Sentence: But if she went to sleep in the garage it would get all dirty. Question: Why did Ferra take a bath?
Sentence: She comes home at night, sleeps in her special box, and is here for breakfast before going outside for new adventures. Question: Where was my cat this morning?
Sentence: That night , in what is seemingly a dream , Victor visits Louis , warning him about the burial ground beyond the pet cemetery . Question: How did the Louis Creed family find out that the cemetery near the house is thought to be haunted?
Sentence: He loved to sleep most of the day, at least 12 hours!. Question: What color was Eddy?
Sentence: She has read several Nancy Drew books which are about a young woman who solves exciting mysteries. Question: Why doesn't Anna like to read comic books in class?
Sentence: Steve got on next and then Jeff got on last. Question: What did Dan get to do if the sun was shining?
Sentence: Tuesday morning Jason's mommy wakes him up, and they get in the car to drive to the zoo. Question: What does Jason's mom do when he is feeling sad?
Sentence: Together, they made some art using leaves they found in the woods. Question: What did Sally promise to do?
Sentence: The city has a rich history, spanning nearly 2000 years, as inferred from inscriptions found in the valley. Question: About how long has Kathmandu existed?
Sentence: They drove home where Kevin helped Erin organize her things before they changed and watched a movie together. Question: What did Kevin and Erin do in New York City FIRST?
Sentence: She wants to go back to her other school. Question: Where did Shelly's family move to Arizona from?
Sentence: They all sang some nice songs together. Question: Why did Timothy Leave?
Sentence: Ogthar forgot about his shoes after a couple of years and even went on to go to school and get smarter. Question: What did Ogthar do after forgetting about his shoes?
Sentence: They wanted to raise enough money to take a field trip to the zoo. Question: Why did they have a bake sale?
Sentence: One of the games was for fire-building. Question: What game is talked about in the story?
Sentence: So the boy had to call his cat Wolfie. Question: What was the name of the cat?
Sentence: Anne hugged her friend and placed her red ribbons back in her hair. Question: Who was Anne's best friend?
Sentence: Jimmy has the idea to make Jeremy a birthday cake with the help of his mother. Question: Who is going to have a birthday party?
Sentence: He couldn't find anything to eat except for pie!. Question: What did Joey eat for breakfast?
Sentence: Rob likes to slide too. Question: What does Rob like to do at the park?
Sentence: June's mom told the girls they were going to the store soon and not to get dirty. Question: What were the girls doing outside in the yard at the beginning of the story?
Sentence: I wanted a bunch of different vegetables, so I planted seven tomato plants, three pepper plants, six corn plants, and two cucumber plants. Question: What vegetables were planted?
Sentence: He was best known for belting out songs in the wrong key, which would make neighborhood cats meow and howl. Question: What silly things did Happy do in his act?
Sentence: They played for hours. Question: Why did they go home?
Sentence: Lisa is excited because on Saturday, Whiskers turns two years old. Question: What day is Whisker's Birthday?
Sentence: I think he could be in one of the other rooms here. Question: What room was my friend in?
Sentence: Door C was the same color as door A. Door D a color no one had seen before. Question: What color was door C?
Sentence: John was not glad that he hit the lamp, but was glad that the lamp was not broken. Question: What happened to Rose's slice of cake?
Sentence: But she thought it was extra unfair today because she wanted to play with a new toy. Question: Why was Jill sad after school?
Sentence: He hated peas and broccoli, so he never planted them. Question: What did Tom plant in his garden?
Sentence: She thought a gift would help the child with her fear. Question: What did the witch give the child?
Sentence: Roman , Angelina , Tyson and Jennifer are killed and Ghostface orders Sidney to the mansion to save Gale and Dewey 's lives , as they are tied up . Question: who forced to remove the firearm ?
Sentence: Jenny was sad to leave her friends. Question: What made Jenny happy about being in Utah?
Sentence: The other dragons were worried. Question: Why didn't the other dragons like Sean's bed?
Sentence: A leader told us that a bear with a baby can be much more dangerous. Question: What made these bears more dangerous?
Sentence: Then he sneezed. Question: Why was James' mother right?
Sentence: Jon was a little scared but also really excited to see what was in the box. Question: What was the little boy's name who the story was about?
Sentence: Callie lived in a beautiful house with her husband. Question: What color was Callie's Horse?
Sentence: One of her favorite things to cook is pea soup. Question: What do my friend and I do together?
Sentence: One day John and Sally's mother made up her mind to bake a very special cake for her son and daughter, but she didn't have the ingredients. Question: What happened when John and Sally got into the darkest part of the forest?
Sentence: The song was about a flower. Question: What did Will eat with his biscuit?
Sentence: But as soon as John and Sally were in the darkest part of the forest, they heard a terrible roar. Question: What happened when John and Sally got into the darkest part of the forest?
Sentence: He turned around to see what was wrong. Question: What happened during the race?
Sentence: Carmen was a ladybug. Question: How did Ricky and Carmen get into the sky?
Sentence: Together they would eat cheese and ham for breakfast every day!. Question: What scared Sarah?
Sentence: Finally Jamey looked at a third dog, a brown dog that was bigger than the white dog, but smaller than the yellow one. Question: What were the colors of the different dogs Jamey saw?
Sentence: This palace was the scene of the Nepali royal massacre. Question: In what year was Narayanhity constructed?
Sentence: It was my favorite. Question: What was David's favorite thing at the pond?
Sentence: Joe starts keeping company with Sylvia Crewes , a sophisticated classical musician and a typically neglected lover of Charlie 's . Question: How old is Joel's new love interest?
Sentence: Mary asked Tina if she wanted to go over her house and play Barbies when we left the park, instead of going home. Question: What was my granddaughter's friend's name?
Sentence: He took Joey's temperature and looked in his ears, then asked him a few questions about how he had been feeling. Question: What did the doctor check when he was seeing Joey?
Sentence: The city is located in an ancient lake basin, with fertile soil and flat terrain. Question: Existing between what two countries contributed to Kathmandu becoming a center of trade?
Sentence: This was her favorite color and her favorite place to sleep. Question: Where did Maggie live?
Sentence: John was stuck in the middle of the ocean after his boat crashed and sank. Question: What happened to John's friend?
Sentence: What a silly Billy!. Question: Why did Billy smell the mix?
Sentence: This summer Frank and his friends went to Boy Scout camp for two weeks. Question: Which of the following wasn't one of the ways that the campers would make their own meals?
Sentence: When he had climbed the first few branches, he slipped and fell down. Question: How did Greg's mother know that something had happened to him?
Sentence: As the family kept walking through the grocery store Ashley begged for some candy that she saw, but the other things her parents bought were eggs, milk and bread. Question: What did Ashley's dad buy for her that made her excited?
Sentence: On the day of the party, Sammy was taping signs on the walls, Kate was on the phone with the clown and Ben was cooking in the kitchen. Question: What was Ben's job before the party?
Sentence: One day Billy was very hungry. Question: Why did Billy want to eat the bunny?
Sentence: The farm had chickens, cows, horses, sheep, and pigs. Question: What was born on the farm in the spring?
Sentence: He had done it all by himself, and he was happy to see his son being so happy as well. Question: What did Albert make the tree house out of?
Sentence: They ended up becoming good friends and had many play dates together over the months ahead. Question: Where did the boys meet, and what did they play with?
Sentence: He needed to pick up five things at the store. Question: How many total items did the farmer need to get in town?
Sentence: It never snowed. Question: Who brought all the things to make the snowman?
Sentence: So when he returned to his friends, he didn't tell them what he had found. Question: What did Fred do when his friend woke him up?
Sentence: Annie got the bowls and the ingredients they would need for the cake. Question: What did Annie and her mother make?
Sentence: She really wanted to meet some new friends. Question: Why was Gia lonely?
Sentence: She has a bird. Question: What does Molly's dog play with?
Sentence: Bill also threw away two books and some used crayons. Question: Who carried the toys out to the car?
Sentence: Dave told John to go long. Question: Who thought it was dumb to play inside?
Sentence: Tarwala accidentally pooped on the door mat because he did not make it to the bathroom in time, but he still did not stop eating strange things. Question: Why did Tarwala poop on the mat?
Sentence: Soaking wet, he ran toward where I was eating a sandwich on the grass and curled right up in my lap so I could make him feel better. Question: Why did Toodles curl up in my lap?
Sentence: They share toys. Question: Who is Oscar?
Sentence: He gives his five dollars to the ice cream man and gets one dollar back. Question: How much money does Johnny spend one ice cream and candy?
Sentence: Oliver is big and has grey and white fur. Question: What color is Spike's nose?
Sentence: Bob was very moved by the story. Question: What story did Bob read about in English class?
Sentence: They would almost always play in the woods behind Molly's house. Question: When did Jessica see Molly and the puppy?
Sentence: But as he was ready to mix everything, his boss asked him to do a different job. Question: How did Paul know how to fix the recipe and what did he do?
Sentence: He wanted food very badly. Question: What day did Jim ride his bike to the lake?
Sentence: But there was one place where you walked inside a big room where there were lots of plants and butterflies flying all over the place. Question: Where did the child go when he saw the butterflies?
Sentence: Sally went to the beach with her family in the summer as well. Question: What did Sally do this summer?
Sentence: The influx of many Tibetan refugees from China has seen the construction of over 50 Tibetan gompas (monasteries) around Boudhanath. Question: What are gompas?
Sentence: Orange was her favorite color. Question: What color boots did Clementine buy, and what pair did she end up with?
Sentence: He saw a tiger and heard it growl. Question: What did John Bill Bob run away from in Africa?
Sentence: Until he ran right into the big table with his birthday cake. Question: What did Tony run into?
Sentence: In 2006 UNESCO declared these seven groups of monuments as a World Heritage Site (WHS). Question: How many acres are the Kathmandu valley monument zones?
Sentence: Later that evening it was dinnertime and the family had to choose what to eat. Question: What was picked for dinnertime and by who?
Sentence: He fell down. Question: On what day did Bob ride his bike home because he wanted to get yogurt?
Sentence: They wanted to get down. Question: How did Ricky and Carmen feel on the kite?
Sentence: Duck put mustard on his hotdog. Question: Who likes mustard on their hotdog?
Sentence: The girl was a little scared and was thinking of turning back, but yet they went on. Question: What was it like in the woods, and what did the girl feel like?
Sentence: It was very clean when she was finished. Question: What job did Susan complete last?
Sentence: Nor did he hit the cat. Question: Who thought it was dumb to play inside?
Sentence: I am looking for a guy in a blue shirt and blue pants. Question: How many rooms did I say I checked?
Sentence: So, his mom got a big bag of broccoli. Question: Which food did the boy not find in the fridge?
Sentence: It was great. Question: Who did Jimmy please last when he played the piano in the middle volume?
Sentence: Tommy really loved Sammy and hung out with him all day, every day. Question: what did Tommy and Sammy do for the day?
Sentence: The shoe missed both Ginger and Joey, but they barked a little less. Question: What did Ginger and Joey bark at?
Sentence: The road to Grandpa's house was long and winding. Question: Why did Grandpa answer the door?