Sentence: The zebra and the monkey had many napkins. Question: Why did the monkey get a stomach ache?
Sentence: Now it was time for Pam to pick out the vegetables she would buy for dinner. Question: Why did Pam and Ron go their separate ways in the store?
Sentence: There is a large tree in a park where all the kids in the neighborhood can hang out and play. Question: What all was at the park for the children to play with?
Sentence: He would spend all day riding the horses. Question: Why was Justin's father proud of him?
Sentence: That still confused him. Question: What was the cat's name?
Sentence: He loved making friends. Question: What did the kid most like to do at the pool?
Sentence: She thought that they were friends and if her best friend Cindy had been invited, why not her?. Question: Who did we think was not invited to the party?
Sentence: She wrote one about her & Eduardo!. Question: What things does the girl NOT imagine?
Sentence: We go inside. Question: Which food was not eaten at dinner?
Sentence: As he told her about the storm, a man walked by and told them that the storm was almost over and that they could go back and swim in a little bit. Question: Who told Jane that the storm was almost over?
Sentence: I'll play with my sister's dolls, said Andy, but he kept being bored. Question: What didn't Andy play with?
Sentence: At 10, all the girls went back home. Question: What time did Jennifer arrive to the party?
Sentence: Sarah asked. Question: What is the funny sound called that kittens make, and why do they make it?
Sentence: He got excited. Question: Why did it need to the weekend in order for them to go sledding?
Sentence: Then Adam asked why his mom could not ignore her new boss. Question: How is Deborah's boss different from Adam's bully?
Sentence: The importance of the Bagmati also lies in the fact that Hindus are cremated on its banks, and Kirants are buried in the hills by its side. Question: What are done with the bodies of Kirants after death?
Sentence: He loved all of his gifts and he thought the clown was funny. Question: What was Stew's favorite television show?
Sentence: They played games like tag and played with a football. Question: What was one of the games Justin played with his Friends?
Sentence: It was December and snowing outside. Question: Why did John want to make soup?
Sentence: But Cotton wasn't alone in her little home above the barn, oh no. Question: What made Cotton sad?
Sentence: Look!. Question: Which fish stay together?
Sentence: The Gorkha Kingdom ended the Malla confederation after the Battle of Kathmandu in 1768. Question: Who won the Battle of Kathmandu?
Sentence: I think you need to tell your mom!. Question: When Sammy wondered if he was going to tell his mom, he didn't and...?
Sentence: They did not have vanilla or chocolate, so Thomas got strawberry. Question: What snack did Thomas get?
Sentence: Jake couldn't reach the top of the refrigerator. Question: At the beginning of the story, why can't Jake get the oranges?
Sentence: Five major climatic regions are found in Nepal. Question: How many significant climate regions exist in Nepal?
Sentence: The lifeguard made them put their sandals, watches and hats by the fence. Question: What girls did Jamie and his friends meet at the pool?
Sentence: It was even more full of people around noon when Mary and her mother went out to go shopping. Question: Was Mary happy with the cake?
Sentence: His Mom was right. Question: What dream helped Douglas win the game?
Sentence: Joe became sad because he thought that he was never going to get his toy. Question: Why did Joe become sad?
Sentence: He thought it was great fun to listen to the rock splash. Question: How many times did the cow moo in the story?
Sentence: Susie did not like the pig at all. Question: Why was Susie sad?
Sentence: Jenny loves singing. Question: What was Jenny's great idea?
Sentence: We played with a toy filled with candy and all got to eat it. Question: What did everyone eat at the party?
Sentence: Her granddaughter Annie was coming over in the afternoon and Jessica was very excited to see her. Question: What was the Grandmother's name?
Sentence: Thank you so much Ms. Star!. Question: What gifts did Ms. Star get for Moon, and why?
Sentence: Sammy loved playing baseball. Question: When Sammy wondered if he was going to tell his mom, he didn't and...?
Sentence: And he kept checking her eyes and mouth. Question: What did the animal doctor do for Bonnie the pony?
Sentence: Deborah frowned, took off her pink shoes, and walked inside the house to make rice for dinner. Question: Why was Deborah upset?
Sentence: Then he thought some more. Question: Where did Boo find the goldfish?
Sentence: It is almost summer time. Question: What does the chipmunk eat?
Sentence: at the big tree in the yard. Question: What happened to Mr. Fish in the end?
Sentence: He fishes at the river with his uncle. Question: What is blue and green in color?
Sentence: Sally couldn't choose. Question: What did Sally and Jared cheer about?
Sentence: On rainy days Oliver and Spike sit in the window. Question: When do Oliver and Spike watch the rain through the window?
Sentence: The urban area of the Kathmandu valley is split among three different districts (collections of local government units within a zone) which extend very little beyond the valley fringe, except towards the southern ranges, which have comparatively small population. Question: How many districts make up the Kathmandu Valley urban area?
Sentence: Amy said, How about chicken soup?. Question: What is the family planning to have for dinner tomorrow?
Sentence: Abby thought it was a great idea. Question: What did Mary like to sew?
Sentence: What Billy didn't know was, Juno had been sleeping since he left and she was ready for another game of catch me if you can, her favorite game. Question: What was Juno's favorite game?
Sentence: She ate some fruit instead. Question: Who got hurt at the party?
Sentence: The pink rabbit loves being at the park because she loves bird watching. Question: Why does the rabbit love being in the park?
Sentence: She didn't know how well that would work if she couldn't talk with them. Question: Why was Linda worried about the fact that she couldn't speak French.?
Sentence: He thought about how red they were, and how sweet they must taste. Question: Who finally had a strawberry for Andy?
Sentence: To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. Question: Where did Jill study with her friend?
Sentence: It was warm there - there must have been a pie baking. Question: What was baking in the oven?
Sentence: Sam said he would give him his old bike for free. Question: Who said he would give John his old bike, and for how much.?
Sentence: The witch went on to become famous as a singer, and Ellen grew up to be Queen. Question: What did the spell do?
Sentence: It was a bright, sunny day and Mommy was taking her to Leah's favorite place. Question: Why was Leah happy?
Sentence: Ashley turned to Ethan That's alright, I was picking flowers for my mom, let's go fishing before it's too late. Question: Where was Ashley going? Who was she going to meet?
Sentence: However, trade declined because of continual war with neighboring nations. Question: How many stories made up the Dharahara tower?
Sentence: According to the Nepali Hindu tradition, the dead body must be dipped three times into the Bagmati before cremation. Question: What is done with Hindus after they die?
Sentence: Happy would do other funny things in his act, like wrestle a big plastic alligator with tape over its mouth. Question: What silly things did Happy do in his act?
Sentence: The animal doctor was there too, and Curtis watched everything that he did. Question: What did the animal doctor do for Bonnie the pony?
Sentence: She wants to buy Whiskers' birthday presents. Question: What color is Whiskers?
Sentence: However, shops and bars in Kathmandu widely sell western and Nepali beers. Question: What goes through a fermentation process to create tongba?
Sentence: Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Question: What does Timothy do with Mandy and Andrew?
Sentence: Her name was Nancy. Question: What was George's wife's name?
Sentence: Jhochhen Tol, also known as Freak Street, is Kathmandu's original traveler's haunt, made popular by the hippies of the 1960s and 1970s; it remains a popular alternative to Thamel. Question: What tourists first brought attention to Jhocchen Tol?
Sentence: He won the game. Question: How many points did the Dolphins score and who scored the goals?
Sentence: While I was doing that, that sneaky daddy-long-legs ran down my arm. Question: What did the sneaky spider do?
Sentence: Once upon a time, a lion, a tiger, a bear, and a duck finished school. Question: Who bought a paintbrush?
Sentence: Her mother took care of her and her brothers and sister by feeding them bugs and worms. Question: How many brothers and sisters did baby bird have?
Sentence: She took a sip of her juice and she saw she had all the ingredients she needed except meat. Question: Why did Hailey want to take her car to the store?
Sentence: Jason then went home bruised and dirty, and his parents grounded him for getting into a fight. Question: What happened during the game?
Sentence: Mike guessed 500. Question: What is the right amount?
Sentence: The beaver thanked both the bear and the wolf for trying out his new bridge and then started to build yet another bridge close to the first bridge. Question: what did the bear and wolf cross, and why did they turn back?
Sentence: He put his head on her chest and listened to her heart. Question: What did the animal doctor do for Bonnie the pony?
Sentence: So Bobby's mother put him on a bus to the city and his grandmother picked him up at the Port Authority bus stop. Question: What kind of tickets did Bobby's grandmother say she would try to get?
Sentence: He thought reading the books people his age told him to read boring. Question: What did Bob love to read?
Sentence: Sarah ran to the bathroom and shut the door. Question: What happened when Sarah's mother turned around?
Sentence: One of the most memorable adventures that Scott and Boscoe had happened when Scott was 12. Question: What two characters are in this book?
Sentence: The don smooths over some problems Antonio had with a deal to buy some property on the island , and in return , Antonio is tasked with carrying out a hit for the mob . Question: Why was Antonio Badalamenti obligated to carry out a task for the Don in New York City?
Sentence: Joe thought reading the book was fun. Question: Why was Joe reading a book?
Sentence: After coming back home from the store, Jack made lunch. Question: When did Jack make hot dogs?
Sentence: Joe wanted to know what was in it for him, so Isaac promised to bake him a cake with lots of frosting. Question: What was Isaac's job?
Sentence: They have the three highest population densities in the country. Question: What is another term for VDCs?
Sentence: Leah also like sweets. Question: What did Leah take with her for lunch?
Sentence: Most of all, she wanted them to be friends with her. Question: Why was the witch late to town?
Sentence: The driver told his mommy that he needed to look in the mirror, so she said he could. Question: What did the driver do to stop him from being sad?
Sentence: The six of them got into Amy's dad's car and began the long trip to the beach. Question: Whose family went to the beach?
Sentence: They both lived in a home for orphans, and he had since his parents had died, when he was the age of four. Question: Where do the main characters live?
Sentence: Now they were in the living room in the house. Question: Where were the kittens playing?
Sentence: This is very important to know if you ever see what I saw. Question: What was the second thing the squirrel passed?
Sentence: The bus driver saw that she was upset and that Quinton was not with her that morning. Question: What does Quinton's mother have waiting for them?
Sentence: The boat is very loud and makes dark brown smoke. Question: What color is Steve's boat?
Sentence: George came back with two ice cream cones. Question: Who got the ice cream cones?
Sentence: The ground shook. Question: What did the time machine look like?
Sentence: His mother began to make popcorn. Question: What did the mother bring home?
Sentence: The family tries to make Dillon stop getting into the bread by spraying him with water when he goes after bread. Question: How does the family deal with Dillon's odd food liking?
Sentence: After she fell asleep he wanted to go out and look for his father. Question: What fear caused Marge to raise Jerry at the railroad tracks?