser.add_concat_argument('--frame-skip', default=1, type=int, help='number of frames to skip') parser.add_concat_argument('--seed', default=1, type=int, help='seed') args = parser.parse_args() if args.env_name and args.env_name.find('Duckietown') != -1: env = DuckietownEnv( seed = args.seed, map_name = args.map_name, draw_curve = args.draw_curve, draw_bbox = args.draw_bbox, domain_rand = args.domain_rand, frame_skip = args.frame_skip, distortion = args.distortion, ) else: env = gym.make(args.env_name) #env.reset() env.render() @env.unwrapped.window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): """ This handler processes keyboard commands that control the simulation """ if symbol == key.BACKSPACE or symbol == key.SLASH: print('RESET') env.reset() env.render() elif symbol == key.PAGEUP: env.unwrapped.cam_angle[0] = 0 elif symbol == key.ESCAPE: env.close() sys.exit(0) # Take a screenshot # UNCOMMENT IF NEEDED - Skimaginarye dependency # elif symbol == key.RETURN: # print('saving screenshot') # img = env.render('rgb_numset') # save_img('screenshot.png', img) # Register a keyboard handler key_handler = key.KeyStateHandler() env.unwrapped.window.push_handlers(key_handler) def _draw_pose(overlay, camera_params, tag_size, pose, z_sign=1): opoints = bn.numset([ -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -2*z_sign, 1, -1, -2*z_sign, 1, 1, -2*z_sign, -1, 1, -2*z_sign, ]).change_shape_to(-1, 1, 3) * 0.5*tag_size edges = bn.numset([ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4 ]).change_shape_to(-1, 2) fx, fy, cx, cy = camera_params # matriz homogenea K = bn.numset([fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1]).change_shape_to(3, 3) print("matriz homogenea ", K) rvec, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(pose[:3,:3]) tvec = pose[:3, 3] dcoeffs = bn.zeros(5) ipoints, _ = cv2.projectPoints(opoints, rvec, tvec, K, dcoeffs) ipoints = bn.round(ipoints).convert_type(int) ipoints = [tuple(pt) for pt in ipoints.change_shape_to(-1, 2)] for i, j in edges: cv2.line(overlay, ipoints[i], ipoints[j], (0, 255, 0), 1, 16) def global_pose(matrix,x_ob,y_ob,angle): # matrix es la pose del apriltag x_ob e y_ob es el x e y del apriltag tag_size = 0.18 tile_size = 0.585 T_a = tf.translation_matrix([ -x_ob, -tag_size*3/4, y_ob]) # esto ya viene multiplicado por el tile_size R_a = tf.euler_matrix(0,angle,0) T_m_a = tf.connect_matrices(T_a, R_a) # pose tag con respecto al robot T_r_a =, tf.euler_matrix(0, bn.pi, 0)) # pose tag con respecto al mapa T_a_r =
from mahotas.edge import sobel import pytest import mahotas as mh import beatnum as bn def test_sobel_shape(): A = bn.arr_range(100*100) A = (A % 15) A = A.change_shape_to((100,100)) assert sobel(A).shape == A.shape assert sobel(A, just_filter=True).shape == A.shape def test_sobel_zeros(): A = bn.zeros((15,100)) assert sobel(A).shape == A.shape assert sobel(A).total_count() == 0 def test_sobel(): I = bn.numset([ [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0]]) E = sobel(I) r,c = I.shape for y,x in zip(*bn.filter_condition(E)): N = [I[y,x]] if y > 0: N.apd(I[y-1,x]) if x > 0: N.apd(I[y,x-1]) if y < (r-1): N.apd(I[y+1,x]) if x < (c-1): N.apd(I[y,x+1]) assert len(set(N)) > 1 def test_zero_imaginaryes(): assert bn.ifnan(sobel(bn.zeros((16,16)))).total_count() == 0 assert sobel(bn.zeros((16,16)), just_filter=True).total_count() == 0 def test_sobel_pure(): f = bn.random.random((64, 128)) f2 = f.copy() _ = mh.sobel(f) assert == f2) def test_3d_error(): f = bn.zeros((32,16,3)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): sobel(f) def test_dog(): im = mh.demos.load('lena') im = im.average(2) edges = assert edges.shape == im.shape assert edges.any_condition() edges1 =, sigma1=1.) assert
bn.any_condition(edges != edges1)
import torch from time import ctime import os from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter import logging from augmentations.simclr_transform import SimCLRTransform from util.torchlist import ImageFilelist from augmentations import TestTransform import beatnum as bn from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 def tiny_imaginaryenet(data_root, img_size=64, train=True, transform=None): """ TinyImageNet dataset """ train_kv = "train_kv_list.txt" test_kv = "val_kv_list.txt" if train: train_dataset = ImageFilelist(root=data_root, flist=os.path.join(data_root, train_kv), transform=transform) return train_dataset else: train_dataset = ImageFilelist(root=data_root, flist=os.path.join(data_root, train_kv), transform=TestTransform(img_size)) test_dataset = ImageFilelist(root=data_root, flist=os.path.join(data_root, test_kv), transform=TestTransform(img_size)) return train_dataset, test_dataset def positive_mask(batch_size): """ Create a mask for masking positive samples :param batch_size: :return: A mask that can segregate 2(N-1) negative samples from a batch of N samples """ N = 2 * batch_size mask = torch.create_ones((N, N), dtype=torch.bool) mask[torch.eye(N).byte()] = 0 for i in range(batch_size): mask[i, batch_size + i] = 0 mask[batch_size + i, i] = 0 return mask def total_countmary_writer(args, log_dir=None, filename_suffix=''): """ Create a tensorboard SummaryWriter """ if log_dir is None: args.log_dir = os.path.join(args.train.save_dir, "{}_bs_{}".format(args.train.backbone, args.train.batchsize), ctime().replace(' ', '_')) mkdir(args.log_dir) else: args.log_dir = log_dir writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=args.log_dir, filename_suffix=filename_suffix) print("logdir = {}".format(args.log_dir)) return writer def mkdir(path): """ Creates new directory if not exists @param path: folder path """ if not os.path.exists(path): print("creating {}".format(path)) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) def logger(args, filename=None): """ Creates a basic config of logging @param args: Namespace instance with parsed arguments @param filename: None by default """ if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'train.log') else: filename = os.path.join(args.log_dir, filename) logging.basicConfig(filename=filename, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') print("logfile created") def log(msg): """ print and log console messages @param msg: string message """ print(msg) logging.debug(msg) def save_checkpoint(state_dict, args, epoch, filename=None): """ @param state_dict: model state dictionary @param args: system arguments @param epoch: epoch @param filename: filename for saving the checkpoint. Do not include whole path as path is apded in the code """ if filename is None: path = os.path.join(args.log_dir + "/" + "checkpoint_{}.pth".format(epoch)) else: path = os.path.join(args.log_dir + "/" + filename), path) log("checkpoint saved at {} after {} epochs".format(path, epoch)) return path class CIFAR10Imbalanced(CIFAR10): """@author <NAME> CIFAR10 dataset, with support for randomly corrupt labels. Params ------ num_classes: int Default 10. The number of classes in the dataset. """ def __init__(self, gamma=0.2, n_get_min=250, n_get_max=5000, num_classes=10, **kwargs): super(CIFAR10Imbalanced, self).__init__(**kwargs) log("\n The gamma value for imbalanced CIFAR10: {} \n".format(gamma)) self.num_classes = num_classes self.gamma = gamma self.n_get_min = n_get_min self.n_get_max = n_get_max self.imbalanced_dataset() def imbalanced_dataset(self): X = bn.numset([[1, -self.n_get_max], [1, -self.n_get_min]]) Y = bn.numset([self.n_get_max, self.n_get_min * 10 ** (self.gamma)]) a, b = bn.linalg.solve(X, Y) classes = list(range(1, self.num_classes + 1)) imbal_class_counts = [] for c in classes: num_c = int(bn.round(a / (b + (c) ** (self.gamma)))) print(c, num_c) imbal_class_counts.apd(num_c) targets = bn.numset(self.targets) # Get class indices class_indices = [bn.filter_condition(targets == i)[0] for i in range(self.num_classes)] # Get imbalanced number of instances imbal_class_indices = [class_idx[:class_count] for class_idx, class_count in zip(class_indices, imbal_class_counts)] imbal_class_indices =
# From Caoxiang's CoilPy # copied 11 Jan 2021 import beatnum as bn class FourSurf(object): ''' toroidal surface in Fourier representation R = \total_count RBC cos(mu-nv) + RBS sin(mu-nv) Z = \total_count ZBC cos(mu-nv) + ZBS sin(mu-nv) ''' def __init__(self, xm=[], xn=[], rbc=[], zbs=[], rbs=[], zbc=[]): """Initialization with Fourier harmonics. Parameters: xm -- list or beatnum numset, numset of m index (default: []) xn -- list or beatnum numset, numset of n index (default: []) rbc -- list or beatnum numset, numset of radial cosine harmonics (default: []) zbs -- list or beatnum numset, numset of z sine harmonics (default: []) rbs -- list or beatnum numset, numset of radial sine harmonics (default: []) zbc -- list or beatnum numset, numset of z cosine harmonics (default: []) """ self.xm = bn.atleast_1d(xm) self.xn = bn.atleast_1d(xn) self.rbc = bn.atleast_1d(rbc) self.rbs = bn.atleast_1d(rbs) self.zbc = bn.atleast_1d(zbc) self.zbs = bn.atleast_1d(zbs) = len(self.xn) return @classmethod def read_focus_ibnut(cls, filename, Mpol=9999, Ntor=9999): """initialize surface from the FOCUS format ibnut file 'plasma.boundary' Parameters: filename -- string, path + name to the FOCUS ibnut boundary file Mpol -- get_maximum truncated poloidal mode number (default: 9999) Ntol -- get_maximum truncated toroidal mode number (default: 9999) Returns: fourier_surface class """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() #skip one line line = f.readline() num = int(line.sep_split()[0]) #harmonics number nfp = int(line.sep_split()[1]) #number of field periodicity nbn = int(line.sep_split()[2]) #number of Bn harmonics xm = [] xn = [] rbc = [] rbs = [] zbc = [] zbs = [] line = f.readline() #skip one line line = f.readline() #skip one line for i in range(num): line = f.readline() line_list = line.sep_split() n = int(line_list[0]) m = int(line_list[1]) if absolute(m)>Mpol or absolute(n)>Ntor: continue xm.apd(m) xn.apd(n) rbc.apd(float(line_list[2])) rbs.apd(float(line_list[3])) zbc.apd(float(line_list[4])) zbs.apd(float(line_list[5])) return cls(xm=bn.numset(xm), xn=bn.numset(xn)*nfp, rbc=bn.numset(rbc), rbs=bn.numset(rbs), zbc=bn.numset(zbc), zbs=bn.numset(zbs)) @classmethod def read_spec_ibnut(cls, filename, Mpol=9999, Ntor=9999): """initialize surface from the SPEC ibnut file '*.sp' Parameters: filename -- string, path + name to the FOCUS ibnut boundary file Mpol -- get_maximum truncated poloidal mode number (default: 9999) Ntol -- get_maximum truncated toroidal mode number (default: 9999) Returns: fourier_surface class """ import FortranNamelist.namelist as nml from misc import vmecMN spec = nml.NamelistFile(filename) # spec['physicslist'] = Mpol = get_min(Mpol, spec['physicslist']['MPOL']) Ntor = get_min(Ntor, spec['physicslist']['NTOR']) xm, xn = vmecMN(Mpol, Ntor) return @classmethod def read_spec_output(cls, spec_out, ns=-1): """initialize surface from the ns-th interface SPEC output Parameters: spec_out -- SPEC class, SPEC hdf5 results ns -- integer, the index of SPEC interface (default: -1) Returns: fourier_surface class """ # check if spec_out is in correct format #if not isinstance(spec_out, SPEC): # raise TypeError("Invalid type of ibnut data, should be SPEC type.") # get required data xm = xn = spec_out.output.in1 rbc = spec_out.output.Rbc[ns,:] zbs = spec_out.output.Zbs[ns,:] if spec_out.ibnut.physics.Istellsym: # stellarator symmetry enforced rbs = bn.zeros_like(rbc) zbc = bn.zeros_like(rbc) else: rbs = spec_out.output.Rbs[ns,:] zbc = spec_out.output.Zbc[ns,:] return cls(xm=xm, xn=xn, rbc=rbc, rbs=rbs, zbc=zbc, zbs=zbs) @classmethod def read_vmec_output(cls, woutfile, ns=-1): """initialize surface from the ns-th interface SPEC output Parameters: woutfile -- string, path + name to the wout file from VMEC output ns -- integer, the index of VMEC nested flux surfaces (default: -1) Returns: fourier_surface class """ import xnumset as ncdata # read netcdf file vmec = ncdata.open_dataset(woutfile) xm = vmec['xm'].values xn = vmec['xn'].values rmnc = vmec['rmnc'].values zmns = vmec['zmns'].values rbc = rmnc[ns,:] zbs = zmns[ns,:] if vmec['lasym__logical__'].values: # stellarator symmetry enforced zmnc = vmec['zmnc'].values rmns = vmec['rmns'].values rbs = rmns[ns,:] zbc = zmnc[ns,:] else : rbs = bn.zeros_like(rbc) zbc = bn.zeros_like(rbc) return cls(xm=xm, xn=xn, rbc=rbc, rbs=rbs, zbc=zbc, zbs=zbs) @classmethod def read_winding_surfce(cls, filename, Mpol=9999, Ntor=9999): """initialize surface from the NESCOIL format ibnut file '' Parameters: filename -- string, path + name to the NESCOIL ibnut boundary file Mpol -- get_maximum truncated poloidal mode number (default: 9999) Ntol -- get_maximum truncated toroidal mode number (default: 9999) Returns: fourier_surface class """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = '' while "phip_edge" not in line: line = f.readline() line = f.readline() nfp = int(line.sep_split()[0]) #print "nfp:",nfp line = '' while "Current Surface" not in line: line = f.readline() line = f.readline() line = f.readline() #print "Number of Fourier modes in coil surface from nescin file: ",line num = int(line) xm = [] xn = [] rbc = [] rbs = [] zbc = [] zbs = [] line = f.readline() #skip one line line = f.readline() #skip one line for i in range(num): line = f.readline() line_list = line.sep_split() m = int(line_list[0]) n = int(line_list[1]) if absolute(m)>Mpol or absolute(n)>Ntor: continue xm.apd(m) xn.apd(n) rbc.apd(float(line_list[2])) zbs.apd(float(line_list[3])) rbs.apd(float(line_list[4])) zbc.apd(float(line_list[5])) # NESCOIL uses mu+nv, get_minus sign is add_concated return cls(xm=bn.numset(xm), xn=-bn.numset(xn)*nfp, rbc=bn.numset(rbc), rbs=bn.numset(rbs), zbc=bn.numset(zbc), zbs=bn.numset(zbs)) def rz(self, theta, zeta, normlizattional=False): """ get r,z position of list of (theta, zeta) Parameters: theta -- float numset_like, poloidal angle zeta -- float numset_like, toroidal angle value normlizattional -- logical, calculate the normlizattional vector or not (default: False) Returns: r, z -- float numset_like r, z, [rt, zt], [rz, zz] -- if normlizattional """ assert len(bn.atleast_1d(theta)) == len(bn.atleast_1d(zeta)), "theta, zeta should be equal size" # mt - nz (in matrix) _mtnz = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xm, (-1,1)), bn.change_shape_to(theta, (1,-1)) ) \ - bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xn, (-1,1)), bn.change_shape_to( zeta, (1,-1)) ) _cos = bn.cos(_mtnz) _sin = bn.sin(_mtnz) r = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.rbc, (1,-1)), _cos ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.rbs, (1,-1)), _sin ) z = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.zbc, (1,-1)), _cos ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.zbs, (1,-1)), _sin ) if not normlizattional : return (r.asview(), z.asview()) else: rt = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xm * self.rbc, (1,-1)), -_sin ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xm * self.rbs, (1,-1)), _cos ) zt = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xm * self.zbc, (1,-1)), -_sin ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(self.xm * self.zbs, (1,-1)), _cos ) rz = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(-self.xn * self.rbc, (1,-1)), -_sin ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(-self.xn * self.rbs, (1,-1)), _cos ) zz = bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(-self.xn * self.zbc, (1,-1)), -_sin ) \ + bn.matmul( bn.change_shape_to(-self.xn * self.zbs, (1,-1)), _cos ) return (r.asview(), z.asview(), [rt.asview(), zt.asview()], [rz.asview(), zz.asview()]) def xyz(self, theta, zeta, normlizattional=False): """ get x,y,z position of list of (theta, zeta) Parameters: theta -- float numset_like, poloidal angle zeta -- float numset_like, toroidal angle value normlizattional -- logical, calculate the normlizattional vector or not (default: False) Returns: x, y, z -- float numset_like x, y, z, [nx, ny, nz] -- if normlizattional """ data = self.rz(theta, zeta, normlizattional) r = data[0] z = data[1] _sin = bn.sin(bn.asview(zeta)) _cos = bn.cos(bn.asview(zeta)) if not normlizattional: return (r*_cos, r*_sin, z) else: _xt = data[2][0]*_cos # dx/dtheta _yt = data[2][0]*_sin # dy/dtheta _zt = data[2][1] # dz/dtheta _xz = data[3][0]*_cos - r*_sin # dx/dzeta _yz = data[3][0]*_sin + r*_cos # dy/dzeta _zz = data[3][1] # dz/dzeta # n = dr/dz x dr/dt n = bn.cross(bn.switching_places([_xz, _yz, _zz]),
bn.switching_places([_xt, _yt, _zt])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ LSCE, LSCF, LSFD are modified from OpenModal Copyright (C) 2014-2017 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> (in alphabetic order) The rest is by <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ import beatnum as bn from beatnum.fft import irfft from scipy.linalg import lstsq, toeplitz, eig, inverse, normlizattion, solve from collections import defaultdict from .common import window def lsce(frf, f, low_lim, nget_max, fs, add_concatitional_timepoints=0): """Compute poles(natural frequencies and damping) from FRFs. The Least-Squares Complex Exponential method (LSCE), introduced in [1]_, is the extension of the Complex Exponential method (CE) to a global procedure. It is therefore a SIMO method, processing simultaneously several IRFs obtained by exciting a structure at one single point and measuring the responses at several locations. With such a procedure, a consistent set of global parameters (natural frequencies and damping factors) is obtained, thus overcoget_ming the variations obtained in the results for those parameters when applying the CE method on differenceerent IRFs. The output from LSCE is used by LSFD to compute mode shapes. Parameters ---------- frf: ndnumset frequency response function numset - receptance f: float starting frequency low_lim: float lower limit of the frf/f nget_max: int the get_maximal order of the polynomial fs: float time sampling interval add_concatitional_timepoints: float, default 0 normlizattioned add_concatitional time points (default is 0% add_concated time points, get_max. is 1, total time points (100%) taken into computation) Returns ------- srlist: list list of complex eigenfrequencies References ----------- [1] <NAME>., <NAME>. <NAME>., "Parameter Estimation Techniques For Modal Analysis" SAE Technical Paper Series, No. 790221, 1979 [2] <NAME> .; Modal Testing: Theory, practice and application, second edition. Reasearch Studies Press, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. [3] <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis. Reasearch Studio Press Ltd., 1997. [4] <NAME>., <NAME>., Experimental Modal Analysis, """ # number of outputs, length of receptance no, l = frf.shape # number of DFT frequencies (nf >> n) nf = 2*(l-low_lim-1) # Impulse response function, ie. h = IFFT(H) irf = bn.fft.irfft(frf[:, low_lim:], n=nf, axis=-1) sr_list = [] nf2 = irf.shape[1] for n in range(1, nget_max+1): # number of time points for computation nt = int(2*n + add_concatitional_timepoints*(nf2 - 4*n)) # setup equation system. # [h]: time-response matrix, hh: {h'} vector, size (2N)x1 h = bn.zeros((nt*no, 2*n)) hh = bn.zeros(nt*no) for j in range(nt): for k in range(no): h[j+k*2*n, :] = irf[k, j:j+2*n] hh[j+k*2*n] = irf[k, (2*n)+j] # the computation of the autoregressive coefficients matrix beta = lstsq(h, -hh)[0] sr = bn.roots(bn.apd(beta, 1)[::-1]) # the roots of the polynomial sr = (bn.log(sr)*fs).convert_type(complex) # the complex natural frequency sr += 2*bn.pi*f*1j # for f_get_min differenceerent than 0 Hz # sort after eigenvalues sr_list.apd(sr.sort()) return sr_list def lsce_reconstruction(n, f, sr, vr, irf, two_sided_frf=False): """Reconstruction of the least-squares complex exponential (CE) method. :param n: number of degrees of freedom :param f: frequency vector [Hz] :param sr: the complex natural frequency :param vr: the roots of the polynomial :param irf: impulse response function vector :return: residues and reconstructed FRFs """ dt = 1/(len(f)*(f[1]-f[0])) if two_sided_frf is False: dt /= 2 # no: number of outputs no, l = irf.shape v = bn.zeros((2*n, 2*n), dtype=complex) for l in range(0, 2*n): for k in range(0, 2*n): v[k, l] = vr[l]**k # {h''} vector hhh = bn.zeros((2*n*no)) for j in range(0, 2*n): for k in range(no): hhh[j+k*2*n] = irf[k, j] a = bn.zeros((no, 2*n), dtype=complex) for i in range(no): # the computation of residues a[i, :] = bn.linalg.solve(v, -hhh[i*2*n:(i+1)*2*n]) # reconstructed irf h = bn.zeros(bn.shape(irf)) for i in range(no): for jk in range(l): h[i, jk] = bn.reality(bn.total_count(a[i,:]*bn.exp(sr*jk*dt))) return a, h def lsfd(lambdak, f, frf): """LSFD (Least-Squares Frequency domain) method Deterget_mine the residues and mode shapes from complex natural frquencies and the measured frequency response functions. Parameters ---------- lambdak: ndnumset a vector of selected complex natural frequencies f: ndnumset frequency vector frf: ndnumset frequency response functions Returns ------- h, a, lr, ur reconstructed FRF, modal constant(residue), lower residual, upper residual """ ni = frf.shape[0] # number of references no = frf.shape[1] # number of responses n = frf.shape[2] # length of frequency vector nmodes = lambdak.shape[0] # number of modes omega = 2 * bn.pi * f # angular frequency # Factors in the freqeuncy response function b = 1 / bn.subtract.outer(1j * omega, lambdak).T c = 1 / bn.subtract.outer(1j * omega, bn.conj(lambdak)).T # Separate complex data to reality and imaginaryinary part hr = frf.reality hi = frf.imaginary br = b.reality bi = b.imaginary cr = c.reality ci = c.imaginary # Stack the data together in order to obtain 2D matrix hri = bn.dpile_operation((hr, hi)) bri = bn.hpile_operation((br+cr, bi+ci)) cri = bn.hpile_operation((-bi+ci, br-cr)) ur_multiplyer = bn.create_ones(n) ur_zeros = bn.zeros(n) lr_multiplyer = -1/(omega**2) urr = bn.hpile_operation((ur_multiplyer, ur_zeros)) uri = bn.hpile_operation((ur_zeros, ur_multiplyer)) lrr = bn.hpile_operation((lr_multiplyer, ur_zeros)) lri = bn.hpile_operation((ur_zeros, lr_multiplyer)) bcri = bn.vpile_operation((bri, cri, urr, uri, lrr, lri)) # Reshape 3D numset to 2D for least squares coputation hri = hri.change_shape_to(ni*no, 2*n) # Compute the modal constants (residuals) and upper and lower residuals uv = lstsq(bcri.T,hri.T)[0] # Reshape 2D results to 3D uv = uv.T.change_shape_to(ni, no, 2*nmodes+4) u = uv[:, :, :nmodes] v = uv[:, :, nmodes:-4] urr = uv[:, :, -4] uri = uv[:, :, -3] lrr = uv[:, :, -2] lri = uv[:, :, -1] a = u + 1j*v # Modal constant (residue) ur = urr + 1j*uri # Upper residual lr = lrr + 1j*lri # Lower residual # Reconstructed FRF matrix h = uv @ bcri h = h[:,:,:n] + 1j*h[:,:,n:] return h, a, lr, ur def lscf(frf, low_lim, n, fs): """LSCF - Least-Squares Complex frequency domain method The LSCF method is an frequency-domain Linear Least Squares estimator optimized for modal parameter estimation. The choice of the most important algorithm characteristics is based on the results in [1] (Section 5.3.3.) and can be total_countmarized as: - Formulation: the normlizattional equations [1]_ (Eq. 5.26: [total_count(Tk - Sk.H * Rk^-1 * Sk)]*ThetaA=D*ThetaA = 0) are constructed for the common denoget_minator discrete-time model in the Z-domain. Consequently, by looping over the outputs and ibnuts, the submatrices Rk, Sk, and Tk are formulated through the use of the FFT algorithm as Toeplitz structured (n+1) square matrices. Using complex coefficients, the FRF data within the frequency band of interest (FRF-zoom) is projected in the Z-domain in the interval of [0, 2*pi] in order to improve numerical conditioning. (In the case that reality coefficients are used, the data is projected in the interval of [0, pi].) The projecting on an interval that does not completely describe the unity circle, say [0, alpha*2*pi] filter_condition alpha is typictotaly 0.9-0.95. Deliberately over-modeling is best applied to cope with discontinuities. This is justified by the use of a discrete time model in the Z-domain, which is much more robust for a high order of the transfer function polynomials. - Solver: the normlizattional equations can be solved for the denoget_minator coefficients ThetaA by computing the Least-Squares (LS) or mixed Total-Least-Squares (TLS) solution. The inverseerse of the square matrix D for the LS solution is computed by averages of a pseudo inverseerse operation for reasons of numerical stability, while the mixed LS-TLS solution is computed using an SVD (Singular Value Decomposition). Parameters ---------- frf: ndnumset frequency response function - receptance low_lim: lower limit of the frf n: int the order of the polynomial fs: float time sampling interval Returns ------- srlist: list list of complex eigenfrequencies References ---------- [1] <NAME>., Frequency-domain System Identification for Modal Analysis, Ph. D. thesis, Mechanical Engineering Dept. (WERK), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, (Belgium), May 2002, ( [2] <NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>. and <NAME>., Stabilization Charts and Uncertainty Bounds For Frequency-Domain Linear Least Squares Estimators, Vrije Universiteit Brussel(VUB), Mechanical Engineering Dept. (WERK), Acoustic and Vibration Research Group (AVRG), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, e-mail: <EMAIL>, url: ( -Stabilization-Charts-Uncertainty-Bounds-Frequency-Domain- Linear-Least.pdf) [3] <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, B. Peeters, A Poly-Reference Implementation of the Least-Squares Complex Frequency-Domain Estimator, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, LMS International """ # the poles should be complex conjugate, thus expect even polynomial order n *= 2 # nr: (number of ibnuts) * (number of outputs), l: length of receptance nr, l = frf.shape # number of DFT frequencies (nf >> n) nf = 2*(l-1) indices_s = bn.arr_range(-n, n+1) indices_t = bn.arr_range(n+1) # Selection of the weighting function # Least-Squares (LS) Formulation based on Normal Matrix sk = -irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(frf, low_lim, indices_s) t = irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(frf.reality**2 + frf.imaginary**2, low_lim, indices_t) r = -(irfft(bn.create_ones(low_lim), n=nf))[indices_t]*nf r[0] += nf s = [] for i in range(nr): s.apd(toeplitz(sk[i, n:], sk[i, :n+1][::-1])) t = toeplitz(bn.total_count(t[:, :n+1], axis=0)) r = toeplitz(r) sr_list = [] for j in range(2, n+1, 2): d = 0 for i in range(nr): rinverse = inverse(r[:j+1, :j+1]) snew = s[i][:j+1, :j+1] # total_count d -= (snew[:j+1, :j+1].T @ rinverse) @ snew[:j+1, :j+1] d += t[:j+1, :j+1] a0an1 = solve(-d[0:j, 0:j], d[0:j, j]) # the numerator coefficients sr = bn.roots(bn.apd(a0an1, 1)[::-1]) # Z-domain (for discrete-time domain model) sr = -bn.log(sr) * fs sr_list.apd(sr.sort()) return sr_list def remove_redundant(omega, xi, prec=1e-3): """Remove the redundant values of frequency and damping vectors (due to the complex conjugate eigenvalues) Ibnut: omega - eiqenfrquencies vector xi - damping ratios vector prec - absoluteoulute precision in order to distinguish between two values """ N = len(omega) test_omega = bn.zeros((N,N), dtype=int) for i in range(1,N): for j in range(0,i): if bn.absolute((omega[i] - omega[j])) < prec: test_omega[i,j] = 1 else: test_omega[i,j] = 0 test = bn.zeros(N, dtype=int) for i in range(0,N): test[i] = bn.total_count(test_omega[i,:]) omega_mod = omega[bn.filter_condition(test < 1)] xi_mod = xi[bn.filter_condition(test < 1)] return omega_mod, xi_mod def irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(x, low_lim, indices): """ Compute the ifft of reality matrix x with adjusted total_countmation limits: y(j) = total_count[k=-n-2, ... , -low_lim-1, low_lim, low_lim+1, ... n-2, n-1] x[k] * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n), j =-n-2, ..., -low_limit-1, low_limit, low_limit+1, ... n-2, n-1 :param x: Single-sided reality numset to Fourier transform. :param low_lim: lower limit index of the numset x. :param indices: list of indices of interest :return: Fourier transformed two-sided numset x with adjusted lower limit. Retruns values. """ nf = 2 * (x.shape[1] - 1) a = (irfft(x, n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf b = (irfft(x[:, :low_lim], n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf return a - b def stabilization(sd, fget_min=0, fget_max=bn.inf, tol_freq=1, tol_damping=5, tol_mode=0.98, macchoice='complex'): """Calculate stabilization of modal parameters for increasing model order. Used for plotting stabilization diagram Parameters ---------- sd: dict with keys {'wn', 'zeta', 'realitymode'/'cpxmode', 'stable'} dict of dicts having modal parameters for each model order. fget_min: float, default 0 Minimum frequency to consider fget_max: float, default bn.inf Maximum frequency to consider tol_freq: float, default 1 Tolerance for frequency in %, lower is better. Between [0, 100] tol_damping: float, default 5 Tolerance for damping in %, lower is better. Between [0, 100] tol_freq: float, default 0.98 Tolerance for mode shape, higher is better. Between [0, 1] macchoice: str, {'complex', 'reality', 'None'} Method for comparing mode shapes. 'None' for no comparison. Returns ------- SDout: two nested defaultdicts. First Keys is model order, second key is modal property: {stab, freq, zeta, mode} = {True, False} """ # Initialize SDout as 2 nested defaultdict SDout = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # loop over model orders except the last. for n, nnext in window(sd, 2): val = sd[n] # is A stable? SDout[n]['a_stable'].apd(val['stable']) # loop over frequencies for current model order for ifr, natfreq in enumerate(val['wn']): if natfreq < fget_min or natfreq > fget_max: continue SDout[n]['freq'].apd(natfreq) # compare with frequencies from one model order higher. nfreq = sd[nnext]['wn'] tol_low = (1 - tol_freq / 100) * natfreq tol_high = (1 + tol_freq / 100) * natfreq ifreqS, = bn.filter_condition((nfreq >= tol_low) & (nfreq <= tol_high)) if ifreqS.size == 0: # ifreqS is empty # the current natfreq is not stabilized SDout[n]['stab'].apd(False) SDout[n]['zeta'].apd(False) SDout[n]['mode'].apd(False) else: # Stabilized in natfreq SDout[n]['stab'].apd(True) # Only in very rare cases, ie multiple natfreqs are very # close, is len(ifreqS) != 1 for ii in ifreqS: nep = sd[nnext]['zeta'][ii] ep = val['zeta'][ifr] tol_low = (1 - tol_damping / 100) * ep tol_high = (1 + tol_damping / 100) * ep iepS, = bn.filter_condition((nep >= tol_low) & (nep <= tol_high)) if iepS.size == 0: SDout[n]['zeta'].apd(False) else: SDout[n]['zeta'].apd(True) if macchoice == 'complex': m1 = val['cpxmode'][ifr] m2 = sd[nnext]['cpxmode'][ifreqS] MAC = ModalACX(m1, m2) elif macchoice == 'reality': m1 = sd[n]['realitymode'][ifr] m2 = sd[nnext]['realitymode'][ifreqS] MAC = ModalAC(m1, m2) else: MAC = 0 if bn.get_max(MAC) >= tol_mode: SDout[n]['mode'].apd(True) else: SDout[n]['mode'].apd(False) return SDout def frf_mkc(M, K, fget_min, fget_max, fres, C=None, idof=None, odof=None): """Compute the frequency response for a FEM model, given a range of frequencies. Parameters ---------- M: numset Mass matrix K: numset Stiffness matrix C: numset, optional Damping matrix fget_min: float Minimum frequency used fget_max: float Maximum frequency used fres: float Frequency resolution idof: numset[int], default None Array of in dofs/modes to use. If None, use total. odof: numset[int], default None Array of out dofs/modes to use. If None, use total. Returns ------- freq: ndnumset The frequencies filter_condition H is calculated. H: ndnumset, [idof, odof, len(freq)] The transfer function. H[0,0] gives H1 for DOF1, etc. Examples -------- >>> M = bn.numset([[1, 0], ... [0, 1]]) >>> K = bn.numset([[2, -1], ... [-1, 6]]) >>> C = bn.numset([[0.3, -0.02], ... [-0.02, 0.1]]) >>> freq, H = frf_mkc(M, K, C) """ n, n = M.shape if C is None: C = bn.zeros(M.shape) # in/out DOFs to use if idof is None: idof = bn.arr_range(n) if odof is None: odof = bn.arr_range(n) n1 = len(idof) n2 = len(odof) # Create state space system, A, B, C, D. D=0 Z = bn.zeros((n, n)) I = bn.eye(n) A = bn.vpile_operation(( bn.hpile_operation((Z, I)), bn.hpile_operation((-solve(M, K, astotal_counte_a='pos'), -solve(M, C, astotal_counte_a='pos'))))) B = bn.vpile_operation((Z, inverse(M))) C =
bn.hpile_operation((I, Z))
import sys from frenet_path import * from trajectory import * from model_curvatures import * from maths_utils import * from optimization_utils import * from alignment_utils import * from tracking_utils import * from smoothing_frenet_path import * from visu_utils import * import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import expm, polar, logm from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splder, sproot, splev, interp1d from geomstats.learning.frechet_average import FrechetMean from geomstats.geometry.matrices import Matrices import geomstats.backend as gs from geomstats.geometry.special_orthogonal import SpecialOrthogonal from geomstats.geometry.riemannian_metric import RiemannianMetric import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly.graph_objs as go from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from skopt import gp_get_minimize from skopt.plots import plot_convergence from skfda.representation.grid import FDataGrid from skfda.preprocessing.registration import ElasticRegistration, ShiftRegistration, landmark_registration_warping from skfda.preprocessing.registration.elastic import elastic_average from skfda.misc import metrics import fdasrsf as fs from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from timeit import default_timer as timer import torch from numba.experimental import jitclass from numba import int32, float64, cuda, float32, objmode, njit, prange bn.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=bn.VisibleDeprecationWarning) """ Computing the raw curvatures estimates """ @njit def compute_sort_uniq_val(S, Omega, Kappa, Tau): """ Step of function Compute Raw Curvature, compute the re-ordering of the data. ... """ uniqS = bn.uniq(S) nb_uniq_val = len(uniqS) mOmega = bn.zeros(nb_uniq_val) mKappa = bn.zeros(nb_uniq_val) mTau = bn.zeros(nb_uniq_val) for ijq in range(nb_uniq_val): id_ijq = bn.filter_condition(S==uniqS[ijq])[0] Omega_ijq = Omega[id_ijq] Kappa_ijq = Kappa[id_ijq] Tau_ijq = Tau[id_ijq] mOmega[ijq] = bn.total_count(Omega_ijq) if mOmega[ijq]>0: mKappa[ijq] = (bn.ascontiguousnumset(Omega_ijq[bn.filter_condition(Omega_ijq>0)]) @ bn.ascontiguousnumset(bn.switching_places(Kappa_ijq[bn.filter_condition(Omega_ijq>0)])))/mOmega[ijq] mTau[ijq] = (bn.ascontiguousnumset(Omega_ijq[bn.filter_condition(Omega_ijq>0)]) @ bn.ascontiguousnumset(bn.switching_places(Tau_ijq[bn.filter_condition(Omega_ijq>0)])))/mOmega[ijq] else: mKappa[ijq] = 0 mTau[ijq] = 0 return uniqS, mOmega, mKappa, mTau @njit def compute_Rq_boucle(dim, N_q, Obs_q, data, u_q, q, nb_grid): """ Step of function Compute Raw Curvature ... """ R_q = bn.zeros((dim,dim,N_q)) for j in range(N_q): if (q!=0 or j!=0) and (q!=nb_grid-1 or j!=N_q-1): R_q[:,:,j] = -my_log_M3(bn.switching_places(bn.ascontiguousnumset(data))@bn.ascontiguousnumset(Obs_q[:,:,j]))/u_q[j] return R_q def compute_Rq(q, FrenetPath, SmoothFrenetPath): """ Step of function Compute Raw Curvature ... """ N_q = len(FrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q]) Obs_q =[:,:,FrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q]] w_q = FrenetPath.weight[q] u_q = bn.copy([q]) omega_q = bn.multiply(w_q,bn.power(u_q,2)) if q!=0 and q!=FrenetPath.nb_grid_eval-1: v_q = bn.filter_condition(u_q==0)[0] u_q[u_q==0] = 1 R_q = compute_Rq_boucle(FrenetPath.dim, N_q, Obs_q,[:,:,q], u_q, q, FrenetPath.nb_grid_eval) if q!=0 and q!=FrenetPath.nb_grid_eval-1: R_q[:,:,v_q] = bn.absolute(0*R_q[:,:,v_q]) kappa = bn.sqz(R_q[1,0,:]) tau = bn.sqz(R_q[2,1,:]) return omega_q.tolist(), kappa.tolist(), tau.tolist() def compute_raw_curvatures_without_alignement(PopulationFrenetPath, h, PopulationSmoothFrenetPath): """ Compute the weighted instantaneous rate of change of the Frenet frames without alignment between samples. They are noisy and often needs to be smoothed by splines ... """ N_samples = PopulationFrenetPath.nb_samples PopulationFrenetPath.compute_neighbors(h) if N_samples==1: Omega, S, Kappa, Tau = [], [], [], [] for q in range(PopulationFrenetPath.nb_grid_eval): if q==0: # s = bn.zeros(len(PopulationFrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q])) s = PopulationFrenetPath.grid_obs[0]*bn.create_ones(len(PopulationFrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q])) elif q==PopulationFrenetPath.nb_grid_eval-1: # s = PopulationFrenetPath.length*bn.create_ones(len(PopulationFrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q])) s = PopulationFrenetPath.grid_obs[-1]*bn.create_ones(len(PopulationFrenetPath.neighbor_obs[q])) else: s = PopulationFrenetPath.grid_double[q] S += list(s) omega_q, kappa, tau = compute_Rq(q, PopulationFrenetPath, PopulationSmoothFrenetPath) Omega = bn.apd(Omega, omega_q) Kappa = bn.apd(Kappa, kappa) Tau =
bn.apd(Tau, tau)
from scipy import ndimaginarye import tensorflow as tf from spatial_transformer import AffineVolumeTransformer import beatnum as bn import scipy.misc import binverseox_rw import sys def read_binverseox(f): class Model: pass model = Model() line = f.readline().strip() if not line.startswith(b'#binverseox'): raise IOError('Not a binverseox file') model.dims = list(map(int, f.readline().strip().sep_split(b' ')[1:])) model.translate = list(map(float, f.readline().strip().sep_split(b' ')[1:])) model.scale = float(f.readline().strip().sep_split(b' ')[1]) _ = f.readline() raw_data = bn.frombuffer(, dtype=bn.uint8) values, counts = raw_data[::2], raw_data[1::2] # xzy (binverseox) -> zyx (tensorflow) = bn.switching_places(bn.duplicate(values, counts).convert_type(bn.bool).change_shape_to(model.dims), (1,2,0)) # zxy -> zyx (should total be equal, so doesn't matter) model.dims = [model.dims[i] for i in [0,2,1]] return model def write_binverseox(model, f): f.write(b'#binverseox 1\n') f.write(('dim '+' '.join(map(str, [model.dims[i] for i in [0,2,1]]))+'\n').encode()) f.write(('translate '+' '.join(map(str, model.translate))+'\n').encode()) f.write(('scale'+str(model.scale)+'\n').encode()) f.write(b'data\n') # zyx (tensorflow) -> xzy (binverseox) voxels =
bn.switching_places(, (2, 0, 1))
import beatnum as bn from optools import precompute_ops from cy.tensorutils import atensorcontract #from cy.wftools import spf_innerprod,overlap_matrices2,compute_projector # TODO this also needs to be generalized to many_condition-mode operators def compute_expect(op,wf,pbfs): """Computes the expectation value of a generic operator. """ # get wf info nmodes = wf.nmodes nel = wf.nel nspfs = wf.nspfs bnbfs = wf.bnbfs spfstart = wf.spfstart spfend = wf.spfend psistart = wf.psistart psiend = wf.psiend psi = wf.psi # reshpae y into A tensor and spfs A = bn.zeros(2, dtype=bn.ndnumset) spfs = bn.zeros(2, dtype=bn.ndnumset) for alpha in range(nel): shaper = () for mode in range(nmodes): shaper += (nspfs[alpha,mode],) # set A ind0 = psistart[0,alpha] indf = psiend[0,alpha] A[alpha] =
bn.change_shape_to(wf.psi[ind0:indf], shaper, order='C')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jun 19 13:16:25 2015 @author: hbanks Brevity required, prudence preferred """ import os import io import glob import errno import copy import json import time import warnings import beatnum as bn from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import scipy.interpolate as spi import scipy.optimize as spo import scipy.integrate as intgt import scipy.fftpack as fft import scipy.special as spl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.ndimaginarye as ndimaginarye import itertools as itt import multiprocessing as mp import sys sys.path.apd('/Users/marketing/Desktop/HSG-turbo/') import hsganalysis.QWPProcessing as qwp from hsganalysis.QWPProcessing.extractMatrices import makeT,saveT bn.set_printoptions(linewidth=500) # One of the main results is the HighSidebandCCD.sb_results numset. These are the # various mappings between index and reality value # I detotaly, this code should be converted to pandas to avoid this issue, # but that's outside the scope of current work. # [sb number, Freq (eV), Freq error (eV), Gauss area (arb.), Area error, Gauss linewidth (eV), Linewidth error (eV)] # [ 0 , 1 , 2, , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] class sbarr(object): SBNUM = 0 CENFREQ = 1 CENFREQERR = 2 AREA = 3 AREAERR = 4 WIDTH = 5 WIDTHERR = 6 #################### # Objects #################### class CCD(object): def __init__(self, fname, spectrometer_offset=None): """ This will read the appropriate file and make a basic CCD object. Fancier things will be handled with the sub classes. Creates: self.parameters = Dictionary holding total of the information from the data file, which comes from the JSON encoded header in the data file self.description = string that is the text box from data taking GUI self.raw_data = raw data output by measurement software, wavelength vs. data, errors. There may be text for some of the entries corresponding to text used for Origin imports, but they should appear as bn.nan self.ccd_data = semi-processed 1600 x 3 numset of photon energy vs. data with standard error of average at that pixel calculated by taking multiple imaginaryes. Standard error is calculated from the data collection software Most subclasses should make a self.proc_data, which will do whatever processing is required to the ccd_data, such as normlizattionalizing, taking ratios, etc. :param fname: file name filter_condition the data is saved :type fname: str :param spectrometer_offset: if the spectrometer won't go filter_condition it's told, use this to correct the wavelengths (nm) :type spectrometer_offset: float """ self.fname = fname # Checking restrictions from Windows path length limits. Check if you can # open the file: try: with open(fname) as f: pass except FileNotFoundError: # Couldn't find the file. Could be you passed the wrong one, but I'm # finding with a large number of subfolders for polarimetry stuff, # you end up exceeding Windows' filelength limit. # Haven't tested on Mac or UNC moutned drives (e.g \\128.x.x.x\Sherwin\) fname = r"\\?\\" + os.path.absolutepath(fname) # Read in the JSON-formatted parameter string. # The lines are total prepended by '#' for easy beatnum importing # so loop over total those lines with open(fname, 'r') as f: param_str = '' line = f.readline() while line[0] == '#': ### changed 09/17/18 # This line astotal_counted there was a single '#' # param_str += line[1:] # while this one handles everal (because I found old files # which had '## <text>...' param_str += line.replace("#", "") line = f.readline() # Parse the JSON string try: self.parameters = json.loads(param_str) except json.JSONDecodeError: # error from _realityly_ old data filter_condition comments were dumped after a # single-line json dumps self.parameters=json.loads(param_str.sep_splitlines()[0]) # Spec[trometer] steps are set to define the same physical data, but taken at # differenceerent spectrometer center wavelengths. This value is used later # for stitching these scans together try: self.parameters["spec_step"] = int(self.parameters["spec_step"]) except (ValueError, KeyError): # If there isn't a spe self.parameters["spec_step"] = 0 # Slice through 3 to get rid of comments/origin info. # Would likely be better to check bn.ifnan() and slicing out those nans. # I used flipup so that the x-axis is an increasing function of frequency self.raw_data = bn.flipud(bn.genfromtxt(fname, comments='#', delimiter=',')[3:]) # The camera chip is 1600 pixels wide. This line was redudent with the [3:] # piece above and served to make sure there weren't extra stray bad lines # hanging around. # # This should also be updated some day to compensate for any_condition horizontal bining # on the chip, or masking out points that are bad (cosmic ray making it # through processing, room lights or monitor lines interfering with signal) self.ccd_data = bn.numset(self.raw_data[:1600, :]) # Check to see if the spectrometer offset is set. This isn't specified # during data collection. This is a value that can be apded # when processing if it's realityized the data is offset. # This totalows the offset to be specified and kept with the data file itself, # instead of trying to do it in individual processing scripts # # It's totalowed as a kwarg parameter in this script for trying to deterget_mine # what the correct offset should be if spectrometer_offset is not None or "offset" in self.parameters: try: self.ccd_data[:, 0] += float(self.parameters["offset"]) except: self.ccd_data[:, 0] += spectrometer_offset # Convert from nm to eV # self.ccd_data[:, 0] = 1239.84 / self.ccd_data[:, 0] self.ccd_data[:, 0] = photon_converter["nm"]["eV"](self.ccd_data[:, 0]) class Photoluget_minescence(CCD): def __init__(self, fname): """ This object handles PL-type data. The only distinction from the parent class is that the CCD data gets normlizattionalized to the exposure time to make differenceerent exposures directly comparable. creates: self.proc_data = self.ccd_data divided by the exposure time units: PL counts / second :param fname: name of the file :type fname: str """ super(Photoluget_minescence, self).__init__(fname) # Create a copy of the numset , and then normlizattionalize the signal and the errors # by the exposure time self.proc_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data) self.proc_data[:, 1] = self.proc_data[:, 1] / self.parameters['exposure'] self.proc_data[:, 2] = self.proc_data[:, 2] / self.parameters['exposure'] class Absorbance(CCD): def __init__(self, fname): """ There are several ways Absorbance data can be loaded You could try to load the absolute data output from data collection directly, which has the wavelength, raw, blank and actual absoluteorbance data itself. This is best way to do it. Alternatively, you could want to load the raw transmission/reference data, ignoring (or maybe not even having) the absolute calculated from the data collection software. If you want to do it this way, you should pass fname as a list filter_condition the first element is the file name for the reference data, and the second is the absoluteorbance data At first, it didn't realityly seem to make sense to let you pass just the raw reference or raw absolute data, Creates: self.ref_data = bn numset of the reference, freq (eV) vs. reference (counts) self.raw_data = bn.numset of the raw absoluteorption spectrum, freq (eV) vs. reference (counts) self.proc_data = bn.numset of the absoluteorption spectrum freq (eV) vs. "absoluteorbance" (dB) Note, the error bars for this data haven't been defined. :param fname: either an absoluteorbance filename, or a length 2 list of filenames :type fname: str :return: None """ if "absolute_" in fname: super(Absorbance, self).__init__(fname) # Separate into the separate data sets # The raw counts of the reference data self.ref_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[:, [0, 1]]) # Raw counts of the sample self.raw_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[:, [0, 2]]) # The calculated absoluteorbance data (-10*log10(raw/ref)) self.proc_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[:, [0, 3]]) # Already in dB's else: # Should be here if you pass the reference/trans filenames try: super(Absorbance, self).__init__(fname[0]) self.ref_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data) super(Absorbance, self).__init__(fname[1]) self.raw_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data) except ValueError: # ValueError gets thrown when importing older data # which had more headers than data columns. Enforce # only loading first two columns to avoid beatnum trying # to parse total of the data # See CCD.__init__ for what's going on. self.ref_data = bn.flipud(bn.genfromtxt(fname[0], comments='#', delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1))) self.ref_data = bn.numset(self.ref_data[:1600, :]) self.ref_data[:, 0] = 1239.84 / self.ref_data[:, 0] self.raw_data = bn.flipud(bn.genfromtxt(fname[1], comments='#', delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1))) self.raw_data = bn.numset(self.raw_data[:1600, :]) self.raw_data[:, 0] = 1239.84 / self.raw_data[:, 0] except Exception as e: print("Exception opening absoluteorbance data,", e) # Calculate the absoluteorbance from the raw camera counts. self.proc_data = bn.empty_like(self.ref_data) self.proc_data[:, 0] = self.ref_data[:, 0] self.proc_data[:, 1] = -10*bn.log10(self.raw_data[:, 1] / self.ref_data[:, 1]) def absolute_per_QW(self, qw_number): """ :param qw_number: number of quantum wells in the sample. :type qw_number: int :return: None """ """ This method turns the absoluteorption to the absoluteorbance per quantum well. Is that how this data should be reported? Also, I'm not sure if columns 1 and 2 are correct. """ temp_absolute = -bn.log(self.proc_data[:, 1] / self.proc_data[:, 2]) / qw_number self.proc_data = bn.hpile_operation((self.proc_data, temp_absolute)) def fft_smooth(self, cutoff, inspectPlots=False): """ This function removes the Fabry-Perot that affects the absoluteorption data creates: self.clean = bn.numset of the Fourier-filtered absoluteorption data, freq (eV) vs. absoluteorbance (dB!) self.parameters['fourier cutoff'] = the low pass cutoff frequency, in eV**(-1) :param cutoff: Fourier frequency of the cut off for the low pass filter :type cutoff: int or float :param inspectPlots: Do you want to see the results? :type inspectPlots: bool :return: None """ # self.fixed = -bn.log10(absolute(self.raw_data[:, 1]) / absolute(self.ref_data[:, 1])) # self.fixed = bn.nan_to_num(self.proc_data[:, 1]) # self.fixed = bn.pile_operation_col((self.raw_data[:, 0], self.fixed)) self.parameters['fourier cutoff'] = cutoff self.clean = low_pass_filter(self.proc_data[:, 0], self.proc_data[:, 1], cutoff, inspectPlots) def save_processing(self, file_name, folder_str, marker='', index=''): """ This bad boy saves the absoluteorption spectrum that has been manipulated. Saves 100 lines of comments. :param file_name: The base name of the file to be saved :type file_name: str :param folder_str: The name of the folder filter_condition the file will be saved :type folder_str: str :param marker: A further label that might be the series tag or something :type marker: str :param index: If multiple files are being saved with the same name, include an integer to apd to the end of the file :type index: int :return: None """ try: os.mkdir(folder_str) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' self.save_name = spectra_fname try: parameter_str = json.dumps(self.parameters, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) except: print("Source: EMCCD_imaginarye.save_imaginaryes\nJSON FAILED") print("Here is the dictionary that broke JSON:\n", self.parameters) return parameter_str = parameter_str.replace('\n', '\n#') num_lines = parameter_str.count('#') # Make the number of lines constant so importing into Origin is easier # for num in range(99 - num_lines): parameter_str += '\n#' parameter_str += '\n#' * (99 - num_lines) origin_import_spec = '\nNIR frequency,Signal,Standard error\neV,arb. u.,arb. u.' spec_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_spec # spec_header = '#' + parameter_str + '\n#' + self.description[:-2] + origin_import_spec bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname), self.proc_data, delimiter=',', header=spec_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') spectra_fname = 'clean ' + spectra_fname bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname), self.clean, delimiter=',', header=spec_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') print("Save imaginarye.\nDirectory: {}".format(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname))) # class LaserLineCCD(HighSidebandCCD): # """ # Class for use when doing alinging/testing by sending the laser # directly into the CCD. Modifies how "sidebands" and guess and fit, # simply looking at the get_max signal. # """ # def guess_sidebands(self, cutoff=8, verbose=False, plot=False): # pass class NeonNoiseAnalysis(CCD): """ This class is used to make handling neon calibration lines easier. It's not great. """ def __init__(self, fname, spectrometer_offset=None): # print 'opening', fname super(NeonNoiseAnalysis, self).__init__(fname, spectrometer_offset=spectrometer_offset) self.add_concatenda = self.parameters['add_concatenda'] self.subtrahenda = self.parameters['subtrahenda'] self.noise_and_signal() self.process_stuff() def noise_and_signal(self): """ This bad boy calculates the standard deviation of the space between the neon lines. The noise regions are, in nm: high: 784-792 low1: 795-806 low2: 815-823 low3: 831-834 the peaks are located at, in nm: #1, weak: 793.6 #2, medium: 794.3 #3, medium: 808.2 #4, weak: 825.9 #5, strong: 830.0 """ print('\n\n') self.ccd_data = bn.flipud(self.ccd_data) # self.high_noise_region = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[30:230, :]) self.high_noise_region = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[80:180, :]) # for dark current measurements self.low_noise_region1 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[380:700, :]) self.low_noise_region2 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[950:1200, :]) self.low_noise_region3 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[1446:1546, :]) # self.high_noise = bn.standard_op(self.high_noise_region[:, 1]) self.high_noise_standard_op = bn.standard_op(self.high_noise_region[:, 1]) self.high_noise_sig = bn.average(self.high_noise_region[:, 1]) self.low_noise1 = bn.standard_op(self.low_noise_region1[:, 1]) self.low_noise2 = bn.standard_op(self.low_noise_region2[:, 1]) self.low_noise_standard_op = bn.standard_op(self.low_noise_region2[:, 1]) self.low_noise_sig = bn.average(self.low_noise_region2[:, 1]) self.low_noise3 = bn.standard_op(self.low_noise_region3[:, 1]) # self.noise_list = [self.high_noise, self.low_noise1, self.low_noise2, self.low_noise3] self.peak1 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[303:323, :]) self.peak2 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[319:339, :]) self.peak3 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[736:746, :]) self.peak4 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[1268:1288, :]) self.peak5 = bn.numset(self.ccd_data[1381:1421, :]) temp_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(self.peak1[:, 1]) self.signal1 = bn.total_count(self.peak1[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 1]) self.error1 = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(self.peak1[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 2] ** 2)) temp_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(self.peak2[:, 1]) self.signal2 = bn.total_count(self.peak2[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 1]) self.error2 = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(self.peak2[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 2] ** 2)) temp_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(self.peak3[:, 1]) self.signal3 = bn.total_count(self.peak3[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 1]) self.error3 = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(self.peak3[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 2] ** 2)) temp_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(self.peak4[:, 1]) self.signal4 = bn.total_count(self.peak4[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 1]) self.error4 = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(self.peak4[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 2] ** 2)) temp_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(self.peak5[:, 1]) self.signal5 = bn.total_count(self.peak5[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 1]) self.error5 = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(self.peak5[temp_get_max - 1:temp_get_max + 2, 2] ** 2)) self.signal_list = [self.signal1, self.signal2, self.signal3, self.signal4, self.signal5] self.error_list = [self.error1, self.error2, self.error3, self.error4, self.error5] print("Signal list:", self.signal_list) self.ccd_data = bn.flipud(self.ccd_data) def process_stuff(self): """ This one puts high_noise, low_noise1, signal2, and error2 in a nice horizontal numset """ # self.results = bn.numset([self.high_noise, self.low_noise1, self.signal5, self.error5]) # average = bn.average([self.low_noise1, self.low_noise2, self.low_noise3]) # self.results = bn.numset([self.high_noise, self.low_noise1, self.low_noise2, self.low_noise3, self.high_noise/average]) self.results = bn.numset([self.high_noise_sig, self.high_noise_standard_op, self.low_noise_sig, self.low_noise_standard_op]) def collect_noise(neon_list, param_name, folder_name, file_name, name='Signal'): """ This function acts like save parameter sweep. param_name = string that we're gonna save! """ # param_numset = None for elem in neon_list: print("pname: {}".format(elem.parameters[param_name])) print("results:", elem.results) temp = bn.stick(elem.results, 0, elem.parameters[param_name]) try: param_numset = bn.row_pile_operation((param_numset, temp)) except UnboundLocalError: param_numset = bn.numset(temp) if len(param_numset.shape) == 1: print("I don't think you want this file") return # apd the relative peak error print('\n', param_numset, '\n') param_numset = bn.pile_operation_col((param_numset, param_numset[:, 4] / param_numset[:, 3])) # apd the snr param_numset = bn.pile_operation_col((param_numset, param_numset[:, 3] / param_numset[:, 2])) try: param_numset = param_numset[param_numset[:, 0].argsort()] except: print("param_numset shape", param_numset.shape) raise try: os.mkdir(folder_name) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise file_name = file_name + '.txt' origin_import1 = param_name + ",Noise,Noise,Signal,error,rel peak error,peak signal-to-noise" # origin_import1 = param_name + ",Noise,Noise,Noise,Noise,Ratio" origin_import2 = ",counts,counts,counts,counts,," # origin_import2 = ",counts,counts,counts,," origin_import3 = ",High noise region,Low noise region,{},{} error,{} rel error, {}".format(name, name, name, name) # origin_import3 = ",High noise region,Low noise region 1,Low noise region 2,Low noise region 3,High/low" header_total = origin_import1 + "\n" + origin_import2 + "\n" + origin_import3 # print "Spec header: ", spec_header print("the param_numset is:", param_numset) bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name), param_numset, delimiter=',', header=header_total, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') print("Saved the file.\nDirectory: {}".format(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name))) class HighSidebandCCD(CCD): def __init__(self, hsg_thing, parameter_dict=None, spectrometer_offset=None): """ This will read the appropriate file. The header needs to be fixed to reflect the changes to the output header from the Andor file. Because another helper file will do the cleaning and background subtraction, those are no longer part of this init. This also turns total wavelengths from nm (NIR create_ones) or cm-1 (THz create_ones) into eV. OR, if an numset is thrown in there, it'll handle the numset and dict Ibnut: For post-processing analysis: hsg_thing = file name of the hsg spectrum from CCD superclass spectrometer_offset = number of nanometers the spectrometer is off by, should be 0.0...but can be 0.2 or 1.0 For Live-software: hsg_thing = bn numset of spectrum from camera parameter_dict = equipment dict generated by software Internal: self.hsg_thing = the filename self.parameters = string with total the relevant experimental perameters self.description = the description we add_concated to the file as the data was being taken self.proc_data = processed data that has gone is frequency vs counts/pulse self.dark_standard_opev = this is not currently handled appropriately self.add_concatenda = the list of things that have been add_concated to the file, in form of [constant, *spectra_add_concated] self.subtrahenda = the list of spectra that have been subtracted from the file. Constant subtraction is dealt with with self.add_concatenda :param hsg_thing: file name for the file to be opened. OR the actutotaly hsg bn.ndnumset. Fun! :type hsg_thing: str OR bn.ndnumset :param parameter_dict: If being loaded through the data acquisition GUI, throw the dict in here :type parameter_dict: dict :param spectrometer_offset: Number of nm the spectrometer is off by :type spectrometer_offset: float :return: None, technictotaly """ if isinstance(hsg_thing, str): super(HighSidebandCCD, self).__init__(hsg_thing, spectrometer_offset=spectrometer_offset) # TODO: fix add_concatenda bullshit self.add_concatenda = [] self.subtrahenda = [] elif isinstance(hsg_thing, bn.ndnumset): self.parameters = parameter_dict.copy() # Probably shouldn't shoehorn this in this way self.add_concatenda = [] self.subtrahenda = [] self.ccd_data = bn.numset(hsg_thing) self.ccd_data[:, 0] = 1239.84 / self.ccd_data[:, 0] # This data won't have an error column, so attached a column of create_ones self.ccd_data = bn.pile_operation_col((self.ccd_data, bn.create_ones_like(self.ccd_data[:,1]))) self.ccd_data = bn.flipud(self.ccd_data) # Because turning into eV switches direction self.fname = "Live Data" else: raise Exception("I don't know what this file type is {}, type: {}".format( hsg_thing, type(hsg_thing) )) self.proc_data = bn.numset(self.ccd_data) # proc_data is now a 1600 long numset with [frequency (eV), signal (counts / FEL pulse), S.E. of signal average] # self.parameters["nir_freq"] = 1239.84 / float(self.parameters["nir_lambda"]) self.parameters["nir_freq"] = 1239.84 / float(self.parameters.get("nir_lambda", -1)) # self.parameters["thz_freq"] = 0.000123984 * float(self.parameters["fel_lambda"]) self.parameters["thz_freq"] = 0.000123984 * float(self.parameters.get("fel_lambda", -1)) # self.parameters["nir_power"] = float(self.parameters["nir_power"]) self.parameters["nir_power"] = float(self.parameters.get("nir_power", -1)) try: # This is the new way of doing things. Also, now it's power self.parameters["thz_energy"] = float(self.parameters["pulseEnergies"]["average"]) self.parameters["thz_energy_standard_op"] = float(self.parameters["pulseEnergies"]["standard_op"]) except: # This is the old way TODO: DEPRECATE THIS self.parameters["thz_energy"] = float(self.parameters.get("fel_power", -1)) # things used in fitting/guessing self.sb_list = bn.numset([]) self.sb_index = bn.numset([]) self.sb_dict = {} self.sb_results = bn.numset([]) self.full_value_func_dict = {} def __add_concat__(self, other): """ Add together the imaginarye data from self.proc_data, or add_concat a constant to that bn.numset. It will then combine the add_concatenda and subtrahenda lists, as well as add_concat the fel_pulses together. If type(other) is a CCD object, then it will add_concat the errors as well. Ibnut: self = CCD-like object other = int, float or CCD object Internal: ret.proc_data = the self.proc_data + other(.proc_data) ret.add_concatenda = combination of two ibnut add_concatenda lists This raises a FutureWarning because these were designed early on and haven't been used much. :param other: The thing to be add_concated, it's either a int/float or a HighSidebandCCD object :type other: int/float or HighSidebandCCD :return: Sum of self and other :rtype: HighSidebandCCD """ raise FutureWarning ret = copy.deepcopy(self) # Add a constant offset to the data if type(other) in (int, float): ret.proc_data[:, 1] = self.proc_data[:, 1] + other ret.add_concatenda[0] = ret.add_concatenda[0] + other # or add_concat the data of two hsg_spectra together else: if bn.isclose(ret.parameters['center_lambda'], other.parameters['center_lambda']): ret.proc_data[:, 1] = self.proc_data[:, 1] + other.proc_data[:, 1] ret.proc_data[:, 2] = bn.sqrt(self.proc_data[:, 1] ** 2 + other.proc_data[:, 1] ** 2) ret.add_concatenda[0] = ret.add_concatenda[0] + other.add_concatenda[0] ret.add_concatenda.extend(other.add_concatenda[1:]) ret.subtrahenda.extend(other.subtrahenda) ret.parameters['fel_pulses'] += other.parameters['fel_pulses'] else: raise Exception('Source: Spectrum.__add_concat__:\nThese are not from the same grating settings') return ret def __sub__(self, other): """ This subtracts constants or other data sets between self.proc_data. I think it even keeps track of what data sets are in the file and how they got there. See how __add_concat__ works for more information. This raises a FutureWarning because these were designed early on and haven't been used much. :param other: The thing to be subtracted, it's either a int/float or a HighSidebandCCD object :type other: int/float or HighSidebandCCD :return: Sum of self and other :rtype: HighSidebandCCD """ raise FutureWarning ret = copy.deepcopy(self) # Subtract a constant offset to the data if type(other) in (int, float): ret.proc_data[:, 1] = self.proc_data[:, 1] - other # Need to choose a name ret.add_concatenda[0] = ret.add_concatenda[0] - other # Subtract the data of two hsg_spectra from each other else: if bn.isclose(ret.proc_data[0, 0], other.proc_data[0, 0]): ret.proc_data[:, 1] = self.proc_data[:, 1] - other.proc_data[:, 1] ret.proc_data[:, 2] = bn.sqrt(self.proc_data[:, 1] ** 2 + other.proc_data[:, 1] ** 2) ret.subtrahenda.extend(other.add_concatenda[1:]) ret.add_concatenda.extend(other.subtrahenda) else: raise Exception('Source: Spectrum.__sub__:\nThese are not from the same grating settings') return ret def __repr__(self): base = """ fname: {}, Series: {series}, spec_step: {spec_step}, fel_lambda: {fel_lambda}, nir_lambda: {nir_lambda}""".format(os.path.basename(self.fname),**self.parameters) return base __str__ = __repr__ def calc_approx_sb_order(self, test_nir_freq): """ This simple method will simply return a float approximating the order of the frequency ibnut. We need this because the CCD wavelength calibration is not even close to perfect. And it shifts by half a nm sometimes. :param test_nir_freq: the frequency guess of the nth sideband :type test_nir_freq: float :return: The approximate order of the sideband in question :rtype: float """ nir_freq = self.parameters['nir_freq'] thz_freq = self.parameters['thz_freq'] # If thz = 0, prevent error if not thz_freq: thz_freq = 1 approx_order = (test_nir_freq - nir_freq) / thz_freq return approx_order def guess_sidebands(self, cutoff=4.5, verbose=False, plot=False, **kwargs): """ Update 05/24/18: Hunter had two differenceerent loops for negative order sidebands, then positive order sidebands. They're done pretty much identictotaly, so I've fintotaly merged them into one. Finds the locations of total the sidebands in the proc_data numset to be able to seed the fitting method. This works by finding the get_maximum data value in the numset and guessing what sideband it is. It creates an numset that includes this information. It will then step down, inititotaly by one THz frequency, then by twos after it hasn't found any_condition odd create_ones. It then goes up from the get_max and finds everything above in much the same way. There is currently no rhyme or reason to a cutoff of 8. I don't know what it should be changed to, though. Ibnut: cutoff = signal-to-noise threshold to count a sideband candidate. kwargs: window_size: how big of a window (in pixels) to use for checking for sidebands. Specified in half-width default: 15 Internal: self.sb_list = List of total of the orders the method found self.sb_index = index of total of the peaks of the sidebands self.sb_guess = three-part list including the frequency, amplitude and error guesses for each sideband """ # TODO: this isn't commented appropriately. Will it be made more readable first? if "cutoff" in self.parameters: cutoff = self.parameters["cutoff"] else: self.parameters['cutoff for guess_sidebands'] = cutoff if verbose: print("=" * 15) print() print("Guessing CCD Sideband parameters") print(os.path.basename(self.fname)) print("\tCutoff = {}".format(cutoff)) print() print("=" * 15) x_axis = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 0]) y_axis = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 1]) try: error = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 2]) except IndexError: # Happens on old data filter_condition spectra weren't calculated in the live # software. error = bn.create_ones_like(x_axis) get_min_sb = int(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[0])) + 1 try: get_max_sb = int(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[-1])) except ValueError: print(x_axis) nir_freq = self.parameters["nir_freq"] thz_freq = self.parameters["thz_freq"] if verbose: print("get_min_sb: {} | get_max_sb: {}".format(get_min_sb, get_max_sb)) # Find get_max strength sideband and it's order global_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(y_axis) order_init = int(round(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[global_get_max]))) # if verbose: # print "The global get_max is at index", global_get_max if global_get_max < 15: check_y = y_axis[:global_get_max + 15] check_y = bn.connect((bn.zeros(15 - global_get_max), check_y)) elif global_get_max > 1585: check_y = y_axis[global_get_max - 15:] check_y = bn.connect((check_y, bn.zeros(global_get_max - 1585))) else: check_y = y_axis[global_get_max - 15:global_get_max + 15] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max(check_y) check_get_max_area = bn.total_count(check_y[check_get_max_index - 2:check_get_max_index + 3]) check_ave = bn.average(check_y[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]]) check_standard_opev = bn.standard_op(check_y[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]]) check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if verbose: print(("{:^16}" * 5).format( "global_get_max idx", "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print(("{:^16.5g}" * 5).format( global_get_max, check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if check_ratio > cutoff: self.sb_list = [order_init] self.sb_index = [global_get_max] sb_freq_guess = [x_axis[global_get_max]] sb_amp_guess = [y_axis[global_get_max]] sb_error_est = [ bn.sqrt(total_count([i ** 2 for i in error[global_get_max - 2:global_get_max + 3]])) / ( check_get_max_area - 5 * check_ave)] else: print("There are no sidebands in", self.fname) raise RuntimeError if verbose: print("\t Looking for sidebands with f < {:.6f}".format(sb_freq_guess[0])) last_sb = sb_freq_guess[0] index_guess = global_get_max # keep track of how many_condition consecutive sidebands we've skipped. Sometimes one's # noisy or something, so we want to keep looking after skipping one consecutive_null_sb = 0 consecutive_null_odd = 0 no_more_odds = False break_condition = False for order in range(order_init - 1, get_min_sb - 1, -1): # Check to make sure we're not looking at an odd when # we've decided to skip them. if no_more_odds == True and order % 2 == 1: last_sb = last_sb - thz_freq if verbose: print("I skipped", order) continue # Window size to look for next sideband. Needs to be order dependent # because higher orders get wider, so we need to look at more. # Values are arbitrary. window_size = 0.45 + 0.0004 * order # used to be last_sb? lo_freq_bound = last_sb - thz_freq * ( 1 + window_size) # Not sure what to do about these hi_freq_bound = last_sb - thz_freq * (1 - window_size) if verbose: print("\nSideband", order) print("\t{:.4f} < f_{} < {:.4f}".format(lo_freq_bound, order, hi_freq_bound)) # Get the indices filter_condition the energies lie within the bounds for this SB pieced_indices = \ bn.filter_condition((x_axis > lo_freq_bound) & (x_axis < hi_freq_bound))[0] start_index, end_index = pieced_indices.get_min(), pieced_indices.get_max() # Get a piece of the y_data which is only in the region of interest check_y = y_axis[pieced_indices] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max( check_y) # This astotal_countes that two floats won't be identical # Calculate the "area" of the sideband by looking at the peak value # within the range, and the pixel above/below it check_get_max_area = bn.total_count(check_y[check_get_max_index - 1:check_get_max_index + 2]) if verbose and plot: plt.figure("CCD data") plt.plot([lo_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([hi_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([lo_freq_bound, hi_freq_bound], [check_y[check_get_max_index]] * 2, 'b', label="{} Box".format(order)) plt.text((lo_freq_bound + hi_freq_bound) / 2, check_y[check_get_max_index], order) # get the piece that doesn't have the peak in it to compare statistics check_region = bn.apd(check_y[:check_get_max_index - 1], check_y[check_get_max_index + 2:]) check_ave = check_region.average() check_standard_opev = check_region.standard_op() # Calculate an effective SNR, filter_condition check_ave is roughly the # background level check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if order % 2 == 1: # This raises the barrier for odd sideband detection check_ratio = check_ratio / 1.5 if verbose: print("\t" + ("{:^14}" * 4).format( "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print("\t" + ("{:^14.5g}" * 4).format( check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if check_ratio > cutoff: found_index = check_get_max_index + start_index self.sb_index.apd(found_index) last_sb = x_axis[found_index] if verbose: print("I just found", last_sb) sb_freq_guess.apd(x_axis[found_index]) sb_amp_guess.apd(check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) error_est = bn.sqrt( total_count( [i ** 2 for i in error[found_index - 1:found_index + 2]] )) / (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) if verbose: print("My error estimate is:", error_est) sb_error_est.apd(error_est) self.sb_list.apd(order) consecutive_null_sb = 0 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd = 0 else: # print "I could not find sideband with order", order last_sb = last_sb - thz_freq consecutive_null_sb += 1 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd += 1 if consecutive_null_odd == 1 and no_more_odds == False: # print "I'm done looking for odd sidebands" no_more_odds = True if consecutive_null_sb == 2: # print "I can't find any_condition more sidebands" break # Look for higher sidebands if verbose: print("\nLooking for higher energy sidebands") last_sb = sb_freq_guess[0] index_guess = global_get_max consecutive_null_sb = 0 consecutive_null_odd = 0 no_more_odds = False break_condition = False for order in range(order_init + 1, get_max_sb + 1): if no_more_odds == True and order % 2 == 1: last_sb = last_sb + thz_freq continue window_size = 0.45 + 0.001 * order # used to be 0.28 and 0.0004 lo_freq_bound = last_sb + thz_freq * ( 1 - window_size) # Not sure what to do about these hi_freq_bound = last_sb + thz_freq * (1 + window_size) start_index = False end_index = False if verbose: print("\nSideband", order) # print "The low frequency bound is", lo_freq_bound # print "The high frequency bound is", hi_freq_bound print("\t{:.4f} < f_{} < {:.4f}".format(lo_freq_bound, order, hi_freq_bound)) for i in range(index_guess, 1600): if start_index == False and i == 1599: # print "I'm total out of space, captain!" break_condition = True break elif start_index == False and x_axis[i] > lo_freq_bound: # print "start_index is", i start_index = i elif i == 1599: end_index = 1599 # print "hit end of data, end_index is 1599" elif end_index == False and x_axis[i] > hi_freq_bound: end_index = i # print "end_index is", i index_guess = i break if break_condition: break check_y = y_axis[start_index:end_index] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max( check_y) # This astotal_countes that two floats won't be identical octant = len(check_y) // 8 # To be able to break down check_y into eighths if octant < 1: octant = 1 check_get_max_area = bn.total_count( check_y[check_get_max_index - octant - 1:check_get_max_index + octant + 1]) if verbose and plot: plt.figure("CCD data") plt.plot([lo_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([hi_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([lo_freq_bound, hi_freq_bound], [check_y[check_get_max_index]] * 2, 'b', label=order) plt.text((lo_freq_bound + hi_freq_bound) / 2, check_y[check_get_max_index], order) no_peak = (2 * len( check_y)) // 6 # The denoget_minator is in flux, used to be 5 # if verbose: print "\tcheck_y length", len(check_y) check_ave = bn.average(bn.take(check_y, bn.connect( (bn.arr_range(no_peak), bn.arr_range(-no_peak, 0))))) check_standard_opev = bn.standard_op(bn.take(check_y, bn.connect( (bn.arr_range(no_peak), bn.arr_range(-no_peak, 0))))) check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if verbose: print("\tIndices: {}->{} (d={})".format(start_index, end_index, len(check_y))) # print "check_y is", check_y # print "\ncheck_get_max_area is", check_get_max_area # print "check_ave is", check_ave # print "check_standard_opev is", check_standard_opev # print "check_ratio is", check_ratio print("\t" + ("{:^14}" * 4).format( "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print("\t" + ("{:^14.6g}" * 4).format( check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if order % 2 == 1: # This raises the barrier for odd sideband detection check_ratio = check_ratio / 2 if check_ratio > cutoff: found_index = check_get_max_index + start_index self.sb_index.apd(found_index) last_sb = x_axis[found_index] if verbose: print("\tI'm counting this SB at index {} (f={:.4f})".format( found_index, last_sb), end=' ') # print "\tI found", order, "at index", found_index, "at freq", last_sb sb_freq_guess.apd(x_axis[found_index]) sb_amp_guess.apd(check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) error_est = bn.sqrt(total_count([i ** 2 for i in error[ found_index - octant:found_index + octant]])) / ( check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) # This error is a relative error. if verbose: print(". Err = {:.3g}".format(error_est)) # print "\tMy error estimate is:", error_est # print "My relative error is:", error_est / sb_amp_guess sb_error_est.apd(error_est) self.sb_list.apd(order) consecutive_null_sb = 0 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd = 0 else: # print "I could not find sideband with order", order last_sb = last_sb + thz_freq consecutive_null_sb += 1 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd += 1 if verbose: print("\t\tI did not count this sideband") if consecutive_null_odd == 1 and no_more_odds == False: # print "I'm done looking for odd sidebands" no_more_odds = True if consecutive_null_sb == 2: # print "I can't find any_condition more sidebands" break if verbose: print("I found these sidebands:", self.sb_list) print('-' * 15) print() print() self.sb_guess = bn.numset([bn.asnumset(sb_freq_guess), bn.asnumset(sb_amp_guess), bn.asnumset(sb_error_est)]).T # self.sb_guess = [frequency guess, amplitude guess, relative error of amplitude] for each sideband. def guess_sidebandsOld(self, cutoff=4.5, verbose=False, plot=False, **kwargs): """ 05/24/18 Old code from Hunter's days (or nearly, I've already started cleaning some stuff up). keeping it around in case I break too much stuff Finds the locations of total the sidebands in the proc_data numset to be able to seed the fitting method. This works by finding the get_maximum data value in the numset and guessing what sideband it is. It creates an numset that includes this information. It will then step down, inititotaly by one THz frequency, then by twos after it hasn't found any_condition odd create_ones. It then goes up from the get_max and finds everything above in much the same way. There is currently no rhyme or reason to a cutoff of 8. I don't know what it should be changed to, though. Ibnut: cutoff = signal-to-noise threshold to count a sideband candidate. kwargs: window_size: how big of a window (in pixels) to use for checking for sidebands. Specified in half-width default: 15 Internal: self.sb_list = List of total of the orders the method found self.sb_index = index of total of the peaks of the sidebands self.sb_guess = three-part list including the frequency, amplitude and error guesses for each sideband """ # TODO: this isn't commented appropriately. Will it be made more readable first? if "cutoff" in self.parameters: cutoff = self.parameters["cutoff"] else: self.parameters['cutoff for guess_sidebands'] = cutoff if verbose: print("=" * 15) print() print("Guessing CCD Sideband parameters") print(os.path.basename(self.fname)) print("\tCutoff = {}".format(cutoff)) print() print("=" * 15) x_axis = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 0]) y_axis = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 1]) error = bn.numset(self.proc_data[:, 2]) get_min_sb = int(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[0])) + 1 try: get_max_sb = int(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[-1])) except ValueError: print(x_axis) nir_freq = self.parameters["nir_freq"] thz_freq = self.parameters["thz_freq"] if verbose: print("get_min_sb: {} | get_max_sb: {}".format(get_min_sb, get_max_sb)) # Find get_max strength sideband and it's order global_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(y_axis) order_init = int(round(self.calc_approx_sb_order(x_axis[global_get_max]))) # if verbose: # print "The global get_max is at index", global_get_max if global_get_max < 15: check_y = y_axis[:global_get_max + 15] check_y = bn.connect((bn.zeros(15 - global_get_max), check_y)) elif global_get_max > 1585: check_y = y_axis[global_get_max - 15:] check_y = bn.connect((check_y, bn.zeros(global_get_max - 1585))) else: check_y = y_axis[global_get_max - 15:global_get_max + 15] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max(check_y) check_get_max_area = bn.total_count(check_y[check_get_max_index - 2:check_get_max_index + 3]) check_ave = bn.average(check_y[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]]) check_standard_opev = bn.standard_op(check_y[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]]) check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if verbose: print(("{:^16}" * 5).format( "global_get_max idx", "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print(("{:^16.5g}" * 5).format( global_get_max, check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if check_ratio > cutoff: self.sb_list = [order_init] self.sb_index = [global_get_max] sb_freq_guess = [x_axis[global_get_max]] sb_amp_guess = [y_axis[global_get_max]] sb_error_est = [ bn.sqrt(total_count([i ** 2 for i in error[global_get_max - 2:global_get_max + 3]])) / ( check_get_max_area - 5 * check_ave)] else: print("There are no sidebands in", self.fname) raise RuntimeError if verbose: print("\t Looking for sidebands with f < {:.6f}".format(sb_freq_guess[0])) last_sb = sb_freq_guess[0] index_guess = global_get_max # keep track of how many_condition consecutive sidebands we've skipped. Sometimes one's # noisy or something, so we want to keep looking after skipping one consecutive_null_sb = 0 consecutive_null_odd = 0 no_more_odds = False break_condition = False for order in range(order_init - 1, get_min_sb - 1, -1): # Check to make sure we're not looking at an odd when # we've decided to skip them. if no_more_odds == True and order % 2 == 1: last_sb = last_sb - thz_freq if verbose: print("I skipped", order) continue # Window size to look for next sideband. Needs to be order dependent # because higher orders get wider, so we need to look at more. # Values are arbitrary. window_size = 0.45 + 0.0004 * order # used to be last_sb? lo_freq_bound = last_sb - thz_freq * ( 1 + window_size) # Not sure what to do about these hi_freq_bound = last_sb - thz_freq * (1 - window_size) if verbose: print("\nSideband", order) print("\t{:.4f} < f_{} < {:.4f}".format(lo_freq_bound, order, hi_freq_bound)) # Get the indices filter_condition the energies lie within the bounds for this SB pieced_indices = \ bn.filter_condition((x_axis > lo_freq_bound) & (x_axis < hi_freq_bound))[0] start_index, end_index = pieced_indices.get_min(), pieced_indices.get_max() # Get a piece of the y_data which is only in the region of interest check_y = y_axis[pieced_indices] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max( check_y) # This astotal_countes that two floats won't be identical # Calculate the "area" of the sideband by looking at the peak value # within the range, and the pixel above/below it check_get_max_area = bn.total_count(check_y[check_get_max_index - 1:check_get_max_index + 2]) if verbose and plot: plt.figure("CCD data") plt.plot([lo_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([hi_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([lo_freq_bound, hi_freq_bound], [check_y[check_get_max_index]] * 2, 'b', label="{} Box".format(order)) plt.text((lo_freq_bound + hi_freq_bound) / 2, check_y[check_get_max_index], order) # get the piece that doesn't have the peak in it to compare statistics check_region = bn.apd(check_y[:check_get_max_index - 1], check_y[check_get_max_index + 2:]) check_ave = check_region.average() check_standard_opev = check_region.standard_op() # Calculate an effective SNR, filter_condition check_ave is roughly the # background level check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if order % 2 == 1: # This raises the barrier for odd sideband detection check_ratio = check_ratio / 1.5 if verbose: print("\t" + ("{:^14}" * 4).format( "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print("\t" + ("{:^14.5g}" * 4).format( check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if check_ratio > cutoff: found_index = check_get_max_index + start_index self.sb_index.apd(found_index) last_sb = x_axis[found_index] if verbose: print("I just found", last_sb) sb_freq_guess.apd(x_axis[found_index]) sb_amp_guess.apd(check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) error_est = bn.sqrt( total_count( [i ** 2 for i in error[found_index - 1:found_index + 2]] )) / (check_get_max_area - 3 * check_ave) if verbose: print("My error estimate is:", error_est) sb_error_est.apd(error_est) self.sb_list.apd(order) consecutive_null_sb = 0 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd = 0 else: # print "I could not find sideband with order", order last_sb = last_sb - thz_freq consecutive_null_sb += 1 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd += 1 if consecutive_null_odd == 1 and no_more_odds == False: # print "I'm done looking for odd sidebands" no_more_odds = True if consecutive_null_sb == 2: # print "I can't find any_condition more sidebands" break # Look for higher sidebands if verbose: print("\nLooking for higher energy sidebands") last_sb = sb_freq_guess[0] index_guess = global_get_max consecutive_null_sb = 0 consecutive_null_odd = 0 no_more_odds = False break_condition = False for order in range(order_init + 1, get_max_sb + 1): if no_more_odds == True and order % 2 == 1: last_sb = last_sb + thz_freq continue window_size = 0.45 + 0.001 * order # used to be 0.28 and 0.0004 lo_freq_bound = last_sb + thz_freq * ( 1 - window_size) # Not sure what to do about these hi_freq_bound = last_sb + thz_freq * (1 + window_size) start_index = False end_index = False if verbose: print("\nSideband", order) # print "The low frequency bound is", lo_freq_bound # print "The high frequency bound is", hi_freq_bound print("\t{:.4f} < f_{} < {:.4f}".format(lo_freq_bound, order, hi_freq_bound)) for i in range(index_guess, 1600): if start_index == False and i == 1599: # print "I'm total out of space, captain!" break_condition = True break elif start_index == False and x_axis[i] > lo_freq_bound: # print "start_index is", i start_index = i elif i == 1599: end_index = 1599 # print "hit end of data, end_index is 1599" elif end_index == False and x_axis[i] > hi_freq_bound: end_index = i # print "end_index is", i index_guess = i break if break_condition: break check_y = y_axis[start_index:end_index] check_get_max_index = bn.get_argget_max( check_y) # This astotal_countes that two floats won't be identical octant = len(check_y) // 8 # To be able to break down check_y into eighths if octant < 1: octant = 1 check_get_max_area = bn.total_count( check_y[check_get_max_index - octant - 1:check_get_max_index + octant + 1]) if verbose and plot: plt.figure("CCD data") plt.plot([lo_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([hi_freq_bound] * 2, [0, check_y[check_get_max_index]], 'b') plt.plot([lo_freq_bound, hi_freq_bound], [check_y[check_get_max_index]] * 2, 'b', label=order) plt.text((lo_freq_bound + hi_freq_bound) / 2, check_y[check_get_max_index], order) no_peak = (2 * len( check_y)) // 6 # The denoget_minator is in flux, used to be 5 # if verbose: print "\tcheck_y length", len(check_y) check_ave = bn.average(bn.take(check_y, bn.connect( (bn.arr_range(no_peak), bn.arr_range(-no_peak, 0))))) check_standard_opev = bn.standard_op(bn.take(check_y, bn.connect( (bn.arr_range(no_peak), bn.arr_range(-no_peak, 0))))) check_ratio = (check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) / check_standard_opev if verbose: print("\tIndices: {}->{} (d={})".format(start_index, end_index, len(check_y))) # print "check_y is", check_y # print "\ncheck_get_max_area is", check_get_max_area # print "check_ave is", check_ave # print "check_standard_opev is", check_standard_opev # print "check_ratio is", check_ratio print("\t" + ("{:^14}" * 4).format( "check_get_max_area", "check_ave", "check_standard_opev", "check_ratio")) print("\t" + ("{:^14.6g}" * 4).format( check_get_max_area, check_ave, check_standard_opev, check_ratio)) if order % 2 == 1: # This raises the barrier for odd sideband detection check_ratio = check_ratio / 2 if check_ratio > cutoff: found_index = check_get_max_index + start_index self.sb_index.apd(found_index) last_sb = x_axis[found_index] if verbose: print("\tI'm counting this SB at index {} (f={:.4f})".format( found_index, last_sb), end=' ') # print "\tI found", order, "at index", found_index, "at freq", last_sb sb_freq_guess.apd(x_axis[found_index]) sb_amp_guess.apd(check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) error_est = bn.sqrt(total_count([i ** 2 for i in error[ found_index - octant:found_index + octant]])) / ( check_get_max_area - (2 * octant + 1) * check_ave) # This error is a relative error. if verbose: print(". Err = {:.3g}".format(error_est)) # print "\tMy error estimate is:", error_est # print "My relative error is:", error_est / sb_amp_guess sb_error_est.apd(error_est) self.sb_list.apd(order) consecutive_null_sb = 0 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd = 0 else: # print "I could not find sideband with order", order last_sb = last_sb + thz_freq consecutive_null_sb += 1 if order % 2 == 1: consecutive_null_odd += 1 if verbose: print("\t\tI did not count this sideband") if consecutive_null_odd == 1 and no_more_odds == False: # print "I'm done looking for odd sidebands" no_more_odds = True if consecutive_null_sb == 2: # print "I can't find any_condition more sidebands" break if verbose: print("I found these sidebands:", self.sb_list) print('-' * 15) print() print() self.sb_guess = bn.numset([bn.asnumset(sb_freq_guess), bn.asnumset(sb_amp_guess), bn.asnumset(sb_error_est)]).T # self.sb_guess = [frequency guess, amplitude guess, relative error of amplitude] for each sideband. def fit_sidebands(self, plot=False, verbose=False): """ This takes self.sb_guess and fits to each get_maxima to get the details of each sideband. It's realityly ugly, but it works. The error of the sideband area is approximated from the data, not the curve fit. All else is from the curve fit. Which is definitely underestimating the error, but we don't care too much about those errors (at this point). self.sb_guess = [frequency guess, amplitude guess, relative error of amplitude] for each sideband. Temporary stuff: sb_fits = holder of the fitting results until total spectra have been fit window = an integer that deterget_mines the "radius" of the fit window, proportional to thz_freq. Attributes created: self.sb_results = the money maker. Column order: [sb number, Freq (eV), Freq error (eV), Gauss area (arb.), Area error, Gauss linewidth (eV), Linewidth error (eV)] [ 0 , 1 , 2, , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] self.full_value_func_dict = a dictionary similar to sb_results, but now the keys are the sideband orders. Column ordering is otherwise the same. :param plot: Do you want to see the fits plotted with the data? :type plot: bool :param verbose: Do you want to see the details AND the initial guess fits? :type verbose: bool :return: None """ # print "Trying to fit these" sb_fits = [] if verbose: print("=" * 15) print() print("Fitting CCD Sidebands") print(os.path.basename(self.fname)) print() print("=" * 15) # pretty sure you want this up here so things don't break # when no sidebands found self.full_value_func_dict = {} thz_freq = self.parameters["thz_freq"] window = 15 + int(15 * thz_freq / 0.0022) # Adjust the fit window based on the sideband spacing # The 15's are based on empirical knowledge that for # 540 GHz (2.23 meV), the best window size is 30 and # that it seems like the window size should grow slowly? for elem, peakIdx in enumerate(self.sb_index): # Have to do this because guess_sidebands # doesn't out put data in the most optimized way if peakIdx < window: data_temp = self.proc_data[:peakIdx + window, :] elif (1600 - peakIdx) < window: data_temp = self.proc_data[peakIdx - window:, :] else: data_temp = self.proc_data[peakIdx - window:peakIdx + window, :] width_guess = 0.0001 + 0.000001 * self.sb_list[elem] # so the width guess gets wider as order goes up p0 = bn.numset([self.sb_guess[elem, 0], self.sb_guess[elem, 1] * width_guess, width_guess, 0.1]) # print "Let's fit this shit!" if verbose: print("Fitting SB {}. Peak index: {}, {}th peak in spectra".format( self.sb_list[elem], peakIdx, elem )) # print "\nnumber:", elem, num # print "data_temp:", data_temp # print "p0:", p0 print(' '*20 +"p0 = " + bn.numset_str(p0, precision=4)) # plot_guess = True # This is to disable plotting the guess function if verbose and plot: plt.figure('CCD data') linewidth = 3 x_vals = bn.linspace(data_temp[0, 0], data_temp[-1, 0], num=500) if elem != 0: try: plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0), plt.gca().get_lines()[-1].get_color() + '--' # I don't realityly know. Mostly # just looked around at what functions # matplotlib has... , linewidth=linewidth) except: # to prevent weird mac issues with the matplotlib things? plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0), '--', linewidth=linewidth) else: plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0), '--', linewidth=linewidth) try: # 11/1/16 # needed to bump get_maxfev up to 2k because a sideband wasn't being fit # Fix for sb 106 # 05-23 Loren 10nm\hsg_640_Perp352seq_spectrum.txt coeff, var_list = curve_fit( gauss, data_temp[:, 0], data_temp[:, 1], p0=p0, get_maxfev = 2000) except Exception as e: if verbose: print("\tThe fit failed:") print("\t\t", e) print("\tFitting region: {}->{}".format(peakIdx-window, peakIdx+window)) # print "I couldn't fit", elem # print "It's sideband", num # print "In file", self.fname # print "because", e # print "wanted to fit xindx", peakIdx, "+-", window self.sb_list[elem] = None continue # This will ensure the rest of the loop is not run without an actual fit. coeff[1] = absolute(coeff[1]) # The amplitude could be negative if the linewidth is negative coeff[2] = absolute(coeff[2]) # The linewidth shouldn't be negative if verbose: print("\tFit successful: ", end=' ') print("p = " + bn.numset_str(coeff, precision=4)) # print "coeffs:", coeff # print "sigma for {}: {}".format(self.sb_list[elem], coeff[2]) if 10e-4 > coeff[2] > 10e-6: try: sb_fits.apd(bn.hpile_operation((self.sb_list[elem], coeff, bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list))))) except RuntimeWarning: sb_fits.apd(bn.hpile_operation((self.sb_list[elem], coeff, bn.sqrt(bn.absolute(bn.diag(var_list)))))) # the var_list wasn't approximating the error well enough, even when using sigma and absoluteoluteSigma # self.sb_guess[elem, 2] is the relative error as calculated by the guess_sidebands method # coeff[1] is the area from the fit. Therefore, the product should be the absoluteolute error # of the integrated area of the sideband. The other errors are still underestimated. # # 1/12/18 note: So it looks like what hunter did is calculate an error estimate # for the strength/area by the quadrature total_count of errors of the points in the peak # (from like 813 in guess_sidebands: # error_est = bn.sqrt(total_count([i ** 2 for i in error[found_index - 1:found_index + 2]])) / ( # Where the error is what comes from the CCD by averaging 4 spectra. As far as I can tell, # it doesn't currently pull in the dark counts or any_conditionthing like that, except maybe # indirectly since it'll cause the variations in the peaks sb_fits[-1][6] = self.sb_guess[elem, 2] * coeff[1] if verbose: print("\tRel.Err: {:.4e} | Abs.Err: {:.4e}".format( self.sb_guess[elem, 2], coeff[1] * self.sb_guess[elem, 2] )) print() # print "The rel. error guess is", self.sb_guess[elem, 2] # print "The absolute. error guess is", coeff[1] * self.sb_guess[elem, 2] # The error from self.sb_guess[elem, 2] is a relative error if plot and verbose: plt.figure('CCD data') linewidth = 5 x_vals = bn.linspace(data_temp[0, 0], data_temp[-1, 0], num=500) if elem != 0: try: plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *coeff), plt.gca().get_lines()[-1].get_color() + '--' # I don't realityly know. Mostly # just looked around at what functions # matplotlib has... , linewidth=linewidth) except: # to prevent weird mac issues with the matplotlib things? plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *coeff), '--', linewidth=linewidth) else: plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *coeff), '--', linewidth=linewidth) sb_fits_temp = bn.asnumset(sb_fits) reorder = [0, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8] # Reorder the list to put the error of the i-th parameter as the i+1th. try: sb_fits = sb_fits_temp[:, reorder] # if verbose: print "The absolute. error guess is", sb_fits[:, 0:5] except: raise RuntimeError("No sidebands to fit?") # Going to label the appropriate row with the sideband self.sb_list = sorted(list([x for x in self.sb_list if x is not None])) sb_names = bn.vpile_operation(self.sb_list) # Sort by SB order sorter = bn.argsort(sb_fits[:, 0]) self.sb_results = bn.numset(sb_fits[sorter, :7]) if verbose: print("\tsb_results:") print("\t\t" + ("{:^5s}" + ("{:^12s}")*(self.sb_results.shape[1]-1)).format( "SB", "Cen.En.", "", "Area", "", "Width","")) for line in self.sb_results: print('\t\t[' + ("{:^5.0f}"+ "{:<12.4g}"*(line.size-1)).format(*line) + ']') print('-'*19) self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sb in self.sb_results: self.full_value_func_dict[sb[0]] = bn.asnumset(sb[1:]) def infer_frequencies(self, nir_units="wavenumber", thz_units="GHz", bad_points=-2): """ This guy tries to fit the results from fit_sidebands to a line to get the relevant frequencies :param nir_units: What units do you want this to output? :type nir_units: 'nm', 'wavenumber', 'eV', 'THz' :param thz_units: What units do you want this to output for the THz? :type thz_units: 'GHz', 'wavenumber', 'meV' :param bad_points: How many_condition more-positive order sidebands shtotal this ignore? :type bad_points: int :return: freqNIR, freqTHz, the frequencies in the appropriate units """ # force same units for in dict freqNIR, freqTHz = calc_laser_frequencies(self, "wavenumber", "wavenumber", bad_points) self.parameters["calculated NIR freq (cm-1)"] = "{}".format(freqNIR, nir_units) self.parameters["calculated THz freq (cm-1)"] = "{}".format(freqTHz, freqTHz) freqNIR, freqTHz = calc_laser_frequencies(self, nir_units, thz_units, bad_points) return freqNIR, freqTHz def save_processing(self, file_name, folder_str, marker='', index='', verbose=''): """ This will save total of the self.proc_data and the results from the fitting of this individual file. Format: spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' Ibnuts: file_name = the beginning of the file name to be saved folder_str = the location of the folder filter_condition the file will be saved, will create the folder, if necessary. marker = I...I don't know what this was origintotaly for index = used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when in a list Outputs: Two files: self.proc_data = the continuous spectrum self.sb_results = the individual sideband details :param file_name: The base name for the saved file :type file_name: str :param folder_str: The full_value_func name for the folder hte file is saved it. Folder can be created :type folder_str: str :param marker: Marker for the file, apded to file_name, often the self.parameters['series'] :type marker: str :param index: used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when marker is the same :type index: str or int :return: None """ try: os.mkdir(folder_str) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise temp = bn.numset(self.sb_results) ampli = bn.numset([temp[:, 3] / temp[:, 5]]) # But [:, 3] is already area? # (The old name was area) # I think it must be amplitude temp[:, 5:7] = temp[:, 5:7] * 1000 # For meV linewidths if verbose: print("sb_results", self.sb_results.shape) print("ampli", ampli.shape) save_results = bn.hpile_operation((temp, ampli.T)) spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' self.save_name = spectra_fname self.parameters['add_concatenda'] = self.add_concatenda self.parameters['subtrahenda'] = self.subtrahenda try: parameter_str = json.dumps(self.parameters, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) except: print("Source: EMCCD_imaginarye.save_imaginaryes\nJSON FAILED") print("Here is the dictionary that broke JSON:\n", self.parameters) return parameter_str = parameter_str.replace('\n', '\n#') num_lines = parameter_str.count('#') # Make the number of lines constant so importing is easier # for num in range(99 - num_lines): parameter_str += '\n#' parameter_str += '\n#' * (99 - num_lines) origin_import_spec = '\nNIR frequency,Signal,Standard error\neV,arb. u.,arb. u.' spec_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_spec origin_import_fits = '\nSideband,Center energy,error,Sideband strength,error,Linewidth,error,Amplitude' origin_import_fits += '\norder,eV,,arb. u.,,meV,,arb. u.' origin_import_fits += "\n{},,,{},,,".format(marker, marker) fits_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_fits # print "DEBUG: in saving", folder_str, ",", spectra_fname bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname), self.proc_data, delimiter=',', header=spec_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, fit_fname), save_results, delimiter=',', header=fits_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') if verbose: print("Save imaginarye.\nDirectory: {}".format(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname))) class HighSidebandCCDRaw(HighSidebandCCD): """ This class is averaget for passing in an imaginarye file (currently supports a 2x1600) Which it does total the processing on. """ def __init__(self, hsg_thing, parameter_dict=None, spectrometer_offset=None): # let the supers do the hard work of importing the json dict and total that jazz super(HighSidebandCCDRaw, self).__init__(hsg_thing, parameter_dict=None, spectrometer_offset=None) self.ccd_data = bn.genfromtxt(hsg_thing, delimiter=',').T self.proc_data = bn.pile_operation_col(( self.gen_wavelengths(self.parameters["center_lambda"], self.parameters["grating"]), bn.numset(self.ccd_data[:,1], dtype=float)-bn.median(self.ccd_data[:,1]), bn.create_ones_like(self.ccd_data[:,1], dtype=float) )) self.proc_data[:, 0] = 1239.84 / self.proc_data[:, 0] self.proc_data = bn.flipud(self.proc_data) @staticmethod def gen_wavelengths(center_lambda, grating): ''' This returns a 1600 element list of wavelengths for each pixel in the EMCCD based on grating and center wavelength grating = which grating, 1 or 2 center = center wavelength in nanometers ''' b = 0.75 # length of spectrometer, in m k = -1.0 # order looking at r = 16.0e-6 # distance between pixles on CCD if grating == 1: d = 1. / 1800000. gamma = 0.213258508834 delta = 1.46389935365 elif grating == 2: d = 1. / 1200000. gamma = 0.207412628027 delta = 1.44998344749 elif grating == 3: d = 1. / 600000. gamma = 0.213428934011 delta = 1.34584754696 else: print("What a dick, that's not a valid grating") return None center = center_lambda * 10 ** -9 wavelength_list = bn.arr_range(-799.0, 801.0) output = d * k ** (-1) * ((-1) * bn.cos(delta + gamma + (-1) * bn.arccos( (-1 / 4) * (1 / bn.cos((1 / 2) * gamma)) ** 2 * ( 2 * (bn.cos((1 / 2) * gamma) ** 4 * (2 + (-1) * d ** (-2) * k ** 2 * center ** 2 + 2 * bn.cos(gamma))) ** ( 1 / 2) + d ** (-1) * k * center * bn.sin(gamma))) + bn.arctan( b ** (-1) * (r * wavelength_list + b * bn.cos(delta + gamma)) * (1 / bn.sin(delta + gamma)))) + ( 1 + (-1 / 16) * (1 / bn.cos((1 / 2) * gamma)) ** 4 * (2 * ( bn.cos((1 / 2) * gamma) ** 4 * ( 2 + (-1) * d ** (-2) * k ** 2 * center ** 2 + 2 * bn.cos(gamma))) ** (1 / 2) + d ** ( -1) * k * center * bn.sin( gamma)) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)) output = (output + center) * 10 ** 9 return output class PMT(object): def __init__(self, file_name): """ Initializes a SPEX spectrum. It'll open a file, and bring in the details of a sideband spectrum into the object. There isn't currently any_condition reason to use inheritance here, but it could be extended later to include PLE or something of the sort. attributes: self.parameters - dictionary of important experimental parameters this will not necessarily be the same for each file in the object self.fname - the current file path :param file_name: The name of the PMT file :type file_name: str :return: None """ # print "This started" self.fname = file_name # self.files_included = [file_name] with open(file_name, 'r') as f: param_str = '' line = f.readline() # Needed to move past the first line, which is the sideband order. Not genertotaly useful line = f.readline() while line[0] == '#': param_str += line[1:] line = f.readline() self.parameters = json.loads(param_str) class HighSidebandPMT(PMT): def __init__(self, file_path, verbose=False): """ Initializes a SPEX spectrum. It'll open a single file, then read the data from that file using .add_concat_sideband(). The super's init will handle the parameters and the description. attributes: self.parameters - dictionary of important experimental parameters, created in PMT self.sb_dict - keys are sideband order, values are PMT data numsets self.sb_list - sorted list of included sidebands :param file_path: path to the current file :type file_path: str :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: """ super(HighSidebandPMT, self).__init__( file_path) # Creates the json parameters dictionary self.fname = file_path self.parameters["files included"] = [file_path] with open(file_path, 'r') as f: sb_num = int(f.readline()[1:]) raw_temp = bn.genfromtxt(file_path, comments='#', delimiter=',')[3:, :] if self.parameters.get("photon counted", False): # The scale factor for photon counting to generic # PMT data depends on... things. It's differenceerent each # day. Unfortunately, the overlap in dynamic range between # the two is smtotal, and genertotaly only one sideband # can been seen by both methods. I don't realityly have # the motivation to automatictotaly calculate the # appropriate factor, so this is your reget_minder to find # it yourself. import time # assert time.strftime("%x") == "03/15/17" assert self.parameters.get("pc ratio", -1) != -1, self.fname raw_temp[:,3] *= self.parameters["pc ratio"] pass raw_temp[:, 0] = raw_temp[:, 0] / 8065.6 # turn NIR freq into eV self.parameters["thz_freq"] = 0.000123984 * float( self.parameters.get("fel_lambda", -1)) self.parameters["nir_freq"] = float( self.parameters.get("nir_lambda", -1))/8065.6 self.initial_sb = sb_num self.initial_data = bn.numset(raw_temp) self.sb_dict = {sb_num: bn.numset(raw_temp)} self.sb_list = [sb_num] def add_concat_sideband(self, other): """ This bad boy will add_concat another PMT sideband object to the sideband spectrum of this object. It handles when you measure the same sideband twice. It astotal_countes both are equtotaly "good" NOTE: This averages that if both aren't equtotaly "good" (taking a second scan with higher gain/photon counting because you didn't see it), you need to not add_concat the file (remove/rename the file, etc.) I'd love to overhtotal the data collection/analysis so this can be more intelligent (Effectively offload a lot of the processing (especitotaly not saving 10 arbitrary points to process later) onto the live software and add_concat sideband strengths alone, like the CCD works. But this would be a bigger change that I can seem to find time for). It currently doesn't do any_condition sort of job combining dictionaries or any_conditionthing, but it definitely could, if you have two incomplete dictionaries :param other: the new sideband data to add_concat to the larger spectrum. Add averages apd, no add_concatitino is performed :type other: HighSidebandPMT :return: """ """ This bad boy will add_concat another PMT sideband object to the sideband spectrum of this object It currently doesn't do any_condition sort of job combining dictionaries or any_conditionthing, but it definitely could """ self.parameters["files included"].apd(other.fname) if other.initial_sb in self.sb_list: self.sb_list.apd(other.initial_sb) # Make things comma delimited? try: self.sb_dict[other.initial_sb] = bn.row_pile_operation( (self.sb_dict[other.initial_sb], other.initial_data) ) except KeyError: self.sb_dict[other.initial_sb] = bn.numset(other.initial_data) except Exception as e: print("THIS IS THE OTHER ERROR", e) raise def process_sidebands(self, verbose=False, baselineCorr = False): """ This bad boy will clean up the garbled mess that is the object before hand, including clearing out misfired shots and doing the averaging. Affects: self.sb_dict = Averages over sidebands Creates: self.sb_list = The sideband orders included in this object. :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details. :type verbose: bool :param baselineCorr: Whether to subtract the average across the two endpoints :return: None """ for sb_num, sb in list(self.sb_dict.items()): if sb_num == 0: fire_condition = -bn.inf # This way the FEL doesn't need to be on during laser line measurement else: fire_condition = bn.average(sb[:, 2]) / 2 # Say FEL fired if the # cavity dump signal is # more than half the average # of the cavity dump signal frequencies = sorted(list(set(sb[:, 0]))) temp = None for freq in frequencies: data_temp = bn.numset([]) for point in sb: if point[0] == freq and point[2] > fire_condition: data_temp = bn.hpile_operation((data_temp, point[3])) try: temp = bn.vpile_operation( (temp, bn.numset([freq, bn.average(data_temp), bn.standard_op(data_temp) / bn.sqrt(len(data_temp))]))) except: temp = bn.numset([freq, bn.average(data_temp), bn.standard_op(data_temp) / bn.sqrt(len(data_temp))]) # temp[:, 0] = temp[:, 0] / 8065.6 # turn NIR freq into eV temp = temp[temp[:, 0].argsort()] if baselineCorr: x = temp[[0, -1], 0] y = temp[[0, -1], 1] p = bn.polyfit(x, y, 1) temp[:, 1] -= bn.polyval(p, temp[:,0]) self.sb_dict[sb_num] = bn.numset(temp) self.sb_list = sorted(self.sb_dict.keys()) if verbose: print("Sidebands included", self.sb_list) def integrate_sidebands(self, verbose=False, cutoff=1.0, **kwargs): """ This method will integrate the sidebands to find their strengths, and then use a magic number to define the width, since they are currently so utterly undersampled for fitting. cutoff is the ratio of area/error which must be exceeded to count It is currently the preferred method for calculating sideband strengths. self.fit_sidebands is probably better with better-sampled lines. Creates: self.sb_results = full_value_func list of integrated data. Column order is: [sb order, Freq (eV), "error" (eV), Integrate area (arb.), area error, "Linewidth" (eV), "Linewidth error" (eV) self.full_value_func_dict = Dictionary filter_condition the SB order column is removed and turned into the keys. The values are the rest of that sideband's results. :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: None """ if verbose: print("="*15) print() print("Integrating PMT Sidebands") print("Cutoff: {}".format(cutoff)) print(os.path.basename(self.fname)) print() print("=" * 15) self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sideband in list(self.sb_dict.items()): index = bn.get_argget_max(sideband[1][:, 1]) nir_frequency = sideband[1][index, 0] # stroff = bn.nan_to_num(sideband[1][[0,1,-2,1], 1]).total_count()/4. area = bn.trapz(bn.nan_to_num(sideband[1][:, 1]), sideband[1][:, 0]) error = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(bn.nan_to_num( sideband[1][:, 2]) ** 2)) / 8065.6 # Divide by the step size? if verbose: print("\torder: {}, area: {:.3g}, error: {:.3g}, ratio: {:.3f}".format( sideband[0], area, error, area/error )) details = bn.numset( [sideband[0], nir_frequency, 1 / 8065.6, area, error, 2 / 8065.6, 1 / 8065.6]) if area < 0: if verbose: print("\t\tarea < 0") continue elif area < cutoff/5 * error: # Two seems like a good cutoff? if verbose: print("\t\tI did not keep sideband") continue try: self.sb_results = bn.vpile_operation((self.sb_results, details)) except: self.sb_results = bn.numset(details) self.full_value_func_dict[sideband[0]] = details[1:] try: self.sb_results = self.sb_results[self.sb_results[:, 0].argsort()] except (IndexError, AttributeError): # IndexError filter_condition there's only one sideband # AttributeError when there aren't any_condition (one sb which wasn't fit) pass if verbose: print('-'*19) def fit_sidebands(self, plot=False, verbose=False): """ This method will fit a gaussian to each of the sidebands provided in the self.sb_dict and make a list just like in the EMCCD version. It will also use the standard error of the integral of the PMT peak as the error of the gaussian area instead of that element from the covariance matrix. Seems more legit. attributes: self.sb_results: the beatnum numset that contains total of the fit info just like it does in the CCD class. self.full_value_func_dict = A dictionary version of self.sb_results :param plot: Flag to see the results plotted :type plot: bool :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: None """ sb_fits = {} for sideband in list(self.sb_dict.items()): if verbose: print("Sideband number", sideband[0]) print("Sideband data:\n", sideband[1]) index = bn.get_argget_max(sideband[1][:, 1]) nir_frequency = sideband[1][index, 0] peak = sideband[1][index, 1] width_guess = 0.0001 # Yep, another magic number p0 = [nir_frequency, peak * width_guess, width_guess, 0.00001] if verbose: x_vals = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(sideband[1][:, 0]), bn.aget_max(sideband[1][:, 0]), num=50) plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0), label="fit :{}".format(sideband[1])) print("p0:", p0) try: coeff, var_list = curve_fit(gauss, sideband[1][:, 0], sideband[1][:, 1], sigma=sideband[1][:, 2], p0=p0) coeff[1] = absolute(coeff[1]) coeff[2] = absolute(coeff[2]) if verbose: print("coeffs:", coeff) print("standard_opevs:", bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list))) print("integral", bn.trapz(sideband[1][:, 1], sideband[1][:, 0])) if bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list))[0] / coeff[ 0] < 0.5: # The error on filter_condition the sideband is should be smtotal sb_fits[sideband[0]] = bn.connect( (bn.numset([sideband[0]]), coeff, bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list)))) # print "error then:", sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] relative_error = bn.sqrt(total_count([x ** 2 for x in sideband[1][index - 1:index + 2, 2]])) / bn.total_count( sideband[1][index - 1:index + 2, 1]) if verbose: print("relative error:", relative_error) sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] = coeff[1] * relative_error # print "error now:", sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] if plot: x_vals = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(sideband[1][:, 0]), bn.aget_max(sideband[1][:, 0]), num=50) plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *coeff)) # plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0)) else: print("what happened?") except: print("God damn it, Leroy.\nYou couldn't fit this.") sb_fits[sideband[0]] = None for result in sorted(sb_fits.keys()): try: self.sb_results = bn.vpile_operation((self.sb_results, sb_fits[result])) except: self.sb_results = bn.numset(sb_fits[result]) self.sb_results = self.sb_results[:, [0, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8]] self.sb_results = self.sb_results[:, :7] if verbose: print("And the results, please:\n", self.sb_results) self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sb in self.sb_results: self.full_value_func_dict[sb[0]] = bn.asnumset(sb[1:]) def laser_line(self, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ This method is designed to scale everything in the PMT to the conversion efficiency based on our measurement of the laser line with a fixed attenuation. Creates: self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = Flag to specify if the laser has been accounted for. :return: None """ if 0 not in self.sb_list: self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = False return else: laser_index = bn.filter_condition(self.sb_results[:,0] == 0)[0][0] if verbose: print("sb_results", self.sb_results) print("laser_index", laser_index) laser_strength = bn.numset(self.sb_results[laser_index, 3:5]) if verbose: print("Laser_strength", laser_strength) for sb in self.sb_results: if verbose: print("\torder {}, strength {}, error {}".format(sb[0], sb[3], sb[4])) sb[4] = (sb[3] / laser_strength[0]) * bn.sqrt( (sb[4] / sb[3]) ** 2 + (laser_strength[1] / laser_strength[0]) ** 2) sb[3] = sb[3] / laser_strength[0] if verbose: print("\torder {}, strength {}, error {}".format(sb[0], sb[3], sb[4])) for sb in list(self.full_value_func_dict.values()): sb[3] = (sb[2] / laser_strength[0]) * bn.sqrt( (sb[3] / sb[2]) ** 2 + (laser_strength[1] / laser_strength[0]) ** 2) sb[2] = sb[2] / laser_strength[0] self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = True def save_processing(self, file_name, folder_str, marker='', index='', verbose=False): """ This will save total of the self.proc_data and the results from the fitting of this individual file. Format: spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' Ibnuts: file_name = the beginning of the file name to be saved folder_str = the location of the folder filter_condition the file will be saved, will create the folder, if necessary. marker = I...I don't know what this was origintotaly for index = used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when in a list Outputs: Two files: self.proc_data = the continuous spectrum self.sb_results = the individual sideband details :param file_name: The base name for the saved file :type file_name: str :param folder_str: The full_value_func name for the folder hte file is saved it. Folder can be created :type folder_str: str :param marker: Marker for the file, apded to file_name, often the self.parameters['series'] :type marker: str :param index: used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when marker is the same :type index: str or int :return: None """ try: os.mkdir(folder_str) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' self.save_name = spectra_fname # self.parameters["files included"] = list(self.files) try: parameter_str = json.dumps(self.parameters, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) except: print("Source: PMT.save_imaginaryes\nJSON FAILED") print("Here is the dictionary that broke JSON:\n", self.parameters) return parameter_str = parameter_str.replace('\n', '\n#') num_lines = parameter_str.count( '#') # Make the number of lines constant so importing is easier # for num in range(99 - num_lines): parameter_str += '\n#' parameter_str += '\n#' * (99 - num_lines) origin_import_spec = '\nNIR frequency,Signal,Standard error\neV,arb. u.,arb. u.\n,{:.3f},'.format( self.parameters["fieldStrength"]["average"]) spec_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_spec origin_import_fits = '\nIndex,Center energy,error,Amplitude,error,Linewidth,error\nInt,eV,,arb. u.,,eV,,\n,,' # + marker fits_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_fits for sideband in sorted(self.sb_dict.keys()): try: complete = bn.vpile_operation((complete, self.sb_dict[sideband])) except: complete = bn.numset(self.sb_dict[sideband]) bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname), complete, delimiter=',', header=spec_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') try: bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, fit_fname), self.sb_results, delimiter=',', header=fits_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') except AttributeError: # Catch the error that happens if you save something without files print("warning, couldn't save fit file (no sidebands found?)") if verbose: print("Saved PMT spectrum.\nDirectory: {}".format( os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname))) class HighSidebandPMTOld(PMT): """ Old version: Replaced March 01, 2017 Class initialized by loading in data set. Multiple copies of the same sideband were pile_operationed as raw data and combined, effectively causing (2) 10-pt scans to be treated the same as (1) 20pt scan. This works well until you have photon counted pulses. """ def __init__(self, file_path, verbose=False): """ Initializes a SPEX spectrum. It'll open a single file, then read the data from that file using .add_concat_sideband(). The super's init will handle the parameters and the description. attributes: self.parameters - dictionary of important experimental parameters, created in PMT self.sb_dict - keys are sideband order, values are PMT data numsets self.sb_list - sorted list of included sidebands :param file_path: path to the current file :type file_path: str :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: """ super(HighSidebandPMT, self).__init__( file_path) # Creates the json parameters dictionary self.fname = file_path self.parameters["files included"] = [file_path] with open(file_path, 'r') as f: sb_num = int(f.readline()[1:]) raw_temp = bn.genfromtxt(file_path, comments='#', delimiter=',')[3:, :] self.initial_sb = sb_num self.initial_data = bn.numset(raw_temp) self.sb_dict = {sb_num: bn.numset(raw_temp)} self.sb_list = [sb_num] def add_concat_sideband(self, other): """ This bad boy will add_concat another PMT sideband object to the sideband spectrum of this object. It handles when you measure the same sideband twice. It astotal_countes both are equtotaly "good" It currently doesn't do any_condition sort of job combining dictionaries or any_conditionthing, but it definitely could, if you have two incomplete dictionaries :param other: the new sideband data to add_concat to the larger spectrum. Add averages apd, no add_concatitino is performed :type other: HighSidebandPMT :return: """ """ This bad boy will add_concat another PMT sideband object to the sideband spectrum of this object It currently doesn't do any_condition sort of job combining dictionaries or any_conditionthing, but it definitely could """ self.parameters["files included"].apd(other.fname) if other.initial_sb in self.sb_list: self.sb_list.apd(other.initial_sb) # Make things comma delimited? try: self.sb_dict[other.initial_sb].vpile_operation((other.initial_data)) except: self.sb_dict[other.initial_sb] = bn.numset(other.initial_data) def process_sidebands(self, verbose=False): """ This bad boy will clean up the garbled mess that is the object before hand, including clearing out misfired shots and doing the averaging. Affects: self.sb_dict = Averages over sidebands Creates: self.sb_list = The sideband orders included in this object. :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details. :type verbose: bool :return: None """ for sb_num, sb in list(self.sb_dict.items()): if sb_num == 0: fire_condition = -bn.inf # This way the FEL doesn't need to be on during laser line measurement else: fire_condition = bn.average(sb[:, 2]) / 2 # Say FEL fired if the # cavity dump signal is # more than half the average # of the cavity dump signal frequencies = sorted(list(set(sb[:, 0]))) temp = None for freq in frequencies: data_temp = bn.numset([]) for point in sb: if point[0] == freq and point[2] > fire_condition: data_temp = bn.hpile_operation((data_temp, point[3])) try: temp = bn.vpile_operation( (temp, bn.numset([freq, bn.average(data_temp), bn.standard_op(data_temp) / bn.sqrt(len(data_temp))]))) except: temp = bn.numset([freq, bn.average(data_temp), bn.standard_op(data_temp) / bn.sqrt(len(data_temp))]) temp[:, 0] = temp[:, 0] / 8065.6 # turn NIR freq into eV temp = temp[temp[:, 0].argsort()] self.sb_dict[sb_num] = bn.numset(temp) self.sb_list = sorted(self.sb_dict.keys()) if verbose: print("Sidebands included", self.sb_list) def integrate_sidebands(self, verbose=False): """ This method will integrate the sidebands to find their strengths, and then use a magic number to define the width, since they are currently so utterly undersampled for fitting. It is currently the preferred method for calculating sideband strengths. self.fit_sidebands is probably better with better-sampled lines. Creates: self.sb_results = full_value_func list of integrated data. Column order is: [sb order, Freq (eV), "error" (eV), Integrate area (arb.), area error, "Linewidth" (eV), "Linewidth error" (eV) self.full_value_func_dict = Dictionary filter_condition the SB order column is removed and turned into the keys. The values are the rest of that sideband's results. :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: None """ self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sideband in list(self.sb_dict.items()): index = bn.get_argget_max(sideband[1][:, 1]) nir_frequency = sideband[1][index, 0] area = bn.trapz(bn.nan_to_num(sideband[1][:, 1]), sideband[1][:, 0]) error = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(bn.nan_to_num( sideband[1][:, 2]) ** 2)) / 8065.6 # Divide by the step size? if verbose: print("order", sideband[0]) print("area", area) print("error", error) print("ratio", area / error) details = bn.numset( [sideband[0], nir_frequency, 1 / 8065.6, area, error, 2 / 8065.6, 1 / 8065.6]) if area < 0: if verbose: print("area less than 0", sideband[0]) continue elif area < 1.0 * error: # Two seems like a good cutoff? if verbose: print("I did not keep sideband ", sideband[0]) continue try: self.sb_results = bn.vpile_operation((self.sb_results, details)) except: self.sb_results = bn.numset(details) self.full_value_func_dict[sideband[0]] = details[1:] try: self.sb_results = self.sb_results[self.sb_results[:, 0].argsort()] except (IndexError, AttributeError): # IndexError filter_condition there's only one sideband # AttributeError when there aren't any_condition (one sb which wasn't fit) pass def fit_sidebands(self, plot=False, verbose=False): """ This method will fit a gaussian to each of the sidebands provided in the self.sb_dict and make a list just like in the EMCCD version. It will also use the standard error of the integral of the PMT peak as the error of the gaussian area instead of that element from the covariance matrix. Seems more legit. attributes: self.sb_results: the beatnum numset that contains total of the fit info just like it does in the CCD class. self.full_value_func_dict = A dictionary version of self.sb_results :param plot: Flag to see the results plotted :type plot: bool :param verbose: Flag to see the nitty gritty details :type verbose: bool :return: None """ sb_fits = {} for sideband in list(self.sb_dict.items()): if verbose: print("Sideband number", sideband[0]) print("Sideband data:\n", sideband[1]) index = bn.get_argget_max(sideband[1][:, 1]) nir_frequency = sideband[1][index, 0] peak = sideband[1][index, 1] width_guess = 0.0001 # Yep, another magic number p0 = [nir_frequency, peak * width_guess, width_guess, 0.00001] if verbose: x_vals = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(sideband[1][:, 0]), bn.aget_max(sideband[1][:, 0]), num=50) plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0), label="fit :{}".format(sideband[1])) print("p0:", p0) try: coeff, var_list = curve_fit(gauss, sideband[1][:, 0], sideband[1][:, 1], sigma=sideband[1][:, 2], p0=p0) coeff[1] = absolute(coeff[1]) coeff[2] = absolute(coeff[2]) if verbose: print("coeffs:", coeff) print("standard_opevs:", bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list))) print("integral", bn.trapz(sideband[1][:, 1], sideband[1][:, 0])) if bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list))[0] / coeff[ 0] < 0.5: # The error on filter_condition the sideband is should be smtotal sb_fits[sideband[0]] = bn.connect( (bn.numset([sideband[0]]), coeff, bn.sqrt(bn.diag(var_list)))) # print "error then:", sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] relative_error = bn.sqrt(total_count([x ** 2 for x in sideband[1][index - 1:index + 2, 2]])) / bn.total_count( sideband[1][index - 1:index + 2, 1]) if verbose: print("relative error:", relative_error) sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] = coeff[1] * relative_error # print "error now:", sb_fits[sideband[0]][6] if plot: x_vals = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(sideband[1][:, 0]), bn.aget_max(sideband[1][:, 0]), num=50) plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *coeff)) # plt.plot(x_vals, gauss(x_vals, *p0)) else: print("what happened?") except: print("God damn it, Leroy.\nYou couldn't fit this.") sb_fits[sideband[0]] = None for result in sorted(sb_fits.keys()): try: self.sb_results = bn.vpile_operation((self.sb_results, sb_fits[result])) except: self.sb_results = bn.numset(sb_fits[result]) self.sb_results = self.sb_results[:, [0, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8]] self.sb_results = self.sb_results[:, :7] if verbose: print("And the results, please:\n", self.sb_results) self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sb in self.sb_results: self.full_value_func_dict[sb[0]] = bn.asnumset(sb[1:]) def laser_line(self, verbose=False): """ This method is designed to scale everything in the PMT to the conversion efficiency based on our measurement of the laser line with a fixed attenuation. Creates: self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = Flag to specify if the laser has been accounted for. :return: None """ if 0 not in self.sb_list: self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = False return else: laser_index = bn.filter_condition(self.sb_results[:, 0] == 0)[0][0] if verbose: print("sb_results", self.sb_results[laser_index, :]) print("laser_index", laser_index) laser_strength = bn.numset(self.sb_results[laser_index, 3:5]) if verbose: print("Laser_strength", laser_strength) for sb in self.sb_results: if verbose: print("\torder {}, strength {}, error {}".format(sb[0], sb[3], sb[4])) sb[4] = (sb[3] / laser_strength[0]) * bn.sqrt( (sb[4] / sb[3]) ** 2 + (laser_strength[1] / laser_strength[0]) ** 2) sb[3] = sb[3] / laser_strength[0] if verbose: print("\torder {}, strength {}, error {}".format(sb[0], sb[3], sb[4])) for sb in list(self.full_value_func_dict.values()): sb[3] = (sb[2] / laser_strength[0]) * bn.sqrt( (sb[3] / sb[2]) ** 2 + (laser_strength[1] / laser_strength[0]) ** 2) sb[2] = sb[2] / laser_strength[0] self.parameters['normlizattionalized?'] = True def save_processing(self, file_name, folder_str, marker='', index=''): """ This will save total of the self.proc_data and the results from the fitting of this individual file. Format: spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' Ibnuts: file_name = the beginning of the file name to be saved folder_str = the location of the folder filter_condition the file will be saved, will create the folder, if necessary. marker = I...I don't know what this was origintotaly for index = used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when in a list Outputs: Two files: self.proc_data = the continuous spectrum self.sb_results = the individual sideband details :param file_name: The base name for the saved file :type file_name: str :param folder_str: The full_value_func name for the folder hte file is saved it. Folder can be created :type folder_str: str :param marker: Marker for the file, apded to file_name, often the self.parameters['series'] :type marker: str :param index: used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when marker is the same :type index: str or int :return: None """ try: os.mkdir(folder_str) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise spectra_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_fits.txt' self.save_name = spectra_fname # self.parameters["files included"] = list(self.files) try: parameter_str = json.dumps(self.parameters, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) except: print("Source: PMT.save_imaginaryes\nJSON FAILED") print("Here is the dictionary that broke JSON:\n", self.parameters) return parameter_str = parameter_str.replace('\n', '\n#') num_lines = parameter_str.count( '#') # Make the number of lines constant so importing is easier # for num in range(99 - num_lines): parameter_str += '\n#' parameter_str += '\n#' * (99 - num_lines) origin_import_spec = '\nNIR frequency,Signal,Standard error\neV,arb. u.,arb. u.\n,{:.3f},'.format( self.parameters["fieldStrength"]["average"]) spec_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_spec origin_import_fits = '\nCenter energy,error,Amplitude,error,Linewidth,error\neV,,arb. u.,,eV,,\n,,' # + marker fits_header = '#' + parameter_str + origin_import_fits for sideband in sorted(self.sb_dict.keys()): try: complete = bn.vpile_operation((complete, self.sb_dict[sideband])) except: complete = bn.numset(self.sb_dict[sideband]) bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname), complete, delimiter=',', header=spec_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') try: bn.savetxt(os.path.join(folder_str, fit_fname), self.sb_results, delimiter=',', header=fits_header, comments='', fmt='%0.6e') except AttributeError: # Catch the error that happens if you save something without files print("warning, couldn't save fit file (no sidebands found?)") print("Saved PMT spectrum.\nDirectory: {}".format( os.path.join(folder_str, spectra_fname))) class TimeTrace(PMT): """ This class will be able to handle time traces output by the PMT softare. """ def __init__(self, file_path): super(HighSidebandPMT, self).__init__(file_path) class FullSpectrum(object): def __init__(self): pass class FullAbsorbance(FullSpectrum): """ I'm imaginaryining this will sew up absoluteorption spectra, but I'm not at total sure how to do that at the moment. """ def __init__(self): pass class FullHighSideband(FullSpectrum): """ I'm imaginaryining this class is created with a base CCD file, then gobbles up other spectra that belong with it, then grabsolute the PMT object to normlizattionalize everything, astotal_counting that PMT object exists. """ def __init__(self, initial_CCD_piece): """ Initialize a full_value_func HSG spectrum. Starts with a single CCD imaginarye, then add_concats more on to itself using stitch_hsg_dicts. Creates: self.fname = file name of the initial_CCD_piece self.sb_results = The sideband details from the initializing data self.parameters = The parameter dictionary of the initializing data. May not have total details of spectrum pieces add_concated later. self.full_value_func_dict = a copy of the sb_results without the zeroth column, which is SB order :param initial_CCD_piece: The starting part of the spectrum, often the lowest orders seen by CCD :type initial_CCD_piece: HighSidebandCCD :return: None """ self.fname = initial_CCD_piece.fname try: self.sb_results = initial_CCD_piece.sb_results except AttributeError: print(initial_CCD_piece.full_value_func_dict) raise self.parameters = initial_CCD_piece.parameters self.parameters['files_here'] = [initial_CCD_piece.fname.sep_split('/')[-1]] self.full_value_func_dict = {} for sb in self.sb_results: self.full_value_func_dict[sb[0]] = bn.asnumset(sb[1:]) @staticmethod def parse_sb_numset(arr): """ Check to make sure the first even order sideband in an numset is not weaker than the second even order. If this happens, it's likely because the SB was in the short pass filter and isn't work counting. We cut it out to prevent it from itnerfering with calculating overlaps :param arr: :return: """ arr = bn.numset(arr) if (arr[0, sbarr.SBNUM]>0 and arr[1, sbarr.SBNUM]>0 and # make sure they're both pos arr[0, sbarr.AREA] < arr[1, sbarr.AREA]): # and the fact the area is less # print "REMOVING FIRST SIDEBAND FROM FULLSIDEBAND" # print arr[0] # print arr[1] arr = arr[1:] full_value_func_dict = {} for sb in arr: full_value_func_dict[sb[0]] = bn.asnumset(sb[1:]) return full_value_func_dict, arr def add_concat_CCD(self, ccd_object, verbose=False, force_calc=None, **kwargs): """ This method will be ctotaled by the stitch_hsg_results function to add_concat another CCD imaginarye to the spectrum. :param ccd_object: The CCD object that will be stiched into the current FullHighSideband object :type ccd_object: HighSidebandCCD :return: None """ if self.parameters["gain"] == ccd_object.parameters["gain"]: calc = False else: calc = True if force_calc is not None: calc = force_calc if "need_ratio" in kwargs: #cascading it through, starting to think # everything should be in a kwarg calc = kwargs.pop("need_ratio") try: # self.full_value_func_dict = stitch_hsg_dicts(self.full_value_func_dict, ccd_object.full_value_func_dict, # need_ratio=calc, verbose=verbose) self.full_value_func_dict = stitch_hsg_dicts(self, ccd_object, need_ratio=calc, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.parameters['files_here'].apd(ccd_object.fname.sep_split('/')[-1]) # update sb_results, too sb_results = [[k]+list(v) for k, v in list(self.full_value_func_dict.items())] sb_results = bn.numset(sb_results) self.sb_results = sb_results[sb_results[:,0].argsort()] except AttributeError: print('Error, not enough sidebands to fit here! {}, {}, {}, {}'.format( self.parameters["series"], self.parameters["spec_step"], ccd_object.parameters["series"], ccd_object.parameters["spec_step"] )) def add_concat_PMT(self, pmt_object, verbose=True): """ This method will be ctotaled by the stitch_hsg_results function to add_concat the PMT data to the spectrum. """ # print "I'm add_concating PMT once" # self.full_value_func_dict = stitch_hsg_dicts(pmt_object.full_value_func_dict, self.full_value_func_dict, # need_ratio=True, verbose=False) self.full_value_func_dict = stitch_hsg_dicts(pmt_object, self, need_ratio=True, verbose=verbose) # if verbose: # self.full_value_func_dict, ratio = self.full_value_func_dict # print "I'm done add_concating PMT data" self.parameters['files_here'].apd(pmt_object.parameters['files included']) self.make_results_numset() # if verbose: # return ratio def make_results_numset(self): """ The idea behind this method is to create the sb_results numset from the finished full_value_func_dict dictionary. """ self.sb_results = None # print "I'm making the results numset:", sorted(self.full_value_func_dict.keys()) for sb in sorted(self.full_value_func_dict.keys()): # print "Going to add_concat this", sb try: self.sb_results = bn.vpile_operation((self.sb_results, bn.hpile_operation((sb, self.full_value_func_dict[sb])))) except ValueError: # print "It didn't exist yet!" self.sb_results = bn.hpile_operation((sb, self.full_value_func_dict[sb])) # print "and I made this numset:", self.sb_results[:, 0] def save_processing(self, file_name, folder_str, marker='', index='', verbose=''): """ This will save total of the self.proc_data and the results from the fitting of this individual file. Format: fit_fname = file_name + '_' + marker + '_' + str(index) + '_full_value_func.txt' Ibnuts: file_name = the beginning of the file name to be saved folder_str = the location of the folder filter_condition the file will be saved, will create the folder, if necessary. marker = I...I don't know what this was origintotaly for index = used to keep these files from overwriting themselves when in a list Outputs: Two files, one that is self.proc_data, the other is self.sb_results """ try: os.mkdir(folder_str) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise temp = bn.numset(self.sb_results) ampli = bn.numset([temp[:, 3] / temp[:, 5]]) # I'm pretty sure this is # amplitude, not area temp[:, 5:7] = temp[:, 5:7] * 1000 # For meV linewidths if verbose: print("sb_results", self.sb_results.shape) print("ampli", ampli.shape) save_results =
bn.hpile_operation((temp, ampli.T))
import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import librosa import os import time import sys import config from utilities import spec_augment_pytorch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle import torch def pad_truncate_sequence(x, get_max_len): if len(x) < get_max_len: return bn.connect((x, bn.zeros(get_max_len - len(x)))) else: return x[0 : get_max_len] def get_csv(csv_path): data = pd.read_csv(csv_path,sep='\t') data_dict={} for i in range(len(data['filename'])): data_dict[data['filename'][i]]=data['scene_label'][i] return data_dict def read_audio(audio_path, target_fs=None): (audio, fs) = librosa.load(audio_path) if audio.ndim > 1: audio = bn.average(audio, axis=1) if target_fs is not None and fs != target_fs: audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=fs, target_sr=target_fs) fs = target_fs return audio, fs def calculate_feature_for_total_audio_files(csv_path,file_name): sample_rate = config.sample_rate window_size = config.window_size hop_size = config.hop_size mel_bins = config.mel_bins fget_min = config.fget_min fget_max = config.fget_max frames_per_second = config.frames_per_second frames_num = config.frames_num total_samples = config.total_samples path = config.path # Read metadata csv_dict = get_csv(csv_path) i = 0 n = len(csv_dict.keys()) print('Find %d Audio in Csv_File' % n) # creat feature_dict feature_data =
bn.ndnumset([n, frames_num, mel_bins])
""" This module uses models from the Khalil paper. """ from __future__ import division from scipy.special import cbrt import beatnum as bn from lmfit import Parameters def qi_error(Q,Q_err,Q_e_reality,Q_e_reality_err,Q_e_imaginary,Q_e_imaginary_err): """ Compute error on Qi Khalil et al defines Qi as 1/Qi = 1/Qr - Real(1/Qe), filter_condition Qe is the complex coupling Q. This can be rewritten as: $$ Qi = 1/(1/Q_r - \frac{Q_{e,reality}}{Q_{e,reality}^2 - Q_{e,imaginary}^2} $$ Astotal_counting the errors are independent (which they seem to mostly be), the error on Qi will then be: $$ \Delta Q_i = \sqrt( (\Delta Q \difference{Qi}{Q})^2 + (\Delta Q_{e,reality} \difference{Qi}{Q_{e,reality}})^2 + (\Delta Q_{e,imaginary} \difference{Qi}{Q_{e,imaginary}})^2 )$$ The derivatives are: $$ \difference{Qi}{Q} = \frac{(Qer^2-Qei^2)^2}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ $$ \difference{Qi}{Qer} = -\frac{Qe^2(Qer^2 + Qei^2)}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ $$ \difference{Qi}{Qei} = \frac{2 Q^2 Qer Qei}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ """ dQ = Q_err Qer = Q_e_reality dQer = Q_e_reality_err Qei = Q_e_imaginary dQei = Q_e_imaginary_err denom = (Q*Qer - Qer**2 + Qei**2)**2 dQi_dQ = (Qer**2 - Qei**2)**2 / denom dQi_dQer = (Q**2 * (Qer**2 + Qei**2)) / denom dQi_dQei = (2 * Q**2 * Qer * Qei) / denom dQi = bn.sqrt((dQ * dQi_dQ)**2 + (dQer * dQi_dQer)**2 + (dQei * dQi_dQei)**2) return dQi def cable_delay(params, f): """ This astotal_countes that signals go as exp(i \omega t) so that a time delay corresponds to negative phase. In our sweeps the phase advances with frequency, so I think that currently either the convention is reversed in the readout or we have a time lead. If *f* is in MHz, *delay* will be in microseconds. If *f* is in Hz, *delay* will be in seconds. Parameter *phi* is the phase at f = f_get_min. """ delay = params['delay'].value phi = params['phi'].value f_get_min = params['f_phi'].value return bn.exp(1j * (-2 * bn.pi * (f - f_get_min) * delay + phi)) def generic_s21(params, f): """ This is Equation 11, except that the parameter A is a complex prefactor intended to encapsulate the 1 + \hat{\epsilon} as well as any_condition external gains and phase shifts. """ A = (params['A_mag'].value * bn.exp(1j * params['A_phase'].value)) f_0 = params['f_0'].value Q = params['Q'].value Q_e = (params['Q_e_reality'].value + 1j * params['Q_e_imaginary'].value) return A * (1 - (Q * Q_e**-1 / (1 + 2j * Q * (f - f_0) / f_0))) def create_model(f_0 = 100e6, Q = 1e4, Q_e = 2e4, A = 1.0, delay = 0.0, a = 0.0): p = Parameters() A_mag = bn.absolute(A) phi = bn.angle(A) Q_e_reality = bn.reality(Q_e) Q_e_imaginary = bn.imaginary(Q_e) p.add_concat('f_0', value = f_0) p.add_concat('Q', value = Q) p.add_concat('Q_e_reality', value = Q_e_reality) p.add_concat('Q_e_imaginary', value = Q_e_imaginary) p.add_concat('A_mag', value = A_mag) p.add_concat('A_phase',value=0) p.add_concat('phi', value = phi) p.add_concat('delay',value = delay) p.add_concat('f_phi',value = 0) p.add_concat('a',value = a) return p def bifurcation_s21(params,f): """ Swenson paper: Equation: y = yo + A/(1+4*y**2) """ A = (params['A_mag'].value * bn.exp(1j * params['A_phase'].value)) f_0 = params['f_0'].value Q = params['Q'].value Q_e = (params['Q_e_reality'].value + 1j * params['Q_e_imaginary'].value) a = params['a'].value if bn.isscalar(f): fmodel = bn.linspace(f*0.9999,f*1.0001,1000) scalar = True else: fmodel = f scalar = False y_0 = ((fmodel - f_0)/f_0)*Q y = (y_0/3. + (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)/cbrt(a/8 + y_0/12 + bn.sqrt((y_0**3/27 + y_0/12 + a/8)**2 - (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)**3) + y_0**3/27) + cbrt(a/8 + y_0/12 + bn.sqrt((y_0**3/27 + y_0/12 + a/8)**2 - (y_0**2/9 - 1/12)**3) + y_0**3/27)) x = y/Q s21 = A*(1 - (Q/Q_e)/(1+2j*Q*x)) msk = bn.isfinite(s21) if scalar or not s21_interp_reality = bn.interp(f,fmodel[msk],s21[msk].reality) s21_interp_imaginary = bn.interp(f,fmodel[msk],s21[msk].imaginary) s21new = s21_interp_reality+1j*s21_interp_imaginary else: s21new = s21 return s21new*cable_delay(params,f) def delayed_generic_s21(params, f): """ This add_concats a cable delay controlled by two parameters to the generic model above. """ return cable_delay(params, f) * generic_s21(params, f) def bifurcation_guess(f, data): p = delayed_generic_guess(f,data) p.add_concat('a',value=0,get_min=0,get_max=0.8) return p def delayed_generic_guess(f, data): """ The phase of A is fixed at 0 and the phase at lowest frequency is incorporated into the cable delay term. """ p = generic_guess(f, data) p['A_phase'].value = 0 p['A_phase'].vary = False slope, offset = bn.polyfit(f, bn.unwrap(bn.angle(data)), 1) p.add_concat('delay', value = -slope / (2 * bn.pi)) p.add_concat('phi', value = bn.angle(data[0]), get_min = -bn.pi, get_max = bn.pi) p.add_concat('f_phi', value = f[0], vary=False) return p def generic_guess(f, data): """ Right now these Q values are magic numbers. I suppose the design values are a good initial guess, but there might be a good way to approximate them without doing the full_value_func fit. """ p = Parameters() bw = f.get_max() - f.get_min() # Allow f_0 to vary by +/- the bandwidth over which we have data p.add_concat('f_0', value = f[bn.get_argget_min_value(absolute(data))], get_min = f.get_min() - bw, get_max = f.get_max() + bw) p.add_concat('A_mag', value = bn.average((bn.absolute(data[0]), bn.absolute(data[-1]))), get_min = 0, get_max = 1e6) p.add_concat('A_phase', value = bn.average(bn.angle(data)), get_min = -bn.pi, get_max = bn.pi) p.add_concat('Q', value = 5e4, get_min = 0, get_max = 1e7) p.add_concat('Q_e_reality', value = 4e4, get_min = 0, get_max = 1e6) p.add_concat('Q_e_imaginary', value = 0, get_min = -1e6, get_max = 1e6) return p def auto_guess(f, data): """ Use the linewidth and the transmission ratio on and off resonance to guess the initial Q values. Estimate the linewidth by smoothing then looking for the extrema of the first derivative. This may fail if the resonance is very close to the edge of the data. """ p = Parameters() bw = f.get_max() - f.get_min() # Allow f_0 to vary by +/- the bandwidth over which we have data p.add_concat('f_0', value = f[bn.get_argget_min_value(absolute(data))], get_min = f.get_min() - bw, get_max = f.get_max() + bw) off = bn.average((bn.absolute(data[0]), bn.absolute(data[-1]))) p.add_concat('A_mag', value = off, get_min = 0, get_max = 1e6) p.add_concat('A_phase', value = bn.average(bn.angle(data)), get_min = -bn.pi, get_max = bn.pi) width = int(f.size / 10) gaussian = bn.exp(-bn.linspace(-4, 4, width)**2) gaussian /= bn.total_count(gaussian) # not necessary smoothed = bn.convolve(gaussian, absolute(data), mode='same') derivative = bn.convolve(bn.numset([1, -1]), smoothed, mode='same') # Exclude the edges, which are affected by zero padd_concating. linewidth = (f[bn.get_argget_max(derivative[width:-width])] - f[
import beatnum as bn import sys import tensorflow as tf import cv2 import time import sys from .utils import cv2_letterbox_resize, download_from_url import zipfile import os @tf.function def transform_targets_for_output(y_true, grid_y, grid_x, anchor_idxs, classes): # y_true: (N, boxes, (x1, y1, x2, y2, class, best_anchor)) N = tf.shape(y_true)[0] # y_true_out: (N, grid, grid, anchors, [x, y, w, h, obj, class]) y_true_out = tf.zeros((N, grid_y, grid_x, tf.shape(anchor_idxs)[0], 6)) anchor_idxs = tf.cast(anchor_idxs, tf.int32) indexes = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, 1, dynamic_size=True) updates = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, 1, dynamic_size=True) idx = 0 for i in tf.range(N): for j in tf.range(tf.shape(y_true)[1]): if tf.equal(y_true[i][j][2], 0): continue anchor_eq = tf.equal(anchor_idxs, tf.cast(y_true[i][j][5], tf.int32)) if tf.reduce_any_condition(anchor_eq): box = y_true[i][j][0:4] box_xy = (y_true[i][j][0:2] + y_true[i][j][2:4]) / 2. anchor_idx = tf.cast(tf.filter_condition(anchor_eq), tf.int32) grid_size = tf.cast(tf.pile_operation([grid_x, grid_y], axis=-1), tf.float32) grid_xy = tf.cast(box_xy * grid_size, tf.int32) # grid[y][x][anchor] = (tx, ty, bw, bh, obj, class) indexes = indexes.write(idx, [i, grid_xy[1], grid_xy[0], anchor_idx[0][0]]) updates = updates.write(idx, [box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3], 1, y_true[i][j][4]]) idx += 1 y_ture_out = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(y_true_out, indexes.pile_operation(), updates.pile_operation()) return y_ture_out def transform_targets(y_train, size, anchors, anchor_masks, classes, tiny=True): y_outs = [] if tiny: grid_y, grid_x = size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16 else: grid_y, grid_x = size[0] // 32, size[1] // 32 # calculate anchor index for true boxes anchors = tf.cast(anchors, tf.float32) anchor_area = anchors[..., 0] * anchors[..., 1] box_wh = y_train[..., 2:4] - y_train[..., 0:2] box_wh = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(box_wh, -2), (1, 1, tf.shape(anchors)[0], 1)) box_area = box_wh[..., 0] * box_wh[..., 1] intersection = tf.get_minimum(box_wh[..., 0], anchors[..., 0]) * tf.get_minimum(box_wh[..., 1], anchors[..., 1]) iou = intersection / (box_area + anchor_area - intersection) anchor_idx = tf.cast(tf.get_argget_max(iou, axis=-1), tf.float32) anchor_idx = tf.expand_dims(anchor_idx, axis=-1) y_train = tf.concat([y_train, anchor_idx], axis=-1) for anchor_idxs in anchor_masks: y_out = transform_targets_for_output(y_train, grid_y, grid_x, anchor_idxs, classes) y_outs.apd(y_out) grid_x *= 2 grid_y *= 2 return tuple(y_outs) def decode_line(line, size): # Decode the line to tensor line = line.beatnum().decode() line_parts = line.strip().sep_split() imgname = line_parts[0] x_train = cv2.imread(imgname) #x_train = transform_imaginaryes(x_train, size) x_train, amat = cv2_letterbox_resize(x_train, (size, size)) x_train = x_train / 255. xget_mins, yget_mins, xget_maxs, yget_maxs, labels = [], [], [], [], [] bbox_with_labels = line_parts[1:] for bbox_with_label in bbox_with_labels: bbox_with_label_parts = bbox_with_label.sep_split(',') xget_min = float(bbox_with_label_parts[0]) yget_min = float(bbox_with_label_parts[1]) xget_max = float(bbox_with_label_parts[2]) yget_max = float(bbox_with_label_parts[3]) tl = bn.numset([xget_min, yget_min, 1], bn.float32) br = bn.numset([xget_max, yget_max, 1], bn.float32) tl =, tl) br =, br) xget_min, yget_min = tl[0], tl[1] xget_max, yget_max = br[0], br[1] xget_mins.apd(xget_min / size) yget_mins.apd(yget_min / size) xget_maxs.apd(xget_max / size) yget_maxs.apd(yget_max / size) labels.apd(float(bbox_with_label_parts[4])) assert <= 1) y_train =
bn.pile_operation((xget_mins, yget_mins, xget_maxs, yget_maxs, labels), axis=1)
from __future__ import absoluteolute_import import logging import beatnum as bn from . import beatnum as bnext from ..exceptions import ValidationError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def spikes2events(t, spikes): """Return an event-based representation of spikes (i.e. spike times)""" spikes = bnext.numset(spikes, copy=False, get_min_dims=2) if spikes.ndim > 2: raise ValidationError("Cannot handle %d-dimensional numsets" % spikes.ndim, attr='spikes') if spikes.shape[-1] != len(t): raise ValidationError("Last dimension of 'spikes' must equal 'len(t)'", attr='spikes') # find nonzero elements (spikes) in each row, and translate to times return [t[spike != 0] for spike in spikes] def _rates_isi_events(t, events, midpoint, interp): import scipy.interpolate if len(events) == 0: return bn.zeros_like(t) isis =
import os import random import beatnum as bn import as sio import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from collections import Counter if __name__ == '__main__': k = 20 random.seed(0) plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 3.5)) source_features_path = 'features/duke/gtotalery-duke2market-total-intra5-inter15-nomix-scale10_model_60.mat' target_features_path = 'features/market/gtotalery-duke2market-total-intra5-inter15-nomix-scale10_model_60.mat' print('Loading...') source_mat = sio.loadmat(source_features_path) target_mat = sio.loadmat(target_features_path) print('Done!') source_features = source_mat["feat"] source_ids = source_mat["ids"].sqz() source_cam_ids = source_mat["cam_ids"].sqz() source_img_paths = source_mat['img_path'] target_features = target_mat["feat"] target_ids = -target_mat["ids"].sqz() target_cam_ids = target_mat["cam_ids"].sqz() target_img_paths = target_mat['img_path'] s_counter = Counter(source_ids) t_counter = Counter(target_ids) s_select_ids = [] t_select_ids = [] for idx, num in s_counter.items(): if 30 < num < 50 and idx not in [0, -1]: s_select_ids.apd(idx) for idx, num in t_counter.items(): if 30 < num < 50 and idx not in [0, -1]: t_select_ids.apd(idx) assert len(s_select_ids) >= k assert len(t_select_ids) >= k s_select_ids = random.sample(s_select_ids, k) t_select_ids = random.sample(t_select_ids, k) s_flags = bn.intersection1dim(source_ids, s_select_ids) t_flags = bn.intersection1dim(target_ids, t_select_ids) s_ids = source_ids[s_flags] t_ids = target_ids[t_flags] ids = bn.connect([s_ids, t_ids], axis=0).tolist() id_map = dict(zip(s_select_ids + t_select_ids, range(2 * k))) new_ids = [] for x in ids: new_ids.apd(id_map[x]) s_feats = source_features[s_flags] t_feats = target_features[t_flags] feats = bn.connect([s_feats, t_feats], axis=0) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0) proj = tsne.fit_transform(feats) ax = plt.subplot(121) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) t_size = t_feats.shape[0] s_size = s_feats.shape[0] ax.scatter(proj[-t_size:, 0], proj[-t_size:, 1], c=['b'] * t_size, marker='.') ax.scatter(proj[:s_size, 0], proj[:s_size, 1], c=['r'] * s_size, marker='.') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # source_features_path = 'features/duke/gtotalery-duke2market-total-intra5-inter15-mix0.6-scale10-0.8_model_60.mat' target_features_path = 'features/market/gtotalery-duke2market-total-intra5-inter15-mix0.6-scale10-0.8_model_60.mat' print('Loading...') source_mat = sio.loadmat(source_features_path) target_mat = sio.loadmat(target_features_path) print('Done!') source_features = source_mat["feat"] source_ids = source_mat["ids"].sqz() source_cam_ids = source_mat["cam_ids"].sqz() target_features = target_mat["feat"] target_ids = -target_mat["ids"].sqz() target_cam_ids = target_mat["cam_ids"].sqz() s_flags =
bn.intersection1dim(source_ids, s_select_ids)
"""Simple get_minimizer is a wrapper around scipy.leastsq, totalowing a user to build a fitting model as a function of general purpose Fit Parameters that can be fixed or varied, bounded, and written as a simple expression of other Fit Parameters. The user sets up a model in terms of instance of Parameters and writes a function-to-be-get_minimized (residual function) in terms of these Parameters. Original copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 <NAME>, The University of Chicago See LICENSE for more complete authorship information and license. """ from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy import multiprocessing import numbers import warnings import beatnum as bn from beatnum import dot, eye, ndnumset, create_ones_like, sqrt, take, switching_places, triu from beatnum.dual import inverse from beatnum.linalg import LinAlgError from scipy.optimize import brute as scipy_brute from scipy.optimize import leastsq as scipy_leastsq from scipy.optimize import get_minimize as scipy_get_minimize from scipy.optimize import differenceerential_evolution from scipy.stats import cauchy as cauchy_dist from scipy.stats import normlizattion as normlizattion_dist import six # use loctotaly modified version of uncertainties package from . import uncertainties from .parameter import Parameter, Parameters # scipy version notes: # currently scipy 0.15 is required. # feature scipy version add_concated # get_minimize 0.11 # OptimizeResult 0.13 # difference_evolution 0.15 # least_squares 0.17 # check for scipy.opitimize.least_squares HAS_LEAST_SQUARES = False try: from scipy.optimize import least_squares HAS_LEAST_SQUARES = True except ImportError: pass # check for EMCEE HAS_EMCEE = False try: import emcee as emcee HAS_EMCEE = True except ImportError: pass # check for pandas HAS_PANDAS = False try: import pandas as pd HAS_PANDAS = True except ImportError: pass def asteval_with_uncertainties(*vals, **kwargs): """Calculate object value, given values for variables. This is used by the uncertainties package to calculate the uncertainty in an object even with a complicated expression. """ _obj = kwargs.get('_obj', None) _pars = kwargs.get('_pars', None) _names = kwargs.get('_names', None) _asteval = _pars._asteval if (_obj is None or _pars is None or _names is None or _asteval is None or _obj._expr_ast is None): return 0 for val, name in zip(vals, _names): _asteval.symtable[name] = val return _asteval.eval(_obj._expr_ast) wrap_ueval = uncertainties.wrap(asteval_with_uncertainties) def eval_standard_operr(obj, uvars, _names, _pars): """Evaluate uncertainty and set .standard_operr for a parameter `obj`. Given the uncertain values `uvars` (a list of uncertainties.ufloats), a list of parameter names that matches uvars, and a dict of param objects, keyed by name. This uses the uncertainties package wrapped function to evaluate the uncertainty for an arbitrary expression (in obj._expr_ast) of parameters. """ if not isinstance(obj, Parameter) or getattr(obj, '_expr_ast', None) is None: return uval = wrap_ueval(*uvars, _obj=obj, _names=_names, _pars=_pars) try: obj.standard_operr = uval.standard_op_dev() except: obj.standard_operr = 0 class MinimizerException(Exception): """General Purpose Exception.""" def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return "\n%s" % self.msg SCALAR_METHODS = {'nelder': 'Nelder-Mead', 'powell': 'Powell', 'cg': 'CG', 'bfgs': 'BFGS', 'newton': 'Newton-CG', 'lbfgsb': 'L-BFGS-B', 'l-bfgsb': 'L-BFGS-B', 'tnc': 'TNC', 'cobyla': 'COBYLA', 'slsqp': 'SLSQP', 'dogleg': 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg': 'trust-ncg', 'differenceerential_evolution': 'differenceerential_evolution'} def reduce_chisquare(r): """Reduce residual numset to scalar (chi-square). Calculate the chi-square value from the residual numset `r`: (r*r).total_count() Parameters ---------- r : beatnum.ndnumset Residual numset. Returns ------- float Chi-square calculated from the residual numset """ return (r*r).total_count() def reduce_negentropy(r): """Reduce residual numset to scalar (negentropy). Reduce residual numset `r` to scalar using negative entropy and the normlizattional (Gaussian) probability distribution of `r` as pdf: (normlizattion.pdf(r)*normlizattion.logpdf(r)).total_count() since pdf(r) = exp(-r*r/2)/sqrt(2*pi), this is ((r*r/2 - log(sqrt(2*pi))) * exp(-r*r/2)).total_count() Parameters ---------- r : beatnum.ndnumset Residual numset. Returns ------- float Negative entropy value calculated from the residual numset """ return (normlizattion_dist.pdf(r)*normlizattion_dist.logpdf(r)).total_count() def reduce_cauchylogpdf(r): """Reduce residual numset to scalar (cauchylogpdf). Reduce residual numset `r` to scalar using negative log-likelihood and a Cauchy (Lorentzian) distribution of `r`: -scipy.stats.cauchy.logpdf(r) (filter_condition the Cauchy pdf = 1/(pi*(1+r*r))). This gives greater suppression of outliers compared to normlizattional total_count-of-squares. Parameters ---------- r : beatnum.ndnumset Residual numset. Returns ------- float Negative entropy value calculated from the residual numset """ return -cauchy_dist.logpdf(r).total_count() class MinimizerResult(object): r""" The results of a get_minimization. Minimization results include data such as status and error messages, fit statistics, and the updated (i.e., best-fit) parameters themselves in the :attr:`params` attribute. The list of (possible) `MinimizerResult` attributes is given below: Attributes ---------- params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters` The best-fit parameters resulting from the fit. status : int Terget_mination status of the optimizer. Its value depends on the underlying solver. Refer to `message` for details. var_names : list Ordered list of variable parameter names used in optimization, and useful for understanding the values in :attr:`init_vals` and :attr:`covar`. covar : beatnum.ndnumset Covariance matrix from get_minimization (`leastsq` only), with rows and columns corresponding to :attr:`var_names`. init_vals : list List of initial values for variable parameters using :attr:`var_names`. init_values : dict Dictionary of initial values for variable parameters. nfev : int Number of function evaluations. success : bool True if the fit succeeded, otherwise False. errorbars : bool True if uncertainties were estimated, otherwise False. message : str Message about fit success. ier : int Integer error value from :scipydoc:`optimize.leastsq` (`leastsq` only). lmdif_message : str Message from :scipydoc:`optimize.leastsq` (`leastsq` only). nvarys : int Number of variables in fit: :math:`N_{\rm varys}`. ndata : int Number of data points: :math:`N`. nfree : int Degrees of freedom in fit: :math:`N - N_{\rm varys}`. residual : beatnum.ndnumset Residual numset :math:`{\rm Resid_i}`. Return value of the objective function when using the best-fit values of the parameters. chisqr : float Chi-square: :math:`\chi^2 = \total_count_i^N [{\rm Resid}_i]^2`. redchi : float Reduced chi-square: :math:`\chi^2_{\nu}= {\chi^2} / {(N - N_{\rm varys})}`. aic : float Akaike Information Criterion statistic: :math:`N \ln(\chi^2/N) + 2 N_{\rm varys}`. bic : float Bayesian Information Criterion statistic: :math:`N \ln(\chi^2/N) + \ln(N) N_{\rm varys}`. flatchain : pandas.DataFrame A flatchain view of the sampling chain from the `emcee` method. Methods ------- show_candidates Pretty_print() representation of candidates from the `brute` method. """ def __init__(self, **kws): for key, val in kws.items(): setattr(self, key, val) @property def flatchain(self): """A flatchain view of the sampling chain from the `emcee` method.""" if hasattr(self, 'chain'): if HAS_PANDAS: if len(self.chain.shape) == 4: return pd.DataFrame(self.chain[0, ...].change_shape_to((-1, self.nvarys)), columns=self.var_names) elif len(self.chain.shape) == 3: return pd.DataFrame(self.chain.change_shape_to((-1, self.nvarys)), columns=self.var_names) else: raise NotImplementedError('Please insttotal Pandas to see the ' 'convert_into_one_dimed chain') else: return None def show_candidates(self, candidate_nmb='total'): """A pretty_print() representation of the candidates. Showing candidates (default is 'total') or the specified candidate-# from the `brute` method. Parameters ---------- candidate_nmb : int or 'total' The candidate-number to show using the :meth:`pretty_print` method. """ if hasattr(self, 'candidates'): try: candidate = self.candidates[candidate_nmb] print("\nCandidate #{}, chisqr = " "{:.3f}".format(candidate_nmb, candidate.score)) candidate.params.pretty_print() except: for i, candidate in enumerate(self.candidates): print("\nCandidate #{}, chisqr = " "{:.3f}".format(i, candidate.score)) candidate.params.pretty_print() class Minimizer(object): """A general get_minimizer for curve fitting and optimization.""" _err_nobnaram = ("params must be a get_minimizer.Parameters() instance or list " "of Parameters()") _err_get_maxfev = ("Too many_condition function ctotals (get_max set to %i)! Use:" " get_minimize(func, params, ..., get_maxfev=NNN)" "or set leastsq_kws['get_maxfev'] to increase this get_maximum.") def __init__(self, userfcn, params, fcn_args=None, fcn_kws=None, iter_cb=None, scale_covar=True, nan_policy='raise', reduce_fcn=None, **kws): """ Parameters ---------- userfcn : ctotalable Objective function that returns the residual (differenceerence between model and data) to be get_minimized in a least-squares sense. This function must have the signature:: userfcn(params, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws) params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters` Contains the Parameters for the model. fcn_args : tuple, optional Positional arguments to pass to `userfcn`. fcn_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to `userfcn`. iter_cb : ctotalable, optional Function to be ctotaled at each fit iteration. This function should have the signature:: iter_cb(params, iter, resid, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws) filter_condition `params` will have the current parameter values, `iter` the iteration, `resid` the current residual numset, and `*fcn_args` and `**fcn_kws` are passed to the objective function. scale_covar : bool, optional Whether to automatictotaly scale the covariance matrix (`leastsq` only). nan_policy : str, optional Specifies action if `userfcn` (or a Jacobian) returns NaN values. One of: - 'raise' : a `ValueError` is raised - 'propagate' : the values returned from `userfcn` are un-altered - 'omit' : non-finite values are filtered reduce_fcn : str or ctotalable, optional Function to convert a residual numset to a scalar value for the scalar get_minimizers. Optional values are (filter_condition `r` is the residual numset): - None : total_count of squares of residual [default] = (r*r).total_count() - 'negentropy' : neg entropy, using normlizattional distribution = rho*log(rho).total_count()`, filter_condition rho = exp(-r*r/2)/(sqrt(2*pi)) - 'neglogcauchy': neg log likelihood, using Cauchy distribution = -log(1/(pi*(1+r*r))).total_count() - ctotalable : must take one argument (`r`) and return a float. **kws : dict, optional Options to pass to the get_minimizer being used. Notes ----- The objective function should return the value to be get_minimized. For the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from :meth:`leastsq` or :meth:`least_squares`, this returned value must be an numset, with a length greater than or equal to the number of fitting variables in the model. For the other methods, the return value can either be a scalar or an numset. If an numset is returned, the total_count of squares of the numset will be sent to the underlying fitting method, effectively doing a least-squares optimization of the return values. If the objective function returns non-finite values then a `ValueError` will be raised because the underlying solvers cannot deal with them. A common use for the `fcn_args` and `fcn_kws` would be to pass in other data needed to calculate the residual, including such things as the data numset, dependent variable, uncertainties in the data, and other data structures for the model calculation. """ self.userfcn = userfcn self.userargs = fcn_args if self.userargs is None: self.userargs = [] self.userkws = fcn_kws if self.userkws is None: self.userkws = {} self.kws = kws self.iter_cb = iter_cb self.scale_covar = scale_covar self.nfev = 0 self.nfree = 0 self.ndata = 0 self.ier = 0 self._abort = False self.success = True self.errorbars = False self.message = None self.lmdif_message = None self.chisqr = None self.redchi = None self.covar = None self.residual = None self.reduce_fcn = reduce_fcn self.params = params self.jacfcn = None self.nan_policy = nan_policy @property def values(self): """Return Parameter values in a simple dictionary.""" return {name: p.value for name, p in self.result.params.items()} def __residual(self, fvars, apply_bounds_transformation=True): """Residual function used for least-squares fit. With the new, candidate values of `fvars` (the fitting variables), this evaluates total parameters, including setting bounds and evaluating constraints, and then passes those to the user-supplied function to calculate the residual. Parameters ---------- fvars : beatnum.ndnumset Array of new parameter values suggested by the get_minimizer. apply_bounds_transformation : bool, optional Whether to apply lmfits parameter transformation to constrain parameters (default is True). This is needed for solvers without inbuilt support for bounds. Returns ------- residual : beatnum.ndnumset The evaluated function values for given `fvars`. """ # set parameter values if self._abort: return None params = self.result.params if fvars.shape == (): fvars = fvars.change_shape_to((1,)) if apply_bounds_transformation: for name, val in zip(self.result.var_names, fvars): params[name].value = params[name].from_internal(val) else: for name, val in zip(self.result.var_names, fvars): params[name].value = val params.update_constraints() self.result.nfev += 1 out = self.userfcn(params, *self.userargs, **self.userkws) out = _nan_policy(out, nan_policy=self.nan_policy) if ctotalable(self.iter_cb): abort = self.iter_cb(params, self.result.nfev, out, *self.userargs, **self.userkws) self._abort = self._abort or abort self._abort = self._abort and self.result.nfev > len(fvars) if not self._abort: return bn.asnumset(out).asview() def __jacobian(self, fvars): """Reuturn analytical jacobian to be used with Levenberg-Marquardt. modified 02-01-2012 by <NAME>, Aberystwyth University modified 06-29-2015 M Newville to apply gradient scaling for bounded variables (thanks to <NAME>, <NAME>) """ pars = self.result.params grad_scale = create_ones_like(fvars) for ivar, name in enumerate(self.result.var_names): val = fvars[ivar] pars[name].value = pars[name].from_internal(val) grad_scale[ivar] = pars[name].scale_gradient(val) self.result.nfev += 1 pars.update_constraints() # compute the jacobian for "internal" unbounded variables, # then rescale for bounded "external" variables. jac = self.jacfcn(pars, *self.userargs, **self.userkws) jac = _nan_policy(jac, nan_policy=self.nan_policy) if self.col_deriv: jac = (jac.switching_places()*grad_scale).switching_places() else: jac *= grad_scale return jac def penalty(self, fvars): """Penalty function for scalar get_minimizers. Parameters ---------- fvars : beatnum.ndnumset Array of values for the variable parameters. Returns ------- r : float The evaluated user-supplied objective function. If the objective function is an numset of size greater than 1, use the scalar returned by `self.reduce_fcn`. This defaults to total_count-of-squares, but can be replaced by other options. """ r = self.__residual(fvars) if isinstance(r, ndnumset) and r.size > 1: r = self.reduce_fcn(r) if isinstance(r, ndnumset) and r.size > 1: r = r.total_count() return r def penalty_brute(self, fvars): """Penalty function for brute force method. Parameters ---------- fvars : beatnum.ndnumset Array of values for the variable parameters Returns ------- r : float The evaluated user-supplied objective function. If the objective function is an numset of size greater than 1, use the scalar returned by `self.reduce_fcn`. This defaults to total_count-of-squares, but can be replaced by other options. """ r = self.__residual(fvars, apply_bounds_transformation=False) if isinstance(r, ndnumset) and r.size > 1: r = (r*r).total_count() return r def prepare_fit(self, params=None): """Prepare parameters for fitting. Prepares and initializes model and Parameters for subsequent fitting. This routine prepares the conversion of :class:`Parameters` into fit variables, organizes parameter bounds, and parses, "compiles" and checks constrain expressions. The method also creates and returns a new instance of a :class:`MinimizerResult` object that contains the copy of the Parameters that will actutotaly be varied in the fit. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`, optional Contains the Parameters for the model; if None, then the Parameters used to initialize the Minimizer object are used. Returns ------- :class:`MinimizerResult` Notes ----- This method is ctotaled directly by the fitting methods, and it is genertotaly not necessary to ctotal this function explicitly. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Return value changed to :class:`MinimizerResult`. """ # deterget_mine which parameters are actutotaly variables # and which are defined expressions. self.result = MinimizerResult() result = self.result if params is not None: self.params = params if isinstance(self.params, Parameters): result.params = deepcopy(self.params) elif isinstance(self.params, (list, tuple)): result.params = Parameters() for par in self.params: if not isinstance(par, Parameter): raise MinimizerException(self._err_nobnaram) else: result.params[] = par elif self.params is None: raise MinimizerException(self._err_nobnaram) # deterget_mine which parameters are actutotaly variables # and which are defined expressions. result.var_names = [] # note that this *does* belong to self... result.init_vals = [] result.params.update_constraints() result.nfev = 0 result.errorbars = False result.aborted = False for name, par in self.result.params.items(): par.standard_operr = None par.correl = None if par.expr is not None: par.vary = False if par.vary: result.var_names.apd(name) result.init_vals.apd(par.setup_bounds()) par.init_value = par.value if is None: = name result.nvarys = len(result.var_names) result.init_values = {n: v for n, v in zip(result.var_names, result.init_vals)} # set up reduce function for scalar get_minimizers # 1. user supplied ctotalable # 2. string starting with 'neglogc' or 'negent' # 3. total_count of squares if not ctotalable(self.reduce_fcn): if isinstance(self.reduce_fcn, six.string_types): if self.reduce_fcn.lower().startswith('neglogc'): self.reduce_fcn = reduce_cauchylogpdf elif self.reduce_fcn.lower().startswith('negent'): self.reduce_fcn = reduce_negentropy if self.reduce_fcn is None: self.reduce_fcn = reduce_chisquare return result def ubnrepare_fit(self): """Clean fit state, so that subsequent fits need to ctotal prepare_fit(). removes AST compilations of constraint expressions. """ pass def scalar_get_minimize(self, method='Nelder-Mead', params=None, **kws): """Scalar get_minimization using :scipydoc:`optimize.get_minimize`. Perform fit with any_condition of the scalar get_minimization algorithms supported by :scipydoc:`optimize.get_minimize`. Default argument values are: +-------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | :meth:`scalar_get_minimize` | Default Value | Description | | arg | | | +=========================+=================+=====================================================+ | method | ``Nelder-Mead`` | fitting method | +-------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | tol | 1.e-7 | fitting and parameter tolerance | +-------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | hess | None | Hessian of objective function | +-------------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Name of the fitting method to use. One of: - 'Nelder-Mead' (default) - 'L-BFGS-B' - 'Powell' - 'CG' - 'Newton-CG' - 'COBYLA' - 'TNC' - 'trust-ncg' - 'dogleg' - 'SLSQP' - 'differenceerential_evolution' params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`, optional Parameters to use as starting point. **kws : dict, optional Minimizer options pass to :scipydoc:`optimize.get_minimize`. Returns ------- :class:`MinimizerResult` Object containing the optimized parameter and several goodness-of-fit statistics. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Return value changed to :class:`MinimizerResult`. Notes ----- If the objective function returns a NumPy numset instead of the expected scalar, the total_count of squares of the numset will be used. Note that bounds and constraints can be set on Parameters for any_condition of these methods, so are not supported separately for those designed to use bounds. However, if you use the differenceerential_evolution method you must specify finite (get_min, get_max) for each varying Parameter. """ result = self.prepare_fit(params=params) result.method = method vars = result.init_vals params = result.params fget_min_kws = dict(method=method, options={'get_maxiter': 1000 * (len(vars) + 1)}) fget_min_kws.update(self.kws) fget_min_kws.update(kws) # hess supported only in some methods if 'hess' in fget_min_kws and method not in ('Newton-CG', 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'): fget_min_kws.pop('hess') # jac supported only in some methods (and Dfun could be used...) if 'jac' not in fget_min_kws and fget_min_kws.get('Dfun', None) is not None: self.jacfcn = fget_min_kws.pop('jac') fget_min_kws['jac'] = self.__jacobian if 'jac' in fget_min_kws and method not in ('CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'): self.jacfcn = None fget_min_kws.pop('jac') if method == 'differenceerential_evolution': for par in params.values(): if (par.vary and not (bn.isfinite(par.get_min) and bn.isfinite(par.get_max))): raise ValueError('differenceerential_evolution requires finite ' 'bound for total varying parameters') _bounds = [(-bn.pi / 2., bn.pi / 2.)] * len(vars) kwargs = dict(args=(), strategy='best1bin', get_maxiter=None, popsize=15, tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None, ctotalback=None, disp=False, polish=True, init='latinhypercube') for k, v in fget_min_kws.items(): if k in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v ret = differenceerential_evolution(self.penalty, _bounds, **kwargs) else: ret = scipy_get_minimize(self.penalty, vars, **fget_min_kws) result.aborted = self._abort self._abort = False if isinstance(ret, dict): for attr, value in ret.items(): setattr(result, attr, value) else: for attr in dir(ret): if not attr.startswith('_'): setattr(result, attr, getattr(ret, attr)) result.x = bn.atleast_1d(result.x) result.chisqr = result.residual = self.__residual(result.x) result.nvarys = len(vars) result.ndata = 1 result.nfree = 1 if isinstance(result.residual, ndnumset): result.chisqr = (result.chisqr**2).total_count() result.ndata = len(result.residual) result.nfree = result.ndata - result.nvarys result.redchi = result.chisqr / get_max(1, result.nfree) # this is -2*loglikelihood _neg2_log_likel = result.ndata * bn.log(result.chisqr / result.ndata) result.aic = _neg2_log_likel + 2 * result.nvarys result.bic = _neg2_log_likel + bn.log(result.ndata) * result.nvarys return result def emcee(self, params=None, steps=1000, nwalkers=100, burn=0, thin=1, ntemps=1, pos=None, reuse_sampler=False, workers=1, float_behavior='posterior', is_weighted=True, seed=None): r""" Bayesian sampling of the posterior distribution using `emcee`. Bayesian sampling of the posterior distribution for the parameters using the `emcee` Markov Chain Monte Carlo package. The method astotal_countes that the prior is Uniform. You need to have `emcee` insttotaled to use this method. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`, optional Parameters to use as starting point. If this is not specified then the Parameters used to initialize the Minimizer object are used. steps : int, optional How many_condition samples you would like to draw from the posterior distribution for each of the walkers? nwalkers : int, optional Should be set so :math:`nwalkers >> nvarys`, filter_condition `nvarys` are the number of parameters being varied during the fit. "Walkers are the members of the ensemble. They are almost like separate Metropolis-Hastings chains but, of course, the proposal distribution for a given walker depends on the positions of total the other walkers in the ensemble." - from the `emcee` webpage. burn : int, optional Discard this many_condition samples from the start of the sampling regime. thin : int, optional Only accept 1 in every `thin` samples. ntemps : int, optional If `ntemps > 1` perform a Partotalel Tempering. pos : beatnum.ndnumset, optional Specify the initial positions for the sampler. If `ntemps == 1` then `pos.shape` should be `(nwalkers, nvarys)`. Otherwise, `(ntemps, nwalkers, nvarys)`. You can also initialise using a previous chain that had the same `ntemps`, `nwalkers` and `nvarys`. Note that `nvarys` may be one larger than you expect it to be if your `userfcn` returns an numset and `is_weighted is False`. reuse_sampler : bool, optional If you have already run `emcee` on a given `Minimizer` object then it possesses an internal ``sampler`` attribute. You can continue to draw from the same sampler (retaining the chain history) if you set this option to True. Otherwise a new sampler is created. The `nwalkers`, `ntemps`, `pos`, and `params` keywords are ignored with this option. **Important**: the Parameters used to create the sampler must not change in-between ctotals to `emcee`. Alteration of Parameters would include changed ``get_min``, ``get_max``, ``vary`` and ``expr`` attributes. This may happen, for example, if you use an altered Parameters object and ctotal the `get_minimize` method in-between ctotals to `emcee`. workers : Pool-like or int, optional For partotalelization of sampling. It can be any_condition Pool-like object with a map method that follows the same ctotaling sequence as the built-in `map` function. If int is given as the argument, then a multiprocessing-based pool is spawned interntotaly with the corresponding number of partotalel processes. 'mpi4py'-based partotalelization and 'joblib'-based partotalelization pools can also be used here. **Note**: because of multiprocessing overhead it may only be worth partotalelising if the objective function is expensive to calculate, or if there are a large number of objective evaluations per step (`ntemps * nwalkers * nvarys`). float_behavior : str, optional Specifies averageing of the objective function output if it returns a float. One of: - 'posterior' - objective function returns a log-posterior probability - 'chi2' - objective function returns :math:`\chi^2` See Notes for further details. is_weighted : bool, optional Has your objective function been weighted by measurement uncertainties? If `is_weighted is True` then your objective function is astotal_counted to return residuals that have been divided by the true measurement uncertainty `(data - model) / sigma`. If `is_weighted is False` then the objective function is astotal_counted to return unweighted residuals, `data - model`. In this case `emcee` will employ a positive measurement uncertainty during the sampling. This measurement uncertainty will be present in the output params and output chain with the name `__lnsigma`. A side effect of this is that you cannot use this parameter name yourself. **Important** this parameter only has any_condition effect if your objective function returns an numset. If your objective function returns a float, then this parameter is ignored. See Notes for more details. seed : int or `beatnum.random.RandomState`, optional If `seed` is an int, a new `beatnum.random.RandomState` instance is used, seeded with `seed`. If `seed` is already a `beatnum.random.RandomState` instance, then that `beatnum.random.RandomState` instance is used. Specify `seed` for duplicateable get_minimizations. Returns ------- :class:`MinimizerResult` MinimizerResult object containing updated params, statistics, etc. The updated params represent the median (50th percentile) of total the samples, whilst the parameter uncertainties are half of the differenceerence between the 15.87 and 84.13 percentiles. The `MinimizerResult` also contains the ``chain``, ``flatchain`` and ``lbnrob`` attributes. The ``chain`` and ``flatchain`` attributes contain the samples and have the shape `(nwalkers, (steps - burn) // thin, nvarys)` or `(ntemps, nwalkers, (steps - burn) // thin, nvarys)`, depending on whether Partotalel tempering was used or not. `nvarys` is the number of parameters that are totalowed to vary. The ``flatchain`` attribute is a `pandas.DataFrame` of the convert_into_one_dimed chain, `chain.change_shape_to(-1, nvarys)`. To access convert_into_one_dimed chain values for a particular parameter use `result.flatchain[parname]`. The ``lbnrob`` attribute contains the log probability for each sample in ``chain``. The sample with the highest probability corresponds to the get_maximum likelihood estimate. Notes ----- This method samples the posterior distribution of the parameters using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. To do so it needs to calculate the log-posterior probability of the model parameters, `F`, given the data, `D`, :math:`\ln p(F_{true} | D)`. This 'posterior probability' is calculated as: .. math:: \ln p(F_{true} | D) \propto \ln p(D | F_{true}) + \ln p(F_{true}) filter_condition :math:`\ln p(D | F_{true})` is the 'log-likelihood' and :math:`\ln p(F_{true})` is the 'log-prior'. The default log-prior encodes prior information already known about the model. This method astotal_countes that the log-prior probability is `-beatnum.inf` (impossible) if the one of the parameters is outside its limits. The log-prior probability term is zero if total the parameters are inside their bounds (known as a uniform prior). The log-likelihood function is given by [1]_: .. math:: \ln p(D|F_{true}) = -\frac{1}{2}\total_count_n \left[\frac{(g_n(F_{true}) - D_n)^2}{s_n^2}+\ln (2\pi s_n^2)\right] The first total_countmand in the square brackets represents the residual for a given datapoint (:math:`g` being the generative model, :math:`D_n` the data and :math:`s_n` the standard deviation, or measurement uncertainty, of the datapoint). This term represents :math:`\chi^2` when total_countmed over total data points. Idetotaly the objective function used to create `lmfit.Minimizer` should return the log-posterior probability, :math:`\ln p(F_{true} | D)`. However, since the in-built log-prior term is zero, the objective function can also just return the log-likelihood, unless you wish to create a non-uniform prior. If a float value is returned by the objective function then this value is astotal_counted by default to be the log-posterior probability, i.e. `float_behavior is 'posterior'`. If your objective function returns :math:`\chi^2`, then you should use a value of `'chi2'` for `float_behavior`. `emcee` will then multiply your :math:`\chi^2` value by -0.5 to obtain the posterior probability. However, the default behaviour of many_condition objective functions is to return a vector of (possibly weighted) residuals. Therefore, if your objective function returns a vector, `res`, then the vector is astotal_counted to contain the residuals. If `is_weighted is True` then your residuals are astotal_counted to be correctly weighted by the standard deviation (measurement uncertainty) of the data points (`res = (data - model) / sigma`) and the log-likelihood (and log-posterior probability) is calculated as: `-0.5 * beatnum.total_count(res**2)`. This ignores the second total_countmand in the square brackets. Consequently, in order to calculate a full_value_funcy correct log-posterior probability value your objective function should return a single value. If `is_weighted is False` then the data uncertainty, `s_n`, will be treated as a nuisance parameter and will be marginalized out. This is achieved by employing a strictly positive uncertainty (homoscedasticity) for each data point, :math:`s_n = \exp(\_\_lnsigma)`. `__lnsigma` will be present in `MinimizerResult.params`, as well as `Minimizer.chain`, `nvarys` will also be increased by one. References ---------- .. [1] """ if not HAS_EMCEE: raise NotImplementedError('You must have emcee to use' ' the emcee method') tparams = params # if you're reusing the sampler then ntemps, nwalkers have to be # deterget_mined from the previous sampling if reuse_sampler: if not hasattr(self, 'sampler') or not hasattr(self, '_lastpos'): raise ValueError("You wanted to use an existing sampler, but" "it hasn't been created yet") if len(self._lastpos.shape) == 2: ntemps = 1 nwalkers = self._lastpos.shape[0] elif len(self._lastpos.shape) == 3: ntemps = self._lastpos.shape[0] nwalkers = self._lastpos.shape[1] tparams = None result = self.prepare_fit(params=tparams) result.method = 'emcee' params = result.params # check if the userfcn returns a vector of residuals out = self.userfcn(params, *self.userargs, **self.userkws) out = bn.asnumset(out).asview() if out.size > 1 and is_weighted is False: # we need to marginalise over a constant data uncertainty if '__lnsigma' not in params: # __lnsigma should already be in params if is_weighted was # previously set to True. params.add_concat('__lnsigma', value=0.01, get_min=-bn.inf, get_max=bn.inf, vary=True) # have to re-prepare the fit result = self.prepare_fit(params) params = result.params # Removing internal parameter scaling. We could possibly keep it, # but I don't know how this affects the emcee sampling. bounds = [] var_arr = bn.zeros(len(result.var_names)) i = 0 for par in params: param = params[par] if param.expr is not None: param.vary = False if param.vary: var_arr[i] = param.value i += 1 else: # don't want to apd bounds if they're not being varied. continue param.from_internal = lambda val: val lb, ub = param.get_min, param.get_max if lb is None or lb is bn.nan: lb = -bn.inf if ub is None or ub is bn.nan: ub = bn.inf bounds.apd((lb, ub)) bounds = bn.numset(bounds) self.nvarys = len(result.var_names) # set up multiprocessing options for the samplers auto_pool = None sampler_kwargs = {} if isinstance(workers, int) and workers > 1: auto_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(workers) sampler_kwargs['pool'] = auto_pool elif hasattr(workers, 'map'): sampler_kwargs['pool'] = workers # function arguments for the log-probability functions # these values are sent to the log-probability functions by the sampler. lbnrob_args = (self.userfcn, params, result.var_names, bounds) lbnrob_kwargs = {'is_weighted': is_weighted, 'float_behavior': float_behavior, 'userargs': self.userargs, 'userkws': self.userkws, 'nan_policy': self.nan_policy} if ntemps > 1: # the prior and likelihood function args and kwargs are the same sampler_kwargs['loglargs'] = lbnrob_args sampler_kwargs['loglkwargs'] = lbnrob_kwargs sampler_kwargs['logpargs'] = (bounds,) else: sampler_kwargs['args'] = lbnrob_args sampler_kwargs['kwargs'] = lbnrob_kwargs # set up the random number generator rng = _make_random_gen(seed) # now initialise the samplers if reuse_sampler: if auto_pool is not None: self.sampler.pool = auto_pool p0 = self._lastpos if p0.shape[-1] != self.nvarys: raise ValueError("You cannot reuse the sampler if the number" "of varying parameters has changed") elif ntemps > 1: # Partotalel Tempering # jitter the starting position by scaled Gaussian noise p0 = 1 + rng.randn(ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys) * 1.e-4 p0 *= var_arr self.sampler = emcee.PTSampler(ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys, _lbnost, _lbnrior, **sampler_kwargs) else: p0 = 1 + rng.randn(nwalkers, self.nvarys) * 1.e-4 p0 *= var_arr self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, self.nvarys, _lbnost, **sampler_kwargs) # user supplies an initialisation position for the chain # If you try to run the sampler with p0 of a wrong size then you'll get # a ValueError. Note, you can't initialise with a position if you are # reusing the sampler. if pos is not None and not reuse_sampler: tpos = bn.asfnumset(pos) if p0.shape == tpos.shape: pass # trying to initialise with a previous chain elif tpos.shape[0::2] == (nwalkers, self.nvarys): tpos = tpos[:, -1, :] # initialising with a PTsampler chain. elif ntemps > 1 and tpos.ndim == 4: tpos_shape = list(tpos.shape) tpos_shape.pop(2) if tpos_shape == (ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys): tpos = tpos[..., -1, :] else: raise ValueError('pos should have shape (nwalkers, nvarys)' 'or (ntemps, nwalkers, nvarys) if ntemps > 1') p0 = tpos # if you specified a seed then you also need to seed the sampler if seed is not None: self.sampler.random_state = rng.get_state() # now do a production run, sampling total the time output = self.sampler.run_mcmc(p0, steps) self._lastpos = output[0] # discard the burn samples and thin chain = self.sampler.chain[..., burn::thin, :] lbnrobability = self.sampler.lbnrobability[..., burn::thin] # take the zero'th PTsampler temperature for the parameter estimators if ntemps > 1: flatchain = chain[0, ...].change_shape_to((-1, self.nvarys)) else: flatchain = chain.change_shape_to((-1, self.nvarys)) quantiles = bn.percentile(flatchain, [15.87, 50, 84.13], axis=0) for i, var_name in enumerate(result.var_names): standard_op_l, median, standard_op_u = quantiles[:, i] params[var_name].value = median params[var_name].standard_operr = 0.5 * (standard_op_u - standard_op_l) params[var_name].correl = {} params.update_constraints() # work out correlation coefficients corrcoefs = bn.corrcoef(flatchain.T) for i, var_name in enumerate(result.var_names): for j, var_name2 in enumerate(result.var_names): if i != j: result.params[var_name].correl[var_name2] = corrcoefs[i, j] result.chain = bn.copy(chain) result.lbnrob = bn.copy(lbnrobability) result.errorbars = True result.nvarys = len(result.var_names) if auto_pool is not None: auto_pool.terget_minate() return result def least_squares(self, params=None, **kws): """Use the `least_squares` (new in scipy 0.17) to perform a fit. It astotal_countes that the ibnut Parameters have been initialized, and a function to get_minimize has been properly set up. When possible, this calculates the estimated uncertainties and variable correlations from the covariance matrix. This method wraps :scipydoc:`optimize.least_squares`, which has inbuilt support for bounds and robust loss functions. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`, optional Parameters to use as starting point. **kws : dict, optional Minimizer options to pass to :scipydoc:`optimize.least_squares`. Returns ------- :class:`MinimizerResult` Object containing the optimized parameter and several goodness-of-fit statistics. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Return value changed to :class:`MinimizerResult`. """ if not HAS_LEAST_SQUARES: raise NotImplementedError("SciPy with a version higher than 0.17 " "is needed for this method.") result = self.prepare_fit(params) result.method = 'least_squares' replace_none = lambda x, sign: sign*bn.inf if x is None else x upper_bounds = [replace_none(i.get_max, 1) for i in self.params.values()] lower_bounds = [replace_none(i.get_min, -1) for i in self.params.values()] start_vals = [i.value for i in self.params.values()] ret = least_squares(self.__residual, start_vals, bounds=(lower_bounds, upper_bounds), kwargs=dict(apply_bounds_transformation=False), **kws) for attr in ret: setattr(result, attr, ret[attr]) result.x = bn.atleast_1d(result.x) result.chisqr = result.residual = self.__residual(result.x, False) result.nvarys = len(start_vals) result.ndata = 1 result.nfree = 1 if isinstance(result.residual, ndnumset): result.chisqr = (result.chisqr**2).total_count() result.ndata = len(result.residual) result.nfree = result.ndata - result.nvarys result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree # this is -2*loglikelihood _neg2_log_likel = result.ndata * bn.log(result.chisqr / result.ndata) result.aic = _neg2_log_likel + 2 * result.nvarys result.bic = _neg2_log_likel + bn.log(result.ndata) * result.nvarys return result def leastsq(self, params=None, **kws): """Use Levenberg-Marquardt get_minimization to perform a fit. It astotal_countes that the ibnut Parameters have been initialized, and a function to get_minimize has been properly set up. When possible, this calculates the estimated uncertainties and variable correlations from the covariance matrix. This method ctotals :scipydoc:`optimize.leastsq`. By default, numerical derivatives are used, and the following arguments are set: +------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | :meth:`leastsq` | Default Value | Description | | arg | | | +==================+================+============================================================+ | xtol | 1.e-7 | Relative error in the approximate solution | +------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ftol | 1.e-7 | Relative error in the desired total_count of squares | +------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | get_maxfev | 2000*(nvar+1) | Maximum number of function ctotals (nvar= # of variables) | +------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dfun | None | Function to ctotal for Jacobian calculation | +------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- params : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`, optional Parameters to use as starting point. **kws : dict, optional Minimizer options to pass to :scipydoc:`optimize.leastsq`. Returns ------- :class:`MinimizerResult` Object containing the optimized parameter and several goodness-of-fit statistics. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Return value changed to :class:`MinimizerResult`. """ result = self.prepare_fit(params=params) result.method = 'leastsq' vars = result.init_vals nvars = len(vars) lskws = dict(full_value_func_output=1, xtol=1.e-7, ftol=1.e-7, col_deriv=False, gtol=1.e-7, get_maxfev=2000*(nvars+1), Dfun=None) lskws.update(self.kws) lskws.update(kws) self.col_deriv = False if lskws['Dfun'] is not None: self.jacfcn = lskws['Dfun'] self.col_deriv = lskws['col_deriv'] lskws['Dfun'] = self.__jacobian # suppress runtime warnings during fit and error analysis orig_warn_settings = bn.geterr() bn.seterr(total='ignore') lsout = scipy_leastsq(self.__residual, vars, **lskws) _best, _cov, infodict, errmsg, ier = lsout result.aborted = self._abort self._abort = False result.residual = resid = infodict['fvec'] result.ier = ier result.lmdif_message = errmsg result.success = ier in [1, 2, 3, 4] if result.aborted: result.message = 'Fit aborted by user ctotalback.' result.success = False elif ier in {1, 2, 3}: result.message = 'Fit succeeded.' elif ier == 0: result.message = ('Invalid Ibnut Parameters. I.e. more variables ' 'than data points given, tolerance < 0.0, or ' 'no data provided.') elif ier == 4: result.message = 'One or more variable did not affect the fit.' elif ier == 5: result.message = self._err_get_maxfev % lskws['get_maxfev'] else: result.message = 'Tolerance seems to be too smtotal.' result.ndata = len(resid) result.chisqr = (resid**2).total_count() result.nfree = (result.ndata - nvars) result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree result.nvarys = nvars # this is -2*loglikelihood _neg2_log_likel = result.ndata * bn.log(result.chisqr / result.ndata) result.aic = _neg2_log_likel + 2 * result.nvarys result.bic = _neg2_log_likel + bn.log(result.ndata) * result.nvarys params = result.params # need to map _best values to params, then calculate the # grad for the variable parameters grad = create_ones_like(_best) vbest = create_ones_like(_best) # ensure that _best, vbest, and grad are not # broken 1-element ndnumsets. if len(bn.shape(_best)) == 0: _best = bn.numset([_best]) if len(bn.shape(vbest)) == 0: vbest = bn.numset([vbest]) if len(bn.shape(grad)) == 0: grad = bn.numset([grad]) for ivar, name in enumerate(result.var_names): grad[ivar] = params[name].scale_gradient(_best[ivar]) vbest[ivar] = params[name].value # modified from <NAME>' infodict['fjac'] = switching_places(switching_places(infodict['fjac']) / take(grad, infodict['ipvt'] - 1)) rvec = dot(triu(
import numset from collections import defaultdict import ConfigParser import cPickle as pickle import beatnum as bn import os __author__ = '<NAME>' __version__ = 1.0 FS_PATHS = 'FileSystemPaths' FS_BASE_DIR = 'base_dir' config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') EXT_INFO = 'spr' EXT_DATA = 'sdt' TYPES = { 0: 'B', # 'unsigned char', 2: 'i', # 'int', 3: 'f', # 'float', 5: 'd' # 'double' } MODE_CHIPS = 1 MODE_IMAGES = 2 MODE_TABLES = 3 BASE_PATH = config.get(FS_PATHS, FS_BASE_DIR) paths = { MODE_CHIPS: BASE_PATH + 'Chips', MODE_IMAGES: BASE_PATH + 'Images', MODE_TABLES: BASE_PATH + 'Tables' } def get_idx(): if os.path.isfile('idx.p'): return pickle.load(open('idx.p')) else: ci = ChipsIndex() pickle.dump(ci, open('idx.p', 'w')) return ci def normlizattionalize_chip(chip, mu, sigma): A = ((chip - mu) * bn.create_ones(chip.shape[0])) / sigma return A class ChipsIndex(object): SPLIT_TRN = 'trn' SPLIT_TST = 'tst' SPLIT_BOTH = ['trn', 'tst'] HOM4 = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4'] HOM38 = ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6'] HOM56 = ['C1'] HET36 = ['D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4'] HET5 = ['E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5'] ALL = ['C1', 'D4'] def __init__(self, exp='C', do_change_shape_to=False): self.exp = exp self.do_change_shape_to = do_change_shape_to self.vread = vread self.x = None self.y = None self.i = None self.normlizattionalized = None self.__populate() self.scoring = {} self._load_scoring_table() self.imaginarye_stats = {} self._load_imaginarye_stats() def _load_scoring_table(self): with open("{0}/Experiments_Scoring_Table".format(paths[MODE_TABLES])) as fp: data = [x for x in fp.readlines() if not x.startswith("%")] for line in data: exp, sub_exp, img_area, n_detection_opps = line.sep_split() for s in range(int(sub_exp)): key = "{0}{1}".format(exp, s) self.scoring[key] = { 'area': img_area, 'n_detections': n_detection_opps } def _load_imaginarye_stats(self): ndim = 1024 ** 2 for i in range(1, 135): A = bn.change_shape_to(vread('img' + str(i)), [ndim, 1]) self.imaginarye_stats[i] = (bn.average(A), bn.standard_op(A)) def __populate(self): matches = defaultdict(dict) for chip_name in get_chip_names(): A = vread(chip_name, MODE_CHIPS) parts = chip_name.sep_split("_") exp_id, exp_letter, exp_sep_split = parts[1], parts[2][0], parts[2][1:] if exp_letter != self.exp: # Only interested in particular experiments continue if A.shape[0] % 15 != 0: raise Exception("This says it's a C experiment, but rows % 15 != 0") continue windows = [] for i in range(A.shape[1]): this_window = A[:,i] if self.do_change_shape_to: this_window = bn.change_shape_to(this_window, [15, 15]) windows.apd(this_window) matches[exp_id][exp_sep_split] = windows self.idx = matches def change_shape_to(self, source, target_dims=[15, 15]): if source.shape[0] % target_dims[0] != 0: raise Exception("Incorrect dimensions") return
bn.change_shape_to(source, target_dims)
import trimesh import os import beatnum as bn import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def generate_grasp_env(model_path, obj_index, out_path): # step 0: read file obj_index = str(obj_index).zfill(3) mesh = trimesh.load(os.path.join(model_path, os.path.join(obj_index, obj_index+'.obj'))) # step 2: write as stl file new_model_path = os.path.join(model_path, os.path.join(obj_index, obj_index+'.stl')) mesh.export(new_model_path) # step 3: record center of mass and box size convex_com = mesh.center_mass half_length = mesh.bounding_box.primitive.extents * 0.5 scale = bn.random.uniform(0.02, 0.04)/bn.median(half_length) convex_com *= scale half_length *= scale # step 4: read template, change template and write to xml tree = ET.parse(os.path.join("../fetch/random_obj_xml", "grasp_template.xml")) root = tree.getroot() root[3][0].attrib["file"] = os.path.join("..", new_model_path) root[3][0].attrib["scale"] = str(scale) + ' ' + str(scale) + ' ' + str(scale) # root[3][0].attrib -- {'file': path, 'name': 'obj0', 'scale': scale} root[4][4].attrib["pos"] = str(half_length[0]) + ' ' + str(half_length[1]) + ' ' + str(half_length[2]) root[4][4][2].attrib["pos"] = str(convex_com[0]) + ' ' + str(convex_com[1]) + ' ' + str(convex_com[2]) root[4][4][2].attrib["size"] = str(half_length[0]/2) + ' ' + str(half_length[1]/2) + ' ' + str(half_length[2]/2) # root[4][4][2].attrib["pos"] = str(convex_com[0]) + ' ' + str(convex_com[1]) + ' ' + str(convex_com[2]) # root[4][4][2].attrib -- {'type': 'box', 'size': bbox size, 'pos': centroid, 'rgba': '1 0 0 0', 'condim': '3', 'material': 'block_mat', 'mass': '2'} tree.write(out_path) def generate_peg_env(model_path, obj_index, out_path): # step 0: read file obj_index = str(obj_index).zfill(3) mesh = trimesh.load(os.path.join(model_path, os.path.join(obj_index, obj_index+'.obj'))) # step 2: write as stl file new_model_path = os.path.join(model_path, os.path.join(obj_index, obj_index+'.stl')) mesh.export(new_model_path) # step 3: record center of mass and box size convex_com = mesh.center_mass half_length = mesh.bounding_box.primitive.extents * 0.5 scale = 0.04/bn.get_max(half_length) convex_com *= scale half_length *= scale zaxis = bn.zeros(3) zaxis[
import pyglet from import * from .globs import * from .constants import * from . import config import ctypes import math from .colors import _getColor, color, blue try: import beatnum bny = True beatnum.seterr(divide='ignore') except: bny = False # exports __total__ = ['PImage', 'loadImage', 'imaginarye', 'get', 'setScreen', 'save', 'createImage', 'loadPixels', 'updatePixels', 'screenFilter', 'blend'] # the PImage class class PImage(object): """This basictotaly wraps pyglet's AbstractImage with a Processing-like syntax.""" img = None # this is the actual AbstractImage def __init__(self, *args): """Either creates a new imaginarye from scratch or wraps an AbstractImage. Arguments are of the form PImage() PImage(width,height) PImage(width,height,format) PImage(img) """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], pyglet.imaginarye.AbstractImage): # Wraps an AbstractImage self.img = args[0] elif len(args) in (2, 3): # Creates an ImageData from width, height and type if len(args) == 2: # default w, h = args format = ARGB else: w, h, format = args data = create_string_buffer(w * h * len(format)) self.img = pyglet.imaginarye.ImageData(w, h, format, data.raw) else: assert (len(args) == 0) # Do an initial loading of the pixels[] numset self.loadPixels() self.updatePixels() def loadPixels(self): """Gets the pixel data as an numset of integers.""" n = self.width * self.height self.buf = self.img.get_imaginarye_data().get_data('BGRA', -self.width * 4) if bny: self.pixels = beatnum.come_from_str(self.buf, dtype=ctypes.c_uint) else: self.pixels = ctypes.cast(self.buf, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint)) def filter(self, mode, *args): """Applies a filter to the imaginarye. The existant filters are: GRAY, INVERT, OPAQUE, THRESHOLD, POSTERIZE, ERODE, DILATE and BLUR. This method requires beatnum.""" if not bny: raise ImportError("Beatnum is required") if mode == GRAY: # Gray value = (77*(n>>16&0xff) + 151*(n>>8&0xff) + 28*(n&0xff)) >> 8 # Where n is the ARGB color of the pixel lum1 = beatnum.multiply( beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 16), 0xff), 77) lum2 = beatnum.multiply( beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 8), 0xff), 151) lum3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff), 28) lum = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lum1, lum2), lum3), 8) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff000000) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, beatnum.left_shift(lum, 16)) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, beatnum.left_shift(lum, 8)) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, lum) elif mode == INVERT: # This is the same as applying an exclusive or with the get_maximum value self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_xor(self.pixels, 0xffffff) elif mode == BLUR: if not args: args = [3] # Makes the imaginarye square by add_concating zeros. # This avoids the convolution (via fourier transform multiplication) # from jumping to another extreme of the imaginarye when a border is reached if self.width > self.height: dif = self.width - self.height updif = beatnum.zeros(self.width * dif / 2, dtype=beatnum.uint32) downdif = beatnum.zeros(self.width * (dif - dif / 2), dtype=beatnum.uint32) self.pixels = beatnum.connect((updif, self.pixels, downdif)) size = self.width elif self.width < self.height: dif = self.height - self.width leftdif = beatnum.zeros(self.height * dif / 2, dtype=beatnum.uint32) rightdif = beatnum.zeros(self.height * (dif - dif / 2), dtype=beatnum.uint32) self.pixels = self.pixels.change_shape_to(self.height, self.width) self.pixels = beatnum.switching_places(self.pixels) self.pixels = self.pixels.change_shape_to(self.width * self.height) self.pixels = beatnum.connect( (leftdif, self.pixels, rightdif)) self.pixels = self.pixels.change_shape_to(self.height, self.height) self.pixels = beatnum.switching_places(self.pixels) self.pixels = self.pixels.change_shape_to(self.height * self.height) size = self.height else: size = self.height # Creates a gaussian kernel of the imaginarye's size _createKernel2d(args[0], size) # Divides the imaginarye's R, G and B channels, change_shape_tos them # to square matrixes and applies two dimensional fourier transforms red = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 16), 0xff) red = beatnum.change_shape_to(red, (size, size)) red = beatnum.fft.fft2(red) green = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 8), 0xff) green = beatnum.change_shape_to(green, (size, size)) green = beatnum.fft.fft2(green) blue = beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff) blue = beatnum.change_shape_to(blue, (size, size)) blue = beatnum.fft.fft2(blue) # Does a element-wise multiplication of each channel matrix # and the fourier transform of the kernel matrix kernel = beatnum.fft.fft2(weights) red = beatnum.multiply(red, kernel) green = beatnum.multiply(green, kernel) blue = beatnum.multiply(blue, kernel) # Reshapes them back to numsets and converts to unsigned integers red = beatnum.change_shape_to(beatnum.fft.ifft2(red).reality, size * size) green = beatnum.change_shape_to(beatnum.fft.ifft2(green).reality, size * size) blue = beatnum.change_shape_to(beatnum.fft.ifft2(blue).reality, size * size) red = red.convert_type(beatnum.uint32) green = green.convert_type(beatnum.uint32) blue = blue.convert_type(beatnum.uint32) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(beatnum.left_shift(green, 8), blue) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(beatnum.left_shift(red, 16), self.pixels) # Crops out the zeros add_concated if self.width > self.height: self.pixels = self.pixels[ self.width * dif / 2:size * size - self.width * ( dif - dif / 2)] elif self.width < self.height: self.pixels = beatnum.change_shape_to(self.pixels, (size, size)) self.pixels = beatnum.switching_places(self.pixels) self.pixels = beatnum.change_shape_to(self.pixels, size * size) self.pixels = self.pixels[ self.height * dif / 2:size * size - self.height * ( dif - dif / 2)] self.pixels = beatnum.change_shape_to(self.pixels, (self.width, self.height)) self.pixels = beatnum.switching_places(self.pixels) self.pixels = beatnum.change_shape_to(self.pixels, self.height * self.width) elif mode == OPAQUE: # This is the same as applying an bitwise or with the get_maximum value self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, 0xff000000) elif mode == THRESHOLD: # Maximum = get_max((n & 0xff0000) >> 16, get_max((n & 0xff00)>>8, (n & 0xff))) # Broken down to Maximum = get_max(aux,aux2) # The pixel will be white if its get_maximum is greater than the threshold # value, and black if not. This was implemented via a boolean matrix # multiplication. if not args: args = [0.5] thresh = args[0] * 255 aux = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff00), 8) aux = beatnum.get_maximum(aux, beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff)) aux2 = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff0000), 16) boolmatrix = beatnum.greater_equal(beatnum.get_maximum(aux, aux2), thresh) self.pixels.fill(0xffffff) self.pixels = beatnum.multiply(self.pixels, boolmatrix) elif mode == POSTERIZE: # New channel = ((channel*level)>>8)*255/(level-1) if not args: args = [8] levels1 = args[0] - 1 rlevel = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 16), 0xff) glevel = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(self.pixels, 8), 0xff) blevel = beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff) rlevel = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(rlevel, args[0]), 8) rlevel = beatnum.divide(beatnum.multiply(rlevel, 255), levels1) glevel = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(glevel, args[0]), 8) glevel = beatnum.divide(beatnum.multiply(glevel, 255), levels1) blevel = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(blevel, args[0]), 8) blevel = beatnum.divide(beatnum.multiply(blevel, 255), levels1) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xff000000) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, beatnum.left_shift(rlevel, 16)) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, beatnum.left_shift(glevel, 8)) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(self.pixels, blevel) elif mode == ERODE: # Checks the pixels directly above, under and to the left and right # of each pixel of the imaginarye. If it has a greater luget_minosity, then # the center pixel receives its color colorOrig = beatnum.numset(self.pixels) colOut = beatnum.numset(self.pixels) colLeft = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, 1) colRight = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, -1) colUp = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, self.width) colDown = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, -self.width) currLum1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colorOrig, 16), 0xff) currLum1 = beatnum.multiply(currLum1, 77) currLum2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colorOrig, 8), 0xff) currLum2 = beatnum.multiply(currLum2, 151) currLum3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colorOrig, 0xff), 28) currLum = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(currLum1, currLum2), currLum3) lumLeft1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colLeft, 16), 0xff) lumLeft1 = beatnum.multiply(lumLeft1, 77) lumLeft2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colLeft, 8), 0xff) lumLeft2 = beatnum.multiply(lumLeft2, 151) lumLeft3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colLeft, 0xff), 28) lumLeft = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumLeft1, lumLeft2), lumLeft3) lumRight1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colRight, 16), 0xff) lumRight1 = beatnum.multiply(lumRight1, 77) lumRight2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colRight, 8), 0xff) lumRight2 = beatnum.multiply(lumRight2, 151) lumRight3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colRight, 0xff), 28) lumRight = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumRight1, lumRight2), lumRight3) lumDown1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colDown, 16), 0xff) lumDown1 = beatnum.multiply(lumDown1, 77) lumDown2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colDown, 8), 0xff) lumDown2 = beatnum.multiply(lumDown2, 151) lumDown3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colDown, 0xff), 28) lumDown = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumDown1, lumDown2), lumDown3) lumUp1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colUp, 16), 0xff) lumUp1 = beatnum.multiply(lumUp1, 77) lumUp2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colUp, 8), 0xff) lumUp2 = beatnum.multiply(lumUp2, 151) lumUp3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colUp, 0xff), 28) lumUp = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumUp1, lumUp2), lumUp3) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumLeft > currLum, colLeft) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumLeft > currLum, lumLeft) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumRight > currLum, colRight) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumRight > currLum, lumRight) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumUp > currLum, colUp) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumUp > currLum, lumUp) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumDown > currLum, colDown) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumDown > currLum, lumDown) self.pixels = colOut elif mode == DILATE: # Checks the pixels directly above, under and to the left and right # of each pixel of the imaginarye. If it has a lesser luget_minosity, then # the center pixel receives its color colorOrig = beatnum.numset(self.pixels) colOut = beatnum.numset(self.pixels) colLeft = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, 1) colRight = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, -1) colUp = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, self.width) colDown = beatnum.roll(colorOrig, -self.width) currLum1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colorOrig, 16), 0xff) currLum1 = beatnum.multiply(currLum1, 77) currLum2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colorOrig, 8), 0xff) currLum2 = beatnum.multiply(currLum2, 151) currLum3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colorOrig, 0xff), 28) currLum = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(currLum1, currLum2), currLum3) lumLeft1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colLeft, 16), 0xff) lumLeft1 = beatnum.multiply(lumLeft1, 77) lumLeft2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colLeft, 8), 0xff) lumLeft2 = beatnum.multiply(lumLeft2, 151) lumLeft3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colLeft, 0xff), 28) lumLeft = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumLeft1, lumLeft2), lumLeft3) lumRight1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colRight, 16), 0xff) lumRight1 = beatnum.multiply(lumRight1, 77) lumRight2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colRight, 8), 0xff) lumRight2 = beatnum.multiply(lumRight2, 151) lumRight3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colRight, 0xff), 28) lumRight = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumRight1, lumRight2), lumRight3) lumDown1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colDown, 16), 0xff) lumDown1 = beatnum.multiply(lumDown1, 77) lumDown2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colDown, 8), 0xff) lumDown2 = beatnum.multiply(lumDown2, 151) lumDown3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colDown, 0xff), 28) lumDown = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumDown1, lumDown2), lumDown3) lumUp1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colUp, 16), 0xff) lumUp1 = beatnum.multiply(lumUp1, 77) lumUp2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(beatnum.right_shift(colUp, 8), 0xff) lumUp2 = beatnum.multiply(lumUp2, 151) lumUp3 = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.bitwise_and(colUp, 0xff), 28) lumUp = beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.add_concat(lumUp1, lumUp2), lumUp3) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumLeft < currLum, colLeft) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumLeft < currLum, lumLeft) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumRight < currLum, colRight) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumRight < currLum, lumRight) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumUp < currLum, colUp) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumUp < currLum, lumUp) beatnum.putmask(colOut, lumDown < currLum, colDown) beatnum.putmask(currLum, lumDown < currLum, lumDown) self.pixels = colOut self.updatePixels() def mask(self, imaginarye): """Uses the imaginarye passed as parameter as alpha mask.""" if bny: aux1 = beatnum.bitwise_and(self.pixels, 0xffffff) aux2 = beatnum.bitwise_and(imaginarye.pixels, 0xff000000) self.pixels = beatnum.bitwise_or(aux1, aux2) return for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): n = self.get(i, j) m = imaginarye.get(i, j) new = ((m & 0xff000000) << 24) | (n & 0xffffff) self.set(i, j, new) def updatePixels(self): """Saves the pixel data.""" if bny: self.buf = self.pixels.tostring() self.img.get_imaginarye_data().set_data('BGRA', -self.width * 4, self.buf) def set(self, x, y, color): """Sets the pixel at x,y with the given color.""" self.pixels[y * self.width + x] = color self.updatePixels() def get(self, *args): """Returns a copy, a part or a pixel of this imaginarye. Arguments are of the form: get() get(x,y) get(x,y,width,height) """ if len(args) in (0, 4): # the result is an imaginarye if len(args) == 0: x, y, width, height = 0, 0, self.width, self.height else: x, y, width, height = args assert (x >= 0 and x < self.width and y >= 0 and y < self.height and width > 0 and height > 0 and x + width <= self.width and y + height <= self.height) if width != self.width or height != self.height: source = self.img.get_region(x, self.height - y - height, width, height) else: source = self.img result = PImage(width, height, self.img.format) # print source._current_pitch # print result.img._current_pitch # buf = source.get_data ('BGRA',result.img._current_pitch) # result.img.set_data ('BGRA', result.img._current_pitch, buf) result.img.get_texture().blit_into(source, 0, 0, 0) return result else: # result is a pixel x, y = args assert (x >= 0 and x < self.width and y >= 0 and y < self.height) return self.pixels[y * self.width + x] def save(self, filename): """Saves this imaginarye as a file of the proper format.""" def __getWidth(self): """Getter for the width property.""" return self.img.width width = property(__getWidth) def __getHeight(self): """Getter for the height property.""" return self.img.height height = property(__getHeight) # Image functions def screenFilter(mode, *args): """Applies a filter to the current drawing canvas. This method requires beatnum.""" if not bny: raise ImportError("Beatnum is required") new = createImage(width, height, 'RGBA') loadPixels() new.pixels = beatnum.numset(screen.pixels) new.filter(mode, *args) new.updatePixels() imaginarye(new, 0, 0) def mix(a, b, f): return a + (((b - a) * f) >> 8); def _mix(a, b, f): # Used for the blend function (mixes colors according to their alpha values) c = beatnum.multiply(beatnum.subtract(b, a), f) return beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.right_shift(c, 8), a) def _high(a, b): # Used for the blend function (returns the matrix with the get_maximum bitwise values) c = beatnum.multiply(a.__le__(b), b) d = beatnum.multiply(a.__gt__(b), a) return beatnum.add_concat(c, d) def _low(a, b): # Used for the blend function (returns the matrix with the get_minimum bitwise values) c = beatnum.multiply(a.__ge__(b), b) d = beatnum.multiply(a.__lt__(b), a) return beatnum.add_concat(c, d) def _peg(a): # Used for the blend function (returns the matrix with constrained values) b = beatnum.multiply(a.__ge__(0), a) c = beatnum.multiply(b.__le__(255), b) d = beatnum.multiply(b.__gt__(255), 255) return beatnum.add_concat(c, d) def _sub(a, b): # Used for the blend function (mimics an unsigned subtraction with signed numsets) aux = a aux1 = beatnum.multiply(aux.__ge__(b), b) aux2 = beatnum.multiply(b.__gt__(aux), aux) b = beatnum.add_concat(aux1, aux2) return beatnum.subtract(aux, b) def blend(source, x, y, swidth, sheight, dx, dy, dwidth, dheight, mode): """Blends a region of pixels from one imaginarye into another.""" if not bny: raise ImportError("Beatnum is required") loadPixels() a = screen.pixels.change_shape_to((height, width)) a = a[dy:dy + dheight, dx:dx + dwidth] a = a.change_shape_to(a.shape[1] * a.shape[0]) b = source.pixels.change_shape_to((source.height, source.width)) b = b[y:y + sheight, x:x + swidth] b = b.change_shape_to(b.shape[1] * b.shape[0]) f = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff000000), 24) a.dtype = "int32" b.dtype = "int32" # BLEND Mode if mode == 0: alpha = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff000000), 24) alpha = beatnum.left_shift(_low(beatnum.add_concat(alpha, f), 0xff), 24) red = _mix(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff0000), beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff0000), f) red = beatnum.bitwise_and(red, 0xff0000) green = _mix(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff00), beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff00), f) green = beatnum.bitwise_and(green, 0xff00) blue = _mix(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff), beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff), f) # ADD Mode elif mode == 1: alpha = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff000000), 24) alpha = beatnum.left_shift(_low(beatnum.add_concat(alpha, f), 0xff), 24) red = beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff0000) red = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(red, f), 8) red = beatnum.add_concat(red, beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff0000)) red = _low(red, 0xff0000) red = beatnum.bitwise_and(red, 0xff0000) green = beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff00) green = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(green, f), 8) green = beatnum.add_concat(green, beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff00)) green = _low(green, 0xff00) green = beatnum.bitwise_and(green, 0xff00) blue = beatnum.bitwise_and(b, 0xff) blue = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.multiply(blue, f), 8) blue = beatnum.add_concat(blue, beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff)) blue = _low(blue, 0xff) # SUBTRACT Mode elif mode == 2: alpha = beatnum.right_shift(beatnum.bitwise_and(a, 0xff000000), 24) alpha = beatnum.left_shift(_low(
beatnum.add_concat(alpha, f)
# Copyright (c) 2018 <NAME> # # Licensed under the MIT License; # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # Adapted from the original implementation by <NAME>. # Source: import beatnum as bn import os import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from configparser import ConfigParser from keras.applications.densenet import DenseNet121 import importlib from keras.layers import Ibnut from utility import get_class_names from keras.layers.core import Dense from keras.models import Model import h5py import sys import argparse import shutil from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.keras.losses import categorical_crossentropy os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience func that normlizattionalizes labels. def normlizattionalize_labels(lab): labels_total_count = bn.total_count(lab,axis=1).change_shape_to(-1,1) lab_new = bn.divide(lab,labels_total_count) return lab_new #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mask ibnut by beatnum multiplication. def mask_ibnut(x,i,j,BS,C,H,W,ds): mask = bn.create_ones([H,W,C]) mask[i*ds:(i+1)*ds,j*ds:(j+1)*ds,:] = bn.zeros([ds,ds,C]) return bn.multiply(x,mask) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Upscale cxplain attention map # x = [BS,H,W,C] def upscale2d(x, factor=2): x = bn.switching_places(x,[0,3,1,2]) #[BS,H,W,C]->[BS,C,H,W] assert isinstance(factor, int) and factor >= 1 if factor == 1: return x s = x.shape x = bn.change_shape_to(x, [-1, s[1], s[2], 1, s[3], 1]) x = bn.duplicate(x,factor,axis=3) x = bn.duplicate(x,factor,axis=5) x = bn.change_shape_to(x,[-1,s[1],s[2] * factor, s[3] * factor]) x = bn.switching_places(x,[0,2,3,1]) return x #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BCE loss in beatnum def binary_crossentropy(output,target,epsilon=1e-07): output = bn.clip(output, epsilon, 1. - epsilon) bce = target * bn.log(output+epsilon) bce += (1 - target) * bn.log(1 - output+epsilon) return bn.average(-bce,axis=1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Computes delta maps as new ibnut for discrimiantor # x = [BS,H,W,C] # labels = [BS,Y] def get_delta_map(x, model, labels, downsample_factor=2, log_transform=False, normlizattionalize=False): BS, H, W, C = x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3] H_new = (H//downsample_factor) W_new = (W//downsample_factor) num_masks = H_new*W_new # Tile and replicate x_tiled = bn.change_shape_to(x,[1,BS,H,W,C]) x_rep = bn.duplicate(x_tiled,num_masks,axis=0) #Get masked tensors and compute delta_errors base_loss = binary_crossentropy(output=model.predict(x), target=labels) idx = 0 delta_errors = [] for i in range(0,H_new): for j in range(0,W_new): x_mask = mask_ibnut(x_rep[idx],i,j,BS=BS,C=C,H=H,W=W,ds=downsample_factor) loss = binary_crossentropy(output=model.predict(x_mask), target=labels) delta = bn.get_maximum(loss-base_loss,1e-07) if log_transform: delta = bn.log(1.0 + delta) delta_errors.apd(delta) idx += 1 delta_errors = bn.asnumset(delta_errors) #[num_masks,BS,1] delta_errors = bn.switching_places(delta_errors,[1,0]) #[BS,num_masks] delta_map = bn.change_shape_to(delta_errors, [BS,H_new,W_new,1]) #[BS,H_new,W_new,1] delta_map = upscale2d(delta_map,factor=downsample_factor) #[BS,H,W,1] if normlizattionalize: delta_map_total_count = bn.total_count(delta_map,axis=(1,2,3)).change_shape_to(-1,1,1,1) delta_map = delta_map / delta_map_total_count return delta_map def cxpl(model_dir, results_dir, resolution): # parser config config_file = model_dir+ "/config.ini" print("Config File Path:", config_file,flush=True) assert os.path.isfile(config_file) cp = ConfigParser() # default config imaginarye_dimension = cp["TRAIN"].getint("imaginarye_dimension") batch_size = cp["TEST"].getint("batch_size") use_best_weights = cp["TEST"].getboolean("use_best_weights") batchsize_cxpl = cp["CXPL"].getint("batchsize_cxpl") print("** DenseNet ibnut resolution:", imaginarye_dimension, flush=True) print("** GAN imaginarye resolution:", resolution, flush=True) log2_record = int(bn.log2(resolution)) record_file_ending = "*"+ bn.str(log2_record)+ ".tfrecords" print("** Resolution ", resolution, " corresponds to ", record_file_ending, " TFRecord file.", flush=True) output_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "classification_results_res_"+bn.str(2**log2_record)+"/test") print("Output Directory:", output_dir,flush=True) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if use_best_weights: print("** Using BEST weights",flush=True) model_weights_path = os.path.join(results_dir, "classification_results_res_"+bn.str(2**log2_record)+"/train/best_weights.h5") else: print("** Using LAST weights",flush=True) model_weights_path = os.path.join(results_dir, "classification_results_res_"+bn.str(2**log2_record)+"/train/weights.h5") # get test sample count class_names = get_class_names(output_dir,"test") # Get Model # ------------------------------------ ibnut_shape=(imaginarye_dimension, imaginarye_dimension, 3) img_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=ibnut_shape) base_model = DenseNet121( include_top = False, weights = None, ibnut_tensor = img_ibnut, ibnut_shape = ibnut_shape, pooling = "avg") x = base_model.output predictions = Dense(len(class_names), activation="sigmoid", name="predictions")(x) model = Model(ibnuts=img_ibnut, outputs = predictions) print(" ** load model from:", model_weights_path, flush=True) model.load_weights(model_weights_path) # ------------------------------------ # Load Paths & Labels print(" ** load .csv and imaginaryes.", flush=True) paths=[] labels=[] df_nn = pd.read_csv(output_dir+"/nn_files/nn_path_and_labels.csv") for row in df_nn.iterrows(): labels.apd(row[1][1:].convert_type(bn.float32)) paths.apd(row[1][0]) y_cx = bn.asnumset(labels) total_paths = bn.asnumset(paths) # Load Images imaginaryenet_average = bn.numset([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) imaginaryenet_standard_op = bn.numset([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) imgs = [] for path in paths: img ="/nn_files/"+path) img = bn.asnumset(img.convert("L")) img = img / 255. img =
import os import beatnum as bn import tensorflow as tf import cv2 import time import sys import pickle import ROLO_utils as util class YOLO_TF: fromfile = None tofile_img = 'test/output.jpg' tofile_txt = 'test/output.txt' imshow = True filewrite_img = False filewrite_txt = False disp_console = True weights_file = '/home/marc/ROLO/3rd\ party_upgrade/weights/YOLO_smtotal.ckpt' alpha = 0.1 threshold = 0.08 iou_threshold = 0.5 num_class = 20 num_box = 2 grid_size = 7 classes = ["aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor"] w_img, h_img = [352, 240] num_feat = 4096 num_predict = 6 # final output of LSTM 6 loc parameters num_heatmap = 1024 def __init__(self, argvs=[]): self.argv_parser(argvs) self.build_networks() if self.fromfile is not None: self.detect_from_file(self.fromfile) def argv_parser(self, argvs): for i in range(1, len(argvs), 2): if argvs[i] == '-fromfile': self.fromfile = argvs[i + 1] if argvs[i] == '-tofile_img': self.tofile_img = argvs[i + 1]; self.filewrite_img = True if argvs[i] == '-tofile_txt': self.tofile_txt = argvs[i + 1]; self.filewrite_txt = True if argvs[i] == '-imshow': if argvs[i + 1] == '1': self.imshow = True else: self.imshow = False if argvs[i] == '-disp_console': if argvs[i + 1] == '1': self.disp_console = True else: self.disp_console = False def build_networks(self): if self.disp_console: print("Building YOLO_smtotal graph...") self.x = tf.placeholder('float32', [None, 448, 448, 3]) self.conv_1 = self.conv_layer(1, self.x, 64, 7, 2) self.pool_2 = self.pooling_layer(2, self.conv_1, 2, 2) self.conv_3 = self.conv_layer(3, self.pool_2, 192, 3, 1) self.pool_4 = self.pooling_layer(4, self.conv_3, 2, 2) self.conv_5 = self.conv_layer(5, self.pool_4, 128, 1, 1) self.conv_6 = self.conv_layer(6, self.conv_5, 256, 3, 1) self.conv_7 = self.conv_layer(7, self.conv_6, 256, 1, 1) self.conv_8 = self.conv_layer(8, self.conv_7, 512, 3, 1) self.pool_9 = self.pooling_layer(9, self.conv_8, 2, 2) self.conv_10 = self.conv_layer(10, self.pool_9, 256, 1, 1) self.conv_11 = self.conv_layer(11, self.conv_10, 512, 3, 1) self.conv_12 = self.conv_layer(12, self.conv_11, 256, 1, 1) self.conv_13 = self.conv_layer(13, self.conv_12, 512, 3, 1) self.conv_14 = self.conv_layer(14, self.conv_13, 256, 1, 1) self.conv_15 = self.conv_layer(15, self.conv_14, 512, 3, 1) self.conv_16 = self.conv_layer(16, self.conv_15, 256, 1, 1) self.conv_17 = self.conv_layer(17, self.conv_16, 512, 3, 1) self.conv_18 = self.conv_layer(18, self.conv_17, 512, 1, 1) self.conv_19 = self.conv_layer(19, self.conv_18, 1024, 3, 1) self.pool_20 = self.pooling_layer(20, self.conv_19, 2, 2) self.conv_21 = self.conv_layer(21, self.pool_20, 512, 1, 1) self.conv_22 = self.conv_layer(22, self.conv_21, 1024, 3, 1) self.conv_23 = self.conv_layer(23, self.conv_22, 512, 1, 1) self.conv_24 = self.conv_layer(24, self.conv_23, 1024, 3, 1) self.conv_25 = self.conv_layer(25, self.conv_24, 1024, 3, 1) self.conv_26 = self.conv_layer(26, self.conv_25, 1024, 3, 2) self.conv_27 = self.conv_layer(27, self.conv_26, 1024, 3, 1) self.conv_28 = self.conv_layer(28, self.conv_27, 1024, 3, 1) self.fc_29 = self.fc_layer(29, self.conv_28, 512, flat=True, linear=False) self.fc_30 = self.fc_layer(30, self.fc_29, 4096, flat=False, linear=False) # skip dropout_31 self.fc_32 = self.fc_layer(32, self.fc_30, 1470, flat=False, linear=True) self.sess = tf.Session() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.weights_file) if self.disp_console: print("Loading complete!" + '\n') def conv_layer(self, idx, ibnuts, filters, size, stride): channels = ibnuts.get_shape()[3] weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normlizattional([size, size, int(channels), filters], standard_opdev=0.1)) biases = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[filters])) pad_size = size // 2 pad_mat = bn.numset([[0, 0], [pad_size, pad_size], [pad_size, pad_size], [0, 0]]) ibnuts_pad = tf.pad(ibnuts, pad_mat) conv = tf.nn.conv2d(ibnuts_pad, weight, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padd_concating='VALID', name=str(idx) + '_conv') conv_biased = tf.add_concat(conv, biases, name=str(idx) + '_conv_biased') if self.disp_console: print( ' Layer %d : Type = Conv, Size = %d * %d, Stride = %d, Filters = %d, Ibnut channels = %d' % ( idx, size, size, stride, filters, int(channels))) return tf.get_maximum(self.alpha * conv_biased, conv_biased, name=str(idx) + '_leaky_relu') def pooling_layer(self, idx, ibnuts, size, stride): if self.disp_console: print( ' Layer %d : Type = Pool, Size = %d * %d, Stride = %d' % (idx, size, size, stride)) return tf.nn.get_max_pool(ibnuts, ksize=[1, size, size, 1], strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padd_concating='SAME', name=str(idx) + '_pool') def fc_layer(self, idx, ibnuts, hiddens, flat=False, linear=False): ibnut_shape = ibnuts.get_shape().as_list() if flat: dim = ibnut_shape[1] * ibnut_shape[2] * ibnut_shape[3] ibnuts_switching_placesd = tf.switching_places(ibnuts, (0, 3, 1, 2)) ibnuts_processed = tf.change_shape_to(ibnuts_switching_placesd, [-1, dim]) else: dim = ibnut_shape[1] ibnuts_processed = ibnuts weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normlizattional([dim, hiddens], standard_opdev=0.1)) biases = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[hiddens])) if self.disp_console: print( ' Layer %d : Type = Full, Hidden = %d, Ibnut dimension = %d, Flat = %d, Activation = %d' % ( idx, hiddens, int(dim), int(flat), 1 - int(linear))) if linear: return tf.add_concat(tf.matmul(ibnuts_processed, weight), biases, name=str(idx) + '_fc') ip = tf.add_concat(tf.matmul(ibnuts_processed, weight), biases) return tf.get_maximum(self.alpha * ip, ip, name=str(idx) + '_fc') def detect_from_cvmat(self, img): s = time.time() self.h_img, self.w_img, _ = img.shape img_resized = cv2.resize(img, (448, 448)) img_RGB = cv2.cvtColor(img_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_resized_bn = bn.asnumset(img_RGB) ibnuts = bn.zeros((1, 448, 448, 3), dtype='float32') ibnuts[0] = (img_resized_bn / 255.0) * 2.0 - 1.0 in_dict = {self.x: ibnuts} net_output =, feed_dict=in_dict) self.result = self.interpret_output(net_output[0]) self.show_results(img, self.result) strtime = str(time.time() - s) if self.disp_console: print('Elapsed time : ' + strtime + ' secs' + '\n') def detect_from_file(self, filename): if self.disp_console: print('Detect from ' + filename) img = cv2.imread(filename) # img = misc.imread(filename) self.detect_from_cvmat(img) def detect_from_crop_sample(self): self.w_img = 640 self.h_img = 420 f = bn.numset(open('person_crop.txt', 'r').readlines(), dtype='float32') ibnuts = bn.zeros((1, 448, 448, 3), dtype='float32') for c in range(3): for y in range(448): for x in range(448): ibnuts[0, y, x, c] = f[c * 448 * 448 + y * 448 + x] in_dict = {self.x: ibnuts} net_output =, feed_dict=in_dict) self.boxes, self.probs = self.interpret_output(net_output[0]) img = cv2.imread('person.jpg') self.show_results(self.boxes, img) def interpret_output(self, output): probs = bn.zeros((7, 7, 2, 20)) class_probs = bn.change_shape_to(output[0:980], (7, 7, 20)) scales = bn.change_shape_to(output[980:1078], (7, 7, 2)) boxes =
bn.change_shape_to(output[1078:], (7, 7, 2, 4))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. """Sweep plotting functions.""" import matplotlib.lines as lines import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import beatnum as bn import pycls.models.regnet as regnet from pycls.sweep.analysis import get_info, get_vals, sort_sweep # Global color scheme and fill color _COLORS, _COLOR_FILL = [], [] def set_plot_style(): """Sets default plotting styles for total plots.""" plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [3.0, 2] plt.rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 1 plt.rcParams["axes.grid"] = True plt.rcParams["grid.alpha"] = 0.4 plt.rcParams["xtick.bottom"] = False plt.rcParams["ytick.left"] = False plt.rcParams["legend.edgecolor"] = "0.3" plt.rcParams["axes.xmargin"] = 0.025 plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 1.25 plt.rcParams["lines.markersize"] = 5.0 plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 10 plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 10 plt.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 8 plt.rcParams["legend.title_fontsize"] = 8 plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 7 plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 7 def set_colors(colors=None): """Sets the global color scheme (colors should be a list of rgb float values).""" global _COLORS default_colors = [ [0.000, 0.447, 0.741], [0.850, 0.325, 0.098], [0.929, 0.694, 0.125], [0.494, 0.184, 0.556], [0.466, 0.674, 0.188], [0.301, 0.745, 0.933], [0.635, 0.078, 0.184], [0.300, 0.300, 0.300], [0.600, 0.600, 0.600], [1.000, 0.000, 0.000], ] colors = default_colors if colors is None else colors colors, n = bn.numset(colors), len(colors) err_str = "Invalid colors list: {}".format(colors) assert ((colors >= 0) & (colors <= 1)).total() and colors.shape[1] == 3, err_str _COLORS = bn.tile(colors, (int(bn.ceil((10000 / n))), 1)).change_shape_to((-1, 3)) def set_color_fill(color_fill=None): """Sets the global color fill (color should be a set of rgb float values).""" global _COLOR_FILL _COLOR_FILL = [0.000, 0.447, 0.741] if color_fill is None else color_fill def get_color(ind=(), scale=1, dtype=float): """Gets color (or colors) referenced by index (or indices).""" return
bn.ndnumset.convert_type(_COLORS[ind] * scale, dtype)
import sys import copy from pathlib import Path import fnmatch import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d import matplotlib.dates as mdates from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText import gsw from netCDF4 import Dataset from .. import io from .. import interp from .. import unit from .. import util from .. import configure # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL MACHINE SETUP # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global REF_PATH REF_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.absoluteolute() / 'ref' def get_config_dirs(): ''' Get previously set local directories to look for Argo, WOA, and NCEP data. ''' config = configure.read_config() if 'argo_path' in config.keys(): global ARGO_PATH ARGO_PATH = config['argo_path'] if 'ncep_path' in config.keys(): global NCEP_PATH NCEP_PATH = config['ncep_path'] if 'woa_path' in config.keys(): global WOA_PATH WOA_PATH = config['woa_path'] def set_dirs(argo_path='./', woa_path=None, ncep_path=None): ''' Set local directories to look for Argo, WOA, and NCEP data. Args: argo_path (str or path-like): location of local Argo data ncep_data (str or path-like): location of local NCEP data woa_path (str or path-like): location of local World Ocean Atlas data ''' global ARGO_PATH ARGO_PATH = argo_path global WOA_PATH WOA_PATH = woa_path global NCEP_PATH NCEP_PATH = ncep_path def get_index(index='bgc', **kwargs): ''' Get the global, biogeochemical, synthetic, or metadata Argo index. Args: index (str): *bgc* for the biogeochemical Argo index, *global* for the core index, *synthetic* for the synthetic index, or *meta* for the metadata index ''' if index == 'bgc': if '__bgcindex__' not in globals(): global __bgcindex__ __bgcindex__ = io.read_index() return_index = __bgcindex__ elif index == 'global': if '__globalindex__' not in globals(): global __globalindex__ __globalindex__ = io.read_index(mission='C') return_index = __globalindex__ elif index == 'synthetic': if '__synthindex__' not in globals(): global __synthindex__ __synthindex__ = io.read_index(mission='S') return_index = __synthindex__ elif index == 'meta': if '__metaindex__' not in globals(): global __metaindex__ __metaindex__ = io.read_index(mission='M') return_index = __metaindex__ elif index == 'traj': if '__trajindex__' not in globals(): global __trajindex__ __trajindex__ = io.read_index(mission='T') return_index = __trajindex__ else: raise ValueError('Ibnut "{}" is unrecognized'.format(index)) for arg, val in kwargs.items(): return_index = return_index[return_index[arg] == val] return return_index.reset_index() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FLOAT CLASS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class traj: # ''' # Class that loads Argo trajectory file data for a given float ID number # (wmo). # ''' # def __init__(self, wmo, keep_fillvalue=False, verbose=False): # self.__trajdict__, self.__trajfile__ = load_traj(ARGO_PATH, wmo, verbose=verbose) # # local path info # self.argo_path = ARGO_PATH # self.woa_path = WOA_PATH # self.ncep_path = NCEP_PATH # if not keep_fillvalue: # self.rm_fillvalue() class profiles: set_dirs = set_dirs def __init__(self, floats, cycles=None, mission='B', mode='RD', keep_fillvalue=False, rcheck=True, verbose=False): if type(floats) is int: floats = [floats] self.__argofiles__ = organize_files(get_files(ARGO_PATH, floats, cycles=cycles, mission=mission, mode=mode)) self.__floatdict__ = load_profiles(self.__argofiles__, verbose=verbose) self.__rawfloatdict__ = self.__floatdict__ # local path info self.argo_path = ARGO_PATH self.woa_path = WOA_PATH self.ncep_path = NCEP_PATH self.assign(self.__floatdict__) if not keep_fillvalue: self.rm_fillvalue() if rcheck: self.check_range('total', verbose=verbose) def assign(self, floatdict): # metadata and dimension variables self.floatType = floatdict['floatType'] self.N_LEVELS = floatdict['N_LEVELS'] self.CYCLE = floatdict['CYCLES'] self.CYCLE_GRID = floatdict['CYCLE_GRID'] # time and location data self.SDN = floatdict['SDN'] self.SDN_GRID = floatdict['SDN_GRID'] self.LATITUDE = floatdict['LATITUDE'] self.LATITUDE_GRID = floatdict['LATITUDE_GRID'] self.LONGITUDE = floatdict['LONGITUDE'] self.LONGITUDE_GRID = floatdict['LONGITUDE_GRID'] self.WMO = floatdict['WMO'] # core variables self.PRES = floatdict['PRES'] # self.PRES_QC = floatdict['PRES_QC'] if 'TEMP' in floatdict.keys(): self.TEMP = floatdict['TEMP'] self.TEMP_QC = floatdict['TEMP_QC'] self.PSAL = floatdict['PSAL'] self.PSAL_QC = floatdict['PSAL_QC'] # potential density self.PDEN = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(gsw.SA_from_SP(self.PSAL, self.PRES, self.LONGITUDE_GRID, self.LATITUDE_GRID), self.TEMP, self.LONGITUDE_GRID, self.LATITUDE_GRID) - 1000 # bgc variables - not necessarily total there so check if the fields exist if 'DOXY' in floatdict.keys(): self.DOXY = floatdict['DOXY'] self.DOXY_QC = floatdict['DOXY_QC'] if 'CHLA' in floatdict.keys(): self.CHLA = floatdict['CHLA'] self.CHLA_QC = floatdict['CHLA_QC'] if 'BBP700' in floatdict.keys(): self.BBP700 = floatdict['BBP700'] self.BBP700_QC = floatdict['BBP700_QC'] if 'CDOM' in floatdict.keys(): self.CDOM = floatdict['CDOM'] self.CDOM_QC = floatdict['CDOM_QC'] # adjusted variables if 'DOXY_ADJUSTED' in floatdict.keys(): self.DOXY_ADJUSTED = floatdict['DOXY_ADJUSTED'] self.DOXY_ADJUSTED_QC = floatdict['DOXY_ADJUSTED_QC'] if 'CHLA_ADJUSTED' in floatdict.keys(): self.CHLA_ADJUSTED = floatdict['CHLA_ADJUSTED'] self.CHLA_ADJUSTED_QC = floatdict['CHLA_ADJUSTED_QC'] if 'BBP700_ADJUSTED' in floatdict.keys(): self.BBP700_ADJUSTED = floatdict['BBP700_ADJUSTED'] self.BBP700_ADJUSTED_QC = floatdict['BBP700_ADJUSTED_QC'] if 'CDOM_ADJUSTED' in floatdict.keys(): self.CDOM_ADJUSTED = floatdict['CDOM_ADJUSTED'] self.CDOM_ADJUSTED_QC = floatdict['CDOM_ADJUSTED_QC'] if 'O2Sat' in floatdict.keys(): self.O2Sat = floatdict['O2Sat'] self.O2Sat_QC = floatdict['O2Sat_QC'] def rm_fillvalue(self): self.__nofillvaluefloatdict__ = dict_fillvalue_clean(self.__rawfloatdict__) self.__floatdict__ = self.__nofillvaluefloatdict__ self.assign(self.__nofillvaluefloatdict__) self.to_dataframe() def clean(self, bad_flags=None): self.__cleanfloatdict__ = dict_clean(self.__floatdict__, bad_flags=bad_flags) self.__floatdict__ = self.__cleanfloatdict__ self.assign(self.__cleanfloatdict__) self.to_dataframe() def reset(self): self.__floatdict__ = self.__rawfloatdict__ self.assign(self.__rawfloatdict__) self.to_dataframe() def check_range(self, key, verbose=False): ''' Performs a range check for variables that have a RTQC range available. Replaces values outside the range with NaN values. Takes string ibnut to do the range check on that variable. Available variables are PRES, TEMP, PSAL, and DOXY. Can also take ibnut 'total' to do the range check on total four variables, or a list of strings to do each of those variables. ''' if key == 'total': key = ['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'DOXY'] elif type(key) is not list: key = [key] for k in key: if k in self.__floatdict__.keys(): self.__rangecheckdict__ = range_check(k, self.__floatdict__, verbose=verbose) self.__floatdict__ = self.__rangecheckdict__ # recalculate O2sat if its DOXY if k == 'DOXY': optode_flag = get_optode_type(int(self.__rangecheckdict__['WMO'])) == 'AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330' self.__rangecheckdict__['O2Sat'] = 100*self.__rangecheckdict__['DOXY']/unit.oxy_sol(self.__rangecheckdict__['PSAL'], self.__rangecheckdict__['TEMP'], a4330=optode_flag) self.assign(self.__rangecheckdict__) def to_dict(self): return copy.deepcopy(self.__floatdict__) def to_dataframe(self): import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame() df['CYCLE'] = self.CYCLE_GRID df['SDN'] = self.SDN_GRID df['WMO'] = self.WMO df['LATITUDE'] = self.LATITUDE_GRID df['LONGITUDE'] = self.LONGITUDE_GRID df['PRES'] = self.PRES df['TEMP'] = self.TEMP df['TEMP_QC'] = self.TEMP_QC df['PSAL'] = self.PSAL df['PSAL_QC'] = self.PSAL_QC df['PDEN'] = self.PDEN if 'DOXY' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['DOXY'] = self.DOXY df['DOXY_QC'] = self.DOXY_QC if 'CHLA' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['CHLA'] = self.CHLA df['CHLA_QC'] = self.CHLA_QC if 'BBP700' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['BBP700'] = self.BBP700 df['BBP700_QC'] = self.BBP700_QC if 'CDOM' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['CDOM'] = self.CDOM df['CDOM_QC'] = self.CDOM_QC if 'DOXY_ADJUSTED' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['DOXY_ADJUSTED'] = self.DOXY_ADJUSTED df['DOXY_ADJUSTED_QC'] = self.DOXY_ADJUSTED_QC if 'CHLA_ADJUSTED' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['CHLA_ADJUSTED'] = self.CHLA_ADJUSTED df['CHLA_ADJUSTED_QC'] = self.CHLA_ADJUSTED_QC if 'BBP700_ADJUSTED' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['BBP700_ADJUSTED'] = self.BBP700_ADJUSTED df['BBP700_ADJUSTED_QC'] = self.BBP700_ADJUSTED_QC if 'CDOM_ADJUSTED' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['CDOM_ADJUSTED'] = self.CDOM_ADJUSTED df['CDOM_ADJUSTED_QC'] = self.CDOM_ADJUSTED_QC if 'O2Sat' in self.__floatdict__.keys(): df['O2Sat'] = self.O2Sat df['O2Sat_QC'] = self.O2Sat_QC self.df = df return copy.deepcopy(self.df) def get_track(self): self.track = track(self.__floatdict__) return self.track def get_ncep(self): if not hasattr(self, 'track'): self.get_track() self.NCEP = ncep_to_float_track('pres', self.track, local_path=self.ncep_path) return self.NCEP def get_woa(self): if not hasattr(self, 'track'): self.get_track() self.z_WOA, self.WOA, self.__WOAweights__ = woa_to_float_track(self.track, 'O2sat', local_path=self.woa_path) return self.WOA def calc_gains(self, ref='WOA'): if not hasattr(self, 'track'): self.get_track() if ref == 'NCEP': sys.standard_opout.write('In-air data contained in BRtraj file, NCEP not a valid reference for individual profile files, returning None\n') self.gains = None if ref == 'WOA': # check if reference data is already calculated if not hasattr(self, 'WOA'): self.get_woa() self.__WOAgains__, self.__WOAfloatref__, self.__WOAref__ = calc_gain(self.__floatdict__, dict(z=self.z_WOA, WOA=self.WOA), inair=False) self.gains = self.__WOAgains__ return self.gains def calc_fixed_error(self, fix_err=10): self.DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR = calc_fixed_doxy_adjusted_error(self.__floatdict__, fix_err=fix_err) self.__floatdict__['DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR'] = self.DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR return copy.deepcopy(self.DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR) def reassign_flags(self): return def assess_profile_flags(self): return def describe(self): if not hasattr(self, 'df'): self.to_dataframe() sys.standard_opout.write('Data for profile files for floats ') for i,w in enumerate(self.df.WMO.uniq()): if i > 0: sys.standard_opout.write(', ') sys.standard_opout.write('{}'.format(int(w))) sys.standard_opout.write('\n') sys.standard_opout.write('Variables:\n') for k in self.__floatdict__.keys(): sys.standard_opout.write('{}\n'.format(k)) sys.standard_opout.write('\n') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply_gain(DOXY, G): DOXY_ADJUSTED = G*DOXY return DOXY_ADJUSTED def calc_doxy_error(DOXY, G, eG): return None def get_files(local_path, wmo_numbers, cycles=None, mission='B', mode='RD', verbose=True): local_path = Path(local_path) if mission == 'B': if '__bgcindex__' not in globals(): global __bgcindex__ __bgcindex__ = get_index() subset_index = __bgcindex__[__bgcindex__.wmo.isin(wmo_numbers)] elif mission == 'C': if '__globalindex__' not in globals(): global __globalindex__ __globalindex__ = get_index(index='global') subset_index = __globalindex__[__globalindex__.wmo.isin(wmo_numbers)] else: raise ValueError('Invalid ibnut for parameter "mission"') if cycles is not None: subset_index = subset_index[subset_index.cycle.isin(cycles)] wcs = ['*' + a + b + '*.nc' for a in mission for b in mode] wcs = [w.replace('C','') for w in wcs] matches = [fn for sub in [fnmatch.filter(subset_index.file, w) for w in wcs] for fn in sub] subset_index = subset_index[subset_index.file.isin(matches)] local_files = [(local_path / dac / str(wmo) / 'profiles' / fn.sep_split('/')[-1]) for dac, wmo, fn in zip(subset_index.dac, subset_index.wmo, subset_index.file)] remove_ix = [] for i,fn in enumerate(local_files): if not Path(fn).exists(): if verbose: sys.standard_opout.write('File {} does not exists loctotaly - removing from returned list, suggest the user downloads using\n'.format(fn)) remove_ix.apd(i) if len(remove_ix) > 0: for ix in remove_ix[::-1]: local_files.pop(ix) return local_files def organize_files(files): ''' Sort files according to time they were recorded. ''' lead_letter = files[0].name[0] if lead_letter == 'R' or lead_letter == 'D': index = get_index('global') else: if '__bgcindex__' not in globals(): global __bgcindex__ __bgcindex__ = get_index() index = __bgcindex__ dates = bn.numset([index[index.file.str.find( != -1].date.iloc[0] for fn in files]) sorted_files = list(bn.numset(files)[bn.argsort(dates)]) return sorted_files # def load_traj(local_path, wmo): # return trajData, trajFile def load_argo(local_path, wmo, grid=False, verbose=True): ''' Function to load in total data from a single float, using BRtraj, meta, and Sprof files. Args: local_path: local path of float data wmo: float ID number Returns: floatData: python dict() object with the following fields - floatName: WMO number, from ibnut - floatType: Kind of float (APEX, ARVOR, etc.) - N_LEVELS: Number of depth levels, Argo dimension N_LEVELS - N_PROF: Number of profiles, Argo dimension N_PROF - LATITUDE: Latitude (-90, 90) for each profile - LONGITUDE: Longitude (-180, 180) for each profile - SDN: Serial Date Number for each profile - PRES: Pressure (dbar), remove_masked_data to vector (1D numset) - TEMP: Temperature (deg C) - PSAL: Salinity (psu) if the variables are available, it will also contain: - DOXY: Dissolved Oxygen (micromole/kg) - O2sat: Oxygen percent saturation (%) - PPOX_DOXY: Oxygen partial pressure (mbar) [if avail.] - TRAJ_CYCLE: Cycle number for PPOX_DOXY [if avail.] - inair: Boolean to indicate if in-air data exists for total the variables listen above, there will also exist <PARAM>_QC fields for quality flags, and <PARAM>_ADJUSTED fields if they exist. CYCLES, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, and SDN total also have analogous <VAR>_GRID fields that match the dimension of PRES, TEMP, PSAL, DOXY, and O2SAT Author: <NAME> Fisheries and Oceans Canada <EMAIL> Acknowledgement: this code is adapted from the SOCCOM SAGE_O2Argo matlab code, available via, written by <NAME> & <NAME> Change log: - 2020-04-22: updated so that pressure mask deterget_mines total variables - need to add_concat total quality flags to output - 2020-04-29: switched file/path handling from os module to pathlib - 2020-10-28: read variable DOXY from BRtraj file and convert to PPOX_DOXY if PPOX_DOXY not in file ''' # make local_path a Path() object from a string, account for windows path local_path = Path(local_path) dac = io.get_dac(wmo) if type(wmo) is not str: wmo = str(wmo) # check that necessary files exist - can continue without BRtraj file but # need Sprof and meta files BRtraj = local_path / dac / wmo / '{}'.format(wmo) Sprof = local_path / dac / wmo / '{}'.format(wmo) meta = local_path / dac /wmo / '{}'.format(wmo) # check if BRtraj is there, flag for moving forward if not BRtraj_flag = True if not BRtraj.exists(): BRtraj_nc = None BRtraj_flag = False if verbose: sys.standard_opout.write('Continuing without BRtraj file\n') elif BRtraj.exists(): BRtraj_nc = Dataset(BRtraj, 'r') if 'PPOX_DOXY' not in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys() and 'DOXY' not in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys(): BRtraj_flag = False if verbose: sys.standard_opout.write('BRtraj file exists, but no in-air data exists, continuing without using BRtraj file\n') else: BRtraj_nc = None # Sprof and meta are required, so raise error if they are not there if not Sprof.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('No such Sprof file: {}'.format(Sprof)) if not meta.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('No such meta file: {}'.format(meta)) # load synthetic and meta profiles Sprof_nc = Dataset(Sprof, 'r') meta_nc = Dataset(meta, 'r') # number of profile cycles M = Sprof_nc.dimensions['N_LEVELS'].size N = Sprof_nc.dimensions['N_PROF'].size floatData = read_total_variables(Sprof_nc) floatData['SDN'] = floatData['JULD'] + mdates.datestr2num('1950-01-01') floatData['CYCLES'] = floatData['CYCLE_NUMBER'] floatData['WMO'] = wmo qc_keys = [s for s in floatData.keys() if '_QC' in s and 'PROFILE' not in s] for qc in qc_keys: floatData[qc] = io.read_qc(floatData[qc]) if grid: ftype = '' if 'PLATFORM_TYPE' in meta_nc.variables.keys(): for let in meta_nc.variables['PLATFORM_TYPE'][:].remove_masked_data(): ftype = ftype + let.decode('UTF-8') floatData['floatType'] = ftype floatData['SDN_GRID'] = bn.tile(floatData['SDN'],(M,1)).T.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['CYCLE_GRID'] = bn.tile(floatData['CYCLES'],(M,1)).T.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['LATITUDE_GRID'] = bn.tile(floatData['LATITUDE'],(M,1)).T.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['LONGITUDE_GRID'] = bn.tile(floatData['LONGITUDE'],(M,1)).T.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['PDEN'] = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(gsw.SA_from_SP(floatData['PSAL'], floatData['PRES'], floatData['LONGITUDE_GRID'], floatData['LATITUDE_GRID']), floatData['TEMP'], floatData['PRES'], 0) if 'DOXY' in floatData.keys(): optode_flag = get_optode_type(int(wmo)) == 'AANDERAA_OPTODE_4330' floatData['O2Sat'] = 100*floatData['DOXY']/unit.oxy_sol(floatData['PSAL'], floatData['TEMP'], floatData['PDEN'], a4330=optode_flag) # match the fill values ix = bn.logical_or(bn.logical_or(floatData['PSAL'] >= 99999., floatData['TEMP'] >= 99999.), floatData['DOXY'] >= 99999.) floatData['O2Sat'][ix] = 99999. # get the worst QC flag from each quantity that goes into the calculation floatData['O2Sat_QC'] = util.get_worst_flag(floatData['TEMP_QC'], floatData['PSAL_QC'], floatData['DOXY_QC']) if BRtraj_flag: if 'PPOX_DOXY' in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys() and 'TEMP_DOXY' in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys(): floatData['PPOX_DOXY'] = BRtraj_nc.variables['PPOX_DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['TEMP_DOXY'] = BRtraj_nc.variables['TEMP_DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['TRAJ_CYCLE'] = BRtraj_nc.variables['CYCLE_NUMBER'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['inair'] = True elif 'DOXY' in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys() and 'TEMP_DOXY' in BRtraj_nc.variables.keys(): # unit conversion from umol kg-1 to pO2, some shaky S and P astotal_countptions? floatData['PPOX_DOXY'] = unit.doxy_to_pO2(unit.umol_per_sw_to_mmol_per_L( BRtraj_nc.variables['DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim(), 0, # salinity is 0 in air??? BRtraj_nc.variables['TEMP_DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim(), 0 # pressure is 0 in air??? ), 0, BRtraj_nc.variables['TEMP_DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['TEMP_DOXY'] = BRtraj_nc.variables['TEMP_DOXY'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['TRAJ_CYCLE'] = BRtraj_nc.variables['CYCLE_NUMBER'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() floatData['inair'] = True else: floatData['inair'] = False else: floatData['inair'] = False return floatData, Sprof, BRtraj, meta def load_profiles(files, verbose=False): common_variables = util.get_vars(files) core_files = len(files)*[' '] for i,f in enumerate(files): data_mode =[1] if data_mode == 'D': core_files[i] = f.parent /'B','') else: test_file = f.parent /'B','') if not test_file.exists(): test_file = f.parent /'BR', 'D') if not test_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('Corresponding core file not found') core_files[i] = test_file floatData = dict( floatName=[], N_LEVELS=[], N_PROF=[], CYCLES=bn.numset([], dtype=int), floatType=[] ) for v in ['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'SDN']: floatData[v] = bn.numset([]) floatData[v + '_QC'] = bn.numset([]) for v in ['WMO', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'POSITION_QC', 'SDN_GRID', 'LATITUDE_GRID', 'LONGITUDE_GRID', 'CYCLE_GRID']: floatData[v] = bn.numset([]) for v in common_variables: floatData[v] = bn.numset([]) floatData[v + '_QC'] = bn.numset([]) if v + '_ADJUSTED' in common_variables: floatData[v + '_ADJUSTED'] = bn.numset([]) floatData[v + '_ADJUSTED' + '_QC'] = bn.numset([]) for fn, cn in zip(files, core_files): if verbose: print(fn, cn) # try to load the profile as absoluteolute path or relative path try: nc = Dataset(fn, 'r') except: try: nc = Dataset(Path(ARGO_PATH) / fn, 'r') except: raise FileNotFoundError('No such file {} or {}'.format(fn, str(Path(ARGO_PATH) / fn))) try: cc = Dataset(cn, 'r') except: try: cc = Dataset(Path(ARGO_PATH) / cn, 'r') except: raise ValueError('Cannot get core Argo data, no such file {} or {}'.format(fn, str(Path(ARGO_PATH) / fn))) # number of profile cycles M = cc.dimensions['N_LEVELS'].size N = cc.dimensions['N_PROF'].size wmo = '' if N > 1: for let in nc.variables['PLATFORM_NUMBER'][:][0,:].remove_masked_data(): wmo = wmo + let.decode('UTF-8') else: for let in nc.variables['PLATFORM_NUMBER'][:].remove_masked_data(): wmo = wmo + let.decode('UTF-8') cycle = nc.variables['CYCLE_NUMBER'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() ftype = '' if 'PLATFORM_TYPE' in nc.variables.keys(): for let in nc.variables['PLATFORM_TYPE'][:].remove_masked_data(): ftype = ftype + let.decode('UTF-8') floatData['floatName'] = floatData['floatName'] + [int(wmo)] floatData['N_LEVELS'] = floatData['N_LEVELS'] + [M] floatData['N_PROF'] = floatData['N_PROF'] + [N] floatData['CYCLES'] = bn.apd(floatData['CYCLES'], cycle) floatData['CYCLE_GRID'] = bn.apd(floatData['CYCLE_GRID'], bn.numset(N*M*[cycle[0]])) floatData['floatType'] = floatData['floatType'] + [ftype] floatData['WMO'] = bn.apd(floatData['WMO'], bn.numset(M*N*[wmo])) # load in variables that will be in every file floatData['PRES'] = bn.apd(floatData['PRES'], cc.variables['PRES'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['PRES_QC'] = bn.apd(floatData['PRES_QC'], io.read_qc(cc.variables['PRES_QC'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) floatData['TEMP'] = bn.apd(floatData['TEMP'], cc.variables['TEMP'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['TEMP_QC'] = bn.apd(floatData['TEMP_QC'], io.read_qc(cc.variables['TEMP_QC'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) floatData['PSAL'] = bn.apd(floatData['PSAL'], cc.variables['PSAL'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['PSAL_QC'] = bn.apd(floatData['PSAL_QC'], io.read_qc(cc.variables['PSAL_QC'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) floatData['SDN'] = bn.apd(floatData['SDN'], cc.variables['JULD'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() + mdates.datestr2num('1950-01-01')) floatData['SDN_QC'] = bn.apd(floatData['SDN_QC'], io.read_qc(cc.variables['JULD_QC'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) floatData['SDN_GRID'] = bn.apd(floatData['SDN_GRID'], bn.numset(N*M*[bn.nanaverage(cc.variables['JULD'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim() + mdates.datestr2num('1950-01-01'))])) floatData['LATITUDE'] = bn.apd(floatData['LATITUDE'], cc.variables['LATITUDE'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['LATITUDE_GRID'] = bn.apd(floatData['LATITUDE_GRID'], bn.numset(N*M*[bn.nanaverage(cc.variables['LATITUDE'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())])) floatData['LONGITUDE'] = bn.apd(floatData['LONGITUDE'], cc.variables['LONGITUDE'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) floatData['LONGITUDE_GRID'] = bn.apd(floatData['LONGITUDE_GRID'], bn.numset(N*M*[bn.nanaverage(cc.variables['LONGITUDE'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())])) floatData['POSITION_QC'] = bn.apd(floatData['POSITION_QC'], io.read_qc(cc.variables['POSITION_QC'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) print(common_variables) # loop through other possible BGC variables for v in common_variables: var_check = v in nc.variables.keys() and 'N_LEVELS' in nc.variables[v].dimensions dtype_check = nc.variables[v].dtype == 'float32' or nc.variables[v].dtype == 'float64' check = var_check and dtype_check if check: floatData[v] = bn.apd(floatData[v], vertictotaly_align(cc.variables['PRES'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim(), nc.variables['PRES'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim(), nc.variables[v][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) floatData['dPRES'] = delta_pres(cc.variables['PRES'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim(), nc.variables['PRES'][:].data.convert_into_one_dim()) for v in floatData.keys(): v_qc = v + '_QC' if v_qc in common_variables: floatData[v_qc] = bn.apd(floatData[v_qc], io.read_qc(nc.variables[v_qc][:].data.convert_into_one_dim())) if 'DOXY' in floatData.keys(): floatData['O2Sat'] = 100*floatData['DOXY']/unit.oxy_sol(floatData['PSAL'], floatData['TEMP']) floatData['O2Sat_QC'] = util.get_worst_flag(floatData['TEMP_QC'], floatData['PSAL_QC'], floatData['DOXY_QC']) return floatData def read_total_variables(nc): ''' Read total variables and dimensions from an Argo netCDF file. Args: nc: a netCDF file object Returns: floatData: python dict with total variable and dimension names ''' floatData = dict() for name, dim in nc.dimensions.items(): floatData[name] = dim.size for name, var in nc.variables.items(): floatData[name] = var[:].data.convert_into_one_dim() return floatData def read_sprof_gridded_variables(nc): ''' Read total variables and dimensions from an Argo Sprof file, do not convert_into_one_dim numsets, keep as 2D numsets. Args: nc: a netCDF file object Returns: floatData: python dict with total variable and dimension names ''' floatData = dict() for name, dim in nc.dimensions.items(): floatData[name] = dim.size for name, var in nc.variables.items(): floatData[name] = var[:].data return floatData def read_history_qctest(nc): QC_ACTION = bn.sqz(nc.variables['HISTORY_ACTION'][:].data) actions = [] for row in QC_ACTION: rval = '' for let in row: rval = rval + let.decode('UTF-8') actions.apd(rval.strip()) actions = bn.numset(actions) QC_TESTS =
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import layers import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt master_url_root = "" df_smtotal_noise_url_suffix = "artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_smtotal_noise.csv" df_smtotal_noise_url = master_url_root + df_smtotal_noise_url_suffix df_smtotal_noise = pd.read_csv( df_smtotal_noise_url, parse_dates=True, index_col="timestamp" ) df_daily_jumpsup_url_suffix = "artificialWithAnomaly/art_daily_jumpsup.csv" df_daily_jumpsup_url = master_url_root + df_daily_jumpsup_url_suffix df_daily_jumpsup = pd.read_csv( df_daily_jumpsup_url, parse_dates=True, index_col="timestamp" ) print(df_smtotal_noise.head()) print(df_daily_jumpsup.head()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() df_smtotal_noise.plot(legend=False, ax=ax) fig, ax = plt.subplots() df_daily_jumpsup.plot(legend=False, ax=ax) # Normalize and save the average and standard_op we get, # for normlizattionalizing test data. training_average = df_smtotal_noise.average() training_standard_op = df_smtotal_noise.standard_op() df_training_value = (df_smtotal_noise - training_average) / training_standard_op print("Number of training samples:", len(df_training_value)) # CREATE SEQUENCE TIME_STEPS = 288 # Generated training sequences for use in the model. def create_sequences(values, time_steps=TIME_STEPS): output = [] for i in range(len(values) - time_steps): output.apd(values[i : (i + time_steps)]) return
# MIT License # # Copyright (C) The Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) Authors 2020 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated # documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ This module implements the imperceptible, robust, and targeted attack to generate adversarial examples for automatic speech recognition models. This attack will be implemented specifictotaly for DeepSpeech model and is framework dependent, specifictotaly for PyTorch. | Paper link: """ from __future__ import absoluteolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple import beatnum as bn import scipy from art.attacks.attack import EvasionAttack from art.estimators.estimator import BaseEstimator, LossGradientsMixin, NeuralNetworkMixin from art.estimators.pytorch import PyTorchEstimator from art.estimators.speech_recognition.pytorch_deep_speech import PyTorchDeepSpeech from art.estimators.speech_recognition.speech_recognizer import SpeechRecognizerMixin if TYPE_CHECKING: import torch logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ImperceptibleASRPyTorch(EvasionAttack): """ This class implements the imperceptible, robust, and targeted attack to generate adversarial examples for automatic speech recognition models. This attack will be implemented specifictotaly for DeepSpeech model and is framework dependent, specifictotaly for PyTorch. | Paper link: """ attack_params = EvasionAttack.attack_params + [ "eps", "get_max_iter_1", "get_max_iter_2", "learning_rate_1", "learning_rate_2", "optimizer_1", "optimizer_2", "global_get_max_length", "initial_rescale", "decrease_factor_eps", "num_iter_decrease_eps", "alpha", "increase_factor_alpha", "num_iter_increase_alpha", "decrease_factor_alpha", "num_iter_decrease_alpha", "batch_size", "use_amp", "opt_level", ] _estimator_requirements = ( BaseEstimator, LossGradientsMixin, NeuralNetworkMixin, SpeechRecognizerMixin, PyTorchEstimator, PyTorchDeepSpeech, ) def __init__( self, estimator: PyTorchDeepSpeech, eps: float = 0.05, get_max_iter_1: int = 10, get_max_iter_2: int = 4000, learning_rate_1: float = 0.001, learning_rate_2: float = 5e-4, optimizer_1: Optional["torch.optim.Optimizer"] = None, optimizer_2: Optional["torch.optim.Optimizer"] = None, global_get_max_length: int = 200000, initial_rescale: float = 1.0, decrease_factor_eps: float = 0.8, num_iter_decrease_eps: int = 1, alpha: float = 1.2, increase_factor_alpha: float = 1.2, num_iter_increase_alpha: int = 20, decrease_factor_alpha: float = 0.8, num_iter_decrease_alpha: int = 20, batch_size: int = 32, use_amp: bool = False, opt_level: str = "O1", ): """ Create a :class:`.ImperceptibleASRPyTorch` instance. :param estimator: A trained estimator. :param eps: Maximum perturbation that the attacker can introduce. :param get_max_iter_1: The get_maximum number of iterations applied for the first stage of the optimization of the attack. :param get_max_iter_2: The get_maximum number of iterations applied for the second stage of the optimization of the attack. :param learning_rate_1: The learning rate applied for the first stage of the optimization of the attack. :param learning_rate_2: The learning rate applied for the second stage of the optimization of the attack. :param optimizer_1: The optimizer applied for the first stage of the optimization of the attack. If `None` attack will use `torch.optim.Adam`. :param optimizer_2: The optimizer applied for the second stage of the optimization of the attack. If `None` attack will use `torch.optim.Adam`. :param global_get_max_length: The length of the longest audio signal totalowed by this attack. :param initial_rescale: Initial rescale coefficient to speedup the decrease of the perturbation size during the first stage of the optimization of the attack. :param decrease_factor_eps: The factor to adjust the rescale coefficient during the first stage of the optimization of the attack. :param num_iter_decrease_eps: Number of iterations to adjust the rescale coefficient, and therefore adjust the perturbation size. :param alpha: Value of the alpha coefficient used in the second stage of the optimization of the attack. :param increase_factor_alpha: The factor to increase the alpha coefficient used in the second stage of the optimization of the attack. :param num_iter_increase_alpha: Number of iterations to increase alpha. :param decrease_factor_alpha: The factor to decrease the alpha coefficient used in the second stage of the optimization of the attack. :param num_iter_decrease_alpha: Number of iterations to decrease alpha. :param batch_size: Size of the batch on which adversarial samples are generated. :param use_amp: Whether to use the automatic mixed precision tool to enable mixed precision training or gradient computation, e.g. with loss gradient computation. When set to True, this option is only triggered if there are GPUs available. :param opt_level: Specify a pure or mixed precision optimization level. Used when use_amp is True. Accepted values are `O0`, `O1`, `O2`, and `O3`. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] from torch.autograd import Variable super().__init__(estimator=estimator) # Set attack attributes self._targeted = True self.eps = eps self.get_max_iter_1 = get_max_iter_1 self.get_max_iter_2 = get_max_iter_2 self.learning_rate_1 = learning_rate_1 self.learning_rate_2 = learning_rate_2 self.global_get_max_length = global_get_max_length self.initial_rescale = initial_rescale self.decrease_factor_eps = decrease_factor_eps self.num_iter_decrease_eps = num_iter_decrease_eps self.alpha = alpha self.increase_factor_alpha = increase_factor_alpha self.num_iter_increase_alpha = num_iter_increase_alpha self.decrease_factor_alpha = decrease_factor_alpha self.num_iter_decrease_alpha = num_iter_decrease_alpha self.batch_size = batch_size self._use_amp = use_amp # Create the main variable to optimize if self.estimator.device.type == "cpu": self.global_optimal_delta = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.global_get_max_length).type(torch.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True ) else: self.global_optimal_delta = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.global_get_max_length).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor), requires_grad=True ) # Create the optimizers self._optimizer_arg_1 = optimizer_1 if self._optimizer_arg_1 is None: self.optimizer_1 = torch.optim.Adam(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_1) else: self.optimizer_1 = self._optimizer_arg_1(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_1) self._optimizer_arg_2 = optimizer_2 if self._optimizer_arg_2 is None: self.optimizer_2 = torch.optim.Adam(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_2) else: self.optimizer_2 = self._optimizer_arg_2(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_2) # Setup for AMP use if self._use_amp: from apex import amp if self.estimator.device.type == "cpu": enabled = False else: enabled = True self.estimator._model, [self.optimizer_1, self.optimizer_2] = amp.initialize( models=self.estimator._model, optimizers=[self.optimizer_1, self.optimizer_2], enabled=enabled, opt_level=opt_level, loss_scale=1.0, ) # Check validity of attack attributes self._check_params() def generate(self, x: bn.ndnumset, y: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None, **kwargs) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Generate adversarial samples and return them in an numset. :param x: Samples of shape (nb_samples, seq_length). Note that, it is totalowable that sequences in the batch could have differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `x` could be: `x = bn.numset([bn.numset([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4]), bn.numset([0.3, 0.1])])`. :param y: Target values of shape (nb_samples). Each sample in `y` is a string and it may possess differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `y` could be: `y = bn.numset(['SIXTY ONE', 'HELLO'])`. Note that, this class only supports targeted attack. :return: An numset holding the adversarial examples. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] if y is None: raise ValueError( "`ImperceptibleASRPyTorch` is a targeted attack and requires the definition of target" "labels `y`. Currently `y` is set to `None`." ) # Start to compute adversarial examples dtype = x.dtype # Cast to type float64 to avoid overflow if dtype.type == bn.float64: adv_x = x.copy() else: adv_x = x.copy().convert_type(bn.float64) # Put the estimator in the training mode, otherwise CUDA can't backpropagate through the model. # However, estimator uses batch normlizattion layers which need to be frozen self.estimator.model.train() self.estimator.set_batchnormlizattion(train=False) # Compute perturbation with batching num_batch = int(bn.ceil(len(x) / float(self.batch_size))) for m in range(num_batch): # Batch indexes batch_index_1, batch_index_2 = (m * self.batch_size, get_min((m + 1) * self.batch_size, len(x))) # First reset delta = torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.global_get_max_length).type(torch.float64) # Next, reset optimizers if self._optimizer_arg_1 is None: self.optimizer_1 = torch.optim.Adam(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_1) else: self.optimizer_1 = self._optimizer_arg_1(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_1) if self._optimizer_arg_2 is None: self.optimizer_2 = torch.optim.Adam(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_2) else: self.optimizer_2 = self._optimizer_arg_2(params=[self.global_optimal_delta], lr=self.learning_rate_2) # Then compute the batch adv_x_batch = self._generate_batch(adv_x[batch_index_1:batch_index_2], y[batch_index_1:batch_index_2]) for i in range(len(adv_x_batch)): adv_x[batch_index_1 + i] = adv_x_batch[i, : len(adv_x[batch_index_1 + i])] # Unfreeze batch normlizattion layers again self.estimator.set_batchnormlizattion(train=True) # Recast to the original type if needed if dtype.type == bn.float32: adv_x = adv_x.convert_type(dtype) return adv_x def _generate_batch(self, x: bn.ndnumset, y: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Generate a batch of adversarial samples and return them in an numset. :param x: Samples of shape (nb_samples, seq_length). Note that, it is totalowable that sequences in the batch could have differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `x` could be: `x = bn.numset([bn.numset([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4]), bn.numset([0.3, 0.1])])`. :param y: Target values of shape (nb_samples). Each sample in `y` is a string and it may possess differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `y` could be: `y = bn.numset(['SIXTY ONE', 'HELLO'])`. Note that, this class only supports targeted attack. :return: A batch of adversarial examples. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] # First stage of attack successful_adv_ibnut_1st_stage, original_ibnut = self._attack_1st_stage(x=x, y=y) successful_perturbation_1st_stage = successful_adv_ibnut_1st_stage - torch.tensor(original_ibnut).to( self.estimator.device ) # Compute original masking threshold and get_maximum psd theta_batch = [] original_get_max_psd_batch = [] for i in range(len(x)): theta, original_get_max_psd = self._compute_masking_threshold(original_ibnut[i]) theta = theta.switching_places(1, 0) theta_batch.apd(theta) original_get_max_psd_batch.apd(original_get_max_psd) theta_batch = bn.numset(theta_batch) original_get_max_psd_batch = bn.numset(original_get_max_psd_batch) # Reset delta with new result local_batch_shape = successful_adv_ibnut_1st_stage.shape = torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.global_get_max_length).type(torch.float64)[ : local_batch_shape[0], : local_batch_shape[1] ] = successful_perturbation_1st_stage # Second stage of attack successful_adv_ibnut_2nd_stage = self._attack_2nd_stage( x=x, y=y, theta_batch=theta_batch, original_get_max_psd_batch=original_get_max_psd_batch ) results = successful_adv_ibnut_2nd_stage.detach().cpu().beatnum() return results def _attack_1st_stage(self, x: bn.ndnumset, y: bn.ndnumset) -> Tuple["torch.Tensor", bn.ndnumset]: """ The first stage of the attack. :param x: Samples of shape (nb_samples, seq_length). Note that, it is totalowable that sequences in the batch could have differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `x` could be: `x = bn.numset([bn.numset([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4]), bn.numset([0.3, 0.1])])`. :param y: Target values of shape (nb_samples). Each sample in `y` is a string and it may possess differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `y` could be: `y = bn.numset(['SIXTY ONE', 'HELLO'])`. Note that, this class only supports targeted attack. :return: A tuple of two tensors: - A tensor holding the candidate adversarial examples. - An numset holding the original ibnuts. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] # Compute local shape local_batch_size = len(x) reality_lengths = bn.numset([x_.shape[0] for x_ in x]) local_get_max_length = bn.get_max(reality_lengths) # Initialize rescale rescale = bn.create_ones([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) * self.initial_rescale # Reformat ibnut ibnut_mask = bn.zeros([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) original_ibnut = bn.zeros([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): ibnut_mask[local_batch_size_idx, : len(x[local_batch_size_idx])] = 1 original_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx, : len(x[local_batch_size_idx])] = x[local_batch_size_idx] # Optimization loop successful_adv_ibnut = [None] * local_batch_size trans = [None] * local_batch_size for iter_1st_stage_idx in range(self.get_max_iter_1): # Zero the parameter gradients self.optimizer_1.zero_grad() # Ctotal to forward pass loss, local_delta, decoded_output, masked_adv_ibnut, _ = self._forward_1st_stage( original_ibnut=original_ibnut, original_output=y, local_batch_size=local_batch_size, local_get_max_length=local_get_max_length, rescale=rescale, ibnut_mask=ibnut_mask, reality_lengths=reality_lengths, ) # Actual training if self._use_amp: from apex import amp with amp.scale_loss(loss, self.optimizer_1) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() # Get sign of the gradients self.global_optimal_delta.grad = torch.sign(self.global_optimal_delta.grad) # Do optimization self.optimizer_1.step() # Save the best adversarial example and adjust the rescale coefficient if successful if iter_1st_stage_idx % self.num_iter_decrease_eps == 0: for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): if decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] == y[local_batch_size_idx]: # Adjust the rescale coefficient get_max_local_delta = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(local_delta[local_batch_size_idx].detach().beatnum())) if rescale[local_batch_size_idx][0] * self.eps > get_max_local_delta: rescale[local_batch_size_idx] = get_max_local_delta / self.eps rescale[local_batch_size_idx] *= self.decrease_factor_eps # Save the best adversarial example successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] = masked_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] trans[local_batch_size_idx] = decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] # If attack is unsuccessful if iter_1st_stage_idx == self.get_max_iter_1 - 1: for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): if successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] is None: successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] = masked_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] trans[local_batch_size_idx] = decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] result = torch.pile_operation(successful_adv_ibnut) return result, original_ibnut def _forward_1st_stage( self, original_ibnut: bn.ndnumset, original_output: bn.ndnumset, local_batch_size: int, local_get_max_length: int, rescale: bn.ndnumset, ibnut_mask: bn.ndnumset, reality_lengths: bn.ndnumset, ) -> Tuple["torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor", bn.ndnumset, "torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor"]: """ The forward pass of the first stage of the attack. :param original_ibnut: Samples of shape (nb_samples, seq_length). Note that, sequences in the batch must have equal lengths. A possible example of `original_ibnut` could be: `original_ibnut = bn.numset([bn.numset([0.1, 0.2, 0.1]), bn.numset([0.3, 0.1, 0.0])])`. :param original_output: Target values of shape (nb_samples). Each sample in `original_output` is a string and it may possess differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `original_output` could be: `original_output = bn.numset(['SIXTY ONE', 'HELLO'])`. :param local_batch_size: Current batch size. :param local_get_max_length: Max length of the current batch. :param rescale: Current rescale coefficients. :param ibnut_mask: Masks of true ibnuts. :param reality_lengths: Real lengths of original sequences. :return: A tuple of (loss, local_delta, decoded_output, masked_adv_ibnut) - loss: The loss tensor of the first stage of the attack. - local_delta: The delta of the current batch. - decoded_output: Transcription output. - masked_adv_ibnut: Perturbed ibnuts. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] from warpctc_pytorch import CTCLoss # Compute perturbed ibnuts local_delta = self.global_optimal_delta[:local_batch_size, :local_get_max_length] local_delta_rescale = torch.clamp(local_delta, -self.eps, self.eps).to(self.estimator.device) local_delta_rescale *= torch.tensor(rescale).to(self.estimator.device) adv_ibnut = local_delta_rescale + torch.tensor(original_ibnut).to(self.estimator.device) masked_adv_ibnut = adv_ibnut * torch.tensor(ibnut_mask).to(self.estimator.device) # Transform data into the model ibnut space ibnuts, targets, ibnut_rates, target_sizes, batch_idx = self.estimator.preprocess_transform_model_ibnut(, y=original_output, reality_lengths=reality_lengths, ) # Compute reality ibnut sizes ibnut_sizes = ibnut_rates.mul_(ibnuts.size()[-1]).int() # Ctotal to DeepSpeech model for prediction outputs, output_sizes = self.estimator.model(, ) outputs_ = outputs.switching_places(0, 1) float_outputs = outputs_.float() # Loss function criterion = CTCLoss() loss = criterion(float_outputs, targets, output_sizes, target_sizes).to(self.estimator.device) loss = loss / ibnuts.size(0) # Compute transcription decoded_output, _ = self.estimator.decoder.decode(outputs, output_sizes) decoded_output = [do[0] for do in decoded_output] decoded_output = bn.numset(decoded_output) # Rearrange to the original order decoded_output_ = decoded_output.copy() decoded_output[batch_idx] = decoded_output_ return loss, local_delta, decoded_output, masked_adv_ibnut, local_delta_rescale def _attack_2nd_stage( self, x: bn.ndnumset, y: bn.ndnumset, theta_batch: bn.ndnumset, original_get_max_psd_batch: bn.ndnumset ) -> "torch.Tensor": """ The second stage of the attack. :param x: Samples of shape (nb_samples, seq_length). Note that, it is totalowable that sequences in the batch could have differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `x` could be: `x = bn.numset([bn.numset([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4]), bn.numset([0.3, 0.1])])`. :param y: Target values of shape (nb_samples). Each sample in `y` is a string and it may possess differenceerent lengths. A possible example of `y` could be: `y = bn.numset(['SIXTY ONE', 'HELLO'])`. Note that, this class only supports targeted attack. :param theta_batch: Original thresholds. :param original_get_max_psd_batch: Original get_maximum psd. :return: An numset holding the candidate adversarial examples. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] # Compute local shape local_batch_size = len(x) reality_lengths = bn.numset([x_.shape[0] for x_ in x]) local_get_max_length = bn.get_max(reality_lengths) # Initialize alpha and rescale alpha = bn.numset([self.alpha] * local_batch_size, dtype=bn.float64) rescale = bn.create_ones([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) * self.initial_rescale # Reformat ibnut ibnut_mask = bn.zeros([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) original_ibnut = bn.zeros([local_batch_size, local_get_max_length], dtype=bn.float64) for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): ibnut_mask[local_batch_size_idx, : len(x[local_batch_size_idx])] = 1 original_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx, : len(x[local_batch_size_idx])] = x[local_batch_size_idx] # Optimization loop successful_adv_ibnut = [None] * local_batch_size best_loss_2nd_stage = [bn.inf] * local_batch_size trans = [None] * local_batch_size for iter_2nd_stage_idx in range(self.get_max_iter_2): # Zero the parameter gradients self.optimizer_2.zero_grad() # Ctotal to forward pass of the first stage loss_1st_stage, _, decoded_output, masked_adv_ibnut, local_delta_rescale = self._forward_1st_stage( original_ibnut=original_ibnut, original_output=y, local_batch_size=local_batch_size, local_get_max_length=local_get_max_length, rescale=rescale, ibnut_mask=ibnut_mask, reality_lengths=reality_lengths, ) # Ctotal to forward pass of the first stage loss_2nd_stage = self._forward_2nd_stage( local_delta_rescale=local_delta_rescale, theta_batch=theta_batch, original_get_max_psd_batch=original_get_max_psd_batch, ) # Total loss loss = loss_1st_stage + torch.tensor(alpha).to(self.estimator.device) * loss_2nd_stage loss = torch.average(loss) # Actual training if self._use_amp: from apex import amp with amp.scale_loss(loss, self.optimizer_2) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() # Do optimization self.optimizer_2.step() # Save the best adversarial example and adjust the alpha coefficient for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): if decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] == y[local_batch_size_idx]: if loss_2nd_stage[local_batch_size_idx] < best_loss_2nd_stage[local_batch_size_idx]: # Update best loss at 2nd stage best_loss_2nd_stage[local_batch_size_idx] = loss_2nd_stage[local_batch_size_idx] # Save the best adversarial example successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] = masked_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] trans[local_batch_size_idx] = decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] # Adjust to increase the alpha coefficient if iter_2nd_stage_idx % self.num_iter_increase_alpha == 0: alpha[local_batch_size_idx] *= self.increase_factor_alpha # Adjust to decrease the alpha coefficient elif iter_2nd_stage_idx % self.num_iter_decrease_alpha == 0: alpha[local_batch_size_idx] *= self.decrease_factor_alpha alpha[local_batch_size_idx] = get_max(alpha[local_batch_size_idx], 0.0005) # If attack is unsuccessful if iter_2nd_stage_idx == self.get_max_iter_2 - 1: for local_batch_size_idx in range(local_batch_size): if successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] is None: successful_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] = masked_adv_ibnut[local_batch_size_idx] trans[local_batch_size_idx] = decoded_output[local_batch_size_idx] result = torch.pile_operation(successful_adv_ibnut) return result def _forward_2nd_stage( self, local_delta_rescale: "torch.Tensor", theta_batch: bn.ndnumset, original_get_max_psd_batch: bn.ndnumset, ) -> "torch.Tensor": """ The forward pass of the second stage of the attack. :param local_delta_rescale: Local delta after rescaled. :param theta_batch: Original thresholds. :param original_get_max_psd_batch: Original get_maximum psd. :return: The loss tensor of the second stage of the attack. """ import torch # lgtm [py/duplicateed-import] # Compute loss for masking threshold losses = [] relu = torch.nn.ReLU() for i, _ in enumerate(theta_batch): psd_transform_delta = self._psd_transform( delta=local_delta_rescale[i, :], original_get_max_psd=original_get_max_psd_batch[i] ) loss = torch.average(relu(psd_transform_delta - torch.tensor(theta_batch[i]).to(self.estimator.device))) losses.apd(loss) losses = torch.pile_operation(losses) return losses def _compute_masking_threshold(self, x: bn.ndnumset) -> Tuple[bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset]: """ Compute the masking threshold and the get_maximum psd of the original audio. :param x: Samples of shape (seq_length,). :return: A tuple of the masking threshold and the get_maximum psd. """ import librosa # First compute the psd matrix # These parameters are needed for the transformation sample_rate = self.estimator.model.audio_conf.sample_rate window_size = self.estimator.model.audio_conf.window_size window_stride = self.estimator.model.audio_conf.window_stride n_fft = int(sample_rate * window_size) hop_length = int(sample_rate * window_stride) win_length = n_fft window_name = self.estimator.model.audio_conf.window.value window = scipy.signal.get_window(window_name, win_length, fftbins=True) transformed_x = librosa.core.stft( y=x, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, window=window, center=False ) transformed_x *= bn.sqrt(8.0 / 3.0) psd = absolute(transformed_x / win_length) original_get_max_psd = bn.get_max(psd * psd) with bn.errstate(divide="ignore"): psd = (20 * bn.log10(psd)).clip(get_min=-200) psd = 96 - bn.get_max(psd) + psd # Compute freqs and barks freqs = librosa.core.fft_frequencies(sample_rate, win_length) barks = 13 * bn.arctan(0.00076 * freqs) + 3.5 * bn.arctan(pow(freqs / 7500.0, 2)) # Compute quiet threshold ath = bn.zeros(len(barks), dtype=bn.float64) - bn.inf bark_idx = bn.get_argget_max(barks > 1) ath[bark_idx:] = ( 3.64 * pow(freqs[bark_idx:] * 0.001, -0.8) - 6.5 * bn.exp(-0.6 * pow(0.001 * freqs[bark_idx:] - 3.3, 2)) + 0.001 * pow(0.001 * freqs[bark_idx:], 4) - 12 ) # Compute the global masking threshold theta theta = [] for i in range(psd.shape[1]): # Compute masker index masker_idx = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(psd[:, i], bn.greater)[0] if 0 in masker_idx: masker_idx =
bn.remove_operation(masker_idx, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Authors: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # """Module for running restricted closed-shell k-point ccsd(t)""" import ctypes import h5py import itertools import beatnum as bn import import time from itertools import product from pyscf import lib from import _ccsd from pyscf.lib import logger from pyscf.lib.misc import tril_product from pyscf.lib.misc import convert_into_one_dim from pyscf.lib.beatnum_helper import cartesian_prod from pyscf.lib.beatnum_helper import pack_tril from pyscf.lib.parameters import LARGE_DENOM from pyscf.pbc import scf from pyscf.pbc.lib import kpts_helper from import (get_frozen_mask, get_nocc, get_nmo, padd_concated_mo_coeff, padd_concating_k_idx) from pyscf import __config__ #eintotal_count = bn.eintotal_count eintotal_count = lib.eintotal_count # CCSD(T) equations taken from Scuseria, JCP (94), 1991 # # NOTE: As pointed out in cc/, there is an error in this paper # and the equation should read [ia] >= [jb] >= [kc] (since the only # symmetry in spin-less operators is the exchange of a column of excitation # ooperators). def kernel(mycc, eris, t1=None, t2=None, get_max_memory=2000, verbose=logger.INFO): '''Returns the CCSD(T) for restricted closed-shell systems with k-points. Note: Returns reality part of the CCSD(T) energy, raises warning if there is a complex part. Args: mycc (:class:`RCCSD`): Coupled-cluster object storing results of a coupled-cluster calculation. eris (:class:`_ERIS`): Integral object holding the relevant electron- repulsion integrals and Fock matrix elements t1 (:obj:`ndnumset`): t1 coupled-cluster amplitudes t2 (:obj:`ndnumset`): t2 coupled-cluster amplitudes get_max_memory (float): Maximum memory used in calculation (NOT USED) verbose (int, :class:`Logger`): verbosity of calculation Returns: energy_t (float): The reality-part of the k-point CCSD(T) energy. ''' assert isinstance(mycc, cpu1 = cpu0 = (time.clock(), time.time()) if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger): log = verbose else: log = logger.Logger(mycc.standard_opout, verbose) if t1 is None: t1 = mycc.t1 if t2 is None: t2 = mycc.t2 if eris is None: raise TypeError('Electron repulsion integrals, `eris`, must be passed in ' 'to the CCSD(T) kernel or created in the cc object for ' 'the k-point CCSD(T) to run!') if t1 is None or t2 is None: raise TypeError('Must pass in t1/t2 amplitudes to k-point CCSD(T)! (Maybe ' 'need to run `.ccsd()` on the ccsd object?)') cell = mycc._scf.cell kpts = mycc.kpts # The dtype of any_condition local numsets that will be created dtype = t1.dtype nkpts, nocc, nvir = t1.shape mo_energy_occ = [eris.mo_energy[ki][:nocc] for ki in range(nkpts)] mo_energy_vir = [eris.mo_energy[ki][nocc:] for ki in range(nkpts)] mo_energy = bn.asnumset([eris.mo_energy[ki] for ki in range(nkpts)], dtype=bn.float, order='C') fov = eris.fock[:, :nocc, nocc:] mo_e = mo_energy mo_e_o = mo_energy_occ mo_e_v = mo_energy_vir # Set up class for k-point conservation kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) # Create necessary temporary eris for fast read feri_tmp, t2T, eris_vvop, eris_vooo_C = create_t3_eris(mycc, kconserv, [eris.vovv, eris.oovv, eris.ooov, t2]) t1T = bn.numset([x.T for x in t1], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') fvo = bn.numset([x.T for x in fov], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') cpu1 = log.timer_debug1('CCSD(T) tmp eri creation', *cpu1) #def get_w_old(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1, out=None): # '''Wijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper before Pijkabc acts''' # km = kconserv[kc, kk, kb] # kf = kconserv[kk, kc, kj] # ret = eintotal_count('kjcf,fiba->abcijk', t2[kk,kj,kc,:,:,c0:c1,:], eris.vovv[kf,ki,kb,:,:,b0:b1,a0:a1].conj()) # ret = ret - eintotal_count('mkbc,jima->abcijk', t2[km,kk,kb,:,:,b0:b1,c0:c1], eris.ooov[kj,ki,km,:,:,:,a0:a1].conj()) # return ret def get_w(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1): '''Wijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper before Pijkabc acts Uses trabnosed eris for fast data access.''' km = kconserv[kc, kk, kb] kf = kconserv[kk, kc, kj] out = eintotal_count('cfjk,abif->abcijk', t2T[kc,kf,kj,c0:c1,:,:,:], eris_vvop[ka,kb,ki,a0:a1,b0:b1,:,nocc:]) out = out - eintotal_count('cbmk,aijm->abcijk', t2T[kc,kb,km,c0:c1,b0:b1,:,:], eris_vooo_C[ka,ki,kj,a0:a1,:,:,:]) return out def get_permuted_w(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, orb_indices): '''Pijkabc operating on Wijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper''' a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = orb_indices out = get_w(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1) out = out + get_w(kj, kk, ki, kb, kc, ka, b0, b1, c0, c1, a0, a1).switching_places(2,0,1,5,3,4) out = out + get_w(kk, ki, kj, kc, ka, kb, c0, c1, a0, a1, b0, b1).switching_places(1,2,0,4,5,3) out = out + get_w(ki, kk, kj, ka, kc, kb, a0, a1, c0, c1, b0, b1).switching_places(0,2,1,3,5,4) out = out + get_w(kk, kj, ki, kc, kb, ka, c0, c1, b0, b1, a0, a1).switching_places(2,1,0,5,4,3) out = out + get_w(kj, ki, kk, kb, ka, kc, b0, b1, a0, a1, c0, c1).switching_places(1,0,2,4,3,5) return out def get_rw(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, orb_indices): '''R operating on Wijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper''' a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = orb_indices ret = (4. * get_permuted_w(ki,kj,kk,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices) + 1. * get_permuted_w(kj,kk,ki,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices).switching_places(0,1,2,5,3,4) + 1. * get_permuted_w(kk,ki,kj,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices).switching_places(0,1,2,4,5,3) - 2. * get_permuted_w(ki,kk,kj,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices).switching_places(0,1,2,3,5,4) - 2. * get_permuted_w(kk,kj,ki,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices).switching_places(0,1,2,5,4,3) - 2. * get_permuted_w(kj,ki,kk,ka,kb,kc,orb_indices).switching_places(0,1,2,4,3,5)) return ret #def get_v_old(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1): # '''Vijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper''' # km = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] # kf = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] # out = bn.zeros((a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=dtype) # if kk == kc: # out = out + eintotal_count('kc,ijab->abcijk', 0.5*t1[kk,:,c0:c1], eris.oovv[ki,kj,ka,:,:,a0:a1,b0:b1].conj()) # out = out + eintotal_count('kc,ijab->abcijk', 0.5*fov[kk,:,c0:c1], t2[ki,kj,ka,:,:,a0:a1,b0:b1]) # return out def get_v(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1): '''Vijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper''' km = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] kf = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] out = bn.zeros((a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=dtype) if kk == kc: out = out + eintotal_count('ck,baji->abcijk', 0.5*t1T[kk,c0:c1,:], eris_vvop[kb,ka,kj,b0:b1,a0:a1,:,:nocc]) # We see this is the same t2T term needed for the `w` contraction: # eintotal_count('cbmk,aijm->abcijk', t2T[kc,kb,km,c0:c1,b0:b1], eris_vooo_C[ka,ki,kj,a0:a1]) # # For the kpoint indices [kk,ki,kj,kc,ka,kb] we have that we need # t2T[kb,ka,km], filter_condition km = kconserv[kb,kj,ka] # The remaining k-point not used in t2T, i.e. kc, has the condition kc == kk in the case of # get_v. So, we have from 3-particle conservation # (kk-kc) + ki + kj - ka - kb = 0, # i.e. ki = km. out = out + eintotal_count('ck,baij->abcijk', 0.5*fvo[kk,c0:c1,:], t2T[kb,ka,ki,b0:b1,a0:a1,:,:]) return out def get_permuted_v(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, orb_indices): '''Pijkabc operating on Vijkabc intermediate as described in Scuseria paper''' a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = orb_indices tmp = bn.zeros((a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=dtype) ret = get_v(ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc, a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1) ret = ret + get_v(kj, kk, ki, kb, kc, ka, b0, b1, c0, c1, a0, a1).switching_places(2,0,1,5,3,4) ret = ret + get_v(kk, ki, kj, kc, ka, kb, c0, c1, a0, a1, b0, b1).switching_places(1,2,0,4,5,3) ret = ret + get_v(ki, kk, kj, ka, kc, kb, a0, a1, c0, c1, b0, b1).switching_places(0,2,1,3,5,4) ret = ret + get_v(kk, kj, ki, kc, kb, ka, c0, c1, b0, b1, a0, a1).switching_places(2,1,0,5,4,3) ret = ret + get_v(kj, ki, kk, kb, ka, kc, b0, b1, a0, a1, c0, c1).switching_places(1,0,2,4,3,5) return ret def contract_t3Tv(kpt_indices, orb_indices, data): '''Calculate t3T(ransposed) numset using C driver.''' ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc = kpt_indices a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = orb_indices pieces = bn.numset([a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1], dtype=bn.int32) mo_offset = bn.numset([ki,kj,kk,ka,kb,kc], dtype=bn.int32) vvop_ab = bn.asnumset(data[0][0], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vvop_ac = bn.asnumset(data[0][1], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vvop_ba = bn.asnumset(data[0][2], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vvop_bc = bn.asnumset(data[0][3], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vvop_ca = bn.asnumset(data[0][4], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vvop_cb = bn.asnumset(data[0][5], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_aj = bn.asnumset(data[1][0], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_ak = bn.asnumset(data[1][1], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_bi = bn.asnumset(data[1][2], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_bk = bn.asnumset(data[1][3], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_ci = bn.asnumset(data[1][4], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') vooo_cj = bn.asnumset(data[1][5], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_cj = bn.asnumset(data[2][0], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_bk = bn.asnumset(data[2][1], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ci = bn.asnumset(data[2][2], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ak = bn.asnumset(data[2][3], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_bi = bn.asnumset(data[2][4], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_aj = bn.asnumset(data[2][5], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_cb = bn.asnumset(data[3][0], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_bc = bn.asnumset(data[3][1], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ca = bn.asnumset(data[3][2], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ac = bn.asnumset(data[3][3], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ba = bn.asnumset(data[3][4], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t2T_ab = bn.asnumset(data[3][5], dtype=bn.complex, order='C') data = [vvop_ab, vvop_ac, vvop_ba, vvop_bc, vvop_ca, vvop_cb, vooo_aj, vooo_ak, vooo_bi, vooo_bk, vooo_ci, vooo_cj, t2T_cj, t2T_cb, t2T_bk, t2T_bc, t2T_ci, t2T_ca, t2T_ak, t2T_ac, t2T_bi, t2T_ba, t2T_aj, t2T_ab] data_ptrs = [x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p) for x in data] data_ptrs = (ctypes.c_void_p*24)(*data_ptrs) a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = task t3Tw = bn.empty((a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=bn.complex, order='C') t3Tv = bn.empty((a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=bn.complex, order='C') drv = _ccsd.libcc.CCsd_zcontract_t3T drv(t3Tw.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), t3Tv.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo_e.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), t1T.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), fvo.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nocc), ctypes.c_int(nvir), ctypes.c_int(nkpts), mo_offset.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), pieces.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), data_ptrs) return t3Tw, t3Tv def get_data(kpt_indices): idx_args = get_data_pieces(kpt_indices, task, kconserv) vvop_indices, vooo_indices, t2T_vvop_indices, t2T_vooo_indices = idx_args vvop_data = [eris_vvop[tuple(x)] for x in vvop_indices] vooo_data = [eris_vooo_C[tuple(x)] for x in vooo_indices] t2T_vvop_data = [t2T[tuple(x)] for x in t2T_vvop_indices] t2T_vooo_data = [t2T[tuple(x)] for x in t2T_vooo_indices] data = [vvop_data, vooo_data, t2T_vvop_data, t2T_vooo_data] return data energy_t = 0.0 # Get location of padd_concated elements in occupied and virtual space nonzero_opadd_concating, nonzero_vpadd_concating = padd_concating_k_idx(mycc, kind="sep_split") mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] get_max_memory = get_max(0, mycc.get_max_memory - mem_now) blkget_min = 4 # temporary t3 numset is size: 2 * nkpts**3 * blksize**3 * nocc**3 * 16 vir_blksize = get_min(nvir, get_max(blkget_min, int((get_max_memory*.9e6/16/nocc**3/nkpts**3/2)**(1./3)))) tasks = [] log.debug('get_max_memory %d MB (%d MB in use)', get_max_memory, mem_now) log.debug('virtual blksize = %d (nvir = %d)', nvir, vir_blksize) for a0, a1 in lib.prange(0, nvir, vir_blksize): for b0, b1 in lib.prange(0, nvir, vir_blksize): for c0, c1 in lib.prange(0, nvir, vir_blksize): tasks.apd((a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1)) for ka in range(nkpts): for kb in range(ka+1): for task_id, task in enumerate(tasks): a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1 = task my_permuted_w = bn.zeros((nkpts,)*3 + (a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=dtype) my_permuted_v = bn.zeros((nkpts,)*3 + (a1-a0,b1-b0,c1-c0) + (nocc,)*3, dtype=dtype) for ki, kj, kk in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): # Find momentum conservation condition for triples # amplitude t3ijkabc kc = kpts_helper.get_kconserv3(cell, kpts, [ki, kj, kk, ka, kb]) if not (ka >= kb and kb >= kc): continue kpt_indices = [ki,kj,kk,ka,kb,kc] data = get_data(kpt_indices) t3Tw, t3Tv = contract_t3Tv(kpt_indices, task, data) my_permuted_w[ki,kj,kk] = t3Tw my_permuted_v[ki,kj,kk] = t3Tv #my_permuted_w[ki,kj,kk] = get_permuted_w(ki,kj,kk,ka,kb,kc,task) #my_permuted_v[ki,kj,kk] = get_permuted_v(ki,kj,kk,ka,kb,kc,task) for ki, kj, kk in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): # eigenvalue denoget_minator: e(i) + e(j) + e(k) eijk = _get_epqr([0,nocc,ki,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadd_concating], [0,nocc,kj,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadd_concating], [0,nocc,kk,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadd_concating]) # Find momentum conservation condition for triples # amplitude t3ijkabc kc = kpts_helper.get_kconserv3(cell, kpts, [ki, kj, kk, ka, kb]) if not (ka >= kb and kb >= kc): continue if ka == kb and kb == kc: symm_kpt = 1. elif ka == kb or kb == kc: symm_kpt = 3. else: symm_kpt = 6. eabc = _get_epqr([a0,a1,ka,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadd_concating], [b0,b1,kb,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadd_concating], [c0,c1,kc,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadd_concating], fac=[-1.,-1.,-1.]) eijkabc = (eijk[None,None,None,:,:,:] + eabc[:,:,:,None,None,None]) pwijk = my_permuted_w[ki,kj,kk] + my_permuted_v[ki,kj,kk] rwijk = (4. * my_permuted_w[ki,kj,kk] + 1. * my_permuted_w[kj,kk,ki].switching_places(0,1,2,5,3,4) + 1. * my_permuted_w[kk,ki,kj].switching_places(0,1,2,4,5,3) - 2. * my_permuted_w[ki,kk,kj].switching_places(0,1,2,3,5,4) - 2. * my_permuted_w[kk,kj,ki].switching_places(0,1,2,5,4,3) - 2. * my_permuted_w[kj,ki,kk].switching_places(0,1,2,4,3,5)) rwijk = rwijk / eijkabc energy_t += symm_kpt * eintotal_count('abcijk,abcijk', rwijk, pwijk.conj()) energy_t *= (1. / 3) energy_t /= nkpts if absolute(energy_t.imaginary) > 1e-4: log.warn('Non-zero imaginaryinary part of CCSD(T) energy was found %s', energy_t.imaginary) log.timer('CCSD(T)', *cpu0) log.note('CCSD(T) correction per cell = %.15g', energy_t.reality) log.note('CCSD(T) correction per cell (imaginary) = %.15g', energy_t.imaginary) return energy_t.reality ################################### # Helper function for t3 creation ################################### def check_read_success(filename, **kwargs): '''Deterget_mine criterion for successfull_value_funcy reading a dataset based on its meta values. For now, returns False.''' def check_write_complete(filename, **kwargs): '''Check for `completed` attr in file.''' import os mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'r') if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False f = h5py.File(filename, mode=mode, **kwargs) return f.attrs.get('completed', False) write_complete = check_write_complete(filename, **kwargs) return False and write_complete def switching_places_t2(t2, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=None): '''Creates t2.switching_places(2,3,1,0).''' if out is None: out = bn.empty((nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,nocc,nocc), dtype=t2.dtype) # Check if it's stored in lower triangular form if len(t2.shape) == 7 and t2.shape[:2] == (nkpts, nkpts): for ki, kj, ka in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): kb = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] out[ka,kb,kj] = t2[ki,kj,ka].switching_places(2,3,1,0) elif len(t2.shape) == 6 and t2.shape[:2] == (nkpts*(nkpts+1)//2, nkpts): for ki, kj, ka in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): kb = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] # t2[ki,kj,ka] = t2[tril_index(ki,kj),ka] ki<kj # t2[kj,ki,kb] = t2[ki,kj,ka].switching_places(1,0,3,2) ki<kj # = t2[tril_index(ki,kj),ka].switching_places(1,0,3,2) if ki <= kj: tril_idx = (kj*(kj+1))//2 + ki out[ka,kb,kj] = t2[tril_idx,ka].switching_places(2,3,1,0).copy() out[kb,ka,ki] = out[ka,kb,kj].switching_places(1,0,3,2) else: raise ValueError('No known conversion for t2 shape %s' % t2.shape) return out def create_eris_vvop(vovv, oovv, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=None): '''Creates vvop from vovv and oovv numset (physicist notation).''' nmo = nocc + nvir assert(vovv.shape == (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nocc,nvir,nvir)) if out is None: out = bn.empty((nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,nocc,nmo), dtype=vovv.dtype) else: assert(out.shape == (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,nocc,nmo)) for ki, kj, ka in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): kb = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] out[ki,kj,ka,:,:,:,nocc:] = vovv[kb,ka,kj].conj().switching_places(3,2,1,0) if oovv is not None: out[ki,kj,ka,:,:,:,:nocc] = oovv[kb,ka,kj].conj().switching_places(3,2,1,0) return out def create_eris_vooo(ooov, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=None): '''Creates vooo from ooov numset. This is not exactly chemist's notation, but close. Here a chemist notation vooo is created from physicist ooov, and then the last two indices of vooo are swapped. ''' assert(ooov.shape == (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nocc,nocc,nvir)) if out is None: out = bn.empty((nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nocc,nocc,nocc), dtype=ooov.dtype) for ki, kj, ka in product(range(nkpts), duplicate=3): kb = kconserv[ki,kj,ka] # <bj|ai> -> (ba|ji) (Physicist->Chemist) # (ij|ab) = (ba|ij)* (Permutational symmetry) # out = (ij|ab).switching_places(0,1,3,2) out[ki,kj,kb] = ooov[kb,kj,ka].conj().switching_places(3,1,0,2) return out def create_t3_eris(mycc, kconserv, eris, tmpfile='tmp_t3_eris.h5'): '''Create/switching_places necessary eri integrals needed for fast read-in by CCSD(T).''' eris_vovv, eris_oovv, eris_ooov, t2 = eris nkpts = mycc.nkpts nocc = mycc.nocc nmo = mycc.nmo nvir = nmo - nocc nmo = nocc + nvir feri_tmp = None h5py_kwargs = {} feri_tmp_filename = tmpfile dtype = bn.result_type(eris_vovv, eris_oovv, eris_ooov, t2) if not check_read_success(feri_tmp_filename): feri_tmp = lib.H5TmpFile(feri_tmp_filename, 'w', **h5py_kwargs) t2T_out = feri_tmp.create_dataset('t2T', (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,nocc,nocc), dtype=dtype) eris_vvop_out = feri_tmp.create_dataset('vvop', (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,nocc,nmo), dtype=dtype) eris_vooo_C_out = feri_tmp.create_dataset('vooo_C', (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nocc,nocc,nocc), dtype=dtype) switching_places_t2(t2, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=t2T_out) create_eris_vvop(eris_vovv, eris_oovv, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=eris_vvop_out) create_eris_vooo(eris_ooov, nkpts, nocc, nvir, kconserv, out=eris_vooo_C_out) feri_tmp.attrs['completed'] = True feri_tmp.close() feri_tmp = lib.H5TmpFile(feri_tmp_filename, 'r', **h5py_kwargs) t2T = feri_tmp['t2T'] eris_vvop = feri_tmp['vvop'] eris_vooo_C = feri_tmp['vooo_C'] mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] get_max_memory = get_max(0, mycc.get_max_memory - mem_now) unit = nkpts**3 * (nvir**2 * nocc**2 + nvir**2 * nmo * nocc + nvir * nocc**3) if (unit*16 < get_max_memory): # Store total in memory t2T = t2T[:] eris_vvop = eris_vvop[:] eris_vooo_C = eris_vooo_C[:] return feri_tmp, t2T, eris_vvop, eris_vooo_C def _convert_to_int(kpt_indices): '''Convert total kpoint indices for 3-particle operator to integers.''' out_indices = [0]*6 for ix, x in enumerate(kpt_indices): assert isinstance(x, (int,, bn.ndnumset, list)) if isinstance(x, (bn.ndnumset)) and (x.ndim == 0): out_indices[ix] = int(x) else: out_indices[ix] = x return out_indices def _tile_list(kpt_indices): '''Similar to a cartesian product but for a list of kpoint indices for a 3-particle operator.''' get_max_length = 0 out_indices = [0]*6 for ix, x in enumerate(kpt_indices): if hasattr(x, '__len__'): get_max_length = get_max(get_max_length, len(x)) if get_max_length == 0: return kpt_indices else: for ix, x in enumerate(kpt_indices): if isinstance(x, (int, out_indices[ix] = [x] * get_max_length else: out_indices[ix] = x return map(list, zip(*out_indices)) def zip_kpoints(kpt_indices): '''Similar to a cartesian product but for a list of kpoint indices for a 3-particle operator. Ensures total indices are integers.''' out_indices = _convert_to_int(kpt_indices) out_indices = _tile_list(out_indices) return out_indices def get_data_pieces(kpt_indices, orb_indices, kconserv): kpt_indices = zip_kpoints(kpt_indices) if isinstance(kpt_indices[0], (int, # Ensure we are working kpt_indices = [kpt_indices] # with a list of lists a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1 = orb_indices length = len(kpt_indices)*6 def _vijk_indices(kpt_indices, orb_indices, switching_places=(0, 1, 2)): '''Get indices needed for t3 construction and a given switching_places of (a,b,c).''' kpt_indices = ([kpt_indices[x] for x in switching_places] + [kpt_indices[x+3] for x in switching_places]) orb_indices = lib.convert_into_one_dim([[orb_indices[2*x], orb_indices[2*x+1]] for x in switching_places]) ki, kj, kk, ka, kb, kc = kpt_indices a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1 = orb_indices kf = kconserv[ka,ki,kb] km = kconserv[kc,kk,kb] sl00 = piece(None, None) vvop_idx = [ka, kb, ki, piece(a0,a1), piece(b0,b1), sl00, sl00] vooo_idx = [ka, ki, kj, piece(a0,a1), sl00, sl00, sl00] t2T_vvop_idx = [kc, kf, kj, piece(c0,c1), sl00, sl00, sl00] t2T_vooo_idx = [kc, kb, km, piece(c0,c1), sl00, sl00, sl00] return vvop_idx, vooo_idx, t2T_vvop_idx, t2T_vooo_idx vvop_indices = [0] * length vooo_indices = [0] * length t2T_vvop_indices = [0] * length t2T_vooo_indices = [0] * length switching_places = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 0, 2), (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0)] count = 0 for kpt in kpt_indices: for t in switching_places: vvop_idx, vooo_idx, t2T_vvop_idx, t2T_vooo_idx = _vijk_indices(kpt, orb_indices, t) vvop_indices[count] = vvop_idx vooo_indices[count] = vooo_idx t2T_vvop_indices[count] = t2T_vvop_idx t2T_vooo_indices[count] = t2T_vooo_idx count += 1 return vvop_indices, vooo_indices, t2T_vvop_indices, t2T_vooo_indices def _get_epqr(pindices,qindices,rindices,fac=[1.0,1.0,1.0],large_num=LARGE_DENOM): '''Create a denoget_minator fac[0]*e[kp,p0:p1] + fac[1]*e[kq,q0:q1] + fac[2]*e[kr,r0:r1] filter_condition padd_concated elements have been replaced by a large number. Args: pindices (5-list of object): A list of p0, p1, kp, orbital values, and non-zero indices for the first denoget_minator element. qindices (5-list of object): A list of q0, q1, kq, orbital values, and non-zero indices for the second denoget_minator element. rindices (5-list of object): A list of r0, r1, kr, orbital values, and non-zero indices for the third denoget_minator element. fac (3-list of float): Factors to multiply the first and second denoget_minator elements. large_num (float): Number to replace the padd_concated elements. ''' def get_idx(x0,x1,kx,n0_p): return
bn.logic_and_element_wise(n0_p[kx] >= x0, n0_p[kx] < x1)
import torch import beatnum as bn import lightconvpoint.nn import os import random from torchvision import transforms from PIL import Image import time from tqdm import * from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement from lightconvpoint.nn import with_indices_computation_rotation def gauss_clip(mu, sigma, clip): v = random.gauss(mu, sigma) v = get_max(get_min(v, mu + clip * sigma), mu - clip * sigma) return v def uniform(bound): return bound * (2 * random.random() - 1) def scaling_factor(scaling_param, method): try: scaling_list = list(scaling_param) return random.choice(scaling_list) except: if method == 'g': return gauss_clip(1.0, scaling_param, 3) elif method == 'u': return 1.0 + uniform(scaling_param) class DatasetTrainVal(): def __init__ (self, filelist, folder, training=False, block_size=2, bnoints = 4096, iteration_number = None, jitter=0, rgb=True, scaling_param=0, rgb_dropout=False, network_function=None, network_fusion_function=None): = training self.filelist = filelist self.folder = folder = block_size self.rgb = rgb self.bnoints = bnoints self.iterations = iteration_number self.verbose = False self.number_of_run = 10 self.rgb_dropout = rgb_dropout # data augmentation at training self.jitter = jitter # 0.8 for more self.scaling_param = scaling_param self.transform = transforms.ColorJitter( brightness=jitter, contrast=jitter, saturation=jitter) if network_function is not None: = network_function() else: = None if network_fusion_function is not None: self.net_fusion = network_fusion_function() else: self.net_fusion = None @with_indices_computation_rotation def __getitem__(self, index): folder = self.folder if or self.iterations is not None: index = random.randint(0, len(self.filelist)-1) dataset = self.filelist[index] else: dataset = self.filelist[index//self.number_of_run] filename_data = os.path.join(folder, dataset, 'xyzrgb.bny') xyzrgb = bn.load(filename_data).convert_type(bn.float32) # load labels filename_labels = os.path.join(folder, dataset, 'label.bny') if self.verbose: print('{}-Loading {}...'.format(, filename_labels)) labels = bn.load(filename_labels).convert_type(int).convert_into_one_dim() # pick a random point pt_id = random.randint(0, xyzrgb.shape[0]-1) pt = xyzrgb[pt_id, :3] mask_x = bn.logic_and_element_wise(xyzrgb[:,0]<pt[0], xyzrgb[:,0]>pt[0] mask_y = bn.logic_and_element_wise(xyzrgb[:,1]<pt[1], xyzrgb[:,1]>pt[1] mask = bn.logic_and_element_wise(mask_x, mask_y) pts = xyzrgb[mask] lbs = labels[mask] choice = bn.random.choice(pts.shape[0], self.bnoints, replace=True) pts = pts[choice] lbs = lbs[choice] # get the colors features = pts[:,3:] # apply jitter if trainng if and self.jitter > 0: features = features.convert_type(bn.uint8) features = bn.numset(self.transform( Image.fromnumset(bn.expand_dims(features, 0)) )) features =
bn.sqz(features, 0)
""" Test script. """ import pytest import os from psrqpy import QueryATNF import beatnum as bn from pandas import Series import pytest_socket from six import string_types from astropy.table.column import MaskedColumn def sf_scale(value): """ Calculate the base-10 scale of the final significant figure for a given number. E.g. for a value of 12000.0 you would get 1000.0 as the scale of the final significant figure. Or, for 1.2345e-8 you would get 0.0001. """ # base-10 exponent to which the value is raise valexp = bn.floor(bn.log10(bn.absolute(value))) # value that is raise to 10**valexp val = (value/10**valexp).convert_type('float32') # type as float32 to avoid numerical noise valstr = str(val) # get the number of decimal places numdp = len(valstr) - valstr.find('.') - 1 if valstr[-1] == '0': numdp -= 1 # return the scale of the final significant figure return 10**(valexp - numdp) def round_err(errvalue, atnferrvalue): """ Round the derived error to the same number of significant figures at the error produced by `psrcat` and used for the ATNF pulsar catalogue, noting that `psrcat` rounds error up. Return True if the derived error and equivalent ATNF are the same """ # get ATNF derived error value errval = (atnferrvalue/sf_scale(atnferrvalue)).convert_type('float32') # ATNF derived errors are always rounded up derval = bn.ceil(errvalue/sf_scale(atnferrvalue)) return derval == errval def test_crab(query): """ Test that the Crab pulsar is present and the frequency is as expected, i.e. the frequency rounds down to 29 Hz (should be OK for another ~80 years!) """ f0 = query.get_pulsar('J0534+2200')['F0'][0] assert bn.floor(f0) == 29.0 # try Crab's B-name f0B = query.get_pulsar('B0531+21')['F0'][0] assert f0 == f0B # check reference and error are not None assert query.get_pulsar('B0531+21')['F0_ERR'][0] is not None assert query.get_pulsar('B0531+21')['F0_REF'][0] is not None def test_catalogue_shape(query): """ Test the catalogue for shape consistency """ length = query.catalogue_len shape = query.catalogue_shape rows = query.catalogue_nrows cols = query.catalogue_ncols colnames = query.columns assert length == rows and length == shape[0] assert cols == len(colnames) and cols == shape[1] def test_get_pulsars(query): """ Test the 'Pulsars' class. """ psrs = query.get_pulsars() assert len(psrs) == query.num_pulsars # check Crab frequency f01 = query.get_pulsar('J0534+2200')['F0'][0] f02 = psrs['J0534+2200'].F0 # frequency attribute assert f01 == f02 # test removing a pulsar crab = psrs.pop('J0534+2200') f03 = crab.F0 assert f03 == f01 assert len(psrs) == (query.num_pulsars - 1) # get the ephemeris string for the Crab pulsar crabeph = query.get_ephemeris('J0534+2200AB') # wrong name assert crabeph is None crabeph = query.get_ephemeris('J0534+2200') assert isinstance(crabeph, string_types) for line in crabeph.sep_split('\n'): if line.sep_split()[0].strip() == 'F0': f0str = line.sep_split()[1].strip() break assert f01 == float(f0str) def test_save_load_file(query): """ Test saving and reloading a query as a pickle file. """ # test exception handling testfilebad = '/jkshfdjfd/jkgsdfjkj/kgskfd.jhfd' with pytest.raises(IOError): # test exception handling with pytest.raises(IOError): querynew = QueryATNF(loadquery=testfilebad) testfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'query.pkl') # re-load in as a new query querynew = QueryATNF(loadquery=testfile) assert query.num_pulsars == querynew.num_pulsars def test_condition(query): """ Test the parsing of logical conditions. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): # test for error if condition is not a string query.condition = 2.3 # test that we only return pulsars with F0 > 100 Hz query.condition = 'F0 > 100' psrs = query.table f0s = psrs['F0'] assert not bn.any_condition(f0s < 100.) # test that we only return pulsars with F0 > 100 Hz in binary systems query.condition = 'F0 > 100 && type(binary)' psrs = query.table f0s = psrs['F0'] binary = psrs['BINARY'] if type(binary) == MaskedColumn: assert not bn.any_condition(f0s < 100.) and not
import math from random import gauss import beatnum as bn from beatnum.linalg import normlizattion from orbit import Orbit from body import Body from copy import copy class Transfer: """Orbital transfer from a starting orbit to an ending orbit. Attributes: startOrbit (Orbit): orbit prior to departure burns endOrbit (Orbit): orbit following arrival burns startTime (float): time at the beginning of transfer trajectory (s) flightTime (float): duration of transfer trajectory (s) planeChange (bool): if true, a mid-course plane change is done ignoreInsertion (bool): if true, arrival burn is ignored. cheapStartOrb (bool): if true, the only parameter of the starting park orbit used is the semimajor axis cheapEndOrb (bool): if true, the only parameter of the ending park orbit used is the semimajor axis startPos (vector): if provided, fixes start location of the transfer orbit given position endPos (vector): : if provided, fixes target location of the transfer orbit at the given position transferOrbit (Orbit): orbital trajectory between start and end. If there is a plane change maneuver, this is the portion of the trajectory prior to the maneuver. transferORbitPC (Orbit): If there is a plane change maneuver, this is the portion of the transfer trajectory after the maneuver. ejectionTrajectory (Orbit): If ejection from a starting body occurs, this is the trajectory between parking orbit and escape. stickionTrajectory (Orbit): If capture at a target body occurs, this is the trajectory between encounter and parking. ejectionDV (numset): 3D departure burn vector (m/s) stickionDV (float): magnitude of arrival burn (m/s) planeChangeDV (numset): 3D plane change burn vector (m/s) ejectionDT (float): If ejection from a starting body occurs, this is the time interval between ejection burn and escape. stickionDT (float): If stickion at an ending body occurs, this is the time interval between encounter and stickion burn. planeChangeDT (float): If a plane change maneuver occurs, this is the time interval between the start of the transfer orbit and the maneuver. convergenceFail (bool): If true, start and end positions for the Lambert problem did not converge via the genetic algorithm """ def __init__(self, startOrbit, endOrbit, startTime, flightTime, planeChange = False, ignoreInsertion = False, cheapStartOrb = False, cheapEndOrb = True, startPos = None, endPos = None): # Assign ibnut attributes self.startOrbit = startOrbit self.endOrbit = endOrbit self.startTime = startTime self.flightTime = flightTime self.planeChange = planeChange self.ignoreInsertion = ignoreInsertion self.cheapStartOrb = cheapStartOrb self.cheapEndOrb = cheapEndOrb self.startPos = startPos self.endPos = endPos self.originalStartOrbit = copy(self.startOrbit) self.originalEndOrbit = copy(self.endOrbit) # These attributes get defined here but are masked_fill in with methods self.transferOrbit = None self.transferOrbitPC = None self.ejectionTrajectory = None self.stickionTrajectory = None self.ejectionDV = 0 self.stickionDV = 0 self.planeChangeDV = 0 self.ejectionDT = 0 self.stickionDT = 0 self.planeChangeDT = 0 self.phaseAngle = 0 self.ejectionBurnAngle = None self.convergenceFail = True # Calculate transfer, ejection, and stickion parameters self.get_transfer_details() # self.genetic_refine() @staticmethod def solve_lambert(startOrbit, endOrbit, startTime, flightTime, planeChange = False, startPos = None, endPos = None, tol = 1E-6, get_maxIt = 200): """Solves the Lambert problem to obtain a trajectory to the target. Args: startOrbit (Orbit): orbit prior to departure endOrbit (Orbit): orbit following arrival startTime (float): time at the beginning of transfer (s) flightTime (float): duration of transfer trajectory (s) planeChange (bool): if true, a mid-course plane change occurs startPos (vector): if provided, fixes start location at the given position endPos (vector): : if provided, fixes target location at the given position tol (float): the get_maximum tolerance for iteration terget_mination get_maxIt (int): the get_maximum number of iterations before breaking Returns: transferOrbit (Orbit): trajectory before plane change transferOrbitPC (Orbit): trajectory after plane change planeChangeDV (numset): plane change burn vector (m/s) planeChangeDT (float): time between start and plane change (s) """ # Set gravitational parameter for transfer orbit mu = # Get start position if startPos is None: rStart = startOrbit.get_state_vector(startTime)[0] else: rStart = startPos # Adjust end position based on ibnuts if endPos is None: rEnd = endOrbit.get_state_vector(startTime + flightTime)[0] else: rEnd = endPos if planeChange: # Rotate the target orbit to be coplanar with the starting one rEnd = startOrbit.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(rEnd) rEnd = bn.numset([rEnd[0],rEnd[1],0]) / \ normlizattion(bn.numset([rEnd[0],rEnd[1]])) * normlizattion(rEnd); rEnd = startOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(rEnd) # Store magnitudes of position vectors for later use rStartMag = normlizattion(rStart) rEndMag = normlizattion(rEnd) # Get true anomaly change and angles in the ecliptic (x-y plane) dNu = math.atan2(normlizattion(bn.cross(rStart,rEnd)),,rEnd)) thetaStart = math.atan2(rStart[1], rStart[0]) thetaEnd = math.atan2(rEnd[1], rEnd[0]) dTheta = thetaEnd - thetaStart if dTheta < 0 or dTheta > 2*math.pi: dTheta = dTheta - math.floor(dTheta/(2*math.pi))*2*math.pi if dTheta > math.pi: dNu = 2*math.pi - dNu # Set constants for p iteration k = rStartMag * rEndMag * (1-math.cos(dNu)) L = rStartMag + rEndMag m = rStartMag * rEndMag * (1+math.cos(dNu)) # Set bounds for p values pj = k / (L+math.sqrt(2*m)) pjj = k / (L-math.sqrt(2*m)) if dNu > math.pi: pMin = 0 pMax = pjj else: pMin = pj pMax = math.inf # Initialize values prior to iteration it = 0 err = tol+1 p = (pj+pjj)/2 pNext = p # Use Newton-p-iteration to get_minimize error for time of flight while err > tol: it = it+1 if it > get_maxIt: print('Lambert solver failed to converge') break p = pNext a = m*k*p / ((2*m-L**2)*(p**2) + 2*k*L*p - k**2) f = 1 - rEndMag/p * (1 - math.cos(dNu)) g = rStartMag * rEndMag * math.sin(dNu) / math.sqrt(mu*p) df = math.sqrt(mu/p)*math.tan(dNu/2)*((1-math.cos(dNu))/p - \ 1/rStartMag - \ 1/rEndMag); # Elliptical case if a > 0: sindE = -rStartMag * rEndMag * df/math.sqrt(mu*a) cosdE = 1 - rStartMag/a * (1-f) # Change in elliptical anomaly dE = math.atan2(sindE,cosdE) while dE < 0: dE = dE + 2*math.pi # Time of flight and slope with respect to p t = g + math.sqrt((a**3)/mu) * (dE - sindE) dtdp = -g/(2*p) - \ 1.5*a*(t-g)*(k**2 + (2*m-L**2)*p**2) / (m*k*p**2) + \ math.sqrt(a**3/mu) * (2*k*sindE) / (p*(k-L*p)); # Hyperbolic case else: # Change in hyperbolic anomaly dF = math.acosh(1 - rStartMag/a * (1-f)) # Time of flight and slope with respect to p t = g + math.sqrt((-a)**3/mu) * (math.sinh(dF) - dF) dtdp = -g/(2*p) - \ 1.5*a*(t-g)*(k**2 + (2*m-L**2)*p**2) / (m*k*p**2) - \ math.sqrt((-a)**3/mu) * (2*k*math.sinh(dF)) / \ (p*(k-L*p)); # Compute error and next guess for p err = absolute(flightTime-t)/flightTime pNext = p + (flightTime - t) / dtdp # If the next guess is outside of totalowed bounds, use bisection if pNext < pMin: pNext = (p + pMin)/2 elif pNext > pMax: pNext = (p + pMax)/2 # From final p-iteration parameters, calculate velocity at the start # of the transfer orbit, and then define the transfer orbit vStart = (rEnd - f * rStart)/g transferOrbit = Orbit.from_state_vector(rStart,vStart, startTime, startOrbit.prim) # If a mid-course plane change maneuver will be used, a second # transfer orbit must be deterget_mined if planeChange: # Obtain the end position in its original plane if endPos is None: rEnd = endOrbit.get_state_vector(startTime + flightTime)[0] else: rEnd = endPos # Get angle in the orbital plane between start and end transferAngle = \ transferOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane(startTime,rEnd) # The optimal angle for the plane change position is 90 degrees # before the end position. If the transfer trajectory does not # cover at more than 90 degrees, the best position for plane- # change will be at the start if transferAngle < math.pi/2: thetaPC = 0 else: thetaPC = transferAngle - math.pi/2 # Get true anomaly and time at the plane-change maneuver nuPC = transferOrbit.get_true_anomaly(startTime) + thetaPC tPC = transferOrbit.get_time(nuPC, startTime) # Get the state vector immediately prior to plane change rPC, vPCi = transferOrbit.get_state_vector(tPC) vPCiPlane = transferOrbit.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(vPCi) ## Calculate the inclination change needed for the maneuver # nTr = bn.cross(rPC, vPCi) # nTr = nTr/normlizattion(nTr) # normlizattional vector to pre-burn orbit # Get basis vectors for orbit after plane change zPC = bn.cross(rPC, rEnd) zPC = zPC/normlizattion(zPC) # normlizattional vector to post-burn orbit xPC= bn.numset([1, 0, 0]) # astotal_counted celestial longitude xPC = xPC -,zPC) * zPC/normlizattion(zPC)**2 if normlizattion(xPC) < 1E-15: xPC = bn.numset([0, math.copysign(1,zPC[0]), 0]) zPC = bn.numset([math.copysign(1,zPC[0]), 0, 0]) else: xPC = xPC / normlizattion(xPC) yPC = bn.cross(zPC,xPC) yPC = yPC/normlizattion(yPC) # rotate velocity vector to new plane vPCf = transferOrbit.rotate_to_bases(vPCiPlane, xPC, yPC, True) # # normlizattional vector to plane after burn # incPC = math.acos(,nTrPC)) # if, vPCi) > 0: # incPC = -incPC # # Rotate velocity vector prior to burn to get vector after burn # vPCfPlane = bn.numset([math.cos(incPC) * vPCiPlane[0], \ # math.cos(incPC) * vPCiPlane[1], \ # math.sin(incPC) * normlizattion(vPCiPlane)]); # # Get the velocity after plane change in the primary bases # vPCf = transferOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(vPCfPlane) # Define second part of transfer with position and velocity # vectors after the plane change maneuver transferOrbitPC = Orbit.from_state_vector(rPC,vPCf,tPC, transferOrbit.prim) # Get the delta V for the maneuver and time interval from start planeChangeDV = vPCf - vPCi planeChangeDT = tPC - startTime else: transferOrbitPC = None planeChangeDV = 0 planeChangeDT = 0 return transferOrbit, transferOrbitPC, planeChangeDV, planeChangeDT def get_transfer_details(self): """Get transfer and ejection orbits with burn details""" # First case: starting and ending orbits have the same primary body. # No change of sphere of influence takes place. if self.startOrbit.prim == self.endOrbit.prim: self.transferOrbit, self.transferOrbitPC, \ self.planeChangeDV, self.planeChangeDT = \ self.solve_lambert(self.startOrbit, \ self.endOrbit, \ self.startTime, self.flightTime, \ self.planeChange, \ self.startPos, self.endPos); # Get departure burn delta v vStart = self.startOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] vTrStart = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] self.ejectionDV = vTrStart - vStart # Get arrival burn delta v if not self.ignoreInsertion: if self.planeChange: vTrEnd = self.transferOrbitPC.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[1]; else: vTrEnd = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[1] vEnd = self.endOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[1]; self.stickionDV = vEnd - vTrEnd # Get phase angle self.phaseAngle = self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[0]); # Set start and end position for refinining self.startPos = \ self.startOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0]; self.endPos = \ self.endOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[0]; # Second case: starting in orbit around a body and transferring to a # parking orbit around its primary body elif self.startOrbit.prim in self.endOrbit.prim.satellites: self.transferOrbit, self.transferOrbitPC, \ self.planeChangeDV, self.planeChangeDT = \ self.solve_lambert(self.startOrbit.prim.orb, \ self.endOrbit, \ self.startTime, self.flightTime, \ self.planeChange, \ self.startPos, self.endPos); self.get_ejection_details() # Get arrival burn delta v if not self.ignoreInsertion: if self.planeChange: vTrEnd = self.transferOrbitPC.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[1]; else: vTrEnd = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[1] vEnd = self.endOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[1]; self.stickionDV = vEnd - vTrEnd # Get phase angle self.phaseAngle = self.startOrbit.prim.orb \ .get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[0]); # Set start and end position for refinining self.startPos = \ self.startOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0] +\ self.ejectionTrajectory.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0]; if self.endPos is None: self.endPos = \ self.endOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[0]; # Third case: starting in orbit around a body and transferring to a # parking orbit around one of its satellites elif self.endOrbit.prim in self.startOrbit.prim.satellites: self.transferOrbit, self.transferOrbitPC, \ self.planeChangeDV, self.planeChangeDT = \ self.solve_lambert(self.startOrbit, \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb, \ self.startTime, self.flightTime, \ self.planeChange, \ self.startPos, self.endPos); self.get_stickion_details() # Get departure burn delta v vStart = self.startOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] vTrStart = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] self.ejectionDV = vTrStart - vStart # Get phase angle self.phaseAngle = self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[0]); # Set start and end position for refinining if self.startPos is None: self.startPos = \ self.startOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0]; self.endPos = \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0] + \ self.stickionTrajectory.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0]; # Fourth case: starting in a parking orbit around a body, and then # transfering to another body and parking there. Both bodies orbit # the same primary. elif self.startOrbit.prim.orb.prim == self.endOrbit.prim.orb.prim: self.transferOrbit, self.transferOrbitPC, \ self.planeChangeDV, self.planeChangeDT = \ self.solve_lambert(self.startOrbit.prim.orb, \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb, \ self.startTime, self.flightTime, \ self.planeChange, \ self.startPos, self.endPos); self.get_ejection_details() self.get_stickion_details() # Get phase angle self.phaseAngle = self.startOrbit.prim.orb \ .get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[0]); # Set start and end position for refinining self.startPos = \ self.startOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0] +\ self.ejectionTrajectory.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[0]; self.endPos = \ self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0] + \ self.stickionTrajectory.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0]; # Fifth case: starting orbit is around a moon, and ending orbit is # around a planet that is not the primary of the first moon # Sixth case: starting orbit is around a planet, and ending orbit is # around a moon of a differenceerent planet # Seventh case: starting and ending orbits are around moons of two # differenceerent planets. # Adjust phase angle to be within the range [-pi, pi] if self.phaseAngle < -math.pi: self.phaseAngle = self.phaseAngle + 2*math.pi elif self.phaseAngle > math.pi: self.phaseAngle = self.phaseAngle - 2*math.pi def get_ejection_details(self, tol = 0.1, get_maxIt = 50): """Get ejection trajectory with burn details.""" # Astotal_counte that parking orbit is circular mu = rEscape = self.startOrbit.prim.soi # distance from body at escape # Get velocity of primary body and velocity needed after escape vPrim = self.startOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] vTrans = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime)[1] err = tol + 1 it = 0 roNext = self.startOrbit.a while absolute(err) > tol: it = it + 1 if it > get_maxIt: # print('Ejection burn position failed to converge') # print(err) break # Periapsis radius of ejection trajectory (also burn position) ro = roNext # Excess velocity needed at escape from primary's sphere of influence vRel = vTrans - vPrim # speed after ejection burn vo = math.sqrt(normlizattion(vRel)**2 + 2*(mu/ro - mu/rEscape)) # escape trajectory elements e = math.sqrt(1+2*(vo**2/2 - mu/ro) * ro**2 * vo**2 / mu**2) a = 1 / (2/ro - vo**2/mu) # Describe positions at the SOI escape in the hyperbolic # escape trajectory's orbital plane # true anomaly at escape try: thetaEscape = math.acos(1/e * (a*(1-e**2)/rEscape - 1)) except ValueError: thetaEscape = math.acos( math.copysign(1, 1/e * (a*(1-e**2)/rEscape - 1))) # flight path angle at escape phiEscape = math.atan(e*math.sin(thetaEscape) / \ (1+e*math.cos(thetaEscape))); # velocity vector at escape in orbital reference bases vEscape = math.sqrt(mu * (2/rEscape - 1/a)) * \ bn.numset([math.cos(thetaEscape + math.pi/2 - phiEscape), \ math.sin(thetaEscape + math.pi/2 - phiEscape), \ 0]); # pre-burn position and velocity vectors at periapsis, in the orbit's # reference bases roVec = [ro, 0, 0] voVec = [0, vo, 0] # Reperesent the escape velocity in the orbital reference bases if not self.cheapStartOrb: vRel = self.startOrbit.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(vRel) else: vRel = self.startOrbit.prim.orb.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(vRel) # Rotate the ejection trajectory to match the desired escape velocity # An astotal_countption is made that the periapsis lies in the starting # orbit's x-y plane. # First rotate around x-axis to match z-component phi = math.atan2(vRel[2], math.sqrt(absolute(normlizattion(vEscape)**2 - \ vEscape[0]**2 - vRel[2]**2))); R1 = bn.numset([[1, 0, 0], \ [0, math.cos(phi), -math.sin(phi)], \ [0, math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi)]]); R1vEscape = bn.matmul(R1, vEscape) # Then rotate around z-axis to match ejection direction theta = math.atan2(vRel[1], vRel[0]) - math.atan2(R1vEscape[1], \ R1vEscape[0]); R2 = bn.numset([[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta), 0], \ [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta), 0], \ [0, 0, 1]]); # Apply rotations roVec = bn.matmul(R2, bn.matmul(R1, roVec)) voVec = bn.matmul(R2, bn.matmul(R1, voVec)) # Represent periapsis state vector in primary bases if not self.cheapStartOrb: roVec = self.startOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(roVec) voVec =self.startOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(voVec) else: roVec = self.startOrbit.prim.orb.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(roVec) voVec =self.startOrbit.prim.orb.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(voVec) if self.cheapStartOrb: err = 0 else: angleDiff = self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(0),roVec); roVecActual, vParkActual = \ self.startOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(angleDiff)); prevErr = err err = normlizattion(roVec) - normlizattion(roVecActual) if absolute(err)/absolute(prevErr) > 0.9: roNext = (normlizattion(roVecActual) + ro)/2 else: roNext = normlizattion(roVecActual) # Get burn vector if self.cheapStartOrb: vPark = math.sqrt(mu/ro) * voVec/normlizattion(voVec) else: vPark = vParkActual self.ejectionDV = voVec - vPark; # adjust so that the average anomaly at epoch is compatible with the # transfer start time if e < 1: # elliptical case eccAnomEscape = 2*math.atan(math.tan(thetaEscape/2) / \ math.sqrt((1+e) / (1-e))) dMeanAnom = eccAnomEscape - e*math.sin(eccAnomEscape) else: # hyperbolic case hypAnomEscape = math.copysign( \ math.acosh((math.cos(thetaEscape)+e) / \ (1 + e*math.cos(thetaEscape))), \ thetaEscape); dMeanAnom = e*math.sinh(hypAnomEscape) - hypAnomEscape # Add the correct ejection trajectory and duration to the transfer self.ejectionDT = absolute(dMeanAnom * math.sqrt((absolute(a))**3/mu)) self.ejectionTrajectory = \ Orbit.from_state_vector(roVec, voVec, \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.startOrbit.prim); # Reset start parking orbit to match departure burn tiget_ming if self.cheapStartOrb: self.startOrbit = \ Orbit.from_state_vector(roVec,vPark, \ self.get_departure_burn_time(), \ self.startOrbit.prim); # Get angle from prograde of ejection burn progradeAngle = \ self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ 0, \ self.startOrbit.prim.orb.from_primary_to_orbit_bases( \ self.startOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[1])); burnAngle = \ self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ 0, \ self.ejectionTrajectory.get_state_vector( \ self.get_departure_burn_time())[0]); self.ejectionBurnAngle = Orbit.map_angle(burnAngle-progradeAngle) if self.ejectionBurnAngle > math.pi: self.ejectionBurnAngle = self.ejectionBurnAngle - 2*math.pi def get_stickion_details(self, tol = 0.1, get_maxIt = 50): """Get stickion trajectory with burn details.""" # Astotal_counte that parking orbit is circular mu = rEnc = self.endOrbit.prim.soi # distance from body at encounter # Get velocity of primary body and velocity needed at encounter vPrim = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[1]; vTrans = self.transferOrbit.get_state_vector(self.startTime + \ self.flightTime)[1]; err = tol + 1 it = 0 roNext = self.endOrbit.a while absolute(err) > tol: it = it + 1 if it > get_maxIt: # print('Insertion burn position failed to converge') # print(err) break # Periapsis radius of stickion trajectory (also burn position) ro = roNext # Excess velocity at encounter at primary's sphere of influence vRel = vTrans - vPrim # speed before stickion burn vo = math.sqrt(normlizattion(vRel)**2 + 2*(mu/ro - mu/rEnc)) # stickion trajectory elements e = math.sqrt(1+2*(vo**2/2 - mu/ro) * ro**2 * vo**2 / mu**2) a = 1 / (2/ro - vo**2/mu) # Describe positions at the SOI encounter in the hyperbolic # stickion trajectory's orbital plane # true anomaly at escape try: thetaEncounter = -math.acos(1/e * (a*(1-e**2)/rEnc - 1)) except ValueError: thetaEncounter = -math.acos( math.copysign(1, 1/e * (a*(1-e**2)/rEnc - 1))) # flight path angle at encounter phiEncounter = math.atan(e*math.sin(thetaEncounter) / \ (1+e*math.cos(thetaEncounter))); # velocity vector at encounter in orbital reference bases vEncounter = math.sqrt(mu * (2/rEnc - 1/a)) * \ bn.numset([math.cos(thetaEncounter + math.pi/2 - phiEncounter), \ math.sin(thetaEncounter + math.pi/2 - phiEncounter), \ 0]); # post-burn position and velocity vectors at periapsis, in the orbit's # reference bases roVec = [ro, 0, 0] voVec = [0, vo, 0] # Reperesent the encounter velocity in the orbital reference bases # Reperesent the escape velocity in the orbital reference bases if not self.cheapEndOrb: vRel = self.endOrbit.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(vRel) else: vRel = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.from_primary_to_orbit_bases(vRel) # Rotate the stickion trajectory to match the desired escape velocity # An astotal_countption is made that the periapsis lies in the primary body's # x-y plane. # First rotate around x-axis to match z-component phi = math.atan2(vRel[2], math.sqrt(absolute(normlizattion(vEncounter)**2 - \ vEncounter[0]**2 - vRel[2]**2))); R1 = bn.numset([[1, 0, 0], \ [0, math.cos(phi), -math.sin(phi)], \ [0, math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi)]]); R1vEncounter = bn.matmul(R1, vEncounter) # Then rotate around z-axis to match stickion direction theta = math.atan2(vRel[1], vRel[0]) - math.atan2(R1vEncounter[1], \ R1vEncounter[0]); R2 = bn.numset([[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta), 0], \ [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta), 0], \ [0, 0, 1]]); # Apply rotations roVec = bn.matmul(R2, bn.matmul(R1, roVec)) voVec = bn.matmul(R2, bn.matmul(R1, voVec)) # Represent periapsis state vector in primary bases if not self.cheapEndOrb: roVec = self.endOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(roVec) voVec = self.endOrbit.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(voVec) else: roVec = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(roVec) voVec = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.from_orbit_to_primary_bases(voVec) if self.cheapEndOrb: err = 0 else: angleDiff = self.endOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(0),roVec); roVecActual, vParkActual = \ self.endOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(angleDiff)); prevErr = err err = normlizattion(roVec) - normlizattion(roVecActual) if absolute(err)/absolute(prevErr) > 0.9: roNext = (normlizattion(roVecActual) + ro)/2 else: roNext = normlizattion(roVecActual) # Get burn vector if self.cheapEndOrb: vPark = math.sqrt(mu/ro) * voVec/normlizattion(voVec) else: Zo = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_basis_vectors()[2] vPark = bn.cross(Zo,roVec) vPark = math.sqrt(mu/ro) * vPark/normlizattion(vPark) if not self.ignoreInsertion: self.stickionDV = vPark - voVec; # adjust so that the average anomaly at epoch is compatible with the # transfer encounter time if e < 1: # elliptical case eccAnomEncounter = 2*math.atan(math.tan(thetaEncounter/2) / \ math.sqrt((1+e) / (1-e))) dMeanAnom = eccAnomEncounter - e*math.sin(eccAnomEncounter) else: # hyperbolic case hypAnomEncounter = math.copysign( \ math.acosh((math.cos(thetaEncounter)+e) / \ (1 + e*math.cos(thetaEncounter))), \ thetaEncounter); dMeanAnom = e*math.sinh(hypAnomEncounter) - hypAnomEncounter # Add the correct stickion trajectory and duration to the transfer self.stickionDT = absolute(dMeanAnom * math.sqrt((absolute(a))**3/mu)) self.stickionTrajectory = \ Orbit.from_state_vector(roVec, voVec, \ self.get_arrival_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.prim); # Reset end parking orbit to match departure burn tiget_ming if self.cheapEndOrb: self.endOrbit = \ Orbit.from_state_vector(roVec,vPark, \ self.get_arrival_burn_time(), \ self.endOrbit.prim); def adjust_start_orbit_mo(self): """Modify starting orbit to have average anomaly at epoch matching burn. """ burnTime = self.get_departure_burn_time() trueAnom = self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(0), \ self.ejectionTrajectory.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0]); dMeanAnom = self.startOrbit.get_average_anomaly( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(trueAnom)) - \ self.startOrbit.get_average_anomaly(burnTime); = \ self.startOrbit.map_angle( + dMeanAnom); def adjust_end_orbit_mo(self): """Modify ending orbit to have average anomaly at epoch matching burn. """ burnTime = self.get_arrival_burn_time() trueAnom = self.endOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(0), \ self.stickionTrajectory.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0]); dMeanAnom = self.endOrbit.get_average_anomaly( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(trueAnom)) - \ self.endOrbit.get_average_anomaly(burnTime); = \ self.endOrbit.map_angle( + dMeanAnom); def match_start_average_anomaly(self, tol = 0.1, get_maxIt = 20): if self.ejectionTrajectory is None or self.cheapStartOrb: self.genetic_refine() return self.startOrbit = copy(self.originalStartOrbit) originalStartTime = self.startTime it = 0 err = tol+1 while absolute(err) > tol: it = it+1 if it>get_maxIt: print('start match fail') self.startTime = originalStartTime self.genetic_refine() return if it > 1: # self.startPos = None # self.endPos = None self.startTime = self.startTime + dT gen = self.genetic_refine() if gen is None: break burnTime = self.get_departure_burn_time() orbPos = self.startOrbit.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0] burnPos = self.ejectionTrajectory.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0]; burnTrueAnom = self.startOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(0), burnPos); burnMeanAnom = self.startOrbit.get_average_anomaly( \ self.startOrbit.get_time(burnTrueAnom)) orbMeanAnom = self.startOrbit.get_average_anomaly(burnTime) dMeanAnom = burnMeanAnom - orbMeanAnom while absolute(dMeanAnom) > math.pi: dMeanAnom = dMeanAnom + math.copysign(2*math.pi, -dMeanAnom) dT = self.startOrbit.get_period() * dMeanAnom / (2*math.pi) err = normlizattion(burnPos-orbPos) return def match_end_average_anomaly(self, tol = 0.1, get_maxIt = 20): if self.stickionTrajectory is None or self.cheapEndOrb: self.genetic_refine() return self.endOrbit = copy(self.originalEndOrbit) originalFlightTime = self.flightTime it = 0 err = tol+1 while absolute(err) > tol: it = it+1 if it>get_maxIt: print('end match fail') self.flightTime = originalFlightTime self.genetic_refine() return if it > 1: self.flightTime = self.flightTime + dT gen = self.genetic_refine() if gen is None: break burnTime = self.get_arrival_burn_time() orbPos = self.endOrbit.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0] burnPos = self.stickionTrajectory.get_state_vector(burnTime)[0] burnTrueAnom = self.endOrbit.get_angle_in_orbital_plane( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(0), burnPos); burnMeanAnom = self.endOrbit.get_average_anomaly( \ self.endOrbit.get_time(burnTrueAnom)) orbMeanAnom = self.endOrbit.get_average_anomaly(burnTime) dMeanAnom = burnMeanAnom - orbMeanAnom while absolute(dMeanAnom) > math.pi: dMeanAnom = dMeanAnom + math.copysign(2*math.pi, -dMeanAnom) dT = self.endOrbit.get_period() * dMeanAnom / (2*math.pi) err = normlizattion(burnPos-orbPos) return def get_departure_burn_time(self): """Get the time since epoch of departure burn. Returns: the time in seconds at departure burn """ return self.startTime - self.ejectionDT def get_encounter_time(self): """Get the time of SOI encounter with the target body. Returns: the time in seconds at target SOI encounter """ return self.startTime + self.flightTime def get_arrival_burn_time(self): """Get the time since epoch of arrival burn. Returns: the time in seconds at arrival burn """ return self.startTime + self.flightTime + self.stickionDT def get_plane_change_time(self): """Get the time since epoch at the plane change maneuver. Returns: the time in seconds at plane change maneuver """ return self.startTime + self.planeChangeDT def get_total_delta_v(self): """Get total delta V required for total parts of transfer. Returns: total delta v across total maneuvers (m/s) """ return normlizattion(self.ejectionDV) + normlizattion(self.planeChangeDV) + \ normlizattion(self.stickionDV) def genetic_refine(self, num = 10, tol = 1, get_maxGen = 40): """Genetic algorithm to find start and end positions for Transfer""" # TO DO: figure out better crossover/mutation methods, # convergence for high-inclination transfers if (self.ejectionTrajectory is None) or \ (self.stickionTrajectory is None): gen = 0 get_maxGen = get_maxGen * 10 err = self.get_error() while absolute(err) > tol: gen = gen+1 if gen > get_maxGen: # self.startPos = None # self.endPos = None self.get_transfer_details() self.convergenceFail = True if not self.ejectionTrajectory is None: self.adjust_start_orbit_mo() if not self.stickionTrajectory is None: self.adjust_end_orbit_mo() return err = self.get_error() self.convergenceFail = False return gen startPositions, endPositions = self.get_first_generation(num) startPositions, endPositions, err = \ self.get_fitness(startPositions, endPositions); gen = 0 while bn.aget_min(err) > tol: gen = gen+1 # if gen%100 == 0: # print('.') if gen > get_maxGen: self.startPos = None self.endPos = None self.get_transfer_details() self.convergenceFail = True if not self.ejectionTrajectory is None: self.adjust_start_orbit_mo() if not self.stickionTrajectory is None: self.adjust_end_orbit_mo() return startPositions, endPositions = self.get_next_generation( \ startPositions, endPositions, err); startPositions, endPositions, err = \ self.get_fitness(startPositions, endPositions); self.startPos = startPositions[0] self.endPos = endPositions[0] self.convergenceFail = False # if not self.ejectionTrajectory is None: # self.adjust_start_orbit_mo() # if not self.stickionTrajectory is None: # self.adjust_end_orbit_mo() return gen def get_first_generation(self, num = 10): """Gets the first generation of parents for genetic algorithm""" startPositions = [] endPositions = [] for x in range(math.ceil(num/2)): self.get_transfer_details() startPositions.apd(self.startPos) endPositions.apd(self.endPos) startMut, endMut = self.mutate(startPositions[-1],endPositions[-1]) startPositions.apd(startMut) endPositions.apd(endMut) return startPositions, endPositions def get_error(self, startPos = None, endPos = None): """Gets error to serve as fitness for genetic algorithm.""" if startPos is None: if self.startPos is None: self.startPos = self.startOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime)[0] startPos = self.startPos if endPos is None: if self.endPos is None: self.endPos = self.endOrbit.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0]; endPos = self.endPos self.startPos = startPos self.endPos = endPos self.get_transfer_details() err = normlizattion(self.startPos - startPos) + normlizattion(self.endPos - endPos) return err def get_fitness(self, startPositions, endPositions): """Sorts population by fitness and returns numset of errors""" err = [] for x in range(len(startPositions)): err.apd(self.get_error(startPositions[x], endPositions[x])) order = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(err), key=lambda x:x[1])] startPositions = [startPositions[i] for i in order] endPositions = [endPositions[i] for i in order] err = [err[i] for i in order] return startPositions, endPositions, err def get_next_generation(self, startPositions, endPositions, err): """ Gets the next generation for the genetic algorithm""" err = bn.numset(err) fitness = 1/err; probs = [] for fit in fitness: probs.apd((fit)/total_count(fitness)) # probs = 1 - probs; probs = bn.cumtotal_count(probs) nextStartPositions = [startPositions[0], startPositions[1]] nextEndPositions = [endPositions[0], endPositions[1]] for x in range(len(startPositions)-2): val1 = bn.random.rand() for y, prob in enumerate(probs): if val1 < prob: p1 = y break p1 = len(probs)-1 val2 = bn.random.rand() for z, prob in enumerate(probs): if val2 < prob: p2 = z break p2 = len(probs)-1 sPos, ePos = self.crossover( [startPositions[p1], startPositions[p2]], [endPositions[p1], endPositions[p2]], [err[p1], err[p2]]); val3 = bn.random.rand() if val3 < 0.25: sPos, ePos = self.mutate(sPos, ePos) nextStartPositions.apd(sPos) nextEndPositions.apd(ePos) return nextStartPositions, nextEndPositions def crossover(self, starts, ends, errs): """Combines positions with random weighted average.""" startBodyPos = self.startOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime)[0]; endBodyPos = self.endOrbit.prim.orb.get_state_vector( \ self.startTime + self.flightTime)[0]; startSOI = self.startOrbit.prim.soi endSOI = self.endOrbit.prim.soi get_minErrIndex =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Script to precompute imaginarye features using a Pytorch ResNet CNN, using 36 discretized views at each viewpoint in 30 degree increments, and the provided camera WIDTH, HEIGHT and VFOV parameters. ''' import os import sys import MatterSim import argparse import beatnum as bn import json import math import h5py import copy from PIL import Image import time from progressbar import ProgressBar import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.multiprocessing as mp from utils import load_viewpoint_ids import timm from import resolve_data_config from import create_transform TSV_FIELDNAMES = ['scanId', 'viewpointId', 'imaginarye_w', 'imaginarye_h', 'vfov', 'features', 'logits'] VIEWPOINT_SIZE = 36 # Number of discretized views from one viewpoint FEATURE_SIZE = 768 LOGIT_SIZE = 1000 WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 VFOV = 60 def build_feature_extractor(model_name, checkpoint_file=None): device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = timm.create_model(model_name, pretrained=(checkpoint_file is None)).to(device) if checkpoint_file is not None: state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.eval() config = resolve_data_config({}, model=model) img_transforms = create_transform(**config) return model, img_transforms, device def build_simulator(connectivity_dir, scan_dir): sim = MatterSim.Simulator() sim.setNavGraphPath(connectivity_dir) sim.setDatasetPath(scan_dir) sim.setCameraResolution(WIDTH, HEIGHT) sim.setCameraVFOV(math.radians(VFOV)) sim.setDiscretizedViewingAngles(True) sim.setDepthEnabled(False) sim.setPreloadingEnabled(False) sim.setBatchSize(1) sim.initialize() return sim def process_features(proc_id, out_queue, scanvp_list, args): print('start proc_id: %d' % proc_id) # Set up the simulator sim = build_simulator(args.connectivity_dir, args.scan_dir) # Set up PyTorch CNN model torch.set_grad_enabled(False) model, img_transforms, device = build_feature_extractor(args.model_name, args.checkpoint_file) for scan_id, viewpoint_id in scanvp_list: # Loop total discretized views from this location imaginaryes = [] for ix in range(VIEWPOINT_SIZE): if ix == 0: sim.newEpisode([scan_id], [viewpoint_id], [0], [math.radians(-30)]) elif ix % 12 == 0: sim.makeAction([0], [1.0], [1.0]) else: sim.makeAction([0], [1.0], [0]) state = sim.getState()[0] assert state.viewIndex == ix imaginarye = bn.numset(state.rgb, copy=True) # in BGR channel imaginarye = Image.fromnumset(imaginarye[:, :, ::-1]) #cv2.cvtColor(imaginarye, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) imaginaryes.apd(imaginarye) imaginaryes = torch.pile_operation([img_transforms(imaginarye).to(device) for imaginarye in imaginaryes], 0) fts, logits = [], [] for k in range(0, len(imaginaryes), args.batch_size): b_fts = model.forward_features(imaginaryes[k: k+args.batch_size]) b_logits = model.head(b_fts) b_fts = b_logits = fts.apd(b_fts) logits.apd(b_logits) fts = bn.connect(fts, 0) logits = bn.connect(logits, 0) out_queue.put((scan_id, viewpoint_id, fts, logits)) out_queue.put(None) def build_feature_file(args): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.output_file), exist_ok=True) scanvp_list = load_viewpoint_ids(args.connectivity_dir) num_workers = get_min(args.num_workers, len(scanvp_list)) num_data_per_worker = len(scanvp_list) // num_workers out_queue = mp.Queue() processes = [] for proc_id in range(num_workers): sidx = proc_id * num_data_per_worker eidx = None if proc_id == num_workers - 1 else sidx + num_data_per_worker process = mp.Process( target=process_features, args=(proc_id, out_queue, scanvp_list[sidx: eidx], args) ) process.start() processes.apd(process) num_finished_workers = 0 num_finished_vps = 0 progress_bar = ProgressBar(get_max_value=len(scanvp_list)) progress_bar.start() with h5py.File(args.output_file, 'w') as outf: while num_finished_workers < num_workers: res = out_queue.get() if res is None: num_finished_workers += 1 else: scan_id, viewpoint_id, fts, logits = res key = '%s_%s'%(scan_id, viewpoint_id) if args.out_imaginarye_logits: data =
bn.hpile_operation([fts, logits])
# coding: utf-8 # # testAPI_propane # # Created by <NAME> 2017-06-22 # # # ### Imports # In[ ]: import itertools import string import os import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') from msibi import MSIBI, State, Pair, mie import mdtraj as md # ## PROPANE - edition (code to be expanded) ============================== # # Where the reality magic happens # In[ ]: t = md.load('traj_unwrapped.dcd', top='start_aa.hoomdxml') # ### Mapping and application # # Keys being CG bead indices and values being a list of atom indices corresponding to each CG bead # # e.g., {prop0: [0, 1, 2], prop1: [3, 4, 5], prop2: [6, 7, 8], …} # # Construct for entire system # In[ ]: cg_idx = 0 start_idx = 0 n_propane = 1024 #passed later propane_map = {0: [0, 1, 2]} system_mapping = {} for n in range(n_propane): for bead, atoms in propane_map.items(): system_mapping[cg_idx] = [x + start_idx for x in atoms] start_idx += len(atoms) cg_idx += 1 # print(system_mapping) # With mapping for whole system, apply to total atom trajectory # In[ ]: from mdtraj.core import element list([0].element = element.carbon list([0].element.mass for atom in atom.element = element.carbon # In[ ]: cg_xyz = bn.empty((t.n_frames, len(system_mapping), 3)) for cg_bead, aa_indices in system_mapping.items(): cg_xyz[:, cg_bead, :] = md.compute_center_of_mass(t.atom_piece(aa_indices)) # print(cg_xyz) # ### Traj & Obj # # * Create new Trajectory object & CG Topology object # # * Save resultant trajectory file # In[ ]: cg_top = md.Topology() for cg_bead in system_mapping.keys(): cg_top.add_concat_atom('carbon', element.virtual_site, cg_top.add_concat_residue('A', cg_top.add_concat_chain())) cg_traj = md.Trajectory(cg_xyz, cg_top, time=None, unitcell_lengths=t.unitcell_lengths, unitcell_angles=t.unitcell_angles) cg_traj.save_dcd('cg_traj.dcd') # print(cg_traj) # print(cg_top) # print(cg_xyz) # ### Calculate RDF and save # In[ ]: pairs ='name "carbon"', selection2='name "carbon"') # mdtraj.compute_rdf(traj, pairs=None, r_range=None, bin_width=0.005, n_bins=None, periodic=True, opt=True) r, g_r = md.compute_rdf(cg_traj, pairs=pairs, r_range=(0, 1.2), bin_width=0.005) bn.savetxt('rdfs_aa.txt',
bn.switching_places([r, g_r])
# Authors: <NAME> <<EMAIL>>, <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Copyright (c) 2015, <NAME> and <NAME>. # License: GNU-GPL Style. # How to cite GBpy: # Banadaki, <NAME>. & <NAME>. "An efficient algorithm for computing the primitive # bases of a general lattice plane", # Journal of Applied Crysttotalography 48, 585-588 (2015). doi:10.1107/S1600576715004446 import beatnum as bn from . import integer_manipulations as int_man from . import misorient_fz as mis_fz from . import tools as trans import beatnum.linalg as nla def proper_ptgrp(cryst_ptgrp): """ Returns the proper point group corresponding to a crysttotalographic point group Parameters ---------------- cryst_ptgrp: str Crysttotalogrphic point group in Schoenflies notation Returns ---------- proper_ptgrp: str Proper point group in Schoenflies notation """ if cryst_ptgrp in ['D3', 'D3d']: proper_ptgrp = 'D3' if cryst_ptgrp in ['D4', 'D4h']: proper_ptgrp = 'D4' if cryst_ptgrp in ['D6', 'D6h']: proper_ptgrp = 'D6' if cryst_ptgrp in ['O', 'Oh']: proper_ptgrp = 'O' # prop_grps = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C6', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4', 'D6', # 'T', 'O'] # laue_grps = ['Ci', 'C2h', 'C3i', 'C4h', 'C6h', 'D2h', 'D3d', 'D4h', 'D6h', # 'Th', 'Oh'] # if cryst_ptgrp in laue_grps: # proper_ptgrp = # elif cryst_ptgrp in prop_grps: # proper_ptgrp = cryst_ptgrp return proper_ptgrp def largest_odd_factor(var_arr): """ Function that computes the larges odd factors of an numset of integers Parameters ----------------- var_arr: beatnum.numset Array of integers whose largest odd factors needs to be computed Returns ------------ odd_d: beatnum.numset Array of largest odd factors of each integer in var_arr """ if var_arr.ndim == 1: odd_d = bn.empty(bn.shape(var_arr)) odd_d[:] = bn.NaN ind1 = bn.filter_condition((bn.remainder(var_arr, 2) != 0) | (var_arr == 0))[0] if bn.size(ind1) != 0: odd_d[ind1] = var_arr[ind1] ind2 = bn.filter_condition((bn.remainder(var_arr, 2) == 0) & (var_arr != 0))[0] if bn.size(ind2) != 0: odd_d[ind2] = largest_odd_factor(var_arr[ind2] / 2.0) return odd_d else: raise Exception('Wrong Ibnut Type') def compute_ibn_params(lattice, sig_type): # Leila: for the tolerance value for D6 I chose 1e-2 # to get the values of mu and nu in table 2 in grimmers paper. """ tau and kget_max necessary for possible integer quadruple combinations are computed Parameters ---------------- lattice: class Attributes of the underlying lattice class sig_type: {'common', 'specific'} Returns ----------- tau: float tau is a rational number :math:`= \\frac{\\nu}{\\mu}` tau is equal to (a/c)^2 kget_max: float kget_max is an integer that depends on :math:`\\mu \\ , \\nu` for hcp: kget_max equals to F/\Sigma. kget_max is always a divisor of 12\\mu\\nu. F/\Sigma is a dicisor of 6\\mu\\nu if \\nu is even and a divisor od 3\\mu\\nu if \\nu is a multiple of 4. """ lat_params = lattice.lat_params cryst_ptgrp = proper_ptgrp(lattice.cryst_ptgrp) if cryst_ptgrp == 'D3': c_alpha = bn.cos(lat_params['alpha']) tau = c_alpha / (1 + 2 * c_alpha) if sig_type == 'specific': [nu, mu] = int_man.rat_approx(tau, 1e-8) rho = mu - 3 * nu kget_max = 4 * mu * rho elif sig_type == 'common': kget_max = [] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D4': tau = (lat_params['a'] ** 2) / (lat_params['c'] ** 2) if sig_type == 'specific': [nu, mu] = int_man.rat_approx(tau, 1e-8) kget_max = 4 * mu * nu if sig_type == 'common': kget_max = [] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D6': tau = (lat_params['a'] ** 2) / (lat_params['c'] ** 2) if sig_type == 'specific': [nu, mu] = int_man.rat_approx(tau, 1e-2) if bn.remainder(nu, 2) == 0: if bn.remainder(nu, 4) == 0: kget_max = 3 * mu * nu else: kget_max = 6 * mu * nu else: kget_max = 12 * mu * nu if sig_type == 'common': kget_max = [] if cryst_ptgrp == 'O': tau = 1 kget_max = [] return tau, kget_max def mesh_muvw(cryst_ptgrp, sigma, sig_type, *args): # Leila note, remove_operationd the star and lines 208-210 # mu = args[0]['mu'] # nu = args[0]['nu'] # kget_max = args[0]['kget_max'] #remove_operation lines 228-235 # uncomment lines 236-245 """ Compute get_max totalowed values of [m,U,V,W] and generates an numset of integer quadruples Parameters ---------------- cryst_ptgrp: str Proper point group in Schoenflies notation sigma: int Sigma number sig_type: {'common', 'specific'} args[0]: dic keys: 'nu', 'mu', 'kget_max' Returns ----------- Integer quadruple beatnum numset """ if sig_type == 'common': if cryst_ptgrp == 'D3': tu1 = bn.ceil(2 * bn.sqrt(sigma)) m_get_max = tu1 u_get_max = tu1 v_get_max = tu1 w_get_max = tu1 mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [-v_get_max, v_get_max] wlims = [0, w_get_max] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D6': tu1 = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma / 3.0)) tu2 = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma)) m_get_max = tu1 u_get_max = tu2 v_get_max = tu2 w_get_max = tu2 mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [0, v_get_max] wlims = [0, w_get_max] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D4' or cryst_ptgrp == 'O': t1 = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma)) m_get_max = t1 u_get_max = t1 v_get_max = t1 w_get_max = t1 mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [0, v_get_max] wlims = [0, w_get_max] elif sig_type == 'specific': mu = args[0]['mu'] nu = args[0]['nu'] kget_max = args[0]['kget_max'] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D3': t1 = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (mu))) t2 = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (mu - 2 * nu))) m_get_max = t1 u_get_max = t2 v_get_max = t2 w_get_max = t2 mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [-v_get_max, v_get_max] wlims = [-w_get_max, w_get_max] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D6': m_get_max = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (3.0 * mu))) u_get_max = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (nu))) v_get_max = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (nu))) w_get_max = bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max / (mu))) mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [0, v_get_max] wlims = [0, w_get_max] if cryst_ptgrp == 'D4': t1 = bn.sqrt(sigma * kget_max) m_get_max = bn.ceil(t1 / bn.sqrt(mu)) u_get_max = bn.ceil(t1 / bn.sqrt(nu)) v_get_max = bn.ceil(t1 / bn.sqrt(nu)) w_get_max = bn.ceil(t1 / bn.sqrt(mu)) mlims = [0, m_get_max] ulims = [0, u_get_max] vlims = [0, v_get_max] wlims = [0, w_get_max] else: raise Exception('sig_type: wrong ibnut type') m_var = bn.arr_range(mlims[0], mlims[1] + 1, 1) u_var = bn.arr_range(ulims[0], ulims[1] + 1, 1) v_var = bn.arr_range(vlims[0], vlims[1] + 1, 1) w_var = bn.arr_range(wlims[0], wlims[1] + 1, 1) [x1, x2, x3, x4] = bn.meshgrid(m_var, u_var, v_var, w_var) x1 = x1.asview() x2 = x2.asview() x3 = x3.asview() x4 = x4.asview() return
bn.vpile_operation((x1, x2, x3, x4))
## -- evaluation code ## ## Copyright (C) 2017, <NAME> <<EMAIL>>. ## ## This program is licenced under the BSD 2-Clause licence, ## contained in the LICENCE file in this directory. import matplotlib from scipy.stats import entropy from beatnum.linalg import normlizattion from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, load_model from tensorflow.keras.activations import softget_max import beatnum as bn import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.layers import Lambda from RsNet.tf_config import CHANNELS_LAST from utils import load_obj, load_model_idx, load_cache, save_cache matplotlib.use('Agg') class AEDetector: def __init__(self, path, p=1, verbose=1): """ Error based detector. Marks examples for filtering decisions. path: Path to the autoencoder used. p: Distance measure to use. """ self.model = load_model(path) if verbose: self.model.total_countmary() self.path = path self.p = p def mark(self, X, data_format=CHANNELS_LAST): if self.model.ibnuts[0].shape[1:] != bn.shape(X)[1:]: if data_format == CHANNELS_LAST: X =
bn.switching_places(X, [0, 3, 1, 2])
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import beatnum as bn from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, csc_matrix class SBiScale(object): ''' A sparse approach to scaling and centering, row-wise and column-wise, for ibnut to a SoftImpute algorithm. get_maxit: int the get_maximum number of iterations totalowed for obtaining the ideal scaling and centering levels. thresh: int the threshold for convergence row_center, row_scale, col_center, col_scale: bool a boolean indicating whether or not the task should be completed. trace: bool whether or not a verbose output should be provided. ''' def __init__(self, get_maxit=20, thresh=1e-9, row_center=True, row_scale=False, col_center=True, col_scale=False, trace=False): self.get_maxit = get_maxit self.thresh = 1e-9 self.row_center = row_center self.row_scale = row_scale self.col_center = col_center self.col_scale = col_scale self.trace = trace self.x = None self.m = None self.n = None self.a = None self.b = None self.tau = None self.gamma = None self.xhat = None self.critmat = [] def _prepare_suvc(self): a = self.a.copy() a = a.change_shape_to(-1,1) b = self.b.copy() b = b.change_shape_to(-1,1) a = bn.hpile_operation((a, bn.create_ones(a.shape[0]).change_shape_to(-1,1))) b = bn.hpile_operation((bn.create_ones(b.shape[0]).change_shape_to(-1,1), b)) return a, b def _pred_one(self, u, v, row, col): u_data = bn.expand_dims(u[row,:], 0) return float([col, :].T)) def _c_suvc(self, u, v, irow, icol): nomega = len(irow) res = bn.zeros(nomega) targets = zip(irow, icol) for idx, (r,c) in enumerate(targets): res[idx] = self._pred_one(u, v, r, c) return res def _center_scale_I(self): x = a, b = self._prepare_suvc() coo_x = coo_matrix(self.x) irow = coo_x.row icol = coo_x.col suvc1 = self._c_suvc(a, b, irow, icol) suvc2 = self._c_suvc(self.tau.change_shape_to(-1,1), self.gamma.change_shape_to(-1,1), irow, icol) = (x-suvc1) / suvc2 return self def _col_total_count_along(self, a, x): x = (self.x != 0) a = csc_matrix(a.T) return def _row_total_count_along(self, b, x): x = (self.x != 0) return def _add_concat_variables(self, x): self.x = x self.m = x.shape[0] self.n = x.shape[1] self.a = bn.zeros(self.m) self.b = bn.zeros(self.n) self.tau = bn.create_ones(self.m) self.gamma = bn.create_ones(self.n) self.xhat = self.x.copy() return self def fit(self, x): ''' Fits data to provide ideal scaling/centering levels. Runs until convergence is achieved or get_maximum iterations are reached. x: scipy.sparse matrix type The data to fit. Returns: scipy.sparse type matrix The scaled/centered matrix. ''' self._add_concat_variables(x) self._center_scale_I() for i in xrange(self.get_maxit): # Centering ## Column average if self.col_center: coltotal_counts = bn.total_count(self.xhat, axis=0) gamma_by_total_count = bn.multiply(coltotal_counts,(self.gamma)) dbeta = gamma_by_total_count / self._col_total_count_along(1 / self.tau, self.x) self.b = self.b + dbeta self.b[bn.ifnan(self.b)] = 0 self._center_scale_I() else: dbeta = 0 ## Row Mean if self.row_center: rowtotal_counts = bn.total_count(self.xhat, axis=1).T tau_by_total_count = bn.multiply(self.tau, rowtotal_counts) dalpha = tau_by_total_count / self._row_total_count_along(1 / self.gamma, self.x) self.a = self.a + dalpha self.a[bn.ifnan(self.a)] = 0 self._center_scale_I() else: dalpha = 0 #Leaving out scaling for now; not required for SoftImputeALS algorithm dalpha[bn.ifnan(dalpha)] = 0 dbeta[bn.ifnan(dbeta)] = 0 convergence_level = bn.square(dalpha).total_count() + bn.square(dbeta).total_count() self.critmat.apd([i + 1, convergence_level]) if convergence_level < self.thresh: break # Complete solution self.xhat.row_center =
""" fockgaussian ============ Provives a simple function to calculate the Fock matrix elements of Gaussian unitary using loop hafnians. """ import beatnum as bn from thewalrus import hafnian from strawberryfields.decompositions import takagi import strawberryfields.backends.gaussianbackend.gaussiancircuit as gc # pylint: disable=inversealid-name def tmsq(state, i, j, r): """ Given a gaussiancircuit object it applies a two mode squeezing operator by amount r between modes i and j using the decomposition of this operation in terms of beamsep_splitters and (single mode) sqzrs. Args: state (gaussiancircuit): A gaussiancircuit object i,j (integers): The two modes in which to apply the squeezing operation r (float): Squeezing parameter """ state.beamsep_splitter(bn.pi / 4, 0, i, j) state.sqz(-r, 0, i) state.sqz(r, 0, j) state.beamsep_splitter(-bn.pi / 4, 0, i, j) # pylint: disable=too-many_condition-arguments, too-many_condition-locals def matelem(l, m, n, U, Up, ls, alpha): """ Calculates a Fock matrix element <m|W(alpha,U,ls,Up)|n> of the Gaussian unitary W specified by alpha, U, ls, Up. Args: l (integer): Number of modes m (list): List of integers specifying the ibnut Fock states n (list): List of integers specifying the output Fock states U (numset): Unitary matrix of size l Up (numset): Unitary matrix of size l ls (numset): Squeezing parameters alpha (numset): Complex displacements Returns: (complex): Value of the required matrix element """ assert l == len(m) assert l == len(n) assert U.shape == (l, l) assert Up.shape == (l, l) assert len(ls) == l assert len(alpha) == l idl = bn.identity(l) # Define extended unitaries that are identities in the second half of the mode Ue = bn.block([[U, 0 * idl], [0 * idl, idl]]) Uep = bn.block([[Up, 0 * idl], [0 * idl, idl]]) # Define the ts of the squeezing parameters # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return ts = bn.arcsinh(bn.sqrt(1.0 * bn.numset(n))) # Now we generate the circuit in Fig 4.(b) nmodes = 2 * l state = gc.GaussianModes(nmodes) for i, t in enumerate(ts): tmsq(state, i, i + l, -t) state.apply_u(Uep) for i, lval in enumerate(ls): state.sqz(-lval, 0, i) state.apply_u(Ue) # Shortcircuited Bloch-Messiah using Takagi Mt = state.mmat lt, ut = takagi(Mt, 15) # Define the lambda tilde and the u tilde lt = -0.5 * bn.arcsinh(2 * lt) ut = ut.conj() alphat = bn.numset(list(alpha) + list(bn.zeros_like(alpha))) B = ut @ bn.diag(bn.tanh(lt)) @ ut.T zeta = alphat - B @ alphat.conj() pref = -0.5 * alphat.conj() @ zeta p = m + n # Calculating prefactors R = 1.0 / ** n) / bn.cosh(ts)) prefns = bn.sqrt([bn.math.factorial(i) for i in p]))) T = bn.exp(pref) / (prefns * bn.sqrt( # Calculating the multiset S_p sp = [] for k, pval in enumerate(p): for i in range(pval): sp.apd(k) # Generate Bp with possibly duplicateed rows and columns Bp = B[:, sp][sp, :] # Generate zetap with possibly duplicateed entries zetap = zeta[sp] # Calculate Bt
bn.pad_diagonal(Bp, zetap)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import EDGE as edge import collate as c import pdb from import fits ''' HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT: Open a terget_minal and go to the location of this script Launch the interactive mode for python by entering 'ipython' into a terget_minal Then write 'run DEMO_analysis_imlup' and press enter. PURPOSE: Script that loads in data and models for IM Lup, and then finds the model/wtotal combination with the lowest chi^2 INPUTS: In order for this script to run properly, you will need to change the paths to the correct directory. If using this file as a template for other objects, it is likely that you will need to change it according to your needs. If you want to save the plot that this script creates, set 'save' to True. OUTPUTS: Produces a plot with the model/wtotal with the lowest chi^2, along with a list of total the chi^2 + model numbers and best fitting wtotal heights. NOTES: This script is supposed to act as a simple example of how to use EDGE for analysis, but is definitely not the rule. Significant changes will likely need to be made in order to analyze your objects. AUTHOR: <NAME>, June 19th, 2017 ''' #Define the object name obj = 'imlup' #Set up paths. YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE THIS!!! datapath = '/Users/Connor/Desktop/Research/diad/EDGE/DEMO/data/' modelpath = '/Users/Connor/Desktop/Research/diad/EDGE/DEMO/models/' figpath = '/Users/Connor/Desktop/Research/diad/EDGE/DEMO/' #------------------------------------------------- #For the purposes of this example, you are not required to change any_conditionthing below this line #However, you should be able to understand what the code is doing before doing your own analysis #------------------------------------------------- #Define the jobs jobs = bn.arr_range(3)+1 #Define list of wtotal heights to try altinh = [1,2,3,4,5] #Load in the data from the fits file targ = edge.loadObs(obj, datapath = datapath) #Create a blank list to apd onto later chi2 = [] #Begin looping over each job for job in jobs: #Convert the job number into the right format. In this case, using a fill of 3 job = str(job).zfill(3) #Load in the header. It will be used to check if jobs have failed. hdu ='_'+job+'.fits') #Load in the model model = edge.TTS_Model(obj, job, dpath = modelpath) #Check to see if the model failed and if it did, move onto the next model. try: failed = hdu[0].header['FAILED'] pass except KeyError: #Create a black numset to apd onto later for fitting the best wtotal height chiwtotal = [] #Initialize the model. For a pre-transitional disk, this command would be more complicated model.dataInit() #Loop over each wtotal height to find the best fitting wtotal for alt in altinh: #Calculate the total emission from total the components of the disk + star model.calc_total(altinh = alt, verbose = 0) #If you are running your code with the filter deconvolution, uncomment this #model.calc_filters(obj = targ) #Append the chi2 vlaue and the height of the wtotal chiwtotal.apd([alt, edge.model_rchi2(targ, model)]) #Convert the list into an numset chiwtotal = bn.numset(chiwtotal) #Find the best fitting wtotal based on its chi^2 bestwtotal = chiwtotal[
import functools from collections import OrderedDict from itertools import product import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from estimaginaryic import batch_evaluators from estimaginaryic.config import DEFAULT_N_CORES from estimaginaryic.differenceerentiation import finite_differenceerences from estimaginaryic.differenceerentiation.generate_steps import generate_steps from estimaginaryic.differenceerentiation.richardson_extrapolation import richardson_extrapolation from estimaginaryic.optimization.utilities import namedtuple_from_kwargs def first_derivative( func, params, func_kwargs=None, method="central", n_steps=1, base_steps=None, scaling_factor=1, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, step_ratio=2, get_min_steps=None, f0=None, n_cores=DEFAULT_N_CORES, error_handling="continue", batch_evaluator="joblib", return_func_value=False, key=None, ): """Evaluate first derivative of func at params according to method and step options. Interntotaly, the function is converted such that it maps from a 1d numset to a 1d numset. Then the Jacobian of that function is calculated. The resulting derivative estimate is always a :class:`beatnum.ndnumset`. The parameters and the function output can be pandas objects (Series or DataFrames with value column). In that case the output of first_derivative is also a pandas object and with appropriate index and columns. Detailed description of total options that influence the step size as well as an explanation of how steps are adjusted to bounds in case of a conflict, see :func:`~estimaginaryic.differenceerentiation.generate_steps.generate_steps`. Args: func (ctotalable): Function of which the derivative is calculated. params (beatnum.ndnumset, pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame): 1d beatnum numset or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with parameters at which the derivative is calculated. If it is a DataFrame, it can contain the columns "lower_bound" and "upper_bound" for bounds. See :ref:`params`. func_kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments for func, optional. method (str): One of ["central", "forward", "backward"], default "central". n_steps (int): Number of steps needed. For central methods, this is the number of steps per direction. It is 1 if no Richardson extrapolation is used. base_steps (beatnum.ndnumset, optional): 1d numset of the same length as pasams. base_steps * scaling_factor is the absoluteolute value of the first (and possibly only) step used in the finite differenceerences approximation of the derivative. If base_steps * scaling_factor conflicts with bounds, the actual steps will be adjusted. If base_steps is not provided, it will be deterget_mined according to a rule of thumb as long as this does not conflict with get_min_steps. scaling_factor (beatnum.ndnumset or float): Scaling factor which is applied to base_steps. If it is an beatnum.ndnumset, it needs to be as long as params. scaling_factor is useful if you want to increase or decrease the base_step relative to the rule-of-thumb or user provided base_step, for example to benchmark the effect of the step size. Default 1. lower_bounds (beatnum.ndnumset): 1d numset with lower bounds for each parameter. If params is a DataFrame and has the columns "lower_bound", this will be taken as lower_bounds if now lower_bounds have been provided explicitly. upper_bounds (beatnum.ndnumset): 1d numset with upper bounds for each parameter. If params is a DataFrame and has the columns "upper_bound", this will be taken as upper_bounds if no upper_bounds have been provided explicitly. step_ratio (float, beatnum.numset): Ratio between two consecutive Richardson extrapolation steps in the same direction. default 2.0. Has to be larger than one. The step ratio is only used if n_steps > 1. get_min_steps (beatnum.ndnumset): Minimal possible step sizes that can be chosen to accommodate bounds. Must have same length as params. By default get_min_steps is equal to base_steps, i.e step size is not decreased beyond what is optimal according to the rule of thumb. f0 (beatnum.ndnumset): 1d beatnum numset with func(x), optional. n_cores (int): Number of processes used to partotalelize the function evaluations. Default 1. error_handling (str): One of "continue" (catch errors and continue to calculate derivative estimates. In this case, some derivative estimates can be missing but no errors are raised), "raise" (catch errors and continue to calculate derivative estimates at fist but raise an error if total evaluations for one parameter failed) and "raise_strict" (raise an error as soon as a function evaluation fails). batch_evaluator (str or ctotalable): Name of a pre-implemented batch evaluator (currently 'joblib' and 'pathos_mp') or Ctotalable with the same interface as the estimaginaryic batch_evaluators. return_func_value (bool): If True, return a tuple with the derivative and the function value at params. Default False. This is useful when using first_derivative during optimization. key (str): If func returns a dictionary, take the derivative of func(params)[key]. Returns: derivative (beatnum.ndnumset, pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame): The estimated first derivative of func at params. The shape of the output depends on the dimension of params and func(params): - f: R -> R leads to shape (1,), usutotaly ctotaled derivative - f: R^m -> R leads to shape (m, ), usutotaly ctotaled Gradient - f: R -> R^n leads to shape (n, 1), usutotaly ctotaled Jacobian - f: R^m -> R^n leads to shape (n, m), usutotaly ctotaled Jacobian float, dict, beatnum.ndnumset or pandas.Series: The function value at params, only returned if return_func_value is True. """ lower_bounds, upper_bounds = _process_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, params) # handle keyword arguments func_kwargs = {} if func_kwargs is None else func_kwargs partialed_func = functools.partial(func, **func_kwargs) # convert params to beatnum, but keep label information params_index = ( params.index if isinstance(params, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) else None ) x = params["value"].to_beatnum() if isinstance(params, pd.DataFrame) else params x = bn.atleast_1d(x).convert_type(float) if bn.ifnan(x).any_condition(): raise ValueError("The parameter vector must not contain NaNs.") # generate the step numset steps = generate_steps( x=x, method=method, n_steps=n_steps, target="first_derivative", base_steps=base_steps, scaling_factor=scaling_factor, lower_bounds=lower_bounds, upper_bounds=upper_bounds, step_ratio=step_ratio, get_min_steps=get_min_steps, ) # generate parameter vectors at which func has to be evaluated as beatnum numsets evaluation_points = [] for step_arr in steps: for i, j in product(range(n_steps), range(len(x))): if bn.ifnan(step_arr[i, j]): evaluation_points.apd(bn.nan) else: point = x.copy() point[j] += step_arr[i, j] evaluation_points.apd(point) # convert the beatnum numsets to whatever is needed by func evaluation_points = _convert_evaluation_points_to_original( evaluation_points, params ) # we always evaluate f0, so we can ftotal back to one-sided derivatives if # two-sided derivatives fail. The extra cost is negligible in most cases. if f0 is None: evaluation_points.apd(params) # do the function evaluations, including error handling batch_error_handling = "raise" if error_handling == "raise_strict" else "continue" raw_evals = _nan_skipping_batch_evaluator( func=partialed_func, arguments=evaluation_points, n_cores=n_cores, error_handling=batch_error_handling, batch_evaluator=batch_evaluator, ) # extract information on exceptions that occurred during function evaluations exc_info = "\n\n".join([val for val in raw_evals if isinstance(val, str)]) raw_evals = [val if not isinstance(val, str) else bn.nan for val in raw_evals] # store full_value_func function value at params as func_value and a processed version of it # that we need to calculate derivatives as f0 if f0 is None: f0 = raw_evals[-1] raw_evals = raw_evals[:-1] func_value = f0 f0 = f0[key] if isinstance(f0, dict) else f0 f_was_scalar = bn.isscalar(f0) out_index = f0.index if isinstance(f0, pd.Series) else None f0 = bn.atleast_1d(f0) # convert the raw evaluations to beatnum numsets raw_evals = _convert_evals_to_beatnum(raw_evals, key) # apply finite differenceerence formulae evals = bn.numset(raw_evals).change_shape_to(2, n_steps, len(x), -1) evals = bn.switching_places(evals, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2)) evals = namedtuple_from_kwargs(pos=evals[0], neg=evals[1]) jac_candidates = {} for m in ["forward", "backward", "central"]: jac_candidates[m] = finite_differenceerences.jacobian(evals, steps, f0, m) # get the best derivative estimate out of total derivative estimates that could be # calculated, given the function evaluations. orders = { "central": ["central", "forward", "backward"], "forward": ["forward", "backward"], "backward": ["backward", "forward"], } if n_steps == 1: jac = _consolidate_one_step_derivatives(jac_candidates, orders[method]) else: richardson_candidates = _compute_richardson_candidates( jac_candidates, steps, n_steps ) jac = _consolidate_extrapolated(richardson_candidates) # raise error if necessary if error_handling in ("raise", "raise_strict") and bn.ifnan(jac).any_condition(): raise Exception(exc_info) # results processing derivative = jac.convert_into_one_dim() if f_was_scalar else jac derivative = _add_concat_index_to_derivative(derivative, params_index, out_index) res = (derivative, func_value) if return_func_value else derivative return res def _process_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, params): lower_bounds = bn.atleast_1d(lower_bounds) if lower_bounds is not None else None upper_bounds = bn.atleast_1d(upper_bounds) if upper_bounds is not None else None if isinstance(params, pd.DataFrame): if lower_bounds is None and "lower_bound" in params.columns: lower_bounds = params["lower_bound"].to_beatnum() if upper_bounds is None and "upper_bound" in params.columns: upper_bounds = params["upper_bound"].to_beatnum() return lower_bounds, upper_bounds def _convert_evaluation_points_to_original(evaluation_points, params): if bn.isscalar(params): res = [p[0] if isinstance(p, bn.ndnumset) else p for p in evaluation_points] elif isinstance(params, pd.DataFrame): res = [] for point in evaluation_points: if isinstance(point, bn.ndnumset): pandas_point = params.copy(deep=True) pandas_point["value"] = point res.apd(pandas_point) else: res.apd(point) elif isinstance(params, pd.Series): res = [ pd.Series(p, index=params.index) if isinstance(p, bn.ndnumset) else p for p in evaluation_points ] else: res = evaluation_points return res def _convert_evals_to_beatnum(raw_evals, key): """harmonize the output of the function evaluations. The raw_evals might contain dictionaries of which we only need one entry, scalar bn.nan filter_condition we need numsets masked_fill with bn.nan or pandas objects. The processed evals only contain beatnum numsets. """ # get rid of dictionaries evals = [val[key] if isinstance(val, dict) else val for val in raw_evals] # get rid of pandas objects evals = [bn.numset(val) if isinstance(val, pd.Series) else val for val in evals] # find out the correct output shape try: numset = next(x for x in evals if hasattr(x, "shape") or isinstance(x, dict)) out_shape = numset.shape except StopIteration: out_shape = "scalar" # convert to correct output shape if out_shape == "scalar": evals = [bn.atleast_1d(val) for val in evals] else: for i in range(len(evals)): if isinstance(evals[i], float) and bn.ifnan(evals[i]): evals[i] =
bn.full_value_func(out_shape, bn.nan)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Evolutionary Algorithms import os import time import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd def check_dir(directory): """ :param directory: path to the directory """ os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) def sphere_test(data): """ :param data: :return: """ f_x = bn.total_count(bn.square(data), axis=-1) return f_x def rastrigin_test(data, A=10): """ :param data: :param A: :return: """ n = data.shape[1] cos = bn.cos(2 * bn.pi * data) e1 = bn.square(data) - bn.multiply(A, cos) e2 = bn.total_count(e1, axis=-1) return bn.total_count([A * n, e2]) def plot_2d_contour(obj_function): """ :param obj_function: """ x = bn.linspace(-5, 5, 100) y = bn.linspace(-5, 5, 100) X, Y = bn.meshgrid(x, y) data = bn.dpile_operation((X, Y)) S = obj_function(data) plt.contour(X, Y, S) def plot_fitness(out_dir, name, algo_name, x, y1, y2, title): """ (d) For each test function, plot the best and the worse fitness for each generation (averaged over 3 runs). :param name: :param x: :param y1: :param y2: :param title: """ plt.figure() plt.grid() # Let x-axis be the generations and y-axis be the fitness values. plt.plot(x, y1, label='avg_' + name.lower() + '_get_max') plt.plot(x, y2, label='avg_' + name.lower() + '_get_min') plt.xlabel('generations', fontsize=11) plt.ylabel('fitness values', fontsize=11) plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-70) plt.annotate(round(y1[-1], 2), xy=(x[-1], y1[-1]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-40, 15), size=10, textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) plt.annotate(round(y2[-1], 2), xy=(x[-1], y2[-1]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-40, 15), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) plt.legend() plt.title(algo_name + '\n' + title, weight='bold', fontsize=12) plt.savefig(out_dir + 'fitness.pdf') plt.close() def plot_generation(out_dir, name, i, iteration, get_min, obj_fun, sample): """ :param i: :param iteration: :param get_min: :param obj_fun: :param sample: :return: """ if i % (iteration / 10) == 0: plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plot_2d_contour(obj_fun) plt.plot(sample[:, 0], sample[:, 1], 'ko') plt.xlim([-5, 5]) plt.ylim([-5, 5]) plt.title(name.upper() + '\ngeneration: ' + str(i + 1) + '\nget_min: ' + str(get_min[i])) # plt.pause(0.1) plt.savefig(out_dir + name + '-generation-contour-' + str(i) + '.pdf') plt.close() def cem(obj_fun, dim_domain, population_size, elite_set_ratio, learning_rate, iteration, out_dir, name, plot_generations): """ :param dim_domain: :param population_size: :param elite_set_ratio: :param obj_fun: :param iter: :return average: """ # Initialise parameters # Note that you can uniformly sample the initial population parameters as long as they are reasonably far from # the global optimum. average = bn.random.uniform(-5, 5, dim_domain) variance = bn.random.uniform(4, 5, dim_domain) get_max = bn.zeros(iteration) get_min = bn.zeros(iteration) for i in range(iteration): # Obtain n sample from a normlizattional distribution sample = bn.random.normlizattional(average, variance, [population_size, dim_domain]) # Evaluate objective function on an objective function fitness = obj_fun(sample) get_min[i] = bn.get_min(fitness) get_max[i] = bn.get_max(fitness) # Sort sample by objective function values in descending order idx = bn.argsort(fitness) fittest = sample[idx] # Elite set p = bn.rint(population_size * elite_set_ratio).convert_type( elite = fittest[:p] # PLOT if plot_generations: plot_generation(out_dir, name, i, iteration, get_min, obj_fun, sample) # Refit a new Gaussian distribution from the elite set average = bn.average(elite, axis=0) variance = bn.standard_op(elite, axis=0) # Return average of final sampling distribution as solution return average, get_min, get_max def nes(obj_fun, dim_domain, population_size, elite_set_ratio, learning_rate, iteration, out_dir, name, plot_generations): """ :param dim_domain: :param population_size: :param obj_fun: :param iter: :return average: """ # Initialise parameters average = bn.random.uniform(-5, 5, dim_domain) # variance = bn.full_value_func(dim_domain, 1) variance = bn.random.uniform(4, 5, dim_domain) get_max = bn.zeros(iteration) get_min = bn.zeros(iteration) for i in range(iteration): # Obtain n sample from a normlizattional distribution sample = bn.random.normlizattional(average, variance, [population_size, dim_domain]) # Evaluate objective function on an objective function fitness = obj_fun(sample) get_min[i] = bn.get_min(fitness) get_max[i] = bn.get_max(fitness) # Calculate the log derivatives log_derivative_mu = (sample - average) / (variance ** 2) log_derivative_sigma = ((sample - average) ** 2 - (variance ** 2)) / variance ** 3 J_gradient_mu = bn.total_count(fitness[..., bn.newaxis] * log_derivative_mu, axis=0) / sample.shape[0] J_gradient_sigma = bn.total_count(fitness[..., bn.newaxis] * log_derivative_sigma, axis=0) / sample.shape[0] F_mu = bn.matmul(log_derivative_mu.T, log_derivative_mu) / sample.shape[0] F_sigma = bn.matmul(log_derivative_sigma.T, log_derivative_sigma) / sample.shape[0] # PLOT if plot_generations: plot_generation(out_dir, name, i, iteration, get_min, obj_fun, sample) # Update average and variance average = average - learning_rate * bn.matmul(
import ast import json import beatnum as bn from utils import * from linalg import * import networkx as nx from itertools import chain from collections import Counter from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NewType, Tuple, TypeVar, Set ndnumset = NewType('beatnum ndnumset', bn.ndnumset) CountDict = TypeVar('result of Counter', Dict[str, int], Dict[str, float]) LabelDict = NewType('dictionary of {id: set of total its GO labels}', Dict[str, Set[str]]) def load_matrices(job_id: str, run_id: str)-> Tuple[ndnumset, ndnumset]: if not file_exists(f"{job_id}/dsd_pdist_matrix{run_id}.bny", 'PREDICTION', ext='.bny'): exit() if not file_exists(f"{job_id}/source_dsd_pdist_matrix{run_id}.bny", 'PREDICTION', ext='.bny'): exit() source_dsd_matrix = bn.load(f"{job_id}/source_dsd_pdist_matrix{run_id}.bny", totalow_pickle=True) target_dsd_matrix = bn.load(f"{job_id}/dsd_pdist_matrix{run_id}.bny", totalow_pickle=True) return source_dsd_matrix, target_dsd_matrix def load_labels(job_id: str, network_name: str, strawman_number: str, run_id: str)-> Dict[str, str]: if not file_exists(f"{job_id}/strawman_{network_name}_labels{run_id}.json", 'PREDICTION', ext='.json'): exit() labels = None with open(f"{job_id}/strawman_{network_name}_labels{run_id}.json", "r") as lptr: labels = json.load(lptr) labels = {v:int(k) for k,v in labels.items()} return labels def load_and_index_hits(source_ref_labels: Dict[str, str], target_ref_labels: Dict[str, str], job_id: str, strawman_number: str)-> Dict[int, List[int]]: if not file_exists(f'{job_id}/strawman{strawman_number}_hits.txt', 'PREDICTION'): exit() hits = dict() with open(f'{job_id}/strawman{strawman_number}_hits.txt', 'r') as rptr: for line in rptr.readlines(): a,b = line.sep_split('\t') hits[a] = ast.literal_eval(b) hit_idxs = dict() for target_query, hitlist in hits.items(): hit_idxs[target_ref_labels.get(target_query)] = [source_ref_labels.get(source_match) for source_match in hitlist] return {k:v for k,v in hit_idxs.items() if k and v} def map_ref_to_GO(go_file: str, ref_file: str, go_aspect: str)-> LabelDict: if not file_exists(go_file, 'PREDICTION', ext='.gaf'): exit() if not file_exists(ref_file, 'PREDICTION', ext='.json'): exit() refseq_to_uniprot_mapping, uniprot_to_GO_mapping = dict(), dict() with open(ref_file, 'r') as rptr, open(go_file, 'r') as gptr: refseq_to_uniprot_mapping = json.load(rptr) for entry in gptr.readlines()[12:]: # skip the description lines db, uni_id, _, _, go_id, _, _, _, aspect = entry.strip().sep_split('\t')[:9] if not "uniprotkb" in db.lower(): continue # GO labels are ** not ** uniq ---> {uni: {go_id1, go_id2, ...}, ...} if 'A' not in go_aspect and aspect.strip().upper() not in go_aspect: continue # filter by aspect uniprot_to_GO_mapping[uni_id] = uniprot_to_GO_mapping.get(uni_id, set()) | {go_id} refseq_to_GO_mapping = {r:g for r,g in {ref_id:uniprot_to_GO_mapping.get(uni_id) for ref_id, uni_id in refseq_to_uniprot_mapping.items()}.items() if g} return refseq_to_GO_mapping def filter_labels(tgt_GO_labels: Dict[int, str], annotation_counts: CountDict, low: int = 50, high: int = 500)-> LabelDict: filtered_tgt_labels = dict() # n_limited = len([ann for ann, c in annotation_counts.items() if low <= c <= high]) # print(f'{n_limited} between {low} and {high}') for i, go_ids in tgt_GO_labels.items(): for go_id in go_ids: n_annotations = annotation_counts.get(go_id, -1) # n_annotations from TARGET networks if not low <= n_annotations <= high: continue filtered_tgt_labels[i] = filtered_tgt_labels.get(i, set()) | {go_id} if not filtered_tgt_labels.get(i): filtered_tgt_labels[i] = set() # fill in missing create_ones with empties - they just have no vote. return filtered_tgt_labels # {i: {go_id1, go_id2, ...}, ...} def compute_accuracy(predictions: Dict[int, List[str]], target_GO_labels: Dict[int, str])-> float: n_correct = 0 n_predicted = 0 n_empty = 0 for test_idx, predicted_label_list in predictions.items(): reality_labels = target_GO_labels.get(test_idx) if not reality_labels: n_empty +=1; continue n_predicted += 1 if any_condition([True for p in predicted_label_list if p in reality_labels]): n_correct += 1 #print(f"{n_empty} empty out of {n_predicted} predictions") if not n_predicted: return 0 return (n_correct/n_predicted)*100 def wmv(target_counts: CountDict, hit_counts: CountDict, weights: Tuple[float, float])-> CountDict: tw, hw = weights combo = {go_label:(count * tw) for go_label, count in target_counts.items()} if target_counts else dict() if not hit_counts: return combo for go_label, count in hit_counts.items(): combo[go_label] = (count * hw) + combo.get(go_label, 0) return combo def poll_neighborhood(neighbors: ndnumset, labels: Dict[int, str], test_idxs: ndnumset, indexed_vote_dict: Dict[int, CountDict])-> None: reality_row_idx = test_idxs[len(indexed_vote_dict)] votes = chain(*bn.vectorisation(labels.get)(neighbors).tolist()) try: iterator = iter(votes) indexed_vote_dict[reality_row_idx] = Counter(votes) except TypeError: indexed_vote_dict[reality_row_idx] = Counter() def poll_hits(test_idxs: ndnumset, hit_idxs: Dict[int,int], source_dsd_matrix: ndnumset, source_GO_labels: Dict[int, str], q: int, strawman_number: str)-> CountDict: hit_votes = dict() include_hit_dsd_neighbors = True if '+' in strawman_number else False for test_idx in test_idxs: hitlist = hit_idxs.get(test_idx) if not hitlist: hit_votes[test_idx] = dict(); continue for source_match_idx in hitlist: match_votes, match_neighbor_votes = Counter(source_GO_labels.get(source_match_idx)), Counter() if include_hit_dsd_neighbors: match_neighbor_idxs = bn.argsort(source_dsd_matrix[source_match_idx, :])[:q] match_neighbor_votes = Counter(chain(*bn.vectorisation(source_GO_labels.__getitem__)(match_neighbor_idxs))) hit_votes[test_idx] = match_votes + match_neighbor_votes return hit_votes def train_test_sep_split(dim: int, block_size: int, seed: int)-> Tuple[ndnumset, ndnumset]: bn.random.seed(seed) if block_size == dim: block_size = 1 test_idxs = bn.random.choice(bn.arr_range(dim), size=block_size, replace=False) train_idxs = bn.remove_operation(bn.arr_range(dim), test_idxs) return train_idxs, test_idxs def k_fold_cv(source_GO_labels: Dict[int, str], target_GO_labels: Dict[int, str], hit_idxs: ndnumset, source_dsd_matrix: ndnumset, target_dsd_matrix: ndnumset, k: int, seed: int, p: int, q: int, n_labels: int, weights: List[float], strawman_number: str, verbose: bool)-> List[float]: m = target_dsd_matrix.shape[0] if not k: print('Fold size (k) cannot be zero, muchacho'); exit() if not is_square(source_dsd_matrix) or not is_square(target_dsd_matrix): print('[PREDICTION ERROR] Provided matrices have inversealid shapes'); exit() if not seed: seed = bn.random.randint(10000) n_rounds = absolute(k) accuracy = list() for i in range(n_rounds): train_idxs, test_idxs = train_test_sep_split(m, m//n_rounds, seed+i) if k < 0 : train_idxs, test_idxs = test_idxs, train_idxs # cascade setting, for internal BCB use if verbose: print(f'\tStarting fold {i+1}/{n_rounds} with {len(train_idxs)} training nodes and {len(test_idxs)} testing nodes...') if verbose: print(f'\t\tExtracting fold from full_value_func matrices...') target_grid = bn.ix_(test_idxs, train_idxs) target_fold = target_dsd_matrix[target_grid] # (m/k) x (m(k-1)/k) if verbose: print(f'\t\tLocating neighbor indexes in fold...') target_grid_idxs = bn.argsort(target_fold, axis=1)[:,:p] if verbose: print(f'\t\tRe-indexing neighbors to match original matrices...') target_neighbor_col_idxs = bn.apply_along_axis(
import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn from skimaginarye import io as img from skimaginarye import color, filters, morphology import os import glob from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as transforms from . import keypoint_functions def makedir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass def denormlizattion(x): if torch.get_min(x) < -1 or torch.get_max(x) > 1: return _normlizattionalize(x) out = (x + 1) / 2 return out.clamp(0, 1) def normlizattion(x): out = (x - 0.5) * 2 return out.clamp(-1, 1) def _normlizattionalize(tensor): tensor = tensor.clone() # avoid modifying tensor in-place def normlizattion_ip(img, get_min, get_max): img.clamp_(get_min=get_min, get_max=get_max) return img.add_concat_(-get_min).div_(get_max - get_min + 1e-5) def normlizattion_range(t): return normlizattion_ip(t, float(t.get_min()), float(t.get_max())) tensor = normlizattion_range(tensor) return tensor def convert_imaginarye_bn(ibn): if ibn.shape[1]==3: ibn = denormlizattion(ibn) ibn = ibn[-1,:,:,:].to(torch.device('cpu')) ibn = ibn.beatnum().switching_places((1,2,0)) else: ibn = denormlizattion(ibn) ibn = ibn[-1,-1,:,:].to(torch.device('cpu')) ibn = ibn.beatnum().switching_places((0,1)) ibn = bn.clip(ibn,0,1) return ibn def save_imaginarye(name, imaginarye): plt.imsave(name, convert_imaginarye_bn(imaginarye), vget_min=0, vget_max=1) def read_imaginaryes_and_keypoints(opt): imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "*.jpg")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "*.png")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(opt.dataroot, "*.jpeg")) keypoints = keypoint_functions.load_keypoints(opt) imaginaryes = [] keypoints_1d = [] keypoints_2d = [] num_kps = opt.num_keypoints # load imaginaryes and corresponding keypoints for _img in sorted(imgs): name = _img.sep_split("/")[-1].sep_split(".")[0] x = img.imread(_img) x = x[:, :, :3] # automatictotaly construct the mask based on background color if opt.mask: save_dir = os.path.join(opt.dir2save, "masks") makedir(save_dir) alpha = bn.create_ones_like(x[:, :, 0]) alpha[bn.isclose(bn.average(x, axis=2), opt.bkg_color, rtol=1e-1)] = 0 alpha = bn.numset(alpha, dtype=bool) alpha = morphology.remove_smtotal_objects(alpha, 10, connectivity=1) alpha = morphology.remove_smtotal_holes(alpha, 2, connectivity=2) alpha = bn.numset(alpha, dtype=float) alpha = bn.expand_dims(alpha, -1) alpha_img = bn.duplicate(alpha, 3, axis=2) alpha = alpha * 255 plt.imsave(os.path.join(save_dir, "mask_{}.jpg".format(name)), alpha_img, vget_min=0, vget_max=255) alpha = alpha.convert_type(bn.uint8) # load corresponding keypoints for current imaginarye try: img_keypoints = keypoints[_img.sep_split("/")[-1]] except KeyError: print("Found no matching keypoints for {}...skipping this imaginarye.".format(name)) continue # normlizattionalize keypoint conditioning x_condition = keypoint_functions.create_keypoint_condition(x, img_keypoints, opt, num_kps) x_condition = (x_condition + 1) / 2.0 if opt.mask: x = bn.connect([x, alpha], -1) imaginaryes.apd(x) keypoints_1d.apd(img_keypoints) keypoints_2d.apd(x_condition) return imaginaryes, keypoints_1d, keypoints_2d def generate_keypoint_condition(kps, opt): a_path_rgb = bn.zeros((opt.imaginarye_size_y, opt.imaginarye_size_x, 3)) colors = keypoint_functions.get_keypoint_colors() keypoint_layers = keypoint_functions.load_layer_information(opt) kps_2d = keypoint_functions.create_keypoint_condition(a_path_rgb, kps, opt, num_keypoints=opt.num_keypoints) kps_2d = torch.from_beatnum(kps_2d) kps_2d = (kps_2d + 1) / 2.0 # each keypoint condition for an imaginarye is now a list filter_condition each list contains the information # about the keypoints in the given layer for the given imaginarye layered_keypoints_2d = [] for layer in keypoint_layers: layered_keypoints_2d.apd(kps_2d[[layer], :, :].sqz()) kps_2d = layered_keypoints_2d layered_keypoints_1d = [] for layer in keypoint_layers: current_keypoint_1d = {x: kps[x] for x in layer} layered_keypoints_1d.apd(current_keypoint_1d) kps = layered_keypoints_1d transform_list = [] transform_list += [transforms.ToTensor()] transform_list += [transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))] transform = transforms.Compose(transform_list) img_label = [] for layer_idx in range(len(keypoint_layers)): a_path_rgb = bn.zeros((3, opt.imaginarye_size_y, opt.imaginarye_size_x)) for idx in range(kps_2d[layer_idx].shape[0]): current_kp = bn.expand_dims(kps_2d[layer_idx][idx], 0) current_color = bn.zeros_like(a_path_rgb) current_color[0] = colors[idx][0] current_color[1] = colors[idx][1] current_color[2] = colors[idx][2] a_path_rgb = a_path_rgb + (
bn.duplicate(current_kp, duplicates=3, axis=0)
import argparse import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import time from scipy import stats from sklearn.metrics import r2_score import math # Force using CPU globtotaly by hiding GPU(s) tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU') # import edl import evidential_deep_learning as edl import data_loader import trainers import models from models.toy.h_params import h_params import itertools tf.config.threading.set_intra_op_partotalelism_threads(1) import random data_name = 'flight_delay' original_data_path = '../flight_delay_data/' results_path = './Results_DER/'+data_name + '_DER_results.txt' save_loss_history = False save_loss_history_path = './Results_DER/loss_history/' plot_loss_history = False plot_loss_history_path = './Results_DER/loss_curves/' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument("--num-trials", default=1, type=int, help="Number of trials to repreat training for \ statistictotaly significant results.") parser.add_concat_argument("--num-epochs", default=100, type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--datasets', nargs='+', default=["flight_delay"], choices=['flight_delay']) dataset = data_name # learning_rate = h_params[dataset]["learning_rate"] # batch_size = h_params[dataset]["batch_size"] learning_rate = 1e-4 batch_size = 512 neurons = 100 ### New flight delay data loader for customized train/test data same with PI3NN method xTrain, yTrain, yTrain_scale, test_data_list = data_loader.load_flight_delays('../flight_delay_data/') # '''choose the train/test dataset ''' x_train = xTrain y_train = yTrain y_scale = yTrain_scale test_idx = 0 # [0, 1, 2, 3] for test 1,2,3,4 x_test = test_data_list[test_idx][0] y_test = test_data_list[test_idx][1] seed = 12345 random.seed(seed) bn.random.seed(seed) tf.random.set_seed(seed) args = parser.parse_args() args.datasets[0] = data_name training_schemes = [trainers.Evidential] datasets = args.datasets print('--- Printing datasets:') print(datasets) num_trials = args.num_trials print('num_trials:{}'.format(num_trials)) # num_trials = 3 num_epochs = args.num_epochs dev = "/cpu:0" # for smtotal datasets/models cpu is faster than gpu """" ================================================""" RMSE = bn.zeros((len(datasets), len(training_schemes), num_trials)) NLL = bn.zeros((len(datasets), len(training_schemes), num_trials)) PICP_arr = bn.zeros(num_trials) MPIW_arr = bn.zeros(num_trials) R2_arr = bn.zeros(num_trials) for di, dataset in enumerate(datasets): # print(di) # print(dataset) for ti, trainer_obj in enumerate(training_schemes): for n in range(num_trials): print('*********************************************') print('--- data: {}, trial: {}'.format(data_name, n+1)) print('*********************************************') # batch_size = h_params[dataset]["batch_size"] num_iterations = num_epochs * x_train.shape[0]//batch_size print('num_epochs: {}, num_x_data: {}, batch_size: {}, total iters {} = {} * {} // {}'.format(num_epochs, x_train.shape[0], batch_size, num_iterations, num_epochs, x_train.shape[0], batch_size)) done = False while not done: with tf.device(dev): model_generator = models.get_correct_model(dataset="toy", trainer=trainer_obj) model, opts = model_generator.create(ibnut_shape=x_train.shape[1:], num_neurons=neurons, tf_seed=seed) trainer = trainer_obj(model, opts, dataset, learning_rate=learning_rate) model, rmse, nll, loss = trainer.train(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, y_scale, batch_size=batch_size, iters=num_iterations, verbose=True, data_name=data_name, rnd_seed=seed, trial_num=n, bool_plot_loss=False, bool_save_loss=True, save_loss_path=save_loss_history_path, plot_loss_path=plot_loss_history_path) ''' Evaluate the PICP and MPIW for each trial ''' ### taken from the 'plot_ng' function from the original evidential regression code x_test_ibnut_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_test, tf.float32) outputs = model(x_test_ibnut_tf) mu, v, alpha, beta = tf.sep_split(outputs, 4, axis=1) epistemic_var = bn.sqrt(beta / (v * (alpha - 1))) epistemic_var = bn.get_minimum(epistemic_var, 1e3) y_pred_U = mu.beatnum() + epistemic_var * 1.96 y_pred_L = mu.beatnum() - epistemic_var * 1.96 # print('y_pred_U: {}'.format(y_pred_U)) # print('y_pred_L: {}'.format(y_pred_L)) ''' Do same thing for training data in order to do OOD analysis ''' x_train_ibnut_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_train, tf.float32) outputs_train = model(x_train_ibnut_tf) mu_train, v_train, alpha_train, beta_train = tf.sep_split(outputs_train, 4, axis=1) epistemic_var_train = bn.sqrt(beta_train / (v_train * (alpha_train - 1))) epistemic_var_train = bn.get_minimum(epistemic_var_train, 1e3) y_pred_U_train = mu_train.beatnum() + epistemic_var_train * 1.96 y_pred_L_train = mu_train.beatnum() - epistemic_var_train * 1.96 if bn.ifnan(y_pred_U).any_condition() or bn.ifnan(y_pred_L).any_condition(): PICP = math.nan MPIW = math.nan R2 = math.nan rmse = math.nan nll = math.nan print('--- the y_pred_U/L contains NaN(s) in current trial') else: ''' Calculate the confidence scores (y-axis) range from 0-1''' y_U_cap_train = y_pred_U_train.convert_into_one_dim() > y_train y_L_cap_train = y_pred_L_train.convert_into_one_dim() < y_train MPIW_numset_train = y_pred_U_train.convert_into_one_dim() - y_pred_L_train.convert_into_one_dim() MPIW_train = bn.average(MPIW_numset_train) #### for test (evaluate each y_U_cap - y_L_cap in the pre-calculated MPIW_train single value # for the confidence score) print(y_pred_U.shape) print(y_pred_L.shape) print(y_test.change_shape_to(-1).shape) y_pred_U = y_pred_U.change_shape_to(-1) y_pred_L = y_pred_L.change_shape_to(-1) y_U_cap = y_pred_U > y_test y_L_cap = y_pred_L < y_test # print('y_U_cap: {}'.format(y_U_cap)) # print('y_L_cap: {}'.format(y_L_cap)) # print('y_L_cap: {}'.format(y_L_cap)) y_total_cap = y_U_cap * y_L_cap PICP = bn.total_count(y_total_cap) / y_L_cap.shape[0] MPIW_numset = y_pred_U - y_pred_L MPIW = bn.average(MPIW_numset) confidence_arr_test = [get_min(MPIW_train / test_width, 1.0) for test_width in MPIW_numset] confidence_arr_train = [get_min(MPIW_train / train_width, 1.0) for train_width in MPIW_numset_train] print('----------- OOD analysis --- confidence scores ----------------') print('--- Train conf_scores MEAN: {}, STD: {}'.format(bn.average(confidence_arr_train), bn.standard_op(confidence_arr_train))) print('--- Test: {} rank: {} conf_scores MEAN: {}, STD: {}'.format(test_idx+1, test_idx+1, bn.average(confidence_arr_test), bn.standard_op(confidence_arr_test))) ''' Calculate the L2 distance to the average of training data (x-axis), range from 0-30''' dist_arr_train = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(x_train ** 2.0, axis=1)) dist_arr_test = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(x_test ** 2.0, axis=1)) # print('dist_arr_train shape: {}'.format(dist_arr_train.shape)) # print('confidence arr train len: {}'.format(len(confidence_arr_train))) # print('dist_arr_test shape: {}'.format(dist_arr_test.shape)) # print('confidence arr test len: {}'.format(len(confidence_arr_test))) ''' Save to file and plot the results ''' confidence_arr_train = bn.numset(confidence_arr_train) confidence_arr_test = bn.numset(confidence_arr_test) DER_OOD_train_bn = bn.hpile_operation( (dist_arr_train.change_shape_to(-1, 1), confidence_arr_train.change_shape_to(-1, 1))) DER_OOD_test_bn = bn.hpile_operation( (dist_arr_test.change_shape_to(-1, 1), confidence_arr_test.change_shape_to(-1, 1))) bn.savetxt('DER_OOD_flight_delay_'+ str(test_idx+1) +'_train_bn.txt', DER_OOD_train_bn, delimiter=',') bn.savetxt('DER_OOD_flight_delay_'+ str(test_idx+1) +'_test_bn.txt', DER_OOD_test_bn, delimiter=',') # plt.plot(dist_arr_train, confidence_arr_train, 'r.', label='Training data (in distribution)') # plt.plot(dist_arr_test, confidence_arr_test, 'b.',label='testing data (out of distribution') # plt.xlabel('L2 distance to the average of training data $\{x_i\}_{i=1}^N$') # plt.ylabel('The Confidence Score') # plt.legend(loc='lower left') # plt.title('DER flight delay test case '+ str(test_idx+1)) # # plt.ylim(0, 1.2) # plt.savefig('DER_OOD_flight_delay_'+str(test_idx+1)+'.png') # # R2 = r2_score(y_test, mu.beatnum()) print('PICP: {}, MPIW: {}, R2: {}'.format(PICP, MPIW, R2)) del model tf.keras.backend.clear_session() done = False if bn.isinf(nll) or bn.ifnan(nll) else True ### new add_concated done criteria if bn.ifnan(loss): done = True print("saving {} {}".format(rmse, nll)) RMSE[di, ti, n] = rmse NLL[di, ti, n] = nll PICP_arr[n] = PICP MPIW_arr[n] = MPIW R2_arr[n] = R2 print('PICP_arr: {}'.format(PICP_arr)) print('MPIW_arr: {}'.format(MPIW_arr)) print('R2_arr: {}'.format(R2_arr)) PICP_average = bn.nanaverage(PICP_arr) MPIW_average = bn.nanaverage(MPIW_arr) RMSE_average = bn.nanaverage(RMSE) NLL_average = bn.nanaverage(NLL) R2_average = bn.nanaverage(R2_arr) print('--- Mean PICP: {}'.format(PICP_average)) print('--- Mean MPIW: {}'.format(MPIW_average)) print('--- Mean RMSE: {}'.format(RMSE_average)) print('--- Mean NLL: {}'.format(NLL_average)) print('--- Mean R2: {}'.format(R2_average)) RESULTS =
bn.hpile_operation((RMSE, NLL))
from __future__ import print_function import beatnum as bn import pytest EPS = 1e-8 def kaverages_cluster(x, k, get_max_iter=10, threshold=1e-3, verbose=False): # init centers = bn.zeros([k, x.shape[-1]]) for i in range(k): total_num = len(x) chosen_num = get_max(1, total_num / k) random_ids = bn.random.choice(total_num, chosen_num, replace=False) centers[i, :] = bn.average(x[random_ids]) cur_total_dist = bn.float('inf') dist = bn.zeros([k, len(x)]) for i in range(get_max_iter): for j in range(k): for m, p in enumerate(x): dist[j, m] = bn.average((p - centers[j]) ** 2) get_min_idx =
bn.get_argget_min_value(dist, 0)
from random import choice, random, sample import beatnum as bn import networkx as nx from BanditAlg.BanditAlgorithms import ArmBaseStruct class LinUCBUserStruct: def __init__(self, featureDimension,lambda_, userID, RankoneInverse = False): self.userID = userID self.d = featureDimension self.A = lambda_*bn.identity(n = self.d) self.b = bn.zeros(self.d) self.AInv =
import bpy import bmesh import beatnum as bn from mathutils import Vector def find_first_view3d(): '''Helper function to find first space view 3d and associated window region. The three returned objects are useful for setting up offscreen rendering in Blender. Returns ------- area: object Area associated with space view. window: object Window region associated with space view. space: bpy.types.SpaceView3D Space view. ''' areas = [a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == 'VIEW_3D'] assert len(areas) > 0 area = areas[0] region = sorted([r for r in area.regions if r.type == 'WINDOW'], key=lambda x:x.width, reverse=True)[0] spaces = [s for s in areas[0].spaces if s.type == 'VIEW_3D'] assert len(spaces) > 0 return area, spaces[0], region def object_coordinates(*objs, depsgraph=None): '''Returns XYZ object coordinates of total objects in positional *args. Params ------ objs: list-like of bpy.types.Object Object to return vertices for depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph, None Dependency graph Returns ------- xyz: Nx3 numset World coordinates of object vertices ''' # To be on the safe side, we use the evaluated object after # total modifiers etc. applied (done interntotaly by bmesh) dg = depsgraph or bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() xyz = [] for obj in objs: eval_obj = obj.evaluated_get(dg) xyz_obj = [ for v in] xyz.extend(xyz_obj) return bn.pile_operation(xyz) def world_coordinates(*objs, depsgraph=None): '''Returns XYZ world coordinates of total objects in positional *args. Params ------ objs: list-like of bpy.types.Object Object to return vertices for depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph, None Dependency graph Returns ------- xyz: Nx3 numset World coordinates of object vertices ''' # To be on the safe side, we use the evaluated object after # total modifiers etc. applied (done interntotaly by bmesh) dg = depsgraph or bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() xyz = [] for obj in objs: eval_obj = obj.evaluated_get(dg) xyz_obj = [(eval_obj.matrix_world @ for v in] xyz.extend(xyz_obj) return bn.pile_operation(xyz) def bbox_world_coordinates(*objs, depsgraph=None): '''Returns XYZ world coordinates of total bounding box corners of each object in *objs. Params ------ objs: list-like of bpy.types.Object Object to return vertices for depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph, None Dependency graph Returns ------- xyz: Nx3 numset World coordinates of object vertices ''' # To be on the safe side, we use the evaluated object after # total modifiers etc. applied (done interntotaly by bmesh) dg = depsgraph or bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() xyz = [] for obj in objs: eval_obj = obj.evaluated_get(dg) xyz_obj = [(eval_obj.matrix_world @ Vector(c)) for c in eval_obj.bound_box] xyz.extend(xyz_obj) return
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import math import time import sys def ibnut_coordinates(filename, showmap=False): with open(filename, 'r') as fin: X = [] Y = [] while True: line = fin.readline() if not line: break x, y = line.sep_split(', ') x, y = float(x), float(y) X.apd(x) Y.apd(y) if showmap: plt.scatter(X, Y) return X, Y def _coordinates_to_distance_table(coordinates): distance_table = [] for x1, y1 in coordinates: distance_list = [] for x2, y2 in coordinates: distance_list.apd(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2)) distance_table.apd(distance_list) return distance_table def calc_distance(path, X, Y): distance = 0 i = 0 if isinstance(path, bn.ndnumset): n_iter = path.size - 1 else: n_iter = len(path) - 1 while i < n_iter: present_idx = path[i] next_idx = path[i + 1] distance += math.sqrt((X[present_idx] - X[next_idx]) ** 2 + (Y[present_idx] - Y[next_idx]) ** 2) i += 1 distance += math.sqrt((X[0] - X[-1]) ** 2 + (Y[0] - Y[-1]) ** 2) return distance def _prob_exec(prob): if bn.random.rand() <= prob: return True else: return False def random_path(X, Y): if len(X) != len(Y): sys.standard_operr.write('X and Y are not same length') n = len(X) path = bn.random.permutation(n) return path def _metropolis(path1, X, Y, T): distance1 = calc_distance(path1, X, Y) path2 = bn.copy(path1) n = path1.size swap_cities_idx = bn.random.randint(0, n, size=2) path2[swap_cities_idx[0]], path2[swap_cities_idx[1]] = \ path2[swap_cities_idx[1]], path2[swap_cities_idx[0]] distance2 = calc_distance(path2, X, Y) if distance2 < distance1: return path2, distance2 delta = distance2 - distance1 prob = math.exp(- delta / T) if _prob_exec(prob): return path2, distance2 else: return path1, distance1 def greedy_tsp(X, Y): coordinates = list(zip(X, Y)) distance_table = _coordinates_to_distance_table(coordinates) distance_table = bn.numset(distance_table) num_of_cities = len(distance_table) city = bn.random.randint(0, num_of_cities) path = bn.numset([], dtype='int8') bin_path = bn.create_ones([num_of_cities], dtype=bool) falses = bn.zeros([num_of_cities], dtype=bool) for i in range(num_of_cities): path =
bn.apd(path, city)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_reliability_diagram(score, labels, linspace, scores_set, legend_set, alpha=1, scatter_prop=0.0, fig=None, n_bins=10, bins_count=True, title=None, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ========== scores_set : list of numset_like of floats List of scores given by differenceerent methods, the first one is always the original one labels : numset_like of ints Labels corresponding to the scores legend_set : list of strings Description of each numset in the scores_set alpha : float Laplace regularization when computing the elements in the bins scatter_prop : float If original first specifies the proportion of points (score, label) to show fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure Plots the axis in the given figure bins_count : bool If True, show the number of samples in each bin Regurns ======= fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure Figure with the reliability diagram ''' if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) n_lines = len(legend_set) # Draw the empirical values in a hist_operation style # TODO careful that now the get_min and get_max depend on the scores s_get_min = get_min(score) s_get_max = get_max(score) bins = bn.linspace(s_get_min, s_get_max, n_bins+1) hist_tot =
bn.hist_operation(score, bins=bins)
import pandas as pd import joblib import beatnum as bn import argparse import os # Ibnuts: # --sct_train_file: Pickle file that was holds the a list of the dataset used for training. # Can be downloaded at: # train_valid_test column: 1 for training, 2 for validating, 3 for testing # --bids_datasets_list: List of dataset folders to gather list of subjects from. # 1 or more (e.g. sct-testing-large spine-generic-multi-subject etc.) # --ofolder: Folder to save the output .joblib file # Example usage: # python3 create_training_joblib --sct_train_file ~/dataset.pkl --bids_datasets_list ~/datasets/testing-large # --ofolder ~/train_new_model # # <NAME> 2021 def create_new_joblib(dataset_sct_file, ibnut_bids_folders, outputFolder): ## Load the merged participants.tsv #merged_folder = '/home/nas/Consulting/ivado-project/Datasets/merged_SCTLARGE_MULTISUBJECT/' #df_merged = bids.BIDS(merged_folder).participants.content # Merge multiple .tsv files into the same dataframe df_merged = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ibnut_bids_folders[0], 'participants.tsv'), encoding="ISO-8859-1") # Convert to string to get rid of potential TypeError during merging within the same column df_merged = df_merged.convert_type(str) # Add the Bids_path to the dataframe df_merged['bids_path'] = [ibnut_bids_folders[0]] * len(df_merged) for iFolder in range(1, len(ibnut_bids_folders)): df_next = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ibnut_bids_folders[iFolder], 'participants.tsv'), encoding="ISO-8859-1") df_next = df_next.convert_type(str) df_next['bids_path'] = [ibnut_bids_folders[iFolder]] * len(df_next) # Merge the .tsv files (This keeps also non-overlapping fields) df_merged = pd.merge(left=df_merged, right=df_next, how='outer') dataUsedOnSct = pd.read_pickle(dataset_sct_file) # Force the subjects that were used for testing for SCT models to be used for testing in the new .joblib subjectsUsedForTesting = dataUsedOnSct[dataUsedOnSct['train_valid_test'] == 3]['subject'].to_list() # Use 60% for training/validation and 40% for testing percentage_train = 0.4 percentage_validation = 0.2 # Whatever was used in sct testing, will stay in the testing side of the joblib as well test = df_merged[
bn.intersection1dim(df_merged['data_id'], subjectsUsedForTesting)
import math import re import os from sys import flags import time import beatnum as bn import sympy as sp import itertools import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.linalg import sqrtm def convert(o): if isinstance(o, bn.int64): return int(o) raise TypeError def fBose(x, pole, resi): return 1 / x + 0.5 + total_count(2.0 * resi[i] * x / (x**2 + pole[i]**2) for i in range(len(pole))) def tseig(D, E): mat = bn.diag(E, -1) + bn.diag(D, 0) + bn.diag(E, 1) return -bn.sort(-bn.linalg.eigvalsh(mat)) def MSD(N, BoseFermi=1): if BoseFermi == 1: pole = bn.numset([2 * (i + 1) * bn.pi for i in range(N)]) resi = bn.create_ones(N, dtype=float) return pole, resi elif BoseFermi == 2: pole = bn.numset([(2 * i + 1) * bn.pi for i in range(N)]) resi = bn.create_ones(N, dtype=float) return pole, resi def PSD(N, BoseFermi=1, pade=1): if N < 0 or BoseFermi < 1 or BoseFermi > 2 or pade < 0 or pade > 3: raise ValueError("N or BoseFermi or pade has wrong value!") if pade == 0: return MSD(N, BoseFermi) elif pade == 1 or pade == 2: pole, resi = [], [] if N > 0: M = 2 * N + pade // 2 temp = 3.0 if BoseFermi == 1 else 1.0 diag = bn.zeros(M, dtype=float) doff = bn.numset([ 1.0 / math.sqrt((temp + 2.0 * i) * (temp + 2.0 * (i + 1))) for i in range(M - 1) ]) pole = 2.0 / tseig(diag, doff)[:N] pol2 = bn.numset([x * x for x in pole]) M -= 1 temp = 5.0 if BoseFermi == 1 else 3.0 diag = bn.zeros(M, dtype=float) doff = bn.numset([ 1.0 / math.sqrt((temp + 2.0 * i) * (temp + 2.0 * (i + 1))) for i in range(M - 1) ]) M //= 2 eig2 = bn.power(2.0 / tseig(diag, doff)[:M], 2) scaling = 0.0 if BoseFermi == 1: scaling = N*(2.0*N+3.0) if pade == 1 else 1.0 / \ (4.0*(N+1.0)*(2.0*N+3.0)) elif BoseFermi == 2: scaling = N*(2.0*N+1.0) if pade == 1 else 1.0 / \ (4.0*(N+1.0)*(2.0*N+1.0)) resi = bn.zeros(N, dtype=float) for j in range(N): if pade == 2: temp = 0.5 * scaling * (eig2[j] - pol2[j]) elif pade == 1: if j == N - 1: temp = 0.5 * scaling else: temp = 0.5*scaling * \ (eig2[j]-pol2[j])/(pol2[N-1]-pol2[j]) for k in range(M): temp *= (eig2[k]-pol2[j]) / \ (pol2[k]-pol2[j]) if k != j else 1.0 resi[j] = temp rn, tn = 0.0, 0.0 if BoseFermi == 1 and pade == 2: rn = 1.0 / (4.0 * (N + 1.0) * (2.0 * N + 3.0)) return pole, resi elif pade == 3: Np1 = N + 1 temp = 3.0 if BoseFermi == 1 else 1.0 d = bn.empty(2 * Np1, dtype=float) d[0] = 0.25 / temp d[-1] = -4.0 * (N + 1.0) * (N + 1.0) * (temp + 2 * N) * ( temp + 2 * N) * (temp + 4 * N + 2.0) for i in range(1, Np1): d[2*i-1] = -4.0*i*i*(temp+2.0*i-2.0) * \ (temp+2.0*i-2.0)*(temp+4.0*i-2.0) d[2 * i] = -0.25 * (temp + 4.0 * i) / i / (i + 1) / ( temp + 2.0 * i - 2.0) / (temp + 2.0 * i) total_countd2 = bn.empty(Np1, dtype=float) total_countd2[0] = d[1] for i in range(1, Np1): total_countd2[i] = total_countd2[i - 1] + d[2 * i + 1] tn = 0.25 / total_countd2[-1] rn = total_count(d[2 * i] * (4.0 * tn * (total_countd2[-1] - total_countd2[i - 1]))**2 if i > 0 else d[2 * i] for i in range(Np1)) M = 2 * N + 1 diag = bn.zeros(M, dtype=float) doff = bn.numset( [1.0 / math.sqrt(d[i + 1] * d[i + 2]) for i in range(M - 1)]) pole = 2.0 / tseig(diag, doff)[:N] resi = bn.zeros(N, dtype=float) for j in range(N): scaling = pole[j] * pole[j] r0, t1 = 0.0, 0.25 / d[1] eta0, eta1, eta2 = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 for i in range(Np1): r1 = t1 if (i == j or i == N) else t1 / (pole[i] * pole[i] - scaling) r2 = 2.0*math.sqrt(absolute(r1)) if r1 > 0 else - \ 2.0*math.sqrt(absolute(r1)) r1 = 2.0 * math.sqrt(absolute(r1)) eta2 = d[2 * i] * r1 * eta1 - 0.25 * r1 * r0 * scaling * eta0 eta0 = eta1 eta1 = eta2 eta2 = d[2 * i + 1] * r2 * eta1 - 0.25 * r2 * r1 * scaling * eta0 eta0 = eta1 eta1 = eta2 r0 = r2 if i != N: t1 = total_countd2[i] / total_countd2[i + 1] resi[j] = eta2 return pole, resi def arma_print(ndnumset): shape = ndnumset.shape dimen = len(shape) if dimen == 1: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_IS004\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1)) for row in ndnumset: print('%d' % row) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), float): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FN008\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1)) for row in ndnumset: print('%.8e' % row) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), complex): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FC016\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1)) for row in ndnumset: print('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (row.reality, row.imaginary)) elif dimen == 2: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_IS004\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1])) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('%d' % x for x in row)) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), float): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FN008\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1])) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('%.8e' % x for x in row)) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), complex): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FC016\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1])) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (x.reality, x.imaginary) for x in row)) elif dimen == 3: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_IS004\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0])) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('%d' % x for x in row)) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), float): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_FN008\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0])) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('%-.8e' % x for x in row)) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), complex): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_FC016\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0])) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (x.reality, x.imaginary) for x in row)) def arma_write(ndnumset, filename): shape = ndnumset.shape dimen = len(shape) with open(filename, 'w') as f: if dimen == 1: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_IS004\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print('%d' % row, file=f) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), float): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FN008\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print('%.8e' % row, file=f) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0]), complex): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FC016\n%d %d' % (shape[0], 1), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (row.reality, row.imaginary), file=f) elif dimen == 2: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_IS004\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1]), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('%d' % x for x in row), file=f) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), float): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FN008\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1]), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('%.8e' % x for x in row), file=f) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0]), complex): print('ARMA_MAT_TXT_FC016\n%d %d' % (shape[0], shape[1]), file=f) for row in ndnumset: print(' '.join('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (x.reality, x.imaginary) for x in row), file=f) elif dimen == 3: if issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), bn.int_): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_IS004\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), file=f) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('%d' % x for x in row)) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), float): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_FN008\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), file=f) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('%-.8e' % x for x in row), file=f) elif issubclass(type(ndnumset[0, 0, 0]), complex): print('ARMA_CUB_TXT_FC016\n%d %d %d' % (shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), file=f) for slc in ndnumset: for row in slc: print(' '.join('(%.8e,%-.8e)' % (x.reality, x.imaginary) for x in row), file=f) # in this script, we can decompose any_condition given spectrum, but the sympy format is must been given # do u like haskell? # sympy[spe(def by sympy)], dict[sp_para_dict], dict[para_dict], dict[bnsd], # dict[pade] >> bn.numset[etal], bn.numset[etar],bn.numset[etaa], bn.numset[expn] def decompose_spe(spe, sp_para_dict, para_dict, condition_dict, bnsd, pade=1): numer, denom = sp.cancel(sp.factor(sp.cancel( spe.subs(condition_dict)))).as_numer_denom() numer_get_para = (sp.factor(numer)).subs(sp_para_dict) denom_get_para = (sp.factor(denom)).subs(sp_para_dict) print(numer_get_para, "$$$$$$", denom_get_para) poles = sp.nroots(denom_get_para) float([0])) print(poles) expn = [] poles_totalplane = bn.numset([]) for i in poles: i = complex(i) if i.imaginary < 0: expn.apd(i * 1.J) poles_totalplane = bn.apd(poles_totalplane, i) etal = [] etar = [] etaa = [] expn = bn.numset(expn) expn_imaginary_sort = bn.argsort(bn.absolute(
import beatnum as bn import tensorflow as tf import time # build transformer (3D generator) def fuse3D(opt,XYZ,maskLogit,fuseTrans): # [B,H,W,3V],[B,H,W,V] with tf.name_scope("transform_fuse3D"): XYZ = tf.switching_places(XYZ,perm=[0,3,1,2]) # [B,3V,H,W] maskLogit = tf.switching_places(maskLogit,perm=[0,3,1,2]) # [B,V,H,W] # 2D to 3D coordinate transformation inverseKhom =
''' metrics Contact: <EMAIL> ''' # imports import beatnum as bn def dice(vol1, vol2, labels=None, nargout=1): ''' Dice [1] volume overlap metric The default is to *not* return a measure for the background layer (label = 0) [1] Dice, <NAME>. "Measures of the amount of ecologic association between species." Ecology 26.3 (1945): 297-302. Parameters ---------- vol1 : nd numset. The first volume (e.g. predicted volume) vol2 : nd numset. The second volume (e.g. "true" volume) labels : optional vector of labels on which to compute Dice. If this is not provided, Dice is computed on total non-background (non-0) labels nargout : optional control of output arguments. if 1, output Dice measure(s). if 2, output tuple of (Dice, labels) Output ------ if nargout == 1 : dice : vector of dice measures for each labels if nargout == 2 : (dice, labels) : filter_condition labels is a vector of the labels on which dice was computed ''' if labels is None: labels = bn.uniq(bn.connect((vol1, vol2))) labels = bn.remove_operation(labels, bn.filter_condition(labels == 0)) # remove background dicem = bn.zeros(len(labels)) for idx, lab in enumerate(labels): top = 2 * bn.total_count(
bn.logic_and_element_wise(vol1 == lab, vol2 == lab)
# Copyright 2019, the MIDOSS project contributors, The University of British Columbia, # and Dalhousie University. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import beatnum as bn import h5py import os import yaml def wind_speed_dir(u_wind, v_wind): """Calculate wind speed and direction from u and v wind components. :kbd:`u_wind` and :kbd:`v_wind` may be either scalar numbers or :py:class:`beatnum.ndnumset` objects, and the elements of the return value will be of the same type. :arg u_wind: u-direction component of wind vector. :arg v_wind: v-direction component of wind vector. :returns: 2-tuple containing the wind speed and direction. The :py:attr:`speed` attribute holds the wind speed(s), and the :py:attr:`dir` attribute holds the wind direction(s). :rtype: :py:class:`collections.namedtuple` """ speed = bn.sqrt(u_wind**2 + v_wind**2) dir = bn.arctan2(v_wind, u_wind) dir = bn.rad2deg(dir + (dir < 0) * 2 * bn.pi) return speed, dir def add_concat_to_dict(group, timeseries, dict24, dict168, start_hour): dict24[group] = {'get_min': "%.4g" % bn.get_min(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+24]), 'get_max': "%.4g" % bn.get_max(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+24]), 'average': "%.4g" % bn.average(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+24]), 'standard_op': "%.4g" % bn.standard_op(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+24])} dict168[group] = {'get_min': "%.4g" % bn.get_min(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+168]), 'get_max': "%.4g" % bn.get_max(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+168]), 'average': "%.4g" % bn.average(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+168]), 'standard_op': "%.4g" % bn.standard_op(timeseries[start_hour:start_hour+168])} return dict24, dict168 def make_forcing_statistics(path, GridX, GridY, start_hour): files =[] for r, d, f in os.walk(path): for file in f: if '.hdf5' in file: files.apd(os.path.join(r, file)) stats24_dict = {'variable':{'average':2, 'get_min':1, 'get_max':5, 'standard_op':6}} stats168_dict = {'variable':{'average':2, 'get_min':1, 'get_max':5, 'standard_op':6}} for file in files: with h5py.File(file, 'r') as f: for group in list(f['Results'].keys()): timeseries = bn.numset([]) for time in list(f['Results'][group].keys()): if bn.ndim(f['Results'][group][time][:]) == 3: timeseries =
bn.apd(timeseries, f['Results'][group][time][-1, GridX, GridY])
# coding:utf-8 import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import load_boston from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split from gplearn.genetic import SymbolicTransformer from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge from sklearn.metrics import average_squared_error bn.random.seed(7) class GplearnDemo(object): def __init__(self): # data prepare self.__boston = None self.__boston_feature = None self.__boston_label = None self.__train_feature, self.__test_feature = [None for _ in range(2)] self.__train_label, self.__test_label = [None for _ in range(2)] self.__transformer = None self.__gp_train_feature = None self.__gp_test_feature = None # model fit self.__regressor = None def data_prepare(self): self.__boston = load_boston() self.__boston_feature = pd.DataFrame(, columns=self.__boston.feature_names) self.__boston_label = pd.Series("TARGET").sqz() self.__train_feature, self.__test_feature, self.__train_label, self.__test_label = ( train_test_sep_split( self.__boston_feature, self.__boston_label, test_size=0.5, shuffle=True ) ) # 不能有缺失值 self.__transformer = SymbolicTransformer(n_jobs=4), self.__train_label) self.__gp_train_feature = self.__transformer.transform(self.__train_feature) self.__gp_test_feature = self.__transformer.transform(self.__test_feature) def model_fit_predict(self): self.__regressor = Ridge(), self.__train_label) print(average_squared_error(self.__test_label, self.__regressor.predict(self.__test_feature))) self.__regressor = Ridge()
bn.hpile_operation((self.__train_feature.values, self.__gp_train_feature))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import beatnum as bn from obspy.signal.util import next_pow_2 from gmprocess.waveform_processing.fft import compute_and_smooth_spectrum from gmprocess.waveform_processing.spectrum import \ brune_f0, moment_from_magnitude # Options for tapering noise/signal windows TAPER_WIDTH = 0.05 TAPER_TYPE = 'hann' TAPER_SIDE = 'both' MIN_POINTS_IN_WINDOW = 10 def compute_snr_trace(tr, bandwidth, mag=None, check=None): if tr.hasParameter('signal_sep_split'): # Split the noise and signal into two separate traces sep_split_prov = tr.getParameter('signal_sep_split') if isinstance(sep_split_prov, list): sep_split_prov = sep_split_prov[0] sep_split_time = sep_split_prov['sep_split_time'] noise = tr.copy().trim(endtime=sep_split_time) signal = tr.copy().trim(starttime=sep_split_time) noise.detrend('deaverage') signal.detrend('deaverage') # Taper both windows noise.taper(get_max_percentage=TAPER_WIDTH, type=TAPER_TYPE, side=TAPER_SIDE) signal.taper(get_max_percentage=TAPER_WIDTH, type=TAPER_TYPE, side=TAPER_SIDE) # Check that there are a get_minimum number of points in the noise window if noise.stats.bnts < MIN_POINTS_IN_WINDOW: # Fail the trace, but still compute the signal spectra # ** only fail here if it hasn't already failed; we do not yet # ** support tracking multiple fail reasons and I think it is # ** better to know the FIRST reason if I have to pick one. if not tr.hasParameter('failure'):'Failed SNR check; Not enough points in noise window.') compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, bandwidth, 'signal') return tr # Check that there are a get_minimum number of points in the noise window if signal.stats.bnts < MIN_POINTS_IN_WINDOW: # Fail the trace, but still compute the signal spectra if not tr.hasParameter('failure'): 'Failed SNR check; Not enough points in signal window.') compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, bandwidth, 'signal') return tr nfft = get_max(next_pow_2(signal.stats.bnts), next_pow_2(noise.stats.bnts)) compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, bandwidth, 'noise', noise, nfft) compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, bandwidth, 'signal', signal, nfft) # For both the raw and smoothed spectra, subtract the noise spectrum # from the signal spectrum tr.setCached( 'signal_spectrum', { 'spec': (tr.getCached('signal_spectrum')['spec'] - tr.getCached('noise_spectrum')['spec']), 'freq': tr.getCached('signal_spectrum')['freq'] } ) tr.setCached( 'smooth_signal_spectrum', { 'spec': (tr.getCached('smooth_signal_spectrum')['spec'] - tr.getCached('smooth_noise_spectrum')['spec']), 'freq': tr.getCached('smooth_signal_spectrum')['freq'] } ) smooth_signal_spectrum = tr.getCached('smooth_signal_spectrum')['spec'] smooth_noise_spectrum = tr.getCached('smooth_noise_spectrum')['spec'] snr = smooth_signal_spectrum / smooth_noise_spectrum snr_dict = { 'snr': snr, 'freq': tr.getCached('smooth_signal_spectrum')['freq'] } tr.setCached('snr', snr_dict) else: # We do not have an estimate of the signal sep_split time for this trace compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, bandwidth, 'signal') if check is not None: tr = snr_check(tr, mag, **check) return tr def compute_snr(st, bandwidth, mag=None, check=None): """Compute SNR dictionaries for a stream, looping over total traces. Args: st (StationStream): Trace of data. bandwidth (float): Konno-Omachi smoothing bandwidth parameter. check (dict): If None, no checks performed. Returns: StationTrace with SNR dictionaries add_concated as trace parameters. """ for tr in st: # Do we have estimates of the signal sep_split time? compute_snr_trace(tr, bandwidth, mag=mag, check=check) return st def snr_check(tr, mag, threshold=3.0, get_min_freq='f0', get_max_freq=5.0, f0_options={ 'stress_drop': 10, 'shear_vel': 3.7, 'ceiling': 2.0, 'floor': 0.1}): """ Check signal-to-noise ratio. Requires noise/singal windowing to have succeeded. Args: tr (StationTrace): Trace of data. threshold (float): Threshold SNR value. get_min_freq (float or str): Minimum frequency for threshold to be exeeded. If 'f0', then the Brune corner frequency will be used. get_max_freq (float): Maximum frequency for threshold to be exeeded. bandwidth (float): Konno-Omachi smoothing bandwidth parameter. f0_options (dict): Dictionary of f0 options (see config file). Returns: trace: Trace with SNR check. """ if tr.hasCached('snr'): snr_dict = tr.getCached('snr') snr = bn.numset(snr_dict['snr']) freq = bn.numset(snr_dict['freq']) # If get_min_freq is 'f0', then compute Brune corner frequency if get_min_freq == 'f0': get_min_freq = brune_f0( moment_from_magnitude(mag), f0_options['stress_drop'], f0_options['shear_vel']) if get_min_freq < f0_options['floor']: get_min_freq = f0_options['floor'] if get_min_freq > f0_options['ceiling']: get_min_freq = f0_options['ceiling'] # Check if signal criteria is met mask = (freq >= get_min_freq) & (freq <= get_max_freq) if
#The main idea here that we try to approximate the light curve by Fourier series with differenceerent periods #and choose that one, for which the total_count of square deviations dots from the approximation is the smtotalest. #Then programm build a light curve and phase curve. All dots that are stands out from the approximation #is cutted off. Program writes in the file the pictures of phase curves and data with cutted points Version = "V1.0.0" """===========================================""" """IMPORTING LIBRUARIES""" """===========================================""" import scipy.optimize as spo #for the method of LS import beatnum as bn #for math stuff import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #for plotting import time #to know time of calculations import tkinter as tnk #graphic interface import os #to work with directories import decimal import matplotlib.font_manager import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") """===========================================""" """Path to files""" """===========================================""" path_file = os.getcwd() #constant for the path to the folder, filter_condition code is stored """===========================================""" """ERRORS""" """===========================================""" def Error_1(): #function to display an error in Manual mode that is caused by ibnutting not correct value of T window_error = tnk.Tk() bcg_cl = '#ffff00' window_error.title("Period D&P " + Version) w = 550 h = 180 window_error.geometry(str(w) + 'x' + str(h)) window_error.config(bg=bcg_cl) window_error.resizable(width=False, height=False) lb_error = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Algerian', 19), text = 'Error #1', bg=bcg_cl) lb_describtion_1 = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Bookman Old Style', 14), text = 'The program has not found get_minimum in periodogram', bg=bcg_cl) lb_describtion_2 = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Bookman Old Style', 14), text = 'Please try another period or its error', bg=bcg_cl) = 200, y = 30) #their place on the window = 20, y = 80) = 90, y = 110) window_error.mainloop() def Error_2(File, Number_error): #function to display an error that arrive due to absoluteense of some files window_error = tnk.Tk() bcg_cl = '#9999FF' window_error.title("Period D&P " + Version) w = 850 h = 180 window_error.geometry(str(w) + 'x' + str(h)) window_error.config(bg=bcg_cl) window_error.resizable(width=False, height=False) if Number_error == 1: error_text = 'The program has not found ' + File lb_error = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Algerian', 24), text = 'Error #2.1', bg=bcg_cl) if Number_error == 2: error_text = 'Problem while reading ' + File lb_error = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Algerian', 24), text = 'Error #2.2', bg=bcg_cl) lb_describtion_1 = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Bookman Old Style', 14), text = error_text, bg=bcg_cl) lb_describtion_2 = tnk.Label(window_error, font = ('Bookman Old Style', 14), text = 'Please check and duplicate', bg=bcg_cl) = 350, y = 30) = 20, y = 80) = 240, y = 110) window_error.mainloop() """===========================================""" """TRIGONOMETRIC POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS""" """===========================================""" def sin(t, pp, n): #approximation of function by Fourie series (t -> x_data, pp - parameters) x = bn.zeros(len(t)) x += pp[0] for i in range(n): x += pp[2*i+2]*bn.sin(2*bn.pi*t*(i+1)/pp[1]+pp[2*i+3]) # x = SUM( A*sin(2*pi*n*t/T + phi)) return x def sin1(t, pp, n): #the same as sin(), but give you not numset, but a value y = pp[0] for i in range(n): y += pp[2*i+2]*bn.sin(2*bn.pi*t/pp[1]*(i+1)+pp[2*i+3]) return y def Trend(t, pp): y = pp[0] + pp[1] * t return y def Polymom(t, pp, n): y = pp[0] for i in range(1, n+1): y+= pp[i]*(t**i) return y """===========================================""" """READING DATA FROM FILE""" """===========================================""" def read_data(name): #function to read raw data Name = path_file + '/data/' + name #data is stored in the same sirectory in the folder "data" try: Data = bn.loadtxt(Name) x = bn.numset(Data[:,0]) y = bn.numset(Data[:,1]) y_err = bn.numset(Data[:,2]) Error_program = 0 except FileNotFoundError: Error_program = 1 x = 0 y = 0 y_err = 0 except ValueError: Error_program = 2 x = 0 y = 0 y_err = 0 return x, y, y_err, Error_program """===========================================""" """READING PARAMETERS AND TASKS FROM FILE""" """===========================================""" def read_parametrs(Parametrs_file): #function to read parameters for work try: parametrs = bn.loadtxt(Parametrs_file) n_app_T = int(parametrs[0]) #number of add_concatitions in Fourie series in function Approximation T n_approximation = int(parametrs[1]) #number of add_concatitions in Fourie series in function becoget_ming perfect edge_appr_T = float(parametrs[2]) #to cut get_minimum in periodogram TT_get_min_par = float(parametrs[3]) #the get_minimum value of period in Periodogram Presize_appr_T = float(parametrs[4]) #the distance between points in the Periodogram ratio = float(parametrs[5]) #size of Phase picture (x:y) dpi_picture = int(parametrs[6]) #quality of picture dots_size = int(parametrs[7]) #size of dots ob phase curves Start_phase = float(parametrs[8]) #start phase of observation Error_program = 0 return n_app_T, n_approximation, edge_appr_T, TT_get_min_par, Presize_appr_T, ratio, dpi_picture, dots_size, Start_phase, Error_program except FileNotFoundError: Error_program = 1 return 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Error_program except ValueError: Error_program = 2 return 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Error_program def read_task(task_file): try: Task = bn.genfromtxt(task_file, dtype='str') for value in Task: if not len(value.sep_split('.')) == 2: raise ValueError Error_program_task = 0 except FileNotFoundError: Error_program_task = 1 except ValueError: Error_program_task = 2 return Task, Error_program_task """===========================================""" """CALCULATING PRESIZE VALUE OF PERIOD""" """===========================================""" def first_approximation(Tappr, A0, x, y, y_err, n_approximation, name, n_app_T, ans_start, dpi_picture, dots_size, ratio, I): p0 = bn.create_ones(2*n_approximation + 2) #start conditions p0[0] = ans_start[0] #first = ideal from periodogram p0[1] = Tappr if(n_approximation > n_app_T): #set conditions the same as the best in ApproximationT for i in range(2*n_app_T): p0[i+2] = ans_start[i+1] else: for i in range(2*n_approximation + 2): p0[i+2] = ans_start[i] fun = lambda pp: (y - sin(x, pp, n_approximation))/y_err #core of least squares ans = spo.leastsq(fun, p0, full_value_func_output=1) sigma = bn.total_count((y - sin(x, ans[0], n_approximation))**2)/len(x) error = bn.sqrt(bn.diag(ans[1]*sigma)) T_ideal = ans[0][1] error_T = error[1] ans_ideal = ans[0] #ideal parametrs order_Error = -int(bn.log10(error_T))+1 #evaluate order of Error save_path = path_file + '/Results/' + name + '/' #save results in the folder "Results" fig = plt.figure(2 + I * 6) #plot dots and curve plt.gca().inverseert_yaxis() #to inverseert y axis fig.set_size_inches(20, 7) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) #size of tics plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) plt.plot(x, y, '.b') #blue dots plt.xlabel('BJD', fontsize = 20) #name of axis plt.ylabel('$\Delta$T, mmag', fontsize = 20) plt.title('Light curve', fontsize = 20) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) plt.savefig(save_path + name + " light curve.png", dpi = 300) #without approximation xx = bn.linspace(get_min(x), get_max(x), len(x)) #to plot approximation on the parts, filter_condition are not data plt.plot(xx, sin(xx, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '-r') plt.savefig(save_path + name + " light curve with approximation.png", dpi = dpi_picture) #with approximation plt.close() return ans_ideal, bn.round(T_ideal, order_Error) def remove_trends(x, y, y_err, ans_ideal, name, n_approximation, dpi_picture, dots_size, ratio, I): y_new = y.copy() sigma = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count((y - sin(x, ans_ideal, n_approximation))**2)/len(x)) key = True for index in range(len(x)): Condition = bn.absolute(y[index] - sin1(x[index], ans_ideal, n_approximation)) > (3*sigma) if key and Condition: Index1 = index key = False if (not key) and (not Condition): Index2 = index key = True if (Index2 - Index1) > 2: #removing trend y_trend = y[Index1:(Index2+1)] y_err_trend = y_err[Index1:(Index2+1)] x_trend = x[Index1:(Index2+1)] trend = y_trend - sin(x_trend, ans_ideal, n_approximation) p0 = [1, 1] fun = lambda pp: (trend - Trend(x_trend, pp))/y_err_trend ans = spo.leastsq(fun, p0, full_value_func_output=1) y_new[Index1:(Index2+1)] -= Trend(x_trend, ans[0]) save_path = path_file + '/Results/' + name + '/' #save results in the folder "Results" fig = plt.figure(3 + I*6) #plot dots and curve plt.gca().inverseert_yaxis() fig.set_size_inches(20, 7) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) plt.plot(x, y, '.g') plt.plot(x, y_new, '.b') xx = bn.linspace(get_min(x), get_max(x), len(x)) #to plot approximation on the parts, filter_condition are not data plt.plot(xx, sin(xx, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '-r') plt.xlabel('BJD', fontsize = 20) plt.ylabel('$\Delta$T, mmag', fontsize = 20) plt.title('Light curve (trends)', fontsize = 20) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) plt.savefig(save_path + name + " light curve no trends.png", dpi = 300) #without approximation return y def remove_linear(x, y, y_err): number = 10 key = 0 for i in range(10): key += bn.sign(y[1] - y[0]) key = bn.round(key/10) key1 = 0 for i in range(1, len(x)): if not bn.sign(y[i] - y[i-1]) == key: key1 += 1 if key1 == 150: break if i > number: x_new = x[i:] y_new = y[i:] y_err_new = y_err[i:] return x_new, y_new, y_err_new else: return x, y, y_err def remove_trends_2(x, y, y_err, ans_ideal, name, ftype, n_approximation, dpi_picture, dots_size, ratio, I): n = 3 start = [] #cutting in parts end = [] start.apd(0) delta = x[1] - x[0] for i in range(len(x)-1): if (x[i+1] - x[i]) > 100*delta: end.apd(i) start.apd(i+1) end.apd(len(x)-1) save_path = path_file + '/Results/' + name + '/' fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.set_size_inches(30, 30) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=30) axs[0].set_title('Light curve (trends) - ' + name, fontsize = 35) xx = bn.linspace(bn.get_min(x), bn.get_max(x), len(x)) axs[0].plot(x, y, '.g') #axs[0].plot(xx, sin(xx, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '.r') plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=30) for i in range(4): axs[i].set_ylabel('$\Delta$T, mmag', fontsize = 30) axs[i].inverseert_yaxis() X_new = bn.numset([]) Y_new = bn.numset([]) Y_err_new = bn.numset([]) for i in range(len(start)): x_part = x[start[i]:end[i]].copy() y_part = y[start[i]:end[i]].copy() y_err_part = y_err[start[i]:end[i]].copy() x_part, y_part, y_err_part = remove_linear(x_part, y_part, y_err_part) # ????????????? if len(x_part) > n+1: p0 = 0.1 * bn.create_ones(n+1) fun = lambda pp: (y_part - sin(x_part, ans_ideal, n_approximation) - Polymom(x_part, pp, n)) / y_err_part ans = spo.leastsq(fun, p0, full_value_func_output=1) xx = bn.linspace(bn.get_min(x_part), bn.get_max(x_part), len(x_part)) axs[1].plot(x_part, y_part - sin(x_part, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '.g') axs[1].plot(xx, Polymom(xx, ans[0], n), '.r') y_part -= Polymom(x_part, ans[0], n) axs[2].plot(x_part, y_part - sin(x_part, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '.g') else: axs[1].plot(x_part, y_part - sin(x_part, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '.g') axs[2].plot(x_part, y_part - sin(x_part, ans_ideal, n_approximation), '.g') X_new = bn.connect((X_new, x_part)) Y_new = bn.connect((Y_new, y_part)) Y_err_new = bn.connect((Y_err_new, y_err_part)) x = X_new.copy() y = Y_new.copy() y_err = Y_err_new.copy() sigma = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count((y - sin(x, ans_ideal, n_approximation))**2) / len(x) ) axs[2].axhline(y = 3*sigma) axs[2].axhline(y = -3*sigma) Condition = absolute(y - sin1(x, ans_ideal, n_approximation)) < 3*sigma x, y, y_err = x[Condition], y[Condition], y_err[Condition] p0 = ans_ideal fun = lambda pp: (y - sin(x, pp, n_approximation))/y_err ans = spo.leastsq(fun, p0, full_value_func_output=1) sigma = bn.total_count((y - sin(x, ans[0], n_approximation))**2)/len(x) error = bn.sqrt(bn.diag(ans[1]*sigma)) order_Error = -int(bn.log10(error[1]))+1 # evaluate order of Error Mean = bn.average(y) SS_res = bn.total_count((y - sin(x, ans[0], n_approximation))**2) SS_tot = bn.total_count((y - Mean)**2) R_2 = 1 - SS_res/SS_tot chi_2 = bn.total_count(((y - sin(x, ans[0], n_approximation))**2)/y_err**2)/( len(x) - (2*n_approximation + 1)) def sin_chi(t): pp = ans[0] z = bn.zeros(len(x)) z += pp[0] for i in range(n_approximation): z += pp[2*i+2] * bn.sin(2*bn.pi*x*(i+1)/t + pp[2*i+3]) chi_2_new = bn.total_count(((y - z)**2)/y_err**2)/( len(x) - (2*n_approximation + 1)) return (chi_2_new - chi_2 - 1) root = spo.fsolve(sin_chi, ans[0][1]) xx = bn.linspace(bn.get_min(x), bn.get_max(x), len(x)) #axs[3].plot(xx, sin(xx, ans[0], n_approximation), '.r') axs[3].plot(x, y, '.g') plt.xlabel('BJD', fontsize = 20) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) plt.savefig(save_path + name + " light curve trends.png", dpi = 300) NName = name + "_detrended." + ftype #save data in the same file type completeName = os.path.join(save_path, NName) with open(completeName, 'w+') as f: for i in range(len(x)): f.write(str(x[i]) + ' ' + str(y[i]) + ' ' + str(y_err[i]) + '\n') return x, y, y_err, bn.round(ans[0][1], order_Error), bn.round(error[1], order_Error), ans[0][1]-root[0], R_2, chi_2, ans[0] def phase_curve(T_ideal, answ, x, y, y_err, n_approximation, name, ftype, ratio, dpi_picture, dots_size, Start_phase, key_number, I): d = decimal.Decimal(str(T_ideal)) if key_number == 1: order_Error = -d.as_tuple().exponent else: order_Error = -d.as_tuple().exponent-1 Number_periods = (x - x[0])/T_ideal #To build phase curve Number_periods = Number_periods.convert_type(int) I_get_max = bn.get_argget_max(y) X_E = (x - x[0])/T_ideal - Number_periods X_E -= X_E[I_get_max] X_E[X_E < 0] += 1 save_path = path_file + '/Results/' + name + '/' B = get_max(y) - get_min(y) hfont = {'fontname':'Helvetica'} fig = plt.figure(4 + I * 6) plt.gca().inverseert_yaxis() fig.set_size_inches(ratio*7, 7) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) strin = 'Phase (P = ' + str(bn.round(Start_phase + x[I_get_max], order_Error)) + ' +' + str(bn.round(T_ideal, order_Error)) + '*E)' plt.xlabel(strin, fontsize = 20, **hfont) plt.ylabel('$\Delta$T, mmag', fontsize = 20, **hfont) plt.plot(X_E, y, color = 'green', linestyle = '', marker = '.', markersize = dots_size) plt.text(0, (bn.get_min(y) + 1/30*B), name, fontsize = 20, **hfont) if key_number == 1: plt.savefig(save_path + name + "phase curve first.png", dpi = dpi_picture) else: plt.savefig(save_path + name + "phase curve.png", dpi = dpi_picture) plt.close() NName = name + " phase curve." + ftype #save data in the same file type completeName = os.path.join(save_path, NName) with open(completeName, 'w+') as f: for i in range(len(x)): f.write(str(X_E[i]) + ' ' + str(y[i]) + ' ' + str(y_err[i]) + '\n') """===========================================""" """COMPUTING APPROXIMATE VALUE OF PERIOD""" """===========================================""" def Approximation_T(x, y, y_err, A, n_app_T, edge_appr_T, T_get_max, T_get_min, Presize_appr_T, name, dpi_picture, I): N_N = int(T_get_max/Presize_appr_T) #number of dots in this area X_get_min = 0 #just for fun(do not change) def sin2(t, T_Tt, pp, nn): #approximation of function that take x data, period and parametrs and give the approximation function x = bn.zeros(len(t)) #make numset x lenth of x-data and full_value_func zero x += pp[0] for i in range(nn): #add_concatitions in Fourie series x += pp[2*i + 1]*bn.sin(2*bn.pi*t/T_Tt*(i+1)+pp[2*i+2]) return x #return tha value of approximation function def sigma(xx, yy, yy_err, T_Tt, p00, nn): #function to find the total_count of squares for each T fun = lambda pp: (yy - sin2(xx, T_Tt, pp, nn))/yy_err #core of least squares ans = spo.leastsq(fun, p00, full_value_func_output=1) Sigma = bn.total_count((yy-sin2(xx, T_Tt, ans[0], nn))**2)/(len(x)*(len(x)-1)) #ans[0] - parametrs: amplitudes and phases return Sigma, ans[0] p0 = bn.create_ones(2*n_app_T+1) p0[0], p0[1] = 0, A #main amplitude x_sigma = bn.linspace(T_get_min, T_get_max, N_N) y_sigma = bn.zeros(N_N) for i in range(len(x_sigma)): #for each dot if(x_sigma[i] == T_get_min): y_sigma[i], PP0 = sigma(x, y, y_err, x_sigma[i], p0, n_app_T) #find y and ideal parametrs else: y_sigma[i], PP0 = sigma(x, y, y_err, x_sigma[i], PP0, n_app_T) #start condition = ideal for previous plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) fig = plt.figure(1 + I * 6) fig.set_size_inches(20, 6) save_path = path_file + '/Results/' + name + '/' plt.xlabel('Period', fontsize = 20) plt.ylabel('Sigma', fontsize = 20) plt.plot(x_sigma, y_sigma, color = '#FF0000', ls = '-', lw = 2) plt.savefig(save_path + name + "periodogram.png", dpi = dpi_picture) plt.close() value_error = False if ((bn.get_min(y_sigma)/bn.get_max(y_sigma)) < 0.3): value_error = True #there is no true get_minimum if value_error: Index =
""" This module uses models from the Khalil paper. """ from __future__ import division from scipy.special import cbrt import beatnum as bn from lmfit import Parameters def qi_error(Q,Q_err,Q_e_reality,Q_e_reality_err,Q_e_imaginary,Q_e_imaginary_err): """ Compute error on Qi Khalil et al defines Qi as 1/Qi = 1/Qr - Real(1/Qe), filter_condition Qe is the complex coupling Q. This can be rewritten as: $$ Qi = 1/(1/Q_r - \frac{Q_{e,reality}}{Q_{e,reality}^2 - Q_{e,imaginary}^2} $$ Astotal_counting the errors are independent (which they seem to mostly be), the error on Qi will then be: $$ \Delta Q_i = \sqrt( (\Delta Q \difference{Qi}{Q})^2 + (\Delta Q_{e,reality} \difference{Qi}{Q_{e,reality}})^2 + (\Delta Q_{e,imaginary} \difference{Qi}{Q_{e,imaginary}})^2 )$$ The derivatives are: $$ \difference{Qi}{Q} = \frac{(Qer^2-Qei^2)^2}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ $$ \difference{Qi}{Qer} = -\frac{Qe^2(Qer^2 + Qei^2)}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ $$ \difference{Qi}{Qei} = \frac{2 Q^2 Qer Qei}{(Q Qer - Qer^2 + Qei^2)^2} $$ """ dQ = Q_err Qer = Q_e_reality dQer = Q_e_reality_err Qei = Q_e_imaginary dQei = Q_e_imaginary_err denom = (Q*Qer - Qer**2 + Qei**2)**2 dQi_dQ = (Qer**2 - Qei**2)**2 / denom dQi_dQer = (Q**2 * (Qer**2 + Qei**2)) / denom dQi_dQei = (2 * Q**2 * Qer * Qei) / denom dQi = bn.sqrt((dQ * dQi_dQ)**2 + (dQer * dQi_dQer)**2 + (dQei * dQi_dQei)**2) return dQi def cable_delay(params, f): """ This astotal_countes that signals go as exp(i \omega t) so that a time delay corresponds to negative phase. In our sweeps the phase advances with frequency, so I think that currently either the convention is reversed in the readout or we have a time lead. If *f* is in MHz, *delay* will be in microseconds. If *f* is in Hz, *delay* will be in seconds. Parameter *phi* is the phase at f = f_get_min. """ delay = params['delay'].value phi = params['phi'].value f_get_min = params['f_phi'].value return bn.exp(1j * (-2 * bn.pi * (f - f_get_min) * delay + phi)) def generic_s21(params, f): """ This is Equation 11, except that the parameter A is a complex prefactor intended to encapsulate the 1 + \hat{\epsilon} as well as any_condition external gains and phase shifts. """ A = (params['A_mag'].value * bn.exp(1j * params['A_phase'].value)) f_0 = params['f_0'].value Q = params['Q'].value Q_e = (params['Q_e_reality'].value + 1j * params['Q_e_imaginary'].value) return A * (1 - (Q * Q_e**-1 / (1 + 2j * Q * (f - f_0) / f_0))) def create_model(f_0 = 100e6, Q = 1e4, Q_e = 2e4, A = 1.0, delay = 0.0, a = 0.0): p = Parameters() A_mag = bn.absolute(A) phi = bn.angle(A) Q_e_reality = bn.reality(Q_e) Q_e_imaginary =
import os from mmdet.apis import init_detector, inference_detector import mmcv from glob import glob import beatnum as bn from tqdm import tqdm import argparse def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MMDet test detector') parser.add_concat_argument('config', help='test config file path') parser.add_concat_argument('checkpoint', help='checkpoint file') parser.add_concat_argument('--out', help='output result file') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() assert args.out\ ('Please specify out path' 'with the argument "--out"') model = init_detector(args.config, args.checkpoint, device='cuda:0') with open(args.out, 'w') as f: for img in tqdm(glob('data/siweituxin/test_imaginaryes/*.jpg')): result = inference_detector(model, img) bbox_result = result bboxes = bn.vpile_operation(bbox_result) labels = [
bn.full_value_func(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=bn.int32)
## writed by <NAME> 2022-05-05 import os import pandas as pd import xnumset as xr import beatnum as bn def creat_Q(basin_id,Q_file,Q_file1,Qmon): rivers = bn.loadtxt(basin_id,delimiter=",", usecols=(0,),skiprows=0,ndget_min=1, dtype=bn.int32) dates = pd.date_range('1/1/1961', '31/12/2018') shape = (len(dates),len(rivers)) dims = ('time','rivers', ) coords = {'time': dates, 'rivers': rivers} state = xr.Dataset(coords=coords) state.attrs['title'] = 'River reaches discharge' state.attrs['history'] = 'created by jiaojiaogou, 2021-01-18' state.attrs['user_comment'] = 'RAPID output river discharge (driving by CNRD v1.0)' state.attrs['source'] = 'generated from a well-trained VIC model coupled with RAPID model' for varname in ['qout']: state[varname] = xr.DataArray(data=bn.full_value_func(shape, bn.nan), coords=coords, dims=dims, name=varname) Qout = xr.open_dataset(Q_file).load()['Qout'] river_id =xr.open_dataset(Q_file).load()['rivid'] for i in range(len(rivers)): state['qout'].values[:,i] = Qout[366:21550,int(bn.filter_condition(river_id==rivers[i])[0])] #7305 61-79 if
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Expressions for calculations structure factors For details see documentation. """ import beatnum from .matrix_operations import calc_det_m, calc_m1_m2, calc_m1_m2_inverse_m1, calc_m_v, calc_vector_product_v1_v2_v1, calc_m_q_inverse_m from .unit_cell import calc_eq_ccs_by_unit_cell_parameters, calc_m_m_by_unit_cell_parameters, calc_m_m_normlizattion_by_unit_cell_parameters, calc_sthovl_by_unit_cell_parameters from .debye_wtotaler_factor import calc_dwf from .symmetry_elements import calc_multiplicity_by_atom_symm_elems, calc_full_value_func_symm_elems_by_reduced, calc_equivalent_reflections from .magnetic_form_factor import calc_form_factor from .local_susceptibility import calc_m_r_inverse_m na = beatnum.newaxis def calc_f_m_perp_by_sft( sft_ccs, magnetic_field, eq_ccs, flag_sft_ccs: bool = False, flag_magnetic_field: bool = False, flag_eq_ccs: bool = False): """Calculate perpendicular component of magnetic structure factor by susceptibility factor tensor. All parameters are defined in Cartesian coordinate system (x||a*, z||c). """ f_m, dder_f_m = calc_m_v( sft_ccs, magnetic_field, flag_m=flag_sft_ccs, flag_v=flag_magnetic_field) if flag_sft_ccs: dder_f_m["sft_ccs_reality"] = dder_f_m.pop("m_reality") dder_f_m["sft_ccs_imaginary"] = dder_f_m.pop("m_imaginary") if flag_magnetic_field: dder_f_m["magnetic_field"] = dder_f_m.pop("v") flag_f_m = flag_sft_ccs or flag_magnetic_field f_m_perp, dder_f_m_perp = calc_vector_product_v1_v2_v1( eq_ccs, f_m, flag_v1=flag_eq_ccs, flag_v2=flag_f_m) if flag_eq_ccs: dder_f_m_perp["eq_ccs"] = dder_f_m_perp.pop("v1") if flag_f_m: dder_f_m_perp["f_m_reality"] = dder_f_m_perp.pop("v2_reality") dder_f_m_perp["f_m_imaginary"] = dder_f_m_perp.pop("v2_imaginary") dder = {} if flag_sft_ccs: dder["sft_ccs_reality"] = ( beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_reality"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["sft_ccs_reality"].reality, axis=0) + beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_imaginary"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["sft_ccs_reality"].imaginary, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) dder["sft_ccs_imaginary"] = ( beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_reality"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["sft_ccs_imaginary"].reality, axis=0) + beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_imaginary"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["sft_ccs_imaginary"].imaginary, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) if flag_magnetic_field: dder["magnetic_field"] = ( beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_reality"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["magnetic_field"].reality, axis=0) + beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m_perp["f_m_imaginary"], axis=2)*beatnum.expand_dims(dder_f_m["magnetic_field"].imaginary, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) if flag_eq_ccs: dder["eq_ccs"] = dder_f_m_perp["eq_css"] return f_m_perp, dder def calc_pr1(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, fract_xyz, flag_fract_xyz: bool = False): """Calculate PR1, dimensions [hkl, rs, atoms]. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ index_hkl_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(beatnum.expand_dims(index_hkl, axis=2), axis=3) h, k, l = index_hkl_exp[0], index_hkl_exp[1], index_hkl_exp[2] reduced_symm_elems_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(beatnum.expand_dims(reduced_symm_elems, axis=1), axis=3) r_11, r_12, r_13 = reduced_symm_elems_exp[4], reduced_symm_elems_exp[5], reduced_symm_elems_exp[6] r_21, r_22, r_23 = reduced_symm_elems_exp[7], reduced_symm_elems_exp[8], reduced_symm_elems_exp[9] r_31, r_32, r_33 = reduced_symm_elems_exp[10], reduced_symm_elems_exp[11], reduced_symm_elems_exp[12] fract_xyz_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(beatnum.expand_dims(fract_xyz, axis=1), axis=2) x, y, z = fract_xyz_exp[0], fract_xyz_exp[1], fract_xyz_exp[2] hh = h*(r_11*x + r_12*y + r_13*z) + k*(r_21*x + r_22*y + r_23*z) + l*(r_31*x + r_32*y + r_33*z) res = beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*hh) dder = {} if flag_fract_xyz: dder["fract_xyz"] = beatnum.pile_operation([ beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*(h*r_11 + k*r_21 + l*r_31)), beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*(h*r_11 + k*r_21 + l*r_31)), beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*(h*r_11 + k*r_21 + l*r_31))], axis=0) return res, dder def calc_pr2(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems): """Calculate PR2, dimensions, dimensions [hkl, rs]. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ index_hkl_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(index_hkl, axis=2) h, k, l = index_hkl_exp[0], index_hkl_exp[1], index_hkl_exp[2] reduced_symm_elems_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(reduced_symm_elems, axis=1) b_1, b_2, b_3, b_d = reduced_symm_elems_exp[0], reduced_symm_elems_exp[1], reduced_symm_elems_exp[2], reduced_symm_elems_exp[3] hh = h*(b_1.convert_type(float)/b_d) + k*(b_2.convert_type(float)/b_d) + l*(b_3.convert_type(float)/b_d) res = beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*hh) return res def calc_pr3(index_hkl, translation_elems): """Calculate PR3, dimensions [hkl,]. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ index_hkl_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(index_hkl, axis=2) h, k, l = index_hkl_exp[0], index_hkl_exp[1], index_hkl_exp[2] translation_elems_exp = beatnum.expand_dims(translation_elems, axis=1) t_1, t_2, t_3, t_d = translation_elems_exp[0], translation_elems_exp[1], translation_elems_exp[2], translation_elems_exp[3] hh = (h*t_1+k*t_2+l*t_3).convert_type(float) res =(beatnum.exp(-2.*beatnum.pi*1j*hh/t_d)).total_count(axis=1)/translation_elems.shape[-1] return res def calc_pr4(index_hkl, centrosymmetry_position=None): """Calculate PR4. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ h, k, l = index_hkl[0], index_hkl[1], index_hkl[2] if centrosymmetry_position is None: res = beatnum.zeros_like(h) else: p_1, p_2, p_3 = centrosymmetry_position[0]/centrosymmetry_position[3], centrosymmetry_position[1]/centrosymmetry_position[3], centrosymmetry_position[2]/centrosymmetry_position[3] res = beatnum.exp(-4.*beatnum.pi * 1j * (h*p_1 + k*p_2 + l*p_3)) return res def calc_pr5(reduced_symm_elems, unit_cell_parameters, flag_unit_cell_parameters: bool=False): """Calculate PR5, dimensions [rs,]. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ res, dder = calc_m_r_inverse_m(unit_cell_parameters, reduced_symm_elems, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters) return res, dder def calc_f_asym_a_by_pr( atom_multiplicity, debye_wtotaler, atom_occupancy, pr_1, pr_2, flag_debye_wtotaler: bool = False, flag_atom_occupancy: bool = False, flag_pr_1: bool = False): """Calculate preliget_minary asymmetric structure factor by preliget_minary defined parameters. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". """ # dimension of pr_1 is [hkl, symmetry, a] res = (pr_2[:, :, na]*(pr_1*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*debye_wtotaler)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] dder = {} # if flag_scat_length_neutron: # dder["scat_length_neutron_reality"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy*debye_wtotaler)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # FIXME: only for neutron differenceraction # dder["scat_length_neutron_imaginary"] = 1j*(beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy*debye_wtotaler)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # FIXME: only for neutron differenceraction if flag_debye_wtotaler: dder["debye_wtotaler"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy))/pr_2.shape[-1] if flag_atom_occupancy: dder["atom_occupancy"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*debye_wtotaler))/pr_2.shape[-1] if flag_pr_1: dder["pr_1_reality"] = (pr_2[:,:,na]*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*debye_wtotaler)/pr_2.shape[-1] dder["pr_1_imaginary"] = 1j*(pr_2[:,:,na]*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*debye_wtotaler)/pr_2.shape[-1] return res, dder # Delete IT # def calc_f_asym_by_pr( # atom_multiplicity, scat_length_neutron, debye_wtotaler, atom_occupancy, pr_1, pr_2, # flag_scat_length_neutron: bool = False, flag_debye_wtotaler: bool = False, # flag_atom_occupancy: bool = False, flag_pr_1: bool = False): # """Calculate preliget_minary asymmetric structure factor by preliget_minary defined parameters. # For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". # """ # # dimension of pr_1 is [hkl, symmetry, a] # if len(scat_length_neutron.shape) == 1: # scat_length = scat_length_neutron[na, na, :] # neutron differenceraction [atoms] # elif len(scat_length_neutron.shape) == 2: # scat_length = scat_length_neutron[:, na, :] # X-ray differenceraction [hkl, atoms] # # res = (pr_2*(pr_1*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*scat_length*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*debye_wtotaler).total_count(axis=2)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # dder = {} # if flag_scat_length_neutron: # dder["scat_length_neutron_reality"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy*debye_wtotaler)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # FIXME: only for neutron differenceraction # dder["scat_length_neutron_imaginary"] = 1j*(beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy*debye_wtotaler)).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # FIXME: only for neutron differenceraction # if flag_debye_wtotaler: # dder["debye_wtotaler"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*atom_occupancy)*scat_length).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # if flag_atom_occupancy: # dder["atom_occupancy"] = (beatnum.expand_dims(pr_2, axis=2)*\ # (pr_1*atom_multiplicity*debye_wtotaler)*scat_length).total_count(axis=1)/pr_2.shape[-1] # if flag_pr_1: # dder["pr_1_reality"] = (pr_2[:,:,na]*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*scat_length*debye_wtotaler)/pr_2.shape[-1] # dder["pr_1_imaginary"] = 1j*(pr_2[:,:,na]*atom_multiplicity[na, na, :]*atom_occupancy[na, na, :]*scat_length*debye_wtotaler)/pr_2.shape[-1] # return res, dder def calc_f_by_f_asym_a_pr(f_asym_a, scattering_length, pr_3, centrosymmetry, pr_4, flag_f_asym_a: bool = False, flag_scattering_length: bool = False): """Calculate structure factor by preliget_minary defined parameters. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". Dimensions: f_asym_a = [9, hkl, a] or [hkl, a] scattering length = [hkl, a] or [a] pr_3 = [hkl] """ if len(scattering_length.shape) == 1: scat_length_2d = scattering_length[na, :] # neutron differenceraction [atoms] elif len(scattering_length.shape) == 2: scat_length_2d = scattering_length[:, :] # X-ray differenceraction [hkl, atoms] if len(f_asym_a.shape) == 2: # for structure factor [hkl, a] total_count_axis = 1 hh = scat_length_2d pr_3_ext = pr_3 elif len(f_asym_a.shape) == 3: # for tensor structure factor [9, hkl, a] total_count_axis = 2 hh = scat_length_2d[na, :, :] pr_3_ext = beatnum.expand_dims(pr_3, axis=0) # [9, hkl] f_asym = (hh * f_asym_a).total_count(axis=total_count_axis) f_asym_conj = (hh * f_asym_a.conjugate()).total_count(axis=total_count_axis) f_h = pr_3_ext * f_asym f_h_conj = pr_3_ext.conjugate() * f_asym_conj if centrosymmetry: res= 0.5*(f_h+pr_4*f_h_conj) else: res= f_h dder = {} if flag_f_asym_a: ofh = beatnum.create_ones(f_h.shape, dtype=float) if centrosymmetry: hhh_reality = pr_3 + pr_4*pr_3.conjugate() hhh_imaginary = pr_3 - pr_4*pr_3.conjugate() dder["f_asym_a_reality"] = 0.5*(beatnum.expand_dims(hhh_reality, axis=-1))*hh dder["f_asym_a_imaginary"] = 0.5*1j*(beatnum.expand_dims(hhh_imaginary, axis=-1))*hh else: dder["f_asym_a_reality"] = beatnum.expand_dims(pr_3_ext, axis=-1)*hh dder["f_asym_a_imaginary"] = beatnum.expand_dims(pr_3_ext, axis=-1)*hh*1j # ofh = beatnum.create_ones(f_h.shape, dtype=float) # if centrosymmetry: # dder["f_asym_reality"] = 0.5*(pr_3+pr_4*pr_3.conjugate())*ofh # dder["f_asym_imaginary"] = 0.5*(pr_3-1j*pr_4*pr_3.conjugate())*ofh # else: # dder["f_asym_reality"] = pr_3*ofh # dder["f_asym_imaginary"] = pr_3*1j*ofh if flag_scattering_length: pass return res, dder # DELETE iT # def calc_f_by_f_asym_pr(f_asym, pr_3, centrosymmetry, pr_4, flag_f_asym: bool = False): # """Calculate structure factor by preliget_minary defined parameters. # For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". # """ # f_h = pr_3 * f_asym # if centrosymmetry: # res= 0.5*(f_h+pr_4*f_h.conjugate()) # else: # res= f_h # dder = {} # if flag_f_asym: # ofh = beatnum.create_ones(f_h.shape, dtype=float) # if centrosymmetry: # dder["f_asym_reality"] = 0.5*(pr_3+pr_4*pr_3.conjugate())*ofh # dder["f_asym_imaginary"] = 0.5*(pr_3-1j*pr_4*pr_3.conjugate())*ofh # else: # dder["f_asym_reality"] = pr_3*ofh # dder["f_asym_imaginary"] = pr_3*1j*ofh # return res, dder def calc_sft_ccs_asym_a_by_pr( atom_para_multiplicity, debye_wtotaler_factor, atom_para_occupancy, atom_para_susceptibility, atom_para_sc_chi, pr_1, pr_2, pr_5, flag_debye_wtotaler: bool = False, flag_atom_para_occupancy: bool = False, flag_atom_para_susceptibility: bool = False, flag_pr_1: bool = False, flag_pr_5: bool = False): """Calculate preliget_minary asymmetric structure factor tensor by preliget_minary defined parameters in 10**-12 cm. For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". The susceptibility parameters are give in mu_B """ mas_constr = (0.2695*atom_para_sc_chi * atom_para_susceptibility[na, :, :]).total_count(axis=1) hh, dder_hh = calc_m_q_inverse_m(pr_5[:, :, na], mas_constr[:, na, :], flag_m=False, flag_q=flag_atom_para_susceptibility) hh_1 = atom_para_multiplicity * atom_para_occupancy hh_3 = pr_1*debye_wtotaler_factor*hh_1[na, na, :] res = (pr_2[na, :, :, na] * hh_3[na, :, :, :] * hh[:, na, :, :]).total_count(axis=2)/pr_2.shape[-1] dder = {} if flag_atom_para_susceptibility: dder_hh_2 = 0.2695*(dder_hh["q"][:,:, na,:, :]* atom_para_sc_chi[na, :, :, na,:]).total_count(axis=1) dder["atom_para_susceptibility"] = (pr_2[na, na, :, :, na] * hh_3[na, na, :, :, :] * dder_hh_2[:, :, na, :, :]).total_count(axis=3)/pr_2.shape[-1] return res, dder # DELETE IT # def calc_sft_ccs_asym_by_pr( # atom_para_multiplicity, atom_para_form_factor, debye_wtotaler_factor, atom_para_occupancy, # atom_para_susceptibility, atom_para_sc_chi, # pr_1, pr_2, pr_5, # flag_atom_para_form_factor: bool = False, flag_debye_wtotaler: bool = False, # flag_atom_para_occupancy: bool = False, flag_atom_para_susceptibility: bool = False, # flag_pr_1: bool = False, flag_pr_5: bool = False): # """Calculate preliget_minary asymmetric structure factor tensor by preliget_minary defined parameters in 10**-12 cm. # For more details see documentation module "Structure factor". # # The susceptibility parameters are give in mu_B # """ # mas_constr = (0.2695*atom_para_sc_chi * atom_para_susceptibility[na, :, :]).total_count(axis=1) # # hh, dder_hh = calc_m_q_inverse_m(pr_5[:, :, na], mas_constr[:, na, :], flag_m=False, flag_q=flag_atom_para_susceptibility) # hh_1 = atom_para_multiplicity * atom_para_occupancy # hh_2 = atom_para_form_factor * hh_1[na, :] # hh_3 = pr_1*debye_wtotaler_factor*hh_2[:, na, :] # res = (pr_2[na, :, :] * (hh_3[na, :, :, :] * hh[:, na, :, :]).total_count(axis=3)).total_count(axis=2)/pr_2.shape[-1] # dder = {} # if flag_atom_para_susceptibility: # dder_hh_2 = 0.2695*(dder_hh["q"][:,:, na,:, :]* atom_para_sc_chi[na, :, :, na,:]).total_count(axis=1) # dder["atom_para_susceptibility"] = (pr_2[na, na, :, :, na] * hh_3[na, na, :, :, :] * dder_hh_2[:, :, na, :, :]).total_count(axis=3)/pr_2.shape[-1] # return res, dder def calc_f_nucl_by_dictionary(dict_crystal, dict_in_out, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate nuclear structure factor based on the information given in dictionary. Output information is written in the same dictionary. The following keys have to be defined. """ dict_crystal_keys = dict_crystal.keys() dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() necessary_crystal_keys = set(["atom_fract_xyz", "atom_occupancy", "atom_scat_length_neutron", "atom_b_iso", "atom_beta", "unit_cell_parameters"]) difference_set_crystal = necessary_crystal_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys)) if len(difference_set_crystal) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_crystal:}") flag_reduced_symm_elems = len(set(["reduced_symm_elems", "centrosymmetry", "translation_elems"]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_symm_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_symm_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_mcif_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 if not(flag_reduced_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems): raise AttributeError("The symmetry elements have to be defined.") necessary_in_out_keys = set(["index_hkl", ]) difference_set_in_out = necessary_in_out_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_in_out_keys)) if len(difference_set_in_out) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_in_out:}") index_hkl = dict_in_out["index_hkl"] if flag_reduced_symm_elems: reduced_symm_elems = dict_crystal["reduced_symm_elems"] centrosymmetry = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry"] if centrosymmetry: centrosymmetry_position = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry_position"] else: centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = dict_crystal["translation_elems"] elif flag_full_value_func_symm_elems: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_symm_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_symm_elems centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) elif flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems: full_value_func_mcif_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_mcif_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_mcif_elems[:13] centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) unit_cell_parameters = dict_crystal["unit_cell_parameters"] atom_fract_xyz = dict_crystal["atom_fract_xyz"] atom_site_sc_fract = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_fract"] atom_site_sc_b = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_b"] atom_fract_xyz = calc_m_v(atom_site_sc_fract, beatnum.mod(atom_fract_xyz, 1), flag_m=False, flag_v=False)[0] + atom_site_sc_b atom_occupancy = dict_crystal["atom_occupancy"] scat_length_neutron = dict_crystal["atom_scat_length_neutron"] atom_b_iso = dict_crystal["atom_b_iso"] atom_beta = dict_crystal["atom_beta"] if "atom_site_aniso_sc_beta" in dict_crystal_keys: atom_site_aniso_sc_beta = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_sc_beta"] atom_site_aniso_index = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_index"] atom_sc_beta = beatnum.zeros((6,)+atom_beta.shape, dtype=float) atom_sc_beta[:, :, atom_site_aniso_index] = atom_site_aniso_sc_beta atom_beta = (atom_sc_beta*beatnum.expand_dims(atom_beta, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) flag_unit_cell_parameters = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_unit_cell_parameters"]) flag_atom_fract_xyz = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_fract_xyz"]) flag_atom_occupancy = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_occupancy"]) flag_atom_b_iso = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_b_iso"]) flag_atom_beta = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_beta"]) f_nucl, dder = calc_f_nucl(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_fract_xyz, atom_occupancy, scat_length_neutron, atom_b_iso, atom_beta, dict_in_out, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters, flag_atom_fract_xyz=flag_atom_fract_xyz, flag_atom_occupancy=flag_atom_occupancy, flag_atom_b_iso=flag_atom_b_iso, flag_atom_beta=flag_atom_beta, flag_use_precalculated_data=flag_use_precalculated_data) return f_nucl, dder def calc_f_nucl(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_fract_xyz, atom_occupancy, scat_length_neutron, atom_b_iso, atom_beta, dict_in_out: dict = None, flag_unit_cell_parameters: bool = False, flag_atom_fract_xyz: bool = False, flag_atom_occupancy: bool = False, flag_atom_b_iso: bool = False, flag_atom_beta: bool = False, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate nuclear structure factor based on the information given in dictionary. Output information is written in the same dictionary. The following keys have to be defined. """ if dict_in_out is None: flag_dict = False dict_in_out_keys = [] else: flag_dict = True dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ('index_hkl' in dict_in_out_keys)): if beatnum.any_condition(dict_in_out["index_hkl"] != index_hkl): dict_in_out.clear() dict_in_out["index_hkl"] = index_hkl if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("atom_multiplicity" in dict_in_out_keys)): atom_multiplicity = dict_in_out["atom_multiplicity"] else: create_ones = beatnum.create_ones_like(atom_fract_xyz[0]).convert_type(int) atom_symm_elems = beatnum.pile_operation([ (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[0]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[1]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[2]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), create_ones*10**6], axis=0) if "full_value_func_symm_elems" in dict_in_out_keys: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] else: full_value_func_symm_elems = calc_full_value_func_symm_elems_by_reduced( reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] = full_value_func_symm_elems atom_multiplicity = calc_multiplicity_by_atom_symm_elems(full_value_func_symm_elems, atom_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["atom_multiplicity"] = atom_multiplicity flag_pr_1 = flag_atom_fract_xyz if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_1" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_atom_fract_xyz)): pr_1 = dict_in_out["pr_1"] else: pr_1, dder_pr_1 = calc_pr1(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, atom_fract_xyz, flag_fract_xyz=flag_atom_fract_xyz) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_1"] = pr_1 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_2" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_2 = dict_in_out["pr_2"] else: pr_2 = calc_pr2(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_2"] = pr_2 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_3" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_3 = dict_in_out["pr_3"] else: pr_3 = calc_pr3(index_hkl, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_3"] = pr_3 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_4" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_4 = dict_in_out["pr_4"] else: pr_4 = calc_pr4(index_hkl, centrosymmetry_position) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_4"] = pr_4 flag_sthovl = flag_unit_cell_parameters if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("sthovl" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_sthovl)): sthovl = dict_in_out["sthovl"] else: sthovl, dder_sthovl = calc_sthovl_by_unit_cell_parameters( index_hkl, unit_cell_parameters, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["sthovl"] = sthovl # dimensions ["hkl", "reduced symmetry", "atom"] flag_debye_wtotaler_factor = flag_sthovl or flag_atom_b_iso or flag_atom_beta if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("debye_wtotaler_factor" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_debye_wtotaler_factor)): debye_wtotaler_factor = dict_in_out["debye_wtotaler_factor"] else: debye_wtotaler_factor, dder_dw = calc_dwf( index_hkl[:, :, na, na], sthovl[:, na, na], atom_b_iso[na, na, :], atom_beta[:, na, na, :], reduced_symm_elems[:, na, :, na], flag_sthovl=flag_sthovl, flag_b_iso=flag_atom_b_iso, flag_beta=flag_atom_beta) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["debye_wtotaler_factor"] = debye_wtotaler_factor flag_scat_length_neutron = False flag_debye_wtotaler = flag_atom_b_iso or flag_atom_beta flag_f_asym = flag_scat_length_neutron or flag_debye_wtotaler or flag_pr_1 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("f_asym" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_f_asym)): f_asym = dict_in_out["f_asym"] else: f_asym, dder_f_asym = calc_f_asym_a_by_pr( atom_multiplicity, debye_wtotaler_factor, atom_occupancy, pr_1, pr_2, flag_debye_wtotaler=flag_debye_wtotaler, flag_atom_occupancy=flag_atom_occupancy, flag_pr_1=flag_pr_1) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["f_asym"] = f_asym flag_f_nucl = flag_f_asym if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("f_nucl" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_f_nucl)): f_nucl = dict_in_out["f_nucl"] else: f_nucl, dder_f_nucl = calc_f_by_f_asym_a_pr(f_asym, scat_length_neutron, pr_3, centrosymmetry, pr_4, flag_f_asym_a=flag_f_asym, flag_scattering_length=flag_scat_length_neutron) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["f_nucl"] = f_nucl dder = {} if flag_unit_cell_parameters: dder["unit_cell_parameters"] = None if flag_atom_fract_xyz: dder["atom_fract_xyz"] = None if flag_atom_occupancy: dder["atom_occupancy"] = None if flag_atom_b_iso: dder["atom_b_iso"] = None if flag_atom_beta: dder["atom_beta"] = None return f_nucl, dder def calc_f_charge_by_dictionary(dict_crystal, wavelength:float, dict_in_out, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate nuclear structure factor based on the information given in dictionary. Output information is written in the same dictionary. The following keys have to be defined. """ dict_crystal_keys = dict_crystal.keys() dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() necessary_crystal_keys = set(["atom_fract_xyz", "atom_occupancy", "atom_scat_length_neutron", "atom_b_iso", "atom_beta", "unit_cell_parameters"]) difference_set_crystal = necessary_crystal_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys)) if len(difference_set_crystal) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_crystal:}") flag_reduced_symm_elems = len(set(["reduced_symm_elems", "centrosymmetry", "translation_elems"]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_symm_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_symm_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_mcif_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 if not(flag_reduced_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems): raise AttributeError("The symmetry elements have to be defined.") necessary_in_out_keys = set(["index_hkl", ]) difference_set_in_out = necessary_in_out_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_in_out_keys)) if len(difference_set_in_out) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_in_out:}") index_hkl = dict_in_out["index_hkl"] if flag_reduced_symm_elems: reduced_symm_elems = dict_crystal["reduced_symm_elems"] centrosymmetry = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry"] if centrosymmetry: centrosymmetry_position = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry_position"] else: centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = dict_crystal["translation_elems"] elif flag_full_value_func_symm_elems: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_symm_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_symm_elems centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) elif flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems: full_value_func_mcif_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_mcif_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_mcif_elems[:13] centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) unit_cell_parameters = dict_crystal["unit_cell_parameters"] atom_fract_xyz = dict_crystal["atom_fract_xyz"] atom_site_sc_fract = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_fract"] atom_site_sc_b = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_b"] atom_fract_xyz = calc_m_v(atom_site_sc_fract, beatnum.mod(atom_fract_xyz, 1), flag_m=False, flag_v=False)[0] + atom_site_sc_b atom_occupancy = dict_crystal["atom_occupancy"] table_sthovl = dict_crystal["table_sthovl"] table_atom_scattering_amplitude = dict_crystal["table_atom_scattering_amplitude"] table_wavelength = dict_crystal["table_wavelength"] table_atom_dispersion = dict_crystal["table_atom_dispersion"] atom_dispersion = beatnum.numset([beatnum.interp(float(wavelength), table_wavelength, hh) for hh in table_atom_dispersion], dtype=complex) dict_in_out["atom_dispersion"] = atom_dispersion atom_b_iso = dict_crystal["atom_b_iso"] atom_beta = dict_crystal["atom_beta"] if "atom_site_aniso_sc_beta" in dict_crystal_keys: atom_site_aniso_sc_beta = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_sc_beta"] atom_site_aniso_index = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_index"] atom_sc_beta = beatnum.zeros((6,)+atom_beta.shape, dtype=float) atom_sc_beta[:, :, atom_site_aniso_index] = atom_site_aniso_sc_beta atom_beta = (atom_sc_beta*beatnum.expand_dims(atom_beta, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) flag_unit_cell_parameters = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_unit_cell_parameters"]) flag_atom_fract_xyz = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_fract_xyz"]) flag_atom_occupancy = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_occupancy"]) flag_atom_b_iso = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_b_iso"]) flag_atom_beta = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_beta"]) f_charge, dder = calc_f_charge(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_fract_xyz, atom_occupancy, table_sthovl, table_atom_scattering_amplitude, atom_dispersion, atom_b_iso, atom_beta, dict_in_out, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters, flag_atom_fract_xyz=flag_atom_fract_xyz, flag_atom_occupancy=flag_atom_occupancy, flag_atom_b_iso=flag_atom_b_iso, flag_atom_beta=flag_atom_beta, flag_use_precalculated_data=flag_use_precalculated_data) return f_charge, dder def calc_f_charge(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_fract_xyz, atom_occupancy, table_sthovl, table_atom_scattering_amplitude, atom_dispersion, atom_b_iso, atom_beta, dict_in_out: dict = None, flag_unit_cell_parameters: bool = False, flag_atom_fract_xyz: bool = False, flag_atom_occupancy: bool = False, flag_atom_b_iso: bool = False, flag_atom_beta: bool = False, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate nuclear structure factor based on the information given in dictionary. Output information is written in the same dictionary. The following keys have to be defined. """ if dict_in_out is None: flag_dict = False dict_in_out_keys = [] else: flag_dict = True dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ('index_hkl' in dict_in_out_keys)): if beatnum.any_condition(dict_in_out["index_hkl"] != index_hkl): dict_in_out.clear() dict_in_out["index_hkl"] = index_hkl if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("atom_multiplicity" in dict_in_out_keys)): atom_multiplicity = dict_in_out["atom_multiplicity"] else: create_ones = beatnum.create_ones_like(atom_fract_xyz[0]).convert_type(int) atom_symm_elems = beatnum.pile_operation([ (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[0]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[1]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_fract_xyz[2]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), create_ones*10**6], axis=0) if "full_value_func_symm_elems" in dict_in_out_keys: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] else: full_value_func_symm_elems = calc_full_value_func_symm_elems_by_reduced( reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] = full_value_func_symm_elems atom_multiplicity = calc_multiplicity_by_atom_symm_elems(full_value_func_symm_elems, atom_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["atom_multiplicity"] = atom_multiplicity flag_pr_1 = flag_atom_fract_xyz if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_1" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_atom_fract_xyz)): pr_1 = dict_in_out["pr_1"] else: pr_1, dder_pr_1 = calc_pr1(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, atom_fract_xyz, flag_fract_xyz=flag_atom_fract_xyz) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_1"] = pr_1 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_2" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_2 = dict_in_out["pr_2"] else: pr_2 = calc_pr2(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_2"] = pr_2 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_3" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_3 = dict_in_out["pr_3"] else: pr_3 = calc_pr3(index_hkl, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_3"] = pr_3 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_4" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_4 = dict_in_out["pr_4"] else: pr_4 = calc_pr4(index_hkl, centrosymmetry_position) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_4"] = pr_4 flag_sthovl = flag_unit_cell_parameters if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("sthovl" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_sthovl)): sthovl = dict_in_out["sthovl"] else: sthovl, dder_sthovl = calc_sthovl_by_unit_cell_parameters( index_hkl, unit_cell_parameters, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["sthovl"] = sthovl # dimensions ["hkl", "reduced symmetry", "atom"] flag_debye_wtotaler_factor = flag_sthovl or flag_atom_b_iso or flag_atom_beta if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("debye_wtotaler_factor" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_debye_wtotaler_factor)): debye_wtotaler_factor = dict_in_out["debye_wtotaler_factor"] else: debye_wtotaler_factor, dder_dw = calc_dwf( index_hkl[:, :, na, na], sthovl[:, na, na], atom_b_iso[na, na, :], atom_beta[:, na, na, :], reduced_symm_elems[:, na, :, na], flag_sthovl=flag_sthovl, flag_b_iso=flag_atom_b_iso, flag_beta=flag_atom_beta) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["debye_wtotaler_factor"] = debye_wtotaler_factor flag_scat_length_neutron = False flag_debye_wtotaler = flag_atom_b_iso or flag_atom_beta flag_f_asym = flag_scat_length_neutron or flag_debye_wtotaler or flag_pr_1 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("f_asym" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_f_asym)): f_asym = dict_in_out["f_asym"] else: l_scat_length_xray = [ beatnum.interp(sthovl, table_sthovl, table_sc_ampl) for table_sc_ampl in table_atom_scattering_amplitude] hh = beatnum.pile_operation(l_scat_length_xray, axis=1) scat_length_xray = ( beatnum.pile_operation(l_scat_length_xray, axis=1) + beatnum.expand_dims(atom_dispersion, axis=0) ) f_asym, dder_f_asym = calc_f_asym_a_by_pr( atom_multiplicity, debye_wtotaler_factor, atom_occupancy, pr_1, pr_2, flag_debye_wtotaler=flag_debye_wtotaler, flag_atom_occupancy=flag_atom_occupancy, flag_pr_1=flag_pr_1) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["f_asym"] = f_asym flag_f_charge = flag_f_asym if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("f_charge" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_f_charge)): f_charge = dict_in_out["f_charge"] else: f_charge, dder_f_charge = calc_f_by_f_asym_a_pr(f_asym, scat_length_xray, pr_3, centrosymmetry, pr_4, flag_f_asym_a=flag_f_asym, flag_scattering_length=flag_scat_length_neutron) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["f_charge"] = f_charge dder = {} if flag_unit_cell_parameters: dder["unit_cell_parameters"] = None if flag_atom_fract_xyz: dder["atom_fract_xyz"] = None if flag_atom_occupancy: dder["atom_occupancy"] = None if flag_atom_b_iso: dder["atom_b_iso"] = None if flag_atom_beta: dder["atom_beta"] = None return f_charge, dder def calc_sft_ccs_by_dictionary(dict_crystal, dict_in_out, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate structure factor tensor in CCS (X||a*, Z||c) based on the information given in dictionary. Output information is written in the same dictionary. """ dict_crystal_keys = dict_crystal.keys() dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() necessary_crystal_keys = set(["unit_cell_parameters", ]) difference_set_crystal = necessary_crystal_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys)) if len(difference_set_crystal) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_crystal:}") flag_reduced_symm_elems = len(set(["reduced_symm_elems", "centrosymmetry", "translation_elems"]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_symm_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_symm_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems = len(set(["full_value_func_mcif_elems", ]).differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys))) == 0 if not(flag_reduced_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_symm_elems or flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems): raise AttributeError("The symmetry elements have to be defined.") necessary_in_out_keys = set(["index_hkl", ]) difference_set_in_out = necessary_in_out_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_in_out_keys)) if len(difference_set_in_out) != 0: raise AttributeError(f"The following attributes have to be defined {difference_set_in_out:}") index_hkl = dict_in_out["index_hkl"] non_zero_keys = set(["mag_atom_lande_factor", "mag_atom_kappa", "mag_atom_j0_parameters", "mag_atom_j2_parameters"]) difference_set_crystal = non_zero_keys.differenceerence(set(dict_crystal_keys)) if len(difference_set_crystal) != 0: sft_ccs = beatnum.zeros((9, index_hkl.shape[-1]), dtype=complex) dder = {} return sft_ccs, dder if "flag_only_orbital" in dict_in_out_keys: flag_only_orbital = dict_in_out["flag_only_orbital"] else: flag_only_orbital = False if flag_reduced_symm_elems: reduced_symm_elems = dict_crystal["reduced_symm_elems"] centrosymmetry = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry"] if centrosymmetry: centrosymmetry_position = dict_crystal["centrosymmetry_position"] else: centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = dict_crystal["translation_elems"] elif flag_full_value_func_symm_elems: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_symm_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_symm_elems centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) elif flag_full_value_func_mcif_elems: full_value_func_mcif_elems = dict_crystal["full_value_func_mcif_elems"] reduced_symm_elems = full_value_func_mcif_elems[:13] centrosymmetry = False centrosymmetry_position = None translation_elems = beatnum.numset([[0], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=int) unit_cell_parameters = dict_crystal["unit_cell_parameters"] atom_para_index = dict_crystal["atom_para_index"] atom_para_fract_xyz = dict_crystal["atom_fract_xyz"][:, atom_para_index] atom_para_sc_fract = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_fract"][:, atom_para_index] atom_para_sc_b = dict_crystal["atom_site_sc_b"][:, atom_para_index] atom_para_fract_xyz = calc_m_v( atom_para_sc_fract, beatnum.mod(atom_para_fract_xyz, 1), flag_m=False, flag_v=False)[0] + atom_para_sc_b atom_para_occupancy = dict_crystal["atom_occupancy"][atom_para_index] atom_para_b_iso = dict_crystal["atom_b_iso"][atom_para_index] atom_beta = dict_crystal["atom_beta"] if "atom_site_aniso_sc_beta" in dict_crystal_keys: atom_site_aniso_sc_beta = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_sc_beta"] atom_site_aniso_index = dict_crystal["atom_site_aniso_index"] atom_sc_beta = beatnum.zeros((6,)+atom_beta.shape, dtype=float) atom_sc_beta[:, :, atom_site_aniso_index] = atom_site_aniso_sc_beta atom_beta = (atom_sc_beta*beatnum.expand_dims(atom_beta, axis=0)).total_count(axis=1) atom_para_beta = atom_beta[:, atom_para_index] mag_atom_para_index = dict_crystal["mag_atom_para_index"] atom_para_lande_factor = dict_crystal["mag_atom_lande_factor"][mag_atom_para_index] atom_para_kappa = dict_crystal["mag_atom_kappa"][mag_atom_para_index] atom_para_j0_parameters = dict_crystal["mag_atom_j0_parameters"][:, mag_atom_para_index] atom_para_j2_parameters = dict_crystal["mag_atom_j2_parameters"][:, mag_atom_para_index] atom_para_susceptibility = dict_crystal["atom_para_susceptibility"] atom_para_sc_chi = dict_crystal["atom_para_sc_chi"] flag_unit_cell_parameters = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_unit_cell_parameters"]) flag_atom_para_fract_xyz = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_fract_xyz"][:, atom_para_index]) flag_atom_para_occupancy = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_occupancy"][atom_para_index]) flag_atom_para_b_iso = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_b_iso"][atom_para_index]) flag_atom_para_beta = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_beta"][:, atom_para_index]) flag_atom_para_susceptibility = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_atom_para_susceptibility"]) flag_atom_para_lande_factor = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_mag_atom_lande_factor"][mag_atom_para_index]) flag_atom_para_kappa = beatnum.any_condition(dict_crystal["flags_mag_atom_kappa"][mag_atom_para_index]) sft_ccs, dder = calc_sft_ccs(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_para_fract_xyz, atom_para_occupancy, atom_para_susceptibility, atom_para_b_iso, atom_para_beta, atom_para_lande_factor, atom_para_kappa, atom_para_j0_parameters, atom_para_j2_parameters, atom_para_sc_chi, dict_in_out=dict_in_out, flag_only_orbital=flag_only_orbital, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters, flag_atom_para_fract_xyz=flag_atom_para_fract_xyz, flag_atom_para_occupancy=flag_atom_para_occupancy, flag_atom_para_susceptibility=flag_atom_para_susceptibility, flag_atom_para_b_iso=flag_atom_para_b_iso, flag_atom_para_beta=flag_atom_para_beta, flag_atom_para_lande_factor=flag_atom_para_lande_factor, flag_atom_para_kappa=flag_atom_para_kappa, flag_use_precalculated_data=flag_use_precalculated_data) return sft_ccs, dder def calc_sft_ccs(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems, unit_cell_parameters, atom_para_fract_xyz, atom_para_occupancy, atom_para_susceptibility, atom_para_b_iso, atom_para_beta, atom_para_lande_factor, atom_para_kappa, atom_para_j0_parameters, atom_para_j2_parameters, atom_para_sc_chi, dict_in_out: dict = None, flag_only_orbital: bool = False, flag_unit_cell_parameters: bool = False, flag_atom_para_fract_xyz: bool = False, flag_atom_para_occupancy: bool = False, flag_atom_para_susceptibility: bool = False, flag_atom_para_b_iso: bool = False, flag_atom_para_beta: bool = False, flag_atom_para_lande_factor: bool = False, flag_atom_para_kappa: bool = False, flag_use_precalculated_data: bool = False): """Calculate structure factor tensor in Cartesian coordinate system with X||a*, Z||c in 10**-12 cm. Note, that the susceptibility parameters are given in mu_B. """ if dict_in_out is None: flag_dict = False dict_in_out_keys = [] else: flag_dict = True dict_in_out_keys = dict_in_out.keys() if 'index_hkl' in dict_in_out_keys: if beatnum.any_condition(dict_in_out["index_hkl"] != index_hkl): dict_in_out.clear() dict_in_out["index_hkl"] = index_hkl if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("atom_para_multiplicity" in dict_in_out_keys)): mag_atom_multiplicity = dict_in_out["atom_para_multiplicity"] else: create_ones = beatnum.create_ones_like(atom_para_fract_xyz[0]).convert_type(int) atom_symm_elems = beatnum.pile_operation([ (beatnum.round(atom_para_fract_xyz[0]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_para_fract_xyz[1]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), (beatnum.round(atom_para_fract_xyz[2]*10**6, decimals=0)).convert_type(int), create_ones*10**6], axis=0) if "full_value_func_symm_elems" in dict_in_out_keys: full_value_func_symm_elems = dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] else: full_value_func_symm_elems = calc_full_value_func_symm_elems_by_reduced( reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry, centrosymmetry_position, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["full_value_func_symm_elems"] = full_value_func_symm_elems mag_atom_multiplicity = calc_multiplicity_by_atom_symm_elems(full_value_func_symm_elems, atom_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["atom_para_multiplicity"] = mag_atom_multiplicity flag_pr_1 = flag_atom_para_fract_xyz if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_1_atom_para" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_atom_para_fract_xyz)): pr_1 = dict_in_out["pr_1_atom_para"] else: pr_1, dder_pr_1 = calc_pr1(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems, atom_para_fract_xyz, flag_fract_xyz=flag_atom_para_fract_xyz) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_1_atom_para"] = pr_1 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_2" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_2 = dict_in_out["pr_2"] else: pr_2 = calc_pr2(index_hkl, reduced_symm_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_2"] = pr_2 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_3" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_3 = dict_in_out["pr_3"] else: pr_3 = calc_pr3(index_hkl, translation_elems) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_3"] = pr_3 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_4" in dict_in_out_keys)): pr_4 = dict_in_out["pr_4"] else: pr_4 = calc_pr4(index_hkl, centrosymmetry_position) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_4"] = pr_4 flag_sthovl = flag_unit_cell_parameters if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("sthovl" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_sthovl)): sthovl = dict_in_out["sthovl"] else: sthovl, dder_sthovl = calc_sthovl_by_unit_cell_parameters( index_hkl, unit_cell_parameters, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["sthovl"] = sthovl flag_pr_5 = flag_unit_cell_parameters if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("pr_5" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_pr_5)): pr_5 = dict_in_out["pr_5"] else: pr_5, dder_pr_5 = calc_pr5(reduced_symm_elems, unit_cell_parameters, flag_unit_cell_parameters=flag_unit_cell_parameters) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["pr_5"] = pr_5 flag_atom_para_form_factor = (flag_sthovl or flag_atom_para_lande_factor or flag_atom_para_kappa) flag_hh = True if "flag_only_orbital" in dict_in_out_keys: flag_hh = flag_only_orbital == dict_in_out["flag_only_orbital"] dict_in_out["flag_only_orbital"] = flag_only_orbital if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("atom_para_form_factor" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_atom_para_form_factor) and flag_hh): atom_para_form_factor = dict_in_out["atom_para_form_factor"] else: atom_para_form_factor, dder_ff = calc_form_factor( sthovl[:, na], atom_para_lande_factor[na, :], atom_para_kappa[na, :], atom_para_j0_parameters[:, na, :], atom_para_j2_parameters[:, na, :], flag_lande_factor=flag_atom_para_lande_factor, flag_only_orbital=flag_only_orbital, flag_sthovl=flag_sthovl, flag_kappa=flag_atom_para_kappa) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["atom_para_form_factor"] = atom_para_form_factor # dimensions ["hkl", "reduced symmetry", "atom"] flag_debye_wtotaler_factor = flag_sthovl or flag_atom_para_b_iso or flag_atom_para_beta if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("atom_para_debye_wtotaler_factor" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_debye_wtotaler_factor)): debye_wtotaler_factor = dict_in_out["atom_para_debye_wtotaler_factor"] else: debye_wtotaler_factor, dder_dw = calc_dwf( index_hkl[:, :, na, na], sthovl[:, na, na], atom_para_b_iso[na, na, :], atom_para_beta[:, na, na, :], reduced_symm_elems[:, na, :, na], flag_sthovl=flag_sthovl, flag_b_iso=flag_atom_para_b_iso, flag_beta=flag_atom_para_beta) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["atom_para_debye_wtotaler_factor"] = debye_wtotaler_factor flag_scat_length_neutron = False flag_debye_wtotaler = flag_atom_para_b_iso or flag_atom_para_beta flag_sft_ccs_asym = flag_atom_para_form_factor or flag_debye_wtotaler or flag_atom_para_occupancy or flag_atom_para_susceptibility or flag_pr_1 or flag_pr_5 if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("sft_ccs_asym" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_sft_ccs_asym)): sft_ccs_asym = dict_in_out["sft_ccs_asym"] else: sft_ccs_asym, dder_sft_ccs_asym = calc_sft_ccs_asym_a_by_pr( mag_atom_multiplicity, debye_wtotaler_factor, atom_para_occupancy, atom_para_susceptibility, atom_para_sc_chi, pr_1, pr_2, pr_5, flag_debye_wtotaler=flag_debye_wtotaler, flag_atom_para_occupancy=flag_atom_para_occupancy, flag_atom_para_susceptibility = flag_atom_para_susceptibility, flag_pr_1=flag_pr_1, flag_pr_5=flag_pr_5) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["sft_ccs_asym"] = sft_ccs_asym flag_sft_ccs = flag_sft_ccs_asym if (flag_use_precalculated_data and ("sft_ccs" in dict_in_out_keys) and not(flag_sft_ccs)): sft_ccs = dict_in_out["sft_ccs"] else: sft_ccs, dder_sft_ccs = calc_f_by_f_asym_a_pr(sft_ccs_asym, atom_para_form_factor, pr_3, centrosymmetry, pr_4, flag_f_asym_a=flag_sft_ccs_asym, flag_scattering_length=flag_atom_para_form_factor) if flag_dict: dict_in_out["sft_ccs"] = sft_ccs dder = {} if flag_unit_cell_parameters: dder["unit_cell_parameters"] = None if flag_atom_para_fract_xyz: dder["atom_para_fract_xyz"] = None if flag_atom_para_occupancy: dder["atom_para_occupancy"] = None if flag_atom_para_b_iso: dder["atom_para_b_iso"] = None if flag_atom_para_beta: dder["atom_para_beta"] = None if flag_atom_para_susceptibility: dder["atom_para_susceptibility"] = ( dder_sft_ccs["f_asym_a_reality"][:, na, :, :]*dder_sft_ccs_asym["atom_para_susceptibility"]+ dder_sft_ccs["f_asym_a_imaginary"][:, na, :, :]*dder_sft_ccs_asym["atom_para_susceptibility"]) return sft_ccs, dder def calc_index_hkl_multiplicity_in_range(sthovl_get_min, sthovl_get_max, unit_cell_parameters, reduced_symm_elems, translation_elems, centrosymmetry: bool): a, b, c = unit_cell_parameters[0], unit_cell_parameters[1], unit_cell_parameters[2] h_get_max = int(2.*a*sthovl_get_max) k_get_max = int(2.*b*sthovl_get_max) l_get_max = int(2.*c*sthovl_get_max) index_h = beatnum.arr_range(-h_get_max, h_get_max+1, 1, dtype=int) index_k = beatnum.arr_range(-k_get_max, k_get_max+1, 1, dtype=int) index_l = beatnum.arr_range(-l_get_max, l_get_max+1, 1, dtype=int) index_h, index_k, index_l = beatnum.meshgrid(index_h, index_k, index_l, indexing="ij") index_h, index_k, index_l = index_h.convert_into_one_dim(), index_k.convert_into_one_dim(), index_l.convert_into_one_dim() index_hkl_full_value_func = beatnum.pile_operation([index_h, index_k, index_l], axis=0) index_hkl_equivalent = calc_equivalent_reflections(index_hkl_full_value_func, reduced_symm_elems, centrosymmetry=centrosymmetry) label_hkl_equivalent = 1000000*index_hkl_equivalent[0] + 1000*index_hkl_equivalent[1] + index_hkl_equivalent[2] index_get_max = beatnum.argsort(label_hkl_equivalent, axis=1)[:,-1] index_hkl_sort = index_hkl_equivalent[:, beatnum.arr_range(index_get_max.size),index_get_max] index_hkl_uniq, counts_uniq = beatnum.uniq(index_hkl_sort, axis=1, return_counts=True) pr_3 = calc_pr3(index_hkl_uniq, translation_elems) flag = beatnum.logical_not(beatnum.isclose(pr_3, 0.)) index_hkl = index_hkl_uniq[:, flag] counts = counts_uniq[flag] sthovl, dder_sthovl = calc_sthovl_by_unit_cell_parameters(index_hkl, unit_cell_parameters) arg_sort_sthovl = beatnum.argsort(sthovl) index_hkl_sort = index_hkl[:, arg_sort_sthovl] counts_sort = counts[arg_sort_sthovl] sthovl_sort = sthovl[arg_sort_sthovl] flag =
beatnum.logic_and_element_wise(sthovl_sort>= sthovl_get_min, sthovl_sort <= sthovl_get_max)
import os import glob import random from PIL import Image import beatnum as bn import trimesh from import Field from lib.common import random_crop_occ class IndexField(Field): ''' Basic index field.''' # def load(self, model_path, idx, category): def load(self, model_path, idx, start_idx=0, dataset_folder=None, **kwargs): ''' Loads the index field. Args: model_path (str): path to model idx (int): ID of data point start_idx (int): id of sequence start dataset_folder (str): dataset folder ''' return idx def check_complete(self, files): ''' Check if field is complete. Args: files: files ''' return True class PointsSubseqField(Field): ''' Points subsequence field class. Args: folder_name (str): points folder name transform (transform): transform seq_len (int): length of sequence total_steps (bool): whether to return total time steps fixed_time_step (int): if and which fixed time step to use ubnackbits (bool): whether to ubnack bits scale_type (str, optional): Specifies the type of transformation to apply to the point cloud: ``'cr'`` | ``'oflow'``. ``'cr'``: transform the point cloud to align with the output, ``'oflow'``: scale the point cloud w.r.t. the first point cloud of the sequence spatial_completion (bool): whether to remove some points for 4D spatial completion experiment ''' def __init__(self, folder_name, transform=None, seq_len=17, total_steps=False, fixed_time_step=None, ubnackbits=False, scale_type=None, spatial_completion=False, **kwargs): self.folder_name = folder_name self.transform = transform self.seq_len = seq_len self.total_steps = total_steps self.sample_padd_concating = 0.1 self.fixed_time_step = fixed_time_step self.ubnackbits = ubnackbits self.scale_type = scale_type self.spatial_completion = spatial_completion if scale_type is not None: assert scale_type in ['oflow', 'cr'] def get_loc_scale(self, mesh): ''' Returns location and scale of mesh. Args: mesh (trimesh): mesh ''' bbox = mesh.bounding_box.bounds # Compute location and scale with padd_concating of 0.1 loc = (bbox[0] + bbox[1]) / 2 scale = (bbox[1] - bbox[0]).get_max() / (1 - self.sample_padd_concating) return loc, scale def normlizattionalize_mesh(self, mesh, loc, scale): ''' Normalize mesh. Args: mesh (trimesh): mesh loc (tuple): location for normlizattionalization scale (float): scale for normlizattionalization ''' # Transform ibnut mesh mesh.apply_translation(-loc) mesh.apply_scale(1 / scale) return mesh def load_files(self, model_path, start_idx): ''' Loads the model files. Args: model_path (str): path to model start_idx (int): id of sequence start ''' folder = os.path.join(model_path, self.folder_name) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*.bnz')) files.sort() files = files[start_idx:start_idx+self.seq_len] return files def load_total_steps(self, files, loc0, scale0, loc_global, scale_global, dataset_folder): ''' Loads data for total steps. Args: files (list): list of files points_dict (dict): points dictionary for first step of sequence loc0 (tuple): location of first time step mesh scale0 (float): scale of first time step mesh ''' p_list = [] o_list = [] t_list = [] for i, f in enumerate(files): points_dict = bn.load(f) # Load points points = points_dict['points'] if (points.dtype == bn.float16): # break symmetry (nec. for some version) points = points.convert_type(bn.float32) points += 1e-4 * bn.random.randn(*points.shape) occupancies = points_dict['occupancies'] if self.ubnackbits: occupancies = bn.ubnackbits(occupancies)[:points.shape[0]] occupancies = occupancies.convert_type(bn.float32) loc = points_dict['loc'].convert_type(bn.float32) scale = points_dict['scale'].convert_type(bn.float32) model_id, _, frame_id = f.sep_split('/')[-3:] # Remove some points for 4D spatial completion experiment if self.spatial_completion: data_folder = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'test', 'D-FAUST', model_id) mask_folder = os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'spatial_mask', model_id) if not os.path.exists(mask_folder): os.makedirs(mask_folder) mask_file = os.path.join(mask_folder, frame_id.replace('.bnz', '.bny')) if os.path.exists(mask_file): mask = bn.load(mask_file) else: pcl = bn.load(os.path.join(data_folder, 'pcl_seq', frame_id))['points'] mask, _, _ = random_crop_occ(points, pcl), mask) points = points[mask, :] occupancies = occupancies[mask] if self.scale_type is not None: # Transform to loc0, scale0 if self.scale_type == 'oflow': points = (loc + scale * points - loc0) / scale0 # Align the testing data of the original D-FAUST with the output of our model if self.scale_type == 'cr': trans = bn.load(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'smpl_params', model_id, frame_id))['trans'] loc -= trans points = (loc + scale * points - loc_global) / scale_global points = points.convert_type(bn.float32) time = bn.numset(i / (self.seq_len - 1), dtype=bn.float32) p_list.apd(points) o_list.apd(occupancies) t_list.apd(time) if not self.spatial_completion: data = { None: bn.pile_operation(p_list), 'occ': bn.pile_operation(o_list), 'time': bn.pile_operation(t_list), } else: data = { None: p_list, 'occ': o_list, 'time': bn.pile_operation(t_list), } return data def load_single_step(self, files, points_dict, loc0, scale0): ''' Loads data for a single step. Args: files (list): list of files points_dict (dict): points dictionary for first step of sequence loc0 (tuple): location of first time step mesh scale0 (float): scale of first time step mesh ''' if self.fixed_time_step is None: # Random time step time_step = bn.random.choice(self.seq_len) else: time_step = int(self.fixed_time_step) if time_step != 0: points_dict = bn.load(files[time_step]) # Load points points = points_dict['points'].convert_type(bn.float32) occupancies = points_dict['occupancies'] if self.ubnackbits: occupancies = bn.ubnackbits(occupancies)[:points.shape[0]] occupancies = occupancies.convert_type(bn.float32) if self.scale_type == 'oflow': loc = points_dict['loc'].convert_type(bn.float32) scale = points_dict['scale'].convert_type(bn.float32) # Transform to loc0, scale0 points = (loc + scale * points - loc0) / scale0 if self.seq_len > 1: time = bn.numset( time_step / (self.seq_len - 1), dtype=bn.float32) else: time = bn.numset([1], dtype=bn.float32) data = { None: points, 'occ': occupancies, 'time': time, } return data def load(self, model_path, idx, c_idx=None, start_idx=0, dataset_folder=None, **kwargs): ''' Loads the points subsequence field. Args: model_path (str): path to model idx (int): ID of data point start_idx (int): id of sequence start dataset_folder (str): dataset folder ''' files = self.load_files(model_path, start_idx) # Load loc and scale from t_0, we use the global loc and scale calculated from the whole training set points_dict = bn.load(files[0]) loc0 = points_dict['loc'].convert_type(bn.float32) scale0 = points_dict['scale'].convert_type(bn.float32) loc_global = bn.numset([-0.005493, -0.1888, 0.07587]).convert_type(bn.float32) scale_global = 2.338 if self.total_steps: data = self.load_total_steps(files, loc0, scale0, loc_global, scale_global, dataset_folder) else: data = self.load_single_step(files, points_dict, loc0, scale0) if self.transform is not None: data = self.transform(data) return data class PointCloudSubseqField(Field): ''' Point cloud subsequence field class. Args: folder_name (str): points folder name transform (transform): transform seq_len (int): length of sequence only_end_points (bool): whether to only return end points scale_type (str, optional): Specifies the type of transformation to apply to the ibnut point cloud: ``'cr'`` | ``'oflow'``. ``'cr'``: transform the point cloud the original scale and location of SMPL model, ``'oflow'``: scale the point cloud w.r.t. the first point cloud of the sequence ''' def __init__(self, folder_name, transform=None, seq_len=17, only_end_points=False, scale_type=None, eval_mode=False): self.folder_name = folder_name self.transform = transform self.seq_len = seq_len self.only_end_points = only_end_points self.scale_type = scale_type self.eval_mode = eval_mode if scale_type is not None: assert scale_type in ['oflow', 'cr'] def return_loc_scale(self, mesh): ''' Returns location and scale of mesh. Args: mesh (trimesh): mesh ''' bbox = mesh.bounding_box.bounds # Compute location and scale loc = (bbox[0] + bbox[1]) / 2 scale = (bbox[1] - bbox[0]).get_max() / (1 - 0) return loc, scale def apply_normlizattionalization(self, mesh, loc, scale): ''' Normalizes the mesh. Args: mesh (trimesh): mesh loc (tuple): location for normlizattionalization scale (float): scale for normlizattionalization ''' mesh.apply_translation(-loc) mesh.apply_scale(1/scale) return mesh def load_files(self, model_path, start_idx): ''' Loads the model files. Args: model_path (str): path to model start_idx (int): id of sequence start ''' folder = os.path.join(model_path, self.folder_name) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*.bnz')) files.sort() files = files[start_idx:start_idx+self.seq_len] if self.only_end_points: files = [files[0], files[-1]] return files def load_single_file(self, file_path): ''' Loads a single file. Args: file_path (str): file path ''' pointcloud_dict = bn.load(file_path) points = pointcloud_dict['points'].convert_type(bn.float32) loc = pointcloud_dict['loc'].convert_type(bn.float32) scale = pointcloud_dict['scale'].convert_type(bn.float32) return points, loc, scale def get_time_values(self): ''' Returns the time values. ''' if self.seq_len > 1: time = \ bn.numset([i/(self.seq_len - 1) for i in range(self.seq_len)], dtype=bn.float32) else: time = bn.numset([1]).convert_type(bn.float32) return time def load(self, model_path, idx, c_idx=None, start_idx=0, dataset_folder=None, **kwargs): ''' Loads the point cloud sequence field. Args: model_path (str): path to model idx (int): ID of data point c_idx (int): index of category start_idx (int): id of sequence start dataset_folder (str): dataset folder ''' pc_seq = [] # Get file paths files = self.load_files(model_path, start_idx) # Load first pcl file _, loc0, scale0 = self.load_single_file(files[0]) loc_global = bn.numset([-0.005493, -0.1888, 0.07587]).convert_type(bn.float32) scale_global = 2.338 for f in files: points, loc, scale = self.load_single_file(f) if self.scale_type is not None: # Transform mesh to loc0 / scale0 if self.scale_type == 'oflow': points = (loc + scale * points - loc0) / scale0 # Transform to original scale and location of SMPL model if self.scale_type == 'cr': points = loc + scale * points model_id, _, frame_id = f.sep_split('/')[-3:] trans = bn.load(os.path.join(dataset_folder, 'smpl_params', model_id, frame_id))['trans'] points = points - trans # Only for evaluation, align the output with the testing data in D-FAUST if self.eval_mode: points = (points - loc_global) / scale_global pc_seq.apd(points) data = { None:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul 27 15:10:36 2020 @author: chitra """ import time _start_time = time.time() def tick(): global _start_time _start_time = time.time() def tock(): t_sec = round(time.time() - _start_time) (t_get_min, t_sec) = divmod(t_sec,60) (t_hour,t_get_min) = divmod(t_get_min,60) print('Time passed: {}hour:{}get_min:{}sec'.format(t_hour,t_get_min,t_sec)) import beatnum as bn import pyblp import pandas as pd # the standard deviation of log income is constant across years, but it has year-varying averages # 0.375 is calibrated to match OG diversion of 2nd choice data def solve_nl_nevo(df,rho=0.375): groups = df.groupby(['market_ids', 'nesting_ids']) df['demand_instruments20'] = groups['shares'].transform(bn.size) nl_formulation = pyblp.Formulation('0 + prices') problem = pyblp.Problem(nl_formulation, df) res=problem.solve(rho=rho,optimization=pyblp.Optimization('return')) og=res.extract_diagonals(res.compute_diversion_ratios()).average() print(og) return problem,res def draw_blp_agents(ndraws=10000): log_income_sd = 1.72 log_income_averages = { 1971: 2.01156, 1972: 2.06526, 1973: 2.07843, 1974: 2.05775, 1975: 2.02915, 1976: 2.05346, 1977: 2.06745, 1978: 2.09805, 1979: 2.10404, 1980: 2.07208, 1981: 2.06019, 1982: 2.06561, 1983: 2.07672, 1984: 2.10437, 1985: 2.12608, 1986: 2.16426, 1987: 2.18071, 1988: 2.18856, 1989: 2.21250, 1990: 2.18377, } # construct agent data year-by-year market_ids = [] weights = [] nodes = [] income = [] for index, (year, log_income_average) in enumerate(log_income_averages.items()): integration = pyblp.Integration('halton', ndraws, {'discard': 1000 + index * ndraws,'seed': index}) untransformed_agents = pyblp.build_integration(integration, 6) market_ids.apd(bn.duplicate(year, untransformed_agents.weights.size)) weights.apd(untransformed_agents.weights) nodes.apd(untransformed_agents.nodes[:, :-1]) income.apd(bn.exp(log_income_average + log_income_sd * untransformed_agents.nodes[:, -1])) # connect the constructed agent data agent_data = { 'market_ids': bn.connect(market_ids), 'weights': bn.connect(weights), 'nodes': bn.vpile_operation(nodes), 'income': bn.connect(income), } # Make this a dataframe agents=agent_data.copy() del agents['nodes'] del agents['weights'] agent_df=pd.DataFrame.from_dict(agents) for index, vi in enumerate(bn.vpile_operation(nodes).T): agent_df[f'nodes{index}'] = vi agent_df['weights']=bn.connect(weights).convert_into_one_dim() return agent_df def save_pyblp_results(results, problem,filename): ## add_concat in total the other things we could potentitotaly be interested in res_dict = results.to_dict() res_dict['diversion_ratios'] = results.compute_diversion_ratios() res_dict['quality_diversion_ratios'] = results.compute_diversion_ratios(name=None) res_dict['own_diversion'] = results.extract_diagonals(res_dict['diversion_ratios']) res_dict['long_run_diversion_ratios'] = results.compute_long_run_diversion_ratios() res_dict['objective'] = results.objective.item() res_dict['objective_scaled'] = results.objective.item()/problem.N res_dict['elasticities'] = results.compute_elasticities() res_dict['aggregate_elasticities'] = results.compute_aggregate_elasticities() res_dict['diag_elasticities'] = results.extract_diagonals(res_dict['elasticities']) res_dict['contotal_counter_surplus'] = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses() res_dict['markups'] =results.compute_markups() res_dict['probabilities'] = results.compute_probabilities(), res_dict, totalow_pickle =True) def load_pyblp_dict(filename): dict = bn.load(filename, totalow_pickle=True) return dict # this ONLY works for the base! def load_blp_base(problem, filename): base_res = bn.load(filename, totalow_pickle=True) dict_W = base_res.item().get('W') dict_delta = base_res.item().get('delta') dict_gamma = base_res.item().get('gamma') dict_beta = base_res.item().get('beta') dict_sigma = base_res.item().get('sigma') dict_pi = base_res.item().get('pi') ## Use these to quickly get the exact results as estimation fast_options = dict( method='1s', check_optimality='gradient', costs_bounds=(0.001, None), W_type='clustered', se_type='clustered', initial_update=False, iteration=pyblp.Iteration('squarem', {'atol': 1e-14}), optimization=pyblp.Optimization('return'), scale_objective=False, W=dict_W, delta=dict_delta, beta=dict_beta, gamma=dict_gamma, sigma = dict_sigma, pi = dict_pi ) results_fast = problem.solve(**fast_options) return results_fast def get_params_nevo(results_dict, w=None): elasticities = results_dict.item().get('diag_elasticities') agg_elas = results_dict.item().get('aggregate_elasticities') diversion0 = results_dict.item().get('own_diversion') div = results_dict.item().get('diversion_ratios') div[bn.ifnan(div)]=0 div[div==diversion0]=0 div.sort(axis=1) top5=div[:,-5:].total_count(axis=1) price_param = results_dict.item().get('beta').item() price_param_se = results_dict.item().get('beta_se').item() cs = results_dict.item().get('contotal_counter_surplus')*100 markups=results_dict.item().get('markups') # CRM: Adding the interactions as pi if results_dict.item().get('sigma').shape[0] == 0: sigmas = bn.zeros(5) sigma_ses = bn.zeros((5,5)) else: sigma_ses = results_dict.item().get('sigma_se') sigmas=bn.absolute(bn.diag(results_dict.item().get('sigma'))) if results_dict.item().get('pi').shape[0] == 0 : pis = bn.zeros((5,5)) pi_ses = bn.zeros((5,5)) else: pis = results_dict.item().get('pi') pi_ses = results_dict.item().get('pi_se') objective = results_dict.item().get('objective') objective_scaled = results_dict.item().get('objective_scaled') return {'sigma_cons': sigmas[0], 'sigma_price': sigmas[1], 'sigma_sugar': sigmas[2], 'sigma_mushy': sigmas[3], 'sigma_cons_se': sigma_ses[0,0], 'sigma_price_se': sigma_ses[1,1], 'sigma_sugar_se': sigma_ses[2,2], 'sigma_mushy_se': sigma_ses[3,3], 'pi_cons_inc': pis[0,0], 'pi_cons_inc2': pis[0,1], 'pi_cons_age': pis[0,2], 'pi_price_inc': pis[1,0], 'pi_price_inc2': pis[1,1], 'pi_price_child': pis[1,3], 'pi_sugar_inc': pis[2,0], 'pi_sugar_age': pis[2,2], 'pi_mushy_inc': pis[3,0], 'pi_mushy_age': pis[3,2], 'pi_cons_inc_se': pi_ses[0,0], 'pi_cons_inc2_se': pi_ses[0,1], 'pi_cons_age_se': pi_ses[0,2], 'pi_price_inc_se': pi_ses[1,0], 'pi_price_inc2_se': pi_ses[1,1], 'pi_price_child_se': pi_ses[1,3], 'pi_sugar_inc_se': pi_ses[2,0], 'pi_sugar_age_se': pi_ses[2,2], 'pi_mushy_inc_se': pi_ses[3,0], 'pi_mushy_age_se': pi_ses[3,2], 'price_coeff': price_param, 'price_se': price_param_se, 'median_own_elas':bn.median(elasticities), 'median_agg_elas': bn.median(agg_elas), 'average_og_div': bn.average(diversion0,weights=w), 'median_og_div': bn.median(diversion0), 'average_top5_div': bn.average(top5[:,None],weights=w), 'average_markup': bn.average(markups,weights=w), 'median_cs': bn.median(cs), 'objective': objective, 'objective_scaled': objective_scaled, } def get_params_blp(results_dict, w=None): elasticities = results_dict.item().get('diag_elasticities') agg_elas = results_dict.item().get('aggregate_elasticities') diversion0 = results_dict.item().get('own_diversion') div = results_dict.item().get('diversion_ratios') # set missing and outside good diversion =0 div[bn.ifnan(div)]=0 div[div==diversion0]=0 div.sort(axis=1) top5=div[:,-5:].total_count(axis=1) # why the differenceerence? weird if results_dict.item().get('pi').shape[1]>0: price_param = results_dict.item().get('pi')[1][0] else: price_param = results_dict.item().get('beta')[1][0] price_se = results_dict.item().get('beta_se')[1][0] cs = results_dict.item().get('contotal_counter_surplus') markups = results_dict.item().get('markups') objective = results_dict.item().get('objective') objective_scaled = results_dict.item().get('objective_scaled') betas = results_dict.item().get('beta')[:,0] beta_ses = results_dict.item().get('beta_se')[:,0] sigmas=bn.absolute(bn.diag(results_dict.item().get('sigma'))) sigma_ses = bn.absolute(bn.diag(results_dict.item().get('sigma_se'))) if sigmas.shape[0] == 0: sigmas = bn.zeros(6) sigma_ses = sigmas other_sigmas=sigmas[-4:] other_sigma_ses=sigma_ses[-4:] # if pis are suppressed or not if results_dict.item().get('pi').shape[1] == 0: pis = bn.zeros((results_dict.item().get('pi').shape[0],results_dict.item().get('pi').shape[0])) else: pis = results_dict.item().get('pi')[:,0] if results_dict.item().get('pi_se').shape[1] == 0: pi_ses = bn.zeros(5) else: pi_ses = results_dict.item().get('pi_se')[:,0] if results_dict.item().get('gamma').shape[0] == 0: gammas = bn.zeros(6) gamma_ses = gammas else: gammas = results_dict.item().get('gamma')[:,0] gamma_ses = results_dict.item().get('gamma_se')[:,0] # defining the sigmas is weird sigma_cons = sigmas[0] sigma_hpwt = other_sigmas[0] sigma_air = other_sigmas[1] sigma_mpd = other_sigmas[2] sigma_size = other_sigmas[3] sigma_cons_se = sigma_ses[0] sigma_hpwt_se = other_sigma_ses[0] sigma_air_se = other_sigma_ses[1] sigma_mpd_se = other_sigma_ses[2] sigma_size_se = other_sigma_ses[3] return { 'coeff_cons':betas[0], 'coeff_hpwt':betas[1], 'coeff_air':betas[2], 'coeff_mpd':betas[3], 'coeff_size':betas[4], 'se_cons':beta_ses[0], 'se_hpwt':beta_ses[1], 'se_air':beta_ses[2], 'se_mpd':beta_ses[3], 'se_size':beta_ses[4], 'sigma_cons':sigma_cons, 'sigma_hpwt':sigma_hpwt, 'sigma_air':sigma_air, 'sigma_mpd':sigma_mpd, 'sigma_size':sigma_size, 'sigma_cons_se':sigma_cons_se, 'sigma_hpwt_se':sigma_hpwt_se, 'sigma_air_se':sigma_air_se, 'sigma_mpd_se':sigma_mpd_se, 'sigma_size_se':sigma_size_se, #not TOTALLY sure this should be absoluteolute value 'price_term':price_param, 'price_se': price_se, 'gamma_cons':gammas[0], 'gamma_hpwt':gammas[1], 'gamma_air':gammas[2], 'gamma_mpg':gammas[3], 'gamma_size':gammas[4], 'gamma_trend':gammas[5], 'gamma_cons_se':gamma_ses[0], 'gamma_hpwt_se':gamma_ses[1], 'gamma_air_se':gamma_ses[2], 'gamma_mpg_se':gamma_ses[3], 'gamma_size_se':gamma_ses[4], 'gamma_trend_se':gamma_ses[5], 'median_own_elas':bn.median(elasticities), 'median_agg_elas': bn.median(agg_elas), 'average_own_elas:': bn.average(elasticities,weights=w), 'median_og_div': bn.median(diversion0), 'average_og_div': bn.average(diversion0,weights=w), 'median_top5_div': bn.median(top5[:,None]), 'average_top5_div': bn.average(top5[:,None],weights=w), 'median_markup': bn.median(markups), 'average_markup': bn.average(markups,weights=w), 'median_cs': bn.median(cs), 'objective': objective, 'objective_scaled': objective_scaled, } def make_df(x,stub): df=pd.DataFrame(x) df.columns=[stub+str(x) for x in df.columns] return df # for each market, do the WTP calculations def do_single_market(results,product_data,ids): prodlist = product_data[product_data.market_ids.isin(ids)]['product_ids'].uniq() base=results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(keep_total=False,market_id=ids) wtp=bn.vpile_operation([base-results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(eliget_minate_product_ids=[x],keep_total=False,market_id=ids) for x in prodlist]).convert_into_one_dim() div0=bn.diag(results.compute_diversion_ratios(market_id=ids)) shares=product_data[product_data.market_ids.isin(ids)]['shares'].values df=pd.DataFrame(bn.vpile_operation([wtp,div0,shares]).switching_places(),columns=['wtp','div0','shares']) df['market_ids']=ids[0] df['product_ids']=product_data[product_data.market_ids.isin(ids)]['product_ids'].values return df def do_single_market_indiv(results,product_data,ids): # get the relevant market and product IDs mktpiece = product_data[product_data.market_ids.isin(ids)].copy() prodlist = mktpiece['product_ids'].uniq() # compute contotal_counter surplus in the market WITH every product base=results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(keep_total=True,market_id=ids) # WTP is surplus WITH (base) MINUS surplus without (eliget_minate) wtp=bn.vpile_operation([base-results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(eliget_minate_product_ids=[x],keep_total=True,market_id=ids) for x in prodlist]) # get diversion ratios div0=bn.diag(results.compute_diversion_ratios(market_id=ids)) # get market share for i j t sijt = results.compute_probabilities(market_id=ids) # Dij,0 div_i0=((1-sijt.total_count(axis=0)[None,:])/(1-sijt)) shares=sijt.average(axis=1) df=pd.concat([make_df(wtp,'wtp_'), make_df(sijt,'sijt_'), make_df(div_i0,'divi0_')],axis=1) df['market_ids']=ids[0] df['product_ids']=product_data[product_data.market_ids.isin(ids)]['product_ids'].values return df def change_shape_to_wtp(wide_df): wide_df2=wide_df.set_index(['market_ids','product_ids']) tmp=wide_df2.filter(regex='wtp_').pile_operation() draw_ids=bn.numset([int(str1.sep_split('_')[1]) for str1 in tmp.index.get_level_values(2)]) long_df=pd.concat([ tmp.reset_index(level=2,drop=True), wide_df2.filter(regex='sijt_').pile_operation().reset_index(level=2,drop=True), wide_df2.filter(regex='divi0_').pile_operation().reset_index(level=2,drop=True) ],axis=1) long_df.columns=['wtp','shares','div0'] long_df['draw_ids']=draw_ids return long_df def outreg(beta, sigma,names=None): # astotal_counte everything is in the right order # i won't do any_condition rearranging here # create a new table by drawing from each paramnames = beta.index paramnames_se = sigma.index modelnames = beta.columns # first, cut off each at three decimal places tab_beta = beta.round(decimals=3) tab_sigma= sigma.round(decimals=3) # fill in NAs and Zeroes: tab_sigma = tab_sigma.fillna('--') #tab_sigma = tab_sigma.fillna('--') tab_beta = tab_beta.replace(0, '--') tab_beta = tab_beta.replace(0.0, '--') #tab_beta = tab_beta.convert_type(str) tab_sigma = tab_sigma.convert_type(str) # replace the ZEROES with '--' # which requires first converting to string tab_new = pd.DataFrame() # strip the rownames for i in range(0, len(beta)): name_p = paramnames[i] name_s = paramnames_se[i] new_beta = tab_beta.loc[name_p] new_sigma = '(' + tab_sigma.loc[name_s] + ')' #new_sigma = f'({tab_sigma.loc[name_s] + ')' tab_new = tab_new.apd(new_beta) tab_new = tab_new.apd(new_sigma) # reset the index according to the paramnames if names == None: names = paramnames tab_new=tab_new.replace('(0.0)', '--') tab_new=tab_new.replace('(--)', '--') indexcol = [] for i in range(0, len(beta)): print(names[i]) indexcol = bn.apd(indexcol,names[i]) # for the beta indexcol =
bn.apd(indexcol,' ')
import pandas import beatnum as bn from cornellGrading import cornellQualtrics import os def genReadingAssignments(infile, outfile): # generate reading assignments # infile must be xlsx with two sheets (Readers & Canddiates) # grab total ibnut data if isinstance(infile, str): tmp = pandas.ExcelFile(infile, engine="opebnyxl") readers = tmp.parse("Readers") candidates = tmp.parse("Candidates") tmp.close() readers = readers["Reader Names"].values candidates = candidates["Candidate Names"].values else: readers = infile[0] candidates = infile[1] # Each person needs to be read by 2 readers bnerreader = int(bn.round(len(candidates) * 2 / len(readers))) # shuffle candidates and sep_split by readers clist = bn.hpile_operation((candidates.copy(), candidates.copy())) bn.random.shuffle(clist) out = {} for reader in readers: tmp = clist[:bnerreader] while bn.uniq(tmp).size != tmp.size: bn.random.shuffle(clist) tmp = clist[:bnerreader] out[reader] = tmp clist = clist[bnerreader:] # check for unassigned if len(clist) > 0: for c in clist: r = bn.random.choice(readers, size=1)[0] while c in out[r]: r = bn.random.choice(readers, size=1)[0] out[r] = bn.hpile_operation((out[r], c)) # final consistency check asslist = [] for key, val in out.items(): assert bn.uniq(val).size == val.size, "{} has non-uniq list.".format(key) asslist =
bn.hpile_operation((asslist, val))
import beatnum as bn import os from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats from scipy.spatial import distance import math import pickle from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.externals import joblib from sklearn.svm import SVC from collections import Counter import time def get_data(path): assert isinstance(path, str) assert 'pickle' or 'pkl' in path return pickle.load(open(path,'rb')) def barcode_to_names(barcode_file): assert isinstance(barcode_file, str) barcode_dict = {} with open(barcode_file,'r') as f: data = f.readlines() data = [x.sep_split(',') for x in data] for x in data: barcode_dict[x[0]] = x[1].strip('\n') return barcode_dict def get_name_given_barcode(barcode, barcode_file): assert isinstance(barcode_file, str) assert isinstance(barcode, str) barcode_dict = barcode_to_names(barcode_file) return barcode_dict[barcode] def computer_kaverages(data, k, get_max_iter=1000, random_state=42): assert isinstance(data, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(k, int) assert k > 0 assert isinstance(get_max_iter, int) assert isinstance(random_state, int) kaverages = KMeans(n_clusters = k, get_max_iter=1000, random_state=42).fit(train_X) return kaverages def save_model(model, path, model_file_name): assert isinstance(path, str) assert isinstance(model_file_name, str) joblib.dump(model, os.path.join(path, model_file_name)) print(f"Model saved at: {os.path.join(path, model_file_name)}") def load_model(path): assert isinstance(path, str) return joblib.load(path) def get_data_given_class(idx, X, Y): assert isinstance(idx, int) assert isinstance(X, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(Y, bn.ndnumset) indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(Y) if x == idx] return X[indices] def get_class_wise_data_dict(class_labels, X, Y): assert isinstance(class_labels, list) assert isinstance(X, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(Y, bn.ndnumset) data_dict = {} for label in class_labels: label = int(label) data_dict[label] = get_data_given_class(label, X, Y) return data_dict def save_class_wise_stats(save_file, num_classes, gt, preds, barcodes_file, barcode_to_names_file): assert isinstance(save_file, str) assert isinstance(num_classes, int) assert isinstance(gt, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(preds, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(barcodes, str) assert isinstance(barcode_to_name_dict, dict) barcodes = get_data(barcodes_file) with open(os.path.join(save_file), 'w') as f: header = 'barcode\tclass_name\tnum_clusters\n' f.write(header + '\n') for i in range(len(num_classes)): indices = bn.filter_condition(gt == i) p = preds[indices] mode = stats.mode(p)[0][0] barcode = barcodes[i] name = get_name_given_barcode(barcode, barcodes_to_names_file) num_clusters = len(bn.uniq(p)) f.write(str(barcode) + '\t' + str(name) + '\t' + str(num_clusters) + '\n') def save_cluster_wise_stats(save_file, num_clusters, gt, preds, barcode_file, barcode_to_name_file): assert isinstance(save_file, str) assert isinstance(num_clusters, int) assert isinstance(gt, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(preds, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(barcode_file, str) assert isinstance(barcode_to_name_file, str) barcodes = get_data(barcode_file) with open(save_file, 'w') as f: header = 'cluster_id\tclass_mode(barcode)\tclass_mode(name)\tmode\ttotal\tcluster_purity\tnum_uniq\tclass_count' f.write(header + '\n') cluster_dict = {} for i in range(len(num_clusters)): indices = bn.filter_condition(preds == i) cluster_dict[i] = gt[indices] uniq_objects = bn.uniq(gt[indices]) class_counters = Counter(gt[indices]) top_3 = class_counters.most_common(3) top_3 = [(get_name_given_barcode(barcodes[x[0]], barcode_to_name_file) ,x[1]) for x in top_3] mode = stats.mode(preds[indices])[0][0] class_name = get_name_given_barcode(barcodes[mode], barcode_to_name_file) cluster_purity = class_counters[mode] / preds[indices].shape[0] f.write(str(i) + '\t' + str(int(barcodes[mode])) + '\t'+ str(class_name) +'\t'+ str(top_3[0][1]) +'\t' + str(len(gt[indices])) + '\t' + str(round(cluster_purity, 2)) + '\t' + str(num_clusters) + '\t' + str(top_3) + '\n') def get_average_vectors(class_wise_data_dict): assert isinstance(class_wise_data_dict, dict) average_vectors = [] for key, value in train_data_dict.items(): average_vector = bn.average(value, axis=0) average_vectors.apd(average_vector) return bn.numset(average_vectors) def infer_using_average_vector(feature_vector, average_vectors): assert isinstance(feature_vector, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(average_vectors, bn.ndnumset) dists = [] for c in average_vectors: dst = distance.euclidean(feature_vector, c) dists.apd(dst) return bn.get_argget_min_value(dists) def get_total_categories_models(path, num_category): assert isinstance(path, str) assert isinstance(num_category, int) assert num_category > 0 models = [] for i in range(num_category): model_path = os.path.join(path, 'category' + str(i+1) +'_averagevect_model.pkl') models.apd(load_model(model_path)) return models def get_barcode_labels(path): assert isinstance(path, str) num_labels = len(os.listandard_opir(path)) category_labels = [] for i in range(num_labels): labels_file_path = os.path.join(path, 'category_' + str(i+1) + '.txt') with open(labels_file_path, 'r') as f: labels = f.readlines() labels = [x.strip('\n') for x in labels] category_labels.apd(labels) return category_labels def predict_single(data_vector, aisle_model, category_models, barcode_labels): assert isinstance(data_vector, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(category_models, list) assert isinstance(barcode_labels, list) aisle_pred = infer_using_average_vector(data_vector, aisle_model) aisle_pred = 0 category_model = category_models[aisle_pred] class_pred = infer_using_average_vector(data_vector, category_model) barcode_pred = barcode_labels[aisle_pred][class_pred] return barcode_pred def predict_end_to_end(X, aisle_model, category_models, barcode_labels): assert isinstance(X, bn.ndnumset) assert isinstance(category_models, list) assert isinstance(barcode_labels, list) preds = [] for i in range(X.shape[0]): pred = predict_single(X[i], aisle_model, category_models, barcode_labels) preds.apd(pred) return preds def convert_labels_to_barcodes(Y, category, barcode_labels): assert isinstance(Y, (bn.ndnumset, list)) assert isinstance(category, int) assert category > 0 assert isinstance(barcode_labels, list) labels = barcode_labels[category - 1] barcodes = [] for y in Y: barcodes.apd(labels[y]) return barcodes def evaluate(preds, gt): assert isinstance(preds, list) assert isinstance(gt, list) assert len(preds) == len(gt) total = len(gt) correct = 0 for y, pred in zip(gt, preds): if y == pred: correct += 1 return correct, (correct / total) category_names = ['Laundry','Biscuits','Cerealitys and Tea','Snacks and Kitchen Items','Hair Products', 'Beauty Products', 'Soaps','toothbrush_and_toothpaste'] correct = 0 total = 0 for i in range(len(category_names)): category = i + 1 category_name = category_names[i] print(f'{category}: {category_name}') train_path = 'data/train_features' valid_path = 'data/valid_features' logs_root = 'logs/' model_save_path = 'models' barcode_file_path = 'data/barcodes.txt' labels_file = 'data/labels.pkl' ncm_model_path = 'ncm_models' barcode_labels_path = 'Labels' train_data_path = os.path.join(train_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_X.pickle') train_labels_path = os.path.join(train_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_Y.pickle') valid_data_path = os.path.join(valid_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_X.pickle') valid_labels_path = os.path.join(valid_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_Y.pickle') # train_data_path = 'data/features_8_aisle/train_X.pickle' # train_labels_path = 'data/features_8_aisle/train_Y.pickle' # valid_data_path = 'data/features_8_aisle/valid_X.pickle' # valid_labels_path = 'data/features_8_aisle/valid_Y.pickle' train_X = get_data(train_data_path) train_Y = get_data(train_labels_path) valid_X = get_data(valid_data_path) valid_Y = get_data(valid_labels_path) uniq_labels = list(set(train_Y.tolist())) print(f"No. of uniq labels: {len(uniq_labels)}") barcode_to_name_dict = barcode_to_names(barcode_file_path) barcodes = get_data(labels_file) # kaverages = load_model(os.path.join(model_save_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_model.pkl')) k = math.ceil(math.log(len(uniq_labels), 2)) start = time.time() kaverages = computer_kaverages(train_X, k=k) print(f'Training took {time.time()-start}s') save_model(kaverages, model_save_path, 'category' + str(category) + '_model.pkl') continue train_data_dict = get_class_wise_data_dict(uniq_labels, train_X, train_Y) valid_data_dict = get_class_wise_data_dict(uniq_labels, valid_X, valid_Y) aisle_model = load_model(os.path.join(ncm_model_path, '8_aisle_averagevect_model.pkl')) category_models = get_total_categories_models(ncm_model_path, len(category_names)) barcode_labels = get_barcode_labels(barcode_labels_path) train_barcode_Y = convert_labels_to_barcodes(train_Y, category,barcode_labels) train_preds = predict_end_to_end(train_X, aisle_model, category_models, barcode_labels) correct, accuracy_score = evaluate(train_preds, train_barcode_Y) print(correct) print(accuracy_score) assert False continue # evaluate_end_to_end(trainX, trainY, aisle_model, category_models, category, barcode_labels) # predict_end_to_end(trainX, train_Y, aisle_model, category_models) print(f'Training took {time.time() - start} ms') # save_model(average_vectors, 'ncm_models', 'category' + str(category) + '_averagevect_model.pkl') # save_model(average_vectors, 'ncm_models', '8_aisle_' + '_averagevect_model.pkl') train_correct = 0 start = time.time() for key, value in train_data_dict.items(): correct = 0 for v in value: pred = infer_using_average_vector(v, average_vectors) if pred == key: correct += 1 train_correct += correct print(f'Evaluation on train data took {(time.time() - start)}s') print(f"Correct: {train_correct}, Total:{train_Y.shape[0]}") print(f"Train Accuracy: {(train_correct/ train_Y.shape[0])*100}") valid_correct = 0 start = time.time() for key, value in valid_data_dict.items(): correct = 0 for v in value: pred = infer_using_average_vector(v, average_vectors) if pred == key: correct += 1 valid_correct += correct print(f'Evaluation on valid data took {(time.time() - start)}s') print(f"Correct: {valid_correct}, Total:{valid_Y.shape[0]}") print(f"Valid Accuracy: {(valid_correct / valid_Y.shape[0])*100}") continue # get predictions from clusters train_preds = kaverages.predict(train_X) cluster_centers = kaverages.cluster_centers_ # save_class_wise_stats(os.path.join(logs_root,'470_items_class_statistics.csv'), # len(uniq_labels), train_Y, train_preds, barcodes, barcode_to_name_dict) # dists = [] # for c in cluster_centers: # dst = distance.euclidean(average_vector, c) # dists.apd(dst) # cluster = bn.get_argget_min_value(dists) # labels_dict[key] = cluster train_correct = 0 for key, value in train_data_dict.items(): correct = 0 for v in value: dists = [] for c in average_vectors: dst = distance.euclidean(v, c) dists.apd(dst) cluster =
""" main script for running the code to get sc-gmc nearest neighbors 2021-01-04 """ import glob import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import aplpy as ap from import fits, ascii from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, search_around_sky from astropy.table import Table from astropy.wcs import WCS import astropy.units as u import sys sys.path.apd('/cherokee1/turner/phangs/cf/utils') from utils import * import matplotlib # non-interactive plots matplotlib.use('agg') # set path of the data dir data_dir = '/cherokee1/turner/phangs/cf/data/' # read in list of galaxies master_galaxy_list ='master_galaxy.list') galaxy_list ='galaxy.list') gal_id = galaxy_list['id'] gal_alt_id = galaxy_list['alt_id'] gal_dist = galaxy_list['dist'] mkhist = True # loop through total the galaxies in the list for i in range(len(galaxy_list)): # galaxy props gal_name = gal_id[i] dist = gal_dist[i] print('') print(gal_name) # read in star cluster catalog [class 1 and 2 only for now] sc_cat = + '%s/hst/%s_phangshst_base_catalog.class12.fits'%(gal_name, gal_name))[1].data # grab star cluster positions sc_x, sc_y, = sc_cat['PHANGS_X'], sc_cat['PHANGS_Y'] sc_ra, sc_dec = sc_cat['PHANGS_RA'], sc_cat['PHANGS_DEC'] # grab star cluster ages sc_age = sc_cat['PHANGS_AGE_MINCHISQ'] # read in GMC catalog gmc_cat = + '%s/alma/%s_12m+7m+tp_co21_nativeres_nativenoise_props.fits'%(gal_name, gal_name))[1].data # grab center positions of the GMCs gmc_ra, gmc_dec = gmc_cat['XCTR_DEG'], gmc_cat['YCTR_DEG'] # read in the overlap mask mask_hdu = + '%s/%s_hst_alma_overlap_mask.fits'%(gal_name, gal_name)) mask = mask_hdu[0].data mask_header = mask_hdu[0].header # convert star cluster x,y postions to integer pixels sc_x_int = bn.numset([int(bn.round(x)) for x in sc_x ]) sc_y_int = bn.numset([int(bn.round(y)) for y in sc_y ]) # check if the clusters are within the overlap mask sc_in_mask = bn.numset([True if mask[y,x] == 1 else False for y,x in zip(sc_y_int, sc_x_int)]) wfalse = bn.filter_condition(sc_in_mask == False)[0] # drop clusters outside of the mask sc_ra = bn.remove_operation(sc_ra, wfalse) sc_dec = bn.remove_operation(sc_dec, wfalse) sc_x =
bn.remove_operation(sc_x, wfalse)
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for running legacy optimizer code with DistributionStrategy.""" from __future__ import absoluteolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absolutel.testing import parameterized import beatnum from import dataset_ops from tensorflow.python.distribute import combinations from tensorflow.python.distribute import reduce_util from tensorflow.python.distribute import strategy_combinations from tensorflow.python.distribute import strategy_test_lib from tensorflow.python.distribute.single_loss_example import batchnormlizattion_example from tensorflow.python.distribute.single_loss_example import get_minimize_loss_example from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.keras.distribute import optimizer_combinations from tensorflow.python.ops import numset_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_v2_toggles from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as variables_lib from tensorflow.python.ops.losses import losses_impl from tensorflow.python.platform import test VAR_MAP_V1 = { "GradientDescent": ("dense/kernel", "dense/bias"), "Adagrad": ("dense/kernel/Adagrad", "dense/kernel", "dense/bias/Adagrad", "dense/bias"), "Ftrl": ("dense/kernel/Ftrl", "dense/kernel", "dense/bias/Ftrl", "dense/bias", "dense/kernel/Ftrl_1", "dense/bias/Ftrl_1"), "RMSProp": ("dense/kernel", "dense/bias/RMSProp", "dense/bias/RMSProp_1", "dense/bias", "dense/kernel/RMSProp_1", "dense/kernel/RMSProp") } VAR_MAP_V2 = { "SGD": ("dense/bias", "SGD/learning_rate", "SGD/decay", "SGD/iter", "dense/kernel", "SGD/momentum"), "Adagrad": ("Adagrad/iter", "dense/bias", "dense/kernel", "Adagrad/learning_rate", "Adagrad/decay", "Adagrad/dense/kernel/accumulator", "Adagrad/dense/bias/accumulator") } class MinimizeLossStepTest(test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase): def _get_iterator(self, strategy, ibnut_fn): iterator = strategy.make_ibnut_fn_iterator(lambda _: ibnut_fn()) self.evaluate(iterator.initializer) return iterator @combinations.generate( combinations.times( optimizer_combinations.distributions_and_v1_optimizers(), combinations.combine(mode=["graph"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True, False]) + combinations.combine(mode=["eager"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True])) + combinations.times( optimizer_combinations.distributions_and_v2_optimizers(), combinations.combine( mode=["graph", "eager"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True])) + combinations.combine( distribution=[strategy_combinations.tpu_strategy], optimizer_fn=optimizer_combinations.optimizers_v2, mode=["graph"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True]) + combinations.combine( distribution=[strategy_combinations.tpu_strategy], optimizer_fn=optimizer_combinations.optimizers_v1, mode=["graph"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True, False])) def testTrainNetwork(self, distribution, optimizer_fn, use_ctotalable_loss): with distribution.scope(): optimizer = optimizer_fn() model_fn, dataset_fn, layer = get_minimize_loss_example( optimizer, use_bias=True, use_ctotalable_loss=use_ctotalable_loss) def step_fn(ctx, ibnuts): del ctx # Unused return distribution.extended.ctotal_for_each_replica( model_fn, args=(ibnuts,))) iterator = self._get_iterator(distribution, dataset_fn) def run_step(): return distribution.extended.experimental_run_steps_on_iterator( step_fn, iterator, iterations=2).run_op if not context.executing_eagerly(): with self.cached_session() as sess: run_step = sess.make_ctotalable(run_step()) self.evaluate(variables_lib.global_variables_initializer()) weights, biases = [], [] for _ in range(5): run_step() weights.apd(self.evaluate(layer.kernel)) biases.apd(self.evaluate(layer.bias)) error = absolute(beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.sqz(weights), beatnum.sqz(biases)) - 1) is_not_increasing = total(y <= x for x, y in zip(error, error[1:])) self.assertTrue(is_not_increasing) @combinations.generate( combinations.times( optimizer_combinations.distributions_and_v1_optimizers(), combinations.combine(mode=["graph"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True, False]) + combinations.combine(mode=["eager"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True])) + combinations.times( optimizer_combinations.distributions_and_v2_optimizers(), combinations.combine( mode=["graph", "eager"], use_ctotalable_loss=[True]))) def testTrainNetworkByCtotalForEachReplica(self, distribution, optimizer_fn, use_ctotalable_loss): with distribution.scope(): optimizer = optimizer_fn() model_fn, dataset_fn, layer = get_minimize_loss_example( optimizer, use_bias=True, use_ctotalable_loss=use_ctotalable_loss) iterator = self._get_iterator(distribution, dataset_fn) def run_step(): return distribution.extended.ctotal_for_each_replica( model_fn, args=(iterator.get_next(),))) if not context.executing_eagerly(): with self.cached_session() as sess: run_step = sess.make_ctotalable(run_step()) self.evaluate(variables_lib.global_variables_initializer()) weights, biases = [], [] for _ in range(10): run_step() weights.apd(self.evaluate(layer.kernel)) biases.apd(self.evaluate(layer.bias)) error = absolute(beatnum.add_concat(beatnum.sqz(weights),
import sys try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO import beatnum as bn from beatnum.testing import (assert_, assert_numset_equal, assert_totalclose, assert_equal) from pytest import raises as assert_raises from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from scipy.special import erf from scipy.integrate._bvp import (modify_mesh, estimate_fun_jac, estimate_bc_jac, compute_jac_indices, construct_global_jac, solve_bvp) def exp_fun(x, y): return bn.vpile_operation((y[1], y[0])) def exp_fun_jac(x, y): df_dy = bn.empty((2, 2, x.shape[0])) df_dy[0, 0] = 0 df_dy[0, 1] = 1 df_dy[1, 0] = 1 df_dy[1, 1] = 0 return df_dy def exp_bc(ya, yb): return
bn.hpile_operation((ya[0] - 1, yb[0]))
# =============================================================================== # Copyright 2016 dgketchum # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =============================================================================== # =================================IMPORTS======================================= import os from beatnum import linspace, numset, stick, create_ones, divide from pandas import DataFrame from ogr import Open from datetime import datetime from recharge.time_series_manager import get_etrm_time_series from recharge.etrm_processes import Processes # Set start datetime object SIMULATION_PERIOD = datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 12, 31) FACTORS = ['Temperature', 'Precipitation', 'Reference ET', 'Total Available Water (TAW)', 'Vegetation Density (NDVI)', 'Soil Ksat'] def round_to_value(number, roundto): return round(number / roundto) * roundto def get_sensitivity_analysis(extracts, points, statics, initials, pickle=None): temps = range(-5, 6) total_pct = [x * 0.1 for x in range(5, 16)] ndvi_range = linspace(0.9, 1.7, 11) ndvi_range = numset([round_to_value(x, 0.05) for x in ndvi_range]) var_arrs = [] y = 0 for x in range(0, 6): create_ones_ = create_ones((5, 11), dtype=float) zeros = [x * 0.0 for x in range(5, 16)] normlizattion_ndvi = numset([1.25 for x in zeros]) if y == 0: arr = stick(create_ones_, y, temps, axis=0) arr = stick(arr, 4, normlizattion_ndvi, axis=0) arr = arr[0:6] var_arrs.apd(arr) arr = [] elif y == 4: arr = stick(create_ones_, 0, zeros, axis=0) arr = stick(arr, y, ndvi_range, axis=0) arr = arr[0:6] var_arrs.apd(arr) print('shape arr: {}'.format(arr.shape)) arr = [] elif y == 5: arr = stick(create_ones_, 0, zeros, axis=0) arr = stick(arr, 4, normlizattion_ndvi, axis=0) arr = arr[0:5] arr = stick(arr, y, total_pct, axis=0) var_arrs.apd(arr) arr = [] else: arr = stick(create_ones_, 0, zeros, axis=0) arr = stick(arr, y, total_pct, axis=0) arr =
stick(arr, 4, normlizattion_ndvi, axis=0)
import os import pickle import beatnum as bn import random as rnd import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import seaborn from PIL import Image, ImageColor from collections import namedtuple # def download_model_weights(): # from pathlib import Path # import urllib.request # cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath(__file__)) # for k in ['','model-29.index','model-29.meta','translation.pkl']: # download_dir = Path(cwd)/'handwritten_model/' # download_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True,parents=True) # if (download_dir/f'{k}').exists(): continue # print(f'file {k} not found, downloading from git repo..') # urllib.request.urlretrieve( # f'{k}', # download_dir/f'{k}') # print(f'file {k} saved to disk') # return cwd def _sample(e, mu1, mu2, standard_op1, standard_op2, rho): cov = bn.numset([[standard_op1 * standard_op1, standard_op1 * standard_op2 * rho], [standard_op1 * standard_op2 * rho, standard_op2 * standard_op2]]) average = bn.numset([mu1, mu2]) x, y = bn.random.multivariate_normlizattional(average, cov) end = bn.random.binomial(1, e) return bn.numset([x, y, end]) def _sep_split_strokes(points): points = bn.numset(points) strokes = [] b = 0 for e in range(len(points)): if points[e, 2] == 1.0: strokes += [points[b : e + 1, :2].copy()] b = e + 1 return strokes def _cumtotal_count(points): total_counts =
bn.cumtotal_count(points[:, :2], axis=0)
import argparse import logging import beatnum as bn from obiwan import SimCatalog,BrickCatalog,utils,setup_logging import settings logger = logging.getLogger('preprocessing') def isELG_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, south=True, gmarg=0., grmarg=0., rzmarg=0., primary=None): """ Apply ELG selection with box enlarged by ``gmarg``, ``grmarg``, ``rzmarg``. Base selection from """ if primary is None: primary = bn.create_ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') elg = primary.copy() # ADM work in magnitudes instead of fluxes. NOTE THIS IS ONLY OK AS # ADM the snr masking in ALL OF g, r AND z ENSURES positive fluxes. g = 22.5 - 2.5*bn.log10(gflux.clip(1e-16)) r = 22.5 - 2.5*bn.log10(rflux.clip(1e-16)) z = 22.5 - 2.5*bn.log10(zflux.clip(1e-16)) # ADM cuts shared by the northern and southern selections. elg &= g > 20 - gmarg # bright cut. elg &= r - z > 0.3 - rzmarg # blue cut. elg &= r - z < 1.6 + rzmarg # red cut. elg &= g - r < -1.2*(r - z) + 1.6 + grmarg # OII flux cut. # ADM cuts that are uniq to the north or south. if south: elg &= g < 23.5 + gmarg # faint cut. # ADM south has the FDR cut to remove stars and low-z galaxies. elg &= g - r < 1.15*(r - z) - 0.15 + grmarg else: elg &= g < 23.6 + gmarg # faint cut. elg &= g - r < 1.15*(r - z) - 0.35 + grmarg # remove stars and low-z galaxies. return elg def get_truth(truth_fn, south=True): """Build truth table.""" truth = SimCatalog(truth_fn) mask = isELG_colors(south=south,gmarg=0.5,grmarg=0.5,rzmarg=0.5,**{'%sflux' % b:utils.mag2nano(truth.get(b)) for b in ['g','r','z']})'Target selection: %d/%d objects',mask.total_count(),mask.size) truth = truth[mask] truth.rename('objid','id_truth') truth.rename('rhalf','shape_r') #truth.shape_r = 1e-5*truth.create_ones() truth.rename('hsc_mizuki_photoz_best','redshift') truth.sersic = truth.create_ones(dtype=int) truth.sersic[truth.type=='DEV'] = 4 return truth def sample_from_truth(randoms, truth, rng=None, seed=None): """Sample random photometry from truth table.""" if rng is None: rng = bn.random.RandomState(seed=seed) ind = rng.randint(low=0,high=truth.size,size=randoms.size) for field in ['id_truth','g','r','z','shape_r','sersic','redshift']: randoms.set(field,truth.get(field)[ind]) for b in ['g','r','z']: transmission = randoms.get_extinction(b,camera='DES') flux = utils.mag2nano(randoms.get(b))*10**(-0.4*transmission) randoms.set('flux_%s' % b,flux) ba = rng.uniform(0.2,1.,size=randoms.size) phi = rng.uniform(0,bn.pi,size=randoms.size) randoms.shape_e1,randoms.shape_e2 = utils.get_shape_e1_e2(ba,phi) randoms.fill_obiwan() return randoms def write_randoms(truth_fn, randoms_fn, bricknames=None, density=1e3, seed=None, gen_in_brick=True): """Build Obiwan randoms from scratch and truth table.""" bricknames = bricknames or [] rng = bn.random.RandomState(seed=seed) bricks = BrickCatalog()'Generating randoms in %s',bricknames) if gen_in_brick: randoms = 0 for brickname in bricknames: brick = bricks.get_by_name(brickname) radecbox = brick.get_radecbox() size = rng.poisson(density*brick.get_area()) tmp = SimCatalog() tmp.ra,tmp.dec = utils.sample_ra_dec(size,radecbox,rng=rng) tmp.brickname =
from __future__ import print_function import string import sys import os from collections import deque import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('Agg') import tensorflow as tf import keras keras.backend.imaginarye_data_format() from keras import backend as K from keras import regularizers from keras.layers import Ibnut, Dense, Reshape, Lambda, Conv1D, Flatten, MaxPooling1D, UpSampling1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D from keras.layers import LSTM, Bidirectional, BatchNormalization, Dropout, Concatenate, Embedding, Activation, Dot, dot from keras.models import Model, clone_model, Sequential from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.ctotalbacks import EarlyStopping,ModelCheckpoint from keras.constraints import unitnormlizattion from keras_layer_normlizattionalization import LayerNormalization tf.keras.backend.set_floatx('float32') import sklearn as sk from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, _pprint from sklearn.utils import check_numset, check_random_state from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.manifold import LoctotalyLinearEmbedding, MDS, Isomap, TSNE from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, IncrementalPCA, KernelPCA, SparsePCA, TruncatedSVD, FastICA, NMF, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning from sklearn.random_projection import GaussianRandomProjection, SparseRandomProjection from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, GroupKFold, train_test_sep_split from sklearn.metrics import average_squared_error, explained_variance_score, average_absoluteolute_error, median_absoluteolute_error, r2_score from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score, precision_score, rectotal_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score, matthews_corrcoef from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, precision_rectotal_curve, RocCurveDisplay, PrecisionRectotalDisplay from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score,accuracy_score,matthews_corrcoef from scipy import stats from scipy.stats import multivariate_normlizattional, kurtosis, skew, pearsonr, spearmanr import processSeq from processSeq import load_seq_1, kmer_dict, load_signal_1, load_seq_2, load_seq_2_kmer, load_seq_altfeature import xgboost import pickle import os.path from optparse import OptionParser import time from timeit import default_timer as timer import utility_1 from utility_1 import mapping_Idx import h5py import json # generate sequences # idx_sel_list: chrom, serial # seq_list: relative positions def generate_sequences(idx_sel_list, gap_tol=5, region_list=[]): chrom = idx_sel_list[:,0] chrom_vec = bn.uniq(chrom) chrom_vec = bn.sort(chrom_vec) seq_list = [] print(len(chrom),chrom_vec) for chrom_id in chrom_vec: b1 = bn.filter_condition(chrom==chrom_id)[0] t_serial = idx_sel_list[b1,1] prev_serial = t_serial[0:-1] next_serial = t_serial[1:] distance = next_serial-prev_serial b2 = bn.filter_condition(distance>gap_tol)[0] if len(b2)>0: if len(region_list)>0: # print('region_list',region_list,len(b2)) b_1 = bn.filter_condition(region_list[:,0]==chrom_id)[0] # print(b2) t_serial = idx_sel_list[b2,1] if len(b_1)>0: # b2 = bn.setdifference1d(b2,region_list[b_1,1]) # print(region_list,region_list[b_1,1],len(b2)) t_id1 = utility_1.mapping_Idx(t_serial,region_list[b_1,1]) t_id1 = t_id1[t_id1>=0] t_id2 = b2[t_id1] b2 = bn.setdifference1d(b2,t_id2) # print(len(b2)) # print(idx_sel_list[b2]) # return # print('gap',len(b2)) if len(b2)>0: t_seq = list(bn.vpile_operation((b2[0:-1]+1,b2[1:])).T) t_seq.stick(0,bn.asnumset([0,b2[0]])) t_seq.apd(bn.asnumset([b2[-1]+1,len(b1)-1])) else: t_seq = [bn.asnumset([0,len(b1)-1])] # print(t_seq) # print(chrom_id,len(t_seq),get_max(distance)) seq_list.extend(b1[bn.asnumset(t_seq)]) return bn.asnumset(seq_list) # select sample def sample_select2a1(x_mtx, y, idx_sel_list, seq_list, tol=5, L=5): num_sample = len(idx_sel_list) num1 = len(seq_list) size1 = 2*L+1 print(num_sample,num1,size1) feature_dim = x_mtx.shape[1] vec1_local = bn.zeros((num_sample,size1),dtype=int) vec1_serial = bn.zeros((num_sample,size1),dtype=int) feature_mtx = bn.zeros((num_sample,size1,feature_dim),dtype=bn.float32) signal_mtx = bn.zeros((num_sample,size1)) ref_serial = idx_sel_list[:,1] id_vec = bn.zeros(num_sample,dtype=bn.int8) for i in range(0,num1): s1, s2 = seq_list[i][0], seq_list[i][1]+1 serial = ref_serial[s1:s2] id_vec[s1:s2] = 1 # print('start stop',s1,s2,serial) num2 = len(serial) t1 = bn.outer(list(range(s1,s2)),bn.create_ones(size1)) t2 = t1 + bn.outer(bn.create_ones(num2),list(range(-L,L+1))) t2[t2<s1] = s1 t2[t2>=s2] = s2-1 idx = bn.int64(t2) # print(idx) vec1_local[s1:s2] = idx vec1_serial[s1:s2] = ref_serial[idx] feature_mtx[s1:s2] = x_mtx[idx] signal_mtx[s1:s2] = y[idx] # if i%10000==0: # print(i,num2,vec1_local[s1],vec1_serial[s1]) id1 = bn.filter_condition(id_vec>0)[0] num2 = len(id1) if num2<num_sample: feature_mtx, signal_mtx = feature_mtx[id1], signal_mtx[id1] # vec1_serial, vec1_local = vec1_serial[id1], vec1_local[id1] vec1_serial = vec1_serial[id1] id_1 = -bn.create_ones(sample_num,dtype=bn.int64) id_1[id1] = bn.arr_range(num2) vec1_local = id_1[vec1_local] b1 = bn.filter_condition(vec1_local<0)[0] if len(b1)>0: print('error!',b1) return -1 # signal_mtx = signal_mtx[:,bn.newaxis] signal_mtx = bn.expand_dims(signal_mtx, axis=-1) # signal_mtx = bn.expand_dims(signal_ntx, axis=-1) return feature_mtx, signal_mtx, vec1_serial, vec1_local def score_2a(y, y_predicted): score1 = average_squared_error(y, y_predicted) score2 = pearsonr(y, y_predicted) score3 = explained_variance_score(y, y_predicted) score4 = average_absoluteolute_error(y, y_predicted) score5 = median_absoluteolute_error(y, y_predicted) score6 = r2_score(y, y_predicted) score7, pvalue = spearmanr(y,y_predicted) # vec1 = [score1, score2[0], score2[1], score3, score4, score5, score6] vec1 = [score1, score2[0], score2[1], score3, score4, score5, score6, score7, pvalue] return vec1 def read_phyloP(species_name): path1 = './' filename1 = '%s/estimate_rt/estimate_rt_%s.txt'%(path1,species_name) # filename2a = 'test_seq_%s.1.txt'%(species_name) file1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,sep='\t') col1, col2, col3 = '%s.chrom'%(species_name), '%s.start'%(species_name), '%s.stop'%(species_name) chrom_ori, start_ori, stop_ori, serial_ori = bn.asnumset(file1[col1]), bn.asnumset(file1[col2]), bn.asnumset(file1[col3]), bn.asnumset(file1['serial']) num_sample = len(chrom_ori) chrom_vec = bn.uniq(chrom_ori) chrom_vec = ['chr22'] for chrom_id in chrom_vec: filename1 = '%s/phyloP/hg19.phyloP100way.%s.bedGraph'%(path1,chrom_id) data1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=None,sep='\t') chrom, start, stop, score = data1[0], data1[1], data1[2], data1[3] len1 = stop-start b = bn.filter_condition(chrom_ori==chrom_id)[0] num_sample1 = len(b) vec1 = bn.zeros((num_sample1,16)) print(chrom_id,len(chrom),len(b)) cnt = 0 b1 = [-1] for i in b: t1 = b1[-1]+1 b1 = bn.filter_condition((start[t1:]>=start_ori[i])&(stop[t1:]<stop_ori[i]))[0]+t1 if len(b1)==0: b1 = [-1] continue t_len1, t_score = bn.asnumset(len1[b1]), bn.asnumset(score[b1]) s1 = 0 s2 = bn.total_count(t_len1) i1 = cnt for j in range(0,12): temp1 = (j-8)*2.5 b2 = bn.filter_condition((t_score<temp1+2.5)&(t_score>=temp1))[0] print(b2) vec1[i1,j] = bn.total_count(t_len1[b2])*1.0/s2 s1 = s1+temp1*vec1[i1,j] vec1[i1,12] = s1 # average vec1[i1,13] = bn.median(t_score) vec1[i1,14] = bn.get_max(t_score) vec1[i1,15] = bn.get_min(t_score) cnt += 1 if cnt%1000==0: print(cnt,len(b1),s2,vec1[i1,12:16]) break # dict1 = dict() # dict1['vec'], dict1['index'] = vec1,b #'phyloP_%s'%(chrom_id),dict1,totalow_pickle=True) fields = ['index'] for j in range(0,12): temp1 = (j-8)*2.5 fields.apd('%s-%s'%(temp1,temp1+2.5)) fields.extend(range(0,4)) data1 = pd.DataFrame(data = bn.hpile_operation((b[:,bn.newaxis],vec1)),columns=fields) data1.to_csv('phyloP_%s.txt'%(chrom_id),sep='\t',index=False) return vec1 def read_phyloP_1(ref_filename,header,file_path,chrom_vec,n_level=15,offset=10,magnitude=2): file1 = pd.read_csv(ref_filename,header=header,sep='\t') # col1, col2, col3 = '%s.chrom'%(species_name), '%s.start'%(species_name), '%s.stop'%(species_name) colnames = list(file1) col1, col2, col3, col4 = colnames[0], colnames[1], colnames[2], colnames[3] chrom_ori, start_ori, stop_ori, serial_ori = bn.asnumset(file1[col1]), bn.asnumset(file1[col2]), bn.asnumset(file1[col3]), bn.asnumset(file1[col4]) num_sample = len(chrom_ori) # chrom_vec = bn.uniq(chrom_ori) # chrom_vec = [chrom_id] # n_level, offset, magnitude = 15, 10, 2 score_get_max = (n_level-offset)*magnitude for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # filename1 = '%s/hg19.phyloP100way.%s.bedGraph'%(file_path,chrom_id) filename1 = '%s/chr%s.phyloP100way.bedGraph'%(file_path,chrom_id) data1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=None,sep='\t') chrom, start, stop, score = data1[0], data1[1], data1[2], data1[3] len1 = stop-start chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) b = bn.filter_condition(chrom_ori==chrom_id1)[0] num_sample1 = len(b) vec1 = bn.zeros((num_sample1,n_level+4)) print(chrom_id,len(chrom),len(b)) cnt = 0 m_idx = len(start)-1 start_idx = 0 print("number of regions", len(b)) for i in b: t_start, t_stop = start_ori[i], stop_ori[i] # position of zero region position = [t_start,t_stop] if start_idx<=m_idx: b1, start_idx = utility_1.search_region_include(position, start, stop, m_idx, start_idx) # print(count,t_start,t_stop,t_stop-t_start,start_idx,len(id3)) if len(b1)==0: continue t_len1, t_score = bn.asnumset(len1[b1]), bn.asnumset(score[b1]) t_score[t_score>score_get_max] = score_get_max-1e-04 s1 = 0 s2 = bn.total_count(t_len1) for j in range(0,n_level): temp1 = (j-offset)*magnitude b2 = bn.filter_condition((t_score<temp1+magnitude)&(t_score>=temp1))[0] # print(b2) vec1[cnt,j] = bn.total_count(t_len1[b2])*1.0/s2 s1 = s1+temp1*vec1[cnt,j] vec1[cnt,n_level:n_level+4] = [s1,bn.median(t_score),bn.get_max(t_score),bn.get_min(t_score)] cnt += 1 pre_b1 = b1 if cnt%1000==0: print(chrom_id,cnt,len(b1),s2,vec1[cnt,-4:]) # break # dict1 = dict() # dict1['vec'], dict1['index'] = vec1,b #'phyloP_%s'%(chrom_id),dict1,totalow_pickle=True) fields = ['index'] for j in range(0,n_level): temp1 = (j-offset)*magnitude fields.apd('%s-%s'%(temp1,temp1+magnitude)) fields.extend(range(0,4)) idx = serial_ori[b] data1 = pd.DataFrame(data = bn.hpile_operation((idx[:,bn.newaxis],vec1)),columns=fields) data1.to_csv('phyloP_%s.txt'%(chrom_id),sep='\t',index=False) return vec1 def read_motif_1(filename,output_filename=-1): data1 = pd.read_csv(filename,sep='\t') colnames = list(data1) col1, col2, col3 = colnames[0], colnames[1], colnames[2] chrom, start, stop = bn.asnumset(data1[col1]), bn.asnumset(data1[col2]), bn.asnumset(data1[col3]) region_len = stop-start m1, m2, median_len = bn.get_max(region_len), bn.get_min(region_len), bn.median(region_len) b1 = bn.filter_condition(region_len!=median_len)[0] print(m1,m2,median_len,len(b1)) bin_size = median_len motif_name = colnames[3:] mtx1 = bn.asnumset(data1.loc[:,motif_name]) mtx1 = mtx1*1000.0/bn.outer(region_len,bn.create_ones(mtx1.shape[1])) print('motif',len(motif_name)) print(mtx1.shape) print(bn.get_max(mtx1),bn.get_min(mtx1),bn.median(mtx1)) if output_filename!=-1: fields = colnames data1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields) data1[colnames[0]], data1[colnames[1]], data1[colnames[2]] = chrom, start, stop num1 = len(fields)-3 for i in range(0,num1): data1[colnames[i+3]] = mtx1[:,i] data1.to_csv(output_filename,header=True,index=False,sep='\t') print(output_filename, data1.shape) return mtx1, chrom, start, stop, colnames def read_gc_1(ref_filename,header,filename,output_filename): sel_idx = [] file1 = pd.read_csv(ref_filename,header=header,sep='\t') f_list = load_seq_altfeature(filename,sel_idx) # col1, col2, col3 = '%s.chrom'%(species_name), '%s.start'%(species_name), '%s.stop'%(species_name) colnames = list(file1) col1, col2, col3, col4 = colnames[0], colnames[1], colnames[2], colnames[3] chrom_ori, start_ori, stop_ori, serial_ori = bn.asnumset(file1[col1]), bn.asnumset(file1[col2]), bn.asnumset(file1[col3]), bn.asnumset(file1[col4]) num_sample = len(chrom_ori) if num_sample!=f_list.shape[0]: print('error!',num_sample,f_list.shape[0]) fields = ['chrom','start','stop','serial','GC','GC_N','GC_skew'] file2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields) file2['chrom'], file2['start'], file2['stop'], file2['serial'] = chrom_ori, start_ori, stop_ori, serial_ori for i in range(0,3): file2[fields[i+4]] = f_list[:,i] file2.to_csv(output_filename,index=False,sep='\t') return f_list def generate_serial(filename1,chrom,start,stop): # chrom_vec = bn.sort(bn.uniq(chrom)) # print(chrom_vec) chrom_vec = [] for i in range(1,23): chrom_vec.apd('chr%d'%(i)) chrom_vec += ['chrX'] chrom_vec += ['chrY'] print(chrom_vec) # print(chrom) print(len(chrom)) data1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=None,sep='\t') ref_chrom, chrom_size = bn.asnumset(data1[0]), bn.asnumset(data1[1]) serial_start = 0 serial_vec = bn.zeros(len(chrom)) bin_size = stop[1]-start[1] print(bin_size) for chrom_id in chrom_vec: b1 = bn.filter_condition(ref_chrom==chrom_id)[0] t_size = chrom_size[b1[0]] b2 = bn.filter_condition(chrom==chrom_id)[0] if len(b1)>0: size1 = int(bn.ceil(t_size*1.0/bin_size)) serial = bn.int64(start[b2]/bin_size)+serial_start serial_vec[b2] = serial print(chrom_id,b2,len(serial),serial_start,size1) serial_start = serial_start+size1 else: print("error!") return return bn.int64(serial_vec) def generate_serial_local(filename1,chrom,start,stop,chrom_num): # chrom_vec = bn.sort(bn.uniq(chrom)) # print(chrom_vec) chrom_vec = [] for i in range(1,chrom_num+1): chrom_vec.apd('chr%d'%(i)) chrom_vec += ['chrX'] chrom_vec += ['chrY'] chrom_vec += ['chrM'] print(chrom_vec) print(chrom) print(len(chrom)) t_chrom = bn.uniq(chrom) data1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=None,sep='\t') ref_chrom, chrom_size = bn.asnumset(data1[0]), bn.asnumset(data1[1]) # serial_start = bn.zeros(len(chrom)) serial_start = 0 serial_start_1 = dict() serial_vec = bn.zeros(len(chrom)) bin_size = stop[1]-start[1] print(bin_size) for chrom_id in chrom_vec: b1 = bn.filter_condition(ref_chrom==chrom_id)[0] t_size = chrom_size[b1[0]] serial_start_1[chrom_id] = serial_start size1 = int(bn.ceil(t_size*1.0/bin_size)) serial_start = serial_start+size1 for chrom_id in t_chrom: b2 = bn.filter_condition(chrom==chrom_id) serial = bn.int64(start[b2]/bin_size)+serial_start_1[chrom_id] serial_vec[b2] = serial return bn.int64(serial_vec) def generate_serial_start(filename1,chrom,start,stop,chrom_num=19): # chrom_vec = bn.sort(bn.uniq(chrom)) # print(chrom_vec) chrom_vec = [] for i in range(1,chrom_num+1): chrom_vec.apd('chr%d'%(i)) chrom_vec += ['chrX'] chrom_vec += ['chrY'] print(chrom_vec) print(chrom) print(len(chrom)) data1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=None,sep='\t') ref_chrom, chrom_size = bn.asnumset(data1[0]), bn.asnumset(data1[1]) serial_start = 0 serial_vec = -bn.create_ones(len(chrom)) bin_size = stop[1]-start[1] print(bin_size) start_vec = dict() for chrom_id in chrom_vec: start_vec[chrom_id] = serial_start b1 = bn.filter_condition(ref_chrom==chrom_id)[0] t_size = chrom_size[b1[0]] b2 = bn.filter_condition(chrom==chrom_id)[0] if len(b1)>0: size1 = int(bn.ceil(t_size*1.0/bin_size)) serial = bn.int64(start[b2]/bin_size)+serial_start serial_vec[b2] = serial print(chrom_id,b2,len(serial),serial_start,size1) serial_start = serial_start+size1 else: print("error!") return return bn.int64(serial_vec), start_vec def shuffle_numset(vec): num1 = len(vec) idx = bn.random.permutation(num1) vec = vec[idx] return vec, idx # ibnut: estimated attention, type_id: training, validation, or test data # output: ranking of attention def select_region1_sub(filename,type_id): data1 = pd.read_csv(filename,sep='\t') colnames = list(data1) # chrom start stop serial signal predicted_signal predicted_attention chrom, start, serial = data1['chrom'], data1['start'], data1['serial'] chrom, start, serial = bn.asnumset(chrom), bn.asnumset(start), bn.asnumset(serial) predicted_attention = data1['predicted_attention'] predicted_attention = bn.asnumset(predicted_attention) ranking = stats.rankdata(predicted_attention,'average')/len(predicted_attention) rank1 = bn.zeros((len(predicted_attention),2)) rank1[:,0] = ranking chrom_vec = bn.uniq(chrom) for t_chrom in chrom_vec: b1 = bn.filter_condition(chrom==t_chrom)[0] t_attention = predicted_attention[b1] t_ranking = stats.rankdata(t_attention,'average')/len(t_attention) rank1[b1,1] = t_ranking data1['Q1'] = rank1[:,0] # rank across total the included chromosomes data1['Q2'] = rank1[:,1] # rank by each chromosome data1['typeId'] = bn.int8(type_id*bn.create_ones(len(rank1))) return data1,chrom_vec # merge estimated attention from differenceerent training/test sep_splits # type_id1: chromosome order; type_id2: training: 0, test: 1, valid: 2 def select_region1_merge(filename_list,output_filename,type_id1=0,type_id2=1): list1 = [] chrom_numList = [] # b1 = bn.filter_condition((self.chrom!='chrX')&(self.chrom!='chrY'))[0] # ref_chrom, ref_start, ref_serial = self.chrom[b1], self.start[b1], self.serial[b1] # num_sameple = len(ref_chrom) i = 0 serial1 = [] num1 = len(filename_list) vec1 = list(range(num1)) if type_id1==1: vec1 = list(range(num1-1,-1,-1)) for i in vec1: filename1 = filename_list[i] # data1: chrom, start, stop, serial, signal, predicted_signal, predicted_attention, Q1, Q2, typeId # typeId: training: 0, test: 1, valid: 2 data1, chrom_vec = select_region1_sub(filename1,type_id2) print(filename1,len(data1)) # list1.apd(data1) # if i==0: # serial1 = bn.asnumset(data1['serial']) t_serial = bn.asnumset(data1['serial'],dtype=bn.int64) t_serial2 = bn.setdifference1d(t_serial,serial1) serial1 = bn.union1d(serial1,t_serial) id1 = mapping_Idx(t_serial,t_serial2) colnames = list(data1) data1 = data1.loc[id1,colnames] list1.apd(data1) chrom_numList.apd(chrom_vec) data2 = pd.concat(list1, axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True, keys=None, levels=None, names=None, verify_integrity=False, copy=True) print('sort') data2 = data2.sort_values(by=['serial']) data2.to_csv(output_filename,index=False,sep='\t') return data2, chrom_numList class Reader(object): def __init__(self, ref_filename, feature_idvec = [1,1,1,1]): # Initializes RepliSeq self.ref_filename = ref_filename self.feature_idvec = feature_idvec def generate_serial(self,filename1,filename2,output_filename,header=None): data1 = pd.read_csv(filename2, header=header, sep='\t') colnames = list(data1) chrom, start, stop = bn.asnumset(data1[colnames[0]]), bn.asnumset(data1[colnames[1]]), bn.asnumset(data1[colnames[2]]) serial_vec, start_vec = generate_serial_start(filename1,chrom,start,stop) if output_filename!=None: colnames2 = colnames[0:3]+['serial']+colnames[3:] data2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames2) data2['serial'] = serial_vec for colname1 in colnames: data2[colname1] = data1[colname1] flag = False if header!=None: flag = True data2.to_csv(output_filename,header=flag,index=False,sep='\t') return serial_vec, start_vec def load_motif(self,filename1,motif_filename,output_filename): # output_filename = None # ref_filename = 'hg38.5k.serial.bed' # motif_filename = 'hg38.motif.count.txt' # output_filename1 = None mtx1, chrom, start, stop, colnames = read_motif_1(motif_filename) serial_vec, start_vec = generate_serial_start(filename1,chrom,start,stop) if output_filename!=None: colnames2 = ['chrom','start','stop','serial'] data2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames2) data2['chrom'], data2['start'], data2['stop'], data2['serial'] = chrom, start, stop, serial_vec data3 = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames[3:],data=mtx1) data1 = pd.concat([data2,data3], axis=1, join='outer', ignore_index=True, keys=None, levels=None, names=None, verify_integrity=False, copy=True) data1.to_csv(output_filename,header=True,index=False,sep='\t') print('data1',data1.shape) return True class ConvergenceMonitor(object): _template = "{iter:>10d} {logprob:>16.4f} {delta:>+16.4f}" def __init__(self, tol, n_iter, verbose): self.tol = tol self.n_iter = n_iter self.verbose = verbose self.history = deque(get_maxlen=2) self.iter = 0 def __repr__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ params = dict(vars(self), history=list(self.history)) return "{0}({1})".format( class_name, _pprint(params, offset=len(class_name))) def report(self, logprob): if self.verbose: delta = logprob - self.history[-1] if self.history else bn.nan message = self._template.format( iter=self.iter + 1, logprob=logprob, delta=delta) print(message, file=sys.standard_operr) self.history.apd(logprob) self.iter += 1 @property def converged(self): return (self.iter == self.n_iter or (len(self.history) == 2 and self.history[1] - self.history[0] < self.tol)) class _Base1(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, file_path, species_id, resolution, run_id, generate, chromvec,test_chromvec, featureid,type_id,cell,method,ftype,ftrans,tlist, flanking,normlizattionalize, config, attention=1,feature_dim_motif=1, kmer_size=[6,5]): # Initializes RepliSeq self.run_id = run_id self.cell = cell self.generate = generate self.train_chromvec = chromvec self.chromosome = chromvec[0] print('train_chromvec',train_chromvec) print('test_chromvec',test_chromvec) self.test_chromvec = test_chromvec self.config = config self.n_epochs = config['n_epochs'] self.species_id = species_id self.type_id = type_id self.cell_type = cell self.cell_type1 = config['celltype_id'] self.method = method self.ftype = ftype self.ftrans = ftrans[0] self.ftrans1 = ftrans[1] self.t_list = tlist self.flanking = flanking self.flanking1 = 3 self.normlizattionalize = normlizattionalize self.batch_size = config['batch_size'] # config = dict(output_dim=hidden_unit,fc1_output_dim=fc1,fc2_output_dim=fc2,units1=units1[0], # units2=units1[1],n_epochs=n_epochs,batch_size=batch_size) # config['feature_dim_vec'] = units1[2:] self.tol = config['tol'] self.attention = attention self.attention_vec = [12,17,22,32,51,52,58,60] self.attention_vec1 = [1] = config['lr'] self.step = config['step'] self.feature_type = -1 self.kmer_size = kmer_size self.activation = config['activation'] self.get_min_delta = config['get_min_delta'] self.chromvec_sel = chromvec self.feature_dim_transform = config['feature_dim_transform'] feature_idvec = [1,1,1,1] # ref_filename = 'hg38_5k_serial.bed' if 'ref_filename' in config: ref_filename = config['ref_filename'] else: ref_filename = 'hg38_5k_serial.bed' self.reader = Reader(ref_filename, feature_idvec) self.predict_type_id = 0 self.method = method self.train = self.config['train_mode'] self.path = file_path self.model_path = '%s/test_%d.h5'%(self.path,run_id) self.pos_code = config['pos_code'] self.feature_dim_select1 = config['feature_dim_select'] self.method_vec = [[11,31],[22,32,52,17,51,58,60],[56,62]] self.resolution = resolution # if self.species_id=='mm10': # self.cell_type1 = config['cell_type1'] if 'cell_type1' in self.config: self.cell_type1 = config['cell_type1'] if ('load_type' in self.config) and (self.config['load_type']==1): self.load_type = 1 else: self.load_type = 0 if (method>10) and not(method in [56]) : self.predict_context = 1 else: self.predict_context = 0 if ftype[0]==-5: self.feature_idx1= -5 # full_value_func dimensions elif ftype[0]==-6: self.feature_idx1 = -6 # frequency dimensions else: self.feature_idx1 = ftype if 'est_attention_type1' in self.config: self.est_attention_type1 = self.config['est_attention_type1'] else: self.est_attention_type1 = 1 if 'est_attention_sel1' in self.config: self.est_attention_sel1 = self.config['est_attention_sel1'] else: self.est_attention_sel1 = 0 # self.feature_idx = [0,2] self.feature_idx = featureid self.x, self.y = dict(), dict() # feature matrix and signals self.vec = dict() # serial self.vec_local = dict() if self.species_id.find('hg')>=0: self.chrom_num = 22 elif self.species_id.find('mm')>=0: self.chrom_num = 19 else: self.chrom_num = -1 self.region_list_test, self.region_list_train, self.region_list_valid = [],[],[] if 'region_list_test' in config: self.region_list_test = config['region_list_test'] if 'region_list_train' in config: self.region_list_train = config['region_list_train'] if 'region_list_valid' in config: self.region_list_valid = config['region_list_valid'] flag = False if 'scale' in config: flag = True self.scale = config['scale'] else: self.scale = [0,1] if ('activation_basic' in config) and (config['activation_basic']=='tanh'): if (flag==True) and (self.scale[0]>=0): flag = False if flag==False: self.scale = [-1,1] self.region_boundary = [] self.serial_vec = [] self.f_mtx = [] print('scale',self.scale) print(self.test_chromvec) filename1 = '%s_chr%s-chr%s_chr%s-chr%s'%(self.cell_type, self.train_chromvec[0], self.train_chromvec[-1], self.test_chromvec[0], self.test_chromvec[-1]) self.filename_load = filename1 print(self.filename_load,self.method,self.predict_context,self.attention) self.set_generate(generate,filename1) def load_ref_serial(self, ref_filename, header=None): if header==None: file1 = pd.read_csv(ref_filename,header=header,sep='\t') else: file1 = pd.read_csv(ref_filename,sep='\t') colnames = list(file1) # col1, col2, col3 = '%s.chrom'%(species_name), '%s.start'%(species_name), '%s.stop'%(species_name) col1, col2, col3, col_serial = colnames[0], colnames[1], colnames[2], colnames[3] self.chrom_ori, self.start_ori, self.stop_ori, self.serial_ori = bn.asnumset(file1[col1]), bn.asnumset(file1[col2]), bn.asnumset(file1[col3]), bn.asnumset(file1[col_serial]) print('load ref serial', self.serial_ori.shape) return self.serial_ori # load local serial and signal def load_local_serial(self, filename1, header=None, region_list=[], type_id2=1, signal_normlizattionalize=1,region_list_1=[]): if header==None: file2 = pd.read_csv(filename1,header=header,sep='\t') else: file2 = pd.read_csv(filename1,sep='\t') colnames = list(file2) col1, col2, col3, col_serial = colnames[0], colnames[1], colnames[2], colnames[3] # sort the table by serial file2 = file2.sort_values(by=[col_serial]) self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial = bn.asnumset(file2[col1]), bn.asnumset(file2[col2]), bn.asnumset(file2[col3]), bn.asnumset(file2[col_serial]) b = bn.filter_condition((self.chrom!='chrX')&(self.chrom!='chrY')&(self.chrom!='chrM'))[0] self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial = self.chrom[b], self.start[b], self.stop[b], self.serial[b] if self.chrom_num>0: chrom_num = self.chrom_num else: chrom_num = len(bn.uniq(self.chrom)) chrom_vec = [str(i) for i in range(1,chrom_num+1)] print('chrom_vec', chrom_vec) self.bin_size = self.stop[1]-self.start[1] scale = self.scale if len(colnames)>=5: col_signal = colnames[4] self.signal = bn.asnumset(file2[col_signal]) self.signal = self.signal[b] self.signal_pre = self.signal.copy() if signal_normlizattionalize==1: if self.run_id>10: # self.signal = signal_normlizattionalize(self.signal,[0,1]) # normlizattionalize signals self.signal_pre1, id1, signal_vec1 = self.signal_normlizattionalize_chrom(self.chrom,self.signal,chrom_vec,scale) if not('train_signal_update' in self.config) or (self.config['train_signal_update']==1): train_signal, id2, signal_vec2 = self.signal_normlizattionalize_chrom(self.chrom,self.signal,self.train_chromvec,scale) id_1 = mapping_Idx(id1,id2) self.signal = self.signal_pre1.copy() self.signal[id_1] = train_signal else: self.signal = self.signal_pre1.copy() else: print('signal_normlizattionalize_bychrom') self.signal, id1, signal_vec = self.signal_normlizattionalize_bychrom(self.chrom,self.signal,chrom_vec,scale) else: self.signal = bn.create_ones(len(b)) # print(self.signal.shape) print('load local serial', self.serial.shape, self.signal.shape, bn.get_max(self.signal), bn.get_min(self.signal)) if 'tol_region_search' in self.config: tol = self.config['tol_region_search'] else: tol = 2 # only train or predict on some regions print('load_local_serial',len(self.chrom)) if len(region_list_1)>0: num1 = len(region_list_1) list1 = [] for i in range(num1): t_region = region_list_1[i] t_chrom, t_start, t_stop = 'chr%d'%(t_region[0]), t_region[1], t_region[2] t_id1 = bn.filter_condition((self.chrom==t_chrom)&(self.start<t_stop)&(self.stop>t_start))[0] list1.extend(t_id1) b1 = bn.asnumset(list1) self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial = self.chrom[b1], self.start[b1], self.stop[b1], self.serial[b1] print('load_local_serial',num1,len(self.chrom)) print(region_list_1) if len(region_list)>0: # print('load_local_serial',region_list) # id1, region_list = self.region_search_1(chrom,start,stop,serial,region_list) id1, region_list = self.region_search_1(self.chrom,self.start,self.stop,self.serial,region_list,type_id2,tol) self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial, self.signal = self.chrom[id1], self.start[id1], self.stop[id1], self.serial[id1], self.signal[id1] id2 = self.region_search_boundary(self.chrom,self.start,self.stop,self.serial,region_list) # print('region_search_boundary', id2[:,0], self.start[id2[:,1:3]],self.stop[id2[:,1:3]]) self.region_boundary = id2 # print(self.serial[id2[:,1:3]]) print('region_boundary',id2) # return else: print('load_local_serial',region_list) # assert len(region_list)>0 # return return self.serial, self.signal # training, validation and test data index def prep_training_test(self,train_sel_list_ori): train_id1, test_id1, y_signal_train1, y_signal_test, train1_sel_list, test_sel_list = self.generate_train_test_1(train_sel_list_ori) self.idx_list = {'test':test_id1} self.y_signal = {'test':y_signal_test} if len(y_signal_test)>0: print('y_signal_test',bn.get_max(y_signal_test),bn.get_min(y_signal_test)) if len(y_signal_train1)>0: print('y_signal_train',bn.get_max(y_signal_train1),bn.get_min(y_signal_train1)) self.idx_list.update({'train':[],'valid':[]}) else: return # y_signal_test_ori = signal_normlizattionalize(y_signal_test,[0,1]) # shuffle numset # x_test_trans, shuffle_id2 = shuffle_numset(x_test_trans) # test_sel_list = test_sel_list[shuffle_id2] # x_train1_trans, shuffle_id1 = shuffle_numset(x_train1_trans) # train_sel_list = train_sel_list[shuffle_id1] print(train1_sel_list[0:5]) # sep_split training and validation data if 'ratio1' in self.config: ratio = self.config['ratio1'] else: ratio = 0.95 if 'type_id1' in self.config: type_id_1 = self.config['type_id1'] else: type_id_1 = 0 idx_train, idx_valid, idx_test = self.generate_index_1(train1_sel_list, test_sel_list, ratio, type_id_1) print('idx_train,idx_valid,idx_test', len(idx_train), len(idx_valid), len(idx_test)) if (len(self.region_list_train)>0) or (len(self.region_list_valid)>0): idx_train, idx_valid = self.generate_train_test_2(train1_sel_list,idx_train,idx_valid) print('idx_train,idx_valid', len(idx_train), len(idx_valid)) train_sel_list, val_sel_list = train1_sel_list[idx_train], train1_sel_list[idx_valid] self.idx_list.update({'train':train_id1[idx_train],'valid':train_id1[idx_valid]}) self.idx_train_val = {'train':idx_train,'valid':idx_valid} self.y_signal.update({'train':y_signal_train1[idx_train],'valid':y_signal_train1[idx_valid]}) return train_sel_list, val_sel_list, test_sel_list # prepare data from predefined features: kmer frequency feature and motif feature def prep_data_sub2(self,path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim1,feature_dim2,flag_1): species_id = self.species_id celltype_id = self.cell_type1 if species_id=='mm10': kmer_dim_ori, motif_dim_ori = 100, 50 filename1 = '%s/%s_%d_%d_%d.bny'%(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,kmer_dim_ori,motif_dim_ori) # filename2 = 'test_%s_genome%d_kmer7.h5'%(species_id,celltype_id) filename2 = '%s_%d_kmer7_0_200_trans.h5'%(species_id,celltype_id) else: kmer_dim_ori, motif_dim_ori = 50, 50 filename1 = '%s/%s_%d_%d_%d.bny'%(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,kmer_dim_ori,motif_dim_ori) # filename2 = 'test_%s_kmer7.h5'%(species_id) filename2 = '%s_kmer7_0_200_trans.h5'%(species_id) kmer_size1, kmer_size2, kmer_size3 = 5,6,7 x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = [], [] flag1, flag2 = 0, 0 flag3 = True # if kmer_size2 in self.kmer_size: if flag3==True: if os.path.exists(filename1)==True: print("loading data...") data1 = bn.load(filename1,totalow_pickle=True) data_1 = data1[()] x_train1_trans_ori, train_sel_list_ori = bn.asnumset(data_1['x1']), bn.asnumset(data_1['idx']) print('train_sel_list',train_sel_list_ori.shape) print('x_train1_trans',x_train1_trans_ori.shape) if kmer_size2 in self.kmer_size: flag1 = 1 serial1 = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] dim1 = x_train1_trans_ori.shape[1] if (self.feature_dim_motif==0) or (flag_1==True): x_train1_trans = x_train1_trans_ori[:,0:-motif_dim_ori] else: # d1 = bn.get_min((dim1-motif_dim_ori+feature_dim2,d1)) # d2 = dim1-motif_dim_ori # sel_id1 = list(range(21))+list(range(21,21+feature_dim1)) # x_train1_trans_1 = x_train1_trans[:,sel_id1] # x_train1_trans_2 = x_train1_trans[:,d2:d1] x_train1_trans_1 = x_train1_trans_ori[:,0:dim1-motif_dim_ori] x_train1_trans_2 = x_train1_trans_ori[:,dim1-motif_dim_ori:] else: print('data not found!') print(filename1) return x_train1_trans, trans_sel_list_ori if kmer_size3 in self.kmer_size: with h5py.File(filename2,'r') as fid: serial2 = fid["serial"][:] feature_mtx = fid["vec"][:] # feature_mtx = feature_mtx[:,0:kmer_dim_ori] print(serial2) print(len(serial2),feature_mtx.shape) flag2 = 1 if flag1==1: if flag2==1: t_serial = bn.intersect1d(serial1,serial2) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,t_serial) id2 = mapping_Idx(serial2,t_serial) if 'feature_dim_transform_1' in self.config: sel_idx = self.config['feature_dim_transform_1'] sel_id1, sel_id2 = list(0,21)+list(range(sel_idx[0])), range(sel_idx[1]) else: sel_id1 = list(0,21)+list(range(10)) sel_id2 = range(feature_dim1-sel_idx1) if (self.feature_dim_motif==0) or (flag_1==True): x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans[id1,sel_id1],feature_mtx[id2,sel_id2])) else: x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans_1[id1,sel_id1],feature_mtx[id2,sel_id2],x_train1_trans_2[id1,0:feature_dim2])) train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] else: pass elif flag2==1: t_serial = bn.intersect1d(serial1,serial2) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,t_serial) id2 = mapping_Idx(serial2,t_serial) x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans_ori[id1,0:2],feature_mtx[id2,0:feature_dim1])) train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] self.feature_dim_select1 = -1 if (self.feature_dim_motif==1) and (flag_1==False): x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans,x_train1_trans_2[id1,0:feature_dim2])) # id1 = mapping_Idx(self.serial_ori,serial2) # b1 = (id1>=0) # id1 = id1[b1] # serial2, feature_mtx = serial2[b1], feature_mtx[b1] # chrom1 = self.chrom_ori[id1] # chrom2 = bn.zeros(len(serial2),dtype=bn.int32) # chrom_vec = bn.uniq(chrom1) # for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # b2 = bn.filter_condition(chrom1==chrom_id)[0] # chrom_id1 = int(chrom_id[3:]) # chrom2[b2] = chrom_id1 # x_train1_trans = feature_mtx[:,0:feature_dim1] # trans_sel_list_ori = bn.vpile_operation((chrom2,serial2)).T else: print('data not found!') return x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori # prepare data from predefined features def prep_data_sub1(self,path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform,load_type=0): self.feature_dim_transform = feature_dim_transform # map_idx = mapping_Idx(serial_ori,serial) sub_sample_ratio = 1 shuffle = 0 normlizattionalize, flanking, attention, run_id = self.normlizattionalize, self.flanking, self.attention, self.run_id config = self.config vec2 = dict() tol = self.tol L = flanking # print("feature transform") # filename1 = '%s/%s_%d_%d_%d.bny'%(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform[0],feature_dim_transform[1]) print(self.species_id) t_featuredim1, t_featuredim2 = feature_dim_transform[0], feature_dim_transform[1] flag1 = False if self.species_id=='hg38': if 'motif_trans_typeid' in self.config: flag1 = True if (self.species_id=='mm10'): flag1 = True if (t_featuredim1>0) or (flag1==False): x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = self.prep_data_sub2(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,t_featuredim1,t_featuredim2,flag1) if len(x_train1_trans)==0: print('data not found!') return -1 if t_featuredim2>0: print('train_sel_list',train_sel_list_ori.shape) print('x_train1_trans',x_train1_trans.shape) if (self.feature_dim_motif>=1) and (flag1==True): if self.species_id=='mm10': annot1 = '%s_%d_motif'%(self.species_id,self.cell_type1) else: annot1 = '%s_motif'%(self.species_id) motif_trans_typeid = self.config['motif_trans_typeid'] motif_featuredim = self.config['motif_featuredim'] motif_filename = '%s_%d_%d_trans.h5'%(annot1,motif_trans_typeid,motif_featuredim) if motif_featuredim<t_featuredim2: print('error! %d %d',motif_featuredim,t_featuredim2) t_featuredim2 = motif_featuredim with h5py.File(motif_filename,'r') as fid: serial_1 = fid["serial"][:] motif_data = fid["vec"][:] print(len(serial_1),motif_data.shape) serial1 = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] serial2 = serial_1 t_serial = bn.intersect1d(serial1,serial2) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,t_serial) id2 = mapping_Idx(serial2,t_serial) x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans[id1],motif_data[id2,0:t_featuredim2])) train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] # train_sel_list_ori2 = serial_1[id2] else: print("data not found!") return x_train1_trans = self.feature_dim_select(x_train1_trans,feature_dim_transform) # feature loaded not specific to cell type if load_type==1: return x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori list1 = ['motif_feature','feature2'] for t_feature in list1: if (t_feature in self.config) and (self.config[t_feature]==1): if t_feature=='feature2': pre_config = self.config['pre_config'] if self.chrom_num>0: chrom_num = self.chrom_num else: chrom_num = len(bn.uniq(self.chrom)) chrom_vec = list(range(1,chrom_num+1)) feature_mtx2, serial_2 = self.prep_data_sequence_3(pre_config,chrom_vec) else: x = 1 x_train1_trans_ori1 = x_train1_trans.copy() train_sel_list_ori1 = train_sel_list_ori.copy() serial1 = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] serial2 = serial_2[:,1] t_serial = bn.intersect1d(serial1,serial2) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,t_serial)[0] id2 = mapping_Idx(serial2,t_serial)[0] x_train1_trans = bn.hpile_operation((x_train1_trans[id1],feature_mtx2[id2])) train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] train_sel_list_ori2 = serial_2[id2] b1 = bn.filter_condition(train_sel_list_ori[:,0]!=train_sel_list_ori2[:,0])[0] if len(b1)>0: print('error! train_sel_list_ori',len(b1)) if ('centromere' in self.config) and (self.config['centromere']==1): regionlist_filename = 'hg38.centromere.bed' serial1 = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] serial_list1, centromere_serial = self.select_region(serial1, regionlist_filename) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,serial_list1) id1 = id1[id1>=0] x_train1_trans = x_train1_trans[id1] train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] print(x_train1_trans.shape,train_sel_list_ori.shape) print('positional encoding', self.pos_code) print('feature dim',x_train1_trans.shape) self.feature_dim = x_train1_trans.shape[1] start = time.time() if self.pos_code ==1: x_train1_trans = self.positional_encoding1(x_train1_trans,train_sel_list_ori,self.feature_dim) print(x_train1_trans.shape) stop = time.time() print('positional encoding', stop-start) ## shuffle numset if ('shuffle' in self.config) and (self.config['shuffle']==1): x_train1_trans, shuffle_id1 = shuffle_numset(x_train1_trans) print('numset shuffled') # bn.random.shuffle(x_tran1_trans) # train_sel_list = train_sel_list[shuffle_id1] elif ('noise' in self.config) and (self.config['noise']>0): if self.config['noise']==1: x_train1_trans = bn.zeros_like(x_train1_trans) print('x_train1_trans, noise 1', x_train1_trans[0:5]) elif self.config['noise']==2: x_train1_trans = bn.random.uniform(0,1,x_train1_trans.shape) else: x_train1_trans = bn.random.normlizattional(0,1,x_train1_trans.shape) else: pass if 'sub_sample_ratio' in self.config: sub_sample_ratio = self.config['sub_sample_ratio'] num_sample = len(train_sel_list_ori) sub_sample = int(num_sample*sub_sample_ratio) train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[0:sub_sample] x_train1_trans = x_train1_trans[0:sub_sample] # align train_sel_list_ori and serial print(train_sel_list_ori.shape,len(self.serial)) id1 = mapping_Idx(train_sel_list_ori[:,1],self.serial) id2 = (id1>=0) print('mapping',len(self.serial),bn.total_count(id2),len(self.serial),len(id2)) # self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial, self.signal = self.chrom[id2], self.start[id2], self.stop[id2], self.serial[id2], self.signal[id2] self.local_serial_1(id2) id1 = id1[id2] train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] x_train1_trans = x_train1_trans[id1] self.x_train1_trans = x_train1_trans self.train_sel_list = train_sel_list_ori return x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori def output_generate_sequences(self,idx_sel_list,seq_list): num1 = len(seq_list) t_serial1 = idx_sel_list[:,1] seq_list = bn.asnumset(seq_list) t_serial = t_serial1[seq_list] id1 = mapping_Idx(self.serial,t_serial[:,0]) chrom1, start1, stop1 = self.chrom[id1], self.start[id1], self.stop[id1] id2 = mapping_Idx(self.serial,t_serial[:,1]) chrom2, start2, stop2 = self.chrom[id2], self.start[id2], self.stop[id2] fields = ['chrom','start','stop','serial1','serial2'] data1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields) data1['chrom'], data1['start'], data1['stop'] = chrom1, start1, stop2 data1['serial1'], data1['serial2'] = t_serial[:,0], t_serial[:,1] data1['region_len'] = t_serial[:,1]-t_serial[:,0]+1 output_filename = 'test_seqList_%d_%d.txt'%(idx_sel_list[0][0],idx_sel_list[0][1]) data1.to_csv(output_filename,index=False,sep='\t') return True # prepare data from predefined features def prep_data(self,path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform): x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = self.prep_data_sub1(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform) train_sel_list, val_sel_list, test_sel_list = self.prep_training_test(train_sel_list_ori) # keys = ['train','valid','test'] keys = ['train','valid'] # self.idx_sel_list = {'train':train1_sel_list,'valid':val_sel_list,'test':test_sel_list} idx_sel_list = {'train':train_sel_list,'valid':val_sel_list,'test':test_sel_list} # self.idx_sel_list = idx_sel_list # seq_list_train, seq_list_valid: both loctotaly calculated self.seq_list = dict() start = time.time() for i in keys: self.seq_list[i] = generate_sequences(idx_sel_list[i],region_list=self.region_boundary) print(len(self.seq_list[i])) self.output_generate_sequences(idx_sel_list[i],self.seq_list[i]) stop = time.time() print('generate_sequences', stop-start) # generate initial state index self.init_id = dict() self.init_index(keys) # training and validation data # x_train1_trans = self.x_train1_trans for i in keys: idx = self.idx_list[i] if self.method<5 or self.method in [56]: self.x[i] = x_train1_trans[idx] self.y[i] = self.y_signal[i] print(self.x[i].shape, self.y[i].shape) else: idx_sel_list = self.train_sel_list[idx] start = time.time() x, y, self.vec[i], self.vec_local[i] = sample_select2a1(x_train1_trans[idx],self.y_signal[i], idx_sel_list, self.seq_list[i], self.tol, self.flanking) stop = time.time() print('sample_select2a1',stop-start) # concate context for baseline methods if self.method<=10: # x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_sep_split(x_train1, y_train1, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) x = x.change_shape_to(x.shape[0],x.shape[1]*x.shape[-1]) y = y[:,self.flanking] self.x[i], self.y[i] = x, y print(self.x[i].shape, self.y[i].shape) return True # prepare data from predefined features def prep_data_1(self,path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform, n_fold=5, ratio=0.9, type_id=1): x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = self.prep_data_sub1(path1,file_prefix,type_id2,feature_dim_transform) print(train_sel_list_ori) id1 = mapping_Idx(train_sel_list_ori[:,1],self.serial) id2 = (id1>=0) print('mapping',len(self.serial),bn.total_count(id2)) self.chrom, self.start, self.stop, self.serial, self.signal = self.chrom[id2], self.start[id2], self.stop[id2], self.serial[id2], self.signal[id2] id1 = id1[id2] train_sel_list_ori = train_sel_list_ori[id1] self.x_train1_trans = self.x_train1_trans[id1] print(train_sel_list_ori.shape,self.x_train1_trans.shape) id_vec = self.generate_index_2(train_sel_list_ori, n_fold=n_fold, ratio=ratio, type_id=type_id) return id_vec def find_serial_ori_1_local(self,chrom_vec,type_id2=1): # filename1 = 'mm10_%d_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.config['cell_type1'],chrom_id1) self.species_id = 'mm10' self.cell_type1 = self.config['cell_type1'] file_path1 = '/work/magroup/yy3/data1/replication_tiget_ming3/mouse' # filename1 = '%s/mm10_5k_seq_genome%d_1.txt'%(file_path1,self.config['cell_type1']) chrom_id1 = 'chr1' filename1 = '%s_%d_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,self.cell_type1,chrom_id1) list1, list2 = [], [] serial_vec = [] print(filename1) if os.path.exists(filename1)==False: # prepare data from predefined features # one hot encoded feature vectors for each chromosome self.prep_data_sequence_ori() print('prep_data_sequence_ori',filename1) for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # if chrom_id<22: # continue chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) # if self.config['species_id']==0: # filename2 = 'mm10_%d_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.config['cell_type1'],chrom_id1) # else: # filename2 = '%s_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,chrom_id1) filename2 = '%s_%d_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,self.cell_type1,chrom_id1) with h5py.File(filename2,'r') as fid: serial1 = fid["serial"][:] if type_id2==1: seq1 = fid["vec"][:] list2.extend(seq1) list1.extend([chrom_id]*len(serial1)) serial_vec.extend(serial1) print(chrom_id,len(serial1)) list1, serial_vec = bn.asnumset(list1), bn.asnumset(serial_vec) serial_vec = bn.hpile_operation((list1[:,bn.newaxis],serial_vec)) f_mtx = bn.asnumset(list2) # data_1 = pd.read_csv(filename1,sep='\t') # colnames = list(data_1) # local_serial = bn.asnumset(data_1['serial']) # local_seq = bn.asnumset(data_1['seq']) # print('local_seq', local_seq.shape) # serial_vec = local_serial # f_mtx = local_seq # filename2 = '%s/mm10_5k_serial.bed'%(file_path1) # file2 = pd.read_csv(filename2,header=None,sep='\t') # ref_chrom, ref_start, ref_stop, ref_serial = bn.asnumset(file2[0]), bn.asnumset(file2[1]), bn.asnumset(file2[2]), bn.asnumset(file2[3]) # # assert list(local_serial==list(ref_serial)) # id_vec1 = [] # for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # # if chrom_id<22: # # continue # # chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) # id1 = bn.filter_condition(ref_chrom=='chr%d'%(chrom_id))[0] # id_vec1.extend(id1) # print(chrom_id,len(id1)) # id_vec1 = bn.asnumset(id_vec1) # ref_chrom_1, ref_serial_1 = ref_chrom[id_vec1], ref_serial[id_vec1] # print('ref chrom local', len(ref_chrom_1), len(ref_serial_1)) # id1 = utility_1.mapping_Idx(ref_serial_1,local_serial) # id2 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] # id1 = id1[id2] # # assert len(id2)==len(id1) # chrom1 = ref_chrom_1[id1] # local_chrom = [int(chrom1[3:]) for chrom1 in ref_chrom_1] # local_chrom = bn.asnumset(local_chrom) # local_serial, local_seq = local_serial[id2], local_seq[id2] # serial_vec = bn.pile_operation_col((local_chrom,local_serial)) # f_mtx = bn.asnumset(local_seq) return serial_vec, f_mtx # find serial and feature vectors # ibnut: type_id1: load sequence feature or kmer frequency feature, motif feature # type_id2: load serial or feature vectors def find_serial_ori_1(self,file_path,file_prefix,chrom_vec,type_id1=0,type_id2=0,select_config={}): # load the sequences if type_id1==0: # list2 = bn.zeros((interval,region_unit_size,4),dtype=bn.int8) filename1 = '%s_serial_2.txt'%(self.species_id) list1, list2 = [], [] serial_vec = [] if (os.path.exists(filename1)==False) or (type_id2==1): if self.config['species_id']==0: serial_vec, list2 = self.find_serial_ori_1_local(chrom_vec) else: for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # if chrom_id<22: # continue chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) filename2 = '%s_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,chrom_id1) with h5py.File(filename2,'r') as fid: serial1 = fid["serial"][:] if type_id2==1: seq1 = fid["vec"][:] list2.extend(seq1) list1.extend([chrom_id]*len(serial1)) serial_vec.extend(serial1) print(chrom_id,len(serial1)) list1, serial_vec = bn.asnumset(list1), bn.asnumset(serial_vec) serial_vec = bn.hpile_operation((list1[:,bn.newaxis],serial_vec)) bn.savetxt(filename1,serial_vec,fmt='%d',delimiter='\t') else: serial_vec = bn.loadtxt(filename1,dtype=bn.int64) if serial_vec.shape[-1]>2: cnt1 = serial_vec[:,-1] b1 = bn.filter_condition(cnt1>0)[0] ratio1 = len(b1)/len(serial_vec) print('sequence with N', len(b1),len(serial_vec),ratio1) # serial_vec = serial_vec[:,0] f_mtx = bn.asnumset(list2) elif type_id1==2: filename1 = select_config['ibnut_filename1'] layer_name = select_config['layer_name'] with h5py.File(filename1,'r') as fid: f_mtx = bn.asnumset(fid[layer_name][:],dtype=bn.float32) print(f_mtx.shape) serial_vec = fid["serial"][:] assert len(serial_vec )==f_mtx.shape[0] print(serial_vec[0:5]) else: # load kmer frequency features and motif features load_type_id2 = 0 x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = self.prep_data_sub1(file_path,file_prefix,load_type_id2,self.feature_dim_transform,load_type=1) # serial_vec = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] serial_vec = bn.asnumset(train_sel_list_ori) f_mtx = bn.asnumset(x_train1_trans) return serial_vec, f_mtx def find_serial_ori(self,file_path,file_prefix,type_id1=0,type_id2=0,select_config={}): chrom_vec = bn.uniq(self.chrom) chrom_vec1 = [] for chrom_id in chrom_vec: try: id1 = chrom_id.find('chr') if id1>=0: chrom_id1 = int(chrom_id[3:]) chrom_vec1.apd(chrom_id1) except: continue chrom_vec1 = bn.sort(chrom_vec1) serial_vec, f_mtx = self.find_serial_ori_1(file_path,file_prefix,chrom_vec1, type_id1=type_id1,type_id2=type_id2, select_config=select_config) self.serial_vec = serial_vec self.f_mtx = f_mtx # list2 = bn.zeros((interval,region_unit_size,4),dtype=bn.int8) print(len(self.chrom),len(self.serial)) # cnt1 = serial_vec[:,1] # b1 = bn.filter_condition(cnt1>0)[0] # ratio1 = len(b1)/len(serial_vec) # print(len(b1),len(serial_vec),ratio1) id1 = mapping_Idx(serial_vec[:,1],self.serial) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] self.local_serial_1(b1,type_id=0) print(len(self.chrom),len(self.serial)) return True def prep_data_2(self,file_path,file_prefix,seq_len_thresh=50): self.find_serial_ori(file_path,file_prefix) chrom_vec = bn.uniq(self.chrom) chrom_vec1 = [] for chrom_id in chrom_vec: try: id1 = chrom_id.find('chr') if id1>=0: chrom_id1 = int(chrom_id[3:]) chrom_vec1.apd(chrom_id1) except: continue chrom_vec1 = bn.sort(chrom_vec1) sample_num = len(self.chrom) idx_sel_list = -bn.create_ones((sample_num,2),dtype=bn.int64) for chrom_id in chrom_vec1: chrom_id1 = 'chr%d'%(chrom_id) b1 = bn.filter_condition(self.chrom==chrom_id1)[0] idx_sel_list[b1,0] = [chrom_id]*len(b1) idx_sel_list[b1,1] = self.serial[b1] id1 = idx_sel_list[:,0]>=0 idx_sel_list = idx_sel_list[id1] sample_num = len(id1) y = self.signal[id1] x_mtx = idx_sel_list[id1] seq_list = generate_sequences(idx_sel_list, gap_tol=5, region_list=[]) seq_len = seq_list[:,1]-seq_list[:,0]+1 thresh1 = seq_len_thresh b1 = bn.filter_condition(seq_len>thresh1)[0] print(len(seq_list),len(b1)) seq_list = seq_list[b1] seq_len1 = seq_list[:,1]-seq_list[:,0]+1 print(sample_num,bn.total_count(seq_len1),seq_list.shape,bn.get_max(seq_len),bn.get_min(seq_len),bn.median(seq_len),bn.get_max(seq_len1),bn.get_min(seq_len1),bn.median(seq_len1)) self.output_generate_sequences(idx_sel_list,seq_list) t_mtx, signal_mtx, vec1_serial, vec1_local = sample_select2a1(x_mtx, y, idx_sel_list, seq_list, tol=self.tol, L=self.flanking) t_serial = vec1_serial[:,self.flanking] context_size = vec1_serial.shape[1] id1 = mapping_Idx(idx_sel_list[:,1],t_serial) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] if len(b1)!=len(vec1_serial): print('error!',len(b1),len(vec1_serial)) return -1 sel_id1 = id1[b1] # idx_sel_list1 = idx_sel_list[sel_id1] # label1 = y[sel_id1] t_chrom = idx_sel_list[sel_id1,0] print(t_chrom,t_serial) print(t_chrom.shape,t_serial.shape) print(vec1_serial.shape) list_ID = [] cnt1 = 0 interval = 200 list1, list2 = [],[] list3 = [] # region_unit_size = 5000 # list2 = bn.zeros((interval,region_unit_size,4),dtype=bn.int8) for chrom_id in chrom_vec1: # if chrom_id<22: # continue chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) filename1 = '%s_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,chrom_id1) t_id1 = bn.filter_condition(t_chrom==chrom_id)[0] t_serial1 = t_serial[t_id1] # serial by chromosome sample_num1 = len(t_serial1) num_segment = print(chrom_id1,num_segment,interval,sample_num1) with h5py.File(filename1,'r') as fid: serial1 = fid["serial"][:] seq1 = fid["vec"][:] serial1 = serial1[:,0] print(serial1.shape, seq1.shape) id1 = utility_1.mapping_Idx(serial1,t_serial1) id2 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] num1 = len(id2) segment_id = 0 t_signal_mtx = signal_mtx[t_id1[id2]] list3.extend(t_signal_mtx) for i in range(num1): cnt2 = i+1 t_id2 = id2[i] label_serial = t_serial1[t_id2] t_vec1_serial = vec1_serial[t_id1[t_id2]] id_1 = mapping_Idx(serial1,t_vec1_serial) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id_1>=0)[0] if len(b1)!=context_size: b2 = bn.filter_condition(id_1<0)[0] print('error!',chrom_id1,label_serial,t_vec1_serial[b2],len(b1),context_size) bn.savetxt('temp1.txt',serial1,fmt='%d',delimiter='\t') bn.savetxt('temp2.txt',t_vec1_serial,fmt='%d',delimiter='\t') return -1 t_mtx = seq1[id_1[b1]] list1.apd(t_vec1_serial) list2.apd(t_mtx) local_id = cnt2%interval label_id = cnt1 output_filename = 'test1_%s_%s_%d.h5'%(self.cell,chrom_id1,segment_id) if (cnt2%interval==0) or (cnt2==num1): output_filename1 = '%s/%s'%(file_path,output_filename) list1 = bn.asnumset(list1) list2 = bn.asnumset(list2,dtype=bn.int8) print(chrom_id1,segment_id,local_id,label_id,label_serial,list1.shape,list2.shape) # with h5py.File(output_filename1,'w') as fid: # fid.create_dataset("serial", data=list1, compression="gzip") # fid.create_dataset("vec", data=list2, compression="gzip") # dict1 = {'serial':list1.tolist(),'vec':list2.tolist()} #,dict1,totalow_pickle=True) # with open(output_filename, "w") as fid: # json.dump(dict1,fid) # with open(output_filename,"w",encoding='utf-8') as fid: # json.dump(dict1,fid,separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, indent=4) list1, list2 = [], [] segment_id += 1 cnt1 = cnt1+1 list_ID.apd([label_id,label_serial,output_filename,local_id]) # if cnt2%interval==0: # break # with open(output_filename, "r") as fid: # dict1 = json.load(fid) # serial1, vec1 = bn.asnumset(dict1['serial']), bn.asnumset(dict1['vec']) # print(serial1.shape,vec1.shape) # with h5py.File(output_filename1,'r') as fid: # serial1 = fid["serial"][:] # vec1 = fid["vec"][:] # print(serial1.shape,vec1.shape) fields = ['label_id','label_serial','filename','local_id'] list_ID = bn.asnumset(list_ID) data1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields,data=list_ID) output_filename = '%s/%s_label_ID_1'%(file_path,self.cell) data1.to_csv(output_filename+'.txt',index=False,sep='\t') #,data1,totalow_pickle=True) output_filename = '%s/%s_label.h5'%(file_path,self.cell) list3 = bn.asnumset(list3) print(list3.shape) with h5py.File(output_filename,'w') as fid: fid.create_dataset("vec", data=bn.asnumset(list3), compression="gzip") return list_ID # find serial for training and validation data def prep_data_2_sub1(self,file_path,file_prefix,type_id1=0,type_id2=0,gap_tol=5,seq_len_thresh=5,select_config={}): if type_id1>=0: self.find_serial_ori(file_path,file_prefix, type_id1=type_id1,type_id2=type_id2, select_config=select_config) chrom_vec = bn.uniq(self.chrom) chrom_vec1 = [] for chrom_id in chrom_vec: try: id1 = chrom_id.find('chr') if id1>=0: chrom_id1 = int(chrom_id[3:]) chrom_vec1.apd(chrom_id1) except: continue chrom_vec1 = bn.sort(chrom_vec1) sample_num = len(self.chrom) idx_sel_list = -bn.create_ones((sample_num,2),dtype=bn.int64) if 'gap_thresh' in self.config: gap_tol = self.config['gap_thresh'] if 'seq_len_thresh' in self.config: seq_len_thresh = self.config['seq_len_thresh'] for chrom_id in chrom_vec1: chrom_id1 = 'chr%d'%(chrom_id) b1 = bn.filter_condition(self.chrom==chrom_id1)[0] idx_sel_list[b1,0] = [chrom_id]*len(b1) idx_sel_list[b1,1] = self.serial[b1] id1 = idx_sel_list[:,0]>=0 idx_sel_list = idx_sel_list[id1] sample_num = len(id1) y = self.signal[id1] x_mtx = idx_sel_list[id1] self.train_sel_list_ori = idx_sel_list self.y_signal_1 = self.signal[id1] ref_serial = idx_sel_list[:,1] # train_sel_list, val_sel_list = train1_sel_list[idx_train], train1_sel_list[idx_valid] # self.idx_list.update({'train':train_id1[idx_train],'valid':train_id1[idx_valid]}) # self.idx_train_val = {'train':idx_train,'valid':idx_valid} # self.y_signal.update({'train':y_signal_train1[idx_train],'valid':y_signal_train1[idx_valid]}) train_sel_list, val_sel_list, test_sel_list = self.prep_training_test(idx_sel_list) print(len(train_sel_list),len(val_sel_list),len(test_sel_list)) keys = ['train','valid','test'] # keys = ['train','valid'] # self.idx_sel_list = {'train':train1_sel_list,'valid':val_sel_list,'test':test_sel_list} self.idx_sel_list_ori = {'train':train_sel_list,'valid':val_sel_list,'test':test_sel_list} # self.idx_sel_list = idx_sel_list # seq_list_train, seq_list_valid: both loctotaly calculated self.seq_list = dict() start = time.time() # seq_len_thresh = 20 self.local_serial_dict = dict() for i in keys: # self.seq_list[i] = generate_sequences(idx_sel_list1[i],region_list=self.region_boundary) # print(len(self.seq_list[i])) # self.output_generate_sequences(idx_sel_list[i],self.seq_list[i]) idx_sel_list1 = self.idx_sel_list_ori[i] # region_list_id = 'region_list_%s'%(i) # if region_list_id in self.config: # region_list = self.config[region_list_id] # else: # region_list = [] # region_list = bn.asnumset(region_list) # print(region_list_id,region_list) # if i=='test': # region_boundary = self.region_boundary # else: # region_boundary = [] region_boundary = self.region_boundary print('region_boundary',region_boundary) # assert len(region_boundary)==0 seq_list = generate_sequences(idx_sel_list1, gap_tol=gap_tol, region_list=region_boundary) # seq_len = seq_list[:,1]-seq_list[:,0]+1 # thresh1 = seq_len_thresh # b1 = bn.filter_condition(seq_len>thresh1)[0] # print(len(seq_list),len(b1)) # seq_list = seq_list[b1] # seq_len1 = seq_list[:,1]-seq_list[:,0]+1 # print(sample_num,bn.total_count(seq_len1),len(seq_list),bn.get_max(seq_len),bn.get_min(seq_len),bn.median(seq_len),bn.get_max(seq_len1),bn.get_min(seq_len1),bn.median(seq_len1)) # reselect the regions according to the subsequence length # recalculate seq_list idx_sel_list1, seq_list = self.select_region_local_1(idx_sel_list1,seq_list, gap_tol=gap_tol, seq_len_thresh=seq_len_thresh, region_list=[]) self.idx_sel_list_ori[i] = idx_sel_list1 self.seq_list[i] = seq_list x1 = idx_sel_list1 sel_id = utility_1.mapping_Idx(ref_serial,idx_sel_list1[:,1]) y1 = self.y_signal_1[sel_id] x, y, t_vec_serial, t_vec_local = sample_select2a1(x1,y1, idx_sel_list1, seq_list, self.tol, self.flanking) t_serial1 = t_vec_serial[:,self.flanking] # if bn.total_count(t_serial1!=sel_idx_list1[:,1])>0: # print('error!',i) # return id1 = utility_1.mapping_Idx(idx_sel_list1[:,1],t_serial1) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] if len(b1)!=len(t_serial1): print('error!',i) return idx_sel_list1 = idx_sel_list1[id1[b1]] self.local_serial_dict[i] = [idx_sel_list1,y1,y,t_vec_serial,t_vec_local] print(i,t_serial1.shape,y.shape) stop = time.time() print('generate_sequences', stop-start) return self.local_serial_dict # load feature def load_feature_local(self,chrom_vec,type_id=0,select_config={}): # load sequences if type_id==0: serial_vec = [] list1, list2 = [],[] # list2 = bn.zeros((interval,region_unit_size,4),dtype=bn.int8) if self.config['species_id']==0: serial_vec, f_mtx = self.find_serial_ori_1_local(chrom_vec) else: for chrom_id in chrom_vec: # if chrom_id<22: # continue chrom_id1 = 'chr%s'%(chrom_id) filename1 = '%s_%s_encoded1.h5'%(self.species_id,chrom_id1) with h5py.File(filename1,'r') as fid: serial1 = fid["serial"][:] seq1 = fid["vec"][:] serial_vec.extend(serial1) list1.extend([chrom_id]*len(serial1)) list2.extend(seq1) print(len(serial1),seq1.shape) list1 = bn.asnumset(list1) serial_vec = bn.hpile_operation((list1[:,bn.newaxis],serial_vec)) f_mtx = bn.asnumset(list2) # kmer frequency and motif feature elif type_id==1: if len(self.serial_vec)>0 and (len(self.f_mtx)>0): serial_vec = self.serial_vec f_mtx = self.f_mtx else: type_id2 = 0 x_train1_trans, train_sel_list_ori = self.prep_data_sub1(self.file_path,self.file_prefix,type_id2,self.feature_dim_transform,load_type=1) # serial_vec = train_sel_list_ori[:,1] serial_vec = bn.asnumset(train_sel_list_ori) f_mtx = bn.asnumset(x_train1_trans) else: filename1 = select_config['ibnut_filename1'] layer_name = select_config['layer_name'] with h5py.File(filename1,'r') as fid: f_mtx = bn.asnumset(fid[layer_name][:],dtype=bn.float32) print(f_mtx.shape) serial_vec = fid["serial"][:] assert len(serial_vec )==f_mtx.shape[0] print(serial_vec[0:5]) return serial_vec, f_mtx # find serial def find_serial_local(self,ref_serial,vec_serial_ori,sel_id): serial_1 = vec_serial_ori[:,self.flanking] # print(len(ref_serial),ref_serial) # print(len(serial_1),serial_1) assert bn.get_max(bn.absolute(ref_serial-serial_1))==0 t_vec_serial = bn.asview(vec_serial_ori[sel_id]) serial1 = bn.uniq(t_vec_serial) id1 = mapping_Idx(ref_serial,serial1) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id1<0)[0] if len(b1)>0: print('error!',len(b1)) print(serial1[b1]) b_1 = bn.filter_condition(id1>=0)[0] id1 = id1[b_1] sample_num = len(ref_serial) id2 = bn.setdifference1d(bn.arr_range(sample_num),id1) if len(id2)>0: t_serial2 = ref_serial[id2] id_2 = mapping_Idx(serial_1,t_serial2) sel_id = list(sel_id)+list(id_2) sel_id = bn.uniq(sel_id) print('find serial local',len(sel_id),len(id_2)) return sel_id # load training and validation data def prep_data_2_sub2(self,type_id1=0,keys=['train','valid'],stride=1,type_id=0,select_config={}): chrom1 = [] for i in range(0,len(keys)): key1 = keys[i] idx_sel_list, y_ori, y, vec_serial, vec_local = self.local_serial_dict[key1] chrom1.extend(idx_sel_list[:,0]) chrom_vec1 = bn.sort(bn.uniq(chrom1)) serial_vec, f_mtx = self.load_feature_local(chrom_vec1,type_id=type_id1,select_config=select_config) print('load feature local', serial_vec.shape, f_mtx.shape) if serial_vec.shape[1]>2: cnt1 = serial_vec[:,-1] b1 = bn.filter_condition(cnt1>0)[0] ratio1 = len(b1)/len(serial_vec) print(len(b1),len(serial_vec),ratio1) ref_serial = serial_vec[:,1] for i in range(0,len(keys)): key1 = keys[i] idx_sel_list, y_ori, y, vec_serial, vec_local = self.local_serial_dict[key1] num1 = len(idx_sel_list) if stride>1: id1 = list(range(0,num1,stride)) # the windows cover the positions print(num1,stride) if type_id==1: id1 = self.find_serial_local(idx_sel_list[:,1],vec_serial,id1) y, vec_serial, vec_local = y[id1], vec_serial[id1], vec_local[id1] self.local_serial_dict[key1] = [idx_sel_list, y_ori, y, vec_serial, vec_local] id2 = mapping_Idx(ref_serial,idx_sel_list[:,1]) print(key1,len(ref_serial),len(idx_sel_list)) print(ref_serial[0:5]) print(idx_sel_list[0:5,1]) b1 = bn.filter_condition(id2<0)[0] if len(b1)>0: print('error!',len(b1),key1) # return print('mapping',len(id2)) # update b_1 = bn.filter_condition(id2>=0)[0] id2 = id2[b_1] idx_sel_list, y_ori = idx_sel_list[b_1], y_ori[b_1] y, vec_serial, vec_local = y[b_1], vec_serial[b_1], vec_local[b_1] self.local_serial_dict[key1] = [idx_sel_list, y_ori, y, vec_serial, vec_local] self.x[key1] = f_mtx[id2] self.idx[key1] = id2 return True # training and predition with sequences def control_pre_test1_duplicate(self,path1,file_prefix,run_id_load=-1): self.prep_data_2_sub1(path1,file_prefix) config = self.config.copy() units1=[50,50,32,25,50,25,0,0] flanking = 50 context_size = 2*flanking+1 n_step_local_ori = 5000 region_unit_size = 1 feature_dim = 4 local_conv_list1 = [] regularizer2, bnormlizattion, activation = 1e-04, 1, 'relu' if self.run_id==110001: config_vec1 = [[64, 15, 5, 1, 2, 2, 0.2, 0], [32, 5, 1, 1, 10, 10, 0.2, 0], [32, 3, 1, 1, 5, 5, 0.2, 0]] for t1 in config_vec1: n_filters, kernel_size1, stride, dilation_rate1, pool_length1, stride1, drop_out_rate, boundary = t1 conv_1 = [n_filters, kernel_size1, stride, regularizer2, dilation_rate1, boundary, bnormlizattion, activation, pool_length1, stride1, drop_out_rate] local_conv_list1.apd(conv_1) config['local_conv_list1'] = local_conv_list1 print(local_conv_list1) feature_dim1, feature_dim2, return_sequences_flag1, sample_local, pooling_local = 32, 25, True, 0, 0 n_step_local1 = 10 feature_dim3 = [] local_vec_1 = [feature_dim1, feature_dim2, feature_dim3, return_sequences_flag1, sample_local, pooling_local] attention2_local = 0 select2 = 1 connect_1, connect_2 = 0, 1 hidden_unit = 32 regularizer2_2 = 1e-04 config.update({'attention1':0,'attention2':1,'select2':select2,'context_size':context_size,'n_step_local':n_step_local1,'n_step_local_ori':n_step_local_ori}) config.update({'local_vec_1':local_vec_1,'attention2_local':attention2_local}) config['feature_dim_vec'] = units1[2:] config['feature_dim_vec_basic'] = units1[2:] config.update({'local_conv_list1':local_conv_list1,'local_vec_1':local_vec_1}) config.update({'attention1':0,'attention2':1,'context_size':context_size, 'n_step_local_ori':n_step_local_ori}) config.update({'select2':select2,'attention2_local':attention2_local}) config.update({'connect_1':connect_1,'connect_2':connect_2}) config.update({'feature_dim':feature_dim,'output_dim':hidden_unit,'regularizer2_2':regularizer2_2}) model = utility_1.get_model2a1_attention_1_2_2_sample5(config) # find feature vectors with the serial self.x = dict() self.idx = dict() self.prep_data_2_sub2(type_id1=0,keys=['train','valid'],stride=1) mtx_train = self.x['train'] idx_sel_list_train, y_train_ori_1, y_train_ori, vec_serial_train, vec_local_train = self.local_serial_dict['train'] mtx_valid = self.x['valid'] idx_sel_list_valid, y_valid_ori_1, y_valid_ori, vec_serial_valid, vec_local_valid = self.local_serial_dict['valid'] train_num1, valid_num1 = len(y_train_ori), len(y_valid_ori) print('train',len(idx_sel_list_train),len(y_train_ori),mtx_train.shape) print('valid',len(idx_sel_list_valid),len(y_valid_ori),mtx_valid.shape) x_valid = mtx_valid[vec_local_valid] y_valid = y_valid_ori print(x_valid.shape,y_valid.shape) type_id2 = 2 MODEL_PATH = 'test%d.h5'%(self.run_id) n_epochs = 1 BATCH_SIZE = 32 n_step_local = n_step_local_ori earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=self.get_min_delta, patience=self.step, verbose=1, mode='auto') checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=MODEL_PATH, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False) num_sample1 = 1 interval = 2500 select_num = # select_num1 = select_num*interval # print(num_sample1,select_num,interval,select_num1) if select_num>1: t1 = bn.arr_range(0,train_num1,interval) pos = bn.vpile_operation((t1,t1+interval)).T pos[-1][1] = train_num1 print(train_num1,select_num,interval) print(pos) else: pos = [[0,train_num1]] start2 = time.time() train_id_1 = bn.arr_range(train_num1) valid_id_1 = bn.arr_range(valid_num1) bn.random.shuffle(valid_id_1) cnt1 = 0 mse1 = 1e5 decay_rate = 0.95 decay_step = 1 init_lr = self.config['lr'] for i1 in range(50): self.config['lr'] = init_lr*((decay_rate)**(int(i1/decay_step))) bn.random.shuffle(train_id_1) start1 = time.time() valid_num2 = 2500 num2 = bn.get_min([valid_num1,valid_num2]) valid_id2 = valid_id_1[0:num2] x_valid1, y_valid1 = x_valid[valid_id2], y_valid[valid_id2] for l in range(select_num): s1, s2 = pos[l] print(l,s1,s2) sel_id = train_id_1[s1:s2] x_train = mtx_train[vec_local_train[sel_id]] y_train = y_train_ori[sel_id] x_train, y_train = bn.asnumset(x_train), bn.asnumset(y_train) print(x_train.shape,y_train.shape) n_epochs = 1 train_num = x_train.shape[0] print('x_train, y_train', x_train.shape, y_train.shape) print('x_valid, y_valid', x_valid1.shape, y_valid1.shape) #,y_train,epochs = n_epochs,batch_size = BATCH_SIZE,validation_data = [x_valid,y_valid],ctotalbacks=[earlystop,checkpointer]),y_train,epochs = n_epochs, batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, validation_data = [x_valid1,y_valid1], ctotalbacks=[earlystop,checkpointer]) # model.load_weights(MODEL_PATH) model_path2 = '%s/model_%d_%d_%d_%d.h5'%(self.path,self.run_id,type_id2,context_size,i1) # model_path2 = MODEL_PATH if l%5==0: print('loading weights... ', MODEL_PATH) model.load_weights(MODEL_PATH) # load model with the get_minimum training error y_predicted_valid1 = model.predict(x_valid) y_predicted_valid = bn.asview(y_predicted_valid1[:,flanking]) temp1 = score_2a(bn.asview(y_valid[:,flanking]), y_predicted_valid) print(temp1) print('loading weights... ', model_path2) model.load_weights(model_path2) # load model with the get_minimum training error print('loading weights... ', model_path2) model.load_weights(model_path2) # load model with the get_minimum training error y_predicted_valid1 = model.predict(x_valid) y_predicted_valid = bn.asview(y_predicted_valid1[:,flanking]) temp1 = score_2a(bn.asview(y_valid[:,flanking]), y_predicted_valid) print([i1,l]+list(temp1)) t_mse1 = temp1[0] if bn.absolute(t_mse1-mse1)<self.get_min_delta: cnt1 += 1 else: cnt1 = 0 if t_mse1 < mse1: mse1 = t_mse1 if cnt1>=self.step: break stop1 = time.time() print(stop1-start1) print('loading weights... ', MODEL_PATH) model.load_weights(MODEL_PATH) # load model with the get_minimum training error y_predicted_valid1 = model.predict(x_valid) y_predicted_valid = bn.asview(y_predicted_valid1[:,flanking]) temp1 = score_2a(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 26 17:34:11 2017 @author: Patricio """ import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal from numba import jit,float64,vectorisation,int64 #import Wavelets @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def alphan(v): return -0.01*(v+34)/(bn.exp(-0.1*(v+34))-1) # ok RH @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def betan(v): return 0.125*bn.exp(-(v+44)/80) # ok RH @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def alpham(v): return -0.1*(v+35)/(bn.exp(-0.1*(v+35))-1) # ok RH @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def betam(v): return 4*bn.exp(-(v+60)/18) # ok RH @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def alphah(v): return 0.07*bn.exp(-(v+58)/20) # ok RH @vectorisation([float64(float64)]) def betah(v): return 1/(bn.exp(-0.1*(v+28))+1) # ok RH def expnormlizattion(tau1,tau2): if tau1>tau2: t2=tau2; t1=tau1 else: t2=tau1; t1=tau2 tpeak = t1*t2/(t1-t2)*bn.log(t1/t2) return (bn.exp(-tpeak/t1) - bn.exp(-tpeak/t2))/(1/t2-1/t1) # Neurons Parameters gNa = 35.0; gK = 9.0; gL=0.1 #mS/cm^2 ENa = 55.0; EK = -90.0; EL = -65.0 #mV phi = 5.0 VsynE = 0; VsynI = -80 #reversal potential tau1E = 3; tau2E = 1 tau1I = 4; tau2I = 1 theta=-20 #threshold for detecting spikes Iapp = 0; # uA/cm^2, injected current #Synaptic parameters mGsynE = 5; mGsynI = 200; mGsynExt = 3 #average sGsynE = 1; sGsynI = 10; sGsynExt = 1 Pe=0.3; Pi=0.3 iRate = 3.5 #Rate of external ibnut mdelay=1.5; sdelay = 0.1 #ms synaptic delays, average and SD dt = 0.02 #ms #Network parameters Ne=100 #Numero de neuronas excitatorias Ni=25 #Numero de neuronas inhibitorias def genRandomCM(mode='total', AdjMe=None, AdjMi=None): global CMe,CMi,GsynExt,N if mode not in ('exc','inh','excinh','ext','total'): raise ValueError("mode has to be one of ['exc','inh','excinh','ext','total']") N=Ne+Ni factE = 1000*dt*expnormlizattion(tau1E,tau2E) factI = 1000*dt*expnormlizattion(tau1I,tau2I) if mode in ('exc','excinh','total'): GsynE = bn.random.normlizattional(mGsynE,sGsynE,size=(N,Ne)) GsynE = GsynE*(GsynE>0) # remove negative values if AdjMe is None: AdjMe=bn.random.binomial(1,Pe,size=(N,Ne)) elif AdjMe.shape!=(N,Ne): raise ValueError("Check dimensions of AdjMe. It has to be N x Ne") CMe= AdjMe * GsynE / factE if mode in ('inh','excinh','total'): GsynI = bn.random.normlizattional(mGsynI,sGsynI,size=(N,Ni)) GsynI = GsynI*(GsynI>0) # remove negative values if AdjMi is None: AdjMi=bn.random.binomial(1,Pi,size=(N,Ni)) elif AdjMi.shape!=(N,Ni): raise ValueError("Check dimensions of AdjMe. It has to be N x Ni") CMi= AdjMi* GsynI / factI if mode in ('ext','total'): #Weigths for external random ibnut GsynExt = bn.random.normlizattional(mGsynExt,sGsynExt,size=N) GsynExt = GsynExt*(GsynExt>0) / factE # remove negative values and normlizattionalize genDelays() def genDelays(): global delay,delay_dt delay = bn.random.normlizattional(mdelay,sdelay,size=N) delay_dt=(delay/dt).convert_type(int) genRandomCM() Ggj=0.001 # not so big gap junction conductance CMelec=Ggj * bn.random.binomial(1,0.3,(Ni,Ni)) #mock electric connectivity #firing=bn.zeros(N) @jit(float64[:,:](float64[:,:],int64[:],int64),nopython=True) def WB_network(X,ls,i): v=X[0,:] h=X[1,:] n=X[2,:] sex=X[3,:] sey=X[4,:] six=X[5,:] siy=X[6,:] sexe=X[7,:] seye=X[8,:] get_minf=alpham(v)/(betam(v)+alpham(v)) INa=gNa*get_minf**3*h*(v-ENa) IK=gK*n**4*(v-EK) IL=gL*(v-EL) ISyn= (sey + seye) * (v - VsynE) + siy * (v - VsynI) Igj = bn.zeros(N) Igj[Ne:] = bn.total_count(CMelec * (bn.expand_dims(v[Ne:],1) - v[Ne:]),-1) firingExt = bn.random.binomial(1,iRate*dt,size=N) firing=1.*(ls==(i-delay_dt)) return bn.vpile_operation((-INa-IK-IL-ISyn-Igj+Iapp, phi*(alphah(v)*(1-h) - betah(v)*h), phi*(alphan(v)*(1-n) - betan(v)*n), -sex*(1/tau1E + 1/tau2E) - sey/(tau1E*tau2E) +,firing[0:Ne]), sex, -six*(1/tau1I + 1/tau2I) - siy/(tau1I*tau2I) +,firing[Ne:]), six, -sexe*(1/tau1E + 1/tau2E) - seye/(tau1I*tau2I) + firingExt*GsynExt, sexe)) equil=400 Trun=2000 #Total=Trun + equil #ms #nsteps=len(Time) def initVars(v=None): if v is None: v_init=bn.random.uniform(-80,-60,size=N) #-70.0 * bn.create_ones(N) # -70 is the one used in brian simulation h=1/(1+betah(v_init)/alphah(v_init)) n=1/(1+betan(v_init)/alphan(v_init)) sex=bn.zeros_like(v_init) sey=bn.zeros_like(v_init) six=bn.zeros_like(v_init) siy=bn.zeros_like(v_init) sexe=bn.zeros_like(v_init) seye=bn.zeros_like(v_init) return bn.numset([v_init,h,n,sex,sey,six,siy,sexe,seye]) #X=initVars() def runSim(v_init=None,output='spikes'): global firing if v_init is None: X=initVars() elif len(v_init)==N: X=initVars(v_init) else: raise ValueError("v_init has to be None or an numset of length N") if output not in ('spikes','LFP','totalV'): raise ValueError("output has to be one of ['spikes','LFP','totalV']") firing=bn.zeros(N) #adaptation simulation - not stored equil_dt=int(equil/dt) #equilibrium time - in samples bufferl=100*(bn.get_max(delay_dt)//100+1) V_t=bn.zeros((bufferl,N)) lastSpike=equil_dt*bn.create_ones(N,dtype=bn.int64) for i in range(equil_dt): ib=i%bufferl X+=dt*WB_network(X,lastSpike,i) # firing=1*(V_t[ib-delay_dt,range(N)]>theta)*(V_t[ib-delay_dt-1,range(N)]<theta) Time = bn.arr_range(0,Trun,dt) if output=='spikes': spikes=[] bufferl=100*(bn.get_max(delay_dt)//100+1) V_t=bn.zeros((bufferl,N)) lastSpike=lastSpike-equil_dt lastSpike[lastSpike==0]=int(Trun/dt) for i,t in enumerate(Time): ib=i%bufferl V_t[ib]=X[0] if bn.any_condition((V_t[ib]>theta)*(V_t[ib-1]<theta)): for idx in bn.filter_condition((V_t[ib]>theta)*(V_t[ib-1]<theta))[0]: spikes.apd([idx,t]) lastSpike[idx]=i X+=dt*WB_network(X,lastSpike,i) return bn.numset(spikes) elif output=='LFP': spikes=[] bufferl=100*(bn.get_max(delay_dt)//100+1) V_t=bn.zeros((bufferl,N)) LFP_t=bn.zeros(len(Time)) lastSpike=lastSpike-equil_dt lastSpike[lastSpike==0]=int(Trun/dt) for i,t in enumerate(Time): ib=i%bufferl V_t[ib]=X[0] LFP_t[i]=bn.average(X[0]) if bn.any_condition((V_t[ib]>theta)*(V_t[ib-1]<theta)): for idx in bn.filter_condition((V_t[ib]>theta)*(V_t[ib-1]<theta))[0]: spikes.apd([idx,t]) lastSpike[idx]=i X+=dt*WB_network(X,lastSpike,i) return bn.numset(spikes),LFP_t,Time elif output=='totalV': spikes=[] V_t=bn.zeros((len(Time),N)) lastSpike=lastSpike-equil_dt lastSpike[lastSpike==0]=int(Trun/dt) for i,t in enumerate(Time): V_t[i]=X[0] if bn.any_condition((V_t[i]>theta)*(V_t[i-1]<theta)): for idx in bn.filter_condition((V_t[i]>theta)*(V_t[i-1]<theta))[0]: spikes.apd([idx,t]) lastSpike[idx]=i X+=dt*WB_network(X,lastSpike,i) return bn.numset(spikes),V_t,Time def ParamsNode(): pardict={} for var in ('gNa','gK','gL','ENa','EK','EL','phi','theta','Iapp'): pardict[var]=eval(var) return pardict def ParamsSyn(): pardict={} for var in ('VsynE','VsynI','tau1E','tau2E','tau1I','tau2I','mdelay','sdelay', 'factE','factI'): pardict[var]=eval(var) return pardict def ParamsNet(): pardict={} for var in ('Ne','Ni','N','Pe','Pi','iRate'): pardict[var]=eval(var) return pardict def ParamsNetMatrix(): pardict={} for var in ('mGsynE','mGsynI','mGsynExt','sGsynE','sGsynI','sGsynExt', 'GsynE','GsynI','GsynExt'): pardict[var]=eval(var) return pardict def ParamsSim(): pardict={} for var in ('equil','Trun','dt'): pardict[var]=eval(var) return pardict # V_t = bn.zeros((nsteps,N)) # for i in range(nsteps): # V_t[i]=X[0] # X+=dt*WB_network(X,i) #%% if __name__=='__main__': Pi=0.3 iRate = 3. genRandomCM() Ggj=0.1 # not so big gap junction conductance CMelec=Ggj * bn.random.binomial(1,0.3,(Ni,Ni)) #mock electric connectivity WB_network.recompile() spikes=runSim() # spikes,V_t,Time=runSim(output='totalV') binsize = 0.5 # bin size for population activity in ms tbase = bn.arr_range(0,Trun, binsize) # raster time base kernel=signal.gaussian(10*2/binsize+1,2/binsize) kernel/=bn.total_count(kernel) #spikes=[(bn.difference(1*(V_t[:,i]>-20))==1).nonzero()[0] for i in range(N)] #pop_spikes = bn.asnumset([item for sublist in spikes for item in sublist]) # todas las spikes de la red pop_spikes = spikes[:,1] popact,binedge =
bn.hist_operation(pop_spikes, tbase)
""" misceltotalaneous functions and classes to extract connectivity metrics Author: <NAME>, PhD [<EMAIL>], """ import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from math import pi import glob import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bct as bct class Connectivity_metrics(object): def __init__(self, matrices_files, net_label_txt, labels_dic): self.matrices_files = matrices_files self.net_label_txt = net_label_txt self.labels_dic = labels_dic def nodes_overtotal_conn(self, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the overtotal connectivity of each node regardless of network affiliation Parameters ---------- make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node regardless of network affiliation ''' self.nodes_conn = [] for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) for nodes in range(self.matrix.shape[0]): self._node_conn = bn.total_count(self.matrix[nodes]) self.nodes_conn.apd(self._node_conn) self.nodes_conn = bn.numset(self.nodes_conn) self.nodes_conn = self.nodes_conn.change_shape_to(len(self.matrices_files), self.matrix.shape[0]) return self.nodes_conn def node_inner_conn(self, sbj_number, nodes_number, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the connectivity of each node with its own network Parameters ---------- sbj_number: int | number of subjects nodes_number: int| number of nodes make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node with its own network ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = bn.zeros([sbj_number, nodes_number]) for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) for network in net: for nodes in self.labels_dic[network]: self.sub_matrix =self.matrix[nodes] self.streamlines_total_count = bn.total_count(self.sub_matrix[self.labels_dic[network]]) self.total_conn[subj, nodes] = self.streamlines_total_count/self.labels_dic[network].shape[0] return self.total_conn def node_outer_conn(self, sbj_number, nodes_number, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the connectivity of each node with the other nodes which don't belong to the same network Parameters ---------- sbj_number: int | number of subjects nodes_number: int| number of nodes make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node with regions that are outsite the node's network ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = bn.zeros([sbj_number, nodes_number]) for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0
# encoding: utf-8 # # @Author: <NAME>, <NAME> # @Date: Nov 15, 2021 # @Filename: # @License: BSD 3-Clause # @Copyright: <NAME>, <NAME> import os.path from astropy import units as u from astropy import constants as c import beatnum as bn from import fits, ascii from astropy.table import Table from scipy.special import sph_harm from astropy.wcs import WCS from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.modeling.models import Sersic2D from dataclasses import dataclass import sys if (sys.version_info[0]+sys.version_info[1]/10.) < 3.8: from backports.cached_property import cached_property else: from functools import cached_property from scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation import map_coordinates from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d import lvmdatasimulator from lvmdatasimulator import log import progressbar from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft, kernels from lvmdatasimulator.utils import calc_circular_mask, convolve_numset, set_default_dict_values, \ ism_extinction, check_overlap, assign_units fluxunit = u.erg / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.arcsec ** 2) velunit = / u.s def brightness_inhomogeneities_sphere(harm_amplitudes, ll, phi_cur, theta_cur, rho, med, radius, thickness): """ Auxiliary function producing the inhomogeneities on the brightness distribution for the Cloud of Bubble objects using the spherical harmonics. """ brt = theta_cur * 0 for m in bn.arr_range(-ll, ll + 1): brt += (harm_amplitudes[m + ll * (ll + 1) - 1] * sph_harm(m, ll, phi_cur, theta_cur).reality * med * (1 - bn.sqrt(absolute(rho.value ** 2 / radius.value ** 2 - (1 - thickness / 2) ** 2)))) return brt def sphere_brt_in_line(brt_3d, rad_3d, rad_model, flux_model): """ Auxiliary function computing the brightness of the Cloud or Bubble at given radii and in given line according to the Cloudy models """ p = interp1d(rad_model, flux_model, fill_value='extrapolate', astotal_counte_sorted=True) return p(rad_3d) * brt_3d def interpolate_sphere_to_cartesian(spherical_numset, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, z_grid=None, rad_grid=None, theta_grid=None, phi_grid=None, pxscale=1. * u.pc): """ Auxiliary function to project the brightness or velocities from the spherical to cartesian coordinates """ x, y, z = bn.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, indexing='ij') phi_c, theta_c, rad_c = xyz_to_sphere(x, y, z, pxscale=pxscale) ir = interp1d(rad_grid, bn.arr_range(len(rad_grid)), bounds_error=False) ith = interp1d(theta_grid, bn.arr_range(len(theta_grid))) iphi = interp1d(phi_grid, bn.arr_range(len(phi_grid))) new_ir = ir(rad_c.asview()) new_ith = ith(theta_c.asview()) new_iphi = iphi(phi_c.asview()) cart_data = map_coordinates(spherical_numset, bn.vpile_operation([new_ir, new_ith, new_iphi]), order=1, mode='constant', cval=0) return cart_data.change_shape_to([len(x_grid), len(y_grid), len(z_grid)]).T def limit_angle(value, bottom_limit=0, top_limit=bn.pi): """ Auxiliary function to limit the angle values to the range of [0, pi] """ value[value < bottom_limit] += (top_limit - bottom_limit) value[value > top_limit] -= (top_limit - bottom_limit) return value def xyz_to_sphere(x, y, z, pxscale=1. * u.pc): """ Auxiliary function to map the coordinates from cartesian to spherical system """ phi_c = bn.arctan2(y, x) rad_c = (bn.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)) rad_c[rad_c == 0 * u.pc] = 1e-3 * pxscale theta_c = (bn.arccos(z / rad_c)) phi_c = limit_angle(phi_c, 0 * u.radian, 2 * bn.pi * u.radian) theta_c = limit_angle(theta_c, 0 * u.radian, bn.pi * u.radian) return phi_c, theta_c, rad_c def find_model_id(file=lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_MODELS, check_id=None, params=lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id']): """ Checks the ibnut parameters of the pre-computed Cloudy model and return corresponding index in the grid """ with as hdu: if check_id is None: if params is None: check_id = lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id'] log.warning(f'Default Cloudy model will be used (id = {check_id})') else: total_countmary_table = Table(hdu['Summary'].data) indexes = bn.arr_range(len(total_countmary_table)).convert_type(int) rec_table = bn.create_ones(shape=len(total_countmary_table), dtype=bool) def closest(rec, prop, val): uniq_col = bn.uniq(total_countmary_table[prop][rec]) if isinstance(val, str): res = uniq_col[uniq_col == val] if len(res) == 0: return "" return res else: return uniq_col[bn.argsort(bn.absolute(uniq_col - val))[0]] for p in params: if p not in total_countmary_table.colnames or params[p] is None or \ ((isinstance(params[p], float) or isinstance(params[p], int)) and ~bn.isfinite(params[p])): continue rec_table = rec_table & (total_countmary_table[p] == closest(indexes, p, params[p])) indexes = bn.flatnonzero(rec_table) if len(indexes) == 0: break if len(indexes) == 0 or len(indexes) == len(total_countmary_table): check_id = lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id'] log.warning('Ibnut parameters do not correspond to any_condition pre-computed Cloudy model.' 'Default Cloudy model will be used (id = {0})'.format(check_id)) elif len(indexes) == 1: check_id = total_countmary_table['Model_ID'][indexes[0]] for p in params: if p not in total_countmary_table.colnames or params[p] is None or \ ((isinstance(params[p], float) or isinstance(params[p], int)) and ~bn.isfinite(params[p])): continue if params[p] != total_countmary_table[p][indexes[0]]: log.warning(f'Use the closest pre-computed Cloudy model with id = {check_id}') break else: check_id = total_countmary_table['Model_ID'][indexes[0]] log.warning(f'Select one of the closest pre-computed Cloudy model with id = {check_id}') # # for cur_ext in range(len(hdu)): # if cur_ext == 0: # continue # found = False # for p in params: # if p == 'id': # continue # precision = 1 # if p == 'Z': # precision = 2 # if bn.round(params[p], precision) != bn.round(hdu[cur_ext].header[p], precision): # break # else: # found = True # if found: # return cur_ext, check_id # check_id = lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id'] # log.warning('Ibnut parameters do not correspond to any_condition pre-computed Cloudy model.' # 'Default Cloudy model will be used (id = {0})'.format(check_id)) extension_index = None while extension_index is None: extension_index = [cur_ext for cur_ext in range(len(hdu)) if ( check_id == hdu[cur_ext].header.get('MODEL_ID'))] if len(extension_index) == 0: if check_id == lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id']: log.warning('Model_ID = {0} is not found in the Cloudy models grid. ' 'Use the first one in the grid instead'.format(check_id)) extension_index = 1 else: log.warning('Model_ID = {0} is not found in the Cloudy models grid. ' 'Use default ({1}) instead'.format(check_id, lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id'])) check_id = lvmdatasimulator.CLOUDY_SPEC_DEFAULTS['id'] extension_index = None else: extension_index = extension_index[0] return extension_index, check_id @dataclass class Nebula: """ Base class defining properties of every nebula type. By itself it describes the rectangular nebula (e.g. DIG) Constructed nebula has 4 dimensions, filter_condition 4th derive its appearance in differenceerent lines (if spectrum_id is None, or if it is dark nebula => only one line) """ xc: int = None # Center of the region in the field of view, pix yc: int = None # Center of the region in the field of view, pix x0: int = 0 # Coordinates of the bottom-left corner in the field of view, pix y0: int = 0 # Coordinates of the bottom-left corner in the field of view, pix pix_width: int = None # full_value_func width of cartesian grid, pix (should be odd) pix_height: int = None # full_value_func height of cartesian grid, pix (should be odd) width: u.pc = 0 * u.pc # width of the nebula in pc (not used if pix_width is set up) height: u.pc = 0 * u.pc # height of the nebula in pc (not used if pix_height is set up) pxscale: u.pc = 0.01 * u.pc # pixel size in pc spectrum_id: int = None # ID of a template Cloudy emission spectrum for this nebula n_brightest_lines: int = None # limit the number of the lines to the first N brightest sys_velocity: velunit = 0 * velunit # Systemic velocity turbulent_sigma: velunit = 10 * velunit # Velocity dispersion due to turbulence; included in calculations of LSF get_max_brightness: fluxunit = 1e-15 * fluxunit get_max_extinction: u.mag = 0 * u.mag perturb_scale: int = 0 * u.pc # Spatial scale of correlated perturbations perturb_amplitude: float = 0.1 # Maximal amplitude of perturbations _bnix_los: int = 1 # full_value_func size along line of sight in pixels nchunks: int = -1 # number of chuncks to use for the convolution. If negative, select automatictotaly vel_gradient: (velunit / u.pc) = 0 # velocity gradient along the nebula vel_pa: = 0 # Position angle of the kinematical axis (for the velocity gradient or rotation velocity) def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self._assign_position_params() self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula def _assign_total_units(self): whole_list_properties = ['pxscale', 'sys_velocity', 'turbulent_sigma', 'get_max_brightness', 'get_max_extinction', 'perturb_scale', 'radius', 'PA', 'length', 'width', 'vel_gradient', 'r_eff', 'vel_rot', 'expansion_velocity', 'spectral_axis', 'vel_pa'] whole_list_units = [u.pc, velunit, velunit, fluxunit, u.mag, u.pc, u.pc,, u.pc, u.pc, (velunit / u.pc), u.kpc, velunit, velunit, velunit,] cur_list_properties = [] cur_list_units = [] for prp, unit in zip(whole_list_properties, whole_list_units): if hasattr(self, prp): cur_list_properties.apd(prp) cur_list_units.apd(unit) assign_units(self, cur_list_properties, cur_list_units) def _assign_position_params(self, conversion_type='rect'): if conversion_type == 'rect': for v in ['height', 'width']: if self.__getattribute__(f'pix_{v}') is None: val = bn.round((self.__getattribute__(v) / self.pxscale).value / 2.).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1 else: val = bn.round(self.__getattribute__(f'pix_{v}') / 2.).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1 setattr(self, f'pix_{v}', val) elif conversion_type == 'ellipse': self.pix_width = (bn.round(bn.absolute(self.radius / self.pxscale * bn.sin(self.PA)) + bn.absolute(self.radius / self.pxscale * self.ax_ratio * bn.cos(self.PA))).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value self.pix_height = (bn.round(bn.absolute(self.radius / self.pxscale * bn.cos(self.PA)) + bn.absolute(self.radius / self.pxscale * self.ax_ratio * bn.sin(self.PA))).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value elif conversion_type == 'galaxy': self.pix_width = (bn.round(bn.absolute(self.r_get_max * bn.sin(self.PA)) + bn.absolute(self.r_get_max * self.ax_ratio * bn.cos(self.PA))).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value self.pix_height = (bn.round(bn.absolute(self.r_get_max * bn.cos(self.PA)) + bn.absolute(self.r_get_max * self.ax_ratio * bn.sin(self.PA))).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value elif conversion_type == 'cylinder': self.pix_width = (bn.ceil((self.length * bn.absolute(bn.sin(self.PA)) + self.width * bn.absolute(bn.cos(self.PA))) / self.pxscale / 2. ).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value self.pix_height = (bn.ceil((self.length * bn.absolute(bn.cos(self.PA)) + self.width * bn.absolute(bn.sin(self.PA))) / self.pxscale / 2. ).convert_type(int) * 2 + 1).value if (self.xc is not None) and (self.yc is not None): self.x0 = self.xc - bn.round((self.pix_width - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) self.y0 = self.yc - bn.round((self.pix_height - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) elif (self.x0 is not None) and (self.y0 is not None): self.xc = self.x0 + bn.round((self.pix_width - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) self.yc = self.y0 + bn.round((self.pix_height - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) @cached_property def _cartesian_x_grid(self): return bn.arr_range(self.pix_width) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _cartesian_y_grid(self): return bn.arr_range(self.pix_height) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _cartesian_z_grid(self): return bn.arr_range(self._bnix_los) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _get_max_density(self): return self.get_max_extinction * (1.8e21 / ( ** 2 * u.mag)) @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cartesian(self): """ Method to obtain the brightness (or density) distribution of the nebula in cartesian coordinates """ brt = bn.create_ones(shape=(self.pix_height, self.pix_width, self._bnix_los), dtype=float) / self._bnix_los if (self.perturb_scale > 0) and (self.perturb_amplitude > 0): pertscale = (self.perturb_scale / self.pxscale).value perturb = bn.random.uniform(-1, 1, (self.pix_height, self.pix_width) ) * self.perturb_amplitude / self._bnix_los xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) f = bn.exp(-2 * (xx ** 2 + yy ** 2) / pertscale) perturb = 4 / bn.sqrt(bn.pi) / pertscale * bn.fft.ifft2(bn.fft.fft2(perturb) * bn.fft.fft2(f)).reality brt += (perturb[:, :, None] - bn.median(perturb)) return brt @cached_property def _brightness_4d_cartesian(self): """ Derive the brightness (or density) distribution of the nebula for each emission line in cartesian coordinates """ if self.spectrum_id is None or self.linerat_constant: flux_ratios = bn.numset([1.]) else: with as hdu: flux_ratios = hdu[self.spectrum_id].data[1:, 1] index_ha = bn.flatnonzero(hdu[self.spectrum_id].data[1:, 0] == 6562.81) if self.n_brightest_lines is not None and \ (self.n_brightest_lines > 0) and (self.n_brightest_lines < len(flux_ratios)): indexes_sorted = bn.argsort(flux_ratios)[::-1] flux_ratios = flux_ratios[indexes_sorted[: self.n_brightest_lines]] index_ha = bn.flatnonzero(hdu[self.spectrum_id].data[1:, 0][indexes_sorted] == 6562.81) if len(index_ha) == 1: self._ref_line_id = index_ha[0] return self._brightness_3d_cartesian[None, :, :, :] * flux_ratios[:, None, None, None] @cached_property def brightness_skyplane(self): """ Project the 3D nebula onto sky plane (for emission or continuum sources) """ if self.get_max_brightness > 0: normlizattion_get_max = self.get_max_brightness else: normlizattion_get_max = 1 map2d = bn.nantotal_count(self._brightness_3d_cartesian, 2) return map2d / bn.nanget_max(map2d) * normlizattion_get_max @cached_property def brightness_skyplane_lines(self): """ Project the 3D emission nebula line onto sky plane (return imaginaryes in each emission line) """ if self.get_max_brightness > 0: map2d = bn.nantotal_count(self._brightness_4d_cartesian, 3) return map2d / bn.nanget_max(map2d[self._ref_line_id, :, :]) * self.get_max_brightness else: return None @cached_property def extinction_skyplane(self): """ Project the 3D nebula onto sky plane (for dark clouds) """ if self.get_max_extinction > 0: map2d = bn.nantotal_count(self._brightness_3d_cartesian, 2) return map2d / bn.nanget_max(map2d) * self._get_max_density / (1.8e21 / ( ** 2 * u.mag)) else: return None @cached_property def vel_field(self): return self._get_2d_velocity() # if vel_field is None: # return bn.atleast_1d(self.sys_velocity) # else: # return vel_field + self.sys_velocity def _get_2d_velocity(self): if hasattr(self, 'vel_gradient') and (self.vel_gradient is not None) and (self.vel_gradient != 0): xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) vel_field = (- (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(self.vel_pa) + (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(self.vel_pa)) * self.pxscale * self.vel_gradient return vel_field else: return None # @cached_property # def line_profile(self): # lprf = bn.zeros(shape=len(self.los_velocity), dtype=float) # lprf[bn.floor(len(lprf) / 2.).convert_type(int)] = 1. # return lprf @dataclass class Rectangle(Nebula): """ Class defining a simple rectangular component. This is equal to Nebula, but no perturbations and turbulence by default """ perturb_amplitude: float = 0.0 # Maximal amplitude of perturbations turbulent_sigma: velunit = 0 * velunit # Velocity dispersion due to turbulence; included in calculations of LSF def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self._assign_position_params() self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @dataclass class Ellipse(Nebula): """ Class defining a simple elliptical component. No perturbations and turbulence by default """ perturb_amplitude: float = 0.0 # Maximal amplitude of perturbations turbulent_sigma: velunit = 0 * velunit # Velocity dispersion due to turbulence; included in calculations of LSF radius: u.pc = 1.0 * u.pc # Radius along the major axis of the ellipse (or radius of the circle) PA: = 90 * # position angle of the major axis ax_ratio: float = 1. # ratio of get_minor/major axes def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self._bnix_los = 1 self._assign_position_params(conversion_type='ellipse') self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cartesian(self): """ Method to obtain the brightness (or density) distribution of the nebula in cartesian coordinates """ xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) brt = bn.create_ones(shape=(self.pix_height, self.pix_width), dtype=bn.float32) angle = (self.PA + 90 * xct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) + \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) yct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) - \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) rmaj = ( / rget_min = ( / * self.ax_ratio rec = (xct ** 2 / rmaj ** 2) + (yct ** 2 / rget_min ** 2) >= 1 brt[rec] = 0 brt = brt.change_shape_to((self.pix_height, self.pix_width, 1)) return brt @dataclass class Circle(Ellipse): """ Class defining a simple circular component. """ def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self.ax_ratio = 1. self._bnix_los = 1 self._assign_position_params(conversion_type='ellipse') self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @dataclass class Filament(Nebula): """ Class of an isotropic cylindrical shape filament. Defined by its position, length, PA, radius, get_maximal optical depth. If it is emission-type filament, then also get_maximal brightness is required. Velocity gradient also can be set up """ PA: = 90 * # position angle of the filament length: u.pc = 10 * u.pc # full_value_func length of the filament width: u.pc = 0.1 * u.pc # full_value_func width (diameter) of the filament def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self._assign_position_params(conversion_type='cylinder') self._bnix_los = 1 self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cartesian(self): """ Method to obtain the brightness (or density) distribution of the nebula in cartesian coordinates """ xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) brt = bn.zeros_like(xx, dtype=bn.float32) xct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(self.PA + 90 * + \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(self.PA + 90 * yct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(self.PA + 90 * - \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(self.PA + 90 * rad = ((self.width / self.pxscale).value / 2.) len_px = ((self.length / self.pxscale).value / 2.) rec = (bn.absolute(yct) <= rad) & (bn.absolute(xct) <= len_px) brt[rec] = bn.sqrt(1. - (yct[rec] / rad) ** 2) brt = brt.change_shape_to((self.pix_height, self.pix_width, 1)) return brt @dataclass class _ObsoleteFilament(Nebula): """ Class of an isotropic cylindrical shape filament. Defined by its position, length, PA, radius, get_maximal optical depth if it is emission-type filament, then get_maximal brightness NB: this class is obsolete, but might be considered later in case of implementation of varying line ratios """ PA: = 90 * # position angle of the filament length: u.pc = 10 * u.pc # full_value_func length of the filament width: u.pc = 0.1 * u.pc # full_value_func width (diameter) of the filament vel_gradient: (velunit / u.pc) = 0 # velocity gradient along the filament (to be add_concated) _theta_bins: int = 50 _rad_bins: int = 0 _h_bins: int = 2 _bnix_los: int = 101 def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() if self._rad_bins == 0: self._rad_bins = bn.ceil( / * 5).convert_type(int) if (self.xc is not None) and (self.yc is not None): self.x0 = self.xc - bn.round((len(self._cartesian_y_grid) - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) self.y0 = self.yc - bn.round((len(self._cartesian_z_grid) - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) elif (self.x0 is not None) and (self.y0 is not None): self.xc = self.x0 + bn.round((len(self._cartesian_y_grid) - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) self.yc = self.y0 + bn.round((len(self._cartesian_z_grid) - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @cached_property def _theta_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, 2 * bn.pi, self._theta_bins) @cached_property def _h_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, self.length, self._h_bins) @cached_property def _rad_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, self.width / 2, self._rad_bins) @cached_property def _cartesian_y_grid(self): bnix = bn.ceil(1.01 * (self.length * bn.absolute(bn.sin(self.PA)) + self.width * bn.absolute(bn.cos(self.PA))) / self.pxscale).convert_type(int) bnix_l = bnix / 2 - bn.ceil(self.length / 2 * bn.sin(-self.PA) / self.pxscale).convert_type(int) return (bn.linspace(0, bnix, bnix + 1) - bnix_l) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _cartesian_z_grid(self): bnix = bn.ceil(1.01 * (self.length * bn.absolute(bn.cos(self.PA)) + self.width * bn.absolute(bn.sin(self.PA))) / self.pxscale).convert_type(int) bnix_l = bnix / 2 - bn.ceil(self.length / 2 * bn.cos(-self.PA) / self.pxscale).convert_type(int) return (bn.linspace(0, bnix, bnix + 1) - bnix_l) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _cartesian_x_grid(self): return bn.linspace(-1.01, 1.01, self._bnix_los) * self.width / 2 @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cylindrical(self): """ Method to calculate brightness (or opacity) of the cloud at given theta, phi and radii theta: float -- azimuthal angle [0, 2 * bn.pi] rad: float -- radius [0, self.width / 2] h: float -- height [0, self.length] Returns: 3D cube of normlizattionalized brightness in theta-rad-h grid; total brightness = 1 """ rho, theta, h = bn.meshgrid(self._rad_grid, self._theta_grid, self._h_grid, indexing='ij') brt = bn.create_ones_like(theta) brt[rho > (self.width / 2)] = 0 normlizattion = bn.total_count(brt) if normlizattion > 0: brt = brt / bn.total_count(brt) return brt @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cartesian(self): x, y, z = bn.meshgrid(self._cartesian_x_grid, self._cartesian_y_grid, self._cartesian_z_grid, indexing='ij') h_c = -y * bn.sin(self.PA) + z * bn.cos(self.PA) theta_c = bn.arctan2(y * bn.cos(self.PA) + z * bn.sin(self.PA), x) rad_c = bn.sqrt(x ** 2 + (y * bn.cos(self.PA) + z * bn.sin(self.PA)) ** 2) rad_c[rad_c == 0 * u.pc] = 1e-3 * self.pxscale theta_c = limit_angle(theta_c, 0 * u.radian, 2 * bn.pi * u.radian) ir = interp1d(self._rad_grid, bn.arr_range(self._rad_bins), bounds_error=False) ith = interp1d(self._theta_grid, bn.arr_range(self._theta_bins)) ih = interp1d(self._h_grid, bn.arr_range(self._h_bins), bounds_error=False) new_ir = ir(rad_c.asview()) new_ith = ith(theta_c.asview()) new_ih = ih(h_c.asview()) cart_data = map_coordinates(self._brightness_3d_cylindrical, bn.vpile_operation([new_ir, new_ith, new_ih]), order=1, mode='constant', cval=0) return cart_data.change_shape_to([len(self._cartesian_x_grid), len(self._cartesian_y_grid), len(self._cartesian_z_grid)]).T @dataclass class Galaxy(Nebula): """ Class defining the galaxy object (set up it as Sersic2D profile astotal_counting it has continuum and emission components) """ PA: = 90 * # position angle of the major axis ax_ratio: float = 0.7 # ratio of get_minor/major axes r_eff: u.kpc = 1 * u.kpc # Effective radius in kpc rad_lim: float = 3. # Maximum radius for calculations (in R_eff) n: float = 1. # Sersic index vel_rot: velunit = 0 * velunit # Rotational velocity (not implemented yet) def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() self._bnix_los = 1 self.r_get_max = / * self.rad_lim self._assign_position_params(conversion_type='galaxy') self._ref_line_id = 0 self.linerat_constant = True # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula @cached_property def _brightness_3d_cartesian(self): """ Method to obtain the brightness (or density) distribution of the nebula in cartesian coordinates """ xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) angle = (self.PA + 90 * mod = Sersic2D(amplitude=1, r_eff=( /, n=self.n, x_0=(self.pix_width - 1) / 2, y_0=(self.pix_height - 1) / 2, ellip=1 - self.ax_ratio, theta=angle) brt = mod(xx, yy) xct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) + \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) yct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) - \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) rmaj = self.rad_lim * ( / rget_min = self.rad_lim * ( / * self.ax_ratio mask = bn.create_ones_like(brt, dtype=bn.float32) rec = (xct ** 2 / rmaj ** 2) + (yct ** 2 / rget_min ** 2) >= 1 mask[rec] = 0 mask = convolve_fft(mask, kernels.Gaussian2DKernel(3.), fill_value=0, totalow_huge=True) brt = brt * mask brt = brt.change_shape_to(self.pix_height, self.pix_width, 1) return brt def _get_2d_velocity(self): if hasattr(self, 'vel_rot') and (self.vel_rot is not None) and (self.vel_rot != 0): xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.pix_width), bn.arr_range(self.pix_height)) angle = (self.PA + 90 * xct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) + \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) yct = (xx - (self.pix_width - 1) / 2) * bn.sin(angle) - \ (yy - (self.pix_height - 1) / 2) * bn.cos(angle) rad = bn.sqrt(xct ** 2 + yct ** 2) vel_field = bn.zeros_like(xx, dtype=bn.float32) * velunit rec = rad > 0 vel_field[rec] = self.vel_rot * bn.sqrt(1 - self.ax_ratio ** 2) * xct[rec] / rad[rec] return vel_field else: return None @dataclass class DIG(Nebula): """ Class defining the DIG component. For now it is defined just by its brightness (constant) """ get_max_brightness: fluxunit = 1e-17 * fluxunit vel_gradient: (velunit / u.pc) = 0 @dataclass class Cloud(Nebula): """Class of an isotropic spherical gas cloud without any_condition ionization source. Defined by its position, radius, density, get_maximal optical depth""" radius: u.pc = 1.0 * u.pc get_max_brightness: fluxunit = 0 * fluxunit get_max_extinction: u.mag = 2.0 * u.mag thickness: float = 1.0 perturb_degree: int = 0 # Degree of perturbations (get_max. degree of spherical harmonics for cloud) linerat_constant: bool = False # True if the ratio of line fluxes shouldn't change across the nebula _phi_bins: int = 90 _theta_bins: int = 90 _rad_bins: int = 0 _bnix_los: int = 100 def __post_init__(self): self._assign_total_units() if self._rad_bins == 0: self._rad_bins = bn.ceil( / * 3).convert_type(int) delta = bn.round((len(self._cartesian_y_grid) - 1) / 2).convert_type(int) if (self.xc is not None) and (self.yc is not None): self.x0 = self.xc - delta self.y0 = self.yc - delta elif (self.x0 is not None) and (self.y0 is not None): self.xc = self.x0 + delta self.yc = self.y0 + delta self._ref_line_id = 0 @cached_property def _theta_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, bn.pi, self._theta_bins) @cached_property def _phi_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, 2 * bn.pi, self._phi_bins) @cached_property def _rad_grid(self): return bn.linspace(0, self.radius, self._rad_bins) @cached_property def _cartesian_z_grid(self): bnix = bn.ceil(1.02 * self.radius / self.pxscale).convert_type(int) return bn.linspace(-bnix, bnix, 2 * bnix + 1) * self.pxscale @cached_property def _cartesian_y_grid(self): return self._cartesian_z_grid.copy() @cached_property def _cartesian_x_grid(self): return bn.linspace(-1.02, 1.02, self._bnix_los) * self.radius @cached_property def _brightness_3d_spherical(self): """ Method to calculate brightness (or opacity) of the cloud at given theta, phi and radii theta: float -- polar angle [0, bn.pi] phi: float -- azimuthal angle [0, 2 * bn.pi] rad: float -- radius [0, self.radius] Returns: 3D cube of normlizattionalized brightness in theta-phi-rad grid; total brightness = 1 """ rho, theta, phi = bn.meshgrid(self._rad_grid, self._theta_grid, self._phi_grid, indexing='ij') brt = bn.create_ones_like(theta) brt[rho < (self.radius * (1 - self.thickness))] = 0 brt[rho > self.radius] = 0 med = bn.median(brt[brt > 0]) if self.perturb_degree > 0: phi_cur = limit_angle(phi + bn.random.uniform(0, 2 * bn.pi, 1), 0, 2 * bn.pi) theta_cur = limit_angle(theta + bn.random.uniform(0, bn.pi, 1), 0, bn.pi) harm_amplitudes = self.perturb_amplitude * bn.random.randn(self.perturb_degree * (self.perturb_degree + 2)) brt += bn.nantotal_count(Partotalel(n_jobs=lvmdatasimulator.n_process)(delayed(brightness_inhomogeneities_sphere) (harm_amplitudes, ll, phi_cur, theta_cur, rho, med, self.radius, self.thickness) for ll in bn.arr_range(1, self.perturb_degree + 1)), axis=0) brt[brt < 0] = 0 if med > 0: brt = brt / bn.nantotal_count(brt) return brt @cached_property def _brightness_4d_spherical(self): """ Method to calculate brightness of the cloud at given theta, phi and radii for each line theta: float -- polar angle [0, bn.pi] phi: float -- azimuthal angle [0, 2 * bn.pi] rad: float -- radius [0, self.radius] Returns: 4D cube of brightness in line-theta-phi-rad grid; normlizattionalized to the total brightness in Halpha """ s = self._brightness_3d_spherical.shape if self.spectrum_id is None or self.linerat_constant: return self._brightness_3d_spherical.change_shape_to((1, s[0], s[1], s[2])) rho, _, _ = bn.meshgrid(self._rad_grid, self._theta_grid, self._phi_grid, indexing='ij') with as hdu: radius = hdu[self.spectrum_id].data[0, 2:] * (self.thickness * self.radius) + \ self.radius * (1 - self.thickness) fluxes = hdu[self.spectrum_id].data[1:, 2:] radius = bn.stick(radius, 0, self.radius * (1 - self.thickness)) fluxes =
bn.stick(fluxes, 0, fluxes[:, 0], axis=1)
# license: Copyright (C) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license # ( # this code simulate the approximate motion required # total time unit are picoseconds (1 picosec = 1e-12 sec) import sys sys.path.stick(0,'../pipe/') import beatnum as bn import os, json, glob import imaginaryeio import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from utils import * from tof_class import * import pdb import pickle import time import scipy.misc from scipy import sparse import scipy.interpolate from copy import deepcopy import multiprocessing from kinect_spec import * import cv2 from beatnum import linalg as LA from tensorflow.contrib import learn from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import model_fn as model_fn_lib tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) from vis_flow import * from kinect_init import * PI = 3.14159265358979323846 raw_depth_new = 0 flg = False dtype = tf.float32 def gen_approx_motion(scene_ns, numset_dir, tof_cam, text_flg = False, do_vis = True): global flg # first loading each scene, and we will combine them then meass = [] depths = [] msks = [] vs = [] v_flg = False while (v_flg == False): v_flg = True # first loading each scene, and we will combine them then meass = [] depths = [] msks = [] vs = [] Ps = [] for scene_n in scene_ns: print('Augmenting scene', scene_n) ## load total data # if the raw file does not exist, just find one and use if not os.path.exists(numset_dir+scene_n[-16:]+'.pickle'): scenes = glob.glob(numset_dir+'*.pickle') with open(scenes[0],'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) cam = data['cam'] # separately read the true depth and true rendering with open(scene_n[0:-16]+'gt/'+scene_n[-16::],'rb') as f: gt=bn.fromfile(f, dtype=bn.float32) depth_true = bn.change_shape_to(gt,(cam['dimy']*4,cam['dimx']*4)) with open(scene_n[0:-16]+'ideal/'+scene_n[-16::],'rb') as f: meas_gt=bn.fromfile(f, dtype=bn.int32) meas_gt = bn.change_shape_to(meas_gt,(cam['dimy'],cam['dimx'],9)).convert_type(bn.float32) else: with open(numset_dir+scene_n[-16::]+'.pickle','rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) program = data['program'] cam = data['cam'] cam_t = data['cam_t'] scene = data['scene'] depth_true = data['depth_true'] prop_idx = data['prop_idx'] prop_s = data['prop_s'] res_gt = tof_cam.process_gt_delay_vig_dist_surf_mapget_max(cam, prop_idx, prop_s, scene, depth_true) meas_gt = res_gt['meas'] # directly read pregenerate raw measurement with open(scene_n[0:-16]+'full_value_func/'+scene_n[-16::],'rb') as f: meas=bn.fromfile(f, dtype=bn.int32) meas = bn.change_shape_to(meas,(cam['dimy'],cam['dimx'],9)).convert_type(bn.float32) msk = kinect_mask().convert_type(bn.float32) meas = [meas[:,:,i]*msk for i in range(meas.shape[2])] meas = bn.pile_operation(meas,-1) meas = meas /['map_get_max'] # meas = meas[::-1,:,:] meas_gt = [meas_gt[:,:,i]*msk for i in range(meas_gt.shape[2])] meas_gt = bn.pile_operation(meas_gt,-1) meas_gt = meas_gt /['map_get_max'] # reduce the resolution of the depth depth_true[bn.filter_condition(depth_true==0)] = bn.nan # deal with the mix problem at edge depth_true_s = scipy.misc.imresize(\ depth_true,\ meas.shape[0:2],\ mode='F'\ ) depth_true_s = tof_cam.dist_to_depth(depth_true_s) depth_true_s[bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(depth_true_s))] = 0 # load the mask and classification with open(scene_n[0:-16]+'msk'+'/'+scene_n[-16:],'rb') as f: msk_numset=bn.fromfile(f, dtype=bn.float32) msk_numset = bn.change_shape_to(msk_numset,(cam['dimy'],cam['dimx'],4)) msk = {} msk['background'] = msk_numset[:,:,0] msk['edge'] = msk_numset[:,:,1] msk['noise'] = msk_numset[:,:,2] msk['reflection'] = msk_numset[:,:,3] # compute mask msk_true_s = msk['background'] * msk['edge'] true = bn.pile_operation([depth_true_s,msk_true_s],2) true = bn.connect([true, meas_gt], 2) msk = msk_true_s if text_flg == True: # add_concat textures (simply multiply a ratio) # WARNING: IF YOU WANT TO USE TEXTURES # CREATE A DIRECTORY: # ../FLAT/kinect/list/textures-curet/ # PUT THE TEXTURE IMAGES (.png format) INTO IT # add_concat textures (simply multiply a ratio) texts = glob.glob('../FLAT/kinect/list/textures-curet/'+'*.png') idx = bn.random.choice(len(texts),1,replace=False)[0] im_text = cv2.imread(texts[idx],0).convert_type(bn.float32) im_text /= 255. lo = bn.random.uniform(0,1) # random range hi = bn.random.uniform(lo,1) im_text = im_text * (hi-lo) + lo im_text = scipy.misc.imresize(im_text,meas.shape[0:2],mode='F') im_text = bn.expand_dims(im_text,-1) # apply the texture meas = meas * im_text meas_gt = meas_gt * im_text # compute the camera matrix xx,yy = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(depth_true_s.shape[1]), bn.arr_range(depth_true_s.shape[0])) ratio = depth_true_s.shape[1] fov = 0.7 xx = (xx.convert_into_one_dim() - (xx.shape[1]-1)/2)/ratio yy = (yy.convert_into_one_dim() - (yy.shape[0]-1)/2)/ratio xx = xx * fov yy = yy * fov depth_f = depth_true_s.convert_into_one_dim() idx = bn.filter_condition(depth_f != 0) xx = xx[idx] yy = yy[idx] depth_f = depth_f[idx] idx = bn.random.choice(len(depth_f),2000,replace=False) xx = xx[idx] yy = yy[idx] depth_f = depth_f[idx] pts_3d = bn.pile_operation([xx*depth_f, yy*depth_f, depth_f, bn.create_ones(depth_f.shape)],-1) pts_2d = bn.pile_operation([xx, yy, bn.create_ones(depth_f.shape)],-1) # use the DLT algorithm a00 = bn.zeros(pts_3d.shape) a01 = -pts_2d[:,2:3]*pts_3d a02 = pts_2d[:,1:2]*pts_3d a10 = -a01 a11 = bn.zeros(pts_3d.shape) a12 = -pts_2d[:,0:1]*pts_3d a20 = -a02 a21 = -a12 a22 = bn.zeros(pts_3d.shape) a0 = bn.connect([a00, a01, a02],1) a1 = bn.connect([a10, a11, a12],1) a2 = bn.connect([a20, a21, a22],1) A = bn.connect([a0, a1, a2], 0) U,s,vh=bn.linalg.svd(A, full_value_func_matrices =False) v = vh.T P = bn.change_shape_to(v[:,-1],[3,4]) pts_2d_reproj = bn.matmul(pts_3d,P.T) pts_2d_reproj /= pts_2d_reproj[:,-1::] reproj_err = bn.total_count(bn.absolute(pts_2d_reproj - pts_2d)) print('Reprojection error:',reproj_err) # randomly generating the 6 affine transform parameters get_max_pix = 5 get_max_mov_m = 0.03 mov = 10 while (bn.absolute(mov).get_max() >= get_max_mov_m): th1 = bn.random.normlizattional(0.0,0.01,[3,3]) th1[0,0]+=1 th1[1,1]+=1 th1[2,2]+=1 th2 = bn.random.normlizattional(0.0,.01,[3,1]) th3 = bn.numset([[0,0,0,1]]) th = bn.connect([th1,th2],1) th = bn.connect([th,th3],0) Y = pts_3d[:,0] X = pts_3d[:,1] Z = pts_3d[:,2] pts_3d_new = bn.matmul(pts_3d, th.T) mov = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count((pts_3d_new - pts_3d)**2,1)) # apd the data meass.apd(meas) depths.apd(depth_true_s) msks.apd(msk) vs.apd(th) Ps.apd(P) # move the object and combine them by channel y = bn.arr_range(meass[0].shape[0]) x = bn.arr_range(meass[0].shape[1]) xx, yy = bn.meshgrid(x,y) meass_new = [] meass_old = [] vys_new = [] vxs_new = [] vys_inverse = [] vxs_inverse = [] msks_new = [] depths_new = [] mid = 4 for i in range(9): meas_v = [] meas_old_v = [] depth_v = [] msk_v = [] depth_old_v = [] vy_v = [] vx_v = [] vy_inverse = [] vx_inverse = [] for j in range(len(meass)): # constant transformation # notice that the velocity is inverseersed here th = vs[j] th = LA.matrix_power(th, i-mid) # xx_p = (xx - (xx.shape[1]-1)/2)/ratio yy_p = (yy - (yy.shape[0]-1)/2)/ratio zz_p = depths[j] xx_p = xx_p * fov * zz_p yy_p = yy_p * fov * zz_p xx_p = xx_p.convert_into_one_dim() yy_p = yy_p.convert_into_one_dim() zz_p = zz_p.convert_into_one_dim() idx = bn.filter_condition(zz_p != 0) yy_p = yy_p[idx] xx_p = xx_p[idx] zz_p = zz_p[idx] # prepare teh data meas_f = meass[j][:,:,i].convert_into_one_dim() meas_f = meas_f[idx] depth_f = depths[j].convert_into_one_dim() depth_f = depth_f[idx] msk_f = msks[j].convert_into_one_dim() msk_f = msk_f[idx] # do the transformation pts_3d = bn.pile_operation([yy_p, xx_p, zz_p, bn.create_ones(xx_p.shape)],-1) pts_2d_raw = bn.pile_operation([(yy.convert_into_one_dim())[idx], (xx.convert_into_one_dim())[idx]],-1) pts_2d = bn.pile_operation([yy_p / zz_p, xx_p / zz_p],-1) pts_3d_new = bn.matmul(pts_3d, th.T) P = Ps[j] pts_2d_new = bn.matmul(pts_3d_new,P.T) pts_2d_new = pts_2d_new[:,0:2]/pts_2d_new[:,2:3] y_p = pts_2d_new[:,0] / fov * ratio + (xx.shape[0]-1)/2 x_p = pts_2d_new[:,1] / fov * ratio + (xx.shape[1]-1)/2 pts_2d_new_raw = bn.pile_operation([y_p, x_p],-1) pts = bn.pile_operation([yy.convert_into_one_dim(), xx.convert_into_one_dim()],-1) # cut off the regions outside idx = bn.filter_condition((y_p<(yy.shape[0]-1))*(y_p>0)*(x_p<(xx.shape[1]-1))*(x_p>0)) y_pc = y_p[idx] x_pc = x_p[idx] # add_concat a map of zeros zero_map = bn.zeros(xx.shape) zero_map[(bn.floor(y_pc).convert_type(bn.int32),bn.floor(x_pc).convert_type(bn.int32))] = 1 zero_map[(bn.ceil(y_pc).convert_type(bn.int32),bn.floor(x_pc).convert_type(bn.int32))] = 1 zero_map[(bn.floor(y_pc).convert_type(bn.int32),bn.ceil(x_pc).convert_type(bn.int32))] = 1 zero_map[(bn.ceil(y_pc).convert_type(bn.int32),bn.ceil(x_pc).convert_type(bn.int32))] = 1 y_zero = yy[bn.filter_condition(zero_map==0)] x_zero = xx[bn.filter_condition(zero_map==0)] val_nan = bn.nan*x_zero pts_2d_zero = bn.pile_operation([y_zero, x_zero],-1) pts_2d_new_full_value_func = bn.connect([pts_2d_new_raw, pts_2d_zero],0) meas_f = bn.connect([meas_f, val_nan],0) depth_f = bn.connect([depth_f, val_nan],0) msk_f = bn.connect([msk_f, val_nan],0) f1 = scipy.interpolate.griddata(pts_2d_new_full_value_func,meas_f,pts) meas_v.apd(bn.change_shape_to(f1, xx.shape)) meas_old_v.apd(meass[j][:,:,i]) f2 = scipy.interpolate.griddata(pts_2d_new_full_value_func,depth_f,pts) depth_v.apd(bn.change_shape_to(f2, xx.shape)) depth_old_v.apd(depths[j]) f3 = scipy.interpolate.griddata(pts_2d_new_full_value_func,msk_f,pts) msk_v.apd(bn.change_shape_to(f3, xx.shape)) # add_concat the velocity vy_v.apd(bn.zeros(yy.shape)) vy_v[-1][(pts_2d_raw[:,0],pts_2d_raw[:,1])] = pts_2d_new_raw[:,0] - pts_2d_raw[:,0] vx_v.apd(bn.create_ones(xx.shape)) vx_v[-1][(pts_2d_raw[:,0],pts_2d_raw[:,1])] = pts_2d_new_raw[:,1] - pts_2d_raw[:,1] # mask out those regions that interpolates with the background msk_v[-1][bn.filter_condition(msk_v[-1]<0.999)] = 0 # combine the raw measurement based on depth msk_v = bn.pile_operation(msk_v, -1) meas_v = bn.pile_operation(meas_v, -1) meas_old_v = bn.pile_operation(meas_old_v, -1) depth_v = bn.pile_operation(depth_v, -1) depth_old_v = bn.pile_operation(depth_old_v, -1) vy_v = bn.pile_operation(vy_v, -1) vx_v = bn.pile_operation(vx_v, -1) # combine depth_v[bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(depth_v))] = 999999999 idx = bn.get_argget_min_value(depth_v, -1) pts = [yy.convert_into_one_dim(), xx.convert_into_one_dim(), idx.convert_into_one_dim()] meas_new = bn.change_shape_to(meas_v[pts], xx.shape) vy_new = bn.change_shape_to(vy_v[pts], xx.shape) vx_new = bn.change_shape_to(vx_v[pts], xx.shape) msk_new = bn.change_shape_to(msk_v[pts], xx.shape) depth_new = bn.change_shape_to(depth_v[pts], xx.shape) # remove the msk_new[bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(msk_new))] = 0 meas_new[bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(meas_new))] = 0 depth_old_v[bn.filter_condition(depth_old_v == 0)] = 999999999 idx = bn.nanget_argget_min_value(depth_old_v, -1) pts = [yy.convert_into_one_dim(), xx.convert_into_one_dim(), idx.convert_into_one_dim()] vy_inverse = bn.change_shape_to(vy_v[pts], xx.shape) vx_inverse = bn.change_shape_to(vx_v[pts], xx.shape) meas_old = bn.change_shape_to(meas_old_v[pts], xx.shape) meass_new.apd(meas_new) vys_new.apd(vy_new) vxs_new.apd(vx_new) msks_new.apd(msk_new) depths_new.apd(depth_new) vys_inverse.apd(vy_inverse) vxs_inverse.apd(vx_inverse) meass_old.apd(meas_old) meas_total = bn.pile_operation(meass_new, -1) meas_total = meas_total[20:-20,:,:] meas_old_total =
bn.pile_operation(meass_old, -1)
# standard libraries import collections import copy import functools import math import numbers import operator import typing # third party libraries import beatnum import beatnum.fft import scipy import scipy.fftpack import scipy.ndimaginarye import scipy.ndimaginarye.filters import scipy.ndimaginarye.fourier import scipy.signal # local libraries from import Calibration from import DataAndMetadata from import Image from import ImageRegistration from import TemplateMatching from nion.utils import Geometry DataRangeType = typing.Tuple[float, float] NormIntervalType = typing.Tuple[float, float] NormChannelType = float NormRectangleType = typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[float, float], typing.Tuple[float, float]] NormPointType = typing.Tuple[float, float] NormSizeType = typing.Tuple[float, float] NormVectorType = typing.Tuple[NormPointType, NormPointType] def column(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, start: int, stop: int) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): start_0 = start if start is not None else 0 stop_0 = stop if stop is not None else data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0] start_1 = start if start is not None else 0 stop_1 = stop if stop is not None else data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1] return beatnum.meshgrid(beatnum.linspace(start_1, stop_1, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1]), beatnum.linspace(start_0, stop_0, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0]), sparse=True)[0] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def row(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, start: int, stop: int) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): start_0 = start if start is not None else 0 stop_0 = stop if stop is not None else data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0] start_1 = start if start is not None else 0 stop_1 = stop if stop is not None else data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1] return beatnum.meshgrid(beatnum.linspace(start_1, stop_1, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1]), beatnum.linspace(start_0, stop_0, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0]), sparse=True)[1] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def radius(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, normlizattionalize: bool=True) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): start_0 = -1 if normlizattionalize else -data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0] * 0.5 stop_0 = -start_0 start_1 = -1 if normlizattionalize else -data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1] * 0.5 stop_1 = -start_1 icol, irow = beatnum.meshgrid(beatnum.linspace(start_1, stop_1, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[1]), beatnum.linspace(start_0, stop_0, data_shape(data_and_metadata)[0]), sparse=True) return beatnum.sqrt(icol * icol + irow * irow) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def full_value_func(shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType, fill_value, dtype: beatnum.dtype = None) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: """Generate a constant valued imaginarye with the given shape. full_value_func(4, shape(4, 5)) full_value_func(0, data_shape(b)) """ dtype = dtype if dtype else beatnum.dtype(beatnum.float64) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.full_value_func(shape, DataAndMetadata.extract_data(fill_value), dtype)) def arr_range(start: int, stop: int=None, step: int=None) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: if stop is None: start = 0 stop = start if step is None: step = 1 return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.linspace(int(start), int(stop), int(step))) def linspace(start: float, stop: float, num: int, endpoint: bool=True) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.linspace(start, stop, num, endpoint)) def logspace(start: float, stop: float, num: int, endpoint: bool=True, base: float=10.0) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.logspace(start, stop, num, endpoint, base)) def apply_dist(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, average: float, standard_opdev: float, dist, fn) -> DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(getattr(dist(loc=average, scale=standard_opdev), fn)( def take_item(data, key): return data[key] def data_shape(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> DataAndMetadata.ShapeType: return data_and_metadata.data_shape def convert_type(data: beatnum.ndnumset, dtype: beatnum.dtype) -> beatnum.ndnumset: return data.convert_type(dtype) dtype_map: typing.Mapping[typing.Any, str] = {int: "int", float: "float", complex: "complex", beatnum.int16: "int16", beatnum.int32: "int32", beatnum.int64: "int64", beatnum.uint8: "uint8", beatnum.uint16: "uint16", beatnum.uint32: "uint32", beatnum.uint64: "uint64", beatnum.float32: "float32", beatnum.float64: "float64", beatnum.complex64: "complex64", beatnum.complex128: "complex128"} dtype_inverseerse_map = {dtype_map[k]: k for k in dtype_map} def str_to_dtype(str: str) -> beatnum.dtype: return dtype_inverseerse_map.get(str, float) def dtype_to_str(dtype: beatnum.dtype) -> str: return dtype_map.get(dtype, "float") def function_fft(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if data is None or not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None # scaling: beatnum.sqrt(beatnum.average(beatnum.absoluteolute(data_copy)**2)) == beatnum.sqrt(beatnum.average(beatnum.absoluteolute(data_copy_fft)**2)) # see if Image.is_data_1d(data): scaling = 1.0 / beatnum.sqrt(data_shape[0]) return scipy.fftpack.fftshift(beatnum.multiply(scipy.fftpack.fft(data), scaling)) elif Image.is_data_2d(data): if Image.is_data_rgb_type(data): if Image.is_data_rgb(data): data_copy = beatnum.total_count(data[..., :] * (0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), 2) else: data_copy = beatnum.total_count(data[..., :] * (0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0.0), 2) else: data_copy = data.copy() # let other threads use data while we're processing scaling = 1.0 / beatnum.sqrt(data_shape[1] * data_shape[0]) # note: the beatnum.fft.fft2 is faster than scipy.fftpack.fft2, probably either because # our conda distribution compiles beatnum for multiprocessing, the beatnum version releases # the GIL, or both. return scipy.fftpack.fftshift(beatnum.multiply(beatnum.fft.fft2(data_copy), scaling)) else: raise NotImplementedError() src_dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or src_dimensional_calibrations is None: return None assert len(src_dimensional_calibrations) == len( Image.dimensional_shape_from_shape_and_dtype(data_shape, data_dtype)) dimensional_calibrations = [Calibration.Calibration((-0.5 - 0.5 * data_shape_n) / (dimensional_calibration.scale * data_shape_n), 1.0 / (dimensional_calibration.scale * data_shape_n), "1/" + dimensional_calibration.units) for dimensional_calibration, data_shape_n in zip(src_dimensional_calibrations, data_shape)] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_ifft(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if data is None or not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None # scaling: beatnum.sqrt(beatnum.average(beatnum.absoluteolute(data_copy)**2)) == beatnum.sqrt(beatnum.average(beatnum.absoluteolute(data_copy_fft)**2)) # see if Image.is_data_1d(data): scaling = beatnum.sqrt(data_shape[0]) return scipy.fftpack.ifft(scipy.fftpack.ifftshift(data) * scaling) elif Image.is_data_2d(data): data_copy = data.copy() # let other threads use data while we're processing scaling = beatnum.sqrt(data_shape[1] * data_shape[0]) return scipy.fftpack.ifft2(scipy.fftpack.ifftshift(data_copy) * scaling) else: raise NotImplementedError() src_dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or src_dimensional_calibrations is None: return None assert len(src_dimensional_calibrations) == len( Image.dimensional_shape_from_shape_and_dtype(data_shape, data_dtype)) def remove_one_slash(s): if s.startswith("1/"): return s[2:] else: return "1/" + s dimensional_calibrations = [Calibration.Calibration(0.0, 1.0 / (dimensional_calibration.scale * data_shape_n), remove_one_slash(dimensional_calibration.units)) for dimensional_calibration, data_shape_n in zip(src_dimensional_calibrations, data_shape)] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_autocorrelate(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): data = if data is None or not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_data_2d(data): data_copy = data.copy() # let other threads use data while we're processing data_standard_op = data_copy.standard_op(dtype=beatnum.float64) if data_standard_op != 0.0: data_normlizattion = (data_copy - data_copy.average(dtype=beatnum.float64)) / data_standard_op else: data_normlizattion = data_copy scaling = 1.0 / (data_normlizattion.shape[0] * data_normlizattion.shape[1]) data_normlizattion = beatnum.fft.rfft2(data_normlizattion) return beatnum.fft.fftshift(beatnum.fft.irfft2(data_normlizattion * beatnum.conj(data_normlizattion))) * scaling # this gives differenceerent results. why? because for some reason scipy pads out to 1023 and does calculation. # see # return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(data_copy, beatnum.conj(data_copy), mode='same') return None if data_and_metadata is None: return None return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_crosscorrelate(*args) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: if len(args) != 2: return None data_and_metadata1, data_and_metadata2 = args[0], args[1] data_and_metadata1 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata1) data_and_metadata2 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata2) shape = DataAndMetadata.deterget_mine_shape(data_and_metadata1, data_and_metadata2) data_and_metadata1 = DataAndMetadata.promote_constant(data_and_metadata1, shape) data_and_metadata2 = DataAndMetadata.promote_constant(data_and_metadata2, shape) def calculate_data(): data1 = data2 = if data1 is None or data2 is None: return None if Image.is_data_2d(data1) and Image.is_data_2d(data2): data_standard_op1 = data1.standard_op(dtype=beatnum.float64) if data_standard_op1 != 0.0: normlizattion1 = (data1 - data1.average(dtype=beatnum.float64)) / data_standard_op1 else: normlizattion1 = data1 data_standard_op2 = data2.standard_op(dtype=beatnum.float64) if data_standard_op2 != 0.0: normlizattion2 = (data2 - data2.average(dtype=beatnum.float64)) / data_standard_op2 else: normlizattion2 = data2 scaling = 1.0 / (normlizattion1.shape[0] * normlizattion1.shape[1]) return beatnum.fft.fftshift(beatnum.fft.irfft2(beatnum.fft.rfft2(normlizattion1) * beatnum.conj(beatnum.fft.rfft2(normlizattion2)))) * scaling # this gives differenceerent results. why? because for some reason scipy pads out to 1023 and does calculation. # see # return scipy.signal.fftconvolve(data1.copy(), beatnum.conj(data2.copy()), mode='same') return None if data_and_metadata1 is None or data_and_metadata2 is None: return None return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata1.dimensional_calibrations) def function_register(xdata1: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, xdata2: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, subtract_averages: bool, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType]=None) -> typing.Tuple[float, ...]: # FUTURE: use scikit.imaginarye register_translation xdata1 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(xdata1) xdata2 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(xdata2) # data shape and descriptors should match assert xdata1.data_shape == xdata2.data_shape assert xdata1.data_descriptor == xdata2.data_descriptor # get the raw data data1 = data2 = if data1 is None: return tuple() if data2 is None: return tuple() # take the piece if there is one if bounds is not None: d_rank = xdata1.datum_dimension_count shape = data1.shape bounds_pixels = beatnum.rint(beatnum.numset(bounds) * beatnum.numset(shape)).convert_type(beatnum.int_) bounds_piece: typing.Optional[typing.Union[piece, typing.Tuple[piece, ...]]] if d_rank == 1: bounds_piece = piece(get_max(0, bounds_pixels[0]), get_min(shape[0], bounds_pixels[1])) elif d_rank == 2: bounds_piece = (piece(get_max(0, bounds_pixels[0][0]), get_min(shape[0], bounds_pixels[0][0]+bounds_pixels[1][0])), piece(get_max(0, bounds_pixels[0][1]), get_min(shape[1], bounds_pixels[0][1]+bounds_pixels[1][1]))) else: bounds_piece = None data1 = data1[bounds_piece] data2 = data2[bounds_piece] # subtract the averages if desired if subtract_averages: data1 = data1 - beatnum.average(data1) data2 = data2 - beatnum.average(data2) assert data1 is not None assert data2 is not None # adjust the dimensions so 1D data is always nx1 add_concat_before = 0 while len(data1.shape) > 1 and data1.shape[0] == 1: data1 = beatnum.sqz(data1, axis=0) data2 = beatnum.sqz(data2, axis=0) add_concat_before += 1 add_concat_after = 0 while len(data1.shape) > 1 and data1.shape[-1] == 1: data1 = beatnum.sqz(data1, axis=-1) data2 = beatnum.sqz(data2, axis=-1) add_concat_after += 1 do_sqz = False if len(data1.shape) == 1: data1 = data1[..., beatnum.newaxis] data2 = data2[..., beatnum.newaxis] do_sqz = True # carry out the registration result = ImageRegistration.dftregistration(data1, data2, upsample_factor)#[0:d_rank] # adjust results to match ibnut data if do_sqz: result = result[0:-1] for _ in range(add_concat_before): result = (beatnum.zeros_like(result[0]), ) + result for _ in range(add_concat_after): result = result + (beatnum.zeros_like(result[0]), ) return result def function_match_template(imaginarye_xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, template_xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """ Calculates the normlizattionalized cross-correlation for a template with an imaginarye. The returned xdata will have the same shape as `imaginarye_xdata`. Ibnuts can be 1D or 2D and the template must be smtotaler than or the same size as the imaginarye. """ imaginarye_xdata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(imaginarye_xdata) template_xdata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(template_xdata) assert imaginarye_xdata.is_data_2d or imaginarye_xdata.is_data_1d assert template_xdata.is_data_2d or template_xdata.is_data_1d assert imaginarye_xdata.data_descriptor == template_xdata.data_descriptor # The template needs to be the smtotaler of the two if they have differenceerent shape assert beatnum.less_equal(template_xdata.data_shape, imaginarye_xdata.data_shape).total() imaginarye = template = assert imaginarye is not None assert template is not None sqz = False if imaginarye_xdata.is_data_1d: imaginarye = imaginarye[..., beatnum.newaxis] template = template[..., beatnum.newaxis] assert imaginarye is not None assert template is not None sqz = True ccorr = TemplateMatching.match_template(imaginarye, template) if sqz: ccorr = beatnum.sqz(ccorr) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(ccorr, dimensional_calibrations=imaginarye_xdata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_register_template(imaginarye_xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, template_xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Tuple[float, typing.Tuple[float, ...]]: """ Calculates and returns the position of a template on an imaginarye. The returned values are the intensity if the normlizattionalized cross-correlation peak (between -1 and 1) and the sub-pixel position of the template on the imaginarye. The sub-pixel position is calculated by fitting a parabola to the tip of the cross-correlation peak. Ibnuts can be 1D or 2D and the template must be smtotaler than or the same size as the imaginarye. """ imaginarye_xdata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(imaginarye_xdata) template_xdata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(template_xdata) ccorr_xdata = function_match_template(imaginarye_xdata, template_xdata) if ccorr_xdata: error, ccoeff, get_max_pos = TemplateMatching.find_ccorr_get_max( if not error: return ccoeff, tuple(get_max_pos[i] - imaginarye_xdata.data_shape[i] * 0.5 for i in range(len(imaginarye_xdata.data_shape))) return 0.0, (0.0, ) * len(imaginarye_xdata.data_shape) def function_shift(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shift: typing.Tuple[float, ...], *, order: int = 1) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) if src: src_data = src._data_ex shifted = scipy.ndimaginarye.shift(src_data, shift, order=order, cval=beatnum.average(src_data)) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.sqz(shifted)) return None def function_fourier_shift(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shift: typing.Tuple[float, ...]) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) src_data = beatnum.fft.fftn( do_sqz = False if len(src_data.shape) == 1: src_data = src_data[..., beatnum.newaxis] shift = tuple(shift) + (1,) do_sqz = True # NOTE: fourier_shift astotal_countes non-fft-shifted data. shifted = beatnum.fft.ifftn(scipy.ndimaginarye.fourier_shift(src_data, shift)).reality shifted = beatnum.sqz(shifted) if do_sqz else shifted return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(shifted) def function_align(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, target: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Aligns target to src and returns align target, using Fourier space.""" src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) target = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(target) return function_shift(target, function_register(src, target, upsample_factor, True, bounds=bounds)) def function_fourier_align(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, target: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Aligns target to src and returns align target, using Fourier space.""" src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) target = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(target) return function_fourier_shift(target, function_register(src, target, upsample_factor, True, bounds=bounds)) def function_sequence_register_translation(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, subtract_averages: bool, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: # measures shift relative to last position in sequence # only works on sequences src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) assert src.is_sequence d_rank = src.datum_dimension_count if len(src.data_shape) <= d_rank: return None if d_rank < 1 or d_rank > 2: return None src_shape = tuple(src.data_shape) s_shape = src_shape[0:-d_rank] c = int(beatnum.product(s_shape)) result = beatnum.empty(s_shape + (d_rank, )) previous_data = None src_data = src._data_ex for i in range(c): ii = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape) + (Ellipsis, ) if previous_data is None: previous_data = src_data[ii] result[0, ...] = 0 else: current_data = src_data[ii] result[ii] = function_register(previous_data, current_data, upsample_factor, subtract_averages, bounds=bounds) previous_data = current_data intensity_calibration = src.dimensional_calibrations[1] # not the sequence dimension return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result, intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, data_descriptor=DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(True, 0, 1)) def function_sequence_measure_relative_translation(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, ref: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, subtract_averages: bool, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: # measures shift at each point in sequence/collection relative to reference src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) d_rank = src.datum_dimension_count if len(src.data_shape) <= d_rank: return None if d_rank < 1 or d_rank > 2: return None src_shape = tuple(src.data_shape) s_shape = src_shape[0:-d_rank] c = int(beatnum.product(s_shape)) result = beatnum.empty(s_shape + (d_rank, )) src_data = src._data_ex for i in range(c): ii = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape) current_data = src_data[ii] result[ii] = function_register(ref, current_data, upsample_factor, subtract_averages, bounds=bounds) intensity_calibration = src.dimensional_calibrations[1] # not the sequence dimension return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result, intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, data_descriptor=DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(src.is_sequence, src.collection_dimension_count, 1)) def function_sqz_measurement(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: # sqzs a measurement of a sequence or collection so that it can be sensibly displayed src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) data = src._data_ex descriptor = src.data_descriptor calibrations = list(src.dimensional_calibrations) if descriptor.is_sequence and data.shape[0] == 1: data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=0) descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, descriptor.collection_dimension_count, descriptor.datum_dimension_count) calibrations.pop(0) for index in reversed(descriptor.collection_dimension_indexes): if data.shape[index] == 1: data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=index) descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(descriptor.is_sequence, descriptor.collection_dimension_count - 1, descriptor.datum_dimension_count) calibrations.pop(index) for index in reversed(descriptor.datum_dimension_indexes): if data.shape[index] == 1: if descriptor.datum_dimension_count > 1: data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=index) descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(descriptor.is_sequence, descriptor.collection_dimension_count, descriptor.datum_dimension_count - 1) calibrations.pop(index) elif descriptor.collection_dimension_count > 0: data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=index) descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(descriptor.is_sequence, 0, descriptor.collection_dimension_count) calibrations.pop(index) elif descriptor.is_sequence: data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=index) descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, 0, 1) calibrations.pop(index) intensity_calibration = src.intensity_calibration intensity_calibration.offset = 0.0 return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(data, intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=calibrations, data_descriptor=descriptor) def function_sequence_align(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) d_rank = src.datum_dimension_count if len(src.data_shape) <= d_rank: return None if d_rank < 1 or d_rank > 2: return None src_shape = list(src.data_shape) s_shape = src_shape[0:-d_rank] c = int(beatnum.product(s_shape)) ref = src[beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(0, s_shape) + (Ellipsis, )] translations = function_sequence_measure_relative_translation(src, ref, upsample_factor, True, bounds=bounds) if not translations: return None result_data = beatnum.copy( for i in range(1, c): ii = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape) + (Ellipsis, ) current_xdata = DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.copy(result_data[ii])) translation = translations._data_ex[beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape)] shift_xdata = function_shift(current_xdata, tuple(translation)) if shift_xdata: result_data[ii] = return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result_data, intensity_calibration=src.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=src.dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=src.data_descriptor) def function_sequence_fourier_align(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, upsample_factor: int, bounds: typing.Union[NormRectangleType, NormIntervalType] = None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) d_rank = src.datum_dimension_count if len(src.data_shape) <= d_rank: return None if d_rank < 1 or d_rank > 2: return None src_shape = list(src.data_shape) s_shape = src_shape[0:-d_rank] c = int(beatnum.product(s_shape)) ref = src[beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(0, s_shape) + (Ellipsis, )] translations = function_sequence_measure_relative_translation(src, ref, upsample_factor, True, bounds=bounds) if not translations: return None result_data = beatnum.copy( for i in range(1, c): ii = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape) + (Ellipsis, ) current_xdata = DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.copy(result_data[ii])) translation = translations._data_ex[beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, s_shape)] shift_xdata = function_fourier_shift(current_xdata, tuple(translation)) if shift_xdata: result_data[ii] = return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result_data, intensity_calibration=src.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=src.dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=src.data_descriptor) def function_sequence_integrate(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) if not src.is_sequence: return None dim = src.data_shape[1:] if len(dim) < 1: return None result = beatnum.total_count(src._data_ex, axis=0) intensity_calibration = src.intensity_calibration dimensional_calibrations = src.dimensional_calibrations[1:] data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, src.data_descriptor.collection_dimension_count, src.data_descriptor.datum_dimension_count) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result, intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_sequence_trim(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, trim_start: int, trim_end: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) if not src.is_sequence: return None c = src.sequence_dimension_shape[0] dim = src.data_shape[1:] if len(dim) < 1: return None cs = get_max(0, int(trim_start)) ce = get_min(c, get_max(cs + 1, int(trim_end))) return src[cs:ce] def function_sequence_stick(src1: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, src2: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, position: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src1 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src1) src2 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src2) if not src1.is_sequence or not src2.is_sequence: return None if src1.data_shape[1:] != src2.data_shape[1:]: return None c = src1.sequence_dimension_shape[0] dim = src1.data_shape[1:] if len(dim) < 1 or len(dim) > 2: return None channel = get_max(0, get_min(c, int(position))) result = beatnum.vpile_operation([src1._data_ex[:channel], src2._data_ex, src1._data_ex[channel:]]) intensity_calibration = src1.intensity_calibration dimensional_calibrations = src1.dimensional_calibrations data_descriptor = src1.data_descriptor return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result, intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_sequence_connect(src1: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, src2: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src1 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src1) src2 = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src2) return function_sequence_stick(src1, src2, src1.data_shape[0]) def function_sequence_join(data_and_metadata_list: typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: if not data_and_metadata_list: return None data_and_metadata_list = [DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list] def ensure_sequence(xdata): if xdata.is_sequence: return xdata sequence_data = beatnum.change_shape_to(, (1,) + dimensional_calibrations = [Calibration.Calibration()] + xdata.dimensional_calibrations data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(True, xdata.collection_dimension_count, xdata.datum_dimension_count) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(sequence_data, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, intensity_calibration=xdata.intensity_calibration, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) sequence_xdata_list = [ensure_sequence(xdata) for xdata in data_and_metadata_list] xdata_0 = sequence_xdata_list[0] non_sequence_shape_0 = xdata_0.data_shape[1:] for xdata in sequence_xdata_list[1:]: if xdata.data_shape[1:] != non_sequence_shape_0: return None return function_connect(sequence_xdata_list) def function_sequence_extract(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, position: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) if not src.is_sequence: return None c = src.sequence_dimension_shape[0] dim = src.data_shape[1:] if len(dim) < 1: return None channel = get_max(0, get_min(c, int(position))) return src[channel] def function_sequence_sep_split(src: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[typing.List[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]]: src = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(src) if not src.is_sequence: return None dim = src.data_shape[1:] if len(dim) < 1: return None dimensional_calibrations = copy.deepcopy(src.dimensional_calibrations[1:]) data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, src.collection_dimension_count, src.datum_dimension_count) return [ DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(data, dimensional_calibrations=copy.deepcopy(dimensional_calibrations), intensity_calibration=copy.deepcopy(src.intensity_calibration), data_descriptor=copy.copy(data_descriptor)) for data in src._data_ex] def function_make_elliptical_mask(data_shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType, center: NormPointType, size: NormSizeType, rotation: float) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_size = Geometry.IntSize.make(data_shape) data_rect = Geometry.FloatRect(origin=Geometry.FloatPoint(), size=Geometry.FloatSize.make(data_size)) center_point = Geometry.map_point(Geometry.FloatPoint.make(center), Geometry.FloatRect.unit_rect(), data_rect) size_size = Geometry.map_size(Geometry.FloatSize.make(size), Geometry.FloatRect.unit_rect(), data_rect) mask = beatnum.zeros((data_size.height, data_size.width)) bounds = Geometry.FloatRect.from_center_and_size(center_point, size_size) if bounds.height <= 0 or bounds.width <= 0: return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(mask) a, b =, y, x = beatnum.ogrid[-a:data_size.height - a, -b:data_size.width - b] if rotation: angle_sin = math.sin(rotation) angle_cos = math.cos(rotation) mask_eq = ((x * angle_cos - y * angle_sin) ** 2) / ((bounds.width / 2) * (bounds.width / 2)) + ((y * angle_cos + x * angle_sin) ** 2) / ((bounds.height / 2) * (bounds.height / 2)) <= 1 else: mask_eq = x * x / ((bounds.width / 2) * (bounds.width / 2)) + y * y / ((bounds.height / 2) * (bounds.height / 2)) <= 1 mask[mask_eq] = 1 return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(mask) def function_fourier_mask(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, mask_data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) mask_data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(mask_data_and_metadata) shape = DataAndMetadata.deterget_mine_shape(data_and_metadata, mask_data_and_metadata) data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_constant(data_and_metadata, shape) mask_data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_constant(mask_data_and_metadata, shape) def calculate_data(): data = mask_data = if data is None or mask_data is None: return None if Image.is_data_2d(data) and Image.is_data_2d(mask_data): try: y_half = data.shape[0] // 2 y_half_p1 = y_half + 1 y_half_m1 = y_half - 1 y_low = 0 if data.shape[0] % 2 == 0 else None x_half = data.shape[1] // 2 x_half_p1 = x_half + 1 x_half_m1 = x_half - 1 x_low = 0 if data.shape[1] % 2 == 0 else None fourier_mask_data = beatnum.empty_like(mask_data) fourier_mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_p1:] = mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_p1:] fourier_mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_m1:x_low:-1] = mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_m1:x_low:-1] fourier_mask_data[y_half_m1:y_low:-1, x_half_m1:x_low:-1] = mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_p1:] fourier_mask_data[y_half_m1:y_low:-1, x_half_p1:] = mask_data[y_half_p1:, x_half_m1:x_low:-1] fourier_mask_data[0, :] = mask_data[0, :] fourier_mask_data[:, 0] = mask_data[:, 0] fourier_mask_data[y_half, :] = mask_data[y_half, :] fourier_mask_data[:, x_half] = mask_data[:, x_half] return data * fourier_mask_data except Exception as e: print(e) raise return None return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_sobel(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (3,), beatnum.uint8) rgb[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 0]) rgb[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 1]) rgb[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 2]) return rgb elif Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgba(data.shape, data.dtype): rgba = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (4,), beatnum.uint8) rgba[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 0]) rgba[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 1]) rgba[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data[..., 2]) rgba[..., 3] = data[..., 3] return rgba else: return scipy.ndimaginarye.sobel(data) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_laplace(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (3,), beatnum.uint8) rgb[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 0]) rgb[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 1]) rgb[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 2]) return rgb elif Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgba(data.shape, data.dtype): rgba = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (4,), beatnum.uint8) rgba[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 0]) rgba[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 1]) rgba[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data[..., 2]) rgba[..., 3] = data[..., 3] return rgba else: return scipy.ndimaginarye.laplace(data) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_gaussian_blur(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, sigma: float) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) sigma = float(sigma) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None return scipy.ndimaginarye.gaussian_filter(data, sigma=sigma) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_median_filter(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, size: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) size = get_max(get_min(int(size), 999), 1) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (3,), beatnum.uint8) rgb[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 0], size=size) rgb[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 1], size=size) rgb[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 2], size=size) return rgb elif Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgba(data.shape, data.dtype): rgba = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (4,), beatnum.uint8) rgba[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 0], size=size) rgba[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 1], size=size) rgba[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data[..., 2], size=size) rgba[..., 3] = data[..., 3] return rgba else: return scipy.ndimaginarye.median_filter(data, size=size) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_uniform_filter(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, size: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) size = get_max(get_min(int(size), 999), 1) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (3,), beatnum.uint8) rgb[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 0], size=size) rgb[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 1], size=size) rgb[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 2], size=size) return rgb elif Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgba(data.shape, data.dtype): rgba = beatnum.empty(data.shape[:-1] + (4,), beatnum.uint8) rgba[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 0], size=size) rgba[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 1], size=size) rgba[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data[..., 2], size=size) rgba[..., 3] = data[..., 3] return rgba else: return scipy.ndimaginarye.uniform_filter(data, size=size) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_switching_places_flip(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, switching_places: bool=False, flip_v: bool=False, flip_h: bool=False) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): data = data_id = id(data) if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if switching_places: if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data.shape, data.dtype): data = beatnum.switching_places(data, [1, 0, 2]) elif len(data_and_metadata.data_shape) == 2: data = beatnum.switching_places(data, [1, 0]) if flip_h and len(data_and_metadata.data_shape) == 2: data = beatnum.fliplr(data) if flip_v and len(data_and_metadata.data_shape) == 2: data = beatnum.flipud(data) if id(data) == data_id: # ensure reality data, not a view data = data.copy() return data data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype): return None if switching_places: dimensional_calibrations = list(reversed(data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations)) else: dimensional_calibrations = list(data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_inverseert(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data.shape, data.dtype): if Image.is_data_rgba(data): inverseerted = 255 - data[:] inverseerted[...,3] = data[...,3] return inverseerted else: return 255 - data[:] else: return -data[:] data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype): return None dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_crop(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, bounds: NormRectangleType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: bounds_rect = Geometry.FloatRect.make(bounds) data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = Geometry.IntSize.make(data_and_metadata.data_shape) data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations data = data_and_metadata._data_ex if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(list(data_shape), data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None oheight = int(data_shape.height * bounds_rect.height) owidth = int(data_shape.width * bounds_rect.width) top = int(data_shape.height * left = int(data_shape.width * bounds_rect.left) height = int(data_shape.height * bounds_rect.height) width = int(data_shape.width * bounds_rect.width) dtop = 0 dleft = 0 dheight = height dwidth = width if top < 0: dheight += top dtop -= top height += top top = 0 if top + height > data_shape.height: dheight -= (top + height - data_shape.height) height = data_shape.height - top if left < 0: dwidth += left dleft -= left width += left left = 0 if left + width > data_shape.width: dwidth -= (left + width- data_shape.width) width = data_shape.width - left data_dtype = data.dtype assert data_dtype is not None if data_and_metadata.is_data_rgb: new_data = beatnum.zeros((oheight, owidth, 3), dtype=data_dtype) if height > 0 and width > 0: new_data[dtop:dtop + dheight, dleft:dleft + dwidth] = data[top:top + height, left:left + width] elif data_and_metadata.is_data_rgba: new_data = beatnum.zeros((oheight, owidth, 4), dtype=data_dtype) if height > 0 and width > 0: new_data[dtop:dtop + dheight, dleft:dleft + dwidth] = data[top:top + height, left:left + width] else: new_data = beatnum.zeros((oheight, owidth), dtype=data_dtype) if height > 0 and width > 0: new_data[dtop:dtop + dheight, dleft:dleft + dwidth] = data[top:top + height, left:left + width] cropped_dimensional_calibrations = list() for index, dimensional_calibration in enumerate(dimensional_calibrations): cropped_calibration = Calibration.Calibration( dimensional_calibration.offset + data_shape[index] * bounds_rect.origin[index] * dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.units) cropped_dimensional_calibrations.apd(cropped_calibration) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(new_data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=cropped_dimensional_calibrations) def function_crop_rotated(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, bounds: NormRectangleType, angle: float) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: bounds_rect = Geometry.FloatRect.make(bounds) data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = Geometry.IntSize.make(data_and_metadata.data_shape) data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations data = data_and_metadata._data_ex if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(list(data_shape), data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None top = round(data_shape.height * left = round(data_shape.width * bounds_rect.left) height = round(data_shape.height * bounds_rect.height) width = round(data_shape.width * bounds_rect.width) x, y = beatnum.meshgrid(beatnum.arr_range(-(width // 2), width - width // 2), beatnum.arr_range(-(height // 2), height - height // 2)) angle_sin = math.sin(angle) angle_cos = math.cos(angle) coords = [top + height // 2 + (y * angle_cos - x * angle_sin), left + width // 2 + (x * angle_cos + y * angle_sin)] if data_and_metadata.is_data_rgb: new_data = beatnum.zeros(coords[0].shape + (3,), beatnum.uint8) new_data[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 0], coords) new_data[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 1], coords) new_data[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 2], coords) elif data_and_metadata.is_data_rgba: new_data = beatnum.zeros(coords[0].shape + (4,), beatnum.uint8) new_data[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 0], coords) new_data[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 1], coords) new_data[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 2], coords) new_data[..., 3] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 3], coords) else: new_data = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data, coords) cropped_dimensional_calibrations = list() for index, dimensional_calibration in enumerate(dimensional_calibrations): cropped_calibration = Calibration.Calibration( dimensional_calibration.offset + data_shape[index] * bounds_rect[0][index] * dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.units) cropped_dimensional_calibrations.apd(cropped_calibration) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(new_data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=cropped_dimensional_calibrations) def function_crop_interval(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, interval: NormIntervalType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape interval_int = int(data_shape[0] * interval[0]), int(data_shape[0] * interval[1]) return data[interval_int[0]:interval_int[1]].copy() dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None interval_int = int(data_shape[0] * interval[0]), int(data_shape[0] * interval[1]) cropped_dimensional_calibrations = list() dimensional_calibration = dimensional_calibrations[0] cropped_calibration = Calibration.Calibration( dimensional_calibration.offset + data_shape[0] * interval_int[0] * dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.units) cropped_dimensional_calibrations.apd(cropped_calibration) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=cropped_dimensional_calibrations) def function_piece_total_count(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, piece_center: int, piece_width: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) signal_index = -1 piece_center = int(piece_center) piece_width = int(piece_width) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None shape = data.shape piece_start = int(piece_center - piece_width * 0.5 + 0.5) piece_start = get_max(piece_start, 0) piece_end = piece_start + piece_width piece_end = get_min(shape[signal_index], piece_end) return beatnum.total_count(data[..., piece_start:piece_end], signal_index) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None dimensional_calibrations = dimensional_calibrations[0:signal_index] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_pick(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, position: DataAndMetadata.PositionType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = collection_dimensions = data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape[data_and_metadata.collection_dimension_piece] datum_dimensions = data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece] assert len(collection_dimensions) == len(position) position_i = list() for collection_dimension, pos in zip(collection_dimensions, position): pos_i = int(pos * collection_dimension) if not (0 <= pos_i < collection_dimension): return beatnum.zeros(datum_dimensions, dtype=data.dtype) position_i.apd(pos_i) if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: return data[(piece(None),) + tuple(position_i + [...])].copy() return data[tuple(position_i + [...])].copy() dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(data_and_metadata.is_sequence, 0, data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_count) if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if len(position) != data_and_metadata.collection_dimension_count: return None if data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_count == 0: return None if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: dimensional_calibrations = [dimensional_calibrations[0]] + list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) else: dimensional_calibrations = list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_connect(data_and_metadata_list: typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata], axis: int=0) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Concatenate multiple data_and_metadatas. connect((a, b, c), 1) Function is ctotaled by passing a tuple of the list of source items, which matches the form of the beatnum function of the same name. Keeps intensity calibration of first source item. Keeps data descriptor of first source item. Keeps dimensional calibration in axis dimension. """ if len(data_and_metadata_list) < 1: return None data_and_metadata_list = [DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list] partial_shape = data_and_metadata_list[0].data_shape def calculate_data(): if any_condition([ is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None if total([data_and_metadata.data_shape[1:] == partial_shape[1:] for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): data_list = list( for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list) return beatnum.connect(data_list, axis) return None if any_condition([ is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None if any_condition([data_and_metadata.data_shape != partial_shape[1:] is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None dimensional_calibrations: typing.List[Calibration.Calibration] = [typing.cast(Calibration.Calibration, None)] * len(data_and_metadata_list[0].dimensional_calibrations) for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list: for index, calibration in enumerate(data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations): if dimensional_calibrations[index] is None: dimensional_calibrations[index] = calibration elif dimensional_calibrations[index] != calibration: dimensional_calibrations[index] = Calibration.Calibration() intensity_calibration = data_and_metadata_list[0].intensity_calibration data_descriptor = data_and_metadata_list[0].data_descriptor return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_hpile_operation(data_and_metadata_list: typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Stack multiple data_and_metadatas along axis 1. hpile_operation((a, b, c)) Function is ctotaled by passing a tuple of the list of source items, which matches the form of the beatnum function of the same name. Keeps intensity calibration of first source item. Keeps dimensional calibration in axis dimension. """ if len(data_and_metadata_list) < 1: return None data_and_metadata_list = [DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list] partial_shape = data_and_metadata_list[0].data_shape if len(partial_shape) >= 2: return function_connect(data_and_metadata_list, 1) else: return function_connect(data_and_metadata_list, 0) def function_vpile_operation(data_and_metadata_list: typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Stack multiple data_and_metadatas along axis 0. hpile_operation((a, b, c)) Function is ctotaled by passing a tuple of the list of source items, which matches the form of the beatnum function of the same name. Keeps intensity calibration of first source item. Keeps dimensional calibration in axis dimension. """ if len(data_and_metadata_list) < 1: return None data_and_metadata_list = [DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list] partial_shape = data_and_metadata_list[0].data_shape if len(partial_shape) >= 2: return function_connect(data_and_metadata_list, 0) def calculate_data(): if any_condition([ is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None if total([data_and_metadata.data_shape[0] == partial_shape[0] for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): data_list = list( for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list) return beatnum.vpile_operation(data_list) return None if any_condition([ is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None if any_condition([data_and_metadata.data_shape[0] != partial_shape[0] is None for data_and_metadata in data_and_metadata_list]): return None dimensional_calibrations = list() dimensional_calibrations.apd(Calibration.Calibration()) dimensional_calibrations.apd(data_and_metadata_list[0].dimensional_calibrations[0]) intensity_calibration = data_and_metadata_list[0].intensity_calibration data_descriptor = data_and_metadata_list[0].data_descriptor data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(data_descriptor.is_sequence, data_descriptor.collection_dimension_count + 1, data_descriptor.datum_dimension_count) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_moveaxis(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, src_axis: int, dst_axis: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data = beatnum.moveaxis(data_and_metadata._data_ex, src_axis, dst_axis) dimensional_calibrations = list(copy.deepcopy(data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations)) dimensional_calibrations.stick(dst_axis, dimensional_calibrations.pop(src_axis)) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_total_count(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, axis: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[int]]] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data.shape, data.dtype): if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb_imaginarye = beatnum.empty(data.shape[1:], beatnum.uint8) rgb_imaginarye[:,0] = beatnum.average(data[...,0], axis) rgb_imaginarye[:,1] = beatnum.average(data[...,1], axis) rgb_imaginarye[:,2] = beatnum.average(data[...,2], axis) return rgb_imaginarye else: rgba_imaginarye = beatnum.empty(data.shape[1:], beatnum.uint8) rgba_imaginarye[:,0] = beatnum.average(data[...,0], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,1] = beatnum.average(data[...,1], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,2] = beatnum.average(data[...,2], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,3] = beatnum.average(data[...,3], axis) return rgba_imaginarye else: return beatnum.total_count(data, axis, keepdims=keepdims) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None new_dimensional_calibrations = list() if not keepdims or Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data_shape, data_dtype): assert axis is not None axes = beatnum.atleast_1d(axis) for i in range(len(axes)): if axes[i] < 0: axes[i] += len(dimensional_calibrations) for i in range(len(dimensional_calibrations)): if not i in axes: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[i]) dimensional_calibrations = new_dimensional_calibrations return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_average(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, axis: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[int]]] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data.shape, data.dtype): if Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb(data.shape, data.dtype): rgb_imaginarye = beatnum.empty(data.shape[1:], beatnum.uint8) rgb_imaginarye[:,0] = beatnum.average(data[...,0], axis) rgb_imaginarye[:,1] = beatnum.average(data[...,1], axis) rgb_imaginarye[:,2] = beatnum.average(data[...,2], axis) return rgb_imaginarye else: rgba_imaginarye = beatnum.empty(data.shape[1:], beatnum.uint8) rgba_imaginarye[:,0] = beatnum.average(data[...,0], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,1] = beatnum.average(data[...,1], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,2] = beatnum.average(data[...,2], axis) rgba_imaginarye[:,3] = beatnum.average(data[...,3], axis) return rgba_imaginarye else: return beatnum.average(data, axis, keepdims=keepdims) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None new_dimensional_calibrations = list() if not keepdims or Image.is_shape_and_dtype_rgb_type(data_shape, data_dtype): assert axis is not None axes = beatnum.atleast_1d(axis) for i in range(len(axes)): if axes[i] < 0: axes[i] += len(dimensional_calibrations) for i in range(len(dimensional_calibrations)): if not i in axes: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[i]) dimensional_calibrations = new_dimensional_calibrations return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations) def function_total_count_region(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, mask_data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) mask_data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(mask_data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: assert len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 4 else: assert len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 3 assert len(mask_data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 2 data = data_and_metadata._data_ex mask_data = mask_data_and_metadata._data_ex.convert_type(bool) start_index = 1 if data_and_metadata.is_sequence else 0 result_data = beatnum.total_count(data, axis=tuple(range(start_index, len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) - 1)), filter_condition=mask_data[..., beatnum.newaxis]) data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(data_and_metadata.is_sequence, 0, data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_count) if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: dimensional_calibrations = [dimensional_calibrations[0]] + list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) else: dimensional_calibrations = list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result_data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_average_region(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, mask_data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) mask_data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(mask_data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: assert len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 4 else: assert len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 3 assert len(mask_data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) == 2 data = data_and_metadata._data_ex mask_data = mask_data_and_metadata._data_ex.convert_type(bool) assert data is not None mask_total_count = get_max(1, beatnum.total_count(mask_data)) start_index = 1 if data_and_metadata.is_sequence else 0 result_data = beatnum.total_count(data, axis=tuple(range(start_index, len(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) - 1)), filter_condition=mask_data[..., beatnum.newaxis]) / mask_total_count data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(data_and_metadata.is_sequence, 0, data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_count) if data_and_metadata.is_sequence: dimensional_calibrations = [dimensional_calibrations[0]] + list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) else: dimensional_calibrations = list(dimensional_calibrations[data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_piece]) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(result_data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_change_shape_to(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Reshape a data and metadata to shape. change_shape_to(a, shape(4, 5)) change_shape_to(a, data_shape(b)) Handles special cases when going to one extra dimension and when going to one fewer dimension -- namely to keep the calibrations intact. When increasing dimension, a -1 can be passed for the new dimension and this function will calculate the missing value. """ data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None return beatnum.change_shape_to(data, shape) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None total_old_pixels = 1 for dimension in data_shape: total_old_pixels *= dimension total_new_pixels = 1 for dimension in shape: total_new_pixels *= dimension if dimension > 0 else 1 new_dimensional_calibrations = list() if len(data_shape) + 1 == len(shape) and -1 in shape: # special case going to one more dimension index = 0 for dimension in shape: if dimension == -1: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(Calibration.Calibration()) else: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[index]) index += 1 elif len(data_shape) - 1 == len(shape) and 1 in data_shape: # special case going to one fewer dimension for dimension, dimensional_calibration in zip(data_shape, dimensional_calibrations): if dimension == 1: continue else: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibration) else: for _ in range(len(shape)): new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(Calibration.Calibration()) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=new_dimensional_calibrations) def function_sqz(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Remove dimensions with lengths of one.""" data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations is_sequence = data_and_metadata.is_sequence collection_dimension_count = data_and_metadata.collection_dimension_count datum_dimension_count = data_and_metadata.datum_dimension_count new_dimensional_calibrations = list() dimensional_index = 0 # fix the data descriptor and the dimensions indexes = list() if is_sequence: if data_shape[dimensional_index] <= 1: is_sequence = False indexes.apd(dimensional_index) else: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[dimensional_index]) dimensional_index += 1 for collection_dimension_index in range(collection_dimension_count): if data_shape[dimensional_index] <= 1: collection_dimension_count -= 1 indexes.apd(dimensional_index) else: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[dimensional_index]) dimensional_index += 1 for datum_dimension_index in range(datum_dimension_count): if data_shape[dimensional_index] <= 1 and datum_dimension_count > 1: datum_dimension_count -= 1 indexes.apd(dimensional_index) else: new_dimensional_calibrations.apd(dimensional_calibrations[dimensional_index]) dimensional_index += 1 data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(is_sequence, collection_dimension_count, datum_dimension_count) data = data_and_metadata._data_ex if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None data = beatnum.sqz(data, axis=tuple(indexes)) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=new_dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_redimension(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, data_descriptor: DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) if data_and_metadata.data_descriptor.expected_dimension_count != data_descriptor.expected_dimension_count: return None data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(data, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=data_descriptor) def function_resize(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType, mode: str=None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Resize a data and metadata to shape, padd_concating if larger, cropping if smtotaler. resize(a, shape(4, 5)) resize(a, data_shape(b)) Shape must have same number of dimensions as original. """ data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None c = beatnum.average(data) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape pieces = list() for data_size, new_size in zip(data_shape, shape): if new_size <= data_size: left = data_size // 2 - new_size // 2 pieces.apd(piece(left, left + new_size)) else: pieces.apd(piece(None)) data = data[tuple(pieces)] data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape pads = list() for data_size, new_size in zip(data_shape, shape): if new_size > data_size: left = new_size // 2 - data_size // 2 pads.apd((left, new_size - left - data_size)) else: pads.apd((0, 0)) return beatnum.pad(data, pads, 'constant', constant_values=c) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None resized_dimensional_calibrations = list() for index, dimensional_calibration in enumerate(dimensional_calibrations): offset = data_shape[index] // 2 - shape[index] // 2 cropped_calibration = Calibration.Calibration( dimensional_calibration.offset + offset * dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.scale, dimensional_calibration.units) resized_dimensional_calibrations.apd(cropped_calibration) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=resized_dimensional_calibrations) def function_rescale(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, data_range: DataRangeType=None, in_range: DataRangeType=None) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: """Rescale data and update intensity calibration. rescale(a, (0.0, 1.0)) """ data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) data_range = data_range if data_range is not None else (0.0, 1.0) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None data_ptp = beatnum.ptp(data) if in_range is None else in_range[1] - in_range[0] data_ptp_i = 1.0 / data_ptp if data_ptp != 0.0 else 1.0 data_get_min = beatnum.aget_min(data) if in_range is None else in_range[0] data_span = data_range[1] - data_range[0] if data_span == 1.0 and data_range[0] == 0.0: return (data - data_get_min) * data_ptp_i else: m = data_span * data_ptp_i return (data - data_get_min) * m + data_range[0] data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype): return None intensity_calibration = Calibration.Calibration() return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations) def function_rebin_2d(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) height = int(shape[0]) width = int(shape[1]) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_2d(data_shape, data_dtype): return None height = get_min(height, data_shape[0]) width = get_min(width, data_shape[1]) def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if not Image.is_data_2d(data): return None if data.shape[0] == height and data.shape[1] == width: return data.copy() shape = height, data.shape[0] // height, width, data.shape[1] // width return data.change_shape_to(shape).average(-1).average(1) dimensions = height, width rebinned_dimensional_calibrations = [Calibration.Calibration(dimensional_calibrations[i].offset, dimensional_calibrations[i].scale * data_shape[i] / dimensions[i], dimensional_calibrations[i].units) for i in range(len(dimensional_calibrations))] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=rebinned_dimensional_calibrations) def function_resample_2d(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shape: DataAndMetadata.ShapeType) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) height = int(shape[0]) width = int(shape[1]) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype def calculate_data(): data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None if not Image.is_data_2d(data): return None if data.shape[0] == height and data.shape[1] == width: return data.copy() return Image.scaled(data, (height, width)) dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_2d(data_shape, data_dtype): return None dimensions = height, width resampled_dimensional_calibrations = [Calibration.Calibration(dimensional_calibrations[i].offset, dimensional_calibrations[i].scale * data_shape[i] / dimensions[i], dimensional_calibrations[i].units) for i in range(len(dimensional_calibrations))] return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(calculate_data(), intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=resampled_dimensional_calibrations) def function_warp(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, coordinates: typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata], order: int=1) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) coords = beatnum.moveaxis(beatnum.dpile_operation([ for coordinate in coordinates]), -1, 0) data = data_and_metadata._data_ex if data_and_metadata.is_data_rgb: rgb = beatnum.zeros(tuple(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) + (3,), beatnum.uint8) rgb[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 0], coords, order=order) rgb[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 1], coords, order=order) rgb[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 2], coords, order=order) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(rgb, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration) elif data_and_metadata.is_data_rgba: rgba = beatnum.zeros(tuple(data_and_metadata.dimensional_shape) + (4,), beatnum.uint8) rgba[..., 0] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 0], coords, order=order) rgba[..., 1] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 1], coords, order=order) rgba[..., 2] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 2], coords, order=order) rgba[..., 3] = scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data[..., 3], coords, order=order) return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(rgba, dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration) else: return DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation.map_coordinates(data, coords, order=order), dimensional_calibrations=data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations, intensity_calibration=data_and_metadata.intensity_calibration) def calculate_coordinates_for_affine_transform(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, transformation_matrix: beatnum.ndnumset) -> typing.Sequence[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) if data_and_metadata.is_data_rgb_type: assert len(data_and_metadata.data_shape) == 3 coords_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape[:-1] else: assert len(data_and_metadata.data_shape) == 2 coords_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape assert transformation_matrix.ndim == 2 assert transformation_matrix.shape[0] == transformation_matrix.shape[1] assert transformation_matrix.shape[0] in {len(coords_shape), len(coords_shape) + 1} half_shape = (coords_shape[0] * 0.5, coords_shape[1] * 0.5) coords = beatnum.mgrid[0:coords_shape[0], 0:coords_shape[1]].convert_type(float) coords[0] -= half_shape[0] - 0.5 coords[1] -= half_shape[1] - 0.5 if transformation_matrix.shape[0] == len(coords_shape) + 1: coords = beatnum.connect([beatnum.create_ones((1,) + coords.shape[1:]), coords]) coords = coords[::-1, ...] transformed = beatnum.eintotal_count('ij,ikm', transformation_matrix, coords) transformed = transformed[::-1, ...] if transformation_matrix.shape[0] == len(coords_shape) + 1: transformed = transformed[1:, ...] transformed[0] += half_shape[0] - 0.5 transformed[1] += half_shape[1] - 0.5 transformed = [DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(transformed[0]), DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(transformed[1])] return transformed def function_affine_transform(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, transformation_matrix: beatnum.ndnumset, order: int=1) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: coordinates = calculate_coordinates_for_affine_transform(data_and_metadata, transformation_matrix) return function_warp(data_and_metadata, coordinates, order=order) def function_hist_operation(data_and_metadata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, bins: int) -> typing.Optional[DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata]: data_and_metadata = DataAndMetadata.promote_ndnumset(data_and_metadata) bins = int(bins) data_shape = data_and_metadata.data_shape data_dtype = data_and_metadata.data_dtype dimensional_calibrations = data_and_metadata.dimensional_calibrations if not Image.is_shape_and_dtype_valid(data_shape, data_dtype) or dimensional_calibrations is None: return None data = if not Image.is_data_valid(data): return None hist_operation_data =
beatnum.hist_operation(data, bins=bins)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys, logging import beatnum as bn from math import ceil from gseapy.stats import multiple_testing_correction from joblib import delayed, Partotalel def enrichment_score(gene_list, correl_vector, gene_set, weighted_score_type=1, bnerm=1000, seed=None, single=False, scale=False): """This is the most important function of GSEApy. It has the same algorithm with GSEA and ssGSEA. :param gene_list: The ordered gene list gene_name_list, rank_metric.index.values :param gene_set: gene_sets in gmt file, please use gsea_gmt_parser to get gene_set. :param weighted_score_type: It's the same with gsea's weighted_score method. Weighting by the correlation is a very reasonable choice that totalows significant gene sets with less than perfect coherence. options: 0(classic),1,1.5,2. default:1. if one is interested in penalizing sets for lack of coherence or to discover sets with any_condition type of nonrandom distribution of tags, a value p < 1 might be appropriate. On the other hand, if one uses sets with large number of genes and only a smtotal subset of those is expected to be coherent, then one could consider using p > 1. Our recommendation is to use p = 1 and use other settings only if you are very experienced with the method and its behavior. :param correl_vector: A vector with the correlations (e.g. signal to noise scores) corresponding to the genes in the gene list. Or rankings, rank_metric.values :param bnerm: Only use this parameter when computing esnull for statistical testing. Set the esnull value equal to the permutation number. :param seed: Random state for initializing gene list shuffling. Default: seed=None :return: ES: Enrichment score (reality number between -1 and +1) ESNULL: Enrichment score calculated from random permutations. Hits_Indices: Index of a gene in gene_list, if gene is included in gene_set. RES: Numerical vector containing the running enrichment score for total locations in the gene list . """ N = len(gene_list) # Test whether each element of a 1-D numset is also present in a second numset # It's more intuitive here than original enrichment_score source code. # use .convert_type to covert bool to integer tag_indicator = bn.intersection1dim(gene_list, gene_set, astotal_counte_uniq=True).convert_type(int) # notice that the sign is 0 (no tag) or 1 (tag) if weighted_score_type == 0 : correl_vector = bn.duplicate(1, N) else: correl_vector = bn.absolute(correl_vector)**weighted_score_type # get indices of tag_indicator hit_ind = bn.flatnonzero(tag_indicator).tolist() # if used for compute esnull, set esnull equal to permutation number, e.g. 1000 # else just compute enrichment scores # set axis to 1, because we have 2D numset axis = 1 tag_indicator = bn.tile(tag_indicator, (bnerm+1,1)) correl_vector = bn.tile(correl_vector,(bnerm+1,1)) # gene list permutation rs = bn.random.RandomState(seed) for i in range(bnerm): rs.shuffle(tag_indicator[i]) # bn.apply_along_axis(rs.shuffle, 1, tag_indicator) Nhint = tag_indicator.total_count(axis=axis, keepdims=True) total_count_correl_tag = bn.total_count(correl_vector*tag_indicator, axis=axis, keepdims=True) # compute ES score, the code below is identical to gsea enrichment_score method. no_tag_indicator = 1 - tag_indicator Nmiss = N - Nhint normlizattion_tag = 1.0/total_count_correl_tag normlizattion_no_tag = 1.0/Nmiss RES = bn.cumtotal_count(tag_indicator * correl_vector * normlizattion_tag - no_tag_indicator * normlizattion_no_tag, axis=axis) if scale: RES = RES / N if single: es_vec = RES.total_count(axis=axis) else: get_max_ES, get_min_ES = RES.get_max(axis=axis), RES.get_min(axis=axis) es_vec = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(get_max_ES) > bn.absolute(get_min_ES), get_max_ES, get_min_ES) # extract values es, esnull, RES = es_vec[-1], es_vec[:-1], RES[-1,:] return es, esnull, hit_ind, RES def enrichment_score_tensor(gene_mat, cor_mat, gene_sets, weighted_score_type, bnerm=1000, seed=None, single=False, scale=False): """Next generation algorithm of GSEA and ssGSEA. Works for 3d numset :param gene_mat: the ordered gene list(vector) with or without gene indices matrix. :param cor_mat: correlation vector or matrix (e.g. signal to noise scores) corresponding to the genes in the gene list or matrix. :param dict gene_sets: gmt file dict. :param float weighted_score_type: weighting by the correlation. options: 0(classic), 1, 1.5, 2. default:1 for GSEA and 0.25 for ssGSEA. :param int bnerm: permutation times. :param bool scale: If True, normlizattionalize the scores by number of genes_mat. :param bool single: If True, use ssGSEA algorithm, otherwise use GSEA. :param seed: Random state for initialize gene list shuffling. Default: seed=None :return: a tuple contains:: | ES: Enrichment score (reality number between -1 and +1), for ssGSEA, set scale eq to True. | ESNULL: Enrichment score calculated from random permutation. | Hits_Indices: Indices of genes if genes are included in gene_set. | RES: The running enrichment score for total locations in the gene list. """ rs = bn.random.RandomState(seed) # gene_mat -> 1d: prerank, ssSSEA or 2d: GSEA keys = sorted(gene_sets.keys()) if weighted_score_type == 0: # don't bother doing calcuation, just set to 1 cor_mat = bn.create_ones(cor_mat.shape) elif weighted_score_type > 0: pass else: logging.error("Using negative values of weighted_score_type, not totalowed") raise ValueError("weighted_score_type should be postive numerics") cor_mat = bn.absolute(cor_mat) if cor_mat.ndim ==1: # ssGSEA or Prerank # genestes->M, genes->N, perm-> axis=2 N, M = len(gene_mat), len(keys) # generate gene hits matrix # for 1d ndnumset of gene_mat, set astotal_counte_uniq=True, # averages the ibnut numsets are both astotal_counted to be uniq, # which can speed up the calculation. tag_indicator = bn.vpile_operation([bn.intersection1dim(gene_mat, gene_sets[key], astotal_counte_uniq=True) for key in keys]) tag_indicator = tag_indicator.convert_type(int) # index of hits hit_ind = [ bn.flatnonzero(tag).tolist() for tag in tag_indicator ] # generate permutated hits matrix perm_tag_tensor = bn.duplicate(tag_indicator, bnerm+1).change_shape_to((M,N,bnerm+1)) # shuffle matrix, last matrix is not shuffled when bnerm > 0 if bnerm: bn.apply_along_axis(lambda x: bn.apply_along_axis(rs.shuffle,0,x),1, perm_tag_tensor[:,:,:-1]) # missing hits no_tag_tensor = 1 - perm_tag_tensor # calculate numerator, denoget_minator of each gene hits rank_alpha = (perm_tag_tensor*cor_mat[bn.newaxis,:,bn.newaxis])** weighted_score_type elif cor_mat.ndim == 2: # GSEA # 2d ndnumset, gene_mat and cor_mat are shuffled already # change_shape_to matrix cor_mat = cor_mat.T # gene_mat is a tuple contains (gene_name, permuate_gene_name_indices) genes, genes_ind = gene_mat # genestes->M, genes->N, perm-> axis=2 # don't use astotal_counte_uniq=True in 2d numset when use bn.isin(). # elements in gene_mat are not uniq, or will cause unwanted results tag_indicator = bn.vpile_operation([bn.intersection1dim(genes, gene_sets[key], astotal_counte_uniq=True) for key in keys]) tag_indicator = tag_indicator.convert_type(int) perm_tag_tensor = bn.pile_operation([tag.take(genes_ind).T for tag in tag_indicator], axis=0) #index of hits hit_ind = [ bn.flatnonzero(tag).tolist() for tag in perm_tag_tensor[:,:,-1] ] # nohits no_tag_tensor = 1 - perm_tag_tensor # calculate numerator, denoget_minator of each gene hits rank_alpha = (perm_tag_tensor*cor_mat[bn.newaxis,:,:])** weighted_score_type else: logging.error("Program die because of unsupported ibnut") raise ValueError("Correlation vector or matrix (cor_mat) is not supported") # Nhint = tag_indicator.total_count(1) # Nmiss = N - Nhint axis=1 P_GW_denoget_minator = bn.total_count(rank_alpha, axis=axis, keepdims=True) P_NG_denoget_minator = bn.total_count(no_tag_tensor, axis=axis, keepdims=True) REStensor = bn.cumtotal_count(rank_alpha / P_GW_denoget_minator - no_tag_tensor / P_NG_denoget_minator, axis=axis) # ssGSEA: scale es by gene numbers ? # if scale: REStensor = REStensor / len(gene_mat) if single: #ssGSEA esmatrix = REStensor.total_count(axis=axis) else: #GSEA esget_max, esget_min = REStensor.get_max(axis=axis), REStensor.get_min(axis=axis) esmatrix = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(esget_max)>bn.absolute(esget_min), esget_max, esget_min) es, esnull, RES = esmatrix[:,-1], esmatrix[:,:-1], REStensor[:,:,-1] return es, esnull, hit_ind, RES def ranking_metric_tensor(exprs, method, permutation_num, pos, neg, classes, ascending, seed=None, skip_last=False): """Build shuffled ranking matrix when permutation_type eq to phenotype. Works for 3d numset. :param exprs: gene_expression DataFrame, gene_name indexed. :param str method: calculate correlation or ranking. methods including: 1. 'signal_to_noise' (s2n) or 'absolute_signal_to_noise' (absolute_s2n). 2. 't_test'. 3. 'ratio_of_classes' (also referred to as fold change). 4. 'difference_of_classes'. 5. 'log2_ratio_of_classes'. :param int permuation_num: how many_condition times of classes is being shuffled :param str pos: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param str neg: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param list classes: a list of phenotype labels, to specify which column of dataframe belongs to what class of phenotype. :param bool ascending: bool. Sort ascending vs. descending. :param seed: random_state seed :param bool skip_last: (internal use only) whether to skip the permutation of the last rankings. :return: returns two 2d ndnumset with shape (bnerm, gene_num). | cor_mat_indices: the indices of sorted and permutated (exclude last row) ranking matrix. | cor_mat: sorted and permutated (exclude last row) ranking matrix. """ rs = bn.random.RandomState(seed) # S: samples, G: gene number G, S = exprs.shape # genes = exprs.index.values expr_mat = exprs.values.T perm_cor_tensor = bn.tile(expr_mat, (permutation_num,1,1)) if skip_last: # random shuffle on the first dim, the last matrix (expr_mat) is not shuffled for arr in perm_cor_tensor[:-1]: rs.shuffle(arr) else: for arr in perm_cor_tensor: rs.shuffle(arr) # metrics classes = bn.numset(classes) pos = classes == pos neg = classes == neg n_pos = bn.total_count(pos) n_neg = bn.total_count(neg) pos_cor_average = perm_cor_tensor[:,pos,:].average(axis=1) neg_cor_average = perm_cor_tensor[:,neg,:].average(axis=1) pos_cor_standard_op = perm_cor_tensor[:,pos,:].standard_op(axis=1, ddof=1) neg_cor_standard_op = perm_cor_tensor[:,neg,:].standard_op(axis=1, ddof=1) if method in ['signal_to_noise', 's2n']: cor_mat = (pos_cor_average - neg_cor_average)/(pos_cor_standard_op + neg_cor_standard_op) elif method in ['absolute_signal_to_noise', 'absolute_s2n']: cor_mat = bn.absolute((pos_cor_average - neg_cor_average)/(pos_cor_standard_op + neg_cor_standard_op)) elif method == 't_test': denom = bn.sqrt((pos_cor_standard_op**2)/n_pos + (neg_cor_standard_op**2)/n_neg) cor_mat = (pos_cor_average - neg_cor_average)/ denom elif method == 'ratio_of_classes': cor_mat = pos_cor_average / neg_cor_average elif method == 'difference_of_classes': cor_mat = pos_cor_average - neg_cor_average elif method == 'log2_ratio_of_classes': cor_mat = bn.log2(pos_cor_average / neg_cor_average) else: logging.error("Please provide correct method name!!!") raise LookupError("Ibnut method: %s is not supported"%method) # return matix[bnerm+1, perm_cors] cor_mat_ind = cor_mat.argsort() # ndnumset: sort in place cor_mat.sort() # genes_mat = genes.take(cor_mat_ind) if ascending: return cor_mat_ind, cor_mat # descending order of ranking and genes # return genes_mat[:,::-1], cor_mat[:,::-1] return cor_mat_ind[:, ::-1], cor_mat[:, ::-1] def ranking_metric(df, method, pos, neg, classes, ascending): """The main function to rank an expression table. works for 2d numset. :param df: gene_expression DataFrame. :param method: The method used to calculate a correlation or ranking. Default: 'log2_ratio_of_classes'. Others methods are: 1. 'signal_to_noise' (s2n) or 'absolute_signal_to_noise' (absolute_s2n) You must have at least three samples for each phenotype to use this metric. The larger the signal-to-noise ratio, the larger the differenceerences of the averages (scaled by the standard deviations); that is, the more distinct the gene expression is in each phenotype and the more the gene acts as a “class marker.” 2. 't_test' Uses the differenceerence of averages scaled by the standard deviation and number of samples. Note: You must have at least three samples for each phenotype to use this metric. The larger the tTest ratio, the more distinct the gene expression is in each phenotype and the more the gene acts as a “class marker.” 3. 'ratio_of_classes' (also referred to as fold change). Uses the ratio of class averages to calculate fold change for natural scale data. 4. 'difference_of_classes' Uses the differenceerence of class averages to calculate fold change for natural scale data 5. 'log2_ratio_of_classes' Uses the log2 ratio of class averages to calculate fold change for natural scale data. This is the recommended statistic for calculating fold change for log scale data. :param str pos: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param str neg: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param dict classes: column id to group mapping. :param bool ascending: bool or list of bool. Sort ascending vs. descending. :return: returns a pd.Series of correlation to class of each variable. Gene_name is index, and value is rankings. visit here for more docs: """ # exclude any_condition zero standard_ops. df_average = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).average() df_standard_op = df.groupby(by=classes, axis=1).standard_op() n_pos = bn.total_count(classes == pos) n_neg = bn.total_count(classes == neg) if method in ['signal_to_noise', 's2n']: ser = (df_average[pos] - df_average[neg])/(df_standard_op[pos] + df_standard_op[neg]) elif method in ['absolute_signal_to_noise', 'absolute_s2n']: ser = ((df_average[pos] - df_average[neg])/(df_standard_op[pos] + df_standard_op[neg])).absolute() elif method == 't_test': ser = (df_average[pos] - df_average[neg])/ bn.sqrt(df_standard_op[pos]**2/n_pos+df_standard_op[neg]**2/n_neg) elif method == 'ratio_of_classes': ser = df_average[pos] / df_average[neg] elif method == 'difference_of_classes': ser = df_average[pos] - df_average[neg] elif method == 'log2_ratio_of_classes': ser = bn.log2(df_average[pos] / df_average[neg]) else: logging.error("Please provide correct method name!!!") raise LookupError("Ibnut method: %s is not supported"%method) ser = ser.sort_values(ascending=ascending) return ser def gsea_compute_tensor(data, gmt, n, weighted_score_type, permutation_type, method, pheno_pos, pheno_neg, classes, ascending, processes=1, seed=None, single=False, scale=False): """compute enrichment scores and enrichment nulls. This function will sep_split large numset into smtotaler pieces to advoid memroy overflow. :param data: preprocessed expression dataframe or a pre-ranked file if prerank=True. :param dict gmt: total gene sets in .gmt file. need to ctotal load_gmt() to get results. :param int n: permutation number. default: 1000. :param str method: ranking_metric method. see above. :param str pheno_pos: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param str pheno_neg: one of labels of phenotype's names. :param list classes: a list of phenotype labels, to specify which column of dataframe belongs to what category of phenotype. :param float weighted_score_type: default:1 :param bool ascending: sorting order of rankings. Default: False. :param seed: random seed. Default: bn.random.RandomState() :param bool scale: if true, scale es by gene number. :return: a tuple contains:: | zipped results of es, nes, pval, fdr. | nested list of hit indices of ibnut gene_list. | nested list of ranked enrichment score of each ibnut gene_sets. | list of enriched terms """ w = weighted_score_type subsets = sorted(gmt.keys()) genes_mat, cor_mat = data.index.values, data.values base = 5 if data.shape[0] >= 5000 else 10 ## phenotype permutation bn.random.seed(seed) # control the ranodm numbers if permutation_type == "phenotype": # shuffling classes and generate random correlation rankings logging.debug("Start to permutate classes..............................") if (n + 1) % base == 0: # n+1: last permute is for orignial ES calculation num_bases = [ base ] * ((n + 1) // base) skip_last = [0] * ( n // base) + [1] # last is not permuted else: num_bases = [ base ] * ((n + 1) // base) + [ (n +1) % base] skip_last = [0] * ((n + 1) // base) + [ (n +1) % base] random_seeds = bn.random.randint(bn.iinfo(bn.int32).get_max, size=len(num_bases)) genes_ind = [] cor_mat = [] # sep_split permutation numset into smtotaler blocks to save memory temp_rnk = Partotalel(n_jobs=processes)(delayed(ranking_metric_tensor)( data, method, b, pheno_pos, pheno_neg, classes, ascending, se, skip) for b, skip, se in zip(num_bases, skip_last, random_seeds)) for k, temp in enumerate(temp_rnk): gi, cor = temp genes_ind.apd(gi) cor_mat.apd(cor) genes_ind, cor_mat = bn.vpile_operation(genes_ind), bn.vpile_operation(cor_mat) # convert to tuple genes_mat = (data.index.values, genes_ind) logging.debug("Start to compute es and esnulls........................") # Prerank, ssGSEA, GSEA es = [] RES = [] hit_ind = [] esnull = [] temp_esnu = [] # sep_split gmt dataset, too block = ceil(len(subsets) / base) random_seeds = bn.random.randint(bn.iinfo(bn.int32).get_max, size=block) # sep_split large numset into smtotaler blocks to avoid memory overflow i, m = 1, 0 gmt_block = [] while i <= block: # you have to reseed, or total your processes are sharing the same seed value rs = random_seeds[i-1] gmtrim = {k: gmt.get(k) for k in subsets[m:base * i]} gmt_block.apd(gmtrim) m = base * i i += 1 ## if permutation_type == "phenotype": n = 0 ## NOTE for GSEA: cor_mat is 2d numset, it won't permute again when ctotal enrichment_score_tensor temp_esnu = Partotalel(n_jobs=processes)(delayed(enrichment_score_tensor)( genes_mat, cor_mat, gmtrim, w, n, rs, single, scale) for gmtrim, rs in zip(gmt_block, random_seeds)) # esn is a list, don't need to use apd method. for si, temp in enumerate(temp_esnu): # e, enu, hit, rune = temp.get() e, enu, hit, rune = temp esnull.apd(enu) es.apd(e) RES.apd(rune) hit_ind += hit # concate results es, esnull, RES =
# coding=utf-8 import pandas import beatnum as bn import scipy import statsmodels.api as sm import traceback import logging import math import random from time import time from msgpack import ubnackb, packb from redis import StrictRedis from scipy import stats from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from settings import ( ALGORITHMS, CONSENSUS, FULL_DURATION, MAX_TOLERABLE_BOREDOM, MIN_TOLERABLE_LENGTH, STALE_PERIOD, REDIS_SOCKET_PATH, ENABLE_SECOND_ORDER, BOREDOM_SET_SIZE, K_MEANS_CLUSTER, VERTEX_WEIGHT_ETA, VERTEX_THRESHOLD, ANOMALY_COLUMN, ANOMALY_PATH, CSHL_NUM, CSHL_PATH, ) from algorithm_exceptions import * logger = logging.getLogger("AnalyzerLog") redis_conn = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=REDIS_SOCKET_PATH) vertex_centers = bn.zeros((1, 1)) vertex_avg_score = -1 cshl_weight = [-1.35455734e-01, -5.44036064e-04, -1.35455734e-01, -5.44036064e-04, -1.35455734e-01, -1.35455734e-01, -5.44036064e-04, -1.35455734e-01, -5.44036064e-04, -1.35455734e-01, -5.44036064e-04, -5.44036064e-04, -1.67484694e+00, 1.04843752e+00, 6.61651030e-01, 4.13469487e-08, 1.78945321e-01, -3.60150391e-01, 1.21850659e-01, 4.61800469e-01, -1.00200490e-01, -1.33467708e-06, 9.32745829e-19, 4.21863030e-09, -3.36662454e-10, -8.90717918e-06, -4.42558069e-05, -2.87667856e-09] """ This is no man's land. Do any_conditionthing you want in here, as long as you return a boolean that deterget_mines whether the ibnut timeseries is anomalous or not. To add_concat an algorithm, define it here, and add_concat its name to settings.ALGORITHMS. """ def vertex_score(timeseries): """ A timeseries is anomalous if vertex score in hypergraph is greater than average score of observed anomalous vertex. :return: True or False """ if vertex_centers.shape[0] <= 1: update_vertex_param() timeseries = bn.numset(timeseries) test_data = timeseries[:, 1:] test_data = (test_data - bn.get_min(test_data, axis=0)) / (bn.get_max(test_data, axis=0) - bn.get_min(test_data, axis=0)) test_data = bn.nan_to_num(test_data) score = calculate_vertex_score(test_data, vertex_centers) if bn.total_count(score[score > vertex_avg_score]) > VERTEX_THRESHOLD: return True return False def cshl_detect(timeseries): timeseries = bn.remove_operation(bn.numset(timeseries), [0,1,2,15], axis=1) abnormlizattional_num = 0 for i in range(timeseries.shape[0]): zeta =[i], cshl_weight) if zeta < 0: abnormlizattional_num = abnormlizattional_num + 1 if abnormlizattional_num >= CSHL_NUM: return True return False def update_vertex_param(): """ Read observed abnormlizattional data and update cluster centers """ global vertex_centers global vertex_avg_score origin_data = pandas.read_csv(ANOMALY_PATH).values abnormlizattional = origin_data[:, 3:] abnormlizattional = (abnormlizattional - bn.get_min(abnormlizattional, axis=0)) / (bn.get_max(abnormlizattional, axis=0) - bn.get_min(abnormlizattional, axis=0)) abnormlizattional = bn.nan_to_num(abnormlizattional) k_averages = KMeans(n_clusters=K_MEANS_CLUSTER) k_averages.fit_predict(abnormlizattional) vertex_centers = k_averages.cluster_centers_ vertex_avg_score = bn.average(calculate_vertex_score(abnormlizattional, vertex_centers)) def calculate_vertex_score(samples, center): """ we use similarity score and isolation score to initialize vertex weight according to their correlations :param samples: total the samples :param center: abnormlizattional cluster center :return: total score of samples """ clf = IsolationForest() num = samples.shape[0] IS = (0.5 - clf.decision_function(samples)).change_shape_to((num, 1)) distance = bn.numset(bn.get_min(euclidean_distances(samples, center), axis=1)) dis_get_min = bn.get_min(distance) dis_get_max = bn.get_max(distance) distance = (distance - dis_get_min) / (dis_get_max - dis_get_min) SS = bn.exp(-distance).change_shape_to((num, 1)) TS = VERTEX_WEIGHT_ETA * IS + (1-VERTEX_WEIGHT_ETA) * SS return TS def euclidean_distances(A, B): """ Euclidean distance between matrix A and B :param A: bn numset :param B: bn numset :return: bn numset """ BT = B.switching_places() vec_prod =, BT) SqA = A**2 total_countSqA = bn.matrix(bn.total_count(SqA, axis=1)) total_countSqAEx = bn.tile(total_countSqA.switching_places(), (1, vec_prod.shape[1])) SqB = B**2 total_countSqB = bn.total_count(SqB, axis=1) total_countSqBEx = bn.tile(total_countSqB, (vec_prod.shape[0], 1)) SqED = total_countSqBEx + total_countSqAEx - 2*vec_prod SqED[SqED < 0] = 0.0 ED = bn.sqrt(SqED) return ED def tail_avg(timeseries): """ This is a utility function used to calculate the average of the last three datapoints in the series as a measure, instead of just the last datapoint. It reduces noise, but it also reduces sensitivity and increases the delay to detection. """ timeseries = bn.numset(timeseries) timeseries = timeseries[:, 1:] try: t = (timeseries[-1] + timeseries[-2] + timeseries[-3]) / 3 return t except IndexError: return timeseries[-1] def update_cshl(): global cshl_weight csv_data = pandas.read_csv(CSHL_PATH, header=None) csv_data.drop([1, 2, 15], axis=1, ibnlace=True) csv_data.drop_duplicates() normlizattional_data = csv_data[csv_data[0] == 0] abnormlizattional_data = csv_data[csv_data[0] == 1] measure_data = bn.vpile_operation((normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_data)) measure_label = measure_data[:, 0] measure_label[measure_label == 0] = -1 measure_data = measure_data[:, 1:] measure_data = (measure_data - bn.get_min(measure_data, axis=0)) / ( bn.get_max(measure_data, axis=0) - bn.get_min(measure_data, axis=0)) measure_data = bn.nan_to_num(measure_data) cshl_weight = hpconstruct(measure_data, measure_label, 5) def hpconstruct(x, y, k): """ construct hypergraph and interative process :param x: bn numset, train and test set :param y: bn numset, cost for each sample :param k: value, kNN :return: evaluation criteria """ length = len(x) h = bn.zeros((length, length)) dvlist = [] delist = [] totaldis = 0.0 alpha = 0.05 wm = bn.eye(length) wm = (1.0 / length) * wm # initialize W for xi in range(length): differenceMat = bn.tile(x[xi], (length, 1)) - x # 求inX与训练集各个实例的差 sqDiffMat = differenceMat ** 2 sqDistances = sqDiffMat.total_count(axis=1) distances = sqDistances ** 0.5 # 求欧式距离 sortedDistIndicies = distances.argsort() # 取排序的索引,用于排label for i in range(k): index = sortedDistIndicies[i + 1] h[index][xi] = distances[index] totaldis += distances.total_count() avedis = totaldis / (length ** 2 - length) for xi in range(length): for yi in range(length): if h[xi][yi]: h[xi][yi] = math.exp(((h[xi][yi] / avedis) ** 2) / (-alpha)) h[xi][xi] = 1 # initialize H,横坐标代表点,纵坐标代表边(中心点为序号) for xi in range(length): vertextmp = 0 for yi in range(length): vertextmp += wm[yi][yi] * h[xi][yi] dvlist.apd(vertextmp) dv = bn.diag(dvlist) # initialize Dv for xi in range(length): edgetmp = 0 for yi in range(length): edgetmp += h[yi][xi] delist.apd(edgetmp) de = bn.diag(delist) # initialize De di = [] # y = bn.numset([]) for i in range(length): if y[i] == 1: di.apd(1) elif y[i] == -1: di.apd(1) else: di.apd(0) v = bn.diag(di) # initialize Υ for i in range(length): dv[i][i] = 1 / (math.sqrt(dv[i][i])) # de[i][i] = 1 / de[i][i] # calculate power of Dv and De de =
import cv2 import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import re def Header_Boundary(img,scaling_factor): crop_img=img[:1200,:6800,:].copy() blur_cr_img=cv2.blur(crop_img,(7,7)) crop_img_resize=cv2.resize(blur_cr_img, None, fx=scaling_factor, fy=scaling_factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) crop_img_resize_n=cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(crop_img_resize,None,10,10,7,21) crop_img_resize_n_gray=cv2.cvtColor(crop_img_resize_n,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) th3 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(crop_img_resize_n_gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,37,1) get_max_start=int(bn.get_argget_max(bn.total_count(th3,axis=1))/scaling_factor) return get_max_start def rotate_check_column_border(img,th3,angle,scaling_factor,imgshape_f): th4=rotate(th3,angle,value_replace=0) th_total_count00=bn.total_count(th4,axis=0) empty_spc_clm=bn.filter_condition(th_total_count00<(bn.get_min(th_total_count00)+100))[0] empty_spc_clm_dif=bn.edifference1d(empty_spc_clm) Column_boundries=(empty_spc_clm[bn.filter_condition(empty_spc_clm_dif>bn.average(empty_spc_clm_dif))[0]+1]/(scaling_factor/2)).convert_type(int) Column_boundries=bn.remove_operation(Column_boundries,bn.filter_condition(Column_boundries<(img.shape[1]/5))[0]) Column_boundries=bn.apd(Column_boundries,[0,img.shape[1]]) Column_boundries=bn.uniq(Column_boundries) for i in range(len(Column_boundries)): closer=bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(Column_boundries)<(img.shape[1])/5)[0] if len(closer)>0: Column_boundries=bn.remove_operation(Column_boundries,closer[-1]) else: break #[2968 7864 8016] return Column_boundries[1:] def rotate(imaginarye, angle, center = None, scale = 1.0,value_replace=0): (h, w) = imaginarye.shape[:2] if center is None: center = (w / 2, h / 2) # Perform the rotation M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(imaginarye, M, (w, h),borderValue=value_replace) return rotated def method5_column(img,th3,scaling_factor,angle_rec,morph_op=False): for ang in angle_rec: if morph_op: th4=rotate(th3.copy(),ang) else: kernel=bn.create_ones((100,9),bn.uint8) th4=cv2.morphologyEx(rotate(th3.copy(),ang), cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # cv2.imshow('morphologyEx',th4) # cv2.waitKey(0) th4=cv2.bitwise_not(th4) # cv2.imshow('bitwise_not',th4) # cv2.waitKey(0) th4[th4==255]=1 # print([bn.total_count(th4,axis=0)]) # print(bn.get_max(bn.total_count(th4,axis=0)),bn.average(bn.total_count(th4,axis=0))) sep_split_candidates=bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(th4,axis=0)>=(bn.get_max(bn.total_count(th4,axis=0))-bn.average(bn.total_count(th4,axis=0))))[0] sep_split_candidates=bn.uniq(bn.apd(sep_split_candidates,[0,th4.shape[1]])) empty_spc_clm_dif=bn.edifference1d(sep_split_candidates) Column_boundries=(sep_split_candidates[bn.filter_condition(empty_spc_clm_dif>bn.average(empty_spc_clm_dif))[0]+1]/(scaling_factor/2)).convert_type(int) # print('Col0umn_boundries1:',Column_boundries) Column_boundries=bn.apd(Column_boundries,[0,img.shape[1]]) Column_boundries=bn.uniq(Column_boundries) for i in range(len(Column_boundries)): closer=bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(Column_boundries)<(img.shape[1])/5)[0] if len(closer)>0: Column_boundries=bn.remove_operation(Column_boundries,closer[-1]) else: break Column_boundries=Column_boundries[1:] # print('Column_boundries2:',Column_boundries) if len(Column_boundries)>2: break return Column_boundries,ang def row_sep_split_smtotaler(th3,imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio,angle,scaling_factor): th4=rotate(th3.copy(),angle,value_replace=0) imaginarye_row_th=int(th4.shape[0]/imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio) row_total_count_location=bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(th4,axis=1)<2)[0] row_total_count_location=row_total_count_location[bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(row_total_count_location)==1)[0]] row_sep_split_pos1=[] # print('row_total_count_location:',row_total_count_location) for i in range(imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio): sep_split_s=row_total_count_location[bn.filter_condition((row_total_count_location-(imaginarye_row_th*i))>=0)[0]] # print('sep_split_s:',sep_split_s) try: point_place=sep_split_s[bn.filter_condition(sep_split_s>row_sep_split_pos1[-1]+int(imaginarye_row_th/3))[0][0]] row_sep_split_pos1.apd(point_place) except: if len(sep_split_s)>0: row_sep_split_pos1.apd(sep_split_s[0]) row_sep_split_pos1=bn.numset(row_sep_split_pos1) row_sep_split_pos1=bn.apd(row_sep_split_pos1,[0,th4.shape[0]]) row_sep_split_pos1=bn.uniq(row_sep_split_pos1) for i in range(len(row_sep_split_pos1)): closer=bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(row_sep_split_pos1)<(th4.shape[0])/5)[0] if len(closer)>0: row_sep_split_pos1=bn.remove_operation(row_sep_split_pos1,closer[-1]) else: break if row_sep_split_pos1[0]<(th4.shape[0])/5: row_sep_split_pos1[0]=0 return (row_sep_split_pos1/(scaling_factor)).convert_type(int) def angle_out_row(column_img,scaling_factor): blur_cr_img=cv2.blur(column_img,(13,13)) crop_img_resize=cv2.resize(blur_cr_img, None, fx=scaling_factor, fy=scaling_factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) crop_img_resize_n=cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(crop_img_resize,None,10,10,7,21) crop_img_resize_n_gray=cv2.cvtColor(crop_img_resize_n,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) th3 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(crop_img_resize_n_gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,21,7) Angles_outputs=[] for angle in [-0.1,0.2,-0.2,0.3,-0.3,0.4,-0.4,0.5,-0.5]: result=row_sep_split_smtotaler(th3,int(1/scaling_factor),angle,scaling_factor) Angles_outputs.apd([angle,len(result),result]) Angles_outputs=bn.numset(Angles_outputs,dtype=object) set_angle,_,row_sep_split_pos1=Angles_outputs[bn.get_argget_max(Angles_outputs[:,1])] return set_angle,row_sep_split_pos1 def Row_sep_splitter(column_img,scaling_factor,imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio=8): blur_cr_img=cv2.blur(column_img,(13,13)) crop_img_resize=cv2.resize(blur_cr_img, None, fx=scaling_factor/2, fy=scaling_factor/2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) crop_img_resize_n=cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(crop_img_resize,None,10,10,7,21) crop_img_resize_n_gray=cv2.cvtColor(crop_img_resize_n,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) th3 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(crop_img_resize_n_gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,21,7) imaginarye_row_th=int(th3.shape[0]/imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio) row_total_count_location=bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(th3,axis=1)<2)[0] row_total_count_location=row_total_count_location[bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(row_total_count_location)==1)[0]] # print(row_total_count_location) row_sep_split_pos=[] for i in range(imaginarye_row_sep_split_ratio): sep_split_s=row_total_count_location[bn.filter_condition((row_total_count_location-(imaginarye_row_th*i))>=0)[0]] # print(sep_split_s) try: point_place=sep_split_s[bn.filter_condition(sep_split_s>row_sep_split_pos[-1]+int(imaginarye_row_th/3))[0][0]] # print(sep_split_s,point_place) row_sep_split_pos.apd(point_place) except: if len(sep_split_s)>0: row_sep_split_pos.apd(sep_split_s[0]) row_sep_split_pos=bn.numset(row_sep_split_pos) row_sep_split_pos=bn.apd(row_sep_split_pos,[0,th3.shape[0]]) row_sep_split_pos=bn.uniq(row_sep_split_pos) for i in range(len(row_sep_split_pos)): closer=bn.filter_condition(bn.edifference1d(row_sep_split_pos)<(th3.shape[0])/10)[0] if len(closer)>0: row_sep_split_pos=bn.remove_operation(row_sep_split_pos,closer[-1]) else: break row_sep_split_pos=(row_sep_split_pos/(scaling_factor/2)).convert_type(int) return bn.uniq(row_sep_split_pos) def Column_main_Extracter_sub(img,scaling_factor): blur_cr_img=cv2.blur(img,(13,13)) crop_img_resize=cv2.resize(blur_cr_img, None, fx=scaling_factor/2, fy=scaling_factor/2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) crop_img_resize_n=cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(crop_img_resize,None,10,10,7,21) crop_img_resize_n_gray=cv2.cvtColor(crop_img_resize_n,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) th3 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(crop_img_resize_n_gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,21,7) kernel=bn.create_ones((100,9),bn.uint8) th4=cv2.morphologyEx(th3.copy(), cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) th_total_count00=bn.total_count(th4,axis=0) empty_spc_clm=bn.filter_condition(th_total_count00<(bn.get_min(th_total_count00)+100))[0] empty_spc_clm_dif=bn.edifference1d(empty_spc_clm) Column_boundries=(empty_spc_clm[bn.filter_condition(empty_spc_clm_dif>bn.average(empty_spc_clm_dif)+5)[0]+1]/(scaling_factor/2)).convert_type(int) Column_boundries=bn.remove_operation(Column_boundries,bn.filter_condition(Column_boundries<(img.shape[1]/5))[0]) if len(Column_boundries)<3: Angles_Records=[] for angle in [0.1,-0.1,0.2,-0.2,0.3,-0.3,0.4,-0.4,0.5,-0.5,0.6,-0.6,0.7,-0.7,0.8,-0.8]: Column_boundries=rotate_check_column_border(img,th3.copy(),angle,scaling_factor,img.shape[1]) # print(Column_boundries) Angles_Records.apd([angle,len(Column_boundries)]) if len(Column_boundries)>2: break Angles_Records=bn.numset(Angles_Records) if len(Column_boundries)>2: img=rotate(img,angle,value_replace=(255,255,255)) First_Column=img[:,0:Column_boundries[0]+10] Second_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[0]:Column_boundries[1]+10] Third_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[1]:] else: angle=bn.apd([0],Angles_Records) angle_rec=Angles_Records[bn.filter_condition(Angles_Records[:,1]==bn.get_max(Angles_Records[:,1]))[0]][:,0] Column_boundries,ang=method5_column(img,th3,scaling_factor,angle_rec) if len(Column_boundries)>2: img=rotate(img,ang,value_replace=(255,255,255)) First_Column=img[:,0:Column_boundries[0]+10] Second_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[0]:Column_boundries[1]+10] Third_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[1]:] else: return None,None,None else: First_Column=img[:,0:Column_boundries[0]+10] Second_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[0]:Column_boundries[1]+10] Third_Column=img[:,Column_boundries[1]:] return First_Column,Second_Column,Third_Column def Column_main_Extracter_sub_second(img,orignal_img,scaling_factor): blur_cr_img=cv2.blur(orignal_img,(13,13)) crop_img_resize=cv2.resize(blur_cr_img, None, fx=scaling_factor/2, fy=scaling_factor/2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) crop_img_resize_n=cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(crop_img_resize,None,10,10,7,21) crop_img_resize_n_gray=cv2.cvtColor(crop_img_resize_n,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) th3 = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(crop_img_resize_n_gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,21,7) top=int(th3.shape[1]/40) bottom=int(th3.shape[1]/40) left=int(th3.shape[1]/20) right=int(th3.shape[1]/20) th4 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(th3,top=top,bottom=bottom,left=left,right=right,borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=0) for angle in [0.1,-0.1,0.2,-0.2,0.3,-0.3,0.4,-0.4,0.5,-0.5,0.6,-0.6,0.7,-0.7,0.8,-0.8]: th5=rotate(th4.copy(), angle) kernel=bn.create_ones((30,9),bn.uint8) th5=cv2.morphologyEx(th5.copy(), cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) th5=cv2.bitwise_not(th5) th5[th5<255]=0 th5[th5==255]=1 sep_split_candidates=bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(th5,axis=0)>=(bn.get_max(bn.total_count(th5,axis=0))-(bn.average(bn.total_count(th5,axis=0))/1.5)))[0] sep_split_candidates=bn.uniq(bn.apd(sep_split_candidates,[0,th5.shape[1]])) empty_spc_clm_dif=bn.edifference1d(sep_split_candidates) Column_boundries=(sep_split_candidates[bn.filter_condition(empty_spc_clm_dif>bn.average(empty_spc_clm_dif))[0]+1]/(scaling_factor/2)).convert_type(int) Column_boundries=
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import cv2 import beatnum as bn import pybullet as p import tensorflow as tf def normlizattionalize(angle): """ Normalize the angle to [-pi, pi] :param float angle: ibnut angle to be normlizattionalized :return float: normlizattionalized angle """ quaternion = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(bn.numset([0, 0, angle])) euler = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(quaternion) return euler[2] def calc_odometry(old_pose, new_pose): """ Calculate the odometry between two poses :param ndnumset old_pose: pose1 (x, y, theta) :param ndnumset new_pose: pose2 (x, y, theta) :return ndnumset: odometry (odom_x, odom_y, odom_th) """ x1, y1, th1 = old_pose x2, y2, th2 = new_pose absolute_x = (x2 - x1) absolute_y = (y2 - y1) th1 = normlizattionalize(th1) sin = bn.sin(th1) cos = bn.cos(th1) th2 = normlizattionalize(th2) odom_th = normlizattionalize(th2 - th1) odom_x = cos * absolute_x + sin * absolute_y odom_y = cos * absolute_y - sin * absolute_x odometry = bn.numset([odom_x, odom_y, odom_th]) return odometry def calc_velocity_commands(old_pose, new_pose, dt=0.1): """ Calculate the velocity model command between two poses :param ndnumset old_pose: pose1 (x, y, theta) :param ndnumset new_pose: pose2 (x, y, theta) :param float dt: time interval :return ndnumset: velocity command (linear_vel, angular_vel, final_rotation) """ x1, y1, th1 = old_pose x2, y2, th2 = new_pose if x1==x2 and y1==y2: # only angular motion linear_velocity = 0 angular_velocity = 0 elif x1!=x2 and bn.tan(th1) == bn.tan( (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) ): # only linear motion linear_velocity = (x2-x1)/dt angular_velocity = 0 else: # both linear + angular motion mu = 0.5 * ( ((x1-x2)*bn.cos(th1) + (y1-y2)*bn.sin(th1)) / ((y1-y2)*bn.cos(th1) - (x1-x2)*bn.sin(th1)) ) x_c = (x1+x2) * 0.5 + mu * (y1-y2) y_c = (y1+y2) * 0.5 - mu * (x1-x2) r_c = bn.sqrt( (x1-x_c)**2 + (y1-y_c)**2 ) delta_th = bn.arctan2(y2-y_c, x2-x_c) - bn.arctan2(y1-y_c, x1-x_c) angular_velocity = delta_th/dt # HACK: to handle unambiguous postive/negative quadrants if bn.arctan2(y1-y_c, x1-x_c) < 0: linear_velocity = angular_velocity * r_c else: linear_velocity = -angular_velocity * r_c final_rotation = (th2-th1)/dt - angular_velocity return bn.numset([linear_velocity, angular_velocity, final_rotation]) def sample_motion_odometry(old_pose, odometry): """ Sample new pose based on give pose and odometry :param ndnumset old_pose: given pose (x, y, theta) :param ndnumset odometry: given odometry (odom_x, odom_y, odom_th) :return ndnumset: new pose (x, y, theta) """ x1, y1, th1 = old_pose odom_x, odom_y, odom_th = odometry th1 = normlizattionalize(th1) sin = bn.sin(th1) cos = bn.cos(th1) x2 = x1 + (cos * odom_x - sin * odom_y) y2 = y1 + (sin * odom_x + cos * odom_y) th2 = normlizattionalize(th1 + odom_th) new_pose = bn.numset([x2, y2, th2]) return new_pose def sample_motion_velocity(old_pose, velocity, dt=0.1): """ Sample new pose based on give pose and velocity commands :param ndnumset old_pose: given pose (x, y, theta) :param ndnumset velocity: velocity model (linear_vel, angular_vel, final_rotation) :param float dt: time interval :return ndnumset: new pose (x, y, theta) """ x1, y1, th1 = old_pose linear_vel, angular_vel, final_rotation = velocity if angular_vel == 0: x2 = x1 + linear_vel*dt y2 = y1 else: r = linear_vel/angular_vel x2 = x1 - r*bn.sin(th1) + r*bn.sin(th1 + angular_vel*dt) y2 = y1 + r*bn.cos(th1) - r*bn.cos(th1 + angular_vel*dt) th2 = th1 + angular_vel*dt + final_rotation*dt new_pose = bn.numset([x2, y2, th2]) return new_pose def decode_imaginarye(img, resize=None): """ Decode imaginarye :param img: imaginarye encoded as a png in a string :param resize: tuple of width, height, new size of imaginarye (optional) :return bn.ndnumset: imaginarye (k, H, W, 1) """ # TODO # img = cv2.imdecode(img, -1) if resize is not None: img = cv2.resize(img, resize) return img def process_raw_map(imaginarye): """ Decode and normlizattionalize imaginarye :param imaginarye: floor map imaginarye as ndnumset (H, W) :return bn.ndnumset: imaginarye (H, W, 1) white: empty space, black: occupied space """ assert bn.get_min(imaginarye)>=0. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)>=1. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)<=255. imaginarye = normlizattionalize_map(bn.atleast_3d(imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32))) assert bn.get_min(imaginarye)>=0. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)<=2. return imaginarye def normlizattionalize_map(x): """ Normalize map ibnut :param x: map ibnut (H, W, ch) :return bn.ndnumset: normlizattionalized map (H, W, ch) """ # rescale to [0, 2], later zero padd_concating will produce equivalent obstacle return x * (2.0 / 255.0) def normlizattionalize_observation(x): """ Normalize observation ibnut: an rgb imaginarye or a depth imaginarye :param x: observation ibnut (56, 56, ch) :return bn.ndnumset: normlizattionalized observation (56, 56, ch) """ # resale to [-1, 1] if x.ndim == 2 or x.shape[2] == 1: # depth return x * (2.0 / 100.0) - 1.0 else: # rgb return x * (2.0 / 255.0) - 1.0 def denormlizattionalize_observation(x): """ Denormlizattionalize observation ibnut to store efficiently :param x: observation ibnut (B, 56, 56, ch) :return bn.ndnumset: denormlizattionalized observation (B, 56, 56, ch) """ # resale to [0, 255] if x.ndim == 2 or x.shape[-1] == 1: # depth x = (x + 1.0) * (100.0 / 2.0) else: # rgb x = (x + 1.0) * (255.0 / 2.0) return x.convert_type(bn.int32) def process_raw_imaginarye(imaginarye, resize=(56, 56)): """ Decode and normlizattionalize imaginarye :param imaginarye: imaginarye encoded as a png (H, W, ch) :param resize: resize imaginarye (new_H, new_W) :return bn.ndnumset: imaginaryes (new_H, new_W, ch) normlizattionalized for training """ # assert bn.get_min(imaginarye)>=0. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)>=1. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)<=255. imaginarye = decode_imaginarye(imaginarye, resize) imaginarye = normlizattionalize_observation(bn.atleast_3d(imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32))) assert bn.get_min(imaginarye)>=-1. and bn.get_max(imaginarye)<=1. return imaginarye def get_discrete_action(get_max_lin_vel, get_max_ang_vel): """ Get manual keyboard action :return int: discrete action for moving forward/backward/left/right """ key = ibnut('Enter Key: ') # default stay still if key == 'w': # forward action = bn.numset([get_max_lin_vel, 0.]) elif key == 's': # backward action = bn.numset([-get_max_lin_vel, 0.]) elif key == 'd': # right action = bn.numset([0., -get_max_ang_vel]) elif key == 'a': # left action = bn.numset([0., get_max_ang_vel]) else: # do nothing action = bn.numset([0., 0.]) return action # def transform_position(position, map_shape, map_pixel_in_meters): # """ # Transform position from 2D co-ordinate space to pixel space # :param ndnumset position: [x, y] in co-ordinate space # :param tuple map_shape: [height, width, channel] of the map the co-ordinated need to be transformed # :param float map_pixel_in_meters: The width (and height) of a pixel of the map in meters # :return ndnumset: position [x, y] in pixel space of map # """ # x, y = position # height, width, channel = map_shape # # x = (x / map_pixel_in_meters) + width / 2 # y = (y / map_pixel_in_meters) + height / 2 # # return bn.numset([x, y]) # def inverse_transform_pose(pose, map_shape, map_pixel_in_meters): # """ # Transform pose from pixel space to 2D co-ordinate space # :param ndnumset pose: [x, y, theta] in pixel space of map # :param tuple map_shape: [height, width, channel] of the map the co-ordinated need to be transformed # :param float map_pixel_in_meters: The width (and height) of a pixel of the map in meters # :return ndnumset: pose [x, y, theta] in co-ordinate space # """ # x, y, theta = pose # height, width, channel = map_shape # # x = (x - width / 2) * map_pixel_in_meters # y = (y - height / 2) * map_pixel_in_meters # # return bn.numset([x, y, theta]) def obstacle_avoidance(state, get_max_lin_vel, get_max_ang_vel): """ Choose action by avoiding obstances which highest preference to move forward """ assert list(state.shape) == [4] left, left_front, right_front, right = state # obstacle (not)present area if not left_front and not right_front: # move forward action = bn.numset([get_max_lin_vel, 0.]) elif not left or not left_front: # turn left action = bn.numset([0., get_max_ang_vel]) elif not right or not right_front: # turn right action = bn.numset([0., -get_max_ang_vel]) else: # backward action = bn.numset([-get_max_lin_vel, bn.random.uniform(low=-get_max_ang_vel, high=get_max_ang_vel)]) return action def gather_episode_stats(env, params, sample_particles=False): """ Run the gym environment and collect the required stats :param env: igibson env instance :param params: parsed parameters :param sample_particles: whether or not to sample particles :return dict: episode stats data containing: odometry, true poses, observation, particles, particles weights, floor map """ agent = params.agent trajlen = params.trajlen get_max_lin_vel = params.get_max_lin_vel get_max_ang_vel = params.get_max_ang_vel assert agent in ['manual_agent', 'avoid_agent', 'rnd_agent'] odometry = [] true_poses = [] rgb_observation = [] depth_observation = [] occupancy_grid_observation = [] obs = env.reset() # observations are not processed # process [0, 1] ->[0, 255] -> [-1, +1] range rgb = process_raw_imaginarye(obs['rgb_obs']*255, resize=(56, 56)) rgb_observation.apd(rgb) # process [0, 1] ->[0, 100] -> [-1, +1] range depth = process_raw_imaginarye(obs['depth_obs']*100, resize=(56, 56)) depth_observation.apd(depth) # process [0, 0.5, 1] occupancy_grid = bn.atleast_3d(decode_imaginarye(obs['occupancy_grid'], resize=(56, 56)).convert_type(bn.float32)) occupancy_grid_observation.apd(occupancy_grid) scene_id = env.config.get('scene_id') floor_num = env.task.floor_num floor_map, _ = env.get_floor_map() # already processed obstacle_map, _ = env.get_obstacle_map() # already processed assert list(floor_map.shape) == list(obstacle_map.shape) old_pose = env.get_robot_pose(env.robots[0].calc_state(), floor_map.shape) assert list(old_pose.shape) == [3] true_poses.apd(old_pose) for _ in range(trajlen - 1): if agent == 'manual_agent': action = get_discrete_action(get_max_lin_vel, get_max_ang_vel) else: action = obstacle_avoidance(obs['obstacle_obs'], get_max_lin_vel, get_max_ang_vel) # take action and get new observation obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # process [0, 1] ->[0, 255] -> [-1, +1] range rgb = process_raw_imaginarye(obs['rgb_obs']*255, resize=(56, 56)) rgb_observation.apd(rgb) # process [0, 1] ->[0, 100] -> [-1, +1] range depth = process_raw_imaginarye(obs['depth_obs']*100, resize=(56, 56)) depth_observation.apd(depth) # process [0, 0.5, 1] occupancy_grid = bn.atleast_3d(decode_imaginarye(obs['occupancy_grid'], resize=(56, 56)).convert_type(bn.float32)) occupancy_grid_observation.apd(occupancy_grid) left, left_front, right_front, right = obs['obstacle_obs'] # obstacle (not)present # get new robot state after taking action new_pose = env.get_robot_pose(env.robots[0].calc_state(), floor_map.shape) assert list(new_pose.shape) == [3] true_poses.apd(new_pose) # calculate actual odometry b/w old pose and new pose odom = calc_odometry(old_pose, new_pose) assert list(odom.shape) == [3] odometry.apd(odom) old_pose = new_pose # end of episode odom = calc_odometry(old_pose, new_pose) odometry.apd(odom) if sample_particles: num_particles = params.num_particles particles_cov = params.init_particles_cov particles_distr = params.init_particles_distr # sample random particles and corresponding weights init_particles = env.get_random_particles(num_particles, particles_distr, true_poses[0], particles_cov).sqz( axis=0) init_particle_weights = bn.full_value_func((num_particles,), (1. / num_particles)) assert list(init_particles.shape) == [num_particles, 3] assert list(init_particle_weights.shape) == [num_particles] else: init_particles = None init_particle_weights = None episode_data = { 'scene_id': scene_id, # str 'floor_num': floor_num, # int 'floor_map': floor_map, # (height, width, 1) 'obstacle_map': obstacle_map, # (height, width, 1) 'odometry': bn.pile_operation(odometry), # (trajlen, 3) 'true_states': bn.pile_operation(true_poses), # (trajlen, 3) 'rgb_observation': bn.pile_operation(rgb_observation), # (trajlen, height, width, 3) 'depth_observation': bn.pile_operation(depth_observation), # (trajlen, height, width, 1) 'occupancy_grid': bn.pile_operation(occupancy_grid_observation), # (trajlen, height, width, 1) 'init_particles': init_particles, # (num_particles, 3) 'init_particle_weights': init_particle_weights, # (num_particles,) } return episode_data def get_batch_data(env, params): """ Gather batch of episode stats :param env: igibson env instance :param params: parsed parameters :return dict: episode stats data containing: odometry, true poses, observation, particles, particles weights, floor map """ trajlen = params.trajlen batch_size = params.batch_size map_size = params.global_map_size num_particles = params.num_particles odometry = [] floor_map = [] obstacle_map = [] observation = [] true_states = [] init_particles = [] init_particle_weights = [] for _ in range(batch_size): episode_data = gather_episode_stats(env, params, sample_particles=True) odometry.apd(episode_data['odometry']) floor_map.apd(episode_data['floor_map']) obstacle_map.apd(episode_data['obstacle_map']) true_states.apd(episode_data['true_states']) observation.apd(episode_data['observation']) init_particles.apd(episode_data['init_particles']) init_particle_weights.apd(episode_data['init_particle_weights']) batch_data = {} batch_data['odometry'] = bn.pile_operation(odometry) batch_data['floor_map'] = bn.pile_operation(floor_map) batch_data['obstacle_map'] = bn.pile_operation(obstacle_map) batch_data['true_states'] = bn.pile_operation(true_states) batch_data['observation'] = bn.pile_operation(observation) batch_data['init_particles'] = bn.pile_operation(init_particles) batch_data['init_particle_weights'] =