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And I've gotta say, I've learneda lot of interesting things. | Dan berkat itulah, aku temukan beberapa fakta yang menarik. | https://subscene.com/ |
with the Land of Waves. | dengan Negara Ombak. | https://subscene.com/ |
There's a lot more thatyou're hiding, isn't there? | Pasti masih banyak hal-hal yang kalian sembunyikan, bukan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Like how you assassinatedthose who got in your way. | bagaimana kau habisi orang-orang yang halangi rencanamu. | https://subscene.com/ |
You quietly got rid of anyonewho got in your way, | Kau bunuh orang-orang yang halangi rencanamu | https://subscene.com/ |
Is that how you do things? | Semua itu adalah perbuatanmu, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
and create a just and true future. | demi ciptakan masa depan yang sesungguhnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
What's the meaning of all of this? | Apa maksudnya semua ini? | https://subscene.com/ |
Mr. Shizuma? | Kak Shizuma? | https://subscene.com/ |
It's all in preparation for war. | Itu semua demi terciptanya perang. | https://subscene.com/ |
You said we would rise upto make right | Kau bilang kita harus bangkit untuk basmi | https://subscene.com/ |
Who cares about the reason? | Memangnya siapa yang peduli? | https://subscene.com/ |
Were you going to use me too? | Demi ambisimu itu, kau juga memperalatku? | https://subscene.com/ |
I didn't expect youto follow me this far. | Aku tak sangka kau akan ikutiku sejauh ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
what the sword ofYagura's grandson was like. | seperti apa kehebatan pedang milik cucu dari Yagura. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just remembering itgives me shivers! | Mengingatnya saja sudah buatku gemetar! | https://subscene.com/ |
Everything was a lie,Mr. Shizuma?! | Jadi, semua ini hanya bohong belaka, Kak Shizuma? | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll use you until the very end. | Aku akan tetap gunakan dirimu sampai akhir. | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey, so why do youwant war so much? | Eh, kenapa kau sangat inginkan terjadinya perang? | https://subscene.com/ |
Because it's fun!What else? | Sudah jelas karena itu menyenangkan, bukan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Guys who were friendsuntil just yesterday, | Orang-orang yang sebelumnya berteman baik, | https://subscene.com/ |
Isn't that wonderful? | Bukankah itu hebat? | https://subscene.com/ |
It will never change! | Takkan pernah berubah. | https://subscene.com/ |
War? Whatever! | Apanya yang perang? | https://subscene.com/ |
Go do it alone! | Kalau begitu, lakukan saja sendiri! | https://subscene.com/ |
It's too late! | Sudah terlambat. | https://subscene.com/ |
Look around you! | Lihatlah! | https://subscene.com/ |
You're wrong. | Itu tak benar. | https://subscene.com/ |
I won't let you make itany bigger than that! | Takkan kubiarkan kau lakukan sesuatu lebih jauh lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Wind Style: Breakthrough. | 風遁・突破 | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah. | Ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah. It's like the jutsuis getting absorbed. | Ya, rasanya seperti teknik itu diserap olehnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Chakra that's whittled awayby my Samehada becomes mine. | Chakra yang dipotong oleh Samehada jadi milikku. | https://subscene.com/ |
So, as long aswe're inside this mist, | Selama kita berada di dalam kabut ini, | https://subscene.com/ |
What? Not enough chakra? | Kau masih merasa kurang dengan chakra-nya? | https://subscene.com/ |
Why you—! | Sialan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Get out of my way! | Kau menghalangi saja! | https://subscene.com/ |
A Water Clone?! | Klona air? | https://subscene.com/ |
It's water! | Air! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm okay, Boruto. | Aku baik-baik saja, Boruto. | https://subscene.com/ |
But… | Tapi, | https://subscene.com/ |
Now, it's your turn! | Baiklah, selanjutnya adalah giliranmu! | https://subscene.com/ |
This is a good opportunity for you. | ini kesempatan yang bagus untukmu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Please…stop this already! | Tolong hentikan! | https://subscene.com/ |
Whether he wants it or not, | Entah dia mau atau tidak, | https://subscene.com/ |
It's his destiny. | Itu sudah takdirnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Yagura's grandson will killthe son of the Hokage | Cucu Yagura akan bunuh putra Hokage | https://subscene.com/ |
That will light the fire of revolution! | Itulah yang akan picu revolusi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Kagura was a tool justfor this purpose. | Kagura hanyalah alat untuk tujuan itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Kagura is my friend who's admired | Kagura adalah temanku yang diakui oleh | https://subscene.com/ |
He's not your tool! | Dia bukanlah alatmu! | https://subscene.com/ |
No matter how many times you try,the outcome won't change. | Mau berapa kali pun kau mencoba, hasilnya akan sama. | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't even try to take what's mine, | Padahal kau itu lemah, jadi jangan ambil | https://subscene.com/ |
I admit that you're stronger. | Kau memang kuat. | https://subscene.com/ |
I want to win in one big sweep! | Aku ingin menang dengan satu kartu yang hebat! | https://subscene.com/ |
Shinobi Bout! | Kartu Ninja! | https://subscene.com/ |
Thank you. | Terima kasih. | https://subscene.com/ |
The way you blockedthose successive red cards. | Karena kau berhasil hambat kartu merah itu berturut-turut. | https://subscene.com/ |
Easily, like the game. | Dengan mudahnya seperti saat bermain gim. | https://subscene.com/ |
Let's do it in one big sweep! | Ayo kita lakukan dalam satu serangan hebat! | https://subscene.com/ |
Then come! | Kemarilah! | https://subscene.com/ |
But, as long as I havethe Samehada, | Tapi, selama aku punya Samehada, | https://subscene.com/ |
It really is a glutton. | Kau benar-benar rakus, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
– Wind Style: Gale Palm!– Wind Style: Gale Palm! | 風遁・烈風掌 | https://subscene.com/ |
Not yet! | Masih belum! | https://subscene.com/ |
He's fast! | Cepat sekali! | https://subscene.com/ |
Have a clone use his Wind Styleto shoot out the real one. | Membuat tubuh bayangan menggunakan teknik Elemen Angin untuk lempar tubuh yang asli. | https://subscene.com/ |
use his Wind Style toincrease speed and attack! | menggunakan teknik Elemen Angin lagi untuk tingkatkan kecepatan dan serangan! | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey, don't go stealing my lines! | Hoi, seharusnya aku yang bilang begitu! | https://subscene.com/ |
Thank you, Mitsuki. | Terima kasih, Mitsuki. | https://subscene.com/ |
You've got to be kidding. | Yang benar saja. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm gonna kill you! | Aku akan bunuh kalian! | https://subscene.com/ |
Please stop! | Tolong, hentikanlah! | https://subscene.com/ |
Kagura… | Kagura. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm grateful to you, Mr. Shizuma! | Aku sangat berterima kasih padamu, Kak Shizuma! | https://subscene.com/ |
He called me his friendover and over. | Dia terus menganggapku sebagai temannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
He made me believe…that even a weakling like me… | Dia buatku yakin bahwa orang lemah seperti diriku | https://subscene.com/ |
Even you can… | Kau pun juga bisa. | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't you dare lecture me! | Jangan ceramahiku! | https://subscene.com/ |
This isn't over yet! | Ini masih belum berakhir! | https://subscene.com/ |
What's happening? | Apa yang terjadi? | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey! | Hoi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Samehada… | Samehada. | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey… | Hoi. | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey! | Hoi! | https://subscene.com/ |
It's going on a rampage. | Pedang itu mengamuk. | https://subscene.com/ |
Forgive me. | Maafkan aku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Samehada is very fickleand difficult to wield. | Samehada itu sulit ditebak dan dikendalikan. | https://subscene.com/ |
so the sword swallowed him up. | jadi dia dimakan pedangnya sendiri. | https://subscene.com/ |
At this rate, it will consumeall of our chakra. | Kalau begini terus, bisa-bisa dia lahap semua chakra kita. | https://subscene.com/ |
If we release that sword,it can stop Samehada. | Pedang itu mampu hentikan Samehada. | https://subscene.com/ |
I can't change the past, | Aku memang tak bisa ubah masa lalu, | https://subscene.com/ |
Very well. | Baiklah. | https://subscene.com/ |
One more time! | Sekali lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't try to do everything alone! | Jangan selalu lakukan apa pun sendirian! | https://subscene.com/ |
Let's do this! | Ayo maju! | https://subscene.com/ |
Shizuma… | Shizuma. | https://subscene.com/ |
Thank you, Boruto. | Terima kasih, Boruto. | https://subscene.com/ |
Boruto! | Boruto! | https://subscene.com/ |
What happened to you? | Apa yang terjadi padamu? | https://subscene.com/ |