Sentence: After going around to some of the animals, Mike was happy to finally see the monkeys. Question: What animals were Mike and Jane excited to see?
Sentence: He didn't like the salt in the water. Question: Why did Jason not like the beach?
Sentence: Thus, Kathmandu is also known as Kasthamandap. Question: Who is also called Kanti?
Sentence: Instead of sitting next to his best friend Chris, Bob turned left and sat next to Jill. Question: Who is Bob's best friend?
Sentence: I can't roll to join my friends. Question: Where was Watermelon?
Sentence: The major languages are Nepali and Nepal Bhasa, while English is understood by many, particularly in the service industry. Question: What Kathmandu industry is particularly known for its English speakers?
Sentence: Lauren saw that not only was Chocolate's shell worn, one of her eyes was shut. Question: What did Chocolate have at the beginning and the end of the story?
Sentence: She picked a few up with her beak and flew them up to the nest. Question: What food does the mother bird get?
Sentence: It was a huge water gun!. Question: What was in Timmy's package?
Sentence: He didn't eat it!. Question: What did we do to celebrate the dog's birthday?
Sentence: Rose found red pillows but Tom would not give them to her. Question: Who did not go to the party?
Sentence: Antonio Badalamenti , a Sicilian who has been settled for many years in Northern Italy and is employed in a car factory in Milan , takes a vacation with his family , leaving behind the modern conveniences of his home in northern Italy , to visit his ancestral home in Sicily and introduce his blond , northern Italian wife , Marta , to his mother , father and other relatives back home . Question: Who got reacquainted with his childhood friends in sicily during a vacation with his family?
Sentence: My dad made the spider leave and right after that he saw an alligator come running up to him wanting a bite of his ice-cream too!. Question: What animals dropped on his ice-cream cone?
Sentence: Then she put water in one bowl and kitten food in the other bowl. Question: What is the funny sound called that kittens make, and why do they make it?
Sentence: They both rode their bicycles to the park. Question: What or who did the boys first play with at the park?
Sentence: She threw rocks and Maxine and Thomas. Question: Who threw rocks at Maxine and Thomas?
Sentence: He runs inside and finds five dollars in his room. Question: What does Johnny want to eat when he is playing outside?
Sentence: They told me that nobody would marry me if I didn't give up my circus dreams. Question: Which ball did the son not pick?
Sentence: The lake was cut drained by Bodhisatwa Manjusri with his sword and the water was evacuated out from there and he established a city called Manjupattan and made Dharmakar the ruler of the valley land. Question: Who was the founder of Manjupattan?
Sentence: It is the largest library in the country with more than 70,000 books. Question: How many volumes are contained in Nepal's National Library?
Sentence: James wanted to protect himself and not have Alex always come to help. Question: Why did James stand up to the bullies?
Sentence: When he played, he would play with lots of things. Question: What didn't Andy play with?
Sentence: They went into the big store and passed by many other things like jewelry, books, and movies, and then they reached the garden section. Question: Why did David go to the store?
Sentence: Jimmy was even thinking about some of his favorite desserts like chocolate cake and cherry pie. Question: Jimmy likes all of the following desserts except.?
Sentence: It made a lovely noise. Question: Did Tim do anything to pass the time in the van during the trip?
Sentence: Sarah began to turn red before their mother even asked what had happened. Question: What did Sarah do when her mom was helping her brother with the trash?
Sentence: Her brothers ate sausage and eggs. Question: What animal did Natalie ask to take home?
Sentence: Claude Ratinier , known as Le Glaude , is an old man who lives on a small farm across the road from his long-time friend Francis Ch rasse , known as Le Bomb . Question: Who are the two members described as the last surviving members of their breed ?
Sentence: Then, she jumped all the way to the top shelf, where the yarn was. Question: Why was it dangerous for Snowball to get the ball of yarn?
Sentence: His turtle friend with a weird name, Dig, came up to Rudd after he heard him yelling, Ouch, I've got a splinter in my paw!. Question: What did Dig and Rudd do after Dig pulled the splinter out.?
Sentence: Then he went home and went to sleep. Question: Which of the following did Larry not see the pandas do?
Sentence: When his best friend Stacey asked him where he had been, Fred lied and said that he had only gone for a swim. Question: What was the name of Fred's best friend?
Sentence: A worker from the store walks up to the dinosaur and asks, How can I help you?. Question: Why did the worker put the fish in a bag of water?
Sentence: He then checked all of his pockets of his pants and shorts, and found another two dollars. Question: Why did Brian want a new glove?
Sentence: She smiled, but she was a little scared. Question: Why was Gia lonely?
Sentence: Hugo sneezed so hard he flew into space and landed in Etopit. Question: Where was the giant orange farm?
Sentence: While she made her shopping list, James looked out the window. Question: What did James do on the way to the store? What did he see?
Sentence: Joe starts keeping company with Sylvia Crewes , a sophisticated classical musician and a typically neglected lover of Charlie 's . Question: What are the names of some of the women that are part of Charlie'so bachelor life that his married friend Joel is jealous of?
Sentence: As a gift he would be cooking her dinner. Question: Why did Pam and Ron go their separate ways in the store?
Sentence: Betsy grabbed the end of the stick that Twinkles held out to her. Question: How did Twinkles free Betsy from the mud?
Sentence: The store had all kinds of food from chocolate bars to yummy radish. Question: What are the different types of food found in the store?
Sentence: The puppy curled up on the pillow and went to sleep. Question: How did Chad and the puppy get home?
Sentence: But the stool wasn't tall enough on its own. Question: At the beginning of the story, why can't Jake get the oranges?
Sentence: Paul answers Let's go to Great Burger today and tomorrow let's go to Best Burger. Question: Who picks where they went for lunch?
Sentence: She also needed to buy icing. Question: What did Annette go to the store for?
Sentence: Erin accidentally kicked Jennifer's leg in the pool. Question: Who got hurt at the party?
Sentence: Justin shook his head as he took a bite of mashed potatoes. Question: Who's meatloaf recipe did Justin's mother use?
Sentence: Anna's favorite books to read are mysteries. Question: What are Anna's favorite kind of books to read?
Sentence: Kristin had soup. Question: What did Alyssa eat at the restaurant?
Sentence: Melissa said. Question: How old is Melissa?
Sentence: When he got inside the house Sam was very happy. Question: What was Sam looking for in his pockets?
Sentence: All of a sudden, Puddles turned. Question: Why did the cats not like him?
Sentence: When his mother dropped him off, he kissed her goodbye and sat down in the green seat that his teacher showed him. Question: What color was the seat Luke sat in?
Sentence: Jimmy was playing hide and go seek with Tommy and Suzy but he could not find any good places to hide. Question: Jimmy wasn't playing hide and seek with which of his friends?
Sentence: Its name is Rocket. Question: Who is Oscar?
Sentence: Then he checked her legs and tail. Question: What did the animal doctor do for Bonnie the pony?
Sentence: Asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth , director Robert Kane Pappas explores what the media does n't like to talk about : itself . Question: What does Robert Kane Pappas explore in his documentary on the Fourth Estate?
Sentence: He wanted food very badly. Question: Why was Jim's boot frozen?
Sentence: Penelope went inside and ate her breakfast with Mrs. Flower and Mr. Flower. Question: What did Penelope have with her banana pancakes at breakfast?
Sentence: What Billy didn't know was, Juno had been sleeping since he left and she was ready for another game of catch me if you can, her favorite game. Question: What is the dog's name?
Sentence: In fact, none of Larry's friends have seen one. Question: Which of the following did Larry not see the pandas do?
Sentence: She bought a rattle. Question: Why did Anna buy a rattle?
Sentence: John thought about things that he liked to do. Question: Based on what John likes to do, what else do you think John would enjoy?
Sentence: If students jumped over the holes, they might have sand thrown in their eyes. Question: Which of the following things could happen to the students at recess?
Sentence: And she saw the wolf!. Question: How did the girl get home?
Sentence: She picked some lilies for her mother, the queen. Question: What did Lizzie see at the edge of the pond?
Sentence: Then it was time for our nap. Question: How did Mommy feel and what did she do when she brought the kids home?
Sentence: The boy held out his rock for the cow to see. Question: What did the little boy not do with his rock?
Sentence: He could watch sports, the news, the weather or a cooking show. Question: When did Jack make hot dogs?
Sentence: Charles fell once. Question: What day did Charles go on a bike ride with his father?
Sentence: The chief breakfast for locals and visitors is mostly Momo or Chowmein. Question: What people are particularly known for eating buff?
Sentence: I saw tigers. Question: What kind of animals were at the zoo?
Sentence: They also had salads, coleslaw, fries and chips. Question: Can you name two things that were all different colors, shapes and sizes?
Sentence: He had waited at the door for four whole hours, but was afraid to knock in case the noise would wake the humans. Question: What won't happen if the elf doesn't help the Tooth Fairy on his first day of work?
Sentence: That made her mad!. Question: Why did Lucy cry?
Sentence: She read in the magazine that it was good to change her meal plan slowly. Question: What did she read about in the magazine?
Sentence: She waited and finally her teacher said That is correct. Question: What made Ana very nervous?
Sentence: The horse ordered fries. Question: Which side was ordered with the fish sandwich?
Sentence: But the kitten was very skinny. Question: How did Rachel know that she could take care of the kitten?
Sentence: Then she pointed at two drawings on the ground next to her. Question: What three things did Lucy draw before she started drawing with Tommy?
Sentence: Terry is a normal human boy who enjoys football and playing with his toys. Question: What doesn't Terry enjoy doing?
Sentence: Joe went out to the field and was feeding the horses and cows. Question: What was Joe doing on the tractor?
Sentence: She threw the covers on the floor and rolled out of bed, yawning hugely. Question: What is the very first thing Elena does after waking up?
Sentence: They don't like playing board games, Go Fish or Old Maid any more. Question: What color was the van and the tree house?
Sentence: Fish always love to have something to swim in, the worker answered, Enjoy your goldfish!. Question: Which fish did the pet store have for sale?
Sentence: Jen walked past the yogurt. Question: What was on the cake?
Sentence: Andy knew that he only knew one other friend who might have a strawberry, and that was David the Elephant. Question: How many friends did he ask for strawberries?
Sentence: I can get a dog or cat. Question: What did the boy want to name the puppy?
Sentence: When Andrew and Grandpa got to the river they put their fishing poles into the water. Question: What wild animal and animal poop did Andrew see when he was on his way to the river?
Sentence: Each gumball is 1 each. Question: What is the right amount?
Sentence: We have to wait for my dad to come home from work so we can go out and trick-or-treat. Question: When can they go trick-or-treating?
Sentence: The structure collapsed during the major earthquake on 25 April 2015. Question: On what date was Maru Satal destroyed?
Sentence: She remembered seeing a park on the corner when they were moving in. Question: Why was Gia lonely?
Sentence: But right then he sees his mother wheeling a bike through the kitchen into the living room where we are. Question: what does he want more than anything?
Sentence: Numerous women ( among them Poppy , Helen , and Jessica come and go , cleaning and cooking for him . Question: What is then name of one of the women who cooks and cleans for Charlie Y. Reader?
Sentence: He enjoyed learning all about why people get sick and how to make them feel better. Question: How many years older than Mark is Jim?
Sentence: When George and Laura were finished with their ice cream, Laura ran home before the street lights came on. Question: What did Laura see as she ate the ice cream cone?
Sentence: There was no snow falling on our heads. Question: What happened in winter in the story?
Sentence: Their fur was wet, and the breeze chilled them. Question: What was Joey's cousin's name?
Sentence: Eat it!. Question: What did Fritz's mama and papa want him to do?