Sentence: It was last year, when he was driving home from work at night. Question: What got brighter?
Sentence: What is it?. Question: How did Asta and Sharkie become friends with the little girl?
Sentence: One day she chose to leave but her mother would not let her. Question: What did the princess climb to see the castle?
Sentence: There was a goldfish swimming in the toilet!. Question: Where did Boo find the goldfish?
Sentence: Every day, Bill went out to the garden to check on the seed. Question: What did Bill put in the ground?
Sentence: Sarah's brother's name is Timothy. Question: Who is the main character in the story?
Sentence: There are over 108 traditional monasteries (Bahals and Bahis) in Kathmandu based on Newar Buddhism. Question: How many Newar Buddhist monasteries are present in Kathmandu?
Sentence: The film examines the current and past relationships between the media , the U.S. government and corporations , analyzing the possible consequences of the concentration of media ownership . Question: what does the film examines?
Sentence: Some boys even took out the boat and went fishing. Question: Which of the following wasn't one of the ways that the campers would make their own meals?
Sentence: They played hide and seek. Question: What did Square and Diamond do?
Sentence: Where was Mr. Fish?. Question: What was missing from the fish bowl?
Sentence: When he got downstairs his mom said, Happy Birthday. Question: Who did Justin talk to when he went downstairs?
Sentence: So, he asked a nearby squirrel. Question: Where did the rabbits go to eat everyday?
Sentence: They were so excited. Question: What did Tony and Greta get from the iced cream truck?
Sentence: Every day the Wizard asked if the girl would marry him, but he was mean and she would not marry him. Question: What was the wizard like?
Sentence: They talk to a few of their neighbors as they walk buy and some of them buy some lemonade. Question: How did the boys get more people to buy their lemonade?
Sentence: The purple ball used the fear of everyone to become the leader that they all feared. Question: What color of ball scared the blue ball?
Sentence: Joe was very happy that he would get his new toy. Question: Why did Joe become sad?
Sentence: His idea was to stop Henry from beating him by using a trick. Question: What great idea did Ralph come up with on his birthday?
Sentence: Fluffy was the leader of the group, and whatever he said, the others did. Question: What did Fluffy want to do the first day?
Sentence: Sammie came to hold him. Question: What did Peter want to do when Sammie came?
Sentence: He arrived at the bus stop and waited for the bus. Question: How did Joe get to school?
Sentence: When Clarice woke up she looked in the mirror and screamed. Question: Who did Clarice hit with the shoe?
Sentence: Evidence of an influx of ideas from India, Tibet, China, Persia, and Europe among other places can be found in a stone inscription from the time of king Pratap Malla. Question: When does Amarkosh date to?
Sentence: It was Saturday and it was nice outside. Question: why was his mom upset?
Sentence: Timmy was bored and wanted something to do, but he didn't have any toys. Question: What did Timmy have to play with?
Sentence: Sally, Sally, come home, Sally's Mom calls out. Question: Why did Sally put on her shoes?
Sentence: Bub packed a grape. Question: Which fruit did the sock monster eat?
Sentence: Marvin thought he would go for a walk. Question: Where did Marvin go right when he woke up?
Sentence: The alien arranges to have Glaude 's late wife resurrected at the age of 20 . Question: What the miracle done to Claude after he met the alien?
Sentence: He purred when he was being fed or petted, but no one could say he purred a lot. Question: What was the name of the cat?
Sentence: Gary often rode around in Albert's shirt pocket, since it would be hard for him to keep up with Albert and Lock as they walked around. Question: Where did Gary stay as Albert walked?
Sentence: Danny, Tommy's best friend, got a special pair of sneakers for HIS birthday last month. Question: What makes Danny's sneakers special?
Sentence: When Sara asked Megan if she would ride on bigger rides she said yes, and she went on her first real rollercoaster, Thunderhawk. Question: Why did Megan finally got on the big kid rides?
Sentence: They're too green. Question: Why did Sean cover his bed with plants?
Sentence: And it was so hairy. Question: What was the dog's name?
Sentence: When she took it out, it was done!. Question: What happened when Katie took the pizza out of the oven?
Sentence: I couldn't believe today had come!. Question: Which of the following is Lilly afraid of?
Sentence: They saw Robert in front of his house, but he said that he was busy and he could not play with them. Question: Why did Greg, Peter, and Lucy walk to the park together?
Sentence: However, shops and bars in Kathmandu widely sell western and Nepali beers. Question: What are bhattis?
Sentence: Today they took the path to the river. Question: What wild animal and animal poop did Andrew see when he was on his way to the river?
Sentence: Yeah, we'd rather watch TV and eat potato chips, said Sally. Question: What did John and Sally's mother want to do for her son and daughter?
Sentence: Joey also met a little girl named Sandy who was playing with some dolls the doctor also had for the children. Question: What were the names of the other children Joey met at the doctor's office?
Sentence: After three hours there was still not a bite. Question: What did he catch?
Sentence: One of them had the best shot in the west. Question: Who was the best shot?
Sentence: They made a right turn and went to the third room on the left. Question: What was in the bag that the dentist gave to Maggie?
Sentence: In contrast, 2001 recorded only 356 mm (14 in) of precipitation due to an extraordinarily weak monsoon season. Question: In what year did the most rain in recorded history fall on Kathmandu?
Sentence: Bobby had to be careful that people didn't see him, because the people didn't like mice. Question: Who gave Bobby his favorite blanket?
Sentence: He wagged and wagged. Question: How did I know it was his birthday?
Sentence: If there were flowers blooming she would pick some for her mother. Question: What did Lizzie see at the edge of the pond?
Sentence: The pumpkin could not eat the cake because it had no mouth but it was still very happy to have the cat as a new friend. Question: Why was the pumpkin sad?
Sentence: Soon, they grew to be good friends, and King found himself very sorry for all of the mean things he did to Lionel. Question: When did Lionel and King become friends?
Sentence: Cindy and Mary were playing at recess. Question: What was this story about?
Sentence: She then went to get the eggs. Question: What did Annette go to the store for?
Sentence: Furthermore, Nepal became a member of several international tourist associations. Question: When did construction on the Tribhuvan Highway begin?
Sentence: Why can't you let me be myself?. Question: What did the dad want to do before high school?
Sentence: We dug a bunch of small holes with my new shovel, put a seed or two in each hole, and covered them up with dirt and raked over them. Question: what did he put in the holes he dug?
Sentence: And what do you know?. Question: What happened to Mr. Fish in the end?
Sentence: He was very sad. Question: Why did Larry think that the party was going to be no fun?
Sentence: She couldn't understand it. Question: What was this story about?
Sentence: Every day the Wizard asked if the girl would marry him, but he was mean and she would not marry him. Question: What did the girl have in her cave that made her happy?
Sentence: The fish was a funny color. Question: What color was the goldfish?
Sentence: Just then, Matthew and Emily's dad came home from work. Question: Who told the kids to come inside for dinner?
Sentence: The Licchavis from the Indo-Gangetic plain migrated north and defeated the Kiratas, establishing the Licchavi dynasty. Question: What sect of Buddhism is the only remaining one based in Sanskrit?
Sentence: She tries to feed her a banana. Question: What does the woman try to feed the baby?
Sentence: Also on the scene are Bunny Smith , the hotel 's stenographer\/notary public , who hopes to escape her low income roots by marrying Edley , and reporter Randy Morton , who loiters in the lobby hoping to stumble upon a scoop for his newspaper . Question: what was the name of hotel's stenographer and the reporter?
Sentence: Bass would be played by Abby. Question: Which cat was accepting of the dog?
Sentence: It was very exciting. Question: What animal did Natalie ask to take home?
Sentence: His mother, Sylvia, greeted him with a glass of orange juice and a big bowl of cereal. Question: What did John eat before leaving for school in the morning?
Sentence: Jeremy went under the porch and caught the yellow cat. Question: Why was Jeremy happy when he caught the new cat?
Sentence: Bob walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Question: On what day did Bob ride his bike home because he wanted to get yogurt?
Sentence: Then, he covered up the hole with dirt, and poured some water on it. Question: What did Bill put in the ground?
Sentence: He wants to be a clown because he loves making people laugh. Question: What does Matt have to do in order to become a clown?
Sentence: The lion went to talk to his family. Question: Who did the lion first go talk to?
Sentence: Tammy and Mary play in the house when it rains. Question: Who likes to go to the park?
Sentence: Susan was happy and sent each friend a thank you card the next week. Question: Why did Susan send out thank you cards to her friends?
Sentence: Then I went inside for class. Question: Who was Billy?
Sentence: The family only feeds him cat food, never human food like steak or potatoes. Question: How does the family deal with Dillon's odd food liking?
Sentence: Everyone would clap as Mrs. Smith rode by and delivered her pies. Question: How many people got pies?
Sentence: She had never tried to swing a bat and hit a baseball before. Question: Why was Sara practicing?
Sentence: He looked by the stream, but there were no blue flowers. Question: Which color was not a favorite?
Sentence: They did this because they were very tired. Question: Why did they go home?
Sentence: On his way there, he put a napkin in the trashcan. Question: What did Will eat with his biscuit?
Sentence: Once upon a time, there was a squirrel named Joey. Question: What was Joey's cousin's name?
Sentence: Josie started planning her new garden in the winter. Question: What did Josie do to get her seedlings ready to plant in the garden?
Sentence: Some people said that the space ship was really a shooting star. Question: What did Jim see last year?
Sentence: Mary watched Buddy chase after a ball John threw. Question: Why did Buddy bark happily?
Sentence: One quilt or blanket took a week to make, when a skirt or shirt took one night!. Question: What did Mary like to sew?
Sentence: Woofington normally liked to chase Morty Roo around the neighborhood. Question: Why was Twinkle Toes afraid of growing his new skin?
Sentence: Her old bike had training wheels, but her new one did not. Question: What did Leah's old bike have that was not on the new bike?
Sentence: One day John and Rick started a peach farm so that they would never run out of their favorite fruit. Question: How many years did it take for the first peach to grow?
Sentence: Now Kathmandu boasts several luxury such as the Hyatt Regency, Dwarika's, theYak & Yeti, The Everest Hotel, Hotel Radisson, Hotel De L'Annapurna, The Malla Hotel, Shangri-La Hotel (which is not operated by the Shangri-La Hotel Group) and The Shanker Hotel. Question: De L'Annapurna is an example of what sort of hotel?
Sentence: Sally likes to sing with the birds, outside. Question: Why did Sally put on her shoes?
Sentence: Her mother had always told her that pennies were lucky so she picked it up. Question: What did Angel pick up off the ground?
Sentence: Then Annabelle came out and swung with them. Question: Who is the main character in the story?
Sentence: Nana had hidden her money so well that no one could find it, and that included her!. Question: How many different places does Nana hide the money BEFORE she hides it for the final time?
Sentence: The pink moon was shining with the power and light of the sun!. Question: What happened when the moon moved in front of the sun?
Sentence: The Licchavis from the Indo-Gangetic plain migrated north and defeated the Kiratas, establishing the Licchavi dynasty. Question: Who killed the Shakyas?
Sentence: It is warmer and Luke takes off his hat and coat. Question: What actions does Luke take in this story?
Sentence: She doubled over in pain, screaming for her father DADDY!!!. Question: Who helped Ruth with her cut?