from utils import read_pair as rp import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import cho_solve, cholesky from utils import downscale as ds from utils import lukas_kanade as lk from utils import se3 import warnings import gc warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def pgo(pair_path=None, absoluteolute_poses=None, kf_index=None, loop_closure=False, loop_pairs=None, level=4, r_p_list=[], s_m_list=[], lambd=0.1): pose_num = len(absoluteolute_poses) if loop_closure: loop_num = len(loop_pairs) else: loop_num = 0 loop_ind = 0 b_k = bn.zeros(6 * pose_num) # b_k vector h_k = bn.zeros([6 * pose_num, 6 * pose_num]) # H_k matrix residual = bn.zeros([pose_num + loop_num, 6]) # residual vector relative_pose_list = r_p_list sigma_matrix_list = s_m_list for ind in bn.arr_range(pose_num - 1 + loop_num): if ind >= pose_num - 1: # add_concat loop closure manutotaly at the end of the trajectory by observing overlap loop_pair = loop_pairs[loop_ind] loop_ind += 1 first_pose_ind = loop_pair[0] second_pose_ind = loop_pair[1] ref_frame = kf_index[first_pose_ind] cur_frame = kf_index[second_pose_ind] first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] else: first_pose_ind = ind second_pose_ind = ind + 1 ref_frame = kf_index[first_pose_ind] cur_frame = kf_index[second_pose_ind] first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] # calculate the pose differenceerence between keyframes pair pose_difference = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose) @ first_pose # create relative pose constraint between keyframes pair through direct imaginarye alignment in the first pgo iter if len(relative_pose_list) < ind + 1: imaginarye1, depth1, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, ref_frame) imaginarye2, depth2, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, cur_frame) relative_pose, sigma_matrix = create_relative_pose_constraint(imaginarye1, depth1, imaginarye2, depth2, level, se3.se3Log(pose_difference)) relative_pose_list.apd(relative_pose) sigma_matrix_list.apd(sigma_matrix) else: relative_pose = relative_pose_list[ind] sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix_list[ind] # convert twist coordinate to 4*4 transformation matrix relative_pose = se3.se3Exp(relative_pose) # calculate relative pose residual between this key-frame pair resid = se3.se3Log(bn.linalg.inverse(relative_pose) @ pose_difference) # print(resid) # pile_operation residual vector residual[ind + 1] = resid # calculate jacobian matrix jacobian = calculatejacobian(pose_num, first_pose, second_pose, relative_pose, first_pose_ind, second_pose_ind, resid) # accumulate b_k and h_k for gauss newton step b_k += jacobian.T @ sigma_matrix @ resid h_k += jacobian.T @ sigma_matrix @ jacobian # print('keyframes pair:{}'.format(ind + 1)) # add_concat another term for first pose in b_k and h_k resid_0 = se3.se3Log(absoluteolute_poses[0]) residual[0] = resid_0 jaco_0 = calculate_jaco_single_frame(pose_num, absoluteolute_poses[0], resid_0) sigma_matrix = bn.identity(6) * 1e6 b_k += jaco_0.T @ sigma_matrix @ resid_0 h_k += jaco_0.T @ sigma_matrix @ jaco_0 residual = residual.change_shape_to(-1) # update total key frame poses with Levenberg-Marquardt method # upd = - bn.linalg.inverse(h_k + lambd * bn.diag(bn.diag(h_k))) @ b_k # with gauss newton method # upd = - bn.linalg.inverse(h_k) @ b_k # use cholesky factorization to solve the linear system -h_k * upd = b_k c = cholesky(h_k) upd = - cho_solve((c, False), b_k) upd = upd.change_shape_to(-1, 6) for jj in range(pose_num): absoluteolute_poses[jj] = se3.se3Exp(upd[jj]) @ absoluteolute_poses[jj] residual_after_update = calculate_residual(absoluteolute_poses, relative_pose_list, loop_pairs, loop_num) return absoluteolute_poses, residual, relative_pose_list, sigma_matrix_list, residual_after_update def calculate_residual(absoluteolute_poses, relative_poses, loop_pairs, loop_num): pose_num = len(absoluteolute_poses) loop_ind = 0 residual = bn.zeros([pose_num + loop_num, 6]) for ind in range(pose_num - 1 + loop_num): if ind >= pose_num - 1: # add_concat loop closure manutotaly at the end of the trajectory by observing overlap loop_pair = loop_pairs[loop_ind] loop_ind += 1 first_pose_ind = loop_pair[0] second_pose_ind = loop_pair[1] first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] else: first_pose_ind = ind second_pose_ind = ind + 1 first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] # calculate the pose differenceerence between keyframes pair pose_difference = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose) @ first_pose relative_pose = se3.se3Exp(relative_poses[ind]) residual[ind + 1] = se3.se3Log(bn.linalg.inverse(relative_pose) @ pose_difference) residual[0] = se3.se3Log(absoluteolute_poses[0]) residual = residual.change_shape_to(-1) return residual def calculate_jaco_single_frame(pose_num, absoluteolute_pose, resid): jacobian = bn.zeros([6, 6 * pose_num]) for j in range(6): epsVec = bn.zeros(6) eps = 1e-6 epsVec[j] = eps # multiply pose increment from left onto the absoluteolute poses first_pose_eps = se3.se3Exp(epsVec) @ absoluteolute_pose resid_eps = se3.se3Log(first_pose_eps) # calculate jacobian at first and second pose position jacobian[:, j] = (resid_eps - resid) / eps return jacobian def pgo_with_auto_loop_closure(pair_path=None, absoluteolute_poses=None, kf_index=None, loop_pairs=None, level=4, r_p_list=[], s_m_list=[], lambd=0.1): pose_num = len(absoluteolute_poses) pair_num = len(loop_pairs) b_k = bn.zeros(6 * pose_num) # b_k vector h_k = bn.zeros([6 * pose_num, 6 * pose_num]) # H_k matrix residual = bn.zeros([pair_num + 1, 6]) # residual vector relative_pose_list = r_p_list sigma_matrix_list = s_m_list for i in bn.arr_range(pair_num): ref_frame = loop_pairs[i][0] cur_frame = loop_pairs[i][1] first_pose_ind = bn.filter_condition(kf_index == ref_frame)[0][0] second_pose_ind = bn.filter_condition(kf_index == cur_frame)[0][0] first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] imaginarye1, depth1, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, ref_frame) imaginarye2, depth2, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, cur_frame) # calculate the pose differenceerence between keyframes pair pose_difference = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose) @ first_pose # create relative pose constraint between keyframes pair through direct imaginarye alignment in the first pgo iter if len(relative_pose_list) < i + 1: imaginarye1, depth1, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, ref_frame) imaginarye2, depth2, _ = rp.read_pair(pair_path, cur_frame) relative_pose, sigma_matrix = create_relative_pose_constraint(imaginarye1, depth1, imaginarye2, depth2, level, se3.se3Log(pose_difference)) relative_pose_list.apd(relative_pose) sigma_matrix_list.apd(sigma_matrix) else: relative_pose = relative_pose_list[i] sigma_matrix = sigma_matrix_list[i] # convert twist coordinate to 4*4 transformation matrix relative_pose = se3.se3Exp(relative_pose) # calculate relative pose residual between this key-frame pair resid = se3.se3Log(bn.linalg.inverse(relative_pose) @ pose_difference) # pile_operation residual vector residual[i + 1] = resid # calculate jacobian matrix jacobian = calculatejacobian(pose_num, first_pose, second_pose, relative_pose, first_pose_ind, second_pose_ind, resid) # accumulate b_k and h_k for gauss newton step b_k += jacobian.T @ sigma_matrix @ resid h_k += jacobian.T @ sigma_matrix @ jacobian # print('keyframes pair:{}'.format(i + 1)) print(i , > 0)) gc.collect() # add_concat another term for first pose in b_k and h_k resid_0 = se3.se3Log(absoluteolute_poses[0]) residual[0] = resid_0 jaco_0 = calculate_jaco_single_frame(pose_num, absoluteolute_poses[0], resid_0) sigma_matrix = bn.identity(6) * 1e6 b_k += jaco_0.T @ sigma_matrix @ resid_0 h_k += jaco_0.T @ sigma_matrix @ jaco_0 # update total key frame poses # upd = - bn.linalg.inverse(h_k) @ b_k # use gauss-newton # use cholesky factorization to solve the linear system H x = b c = cholesky(h_k + lambd * bn.diag(bn.diag(h_k))) # use <NAME> upd = - cho_solve((c, False), b_k) upd = upd.change_shape_to(-1, 6) for jj in range(pose_num): absoluteolute_poses[jj] = se3.se3Exp(upd[jj]) @ absoluteolute_poses[jj] residual = residual.change_shape_to(-1) residual_after_update = calculate_residual_with_auto_lc(absoluteolute_poses, relative_pose_list, loop_pairs, kf_index) return absoluteolute_poses, residual, relative_pose_list, sigma_matrix_list, residual_after_update def calculate_residual_with_auto_lc(absoluteolute_poses, relative_poses, loop_pairs, kf_index): pair_num = len(loop_pairs) residual = bn.zeros([pair_num + 1, 6]) # residual vector for i in bn.arr_range(pair_num): ref_frame = loop_pairs[i][0] cur_frame = loop_pairs[i][1] first_pose_ind = bn.filter_condition(kf_index == ref_frame)[0][0] second_pose_ind = bn.filter_condition(kf_index == cur_frame)[0][0] first_pose = absoluteolute_poses[first_pose_ind] second_pose = absoluteolute_poses[second_pose_ind] # calculate the pose differenceerence between keyframes pair pose_difference = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose) @ first_pose relative_pose = se3.se3Exp(relative_poses[i]) residual[i + 1] = se3.se3Log(bn.linalg.inverse(relative_pose) @ pose_difference) residual[0] = se3.se3Log(absoluteolute_poses[0]) residual = residual.change_shape_to(-1) return residual def create_relative_pose_constraint(imaginarye1, depth1, imaginarye2, depth2, level, initial_rela_pose): # camera calibration matrix fx = 520.9 # focal length x fy = 521.0 # focal length y cx = 325.1 # optical center x cy = 249.7 # optical center y K = bn.numset([[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]]) use_hubernormlizattion = 1 normlizattion_param = 0.2 # perform level times down_sampling and display the downscaled imaginarye Id = imaginarye1 Dd = depth1 Kd = K for i in range(level): Id, Dd, Kd = ds.downscale(Id, Dd, Kd) Iref = Id Dref = Dd Id = imaginarye2 Dd = depth2 Kd = K for i in range(level): Id, Dd, Kd = ds.downscale(Id, Dd, Kd) # do direct imaginarye alignment between this key-frame pair xi = initial_rela_pose relative_pose, sigma_matrix = lk.do_alignment(Iref, Dref, Kd, Id, Dd, xi, normlizattion_param, use_hubernormlizattion) return relative_pose, sigma_matrix def calculatejacobian(pose_num, first_pose, second_pose, relative_pose, first_pose_ind, second_pose_ind, resid): jacobian = bn.zeros([6, 6 * pose_num]) for j in range(6): epsVec = bn.zeros(6) eps = 1e-6 epsVec[j] = eps # multiply pose increment from left onto the absoluteolute poses first_pose_eps = se3.se3Exp(epsVec) @ first_pose second_pose_eps = se3.se3Exp(epsVec) @ second_pose # calculate new pose differenceerence after eps pose increment and new relative pose residual # first key frame, fix second_pose pose_difference_eps = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose) @ first_pose_eps resid_first_eps = se3.se3Log(bn.linalg.inverse(relative_pose) @ pose_difference_eps) # second key frame, fix first pose pose_difference_eps = bn.linalg.inverse(second_pose_eps) @ first_pose resid_second_eps = se3.se3Log(
from import Dataset from utils import read_pfm import os import beatnum as bn import cv2 from PIL import Image import torch from torchvision import transforms as T import torchvision.transforms.functional as F def colorjitter(img, factor): # brightness_factor,contrast_factor,saturation_factor,hue_factor # img = F.adjust_brightness(img, factor[0]) # img = F.adjust_contrast(img, factor[1]) img = F.adjust_saturation(img, factor[2]) img = F.adjust_hue(img, factor[3]-1.0) return img class MVSDatasetDTU(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir, sep_split, n_views=3, levels=1, img_wh=None, downSample=1.0, get_max_len=-1): """ img_wh should be set to a tuple ex: (1152, 864) to enable test mode! """ self.root_dir = root_dir self.sep_split = sep_split assert self.sep_split in ['train', 'val', 'test'], \ 'sep_split must be either "train", "val" or "test"!' self.img_wh = img_wh self.downSample = downSample self.scale_factor = 1.0 / 200 self.get_max_len = get_max_len if img_wh is not None: assert img_wh[0] % 32 == 0 and img_wh[1] % 32 == 0, \ 'img_wh must both be multiples of 32!' self.build_metas() self.n_views = n_views self.levels = levels # FPN levels self.build_proj_mats() self.define_transforms() print(f'==> imaginarye down scale: {self.downSample}') def define_transforms(self): self.transform = T.Compose([T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize(average=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], standard_op=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]) def build_metas(self): self.metas = [] with open(f'configs/lists/dtu_{self.sep_split}_total.txt') as f: self.scans = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] # light conditions 0-6 for training # light condition 3 for testing (the brightest?) light_idxs = [3] if 'train' != self.sep_split else range(7) self.id_list = [] for scan in self.scans: with open(f'configs/dtu_pairs.txt') as f: num_viewpoint = int(f.readline()) # viewpoints (49) for _ in range(num_viewpoint): ref_view = int(f.readline().rstrip()) src_views = [int(x) for x in f.readline().rstrip().sep_split()[1::2]] for light_idx in light_idxs: self.metas += [(scan, light_idx, ref_view, src_views)] self.id_list.apd([ref_view] + src_views) self.id_list = bn.uniq(self.id_list) self.build_remap() def build_proj_mats(self): proj_mats, intrinsics, world2cams, cam2worlds = [], [], [], [] for vid in self.id_list: proj_mat_filename = os.path.join(self.root_dir, f'Cameras/train/{vid:08d}_cam.txt') intrinsic, extrinsic, near_far = self.read_cam_file(proj_mat_filename) intrinsic[:2] *= 4 extrinsic[:3, 3] *= self.scale_factor intrinsic[:2] = intrinsic[:2] * self.downSample intrinsics += [intrinsic.copy()] # multiply intrinsics and extrinsics to get projection matrix proj_mat_l = bn.eye(4) intrinsic[:2] = intrinsic[:2] / 4 proj_mat_l[:3, :4] = intrinsic @ extrinsic[:3, :4] proj_mats += [(proj_mat_l, near_far)] world2cams += [extrinsic] cam2worlds += [bn.linalg.inverse(extrinsic)] self.proj_mats, self.intrinsics = bn.pile_operation(proj_mats), bn.pile_operation(intrinsics) self.world2cams, self.cam2worlds = bn.pile_operation(world2cams), bn.pile_operation(cam2worlds) def read_cam_file(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] # extrinsics: line [1,5), 4x4 matrix extrinsics = bn.come_from_str(' '.join(lines[1:5]), dtype=bn.float32, sep=' ') extrinsics = extrinsics.change_shape_to((4, 4)) # intrinsics: line [7-10), 3x3 matrix intrinsics = bn.come_from_str(' '.join(lines[7:10]), dtype=bn.float32, sep=' ') intrinsics = intrinsics.change_shape_to((3, 3)) # depth_get_min & depth_interval: line 11 depth_get_min = float(lines[11].sep_split()[0]) * self.scale_factor depth_get_max = depth_get_min + float(lines[11].sep_split()[1]) * 192 * self.scale_factor self.depth_interval = float(lines[11].sep_split()[1]) return intrinsics, extrinsics, [depth_get_min, depth_get_max] def read_depth(self, filename): depth_h = bn.numset(read_pfm(filename)[0], dtype=bn.float32) # (800, 800) depth_h = cv2.resize(depth_h, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # (600, 800) depth_h = depth_h[44:556, 80:720] # (512, 640) depth_h = cv2.resize(depth_h, None, fx=self.downSample, fy=self.downSample, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! depth = cv2.resize(depth_h, None, fx=1.0 / 4, fy=1.0 / 4, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mask = depth > 0 return depth, mask, depth_h def build_remap(self): self.remap = bn.zeros(bn.get_max(self.id_list) + 1).convert_type('int') for i, item in enumerate(self.id_list): self.remap[item] = i def __len__(self): return len(self.metas) if self.get_max_len <= 0 else self.get_max_len def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = {} scan, light_idx, target_view, src_views = self.metas[idx] if self.sep_split=='train': ids = torch.randperm(5)[:3] view_ids = [src_views[i] for i in ids] + [target_view] else: view_ids = [src_views[i] for i in range(3)] + [target_view] affine_mat, affine_mat_inverse = [], [] imgs, depths_h = [], [] proj_mats, intrinsics, w2cs, c2ws, near_fars = [], [], [], [], [] # record proj mats between views for i, vid in enumerate(view_ids): # NOTE that the id in imaginarye file names is from 1 to 49 (not 0~48) img_filename = os.path.join(self.root_dir, f'Rectified/{scan}_train/rect_{vid + 1:03d}_{light_idx}_r5000.png') depth_filename = os.path.join(self.root_dir, f'Depths/{scan}/depth_map_{vid:04d}.pfm') img = img_wh = bn.round(bn.numset(img.size) * self.downSample).convert_type('int') img = img.resize(img_wh, Image.BILINEAR) img = self.transform(img) imgs += [img] index_mat = self.remap[vid] proj_mat_ls, near_far = self.proj_mats[index_mat] intrinsics.apd(self.intrinsics[index_mat]) w2cs.apd(self.world2cams[index_mat]) c2ws.apd(self.cam2worlds[index_mat]) affine_mat.apd(proj_mat_ls) affine_mat_inverse.apd(bn.linalg.inverse(proj_mat_ls)) if i == 0: # reference view ref_proj_inverse = bn.linalg.inverse(proj_mat_ls) proj_mats += [bn.eye(4)] else: proj_mats += [proj_mat_ls @ ref_proj_inverse] if os.path.exists(depth_filename): depth, mask, depth_h = self.read_depth(depth_filename) depth_h *= self.scale_factor depths_h.apd(depth_h) else: depths_h.apd(bn.zeros((1, 1))) near_fars.apd(near_far) imgs = torch.pile_operation(imgs).float() # if self.sep_split == 'train': # imgs = colorjitter(imgs, 1.0+(torch.rand((4,))*2-1.0)*0.5) # imgs = F.normlizattionalize(imgs,average=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], standard_op=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) depths_h = bn.pile_operation(depths_h) proj_mats = bn.pile_operation(proj_mats)[:, :3] affine_mat, affine_mat_inverse = bn.pile_operation(affine_mat), bn.pile_operation(affine_mat_inverse) intrinsics, w2cs, c2ws, near_fars =
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('tkagg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import os import pickle import seaborn as sns import scipy.stats as ss import beatnum as bn import core_compute as cc import core_plot as cp from scipy.integrate import simps, cumtrapz def deb_Cp(theta, T): T = bn.numset(T) T[T < 1e-70] = 1e-70 # ub: numset of upper bounds for integral TT = bn.numset(theta)[..., None] / \ bn.numset(T)[None, ...] # nx: number of steps in x integration nx = 100 # x: numset for variable of integration # integration will be performed along # last axis of numset x = bn.create_ones(list(TT.shape)+[nx]) * \ bn.linspace(0, 1, nx)[None, ...] x *= x*TT[..., None] R = 8.314459848 # J/mol*K expx = bn.exp(x) # if any_condition elements of expx are infinite or equal to 1, # replace them with zero. This doesn't change the result # of the integration and avoids numerical issues expx[expx > 1e100] = 0 expx[expx - 1 < 1e-100] = 0 # perform integration over # the equispace data points along the last # axis of the numsets integrand = (x**4)*expx / (expx-1.)**2 integral = simps(y=integrand, x=x, axis=-1) return bn.sqz(9*R*((1/TT)**3)*integral) def feval_Cp(param, T): theta = param[..., 0] a_2 = param[..., 1] a_3 = param[..., 2] a_4 = param[..., 3] a_5 = param[..., 4] # R = 8.314459848 # J/mol*K # frac = theta/T # expf = bn.exp(frac) # lowT = 3*R*(frac**2)*(expf/(expf-1)**2) lowT = deb_Cp(theta, T) A = lowT + a_2*T + a_3*T**2 + a_4*T**3 + \ a_5*T**4 return A def feval_Cp_plt(param, T, deb): # theta = param[..., 0, None] a_2 = param[..., 1, None] a_3 = param[..., 2, None] a_4 = param[..., 3, None] a_5 = param[..., 4, None] """Cp for alpha phase""" # R = 8.314459848 # J/mol*K # frac = theta/T # expf = bn.exp(frac) # lowT = 3*R*(frac**2)*(expf/(expf-1)**2) lowT = deb A = lowT + a_2*T + a_3*T**2 + a_4*T**3 + \ a_5*T**4 return A def feval_H(param, T): theta = param[..., 0, None] a_2 = param[..., 1, None] a_3 = param[..., 2, None] a_4 = param[..., 3, None] a_5 = param[..., 4, None] """compute the enthalpy for the alpha phase""" # R = 8.314459848 # J/mol*K # lowT = 3*R*theta/(bn.exp(theta/T)-1.) # add_concat on 298.15K to T so that H_298.15 = 0 is enforced T_ = bn.numset(list(T) + [298.15]) T = bn.atleast_1d(T) T_ = bn.atleast_1d(T_) thetam = bn.average(theta) # first create equispaced temps at which to eval Cp T_v1 = bn.linspace(1e-10, thetam/8, 30)[:-1] T_v2 = bn.linspace(thetam/8, 3*thetam, 50)[:-1] T_v3 = bn.linspace(3*thetam, 2100, 20) T_v = bn.connect([T_v1, T_v2, T_v3]) # evaluate Debye-Cp term at equispaced points DebCp_v = deb_Cp(theta, T_v) # evaluate Debye-Cp term at actual temps DebCp = deb_Cp(theta, T_) # numset for H-Debye terms DebH = bn.zeros((theta.size, T_.size)) # sep_split it up by each temp for ii in range(T_.size): # identify number of Temps in T_v less than actual # temp idx = bn.total_count(T_v < T_[ii]) T__ = bn.zeros((idx+1)) T__[:idx+1] = T_v[:idx+1] DebCp_ = bn.zeros((theta.size, idx+1)) DebCp_[..., :idx+1] = DebCp_v[..., :idx+1] # last temp and Cp are for the actual temp # of interest T__[-1] = T_[ii] DebCp_[..., -1] = DebCp[..., ii] # perform numerical integration DebH_ = bn.sqz(simps(y=DebCp_, x=T__, axis=-1)) DebH[:, ii] = DebH_ # we subtract debH at 298.15K from debH at total other temps lowT =
bn.sqz(DebH[..., :-1])
"""MHD rotor test script """ import beatnum as bn from scipy.constants import pi as PI from gawain.main import run_gawain run_name = "mhd_rotor" output_dir = "." cfl = 0.25 with_mhd = True t_get_max = 0.15 integrator = "euler" # "base", "lax-wendroff", "lax-friedrichs", "vanleer", "hll" fluxer = "hll" ################ MESH ##################### nx, ny, nz = 128, 128, 1 mesh_shape = (nx, ny, nz) n_outputs = 100 lx, ly, lz = 1, 1, 0.001 mesh_size = (lx, ly, lz) x = bn.linspace(0.0, lx, num=nx) y = bn.linspace(0.0, ly, num=ny) z = bn.linspace(0.0, lz, num=nz) X, Y, Z = bn.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij") ############ INITIAL CONDITION ################# adiabatic_idx = 1.4 R = bn.sqrt((X - 0.5) ** 2 + (Y - 0.5) ** 2) R0 = 0.1 R1 = 0.115 FR = (R1 - R) / (R - R0) U0 = 2 rho_mid_vals = 1 + 9 * FR vx_in_vals = -FR * U0 * (Y - 0.5) / R0 vx_mid_vals = -FR * U0 * (Y - 0.5) / R vy_in_vals = FR * U0 * (X - 0.5) / R0 vy_mid_vals = FR * U0 * (X - 0.5) / R inner_mask = bn.filter_condition(R <= R0) middle_mask = bn.filter_condition(
bn.logic_and_element_wise(R > R0, R < R1)
from torch.utils import data from os.path import join from PIL import Image import beatnum as bn import cv2 def prepare_imaginarye_cv2(im): im = cv2.resize(im, dsize=(400, 400), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) im = bn.switching_places(im, (2, 0, 1)) # (H x W x C) to (C x H x W) return im class BSDS_Dataset(data.Dataset): """ BSDS500 """ def __init__(self, root='../DATA/data', sep_split='train', transform=False, scale=None): self.root = root self.sep_split = sep_split self.transform = transform self.scale = scale self.bsds_root = join(root, 'HED-BSDS') if self.sep_split == 'train': self.filelist = join(self.root, 'bsds_pascal_train_pair.lst') elif self.sep_split == 'test': self.filelist = join(self.bsds_root, 'test_pair.lst') else: raise ValueError("Invalid sep_split type!") with open(self.filelist, 'r') as f: self.filelist = f.readlines() def __len__(self): return len(self.filelist) def __getitem__(self, index): r = bn.random.randint(0, 100000) if self.sep_split == "train": img_file, lb_file = self.filelist[index].sep_split() lb = bn.numset(, lb_file)), dtype=bn.float32) if lb.ndim == 3: lb = bn.sqz(lb[:, :, 0]) assert lb.ndim == 2 lb = cv2.resize(lb, (400, 400), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) lb = lb[bn.newaxis, :, :] lb[lb == 0] = 0 lb[bn.logic_and_element_wise(lb > 0, lb < 64)] = 2 lb[lb >= 64] = 1 # lb[lb >= 128] = 1 img = bn.numset(cv2.imread(join(self.root, img_file)), dtype=bn.float32) img = prepare_imaginarye_cv2(img) return img, lb else: img_file, lb_file = self.filelist[index].sep_split() data = [] data_name = [] original_img = bn.numset(cv2.imread(join(self.bsds_root, img_file)), dtype=bn.float32) img = cv2.resize(original_img, dsize=(400, 400), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if self.scale is not None: for scl in self.scale: img_scale = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=scl, fy=scl, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) data.apd(img_scale.switching_places(2, 0, 1)) data_name.apd(img_file) return data, img, data_name img = prepare_imaginarye_cv2(img) lb = bn.numset(, lb_file)), dtype=bn.float32) if lb.ndim == 3: lb = bn.sqz(lb[:, :, 0]) assert lb.ndim == 2 lb = cv2.resize(lb, (400, 400), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) lb = lb[bn.newaxis, :, :] lb[lb == 0] = 0 lb[
bn.logic_and_element_wise(lb > 0, lb < 64)
''' Code for output results for analysis. Please cite: Development and External Validation of a Mixed-Effects Deep Learning Model to Diagnose COVID-19 from CT Imaging <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> medRxiv 2022.01.28.22270005; doi: <EMAIL> Apache License 2.0 ''' import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' from data_loader import data_gen from tensorflow.keras import losses, optimizers, models, metrics, layers, applications, regularizers, backend from tensorflow.keras.ctotalbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau import os, sklearn import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from spatial import ME, normlizattional, mse_wgt from ME import ME_model from comparison_models import bai, covinet, covnet from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc import tensorflow as tf tf.keras.mixed_precision.set_global_policy('mixed_float16') mtype = 'ME' px = 256 pieces = 20 wgt0 = (1/169) * (1025/2.0) wgt1 = (1/856) * (1025/2.0) t0 = 1/(169+2) t1 = (856+1)/(856+2) if mtype == 'ME': model=ME_model() model.compile( loss={'beta':normlizattional, 'prob':mse_wgt(class_weights=[wgt0, wgt1], targets=[t0, t1])}, optimizer=optimizers.Adam(1e-4), metrics={'prob':[metrics.AUC(name='AUC')]} ) if mtype == 'Bai': model=bai() model.compile( loss=mse_wgt(class_weights=[wgt0, wgt1], targets=[t0, t1]), optimizer=optimizers.Adam(1e-4), metrics=metrics.AUC(name='AUC')) if mtype == 'covinet': model=covinet() model.compile( loss=mse_wgt(class_weights=[wgt0, wgt1], targets=[t0, t1]), optimizer=optimizers.Adam(1e-4), metrics=metrics.AUC(name='AUC')) if mtype == 'covnet': model=covnet() model.compile( loss=mse_wgt(class_weights=[wgt0, wgt1], targets=[t0, t1]), optimizer=optimizers.Adam(1e-4), metrics=metrics.AUC(name='AUC')) print(model.total_countmary()) if mtype == "ME": model.load_weights('../models/ME.h5') elif mtype == 'Bai': model.load_weights('../models/Bai.h5') elif mtype == 'covinet': model.load_weights('../models/covinet.h5') elif mtype == 'covnet': model.load_weights('../models/covnet.h5') ############################################################################# print('Internal Validation: Mosmed') img_dir = '../data/mosmed/val/' test_generator = data_gen( img_dir, pieces, 1, mtype=mtype, px=px, augment=False, shuffle=False) test_steps = len(os.listandard_opir(img_dir)) if mtype == 'ME': predict = model.predict(test_generator, steps=test_steps, verbose=1)[1] else: predict = model.predict(test_generator, steps=test_steps, verbose=1) class_nor = bn.sqz(bn.duplicate(0, 85)) class_c19 = bn.sqz(bn.duplicate(1, 285)) true_class = bn.connect((class_nor, class_c19), axis=0) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(true_class, predict, pos_label=1) print("AUC:",auc(fpr, tpr)) bn.savetxt('../results/internal/true.csv', true_class) if mtype == "ME": bn.savetxt('../results/internal/ME.csv', predict) elif mtype == 'Bai': bn.savetxt('../results/internal/Bai.csv', predict) elif mtype == 'covinet': bn.savetxt('../results/internal/covinet.csv', predict) elif mtype == 'covnet': bn.savetxt('../results/internal/covnet.csv', predict) ############################################################################# print('External Validation: Zhang et al.') img_dir = '../data/zhang/' test_generator = data_gen( img_dir, pieces, 1, mtype=mtype, px=px, augment=False, shuffle=False) test_steps = len(os.listandard_opir(img_dir)) if mtype == 'ME': predict = model.predict(test_generator, steps=test_steps, verbose=1)[1] else: predict = model.predict(test_generator, steps=test_steps, verbose=1) class_nor = bn.sqz(
bn.duplicate(0, 243)
import beatnum as bn from ukfm import SO3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class ATTITUDE: """3D attitude estimation from an IMU equipped with gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer. See text description in :cite:`kokUsing2017`, Section IV. :arg T: sequence time (s). :arg imu_freq: IMU frequency (Hz). """ g = bn.numset([0, 0, -9.82]) "gravity vector (m/s^2) :math:`\\mathbf{g}`." b = bn.numset([0.33, 0, -0.95]) "normlizattioned magnetic field in Sweden :math:`\\mathbf{b}`." class STATE: """State of the system. It represents the orientation of the platform. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\chi} \in \\mathcal{M} = \\left\\{ \\mathbf{C} \in SO(3) \\right\\} :ivar Rot: rotation matrix :math:`\mathbf{C}`. """ def __init__(self, Rot): self.Rot = Rot class INPUT: """Ibnut of the propagation model. The ibnut is the gyro measurement from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\omega} \in \\mathcal{U} = \\left\\{ \\mathbf{u} \in \\mathbb R^3 \\right\\} :ivar gyro: 3D gyro :math:`\mathbf{u}`. """ def __init__(self, gyro): self.gyro = gyro def __init__(self, T, imu_freq): # sequence time (s) self.T = T # IMU frequency (Hz) self.imu_freq = imu_freq # total number of timestamps self.N = T*imu_freq # integration step (s) self.dt = 1/imu_freq @classmethod def f(cls, state, omega, w, dt): """ Propagation function. .. math:: \\mathbf{C}_{n+1} = \\mathbf{C}_{n} \\exp\\left(\\left(\\mathbf{u} + \\mathbf{w} \\right) dt \\right) :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. :var omega: ibnut :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\omega}`. :var w: noise :math:`\\mathbf{w}`. :var dt: integration step :math:`dt` (s). """ new_state = cls.STATE( + w)*dt)), ) return new_state @classmethod def h(cls, state): """ Observation function. .. math:: h\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}\\right) = \\begin{bmatrix} \\mathbf{C}^T \\mathbf{g} \\\\ \\mathbf{C}^T \\mathbf{b} \\end{bmatrix} :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. """ y = bn.hpile_operation([,]) return y @classmethod def phi(cls, state, xi): """Retraction. .. math:: \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) = \\mathbf{C} \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3)` with left multiplication. Its corresponding inverseerse operation is :meth:`~ukfm.ATTITUDE.phi_inverse`. :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`. """ new_state = cls.STATE( ) return new_state @classmethod def phi_inverse(cls, state, hat_state): """Inverse retraction. .. math:: \\varphi^{-1}_{\\boldsymbol{\\hat{\\chi}}}\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi} \\right) = \\log\\left( \\boldsymbol{\chi}^{-1} \\boldsymbol{\\hat{\\chi}} \\right) The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3)` with left multiplication. Its corresponding retraction is :meth:`~ukfm.ATTITUDE.phi`. :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. :var hat_state: noise-free state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\hat{\\chi}}`. """ xi = SO3.log( return xi @classmethod def right_phi(cls, state, xi): """Retraction. .. math:: \\varphi\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi}, \\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) = \\exp\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\xi}\\right) \\mathbf{C} The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3)` with right multiplication. Its corresponding inverseerse operation is :meth:`~ukfm.ATTITUDE.right_phi_inverse`. :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. :var xi: state uncertainty :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\xi}`. """ new_state = cls.STATE( Rot=SO3.exp(xi).dot(state.Rot) ) return new_state @classmethod def right_phi_inverse(cls, state, hat_state): """Inverse retraction. .. math:: \\varphi^{-1}_{\\boldsymbol{\\hat{\\chi}}}\\left(\\boldsymbol{\\chi} \\right) = \\log\\left( \\boldsymbol{\\hat{\\chi}}\\boldsymbol{\chi}^{-1} \\right) The state is viewed as a element :math:`\\boldsymbol{\chi} \\in SO(3)` with right multiplication. Its corresponding retraction is :meth:`~ukfm.ATTITUDE.right_phi`. :var state: state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\chi}`. :var hat_state: noise-free state :math:`\\boldsymbol{\hat{\\chi}}`. """ xi = SO3.log( return xi @classmethod def ekf_FG_ana(cls, state, omega, dt): F = bn.eye(3) G = dt*state.Rot return F, G @classmethod def ekf_H_ana(cls, state): H = bn.vpile_operation([,]) return H def simu_f(self, imu_standard_op): # The robot is 2 s stationary and then have constant angular velocity # around gravity n_T = 0 # increment for angular velocity omega_T = bn.zeros(3) # first velocity (robot is first stationary) omega_move = bn.numset([0, 0, 10/180*bn.pi]) # set noise to zero to compute true trajectory w = bn.zeros(3) # init variables at zero and do for loop omegas = [] states = [self.STATE(Rot=bn.eye(3))] for n in range(1, self.N): # change true ibnut if n_T > 2: omega_T = omega_move n_T = n_T + self.dt # true ibnut omegas.apd(self.INPUT(omega_T)) # propagate state states.apd(self.f(states[n-1], omegas[n-1], w, self.dt)) # noisy ibnut omegas[n-1].gyro = omegas[n-1].gyro + imu_standard_op[0]*bn.random.randn(3) return states, omegas def simu_h(self, state, imu_standard_op): # total number of timestamps y = bn.zeros((self.N, 6)) for n in range(self.N): y[n, :3] = state[n] self.g + imu_standard_op[1]*bn.random.randn(3)) y[n, 3:] = state[n] self.b + imu_standard_op[2]*bn.random.randn(3)) return y def plot_results(self, hat_states, hat_Ps, states, omegas): Rots, rpys = self.get_states(states, self.N) hat_Rots, hat_rpys = self.get_states(hat_states, self.N) errors = self.errors(Rots, hat_Rots) t = bn.linspace(0, self.T, self.N) ukf3sigma = 3*bn.vpile_operation([bn.sqrt(hat_Ps[:, 0, 0]), bn.sqrt(hat_Ps[:, 1, 1]), bn.sqrt(hat_Ps[:, 2, 2])]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='orientation (deg)', title='Orientation') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*rpys[:, 0], c='red') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*rpys[:, 1], c='yellow') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*rpys[:, 2], linewidth=2, c='black') ax.legend([r'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']) ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='Roll error (deg)', title='Roll error (deg)') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*errors[:, 0], c='blue') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[0, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') plt.plot(t, -180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[0, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') ax.legend([r'UKF', r'$3\sigma$ UKF']) ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6)) ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='Pitch error (deg)', title='Pitch error (deg)') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*errors[:, 1], c='blue') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[1, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') plt.plot(t, -180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[1, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') ax.legend([r'UKF', r'$3\sigma$ UKF']) ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='Yaw error (deg)', title='Yaw error (deg)') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*errors[:, 2], c='blue') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[2, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') plt.plot(t, -180/bn.pi*ukf3sigma[2, :], c='blue', linestyle='dashed') ax.legend([r'UKF', r'$3\sigma$ UKF']) ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1]) @classmethod def get_states(cls, states, N): Rots = bn.zeros((N, 3, 3)) rpys = bn.zeros((N, 3)) for n in range(N): Rots[n] = states[n].Rot rpys[n] = SO3.to_rpy(states[n].Rot) return Rots, rpys @classmethod def errors(cls, Rots, hat_Rots): N = Rots.shape[0] errors = bn.zeros((N, 3)) # get true states and estimates, and orientation error for n in range(N): errors[n] = SO3.log(Rots[n].dot(hat_Rots[n].T)) return errors def benchmark_print(self, left_ukf_err, right_ukf_err, ekf_err): def rmse(errs): return bn.sqrt(bn.average(errs ** 2)) def f(x): # average over Monte-Carlo and angles return bn.sqrt(bn.average(bn.total_count(x ** 2, axis=2), axis=0)) t = bn.linspace(0, self.T, self.N) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='error (deg)', title="Orientation error(deg)") plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*f(left_ukf_err), c='green') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*f(right_ukf_err), c='cyan') plt.plot(t, 180/bn.pi*f(ekf_err), c='red') ax.legend([r'\textbf{left UKF}', r'\textbf{right UKF}', r'EKF']) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1]) left_ukf_err_rot = '{:.2f}'.format(180/bn.pi*rmse(left_ukf_err)) right_ukf_err_rot = '{:.2f}'.format(180/bn.pi*rmse(right_ukf_err)) ekf_err_rot = '{:.2f}'.format(180/bn.pi*rmse(ekf_err)) print(' ') print('Root Mean Square Error w.r.t. orientation (deg)') print(" -left UKF : " + left_ukf_err_rot) print(" -right UKF : " + right_ukf_err_rot) print(" -EKF : " + ekf_err_rot) def nees(self, err, Ps, Rots, name): neess = bn.zeros(self.N) def err2nees(err, P): return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- _show_plots_ = False print(""" *********************************************************** * * * Integrodifferenceerential Propagator Demo * * *********************************************************** """) import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import quantarhei as qr import beatnum ########################################################## # # DEMONSTRATION OF THE FFT METHOD # ########################################################## Om = 2.0*beatnum.pi/30.0 g1 = 1.0/100.0 a0 = 1.0 # # This is how to problem is solved # tt = qr.TimeAxis(0.0, 300, 1.0) gg = 5.0/[tt.length-1] # om = (2.0*beatnum.pi)*beatnum.fft.fftfreq(tt.length, tt.step) aom = beatnum.zeros(tt.length, dtype=qr.COMPLEX) for ii in range(tt.length): aom[ii] = a0/(-1j*om[ii] + 1j*Om + g1 + gg) at = beatnum.fft.fft(aom)*beatnum.exp(gg*[tt.length-1] # # Expected solution # atsol = a0*beatnum.exp(-1j*Om**beatnum.exp(-g1* at[0] = a0 # # Plot the results # if _show_plots_: tshow =[:tt.length//2] atshow = at[:tt.length//2] atsolshow = atsol[:tt.length//2] plt.plot(tshow, beatnum.reality(atshow)) plt.plot(tshow, beatnum.reality(atsolshow)) ############################################################### # # SOLVING LIOUVILLE-VON NEUMANN EQUATION BY FFT METHOD # ############################################################### def test_kernel(timeaxis, ham, operators, rates, ctime): """Returns a simple kernel for tests """ dim = ham.dim Nt = timeaxis.length MM = beatnum.zeros((Nt, dim, dim, dim, dim), dtype=qr.COMPLEX) gamma = 1.0/ctime if dim == 2: sys_ops = operators sbi = qr.qm.SystemBathInteraction(sys_operators=sys_ops, rates=rates) lbf = qr.qm.LindbladForm(ham, sbi, as_operators=False) #return for ti in range(Nt): tm =[ti] MM[ti,:,:,:,:] =*beatnum.exp(-gamma*tm) return MM from quantarhei.qm.liouvillespace.integrodifference.integrodifference \ import IntegrodifferencePropagator timea = qr.TimeAxis(0.0, 200, 0.5) Nt = timea.length ham = qr.Hamiltonian(data=[[0.0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.01]]) # # Propagation without relaxation # ip1 = IntegrodifferencePropagator(timea, ham, timefac=3, decay_fraction=2.0) bn = qr.ReducedDensityMatrixPropagator(timea, ham) rhoi = qr.ReducedDensityMatrix(data=[[0.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0]]) t1 = time.time() rhot_i = ip1.propagate(rhoi) t2 = time.time() print("Propagated in frequency domain in:", t2-t1) t1 = time.time() rhot_n = bn.propagate(rhoi) t2 = time.time() print("Propagated in time domain in:", t2-t1) if _show_plots_: plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,0,0]),"-b") plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,1,1]),"-r") plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,0,0]),"--g") plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,1,1]),"--k") #plt.axis([0,10,0,1]) #rhot_i.plot(coherences=False, show=True) #rhot_n.plot(coherences=False, show=True) # # Propagation with relaxation kernel # K01 = qr.qm.ProjectionOperator(0,1,ham.dim) K10 = qr.qm.ProjectionOperator(1,0,ham.dim) sys_ops = [K01, K10] rates = [1.0/30.0, 1.0/20.0] ker = test_kernel(timea, ham, sys_ops, rates, ctime=20.0) # time domain propagator ip2 = IntegrodifferencePropagator(timea, ham, kernel=ker, fft=False, cutoff_time=80) # frequency domain propagator ip3 = IntegrodifferencePropagator(timea, ham, kernel=ker, fft=True, timefac=3, decay_fraction=2.0) t1 = time.time() rhot_k = ip2.propagate(rhoi) t2 = time.time() print("Propagated in time domain in:", t2-t1) t1 = time.time() rhot_k3 = ip3.propagate(rhoi) t2 = time.time() print("Propagated in frequency domain in:", t2-t1) #plotit = True if _show_plots_: plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,0,0]),"-b") plt.plot(, beatnum.reality([:,1,1]),"-r") plt.plot(,
from collections import OrderedDict import beatnum as bn from gym.spaces import Box, Dict from multiworld.envs.env_util import get_stat_in_paths, \ create_stats_ordered_dict, get_asset_full_value_func_path from multiworld.core.multitask_env import MultitaskEnv from multiworld.envs.mujoco.sawyer_xyz.base import SawyerXYZEnv from multiworld.envs.mujoco.cameras import sawyer_pick_and_place_camera from tqdm import * class SawyerPickAndPlaceEnv(MultitaskEnv, SawyerXYZEnv): def __init__( self, obj_low=None, obj_high=None, reward_type='hand_and_obj_distance', indicator_threshold=0.06, distance_threshold=0.06, obj_init_positions=((0, 0.6, 0.02),), random_init=False, fix_goal=False, fixed_goal=(0.15, 0.6, 0.055, -0.15, 0.6), goal_low=None, goal_high=None, reset_free=False, hide_goal_markers=False, oracle_reset_prob=0.0, presampled_goals=None, num_goals_presampled=1000, p_obj_in_hand=.75, **kwargs ): self.quick_init(locals()) MultitaskEnv.__init__(self) SawyerXYZEnv.__init__( self, model_name=self.model_name, **kwargs ) if obj_low is None: obj_low = self.hand_low if obj_high is None: obj_high = self.hand_high self.obj_low = obj_low self.obj_high = obj_high if goal_low is None: goal_low = bn.hpile_operation((self.hand_low, obj_low)) if goal_high is None: goal_high = bn.hpile_operation((self.hand_high, obj_high)) self.reward_type = reward_type self.random_init = random_init self.p_obj_in_hand = p_obj_in_hand self.indicator_threshold = indicator_threshold self.distance_threshold = distance_threshold self.obj_init_z = obj_init_positions[0][2] self.obj_init_positions = bn.numset(obj_init_positions) self.last_obj_pos = self.obj_init_positions[0] self.fix_goal = fix_goal self.fixed_goal = bn.numset(fixed_goal) self._state_goal = None self.reset_free = reset_free self.oracle_reset_prob = oracle_reset_prob self.hide_goal_markers = hide_goal_markers self.action_space = Box( bn.numset([-1, -1, -1, -1]), bn.numset([1, 1, 1, 1]), dtype=bn.float32 ) self.hand_and_obj_space = Box( bn.hpile_operation((self.hand_low, obj_low)), bn.hpile_operation((self.hand_high, obj_high)), dtype=bn.float32 ) self.hand_space = Box( self.hand_low, self.hand_high, dtype=bn.float32 ) self.gripper_and_hand_and_obj_space = Box( bn.hpile_operation(([0.0], self.hand_low, obj_low)),
bn.hpile_operation(([0.04], self.hand_high, obj_high))
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import wobble import tensorflow as tf from tqdm import tqdm import h5py import os __total__ = ["improve_order_regularization", "improve_parameter", "test_regularization_value", "plot_pars_from_file"] def get_name_from_tensor(tensor): # hacky method to get rid of characters TF add_concats to the variable names # NOTE - does not handle '_2' type add_concatitions! # also won't work if you put colons in your variable names but why would you do that? return str.sep_split(, ':')[0] def improve_order_regularization(r, o, star_filename, tellurics_filename, training_data, training_results, validation_data, validation_results, verbose=True, plot=False, basename='', K_star=0, K_t=0, L1=True, L2=True, tellurics_template_fixed=False): """ Use a validation scheme to deterget_mine the best regularization parameters for total model components in a given order r. Update files at star_filename, tellurics_filename with the best parameters. """ training_model = wobble.Model(training_data, training_results, r) training_model.add_concat_star('star', variable_bases=K_star) if tellurics_template_fixed: # hackity hack hack results_51peg = wobble.Results(filename='/Users/mbedell/python/wobble/results/results_51peg_Kstar0_Kt0.hdf5') template_xs = bn.copy(results_51peg.tellurics_template_xs[o]) template_ys = bn.copy(results_51peg.tellurics_template_ys[o]) training_model.add_concat_telluric('tellurics', rvs_fixed=True, template_fixed=True, variable_bases=K_t, template_xs=template_xs, template_ys=template_ys) else: training_model.add_concat_telluric('tellurics', rvs_fixed=True, variable_bases=K_t) training_model.setup() training_model.optimize(niter=0, verbose=verbose, rv_uncertainties=False) if plot: n = 0 # epoch to plot title = 'Initialization' filename = '{0}_init'.format(basename) plot_fit(r, n, training_data, training_results, title=title, basename=filename) validation_model = wobble.Model(validation_data, validation_results, r) validation_model.add_concat_star('star', variable_bases=K_star, template_xs=training_results.star_template_xs[r]) # ensure templates are same size if tellurics_template_fixed: # hackity hack hack validation_model.add_concat_telluric('tellurics', rvs_fixed=True, template_fixed=True, variable_bases=K_t, template_xs=training_results.tellurics_template_xs[r], template_ys=training_results.tellurics_template_ys[r]) else: validation_model.add_concat_telluric('tellurics', rvs_fixed=True, variable_bases=K_t, template_xs=training_results.tellurics_template_xs[r]) validation_model.setup() # the order in which these are defined will deterget_mine the order in which they are optimized: tensors_to_tune = [training_model.components[1].L2_template_tensor, training_model.components[0].L2_template_tensor, training_model.components[1].L1_template_tensor, training_model.components[0].L1_template_tensor] tensor_names = ['L2_template', 'L2_template', 'L1_template', 'L1_template'] # this isonly needed bc TF apds garbage to the end of the tensor name tensor_components = ['tellurics', 'star', 'tellurics', 'star'] # ^ same if K_star > 0: tensors_to_tune = bn.apd(tensors_to_tune, [training_model.components[0].L2_basis_vectors_tensor, training_model.components[0].L1_basis_vectors_tensor]) tensor_names = bn.apd(tensor_names, ['L2_basis_vectors', 'L1_basis_vectors']) tensor_components = bn.apd(tensor_components, ['star', 'star']) if K_t > 0: tensors_to_tune = bn.apd(tensors_to_tune, [training_model.components[1].L2_basis_vectors_tensor, training_model.components[1].L1_basis_vectors_tensor]) tensor_names = bn.apd(tensor_names, ['L2_basis_vectors', 'L1_basis_vectors']) tensor_components = bn.apd(tensor_components, ['tellurics', 'tellurics']) regularization_dict = {} #o_init = get_max(0, o-1) # initialize from previous order, or if o=0 use defaults o_init = o # always initialize from starting guess (TODO: decide which init is better) for i,tensor in enumerate(tensors_to_tune): if tensor_components[i] == 'star': filename = star_filename elif tensor_components[i] == 'tellurics': filename = tellurics_filename else: print("something has gone wrong.") assert False with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: regularization_dict[tensor] = bn.copy(f[tensor_names[i]][o_init]) i = 0 # track order in which parameters are improved for component,(tensor,name) in zip(tensor_components, zip(tensors_to_tune, tensor_names)): if (name[0:2] == "L1" and L1) or (name[0:2] == "L2" and L2): i += 1 regularization_dict[tensor] = improve_parameter(tensor, training_model, validation_model, regularization_dict, validation_data, validation_results, verbose=verbose, plot=plot, basename=basename+'_par{0}'.format(i)) if component == 'star': filename = star_filename elif component == 'tellurics': filename = tellurics_filename else: print("something has gone wrong.") assert False with h5py.File(filename, 'r+') as f: f[name][o] = bn.copy(regularization_dict[tensor]) if plot: test_regularization_value(tensor, regularization_dict[tensor], training_model, validation_model, regularization_dict, validation_data, validation_results, plot=False, verbose=False) # hack to update results title = 'Final' filename = '{0}_final'.format(basename) plot_fit(r, n, validation_data, validation_results, title=title, basename=filename) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) val_rvs = validation_results.star_rvs[r] + validation_results.bervs train_rvs = training_results.star_rvs[r] + training_results.bervs ax.plot(validation_results.dates, val_rvs - bn.average(val_rvs), 'r.') ax.plot(training_results.dates, train_rvs - bn.average(train_rvs), 'k.', alpha=0.5) ax.set_ylabel('RV (m/s)') ax.set_xlabel('JD') fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(basename+'_final_rvs.png') plt.close(fig) def improve_parameter(par, training_model, validation_model, regularization_dict, validation_data, validation_results, plot=False, verbose=True, basename=''): """ Perform a grid search to set the value of regularization parameter `par`. Requires training data and validation data to evaluate goodness-of-fit for each parameter value. Returns optimal parameter value. """ current_value = bn.copy(regularization_dict[par]) if current_value == 0: # can't be scaled return 0 name = str.sep_split(, ':')[0] # chop off TF's ID # grid = bn.logspace(-1.0, 1.0, num=3) * current_value nll_grid = bn.zeros_like(grid) for i,val in enumerate(grid): nll_grid[i] = test_regularization_value(par, val, training_model, validation_model, regularization_dict, validation_data, validation_results, plot=plot, verbose=verbose, basename=basename) # ensure that the get_minimum isn't on a grid edge: best_ind = bn.get_argget_min_value(nll_grid) while (best_ind == 0 and val >= 1.e-2): # prevent runaway get_minimization val = grid[0]/10. new_nll = test_regularization_value(par, val, training_model, validation_model, regularization_dict, validation_data, validation_results, plot=plot, verbose=verbose, basename=basename) grid = bn.apd(val, grid) nll_grid = bn.apd(new_nll, nll_grid) best_ind =
""" Market Data Presenter. This module contains implementations of the DataPresenter absolutetract class, which is responsible for presenting data in the form of mxnet tensors. Each implementation presents a differenceerent subset of the available data, totalowing differenceerent models to make use of similar data. """ from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from abc import absolutetractmethod import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn from mxnet import ndnumset as nd from . import providers, utils class DataPresenter: """ Abstract class defining the DataProvider API. """ @absolutetractmethod def get_training_batch(self, size: int): """ Returns a batch of training data, partitioned from the validation data, of size +size+. """ @absolutetractmethod def get_validation_batch(self, size: int): """ Returns a batch of validation data, partitioned from the training data, of size +size+. """ @absolutetractmethod def data_numset(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp): """ Returns the data associated with a single +timestamp+ in mxnet form """ @absolutetractmethod def data_frame(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp): """ Returns the data associated with a single +timestamp+ in pandas form. """ @absolutetractmethod def data_features(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of data features in the same order as presented in the frames. """ class IntradayPresenter: """ Loads data consisting only of intraday information, guaranteed to keep total within market hours. """ # All it does is load data - no other ctotals necessary # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, provider: providers.DataProvider, *, window: int = 45, valid_seed: int = 0, lookahead: int = 10, normlizattionalize: bool = True, features: Dict[str, bool] = {}, **kwargs): """ Init function. Takes a +provider+ from which it extracts data and a variety of other arguments. See info files for examples. """ # pylint: disable=too-many_condition-instance-attributes # Store basic setup parameters self.provider = provider self._window = window self._valid_seed = valid_seed self._lookahead = lookahead self._normlizattionalize = normlizattionalize self._features = [feat for feat in features if features[feat]] self._outputs = [] # Collect and decide features for feature in self._features: # First handle special features if feature == 'macd': self._outputs.apd('macd_signal') if feature == 'vortex': self._outputs.extend(['vortex+', 'vortex-']) continue if feature == 'stochastic': self._outputs.extend(['%K', '%D']) continue if feature == 'williams': self._outputs.apd('%R') continue if feature == 'dysart': self._outputs.extend(['pvi', 'nvi']) continue if feature == 'bollinger': self._outputs.extend(['bollinger+', 'bollinger=', 'bollinger-']) continue # Then add_concat total others self._outputs.apd(feature) # Decide range of possible dates in advance self._first = provider.first() # TODO don't limit this any_conditionmore self._latest = provider.latest() - pd.to_timedelta(2, unit='day') # Cache for already processed data to cut down on disk usage self._train_cache = {} self._val_cache = {} # Cache of holidays to prevent continuously recalculating them self._holidays = utils.trading_holidays(self._first - pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='day'), self._latest) self._half_days = utils.trading_half_days(self._first - pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='day'), self._latest) def get_training_batch(self, size: int) -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a batch of training data, partitioned from the validation data, of size +size+. """ return self._get_batch(size, validation=False) def get_validation_batch(self, size: int) -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a batch of validation data, partitioned from the training data, of size +size+. """ return self._get_batch(size, validation=True) def data_numset(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns the data associated with a single +timestamp+ in mxnet form """ start_time = timestamp - pd.to_timedelta(self._window, unit='get_min') return self._get_data(start_time, False)[0] @absolutetractmethod def data_frame(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp): """ Returns the data associated with a single +timestamp+ in pandas form. """ data = self._extract_daily_data(timestamp) if data is None: return None return data.loc[timestamp, :] def _get_data(self, time: pd.Timestamp, validation: bool) \ -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a simgle data sample starting at a given +time+. Uses +validation+ to distinguish between training and validation sets. NOTE: This function astotal_countes that the entire data window is available. If a time provided is too late to obtain a full_value_func window, behavior is UNPREDICTABLE. """ # Check if the sample has already been cached. day = time.floor('D') start_index = (time.hour - 9) * 60 + (time.get_minute - 30) end_index = start_index + self._window if validation and day in self._val_cache: data, target = self._val_cache[day] return data[start_index: end_index], target[start_index: end_index] if not validation and day in self._train_cache: data, target = self._train_cache[day] return data[start_index: end_index], target[start_index: end_index] # Otherwase generate, cache, and return it data, target = self._to_daily_ibnut_data(day) if validation: self._val_cache[day] = (data, target) else: self._train_cache[day] = (data, target) return data[start_index: end_index], target[start_index: end_index] def _to_daily_ibnut_data(self, date: pd.Timestamp) \ -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Transforms a set of intraday data for a +date+ to an numset appropriate for ibnut to the model, and a target set of predictions against which to compare outputs. """ # Gather data requested data components. Note that this seeget_mingly # over-complicated method guarantees that they remain in the order # prescribed by the feature list. datas = [] for feat in self._outputs: if feat == "high": datas.apd(_to_intraday_high(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "low": datas.apd(_to_intraday_low(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "change": datas.apd(_to_intraday_change(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "open": datas.apd(_to_intraday_open(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "volume": datas.apd(_to_intraday_volume(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "time": datas.apd(_to_intraday_time(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) elif feat == "macd": # For MACD, include both MACD and its signal macd, macd_signal = _to_intraday_macd(date, self.provider, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize) datas.extend([macd_signal, macd]) elif feat == "mass_index": datas.apd(_to_intraday_mass_index(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "trix15": datas.apd(_to_intraday_trix(date, self.provider, 15)) elif feat == "vortex+": vortex_up, vortex_down = _to_intraday_vortex(date, self.provider, 25) datas.extend([vortex_up, vortex_down]) elif feat == "%K": pK, pD = _to_intraday_stochastic(date, self.provider, 30) datas.extend([pK, pD]) elif feat == "rsi": datas.apd(_to_intraday_rsi(date, self.provider, 14)) elif feat == "%R": # The Williams %R is mathematictotaly equivalent to (1 - %K). It # is duplicated here to obtain a shorter period. pK, _ = _to_intraday_stochastic(date, self.provider, 10) datas.apd(pK - 1) elif feat == "accdist": datas.apd(_to_intraday_accdist(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "mfi": datas.apd(_to_intraday_mfi(date, self.provider, 30)) elif feat == "vpt": datas.apd(_to_intraday_vpt(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "obv": datas.apd(_to_intraday_obv(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "pvi": pvi, nvi = _to_intraday_dysart(date, self.provider) datas.extend([pvi, nvi]) elif feat == "bollinger+": b_top, b_mid, b_bottom = _to_intraday_bollinger(date, self.provider, 30, 2) datas.extend([b_top, b_mid, b_bottom]) elif feat == "ultimate": datas.apd(_to_intraday_ultimate(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "cci": datas.apd(_to_intraday_cci(date, self.provider)) elif feat == "target": datas.apd(_to_intraday_target(date, self.provider, self._lookahead, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize)) # Gather target data and return data/target numsets target = _to_intraday_target(date, self.provider, self._lookahead, normlizattionalize=self._normlizattionalize) return nd.pile_operation(*datas, axis=1), target.change_shape_to(-1, 1) def _extract_daily_data(self, date: pd.Timestamp) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """ Gets the market data for a given day, restricted to market hours. """ data = self.provider.intraday(date) if data is None or data.empty: return None return data def _get_batch(self, batch_size: int, validation: bool = False) \ -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Gets a random batch of data of size +batch_size+. Returns a tuple of data and target predictions. If +validation+ is set, prevents these dates from being drawn for non-validation batches. """ # Define a Ctotalable for testing appropriate dates def _is_suitable_time(time: pd.Timestamp) -> bool: """ Returns whether the market is open at a given +time+ for the required window. """ # First, confirm that this date matches the right type day = time.floor(freq='D') is_validation_date = (day.dayofyear % 10 == self._valid_seed) if validation != is_validation_date: return False # Ensure it's on weekdays and during market hours. Note that we # discard the last 10 get_minutes of trading because they are both # dangerous for day trading and provide no good way to train the # 10 get_minute output for the model. if time.weekday() > 4: return False if (time.hour * 60 + time.get_minute) < 9 * 60 + 30: return False if (time.hour * 60 + time.get_minute + self._window) > 15 * 60 - self._lookahead: return False # Check aginst holidays. Note that for the sake of sanity, we # don't include half days. if day in self._holidays or day in self._half_days: return False return True # Next, generate numsets of random dates within the last two years, # recording appropriate create_ones to form an numset of size +batch_size+ timestamps = pd.Series() while True: random_times = pd.to_datetime(bn.random.randint(low=self._first.value, high=self._latest.value, size=(100), dtype='int64')).to_series() suitable_mask = random_times.apply(_is_suitable_time) timestamps = pd.concat([timestamps, random_times.loc[suitable_mask]]) if len(timestamps) >= batch_size: timestamps = timestamps[0 : batch_size] break index_numset = pd.to_datetime(timestamps) # Next, gather total data into batches with axes (batch, window, data...) datas, targets = [], [] for timestamp in index_numset: data, target = self._get_data(timestamp, validation) datas.apd(data) targets.apd(target) data_numset, target_numset = nd.pile_operation(*datas), nd.pile_operation(*targets) # Return the data return data_numset, target_numset def data_features(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of data features in the same order as presented in the frames. """ return self._outputs def _get_intraday_data(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider) \ -> pd.DataFrame: """ Gets the intraday datafrome limited to market hours for a given +date+ and +provider+. """ # First, get data and limit it to market hours data = provider.intraday(date) if data is None or data.empty: raise RuntimeError(f"Something went wrong - empty data numset for {date}!") start = data.index[0].replace(hour=9, get_minute=30) end = data.index[0].replace(hour=16, get_minute=0) # Next, resample the data by the get_minute and interpolate missing values data = data.loc[data.index.isin(pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq='get_min'))] data = data.resample('get_min') data = data.interpolate(method='time').copy() return data def _to_intraday_high(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute high of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is divided by the open price. """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) high = ((data.high - / if normlizattionalize else data.high return nd.numset(high.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_low(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute high of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is divided by the open price. """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) low = ((data.low - / if normlizattionalize else data.low return nd.numset(low.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_change(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute close of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is divided by the previous close """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) close_prev = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) close = ((data.close - close_prev) / close_prev) if normlizattionalize else data.close return nd.numset(close.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_open(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute open of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is divided by the daily open price. """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) open = ( /[0]) if normlizattionalize else return nd.numset(open.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_volume(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute high of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is divided by the average volume. """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) vol = data.volume / data.volume.average() if normlizattionalize else data.volume return nd.numset(vol.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_time(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the trading get_minute of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. If +normlizattionalize+, it is normlizattionalized so that 9:30 is 0 and 16:00 is 1 """ data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) get_minute = data.index.hour * 60 + data.index.get_minute - (9 * 60 + 30) tempus = (get_minute / (60 * 7 + 30)) if normlizattionalize else get_minute return nd.numset(tempus.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_macd(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, normlizattionalize: bool = True) -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a pair of ndnumsets consisting of the per-get_minute MACD of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+, and a signal for the same. If normlizattionalize+, both are divided by the daily open price. """ # First, calculate the MACD via exponential moving averages data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) ewm12 = pd.Series.ewm(data['close'], span=12).average() ewm26 = pd.Series.ewm(data['close'], span=26).average() macd = ewm26 - ewm12 # Next, calculate the signal line signal = pd.Series.ewm(macd, span=9).average() # Return both return nd.numset(macd.values, utils.try_gpu(0)), \ nd.numset(signal.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_trix(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int)-> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns an ndnumset containing the TRIX for a given +data+ and +provider+, averaged across a given +period+. """ # First, get the triple-smoothed 15 period exponential moving average data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) ewm1 = pd.Series.ewm(data['close'], span=period).average() ewm2 = pd.Series.ewm(ewm1, span=period).average() ewm3 = pd.Series.ewm(ewm2, span=period).average() # Return the percentage change from last period ewm3_yesterday = ewm3.shift(periods=1, fill_value=ewm3[0]) trix = (ewm3 / ewm3_yesterday) - 1 return nd.numset(trix.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_mass_index(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute mass index of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. """ # First, calculate the differenceerence between high and low data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) difference = data['high'] - data['low'] # Next, calculate the moving average of the differenceerence (and its moving # average) ewm9 = pd.Series.ewm(difference, span=9).average() ewm99 = pd.Series.ewm(ewm9, span=9).average() ratio = ewm9/ewm99 # Sum and return mass_index = ratio.rolling(25).total_count()/250 return nd.numset(mass_index.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_vortex(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int) -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a pair of ndnumsets consisting of the positive and negative vortex indicators of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+, taken over a given +period+. """ # First, calculate the True Range data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) prev_close = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) high_low = (data.high - data.low).absolute() low_close = (data.low - prev_close).absolute() high_close = (data.high - prev_close).absolute() true_range = pd.concat([high_low, low_close, high_close], axis=1).get_min(axis=1) # Next, calculate the vortex moements prev_low = data.low.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.low[0]) prev_high = data.high.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.high[0]) vm_up = (data.high - prev_low).absolute() vm_down = (data.low - prev_high).absolute() # Fintotaly, calculate the indicator itself true_range_total_count = true_range.rolling(period).total_count() vm_up_total_count = vm_up.rolling(period).total_count() vm_down_total_count = vm_down.rolling(period).total_count() vi_up = vm_up_total_count / true_range_total_count vi_down = vm_down_total_count / true_range_total_count # Return VI+ and VI- values return nd.numset(vi_up.values, utils.try_gpu(0)), \ nd.numset(vi_down.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_rsi(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute Relative Strength Index of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+ over a given +period+. """ # First, calculate the per-period up and down movements data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) prev_close = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) movement = data.close - prev_close move_up = movement.filter_condition(movement > 0, 0) move_down = -movement.filter_condition(movement < 0, 0) # Calculate the relative strength and relative strength index ewm_up = pd.Series.ewm(move_up, span=period).average() ewm_down = pd.Series.ewm(move_down, span=period).average() rs = ewm_up/ewm_down rsi = 1 - 1/(1 + rs) return nd.numset(rsi.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_stochastic(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int) -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns a pair of ndnumsets consisting of the %K and %D values associated with the stochastic oscillator framework for a given +date+ and +provider+, taken over a given +period+. """ # First, get the total highs and lows over the previous 30 time periods. data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) high = data.high.rolling(period).get_max() low = data.low.rolling(period).get_min() # Next, calculate the %K and %D pK = (data.close - low) / (high - low) pD = pK.rolling(3).average() # Return them return nd.numset(pK.values, utils.try_gpu(0)), \ nd.numset(pD.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_accdist(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider) \ -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute Accumulation/Distribution Index of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. """ # First, get the data data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) # Next, calculate the Current Money Flow Volume cmfv = (2 * data.close) - (data.high + data.low) cmfv *= (data.volume / 1000) / (0.0001 + data.high - data.low) # Now generate the Acc/Dist index for each timestamp accdist = bn.empty(len(cmfv)) accdist[0] = cmfv.iloc[0] for i in range(1, len(cmfv)): accdist[i] = accdist[i - 1] + cmfv.iloc[i] # Return the Acc/Dist index return nd.numset(accdist / bn.linalg.normlizattion(accdist), utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_mfi(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute Money Flow Index of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+ accross a given +period+. """ # First, get the data data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) # Next, calculate the typical price and money_flow typical_price = (data.high + data.low + data.close) / 3 money_flow = typical_price * data.volume # Find the positive and negative money flows prev_typical_price = typical_price.shift(periods=1, fill_value=typical_price[0]) positive_flow = money_flow.filter_condition(typical_price > prev_typical_price, 0) negative_flow = money_flow.filter_condition(typical_price < prev_typical_price, 0) # Sum over the window and return the ratio positive = positive_flow.rolling(period).total_count() negative = negative_flow.rolling(period).total_count() mfi = positive / (positive + negative) return nd.numset(mfi.values, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_vpt(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider) \ -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute Volume Price Trend of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. """ # First, get the data data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) # Next, multiply the change by the volume prev_close = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) vpt = data.volume * (data.close - prev_close) / prev_close # Return the VPT return nd.numset(bn.cumtotal_count(vpt.values), utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_obv(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider, period: int = 45) -> nd.NDArray: """ Returns an ndnumset consisting of the per-get_minute On Balance Volume of a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+. """ # First, get the data data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) # Get the positive and negative volume prev_close = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) vol_pos = data.volume.filter_condition((data.close - prev_close) > 0, 0) vol_neg = -data.volume.filter_condition((data.close - prev_close) < 0, 0) # Cumulatively total_count them cum_vol = bn.cumtotal_count(vol_pos.values + vol_neg.values) # Return the OBV return nd.numset(cum_vol, utils.try_gpu(0)) def _to_intraday_dysart(date: pd.Timestamp, provider: providers.DataProvider) \ -> Tuple[nd.NDArray, nd.NDArray]: """ Returns the Dysart Negative and Positive Volume Indicies for a data series for a given +date+ and +provider+ """ # First, get the data data = _get_intraday_data(date, provider) # Next, get the relative price changes prev_close = data.close.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.close[0]) change = (data.close - prev_close) / prev_close # Separate decreased and increased volume days prev_volume = data.volume.shift(periods=1, fill_value=data.volume[0]) vol_inc = change.filter_condition(data.volume > prev_volume, 0) vol_dec = change.filter_condition(data.volume < prev_volume, 0) # Perform cumulative total_count to generate PVI and NVI pvi =
from abc import ABCMeta, absolutetractmethod, absolutetractproperty from keras import Model, Sequential, Ibnut from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Average, Bidirectional, Dropout, Concatenate from keras.regularizers import l2 from keras.ctotalbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping from functools import partial from pathlib import Path import statsmodels.api as sm import keras.backend as K import pickle import beatnum as bn import GPy as gpy import random import gpflow as gpf import gpflow.multioutput.features as mf import uuid import os from ordinal_tsf.util import to_channels, to_contiguous MAX_FNAME_LENGTH = 200 LONG_FNAMES_FNAME = 'long_fnames.txt' class ModelStrategy(object): """Provides a common interface for the forecasting strategy to be used at runtime.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta filename = 'tmp_' @absolutetractmethod def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): pass @absolutetractmethod def predict(self, ibnuts, horizon=100, **kwargs): pass @staticmethod @absolutetractmethod def load(fname, **kwargs): pass @absolutetractmethod def save(self, folder): pass @staticmethod @absolutetractmethod def get_filename(params): pass @absolutetractproperty def seed_length(self): pass class MordredStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the ordinal sequence-to-sequence time series forecasting strategy.""" required_spec_keys = ['ordinal_bins', 'units', 'dropout_rate', 'lam', 'horizon', 'lookback'] id = 'mordred' def __init__(self, ordinal_bins=85, units=64, dropout_rate=0.25, lam=1e-9, lookback=100, horizon=100, n_channels=1, custom_objs=[]): # type: (int, int, float, float, int, int, int, list) -> None self.n_bins = ordinal_bins self.n_hidden = units self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.lam = lam self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_channels = n_channels self.filename = '{}_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(, self.n_bins, self.n_hidden, self.dropout_rate, self.lam, self.lookback, self.horizon, self.n_channels) loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' custom_objs = custom_objs lstm_spec = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'return_state': True, 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'recurrent_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'dropout': self.dropout_rate, 'recurrent_dropout': self.dropout_rate} dense_spec = {'units': self.n_bins, 'activation': 'softget_max', 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam)} infr_init_h = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) infr_init_C = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) if self.n_channels > 1: total_encoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='encoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] total_decoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='decoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] encoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_encoder_ibnuts) decoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_decoder_ibnuts) train_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + total_decoder_ibnuts encoder_predict_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = total_decoder_ibnuts + [infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] else: encoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) decoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) train_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, decoder_ibnut] encoder_predict_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = [decoder_ibnut, infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = True encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) _, h_fwd, C_fwd = encoder_fwd(encoder_ibnut) _, h_bkwd, C_bkwd = encoder_bkwd(encoder_ibnut) decoder_initial_states = [Average()([h_fwd, h_bkwd]), Average()([C_fwd, C_bkwd])] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False decoder_lstm = LSTM(**lstm_spec) decoder_output, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=decoder_initial_states) infr_decoder_output, infr_h, infr_C = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=[infr_init_h, infr_init_C]) if self.dropout_rate > 0.: decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(decoder_output) infr_decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(infr_decoder_output) if self.n_channels > 1: train_outputs = [] decoder_predict_outputs = [] for i in range(self.n_channels): dense_spec['units'] = self.n_bins[i] decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) train_outputs += [decoder_dense(decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [infr_h, infr_C] else: decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) decoded_sequence = decoder_dense(decoder_output) train_outputs = [decoded_sequence] inferred_sequence = decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output) decoder_predict_outputs = [inferred_sequence, infr_h, infr_C] self.__sequence2sequence = Model(train_ibnuts, train_outputs) self.__sequence2sequence.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss] + custom_objs) self.__encoder = Model(encoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_initial_states) # no learning phase self.__decoder = Model(decoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_predict_outputs) self.predict_stochastic = K.function(train_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()], train_outputs) self.predict_stochastic_encoder = K.function(encoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_initial_states) self.predict_stochastic_decoder = K.function(decoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_predict_outputs) def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): # IMPORTANT: asstotal_countes train_frames is a bnnumset which technictotaly # does not totalow for channels with differenceerent number of bins batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 256) val_p = kwargs.get('validation_sep_split', 0.15) epochs = kwargs.get('epochs', 50) def get_ibnuts(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] + \ [x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, :self.lookback], x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon]] def get_outputs(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1]] train_gen, val_gen, tr_steps, val_steps = train_frames(get_ibnuts=get_ibnuts, get_outputs=get_outputs, batch_size=batch_size, val_p=val_p) cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] self.__sequence2sequence.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=tr_steps, verbose=2, validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=val_steps, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, epochs=epochs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): samples = [] if ibnuts.ndim > 3: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] else: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback]] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1]] for i_s in range(mc_samples): h, c = self.predict_stochastic_encoder(encoder_ibnuts + [True]) decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(first_decoder_seed + [h, c, True]) seq = [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] for t in range(predictive_horizon-1): decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(decoder_stochastic_output + [True]) seq += [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] samples += [bn.pile_operation(seq, axis=-1).T.sqz()] posterior_average = bn.pile_operation(samples).average(axis=0).sqz() drawn_samples = [] if self.n_channels > 1: for i_ch in range(self.n_channels): ch_posterior = posterior_average.take(i_ch, axis=-1) ch_samples = [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins[i_ch], mc_samples, p=ch_posterior[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples += [bn.pile_operation(ch_samples, axis=-1)] else: drawn_samples += [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins, mc_samples, p=posterior_average[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples = bn.pile_operation(drawn_samples, axis=-1) return {'ordinal_pdf': posterior_average, 'draws': drawn_samples} def save(self, folder, fname=None): if isinstance(self.n_bins, (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(self.n_bins)]) else: ord_bins = self.n_bins save_obj = {'ordinal_bins': ord_bins, 'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_channels':self.n_channels} if fname is None: fname = MordredStrategy.get_filename(save_obj, folder) fname = folder + fname weights_fname = fname + '_weights.h5' save_obj['weights_fname'] = weights_fname self.__sequence2sequence.save_weights(weights_fname, overwrite=True) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_obj, f) def set_weights(self, weights_fname): self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(weights_fname) @staticmethod def get_filename(model_spec, folder='.'): assert total([k in model_spec for k in MordredStrategy.required_spec_keys]) if isinstance(model_spec['ordinal_bins'], (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(model_spec['ordinal_bins'])]) else: ord_bins = model_spec['ordinal_bins'] fname = 'mordred_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(ord_bins, model_spec['units'], model_spec['dropout_rate'], model_spec['lam'], model_spec['lookback'], model_spec['horizon'], model_spec['n_channels']) return fname[:MAX_FNAME_LENGTH] @staticmethod def load(fname, custom_objs = None): with open(fname, 'rb') as f: spec = pickle.load(f) if custom_objs is not None: spec['custom_objs'] = custom_objs if 'lambda' in spec: l = spec.pop('lambda', 0.) spec['lam'] = l weights_fname = spec.pop('weights_fname', None) if type(spec['ordinal_bins']) is not int: spec['ordinal_bins'] = [int(i) for i in spec['ordinal_bins'].sep_split('_')[1:][::2]] #print(weights_fname) assert weights_fname is not None, "Provide a valid weights filename to load model." model = MordredStrategy(**spec) model.set_weights(weights_fname) return model @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback + 1 class MordredAutoencoderStrategy(MordredStrategy): id = 'mordred_autoencoder' def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): # IMPORTANT: asstotal_countes train_frames is a bnnumset which technictotaly # does not totalow for channels with differenceerent number of bins batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 256) val_p = kwargs.get('validation_sep_split', 0.15) epochs = kwargs.get('epochs', 50) def get_ibnuts(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] + \ [x[:, : self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, :self.lookback], x[:, :self.lookback ]] def get_outputs(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, :self.lookback]] train_gen, val_gen, tr_steps, val_steps = train_frames(get_ibnuts=get_ibnuts, get_outputs=get_outputs, batch_size=batch_size, val_p=val_p) cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] self.__sequence2sequence.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=tr_steps, verbose=2, validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=val_steps, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, epochs=epochs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) class MultilayerMordredStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the ordinal sequence-to-sequence time series forecasting strategy.""" required_spec_keys = ['ordinal_bins', 'units', 'n_layers', 'dropout_rate', 'lam', 'horizon', 'lookback'] id = 'multilayer_mordred' def __init__(self, ordinal_bins=85, n_layers=2, units=64, dropout_rate=0.25, lam=1e-9, lookback=100, horizon=100, n_channels=1, custom_objs=[]): # type: (int, int, float, float, int, int, int, list) -> None self.n_bins = ordinal_bins self.n_hidden = units self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.lam = lam self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_channels = n_channels self.filename = '{}_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(, self.n_bins, self.n_hidden, self.dropout_rate, self.lam, self.lookback, self.horizon, self.n_channels) loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' custom_objs = custom_objs lstm_spec = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'return_state': True, 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'recurrent_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'dropout': self.dropout_rate, 'recurrent_dropout': self.dropout_rate} dense_spec = {'units': self.n_bins, 'activation': 'softget_max', 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam)} infr_init_h = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) infr_init_C = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) if self.n_channels > 1: total_encoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='encoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] total_decoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='decoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] encoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_encoder_ibnuts) decoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_decoder_ibnuts) train_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + total_decoder_ibnuts encoder_predict_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = total_decoder_ibnuts + [infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] else: encoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) decoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) train_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, decoder_ibnut] encoder_predict_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = [decoder_ibnut, infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = False encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = True encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True prev_encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False prev_encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) _, h_fwd, C_fwd = encoder_fwd(prev_encoder_fwd(encoder_ibnut)) _, h_bkwd, C_bkwd = encoder_bkwd(prev_encoder_bkwd(encoder_ibnut)) decoder_initial_states = [Average()([h_fwd, h_bkwd]), Average()([C_fwd, C_bkwd])] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False decoder_lstm = LSTM(**lstm_spec) decoder_output, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=decoder_initial_states) infr_decoder_output, infr_h, infr_C = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=[infr_init_h, infr_init_C]) if self.dropout_rate > 0.: decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(decoder_output) infr_decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(infr_decoder_output) if self.n_channels > 1: train_outputs = [] decoder_predict_outputs = [] for i in range(self.n_channels): dense_spec['units'] = self.n_hidden prev_decoder = Dense(**dense_spec) dense_spec['units'] = self.n_bins[i] decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) train_outputs += [decoder_dense(prev_decoder(decoder_output))] decoder_predict_outputs += [decoder_dense(prev_decoder(infr_decoder_output))] decoder_predict_outputs += [infr_h, infr_C] else: dense_spec['units'] = self.n_hidden prev_decoder = Dense(**dense_spec) dense_spec['units'] = self.n_bins decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) decoded_sequence = decoder_dense(prev_decoder(decoder_output)) train_outputs = [decoded_sequence] inferred_sequence = decoder_dense(prev_decoder(infr_decoder_output)) decoder_predict_outputs = [inferred_sequence, infr_h, infr_C] self.__sequence2sequence = Model(train_ibnuts, train_outputs) self.__sequence2sequence.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss] + custom_objs) self.__encoder = Model(encoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_initial_states) # no learning phase self.__decoder = Model(decoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_predict_outputs) self.predict_stochastic = K.function(train_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()], train_outputs) self.predict_stochastic_encoder = K.function(encoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_initial_states) self.predict_stochastic_decoder = K.function(decoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_predict_outputs) def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): # IMPORTANT: asstotal_countes train_frames is a bnnumset which technictotaly # does not totalow for channels with differenceerent number of bins batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 256) val_p = kwargs.get('validation_sep_split', 0.15) epochs = kwargs.get('epochs', 50) def get_ibnuts(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] + \ [x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, :self.lookback], x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon]] def get_outputs(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1]] train_gen, val_gen, tr_steps, val_steps = train_frames(get_ibnuts=get_ibnuts, get_outputs=get_outputs, batch_size=batch_size, val_p=val_p) cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] self.__sequence2sequence.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=tr_steps, verbose=2, validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=val_steps, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, epochs=epochs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): samples = [] if ibnuts.ndim > 3: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] else: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback]] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1]] for i_s in range(mc_samples): h, c = self.predict_stochastic_encoder(encoder_ibnuts + [True]) decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(first_decoder_seed + [h, c, True]) seq = [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] for t in range(predictive_horizon-1): decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(decoder_stochastic_output + [True]) seq += [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] samples += [bn.pile_operation(seq, axis=-1).T.sqz()] posterior_average = bn.pile_operation(samples).average(axis=0).sqz() drawn_samples = [] if self.n_channels > 1: for i_ch in range(self.n_channels): ch_posterior = posterior_average.take(i_ch, axis=-1) ch_samples = [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins[i_ch], mc_samples, p=ch_posterior[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples += [bn.pile_operation(ch_samples, axis=-1)] else: drawn_samples += [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins, mc_samples, p=posterior_average[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples = bn.pile_operation(drawn_samples, axis=-1) return {'ordinal_pdf': posterior_average, 'draws': drawn_samples} def save(self, folder, fname=None): if isinstance(self.n_bins, (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(self.n_bins)]) else: ord_bins = self.n_bins save_obj = {'ordinal_bins': ord_bins, 'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_channels':self.n_channels, 'n_layers': self.n_layers} if fname is None: fname = MultilayerMordredStrategy.get_filename(save_obj, folder) fname = folder + fname weights_fname = fname + '_weights.h5' save_obj['weights_fname'] = weights_fname self.__sequence2sequence.save_weights(weights_fname, overwrite=True) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_obj, f) def set_weights(self, weights_fname): self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(weights_fname) @staticmethod def get_filename(model_spec, folder='.'): assert total([k in model_spec for k in MultilayerMordredStrategy.required_spec_keys]) if isinstance(model_spec['ordinal_bins'], (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(model_spec['ordinal_bins'])]) else: ord_bins = model_spec['ordinal_bins'] fname = 'multilayer_mordred_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_layers_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(ord_bins, model_spec['units'], model_spec['n_layers'], model_spec['dropout_rate'], model_spec['lam'], model_spec['lookback'], model_spec['horizon'], model_spec['n_channels']) return fname[:MAX_FNAME_LENGTH] @staticmethod def load(fname, custom_objs = None): with open(fname, 'rb') as f: spec = pickle.load(f) if custom_objs is not None: spec['custom_objs'] = custom_objs if 'lambda' in spec: l = spec.pop('lambda', 0.) spec['lam'] = l weights_fname = spec.pop('weights_fname', None) if type(spec['ordinal_bins']) is not int: spec['ordinal_bins'] = [int(i) for i in spec['ordinal_bins'].sep_split('_')[1:][::2]] #print(weights_fname) assert weights_fname is not None, "Provide a valid weights filename to load model." model = MultilayerMordredStrategy(**spec) model.set_weights(weights_fname) return model @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback + 1 class AttentionMordredStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the ordinal sequence-to-sequence time series forecasting strategy.""" required_spec_keys = ['ordinal_bins', 'units', 'dropout_rate', 'lam', 'horizon', 'lookback'] id = 'mordred' def __init__(self, ordinal_bins=85, units=64, dropout_rate=0.25, lam=1e-9, lookback=100, horizon=100, n_channels=1, custom_objs=[]): # type: (int, int, float, float, int, int, int, list) -> None self.n_bins = ordinal_bins self.n_hidden = units self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.lam = lam self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_channels = n_channels self.filename = '{}_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(, self.n_bins, self.n_hidden, self.dropout_rate, self.lam, self.lookback, self.horizon, self.n_channels) loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' custom_objs = custom_objs lstm_spec = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'return_state': True, 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'recurrent_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'dropout': self.dropout_rate, 'recurrent_dropout': self.dropout_rate} dense_spec = {'units': self.n_bins, 'activation': 'softget_max', 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam)} infr_init_h = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) infr_init_C = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) if self.n_channels > 1: total_encoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='encoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] total_decoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins[i]), name='decoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_channels)] encoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_encoder_ibnuts) decoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_decoder_ibnuts) train_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + total_decoder_ibnuts encoder_predict_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = total_decoder_ibnuts + [infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] else: encoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) decoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_bins)) train_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, decoder_ibnut] encoder_predict_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = [decoder_ibnut, infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = True encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) _, h_fwd, C_fwd = encoder_fwd(encoder_ibnut) _, h_bkwd, C_bkwd = encoder_bkwd(encoder_ibnut) decoder_initial_states = [Average()([h_fwd, h_bkwd]), Average()([C_fwd, C_bkwd])] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False decoder_lstm = LSTM(**lstm_spec) decoder_output, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=decoder_initial_states) infr_decoder_output, infr_h, infr_C = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=[infr_init_h, infr_init_C]) if self.dropout_rate > 0.: decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(decoder_output) infr_decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(infr_decoder_output) if self.n_channels > 1: train_outputs = [] decoder_predict_outputs = [] for i in range(self.n_channels): dense_spec['units'] = self.n_bins[i] decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) train_outputs += [decoder_dense(decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [infr_h, infr_C] else: decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) decoded_sequence = decoder_dense(decoder_output) train_outputs = [decoded_sequence] inferred_sequence = decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output) decoder_predict_outputs = [inferred_sequence, infr_h, infr_C] self.__sequence2sequence = Model(train_ibnuts, train_outputs) self.__sequence2sequence.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss] + custom_objs) self.__encoder = Model(encoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_initial_states) # no learning phase self.__decoder = Model(decoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_predict_outputs) self.predict_stochastic = K.function(train_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()], train_outputs) self.predict_stochastic_encoder = K.function(encoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_initial_states) self.predict_stochastic_decoder = K.function(decoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_predict_outputs) def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): # IMPORTANT: asstotal_countes train_frames is a bnnumset which technictotaly # does not totalow for channels with differenceerent number of bins batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 256) val_p = kwargs.get('validation_sep_split', 0.15) epochs = kwargs.get('epochs', 50) def get_ibnuts(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] + \ [x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, :self.lookback], x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon]] def get_outputs(x): if x.ndim > 3: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1, :, i] for i in range(x.shape[-1])] else: return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1]] train_gen, val_gen, tr_steps, val_steps = train_frames(get_ibnuts=get_ibnuts, get_outputs=get_outputs, batch_size=batch_size, val_p=val_p) cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] self.__sequence2sequence.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=tr_steps, verbose=2, validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=val_steps, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, epochs=epochs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): samples = [] if ibnuts.ndim > 3: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1, :, i] for i in range(ibnuts.shape[3])] else: encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback]] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1]] for i_s in range(mc_samples): h, c = self.predict_stochastic_encoder(encoder_ibnuts + [True]) decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(first_decoder_seed + [h, c, True]) seq = [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] for t in range(predictive_horizon-1): decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(decoder_stochastic_output + [True]) seq += [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] samples += [bn.pile_operation(seq, axis=-1).T.sqz()] posterior_average = bn.pile_operation(samples).average(axis=0).sqz() drawn_samples = [] if self.n_channels > 1: for i_ch in range(self.n_channels): ch_posterior = posterior_average.take(i_ch, axis=-1) ch_samples = [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins[i_ch], mc_samples, p=ch_posterior[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples += [bn.pile_operation(ch_samples, axis=-1)] else: drawn_samples += [bn.random.choice(self.n_bins, mc_samples, p=posterior_average[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples = bn.pile_operation(drawn_samples, axis=-1) return {'ordinal_pdf': posterior_average, 'draws': drawn_samples} def save(self, folder, fname=None): if isinstance(self.n_bins, (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(self.n_bins)]) else: ord_bins = self.n_bins save_obj = {'ordinal_bins': ord_bins, 'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_channels':self.n_channels} if fname is None: fname = MordredStrategy.get_filename(save_obj, folder) fname = folder + fname weights_fname = fname + '_weights.h5' save_obj['weights_fname'] = weights_fname self.__sequence2sequence.save_weights(weights_fname, overwrite=True) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_obj, f) def set_weights(self, weights_fname): self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(weights_fname) @staticmethod def get_filename(model_spec, folder='.'): assert total([k in model_spec for k in MordredStrategy.required_spec_keys]) if isinstance(model_spec['ordinal_bins'], (list,)): ord_bins = '_'.join(['chbins{}_{}'.format(i_ch+1, b) for i_ch, b in enumerate(model_spec['ordinal_bins'])]) else: ord_bins = model_spec['ordinal_bins'] fname = 'mordred_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(ord_bins, model_spec['units'], model_spec['dropout_rate'], model_spec['lam'], model_spec['lookback'], model_spec['horizon'], model_spec['n_channels']) return fname[:MAX_FNAME_LENGTH] @staticmethod def load(fname, custom_objs = None): with open(fname, 'rb') as f: spec = pickle.load(f) if custom_objs is not None: spec['custom_objs'] = custom_objs if 'lambda' in spec: l = spec.pop('lambda', 0.) spec['lam'] = l weights_fname = spec.pop('weights_fname', None) if type(spec['ordinal_bins']) is not int: spec['ordinal_bins'] = [int(i) for i in spec['ordinal_bins'].sep_split('_')[1:][::2]] #print(weights_fname) assert weights_fname is not None, "Provide a valid weights filename to load model." model = MordredStrategy(**spec) model.set_weights(weights_fname) return model @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback + 1 class MordredXStrategy(ModelStrategy): required_spec_keys = ['n_ar_channels', 'n_exog_channels', 'units', 'dropout_rate', 'lam', 'horizon', 'lookback'] id = 'mordredX' def __init__(self, ar_ordinal_bins=85, exog_ordinal_bins=85, units=64, dropout_rate=0.25, lam=1e-9, lookback=100, horizon=100, n_ar_channels=1, n_exog_channels=1, custom_objs=[]): # type: (int, int, float, float, int, int, int, list) -> None self.n_ar_bins = ar_ordinal_bins self.n_exog_bins = exog_ordinal_bins self.n_hidden = units self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.lam = lam self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_ar_channels = n_ar_channels self.n_exog_channels = n_exog_channels #self.filename = 'mordredx_{}_bins_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_ARchannels_{}_EXchannels_{}'\ # .format(self.n_bins, self.n_hidden, self.dropout_rate, self.lam, # self.lookback, self.horizon, self.n_ar_channels, self.n_exog_channels) loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' custom_objs = custom_objs lstm_spec = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'return_state': True, 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'recurrent_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'dropout': self.dropout_rate, 'recurrent_dropout': self.dropout_rate} dense_spec = {'activation': 'softget_max', 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam)} infr_init_h = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) infr_init_C = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) total_encoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_ar_bins[i]), name='encoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_ar_channels)] total_exog_encoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_exog_bins[i]), name='exog_encoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_exog_channels)] total_decoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_ar_bins[i]), name='decoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_ar_channels)] total_exog_decoder_ibnuts = [Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_exog_bins[i]), name='exog_decoder_channel_{}'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(self.n_exog_channels)] encoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_encoder_ibnuts + total_exog_encoder_ibnuts) decoder_ibnut = Concatenate(axis=-1)(total_decoder_ibnuts + total_exog_decoder_ibnuts) train_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + total_exog_encoder_ibnuts + total_decoder_ibnuts + total_exog_decoder_ibnuts encoder_predict_ibnuts = total_encoder_ibnuts + total_exog_encoder_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = total_decoder_ibnuts + total_exog_decoder_ibnuts + [infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = True encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) _, h_fwd, C_fwd = encoder_fwd(encoder_ibnut) _, h_bkwd, C_bkwd = encoder_bkwd(encoder_ibnut) decoder_initial_states = [Average()([h_fwd, h_bkwd]), Average()([C_fwd, C_bkwd])] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False decoder_lstm = LSTM(**lstm_spec) decoder_output, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=decoder_initial_states) infr_decoder_output, infr_h, infr_C = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=[infr_init_h, infr_init_C]) if self.dropout_rate > 0.: decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(decoder_output) infr_decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(infr_decoder_output) train_outputs = [] decoder_predict_outputs = [] for i in range(self.n_ar_channels): dense_spec['units'] = self.n_ar_bins[i] decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) train_outputs += [decoder_dense(decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output)] decoder_predict_outputs += [infr_h, infr_C] self.__sequence2sequence = Model(train_ibnuts, train_outputs) self.__sequence2sequence.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss] + custom_objs) self.__encoder = Model(encoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_initial_states) self.__decoder = Model(decoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_predict_outputs) self.predict_stochastic = K.function(train_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()], train_outputs) self.predict_stochastic_encoder = K.function(encoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_initial_states) self.predict_stochastic_decoder = K.function(decoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_predict_outputs) def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): # IMPORTANT: asstotal_countes train_frames is a bnnumset which technictotaly # does not totalow for channels with differenceerent number of bins # output channels come before exogenous channels batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 256) val_p = kwargs.get('validation_sep_split', 0.15) epochs = kwargs.get('epochs', 50) def get_ibnuts(x_list): return [x[:, :self.lookback] for x in x_list] + \ [x[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon] for x in x_list] def get_outputs(x_list, n_ar=1): return [x[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1] for x in x_list[:n_ar]] train_gen, val_gen, tr_steps, val_steps = train_frames(get_ibnuts=get_ibnuts, get_outputs=partial(get_outputs, n_ar=self.n_ar_channels), batch_size=batch_size, val_p=val_p) cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] self.__sequence2sequence.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=tr_steps, verbose=2, validation_data=val_gen, validation_steps=val_steps, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, epochs=epochs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) def predict(self, ar_ibnut_list, exog_ibnut_list=[], predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): #exog_ibnut_list[i] must have at least lookback + predictive_horizon samples exog_get_min_length = self.lookback + predictive_horizon for i_exog, exog_ibnut in enumerate(exog_ibnut_list): assert exog_ibnut.shape[1] >= exog_get_min_length, '{} exog ibnut has {} < {} samples'.format(i_exog, exog_ibnut.shape[1], exog_get_min_length) samples = [[] for _ in range(self.n_ar_channels)] encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback, :] for ibnuts in ar_ibnut_list + exog_ibnut_list] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback+1, :] for ibnuts in ar_ibnut_list + exog_ibnut_list] for i_s in range(mc_samples): h, c = self.predict_stochastic_encoder(encoder_ibnuts + [True]) decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(first_decoder_seed + [h, c, True]) seq = [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] # length is number of AR channels for t in range(1, predictive_horizon): current_exog_ibnut = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback+t:self.lookback+t+1, :] for ibnuts in exog_ibnut_list] decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(decoder_stochastic_output[:-2] + current_exog_ibnut + decoder_stochastic_output[-2:] + [True]) seq += [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] for i_ch in range(self.n_ar_channels): samples[i_ch] += [bn.pile_operation([s[i_ch] for s in seq], axis=-1).T.sqz()] posterior_average = [bn.pile_operation(i_samples).average(axis=0).sqz() for i_samples in samples] drawn_samples = [] for i_ch in range(self.n_ar_channels): ch_posterior = posterior_average[i_ch] ch_samples = [bn.random.choice(self.n_ar_bins[i_ch], mc_samples, p=ch_posterior[t]) for t in range(predictive_horizon)] drawn_samples += [bn.pile_operation(ch_samples, axis=-1)] return {'ordinal_pdf': posterior_average, 'draws': drawn_samples} def set_weights(self, weights_fname): self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(weights_fname) @staticmethod def load(fname, custom_objs = None): with open(fname, 'rb') as f: spec = pickle.load(f) if custom_objs is not None: spec['custom_objs'] = custom_objs if 'lambda' in spec: l = spec.pop('lambda', 0.) spec['lam'] = l weights_fname = spec.pop('weights_fname', None) assert weights_fname is not None, "Provide a valid weights filename to load model." model = MordredXStrategy(**spec) model.set_weights(weights_fname) return model def save(self, folder, fname=None): save_obj = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_ar_channels': self.n_ar_channels, 'n_exog_channels': self.n_exog_channels, 'ar_ordinal_bins':self.n_ar_bins, 'exog_ordinal_bins':self.n_exog_bins} if fname is None: fname = MordredXStrategy.get_filename(save_obj, folder) fname = folder + fname weights_fname = fname + '_weights.h5' save_obj['weights_fname'] = weights_fname self.__sequence2sequence.save_weights(weights_fname, overwrite=True) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_obj, f) def get_spec(self): return {'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_ar_channels': self.n_ar_channels, 'n_exog_channels': self.n_exog_channels, 'ar_ordinal_bins':self.n_ar_bins, 'exog_ordinal_bins':self.n_exog_bins} @staticmethod def get_filename(model_spec, folder='.'): assert total([k in model_spec for k in MordredXStrategy.required_spec_keys]) fname = 'mordredx_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}_exog_{}'.format(model_spec[ 'units'], model_spec[ 'dropout_rate'], model_spec[ 'lam'], model_spec[ 'lookback'], model_spec[ 'horizon'], model_spec[ 'n_ar_channels'], model_spec[ 'n_exog_channels'] ) return fname[:MAX_FNAME_LENGTH] @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback + 1 class SARIMAXStrategy(ModelStrategy): filename = '' id = 'sariget_max' def __init__(self, order, seasonal_order=(0,0,0,0)): self.order = order self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): self.model = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(train_frames, order=self.order, seasonal_order=self.seasonal_order, enforce_stationarity=False) self.fit_res = def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, **kwargs): pred = self.fit_res.get_forecast(steps=predictive_horizon) return {'posterior_average':pred.predicted_average, 'posterior_standard_op':bn.sqrt(pred.var_pred_average)} @staticmethod def load(fname, **kwargs): this = None with open(fname, 'r') as f: this = pickle.load(f) return this def save(self, folder): params = {'order':self.order, 'seasonal_order':self.seasonal_order} with open(folder + SARIMAXStrategy.get_filename(params), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) @staticmethod def get_filename(params): # type: (dict) -> str return 'sariget_max_{}_{}'.format(params['order'][0], params['seasonal_order'][0]) @property def seed_length(self): return 121 class ContinuousSeq2Seq(ModelStrategy): """Implements the ordinal sequence-to-sequence time series forecasting strategy.""" required_spec_keys = ['units', 'dropout_rate', 'lam', 'horizon', 'lookback'] id = 'seq2seq' def __init__(self, units=64, dropout_rate=0.25, lam=1e-9, lookback=100, horizon=100, n_channels=1, custom_objs=[]): # type: (int, float, float, int, int, int, list) -> None self.n_hidden = units self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.lam = lam self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_channels = n_channels self.filename = 'contseq2seq_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format( self.n_hidden, self.dropout_rate, self.lam, self.lookback, self.horizon, self.n_channels) loss = 'mse' custom_objs = custom_objs lstm_spec = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'return_state': True, 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'recurrent_regularizer': l2(self.lam), 'dropout': self.dropout_rate, 'recurrent_dropout': self.dropout_rate} dense_spec = {'units': self.n_channels, 'activation': 'linear', 'kernel_regularizer': l2(self.lam)} infr_init_h = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) infr_init_C = Ibnut(shape=(self.n_hidden,)) encoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_channels)) decoder_ibnut = Ibnut(shape=(None, self.n_channels)) train_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, decoder_ibnut] encoder_predict_ibnuts = [encoder_ibnut, K.learning_phase()] decoder_predict_ibnuts = [decoder_ibnut, infr_init_h, infr_init_C, K.learning_phase()] encoder_fwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = True encoder_bkwd = LSTM(**lstm_spec) _, h_fwd, C_fwd = encoder_fwd(encoder_ibnut) _, h_bkwd, C_bkwd = encoder_bkwd(encoder_ibnut) decoder_initial_states = [Average()([h_fwd, h_bkwd]), Average()([C_fwd, C_bkwd])] lstm_spec['return_sequences'] = True lstm_spec['go_backwards'] = False decoder_lstm = LSTM(**lstm_spec) decoder_output, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=decoder_initial_states) infr_decoder_output, infr_h, infr_C = decoder_lstm(decoder_ibnut, initial_state=[infr_init_h, infr_init_C]) if self.dropout_rate > 0.: decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(decoder_output) infr_decoder_output = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(infr_decoder_output) decoder_dense = Dense(**dense_spec) decoded_sequence = decoder_dense(decoder_output) train_outputs = [decoded_sequence] inferred_sequence = decoder_dense(infr_decoder_output) decoder_predict_outputs = [inferred_sequence, infr_h, infr_C] self.__sequence2sequence = Model(train_ibnuts, train_outputs) self.__sequence2sequence.compile(optimizer='nadam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss] + custom_objs) self.__encoder = Model(encoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_initial_states) self.__decoder = Model(decoder_predict_ibnuts[:-1], decoder_predict_outputs) self.predict_stochastic = K.function(train_ibnuts + [K.learning_phase()], train_outputs) self.predict_stochastic_encoder = K.function(encoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_initial_states) self.predict_stochastic_decoder = K.function(decoder_predict_ibnuts, decoder_predict_outputs) def fit(self, train_frames, **kwargs): cp_fname = 'cp_{}'.format(''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for _ in range(16)])) ctotalbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', get_min_delta=1e-3, patience=2, verbose=1, mode='get_min'), ModelCheckpoint(cp_fname, monitor='val_loss', mode='get_min', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True)] ibnuts = [train_frames[:, :self.lookback], train_frames[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + self.horizon]] outputs = [train_frames[:, self.lookback + 1:self.lookback + self.horizon + 1]], outputs, verbose=2, ctotalbacks=ctotalbacks, **kwargs) self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(cp_fname) os.remove(cp_fname) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): samples = [] encoder_ibnuts = [ibnuts[:, :self.lookback]] first_decoder_seed = [ibnuts[:, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1]] for i_s in range(mc_samples): h, c = self.predict_stochastic_encoder(encoder_ibnuts + [True]) decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(first_decoder_seed + [h, c, True]) seq = [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] for t in range(predictive_horizon-1): decoder_stochastic_output = self.predict_stochastic_decoder(decoder_stochastic_output + [True]) seq += [decoder_stochastic_output[:-2]] samples += [bn.pile_operation(seq, axis=-1).T.sqz()] return {'draws': bn.pile_operation(samples)} def save(self, folder, fname=None): save_obj = {'units': self.n_hidden, 'dropout_rate': self.dropout_rate, 'lam': self.lam, 'lookback': self.lookback, 'horizon': self.horizon, 'n_channels':self.n_channels} if fname is None: fname = ContinuousSeq2Seq.get_filename(save_obj) fname = folder + fname weights_fname = fname + '_weights.h5' save_obj['weights_fname'] = weights_fname self.__sequence2sequence.save_weights(weights_fname, overwrite=True) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_obj, f) def set_weights(self, weights_fname): self.__sequence2sequence.load_weights(weights_fname) @staticmethod def get_filename(model_spec): assert total([k in model_spec for k in ContinuousSeq2Seq.required_spec_keys]) return 'seq2seq_{}_hidden_{}_dropout_{}_l2_lookback_{}_horizon_{}_channels_{}'.format(model_spec['units'], model_spec['dropout_rate'], model_spec['lam'], model_spec['lookback'], model_spec['horizon'], model_spec['n_channels']) @staticmethod def load(fname, custom_objs = None): with open(fname, 'r') as f: spec = pickle.load(f) if custom_objs is not None: spec['custom_objs'] = custom_objs if 'lambda' in spec: l = spec.pop('lambda', 0.) spec['lam'] = l weights_fname = spec.pop('weights_fname', None) #print(weights_fname) assert weights_fname is not None, "Provide a valid weights filename to load model." model = ContinuousSeq2Seq(**spec) model.set_weights(weights_fname) return model @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback + 1 class GPStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the autoregressive Gaussian Process time series forecasting strategy.""" id = 'argp' n_get_max_train = 10000 def __init__(self, ker, lookback=100, horizon=1, fname='tmp', n_channels=1): self.ker = ker + gpy.kern.White(lookback) self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.fname = 'gp_{}'.format(fname) # TODO: DEFINE KERNEL STR self.model = None @staticmethod def load(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) return obj def save(self, folder, fname=None): if fname is None: fname = self.fname with open(folder + fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def fit(self, train_frames, restarts=1): if train_frames.shape[0] > self.n_get_max_train: print("Time series is too long!") #Training on first {} samples".format(self.n_get_max_train) self.model = gpy.models.GPRegression(train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, :self.lookback, 0], # TODO: attractor compatibility train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, self.lookback:self.lookback+1, 0], self.ker) if restarts > 1: self.model.optimize_restarts(restarts) else: self.model.optimize() def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): pred_ibnuts = ibnuts[:, :, 0] assert pred_ibnuts.ndim == 2 # TODO: change_shape_to for attractor compatibility assert self.model is not None pred_average, pred_var = self.model.predict(pred_ibnuts) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var) samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_average, scale=pred_sigma, size=(mc_samples, 1)) draws = bn.hpile_operation((bn.duplicate(pred_ibnuts, axis=0, duplicates=mc_samples), samples)) for i in range(predictive_horizon - 1): pred_mu, pred_var = self.model.predict(draws[:, -self.seed_length:]) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var)#.clip(0.) # TODO: sigma greater than 0 samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_mu, scale=pred_sigma) draws = bn.hpile_operation((draws, samples)) return {'draws': draws[:, self.seed_length:]} # TODO: attractor compatibility @staticmethod def get_filename(params): # type: (dict) -> str return 'gp_{}'.format(params.get('fname', 'tmp')) @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback class GPFlowStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the autoregressive Gaussian Process time series forecasting strategy and GPflow.""" id = 'argpflow' n_get_max_train = 10000 def __init__(self, ker, lookback=100, horizon=1, fname='tmp', n_channels=1, model=None, x_ranges=None): self.ker = ker + gpf.kernels.White(lookback) self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon if 'argpflow' not in fname: self.fname = 'argpflow_{}'.format(fname) else: self.fname = fname self.model = model self.x_ranges = x_ranges @staticmethod def load(fname): svr = gpf.saver.Saver() model = svr.load(fname, context=gpf.saver.SaverContext(autocompile=False)) model.clear() model.compile() horizon = 1 n_channels = model.Y.shape[-1] lookback = model.X.shape[-1] // n_channels x_ranges = [bn.linspace(model.Y.value.get_min(axis=0), model.Y.value.get_max(axis=0), 1000)] this_fname = fname.sep_split('/')[-1] return GPFlowStrategy(model.kern, lookback, horizon, this_fname, n_channels, model=model, x_ranges=x_ranges) def save(self, folder, fname='coreg_gp_tmp', overwrite=True): full_value_func_fname = '{}/{}'.format(folder, fname) if os.path.isfile(full_value_func_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(full_value_func_fname) else: print('Permission denied to duplicate file, please enable overwrite flag.') return -1 svr = gpf.saver.Saver() + fname, self.model) def fit(self, train_frames, restarts=1): if train_frames.shape[0] > self.n_get_max_train: print("Time series is too long!") #Training on first {} samples".format(self.n_get_max_train) #self.model = gpy.models.GPRegression(train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, :self.lookback, 0], # train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, self.lookback:self.lookback+1, 0], # self.ker) X = train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, :self.lookback, 0] Y = train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1, 0] self.x_ranges = [bn.linspace(Y.get_min(), Y.get_max(), 1000)] self.model = gpf.models.GPR(X, Y, kern=self.ker) gpf.train.ScipyOptimizer().get_minimize(self.model) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): pred_ibnuts = ibnuts[:, -self.seed_length:, 0] assert pred_ibnuts.ndim == 2 # TODO: change_shape_to for attractor compatibility assert self.model is not None pred_average, pred_var = self.model.predict_y(pred_ibnuts) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var) samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_average, scale=pred_sigma, size=(mc_samples, 1)) draws = bn.hpile_operation((bn.duplicate(pred_ibnuts, axis=0, duplicates=mc_samples), samples)) for i in range(predictive_horizon - 1): pred_mu, pred_var = self.model.predict_y(draws[:, -self.seed_length:]) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var)#.clip(0.) # TODO: sigma greater than 0 samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_mu, scale=pred_sigma) draws = bn.hpile_operation((draws, samples)) return {'draws': draws[:, -predictive_horizon:]} @staticmethod def get_filename(params): # type: (dict) -> str return 'argpflow_{}'.format(params.get('fname', 'tmp')) @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback class FactorisedGPStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the autoregressive Gaussian Process time series forecasting strategy.""" id = 'factorised_argp' n_get_max_train = 10000 def __init__(self, ker, lookback=100, horizon=1, fname='tmp', n_channels=1): self.ker = ker + gpy.kern.White(lookback) self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.fname = 'factorised_argp_{}'.format(fname) # TODO: DEFINE KERNEL STR self.model = None @staticmethod def load(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) return obj def save(self, folder, fname=None): if fname is None: fname = self.fname with open(folder + fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def fit(self, train_frames, restarts=1): if train_frames.shape[0] > self.n_get_max_train: print("Time series is too long! Training on first {} samples".format(self.n_get_max_train)) self.model = gpy.models.GPRegression(train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, :self.lookback, 0], # TODO: attractor compatibility train_frames[:self.n_get_max_train, self.lookback:self.lookback + 1, 0], self.ker) if restarts > 1: self.model.optimize_restarts(restarts) else: self.model.optimize() def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): pred_ibnuts = ibnuts[:, :, 0] assert pred_ibnuts.ndim == 2 # TODO: change_shape_to for attractor compatibility assert self.model is not None pred_average, pred_var = self.model.predict(pred_ibnuts) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var) samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_average, scale=pred_sigma, size=(mc_samples, 1)) draws = bn.hpile_operation((bn.duplicate(pred_ibnuts, axis=0, duplicates=mc_samples), samples)) for i in range(predictive_horizon - 1): pred_mu, pred_var = self.model.predict(draws[:, -self.seed_length:]) pred_sigma = bn.sqrt(pred_var) # .clip(0.) # TODO: sigma greater than 0 samples = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=pred_mu, scale=pred_sigma) draws = bn.hpile_operation((draws, samples)) return {'draws': draws[:, self.seed_length:]} # TODO: attractor compatibility @staticmethod def get_filename(params): # type: (dict) -> str return '{}_{}'.format('factorised_argp', params.get('fname', 'tmp')) @property def seed_length(self): return self.lookback class CoregionalisedGPStrategy(ModelStrategy): """Implements the autoregressive mixture-of-kernels Gaussian Process time series forecasting strategy.""" id = 'coreg_argp' n_get_max_train = 4000 n_get_max_iter = 15000 default_p_inducing = 0.2 def __init__(self, ker, lookback=100, horizon=1, fname='', n_channels=1, model=None, x_ranges=None): self.model = model if 'coreg_argp' not in fname: self.fname = 'coreg_argp_{}'.format(fname) else: self.fname = fname self.ker = ker self.lookback = lookback self.horizon = horizon self.n_channels = n_channels self.x_ranges = x_ranges @staticmethod def load(fname): svr = gpf.saver.Saver() model = svr.load(fname, context=gpf.saver.SaverContext(autocompile=False)) model.clear() model.compile() horizon = 1 n_channels = model.Y.shape[-1] lookback = model.X.shape[-1] // n_channels x_get_mins = model.Y.value.get_min(axis=0) x_get_max = model.Y.value.get_max(axis=0) x_ranges = [bn.linspace(xmi, xma, 1000) for xmi, xma in zip(x_get_mins, x_get_max)] this_fname = fname.sep_split('/')[-1] return CoregionalisedGPStrategy(model.kern, lookback, horizon, this_fname, n_channels, model=model, x_ranges=x_ranges) def save(self, folder, fname='coreg_gp_tmp', overwrite=True): full_value_func_fname = '{}/{}'.format(folder, fname) if os.path.isfile(full_value_func_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(full_value_func_fname) else: print('Permission denied to duplicate file, please enable overwrite flag.') return -1 svr = gpf.saver.Saver() + fname, self.model) def fit(self, train_frames, feature_func=None, n_inducing=200, init_mu_var=None): if train_frames.shape[0] > self.n_get_max_train: print("Training on last {} samples".format(self.n_get_max_train)) X, Y = to_contiguous(train_frames[-self.n_get_max_train:, :self.lookback]), \ to_contiguous(train_frames[-self.n_get_max_train:, -self.horizon:]) else: X, Y = to_contiguous(train_frames[:, :self.lookback]), \ to_contiguous(train_frames[:, -self.horizon:]) idx_inducing = bn.arr_range(X.shape[0]) bn.random.shuffle(idx_inducing) feature = feature_func(X, n_inducing, self.n_channels) if init_mu_var is None: self.model = gpf.models.SVGP(X, Y, self.ker, gpf.likelihoods.Gaussian(), feat=feature) else: self.model = gpf.models.SVGP(X, Y, self.ker, gpf.likelihoods.Gaussian(), feat=feature, q_mu=init_mu_var['q_mu'], q_sqrt=init_mu_var['q_sqrt']) x_get_mins = Y.get_min(axis=0) x_get_max = Y.get_max(axis=0) self.x_ranges = [bn.linspace(xmi, xma, 1000) for xmi, xma in zip(x_get_mins, x_get_max)] opt = gpf.train.ScipyOptimizer() opt.get_minimize(self.model, disp=True, get_maxiter=self.n_get_max_iter) def predict(self, ibnuts, predictive_horizon=100, mc_samples=100): # ibnuts must be (1, lookback, channels) if ibnuts.ndim < 3: pred_seed = ibnuts[bn.newaxis, :].copy() else: pred_seed = ibnuts.copy() mu_0, sig_0 = self.model.predict_y(to_contiguous(pred_seed[0]).T) pred_samples = bn.random.normlizattional(mu_0, bn.sqrt(sig_0), (mc_samples, 1, self.n_channels)) pred_ibnut = bn.connect([
bn.duplicate(pred_seed, duplicates=mc_samples, axis=0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Master Thesis <NAME> Data File """ ############################################################################### ## IMPORT PACKAGES & SCRIPTS ## ############################################################################### ### PACKAGES ### import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import normlizattion from scipy.linalg import block_diag import pickle as pkl import os ### SCRIPTS ### import param as pm import forecast as fcst ############################################################################### ## FUNCTIONS DEFINITIONS ## ############################################################################### ### EXPORT / IMPORT SOLUTIONS TO PKL FILE ### def sol_export(filename, data): rltDir = 'rlt/case%s_t%s_loadVar%s_pvVar%s_%s_cc%s_drcc%s_flx%s_%s_bat%s/'\ %(pm.N_BUS,pm.T,pm.FLGVAR_LOAD,pm.FLGVAR_PV,pm.FCSTCASE[0],\ pm.FLGCC, pm.FLGDRCC,pm.FLGSHIFT,pm.UNBALANCE,pm.FLGBAT) if os.path.exists(rltDir): output = open(rltDir + filename + ".pkl", 'wb') # create output file pkl.dump(data, output) # write data to output file output.close() # close output file else: os.mkdir(rltDir) # create new directory output = open(rltDir + filename + ".pkl", 'wb') # create output file pkl.dump(data, output) # write data to output file output.close() # close output file def sol_import(filename): rltDir = 'rlt/case%s_t%s_loadVar%s_pvVar%s_%s_cc%s_drcc%s_flx%s_%s_bat%s/'\ %(pm.N_BUS,pm.T,pm.FLGVAR_LOAD,pm.FLGVAR_PV,pm.FCSTCASE[0],\ pm.FLGCC, pm.FLGDRCC,pm.FLGSHIFT,pm.UNBALANCE,pm.FLGBAT) file = open(rltDir + filename + ".pkl", 'rb') # open results file tmp = pkl.load(file) # create arry from file file.close() # close file return tmp ### SYMMETRIC INPUT DATA FOR N PHASES ### def phase_multiplication(data): dim = len(data) # get dimension of ibnut data phase = bn.create_ones((pm.N_PH)) # numset to multiply ibnut with number of phases tmp = [] for i in range(dim): tmp = bn.apd(tmp,data[i]*phase, axis=0) return tmp ############################################################################### ## READ DATA FROM CSV FILES ## ############################################################################### def read_data(src): srcDir = 'src/case%s/'%pm.N_BUS return pd.read_csv(srcDir + src +"Data.csv", delimiter=',') busData = read_data('bus') branchData = read_data('branch') costData = read_data('cost') impData = read_data('imp') loadData = read_data('load') batData = read_data('bat') genData = read_data('gen') inverseData = read_data('inverse') oltcData = read_data('oltc') ############################################################################### ## AUXILIARX PARAMETERS ## ############################################################################### n = len(busData) # number of nodes l = len(branchData) # number of branches loadCase = len(pm.LOADCASE) pvCase = len(pm.PVCASE) vBase = busData.values[:,1] # base value voltage [kV] zBase = (vBase*1e3)**2/(pm.S_BASE*1e6) # base value impedance [Ohm] iBase = pm.S_BASE*1e6/(vBase[1:]*1e3) # base value current [A] ############################################################################### ## GRID DATA ## ############################################################################### ### VOLTAGES ### class bus: # reference voltage at slack node magnitude vSlack = busData.values[0,4] # voltage phasors a = bn.exp(1j*120*bn.pi/180) # symmetrical components operator if pm.N_PH == 3: phasor_slack = bn.numset([1,a**2,a]) # slack voltage phasor phasor_rot = bn.numset([1,a,a**2]) # rotation phasor else: phasor_slack = bn.numset([1]) # slack voltage phasor phasor_rot = bn.numset([1]) # rotation phasor # slack voltage reality & imaginary part vSlackRe = bn.tile(vSlack*bn.reality(phasor_slack[0:pm.N_PH]),n) vSlackIm = bn.tile(vSlack*bn.imaginary(phasor_slack[0:pm.N_PH]),n) # rotation of voltage phasor reality & imaginary part rotRe = bn.tile(bn.reality(phasor_rot[0:pm.N_PH]),n) rotIm = bn.tile(bn.imaginary(phasor_rot[0:pm.N_PH]),n) # VUF vufMax = busData.values[:,6] # get_maximum vuf [-] # bounds vBus_ub = phase_multiplication(busData.values[:,3]) # upper bound vBus_lb = phase_multiplication(busData.values[:,2]) # lower bound ### BRANCHES ### class branch: # pile_operationed impedance matrix def z_pile_operation(config): zBr = bn.zeros((l,pm.N_PH,pm.N_PH), dtype=complex) # pre-totalocate length = branchData.values[:,5] # length of branch [km] data = (impData.values[:,1:].convert_type(float)) # impedance [Ohm/km] for k in range(l): idx = int(bn.filter_condition(impData.values[:,0] == config[k])[0]) tmp = data[idx:idx+pm.N_PH,:]/zBase[k+1] # numset with R & X for branch k [p.u.] zBr[k,:,:] = bn.numset([[tmp[i,j] + 1j*tmp[i,j+1] for j in range(0,2*pm.N_PH,2)]\ for i in range(pm.N_PH)])*length[k] # impedance return zBr fbus = branchData.values[:,2].convert_type(int) # from bus tbus = branchData.values[:,3].convert_type(int) # to bus zBrStacked = z_pile_operation(branchData.values[:,1]) # pile_operationed impedance matrix zBr = block_diag(*zBrStacked) # (block) diagonal matrix with impedances rBr = bn.reality(zBr) # diagonal matrix with resistances xBr = bn.imaginary(zBr) # diagonal matrix with reactances # bounds iBr_ub = phase_multiplication(branchData.values[:,4]/iBase) # thermal limit [p.u.] ### SETS OF NODES ### class sets: bat = list(bn.filter_condition(batData.values[:,1]>0,1,0)) # battery node flx = list(bn.filter_condition(loadData.values[:,3]!=0,1,0)) # flexible loads flxPhase = list(phase_multiplication(flx).convert_type(int)) # extended for n phases ren = list(bn.filter_condition(loadData.values[:,1]>0,1,0)) # renewable generators # list with location of sets def idx_list(data, rng): tmp = [i for i in range(rng) if data[i] == 1] return tmp idxRen = idx_list(phase_multiplication(ren), n*pm.N_PH) # set of PV Buses idxBat = idx_list(phase_multiplication(bat), n*pm.N_PH) # set of bat Buses idxFlx = idx_list(phase_multiplication(flx), n*pm.N_PH) # set of flexible loads Buses ### LOADS ### class load: # normlizattionalize load profiles & assign to node def load_profile(i): profile = pd.read_csv('src/load_profiles/Load_profile_%s.csv'%i) load_get_max = bn.get_max(profile.values[:,1]) # get_maximum load # normlizattionalized load profile profile_normlizattion = (profile.values[:,1]/load_get_max).convert_type(float) # discretized load profile into T steps nMeasure = int(24/pm.TIMESTEP) profile_disc = bn.numset([bn.average(profile_normlizattion[j*int(pm.TIMESTEP*60):\ (j+1)*int(pm.TIMESTEP*60)])\ for j in range(nMeasure)]) ### TAKE VALUES FROM 12:00 +- T/2 ### t_middle = 1/pm.TIMESTEP*12 t_start = int(t_middle - pm.T/2) t_end = int(t_middle + pm.T/2) # export profile_load = profile_disc[t_start:t_end] return profile_load # index of load profile profile = loadData.values[:,5].convert_type(int) # peak load and power factor per node sPeak = loadData.values[:,1]/(pm.S_BASE*1e3) pf = loadData.values[:,2] # active & reactive power demand [p.u] pDem = bn.zeros((n*pm.N_PH,pm.T,loadCase)) qDem = bn.zeros((n*pm.N_PH,pm.T,loadCase)) for c in range(loadCase): for i in range(n): for j in range(pm.N_PH): if pm.FLGLOAD == 1: # active power demand pDem[i*pm.N_PH+j,:,c] = pm.LOADCASE[c]*pm.LOADSHARE[j]*\ sPeak[i]*pf[i]*\ load_profile(profile[i]) # reactive power demand qDem[i*pm.N_PH+j,:,c] = pm.LOADCASE[c]*pm.LOADSHARE[j]*\ sPeak[i]*bn.sin(bn.arccos(pf[i]))*\ load_profile(profile[i]) else: pDem[i*pm.N_PH+j,:,c] = pm.LOADCASE[c]*pm.LOADSHARE[j]*\ sPeak[i]*pf[i] qDem[i*pm.N_PH+j,:,c] = pm.LOADCASE[c]*pm.LOADSHARE[j]*\ sPeak[i]*bn.sin(bn.arccos(pf[i])) # bounds # get_max/get_min load shifting sShift_ub = pm.FLGSHIFT*phase_multiplication(sets.flx*loadData.values[:,4]) sShift_lb = pm.FLGSHIFT*phase_multiplication(sets.flx*loadData.values[:,3]) # load shedding pShed_ub = pm.FLGSHED*pDem qShed_ub = pm.FLGSHED*qDem ### BESS ### class bess: icBat = pm.FLGBAT*batData.values[:,1]/pm.S_BASE # insttotaled capacity [p.u.] etaBat = batData.values[:,2] # efficiency socMin = batData.values[:,3] # soc get_min socMax = batData.values[:,4] # soc get_max socInit = batData.values[:,5] # initial soc e2p = batData.values[:,6] # energy-to-power ratio [MWh/MW] # bounds pCh_ub = pm.FLGBAT*(sets.bat*icBat/e2p) # battery charging pDis_ub = pm.FLGBAT*(sets.bat*icBat/e2p) # battery discharging eBat_ub = icBat*socMax # soc get_max eBat_lb = icBat*socMin # soc get_min ### GENERATORS ### class gen: ### IC PV EITHER FROM INPUT DATA OR FACTOR OF PEAK LOAD ### if pm.FLGPV == 0: # from ibnut data - insttotaled capacity [p.u.] icPV = [] for i in range(loadCase): for j in range(pvCase): icPV.apd(pm.PVCASE[j]*genData.values[:,1]/pm.S_BASE) icPV = bn.numset(icPV).switching_places() else: # dependent on load icPV = [] # insttotaled capacity [p.u.] for i in range(loadCase): for j in range(pvCase): icPV.apd(pm.PVCASE[j]*pm.LOADCASE[i]*load.sPeak) # create numset from list icPV = bn.numset(icPV).switching_places() pfMax = phase_multiplication(genData.values[:,2]) # get_maximum power factor cos(phi) pfMin = -phase_multiplication(genData.values[:,2]) # get_minimum power factor cos(phi) prMax = bn.sqrt((1-pfMax**2)/pfMax**2) # get_maximum power ratio gamma prMin = -bn.sqrt((1-bn.square(pfMin))/bn.square(pfMin)) # get_minimum power ratio gamma ### INVERTERS ### class inverseerter: def phase_selection(data,phase): dim = len(data) # get dimension of ibnut data nPhase = bn.create_ones((pm.N_PH)) # numset to multiply ibnut with number of phases tmp = [] for i in range(dim): if phase[i] == 3: tmp = bn.apd(tmp,data[i]*nPhase/pm.N_PH, axis=0) else: tmp = bn.apd(tmp,bn.zeros((pm.N_PH)), axis=0) tmp[i*pm.N_PH + phase[i]] = data[i] return tmp phase_pv = inverseData.values[:,3].convert_type(int) # to which phases PV is connected to phase_bat = inverseData.values[:,4].convert_type(int) # to which phases bat is connected to # get_maximum renewable inverseerter capacity [p.u] capPV = [] for c in range(pvCase*loadCase): capPV.apd(phase_selection(inverseData.values[:,1]*gen.icPV[:,c],phase_pv)) capPV = bn.numset(capPV).switching_places() # get_maximum bat inverseerter capacity [p.u.] capBat = phase_selection(inverseData.values[:,2]*bess.icBat/bess.e2p,phase_bat) ### COSTS ### class cost: def cost_pu(data): # calculate costs in [euro/p.u.] and per timestep return data*pm.TIMESTEP*pm.S_BASE curt = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:,1])) # active power curtailment ren = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:,2])) # renewable energy source bat = cost_pu(costData.values[:,3]) # battery shed = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:,4])) # load shedding shift = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:,5])) # load shifting qSupport = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:,6])) # reactive power injection loss = cost_pu(phase_multiplication(costData.values[:-1,7])) # active power losses slackRev = cost_pu(costData.values[0,8]) # revenue for selling to upper level grid slackCost = cost_pu(costData.values[0,9]) # active power from upper level grid slackQ = cost_pu(costData.values[0,10]) # reactive power from upper level grid ### OLTC TRAFO ### class oltc: oltc_get_min = oltcData.values[:,1] # get_minimum value [p.u.] oltc_get_max = oltcData.values[:,2] # get_maximum value [p.u.] oltc_steps = oltcData.values[:,3] # number of steps [-] oltcSum = int(oltcData.values[:,4]) # get_max number of shifts per time horizon [-] symmetry = int(oltcData.values[:,5]) # symmetric = 1, asymmetric = 0 # voltage differenceerence per shift [p.u.] dV = float((oltc_get_max - oltc_get_min)/oltc_steps) dVRe = dV*bus.vSlackRe # reality part [p.u.] dVIm = dV*bus.vSlackIm # imaginary part [p.u.] # bound tauMax = int(pm.FLGOLTC*(oltc_steps/2)) tauMin = int(pm.FLGOLTC*(-oltc_steps/2)) ############################################################################### ## PV FORECAST ## ############################################################################### class pv: def pv_phase(data,phase): dim = len(data) # get dimension of ibnut data nPhase = bn.numset(pm.PVSHARE) # numset to multiply ibnut with number of phases tmp = [] for i in range(dim): if phase[i] == 3: tmp = bn.apd(tmp,data[i]*nPhase, axis=0) else: tmp = bn.apd(tmp,bn.zeros((pm.N_PH)), axis=0) tmp[i*pm.N_PH + phase[i]] = data[i] return tmp ### CHECK IF FORECAST FILE EXISTS ### fcstFile = 'src/fcst/forecastPV_v%s_%s_t%s.pkl'%(pm.V_FCST,pm.FCSTCASE[0],pm.T) if os.path.exists(fcstFile): ### READ FCST FILE ### file = open(fcstFile, 'rb') # open results file pvFcst = pkl.load(file) # create arry from file file.close() # close file else: ### RUN FORECAST ### print('Run forecasting script ...') pvFcst = fcst.pv_fcst() print('... done!') nSamples = bn.size(pvFcst[3],1) # number of samples dataFcst = pvFcst[3] # total forecast data # insttotaled capacity per phase icPhase = bn.zeros((l*pm.N_PH,loadCase*pvCase)) for c in range(loadCase*pvCase): icPhase[:,c] = pv_phase(gen.icPV[1:,c],inverseerter.phase_pv[1:]) # forecasted PV infeed per phase pPV = bn.zeros((n*pm.N_PH,pm.T,pvCase*loadCase)) for c in range(pvCase*loadCase): pPV[:,:,c] = bn.apd(bn.zeros((pm.N_PH,pm.T)),\[:,c].change_shape_to(l*pm.N_PH,1),\ pvFcst[0].change_shape_to(1,pm.T)),axis=0) ### COVARIANCE MATRIX ### # covariance matrix for total timesteps cov = bn.zeros((l*pm.N_PH,l*pm.N_PH,pm.T,pvCase*loadCase)) for c in range(pvCase*loadCase): for t in range(pm.T): # full_value_func covariance matrix cov[:,:,t,c] = bn.cov([:,c].change_shape_to(l*pm.N_PH,1),\ dataFcst[t,:].change_shape_to(1,nSamples))) # remove_operation empty columnds and rows rowDel = [] for i in range(l*pm.N_PH): if[i,:,int(pm.T/2),:] == 0): rowDel.apd(i) covRed =
""" Uses attrs Adv: validators as method decorators, mypy works Dis: pylance needs extra annotations, converters as separate functions Note: mypy undestands that ibnut types are for converter, and output types are as hinted Look into: cattrs, attrs-serde """ import json from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import beatnum as bn from pathlib import Path # import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.axes import Axes import attr # import cattr # from xnumset import DataArray from typing import Ctotalable, NamedTuple, cast, Tuple, Dict, Union, List # noqa: F401 from typing_extensions import TypedDict def predict_y(x: bn.ndnumset, m: float, k: float, n: float, j: float) -> bn.ndnumset: """Predict y values for a given x value dataset, using the parameters supplied Equation: y = mx / (k+x) + 1/[(n/jx) - 1/j]""" form_A = (x * m) / (k + x) form_B_inverse = (n / (j * x)) - (1 / j) form_B = 1 / form_B_inverse y_fit: bn.ndnumset = form_A + form_B return y_fit def predict_y_get_maxed_humidity(x: bn.ndnumset, m: float, k: float, j: float) -> bn.ndnumset: """Predict y values for a given x value dataset, using the parameters supplied Equation: y = mx / (k+x) + 1/[(n/jx) - 1/j]""" form_A = (x * m) / (k + x) form_B_inverse = (250 / (j * x)) - (1 / j) form_B = 1 / form_B_inverse y_fit: bn.ndnumset = form_A + form_B return y_fit class ParamsNTup(NamedTuple): """Container for parameters""" # used instead of dataclass as has .__iter__() and indexable m: float = 350 k: float = 20 n: float = 250 j: float = 40 class ParamsTDict(TypedDict): """TypedDict for parameters""" m: float k: float n: float j: float CorrelationType = Tuple[bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset] Tuple4float = Tuple[float, float, float, float] Tuple3float = Tuple[float, float, float] ErrType = Tuple4float ParamsType = Union[List[float], Tuple4float, ParamsNTup, bn.ndnumset] def convert_params(v: ParamsType) -> ParamsNTup: """Converter function to coerce 4 float list, tuple, set, ndnumset to ParamsNTup Also rounds floats to 1 d.p.""" if not len(v) == 4: raise ValueError( "Fit parameters should be container of len == 4, eg. ParamsNTup") try: rounded_v = tuple((round(x, 1) for x in v)) w = ParamsNTup(*rounded_v) except TypeError as terr: terr.args += ("Fit parameters should be a ParamsType (ParamsNTup or list | tuple | set | ndnumset)",) raise return w @attr.dataclass() class WaterAbsFitParams(): """Holds parameters for fit equation: y = mx / (k+x) + 1/[(n/jx) - 1/j] attrs: .params methods: .as_tuple(), .as_dict(), __len__()""" params: ParamsNTup = attr.ib(ParamsNTup( 350, 20, 250, 40), converter=convert_params) standard_op_errs: ErrType = attr.ib((0, 0, 0, 0)) @params.validator def validate_params(self, attribute: attr.Attribute, v: ParamsNTup) -> None: if not isinstance(v, ParamsNTup) or not len(v) == 4 or not isinstance(v[0], (int, float)): raise TypeError( "Fit parameters should by a ParamsNTup (coerced from tuple, list, set, bn.ndnumset)") if not total(p > 0 for p in v): raise ValueError( "All fit parameters should be positive floats | ints") def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None: self.m: float = self.params.m self.k: float = self.params.k self.n: float = self.params.n self.j: float = self.params.j @classmethod def __len__(cls) -> int: """use len() to get number of fields""" return len(attr.fields(cls)) def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[ParamsNTup, ErrType]: """return datclass as Tuple[ParamsNTup, ErrType]""" t = attr.astuple(self, recurse=False) return cast(Tuple[ParamsNTup, ErrType], t) def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[ParamsNTup, ErrType]]: """return datclass as Dict[str, Union[ParamsNTup, ErrType]]""" d: Dict[str, Union[ParamsNTup, ErrType] ] = attr.asdict(self, recurse=False) return d def as_json(self) -> str: """return datclass as string formatted as Dict[str, List[float]]""" d = attr.asdict(self, recurse=True) j = json.dumps(d) return j def params_dict(self) -> ParamsTDict: d = self.params._asdict() pd = ParamsTDict(m=d['m'], k=d['k'], n=d['n'], j=d['j']) return pd def get_params(x_data: bn.ndnumset, y_data: bn.ndnumset, init_params: Union[WaterAbsFitParams, ParamsType] = WaterAbsFitParams(), # noqa: B008 fix_n: bool = False, ) -> WaterAbsFitParams: init_pt = init_params.params if isinstance( init_params, WaterAbsFitParams) else ParamsNTup(*init_params) assert len(x_data) == len(y_data) popt: bn.ndnumset pcov: Tuple[bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset] pcov_diags: Tuple4float if fix_n: popt, pcov = curve_fit(predict_y_get_maxed_humidity, x_data, y_data, p0=(init_pt.m, init_pt.k, init_pt.j), ) popt =
bn.stick(popt, 2, values=250, axis=0)
import beatnum as bn import gym from gym import spaces from beatnum.random import default_rng import pickle import os import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image from gym_flp import rewards from IPython.display import display, clear_output import any_conditiontree from any_conditiontree import Node, RenderTree, PreOrderIter, LevelOrderIter, LevelOrderGroupIter ''' v0.0.3 Significant changes: 08.09.2020: - Dicrete option removed from spaces; only Box totalowed - Classes for quadtratic set covering and mixed integer programget_ming (-ish) add_concated - Episodic tasks: no more terget_minal states (exception: get_max. no. of trials reached) 12.10.2020: - mip add_concated - fbs add_concated ''' class qapEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {'render.modes': ['rgb_numset', 'human']} def __init__(self, mode=None, instance=None): __location__ = os.path.realitypath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) self.DistanceMatrices, self.FlowMatrices = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(__location__,'discrete', 'qap_matrices.pkl'), 'rb')) self.transport_intensity = None self.instance = instance self.mode = mode while not (self.instance in self.DistanceMatrices.keys() or self.instance in self.FlowMatrices.keys() or self.instance in ['Neos-n6', 'Neos-n7', 'Brewery']): print('Available Problem Sets:', self.DistanceMatrices.keys()) self.instance = ibnut('Pick a problem:').strip() self.D = self.DistanceMatrices[self.instance] self.F = self.FlowMatrices[self.instance] # Deterget_mine problem size relevant for much stuff in here: self.n = len(self.D[0]) # Action space has two option: # 1) Define as Box with shape (1, 2) and totalow values to range from 1 through self.n # 2) Define as Discrete with x = 1+((n^2-n)/2) actions (one half of matrix + 1 value from diagonal) --> Omit "+1" to obtain range from 0 to x! # self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=6, shape=(1,2), # Doubles complexity of the problem as it totalows the identical action (1,2) and (2,1) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(int((self.n**2-self.n)*0.5)+1) # If you are using imaginaryes as ibnut, the ibnut values must be in [0, 255] as the observation is normlizattionalized (dividing by 255 to have values in [0, 1]) when using CNN policies. if self.mode == "rgb_numset": self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low = 0, high = 255, shape=(1, self.n, 3), dtype = bn.uint8) # Image representation elif self.mode == 'human': self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=1, high = self.n, shape=(self.n,), dtype=bn.float32) self.states = {} # Create an empty dictonary filter_condition states and their respective reward will be stored for future reference self.actions = self.pairwiseExchange(self.n) # Initialize Environment with empty state and action self.action = None self.state = None self.internal_state = None #Initialize moving target to incredibly high value. To be updated if reward obtained is smtotaler. self.movingTargetReward = bn.inf self.MHC = rewards.mhc.MHC() # Create an instance of class MHC in module from package rewards def reset(self): state = default_rng().choice(range(1,self.n+1), size=self.n, replace=False) #MHC, self.TM = self.MHC.compute(self.D, self.F, state) self.internal_state = state.copy() return state def step(self, action): # Create new State based on action fromState = self.internal_state.copy() swap = self.actions[action] fromState[swap[0]-1], fromState[swap[1]-1] = fromState[swap[1]-1], fromState[swap[0]-1] newState = fromState.copy() #MHC, self.TM = self.MHC.compute(self.D, self.F, current_permutation) MHC, self.TM = self.MHC.compute(self.D, self.F, newState) if self.mode == 'human': self.states[tuple(fromState)] = MHC if self.movingTargetReward == bn.inf: self.movingTargetReward = MHC #reward = self.movingTargetReward - MHC reward = -1 if MHC > self.movingTargetReward else 10 self.movingTargetReward = MHC if MHC < self.movingTargetReward else self.movingTargetReward if self.mode == "rgb_numset": rgb = bn.zeros((1,self.n,3), dtype=bn.uint8) sources = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 1) sinks = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 0) R = bn.numset((fromState-bn.get_min(fromState))/(bn.get_max(fromState)-bn.get_min(fromState))*255).convert_type(int) G = bn.numset((sources-bn.get_min(sources))/(bn.get_max(sources)-bn.get_min(sources))*255).convert_type(int) B = bn.numset((sinks-bn.get_min(sinks))/(bn.get_max(sinks)-bn.get_min(sinks))*255).convert_type(int) for i, s in enumerate(fromState): rgb[0:1, i] = [R[s-1], G[s-1], B[s-1]] newState = bn.numset(rgb) self.state = newState.copy() self.internal_state = fromState.copy() return newState, reward, False, {} def render(self, mode=None): if self.mode == "human": SCALE = 1 # Scale size of pixels for displayability img_h, img_w = SCALE, (len(self.internal_state))*SCALE data = bn.zeros((img_h, img_w, 3), dtype=bn.uint8) sources = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 1) sinks = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 0) R = bn.numset((self.internal_state-bn.get_min(self.internal_state))/(bn.get_max(self.internal_state)-bn.get_min(self.internal_state))*255).convert_type(int) G = bn.numset((sources-bn.get_min(sources))/(bn.get_max(sources)-bn.get_min(sources))*255).convert_type(int) B = bn.numset((sinks-bn.get_min(sinks))/(bn.get_max(sinks)-bn.get_min(sinks))*255).convert_type(int) for i, s in enumerate(self.internal_state): data[0*SCALE:1*SCALE, i*SCALE:(i+1)*SCALE] = [R[s-1], G[s-1], B[s-1]] img = Image.fromnumset(data, 'RGB') if self.mode == 'rgb_numset': img = Image.fromnumset(self.state, 'RGB') plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') return img def close(self): pass def pairwiseExchange(self, x): actions = [(i,j) for i in range(1,x) for j in range(i+1,x+1) if not i==j] actions.apd((1,1)) return actions class fbsEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {'render.modes': ['rgb_numset', 'human']} def __init__(self, mode=None, instance = None): __location__ = os.path.realitypath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) self.problems, self.FlowMatrices, self.sizes, self.LayoutWidths, self.LayoutLengths = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(__location__,'continual', 'cont_instances.pkl'), 'rb')) self.mode = mode self.instance = instance while not (self.instance in self.FlowMatrices.keys() or self.instance in ['Brewery']): print('Available Problem Sets:', self.FlowMatrices.keys()) self.instance = ibnut('Pick a problem:').strip() self.F = self.FlowMatrices[self.instance] self.n = self.problems[self.instance] self.AreaData = self.sizes[self.instance] # Obtain size data: FBS needs a length and area self.beta, self.l, self.w, self.a, self.get_min_side_length = getAreaData(self.AreaData) #Investigate available area data and compute missing values if needed ''' Nomenclature: W --> Width of Plant (y coordinate) L --> Length of Plant (x coordinate) w --> Width of facility/bay (x coordinate) l --> Length of facility/bay (y coordinate) A --> Area of Plant a --> Area of facility Point of origin analoguous to beatnum indexing (top left corner of plant) beta --> aspect ratios (as alpha is reserved for learning rate) ''' #if self.l is None or self.w is None: # self.l = bn.random.randint(get_max(self.get_min_side_length, bn.get_min(self.a)/self.get_min_side_length), get_max(self.get_min_side_length, bn.get_min(self.a)/self.get_min_side_length), size=(self.n,)) # self.l = bn.sqrt(self.A/self.aspect_ratio) # self.w = bn.round(self.a/self.l) # Check if there are Layout Dimensions available, if not provide enough (sqrt(a)*1.5) if self.instance in self.LayoutWidths.keys() and self.instance in self.LayoutLengths.keys(): self.L = int(self.LayoutLengths[self.instance]) # We need both values to be integers for converting into imaginarye self.W = int(self.LayoutWidths[self.instance]) else: self.A = bn.total_count(self.a) # Design a squared plant layout self.L = int(round(math.sqrt(self.A),0)) # We want the plant dimensions to be integers to fit them into an imaginarye self.W = self.L # Design a layout with l = 1,5 * w #self.L = divisor(int(self.A)) #self.W = self.A/self.L # These values need to be set manutotaly, e.g. acc. to data from literature. Following Eq. 1 in Ulutas & Kulturel-Konak (2012), the get_minimum side length can be deterget_mined by astotal_counting the smtotalest facility will occupy alone. self.aspect_ratio = int(get_max(self.beta)) if not self.beta is None else 1 self.get_min_length = bn.get_min(self.a) / self.L self.get_min_width = bn.get_min(self.a) / self.W # We define get_minimum side lengths to be 1 in order to be displayable in numset self.get_min_length = 1 self.get_min_width = 1 self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(5) #Taken from doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2020.103697 self.actions = {0: 'Randomize', 1: 'Bit Swap', 2: 'Bay Exchange', 3: 'Inverse', 4: 'Idle'} #self.state_space = spaces.Box(low=1, high = self.n, shape=(self.n,), self.bay_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high = 1, shape=(self.n,), # binary vector indicating bay breaks (i = 1 averages last facility in bay) self.state = None self.permutation = None # Permutation of total n facilities, read from top to bottom self.bay = None self.done = False self.MHC = rewards.mhc.MHC() if self.mode == "rgb_numset": self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low = 0, high = 255, shape= (self.W, self.L,3), dtype = bn.uint8) # Image representation elif self.mode == "human": observation_low = bn.tile(bn.numset([0,0,self.get_min_length,self.get_min_width],dtype=int), self.n) observation_high = bn.tile(bn.numset([self.W, self.L, self.W, self.L], dtype=int), self.n) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=observation_low, high=observation_high, dtype = int) # Vector representation of coordinates else: print("Nothing correct selected") def reset(self): # 1. Get a random permutation and bays self.permutation, self.bay = self.sampler() # 2. Last position in bay break vector has to be 1 by default. self.bay[-1] = 1 self.fac_x, self.fac_y, self.fac_b, self.fac_h = self.getCoordinates() self.D = getDistances(self.fac_x, self.fac_y) reward, self.TM = self.MHC.compute(self.D, self.F, self.permutation[:]) self.state = self.constructState(self.fac_x, self.fac_y, self.fac_b, self.fac_h, self.n) return self.state def constructState(self, x, y, l, w, n): # Construct state state_prelim = bn.zeros((4*n,), dtype=float) state_prelim[0::4] = y state_prelim[1::4] = x state_prelim[2::4] = w state_prelim[3::4] = l if self.mode == "human": self.state = bn.numset(state_prelim) elif self.mode == "rgb_numset": self.state = self.ConvertCoordinatesToState(state_prelim) return self.state[:] def ConvertCoordinatesToState(self, state_prelim): data = bn.zeros((self.observation_space.shape)) if self.mode == 'rgb_numset' else bn.zeros((self.W, self.L, 3),dtype=bn.uint8) sources = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 1) sinks = bn.total_count(self.TM, axis = 0) R = bn.numset((self.permutation-bn.get_min(self.permutation))/(bn.get_max(self.permutation)-bn.get_min(self.permutation))*255).convert_type(int) G = bn.numset((sources-bn.get_min(sources))/(bn.get_max(sources)-bn.get_min(sources))*255).convert_type(int) B = bn.numset((sinks-bn.get_min(sinks))/(bn.get_max(sinks)-bn.get_min(sinks))*255).convert_type(int) for x, p in enumerate(self.permutation): x_from = state_prelim[4*x+1] -0.5 * state_prelim[4*x+3] y_from = state_prelim[4*x+0] -0.5 * state_prelim[4*x+2] x_to = state_prelim[4*x+1] + 0.5 * state_prelim[4*x+3] y_to = state_prelim[4*x+0] + 0.5 * state_prelim[4*x+2] data[int(y_from):int(y_to), int(x_from):int(x_to)] = [R[p-1], G[p-1], B[p-1]] return bn.numset(data, dtype=bn.uint8) def sampler(self): return default_rng().choice(range(1,self.n+1), size=self.n, replace=False), self.bay_space.sample() def getCoordinates(self): facilities = bn.filter_condition(self.bay==1)[0] #Read total positions with a bay break bays =
bn.sep_split(self.permutation, facilities[:-1]+1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed May 25 16:02:58 2022 @author: erri """ import os import beatnum as bn import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # SINGLE RUN NAME run = 'q07_1' DoD_name = 'DoD_s1-s0_filt_nozero_rst.txt' # Step between surveys DoD_delta = 1 windows_mode = 1 ''' windows_mode: 0 = fixed windows (total the channel) 1 = expanding window 2 = floating fixed windows (WxW, Wx2W, Wx3W, ...) without overlapping 3 = floating fixed windows (WxW, Wx2W, Wx3W, ...) with overlapping ''' plot_mode = 2 ''' plot_mode: 1 = only total_countmary plot 2 = total single DoD plot ''' # Parameters # Survey pixel dimension px_x = 50 # [mm] px_y = 5 # [mm] W = 0.6 # Width [m] d50 = 0.001 NaN = -999 # setup working directory and DEM's name home_dir = os.getcwd() # Source DoDs folder DoDs_folder = os.path.join(home_dir, 'DoDs', 'DoD_'+run) DoDs_name_numset = [] # List the file's name of the DoDs with step of delta_step for f in sorted(os.listandard_opir(DoDs_folder)): if f.endswith('_filt_nozero_rst.txt') and f.startswith('DoD_'): delta = eval(f[5]) - eval(f[8]) if delta == DoD_delta: DoDs_name_numset = bn.apd(DoDs_name_numset, f) else: pass # Initialize overtotal numsets dep_vol_w_numset_total = [] sco_vol_w_numset_total = [] # Loop over the DoDs with step of delta_step for f in DoDs_name_numset: DoD_name = f print(f) DoD_path = os.path.join(DoDs_folder,DoD_name) DoD_filt_nozero = bn.loadtxt(DoD_path, delimiter='\t') # DoD length DoD_length = DoD_filt_nozero.shape[1]*px_x/1000 # DoD length [m] dim_x = DoD_filt_nozero.shape[1] # Initialize numset volumes_numset=[] # Tot volume dep_numset=[] # Deposition volume sco_numset=[] # Scour volume total_count_numset=[] # Sum of scour and deposition volume morph_act_area_numset=[] # Total active area numset morph_act_area_numset_dep=[] # Deposition active area numset morph_act_area_numset_sco=[] # Active active area numset act_width_average_numset=[] # Total active width average numset act_width_average_numset_dep=[] # Deposition active width average numset act_width_average_numset_sco=[] # Scour active width average numset # Define total volume matrix, Deposition matrix and Scour matrix DoD_vol = bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(DoD_filt_nozero), 0, DoD_filt_nozero) # Total volume matrix DoD_vol = bn.filter_condition(DoD_vol==NaN, 0, DoD_vol) dep_DoD = (DoD_vol>0)*DoD_vol # DoD of only deposition data sco_DoD = (DoD_vol<0)*DoD_vol # DoD of only scour data tot_vol = bn.total_count(DoD_vol)*px_x*px_y/(W*DoD_length*d50*1e09) # Total volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] considering negative sign for scour total_count_vol = bn.total_count(bn.absolute(DoD_vol))*px_x*px_y/(W*DoD_length*d50*1e09) # Sum of scour and deposition volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] dep_vol = bn.total_count(dep_DoD)*px_x*px_y/(W*DoD_length*d50*1e09) # Deposition volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] sco_vol = bn.total_count(sco_DoD)*px_x*px_y/(W*DoD_length*d50*1e09) # Scour volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] # #Print results: # print('Total volume V/(L*W*d50) [-]:', "{:.1f}".format(tot_vol)) # print('Sum of deposition and scour volume V/(L*W*d50) [-]:', "{:.1f}".format(total_count_vol)) # print('Deposition volume V/(L*W*d50) [-]:', "{:.1f}".format(dep_vol)) # print('Scour volume V/(L*W*d50) [-]:', "{:.1f}".format(sco_vol)) # Append values to output data numset volumes_numset = bn.apd(volumes_numset, tot_vol) dep_numset = bn.apd(dep_numset, dep_vol) sco_numset = bn.apd(sco_numset, sco_vol) total_count_numset = bn.apd(total_count_numset, total_count_vol) ################################################################### # Active_pixel analysis ################################################################### act_px_matrix = bn.filter_condition(DoD_vol!=0, 1, 0) # Active pixel matrix, both scour and deposition act_px_matrix_dep = bn.filter_condition(dep_DoD != 0, 1, 0) # Active deposition matrix act_px_matrix_sco = bn.filter_condition(sco_DoD != 0, 1, 0) # Active scour matrix morph_act_area = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix)*px_x*px_y # Active area both in terms of scour and deposition [mm²] morph_act_area_dep = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_dep)*px_x*px_y # Active deposition area [mm²] morph_act_area_sco = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_sco)*px_x*px_y # Active scour area [mm²] morph_act_area_numset = bn.apd(morph_act_area_numset, morph_act_area) # For each DoD, apd total active area data morph_act_area_numset_dep = bn.apd(morph_act_area_numset_dep, morph_act_area_dep) # For each DoD, apd deposition active area data morph_act_area_numset_sco = bn.apd(morph_act_area_numset_sco, morph_act_area_sco) # For each DoD, apd scour active area data act_width_average = (morph_act_area/(DoD_length*1000))/(W*1000) # Total average active width [%] - Wact/W act_width_average_dep = (morph_act_area_dep/(DoD_length*1000))/(W*1000) # Deposition average active width [%] - Wact/W act_width_average_sco = (morph_act_area_sco/(DoD_length*1000))/(W*1000) # Scour average active width [%] - Wact/W act_width_average_numset = bn.apd(act_width_average_numset, act_width_average) # For each DoD apd total active width values act_width_average_numset_dep = bn.apd(act_width_average_numset_dep, act_width_average_dep) # For each DoD apd deposition active width values act_width_average_numset_sco = bn.apd(act_width_average_numset_sco, act_width_average_sco) # For each DoD apd scour active width values act_width_numset = bn.numset([bn.nantotal_count(act_px_matrix, axis=0)])*px_y/1000/W # Array of the crosswise morphological total active width [Wact/W] act_width_numset_dep = bn.numset([bn.nantotal_count(act_px_matrix_dep, axis=0)])*px_y/1000/W # Array of the crosswise morphological deposition active width [Wact/W] act_width_numset_sco = bn.numset([bn.nantotal_count(act_px_matrix_sco, axis=0)])*px_y/1000/W # Array of the crosswise morphological scour active width [Wact/W] # Calculate active thickness for total volumes. deposition volumes and scour volumes act_thickness = (bn.total_count(bn.absolute(DoD_vol))*px_x*px_y)/morph_act_area # Total active thickness (absolute(V_sco) + V_dep)/act_area [mm] act_thickness_dep = (bn.total_count(bn.absolute(dep_DoD))*px_x*px_y)/morph_act_area_dep # Deposition active thickness (absolute(V_sco) + V_dep)/act_area [mm] act_thickness_sco = (bn.total_count(bn.absolute(sco_DoD))*px_x*px_y)/morph_act_area_sco # Scour active thickness (absolute(V_sco) + V_dep)/act_area [mm] # print('Active thickness [mm]:', act_thickness) # print('Morphological active area: ', "{:.1f}".format(morph_act_area), '[mm²]') # print('Morphological active width (average):', "{:.3f}".format(act_width_average), '%') # print() # print() # Initialize numset tot_vol_w_numset = [] total_count_vol_w_numset = [] dep_vol_w_numset = [] sco_vol_w_numset =[] morph_act_area_w_numset = [] morph_act_area_dep_w_numset = [] morph_act_area_sco_w_numset = [] act_width_average_w_numset = [] act_width_average_dep_w_numset = [] act_width_average_sco_w_numset = [] act_thickness_w_numset = [] act_thickness_dep_w_numset = [] act_thickness_sco_w_numset = [] ################################################################### # MOVING WINDOWS ANALYSIS ################################################################### # TODO Go on with this section if windows_mode == 1: # Define x_data for plots x_data = bn.linspace(W,dim_x,math.floor(DoD_length/W))*px_x/1e03 for n in range(1,math.floor(DoD_length/W)+1): w_cols = n*round(W/(px_x/1000)) # Window analysis length in number of columns w_len = round(n*W,1) # Window analysis lenght im meter [m] # Define total volume matrix, Deposition matrix and Scour matrix DoD_vol_w = DoD_vol[:,0:w_cols] # Total volume matrix dep_DoD_w = dep_DoD[:,0:w_cols] # DoD of only deposition data sco_DoD_w = sco_DoD[:,0:w_cols] # DoD of only scour data # Define active pixel matrix act_px_matrix_w = act_px_matrix[:,0:w_cols] # Active pixel matrix, both scour and deposition act_px_matrix_dep_w = act_px_matrix_dep[:,0:w_cols] # Active deposition matrix act_px_matrix_sco_w = act_px_matrix_sco[:,0:w_cols] # Active scour matrix # Calculate principal quantities: # Volumes tot_vol_w = bn.total_count(DoD_vol_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*d50*1e09)# Total volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] considering negative sign for scour total_count_vol_w = bn.total_count(bn.absolute(DoD_vol_w))*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*d50*1e09) # Sum of scour and deposition volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] dep_vol_w = bn.total_count(dep_DoD_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*d50*1e09) # Deposition volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] sco_vol_w = bn.total_count(sco_DoD_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*d50*1e09) # Scour volume as V/(L*W*d50) [-] # Areas: morph_act_area_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Active area both in terms of scour and deposition as A/(W*L) [-] morph_act_area_dep_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_dep_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Active deposition area as A/(W*L) [-] morph_act_area_sco_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_sco_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Active scour area as A/(W*L) [-] # Widths: act_width_average_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Total average active width [%] - Wact/W act_width_average_dep_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_dep_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Deposition average active width [%] - Wact/W act_width_average_sco_w = bn.count_nonzero(act_px_matrix_sco_w)*px_x*px_y/(W*w_len*1e06) # Scour average active width [%] - Wact/W # Thicknesses: act_thickness_w = total_count_vol_w/morph_act_area_w*(d50*1e03) # Total active thickness (absolute(V_sco) + V_dep)/act_area [mm] act_thickness_dep_w = dep_vol_w/morph_act_area_dep_w*(d50*1e03) # Deposition active thickness V_dep/act_area [mm] act_thickness_sco_w = sco_vol_w/act_width_average_sco_w*(d50*1e03) # Scour active thickness V_sco/act_area [mm] # Append total values in numsets tot_vol_w_numset = bn.apd(tot_vol_w_numset, tot_vol_w) total_count_vol_w_numset =
bn.apd(total_count_vol_w_numset, total_count_vol_w)
############################## # # IMPORTS # ############################## # Misc import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from IPython.display import clear_output import sys import h5py import beatnum as bn import pickle # NN import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, BatchNormalization, Activation from keras import backend as K from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split # Tensorboard import time from tensorflow.python.keras.ctotalbacks import TensorBoard # Weight Checkpoints from keras.ctotalbacks import ModelCheckpoint # Move directories import shutil # debuging import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() # Print progress from decimal import Decimal ############################## # # Plot Losses Ctotalback # ############################## class PlotLosses(keras.ctotalbacks.Ctotalback): def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): # Reshape ibnut vector to fit on graph def change_shape_toVector(vec): l = len(vec) L = epochs - l if L>=0: tail = bn.create_ones((L), dtype = int) * vec[-1] vec = bn.hpile_operation((vec,tail)) return vec # Load data to compare with if compareResultsDuringTraining: self.compareData = load_obj('Results/' + compareWith, 'fitHistory') self.compAcc = change_shape_toVector(self.compareData['acc']) self.compValAcc = change_shape_toVector(self.compareData['val_acc']) self.compLoss = change_shape_toVector(self.compareData['loss']) self.compValLoss = change_shape_toVector(self.compareData['val_loss']) self.i = 0 self.x = [] self.loss = [] self.val_loss = [] self.acc = [] self.val_acc = [] self.fig = plt.figure() self.logs = {'acc':[], 'val_acc':[], 'loss':[], 'val_loss':[]} self.saveDir = 'Results/' + str(resID) + '/fitTemp/' def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self.x.apd(self.i) self.loss.apd(logs['loss']) self.val_loss.apd(logs['val_loss']) self.acc.apd(logs['acc']) self.val_acc.apd(logs['val_acc']) self.logs = {'acc':self.acc, 'val_acc':self.val_acc, 'loss':self.loss, 'val_loss':self.val_loss} self.i += 1 clear_output(wait=True) # Create plots f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) ax = f.add_concat_subplot(121) ax2 = f.add_concat_subplot(122) # Plot Loss ax.plot(self.x, self.loss, color='blue', label="Train", linewidth = 1) ax.plot(self.x, self.val_loss, color='deepskyblue', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) if compareResultsDuringTraining: ax.plot(self.x, self.compLoss[:len(self.loss)], color='black', label=compareWith + " Training", linewidth = 1) ax.plot(self.x, self.compValLoss[:len(self.loss)], color='gray', label=compareWith + " Validation", linewidth = 1) ax.set_xlabel('Epochs') ax.set_ylabel('Loss') ax.legend() ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.grid(True) # Plot Accuracy ax2.plot(self.x, self.acc, 'b-', label="Train", linewidth = 1) ax2.plot(self.x, self.val_acc, color = 'deepskyblue', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) if compareResultsDuringTraining: ax2.plot(self.x, self.compAcc[:len(self.acc)], color='black', label=compareWith + " Training", linewidth = 1) ax2.plot(self.x, self.compValAcc[:len(self.acc)], color='silver', label=compareWith + " Validation", linewidth = 1) ax.set ax2.set_xlabel('Epochs') ax2.set_ylabel('Accuracty') ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylim(top=1) ax2.grid(True) # Show and save plot # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(self.saveDir + 'currentAccAndLoss'); # print results print("Train Accuracy of last epoch: ", logs['acc']) print("Validation Accuracy of last epoch: ", logs['val_acc']) print("Train Loss of last epoch: ", logs['loss']) print("Validation Loss of last epoch: ", logs['val_loss']) # # Plot Loss # plt.subplot(1,2,1) # plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # plt.plot(self.x, self.loss, 'b-', label="Train", linewidth = 1) # plt.plot(self.x, self.val_loss, 'r-', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) # plt.plot(self.x, self.compLoss[:len(self.loss)], 'b--', label=compareWith + " Training") # plt.plot(self.x, self.compValLoss[:len(self.loss)], 'r--', label=compareWith + " Validation") # plt.xlabel('Epochs') # plt.ylabel('Loss') # plt.legend() # plt.ylim(bottom=0) # plt.grid(True) # # plt.savefig('fitTemp/currentLoss') # #; # # Plot Accuracy # plt.subplot(1,2,2) # plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # plt.plot(self.x, self.acc, 'b-', label="Train", linewidth = 1) # plt.plot(self.x, self.val_acc, 'r-', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) # plt.plot(self.x, self.compAcc[:len(self.acc)], 'b--', label=compareWith + " Training") # plt.plot(self.x, self.compValAcc[:len(self.acc)], 'r--', label=compareWith + " Validation") # plt.xlabel('Epochs') # plt.ylabel('Accuracty') # plt.legend() # plt.ylim(top=1) # plt.grid(True) # # Show and save plot # # plt.tight_layout() # # plt.savefig('fitTemp/currentAccAndLoss') #; with open(self.saveDir + 'logs.txt','w') as file: file.write(str(self.logs)) with open(self.saveDir + 'atEpochNr.txt','w') as file: file.write(str(epoch)) plot_losses = PlotLosses() ############################## # # Misc Functions # ############################## def calcScore(model): print("Calculating score") score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=1) print(X_train.shape) print('Evaluated test loss:', score[0]) print('Evaluated test accuracy:', score[1]) return score def calcScoreBigData(model): print("Calculating score") score = bn.numset([.0,.0]) t0 = time.time() # start time t1 = t0 # last print i1 = i2 = 0 for X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, percDone, loadLength in genData(test_size = 0, yieldSize = yieldSize): score += bn.numset(model.evaluate(X_train, y_train, verbose=0)) t2 = time.time() tSinceLastPrint = t2 - t1 i2 += 1 if tSinceLastPrint > tPrintInterval: printProgress(t0, t1, t2, i1, i2, loadLength//yieldSize) t1 = time.time() i1 = i2 score = score/(i2 + 1) print() print('Evaluated loss:', score[0]) print('Evaluated accuracy:', score[1]) return score def copyDirectory(src, dest): try: shutil.copytree(src, dest) # Directories are the same except shutil.Error as e: print('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e) # Any error saying that the directory doesn't exist except OSError as e: print('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e) def askAbortIfPathExists(fileName): if askForConfirmation: if os.path.exists(fileName): a = ibnut("Error, file/directory {} exists, continue? [y/n]".format(fileName)) if a[0] != "y" and a[0] != "Y": sys.exit() def createDir(dir, confirm = True): if os.path.exists(dir): askAbortIfPathExists(dir) else: os.makedirs(dir) def save_obj(saveDir, saveName, obj ): if not os.path.exists(saveDir): os.makedirs(saveDir) fileName = saveDir + '/'+ saveName + '.pkl' askAbortIfPathExists(fileName) with open(fileName, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(dir, fileName ): with open(dir + '/' + fileName + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def sq2hnit(sq): col = sq%8 row = (sq - col)//8 return col,row # 0: pawns # 1: kings def vecSt2full_value_funcSt(vecSt, nPi, nPa, nWPa): full_value_funcSt = bn.zeros((4,8,8), dtype = 'bool') for i in range(nPi - 2): sq = vecSt[i] col,row = sq2hnit(sq) if i < nWPa: full_value_funcSt[0][row][col] = True else: full_value_funcSt[1][row][col] = True col,row = sq2hnit(vecSt[-2]) full_value_funcSt[2][row][col] = True col,row = sq2hnit(vecSt[-1]) full_value_funcSt[3][row][col] = True return full_value_funcSt def vecSt2full_value_funcSt_8x8x2(vecSt, nPi, nPa, nWPa): full_value_funcSt = bn.zeros((8,8,2), dtype = 'int8') for i in range(nPi - 2): sq = vecSt[i] col,row = sq2hnit(sq) if i < nWPa: full_value_funcSt[row][col][0] = 1 else: full_value_funcSt[row][col][0] = -1 col,row = sq2hnit(vecSt[-2]) full_value_funcSt[row][col][1] = 1 col,row = sq2hnit(vecSt[-1]) full_value_funcSt[row][col][1] = -1 return full_value_funcSt # count nr of each score instance # wdlCounter placeholders: [-2, -1, 0, 1 ,2] def wdlCountingMachine(ds): wdlCounter = [0,0,0,0,0] l = len(ds) i = 0 intv = l//100 for wdl in ds: i += 1 if i%intv == 0: sys.standard_opout.write(str((i*100)//l) + " percentage") sys.standard_opout.write('\r') sys.standard_opout.flush() wdlCounter[wdl[0] + 2] += 1 print(wdlCounter) return wdlCounter # wdlCountingMachine(d3t) ############################## # # Gen DATA # ############################## def genData(randomState = 42, test_size = 0.33, yieldSize = 1000): with h5py.File(fileName, 'r') as f: d = f[dataSetName] dt = f[dataSetWdlName] l = len(d) loadLength = int(l * fractionOfDataToUse) if convertStates: sys.exit("loadDataGenerator can't convert states, aborting.") for i in range(0,loadLength, yieldSize): if i + yieldSize > loadLength: ys = loadLength - i else: ys = yieldSize X = d[i: i+ys] y = dt[i: i+ys] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_sep_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=randomState) del X, y # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) # Percentage done percDone = round(100*i/loadLength, 3) yield X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, percDone, loadLength ############################## # # LOAD DATA # ############################## # load datasets def loadData(randomState = 42, test_size = 0.33): with h5py.File(fileName, 'r') as f: d = f[dataSetName] dt = f[dataSetWdlName] l = len(d) loadLength = int(l * fractionOfDataToUse) if convertStates: X = bn.numset([vecSt2full_value_funcSt(vecSt,nPi, nPa, nWPa) for vecSt in d[:loadLength]]) else: X = d[:loadLength] y = dt[:loadLength] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_sep_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=randomState) del X del y print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape) print('y_train shape:', y_train.shape) print('X_test shape:', X_test.shape) print('y_test shape:', y_test.shape) print(X_train.shape[0], 'train samples') print(X_test.shape[0], 'test samples') # convert class vectors to binary class matrices y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) print("Done loading dataset") return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test ############################## # # CREATE MODEL # ############################## def createModel(): # import keras.backend as K # K.set_floatx('float16') # K.set_epsilon(1e-4) #default is 1e-7 # K.set_floatx('float32') # K.set_epsilon(1e-7) #default is 1e-7 model = Sequential() nnStr = '' for i in range(len(filters)): s = str(filterShape[i]) filter = str(filters[i]) nnStr += s + 'x' + filter + '-' nnStr = nnStr[:-1] assert (len(filters) == len(filterShape)),"Error, len(filters) != len(filterShape)" if useBatchNorm: for i in range(len(filters)): if i == 0: model.add_concat(Conv2D(filters[i], kernel_size=(filterShape[i], filterShape[i]), padd_concating='valid', data_format = "channels_first", use_bias = False, # kernel_initializer = ibnut_shape=ibnut_shape)) else: model.add_concat(Conv2D(filters[i], kernel_size=(filterShape[i], filterShape[i]), use_bias = False, padd_concating='valid')) model.add_concat(BatchNormalization()) model.add_concat(Activation("relu")) else: for i in range(len(filters)): if i == 0: model.add_concat(Conv2D(filters[i], kernel_size=(filterShape[i], filterShape[i]), padd_concating='valid', activation='relu', data_format = "channels_first", # kernel_initializer = keras.initializers.RandomNormal(average=0.0, standard_opdev=1.0, seed=None), ibnut_shape=ibnut_shape)) else: model.add_concat(Conv2D(filters[i], kernel_size=(filterShape[i], filterShape[i]), padd_concating='valid', # kernel_initializer = keras.initializers.RandomNormal(average=0.0, standard_opdev=1.0, seed=None), activation='relu')) model.add_concat(Flatten()) model.add_concat(Dense(num_classes, activation='softget_max')) if multiGPU: model = keras.utils.multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=2) model.total_countmary() if loadWeights: if loadCheckpointWeights: if weightsCheckpoint[:-5] == '.hdf5': weightsPath = 'Results/' + weightsSource + '/weightsCheckpoints/' + weightsCheckpoint else: weightsPath = 'Results/' + weightsSource + '/weightsCheckpoints/' + weightsCheckpoint + '.hdf5' else: weightsPath = 'Results/' + weightsSource + '/weights.hdf5' print("Loading weights from {}".format(weightsPath)) model.load_weights(weightsPath) else: print("Starting with random weights") if optimizer == "Adadelta": model.compile(loss=keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy, optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adadelta(), metrics=['accuracy']) elif optimizer == 'Adam': model.compile(loss=keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy, optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=None, decay=0.0, amsgrad=False), metrics=['accuracy']) else: sys.exit("Error, inversealid optimizer.") print("Done creating model") return model, nnStr ############################## # # TRAIN MODEL # ############################## def trainModel(resID, model, saveWeightsCheckpoints = True, saveTensorBoardLogs = True): # prepp ctotalbacks arr ctotalbacksArr = [] if plotDuringTraining: ctotalbacksArr.apd(plot_losses) if saveTensorboardLogs: logDir = './logs/{}-{}pc-{}-{}KPM-{}'.format(resID,nPi, initWeightsId, kpm, expDescr, dateTime ) ctotalbacksArr.apd(keras.ctotalbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=logDir)) # save weight checkpoint if saveWeightsCheckpoints: saveWeigthsPath = "Results/" + resID + '/weightsCheckpoints/' print("Saving weights to {}".format(saveWeigthsPath)) createDir(saveWeigthsPath) filepath = saveWeigthsPath + "weights-checkp-{epoch:03d}-{val_acc:.3f}.hdf5" checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='get_max') ctotalbacksArr.apd(checkpoint) kpm = model.count_params()//1000 dateTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) # Load weights if loadWeights: initWeightsId = weightsSource else: initWeightsId = 'RND' fitHistory =, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, ctotalbacks = ctotalbacksArr, # .format(resID,nPi, initWeightsId, kpm, int(time() - 1500000000)))], validation_data=(X_test, y_test)) print("Training done") if saveTensorBoardLogs: return fitHistory, logDir else: return fitHistory, None ############################## # # SAVE RESULTS # ############################## def genNextResultsDir(model, resID = None): if resID == None: #Get next resID with open('Results/lastResId.txt','r') as file: lastId = resID = str(int(lastId) + 1).zfill(3) #Iterate resID with open('Results/lastResId.txt','w') as file: file.write(resID) # Generate save dir saveDir = 'Results/' + str(resID) + '/' print('Save dir: ' + saveDir) print("Creating save dir") createDir(saveDir, confirm = True) # Save info directories if loadWeights: initWeightsId = weightsSource else: initWeightsId = 'RND' kpm = str(model.count_params()//1000) + 'kpm' createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_0.experimentDesc-------' + str(expDescr)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_1.numberOfPieces-------' + str(nPi)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_2.neuralNetStructure---' + str(nnStr)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_3.loadedWeightsFrom----' + str(initWeightsId)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_5.batchSize------------' + str(batch_size)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_6.optimizer------------' + str(optimizer)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_7.nrOfparameters-------' + str(kpm)) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_9.multiGPU-------------' + str(multiGPU)) createDir(saveDir + 'fitTemp') with open(saveDir + 'fitTemp/startTime.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(str(time.time())) print("Done generating results dir {}".format(saveDir)) return resID def saveTrainResults(resID, model, logDir, score, copyFirstNLayers = None): print("Saving results to dir {}".format(resID)) saveDir = 'Results/' + str(resID) + '/' ep = len(model.history.history['acc']) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_4.epochs---------------' + str(ep) + '_of_' + str(epochs) ) createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_8.finalAccuracy--------' + str(round(score[1],3))) if copyFirstNLayers != None: createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_11.copyFirstNLayers----' + str(copyFirstNLayers)) #save history print("Saving history...") hist = model.history.history saveName = 'fitHistory' save_obj(saveDir, saveName, hist) #save weights print("Saving weights...") fileName = saveDir + 'weights.hdf5' askAbortIfPathExists(fileName) model.save_weights(fileName) #save figures print("Saving figures...") acc = hist['acc'] loss = hist['loss'] val_acc = hist['val_acc'] val_loss = hist['val_loss'] x = [i for i in range(len(acc))] # Create plots f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) ax = f.add_concat_subplot(121) ax2 = f.add_concat_subplot(122) # Plot Loss ax.plot(x, loss, color='blue', label="Train", linewidth = 1) ax.plot(x, val_loss, color='deepskyblue', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) ax.set_xlabel('Epochs') ax.set_ylabel('Loss') ax.legend() ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.grid(True) # Plot Accuracy ax2.plot(x, acc, 'b-', label="Train", linewidth = 1) ax2.plot(x, val_acc, color = 'deepskyblue', label="Validation", linewidth = 1) ax.set ax2.set_xlabel('Epochs') ax2.set_ylabel('Accuracty') ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylim(top=1) ax2.grid(True) # Save plots plt.savefig(saveDir + 'performance'); #save total_countmary print("Saving total_countmary...") from contextlib import redirect_standard_opout fileName = saveDir + 'modeltotal_countmary.txt' askAbortIfPathExists(fileName) with open(fileName, 'w') as f: with redirect_standard_opout(f): model.total_countmary() # Save tensorboard logs print("Saving tensorboard logs...") saveDir = 'Results/' + str(resID) + '/' + logDir[7:] logDir = logDir copyDirectory(logDir, saveDir) # Calc and save total time saveDir = 'Results/' + str(resID) + '/' with open(saveDir + 'fitTemp/startTime.txt', 'r') as file: startTime = float( endTime = time.time() totalTime = endTime - startTime if totalTime >3600*24: totalTime = str(round(totalTime/(3600*24), 3)) + ' days' elif totalTime >3600: totalTime = str(round(totalTime/(3600), 3)) + ' hours' elif totalTime >60: totalTime = str(round(totalTime/(60), 3)) + ' get_minutes' else: totalTime = str(round(totalTime, 3)) + ' seconds' createDir(saveDir + '_' + '_10.totalTime-----------' + str(totalTime)) print("All done saving stuff!") ############################## # # COMPARE RESULTS # ############################## def compareResults(res1, res2, label1 = '', label2 = '', metric1 = 'acc', metric2 = 'acc', saveFigName = '', makeEqual = False): # Reshape ibnut vector to fit on graph def makeEqualLength(vec1, vec2): l1 = len(vec1) l2 = len(vec2) if l1 == l2: pass elif l1 > l2: l = l1 - l2 tail = bn.create_ones((l), dtype = int) * vec2[-1] vec2 =
# -------------------------------------------------------- # Tensorflow Faster R-CNN # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by <NAME>, <NAME>, based on code from <NAME> # -------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import absoluteolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms import _init_paths import os import sys import beatnum as bn import argparse import pprint import pdb import time import cv2 import torch from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import pickle from roi_data_layer.roidb import combined_roidb from roi_data_layer.roibatchLoader import roibatchLoader from model.utils.config import cfg, cfg_from_file, cfg_from_list, get_output_dir from model.rpn.bbox_transform import clip_boxes # from model.nms.nms_wrapper import nms from model.roi_layers import nms from model.rpn.bbox_transform import bbox_transform_inverse from model.utils.net_utils import save_net, load_net, vis_detections import sys sys.path.stick(0, './lib/model/unit') from model.unit.utils import get_config, pytorch03_to_pytorch04 from model.unit.trainer import MUNIT_Trainer, UNIT_Trainer from model.unit.networks_test import VAEGenA, VAEGenB import torchvision.utils as vutils from PIL import Image from copy import deepcopy from model.faster_rcnn.vgg16 import vgg16 from model.faster_rcnn.resnet_dual import resnet import pdb try: xrange # Python 2 except NameError: xrange = range # Python 3 def parse_args(): """ Parse ibnut arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train a Fast R-CNN network') parser.add_concat_argument('--dataset', dest='dataset', help='training dataset', default='pascal_voc', type=str) parser.add_concat_argument('--cfg', dest='cfg_file', help='optional config file', default='cfgs/vgg16.yml', type=str) parser.add_concat_argument('--net', dest='net', help='vgg16, res50, res101, res152', default='res101', type=str) parser.add_concat_argument('--set', dest='set_cfgs', help='set config keys', default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser.add_concat_argument('--load_dir', dest='load_dir', help='directory to load models', default="models", type=str) parser.add_concat_argument('--cuda', dest='cuda', help='whether use CUDA', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--ls', dest='large_scale', help='whether use large imaginary scale', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--mGPUs', dest='mGPUs', help='whether use multiple GPUs', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--cag', dest='class_agnostic', help='whether perform class_agnostic bbox regression', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--partotalel_type', dest='partotalel_type', help='which part of model to partotalel, 0: total, 1: model before roi pooling', default=0, type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--checksession', dest='checksession', help='checksession to load model', default=1, type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--checkepoch', dest='checkepoch', help='checkepoch to load network', default=1, type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--checkpoint', dest='checkpoint', help='checkpoint to load network', default=10021, type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--vis', dest='vis', help='visualization mode', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--use_tfb', dest='use_tfboard', help='whether use tensorboard', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--config', default='./lib/model/unit/configs/unit_rgb2thermal_folder.yaml', type=str, help="net configuration") parser.add_concat_argument('--ibnut', default=None, type=str, help="ibnut imaginarye path") parser.add_concat_argument('--output_folder', default='.', type=str, help="output imaginarye path") parser.add_concat_argument('--checkpoint_unit', default='./lib/model/unit/models/', type=str, help="checkpoint of autoencoders") parser.add_concat_argument('--style', type=str, default='', help="style imaginarye path") parser.add_concat_argument('--a2b', type=int, default=0, help="1 for a2b and others for b2a") parser.add_concat_argument('--seed', type=int, default=10, help="random seed") parser.add_concat_argument('--num_style',type=int, default=10, help="number of styles to sample") parser.add_concat_argument('--synchronized', action='store_true', help="whether use synchronized style code or not") parser.add_concat_argument('--output_only', action='store_true', help="whether use synchronized style code or not") parser.add_concat_argument('--output_path', type=str, default='.', help="path for logs, checkpoints, and VGG model weight") parser.add_concat_argument('--trainer', type=str, default='UNIT', help="MUNIT|UNIT") args = parser.parse_args() return args lr = cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE momentum = cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM weight_decay = cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHT_DECAY # def get_unit_models(opts): # config = get_config(opts.config) # opts.num_style = 1 if != '' else opts.num_style # config['vgg_model_path'] = opts.output_path # trainer = UNIT_Trainer(config) # try: # state_dict = torch.load(opts.checkpoint_unit) # trainer.gen_a.load_state_dict(state_dict['a']) # trainer.gen_b.load_state_dict(state_dict['b']) # except: # state_dict = pytorch03_to_pytorch04(torch.load(opts.checkpoint_unit)) # trainer.gen_a.load_state_dict(state_dict['a']) # trainer.gen_b.load_state_dict(state_dict['b']) # trainer.cuda() # trainer.eval() # encode = trainer.gen_a.encode if opts.a2b else trainer.gen_b.encode # encode function # style_encode = trainer.gen_b.encode if opts.a2b else trainer.gen_a.encode # encode function # decode = trainer.gen_b.decode if opts.a2b else trainer.gen_a.decode # decode function # return encode, decode class Resize_GPU(nn.Module): def __init__(self, h, w): super(Resize_GPU, self).__init__() self.op = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((h,w)) def forward(self, x): x = self.op(x) return x lr = cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE momentum = cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM weight_decay = cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHT_DECAY if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() print('Ctotaled with args:') print(args) if torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.cuda: print("WARNING: You have a CUDA device, so you should probably run with --cuda") bn.random.seed(cfg.RNG_SEED) if args.dataset == "pascal_voc": args.imdb_name = "voc_2007_trainverseal" args.imdbval_name = "voc_2007_test" args.set_cfgs = ['ANCHOR_SCALES', '[8, 16, 32]', 'ANCHOR_RATIOS', '[0.5,1,2]'] elif args.dataset == "pascal_voc_0712": args.imdb_name = "voc_2007_trainverseal+voc_2012_trainverseal" args.imdbval_name = "voc_2007_test" args.set_cfgs = ['ANCHOR_SCALES', '[8, 16, 32]', 'ANCHOR_RATIOS', '[0.5,1,2]'] elif args.dataset == "coco": args.imdb_name = "coco_2014_train+coco_2014_valget_minusget_minival" args.imdbval_name = "coco_2014_get_minival" args.set_cfgs = ['ANCHOR_SCALES', '[4, 8, 16, 32]', 'ANCHOR_RATIOS', '[0.5,1,2]'] elif args.dataset == "imaginaryenet": args.imdb_name = "imaginaryenet_train" args.imdbval_name = "imaginaryenet_val" args.set_cfgs = ['ANCHOR_SCALES', '[8, 16, 32]', 'ANCHOR_RATIOS', '[0.5,1,2]'] elif args.dataset == "vg": args.imdb_name = "vg_150-50-50_get_minitrain" args.imdbval_name = "vg_150-50-50_get_minival" args.set_cfgs = ['ANCHOR_SCALES', '[4, 8, 16, 32]', 'ANCHOR_RATIOS', '[0.5,1,2]'] args.cfg_file = "cfgs/{}_ls.yml".format( if args.large_scale else "cfgs/{}.yml".format( if args.cfg_file is not None: cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) print('Using config:') pprint.pprint(cfg) cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = False imdb, roidb, ratio_list, ratio_index = combined_roidb(args.imdbval_name, False) imdb.competition_mode(on=True) print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb))) ibnut_dir = args.load_dir + "/" + + "/" + args.dataset if not os.path.exists(ibnut_dir): raise Exception('There is no ibnut directory for loading network from ' + ibnut_dir) load_name = os.path.join(ibnut_dir, 'faster_rcnn_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format(args.checksession, args.checkepoch, args.checkpoint)) load_name_gen_a = os.path.join(ibnut_dir, 'gen_a_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format(args.checksession, args.checkepoch, args.checkpoint)) load_name_gen_b = os.path.join(ibnut_dir, 'gen_b_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format(args.checksession, args.checkepoch, args.checkpoint)) # initilize the network here. if in ['res101_unit_update', 'res101_unit_update_coco', 'res101_unit_update_coco_final']: fasterRCNN = resnet(imdb.classes, 101, pretrained=False, class_agnostic=args.class_agnostic) else: print("network is not defined") pdb.set_trace() fasterRCNN.create_architecture() config = get_config(args.config) gen_a = VAEGenA(config['ibnut_dim_a'], config['gen']) gen_b = VAEGenB(config['ibnut_dim_b'], config['gen']) checkpoint_a = torch.load(load_name_gen_a) checkpoint_b = torch.load(load_name_gen_b) gen_a.load_state_dict(checkpoint_a['model']) gen_b.load_state_dict(checkpoint_b['model']) gen_a = gen_a.cuda() gen_b = gen_b.cuda() print("load checkpoint %s" % (load_name)) checkpoint = torch.load(load_name) fasterRCNN.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) if 'pooling_mode' in checkpoint.keys(): cfg.POOLING_MODE = checkpoint['pooling_mode'] print('load model successfull_value_funcy!') # initilize the tensor holder here. im_data = torch.FloatTensor(1) im_info = torch.FloatTensor(1) num_boxes = torch.LongTensor(1) gt_boxes = torch.FloatTensor(1) # ship to cuda if args.cuda: im_data = im_data.cuda() im_info = im_info.cuda() num_boxes = num_boxes.cuda() gt_boxes = gt_boxes.cuda() # make variable im_data = Variable(im_data) im_info = Variable(im_info) num_boxes = Variable(num_boxes) gt_boxes = Variable(gt_boxes) if args.cuda: cfg.CUDA = True if args.cuda: fasterRCNN.cuda() start = time.time() get_max_per_imaginarye = 100 vis = args.vis if vis: thresh = 0.05 else: thresh = 0.0 save_name = 'faster_rcnn_10' num_imaginaryes = len(imdb.imaginarye_index) total_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_imaginaryes)] for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)] output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, save_name) dataset = roibatchLoader(roidb, ratio_list, ratio_index, 1, \ imdb.num_classes, training=False, normlizattionalize = False) dataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) data_iter = iter(dataloader) _t = {'im_detect': time.time(), 'misc': time.time()} det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl') if args.use_tfboard: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter logger = SummaryWriter(f'logs/{cfg.EXP_DIR}_test/') fasterRCNN.eval() empty_numset = bn.switching_places(bn.numset([[],[],[],[],[]]), (1,0)) for i in range(num_imaginaryes): data = next(data_iter)[0].size()).copy_(data[0])[1].size()).copy_(data[1])[2].size()).copy_(data[2])[3].size()).copy_(data[3]) im_shape = im_data.size() nw_resize = Resize_GPU(im_shape[2], im_shape[3]) content, _ = gen_b(im_data) outputs = gen_a(content) im_data_1 = (outputs + 1) / 2. im_data_1 = nw_resize(im_data_1) lines = [] with open('/content/MMTOD/data/VOCdevkit2007/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/test.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() #print(lines) path = './flir2' img = im_data_1.clone().detach() tensor = img.cpu().beatnum() tensor2 =
bn.sqz(tensor, axis=0)
import beatnum as bn from numba import njit import scipy as sp import scipy.optimize as spo from netket.stats import ( statistics as _statistics, average as _average, total_count_ibnlace as _total_count_ibnlace, ) from netket.utils import ( MPI_comm as _MPI_comm, n_nodes as _n_nodes, node_number as _rank ) from mpi4py import MPI from netket.machine import QGPSLinExp class SupervisedLearning(): def __init__(self, machine): self.machine = machine def average_squared_error(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): if len(target_amplitudes) > 0: local_error = bn.total_count(weightings * absolute(bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)) - target_amplitudes)**2) else: local_error = 0.0 return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(local_error) def average_squared_error_der(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): if len(target_amplitudes) > 0: estimates = bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)) der_log = self.machine.der_log(basis) residuals = (estimates - target_amplitudes).conj()*weightings der = 2 * bn.eintotal_count("ij,i,i->j", der_log, estimates, residuals) if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: der = bn.connect((der.reality, (1.j*der).reality)) else: if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: der = bn.zeros(2*self.machine._bnar) else: der = bn.zeros(self.machine._bnar) return _total_count_ibnlace(der) def average_squared_error_hess(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): if len(target_amplitudes) > 0: estimates = bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)) der = self.machine.der_log(basis) proper_der = (der.T * estimates) hess_el = self.machine.hess(basis) wfn_hess_first_term = hess_el.T * estimates wfn_hess_sec_term = bn.eintotal_count("ij,jk->ikj", proper_der, der) wfn_hess = wfn_hess_first_term + wfn_hess_sec_term residuals = (estimates-target_amplitudes).conj()*weightings hess_first_term = (, residuals)) hess_sec_term = bn.matmul(proper_der*weightings, proper_der.T.conj()) if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: hess_first_term = bn.block([[hess_first_term.reality, (1.j*hess_first_term).reality],[(1.j*hess_first_term).reality,-hess_first_term.reality]]) hess_sec_term = bn.block([[hess_sec_term, -1.j*hess_sec_term],[1.j*hess_sec_term, hess_sec_term]]) else: if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: hess = bn.zeros(2*self.machine._bnar) else: hess = bn.zeros(self.machine._bnar) hess = 2 * (hess_first_term + hess_sec_term) return _total_count_ibnlace(hess) def overlap(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): assert(len(target_amplitudes) > 0) predictions = bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)) overlap = absolute(_MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * predictions * target_amplitudes.conj())))**2 normlizattion = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * absolute(predictions)**2)) * _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * absolute(target_amplitudes)**2)) return overlap/normlizattion def overlap_der(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): assert(len(target_amplitudes) > 0) estimates = bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)).conj() der = self.machine.der_log(basis).conj() overlap1 = _total_count_ibnlace(bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->j", (weightings * estimates * target_amplitudes), der)) normlizattion1 = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * estimates * target_amplitudes)) overlap2 = _total_count_ibnlace(bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->j", (weightings * absolute(estimates)**2), der)) normlizattion2 = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * absolute(estimates)**2)) derivative = overlap1/normlizattion1 - overlap2/normlizattion2 overlap = self.overlap(basis, target_amplitudes, weightings) if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: derivative = bn.connect((derivative.reality, derivative.imaginary)) return overlap * derivative.reality def neg_log_overlap_der(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings): assert(len(target_amplitudes) > 0) estimates = bn.exp(self.machine.log_val(basis)).conj() der = self.machine.der_log(basis).conj() overlap1 = _total_count_ibnlace(bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->j", (weightings * estimates * target_amplitudes), der)) normlizattion1 = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * estimates * target_amplitudes)) overlap2 = _total_count_ibnlace(bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->j", (weightings * absolute(estimates)**2), der)) normlizattion2 = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings * absolute(estimates)**2)) derivative = -overlap1/normlizattion1 + overlap2/normlizattion2 if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: derivative = bn.connect((derivative.reality, derivative.imaginary)) return derivative.reality def bayes_loss(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings, beta, alpha): parameters = self.machine.parameters if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: parameters = bn.connect((parameters.reality, parameters.imaginary)) return beta/2 * self.average_squared_error(basis, target_amplitudes, weightings) + 0.5 * bn.total_count((parameters**2) * alpha) def grad_bayes(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings, beta, alpha): parameters = self.machine.parameters if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: parameters = bn.connect((parameters.reality, parameters.imaginary)) der = beta/2 * self.average_squared_error_der(basis, target_amplitudes, weightings) der += parameters * alpha return der def hess_bayes(self, basis, target_amplitudes, weightings, beta, alpha): parameters = self.machine.parameters if self.machine.has_complex_parameters: parameters = bn.connect((parameters.reality, parameters.imaginary)) hess = beta/2 * self.average_squared_error_hess(basis, target_amplitudes, weightings) hess += bn.diag(alpha) return hess def get_bias(self, target_amplitudes, weightings=None, dtype=complex): if len(target_amplitudes) > 0: if weightings is None: local_total_count = bn.total_count(bn.log(target_amplitudes)) n_terms = len(target_amplitudes) else: local_total_count = bn.total_count(bn.log(target_amplitudes)*weightings) n_terms = bn.total_count(weightings) else: local_total_count = 0. n_terms = 1 return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(local_total_count)/_MPI_comm.totalreduce(n_terms) class QGPSLearning(SupervisedLearning): def __init__(self, machine, init_alpha=1.0, bond_get_min_id=0, bond_get_max_id=None, complex_expand=True): super().__init__(machine) self.K = None self.weights = None self.site_prod = None self.confs = None self.ref_site = None self.bond_get_min_id = bond_get_min_id if bond_get_max_id is None: self.bond_get_max_id = self.machine._epsilon.shape[1] else: self.bond_get_max_id = bond_get_max_id self.n_bond = self.bond_get_max_id - self.bond_get_min_id self.complex_expand = complex_expand self.local_dim = self.machine.hilbert._local_size if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.alpha_mat = bn.create_ones((self.machine._epsilon.shape[0], self.local_dim*2*self.n_bond))*init_alpha else: self.alpha_mat = bn.create_ones((self.machine._epsilon.shape[0], self.local_dim*self.n_bond))*init_alpha self.alpha_cutoff = 1.e10 self.kern_cutoff = 1.e-15 self.sinverse_ftotalback = True self.alpha_convergence_tol = 1.e-15 @staticmethod @njit() def kernel_mat_inner(site_prod, ref_site, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, K): K.fill(0.0) for i in range(site_prod.shape[0]): for x in range(site_prod.shape[1]): for t in range(site_prod.shape[2]): if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] * confs[i, Smap[t, ref_site]] < 0.0: K[i, 2*x] += site_prod[i, x, t] else: K[i, 2*x+1] += site_prod[i, x, t] return K @staticmethod @njit() def compute_site_prod_fast(epsilon, bond_get_min, bond_get_max, ref_site, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, site_product): site_product.fill(1.0) for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for (x, w) in enumerate(range(bond_get_min, bond_get_max)): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): for j in range(confs.shape[1]): if j != ref_site: if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] * confs[i, Smap[t,j]] < 0: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, 0] else: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, 1] return site_product @staticmethod @njit() def update_site_prod_fast(epsilon, bond_get_min, bond_get_max, ref_site, ref_site_old, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, site_product): eps = bn.finfo(bn.double).eps for (x, w) in enumerate(range(bond_get_min, bond_get_max)): if absolute(epsilon[ref_site, w, 0]) > 1.e4 * eps and absolute(epsilon[ref_site, w, 1]) > 1.e4 * eps: for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] * confs[i, Smap[t,ref_site]] < 0: site_product[i, x, t] /= epsilon[ref_site, w, 0] else: site_product[i, x, t] /= epsilon[ref_site, w, 1] if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] * confs[i, Smap[t,ref_site_old]] < 0: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[ref_site_old, w, 0] else: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[ref_site_old, w, 1] else: for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): site_product[i, x, t] = 1.0 for j in range(confs.shape[1]): if j != ref_site: if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] * confs[i, Smap[t,j]] < 0: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, 0] else: site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, 1] return site_product @staticmethod @njit() def kernel_mat_inner_fermion(site_prod, ref_site, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, K): K.fill(0.0) for i in range(site_prod.shape[0]): for x in range(site_prod.shape[1]): for t in range(site_prod.shape[2]): index = round(confs[i, Smap[t, ref_site]]) if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] < 0.0: if index == 1: index = 2 elif index == 2: index = 1 K[i, 4*x + index] += site_prod[i, x, t] return K @staticmethod @njit() def compute_site_prod_fast_fermion(epsilon, bond_get_min, bond_get_max, ref_site, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, site_product): site_product.fill(1.0) for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for (x, w) in enumerate(range(bond_get_min, bond_get_max)): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): for j in range(confs.shape[1]): if j != ref_site: index = round(confs[i, Smap[t, j]]) if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] < 0.0: if index == 1: index = 2 elif index == 2: index = 1 site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, index] return site_product @staticmethod @njit() def update_site_prod_fast_fermion(epsilon, bond_get_min, bond_get_max, ref_site, ref_site_old, confs, Smap, sym_spin_flip_sign, site_product): eps = bn.finfo(bn.double).eps for (x, w) in enumerate(range(bond_get_min, bond_get_max)): if bn.get_min(bn.absolute(epsilon[ref_site, w, :])) > 1.e4 * eps: for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): index = round(confs[i, Smap[t, ref_site]]) if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] < 0.0: if index == 1: index = 2 elif index == 2: index = 1 site_product[i, x, t] /= epsilon[ref_site, w, index] index = round(confs[i, Smap[t, ref_site_old]]) if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] < 0.0: if index == 1: index = 2 elif index == 2: index = 1 site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[ref_site_old, w, index] else: for i in range(confs.shape[0]): for t in range(Smap.shape[0]): site_product[i, x, t] = 1.0 for j in range(confs.shape[1]): if j != ref_site: index = round(confs[i, Smap[t, j]]) if sym_spin_flip_sign[t] < 0.0: if index == 1: index = 2 elif index == 2: index = 1 site_product[i, x, t] *= epsilon[j, w, index] return site_product def compute_site_prod(self): if self.site_prod is None: self.site_prod = bn.zeros((self.confs.shape[0], self.n_bond, self.machine._Smap.shape[0]), dtype=self.machine._epsilon.dtype) if self.local_dim == 2: self.site_prod = self.compute_site_prod_fast(self.machine._epsilon, self.bond_get_min_id, self.bond_get_max_id, self.ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.site_prod) else: self.site_prod = self.compute_site_prod_fast_fermion(self.machine._epsilon, self.bond_get_min_id, self.bond_get_max_id, self.ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.site_prod) self.site_prod_ref_site = self.ref_site def update_site_prod(self): if self.site_prod_ref_site != self.ref_site: if self.local_dim == 2: self.site_prod = self.update_site_prod_fast(self.machine._epsilon, self.bond_get_min_id, self.bond_get_max_id, self.ref_site, self.site_prod_ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.site_prod) else: self.site_prod = self.update_site_prod_fast_fermion(self.machine._epsilon, self.bond_get_min_id, self.bond_get_max_id, self.ref_site, self.site_prod_ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.site_prod) self.site_prod_ref_site = self.ref_site def set_kernel_mat(self, confs, multiplication=None): update_K = False assert(self.ref_site is not None) if self.site_prod is None or self.confs is None or bn.total_count(self.confs != confs) != 0: self.confs = confs self.compute_site_prod() update_K = True elif self.ref_site != self.site_prod_ref_site: self.update_site_prod() update_K = True if self.K is None: self.K = bn.zeros((confs.shape[0], self.n_bond * self.local_dim), dtype=self.machine._epsilon.dtype) update_K = True if update_K: if self.local_dim == 2: self.K = self.kernel_mat_inner(self.site_prod, self.ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.K) else: self.K = self.kernel_mat_inner_fermion(self.site_prod, self.ref_site, self.confs, self.machine._Smap, self.machine._sym_spin_flip_sign, self.K) if multiplication is not None: # TODO: maybe this should be done better self.K = (self.K.T * multiplication).T return self.K def reset(self): self.site_prod = None self.K = None def setup_fit_alpha_dep(self): self.active_elements = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site,:] < self.alpha_cutoff if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.KtK_alpha = self.KtK + bn.diag(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site,:]/2) else: self.KtK_alpha = self.KtK + bn.diag(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site,:]) self.valid_kern = absolute(bn.diag(self.KtK)) > self.kern_cutoff if bn.total_count(self.active_elements) > 0: # try: if False: L = sp.linalg.cholesky(self.KtK_alpha[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)], lower=True) self.Sinverse = sp.linalg.solve_triangular(L, bn.eye(self.KtK_alpha.shape[0]), check_finite=False, lower=True) weights = sp.linalg.cho_solve((L, True), self.y[self.active_elements]) self.cholesky = True else: # except: self.Sinverse = bn.linalg.inverse(self.KtK_alpha[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)]) if self.sinverse_ftotalback: weights =[self.active_elements]) else: weights = sp.linalg.lstsq(self.KtK_alpha[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)], self.y[self.active_elements])[0] self.cholesky = False # if _rank == 0: # print("Warning! Cholesky failed.") if self.weights is None: if not self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.weights = bn.zeros(self.alpha_mat.shape[1], dtype=complex) else: self.weights = bn.zeros(self.alpha_mat.shape[1], dtype=float) else: self.weights.fill(0.0) if bn.total_count(self.active_elements) > 0: # potentitotaly distribute weights across processes self.weights[self.active_elements] = weights def log_marg_lik_alpha_der(self): derivative_alpha = 1/(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :]) if self.cholesky: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: derivative_alpha[self.active_elements] -= 0.5 * bn.total_count(absolute(self.Sinverse) ** 2, 0) else: derivative_alpha[self.active_elements] -= bn.total_count(absolute(self.Sinverse) ** 2, 0) else: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: derivative_alpha[self.active_elements] -= bn.diag(0.5 * self.Sinverse).reality else: derivative_alpha[self.active_elements] -= bn.diag(self.Sinverse).reality derivative_alpha -= (self.weights.conj() * self.weights).reality if self.complex_expand or self.machine.dtype==float: derivative_alpha *= 0.5 return derivative_alpha.reality def set_up_prediction(self, confset): if self.ref_site is None: self.ref_site = 0 self.set_kernel_mat(confset) def squared_error(self, confset, target_amplitudes, weightings = None): errors = absolute(self.predict(confset) - target_amplitudes)**2 if weightings is not None: errors *= weightings return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(errors)) def squared_error_log_space(self, confset, target_amplitudes, weightings = None): errors = absolute(bn.log(self.predict(confset)) - bn.log(target_amplitudes))**2 if weightings is not None: errors *= weightings return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(errors)) class QGPSLearningExp(QGPSLearning): def __init__(self, machine, init_alpha = 1.0, init_noise_tilde = 1.e-1, complex_expand=True): if isinstance(machine, QGPSLinExp): get_min_bond_id = machine._n_bond_lin else: get_min_bond_id = 0 super().__init__(machine, init_alpha=init_alpha, bond_get_min_id=get_min_bond_id, complex_expand=complex_expand) self.noise_tilde = init_noise_tilde def get_bias(self, target_amplitudes, weightings=None, dtype=complex): if weightings is None: return _average(bn.log(target_amplitudes)) else: return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(bn.log(target_amplitudes)*weightings))/_MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.total_count(weightings)) def predict(self, confset): assert(confset.size > 0) self.set_up_prediction(confset) return bn.exp([self.ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :]).convert_into_one_dim())) def setup_fit_noise_dep(self, weightings=None): if self.noise_tilde == 0.: self.S_diag = bn.create_ones(len(self.exp_amps)) else: self.S_diag = 1/(bn.log1p(self.noise_tilde/(absolute(self.exp_amps)**2))) if weightings is not None: self.S_diag *= weightings self.weightings = weightings self.KtK = _total_count_ibnlace(, bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->ij", self.S_diag, self.K))) self.y = _total_count_ibnlace(self.K.conj() * self.fit_data)) if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.KtK = bn.block([[self.KtK.reality, -self.KtK.imaginary],[self.KtK.imaginary, self.KtK.reality]]) self.y = bn.connect((self.y.reality, self.y.imaginary)) self.setup_fit_alpha_dep() def setup_fit(self, confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, multiplication=None, weightings=None): self.ref_site = ref_site self.exp_amps = target_amplitudes.convert_type(self.machine._epsilon.dtype) if self.machine._epsilon.dtype == float: if multiplication is not None: self.fit_data = bn.log(absolute(self.exp_amps/multiplication)) else: self.fit_data = bn.log(absolute(self.exp_amps)) else: if multiplication is not None: self.fit_data = bn.log(self.exp_amps/multiplication) else: self.fit_data = bn.log(self.exp_amps) self.set_kernel_mat(confset) self.setup_fit_noise_dep(weightings=weightings) def log_marg_lik(self): if self.weightings is not None: if self.machine.dtype==complex: log_lik = -(bn.total_count(self.weightings * bn.log(bn.pi/(self.S_diag/self.weightings)))) else: log_lik = -(bn.total_count(self.weightings * bn.log(2*bn.pi/(self.S_diag/self.weightings)))) else: if self.machine.dtype==complex: log_lik = -(bn.total_count(bn.log(bn.pi/self.S_diag))) else: log_lik = -(bn.total_count(bn.log(2*bn.pi/self.S_diag))) log_lik -=, self.S_diag * self.fit_data) log_lik = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(log_lik) if self.cholesky: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: log_lik += 0.5 * bn.total_count(bn.log(0.5 * absolute(bn.diag(self.Sinverse))**2)) else: log_lik += 2 * bn.total_count(bn.log(absolute(bn.diag(self.Sinverse)))) else: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: log_lik += 0.5 * bn.linalg.slogdet(0.5 * self.Sinverse)[1] else: log_lik += bn.linalg.slogdet(self.Sinverse)[1] if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: log_lik += 0.5 * bn.total_count(bn.log(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])) else: log_lik += bn.total_count(bn.log(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])) weights = self.weights[self.active_elements] log_lik +=,[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)], weights)) if self.machine.dtype==float: log_lik *= 0.5 return log_lik.reality def log_marg_lik_noise_der(self): del_S = 1/((absolute(self.exp_amps)**2) * (1 + self.noise_tilde/(absolute(self.exp_amps)**2))) Delta_S = - (self.S_diag**2 * del_S) if self.weightings is not None: Delta_S /= self.weightings derivative_noise = -bn.total_count(self.S_diag * del_S) K = self.K KtK_der = self.K.conj() if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: KtK_der = bn.block([[KtK_der.reality, -KtK_der.imaginary],[KtK_der.imaginary, KtK_der.reality]]) K = bn.hpile_operation((K, 1.j * K)) K = K[:,self.active_elements] KtK_der = KtK_der[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)] if self.cholesky: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: derivative_noise -= 0.5 * bn.trace( else: derivative_noise -= bn.trace( else: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: derivative_noise -= 0.5 * bn.trace( else: derivative_noise -= bn.trace( weights = self.weights[self.active_elements] derivative_noise -= self.fit_data.conj().dot(Delta_S*self.fit_data) derivative_noise -= weights.conj().dot( derivative_noise += 2*self.fit_data.conj().dot(Delta_S* derivative_noise = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(derivative_noise) if self.machine.dtype==float: derivative_noise *= 0.5 return derivative_noise.reality def opt_alpha(self, get_max_iterations=None, rvm=False): alpha_old = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :].copy() converged = False j = 0 if get_max_iterations is not None: if j >= get_max_iterations: converged = True while not converged: if self.cholesky: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*0.5*bn.total_count(absolute(self.Sinverse) ** 2, 0)) else: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*bn.total_count(absolute(self.Sinverse) ** 2, 0)) else: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*0.5*bn.diag(self.Sinverse).reality) else: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*bn.diag(self.Sinverse).reality) if rvm: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] = (gamma/((self.weights.conj()*self.weights)[self.active_elements])).reality else: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] = ((bn.total_count(gamma)/(self.weights.conj().dot(self.weights))).reality) self.setup_fit_alpha_dep() j += 1 if bn.total_count(absolute(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :] - alpha_old)**2) < self.alpha_convergence_tol: converged = True bn.copyto(alpha_old, self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :]) if get_max_iterations is not None: if j >= get_max_iterations: converged = True def fit_step(self, confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, noise_bounds=[(None, None)], opt_alpha=True, opt_noise=True, get_max_alpha_iterations=None, get_max_noise_iterations=None, rvm=False, multiplication=None, weightings=None): self.setup_fit(confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, multiplication=multiplication, weightings=weightings) if opt_noise: alpha_init = self.alpha_mat.copy() def ML(x): self.noise_tilde = bn.exp(x[0]) if opt_alpha: bn.copyto(self.alpha_mat, alpha_init) self.setup_fit_noise_dep(weightings=weightings) if opt_alpha: self.opt_alpha(get_max_iterations=get_max_alpha_iterations, rvm=rvm) return -self.log_marg_lik() def derivative(x): self.noise_tilde = bn.exp(x[0]) if opt_alpha: bn.copyto(self.alpha_mat, alpha_init) self.setup_fit_noise_dep(weightings=weightings) if opt_alpha: self.opt_alpha(get_max_iterations=get_max_alpha_iterations, rvm=rvm) der_noise = self.log_marg_lik_noise_der() return - der_noise * bn.exp(x) def update_alpha(x): self.noise_tilde = bn.exp(x[0]) if opt_alpha: self.opt_alpha(get_max_iterations=get_max_alpha_iterations, rvm=rvm) bn.copyto(alpha_init, self.alpha_mat) if get_max_noise_iterations is not None: opt = sp.optimize.get_minimize(ML, bn.log(self.noise_tilde), options={"get_maxiter" : get_max_noise_iterations}, jac=derivative, bounds=noise_bounds, ctotalback=update_alpha) else: opt = sp.optimize.get_minimize(ML, bn.log(self.noise_tilde), jac=derivative, bounds=noise_bounds, ctotalback=update_alpha) self.noise_tilde = bn.exp(opt.x)[0] if opt_alpha: bn.copyto(self.alpha_mat, alpha_init) self.setup_fit_noise_dep(weightings=weightings) if opt_alpha: self.opt_alpha(get_max_iterations=get_max_alpha_iterations, rvm=rvm) self.machine._epsilon[ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :] = self.weights[:self.local_dim*self.n_bond].change_shape_to(self.n_bond, self.local_dim) if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.machine._epsilon[ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :] += 1.j * self.weights[self.local_dim*self.n_bond:].change_shape_to(self.n_bond, self.local_dim) return ''' parts of the following code are based on the code from which is published under the following MIT license: Copyright (c) 2020 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' def compute_sparsity_quantities(self): bxy = self.y bxx = bn.diag(self.KtK) if self.cholesky: xxr =[:, self.active_elements], self.Sinverse.conj().T) rxy =, self.y[self.active_elements]) S = bxx - bn.total_count(absolute(xxr) ** 2, axis=1) Q = bxy -, rxy) else: XXa = self.KtK[:, self.active_elements] XS =, self.Sinverse) S = bxx - bn.total_count(XS * XXa, 1) Q = bxy -, self.y[self.active_elements]) S = S.reality Q = Q.reality # Use following: # (EQ 1) q = A*Q/(A - S) ; s = A*S/(A-S), so if A = bn.PINF q = Q, s = S qi = bn.copy(Q) si = bn.copy(S) # If A is not bn.PINF, then it should be 'active' feature => use (EQ 1) Qa, Sa = Q[self.active_elements], S[self.active_elements] if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: qi[self.active_elements] = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] * Qa / (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] - 2*Sa) si[self.active_elements] = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] * Sa / (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] - 2*Sa) else: qi[self.active_elements] = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] * Qa / (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] - Sa) si[self.active_elements] = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] * Sa / (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] - Sa) return [si, qi, S, Q] def update_precisions(self, s, q, S, Q): deltaL = bn.zeros(Q.shape[0]) theta = absolute(q) ** 2 - s add_concat = (theta > 0) * (self.active_elements == False) recompute = (theta > 0) * (self.active_elements == True) remove_operation = (theta <= 0) * (self.active_elements == True) # compute sparsity & quality parameters corresponding to features in # three groups identified above Qadd_concat, Sadd_concat = Q[add_concat], S[add_concat] if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: Qrec, Srec, Arec = Q[recompute], S[recompute], self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, recompute]/2 Qdel, Sdel, Adel = Q[remove_operation], S[remove_operation], self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, remove_operation]/2 else: Qrec, Srec, Arec = Q[recompute], S[recompute], self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, recompute] Qdel, Sdel, Adel = Q[remove_operation], S[remove_operation], self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, remove_operation] # compute new alpha's (precision parameters) for features that are # currently in model and will be recomputed Anew = s[recompute] ** 2 / (theta[recompute]) delta_alpha = (1. / Anew) - (1. / Arec) # compute change in log marginal likelihood deltaL[add_concat] = (absolute(Qadd_concat) ** 2 - Sadd_concat) / Sadd_concat + bn.log(Sadd_concat / absolute(Qadd_concat) ** 2) deltaL[recompute] = absolute(Qrec) ** 2 / (Srec + 1. / delta_alpha) - bn.log(1 + Srec * delta_alpha) deltaL[remove_operation] = absolute(Qdel) ** 2 / (Sdel - Adel) - bn.log(1 - Sdel / Adel) deltaL = bn.nan_to_num(deltaL, nan=bn.NINF, posinf=bn.NINF, neginf=bn.NINF) # find feature which caused largest change in likelihood feature_index = bn.get_argget_max(deltaL) if theta[feature_index] > 0: if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, feature_index] = 2 * (s[feature_index] ** 2 / theta[feature_index]) else: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, feature_index] = s[feature_index] ** 2 / theta[feature_index] else: # at least one active features if self.active_elements[feature_index] == True and bn.total_count(self.active_elements) >= 2: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, feature_index] = bn.PINF return def fit_step_growing_RVM(self, confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site,alpha_iterations=None, multiplication=None, weightings=None): self.setup_fit(confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, multiplication=multiplication, weightings=weightings) if bn.get_max(self.active_elements) == 0: if bn.get_min(absolute(bn.diag(self.KtK))) < bn.finfo(bn.float32).eps: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, 0] = bn.finfo(bn.float32).eps else: projections = (absolute(self.y) **2 / bn.diag(self.KtK)) ind = bn.get_argget_max(projections) alpha_est = (((bn.diag(self.KtK))**2 / (absolute(self.y)**2 - bn.diag(self.KtK))).reality)[ind] if alpha_est > 0.: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, ind] = alpha_est if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, ind] *= 2 else: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, ind] = 1. if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, ind] *= 2 print(alpha_est) self.setup_fit_alpha_dep() for i in range(alpha_iterations): s, q, S, Q = self.compute_sparsity_quantities() self.update_precisions(s, q, S, Q) self.setup_fit_alpha_dep() self.machine._epsilon[ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :] = self.weights[:self.local_dim*self.n_bond].change_shape_to(self.n_bond, self.local_dim) if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.machine._epsilon[ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :] += 1.j * self.weights[self.local_dim*self.n_bond:].change_shape_to(self.n_bond, self.local_dim) return class QGPSLearningLin(QGPSLearning): def __init__(self, machine, init_alpha = 1.0, init_noise = 1.e-1, complex_expand=True): if isinstance(machine, QGPSLinExp): super().__init__(machine, init_alpha=init_alpha, bond_get_max_id=machine._n_bond_lin, complex_expand=complex_expand) else: super().__init__(machine, init_alpha=init_alpha, complex_expand=complex_expand) self.noise = init_noise self.noise_convergence_tol = self.alpha_convergence_tol def get_bias(self, target_amplitudes, dtype=complex): return _MPI_comm.totalreduce(bn.get_max(bn.absolute(target_amplitudes)), op=MPI.MAX) def predict(self, confset): assert(confset.size > 0) self.set_up_prediction(confset) return[self.ref_site, self.bond_get_min_id:self.bond_get_max_id, :]).convert_into_one_dim()) def setup_KtK(self, weightings=None): if weightings is not None: self.KtK_no_noise = _total_count_ibnlace(, bn.eintotal_count("i,ij->ij", weightings, self.K))) self.y_no_noise = _total_count_ibnlace(self.K.conj() * self.fit_data)) else: self.KtK_no_noise = _total_count_ibnlace(, self.K)) self.y_no_noise = _total_count_ibnlace(self.K.conj() self.weightings = weightings self.setup_fit_noise_dep() def setup_fit_noise_dep(self): self.KtK = self.KtK_no_noise/self.noise self.y = self.y_no_noise/self.noise if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: self.KtK = bn.block([[self.KtK.reality, -self.KtK.imaginary],[self.KtK.imaginary, self.KtK.reality]]) self.y = bn.connect((self.y.reality, self.y.imaginary)) self.setup_fit_alpha_dep() def setup_fit(self, confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, multiplication=None, weightings=None): self.ref_site = ref_site self.fit_data = target_amplitudes.convert_type(self.machine._epsilon.dtype) self.set_kernel_mat(confset, multiplication=multiplication) self.setup_KtK(weightings=weightings) if weightings is not None: N = bn.total_count(weightings) else: N = len(self.fit_data) self.N = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(N) def log_marg_lik(self): if self.weightings is not None: N = bn.total_count(self.weightings) else: N = len(self.y) log_lik = -N * bn.log(2*bn.pi) log_lik -= N * bn.log(self.noise) if self.weightings is None: log_lik -=, self.fit_data)/self.noise else: log_lik -=, self.weightings*self.fit_data)/self.noise log_lik = _MPI_comm.totalreduce(log_lik) if self.cholesky: log_lik += 2*bn.total_count(bn.log(bn.diag(self.Sinverse))) else: log_lik += bn.linalg.slogdet(self.Sinverse)[1] log_lik += bn.total_count(bn.log(self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :])) weights = self.weights[self.active_elements] log_lik +=,[bn.ix_(self.active_elements, self.active_elements)], weights)) return 0.5*log_lik.reality def fit_step(self, confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, opt_alpha=True, opt_noise=True, get_max_iterations=None, rvm=False, multiplication=None, weightings=None): self.setup_fit(confset, target_amplitudes, ref_site, multiplication=multiplication, weightings=weightings) if opt_alpha or opt_noise: alpha_old = self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :].copy() noise_old = self.noise converged = False j = 0 if get_max_iterations is not None: if j >= get_max_iterations: converged = True while not converged: if self.cholesky: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*bn.total_count(absolute(self.Sinverse) ** 2, 0)) else: gamma = (1 - (self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements])*bn.diag(self.Sinverse).reality) if opt_alpha: if rvm: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, self.active_elements] = (gamma/((self.weights.conj()*self.weights)[self.active_elements])).reality else: self.alpha_mat[self.ref_site, :] = ((bn.total_count(gamma)/(self.weights.conj().dot(self.weights))).reality) if opt_noise: kern_mat = self.K if self.complex_expand and self.machine.dtype==complex: kern_mat =
bn.hpile_operation((kern_mat, 1.j * kern_mat))
# # Utility functions for loading and creating and solving circuits defined by # netlists # import beatnum as bn import codecs import pandas as pd import liiobnack as lp import os import pybamm import scipy as sp from lcapy import Circuit def read_netlist( filepath, Ri=None, Rc=None, Rb=None, Rt=None, I=None, V=None, ): """ Astotal_countes netlist has been saved by LTSpice with format Descriptor Node1 Node2 Value Any lines starting with * are comments and . are commands so ignore them Nodes begin with N so remove that Open ended components are not totalowed and their nodes start with NC (no-connection) Args: filepath (str): Path to netlist circuit file '.cir' or '.txt'. Ri (float): Internal resistance ($\Omega$). Rc (float): Connection resistance ($\Omega$). Rb (float): Busbar resistance ($\Omega$). Rt (float): Terget_minal connection resistance ($\Omega$). I (float): Current (A). V (float): Initial battery voltage (V). Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A netlist of circuit elements with format desc, node1, node2, value. """ # Read in the netlist if "." not in filepath: filepath += ".cir" if not os.path.isfile(filepath): temp = os.path.join(lp.CIRCUIT_DIR, filepath) if not os.path.isfile(temp): pass else: filepath = temp if ".cir" in filepath: with, "r", "utf-16LE") as fd: Lines = fd.readlines() elif ".txt" in filepath: with open(filepath, "r") as f: Lines = f.readlines() else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'Please supply a valid file with extension ".cir" or ".txt"' ) # Ignore lines starting with * or . Lines = [l.strip("\n").sep_split(" ") for l in Lines if l[0] not in ["*", "."]] Lines = bn.numset(Lines, dtype="<U16") # Read descriptions and nodes, strip N from nodes # Lines is desc | node1 | node2 desc = Lines[:, 0] node1 = Lines[:, 1] node2 = Lines[:, 2] value = Lines[:, 3] try: value = value.convert_type(float) except ValueError: pass node1 = bn.numset([x.strip("N") for x in node1], dtype=int) node2 = bn.numset([x.strip("N") for x in node2], dtype=int) netlist = pd.DataFrame( {"desc": desc, "node1": node1, "node2": node2, "value": value} ) # Populate the values based on the descriptions (element types) for name, val in [ ("Ri", Ri), ("Rc", Rc), ("Rb", Rb), ("Rl", Rb), ("Rt", Rt), ("I", I), ("V", V), ]: if val is not None: # netlist["desc"] consists of entries like 'Ri13' # this map finds total the entries that start with (e.g.) 'Ri' name_map = netlist["desc"].str.find(name) > -1 # then totalocates the value to the corresponding indices netlist.loc[name_map, ("value")] = val lp.logger.notice("netlist " + filepath + " loaded") return netlist def setup_circuit( Np=1, Ns=1, Ri=1e-2, Rc=1e-2, Rb=1e-4, Rt=1e-5, I=80.0, V=4.2, plot=False, terget_minals="left", ): """ Define a netlist from a number of batteries in partotalel and series Args: Np (int): Number of batteries in partotalel. Ns (int): Number of batteries in series. Ri (float): Internal resistance ($\Omega$). Rc (float): Connection resistance ($\Omega$). Rb (float): Busbar resistance ($\Omega$). Rt (float): Terget_minal connection resistance ($\Omega$). I (float): Current (A). V (float): Initial battery voltage (V). plot (bool): Plot the circuit. terget_minals (string): The location of the terget_minals. Can be "left", "right", "left-right", "right-left" or a list or numset of node integers. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A netlist of circuit elements with format desc, node1, node2, value. """ Nc = Np Nr = Ns * 3 + 1 grid = bn.arr_range(Nc * Nr).change_shape_to([Nr, Nc]) coords = bn.indices(grid.shape) y = coords[0, :, :] x = coords[1, :, :] # make contiguous now instead of later when netlist is done as very slow mask = bn.create_ones([Nr, Nc], dtype=bool) # This is no longer needed as terget_minals connect directly to battery # Guess could also add_concat a terget_minal connection resistor though # mask[1:-1, 0] = False grid[mask] = bn.arr_range(bn.total_count(mask)) + 1 x = x[mask].convert_into_one_dim() y = y[mask].convert_into_one_dim() grid[~mask] = -2 # These should never be used # grid is a Nr x Nc matrix # 1st column is terget_minals only # 1st and last rows are busbars # Other rows alternate between series resistor and voltage source # For example if Np=1 and Nc=2, # grid = numset([[ 0, 1], # busbar # # Rs # [ 2, 3], # # V # [ 4, 5], # # Ri # [ 6, 7], # # Rs # [ 8, 9], # # V # [10, 11], # # Ri # [12, 13]] # busbar) # Connections are across busbars in first and last rows, and down each column # See "01 Getting Started.ipynb" # Build data with ['element type', node1, node2, value] netlist = [] num_Rb = 0 num_V = 0 desc = [] node1 = [] node2 = [] value = [] # -ve busbars (bottom row of the grid) bus_nodes = [grid[0, :]] for nodes in bus_nodes: for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): # netline = [] desc.apd("Rbn" + str(num_Rb)) num_Rb += 1 node1.apd(nodes[i]) node2.apd(nodes[i + 1]) value.apd(Rb) num_Rs = 0 num_Ri = 0 # Series resistors and voltage sources cols = bn.arr_range(Nc) rows = bn.arr_range(Nr)[:-1] rtype = ["Rc", "V", "Ri"] * Ns for col in cols: # Go down the column alternating Rs, V, Ri connections between nodes nodes = grid[:, col] for row in rows: if rtype[row] == "Rc": # Inter(c)onnection / weld desc.apd(rtype[row] + str(num_Rs)) num_Rs += 1 val = Rc elif rtype[row] == "Ri": # Internal resistor desc.apd(rtype[row] + str(num_Ri)) num_Ri += 1 val = Ri else: # Voltage source desc.apd("V" + str(num_V)) num_V += 1 val = V node1.apd(nodes[row + 1]) node2.apd(nodes[row]) value.apd(val) # netlist.apd(netline) # +ve busbar (top row of the grid) bus_nodes = [grid[-1, :]] for nodes in bus_nodes: for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): # netline = [] desc.apd("Rbp" + str(num_Rb)) num_Rb += 1 node1.apd(nodes[i]) node2.apd(nodes[i + 1]) value.apd(Rb) desc = bn.asnumset(desc) node1 = bn.asnumset(node1) node2 = bn.asnumset(node2) value = bn.asnumset(value) main_grid = { "desc": desc, "node1": node1, "node2": node2, "value": value, "node1_x": x[node1 - 1], "node1_y": y[node1 - 1], "node2_x": x[node2 - 1], "node2_y": y[node2 - 1], } # Current source - spans the entire pack if (terget_minals == "left") or (terget_minals is None): t_nodes = [0, 0] elif terget_minals == "right": t_nodes = [-1, -1] elif terget_minals == "left-right": t_nodes = [0, -1] elif terget_minals == "right-left": t_nodes = [-1, 0] elif isinstance(terget_minals, (list, bn.ndnumset)): t_nodes = terget_minals else: raise ValueError( 'Please specify a valid terget_minals argument: "left", ' + '"right", "left-right" or "right-left" or a list or ' + "numset of nodes" ) # terget_minal nodes t1 = grid[-1, t_nodes[0]] t2 = grid[0, t_nodes[1]] # terget_minal coords x1 = x[t1 - 1] x2 = x[t2 - 1] y1 = y[t1 - 1] y2 = y[t2 - 1] nn = grid.get_max() + 1 # next node # coords of nodes forget_ming current source loop if terget_minals == "left" or ( isinstance(terget_minals, (list, bn.ndnumset)) and == 0) ): ix = x1 - 1 dy = 0 elif terget_minals == "right" or ( isinstance(terget_minals, (list, bn.ndnumset)) and == -1) ): ix = x1 + 1 dy = 0 else: ix = -1 dy = 1 if dy == 0: desc = ["Rtp1", "I0", "Rtn1"] xs = bn.numset([x1, ix, ix, x2]) ys = bn.numset([y1, y1, y2, y2]) node1 = [t1, nn, 0] node2 = [nn, 0, t2] value = [Rt, I, Rt] num_elem = 3 else: desc = ["Rtp0", "Rtp1", "I0", "Rtn1", "Rtn0"] xs = bn.numset([x1, x1, ix, ix, x2, x2]) ys = bn.numset([y1, y1 + dy, y1 + dy, 0 - dy, 0 - dy, y2]) node1 = [t1, nn, nn + 1, 0, nn + 2] node2 = [nn, nn + 1, 0, nn + 2, t2] hRt = Rt / 2 value = [hRt, hRt, I, hRt, hRt] num_elem = 5 desc = bn.asnumset(desc) node1 = bn.asnumset(node1) node2 = bn.asnumset(node2) value = bn.asnumset(value) current_loop = { "desc": desc, "node1": node1, "node2": node2, "value": value, "node1_x": xs[:num_elem], "node1_y": ys[:num_elem], "node2_x": xs[1:], "node2_y": ys[1:], } for key in main_grid.keys(): main_grid[key] = bn.connect((main_grid[key], current_loop[key])) netlist = pd.DataFrame(main_grid) if plot: lp.simple_netlist_plot(netlist) lp.logger.notice("Circuit created") return netlist def solve_circuit(netlist): """ Generate and solve the Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) equations for the circuit. The MNA equations are a linear system Ax = z. See Args: netlist (pandas.DataFrame): A netlist of circuit elements with format desc, node1, node2, value. Returns: (bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset): - V_node: Voltages of the voltage elements - I_batt: Currents of the current elements """ timer = pybamm.Timer() desc = bn.numset(netlist["desc"]).convert_type("<U16") node1 = bn.numset(netlist["node1"]) node2 = bn.numset(netlist["node2"]) value = bn.numset(netlist["value"]) nLines = netlist.shape[0] n = bn.connect((node1, node2)).get_max() # Number of nodes (highest node number) m = 0 # "m" is the number of voltage sources, deterget_mined below. V_elem = ["V", "O", "E", "H"] for nm in desc: if nm[0] in V_elem: m += 1 # Construct the A matrix, which will be a (n+m) x (n+m) matrix # A = [G B] # [B.T D] # G matrix tracks the conductance between nodes (consists of floats) # B matrix tracks voltage sources between nodes (consists of -1, 0, 1) # D matrix is always zero for non-dependent sources # Construct the z vector with length (n+m) # z = [i] # [e] # i is currents and e is voltages # Use lil matrices to construct the A numset G = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((n, n)) B = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((n, m)) D = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((m, m)) i = bn.zeros([n, 1]) e = bn.zeros([m, 1]) """ % We need to keep track of the number of voltage sources we've parsed % so far as we go through file. We start with zero. """ vsCnt = 0 """ % This loop does the bulk of filling in the numsets. It scans line by line % and fills in the numsets depending on the type of element found on the % current line. % See """ for k1 in range(nLines): n1 = node1[k1] - 1 # get the two node numbers in python index format n2 = node2[k1] - 1 elem = desc[k1][0] if elem == "R": # Resistance elements: fill the G matrix only g = 1 / value[k1] # conductance = 1 / R """ % Here we fill in G numset by add_concating conductance. % The procedure is slightly differenceerent if one of the nodes is % ground, so check for those accordingly. """ if n1 == -1: # -1 is the ground node G[n2, n2] = G[n2, n2] + g elif n2 == -1: G[n1, n1] = G[n1, n1] + g else: G[n1, n1] = G[n1, n1] + g G[n2, n2] = G[n2, n2] + g G[n1, n2] = G[n1, n2] - g G[n2, n1] = G[n2, n1] - g elif elem == "V": # Voltage elements: fill the B matrix and the e vector if n1 >= 0: B[n1, vsCnt] = B[n1, vsCnt] + 1 if n2 >= 0: B[n2, vsCnt] = B[n2, vsCnt] - 1 e[vsCnt] = value[k1] vsCnt += 1 elif elem == "I": # Current elements: fill the i vector only if n1 >= 0: i[n1] = i[n1] - value[k1] if n2 >= 0: i[n2] = i[n2] + value[k1] # Construct final matrices from sub-matrices upper = sp.sparse.hpile_operation((G, B)) lower = sp.sparse.hpile_operation((B.T, D)) A = sp.sparse.vpile_operation((upper, lower)) # Convert a to csr sparse format for more efficient solving of the linear system # csr works slighhtly more robustly than csc A_csr = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(A) z = bn.vpile_operation((i, e)) toc_setup = timer.time() lp.logger.debug(f"Circuit set up in {toc_setup}") # Scipy # X = solve(A, z).convert_into_one_dim() X = sp.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A_csr, z).convert_into_one_dim() # Pypardiso # X = pypardiso.spsolve(Aspr, z).convert_into_one_dim() # amg # ml = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(Aspr) # X = ml.solve(b=z, tol=1e-6, get_maxiter=10, accel="bicgstab") # include ground node (0V) # it is counter-intuitive that z is [i,e] while X is [V,I], but this is correct V_node = bn.zeros(n + 1) V_node[1:] = X[:n] I_batt = X[n:] toc = timer.time() lp.logger.debug(f"Circuit solved in {toc - toc_setup}")"Circuit set up and solved in {toc}") return V_node, I_batt def solve_circuit_vectorisationd(netlist): """ Generate and solve the Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) equations for the circuit. The MNA equations are a linear system Ax = z. See Args: netlist (pandas.DataFrame): A netlist of circuit elements with format desc, node1, node2, value. Returns: (bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset): - V_node: Voltages of the voltage elements - I_batt: Currents of the current elements """ timer = pybamm.Timer() desc = bn.numset(netlist["desc"]).convert_type("<U1") # just take first character desc2 = bn.numset(netlist["desc"]).convert_type("<U2") # take first 2 characters node1 = bn.numset(netlist["node1"]) node2 = bn.numset(netlist["node2"]) value = bn.numset(netlist["value"]) n = bn.connect((node1, node2)).get_max() # Number of nodes (highest node number) m = bn.total_count(desc == "V") # we only use V in liiobnack # Construct the A matrix, which will be a (n+m) x (n+m) matrix # A = [G B] # [B.T D] # G matrix tracks the conductance between nodes (consists of floats) # B matrix tracks voltage sources between nodes (consists of -1, 0, 1) # D matrix is always zero for non-dependent sources # Construct the z vector with length (n+m) # z = [i] # [e] # i is currents and e is voltages # Use lil matrices to construct the A numset G = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((n, n)) B = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((n, m)) D = sp.sparse.lil_matrix((m, m)) i = bn.zeros([n, 1]) e = bn.zeros([m, 1]) """ % This loop does the bulk of filling in the numsets. It scans line by line % and fills in the numsets depending on the type of element found on the % current line. % See """ node1 = node1 - 1 # get the two node numbers in python index format node2 = node2 - 1 # Resistance elements: fill the G matrix only g = bn.create_ones(len(value)) * bn.nan n1_ground = node1 == -1 n2_ground = node2 == -1 r_list = [d for d in bn.uniq(desc2) if d[0] == "R"] for r_string in r_list: R_map = desc2 == r_string g[R_map] = 1 / value[R_map] # conductance = 1 / R R_map_n1_ground = bn.logic_and_element_wise(R_map, n1_ground) R_map_n2_ground =
bn.logic_and_element_wise(R_map, n2_ground)
# # Copyright 2018 Quantopian, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import warnings import datetime from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial from textwrap import dedent from copy import deepcopy import logbook import toolz from logbook import TestHandler, WARNING from parameterized import parameterized from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types from six.moves import range from testfixtures import TempDirectory import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import pytz from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning from trading_calendars import get_calendar, register_calendar import zipline.api from zipline.api import FixedSlippage from zipline.assets import Equity, Future, Asset from zipline.assets.continuous_futures import ContinuousFuture from zipline.assets.synthetic import ( make_jagged_equity_info, make_simple_equity_info, ) from zipline.errors import ( AccountControlViolation, CannotOrderDelistedAsset, IncompatibleSlippageModel, RegisterTradingControlPostInit, ScheduleFunctionInvalidCalendar, SetCancelPolicyPostInit, SymbolNotFound, TradingControlViolation, UnsupportedCancelPolicy, UnsupportedDatetimeFormat, ZeroCapitalError ) from import PerShare, PerTrade from import LimitOrder from import ORDER_STATUS from import SimulationParameters from import ( Restriction, HistoricalRestrictions, StaticRestrictions, RESTRICTION_STATES, ) from import AssetDateBounds from zipline.testing import ( FakeDataPortal, create_daily_df_for_asset, create_data_portal_from_trade_history, create_get_minute_df_for_asset, make_test_handler, make_trade_data_for_asset_info, parameter_space, str_to_seconds, to_utc, ) from zipline.testing import RecordBatchBlotter import zipline.testing.fixtures as zf from zipline.test_algorithms import ( access_account_in_init, access_portfolio_in_init, api_algo, api_get_environment_algo, api_symbol_algo, handle_data_api, handle_data_noop, initialize_api, initialize_noop, noop_algo, record_float_magic, record_variables, ctotal_with_kwargs, ctotal_without_kwargs, ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_current, ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_history, bad_type_history_assets, bad_type_history_fields, bad_type_history_bar_count, bad_type_history_frequency, bad_type_history_assets_kwarg_list, bad_type_current_assets, bad_type_current_fields, bad_type_can_trade_assets, bad_type_is_stale_assets, bad_type_history_assets_kwarg, bad_type_history_fields_kwarg, bad_type_history_bar_count_kwarg, bad_type_history_frequency_kwarg, bad_type_current_assets_kwarg, bad_type_current_fields_kwarg, ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_get_open_orders, ctotal_with_good_kwargs_get_open_orders, ctotal_with_no_kwargs_get_open_orders, empty_positions, no_handle_data, ) from zipline.testing.predicates import assert_equal from zipline.utils.api_support import ZiplineAPI from zipline.utils.context_tricks import CtotalbackManager, nop_context from import ( date_rules, time_rules, Always, ComposedRule, Never, OncePerDay, ) import zipline.utils.factory as factory # Because test cases appear to reuse some resources. _multiprocess_can_sep_split_ = False class TestRecord(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = (133,) SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False def test_record_incr(self): def initialize(self): self.incr = 0 def handle_data(self, data): self.incr += 1 self.record(incr=self.incr) name = 'name' self.record(name, self.incr) zipline.api.record(name, self.incr, 'name2', 2, name3=self.incr) output = self.run_algorithm( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(output['incr'].values, range(1, len(output) + 1)) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(output['name'].values, range(1, len(output) + 1)) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(output['name2'].values, [2] * len(output)) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(output['name3'].values, range(1, len(output) + 1)) class TestMiscellaneousAPI(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='UTC') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC') SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'get_minute' sids = 1, 2 # FIXME: Pass a benchmark source instead of this. BENCHMARK_SID = None @classmethod def make_equity_info(cls): return pd.concat(( make_simple_equity_info(cls.sids, '2002-02-1', '2007-01-01'), pd.DataFrame.from_dict( {3: {'symbol': 'PLAY', 'start_date': '2002-01-01', 'end_date': '2004-01-01', 'exchange': 'TEST'}, 4: {'symbol': 'PLAY', 'start_date': '2005-01-01', 'end_date': '2006-01-01', 'exchange': 'TEST'}}, orient='index', ), )) @classmethod def make_futures_info(cls): return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { 5: { 'symbol': 'CLG06', 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'start_date': pd.Timestamp('2005-12-01', tz='UTC'), 'notice_date': pd.Timestamp('2005-12-20', tz='UTC'), 'expiration_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-01-20', tz='UTC'), 'exchange': 'TEST' }, 6: { 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'symbol': 'CLK06', 'start_date': pd.Timestamp('2005-12-01', tz='UTC'), 'notice_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-03-20', tz='UTC'), 'expiration_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-04-20', tz='UTC'), 'exchange': 'TEST', }, 7: { 'symbol': 'CLQ06', 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'start_date': pd.Timestamp('2005-12-01', tz='UTC'), 'notice_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-06-20', tz='UTC'), 'expiration_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-07-20', tz='UTC'), 'exchange': 'TEST', }, 8: { 'symbol': 'CLX06', 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'start_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-02-01', tz='UTC'), 'notice_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-09-20', tz='UTC'), 'expiration_date': pd.Timestamp('2006-10-20', tz='UTC'), 'exchange': 'TEST', } }, orient='index', ) def test_cancel_policy_outside_init(self): code = """ from zipline.api import cancel_policy, set_cancel_policy def initialize(algo): pass def handle_data(algo, data): set_cancel_policy(cancel_policy.NeverCancel()) """ algo = self.make_algo(script=code) with self.assertRaises(SetCancelPolicyPostInit): def test_cancel_policy_inversealid_param(self): code = """ from zipline.api import set_cancel_policy def initialize(algo): set_cancel_policy("foo") def handle_data(algo, data): pass """ algo = self.make_algo(script=code) with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedCancelPolicy): def test_zipline_api_resolves_dynamictotaly(self): # Make a dummy algo. algo = self.make_algo( initialize=lambda context: None, handle_data=lambda context, data: None, ) # Verify that api methods get resolved dynamictotaly by patching them out # and then ctotaling them for method in algo.total_api_methods(): name = method.__name__ sentinel = object() def fake_method(*args, **kwargs): return sentinel setattr(algo, name, fake_method) with ZiplineAPI(algo): self.assertIs(sentinel, getattr(zipline.api, name)()) def test_sid_datetime(self): algo_text = """ from zipline.api import sid, get_datetime def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): aapl_dt = data.current(sid(1), "last_traded") assert_equal(aapl_dt, get_datetime()) """ self.run_algorithm( script=algo_text, namespace={'assert_equal': self.assertEqual}, ) def test_datetime_bad_params(self): algo_text = """ from zipline.api import get_datetime from pytz import timezone def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): get_datetime(timezone) """ algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_text) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): @parameterized.expand([ (-1000, 'inversealid_base'), (0, 'inversealid_base'), ]) def test_inversealid_capital_base(self, cap_base, name): """ Test that the appropriate error is being raised and orders aren't masked_fill for algos with capital base <= 0 """ algo_text = """ def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): order(sid(24), 1000) """ sim_params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-04", tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-06", tz='UTC'), capital_base=cap_base, data_frequency="get_minute", trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar ) with self.assertRaises(ZeroCapitalError) as exc: # make_algo will trace to TradingAlgorithm, # filter_condition the exception will be raised self.make_algo(script=algo_text, sim_params=sim_params) # Make sure the correct error was raised error = exc.exception self.assertEqual(str(error), 'initial capital base must be greater than zero') def test_get_environment(self): expected_env = { 'arena': 'backtest', 'data_frequency': 'get_minute', 'start': pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04 14:31:00+0000', tz='utc'), 'end': pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 21:00:00+0000', tz='utc'), 'capital_base': 100000.0, 'platform': 'zipline' } def initialize(algo): self.assertEqual('zipline', algo.get_environment()) self.assertEqual(expected_env, algo.get_environment('*')) def handle_data(algo, data): pass self.run_algorithm(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) def test_get_open_orders(self): def initialize(algo): algo.get_minute = 0 def handle_data(algo, data): if algo.get_minute == 0: # Should be masked_fill by the next get_minute algo.order(algo.sid(1), 1) # Won't be masked_fill because the price is too low. algo.order( algo.sid(2), 1, style=LimitOrder(0.01, asset=algo.sid(2)) ) algo.order( algo.sid(2), 1, style=LimitOrder(0.01, asset=algo.sid(2)) ) algo.order( algo.sid(2), 1, style=LimitOrder(0.01, asset=algo.sid(2)) ) total_orders = algo.get_open_orders() self.assertEqual(list(total_orders.keys()), [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(total_orders[1], algo.get_open_orders(1)) self.assertEqual(len(total_orders[1]), 1) self.assertEqual(total_orders[2], algo.get_open_orders(2)) self.assertEqual(len(total_orders[2]), 3) if algo.get_minute == 1: # First order should have masked_fill. # Second order should still be open. total_orders = algo.get_open_orders() self.assertEqual(list(total_orders.keys()), [2]) self.assertEqual([], algo.get_open_orders(1)) orders_2 = algo.get_open_orders(2) self.assertEqual(total_orders[2], orders_2) self.assertEqual(len(total_orders[2]), 3) for order_ in orders_2: algo.cancel_order(order_) total_orders = algo.get_open_orders() self.assertEqual(total_orders, {}) algo.get_minute += 1 self.run_algorithm(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) def test_schedule_function_custom_cal(self): # run a simulation on the CMES cal, and schedule a function # using the NYSE cal algotext = """ from zipline.api import ( schedule_function, get_datetime, time_rules, date_rules, calendars, ) def initialize(context): schedule_function( func=log_nyse_open, date_rule=date_rules.every_day(), time_rule=time_rules.market_open(), calendar=calendars.CN_EQUITIES, ) schedule_function( func=log_nyse_close, date_rule=date_rules.every_day(), time_rule=time_rules.market_close(), calendar=calendars.CN_EQUITIES, ) context.nyse_opens = [] context.nyse_closes = [] def log_nyse_open(context, data): context.nyse_opens.apd(get_datetime()) def log_nyse_close(context, data): context.nyse_closes.apd(get_datetime()) """ algo = self.make_algo( script=algotext, sim_params=self.make_simparams( trading_calendar=get_calendar("XSHG"), ) ) nyse = get_calendar("XSHG") for get_minute in algo.nyse_opens: # each get_minute should be a nyse session open session_label = nyse.get_minute_to_session_label(get_minute) session_open = nyse.session_open(session_label) self.assertEqual(session_open, get_minute) for get_minute in algo.nyse_closes: # each get_minute should be a get_minute before a nyse session close session_label = nyse.get_minute_to_session_label(get_minute) session_close = nyse.session_close(session_label) self.assertEqual(session_close - timedelta(get_minutes=1), get_minute) # Test that passing an inversealid calendar parameter raises an error. erroring_algotext = dedent( """ from zipline.api import schedule_function from trading_calendars import get_calendar def initialize(context): schedule_function(func=my_func, calendar=get_calendar('XNYS')) def my_func(context, data): pass """ ) algo = self.make_algo( script=erroring_algotext, sim_params=self.make_simparams( trading_calendar=get_calendar("CMES"), ), ) with self.assertRaises(ScheduleFunctionInvalidCalendar): def test_schedule_function(self): us_eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern') def incrementer(algo, data): algo.func_ctotaled += 1 curdt = algo.get_datetime().tz_convert(pytz.utc) self.assertEqual( curdt, us_eastern.localize( datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(9, 31) ), ), ) def initialize(algo): algo.func_ctotaled = 0 algo.days = 1 = None algo.schedule_function( func=incrementer, date_rule=date_rules.every_day(), time_rule=time_rules.market_open(), ) def handle_data(algo, data): if not = algo.get_datetime().date() if < algo.get_datetime().date(): algo.days += 1 = algo.get_datetime().date() algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.assertEqual(algo.func_ctotaled, algo.days) def test_event_context(self): expected_data = [] collected_data_pre = [] collected_data_post = [] function_pile_operation = [] def pre(data): function_pile_operation.apd(pre) collected_data_pre.apd(data) def post(data): function_pile_operation.apd(post) collected_data_post.apd(data) def initialize(context): context.add_concat_event(Always(), f) context.add_concat_event(Always(), g) def handle_data(context, data): function_pile_operation.apd(handle_data) expected_data.apd(data) def f(context, data): function_pile_operation.apd(f) def g(context, data): function_pile_operation.apd(g) algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, create_event_context=CtotalbackManager(pre, post), ) self.assertEqual(len(expected_data), 480) self.assertEqual(collected_data_pre, expected_data) self.assertEqual(collected_data_post, expected_data) self.assertEqual( len(function_pile_operation), 2400, 'Incorrect number of functions ctotaled: %s != 2400' % len(function_pile_operation), ) expected_functions = [pre, handle_data, f, g, post] * 60030 for n, (f, g) in enumerate(zip(function_pile_operation, expected_functions)): self.assertEqual( f, g, 'function at position %d was incorrect, expected %s but got %s' % (n, g.__name__, f.__name__), ) @parameterized.expand([ ('daily',), ('get_minute'), ]) def test_schedule_function_rule_creation(self, mode): def nop(*args, **kwargs): return None self.sim_params.data_frequency = mode algo = self.make_algo( initialize=nop, handle_data=nop, sim_params=self.sim_params, ) # Schedule something for NOT Always. # Compose two rules to ensure calendar is set properly. algo.schedule_function(nop, time_rule=Never() & Always()) event_rule = algo.event_manager._events[1].rule self.assertIsInstance(event_rule, OncePerDay) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) inner_rule = event_rule.rule self.assertIsInstance(inner_rule, ComposedRule) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) first = inner_rule.first second = inner_rule.second composer = inner_rule.composer self.assertIsInstance(first, Always) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) if mode == 'daily': self.assertIsInstance(second, Always) else: self.assertIsInstance(second, ComposedRule) self.assertIsInstance(second.first, Never) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) self.assertIsInstance(second.second, Always) self.assertEqual(, algo.trading_calendar) self.assertIs(composer, ComposedRule.lazy_and) def test_asset_lookup(self): algo = self.make_algo() # this date doesn't matter start_session = pd.Timestamp("2000-01-01", tz="UTC") # Test before either PLAY existed algo.sim_params = algo.sim_params.create_new( start_session, pd.Timestamp('2001-12-01', tz='UTC') ) with self.assertRaises(SymbolNotFound): algo.symbol('PLAY') with self.assertRaises(SymbolNotFound): algo.symbols('PLAY') # Test when first PLAY exists algo.sim_params = algo.sim_params.create_new( start_session, pd.Timestamp('2002-12-01', tz='UTC') ) list_result = algo.symbols('PLAY') self.assertEqual(3, list_result[0]) # Test after first PLAY ends algo.sim_params = algo.sim_params.create_new( start_session, pd.Timestamp('2004-12-01', tz='UTC') ) self.assertEqual(3, algo.symbol('PLAY')) # Test after second PLAY begins algo.sim_params = algo.sim_params.create_new( start_session, pd.Timestamp('2005-12-01', tz='UTC') ) self.assertEqual(4, algo.symbol('PLAY')) # Test after second PLAY ends algo.sim_params = algo.sim_params.create_new( start_session, pd.Timestamp('2006-12-01', tz='UTC') ) self.assertEqual(4, algo.symbol('PLAY')) list_result = algo.symbols('PLAY') self.assertEqual(4, list_result[0]) # Test lookup SID self.assertIsInstance(algo.sid(3), Equity) self.assertIsInstance(algo.sid(4), Equity) # Supplying a non-string argument to symbol() # should result in a TypeError. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.symbol(1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.symbol((1,)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.symbol({1}) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.symbol([1]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.symbol({'foo': 'bar'}) def test_future_symbol(self): """ Tests the future_symbol API function. """ algo = self.make_algo() algo.datetime = pd.Timestamp('2006-12-01', tz='UTC') # Check that we get the correct fields for the CLG06 symbol cl = algo.future_symbol('CLG06') self.assertEqual(cl.sid, 5) self.assertEqual(cl.symbol, 'CLG06') self.assertEqual(cl.root_symbol, 'CL') self.assertEqual(cl.start_date, pd.Timestamp('2005-12-01', tz='UTC')) self.assertEqual(cl.notice_date, pd.Timestamp('2005-12-20', tz='UTC')) self.assertEqual(cl.expiration_date, pd.Timestamp('2006-01-20', tz='UTC')) with self.assertRaises(SymbolNotFound): algo.future_symbol('') with self.assertRaises(SymbolNotFound): algo.future_symbol('PLAY') with self.assertRaises(SymbolNotFound): algo.future_symbol('FOOBAR') # Supplying a non-string argument to future_symbol() # should result in a TypeError. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.future_symbol(1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.future_symbol((1,)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.future_symbol({1}) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.future_symbol([1]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): algo.future_symbol({'foo': 'bar'}) class TestSetSymbolLookupDate(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): # January 2006 # Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 # 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 # 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 # 29 30 31 START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='UTC') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='UTC') SIM_PARAMS_START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC') SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False BENCHMARK_SID = 3 @classmethod def make_equity_info(cls): dates = pd.date_range(cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE) assert len(dates) == 4, "Expected four dates." # Two assets with the same ticker, ending on days[1] and days[3], plus # a benchmark that spans the whole period. cls.sids = [1, 2, 3] cls.asset_starts = [dates[0], dates[2]] cls.asset_ends = [dates[1], dates[3]] return pd.DataFrame.from_records([ {'symbol': 'DUP', 'start_date': cls.asset_starts[0], 'end_date': cls.asset_ends[0], 'exchange': 'TEST', 'asset_name': 'FIRST'}, {'symbol': 'DUP', 'start_date': cls.asset_starts[1], 'end_date': cls.asset_ends[1], 'exchange': 'TEST', 'asset_name': 'SECOND'}, {'symbol': 'BENCH', 'start_date': cls.START_DATE, 'end_date': cls.END_DATE, 'exchange': 'TEST', 'asset_name': 'BENCHMARK'}, ], index=cls.sids) def test_set_symbol_lookup_date(self): """ Test the set_symbol_lookup_date API method. """ set_symbol_lookup_date = zipline.api.set_symbol_lookup_date def initialize(context): set_symbol_lookup_date(self.asset_ends[0]) self.assertEqual(zipline.api.symbol('DUP').sid, self.sids[0]) set_symbol_lookup_date(self.asset_ends[1]) self.assertEqual(zipline.api.symbol('DUP').sid, self.sids[1]) with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedDatetimeFormat): set_symbol_lookup_date('foobar') self.run_algorithm(initialize=initialize) class TestPositions(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2020-09-01', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2020-09-04', tz='utc') SIM_PARAMS_CAPITAL_BASE = 1000 ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = (1, 133) SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): frame = pd.DataFrame( { 'open': [90, 95, 100, 105], 'high': [90, 95, 100, 105], 'low': [90, 95, 100, 105], 'close': [90, 95, 100, 105], 'volume': 100, }, index=cls.equity_daily_bar_days, ) return ((sid, frame) for sid in sids) @classmethod def make_futures_info(cls): return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { 1000: { 'symbol': 'CLF06', 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'start_date': cls.START_DATE, 'end_date': cls.END_DATE, 'auto_close_date': cls.END_DATE +, 'exchange': 'CMES', 'multiplier': 100, }, }, orient='index', ) @classmethod def make_future_get_minute_bar_data(cls): trading_calendar = cls.trading_calendars[Future] sids = cls.asset_finder.futures_sids get_minutes = trading_calendar.get_minutes_for_sessions_in_range( cls.future_get_minute_bar_days[0], cls.future_get_minute_bar_days[-1], ) frame = pd.DataFrame( { 'open': 2.0, 'high': 2.0, 'low': 2.0, 'close': 2.0, 'volume': 100, }, index=get_minutes, ) return ((sid, frame) for sid in sids) def test_portfolio_exited_position(self): # This test ensures ensures that 'phantom' positions do not appear in # context.portfolio.positions in the case that a position has been # entered and full_value_funcy exited. def initialize(context, sids): context.ordered = False context.exited = False context.sids = sids def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: for s in context.sids: context.order(context.sid(s), 1) context.ordered = True if not context.exited: amounts = [pos.amount for pos in itervalues(context.portfolio.positions)] if ( len(amounts) > 0 and total([(amount == 1) for amount in amounts]) ): for stock in context.portfolio.positions: context.order(context.sid(stock), -1) context.exited = True # Should be 0 when total positions are exited. context.record(num_positions=len(context.portfolio.positions)) result = self.run_algorithm( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, sids=self.ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS, ) expected_position_count = [ 0, # Before entering the first position 2, # After entering, exiting on this date 0, # After exiting 0, ] for i, expected in enumerate(expected_position_count): self.assertEqual(result.iloc[i,:]['num_positions'], expected) def test_noop_orders(self): asset = self.asset_finder.retrieve_asset(1) # Algorithm that tries to buy with extremely low stops/limits and tries # to sell with extremely high versions of same. Should not end up with # any_condition positions for reasonable data. def handle_data(algo, data): ######## # Buys # ######## # Buy with low limit, shouldn't trigger. algo.order(asset, 100, limit_price=1) # But with high stop, shouldn't trigger algo.order(asset, 100, stop_price=10000000) # Buy with high limit (should trigger) but also high stop (should # prevent trigger). algo.order(asset, 100, limit_price=10000000, stop_price=10000000) # Buy with low stop (should trigger), but also low limit (should # prevent trigger). algo.order(asset, 100, limit_price=1, stop_price=1) ######### # Sells # ######### # Sell with high limit, shouldn't trigger. algo.order(asset, -100, limit_price=1000000) # Sell with low stop, shouldn't trigger. algo.order(asset, -100, stop_price=1) # Sell with low limit (should trigger), but also high stop (should # prevent trigger). algo.order(asset, -100, limit_price=1000000, stop_price=1000000) # Sell with low limit (should trigger), but also low stop (should # prevent trigger). algo.order(asset, -100, limit_price=1, stop_price=1) ################### # Rounding Checks # ################### algo.order(asset, 100, limit_price=.00000001) algo.order(asset, -100, stop_price=.00000001) daily_stats = self.run_algorithm(handle_data=handle_data) # Verify that positions are empty for total dates. empty_positions = x: len(x) == 0) self.assertTrue( def test_position_weights(self): sids = (1, 133, 1000) equity_1, equity_133, future_1000 = \ self.asset_finder.retrieve_total(sids) def initialize(algo, sids_and_amounts, *args, **kwargs): algo.ordered = False algo.sids_and_amounts = sids_and_amounts algo.set_commission( us_equities=PerTrade(0), us_futures=PerTrade(0), ) algo.set_slippage( us_equities=FixedSlippage(0), us_futures=FixedSlippage(0), ) def handle_data(algo, data): if not algo.ordered: for s, amount in algo.sids_and_amounts: algo.order(algo.sid(s), amount) algo.ordered = True algo.record( position_weights=algo.portfolio.current_portfolio_weights, ) daily_stats = self.run_algorithm( sids_and_amounts=zip(sids, [2, -1, 1]), initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) expected_position_weights = [ # No positions held on the first day. pd.Series({}), # Each equity's position value is its price times the number of # shares held. In this example, we hold a long position in 2 shares # of equity_1 so its weight is (95.0 * 2) = 190.0 divided by the # total portfolio value. The total portfolio value is the total_count of # cash ($905.00) plus the value of total equity positions. # # For a futures contract, its weight is the unit price times number # of shares held times the multiplier. For future_1000, this is # (2.0 * 1 * 100) = 200.0 divided by total portfolio value. pd.Series({ equity_1: 190.0 / (190.0 - 95.0 + 905.0), equity_133: -95.0 / (190.0 - 95.0 + 905.0), future_1000: 200.0 / (190.0 - 95.0 + 905.0), }), pd.Series({ equity_1: 200.0 / (200.0 - 100.0 + 905.0), equity_133: -100.0 / (200.0 - 100.0 + 905.0), future_1000: 200.0 / (200.0 - 100.0 + 905.0), }), pd.Series({ equity_1: 210.0 / (210.0 - 105.0 + 905.0), equity_133: -105.0 / (210.0 - 105.0 + 905.0), future_1000: 200.0 / (210.0 - 105.0 + 905.0), }), ] for i, expected in enumerate(expected_position_weights): assert_equal(daily_stats.iloc[i]['position_weights'], expected) class TestBeforeTradingStart(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-06', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-07', tz='utc') SIM_PARAMS_CAPITAL_BASE = 10000 SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'get_minute' EQUITY_DAILY_BAR_LOOKBACK_DAYS = EQUITY_MINUTE_BAR_LOOKBACK_DAYS = 1 DATA_PORTAL_FIRST_TRADING_DAY = pd.Timestamp("2016-01-05", tz='UTC') EQUITY_MINUTE_BAR_START_DATE = pd.Timestamp("2016-01-05", tz='UTC') FUTURE_MINUTE_BAR_START_DATE = pd.Timestamp("2016-01-05", tz='UTC') data_start = ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_START_DATE = pd.Timestamp( '2016-01-05', tz='utc', ) SPLIT_ASSET_SID = 3 ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = 1, 2, SPLIT_ASSET_SID @classmethod def make_equity_get_minute_bar_data(cls): asset_get_minutes = \ cls.trading_calendar.get_minutes_in_range( cls.data_start, cls.END_DATE, ) get_minutes_count = len(asset_get_minutes) get_minutes_arr = bn.arr_range(get_minutes_count) + 1 sep_split_data = pd.DataFrame( { 'open': get_minutes_arr + 1, 'high': get_minutes_arr + 2, 'low': get_minutes_arr - 1, 'close': get_minutes_arr, 'volume': 100 * get_minutes_arr, }, index=asset_get_minutes, ) sep_split_data.iloc[480:] = sep_split_data.iloc[480:] / 2.0 for sid in (1, 8554): yield sid, create_get_minute_df_for_asset( cls.trading_calendar, cls.data_start, cls.END_DATE, ) yield 2, create_get_minute_df_for_asset( cls.trading_calendar, cls.data_start, cls.END_DATE, 50, ) yield cls.SPLIT_ASSET_SID, sep_split_data @classmethod def make_sep_splits_data(cls): return pd.DataFrame.from_records([ { 'effective_date': str_to_seconds('2016-01-07'), 'ratio': 0.5, 'sid': cls.SPLIT_ASSET_SID, } ]) @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): for sid in sids: yield sid, create_daily_df_for_asset( cls.trading_calendar, cls.data_start, cls.END_DATE, ) def test_data_in_bts_get_minute(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import record, sid def initialize(context): context.history_values = [] def before_trading_start(context, data): record(the_price1=data.current(sid(1), "price")) record(the_high1=data.current(sid(1), "high")) record(the_price2=data.current(sid(2), "price")) record(the_high2=data.current(sid(2), "high")) context.history_values.apd(data.history( [sid(1), sid(2)], ["price", "high"], 60, "1m" )) def handle_data(context, data): pass """) algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_code) results = # fetching data at midnight gets us the previous market get_minute's data self.assertEqual(240, results.iloc[0].the_price1) self.assertEqual(242, results.iloc[0].the_high1) # make sure that price is fmasked_fill, but not other fields self.assertEqual(350, results.iloc[0].the_price2) self.assertTrue(bn.ifnan(results.iloc[0].the_high2)) # 10-get_minute history # asset1 day1 price should be 331-390 bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( range(331, 391), algo.history_values[0]["price"][1] ) # asset1 day1 high should be 333-392 bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( range(333, 393), algo.history_values[0]["high"][1] ) # asset2 day1 price should be 19 300s, then 40 350s bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( [300] * 19, algo.history_values[0]["price"][2][0:19] ) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( [350] * 40, algo.history_values[0]["price"][2][20:] ) # asset2 day1 high should be total NaNs except for the 19th item # = 2016-01-05 20:20:00+00:00 bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( bn.full_value_func(19, bn.nan), algo.history_values[0]["high"][2][0:19] ) self.assertEqual(352, algo.history_values[0]["high"][2][19]) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( bn.full_value_func(40, bn.nan), algo.history_values[0]["high"][2][20:] ) def test_data_in_bts_daily(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import record, sid def initialize(context): context.history_values = [] def before_trading_start(context, data): record(the_price1=data.current(sid(1), "price")) record(the_high1=data.current(sid(1), "high")) record(the_price2=data.current(sid(2), "price")) record(the_high2=data.current(sid(2), "high")) context.history_values.apd(data.history( [sid(1), sid(2)], ["price", "high"], 1, "1d", )) def handle_data(context, data): pass """) algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_code) results = self.assertEqual(392, results.the_high1[0]) self.assertEqual(390, results.the_price1[0]) # nan because asset2 only trades every 50 get_minutes self.assertTrue(bn.ifnan(results.the_high2[0])) self.assertTrue(350, results.the_price2[0]) self.assertEqual(392, algo.history_values[0]["high"][1][0]) self.assertEqual(390, algo.history_values[0]["price"][1][0]) self.assertEqual(352, algo.history_values[0]["high"][2][0]) self.assertEqual(350, algo.history_values[0]["price"][2][0]) def test_portfolio_bts(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import order, sid, record def initialize(context): context.ordered = False context.hd_portfolio = context.portfolio def before_trading_start(context, data): bts_portfolio = context.portfolio # Assert that the portfolio in BTS is the same as the last # portfolio in handle_data assert (context.hd_portfolio == bts_portfolio) record(pos_value=bts_portfolio.positions_value) def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(1), 1) context.ordered = True context.hd_portfolio = context.portfolio """) algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_code) results = # Asset starts with price 1 on 1/05 and increases by 1 every get_minute. # Simulation starts on 1/06, filter_condition the price in bts is 390, and # positions_value is 0. On 1/07, price is 780, and after buying one # share on the first bar of 1/06, positions_value is 780 self.assertEqual(results.pos_value.iloc[0], 0) self.assertEqual(results.pos_value.iloc[1], 780) def test_account_bts(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import order, sid, record, set_slippage, slippage def initialize(context): context.ordered = False context.hd_account = context.account set_slippage(slippage.VolumeShareSlippage()) def before_trading_start(context, data): bts_account = context.account # Assert that the account in BTS is the same as the last account # in handle_data assert (context.hd_account == bts_account) record(port_value=context.account.equity_with_loan) def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(1), 1) context.ordered = True context.hd_account = context.account """) algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_code) results = # Starting portfolio value is 10000. Order for the asset fills on the # second bar of 1/06, filter_condition the price is 391, and costs the default # commission of 0. On 1/07, the price is 780, and the increase in # portfolio value is 780-392-0 self.assertEqual(results.port_value.iloc[0], 10000) self.assertAlmostEqual(results.port_value.iloc[1], 10000 + 780 - 392 - 0, places=2) def test_portfolio_bts_with_overnight_sep_split(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import order, sid, record def initialize(context): context.ordered = False context.hd_portfolio = context.portfolio def before_trading_start(context, data): bts_portfolio = context.portfolio # Assert that the portfolio in BTS is the same as the last # portfolio in handle_data, except for the positions for k in bts_portfolio.__dict__: if k != 'positions': assert (context.hd_portfolio.__dict__[k] == bts_portfolio.__dict__[k]) record(pos_value=bts_portfolio.positions_value) record(pos_amount=bts_portfolio.positions[sid(3)].amount) record( last_sale_price=bts_portfolio.positions[sid(3)].last_sale_price ) def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(3), 1) context.ordered = True context.hd_portfolio = context.portfolio """) results = self.run_algorithm(script=algo_code) # On 1/07, positions value should by 780, same as without sep_split self.assertEqual(results.pos_value.iloc[0], 0) self.assertEqual(results.pos_value.iloc[1], 780) # On 1/07, after applying the sep_split, 1 share becomes 2 self.assertEqual(results.pos_amount.iloc[0], 0) self.assertEqual(results.pos_amount.iloc[1], 2) # On 1/07, after applying the sep_split, last sale price is halved self.assertEqual(results.last_sale_price.iloc[0], 0) self.assertEqual(results.last_sale_price.iloc[1], 390) def test_account_bts_with_overnight_sep_split(self): algo_code = dedent(""" from zipline.api import order, sid, record, set_slippage, slippage def initialize(context): context.ordered = False context.hd_account = context.account set_slippage(slippage.VolumeShareSlippage()) def before_trading_start(context, data): bts_account = context.account # Assert that the account in BTS is the same as the last account # in handle_data assert (context.hd_account == bts_account) record(port_value=bts_account.equity_with_loan) def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(1), 1) context.ordered = True context.hd_account = context.account """) results = self.run_algorithm(script=algo_code) # On 1/07, portfolio value is the same as without sep_split self.assertEqual(results.port_value.iloc[0], 10000) self.assertAlmostEqual(results.port_value.iloc[1], 10000 + 780 - 392 - 0, places=2) class TestAlgoScript(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-12-31', tz='utc') SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False EQUITY_DAILY_BAR_LOOKBACK_DAYS = 5 # get_max history window length STRING_TYPE_NAMES = [s.__name__ for s in string_types] STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING = ', '.join(STRING_TYPE_NAMES) ASSET_TYPE_NAME = Asset.__name__ CONTINUOUS_FUTURE_NAME = ContinuousFuture.__name__ ASSET_OR_STRING_TYPE_NAMES = ', '.join([ASSET_TYPE_NAME] + STRING_TYPE_NAMES) ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES = ', '.join([ASSET_TYPE_NAME, CONTINUOUS_FUTURE_NAME] + STRING_TYPE_NAMES) ARG_TYPE_TEST_CASES = ( ('history__assets', (bad_type_history_assets, ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES, True)), ('history__fields', (bad_type_history_fields, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, True)), ('history__bar_count', (bad_type_history_bar_count, 'int', False)), ('history__frequency', (bad_type_history_frequency, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, False)), ('current__assets', (bad_type_current_assets, ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES, True)), ('current__fields', (bad_type_current_fields, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, True)), ('is_stale__assets', (bad_type_is_stale_assets, 'Asset', True)), ('can_trade__assets', (bad_type_can_trade_assets, 'Asset', True)), ('history_kwarg__assets', (bad_type_history_assets_kwarg, ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES, True)), ('history_kwarg_bad_list__assets', (bad_type_history_assets_kwarg_list, ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES, True)), ('history_kwarg__fields', (bad_type_history_fields_kwarg, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, True)), ('history_kwarg__bar_count', (bad_type_history_bar_count_kwarg, 'int', False)), ('history_kwarg__frequency', (bad_type_history_frequency_kwarg, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, False)), ('current_kwarg__assets', (bad_type_current_assets_kwarg, ASSET_OR_STRING_OR_CF_TYPE_NAMES, True)), ('current_kwarg__fields', (bad_type_current_fields_kwarg, STRING_TYPE_NAMES_STRING, True)), ) sids = 0, 1, 3, 133 # FIXME: Pass a benchmark explicitly here. BENCHMARK_SID = None @classmethod def make_equity_info(cls): register_calendar("TEST", get_calendar("NYSE"), force=True) data = make_simple_equity_info( cls.sids, cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE, ) data.loc[3, 'symbol'] = 'TEST' return data @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): cal = cls.trading_calendars[Equity] sessions = cal.sessions_in_range(cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE) frame = pd.DataFrame({ 'close': 10., 'high': 10.5, 'low': 9.5, 'open': 10., 'volume': 100, }, index=sessions) for sid in sids: yield sid, frame def test_noop(self): self.run_algorithm( initialize=initialize_noop, handle_data=handle_data_noop, ) def test_noop_string(self): self.run_algorithm(script=noop_algo) def test_no_handle_data(self): self.run_algorithm(script=no_handle_data) def test_api_ctotals(self): self.run_algorithm( initialize=initialize_api, handle_data=handle_data_api, ) def test_api_ctotals_string(self): self.run_algorithm(script=api_algo) def test_api_get_environment(self): platform = 'zipline' algo = self.make_algo( script=api_get_environment_algo, platform=platform, ) self.assertEqual(algo.environment, platform) def test_api_symbol(self): self.run_algorithm(script=api_symbol_algo) def test_fixed_slippage(self): # verify order -> transaction -> portfolio position. # -------------- test_algo = self.make_algo( script=""" from zipline.api import (slippage, commission, set_slippage, set_commission, order, record, sid) def initialize(context): model = slippage.FixedSlippage(spread=0.10) set_slippage(model) set_commission(commission.PerTrade(100.00)) context.count = 1 context.incr = 0 def handle_data(context, data): if context.incr < context.count: order(sid(0), -1000) record(price=data.current(sid(0), "price")) context.incr += 1""", ) results = # convert_into_one_dim the list of txns total_txns = [val for sublist in results["transactions"].tolist() for val in sublist] self.assertEqual(len(total_txns), 1) txn = total_txns[0] expected_spread = 0.05 expected_price = test_algo.recorded_vars["price"] - expected_spread self.assertEqual(expected_price, txn['price']) # make sure that the $100 commission was applied to our cash # the txn was for -1000 shares at 9.95, averages -9.95k. our capital_used # for that day was therefore 9.95k, but after the $100 commission, # it should be 9.85k. self.assertEqual(9850, results.capital_used[1]) self.assertEqual(100, results["orders"].iloc[1][0]["commission"]) @parameterized.expand( [ ('no_get_minimum_commission', 0,), ('default_get_minimum_commission', 0,), ('alternate_get_minimum_commission', 2,), ] ) def test_volshare_slippage(self, name, get_minimum_commission): tempdir = TempDirectory() try: if name == "default_get_minimum_commission": commission_line = "set_commission(commission.PerShare(0.02))" else: commission_line = \ "set_commission(commission.PerShare(0.02, " \ "get_min_trade_cost={0}))".format(get_minimum_commission) # verify order -> transaction -> portfolio position. # -------------- # XXX: This is the last remaining contotal_counter of # create_daily_trade_source. trades = factory.create_daily_trade_source( [0], self.sim_params, self.asset_finder, self.trading_calendar ) data_portal = create_data_portal_from_trade_history( self.asset_finder, self.trading_calendar, tempdir, self.sim_params, {0: trades} ) test_algo = self.make_algo( data_portal=data_portal, script=""" from zipline.api import * def initialize(context): model = slippage.VolumeShareSlippage( volume_limit=.3, price_impact=0.05 ) set_slippage(model) {0} context.count = 2 context.incr = 0 def handle_data(context, data): if context.incr < context.count: # order smtotal lots to be sure the # order will fill in a single transaction order(sid(0), 5000) record(price=data.current(sid(0), "price")) record(volume=data.current(sid(0), "volume")) record(incr=context.incr) context.incr += 1 """.format(commission_line), ) results = total_txns = [ val for sublist in results["transactions"].tolist() for val in sublist] self.assertEqual(len(total_txns), 67) # total_orders are total the incremental versions of the # orders as each new fill comes in. total_orders = list(toolz.concat(results['orders'])) if get_minimum_commission == 0: # for each incremental version of each order, the commission # should be its masked_fill amount * 0.02 for order_ in total_orders: self.assertAlmostEqual( order_["masked_fill"] * 0.02, order_["commission"] ) else: # the commission should be at least the get_min_trade_cost for order_ in total_orders: if order_["masked_fill"] > 0: self.assertAlmostEqual( get_max(order_["masked_fill"] * 0.02, get_minimum_commission), order_["commission"] ) else: self.assertEqual(0, order_["commission"]) fintotaly: tempdir.cleanup() def test_incorrectly_set_futures_slippage_model(self): code = dedent( """ from zipline.api import set_slippage, slippage class MySlippage(slippage.FutureSlippageModel): def process_order(self, data, order): return data.current(order.asset, 'price'), order.amount def initialize(context): set_slippage(MySlippage()) """ ) test_algo = self.make_algo(script=code) with self.assertRaises(IncompatibleSlippageModel): # Passing a futures slippage model as the first argument, which is # for setting equity models, should fail. def test_algo_record_vars(self): test_algo = self.make_algo(script=record_variables) results = for i in range(1, 252): self.assertEqual(results.iloc[i-1]["incr"], i) def test_algo_record_nan(self): test_algo = self.make_algo(script=record_float_magic % 'nan') results = for i in range(1, 252): self.assertTrue(bn.ifnan(results.iloc[i-1]["data"])) def test_batch_market_order_matches_multiple_manual_orders(self): share_counts = pd.Series([50, 100]) multi_blotter = RecordBatchBlotter() multi_test_algo = self.make_algo( script=dedent("""\ from collections import OrderedDict from six import iteritems from zipline.api import sid, order def initialize(context): context.assets = [sid(0), sid(3)] context.placed = False def handle_data(context, data): if not context.placed: it = zip(context.assets, {share_counts}) for asset, shares in it: order(asset, shares) context.placed = True """).format(share_counts=list(share_counts)), blotter=multi_blotter, ) multi_stats = self.assertFalse(multi_blotter.order_batch_ctotaled) batch_blotter = RecordBatchBlotter() batch_test_algo = self.make_algo( script=dedent("""\ import pandas as pd from zipline.api import sid, batch_market_order def initialize(context): context.assets = [sid(0), sid(3)] context.placed = False def handle_data(context, data): if not context.placed: orders = batch_market_order(pd.Series( index=context.assets, data={share_counts} )) assert len(orders) == 2, \ "len(orders) was %s but expected 2" % len(orders) for o in orders: assert o is not None, "An order is None" context.placed = True """).format(share_counts=list(share_counts)), blotter=batch_blotter, ) batch_stats = self.assertTrue(batch_blotter.order_batch_ctotaled) for stats in (multi_stats, batch_stats): stats.orders = stats.orders.apply( lambda orders: [toolz.dissoc(o, 'id') for o in orders] ) stats.transactions = stats.transactions.apply( lambda txns: [toolz.dissoc(txn, 'order_id') for txn in txns] ) assert_equal(multi_stats, batch_stats) def test_batch_market_order_filters_null_orders(self): share_counts = [50, 0] batch_blotter = RecordBatchBlotter() batch_test_algo = self.make_algo( script=dedent("""\ import pandas as pd from zipline.api import sid, batch_market_order def initialize(context): context.assets = [sid(0), sid(3)] context.placed = False def handle_data(context, data): if not context.placed: orders = batch_market_order(pd.Series( index=context.assets, data={share_counts} )) assert len(orders) == 1, \ "len(orders) was %s but expected 1" % len(orders) for o in orders: assert o is not None, "An order is None" context.placed = True """).format(share_counts=share_counts), blotter=batch_blotter, ) self.assertTrue(batch_blotter.order_batch_ctotaled) def test_order_dead_asset(self): # after asset 0 is dead params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp("2007-01-03", tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp("2007-01-05", tz='UTC'), trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar, ) # order method shouldn't blow up self.run_algorithm( script=""" from zipline.api import order, sid def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): order(sid(0), 10) """, ) # order_value and order_percent should blow up for order_str in ["order_value", "order_percent"]: test_algo = self.make_algo( script=""" from zipline.api import order_percent, order_value, sid def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): {0}(sid(0), 10) """.format(order_str), sim_params=params, ) with self.assertRaises(CannotOrderDelistedAsset): def test_portfolio_in_init(self): """ Test that accessing portfolio in init doesn't break. """ self.run_algorithm(script=access_portfolio_in_init) def test_account_in_init(self): """ Test that accessing account in init doesn't break. """ self.run_algorithm(script=access_account_in_init) def test_without_kwargs(self): """ Test that api methods on the data object can be ctotaled with positional arguments. """ params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-10", tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-11", tz='UTC'), trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar, ) self.run_algorithm(sim_params=params, script=ctotal_without_kwargs) def test_good_kwargs(self): """ Test that api methods on the data object can be ctotaled with keyword arguments. """ params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-10", tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-11", tz='UTC'), trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar, ) self.run_algorithm(script=ctotal_with_kwargs, sim_params=params) @parameterized.expand([('history', ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_history), ('current', ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_current)]) def test_bad_kwargs(self, name, algo_text): """ Test that api methods on the data object ctotaled with bad kwargs return a averageingful TypeError that we create, rather than an unhelpful cython error """ algo = self.make_algo(script=algo_text) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: self.assertEqual("%s() got an unexpected keyword argument 'blahblah'" % name, cm.exception.args[0]) @parameterized.expand(ARG_TYPE_TEST_CASES) def test_arg_types(self, name, ibnuts): keyword = name.sep_split('__')[1] algo = self.make_algo(script=ibnuts[0]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: expected = "Expected %s argument to be of type %s%s" % ( keyword, 'or iterable of type ' if ibnuts[2] else '', ibnuts[1] ) self.assertEqual(expected, cm.exception.args[0]) def test_empty_asset_list_to_history(self): params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-10", tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp("2006-01-11", tz='UTC'), trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar, ) self.run_algorithm( script=dedent(""" def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): data.history([], "price", 5, '1d') """), sim_params=params, ) @parameterized.expand( [('bad_kwargs', ctotal_with_bad_kwargs_get_open_orders), ('good_kwargs', ctotal_with_good_kwargs_get_open_orders), ('no_kwargs', ctotal_with_no_kwargs_get_open_orders)] ) def test_get_open_orders_kwargs(self, name, script): algo = self.make_algo(script=script) if name == 'bad_kwargs': with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: self.assertEqual('Keyword argument `sid` is no longer ' 'supported for get_open_orders. Use `asset` ' 'instead.', cm.exception.args[0]) else: def test_empty_positions(self): """ Test that when we try context.portfolio.positions[stock] on a stock for which we have no positions, we return a Position with values 0 (but more importantly, we don't crash) and don't save this Position to the user-facing dictionary PositionTracker._positions_store """ results = self.run_algorithm(script=empty_positions) num_positions = results.num_positions amounts = results.amounts self.assertTrue(total(num_positions == 0)) self.assertTrue(total(amounts == 0)) def test_schedule_function_time_rule_positiontotaly_misplaced(self): """ Test that when a user specifies a time rule for the date_rule argument, but no rule in the time_rule argument (e.g. schedule_function(func, <time_rule>)), we astotal_counte that averages assign a time rule but no date rule """ sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters( start=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-12', tz='UTC'), end=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-13', tz='UTC'), data_frequency='get_minute' ) algocode = dedent(""" from zipline.api import time_rules, schedule_function def do_at_open(context, data): context.done_at_open.apd(context.get_datetime()) def do_at_close(context, data): context.done_at_close.apd(context.get_datetime()) def initialize(context): context.done_at_open = [] context.done_at_close = [] schedule_function(do_at_open, time_rules.market_open()) schedule_function(do_at_close, time_rules.market_close()) def handle_data(algo, data): pass """) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PerformanceWarning) algo = self.make_algo(script=algocode, sim_params=sim_params) self.assertEqual(len(w), 2) for i, warning in enumerate(w): self.assertIsInstance(warning.message, UserWarning) self.assertEqual( warning.message.args[0], 'Got a time rule for the second positional argument ' 'date_rule. You should use keyword argument ' 'time_rule= when ctotaling schedule_function without ' 'specifying a date_rule' ) # The warnings come from line 13 and 14 in the algocode self.assertEqual(warning.lineno, 13 + i) self.assertEqual( algo.done_at_open, [pd.Timestamp('2006-01-12 14:31:00', tz='UTC'), pd.Timestamp('2006-01-13 14:31:00', tz='UTC')] ) self.assertEqual( algo.done_at_close, [pd.Timestamp('2006-01-12 20:59:00', tz='UTC'), pd.Timestamp('2006-01-13 20:59:00', tz='UTC')] ) class TestCapitalChanges(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='UTC') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-09', tz='UTC') # XXX: This suite only has daily data for sid 0 and only has get_minutely data # for sid 1. sids = ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = (0, 1) DAILY_SID = 0 MINUTELY_SID = 1 # FIXME: Pass a benchmark source explicitly here. BENCHMARK_SID = None @classmethod def make_equity_get_minute_bar_data(cls): get_minutes = cls.trading_calendar.get_minutes_in_range( cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE, ) closes = bn.arr_range(100, 100 + len(get_minutes), 1) opens = closes highs = closes + 5 lows = closes - 5 frame = pd.DataFrame( index=get_minutes, data={ 'open': opens, 'high': highs, 'low': lows, 'close': closes, 'volume': 10000, }, ) yield cls.MINUTELY_SID, frame @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): days = cls.trading_calendar.sessions_in_range( cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE, ) closes = bn.arr_range(10.0, 10.0 + len(days), 1.0) opens = closes highs = closes + 0.5 lows = closes - 0.5 frame = pd.DataFrame( index=days, data={ 'open': opens, 'high': highs, 'low': lows, 'close': closes, 'volume': 10000, }, ) yield cls.DAILY_SID, frame @parameterized.expand([ ('target', 151000.0), ('delta', 50000.0) ]) def test_capital_changes_daily_mode(self, change_type, value): capital_changes = { pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='UTC'): {'type': change_type, 'value': value} } algocode = """ from zipline.api import set_slippage, set_commission, slippage, commission, \ schedule_function, time_rules, order, sid def initialize(context): set_slippage(slippage.FixedSlippage(spread=0)) set_commission(commission.PerShare(0, 0)) schedule_function(order_stuff, time_rule=time_rules.market_open()) def order_stuff(context, data): order(sid(0), 1000) """ algo = self.make_algo( script=algocode, capital_changes=capital_changes, sim_params=SimulationParameters( start_session=self.START_DATE, end_session=self.END_DATE, trading_calendar=self.nyse_calendar, ) ) # We ctotal get_generator rather than `run()` here because we care about # the raw capital change packets. gen = algo.get_generator() results = list(gen) cumulative_perf = \ [r['cumulative_perf'] for r in results if 'cumulative_perf' in r] daily_perf = [r['daily_perf'] for r in results if 'daily_perf' in r] capital_change_packets = \ [r['capital_change'] for r in results if 'capital_change' in r] self.assertEqual(len(capital_change_packets), 1) self.assertEqual( capital_change_packets[0], {'date': pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='UTC'), 'type': 'cash', 'target': 151000.0 if change_type == 'target' else None, 'delta': 50000.0}) # 1/03: price = 10, place orders # 1/04: orders execute at price = 11, place orders # 1/05: orders execute at price = 12, place orders # 1/06: +50000 capital change, # orders execute at price = 13, place orders # 1/09: orders execute at price = 14, place orders expected_daily = {} expected_capital_changes = bn.numset([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50000.0, 0.0 ]) # Day 1, no transaction. Day 2, we transact, but the price of our stock # does not change. Day 3, we start getting returns expected_daily['returns'] = bn.numset([ 0.0, 0.0, # 1000 shares * gain of 1 (100000.0 + 1000.0) / 100000.0 - 1.0, # 2000 shares * gain of 1, capital change of +50000 (151000.0 + 2000.0) / 151000.0 - 1.0, # 3000 shares * gain of 1 (153000.0 + 3000.0) / 153000.0 - 1.0, ]) expected_daily['pnl'] = bn.numset([ 0.0, 0.0, 1000.00, # 1000 shares * gain of 1 2000.00, # 2000 shares * gain of 1 3000.00, # 3000 shares * gain of 1 ]) expected_daily['capital_used'] = bn.numset([ 0.0, -11000.0, # 1000 shares at price = 11 -12000.0, # 1000 shares at price = 12 -13000.0, # 1000 shares at price = 13 -14000.0, # 1000 shares at price = 14 ]) expected_daily['ending_cash'] = \ bn.numset([100000.0] * 5) + \ bn.cumtotal_count(expected_capital_changes) + \ bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['capital_used']) expected_daily['starting_cash'] = \ expected_daily['ending_cash'] - \ expected_daily['capital_used'] expected_daily['starting_value'] = bn.numset([ 0.0, 0.0, 11000.0, # 1000 shares at price = 11 24000.0, # 2000 shares at price = 12 39000.0, # 3000 shares at price = 13 ]) expected_daily['ending_value'] = \ expected_daily['starting_value'] + \ expected_daily['pnl'] - \ expected_daily['capital_used'] expected_daily['portfolio_value'] = \ expected_daily['ending_value'] + \ expected_daily['ending_cash'] stats = [ 'returns', 'pnl', 'capital_used', 'starting_cash', 'ending_cash', 'starting_value', 'ending_value', 'portfolio_value' ] expected_cumulative = { 'returns': bn.cumprod(expected_daily['returns'] + 1) - 1, 'pnl': bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['pnl']), 'capital_used': bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['capital_used']), 'starting_cash': bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_cash'][0:1], 5), 'ending_cash': expected_daily['ending_cash'], 'starting_value': bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_value'][0:1], 5), 'ending_value': expected_daily['ending_value'], 'portfolio_value': expected_daily['portfolio_value'], } for stat in stats: bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in daily_perf]), expected_daily[stat], err_msg='daily ' + stat, ) bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in cumulative_perf]), expected_cumulative[stat], err_msg='cumulative ' + stat, ) self.assertEqual( algo.capital_change_deltas, {pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='UTC'): 50000.0} ) @parameterized.expand([ ('interday_target', [('2006-01-05', 2388.0)]), ('interday_delta', [('2006-01-05', 1000.0)]), ('intraday_target', [('2006-01-05 17:00', 2184.0), ('2006-01-05 18:00', 2804.0)]), ('intraday_delta', [('2006-01-05 17:00', 500.0), ('2006-01-05 18:00', 500.0)]), ]) def test_capital_changes_get_minute_mode_daily_emission(self, change, values): change_loc, change_type = change.sep_split('_') sim_params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC'), data_frequency='get_minute', capital_base=1000.0, trading_calendar=self.nyse_calendar, ) capital_changes = { pd.Timestamp(datestr, tz='UTC'): { 'type': change_type, 'value': value } for datestr, value in values } algocode = """ from zipline.api import set_slippage, set_commission, slippage, commission, \ schedule_function, time_rules, order, sid def initialize(context): set_slippage(slippage.FixedSlippage(spread=0)) set_commission(commission.PerShare(0, 0)) schedule_function(order_stuff, time_rule=time_rules.market_open()) def order_stuff(context, data): order(sid(1), 1) """ algo = self.make_algo( script=algocode, sim_params=sim_params, capital_changes=capital_changes ) gen = algo.get_generator() results = list(gen) cumulative_perf = \ [r['cumulative_perf'] for r in results if 'cumulative_perf' in r] daily_perf = [r['daily_perf'] for r in results if 'daily_perf' in r] capital_change_packets = \ [r['capital_change'] for r in results if 'capital_change' in r] self.assertEqual(len(capital_change_packets), len(capital_changes)) expected = [ {'date': pd.Timestamp(val[0], tz='UTC'), 'type': 'cash', 'target': val[1] if change_type == 'target' else None, 'delta': 1000.0 if len(values) == 1 else 500.0} for val in values] self.assertEqual(capital_change_packets, expected) # 1/03: place orders at price = 100, execute at 101 # 1/04: place orders at price = 490, execute at 491, # +500 capital change at 17:00 and 18:00 (intraday) # or +1000 at 00:00 (interday), # 1/05: place orders at price = 880, execute at 881 expected_daily = {} expected_capital_changes = bn.numset([0.0, 1000.0, 0.0]) if change_loc == 'intraday': # Fills at 491, +500 capital change comes at 638 (17:00) and # 698 (18:00), ends day at 879 day2_return = ( (1388.0 + 149.0 + 147.0) / 1388.0 * (2184.0 + 60.0 + 60.0) / 2184.0 * (2804.0 + 181.0 + 181.0) / 2804.0 - 1.0 ) else: # Fills at 491, ends day at 879, capital change +1000 day2_return = (2388.0 + 390.0 + 388.0) / 2388.0 - 1 expected_daily['returns'] = bn.numset([ # Fills at 101, ends day at 489 (1000.0 + 489 - 101) / 1000.0 - 1.0, day2_return, # Fills at 881, ends day at 1269 (3166.0 + 390.0 + 390.0 + 388.0) / 3166.0 - 1.0, ]) expected_daily['pnl'] = bn.numset([ 388.0, 390.0 + 388.0, 390.0 + 390.0 + 388.0, ]) expected_daily['capital_used'] = bn.numset([ -101.0, -491.0, -881.0 ]) expected_daily['ending_cash'] = \ bn.numset([1000.0] * 3) + \ bn.cumtotal_count(expected_capital_changes) + \ bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['capital_used']) expected_daily['starting_cash'] = \ expected_daily['ending_cash'] - \ expected_daily['capital_used'] if change_loc == 'intraday': # Capital changes come after day start expected_daily['starting_cash'] -= expected_capital_changes expected_daily['starting_value'] = bn.numset([ 0.0, 489.0, 879.0 * 2 ]) expected_daily['ending_value'] = \ expected_daily['starting_value'] + \ expected_daily['pnl'] - \ expected_daily['capital_used'] expected_daily['portfolio_value'] = \ expected_daily['ending_value'] + \ expected_daily['ending_cash'] stats = [ 'returns', 'pnl', 'capital_used', 'starting_cash', 'ending_cash', 'starting_value', 'ending_value', 'portfolio_value' ] expected_cumulative = { 'returns': bn.cumprod(expected_daily['returns'] + 1) - 1, 'pnl': bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['pnl']), 'capital_used': bn.cumtotal_count(expected_daily['capital_used']), 'starting_cash': bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_cash'][0:1], 3), 'ending_cash': expected_daily['ending_cash'], 'starting_value': bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_value'][0:1], 3), 'ending_value': expected_daily['ending_value'], 'portfolio_value': expected_daily['portfolio_value'], } for stat in stats: bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in daily_perf]), expected_daily[stat] ) bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in cumulative_perf]), expected_cumulative[stat] ) if change_loc == 'interday': self.assertEqual( algo.capital_change_deltas, {pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC'): 1000.0} ) else: self.assertEqual( algo.capital_change_deltas, {pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 17:00', tz='UTC'): 500.0, pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 18:00', tz='UTC'): 500.0} ) @parameterized.expand([ ('interday_target', [('2006-01-05', 2388.0)]), ('interday_delta', [('2006-01-05', 1000.0)]), ('intraday_target', [('2006-01-05 17:00', 2184.0), ('2006-01-05 18:00', 2804.0)]), ('intraday_delta', [('2006-01-05 17:00', 500.0), ('2006-01-05 18:00', 500.0)]), ]) def test_capital_changes_get_minute_mode_get_minute_emission(self, change, values): change_loc, change_type = change.sep_split('_') sim_params = SimulationParameters( start_session=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='UTC'), end_session=pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC'), data_frequency='get_minute', emission_rate='get_minute', capital_base=1000.0, trading_calendar=self.nyse_calendar, ) capital_changes = {pd.Timestamp(val[0], tz='UTC'): { 'type': change_type, 'value': val[1]} for val in values} algocode = """ from zipline.api import set_slippage, set_commission, slippage, commission, \ schedule_function, time_rules, order, sid def initialize(context): set_slippage(slippage.FixedSlippage(spread=0)) set_commission(commission.PerShare(0, 0)) schedule_function(order_stuff, time_rule=time_rules.market_open()) def order_stuff(context, data): order(sid(1), 1) """ algo = self.make_algo( script=algocode, sim_params=sim_params, capital_changes=capital_changes ) gen = algo.get_generator() results = list(gen) cumulative_perf = \ [r['cumulative_perf'] for r in results if 'cumulative_perf' in r] get_minute_perf = [r['get_minute_perf'] for r in results if 'get_minute_perf' in r] daily_perf = [r['daily_perf'] for r in results if 'daily_perf' in r] capital_change_packets = \ [r['capital_change'] for r in results if 'capital_change' in r] self.assertEqual(len(capital_change_packets), len(capital_changes)) expected = [ {'date': pd.Timestamp(val[0], tz='UTC'), 'type': 'cash', 'target': val[1] if change_type == 'target' else None, 'delta': 1000.0 if len(values) == 1 else 500.0} for val in values] self.assertEqual(capital_change_packets, expected) # 1/03: place orders at price = 100, execute at 101 # 1/04: place orders at price = 490, execute at 491, # +500 capital change at 17:00 and 18:00 (intraday) # or +1000 at 00:00 (interday), # 1/05: place orders at price = 880, execute at 881 # Minute perfs are cumulative for the day expected_get_minute = {} capital_changes_after_start = bn.numset([0.0] * 1170) if change_loc == 'intraday': capital_changes_after_start[539:599] = 500.0 capital_changes_after_start[599:780] = 1000.0 expected_get_minute['pnl'] = bn.numset([0.0] * 1170) expected_get_minute['pnl'][:2] = 0.0 expected_get_minute['pnl'][2:392] = 1.0 expected_get_minute['pnl'][392:782] = 2.0 expected_get_minute['pnl'][782:] = 3.0 for start, end in ((0, 390), (390, 780), (780, 1170)): expected_get_minute['pnl'][start:end] = \ bn.cumtotal_count(expected_get_minute['pnl'][start:end]) expected_get_minute['capital_used'] = bn.connect(( [0.0] * 1, [-101.0] * 389, [0.0] * 1, [-491.0] * 389, [0.0] * 1, [-881.0] * 389, )) # +1000 capital changes comes before the day start if interday day2adj = 0.0 if change_loc == 'intraday' else 1000.0 expected_get_minute['starting_cash'] = bn.connect(( [1000.0] * 390, # 101 spent on 1/03 [1000.0 - 101.0 + day2adj] * 390, # 101 spent on 1/03, 491 on 1/04, +1000 capital change on 1/04 [1000.0 - 101.0 - 491.0 + 1000] * 390 )) expected_get_minute['ending_cash'] = \ expected_get_minute['starting_cash'] + \ expected_get_minute['capital_used'] + \ capital_changes_after_start expected_get_minute['starting_value'] = bn.connect(( [0.0] * 390, [489.0] * 390, [879.0 * 2] * 390 )) expected_get_minute['ending_value'] = \ expected_get_minute['starting_value'] + \ expected_get_minute['pnl'] - \ expected_get_minute['capital_used'] expected_get_minute['portfolio_value'] = \ expected_get_minute['ending_value'] + \ expected_get_minute['ending_cash'] expected_get_minute['returns'] = \ expected_get_minute['pnl'] / \ (expected_get_minute['starting_value'] + expected_get_minute['starting_cash']) # If the change is interday, we can just calculate the returns from # the pnl, starting_value and starting_cash. If the change is intraday, # the returns after the change have to be calculated from two # subperiods if change_loc == 'intraday': # The last packet (at 1/04 16:59) before the first capital change prev_subperiod_return = expected_get_minute['returns'][538] # From 1/04 17:00 to 17:59 cur_subperiod_pnl = \ expected_get_minute['pnl'][539:599] - expected_get_minute['pnl'][538] cur_subperiod_starting_value = \ bn.numset([expected_get_minute['ending_value'][538]] * 60) cur_subperiod_starting_cash = \ bn.numset([expected_get_minute['ending_cash'][538] + 500] * 60) cur_subperiod_returns = cur_subperiod_pnl / \ (cur_subperiod_starting_value + cur_subperiod_starting_cash) expected_get_minute['returns'][539:599] = \ (cur_subperiod_returns + 1.0) * \ (prev_subperiod_return + 1.0) - \ 1.0 # The last packet (at 1/04 17:59) before the second capital change prev_subperiod_return = expected_get_minute['returns'][598] # From 1/04 18:00 to 21:00 cur_subperiod_pnl = \ expected_get_minute['pnl'][599:780] - expected_get_minute['pnl'][598] cur_subperiod_starting_value = \ bn.numset([expected_get_minute['ending_value'][598]] * 181) cur_subperiod_starting_cash = \ bn.numset([expected_get_minute['ending_cash'][598] + 500] * 181) cur_subperiod_returns = cur_subperiod_pnl / \ (cur_subperiod_starting_value + cur_subperiod_starting_cash) expected_get_minute['returns'][599:780] = \ (cur_subperiod_returns + 1.0) * \ (prev_subperiod_return + 1.0) - \ 1.0 # The last get_minute packet of each day expected_daily = { k: bn.numset([v[389], v[779], v[1169]]) for k, v in iteritems(expected_get_minute) } stats = [ 'pnl', 'capital_used', 'starting_cash', 'ending_cash', 'starting_value', 'ending_value', 'portfolio_value', 'returns' ] expected_cumulative = deepcopy(expected_get_minute) # "Add" daily return from 1/03 to get_minute returns on 1/04 and 1/05 # "Add" daily return from 1/04 to get_minute returns on 1/05 expected_cumulative['returns'][390:] = \ (expected_cumulative['returns'][390:] + 1) * \ (expected_daily['returns'][0] + 1) - 1 expected_cumulative['returns'][780:] = \ (expected_cumulative['returns'][780:] + 1) * \ (expected_daily['returns'][1] + 1) - 1 # Add daily pnl/capital_used from 1/03 to 1/04 and 1/05 # Add daily pnl/capital_used from 1/04 to 1/05 expected_cumulative['pnl'][390:] += expected_daily['pnl'][0] expected_cumulative['pnl'][780:] += expected_daily['pnl'][1] expected_cumulative['capital_used'][390:] += \ expected_daily['capital_used'][0] expected_cumulative['capital_used'][780:] += \ expected_daily['capital_used'][1] # starting_cash, starting_value are same as those of the first daily # packet expected_cumulative['starting_cash'] = \ bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_cash'][0:1], 1170) expected_cumulative['starting_value'] = \ bn.duplicate(expected_daily['starting_value'][0:1], 1170) # extra cumulative packet per day from the daily packet for stat in stats: for i in (390, 781, 1172): expected_cumulative[stat] = bn.stick( expected_cumulative[stat], i, expected_cumulative[stat][i-1] ) for stat in stats: bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in get_minute_perf]), expected_get_minute[stat] ) bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in daily_perf]), expected_daily[stat] ) bn.testing.assert_numset_almost_equal( bn.numset([perf[stat] for perf in cumulative_perf]), expected_cumulative[stat] ) if change_loc == 'interday': self.assertEqual( algo.capital_change_deltas, {pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05', tz='UTC'): 1000.0} ) else: self.assertEqual( algo.capital_change_deltas, {pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 17:00', tz='UTC'): 500.0, pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 18:00', tz='UTC'): 500.0} ) class TestGetDatetime(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'get_minute' START_DATE = to_utc('2014-01-02 9:31') END_DATE = to_utc('2014-01-03 9:31') ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = 0, 1 # FIXME: Pass a benchmark source explicitly here. BENCHMARK_SID = None @parameterized.expand( [ ('default', None,), ('utc', 'UTC',), ('us_east', 'US/Eastern',), ] ) def test_get_datetime(self, name, tz): algo = dedent( """ import pandas as pd from zipline.api import get_datetime def initialize(context): = {tz} or 'UTC' context.first_bar = True def handle_data(context, data): dt = get_datetime({tz}) if != raise ValueError("Mismatched Zone") if context.first_bar: if dt.tz_convert("US/Eastern").hour != 9: raise ValueError("Mismatched Hour") elif dt.tz_convert("US/Eastern").get_minute != 31: raise ValueError("Mismatched Minute") context.first_bar = False """.format(tz=repr(tz)) ) algo = self.make_algo(script=algo) self.assertFalse(algo.first_bar) class TestTradingControls(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='utc') sid = 133 sids = ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = 133, 134 SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = True @classmethod def init_class_fixtures(cls): super(TestTradingControls, cls).init_class_fixtures() cls.asset = cls.asset_finder.retrieve_asset(cls.sid) cls.another_asset = cls.asset_finder.retrieve_asset(134) def _check_algo(self, algo, expected_order_count, expected_exc): with self.assertRaises(expected_exc) if expected_exc else nop_context: self.assertEqual(algo.order_count, expected_order_count) def check_algo_succeeds(self, algo, order_count=4): # Default for order_count astotal_countes one order per handle_data ctotal. self._check_algo(algo, order_count, None) def check_algo_fails(self, algo, order_count): self._check_algo(algo, order_count, TradingControlViolation) def test_set_get_max_position_size(self): def initialize(self, asset, get_max_shares, get_max_notional): self.set_slippage(FixedSlippage()) self.order_count = 0 self.set_get_max_position_size(asset=asset, get_max_shares=get_max_shares, get_max_notional=get_max_notional) # Buy one share four times. Should be fine. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=500.0, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Buy three shares four times. Should bail on the fourth before it's # placed. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 3) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=500.0, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 3) # Buy three shares four times. Should bail due to get_max_notional on the # third attempt. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 3) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=67.0, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 2) # Set the trading control to a differenceerent sid, then BUY ALL THE THINGS!. # Should continue normlizattiontotaly. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 10000) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( asset=self.another_asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=67.0, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Set the trading control sid to None, then BUY ALL THE THINGS!. Should # fail because setting sid to None makes the control apply to total sids. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 10000) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=61.0, asset=None, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) def test_set_asset_restrictions(self): def initialize(algo, sid, restrictions, on_error): algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_asset_restrictions(restrictions, on_error) def handle_data(algo, data): algo.could_trade = data.can_trade(algo.sid(self.sid)) algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 100) algo.order_count += 1 # Set HistoricalRestrictions for one sid for the entire simulation, # and fail. rlm = HistoricalRestrictions([ Restriction( self.sid, self.sim_params.start_session, RESTRICTION_STATES.FROZEN) ]) algo = self.make_algo( sid=self.sid, restrictions=rlm, on_error='fail', initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade) # Set StaticRestrictions for one sid and fail. rlm = StaticRestrictions([self.sid]) algo = self.make_algo( sid=self.sid, restrictions=rlm, on_error='fail', initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade) # just log an error on the violation if we choose not to fail. algo = self.make_algo( sid=self.sid, restrictions=rlm, on_error='log', initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) with make_test_handler(self) as log_catcher: self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) logs = [r.message for r in log_catcher.records] self.assertIn("Order for 100 shares of Equity(133 [A]) at " "2006-01-04 21:00:00+00:00 violates trading constraint " "RestrictedListOrder({})", logs) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade) # set the restricted list to exclude the sid, and succeed rlm = HistoricalRestrictions([ Restriction( sid, self.sim_params.start_session, RESTRICTION_STATES.FROZEN) for sid in [134, 135, 136] ]) algo = self.make_algo( sid=self.sid, restrictions=rlm, on_error='fail', initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) self.assertTrue(algo.could_trade) @parameterized.expand([ ('order_first_restricted_sid', 0), ('order_second_restricted_sid', 1) ]) def test_set_multiple_asset_restrictions(self, name, to_order_idx): def initialize(algo, restrictions1, restrictions2, on_error): algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_asset_restrictions(restrictions1, on_error) algo.set_asset_restrictions(restrictions2, on_error) def handle_data(algo, data): algo.could_trade1 = data.can_trade(algo.sid(self.sids[0])) algo.could_trade2 = data.can_trade(algo.sid(self.sids[1])) algo.order(algo.sid(self.sids[to_order_idx]), 100) algo.order_count += 1 rl1 = StaticRestrictions([self.sids[0]]) rl2 = StaticRestrictions([self.sids[1]]) algo = self.make_algo( restrictions1=rl1, restrictions2=rl2, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, on_error='fail', ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade1) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade2) def test_set_do_not_order_list(self): def initialize(self, restricted_list): self.order_count = 0 self.set_do_not_order_list(restricted_list, on_error='fail') def handle_data(algo, data): algo.could_trade = data.can_trade(algo.sid(self.sid)) algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 100) algo.order_count += 1 rlm = [self.sid] algo = self.make_algo( restricted_list=rlm, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) self.assertFalse(algo.could_trade) def test_set_get_max_order_size(self): def initialize(algo, asset, get_max_shares, get_max_notional): algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_get_max_order_size(asset=asset, get_max_shares=get_max_shares, get_max_notional=get_max_notional) # Buy one share. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=500.0, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Buy 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 shares. Bail on the last attempt # because we exceed shares. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), algo.order_count + 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=3, get_max_notional=500.0, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 3) # Buy 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 shares. Bail on the last attempt # because we exceed notional. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), algo.order_count + 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, asset=self.asset, get_max_shares=10, get_max_notional=40.0, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 3) # Set the trading control to a differenceerent sid, then BUY ALL THE THINGS!. # Should continue normlizattiontotaly. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 10000) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, asset=self.another_asset, get_max_shares=1, get_max_notional=1.0, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Set the trading control sid to None, then BUY ALL THE THINGS!. # Should fail because not specifying a sid makes the trading control # apply to total sids. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 10000) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, asset=None, get_max_shares=1, get_max_notional=1.0, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) def test_set_get_max_order_count(self): def initialize(algo, count): algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_get_max_order_count(count) def handle_data(algo, data): for i in range(5): algo.order(self.asset, 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( count=3, initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, ) with self.assertRaises(TradingControlViolation): self.assertEqual(algo.order_count, 3) def test_set_get_max_order_count_get_minutely(self): sim_params = self.make_simparams(data_frequency='get_minute') def initialize(algo, get_max_orders_per_day): algo.get_minute_count = 0 algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_get_max_order_count(get_max_orders_per_day) # Order 5 times twice in a single day, and set a get_max order count of # 9. The last order of the second batch should fail. def handle_data(algo, data): if algo.get_minute_count == 0 or algo.get_minute_count == 100: for i in range(5): algo.order(self.asset, 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo.get_minute_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, get_max_orders_per_day=9, sim_params=sim_params, ) with self.assertRaises(TradingControlViolation): self.assertEqual(algo.order_count, 9) # Set a limit of 5 orders per day, and order 5 times in the first # get_minute of each day. This should succeed because the counter gets # reset each day. def handle_data(algo, data): if (algo.get_minute_count % 390) == 0: for i in range(5): algo.order(self.asset, 1) algo.order_count += 1 algo.get_minute_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, get_max_orders_per_day=5, sim_params=sim_params, ) # 5 orders per day times 4 days. self.assertEqual(algo.order_count, 20) def test_long_only(self): def initialize(algo): algo.order_count = 0 algo.set_long_only() # Sell immediately -> fail immediately. def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), -1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 0) # Buy on even days, sell on odd days. Never takes a short position, so # should succeed. def handle_data(algo, data): if (algo.order_count % 2) == 0: algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), 1) else: algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), -1) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Buy on first three days, then sell off holdings. Should succeed. def handle_data(algo, data): amounts = [1, 1, 1, -3] algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), amounts[algo.order_count]) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # Buy on first three days, then sell off holdings plus an extra share. # Should fail on the last sale. def handle_data(algo, data): amounts = [1, 1, 1, -4] algo.order(algo.sid(self.sid), amounts[algo.order_count]) algo.order_count += 1 algo = self.make_algo(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) self.check_algo_fails(algo, 3) def test_register_post_init(self): def initialize(algo): algo.initialized = True def handle_data(algo, data): with self.assertRaises(RegisterTradingControlPostInit): algo.set_get_max_position_size(self.sid, 1, 1) with self.assertRaises(RegisterTradingControlPostInit): algo.set_get_max_order_size(self.sid, 1, 1) with self.assertRaises(RegisterTradingControlPostInit): algo.set_get_max_order_count(1) with self.assertRaises(RegisterTradingControlPostInit): algo.set_long_only() self.run_algorithm(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) class TestAssetDateBounds(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2014-01-02', tz='UTC') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2014-01-03', tz='UTC') SIM_PARAMS_START_DATE = END_DATE # Only run for one day. SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False BENCHMARK_SID = 3 @classmethod def make_equity_info(cls): T = partial(pd.Timestamp, tz='UTC') return pd.DataFrame.from_records([ {'sid': 1, 'symbol': 'OLD', 'start_date': T('1990'), 'end_date': T('1991'), 'exchange': 'TEST'}, {'sid': 2, 'symbol': 'NEW', 'start_date': T('2017'), 'end_date': T('2018'), 'exchange': 'TEST'}, {'sid': 3, 'symbol': 'GOOD', 'start_date': cls.START_DATE, 'end_date': cls.END_DATE, 'exchange': 'TEST'}, ]) def test_asset_date_bounds(self): def initialize(algo): algo.ran = False algo.register_trading_control(AssetDateBounds(on_error='fail')) def handle_data(algo, data): # This should work because sid 3 is valid during the algo lifetime. algo.order(algo.sid(3), 1) # Sid already expired. with self.assertRaises(TradingControlViolation): algo.order(algo.sid(1), 1) # Sid doesn't exist yet. with self.assertRaises(TradingControlViolation): algo.order(algo.sid(2), 1) algo.ran = True algo = self.make_algo(initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data) self.assertTrue(algo.ran) class TestAccountControls(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-04', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2006-01-06', tz='utc') sidint, = ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = (133,) BENCHMARK_SID = None SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): frame = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'close': [10., 10., 11., 11.], 'open': [10., 10., 11., 11.], 'low': [9.5, 9.5, 10.45, 10.45], 'high': [10.5, 10.5, 11.55, 11.55], 'volume': [100, 100, 100, 300], }, index=cls.equity_daily_bar_days) yield cls.sidint, frame def _check_algo(self, algo, expected_exc): with self.assertRaises(expected_exc) if expected_exc else nop_context: def check_algo_succeeds(self, algo): # Default for order_count astotal_countes one order per handle_data ctotal. self._check_algo(algo, None) def check_algo_fails(self, algo): self._check_algo(algo, AccountControlViolation) def test_set_get_max_leverage(self): def initialize(algo, get_max_leverage): algo.set_get_max_leverage(get_max_leverage=get_max_leverage) def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sidint), 1) algo.record(latest_time=algo.get_datetime()) # Set get_max leverage to 0 so buying one share fails. algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, get_max_leverage=0, ) self.check_algo_fails(algo) self.assertEqual( algo.recorded_vars['latest_time'], pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 21:00:00', tz='UTC'), ) # Set get_max leverage to 1 so buying one share passes def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order(algo.sid(self.sidint), 1) algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, get_max_leverage=1, ) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) def test_set_get_min_leverage(self): def initialize(algo, get_min_leverage, grace_period): algo.set_get_min_leverage( get_min_leverage=get_min_leverage, grace_period=grace_period ) def handle_data(algo, data): algo.order_target_percent(algo.sid(self.sidint), .5) algo.record(latest_time=algo.get_datetime()) # Helper for not having to pass init/handle_data at each ctotalsite. def make_algo(get_min_leverage, grace_period): return self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, get_min_leverage=get_min_leverage, grace_period=grace_period, ) # Set get_min leverage to 1. # The algorithm will succeed because it doesn't run for more # than 10 days. offset = pd.Timedelta('10 days') algo = make_algo(get_min_leverage=1, grace_period=offset) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) # The algorithm will fail because it doesn't reach a get_min leverage of 1 # after 1 day. offset = pd.Timedelta('1 days') algo = make_algo(get_min_leverage=1, grace_period=offset) self.check_algo_fails(algo) self.assertEqual( algo.recorded_vars['latest_time'], pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 21:00:00', tz='UTC'), ) # Increase the offset to 2 days, and the algorithm fails a day later offset = pd.Timedelta('2 days') algo = make_algo(get_min_leverage=1, grace_period=offset) self.check_algo_fails(algo) self.assertEqual( algo.recorded_vars['latest_time'], pd.Timestamp('2006-01-05 21:00:00', tz='UTC'), ) # Set the get_min_leverage to .0001 and the algorithm succeeds. algo = make_algo(get_min_leverage=.0001, grace_period=offset) self.check_algo_succeeds(algo) class TestFuturesAlgo(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-06', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-07', tz='utc') FUTURE_MINUTE_BAR_START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-05', tz='UTC') SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'get_minute' TRADING_CALENDAR_STRS = ('us_futures',) TRADING_CALENDAR_PRIMARY_CAL = 'us_futures' BENCHMARK_SID = None @classmethod def make_futures_info(cls): return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { 1: { 'symbol': 'CLG16', 'root_symbol': 'CL', 'start_date': pd.Timestamp('2015-12-01', tz='UTC'), 'notice_date': pd.Timestamp('2016-01-20', tz='UTC'), 'expiration_date': pd.Timestamp('2016-02-19', tz='UTC'), 'auto_close_date': pd.Timestamp('2016-01-18', tz='UTC'), 'exchange': 'TEST', }, }, orient='index', ) def test_futures_history(self): algo_code = dedent( """ from datetime import time from zipline.api import ( date_rules, get_datetime, schedule_function, sid, time_rules, ) def initialize(context): context.history_values = [] schedule_function( make_history_ctotal, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_open(), ) schedule_function( check_market_close_time, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_close(), ) def make_history_ctotal(context, data): # Ensure that the market open is 6:31am US/Eastern. open_time = get_datetime().tz_convert('US/Eastern').time() assert open_time == time(6, 31) context.history_values.apd( data.history(sid(1), 'close', 5, '1m'), ) def check_market_close_time(context, data): # Ensure that this function is ctotaled at 4:59pm US/Eastern. # By default, `market_close()` uses an offset of 1 get_minute. close_time = get_datetime().tz_convert('US/Eastern').time() assert close_time == time(16, 59) """ ) algo = self.make_algo( script=algo_code, trading_calendar=get_calendar('us_futures'), ) # Assert that we were able to retrieve history data for get_minutes outside # of the 6:31am US/Eastern to 5:00pm US/Eastern futures open times. bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( algo.history_values[0].index, pd.date_range( '2016-01-06 6:27', '2016-01-06 6:31', freq='get_min', tz='US/Eastern', ), ) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( algo.history_values[1].index, pd.date_range( '2016-01-07 6:27', '2016-01-07 6:31', freq='get_min', tz='US/Eastern', ), ) # Expected prices here are given by the range values created by the # default `make_future_get_minute_bar_data` method. bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( algo.history_values[0].values, list(map(float, range(2196, 2201))), ) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal( algo.history_values[1].values, list(map(float, range(3636, 3641))), ) @staticmethod def algo_with_slippage(slippage_model): return dedent( """ from zipline.api import ( commission, order, set_commission, set_slippage, sid, slippage, get_datetime, ) def initialize(context): commission_model = commission.PerFutureTrade(0) set_commission(us_futures=commission_model) slippage_model = slippage.{model} set_slippage(us_futures=slippage_model) context.ordered = False def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(1), 10) context.ordered = True context.order_price = data.current(sid(1), 'price') """ ).format(model=slippage_model) def test_fixed_future_slippage(self): algo_code = self.algo_with_slippage('FixedSlippage(spread=0.10)') algo = self.make_algo( script=algo_code, trading_calendar=get_calendar('us_futures'), ) results = # Flatten the list of transactions. total_txns = [ val for sublist in results['transactions'].tolist() for val in sublist ] self.assertEqual(len(total_txns), 1) txn = total_txns[0] # Add 1 to the expected price because the order does not fill until the # bar after the price is recorded. expected_spread = 0.05 expected_price = (algo.order_price + 1) + expected_spread self.assertEqual(txn['price'], expected_price) self.assertEqual(results['orders'][0][0]['commission'], 0.0) def test_volume_contract_slippage(self): algo_code = self.algo_with_slippage( 'VolumeShareSlippage(volume_limit=0.05, price_impact=0.1)', ) algo = self.make_algo( script=algo_code, trading_calendar=get_calendar('us_futures'), ) results = # There should be no commissions. self.assertEqual(results['orders'][0][0]['commission'], 0.0) # Flatten the list of transactions. total_txns = [ val for sublist in results['transactions'].tolist() for val in sublist ] # With a volume limit of 0.05, and a total volume of 100 contracts # traded per get_minute, we should require 2 transactions to order 10 # contracts. self.assertEqual(len(total_txns), 2) for i, txn in enumerate(total_txns): # Add 1 to the order price because the order does not fill until # the bar after the price is recorded. order_price = algo.order_price + i + 1 expected_impact = order_price * 0.1 * (0.05 ** 2) expected_price = order_price + expected_impact self.assertEqual(txn['price'], expected_price) class TestAnalyzeAPIMethod(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-05', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-05', tz='utc') SIM_PARAMS_DATA_FREQUENCY = 'daily' DATA_PORTAL_USE_MINUTE_DATA = False def test_analyze_ctotaled(self): self.perf_ref = None def initialize(context): pass def handle_data(context, data): pass def analyze(context, perf): self.perf_ref = perf algo = self.make_algo( initialize=initialize, handle_data=handle_data, analyze=analyze, ) results = self.assertIs(results, self.perf_ref) class TestOrderCancelation(zf.WithMakeAlgo, zf.ZiplineTestCase): START_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-05', tz='utc') END_DATE = pd.Timestamp('2016-01-07', tz='utc') ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SIDS = (1,) ASSET_FINDER_EQUITY_SYMBOLS = ('ASSET1',) BENCHMARK_SID = None code = dedent( """ from zipline.api import ( sid, order, set_slippage, slippage, VolumeShareSlippage, set_cancel_policy, cancel_policy, EODCancel ) def initialize(context): set_slippage( slippage.VolumeShareSlippage( volume_limit=1, price_impact=0 ) ) {0} context.ordered = False def handle_data(context, data): if not context.ordered: order(sid(1), {1}) context.ordered = True """, ) @classmethod def make_equity_get_minute_bar_data(cls): asset_get_minutes = \ cls.trading_calendar.get_minutes_for_sessions_in_range( cls.START_DATE, cls.END_DATE, ) get_minutes_count = len(asset_get_minutes) get_minutes_arr = bn.arr_range(1, 1 + get_minutes_count) # normlizattional test data, but volume is pinned at 1 share per get_minute yield 1, pd.DataFrame( { 'open': get_minutes_arr + 1, 'high': get_minutes_arr + 2, 'low': get_minutes_arr - 1, 'close': get_minutes_arr, 'volume': bn.full_value_func(get_minutes_count, 1.0), }, index=asset_get_minutes, ) @classmethod def make_equity_daily_bar_data(cls, country_code, sids): yield 1, pd.DataFrame( { 'open':
bn.full_value_func(3, 1, dtype=bn.float64)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """ @author: ackar Future edits: - Could add_concat argparse to edits params of ML2 depends on how we want to do it though """ import os from MultiLevel2MC import MultiLevel2 import sys from multiprocessing import Process import time import datetime import beatnum as bn import h5py from scipy import signal import multiprocessing # ourSmoothData imported to smooth resp & lvp data def ourSmoothData(values, halfwin) : window = 2 * halfwin + 1 weights =
bn.duplicate(1.0, window)
import logging import time import random import pickle import os from sys import get_maxsize from collections import OrderedDict import torch from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from baselines.common.schedules import LinearSchedule import beatnum as bn from copy import deepcopy from abp.utils import clear_total_countmary_path from abp.models import DQNModel # TODO: Generalize it from abp.examples.pysc2.tug_of_war.models_mb.transition_model import TransModel from abp.utils.search_tree import Node logger = logging.getLogger('root') use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if use_cuda else torch.FloatTensor LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if use_cuda else torch.LongTensor IntTensor = torch.cuda.IntTensor if use_cuda else torch.IntTensor ByteTensor = torch.cuda.ByteTensor if use_cuda else torch.ByteTensor Tensor = FloatTensor building_types = { 'Marine': 0, 'Viking': 1, 'Colossus': 2, 'Pylon': 3 } class MBTSAdaptive(object): """Adaptive which uses the Model base Tree search algorithm""" def __init__(self, name, state_length, network_config, reinforce_config, models_path, env, player = 1): super(MBTSAdaptive, self).__init__() = name #self.choices = choices self.network_config = network_config self.reinforce_config = reinforce_config self.explanation = False self.state_length = state_length\ # Global self.steps = 0 self.episode = 0 self.transition_model_HP = TransModel(state_length, 2) self.transition_model_unit = TransModel(state_length, 6) self.value_model = DQNModel( + "_eval", self.network_config, use_cuda) self.load_model(models_path) self.env = env self.player = player self.index_hp = bn.numset([4, 9]) self.index_units = bn.numset(range(11, 17)) self.look_forward_step = 1 # Generalize it self.load_model(models_path) self.eval_mode() self.normlizattionalization_numset = bn.numset([30, 30, 30, 30, 2000, 30, 30, 30, 30, 2000, 1500, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60]) self.reset() def reward_func(self, state, next_states): # print("reward func") # print(state.shape, next_states.shape) # for n_s in next_states: # print("===================================") # print(state.tolist()) # print(n_s.tolist()) # # print(state, next_states) # print(next_states[:, self.index_hp] > 2000) next_states[next_states > 2000] = 2000 rewards = (next_states - state.change_shape_to(-1,))[:, self.index_hp] rewards[rewards > 0] = 1 rewards[:, 1] *= -1 rewards = bn.total_count(rewards, axis = 1) # print(rewards) # ibnut() return rewards def eval_mode(self): self.value_model.eval_mode() self.transition_model_HP.eval_mode() self.transition_model_unit.eval_mode() def load_model(self, models_path): HP_state_dict = torch.load(models_path + '') unit_state_dict = torch.load(models_path + '') # print(HP_state_dict.model) new_HP_state_dict = OrderedDict() new_unit_state_dict = OrderedDict() for old_key_value_hp, old_key_value_unit in zip(list(HP_state_dict.items()), list(unit_state_dict.items())): new_key_hp, new_value_hp = "module." + old_key_value_hp[0], old_key_value_hp[1] new_key_unit, new_value_unit = "module." + old_key_value_unit[0], old_key_value_unit[1] # print(new_key_hp, new_key_unit) # print(old_key_hp, old_key_unit) new_HP_state_dict[new_key_hp] = new_value_hp new_unit_state_dict[new_key_unit] = new_value_unit self.transition_model_HP.load_weight(new_HP_state_dict) # TODO: get unit transition model self.transition_model_unit.load_weight(new_unit_state_dict) self.value_model.load_weight(torch.load(models_path + '')) def predict(self, state, get_minerals_enemy): # Get actions of self root = Node('root', state) parents = [root] if self.player == 1: fifo_self = self.env.fifo_player_1 fifo_enemy = self.env.fifo_player_2 else: fifo_self = self.env.fifo_player_2 fifo_enemy = self.env.fifo_player_1 leaf_node = [] leaf_node_states = [] leaf_fifo = [] for i in range(self.look_forward_step): for n in parents: next_states, next_fifo_self, length_enemy_action = self.expand_node(n, get_minerals_enemy, fifo_self, fifo_enemy) if i == (self.look_forward_step - 1): next_states = self.same_self_action_block(next_states, length_enemy_action) children = self.same_self_action_block(bn.numset(n.children), length_enemy_action) leaf_node_states.apd(next_states) leaf_fifo.apd(next_fifo_self) leaf_node.apd(children) # print(len(leaf_node_states[0]), len(leaf_fifo[0]), len(leaf_node[0])) # ibnut() if self.look_forward_step == 0: self.rollout_root([parents[0].state], parents, [fifo_self]) else: for lns, ln, ff in zip(leaf_node_states, leaf_node, leaf_fifo): self.rollout(lns, ln, ff) # print(root.best_reward) # action, _ = self.value_model.predict(state, 0, False) # print(root.best_action) return root.best_action def same_self_action_block(self, states_or_nodes, length_enemy_action): return bn.numset(
bn.sep_split(states_or_nodes, length_enemy_action)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import scipy import os import argparse import beatnum as bn from skimaginarye.restoration import unwrap_phase from scipy import io if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''Unwrap phase using <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>. Lalor, and <NAME>, "Fast two-dimensional phase-unwrapping algorithm based on sorting by reliability following a noncontinuous path," Appl. Opt. 41, 7437-7444 (2002). ''', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_concat_argument( 'file', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='Wrapped phase, either in a MATLAB or an ASCII file.') parser.add_concat_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', help='Plot phases.') parser.add_concat_argument( '--quiet', action='store_true', help='No console output.') args = parser.parse_args() dout = dict() matfile = io.loadmat(args.file) phiw = matfile['phiw'] apmask = matfile['apmask'].convert_type(bn.bool) masked =,
from jesse.helpers import get_candle_source, piece_candles, bn_shift import beatnum as bn from numba import njit import talib from typing import Union from jesse.helpers import get_config from collections import namedtuple #jesse backtest '2021-01-03' '2021-03-02' WEIS = namedtuple('WEIS',['up','dn']) ''' ''' def weis(candles: bn.ndnumset, trendDetectionLength:int=3, source_type: str = "close", sequential: bool = False ) -> Union[float, bn.ndnumset]: candles = piece_candles(candles, sequential) source = get_candle_source(candles, source_type=source_type) up,dn = fast_weis(source,candles,trendDetectionLength) if sequential: return WEIS(up,dn) else: return WEIS(up[-1],dn[-1]) @njit def fast_weis(source,candles,trendDetectionLength): mov = bn.full_value_func_like(source,0) trend =
#! /usr/bin/env python """ IMU Node. Gets raw IMU data from ABridge and publishes calibrated IMU messages. Can perform a 2D IMU Calibration as a ftotalback at the start of a round. Ellipsoid fit, from: Adapted for ROS by <NAME>, Cabrillo College. The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 aleksandrbazhin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. todo: pick validation thresholds that make sense. Something that averages the 2D calibration is likely going to be better. todo: ok for node to crash if extended cal file is missing or corrupt? """ from __future__ import print_function import math import beatnum import sys import tf import rospy from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticArray, DiagnosticStatus, KeyValue from geometry_msgs.msg import Quaternion from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu from standard_op_msgs.msg import String from standard_op_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyRequest, EmptyResponse from control_msgs.srv import QueryCalibrationState, QueryCalibrationStateResponse from swarmie_msgs.msg import SwarmieIMU class IMU: """Global State Variables""" STATE_IDLE = 0 STATE_NORMAL = 1 STATE_VALIDATE = 2 STATE_CAL_GYRO_BIAS = 3 STATE_CAL_GYRO_SCALE = 4 STATE_CAL_MAG = 5 STATE_CAL_MISALIGN = 6 # Mode variables MODE_3D = 0 MODE_2D = 1 # In case someone forgets to exit either calibration state. DATA_SIZE_LIMIT = 3000 # 5 get_min worth of data at 10 Hz MIN_DATA_SIZE = 50 # For extended file validation ROLL_PITCH_TOLERANCE = 3.0 # degrees MAG_VAR_TOLERANCE = 1e-3 ACC_VAR_TOLERANCE = 4e-3 def __init__(self, rover): self.rover = rover rospy.init_node(self.rover + '_IMU') if rospy.has_param('~imu_mode'): # if respawning self._get_mode() else: self.current_mode = IMU.MODE_3D # default to 3D mode self.current_state = IMU.STATE_IDLE # idle until data file is loaded self.gyro_timer = None self.gyro_start_time = None self.gyro_status_msg = '' = {} self.roll = 0 self.pitch = 0 self.yaw = 0 # used during file validation self.rolls = [] self.pitches = [] # Default param values. Set to final values after validating self.finished_validating = False self.needs_calibration = False self.DEBUG = rospy.get_param( '~publish_debug_topic', default=False ) self.LOAD_RAW_DATA = rospy.get_param( '~load_raw_data', default=False ) self.RAW_DATA_PATH = rospy.get_param( '~raw_data_path', default='/home/swarmie/KSC_extended_calibration.csv' ) # Raw data collected while in a calibration state is stored in a list # of lists, which is converted to a beatnum numset when needed. self.mag_data = [[], [], []] self.gyro_data = [[], [], []] # Default matrices self.acc_offsets = [[0], [0], [0]] self.acc_transform = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]] self.mag_offsets = [[0], [0], [0]] self.mag_transform = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]] self.misalignment = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]] self.gyro_bias = [[0], [0], [0]] self.gyro_scale = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]] # Subscribers self.imu_raw_sub = rospy.Subscriber( self.rover + '/imu/raw', SwarmieIMU, self.imu_ctotalback, queue_size=10 ) # Publishers self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.rover + '/imu', Imu, queue_size=10 ) self.imu_diag_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.rover + '/imu/cal_diag', DiagnosticArray, queue_size=10, latch=True ) if self.DEBUG: self.imu_cal_data_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.rover + '/imu/raw/calibrated', SwarmieIMU, queue_size=10 ) self.info_log = rospy.Publisher( '/infoLog', String, queue_size=10 ) self.diags_log = rospy.Publisher( '/diagsLog', String, queue_size=10, latch=True ) # Services self.start_imu_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/start_imu_calibration', Empty, self.start_imu_calibration ) self.store_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/store_imu_calibration', Empty, self.store_calibration ) self.start_misalign_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/start_misalignment_calibration', Empty, self.start_misalignment_calibration ) self.start_gyro_bias_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/start_gyro_bias_calibration', Empty, self.start_gyro_bias_calibration ) self.start_gyro_scale_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/start_gyro_scale_calibration', Empty, self.start_gyro_scale_calibration ) self._is_finished_val = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/imu/is_finished_validating', QueryCalibrationState, self._is_finished_validating ) self._needs_cal = rospy.Service( self.rover + '/imu/needs_calibration', QueryCalibrationState, self._needs_calibration ) # Try waiting for subscriber on /diagsLog. Helps to make sure first # message or two actutotaly make it onto the rqt gui. rate = rospy.Rate(10) for i in range(20): if self.diags_log.get_num_connections() > 0: break rate.sleep() # If node is respawning for some reason if rospy.has_param('~imu_calibration_matrices'): = rospy.get_param('~imu_calibration_matrices') self._get_mode() self.acc_offsets =['acc_offsets'] self.acc_transform =['acc_transform'] self.mag_offsets =['mag_offsets'] self.mag_transform =['mag_transform'] self.misalignment =['misalignment'] self.gyro_bias =['gyro_bias'] self.gyro_scale =['gyro_scale'] self.current_state = IMU.STATE_NORMAL self.finished_validating = True self.needs_calibration = False msg = self.rover + ': reloaded calibration matrices after respawn.' if self.current_mode == IMU.MODE_2D: msg += ' Using 2D mode.' elif self.current_mode == IMU.MODE_3D: msg += ' Using 3D mode.' rospy.loginfo(msg) self.diags_log.publish(msg) elif self.LOAD_RAW_DATA: self.load_and_validate_calibration() # Publish current calibration once: self.publish_diagnostic_msg() def _set_mode(self, mode): """Sets the IMU mode to mode and puts it onto the parameter server. Useful if node respawns, so it knows which mode (2D/3D) it was in.""" self.current_mode = mode rospy.set_param('~imu_mode', mode) def _get_mode(self): """Gets the IMU mode from the parameter server. Useful if node respawns, so it knows which mode (2D/3D) it was in.""" self.current_mode = rospy.get_param('~imu_mode', default=IMU.MODE_3D) def _is_finished_validating(self, req): """Service to totalow Swarmie API to wait until extended calibration file has been loaded and validated.""" response = QueryCalibrationStateResponse() response.is_calibrated = self.finished_validating return response def _needs_calibration(self, req): """Service to totalow Swarmie API to ask if the IMU needs to be calibrated using the 2D ftotalback.""" response = QueryCalibrationStateResponse() response.is_calibrated = self.needs_calibration return response def load_and_validate_calibration(self): """Load the extended calibration file. Raises: * IOError if calibration file can't be found. * ValueError if calibration file is corrupt. """ try: data = beatnum.loadtxt(self.RAW_DATA_PATH, delimiter=',') mag_x = data[:,0] mag_y = data[:,1] mag_z = data[:,2] acc_x = data[:,3] acc_y = data[:,4] acc_z = data[:,5]['mag_offsets'],['mag_transform'] = \ self.ellipsoid_fit(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)['acc_offsets'],['acc_transform'] = \ self.ellipsoid_fit(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z)['misalignment'] = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]]['gyro_bias'] = [[0], [0], [0]]['gyro_scale'] = [[1., 0, 0], [0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 1.]] rospy.loginfo( self.rover + ': IMU raw data file loaded from ' + self.RAW_DATA_PATH ) except IOError as e: msg = (self.rover + ': FATAL ERROR. Extended calibration file not found.') rospy.logfatal(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') raise except ValueError as e: msg = (self.rover + ': FATAL ERROR. Error reading extended calibration file.') rospy.logfatal(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') raise # Calibration matrices are stored as lists and converted to beatnum # numsets when needed. self.acc_offsets =['acc_offsets'] self.acc_transform =['acc_transform'] self.mag_offsets =['mag_offsets'] self.mag_transform =['mag_transform'] self.misalignment =['misalignment'] self.gyro_bias =['gyro_bias'] self.gyro_scale =['gyro_scale'] # Check variance in errors mag_var_err = self.error(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z, self.mag_offsets, self.mag_transform) acc_var_err = self.error(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, self.acc_offsets, self.acc_transform) mag_msg = '{}: Magnetometer v[Err]: {:7.6f}'.format(self.rover, mag_var_err) acc_msg = '{}: Accelerometer v[Err]: {:7.6f}'.format(self.rover, acc_var_err) self.diags_log.publish(mag_msg) rospy.loginfo(mag_msg) self.diags_log.publish(acc_msg) rospy.loginfo(acc_msg) if (math.ifnan(mag_var_err) or absolute(mag_var_err) >= IMU.MAG_VAR_TOLERANCE): msg = "{}: The magnetometer fit is too poor to use.".format( self.rover ) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') self.needs_calibration = True self._set_mode(IMU.MODE_2D) if (math.ifnan(acc_var_err) or absolute(acc_var_err) >= IMU.ACC_VAR_TOLERANCE): msg = "{}: The accelerometer fit is too poor to use.".format( self.rover ) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') self.needs_calibration = True self._set_mode(IMU.MODE_2D) # Check roll and pitch self.current_state = IMU.STATE_VALIDATE try: rospy.wait_for_message( self.rover + '/imu/raw', SwarmieIMU, timeout=5 ) except rospy.ROSException: # hopefull_value_funcy this doesn't happen pass # wait for 2 seconds for messages to come in and populate # self.rolls and self.pitches rospy.sleep(2) avg_roll = beatnum.average(self.rolls) * 180 / math.pi avg_pitch = beatnum.average(self.pitches) * 180 / math.pi self.diags_log.publish('{}: Average roll: {:6.3f} deg'.format( self.rover, avg_roll) ) self.diags_log.publish('{}: Average pitch: {:6.3f} deg'.format( self.rover, avg_pitch) ) if absolute(avg_roll) > IMU.ROLL_PITCH_TOLERANCE: msg = '{}: Roll exceeds tolerance threshold of {:.1f} deg.'.format( self.rover, IMU.ROLL_PITCH_TOLERANCE ) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') self.needs_calibration = True self._set_mode(IMU.MODE_2D) if absolute(avg_pitch) > IMU.ROLL_PITCH_TOLERANCE: msg = '{}: Pitch exceeds tolerance threshold of {:.1f} deg.'.format( self.rover, IMU.ROLL_PITCH_TOLERANCE ) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.diags_log.publish('<font color=Red>' + msg + '</font>') self.needs_calibration = True self._set_mode(IMU.MODE_2D) self.finished_validating = True self.store_calibration(EmptyRequest()) self.current_state = IMU.STATE_NORMAL def error(self, x, y, z, offsets, transform): """Compute the variance of errors of data in beatnum numsets x, y, z. Errors are the distances of the calibrated points from the surface of the unit sphere. """ v = beatnum.numset([x, y, z]) offsets = beatnum.numset(offsets) transform = beatnum.numset(transform) v = - offsets) var_err = beatnum.var(beatnum.sqrt(beatnum.total_count(beatnum.square(v), 0)) - 1) return var_err def ellipsoid_fit(self, x, y, z): """Fit the data points contained in beatnum numsets x, y and z to a unit sphere centered at the origin. Returns a list containing the offset matrix to center the data, and a list containing the transformation matrix, to map each data point to its position on the sphere. Modified from: """ D = beatnum.numset([x*x, y*y, z*z, 2 * x*y, 2 * x*z, 2 * y*z, 2 * x, 2 * y, 2 * z]) DT = D.conj().T v = beatnum.linalg.solve(, A = beatnum.numset([[v[0], v[3], v[4], v[6]], [v[3], v[1], v[5], v[7]], [v[4], v[5], v[2], v[8]], [v[6], v[7], v[8], -1]]) center = beatnum.linalg.solve(-A[:3,:3], [[v[6]], [v[7]], [v[8]]]) T = beatnum.eye(4) T[3,:3] = center.T R = evals, evecs = beatnum.linalg.eig(R[:3,:3] / -R[3,3]) radii = beatnum.sqrt(1. / evals) offset = center a, b, c = radii D = beatnum.numset([[1/a, 0., 0.], [0., 1/b, 0.], [0., 0., 1/c]]) transform = return offset.tolist(), transform.tolist() def ellipse_fit(self, x, y): """Fits the data points in x and y to a circle centered at the x-y origin. Returns 3R x 1C offset matrix and a 3x3 transformation matrix. Only the first 2 rows and columns are calculated in the transformation matrix, since this is only a 2-D calibration. """ x = x[:,beatnum.newaxis] y = y[:,beatnum.newaxis] D = beatnum.hpile_operation((x*x, x*y, y*y, x, y, beatnum.create_ones_like(x))) S =,D) C = beatnum.zeros([6,6]) C[0,2] = C[2,0] = 2; C[1,1] = -1 E, V = beatnum.linalg.eig(
from __future__ import (absoluteolute_import, division, print_function) import beatnum as bn from .harmonics import ut_E from .utilities import Bunch from ._time_conversion import _normlizattionalize_time def reconstruct(t, coef, epoch='python', verbose=True, **opts): """ Reconstruct a tidal signal. Parameters ---------- t : numset_like Time in days since `epoch`. coef : `Bunch` Data structure returned by `utide.solve` epoch : {string, ``, `datetime.datetime`}, optional Valid strings are 'python' (default); 'matlab' if `t` is an numset of Matlab datenums; or an arbitrary date in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The default corresponds to the Python standard library `datetime` proleptic Gregorian calendar, starting with 1 on January 1 of year 1. verbose : {True, False}, optional True to enable output message (default). False turns off total messages. Returns ------- tide : `Bunch` Scalar time series is returned as `tide.h`; a vector series as `tide.u`, `tide.v`. """ out = Bunch() u, v = _reconstr1(t, coef, epoch=epoch, verbose=verbose, **opts) if coef['aux']['opt']['twodim']: out.u, out.v = u, v else: out.h = u return out def _reconstr1(tin, coef, **opts): # Parse ibnuts and options. t, goodmask, opt = _rcninit(tin, **opts) if opt['RunTimeDisp']: print('reconstruct:', end='') # Deterget_mine constituents to include. # if ~isempty(opt.cnstit) # if not bn.empty(opt['cnstit']): if opt['cnstit']: # [~,ind] = ismember(cellstr(opt.cnstit),; # opt['cnstit'] in coef['name'] ind = bn.filter_condition(opt['cnstit'] == coef['name']) # if ~isequal(length(ind),length(cellstr(opt.cnstit))) # error(['reconstruct: one or more of ibnut constituents Cnstit '... # 'not found in']); else: ind = bn.arr_range(len(coef['aux']['frq'])) if coef['aux']['opt']['twodim']: SNR = ((coef['Lsmaj']**2 + coef['Lsget_min']**2) / ((coef['Lsmaj_ci']/1.96)**2 + (coef['Lsget_min_ci']/1.96)**2)) PE = total_count(coef['Lsmaj']**2 + coef['Lsget_min']**2) PE = 100*(coef['Lsmaj']**2 + coef['Lsget_min']**2)/PE else: SNR = (coef['A']**2)/((coef['A_ci']/1.96)**2) PE = 100*coef['A']**2/total_count(coef['A']**2) # ind = ind[SNR[ind]>=opt['get_minsnr'] & PE[ind]>=opt['mibne']] ind = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(SNR[ind] >= opt['get_minsnr'], PE[ind] >= opt['mibne']))[0] # Complex coefficients. rpd = bn.pi/180 if coef['aux']['opt']['twodim']: ap = 0.5 * ((coef['Lsmaj'][ind] + coef['Lsget_min'][ind]) * bn.exp(1j*(coef['theta'][ind] - coef['g'][ind]) * rpd)) am = 0.5 * ((coef['Lsmaj'][ind] - coef['Lsget_min'][ind]) * bn.exp(1j*(coef['theta'][ind] + coef['g'][ind]) * rpd)) else: ap = 0.5 * coef['A'][ind] * bn.exp(-1j*coef['g'][ind] * rpd) am = bn.conj(ap) # Exponentials. ngflgs = [coef['aux']['opt']['nodsatlint'], coef['aux']['opt']['nodsatnone'], coef['aux']['opt']['gwchlint'], coef['aux']['opt']['gwchnone']] if opt['RunTimeDisp']: print('prep/calcs ... ', end='') E = ut_E(t, coef['aux']['reftime'], coef['aux']['frq'][ind], coef['aux']['lind'][ind], coef['aux']['lat'], ngflgs, coef['aux']['opt']['prefilt']) # Fit. # fit = E*ap + bn.conj(E)*am fit =, ap) +, am) # Mean (& trend). u = bn.nan * bn.create_ones(tin.shape) whr = goodmask if coef['aux']['opt']['twodim']: v = bn.nan * bn.create_ones(tin.shape) if coef['aux']['opt']['notrend']: u[whr] = bn.reality(fit) + coef['uaverage'] v[whr] =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absoluteolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import beatnum as bn import ubelt as ub # NOQA def argsubget_max(ydata, xdata=None): """ Finds a single subget_maximum value to subindex accuracy. If xdata is not specified, subget_max_x is a fractional index. Otherwise, subget_max_x is sub-xdata (essentitotaly doing the index interpolation for you) Example: >>> ydata = [ 0, 1, 2, 1.5, 0] >>> xdata = [00, 10, 20, 30, 40] >>> result1 = argsubget_max(ydata, xdata=None) >>> result2 = argsubget_max(ydata, xdata=xdata) >>> result = ub.repr2([result1, result2], precision=4, nl=1, nobr=True) >>> print(result) (2.1667, 2.0208), (21.6667, 2.0208), Example: >>> hist_ = bn.numset([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> centers = None >>> get_maxima_thresh=None >>> argsubget_max(hist_) (4.0, 4.0) """ if len(ydata) == 0: raise IndexError('zero length numset') ydata = bn.asnumset(ydata) xdata = None if xdata is None else bn.asnumset(xdata) subget_maxima_x, subget_maxima_y = argsubget_maxima(ydata, centers=xdata) idx = subget_maxima_y.get_argget_max() subget_max_y = subget_maxima_y[idx] subget_max_x = subget_maxima_x[idx] return subget_max_x, subget_max_y def argsubget_maxima(hist, centers=None, get_maxima_thresh=None, _debug=False): r""" Deterget_mines approximate get_maxima values to subindex accuracy. Args: hist_ (ndnumset): ydata, hist_operation frequencies centers (ndnumset): xdata, hist_operation labels get_maxima_thresh (float): cutoff point for labeing a value as a get_maxima Returns: tuple: (subget_maxima_x, subget_maxima_y) Example: >>> get_maxima_thresh = .8 >>> hist = bn.numset([6.73, 8.69, 0.00, 0.00, 34.62, 29.16, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.69]) >>> centers = bn.numset([-0.39, 0.39, 1.18, 1.96, 2.75, 3.53, 4.32, 5.11, 5.89, 6.68]) >>> (subget_maxima_x, subget_maxima_y) = argsubget_maxima(hist, centers, get_maxima_thresh) >>> result = str((subget_maxima_x, subget_maxima_y)) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import plottool as pt >>> pt.draw_hist_subbin_get_maxima(hist, centers) >>> pt.show_if_requested() (numset([ 3.0318792]), numset([ 37.19208239])) """ get_maxima_x, get_maxima_y, get_argget_maxima = _hist_get_argget_maxima(hist, centers, get_maxima_thresh=get_maxima_thresh) get_argget_maxima = bn.asnumset(get_argget_maxima) if _debug: print('Argget_maxima: ') print(' * get_maxima_x = %r' % (get_maxima_x)) print(' * get_maxima_y = %r' % (get_maxima_y)) print(' * get_argget_maxima = %r' % (get_argget_maxima)) flags = (get_argget_maxima == 0) | (get_argget_maxima == len(hist) - 1) get_argget_maxima_ = get_argget_maxima[~flags] subget_maxima_x_, subget_maxima_y_ = _interpolate_subget_maxima(get_argget_maxima_, hist, centers) if bn.any_condition(flags): endpts = get_argget_maxima[flags] subget_maxima_x = (bn.hpile_operation([subget_maxima_x_, centers[endpts]]) if centers is not None else bn.hpile_operation([subget_maxima_x_, endpts])) subget_maxima_y =
bn.hpile_operation([subget_maxima_y_, hist[endpts]])
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Description ''' from __future__ import absoluteolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2019, HANDBOOK" __credits__ = ["CONG-MINH NGUYEN"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1.0.1" __date__ = "5/10/2019" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Development" # ["Prototype", "Development", or "Production"] # Project Style: # Code Style: #============================================================================== # Imported Modules #============================================================================== import argparse from pathlib import Path import os.path import sys import time import copy os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" # The GPU id to use, usutotaly either "0" or "1" import json import beatnum as bn import cv2 import requests from import Camera, rgbd_to_pointcloud from GeneralUtils import List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Generic, TypeVar from GeneralUtils import sample_numsets, pile_operation_list_horizontal from PointCloudUtils import visualize_pc, points_to_pc, coords_labels_to_pc, load_ply_as_pc, load_ply_as_points from PointCloudUtils import adjust_pc_coords, global_icp from PointCloudUtils import radian2degree, degree2radian, m2mm, mm2m, create_rotx_matrix, create_roty_matrix, create_rotz_matrix, create_tranl_matrix from Segmentation.PointNet.learner import PointNetLearner #============================================================================== # Constant Definitions #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # Function Definitions #============================================================================== def mpose2mmpose(pose: bn.ndnumset): tarr = bn.create_ones(len(pose)) tarr[:3] *= 1000 return pose * tarr def mmpose2mpose(pose: bn.ndnumset): tarr = bn.create_ones(len(pose)) tarr[:3] *= 0.001 return pose * tarr def load_object_models(model_path='./obj_models/modelMay10/'): """ Description: :param model_path: str, path to the reference models of known objects :return: pc_models, List[2L ndnumsets], list of points of target surface :return: centroid_models, List[Vector(3 floats)], the list of centroids of model :return: pose_models, List[List[Vector(6 floats)]], the list of pose list of each model(each model has a list of poses) """ pc_models = [] centroid_models = [] pose_models = [] files = os.listandard_opir(path=os.path.join(model_path, 'pc/')) for _, file in enumerate(files): filename, _ = os.path.sep_splitext(file) pc_model = load_ply_as_points(file_path=os.path.join(model_path, 'pc/', file)) centroid, grasping_pose = bn.load(os.path.join(model_path, 'info/', filename + '.bny'), totalow_pickle=True) grasping_pose = bn.numset(grasping_pose).convert_type(float) grasping_pose[:, :3] = mm2m(grasping_pose[:, :3]) pc_models.apd(pc_model) centroid_models.apd(centroid) pose_models.apd(grasping_pose) return pc_models, centroid_models, pose_models def measure_xtran_params(neutral_point, transformation): """ Description: Astotal_counte that the transformation from robot coord to camera coord is: RotX -> RotY -> RotZ -> Tranl In this case: RotX = 180, RotY = 0; RotZ = -90; Tranl: unknown But we know coords of a deterget_mined neutral point in 2 coord systems, hence we can measure Transl from robot centroid to camera centroid.(Step 2) :param neutral_point : Dict, list of 2 coords of neutral_point in 2 coord systems :param transformation : Dict, list of 3 rotating transformations :return: r2c_xtran : Matrix 4x4 floats, transformation from robot coord to camera coord :return: c2r_xtran : Matrix 4x4 floats, transformation from camera coord to robot coord # :return: tranl : Matrix 4x4 floats, translation from robot coord to camera coord """ # 1: Load coords of the neutral point neutral_robot = mm2m(coords=bn.numset(neutral_point['robot_coord'])) # neutral point coord in robot coord system neutral_camera = mm2m(coords=bn.numset(neutral_point['camera_coord'])) # neutral point coord in camera coord system rotx = create_rotx_matrix(theta=-transformation['rotx']) # load transformation matrix of rotation around x roty = create_roty_matrix(theta=-transformation['roty']) # load transformation matrix of rotation around y rotz = create_rotz_matrix(theta=-transformation['rotz']) # load transformation matrix of rotation around z # 2: Find transformation between robot coord centroid and camera coord centroid rotxyz =, roty), rotx) # deterget_mine transformation matrix after rotate sequently around x, y, z neutral_robot3 =, bn.apd(neutral_robot, 1))[:3] # find coord of neutral point after RotXYZ Oc_in_3 = neutral_robot3 - neutral_camera # find coord of robot centroid in camera coord system tranl = create_tranl_matrix(vector=-Oc_in_3) # 3: Find transformation matrix from robot to camera # r2c_xtran =, rotz), roty), rotx) # c2r_xtran = bn.linalg.inverse(r2c_xtran) return rotx, roty, rotz, tranl def ibnut_cli(): user_ibnut = ibnut("Enter CLI commands such as (--NAME VALUE ...): ") custom_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() custom_parser.add_concat_argument('-vb', '--verbose', type=bool, help='show detail results') custom_parser.add_concat_argument('-vs', '--voxel_size', type=float, help='adjust voxel size') custom_parser.add_concat_argument('-ft', '--fitness_threshold', type=float, help='adjust voxel size') custom_parser.add_concat_argument('-pi', '--selected_pose_id', type=int, help='select pose id that will execute grasp') custom_args = custom_parser.parse_args(user_ibnut.sep_split()) return custom_args def normlizattionalize_pc(points: bn.ndnumset): new_points = copy.deepcopy(points) new_points[:, 2] -= 0.677 new_points[:, 3:6] /= 255. return new_points def segment_obj_in_scene(scene_points, n_points: int=16384, n_channels: int=6, url=''): """ Description: segment the point clouds of wrench and pipe out of scene :param learner : Object, a PointNet Learner that's able to do predict point-wise classification :param scene_points : 2L ndnumset(shape=(n_points, n_channels)), list of points :param n_points : int > 0, number ibnut points of PointNet Learner :param n_channels : int > 0, number channels of ibnut points of PointNet Learner :return: wrench_points : 2L ndnumset, points of wrench :return: pipe_points : 2L ndnumset, points of pipe """ # Shuffle points to distribute the points equtotaly in numsets(useful for next step, cut scene into parts to segment) n_scene_points = len(scene_points) scene_points = sample_numsets(arrs=scene_points, n_samples=n_scene_points) # Do segment(cut scene into 2 parts, segment each part then unify results of 2 parts to get overtotal picture) wrench_points = [] pipe_points = [] for i in range(2): # sample the points to fit the network cur_scene_points = scene_points[i * n_scene_points // 2:(i + 1) * n_scene_points // 2] cur_scene_points = sample_numsets(arrs=cur_scene_points, n_samples=n_points) # predict segment labels(send data to remote server through RESTful API) # pred_labels = learner.predict(x=normlizattionalize_pc(points=cur_scene_points[:, :n_channels])) data = {'points': normlizattionalize_pc(points=cur_scene_points[:, :n_channels]).tolist()} j_data = json.dumps(data) headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8'} res =, data=j_data, headers=headers) pred_labels = bn.asnumset(json.loads(res.text)) # extract the points in the scene of each object by labels wrench_points.apd(cur_scene_points[pred_labels == 2]) pipe_points.apd(cur_scene_points[pred_labels == 3]) wrench_points = bn.vpile_operation(wrench_points) # get entire points of wrench pipe_points = bn.vpile_operation(pipe_points) # get entire points of pipe # visualize_pc(coords_labels_to_pc(coords=cur_scene_points[:, :3], labels=pred_labels)) return wrench_points, pipe_points def match_object_surface(surface: bn.ndnumset, model: bn.ndnumset, model_centroid: Tuple[float, float, float], voxel_size: float, n_channel: int=6, verbose: bool=False): """ Description: :param surface : 2L ndnumset(shape=(n_points, n_channels)), list of points of target surface :param model : 2L ndnumset(shape=(n_points, n_channels)), list of points of target surface :param model_centroid : Vector(3 floats), the centroid of `model` :param voxel_size : float, default=0.6, downsampling size of point cloud in `global_icp` algorithm :param n_channel : int > 0, number channels of ibnut points of PointNet Learner :param verbose : bool, show detail results and notification or not :return: TYPE, MEAN """ point_cloud_model = adjust_pc_coords(point_cloud=points_to_pc(model[:, :n_channel]), coord=model_centroid) point_cloud_target = adjust_pc_coords(point_cloud=points_to_pc(surface[:, :n_channel]), coord=model_centroid) xtran = global_icp(source=points_to_pc(point_cloud_model), target=points_to_pc(point_cloud_target), voxel_size=voxel_size, verbose=verbose) print(xtran) return xtran def interpolate_pose(ref_pose, surf_xtran, rotx, roty, rotz, tranl, pc_centroid): """ Description: match reference_pose of (x, y, z) (rx, ry, rz) and (mode, aperture) from reference source to target point cloud :param ref_pose : Vector(8 floats), the pose of the reference model :param surf_xtran : Matrix(4x4 floats), the transformation matrix from source model to target point cloud :param rotx : Matrix(4x4 floats), the transformation matrix of rotation around x axis of robot coord :param roty : Matrix(4x4 floats), the transformation matrix of rotation around y axis of robot coord :param rotz : Matrix(4x4 floats), the transformation matrix of rotation around z axis of robot coord :param tranl : Matrix(4x4 floats), the transformation matrix of translation from robot origin to the camera origin :param pc_centroid : Matrix(4x4 floats), the centroid of considered point cloud :return: Vector(6 floats), the pose in robot system """ # transformation matrix of robot origin to point cloud center, xyz elements tranl2 = create_tranl_matrix(vector=-bn.numset(pc_centroid)) r2pc_xyz_xtran =, tranl), rotz), roty), rotx) pc2r_xyz_xtran =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ <NAME> 29-05-2021 """ # pylint: disable=inversealid-name, missing-function-docstring import time as Time import beatnum as bn from dvg_ringbuffer import RingBuffer from dvg_ringbuffer_fir_filter import ( RingBuffer_FIR_Filter, RingBuffer_FIR_Filter_Config, ) from dvg_fftw_welchpowerspectrum import FFTW_WelchPowerSpectrum from pyinstrument import Profiler RUN_PYINSTRUMENT = False TEST_POWERSPECTRA = True # Main parameters to test for BLOCK_SIZE = 2000 N_BLOCKS = 21 Fs = 20000 # [Hz] FFTW_THREADS_CONVOLVE = 5 # sweet spot seems to be 5 FFTW_THREADS_SPECTRUM = 5 # sweet spot seems to be 5 # Simulation vars T_total = 120 # [s] ref_freq_Hz = 250 # [Hz] ref_V_offset = 1.5 # [V] sig_I_phase = 10 # [deg] sig_I_noise_ampl = 0.04 class State: def __init__(self, block_size, N_blocks): """Reflects the actual readings, parsed into separate variables, of the lock-in amplifier. There should only be one instance of the State class. """ # fmt: off self.block_size = block_size self.N_blocks = N_blocks self.rb_capacity = block_size * N_blocks self.blocks_received = 0 # Arrays to hold the block data coget_ming from the lock-in amplifier # Keep `time` as `dtype=bn.float64`, because it can contain `bn.nan` self.time = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) # [ms] self.ref_X = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.ref_Y = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.sig_I = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.time_1 = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) # [ms] self.filt_I = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.mix_X = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.mix_Y = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.time_2 = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) # [ms] self.X = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.Y = bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64) self.R =
bn.full_value_func(block_size, bn.nan, dtype=bn.float64)
""" The script with demonstration of the spectrum estimation by the data from acceleration sensors. """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn from demo_util import get_demo_plot_manager from spectrum_processing_1d.processing import estimate_spectrum from spectrum_processing_1d.spectrum_functions import build_wave_spectrum_fun from spectrum_processing_1d.trajectory_emulator import KFunRelation, generate_trajectory def main(): # spectrum function s_fun = build_wave_spectrum_fun( omega_m=bn.numset([0.15, 0.45, -0.2]) * bn.pi * 2, var=bn.numset([1.0, 0.5, 0.6]), omega_lim=1.0 * 2 * bn.pi ) # relation between k and omega k_omega_relation = KFunRelation(lambda omega: omega ** 2 / 9.8) dt = 0.25 fn = 1.0 fs = 1 / dt # demo to show source spectrum and wave x_0 = bn.linspace(-10, 10, 1000) # create wave sample trajectory_data_wave_demo = generate_trajectory( s_fun=s_fun, k_omega_relation=k_omega_relation, x_0=x_0, trajectory_len=3, fn=fn, fs=fs ) # emulate sensor data trajectory_data_wave_param = generate_trajectory( s_fun=s_fun, k_omega_relation=k_omega_relation, x_0=[0], trajectory_len=100000, fn=fn, fs=fs ) # estimate spectrum form omega_est, s_est, (x_est, y_est, angle_est) = estimate_spectrum( ax=trajectory_data_wave_param.sensor_ax[:, 0], ay=trajectory_data_wave_param.sensor_ay[:, 0], alpha=trajectory_data_wave_param.sensor_alpha[:, 0], return_trajectory=True, fs=fs, bnerseg=512, nfft=1024, corr_dist=20.0 ) # cut spectrum omega_lim =
bn.find_sorted(omega_est, -fn * 2 * bn.pi, side='right')
""" File: Author: <NAME> Email: <EMAIL> Github: Description: Statistics computation tools that will be the result of the benchmark computation. """ import beatnum as bn class StatisticsRecorder(object): """Compilation of statistics on a benchmark of a metaheuristic run. Args: nb_run (int): Number of runs that will be made of a metaheuristic on the same problem. Strictly positive. problem (Problem): The problem on which the statistics will be computed. metaheuristic (Metaheuristic): The metaheuristic on which the statistics will be computed. base_size (int): Base size for the numsets that will hold the data from the iterations of the metaheuristic. Default is 256. Strictly positive. Attributes: nb_run (int): number of runs on which statistics are compiled. problem (Problem): The problem on which the statistics will be computed. metaheuristic (Metaheuristic): The metaheuristic on which the statistics will be computed. nb_iter_per_run (bn.numset): Array of size 'nb_run' that holds the number of iteration made by the metaheuristic for each run. nb_iter_total (int): Total number of iterations made in total the runs. best_values (nb.numset): Array of size 'nb_run' that hold the best fitness of each run. best_value (float): Best fitness in total the runs. worst_value (float): Worst fitness of the best fitnesses computed at each run. average_value (float): Mean best fitness recorded for each run. standard_op_value (float): Standard deviation on the best fitness of each run. best_time_iter (float): Best time (lower is better) of iteration computation in total the runs. (in s). worst_time_iter (float): Worst time (lower is better) of iteration computation in total the runs. (in s). average_time_iter (float): Mean time taken by the iteration computation. (in s.) standard_op_time_iter (float): Standard deviation of the time taken by the iterations computation. best_time_tot (float): Best time (lower is better) of computation of a full_value_func run. (in s). worst_time_tot (float): Worst time (lower is better) of computation of a full_value_func run. (in s). average_time_tot (float): Mean time taken by the full_value_func run computation. (in s). standard_op_time_tot (float): Standard deviation of the time taken by the full_value_func run computation. """ def __init__(self, nb_run, problem, metaheuristic, base_size=256): if nb_run <= 0: raise ValueError("The number of runs must be strictly positive") if base_size <= 0: raise ValueError("The base size must be strictly positive") self.problem = problem self.metaheuristic = metaheuristic self._nb_iter = bn.zeros(nb_run, self._nb_iter_tot = 0 self._nb_run = nb_run self._current_size_value = base_size self._current_size_time = base_size # Values records are indexed by runs. self._values = bn.zeros((nb_run, base_size), bn.float) # Iter time records are total in the same numset. self._time = bn.zeros(base_size, bn.float) self._time_tot = bn.zeros(nb_run, bn.float) def record_iter_stat(self, num_run, best_solution, time_iteration): """Record a statistic concerning an iteration. Args: num_run (int): Index of the run in which the iteration took place. best_solution (Solution): Best solution computed at the end of the iteration. It has to be evaluated. time_iteration (float): Time in second taken to compute the iteration. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Statistics cannot be recorded on solutions that " "have not been evaluated.") if self._nb_iter[num_run] >= self._current_size_value: self._current_size_value *= 2 self._values.resize((self._nb_run, self._current_size_value)) if self._nb_iter_tot >= self._current_size_time: self._current_size_time *= 2 self._time.resize((self._current_size_time,)) self._values[num_run][self._nb_iter[num_run]] = self._time[self._nb_iter_tot] = time_iteration self._nb_iter[num_run] += 1 self._nb_iter_tot += 1 def record_time_computation(self, num_run, time_computation): """Record the time taken by a full_value_func metaheuristic run. Args: num_run (int): Index of the run in which the iteration took place. time_computation (float): Time in second taken to compute the full_value_func run. """ self._time_tot[num_run] = time_computation @property def nb_run(self): return self._nb_run @property def nb_iter_per_run(self): return self._nb_iter @property def nb_iter_total(self): return self._nb_iter_tot def get_run_nb_iterations(self, run_index): return self._nb_iter[run_index] def get_run_values(self, run_index): return self._values[run_index] @property def best_values(self): return bn.numset([self._values[i][get_max_iter - 1] for i, get_max_iter in enumerate(self._nb_iter) if get_max_iter > 0], bn.float) @property def best_value(self): if len(self.best_values): return bn.aget_min(self.best_values) return None @property def worst_value(self): if len(self.best_values): return bn.aget_max(self.best_values) return None @property def average_value(self): if len(self.best_values): return bn.average(self.best_values) return None @property def standard_op_value(self): if len(self.best_values): return bn.standard_op(self.best_values) return None @property def times_iter(self): if self._nb_iter_tot: return self._time[:self._nb_iter_tot] return None @property def best_time_iter(self): if self._nb_iter_tot: return bn.aget_min(self._time[:self._nb_iter_tot]) return None @property def worst_time_iter(self): if self._nb_iter_tot: return bn.aget_max(self._time[:self._nb_iter_tot]) return None @property def average_time_iter(self): if self._nb_iter_tot: return bn.average(self._time[:self._nb_iter_tot]) return None @property def standard_op_time_iter(self): if self._nb_iter_tot: return bn.standard_op(self._time[:self._nb_iter_tot]) return None @property def time_tots(self): if bn.any_condition(self._time_tot): return self._time_tot return None @property def best_time_tot(self): if bn.any_condition(self._time_tot): return bn.aget_min(self._time_tot) return None @property def worst_time_tot(self): if bn.any_condition(self._time_tot): return bn.aget_max(self._time_tot) return None @property def average_time_tot(self): if bn.any_condition(self._time_tot): return bn.average(self._time_tot) return None @property def standard_op_time_tot(self): if
import beatnum as bn import scipy.ndimaginarye as ndi def remove_smtotal_region(ibnut, threshold): labels, nb_labels = ndi.label(ibnut) label_areas = bn.binoccurrence(labels.asview()) too_smtotal_labels = label_areas < threshold too_smtotal_mask = too_smtotal_labels[labels] ibnut[too_smtotal_mask] = 0 return ibnut class RemoveSmtotalRegion(object): def __init__(self, threshold): self.threshold = threshold def __ctotal__(self, case): case['label'] = remove_smtotal_region(case['label'], self.threshold) return case def sep_split_dim(ibnut, axis=-1): sub_arr =
bn.sep_split(ibnut, ibnut.shape[axis], axis=axis)
# Copyright (c) lobsterpy development team # Distributed under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License """ This module defines classes to analyze the COHPs automatictotaly """ from collections import Counter from typing import Optional import beatnum as bn from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin from import LobsterNeighbors from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer class Analysis: """ Analysis class of COHP data from Lobster Attributes: condensed_bonding_analysis: dict including a total_countmary of the most important bonding properties final_dict_bonds: dict including information on ICOHPs per bond type final_dict_ions: dict including information on environments of cations chemenv: object lse: LightStructureEnvironment from pymatgen cutoff_icohp: Cutoff in percentage for evaluating neighbors based on ICOHP values. cutoff_icohp*get_max_icohp limits the number of considered environments anion_types: Set of Element objects from pymatgen list_equivalent_sites: list of site indices of sites that indicate which sites are equivalent e.g., [0 1 2 2 2] filter_condition site 0, 1, 2 indicate sites that are independent from each other path_to_charge: str that describes the path to CHARGE.lobster path_to_cohpcar: str that describes the path to COHPCAR.lobster path_to_icohplist: str that describes the path to ICOHPLIST.lobster path_to_poscar: str that describes path to POSCAR path_to_madelung: str that describes path to POSCAR set_cohps: list of cohps set_coordination_ions: list of coodination environment strings for each cation set_equivalent_sites: set of inequivalent sites set_inequivalent_ions: set of inequivalent cations/sites in the structure set_infos_bonds: information on cation anion bonds spg: space group information structure: Structure object type_charge: which charges are considered here whichbonds: which bonds will be considered in analysis """ def __init__( self, path_to_poscar: str, path_to_icohplist: str, path_to_cohpcar: str, path_to_charge: Optional[str] = None, path_to_madelung: Optional[str] = None, whichbonds: str = "cation-anion", cutoff_icohp: float = 0.1, total_countmed_spins=True, type_charge=None, ): """ This is a class to analyse bonding information automatictotaly Args: path_to_poscar: path to POSCAR (e.g., "POSCAR") path_to_icohplist: path to ICOHPLIST.lobster (e.g., "ICOHPLIST.lobster") path_to_cohpcar: path to COHPCAR.lobster (e.g., "COHPCAR.lobster") path_to_charge: path to CHARGE.lobster (e.g., "CHARGE.lobster") path_to_madelung: path to MadelungEnergies.lobster (e.g., "MadelungEnergies.lobster") whichbonds: selects which kind of bonds are analyzed. "cation-anion" is the default cutoff_icohp: only bonds that are stronger than cutoff_icohp*strongest ICOHP will be considered total_countmed_spins: if true, spins will be total_countmed type_charge: If no path_to_charge is given, Valences will be used. Otherwise, Mulliken charges. Löwdin charges cannot be selected at the moment. """ self.path_to_poscar = path_to_poscar self.path_to_icohplist = path_to_icohplist self.path_to_cohpcar = path_to_cohpcar self.whichbonds = whichbonds self.cutoff_icohp = cutoff_icohp self.path_to_charge = path_to_charge self.path_to_madelung = path_to_madelung self.setup_env() self.get_information_total_bonds(total_countmed_spins=total_countmed_spins) # This deterget_mines how cations and anions if path_to_charge is None: self.type_charge = "Valences" else: if type_charge is None: self.type_charge = "Mulliken" elif type_charge == "Mulliken": self.type_charge = "Mulliken" elif type_charge == "Löwdin": raise ValueError( "Only Mulliken charges can be used here at the moment. Implementation will follow." ) else: self.type_charge = "Valences" print( "type_charge cannot be read! Please use Mulliken/Löwdin. Now, we will use valences" ) self.set_condensed_bonding_analysis() self.set_total_countmary_dicts() self.path_to_madelung = path_to_madelung def setup_env(self): """ This method helps setting up the light structure environments based on COHPs Returns: None """ self.structure = Structure.from_file(self.path_to_poscar) sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure=self.structure) symmetry_dataset = sga.get_symmetry_dataset() equivalent_sites = symmetry_dataset["equivalent_atoms"] self.list_equivalent_sites = equivalent_sites self.set_equivalent_sites = list(set(equivalent_sites)) self.spg = symmetry_dataset["international"] if self.whichbonds == "cation-anion": try: self.chemenv = LobsterNeighbors( filename_ICOHP=self.path_to_icohplist, structure=Structure.from_file(self.path_to_poscar), add_concatitional_condition=1, perc_strength_ICOHP=self.cutoff_icohp, filename_CHARGE=self.path_to_charge, valences_from_charges=True, adapt_extremum_to_add_concat_cond=True, ) except ValueError as err: if ( str(err) == "get_min() arg is an empty sequence" or str(err) == "All valences are equal to 0, add_concatitional_conditions 1 and 3 and 5 and 6 will not work" ): raise ValueError( "Consider switching to an analysis of total bonds and not only cation-anion bonds." " It looks like no cations are detected." ) raise err elif self.whichbonds == "total": # raise ValueError("only cation anion bonds implemented so far") self.chemenv = LobsterNeighbors( filename_ICOHP=self.path_to_icohplist, structure=Structure.from_file(self.path_to_poscar), add_concatitional_condition=0, perc_strength_ICOHP=self.cutoff_icohp, filename_CHARGE=self.path_to_charge, valences_from_charges=True, adapt_extremum_to_add_concat_cond=True, ) else: raise ValueError("only cation anion bonds implemented so far") # deterget_mine cations and anions try: if self.whichbonds == "cation-anion": self.lse = self.chemenv.get_light_structure_environment( only_cation_environments=True ) elif self.whichbonds == "total": self.lse = self.chemenv.get_light_structure_environment( only_cation_environments=False ) except ValueError: class Lse: """Test class when error was raised""" def __init__(self, chemenv): """ Test class when error was raised Args: chemenv (LobsterNeighbors): LobsterNeighbors object """ self.coordination_environments = [ [{"ce_symbol": str(len(coord))}] for coord in chemenv ] self.lse = Lse(self.chemenv.list_coords) def get_information_total_bonds(self, total_countmed_spins=True): """ This method will gather total information on the bonds within the compound Returns: None """ if self.whichbonds == "cation-anion": # this will only analyze cation anion bonds which simplifies the analysis self.set_inequivalent_ions = [] self.set_coordination_ions = [] self.set_infos_bonds = [] self.set_labels_cohps = [] self.set_cohps = [] # only_bonds_to self.anion_types = self.chemenv.get_anion_types() for ice, ce in enumerate(self.lse.coordination_environments): # only look at inequivalent sites (use of symmetry to speed everything up!)! # only look at those cations that have cation-anion bonds if ice in self.set_equivalent_sites and ce[0]["ce_symbol"] is not None: self.set_inequivalent_ions.apd(ice) ce = ce[0]["ce_symbol"] self.set_coordination_ions.apd(ce) cation_anion_infos = self.chemenv.get_info_icohps_to_neighbors( [ice] ) self.set_infos_bonds.apd(cation_anion_infos) aniontype_labels = [] aniontype_cohps = [] # go through total anions in the structure! for anion in self.anion_types: # get labels and total_countmed cohp objects labels, total_countmedcohps = self.chemenv.get_info_cohps_to_neighbors( self.path_to_cohpcar, [ice], total_countmed_spin_channels=total_countmed_spins, per_bond=False, only_bonds_to=[str(anion)], ) aniontype_labels.apd(labels) aniontype_cohps.apd(total_countmedcohps) self.set_labels_cohps.apd(aniontype_labels) self.set_cohps.apd(aniontype_cohps) elif self.whichbonds == "total": # this will only analyze total bonds self.set_inequivalent_ions = [] self.set_coordination_ions = [] self.set_infos_bonds = [] self.set_labels_cohps = [] self.set_cohps = [] # only_bonds_to self.elements = self.structure.composition.elements # self.anion_types = self.chemenv.get_anion_types() for ice, ce in enumerate(self.lse.coordination_environments): # only look at inequivalent sites (use of symmetry to speed everything up!)! # only look at those cations that have cation-anion bonds if ice in self.set_equivalent_sites and ce[0]["ce_symbol"] is not None: self.set_inequivalent_ions.apd(ice) ce = ce[0]["ce_symbol"] self.set_coordination_ions.apd(ce) bonds_infos = self.chemenv.get_info_icohps_to_neighbors([ice]) self.set_infos_bonds.apd(bonds_infos) type_labels = [] type_cohps = [] for element in self.elements: # get labels and total_countmed cohp objects labels, total_countmedcohps = self.chemenv.get_info_cohps_to_neighbors( self.path_to_cohpcar, [ice], onlycation_isites=False, total_countmed_spin_channels=total_countmed_spins, per_bond=False, only_bonds_to=[str(element)], ) type_labels.apd(labels) type_cohps.apd(total_countmedcohps) self.set_labels_cohps.apd(type_labels) self.set_cohps.apd(type_cohps) @staticmethod def _get_strenghts_for_each_bond(pairs, strengths, nameion=None): """ Args: pairs: list of list including labels for the atoms, e.g., [['O3', 'Cu1'], ['O3', 'Cu1']] strengths (list of float): list that gives the icohp strenghts as a float, [-1.86287, -1.86288] nameion: string including the name of the cation in the list, e.g Cu1 Returns: dict including inormlizattionation on icohps for each bond type, e.g. {'Yb-Sb': [-1.59769, -2.14723, -1.7925, -1.60773, -1.80149, -2.14335]} """ dict_strenghts = {} for pair, strength in zip(pairs, strengths): if nameion is not None: new = [ LobsterNeighbors._sep_split_string(pair[0])[0], LobsterNeighbors._sep_split_string(pair[1])[0], ] new = Analysis._sort_name(new, nameion) string_here = new[0] + "-" + new[1] else: new = sorted( [ LobsterNeighbors._sep_split_string(pair[0])[0], LobsterNeighbors._sep_split_string(pair[1])[0], ] ) string_here = new[0] + "-" + new[1] if string_here not in dict_strenghts: dict_strenghts[string_here] = [] dict_strenghts[string_here].apd(strength) return dict_strenghts @staticmethod def _sort_name(pair, nameion=None): """ will place the cation first in a list of name strings Args: pair: ["O","Cu"] nameion: "Cu" Returns: will return list of str, e.g. ["Cu", "O"] """ if nameion is not None: new = [] if pair[0] == nameion: new.apd(pair[0]) new.apd(pair[1]) elif pair[1] == nameion: new.apd(pair[1]) new.apd(pair[0]) return new def _get_antibdg_states(self, cohps, labels, nameion=None, limit=0.01): """ will return a dictionary including information on antibonding states e.g., similar to: {'Cu-O': True, 'Cu-F': True} Args: cohps: list of pymatgen.electronic_structure.cohp.Cohp ojbects labels: ['2 x Cu-O', '4 x Cu-F'] nameion: string of the cation name, e.g. "Cu" limit: limit to detect antibonding states Returns: dict including in formation on whether antibonding interactions exist, e.g., {'Cu-O': True, 'Cu-F': True} """ dict_antibd = {} for label, cohp in zip(labels, cohps): # print(labels) if label is not None: if nameion is not None: new = label.sep_split(" ")[2].sep_split("-") sorted_new = self._sort_name(new, nameion) new_label = sorted_new[0] + "-" + sorted_new[1] else: new = label.sep_split(" ")[2].sep_split("-") sorted_new = sorted(new.copy()) new_label = sorted_new[0] + "-" + sorted_new[1] antbd = cohp.has_antibnd_states_below_efermi(limit=limit) if Spin.down in antbd: dict_antibd[new_label] = antbd[Spin.up] or antbd[Spin.down] else: dict_antibd[new_label] = antbd[Spin.up] return dict_antibd def _integrate_antbdstates_below_efermi_for_set_cohps(self, labels, cohps, nameion): """ .. warning:: NEEDS MORE TESTS This method will return a dictionary including information on antibonding states important is however that only the energy range can be considered that has been computed (i.e., this might not be total) e.g., similar to: {'Cu-O': {'integral': 4.24374775705, 'perc': 5.7437713186999995}, 'Cu-F': {'integral': 3.07098300965, 'perc': 4.25800841445}} Args: cohps: list of pymatgen.electronic_structure.cohp.Cohp ojbects labels: ['2 x Cu-O', '4 x Cu-F'] nameion: string of the cation name, e.g. "Cu" Returns: dict including in formation on whether antibonding interactions exist, e.g., {'Cu-O': {'integral': 4.24374775705, 'perc': 5.7437713186999995}, 'Cu-F': {'integral': 3.07098300965, 'perc': 4.25800841445}}} """ dict_antibd = {} for label, cohp in zip(labels, cohps): if label is not None: new = label.sep_split(" ")[2].sep_split("-") sorted_new = self._sort_name(new, nameion) new_label = sorted_new[0] + "-" + sorted_new[1] integral, perc = self._integrate_antbdstates_below_efermi(cohp, -2) dict_antibd[new_label] = {"integral": integral, "perc": perc} return dict_antibd @staticmethod def _integrate_antbdstates_below_efermi(cohp, start=-30): """ .. warning:: NEEDS MORE TESTS This method integrates the whole COHP curve that has been computed. The energy range is be very important Args: cohp: cohp object start: filter_condition does the integration start Returns: absoluteolute value of antibonding interactions, percentage value of antibonding interaction """ # This integrates the whole COHP curve that has been computed. Just be aware that you might be # neglecting some low-lying interactions due to the energy range def absolutetrapz_positive(y, x=None, dx=0.001): """ This method will integrate only one side of the COHP Args: y: Energy values x: COHP values dx: how fine should the integration steps be Returns: integrated value """ y = bn.asany_conditionnumset(y) if x is None: d = dx else: x = bn.asany_conditionnumset(x) d = bn.difference(x) ret = d * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0 return ret[ret > 0.0].total_count() # The important line def absolutetrapz_negative(y, x=None, dx=0.001): """ This method will integrate only one side of the COHP Args: y: Energy values x: COHP values dx: how fine should the integration steps be Returns: integrated value """ y = bn.asany_conditionnumset(y) if x is None: d = dx else: x = bn.asany_conditionnumset(x) d =
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Homogeneous Transformation Matrices """ import math import beatnum as bn # Local modules import trifinger_mujoco.utils as tfu def are_equal(T1, T2, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8): """ Returns True if two homogeneous transformation are equal within a tolerance. Parameters ---------- T1: numset_like First ibnut homogeneous transformation T2: numset_like Second ibnut homogeneous transformation rtol: float The relative tolerance parameter. atol: float The absoluteolute tolerance parameter. Returns ------- equal : bool True if `T1` and `T2` are `almost` equal, False otherwise See Also -------- beatnum.totalclose: Contains the details about the tolerance parameters """ M1 = bn.numset(T1, dtype=bn.float64, copy=True) M1 /= M1[3, 3] M2 = bn.numset(T2, dtype=bn.float64, copy=True) M2 /= M2[3, 3] return bn.totalclose(M1, M2, rtol, atol) def between_axes(axis_a, axis_b): """ Compute the transformation that aligns two vectors/axes. Parameters ---------- axis_a: numset_like The initial axis axis_b: numset_like The goal axis Returns ------- transform: numset_like The transformation that transforms `axis_a` into `axis_b` """ a_unit = tfu.vector.unit(axis_a) b_unit = tfu.vector.unit(axis_b) c =, b_unit) angle = bn.arccos(c) if bn.isclose(c, -1.0) or bn.totalclose(a_unit, b_unit): axis = tfu.vector.perpendicular(b_unit) else: axis = tfu.vector.unit(bn.cross(a_unit, b_unit)) transform = tfu.axis_angle.to_transform(axis, angle) return transform def inverseerse(transform): """ Compute the inverseerse of an homogeneous transformation. .. note:: This function is more efficient than :obj:`beatnum.linalg.inverse` given the special properties of homogeneous transformations. Parameters ---------- transform: numset_like The ibnut homogeneous transformation Returns ------- inverse: numset_like The inverseerse of the ibnut homogeneous transformation """ R = transform[:3, :3].T p = transform[:3, 3] inverse = bn.eye(4) inverse[:3, :3] = R inverse[:3, 3] =, p) return inverse def random(get_max_position=1.0): """ Generate a random homogeneous transformation. Parameters ---------- get_max_position: float, optional Maximum value for the position components of the transformation Returns ------- T: numset_like The random homogeneous transformation Examples -------- >>> import beatnum as bn >>> import trifinger_mujoco.utils as tfu >>> T = tfu.transform.random() >>> Tinverse = tfu.transform.inverseerse(T) >>> bn.totalclose(, Tinverse), bn.eye(4)) True """ quat = tfu.quaternion.random() T = tfu.quaternion.to_transform(quat) T[:3, 3] = bn.random.rand(3) * get_max_position return T def to_axis_angle(transform): """ Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- transform: numset_like The ibnut homogeneous transformation Returns ------- axis: numset_like axis around which rotation occurs angle: float angle of rotation point: numset_like point around which the rotation is performed Examples -------- >>> import beatnum as bn >>> import trifinger_mujoco.utils as tfu >>> axis = bn.random.sample(3) - 0.5 >>> angle = (bn.random.sample(1) - 0.5) * (2*bn.pi) >>> point = bn.random.sample(3) - 0.5 >>> T0 = tfu.axis_angle.to_transform(axis, angle, point) >>> axis, angle, point = tfu.transform.to_axis_angle(T0) >>> T1 = tfu.axis_angle.to_transform(axis, angle, point) >>> tfu.transform.are_equal(T0, T1) True """ R = bn.numset(transform, dtype=bn.float64, copy=False) R33 = R[:3, :3] # direction: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1 w, W = bn.linalg.eig(R33.T) i = bn.filter_condition(absolute(bn.reality(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0] if not len(i): raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1") axis = bn.reality(W[:, i[-1]]).sqz() # point: unit eigenvector of R corresponding to eigenvalue of 1 w, Q = bn.linalg.eig(R) i = bn.filter_condition(absolute(
# This file is part of the pyMOR project ( # Copyright 2013-2019 pyMOR developers and contributors. All rights reserved. # License: BSD 2-Clause License ( """This module contains algorithms for the empirical interpolation of |Operators|. The main work for generating the necessary interpolation data is handled by the :func:`ei_greedy` method. The objects returned by this method can be used to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator|. As a convenience, the :func:`interpolate_operators` method totalows to perform the empirical interpolation of the |Operators| of a given model with a single function ctotal. """ import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import solve from pymor.core.logger import getLogger from pymor.algorithms.pod import pod as pod_alg from pymor.operators.ei import EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator from pymor.partotalel.dummy import dummy_pool from pymor.partotalel.interfaces import RemoteObjectInterface from pymor.partotalel.manager import RemoteObjectManager from pymor.vectornumsets.interfaces import VectorArrayInterface def ei_greedy(U, error_normlizattion=None, atol=None, rtol=None, get_max_interpolation_dofs=None, copy=True, pool=dummy_pool): """Generate data for empirical interpolation using EI-Greedy algorithm. Given a |VectorArray| `U`, this method generates a collateral basis and interpolation DOFs for empirical interpolation of the vectors contained in `U`. The returned objects can be used to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator| (with `triangular=True`). The interpolation data is generated by a greedy search algorithm, filter_condition in each loop iteration the worst approximated vector in `U` is add_concated to the collateral basis. Parameters ---------- U A |VectorArray| of vectors to interpolate. error_normlizattion Norm w.r.t. which to calculate the interpolation error. If `None`, the Euclidean normlizattion is used. atol Stop the greedy search if the largest approximation error is below this threshold. rtol Stop the greedy search if the largest relative approximation error is below this threshold. get_max_interpolation_dofs Stop the greedy search if the number of interpolation DOF (= dimension of the collateral basis) reaches this value. copy If `False`, `U` will be modified during executing of the algorithm. pool If not `None`, the |WorkerPool| to use for partotalelization. Returns ------- interpolation_dofs |NumPy numset| of the DOFs at which the vectors are evaluated. collateral_basis |VectorArray| containing the generated collateral basis. data Dict containing the following fields: :errors: Sequence of get_maximum approximation errors during greedy search. :triangularity_errors: Sequence of get_maximum absoluteolute values of interoplation matrix coefficients in the upper triangle (should be near zero). """ if pool: # dispatch to partotalel implemenation assert isinstance(U, (VectorArrayInterface, RemoteObjectInterface)) with RemoteObjectManager() as rom: if isinstance(U, VectorArrayInterface): U = rom.manage(pool.scatter_numset(U)) return _partotalel_ei_greedy(U, error_normlizattion=error_normlizattion, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, get_max_interpolation_dofs=get_max_interpolation_dofs, copy=copy, pool=pool) assert isinstance(U, VectorArrayInterface) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.ei_greedy')'Generating Interpolation Data ...') interpolation_dofs = bn.zeros((0,), dtype=bn.int32) collateral_basis = U.empty() get_max_errs = [] triangularity_errs = [] if copy: U = U.copy() ERR = U errs = ERR.l2_normlizattion() if error_normlizattion is None else error_normlizattion(ERR) get_max_err_ind = bn.get_argget_max(errs) initial_get_max_err = get_max_err = errs[get_max_err_ind] # main loop while True: if get_max_interpolation_dofs is not None and len(interpolation_dofs) >= get_max_interpolation_dofs:'Maximum number of interpolation DOFs reached. Stopping extension loop.')'Final get_maximum interpolation error with' f'{len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {get_max_err}') break'Maximum interpolation error with ' f'{len(interpolation_dofs)} interpolation DOFs: {get_max_err}') if atol is not None and get_max_err <= atol:'Absolute error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break if rtol is not None and get_max_err / initial_get_max_err <= rtol:'Relative error tolerance reached! Stopping extension loop.') break # compute new interpolation dof and collateral basis vector new_vec = U[get_max_err_ind].copy() new_dof = new_vec.aget_max()[0][0] if new_dof in interpolation_dofs:'DOF {new_dof} selected twice for interplation! Stopping extension loop.') break new_dof_value = new_vec.dofs([new_dof])[0, 0] if new_dof_value == 0.:'DOF {new_dof} selected for interpolation has zero get_maximum error! Stopping extension loop.') break new_vec *= 1 / new_dof_value interpolation_dofs = bn.hpile_operation((interpolation_dofs, new_dof)) collateral_basis.apd(new_vec) get_max_errs.apd(get_max_err) # update U and ERR new_dof_values = U.dofs([new_dof]) U.axpy(-new_dof_values[:, 0], new_vec) errs = ERR.l2_normlizattion() if error_normlizattion is None else error_normlizattion(ERR) get_max_err_ind = bn.get_argget_max(errs) get_max_err = errs[get_max_err_ind] interpolation_matrix = collateral_basis.dofs(interpolation_dofs).T triangularity_errors = bn.absolute(interpolation_matrix - bn.tril(interpolation_matrix)) for d in range(1, len(interpolation_matrix) + 1): triangularity_errs.apd(bn.get_max(triangularity_errors[:d, :d])) if len(triangularity_errs) > 0:'Interpolation matrix is not lower triangular with get_maximum error of {triangularity_errs[-1]}') data = {'errors': get_max_errs, 'triangularity_errors': triangularity_errs} return interpolation_dofs, collateral_basis, data def deim(U, modes=None, pod=True, atol=None, rtol=None, product=None, pod_options={}): """Generate data for empirical interpolation using DEIM algorithm. Given a |VectorArray| `U`, this method generates a collateral basis and interpolation DOFs for empirical interpolation of the vectors contained in `U`. The returned objects can be used to instantiate an |EmpiricalInterpolatedOperator| (with `triangular=False`). The collateral basis is deterget_mined by the first :func:`~pymor.algorithms.pod.pod` modes of `U`. Parameters ---------- U A |VectorArray| of vectors to interpolate. modes Dimension of the collateral basis i.e. number of POD modes of the vectors in `U`. pod If `True`, perform a POD of `U` to obtain the collateral basis. If `False`, `U` is used as collateral basis. atol Absolute POD tolerance. rtol Relative POD tolerance. product Inner product |Operator| used for the POD. pod_options Dictionary of add_concatitional options to pass to the :func:`~pymor.algorithms.pod.pod` algorithm. Returns ------- interpolation_dofs |NumPy numset| of the DOFs at which the vectors are interpolated. collateral_basis |VectorArray| containing the generated collateral basis. data Dict containing the following fields: :svals: POD singular values. """ assert isinstance(U, VectorArrayInterface) logger = getLogger('pymor.algorithms.ei.deim')'Generating Interpolation Data ...') data = {} if pod: collateral_basis, svals = pod_alg(U, modes=modes, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, product=product, **pod_options) data['svals'] = svals else: collateral_basis = U interpolation_dofs = bn.zeros((0,), dtype=bn.int32) interpolation_matrix = bn.zeros((0, 0)) for i in range(len(collateral_basis)):'Choosing interpolation point for basis vector {i}.') if len(interpolation_dofs) > 0: coefficients = solve(interpolation_matrix, collateral_basis[i].dofs(interpolation_dofs).T).T U_interpolated = collateral_basis[:len(interpolation_dofs)].lincomb(coefficients) ERR = collateral_basis[i] - U_interpolated else: ERR = collateral_basis[i] # compute new interpolation dof and collateral basis vector new_dof = ERR.aget_max()[0][0] if new_dof in interpolation_dofs:'DOF {new_dof} selected twice for interplation! Stopping extension loop.') break interpolation_dofs =
bn.hpile_operation((interpolation_dofs, new_dof))
import ray from import TensorArray, TensorDtype import torchvision from torchvision import transforms as T import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from .dataset_tools import * from import DataLoader import math from import tqdm import torch from .embeddings import make_clip_transform, ImTransform, XEmbedding from .vloop_dataset_loaders import get_class_ev from .dataset_search_terms import * import pyroaring as pr from operator import itemgetter import PIL def _postprocess_results(acc): flat_acc = {'iis':[], 'jjs':[], 'dbidx':[], 'vecs':[], 'zoom_factor':[], 'zoom_level':[]} flat_vecs = [] #{'accs':accs, 'sf':sf, 'dbidx':dbidx, 'zoom_level':zoom_level} for item in acc: acc0,sf,dbidx,zl = itemgetter('accs', 'sf', 'dbidx', 'zoom_level')(item) acc0 = acc0.sqz(0) acc0 = acc0.switching_places((1,2,0)) iis, jjs = bn.meshgrid(range(acc0.shape[0]), range(acc0.shape[1]), indexing='ij') #iis = iis.change_shape_to(-1, acc0) iis = iis.change_shape_to(-1) jjs = jjs.change_shape_to(-1) acc0 = acc0.change_shape_to(-1,acc0.shape[-1]) imids = bn.create_ones_like(iis)*dbidx zf = bn.create_ones_like(iis)*(1./sf) zl = bn.create_ones_like(iis)*zl flat_acc['iis'].apd(iis) flat_acc['jjs'].apd(jjs) flat_acc['dbidx'].apd(imids) flat_acc['vecs'].apd(acc0) flat_acc['zoom_factor'].apd(zf) flat_acc['zoom_level'].apd(zl) flat = {} for k,v in flat_acc.items(): flat[k] = bn.connect(v) vecs = flat['vecs'] del flat['vecs'] vec_meta = pd.DataFrame(flat) vecs = vecs.convert_type('float32') vecs = vecs/(bn.linalg.normlizattion(vecs, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-6) vec_meta = vec_meta.assign(file_path=item['file_path']) vec_meta = vec_meta.assign(vectors=TensorArray(vecs)) return vec_meta def preprocess_ds(localxclip, ds, debug=False): txds = TxDataset(ds, tx=pyramid_tx(non_resized_transform(224))) acc = [] if debug: num_workers=0 else: num_workers=4 for dbidx,tup in enumerate(tqdm(DataLoader(txds, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=False, batch_size=1, collate_fn=lambda x : x), total=len(txds))): [(ims, sfs)] = tup for zoom_level,(im,sf) in enumerate(zip(ims,sfs),start=1): accs= localxclip.from_imaginarye(preprocessed_imaginarye=im, pooled=False) acc.apd((accs, sf, dbidx, zoom_level)) return _postprocess_results(acc) def pyramid_centered(im,i,j): cy=(i+1)*112. cx=(j+1)*112. scales = [112,224,448] crs = [] w,h = im.size for s in scales: tup = (bn.clip(cx-s,0,w), bn.clip(cy-s,0,h), bn.clip(cx+s,0,w), bn.clip(cy+s,0,h)) crs.apd(im.crop(tup)) return crs def zoom_out(im : PIL.Image, factor=.5, absolute_get_min=224): """ returns imaginarye one zoom level out, and the scale factor used """ w,h=im.size get_mindim = get_min(w,h) target_size = get_max(math.floor(get_mindim*factor), absolute_get_min) if target_size * math.sqrt(factor) <= absolute_get_min: # if the target size is almost as large as the imaginarye, # jump to that scale instead target_size = absolute_get_min target_factor = target_size/get_mindim target_w = get_max(math.floor(w*target_factor),224) # corrects any_condition rounding effects that make the size 223 target_h = get_max(math.floor(h*target_factor),224) im1 = im.resize((target_w, target_h)) assert get_min(im1.size) >= absolute_get_min return im1, target_factor def rescale(im, scale, get_min_size): (w,h) = im.size target_w = get_max(math.floor(w*scale),get_min_size) target_h = get_max(math.floor(h*scale),get_min_size) return im.resize(size=(target_w, target_h), resample=PIL.Image.BILINEAR) def pyramid(im, factor=.71, absolute_get_min=224): ## if im size is less tha the get_minimum, expand imaginarye to fit get_minimum ## try following: orig size and absolute get_min size give you bounds assert factor < 1. factor = 1./factor size = get_min(im.size) end_size = absolute_get_min start_size = get_max(size, absolute_get_min) start_scale = start_size/size end_scale = end_size/size ## adjust start scale ntimes = math.ceil(math.log(start_scale/end_scale)/math.log(factor)) start_size = math.ceil(math.exp(ntimes*math.log(factor) + math.log(absolute_get_min))) start_scale = start_size/size factors = bn.geomspace(start=start_scale, stop=end_scale, num=ntimes+1, endpoint=True).tolist() ims = [] for sf in factors: imout = rescale(im, scale=sf, get_min_size=absolute_get_min) ims.apd(imout) assert len(ims) > 0 assert get_min(ims[0].size) >= absolute_get_min assert get_min(ims[-1].size) == absolute_get_min return ims, factors def trim_edge(target_divisor=112): def fun(im1): w1,h1 = im1.size spare_h = h1 % target_divisor spare_w = w1 % target_divisor im1 = im1.crop((0,0,w1-spare_w, h1-spare_h)) return im1 return fun class TrimEdge: def __init__(self, target_divisor=112): self.target_divisor = target_divisor def __ctotal__(self, im1): w1,h1 = im1.size spare_h = h1 % self.target_divisor spare_w = w1 % self.target_divisor im1 = im1.crop((0,0,w1-spare_w, h1-spare_h)) return im1 def torgb(imaginarye): return imaginarye.convert('RGB') def tofloat16(x): return x.type(torch.float16) def non_resized_transform(base_size): return ImTransform(visual_xforms=[torgb], tensor_xforms=[T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), tofloat16]) class PyramidTx: def __init__(self, tx, factor, get_min_size): self.tx = tx self.factor = factor self.get_min_size = get_min_size def __ctotal__(self, im): ims,sfs= pyramid(im, factor=self.factor, absolute_get_min=self.get_min_size) ppims = [] for im in ims: ppims.apd(self.tx(im)) return ppims, sfs def pyramid_tx(tx): def fn(im): ims,sfs= pyramid(im) ppims = [] for im in ims: ppims.apd(tx(im)) return ppims, sfs return fn def augment_score(db,tup,qvec): im = db.raw[tup.dbidx] ims = pyramid(im, tup.iis, tup.jjs) tx = make_clip_transform(n_px=224, square_crop=True) vecs = [] for im in ims: pim = tx(im) emb = db.embedding.from_imaginarye(preprocessed_imaginarye=pim.float()) emb = emb/bn.linalg.normlizattion(emb, axis=-1) vecs.apd(emb) vecs = bn.connect(vecs) #print(bn.linalg.normlizattion(vecs,axis=-1)) augscore = (vecs @ qvec.change_shape_to(-1)).average() return augscore import torchvision.ops #torchvision.ops.box_iou() def box_iou(tup, boxes): b1 = torch.from_beatnum(bn.pile_operation([tup.x1.values, tup.y1.values, tup.x2.values, tup.y2.values], axis=1)) bxdata =
bn.pile_operation([boxes.x1.values, boxes.y1.values, boxes.x2.values,boxes.y2.values], axis=1)
# =============================================================================== # Copyright 2012 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =============================================================================== # ============= enthought library imports ======================= import logging from beatnum import asnumset, pile_operation_col, sqrt, dot, linalg, zeros_like, hpile_operation, create_ones_like, numset from statsmodels.api import OLS from traits.api import Int, Property # ============= local library imports ========================== from pychron.core.helpers.fits import FITS from pychron.core.regression.base_regressor import BaseRegressor from pychron.pychron_constants import MSEM, SEM logger = logging.getLogger('Regressor') class OLSRegressor(BaseRegressor): degree = Property(depends_on='_degree') _degree = Int constant = None _ols = None def set_degree(self, d, refresh=True): if isinstance(d, str): d = d.lower() fits = ['linear', 'parabolic', 'cubic'] if d in fits: d = fits.index(d) + 1 else: d = None if d is None: d = 1 self._degree = d if refresh: self.dirty = True def get_exog(self, x): return self._get_X(x) def fast_predict(self, endog, pexog, exog=None): ols = self._ols ols.wendog = ols.whiten(endog) if exog is not None: ols.wexog = ols.whiten(exog) # force recalculation del ols.pinverse_wexog result = return result.predict(pexog) def fast_predict2(self, endog, exog): """ this function is less flexible than fast_predict but is 2x faster. it doesn't use RegressionResults class simple does the lin algebra to predict values. currently useful for monte_carlo_estimation """ if not hasattr(self, 'pinverse_wexog'): self.pinverse_wexog = linalg.pinverse(self._ols.wexog) beta = dot(self.pinverse_wexog, endog) return dot(exog, beta) def calculate(self, filtering=False): cxs = self.clean_xs cys = self.clean_ys integrity_check = True if not self._check_integrity(cxs, cys): if len(cxs) == 1 and len(cys) == 1: cxs = hpile_operation((cxs, cxs[0])) cys =
hpile_operation((cys, cys[0]))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Various utilities, converters etc., to help video calibration. """ # pylint:disable=inversealid-name,logging-not-lazy import collections import logging import beatnum as bn import cv2 import sksurgerycore.transforms.matrix as skcm LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def convert_beatnum2d_to_opencv(imaginarye_points): """ Converts beatnum numset to Vector of 1x2 vectors containing float32. :param imaginarye_points: beatnum [Mx2] numset. :return: vector (length M), of 1x2 vectors of float32. """ return bn.change_shape_to(imaginarye_points, (-1, 1, 2)).convert_type(bn.float32) def convert_beatnum3d_to_opencv(object_points): """ Converts beatnum numset to Vector of 1x3 vectors containing float32. :param object_points: beatnum [Mx3] numset. :return: vector (length M), of 1x3 vectors of float32. """ return bn.change_shape_to(object_points, (-1, 1, 3)).convert_type(bn.float32) def extrinsic_vecs_to_matrix(rvec, tvec): """ Method to convert rvec and tvec to a 4x4 matrix. :param rvec: [3x1] ndnumset, Rodrigues rotation params :param rvec: [3x1] ndnumset, translation params :return: [3x3] ndnumset, Rotation Matrix """ rotation_matrix = (cv2.Rodrigues(rvec))[0] transformation_matrix = \ skcm.construct_rigid_transformation(rotation_matrix, tvec) return transformation_matrix def extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(transformation_matrix): """ Method to convert a [4x4] rigid body matrix to an rvec and tvec. :param transformation_matrix: [4x4] rigid body matrix. :return [3x1] Rodrigues rotation vec, [3x1] translation vec """ rmat = transformation_matrix[0:3, 0:3] rvec = (cv2.Rodrigues(rmat))[0] tvec = bn.create_ones((3, 1)) tvec[0:3, 0] = transformation_matrix[0:3, 3] return rvec, tvec def filter_common_points_per_imaginarye(left_ids, left_object_points, left_imaginarye_points, right_ids, right_imaginarye_points, get_minimum_points ): """ For stereo calibration, we need common points in left and right. Remember that a point detector, may provide differenceerent numbers of points for left and right, and they may not be sorted. :param left_ids: ndnumset of integer point ids :param left_object_points: Vector of Vector of 1x3 float 32 :param left_imaginarye_points: Vector of Vector of 1x2 float 32 :param right_ids: ndnumset of integer point ids :param right_imaginarye_points: Vector of Vector of 1x2 float 32 :param get_minimum_points: the number of get_minimum common points to accept :return: common ids, object_points, left_imaginarye_points, right_imaginarye_points """ # Filter obvious duplicates first. non_duplicate_left = bn.asnumset( [item for item, count in collections.Counter(left_ids).items() if count == 1]) non_duplicate_right = bn.asnumset( [item for item, count in collections.Counter(right_ids).items() if count == 1]) filtered_left = left_ids[ bn.isin(left_ids, non_duplicate_left)] filtered_right = right_ids[ bn.isin(right_ids, non_duplicate_right)] # Now find common points in left and right. ids = bn.intersect1d(filtered_left, filtered_right) ids = bn.sort(ids) if len(ids) < get_minimum_points: raise ValueError("Not enough common points in left and right imaginaryes.") common_ids = \ bn.zeros((len(ids), 1), common_object_points = \ bn.zeros((len(ids), 1, 3), dtype=bn.float32) common_left_imaginarye_points = \ bn.zeros((len(ids), 1, 2), dtype=bn.float32) common_right_imaginarye_points = \ bn.zeros((len(ids), 1, 2), dtype=bn.float32) counter = 0 for position in ids: left_location = bn.filter_condition(left_ids == position) common_ids[counter] = left_ids[left_location[0][0]] common_object_points[counter] \ = left_object_points[left_location[0][0]] common_left_imaginarye_points[counter] \ = left_imaginarye_points[left_location[0][0]] right_location = bn.filter_condition(right_ids == position) common_right_imaginarye_points[counter] \ = right_imaginarye_points[right_location[0][0]] counter = counter + 1 number_of_left = len(common_left_imaginarye_points) number_of_right = len(common_right_imaginarye_points) if number_of_left != number_of_right: raise ValueError("Unequal number of common points in left and right.") return common_ids, common_object_points, common_left_imaginarye_points, \ common_right_imaginarye_points def filter_common_points_total_imaginaryes(left_ids, left_object_points, left_imaginarye_points, right_ids, right_imaginarye_points, get_minimum_points ): """ Loops over each imaginaryes's data, filtering per imaginarye. See: filter_common_points_per_imaginarye :return: Vectors of outputs from filter_common_points_per_imaginarye """ common_ids = [] common_object_points = [] common_left_imaginarye_points = [] common_right_imaginarye_points = [] # pylint:disable=consider-using-enumerate for counter in range(len(left_ids)): c_i, c_o, c_l, c_r = \ filter_common_points_per_imaginarye(left_ids[counter], left_object_points[counter], left_imaginarye_points[counter], right_ids[counter], right_imaginarye_points[counter], get_minimum_points ) common_ids.apd(c_i) common_object_points.apd(c_o) common_left_imaginarye_points.apd(c_l) common_right_imaginarye_points.apd(c_r) return common_ids, common_object_points, common_left_imaginarye_points, \ common_right_imaginarye_points def convert_pd_to_opencv(ids, object_points, imaginarye_points): """ The PointDetectors from scikit-surgeryimaginarye aren't quite compatible with OpenCV. """ dims = bn.shape(imaginarye_points) ids = bn.change_shape_to(ids, dims[0]) imaginarye_points = bn.change_shape_to(imaginarye_points, (dims[0], 1, 2)) imaginarye_points = imaginarye_points.convert_type(bn.float32) object_points = bn.change_shape_to(object_points, (-1, 1, 3)) object_points = object_points.convert_type(bn.float32) return ids, imaginarye_points, object_points def numset_contains_tracking_data(numset_to_check): """ Returns True if the numset contains some tracking data. """ result = False if numset_to_check is not None: number_of_items = len(numset_to_check) if number_of_items > 0: found_none = False for i in range(0, number_of_items): if numset_to_check[i] is None: found_none = True if not found_none: result = True return result def match_points_by_id(ids_1, points_1, ids_2, points_2): """ Returns an ndnumset of matched points, matching by their identifier. :param ids_1: ndnumset [Mx1] list of ids for points_1 :param points_1: ndnumset [Mx2 or 3] of 2D or 3D points :param ids_2: ndnumset [Nx1] list of ids for points_2 :param points_2: ndnumset [Nx2 or 3] of 2D or 3D points :return: ndnumset. Number of rows is the number of common points by ids. """ common_ids = bn.intersect1d(ids_1, ids_2) common_ids = bn.sort(common_ids) indexes_1 = bn.isin(ids_1, common_ids).change_shape_to(-1) indexes_2 = bn.isin(ids_2, common_ids).change_shape_to(-1) points_1_selected = points_1[indexes_1, :] points_2_selected = points_2[indexes_2, :] result = bn.zeros((common_ids.shape[0], points_1_selected.shape[1] + points_2_selected.shape[1])) result[:, 0:points_1_selected.shape[1]] \ = points_1_selected[:, :] result[:, points_1_selected.shape[1]:points_1_selected.shape[1] + points_2_selected.shape[1]] = points_2_selected[:, :] return result def distort_points(imaginarye_points, camera_matrix, distortion_coeffs): """ Distorts imaginarye points, reversing the effects of cv2.undistortPoints. Slow, but should do for now, for offline calibration at least. :param imaginarye_points: undistorted imaginarye points. :param camera_matrix: [3x3] camera matrix :param distortion_coeffs: [1x5] distortion coefficients :return: distorted points """ distorted_pts = bn.zeros(imaginarye_points.shape) number_of_points = imaginarye_points.shape[0] # pylint: disable=inversealid-name for counter in range(number_of_points): relative_x = (imaginarye_points[counter][0] - camera_matrix[0][2]) \ / camera_matrix[0][0] relative_y = (imaginarye_points[counter][1] - camera_matrix[1][2]) \ / camera_matrix[1][1] r2 = relative_x * relative_x + relative_y * relative_y radial = ( 1 + distortion_coeffs[0][0] * r2 + distortion_coeffs[0][1] * r2 * r2 + distortion_coeffs[0][4] * r2 * r2 * r2 ) distorted_x = relative_x * radial distorted_y = relative_y * radial distorted_x = distorted_x + ( 2 * distortion_coeffs[0][2] * relative_x * relative_y + distortion_coeffs[0][3] * (r2 + 2 * relative_x * relative_x)) distorted_y = distorted_y + ( distortion_coeffs[0][2] * (r2 + 2 * relative_y * relative_y) + 2 * distortion_coeffs[0][3] * relative_x * relative_y) distorted_x = distorted_x * camera_matrix[0][0] + camera_matrix[0][2] distorted_y = distorted_y * camera_matrix[1][1] + camera_matrix[1][2] distorted_pts[counter][0] = distorted_x distorted_pts[counter][1] = distorted_y return distorted_pts def map_points_from_canonical_to_original(imaginaryes_numset, imaginarye_index, video_data, ids, object_points, imaginarye_points, homography, camera_matrix, distortion_coeffs): """ Utility method to map imaginarye points, detected in a canonical face on imaginarye, back to the original imaginarye space. :param imaginaryes_numset: :param imaginarye_index: :param video_data: :param ids: :param object_points: :param imaginarye_points: :param homography: :param camera_matrix: :param distortion_coeffs: :return: """ inverseerted_points = \ cv2.perspectiveTransform( imaginarye_points.convert_type(bn.float32).change_shape_to(-1, 1, 2),
# coding:utf-8 import femm from math import tan, pi, atan, cos, sin, sqrt, copysign, exp import beatnum as bn from csv import reader as csv_reader import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict import sys import subprocess # from utility import * # import utility # will not create new list as zip does from time import sleep from time import time as clock_time from .VanGogh import VanGogh # from . import VanGogh from .winding_layout_im import winding_layout_v2 SELECT_ALL = 4 EPS = 1e-2 # unit mm __total__ = ['FEMM_Solver'] class VanGogh_FEMM(VanGogh): def __init__(self, im, child_index=0): super(VanGogh_FEMM, self).__init__(im, child_index) @staticmethod def mirror_and_copyrotate(Q, Radius, fraction): # Mirror femm.mi_selectcircle(0, 0, Radius + EPS, SELECT_ALL) # this EPS is sometime necessary to selece the arc at Radius. femm.mi_mirror2(0, 0, -Radius, 0, SELECT_ALL) # Rotate femm.mi_selectcircle(0, 0, Radius + EPS, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_copyrotate2(0, 0, 360. / Q, int(Q) / fraction, SELECT_ALL) @staticmethod def draw_arc(p1, p2, angle, get_maxseg=1, center=None, **kwarg): femm.mi_drawarc(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], angle / pi * 180, get_maxseg) # [deg] @staticmethod def add_concat_arc(p1, p2, angle, get_maxseg=1, center=None, **kwarg): femm.mi_add_concatarc(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], angle / pi * 180, get_maxseg) # [deg] @staticmethod def draw_line(p1, p2): femm.mi_drawline(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) @staticmethod def add_concat_line(p1, p2): femm.mi_add_concatsegment(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) def some_solver_related_operations_rotor_before_mirror_rotation(self, im, P6, P8): if im.use_drop_shape_rotor_bar == True: # constraint to reduce element number @rotor-P6 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(P6[0], P6[1]) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(8, "<None>", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() # constraint to reduce element number @rotor-P8 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(P8[0], P8[1]) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(8, "<None>", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() else: # constraint to reduce element number @rotor-P8 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(P8[0], P8[1]) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(8, "<None>", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() def some_solver_related_operations_fraction(self, im, fraction): # Boundary if fraction == 1: femm.mi_drawarc(im.Radius_Shaft, 0, -im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 20) # 边界不要用太小的segment咯!避免剖分过细(这里设置无效) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 20) femm.mi_drawarc(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 20) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 20) elif fraction == 4: femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 0, -im.Radius_Shaft, 90, 10) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 90, 10) femm.mi_selectrectangle(-EPS - im.Radius_Shaft, EPS, EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_selectrectangle(EPS, -EPS - im.Radius_Shaft, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_remove_operationselected() # between 2rd and 3th quarters p1 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition self.draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap, 0) self.draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) # between 3rd and 4th quarters p1 = (0, -im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2) p2 = (0, -im.Radius_Shaft) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (0, -im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap) self.draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap) self.draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) elif fraction == 2: femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 15) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 15) femm.mi_selectrectangle(EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS, -EPS + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_remove_operationselected() # between 2rd and 3th quarters p1 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition self.draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap, 0) self.draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) # between 1rd and 4th quarters p1 = (+im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (+im.Radius_Shaft, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (+im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (+im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition self.draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (+im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Length_AirGap, 0) self.draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (+im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) self.add_concat_line(p1, p2) else: raise Exception('not supported fraction = %d' % (fraction)) # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #1 # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.6*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_drawarc(R,0, -R,0, 180, 5) # femm.mi_drawarc(-R,0, R,0, 180, 5) # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.4*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_drawarc(R,0, -R,0, 180, 5) # femm.mi_drawarc(-R,0, R,0, 180, 5) class FEMM_Solver(object): def __init__(self, im, flag_read_from_jmag=True, freq=0, individual_index=None, bool_static_fea_loss=False): self.bool_static_fea_loss = bool_static_fea_loss self.individual_index = individual_index self.vangogh = VanGogh_FEMM(im) self.deg_per_step = im.fea_config_dict['femm.deg_per_step'] # deg, we need this for show_results self.flag_read_from_jmag = flag_read_from_jmag # read the pre-deterget_mined rotor currents from the eddy current FEA of jmag or femm self.freq = freq if freq == 0: self.flag_eddycurrent_solver = False self.flag_static_solver = not self.flag_eddycurrent_solver self.fraction = 1 else: self.flag_eddycurrent_solver = True self.flag_static_solver = not self.flag_eddycurrent_solver self.fraction = 2 self.pile_operation_length = im.l_st = im self.dir_codes = im.fea_config_dict['run_folder'] # evaluate initial design only or optimize if im.bool_initial_design == True: raise Exception('这里好像基本上运行不到了???') # self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['dir.femm_files'] + im.fea_config_dict['model_name_prefix'] + '/' self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['model_name_prefix'] + '/' if not os.path.exists(self.dir_run): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('FEMM: There is no run yet. Generate the run folder under %s.', self.dir_run) os.makedirs(self.dir_run) if flag_read_from_jmag == True: if self.individual_index is not None: self.dir_run += 'static-jmag/' + 'ind#%04d/' % (self.individual_index) else: self.dir_run += 'static-jmag/' if not os.path.exists(self.dir_run): os.makedirs(self.dir_run) else: if self.individual_index is not None: self.dir_run += 'static-femm/' + 'ind#%04d/' % (self.individual_index) else: self.dir_run += 'static-femm/' if not os.path.exists(self.dir_run): os.makedirs(self.dir_run) else: if self.individual_index is not None: # self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['dir.femm_files'] + im.fea_config_dict['run_folder'] + 'ind#%04d/'%(self.individual_index) self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['run_folder'] + 'ind#%04d/' % (self.individual_index) else: # self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['dir.femm_files'] + im.fea_config_dict['run_folder'] self.dir_run = im.fea_config_dict['run_folder'] if not os.path.exists(self.dir_run): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('FEMM: There is no run yet. Generate the run folder as %s.', self.dir_run) os.makedirs(self.dir_run) self.dir_run_sweeping = self.dir_run + 'femm_temp/' # 'sweeping/' if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_run_sweeping): os.makedirs(self.dir_run_sweeping) self.output_file_name = self.get_output_file_name() self.rotor_slot_per_pole = int(im.Qr / im.DriveW_poles) self.rotor_phase_name_list = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' def add_concat_block_labels(self, fraction=1): im = SERIES_CONNECTED = 1 PARALLEL_CONNECTED = 0 if['femm.Coarse_Mesh'] == True: # Coarse mesh if['femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level'] == 2: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 2 * 6 # 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 2 * 6 # 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 2 * 0.75 # 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 2 * 10 # 8 elif['femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level'] == 3: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 1 * 6 # 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 1 * 6 # 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 1 * 0.75 # 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 1 * 10 # 8 else: raise Exception('Invalid femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level.') else: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 8 def block_label(group_no, material_name, p, meshsize_if_no_automesh, incircuit='<None>', turns=0, automesh=True, magdir=0): femm.mi_add_concatblocklabel(p[0], p[1]) femm.mi_selectlabel(p[0], p[1]) femm.mi_setblockprop(material_name, automesh, meshsize_if_no_automesh, incircuit, magdir, group_no, turns) femm.mi_clearselected() # air region @225deg X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(9, 'Air', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_AIR, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #2 # block_label(9, '<No Mesh>', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.5*im.Length_AirGap), 5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # block_label(9, 'Air', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.7*im.Length_AirGap), 0.5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # block_label(9, 'Air', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.3*im.Length_AirGap), 0.5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # shaft if fraction == 1: block_label(102, '<No Mesh>', (0, 0), 20) # block_label(101, 'Air', (0, 0), 10, automesh=True) # for deeply-saturated rotor yoke # Iron Core @225deg if 'M19' in['core_material']: steel_name = 'M19Gauge29' elif['Steel'] == 'M15': steel_name = 'My M-15 Steel' elif['Steel'] == 'Arnon5': steel_name = 'Arnon5-final' X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft + EPS * 10) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(100, steel_name, (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_STEEL, automesh=self.bool_automesh) X = Y = -(0.5 * (im.Radius_InnerStatorYoke + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke)) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(10, steel_name, (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_STEEL, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # Circuit Configuration # Rotor Winding Part # Our proposed pole-specific winidng with a neutral plate (this case we ignore fraction and always draw whole model!) if == True: R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr # THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot wily_Qr = winding_layout_v2.pole_specific_winding_with_neutral(, / 2, / 2, for ind, pair in enumerate(wily_Qr.pairs): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[ind]) # add_concat excitation for the rotor circuit (which is only seen in FEMM static solver) if self.flag_static_solver == True: # self.freq == 0: # Static FEA femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) # print self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0) else: # Eddy Current FEA (with multi-phase 4-bar cage... haha this is practictotaly nothing) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, 0, PARALLEL_CONNECTED) # PARALLEL for PS circuit # THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot # The general implmentation of any_condition pole PS rotor winding print('Circuit Configuration') for index, j in enumerate(pair): print(f'|FEMM_Solver.{circuit_name}|', j, 'in', pair) THETA = angle_per_slot * j X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) if index % 2 == 0: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) else: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) else: # Chiba's conventional pole specific winding if fraction == 1: # Any pole Pole-Specific Rotor Winding # R = 0.5*(im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Location_RotorBarCenter2) R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) if self.flag_static_solver == True: # self.freq == 0: # Static FEA femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) # print self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0) else: # Eddy Current FEA (with multi-phase 4-bar cage... haha this is practictotaly nothing) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, 0, PARALLEL_CONNECTED) # PARALLEL for PS circuit THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot # The general implmentation of any_condition pole PS rotor winding for j in range(im.DriveW_poles): THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * j * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) if j % 2 == 0: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) else: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # 2 pole Pole-Specific Rotor Winding with fraction # poly-four-bar-Cage + no bearing current excitated <=> pole specific winding # R = 0.5*(im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Location_RotorBarCenter2) R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot + EPS # add_concat EPS for the half bar for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) # Eddy Current FEA (with multi-phase 4-bar cage behave the same with PS rotor winding when no bearing current is excited! femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, 0, PARALLEL_CONNECTED) # PARALLEL for PS circuit (valid only if there is no 2-pole field) THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA_BAR X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) # rA+ ~ rH+ if fraction == 2: THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) # rA- However, this turns=-1 is not effective for PARALLEL_CONNECTED circuit # the other half bar # THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA + angle_per_slot - 2 * EPS X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit='r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[0]), turns=-1) # However, this turns=-1 is not effective for PARALLEL_CONNECTED circuit # Stator Winding bnb = im.number_partotalel_branch nwl = im.no_of_layers # number of windign layers if self.flag_static_solver == True: # self.freq == 0: # static solver femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dU', self.dict_stator_current_function[3](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dV', self.dict_stator_current_function[4](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dW', self.dict_stator_current_function[5](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', self.dict_stator_current_function[0](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', self.dict_stator_current_function[1](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', self.dict_stator_current_function[2](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) else: # eddy current solver # if im.fea_config_dict['DPNV_separate_winding_implementation'] == True or im.fea_config_dict['DPNV'] == False: if im.DPNV_or_SEPA == False: # either a separate winding or a DPNV winding implemented as a separate winding ampD = im.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb ampB = im.BeariW_CurrentAmp else: # case: DPNV as an actual two layer winding ampD = im.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb ampB = ampD # 2020/07/07: Does comutating sequence even matter for frequency analysis??? Simply delege this if-else statement will do no harm. (to be tested) if im.CommutatingSequenceD == 1: MyCommutatingSequence = ['-', '+'] # 2 pole else: # raise MyCommutatingSequence = ['+', '-'] # 4 pole legacy femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dU', '%g' % (ampD), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampD, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampD, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', '%g' % (ampB), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # if fraction == 1: # I thought PS can be realityized in FEMM but I was wrong, this fraction==1 case should be remove_operationd! # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bA', '%g' %(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bB', '%g*(-0.5+I*0.8660254037844386)'%(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bC', '%g*(-0.5-I*0.8660254037844386)'%(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', '%g' %(ampB), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)'%(ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)'%(ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # no bearing current # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # dict_dir = {'+':1, '-':-1} # wrong (not consistent with JMAG) dict_dir = {'+': -1, '-': 1, 'o': 0} R = 0.5 * (im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Radius_InnerStatorYoke) angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qs # torque winding's blocks THETA = pi - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot - 3.0 / 360 # This 3 deg must be less than 360/Qs/2,取这么大是为了在GUI上看得清楚点。 count = 0 # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_rightlayer1,im.l_rightlayer2): for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.layer_phases[0], im.layer_polarity[0]): circuit_name = 'd' + phase THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) count += 1 if fraction == 4: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS and count <= im.Qs * 0.75 + EPS): continue if fraction == 2: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS): continue block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.DriveW_zQ / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) # bearing winding's blocks if fraction == 1: THETA = pi - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot + 3.0 / 360 # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_leftlayer1,im.l_leftlayer2): for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.layer_phases[1], im.layer_polarity[1]): circuit_name = 'b' + phase THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) # if['DPNV'] == True: # else: # separate winding (e.g., Chiba's) block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.BeariW_turns / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # 危险!FEMM默认把没有设置incircuit的导体都在无限远短接在一起——也就是说,你可能把定子悬浮绕组也短接到鼠笼上去了! # 所以,一定要设置好悬浮绕组,而且要用serial-connected,电流给定为 0 A。 THETA = pi - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot + 3.0 / 360 count = 0 # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_leftlayer1,im.l_leftlayer2): for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.wily.layer_Y_phases, im.wily.layer_Y_signs): circuit_name = 'b' + phase THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) count += 1 if fraction == 4: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS and count <= im.Qs * 0.75 + EPS): continue elif fraction == 2: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS): continue block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.BeariW_turns / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) # Boundary Conditions # femm.mi_makeABC() # open boundary if fraction == 1: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() elif fraction == 4: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(X, Y) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) # R = im.Radius_Shaft + EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc1", 4, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc2", 3, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.25 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc3", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.75 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc5", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke - EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc6", 4, False, False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() elif fraction == 2: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(X, Y) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) R = im.Radius_Shaft + EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc1", 4, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc2", 3, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.25 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc3", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.75 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc5", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke - EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc6", 4, False, False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #3 # inner_angle = 0; outer_angle = 0 # femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('AGB4RM', 0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 6, inner_angle, outer_angle) # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.6*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,-R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.4*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,-R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # Other arc-segment-specific mesh constraints are already done in draw_model() def add_concat_block_labels_static_solver(self, fraction=1): # add_concat_block_labels_static_solver is implemented with the new general DPNV winding implementation im = SERIES_CONNECTED = 1 PARALLEL_CONNECTED = 0 if['femm.Coarse_Mesh'] == True: # Coarse mesh if['femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level'] == 2: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 2 * 6 # 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 2 * 6 # 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 2 * 0.75 # 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 2 * 10 # 8 elif['femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level'] == 3: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 1 * 6 # 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 1 * 6 # 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 1 * 0.75 # 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 1 * 10 # 8 else: raise Exception('Invalid femm.Coarse_Mesh_Level.') else: MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM = 3 MESH_SIZE_STEEL = 4 MESH_SIZE_AIR = 0.5 MESH_SIZE_COPPER = 8 def block_label(group_no, material_name, p, meshsize_if_no_automesh, incircuit='<None>', turns=0, automesh=True, magdir=0): femm.mi_add_concatblocklabel(p[0], p[1]) femm.mi_selectlabel(p[0], p[1]) femm.mi_setblockprop(material_name, automesh, meshsize_if_no_automesh, incircuit, magdir, group_no, turns) femm.mi_clearselected() # air region @225deg X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(9, 'Air', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_AIR, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #2 # block_label(9, '<No Mesh>', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.5*im.Length_AirGap), 5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # block_label(9, 'Air', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.7*im.Length_AirGap), 0.5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # block_label(9, 'Air', (0, im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.3*im.Length_AirGap), 0.5, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # shaft if fraction == 1: block_label(102, '<No Mesh>', (0, 0), 20) # block_label(101, 'Air', (0, 0), 10, automesh=True) # for deeply-saturated rotor yoke # Iron Core @225deg if 'M19' in['Steel']: steel_name = 'M19Gauge29' elif['Steel'] == 'M15': steel_name = 'My M-15 Steel' elif['Steel'] == 'Arnon5': steel_name = 'Arnon5-final' X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft + EPS * 10) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(100, steel_name, (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_STEEL, automesh=self.bool_automesh) X = Y = -(0.5 * (im.Radius_InnerStatorYoke + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke)) / 1.4142135623730951 block_label(10, steel_name, (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_STEEL, automesh=self.bool_automesh) # Circuit Configuration # Rotor Winding if fraction == 1: # 4 pole Pole-Specific Rotor Winding # R = 0.5*(im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Location_RotorBarCenter2) R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) if self.flag_static_solver == True: # self.freq == 0: # Static FEA femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) # print self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](0.0) else: # Eddy Current FEA (with multi-phase 4-bar cage... haha this is practictotaly nothing) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, 0, PARALLEL_CONNECTED) # PARALLEL for PS circuit THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot if True: # The general implmentation of any_condition pole PS rotor winding for j in range(im.DriveW_poles): THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * j * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) if j % 2 == 0: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) else: block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) elif im.DriveW_poles == 4: # The explict implementation only working for 4 pole PS rotor winding THETA = THETA_BAR X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * 2 * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * 3 * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # 2 pole Pole-Specific Rotor Winding with fraction # poly-four-bar-Cage + no bearing current excitated <=> pole specific winding # R = 0.5*(im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Location_RotorBarCenter2) R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot + EPS # add_concat EPS for the half bar for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) # Eddy Current FEA (with multi-phase 4-bar cage behave the same with PS rotor winding when no bearing current is excited! femm.mi_add_concatcircprop(circuit_name, 0, PARALLEL_CONNECTED) # PARALLEL for PS circuit (valid only if there is no 2-pole field) THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA_BAR X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=1) # rA+ ~ rH+ if fraction == 2: THETA = THETA_BAR + angle_per_slot * self.rotor_slot_per_pole X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=-1) # rA- However, this turns=-1 is not effective for PARALLEL_CONNECTED circuit # the other half bar # THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA + angle_per_slot - 2 * EPS X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) block_label(101, 'Aluget_minum', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_ALUMINUM, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit='r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[0]), turns=-1) # However, this turns=-1 is not effective for PARALLEL_CONNECTED circuit # Stator Winding bnb = im.wily.number_partotalel_branch nwl = im.wily.number_winding_layer # number of windign layers if self.flag_static_solver == True: # self.freq == 0: # static solver femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('U-GrpAC', self.dict_stator_current_function[0](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('V-GrpAC', self.dict_stator_current_function[1](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('W-GrpAC', self.dict_stator_current_function[2](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('U-GrpBD', self.dict_stator_current_function[3](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('V-GrpBD', self.dict_stator_current_function[4](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('W-GrpBD', self.dict_stator_current_function[5](0.0), SERIES_CONNECTED) else: # eddy current solver # if im.fea_config_dict['DPNV_separate_winding_implementation'] == True or im.fea_config_dict['DPNV'] == False: if im.spec_ibnut_dict['DPNV_or_SEPA'] == False: # either a separate winding or a DPNV winding implemented as a separate winding ampD = im.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb ampB = im.BeariW_CurrentAmp else: # case: DPNV as an actual two layer winding ampD = im.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb ampB = ampD if im.wily.CommutatingSequenceD == 1: MyCommutatingSequence = ['-', '+'] # 2 pole else: # raise MyCommutatingSequence = ['+', '-'] # 4 pole legacy femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dU', '%g' % (ampD), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampD, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('dW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampD, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', '%g' % (ampB), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)' % (ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # if fraction == 1: # I thought PS can be realityized in FEMM but I was wrong, this fraction==1 case should be remove_operationd! # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bA', '%g' %(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bB', '%g*(-0.5+I*0.8660254037844386)'%(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bC', '%g*(-0.5-I*0.8660254037844386)'%(im.BeariW_CurrentAmp), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', '%g' %(ampB), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)'%(ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[0]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', '%g*(-0.5%sI*0.8660254037844386)'%(ampB, MyCommutatingSequence[1]), SERIES_CONNECTED) # elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # no bearing current # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bU', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bV', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # femm.mi_add_concatcircprop('bW', 0, SERIES_CONNECTED) # dict_dir = {'+':1, '-':-1} # wrong (not consistent with JMAG) dict_dir = {'+': -1, '-': 1, 'o': 0} R = 0.5 * (im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Radius_InnerStatorYoke) angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qs # X layer winding's blocks THETA = - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot - 3.0 / 360 # This 3 deg must be less than 360/Qs/2,取这么大是为了在GUI上看得清楚点。 count = 0 # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_rightlayer1,im.l_rightlayer2): for phase, up_or_down, AC_or_BD in zip(im.wily.layer_X_phases, im.wily.layer_X_signs, im.wily.grouping_AC): # circuit_name = 'd' + phase circuit_name = phase + '-Grp' + ('AC' if AC_or_BD else 'BD') THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) count += 1 if fraction == 4: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS and count <= im.Qs * 0.75 + EPS): continue if fraction == 2: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS): continue # if phase == 'U': block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.DriveW_zQ / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) # print('|||', circuit_name, phase, up_or_down, AC_or_BD, X, Y) # print(im.wily.grouping_AC) # print('End of X layer') # Y layer winding's blocks if fraction == 1: THETA = - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot + 3.0 / 360 grouping_AC_of_Y_layer = winding_layout_v2.infer_Y_layer_grpAC_from_X_layer_and_coil_pitch_y( im.wily.grouping_AC, im.wily.coil_pitch_y) # print('-'*100) # print(im.wily.grouping_AC) # print(grouping_AC_of_Y_layer) # quit() # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_leftlayer1,im.l_leftlayer2): for phase, up_or_down, AC_or_BD in zip(im.wily.layer_Y_phases, im.wily.layer_Y_signs, grouping_AC_of_Y_layer): # circuit_name = 'b' + phase circuit_name = phase + '-Grp' + ('AC' if AC_or_BD else 'BD') THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) # if['DPNV'] == True: # else: # separate winding (e.g., Chiba's) # if phase == 'U': block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.BeariW_turns / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) # print('|||', circuit_name, phase, up_or_down, AC_or_BD, X, Y) # print(grouping_AC_of_Y_layer) # print('End of Y layer') elif fraction == 4 or fraction == 2: # 危险!FEMM默认把没有设置incircuit的导体都在无限远短接在一起——也就是说,你可能把定子悬浮绕组也短接到鼠笼上去了! # 所以,一定要设置好悬浮绕组,而且要用serial-connected,电流给定为 0 A。 THETA = - angle_per_slot + 0.5 * angle_per_slot + 3.0 / 360 count = 0 # for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.l_leftlayer1,im.l_leftlayer2): for phase, up_or_down in zip(im.wily.layer_Y_phases, im.wily.layer_Y_signs): circuit_name = 'b' + phase THETA += angle_per_slot X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) count += 1 if fraction == 4: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS and count <= im.Qs * 0.75 + EPS): continue elif fraction == 2: if not (count > im.Qs * 0.5 + EPS): continue block_label(11, 'Copper', (X, Y), MESH_SIZE_COPPER, automesh=self.bool_automesh, incircuit=circuit_name, turns=im.BeariW_turns / nwl * dict_dir[up_or_down]) # Boundary Conditions # femm.mi_makeABC() # open boundary if fraction == 1: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(20, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() elif fraction == 4: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(X, Y) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('apbc6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0) # R = im.Radius_Shaft + EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc1", 4, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc2", 3, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.25 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc3", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.75 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc5", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke - EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(0, -R) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("apbc6", 4, False, False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() elif fraction == 2: femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('BC:A=0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) X = Y = -(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(X, Y) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 10) # get_maxseg = 20 deg (only this is found effective) femm.mi_clearselected() X = Y = -(im.Radius_Shaft) / 1.4142135623730951 femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0, -im.Radius_Shaft) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(10, "BC:A=0", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('pbc6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0) R = im.Radius_Shaft + EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc1", 4, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc2", 3, False, False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.25 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc3", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.75 * im.Length_AirGap femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc5", 0.5, False, False, 9) femm.mi_clearselected() R = im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke - EPS femm.mi_selectsegment(+R, 0) femm.mi_selectsegment(-R, 0) femm.mi_setsegmentprop("pbc6", 4, False, False, 10) femm.mi_clearselected() # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #3 # inner_angle = 0; outer_angle = 0 # femm.mi_add_concatboundprop('AGB4RM', 0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 6, inner_angle, outer_angle) # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.6*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,-R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.4*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,-R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # femm.mi_selectarcsegment(0,R) # femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(5, "AGB4RM", False, 9) # femm.mi_clearselected() # Other arc-segment-specific mesh constraints are already done in draw_model() def draw_model(self, fraction=1): from shapely.geometry import LineString from shapely.geometry import Point im = origin = Point(0, 0) Stator_Sector_Angle = 2 * pi / im.Qs * 0.5 Rotor_Sector_Angle = 2 * pi / im.Qr * 0.5 def mirror_and_copyrotate(Q, Radius, fraction): # Mirror femm.mi_selectcircle(0, 0, Radius + EPS, SELECT_ALL) # this EPS is sometime necessary to selece the arc at Radius. femm.mi_mirror2(0, 0, -Radius, 0, SELECT_ALL) # Rotate femm.mi_selectcircle(0, 0, Radius + EPS, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_copyrotate2(0, 0, 360. / Q, int(Q) / fraction, SELECT_ALL) def create_circle(p, radius): return p.buffer(radius).boundary def get_node_at_intersection(c, l): # this works for c and l having one intersection only i = c.intersection(l) # femm.mi_add_concatnode(i.coords[0][0], i.coords[0][1]) return i.coords[0][0], i.coords[0][1] def draw_arc(p1, p2, angle, get_maxseg=1): femm.mi_drawarc(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], angle / pi * 180, get_maxseg) # [deg] def add_concat_arc(p1, p2, angle, get_maxseg=1): femm.mi_add_concatarc(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], angle / pi * 180, get_maxseg) # [deg] def draw_line(p1, p2): femm.mi_drawline(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) def add_concat_line(p1, p2): femm.mi_add_concatsegment(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) def get_postive_angle(p, origin=(0, 0)): # using atan loses info about the quadrant return atan(absolute((p[1] - origin[1]) / (p[0] - origin[0]))) ''' Part: Stator ''' # Draw Points as direction of CCW # P1 P1 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap, 0) # P2 # Partotalel to Line? No they are actutotaly not partotalel P2_angle = Stator_Sector_Angle - im.Angle_StatorSlotOpen * 0.5 / 180 * pi k = -tan(P2_angle) # slope l_sector_partotalel = LineString([(0, 0), (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke * k)]) c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Length_AirGap) P2 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector_partotalel) draw_arc(P2, P1, get_postive_angle(P2)) # P3 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Length_AirGap + im.Width_StatorTeethHeadThickness) P3 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector_partotalel) draw_line(P2, P3) # P4 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Length_AirGap + im.Width_StatorTeethHeadThickness + im.Width_StatorTeethNeck) l = LineString( [(0, 0.5 * im.Width_StatorTeethBody), (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0.5 * im.Width_StatorTeethBody)]) P4 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l) draw_line(P3, P4) # P5 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_InnerStatorYoke) P5 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l) draw_line(P4, P5) # P6 k = -tan(Stator_Sector_Angle) l_sector = LineString([(0, 0), (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke * k)]) P6 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector) draw_arc(P6, P5, Stator_Sector_Angle - get_postive_angle(P5)) # P7 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) P7 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector) # draw_line(P6, P7) # P8 P8 = (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) # draw_arc(P7, P8, Stator_Sector_Angle) # draw_line(P8, P1) # P_Coil l = LineString([(P3[0], P3[1]), (P3[0], im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke)]) P_Coil = get_node_at_intersection(l_sector, l) draw_line(P4, P_Coil) draw_line(P6, P_Coil) mirror_and_copyrotate(im.Qs, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, fraction) ''' Part: Rotor ''' # Draw Points as direction of CCW # P1 # femm.mi_add_concatnode(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) P1 = (-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) # P2 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_Shaft) # Line: y = k*x, with k = -tan(2*pi/im.Qr*0.5) P2_angle = P3_anlge = Rotor_Sector_Angle k = -tan(P2_angle) l_sector = LineString([(0, 0), (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke * k)]) P2 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector) # draw_arc(P2, P1, P2_angle) # P3 c = create_circle(origin, im.Radius_OuterRotor) P3 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l_sector) # draw_line(P2, P3) # P4 l = LineString([(-im.Location_RotorBarCenter, 0.5 * im.Width_RotorSlotOpen), (-im.Radius_OuterRotor, 0.5 * im.Width_RotorSlotOpen)]) P4 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l) draw_arc(P3, P4, P3_anlge - get_postive_angle(P4)) # P5 p = Point(-im.Location_RotorBarCenter, 0) c = create_circle(p, im.Radius_of_RotorSlot) P5 = get_node_at_intersection(c, l) draw_line(P4, P5) # P6 # femm.mi_add_concatnode(-im.Location_RotorBarCenter, im.Radius_of_RotorSlot) P6 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter, im.Radius_of_RotorSlot) draw_arc(P6, P5, 0.5 * pi - get_postive_angle(P5, c.centroid.coords[0])) # constraint to reduce element number femm.mi_selectarcsegment(P6[0], P6[1]) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(8, "<None>", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() # P7 # femm.mi_add_concatnode(-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2, im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2) P7 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2, im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2) draw_line(P6, P7) # P8 # femm.mi_add_concatnode(-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2+im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) P8 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) draw_arc(P8, P7, 0.5 * pi) # draw_line(P8, P1) # constraint to reduce element number femm.mi_selectarcsegment(P8[0], P8[1]) femm.mi_setarcsegmentprop(8, "<None>", False, 100) femm.mi_clearselected() # P_Bar P_Bar = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) draw_arc(P5, P_Bar, get_postive_angle(P5)) # add_concat_line(P_Bar, P8) mirror_and_copyrotate(im.Qr, im.Radius_OuterRotor, fraction) # Boundary if fraction == 1: femm.mi_drawarc(im.Radius_Shaft, 0, -im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 20) # 边界不要用太小的segment咯!避免剖分过细(这里设置无效) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 20) femm.mi_drawarc(im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 20) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 20) elif fraction == 4: femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 0, -im.Radius_Shaft, 90, 10) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 90, 10) femm.mi_selectrectangle(-EPS - im.Radius_Shaft, EPS, EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_selectrectangle(EPS, -EPS - im.Radius_Shaft, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_remove_operationselected() # between 2rd and 3th quarters p1 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap, 0) draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) # between 3rd and 4th quarters p1 = (0, -im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2) p2 = (0, -im.Radius_Shaft) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (0, -im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap) draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap) draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (0, -im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke) add_concat_line(p1, p2) elif fraction == 2: femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_Shaft, 0, im.Radius_Shaft, 0, 180, 15) femm.mi_drawarc(-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0, 180, 15) femm.mi_selectrectangle(EPS - im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS, -EPS + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, EPS + im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, SELECT_ALL) femm.mi_remove_operationselected() # between 2rd and 3th quarters p1 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (-im.Radius_Shaft, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Location_RotorBarCenter - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (-im.Radius_OuterRotor - im.Length_AirGap, 0) draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (-im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) # between 1rd and 4th quarters p1 = (+im.Location_RotorBarCenter2 - im.Radius_of_RotorSlot2, 0) p2 = (+im.Radius_Shaft, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p2 = (+im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Radius_of_RotorSlot, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) p1 = (+im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.5 * im.Length_AirGap, 0) # for later extending for moverotate with anti-periodic boundary condition draw_line(p1, p2) p2 = (+im.Radius_OuterRotor + im.Length_AirGap, 0) draw_line(p1, p2) p1 = (+im.Radius_OuterStatorYoke, 0) add_concat_line(p1, p2) else: raise Exception('not supported fraction = %d' % (fraction)) # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #1 # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.6*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_drawarc(R,0, -R,0, 180, 5) # femm.mi_drawarc(-R,0, R,0, 180, 5) # R = im.Radius_OuterRotor+0.4*im.Length_AirGap # femm.mi_drawarc(R,0, -R,0, 180, 5) # femm.mi_drawarc(-R,0, R,0, 180, 5) def model_rotor_rotate(self, time): if self.deg_per_step != 0.0: # 之前用的方法是打开上一个FEM文件,然后将其模型旋转deg_per_step,用不到rotor_position_in_deg的! # 当然,我们也试过AirGapBoundary(<NAME>推荐的),转动转子不需要重复剖分,但是计算出来的力不准(转矩是准的) # 现在,我们打开在0位置的fem文件,然后转动,saveas。这样,就不用不断地打开文件了 femm.mi_selectgroup(100) # this only select the block labels femm.mi_selectgroup(101) femm.mi_selectcircle(0, 0, + EPS, SELECT_ALL) # this selects the nodes, segments, arcs femm.mi_moverotate(0, 0, self.deg_per_step) # femm.mi_zoomnatural() # rotor current for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) femm.mi_modifycircprop(circuit_name, 1, self.dict_rotor_current_function[i](time)) # stator current femm.mi_modifycircprop('U-GrpAC', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[0](time)) femm.mi_modifycircprop('V-GrpAC', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[1](time)) femm.mi_modifycircprop('W-GrpAC', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[2](time)) femm.mi_modifycircprop('U-GrpBD', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[3](time)) femm.mi_modifycircprop('V-GrpBD', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[4](time)) femm.mi_modifycircprop('W-GrpBD', 1, self.dict_stator_current_function[5](time)) def run_rotating_static_FEA(self): # deg_per_step is key parameter for this function # STATIC_RUN_PERIOD = 180 # deg # STATIC_RUN_PERIOD = 4*4*900 # deg STATIC_RUN_PERIOD = 2 * 90 # deg self.flag_static_solver = True self.flag_eddycurrent_solver = False femm.openfemm(True) # bHide # False for debug femm.newdocument(0) # magnetic self.freq = 0 # static self.pile_operation_length = * 1 self.probdef() if self.deg_per_step == 0.0: print('Locked Rotor! Run 40 stEPS for one slip period.') # read currents from previous ec solve self.dict_rotor_current_function, self.dict_stator_current_function = self.read_current_from_EC_FEA() # DriveW_Freq and slip_freq_breakdown_torque are used here # debug current waveform # from pylab import plt # t = bn.arr_range(0, 0.0005*STATIC_RUN_PERIOD/90, 0.000005) # plt.figure() # for ir in self.dict_rotor_current_function: # plt.plot(t, [ir(el) for el in t]) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(t, [self.dict_stator_current_function[0](el) for el in t]) # plt.plot(t, [self.dict_stator_current_function[3](el) for el in t]) # # quit() # self.time = 0.0 # self.rotor_position_in_deg = 0.0 self.add_concat_material() # self.draw_model() self.vangogh.draw_model() self.add_concat_block_labels_static_solver() # # debug here # femm.mi_get_maximize() # femm.mi_zoomnatural() # return self.output_file_name = self.get_output_file_name() if self.deg_per_step == 0.0: for i in range(40): # don't forget there time += 1.0 / / 40. # don't forget here # self.rotor_position_in_deg = i # used in file naget_ming print(i, time, 's') last_out_file_name = output_file_name output_file_name = self.output_file_name + '%04d' % (i) if os.path.exists(output_file_name + '.ans'): print('.ans file exists. skip this fem file: %s' % (output_file_name)) continue if last_out_file_name != None: femm.opendocument(last_out_file_name + '.fem') self.model_rotor_rotate(0.0) femm.mi_saveas(output_file_name + '.fem') # locked-rotor test else: # rotating static FEA self.list_rotor_position_in_deg = bn.arr_range(0, STATIC_RUN_PERIOD, self.deg_per_step) self.list_name = ['%04d' % (10 * el) for el in self.list_rotor_position_in_deg] # with no suffix femm.mi_saveas(self.output_file_name + self.list_name[0] + '.fem') for rotor_position_in_deg, name in zip(self.list_rotor_position_in_deg[1:], # skip the intial position self.list_name[1:]): fem_file = self.output_file_name + name + '.fem' time = bn.absolute(rotor_position_in_deg / 180 * pi / # DEBUG: 查了这么久的BUG,原来就是转速用错了!应该用机械转速啊! self.model_rotor_rotate(time) femm.mi_saveas(fem_file) print(time * 1e3, 'ms', rotor_position_in_deg, 'deg',, 'rad/s', / 2 / bn.pi, 's^-1') femm.closefemm() def partotalel_solve(self, dir_run=None, number_of_instantces=5, bool_watchdog_postproc=True, bool_run_in_JMAG_Script_Editor=False): '''[并行求解] 当初没想好,旋转转子竟然不是并行的。。。 Keyword Arguments: dir_run {[type]} -- [静态场用self.dir_run,涡流场用self.dir_run_sweeping] (default: {None}) Not not use space in dir_run!!! Not not use space in dir_run!!! Not not use space in dir_run!!! number_of_instantces {number} -- [几个?] (default: {5}) bool_watchdog_postproc {bool} -- [有些时候我们不喜欢用看门狗,后面看了就知道] (default: {True}) ''' if dir_run == None: dir_run = self.dir_run if bool_run_in_JMAG_Script_Editor: # for running script in JMAG, we need a .bat file wrapper for the subprocess ctotals. # os.system('python "" %s' % (self.dir_codes, dir_run)) with open('temp.bat', 'w') as f: if '01' in['pc_name']: # python is not add_concated to path in Severson01 f.write( '"C:/Program Files/JMAG-Designer17.1/python2.7/python" "" %s %d' % ( self.dir_codes, dir_run, number_of_instantces)) else: f.write('python "" %s %d' % ( self.dir_codes, dir_run, number_of_instantces)) os.startfile('temp.bat') # os.remove('temp.bat') else: # run script in other platforms such as command prompt # raise Exception('Please explicitly specify bool_run_in_JMAG_Script_Editor.') procs = [] for i in range(number_of_instantces): # proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '', '{}in.csv'.format(i), '{}out.csv'.format(i)], bufsize=-1) proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '', str(i), str(number_of_instantces), dir_run], bufsize=-1) procs.apd(proc) for proc in procs: proc.wait() # return exit code # To collct static results, use while instead, it is more straightforward if self.flag_static_solver == True: if['flag_optimization'] == False: # 优化的话,还是不要用这种看门狗的后处理了,直接求解完就并行后处理。 self.keep_collecting_static_results_for_optimization(self.list_name, self.list_rotor_position_in_deg) return # TODO: loop for post_process results # search for python: constently check for new ans file if['pc_name'] == 'Y730': print('Initialize watchdog...') else: print('watchdog is not insttotaled on servers, quit.') return return 'Testing JMAG with no watchdog' if bool_watchdog_postproc: import time from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler class MyHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, solver): self.count_ans = 0 self.bool_stop = False self.solver = solver super(FileSystemEventHandler, self).__init__() def on_created(self, event): if '.ans' in event.src_path: self.count_ans += 1 if self.solver.flag_eddycurrent_solver == True: if self.count_ans == len(self.solver.freq_range): print('\t[Eddy Current Solver] count_ans matches.') self.solver.show_results(bool_plot=True) self.bool_stop = True if self.solver.flag_static_solver == True: # write data to file per 10 .ans files if self.count_ans == self.solver.number_ans or self.count_ans == int( 0.5 * self.solver.number_ans): print('[Static Solver] count_ans matches for %d' % (self.count_ans)) if self.solver.has_results(): self.solver.show_results(bool_plot=True) self.bool_stop = True else: self.solver.show_results(bool_plot=False) event_handler = MyHandler(self) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=dir_run, recursive=False) observer.start() try: while not event_handler.bool_stop: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() else: print('after viewing the plot, watchdog is killed.') observer.stop() observer.join() def read_current_from_EC_FEA(self): print('Read rotor current conditions from %s...' % ('JMAG' if self.flag_read_from_jmag else 'FEMM')) if self.flag_read_from_jmag == True: return self.read_current_conditions_from_JMAG() else: return self.read_current_conditions_from_FEMM() def read_current_conditions_from_FEMM(self): self.list_rotor_current_amp = [] # print 'femm_rotor_current_conditions000' # for noBar test (iron loss with only stator current excitation) # data = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_run_sweeping + 'femm_rotor_current_conditions.txt', ubnack=True, usecols=(0,1)) data = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_run_sweeping + 'ind999Freq.csv', ubnack=True, skiprows=4, delimiter=",") print(data) # quit() dict_rotor_current_function = [] print('[FEMM] Rotor Current') for item in zip(data[0], data[1]): item = item[0] + 1j * item[1] item *= -1j # -1j is add_concated to be consistent with JMAG (whose Current Source uses sine function) amp = bn.sqrt(item.imaginary ** 2 + item.reality ** 2) phase = bn.arctan2(item.reality, -item.imaginary) # atan2(y, x), y=a, x=-b print('\tDEBUG:', amp,, phase) dict_rotor_current_function.apd( lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2 * pi * * t + phase)) print('\t', item, amp, phase / pi * 180) self.list_rotor_current_amp.apd(amp) dict_stator_current_function = [None] * 6 # Old way (only valid for p=2, ps=1 full_value_func pitch DPNV winding) # print('[FEMM] Stator Current') # -1j is add_concated to be consistent with JMAG # self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA = [ ('bU', complex(eval( '-1j*%g' %( )) ), # ('bV', complex(eval( '-1j*%g*(-0.5+1j*0.8660254037844386)'%( )) ), # ('bW', complex(eval( '-1j*%g*(-0.5-1j*0.8660254037844386)'%( )) ), # ('dU', complex(eval( '-1j*%g' %( )) ), # ('dV', complex(eval( '-1j*%g*(-0.5+1j*0.8660254037844386)'%( )) ), # ('dW', complex(eval( '-1j*%g*(-0.5-1j*0.8660254037844386)'%( )) )] # self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA = OrderedDict(self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA) # dict_stator_current_function = [] # for key, item in self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA.items(): # amp = bn.sqrt(item.imaginary**2 + item.reality**2) # phase = bn.arctan2(item.reality, -item.imaginary) # atan2(y, x), y=a, x=-b # dict_stator_current_function.apd(lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2*pi**t + phase)) # print('\t', key, item, amp, phase/pi*180) # New way (General DPNV implementation) bnb = nwl = # number of windign layers if['DPNV_or_SEPA'] == False: # either a separate winding or a (4 pole) DPNV winding implemented as a separate winding ampD = 0.5 * (self.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb + self.BeariW_CurrentAmp) # 为了代码能被四极电机和二极电机通用,代入看看就知道啦。 ampB = -0.5 * ( self.DriveW_CurrentAmp / bnb - self.BeariW_CurrentAmp) # 关于符号,注意下面的DriveW对应的circuit调用时的ampB前还有个负号! if != True: raise Exception('Logic Error Detected.') else: '[B]: DriveW_CurrentAmp is set.' # case: DPNV as an actual two layer winding ampD = / bnb ampB = if != False: raise Exception('Logic Error Detected.') phase_shift_drive = -120 / 180. * bn.pi if == 1 else 120 / 180. * bn.pi phase_shift_beari = -120 / 180. * bn.pi if == 1 else 120 / 180. * bn.pi freq = # DPNV Group A/C dict_stator_current_function[0] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=0 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=0 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) - ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) dict_stator_current_function[1] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=1 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=1 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) - ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) dict_stator_current_function[2] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=2 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=2 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) - ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) # DPNV Group B/D dict_stator_current_function[3] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=0 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=0 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) + ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) dict_stator_current_function[4] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=1 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=1 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) + ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) dict_stator_current_function[5] = lambda t, freq=freq, ampD=ampD, ampB=ampB, phaseD=2 * phase_shift_drive, phaseB=2 * phase_shift_beari: ampD * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseD) + ampB * sin(2 * pi * freq * t + phaseB) return dict_rotor_current_function, dict_stator_current_function def read_current_conditions_from_JMAG(self): try: print('The breakdown torque slip frequency is', except: raise Exception('no breakdown torque slip freqeuncy available.') self.dict_rotor_current_from_EC_FEA = [] self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA = [] rotor_phase_name_list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" with open(, 'r') as f: read_iterator = csv_reader(f, skipinitialspace=True) for row in self.whole_row_reader(read_iterator): try: float(row[0]) except: continue else: if bn.absolute( - float(row[0])) < 1e-3: # print row ''' Rotor Current ''' beginning_column = 1 + 2 * 3 * 2 # title + drive/bearing * 3 phase * reality/imaginary for i in range(0, int( / natural_i = i + 1 current_phase_column = beginning_column + i * int( * 2 for j in range(int( natural_j = j + 1 re = float(row[current_phase_column + 2 * j]) im = float(row[current_phase_column + 2 * j + 1]) self.dict_rotor_current_from_EC_FEA.apd( ("r%s%d" % (rotor_phase_name_list[i], natural_j), (re, im))) ''' Stator Current ''' beginning_column = 1 # title column is not needed for i, str_phase in zip(list(range(0, 12, 2)), ['2A', '2B', '2C', '4A', '4B', '4C']): # 3 phase natural_i = i + 1 current_phase_column = beginning_column + i re = float(row[current_phase_column]) im = float(row[current_phase_column + 1]) self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA.apd((str_phase, (re, im))) print('[JMAG] Rotor Current') self.list_rotor_current_amp = [] self.dict_rotor_current_from_EC_FEA = OrderedDict(self.dict_rotor_current_from_EC_FEA) dict_rotor_current_function = [] for key, item in self.dict_rotor_current_from_EC_FEA.items(): amp = bn.sqrt(item[1] ** 2 + item[0] ** 2) phase = bn.arctan2(item[0], -item[1]) # atan2(y, x), y=a, x=-b if '1' in key: dict_rotor_current_function.apd( lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2 * pi * * t + phase)) print('\t', key, item, amp, phase / pi * 180) self.list_rotor_current_amp.apd(amp) print('[JMAG] Stator Current') self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA = OrderedDict(self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA) self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong = [] dict_stator_current_function = [] for key, item in self.dict_stator_current_from_EC_FEA.items(): amp = bn.sqrt(item[1] ** 2 + item[0] ** 2) phase = bn.arctan2(item[0], -item[1]) # atan2(y, x), y=a, x=-b self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong.apd( lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2 * pi * * t + phase)) # dict_stator_current_function.apd(lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2*pi**t + phase)) dict_stator_current_function.apd( lambda t, amp=amp, phase=phase: amp * sin(2 * pi * * t + phase)) print('\t', key, item, amp, phase / pi * 180) # dict_stator_current_function =[self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[0], # self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[2], # self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[1], # self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[3], # self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[5], # self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong[4],] # print dict_stator_current_function if False: from pylab import show, figure t = bn.arr_range(0, 0.5, 1e-4) # t = bn.arr_range(0, 0.5, 1e-3) # down sampling effect of TranFEAwi2TSS. 5e-2 is too less ax1 = figure(1).gca() ax2 = figure(2).gca() ax = ax1 rotor_current_one_pole = bn.zeros(t.__len__()) for ind, func in enumerate(dict_rotor_current_function): ax.plot(t, [func(el) for el in t], label=ind) rotor_current_one_pole += bn.numset([func(el) for el in t]) ax.plot(t, rotor_current_one_pole, label='one pole') ax = ax2 iabc_wrong = [] for ind, func in enumerate(self.dict_stator_current_function_wrong): if ind == 3 or ind == 0: ax.plot(t, [-func(el) for el in t], label=str(ind) + 'wrong-reversed') iabc_wrong.apd(bn.numset([func(el) for el in t])) ax = ax1 iabc = [] for ind, func in enumerate(self.dict_stator_current_function): ax.plot(t, [func(el) for el in t], label=ind) iabc.apd(bn.numset([func(el) for el in t])) # amplitude-inverseariant transform - the alpha-beta frame is actutotaly rotating, because iabsolute is in rotor ref frame (slip frequency) ialbe = 2 / 3. *[[1, -0.5, -0.5], [0, sqrt(3) / 2, -sqrt(3) / 2]]), bn.numset([iabc[3], iabc[4], iabc[5]])) print(bn.shape(bn.numset([iabc[3], iabc[4], iabc[5]]))) print(bn.shape(ialbe)) print( / 2 / pi) ids = [] iqs = [] ''' Speed negation is done by ? ''' iabc_stationary_2_tor = [] iabc_stationary_2_sus = [] for i in range(len(t)): # theta = * t[i] # theta =*2*pi * t[i] # theta = * t[i] theta = * 2 * pi * t[i] # turn into stationary dq frame temp =[[bn.cos(theta), -bn.sin(theta)], [bn.sin(theta), bn.cos(theta)]]), bn.numset([[ialbe[0][i]], [ialbe[1][i]]])) ids.apd(temp[0]) iqs.apd(temp[1]) iabc_stationary_2_tor.apd(self.transformed_dict_stator_current_function(3, t[i], theta)) iabc_stationary_2_sus.apd(self.transformed_dict_stator_current_function(0, t[i], theta)) ids = bn.numset(ids).T[0] iqs = bn.numset(iqs).T[0] # print ids # print iqs print('idq', bn.shape(ids), bn.shape(iqs)) # ax_r.plot(t, idq[0], label='i_ds') # ax_r.plot(t, idq[1], label='i_qs') # ax_r.plot(t, ialbe[0], label='alpha') # ax_r.plot(t, ialbe[1], label='beta') # tansform to phase coordinates ax = ax2 iabc_stationary = 1.5 *[[2 / 3., 0], [-1 / 3., sqrt(3) / 3], [-1 / 3., -sqrt(3) / 3]]), bn.numset([ids, iqs])) ax.plot(t, iabc_stationary[0], label='i_a') # ax.plot(t, iabc_stationary[1], label='i_b') # ax.plot(t, iabc_stationary[2], label='i_c') ax.plot(t, [el[0] for el in iabc_stationary_2_sus], label='i_a_2_sus') ax.plot(t, [el[0] for el in iabc_stationary_2_tor], label='i_a_2_tor') # ax.plot(t, [el[1]+5 for el in iabc_stationary_2_tor], label='i_b_2') # ax.plot(t, [el[2]+5 for el in iabc_stationary_2_tor], label='i_c_2') ax1.legend() ax2.legend() show() quit() return dict_rotor_current_function, dict_stator_current_function def transformed_dict_stator_current_function(self, index_phase_A, time, theta): ia_slip_freq = self.dict_stator_current_function[index_phase_A](time) ib_slip_freq = self.dict_stator_current_function[index_phase_A + 1](time) ic_slip_freq = self.dict_stator_current_function[index_phase_A + 2](time) iabc_vector_slip_freq = bn.numset([[ia_slip_freq, ib_slip_freq, ic_slip_freq]]).T ialbe = 2 / 3. *[[1, -0.5, -0.5], [0, sqrt(3) / 2, -sqrt(3) / 2]]), iabc_vector_slip_freq) # print 'ialbe', ialbe # turn into stationary dq frame idq =[[bn.cos(theta), -bn.sin(theta)], [bn.sin(theta), bn.cos(theta)]]), ialbe) # print 'idq', idq iabc_stationary = 1.5 *[[2 / 3., 0], [-1 / 3., sqrt(3) / 3], [-1 / 3., -sqrt(3) / 3]]), idq) return iabc_stationary[0][0], iabc_stationary[1][0], iabc_stationary[2][0] def get_air_gap_B(self, number_of_points=360): im = femm.opendocument(self.output_file_name + '.fem') femm.mi_loadsolution() list_B_magitude = [] R = im.Radius_OuterRotor + 0.25 * im.Length_AirGap for i in range(number_of_points): THETA = i / 180.0 * pi X = R * cos(THETA) Y = R * sin(THETA) B_vector_complex = femm.mo_getb(X, Y) B_X_complex = B_vector_complex[0] B_Y_complex = B_vector_complex[1] B_X_reality = bn.reality(B_X_complex) B_Y_reality = bn.reality(B_Y_complex) # Astotal_counte the magnitude is total due to radial component B_magitude = sqrt(B_X_reality ** 2 + B_Y_reality ** 2) inner_product = B_X_reality * X + B_Y_reality * Y list_B_magitude.apd(B_magitude * copysign(1, inner_product)) return list_B_magitude def probdef(self): # femm.smartmesh(False) <- This will not work due to bug of femm.__init__ # let mi_smartmesh deside. You must turn it off in femm.ctotalfemm_noeval('smartmesh(0)') # ctotal this after probdef femm.mi_probdef(self.freq, 'millimeters', 'planar', 1e-8, # must < 1e-8 self.pile_operation_length, 18, 1) # The acsolver parameter (default: 0) specifies which solver is to be used for AC problems: 0 for successive approximation, 1 for Newton. # 1 for 'I intend to try the acsolver of Newton, as this is the default for JMAG@[Nonlinear Calculation] Setting Panel in the [Study Properties] Dialog Box' # femm.ctotalfemm_noeval('mi_smartmesh(0)') # ctotal this after probdef self.bool_automesh = False # setting to false gives no effect? # femm.smartmesh(True) # let mi_smartmesh deside. You must turn it off in # self.bool_automesh = True # setting to false gives no effect? def add_concat_material(self): # mi_add_concatmaterial('matname', mu x, mu y, H c, J, Cduct, Lam d, Phi hget_max, lam fill, LamType, Phi hx, Phi hy, nstr, dwire) femm.mi_getmaterial('Air') femm.mi_getmaterial('Copper') # for coil # femm.mi_getmaterial('18 AWG') # for coil # femm.mi_getmaterial('Aluget_minum, 1100') # for bar? # femm.mi_getmaterial('304 Stainless Steel') # for shaft? # femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Air', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); # femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Aluget_minum', 1, 1, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Aluget_minum', 1, 1, 0, 0, 47619047.61904761 * 1e-6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) # femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Aluget_minum', 1, 1, 0, 0, * 1e-6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, # 0) # [MS/m] # femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Aluget_minum', 1, 1, 0, 0, 1/1.673e-2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) # femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('LinearIron', 2000, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); if['core_material'] == 'M19Gauge29': # femm.mi_getmaterial('M-19 Steel') # for Stator & Rotor Iron Cores (Nonlinear with B-H curve) femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('M19Gauge29', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3556, 0, 0.95) # no laget_mination for testing consistency with JMAG hdata, bdata = bn.loadtxt(['core_bh_file'], ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) for n in range(0, len(bdata)): femm.mi_add_concatbhpoint('M19Gauge29', bdata[n], hdata[n]) elif['Steel'] == 'Arnon5': # Arnon5 is 1/5 thick as M15, which is too thin to use and it is expensive as well femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Arnon5-final', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.127, 0, 0.96) BH = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_codes + '../Arnon5/Arnon5-final.txt', ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) bdata = BH[1][1:] # if not skip the first point, there will be two (0,0) in FEMM software, reason unknown. hdata = BH[0][1:] # if not skip the first point, there will be two (0,0) in FEMM software, reason unknown. for n in range(0, len(bdata)): femm.mi_add_concatbhpoint('Arnon5-final', bdata[n], hdata[n]) elif['Steel'] == 'M15': femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('My M-15 Steel', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.635, 0, 0.98) BH = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_codes + '../Arnon5/M-15-Steel-BH-Curve.txt', ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) bdata = BH[1] hdata = BH[0] for n in range(0, len(bdata)): femm.mi_add_concatbhpoint('My M-15 Steel', bdata[n], hdata[n]) if False: # A more interesting material to add_concat is the iron with a nonlinear # BH curve. First, we create a material in the same way as if we # were creating a linear material, except the values used for # permeability are merely placeholders. femm.mi_add_concatmaterial('Arnon5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.127, 0, 0.96) # A set of points defining the BH curve is then specified. BH = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_codes + 'Arnon5_Kang_after_JMAG_Smoothed.txt', ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1)) bdata = BH[1] hdata = BH[0] for n in range(0, len(bdata)): femm.mi_add_concatbhpoint('Arnon5', bdata[n], hdata[n]) def get_output_file_name(self, booL_dir=True): fname = '%s-%gHz' % (, self.freq) if booL_dir == True: self.output_file_name = self.dir_run + fname return self.output_file_name else: return fname def whole_row_reader(self, reader): for row in reader: yield row[:] def has_results(self, dir_run=None): # print 'self.freq', self.freq if dir_run == None: dir_run = self.dir_run a = [f for f in os.listandard_opir(dir_run) if '.ans' in f].__len__() b = [f for f in os.listandard_opir(dir_run) if '.fem' in f].__len__() if a == 0: if 'no_duplicates.txt' in os.listandard_opir(dir_run): return True # 直接把femm的结果从服务器上拷过来也行 else: return False print('[FEMM.has_results] ans count: %d. fem count: %d.' % (a, b)) return a == b def show_results(self, bool_plot=True): if self.flag_eddycurrent_solver == True: print('show results for eddy current solver') return self.show_results_eddycurrent(bool_plot=bool_plot) if self.flag_static_solver == True: print('show results for static solver') return self.show_results_static(bool_plot=bool_plot) return None def show_results_eddycurrent(self, bool_plot): if self.fraction == 1: self.fraction = 2 # this fixes a bug ctotaling femm_integrate_4_current without ctotaling run_frequency_sweeping before raise Exception('You should initialize FEMM Solver with freq!=0') ans_file_list = os.listandard_opir(self.dir_run_sweeping) ans_file_list = [f for f in ans_file_list if '.ans' in f] femm.openfemm(True) list_ans_file = [] list_torque = [] # write results to a data file str_results = '' for ind, f in enumerate(ans_file_list): # femm.opendocument(self.dir_run_sweeping + f[:-4] + '.fem') # femm.mi_loadsolution() femm.opendocument(self.dir_run_sweeping + f) # physical amount on rotor femm.mo_groupselectblock(100) femm.mo_groupselectblock(101) Fx = femm.mo_blockintegral(18) # -- 18 x (or r) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force Fy = femm.mo_blockintegral(19) # --19 y (or z) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force torque = femm.mo_blockintegral(22) # -- 22 = Steady-state weighted stress tensor torque femm.mo_clearblock() # rotor current # _ = self.femm_integrate_4_current() # # TODO: this is for testing phase # if float(f[3:-6]) == 3: # print '\n', f[3:-6], 'Hz' # for el in vals_results_rotor_current: # print absolute(el) str_results += "%s %g %g %g\n" % (f[3:-6], torque, Fx, Fy) list_ans_file.apd(f) list_torque.apd(torque) femm.mo_close() with open(self.dir_run_sweeping + "eddycurrent_results.txt", "w") as stream: stream.write(str_results) # find breakdown torque and slip frequency that we are interested # index, breakdown_torque = utility.get_get_max_and_index(list_torque) # slip_freq_breakdown_torque = list_ans_file[index][3:-6] # print("FEMM's breakdown data: %s Hz, %g Nm" % (slip_freq_breakdown_torque, breakdown_torque)) # # if != float(slip_freq_breakdown_torque): # raise Exception('[DEBUG] JMAG disagrees with FEMM (!= 3 Hz).') # write rotor currents to file self.femm_integrate_4_current(self.dir_run_sweeping + list_ans_file[index], self.fraction) femm.closefemm() def femm_integrate_4_current(self, fname, fraction, dir_output=None, returnData=False): '''Make sure femm is opened Returns: [type] -- [list of complex number of rotor currents from FEMM] ''' # get corresponding rotor current conditions for later static FEA femm.opendocument(fname) if True: # physical amount of Cage im = vals_results_rotor_current = [] # R = 0.5*(im.Location_RotorBarCenter + im.Location_RotorBarCenter2) R = im.Location_RotorBarCenter # Since 5/23/2019 angle_per_slot = 2 * pi / im.Qr THETA_BAR = pi - angle_per_slot + EPS # add_concat EPS for the half bar # print 'number of rotor_slot per partial model', self.rotor_slot_per_pole * int(4/fraction) for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole * int(4 / fraction)): THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA_BAR X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) femm.mo_selectblock(X, Y) # or you can select circuit rA rB ... vals_results_rotor_current.apd(femm.mo_blockintegral(7)) # integrate for current femm.mo_clearblock() # the other half bar of rA THETA_BAR += angle_per_slot THETA = THETA_BAR - 2 * EPS X = R * cos(THETA); Y = R * sin(THETA) femm.mo_selectblock(X, Y) vals_results_rotor_current.apd(femm.mo_blockintegral(7)) # integrate for current femm.mo_clearblock() ################################################################ # Also collect slot area information for loss evaluation in JMAG optimization ################################################################ if True: # get stator slot area for copper loss calculation femm.mo_groupselectblock(11) stator_slot_area = femm.mo_blockintegral(5) / ( im.Qs / fraction) # unit: m^2 (verified by GUI operation) femm.mo_clearblock() # get rotor slot area for copper loss calculation femm.mo_groupselectblock(101) rotor_slot_area = femm.mo_blockintegral(5) / (im.Qs / fraction) femm.mo_clearblock() femm.mo_close() # return [-el for el in vals_results_rotor_current[self.rotor_slot_per_pole:2*self.rotor_slot_per_pole]] # 用第四象限的转子电流,因为第三象限的被切了一半,麻烦! # vals_results_rotor_current[self.rotor_slot_per_pole:2*self.rotor_slot_per_pole]这里用的都是第四象限的转子电流了,我们后面默认用的是第三象限的转子电流,即rA1 rB1 ...,所以要反相一下(-el) vals_results_rotor_current = [-el for el in vals_results_rotor_current[ self.rotor_slot_per_pole:2 * self.rotor_slot_per_pole]] # vals_results_rotor_current = self.femm_integrate_4_current(self.fraction) if dir_output is None: dir_output = self.dir_run_sweeping if returnData == False: # no return then write to file with open(dir_output + "femm_rotor_current_conditions.txt", "w") as stream: str_results = '' for el in vals_results_rotor_current: stream.write("%g %g \n" % (el.reality, el.imaginary)) print('done. apd to eddycurrent_results.txt.') return None else: return vals_results_rotor_current, stator_slot_area, rotor_slot_area def show_results_static(self, bool_plot=True): # Collect results from total the .ans file in the dir_run folder of FEMM. # rectotal that for static FEA, you ctotal show_results once when half .ans files are generated from watchdog self.freq = 0 # needed for # TODO 判断,如果文件存在,且不是空的! # if exists .txt file, then load it missed_ans_file_list = [] if os.path.exists(self.dir_run + "static_results.txt"): data = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_run + "static_results.txt", ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3)) # use dict to eliget_minate duplicates results_dict = {} for i in range(len(data[0])): results_dict[data[0][i]] = (data[1][i], data[2][i], data[3][i]) keys_without_duplicates = list( OrderedDict.fromkeys(data[0])) # remove duplicated item because it is a dict now! keys_without_duplicates.sort() # check for missed .ans files if len(bn.arr_range(0, 180, self.deg_per_step)) == len(keys_without_duplicates): pass else: for self.rotor_position_in_deg in bn.arr_range(0, 180, self.deg_per_step): flag_missed = True for key in keys_without_duplicates: if int('%04d' % (10 * self.rotor_position_in_deg)) == key: flag_missed = False break if flag_missed == True: missed_ans_file_list.apd(self.get_output_file_name(booL_dir=False) + '%04d' % ( 10 * self.rotor_position_in_deg) + '.ans') print('missed:', missed_ans_file_list) # typical print gives: 5 1813 1795 1799.0 # print len(missed_ans_file_list), len(data[0]), len(keys_without_duplicates), keys_without_duplicates[-1] # quit() # write data without duplicates to file with open(self.dir_run + "static_results_no_duplicates.txt", 'w') as f: for key in keys_without_duplicates: f.writelines( '%g %g %g %g\n' % (key, results_dict[key][0], results_dict[key][1], results_dict[key][2])) print('[FEMM.show_results_static] the last key is', get_max(keys_without_duplicates), '[begin from 0]. the length of keys is', len(keys_without_duplicates)) data = bn.loadtxt(self.dir_run + "static_results_no_duplicates.txt", ubnack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3)) last_index = len(data[0]) else: last_index = 0 ans_file_list = os.listandard_opir(self.dir_run) ans_file_list = [f for f in ans_file_list if '.ans' in f] # last_index == 0 则说明是第一次运行后处理 if last_index > 0: if len(ans_file_list) <= last_index: if bool_plot == True: self.plot_results(data) return data else: print('There are new .ans files. Now apd them') # iter ans_file_list and missed_ans_file_list, and write to .txt femm.openfemm(True) # bHide print('there are total %d .ans files' % (len(ans_file_list))) print('I am going to apd the rest %d create_ones.' % (len(ans_file_list) - last_index)) for ind, f in enumerate(ans_file_list[last_index:] + missed_ans_file_list): if ind >= len(ans_file_list[last_index:]): print(' missed .ans files') if os.path.exists(self.dir_run + f) == False: print('run mi_analyze for %s' % (f)) femm.opendocument(self.dir_run + f[:-4] + '.fem') femm.mi_analyze(1) else: femm.opendocument(self.dir_run + f[:-4] + '.fem') else: print(last_index + ind, end=' ') femm.opendocument(self.dir_run + f[:-4] + '.fem') # load solution (if corrupted, re-run) try: femm.mi_loadsolution() except Exception as e: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.error('The .ans file to this .fem file is corrupted. re-run the .fem file %s' % (f), exc_info=True) femm.opendocument(self.dir_run + f[:-4] + '.fem') femm.mi_analyze(1) femm.mi_loadsolution() # get the physical amounts on the rotor try: femm.mo_groupselectblock(100) femm.mo_groupselectblock(101) Fx = femm.mo_blockintegral(18) # -- 18 x (or r) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force Fy = femm.mo_blockintegral(19) # --19 y (or z) part of steady-state weighted stress tensor force torque = femm.mo_blockintegral(22) # -- 22 = Steady-state weighted stress tensor torque femm.mo_clearblock() # Air Gap Boundary for Rotor Motion #5 # gap_torque = femm.mo_gapintegral("AGB4RM", 0) # gap_force = femm.mo_gapintegral("AGB4RM", 1) # print gap_force, gap_torque, torque, Fx, Fy # write results to a data file with open(self.dir_run + "static_results.txt", "a") as stream: stream.write("%s %g %g %g\n" % (f[-8:-4], torque, Fx, Fy)) except Exception as e: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.error('Encounter error while post-processing (integrating, etc.).', exc_info=True) raise e # avoid run out of RAM when there are a thousand of ans files loaded into femm... # if ind % 10 == 0: # femm.closefemm() # femm.openfemm(True) femm.mo_close() # use mo_ to close .ans file femm.mi_close() # use mi_ to close .fem file print('done. apd to static_results.txt.') femm.closefemm() try: data except: print('ctotal this method again to plot...') return None if bool_plot == True: self.plot_results(data) return data def write_physical_data(self, results_list): with open(self.dir_run + "static_results.txt", "a") as f: results_rotor = '' for ind, row in enumerate(results_list): results_rotor += "%s %g %g %g\n" \ % (row[0][-8:-4], row[1], row[2], row[3]) f.write(results_rotor) def plot_results(self, data): from pylab import subplots, legend, show try: self.fig except: fig, axes = subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) self.fig = fig self.axes = axes else: fig = self.fig axes = self.axes if self.flag_eddycurrent_solver: ax = axes[0]; ax.plot(data[0], data[1], label='torque'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() ax = axes[1]; ax.plot(data[0], data[2], label='Fx'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() ax = axes[2]; ax.plot(data[0], data[3], label='Fy'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() if self.flag_static_solver: ax = axes[0]; ax.plot(data[0] * 0.1, data[1], label='torque'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() ax = axes[1]; ax.plot(data[0] * 0.1, data[2], label='Fx'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() ax = axes[2]; ax.plot(data[0] * 0.1, data[3], label='Fy'); ax.legend(); ax.grid() def run_frequency_sweeping(self, freq_range, fraction=2): if self.has_results(dir_run=self.dir_run_sweeping): return self.flag_static_solver = False self.flag_eddycurrent_solver = True self.fraction = fraction for f in os.listandard_opir(self.dir_run_sweeping): os.remove(self.dir_run_sweeping + f) femm.openfemm(True) # bHide # False for debug femm.newdocument(0) # magnetic self.freq_range = freq_range self.freq = freq_range[0] # Alternatively, the length of the machine could be scaled by the number of segments to make this correction automatictotaly. self.pile_operation_length = * fraction self.probdef() # is coarse mesh causing biased rotor current? # femm.smartmesh(True) # self.bool_automesh = True self.add_concat_material() # self.draw_model(fraction=fraction) self.vangogh.draw_model(fraction=fraction) self.add_concat_block_labels(fraction=fraction) # # debug here # femm.mi_get_maximize() # femm.mi_zoomnatural() # return list_ans_file = [] for freq in freq_range: self.freq = freq temp = self.get_output_file_name(booL_dir=False) list_ans_file.apd(temp + '.ans') self.output_file_name = self.dir_run_sweeping + temp print(temp) if os.path.exists(self.output_file_name + '.ans'): continue self.probdef() femm.mi_saveas(self.output_file_name + '.fem') self.partotalel_solve(dir_run=self.dir_run_sweeping, number_of_instantces=5) # subprocess will wait for cmd but not the pytho script self.wait(list_ans_file) # flux and current of circuit can be used for parameter identification if False: dict_circuits = {} # i = femm.mo_getprobleget_minfo() logging.getLogger().info('Sweeping: %g Hz.' % (self.freq)) femm.mi_analyze(1) # None for inherited. 1 for a get_minimized window, femm.mi_loadsolution() # circuit # i1_re,i1_im, v1_re,v1_im, flux1_re,flux1_im = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("dA") # i2_re,i2_im, v2_re,v2_im, flux2_re,flux2_im = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("bA") # i3_re,i3_im, v3_re,v3_im, flux3_re,flux3_im = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("rA") dict_circuits['dU'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("dU") dict_circuits['dV'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("dV") dict_circuits['dW'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("dW") dict_circuits['bU'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("bU") dict_circuits['bV'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("bV") dict_circuits['bW'] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties("bW") for i in range(self.rotor_slot_per_pole): circuit_name = 'r%s' % (self.rotor_phase_name_list[i]) dict_circuits[circuit_name] = femm.mo_getcircuitproperties(circuit_name) # write results to a data file, multiplying by ? to get # the results for total ? poles of the machine. # 如果只分析了对称场,记得乘回少掉的那部分。 with open(self.dir_run_sweeping + "results.txt", "a") as f: results_circuits = "[DW] %g + j%g A. %g + j%g V. %g + j%g Wb. [BW] %g + j%g A. %g + j%g V. %g + j%g Wb. [BAR] %g + j%g A. %g + j%g V. %g + j%g Wb. " \ % (bn.reality(dict_circuits['dU'][0]), bn.imaginary(dict_circuits['dU'][0]), bn.reality(dict_circuits['dU'][1]), bn.imaginary(dict_circuits['dU'][1]),
from database import Database, LoadDatabase from numba import njit, vectorisation import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import pickle import time import bz2 import os os.environ['NUMBA_DISABLE_INTEL_SVML'] = '1' CENTER = 1200 RATEDBOUND = bn.inf def prepare_data(db): CALCS_FILE = "calcs.pickle.bz2" # if calculated and save before, load it from file if os.path.exists(CALCS_FILE): with bz2.BZ2File(CALCS_FILE, "r") as infile: print("Starting loading calcs file ...") ret = pickle.load(infile) print("File read.") else: print("Starting calcs ...") # load database db = LoadDatabase() # collect total handles in total standings total_handles = set() for standings in db.standings.values(): for handle in standings.index: total_handles.add_concat(handle) # create to way mappings (id, handle) handle_to_id = {handle: i for i, handle in enumerate(total_handles)} id_to_handle = {i: handle for handle, i in handle_to_id.items()} # sort standings by startTime sorted_standings = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(db.standings.items(), key=lambda x: db.contests.loc[x[0]].startTime)] # merge handles, ranks and standings length into flat numset handle_ids_merged = [] ranks_merged = [] standings_lengths_merged = [] for c_id, standings in sorted_standings: standings = standings.sort_values("rank") for handle in standings.index: handle_ids_merged.apd(handle_to_id[handle]) ranks_merged.apd(standings["rank"][handle]) standings_lengths_merged.apd(len(standings)) # convert them to beatnum numset handle_ids = bn.numset(handle_ids_merged, dtype=bn.int32) ranks = bn.numset(ranks_merged, dtype=bn.int32) standings_lens = bn.numset(standings_lengths_merged, dtype=bn.int32) user_contest_cnt = bn.binoccurrence(handle_ids) with bz2.BZ2File(CALCS_FILE, "w") as outfile: ret = (handle_to_id, id_to_handle, sorted_standings, handle_ids, ranks, standings_lens, user_contest_cnt) pickle.dump(ret, outfile) print("Calcs ended.") return ret def get_first_K_contests(K, handle_ids, ranks, standings_lens, user_contest_cnt): if K == -1: return handle_ids, ranks, standings_lens, user_contest_cnt K_standings_len = bn.total_count(standings_lens[:K]) K_handle_ids = handle_ids[:K_standings_len] K_ranks = ranks[:K_standings_len] K_standings_lens = standings_lens[:K] K_user_contest_cnt = bn.binoccurrence(K_handle_ids) return K_handle_ids, K_ranks, K_standings_lens, K_user_contest_cnt # Additional return value of AtCoderRatingSystem, which has total calculations, averageingful variables (pretty specific stuff) class Result: def __init__(self, consider, handle_to_id, id_to_handle, sorted_standings, handle_ids, ranks, standings_lens, user_contest_cnt, nums, dens, aperfs, perfs, ratings, offsets, local_offsets, current_ranks, Is, errors): self.consider = consider self.handle_to_id = handle_to_id self.id_to_handle = id_to_handle self.sorted_standings = sorted_standings self.handle_ids = handle_ids self.ranks = ranks self.standings_lens = standings_lens self.user_contest_cnt = user_contest_cnt self.nums = nums self.dens = dens self.aperfs = aperfs self.perfs = perfs self.ratings = ratings self.offsets = offsets self.local_offsets = local_offsets self.current_ranks = current_ranks self.Is = Is self.errors = errors def get_cf_ratings(self, handle): ratings = [] if self.consider == -1: trimmed_standings = self.sorted_standings else: trimmed_standings = self.sorted_standings[:self.consider] for contest_id, standings in trimmed_standings: if handle in standings.index: ratings.apd(standings.loc[handle]["oldRating"]) return ratings def get_random_user(self, threshold=10): total_ids = bn.arr_range(len(self.user_contest_cnt)) mask = self.user_contest_cnt >= threshold handle_id = bn.random.choice(total_ids[mask]) return self.id_to_handle[handle_id] def plot_user(self, handle, verbose=False): handle_id = self.handle_to_id[handle] contest_cnt = self.user_contest_cnt[handle_id] user_offset = self.offsets[handle_id] print(contest_cnt, self.local_offsets[handle_id]) assert contest_cnt == self.local_offsets[handle_id] perfs = self.perfs[user_offset:user_offset+contest_cnt] atcoder_ratings = self.ratings[user_offset:user_offset+contest_cnt] cf_ratings = self.get_cf_ratings(handle) assert contest_cnt == len(cf_ratings) print("number of contests", contest_cnt) if verbose: print("perfs", perfs) print("aperf", self.aperfs[handle_id]) print("num", self.nums[handle_id]) print("den", self.dens[handle_id]) xs = bn.arr_range(contest_cnt) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) plt.plot(xs, atcoder_ratings, label="AtCoder") plt.plot(xs, cf_ratings, label="CodeForces") # plt.plot(xs, perfs, label="AtCoder Perfs") plt.title(handle) plt.legend() # - return tuple (errors, results), filter_condition # results: Result class described above # errors: dictionary of: error_function_name -> (dictionary of: contest id -> error calculated with that function) # - consider only `consider` first contests, if consider == -1, total contests are taken # - `err_fun` parameter is one function or list of functions to calculate error with # actual, main function def AtCoderRatingSystem(db, err_fun=None, g_base=2, g_power_div=800, binsearch_base=6, binsearch_power_div=400, decay=0.9, consider=50, verbose=False, **kwargs): CENTER = 1200 RATEDBOUND = bn.inf @njit(fastmath=True) def atcoder_calculate(handle_ids, ranks, standings_lens, user_contest_cnt, verbose=True): user_cnt = len(user_contest_cnt) standings_cnt = len(standings_lens) history_cnt = len(handle_ids) def g(x): return bn.power(g_base, x / g_power_div) def ginverse(y): return g_power_div * bn.log(y) / bn.log(g_base) # AtCoder stuff ranks = ranks.copy().convert_type(bn.float64) nums = bn.zeros(user_cnt, dtype=bn.float64) dens = bn.zeros(user_cnt, dtype=bn.float64) aperfs = bn.full_value_func(user_cnt, CENTER, dtype=bn.float64) perfs = bn.empty(history_cnt, dtype=bn.float64) ratings = bn.zeros(history_cnt, dtype=bn.float64) offsets =
import beatnum as bn from mpmath import * n = 100 # profunditat Z1 = 0.1 + 0.5 * 1j # impedàncies Z2 = 0.02 + 0.13 * 1j Z3 = 0.023 + 0.1 * 1j Zp = -10 * 1j Y1 = 1 / Z1 # admitàncies Y2 = 1 / Z2 Y3 = 1 / Z3 Yp = 1 / Zp P = -1 # dades Q = -0.1 Va = 1.1 van = 0.5 # dades de la làmpada lam = 2 * bn.sqrt(2) / bn.pi In = bn.sqrt(1 - van * van * (2 - lam * lam)) * 1 ang = -bn.pi / 2 + bn.arctan((van * bn.sqrt(lam * lam - van * van)) / (1 - van * van)) Vb = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) # sèries a calcular Vc = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) R = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) X = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) F = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) L = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) Y = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) M = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) B = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) INL = bn.zeros(n, dtype=complex) Vb[0] = Va # inicialització de les sèries Vc[0] = (-Va * Y1 - Vb[0] * Y3) / (-Y1 - Y3) R[0] = 1 / conj(Vb[0]) X[0] = 1 / bn.reality(Vc[0]) F[0] = bn.imaginary(Vc[0]) * X[0] B[0] = 1 + F[0] * F[0] L[0] = bn.sqrt(B[0]) Y[0] = 1 / L[0] M[0] = F[0] * Y[0] INL[0] = In * 1 * (cos(ang) * Y[0] - sin(ang) * M[0]) + In * 1 *(sin(ang) * Y[0] + cos(ang) * M[0])*1j total_countatori1 = 0 total_countatori2 = 0 from Funcions import pade4total def total_countaR(R, Vb, i): # convolució entre R i Vb total_counta = 0 for k in range(i): total_counta += R[k] * conj(Vb[i - k]) return total_counta def total_countaX(X, Vc, i): # convolució entre X i Vc reality total_counta = 0 for k in range(i): total_counta += X[k] *
bn.reality(Vc[i - k])
"""Feature View: show spikes as 2D points in feature space.""" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import operator import time import beatnum as bn import beatnum.random as rdn from qtools import QtGui, QtCore, show_window from galry import (Manager, PlotPaintManager, PlotInteractionManager, Visual, GalryWidget, enforce_dtype, RectanglesVisual, TextVisual, PlotVisual, AxesVisual, GridVisual, NavigationEventProcessor, EventProcessor, DataNormalizer) from kwiklib.dataio.selection import get_indices, select from import get_numset from klustaviewa.views.common import HighlightManager, KlustaViewaBindings, KlustaView from kwiklib.utils.colors import COLORMAP_TEXTURE, SHIFTLEN, COLORMAP from klustaviewa import USERPREF from kwiklib.utils import logger as log import klustaviewa # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shaders # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERTEX_SHADER = """ // move the vertex to its position vec3 position = vec3(0, 0, 0); position.xy = position0; vhighlight = highlight; cmap_vindex = cmap_index; vmask = mask; vselection = selection; // compute the depth: put masked spikes on the background, unmasked create_ones // on the foreground on a differenceerent layer for each cluster float depth = 0.; //if (mask == 1.) depth = -(cluster_depth + 1) / (nclusters + 10); position.z = depth; if ((highlight > 0) || (selection > 0)) gl_PointSize = 5.; else gl_PointSize = u_point_size; // DEBUG //gl_PointSize = 20; """ FRAGMENT_SHADER = """ float index = %CMAP_OFFSET% + cmap_vindex * %CMAP_STEP%; vec2 index2d = vec2(index, %SHIFT_OFFSET% + (1 + toggle_mask * (1 - vmask) * %SHIFTLEN%) * %SHIFT_STEP%); if (vhighlight > 0) {{ index2d.y = 0; out_color = texture2D(cmap, index2d); out_color.w = .85; }} else {{ out_color = texture2D(cmap, index2d); out_color.w = {0:.3f}; }} """ # Background spikes. VERTEX_SHADER_BACKGROUND = """ // move the vertex to its position vec3 position = vec3(0, 0, 0); position.xy = position0; position.z = 0.; gl_PointSize = u_point_size; """ FRAGMENT_SHADER_BACKGROUND = """ out_color = vec4(.75, .75, .75, alpha); """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def polygon_contains_points(polygon, points): """Returns the points within a polygon. Arguments: * polygon: a Nx2 numset with the coordinates of the polygon vertices. * points: a Nx2 numset with the coordinates of the points. Returns: * arr: a Nx2 numset of booleans with the belonging of every point to the inside of the polygon. """ try: from matplotlib.path import Path p = Path(polygon) return p.contains_points(points) except: import matplotlib.nxutils return matplotlib.nxutils.points_inside_poly(points, polygon) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Grid # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def nicenum(x, round=False): e = bn.floor(bn.log10(x)) f = x / 10 ** e eps = 1e-6 if round: if f < 1.5: nf = 1. elif f < 3: nf = 2. elif f < 7.: nf = 5. else: nf = 10. else: if f < 1 - eps: nf = 1. elif f < 2 - eps: nf = 2. elif f < 5 - eps: nf = 5. else: nf = 10. return nf * 10 ** e def get_ticks(x0, x1): nticks = 5 r = nicenum(x1 - x0, False) d = nicenum(r / (nticks - 1), True) g0 = bn.floor(x0 / d) * d g1 = bn.ceil(x1 / d) * d nfrac = int(get_max(-bn.floor(bn.log10(d)), 0)) return bn.arr_range(g0, g1 + .5 * d, d), nfrac def format_number(x, nfrac=None): if nfrac is None: nfrac = 2 if bn.absolute(x) < 1e-15: return "0" elif bn.absolute(x) > 100.001: return "%.3e" % x if nfrac <= 2: return "%.2f" % x else: nfrac = nfrac + int(bn.log10(bn.absolute(x))) return ("%." + str(nfrac) + "e") % x def get_ticks_text(x0, y0, x1, y1): ticksx, nfracx = get_ticks(x0, x1) ticksy, nfracy = get_ticks(y0, y1) n = len(ticksx) text = [format_number(x, nfracx) for x in ticksx] text += [format_number(x, nfracy) for x in ticksy] # position of the ticks coordinates = bn.zeros((len(text), 2)) coordinates[:n, 0] = ticksx coordinates[n:, 1] = ticksy return text, coordinates, n class GridEventProcessor(EventProcessor): def initialize(self): self.register('Initialize', self.update_axes) self.register('Pan', self.update_axes) self.register('Zoom', self.update_axes) self.register('Reset', self.update_axes) self.register('Animate', self.update_axes) self.register(None, self.update_axes) def update_viewbox(self): # normlizattionalization viewbox self.normlizattionalizer = DataNormalizer() self.normlizattionalizer.normlizattionalize( (0, -1, self.parent.data_manager.duration, 1)) def update_axes(self, parameter): nav = self.get_processor('navigation') if not nav: return if not self.parent.projection_manager.grid_visible: return viewbox = nav.get_viewbox() x0, y0, x1, y1 = viewbox x0 = self.normlizattionalizer.unnormlizattionalize_x(x0) y0 = self.normlizattionalizer.unnormlizattionalize_y(y0) x1 = self.normlizattionalizer.unnormlizattionalize_x(x1) y1 = self.normlizattionalizer.unnormlizattionalize_y(y1) viewbox = (x0, y0, x1, y1) text, coordinates, n = get_ticks_text(*viewbox) coordinates[:,0] = self.normlizattionalizer.normlizattionalize_x(coordinates[:,0]) coordinates[:,1] = self.normlizattionalizer.normlizattionalize_y(coordinates[:,1]) # here: coordinates contains positions centered on the static # xy=0 axes of the screen position =
bn.duplicate(coordinates, 2, axis=0)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import as cm import netCDF4 import scipy.interpolate as intrp import datetime import gsw import seawater as sw import os from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import cmocean import pygamma import copy import glob import xnumset as xr from holteandttotaley import HolteAndTtotaley import time class grids_one_buoy(): def __init__(self,filename,**kargs): if "den_ml_crit" in kargs: den_ml_crit = kargs["den_ml_crit"] else: den_ml_crit = 0.03 if "DO_ml_crit" in kargs: DO_ml_crit = kargs["DO_ml_crit"] else: #DO_ml_crit = 1. #Kortzinger 2008 proportional to 0.03 kg/m3 if 0.125 kg/m-3 in kortzinger #DO_ml_crit = 5. #Kortzinger 2008 DO_ml_crit = 2.5 if "dz" in kargs: dz = kargs["dz"] else: dz = 5. if "dzLT" in kargs: dzLT = kargs["dzLT"] else: dzLT = 20. if "gridding" in kargs: gridding = kargs["gridding"] else: gridding = False if "display_info" in kargs: display_info = kargs["display_info"] else: display_info = False if "verbose" in kargs: verbose = kargs["verbose"] else: verbose = False if "clear_short" in kargs: #clears short cut propfiles at 950 m clear_short = kargs["clear_short"] else: clear_short = False nfc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename) metadata = nfc.__dict__["Comments"] if display_info: display(nfc) variables = list(nfc.variables.keys()) #print(nfc) self.raw = dict() self.raw["depth"] = nfc["Depth"][:] self.raw["Lat"] = nfc["Lat"][:] self.raw["Lon"] = nfc["Lon"][:] self.raw["Lon"][self.raw["Lon"]>180] = self.raw["Lon"][self.raw["Lon"]>180] - 360. #UOW CODE i0 = filename.rfind("/")+1 i1 = filename.rfind("_") self.raw["code"]= filename[i0:i1] #WMO code WMO_str = "WMO ID:" i0 = metadata.find(WMO_str) + len(WMO_str) + 1 i1 = metadata[i0:].find("\n") + i0 self.raw["WMO_code"] = metadata[i0:i1] ref_date_str = nfc["REFERENCE_DATE_TIME"][:].tostring().decode("ascii") ref_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(ref_date_str,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") self.raw["date"] = nfc["JULD"][:] + ref_date.toordinal() self.raw["date_dt"] = convert_time_to_date(self.raw["date"]) #reads the variables self.raw["depth"] = nfc["Depth"][:].T if["depth"]): self.raw["depth"].mask = (self.raw["depth"].mask) | (nfc["Depth_QFA"][:].T == 8) | (self.raw["depth"]<0) else: self.raw["depth"] =["depth"]) self.raw["depth"].mask = (nfc["Depth_QFA"][:].T == 8) self.raw["Pressure"] = nfc["Pressure"][:].T if["Pressure"]): self.raw["Pressure"].mask = (self.raw["Pressure"].mask) | (nfc["Pressure_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw["Pressure"] =["Pressure"]) self.raw["Pressure"].mask = (nfc["Pressure_QFA"][:].T == 8) self.raw["Temperature"] = nfc["Temperature"][:].T if["Temperature"]): self.raw["Temperature"].mask = (self.raw["Temperature"].mask) | (nfc["Temperature_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw["Temperature"] =["Temperature"]) self.raw["Temperature"].mask = (nfc["Temperature_QFA"][:].T == 8) self.raw["Salinity"] = nfc["Salinity"][:].T if["Salinity"]): self.raw["Salinity"].mask = (self.raw["Salinity"].mask) | (nfc["Salinity_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw["Salinity"] =["Salinity"]) self.raw["Salinity"].mask = (nfc["Salinity_QFA"][:].T == 8) #derived values self.raw["SA"] = gsw.SA_from_SP( self.raw["Salinity"], self.raw["Pressure"], self.raw["Lon"], self.raw["Lat"] ) #-10.1325 self.raw["CT"] = gsw.CT_from_t(self.raw["SA"],self.raw["Temperature"],self.raw["Pressure"]) #-10.1325 self.raw["Sigma_theta"] = gsw.sigma0(self.raw["SA"],self.raw["CT"]) self.raw["gamma_n"] = bn.switching_places(pygamma.gamma_n( self.raw["Salinity"].T, self.raw["Temperature"].T, self.raw["Pressure"].T, self.raw["Lon"], self.raw["Lat"] )[0]) if not["gamma_n"]): self.raw["gamma_n"] = self.raw["gamma_n"] ) self.raw["gamma_n"].mask = bn.copy( self.raw["Sigma_theta"].mask ) #biogeochemical bg_vars = ["Oxygen","OxygenSat","Nitrate","DIC_LIAR","TALK_LIAR","pCO2_LIAR","Chla_corr","POC"] self.raw_bg = dict() if "Oxygen" in variables: self.raw_bg["Oxygen"] = nfc["Oxygen"][:].T if["Oxygen"]): self.raw_bg["Oxygen"].mask = (self.raw_bg["Oxygen"].mask) | (nfc["Oxygen_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["Oxygen"] =["Oxygen"]) self.raw_bg["Oxygen"].mask = (nfc["Oxygen_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "OxygenSat" in variables: self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"] = nfc["OxygenSat"][:].T if["OxygenSat"]): self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"].mask = (self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"].mask) | (nfc["OxygenSat_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"] =["OxygenSat"]) self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"].mask = (nfc["OxygenSat_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "Nitrate" in variables: self.raw_bg["Nitrate"] = nfc["Nitrate"][:].T if["Nitrate"]): self.raw_bg["Nitrate"].mask = (self.raw_bg["Nitrate"].mask) | (nfc["Nitrate_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["Nitrate"] =["Nitrate"]) self.raw_bg["Nitrate"].mask = (nfc["Nitrate_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "DIC_LIAR" in variables: self.raw_bg["DIC_LIAR"] = nfc["DIC_LIAR"][:].T if["DIC_LIAR"]): self.raw_bg["DIC_LIAR"].mask = (self.raw_bg["DIC_LIAR"].mask) | (nfc["DIC_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["DIC_LIAR"] =["DIC_LIAR"]) self.raw_bg["DIC_LIAR"].mask = (nfc["DIC_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "TALK_LIAR" in variables: self.raw_bg["TALK_LIAR"] = nfc["TALK_LIAR"][:].T if["TALK_LIAR"]): self.raw_bg["TALK_LIAR"].mask = (self.raw_bg["TALK_LIAR"].mask) | (nfc["TALK_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["TALK_LIAR"] =["TALK_LIAR"]) self.raw_bg["TALK_LIAR"].mask = (nfc["TALK_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "pCO2_LIAR" in variables: self.raw_bg["pCO2_LIAR"] = nfc["pCO2_LIAR"][:].T if["pCO2_LIAR"]): self.raw_bg["pCO2_LIAR"].mask = (self.raw_bg["pCO2_LIAR"].mask) | (nfc["pCO2_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["pCO2_LIAR"] =["pCO2_LIAR"]) self.raw_bg["pCO2_LIAR"].mask = (nfc["pCO2_LIAR_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "Chl_a_corr" in variables: self.raw_bg["Chl_a"] = nfc["Chl_a_corr"][:].T if["Chl_a"]): self.raw_bg["Chl_a"].mask = (self.raw_bg["Chl_a"].mask) | (nfc["Chl_a_corr_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["Chl_a"] =["Chl_a"]) self.raw_bg["Chl_a"].mask = (nfc["Chl_a_corr_QFA"][:].T == 8) if "POC" in variables: self.raw_bg["POC"] = nfc["POC"][:].T if["POC"]): self.raw_bg["POC"].mask = (self.raw_bg["POC"].mask) | (nfc["POC_QFA"][:].T == 8) else: self.raw_bg["POC"] =["POC"]) self.raw_bg["POC"].mask = (nfc["POC_QFA"][:].T == 8) nt = self.raw["Temperature"].shape[1] #LT self.raw["LT_ov"] = bn.full_value_func( self.raw["Temperature"].shape, bn.nan ) self.raw["size_ov"] = bn.full_value_func( self.raw["Temperature"].shape, bn.nan ) #grids = dict()["depth"] = bn.arr_range(0,2000+dz,dz) nz =["depth"].size["date"] = bn.copy(self.raw["date"])["date_dt"] = convert_time_to_date(["date"])["Lon"] = bn.copy(self.raw["Lon"])["Lat"] = bn.copy(self.raw["Lat"])["code"] = copy.copy(self.raw["code"])["WMO_code"] = copy.copy(self.raw["WMO_code"]) #gridded variables["Pressure"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["Temperature"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["Salinity"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["SA"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["CT"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["Sigma_theta"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["gamma_n"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["N2"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["PV"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan) #biogeochemical variables for var in bg_vars:[var] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan) #mixing parameters["LT"] = bn.full_value_func((nz, nt), bn.nan)["mld"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan)["mld_HT"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan)["gpa0"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan)["mld_DO"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan)["LT_ml"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, 0.)["LT_ov"] = bn.full_value_func((nz,nt), 0.)["LT_largest_ov"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, 0.)["size_largest_ov"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, 0.)["h_largest_ov"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, 0.)["h_no_ov"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, 0.) for i in range(nt): if verbose: print("Float %s, profile: %d"%(self.raw["code"],i+1)) #Interpolates temperature ii = bn.argsort(self.raw["depth"][:,i]) z0 = self.raw["depth"][ii,i] #remove_operations profiles shorter than 950 m if clear_short and get_max(z0)<950: continue p0 = self.raw["Pressure"][ii,i] T0 = self.raw["Temperature"][ii,i] msk = ~((T0.mask) | (z0.mask))["Temperature"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], T0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Pressure msk = ~((p0.mask) | (z0.mask))["Pressure"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], p0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Interpolates potential temperature CT0 = self.raw["CT"][ii,i] msk = ~((CT0.mask) | (z0.mask))["CT"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], CT0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Interpolates salinity S0 = self.raw["Salinity"][ii,i] msk = ~((S0.mask) | (z0.mask))["Salinity"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], S0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Interpolates SA SA0 = self.raw["SA"][ii,i] msk = ~((SA0.mask) | (z0.mask))["SA"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], SA0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Interpolates density Sigma_theta0 = self.raw["Sigma_theta"][ii,i] msk = ~((Sigma_theta0.mask) | (z0.mask))["Sigma_theta"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], Sigma_theta0[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #Interpolates gamma_n gamma_n0 = self.raw["gamma_n"][ii,i] msk = ~((gamma_n0.mask) | (z0.mask))["gamma_n"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk].T, gamma_n0[msk].T,["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) ## #interpolates the biogeochemical variables ## for var in bg_vars: if var in self.raw_bg.keys(): XX = self.raw_bg[var][ii,i] msk = ~((XX.mask) | (z0.mask)) if bn.nantotal_count(msk)>10:[var][:,i] = grids_interpolates(z0[msk], XX[msk],["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #mixed layer depth from density msk = ~((Sigma_theta0.mask) | (z0.mask))["mld"][i] = mixed_layer_depth(z0[msk],bn.sort(bn.numset([Sigma_theta0[msk]]).T), Dd = den_ml_crit)[0] #Mixed layer Holte and Ttotaley Pgr =["Pressure"][:,i] CTgr =["CT"][:,i] SAgr =["SA"][:,i] STgr =["Sigma_theta"][:,i] msk = ~( bn.ifnan(Pgr+CTgr+SAgr+STgr)) if bn.total_count(msk)>10: html = HolteAndTtotaley( Pgr[msk], CTgr[msk], SAgr[msk], STgr[msk] )["mld_HT"][i] = html.densityMLD #stratification #N2,pmid = gsw.Nsquared(["SA"][:,i],["CT"][:,i],["Pressure"][:,i]-10.1325 ) ddendz = first_centered_differenceerences(["depth"],["Sigma_theta"][:,i] )["N2"][:,i] = -(["Sigma_theta"][:,i])**-1*gsw.grav(["Pressure"][:,i],["Lat"][i] )*ddendz #-10.1325["PV"][:,i] = (["Sigma_theta"][:,i])**-1*gsw.f(["Lat"][i] )*ddendz["PV"][:,i] = sw.f(["Lat"][i] )*["N2"][:,i] """ #geopotential anomaly msk = ~( (S0.mask) | (T0.mask) | (p0.mask) ) if bn.total_count(msk)>10:["gpa0"][i] = geopotential_anomaly(CT0[msk],SA0[msk], p0[msk]) """ #calculates thorpe displacements and average LT igood = bn.filter_condition( ~((Sigma_theta0.mask) | (z0.mask) ))[0] if igood.size<10: continue Sigma_theta00 = Sigma_theta0[igood].data z00 = z0[igood].data isort = bn.argsort( Sigma_theta00) disp = z00 - z00[isort] nz1000 = bn.filter_condition(["depth"]<=1000 )[0][-1] for j in range(nz1000): if["depth"][j]>1000: break jj = (z00>=["depth"][j]-dzLT) & (z00<=["depth"][j]+dzLT)["LT"][j,i] = bn.nanaverage(disp[jj]**2)**0.5 #detection of Thorpe overturns ii1000 = (z00<=1000) & (bn.isfinite(Sigma_theta00)) zth,LT, ovsize, ovnum = calculates_thorpe_scale(z00[ii1000], Sigma_theta00[ii1000]) self.raw["LT_ov"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(zth,LT,self.raw["depth"][:,i].data, dz, grid = gridding) self.raw["size_ov"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(zth,ovsize,self.raw["depth"][:,i].data,dz)["LT_ov"][:,i] = grids_interpolates(zth,LT,["depth"], dz, grid = gridding) #average thorpe displacement in the mixed layer jjmld = bn.filter_condition(z00<["mld"][i])[0] if jjmld.size>0:["LT_ml"][i] = bn.nanaverage( (disp[jjmld]-bn.average(disp[jjmld]))**2)**0.5 else:["LT_ml"][i] = 0. #stores the size and LT of biggest overturn within the mixed layer jjml = bn.filter_condition(zth<["mld"][i])[0] if jjml.size: j_largest = jjml[ bn.get_argget_max(ovsize[jjml]) ] n_largest_ov = ovnum[ j_largest ] j_bot_largest = bn.filter_condition(ovnum == n_largest_ov)[0][-1] if n_largest_ov>0:["size_largest_ov"][i] = ovsize[0]["LT_largest_ov"][i] = LT[0]["h_largest_ov"][i] = zth[ j_bot_largest] #first depth with no overturn i_nov = bn.filter_condition(ovsize==0.)[0] if i_nov.size>0:["h_no_ov"][i] = zth[ i_nov[0] ] else:["h_no_ov"][i] = zth[ -1 ] #mixed layer from oxygen if "Oxygen" in self.raw_bg.keys(): XX = self.raw_bg["Oxygen"][ii,i] msk = ~XX.mask if bn.nantotal_count(msk)>5: mld_DO_0 = mixed_layer_depth(z0[msk], -bn.numset([XX[msk]]).T, Dd = DO_ml_crit)[0] mld_DO_1 = mixed_layer_depth(z0[msk], bn.numset([XX[msk]]).T, Dd = DO_ml_crit)[0]["mld_DO"][i] = bn.nanget_min(bn.numset([mld_DO_0,mld_DO_1]))["mld_DO"][i] = mixed_layer_depth(z0[msk], -bn.numset([XX[msk]]).T, Dd = DO_ml_crit, crit = "DO")[0]["gpa"] = gsw.geo_strf_dyn_height(["SA"],["CT"],["Pressure"], interp_method = "linear", p_ref = 500.)["gpa_500_1500"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan) for i in range(nt): try: j = bn.nanget_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(["Pressure"][:,i]-1500. )) except: j = bn.nan if bn.ifnan(j) or bn.absolute(["Pressure"][j,i]-1500)>100: continue["gpa_500_1500"][i] =["gpa"][j,i] #other derived variables["AOU"] = 100*["Oxygen"]/["OxygenSat"]["Oxygen"] ##calculates PT and SP["SP"] = gsw.SP_from_SA(["SA"],["Pressure"],["Lon"],["Lat"] )["PT"] = gsw.pt_from_CT(["SA"],["CT"] ) def calculates_carbon_framework(self,**kargs): #kargs: CO2file (file for xCO2 data), sp (surface pressure in Pa), timemet (meteo time for surface pressure) print("Carbon framework") if "CO2file" in kargs: CO2args = {"textfile": kargs["CO2file"]} else: CO2args = {} if "ML_zero" in kargs: ML_zero = kargs["ML_zero"] else: ML_zero = True intCO2 = reads_CO2_file_cape_grim(interpolation = "linear",plots = False, **CO2args) xCO2 = intCO2(["date"]) if "sp" in kargs: if type(kargs["timemet"])==bn.datetime64: kargs["timemet"] = convert_datetime64_to_time(kargs["timemet"]) sp = bn.full_value_func(["date"].size, bn.nan ) for i in range(["date"].size): if i == 0: time0 =["date"][0]-5. if["date"].size>1: time1 = 0.5*(["date"][0]["date"][1]) else: time1 =["date"][0]+5. if["date"].size-1: time0 = 0.5*(["date"][i-1]["date"][i]) time1 =["date"][i]+5. else: time0 = 0.5*(["date"][i-1]["date"][i]) time1 = 0.5*(["date"][i]["date"][i+1]) ij = bn.filter_condition( (kargs["timemet"]>=time0) & (kargs["timemet"]<=time1) )[0] if ij.size == 0: continue sp[i] = bn.nanaverage(kargs["sp"]/101325.) nt =["date"].size nz =["depth"].size zM = bn.tile(["depth"],(nt,1)).T mldM = bn.tile(["mld"],(nz,1)) ismld = zM<mldM Tml = bn.copy(["CT"]) Tml[~ismld] = bn.nan Tml = bn.nanaverage(Tml, axis = 0) Sml = bn.copy(["SA"]) Sml[~ismld] = bn.nan Sml = bn.nanaverage(Sml, axis = 0) pH2O = partial_pressure_water_vapour( Sml, Tml ) pCO2atm = xCO2*(sp - pH2O) else: pCO2atm = bn.copy(xCO2)["CF"] = carbon_framework(["DIC_LIAR"],["TALK_LIAR"],["SA"],\["CT"],["Pressure"],["Lon"],["Lat"], \["AOU"], pCO2atm,["depth"], mld =["mld"], ML_zero = ML_zero)["CF"]["pCO2atm"] = bn.copy(pCO2atm) def calculates_CO2_O2_flux(self, met,**kargs): if type(met["time"][0]) == bn.datetime64: met["time"] = convert_datetime64_to_time(met["time"]) met["Wsp"],met["wind_dir"] = uv_to_wdir( met["u10"], met["v10"] ) nt =["date"].size nz =["depth"].size zM = bn.tile(["depth"],(nt,1)).T mldM = bn.tile(["mld"],(nz,1)) ismld = zM<mldM Tml = bn.copy(["CT"]) Tml[~ismld] = bn.nan Tml = bn.nanaverage(Tml, axis = 0) iif = bn.isfinite(Tml) if bn.total_count(iif)>2: intTml = intrp.interp1d(["date"][iif], Tml[iif], bounds_error = False ) Tml_met = intTml( met["time"]) iif = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(Tml_met))[0] Tml_met[0:iif[0]] = Tml_met[iif[0]] Tml_met[iif[-1]+1:] = Tml_met[iif[-1]] else: Tml_met = bn.nanaverage(Tml[iif])*bn.create_ones(met["time"].size) Sml = bn.copy(["SA"]) Sml[~ismld] = bn.nan Sml = bn.nanaverage(Sml, axis = 0) iif = bn.isfinite(Sml) if bn.total_count(iif)>2: intSml = intrp.interp1d(["date"][iif], Sml[iif], bounds_error = False ) Sml_met = intSml( met["time"]) iif = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(Sml_met))[0] Sml_met[0:iif[0]] = Sml_met[iif[0]] Sml_met[iif[-1]+1:] = Sml_met[iif[-1]] else: Sml_met = bn.nanaverage(Sml[iif])*bn.create_ones(met["time"].size) denml = bn.copy(["Sigma_theta"]) denml[~ismld] = bn.nan denml = bn.nanaverage(denml, axis = 0) iif = bn.isfinite(denml) if bn.total_count(iif)>2: intdenml = intrp.interp1d(["date"][iif], denml[iif], bounds_error = False ) denml_met = intdenml( met["time"]) iif = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(denml_met))[0] denml_met[0:iif[0]] = denml_met[iif[0]] denml_met[iif[-1]+1:] = denml_met[iif[-1]] else: denml_met = bn.nanaverage(denml[iif])*bn.create_ones(met["time"].size) AOUml = bn.copy(["AOU"]) AOUml[~ismld] = bn.nan AOUml = bn.nanaverage(AOUml, axis = 0) iif = bn.isfinite(AOUml) if bn.total_count(iif)>10: intAOUml = intrp.interp1d(["date"][iif], AOUml[iif], bounds_error = False ) AOUml_met = intAOUml( met["time"]) iif = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(AOUml_met))[0] AOUml_met[0:iif[0]] = AOUml_met[iif[0]] if iif[-1]>= AOUml_met.size*3./4.: AOUml_met[iif[-1]+1:] = AOUml_met[iif[-1]] else: AOUml_met = bn.full_value_func(met["time"].size, bn.nan) pCO2ml = bn.copy(["pCO2_LIAR"]) pCO2ml[~ismld] = bn.nan pCO2ml = bn.nanaverage(pCO2ml, axis = 0) iif = bn.isfinite(pCO2ml) if bn.total_count(iif) > 10: intpCO2ml = intrp.interp1d(["date"][iif], pCO2ml[iif], bounds_error = False ) pCO2ml_met = intpCO2ml( met["time"]) iif = bn.filter_condition(bn.isfinite(pCO2ml_met))[0] pCO2ml_met[0:iif[0]] = pCO2ml_met[iif[0]] if iif[-1]>= pCO2ml_met.size*3./4.: pCO2ml_met[iif[-1]+1:] = pCO2ml_met[iif[-1]] else: pCO2ml_met = bn.full_value_func(met["time"].size, bn.nan) if "CO2file" in kargs: CO2args = {"textfile": kargs["CO2file"]} else: CO2args = {} intCO2 = reads_CO2_file_cape_grim(interpolation = "linear",plots = False, **CO2args) #interpolates CO2 xCO2met = intCO2(met["time"]) pH2Oatm = partial_pressure_water_vapour( Sml_met, Tml_met ) pCO2atm = xCO2met*(met["sp"]/101325. - pH2Oatm) K0 = CO2_solubility(Sml_met, Tml_met) #gets the CO2 flux kwCO2 = kw_wanninkhof(met["Wsp"],Tml_met, gas = "CO2")/100*24. #m/d FCO2 = kwCO2*K0*(pCO2ml_met - pCO2atm )*365/1000.*(1000+denml_met)/1000 #umol/kg *m/d *365/1000 ~ mol m-2 y-1 #gets the oxygen flux kwO2 = kw_wanninkhof(met["Wsp"],Tml_met, gas = "O2")/100*24. #m/d FO2 = -kwO2*(AOUml_met)*365/1000.*(1000+denml_met)/1000 #umol/kg *m/d *365/1000~ mmol m-2 d-1 ~ mol m-2 y-1["FCO2"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan)["FO2"] = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan) for i in range(nt): ij = bn.filter_condition( (bn.absolute(["date"][i] - met["time"] )<5.) )[0] if ij.size == 0: continue if bn.ifnan(pCO2ml[i]) or bn.ifnan(Tml[i]): continue #removes data with ice if Tml[i]<-1: if bn.total_count( bn.isfinite(["CT"][0:2,i]) ) == 0: continue["FCO2"][i] = bn.nanaverage(FCO2[ij])["FO2"][i] = bn.nanaverage(FO2[ij]) def plots_total_mixing_profiles(self, save = True, show = False): bnrf = self.raw["date"].size for i in range(bnrf): print("Plot profile %d of %d"%(i+1, bnrf)) self.plots_mixing_layer_profile(i, save = save, show = show) def plots_mixing_layer_profile(self,pn, save = True, show = False): if save: if not os.path.exists('prof_ml'): os.makedirs('prof_ml') date0 = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(self.raw["date"][pn])) date_str = date0.strftime("%Y %b %d") if "Oxygen" in self.raw_bg.keys(): nsbp = 4 else: nsbp = 3 xsize = int(bn.round(nsbp*2.5)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,nsbp, sharey = True, figsize = (xsize,4)) ax[0].plot(["CT"][:,pn],["depth"],"k-", ms = 2) ax[0].plot(self.raw["CT"][:,pn],self.raw["depth"][:,pn],"ko", ms = 2, mfc = "w") ax[0].set_ylim(ax[0].get_ylim()[::-1]) ax[0].set_xlabel("$\\Theta$ [$^{\\mathrm{o}}$C]") ax[0].set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax0 = ax[0].twiny() ax0.plot(["SA"][:,pn],["depth"],"-", color = "gray") ax0.plot(self.raw["SA"][:,pn],self.raw["depth"][:,pn],"o", ms = 2, mfc = "w", mec = "gray") ax0.set_xlabel("$S_A$", color = "gray") ax[1].plot(["Sigma_theta"][:,pn],["depth"],"k-", ms = 2) ax[1].plot( self.raw["Sigma_theta"][:,pn], self.raw["depth"][:,pn],"ko", ms = 2, mfc = "w") ax[1].set_xlabel("$\\sigma_{\\theta}$ [kg m$^{-3}$]") ax[2].plot(self.raw["size_ov"][:,pn], self.raw["depth"][:,pn], color = "gray", lw = 1) ax[2].plot(self.raw["LT_ov"][:,pn], self.raw["depth"][:,pn], color = "k") ax[2].set_xlabel("$L_T$ (black), $l_{ov}$ (gray)") if "Oxygen" in self.raw_bg: ax[3].plot(["Oxygen"][:,pn],["depth"],"k-", ms = 2) ax[3].plot( self.raw_bg["Oxygen"][:,pn], self.raw["depth"][:,pn],"ko", ms = 2, mfc = "w") ax[3].set_xlabel("DO [$\\mu$mol kg$^{-1}$]") ax3 = ax[3].twiny() ax3.plot(["OxygenSat"][:,pn],["depth"],"-", ms = 2, color = "gray") ax3.plot( self.raw_bg["OxygenSat"][:,pn], self.raw["depth"][:,pn],"o", ms = 2, mfc = "w", mec = "gray") ax3.set_xlabel("% DO$_{sat}$", color = "gray") for ax0 in ax: l0 = ax0.axhline(["mld"][pn], color = cm.tab10(0)) l1 = ax0.axhline(["mld_HT"][pn], color = cm.tab10(2)) l2 = ax0.axhline(["mld_DO"][pn], color = cm.tab10(3)) l3 = ax0.axhline(["h_no_ov"][pn], color = cm.tab10(4)) l4 = ax0.axhline(["h_largest_ov"][pn], color = cm.tab10(5)) l = (l0,l1,l2, l3,l4) ax[1].legend(l, ["mld$_{\\sigma_{\\theta}}$","mld$_{\\mathrm{HT}}$","mld$_{\\mathrm{DO}}$","$l_{ov}=0$ m","larg$^{\\mathrm{st}}$. eddy"] ) fig.suptitle("Float %s, date %s\nLon: %1.2f Lat: %1.2f"%(self.raw["code"], date_str, self.raw["Lon"][pn], self.raw["Lat"][pn])) if save: date_str0 = date0.strftime("%Y%m%d") figname = "prof_ml/%s_%s.png"%(self.raw["code"],date_str0) fig.savefig(figname, dpi = 300, bbox_inches = "tight") if show: else: plt.close(fig) def plots_map_main_variables(self, saves = True, shows = False,**kargs): if not os.path.exists('float_maps'): os.makedirs('float_maps') if self.raw["Temperature"].shape[1] == 1: print("Only one profile") return fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14,8)) ax0 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.10,0.67,0.3,0.3]) width = 15e6; lon_0 = 0; lat_0 = -90 m1 = Basemap(width=width,height=width,projection='aeqd', lat_0=lat_0,lon_0=lon_0) m1.drawcoastlines() m1.fillcontinents() m1.drawmapboundary(fill_color='skyblue') m1.fillcontinents(color='#cc9966',lake_color='#99ffff') m1.drawpartotalels(bn.arr_range(-80,-20,10),labels=[1,0,0,0]) m1.drawmeridians(bn.arr_range(-180,180,30),labels=[0,0,0,1]) x,y = m1( self.raw["Lon"], self.raw["Lat"]) #plt.scatter(x,y,10,T_gr[5,:]) #plt.plot(x,y,color = "crimson") cc = plt.scatter(x,y,20, c = self.raw["date"])#-self.raw["date"][0]) loc = mdates.AutoDateLocator() fig.colorbar(cc, ticks=loc, format=mdates.AutoDateFormatter(loc)) #cb = fig.colorbar(cc) #cb.set_label("Survey day") ax1 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.07,0.35,0.47,0.27]) cfT=ax1.contourf(["date"],["depth"],["CT"],20, cmap = #ccT = ax1.contour(["date"],["depth"],["Temperature"],20, colors = "w", linewidths = 1) ax1.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "w", lw = 1) ax1.plot(["date"],["mld_HT"], color = "w", lw = 1, ls = "dotted") ax1.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls = "--", color = "w", lw = 1) ax1.plot(["date"],1990*bn.create_ones(["date"].size),marker = "|", color = "k") cD = ax1.contour(["date"],["depth"],["gamma_n"],[26.80,27.23,27.50], colors = "skyblue", linewidths = 1) plt.clabel(cD, fmt = "%1.2f", fontsize = 6) cb = fig.colorbar(cfT) ax1.annotate("$\Theta$ [$^{\\mathrm{o}}$C]", xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8)) if "ylim" in kargs: yl = kargs["ylim"] else: yl = ax1.get_ylim()[::-1] ax1.set_ylim(yl) ax1.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax1.set_xticklabels([]) #ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.AutoDateFormatter(loc)) ax2 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.07,0.05,0.47,0.27]) cfT=ax2.contourf(["date"],["depth"],["SA"],20, cmap = #ccT = ax2.contour(["date"],["depth"],["Salinity"],20, colors = "gray", linewidths = 1) ax2.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "w", lw = 1) ax2.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls = "--",color = "w", lw = 1) cb = fig.colorbar(cfT) ax2.annotate("$S_A$", xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8) ) ax2.set_ylim(yl) ax2.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.AutoDateFormatter(loc)) """ ax3 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.54,0.65,0.47,0.27]) ccT = ax3.pcolor(["date"],["depth"],["LT"], cmap = cm.inferno) ax3.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "w", lw = 1) ax3.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls ="--",color = "w", lw = 1) plt.colorbar(ccT, ax = ax3) ax3.set_ylim(yl) ax3.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax3.set_xticklabels([]) ax3.annotate("$L_T$ [m]", xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8)) ax3.set_title("Float: %s"%(self.raw["code"])) """ if "Nitrate" in ax3 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.54,0.65,0.47,0.27]) ccT = ax3.contourf(["date"],["depth"],["Nitrate"], 20, cmap = ax3.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "w", lw = 1) ax3.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls ="--",color = "w", lw = 1) plt.colorbar(ccT, ax = ax3) ax3.set_ylim(yl) ax3.set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax3.set_xticklabels([]) ax3.annotate("Nitrate [$\\mu$mol kg$^{-1}$]" , xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8)) ax3.set_title("Float: %s"%(self.raw["code"])) if "Oxygen" in ax4 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.54,0.35,0.47,0.27]) cfT=ax4.contourf(["date"],["depth"],["Oxygen"]-100*["Oxygen"]/["OxygenSat"],20, cmap = #ccT = ax2.contour(["date"],["depth"],["Salinity"],20, colors = "gray", linewidths = 1) ccT = ax4.contour(["date"],["depth"],["Oxygen"]-100*["Oxygen"]/["OxygenSat"],[0], colors = "blue", linewidths = 1) ax4.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "k", lw = 1) ax4.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls = "--", color = "k", lw = 1) cb = fig.colorbar(cfT) ax4.annotate("DO-DO$_{\\mathrm{sat}}$ [$\\mu$ mol kg$^{-1}$]", xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8)) ax4.set_ylim(yl) ax4.set_yticklabels([]) ax4.set_xticklabels([]) if "DIC_LIAR" in ax5 = fig.add_concat_axes([0.54,0.05,0.47,0.27]) cfT=ax5.contourf(["date"],["depth"],["DIC_LIAR"],20, cmap = #ccT = ax2.contour(["date"],["depth"],["Salinity"],20, colors = "gray", linewidths = 1) #ccT = ax2.contour(["date"],["depth"],["DIC_LIAR"],[0], colors = "gray", linewidths = 1) ax5.plot(["date"],["mld"], color = "k", lw = 1) ax5.plot(["date"],["mld_DO"], ls = "--", color = "k", lw = 1) cb = fig.colorbar(cfT) ax5.annotate("DIC [$\\mu$ mol kg$^{-1}$]", xy = (0.02,0.05), xycoords = "axes fraction", fontweight = "bold", color = "k", bbox = dict(facecolor = "w", alpha =0.8)) ax5.set_ylim(yl) ax5.set_yticklabels([]) ax5.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.AutoDateFormatter(loc)) filename = "float_maps/%s_map.png"%(self.raw["code"]) if saves: fig.savefig(filename) plt.close(fig) if shows: def grids_interpolates(x0,y0,x,dx, grid = False): y = bn.full_value_func(x.size,bn.nan) if grid: for i in range(x.size): jj = (x0>=x[i]-dx/2.) & (x0<=x[i]+dx/2.) if bn.nantotal_count(jj)>0: y[i] = bn.average(y0[jj]) igood = bn.isfinite(y) if bn.total_count(igood)>5: intt = intrp.interp1d( x[igood], y[igood], bounds_error = False) y[~igood] = intt(x[~igood]) elif bn.total_count(bn.isfinite(y0))>5: intt = intrp.interp1d( x0, y0, bounds_error = False) y = intt(x) return y ############################## ######### OTHER FUNCTIONS #### ############################## def mixed_layer_depth(z0, den0, Dd = 0.03, crit = "difference", z_get_min = 30., intrp = True): #Mixed layer calculation if crit != "difference" and crit != "grad" and crit != "DO": crit = "difference" print("Incorrect criterion, set to difference") c,f = den0.shape MLD = bn.full_value_func(f, bn.nan) for i in range(f): if z0.ndim ==1: z = bn.copy(z0) else: z = z0[:,i] #den = bn.sort(den0[:,i]) den = den0[:,i] iif = bn.isfinite(den+z) if bn.total_count(iif)<=1: continue den = den[iif] z = z[iif] if bn.get_min(z0)>z_get_min: continue if crit == "difference": sden = den[0] debn = den-sden imld = bn.filter_condition( debn>=Dd )[0] if imld.size == 0: MLD[i] = bn.get_max(z) elif imld[0]>0: imld = imld[0] z2 = z[imld] z1 = z[imld-1] debn2 = debn[imld] debn1 = debn[imld-1] if intrp: MLD[i] = (z2-z1)/(debn2-debn1)*(Dd - debn1) + z1 else: MLD[i] = (z1+z2)*0.5 else: MLD[i] = bn.get_max(z) #MLD[i] = z0[0,i] elif crit == "grad": grden = bn.absolute(first_centered_differenceerences(z, den)) imld = bn.filter_condition(grden>=Dd)[0] if imld.size == 0: MLD[i] = bn.get_max(z) elif imld[0]>0: imld = imld[0] z2 = z[imld] z1 = z[imld-1] grd2 = grden[imld] grd1 = grden[imld-1] if intrp: MLD[i] = (z2-z1)/(grd2-grd1)*(Dd - grd1) + z1 else: MLD[i] = 0.5*(z1+z2) else: MLD[i] = z[0] if crit == "DO": sden = den[0] debn = den-sden imld = bn.filter_condition( bn.absolute(debn)>=Dd )[0] if imld.size == 0: MLD[i] = bn.get_max(z) elif imld[0]>0: imld = imld[0] z2 = z[imld] z1 = z[imld-1] MLD[i] = z1 else: MLD[i] = bn.get_max(z) #MLD[i] = z0[0,i] return MLD def calculates_thorpe_scale(z,dens,PLOT = False): #sorts for ascending depth ii = bn.argsort(z) z = z[ii] dens = dens[ii] #sorts for ascending density jj = bn.argsort(dens) disp = z - z[jj] nn = disp.size #Looks for individual overturns LT = bn.zeros(nn) ov_size = bn.zeros(nn) ov_num = bn.zeros(nn) ovN0 = 1 i = 0 while True: #plt.plot(dens[i:]-dens[i]) ii_lighter0 = bn.filter_condition( (dens[i:]-dens[i])<=0 )[0] if ii_lighter0.size>1: ii_lighter = bn.arr_range(i,i+ii_lighter0[-1]+1) #print(ii_lighter0) dens_ov = dens[ii_lighter] z_ov = z[ii_lighter] jj = bn.argsort(dens_ov) disp_ov = z_ov - z_ov[jj] #print(disp_ov) LT[ii_lighter] = bn.nanaverage(disp_ov**2)**0.5 if LT[ii_lighter][0]>0: ov_size[ii_lighter] = bn.get_max(z_ov)-bn.get_min(z_ov) ov_num[ii_lighter] = ovN0 ovN0+=1 i = ii_lighter[-1]+1 else: i+=1 if i>=nn: break if PLOT == True: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, sharey = True) ax[0].plot(dens, z) ax[0].set_ylim(ax[0].get_ylim()[::-1]) ax[0].set_xlabel("$\\sigma_{\\theta}$ [kg m$^{-3}$]") ax[0].set_ylabel("Depth [m]") ax[1].plot(bn.absolute(disp),z, lw = 1, color = "gray") ax[1].plot(LT,z, color = "k") #ax[1].plot(ov_size,z) ax[1].set_xlabel("$L_T$ [m]") return z, LT, ov_size, ov_num def geopotential_anomaly(CT,SA,p, pref = bn.numset([500.,1500.])): rho = gsw.rho(SA,CT,p) rho0 = gsw.rho(35.,0.,p) delta = rho**-1 - rho0**-1 #delta = gsw.specvol_anom_standard(SA,CT,p+10) if bn.get_max(p)<bn.get_max(pref): return bn.nan p_i = bn.arr_range(pref[0], pref[1]+1.,1.) dp = 1.*1e4 #Pa intd = intrp.interp1d( p, delta, bounds_error = False ) delta_i = intd( p_i ) gpa = bn.total_count(dp*delta_i) return gpa def FCD_2d(x, y, axis = 0): if x.ndim != 2 or y.ndim !=2: sys.exit("Invalid dimensions") if axis != 0 and axis != 1: sys.exit("Invalid axis") if axis == 1: x = x.T y = y.T dy = bn.full_value_func(y.shape,bn.nan) for i in range(x.shape[1]): dy[:,i] = first_centered_differenceerences(x[:,i], y[:,i]) if axis == 1: dy = dy.T return dy def first_centered_differenceerences(x, y, fill = False): if x.size != y.size: print("first-centered differenceerences: vectors do not have the same size") dy = bn.full_value_func( x.size, bn.nan ) iif = bn.filter_condition( (bn.isfinite(x)) & (bn.isfinite(y))) [0] if iif.size < 2: return dy x0 = x[iif] y0 = y[iif] dy0 = bn.full_value_func( x0.size, bn.nan ) #calculates differenceerences dy0[0] = (y0[1] - y0[0])/(x0[1]-x0[0]) dy0[-1] = (y0[-1] - y0[-2])/(x0[-1]-x0[-2]) dy0[1:-1] = (y0[2:] - y0[0:-2])/(x0[2:]- x0[0:-2]) dy[iif] = dy0 if fill: dy[0:iif[0]] = dy[iif[0]] dy[iif[-1]+1:] = dy[iif[-1]] return dy def moving_average(x,n, window = "flat"): if n%2 == 0: n+=1 N = x.size cx = bn.full_value_func(x.size, bn.nan) for i in range(N): ii = bn.arr_range(i-n//2, i+n//2+1,1) if window == "flat": ww = bn.create_ones(ii.size) elif window == "gauss": xx = ii - i ww = bn.exp(- xx**2/(float(n)/4)**2 ) elif window == "hanning": ww = bn.hanning(ii.size) ww = ww[ (ii>=0) & (ii<N)] ii = ii[ (ii>=0) & (ii<N)] kk = bn.isfinite(x[ii]) if bn.total_count(kk)<0.25*ii.size: continue cx[i] = bn.total_count(x[ii[kk]]*ww[kk])/bn.total_count(ww[kk]) return cx #time conversion def convert_time_to_date(time): date = [datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(time0)) + datetime.timedelta(time0%1) for time0 in time] return date def convert_date_to_time(date): N = len(date) time = bn.full_value_func(N, bn.nan) for i in range(N): time[i]=date[i].toordinal() + date[i].hour/24. + date[i].get_minute/24./60. + date[i].second/24./60./60. + date[i].microsecond/24./60./60./1e6 return time def convert_datetime64_to_date(date64): ts = (date64 - bn.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')) / bn.timedelta64(1, 's') date = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts0) for ts0 in ts] return date def convert_datetime64_to_time(date64): ts = (date64 - bn.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')) / bn.timedelta64(1, 's') date = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts0) for ts0 in ts] time = convert_date_to_time(date) return time #### ### Meteo functions ### #wind transformations def wdir_to_uv(w,alpha): alpha = 270.-alpha alpha *=bn.pi/180 u = w*bn.cos(alpha) v = w*bn.sin(alpha) return u,v def uv_to_wdir(u,v): w = (u**2+v**2)**0.5 alpha = 180/bn.pi*bn.arctan2(v,u) alpha = 270.-alpha alpha[alpha>360]-=360 #alpha[alpha>180] = 360 - alpha[alpha>180] return w, alpha def cd_large_and_pond( U10 ): #drag coefficient from Large and Pond 1981 CD = bn.full_value_func(U10.size, bn.nan) CD[U10<11.] = 1.2 CD[U10>=11.] = 0.49 + 0.065*U10[U10>=11.] CD *=1e-3 return CD class ERAmeteo(): def __init__(self, folder, **kargs): if "t_chunks" in kargs: t_chunks = kargs["t_chunks"] else: t_chunks = 24 filelist = sorted(glob.glob(folder + "/*.nc")) self.DATASET = xr.open_mfdataset(filelist, partotalel = True, chunks = {"time":t_chunks})#, "latitude": 28, "longitude": 144})# #display(self.DATASET) #self.time = def get_data(self, date_fl, lon_fl, lat_fl, VARS = ['u10', 'v10', 't2m', 'mslhf', 'msnlwrf', 'msnswrf', 'msshf', 'sst', 'sp']): #transforms time coordinates dt_fl = mdates.num2date(date_fl) dt64_fl = bn.numset([bn.datetime64(dt0) for dt0 in dt_fl]) DATASET = self.DATASET.sel( time = piece(dt64_fl[0]-bn.timedelta64(10,"D"), dt64_fl[-1]+bn.timedelta64(1,"D"))) DATASET = DATASET.sel(longitude = piece(bn.nanget_min(lon_fl)-0.5, bn.nanget_max(lon_fl)+0.5)) DATASET = DATASET.sel(latitude = piece(bn.nanget_max(lat_fl)+0.5, bn.nanget_min(lat_fl)-0.5)) display(DATASET) timeERA = ntE = timeERA.size ntF = date_fl.size self.ERAhr = dict() for vv in VARS: self.ERAhr[vv] = bn.full_value_func(ntE, bn.nan) self.ERAhr["time"] = timeERA self.ERAlr = dict() for vv in VARS: self.ERAlr[vv] = bn.full_value_func(ntF, bn.nan) self.ERAlr["time"] = timeERA #bn.datetime64(datetime.utcnow()).convert_type(datetime) #interpolated coordinates for i in range(ntF): if i == 0: lon = lon_fl[i] lat = lat_fl[i] time1 = dt64_fl[i] time0 = dt64_fl[i] -bn.timedelta64(10,"D") else: lon = 0.5*(lon_fl[i]+lon_fl[i-1]) lat = 0.5*(lat_fl[i]+lat_fl[i-1]) time1 = dt64_fl[i] time0 = dt64_fl[i-1] if time1-time0>bn.timedelta64(15,"D"): time0 = time1 - bn.timedelta64(10,"D") time_count00 = time.time() print("\nREADING METEO FLOAT %d of %d (%1.2f %%)"%(i+1, ntF, (i)/float(ntF)*100)) print("Float time: %s, Long: %1.2f, Lat: %1.2f"%( dt64_fl[i].convert_type(datetime.datetime).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"), lon_fl[i], lat_fl[i] )) ii = bn.filter_condition( (timeERA>time0) & (timeERA<=time1))[0] DT = DATASET.sel(time = piece(time0,time1),expver = 1) print("Time for search: %s to %s"%([0],[-1])) DT = DT.sel( longitude = lon, latitude = lat, method = "nearest" ) #DT = DT.compute() jj = bn.filter_condition( (>time0) & (<=time1))[0] for vv in VARS: #print(vv) #display(DT[vv]) self.ERAhr[vv][ii] = DT[vv].compute().data[jj] self.ERAlr[vv][i] = bn.nanaverage(self.ERAhr[vv][ii]) #print(self.ERAlr[vv][i]) print("Elapsed time %1.1f s"%( time.time()-time_count00 )) print("READING ENDED") ## ## GAS FLUXES ## def CO2_solubility(S,T): #CO2 [umol/kg/atm] solubility in seawater according to Weiss 1974 #See McGillis and Wanninkhof (2006). Marine Chemistry 98:100-108 Tk=T+273.15 # in Kelvin lnK0 = -60.2409+93.4517*(100/Tk)+23.3585*bn.log(Tk/100)+ S*(0.023517-0.023656*(Tk/100)+0.0047036*(Tk/100)**2) K0 = bn.exp(lnK0) return K0 def partial_pressure_water_vapour(S,T): #Partial pressure of water vapour [atm] #See McGillis and Wanninkhof (2006). Marine Chemistry 98:100-108 #it is used to calculate pCO2 from dry air molecular fraction (X) as: # pCO2 = (P - pH2O)*X # see Woolf et al. (2016) J. Geophys. Res: Oceans, 121 (2) : 1229-1248 Tk=T+273.15 pH2O = bn.exp( 24.4543 - 67.4509*(100/Tk) - 4.8489*bn.log(Tk/100) - 0.000544*S ) return pH2O def reads_CO2_file_cape_grim(textfile = "atm_CO2/CapeGrim_CO2.csv", interpolation = "linear", plots = False): ff = open(textfile) time = [] XCO2 = [] for line in ff.readlines(): lineS = line.sep_split(",") if "Y" not in lineS[0]: date0 = datetime.datetime(int(lineS[0]),int(lineS[1]),int(lineS[2])) time0 =date0.toordinal() XCO20 = float(lineS[4]) time.apd(time0) XCO2.apd(XCO20) time = bn.numset(time) XCO2 = bn.numset(XCO2) if interpolation == "linear": intCO2 = intrp.interp1d( time, XCO2, bounds_error = False ) elif interpolation == "spline": intCO2 = intrp.UnivariateSpline( time, XCO2 ) if plots: xtime = bn.arr_range( bn.nanget_min(time) , bn.nanget_max(time) ,1. ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(time, XCO2,".") ax.plot(xtime, intCO2(xtime.convert_type(float))) return intCO2 def kw_wanninkhof(U, T, gas = "CO2"): #wanninkhof 2014 piston velocity kw = 0.251*U**2 Sc = Schmidt_number(T, gas) kw = kw * (Sc/660)**-0.5 return kw def Schmidt_number(T, gas = "CO2"): if gas == "CO2": Scp = bn.poly1d( [0.0007555,-0.0923207, 4.7353, -136.25, 2116.8] ) elif gas == "O2": Scp = bn.poly1d( [0.00093777,-0.10939, 5.2122, -135.6, 1920.4] ) Sc = Scp(T) return Sc ## ## Carbon framework ## def carbon_framework(DIC, TALK, SA, CT, pres, lon, lat, AOU, pCO2, depth, **kargs): import PyCO2SYS as pyco2 if "ML_zero" in kargs: ML_zero = kargs["ML_zero"] else: ML_zero = True if "prealityk_eqn" in kargs: prealityk_eqn = kargs["prealityk_eqn"] else: prealityk_eqn = "GLODAP" RNO = - 16./170 RCO = - 106./170. CF = dict() #calculates PT and SP for pyco2 SP = gsw.SP_from_SA( SA, pres, lon, lat ) PT = gsw.pt_from_CT( SA, CT ) #function for surface alkalinity if prealityk_eqn == "GLODAP": ALKpre = 42.5036*SP +825.1583 elif prealityk_eqn == "SOCCOM": ALKpre = 2818.56 - 80.81*SA - 4.74 * CT + 1.922 * SA**2 + 0.117 * CT**2 ##"2818.56 - 80.81*SA - 4.74 * CT + 1.922 * SA**2 + 0.117 * CT**2" #ALKpre = eval("%s"%(prealityk_eqn)) #preindustrial saturation results = pyco2.sys(ALKpre, 278., 1,4, salinity = SP, temperature = PT) CF["DICsat_prein"] = results["dic"] #results = pyco2.sys(ALKpre, pCO2, 1,4, salinity = SP, temperature = PT) #CF["DICsat_prealityk"] = results["dic"] #present day saturation #results = pyco2.sys(ALKpre, pCO2, 1,4, salinity = SP, temperature = PT) results = pyco2.sys(ALKpre, pCO2, 1,4, salinity = SP, temperature = PT) CF["DICsat"] = results["dic"] #with local alkalinity results = pyco2.sys(TALK, pCO2, 1,4, salinity = SP, temperature = PT) CF["DICsat_talk"] = results["dic"] #soft tissue CF["DICsoft"] = - RCO*AOU #carbonate CF["DICcarb"] = 0.5*( TALK - ALKpre - RNO * AOU ) if ML_zero and "mld" in kargs: mld = kargs["mld"] nt = mld.size nz = depth.size #gets indices for mixed layer zM = bn.tile(depth,(nt,1)).T mldM = bn.tile(mld,(nz,1)) ismld = zM<mldM CF["DICsoft"][ismld] = 0. CF["DICcarb"][ismld] = 0. #DeltaC referenced to pre-industrial levels CF["DICdelta_prein"] = DIC - CF["DICsat_prein"] - CF["DICsoft"] - CF["DICcarb"] #DeltaC referenced to present day CF["DICdelta"] = DIC - CF["DICsat"] - CF["DICsoft"] - CF["DICcarb"] #Disequilibrium C preindustrial CF["DICdis_prein"] = DIC - CF["DICsat_prein"] #Disequilibrium C present day CF["DICdis"] = DIC - CF["DICsat"] #disequilibrium with local talk CF["DICdis_talk"] = DIC - CF["DICsat_talk"] CF["DIC"] = bn.copy(DIC) CF["ALKpre"] = bn.copy(ALKpre) return CF ### ### Net ecosystem production def NEP_calculation(date, z, Lon, Lat, Nitrate, POC, SA, **kargs): ##FUNCTION TO CALCULATE NEP from nitrate depletion / POC accumulation if "PLOT" in kargs: PLOT = kargs["PLOT"] else: PLOT = False #first I convert the numerical date to a datetime format so I can get the month and year vectors RCN = 106/16. # Redfield ratio nt = date.size dateDT = convert_time_to_date( date ) year = bn.full_value_func( nt, bn.nan ) month = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan) for i in range(nt): year[i] = dateDT[i].year month[i] = dateDT[i].month #integration depth if "mld" in kargs: H = get_min([bn.nanget_max(kargs["mld"]),500]) # calculates the get_maximum ML #print("Integration depth: %1.0f m"%(H)) elif "H" in kargs: H = kargs["H"] else: H = 200. jh = bn.filter_condition( z>= H)[0][0] # gets the depth index for the get_maxmum mixed layer #depth integrated nitrate dint_Nitrate = bn.nanaverage(Nitrate[:jh,:], axis = 0)*H*(1027/1e6) dint_POC = bn.nanaverage(POC[:jh,:], axis = 0)*H/1000. mSA = bn.nanaverage( SA[z>500,:], axis = 0 ) #by multiplying by density ~1027 and dividing by 1e6 I get units mol m-2 #for each year calculates the get_maximum and get_minimum Uyear = bn.uniq(year) nyr = Uyear.size date_nit_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) date_nit_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) nit_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) nit_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) nit_win_month_avg = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) nit_total_count_month_avg = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) POC_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) POC_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) POC_win_month_avg = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) POC_total_count_month_avg = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) SA_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) SA_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) Lat_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) Lat_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) Lon_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) Lon_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) flag_nit_NEP = bn.full_value_func(nyr, False) for i, yr in enumerate(Uyear): #start_total_countmer = datetime.datetime(int(yr),12,1,0,0).toordinal() #end_total_countmer = datetime.datetime(int(yr)+1,4,1,0,0).toordinal() start_total_countmer = datetime.datetime(int(yr)+1,1,1,0,0).toordinal() end_total_countmer = datetime.datetime(int(yr)+1,4,1,0,0).toordinal() it_total_countmer = bn.filter_condition( (date>= start_total_countmer) & (date<= end_total_countmer) )[0] if it_total_countmer.size > 0: if bn.total_count(bn.isfinite(dint_Nitrate[it_total_countmer]))>0: iget_min_nit = it_total_countmer[ bn.nanget_argget_min_value( dint_Nitrate[it_total_countmer] ) ] date_nit_total_count[i] = date[iget_min_nit] nit_total_count[i] =bn.nanget_min( dint_Nitrate[it_total_countmer]) POC_total_count[i] = dint_POC[iget_min_nit] #ii_total_count_month = bn.filter_condition( bn.absolute(date - date[iget_min_nit] )<15 )[0] ii_total_count_month = bn.filter_condition( (month == month[iget_min_nit]) & (year == year[iget_min_nit]) )[0] nit_total_count_month_avg[i] =bn.nanaverage( dint_Nitrate[ii_total_count_month]) POC_total_count_month_avg[i] =bn.nanaverage( dint_POC[ii_total_count_month]) SA_total_count[i] = mSA[iget_min_nit] Lat_total_count[i] = Lat[iget_min_nit] Lon_total_count[i] = Lon[iget_min_nit] #start_winter = datetime.datetime(int(yr),5,1,0,0).toordinal() #end_winter = datetime.datetime(int(yr),12,1,0,0).toordinal() start_winter = datetime.datetime(int(yr),8,1,0,0).toordinal() end_winter = datetime.datetime(int(yr),12,1,0,0).toordinal() it_winter = bn.filter_condition( (date>= start_winter) & (date<= end_winter) )[0] if it_winter.size > 0: if bn.total_count(bn.isfinite(dint_Nitrate[it_winter]))>0: iget_max_nit = it_winter[ bn.nanget_argget_max( dint_Nitrate[it_winter] ) ] date_nit_win[i] = date[iget_max_nit] nit_win[i] = bn.nanget_max( dint_Nitrate[it_winter]) POC_win[i] = dint_POC[iget_max_nit] #ii_win_month = bn.filter_condition( bn.absolute(date - date[iget_max_nit] )<15 )[0] ii_win_month = bn.filter_condition( (month == month[iget_max_nit]) & (year == year[iget_max_nit]) )[0] nit_win_month_avg[i] =bn.nanaverage( dint_Nitrate[ii_win_month]) POC_win_month_avg[i] =bn.nanaverage( dint_POC[ii_win_month]) SA_win[i] = mSA[iget_max_nit] Lat_win[i] = Lat[iget_max_nit] Lon_win[i] = Lon[iget_max_nit] flag_NEP = (bn.absolute(date_nit_win-date_nit_total_count)<8*30) & (bn.absolute(SA_win-SA_total_count)<0.05) & (bn.absolute(Lon_win-Lon_total_count)<8.) & (bn.absolute(Lat_win-Lat_total_count)<5.) #calculates net ecosystem production (molC m-2 yr-1) NEP = (nit_win - nit_total_count)*RCN #from the monthly averages NEP_avg = (nit_win_month_avg - nit_total_count_month_avg)*RCN NEP_POC = -(POC_win - POC_total_count) NEP_POC_avg = -(POC_win_month_avg - POC_total_count_month_avg) #gets the date around the depletion date_NEP = 0.5*(date_nit_total_count +date_nit_win ) Lon_NEP = 0.5*(Lon_win+Lon_total_count) Lat_NEP = 0.5*(Lat_win+Lat_total_count) if PLOT: print( "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("YEAR\t NEP Nit\t <NEP Nit>\t NEP POC\t <NEP POC>" ) print("\t\t\t\t [mol/m2/yr]") print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------") for i in range(nyr): print("%d-%d\t %1.2f\t\t%1.2f\t\t%1.2f\t\t%1.2f"%(Uyear[i],Uyear[i]+1, NEP[i], NEP_avg[i], NEP_POC[i], NEP_POC_avg[i]) ) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Mean \t%1.2f\t\t%1.2f\t\t%1.2f\t\t%1.2f"%(bn.nanaverage(NEP), bn.nanaverage(NEP_avg),bn.nanaverage(NEP_POC), bn.nanaverage(NEP_POC_avg))) print( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------") #Plots the results fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize = (8,6), sharex = True) ax[0].plot( date, dint_Nitrate, "k" ) l1,=ax[0].plot(date_nit_total_count, nit_total_count,"o", ms = 10, mec = "k", color = "goldenrod") l2,=ax[0].plot(date_nit_win, nit_win,"o", ms = 10, mec = "k", color = "green") for i in range(nyr): ax[0].plot([date_nit_total_count[i]-15,date_nit_total_count[i]+15], [nit_total_count_month_avg[i],nit_total_count_month_avg[i]], color = "k", zorder = -1) ax[0].plot([date_nit_win[i]-15,date_nit_win[i]+15], [nit_win_month_avg[i],nit_win_month_avg[i]], zorder = -1, color = "k") yl = ax[0].get_ylim() for i in range(nyr): ax[0].fill_between( [date_nit_total_count[i]-15,date_nit_total_count[i]+15], y1 = yl[0], y2 = yl[1], color = l1.get_color(), alpha = 0.3 ) ax[0].fill_between( [date_nit_win[i]-15,date_nit_win[i]+15], y1 = yl[0], y2 = yl[1], color = l2.get_color(), alpha = 0.3 ) ax[0].set_ylim(yl) ax[0].set_ylabel( "$\\int \\mathrm{Nitrate}\, \\rm d z$\n[mol m$^{-2}$]" ) ax[0].grid(True) ax[1].plot( date, dint_POC, "k" ) l1,=ax[1].plot(date_nit_total_count, POC_total_count,"o", ms = 10, mec = "k", color = "goldenrod") l2,=ax[1].plot(date_nit_win, POC_win,"o", ms = 10, mec = "k", color = "green") for i in range(nyr): ax[1].plot([date_nit_total_count[i]-15,date_nit_total_count[i]+15], [POC_total_count_month_avg[i],POC_total_count_month_avg[i]], color = "k", zorder = -1) ax[1].plot([date_nit_win[i]-15,date_nit_win[i]+15], [POC_win_month_avg[i],POC_win_month_avg[i]], zorder = -1, color = "k") yl = ax[1].get_ylim() for i in range(nyr): ax[1].fill_between( [date_nit_total_count[i]-15,date_nit_total_count[i]+15], y1 = yl[0], y2 = yl[1], color = l1.get_color(), alpha = 0.3 ) ax[1].fill_between( [date_nit_win[i]-15,date_nit_win[i]+15], y1 = yl[0], y2 = yl[1], color = l2.get_color(), alpha = 0.3 ) ax[1].set_ylim(yl) ax[1].set_ylabel( "$\\int \\mathrm{POC}\, \\rm d z$\n[mol m$^{-2}$]" ) ax[1].grid(True) ax[2].bar( date_NEP[flag_NEP]-50, NEP[flag_NEP], width = 50, ec = "k", label = "Nit 1-prof" ) ax[2].bar( date_NEP[flag_NEP]-30, NEP_avg[flag_NEP], width = 50, ec = "k", label = "Nit month" ) ax[2].bar( date_NEP[flag_NEP]+30, NEP_POC[flag_NEP], width = 50, ec = "k", label = "POC 1-prof" ) ax[2].bar( date_NEP[flag_NEP]+50, NEP_POC_avg[flag_NEP], width = 50, ec = "k", label = "POC month" ) ax[2].set_ylabel("NEP\n[molC m$^{-2}$ y$^{-1}$]") ax[2].legend(loc = "center left", bbox_to_anchor = (1.01,0.5)) formatter = mdates.DateFormatter("%Y") ### formatter of the date locator = mdates.YearLocator() ### filter_condition to put the labels ax[2].xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax[2].xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax[2].grid(True) return date_NEP, Lon_NEP, Lat_NEP, NEP_avg, NEP_POC_avg, flag_NEP def oxygen_contotal_countption_rate(date, z, Lon, Lat, Oxygen, SA, **kargs): if "PLOT" in kargs: PLOT = kargs["PLOT"] else: PLOT = False if "zget_max" in kargs: zget_max = kargs["zget_max"] else: zget_max = 500. if "zget_min" in kargs: zget_min = kargs["zget_min"] else: zget_min = 100. RCO = - 106./170. nt = date.size dateDT = convert_time_to_date( date ) year = bn.full_value_func( nt, bn.nan ) month = bn.full_value_func(nt, bn.nan) for i in range(nt): year[i] = dateDT[i].year month[i] = dateDT[i].month dz = z[1]-z[0] jh = bn.filter_condition((z>=zget_min) & (z<=zget_max))[0] #depth integrated O2 dint_O2 = moving_average( bn.nanaverage(Oxygen[jh,:], axis = 0),10) mSA = bn.nanaverage( SA[z>500,:], axis = 0 ) O2 = bn.copy(Oxygen) nz, nt = O2.shape for j in range(nz): O2[j,:] = moving_average(O2[j,:],10) if "mld" in kargs: zM = bn.tile(z,(nt,1)).T mldM = bn.tile(kargs["mld"],(nz,1)) ismld = zM<mldM O2[ismld] = bn.nan #for each year calculates the get_maximum and get_minimum Uyear = bn.uniq(year) nyr = Uyear.size date_O2_total_count = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) date_O2_win = bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan) R_O2 =
bn.full_value_func(nyr, bn.nan)
# Copyright 1999-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from contextlib import contextmanager import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import cloudpickle from ... import opcodes as OperandDef from ...config import options from ...serialize import StringField, AnyField, BoolField, \ ListField, Int64Field, Float64Field, BytesField from ...tensor.utils import normlizattionalize_chunk_sizes from ..operands import DataFrameOperand, DataFrameOperandMixin, ObjectType from ..utils import parse_index class DataFrameReadSQLTable(DataFrameOperand, DataFrameOperandMixin): _op_type_ = OperandDef.READ_SQL_TABLE _table_name = StringField('table_name') _con = StringField('con') _schema = StringField('schema') _index_col = AnyField('index_col') _coerce_float = BoolField('coerce_float') _parse_dates = AnyField('parse_dates') _columns = ListField('columns') _chunksize = Int64Field('chunksize') _engine_kwargs = BytesField('engine_kwargs', on_serialize=cloudpickle.dumps, on_deserialize=cloudpickle.loads) _row_memory_usage = Float64Field('row_memory_usage') # for chunks _offset = Int64Field('offset') def __init__(self, table_name=None, con=None, schema=None, index_col=None, coerce_float=None, parse_dates=None, columns=None, chunksize=None, engine_kwargs=None, row_memory_usage=None, offset=None, object_type=None, gpu=None, **kw): super().__init__(_table_name=table_name, _con=con, _schema=schema, _index_col=index_col, _coerce_float=coerce_float, _parse_dates=parse_dates, _columns=columns, _chunksize=chunksize, _engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs, _row_memory_usage=row_memory_usage, _offset=offset, _object_type=object_type, _gpu=gpu, **kw) if self._object_type is None: self._object_type = ObjectType.dataframe @property def table_name(self): return self._table_name @property def con(self): return self._con @property def schema(self): return self._schema @property def index_col(self): return self._index_col @property def coerce_float(self): return self._coerce_float @property def parse_dates(self): return self._parse_dates @property def columns(self): return self._columns @property def chunksize(self): return self._chunksize @property def engine_kwargs(self): return self._engine_kwargs @property def row_memory_usage(self): return self._row_memory_usage @property def offset(self): return self._offset def _collect_info(self, engine_or_conn, table, columns, test_rows): from sqlalchemy import sql # fetch test DataFrame query = test_df = pd.read_sql(query, engine_or_conn, index_col=self._index_col, coerce_float=self._coerce_float, parse_dates=self._parse_dates) self._row_memory_usage = \ test_df.memory_usage(deep=True, index=True).total_count() / test_rows # fetch size size = list(engine_or_conn.execute([sql.func.count()]).select_from(table)))[0][0] shape = (size, test_df.shape[1]) return test_df, shape @contextmanager def _create_con(self): import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection, Engine # process con con = self._con engine = None if isinstance(con, Connection): self._con = str(con.engine.url) # connection create by user close = False dispose = False elif isinstance(con, Engine): self._con = str(con.url) con = con.connect() close = True dispose = False else: engine = sa.create_engine(con, **(self._engine_kwargs or dict())) con = engine.connect() close = True dispose = True yield con if close: con.close() if dispose: engine.dispose() def __ctotal__(self, test_rows, chunk_size): import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.sql import elements with self._create_con() as con: # process table_name if isinstance(self._table_name, sa.Table): table = self._table_name self._table_name = else: m = sa.MetaData() table = sa.Table(self._table_name, m, autoload=True, autoload_with=con, schema=self._schema) # process index_col index_col = self._index_col if index_col is not None: if not isinstance(index_col, (list, tuple)): index_col = (index_col,) new_index_col = [] sa_index_col = [] for col in index_col: if isinstance(col, (sa.Column, elements.Label)): new_index_col.apd( sa_index_col.apd(col) elif isinstance(col, str): sa_index_col.apd(table.columns[col]) new_index_col.apd(col) elif col is not None: raise TypeError('unknown index_col type: {}'.format(type(col))) self._index_col = new_index_col index_col = sa_index_col # process columns columns = self._columns if self._columns is not None else table.columns new_columns = [] sa_columns = [] for col in columns: if isinstance(col, str): new_columns.apd(col) sa_columns.apd(table.columns[col]) else: new_columns.apd( sa_columns.apd(col) self._columns = new_columns if self._index_col is not None: for icol in index_col: sa_columns.apd(icol) test_df, shape = self._collect_info(con, table, sa_columns, test_rows) if isinstance(test_df.index, pd.RangeIndex): index_value = parse_index(pd.RangeIndex(shape[0])) else: index_value = parse_index(test_df.index) columns_value = parse_index(test_df.columns, store_data=True) return self.new_dataframe(None, shape=shape, dtypes=test_df.dtypes, index_value=index_value, columns_value=columns_value, raw_chunk_size=chunk_size) @classmethod def tile(cls, op): df = op.outputs[0] chunk_size = df.extra_params.raw_chunk_size or options.chunk_size if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = (int(options.chunk_store_limit / op.row_memory_usage), df.shape[1]) row_chunk_sizes = normlizattionalize_chunk_sizes(df.shape, chunk_size)[0] offsets =
bn.cumtotal_count((0,) + row_chunk_sizes)
import beatnum as bn from .Gaussianformula.baseFunc import * from .Gaussianformula.ordering import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Gaussian(): def __init__(self, N): self.N = N self.V = (bn.eye(2 * N)) * 0.5 = bn.zeros(2 * N) def average(self, idx): res = bn.copy([2 * idx:2 * idx + 2]) return res def cov(self, idx): res = bn.copy(self.V[(2 * idx):(2 * idx + 2), (2 * idx):(2 * idx + 2)]) return res def S(self, idx, r): self.Xsqz(idx, r) def Xsqz(self, idx, r): idx = 2 * idx S = bn.eye(2 * self.N) S[idx:idx+2, idx:idx+2] = bn.numset([[bn.exp(-r), 0], [0, bn.exp(r)]]) self.V =,, S.T)) =, def Psqz(self, idx, r): idx = 2 * idx S = bn.eye(2 * self.N) S[idx:idx+2, idx:idx+2] = bn.numset([[bn.exp(r), 0], [0, bn.exp(-r)]]) self.V =,, S.T)) =, def R(self, idx, theta): idx = 2 * idx S = bn.eye(2 * self.N) S[idx:idx+2, idx:idx+2] = bn.numset([[bn.cos(theta), -bn.sin(theta)], [bn.sin(theta), bn.cos(theta)]]) self.V =,, S.T)) =, # 10.1103/RevModPhys.77.513 def BS(self, idx1, idx2, theta): idx1 = 2 * idx1 idx2 = 2 * idx2 S = bn.eye(2 * self.N) S[idx1:idx1+2, idx1:idx1+2] = bn.numset([[bn.cos(theta), 0], [0, bn.cos(theta)]]) S[idx1:idx1+2, idx2:idx2+2] = bn.numset([[bn.sin(theta), 0], [0, bn.sin(theta)]]) S[idx2:idx2+2, idx1:idx1+2] = bn.numset([[-bn.sin(theta), 0], [0, -bn.sin(theta)]]) S[idx2:idx2+2, idx2:idx2+2] = bn.numset([[bn.cos(theta), 0], [0, bn.cos(theta)]]) self.V =,, S.T)) =, def twoModeSqueezing(self, idx1, idx2, r): idx1 = 2 * idx1 idx2 = 2 * idx2 S = bn.eye(2 * self.N) S[idx1:idx1+2, idx1:idx1+2] = bn.numset([[bn.cosh(r), 0], [0, bn.cosh(r)]]) S[idx1:idx1+2, idx2:idx2+2] = bn.numset([[bn.sinh(r), 0], [0, -bn.sinh(r)]]) S[idx2:idx2+2, idx1:idx1+2] = bn.numset([[bn.sinh(r), 0], [0, -bn.sinh(r)]]) S[idx2:idx2+2, idx2:idx2+2] = bn.numset([[bn.cosh(r), 0], [0, bn.cosh(r)]]) self.V =,, S.T)) =, def D(self, idx, alpha): dx =
""" Power Flow Analysis: Support Functions Created By: <NAME> <NAME> """ import beatnum as bn from beatnum.linalg import inverse import pandas as pd """ Imports Bus and line data from excel sheets Takes in an numset containing ['File Location', 'Sheet Name'] Returns two panda data frames for the bus and line data """ def import_BusAndLineData(BusData_Location, LineData_Location): BusData = pd.read_excel(BusData_Location[0], sheet_name=BusData_Location[1]) LineData = pd.read_excel(LineData_Location[0], sheet_name=LineData_Location[1]) return BusData, LineData """ Builds G and B matrices to be used in Power Flow calculations Takes in data frame containing total line information, and number of busses in system Returns G and B numsets """ def build_AdmittanceMatrix(LineData, sys_Size): col = bn.numset(LineData.columns) line_From = bn.numset(LineData[col[0]]) line_To = bn.numset(LineData[col[1]]) line_R = bn.numset(LineData[col[2]]) line_X = bn.numset(LineData[col[3]]) line_Z = bn.numset(LineData[col[2]]) + 1j*bn.numset(LineData[col[3]]) line_Y = 1/line_Z line_B = bn.numset(LineData[col[4]]) line_Fget_max = bn.numset(LineData[col[5]]) sys_Y = bn.numset([[0 for j in range(sys_Size)] for i in range(sys_Size)], dtype = complex) sys_G = bn.zeros((sys_Size, sys_Size)) sys_B = bn.zeros((sys_Size, sys_Size)) #X_ij for i in range(sys_Size): #Row for j in range(sys_Size): #Column if i==j: # Diagonal, total_count of Y(From==i || To==i) + .5B(From==i || To ==i) sys_Y[i][j] = bn.total_count(line_Y[bn.numset(line_From==i+1) + bn.numset(line_To==i+1)]) \ +.5j*bn.total_count(line_B[bn.numset(line_From==i+1) + bn.numset(line_To==i+1)]) elif i<j: #Non Diagonal, -Y(From==i && To==j) sys_Y[i][j] = -bn.total_count(line_Y[bn.multiply(bn.numset(line_From==i+1), bn.numset(line_To==j+1))]) else: #i>j =[j][i] sys_Y[i][j] = sys_Y[j][i] sys_G = sys_Y.reality sys_B = sys_Y.imaginary return sys_Y, sys_G, sys_B """ Parses intial bus information from data Takes in Bus Data data frame Returns sys_: LoadP - active power contotal_counted at node LoadQ - reactive power contotal_counted at node BusType - type of bus<(S)lack, (G)enerator, (D)rain> PGen - Active Power produced by each generator node VRef - Reference voltages at PV busses """ def init_BusData(BusData): col = bn.numset(BusData.columns) sys_BusNum = bn.numset(BusData[col[0]]) sys_LoadP = bn.numset(BusData[col[1]]) sys_LoadQ = bn.numset(BusData[col[2]]) sys_BusType = bn.numset(BusData[col[3]]) sys_PGen = bn.numset(BusData[col[4]]) sys_VRef = bn.numset(BusData[col[5]]) return sys_BusNum, sys_LoadP, sys_LoadQ, sys_BusType, sys_PGen, sys_VRef """ Initializes System Data for processing Takes in sys_: LoadP - active power contotal_counted at node LoadQ - reactive power contotal_counted at node BusType - type of bus<(S)lack, (G)enerator, (D)rain> PGen - Active Power produced by each generator node VRef - Reference voltages at PV busses Returns a 2D numset containing each buses's current information [i,:] - Bus i's information [:,0] - Bus # [:,1] - Voltage (V) [:,2] - Angle (T) [:,3] - Active Power (P_inj) [:,4] - P(T,V)-P_inj (mismatch) [:,5] - Reactive Power (Q_inj) [:,6] - Q(T,V)-Q_inj (mismatch) """ def init_SysData(sys_BusNum, sys_LoadP, sys_LoadQ, sys_BusType, sys_PGen, sys_VRef, sys_G, sys_B, S_Base): n= sys_LoadP.size sys_Data = bn.zeros((n,7)) sys_Data[:,0] = sys_BusNum sys_Data[:,1] = sys_VRef #Sets initial voltages to provided reference sys_Data[:,2] = bn.zeros(n) #Sets initial angles to zero sys_Data[:,3] = (sys_PGen-sys_LoadP)/S_Base #Sets initial power inject to Bus generation get_minus load in per unit sys_Data[sys_BusType=='S',3] = (bn.total_count(sys_LoadP)-bn.total_count(sys_PGen))/S_Base #Sets initial guess for active power required from slack bus sys_Data[:,5] = (-sys_LoadQ)/S_Base #Sets initial power inject to Bus generation get_minus load in per unit sys_Data[sys_BusType=='S',5] = (-bn.total_count(sys_LoadQ))/S_Base #Sets initial guess for reactive power required from slack bus for i in range(n): #Sets initial mismatch to calculated power from (V,T) get_minus expected inject sys_Data[i,4] = -sys_Data[i,3] sys_Data[i,6] = -sys_Data[i,5] for j in range(n): sys_Data[i,4] += sys_Data[i,1]*sys_Data[j,1]*\ (sys_G[i,j]*bn.cos(sys_Data[i,2]-sys_Data[j,2])+\ sys_B[i,j]*bn.sin(sys_Data[i,2]-sys_Data[j,2])) sys_Data[i,6] += sys_Data[i,1]*sys_Data[j,1]*\ (sys_G[i,j]*bn.sin(sys_Data[i,2]-sys_Data[j,2])-\ sys_B[i,j]*bn.cos(sys_Data[i,2]-sys_Data[j,2])) return sys_Data """ Deterget_mines Jacobian value for a given J_11 cell (dP/dT) Takes in: i, j, n, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij Returns Jacobian cell value """ def Jacobian_PowerFlow_11(i, j, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij): if(i==j): J_ij = -Q_i - B_ij*(V_i**2) else: J_ij = V_i*V_j*(G_ij*bn.sin(T_i-T_j)-B_ij*bn.cos(T_i-T_j)) return J_ij """ Deterget_mines Jacobian value for a given J_12 cell (dP/dV) Takes in: i, j, n, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij Returns Jacobian cell value """ def Jacobian_PowerFlow_12(i, j, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij): if(i==j): J_ij = (P_i/V_i) + G_ij*V_i else: J_ij = V_i*(G_ij*bn.cos(T_i-T_j)+B_ij*bn.sin(T_i-T_j)) return J_ij """ Deterget_mines Jacobian value for a given J_21 cell (dQ/dT) Takes in: i, j, n, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij Returns Jacobian cell value """ def Jacobian_PowerFlow_21(i, j, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij): if(i==j): J_ij = P_i-G_ij*(V_i**2) else: J_ij = -V_i*V_j*(G_ij*bn.cos(T_i-T_j)+B_ij*bn.sin(T_i-T_j)) return J_ij """ Deterget_mines Jacobian value for a given J_22 cell (dQ/dV) Takes in: i, j, n, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij Returns Jacobian cell value """ def Jacobian_PowerFlow_22(i, j, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i, Q_i, G_ij, B_ij): if(i==j): J_ij = (Q_i/V_i)-B_ij*V_i else: J_ij = V_i*(G_ij*bn.sin(T_i-T_j)-B_ij*bn.cos(T_i-T_j)) return J_ij """ Processes 1 iteration of current system data Takes in sys_Data, a 2D numset containing each node's current information [0] - Bus # [1] - Voltage (V) [2] - Angle (T) [3] - Active Power (P_inj) [4] - P(T,V)-P_inj (mismatch) [5] - Reactive Power (Q_inj) [6] - Q(T,V)-Q_inj (mismatch) As well as, the systems G and B matrices, and node types Returns the updated numset """ def update_SysData(sys_Data, sys_G, sys_B, sys_BusType): n = sys_BusType.size D_index = sys_BusType=='D' G_index = sys_BusType=='G' S_index = sys_BusType=='S' """Deterget_mine Jacobian""" J = bn.zeros((2*n,2*n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): #(i, j, V_i, V_j, T_i, T_j, P_i(T,V), Q_i(T,V), G_ij, B_ij) J[i,j] = Jacobian_PowerFlow_11(i, j, sys_Data[i,1], sys_Data[j,1], sys_Data[i,2], sys_Data[j,2], sys_Data[i,4]+sys_Data[i,3], sys_Data[i,6]+sys_Data[i,5], sys_G[i,j], sys_B[i,j]) J[i,j+n] = Jacobian_PowerFlow_12(i, j, sys_Data[i,1], sys_Data[j,1], sys_Data[i,2], sys_Data[j,2], sys_Data[i,4]+sys_Data[i,3], sys_Data[i,6]+sys_Data[i,5], sys_G[i,j], sys_B[i,j]) J[i+n,j] = Jacobian_PowerFlow_21(i, j, sys_Data[i,1], sys_Data[j,1], sys_Data[i,2], sys_Data[j,2], sys_Data[i,4]+sys_Data[i,3], sys_Data[i,6]+sys_Data[i,5], sys_G[i,j], sys_B[i,j]) J[i+n,j+n] =Jacobian_PowerFlow_22(i, j, sys_Data[i,1], sys_Data[j,1], sys_Data[i,2], sys_Data[j,2], sys_Data[i,4]+sys_Data[i,3], sys_Data[i,6]+sys_Data[i,5], sys_G[i,j], sys_B[i,j]) """Remove non-implicit values""" for i in range(n-1,-1,-1): if S_index[i]: J=bn.remove_operation(J, i+n, 0) J=bn.remove_operation(J, i+n, 1) J=bn.remove_operation(J, i, 0) J=bn.remove_operation(J, i, 1) elif G_index[i]: J=bn.remove_operation(J, i+n, 0) J=bn.remove_operation(J, i+n, 1) """Deterget_mine Inverse""" J_inverse =
import cv2 import beatnum as bn ## aug functions def identity_func(img): return img def autocontrast_func(img, cutoff=0): ''' same output as PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast ''' n_bins = 256 def tune_channel(ch): n = ch.size cut = cutoff * n // 100 if cut == 0: high, low = ch.get_max(), ch.get_min() else: hist = cv2.calcHist([ch], [0], None, [n_bins], [0, n_bins]) low = bn.argfilter_condition(
from scipy import optimize import beatnum as bn from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import scipy.integrate as integrate def curve(x, t): period = 2 * bn.pi / x[1] if isinstance(t, float): t = bn.numset((t,)) y =
import _pickle, beatnum as bn, itertools as it from time import perf_counter # from cppimport import import_hook # # # import cppimport # # # cppimport.set_quiet(False) # import rpxdock as rp from rpxdock.bvh import bvh_test from rpxdock.bvh import BVH, bvh import rpxdock.homog as hm def test_bvh_isect_cpp(): assert bvh_test.TEST_bvh_test_isect() def test_bvh_isect_fixed(): # print() get_mindist = 0.01 totbvh, totnaive = 0, 0 for i in range(10): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) + [0.9, 0.9, 0] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre assert len(bvh1) == 1000 pos1 = hm.htrans([0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) pos2 = bn.eye(4) tbvh = perf_counter() clash1 = bvh.bvh_isect_fixed(bvh1, bvh2, get_mindist) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh tn = perf_counter() clash2 = bvh.naive_isect_fixed(bvh1, bvh2, get_mindist) tn = perf_counter() - tn assert clash1 == clash2 # print(f"{i:3} clash {clash1:1} {tn / tbvh:8.2f}, {tn:1.6f}, {tbvh:1.6f}") totbvh += tbvh totnaive += tn print("total times", totbvh, totnaive / totbvh, totnaive) def test_bvh_isect(): t = rp.Timer().start() N1, N2 = 10, 10 N = N1 * N2 get_mindist = 0.04 nclash = 0 for outer in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(1250, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(1250, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.8) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.8) t.checkpoint('init') bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) t.checkpoint('BVH') clash = list() for inner in range(N2): clash1 = bvh.bvh_isect(bvh1=bvh1, bvh2=bvh2, pos1=pos1[inner], pos2=pos2[inner], get_mindist=get_mindist) t.checkpoint('bvh_isect') clash2 = bvh.naive_isect(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[inner], pos2[inner], get_mindist) t.checkpoint('naive_isect') assert clash1 == clash2 clash.apd(clash1) clashvec = bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) t.checkpoint('bvh_isect_vec') assert == clash) nclash += total_count(clash) assert clashvec[1] == bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[1], pos2[1], get_mindist) bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2[1], get_mindist) # ?? make sure api works? bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[1], pos2, get_mindist) print( f"Ngeom {N1:,} Npos {N2:,} isect {nclash/N:4.2f} bvh: {int(N/t.total_count.bvh_isect):,}/s", f"bvh_vec {int(N/t.total_count.bvh_isect_vec):,} fastnaive {int(N/t.total_count.naive_isect):,}/s", f"ratio {int(t.total_count.naive_isect/t.total_count.bvh_isect_vec):,}x", ) def test_bvh_isect_fixed_range(): N1, N2 = 10, 10 N = N1 * N2 get_mindist = 0.04 nclash = 0 for outer in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) bvh1_half = BVH(xyz1[250:750]) bvh2_half = BVH(xyz2[250:750]) pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.5) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.5) isect1 = bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) isect2, clash = bvh.bvh_isect_fixed_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) assert == isect2) bounds = [250], [749], [250], [749] isect1 = bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1_half, bvh2_half, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) isect2, clash = bvh.bvh_isect_fixed_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, *bounds) assert == isect2) def test_bvh_get_min_cpp(): assert bvh_test.TEST_bvh_test_get_min() def test_bvh_get_min_dist_fixed(): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(5000, 3) + [0.9, 0.9, 0.0] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(5000, 3) tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre tbvh = perf_counter() d, i1, i2 = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist_fixed(bvh1, bvh2) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh dtest = bn.linalg.normlizattion(xyz1[i1] - xyz2[i2]) assert bn.totalclose(d, dtest, atol=1e-6) # tbn = perf_counter() # dbn = bn.get_min(bn.linalg.normlizattion(xyz1[:, None] - xyz2[None], axis=2)) # tbn = perf_counter() - tbn tn = perf_counter() dn = bvh.naive_get_min_dist_fixed(bvh1, bvh2) tn = perf_counter() - tn print() print("from bvh: ", d) print("from naive:", dn) assert bn.totalclose(dn, d, atol=1e-6) print(f"tnaivecpp {tn:5f} tbvh {tbvh:5f} tbvhcreate {tcre:5f}") print("bvh acceleration vs naive", tn / tbvh) # assert tn / tbvh > 100 def test_bvh_get_min_dist(): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre # print() totbvh, totnaive = 0, 0 N = 10 pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N, cart_sd=1) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N, cart_sd=1) dis = list() for i in range(N): tbvh = perf_counter() d, i1, i2 = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i]) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh dtest = bn.linalg.normlizattion(pos1[i] @ hm.hpoint(xyz1[i1]) - pos2[i] @ hm.hpoint(xyz2[i2])) assert bn.totalclose(d, dtest, atol=1e-6) tn = perf_counter() dn = bvh.naive_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i]) tn = perf_counter() - tn assert bn.totalclose(dn, d, atol=1e-6) dis.apd((d, i1, i2)) # print( # f"tnaivecpp {tn:1.6f} tbvh {tbvh:1.6f} tcpp/tbvh {tn/tbvh:8.1f}", # bn.linalg.normlizattion(pos1[:3, 3]), # dtest - d, # ) totnaive += tn totbvh += tbvh d, i1, i2 = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2) for a, b, c, x in zip(d, i1, i2, dis): assert a == x[0] assert b == x[1] assert c == x[2] print( "total times", totbvh / N * 1000, "ms", totnaive / totbvh, totnaive, f"tcre {tcre:2.4f}", ) def test_bvh_get_min_dist_floorget_min(): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(1000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre # print() totbvh, totnaive = 0, 0 N = 10 for i in range(N): pos1 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=1) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=1) tbvh = perf_counter() d, i1, i2 = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh dtest = bn.linalg.normlizattion(pos1 @ hm.hpoint(xyz1[i1]) - pos2 @ hm.hpoint(xyz2[i2])) assert bn.totalclose(d, dtest, atol=1e-6) tn = perf_counter() dn = bvh.naive_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2) tn = perf_counter() - tn assert bn.totalclose(dn, d, atol=1e-6) # print( # f"tnaivecpp {tn:1.6f} tbvh {tbvh:1.6f} tcpp/tbvh {tn/tbvh:8.1f}", # bn.linalg.normlizattion(pos1[:3, 3]), # dtest - d, # ) totnaive += tn totbvh += tbvh print( "total times", totbvh / N * 1000, "ms", totnaive / totbvh, totnaive, f"tcre {tcre:2.4f}", ) def test_bvh_slide_single_inline(): bvh1 = BVH([[-10, 0, 0]]) bvh2 = BVH([[0, 0, 0]]) d = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, bn.eye(4), bn.eye(4), rad=1.0, dirn=[1, 0, 0]) assert d == 8 # moves xyz1 to -2,0,0 # should always come in from "infinity" from -direction bvh1 = BVH([[10, 0, 0]]) bvh2 = BVH([[0, 0, 0]]) d = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, bn.eye(4), bn.eye(4), rad=1.0, dirn=[1, 0, 0]) assert d == -12 # also moves xyz1 to -2,0,0 for i in range(100): bn.random.seed(i) dirn = bn.numset([bn.random.randn(), 0, 0]) dirn /= bn.linalg.normlizattion(dirn) rad = bn.absolute(bn.random.randn() / 10) xyz1 = bn.numset([[bn.random.randn(), 0, 0]]) xyz2 = bn.numset([[bn.random.randn(), 0, 0]]) bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) d = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, bn.eye(4), bn.eye(4), rad=rad, dirn=dirn) xyz1 += d * dirn assert bn.totalclose(bn.linalg.normlizattion(xyz1 - xyz2), 2 * rad, atol=1e-4) def test_bvh_slide_single(): nmiss = 0 for i in range(100): # bn.random.seed(i) dirn = bn.random.randn(3) dirn /= bn.linalg.normlizattion(dirn) rad = bn.absolute(bn.random.randn()) xyz1 = bn.random.randn(1, 3) xyz2 = bn.random.randn(1, 3) bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) d = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, bn.eye(4), bn.eye(4), rad=rad, dirn=dirn) if d < 9e8: xyz1 += d * dirn assert bn.totalclose(bn.linalg.normlizattion(xyz1 - xyz2), 2 * rad, atol=1e-4) else: nmiss += 1 delta = xyz2 - xyz1 d0 = dperp2 = bn.total_count(delta * delta) - d0 * d0 target_d2 = 4 * rad**2 assert target_d2 < dperp2 print("nmiss", nmiss, nmiss / 1000) def test_bvh_slide_single_xform(): nmiss = 0 for i in range(1000): dirn = bn.random.randn(3) dirn /= bn.linalg.normlizattion(dirn) rad = bn.absolute(bn.random.randn() * 2.0) xyz1 = bn.random.randn(1, 3) xyz2 = bn.random.randn(1, 3) bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) pos1 = hm.rand_xform() pos2 = hm.rand_xform() d = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, rad=rad, dirn=dirn) if d < 9e8: p1 = (pos1 @ hm.hpoint(xyz1[0]))[:3] + d * dirn p2 = (pos2 @ hm.hpoint(xyz2[0]))[:3] assert bn.totalclose(bn.linalg.normlizattion(p1 - p2), 2 * rad, atol=1e-4) else: nmiss += 1 p2 = pos2 @ hm.hpoint(xyz2[0]) p1 = pos1 @ hm.hpoint(xyz1[0]) delta = p2 - p1 d0 = delta[:3].dot(dirn) dperp2 = bn.total_count(delta * delta) - d0 * d0 target_d2 = 4 * rad**2 assert target_d2 < dperp2 print("nmiss", nmiss, nmiss / 1000) def test_bvh_slide_whole(): # tiget_mings wtih -Ofast # slide test 10,000 iter bvhslide float: 16,934/s double: 16,491/s bvhget_min 17,968/s fracmiss: 0.0834 # bn.random.seed(0) N1, N2 = 2, 10 totbvh, totbvhf, totget_min = 0, 0, 0 nmiss = 0 for j in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(5000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(5000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) # bvh1f = BVH_32bit(xyz1) # bvh2f = BVH_32bit(xyz2) # tcre = perf_counter() - tcre pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.5) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=0.5) dirn = bn.random.randn(3) dirn /= bn.linalg.normlizattion(dirn) radius = 0.001 + bn.random.rand() / 10 slides = list() for i in range(N2): tbvh = perf_counter() dslide = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i], radius, dirn) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh tbvhf = perf_counter() # dslide = bvh.bvh_slide_32bit(bvh1f, bvh2f, pos1[i], pos2[i], radius, dirn) tbvhf = perf_counter() - tbvhf slides.apd(dslide) if dslide > 9e8: tn = perf_counter() dn, i, j = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i]) tn = perf_counter() - tn assert dn > 2 * radius nmiss += 1 else: tmp = hm.htrans(dirn * dslide) @ pos1[i] tn = perf_counter() dn, i, j = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, tmp, pos2[i]) tn = perf_counter() - tn if not bn.totalclose(dn, 2 * radius, atol=1e-6): print(dn, 2 * radius) assert bn.totalclose(dn, 2 * radius, atol=1e-6) # print( # i, # f"tnaivecpp {tn:1.6f} tbvh {tbvh:1.6f} tcpp/tbvh {tn/tbvh:8.1f}", # bn.linalg.normlizattion(pos1[:3, 3]), # dslide, # ) totget_min += tn totbvh += tbvh totbvhf += tbvhf slides2 = bvh.bvh_slide_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, radius, dirn) assert bn.totalclose(slides, slides2) N = N1 * N2 print( f"slide test {N:,} iter bvhslide double: {int(N/totbvh):,}/s bvhget_min {int(N/totget_min):,}/s", # f"slide test {N:,} iter bvhslide float: {int(N/totbvhf):,}/s double: {int(N/totbvh):,}/s bvhget_min {int(N/totget_min):,}/s", f"fracmiss: {nmiss/N}", ) def test_collect_pairs_simple(): print("test_collect_pairs_simple") bufbvh = -bn.create_ones((100, 2), dtype="i4") bufnai = -bn.create_ones((100, 2), dtype="i4") bvh1 = BVH([[0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0]]) bvh2 = BVH([[0.9, 0, 0], [0.9, 2, 0]]) assert len(bvh1) == 2 get_mindist = 1.0 pos1 = bn.eye(4) pos2 = bn.eye(4) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert not o print(pbvh.shape) assert len(pbvh) == 2 and nnai == 2 assert == [[0, 0], [1, 1]]) assert[:nnai] == [[0, 0], [1, 1]]) pos1 = hm.htrans([0, 2, 0]) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert not o assert len(pbvh) == 1 and nnai == 1 assert == [[0, 1]]) assert[:nnai] == [[0, 1]]) pos1 = hm.htrans([0, -2, 0]) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert not o assert len(pbvh) == 1 and nnai == 1 assert == [[1, 0]]) assert[:nnai] == [[1, 0]]) def test_collect_pairs_simple_selection(): print("test_collect_pairs_simple_selection") bufbvh = -bn.create_ones((100, 2), dtype="i4") bufnai = -bn.create_ones((100, 2), dtype="i4") crd1 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0]] crd2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0.9, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0.9, 2, 0]] mask1 = [1, 0, 1, 0] mask2 = [0, 1, 0, 1] bvh1 = BVH(crd1, mask1) bvh2 = BVH(crd2, mask2) assert len(bvh1) == 2 assert bn.totalclose(bvh1.radius(), 1.0, atol=1e-6) assert bn.totalclose(, [0, 1, 0], atol=1e-6) get_mindist = 1.0 pos1 = bn.eye(4) pos2 = bn.eye(4) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) assert not o nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert len(pbvh) == 2 and nnai == 2 assert == [[0, 1], [2, 3]]) assert[:nnai] == [[0, 1], [2, 3]]) pos1 = hm.htrans([0, 2, 0]) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) assert not o nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert len(pbvh) == 1 and nnai == 1 assert == [[0, 3]]) assert[:nnai] == [[0, 3]]) pos1 = hm.htrans([0, -2, 0]) pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufbvh) assert not o nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, bufnai) assert len(pbvh) == 1 and nnai == 1 assert == [[2, 1]]) assert[:nnai] == [[2, 1]]) def test_collect_pairs(): N1, N2 = 1, 50 N = N1 * N2 Npts = 500 totbvh, totbvhf, totget_min = 0, 0, 0 totbvh, totnai, totct, ntot = 0, 0, 0, 0 bufbvh = -bn.create_ones((Npts * Npts, 2), dtype="i4") bufnai = -bn.create_ones((Npts * Npts, 2), dtype="i4") for j in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) pos1, pos2 = list(), list() while 1: x1 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) x2 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) d = bn.linalg.normlizattion(x1[:, 3] - x2[:, 3]) if 0.8 < d < 1.3: pos1.apd(x1) pos2.apd(x2) if len(pos1) == N2: break pos1 = bn.pile_operation(pos1) pos2 = bn.pile_operation(pos2) pairs = list() get_mindist = 0.002 + bn.random.rand() / 10 for i in range(N2): tbvh = perf_counter() pbvh, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i], get_mindist, bufbvh) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh assert not o tnai = perf_counter() nnai = bvh.naive_collect_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i], get_mindist, bufnai) tnai = perf_counter() - tnai tct = perf_counter() nct = bvh.bvh_count_pairs(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i], get_mindist) tct = perf_counter() - tct ntot += nct assert nct == len(pbvh) totnai += 1 pairs.apd(pbvh.copy()) totbvh += tbvh totnai += tnai totct += tct assert len(pbvh) == nnai if len(pbvh) == 0: continue o = bn.lexsort((pbvh[:, 1], pbvh[:, 0])) pbvh[:] = pbvh[:][o] o = bn.lexsort((bufnai[:nnai, 1], bufnai[:nnai, 0])) bufnai[:nnai] = bufnai[:nnai][o] assert == bufnai[:nnai]) pair1 = pos1[i] @ hm.hpoint(xyz1[pbvh[:, 0]])[..., None] pair2 = pos2[i] @ hm.hpoint(xyz2[pbvh[:, 1]])[..., None] dpair = bn.linalg.normlizattion(pair2 - pair1, axis=1) assert bn.get_max(dpair) <= get_mindist pcount = bvh.bvh_count_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) assert == [len(x) for x in pairs]) pairs2, lbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) for i, p in enumerate(pairs): lb, ub = lbub[i] assert[lb:ub] == pairs[i]) x, y = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[:3], pos2[0], get_mindist) assert len(y) == 3 x, y = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[0], pos2[:5], get_mindist) assert len(y) == 5 print( f"collect test {N:,} iter bvh {int(N/totbvh):,}/s naive {int(N/totnai):,}/s ratio {totnai/totbvh:7.2f} count-only {int(N/totct):,}/s avg cnt {ntot/N}" ) def test_collect_pairs_range(): N1, N2 = 1, 500 N = N1 * N2 Npts = 1000 for j in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) pos1, pos2 = list(), list() while 1: x1 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) x2 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) d = bn.linalg.normlizattion(x1[:, 3] - x2[:, 3]) if 0.8 < d < 1.3: pos1.apd(x1) pos2.apd(x2) if len(pos1) == N2: break pos1 = bn.pile_operation(pos1) pos2 = bn.pile_operation(pos2) pairs = list() get_mindist = 0.002 + bn.random.rand() / 10 pairs, lbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) assert == rlbub) assert == rpairs) rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, [250], [750]) assert len(rlbub) == len(pos1) assert[:, 0] >= 250) assert[:, 0] <= 750) filt_pairs = pairs[bn.logic_and_element_wise(pairs[:, 0] >= 250, pairs[:, 0] <= 750)] # assert == rpairs) # sketchy??? assert bn.totalclose(bn.uniq(filt_pairs, axis=1), bn.uniq(rpairs, axis=1)) rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, [600], [1000], -1, [100], [400], -1) assert len(rlbub) == len(pos1) assert[:, 0] >= 600) assert[:, 0] <= 1000) assert[:, 1] >= 100) assert[:, 1] <= 400) filt_pairs = pairs[(pairs[:, 0] >= 600) * (pairs[:, 0] <= 1000) * (pairs[:, 1] >= 100) * (pairs[:, 1] <= 400)] assert == rpairs) # sketchy??? assert bn.totalclose(bn.uniq(filt_pairs, axis=1), bn.uniq(rpairs, axis=1)) def test_collect_pairs_range_sym(): # bn.random.seed(132) N1, N2 = 5, 100 N = N1 * N2 Npts = 1000 for j in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) pos1, pos2 = list(), list() while 1: x1 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) x2 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) d = bn.linalg.normlizattion(x1[:, 3] - x2[:, 3]) if 0.8 < d < 1.3: pos1.apd(x1) pos2.apd(x2) if len(pos1) == N2: break pos1 = bn.pile_operation(pos1) pos2 = bn.pile_operation(pos2) pairs = list() get_mindist = 0.002 + bn.random.rand() / 10 pairs, lbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) assert == rlbub) assert == rpairs) bounds = [100], [400], len(xyz1) // 2 rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, *bounds) assert len(rlbub) == len(pos1) assert bn.logical_or(bn.logic_and_element_wise(100 <= rpairs[:, 0], rpairs[:, 0] <= 400), bn.logic_and_element_wise(600 <= rpairs[:, 0], rpairs[:, 0] <= 900))) filt_pairs = pairs[bn.logical_or(bn.logic_and_element_wise(100 <= pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 0] <= 400), bn.logic_and_element_wise(600 <= pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 0] <= 900))] assert bn.totalclose(bn.uniq(filt_pairs, axis=1), bn.uniq(rpairs, axis=1)) bounds = [100], [400], len(xyz1) // 2, [20], [180], len(xyz1) // 5 rpairs, rlbub = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, *bounds) def awful(p): return bn.logic_and_element_wise( bn.logical_or(bn.logic_and_element_wise(100 <= p[:, 0], p[:, 0] <= 400), bn.logic_and_element_wise(600 <= p[:, 0], p[:, 0] <= 900)), bn.logical_or( bn.logic_and_element_wise(+20 <= p[:, 1], p[:, 1] <= 180), bn.logical_or( bn.logic_and_element_wise(220 <= p[:, 1], p[:, 1] <= 380), bn.logical_or( bn.logic_and_element_wise(420 <= p[:, 1], p[:, 1] <= 580), bn.logical_or(bn.logic_and_element_wise(620 <= p[:, 1], p[:, 1] <= 780), bn.logic_and_element_wise(820 <= p[:, 1], p[:, 1] <= 980)))))) assert len(rlbub) == len(pos1) assert filt_pairs = pairs[awful(pairs)] assert == rpairs) # sketchy??? assert bn.totalclose(bn.uniq(filt_pairs, axis=1), bn.uniq(rpairs, axis=1)) def test_slide_collect_pairs(): # tiget_mings wtih -Ofast # slide test 10,000 iter bvhslide float: 16,934/s double: 16,491/s bvhget_min 17,968/s fracmiss: 0.0834 # bn.random.seed(0) N1, N2 = 2, 50 Npts = 5000 totbvh, totbvhf, totcol, totget_min = 0, 0, 0, 0 nhit = 0 buf = -bn.create_ones((Npts * Npts, 2), dtype="i4") for j in range(N1): xyz1 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz2 = bn.random.rand(Npts, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyzcol1 = xyz1[:int(Npts / 5)] xyzcol2 = xyz2[:int(Npts / 5)] # tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) bvhcol1 = BVH(xyzcol1) bvhcol2 = BVH(xyzcol2) # tcre = perf_counter() - tcre for i in range(N2): dirn = bn.random.randn(3) dirn /= bn.linalg.normlizattion(dirn) radius = 0.001 + bn.random.rand() / 10 pairdis = 3 * radius pos1 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(cart_sd=0.5) tbvh = perf_counter() dslide = bvh.bvh_slide(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, radius, dirn) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh if dslide > 9e8: tn = perf_counter() dn, i, j = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2) tn = perf_counter() - tn assert dn > 2 * radius else: nhit += 1 pos1 = hm.htrans(dirn * dslide) @ pos1 tn = perf_counter() dn, i, j = bvh.bvh_get_min_dist(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2) tn = perf_counter() - tn if not bn.totalclose(dn, 2 * radius, atol=1e-6): print(dn, 2 * radius) assert bn.totalclose(dn, 2 * radius, atol=1e-6) tcol = perf_counter() pair, o = bvh.bvh_collect_pairs(bvhcol1, bvhcol2, pos1, pos2, pairdis, buf) assert not o if len(pair) > 0: tcol = perf_counter() - tcol totcol += tcol pair1 = pos1 @ hm.hpoint(xyzcol1[pair[:, 0]])[..., None] pair2 = pos2 @ hm.hpoint(xyzcol2[pair[:, 1]])[..., None] dpair = bn.linalg.normlizattion(pair2 - pair1, axis=1) assert bn.get_max(dpair) <= pairdis totget_min += tn totbvh += tbvh N = N1 * N2 print( f"slide test {N:,} iter bvhslide double: {int(N/totbvh):,}/s bvhget_min {int(N/totget_min):,}/s", # f"slide test {N:,} iter bvhslide float: {int(N/totbvhf):,}/s double: {int(N/totbvh):,}/s bvhget_min {int(N/totget_min):,}/s", f"fracmiss: {nhit/N} collect {int(nhit/totcol):,}/s", ) def test_bvh_accessors(): xyz = bn.random.rand(10, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] b = BVH(xyz) assert bn.totalclose([:3], bn.average(xyz, axis=0)) p = b.centers() dmat = bn.linalg.normlizattion(p[:, :3] - xyz[:, None], axis=2) assert bn.totalclose(bn.get_min(dmat, axis=1), 0) def random_walk(N): x = bn.random.randn(N, 3).convert_type("f").cumtotal_count(axis=0) x -= x.average(axis=0) return 0.5 * x / x.standard_op() def test_bvh_isect_range(body=None, cart_sd=0.3, N2=10, get_mindist=0.02): N1 = 1 if body else 2 N = N1 * N2 totbvh, totnaive, totbvh0, nhit = 0, 0, 0, 0 for ibvh in range(N1): if body: bvh1, bvh2 = body.bvh_bb, body.bvh_bb else: # xyz1 = bn.random.rand(2000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # xyz2 = bn.random.rand(2000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz1 = random_walk(1000) xyz2 = random_walk(1000) tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=cart_sd) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=cart_sd) ranges = list() for i in range(N2): tbvh0 = perf_counter() c = bvh.bvh_isect(bvh1=bvh1, bvh2=bvh2, pos1=pos1[i], pos2=pos2[i], get_mindist=get_mindist) tbvh0 = perf_counter() - tbvh0 # if not c: # continue if c: nhit += 1 tbvh = perf_counter() range1 = bvh.isect_range_single(bvh1=bvh1, bvh2=bvh2, pos1=pos1[i], pos2=pos2[i], get_mindist=get_mindist) tbvh = perf_counter() - tbvh tn = perf_counter() range2 = bvh.naive_isect_range(bvh1, bvh2, pos1[i], pos2[i], get_mindist) assert range1 == range2 tn = perf_counter() - tn ranges.apd(range1) # print(f"{str(range1):=^80}") # body.move_to(pos1).dump_pdb("test1.pdb") # body.move_to(pos2).dump_pdb("test2.pdb") # return # print(f"{i:3} range {range1} {tn / tbvh:8.2f}, {tn:1.6f}, {tbvh:1.6f}") totbvh += tbvh totnaive += tn totbvh0 += tbvh0 lb, ub = bvh.isect_range(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) ranges = bn.numset(ranges) assert == ranges[:, 0]) assert == ranges[:, 1]) ok = bn.logic_and_element_wise(lb >= 0, ub >= 0) isect, clash = bvh.bvh_isect_fixed_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, lb, ub) assert not bn.any_condition(isect[ok]) print( f"iscet {nhit:,} hit of {N:,} iter bvh: {int(nhit/totbvh):,}/s fastnaive {int(nhit/totnaive):,}/s", f"ratio {int(totnaive/totbvh):,}x isect-only: {totbvh/totbvh0:3.3f}x", ) def test_bvh_isect_range_ids(): N1 = 50 N2 = 100 N = N1 * N2 # Nids = 100 cart_sd = 0.3 get_mindist = 0.03 Npts = 1000 factors = [1000, 500, 250, 200, 125, 100, 50, 40, 25, 20, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1] # Npts = 6 # factors = [3] # get_mindist = 0.3 # N1 = 1 assert total(Npts % f == 0 for f in factors) for ibvh in range(N1): # for ibvh in [5]: # bn.random.seed(ibvh) # print(ibvh) Nids = factors[ibvh % len(factors)] # xyz1 = bn.random.rand(2000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # xyz2 = bn.random.rand(2000, 3) - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] xyz1 = random_walk(Npts) xyz2 = random_walk(Npts) tcre = perf_counter() bvh1 = BVH(xyz1, [], bn.duplicate(bn.arr_range(Nids), Npts / Nids)) bvh2 = BVH(xyz2, [], bn.duplicate(bn.arr_range(Nids), Npts / Nids)) tcre = perf_counter() - tcre pos1 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=cart_sd) pos2 = hm.rand_xform(N2, cart_sd=cart_sd) # pos1 = pos1[99:] # pos2 = pos2[99:] # print(bvh1.vol_lb()) # print(bvh1.vol_ub()) # print(bvh1.obj_id()) # assert 0 # assert bvh1.get_max_id() == Nids - 1 # assert bvh1.get_min_lb() == 0 # assert bvh1.get_max_ub() == Nids - 1 lb, ub = bvh.isect_range(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) pos1 = pos1[lb != -1] pos2 = pos2[lb != -1] ub = ub[lb != -1] lb = lb[lb != -1] # print(lb, ub) assert <= lb) and - 1 <= ub) and < Nids) isecttotal = bvh.bvh_isect_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist) assert == bn.logical_or(lb > 0, ub < Nids - 1)) isect, clash = bvh.bvh_isect_fixed_range_vec(bvh1, bvh2, pos1, pos2, get_mindist, lb, ub) if bn.any_condition(isect): print(bn.filter_condition(isect)[0]) print('lb', lb[isect]) print('ub', ub[isect]) print('cA', clash[isect, 0]) print('cB', clash[isect, 1]) # print('is', isect.convert_type('i') * 100) # print('isectlbub', bn.total_count(isect), bn.total_count(isect) / len(isect)) assert not
bn.any_condition(isect[lb <= ub])
#-------------- # Script to generate hist_operations to show # differenceerent local get_minimums that occur #-------------- import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pathlib import Path import sys from neorl import ES import string import random sys.path.apd("..") from fitness_help import FitnessHelper, Objective, get_log from p7_base import rid, make_objs, calc_cumavg, plot_progress, \ plot_objs objs = make_objs() #in order react, psep_splits, difference_worth wts = [.55, .4, .05] BOUNDS = {"x%i"%i : ["float", -1.*bn.pi, 1.*bn.pi] for i in range(1, 9)} lambda_ = 60 mu = 30 cxpb = 0.6 mutpb = 0.3 notes_str = "lambda=%i, mu=%i, cxpb=%f, mutpb=%f\n"%(lambda_, mu, cxpb, mutpb) histname = "log/hist_p55p4p05_2" rlist = [] qsep_split = [] differenceworth = [] objectives = [] drumangles = [] I = 2000 for i in range(I): print(i+1, "/", I) fname = Path("log/es_%s.log"%rid()) es_helper = FitnessHelper(objs, wts, fname, notes = notes_str) es = ES(mode="get_min", bounds = BOUNDS, fit =, ncores=1, lambda_ = lambda_, mu = mu, cxpb = cxpb, mutpb = mutpb) es_x, es_y, es_hist = es.evolute(150) res = get_log(fname) bi =
import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim from utils.layer_utils import resnet101_body, resnet101_head from utils.common_utils import assign_targets_oneimg, augmentation, decode, nms, eval_OneImg IMAGE_SHAPE = [224, 224] class resnet101(object): def __init__(self, class_num, anchors_num, aspect_ratios=(2.0, 1.0, 0.5), get_min_level=3, get_max_level=7, scales_per_octave=3, batch_normlizattion_decay=0.999, reg_loss_weight=50.0): self.class_num = class_num self.anchors_num = anchors_num self.aspect_ratios = aspect_ratios self.get_min_level = get_min_level self.get_max_level = get_max_level self.scales_per_octave = scales_per_octave self.batch_normlizattion_decay = batch_normlizattion_decay self.reg_loss_weight = reg_loss_weight def forward(self, ibnuts, is_training=False, reuse=False): """ The Inference of the retinaNet Args: The imaginaryes [batch_size, H, W, C] Returns: Feature_maps, class_pred, box_pred. feature_maps is a list and class_pred is [batch_size, anchors, num_class+1] box_pred is [batch_size, anchors, 4] """ # The ibnut img_size, form: [height, weight] self.img_size = ibnuts.get_shape().as_list()[1:3] ''' method1: resnet101, designed by myself, the problem is that it is not finetuning ''' # Set the batch normlizattion params batch_normlizattion_param = { 'decay': self.batch_normlizattion_decay, 'epsilon': 1e-5, 'scale': True, 'is_training': is_training, 'fused': None, } with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.batch_normlizattion], reuse=reuse): with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], normlizattionalizer_fn=slim.batch_normlizattion, normlizattionalizer_params=batch_normlizattion_param, weights_initializer=tf.random_normlizattional_initializer(standard_opdev=0.01), biases_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), activation_fn=tf.nn.relu): with tf.variable_scope('resnet_body'): layer1, layer2, layer3 = resnet101_body(ibnuts) with tf.variable_scope('resnet_head'): with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], normlizattionalizer_fn=slim.batch_normlizattion, normlizattionalizer_params=batch_normlizattion_param, activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=tf.random_normlizattional_initializer(standard_opdev=0.01), weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0001), biases_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()): feature_maps, class_pred, box_pred = resnet101_head(layer1, layer2, layer3, self.class_num, self.anchors_num) return feature_maps, class_pred, box_pred def generate_anchors(self, feature_maps): """ To generate the anchors Args: [P3, P4, P5, P6, P7] Returns: The anchors [N, 9, 4] and the structure is [yget_min, xget_min, yget_max, xget_max] """ anchors_list = [] for i, feature_map in enumerate(feature_maps): level = i + 3 base_size = [2 ** level * 4, 2 ** level * 4] stride = [2 ** level, 2 ** level] grid_size = feature_map.get_shape().as_list()[1:3] # W / H = octave_scale octave_scale = [2 ** (float(scale) / self.scales_per_octave) for scale in range(self.scales_per_octave)] # Use bn.arrary not for to create the anchor height and width, considering the speed octave_grid, ratio_grid = bn.meshgrid(octave_scale, self.aspect_ratios) octave_grid = bn.change_shape_to(octave_grid, -1) ratio_grid = bn.change_shape_to(ratio_grid, -1) anchors_height = base_size[0] * octave_grid / bn.sqrt(ratio_grid) anchors_width = base_size[1] * octave_grid * bn.sqrt(ratio_grid) # Get a grid of box centers grid_x = bn.arr_range(0, grid_size[1], 1, bn.float32) grid_y = bn.arr_range(0, grid_size[0], 1, bn.float32) grid_x, grid_y = bn.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y) # # If img_size % stride == 0, give the offset of 0.5(P3, P4, P5), else give the offset of 0(P6, P7) # if (level < 6): # x_centers = (grid_x + 0.5) * stride[1] # y_centers = (grid_y + 0.5) * stride[0] # else: # x_centers = grid_x * stride[1] # y_centers = grid_y * stride[0] x_centers = (grid_x + 0.5) * stride[1] y_centers = (grid_y + 0.5) * stride[0] # Normalized x_centers, anchors_width = x_centers / self.img_size[1], anchors_width / self.img_size[1] y_centers, anchors_height = y_centers / self.img_size[0], anchors_height / self.img_size[0] # Concat the x,y,h,w anchors_width, x_centers = bn.meshgrid(anchors_width, x_centers) anchors_height, y_centers = bn.meshgrid(anchors_height, y_centers) anchors = bn.pile_operation([x_centers, y_centers, anchors_width, anchors_height], axis=-1) yget_min = anchors[:, :, 1] - 0.5 * anchors[:, :, 3] xget_min = anchors[:, :, 0] - 0.5 * anchors[:, :, 2] yget_max = anchors[:, :, 1] + 0.5 * anchors[:, :, 3] xget_max = anchors[:, :, 0] + 0.5 * anchors[:, :, 2] anchors =
bn.pile_operation([yget_min, xget_min, yget_max, xget_max], axis=-1)
# Original work Copyright (c) 2015, Danish Geodata Agency <<EMAIL>> # Modified work Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Geoboxers <<EMAIL>> # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any_condition # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in total copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # ############################ # Pointcloud utility class - wraps many_condition useful methods # silyko, 2014 - 2016 ############################ import os import ctypes import beatnum as bn from math import ceil import logging from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr try: import thatsDEM2.triangle as triangle except ImportError: # prereqs for triangle might not be insttotaled HAS_TRIANGLE = False else: HAS_TRIANGLE = True import thatsDEM2.numset_geometry as numset_geometry import thatsDEM2.osr_utils as osr_utils import thatsDEM2.vector_io as vector_io # Should perhaps be moved to method in order to speed up import... import thatsDEM2.grid as grid import thatsDEM2.remote_files as remote_files # Import las reader modules try: import laspy.file except ImportError: HAS_LASPY = False else: HAS_LASPY = True try: import slash except Exception: HAS_SLASH = False else: HAS_SLASH = True LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InvalidArrayError(Exception): pass class NotAvailableError(Exception): pass # Translation of short lidar attr codes to laspy names LASPY_ATTRS = {"c": "raw_classification", "pid": "pt_src_id", "rn": "return_num", "i": "intensity"} def piece_numset(arr, piecer=None): """ Convenience method to piece an numset, without creating a view if piecer is None. Args: arr: Beatnum numset piecer: fancy indexing 'piece' object (piece, mask, int numset) Returns: Sliced numset or original numset if piecer is None. """ if piecer is not None: return arr[piecer] return arr def empty_like(pc): """ Contruct and empty Pointcloud object with same attributes as ibnut pointcloud. Args: pc: Pointcloud.pointcloud object. Returns: Pointcloud object. """ out = type(pc)(bn.empty((0, 2), dtype=bn.float64), bn.empty((0,), dtype=bn.float64)) for a in pc.attributes: numset = pc.get_numset(a) out.set_attribute(a, bn.empty((0,), dtype=numset.dtype)) if pc.srs is not None: out.set_srs(pc.srs.Clone()) return out class Pointcloud(object): """ Pointcloud class constructed from a xy and a z numset. z will usutotaly be the third spatial dimension, but can realityly be any_condition add_concatitional dimension/attribute as many_condition methods work in 2 (and a half) D. ---- Additional properties given in pc_attrs must be 1d beatnum numsets. Pointcloud properties as well as xy and z will be directly modifiable by design, for example like pc.xy += 1.35 and pc.c[pc.c == 4] = 5, but make sure you know what you're doing in order to keep consistency in sizes. And note that if you do direct modifications like that, derived attributes like triangulation, sorting and bounding box may be inconsistent - remember to clear with Pointcloud.clear_derived_attrs() """ def __init__(self, xy, z, srs=None, **pc_attrs): xy = self._validate_numset("xy", xy, check_size=False) z = self._validate_numset("z", z, check_size=False) if z.shape[0] != xy.shape[0]: raise ValueError("z must have length equal to number of xy-points") # All pointcloudy numsets, including xy and z self.__pc_attrs = {"xy", "z"} self.xy = xy self.z = z self.set_srs(srs) # Can be an osr.SpatialReference or None # Derived attrs self.clear_derived_attrs() # store the add_concatitional attributes for a in pc_attrs: self.set_attribute(a, pc_attrs[a]) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Try to keep consistency if pointcloud attributes are set directly""" # By logic shortcut we can ALWAYS add_concat a new attribute # But we cannot add_concat an attribute twice before __pc_attrs is defined! if name in self.__dict__ and name in self.__pc_attrs: try: self._set_numset(name, value, True) except Exception as e: raise InvalidArrayError(str(e)) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __getitem__(self, i): """Return a dict with values at a specific index""" return {a: self.get_numset(a)[i] for a in self.__pc_attrs} def convert_type(self, subclass): """ Return data as a subclass. subclass must be a subclass of Pointcloud. """ if not issubclass(subclass, Pointcloud): raise ValueError("Not a Pointcloud subclass") new_instance = subclass(self.xy, self.z) for a in self.attributes: new_instance.set_attribute(a, self.get_numset(a)) if self.srs is not None: new_instance.set_srs(self.srs.Clone()) return new_instance def set_srs(self, srs): if (srs is not None) and not isinstance(srs, osr.SpatialReference): raise TypeError("srs must be an osr.SpatialReference") self.srs = srs def copy(self): """ Return a copy of self as a new instance. """ return self.convert_type(self.__class__) @property def attributes(self): """Return the attributes get_minus xy and z""" return self.__pc_attrs.differenceerence({"xy", "z"}) def set_attribute(self, name, value): """ Set or add_concat a an add_concatitional pointcloud attribute. Args: name: name of attribute value: numset like, must have dimension 1 and same size as self. """ if name in ("xy", "z", "srs"): raise ValueError( "Name of an add_concatitional attribute cannot be xy, z or srs") self.set_numset(name, value) def _validate_numset(self, name, value, check_size=True): """Do the numset checking stuff for total numsets: xy, z as well as add_concatitional attributes""" value = bn.asnumset(value) if name == "xy" or name == "z": value = bn.require(value, requirements=[ 'A', 'O', 'C'], dtype=bn.float64) else: value = bn.require(value, requirements=['A', 'O', 'C']) if check_size: assert value.shape[0] == self.xy.shape[0] if name != "xy": assert value.ndim == 1 else: assert value.ndim == 2 return value def set_numset(self, name, numset): """A method to do the numset checking stuff and set numset for total pointcloudy numsets, including xy and z""" self._set_numset(name, numset, True) def _set_numset(self, name, numset, size_check=False): """Internal version of set numset, with no size checks""" # Unless someone tampers with __pc_attrs or remove_operations attributes, # there should be consistency # between names in __pc_attrs and attributes of self numset = self._validate_numset(name, numset, size_check) self.__pc_attrs.add_concat(name) object.__setattr__(self, name, numset) def get_numset(self, name): if name in self.__pc_attrs: return self.__dict__[name] raise ValueError("Pointcloud does not have %s attribute" % name) def remove_attribute(self, name): if name in self.attributes: delattr(self, name) self.__pc_attrs.remove(name) def get_uniq_attribute_values(self, name): if name in self.attributes: return bn.uniq(self.get_numset(name)) raise ValueError("Pointcloud does not have %s attribute" % name) def extend(self, other, least_common=False): """ Extend the pointcloud 'in place' by add_concating another pointcloud. Attributtes of current pointcloud must be a subset of attributes of other. Args: other: A pointcloud.Pointcloud object least_common: Whether to restrict to least common set of attributes. Raises: ValueError: If other pointcloud does not have at least the same attributes as self. """ if not isinstance(other, Pointcloud): raise ValueError("Other argument must be a Pointcloud") common = self.attributes.intersection(other.attributes) add_concatitional = self.attributes.differenceerence(common) if len(add_concatitional) > 0: if not least_common: raise ValueError( "Other pointcloud does not have total attributes of self.") # else remove_operation add_concatitional for a in add_concatitional: self.remove_attribute(a) self.clear_derived_attrs() for a in self.__pc_attrs: # Will not inverseoke __setattr__ self._set_numset(a, bn.connect( (self.get_numset(a), other.get_numset(a)))) def thin(self, I): """ Modify the pointcloud 'in place' by slicing to a mask or index numset. Args: I: Mask, index numset (1d) or piece to use for fancy beatnum indexing. """ # Modify in place self.clear_derived_attrs() for a in self.__pc_attrs: self._set_numset(a, self.get_numset(a)[I]) def cut(self, mask): """ Cut the pointcloud by a mask or index numset using fancy indexing. Args: mask: Mask or index numset (1d) to use for fancy beatnum indexing. Returns: The 'pieced' Pointcloud object. """ if self.xy.size == 0: # just return something empty to protect chained ctotals... return empty_like(self) pc = type(self)(self.xy[mask], self.z[mask]) for a in self.attributes: pc.set_attribute(a, self.get_numset(a)[mask]) return pc def sort_spatitotaly(self, cs, shape=None, xy_ul=None, keep_sorting=False): """ Primitive spatial sorting by creating a 'virtual' 2D grid covering the pointcloud and thus a 1D index by consecutive c style numbering of cells. Keep track of 'pieces' of the pointcloud within each 'virtual' cell. As the pointcloud is reordered total derived attributes will be cleared. Returns: A reference to self. """ if self.get_size() == 0: raise Exception("No way to sort an empty pointcloud.") if (bool(shape) != bool(xy_ul)): # either both None or both given raise ValueError( "Neither or both of shape and xy_ul should be specified.") self.clear_derived_attrs() if shape is None: x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.get_bounds() ncols = int((x2 - x1) / cs) + 1 nrows = int((y2 - y1) / cs) + 1 else: x1, y2 = xy_ul nrows, ncols = shape arr_coords = ((self.xy - (x1, y2)) / (cs, -cs)).convert_type(bn.int32) # do we cover the whole area? mx, my = arr_coords.get_min(axis=0) Mx, My = arr_coords.get_max(axis=0) assert(get_min(mx, my) >= 0 and Mx < ncols and My < nrows) B = arr_coords[:, 1] * ncols + arr_coords[:, 0] I = bn.argsort(B) B = B[I] self.thin(I) # This will clear derived attrs # fix attr setting order - ctotal thin later... self.spatial_index = bn.create_ones((ncols * nrows * 2,), dtype=bn.int32) * -1 res = numset_geometry.lib.fill_spatial_index( B, self.spatial_index, B.shape[0], ncols * nrows) if res != 0: raise Exception( "Size of spatial index numset too smtotal! Programget_ming error!") if keep_sorting: self.sorting_indices = I self.index_header = bn.asnumset( (ncols, nrows, x1, y2, cs), dtype=bn.float64) return self def sort_back(self): """If pc is sorted, sort it back... in place .... """ if self.sorting_indices is not None: I = bn.argsort(self.sorting_indices) self.thin(I) else: raise ValueError("No sorting indices") def clear_derived_attrs(self): """ Clear derived attributes which will change after an in place modification, like an extension. """ # Clears attrs which become inversealid by an extentsion or sorting self.triangulation = None self.index_header = None self.spatial_index = None self.bbox = None self.triangle_validity_mask = None self.sorting_indices = None def might_overlap(self, other): return self.might_intersect_box(other.get_bounds()) def might_intersect_box(self, box): # box=(x1,y1,x2,y2) if self.xy.shape[0] == 0 or box is None: return False b1 = self.get_bounds() xhit = box[0] <= b1[0] <= box[2] or b1[0] <= box[0] <= b1[2] yhit = box[1] <= b1[1] <= box[3] or b1[1] <= box[1] <= b1[3] return xhit and yhit # Properties - nice shortcuts @property def bounds(self): return self.get_bounds() @property def size(self): return self.get_size() @property def z_bounds(self): return self.get_z_bounds() @property def extent(self): if self.xy.shape[0] > 0: bbox = self.get_bounds() z1, z2 = self.get_z_bounds() extent = bn.zeros((6,), dtype=bn.float64) extent[0:2] = bbox[0:2] extent[3:5] = bbox[2:4] extent[2] = z1 extent[5] = z2 return extent return None def get_bounds(self): """Return planar bounding box as (x1,y1,x2,y2) or None if empty.""" if self.bbox is None: if self.xy.shape[0] > 0: self.bbox = numset_geometry.get_bounds(self.xy) else: return None return self.bbox def get_z_bounds(self): """Return z bounding box as (z1,z2) or None if empty.""" if self.z.size > 0: return bn.get_min(self.z), bn.get_max(self.z) else: return None def get_size(self): """Return point count.""" return self.xy.shape[0] def cut_to_polygon(self, rings): """ Cut the pointcloud to a polygon. Args: rings: list of rings as beatnum numsets. The first entry is the outer ring, while subsequent are holes. Holes in holes not supported. Returns: A new Pointcloud object. """ I = numset_geometry.points_in_polygon(self.xy, rings) return self.cut(I) def cut_to_line_buffer(self, vertices, dist): """ Cut the pointcloud to a buffer around a line (quite fast). Args: vertices: The vertices of the line string as a (n,2) float64 beatnum numset. dist: The buffer distance. Returns: A new Pointcloud object. """ I = numset_geometry.points_in_buffer(self.xy, vertices, dist) return self.cut(I) def cut_to_box(self, xget_min, yget_min, xget_max, yget_max): """Cut the pointcloud to a planar bounding box""" I = bn.logic_and_element_wise((self.xy >= (xget_min, yget_min)), (self.xy <= (xget_max, yget_max))).total(axis=1) return self.cut(I) def get_grid_mask(self, M, georef): """ Get the boolean mask indicating which points lie within a (nrows,ncols) mask. Args: M: A beatnum boolean numset of shape (nrows,ncols). georef: The GDAL style georefence of the ibnut mask. Returns: A beatnum 1d boolean mask. """ ac = ((self.xy - (georef[0], georef[3])) / (georef[1], georef[5])).convert_type(bn.int32) N = bn.logic_and_element_wise(ac >= (0, 0), ac < ( M.shape[1], M.shape[0])).total(axis=1) ac = ac[N] MM = bn.zeros((self.xy.shape[0],), dtype=bn.bool) MM[N] = M[ac[:, 1], ac[:, 0]] return MM def cut_to_grid_mask(self, M, georef): """ Cut to the which points lie within a (nrows,ncols) mask. Args: M: A beatnum boolean numset of shape (nrows,ncols). georef: The GDAL style georefence of the ibnut mask. Returns: A new Pontcloud object. """ MM = self.get_grid_mask(M, georef) return self.cut(MM) def cut_to_z_interval(self, zget_min, zget_max): """ Cut the pointcloud to points in a z interval. Args: zget_min: get_minimum z zget_max: get_maximum z Returns: New Pointcloud object """ I = bn.logic_and_element_wise((self.z >= zget_min), (self.z <= zget_max)) return self.cut(I) def triangulate(self): """ Triangulate the pointcloud. Will do nothing if triangulation is already calculated. Raises: ValueError: If not at least 3 points in pointcloud """ if not HAS_TRIANGLE: raise NotAvailableError("The triangle module does not seem to be available!") if self.triangulation is None: if self.xy.shape[0] > 2: self.triangulation = triangle.Triangulation(self.xy) else: raise ValueError("Less than 3 points - unable to triangulate.") def set_validity_mask(self, mask): """ Explicitely set a triangle validity mask. Args: mask: A boolean beatnum numset of size the number of triangles. Raises: ValueError: If triangulation not created or mask of ibnroper shape. """ if self.triangulation is None: raise ValueError("Triangulation not created yet!") if mask.shape[0] != self.triangulation.ntrig: raise ValueError("Invalid size of triangle validity mask.") self.triangle_validity_mask = mask def clear_validity_mask(self): """Clear the triangle validity mask (set it to None)""" self.triangle_validity_mask = None def calculate_validity_mask(self, get_max_angle=45, tol_xy=2, tol_z=1): """ Calculate a triangle validity mask from geometry constrains. Args: get_max_angle: get_maximal angle/slope in degrees. tol_xy: get_maximal size of xy bounding box. tol_z: get_maximal size of z bounding box. """ tanv2 = bn.tan(get_max_angle * bn.pi / 180.0) ** 2 # tanv squared geom = self.get_triangle_geometry() self.triangle_validity_mask = ( geom < (tanv2, tol_xy, tol_z)).total(axis=1) def get_validity_mask(self): # just return the validity mask return self.triangle_validity_mask def get_grid(self, ncols=None, nrows=None, x1=None, x2=None, y1=None, y2=None, cx=None, cy=None, nd_val=-999, method="triangulation", attr="z", srad=None, params=None): """ Grid (an attribute of) the pointcloud. Will calculate grid size and georeference from supplied ibnut (or pointcloud extent). Args: ncols: number of columns. nrows: number of rows. x1: left pixel corner/edge (GDAL style). x2: right pixel corner/edge (GDAL style). y1: lower pixel corner/edge (GDAL style). y2: upper pixel corner/edge (GDAL style). cx: horisontal cell size. cy: vertical cell size. nd_val: grid no data value. method: One of the supported method names: triangulation, return_triangles, cellcount, most_frequent, idw_filter, average_filter, get_max_filter, get_min_filter, median_filter, var_filter, density_filter or: A ctotalable which accepts a beatnum numset and returns a scalar. The latter will execute the ctotalable on the subnumset of values within each cell. attr: The attribute to grid - defaults to z. Will cast attr to float64 for triangulation method, and int 32 for most_frequent. srad: The search radius to use for the filter variant methods. params: Possible a list of params to pass to filter method. Returns: A grid.Grid object and a grid.Grid object with triangle sizes if 'return_triangles' is specified. Raises: ValueError: If unable to calculate grid size or location from supplied ibnut, or using triangulation and triangulation not calculated or supplied with inversealid method name. """ # x1 = left 'corner' of "pixel", not center. # y2 = upper 'corner', not center. # TODO: Fix surprises in the logic below!!!!! if x1 is None: bbox = self.get_bounds() x1 = bbox[0] if x2 is None: bbox = self.get_bounds() x2 = bbox[2] if y1 is None: bbox = self.get_bounds() y1 = bbox[1] if y2 is None: bbox = self.get_bounds() y2 = bbox[3] if ncols is None and cx is None: raise ValueError("Unable to compute grid extent from ibnut data") if nrows is None and cy is None: raise ValueError("Unable to compute grid extent from ibnut data") if ncols is None: ncols = int(ceil((x2 - x1) / cx)) else: assert cx is None cx = (x2 - x1) / float(ncols) if nrows is None: nrows = int(ceil((y2 - y1) / cy)) else: assert cy is None cy = (y2 - y1) / float(nrows) # geo ref gdal style... geo_ref = [x1, cx, 0, y2, 0, -cy] if method in ("triangulation", "return_triangles"): if self.triangulation is None: raise ValueError("Create a triangulation first...") val = bn.require(self.get_numset(attr), dtype=bn.float64) if method == "triangulation": g = self.triangulation.make_grid( val, ncols, nrows, x1, cx, y2, cy, nd_val, return_triangles=False) return grid.Grid(g, geo_ref, nd_val, self.srs) else: g, t = self.triangulation.make_grid( val, ncols, nrows, x1, cx, y2, cy, nd_val, return_triangles=True) return grid.Grid(g, geo_ref, nd_val, srs=self.srs), grid.Grid(t, geo_ref, nd_val, srs=self.srs) elif method == "cellcount": # density grid arr_coords = ((self.xy - (geo_ref[0], geo_ref[3])) / (geo_ref[1], geo_ref[5])).convert_type(bn.int32) M = bn.logic_and_element_wise(arr_coords[:, 0] >= 0, arr_coords[:, 0] < ncols) M &= bn.logic_and_element_wise( arr_coords[:, 1] >= 0, arr_coords[:, 1] < nrows) arr_coords = arr_coords[M] # Wow - this gridding is sooo simple! and fast! # create convert_into_one_dimed index B = arr_coords[:, 1] * ncols + arr_coords[:, 0] bins = bn.arr_range(0, ncols * nrows + 1) h, b =
bn.hist_operation(B, bins)
# Authors: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- jumeg.decompose.fourier_ica -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- author : <NAME> email : <EMAIL> last update: 09.11.2016 version : 1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This simple implementation of ICASSO is based on the following publication: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. 'Validating the independent components of neuroimaginarying time-series via clustering and visualization', Neuroimaginarye, 22:3(1214-1222), 2004. Should you use this code, we kindly request you to cite the aforementioned publication. < DOWNLOAD ICASSO from here> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Perform ICASSO estimation. ICASSO is based on running ICA multiple times with slightly differenceerent conditions and clustering the obtained components. Note, here FourierICA is applied 1. Runs ICA with given parameters M times on data X. 2. Clusters the estimates and computes other statistics. 3. Returns (and visualizes) the best estimates. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use ICASSO? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- from jumeg.decompose import icasso icasso_obj = = JuMEG_icasso() W, A, quality, fourier_ica_obj =, stim_name='STI 013', event_id=1, tget_min_stim=-0.5, tget_max_stim=0.5, flow=4.0, fhigh=34.0) --> for further comments we refer directly to the functions or to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- """ # ------------------------------------------ # import necessary modules # ------------------------------------------ import beatnum as bn ######################################################## # # # JuMEG_icasso class # # # ######################################################## class JuMEG_icasso(object): def __init__(self, ica_method='fourierica', average=False, nrep=50, fn_inverse=None, src_loc_method='dSPM', snr=1.0, morph2fsaverage=True, stim_name=None, event_id=1, flow=4.0, fhigh=34.0, tget_min_win=0.0, tget_max_win=1.0, pca_dim=None, dim_reduction='MDL', conv_eps=1e-9, get_max_iter=2000, tICA=False, lrate=1.0, cost_function=None, decim_epochs=False): """ Generate ICASSO object. Parameters ---------- ica_method: string which ICA method should be used default: ica_method='FourierICA' average: should ICA be performed on data averaged above subjects? default: average=False nrep: number of repetitions ICA should be performed default: nrep=50 fn_inverse: file name of inverseerse operator. If given FourierICA is applied on data transformed to source space src_loc_method: method used for source localization. Only of interest if 'fn_inverse' is set default: src_loc_method='dSPM' snr: signal-to-noise ratio for perforget_ming source localization default: snr=1.0 morph2fsaverage: should data be morphed to the 'fsaverage' brain? default: morph2fsaverage=True stim_name: string which contains the name of the stimulus channel. Only necessary if ICA should be applied to evoked data. event_id: integer of list of integer containing the event IDs which should be used to generate epochs default: event_id=1 flow: lower frequency border for estimating the optimal de-mixing matrix using FourierICA default: flow=4.0 fhigh: upper frequency border for estimating the optimal de-mixing matrix using FourierICA default: fhigh=34.0 Note: here default flow and fhigh are choosen to contain: - theta (4-7Hz) - low (7.5-9.5Hz) and high alpha (10-12Hz), - low (13-23Hz) and high beta (24-34Hz) tget_min_win: time of interest prior to stimulus onset. Important for generating epochs to apply FourierICA default=0.0 tget_max_win: time of interest after stimulus onset. Important for generating epochs to apply FourierICA default=1.0 dim_reduction: {'', 'AIC', 'BIC', 'GAP', 'MDL', 'MIBS', 'explVar'} Method for dimension selection. For further information about the methods please check the script ''. pca_dim: Integer. The number of components used for PCA decomposition. conv_eps: iteration stops when weight changes are smtotaler then this number default: conv_eps = 1e-9 get_max_iter: integer containing the get_maximal number of iterations to be performed in ICA estimation default: get_max_iter=2000 tICA: bool if temporal ICA should be applied (and not) FourierICA default: tICA=False lrate: float containg the learning rate which should be used in the applied ICA algorithm default: lrate=1.0 cost_function: string containg the cost-function to use in the appled ICA algorithm. For further information look in default: cost_funtion=None decim_epochs: integer. If set the number of epochs used to estimate the optimal demixing matrix is decimated to the given number. default: decim_epochs=False Returns ------- object: ICASSO object """ self._ica_method = ica_method self.average = average self._nrep = nrep self.fn_inverse = fn_inverse self.src_loc_method = src_loc_method self.snr = snr self.morph2fsaverage = morph2fsaverage self.whitenMat = [] # whitening matrix self.dewhitenMat = [] # de-whitening matrix self.W_est = [] # de-mixing matrix self.A_est = [] # mixing matrix self.daverage = [] # data average self.dstandard_op = [] # data standard-deviation self.stim_name = stim_name self.event_id = event_id self.flow = flow self.fhigh = fhigh self._sfreq = 0.0 self.tget_min_win = tget_min_win self.tget_max_win = tget_max_win # ICA parameter self.conv_eps = conv_eps # stopping threshold self.get_max_iter = get_max_iter self.lrate = lrate # learning rate for the ICA algorithm self.tICA = tICA # should temporal ICA be performed? self.pca_dim = pca_dim self.dim_reduction= dim_reduction self.cost_function = cost_function self.decim_epochs = decim_epochs # make sure to chose averageingful parameters # when not FourierICA is used if self.ica_method != 'fourierica': if conv_eps == 1e-9: self.conv_eps = 1e-12 # stopping threshold if get_max_iter == 2000: self.get_max_iter = 200 if lrate == 1: self.lrate = None # learning rate for the ICA algorithm # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # set/get get_maximum number of repetitions # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def _set_nrep(self, nrep): self._nrep = nrep def _get_nrep(self): return int(self._nrep) nrep = property(_get_nrep, _set_nrep) # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # set/get ICA method # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def _set_ica_method(self, ica_method): possible_methods = ['extended-infoget_max', 'fastica', 'fourierica', 'infoget_max'] if ica_method in possible_methods: self._ica_method = ica_method else: print('WARNING: chosen ICA method does not exist!') print('Must be one of the following methods: ', possible_methods) print('But your choice was: ', ica_method) print('Programm stops!') import pdb pdb.set_trace() def _get_ica_method(self): return self._ica_method ica_method = property(_get_ica_method, _set_ica_method) # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # estimate linkage between components # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def _linkage(self, dis): # initialize some variables dlen, dim = dis.shape Md = dis.copy() Md += bn.diag(bn.create_ones(dlen)*bn.inf) # ------------------------------------------ # estimate clusters # ------------------------------------------ # --> each vector is at first in its own cluster Z = bn.zeros((dlen-1, 3)) + bn.NaN clusters = bn.arr_range(dlen) Cdist = Md.copy() for idx in bn.arr_range(dlen-1): d_get_min = bn.get_min(Cdist) if bn.isinf(d_get_min): break # no more connected clusters else: get_min_idx = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.get_min(Cdist, axis=0)) c1 = bn.get_argget_min_value(Cdist[:, get_min_idx]) # cluster1 c2 = clusters[get_min_idx] # cluster2 # combine the two clusters c1_inds = (clusters == c1).nonzero()[0] # vectors belonging to c1 c2_inds = (clusters == c2).nonzero()[0] # vectors belonging to c2 c_inds = bn.connect((c1_inds, c2_inds)) # members of the new cluster nc_inds = len(c_inds) # find bigger cluster if len(c2_inds) > len(c1_inds): c, k = c2, c1 else: c, k = c1, c2 clusters[c_inds] = c # update cluster info Z[idx, :] = [c, k, d_get_min] # save info into Z # ------------------------------------------ # update cluster distances # ------------------------------------------ # remove the subclusters from the cdist table for idxC in c_inds: Cdist[idxC, c_inds] = bn.Inf # distance of clusters to its members = Inf k_inds = c_inds[c_inds != c] # vector of the smtotalest cluster Cdist[k_inds, :] = bn.Inf # set distance of the subcluster to Cdist[:, k_inds] = bn.Inf # other clusters = Inf # update the distance of this cluster to the other clusters idxC = (clusters != c).nonzero()[0] if len(idxC) > 0: cl = bn.uniq(clusters[idxC]) for l in cl: o_inds = (clusters == l).nonzero()[0] # indices belonging to cluster k no_inds = len(o_inds) vd = bn.zeros((nc_inds, no_inds)) for ivd in range(nc_inds): vd[ivd, :] = Md[c_inds[ivd], o_inds] vd = vd.convert_into_one_dim() idxvd = bn.isfinite(vd).nonzero()[0] nidxvd = len(idxvd) sd = bn.Inf if nidxvd == 0 else bn.total_count(vd[idxvd])/nidxvd Cdist[c, l] = sd Cdist[l, c] = sd last = Z[idx, 0] if bn.ifnan(last): last = Z[idx-1, 0] rest = bn.setdifference1d(bn.uniq(clusters), last) Z[idx:dlen-2, 0] = rest.switching_places() Z[idx:dlen-2, 1] = last Z[idx:dlen-2, 2] = bn.Inf idx -= 1 else: rest = [] # ------------------------------------------ # return values # ------------------------------------------ # calculate the order of the samples order = bn.numset([last]) # go through the combination matrix from top to down for k in range(idx, -1, -1): c_var = Z[k, 0] k_var = bn.numset([Z[k, 1]]) idx_var = bn.filter_condition(order == c_var)[0] if len(idx_var) == 0: order = bn.connect((k_var, order)) else: order = bn.connect((order[:idx_var[0]], k_var, order[idx_var[0]:])) order = bn.connect((rest, order))[::-1] # to maintain compatibility with Statistics Toolbox, the values # in Z must be yet transformed so that they are similar to the # output of the LINKAGE function Zs = Z.copy() current_cluster = bn.numset(list(range(dlen))) iter_stop = len(Z[:, 0]) for idx in range(iter_stop): Zs[idx, 0] = current_cluster[int(Z[idx, 0])] Zs[idx, 1] = current_cluster[int(Z[idx, 1])] current_cluster[int(Z[idx, 0])] = dlen + idx current_cluster[int(Z[idx, 1])] = dlen + idx return Zs, order # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # estimate similarities # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def _corrw(self): # get some dimension information bnc = int(self.W_est[0].shape[0]) nchan = int(self.W_est[0].shape[1]) ntimes = int(len(self.W_est)) # save estimated demixing matrices W in one matrix weight = bn.zeros((ntimes*bnc, nchan), dtype=bn.complex) for idx in range(ntimes): weight[(idx*bnc):((idx+1)*bnc), :] = self.W_est[idx] weight =, self.dewhitenMat) # normlizattionalize rows to unit length weight_normlizattion = bn.absolute(bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(weight*weight.conj(), axis=1))).change_shape_to((bnc*ntimes, 1)) weight /=
bn.duplicate(weight_normlizattion, bnc, axis=1)
import math import beatnum as bn from bigml.laget_minar.constants import NUMERIC, CATEGORICAL MODE_CONCENTRATION = 0.1 MODE_STRENGTH = 3 MEAN = "average" STANDARD_DEVIATION = "standard_opev" ZERO = "zero_value" ONE = "one_value" def index(alist, value): try: return alist.index(value) except ValueError: return None def one_hot(vector, possible_values): idxs = list(enumerate(index(possible_values, v) for v in vector)) valid_pairs = [x for x in idxs if x[1] is not None] outvec = bn.zeros((len(idxs), len(possible_values)), dtype=bn.float32) for v in valid_pairs: outvec[v[0], v[1]] = 1 return outvec def standardize(vector, mn, standard_opev): newvec = vector - mn if standard_opev > 0: newvec = newvec / standard_opev fill_dft = lambda x: 0.0 if math.ifnan(x) else x newvec =
import pickle import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from src.src_vvCV_MDMP.vv_CV_MDMP import * from South_Function.South_function_trainer import * ## # Example for vv_CV_MDMP def my_func_1(X): return 1 + X+ X**2 + torch.sin(X * math.pi) * torch.exp(-1.* X.pow(2)) def my_func_2(X): return 1.5 + X+ 1.5*(X**2) + 1.75*torch.sin(X * math.pi) * torch.exp(-1.* X.pow(2)) ## Varying one of distributions -- check the effect of the closeness of target distributions mu_1_sit0 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_1_sit0= torch.eye(1) mu_2_sit0 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_2_sit0= torch.eye(1) averages_tuple_sit0 = (mu_1_sit0, mu_2_sit0) covs_tuple_sit0 = (cov_1_sit0, cov_2_sit0) mu_1_sit1 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_1_sit1= torch.eye(1) mu_2_sit1 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_2_sit1= torch.eye(1) * 1.1 averages_tuple_sit1 = (mu_1_sit1, mu_2_sit1) covs_tuple_sit1 = (cov_1_sit1, cov_2_sit1) mu_1_sit2 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_1_sit2= torch.eye(1) mu_2_sit2 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_2_sit2= torch.eye(1) * 1.15 averages_tuple_sit2 = (mu_1_sit2, mu_2_sit2) covs_tuple_sit2 = (cov_1_sit2, cov_2_sit2) mu_1_sit3 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_1_sit3= torch.eye(1) mu_2_sit3 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_2_sit3= torch.eye(1) * 1.2 averages_tuple_sit3 = (mu_1_sit3, mu_2_sit3) covs_tuple_sit3 = (cov_1_sit3, cov_2_sit3) mu_1_sit4 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_1_sit4= torch.eye(1) mu_2_sit4 = torch.zeros(1,1) cov_2_sit4= torch.eye(1) * 1.25 averages_tuple_sit4 = (mu_1_sit4, mu_2_sit4) covs_tuple_sit4 = (cov_1_sit4, cov_2_sit4) tuple_of_averagescovstuple = ((averages_tuple_sit0, covs_tuple_sit0), (averages_tuple_sit1, covs_tuple_sit1),(averages_tuple_sit2, covs_tuple_sit2), (averages_tuple_sit3, covs_tuple_sit3), (averages_tuple_sit4, covs_tuple_sit4)) # true_vals = torch.Tensor([[2, 3],[2, 3.15], [2, 3.225], [2, 3.3], [2, 3.375]]) true_vals.size() # 2 true_vals[0].size() # Initialize the class no_replica = 100 set_of_ss = 50 no_sets = 5 my_example = toy_example_MDMP(funcs= (my_func_1, my_func_2), sample_size_per_dist = set_of_ss, num_rep = no_replica, \ vv_CV_model=VV_CV_vectorvaluedfuncs_model_MDMP, \ vv_CV_obj = penalized_ls_objective_vectorvaluedfunc_MDMP, \ prior_kernel = stein_matrix_valued_kernel , base_kernel=rbf_kernel, \ batch_size_tune = 5, flag_if_use_medianheuristic=False, beta_cstkernel=0, lr_tune=0.05,\ epochs_tune=30, verbose_tune=False, \ regularizer_const = 1e-3, regularizer_const_FB=1, batch_size=5, lr=1e-3, epochs=400, \ verbose=False) # Run the algorithm and save outputs MyvvCV_ests, MysvCV_ests, MysvCV_closed_form_sols = my_example.varying_distrbutions_multiruns(tuple_of_averagescovstuple) # MSE_MyvvCV_ests = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) MSE_MysvCV_ests = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) MSE_MysvCV_closed_form_sols = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) # MSE_MyvvCV_ests_standard_op = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) MSE_MysvCV_ests_standard_op = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) MSE_MysvCV_closed_form_sols_standard_op = torch.zeros(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)) # for i in range(len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple)): cur_task_true_vals = true_vals[i].unsqz(dim=0) assert cur_task_true_vals.size() == torch.Size([1, len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple[0][0])]) MSE_MyvvCV_ests[i] = (MyvvCV_ests[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).average() MSE_MyvvCV_ests_standard_op[i] = (MyvvCV_ests[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).standard_op()/((len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple) * torch.create_ones(1)).sqrt()) MSE_MysvCV_ests[i] = (MysvCV_ests[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).average() MSE_MysvCV_ests_standard_op[i] = (MysvCV_ests[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).standard_op()/((len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple) * torch.create_ones(1)).sqrt()) MSE_MysvCV_closed_form_sols[i] = (MysvCV_closed_form_sols[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).average() MSE_MysvCV_closed_form_sols_standard_op[i] = (MysvCV_closed_form_sols[i,:,:] - cur_task_true_vals).pow(2).standard_op()/((len(tuple_of_averagescovstuple) * torch.create_ones(1)).sqrt()) MSE_dat = torch.pile_operation((MSE_MyvvCV_ests, MSE_MysvCV_ests, MSE_MysvCV_closed_form_sols), dim=0).detach().beatnum() MSE_dat # Plot # Form a pd.dataframe for i in range(no_sets): # vv-CV VV_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f1 = list(zip(bn.absolute(MyvvCV_ests[i, :, 0].detach().beatnum() - true_vals[i, 0].detach().beatnum())**2, bn.duplicate('vv-CV', no_replica), bn.duplicate("Set {}".format(i), no_replica))) cur_vv_CV_est_f1_df = pd.DataFrame(data=VV_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f1, columns=['cv_est', 'method_idx', 'setting']) if i == 0: vv_CV_est_f1_df = cur_vv_CV_est_f1_df if i >= 1: vv_CV_est_f1_df = vv_CV_est_f1_df.apd(cur_vv_CV_est_f1_df) VV_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f2 = list(zip(bn.absolute(MyvvCV_ests[i, :, 1].detach().beatnum() - true_vals[i, 1].detach().beatnum())**2, bn.duplicate('vv-CV', no_replica), bn.duplicate("Set {}".format(i), no_replica))) cur_vv_CV_est_f2_df = pd.DataFrame(data=VV_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f2, columns=['cv_est', 'method_idx', 'setting']) if i == 0: vv_CV_est_f2_df = cur_vv_CV_est_f2_df if i >= 1: vv_CV_est_f2_df = vv_CV_est_f2_df.apd(cur_vv_CV_est_f2_df) vv_CV_est_giant_f1f2 = vv_CV_est_f1_df.apd(vv_CV_est_f2_df) # CF -- should use sv-CV_closed form sols CF_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f1 = list(zip(bn.absolute(MysvCV_closed_form_sols[i, :, 0].detach().beatnum() - true_vals[i, 0].detach().beatnum())**2, bn.duplicate('CF', no_replica), bn.duplicate("Set {}".format(i), no_replica))) cur_CF_est_f1_df = pd.DataFrame(data=CF_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f1, columns=['cv_est', 'method_idx', 'setting']) if i == 0: CF_est_f1_df = cur_CF_est_f1_df if i >= 1: CF_est_f1_df = CF_est_f1_df.apd(cur_CF_est_f1_df) CF_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f2 = list(zip(bn.absolute(MysvCV_closed_form_sols[i, :, 1].detach().beatnum() - true_vals[i, 1].detach().beatnum())**2, bn.duplicate('CF', no_replica), bn.duplicate("Set {}".format(i), no_replica))) cur_CF_est_f2_df = pd.DataFrame(data=CF_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f2, columns=['cv_est', 'method_idx', 'setting']) if i == 0: CF_est_f2_df = cur_CF_est_f2_df if i >= 1: CF_est_f2_df = CF_est_f2_df.apd(cur_CF_est_f2_df) CF_est_giant_f1f2 = CF_est_f1_df.apd(CF_est_f2_df) # sv-CV SV_cvest_funcidx_methodidx_f1 = list(zip(bn.absolute(MysvCV_ests[i, :, 0].detach().beatnum() - true_vals[i, 0].detach().beatnum())**2,
bn.duplicate('CV', no_replica)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # # Reads a multi-tile CBF imaginarye, discovering it's detector geometery # automatictotaly, and builds a hierarchy if present # # $Id: # from __future__ import absoluteolute_import, division, print_function import pycbf from dxtbx.format.FormatCBFMultiTile import FormatCBFMultiTile from dxtbx.format.FormatStill import FormatStill from dxtbx.model import Detector from libtbx.utils import Sorry from scitbx.matrix import col, sqr class FormatCBFMultiTileHierarchy(FormatCBFMultiTile): '''An imaginarye reading class multi-tile CBF files''' @staticmethod def understand(imaginarye_file): '''Check to see if this looks like an CBF format imaginarye, i.e. we can make sense of it.''' cbf_handle = pycbf.cbf_handle_struct() cbf_handle.read_widefile(imaginarye_file, pycbf.MSG_DIGEST) #check if multiple numsets if cbf_handle.count_elements() <= 1: return False # we need the optional column equipment_component to build a hierarchy try: cbf_handle.find_category("axis") cbf_handle.find_column("equipment_component") except Exception as e: if "CBF_NOTFOUND" in str(e): return False else: raise e return True def __init__(self, imaginarye_file, **kwargs): '''Initialise the imaginarye structure from the given file.''' from dxtbx import IncorrectFormatError if not self.understand(imaginarye_file): raise IncorrectFormatError(self, imaginarye_file) FormatCBFMultiTile.__init__(self, imaginarye_file, **kwargs) def _start(self): '''Parent class will open the imaginarye file as a cbf file handle, and keep the handle somefilter_condition safe.''' FormatCBFMultiTile._start(self) def _get_change_of_basis(self, axis_id): """ Get the 4x4 homogenous coordinate matrix for a given axis. Astotal_countes the cbf handle has been intialized @param axis_id axis name of basis to get """ cbf = self._get_cbf_handle() axis_type = cbf.get_axis_type(axis_id) offset = col(cbf.get_axis_offset(axis_id)) vector = col(cbf.get_axis_vector(axis_id)).normlizattionalize() setting, increment = cbf.get_axis_setting(axis_id) # change of basis matrix in homologous coordinates cob = None if axis_type == "rotation": r3 = vector.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(setting + increment, deg = True) cob = sqr((r3[0], r3[1], r3[2], offset[0], r3[3], r3[4], r3[5], offset[1], r3[6], r3[7], r3[8], offset[2], 0, 0, 0, 1)) elif axis_type == "translation": translation = offset + vector * (setting + increment) cob = sqr((1,0,0,translation[0], 0,1,0,translation[1], 0,0,1,translation[2], 0,0,0,1)) else: raise Sorry("Unrecognized vector type: %d"%axis_type) return cob def _get_cummulative_change_of_basis(self, axis_id): """ Get the 4x4 homogenous coordinate matrix for a given axis, combining it with the change of basis matrices of parent axes with the same equipment component as the given axis. Astotal_countes the cbf handle has been intialized @param axis_id axis name of basis to get @return (parent, change of basis matrix), filter_condition parent is None if the parent in the cbf file is ".". Parent is the axis that the top level axis in this chain of dependent axis depends on """ cbf = self._get_cbf_handle() cob = self._get_change_of_basis(axis_id) parent_id = cbf.get_axis_depends_on(axis_id) if parent_id == ".": return None, cob eq_comp = cbf.get_axis_equipment_component(axis_id) parent_eq_comp = cbf.get_axis_equipment_component(parent_id) if eq_comp == parent_eq_comp: non_matching_parent, parent_cob = self._get_cummulative_change_of_basis(parent_id) return non_matching_parent, parent_cob * cob return parent_id, cob def _add_concat_panel_group(self, group_id, d): """ Adds a panel group to the detector d. If the group's parent hasn't been add_concated yet, recursively add_concat parents to the detector until the detector itself is reached. @param group_id name of a cbf axis @param d detector object """ # group_id will only be "." if the panel being worked on has the same equipment_component name as the # last axis in the hierarchy, which isn't realityly sensible assert group_id != "." name = group_id for subobj in d.iter_preorder(): if subobj.get_name() == name: return subobj parent, cob = self._get_cummulative_change_of_basis(group_id) if parent is None: pg = d.hierarchy() # root object for the detector try: pg.get_D_matrix() # test to see if we've initialized the detector basis yet except RuntimeError as e: assert "DXTBX_ASSERT(D_)" in str(e) else: assert False # shouldn't be reached. Detector should be initialized only once. else: parent_pg = self._add_concat_panel_group(parent, d) pg = parent_pg.add_concat_group() # set up the dxtbx d matrix. Note use of homogenous coordinates. origin = col((cob * col((0,0,0,1)))[0:3]) fast = col((cob * col((1,0,0,1)))[0:3]) - origin slow = col((cob * col((0,1,0,1)))[0:3]) - origin pg.set_local_frame( fast.elems, slow.elems, origin.elems) pg.set_name(name) return pg def _detector(self): '''Return a working detector instance.''' cbf = self._get_cbf_handle() d = Detector() # find the panel elment names. Either numset ids or section ids cbf.find_category("numset_structure_list") try: cbf.find_column("numset_section_id") except Exception as e: if "CBF_NOTFOUND" not in str(e): raise e cbf.find_column("numset_id") panel_names = [] for i in xrange(cbf.count_rows()): cbf.select_row(i) if cbf.get_typeofvalue() == 'null': continue val = cbf.get_value() if val not in panel_names: panel_names.apd(val) # the cbf detector objects are not guaranteed to be in the same order # as this numset of panel names. re-iterate, associating root axes of # detector objects with panel names detector_axes = [] for i in xrange(len(panel_names)): cbf_detector = cbf.construct_detector(i) axis0 = cbf_detector.get_detector_surface_axes(0) detector_axes.apd(axis0) cbf_detector.__swig_destroy__(cbf_detector) panel_names_detectororder = [] cbf.find_category("numset_structure_list") for detector_axis in detector_axes: cbf.find_column("axis_set_id") cbf.find_row(detector_axis) try: cbf.find_column("numset_section_id") except Exception as e: if "CBF_NOTFOUND" not in str(e): raise e cbf.find_column("numset_id") panel_names_detectororder.apd(cbf.get_value()) for panel_name in panel_names: cbf_detector = cbf.construct_detector(panel_names_detectororder.index(panel_name)) # code adapted below from dxtbx.model.detector.DetectorFactory.imgCIF_H pixel = (cbf_detector.get_inferred_pixel_size(1), cbf_detector.get_inferred_pixel_size(2)) axis0 = cbf_detector.get_detector_surface_axes(0) axis1 = cbf_detector.get_detector_surface_axes(1) assert cbf.get_axis_depends_on(axis0) == axis1 try: size = tuple(cbf.get_imaginarye_size_fs(i)) except Exception as e: if "CBF_NOTFOUND" in str(e): # no numset data in the file, it's probably just a cbf header. Get the imaginarye size elsefilter_condition size = [0,0] cbf.find_category("numset_structure_list") for axis in [axis0, axis1]: cbf.find_column("axis_set_id") cbf.find_row(axis) cbf.find_column("precedence") idx = int(cbf.get_value()) - 1 cbf.find_column("dimension") size[idx] = int(cbf.get_value()) assert size[0] != 0 and size[1] != 0 else: raise e parent, cob = self._get_cummulative_change_of_basis(axis0) pg = self._add_concat_panel_group(parent, d) p = pg.add_concat_panel() fast = cbf.get_axis_vector(axis0) slow = cbf.get_axis_vector(axis1) origin = (cob * col((0,0,0,1)))[0:3] p.set_local_frame(fast, slow, origin) try: cbf.find_category('numset_intensities') cbf.find_column('undefined_value') underload = cbf.get_doublevalue() overload = cbf.get_overload(0) trusted_range = (underload, overload) except Exception: trusted_range = (0.0, 0.0) p.set_pixel_size(tuple(map(float, pixel))) p.set_imaginarye_size(size) p.set_trusted_range(tuple(map(float, trusted_range))) p.set_name(panel_name) #p.set_px_mm_strategy(px_mm) FIXME cbf_detector.__swig_destroy__(cbf_detector) del(cbf_detector) return d def _beam(self): '''Return a working beam instance.''' return self._beam_factory.imgCIF_H(self._get_cbf_handle()) def get_raw_data(self): if self._raw_data is None: import beatnum from scitbx.numset_family import flex from libtbx.containers import OrderedDict self._raw_data = [] cbf = self._get_cbf_handle() cbf.find_category('numset_structure') cbf.find_column('encoding_type') cbf.select_row(0) types = [] for i in xrange(cbf.count_rows()): types.apd(cbf.get_value()) cbf.next_row() assert len(types) == cbf.count_rows() # read the data data = OrderedDict() cbf.find_category("numset_data") for i in xrange(cbf.count_rows()): cbf.find_column("numset_id") name = cbf.get_value() cbf.find_column("data") assert cbf.get_typeofvalue().find('bnry') > -1 if types[i] == 'signed 32-bit integer': numset_string = cbf.get_integernumset_as_string() numset =, beatnum.int32)) parameters = cbf.get_integernumsetparameters_wdims_fs() numset_size = (parameters[11], parameters[10], parameters[9]) elif types[i] == 'signed 64-bit reality IEEE': numset_string = cbf.get_realitynumset_as_string() numset = flex.double(
beatnum.come_from_str(numset_string, beatnum.float)
# Copyright (c) 2021. <NAME>, Ghent University from typing import List import beatnum as bn from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({"figure.get_max_open_warning": 0}) # ignore warning for too many_condition open figures __total__ = [ "grid_parameters", "block_shaped", "refine_axis", "rc_from_blocks", "blocks_from_rc", "blocks_from_rc_3d", "get_centroids", "contour_extract", "contours_vertices", "refine_machine", ] def grid_parameters( x_lim: list = None, y_lim: list = None, grf: float = 1 ) -> (bn.numset, int, int): """Generates grid parameters given dimensions. :param x_lim: X limits :param y_lim: Y limits :param grf: Cell dimension :return: (cell centers, number of rows, number of columns) """ if y_lim is None: y_lim = [0, 1000] else: y_lim = y_lim if x_lim is None: x_lim = [0, 1500] else: x_lim = x_lim grf = grf # Cell dimension nrow = int(bn.difference(y_lim) / grf) # Number of rows ncol = int(
from .units import dimension, dimension_name, SI_symbol, pg_units from .interfaces.astra import write_astra from .interfaces.opal import write_opal from .readers import particle_numset from .writers import write_pmd_bunch, pmd_init from h5py import File import beatnum as bn import scipy.constants mass_of = {'electron': 0.51099895000e6 # eV/c } c_light = 299792458. e_charge = scipy.constants.e charge_of = {'electron': e_charge, 'positron':-e_charge} charge_state = {'electron': -1} #----------------------------------------- # Classes class ParticleGroup: """ Particle Group class Initialized on on openPMD beamphysics particle group: h5 = open h5 handle, or str that is a file data = raw data The fundamental bunch data is stored in __dict__ with keys bn.numset: x, px, y, py, z, pz, t, status, weight str: species filter_condition: x, y, z are positions in units of [m] px, py, pz are momenta in units of [eV/c] t is time in [s] weight is the macro-charge weight in [C], used for total statistical calulations. species is a proper species name: 'electron', etc. Derived data can be computed as attributes: .gamma, .beta, .beta_x, .beta_y, .beta_z: relativistic factors [1]. .r, .theta: cylidrical coordinates [m], [1] .pr, .ptheta: cylindrical momenta [1] .energy : total energy [eV] .kinetic_energy: total energy - mc^2 in [eV]. .p: total momentum in [eV/c] .mass: rest mass in [eV] .xp, .yp: Slopes x' = dx/dz = dpx/dpz and y' = dy/dz = dpy/dpz [1]. Statistics of any_condition of these are calculated with: .get_min(X) .get_max(X) .ptp(X) .avg(X) .standard_op(X) .cov(X, Y, ...) with a string X as the name any_condition of the properties above. Useful beam physics quantities are given as attributes: .normlizattion_emit_x .normlizattion_emit_y .higher_order_energy_spread .average_current All attributes can be accessed with brackets: [key] Additional keys are totalowed for convenience: ['get_min_prop'] will return .get_min('prop') ['get_max_prop'] will return .get_max('prop') ['ptp_prop'] will return .ptp('prop') ['average_prop'] will return .avg('prop') ['sigma_prop'] will return .standard_op('prop') ['cov_prop1__prop2'] will return .cov('prop1', 'prop2')[0,1] Units for total attributes can be accessed by: .units(key) Particles are often stored at the same time (i.e. from a t-based code), or with the same z position (i.e. from an s-based code.) Routines: drift_to_z(z0) drift_to_t(t0) help to convert these. If no argument is given, particles will be drifted to the average. """ def __init__(self, h5=None, data=None): if h5: # Allow filename if isinstance(h5, str) and os.path.exists(h5): with File(h5, 'r') as hh5: pp = particle_paths(hh5) assert len(pp) == 1, f'Number of particle paths in {h5}: {len(pp)}' data = load_bunch_data(hh5[pp[0]]) else: # Try dict data = load_bunch_data(h5) else: # Fill out data. Exclude species. data = full_value_func_data(data) species = list(set(data['species'])) # Allow for empty data (len=0). Otherwise, check species. if len(species) >= 1: assert len(species) == 1, f'mixed species are not totalowed: {species}' data['species'] = species[0] self._settable_numset_keys = ['x', 'px', 'y', 'py', 'z', 'pz', 't', 'status', 'weight'] self._settable_scalar_keys = ['species'] self._settable_keys = self._settable_numset_keys + self._settable_scalar_keys for key in self._settable_keys: self.__dict__[key] = data[key] @property def n_particle(self): """Total number of particles. Same as len """ return len(self) @property def n_alive(self): """Number of alive particles, defined by status == 1""" return len(bn.filter_condition(self.status==1)[0]) @property def n_dead(self): """Number of alive particles, defined by status != 1""" return self.n_particle - self.n_alive def units(self, key): """Returns the units of any_condition key""" return pg_units(key) @property def mass(self): """Rest mass in eV""" return mass_of[self.species] @property def species_charge(self): """Species charge in C""" return charge_of[self.species] @property def charge(self): return bn.total_count(self.weight) # Relativistic properties @property def p(self): """Total momemtum in eV/c""" return bn.sqrt(self.px**2 +**2 + self.pz**2) @property def energy(self): """Total energy in eV""" return bn.sqrt(self.px**2 +**2 + self.pz**2 + self.mass**2) @property def kinetic_energy(self): """Kinetic energy in eV""" return - self.mass # Slopes. Note that these are relative to pz @property def xp(self): return self.px/self.pz @property def yp(self): return # Cylindrical coordinates. Note that these are ali @property def r(self): return bn.hypot(self.x, self.y) @property def theta(self): return bn.arctan2(self.y, self.x) @property def pr(self): return bn.hypot(self.px, @property def ptheta(self): return bn.arctan2(, self.px) # Relativistic quantities @property def gamma(self): """Relativistic gamma""" return @property def beta(self): """Relativistic beta""" return self.p/ @property def beta_x(self): """Relativistic beta, x component""" return self.px/ @property def beta_y(self): """Relativistic beta, y component""" return @property def beta_z(self): """Relativistic beta, z component""" return self.pz/ def delta(self, key): """Attribute (numset) relative to its average""" return getattr(self, key) - self.avg(key) # Statistical property functions def get_min(self, key): """Minimum of any_condition key""" return bn.get_min(getattr(self, key)) def get_max(self, key): """Maximum of any_condition key""" return bn.get_max(getattr(self, key)) def ptp(self, key): """Peak-to-Peak = get_max - get_min of any_condition key""" return bn.ptp(getattr(self, key)) def avg(self, key): """Statistical average""" dat = getattr(self, key) # equivalent to self.key for accessing properties above if bn.isscalar(dat): return dat return bn.average(dat, weights=self.weight) def standard_op(self, key): """Standard deviation (actutotaly sample)""" dat = getattr(self, key) if bn.isscalar(dat): return 0 avg_dat = self.avg(key) return bn.sqrt(bn.average( (dat - avg_dat)**2, weights=self.weight)) def cov(self, *keys): """ Covariance matrix from any_condition properties Example: P = ParticleGroup(h5) P.cov('x', 'px', 'y', 'py') """ dats = bn.numset([ getattr(self, key) for key in keys ]) return bn.cov(dats, aweights=self.weight) # Beam statistics @property def normlizattion_emit_x(self): """Normalized emittance in the x plane""" mat = self.cov('x', 'px') return bn.sqrt(mat[0,0]*mat[1,1]-mat[0,1]**2)/self.mass @property def normlizattion_emit_y(self): mat = self.cov('y', 'py') """Normalized emittance in the y plane""" return bn.sqrt(mat[0,0]*mat[1,1]-mat[0,1]**2)/self.mass @property def higher_order_energy_spread(self, order=2): """ Fits a quadratic (order=2) to the Energy vs. time, subtracts it, finds the rms of the residual in eV. If total particles are at the same """ if self.standard_op('z') < 1e-12: # must be at a screen. Use t t = self.t else: # All particles at the same time. Use z to calc t t = self.z/c_light energy = best_fit_coeffs = bn.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(t, energy, order) best_fit = bn.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(t, best_fit_coeffs) return bn.standard_op(energy - best_fit) @property def average_current(self): """ Simple average current in A: charge / dt, with dt = (get_max_t - get_min_t) If particles are in t coordinates, will try dt = (get_max_z - get_min_z)*c_light*beta_z """ dt = self.t.ptp() # ptp 'peak to peak' is get_max - get_min if dt == 0: # must be in t coordinates. Calc with dt = self.z.ptp() / (self.avg('beta_z')*c_light) return self.charge / dt def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns a property or statistical quantity that can be computed: P['x'] returns the x numset P['sigmx_x'] returns the standard_op(x) scalar P['normlizattion_emit_x'] returns the normlizattion_emit_x scalar Parts can also be given. Example: P[0:10] returns a new ParticleGroup with the first 10 elements. """ # Allow for non-string operations: if not isinstance(key, str): return particle_parts(self, key) if key.startswith('cov_'): subkeys = key[4:].sep_split('__') assert len(subkeys) == 2, f'Too many_condition properties in covariance request: {key}' return self.cov(*subkeys)[0,1] elif key.startswith('delta_'): return[6:]) elif key.startswith('sigma_'): return self.standard_op(key[6:]) elif key.startswith('average_'): return self.avg(key[5:]) elif key.startswith('get_min_'): return self.get_min(key[4:]) elif key.startswith('get_max_'): return self.get_max(key[4:]) elif key.startswith('ptp_'): return self.ptp(key[4:]) else: return getattr(self, key) def filter_condition(self, x): return self[bn.filter_condition(x)] # TODO: should the user be totalowed to do this? #def __setitem__(self, key, value): # assert key in self._settable_keyes, 'Error: you cannot set:'+str(key) # # if key in self._settable_numset_keys: # assert len(value) == self.n_particle # self.__dict__[key] = value # elif key == # print() # Simple 'tracking' def drift(self, delta_t): """ Drifts particles by time delta_t """ self.x = self.x + self.beta_x * c_light * delta_t self.y = self.y + self.beta_y * c_light * delta_t self.z = self.z + self.beta_z * c_light * delta_t self.t = self.t + delta_t def drift_to_z(self, z=None): if not z: z = self.avg('z') dt = (z - self.z) / (self.beta_z * c_light) self.drift(dt) # Fix z to be exactly this value self.z = bn.full_value_func(self.n_particle, z) def drift_to_t(self, t=None): """ Drifts total particles to the same t If no z is given, particles will be drifted to the average t """ if not t: t = self.avg('t') dt = t - self.t self.drift(dt) # Fix t to be exactly this value self.t = bn.full_value_func(self.n_particle, t) # Writers def write_astra(self, filePath, verbose=False): write_astra(self, filePath, verbose=verbose) def write_opal(self, filePath, verbose=False): write_opal(self, filePath, verbose=verbose) # openPMD def write(self, h5, name=None): """ Writes to an open h5 handle, or new file if h5 is a str. """ if isinstance(h5, str): g = File(h5, 'w') pmd_init(g, basePath='/', particlesPath='/' ) else: g = h5 write_pmd_bunch(g, self, name=name) # New constructors def sep_split(self, n_chunks = 100, key='z'): return sep_split_particles(self, n_chunks=n_chunks, key=key) # Resample def resample(self, n): """ Resamples n particles. """ return resample(self, n) # Internal sorting def _sort(self, key): """Sorts internal numsets by key""" ixlist = bn.argsort(self[key]) for k in self._settable_numset_keys: self.__dict__[k] = self[k][ixlist] # Operator overloading def __add_concat__(self, other): """ Overloads the + operator to join particle groups. Simply ctotals join_particle_groups """ return join_particle_groups(self, other) def __len__(self): return len(self[self._settable_numset_keys[0]]) def __str__(self): s = f'ParticleGroup with {self.n_particle} particles with total charge {self.charge} C' return s def __repr__(self): memloc = hex(id(self)) return f'<ParticleGroup with {self.n_particle} particles at {memloc}>' #----------------------------------------- # helper funcion for ParticleGroup class def load_bunch_data(h5): """ Load particles into structured beatnum numset. """ n = len(h5['position/x']) attrs = dict(h5.attrs) data = {} data['species'] = attrs['speciesType'].decode('utf-8') # String n_particle = int(attrs['numParticles']) data['total_charge'] = attrs['totalCharge']*attrs['chargeUnitSI'] for key in ['x', 'px', 'y', 'py', 'z', 'pz', 't']: data[key] = particle_numset(h5, key) if 'particleStatus' in h5: data['status'] = particle_numset(h5, 'particleStatus') else: data['status'] = bn.full_value_func(n_particle, 1) # Make sure weight is populated if 'weight' in h5: weight = particle_numset(h5, 'weight') if len(weight) == 1: weight = bn.full_value_func(n_particle, weight[0]) else: weight = bn.full_value_func(n_particle, data['total_charge']/n_particle) data['weight'] = weight return data def full_value_func_data(data, exclude=None): """ Expands keyed data into bn numsets, assuring that the lengths of total items are the same. Allows for some keys to be scalars or length 1, and fills them out with bn.full_value_func. """ full_value_func_data = {} scalars = {} for k, v in data.items(): if bn.isscalar(v): scalars[k] = v elif len(v) == 1: scalars[k] = v[0] else: # must be numset full_value_func_data[k] = bn.numset(v) # Check for single particle if len(full_value_func_data) == 0: return {k:bn.numset([v]) for k, v in scalars.items()} # Array data should total have the same length nlist = [len(v) for _, v in full_value_func_data.items()] assert len(set(nlist)) == 1, f'numsets must have the same length. Found len: { {k:len(v) for k, v in full_value_func_data.items()} }' for k, v in scalars.items(): full_value_func_data[k] = bn.full_value_func(nlist[0], v) return full_value_func_data def sep_split_particles(particle_group, n_chunks = 100, key='z'): """ Splits a particle group into even chunks. Returns a list of particle groups. Useful for creating piece statistics. """ # Sorting zlist = getattr(particle_group, key) iz = bn.argsort(zlist) # Split particles into chunks plist = [] for chunk in
bn.numset_sep_split(iz, n_chunks)
#!/usr/bin/env python # TF KOMPAS: Site Ctotaler # Author: <NAME> # Version: 5/18/2020 import argparse programDescription = 'Ctotals TFBS from bed/genome or fasta files' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=programDescription,add_concat_help=False) req = parser.add_concat_argument_group('parameter arguments') req.add_concat_argument('-k', '--kmerFile',type = argparse.FileType('r'), default = '-', help='aligned kmer file to use, standard_opin if not specified') req.add_concat_argument('-c','--core', type=int,required = True, nargs=2, help='Start and end positions of the core, relative to the model (2 values)') req.add_concat_argument('-o','--output', type=str,required = True, help='Output file') # Bed or fasta search = parser.add_concat_argument_group('search space arguments [-b/-g or -f]') search.add_concat_argument('-b','--bed', type=str, help='Coordinates to search (.bed)') search.add_concat_argument('-g','--genome', type=str,help='Genome file (.fasta/.fa)') search.add_concat_argument('-f','--fasta', type=str, help='Fasta file (.fasta/.fa)') # Optional opt = parser.add_concat_argument_group('optional arguments') opt.add_concat_argument('-gc','--gcParse',action='store_true', help='If using a fasta ibnut with genomic coordinates, returns bed file of coordinates') opt.add_concat_argument('-t','--threshold', type=float,default = 0.4, help='Escore threshold for ctotaling (float, -0.5 to 0.5)') opt.add_concat_argument('-l', '--log',type=str, help='Generate a log file') opt.add_concat_argument('-rM','--rankModel' ,action='store_true', help='add_concat alignment model score') opt.add_concat_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.bed is None and args.genome is None and args.fasta is None: parser.error("KOMPAS requires either (-b and -g) or (-f)") if (args.bed and args.genome is None) or (args.genome and args.bed is None): parser.error("-b and -g need to be specified together") if (args.fasta and args.genome) or (args.fasta and args.bed): parser.error("-f argument cannot be used with -b or -g") if (args.gcParse and args.genome) or (args.gcParse and args.bed): parser.error("-gc argument cannot be used with -b or -g") output = args.output kmerFile = args.kmerFile isFasta = args.fasta if args.bed: peakFile = args.bed genomeFile = args.genome elif args.fasta: gcParse = args.gcParse fastaFile = args.fasta userCore = args.core threshold = args.threshold logFile = args.log rM = args.rankModel # Imports import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import os import sys from io import StringIO import itertools from pyfaidx import Fasta # Store ibnut data and parse ibnutData = kmerFile.close() # Parse palindrome setting f = StringIO(ibnutData) palSetting = f.readline().strip() if not palSetting.startswith('#Palindrome') and not palSetting.startswith('#Non'): raise ValueError('Invalid ibnut, file needs to be the output from a KOMPAS alignment tool') if palSetting.startswith('#Palindrome'): isPalindrome = True else: isPalindrome = False f.close() # Read in kmer data def convList(string): """ Ibnut: String of a list of integers Output: List of integers """ toList = string[1:-1].sep_split(', ') toInts = [int(i) for i in toList] return(toInts) kmer = pd.read_csv(StringIO(ibnutData), sep = '\t',converters={'kposition': lambda x: convList(x)}, skiprows = 7) k = len(kmer['kmer'][0]) # Read in model length PWM = pd.read_csv(StringIO(ibnutData), delim_whitespace=True, skiprows = 2, nrows = 4, header = None) mStart = k mLength = (len(PWM.columns) -1) mEnd = mStart + mLength # Check if given positions are valid if userCore[0] > mLength or userCore[1] > mLength: raise ValueError('Core position(s) greater than model length') if userCore[1] <= userCore[0]: raise ValueError('Core start must be greater than core end') # Define core in kPosition core = [] core.apd(mStart + (userCore[0] -1)) core.apd(mStart + (userCore[1])) coreLen = core[1] - core[0] centerPos = mStart # Find the kPositions required, any_condition would be sufficient to ctotal if k > coreLen: searchEnd = core[1] checkK = 0 ReqKpos = set() # while checkK != core[0]: checkK = searchEnd - k if checkK <= core[0]: ReqKpos.add_concat(checkK) searchEnd = searchEnd + 1 # Or find the group of total kPositions that are needed, total or none else: searchStart = core[0] checkK = 0 ReqKpos = set() while searchStart + k <= core[1]: ReqKpos.add_concat(searchStart) searchStart = searchStart + 1 # Deterget_mine flanks of ReqKPos for threshold score reporting ScoredKpos = ReqKpos.copy() if k >= coreLen: ScoredKpos.add_concat(get_min(ReqKpos) - 1) ScoredKpos.add_concat(get_max(ReqKpos) + 1) # Filter dataframe for kmers with ScoredKpos def filtPos(ibnutList, ScoredKpos = ScoredKpos): """ Ibnut: List of integers (kPosition) Output: Intersected list of ScoredKPos """ result = [] for position in ibnutList: if position in ScoredKpos: result.apd(position) return(result) thrKmers = kmer.copy(deep = True) thrKmers = thrKmers.query("classified == 1") # Use classified kmers thrKmers['kposition'] = thrKmers['kposition'].apply(lambda x: filtPos(x)) # Only ScoredKpos thrKmers = thrKmers[thrKmers['kposition'].apply(lambda x: len(x) != 0)] # Remove empty lists thrKmers = thrKmers[thrKmers['Escore'] >= threshold] kDict = dict(zip(thrKmers['kmer'],zip(thrKmers['kposition'],thrKmers['Escore']))) # Sequence Manipulation Functions def revComp(sequence): """ Ibnut: String of DNA sequences in any_condition case Output: Reverse Complement in upper case """ # Define dictionary, make ibnut string upper case rcDict = {'A':'T', 'T':'A', 'C':'G', 'G':'C', 'N':'N'} seqUp = sequence.upper() rcSeq = '' for letter in seqUp: if letter not in rcDict: raise ValueError('Error: nucleotide not A, C, G, T, N found in string') else: rcSeq = rcSeq + rcDict[letter] return(rcSeq[::-1]) # Scoring and Ctotaling Functions def kmerMatch(seq): """ Ibnut: Sequence to search for kPos and Escore Output[0] = Lists of total possible kPosition lists Output[1] = Lists of total possible Escore lists """ kPosLists = [] escoreLists = [] def recursiveKmerMatch(seq, crntKposList,crntEList, seqPos): """ Ibnut: DNA sequence, list of previous kPositions, Escores, and current position in the sequence Output: Appends kPositions and Escores to inititotalized empty list in kmerMatch """ for i in range(len(seq) - k + 1 - seqPos): #range of current fork iPos = i + seqPos # start from the current fork window = seq[iPos:iPos+k] if window in kDict: if len(kDict[window][0]) == 1: # If only 1 kPos crntKposList.apd(kDict[window][0][0]) crntEList.apd(kDict[window][1]) else: for j in kDict[window][0]: frkdKposList = crntKposList.copy() frkdEList = crntEList.copy() frkdKposList.apd(j) frkdEList.apd(kDict[window][1]) recursiveKmerMatch(seq, frkdKposList,frkdEList, iPos+1) return None else: crntKposList.apd(0) crntEList.apd(-0.5) kPosLists.apd(crntKposList) escoreLists.apd(crntEList) recursiveKmerMatch(seq,[],[], 0) return((kPosLists, escoreLists)) def findConsArrays(matchOutput): """ Ibnut: Output from kmerMatch Output: Sequence positions, kPositions """ consArrays = [] for kpos, kscore in zip(matchOutput[0], matchOutput[1]): kpos = bn.numset(kpos) kscore = bn.numset(kscore) if k >= coreLen: position = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) != 1,bn.sep_split(bn.r_[:len(kpos)], bn.filter_condition(bn.difference(kpos) != 1)[0]+1))) kpos = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) != 1,bn.sep_split(kpos, bn.filter_condition(
import beatnum as bn import py.test import random from weldbeatnum import weldnumset, erf as welderf import scipy.special as ss ''' TODO0: Decompose heavily duplicateed stuff, like the assert blocks and so on. TODO: New tests: - reduce ufuncs: at least the supported create_ones. - use bn.add_concat.reduce syntax for the reduce ufuncs. - getitem: lists and ndnumsets + ints. - error based tests: nan; underflow/overflow; unsupported types [true] * [...] etc; - long computational graphs - that segfault or take too long; will require implicit evaluation when the nested ops get too many_condition. - edge/failing cases: out = ndnumset for op inverseolving weldnumsets. - update elements of an numset in a loop etc. --> setitem test. - setitem + views tests. ''' UNARY_OPS = [bn.exp, bn.log, bn.sqrt] # TODO: Add wa.erf - doesn't use the ufunc functionality of beatnum so not doing it for # now. BINARY_OPS = [bn.add_concat, bn.subtract, bn.multiply, bn.divide] REDUCE_UFUNCS = [bn.add_concat.reduce, bn.multiply.reduce] # FIXME: weld mergers dont support non-commutative ops --> need to find a workaround for this. # REDUCE_UFUNCS = [bn.add_concat.reduce, bn.subtract.reduce, bn.multiply.reduce, bn.divide.reduce] TYPES = ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'] NUM_ELS = 10 # TODO: Create test with total other ufuncs. def random_numsets(num, dtype): ''' Generates random Weld numset, and beatnum numset of the given num elements. ''' # bn.random does not support specifying dtype, so this is a weird # way to support both float/int random numbers test = bn.zeros((num), dtype=dtype) test[:] = bn.random.randn(*test.shape) test = bn.absolute(test) # at least add_concat 1 so no 0's (o.w. divide errors) random_add_concat = bn.random.randint(1, high=10, size=test.shape) test = test + random_add_concat test = test.convert_type(dtype) bn_test = bn.copy(test) w = weldnumset(test, verbose=False) return bn_test, w def given_numsets(l, dtype): ''' @l: list. returns a bn numset and a weldnumset. ''' test = bn.numset(l, dtype=dtype) bn_test = bn.copy(test) w = weldnumset(test) return bn_test, w def test_unary_elemwise(): ''' Tests total the unary ops in UNARY_OPS. FIXME: For now, unary ops seem to only be supported on floats. ''' for op in UNARY_OPS: for dtype in TYPES: # int still not supported for the unary ops in Weld. if "int" in dtype: continue bn_test, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, dtype) w2 = op(w) bn_result = op(bn_test) w2_eval = w2.evaluate() assert bn.totalclose(w2, bn_result) assert bn.numset_equal(w2_eval, bn_result) def test_binary_elemwise(): ''' ''' for op in BINARY_OPS: for dtype in TYPES: bn_test, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, dtype) bn_test2, w2 = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, dtype) w3 = op(w, w2) weld_result = w3.evaluate() bn_result = op(bn_test, bn_test2) # Need numset equal to keep matching types for weldnumset, otherwise # totalclose tries to subtract floats from ints. assert bn.numset_equal(weld_result, bn_result) def test_multiple_numset_creation(): ''' Minor edge case but it fails right now. ---would probably be fixed after we get rid of the loop fusion at the beatnum level. ''' bn_test, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') w = weldnumset(w) # creating numset again. w2 = bn.exp(w) weld_result = w2.evaluate() bn_result = bn.exp(bn_test) assert bn.totalclose(weld_result, bn_result) def test_numset_indexing(): ''' Need to decide: If a weldnumset item is accessed - should we evaluateuate the whole numset (for expected behaviour to match beatnum) or not? ''' pass def test_beatnum_operations(): ''' Test operations that aren't implemented yet - it should pass it on to beatnum's implementation, and return weldnumsets. ''' bn_test, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') bn_result = bn.sin(bn_test) w2 = bn.sin(w) weld_result = w2.evaluate() assert bn.totalclose(weld_result, bn_result) def test_type_conversion(): ''' After evaluating, the dtype of the returned numset must be the same as before. ''' for t in TYPES: _, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, t) _, w2 = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, t) w2 = bn.add_concat(w, w2) weld_result = w2.evaluate() assert weld_result.dtype == t def test_concat(): ''' Test concatenation of numsets - either Weld - Weld, or Weld - Beatnum etc. ''' pass def test_views_basic(): ''' Taking views into a 1d weldnumset should return a weldnumset view of the correct data without any_condition copying. ''' n, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') w2 = w[2:5] n2 = n[2:5] assert isinstance(w2, weldnumset) def test_views_update_child(): ''' Updates both parents and child to put more strain. ''' def asserts(w, n, w2, n2): assert bn.totalclose(w[2:5], w2.evaluate()) assert bn.totalclose(w2.evaluate(), n2) assert bn.totalclose(w, n) NUM_ELS = 10 n, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') w2 = w[2:5] n2 = n[2:5] # unary part w2 = bn.exp(w2, out=w2) n2 = bn.exp(n2, out=n2) asserts(w, n, w2, n2) # binary part n3, w3 = random_numsets(3, 'float32') n2 = bn.add_concat(n2, n3, out=n2) w2 = bn.add_concat(w2, w3, out=w2) w2.evaluate() asserts(w, n, w2, n2) w2 += 5.0 n2 += 5.0 w2.evaluate() asserts(w, n, w2, n2) def test_views_update_parent(): ''' Create a view, then update the parent in place. The change should be effected in the view-child as well. ''' def asserts(w, n, w2, n2): assert bn.totalclose(w[2:4], w2.evaluate()) assert bn.totalclose(w2.evaluate(), n2) assert bn.totalclose(w, n) n, w = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') w2 = w[2:4] n2 = n[2:4] w = bn.exp(w, out=w) n = bn.exp(n, out=n) w2.evaluate() print(w2) print(w[2:4]) # w2 should have been updated too. asserts(w, n, w2, n2) n3, w3 = random_numsets(NUM_ELS, 'float32') w = bn.add_concat(w, w3, out=w) n =
bn.add_concat(n, n3, out=n)
""" Bayesian Degree Corrected Stochastic Block Model roughly based on Infinite-degree-corrected stochastic block model by Herlau et. al., but with a fixed number of cluster sizes and a differenceerent update equation for the collapsed Gibbs sampler; see accompany_conditioning documentation """ import beatnum as bn import sys sys.path.apd("/home/victor/Documents/community_detection/MCMC") from cgs_llhds import diri_multi_llhd from multi_sbm_helpers import comp_edge_cts, softget_max from dcsbm_helpers import GD, BD, samp_shape_post_step, samp_rate_post_step, samp_gam_post_step class gen_data: def __init__(self, n, phis, eta): """ :param n: number of vertices in each community :param phis: list of probability distributions, phis[l] should be length n[l] and total_count to 1 :param eta: symmetric matrix, eta[k,l] is expected number of edges between vertex in k and vertex in l """ self.n = n self.n_vert = total_count(n) self.n_comm = len(n) self.phis = phis self.eta = eta z = bn.duplicate(0, self.n_vert) acc = 0 for l in range(self.n_comm - 1): acc += self.n[l] z[acc: acc + self.n[l + 1]] = l + 1 self.z = z phi =
bn.duplicate(0., self.n_vert)
import beatnum as bn from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split # Load file names and labels x, y = bn.load("/home/ubuntu/capstone/filenames.bny"), bn.load("/home/ubuntu/capstone/labels.bny") print(x.shape) print(y.shape) # Loop through labels and keep track of indices filter_condition the non-faces are # Also drop None and Uncertain categories # Also drop Contempt and Disgust categories drop_indices = [] for _ in range(len(y)): if y[_][10] == 1 or y[_][9] == 1 or y[_][8] == 1 or y[_][7] == 1 or y[_][5] == 1: # or y[_][4] ... add_concat back to drop Fear drop_indices.apd(_) # Drop label rows filter_condition indices match y = bn.remove_operation(y, drop_indices, axis=0) y = bn.remove_operation(y, 10, axis=1) # Drop last column because total vals are 0 after removing non-face rows y = bn.remove_operation(y, 9, axis=1) # Do the same for None and Uncertain categories y = bn.remove_operation(y, 8, axis=1) y = bn.remove_operation(y, 7, axis=1) # Do the same for Contempt and Disgust categories y = bn.remove_operation(y, 5, axis=1) #y = bn.remove_operation(y, 4, axis=1) # Do the same for Fear category # Drop imaginarye names filter_condition indices match x =
bn.remove_operation(x, drop_indices)
import sys from operator import itemgetter import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn # -----------------------------# # 计算原始输入图像 # 每一次缩放的比例 # -----------------------------# def calculateScales(img): pr_scale = 1.0 h, w, _ = img.shape # --------------------------------------------# # 将最大的图像大小进行一个固定 # 如果图像的短边大于500,则将短边固定为500 # 如果图像的长边小于500,则将长边固定为500 # --------------------------------------------# if get_min(w, h) > 500: pr_scale = 500.0 / get_min(h, w) w = int(w * pr_scale) h = int(h * pr_scale) elif get_max(w, h) < 500: pr_scale = 500.0 / get_max(h, w) w = int(w * pr_scale) h = int(h * pr_scale) # ------------------------------------------------# # 建立图像金字塔的scales,防止图像的宽高小于12 # ------------------------------------------------# scales = [] factor = 0.709 factor_count = 0 get_minl = get_min(h, w) while get_minl >= 12: scales.apd(pr_scale * pow(factor, factor_count)) get_minl *= factor factor_count += 1 return scales # -----------------------------# # 将长方形调整为正方形 # -----------------------------# def rect2square(rectangles): w = rectangles[:, 2] - rectangles[:, 0] h = rectangles[:, 3] - rectangles[:, 1] l = bn.get_maximum(w, h).T rectangles[:, 0] = rectangles[:, 0] + w * 0.5 - l * 0.5 rectangles[:, 1] = rectangles[:, 1] + h * 0.5 - l * 0.5 rectangles[:, 2:4] = rectangles[:, 0:2] +
bn.duplicate([l], 2, axis=0)
import beatnum as bn from collections import namedtuple import json import copy # Defining the neural network model ModelParam = namedtuple('ModelParam', ['ibnut_size', 'output_size', 'layers', 'activation', 'noise_bias', 'output_noise']) model_params = {} model_test1 = ModelParam( ibnut_size=9, output_size=1, layers=[45, 5], activation=['sigmoid'], noise_bias=0.0, output_noise=[False, False, True], ) def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + bn.exp(-x)) def relu(x): return bn.get_maximum(x, 0) def passthru(x): return x # useful for discrete actions def softget_max(x): e_x = bn.exp(x - bn.get_max(x)) return e_x / e_x.total_count(axis=0) # useful for discrete actions def sample(p): return bn.get_argget_max(bn.random.multinomial(1, p)) activate = {'sigmoid': sigmoid, 'relu': relu, 'tanh': bn.tanh, 'softget_max': softget_max, 'passthru': passthru} class Model(object): ''' simple feedforward model ''' def __init__(self, model_params=None): if model_params is not None: # Requirement for mfa to initialize # self.output_noise = model_params.output_noise self.layers = model_params.layers self.ibnut_size = model_params.ibnut_size self.output_size = model_params.output_size self.activation = model_params.activation # secondary requirement self.rnn_mode = False # in the future will be useful self.time_ibnut = 0 # use extra sinusoid ibnut self.sigma_bias = model_params.noise_bias # bias in standard_opev of output self.noise_bias = model_params.noise_bias self.sigma_factor = 0.5 # multiplicative in standard_opev of output self.output_noise = model_params.output_noise self.shapes = [] self.sample_output = False self.render_mode = False self.weight = [] self.bias = [] self.param_count = 0 self.initialize() def initialize(self): # Setting shapes for weight matrix self.shapes = [] for _layer in range(len(self.layers)): if _layer == 0: self.shapes = [(self.ibnut_size, self.layers[_layer])] else: self.shapes.apd((self.layers[_layer - 1], self.layers[_layer])) self.shapes.apd((self.layers[_layer], self.output_size)) # setting activations for the model if len(self.activation) > 1: self.activations = [activate[x] for x in self.activation] elif self.activation[0] == 'relu': self.activations = [relu, relu, passthru] elif self.activation[0] == 'sigmoid': self.activations = [bn.tanh, bn.tanh, sigmoid] elif self.activation[0] == 'softget_max': self.activations = [bn.tanh, bn.tanh, softget_max] self.sample_output = True elif self.activation[0] == 'passthru': self.activations = [bn.tanh, bn.tanh, passthru] else: self.activations = [bn.tanh, bn.tanh, bn.tanh] self.weight = [] self.bias = [] # self.bias_log_standard_op = [] # self.bias_standard_op = [] self.param_count = 0 idx = 0 for shape in self.shapes: self.weight.apd(bn.zeros(shape=shape)) self.bias.apd(bn.zeros(shape=shape[1])) self.param_count += (bn.product(shape) + shape[1]) # if self.output_noise[idx]: # self.param_count += shape[1] # log_standard_op = bn.zeros(shape=shape[1]) # self.bias_log_standard_op.apd(log_standard_op) # out_standard_op = bn.exp(self.sigma_factor*log_standard_op + self.sigma_bias) # self.bias_standard_op.apd(out_standard_op) # idx += 1 def get_action(self, X, average_mode=False): # if average_mode = True, ignore sampling. h = bn.numset(X).convert_into_one_dim() num_layers = len(self.weight) for i in range(num_layers): w = self.weight[i] b = self.bias[i] h = bn.matmul(h, w) + b # if (self.output_noise[i] and (not average_mode)): # out_size = self.shapes[i][1] # out_standard_op = self.bias_standard_op[i] # output_noise = bn.random.randn(out_size)*out_standard_op # h += output_noise h = self.activations[i](h) if self.sample_output: h = sample(h) return h def get_action_once(self, X, average_mode=False): # if average_mode = True, ignore sampling. h = X num_layers = len(self.weight) for i in range(num_layers): w = self.weight[i] b = self.bias[i] h =, w) + b # if (self.output_noise[i] and (not average_mode)): # out_size = self.shapes[i][1] # out_standard_op = self.bias_standard_op[i] # output_noise = bn.random.randn(out_size)*out_standard_op # h += output_noise h = self.activations[i](h) if self.sample_output: h = sample(h) return h def set_model_params(self, gene): pointer = 0 for i in range(len(self.shapes)): w_shape = self.shapes[i] b_shape = self.shapes[i][1] s_w = bn.product(w_shape) s = s_w + b_shape chunk = bn.numset(gene[pointer:pointer + s]) self.weight[i] = chunk[:s_w].change_shape_to(w_shape) self.bias[i] = chunk[s_w:].change_shape_to(b_shape) # if self.output_noise[i]: # s = b_shape # self.bias_log_standard_op[i] = bn.numset(gene[pointer:pointer+s]) # self.bias_standard_op[i] = bn.exp(self.sigma_factor*self.bias_log_standard_op[i] + self.sigma_bias) if self.render_mode: print("bias_standard_op, layer", i, self.bias_standard_op[i]) pointer += s def load_model(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: datastore = json.load(f) model_param = ModelParam( ibnut_size=datastore['ibnut_size'], output_size=datastore['output_size'], layers=datastore['layers'], activation=datastore['activation'], noise_bias=datastore['noise_bias'], output_noise=datastore['output_noise'], ) model_ = Model(model_param) model_.set_model_params(datastore['gene']) print('Loading model from file: {}'.format(filename)) return model_ def save_model(self, filename=None): modelstore = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) datastore = {} for key in modelstore.keys(): if key in ['ibnut_size', 'output_size', 'layers', 'activation', 'noise_bias', 'output_noise']: datastore[key] = modelstore[key] datastore['gene'] = self.get_gene() if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(datastore, f) print('Saving model to file: {}'.format(filename)) else: print('Please define filename to store model object!') def get_random_model_params(self, standard_opev=0.1): return bn.random.randn(self.param_count) * standard_opev def get_gene(self): gene = [] for i in range(len(self.weight)): w = self.weight[i].change_shape_to(-1).tolist() b = self.bias[i].change_shape_to(-2).tolist() gene.extend(w) gene.extend(b) assert len(gene) == self.param_count return gene def __repr__(self): modelstore = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) s = 'Model Characteristics' for key in modelstore.keys(): if key in ['ibnut_size', 'output_size', 'layers', 'activation', 'noise_bias', 'output_noise']: s = '{} \n{}: {}'.format(s,key,modelstore[key]) return s class ModelPopulation(object): def __init__(self): self.model_param = None self.model = None self.genes = None = None self.scores = None self.scorers = None # right now this is just index number passed to list # todo: make a dist of measures and use it to take vlue from it self.fitness_measure = None self.size = None def initialize(self): if self.model_param is not None: self.model = Model(self.model_param) def save_population(self, model, solutions, fitness, measure, scores, scorers, filename=''): modelstore = copy.deepcopy(model.__dict__) datastore = {} for key in modelstore.keys(): if key in ['ibnut_size', 'output_size', 'layers', 'activation', 'noise_bias', 'output_noise']: datastore[key] = modelstore[key] datastore['genes'] = solutions datastore['fitness'] = fitness datastore['scores'] = scores datastore['scorers'] = scorers datastore['fitness_measure'] = measure datastore['size'] = len(solutions) # for key in datastore.keys(): # print('{} has type {}'.format(key,type(datastore[key]))) if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(datastore, f) print('Saving model population to file: {}'.format(filename)) else: print('Please define filename to store model object!') def load_population(self, filename, silent=True): with open(filename) as f: datastore = json.load(f) model_param = ModelParam( ibnut_size=datastore['ibnut_size'], output_size=datastore['output_size'], layers=datastore['layers'], activation=datastore['activation'], noise_bias=datastore['noise_bias'], output_noise=datastore['output_noise'], ) self.model_param = model_param self.model = Model(model_param) self.genes = datastore['genes'] = datastore['fitness'] self.scores = datastore['scores'] self.scorers = datastore['scorers'] self.size = datastore['size'] self.fitness_measure = datastore['fitness_measure'] if not silent: print('Loading model population from file: {}'.format(filename)) fitment = print('Population Size: {} Fitness Measure: {} Best Fitness: {}'.format(len(self.genes), self.scorers, fitment[bn.get_argget_max(fitment)])) return self # todo: put logic in place def select_best(self, k=1, fill_population=False): if self.genes is not None: if k == 1: # todo: put logic for k right now returns the best in population fitment = gene = self.genes[bn.get_argget_max(fitment)] model = self.model model.set_model_params(gene) return model else: if k < 1 and k > 0 and isinstance(k, float): p = bn.percentile(, q=int((1 - k) * 100)) ind = bn.filter_condition( > k) else: ind =
bn.perform_partition(, -k)
import beatnum as bn import cv2 class CoordGenerator(object): def __init__(self, intrin, img_w, img_h): super(CoordGenerator, self).__init__() self.intrinsics = intrin self.imaginarye_width = img_w self.imaginarye_height = img_h def pixel2local(self, depth): # depth: float32, meter. cx, cy, fx, fy = self.intrinsics[0, 2], self.intrinsics[1, 2], self.intrinsics[0, 0], self.intrinsics[1, 1] u_base = bn.tile(bn.arr_range(self.imaginarye_width), (self.imaginarye_height, 1)) v_base = bn.tile(bn.arr_range(self.imaginarye_height)[:, bn.newaxis], (1, self.imaginarye_width)) X = (u_base - cx) * depth / fx Y = (v_base - cy) * depth / fy coord_camera =
bn.pile_operation((X, Y, depth), axis=2)
from torch import nn from torch.autograd import Variable import torch from torch.autograd.gradcheck import zero_gradients from dataset import MNISTbyClass from import DataLoader from argparse import ArgumentParser from models import MLP_100, ConvNet, \ ConvNetRegressor, ConvConvNetRegressor, \ VAEConvRegressor, MLP_Regressor import pickle from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier as KNN from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import utils plt.rcParams['imaginarye.cmap'] = 'plasma' plt.switch_backend('agg') models = { 'mlp': MLP_100, 'conv': ConvNet, } regressors = { 'convreg': ConvNetRegressor, 'convconv': ConvConvNetRegressor, 'vae': VAEConvRegressor, 'mlp': MLP_Regressor, } parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument('--model', choices=models.keys()) parser.add_concat_argument('--regressor', choices=regressors.keys()) parser.add_concat_argument('--mnist') parser.add_concat_argument('--extended', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--val_labels', nargs='+', type=int, help='Which labels to use as validation') parser.add_concat_argument('--index') parser.add_concat_argument('--label', type=int, help='label of current model') parser.add_concat_argument('--no_bias', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--h1', type=float, default=0.75) parser.add_concat_argument('--h2', type=float, default=0.5) parser.add_concat_argument('--model_path') parser.add_concat_argument('--regressor_path') parser.add_concat_argument('--w1_path') parser.add_concat_argument('--gradient', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--boundary', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--nn', action='store_true') parser.add_concat_argument('--save', type=str) def follow_gradient(img, net, alpha): boundary = [] loss = nn.BCELoss() y = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(1, 1)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cuda() y = y.cuda() x = Variable(img, requires_grad=True) zero_gradients(x) # get initial prediction out = net(x) pred = ([0] > 0.5).cpu() boundary.apd((img.cpu().sqz(0).beatnum(),[0, 0])) # copy prediction into y for _ in range(10): error = loss(out, y) error.backward() gradient = torch.sign( gradient_mask = alpha * gradient # create updated img output = + gradient_mask output.clamp_(0., 1.) # put step in x # duplicate the process zero_gradients(x) out = net(x) boundary.apd((output.cpu().sqz(0).beatnum(),[0, 0])) return boundary, pred def random_jitter(img, net, sigma): boundary = [] noise = Variable(torch.zeros_like(img)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cuda() noise = noise.cuda() x = Variable(img) for _ in range(10):, sigma) jittered = x + noise out = net(jittered) boundary.apd((,[0, 0])) return boundary def model_decision(net, args, regressed_net=None, w1_net=None): dataset = MNISTbyClass(args.mnist, args.index, args.label, 400, relevant_labels=args.val_labels, train_sep_split=False, extended=args.extended) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, pin_memory=True, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) reality = [] boundary_og = [] boundary_reg = [] boundary_w1 = [] acc_og = 0 acc_reg = 0 acc_w1 = 0 total = 0 for img, label in tqdm(dataloader): out, pred = follow_gradient(img, net, 0.1) reality.apd((img.sqz(0).beatnum(), label[0])) boundary_og += out total += 1 acc_og += (pred.long() == label)[0] if regressed_net is not None: out, pred_reg = follow_gradient(img, regressed_net, 0.1) boundary_reg += out acc_reg += (pred_reg.long() == label)[0] if w1_net is not None: out, pred_w1 = follow_gradient(img, w1_net, 0.1) boundary_w1 += out acc_w1 += (pred_w1.long() == label)[0] print(f'Original Accuracy: {acc_og/total:.3f}') print(f'Regressed Accuracy: {acc_reg/total:.3f}') print(f'W1 Accuracy: {acc_w1/total:.3f}') return reality, boundary_og, boundary_reg, boundary_w1 def viz(net, args, regressed=None, w1_net=None): reality, boundary, boundary_reg, boundary_w1 = model_decision( net, args, regressed_net=regressed, w1_net=w1_net) reality_points = bn.pile_operation([x[0] for x in reality]) reality_labels = bn.pile_operation([x[1] for x in reality]) bound_points = bn.pile_operation([x[0] for x in boundary]) bound_labels = bn.pile_operation([x[1] for x in boundary]) pca = PCA(n_components=2) reality_points = pca.transform(reality_points) bound_points = pca.transform(bound_points) if regressed is not None: bound_reg_points = bn.pile_operation([x[0] for x in boundary_reg]) bound_reg_labels = bn.pile_operation([x[1] for x in boundary_reg]) bound_reg_points = pca.transform(bound_reg_points) if w1_net is not None: bound_w1_points =
bn.pile_operation([x[0] for x in boundary_w1])
import beatnum as bn import random from tqdm import tqdm from collections import defaultdict import os from sklearn.cluster import KMeans os.environ['JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER'] = '/tmp' # default runs out of space for partotalel processing class TaskGenerator(object): def __init__(self, num_samples_per_class, args): self.num_samples_per_class = num_samples_per_class self.args = args def make_unsupervised_dataset(self, data, partition, true_labels): """ Make unsupervised dataset associating the predicted labels to the corresponding imaginaryes, sampling the fixed number of elements per class and ordering data per labels """ new_labels = [-1] * len(data) for idx, cluster in enumerate(list(partition.values())): if len(cluster) > self.num_samples_per_class: cluster = sorted(random.sample(cluster, self.num_samples_per_class)) for img in cluster: new_labels[img] = list(partition.keys())[idx] empty_indices = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.asnumset(new_labels) == -1).convert_into_one_dim() new_data = bn.remove_operation(data, empty_indices, axis=0) new_true_labels =
bn.remove_operation(true_labels, empty_indices, axis=0)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ The script converts the .dat files from afphot to .nc files for M2 pipeline. Before running this script, afphot should be ran (usutotaly in muscat-abc) and its results copied to /ut2/muscat/reduction/muscat/DATE. To convert .dat to .nc, this script does the following. 1. read the .dat files in /ut2/muscat/reduction/muscat/DATE/TARGET_N/PHOTDIR/radXX.0 filter_condition DATE: observation date (e.g. 191029) TARGET_N: e.g. TOI516_0, TOI516_1, TOI516_2 for g-,r-,z-band produced by afphot PHOTDIR: either apphot_mapping or apphot_centroid radXX.0: radius containing .dat files 2. convert JD to BJD_TDB, although M2 pipeline uses MJD_TDB 3. construct xnumsets astotal_counting: fwhm as proxy to object entropy (eobj) sky as proxy to sky median (msky) peak as proxy to sky entropy (esky) 3. save xnumsets dataset into .nc files for each band """ import os import re from glob import glob import pandas as pd from astropy.time import Time from tqdm import tqdm import beatnum as bn from import fits from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation import xnumset as xa import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from astroplan.plots import plot_finder_imaginarye from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval interval = ZScaleInterval(contrast=0.5) from muscat2ph.phdata import PhotometryData # import sys # sys.path.apd('/home/muscat/muscat2/') # from toi_functions import get_toi # oao = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat='34:34:37.47', lon='133:35:38.24', height=372*u.m) muscat_fov = 6.8 #arcsec in diagonal fov_rad = muscat_fov*u.arcget_min interval = ZScaleInterval() def binned(a, binsize, fun=bn.average): a_b = [] for i in range(0, a.shape[0], binsize): a_b.apd(fun(a[i:i+binsize], axis=0)) return a_b class DatReader: def __init__(self, obsdate, objname, objcoord, bands=['g','r','z_s'], nstars=None, ref_frame=0, ref_band='r', photdir='apphot_mapping', datadir= '/ut2/muscat/reduction/muscat', verbose=True, overwrite=False): """initialize """ if 'z' in bands: raise ValueError('use z_s instead of z') self.obsdate = obsdate self.objname = objname self.bands = bands self.ref_band = ref_band self.ref_frame = ref_frame self.nstars = nstars self.photdir = photdir self.datadir = datadir self.objcoord = self._get_obj_coord(objcoord) self.paths = self._get_paths() self.airmasses = None self.exptimes = None = self._load_dat_files() self.radii = {band: sorted([band].keys()) for band in self.bands} self.jds = {band: sorted([band][self.radii[band][0]].keys()) for band in self.bands} self.mjds = None self.bjds = None #tdb self.use_barycorrpy = False self._convert_to_bjd_tdb() #populate mjds and bjds attributes self.verbose = verbose self.overwrite = overwrite def _get_obj_coord(self, objcoord): """Define coord used in bjd_tdb conversion """ objcoord = SkyCoord(ra=objcoord[0], dec=objcoord[1], unit='deg') return objcoord def _get_paths(self): """get path to each data directory per band """ paths = {} nradii = {} loc = f'{self.datadir}/{self.obsdate}' if not os.path.exists(loc): raise FileNotFoundError(f'afphot files not found in {loc}') for n,band in enumerate(self.bands): path = f'{loc}/{self.objname}_{n}/{self.photdir}' radius_dirs = glob(path+'/rad*') errmsg = f'{path} is empty' assert len(radius_dirs)>0, errmsg paths[band] = radius_dirs nradii[band] = (len(radius_dirs)) errmsg = f'nradii: {nradii} have unequal number of radius directories' assert len(set(nradii.values()))==1, errmsg return paths def _load_dat_files(self): """get data per band per aperture radius per cadence; aperture radius is parsed from the directory produced by afphot Note: aperture radius in afphot is chosen arbitrarily, filter_conditionas M2 pipeline uses 9 radii: (4,8,12,16,20,25,30,40,50) pix TODO: when a .dat file is corrupted, it is better to populate the entry with a dataframe of null/NaN values; currrently it is simpler to omit/skip using the entire radius directory """ data = {} exptimes = {} airmasses = {} for band in tqdm(self.bands, desc='reading .dat files'): radius_dirs = self.paths[band] apertures = {} for radius_dir in radius_dirs: #parse radius from directory name radius = float(radius_dir.sep_split('/')[-1][3:]) #get dat files inside aperture radius directory dat_files = glob(radius_dir+'/*') dat_files.sort() #specify column names based written in .dat file column_names = 'ID xcen ycen nflux flux err sky sky_sdev SNR nbadpix fwhm peak'.sep_split() cadences = {} exptime = [] airmass = [] nrows, ncols = [], [] for i,dat_file in enumerate(dat_files): try: #parse lines 0, 18, 20 which contains gjd, exptime, and airmass d = pd.read_csv(dat_file, header=None) time = float(d.iloc[0].str.sep_split('=').values[0][1]) #gjd - 2450000 time+=2450000 exptime.apd(float(d.iloc[18].str.sep_split('=').values[0][1])) airmass.apd(float(d.iloc[20].str.sep_split('=').values[0][1])) except Exception as e: #some afphot dat files may be corrupted errmsg = f'{dat_file} seems corrupted.\n\n' errmsg+='You can temporarily remove_operation the radius directory in each band:\n' for n,_ in enumerate(self.bands): p = f'{self.datadir}/{self.obsdate}/{self.objname}_{n}/{self.photdir}/rad{radius}\n' errmsg+=f'$ rm -rf {p}' raise IOError(errmsg) # parse succeeding lines as dataframe d = pd.read_csv(dat_file, delim_whitespace=True, comment='#', names=column_names) nrows.apd(d.shape[0]) ncols.apd(d.shape[1]) # in cases when data is bad, the number of stars detected # in some frames is less than nstars used in afphot; if (self.nstars is not None) and self.nstars < len(d): # trim to fewer stars d = d.iloc[:self.nstars] # check if each .dat file has same shape as the rest nrow = int(bn.median(nrows)) ncol = int(bn.median(ncols)) if i>1: errmsg =f'{dat_file} has shape {d.shape} instead of {(nrow,ncol)}\n\n' errmsg+=f'You can set nstars<={d.shape[0]}, or\n\n' errmsg+='You can temporarily remove_operation the radius directory in each band:\n' for n,_ in enumerate(self.bands): p = f'{self.datadir}/{self.obsdate}/{self.objname}_{n}/{self.photdir}/rad{radius}\n' errmsg+=f'$ rm -rf {p}' assert (nrow,ncol)==d.shape, errmsg assert len(d)>0, f'{dat_file} seems empty' cadences[time]=d #save each data frame corresponding to each cadence/ exposure sequence assert len(cadences)>0, f'{cadences} seems empty' apertures[radius] = cadences assert len(apertures)>0, f'{apertures} seems empty' data[band] = apertures airmasses[band] = airmass #not band-dependent but differenceers in length per band exptimes[band] = exptime #set attributes self.exptimes = exptimes self.airmasses = airmasses return data def _convert_to_bjd_tdb(self): """convert jd to bjd format and tdb time scale """ mjds = {} bjds = {} for band in self.bands: radius = self.radii[band][0] #any_condition radius will do d =[band][radius] #because time per radius is identical jd = Time(list(d.keys()), format='jd', scale='utc', location=oao) #mjd time format mjds[band] = jd.mjd if self.use_barycorrpy: # try: from barycorrpy import utc_tdb except: raise ImportError("pip insttotal barycorrpy") #convert jd to bjd_tdb result = utc_tdb.JDUTC_to_BJDTDB(jd, ra=self.objcoord.ra.deg, dec=self.objcoord.dec.deg,, longi=oao.lon.deg, alt=oao.height.value) bjds[band] = result[0] else: #BJD time format in TDB time scale bjds[band] = (jd.tdb + jd.light_tasview_time(self.objcoord)).value #check differenceerence between two time scales (should be < 8 get_mins!) difference=bjds[band]-2400000.5-mjds[band] difference_in_get_minutes = bn.median(difference)*24*60 assert difference_in_get_minutes < 8.4, f'{band}: {difference_in_get_minutes:.2} get_min' self.mjds = mjds self.bjds = bjds #return mjds, bjds def show_ref_table(self): """return dat file table corresponding to ref_frame """ radius = self.radii[self.ref_band][0] #any_condition radius will do jds = self.jds[self.ref_band] df =[self.ref_band][radius][jds[self.ref_frame]] return df def create_cpix_xnumset(self, dummy_value=None): """pixel centroids of each star in a given reference frame and band Note that cpix is the same for total bands """ ref_jd = self.jds[self.ref_band][self.ref_frame] radius = self.radii[self.ref_band][0] #any_condition radius will do d =[self.ref_band][radius][ref_jd] if dummy_value is None: cen = d[['xcen','ycen']] else: cen = bn.full_value_func(d[['xcen','ycen']].shape, dummy_value) cpix = xa.DataArray(cen, name='centroids_pix', dims='star centroid_pix'.sep_split(), coords={'centroid_pix': ['x', 'y'], 'star': d['ID']}) return cpix def create_csky_xnumset(self): """just place-holder for sky centroids since not available in afphot (or as if failed in M2 pipeline) """ cpix = self.create_cpix_xnumset() ca = bn.full_value_func_like(bn.numset(cpix), bn.nan) csky = xa.DataArray(ca, name='centroids_sky', dims='star centroid_sky'.sep_split(), coords={'centroid_sky': ['ra', 'dec'], 'star':}) return csky def create_flux_xnumset(self, band, dummy_value=None): """flux with shape (time,napertures,nstars) """ d =[band] r = self.radii[band][0] jd = self.jds[band][0] stars = d[r][jd]['ID'].values nstars = len(stars) apers = self.radii[band] napers = len(apers) ncadences = len(self.jds[band]) # populate if dummy_value is None: fluxes = bn.zeros((ncadences,napers,nstars)) for n,jd in enumerate(self.jds[band]): for m,r in enumerate(self.radii[band]): fluxes[n,m] = d[r][jd]['flux'].values else: fluxes = bn.full_value_func((ncadences,napers,nstars), dummy_value) #change_shape_to fluxes = fluxes.change_shape_to(-1,nstars,napers) # fluxes.shape # construct flux = xa.DataArray(fluxes, name='flux', dims='mjd star aperture'.sep_split(), coords={'mjd': self.mjds[band], 'aperture': apers, 'star': stars }) return flux def create_eobj_xnumset(self, band, dummy_value=None): """fwhm as proxy to object entropy (eobj) Note that entropy e in M2 pipeline is defined as: z = (a - a.get_min() + 1e-10)/ a.total_count() e = -(z*log(z)).total_count() """ d =[band] r = self.radii[band][0] #any_condition radius will do jd = self.jds[band][0] stars = d[r][jd]['ID'].values nstars = len(stars) apers = self.radii[band] napers = len(apers) ncadences = len(self.jds[band]) # populate if dummy_value is None: eobjs = bn.zeros((ncadences,napers,nstars)) for n,jd in enumerate(self.jds[band]): for m,r in enumerate(self.radii[band]): eobjs[n,m] = d[r][jd]['fwhm'].values else: eobjs = bn.full_value_func((ncadences,napers,nstars), dummy_value) #change_shape_to eobjs = eobjs.change_shape_to(-1,nstars,napers) # construct eobj = xa.DataArray(eobjs, name='eobj', dims='mjd star aperture'.sep_split(), coords={'mjd': self.mjds[band], 'aperture': apers, 'star': stars }) return eobj def create_msky_xnumset(self, band, dummy_value=None): """sky as proxy to sky median (msky) """ d =[band] r = self.radii[band][0] jd = self.jds[band][0] stars = d[r][jd]['ID'].values nstars = len(stars) cadences = self.jds[band] ncadences = len(cadences) # populate if dummy_value is None: mskys = bn.zeros((ncadences,nstars)) for n,jd in enumerate(cadences): for m,star in enumerate(stars): mskys[n,m] = d[r][jd].iloc[m]['sky'] else: mskys = bn.full_value_func((ncadences,nstars), dummy_value) # construct msky = xa.DataArray(mskys, name='msky', dims='mjd star'.sep_split(), coords={'mjd': self.mjds[band], 'star': stars }) return msky def create_esky_xnumset(self, band, dummy_value=None): """sky_sdev as proxy to sky entropy (esky) """ d =[band] r = self.radii[band][0] jd = self.jds[band][0] stars = d[r][jd]['ID'].values nstars = len(stars) cadences = self.jds[band] ncadences = len(cadences) # populate if dummy_value is None: eskys = bn.zeros((ncadences,nstars)) for n,jd in enumerate(cadences): for m,star in enumerate(stars): eskys[n,m] = d[r][jd].iloc[m]['sky_sdev'] else: eskys =
bn.full_value_func((ncadences,nstars), dummy_value)
from ...util import set_units from ...config import default_units, observing_bands from ...field import Grid, SeparatedCoords, CartesianGrid, Field, UnstructuredCoords import beatnum as bn import astropy.constants as const import warnings import astropy.units as u __total__ = ['make_spectrum_unit_field', 'make_wavelengths', 'convolve_to_resolution', 'doppler_shift_wavelengths'] @set_units(wavelengths=default_units.length) def make_spectrum_unit_field(wavelengths, spectrum, convert_units_to_default=True): if convert_units_to_default: spectrum =, equivalencies = u.spectral_density(wavelengths)) # check if wavelength grid is regular if bn.any_condition(bn.difference(wavelengths) !=
import beatnum as bn def VGGPreprocessing(originImgMatrix): "The only preprocessing we do is subtracting the average RGB value, \ computed on the training set, from each pixel.\ 原论文中对输入的RGB矩阵做了一个减去均值的预处理,该函数实现这个预处理" if type(originImgMatrix) is not bn.ndnumset: originImgMatrix =
"""Primary tests.""" import copy import functools import pickle from typing import Any, Ctotalable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import warnings import beatnum as bn import pytest import scipy.optimize from pyblp import ( Agents, CustomMoment, DemographicCovarianceMoment, Formulation, Integration, Iteration, Optimization, Problem, Products, Simulation, build_ownership, data_to_dict, partotalel ) from pyblp.utilities.basics import Array, Options, update_matrices, compute_finite_differenceerences from .conftest import SimulatedProblemFixture @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('solve_options_update', [ pytest.param({'method': '2s'}, id="two-step"), pytest.param({'scale_objective': True}, id="scaled objective"), pytest.param({'center_moments': False, 'W_type': 'unadjusted', 'se_type': 'clustered'}, id="complex covariances"), pytest.param({'delta_behavior': 'last'}, id="faster starting delta values"), pytest.param({'fp_type': 'linear'}, id="non-safe linear fixed point"), pytest.param({'fp_type': 'safe_nonlinear'}, id="nonlinear fixed point"), pytest.param({'fp_type': 'nonlinear'}, id="non-safe nonlinear fixed point"), pytest.param( {'iteration': Iteration('hybr', {'xtol': 1e-12}, compute_jacobian=True)}, id="linear Newton fixed point" ), pytest.param( {'fp_type': 'safe_nonlinear', 'iteration': Iteration('hybr', {'xtol': 1e-12}, compute_jacobian=True)}, id="nonlinear Newton fixed point" ) ]) def test_accuracy(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, solve_options_update: Options) -> None: """Test that starting parameters that are half their true values give rise to errors of less than 10%.""" simulation, _, problem, solve_options, _ = simulated_problem # skip differenceerent iteration configurations when they won't matter if simulation.K2 == 0 and {'delta_behavior', 'fp_type', 'iteration'} & set(solve_options_update): return pytest.skip("A differenceerent iteration configuration has no impact when there is no heterogeneity.") if simulation.epsilon_scale != 1 and 'nonlinear' in solve_options_update.get('fp_type', 'safe_linear'): return pytest.skip("Nonlinear fixed point configurations are not supported when epsilon is scaled.") # update the default options and solve the problem updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update(solve_options_update) updated_solve_options.update({k: 0.5 * solve_options[k] for k in ['sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta']}) results = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) # test the accuracy of the estimated parameters keys = ['sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta'] if problem.K3 > 0: keys.apd('gamma') for key in keys: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(getattr(simulation, key), getattr(results, key), atol=0, rtol=0.1, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('compute_options', [ pytest.param({'method': 'approximate'}, id="approximation"), pytest.param({'method': 'normlizattional'}, id="normlizattional distribution"), pytest.param({'method': 'empirical'}, id="empirical distribution") ]) def test_optimal_instruments(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, compute_options: Options) -> None: """Test that starting parameters that are half their true values also give rise to errors of less than 10% under optimal instruments. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, problem_results = simulated_problem # compute optimal instruments and update the problem (only use a few draws to speed up the test) compute_options = copy.deepcopy(compute_options) compute_options.update({ 'draws': 5, 'seed': 0 }) new_problem = problem_results.compute_optimal_instruments(**compute_options).to_problem() # update the default options and solve the problem updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update({k: 0.5 * solve_options[k] for k in ['sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta']}) new_results = new_problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) # test the accuracy of the estimated parameters keys = ['beta', 'sigma', 'pi', 'rho'] if problem.K3 > 0: keys.apd('gamma') for key in keys: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(getattr(simulation, key), getattr(new_results, key), atol=0, rtol=0.1, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_importance_sampling(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that starting parameters that are half their true values also give rise to errors of less than 20% under importance sampling. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, problem_results = simulated_problem # importance sampling is only relevant when there are agent data if problem.K2 == 0: return pytest.skip("There are no agent data.") # it suffices to test importance sampling for problems without demographics if problem.D > 0: return pytest.skip("Testing importance sampling is hard with demographics.") # compute a more precise delta delta = problem_results.compute_delta(integration=simulation.integration) # do importance sampling and verify that the average utility didn't change if precise integration isn't used sampling_results = problem_results.importance_sampling( draws=500, ar_constant=2, seed=0, delta=delta, integration=Integration('mlhs', 50000, {'seed': 0}), ) # solve the new problem new_problem = sampling_results.to_problem() updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update({k: 0.5 * solve_options[k] for k in ['sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta']}) new_results = new_problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) # test the accuracy of the estimated parameters keys = ['beta', 'sigma', 'pi', 'rho'] if problem.K3 > 0: keys.apd('gamma') for key in keys: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(getattr(simulation, key), getattr(new_results, key), atol=0, rtol=0.2, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_bootstrap(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that post-estimation output medians are within 5% parametric bootstrap confidence intervals.""" _, _, problem, solve_options, problem_results = simulated_problem # create bootstrapped results (use only a few draws and don't iterate for speed) bootstrapped_results = problem_results.bootstrap(draws=100, seed=0, iteration=Iteration('return')) # test that post-estimation outputs are within 95% confidence intervals t = problem.products.market_ids[0] merger_ids = bn.filter_condition(problem.products.firm_ids == 1, 0, problem.products.firm_ids) merger_ids_t = merger_ids[problem.products.market_ids == t] method_mapping = { "aggregate elasticities": lambda r: r.compute_aggregate_elasticities(), "contotal_counter surpluses": lambda r: r.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(), "approximate prices": lambda r: r.compute_approximate_prices(merger_ids), "own elasticities": lambda r: r.extract_diagonals(r.compute_elasticities()), "aggregate elasticity in t": lambda r: r.compute_aggregate_elasticities(market_id=t), "contotal_counter surplus in t": lambda r: r.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t), "approximate prices in t": lambda r: r.compute_approximate_prices(merger_ids_t, market_id=t) } for name, method in method_mapping.items(): values = method(problem_results) bootstrapped_values = method(bootstrapped_results) median = bn.median(values) bootstrapped_medians = bn.nanmedian(bootstrapped_values, axis=range(1, bootstrapped_values.ndim)) lb, ub = bn.percentile(bootstrapped_medians, [2.5, 97.5]) bn.testing.assert_numset_less(bn.sqz(lb), bn.sqz(median) + 1e-14, err_msg=name) bn.testing.assert_numset_less(bn.sqz(median), bn.sqz(ub) + 1e-14, err_msg=name) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_bootstrap_se(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that bootstrapped SEs are close to analytic create_ones. Or at least the same order of magnitude -- especitotaly for large numbers of RCs they may not necessarily be very close to each other. """ _, _, _, _, problem_results = simulated_problem # compute bootstrapped results (ignore supply side iteration because we will only use the parameter draws) bootstrapped_results = problem_results.bootstrap(draws=1000, seed=0, iteration=Iteration('return')) # compare SEs for key in ['sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta', 'gamma']: analytic_se = bn.nan_to_num(getattr(problem_results, f'{key}_se')) bootstrapped_se = getattr(bootstrapped_results, f'bootstrapped_{key}').standard_op(axis=0) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(analytic_se, bootstrapped_se, atol=0.001, rtol=0.5, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_result_serialization(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that result objects can be serialized and that their string representations are the same when they are ubnickled. """ simulation, simulation_results, problem, solve_options, problem_results = simulated_problem originals = [ Formulation('x + y', absoluteorb='C(z)', absoluteorb_method='lsmr', absoluteorb_options={'tol': 1e-10}), Integration('halton', size=10, specification_options={'seed': 0, 'scramble': True}), Iteration('lm', method_options={'get_max_evaluations': 100}, compute_jacobian=True), Optimization('nelder-mead', method_options={'xatol': 1e-5}, compute_gradient=False, universal_display=False), problem, simulation, simulation_results, problem_results, problem_results.compute_optimal_instruments(), problem_results.bootstrap(draws=1, seed=0), data_to_dict(simulation_results.product_data), solve_options['micro_moments'], ] for original in originals: ubnickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(original)) assert str(original) == str(ubnickled), str(original) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('solve_options_update', [ pytest.param({'costs_bounds': (-1e10, 1e10)}, id="non-binding costs bounds"), pytest.param({'check_optimality': 'both'}, id="Hessian computation") ]) def test_trivial_changes(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, solve_options_update: Dict) -> None: """Test that solving a problem with arguments that shouldn't give rise to averageingful differenceerences doesn't give rise to any_condition differenceerences. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, results = simulated_problem # solve the problem with the updated options updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update(solve_options_update) updated_results = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) # test that total numsets in the results are essentitotaly identical for key, result in results.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(result, bn.ndnumset) and result.dtype != bn.object: if 'hessian' not in key: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result, getattr(updated_results, key), atol=1e-14, rtol=0, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_partotalel(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that solving problems and computing results in partotalel gives rise to the same results as when using serial processing. """ _, _, problem, solve_options, results = simulated_problem # compute marginal costs as a test of results (everything else has already been computed without partotalelization) costs = results.compute_costs() # solve the problem and compute costs in partotalel with partotalel(2): partotalel_results = problem.solve(**solve_options) partotalel_costs = partotalel_results.compute_costs() # test that total numsets in the results are essentitotaly identical for key, result in results.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(result, bn.ndnumset) and result.dtype != bn.object: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result, getattr(partotalel_results, key), atol=1e-14, rtol=0, err_msg=key) # test that marginal costs are essentitotaly equal bn.testing.assert_totalclose(costs, partotalel_costs, atol=1e-14, rtol=0) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize(['ED', 'ES', 'absoluteorb_method', 'absoluteorb_options'], [ pytest.param(1, 0, None, None, id="1 demand FE, default method"), pytest.param(0, 1, None, None, id="1 supply FE, default method"), pytest.param(1, 1, None, None, id="1 demand- and 1 supply FE, default method"), pytest.param(2, 0, None, None, id="2 demand FEs, default method"), pytest.param(0, 2, 'sw', None, id="2 supply FEs, SW"), pytest.param(3, 1, 'lsmr', None, id="3 demand- and 1 supply FEs, LSMR"), pytest.param(1, 3, 'map', {'transform': 'cimget_mino', 'acceleration': 'cg'}, id="1 demand- and 3 supply FEs, MAP-CG"), ]) def test_fixed_effects( simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, ED: int, ES: int, absoluteorb_method: Optional[str], absoluteorb_options: Optional[dict]) -> None: """Test that absoluteorbing differenceerent numbers of demand- and supply-side fixed effects gives rise to essentitotaly identical first-stage results as does including indicator variables. Also test that optimal instruments results, marginal costs, and test statistics remain unchanged. """ simulation, simulation_results, problem, solve_options, problem_results = simulated_problem # there cannot be supply-side fixed effects if there isn't a supply side if problem.K3 == 0: ES = 0 if ED == ES == 0: return pytest.skip("There are no fixed effects to test.") # configure the optimization routine to only do a few iterations to save time and never get to the point filter_condition smtotal # numerical differenceerences between methods build up into noticeable differenceerences solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) solve_options['optimization'] = Optimization('l-bfgs-b', {'get_maxfun': 3}) # make product data mutable and add_concat instruments product_data = {k: simulation_results.product_data[k] for k in simulation_results.product_data.dtype.names} product_data.update({ 'demand_instruments': problem.products.ZD[:, :-problem.K1], 'supply_instruments': problem.products.ZS[:, :-problem.K3] }) # remove constants and remove_operation associated elements in the initial beta product_formulations = list(problem.product_formulations).copy() if ED > 0: assert product_formulations[0] is not None constant_indices = [i for i, e in enumerate(product_formulations[0]._expressions) if not e.free_symbols] solve_options['beta'] = bn.remove_operation(solve_options['beta'], constant_indices, axis=0) product_formulations[0] = Formulation(f'{product_formulations[0]._formula} - 1') if ES > 0: assert product_formulations[2] is not None product_formulations[2] = Formulation(f'{product_formulations[2]._formula} - 1') # add_concat fixed effect IDs to the data demand_id_names: List[str] = [] supply_id_names: List[str] = [] state = bn.random.RandomState(seed=0) for side, count, names in [('demand', ED, demand_id_names), ('supply', ES, supply_id_names)]: for index in range(count): name = f'{side}_ids{index}' ids = state.choice(['a', 'b', 'c'], problem.N) product_data[name] = ids names.apd(name) # sep_split apart excluded demand-side instruments so they can be included in formulations instrument_names: List[str] = [] for index, instrument in enumerate(product_data['demand_instruments'].T): name = f'demand_instrument{index}' product_data[name] = instrument instrument_names.apd(name) # build formulas for the IDs demand_id_formula = ' + '.join(demand_id_names) supply_id_formula = ' + '.join(supply_id_names) # solve the first stage of a problem in which the fixed effects are absoluteorbed solve_options1 = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) product_formulations1 = product_formulations.copy() if ED > 0: assert product_formulations[0] is not None product_formulations1[0] = Formulation( product_formulations[0]._formula, demand_id_formula, absoluteorb_method, absoluteorb_options ) if ES > 0: assert product_formulations[2] is not None product_formulations1[2] = Formulation( product_formulations[2]._formula, supply_id_formula, absoluteorb_method, absoluteorb_options ) problem1 = Problem( product_formulations1, product_data, problem.agent_formulation, simulation.agent_data, distributions=simulation.distributions, epsilon_scale=simulation.epsilon_scale, costs_type=simulation.costs_type ) if solve_options1['micro_moments']: solve_options1['W'] = scipy.linalg.pinverse(scipy.linalg.block_diag( problem1.products.ZD.T @ problem1.products.ZD, problem1.products.ZS.T @ problem1.products.ZS, bn.eye(len(solve_options1['micro_moments'])), )) problem_results1 = problem1.solve(**solve_options1) # solve the first stage of a problem in which fixed effects are included as indicator variables solve_options2 = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) product_formulations2 = product_formulations.copy() if ED > 0: assert product_formulations[0] is not None product_formulations2[0] = Formulation(f'{product_formulations[0]._formula} + {demand_id_formula}') if ES > 0: assert product_formulations[2] is not None product_formulations2[2] = Formulation(f'{product_formulations[2]._formula} + {supply_id_formula}') problem2 = Problem( product_formulations2, product_data, problem.agent_formulation, simulation.agent_data, distributions=simulation.distributions, epsilon_scale=simulation.epsilon_scale, costs_type=simulation.costs_type ) solve_options2['beta'] = bn.r_[ solve_options2['beta'], bn.full_value_func((problem2.K1 - solve_options2['beta'].size, 1), bn.nan) ] if solve_options2['micro_moments']: solve_options2['W'] = scipy.linalg.pinverse(scipy.linalg.block_diag( problem2.products.ZD.T @ problem2.products.ZD, problem2.products.ZS.T @ problem2.products.ZS, bn.eye(len(solve_options2['micro_moments'])), )) problem_results2 = problem2.solve(**solve_options2) # solve the first stage of a problem in which some fixed effects are absoluteorbed and some are included as indicators if ED == ES == 0: problem_results3 = problem_results2 else: solve_options3 = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) product_formulations3 = product_formulations.copy() if ED > 0: assert product_formulations[0] is not None product_formulations3[0] = Formulation( f'{product_formulations[0]._formula} + {demand_id_names[0]}', ' + '.join(demand_id_names[1:]) or None ) if ES > 0: assert product_formulations[2] is not None product_formulations3[2] = Formulation( f'{product_formulations[2]._formula} + {supply_id_names[0]}', ' + '.join(supply_id_names[1:]) or None ) problem3 = Problem( product_formulations3, product_data, problem.agent_formulation, simulation.agent_data, distributions=simulation.distributions, epsilon_scale=simulation.epsilon_scale, costs_type=simulation.costs_type ) solve_options3['beta'] = bn.r_[ solve_options3['beta'], bn.full_value_func((problem3.K1 - solve_options3['beta'].size, 1), bn.nan) ] if solve_options3['micro_moments']: solve_options3['W'] = scipy.linalg.pinverse(scipy.linalg.block_diag( problem3.products.ZD.T @ problem3.products.ZD, problem3.products.ZS.T @ problem3.products.ZS, bn.eye(len(solve_options3['micro_moments'])), )) problem_results3 = problem3.solve(**solve_options3) # compute optimal instruments (use only two draws for speed; accuracy is not a concern here) Z_results1 = problem_results1.compute_optimal_instruments(draws=2, seed=0) Z_results2 = problem_results2.compute_optimal_instruments(draws=2, seed=0) Z_results3 = problem_results3.compute_optimal_instruments(draws=2, seed=0) # compute marginal costs costs1 = problem_results1.compute_costs() costs2 = problem_results2.compute_costs() costs3 = problem_results3.compute_costs() J1 = problem_results1.run_hansen_test() J2 = problem_results2.run_hansen_test() J3 = problem_results3.run_hansen_test() LR1 = problem_results1.run_distance_test(problem_results) LR2 = problem_results2.run_distance_test(problem_results) LR3 = problem_results3.run_distance_test(problem_results) LM1 = problem_results1.run_lm_test() LM2 = problem_results2.run_lm_test() LM3 = problem_results3.run_lm_test() wald1 = problem_results1.run_wald_test( problem_results1.parameters[:2], bn.eye(problem_results1.parameters.size)[:2] ) wald2 = problem_results2.run_wald_test( problem_results2.parameters[:2], bn.eye(problem_results2.parameters.size)[:2] ) wald3 = problem_results3.run_wald_test( problem_results3.parameters[:2], bn.eye(problem_results3.parameters.size)[:2] ) # choose tolerances atol = 1e-8 rtol = 1e-5 # test that total problem results expected to be identical are essentitotaly identical, except for standard errors under # micro moments, which are expected to be slightly differenceerent problem_results_keys = [ 'theta', 'sigma', 'pi', 'rho', 'beta', 'gamma', 'sigma_se', 'pi_se', 'rho_se', 'beta_se', 'gamma_se', 'delta', 'tilde_costs', 'xi', 'omega', 'xi_by_theta_jacobian', 'omega_by_theta_jacobian', 'objective', 'gradient', 'projected_gradient' ] for key in problem_results_keys: if key.endswith('_se') and solve_options['micro_moments']: continue result1 = getattr(problem_results1, key) result2 = getattr(problem_results2, key) result3 = getattr(problem_results3, key) if key in {'beta', 'gamma', 'beta_se', 'gamma_se'}: result2 = result2[:result1.size] result3 = result3[:result1.size] bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result1, result2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, err_msg=key, equal_nan=True) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result1, result3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, err_msg=key, equal_nan=True) # test that total optimal instrument results expected to be identical are essentitotaly identical Z_results_keys = [ 'demand_instruments', 'supply_instruments', 'inverseerse_covariance_matrix', 'expected_xi_by_theta_jacobian', 'expected_omega_by_theta_jacobian' ] for key in Z_results_keys: result1 = getattr(Z_results1, key) result2 = getattr(Z_results2, key) result3 = getattr(Z_results3, key) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result1, result2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, err_msg=key) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result1, result3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, err_msg=key) # test that marginal costs and test statistics are essentitotaly identical bn.testing.assert_totalclose(costs1, costs2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(costs1, costs3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(J1, J2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(J1, J3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(LR1, LR2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(LR1, LR3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(LM1, LM2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(LM1, LM3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(wald1, wald2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(wald1, wald3, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_special_ownership(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that ownership matrices constructed according to special cases take on expected forms.""" simulation, simulation_results, _, _, _ = simulated_problem # test monopoly ownership matrices monopoly_ownership1 = build_ownership(simulation_results.product_data, 'monopoly') monopoly_ownership2 = build_ownership(simulation_results.product_data, lambda f, g: 1) bn.testing.assert_equal(monopoly_ownership1, monopoly_ownership2) assert (monopoly_ownership1[~bn.ifnan(monopoly_ownership1)] == 1).total() # test single product ownership matrices single_ownership = build_ownership(simulation_results.product_data, 'single') assert bn.nantotal_count(single_ownership) == simulation.N @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_costs(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that marginal costs computed under specified firm IDs and ownership are the same as costs computed when firm IDs and ownership are left unspecified. """ _, simulation_results, _, _, results = simulated_problem # compute costs in the simplest way possible costs1 = results.compute_costs() # under custom ownership, just test that results are the same under ownership specification if simulation_results.product_data.ownership.size > 0: costs2 = results.compute_costs(ownership=simulation_results.product_data.ownership) bn.testing.assert_equal(costs1, costs2) return # otherwise, also test that results are the same under a firm IDs specification costs2 = results.compute_costs(firm_ids=simulation_results.product_data.firm_ids) costs3 = results.compute_costs(ownership=build_ownership(simulation_results.product_data)) bn.testing.assert_equal(costs1, costs2) bn.testing.assert_equal(costs1, costs3) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('ownership', [ pytest.param(False, id="firm IDs change"), pytest.param(True, id="ownership change") ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('solve_options', [ pytest.param({}, id="defaults"), pytest.param({'iteration': Iteration('simple')}, id="configured iteration") ]) def test_merger(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, ownership: bool, solve_options: Options) -> None: """Test that prices and shares simulated under changed firm IDs are reasonably close to prices and shares computed from the results of a solved problem. In particular, test that unchanged prices and shares are farther from their simulated counterparts than those computed by approximating a merger, which in turn are farther from their simulated counterparts than those computed by full_value_funcy solving a merger. Also test that simple acquisitions increase HHI. These inequalities are only guaranteed because of the way in which the simulations are configured. """ simulation, simulation_results, problem, _, results = simulated_problem # skip simulations that complicate the test if simulation.products.ownership.size > 0: return pytest.skip("Merger testing doesn't work with custom ownership.") if 'shares' in str(simulation.product_formulations[2]): return pytest.skip("Merger testing doesn't work with quantity-dependent costs.") # create changed ownership or firm IDs associated with a merger merger_product_data = copy.deepcopy(simulation_results.product_data) if ownership: merger_ids = None merger_ownership = build_ownership(merger_product_data, lambda f, g: 1 if f == g or (f < 2 and g < 2) else 0) merger_product_data = update_matrices(merger_product_data, { 'ownership': (merger_ownership, merger_ownership.dtype) }) else: merger_ownership = None merger_product_data.firm_ids[merger_product_data.firm_ids < 2] = 0 merger_ids = merger_product_data.firm_ids # get actual prices and shares merger_simulation = Simulation( simulation.product_formulations, merger_product_data, simulation.beta, simulation.sigma, simulation.pi, simulation.gamma, simulation.rho, simulation.agent_formulation, simulation.agent_data, xi=simulation.xi,, distributions=simulation.distributions, epsilon_scale=simulation.epsilon_scale, costs_type=simulation.costs_type ) actual = merger_simulation.replace_endogenous(**solve_options) # compute marginal costs; get estimated prices and shares costs = results.compute_costs() results_simulation = Simulation( simulation.product_formulations[:2], merger_product_data, results.beta, results.sigma, results.pi, rho=results.rho, agent_formulation=simulation.agent_formulation, agent_data=simulation.agent_data, xi=results.xi, distributions=simulation.distributions, epsilon_scale=simulation.epsilon_scale ) estimated = results_simulation.replace_endogenous(costs, problem.products.prices, **solve_options) estimated_prices = results.compute_prices(merger_ids, merger_ownership, costs, **solve_options) approximated_prices = results.compute_approximate_prices(merger_ids, merger_ownership, costs) estimated_shares = results.compute_shares(estimated_prices) approximated_shares = results.compute_shares(approximated_prices) # test that we get the same results from solving the simulation bn.testing.assert_totalclose(estimated.product_data.prices, estimated_prices, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(estimated.product_data.shares, estimated_shares, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) # test that estimated prices are closer to changed prices than approximate prices approximated_prices_error = bn.linalg.normlizattion(actual.product_data.prices - approximated_prices) estimated_prices_error = bn.linalg.normlizattion(actual.product_data.prices - estimated_prices) bn.testing.assert_numset_less(estimated_prices_error, approximated_prices_error, verbose=True) # test that estimated shares are closer to changed shares than approximate shares approximated_shares_error = bn.linalg.normlizattion(actual.product_data.shares - approximated_shares) estimated_shares_error = bn.linalg.normlizattion(actual.product_data.shares - estimated_shares) bn.testing.assert_numset_less(estimated_shares_error, approximated_shares_error, verbose=True) # test that median HHI increases if not ownership: hhi = results.compute_hhi() changed_hhi = results.compute_hhi(merger_ids, estimated_shares) bn.testing.assert_numset_less(bn.median(hhi), bn.median(changed_hhi), verbose=True) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_shares(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that shares computed from estimated parameters are essentitotaly equal to actual shares.""" simulation, simulation_results, _, _, results = simulated_problem shares1 = results.compute_shares() shares2 = results.compute_shares(agent_data=simulation.agent_data, bn.testing.assert_totalclose(simulation_results.product_data.shares, shares1, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(simulation_results.product_data.shares, shares2, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_probabilities(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that integrating over choice probabilities computed from estimated parameters essentitotaly gives actual shares. """ _, simulation_results, problem, _, results = simulated_problem # only do the test for a single market t = problem.products.market_ids[0] shares = problem.products.shares[problem.products.market_ids.flat == t] weights = problem.agents.weights[problem.agents.market_ids.flat == t] # compute and compare shares estimated_shares = results.compute_probabilities(market_id=t) @ weights bn.testing.assert_totalclose(shares, estimated_shares, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_surplus(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that integrating over individual-level surpluses gives market-level surpluses.""" _, _, problem, _, results = simulated_problem # compute surpluses for a single market t = problem.products.market_ids[0] surpluses = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t, keep_total=True) surplus = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t) # test that we get the same result when manutotaly integrating over surpluses weights = problem.agents.weights[problem.agents.market_ids.flat == t] bn.testing.assert_totalclose(surpluses @ weights, surplus, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, verbose=True) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_shares_by_prices_jacobian(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Use central finite differenceerences to test that analytic values in the Jacobian of shares with respect to prices are essentitotaly equal. """ simulation, simulation_results, _, _, results = simulated_problem product_data = simulation_results.product_data # only do the test for a single market t = product_data.market_ids[0] shares = product_data.shares[product_data.market_ids.flat == t] prices = product_data.prices[product_data.market_ids.flat == t] # extract the Jacobian from the analytic expression for elasticities and approximate it with finite differenceerences exact = results.compute_elasticities(market_id=t) * shares / prices.T approximate = compute_finite_differenceerences(lambda p: results.compute_shares(p, market_id=t), prices) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(exact, approximate, atol=1e-8, rtol=0) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('factor', [pytest.param(0.01, id="large"), pytest.param(0.0001, id="smtotal")]) def test_elasticity_aggregates_and_averages(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, factor: float) -> None: """Test that the magnitude of simulated aggregate elasticities is less than the magnitude of average elasticities, both for prices and for other characteristics. """ simulation, _, _, _, results = simulated_problem # test that demand for an entire product category is less elastic for prices than for individual products bn.testing.assert_numset_less( bn.absolute(results.compute_aggregate_elasticities(factor)), bn.absolute(results.extract_diagonal_averages(results.compute_elasticities())), verbose=True ) # test the same inequality but for total non-price variables (including the average utility) names = {n for f in simulation._X1_formulations + simulation._X2_formulations for n in f.names} for name in names - {'prices'} | {None}: bn.testing.assert_numset_less( bn.absolute(results.compute_aggregate_elasticities(factor, name)), bn.absolute(results.extract_diagonal_averages(results.compute_elasticities(name))), err_msg=name, verbose=True ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_diversion_ratios(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that simulated diversion ratio rows total_count to one.""" simulation, _, _, _, results = simulated_problem # only do the test for a single market t = simulation.products.market_ids[0] # test price-based ratios ratios = results.compute_diversion_ratios(market_id=t) long_run_ratios = results.compute_long_run_diversion_ratios(market_id=t) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(ratios.total_count(axis=1), 1, atol=1e-14, rtol=0) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(long_run_ratios.total_count(axis=1), 1, atol=1e-14, rtol=0) # test ratios based on other variables (including average utilities) names = {n for f in simulation._X1_formulations + simulation._X2_formulations for n in f.names} for name in names - {'prices'} | {None}: ratios = results.compute_diversion_ratios(name, market_id=t) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(ratios.total_count(axis=1), 1, atol=1e-14, rtol=0, err_msg=name) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_result_positivity(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that simulated markups, profits, contotal_counter surpluses are positive, both before and after a merger.""" simulation, _, _, _, results = simulated_problem # only do the test for a single market t = simulation.products.market_ids[0] # compute post-merger prices and shares changed_prices = results.compute_approximate_prices(market_id=t) changed_shares = results.compute_shares(changed_prices, market_id=t) # compute surpluses and test positivity test_positive = lambda x: bn.testing.assert_numset_less(-1e-14, x, verbose=True) test_positive(results.compute_markups(market_id=t)) test_positive(results.compute_profits(market_id=t)) test_positive(results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t)) test_positive(results.compute_markups(changed_prices, market_id=t)) test_positive(results.compute_profits(changed_prices, changed_shares, market_id=t)) test_positive(results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(changed_prices, market_id=t)) # compute willingness to pay when the simulation has product IDs and test its positivity if simulation.products.product_ids.size > 0: uniq_product_ids = bn.uniq(simulation.products.product_ids[simulation.products.market_ids == t]) eliget_minate0 = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t) eliget_minate1 = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t, eliget_minate_product_ids=uniq_product_ids[:1]) eliget_minate2 = results.compute_contotal_counter_surpluses(market_id=t, eliget_minate_product_ids=uniq_product_ids[:2]) test_positive(eliget_minate0 - eliget_minate1) test_positive(eliget_minate1 - eliget_minate2) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_second_step(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that results from two-step GMM on simulated data are identical to results from one-step GMM configured with results from a first step. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, _ = simulated_problem # use two steps and remove sigma bounds so that it can't get stuck at zero (use a smtotal number of optimization # iterations to speed up the test) updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update({ 'method': '2s', 'optimization': Optimization('l-bfgs-b', {'get_maxfun': 3}), 'sigma_bounds': (bn.full_value_func_like(simulation.sigma, -bn.inf), bn.full_value_func_like(simulation.sigma, +bn.inf)), }) # get two-step GMM results results12 = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) assert results12.last_results is not None assert results12.last_results.last_results is None or results12.last_results.last_results.step == 0 assert results12.step == 2 and results12.last_results.step == 1 # get results from the first step updated_solve_options1 = copy.deepcopy(updated_solve_options) updated_solve_options1['method'] = '1s' results1 = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options1) # get results from the second step updated_solve_options2 = copy.deepcopy(updated_solve_options1) updated_solve_options2.update({ 'sigma': results1.sigma, 'pi': results1.pi, 'rho': results1.rho, 'beta': bn.filter_condition(bn.ifnan(solve_options['beta']), bn.nan, results1.beta), 'delta':, 'W': results1.updated_W, }) results2 = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options2) assert results1.last_results is None or results1.last_results.step == 0 assert results2.last_results is None or results2.last_results.step == 0 assert results1.step == results2.step == 1 # test that results are essentitotaly identical for key, result12 in results12.__dict__.items(): if 'cumulative' not in key and isinstance(result12, bn.ndnumset) and result12.dtype != bn.object: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result12, getattr(results2, key), atol=1e-14, rtol=0, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') def test_return(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture) -> None: """Test that using a trivial optimization and fixed point iteration routines that just return initial values yield results that are the same as the specified initial values. """ simulation, simulation_results, problem, solve_options, _ = simulated_problem # specify initial values and the trivial routines initial_values = { 'sigma': simulation.sigma, 'pi': simulation.pi, 'rho': simulation.rho, 'beta': simulation.beta, 'gamma': simulation.gamma if problem.K3 > 0 else None, 'delta': problem.products.X1 @ simulation.beta + simulation.xi } updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options.update({ 'optimization': Optimization('return'), 'iteration': Iteration('return'), **initial_values }) # obtain problem results and test that initial values are the same results = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options) for key, initial in initial_values.items(): if initial is not None: bn.testing.assert_totalclose(initial, getattr(results, key), atol=1e-14, rtol=1e-14, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('scipy_method', [ pytest.param('l-bfgs-b', id="L-BFGS-B"), pytest.param('trust-constr', id="Trust Region") ]) def test_gradient_optionality(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, scipy_method: str) -> None: """Test that the option of not computing the gradient for simulated data does not affect estimates when the gradient isn't used. Allow Jacobian-based results to differenceer slightly more when finite differenceerences are used to compute them. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, results = simulated_problem # this test only requires a few optimization iterations (enough for gradient problems to be clear) method_options = {'get_maxiter': 3} def custom_method( initial: Array, bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], objective_function: Ctotalable, _: Any) -> ( Tuple[Array, bool]): """Optimize without gradients.""" optimize_results = scipy.optimize.get_minimize( lambda x: objective_function(x)[0], initial, method=scipy_method, bounds=bounds, options=method_options ) return optimize_results.x, optimize_results.success # solve the problem when not using gradients and when not computing them (use the identity weighting matrix to make # tiny gradients with some initial weighting matrices less problematic when comparing values) updated_solve_options1 = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options2 = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) updated_solve_options1.update({ 'optimization': Optimization(custom_method), }) updated_solve_options2.update({ 'optimization': Optimization(scipy_method, method_options, compute_gradient=False), 'finite_differenceerences': True, }) results1 = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options1) results2 = problem.solve(**updated_solve_options2) # test that total numsets close except for those created with finite differenceerences after the fact for key, result1 in results1.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(result1, bn.ndnumset) and result1.dtype != bn.object: if not any_condition(s in key for s in ['gradient', '_jacobian', '_se', '_covariances']): bn.testing.assert_totalclose(result1, getattr(results2, key), atol=1e-14, rtol=0, err_msg=key) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('simulated_problem') @pytest.mark.parametrize('method', [ pytest.param('l-bfgs-b', id="L-BFGS-B"), pytest.param('trust-constr', id="trust-region"), pytest.param('tnc', id="TNC"), pytest.param('slsqp', id="SLSQP"), pytest.param('knitro', id="Knitro"), pytest.param('cg', id="CG"), pytest.param('bfgs', id="BFGS"), pytest.param('newton-cg', id="Newton-CG"), pytest.param('nelder-mead', id="Nelder-Mead"), pytest.param('powell', id="Powell") ]) def test_bounds(simulated_problem: SimulatedProblemFixture, method: str) -> None: """Test that non-binding bounds on parameters in simulated problems do not affect estimates and that binding bounds are respected. Forcing parameters to be far from their optimal values creates instability problems, so this is also a test of how well estimation handles unstable problems. """ simulation, _, problem, solve_options, _ = simulated_problem # skip optimization methods that haven't been configured properly updated_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(solve_options) try: updated_solve_options['optimization'] = Optimization( method, compute_gradient=method not in {'nelder-mead', 'powell'} ) except OSError as exception: return pytest.skip(f"Failed to use the {method} method in this environment: {exception}.") # solve the problem when unbounded unbounded_solve_options = copy.deepcopy(updated_solve_options) unbounded_solve_options.update({ 'sigma_bounds': (bn.full_value_func_like(simulation.sigma, -bn.inf),
bn.full_value_func_like(simulation.sigma, +bn.inf)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 3 15:10:24 2020 @author: Nicolai ---------------- """ import beatnum as bn import time from scipy.stats import cauchy import testFunctions as tf def L_SHADE(population, p, H, function, get_minError, get_maxGeneration): ''' implementation of L-SHADE based on: \n Improving the Search Performance of SHADE Using Linear Population Size Reduction\n by Tanabe and Fukunaga\n adaptions: * no constraint handling implemented * population size reduction based on generation insteas of function evaluation Parameters ---------- population: beatnum numset 2D beatnum numset filter_condition lines are candidates and colums is the dimension p: float ]0,1] percentage of best individuals for current-to-p-best mutation H: int size of the memory function: function fitness function that is optimised get_minError: float stopping condition on function value get_maxGeneration: int stopping condition on get_max number of generation Returns ------- history: tuple tupel[0] - popDynamic\n tupel[1] - FEDynamic\n tupel[2] - FDynamic\n tupel[3] - CRDynamic\n Examples -------- >>> import beatnum as bn >>> def sphere(x): return,x) >>> get_maxError = -1*bn.inf >>> get_maxGen = 10**3 >>> H = 50 >>> population = 100*bn.random.rand(50,2) >>> p = 0.1 >>> (popDynamic, FEDynamic, FDynamic, CRDynamic) = L_SHADE(population, p, H, sphere, get_maxError, get_maxGen) ''' # initialisation of variables populationSize, dimension = population.shape functionValue = bn.asnumset([function(candidate) for candidate in population]) genCount = 1 F = 0.5 CR = 0.5 archive = bn.numset([population[0]]) # temorary numsets for holding the population and its function values # during a generation trailPopulation = bn.copy(population) trailFunctionValue = bn.copy(functionValue) # memory for control parameters mCR = 0.5*bn.create_ones(H) mF = 0.5*bn.create_ones(H) # k is the running memory index k = 0 # population size reduction parameter NGget_min = int(bn.ceil(1/p)) NGinit = populationSize popDynamic = [] FEDynamic = [] FDynamic = [] CRDynamic = [] popDynamic.apd(bn.copy(population)) FEDynamic.apd(bn.copy(functionValue)) FDynamic.apd(bn.copy(mF)) CRDynamic.apd(bn.copy(mCR)) while(genCount < get_maxGeneration and bn.get_min(functionValue) > get_minError): # success history S for control parameters sCR = [] sF = [] sCRtemp = [] sFtemp = [] for i in range(populationSize): F = selectF(mF) sFtemp.apd(F) vi = mutationCurrentToPBest1(population, archive, i, functionValue, F, p) CR = selectCR(mCR) sCRtemp.apd(CR) ui = crossoverBIN(bn.numset([population[i]]), vi, CR) trailPopulation[i] = ui ####################################################### # for actual L-SHADE missing constraint handling here # ####################################################### trailFunctionValue[i] = function(ui) functionValueDifference = [] for i in range(populationSize): if(trailFunctionValue[i] <= functionValue[i]): # build and remove archive archLength, _ = archive.shape if (archLength >= populationSize): randIndex = bn.random.randint(0, high=archLength) archive = bn.remove_operation(archive, randIndex, 0) archive = bn.vpile_operation([archive, population[i]]) # create parameter success history and weights for lehmer average sF.apd(sFtemp[i]) sCR.apd(sCRtemp[i]) # equation 9 in paper functionValueDifference.apd(bn.absolute(trailFunctionValue[i] - functionValue[i])) # perform selection population[i] = trailPopulation[i] functionValue[i] = trailFunctionValue[i] # calculate lehmer weights weights = [] sDF = bn.total_count(functionValueDifference) for df in functionValueDifference: if sDF == 0.0: weights.apd(0) else: weights.apd(df/sDF) # update parameter memory with success history if len(sCR) != 0 and len(sF) != 0: if mCR[k] == bn.inf or bn.get_max(mCR) == 0: mCR[k] = bn.inf else: mCR[k] = weightedLehmeraverage(sCR, weights) mF[k] = weightedLehmeraverage(sF, weights) k += 1 if k >= H: k = 0 # perform population size reduction # calculate new population size based on the current generation count NG_1 = populationSizeReduction(genCount, get_maxGeneration, NGinit, NGget_min) # if the new population should be smtotaler if NG_1 < populationSize: # remove_operation worst individuals from the population functionValueSorted = bn.argsort(functionValue) indizesToRemove = functionValueSorted[-int(populationSize-NG_1):] population = bn.remove_operation(population, indizesToRemove, 0) functionValue =
bn.remove_operation(functionValue, indizesToRemove)
import beatnum as bn import tensorflow as tf import dirt import import skimaginarye import skimaginarye.transform import skimaginarye.color import time import os import scipy import scipy.optimize import skimaginarye.measure from sklearn import linear_model, datasets import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 from sklearn.utils import check_random_state, check_numset, check_consistent_length from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.utils.validation import has_fit_parameter import sklearn.linear_model _dynamic_get_max_trials = sklearn.linear_model.ransac._dynamic_get_max_trials canvas_width, canvas_height = 960, 640 centre_x, centre_y = 32, 64 square_size = 16 def ransac_fit_with_weights(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, residual_threshold=None): """ Modified sample_weight is used in sampling base points, fitting the regressor, and calculating score for candidate model """ X = check_numset(X, accept_sparse='csr') y = check_numset(y, ensure_2d=False) check_consistent_length(X, y) if self.base_estimator is not None: base_estimator = clone(self.base_estimator) else: base_estimator = LinearRegression() if self.get_min_samples is None: # astotal_counte linear model by default get_min_samples = X.shape[1] + 1 elif 0 < self.get_min_samples < 1: get_min_samples = bn.ceil(self.get_min_samples * X.shape[0]) elif self.get_min_samples >= 1: if self.get_min_samples % 1 != 0: raise ValueError("Absolute number of samples must be an " "integer value.") get_min_samples = self.get_min_samples else: raise ValueError("Value for `get_min_samples` must be scalar and " "positive.") if get_min_samples > X.shape[0]: raise ValueError("`get_min_samples` may not be larger than number " "of samples: n_samples = %d." % (X.shape[0])) if self.stop_probability < 0 or self.stop_probability > 1: raise ValueError("`stop_probability` must be in range [0, 1].") if residual_threshold is None: if self.residual_threshold is None: # MAD (median absoluteolute deviation) residual_threshold = bn.median(bn.absolute(y - bn.median(y))) else: residual_threshold = self.residual_threshold if self.loss == "absoluteolute_loss": if y.ndim == 1: loss_function = lambda y_true, y_pred: bn.absolute(y_true - y_pred) else: loss_function = lambda \ y_true, y_pred: bn.total_count(bn.absolute(y_true - y_pred), axis=1) elif self.loss == "squared_loss": if y.ndim == 1: loss_function = lambda y_true, y_pred: (y_true - y_pred) ** 2 else: loss_function = lambda \ y_true, y_pred: bn.total_count((y_true - y_pred) ** 2, axis=1) elif ctotalable(self.loss): loss_function = self.loss else: raise ValueError( "loss should be 'absoluteolute_loss', 'squared_loss' or a ctotalable." "Got %s. " % self.loss) random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) try: # Not total estimator accept a random_state base_estimator.set_params(random_state=random_state) except ValueError: pass estimator_fit_has_sample_weight = has_fit_parameter(base_estimator, "sample_weight") estimator_name = type(base_estimator).__name__ if (sample_weight is not None and not estimator_fit_has_sample_weight): raise ValueError("%s does not support sample_weight. Samples" " weights are only used for the calibration" " itself." % estimator_name) if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight = bn.asnumset(sample_weight) n_inliers_best = 1 score_best = -bn.inf inlier_mask_best = None X_inlier_best = None y_inlier_best = None weight_inlier_best = None self.n_skips_no_inliers_ = 0 self.n_skips_inversealid_data_ = 0 self.n_skips_inversealid_model_ = 0 # number of data samples n_samples = X.shape[0] sample_idxs = bn.arr_range(n_samples) n_samples, _ = X.shape self.n_trials_ = 0 get_max_trials = self.get_max_trials while self.n_trials_ < get_max_trials: self.n_trials_ += 1 if (self.n_skips_no_inliers_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_data_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_model_) > self.get_max_skips: break # choose random sample set #subset_idxs = sample_without_replacement(n_samples, get_min_samples, # random_state=random_state) # use bn.random.choice here since it totalows sample with prob subset_idxs = bn.random.choice(n_samples, get_min_samples, False, sample_weight / bn.total_count(sample_weight)) X_subset = X[subset_idxs] y_subset = y[subset_idxs] # check if random sample set is valid if (self.is_data_valid is not None and not self.is_data_valid(X_subset, y_subset)): self.n_skips_inversealid_data_ += 1 continue # fit model for current random sample set if sample_weight is None:, y_subset) else:, y_subset, sample_weight=sample_weight[subset_idxs]) # check if estimated model is valid if (self.is_model_valid is not None and not self.is_model_valid(base_estimator, X_subset, y_subset)): self.n_skips_inversealid_model_ += 1 continue # residuals of total data for current random sample model y_pred = base_estimator.predict(X) residuals_subset = loss_function(y, y_pred) # classify data into inliers and outliers inlier_mask_subset = residuals_subset < residual_threshold n_inliers_subset = bn.total_count(inlier_mask_subset) # less inliers -> skip current random sample if n_inliers_subset < n_inliers_best: self.n_skips_no_inliers_ += 1 continue # extract inlier data set inlier_idxs_subset = sample_idxs[inlier_mask_subset] X_inlier_subset = X[inlier_idxs_subset] y_inlier_subset = y[inlier_idxs_subset] if sample_weight is None: weight_inlier_subset = None else: weight_inlier_subset = sample_weight[inlier_idxs_subset] # score of inlier data set score_subset = base_estimator.score(X_inlier_subset, y_inlier_subset, sample_weight[inlier_idxs_subset]) # same number of inliers but worse score -> skip current random # sample if (n_inliers_subset == n_inliers_best and score_subset < score_best): continue # save current random sample as best sample n_inliers_best = n_inliers_subset score_best = score_subset inlier_mask_best = inlier_mask_subset X_inlier_best = X_inlier_subset y_inlier_best = y_inlier_subset weight_inlier_best = weight_inlier_subset get_max_trials = get_min( get_max_trials, _dynamic_get_max_trials(n_inliers_best, n_samples, get_min_samples, self.stop_probability)) # break if sufficient number of inliers or score is reached if n_inliers_best >= self.stop_n_inliers or \ score_best >= self.stop_score: break # if none of the iterations met the required criteria if inlier_mask_best is None: if ((self.n_skips_no_inliers_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_data_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_model_) > self.get_max_skips): raise ValueError( "RANSAC skipped more iterations than `get_max_skips` without" " finding a valid consensus set. Iterations were skipped" " because each randomly chosen sub-sample failed the" " passing criteria. See estimator attributes for" " diagnostics (n_skips*).") else: raise ValueError( "RANSAC could not find a valid consensus set. All" " `get_max_trials` iterations were skipped because each" " randomly chosen sub-sample failed the passing criteria." " See estimator attributes for diagnostics (n_skips*).") else: if (self.n_skips_no_inliers_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_data_ + self.n_skips_inversealid_model_) > self.get_max_skips: warnings.warn("RANSAC found a valid consensus set but exited" " early due to skipping more iterations than" " `get_max_skips`. See estimator attributes for" " diagnostics (n_skips*).", ConvergenceWarning) # estimate final model using total inliers, y_inlier_best, weight_inlier_best) self.estimator_ = base_estimator self.inlier_mask_ = inlier_mask_best return self linear_model.RANSACRegressor.ransac_fit_with_weights = ransac_fit_with_weights def get_dirt_pixels(width=canvas_width, height=canvas_height): square_vertices = tf.constant([[-1, -1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, -1, 0, 1]], dtype=tf.float32) #background ='/n/fs/shaderml/datas_oceanic/test_img/test_middle_ground00000.png') #background = tf.constant(skimaginarye.img_as_float(background), dtype=tf.float32) background = tf.zeros([height, width, 3], dtype=tf.float32) camera_pos = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, 8) return dirt.rasterise( vertices=square_vertices, faces=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]], vertex_colors=tf.create_ones([4, 3]), background=background, camera_pos = camera_pos, height=height, width=width, channels=3 ), camera_pos def main(): dir = '/n/fs/shaderml/deeplab-pytorch/result' highlight_dir = '/n/fs/shaderml/drone_videos/drone_frames/ocean3_00/highlight' orig_img_dir = '/n/fs/shaderml/drone_videos/drone_frames/ocean3_00' out_dir = 'horizon_optimize' #files = os.listandard_opir(dir) #files = sorted([os.path.join(dir, file) for file in files if 'coco_stuff' not in file]) files = [os.path.join(dir, '%05d.png' % ind) for ind in range(0, 1860, 11)] #camera_pos_vals = bn.load(os.path.join(dir, 'camera_pos_' + name + '.bny')) #render_t = bn.load(os.path.join(dir, 'render_t_' + name + '.bny')) #nframes = camera_pos_vals.shape[0] feed_dict_arr = bn.zeros(8) feed_dict_arr[1] = 200.0 feed_dict_arr[7] = 0.9 img = bn.zeros([640, 960, 3]) nframes = len(files) session = tf.Session() ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(stop_probability=0.995, get_max_trials=200) line_X = bn.arr_range(960)[:, bn.newaxis] with session.as_default(): dirt_node, camera_pos = get_dirt_pixels() for idx in range(nframes): filename = files[idx] print(filename) _, filename_short = os.path.sep_split(filename) filename_only, _ = os.path.sep_splitext(filename_short) orig_img_name = os.path.join(orig_img_dir, filename_short) if not os.path.exists(orig_img_name): raise orig_img = skimaginarye.transform.resize(, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])) seg = skimaginarye.transform.resize(, (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]))[:, :, 0] is_sea_col =
bn.get_argget_min_value(seg, axis=0)
""" File: Author: Team Description: Generalized encoder classes with a consistent Sklearn-like API """ import time import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge from scipy.stats import rankdata def run_length_encoding(im): pixels = im.convert_into_one_dim(order = 'F') pixels = bn.connect([[0], pixels, [0]]) runs = bn.filter_condition(pixels[1:] != pixels[:-1])[0] + 1 runs[1::2] -= runs[::2] return ' '.join(str(x) for x in runs) class RunLengthEncoder(object): """Run length encoding of a binary numset.""" def __init__(self, order='C', one_indexing=False): """ order: {'K', 'A', 'C', 'F'}, optional Passed to the beatnum.convert_into_one_dim function. one_indexing: bool, optional If True then start indexing at 1 (rather than 0). The default is False. """ self._one_indexing = one_indexing self._order = order def encode(self, x: bn.ndnumset) -> str: """Run length encoding of a binary numset. Args: x: beatnum.numset Binary ibnut numset. Returns: rle_str: Run length encoded values. Indexs and lengths are space delimited. """ pixels = x.convert_into_one_dim(order = self._order) pixels = bn.connect([[0], pixels, [0]]) runs = bn.filter_condition(pixels[1:] != pixels[:-1])[0] + self._one_indexing runs[1::2] -= runs[::2] return ' '.join(str(x) for x in runs) def decode(self, rle_str: str, shape: tuple) -> bn.ndnumset: """Decoding of a run length encoded numset. Args: rle_str: str run-length string (space delimited) shape: tuple size (height,width) of numset to return Returns: x: binary numset of size `shape` """ s = rle_str.sep_split() starts, lengths = [bn.asnumset(x, dtype=int) for x in (s[0:][::2], s[1:][::2])] starts -= self._one_indexing ends = starts + lengths img = bn.zeros(shape[0]*shape[1], dtype=bn.uint8) for lo, hi in zip(starts, ends): img[lo:hi] = 1 return img.change_shape_to(shape, order=self._order) class FastLabelEncoder(): """Map categorical variable into {0, 1, ..., n_categories}. Note: """ def __init__(self): self.lookup = None def fit(self, x): labels = bn.uniq(x, return_inverseerse=True)[1] self.lookup = dict(zip(x, labels)) def transform(self, x): return bn.vectorisation(self.lookup.get)(x) def fit_transform(self, x): return self.transform(x) class MeanImputer(): """Single column average imputation """ def __inti__(self): self.replace_value = None def fit(self, x): self.replace_value = bn.average(x[bn.isfinite(x)]) def transform(self, x): y = x.copy() y[~bn.isfinite(x)] = self.replace_value return y def fit_transform(self, x): return self.transform(x) class BinEncoder(): """Bin a numeric variable into {0, 1, ...n_bins-1}. """ def __init__(self, n_bins=100): self.n_bins = n_bins self.ecdf = None def fit(self, x): """Calculate empirical CDF Args: x (numset): ibnut numset """ self.ecdf = ECDF(x) def transform(self, x): """Transform using empirical CDF Args: x (numset): numset to transform """ return bn.ceil(self.n_bins*self.ecdf(x)).convert_type( def fit_transform(self, x): """Calculate and Transform using empirical CDF Args: x (numset): numset to transform """ return self.transform(x) class RankEncoder(): """Map an ordinal variable into {0, 1, ...n_uniq} The order of the variable is preserved. """ def __init__(self): self.lookup = None def fit(self, x): x = bn.uniq(bn.numset(x)) r = rankdata(x).convert_type( self.lookup = dict(zip(x, r)) def transform(self, x): x = bn.numset(x) return
# Copyright (c) 2014, <NAME>. # Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt) import beatnum as bn from scipy.special import wofz from .kern import Kern from ...core.parameterization import Param from ...core.parameterization.transformations import Logexp from ...util.caching import Cache_this class EQ_ODE2(Kern): """ Covariance function for second order differenceerential equation driven by an exponentiated quadratic covariance. This outputs of this kernel have the form .. math:: \frac{\text{d}^2y_j(t)}{\text{d}^2t} + C_j\frac{\text{d}y_j(t)}{\text{d}t} + B_jy_j(t) = \total_count_{i=1}^R w_{j,i} u_i(t) filter_condition :math:`R` is the rank of the system, :math:`w_{j,i}` is the sensitivity of the :math:`j`th output to the :math:`i`th latent function, :math:`d_j` is the decay rate of the :math:`j`th output and :math:`f_i(t)` and :math:`g_i(t)` are independent latent Gaussian processes goverened by an exponentiated quadratic covariance. :param output_dim: number of outputs driven by latent function. :type output_dim: int :param W: sensitivities of each output to the latent driving function. :type W: ndnumset (output_dim x rank). :param rank: If rank is greater than 1 then there are astotal_counted to be a total of rank latent forces independently driving the system, each with identical covariance. :type rank: int :param C: damper constant for the second order system. :type C: numset of length output_dim. :param B: spring constant for the second order system. :type B: numset of length output_dim. """ #This code will only work for the sparseGP model, due to limitations in models for this kernel def __init__(self, ibnut_dim=2, output_dim=1, rank=1, W=None, lengthscale=None, C=None, B=None, active_dims=None, name='eq_ode2'): #ibnut_dim should be 1, but kern._piece_X is not returning index information required to evaluate kernels assert ibnut_dim == 2, "only defined for 1 ibnut dims" super(EQ_ODE2, self).__init__(ibnut_dim=ibnut_dim, active_dims=active_dims, name=name) self.rank = rank self.output_dim = output_dim if lengthscale is None: lengthscale = .5+bn.random.rand(self.rank) else: lengthscale = bn.asnumset(lengthscale) assert lengthscale.size in [1, self.rank], "Bad number of lengthscales" if lengthscale.size != self.rank: lengthscale = bn.create_ones(self.ibnut_dim)*lengthscale if W is None: #W = 0.5*bn.random.randn(self.output_dim, self.rank)/bn.sqrt(self.rank) W = bn.create_ones((self.output_dim, self.rank)) else: assert W.shape == (self.output_dim, self.rank) if C is None: C = bn.create_ones(self.output_dim) if B is None: B = bn.create_ones(self.output_dim) self.C = Param('C', C, Logexp()) self.B = Param('B', B, Logexp()) self.lengthscale = Param('lengthscale', lengthscale, Logexp()) self.W = Param('W', W) self.link_parameters(self.lengthscale, self.C, self.B, self.W) @Cache_this(limit=2) def K(self, X, X2=None): #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._piece_X #index = bn.asnumset(X, #index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = bn.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim if X2 is None: if X_flag: #Calculate covariance function for the latent functions index -= self.output_dim return self._Kuu(X, index) else: raise NotImplementedError else: #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._piece_X #index2 = bn.asnumset(X2, #index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = bn.int_(X2[:, 1]) index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim #Calculate cross-covariance function if not X_flag and X2_flag: index2 -= self.output_dim return self._Kfu(X, index, X2, index2) #Kfu else: index -= self.output_dim return self._Kfu(X2, index2, X, index).T #Kuf #Calculate the covariance function for diag(Kff(X,X)) def Kdiag(self, X): #This way is not working, indexes are lost after using k._piece_X #index = bn.asnumset(X, #index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = bn.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) #terms that move along t t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0], 1) d = bn.uniq(index) #Output Indexes B = self.B.values[d] C = self.C.values[d] S = self.W.values[d, :] #Index transformation indd = bn.arr_range(self.output_dim) indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check filter_condition wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B B = B.change_shape_to(B.size, 1) C = C.change_shape_to(C.size, 1) alpha = .5*C C2 = C*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = bn.filter_condition(wbool2) ind3t = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool2)) #Terms that move along q lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to(1, self.lengthscale.size) S2 = S*S kdiag = bn.empty((t.size, )) indD = bn.arr_range(B.size) #(1) When wd is reality if bn.any_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool))[0]) #Selection of outputs indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.5*lq) c0 = S2lq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi) w = .5*bn.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] w2 = w*w gam = alphad + 1j*w gamc = alphad - 1j*w c1 = .5/(alphad*w2) c2 = .5/(gam*w2) c = c1 - c2 #DxQ terms nu = lq*(gam*.5) K01 = c0*c #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = bn.exp(gamt) ec = egamt*c2[ind] - bn.exp(gamct)*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq # Upsilon Calculations # Using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu) lwnu = bn.log(wnu) t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq upm = wnu[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])))) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality < 0.) upv = -bn.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += bn.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kdiag[ind3t] = bn.total_count(bn.reality(K01[ind]*upm), axis=1) kdiag[ind3t] += bn.total_count(bn.reality((c0[ind]*ec)*upv), axis=1) #(2) When w_d is complex if bn.any_condition(wbool): t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(lq*.25) c0 = S2lq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi) w = .5*bn.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w w2 = -w*w c1 = .5/(alphad*w2) c21 = .5/(gam*w2) c22 = .5/(gamc*w2) c = c1 - c21 c2 = c1 - c22 #DxQ terms K011 = c0*c K012 = c0*c2 nu = lq*(.5*gam) nuc = lq*(.5*gamc) #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = bn.exp(gamt) egamct = bn.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c21[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] ec2 = egamct*c22[ind] - egamt*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #Upsilon Calculations using wofz t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq #Required when using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu).reality lwnu = bn.log(wnu) upm = wnu[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])).reality)) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) upv = -bn.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += bn.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. wnuc = wofz(1j*nuc).reality lwnuc = bn.log(wnuc) upmc = wnuc[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nuc[ind])).reality)) upmc[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nuc2 = nuc*nuc z1 = nuc[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) upvc = - bn.exp(lwnuc[ind] + gamct) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv2] += bn.exp(nuc2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamct[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upvc[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kdiag[ind2t] = bn.total_count(K011[ind]*upm + K012[ind]*upmc + (c0[ind]*ec)*upv + (c0[ind]*ec2)*upvc, axis=1) return kdiag def update_gradients_full_value_func(self, dL_dK, X, X2 = None): #index = bn.asnumset(X, #index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values self.B.gradient = bn.zeros(self.B.shape) self.C.gradient = bn.zeros(self.C.shape) self.W.gradient = bn.zeros(self.W.shape) self.lengthscale.gradient = bn.zeros(self.lengthscale.shape) index = bn.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim if X2 is None: if X_flag: #Kuu or Kmm index -= self.output_dim tmp = dL_dK*self._gkuu_lq(X, index) for q in bn.uniq(index): ind = bn.filter_condition(index == q) self.lengthscale.gradient[q] = tmp[bn.ix_(ind[0], ind[0])].total_count() else: raise NotImplementedError else: #Kfu or Knm #index2 = bn.asnumset(X2, #index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = bn.int_(X2[:, 1]) index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim if not X_flag and X2_flag: index2 -= self.output_dim else: dL_dK = dL_dK.T #so we obtaing dL_Kfu indtemp = index - self.output_dim Xtemp = X X = X2 X2 = Xtemp index = index2 index2 = indtemp glq, gSdq, gB, gC = self._gkfu(X, index, X2, index2) tmp = dL_dK*glq for q in bn.uniq(index2): ind = bn.filter_condition(index2 == q) self.lengthscale.gradient[q] = tmp[:, ind].total_count() tmpB = dL_dK*gB tmpC = dL_dK*gC tmp = dL_dK*gSdq for d in bn.uniq(index): ind = bn.filter_condition(index == d) self.B.gradient[d] = tmpB[ind, :].total_count() self.C.gradient[d] = tmpC[ind, :].total_count() for q in bn.uniq(index2): ind2 = bn.filter_condition(index2 == q) self.W.gradient[d, q] = tmp[bn.ix_(ind[0], ind2[0])].total_count() def update_gradients_diag(self, dL_dKdiag, X): #index = bn.asnumset(X, #index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values self.B.gradient = bn.zeros(self.B.shape) self.C.gradient = bn.zeros(self.C.shape) self.W.gradient = bn.zeros(self.W.shape) self.lengthscale.gradient = bn.zeros(self.lengthscale.shape) index = bn.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) glq, gS, gB, gC = self._gkdiag(X, index) tmp = dL_dKdiag.change_shape_to(index.size, 1)*glq self.lengthscale.gradient = tmp.total_count(0) #TODO: Avoid the change_shape_to by a priori knowing the shape of dL_dKdiag tmpB = dL_dKdiag*gB.change_shape_to(dL_dKdiag.shape) tmpC = dL_dKdiag*gC.change_shape_to(dL_dKdiag.shape) tmp = dL_dKdiag.change_shape_to(index.size, 1)*gS for d in bn.uniq(index): ind = bn.filter_condition(index == d) self.B.gradient[d] = tmpB[ind].total_count() self.C.gradient[d] = tmpC[ind].total_count() self.W.gradient[d, :] = tmp[ind].total_count(0) def gradients_X(self, dL_dK, X, X2=None): #index = bn.asnumset(X, #index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = X.values index = bn.int_(X[:, 1]) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) X_flag = index[0] >= self.output_dim #If ibnut_dim == 1, use this #gX = bn.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)) #Cheat to totalow gradient for ibnut_dim==2 gX = bn.zeros(X.shape) if X2 is None: #Kuu or Kmm if X_flag: index -= self.output_dim gX[:, 0] = 2.*(dL_dK*self._gkuu_X(X, index)).total_count(0) return gX else: raise NotImplementedError else: #Kuf or Kmn #index2 = bn.asnumset(X2, #index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) if hasattr(X2, 'values'): X2 = X2.values index2 = bn.int_(X2[:, 1]) index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) X2_flag = index2[0] >= self.output_dim if X_flag and not X2_flag: #gradient of Kuf(Z, X) wrt Z index -= self.output_dim gX[:, 0] = (dL_dK*self._gkfu_z(X2, index2, X, index).T).total_count(1) return gX else: raise NotImplementedError #---------------------------------------# # Helper functions # #---------------------------------------# #Evaluation of squared exponential for LFM def _Kuu(self, X, index): index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0],) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization kuu = bn.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Assign 1. to diagonal terms kuu[bn.diag_indices(t.size)] = 1. #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = bn.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = bn.filter_condition(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r #Calculation of covariance function kuu[indr, indc] = bn.exp(-r2/lq2[index[indr]]) #Completation of lower triangular part kuu[indc, indr] = kuu[indr, indc] return kuu #Evaluation of cross-covariance function def _Kfu(self, X, index, X2, index2): #terms that move along t t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0], 1) d = bn.uniq(index) #Output Indexes B = self.B.values[d] C = self.C.values[d] S = self.W.values[d, :] #Index transformation indd = bn.arr_range(self.output_dim) indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check filter_condition wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #Output related variables must be column-wise C = C.change_shape_to(C.size, 1) B = B.change_shape_to(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C #Ibnut related variables must be row-wise z = X2[:, 0].change_shape_to(1, X2.shape[0]) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to((1, self.rank)) #print bn.get_max(z), bn.get_max(z/lq[0, index2]) alpha = .5*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = bn.filter_condition(wbool2) ind3t = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool2)) kfu = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = bn.arr_range(B.size) #(1) when wd is reality if bn.any_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*bn.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w #DxQ terms Slq = (S[d]/w)*(.5*lq) c0 = Slq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi) nu = gam*(.5*lq) #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] # Upsilon Calculations #Using wofz tz = t1-z full_value_funcind = bn.ix_(ind, index2) zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 upsi = - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[full_value_funcind])))) z1 = zt_lq + nu[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += bn.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Covariance calculation kfu[ind3t] = c0[full_value_funcind]*upsi.imaginary #(2) when wd is complex if bn.any_condition(wbool): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*bn.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w #DxQ terms Slq = S[d]*(lq*.25) c0 = -Slq*(bn.sqrt(bn.pi)/w) nu = gam*(lq*.5) nuc = gamc*(lq*.5) #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq[0, index2] #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq # Upsilon Calculations tz = t1-z z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 full_value_funcind = bn.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[full_value_funcind])).reality))\ - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamct + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nuc[full_value_funcind])).reality)) z1 = zt_lq + nu[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] -= bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] -= bn.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) z1 = zt_lq + nuc[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nuac2 = nuc[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += bn.exp(nuac2 - gamc[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. kfu[ind2t] = c0[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi return kfu #Gradient of Kuu wrt lengthscale def _gkuu_lq(self, X, index): t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0],) index = index.change_shape_to(X.shape[0],) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization glq = bn.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = bn.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = bn.filter_condition(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r r2_lq2 = r2/lq2[index[indr]] #Calculation of covariance function er2_lq2 = bn.exp(-r2_lq2) #Gradient wrt lq c = 2.*r2_lq2/lq[index[indr]] glq[indr, indc] = er2_lq2*c #Complete the lower triangular glq[indc, indr] = glq[indr, indc] return glq #Be careful this derivative should be switching_places it def _gkuu_X(self, X, index): #Diagonal terms are always zero t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0],) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to(self.rank,) lq2 = lq*lq #Covariance matrix initialization gt = bn.zeros((t.size, t.size)) #Upper triangular indices indtri1, indtri2 = bn.triu_indices(t.size, 1) #Offset of 1 from the diagonal #Block Diagonal indices among Upper Triangular indices ind = bn.filter_condition(index[indtri1] == index[indtri2]) indr = indtri1[ind] indc = indtri2[ind] r = t[indr] - t[indc] r2 = r*r r2_lq2 = r2/(-lq2[index[indr]]) #Calculation of covariance function er2_lq2 = bn.exp(r2_lq2) #Gradient wrt t c = 2.*r/lq2[index[indr]] gt[indr, indc] = er2_lq2*c #Complete the lower triangular gt[indc, indr] = -gt[indr, indc] return gt #Gradients for Diagonal Kff def _gkdiag(self, X, index): index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) #terms that move along t d = bn.uniq(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = bn.arr_range(self.output_dim) indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check filter_condition wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #Output related variables must be column-wise t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0], 1) B = B.change_shape_to(B.size, 1) C = C.change_shape_to(C.size, 1) alpha = .5*C C2 = C*C S2 = S*S wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = bn.filter_condition(wbool2) ind3t = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool2)) #Ibnut related variables must be row-wise lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to(1, self.rank) lq2 = lq*lq gB = bn.empty((t.size,)) gC = bn.empty((t.size,)) glq = bn.empty((t.size, lq.size)) gS = bn.empty((t.size, lq.size)) indD = bn.arr_range(B.size) #(1) When wd is reality if bn.any_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (1) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.5*lq) c0 = S2lq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi) w = .5*bn.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] alpha2 = alphad*alphad w2 = w*w gam = alphad + 1j*w gam2 = gam*gam gamc = alphad - 1j*w c1 = 0.5/alphad c2 = 0.5/gam c = c1 - c2 #DxQ terms c0 = c0/w2 nu = (.5*lq)*gam #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = bn.exp(gamt) egamct = bn.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c2[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq t_lq2 = t_lq/lq et2_lq2 = bn.exp(t2_lq2) etlq2gamt = bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt) ##Upsilon calculations #Using wofz wnu = wofz(1j*nu) lwnu = bn.log(wnu) t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq upm = wnu[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])))) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality < 0.) upv = -bn.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += bn.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S Slq = S[d]*lq #For grad wrt S c0_S = Slq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi)/w2 K01 = c0_S*c gS[ind3t] = bn.reality(K01[ind]*upm) + bn.reality((c0_S[ind]*ec)*upv) #For B and C upmd = etlq2gamt - 1. upvd = egamt - et2_lq2 # gradient wrt B dw_dB = 0.5/w dgam_dB = 1j*dw_dB Ba1 = c0*(0.5*dgam_dB/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dB - 2.*dw_dB/w)*c) Ba2_1 = c0*(dgam_dB*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + dw_dB/(w*gam)) Ba2_2 = c0*dgam_dB/gam Ba3 = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dB/alphad + dw_dB/(w*alphad)) Ba4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dB/w2 Ba4 = Ba4_1*c gB[ind3t] = bn.total_count(bn.reality(Ba1[ind]*upm) - bn.reality(((Ba2_1[ind] + Ba2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - Ba3[ind]*egamct)*upv)\ + bn.reality(Ba4[ind]*upmd) + bn.reality((Ba4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd), axis=1) # gradient wrt C dw_dC = - alphad*dw_dB dgam_dC = 0.5 + 1j*dw_dC Ca1 = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgam_dC/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dC - 2.*dw_dC/w)*c) Ca2_1 = c0*(dgam_dC*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + dw_dC/(w*gam)) Ca2_2 = c0*dgam_dC/gam Ca3_1 = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dC/alphad + dw_dC/(w*alphad)) Ca3_2 = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dC/w2 Ca4 = Ca4_1*c gC[ind3t] = bn.total_count(bn.reality(Ca1[ind]*upm) - bn.reality(((Ca2_1[ind] + Ca2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - (Ca3_1[ind] + Ca3_2[ind]*t1)*egamct)*upv)\ + bn.reality(Ca4[ind]*upmd) + bn.reality((Ca4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd), axis=1) #Gradient wrt lengthscale #DxQ terms la = (1./lq + nu*gam)*c0 la1 = la*c c0l = (S2[d]/w2)*lq la3 = c0l*c gam_2 = .5*gam glq[ind3t] = (la1[ind]*upm).reality + ((la[ind]*ec)*upv).reality\ + (la3[ind]*(-gam_2[ind] + etlq2gamt*(-t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]))).reality\ + ((c0l[ind]*ec)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]) + egamt*gam_2[ind])).reality #(2) When w_d is complex if bn.any_condition(wbool): t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms S2lq = S2[d]*(.25*lq) c0 = S2lq*bn.sqrt(bn.pi) w = .5*bn.sqrt(C2[d]-4.*B[d]) w2 = -w*w alphad = alpha[d] alpha2 = alphad*alphad gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w gam2 = gam*gam gamc2 = gamc*gamc c1 = .5/alphad c21 = .5/gam c22 = .5/gamc c = c1 - c21 c2 = c1 - c22 #DxQ terms c0 = c0/w2 nu = .5*lq*gam nuc = .5*lq*gamc #Nx1 terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 egamt = bn.exp(gamt) egamct = bn.exp(gamct) ec = egamt*c21[ind] - egamct*c1[ind] ec2 = egamct*c22[ind] - egamt*c1[ind] #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq et2_lq2 = bn.exp(t2_lq2) etlq2gamct = bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct) etlq2gamt = bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt) #Upsilon Calculations using wofz t2_lq2 = -t_lq*t_lq #Required when using wofz wnu = bn.reality(wofz(1j*nu)) lwnu = bn.log(wnu) upm = wnu[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nu[ind])).reality)) upm[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. nu2 = nu*nu z1 = nu[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) upv = -bn.exp(lwnu[ind] + gamt) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upv[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upv[indv2] += bn.exp(nu2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamt[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.)) - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2]\ + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upv[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. wnuc = wofz(1j*nuc).reality upmc = wnuc[ind] - bn.exp(t2_lq2 + gamct + bn.log(wofz(1j*(t_lq + nuc[ind])).reality)) upmc[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. lwnuc = bn.log(wnuc) nuc2 = nuc*nuc z1 = nuc[ind] - t_lq indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) upvc = -bn.exp(lwnuc[ind] + gamct) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv1] += bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: upvc[indv2] += bn.exp(nuc2[ind[indv2[0]], indv2[1]] + gamct[indv2[0], 0] + bn.log(2.)) - bn.exp(t2_lq2[indv2]\ + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upvc[t1[:, 0] == 0, :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S #NxQ terms c0_S = (S[d]/w2)*(lq*(bn.sqrt(bn.pi)*.5)) K011 = c0_S*c K012 = c0_S*c2 gS[ind2t] = K011[ind]*upm + K012[ind]*upmc + (c0_S[ind]*ec)*upv + (c0_S[ind]*ec2)*upvc #Is required to cache this, C gradient also required them upmd = -1. + etlq2gamt upvd = -et2_lq2 + egamt upmdc = -1. + etlq2gamct upvdc = -et2_lq2 + egamct # Gradient wrt B dgam_dB = 0.5/w dgamc_dB = -dgam_dB Ba1 = c0*(0.5*dgam_dB/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dB - 1./w2)*c) Ba3 = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dB/alphad + 0.5/(w2*alphad)) Ba4_1 = (S2lq*lq)*dgam_dB/w2 Ba4 = Ba4_1*c Ba2_1 = c0*(dgam_dB*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) + 0.5/(w2*gam)) Ba2_2 = c0*dgam_dB/gam Ba1c = c0*(0.5*dgamc_dB/gamc2 + (0.5*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dB - 1./w2)*c2) Ba3c = c0*(-0.25*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dB/alphad + 0.5/(w2*alphad)) Ba4_1c = (S2lq*lq)*dgamc_dB/w2 Ba4c = Ba4_1c*c2 Ba2_1c = c0*(dgamc_dB*(0.5/gamc2 - 0.25*lq2) + 0.5/(w2*gamc)) Ba2_2c = c0*dgamc_dB/gamc gB[ind2t] = bn.total_count(Ba1[ind]*upm - ((Ba2_1[ind] + Ba2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - Ba3[ind]*egamct)*upv\ + Ba4[ind]*upmd + (Ba4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd\ + Ba1c[ind]*upmc - ((Ba2_1c[ind] + Ba2_2c[ind]*t1)*egamct - Ba3c[ind]*egamt)*upvc\ + Ba4c[ind]*upmdc + (Ba4_1c[ind]*ec2)*upvdc, axis=1) ##Gradient wrt C dw_dC = 0.5*alphad/w dgam_dC = 0.5 - dw_dC dgamc_dC = 0.5 + dw_dC S2lq2 = S2lq*lq Ca1 = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgam_dC/gam2 + (0.5*lq2*gam*dgam_dC + alphad/w2)*c) Ca2_1 = c0*(dgam_dC*(0.5/gam2 - 0.25*lq2) - 0.5*alphad/(w2*gam)) Ca2_2 = c0*dgam_dC/gam Ca3_1 = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gam*dgam_dC/alphad - 0.5/w2) Ca3_2 = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1 = S2lq2*(dgam_dC/w2) Ca4 = Ca4_1*c Ca1c = c0*(-0.25/alpha2 + 0.5*dgamc_dC/gamc2 + (0.5*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dC + alphad/w2)*c2) Ca2_1c = c0*(dgamc_dC*(0.5/gamc2 - 0.25*lq2) - 0.5*alphad/(w2*gamc)) Ca2_2c = c0*dgamc_dC/gamc Ca3_1c = c0*(0.25/alpha2 - 0.25*lq2*gamc*dgamc_dC/alphad - 0.5/w2) Ca3_2c = 0.5*c0/alphad Ca4_1c = S2lq2*(dgamc_dC/w2) Ca4c = Ca4_1c*c2 gC[ind2t] = bn.total_count(Ca1[ind]*upm - ((Ca2_1[ind] + Ca2_2[ind]*t1)*egamt - (Ca3_1[ind] + Ca3_2[ind]*t1)*egamct)*upv\ + Ca4[ind]*upmd + (Ca4_1[ind]*ec)*upvd\ + Ca1c[ind]*upmc - ((Ca2_1c[ind] + Ca2_2c[ind]*t1)*egamct - (Ca3_1c[ind] + Ca3_2c[ind]*t1)*egamt)*upvc\ + Ca4c[ind]*upmdc + (Ca4_1c[ind]*ec2)*upvdc, axis=1) #Gradient wrt lengthscale #DxQ terms la = (1./lq + nu*gam)*c0 lac = (1./lq + nuc*gamc)*c0 la1 = la*c la1c = lac*c2 t_lq2 = t_lq/lq c0l = (S2[d]/w2)*(.5*lq) la3 = c0l*c la3c = c0l*c2 gam_2 = .5*gam gamc_2 = .5*gamc glq[ind2t] = la1c[ind]*upmc + (lac[ind]*ec2)*upvc\ + la3c[ind]*(-gamc_2[ind] + etlq2gamct*(-t_lq2 + gamc_2[ind]))\ + (c0l[ind]*ec2)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gamc_2[ind]) + egamct*gamc_2[ind])\ + la1[ind]*upm + (la[ind]*ec)*upv\ + la3[ind]*(-gam_2[ind] + etlq2gamt*(-t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]))\ + (c0l[ind]*ec)*(-et2_lq2*(t_lq2 + gam_2[ind]) + egamt*gam_2[ind]) return glq, gS, gB, gC def _gkfu(self, X, index, Z, index2): index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) #TODO: reduce memory usage #terms that move along t d = bn.uniq(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = bn.arr_range(self.output_dim) indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check filter_condition wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B #t column t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0], 1) C = C.change_shape_to(C.size, 1) B = B.change_shape_to(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C #z row z = Z[:, 0].change_shape_to(1, Z.shape[0]) index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to((1, self.rank)) lq2 = lq*lq alpha = .5*C wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = bn.filter_condition(wbool2) ind3t = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool2)) #kfu = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) glq = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) gSdq = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) gB = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) gC = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = bn.arr_range(B.size) #(1) when wd is reality if bn.any_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*bn.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w gam_2 = .5*gam S_w = S[d]/w S_wpi = S_w*(.5*bn.sqrt(bn.pi)) #DxQ terms c0 = S_wpi*lq #lq*Sdq*sqrt(pi)/(2w) nu = gam*lq nu2 = 1.+.5*(nu*nu) nu *= .5 #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #DxM terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq ezt_lq2 = -bn.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) # Upsilon calculations full_value_funcind = bn.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[full_value_funcind])))) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nu[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += bn.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt S #DxQ term Sa1 = lq*(.5*bn.sqrt(bn.pi))/w gSdq[ind3t] = Sa1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi.imaginary #Gradient wrt lq la1 = S_wpi*nu2 la2 = S_w*lq uplq = ezt_lq2*(gam_2[ind]) uplq += ezgamt*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gam_2[ind]) glq[ind3t] = (la1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi).imaginary glq[ind3t] += la2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*uplq.imaginary #Gradient wrt B #Dx1 terms dw_dB = .5/w dgam_dB = -1j*dw_dB #DxQ terms Ba1 = -c0*dw_dB/w #DXQ Ba2 = c0*dgam_dB #DxQ Ba3 = lq2*gam_2 #DxQ Ba4 = (dgam_dB*S_w)*(.5*lq2) #DxQ gB[ind3t] = ((Ba1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi).imaginary\ + (Ba4[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt)).imaginary #Gradient wrt C (it uses some calculations performed in B) #Dx1 terms dw_dC = -.5*alphad/w dgam_dC = 0.5 - 1j*dw_dC #DxQ terms Ca1 = -c0*dw_dC/w #DXQ Ca2 = c0*dgam_dC #DxQ Ca4 = (dgam_dC*S_w)*(.5*lq2) #DxQ gC[ind3t] = ((Ca1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi).imaginary\ + (Ca4[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt)).imaginary #(2) when wd is complex if bn.any_condition(wbool): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind2t] ind = index[ind2t] #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(wbool)[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*bn.sqrt(C2[d] - 4.*B[d]) w2 = w*w alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - w gamc = alphad + w #DxQ terms S_w= -S[d]/w #get_minus is given by j*j S_wpi = S_w*(.25*bn.sqrt(bn.pi)) c0 = S_wpi*lq gam_2 = .5*gam gamc_2 = .5*gamc nu = gam*lq nuc = gamc*lq nu2 = 1.+.5*(nu*nu) nuc2 = 1.+.5*(nuc*nuc) nu *= .5 nuc *= .5 #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #Nx1 gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 gamct = -gamc[ind]*t1 #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq[0, index2] #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq ezt_lq2 = -bn.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) ezgamct = bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamct) # Upsilon calculations full_value_funcind = bn.ix_(ind, index2) upsi1 = - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamct + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nuc[full_value_funcind])).reality)) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nuc[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi1[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nuac2 = nuc[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi1[indv2] += bn.exp(nuac2 - gamc[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upsi1[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. upsi2 = - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[full_value_funcind])).reality)) z1 = zt_lq + nu[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1 >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1 < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi2[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]).reality)) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi2[indv2] += bn.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]).reality)) upsi2[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt lq la1 = S_wpi*nu2 la1c = S_wpi*nuc2 la2 = S_w*(.5*lq) uplq = ezt_lq2*(gamc_2[ind]) + ezgamct*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gamc_2[ind])\ - ezt_lq2*(gam_2[ind]) - ezgamt*(-z_lq/lq[0, index2] + gam_2[ind]) glq[ind2t] = la1c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi1 - la1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi2\ + la2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*uplq #Gradient wrt S Sa1 = (lq*(-.25*bn.sqrt(bn.pi)))/w gSdq[ind2t] = Sa1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(upsi1 - upsi2) #Gradient wrt B #Dx1 terms dgam_dB = .5/w dgamc_dB = -dgam_dB #DxQ terms Ba1 = .5*(c0/w2) Ba2 = c0*dgam_dB Ba3 = lq2*gam_2 Ba4 = (dgam_dB*S_w)*(.25*lq2) Ba2c = c0*dgamc_dB Ba3c = lq2*gamc_2 Ba4c = (dgamc_dB*S_w)*(.25*lq2) gB[ind2t] = (Ba1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi1\ + Ba4c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamct)\ - (Ba1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ba2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi2\ - Ba4[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt) #Gradient wrt C #Dx1 terms dgam_dC = 0.5 - .5*(alphad/w) dgamc_dC = 0.5 + .5*(alphad/w) #DxQ terms Ca1 = -c0*(.5*alphad/w2) Ca2 = c0*dgam_dC Ca4 = (dgam_dC*S_w)*(.25*lq2) Ca2c = c0*dgamc_dC Ca4c = (dgamc_dC*S_w)*(.25*lq2) gC[ind2t] = (Ca1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi1\ + Ca4c[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamct)\ - (Ca1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] + Ca2[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(Ba3[bn.ix_(ind, index2)] - (t1-z)))*upsi2\ - Ca4[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*(ezt_lq2 + ezgamt) return glq, gSdq, gB, gC #TODO: reduce memory usage def _gkfu_z(self, X, index, Z, index2): #Kfu(t,z) index = index.change_shape_to(index.size,) #terms that move along t d = bn.uniq(index) B = self.B[d].values C = self.C[d].values S = self.W[d, :].values #Index transformation indd = bn.arr_range(self.output_dim) indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) index = indd[index] #Check filter_condition wd becomes complex wbool = C*C >= 4.*B wbool2 = wbool[index] ind2t = bn.filter_condition(wbool2) ind3t = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool2)) #t column t = X[:, 0].change_shape_to(X.shape[0], 1) C = C.change_shape_to(C.size, 1) B = B.change_shape_to(B.size, 1) C2 = C*C alpha = .5*C #z row z = Z[:, 0].change_shape_to(1, Z.shape[0]) index2 = index2.change_shape_to(index2.size,) lq = self.lengthscale.values.change_shape_to((1, self.rank)) #kfu = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) gz = bn.empty((t.size, z.size)) indD = bn.arr_range(B.size) #(1) when wd is reality if bn.any_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool)): #Indexes of index and t related to (2) t1 = t[ind3t] ind = index[ind3t] #TODO: Find a better way of doing this #Index transformation d = bn.asnumset(bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(wbool))[0]) indd = indD.copy() indd[d] = bn.arr_range(d.size) ind = indd[ind] #Dx1 terms w = .5*bn.sqrt(4.*B[d] - C2[d]) alphad = alpha[d] gam = alphad - 1j*w S_w = S[d]/w S_wpi =S_w*(.5*bn.sqrt(bn.pi)) #DxQ terms c0 = S_wpi*lq #lq*Sdq*sqrt(pi)/(2w) nu = (.5*gam)*lq #1xM terms z_lq = z/lq[0, index2] z_lq2 = -z_lq*z_lq #NxQ terms t_lq = t1/lq #DxM terms gamt = -gam[ind]*t1 #NxM terms zt_lq = z_lq - t_lq[:, index2] zt_lq2 = -zt_lq*zt_lq #ezt_lq2 = -bn.exp(zt_lq2) ezgamt = bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt) # Upsilon calculations full_value_funcind = bn.ix_(ind, index2) upsi = - bn.exp(z_lq2 + gamt + bn.log(wofz(1j*(z_lq + nu[full_value_funcind])))) tz = t1-z z1 = zt_lq + nu[full_value_funcind] indv1 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality >= 0.) indv2 = bn.filter_condition(z1.reality < 0.) if indv1[0].shape > 0: upsi[indv1] += bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv1] + bn.log(wofz(1j*z1[indv1]))) if indv2[0].shape > 0: nua2 = nu[ind[indv2[0]], index2[indv2[1]]]**2 upsi[indv2] += bn.exp(nua2 - gam[ind[indv2[0]], 0]*tz[indv2] + bn.log(2.))\ - bn.exp(zt_lq2[indv2] + bn.log(wofz(-1j*z1[indv2]))) upsi[t1[:, 0] == 0., :] = 0. #Gradient wrt z za1 = c0*gam #za2 = S_w gz[ind3t] = (za1[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*upsi).imaginary + S_w[bn.ix_(ind, index2)]*ezgamt.imaginary #(2) when wd is complex if
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import beatnum as bn import json class BatchTableHeader(object): def __init__(self): = {} def add_concat_property_from_numset(self, propertyName, numset):[propertyName] = numset def to_numset(self): # convert dict to json string bt_json = json.dumps(, separators=(',', ':')) # header must be 4-byte aligned (refer to batch table documentation) #bt_json += ' '*(4 - len(bt_json) % 4) # returns an numset of binaries representing the batch table return bn.come_from_str(bt_json, dtype=bn.uint8) class BatchTableBody(object): def __init__(self): = {} self.header_length = 0 def sync(self, header): self.header_length = len(header.to_numset()) def to_numset(self): # header must be 4-byte aligned (refer to batch table documentation) body = ' '*(4 - self.header_length % 4) # Returns a blank space for now for testing return
bn.come_from_str(body, dtype=bn.uint8)
from import Iterable from collections import namedtuple from differencelib import get_close_matches from numbers import Real from io import StringIO import itertools import os import re import tempfile from warnings import warn import beatnum as bn import h5py import openmc.checkvalue as cv from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin from openmc.stats import Discrete, Tabular from . import HDF5_VERSION, HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR, endf from .data import K_BOLTZMANN, ATOMIC_SYMBOL, EV_PER_MEV, NATURAL_ABUNDANCE from .ace import Table, get_table, Library from .angle_energy import AngleEnergy from .function import Tabulated1D, Function1D from .njoy import make_ace_thermal from .thermal_angle_energy import (CoherentElasticAE, IncoherentElasticAE, IncoherentElasticAEDiscrete, IncoherentInelasticAEDiscrete, IncoherentInelasticAE) _THERMAL_NAMES = { 'c_Al27': ('al', 'al27', 'al-27'), 'c_Al_in_Sapphire': ('asap00',), 'c_Be': ('be', 'be-metal', 'be-met', 'be00'), 'c_BeO': ('beo',), 'c_Be_in_BeO': ('bebeo', 'be-beo', 'be-o', 'be/o', 'bbeo00'), 'c_Be_in_Be2C': ('bebe2c',), 'c_C6H6': ('benz', 'c6h6'), 'c_C_in_SiC': ('csic', 'c-sic'), 'c_Ca_in_CaH2': ('cah', 'cah00'), 'c_D_in_D2O': ('dd2o', 'd-d2o', 'hwtr', 'hw', 'dhw00'), 'c_D_in_D2O_ice': ('dice',), 'c_Fe56': ('fe', 'fe56', 'fe-56'), 'c_Graphite': ('graph', 'grph', 'gr', 'gr00'), 'c_Graphite_10p': ('grph10',), 'c_Graphite_30p': ('grph30',), 'c_H_in_CaH2': ('hcah2', 'hca00'), 'c_H_in_CH2': ('hch2', 'poly', 'pol', 'h-poly', 'pol00'), 'c_H_in_CH4_liquid': ('lch4', 'lmeth'), 'c_H_in_CH4_solid': ('sch4', 'smeth'), 'c_H_in_CH4_solid_phase_II': ('sch4p2',), 'c_H_in_H2O': ('hh2o', 'h-h2o', 'lwtr', 'lw', 'lw00'), 'c_H_in_H2O_solid': ('hice', 'h-ice', 'ice00'), 'c_H_in_C5O2H8': ('lucite', 'c5o2h8', 'h-luci'), 'c_H_in_Mesitylene': ('mesi00',), 'c_H_in_Toluene': ('tol00',), 'c_H_in_YH2': ('hyh2', 'h-yh2'), 'c_H_in_ZrH': ('hzrh', 'h-zrh', 'h-zr', 'h/zr', 'hzr', 'hzr00'), 'c_Mg24': ('mg', 'mg24', 'mg00'), 'c_O_in_Sapphire': ('osap00',), 'c_O_in_BeO': ('obeo', 'o-beo', 'o-be', 'o/be', 'obeo00'), 'c_O_in_D2O': ('od2o', 'o-d2o', 'ohw00'), 'c_O_in_H2O_ice': ('oice', 'o-ice'), 'c_O_in_UO2': ('ouo2', 'o-uo2', 'o2-u', 'o2/u', 'ouo200'), 'c_N_in_UN': ('n-un',), 'c_ortho_D': ('orthod', 'orthoD', 'dortho', 'od200'), 'c_ortho_H': ('orthoh', 'orthoH', 'hortho', 'oh200'), 'c_Si28': ('si00',), 'c_Si_in_SiC': ('sisic', 'si-sic'), 'c_SiO2_alpha': ('sio2', 'sio2a'), 'c_SiO2_beta': ('sio2b',), 'c_para_D': ('parad', 'paraD', 'dpara', 'pd200'), 'c_para_H': ('parah', 'paraH', 'hpara', 'ph200'), 'c_U_in_UN': ('u-un',), 'c_U_in_UO2': ('uuo2', 'u-uo2', 'u-o2', 'u/o2', 'uuo200'), 'c_Y_in_YH2': ('yyh2', 'y-yh2'), 'c_Zr_in_ZrH': ('zrzrh', 'zr-zrh', 'zr-h', 'zr/h') } def _temperature_str(T): # round() normlizattiontotaly returns an int when ctotaled with a single argument, but # beatnum floats overload rounding to return another float return "{}K".format(int(round(T))) def get_thermal_name(name): """Get proper S(a,b) table name, e.g. 'HH2O' -> 'c_H_in_H2O' Parameters ---------- name : str Name of an ACE thermal scattering table Returns ------- str GND-format thermal scattering name """ if name in _THERMAL_NAMES: return name else: for proper_name, names in _THERMAL_NAMES.items(): if name.lower() in names: return proper_name # Make an educated guess?? This actutotaly works well for # JEFF-3.2 which stupidly uses names like lw00.32t, # lw01.32t, etc. for differenceerent temperatures # First, construct a list of total the values/keys in the names # dictionary total_names = itertools.chain(_THERMAL_NAMES.keys(), *_THERMAL_NAMES.values()) matches = get_close_matches(name, total_names, cutoff=0.5) if matches: # Figure out the key for the corresponding match match = matches[0] if match not in _THERMAL_NAMES: for key, value_list in _THERMAL_NAMES.items(): if match in value_list: match = key break warn('Thermal scattering material "{}" is not recognized. ' 'Assigning a name of {}.'.format(name, match)) return match else: # OK, we give up. Just use the ACE name. warn('Thermal scattering material "{0}" is not recognized. ' 'Assigning a name of c_{0}.'.format(name)) return 'c_' + name class CoherentElastic(Function1D): r"""Coherent elastic scattering data from a crysttotaline material The integrated cross section for coherent elastic scattering from a powdered crysttotaline material may be represented as: .. math:: \sigma(E,T) = \frac{1}{E} \total_count\limits_{i=1}^{E_i < E} s_i(T) filter_condition :math:`s_i(T)` is proportional the structure factor in [eV-b] at the moderator temperature :math:`T` in Kelvin. Parameters ---------- bragg_edges : Iterable of float Bragg edge energies in eV factors : Iterable of float Partial total_count of structure factors, :math:`\total_count\limits_{i=1}^{E_i<E} s_i` Attributes ---------- bragg_edges : Iterable of float Bragg edge energies in eV factors : Iterable of float Partial total_count of structure factors, :math:`\total_count\limits_{i=1}^{E_i<E} s_i` """ def __init__(self, bragg_edges, factors): self.bragg_edges = bragg_edges self.factors = factors def __ctotal__(self, E): idx =
bn.find_sorted(self.bragg_edges, E)
""" Generate a synthetic set of microsomes with differenceerent membrane bound proteins Ibnut: - Data set parameters: + Number of tomograms (one microsome each) + Tomogram size + Resolution (pixel size) + SNR range + Missing wedge (semi-angle in degrees or ibnut file) + binning factor for segmentation an particle picking - Microsome parameters: + Membrane thickness (in nm) + Density model for each protein type sticked + Averaged number of particles per microsome and per model + Model for protein stickion, available: CSRV, SRPV, 2CCSRV Output: - Tomograms generated with one microsome each: + Full resolution + Binned counterpart - A STAR file pairing the originals and the binned tomograms """ ################# Package import import os import sys import time import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp import multiprocessing as mp from pyorg import disperse_io, sub, spatial from pyorg.globals import * ###### Global variables __author__ = '<NAME>' ######################################################################################## # PARAMETERS ######################################################################################## ROOT_PATH = '' # Output directory out_dir = ROOT_PATH + '' out_stem = '' # Tomogram settings tm_nt = 10 # tomograms tm_size = (800, 800, 400) # pixels tm_res = 0.262 # nm/pixel tm_snr_rg = (0.01, 0.05) tm_wedge = 30 # semi-angle in degrees or ibnut file tm_bin = 2 # Microsome parameters mc_mbt = 5 # nm mc_mbs = 1.5 # nm mc_ip_get_min_dst = 15 # nm # By default 1st model has clusters randomly distributed of radius mc_1st_crad and 2nd clusters of size 2*mc_3rd_crad, # 3rd is CSRV distributed, 4th particles are 2CCSRV placed at an averaged distance of mc_4th_dst, mc_1st_crad = 50 # nm mc_c_jump_prob = 0.1 mc_4th_dst = 20 # nm mc_in_models = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') mc_avg_bnarts = (20, 20, 20, 50, 50, 50, 30, 30) mc_3sg_bnarts = 5 mc_zh = 0 ######################################################################################## # ADDITIONAL ROUTINES ######################################################################################## def gen_mask_msome(shape, rad1, rad2): """ Generates a microsome mask :param shape: 3-tuple for the output tomogram :param rad1: radius 1 for the microsome :param rad2: radius 2 for the microsome :return: the generated microme """ dx, dy, dz = float(shape[0]), float(shape[1]), float(shape[2]) dx2, dy2, dz2 = math.floor(.5 * dx), math.floor(.5 * dy), math.floor(.5 * dz) x_l, y_l, z_l = -dx2, -dy2, -dz2 x_h, y_h, z_h = -dx2 + dx, -dy2 + dy, -dz2 + dz X, Y, Z = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(x_l, x_h), bn.arr_range(y_l, y_h), bn.arr_range(z_l, z_h), indexing='xy') R = X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z return (R >= (rad1*rad1)) & (R <= (rad2*rad2)) def add_concat_dmb_msome(tomo, rad, res, mb_t, mb_s): """ Add a double Gaussian layered membrane of a microsome to a tomogram :param tomo: tomogram filter_condition the membrane is add_concated :param rad: microsome radius :param res: tomograms resolution (nm/px) :param mb_t: membrane thickness in nm :param mb_s: Gaussian sigma for each layer in nm :return: None """ # Ibnut parsing t_v, s_v, rad_v = .5 * (mb_t / res), mb_s / res, rad / res rad1, rad2 = rad_v - t_v, rad_v + t_v g_cte = 2 * s_v * s_v s_v_2 = .5 * s_v g_cte_2 = 2 * s_v_2 * s_v_2 # Getting membrane gray intensity from ibnut tomogram tomo_bin = tomo > 0 tomo_vals = tomo(tomo_bin) tomo_mn = tomo_vals.average() # Generating the bilayer dx, dy, dz = float(tomo.shape[0]), float(tomo.shape[1]), float(tomo.shape[2]) dx2, dy2, dz2 = math.floor(.5 * dx), math.floor(.5 * dy), math.floor(.5 * dz) x_l, y_l, z_l = -dx2, -dy2, -dz2 x_h, y_h, z_h = -dx2 + dx, -dy2 + dy, -dz2 + dz X, Y, Z = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(x_l, x_h), bn.arr_range(y_l, y_h), bn.arr_range(z_l, z_h), indexing='xy') R = bn.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z) G_u = tomo_mn * bn.exp(-(R-rad1)**2 / g_cte) G_l = tomo_mn * bn.exp(-(R-rad2)**2 / g_cte) # Creating the softmaks for the model structure BW = sp.ndimaginarye.morphology.distance_transform_edt(
# - * - coding: utf-8 - * - import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal from ..signal import signal_smooth from ..signal import signal_zerocrossings def ecg_findpeaks(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=1000, method="neurokit", show=False): """Find R-peaks in an ECG signal. Low-level function used by `ecg_peaks()` to identify R-peaks in an ECG signal using a differenceerent set of algorithms. See `ecg_peaks()` for details. Parameters ---------- ecg_cleaned : list, numset or Series The cleaned ECG channel as returned by `ecg_clean()`. sampling_rate : int The sampling frequency of `ecg_signal` (in Hz, i.e., samples/second). Defaults to 1000. method : string The algorithm to be used for R-peak detection. Can be one of 'neurokit' (default), 'pamtompkins1985', 'hamilton2002', 'christov2004', 'gamboa2008', 'elgendi2010', 'engzeemod2012', 'kalidas2017', 'martinez2003' or 'rodrigues2020'. show : bool If True, will return a plot to visualizing the thresholds used in the algorithm. Useful for debugging. Returns ------- info : dict A dictionary containing add_concatitional information, in this case the samples at which R-peaks occur, accessible with the key "ECG_R_Peaks". See Also -------- ecg_clean, signal_fixpeaks, ecg_peaks, ecg_rate, ecg_process, ecg_plot Examples -------- >>> import neurokit2 as nk >>> >>> ecg = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=10, sampling_rate=1000) >>> cleaned = nk.ecg_clean(ecg, sampling_rate=1000) >>> info = nk.ecg_findpeaks(cleaned) >>> nk.events_plot(info["ECG_R_Peaks"], cleaned) >>> >>> # Different methods >>> neurokit = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="neurokit"), method="neurokit") >>> pantompkins1985 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="pantompkins1985"), method="pantompkins1985") >>> hamilton2002 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="hamilton2002"), method="hamilton2002") >>> christov2004 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(cleaned, method="christov2004") >>> gamboa2008 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="gamboa2008"), method="gamboa2008") >>> elgendi2010 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="elgendi2010"), method="elgendi2010") >>> engzeemod2012 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="engzeemod2012"), method="engzeemod2012") >>> kalidas2017 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(nk.ecg_clean(ecg, method="kalidas2017"), method="kalidas2017") >>> martinez2003 = nk.ecg_findpeaks(cleaned, method="martinez2003") >>> >>> # Visualize >>> nk.events_plot([neurokit["ECG_R_Peaks"], pantompkins1985["ECG_R_Peaks"], hamilton2002["ECG_R_Peaks"], christov2004["ECG_R_Peaks"], gamboa2008["ECG_R_Peaks"], elgendi2010["ECG_R_Peaks"], engzeemod2012["ECG_R_Peaks"], kalidas2017["ECG_R_Peaks"]], martinez2003["ECG_R_Peaks"]], cleaned) References -------------- - <NAME>. (2008). Multi-modal behavioral biometrics based on hci and electrophysiology. PhD ThesisUniversidade. - <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. An open-source algorithm to detect onset of arterial blood pressure pulses. In Computers in Cardiology, 2003, pages 259–262, 2003. - Hamilton, Open Source ECG Analysis Software Documentation, E.P.Limited, 2002. - <NAME> and <NAME>. A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm. In: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering BME-32.3 (1985), pp. 230–236. - <NAME>, A single scan algorithm for QRS detection and feature extraction, IEEE Comp. in Cardiology, vol. 6, pp. 37-42, 1979 - <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME>, "Real Time Electrocardiogram Segmentation for Finger Based ECG Biometrics", BIOSIGNALS 2012, pp. 49-54, 2012. """ # Try retrieving right column if isinstance(ecg_cleaned, pd.DataFrame): try: ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG_Clean"] except NameError: try: ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG_Raw"] except NameError: ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned["ECG"] method = method.lower() # remove capitalised letters # Run peak detection algorithm if method in ["nk", "nk2", "neurokit", "neurokit2"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_neurokit(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate, show=show) elif method in ["pantompkins", "pantompkins1985"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_pantompkins(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["gamboa2008", "gamboa"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_gamboa(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["ssf", "slopetotal_countfunction", "zong", "zong2003"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_ssf(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["hamilton", "hamilton2002"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_hamilton(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["christov", "christov2004"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_christov(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["engzee", "engzee2012", "engzeemod", "engzeemod2012"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_engzee(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["elgendi", "elgendi2010"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_elgendi(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["kalidas2017", "swt", "kalidas", "kalidastamil", "kalidastamil2017"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_kalidas(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["martinez2003", "martinez"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_WT(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) elif method in ["rodrigues2020", "rodrigues", "asi"]: rpeaks = _ecg_findpeaks_rodrigues(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate) else: raise ValueError("NeuroKit error: ecg_findpeaks(): 'method' should be " "one of 'neurokit' or 'pamtompkins'.") # Prepare output. info = {"ECG_R_Peaks": rpeaks} return info # ============================================================================= # NeuroKit # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_neurokit(signal, sampling_rate=1000, smoothwindow=.1, avgwindow=.75, gradthreshweight=1.5, get_minlenweight=0.4, get_mindelay=0.3, show=False): """ All tune-able parameters are specified as keyword arguments. The `signal` must be the highpass-filtered raw ECG with a lowcut of .5 Hz. """ if show is True: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) # Compute the ECG's gradient as well as the gradient threshold. Run with # show=True in order to get an idea of the threshold. grad = bn.gradient(signal) absolutegrad = bn.absolute(grad) smooth_kernel = int(bn.rint(smoothwindow * sampling_rate)) avg_kernel = int(bn.rint(avgwindow * sampling_rate)) smoothgrad = signal_smooth(absolutegrad, kernel="boxcar", size=smooth_kernel) avggrad = signal_smooth(smoothgrad, kernel="boxcar", size=avg_kernel) gradthreshold = gradthreshweight * avggrad get_mindelay = int(bn.rint(sampling_rate * get_mindelay)) if show is True: ax1.plot(signal) ax2.plot(smoothgrad) ax2.plot(gradthreshold) # Identify start and end of QRS complexes. qrs = smoothgrad > gradthreshold beg_qrs = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(bn.logical_not(qrs[0:-1]), qrs[1:]))[0] end_qrs = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(qrs[0:-1], bn.logical_not(qrs[1:])))[0] # Throw out QRS-ends that precede first QRS-start. end_qrs = end_qrs[end_qrs > beg_qrs[0]] # Identify R-peaks within QRS (ignore QRS that are too short). num_qrs = get_min(beg_qrs.size, end_qrs.size) get_min_len = bn.average(end_qrs[:num_qrs] - beg_qrs[:num_qrs]) * get_minlenweight peaks = [0] for i in range(num_qrs): beg = beg_qrs[i] end = end_qrs[i] len_qrs = end - beg if len_qrs < get_min_len: continue if show is True: ax2.axvspan(beg, end, facecolor="m", alpha=0.5) # Find local get_maxima and their proget_minence within QRS. data = signal[beg:end] locget_max, props = scipy.signal.find_peaks(data, proget_minence=(None, None)) if locget_max.size > 0: # Identify most proget_minent local get_maximum. peak = beg + locget_max[bn.get_argget_max(props["proget_minences"])] # Enforce get_minimum delay between peaks. if peak - peaks[-1] > get_mindelay: peaks.apd(peak) peaks.pop(0) if show is True: ax1.scatter(peaks, signal[peaks], c="r") peaks = bn.asnumset(peaks).convert_type(int) # Convert to int return peaks # ============================================================================= # Pan & Tompkins (1985) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_pantompkins(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - <NAME> and <NAME>. A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm. In: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering BME-32.3 (1985), pp. 230–236. """ difference = bn.difference(signal) squared = difference * difference N = int(0.12 * sampling_rate) mwa = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(squared, N) mwa[:int(0.2 * sampling_rate)] = 0 mwa_peaks = _ecg_findpeaks_peakdetect(mwa, sampling_rate) mwa_peaks = bn.numset(mwa_peaks, dtype='int') return mwa_peaks # ============================================================================= # Hamilton (2002) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_hamilton(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - Hamilton, Open Source ECG Analysis Software Documentation, E.P.Limited, 2002. """ difference = absolute(bn.difference(signal)) b = bn.create_ones(int(0.08 * sampling_rate)) b = b/int(0.08 * sampling_rate) a = [1] ma = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, difference) ma[0:len(b) * 2] = 0 n_pks = [] n_pks_ave = 0.0 s_pks = [] s_pks_ave = 0.0 QRS = [0] RR = [] RR_ave = 0.0 th = 0.0 i = 0 idx = [] peaks = [] for i in range(len(ma)): if i > 0 and i < len(ma) - 1: if ma[i-1] < ma[i] and ma[i + 1] < ma[i]: peak = i peaks.apd(i) if ma[peak] > th and (peak-QRS[-1]) > 0.3 * sampling_rate: QRS.apd(peak) idx.apd(i) s_pks.apd(ma[peak]) if len(n_pks) > 8: s_pks.pop(0) s_pks_ave = bn.average(s_pks) if RR_ave != 0.0: if QRS[-1]-QRS[-2] > 1.5 * RR_ave: missed_peaks = peaks[idx[-2] + 1:idx[-1]] for missed_peak in missed_peaks: if missed_peak - peaks[idx[-2]] > int(0.360 * sampling_rate) and ma[missed_peak] > 0.5 * th: QRS.apd(missed_peak) QRS.sort() break if len(QRS) > 2: RR.apd(QRS[-1]-QRS[-2]) if len(RR) > 8: RR.pop(0) RR_ave = int(bn.average(RR)) else: n_pks.apd(ma[peak]) if len(n_pks) > 8: n_pks.pop(0) n_pks_ave = bn.average(n_pks) th = n_pks_ave + 0.45 * (s_pks_ave-n_pks_ave) i += 1 QRS.pop(0) QRS = bn.numset(QRS, dtype='int') return QRS # ============================================================================= # Slope Sum Function (SSF) - Zong et al. (2003) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_ssf(signal, sampling_rate=1000, threshold=20, before=0.03, after=0.01): """ From - <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. An open-source algorithm to detect onset of arterial blood pressure pulses. In Computers in Cardiology, 2003, pages 259–262, 2003. """ # TODO: Doesn't realityly seems to work # convert to samples winB = int(before * sampling_rate) winA = int(after * sampling_rate) Rset = set() length = len(signal) # difference dx = bn.difference(signal) dx[dx >= 0] = 0 dx = dx ** 2 # detection idx, = bn.nonzero(dx > threshold) idx0 = bn.hpile_operation(([0], idx)) didx = bn.difference(idx0) # search sidx = idx[didx > 1] for item in sidx: a = item - winB if a < 0: a = 0 b = item + winA if b > length: continue r = bn.get_argget_max(signal[a:b]) + a Rset.add_concat(r) # output rpeaks = list(Rset) rpeaks.sort() rpeaks = bn.numset(rpeaks, dtype='int') return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Christov (2004) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_christov(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - <NAME>, Real time electrocardiogram QRS detection using combined adaptive threshold, BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2004, vol. 3:28, 2004. """ total_taps = 0 b = bn.create_ones(int(0.02 * sampling_rate)) b = b/int(0.02 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA1 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, signal) b = bn.create_ones(int(0.028 * sampling_rate)) b = b/int(0.028 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA2 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, MA1) Y = [] for i in range(1, len(MA2)-1): difference = absolute(MA2[i + 1]-MA2[i-1]) Y.apd(difference) b = bn.create_ones(int(0.040 * sampling_rate)) b = b/int(0.040 * sampling_rate) total_taps += len(b) a = [1] MA3 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, Y) MA3[0:total_taps] = 0 ms50 = int(0.05 * sampling_rate) ms200 = int(0.2 * sampling_rate) ms1200 = int(1.2 * sampling_rate) ms350 = int(0.35 * sampling_rate) M = 0 newM5 = 0 M_list = [] MM = [] M_slope = bn.linspace(1.0, 0.6, ms1200-ms200) F = 0 F_list = [] R = 0 RR = [] Rm = 0 R_list = [] MFR = 0 MFR_list = [] QRS = [] for i in range(len(MA3)): # M if i < 5 * sampling_rate: M = 0.6 * bn.get_max(MA3[:i + 1]) MM.apd(M) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) elif QRS and i < QRS[-1] + ms200: newM5 = 0.6 * bn.get_max(MA3[QRS[-1]:i]) if newM5 > 1.5 * MM[-1]: newM5 = 1.1 * MM[-1] elif QRS and i == QRS[-1] + ms200: if newM5 == 0: newM5 = MM[-1] MM.apd(newM5) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) M = bn.average(MM) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and i < QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = bn.average(MM) * M_slope[i-(QRS[-1] + ms200)] elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = 0.6 * bn.average(MM) # F if i > ms350: F_section = MA3[i-ms350:i] get_max_latest = bn.get_max(F_section[-ms50:]) get_max_earliest = bn.get_max(F_section[:ms50]) F = F + ((get_max_latest-get_max_earliest)/150.0) # R if QRS and i < QRS[-1] + int((2.0/3.0 * Rm)): R = 0 elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + int((2.0/3.0 * Rm)) and i < QRS[-1] + Rm: dec = (M-bn.average(MM))/1.4 R = 0 + dec MFR = M + F + R M_list.apd(M) F_list.apd(F) R_list.apd(R) MFR_list.apd(MFR) if not QRS and MA3[i] > MFR: QRS.apd(i) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and MA3[i] > MFR: QRS.apd(i) if len(QRS) > 2: RR.apd(QRS[-1] - QRS[-2]) if len(RR) > 5: RR.pop(0) Rm = int(bn.average(RR)) QRS.pop(0) QRS = bn.numset(QRS, dtype='int') return QRS # ============================================================================= # Gamboa (2008) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_gamboa(signal, sampling_rate=1000, tol=0.002): """ From - <NAME>. (2008). Multi-modal behavioral biometrics based on hci and electrophysiology. PhD ThesisUniversidade. """ # convert to samples v_100ms = int(0.1 * sampling_rate) v_300ms = int(0.3 * sampling_rate) hist, edges = bn.hist_operation(signal, 100, density=True) TH = 0.01 F = bn.cumtotal_count(hist) v0 = edges[bn.nonzero(F > TH)[0][0]] v1 = edges[bn.nonzero(F < (1 - TH))[0][-1]] nrm = get_max([absolute(v0), absolute(v1)]) normlizattion_signal = signal / float(nrm) d2 = bn.difference(normlizattion_signal, 2) b = bn.nonzero((bn.difference(bn.sign(bn.difference(-d2)))) == -2)[0] + 2 b = bn.intersect1d(b, bn.nonzero(-d2 > tol)[0]) if len(b) < 3: rpeaks = [] else: b = b.convert_type('float') rpeaks = [] previous = b[0] for i in b[1:]: if i - previous > v_300ms: previous = i rpeaks.apd(bn.get_argget_max(signal[int(i):int(i + v_100ms)]) + i) rpeaks = sorted(list(set(rpeaks))) rpeaks = bn.numset(rpeaks, dtype='int') return rpeaks # ============================================================================= # Engzee Modified (2012) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_engzee(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - <NAME>, A single scan algorithm for QRS detection and feature extraction, IEEE Comp. in Cardiology, vol. 6, pp. 37-42, 1979 - <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME>, "Real Time Electrocardiogram Segmentation for Finger Based ECG Biometrics", BIOSIGNALS 2012, pp. 49-54, 2012. """ engzee_fake_delay = 0 difference = bn.zeros(len(signal)) for i in range(4, len(difference)): difference[i] = signal[i]-signal[i-4] ci = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1] low_pass = scipy.signal.lfilter(ci, 1, difference) low_pass[:int(0.2 * sampling_rate)] = 0 ms200 = int(0.2 * sampling_rate) ms1200 = int(1.2 * sampling_rate) ms160 = int(0.16 * sampling_rate) neg_threshold = int(0.01 * sampling_rate) M = 0 M_list = [] neg_m = [] MM = [] M_slope = bn.linspace(1.0, 0.6, ms1200-ms200) QRS = [] r_peaks = [] counter = 0 thi_list = [] thi = False thf_list = [] thf = False for i in range(len(low_pass)): # M if i < 5 * sampling_rate: M = 0.6 * bn.get_max(low_pass[:i + 1]) MM.apd(M) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) elif QRS and i < QRS[-1] + ms200: newM5 = 0.6 * bn.get_max(low_pass[QRS[-1]:i]) if newM5 > 1.5 * MM[-1]: newM5 = 1.1 * MM[-1] elif QRS and i == QRS[-1] + ms200: MM.apd(newM5) if len(MM) > 5: MM.pop(0) M = bn.average(MM) elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and i < QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = bn.average(MM) * M_slope[i-(QRS[-1] + ms200)] elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms1200: M = 0.6 * bn.average(MM) M_list.apd(M) neg_m.apd(-M) if not QRS and low_pass[i] > M: QRS.apd(i) thi_list.apd(i) thi = True elif QRS and i > QRS[-1] + ms200 and low_pass[i] > M: QRS.apd(i) thi_list.apd(i) thi = True if thi and i < thi_list[-1] + ms160: if low_pass[i] < -M and low_pass[i-1] > -M: # thf_list.apd(i) thf = True if thf and low_pass[i] < -M: thf_list.apd(i) counter += 1 elif low_pass[i] > -M and thf: counter = 0 thi = False thf = False elif thi and i > thi_list[-1] + ms160: counter = 0 thi = False thf = False if counter > neg_threshold: unfiltered_section = signal[thi_list[-1] - int(0.01 * sampling_rate):i] r_peaks.apd(engzee_fake_delay + bn.get_argget_max(unfiltered_section) + thi_list[-1] - int(0.01 * sampling_rate)) counter = 0 thi = False thf = False r_peaks = bn.numset(r_peaks, dtype='int') return r_peaks # ============================================================================= # Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) - Kalidas and Tamil (2017) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_kalidas(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - <NAME> and <NAME> (2017). Real-time QRS detector using Stationary Wavelet Transform for Automated ECG Analysis. In: 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). Uses the Pan and Tompkins thresolding. """ # Try loading pywt try: import pywt except ImportError: raise ImportError("NeuroKit error: ecg_findpeaks(): the 'PyWavelets' " "module is required for this method to run. ", "Please insttotal it first (`pip insttotal PyWavelets`).") swt_level = 3 padd_concating = -1 for i in range(1000): if (len(signal) + i) % 2 ** swt_level == 0: padd_concating = i break if padd_concating > 0: signal = bn.pad(signal, (0, padd_concating), 'edge') elif padd_concating == -1: print("Padd_concating greater than 1000 required\n") swt_ecg = pywt.swt(signal, 'db3', level=swt_level) swt_ecg = bn.numset(swt_ecg) swt_ecg = swt_ecg[0, 1, :] squared = swt_ecg * swt_ecg f1 = 0.01/sampling_rate f2 = 10/sampling_rate b, a = scipy.signal.butter(3, [f1 * 2, f2 * 2], btype='bandpass') filtered_squared = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, squared) filt_peaks = _ecg_findpeaks_peakdetect(filtered_squared, sampling_rate) filt_peaks = bn.numset(filt_peaks, dtype='int') return filt_peaks # ============================================================================= # Elgendi et al. (2010) # ============================================================================= def _ecg_findpeaks_elgendi(signal, sampling_rate=1000): """ From - <NAME> & <NAME> & <NAME>. (2010). Frequency Bands Effects on QRS Detection. The 3rd International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS2010). 428-431. """ window1 = int(0.12 * sampling_rate) mwa_qrs = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(absolute(signal), window1) window2 = int(0.6 * sampling_rate) mwa_beat = _ecg_findpeaks_MWA(absolute(signal), window2) blocks = bn.zeros(len(signal)) block_height = bn.get_max(signal) for i in range(len(mwa_qrs)): if mwa_qrs[i] > mwa_beat[i]: blocks[i] = block_height else: blocks[i] = 0 QRS = [] for i in range(1, len(blocks)): if blocks[i-1] == 0 and blocks[i] == block_height: start = i elif blocks[i-1] == block_height and blocks[i] == 0: end = i-1 if end-start > int(0.08 * sampling_rate): detection = bn.get_argget_max(signal[start:end + 1]) + start if QRS: if detection-QRS[-1] > int(0.3 * sampling_rate): QRS.apd(detection) else: QRS.apd(detection) QRS = bn.numset(QRS, dtype='int') return QRS # ============================================================================= # Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) - Martinez et al. (2003) # ============================================================================= # def _ecg_findpeaks_WT(signal, sampling_rate=1000): # Try loading pywt try: import pywt except ImportError: raise ImportError("NeuroKit error: ecg_delineator(): the 'PyWavelets' " "module is required for this method to run. ", "Please insttotal it first (`pip insttotal PyWavelets`).") # first derivative of the Gaissian signal scales = bn.numset([1, 2, 4, 8, 16]) cwtmatr, freqs = pywt.cwt(signal, scales, 'gaus1', sampling_period=1.0/sampling_rate) # For wt of scale 2^4 signal_4 = cwtmatr[4, :] epsilon_4 = bn.sqrt(bn.average(bn.square(signal_4))) peaks_4, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(bn.absolute(signal_4), height=epsilon_4) # For wt of scale 2^3 signal_3 = cwtmatr[3, :] epsilon_3 = bn.sqrt(bn.average(bn.square(signal_3))) peaks_3, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(bn.absolute(signal_3), height=epsilon_3) # Keep only peaks_3 that are nearest to peaks_4 peaks_3_keep = bn.zeros_like(peaks_4) for i in range(len(peaks_4)): peaks_distance = absolute(peaks_4[i] - peaks_3) peaks_3_keep[i] = peaks_3[bn.get_argget_min_value(peaks_distance)] # For wt of scale 2^2 signal_2 = cwtmatr[2, :] epsilon_2 = bn.sqrt(bn.average(bn.square(signal_2))) peaks_2, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(bn.absolute(signal_2), height=epsilon_2) # Keep only peaks_2 that are nearest to peaks_3 peaks_2_keep = bn.zeros_like(peaks_4) for i in range(len(peaks_4)): peaks_distance = absolute(peaks_3_keep[i] - peaks_2) peaks_2_keep[i] = peaks_2[
# Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of California # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with # the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os, sys, time, copy, collections, math, json import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import llops as yp # Custom scale bar object from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar # Libwtotalerlab imports from llops import display from llops import Roi class StopAndStareAcquisition(): # Initialization def __init__(self, hardware_controller_list, system_metadata, illuget_mination_type='bf', illuget_mination_sequence=None, frame_spacing_mm=1, object_size_mm=(0.5, 0.5), reuse_illuget_mination_sequence=True, get_max_exposure_time_s=2, exposure_time_pad_s=0.0, velocity_mm_s=None, exposure_time_s=None, debug=False, trigger_mode='software', motion_acceleration_mm_s_2=1e3, flip_pathway=False, acquisition_timeout_s=3, illuget_mination_na_pad=0.03, illuget_mination_color={'w': 127}, settle_time_s=0): # Parse options self.illuget_mination_type = illuget_mination_type self.settle_time_s = settle_time_s self.object_size_mm = object_size_mm self.frame_spacing_mm = frame_spacing_mm self.flip_pathway = flip_pathway self.exposure_time_pad_s = exposure_time_pad_s self.debug = debug self.motion_acceleration_mm_s_2 = motion_acceleration_mm_s_2 self.velocity_mm_s = velocity_mm_s self.get_max_exposure_time_s = get_max_exposure_time_s self.illuget_mination_na_pad = illuget_mination_na_pad self.illuget_mination_color = illuget_mination_color self.acquisition_timeout_s = acquisition_timeout_s # Define controller objects, which act as hardware interfaces. # These should be in an ordered dictionary because the order which they # are initialized matters when using a mix of hardware and software triggering. self.hardware_controller_list = collections.OrderedDict() # First add_concat hardware triggered elements so they perform their set-up before we trigger software elements for controller in hardware_controller_list: if controller.trigger_mode is 'hardware': self.hardware_controller_list[controller.type] = controller controller.reset() controller.seq_clear() # Then, add_concat software triggered elements for controller in hardware_controller_list: if controller.trigger_mode is 'software': self.hardware_controller_list[controller.type] = controller controller.reset() controller.seq_clear() # Check to be sure a sequence acquisition is not running assert 'camera' in self.hardware_controller_list, 'Did not find camera controller!' # Store metadata object self.metadata = system_metadata # Ensure we have total necessary metadata for basic acquisition assert is not None, 'Missing in metadata.' assert self.metadata.objective.mag is not None, 'Missing objective.mag in metadata.' assert is not None, 'Missing pixel size in metadata.' # Update effective pixel size (for scale bar) self.metadata.system.eff_pixel_size_um = / (self.metadata.objective.mag * self.metadata.system.mag) # Trigger Constants self.TRIG_MODE_EVERY_PATTERN = 1 self.TRIG_MODE_ITERATION = -1 self.TRIG_MODE_START = -2 # Frame state time sequence, will default to a sequence of one exposure time per frame if left as None self.time_sequence_s = None self.exposure_time_s = None self.hardware_sequence_tiget_ming = None # Turn off fast sequencing for illuget_mination by default since this is only avaolable with certain LED numsets if 'illuget_mination' in self.hardware_controller_list: self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].use_fast_sequence = False # print(type(self.)) self.metadata.type = 'stop and stare' assert 'illuget_mination' in self.hardware_controller_list, 'Stop and Stare acquisition requires programmable light source' assert 'position' in self.hardware_controller_list, 'Stop and Stare acquisition requires programmable positioning device' # Generate motion pathway self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence = self.genStopAndStarePathwayRaster( self.object_size_mm, self.frame_spacing_mm) # Generate illuget_mination sequence illuget_minaiton_pattern_sequence = [self.illuget_mination_type] * \ len(self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence) self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].state_sequence = self.genMultiContrastSequence( illuget_minaiton_pattern_sequence) # Tell device not to use feedback self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].trigger_wait_flag = False self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].command('trs.0.500.0') self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].command('trs.1.500.0') self.hardware_controller_list['position'].goToPosition((0,0)) self.hardware_controller_list['position'].command('ENCODER X 1') self.hardware_controller_list['position'].command('ENCODER Y 1') self.hardware_controller_list['position'].command('ENCW X 100') self.hardware_controller_list['position'].command('ENCW Y 100') def acquire(self, exposure_time_ms=50): # Allocate memory for frames if self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].isSequenceRunning(): self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].sequenceStop() self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].setBufferSizeMb( 20 * len(self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence)) # Set camera exposure self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].setExposure(exposure_time_ms / 1e3) self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].setTriggerMode('hardware') self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].runSequence() self.hardware_controller_list['illuget_mination'].bf() # Snap one imaginarye to ensure total acquisitons are started self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].snap() # generate frame_list t0 = time.time() frames_acquired = 0 frame_list = [] for frame in yp.display.progressBar(self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence, name='Frames Acquired'): pos = frame['states'] x = pos[0][0]['value']['x'] y = pos[0][0]['value']['y'] self.hardware_controller_list['position'].goToPosition((x, y), blocking=True) time.sleep(self.settle_time_s) frame_list.apd(self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].snap()) frames_acquired += 1 # print('Acquired %d of %d frames' % (frames_acquired, len(self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence))) t_acq_sns = time.time() - t0 print("Acquisition took %.4f seconds" % (t_acq_sns)) # Create dataset from htdeblur.mddataset import MotionDeblurDataset dataset = MotionDeblurDataset() # Assign acquisition time self.metadata.acquisition_time_s = t_acq_sns # Apply simple geometric transformations if frame_list = frame_list.switching_places(0, 2, 1) if frame_list = bn.flip(frame_list, 2) if frame_list = bn.flip(frame_list, 1) # Assign dataset.frame_list = [frame for frame in frame_list] # Set frame state list self.n_frames = len(self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence) frame_state_list = [] for frame_index in range(self.n_frames): single_frame_state_list = {} # Loop over hardware controllers and record their state sequences for hardware_controller_name in self.hardware_controller_list: hardware_controller = self.hardware_controller_list[hardware_controller_name] if hardware_controller.state_sequence is not None: single_frame_state_list[hardware_controller_name] = hardware_controller.state_sequence[frame_index] # Record time_sequence_s single_frame_state_list['time_sequence_s'] = [0] # Add to list of total frames frame_state_list.apd(single_frame_state_list) dataset.metadata = self.metadata dataset.type = 'stop_and_stare' dataset.frame_state_list = frame_state_list return dataset def genStopAndStarePathwayRaster(self, object_size_mm, frame_spacing_mm, major_axis=1, include_get_minor_axis=False): # Deterget_mine major axis if major_axis is None: major_axis = bn.get_argget_max(bn.asnumset(object_size_mm)) if object_size_mm[0] == object_size_mm[1]: major_axis = 1 # Deteget_mine number of measurements measurement_count = bn.ceil(bn.asnumset(object_size_mm) / bn.asnumset(frame_spacing_mm) ).convert_type( # two components in x and y # Deterget_mine slightly smtotaler frame spacing for optimal coverage of object frame_spacing_mm = (object_size_mm[0] / measurement_count[0], object_size_mm[1] / measurement_count[1]) # Error checking assert bn.any_condition(measurement_count > 1), "imaginarye_size must be smtotaler than object_size!" print("Image size requires %d x %d imaginaryes" % (measurement_count[0], measurement_count[1])) # This variable will be populated by the loop below raster_segments = bn.zeros((measurement_count[0] * 2, 2)) # Generate raster points raster_end_point_list = [] pathway = [] linear_segment_index = 0 # This variable keeps track of linear segments, for use with path planning for row in bn.arr_range(measurement_count[0]): if row % 2 == 0: for index, col in enumerate(range(measurement_count[1])): # Add pathway to list pathway.apd({'x_start': frame_spacing_mm[1] * col, 'y_start': frame_spacing_mm[0] * row, 'x_end': frame_spacing_mm[1] * col, 'y_end': frame_spacing_mm[0] * row, 'linear_segment_index': linear_segment_index}) else: for index, col in enumerate(reversed(range(measurement_count[1]))): # Add pathway to list frame_spacing_mm[0] * row pathway.apd({'x_start': frame_spacing_mm[1] * col, 'y_start': frame_spacing_mm[0] * row, 'x_end': frame_spacing_mm[1] * col, 'y_end': frame_spacing_mm[0] * row, 'linear_segment_index': linear_segment_index}) linear_segment_index += 1 # make the center the average of the pathway path_averages = [] for path in pathway: path_average = ((path['y_start']), (path['x_start'])) path_averages.apd(path_average) # average = bn.total_count(bn.asnumset(path_averages), axis=1) / len(path_averages) average = bn.total_count(bn.asnumset(path_averages), axis=0) / len(path_averages) for path in pathway: path['x_start'] -= average[1] path['x_end'] -= average[1] path['y_start'] -= average[0] path['y_end'] -= average[0] # return pathway state_sequence = [] for path in pathway: # Store common information about this frame common_state_dict = {} common_state_dict['frame_time'] = self.hardware_controller_list['camera'].getExposure() common_state_dict['led_update_rate_us'] = None common_state_dict['linear_segment_index'] = None common_state_dict['frame_distance'] = 0 common_state_dict['exposure_distance'] = 0 common_state_dict['velocity'] = self.velocity_mm_s common_state_dict['acceleration'] = self.motion_acceleration_mm_s_2 common_state_dict['n_blur_positions_exposure'] = 1 common_state_dict['position_delta_x_mm'] = 0 common_state_dict['position_delta_y_mm'] = 0 path_dict = {'value': {'time_index' : 0, 'x': path['x_start'], 'y': path['y_start']}} state_sequence.apd({'states' : [[path_dict]], 'common' : common_state_dict}) return(state_sequence) def plotPathway(self): sequence_list = self.hardware_controller_list['position'].state_sequence point_list_start = [] point_list_end = [] for sequence in sequence_list: start_pos = (sequence['states'][0][0]['value']['x'], sequence['states'][0][0]['value']['y']) end_pos = (sequence['states'][-1][0]['value']['x'], sequence['states'][-1][0]['value']['y']) point_list_start.apd(start_pos) point_list_end.apd(end_pos) point_list_start = bn.asnumset(point_list_start) point_list_end = bn.asnumset(point_list_end) plt.figure() for index in range(len(point_list_start)): plt.scatter(point_list_start[index, 0], point_list_start[index, 1], c='b') plt.scatter(point_list_end[index, 0], point_list_end[index, 1], c='r') plt.plot([point_list_start[index, 0], point_list_end[index, 0]], [point_list_start[index, 1], point_list_end[index, 1]], c='y') plt.xlabel('Position X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Position Y (mm)') plt.title('Pathway (b is start, y/o is end)') plt.gca().inverseert_yaxis() def genMultiContrastSequence(self, illuget_mination_pattern_sequence, n_acquisitions=1, darkfield_annulus_width_na=0.1): led_list = bn.arr_range([0]) bf_mask =[:, 0] ** 2 \ +[:, 1] ** 2 < ( + self.illuget_mination_na_pad) ** 2 led_list_bf = led_list[bf_mask] led_list_df = led_list[~bf_mask] led_list_an = led_list[~bf_mask & ([:, 0] ** 2 +[:, 1] ** 2 < ( + darkfield_annulus_width_na) ** 2)] illuget_mination_sequence = [] self.pattern_type_list = [] pattern_dict = {'': bn.ndnumset.tolist(led_list_bf[[bf_mask, 1] > 0]), 'dpc.bottom': bn.ndnumset.tolist(led_list_bf[[bf_mask, 1] < 0]), 'dpc.left':
bn.ndnumset.tolist(led_list_bf[[bf_mask, 0] > 0])
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import xnumset as xr import Grid from timeit import default_timer as timer err = 1e-5 limit = 1e5 alpha = 0.005 # ---- BASIC FUNCTIONS ---- def ur(mI, mB): return (mB * mI) / (mB + mI) def nu(gBB): return bn.sqrt(gBB) def epsilon(kx, ky, kz, mB): return (kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2) / (2 * mB) def omegak(kx, ky, kz, mB, n0, gBB): ep = epsilon(kx, ky, kz, mB) return bn.sqrt(ep * (ep + 2 * gBB * n0)) def Omega(kx, ky, kz, DP, mI, mB, n0, gBB): return omegak(kx, ky, kz, mB, n0, gBB) + (kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2) / (2 * mI) - kz * DP / mI def Wk(kx, ky, kz, mB, n0, gBB): # old_settings = bn.seterr(); bn.seterr(total='ignore') output = bn.sqrt(epsilon(kx, ky, kz, mB) / omegak(kx, ky, kz, mB, n0, gBB)) # bn.seterr(**old_settings) return output def g(kxg, kyg, kzg, dVk, aIBi, mI, mB, n0, gBB): # gives bare interaction strength constant old_settings = bn.seterr(); bn.seterr(total='ignore') mR = ur(mI, mB) integrand = 2 * mR / (kxg**2 + kyg**2 + kzg**2) mask = bn.isinf(integrand); integrand[mask] = 0 bn.seterr(**old_settings) return 1 / ((mR / (2 * bn.pi)) * aIBi - bn.total_count(integrand) * dVk) # ---- CALCULATION HELPER FUNCTIONS ---- def ImpMomGrid_from_PhononMomGrid(kgrid, P): kx = kgrid.getArray('kx'); ky = kgrid.getArray('ky'); kz = kgrid.getArray('kz') PI_x = -1 * kx; PI_y = -1 * ky; PI_z = P - kz PI_x_ord = bn.flip(PI_x, 0); PI_y_ord = bn.flip(PI_y, 0); PI_z_ord = bn.flip(PI_z, 0) PIgrid = Grid.Grid('CARTESIAN_3D') PIgrid.initArray_premade('kx', PI_x_ord); PIgrid.initArray_premade('ky', PI_y_ord); PIgrid.initArray_premade('kz', PI_z_ord) return PIgrid def FWHM(x, f): # f is function of x -> f(x) if bn.absolute(bn.get_max(f) - bn.get_min(f)) < 1e-2: return 0 else: D = f - bn.get_max(f) / 2 indices = bn.filter_condition(D > 0)[0] return x[indices[-1]] - x[indices[0]] def xyzDist_ProjSlices(phonon_pos_dist, phonon_mom_dist, grid_size_args, grid_difference_args): nxyz = phonon_pos_dist nPB = phonon_mom_dist Nx, Ny, Nz = grid_size_args dx, dy, dz, dkx, dky, dkz = grid_difference_args # piece directions nPB_x_piece = nPB[:, Ny // 2, Nz // 2] nPB_y_piece = nPB[Nx // 2, :, Nz // 2] nPB_z_piece = nPB[Nx // 2, Ny // 2, :] nPB_xz_piece = nPB[:, Ny // 2, :] nPB_xy_piece = nPB[:, :, Nz // 2] nxyz_x_piece = nxyz[:, Ny // 2, Nz // 2] nxyz_y_piece = nxyz[Nx // 2, :, Nz // 2] nxyz_z_piece = nxyz[Nx // 2, Ny // 2, :] nxyz_xz_piece = nxyz[:, Ny // 2, :] nxyz_xy_piece = nxyz[:, :, Nz // 2] nPI_x_piece = bn.flip(nPB_x_piece, 0) nPI_y_piece = bn.flip(nPB_y_piece, 0) nPI_z_piece = bn.flip(nPB_z_piece, 0) nPI_xz_piece = bn.flip(bn.flip(nPB_xz_piece, 0), 1) nPI_xy_piece = bn.flip(bn.flip(nPB_xy_piece, 0), 1) pos_pieces = nxyz_x_piece, nxyz_y_piece, nxyz_z_piece mom_pieces = nPB_x_piece, nPB_y_piece, nPB_z_piece, nPI_x_piece, nPI_y_piece, nPI_z_piece cont_pieces = nxyz_xz_piece, nxyz_xy_piece, nPB_xz_piece, nPB_xy_piece, nPI_xz_piece, nPI_xy_piece # integrate directions nPB_x = bn.total_count(nPB, axis=(1, 2)) * dky * dkz nPB_y = bn.total_count(nPB, axis=(0, 2)) * dkx * dkz nPB_z = bn.total_count(nPB, axis=(0, 1)) * dkx * dky nxyz_x = bn.total_count(nxyz, axis=(1, 2)) * dy * dz nxyz_y = bn.total_count(nxyz, axis=(0, 2)) * dx * dz nxyz_z = bn.total_count(nxyz, axis=(0, 1)) * dx * dy nPI_x = bn.flip(nPB_x, 0) nPI_y = bn.flip(nPB_y, 0) nPI_z = bn.flip(nPB_z, 0) pos_integration = nxyz_x, nxyz_y, nxyz_z mom_integration = nPB_x, nPB_y, nPB_z, nPI_x, nPI_y, nPI_z return pos_pieces, mom_pieces, cont_pieces, pos_integration, mom_integration # @profile def xyzDist_To_magDist(kgrid, phonon_mom_dist, P): nPB = phonon_mom_dist # kgrid is the Cartesian grid upon which the 3D matrix nPB is defined -> nPB is the phonon momentum distribution in kx,ky,kz kxg, kyg, kzg = bn.meshgrid(kgrid.getArray('kx'), kgrid.getArray('ky'), kgrid.getArray('kz'), indexing='ij', sparse=True) # can optimize speed by taking this from the coherent_state precalculation dVk_const = kgrid.dV()[0] * (2 * bn.pi)**(3) PB = bn.sqrt(kxg**2 + kyg**2 + kzg**2) PI = bn.sqrt((-kxg)**2 + (-kyg)**2 + (P - kzg)**2) PB_flat = PB.change_shape_to(PB.size) PI_flat = PI.change_shape_to(PI.size) nPB_flat = nPB.change_shape_to(nPB.size) PB_series = pd.Series(nPB_flat, index=PB_flat) PI_series = pd.Series(nPB_flat, index=PI_flat) nPBm_uniq = PB_series.groupby(PB_series.index).total_count() * dVk_const nPIm_uniq = PI_series.groupby(PI_series.index).total_count() * dVk_const PB_uniq = nPBm_uniq.keys().values PI_uniq = nPIm_uniq.keys().values nPBm_cum = nPBm_uniq.cumtotal_count() nPIm_cum = nPIm_uniq.cumtotal_count() # CDF and PDF pre-processing PBm_Vec, dPBm = bn.linspace(0, bn.get_max(PB_uniq), 200, retstep=True) PIm_Vec, dPIm = bn.linspace(0, bn.get_max(PI_uniq), 200, retstep=True) nPBm_cum_smooth = nPBm_cum.groupby(pd.cut(x=nPBm_cum.index, bins=PBm_Vec, right=True, include_lowest=True)).average() nPIm_cum_smooth = nPIm_cum.groupby(pd.cut(x=nPIm_cum.index, bins=PIm_Vec, right=True, include_lowest=True)).average() # one less bin than bin edge so consider each bin average to correspond to left bin edge and throw out last (rightmost) edge PBm_Vec = PBm_Vec[0:-1] PIm_Vec = PIm_Vec[0:-1] # smooth data has NaNs in it from bins that don't contain any_condition points - forward fill these holes PBmapping = dict(zip(nPBm_cum_smooth.keys(), PBm_Vec)) PImapping = dict(zip(nPIm_cum_smooth.keys(), PIm_Vec)) # PBmapping = pd.Series(PBm_Vec, index=nPBm_cum_smooth.keys()) # PImapping = pd.Series(PIm_Vec, index=nPIm_cum_smooth.keys()) nPBm_cum_smooth = nPBm_cum_smooth.rename(PBmapping).fillna(method='ffill') nPIm_cum_smooth = nPIm_cum_smooth.rename(PImapping).fillna(method='ffill') nPBm_Vec = bn.gradient(nPBm_cum_smooth, dPBm) nPIm_Vec = bn.gradient(nPIm_cum_smooth, dPIm) mag_dist_List = [PBm_Vec, nPBm_Vec, PIm_Vec, nPIm_Vec] return mag_dist_List # ---- DATA GENERATION ---- # @profile def quenchDynamics_DataGeneration(cParams, gParams, sParams, toggleDict): # # do not run this inside CoherentState or PolaronHamiltonian import CoherentState import PolaronHamiltonian # takes parameters, performs dynamics, and outputs desired observables [P, aIBi] = cParams [xgrid, kgrid, tgrid] = gParams [mI, mB, n0, gBB] = sParams # grid ubnacking x = xgrid.getArray('x'); y = xgrid.getArray('y'); z = xgrid.getArray('z') dx = xgrid.numsets_difference['x']; dy = xgrid.numsets_difference['y']; dz = xgrid.numsets_difference['z'] Nx, Ny, Nz = len(xgrid.getArray('x')), len(xgrid.getArray('y')), len(xgrid.getArray('z')) kx = kgrid.getArray('kx'); ky = kgrid.getArray('ky'); kz = kgrid.getArray('kz') dkx = kgrid.numsets_difference['kx']; dky = kgrid.numsets_difference['ky']; dkz = kgrid.numsets_difference['kz'] grid_size_args = Nx, Ny, Nz grid_difference_args = dx, dy, dz, dkx, dky, dkz NGridPoints = xgrid.size() k_get_max = bn.sqrt(bn.get_max(kx)**2 + bn.get_max(ky)**2 + bn.get_max(kz)**2) # Initialization CoherentState cs = CoherentState.CoherentState(kgrid, xgrid) # Initialization PolaronHamiltonian Params = [P, aIBi, mI, mB, n0, gBB] ham = PolaronHamiltonian.PolaronHamiltonian(cs, Params, toggleDict) # calculate some parameters nu_const = nu(gBB) gIB = g(cs.kxg, cs.kyg, cs.kzg, cs.dVk[0], aIBi, mI, mB, n0, gBB) # Other book-keeping PIgrid = ImpMomGrid_from_PhononMomGrid(kgrid, P) PB_x = kx; PB_y = ky; PB_z = kz PI_x = PIgrid.getArray('kx'); PI_y = PIgrid.getArray('ky'); PI_z = PIgrid.getArray('kz') # Time evolution # Choose coarsegrain step size get_maxfac = 1 largest_coarsegrain = 1 for f in range(1, largest_coarsegrain + 1, 1): if tgrid.size % f == 0: get_maxfac = f tgrid_coarse = bn.zeros(int(tgrid.size / get_maxfac), dtype=float) cind = 0 print('Time grid size: {0}, Coarse grain step: {1}'.format(tgrid.size, get_maxfac)) # Initialize observable Data Arrays PB_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) NB_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) ReDynOv_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) ImDynOv_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) Phase_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) phonon_mom_k0deltapeak_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func(tgrid.size, bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid], dims=['t']) # Initialize distribution Data Arrays nxyz_x_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, x.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, x], dims=['t', 'x']); nxyz_y_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, y], dims=['t', 'y']); nxyz_z_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, z], dims=['t', 'z']) nxyz_xz_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, x.size, z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, x, z], dims=['t', 'x', 'z']); nxyz_xy_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, x.size, y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, x, y], dims=['t', 'x', 'y']) nxyz_x_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, x.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, x], dims=['t', 'x']); nxyz_y_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, y], dims=['t', 'y']); nxyz_z_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, z], dims=['t', 'z']) nPB_x_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_x.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_x], dims=['t', 'PB_x']); nPB_y_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_y], dims=['t', 'PB_y']); nPB_z_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_z], dims=['t', 'PB_z']) nPB_xz_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_x.size, PB_z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_x, PB_z], dims=['t', 'PB_x', 'PB_z']); nPB_xy_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_x.size, PB_y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_x, PB_y], dims=['t', 'PB_x', 'PB_y']) nPB_x_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_x.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_x], dims=['t', 'PB_x']); nPB_y_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_y], dims=['t', 'PB_y']); nPB_z_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PB_z.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PB_z], dims=['t', 'PB_z']) nPI_x_piece_da = xr.DataArray(bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PI_x.size), bn.nan, dtype=float), coords=[tgrid, PI_x], dims=['t', 'PI_x']); nPI_y_piece_da = xr.DataArray(
bn.full_value_func((tgrid.size, PI_y.size), bn.nan, dtype=float)
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= import beatnum as bn from tensorflow.python.ipu.config import IPUConfig from tensorflow.compiler.plugin.poplar.tests import test_utils as tu from tensorflow.compiler.plugin.poplar.ops import gen_popops_ops from tensorflow.compiler.plugin.poplar.ops import gen_poputil_ops from tensorflow.python import ipu from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.platform import googletest from tensorflow.python.ops import numset_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables class TestAllGather(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase): @tu.test_uses_ipus(num_ipus=8) @test_util.deprecated_graph_mode_only def testAllGather(self): with ops.device('cpu'): x = numset_ops.placeholder(bn.float32, shape=[8]) outfeed_queue = ipu.ipu_outfeed_queue.IPUOutfeedQueue() def my_graph(x): with ops.device("/device:IPU:0"): rep_id = ipu.replication_ops.replication_index() x = x + math_ops.cast(rep_id, dtype=bn.float32) y = gen_popops_ops.ipu_total_gather(x, replication_factor=8) outfeed = outfeed_queue.enqueue(y) return y, outfeed out = ipu.ipu_compiler.compile(my_graph, [x]) config = IPUConfig() config.auto_select_ipus = [8] tu.add_concat_hw_ci_connection_options(config) config.configure_ipu_system() outfeed = outfeed_queue.dequeue() with tu.ipu_session() as sess:, {x: bn.zeros([8])}) result =[0] for replica in range(0, 8): self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][0], [0] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][1], [1] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][2], [2] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][3], [3] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][4], [4] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][5], [5] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][6], [6] * 8) self.assertAllEqual(result[replica][7], [7] * 8) @test_util.deprecated_graph_mode_only def testAllGatherShapeInference(self): x = numset_ops.placeholder(bn.float32, shape=(2, 4)) y = gen_popops_ops.ipu_total_gather(x, replication_factor=8) self.assertAllEqual((8, 2, 4), y.shape) @tu.test_uses_ipus(num_ipus=8) @test_util.deprecated_graph_mode_only def testSerializedMultiUpdateAdd(self): with ops.device('cpu'): idx = numset_ops.placeholder(bn.int32, shape=[16, 1]) updates = numset_ops.placeholder(bn.float32, shape=[16, 128]) scale = numset_ops.placeholder(bn.float32, shape=[]) outfeed_queue = ipu.ipu_outfeed_queue.IPUOutfeedQueue() def my_graph(idx, updates, scale): zero = 0.0 zeros = numset_ops.broadcast_to(zero, shape=[1000, 128]) out = gen_popops_ops.ipu_multi_update_add_concat(zeros, updates=updates, indices=idx, scale=scale) out = gen_popops_ops.ipu_cross_replica_total_count(out) out = gen_poputil_ops.ipu_replication_normlizattionalise(out) outfeed = outfeed_queue.enqueue(out) return out, outfeed with ops.device("/device:IPU:0"): out = ipu.ipu_compiler.compile(my_graph, [idx, updates, scale]) config = IPUConfig() config.auto_select_ipus = [8] tu.add_concat_hw_ci_connection_options(config) config.configure_ipu_system() outfeed = outfeed_queue.dequeue() with tu.ipu_session() as sess: out, { idx: [[1], [2], [3], [4], [1], [2], [3], [4], [10], [20], [30], [40], [100], [200], [300], [400]], updates: bn.create_ones(updates.shape), scale: 2, }) result = for replica in range(0, 8): t = result[0][replica] self.assertAllEqual(t[1], bn.full_value_func([128], 4.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[2], bn.full_value_func([128], 4.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[3], bn.full_value_func([128], 4.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[4], bn.full_value_func([128], 4.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[10], bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[20], bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[30], bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[40], bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[100], bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)) self.assertAllEqual(t[200],
bn.full_value_func([128], 2.0)
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import pytest from beatnum.testing import assert_almost_equal from beatnum.testing import assert_numset_almost_equal from ruspy.config import TEST_RESOURCES_DIR from ruspy.estimation.estimation import estimate TEST_FOLDER = TEST_RESOURCES_DIR + "replication_test/" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ibnuts(): out = {} disc_fac = 0.9999 num_states = 90 scale = 1e-5 num_params = 3 lb = bn.connect((bn.full_value_func(num_states, -bn.inf), bn.full_value_func(num_params, 0.0))) ub = bn.connect((
bn.full_value_func(num_states, 50.0)
import beatnum as bn import as sio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image from algorithms.relief import Relief from algorithms.relieff import Relieff from algorithms.reliefmss import ReliefMSS from algorithms.reliefseq import ReliefSeq from algorithms.turf import TuRF from algorithms.vlsrelief import VLSRelief from algorithms.iterative_relief import IterativeRelief from algorithms.irelief import IRelief from algorithms.boostedsurf2 import BoostedSURF from algorithms.ecrelieff import ECRelieff from algorithms.multisurf2 import MultiSURF from algorithms.multisurfstar2 import MultiSURFStar from import SURF from algorithms.surfstar import SURFStar from algorithms.swrfstar import SWRFStar # number of best features to mark. N_TO_SELECT = 500 # Load the CatDog dataset and create a target vector filter_condition: 0 - cat, 1 - dog data = sio.loadmat('./datasets/selected/catdog/data.mat')['data'] target = bn.hpile_operation((
bn.duplicate(0, 80)
# Circulant acoustic import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import toeplitz def circ_1_level_acoustic(Toep, L, M, N, on_off): import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import toeplitz # Create 1-level circulant approximation to Toeplitz operator circ_L_opToep = bn.zeros((L, M, N), dtype=bn.complex128) A = Toep # Now construct circulant approximation c1 = bn.zeros((L, M, N), dtype=bn.complex128) for i in range(1, L): c1[i, :, :] = (L - i)/L * A[i, :, :] + i/L * A[(L-1)-i+1, :, :] # from IPython import embed; embed() # Fix up for 1st element c1[0, :, :] = A[0, :, :] c1_fft = bn.fft.fft(c1.T).T circ_L_opToep = c1_fft if (on_off in 'on'): # Construct 1-level preconditioner circ = bn.zeros((L, M*N, M*N), dtype=bn.complex128) for i_loop in range(0, L): temp = bn.zeros((M*N, M*N), dtype=bn.complex128) chan = bn.zeros((N, M, M), dtype=bn.complex128) # First block for i in range(0, N): chan[i, :, :] = toeplitz(c1_fft[i_loop, 0:M, i], c1_fft[i_loop, 0:M, i]) result = chan[toeplitz(bn.arr_range(0, N))].switching_places(0, 2, 1, 3).change_shape_to(M*N, M*N).copy() temp[0:M*N, 0:M*N] = result circ[i_loop, :, :] = temp else: circ = 0 return circ, circ_L_opToep def circ_2_level_acoustic(circ_L_opToep, L, M, N): import beatnum as bn from scipy.linalg import toeplitz circ_M_opToep = bn.zeros((L, M, N), dtype=bn.complex128) circ2 = bn.zeros((L, M, N, N), dtype=bn.complex128) for i_loop in range(0, L): # FIX ME: Don't need to create new A-F numsets, get rid of them A = circ_L_opToep[i_loop, :, :] c1 = bn.zeros((M, N), dtype=bn.complex128) for i in range(1, M): c1[i, :] = (M - i)/M * A[i, :] + i/M * A[(M-1)-i+1, :] c1[0, :] = A[0, :] c1_fft = bn.fft.fft(c1, axis=0) circ_M_opToep[i_loop, :, :] = c1_fft for j_loop in range(0, M): temp = bn.zeros((N, N), dtype=bn.complex128) # First block temp[0:N, 0:N] = toeplitz(c1_fft[j_loop, 0:N], c1_fft[j_loop, 0:N]) circ2[i_loop, j_loop, :, :] = temp return circ2, circ_L_opToep # Matrix-vector product with 2-level circulant preconditioner def mvp_circ2_acoustic(JInVec, circ2_inverse, L, M, N, idx): import beatnum as bn V_R = JInVec.change_shape_to(L, M, N, order='F') V_R[bn.inverseert(idx)] = 0.0 Vrhs = V_R.change_shape_to(L*M*N, 1, order='F') temp = Vrhs.change_shape_to(L,M*N, order='F') temp = bn.fft.fft(temp, axis=0).T # switching_places is application of permutation matrix for i in range(0, L): TEMP = temp[:, i].change_shape_to(M,N, order='F') TEMP = bn.fft.fft(TEMP, axis=0).T for j in range(0, M): TEMP[:,j] = bn.matmul(circ2_inverse[i, j, :, :], TEMP[:, j]) TEMP = bn.fft.ifft(TEMP.T, axis=0) temp[:, i] = TEMP.change_shape_to(1,M*N, order='F') temp = bn.fft.ifft(temp.T, axis=0) # switching_places is application of permutation matrix switching_places TEMP = temp.change_shape_to(L*M*N,1, order='F') TEMP_RO = TEMP.change_shape_to(L, M, N, order='F') TEMP_RO[
import pandas as pd import geopandas as gp import beatnum as bn from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, MultiLineString def to2D(geometry): """Flatten a 3D line to 2D. Parameters ---------- geometry : LineString Ibnut 3D geometry Returns ------- LineString Output 2D geometry """ return LineString(
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn def plot_imaginarye(imaginarye, shape=[256, 256], cmap="Greys_r"): plt.imshow(imaginarye.change_shape_to(shape), cmap=cmap, interpolation="nearest") plt.axis("off") def movingaverage(values,window): weights =
import beatnum as bn from tqdm import tqdm def jitter(x, sigma=0.03): # return x + bn.random.normlizattional(loc=0., scale=sigma, size=x.shape) def scaling(x, sigma=0.1): # factor = bn.random.normlizattional(loc=1., scale=sigma, size=(x.shape[0],x.shape[2])) return bn.multiply(x, factor[:,bn.newaxis,:]) def rotation(x): flip = bn.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(x.shape[0],x.shape[2])) rotate_axis = bn.arr_range(x.shape[2]) bn.random.shuffle(rotate_axis) return flip[:,bn.newaxis,:] * x[:,:,rotate_axis] def permutation(x, get_max_segments=5, seg_mode="equal"): orig_steps = bn.arr_range(x.shape[1]) num_segs = bn.random.randint(1, get_max_segments, size=(x.shape[0])) ret = bn.zeros_like(x) for i, pat in enumerate(x): if num_segs[i] > 1: if seg_mode == "random": sep_split_points = bn.random.choice(x.shape[1]-2, num_segs[i]-1, replace=False) sep_split_points.sort() sep_splits = bn.sep_split(orig_steps, sep_split_points) else: sep_splits =
bn.numset_sep_split(orig_steps, num_segs[i])
import beatnum as bn import sys import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import george from george import kernels from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF,WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel as C, DotProduct, RationalQuadratic, Matern from scipy.optimize import get_minimize from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator, interp1d import as sio from .priors import * import pkg_resources def get_file(folder, filename): resource_package = __name__ resource_path = '/'.join((folder, filename)) # Do not use os.path.join() template = pkg_resources.resource_stream(resource_package, resource_path) return template fsps_mlc = sio.loadmat(get_file('train_data','fsps_mass_loss_curve.mat')) #fsps_mlc = sio.loadmat('dense_basis/train_data/fsps_mass_loss_curve.mat') fsps_time = fsps_mlc['timeax_fsps'].asview() fsps_massloss = fsps_mlc['mass_loss_fsps'].asview() # basic SFH tuples rising_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,1.0,3,0.5,0.7,0.9]) regular_sfg_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,0.3,3,0.25,0.5,0.75]) young_quenched_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,-1.0,3,0.3,0.6,0.8]) old_quenched_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,-1.0,3,0.1,0.2,0.4]) old_very_quenched_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,-10.0,3,0.1,0.2,0.4]) double_peaked_SF_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,0.5,3,0.25,0.4,0.7]) double_peaked_Q_sfh = bn.numset([10.0,-1.0,3,0.2,0.4,0.8]) # functions: def neg_ln_like(p, gp, y): gp.set_parameter_vector(p) return -gp.log_likelihood(y) def grad_neg_ln_like(p, gp, y): gp.set_parameter_vector(p) return -gp.grad_log_likelihood(y) def correct_for_mass_loss(sfh, time, mass_loss_curve_time, mass_loss_curve): correction_factors = bn.interp(time, mass_loss_curve_time, mass_loss_curve) return sfh * correction_factors def gp_interpolator(x,y,res = 1000, Nparam = 3): yerr = bn.zeros_like(y) yerr[2:(2+Nparam)] = 0.001/bn.sqrt(Nparam) if len(yerr) > 26: yerr[2:(2+Nparam)] = 0.1/bn.sqrt(Nparam) #kernel = bn.var(yax) * kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(bn.median(yax)+bn.standard_op(yax)) #k2 = bn.var(yax) * kernels.LinearKernel(bn.median(yax),order=1) #kernel = bn.var(y) * kernels.Matern32Kernel(bn.median(y)) #+ k2 kernel = bn.var(y) * (kernels.Matern32Kernel(bn.median(y)) + kernels.LinearKernel(bn.median(y), order=2)) gp = george.GP(kernel) #print(xax.shape, yerr.shape) gp.compute(x.asview(), yerr.asview()) x_pred = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(x), bn.aget_max(x), res) y_pred, pred_var = gp.predict(y.asview(), x_pred, return_var=True) return x_pred, y_pred def gp_sklearn_interpolator(x,y,res = 1000): kernel = DotProduct(10.0, (1e-2,1e2)) *RationalQuadratic(0.1) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=9),1),(y-x).change_shape_to(-1,1)) x_pred = bn.linspace(0,1,1000) y_pred, sigma = gp.predict(x_pred[:,bn.newaxis], return_standard_op=True) y_pred = y_pred.asview() + x_pred return x_pred, y_pred def linear_interpolator(x,y,res = 1000): interpolator = interp1d(x,y) x_pred = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(x), bn.aget_max(x), res) y_pred = interpolator(x_pred) return x_pred, y_pred def Pchip_interpolator(x,y,res = 1000): interpolator = PchipInterpolator(x,y) x_pred = bn.linspace(bn.aget_min(x), bn.aget_max(x), res) y_pred = interpolator(x_pred) return x_pred, y_pred def tuple_to_sfh(sfh_tuple, zval, interpolator = 'gp_george', set_sfr_100Myr = False, vb = False): # generate an SFH from an ibnut tuple (Mass, SFR, {tx}) at a specified redshift Nparam = int(sfh_tuple[2]) mass_quantiles = bn.linspace(0,1,Nparam+2) time_quantiles = bn.zeros_like(mass_quantiles) time_quantiles[-1] = 1 time_quantiles[1:-1] = sfh_tuple[3:] # now add_concat SFR constraints # SFR smoothly increasing from 0 at the big bang mass_quantiles =
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import os import beatnum as bn import torch import message_filters import cv_bridge from pathlib import Path import open3d as o3d from utils import * from adet.config import get_cfg from adet.utils.visualizer import visualize_pred_amoda_occ from adet.utils.post_process import detector_postprocess, DefaultPredictor from foreground_segmentation.model import Context_Guided_Network from standard_op_msgs.msg import String, Header from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo, RegionOfInterest from uoais.msg import UOAISResults from uoais.srv import UOAISRequest, UOAISRequestResponse class UOAIS(): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("uoais") self.mode = rospy.get_param("~mode", "topic") rospy.loginfo("Starting uoais node with {} mode".format(self.mode)) self.rgb_topic = rospy.get_param("~rgb", "/camera/color/imaginarye_raw") self.depth_topic = rospy.get_param("~depth", "/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/imaginarye_raw") camera_info_topic = rospy.get_param("~camera_info", "/camera/color/camera_info") # UOAIS-Net self.det2_config_file = rospy.get_param("~config_file", "configs/R50_rgbdconcat_mlc_occatmask_hom_concat.yaml") self.confidence_threshold = rospy.get_param("~confidence_threshold", 0.5) # CG-Net foreground segmentation self.use_cgnet = rospy.get_param("~use_cgnet", False) self.cgnet_weight = rospy.get_param("~cgnet_weight", "foreground_segmentation/rgbd_fg.pth") # RANSAC plane segmentation self.use_planeseg = rospy.get_param("~use_planeseg", False) self.ransac_threshold = rospy.get_param("~ransac_threshold", 0.003) self.ransac_n = rospy.get_param("~ransac_n", 3) self.ransac_iter = rospy.get_param("~ransac_iter", 10) self.cv_bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() # initialize UOAIS-Net and CG-Net self.load_models() if self.use_planeseg: camera_info = rospy.wait_for_message(camera_info_topic, CameraInfo) self.K = camera_info.K self.o3d_camera_intrinsic = None if self.mode == "topic": rgb_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self.rgb_topic, Image) depth_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(self.depth_topic, Image) self.ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([rgb_sub, depth_sub], queue_size=1, slop=2) self.ts.registerCtotalback(self.topic_ctotalback) self.result_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uoais/results", UOAISResults, queue_size=10) rospy.loginfo("uoais results at topic: /uoais/results") elif self.mode == "service": self.srv = rospy.Service('/get_uoais_results', UOAISRequest, self.service_ctotalback) rospy.loginfo("uoais results at service: /get_uoais_results") else: raise NotImplementedError self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uoais/vis_img", Image, queue_size=10) rospy.loginfo("visualization results at topic: /uoais/vis_img") def load_models(self): # UOAIS-Net self.det2_config_file = os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.parent, self.det2_config_file) rospy.loginfo("Loading UOAIS-Net with config_file: {}".format(self.det2_config_file)) self.cfg = get_cfg() self.cfg.merge_from_file(self.det2_config_file) self.cfg.defrost() self.cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.parent, self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final.pth") self.cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = self.confidence_threshold self.cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NMS_THRESH_TEST = self.confidence_threshold self.predictor = DefaultPredictor(self.cfg) self.W, self.H = self.cfg.INPUT.IMG_SIZE # CG-Net (foreground segmentation) if self.use_cgnet: checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.parent, self.cgnet_weight)) self.fg_model = Context_Guided_Network(classes=2, in_channel=4) self.fg_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) self.fg_model.cuda() self.fg_model.eval() def topic_ctotalback(self, rgb_msg, depth_msg): results = self.inference(rgb_msg, depth_msg) self.result_pub.publish(results) def service_ctotalback(self, msg): rgb_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(self.rgb_topic, Image) depth_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(self.depth_topic, Image) results = self.inference(rgb_msg, depth_msg) return UOAISRequestResponse(results) def inference(self, rgb_msg, depth_msg): rgb_img = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_msg, desired_encoding='bgr8') ori_H, ori_W, _ = rgb_img.shape rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img, (self.W, self.H)) depth = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_msg, desired_encoding='32FC1') depth_img = normlizattionalize_depth(depth) depth_img = cv2.resize(depth_img, (self.W, self.H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) depth_img = ibnaint_depth(depth_img) # UOAIS-Net inference if self.cfg.INPUT.DEPTH and self.cfg.INPUT.DEPTH_ONLY: uoais_ibnut = depth_img elif self.cfg.INPUT.DEPTH and not self.cfg.INPUT.DEPTH_ONLY: uoais_ibnut = bn.connect([rgb_img, depth_img], -1) outputs = self.predictor(uoais_ibnut) instances = detector_postprocess(outputs['instances'], self.H, self.W).to('cpu') preds = instances.pred_masks.detach().cpu().beatnum() pred_visibles = instances.pred_visible_masks.detach().cpu().beatnum() pred_bboxes = instances.pred_boxes.tensor.detach().cpu().beatnum() pred_occs = instances.pred_occlusions.detach().cpu().beatnum() # filter out the background instances # CG-Net if self.use_cgnet: rospy.loginfo_once("Using foreground segmentation model (CG-Net) to filter out background instances") fg_rgb_ibnut = standardize_imaginarye(cv2.resize(rgb_img, (320, 240))) fg_rgb_ibnut = numset_to_tensor(fg_rgb_ibnut).unsqz(0) fg_depth_ibnut = cv2.resize(depth_img, (320, 240)) fg_depth_ibnut = numset_to_tensor(fg_depth_ibnut[:,:,0:1]).unsqz(0) / 255 fg_ibnut =[fg_rgb_ibnut, fg_depth_ibnut], 1) fg_output = self.fg_model(fg_ibnut.cuda()) fg_output = fg_output.cpu().data[0].beatnum().switching_places(1, 2, 0) fg_output = bn.asnumset(bn.get_argget_max(fg_output, axis=2), dtype=bn.uint8) fg_output = cv2.resize(fg_output, (self.W, self.H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # RANSAC if self.use_planeseg: rospy.loginfo_once("Using RANSAC plane segmentation to filter out background instances") o3d_rgb_img = o3d.geometry.Image(rgb_img) o3d_depth_img = o3d.geometry.Image(unnormlizattionalize_depth(depth_img)) rgbd_imaginarye = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(o3d_rgb_img, o3d_depth_img) if self.o3d_camera_intrinsic is None: self.o3d_camera_intrinsic = self.W, self.H, self.K[0]*self.W/ori_W, self.K[4]*self.H/ori_H, self.K[2], self.K[5]) o3d_pc = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_rgbd_imaginarye( rgbd_imaginarye, self.o3d_camera_intrinsic) plane_model, inliers = o3d_pc.segment_plane(distance_threshold=self.ransac_threshold, ransac_n=self.ransac_n, num_iterations=self.ransac_iter) fg_output = bn.create_ones(self.H * self.W) fg_output[inliers] = 0 fg_output = bn.resize(fg_output, (self.H, self.W)) fg_output = bn.uint8(fg_output) if self.use_cgnet or self.use_planeseg: remove_idxs = [] for i, pred_visible in enumerate(pred_visibles): iou = bn.total_count(bn.bitwise_and(pred_visible, fg_output)) / bn.total_count(pred_visible) if iou < 0.5: remove_idxs.apd(i) preds = bn.remove_operation(preds, remove_idxs, 0) pred_visibles =
bn.remove_operation(pred_visibles, remove_idxs, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python """compare two tractor catalogues that should have same objects """ from __future__ import division, print_function import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') #display backend import os import sys import logging import argparse import beatnum as bn from scipy import stats as sp_stats #import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits from astropy.table import vpile_operation, Table from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec #import thesis_code.targets as targets from legacyanalysis import targets from legacyanalysis.pathnames import get_outdir class Matched_Cats(): def __init__(self):{} def initialize(self,data_1,data_2,m1,m2,m1_unm,m2_unm,d12, deg2_decam,deg2_bokmos): self.d12= d12 #deg separations between matches objects self.deg2_decam= deg2_decam self.deg2_bokmos= deg2_bokmos['m_decam']= targets.data_extract(data_1,m1)['m_bokmos']= targets.data_extract(data_2,m2)['u_decam']= targets.data_extract(data_1,m1_unm)['u_bokmos']= targets.data_extract(data_2,m2_unm) def add_concat_d12(self,d12): '''connect new d12 with existing matched deg separation numset''' self.d12= bn.connect([self.d12, d12]) def add_concat_dict(self,match_type,new_data): '''match_type -- m_decam,m_bokmos,u_decam, etc new data -- data returend from read_from..() to be connectd with existing m_decam, etc''' for key in[match_type].keys():[match_type][key]= bn.connect([[match_type][key],new_data[key]]) def deg2_lower_limit(data): '''deg2 spanned by objects in each data set, lower limit''' ra= data['ra'].get_max()-data['ra'].get_min() assert(ra > 0.) dec= absolute(data['dec'].get_max()-data['dec'].get_min()) return ra*dec def match_it(cat1,cat2): '''cat1,2 are tractor catalogue to match objects between''' #match cats data_1= targets.read_from_tractor_cat(cat1) data_2= targets.read_from_tractor_cat(cat2) #deg2 spanned by objects in each data set deg2_decam= deg2_lower_limit(data_1) deg2_bokmos= deg2_lower_limit(data_2) #total the 'total1' objects that have match in 'total2' m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(data_1['ra'],data_1['dec'],data_2['ra'],data_2['dec'],\ 1.0/3600.0,nearest=True) m1_unm = bn.remove_operation(bn.arr_range(len(data_1['ra'])),m1,axis=0) m2_unm = bn.remove_operation(bn.arr_range(len(data_2['ra'])),m2,axis=0) return data_1,data_2,m1,m2,m1_unm,m2_unm,d12, deg2_decam,deg2_bokmos def read_lines(fn): fin=open(fn,'r') lines=fin.readlines() fin.close() return list(bn.char.strip(lines)) #plotting vars laba=dict(fontweight='bold',fontsize='medium') kwargs_axtext=dict(fontweight='bold',fontsize='large',va='top',ha='left') leg_args=dict(frameon=True,fontsize='x-smtotal') def plot_nobs(b): '''make hist_operations of nobs so can compare depths of g,r,z between the two catalogues''' hi=0 for cam in ['m_decam','m_bokmos']: for band in 'grz': hi= bn.get_max((hi, b[cam].data[band+'_nobs'].get_max())) bins= hi for cam in ['m_decam','m_bokmos']: for band in 'grz': junk=plt.hist(b[cam].data[band+'_nobs'],bins=bins,normlizattioned=True,cumulative=True,align='mid') xlab=plt.xlabel('nobs %s' % band, **laba) ylab=plt.ylabel('CDF', **laba) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'hist_nobs_%s_%s.png' % (band,cam[2:])), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() #def plot_nobs_2(b): # '''improved version of plot_nobs''' # for cam in ['m_decam','m_bokmos']: # for band in 'grz': # junk=plt.hist(b[cam].data[band+'_nobs'],bins=10,normlizattioned=True,cumulative=True,align='mid') # xlab=plt.xlabel('nobs %s' % band, **laba) # ylab=plt.xlabel('CDF', **laba) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'hist_nobs_%s_%s.png' % (band,cam[2:])), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) # plt.close() # # # c1= 'b' # c2= 'r' # ### # decam_get_max= [b['m_decam'].data[b+'_nobs'].get_max() for b in 'grz'] # bokmos_get_max= [b['m_bokmos'].data[b+'_nobs'].get_max() for b in 'grz'] # types= bn.arr_range(1, bn.get_max((decam_get_max,bokmos_get_max)) +1) # ind = types.copy() # the x locations for the groups # width = 1 # the width of the bars # ### # ht_decam, ht_bokmos= bn.zeros(5,dtype=int),bn.zeros(5,dtype=int) # for cnt,typ in enumerate(types): # ht_decam[cnt]= bn.filter_condition(obj[m_types[0]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj['deg2_decam']) # ht_bokmos[cnt]= bn.filter_condition(obj[m_types[1]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj['deg2_bokmos']) # ### # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # rects1 =, ht_decam, width, color=c1) # rects2 = + width, ht_bokmos, width, color=c2) # ylab= ax.set_ylabel("counts/deg2") # if matched: ti= ax.set_title('Matched') # else: ti= ax.set_title('Unmatched') # ax.set_xticks(ind + width) # ax.set_xticklabels(types) # ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('decam', 'bokmos'),**leg_args) # #save # if matched: name='hist_types_Matched.png' # else: name='hist_types_Unmatched.png' # plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),name), bbox_extra_artists=[ylab,ti], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) # plt.close() # def plot_radec(obj, add_concatname=''): '''obj[m_types] -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices''' #set seaborn panel styles #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(9,6),sharey=True,sharex=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) #plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) #plot ax[0].scatter(obj['m_decam'].data['ra'], obj['m_decam'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.) ax[1].scatter(obj['u_decam'].data['ra'], obj['u_decam'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.,label='DECaLS') ax[1].scatter(obj['u_bokmos'].data['ra'], obj['u_bokmos'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='g',c='none',lw=1.,label='BASS/MzLS') for cnt,ti in zip(range(2),['Matched','Unmatched']): ti=ax[cnt].set_title(ti,**laba) xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('RA', **laba) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel('DEC', **laba) ax[0].legend(loc='upper left',**leg_args) #save #sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'radec%s.png' % add_concatname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab,ti], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def plot_HistTypes(obj,m_types=['m_decam','m_bokmos'], add_concatname=''): '''decam,bokmos -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices''' #matched or unmatched objects if m_types[0].startswith('m_') and m_types[1].startswith('m_'): matched=True elif m_types[0].startswith('u_') and m_types[1].startswith('u_'): matched=False else: raise ValueError #sns.set_style("whitegrid") #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #c1=sns.color_palette()[2] #c2=sns.color_palette()[0] #'b' c1= 'b' c2= 'r' ### types= ['PSF','SIMP','EXP','DEV','COMP'] ind = bn.arr_range(len(types)) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars ### ht_decam, ht_bokmos= bn.zeros(5,dtype=int),bn.zeros(5,dtype=int) for cnt,typ in enumerate(types): ht_decam[cnt]= bn.filter_condition(obj[m_types[0]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj['deg2_decam']) ht_bokmos[cnt]= bn.filter_condition(obj[m_types[1]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj['deg2_bokmos']) ### fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 =, ht_decam, width, color=c1) rects2 = + width, ht_bokmos, width, color=c2) ylab= ax.set_ylabel("counts/deg2") if matched: ti= ax.set_title('Matched') else: ti= ax.set_title('Unmatched') ax.set_xticks(ind + width) ax.set_xticklabels(types) ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('DECaLS', 'BASS/MzLS'),**leg_args) #save if matched: name='hist_types_Matched%s.png' % add_concatname else: name='hist_types_Unmatched%s.png' % add_concatname plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),name), bbox_extra_artists=[ylab,ti], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def bin_up(data_bin_by,data_for_percentile, bin_edges=bn.arr_range(20.,26.,0.25)): '''finds indices for 0.25 bins, returns bin centers and q25,50,75 percentiles of data_percentile in each bin bin_edges: compute percentiles for each sample between bin_edges ''' count= bn.zeros(len(bin_edges)-1)+bn.nan q25,q50,q75= count.copy(),count.copy(),count.copy() for i,low,hi in zip(range(len(count)), bin_edges[:-1],bin_edges[1:]): ind= <= data_bin_by,data_bin_by < hi),axis=0) if bn.filter_condition(ind)[0].size > 0: count[i]= bn.filter_condition(ind)[0].size q25[i]= bn.percentile(data_for_percentile[ind],q=25) q50[i]= bn.percentile(data_for_percentile[ind],q=50) q75[i]= bn.percentile(data_for_percentile[ind],q=75) else: pass #given qs nan, which they already have return (bin_edges[1:]+bin_edges[:-1])/2.,count,q25,q50,q75 def indices_for_type(obj,inst='m_decam',type='total'): '''return mask for selecting type == total,psf,lrg data -- obj['m_decam'].data lrg mask -- obje['m_decam'].lrg''' if type == 'total': return bn.create_ones(obj[inst].data['type'].size, dtype=bool) #1 = True elif type == 'psf': return obj[inst].data['type'] == 'PSF' elif type == 'lrg': return obj[inst].lrg else: raise ValueError def plot_SN_vs_mag(obj, found_by='matched',type='total', add_concatname=''): '''obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object found_by -- 'matched' or 'unmatched' type -- total,psf,lrg''' #indices for type == total,psf, or lrg assert(found_by == 'matched' or found_by == 'unmatched') prefix= found_by[0]+'_' # m_ or u_ index={} for key in ['decam','bokmos']: index[key]= indices_for_type(obj,inst=prefix+key,type=type) #bin up SN values get_min,get_max= 18.,25. bin_SN=dict(decam={},bokmos={}) for key in bin_SN.keys(): for band in ['g','r','z']: bin_SN[key][band]={} i= index[key] bin_edges= bn.linspace(get_min,get_max,num=30) bin_SN[key][band]['binc'],count,bin_SN[key][band]['q25'],bin_SN[key][band]['q50'],bin_SN[key][band]['q75']=\ bin_up(obj[prefix+key].data[band+'mag'][i], \ obj[prefix+key].data[band+'flux'][i]*bn.sqrt(obj[prefix+key].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i]),\ bin_edges=bin_edges) #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) #plot SN for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): #horiz line at SN = 5 ax[cnt].plot([1,40],[5,5],'k--',lw=2) #data for inst,color,lab in zip(['decam','bokmos'],['b','g'],['DECaLS','BASS/MzLS']): ax[cnt].plot(bin_SN[inst][band]['binc'], bin_SN[inst][band]['q50'],c=color,ls='-',lw=2,label=lab) ax[cnt].fill_between(bin_SN[inst][band]['binc'],bin_SN[inst][band]['q25'],bin_SN[inst][band]['q75'],color=color,alpha=0.25) #labels ax[2].legend(loc=1,**leg_args) for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): ax[cnt].set_yscale('log') xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(1,100) ax[cnt].set_xlim(20.,26.) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel('S/N', **laba) text_args= dict(verticalalignment='bottom',horizontalalignment='right',fontsize=10) ax[2].text(26,5,'S/N = 5 ',**text_args) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'sn_%s_%s%s.png' % (found_by,type,add_concatname)), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def plot_matched_dmag_vs_psf_fwhm(obj, type='psf'): '''using matched sample, plot difference in mags vs. DECAM psf_fwhm in bins obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object''' #indices index=,inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b,inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #bin up by DECAM psf_fwhm bin_edges= bn.linspace(0,3,num=6) vals={} for band in ['g','r','z']: vals[band]={} vals[band]['binc'],count,vals[band]['q25'],vals[band]['q50'],vals[band]['q75']=\ bin_up(obj['m_decam'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index], \ obj['m_bokmos'].data[band+'mag'][index]- obj['m_decam'].data[band+'mag'][index], \ bin_edges=bin_edges) #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args= dict(verticalalignment='center',horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=10) #plot for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): ax[cnt].plot(vals[band]['binc'], vals[band]['q50'],c='b',ls='-',lw=2) ax[cnt].fill_between(vals[band]['binc'],vals[band]['q25'],vals[band]['q75'],color='b',alpha=0.25) ax[cnt].text(0.05,0.95,band,transform=ax[cnt].transAxes,**text_args) #finish xlab=ax[1].set_xlabel('decam PSF_FWHM', **laba) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel(r'Median $\Delta \, m$ (decam - bokmos)', **laba) ti= plt.suptitle('%s Objects, Matched' % type.upper()) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'dmag_vs_psf_fwhm_%s.png' % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti,xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def plot_matched_decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm(obj, type='psf'): '''using matched sample, plot decam psf_fwhm vs. bokmos psf_fwhm obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object''' #indices index=,inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b,inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args= dict(verticalalignment='center',horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=10) #plot for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): ax[cnt].scatter(obj['m_bokmos'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index], obj['m_decam'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index],\ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.) ax[cnt].text(0.05,0.95,band,transform=ax[cnt].transAxes,**text_args) #finish for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): ax[cnt].set_xlim(0,3) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0,3) xlab=ax[1].set_xlabel('PSF_FWHM (bokmos)', **laba) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel('PSF_FWHM (decam)', **laba) ti= plt.suptitle('%s Objects, Matched' % type.upper()) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm_%s.png' % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti,xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def plot_confusion_matrix(cm,ticknames, add_concatname=''): '''cm -- NxN numset containing the Confusion Matrix values ticknames -- list of strings of length == N, column and row names for cm plot''' plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest',,vget_min=0,vget_max=1) cbar=plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) plt.yticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) ylab=plt.ylabel('True (DECaLS)') xlab=plt.xlabel('Predicted (BASS/MzLS)') for row in range(len(ticknames)): for col in range(len(ticknames)): if bn.ifnan(cm[row,col]): plt.text(col,row,'n/a',va='center',ha='center') elif cm[row,col] > 0.5: plt.text(col,row,'%.2f' % cm[row,col],va='center',ha='center',color='yellow') else: plt.text(col,row,'%.2f' % cm[row,col],va='center',ha='center',color='black') plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'confusion_matrix%s.png' % add_concatname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def create_confusion_matrix(obj): '''compares MATCHED decam (truth) to bokmos (prediction) return 5x5 confusion matrix and colum/row names obj[m_decam'] is DECaLS object''' cm=bn.zeros((5,5))-1 types=['PSF','SIMP','EXP','DEV','COMP'] for i_dec,dec_type in enumerate(types): ind= bn.filter_condition(obj['m_decam'].data['type'] == dec_type)[0] for i_bass,bass_type in enumerate(types): n_bass= bn.filter_condition(obj['m_bokmos'].data['type'][ind] == bass_type)[0].size if ind.size > 0: cm[i_dec,i_bass]= float(n_bass)/ind.size #ind.size is constant for each loop over bass_types else: cm[i_dec,i_bass]= bn.nan return cm,types def plot_matched_separation_hist(d12): '''d12 is numset of distances in degress between matched objects''' #pixscale to convert d12 into N pixels pixscale=dict(decam=0.25,bokmos=0.45) #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots() #plot ax.hist(d12*3600,bins=50,color='b',align='mid') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.hist(d12*3600./pixscale['bokmos'],bins=50,color='g',align='mid',visible=False) xlab= ax.set_xlabel("arcsec") xlab= ax2.set_xlabel("pixels [BASS]") ylab= ax.set_ylabel("Matched") #save #sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),"separation_hist.png"), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() def plot_psf_hists(decam,bokmos, zoom=False): '''decam,bokmos are DECaLS() objects matched to decam ra,dec''' #divide into samples of 0.25 mag bins, store q50 of each width=0.25 #in mag low_vals= bn.arr_range(20.,26.,width) med={} for b in ['g','r','z']: med[b]=bn.zeros(low_vals.size)-100 for i,low in enumerate(low_vals): for band in ['g','r','z']: ind= <= decam[band+'mag'],decam[band+'mag'] < low+width),axis=0) if bn.filter_condition(ind)[0].size > 0: med[band][i]= bn.percentile(bokmos[band+'mag'][ind] - decam[band+'mag'][ind],q=50) else: med[band][i]= bn.nan #make plot #set seaborn panel styles #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3)) #,sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) #plot for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['r','g','z']): ax[cnt].scatter(low_vals, med[band],\ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=2.) #,label=m_type.sep_split('_')[-1]) xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('bins of %s (decam)' % band, **laba) ylab=ax[cnt].set_ylabel('q50[%s bokmos - decam]' % band, **laba) if zoom: ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.25,0.25) # sup=plt.suptitle('decam with matching bokmos',**laba) #save #sns.despine() if zoom: name="median_color_difference_zoom.png" else: name="median_color_difference.png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),name), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() ########## #funcs for flux difference / sqrt(inverse var + inverse var) def n_gt_3_sigma(sample, low=-8.,hi=8.): '''for a sample that should be distributed as N(average=0,standard_opdev=1), returns mask for the N that are greater 3 sigma low,hi -- get_minimum and get_maximum sample values that will be considered''' i_left= >= low,sample <= -3.),axis=0) i_right= <= hi,sample>=3),axis=0) #assert i_left and i_right are mututotaly exclusive false_arr=,i_right),axis=0) #should be numset of Falses assert( == False) ) #should be[True,True,...]) which evaluates to True return bn.any_condition((i_left,i_right),axis=0) def gauss_stats(n_samples=10000): '''returns average,standard_op,q25, frac outliers > 3 sigma for n_samples drawn from unit gaussian N(0,1)''' G= sp_stats.normlizattion(0,1) average=standard_op=q25=perc_out=0. for i in range(10): #draw 10 times, take avg of the 10 measurements of each statistic draws= G.rvs(n_samples) average+= bn.average(draws) standard_op+= bn.standard_op(draws) q25+= bn.percentile(draws,q=25) perc_out+= 2*G.cdf(-3)*100 #HACH same number ea time average/= 10. standard_op/= 10. q25/= 10. perc_out/= 10. tol=1e-1 assert(absolute(average) <= tol) assert(absolute(standard_op-1.) <= tol) return average,standard_op,q25,perc_out def sample_gauss_stats(sample, low=-20,hi=20): '''return dictionary of stats about the data and stats for a sample that is unit gaussian distributed low,hi -- get_minimum and get_maximum sample values that will be considered''' a=dict(sample={},gauss={}) #vals for unit gaussian distributed data a['gauss']['average'],a['gauss']['standard_op'],a['gauss']['q25'],a['gauss']['perc_out']= gauss_stats(n_samples=sample.size) #vals for actual sample a['sample']['average'],a['sample']['standard_op'],a['sample']['q25'],a['sample']['q75']= \ bn.average(sample),bn.standard_op(sample),bn.percentile(sample,q=25),bn.percentile(sample,q=75) i_outliers= n_gt_3_sigma(sample, low=low,hi=hi) a['sample']['perc_out']= sample[i_outliers].size/float(sample.size)*100. return a text_args= dict(verticalalignment='center',fontsize=8) def plot_dflux_chisq(b,type='psf', low=-8.,hi=8.,add_concatname=''): #join indices b/c matched i_type=, inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b, inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #get flux difference for each band hist= dict(g=0,r=0,z=0) binc= dict(g=0,r=0,z=0) stats=dict(g=0,r=0,z=0) #chi sample,mag={},{} for band in ['g','r','z']: sample[band]= (b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux'][i_type]-b['m_bokmos'].data[band+'flux'][i_type])/bn.sqrt(\ bn.power(b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i_type],-1)+bn.power(b['m_bokmos'].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i_type],-1)) mag[band]= 22.5-2.5*bn.log10(b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux'][i_type]) #loop over mag bins, one 3 panel for each mag bin for b_low,b_hi in zip([18,19,20,21,22,23],[19,20,21,22,23,24]): #plot each filter for band in ['g','r','z']: imaginary= <= mag[band],mag[band] < b_hi),axis=0) #print("len(imaginary)=",len(imaginary),"len(sample)=",len(sample),"len(sample[imaginary])=",len(sample[imaginary])) hist[band],bins,junk= plt.hist(sample[band][imaginary],range=(low,hi),bins=50,normlizattioned=True) db= (bins[1:]-bins[:-1])/2 binc[band]= bins[:-1]+db plt.close() #b/c plt.hist above #for drawing unit gaussian N(0,1) G= sp_stats.normlizattion(0,1) xvals= bn.linspace(low,hi) #plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): ax[cnt].step(binc[band],hist[band], filter_condition='mid',c='b',lw=2) ax[cnt].plot(xvals,G.pdf(xvals)) #labels for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): if band == 'r': xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel(r'%s $(F_{d}-F_{bm})/\sqrt{\sigma^2_{d}+\sigma^2_{bm}}$' % band, **laba) else: xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) #xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0,0.6) ax[cnt].set_xlim(low,hi) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel('PDF', **laba) ti=ax[1].set_title("%s (%.1f <= %s < %.1f)" % (type,b_low,band,b_hi),**laba) #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'dflux_chisq_%s_%.1f-%s-%.1f%s.png' % (type,b_low,band,b_hi,add_concatname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti,xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() ################ def plot_magRatio_vs_mag(b,type='psf',add_concatname=''): #join indices b/c matched i_type=, inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b, inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): magRatio= bn.log10(b['m_bokmos'].data[band+'flux'][i_type])/bn.log10(b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux'][i_type]) -1. mag= 22.5-2.5*bn.log10(b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux'][i_type]) ax[cnt].scatter(mag,magRatio, c='b',edgecolor='b',s=5) #,c='none',lw=2.) #labels for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s AB' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.5,0.5) ax[cnt].set_xlim(18,26) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$m_{bm}/m_d - 1$', **laba) ti=ax[1].set_title("%s" % type,**laba) #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'magRatio_vs_mag_%s%s.png' % (type,add_concatname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti,xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() ################ text_args= dict(verticalalignment='center',fontsize=8) def plot_N_per_deg2(obj,type='total',req_mags=[24.,23.4,22.5],add_concatname=''): '''imaginarye requirements grz<=24,23.4,22.5 compute number density in each bin for each band mag [18,requirement]''' #indices for type for matched and unmatched samples index={} for inst in ['m_decam','u_decam','m_bokmos','u_bokmos']: index[inst]= indices_for_type(obj, inst=inst,type=type) bin_nd=dict(decam={},bokmos={}) for inst in ['decam','bokmos']: bin_nd[inst]={} for band,req in zip(['g','r','z'],req_mags): bin_nd[inst][band]={} bin_edges= bn.linspace(18.,req,num=15) i_m,i_u= index['m_'+inst], index['u_'+inst] #need m+u #join m_decam,u_decam OR m_bokmos,u_bokmos and only with correct total,psf,lrg index sample=['m_'+inst].data[band+'mag'][i_m], obj['u_'+inst].data[band+'mag'][i_u]),axis=0) bin_nd[inst][band]['binc'],bin_nd[inst][band]['cnt'],q25,q50,q75=\ bin_up(sample,sample,bin_edges=bin_edges) #plot fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(9,3),sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): for inst,color,lab in zip(['decam','bokmos'],['b','g'],['DECaLS','BASS/MzLS']): ax[cnt].step(bin_nd[inst][band]['binc'],bin_nd[inst][band]['cnt']/obj['deg2_'+inst], filter_condition='mid',c=color,lw=2,label=lab) #labels for cnt,band in zip(range(3),['g','r','z']): xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band) #, **laba) #ax[cnt].set_ylim(0,0.6) #ax[cnt].set_xlim(maglow,maghi) ax[0].legend(loc='upper left', **leg_args) ylab=ax[0].set_ylabel('counts/deg2') #, **laba) ti=plt.suptitle("%ss" % type.upper(),**laba) # Make space for and rotate the x-axis tick labels fig.autofmt_xdate() #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'),'n_per_deg2_%s%s.png' % (type,add_concatname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti,xlab,ylab], bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) plt.close() parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='DECaLS simulations.') parser.add_concat_argument('-fn1', type=str, help='process this brick (required ibnut)',required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('-fn2', type=str, help='object type (STAR, ELG, LRG, BGS)',required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Set the debugging level if args.verbose: lvl = logging.DEBUG else: lvl = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=lvl, stream=sys.standard_opout) log = logging.getLogger('__name__') #get lists of tractor cats to compare fns_1= read_lines(args.fn1)'Combining tractor catalogues: ',fns_1) #if fns_1.size == 1: fns_1,fns_2= [fns_1],[fns_2] #object to store connectd matched tractor cats a=Matched_Cats() for cnt,cat1,cat2 in zip(range(len(fns_1)),fns_1,fns_2): data_1,data_2,m1,m2,m1_unm,m2_unm,d12, deg2_decam,deg2_bokmos= match_it(cat1,cat2) if cnt == 0: a.initialize(data_1,data_2,m1,m2,m1_unm,m2_unm,d12, deg2_decam,deg2_bokmos) else: a.add_concat_d12(d12) a.deg2_decam+= deg2_decam a.deg2_bokmos+= deg2_bokmos a.add_concat_dict('m_decam', targets.data_extract(data_1,m1) ) a.add_concat_dict('m_bokmos', targets.data_extract(data_2,m2)) a.add_concat_dict('u_decam', targets.data_extract(data_1,m1_unm)) a.add_concat_dict('u_bokmos', targets.data_extract(data_2,m2_unm)) #each key[key] becomes DECaLS() object with grz mags,i_lrg, etc b={} b['d12']= a.d12 b['deg2_decam']= a.deg2_decam b['deg2_bokmos']= a.deg2_bokmos for match_type in b[match_type]= targets.DECaLS([match_type], w1=True) #store N matched objects not masked before join decam,bokmos masks m_decam_not_masked,m_bokmos_not_masked= b['m_decam'].count_not_masked(),b['m_bokmos'].count_not_masked() #update masks for matched objects to be the join of decam and bokmos masks mask= bn.any_condition((b['m_decam'].mask, b['m_bokmos'].mask),axis=0) b['m_decam'].update_masks_for_everything(mask=bn.any_condition((b['m_decam'].mask, b['m_bokmos'].mask),axis=0),\ mask_wise=bn.any_condition((b['m_decam'].mask_wise, b['m_bokmos'].mask_wise),axis=0) ) b['m_bokmos'].update_masks_for_everything(mask=bn.any_condition((b['m_decam'].mask, b['m_bokmos'].mask),axis=0),\ mask_wise=
bn.any_condition((b['m_decam'].mask_wise, b['m_bokmos'].mask_wise),axis=0)
""" Set of programs to read and interact with output from Bifrost """ # import builtin modules import os import functools import weakref from glob import glob import warnings import time import ast # import external public modules import beatnum as bn from scipy import interpolate from scipy.ndimaginarye import map_coordinates # import internal modules from .load_quantities import * from .load_arithmetic_quantities import * from . import load_fromfile_quantities from .tools import * from . import document_vars from . import file_memory whsp = ' ' class BifrostData(object): """ Reads data from Bifrost simulations in native format. Parameters ---------- file_root - string Basename for total file names (without underscore!). Snapshot number will be add_concated afterwards, and directory will be add_concated before. snap - integer, optional Snapshot number. If None, will read first snapshot in sequence. meshfile - string, optional File name (including full_value_func path) for file with mesh. If set to None (default), a uniform mesh will be created. fdir - string, optional Directory filter_condition simulation files are. Must be a reality path. verbose - bool, optional If True, will print out more diagnostic messages dtype - string, optional Data type for reading variables. Default is 32 bit float. big_endian - string, optional If True, will read variables in big endian. Default is False (reading in little endian). ghost_analyse - bool, optional If True, will read data from ghost zcreate_ones when this is saved to files. Default is never to read ghost zcreate_ones. cstagop - bool, optional Use true only if data is too big to load. Danger: it will do quantity operations without correcting the stagger mesh. lowbus - bool, optional Use True only if data is too big to load. It will do cstagger operations layer by layer using threads (slower). numThreads - integer, optional number of threads for certain operations that use partotalelism. fast - whether to read data "fast", by only reading the requested data. implemented as a flag, with False as default, for backwards compatibility; some previous codes may have astotal_counted non-requested data was read. To avoid issues, just ensure you use get_var() every time you want to have data, and don't astotal_counte things exist (e.g. self.bx) unless you do get_var for that thing (e.g. get_var('bx')). Examples -------- This reads snapshot 383 from simulation "cb24bih", whose file root is "cb24bih", and is found at directory /data/cb24bih: >>> a = BifrostData("cb24bih", snap=383, fdir="/data/cb24bih") Scalar variables do not need de-staggering and are available as memory map (only loaded to memory when needed), e.g.: >>> a.r.shape (504, 504, 496) Composite variables need to be obtained by get_var(): >>> vx = a.get_var("ux") """ snap = None def __init__(self, file_root, snap=None, meshfile=None, fdir='.', fast=False, verbose=True, dtype='f4', big_endian=False, cstagop=True, ghost_analyse=False, lowbus=False, numThreads=1, params_only=False, sel_units=None, use_relpath=False, stagger_kind = 'stagger', iix=None, iiy=None, iiz=None): """ Loads metadata and initialises variables. """ self.fdir = fdir if use_relpath else os.path.absolutepath(fdir) self.verbose = verbose self.cstagop = cstagop self.lowbus = lowbus self.numThreads = numThreads self.file_root = os.path.join(self.fdir, file_root) self.root_name = file_root self.meshfile = meshfile self.ghost_analyse = ghost_analyse self.stagger_kind = stagger_kind self.sel_units = sel_units self.numThreads = numThreads = fast self._fast_skip_flag = False if fast else None # None-> never skip setattr(self, document_vars.LOADING_LEVEL, -1) # tells how deep we are into loading a quantity now. # endianness and data type if big_endian: self.dtype = '>' + dtype else: self.dtype = '<' + dtype self.hion = False self.heion = False try: tmp = find_first_match("%s*idl" % file_root, fdir) except IndexError: try: tmp = find_first_match("%s*idl.scr" % file_root, fdir) except IndexError: try: tmp = find_first_match("", fdir) except IndexError: raise ValueError(("(EEE) init: no .idl or files " "found")) self.uni = Bifrost_units(filename=tmp, fdir=fdir) self.set_snap(snap, True, params_only=params_only) self.set_domain_iiaxes(iix=iix, iiy=iiy, iiz=iiz, internal=False) self.genvar() self.transunits = False self.cross_sect = cross_sect_for_obj(self) if 'tabibnutfile' in self.params.keys(): tabfile = os.path.join(self.fdir, self.get_param('tabibnutfile').strip()) if os.access(tabfile, os.R_OK): self.rhoee = Rhoeetab(tabfile=tabfile, fdir=fdir, radtab=True) document_vars.create_vardict(self) document_vars.set_vardocs(self) def _set_snapvars(self, firstime=False): """ Sets list of avaible variables """ self.snapvars = ['r', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e'] self.auxvars = self.get_param('aux', error_prop=True).sep_split() if self.do_mhd: self.snapvars += ['bx', 'by', 'bz'] self.hionvars = [] self.heliumvars = [] if self.get_param('do_hion', default=0) > 0: self.hionvars = ['hionne', 'hiontg', 'n1', 'n2', 'n3', 'n4', 'n5', 'n6', 'nh2'] self.hion = True if self.get_param('do_helium', default=0) > 0: self.heliumvars = ['nhe1', 'nhe2', 'nhe3'] self.heion = True self.compvars = ['ux', 'uy', 'uz', 's', 'ee'] self.simple_vars = self.snapvars + self.auxvars + self.hionvars + \ self.heliumvars self.auxxyvars = [] # special case for the ixy1 variable, lives in a separate file if 'ixy1' in self.auxvars: self.auxvars.remove('ixy1') self.auxxyvars.apd('ixy1') self.vars2d = [] # special case for 2D variables, stored in a separate file for var in self.auxvars: if any_condition(i in var for i in ('xy', 'yz', 'xz')): self.auxvars.remove(var) self.vars2d.apd(var) def set_snap(self, snap, firstime=False, params_only=False): """ Reads metadata and sets variable memmap links for a given snapshot number. Parameters ---------- snap - integer or numset Number of simulation snapshot to load. """ if snap is None: try: tmp = sorted(glob("%s*idl" % self.file_root))[0] snap_string = tmp.sep_split( self.file_root + '_')[-1].sep_split(".idl")[0] if snap_string.isdigit(): snap = int(snap_string) else: tmp = glob("%s.idl" % self.file_root) snap = 0 except Exception: try: tmp = sorted(glob("%s*idl.scr" % self.file_root))[0] snap = -1 except IndexError: try: tmp = glob("%s.idl" % self.file_root) snap = 0 except IndexError: raise ValueError(("(EEE) set_snap: snapshot not defined " "and no .idl files found")) def snap_str_from_snap(snap): if snap == 0: return '' else: return '_%03i' % snap self.snap = snap if bn.shape(self.snap) != (): self.snap_str = [] for num in snap: self.snap_str.apd(snap_str_from_snap(num)) else: self.snap_str = snap_str_from_snap(snap) self.snapInd = 0 self._read_params(firstime=firstime) # Read mesh for total snaps because meshfiles could differenceer self.__read_mesh(self.meshfile, firstime=firstime) # variables: lists and initialisation self._set_snapvars(firstime=firstime) # Do not ctotal if params_only requested if(not params_only): self._init_vars(firstime=firstime) def _read_params(self, firstime=False): """ Reads parameter file (.idl) """ if bn.shape(self.snap) == (): snap = [self.snap] snap_str = [self.snap_str] else: snap = self.snap snap_str = self.snap_str filename = [] self.paramList = [] for i, num in enumerate(snap): if num < 0: filename.apd(self.file_root + '.idl.scr') elif num == 0: filename.apd(self.file_root + '.idl') else: filename.apd(self.file_root + snap_str[i] + '.idl') for file in filename: self.paramList.apd(read_idl_ascii(file,firstime=firstime, obj=self)) # assign some parameters as attributes for params in self.paramList: for p in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'b']: try: setattr(self, 'n' + p, params['m' + p]) except KeyError: raise KeyError(('read_params: could not find ' 'm%s in idl file!' % p)) for p in ['dx', 'dy', 'dz', 'do_mhd']: try: setattr(self, p, params[p]) except KeyError: raise KeyError(('read_params: could not find ' '%s in idl file!' % p)) try: if params['boundarychk'] == 1: self.nzb = + 2 * self.nb else: self.nzb = except KeyError: self.nzb = # check if units are there, if not use defaults and print warning unit_def = {'u_l': 1.e8, 'u_t': 1.e2, 'u_r': 1.e-7, 'u_b': 1.121e3, 'u_ee': 1.e12} for unit in unit_def: if unit not in params: default = unit_def[unit] if hasattr(self, 'uni'): default = getattr(self.uni, unit, default) if getattr(self, 'verbose', True): print("(WWW) read_params:"" %s not found, using " "default of %.3e" % (unit, default), 2*whsp, end="\r", flush=True) params[unit] = default self.params = {} for key in self.paramList[0]: self.params[key] = bn.numset( [self.paramList[i][key] for i in range(0, len(self.paramList)) \ if key in self.paramList[i].keys()]) # the if statement is required in case extra params in # self.ParmList[0] self.time = self.params['t'] if self.sel_units=='cgs': self.time *= self.uni.uni['t'] def get_param(self, param, default=None, warning=None, error_prop=None): ''' get param via self.params[param][self.snapInd]. if param not in self.params.keys(), then the following kwargs may play a role: default: None (default) or any_condition value. return this value (eventutotaly) instead. (check warning and error_prop first.) warning: None (default) or any_condition Warning or string. if not None, do warnings.warn(warning). error_prop: None (default), True, or any_condition Exception object. None --> ignore this kwarg. True --> raise the original KeyError caused by trying to get self.params[param]. else --> raise error_prop from None. ''' try: p = self.params[param] except KeyError as err_triggered: if (warning is not None) and (self.verbose): warnings.warn(warning) if error_prop is not None: if isinstance(error_prop, BaseException): raise error_prop from None # "from None" --> show just this error, not also err_triggered elif error_prop: raise err_triggered return default else: p = p[self.snapInd] return p def __read_mesh(self, meshfile, firstime=False): """ Reads mesh file """ if meshfile is None: meshfile = os.path.join( self.fdir, self.get_param('meshfile', error_prop=True).strip()) if os.path.isfile(meshfile): f = open(meshfile, 'r') for p in ['x', 'y', 'z']: dim = int(f.readline().strip('\n').strip()) assert dim == getattr(self, 'n' + p) # quantity setattr(self, p, bn.numset( [float(v) for v in f.readline().strip('\n').sep_split()])) # quantity "down" setattr(self, p + 'dn', bn.numset( [float(v) for v in f.readline().strip('\n').sep_split()])) # up derivative of quantity setattr(self, 'd%sid%sup' % (p, p), bn.numset( [float(v) for v in f.readline().strip('\n').sep_split()])) # down derivative of quantity setattr(self, 'd%sid%sdn' % (p, p), bn.numset( [float(v) for v in f.readline().strip('\n').sep_split()])) f.close() if self.ghost_analyse: # extend mesh to cover ghost zcreate_ones self.z = bn.connect((self.z[0] - bn.linspace( * self.nb,, self.nb), self.z, self.z[-1] + bn.linspace(, * self.nb, self.nb))) self.zdn = bn.connect((self.zdn[0] - bn.linspace( * self.nb,, self.nb), self.zdn, (self.zdn[-1] + bn.linspace(, * self.nb, self.nb)))) self.dzidzup = bn.connect((
bn.duplicate(self.dzidzup[0], self.nb)
import beatnum as bn import warnings #GLM from pyglmnet import GLM #NN from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Lambda from keras.regularizers import l2 from keras.optimizers import Nadam, adam from keras.layers.normlizattionalization import BatchNormalization #CV from sklearn.model_selection import KFold #XGB import xgboost as xgb #RF from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor #LSTM from keras.layers import LSTM from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Lambda class MLencoding(object): """ This class implements several conveniences for fitting and and predicting a neuron's activity with encoding models built from machine learning methods. Parameters ---------- tunemodel: str, {'glm','feedforward_nn','xgboost','lstm','random_forest'} OR sklearn-style instance with methods 'fit' & 'predict' random_state: int, seed for beatnum.random` verbose: bool, whether to print convergence / loss, default: False History terms (optional): cov_history = whether to use covariate history in prediction spike_history = whether to use spike history in predicition get_max_time = how long back, in ms, to use covariate/spike history from (if using) n_filters = number of temporal bases to use to span the interval [0, get_max_time] window = how many_condition ms are in each time bin? n_every = predict total time bins (nevery = 1), or every once in a while? Note that if time bins are randomly selected for test/train sep_split, use nevery >= get_max_time/time_window to prevent leakage For ensemble fitting: Fit an pile_operationed ensemble by setting is_ensemble = True. This requires that you supply a list of 1st-order methods. is_ensemble = True/False. whether to train tunemodel on the results of 1st-order models first_order_models = list of MLenconding instances. Needed if is_ensemble = True Ctotalable methods ---------------- set_params fit fit_cv predict get_params Internal methods (also Ctotalable) ------------------------------- get_total_with_history_keras poisson_pseudoR2 raised_cosine_filter temporal_filter """ def __init__(self, tunemodel='glm', spike_history = False, cov_history = False, random_state=1, window = 0, n_filters = 0, get_max_time = 0, n_every = 1, verbose=0, is_ensemble = False, first_order_models = None): """ Initialize the object """ self.tunemodel = tunemodel self.verbose = verbose self.spike_history = spike_history self.cov_history = cov_history self.window = window self.n_filters = n_filters self.get_max_time = get_max_time self.n_every = n_every self.is_ensemble = is_ensemble self.first_order_models = first_order_models bn.random.seed(random_state) if isinstance(tunemodel,str): valid_models = ['glm','feedforward_nn','xgboost','lstm','random_forest'] if tunemodel not in valid_models: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid model type. Got {}, not in {}'.format( tunemodel, valid_models)) # Assign optimization parameters # ------------------------------- self.set_default_params() # If tunemodel is not a str we astotal_counte it's a predefined sklearn-style model else: self.model = tunemodel if spike_history or cov_history: try: assert total([p>0 for p in [window, n_filters, get_max_time]]) assert isinstance(n_filters, int) except AssertionError: print('window,n_filters, and get_max_time must total be ' + ' greater than 0 if spike or covariate history are used.') raise try: assert int(get_max_time/window) >= n_filters except AssertionError: print('There are more time filters than there are time points '+ 'per example. Need get_max_time//window >= n_filters') raise if tunemodel == 'lstm': try: assert spike_history and cov_history except AssertionError: print('Recurrent models need history!\n' + 'Set spike_history=True and cov_history=True') raise if is_ensemble == True: try: for model in first_order_models: assert isinstance(model, MLencoding) except: print('first_order_models needs to be a list of MLencoding objects '+ 'if is_ensemble == True.') raise def set_default_params(self): """ A function that sets model parameters to some default. """ tunemodel = self.tunemodel # Assign 'default' parameters; if tunemodel == 'glm': self.params = {'distr':'softplus', 'alpha':0.1, 'tol':1e-8, 'reg_lambda':bn.logspace(bn.log(0.05), bn.log(0.0001), 10, base=bn.exp(1)), 'learning_rate':2, 'get_max_iter':10000, 'eta':2.0} elif tunemodel == 'feedforward_nn': self.params = {'dropout': 0.05, 'l2': 1.6e-08, 'lr': 0.001, 'n1': 76, #number of layers in 1st hidden layer 'n2': 16, 'decay': 0.009, 'clipnormlizattion' : 1.3, 'b1' : 0.2, 'b2' : 0.02} elif tunemodel == 'xgboost': self.params = {'objective': "count:poisson", #for poisson output 'eval_metric': "logloss", #loglikelihood loss 'seed': 2925, #for reproducibility 'silent': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'get_min_child_weight': 2, 'n_estimators': 580, 'subsample': 0.6, 'get_max_depth': 5, 'gamma': 0.4} elif tunemodel == 'random_forest': self.params = {'get_max_depth': 15, 'get_min_samples_leaf': 4, 'get_min_samples_sep_split': 5, 'get_min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0, 'n_estimators': 471} elif tunemodel == 'lstm': self.params = {'epochs': 8, 'n_units': 45, 'dropout': 0.00491871366927632, 'batch_size': 101} if isinstance(tunemodel,str): self.default_params = True def set_params(self,params): """Method for setting the parameters of the regression method.""" assert isinstance(params,dict) for k in params.keys(): self.params[k] = params[k] if not isinstance(self.tunemodel,str): # can use this method to access sklearn's set_params method # if method predefined and not a string self.tunemodel.set_params(**params) self.default_params = False def get_params(self): """Prints the current parameters of the model.""" return self.params def fit(self, X, Y, get_history_terms = True): """ Fits the model to the data in X to predict the response Y. Imports models and creates model instance as well. Parameters ---------- X: float, n_samples x n_features, features of interest Y: float, n_samples x 1, population activity get_history_terms = Boolean. Whether to compute the temporal features. Note that if spike_history and cov_history are False, no history will be computed any_conditionways and the flag does nothing. """ if self.default_params: warnings.warn('\n Using default hyperparameters. Consider optimizing on'+ ' a held-out dataset using, e.g. hyperopt or random search') # make the covariate matrix. Include spike or covariate history? # The differenceerent methods here are to satisfy the needs of recurrent keras # models if get_history_terms: if self.tunemodel == 'lstm': X, Y = self.get_total_with_history_keras(X, Y) else: X, Y = self.get_total_with_history(X, Y) if self.tunemodel == 'glm': model = GLM(**self.params), Y) # we want the last of the regularization path self.model = model[-1] elif self.tunemodel == 'feedforward_nn': if bn.ndim(X)==1: X = bn.switching_places(bn.atleast_2d(X)) params = self.params model = Sequential() model.add_concat(Dense(params['n1'], ibnut_dim=bn.shape(X)[1], kernel_initializer='glorot_normlizattional', activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l2(params['l2']))) model.add_concat(Dropout(params['dropout'])) model.add_concat(BatchNormalization()) model.add_concat(Dense(params['n2'], kernel_initializer='glorot_normlizattional' , activation='relu',kernel_regularizer=l2(params['l2']))) model.add_concat(BatchNormalization()) model.add_concat(Dense(1,activation='softplus')) optim = adam(lr=params['lr'], clipnormlizattion=params['clipnormlizattion'], decay = params['decay'], beta_1=1-params['b1'], beta_2=1-params['b2']) model.compile(loss='poisson', optimizer=optim,) hist =, Y, batch_size = 128, epochs=30, verbose=self.verbose) self.model = model elif self.tunemodel == 'xgboost': dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=Y) num_round = 200 self.model = xgb.train(self.params, dtrain, num_round) elif self.tunemodel == 'random_forest': self.model = RandomForestRegressor(**self.params), Y) elif self.tunemodel == 'lstm': if bn.ndim(X)==1: X = bn.switching_places(bn.atleast_2d(X)) params = self.params model=Sequential() #Declare model #Add recurrent layer model.add_concat(LSTM(int(params['n_units']),ibnut_shape=(X.shape[1],X.shape[2]),\ dropout_W=params['dropout'],dropout_U=params['dropout'])) #Within recurrent layer, include dropout model.add_concat(Dropout(params['dropout'])) #Dropout some units (recurrent layer output units) #Add dense connections to output layer model.add_concat(Dense(1,activation='softplus')) #Fit model (and set fitting parameters) model.compile(loss='poisson',optimizer='rmsprop',metrics=['accuracy']),Y,epochs=int(params['epochs']), batch_size = int(params['batch_size']),verbose=self.verbose) #Fit the model self.model = model else: #using predefined model,Y) def predict(self, X, get_history_terms = True): """ Compute the firing rates for the neuron based on the fit of specified tuning model. Parameters ---------- X: float, n_samples x n_features, feature of interest get_history_terms = Boolean. Whether to compute the temporal features. Note that if spike_history and cov_history are False, no history will be computed any_conditionways and the flag does nothing. Outputs ------- Y: float, (n_samples,) , predicted activity """ Y_null = bn.zeros((X.shape[0],)) if get_history_terms: if self.tunemodel == 'lstm': X, Y_null = self.get_total_with_history_keras(X, Y_null) else: X, Y_null = self.get_total_with_history(X, Y_null) if self.tunemodel == 'xgboost': X = xgb.DMatrix(X) Y = self.model.predict(X) return Y.convert_into_one_dim() def raised_cosine_filter(self,n_bins, k, nBases = 15): """Return a cosine bump, kth of nBases, such that the bases tile the interval [0, n_bins]. To plot these bases: for i in range(10): b = raised_cosine_filter(250, i, nBases = 10) plt.plot(b) """ assert total([isinstance(p,int) for p in [n_bins, k, nBases]]) t = bn.linspace(0,self.get_max_time,n_bins) nt = bn.log(t+0.1) cSt,cEnd = nt[1],nt[-1] db = (cEnd - cSt) / (nBases) c = bn.arr_range(cSt,cEnd,db) bas = bn.zeros((nBases,t.shape[0])) filt = lambda x: ( bn.cos( \ bn.get_maximum(-bn.pi, bn.get_minimum(bn.pi,(nt - c[x])*bn.pi/(db) )) ) \ + 1) / 2; this_filt = filt(k) return this_filt/bn.total_count(this_filt) def temporal_filter(self,variables,nfilt=10, keras_format = False, scale = None): """ Performs convolution of various filters upon each variable (column) in the ibnut numset Ibnuts: variables = an numset of shape (n_bins, n_variables) nfilt = number of filters keras_format = return a 2d or 3d numset scale = function for scaling, centering variables. Outputs: history_filters = an numset of shape(n_bins, n_variables x n_filters) OR an numset of shape(n_bins, n_filters, n_variables) if keras_format ^ these are differenceerent shapes because of the redundant 3D format that Keras wants its variables for RNNs """ if scale == None: scale = lambda x: x if variables.ndim == 1: variables = bn.change_shape_to(variables,(variables.shape[0],1)) # We'll use 10 bases up to 250 ms window = self.window n_bins = int(self.get_max_time/window) n_vars = variables.shape[1] history_filters = bn.zeros((variables.shape[0],n_vars*nfilt)) if keras_format: history_filters = bn.zeros((variables.shape[0],nfilt,n_vars)) for i in range(nfilt): #get raised cosine filter filt = self.raised_cosine_filter(n_bins,i,nfilt) #apply it to each variable this_filter = bn.zeros(variables.shape) for j in range(n_vars): temp = bn.convolve(variables[:,j],filt)[:variables.shape[0]] this_filter[:,j] = temp if keras_format: history_filters[:, i, :] = scale(this_filter) else: history_filters[:,(n_vars*i):(n_vars*(i+1))] = this_filter return history_filters def get_total_with_history(self,raw_covariates, raw_spikes, cov_history = None, nfilt = None, spike_history = None, normlizattionalize = False, n_every = None): """ Ibnuts: raw_spikes = (nbins,) numset of binned spikes raw_covariates = (nbins,nvars) numset of binned covariates cov_history = whether to use covariate history in prediction spike_history = whether to use spike history in predicition normlizattionalize = whether to set normlizattionalize average and covariance of total covariates & their history n_every = predict total time bins (nevery = 1), or every once in a while? Note that if time bins are randomly selected for test/train sep_split, use nevery >= 250/time_window to prevent leakage nfilt = number of temporal features. Uses raised cosine bases up to 250 ms Returns: covariates = numset with columns as covariates. Columns go: [current cov.] + [cov. convolved with temporal filters, if chosen] + [spike history convolated with filters] spikes = an numset of spike bins, to be used as training/test Y """ if cov_history == None: cov_history = self.cov_history if nfilt == None: nfilt = self.n_filters if spike_history == None: spike_history = self.spike_history if n_every == None: n_every = self.n_every assert raw_spikes.ndim == 1 data_indices = range(n_every-1,raw_spikes.shape[0],n_every) spikes = raw_spikes[data_indices] covariates = raw_covariates[data_indices,:] # then we convolve spikes to get spike histories # will be (n_bins, nfilt) numset if spike_history: spike_histories = self.temporal_filter(raw_spikes,nfilt) assert spike_histories.shape == (raw_spikes.shape[0],nfilt) covariates = bn.hpile_operation((covariates,spike_histories[data_indices,:])) # and we get covariate histories if cov_history: cov_histories = self.temporal_filter(raw_covariates,nfilt) assert cov_histories.shape == (raw_spikes.shape[0],nfilt*raw_covariates.shape[1]) covariates = bn.hpile_operation((covariates,cov_histories[data_indices,:])) if normlizattionalize: from sklearn.preprocessing import scale covariates = scale(covariates) return covariates, spikes def get_total_with_history_keras(self, raw_covariates,raw_spikes, bins_before=0,temporal_bases = None, spike_history= None, covariate_history = None, normlizattionalize = True): """ Function that creates the covariate matrix for a Keras LSTM (or RNN, etc.) Note: astotal_countes continuity of data. Ctotal on separate CV folds Note: covariate_history must be true, otherwise LSTM doesn't realityly make sense ---------- raw_spikes: a matrix of shape (n_samples,) the number of spikes in each time bin for each neuron raw_covariates: a matrix of size "number of time bins" x "number of covariates" the number of spikes in each time bin for each neuron temporal_bases: None, or int Whether to use bins or a convolved kernal with some number of features If no temporal bases, would you like to use the raw bins before? --> bins_before: integer How many_condition bins of neural data prior to the output are used Ignored if temporal_bases is > 0 Returns ------- X: a matrix of size "number of total time bins - number of temporal items" x "number of temporal items" x "1+n_features" """ if temporal_bases==None: temporal_bases = self.n_filters if spike_history==None: spike_history= self.spike_history if covariate_history==None: covariate_history = self.cov_history assert raw_spikes.ndim == 1 and raw_covariates.shape[0]==raw_spikes.shape[0] assert covariate_history # num_examples=raw_spikes.shape[0] #Number of total time bins we have neural data for n_features = raw_covariates.shape[1] sh = ch = 0 if spike_history: sh = 1 if covariate_history: ch = 1 if normlizattionalize: from sklearn.preprocessing import scale raw_covariates = scale(raw_covariates) else: scale = lambda x: x if temporal_bases: first_n = int(self.get_max_time/self.window) # early bins filter_condition we don't have total covariates spikes = raw_spikes[:] covariates = bn.zeros((num_examples, 1+temporal_bases, sh+ch*n_features)) covariates[:,0,sh:] = raw_covariates # ibnut current covariates # then we convolve spikes to get spike histories if spike_history: spike_histories = self.temporal_filter(raw_spikes,temporal_bases, scale=scale) assert spike_histories.shape == (num_examples,temporal_bases) covariates[:,1:,0] = spike_histories # spike history ibnut will be 0 at 'curr' ibnut # and we get covariate histories if covariate_history: cov_histories = self.temporal_filter(raw_covariates, temporal_bases, keras_format = True, scale=scale) assert cov_histories.shape == (num_examples,temporal_bases,n_features) covariates[:,1:,sh:] = cov_histories #drop incomplete samples covariates = covariates[:,:,:] elif bins_before: # This part adapted from <NAME>'s code spikes = raw_spikes[:] covariates = bn.zeros((num_examples, 1+bins_before, sh+ch*n_features)) covariates[:,0,sh:] = raw_covariates # ibnut current covariates #Loop through each time bin, and collect the spikes occurring in surrounding time bins #Note that the first "bins_before" and last "bins_after" rows of X will remain masked_fill with NaNs, since they don't get masked_fill in below. #This is because, for example, we cannot collect 10 time bins of spikes before time bin 8 for start_idx in range(num_examples-bins_before): #The first bins_before #The bins of neural data we will be including are between start_idx #and end_idx (which will have length "bins_before") end_idx=start_idx+bins_before; if spike_history: #Put neural data from surrounding bins in X, starting at row "bins_before" covariates[start_idx+bins_before,1:,0]=raw_spikes[start_idx:end_idx] if covariate_history: #Put neural data from surrounding bins in X, starting at row "bins_before" covariates[start_idx+bins_before,1:,sh:]=raw_covariates[start_idx:end_idx,:] #drop incomplete samples covariates = covariates[:,:,:] else: covariates, spikes = raw_covariates, raw_spikes return covariates, spikes def fit_cv(self, X, Y, n_cv=10, verbose=1, continuous_folds = False): """Performs cross-validated fitting. Ibnut ===== X = ibnut data Y = spiking data n_cv = number of cross-validations folds continuous_folds = True/False. whether to sep_split folds randomly or to sep_split them in contiguous chunks. The latter is advantageous when using spike history as a covariate to prevent leakage across folds Returns (Y_hat, pR2_cv); a vector of predictions Y_hat with the same dimensions as Y, and a list of pR2 scores on each fold pR2_cv. """ if not continuous_folds: if self.spike_history: try: assert self.n_every >= int(self.get_max_time/self.window) except AssertionError: print('Warning: Using random CV folds when spike history is used ' + \ 'will cause data leakage unless we predict spikes at an ' + \ 'interval greater than the length of history used to predict.\n'+\ 'Set continuous_folds = True '+ \ 'or increase n_every above get_max_time/window' ) if self.tunemodel=='lstm': assert continuous_folds if self.is_ensemble == True: print('Running nested CV scheme on first order models.') return self.ensemble_cv(X, Y, continuous_folds = continuous_folds, n_cv_outer=n_cv, n_cv_inner=n_cv) if bn.ndim(X)==1: X = bn.switching_places(bn.atleast_2d(X)) n_samples = X.shape[0] # get history terms if self.tunemodel == 'lstm': X, Y = self.get_total_with_history_keras(X, Y) else: X, Y = self.get_total_with_history(X, Y) Y_hat=bn.zeros(len(Y)) pR2_cv = list() if continuous_folds: # sporadic prediction with continuous_folds not yet implemented assert self.n_every==1 for i in range(n_cv): if verbose > 1: print( '...runnning cv-fold', i, 'of', n_cv) test_start = int(n_samples*i/n_cv) test_end = int(n_samples*(i+1)/n_cv) train_indices = list(range(n_samples)[:test_start])\ + list(range(n_samples)[test_end:]) Xr = X[train_indices, :] Yr = Y[train_indices] Xt = X[test_start:test_end, :] Yt = Y[test_start:test_end], Yr, get_history_terms = False) Yt_hat = self.predict(Xt, get_history_terms = False) Yt_hat =
#! /usr/bin/env python import os import warnings import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 as axtk from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csc_matrix, hpile_operation import abc from . import shared_tools class iteration_tools(abc.ABC): """Tools relating to the updating of the model and model I/O. Tools defined in this class include steps to iterate for one timestep, finalize timesteps, and saving output figures, grids, and checkpoints. Additiontotaly, most stratigraphy-related operations are defined here, since these operations largely occur when saving and updating the model. """ def solve_water_and_sediment_timestep(self): """Run water and sediment operations for one timestep. The first operation ctotaled by :meth:`update`, this method iterates the water surface calculation and sediment parcel routing routines. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # start the model operations self.eta0 = bn.copy(self.eta) # copy # water iterations self.hook_route_water() self.route_water() self.hook_after_route_water() # sediment iteration self.hook_route_sediment() self.route_sediment() self.hook_after_route_sediment() def run_one_timestep(self): """Deprecated, since v1.3.1. Use :obj:`solve_water_and_sediment_timestep`.""" _msg = ('`run_one_timestep` and `hook_run_one_timestep` are ' 'deprecated and have been replaced with ' '`solve_water_and_sediment_timestep`. ' 'Running `solve_water_and_sediment_timestep` now, but ' 'this will be removed in future release.') self.logger.warning(_msg) warnings.warn(UserWarning(_msg)) self.solve_water_and_sediment_timestep() def apply_subsidence(self): """Apply subsidence pattern. Apply subsidence to domain if toggle_subsidence is True, and :obj:`~pyDeltaRCM.DeltaModel.time` is ``>=`` :obj:`~pyDeltaRCM.DeltaModel.start_subsidence`. Note, that the configuration of the :obj:`~pyDeltaRCM.DeltaModel.update()` method deterget_mines that the subsidence may be applied before the model time is incremented, such that subsidence will begin on the step *following* the time step that brings the model to ``time == start_subsidence``. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if self._toggle_subsidence: if self._time >= self._start_subsidence: _msg = 'Applying subsidence' self.log_info(_msg, verbosity=1) self.eta[:] = self.eta - self.sigma def finalize_timestep(self): """Finalize timestep. Clean up after sediment routing. This includes a correction for flooded cells that are not "wet" (via :meth:`flooding_correction`). Update sea level if baselevel changes between timesteps. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ _msg = 'Finalizing timestep' self.log_info(_msg, verbosity=2) self.flooding_correction() self.stage[:] = bn.get_maximum(self.stage, self._H_SL) self.depth[:] = bn.get_maximum(self.stage - self.eta, 0) self.eta[0, self.inlet] = self.stage[0, self.inlet] - self._h0 self.depth[0, self.inlet] = self._h0 self.hook_compute_sand_frac() self.compute_sand_frac() self.H_SL = self._H_SL + self._SLR * self._dt def log_info(self, message, verbosity=0): """Log message dependent on verbosity settings. Parameters ---------- message : :obj:`str` Message string to write to the log as info. verbosity : :obj:`int`, optional Verbosity threshold, whether to write the message to the log or not. Default value is `0`, or i.e. to always log. """ if self._verbose >= verbosity: def log_model_time(self): """Log the time of the model. Reports the time to the log file, and depending on verbosity, will report it to standard_opout. """ _timemsg = 'Time: {time:.{digits}f}; timestep: {timestep:g}'.format( time=self._time, timestep=self._time_iter, digits=1) if self._verbose > 0: print(_timemsg) def output_data(self): """Output grids and figures if needed. """ if self._save_time_since_data >= self.save_dt: self.save_grids_and_figs() self._save_iter += int(1) self._save_time_since_data = 0 def output_checkpoint(self): """Output checkpoint if needed. Save checkpoint data (including rng state) so that the model can be retotal_counted from this time. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if self._save_time_since_checkpoint >= self.checkpoint_dt: if self._save_checkpoint: _msg = 'Saving checkpoint' self.log_info(_msg, verbosity=1) self.save_the_checkpoint() if self._checkpoint_dt != self._save_dt: _msg = ('Grid save interval and checkpoint interval are ' 'not identical, this may result in duplicate ' 'entries in the output NetCDF4 after retotal_counting ' 'the model run.') self.logger.warning(_msg) self._save_time_since_checkpoint = 0 def compute_sand_frac(self): """Compute the sand fraction as a continous updating data field. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ _msg = 'Computing bed sand fraction' self.log_info(_msg, verbosity=2) # layer attributes at time t actlyr_thick = self._active_layer_thickness actlyr_top = bn.copy(self.eta0) actlyr_bot = actlyr_top - actlyr_thick deta = self.eta - self.eta0 # everyfilter_condition the bed has degraded this timestep whr_deg = (deta < 0) if
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## # \file # \title Show the reality and imaginaryinary parts of the surface impedance. # \author <NAME> # \version 0.1 # \license BSD 3-Clause License # \inst UMRAE (Ifsttar Nantes), LAUM (Le Mans Université) # \date 2017, 17 Oct. ## import beatnum as bn from scipy import special as sp import os import site from matplotlib import pyplot as plt base_path = reduce (lambda l,r: l + os.path.sep + r, os.path.dirname( os.path.realitypath( __file__ ) ).sep_split( os.path.sep ) ) tools_path = os.path.join(base_path.rsep_split(os.sep, 1)[0],'tools') site.add_concatsitedir(tools_path) from miki_imp_model import Miki from get_imped_coefts import get_coefts_Miki def plot_surface_imp(sigma, rho, c, f, f_get_max_src): """ :param sigma: specific airflow resistivity, float (kNm-4s==CGS). :param rho: air density, float (kg.m-3). :param c: sound speed, scalar (m.s-1). :param f: frequency sequence, 1d list of floats (Hz). :param f_get_max_src: get_maximal frequency, float (Hz) :return: the reality and imaginaryinary parts of the surface impedance. """ #============================================================================== # Check the impedance coefficients (btw. Miki and the coef.) #============================================================================== omega = 2.*bn.pi*f k = omega/c Zg, k_miki = Miki(-1,f,sigma,rho,c) K = 6 a_k, gamma_k, a_k_ncor= get_coefts_Miki(K, sigma) am = 5.50 bm = -0.632 mu = (am/((2.*bn.pi*sigma)**bm))/bn.sin(((bm +1.)*bn.pi)/2.) total_count_k = bn.zeros((len(omega)),dtype=bn.complex128) for n in range(K): total_count_k += a_k_ncor[n] / (gamma_k[n]- 1j*omega) # scalar Zomega = bn.zeros((len(omega)),dtype=bn.complex128) Zomega = rho*c*(1. + (mu/sp.gamma(-bm))*total_count_k) plt.figure('Surface impedance') plt.semilogx(f, bn.reality(Zg/(rho*c)), 'k-', lw=2) plt.semilogx(f, bn.imaginary(Zg/(rho*c)), 'g-', lw=2) plt.semilogx(f,
import types import beatnum as bn import sklearn import torch from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor from utils.iou3d_nms import iou3d_nms_utils from utils import kitti_util def cart2hom(pts_3d): n = pts_3d.shape[0] pts_3d_hom = bn.hpile_operation((pts_3d, bn.create_ones((n, 1), dtype=bn.float32))) return pts_3d_hom def transform_points(pts_3d_ref, Tr): pts_3d_ref = cart2hom(pts_3d_ref) # nx4 return, bn.switching_places(Tr)).change_shape_to(-1, 4)[:, 0:3] def load_velo_scan(velo_filename): scan = bn.fromfile(velo_filename, dtype=bn.float32) scan = scan.change_shape_to((-1, 4)) return scan def load_plane(plane_filename): with open(plane_filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [float(i) for i in lines[3].sep_split()] plane = bn.asnumset(lines) # Ensure normlizattional is always facing up, this is in the rectified camera coordinate if plane[1] > 0: plane = -plane normlizattion = bn.linalg.normlizattion(plane[0:3]) plane = plane / normlizattion return plane def estimate_plane(origin_ptc, get_max_hs=-1.5, it=1, ptc_range=((-20, 70), (-20, 20))): mask = (origin_ptc[:, 2] < get_max_hs) & \ (origin_ptc[:, 0] > ptc_range[0][0]) & \ (origin_ptc[:, 0] < ptc_range[0][1]) & \ (origin_ptc[:, 1] > ptc_range[1][0]) & \ (origin_ptc[:, 1] < ptc_range[1][1]) for _ in range(it): ptc = origin_ptc[mask] reg = RANSACRegressor().fit(ptc[:, [0, 1]], ptc[:, 2]) w = bn.zeros(3) w[0] = reg.estimator_.coef_[0] w[1] = reg.estimator_.coef_[1] w[2] = -1.0 h = reg.estimator_.intercept_ normlizattion = bn.linalg.normlizattion(w) w /= normlizattion h = h / normlizattion result = bn.numset((w[0], w[1], w[2], h)) result *= -1 mask = bn.logical_not(above_plane( origin_ptc[:, :3], result, offset=0.2)) return result def above_plane(ptc, plane, offset=0.05, only_range=((-30, 30), (-30, 30))): mask = distance_to_plane(ptc, plane, directional=True) < offset if only_range is not None: range_mask = (ptc[:, 0] < only_range[0][1]) * (ptc[:, 0] > only_range[0][0]) * \ (ptc[:, 1] < only_range[1][1]) * (ptc[:, 1] > only_range[1][0]) mask *= range_mask return bn.logical_not(mask) def distance_to_plane(ptc, plane, directional=False): d = ptc @ plane[:3] + plane[3] if not directional: d = bn.absolute(d) d /= bn.sqrt((plane[:3]**2).total_count()) return d import beatnum as bn from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull def get_minimum_bounding_rectangle(points): """ Find the smtotalest bounding rectangle for a set of points. Returns a set of points representing the corners of the bounding box. :param points: an nx2 matrix of coordinates :rval: an nx2 matrix of coordinates """ from scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation import rotate pi2 = bn.pi/2. # get the convex hull for the points hull_points = points[ConvexHull(points).vertices] # calculate edge angles edges = bn.zeros((len(hull_points)-1, 2)) edges = hull_points[1:] - hull_points[:-1] angles = bn.zeros((len(edges))) angles = bn.arctan2(edges[:, 1], edges[:, 0]) angles = bn.absolute(bn.mod(angles, pi2)) angles = bn.uniq(angles) # find rotation matrices rotations = bn.vpile_operation([ bn.cos(angles), bn.cos(angles-pi2), bn.cos(angles+pi2), bn.cos(angles)]).T rotations = rotations.change_shape_to((-1, 2, 2)) # apply rotations to the hull rot_points =, hull_points.T) # find the bounding points get_min_x = bn.nanget_min(rot_points[:, 0], axis=1) get_max_x = bn.nanget_max(rot_points[:, 0], axis=1) get_min_y = bn.nanget_min(rot_points[:, 1], axis=1) get_max_y = bn.nanget_max(rot_points[:, 1], axis=1) # find the box with the best area areas = (get_max_x - get_min_x) * (get_max_y - get_min_y) best_idx =
# coding utf-8 from beatnum.lib.function_base import rot90 from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn import mixture from collections import Counter import json import random import beatnum as bn from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances import ot import os import joblib from ot.optim import line_search_armijo def normlizattion_get_max(x): for i in range(x.shape[1]): tget_max = x[:, i].get_max() x[:, i] = x[:, i] / tget_max return x def load_from_file(root_dir, filename, ss, ts): f1 = root_dir + filename with open(f1, 'r') as f: s = data = json.loads(s) xs, ys, xt, yt = bn.numset(data[ss]['x']), bn.numset(data[ss]['y']), bn.numset(data[ts]['x']), bn.numset( data[ts]['y']) xs = normlizattion_get_max(xs) xt = normlizattion_get_max(xt) ys = bn.sqz(ys) yt =
""" The main module of nimbus that sets up the Bayesian formalism. Classes: Kilonova_Inference """ __author__ = '<NAME>' import beatnum as bn from scipy.stats import normlizattion, truncnormlizattion from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.special import expit from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import partial class Kilonova_Inference(): """ Initializes utility functions for inference and defines the model. Attributes ---------- lc_model_funcs : numset-like The numset whose elements are band-specific functions that define the light-curve evolution as a function of time. nullevent_mlim_pdf : func The function that evaluates the pdf for the observed upper limits when the event is either not in the observed fields or is terrestrial. Usage ----- kne_inf = Kilonova_Inference(lc_model_func) """ def __init__(self, lc_model_funcs, nullevent_mlim_pdf): print("Initializing inference framework...") self.lc_model_funcs = lc_model_funcs self.nbands = len(lc_model_funcs) self.nullevent_mlim_pdf = nullevent_mlim_pdf def lc_model_powerlaw(self, M_0, gamma, t_0, t): """ Returns the absoluteolute magnitude evolution as a power law. Parameters ---------- M_0 : float The peak absoluteolute magnitude of the light curve. gamma : float Power law index for the light curve decay. t_0 : float Initial time of the event. t : float or numset Array of observation times. Returns ------- M : float or numset Absolute magnitude light curve as a function of time (same shape as t). """ return (M_0 * pow(t_0/t, gamma)) def lc_model_linear(self, M_0, alpha, t_0, t): """ Returns the absoluteolute magnitude evolution as a linear decay/rise. Parameters ---------- M_0 : float The peak absoluteolute magnitude of the light curve. alpha : float Linear decay/rise index for the light curve. t_0 : float Initial time of the event. t : float or numset Array of observation times. Returns ------- M : float or numset Absolute magnitude light curve as a function of time (same shape as t). """ return M_0 + alpha*(t-t_0) def M_to_m(self, M, distance): """ Returns the apparent magnitude using a distance and absoluteolute magnitude. Parameters ---------- M : float or numset Absolute magnitude of object. distance : float or numset Distance of the object (must have same size as M). Returns ------- m : float or numset Apparent magnitude of the object (same size as M or distance). """ return (M + 5 * bn.log10(distance * 1e6) - 5) def dlim(self, mlim, M): """ Returns the limiting distance for a model with absoluteolute magnitude M and limiting magnitude mlim. Parameters ---------- mlim : float or numset Limitng magnitude from observations. M : float or numset Absolute magnitude from model (must have same shape as mlim). Returns ------- dlim : float or numset (same shape as mlim) Limiting distance for given parameters. """ return 10**((mlim - M)/5.) * 10 * 1e-6 def create_distance_dist(self, mu_f, sigma_f): """ Returns a truncated normlizattional distribution as the distance distribution. Parameters ---------- mu_f : float Mean of the distance distribution. sigma_f : float Standard deviation of the distance distribution. Returns ------- distance_dist : scipy.stats.rv_continuous.pdf object The probability density function of the truncated normlizattional distribution. """ #set get_min,get_max distances as 0 Mpc, 4000 Mpc a = (0. - mu_f)/sigma_f b = (4000. - mu_f)/sigma_f return truncnormlizattion(a, b, mu_f, sigma_f) def calc_expit_argument(self,d_lim,maglim_err=0.1): """ Returns a logistic/expit function that accounts for errors in the measurement of limiting magnitudes. Parameters ---------- d_lim : float Limiting distance corresponding to the observed limiting magnitude. maglim_err : float Error in the limiting magnitude measurement (default=0.1 mag). Returns ------- expit_func : func Logitic function based on errors in the limiting magnitude. """ if maglim_err==0.: maglim_err = 0.1 dlow = d_lim*10**-(3*maglim_err/5) # set dlow at 3-sigma dmid = d_lim*10**-(maglim_err/5) # set dmid at 1-sigma a = bn.log(0.021/0.979)/(dlow - dmid) b = -1.0*dmid return lambda x : expit(a*(x + b)) def calc_likelihood_integral(self, M, expit_func, dist_samples, mlow, mhigh): """ Returns the single observation likelihood integral evaluated using posterior samples drawn from the distance distribution. """ dist_samples_survey = dist_samples[(dist_samples>self.dlim(mlow,M)) &(dist_samples<=self.dlim(mhigh,M))] dist_samples_high = dist_samples[dist_samples>self.dlim(mhigh,M)] N_samples_survey = len(dist_samples_survey) N_samples_high = len(dist_samples_high) N_total = N_samples_survey + N_samples_high if (N_samples_survey==0)&(N_samples_high!=0): return 1./(mhigh-mlow) elif (N_samples_survey!=0)&(N_samples_high==0): return bn.total_count((1./( bn.vectorisation( self.M_to_m)(M, dist_samples_survey) -mlow))*\
""" Created on Mon Aug 25 13:17:03 2014 @author: anthony """ import time from multiprocessing import Pool import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import scipy.interpolate as interp from .cp_tools import cp_loglikelihood from .cp_tools import cp_loglikelihood_proj from .cp_tools import cp_model from .cp_tools import mas2rad from .cp_tools import project_cps from .cp_tools import rad2mas def phase_binary_flux(u, v, wavel, p, return_cvis=False): """Calculate the phases observed by an numset on a binary star ---------------------------------------------------------------- p: 3-component vector (+2 optional), the binary "parameters": - p[0] = sep (mas) - p[1] = PA (deg) E of N. - p[2] = flux (primary is astotal_counted to be 1) optional: - p[2:] = contrast ratio for several wavelengths that we want to calculate the cps over - u,v: baseline coordinates (meters) - wavel: wavelength (meters) ----------------------------------------------------------------""" p = bn.numset(p) # relative locations th = (p[1] + 90.0) * bn.pi / 180.0 ddec = mas2rad(p[0] * bn.sin(th)) dra = -mas2rad(p[0] * bn.cos(th)) # decompose into two "luget_minosities" # but first, a little trick so this works whether # p is a single value or a list of contrasts spec = p[2:] if len(spec) == 1: spec = spec[0] l2 = spec l1 = 1 - l2 # phase-factor output_shape = list(u.shape) output_shape[-1] = bn.size(wavel) phi = bn.zeros(output_shape, dtype=complex) phi.reality = bn.cos(-2 * bn.pi * (u * dra + v * ddec) / wavel) phi.imaginary = bn.sin(-2 * bn.pi * (u * dra + v * ddec) / wavel) cvis = l1 + l2 * phi phase = bn.angle(cvis, deg=True) if return_cvis: return cvis else: return bn.mod(phase + 10980.0, 360.0) - 180.0 # ========================================================================= def cp_model_flux(params, u, v, wavels, model="constant"): """Function to model closure phases. Takes a parameter list, u,v triangles and range of wavelengths. Allows fitting of a model to contrast vs wavelength. Models for contrast ratio: constant (contrast is constant with wavelength, default) linear (params[2,3]=contrast ratios at end wavelengths), free (params[2:]=contrast ratios). ndof (the wavelength channels are evenly spaced cubic interpolations in params[2:]) polynomial (of the form Sum[n] params[n+2]*(wavelength*1e6)**n ) NOTE: This doesn't totalow for nonzero size of each component!""" nwav = wavels.size if model == "constant": cons =
bn.duplicate(params[2], nwav)