Sentence: The pool was decorated with balloons and there were party favors on the tables. Question: What did they eat at the party and what was the best part?
Sentence: When they got home, Sarah's grandmother told her how proud she was of her granddaughter for picking all of the pears from the tree. Question: How many pears did Sarah and her dad pick?
Sentence: One day Bob went to Frank's house and threw toilet paper all over his trees. Question: What was John's dog's name?
Sentence: Katie was excited today because she was going to make her favorite meal!. Question: What happened when Katie took the pizza out of the oven?
Sentence: Rabbit wasn't home, and Fox wasn't there. Question: Who was not home?
Sentence: The princess climbed out the window of the high tower and climbed down the south wall when her mother was sleeping. Question: What did the princess climb to see the castle?
Sentence: When I thought I wouldn't hear the end of everything, this Jack kid asked me about the one and only secret that I've always kept to myself. Question: Where did Jack go after the giant dropped him?
Sentence: One day after breakfast Sarah was getting ready to go to school, but something scared her!. Question: What scared Sarah?
Sentence: Claude Ratinier , known as Le Glaude , is an old man who lives on a small farm across the road from his long-time friend Francis Ch rasse , known as Le Bomb . Question: What does Claude Ratinier give to the alien?
Sentence: He started cleaning the kitchen and moved on to the living room. Question: Where did Jack start cleaning after lunch?
Sentence: One of Yolanda's favorite things to do is to look at the shapes of the big, fluffy clouds. Question: What does the backyard garden do?
Sentence: Scott wanted to have a little fun. Question: Why did Scott want to go by the river?
Sentence: Well, for one, he liked baseball. Question: What kind of things does John like?
Sentence: He also borrowed a bucket. Question: What did Stinky Pete borrow from James?
Sentence: He had James help him carry the ladder back home. Question: What color paint did they use on the tree house?
Sentence: After he had jumped in all of the puddles he looked back towards the house to find mommy standing in the doorway watching him with a smile on her face. Question: What does mommy do when she sees Conner outside?
Sentence: Finding this strange sound was going to be more fun. Question: What was the sound that I kept hearing?
Sentence: Freddy thought about what his mom told him, but he wanted to be cool like his friends, and he took off his helmet. Question: What two things do the main character's friends say to him?
Sentence: Billy would put the bowl down and wait for Tumble to come up to the bowl to eat from it. Question: What did Billy do everyday after school?
Sentence: Sophie stepped into the shower feeling so tired. Question: What kind of exercises did Sophie do?
Sentence: Now, spoke Miles, You must chirp like a young bird. Question: What color was the goldfish?
Sentence: I love to bake cakes for my granddaughter Abigail. Question: Who is the narrator making cake for?
Sentence: Billy's mom was also very happy. Question: How many chickens were on the purple fence?
Sentence: She wanted them to ask her to cook for them. Question: Why was the witch late to town?
Sentence: Billy had been picking on us for too long and we had to stop him. Question: Who was Billy?
Sentence: It's okay. Question: Who patted Ms. Strawberry on the head and told her Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes!?
Sentence: Located on the banks of the Bagmati River in the eastern part of Kathmandu, Pashupatinath Temple is the oldest Hindu temple in Kathmandu. Question: What faith does the Pashupatinath Temple serve?
Sentence: Billy loved to watch as Tumble ate his bowl of oatmeal, because Billy took good care of Tumble, everyday. Question: What did Billy do everyday after school?
Sentence: Poppy would jump on Mary and start to lick her face. Question: What did Poppy do after he played catch with Mary?
Sentence: She also tells him she loves him the way he is. Question: What does Seedy's mom say about him?
Sentence: He took the puppy in the yard to play. Question: Where did the puppy play fetch?
Sentence: They knew she had made poisons. Question: Why was the witch late to town?
Sentence: Joe said, We could make chicken sandwiches or chicken and rice. Question: What is the family planning to have for dinner tomorrow?
Sentence: The crying sound got louder. Question: What made the old woman nervous?
Sentence: One day, she came across Tony's rainbow, and was amazed by it. Question: What did Tony do when Jess asked for the bowl?
Sentence: He had money for the ice cream truck in his pocket and she was very happy. Question: What did Tony and Greta get from the iced cream truck?
Sentence: On days when it rained the children and parents would stay inside and read or color pictures and drink hot chocolate and they loved to wear big warm sweaters. Question: Can you name two things the people loved to wear?
Sentence: Gail's favorite ride was Ferris. Question: What was Paul's favorite thing?
Sentence: The driver wanted to go back to work. Question: How many turtles did the driver hit?
Sentence: Instead, she barked at the cat in the tree. Question: Why did Julie call Rosie away from the tree?
Sentence: In her fridge she saw meatballs, rice, tomato sauce, and garlic. Question: Which friend came to dinner and saw Fanny earlier?
Sentence: Suddenly, lightning and thunder hit at the same time. Question: What did Sam see and hear when the tree fell?
Sentence: Due to the intermixing with Kirat cuisine from eastern Nepal, pork has found a place in Kathmandu dishes. Question: What animal does buff come from?
Sentence: I brought the interesting shells that I found to a bucket I had on the beach and threw them in. Question: What was it that was added to a collection at home?
Sentence: The dog is barking someone is here. Question: Why were Juan and Amy happy?
Sentence: Should I tell Mom?. Question: What was the name of the man next door?
Sentence: Samantha could do things other dolls couldn't. Question: What did Samantha do after Jane dropped her?
Sentence: She stopped at the spot she thought she had buried it and began digging. Question: How many different places does Nana hide the money BEFORE she hides it for the final time?
Sentence: She finally thought she would make chili for dinner. Question: Why did Hailey want to take her car to the store?
Sentence: { { lang } } centers on a man who roams the street night after night . Question: Who is the man who walk the streets trying to find?
Sentence: The ducks ignored him, and kept swimming. Question: Why was Toodles soaking wet?
Sentence: Dan asked if they could have mushrooms on the pizza. Question: Who did not want chicken on the pizza?
Sentence: He was in such a bad mood after. Question: Why was the baby crying?
Sentence: He could see the large trees, and the high grass. Question: Why did Harry want to leave his house?
Sentence: When Joey said his throat hurt a little, the doctor took a look at it as well. Question: What did the doctor check when he was seeing Joey?
Sentence: He even painted his room with spots to look like a giraffe. Question: Why did Graham think the giraffes needed help?
Sentence: It was so friendly!. Question: How did Rachel know that she could take care of the kitten?
Sentence: Andrew and his dad ate lots of peanuts. Question: Who ate peanuts in the story?
Sentence: As Michael put each finger on the white laces of the football like his dad had shown him he thought about his school trip to the zoo tomorrow. Question: What was the name of the main character in the story?
Sentence: He ate some of her fries as he thought about it. Question: What did Jake eat for lunch?
Sentence: Sally bent down and picked up the puppy. Question: Where did the puppy sleep?
Sentence: It had a square hole as tall as Johnny and it hummed like a fridge. Question: What did the three buttons say?
Sentence: My mother called my father at work to tell him the great news. Question: where were the keys?
Sentence: Why did you sign up for this when we all knew you wouldn't win?. Question: Why does Tim start out so far behind?
Sentence: Some people dream of being a doctor, or a nurse, or even a teacher, but I've always wanted to work with pets. Question: What has Lilly always wanted to do?
Sentence: They got up and went over to the family with the dogs. Question: Which dog knocked down Michelle?
Sentence: The book was titled, Everything You'd Want to Know About Fish. Question: Why was Joe reading a book?
Sentence: Even worse, my breakfast made me sick. Question: What made me sick?
Sentence: The next summer her brother brought his girlfriend home. Question: Why did Megan finally got on the big kid rides?
Sentence: She had time to do some jumping jacks and run outside around her house before she had to leave for the day. Question: What kind of exercises did Sophie do?
Sentence: He thought that maybe his fur was not pretty enough or maybe his bark was not loud enough. Question: What did Peter actually do when Sammie came?
Sentence: In some of the Sino-Tibetan languages, Kathmandu is still called Yambu. Question: What religion did the Sankhu monastery belong to?
Sentence: They did all their chores and cleaned their rooms so they could go to the fair. Question: Where were Billy and Sandy going,and why were they so excited?
Sentence: Then her wagon broke and she had to fix its wheel. Question: What did the witch want MOST from the people?
Sentence: James went to the store. Question: What did James set on the table?
Sentence: Kendra didn't want to miss the bus to school and hurried off to make it in time. Question: What does Kendra make sure to leave in time for?
Sentence: But why did it run?. Question: What was not a smart thing to do?
Sentence: She told the students that they were going to read them in front of the class. Question: Why did the students have to read their stories to the class?
Sentence: The guitar played. Question: Who did Jimmy please first by playing the piano loud?
Sentence: Dr. Curtis On a small farm outside of town, lived a boy named Curtis. Question: What all did Curtis check on Bonnie the pony?
Sentence: Antonio Badalamenti , a Sicilian who has been settled for many years in Northern Italy and is employed in a car factory in Milan , takes a vacation with his family , leaving behind the modern conveniences of his home in northern Italy , to visit his ancestral home in Sicily and introduce his blond , northern Italian wife , Marta , to his mother , father and other relatives back home . Question: What is the name of the car factory employee whose wife has trouble adapting to the culture of Sicily?
Sentence: John was happy. Question: What did John put on for the cold weather?
Sentence: Millisa asked Ann,Dear friend, why are you wearing a headband today?. Question: Who was Anne's best friend?
Sentence: One hot summer day in August my family and I wanted to go to the beach. Question: What was it that was added to a collection at home?
Sentence: When the clown arrived, ten of Mikes friends showed up to watch the show. Question: What performer came to the party, and what was the party for?
Sentence: Then they went home together and had some food. Question: How many brothers and sisters does Sarah have?
Sentence: He knew that there was going to be a moon bounce, and that he was going to get a lot of presents from all of his dinosaur friends, but the thing that he was most excited about, was the cake!. Question: What was Larry's favorite food, and his favorite flavor?
Sentence: Mother puts the corn into the pot. Question: In which way did I not help my mother?
Sentence: In the mornings, Josh and Grandma would plant cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots in the ground. Question: When did Josh get to go to Florida?
Sentence: The old woman couldn't remember her any other way, as she had died from a sickness at age five. Question: Who still looked five years old?
Sentence: He can't wait until he is older. Question: Why can't David sleep tonight?
Sentence: Maggie's family loved her very much. Question: Why was Maggie lucky?
Sentence: She got off the ride and loved it!. Question: Who all tried to get her to ride the bigger rides?
Sentence: The lake birds have several different calls that tell what they want to say to other lake birds. Question: What was the sound that I kept hearing?
Sentence: which made the people happy. Question: Can you name two things that were all different colors, shapes and sizes?
Sentence: Jeff guessed 800. Question: What is the right amount?
Sentence: Joey woke up early in the morning to eat some food before they left. Question: What did Joey eat for breakfast?
Sentence: It was the best gift Rudy had ever been given. Question: What was the name of Rudy's best friend?
Sentence: Until one day the red ball spoke up and got all the other colored balls together and they took the air from the purple ball and put it in the green ball. Question: What color ball was the third brought up in the story?
Sentence: Even when Steve would do all the washing, sweep the floor and clean the sink, still he didn't get any attention. Question: Which of the following did Steve not do to try and get attention?