Sentence: asked Lucy. Question: Why does Lucy like flying?
Sentence: Kathmandu has a larger proportion of tea drinkers than coffee drinkers. Question: What beverage is consumed by more people in Kathmandu, coffee or tea?
Sentence: He was tired and could not keep up with the rest of his team. Question: What dream helped Douglas win the game?
Sentence: Buildings with characteristic Nepali architecture, such as the nine-story tower of Basantapur, were built during this era. Question: How many stories high was the Basantapur tower?
Sentence: He put him up to his mouth and took a big bite. Question: What type of fruits are in the basket?
Sentence: That way, she would feel better, instead of feeling so hungry!. Question: What did she read about in the magazine?
Sentence: George lived very far away, it would a long trip for Ralph. Question: Where didn't Ralph fly by or go to?
Sentence: Then we went and bought a card. Question: What did we do after buying the flowers?
Sentence: Sam found a piece of wood washed up on the beach. Question: What did Sam use to make a bridge?
Sentence: Fanny told everyone to come back for dinner again. Question: Which friend came to dinner and saw Fanny earlier?
Sentence: I fixed my normal breakfast: hot pickles, marshmallows, and ketchup. Question: What type of birds did I see in my yard?
Sentence: When he was finished, he licked the man on his face. Question: What was the dog looking for?
Sentence: Sue put the bread in to the toaster. Question: What are the names of the people in the story?
Sentence: He had his very own movie store. Question: What kind of business did Red own?
Sentence: She now knew that even with her different colors, she was still a lady bug like everyone else. Question: Why does Lucy like flying?
Sentence: She also needed to buy a snack and a bow. Question: What snack did Katie buy?
Sentence: I blew it up. Question: What did we do to celebrate the dog's birthday?
Sentence: The clown started the show by squirting some water from a flower into John's face. Question: What performer came to the party, and what was the party for?
Sentence: A woman, Mary, came in and cleaned her teeth and told Maggie and Jan that Maggie had done well with her brushing. Question: What was in the bag that the dentist gave to Maggie?
Sentence: He ran all around the pond, barking at the ducks. Question: Why did we go to the park every Saturday?
Sentence: The museums display unique artifacts and paintings from the 5th century CE to the present day, including archeological exportation. Question: From what time period are the oldest artifacts in Kathmandu museums?
Sentence: cried Twinkles. Question: Where does Twinkles live?
Sentence: She looks for her friend Jeff. Question: Who did Grace look for when she left the store?
Sentence: Ashley ran to pick her favorite fruit, apples, while her parents went and got other things that they needed, like the sour lemons. Question: What was the first food the family bought?
Sentence: His name is Todd and his favorite holiday is his birthday but I don't think he knows much about any of them. Question: When can they go trick-or-treating?
Sentence: Numerous women ( among them Poppy , Helen , and Jessica come and go , cleaning and cooking for him . Question: What is the name of the 35 year old New York bachelor''s girlfriends?
Sentence: Sammy, and Paul, at the park. Question: What game did Jack play with Max in the yard?
Sentence: They thought it was a good idea because it was a hot day. Question: Why did they go home?
Sentence: A lion might go up to a chicken and smile, or maybe a lion might bring a horse some flowers or food to make him or her less nervous. Question: What other animals do lions try to make friends with?
Sentence: Sasha the kitten followed Billy and Juno was surprised to find herself alone, she had hoped Billy would keep on playing this fun game. Question: What was Juno's favorite game?
Sentence: The night before the game, he went to bed late. Question: How many points did the Dolphins score and who scored the goals?
Sentence: This time, there was a huge storm coming. Question: Why did Jane and Mark have to get out of the pool?
Sentence: Among them are lonely screen star Irene Malvern , in town with her maid Anna for a childhood friend 's wedding and the premiere of her latest movie ; war correspondent Chip Collyer , mistaken for a jewel thief by Irene but playing along to catch her attention ; flyer Capt. James Hollis , wounded in World War II and facing perilous surgery in three days ; wealthy shyster Martin X. Edley , who is trying to sign the Bey of Aribajan to a shady oil deal ; Oliver Webson , a cub reporter for Collier 's Weekly hoping to expose Edley ; and bride-to-be Cynthia Drew , whose upcoming wedding is endangered by her belief her fianc Bob is in love with Irene Malvern . Question: Why is Irene Malvern in New York?
Sentence: Legendary Princess Bhrikuti (7th-century) and artist Araniko (1245 - 1306 AD) from that tradition of Kathmandu valley played a significant role in spreading Buddhism in Tibet and China. Question: When did Araniko die?
Sentence: It was a wonderful day and one they would always remember. Question: Was it a good day for the couple, and what did they find out when they got home?
Sentence: Hannah's mother pointed out the pretty yellow flowers growing in front of Mr. Smith's house. Question: What did Hannah and Mary see on their way to the park?
Sentence: Auntie Wendy was not in the kitchen. Question: What are the names of the people in the story?
Sentence: Father did not like mushrooms. Question: Who did not want chicken on the pizza?
Sentence: First thing tomorrow, John would start wearing a cape to school. Question: What did John do before meeting the evil superhero?
Sentence: Laura and George played basketball they saw the ice cream man driving in his truck. Question: What sport was George playing by himself?
Sentence: He liked the movie theatre, the bowling place, and the swimming pool. Question: What did Tyler like most about the house?
Sentence: The baby played with the horse, but then she started crying again. Question: How did Jenny feel when the baby kept crying after Jenny gave her the horse?
Sentence: Can you help with the potato plants?. Question: Who asks Terry for help?
Sentence: The teacher looked up and smiled at Mrs. Cruz and said, I'm Miss Washington. Question: What did Roberto do on his first school day?
Sentence: I liked this new house. Question: What was the name of the first dog that Clyde lived with?
Sentence: Jenny was in a big hurry and went really fast. Question: Where was Jenny when her daddy gave her milk?
Sentence: Whiskers is black with a white spot on her chest. Question: What color is Whiskers?
Sentence: Sally likes to meow to Missy the cat. Question: Why did Sally put on her shoes?
Sentence: They wanted to raise enough money to take a field trip to the zoo. Question: What food was NOT at the bake sale?
Sentence: The doctor has a beard. Question: What does the doctor have that the baby likes to play with?
Sentence: Anne hugged her friend and placed her red ribbons back in her hair. Question: What did Anne love to wear in her hair?
Sentence: Once upon a time there was a blue spider named Twinkle Toes. Question: Why did Woofington deliver the message to Morty Roo?
Sentence: The animal zoo they were going to had a bunch of different kinds of animals!. Question: In what order did the family see the animals?
Sentence: He was right, Tony was being too crazy. Question: What had Tony's birthday on it?
Sentence: When the plane took off, Amy and David both shouted with happiness and watched out the windows. Question: What did David make out of paper?
Sentence: Their last name is MacGregor. Question: Why did Timothy Leave?
Sentence: They looked in every room of the house together. Question: Why was Che upset?
Sentence: Susan put the pickle down. Question: What did Susan put down?
Sentence: Mary walked home feeling very bad, and when she passed some green, orange, and red flowers, she didn't dare to eat them. Question: What lie did Mary tell?
Sentence: She sat on a swing and looked at the ground. Question: Why did Gia go to the park?
Sentence: He loved to go outside and run around the streets and the city. Question: What did Eddy do most of the day?
Sentence: The neighbors gave him strange looks when he stood in the front yard in the evening and yelled Wolfie!. Question: What was the name of the cat?
Sentence: When he did, the sailor yelled, That's no monkey, that's Pauly!. Question: Where was Pauly when the zoo worker saw him?
Sentence: Bill was cleaning his room and giving away some of the toys that he no longer used. Question: What did Bill give a way?
Sentence: I didn't want to tell him that my roots were hidden in the library!. Question: What was the secret Jack knew about?
Sentence: The boy had such a great day that he dreamed of soccer all night long. Question: What did the boy do after the game?
Sentence: Rex moved slowly towards the gate at first, but as he neared the sidewalk he shot through the opening, his shiny black fur twinkling in the sun as he sped down the street. Question: How does Rex escape the yard?
Sentence: They were seeing the real-life 'Lion King'!. Question: Why were the people crying and taking pictures?
Sentence: So Frank did apologize to Bob's wife. Question: What was John's dog's name?
Sentence: He makes sure to feed them every morning and evening and always checks to see if the cats have water. Question: What is the name of Brendan's favorite cat?
Sentence: The Taragaon Museum presents the modern history of the Kathmandu Valley. Question: What is the Taragaon Museum dedicated to?
Sentence: The fire service, known as the Barun Yantra Karyalaya, opened its first station in Kathmandu in 1937 with a single vehicle. Question: What year saw the founding of Kathmandu's fire department?
Sentence: After I am done at the park I go to the store to buy some ice cream. Question: What do I feed the animals at the park?
Sentence: thought Sammy, He's going to yell at me!. Question: When Sammy wondered if he was going to tell his mom, he didn't and...?
Sentence: I am glad that we get to be awake through all the seasons. Question: What does the chipmunk eat?
Sentence: But wait. Question: What is the very first thing Elena does after waking up?
Sentence: But he hit a turtle. Question: What did the driver do to stop him from being sad?
Sentence: Red even had popcorn at his movie store. Question: What did Red have in his movie store?
Sentence: Bill put a broken phone into the trash can. Question: What did Bill give a way?
Sentence: He went home with the other dog, who was named Mittens, and to his family. Question: What does Puddles choose to do?
Sentence: We went back to the park and watched the other kids play as we ate our candy. Question: what did Tommy and I do at the park in the morning and afternoon?
Sentence: The population was projected to reach 915,071 in 2011 and 1,319,597 by 2021. Question: About how many people are likely to live in Kathmandu in 2021?
Sentence: The elephant put Ava on her back and said, I can help you look for them. Question: Why was Ava crying?
Sentence: He looks on the porch. Question: Who is Jack's best friend?
Sentence: Poking his head out from under the couch, there were no dogs there. Question: What did the cat do with the tuna juice?
Sentence: I'll make a batch of cupcakes, and all of your friends can have some. Question: Who would feel left out if they couldn't come to the party?
Sentence: When they got to the city Todd was very surprised there were so many cars and people, everyone seemed to be in a hurry. Question: What did Todd see when he got to the city?
Sentence: They had never seen an alligator and a wolf who are friends before. Question: What were the items Greg needed at the store?
Sentence: She had her very own purple cat bed. Question: Why was Maggie lucky?
Sentence: Joe had brought his new puppy to the park. Question: What was the little boy's name who the story was about?
Sentence: They told me that nobody would marry me if I didn't give up my circus dreams. Question: What did the dad want to do before high school?
Sentence: Then, as they peeled potatoes and carrots to go with the chicken, Amy, Joe and Cindy talked about dinner. Question: What is the family planning to have for dinner tomorrow?
Sentence: Just as Pizza was about to take the picture, Bub tripped over a stick. Question: Who made the noise that caused the sock monster to look at the friends?
Sentence: According to the 2011 census, Kathmandu Metropolitan City has a population of 975,453 and measures 49.45 km2 (19.09 sq mi). Question: How many square kilometers in size is Kathmandu?
Sentence: Compared to his friends, he was very good at the sport. Question: Why is John proud of his baseball skills?
Sentence: I asked. Question: How did I know it was his birthday?
Sentence: She loves soup, and pea soup most of all, even if tomato is pretty good too. Question: What doesn't my piggy princess friend have?
Sentence: Mitchell and his brother, Graham are biking to the store to buy lemons. Question: Where did Mitchell and Graham see their friends first?
Sentence: He went by himself knowing he would enjoy the game much more than if he had gone with his friends Sam, Mark and David. Question: Who went to the baseball game and with how many people?
Sentence: When his mom got there, Alex said, Thank you for coming to get me mom, I was so scared. Question: Where was Alex when he called his mom?