Sentence: She had plans to go to the beach and look out on the ocean today. Question: what day was Angela making salad for lunch?
Sentence: But really, his job is fun to him. Question: What is the name of the doctor that is five years younger than Mark?
Sentence: Instead, he bought sugar cookies. Question: What flavor of cookies did Corky buy?
Sentence: When Jeff turned around to look for the two men, he could not see them at all. Question: Why did Jeff think the men were ghosts?
Sentence: One hot afternoon in the summertime a family and their dog were getting ready to have a dinnertime picnic in the park. Question: Where did the family have dinner and why?
Sentence: he said, as he picked her up to bring her inside. Question: How did Ruth's father treat the cut?
Sentence: My teacher's name was Mrs. Scott. Question: What happened in winter in the story?
Sentence: This building was constructed in the early 19th century by General Bhimsen Thapa. Question: Who built the building that contains the National Museum?
Sentence: There is a lot of cereal in the kitchen. Question: Why did mom say Sam could not play?
Sentence: Meanwhile , as the Garden of the Year competition draws near , Ethan becomes convinced that he can take the $ 10,000 top prize and pay off his delinquent rent if he can just grow the perfect American Cowslip . Question: What resource is Ethan lacking as a result of his addiction to heroin?
Sentence: The click of Sylvia's shoes faded into the distance, and yet the snap of the shutting gate didn't come. Question: How does Rex escape the yard?
Sentence: Since the 1960s, the permanent Tibetan Buddhist population of Kathmandu has risen significantly so that there are now over fifty Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in the area. Question: Approximately how many monasteries in the Kathmandu area are run by Tibetan Buddhists?
Sentence: It's even raining on my dog Dean!. Question: Why did Mary think the rain was mean?
Sentence: He gave Maggie a bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a sugar free candy. Question: What was in the bag that the dentist gave to Maggie?
Sentence: However, one weekend a magic clown wiggled his nose and said a few magical words and a zebra could clap. Question: Who was annoyed by John's clapping?
Sentence: He used the wires to fix the fence. Question: Why did John need a tool?
Sentence: When they got to the beach, their granddad told them to put on sunscreen so they would not get sun burned. Question: Who won the counting trucks game?
Sentence: Dad said, let's make a game of it, we need to make a sandwich for each of us. Question: What were they making?
Sentence: But Daisy was more accepting. Question: Which cat was accepting of the dog?
Sentence: There, he saw a barn. Question: What did he do in America?
Sentence: Jimmy was ready for bed, it had been a long day, and the next day was going to be the same. Question: Where did Jimmy sleep?
Sentence: She was very happy and she couldn't wait to sign up for a real team. Question: Why was Sara's Dad proud of her?
Sentence: Maybe it was dying?. Question: Why was the tree being cut down?
Sentence: They snuck into Hannah's mother's closet to try on her shoes, but Hannah's mother caught them. Question: What did Hannah and Mary do when they were bored?
Sentence: They chose to meet up after Lana finished eating so they could take a walk around the park. Question: What did Drake and Lana spend their day doing?
Sentence: Alex was right next to his close friend when he heard a strange noise. Question: Why was Alex scared?
Sentence: After Emily pushed Daisy, Daisy pushed Emily, and Emily came inside still upset. Question: Why was Emily mad?
Sentence: Linda was very excited when she woke up this morning. Question: How was Linda feeling on the last day of school?
Sentence: But Magneson was only making small talk. Question: What was George's wife's name?
Sentence: He had scary movies about monsters. Question: What kind of business did Red own?
Sentence: Mary is my sister. Question: In which way did I not help my mother?
Sentence: It wasn't about winning the race, or making his father proud. Question: Why does Tim run the race?
Sentence: Jess ate from it, and it was delicious. Question: What did Tony do when Jess asked for the bowl?
Sentence: Morning turned into afternoon, and afternoon to evening. Question: What did he catch?
Sentence: She flew faster. Question: Why was Square sad?
Sentence: He would name him Seedy, Jr. Question: What does Seedy's mom say about him?
Sentence: The fire service, known as the Barun Yantra Karyalaya, opened its first station in Kathmandu in 1937 with a single vehicle. Question: What is the mission of FAN?
Sentence: She chose to make a salad for lunch tomorrow and Sunday. Question: what day was Angela making salad for lunch?
Sentence: Mrs. Smith would hand them their pies as she floated by. Question: How many times did the balloon land to deliver the pies?
Sentence: They played tag. Question: What games did Molly and Lily play?
Sentence: Toodles barked and ran out of the pond because the duck hurt his ear. Question: Why was Toodles soaking wet?
Sentence: The Harvey family left and off they went across the ocean to begin their new life in Kenya. Question: Why were Hannah's parents acting different when she got home from school?
Sentence: Then she heard a loud noise. Question: What did Sally hear in the park?
Sentence: Frank also gave Bob's dad a toy car, a toy train, a toy boat, and a coloring book that Bob could play with in case he couldn't get the plane. Question: Which item did Frank not give Bob's dad?
Sentence: I said. Question: What does Mommy do as a job?
Sentence: Heather gets mad. Question: Why does Daddy get mad?
Sentence: Then, she jumped to the middle shelf. Question: Where were the kittens playing?
Sentence: Mrs. Scott said, I know what to do. Question: What happened in winter in the story?
Sentence: For this birthday, Lisa is going to give Whiskers a red ball of yarn and a bowl with a picture of a cat on the side. Question: What does Lisa buy for Whiskers for this birthday?
Sentence: He was one of the most famous clowns of all time, because he was once the star of a movie. Question: What silly things did Happy do in his act?
Sentence: This is the worst cupcake in the world!. Question: Who patted Ms. Strawberry on the head and told her Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes!?
Sentence: She draws many yellow feathers for her pet bird named Andy. Question: Why can't Andy play fetch with Lucy?
Sentence: He gave James a rope. Question: What did Stinky Pete borrow from James?
Sentence: When John got to the bus stop, Ashley made a silly face at him. Question: What did John get in trouble for?
Sentence: When they got to the fair they were so happy to see that Bob the clown was handing out cotton candy and candy apples. Question: Where were Billy and Sandy going,and why were they so excited?
Sentence: When Brian was finally done, Brian knew that he was too late, and the toy store was closed. Question: Why did Brian want a new glove?
Sentence: That was amazing!. Question: Why was Square sad?
Sentence: When he felt safe he called his mother and had her pick him up and get away. Question: Why was Alex scared?
Sentence: They loved the park. Question: Who did Mary play with at the park?
Sentence: Mabel saw a cute black puppy that she thought she might like. Question: Why did Mabel name her bunny Fluffy?
Sentence: They ran to their friends and told them about the dogs they had met. Question: What was the other boy's name?
Sentence: I wanted to see if there was anything cool in there. Question: Where did the two animals go after digging in the trash?
Sentence: The noise was coming from a nearby tree. Question: What did Sally hear in the park?
Sentence: Corky thought about buying some other things too. Question: Where was Corky going when he passed June's house?
Sentence: Mom and Dad looked at each other. Question: What happened to the mother cat?
Sentence: Michelle walked past June and knocked on the door with the purple flowers in her hand and a big smile on her face. Question: What was Michelle's idea?
Sentence: George and Laura sat on the bench and watched a group of boys play football as they ate their ice cream cones. Question: What did Laura see as she ate the ice cream cone?
Sentence: We could see the smile on his face when we talked to him. Question: How many days did it take Ryan to get back to the Army?
Sentence: So, the boy went to a music store with his parents. Question: What happened to the boy?
Sentence: We're going to have so much fun today, Timmy. Question: What could Timmy not bring with him to his grandma's house?
Sentence: Sarah fell on her knees with a big grin on her face. Question: What is the funny sound called that kittens make, and why do they make it?
Sentence: It was easy to see that from the blue water and sunny sky. Question: How could Leah see her float on the water?
Sentence: Mom is going to love these!. Question: Who did the children give the flowers to?
Sentence: He sat next to him and talked to him. Question: Why was Seedy upset he didn't have any seeds?
Sentence: Fanny the fly was hungry. Question: Which friend came to dinner and saw Fanny earlier?
Sentence: The box is 10 by 10 by 10. Question: What is the right amount?
Sentence: Puddles was never lonely again. Question: What does Puddles choose to do?
Sentence: He took the puppy in the yard to play. Question: How did Chad and the puppy get home?
Sentence: Albert had to choose what kind of stuff to make the tree house out of. Question: What did Albert choose to build?
Sentence: Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. Question: Why was Jill upset?
Sentence: Now the monkey does not eat napkins. Question: What made the monkey feel better?
Sentence: A newlywed couple discover there are no rooms available , and are given use of an apartment by a Mr. Jesup , who is going away for the weekend . Question: Who will be gone all weekend.?
Sentence: I then went and picked up some popcorn. Question: what did I buy in the store?
Sentence: She felt like quitting but kept trying. Question: Why was Sara practicing?
Sentence: Edley finds Jesup in the lobby and tries to involve him in a deal with the Bey of Aribajan , a wealthy oil shiek . Question: Who was the oil dealer?
Sentence: Instead they took the short way through the forest. Question: What happened when John and Sally got into the darkest part of the forest?
Sentence: When she looked down she saw that she had a very bad sunburn. Question: Where did Jenny and her friends lay down on the towels to enjoy the sun?
Sentence: Mike bought the sugar for his mom's cake, because she was always so nice to him. Question: Why did Mike want to buy the toy and the sugar?
Sentence: My little brother is dressed like a dinosaur and he keeps chewing on everything. Question: Who is his friend and what is he dressed as?
Sentence: Well, can you ride this blue tricycle?. Question: Where did Matt not ride the blue tricycle?
Sentence: The witch was so touched by Ellen's kindness, that she gave Ellen her voice back. Question: What did the spell do?
Sentence: It was sad when our vacation finally came to an end but we made some amazing memories. Question: What did we do at the castle?
Sentence: The Srijana Contemporary Art Gallery, located inside the Bhrikutimandap Exhibition grounds, hosts the work of contemporary painters and sculptors, and regularly organizes exhibitions. Question: Where can one find the Srijana Contemporary Art Gallery?
Sentence: Peter thought that they could see if their other friend Robert could play with them. Question: Why did Greg, Peter, and Lucy walk to the park together?
Sentence: asked Jake's Mom as she got a cheeseburger and a large drink. Question: Why were Jake's shoes dripping?
Sentence: So, the boy went to a music store with his parents. Question: Why did the boy pick an instrument?
Sentence: Tommy begins to see that James is getting better every day. Question: How long does James have to play every day for a week to be good at baseball?
Sentence: Their first visitors to their stand were their friends, Abby and Molly. Question: How long was their stand open?
Sentence: So they wandered along the forest path, jumping in mud puddles and throwing sticks at one another. Question: What did John and Sally's mother want to do for her son and daughter?
Sentence: She was very nice because she would always help Timmy when he needed help with his homework. Question: Who helped Timmy with his homework?