14 values
Carolingian Imperial Biography and the Memory of Spain
Anne Latowsky
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Francesco Stella. The Carolingian Revolution: Unconventional Approaches to Medieval Latin Literature I. Digital Philology and Quantitative Criticism of Literature: II. (Rita Copeland)La littérarité latine de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, ed. Blandine Colot. (Joseph Pucci)Sicut dicit: Editing Ancient Commentaries on Authoritative Texts, Shari Boodts, Pieter De Leemans, Stefan Schorn. (Eleanor Dickey)John Garland, Parisiana poetria, trans. Traugott Lawler. (Martin Camargo)Walahfrid Strabo. imagine Tetrici: Das Standbild des russigen Dietrichs, Tino Licht. (Michael W. Herren)The Anglo-Latin Gesta Romanorum, Phillipa Bright. (Joshua Byron Smith)Servatus Lupus abbas Ferrariensis Opuscula praedestinatione, Jeremy Thompson. (Kristina Mitalaitė)The History the Kings Britain: First Variant Version, David Burchmore. (Ben Guy)L’œuvre Godefroid Saint-Victor. 1. Le Microcosme (Microcosmus), Françoise Gasparri. (Hugh Feiss, OSB)Ingenio facilis. Per Giovanni Orlandi (1938-2007), Paolo Chiesa, Anna Maria Fagnoni, et Rossana E. Guglielmetti. (Elsa Marguin-Hamon)Ars dictaminis: Handbuch der mittelalterischen Briefstillehre Florian Hartmann Benoît Grévin. (Lena Wahlgren-Smith)Máirín Maccarron, Bede Time: Computus, Theology in Early World. (Richard Shaw)Prudentius’ Crown Martyrs: Liber Peristephanon. Translated by Len Krisak with Introduction Notes Joseph Pucci. (Diane Shane Fruchtman)Œuvres Saint Augustin. Contre Fauste le Manichéen - Contra Faustum Manichaeum. Livres XIII-XXI, Martine Dulaey, Isabelle Bochet, Jean-Daniel Dubois, Alban Massie, Paul Mattei, Michel-Yves Perrin, Gregor Wurst. (Daniel Hadas)
The Journal of medieval Latin
Why the Carolingians Didn’t Need Demons
Martha Rampton
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Saint Étienne ou sainte Marie ? Un vieux débat à refermer : « Le vocable de la cathédrale de Paris à l’époque franque »
Josiane Barbier
In 1925 Léon Levillain published a study on “The dedication of the cathedral Paris in Frankish period”, where he concluded that “Saint Stephen was original patron Parisian church” - attested Merovingian period. He rejected conclusions Victor Mortet, who maintained his Étude historique et archéologique sur la cathédrale le palais épiscopal de du VIe au XIIe siècle, 1888, Sainte Marie had always been main unknown before last third 8th century. The thesis L. is nowadays commonly accepted. Nevertheless, reexamination texts from 6th-9th century cited debate and deconstruction argument lead to dismissal return those V. Mortet continual preeminence Paris, moment when first known, during Carolingian
Revue Mabillon
Problems of modernization in late imperial Russia: Maksim M. Kovalevskii on social and economic reform
Evgeny Badredinov
The problems of social and economic reform were at the center academic political activities Maksim M. Kovalevskii (1851-1916), a prominent Russian historian sociologist. comparative study rural communal institutions led him to conclude that village commune remained viable institution in late imperial Russia. Although he believed firmly private agriculture, criticized Stolypin land for attempting pressure peasants separate from communes. argued country dominated by traditions state must not destroy collective economy legislative fiat. He urged policy-makers support instead destroying it pointed substantial evidence commune's potential. Recent studies have confirmed Kovalevskii's assertions arrangements post-Emancipation flexible enough allow innovation improvement. analysis challenges us revise our understanding general dynamic change.
LSU Digital Commons (Louisiana State University)
Latin Grammar Crossing Multilingual Zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904
Pádraic Moran
Priscian’s Latin Grammar was originally written to enable Greekspeakers study Latin. In this ninth-century manuscript, a further dimension is added by the presence of over 9,400 annotations sometimes in Latin, Old Irish, and often code-switching between two, all service linguistic science.
De Gruyter eBooks
Historiography and identity, III: Carolingian approaches. Edited by Rutger Kramer, Helmut Reimitz and Graeme Ward. (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 29.) Pp. viii + 399 incl. 1 table. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. €100. 978 2 503 58655 7; 1378 8779
Sam Ottewill‐Soulsby
Historiography and identity, III: Carolingian approaches. Edited by Rutger Kramer, Helmut Reimitz Graeme Ward. (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity the Middle Ages, 29.) Pp. viii + 399 incl. 1 table. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. €100. 978 2 503 58655 7; 1378 8779 - Volume 73 Issue
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Creativity over time and space
Michel Serafinelli|Guido Tabellini
Abstract Creativity is often highly concentrated in time and space, across different domains. What explains the formation decay of clusters creativity? We match data on notable individuals born Europe between eleventh nineteenth centuries with historical city data. The production attraction creative talent associated institutions that protected economic political freedoms promoted local autonomy. Instead, indicators conditions such as size real wages, do not predict clusters. also show famous creatives are spatially clustered disciplines, their spatial mobility has remained stable over centuries, persistent but less than population.
Journal of Economic Growth|RePEc: Research Papers in Economics|Open Access at Essex (University of Essex)|Open Access at Essex (University of Essex)|RePEc: Research Papers in Economics|RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
Eriugena and Mu’tazilites: a story of interaction between Christian West and Islamic East
Sergei N. Sushkov
ABSTRACTThis essay explores the interaction between Christian West and Islamic East via ninth-century scholar Eriugena Mu’tazilites. Both were committed to search for basic unitive truth lying at heart of their beliefs. Though coming from different cultural traditions, these prominent thinkers had a happy opportunity sharing experience intellectual quest while shedding light upon most essential in human beings – reason which enabled them, properly ordered manifest, articulate creation as an integral reality no discrepancy essence existence is found. It suggested that dialectic, developed by his contemporaries, could well support shared unity our own day.KEYWORDS: EruigenaMu’tazilitiesinterfaith dialogueclash civilisations Disclosure statementNo potential conflict interest was reported author(s).Notes1 Huntington, Clash Civilisations, 25.2 Ibid., 29–30.3 33–34.4 25, 22.5 39.6 Aga Khan, ‘Philosophical Statement’, 3 July 2008, Institute Ismaili Studies Brochure (2017), 1.7 See, example, The Qur’an, Surah 2: ‘Then do not set up rivals unto Allah you know He Alone has right be worshipped’ (2:22). ‘And mix with falsehood … truth’ (2:42).8 1:6.9 In relation historically tense relationship Christianity Islam see, Rollin Armour, Islam, West, chapters 3–5; addition, 8–9 give insight into historic attempts developing some amicable relationships two religions; Chapter 12 about changing attitude present.10 Qu’ran, 5:82.11 See Amangaliev, «Несторианство,» 3.12 4.13 3.14 Spengler, Закат, 271.15 4.16 This formula articulated follows: ‘It follows then true philosophy religion conversely philosophy’ (Eriugena, Treatise, 7). Hegel makes following remark: ‘Philosophy speaking begins ninth century John Scottus Eriugena’ (Hegel, Lectures Philosophy Religion, 42).17 Sushkov, Being Creation, chapter 1.18 Religion may often seen kind spiritual practice aimed winning God’s favour. Because this emphasis on divine side, however, it infrequently forgotten how important humans’ efforts are supposed God-man relationship. Meanwhile, very idea favour hardly conceivable beyond possible compatibility infinite divinity sinful humanity. means towards transformation nature, among repentance moral purification would initial steps, necessarily implied religion. Otherwise, restoration link man God, meant name (derived Latin religare), remain mere declaration. post-secular context, therefore, crucial never before really understand what all about. That why, admits task knowing constitutes matter ‘of universal philosophical age’ Философия религии, 242).19 Among those outstanding dialecticians, Allaf al-Nazzam noted. Their contribution will considered below more detail. however irrelevant add here al-Nazzam’s views Parmenides’s ontology presumably influenced Eriugena’s dialectical approach ontology, particularly evident fourth mode understanding being non-being, appears opening part Periphyseon.20 central principles new contradiction unfairly featured. Thus, according Hegel, criterion truth, whereas its lack delusion (see Работы, 265).21 St Augustine indisputable authority Carolingians, none other but Charlemagne himself largely responsible Augustine’s works. known he so read writings quote extensive passages them Levandovsky, Карл Великий, 14). Especially enjoyable reading On City emperor frequently referred source inspiration challenging social projects: ‘ treatise God Bishop Hippo only favourite book, also direct leading guide great plan envisaged fulfil reality’ (ibid., 124). enormous building was, A. Levandovsky points out, Charles’s ‘haunting idea’ sought realise ibid.). As result, message become real agenda Carolingian scholars time appeared Gaul.22 centrality notion explicitly expressed outset opus magnum. (See Eriugena, Periphyseon, 441b-442a).23 441a. 120–31.24 imago dei doctrine gives us His recognises Himself, since finds nothing alien Him (His will) there.25 Genesis story teaches us, Being’s self-identity realised through self-disclosure, where inner outer can ever found Ex. 3:14), should improperly understood ontological roots goodness genuine morality.26 454a.27 biblical Fall (Gen. 3) tells after committing sin humans have leave paradise creation. myth allows breaking substantial order followed departure mundane world results mind’s deception senses making judge appearance.28 theme full vigour later re-emerges Kant’s transcendentalism. focal point concept (recta ratio) which, exaggeration, identified cornerstone entire system. According it, similarly apriorism, reason’s concepts go ahead sensory data, organising ruling sense (see, 6 132–54).29 Spirit (in whose ubiquitous nature spiritually wholesome come conformity whole) is, speak, proper place indivisibility, Creator one. Holy Scripture explicit about: ‘But hour coming, now here, when worshippers worship Father Truth, seeks such Him. Spirit, who must Truth’ (Jn. 4:23–24).30 Brilliantov, Влияние, 43–44. Werner Beierwaltes, F.A. Staudenmaier ‘the germ present Philosophy,’ focused problem theology, faith knowledge, revelation’ (Beierwaltes, ‘Revaluation,’ 191).31 45.32 Ibid, 43.33 18. Beierwaltes characteristic post-Hegelian Germany: ‘The preoccupation nineteenth styled rediscovery, ideas, having been obscure silent long time, came life again virtue impulses questioned discussed intensively’ 190). assumed,’ continues, ‘that overcome opposition eternal natural world, justified belief philosophically united inseparably Christianity, thus first founded speculative theology’ (ibid.). theology ‘attains end constituting spirit, establishing oneness revelation deepest being, reconciling incarnation (i.e. second creation) creation.’ And understands salvation ‘fully achieved’ 191).34 1970 Dublin (Ireland) Society Promotion Eriugenian (SPES) founded. Since until recently international areas academic expertise under aegis. list Greek theological authorities regard influence 119–23.35 Despite made including quotation Augustine, little received unfriendly, both opponents members church hierarchy, formerly sided author actually employed him writing work. Moran, Philosophy, 35.)36 O’Meara, 1–4.37 2. A Russian A.I. one illustrious classics studies, likewise accepted version close transcription Erigena.38 2.39 Ibid.40 Neoplatonic character systems highly disputable, there lies conception creatio rather than emanatio. therefore surprising find,’ Alfred Ivry admits, al-Kindi borrows major work Neoplatonism, Plotinus’s Enneads’ (Al-Kindi, First 15). particular, ‘apparently rejects drawn view transcendent One Who nevertheless, Creator’ 15–16).41 12.42 35–40.43 Sagadeev, ‘Статус философии,’ 23–24.44 26. For Spanish Arab, took meetings, see al-Guzel, Mutazilites, 264–65.45 Soloviev, ‘Кризис,’ 511.46 Mutahhari, ‘Introduction,’ §19.47 unsurpassed fame Arabs, fell victim severe persecutions along Mu’tazilites Caliph Mu’tawakkil: ‘His large private library confiscated apparently beaten’ 3).48 Valiuddin, ‘Mutazilism’ Muslim sec. above discussion authority.49 B: §1.50 Divine Unity Justice fundamental five Mu’tazilah teaching ibid., A.).51 Al-Shahrastani, Kitab al-Milaa wal-Niha, quoted Wensinek, Creed, 62.52 Abu al-Hundhail ‘received instruction Uthman ibn Khalid Tawil, pupil Wasil’ (Valiuddun, ‘Mutazilism,’ §2).53 does dialectics three thousand persons embraced hand’ (ibid.).54 ibid. debates Salih Magian, staunch upholder dualism Manichaean type, went far assert gods.55 act comply overall believers third principle concerning Promise, acts contrary Promise. From perspective coherent out question manifestations associated qualities assigned finite things only.56 ‘Mutazilism’, §2.57 Ibid.58 Ibid.59 Tillich, Being-Itself (Selbst Sein) definition being. George Pattison, Philosophical Theology, 5, 18.)60 Bible, meaning Name ‘I am I am’ (Ex.3:14). significance Tetragrammaton holistic 54–57.61 classical examples devastating impact knowledge unguided provided Ptolemy’s geocentric Taking account sun moves round earth, theory offered wrong vision resulting getting touch reality. restore status guiding force process acquisition (and break truly apart sense-dependent assumptions fantasies), Kant make Copernican revolution philosophy.62 Istiaq Ibrahim Sayar called Allaf’s pupil. said ‘studied use works’ (Valiuddin, §3).63 Ibid.64 Ibid.65 Treatise Predestination Western perspective, appearance historical stage nowhere. predestination controversy,’ writes Dermot ‘marks written evidence we activity’ (Moran, 35).66 34.67 Jean Devisse, Hincmar: Vol 1, 150–51, 34.68 35.69 Ibid.70 32.71 Ibid.72 31.Additional informationNotes contributorsSergei N. SushkovDr Sergei Sushkov Associate Professor History Academy National Economy Public Administration (RANEPA), educated Moscow State University (MPhil) Glasgow (MTh, PhD). Prior present, taught number institutions higher education Central Asia. post-Enlightenment agenda, approached synthesis religion, area research interest.
International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
Revealing inscriptions obscured by time on an early-modern lead funerary cross using terahertz multispectral imaging
Junliang Dong|Ana C.F. Ribeiro|Aurélien Vacheret|Alexandre Locquet|D. S. Citrin
Abstract The presence of a corrosion layer on lead art and archæological objects can severely impede the interpretation inscriptions, thus hampering our overall understanding object its context. While oxidation that dominates may be chemically reversible via reduction, potentially providing some access to inscriptions otherwise obscured by time, damage is neither entirely nor reduction process in all cases easy or feasible carry out. In this study, taking advantage unique penetration ability terahertz radiation abundant frequency bands covered single-cycle pulse, we perform nondestructive multispectral imaging look under sixteenth century funerary cross ( croix d’absolution ) from Remiremont Lorraine, France. images obtained various are fed into judiciously designed post-processing chain for image restoration enhancement, allowing us first time read might have been lost. Our approach, which brings together new way THz properties constituent materials advanced signal- image-processing techniques, opens up perspectives multi-resolution analysis at frequencies as technique archæometry will ultimately provide unprecedented information digital acquisition documentation, character extraction, classification, recognition studies.
Scientific Reports|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|PubMed Central|PubMed
Introduction: The Charisma of Liturgy in the Middle Ages
Jaume Aurell i Cardona
This collective volume is devoted to the various manifestations of liturgy in Middle Ages, based on a great variety and wealth primary sources [...]
Genetic population structure across Brittany and the downstream Loire basin provides new insights on the demographic history of Western Europe
Isabel Alves|Joanna Giemza|Michaël G. B. Blum|Carolina Bernhardsson|Stéphanie Chatel|Matilde Karakachoff|Aude Saint Pierre|Anthony F. Herzig|Robert Olaso|Martial Monteil|Véronique Gallien|Élodie Cabot|Emma Svensson|Delphine Daian|Estelle Baron|Charlotte Berthellier|Céline Besse|Hélène Blanché|Ozvan Bocher|Anne Boland|Stéphanie Bonnaud|Éric Charpentier|Claire Dandine‐Roulland|Claude Férec|Christine Fruchet|Simon Lecointe|Édith Le Floch|Thomas Ludwig|Gaëlle Marenne|Vincent Meyer|Elisabeth Quellery|Fernando Racimo|Karen Rouault|Florian Sandron|Jean‐Jacques Schott|Lourdes Velo Suarez|Jade Violleau|Eske Willerslev|Yves Coativy|Mael Jézéquel|Daniel Le Bris|Clément Nicolas|Yvan Pailler|Marcel Goldberg|Marie Zins|Hervé Le Marec|Mattias Jakobsson|Pierre Darlu|Emmanuelle Génin|Jean‐François Deleuze|Richard Redon|Christian Dina
Abstract European genetic ancestry originates from three main ancestral populations - Western hunter-gatherers, early farmers and Yamnaya Eurasian herders whose edges geographically met in present-day France. Despite its central role to our understanding of how the interacted gave rise modern population structure, history France has remained largely understudied. Here, we analysed high-coverage whole-genome sequences genome-wide genotype profiles respectively 856 3,234 individuals northern half France, merged them with publicly available ancient Europe-wide datasets. We also explored, for first time, six mediaeval (300-1100 CE) gain insights into impact what is commonly known as Migration Period Europe. found extensive fine-scale structure across Brittany downstream Loire basin, emphasising need investigating local better understand distribution rare putatively deleterious variants space. Overall, observed an increased differentiation between southern sides river Loire, which are characterised by different proportions steppe vs. Neolithic-related ancestry. Samples carry largest levels show high allele sharing associated Bell Beaker complex, that only comparable those lying on northwestern Together, results imply retain substantial legacy changes occurred Northwestern Europe following arrival people c. 2500 BCE. Such may explain disease-related alleles other Britain Ireland.
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
Understanding the Old Hispanic Office
Emma Hornby|Kati Ihnat|Rebecca Maloy|Raquel Rojo Carrillo
Based on highly original archival and palaeographical research, this is the first methodological factual primer in English distinctive liturgical tradition of early medieval Spain. It provides clear approachable blueprints for future work description analysis (musical, theological cultural) other liturgies. For non-specialists, authors introduce main features Old Hispanic liturgy, its manuscripts, services genres. specialists, they model a variety ways to with materials depth, incorporating notational, musical, historical perspectives. those interested musical notation, book lays out method working unpitched neumes, illustrative results, that will inspire challenge others monophonic chant. historians liturgists, texts melodies are analysed combination context informed their creation.
Presenting the Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi, a Multi-Isotope Database for Medieval Europe
Carlo Cocozza|Enrico Cirelli|Marcus Groß|Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen|Ricardo Fernandes
Here we present the Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi (CIMA), an open-access database gathering more than 50,000 isotopic measurements for bioarchaeological samples located within Europe and its margins, dating between 500 1500 CE. This multi-isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr) archive of on human, animal, plant archaeological remains also includes a variety supporting information that offer, instance, taxonomic characterization samples, their location, chronology, in addition to data social, religious, political contexts. Such dataset can be used identify gaps future research address multiple questions, including those related with studies medieval human lifeways (i.e. subsistence, spatial mobility), paleo-environmental -climatic conditions, animal agricultural management practices. Brief examples such applications are given here discuss how integration large volumes other types historical improve our knowledge Europe.
Scientific Data|Archivio istituzionale della ricerca (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna)|PubMed Central|PubMed
Light and Divine Wisdom: An Alternative Interpretation of the Iconography of the Fuller Brooch
Loredana Teresi
Abstract The Fuller Brooch is considered the earliest English representation of five senses. central character, representing sight, thought to also hold one or more figurative meanings, linked ideas and concepts that were current in King Alfred’s cultural context. These meanings presumably meant be emphasised clarified by two objects this figure holding. So far, however, these have not been satisfactorily interpreted, with most scholars tentatively identifying them as plants cornucopias. This study makes a case for torches, embodying concept light, so theme oculi mentis ‘eyes mind’ wisdom learning. relevance divine light Alfredian framework emerges clearly from translations into Soliloquia , Consolatio Philosophiae Regula pastoralis . Evidence iconography inluminatio ‘illumination’ acquisition featuring Utrecht Psalter (and its later copies), iconographical connection between God can seen historiated initial hymns Durham Hymnal.
Anglia|Nova Science Publishers (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.)
Improvement of soil fertility in historical ridge and furrow cultivation
Theresa Langewitz|Katja Wiedner|Dagmar Fritzsch|Eileen Eckmeier
Abstract Ridge and furrow cultivation is the most widely used agricultural technique in medieval postmedieval Europe, but fertilization of soils during their use not yet fully understood. Pedological analyses this provided information, which led to assumption that some investigated sites Northern Central Germany were manured with livestock excrements cultivation. The objective study determine whether how have been fertilized materials applied for purpose. We at five using phosphate steroid (stanols bile acids), black carbon analyses, a micromorphology study. results showed waste was likely as fertilizer four studied low intensities, pigs herbivores being probable sources excrement. But also application human feces soil might be possible least one site. Often methods such plaggen an intentional charcoal input enhance fertility could clearly verified our sites.
Geoarchaeology-An International Journal
Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history
Yu He|Alexandra Jamieson|Ardern Hulme-Beaman|Chris J. Conroy|Becky Knight|Camilla Speller|Hiba Al-Jarah|Heidi Eager|Alexandra Trinks|G. Adikari|Henriette Baron|Beate Böhlendorf‐Arslan|Wijerathne Bohingamuwa|Alison Crowther|Thomas Cucchi|Kinie Esser|Jeffrey Fleisher|Louisa Gidney|Elena Gladilina|Pavel Gol’din|Steven M. Goodman|Sheila Hamilton‐Dyer|Richard Helm|Jesse C. Hillman|Nabil Kallala|Hanna Kivikero|Zsófia Eszter Kovács|Günther Karl Kunst|René Kyselý|Anna Linderholm|Bouthéina Maraoui-Telmini|Nemanja Marković|Arturo Morales‐Muñiz|Mariana Nabais|T. P. O'Connor|Tarek Oueslati|Eréndira M. Quintana Morales|Kerstin Pasda|Jude Perera|Nimal Perera|Silvia Radbauer|Joan Ramon|Eve Rannamäe|Joan Sanmartí Grego|Edward R. Treasure|Sílvia Valenzuela Lamas|Inge van der Jagt|Wim Van Neer|Jean‐Denis Vigne|Thomas Walker|Stephanie Wynne‐Jones|Jørn T. Zeiler|Keith Dobney|Nicole Boivin|Jeremy B. Searle|Ben Krause‐Kyora|Johannes Krause|Greger Larson|David Orton
The distribution of the black rat (Rattus rattus) has been heavily influenced by its association with humans. dispersal history this non-native commensal rodent across Europe, however, remains poorly understood, and different introductions may have occurred during Roman medieval periods. Here, in order to reconstruct population European rats, we first generate a de novo genome assembly rat. We then sequence 67 ancient three modern mitogenomes, 36 nuclear genomes from archaeological sites spanning 1st-17th centuries CE Europe North Africa. Analyses our newly reported sequences, together published mitochondrial DNA confirm that rats were introduced into Mediterranean Southwest Asia. Genomic analyses reveal turnover temperate between 6th 10th CE, coincident an archaeologically attested decline population. near disappearance re-emergence result breakdown Empire, First Plague Pandemic, and/or post-Roman climatic cooling.
Nature Communications|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon)|RAI - Repository of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade|RAI - Repository of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade|Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) (University of Oxford)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|Lirias (KU Leuven)|PubMed Central|White Rose Research Online (University of Leeds)|Bournemouth University Research Online (Bournemouth University)|DIGITAL.CSIC (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC))|bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)|PubMed
The Legend of Charlemagne
Jace Stuckey
There are few historical figures in the Middle Ages that cast a larger shadow than Charlemagne. This volume brings together collection of studies on Charlemagne legend from wide range fields, not only adding to growing corpus work this legendary figure, but opening new avenues inquiry by bringing innovative trends cross disciplinary boundaries. expands geographical frontiers, and extends chronological scope beyond heart Carolingian Europe Spain, England, Iceland. The found here is one both familiar strange who celebrated critiqued. Contributors Jada Bailey, Cullen Chandler, Carla Del Zotto, William Diebold, Christopher Flynn, Ana Grinberg, Elizabeth Melick, Jace Stuckey, Larissa Tracy.
Struggles for Power in the Kingdom of Italy
Edoardo Manarini
This book presents a detailed study of the Hucpoldings, an elite group in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Italy. Though Hucpoldings have not received extensive treatment previous anglophone scholarship, they had key influence much what was happening this period. Manarini’s groundbreaking highlights dramatic geopolitical changes surrounding kinship kingdom Italy across three crucial centuries. The research reconstructs political events associated with every identifiable member kinship, as well inquiring into their patrimony networks relationships patronage. Finally, it examines distinctive characteristics to gain clearer picture nature power, memory strategies shared perceptions self-awareness members.
Amsterdam University Press eBooks
Cullen J. Chandler, Carolingian Catalonia: Politics, Culture, and Identity in an Imperial Province, 778–987. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xv, 321; black-and-white figures. $105. ISBN: 978-1-1084-7464-1.
Nikolas Jaspert
Previous articleNext article No AccessReviewsCullen J. Chandler, Carolingian Catalonia: Politics, Culture, and Identity in an Imperial Province, 778–987. (Cambridge Studies Medieval Life Thought: Fourth Series.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xv, 321; black-and-white figures. $105. ISBN: 978-1-1084-7464-1.Nikolas JaspertNikolas JaspertUniversität Heidelberg Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Speculum Volume 97, Number 1January 2022 The journal of the Academy America Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/717805 Views: 36Total views on site For permission reuse, please contact [email protected]PDF download Crossref reports no citing article.
The Hucpoldings’ Involvement in the Political Struggles of the Kingdom of Italy (847–945)
Edoardo Manarini
The first part of the book is dedicated to prosopographic reconstruction kinship group, and political context relationships in which members, both men women, operated from second half ninth century beginning twelfth. chapter examines Hucpoldings Italy. Fundamentally, it suggests that criteria for inclusion into ranks Carolingian elite Italian kingdom were a relationship with royal power attainment public offices different areas kingdom, such as palace capital Pavia, eastern Emilia, duchy Spoleto or marchese Tuscany.
Amsterdam University Press eBooks
Paschasius Ratbertus’ Teaching of Eucharist in the Context of Carolingian Politics and Theology
Ilia I. Anikiev
Вестник Северо-Восточного государственного университета. История
The experience of european countries regarding the effective functioning of local governance
Andrii M. Blahodarnyi|Olha O. Barabash|Andrii V. Honcharov|Mykola V. Honcharov|Volodymyr A. Shatilo
The experience of European democracies has great significance in building local governance, given its effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. Local governance touches upon essential civil problems concerning the life every person a particular territory. This intensifies need to search for an optimal model today. purpose article is examine legal regulation countries. also aims clarify historical aspects government development comprehensively study impact standards this area on regional policy. authors used scientific method identify theoretical basis study. An analysis synthesis were applied discussion section find common notion opinion systems. main comparison that allowed us compare two systems and, as result, out one. same been determine factors influence results obtained are necessary further systems, their improvement, modernization at political levels.
ECH volume 73 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
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The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Der heilige Medard und seine Verehrer. Zur königlichen Patronage von Heiligenkulten im Merowingerreich
Till Stüber
Saint Medardus and his devotees. On royal patronage of saints’ cults in the Merovingian kingdoms This paper discusses origins cult Medardus, a saint who was to become fairly popular within without Frankish realms. one numerous bishop-saints whose were typical for post-Roman Gaul. However, case is rather curious one: was, at least beginning, almost exclusively sponsored by patronage. After having transferred Medardus’s body from episcopal see Noyon town Soissons, contemporary king Chlothar I commissioned basilica be built over saint’s tomb. Serving as burial place two kings - himself (d. 561) son Sigibert 575) -, continuously benefited during Carolingian periods. The newly established quickly gained popularity subsequently figured among most prominent sanctuaries Even though posthumous ‘career’ far being commonplace, up now very little attention has been paid Chlothar’s reasons linking this bishop closely reigning dynasty. An overall look scattered evidence will suggest that consciously chose particularly ‘royal saint’, i.e. unlike many others not linked tradition certain bishopric or authority living bishop. By actively supporting new cult, successors apparently adopted integral features authority. As comparison with royally other cities show, approach well. [Author]
Antiquité tardive
Creating tasks for eLearning Slovenian under the LanGuide project
The introductory chapters of the article briefly outline Slovene language, its origin, and basic characteristics. Afterward, also offers an insight into as a second/foreign which more people have been learning in recent times. main part is to introduce methodology creating exercises for e-learning from A1 B1 levels. To make it easier user learn are upgraded terms content grammar. paper presents ten examples all three levels on topic mobility, grammar vocabulary based narrowed thematic sections (greetings, presentations, numbers, countries, nationalities, languages, travel, accommodation).
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Dark Age Nunneries: The Ambiguous Identity of Female Monasticism, 800–1050 by Steven Vanderputten
Bruce L. Venarde
Reviewed by: Dark Age Nunneries: The Ambiguous Identity of Female Monasticism, 800–1050 by Steven Vanderputten Bruce L. Venarde 800–1050. By Vanderputten. (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press. 2018. Pp. xiii + 309. $36.95. ISBN 9781501715952.) At the close Nunneries, compares researching his subject, women religious in Lotharingia ninth, tenth, eleventh centuries, to "listening a badly tuned shortwave radio. Clear, reliable information comes through short bursts, alternating with long stretches silence 'white noise'" (p. 155). Of forty institutions he considers, names monastic officers or individuals survive from only twenty-five six cases there is but one name (pp. 159–166). There single surviving biographical account Lotharingian abbess between 816 1050, that mere 500 words embedded vita an abbot 138; passage edited translated on pp. 195–197). A documentary record this thin may be large part responsible for standard narrative women's life starting ninth century finds "disempowerment descent into social spiritual redundancy" 37). What imaginative reading textual sources, which adds artistic, archeological, numismatic evidence, something quite different. "ambiguous identity" subtitle refers organized variety ways across 250 years. were internal debates about its meaning entire period, as evidence points ongoing discussion among religious—and, often, their male interlocutors: cooperation sympathetic men another theme throughout book. book primarily chronological lines chapters whose conclusions I summarize very briefly. Early ninth-century legislative efforts Carolingian churchmen did not intend do away diversity female practice "but instead aimed set boundaries legitimate experimentation" 36). Religious along strict Benedictine lines, then, was exception rather than rule. To combat limitations enclosure, communities reconfigured claustral spaces developed cults saints relics they housed maintain links laity lay spirituality, what calls "coping strategies." This allowed at least some thrive even half-century ca. 880, when faced Norman raids, power struggles fragmenting state, imposition management estates. reforms tenth first all way [End Page 202] behind insistence adherence Benedict's Rule, usually bishops, strengthen own authority families allies. regime does appear have been uniformly advantageous materially spiritually, rejection ambiguity also entailed dismissal "attested capacity reflect debate purpose life" 110). In face more pressure limit multiformity could take form smear campaigns, 970–ca. 1050 revived earlier coping strategies, seeking recognition status kings emperors while pursuing "additional 'cultic capital'" 146). Vanderputten's revisionist careful claims acknowledge speculative elements. His master class how marshall fragmentary complex coherent picture world livelier reputed. Nunneries offers golden age nuanced convincing riposte interpretations general decline decadence. Instead, it shows considerable agency defining organizing lives material support facilitated them. Ambiguity here fosters creativity vice versa, happy thought. Independent Scholar Copyright © 2022 Catholic America Press
Catholic Historical Review
Sethina Watson, On Hospitals: Welfare, Law and Christianity in Western Europe, 400–1320 (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020). 376 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-884753-3.
Herwig Weigl
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Medical History|PubMed Central
Politics and Religion: Ideal and Reality in the Carolingian <i>Specula Principum</i>
Thomas F. X. Noble
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Chapter 6. Post-Carolingian Collections. The Age of Reform and Scholasticism
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Trade and circulation in the Loire Valley during the Carolingian period: the case study of the monastery of Cormery
Thomas Pouyet
The cella of Cormery was established in the Indre valley at end 8th century by an abbot St Martin Tours. small monastery located approximately 20 km from famous funerary complex, which housed remains bishop Martin. supply Martin’s people based on river system Loire valley, allowed carriage resources countryside to settlement is excluded this network because River not supposed be navigable during Carolingian period presence mills along its route. On basis 9th-10th charters monastery, let us propose reconsider hypothesis and include into monastic exchange valley.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
Chapter 3. Pre-Carolingian Canonical Collections
Brepols Publishers eBooks
The Representation of Children’s Deaths in Florentine Family Books. A Methodology of Researching Emotions in Renaissance Florence
Hanna Wichmann
The article investigates the death of children and its emotional depiction in Florentine family books Tre- Quattrocento. Following Barbara Rosenwein’s theory communities, as well William M. Reddy’s emotives, essay will present excerpts from source material to examine extent which authors used emotions or “emotional language” describe their own experiences events and, if necessary, communicate “emotionally” with audience texts. Is it possible identify similarities differences narrative children’s deaths so, what degree can these be interpreted? Furthermore, Philippe Ariès’ thesis emotionally detached relationships parents regarding infants addressed questioned.
La royauté franque et les origines du culte de saint Germain de Paris (<scp>vi</scp><sup>e</sup>-<scp>viii</scp><sup>e</sup> siècles)
Clara Germann
The article examines the role played by first Merovingian kings in development of cult Saint Germain, bishop Paris. Chilpéric I sought to make saint patron his family and city, on model initiated father Clotaire at Saint-Médard Soissons. He was responsible for burial, considered temporary, Germain Saint-Vincent, as well an unfinished project a personal funerary basilica. veneration continued court descendants II Dagobert, with Bertrand Le Mans Éloi, sketching out very Parisian anchorage. arrival Carolingians confirms dynastic nature that devotion. translation relics 755 is final endorsement: presence Pépin le Bref ceremony reflects new dynasty’s policy legitimisation through main saints.
Revue Mabillon
Chapter 5. The Carolingian Tradition of Manuscripts
Brepols Publishers eBooks
The Paper Chase: The Pursuit of Carolingian Legal Innovations
Abigail Firey
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Carolingian Boyhoods
Valerie L. Garver
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Introducing Carolingian Experiments
Matthew Bryan Gillis
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Monica Brînzei
The Faculty of Theology Bologna, founded in 1364, presents a paradox when we investigate its custom performing principia on the Sentences prior to 1400. Although are fortunate have from Bologna most complete surviving documentation concerning organization medieval theology faculty, only two sets been identified so far matricula 450 known scholastics. situation hinders any comparative investigation that intends test how what is depicted statutes reflected practice. those Cistercian Conrad Ebrach, 1368–1369, and Augustinian Augustinus Favaroni Rome, dating 1388–1389. This study uses Favaroni's illustrate this academic exercise functioned at University Bologna. It begins with biographical sketch Rome followed by short description as mirrored continues brief summary each four reporting philosophical theological topics developed his text, an emphasis debates which he engaged defend theses, concludes appendix containing edition principia.
De civitate Dei in Verona: The Relationship of Dependency between the Manuscripts Verona, B. Cap. XXVIII (26) and XXIX (27)
Julia Aguilar Miquel
This paper establishes the textual relationship between two of earliest manuscriptsof Augustine’s De civitate Dei: most ancient extant witness work, Verona, B. Cap.,XXVIII (26), 5th century, and Carolingian Cap., XXIX (27), 9th century. It examinestheir codicological relation deals with their paratexts (the tabulaecapitulorum marginalia). also analyses possible Veronese provenance otherwitnesses, namely: Paris, BnF, lat. 12214 + St. Petersburg, RNB, Q.v.I.4 palimpsestBologna, Archivio della Fabbriceria di San Petronio, cart. 716/1, no. 1, in order to offer anoverview fortune Dei Verona from late Antiquity Carolingianperiod. Lastly, it provides a transcription an unpublished oratio, added on f. 252v ofmanuscript XXVIII, which has been linked Bishop Ratherius (ca. 887–974).
Wiener Studien
Networks of bishops, networks of texts
This volume is the first one in a collection connected to PRIN project on Ruling hard times. Patterns of Power and practices government making Carolingian Italy. Its focus lays bishops their networks relationships late-8th 9th-century The episcopal contribution inclusion Lombard kingdom social political landscape especially analyzed from perspective cultural exchanges (of ideas, texts, manuscripts) that created or used carry out public pastoral duties. Each paper focuses specific figure area, reconstructing scope extent which they were pivot. aim provide as comprehensive picture possible crossed Italy ways shaped made use them.
Firenze University Press eBooks|Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository)|Padua Research Archive (University of Padua)
The Lives of Guénolé and Idunet: A Study of the Memory of the Abbey of Landévennec
Elysée Yhuel
The abbey of Landévennec, situated in western Brittany, experienced political and religious change beginning the ninth century with advent Benedictine Rule, a consequence further imposition Carolingian hegemony. Prior to this, community had used Irish rule tonsure practised rigorous ascetic lifestyle. Using hagiographies St Guénolé, Landévennec’s founder, Idunet, his little-known disciple, this article explores how Landévennec understood reacted transforming climate Brittany. It reveals that chose remember record past which close ties saints Ireland more generally, order reflect on tumultuous present maintain continuity their glorious past, now distant.
The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies
Pragmatic Sanctions? The Peace of God and its Carolingian Antecedents
Geoffrey Koziol
Brepols Publishers eBooks
The Crumbs of the Crumbs. Dhuoda and the Mid-Ninth-Century Carolingian Church
Dana M. Polanichka
Cursor mundi
Clemens Gartner, Walter Pohl (ed.), “After Charlemagne”
Erika Cinello
Storicamente: rivista scientifica di storia, open access, supportata dal Dipartimento Storia Culture Civiltà dell'Università Bologna. contemporanea, moderna, medievale, antica, antropologia e geografia
Steffen Patzold
The summary highlights the extent to which articles collected here go beyond previous research on bishops and open up new perspectives: contributions no longer only ask about "hard power" of bishops. Instead, they focus episcopal "soft power": impressively show that knew how use books, pen ink manipulate ideas convictions reframe discourses. A basis for this approach is provided by scans medieval manuscripts, are now made available libraries in Europe large numbers excellent quality.
Reti medievali e-book
Emily A. Winkler
This article investigates how and why medieval ecclesiastical writers thought wrote about experiences of grief in human history. It examines the works three late twelfth-century Latin from England: a foundation history Waltham Abbey its holy cross, series annals kept by Hugh Candidus at Peterborough, Gerald Wales's autobiographical travel writing alongside his De principis instructione . Drawing on biblical, literary, theological, iconographic models for suffering western Christian tradition, situates these exegetical philosophical ideas they shared, explains what is original significant their approaches to each instance grief. argues that central problem pondered narratives was relationship between universal particular nature Grieving, thought, had key qualities: it impelled desire act; could not be meaningfully measured; persisted time. In prioritizing experience over function, meaning, or morality, considered emotion rational, natural, honest. The value placed family family-like relationships provides context understanding priorities thinking responses loss. Interest grief's endurance, rather than resolution consolation, has been understood as more typical secular, sacred, thought. By showing writers’ lived within other this illuminates greater range dignity emotion.
Traditio|Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) (University of Oxford)
Lothar’s manuscripts, manuscripts for Lothar, manuscripts of Lothar’s time
Laura Pani
This paper aims to give an account of some the manuscripts related Lothar. In its first section attempt is made at retracing a set books that could have belonged Lothar’s library, nowadays known only from secondary sources. second display codices are discussed, either commissioned by Lothar, or dedicated him, such as Gospel Book MS Par. lat. 266 those traditionally referred «Lothar-Gruppe», whose actual connection both Lothar and each other questioned here. The third last part contains considerations on produced during years government in Italy, essentially coincide with quarter ninth century.
Reti medievali e-book
Episcopal authority and networks in Carolingian times: recent approaches and perspectives
Gianmarco De Angelis|Francesco M. Veronese
This paper introduces the volume, aiming first of all at presenting historiographical framework in which collected essays are placed and common questions around they revolve, with particular regard to typologies, characteristics, extension social cultural networks that Italian bishops built themselves, their effects on integration regnum Carolingian political structures.
Reti medievali e-book|Research Padua Archive (University of Padua)
Is there an Islamophobic Literary Tradition? Islamophobia in Literature 1- up to AD 1300
Abdulatheef Kampuravan
Islamophobia is in vogue and a hot topic of discussion both academia outside. appears the daily life various forms like, public humiliations, physical attacks, throwing abusive words etc. On other hand, media literature Muslim names characters are misrepresented quite often presented as dangerous beings. Some believe that this wide spread recent phenomenon especially triggered by terror attacks Sep 11. However, historic analysis will expose early centuries can find it was never less fierce than surge we current literature. This paper attempting to tradition beginning with 7th century Arabic Greek writings distorting Islam its prophet English plays 14th
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
Representations of Lothar I in the Liber pontificalis Ravennatis
Edward M. Schoolman
Lothar looms large in the Liber pontificalis of Ravenna, an episcopal gesta composed after 846 by a local cleric that city named Agnellus. In its prefatory verse, was tied to memory his grandfather Charlemagne, and afterwards presented as ally church, relationship sealed service bishop George (837-846) godfather Lothar’s daughter Rotruda. Furthermore, upon death Louis Pious, part embassy attempting resolve conflicts between brothers, sought affirm Ravenna privileges on eve battle Fontenoy, event described quite differently from other sources. Completed following these struggles, used this image further claims special status city, especially independence Rome longstanding imperial connections, actively legitimize own position through juxtaposition with Charlemagne. Although preserved accounts bishops singular efforts elevate memorialize differ contemporary institutional chronicles, underscore tension inherent narrative.
Reti medievali e-book
The Elbian Region as Predatory Landscape, 900–1200 CE: Enslavement, Slaughter, and Settler Colonialism
Lisa Wolverton
The Elbian Region as Predatory Landscape, 900–1200 CEEnslavement, Slaughter, and Settler Colonialism Lisa Wolverton My aim in this article is simple: to draw the attention of community scholars interested history enslavement lands along east river Elbe central Middle Ages.1 Michael McCormick's research has suggested that, throughout ninth century, Franks were actively supplying slaves vast markets Islamic world, Byzantines, Venetians, Bohemians, many others.2 Prisoners Carolingian warfare, "subjugated by violence," became "mobile merchandise," his words.3 Many those captured enslaved Slavs, an ethnic designation for different peoples occupying broad stretches Central Eastern Europe period. Insofar kind military campaigning that potentially fed captives into slave trade persisted region under Ottonians tenth through Second Crusade mid-twelfth, long afterward, it seems logical consider whether human trafficking also continued period after study leaves off, is, year 900.4 Were still seized sale distant markets? To what degree captivity regular features life communities beyond Elbe? What conditions facilitated traffic persons shaped fates its victims? Asking fundamental questions about region, even absence definitive answers, timely. compendious volume was published twenty years ago now; have absorbed, sometimes contested, conclusions, they begun transelbian brought differing assumptions bear. Alice Rio, her recent book, [End Page 101] Slavery Rome 500–1100, argues against active Slavs Germany's eastern frontier—in part extension critique thesis; displacing slaving activities further north east, well Frankish borders; drawing on hoard analyses like Marek Jankowiak.5 Jankowiak himself sees long-distance transport coming end ca. 950 CE, account changing economic world decreasing demand Saqaliba (the contemporary Arabic term Slavs).6 However, simultaneously with Rio Jankowiak's works, Ittai Weinryb stated unequivocally mined copper felled forests necessary fabricate famous bronze doors Hildesheim early eleventh so stress fundamentally colonialist irony these monuments missionary efforts convert Christianity resulted from their simultaneous enslavement.7 glaring discrepancies between views suggest important issues 900 remain unresolved. Everywhere globe, discovering telling histories people extremely difficult. First foremost, hampered very marginalization slaves, de facto or iure, within where lived worked some all lives. For societies whose pasts are poorly documented—because cultures oral, not written; because written records failed survive present; genres authorship extant materials discourage aspects everyday life—these problems compounded. Archeologists, part, recently grapple directly problem discerning slavery among material evidence.8 "Slavery," Alex Woolf notes, "creates invisible people."9 Yet, despite obstacles, our frequent inability know details certitude, there remains little question forms been widely practiced societies. It can be found nearly times places; small-scale large industrialized economies; mines, brothels, agriculture, at sea; high-minded base. overwhelming imbalance ubiquity scarcity evidence lives must first acknowledged to...
Placing Music in Carolingian Monastic Culture
Patrick J. Geary
Epitome musical
Wergild, Compensation and Penance: The Monetary Logic of Early Medieval Conflict Resolution by Lukas Bothe, Stefan Esders and Han Nijdam
Julian Calcagno
Reviewed by: Wergild, Compensation and Penance: The Monetary Logic of Early Medieval Conflict Resolution by Lukas Bothe, Stefan Esders Han Nijdam Julian Calcagno Lukas, Esders, Nijdam, eds, (Medieval Law Its Practice, 31), Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2021; hardback; pp. 322; R.R.P. €143.00; ISBN 9789004466128. This volume is an edited collection observations concerning a revitalization the study wergild conflict settlement in medieval Europe. Interest this area has peaked recent decades book reflects that interest. contains thirteen single-author chapters set out to examine role compensation different legal systems. Though some attention paid classical Roman period, order demonstrate possible efforts continuity Germanic systems, overall emphasis skewed towards Anglo-Saxon England Frankish Carolingian France, with on Frisian, Scandinavian, other ‘Germanic-like’ sources. There great deal dialogue between chapters, each author adding their own insights respect other’s work. Indeed, gives more insightful approach, as builds thesis aims uncover how person’s worth was established era why monetary values were applied resolve certain conflicts. first three are largely devoted analysing incentive behind method compensation. In doing so, authors unpack structural approaches outlined law codes such Sachsenspiegel, leges barbarorum, Lex Frisionum. These studies broad investigate many codes, yet they deliver well-rounded preliminary [End Page 226] understanding early mentalities surrounding resolution. focus these few appears be tracking down transition from ancient beginnings statehood. It argued phenomenon ‘superior’ models resolution, payment would disincentivize kinship groups getting involved individual feuds (p. 10). However, quite rightly points out, problem quantifying human life terms value ‘value’ always abstract 12). To understand abstraction, contributors refer idea honour, albeit represented numerical value. theme honour runs predominantly through most well examined Chapters 6 7. Overall, enhanced appreciation played substantial psychologization utilized conflict. half will appeal those unfamiliar or order. For interested terminological analysis wergild, then 4 5 beguile reader. Naturally, useful guides for examining links similarity which book. make up second independent themes. delivered less specific particular code. Rob Meens’s chapter interestingly draws us away what one may consider ‘secular’ law, he focuses penance penitential practice. Recent scholarship considered likelihood have been part punishment process. Meens correctly our texts include methods practice often circulated throughout Europe made exact lawbreakers. Making peace God absolving oneself sin was, therefore, arguably just important process restoring here reminds there uncertainty we secular ecclesiastical 233). Both interrelated period. distinction two to...
Die homiletische Sammlung De quattuor virtutibus caritatis und Baturich von Regensburg
Lukas J. Dorfbauer
In the present article two parchment leaves preserved at OberösterreichischeLandesbibliothek in Linz (Ms. 642 and 644) are identified as remnants of a copy thehomiletic collection De quattuor virtutibus caritatis written Regensburg first third ofthe 9th century under bishop Baturich. It is demonstrated that Baturich himself likely to haveprocured book’s exemplar from Fulda. Whereas many copies coll. IV virt. car. survivefrom high later middle ages, we currently know only three Carolingian witnesses(the book question; Fulda short fragment which now preservedat Marburg; mentioned several old lists Lorsch), they all seem have beenclosely related. As for structure car., it argued distinction betweena core consisting texts nr. 1–24 supplement 25–28, wasintroduced collection’s scholarly description by Raymond Étaix, should be abandoned.
Wiener Studien
Reconceiving curriculum: an historical approach
Stephen Triche
This dissertation reconceives curriculum through an historical approach that employs Ludwig Wittgenstein’s later philosophy. Curriculum is more than the knowledge taught in school. Curriculum, as I a theorist conceives it, concerned with broader intellectual and ideological ways society thinks about education. Hence, current school curriculum’s focus on specific learning outcomes offers limited view of fashioned by society, thereby offering social history highly selective. concept “language-games” curricularists way to re-include some these stories. The emerges at end Renaissance from Peter Ramus’s refinement art dialectic into pedagogical method logic. modern field arose nineteenth century educators sought further refine remnants scholasticism’s practices employing “social efficiency” scientific management effectively organize American Social efficiency became underlying premises Ralph Tyler’s (1949) rationalization curriculum. During nineteen seventies, theorists began disrupting rational foundations reconceptualizing using philosophies theories developed outside education alter language used describe use philosophy disrupt underpinnings. Wittgenstein maintains knowing does not require internal or external authority, rejecting empirical logical underlie Western Using suggests indirect activity teaching students words. educating indirectly closely resemble kinds playful activities which children engage their ordinary lives. He synoptic presentation connects concepts emerge our everyday new interesting ways. By asking see resemblances among synoptically, rather logically, cannot be reduced acquisition set facts, ordered sequence steps. As such, Wittgensteinian act language-play.
LSU Digital Commons (Louisiana State University)
Medieval Methods: Guido D’Arezzo’s Innovative Approaches to Music Education
Lydia Kee
Music education has been influenced by many people throughout history, but arguably none of them have done so as much the monk, Guido D’Arezzo. His teaching methods embraced and developed music educators centuries. For example, it is recorded that was first to use five-line staff we today. This especially groundbreaking in a world rote memorization. Today used globally education. The roots solfege are also found Guido’s writings; his syllables adapted Zoltan Kodály. Not only that, John Curwen’s hand signs derivative so-called Guidonian Hand. writings provide ideas on including composition music. These Feierabend, proponent improvisation classroom. Therefore, our modern practices can be traced back ingenuity.
Musical offerings|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Ethnogenesis and the Interrelationship of Musical Repertoires Among the Jews of Eastern Europe
Walter Feldman
(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers
Brenišínová Monika
&lt;i&gt;(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers&lt;/i&gt; focuses on the Catholic tradition consecrated life (vita religiosa) from High Middle Ages to present. It gathers papers by authors various disciplinary backgrounds, in particular art history, anthropology and translation studies. Finally, it includes two short reports Czech projects monastic topics. The chronological geographical scope book is focused Western up present, specifically territory Central Europe Spain along with its overseas colonies. region was interconnected Spanish Empire through Austrian Habsburgs, allowing given topic be studied a broader international context, involve European territories global flow information, thus incorporating regional national histories individual countries into history. This involvement also enabled study interconnecting themes, such cultural transfers within between Old New World, information flows processes social identity formation, representation othering women, missionary activities mendicant orders together their practices; contextualization history related themes internal external colonization evangelization.
Hungarian Towns Against the Ottoman Advance in the Middle Ages: the Cases of Pécs, Szeged and Temesvár
István Petrovics
The study aims to demonstrate the geographical, legal and political status of three southern Hungarian towns role that these played in wars against Ottomans from late 14th early 16th century. Pécs, located Transdanubian part realm was a rich episcopal city, while Szeged lying at confluence Rivers Tisza Maros thriving royal free town Great Plain. third town, Temesvár (today Timişoara, Romania) on eastern fringe Plain seigneurial seat powerful counts Temes which served as gateway Balkans. consists chapters: first analyses development characteristics under scrutiny Middle Ages, second outlines Ottoman-Hungarian relations between mid-16th century, examines anti-Ottoman wars.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego eBooks
The two versions of the life of Pope Sergius II in the Liber pontificalis. Anti-Frankish feeling in Rome after Louis II’s expedition of 844
Maddalena Betti
The analysis of the two versions life Pope Sergius II (844-847) published by Louis Duchesne in his edition Liber pontificalis aims at identifying and discussing tools developed Lateran to illustrate relationship between Apostolic See Carolingian power time Emperor Lothair. I will first present their circulation, then highlight rhetorical strategies employed author diminish political significance II’s journey Rome (844). Secondly, refer second part so-called Farnesianus version II. In this particular section, author, before incomplete report Saracen raid on mouth Tiber sack St. Peter's Basilica (846), critically describes pontificate II, dominated negative figure pontiff's brother, Benedict, who imposed tyranny over its territory behalf emperor (most likely as a missus imperial side). regard, it is interesting evaluate which are concealed arguments introduced here represent alleged effects application Constitutio Romana (824) socio-political structures city history Roman Church, offer hypothesis context composition particular, dwell denouncing simoniacal heresy, shown be have been triumphant during sign re-emergence theme particularly strongly felt among reformers, one can perhaps most associated with Sergius’ successor Leo IV (847-855).
Reti medievali e-book
A fragmentary story: episcopal culture in Milan during Lothar I’s reign?
Miriam Rita Tessera
Dealing with episcopal culture in Milan during Lothar I’s age (822-855), that is the of Archbishop Angilbert II (824-859), a difficult task, because lack sources and uncertain origin many extant manuscripts. As matter fact, shared common cultural background his transalpine colleagues, but he had to face loss schools rebuild system which could also improve political role see detriment Pavia. This paper analyses some main features policy: activity masters accustomed new ideas Carolingian schools, particular played by Hildemar library Civate; renewal St. Ambrose’s cult Angilbert’s iconographical choices on golden altar Sant’Ambrogio, connection literary (as for case bishop Mansuetus’ letter copied Montpellier, Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire, Faculté de medicine, H 233).
Reti medievali e-book
Swabia and the Swabian Nobility during the Ottonian Age: in the Center of Europe, on the Fringe of an Empire
Anastasia Anufrieva
The article explores what was a place of the Swabian duchy and swabian nobility in state Saxon royal imperial Ottonian dynasty. There are considered notions about Swabia three narrative sources age (the historical work Adalbert Magdeburg, two biographies church hierarchs — Ulrich, bishop Augsburg Witigowo, abbot Reichenau). traced specifics representation this topic during reigns Otto I (936—973), II (973—983) III (983—1002) gradual transformation from position on periphery empire to deeper integration into state. Such an “incomplete integration” may be explained not so much by rulers’ disinterest territory as concrete circumstances (first all, dynastical troubles). clerical elite court environment began primarily with monasteries, episcopal centers. This shows that it Carolingian tradition large part continued influence strategy German emperors Swabia.
The Monks of Saint-Thierry in a Property Dispute with the Archbishop of Reims
Gleb Schmidt
On the wave of religious enthusiasm and monastic reform under Cluny’s influence, monasteries focused their particular attention on memory institution. Collective recorded structured interactions brethren with society, preserving names benefactors, patrons, other emblematic figures. It helped communities shape identities, demarcating networks protecting reclaiming property from any exterior intervention or usurpation. This article considers three documents that have almost entirely escaped scholarly attention. small dossier is a significant example how Saint-Thierry in Reims disputed rights to demesne Villers-Franqueux against powerful, local noblement Archbishops third quarter 11th century. Engaged this dispute, community deployed different legal measures appealed royal authority. The monks did not hesitate forge material mention an influential person moment, Queen Anna, who ruled as regent around time, order solidify position. manifold detailed ‘protective narrative’ constructed by was also supplemented hagiographical texts intended provide community’s claims sacred, transcendent legitimacy, which had present deeds monastery’s adversaries only illegal but going God’s will. All this, subsequent history suggests, allowed overcome struggle retain Villers-Franqueux, became one core elements its demesne.
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta|Research Repository Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg State University)
In Search of the Roads of the Carolingian Empire
Martin Gravel
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
Prilog poznavanju grobnih nalaza 10. i 11. stoljeća u Međimurju
Petra Jeršek
Rad sagledava ranije poznate i nepoznate grobne nalaze kasnog 10. 11. stoljeća iz Šenkovca, Sv. Jurja u Trnju Martina na Muri Međimurju. Njihovom, prvi put cjelovitom obradom, jednome mjestu upotpunjena su saznanja o procesima koji se događaju između Drave Mure te širem prostoru istočnih Alpi Panonske nizine. Za prepoznavanje utvrđivanje regionalnog okvira bilo je potrebno kartiranje analogija za nalaze. Stavljanje povijesni kontekst pružilo neophodne determinante razumijevanje tog prostora, a dodatni ekskursi transformacijama ranoga srednjeg vijeka međurječju upotpunili interpretaciju grobnih nalaza.
Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu|University of Zagreb University Computing Centre (SRCE)
New Considerations on Spatial Analysis in the Research of Early Medieval Landscape: the Case Study of Bale region in Istria (Croatia)
Ivor Kranjec|Jelena Behaim
Konrad Adriaan Ottenheym, ed., Romanesque Renaissance: Carolingian, Byzantine and Romanesque Buildings (800–1200) as a Source for New <i>All’ Antica</i> Architecture in Early Modern Europe (1400–1700), NIKI Studies in Netherlandish-Italian Art History 14 (Leiden: Brill, 2021), xxiv and 432 pp. incl. 228 colour ills, ISBN 9789004446625, €165
Morgan Ng
Konrad Adriaan Ottenheym, ed., Romanesque Renaissance: Carolingian, Byzantine and Buildings (800–1200) as a Source for New All’ Antica Architecture in Early Modern Europe (1400–1700), NIKI Studies Netherlandish-Italian Art History 14 (Leiden: Brill, 2021), xxiv 432 pp. incl. 228 colour ills, ISBN 9789004446625, €165 - Volume 65
Architectural History
«Per Padum fluvium termino currente usque [...] Civitatem Novam atque Mutinam». Consolidation and affirmation of the Church of Modena and Its bishops in 9th-entury Carolingian Italy
Edoardo Manarini
This paper seeks to trace the developments which led Church of Modena and its bishops acquire a pre-eminent position in diocese second half ninth century for much following one. The analysis sets out from highly fragmented post-Roman territorial context efforts made by Lombard kings, were mostly directed towards fiscal estate Cittanova, rather than ancient Roman civitas Mutina. Particular attention is paid figure Bishop Leodoin manuscripts attributed him Chapter Library, especially famous Codex legum (O.I.2), different production suggested, prior acquisition Modena.
Reti medievali e-book
Writing, textuality, politics in the Lucca of Bishops Berengar and Ambrose (837-852)
Paolo Tomei
The article consists of two intertwined sections. In the first, I intend to reconstruct processes political and social transformation that took place in Lucca under actions Bishops Berengar (837-843) Ambrose (843-852): foreigners appointed succession by Court. order do this, will take viewpoint offered numerous private charters preserved Archivio Storico Diocesano Lucca. Secondly, present first results a study on manuscripts same period there – an heritage not yet fully explored appreciated. focus particular most-recently entered text ms 490: so-called Dicta Gelasii papae. It was written Carolingian hand Armando Petrucci has compared Bishop Berengar. constitutes exceptional insight into turmoil animated sacred palace after «penitential reform» 813, which spread throughout Empire within general movement correctio.
Reti medievali e-book
Canons, books of canons, and ecclesiastical judgments in Carolingian Italy: the Council of Mantua, 827
Michael W. Heil
The long-running jurisdictional dispute between the patriarchs of Aquileia and Grado entered a period particular activity in 820s, culminating judicial decision Aquileia’s favor at Council Mantua 827. This council its consequences offer fertile ground for exploring ways that texts figured ecclesiastical conflicts ninth-century Italy. Recent work has shed light on role hagiographical played this dispute. chapter examines another “textual” dimension: canons canon-law norms arguments decisions, “courtroom” beyond. concludes with brief discussion different case, from Lucca, shows clarity close connection could exist canon law manuscripts legal practice.
Reti medievali e-book
The Dynastic Drama of ‘Beowulf’ by Francis Leneghan
Erica Steiner
Reviewed by: The Dynastic Drama of ‘Beowulf’ by Francis Leneghan Erica Steiner Leneghan, Francis, (Anglo-Saxon Studies, 39), Woodbridge, D. S. Brewer, 2020; hardback; pp. xxii, 302; 1 b/w illustration; R.R.P. £60.00, ISBN 9781843845515. Beowulf, the longest extant poem within Old English corpus, has been subject countless books and articles which seek to understand nuances, authorship, cultural context this single poem. Entire careers have both launched sustained on back such work, with ‘Beowulf’, builds his previous years scholarship. Fundamentally, book seeks argue that ‘the dynastic material does not merely serve as ‘background’ but provides essential for monster-fights, while monster-fights themselves dramatize legend’ (p. 6). opens a brief account poem’s historiography, importance kings, qualities an ideal king. Chapter analyses progression events applying tripartite division human lifespan used classical medieval Christian authors whole dynasty. Thus: period pueritia is reflect ‘birth dynasty’, iuuentus describes ‘dynasties in crisis’, senectus concludes ‘death dynasty’. 2 examines evolution origins character Beowulf argues very persuasively he was amalgam folkloric hero ‘fictionalization, or poetic double, legendary uncle, King Hygelac’ 120). 3 discusses Grendel, Grendel’s mother, dragon poem, manuscript early ‘as portents national crises 155). 4 influence different models kingship—from Testament, Merovingians, Carolingians, earlier centuries (southern) dynasties. To conclude, presents how views reception worked three periods: seventh-century Mercia Northumbria, Alfredian Wessex, turn millennium. Those parts feature literary analysis shine rare depth understanding. By highlighting language youth versus old age, Leneghan’s approach fruitful number levels: personal, temporal, prefigurative. source conflict between Grendel Hrothgar [End Page 252] presented through lens illegitimacy usurpation centred gif-stol. And closing description manna mildust lof-geornost shown being textually indebted Bede’s interpretation biblical kingship. Very often it only body measured thorough show, footnotes, must be singled out their detailed important extensions argument. However, generally excellent book, there are two related areas where falls flat. Firstly, persistent thread commentary casts Beowulf’s lineage—being grandson Hrethel daughter—as somehow lesser than those peers who were descended paternal line. refers weaker, maternal line’ (pp. 15, 57), privileged male 19), ‘[Beowulf’s] relatively weak claim [to Geatish throne] via mother’ 86), ‘Beowulf’s descent from comes thereby weakening claim’ 88). Indeed, buries clearest statement footnote front matter, stating ‘[t]he absence these [royal women’s] names may fact power passes line world depicted poem’ xxi, n. 1). entirely neglects role played English—and indeed medieval—society according foster-kin relationships uncle–nephew relationship mediated specifically female relative. It remind oneself cast roles (to Hygelac Hrothgar) sister’s son Hygelac), thus...
The Homiliary of Paul the Deacon: Religious and Cultural Reform in Carolingian Europe by Zachary Guiliano
Rod Thomson
Reviewed by: The Homiliary of Paul the Deacon: Religious and Cultural Reform in Carolingian Europe by Zachary Guiliano Rod Thomson Guiliano, Zachary, (Studies on Patristic, Medieval Reformation Sermons Preaching, 16), Turnhout, Brepols, 2021; hardback; pp. 339; 1 b/w, 3 colour illustrations, 13 b/w tables, 2 line art; R.R.P. €90.00; ISBN 9782503577913. This is a model what monograph should be. It groundbreaking, seductively written introduction to author demonstrates be text first widest importance (‘The homiliary monument history world, eminently worthy further study’, p. 249). Compiled few years before 800 ce, at Charlemagne’s order, Deacon’s Homiliary, evidence surviving copies alone, was become one most widely distributed influential liturgical books medieval Europe. In his chapter, Dr establishes content original text, formerly based (R. Grégoire, Les Homéliares du moyen âge (Spoleto, 1980), 423–78) upon half dozen ninth-century manuscripts which were ascribed wrong dates, [End Page 246] provenances, interrelationships. All this corrects, mainly first-hand examination manuscripts. He lists fifty-seven from ninth tenth centuries, including thirteen special authority because they preserve least part Paul’s preface. an example positive help that digital technology giving manuscript studies. Whereas nineteenth- early twentieth-century scholars dependent word mouth, or perhaps printed catalogues (often wrong) for information as whereabouts manuscripts, today can sweep databases reasonably sure results. Not that, even now, such research easy (the difficulties, Guiliano’s doggedness tackling them, are outlined 39–41, 148). Mind you, difference it makes Grégoire’s list Homiliary’s contents not so very great (p. 66), involving renumbering rather than alterations texts. constantly alert opportunities make observations general importance, anyone interested read book. For instance, beginning chapter theology: Thus, if we know theological topics important Charlemagne he thought greatest collection patristic texts cultural behoves us ask just sort doctrine found how relates Admonitio Generalis [... and] other similar pieces instruction period, Alcuin’s Avars. 175) Again, painstaking long would have taken copy (usually two-volume) Homiliary—between two years—enables conclude only could been made death (pp. 127–37). Many more survive eleventh twelfth why many date figure authoritative copies. observation must modify opinion those who maintained ‘ordered’ used, exclusion all others, throughout Empire: We cannot communities knew using copying text; assume preface consulted every user homiliaries transmitted it, nor felt constrained it. may intended used particular way, but others sorts purposes. 199) A discussion Deacon ‘author’ leads consideration concept generally 91–101). And sources conclusion no single...
Augmented Creativity: Leveraging Natural Language Processing for Creative Writing
Daniel Plate|James H. Hutson
Recent advances have moved natural language processing (NLP) capabilities with artificial intelligence beyond mere grammar and spell-checking functionality. One such new use that has arisen is the ability to suggest content writers inspire ideas by using “machine-in-the-loop” strategies in creative writing. In order explore possibilities of a strategy, this study provides model be adopted writing courses higher education. An NLP application was created Python spaCy deployed via Streamlit. The AI allowed students see if their aligned those principles techniques taught class assist deeper understanding grammatical aspects also improve creativity as writers. at hand seeks determine efficacy proprietary on improving student Participants were assessed through surveys open-ended questions. Findings note participants agreed algorithm assisted them better but not receptive assistance creativity. It should noted suggestions provided did necessarily written artifacts submitted study. Results indicate enjoy part process largely, other tools, syntax.
Art and design review
Collections of Customary Law in East Central Europe Using the Example of Opus Tripartitum
Vojtěch Vladár
Customary law dominated at the beginning of development all legal systems, and this status persisted until times when they were equaled by laws authorities disposing necessary state power. However, even then, customs not instantly sidelined, these two sources engaged in competition for centuries. Mention was topical, with certain exceptions individualities, regarding systems Central Eastern Europe. The most widely known compilation provenance Stephen Werbőczy’s collection customary from second decade 16 th century that became famous under name Opus Tripartitum. Using it as an example, we can demonstrate typical period, only Kingdom Hungary but also several neighboring countries. main goal article is to point out historical its origin, identify authorial spirit which written, clarify conflict between written law, resolved determinatively reason favor first next
Central European Academic Publishing eBooks
Choreography and Confession: The <i>Memoriale qualiter</i> and Carolingian Monasticism
Albrecht Diem
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Confusion and the Need to Choose? A Fresh Look at the Objectives Behind the Carolingian Reform Efforts in Capitularies and Conciliar Legislation (<i>c.</i> 750–813)
Brigitte Meijns
Brepols Publishers eBooks
The ‘Apostates’ of Saint-Denis: Reforms, Dissent and Carolingian Monasticism
Ingrid Rembold
Brepols Publishers eBooks
What is a <i>canonicus</i>? The Carolingians and the Rethinking of Ecclesiastical <i>ordines</i>
Émilie Kurdziel
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Cathedral and Monastic: Applying Baumstark’s Categories to the Carolingian Divine Office
Renie S. Choy
Brepols Publishers eBooks
Monastic Communities and Canonical Clergy in the Carolingian World (780–840)
Brepols Publishers eBooks
This is a Cleric: Hrabanus Maurus’s <i>De institutione clericorum</i>, Clerical Monks, and the Carolingian Church
Cinzia Grifoni
Brepols Publishers eBooks
John T. E. Richardson
Abstract This chapter describes the origins of serif and sans typefaces in ancient inscriptions especially those dating from Rome. Serif evolved during Middle Ages were used as basis for first printed typefaces. Sans England eighteenth century on monuments public buildings. Both increasingly printing 1820 until present day. also application systematic review to issue legibility
Springer eBooks
Reading Jerome’s De viris illustribus in the Post-Roman World: Cataloguing Community in Gennadius of Marseille and Frechulf of Lisieux
Graeme Ward|Veronika Wieser
Catalogues of the names and writings religious authors authorities were one most enduring forms biographical collection in Middle Ages, with rich varied traditions surviving both Christian Islamic contexts. In world, Jerome’s De viris illustribus (On Illustrious Men) was foundational. Written 392/393, catalogue frequently read used as a source information for over millennium; furthermore, its list variously expanded continued. this chapter, we focus on two moments long history illustribus: Late Roman Empire Carolingian world respectively. More specifically, examine particular instances reception: Gennadius Marseille’s late 5th-century continuation original ›illustrious men‹ provides first case study; historian Frechulf Lisieux, who critical reader catalogue, is subject second study. each these studies, analyse – individually then comparatively reworkings reinterpretations bio-bibliographic compendium order to gain better understanding thematic structure, authorial choices genre-related methodological problems presented texts Frechulf. We tensions that are inherent such continuations reworkings, between foci agenda introduced by different author-continuators groups represented within specific audiences writing reading them.
Medieval Worlds|Austrian Biographical Dictionary (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Writing Strategies
Reinier Langelaar|Giorgia Vocino|Veronika Wieser
For biographical collections to form a coherent whole, literary choices had be made and writing strategies applied the individual segments (lives) of what was conceived as an overarching narrative or textual ensemble. In this chapter we analyse genres, models traditions upon which authors, compilers editors relied assert authority text create product meeting expectations, tastes practices community within for whom collection written. We furthermore explore authoriality establish ways in author’s opinions, social entanglement participation scholarly networks contributed shaping not only content but also style his her work. The comparative analysis written texts studied volume shows that authors consistent use persuasion. These constituted powerful tools build convey sense trustworthiness encompassing both authors: modesty (topos humilitatis) self-confidence were, example, put on show strengthen text, while prophecy provided means boost legitimacy institution, dynasty celebrated by collection. Tropes rhetorical devices can identified distant cultural regions – from Carolingian Brittany 14th-century Tibetan Plateau they allowed showcase their learning make sure arouse keep audience’s attention. Focusing thus, surprisingly, reveals unexpected degree proximity between composed across Medieval Eurasia.
Medieval Worlds
medieval worlds provides a forum for comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies of the Middle Ages. Its aim is to overcome disciplinary boundaries, regional limits national research traditions in Medieval Studies, open up new spaces discussion, help developing global perspectives. We focus on period from c. 400 1500 CE but do not stick rigid periodization. submissions broadly comparative matters interest, whether single articles, companion papers, smaller clusters, or special issues subject global/comparative history. particularly invite wide-ranging connectivity comparison between different world regions. Apart publishes ongoing debates project conference reports research. Biographical Collections: Perspectives Buddhist, Christian Islamic Worlds Guest editors: Daniel Mahoney, Diarmuid Ó Riain Giorgia Vocino Editorial Walter Pohl Ingrid Hartl Introduction Collections Comparison Mahoney Introductory Comparative Chapters Compilation Strategies Writing Reinier Langelaar, Veronika Wieser Audience Reception Rutger Kramer Graeme Ward Case Studies Many Lives, One Story: The Gesta Sanctorum Rotonensium Making Redon Biography Hierarchy: Tibetan Ruling House Phag-mo-gru Singular Volume Rlangs (Rlangs-kyi-po-ti-bse-ru) Langelaar Reading Jerome’s De viris illustribus Post-Roman World: Cataloguing Community Gennadius Marseille Frechulf Lisieux Shaping through South Arabia: A Two Ṭabaqāt-works Johann Heiss Compiling Deeds Salzburg Saints: 12th-Century episcopis Salisburgensibus Monastery Admont Obituaries Service Rasūlid Sultanate Yemen at Turn 9th/15th Century Creating Sense Glorious Destiny. Mastery Speech Libellus de Situ Civitatis Mediolani (Late 10th-Early 11th Centuries) Conclusion Communities Contexts: Concluding Thoughts
Medieval Worlds
The <i>Notitia Dignitatum</i>, textile manufacturing, wool production and sheep grazing during the Roman Empire in Pannonia Secunda, near Sirmium
Milijan Dimitrijević|John Whitehause
As part of the Joint Australian – Serbian archaeological projectat Glac near ancient Sirmium, an survey is beingundertaken a Study Area 700 km² slice catchmentof Sava River. Two objectives areto understand environmental conditions and nature ofthe rural economy in during Roman period.As this examination has been undertaken ofexisting literary, epigraphical evidence relatingto area period. Consideration beengiven to Notitia Dignitatum (“The List Offices”) that liststwo imperial weaving houses (gynaecea) at Sirmium (modernSremska Mitrovica) Bassianae (adjoining modern villageof Donji Petrovci). The location two housesin such close proximity each other unprecedented, subjectto peculiarity Salona Split, not previously beennoted. potential implications existence imperialweaving are considered togetherwith on likely economyand late Romanperiod.
Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu
Reframing the first millennium AD in Ireland: archaeology, history, landscape
Patrick Gleeson
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
Bige Habban: An Introduction to Money, Trade and Cross-Border Traffic
Rory Naismith
This short survey examines issues in early medieval cross-border trade, particularly with reference to England, but also drawing comparisons mainland Europe and other regions of Britain. Three themes are considered: tolls charged on traders travellers; the vulnerability importance building trust familiarity; practical challenges moving between different means exchange.
Offa's Dyke journal
The 852/3 CE Mount Churchill eruption: examining the potential climatic and societal impacts and the timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic region
Helen M. M. Mackay|Gill Plunkett|Britta J.L. Jensen|Thomas J. Aubry|Christophe Corona|Woon Mi Kim|Matthew Toohey|Michael Sigl|Markus Stoffel|Kevin J. Anchukaitis|Christoph C. Raible|Matthew Bolton|J. G. Manning|Timothy P. Newfield|Nicola Di Cosmo|Francis Ludlow|Conor Kostick|Zhen Yang|Lisa Coyle McClung|Matthew J. Amesbury|Alistair Monteath|Paul Hughes|Peter G. Langdon|Dan Charman|Robert K. Booth|Kimberley Davies|Antony Blundell|Graeme T. Swindles
Abstract. The 852/3 CE eruption of Mount Churchill, Alaska, was one the largest first-millennium volcanic events, with a magnitude 6.7 (VEI 6) and tephra volume 39.4–61.9 km3 (95 % confidence). spatial extent ash fallout from this event is considerable cryptotephra (White River Ash east; WRAe) extends as far Finland Poland. Proximal ecosystem societal disturbances have been linked eruption; however, wider impacts on climate society are unknown. Greenland ice core records show that occurred in winter ± 1 associated relatively moderate sulfate aerosol loading but large abundances chlorine. Here we assess potential broader impact using palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, historical model simulations. We also use fortuitous timing Churchill its extensively widespread deposition White (east) (WRAe) to examine climatic expression warm Medieval Climate Anomaly period (MCA; ca. 950–1250 CE) precisely peatlands North Atlantic region. reconstructed forcing compared magnitude, tree-ring-inferred temperatures report significant atmospheric cooling 0.8 ∘C summer 853 CE. Modelled scenarios CE, although average smaller (0.3 ∘C). simulated patterns generally similar those generated temperature reconstructions. Tree-ring-inferred begins prior date suggesting natural internal variability may increased system's susceptibility further cooling. could suggest be underestimated, thereby highlighting need for greater insight into, consideration of, role halogens when estimating potential. Precise comparisons across America Europe, facilitated by presence WRAe isochron, reveal no consistent MCA signal. These findings contribute growing body evidence characterises hydroclimate time-transgressive heterogeneous rather than well-defined period. isochron demonstrates long-term (multidecadal) or were identified beyond areas proximal eruption. Historical Europe subsistence crises demonstrate degree temporal correspondence interannual timescales, events reported outside common 9th century. exemplifies difficulties identifying confirming single eruption, even has small age uncertainty.
Climate of The Past|Archive ouverte UNIGE (University of Geneva)|Research Portal (Queen's University Belfast)|BORIS (University Library Bern)|Durham Research Online (Durham University)|Durham Research Online (Durham University)|Bournemouth University Research Online (Bournemouth University)|ePrints Soton (University of Southampton)|Trinity's Access to Research Output (TARA) (Trinity College Dublin)
“The creature was made subject to vanity not willingly”: The controversy over the influence of the Fall on living nature and the rise of paleontology
А. Н. Храмов
This paper deals with discussions sparked by the scientific advances of paleontology in first half 19th century on whether predation and animal death should be linked to Fall man. The history belief paradisiacal vegetarianism peace, which could traced back writings Early Church fathers, is briefly discussed. discusses argumentation W. Buckland, E. Hitchcock, H. Miller, other men science theologians, who accepted fact, became evident from fossil record, that prevailed living nature beginning, struggled conceive it Christian terms. Light shed early pictorial representations prehistoric life, accentuated ferocity primeval world stark contrast traditional view prelapsarian harmony between animals. attitudes those persisted defending peaceful relationships paradise despite findings are explored. main exponents latter found among “scriptural geologists”, predecessors presentday Young Earth creationists. attempt Scottish theologian Gillespie explain existence animals Satan reviewed. It can concluded revision doctrine earthly had been well underway pre-Darwinian age was accomplished triumph evolutionism.
Voprosy teologii|Research Repository Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg State University)
The Development of Integration Theories in Ukraine
Csilla Fedinec
In the following, we cite first lines of preamble Constitution Ukraine (1996): ‘The Verkhovna Rada Ukraine, on behalf Ukrainian people—citizens all nationalities, expressing sovereign will people, based centuries-old history statebuilding…’. The function is to summarize purpose legislator. These cited constitution have not changed since it was adopted, placing state idea first. It has public legal, historical, and symbolic meanings; at same time, territories for several decades formed peripheries larger units that could be legally separated. administrative boundaries country were accepted only in 20th century, became independent 1991. periods decisive significance concerning national following: East Slavic state, Kyivan Rus’; from vassals Golden Horde medieval regions Galicia Volhynia, Cossack Age (Zaporizhian Host); period revival 19th century; People’s Republic following First World War; Soviet when borders present established; establishment state.
Central European Academic Publishing eBooks
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in Medieval East Central Europe
Elemér Balogh
To interpret the legal–geographical dimension of subject indicated in title, it is necessary to know that medieval Europe was divided into north–south, roughly as countries north and south Alps. The term ‘Central Eastern Europe’ a modern concept cannot simply be projected back Middle Ages. legal institutions discussed this chapter have affected territories present-day Bavaria, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, greater or lesser extent. In terms ecclesiastical judiciary, area encompassed both European regions, German Polish territories, northern type official judiciary prevailed, while procedure utilized Kingdom Hungary’s court can classified southern vicarian judiciary. It important emphasize, however, number combined elements from two judging models also detected, I will elaborate on these features detail chapter. focused dioceses, so organizational jurisdictional rules are included its main study. more detailed section Bavarian presents all litigants. When discussing Poland Hungary, tried highlight parallels differences related each other, thus, engages comparative discussion justice Central Europe, promised title.
Central European Academic Publishing eBooks
Lectures on East Central European Legal History
Central European Academic Publishing eBooks|Repository of the Academy's Library (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Historians' Virtues
Herman Paul
Why do historians so often talk about objectivity, empathy, and fair-mindedness? What roles such personal qualities play in historical studies? And why does it make sense to call them virtues rather than skills or habits? Historians' Virtues is the first publication explore these questions some depth. With case studies from across centuries, Element identifies major discontinuities how talked marks of a good scholar. At same time, draws attention long-term legacies that last until today. were, are, invoked debates over historian's task. They reveal position themselves vis-à-vis political regimes, religious traditions, neoliberal university systems. More importantly, they show study not only requires knowledge technical skills, but also makes demands on character its practitioners. This title available as Open Access Cambridge Core.
The Literate Memory of Hugeburc of Heidenheim
Aidan Conti
The English nun Hugeburc of Heidenheim wrote lives two kinsmen, Willibald and Wynnebald, became the only female hagiographer Carolingian period. Hugeburc’s work represents an important milestone for construction institutional memory in a region undergoing Christianization. While writing hagiography can be seen as feminist act, power structures world views inscribed these works conform to dominant ideologies Christianization process. To assess cultural texts perform, this chapter looks beyond quality Latin better understand hierarchies that construct, revealing while activities challenge discursive arena is almost exclusively male, her writings uphold patriarchal Christian view.
Amsterdam University Press eBooks
»The sun was darkened for seventeen days« (AD 797). An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Celestial Phenomena between Byzantium, Charlemagne, and a Volcanic Eruption
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller|Ewald Kislinger
The blinding of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VI in Constantinople August 797 and his overthrow by mother Eirene, who then until 802 ruled as first female emperor Eastern Roman Empire, was used legitimation for coronation Frankish King Charlemagne Romans on December 25, 800, contemporaries Western Europe. Some observers West may have even interpreted downfall replacement a woman sign an impending collapse Empire entire world order already expected, based chiliastic calculations. We equally find indications apocalyptic expectations Constantinople, where linked with spectacular celestial manifestation divine disapproval, darkening sun 17 days. In this paper, obfuscation is compared description other atmospheric climatic phenomena 8th 9th century well before after period. addition, natural scientific data to disprove earlier hypotheses physical background event present more probable scenario, i. e., impacts one or volcanic eruptions, phenomena, which provided peculiar framework interpretation events between contemporaries.
Medieval Worlds|arXiv (Cornell University)|Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon online (Institut für kunst- und musikhistorische Forschungen der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
The struggle for (self-)integration. Manuscripts, liturgy and networks in Verona at the time of Bishop Ratold (c. 802-840/3)
Francesco M. Veronese
Between the 780s and 840s episcopal see of Verona was held by bishops coming from beyond Alps, appointed Carolingian rulers charged with control over a prestigious strategically key bishopric. They were called upon to boost communications between local elites political social machinery world. In order achieve that, they first had negotiate their own integration in new field action, be acknowledged as effective mediators rulers. The tools used do that were, on one hand, skills previous experience, other, centre for textual production, preservation dissemination found Verona, is, cathedral scriptorium library. books can attributed them allow us keep trace networks relationships cultural exchanges developed, linking two sides Alps. This paper focuses more specifically activities endeavours Bishop Ratold (c. 802-840). liturgical hagiographical manuscripts produced period are examined markers Ratold’s intellectual networks, ways which he his need self-integration. also provide elements casting light introduction reception reforms Kingdom Italy.
Reti medievali e-book
Ullrich Kockel
The idea of a ‘New Scotland’, and the role Scots’ in it, is being debated critically. This essay contextualises this debate with reference to historical antecedents contemporary protagonists draw on, sometimes extensively. It introduces Scottish Renaissance, which can be regarded as an expression ‘adaptive’ modernism. Folk Revival after Second World War, form modernism, shares key concerns that connecting it through Carrying Stream (Hamish Henderson). two movements share more than their ethnological foundations, focus on language identity, generalist interest civic improvement. Reflecting significance heritages, authenticity, resources, sustainability context, discussion concludes appraisal (anti-)modern/post-modern ethnopoesis at work Scotland.
Culture Crossroads
Wolves and Warfare in the History of the Low Countries, 1000-1800
Sander Govaerts
The connection between warfare and an increased wolf presence or even attacks is a recurrent theme in European narrative sources. Many historical studies have also commented on the widespread belief this suggested that armed conflicts instigated breakdown of standard wolf-human relationship. In peacetime, wolves generally avoided humans remained outside human communities. This article argues close link history Low Countries far more result complex interplay perceptions nature ecological impact combat. Wolves could only profit from conflict very specific circumstances, yet these exceptions became part since High Middle Ages, because they confirmed peoples’ association with wilderness. explains why hunting exhibited strong similarities to fighting enemies. Het verband tussen oorlog en een toenemende aanwezigheid van wolven, zelfs aanvallen terugkerend thema Europese literaire bronnen. niet verwonderlijk dat ook veel geschiedwetenschappelijke wijzen op deze connectie opperen gewapende conflicten de gebruikelijke relatie mens verstoorden. vredestijd vermeden wolven mensen over het algemeen bleven ze ver menselijke bewoning. Dit artikel beargumenteert echter nauwe associatie oorlogsvoering geschiedenis Lage Landen veeleer resultaat complexe wisselwerking percepties natuur ecologische oorlog. Wolven konden slechts bijzondere omstandigheden profiteren, maar uitzonderingen werden niettemin onderdeel wijdverspreid literair topos vanaf Hoge Middeleeuwen omdat met wildernis bevestigden. verklaart waarom wolvenjacht grote gelijkenissen vertoonde strijd tegen vijanden.Actualiteitsparagraaf Angst voor wolfWolven Landen, 1000-1800Na meer dan eeuw afwezigheid heeft Nederland België opnieuw veroverd. Dat gaat gepaard heftige discussies voor- tegenstanders wolf, angst bij burgers die vrezen lot hun kinderen boeren bang zijn vee ten prooi valt aan wolf. niets nieuws, verleden gevreesd. Toen legden bewoners wat we nu Benelux noemen, sterk komst Sander Govaerts onderzoekt dit heropleving populaties. Hoewel groot aanpassingsvermogen hebben, zo blijkt uit artikel, leidden oorlogen per definitie tot groei aantal zoals tijdgenoten wel vreesden. waren juist uitzonderlijke keren geval was aanvaarde stereotype bloeddorstige bevestigden versterkten. De wettigde nemen doorgedreven maatregelen om soort te roeien.
Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)|Humanities Commons CORE (Modern Language Association / Columbia University)