14 values
Conclusion: Mirrors for Princes and the Development of Reflections on the State
Jean-Philippe Genêt
BRILL eBooks
The legal framework of the foreign policy of the Byzantine in the era of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (945-959)
Volodymyr Kuzovkov|Kyrylo Horbenko|Oleksandr Smyrnov|Leonid Smyrnov
The aim of the article is to determine legal foundations. methodological basis study analysis and synthesis, systems approach, genetic comparative methods. Conclusions: Byzantine law can be traced legislation Basil I Leo VI. However, jus gentium (law nations) did not have sufficient representation in their codes. Therefore, foreign policy consisted customs traditions that had been formed diplomatic practice ancient times.The system international relations Byzantium was hierarchical. status each participant this determined by military power, political potential, tradition religious identity. between Kievan Rus’ serve as a model application norms, which were based on treaty 944, regulated merchants, property rights, mutual assistance use territories coast Dnieper River estuary, Beloberezhye island Saint Epherius (Berezan).
Cuestiones políticas
The worm and the corpse: Carolingian visions of Gehenna’s undead cemetery
Matthew Bryan Gillis
This essay investigates Carolingian religious horror in the form of theological speculations about Gehenna as an undead cemetery for reprobates, whose living corpses suffered from hellfire and spontaneously generating worms. After illustrating that such was a spiritual way seeing sin’s corrupting powers, examination turns to role baptism played curing souls bodies rotten wounds. The study then surveys range eighth- ninth-century theologians’ interpretations Gehenna’s uncanny worms, including their creative reception earlier, Patristic thought doctrine. Finally, considers worms predestination controversy, which intellectuals disputed corporeal nature horrors. Overall, this reveals how crafted correct Christians by revealing strange powers not only corrupt wicked, but also punish them forever hell.
Journal of Medieval History
Weeds, Nature, and Empire
Discusses the Carolingian empire within context of historical empires that altered composition and populations plants their territories.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Vatican Mythographers
Ronald E. Pepin
The Vatican Mythographers offers the first complete English translation of three important sources knowledge about survival classical mythology from Carolingian era to High Middle Ages and beyond. Latin texts were discovered in manuscripts library published together nineteenth century. so-called compiled, analyzed, interpreted, transmitted a vast collection myths for use by students, poets, artists. In terms consonant with Christian purposes, they elucidated fabulous narratives underlying themes works Ovid, Virgil, Statius, other poets antiquity. so doing, provided handbooks that included descriptions ancient rites customs, curious etymologies, and, above all, moral allegories. Thus we learn Bacchus is naked youth who rides tiger because drunkenness never mature, denudes us possessions, begets ferocity; or Ulysses, husband Penelope, passed monstrous Scylla unharmed wise man bound chastity overcomes lust. extensive illustrates how this material was used lessons. To date, have remained inaccessible scholars students without good working Latin. thus fulfills scholarly void. It prefaced an introduction discusses purposes Mythographers, influences on them, their place medieval Renaissance mythography. Of course, it also entertains host stories whose undying appeal captivates, charms, inspires, instructs, sometimes horrifies us. book should wide whole range university courses involving myth.
Fordham University Press eBooks
After Brexit: The Footsteps Of A Truly Carolingian European Union
Teoman Ertuğrul Tulun
In Davos, UK Prime Minister Theresa May stressed that by leaving the European Union (EU), was embracing world and would build a "truly Global Britain". This recalls controversy during Brexit campaign over alleged words spoken Winston Churchill to Charles de Gaulle. The is scheduled leave (EU) on 29 March 2019 at 11 pm time. 500-kilometer border between Republic of Ireland will become land two countries. EU have agreed 'backstop' ensure there no hard after Brexit.The UK's withdrawal from without an agreement still remains as option. stands lose one its permanent members in UN Security Council nuclear weapon-wielding military power. It unlikely enter into disintegration phase aftermath Brexit. Bratislava Rome Declarations give little concrete indication for future strategic road map other than providing lowest common denominators binding Union. key question comes scene: Who lead show way future?France Germany should not only but also whole continental Europe, according French report. Carolingian Empire (800–888) empire western central Europe early Middle Ages. part considered advocates Franco-German alliance "Carolingian Europe". France signed Aachen Treaty, which aims fill gap emerged with eventual exit EU. doing so, they declare their privileged "core status" Europe. They wish return German-centric "variable geometry" concepts past under guise "shouldering responsibility
OSF Preprints (OSF Preprints)
The Time of Weeds
Shows how the timing of weeds’ appearance on earth preoccupied Carolingian writers, who relied late antique authorities to make sense it all.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Epilogue: Sorting Weeds Out
Suggests that the effort to order nature and fit plants into categories was an important aspect of Carolingian culture, inducing literate engage with understand environments ecological processes.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Politics of Weeding in the Carolingian Empire
Argues that the establishment of ecological harmony and creation weedless landscapes were a political responsibility, as well justification for monarchical rule, in Carolingian times.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
The Botany of Paradise in Carolingian Rome
Illustrates how weedless landscapes were imagined in the eighth and ninth centuries, examining their representation manuscript illuminations of Genesis several Roman basilicas.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Incrementally Does It: New Perspectives and New Opportunities in Early Medieval Digital Humanities
Sarah Corrigan
This article engages with the Digital Humanities as they relate to field of early medieval textual analysis in Ireland. The starting point for this piece is Irish Research Council New Foundations “Early Medieval Humanities” Project, coordinated by author 2019. These workshops fostered discussion and collaboration between two IRC Laureate Projects, “Ireland Carolingian Brittany: Texts Transmission”, led Dr. Jacopo Bisagni (Classics, NUIG), “Irish Europe”, Immo Warntjes (History, TCD), numerous international scholars experts DH. In addition reporting some outcomes insights project, also offers a selective survey ongoing work field.
Studi Irlandesi : a Journal of Irish Studies
Joseto N. Bernadas|Eko Armada Riyanto
This study aims to trace the historical parallelism and correlation in thought evolutions between Philosophy Management. Historical speaks about side-by-side progress of Management as distinct disciplines, whereas deals with how they relate interact each other. Management, though themselves are self-determining significantly interrelated. The central problem this research paper is find out when, why do mutually impact enrich Consequently, conducted using historical-hermeneutical methodology, which requires reading a lot resources on both sciences. analysis progresses by first looking separately into early developments wherein general treatment nature essential elements laid down. Afterwards, researcher focuses these two disciplines advanced converged related thoughts, articulated following formulations: “Philosophy Management” Management.” Hopefully, outcome would aid students more meaning relevance studying correlated integrated sciences.
 Keywords: Philosophy, Parallelism, Correlations, Thought Evolutions
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research
Early or Late Medieval? Metal Strap-Decorations That Caused Some Confusion
Zbigniew Robak
Slovenská archeológia
Danijel Džino, Ante Milošević, and Trpimir Vedriš, eds., <i>Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire</i>. (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450 50.) Leiden: Brill, 2018. Pp. xix, 365; color and black-and-white figures. $160. ISBN: 978-9-0043-4948-3. Table of contents available online at https://brill.com/view/title/35111.
Francesco Borri
Previous articleNext article No AccessReviewsDanijel Džino, Ante Milošević, and Trpimir Vedriš, eds., Migration, Integration Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of Carolingian Empire. (East Central Eastern Europe in Middle Ages, 450–1450 50.) Leiden: Brill, 2018. Pp. xix, 365; color black-and-white figures. $160. ISBN: 978-9-0043-4948-3. Table contents available online at https://brill.com/view/title/35111.Francesco BorriFrancesco BorriUniversità Ca’ Foscari, Venezia Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Speculum Volume 97, Number 3July 2022Emerging Issues Medieval Iberian Studies The journal Academy America Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/720584 Views: 17Total views site For permission reuse, please contact [email protected]PDF download Crossref reports no citing article.
Latin Literature
Anke Walter
The second volume of Harm Pinkster's Oxford Latin Syntax is a stunning achievement and an admirably thorough account the ‘complex sentence discourse’. Far from restricting itself to classical prose, work covers texts c. 200 bc c . ad 450, in both poetry prose. Overall, I was struck by good balance that Pinkster maintains between presenting syntax systematic well-structured way leaving enough room for portrayal language as dynamic phenomenon, which frequency predilection certain linguistic constructions keeps changing ‘correctness’ expressions matter time context. Equally salutary are reminders role intonation must have played production reception – what we lose no longer having access it. Throughout, gives due consideration fact it often hard securely classify grammatical but several analyses might be possible. Similarly, where appropriate, importance larger interpretive context understanding classifying its phenomena acknowledged well great monumental quotes wealth examples such wide range texts.
Greece & Rome|Newcastle University ePrints (Newcastle Univesity)
Technik und Science-Fiction in der Vormoderne [Technology and science fiction in the premodern age] ed. by Brigitte Burrichter and Dorothea Klein
Matthias Riedl
Reviewed by: Technik und Science-Fiction in der Vormoderne [Technology and science fiction the premodern age] ed. by Brigitte Burrichter Dorothea Klein Matthias Riedl (bio) Edited Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2018. Pp. 312. This volume emerged from a lecture cycle (Ringvorlesung) at Würzburg University 2016–17. Ringvorlesung is German academic tradition whereby scholars different disciplines establish broad multifold panorama of perspectives on certain topic, this case technology fiction. The research area medieval fairly new, but swiftly growing. In 2016, Carl Kears James Paz edited collection essays under title Medieval Science Fiction, which focuses English literature complements volume's more continental perspective. surprises reader with an unexpected richness diversity materials. benefits following sequence chapters, arranged editors meaningful, loosely chronological order. Stefan Petersen lays groundwork traces understanding mechanica seventh to twelfth century. After Isidor Sevilla broadly defined mechanics as "fabrication things," Carolingian theorists downgraded it application-oriented practical for craftsmen artisans. Later, Hugo Saint Victor's Didascalicon emphasized value scientific diffusion arts. A full rehabilitation arts equal ranking liberal occurs only discovery Greek Arab knowledge thirteenth century combination mathematics. Siegfried Zielinski's well-illustrated contribution highlights importance Arabic-Islamic civilization furthering technical innovation experimental culture. Udo Friedrich provides insights into symbolic function automat political, religious, cultural representation. He especially points "ludic" dimension technology, new playfulness emerging post-Aristotelian nonteleological nature creativity. Three contributions deal similar sources: romances epics. All three authors emphasize prominence machines automats sources how articulates European awareness technological superiority orient, exemplified intercultural narratives Alexander Romances. Yet context, may also symbolize protagonist's hubris attempted transgression God's natural order, Susanne Fried writes. Christian Buhr out that accounts artisan creativity novels constitute reflections [End Page 916] narrators' own most magnificent example French version Tristan epic, where hero commissions creation entire ensemble automatic figures, representing emotions his soul: fears, hopes, dreams, intimate desires. shows romances, often women who resort sophisticated "unethical" weapon they are excluded chivalric combat. vernacular Roman d'Eneas, Dido equips walls her city, Carthage, strong magnetic defense mechanism incapacitates iron-armored warriors. Often, imagined weapons go beyond possibilities time element. Viola Tenge-Wolf explains Ramon Lull's famous thought machine, aimed errorless process could facilitate reconciliation mankind. Bürger then artistic representations Tower Babel complement written help modern researchers understand tools, application techniques, work processes. Elke Lossin offers "pious machines" show impacted early religious practice. Hania Siebenpfeiffer's richly illustrated chapter looks "art flying" literary imagination flying interacts paradigm shifts sciences. Most interesting sociological aspect "science fiction" literature, proves existence pan-European networks distribution. Arguably, thought-provoking piece concluding Wolfgang Riedel. His focus on...
Technology and Culture|PubMed
From Property to Propriety: probing Priesthood in the Carolingian era<sup>*</sup>
Abigail Firey
Abstract Steffen Patzold's recent book on priests in the Carolingian era invites reflection about methods legal history, interwoven lay and clerical participation religious activity, meaning of ecclesial reform, application new scholarship to materials previously framed with early twentieth-century analysis.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung
Prvi ljubljanski škof Sigismund pl. Lamberg: zadolžnica za knjige, izposojene 22. januarja 1478, in darilna listina, izstavljena 16. marca 1484
Nataš Golob
Petnajst let po prevzemu škofovskih insignij si je prvi ljubljanski škof Sigismund pl. Lamberg od kapitlja izposodil 56 knjižnih enot. Ko jih šest pozneje podaril, v darilni listini navedek, da so knjige veliki meri osebna last, iz njegovih študijskih let, tudi naročene pri kopistih. V celoti listinah navedenih enot; to smotrno izbrana dela, potrebna za opravljanje nalog. Zaradi posplošenih naslovov in pogosto odsotnih imen avtorjev središču prispevka identifi kacija enot ter presoja, ali drži trditev, gre povsem sodobne spise razmislek o izrazih zgodnje humanistične misli.
Zgodovinski časopis
Confronting Crisis in the Carolingian Empire: Paschasius Radbertus’ Funeral Oration for Wala of Corbie. By MaykedeJong and JustinLake. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2020. xx + 244 pp. + 2 maps. £80 (hardback); £19.99 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 5261 3482 0 (hardback); ISBN 978 1 5261 3484 4 (paperback).
Matthew Bryan Gillis
Early Medieval EuropeVolume 30, Issue 3 p. 481-483 Book review Confronting Crisis in the Carolingian Empire: Paschasius Radbertus’ Funeral Oration for Wala of Corbie. By Mayke Jong and Justin Lake. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2020. xx + 244 pp. 2 maps. £80 (hardback); £19.99 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 5261 3482 0 3484 4 Matthew Bryan Gillis, Gillis The Tennessee, KnoxvilleSearch more papers by this author First published: 27 June 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/emed.12564Read full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare text full-text accessPlease our Terms Conditions Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link a article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat No abstract is available article. Volume30, Issue3August 2022Pages RelatedInformation
Early Medieval Europe
Homilie Rabana Maura na niedzielę, dni nabożeństw błagalnych oraz o świętych (wybór)
Michał Łukaszczyk
Praca składa się z dwóch części. We wstępie krótko zreferowałem życiorys Rabana Maura, następnie opisałem jego homilie mając na uwadze tradycję oraz kontekst epoki. W ostatniej części wstępu treść tłumaczonych przeze mnie homilii. samych homiliach autor porusza następujące tematy: wierność zasadom religii chrześcijańskiej, przestrzega przed uleganiem wpływom pogaństwa, wyjaśnia najważniejsze prawdy wiary, umacnia własne przepowiadanie poprzez obfite cytowanie Pisma Świętego, a także korzystanie dorobku Ojców Kościoła. swoich Raban Maur inne tematy, takie jak: udziela przestrogi polowaniami i grą w kości dni świąteczne, zakazuje prowadzenia rozmów kościele prac polu prosi o troskę biednych niewolników. Sprawy te, wydające być mniejszej wagi, miały jednak istotne znaczenie dla współczesnych mu ludzi. przypisach umieściłem uwagi filologiczne, teologiczne, biograficzne geograficzne, pozwalające czytelnikowi właściwie zrozumieć homilii.&#x0D; &#x0D;
Vox Patrum|Jagiellonian University Repository (Jagiellonian University)
„Benjamins Sprachtheorie behandeln“
Tobias Klein
Brill | Fink eBooks
Evaluation of the central narthex portal at Sainte-Madeleine de V�zelay
Christine Ann Zeringue
This study examines possible interpretations for the central portal sculpture found in narthex of church Sainte-Madeleine de Vèzelay France. I will discuss and support alternative biblical, monastic, artistic origins this unusual puzzling sculpture. Studies on debate program’s subject matter, suggesting that it may refer to Pentecost, Mission Apostles, Ascension, or exerts biblical text, specifically, Ephesians 2: 11-22. The thesis also sculpture’s meaning lay monastic communities living Vézelay. It be proposed was intended show reforms occurring community at Vézelay during time creation. begin with an introduction follow a chapter history from creation small Benedictine nuns ninth century events nineteenth influenced seen today. Much has been damaged altered since its twelfth century. third describe detail within preparation my discussion four program by Émile Mâle, Abel Fabre, Adolf Katzenellenbogen, Michael Taylor, Peter Low. Each theory provides viable explanation tympanum’s design; however, as individual elements surrounding are analyzed, possibility one overall interpretation program, despite thorough research those who have studied sculptures, never determined.
Queenship, intrigue and blood-feud: deciphering the causes of the Merovingian civil wars, 561-613
Brandon Taylor Craft
The Frankish civil wars of AD 561-613 were a series devastating encounters involving the four sons Chlothar I and their descendants. While no party was guiltless during this period, modern scholars have tended to focus on two prominent Queens, Brunhild Austrasia Fredegund Neustria, possibility blood-feud between families. King Sigibert married because he believed she worthy king, unlike many wives his brothers taking. One these women Fredegund, who Chilperic Neustria. is often blamed for assassination Galswinth, Brunhild’s sister, even though more likely culprit. This murder what believe started families, which both queens integral in prosecuting. Even figures throughout bella civilia, it apparent that majority conflict erupted period centered partition I’s kingdom 561. Furthermore, impact nobility, bishops, armies kingdoms promoting prolonging war largely ignored by scholars. thesis will argue cannot simply be reduced machinations or Instead, far complex finding origins varying from scheming nobles greed common soldier.
Social influences on sculpted Romanesque corbels in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
chelsea buras
Sculpted corbels of the Romanesque period are often categorized as obscene or grotesque, and frequently dismissed medieval humor an individual artist’s imagination. Common themes on include images debauchery obscenity, well depictions effects sin. These usually communicated through image entertainers (acrobats, musicians, dancers), acts excess such overindulgence in alcohol sexual vice, threatening gestures, monstrous animals, human visage transformed by idiocy. As titillating lowbrow may seem, they should not be relegated to categories absurdity pure entertainment. reveal a specific visual concept physical spiritual degradation resulting from mortal Furthermore, people activities sculpted created between eleventh twelfth century France Northern Spain provide insight into society. In analyzing evidence, interdisciplinary approach is essential social functions corbels. An evaluation shifts power economics during centuries establishes historical contexts, while review written sources provides insights philosophies perceptions. When source materials reviewed conjunction with images, many aspects societal concerns that embedded within become identifiable. Finally, when considered contextually other their immediate vicinity building facades, even narratives revealed.
Four dimensional presentations as a new representation method: a proposal for the use of interactive multimedia presentation in landscape architecture
Kinoto Miyakoda
Few studies on presentation methods in the profession of landscape architecture have been done past, because evaluating presentations raises primarily subjective issues. Today, interactive multimedia offer an excellent opportunity to investigate employed by architects, gCan new communication technologies help enhance between presenter and his audience?h This is fundamental question addressed this thesis. It explores see their potentials, considers ways integrate various as for future architectural presentations. The main terms, interactivity multimedia, are explained understand features Conventions traditional historical aspects overviewed deepen meanings methods. An actually produced explore how can be effective tools document produced. used very difficult represent transitions spaces paper board presentations; however, make it possible visualize relationship designed three-dimensionally. Landscape architects today should most use media utilize computer 3D modeling process greatly helps designers check reevaluate proposed designs well. In fact, useful not only but also total professional educational purposes.
Patronage, Audience and Ownership of the Psalter of Blanche of Castile
Blair Gallon
The so-called Psalter of Blanche Castile (Psautier latin dit de saint Louis et Castille, Bibliothèque nationale France, l’Arsenal, Paris, MS 1186 réserve) is a well-preserved illuminated manuscript made in Paris the first half thirteenth century. As devotional book, it witnesses concerns century individual high rank, most likely woman. its modern name indicates, scholars link existence to Queen France (4 March 1188 – 27 November 1252; r. 1226-34, 1248-52). No firm documentation, however, attests circumstances making, nor patron, intended audience and owner. Scholars have studied text miniatures hope finding some clue as who commissioned it, created reasons behind choice format atypical comparison with other Psalters over course In studying Castile, I find myself intrigued by issues patronage context, unconvinced arguments conclusions put forward this manuscript. following pages, through close examination Psalters, well consideration both evidence interpretation number scholars, draw new firmly based on existing more speculative kind about patronage, audience, ownership Castile.
Łacińskie rękopisy liturgiczne zachowane jako palimpsesty. Katalog
Andrzej Suski
Zostanie dosłany
Liturgia Sacra
Rezension von: Kohl, Thomas; Patzold, Steffen; Zeller, Bernhard (Hrsg.), Kleine Welten
Thomas Zotz|Thomas Köhl|Steffen Patzold|Bernhard Zeller
Kleine Welten. Ländliche Gesellschaften im Karolingerreich, hg. von Thomas Kohl, Steffen Patzold und Bernhard Zeller (Vorträge Forschungen 87), Ostfildern: Thorbecke 2019. 431 S. ISBN 978-3-7995-6887-6. Geb. € 50,–
Zeitschrift für württembergische Landesgeschichte
Metrics for the identification of primary centers of government from historical itineraries: Přemysl Otakar II: A case study
Adam Mertel|David Kalhous|Zdeněk Stachoň
The royal charters and chronicles present a unique historical source for researching power distribution administration of the medieval kingdom. This paper presents an attempt to progress in analytical approaches presented by German historians from 1980s 1990s study governance Inspired use newly acquainted digital methods humanities, we compare metrics implemented on Přemysl Otakar II (1251-1278) activity itinerary dataset identification primary centers his government. data were collected based research available sources transformed cleaned into table king's activities list geocoded localities. To movement spacetime, also needed reconstruct travel routes corresponding time estimation. In next step, selected twelve ranging fundamental statistical analysis, geostatistics, network analysis evaluate identify reign king. Further, provided comparison all used sense visual methodological point view, perspective their interpretation. addition providing extension itineraries, outcomes analyses brought new contribution
Latinity in Early Islamic North Africa
Jonathan P. Conant
This paper explores the social function of Latin in early Islamic Maghrib and concerns local communities who continued to use language beyond Arab capture Carthage 697/98. By focussing on those sources whose origins can be assigned North Africa between end seventh mid-thirteenth century, it considers evidence for as a Christian commemoration, worship, education; survival then Romance spoken medieval Maghrib; role at least short-lived religious disputation region’s new Muslim ruling class their Jewish subjects; trans-Mediterranean communications. The probably enjoyed more robust afterlife than scholars have sometimes imagined, yet way which was deployed mediating relationships overseas may ultimately undermined sustained interest region by European Christians.
Eranos - Acta philologica Suecana
Piet Gerbrandy
In recent scholarship, several views have been propounded on the argumentative inconsistencies in Boethius’ De consolatione Philosophiae&amp;nbsp;and inconclusiveness of its ending. this article, it is argued that modern scholars still, perhaps unconsciously, adhere to aristotelian concepts unity, coherence, and closure, which may not be helpful assessing what Boethius really trying say. When analysed from a perspective usually associated with modernist literature, becomes clear swan song neither deconstruction “pagan” philosophy nor an implicit plea for Christian spirituality but existential drama religion do provide any consolation.
Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures|Wiardi Beckman Foundation (Wiardi Beckman Foundation)
Carolingian Culture and Its Legacy
The three systems identified at the end of previous chapter are all represented in Carolingian and post-Carolingian period. ‘inclusive’ system was renewed period by Decretum Burchard. This left out a lot early papal jurisprudence studied PJc.400. Secondly, produced over century before Burchard’s surviving multitude manuscripts, there Pseudo-Isidorian corpus, consisting conciliar canons decretals, with boundaries closed against other genres religious writings. It included material PJc.400, but also that would later be classed as theology rather than canon law. More or less exclusive such material, thirdly, were Dacheriana, which non-trivial proportion jurisprudence, Dionysio-Hadriana, full Charlemagne’s Admonitio generalis may classified them. transmits only modest amount this is attributed explicitly to popes question, marked off, together canons, from rest his reform programme.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
A Critical Juncture: “Later” Latin Literature, the Newest Late Antiquity, and the Period of the Western Classic
Mark Vessey|Mark Vessey
With the appearance in 2020 of a long-awaited second “late antique” instalment Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur Antike (Munich: C.H. Beck, 1989– ) and new, collaborative Cambridge History Later Latin Literature now at an advanced stage preparation, there is opportunity to re-evaluate possibilities scholarship this field. What relation does such “literary” research bear current, globalizing styles late antique first-millennial historical cultural studies? likely be impact on it current trends study classical reception intertextuality? This essay attempts preliminary framing issues with reference largely discredited but still powerful model western literary classic, while arguing for hermeneutical continuity between breakthrough work Peter Brown’s half-century-old World Late Antiquity (1971) critical-historical role later ancient (Latin) studies.
Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Metal-detected Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Brooches from the Limfjord Region, Northern Jutland: Production, Use and Loss.
Torben Trier Christiansen
Based on the study of 1,859 metal-detected brooches recovered at different sites in Limfjord region, this paper discusses patterns production, distribution, use, and deposition brooches. Widespread indications non-ferrous metalwork a modest number models for brooch production suggest that were produced many settlements region during period studied (AD 400–1150), traces technical change varying distribution finished temporally as well spatially differing modes production. Furthermore, analyses suggests most intact when they entered soil, seemingly random likely reflect fact many, perhaps most, simply accidentally dropped. However, over above, interpretational difficulties are consequent recovery all metal-detector finds plough layer detached from their original context. The interpretation is also markedly challenged by brooches, along with other metal artefacts, appear to having been secondarily deposited fields surrounding settlements, probably manuring fields.
The Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History|KTH Publication Database DiVA (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Preliminary Material
Anastasija Ropa|Timothy E. Dawson
BRILL eBooks
Crisis, Liturgy, and Communal Identity: The Celebration of the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite in Toledo, Spain as a Case Study
Nathan P. Chase
The Hispano-Mozarabic Rite is a helpful case study for liturgists interested in the construction of community identity across time and light various types crises. From 6th century to today, number internal external crises—political ecclesial—have shaped have threatened its continued existence. Arab invasions 711 CE, has been key preservation Mozarab community, group Christians who remained Muslim-ruled Spain celebrate Rite. their self-understanding preservation. At same time, coopted throughout history burgeoning Spanish nationalist visions. It also challenged centralized ecclesiology Roman Catholic Church. In order shed on relationship between crisis communal this tradition, article will begin with historical second half look at modern celebration Toledo through use participant observation. This reveal way several communities (the Mozarabs Spaniards) used navigate crises history.
The sacred space of gods and saints: Some considerations about the sea and exile in Irish mythology and tradition
Angélica Varandas
This essay intends to reflect upon the Irish higher form of peregrinatio, peregrinatio pro amore Christo, among monks Celtic or Insular Christianity between 5th and 10th centuries understand its extreme significance in culture. We will discuss: 1) paramount role maintenance Christian faith Western civilization during barbaric invasions 4th century Viking attacks English territory 8th centuries; 2) how it found a compelling evocation medieval voyage tales known as immrama echtrai; 3) relationship immrama, particularly Immram Brain, Nauigatio Brendani, one most influential narratives Europe; 4) contribution understanding sea Middle Ages path repentance, space penitence redemption, consonance with conception mythology where is depicted abode gods location Blessed Islands Otherworld; 5) connotation voluntary exile from which derived whole tradition both literature Ireland’s cultural history.
CRC Press eBooks|Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (RCAAP Project by FCT)
Becoming Europe: Retracing the Origin of Medieval Cities from Comacchio and Oegstgeest
Richard Hodges
A hundred years ago Henri Pirenne delivered his seminal lectures on the medieval city in USA. In aftermath of late antique collapse Mediterranean Sea commerce, pinpointed North traders as agents that led to origins Carolingian revolution which eventually put place new towns. With publication major archaeological reports about Comacchio and Oegstgeest - early centres Adriatic respectively this article considers key tropes Pirenne’s narrative. ranging between end Antiquity its so-called temple society rise Merovingian Sea, reviews preliminary stages during divergence regions north-west Europe was repaired.
Journal of urban archaeology|Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository)
An Evaluation of the Imitation of the Divinity of Jesus Christ and Its Reflections in Medieval Christianity
Zekiye SÖNMEZ>
Hıristiyanlıkta İsa Mesih, kimliği, kişiliği ve konumu açısından çokça tartışılmış, bu durum kristoloji adında bir bilim dalının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. İsa, doğumuyla, yaşadığı dönemdeki eylemleriyle de çarmıhtaki ölümüyle diğer insanlardan oldukça farklı konumda görülmüştür. Bu farklılıklardan dolayı onun sadece insan değil, aynı zamanda Tanrı olabileceği konusu Hıristiyanları en çok meşgul eden konuların başında gelmiştir. Ayrıca veya olarak nasıl modelleneceği taklit edileceği da Hıristiyanların tartıştığı konulardandır. bağlamda günümüz Hıristiyanlığının kurucusu kabul edilen Pavlus “Mesih’i ettiğim gibi, siz beni edin” sözüyle Hıristiyanlıktaki “Mesih’in Taklidi” (Imitatio Christi) konusunun başlatıcısı olmuş; ondan itibaren Mesih’in taklidi takibi Hıristiyan dünyasında tartışıla gelen konu haline makalede, Hıristiyanlara göre edildiği bunun Orta Çağ dünyasındaki yansımaları ele alınmaktadır.
Thesis: The First-Created Day
Jesse W. Torgerson
BRILL eBooks
The Past’s Future: The Chronographia Project in the Mid-Ninth Century
Jesse W. Torgerson
BRILL eBooks
Taxation: A Vantage on the Reframing of the Economic Past
Gary M. Feinman
A Review of Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy Premodern States, edited by Andrew Monson Walter Scheidel (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Ancient Taxation: The Mechanics Extraction in Comparative Perspective, Jonathan Valk Irene Soto Marín (New York 2021)
Writing Time for an End
Jesse W. Torgerson
BRILL eBooks
Imperial Antitypes: Progenitors, Successors, and Greed
Jesse W. Torgerson
BRILL eBooks
The lost Missal of Alcuin and the Carolingian sacramentaries of Tours
Arthur Westwell
Letters of Alcuin York attest that he composed a liturgical book called ‘missal’ while was abbot St Martin's basilica in Tours. No manuscripts this missal survive. It has to be recovered from much later sacramentaries copied Tours, which have been subject significant subsequent reworking. This article makes new attempt draw out the contents these sources, assuming adjustments by others are an equally valid improve usability and comprehensiveness as Alcuin's original endeavour. The discovery fragments earlier sacramentary Tours Solothurn Staatsarchiv also contribution process.
Early Medieval Europe|Publikationsserver der Universität Regensburg (Uni Regensburg)
The Daughters of the Fronde: French Aristocratic Women and the Subversion of Bourbon Absolutist Culture, 1661-1727
Jordan Hallmark
The turbulent events of the Fronde des Princes (Fronde Princes), which saw French nobility stage a failed rebellion against monarchical administration France's chief minister, Cardinal Mazarin, between 1650 and 1652, have been portrayed in existing historiography as swan song pre-absolutist seeking to preserve its feudal identity king's partner governance military affairs. Indeed, many historians early modern France observed, policies pursued by Mazarin following monarchy's victory over rebel princes Fronde, subsequently expanded upon Louis XIV after commencement his personal reign 1661, would consolidate political authority hands crown build centralized that replaced high-ranking nobles with professional bureaucrats. Rather than inciting further acts armed aristocratic resistance, however, absolutist system developed under XIV, according most historiography, assured loyalty compliance rewarding obedience special privileges distinctions. Enduring until Revolution 1789, this royal patronage has cited scholars one few avenues through women could attain influence, albeit an unofficial capacity, cultivating close, typically intimate, relationships sovereign. During Princes, number women, including Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier, had emerged important leaders, fighting on behalf centralizing reforms patriarchal state. Yet, argued strategies opposition during came abrupt end monarch's thereafter confining women's participation spaces salon court where influence come depend entirely close powerful men.
The Foundations of Royal Power in Early Medieval Germany
David S. Bachrach
The Ottonians were the most powerful monarchs in Europe during tenth and early eleventh century, exercising hegemony West Francia, Burgundy, much of Italy addition to ruling German realm. Despite their enormous political military success, however, foundations Ottonian royal power remain highly contested largely misunderstood, with previous scholarship tending have considered it as depending upon ability king shape harness nobles. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;This study challenges dominant historiographical paradigm, rebutting notion putative power-sharing between nobility, which simply did not exist a legal class century. Rather, argues that under comprised only own wealth, but also unique authority ability, through ‘bannum’ inherent office king, make use economic resources labour broad free population realm, well from Church. In so doing, drew further developed administrative, institutional, ideological inheritance Carolingian predecessors, process creating polity tenth-century Europe.
Kolozsvári-Sillye Béla a középkori zenei fragmentológia magyar előfutára?
Gábriel Szoliva
A Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem Egyházzene Tanszékének kutatókönyvtára őriz egy középkori antifonále-töredéket, amelynek legújabb vizsgálata során – az említett módszertani lépéseket követve nem várt eredményre jutottam.1 Bár a tartalom értelmezését töredék korábbi kutatóinak következtetéseihez képest csak kismértékben árnyalhattam, újkori bejegyzései olyan tudománytörténeti eredményt szolgáltattak, amely megérdemel önálló ismertetést. szóban forgó fragmentum valószínűleg 1970-es évek elején került Forrai Magdolna M. Gregoria iskolanővértől Szendrei Janka tulajdonába, majd ő halála után 2019-ben Zeneakadémia Tanszékére. forráskatalógusában F 337 alá sorolt töredéket 14. századi eredetűnek vélte, notációja alapján pedig magyarországi, erdélyi provenienciát valószínűsített.
Magyar könyvszemle. A Magyar nemzeti múzeum országos Széchényi könyvtárának közlönye ..|Repository of the Academy's Library (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)|ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT) (Eötvös Loránd University)
Romen dillerinin ortaya çıkmasına kadar Latincenin geçirdiği evrim
Marıa Jesus HORTA SANZ
Latince, Roma’da kullanılan bir dil haline gelmesiyle birlikte pek çok bölgeye yayılmış Hint-Avrupa kökenli dildir. Doğudaki bölgelerde zorunlu olarak Koine Grekçesiyle arada varlığını sürdürürken, batıdaki hegemonyaya dayalı dile dönüşmüştür. Ancak Latince hiçbir zaman homojen olmamış, coğrafi bölgelere, toplumsal sınıflara, bu dili konuşan insanların cinsiyetine, eğitim düzeyine, mesleklerine ya da anadillerine göre varyantlara sahip olmuştur. Ayrıca Orta Çağ Latincesine erişene kadar yüzyıllar boyunca evrim geçirmiştir ve Rönesans’la bazı değişikliklere uğrayan günümüzde hâlâ kurumunda öğrenilmektedir. XI. yüzyıla doğru hızlı çöküş dönemine giren kısa süre sonra da, belli yazılı metinlerde kullanılmaya devam etmesine rağmen, konuşma kesin şekilde ortadan kalkmıştır. Günümüzdeki Roman dilleri, önceleri yalnızca dilinin varyantları olarak, daha başlı başına birer Latincesinden türemişlerdir. Latinceyi öğrenmek, dilin nasıl, neden ne geçirdiğini bilmek, dillerinin dilbilim açısından işleyişini iyi anlamamıza yardımcı olur.
Dil ve edebiyat araştırmaları dergisi|DergiPark (Istanbul University)
Imagining the Stars
Klara H. Broekhuijsen
Abstract The Natuurkunde van het Geheelal in Wolfenbüttel, which was made Utrecht around 1465–1470 is a text about celestial bodies and meteorological natural phenomena. Most copies of this are clarified by astronomical drawings diagrams. manuscript however, also contains miniatures with the personifications seven planets signs zodiac. author’s aim to find source inspiration for unusual pictures particular,
Quaerendo|Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
This book can be described as an 'oblique memoir'. The central underlying and repeated themes of the are exile displacement; lives (and deaths) during Third Reich; mother-daughter sibling relationships; generational transmission trauma experience; transatlantic reflections; struggle for creative expression. Stories mobilised, people encountered, in course narrative include: internment aliens Britain Second World War; cultural life Rochester, New York, 1920s; social personal meanings colour(s). It also includes industrialist philanthropist, Henry Simon Manchester, including his relationship with Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen; liberal British campaigner MP 1940s, Eleanor Rathbone; reflections on images spinsters. text is supplemented interrupted throughout by (photographs, paintings, facsimile documents), some which serve to illustrate story, others engaging indirectly written word. explains how forced persists through generations a family history. showcases differences between English American cultures. focuses incidence cancers caused exposure radioactivity England, impact it had Anglo-American relations.
Manchester University Press eBooks
A paradox of the linguistic research of Neo–Latin. Symptoms and causes
Šime Demo
Suvremena lingvistika
Shifting Between Writing Systems: Some Linguistic Remarks and Typological Observations
Edoardo Scarpanti
Just like human languages, also writing systems tend to change in diachrony, and sometimes they are substituted by new ones, a process that we can call shift. The way this takes place is determined many conditions, which here briefly described discussed. Some recurrent facts suggest script shift linguistic phenomenon strongly marked, needs both strong motivation, inside the speaking community, motivator, outside same community. Despite some previous thoughts, fact, it’s possible choosing system not simply consequence of an evolution towards “better” or “more adapt” system, but rather more general matter identity, involves whole
International Journal of Linguistics
Popularizing economics
Giovanni Ceccarelli
This article explores pre-modern moral economy from an unconventional perspective. Instead of focusing on major thinkers and celebrated texts, it addresses lesser known sources unoriginal authors, shifting the analysis production economic ideas to their transmission reception. Two specific domains are targeted. On one side, exemplary set minor unedited works made short compositions, abridgments, collations; other, texts deviating academic canons by writing about in vernacular instead Latin. These provide insights how vocabularies conceptualizations developed within intellectual sphere, when coming into contact with a larger public, were reworked adapted.
Studia historica
Nomear o inominável e conhecer o incognoscível: o estatuto das processões de Dionísio
Patrícia Calvário
Uma vez que, segundo Dionísio, o Areopagita, Deus é inominável, qual seria status dos termos aplicados a ele? A que se referem os nomes atribuídos Deus? Por outro lado, esses concedem um conhecimento do ser divino? De forma? Meu objetivo elucidar significado e argumentos da perspectiva de Dionísio sobre possível através das procissões ou energias. Este conceito será crucial para desenvolvimento filosofia hesicástica século XIV. interpretação correta Corpus Areopagiticum principais tópicos discussão entre Gregório Palamas Barlaão, Calabrês. evoca noção Areopagita “procissões” fundamentar distinção essência energias em Deus. Estas πρόοδοι são “extensão” fora si mesmo; várias, distintas umas outras não criadas.
The Comacchio Glass Workshop: A Late Seventh-Century Urban Production Site of the North Adriatic
Margherita Ferri
This article is an in-depth review of the production structures found in Comacchio, dating to middle seventh century ad, and glass-ware, contextualizing both early medieval glass processes. The final part reflects on role Comacchio workshops Po Valley trading system importance these for further developments production. For a general framework research project excavation, see by Sauro Gelichi (in this volume).
Journal of urban archaeology|Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository)
Music and the Christian Tradition: For Robert Louis Wilken on His 85th Birthday
Kevin D. O’Brien
Music and the Christian TraditionFor Robert Louis Wilken on His 85th Birthday Kevin O’Brien (bio) Not a few things too are closed against us obscured by ignorance of music.Non pauca etiam claudit atque obtegit nonnullarum rerum musicarum ignorantia. augustine, christian doctrine ii 16.26 Good historians remind from past that worth remembering. But great have way helping understand our tradition forging identity. One makes an historian is his or her willingness to raise issue consistently even when colleagues follow suit. Wilken, arguably greatest living in English-speaking world, has for decades been subtly yet pointing out fact about hiding plain sight. That fact—that music played crucial role Church’s formational intellectual tradition—is greatly underappreciated today among intelligentsia. The relationship between Church, once glorious partnership, come something [End Page 148] stalemate modern times. Remedying begins with reinvestigation into music’s import within tradition. This essay follows lead asking how understanding would be altered if we approached not as subdiscipline history, but constitutive part larger narrative. For most was far more integrated life Christians than find it today. There many direct testimonies inferences both patristic medieval eras elucidate daily included robust compulsory training music. At heart endeavor liturgy its recitation, rehearsal, composition. A version history focuses per se frequently told. Every autumn there new undergraduate majors around world who learn likes Gregory Great, Notker Balbulus, Guido Arezzo standard textbooks. corollary overlooked: existence this meant all facets Church were taken up men women reaped benefits having studied sung regularly liturgy. educational system flourished monasteries Carolingian empire, which much known, provides good window Church.1 Performance large body liturgical chants, especially psalter, repertory rehearsed day after day, year point memorization.2 theologians, bishops, abbots one received education centered Bible, wherein text put memory being grafted melody. In era, utterance Word God, logos, spoken allotment occasional allowances singing. Rather, experience logos proclamation “musification” Word, borrow latter-day term then-Cardinal Ratzinger.3 “musified” conception challenges 149] privileging words, normative words mere adornment thereof. inherent act singing allow medievals merely speak required principle does seem invention medievals; finds antecedent Athanasius, fourth century wrote “The psalms recited melodies because desire pleasant sounds. sure sign harmony soul’s reflections. Indeed, melodic reading symbolic mind’s well-ordered undisturbed condition.”4 From trained came theological similarly balanced between...
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
The Destruction and Recovery of Monte Cassino, 529–1964 by Kriston R. Rennie
Graham A. Loud
Reviewed by: The Destruction and Recovery of Monte Cassino, 529–1964 by Kriston R. Rennie Graham A. Loud 529–1964. By Rennie. (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2021. pp. 246. €99. ISBN: 9789463729130.) monks Cassino have always, both in the Middle Ages more recently, seen their monastery as fons et origo western monasticism. If it was not first monastic house to be founded west, then abbey St. Benedict source Rule which became almost universal Christendom from Carolingian era onwards model for all other monasteries. This stance validated, eyes, a long unbroken tradition observance sixth century custody relics Benedict, symbol pre-eminent role. Yet, points out, Cassinese rests on shaky foundations, is some extent anyway myth, or at least “constructed identity.” He demonstrates this examining one key aspects tradition, theme destruction renewal, fully enunciated author abbey’s chronicle, Leo Marsicanus, end eleventh century, but repeated developed its later historians, into our own times. Thus original had been destroyed Lombards c. 580, rebuilt 717, sacked Muslim raiders 883, restored once after 950, entirely Desiderius 1066. Subsequently laid low earthquake 1349, finally Allied bombers February 1944. Its rebuilding war viewed restoration, just even cultural monument, restoration peace civilization. And when church reconsecrated 1964, Pope Paul VI declared “patron protector” Europe. [End Page 602] particularly good problems with story early Ages. Even assuming that we can rely account Gregory Great—which written fifty years saint’s death who no personal knowledge him—the 580 community continued exile, having guide inspiration autograph manuscript Rule, unproven improbable. Deacon’s refoundation eighth made mention exiled Rome, implied actually new beginning. It Paul, too, referred alleged transfer Benedict’s French Fleury, suggests considerably better authenticated than they remained situ, rediscovered during 1066–and again several occasions, last 1950. But dogged recovery, while maintained guarded saint site, central self-perception, only reinforced pre-war 1945. intelligently developed, book should surely required reading those interested history great historic monastery, monasticism generally. There are, however, flaws account. most serious concerns authorship begun concluded Peter Deacon 1138. Contrary what suggested here, wrote small part continuation Leo’s work (even though he claimed mendaciously it), times ascribes comments were himself. Here author’s generally sure touch wide seem failed him. also perhaps devotes too much space symbolic rhetoric accompanied modern compared earlier...
Catholic Historical Review
Disputing Epidemics, Public Health, and Alternative Therapies in Latin American History - The Gray Zones of Medicine: Healers and History in Latin America. Edited by Diego Armus and Pablo F. Gómez. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021. Pp. 262. $55.00 hardcover. ISBN: 9780822946854. - Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain. By Paula S. De Vos. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020. Pp. xiv + 352. $50.00 hardcover. ISBN: …
Peter B. Villella
This essay reviews the following works: The Gray Zones of Medicine: Healers and History in Latin America. Edited by Diego Armus Pablo F. Gómez. Pittsburgh: University Pittsburgh Press, 2021. Pp. 262. $55.00 hardcover. ISBN: 9780822946854. Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain. By Paula S. De Vos. 2020. xiv + 352. $50.00 9780822946496. For All Humanity: Mesoamerican Colonial Medicine Enlightenment Guatemala. Martha Few. Tucson: Arizona 2015. x 304. $34.95 paperback. 9780816531875. Experiential Caribbean: Creating Knowledge Healing Early Modern Atlantic. Chapel Hill: North Carolina 2017. xix 314. $29.95 9781469630878. Plagues upon Earth: Disease Course Human History. Kyle Harper. Princeton, NJ: Princeton 704. $35.00 9780691192123. Carving a Niche: Medical Profession Mexico, 1800–1870. Luz María Hernández Sáenz. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s 2018. 376. $38.22 9780773553026. Enlightened Immunity: Mexico’s Experiments with Prevention Age Reason. Paul Ramírez. Stanford, CA: Stanford xi $70.00 9781503604339. Mexico Time Cholera. Donald Fithian Stevens. Albuquerque: 2019. ix 328. 9780826360557. An Imperative Cure: Principles Practice Q’eqchi’ Maya Belize. James B. Waldram. xvi 288. $84.80 9780826361738. Death Is around Us: Corpses, Chaos, Public Health Porfirian City. Jonathan M. Weber. Lincoln: Nebraska xiii 294. $30.00 9781496213440.
Latin American Research Review
Pavia <i>picta</i>. Appunti sulla cultura figurativa longobarda a partire dal San Michele
Chiara Croci
Pavia picta. Notes on Figural Lombard Culture Rooted in San Michele A glimpse of Pavia’s early medieval pictorial and mosaic richness can be gained from four tituli contained the Lorsch sylloge. Combining what offer with information about politico-ecclesiastical situation as well archaeological evidence pre-Carolingian city, this article presents hypothesis that inscriptions referred to images created church over seventh eighth centuries. The image St Michael at one time dominating entrance, a Christus Victor, could date back rearrangement resulting affirmation cult Archangel second half century. These other figural elements may have provided inspiration for works promoted by King Desiderius (757-774), whom an inscription seems attribute apsidal replacing older decoration.
“The Whole Congregation of St. Mary.” The Prosopography of the Freising Cathedral Clergy and the Carolingian Reforms
Carl Hammer
The extensive witness lists appended to the numerous deeds from Freising cartulary which were transacted at cathedral itself between mid-8th and mid-9th centuries allow a reconstruction of clergy in both size structure. This study examines two groups witnesses divided chronologically pontificates Bishops Atto Hitto (810/811) together comprise 105 selected naming 343 persons who occur total 974 times as witnesses. Analysis these shows that longer-serving numbered only about dozen with perhaps another serving for shorter periods. Deeds rarely witnessed by secular clerics below grade priest deacon, but significant numbers minor orders may also have been present. Clergy identified monks 8th century, 9th beginning under Bishop (811-835), small group priests appear prominently amongst coincides Hitto’s efforts introduce Rule St. Benedict which, however, seems resisted, division canons was completed his successor nephew, Erchanbert (836-854), eliminated deeds. These indicate large spent short periods cathedral. article suggests many attended school then, after completion their studies ordination, assigned country churches bishop increasingly acquired control them lay proprietors. thus appears centre unified diocesan system formed its own then circulated lesser direction order implement Carolingian program reform or correctio.
Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique
Should Europe disturb historians? On the importance of methodology and interdisciplinarity
Sylvain Kahn
Abstract Does the emergence of European Union (EU) disrupt frames reference contemporary history Europe to such an extent that historians distrust it? It would seem methodological Euroscepticism exists. integration arouses scepticism among some in community , since conceptual underpinnings cannot themselves account for . This billet expresses, more than a word caution, call enhanced dialogue on EU as object study different strands historical studies and disciplines. On one hand, analyses provided by constitute fertile source understanding integration, notably field history. Using them can stimulate development new concepts, representations hypotheses grasping reality comparatively academic interest. other critical conducted specific questions sheds light analytical categories In this regard, fruitful interaction between history, political geography, law science enrich Interdisciplinary enable us decentre notions sovereignty, territory democracy, which have classically taken nation state their broad explanatory narratives Research mutualisation offer all potential interpretative benefits rethink our various disciplines study.
European Law Journal
The importance of coinage in the Carolingian world
Simon Coupland
The dramatic recent increase in the number of Carolingian coin finds offers significant new insights into political, social and economic history period. Coins were produced larger numbers, circulated more widely, used commonly than has been assumed, though not all regions. There was thus a range regional economies which themselves changed over time. Many can be linked to trade, both long‐distance local. A remarkably high degree political control is evident under empire, but broke down 840s, only restored West Francia.
Early Medieval Europe
Preliminary Material
BRILL eBooks
Between Synchrony and Diachrony: The Multimodal Nature of Phonaesthemes
Marianna Pozza|Sara Civale
Knowledge about phonaesthesia has particularly been deepened since 1930 until now. Starting from John Wallis’ first thoughts on the subject in 1653 via contributions Rupert Firth’s post-1930s’ studies, phenomenon seen a growing interest as result of consolidated – but still to some extent arbitrary interactions between meaning and sound over time. This paper focuses relevant issues field diachronic linguistics, especially connection with etymological reconstruction, evaluate phenomena that, certain sense, appear be correlated idea posteriori re-motivation by speaker, investigating phonaesthemes’ conceptual organization around meaningful morpho-phonological clusters derived Proto Indo-European, always connected analogical associations. It also reasons stability root itself, due fundamental characteristics human cognition broader social contexts which language is used. Besides diachrony, psycholinguistic relevance phonaesthemic synchronically highlighted both productivity within Germanic branch, English above all comprehension processes, because their faciliatory priming effect seems guide speaker towards better experience understanding ease progressive natural addition patterned neologisms after an existing word, order make them compatible original sets. The purpose this contribution offer general overview issue, trying, at same time, show how can read interaction synchrony even if synchrony, for obvious reasons, remains privileged investigation filter.
International Journal of Linguistics|IRIS Research product catalog (Sapienza University of Rome)
Dreams, Visions, and Politics in Carolingian Europe
Klaus Herbers
BRILL eBooks
The Church and the Multistate System
Jørgen Møller|Jonathan Stavnskær Doucette
Abstract This chapter shifts attention to the multistate system. It argues that European system was set in train when fusion of lay and religious authority came an end eleventh twelfth centuries. The first shows how around ad 1000 everything favoured opposite: hegemony or empire. next this changed due conflict church state general Catholic Church’s persistent interest avoiding one secular polity outmatched others particular. is most spectacularly illustrated by late medieval papacy denounced old notion, going back Rome but revived popes Carolingians ninth century, other rulers were subordinated Western (German) Emperor. In place venerable idea, churchmen formulated spread exact opposite doctrine: ‘the king emperor within his own realm’ (Rex regno suo imperator). Beginning with Gregory VII, they also provided support new states arising on periphery Latin West balance older closer—and more threatening––to Papal Rome. where we find origins modern notion equality international relations. ends tracing these developments up until Reformation.
Oxford University Press eBooks
Isabelle Maria Soares|Edson Santos Silva
The reading of the literary series Saxon Stories (2004-), by British author Bernard Cornwell, incites reflections about relations between Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons in territory ninth century, as it presents a panorama this historical moment. Fiction history clash to represent significant moments time reported. From this, main objective article is trace debates memories that flow work concerning its production context, contempore, surround imply Gender Study issues exteriorized interiorized under study. Starting from idea proposed blogger Hyperactive Sedentary (2010), author, literature made for "males", we seek analyse narrative present first three volumes Stories, order understand motivation such assertion and, if possible, refute it. Our analysis grounded Badinter (1992), Connel Messerschmidt (2013), Dumézil Mingo (2017) Langer (2007; 2017).
Annotation of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville in Its Early Medieval Context
Evina Steinová
This article provides an overview of the annotated pre-1200 manuscripts Etymologiae Isidore Seville and discusses nature character annotation this work. It shows that was principally in early Middle Ages. The glossing took place three contexts: insular world,perhaps aftermath arrival Isidore’s encyclopaedia Ireland; Carolingian northern France as a result introduction Etym. I (De grammatica) into schools; by scholarly readers pre-Carolingian, Ottonian Italy. To lesser extent, also German area Spain. main strains can be discerned because their interest different sections distinct patterns they left behind. intermixing exceptionally limited.The only region where it is attested Brittany. differences between regions limited circulation glosses beyond origin suggest there existed several reception frameworks for Thearticle accompanied list 45 most important Etymologiae.
Humanities Commons CORE (Modern Language Association / Columbia University)
From Slavic Leader to National Ruler: A Modern Discursive Construction of the Early Medieval Rulership of Pribina († 861)
Matej Harvát|Michal Ďurčo
Forum Historiae
Preliminary Material
BRILL eBooks
Into the vault of the saints: the exterior crypts of Saint-Denis in Paris and Saint-Germain in Auxerre
Matthew Ryan Reed
Historians have held the Carolingian rule of Western Europe as a brief strike light against dark backdrop Medieval period. In this period two structures emerged for first time in church architecture: westwork and exterior crypt. These did not follow models found Early Christian they accommodated functions specific to developments needs that context Empire. Although both hold many opportunities scholarship, crypt offers significant insights into at heart liturgy, society, architectural design. Two these crypts—those abbeys Saint-Denis Paris Saint-Germain Auxerre—provide framework examination other crypts during This thesis will explore forms references express.
The building projects and the <i>Histories</i> of Gregory of Tours
John Merrington
This article offers a fresh perspective on the life and works of sixth‐century bishop Gregory Tours by analysing Gregory’s magnum opus, Histories, alongside frequently overlooked aspect his episcopal career: restoration cathedral church St Martin’s basilica following their devastation fire in time predecessor, Eufronius. Drawing conceptual insights memory studies, I argue that writings building projects formed part single project which he pursued throughout office to restore rearticulate relationship episcopate with its past.
Early Medieval Europe
Res Voluntaria, Non Necessaria: The Conquest and Forced Conversion of the Saxons under Charlemagne
Alexander Scott Dessens
This study focuses on Charlemagne’s conquest of Saxony in the late eighth and early ninth centuries policies forced conversion he espoused his attempts to bring peoples these territories Christian religion. Often remarked upon is Carolingian king’s prescription death penalty for failure be baptized, but this development was a logical consequence contemporary ideology with regard missionizing. I employ letters contemporaries, historical annals, hagiographical sources examine how use force missionizing viewed period, argue that expansion evangelization, not major theological stumbling block. The Alcuin York are special concern here because appears at times contradict this, yet as demonstrate he, along various popes other prominent theologians, armies convenient effective vehicles by which spread faith. efficiency military might outweighed any negative considerations. These arguments made against backdrop Saxon Wars, conflict lasting decades frustrations obstinacy Saxons further reduced likelihood peaceful means evangelization would considered.
Revista română de studii baltice şi nordice
Teudefred and the king. On the manuscript Carcassonne G 6 and the intertwining of localities and centre in the Carolingian world
Christoph Haack|Thomas Köhl
Carcassonne G 6, preserving a judicial oath from 833, is an exceptional source for the history of Spanish March and more generally workings power in Carolingian world. The oath, concerning at first glance very local dispute, links body royal charters with precepts hispani issued by Charlemagne, Louis Pious Charles Bald. This link reveals close entanglement localities centre that structured better part western Europe into political entity. A critical edition, which was not available this text before, provided as appendix.
Early Medieval Europe
Legions of Pigs in the Early Medieval West
Dolly Jørgensen
Over a millennium ago, images began to appear in Christian church settings—as decorations of holy book covers, within the pages books, and on walls—of Jesus exorcizing multitude demons, named Legion, from man into herd pigs who then rush sea drown. In using this biblical story frame narrative Legions Pigs Early Medieval West, Jamie Kreiner makes clear ambiguities pig as “both unholy redemptive, both historically situated universally relevant” (195). The Legion legion farm field are intertwined.Rather than approaching history only an issue agricultural production, examines it “a counterintuitive connections that developed between micro-universes husbandry early medieval institutions ideas wider scale” (4). She uses entry point for thinking through how people thought about their environment. Her approach is place social, cultural, economic contexts Late Antique periods, roughly AD 400 1000. While evidence focused Western Europe, particularly kingdoms Carolingians Ottonians, which occupied large parts what today France, Germany, Low Countries, northern Italy, British Isles, deftly weaves sources across stretching Islamic lands were continuous contact with counterparts.In her introduction, stresses flexibility resulted dynamic ecological systems Europe. Human communities adapted accommodate pigs, while potentially highly productive could also be unruly. This plays out chapter 1, underscores distinctions drew wild boar domestic pig, variability landscapes swine raised on, attempts control unwanted behaviors.The micro-universe set much larger context philosophy 2. chapter, scarcely appear—and yet puts its Christianization (which discussed later) intellectual age accessible explanation notions environmental connectivity complexity.Chapter 3 gets back landscapes. approaches extracting value landscape or, she calls it, “salvaging.” Through ability turn found foods environment food human tables, made people. How they did this—by forest foraging, pasture grazing, or stall feeding—varied according conditions. brings together impressive collection explain variability.In 4, focus assemblage humans social groups created modified by those relations. section swineherds particular gives fascinating behind-the-scenes look at status closest pigs. shows pork consumption was Roman tradition, had ideological practical implications, example provisioning soldiers taxes. Chapter 5 starts animal discusses became associated Christians, symbolic dietary forms. here, takes diabolical natures conviction. legions co-constituted.Kreiner's written non-medievalists mind—she elucidates time-specific legal terms so understandable without background period. finds just right balance source materials support arguments getting bogged down details. writing style delight read. demonstrates can culture wide appeal.
Agricultural History
The Birth of the Author: Pictorial Prefaces in Glossed Books of the Twelfth Century
Caroline Walker Bynum
To those who know little about the Middle Ages, copying of manuscripts “the ancients” (whether classical, such as Roman poet Horace, or Christian, Saints Jerome Augustine) often seems either a laudable act preserving past an unfortunate fixation on repeating words others rather than penning new and original compositions. Even scholars Ages appear sometimes more interested in types works fabliaux courtly romances written vernacular; when they study practice copying, concentrate identifying prototypes legacies. Finding old wine bottles has been fairly constant theme medieval studies; sometimes, we must admit, medievalists have just thrown out moved to something completely new. In this context, it may seem strange find work Latin manuscript commentaries titled “The Birth Author,” responding Roland Barthes's well-known essay Death published 1984 cited repeatedly since. What can mean see new, self-conscious awareness personal creation that are copies by scribes other themselves comment yet earlier works, certain age canonicity? Yet intelligent, engaging, beautifully produced book, art historian Jeffrey Hamburger not only shows how wrote came suggest anyone composes (even scribe it) could be considered creator meaning but also images make statements—indeed, statements radical text—about author being illustrated. Long known one relatively rare historians equipped with wide knowledge theology hence respond reflect text, here himself possessed shrewd eye for image itself. He studies illuminated prefaces to, among texts, prose poetic Horace used classroom, major biblical commentary High Glossa ordinaria, Rupert Deutz's erotically charged Song Songs. Changing lens through which usually viewed argues authors go beyond anything text assert authority commented commentator occasionally even scribe.The Author is complicated analysis, its full power demands close attention. Understanding construct claims involves good deal careful looking. patient clear guide, reader prepared flip back forth between magnificent colored publisher provides follow what painstaking arguments from comparison small visual differences puzzling identifications seemingly details. The result doing so is, however, gain reward Hamburger's ingenious conclusions lesson look. For example, discussion Gilbert Universalis's Lamentations Hebrew prophet Jeremiah, identifies Jeremiah “divine rhetorician” assimilates his own authorship Jeremiah's prophetic speech. extant copy Gilbert's program illustrations, artist constructs both speech interpretation similar acts framing parallel architectural evoke Old Testament temple Christian church. Or give final example interpretive reach: book concludes another preface far less usual epilogue. Here commentator, scribe, illustrator themselves. Reception becomes interpretation, illustration construction. Carolingian figure Sedulius Scotus (fl. 840–60) grammarian Donatus (mid-fourth century), depicts (thus assimilating into copier vice versa). On same folio, later reader/author charming marginal doodle entrap sort hangman's noose. Thus, bit wryly perhaps, Hamburger—himself teacher, consummate scholar—seems frustrated students interpreters and, yes, authors. Behind seeming repetition backward glance lies forward-looking self-awareness authoring, interpreting, reading, imagining. most conventional genres—the texts others—is locus birth self-expressive reader.
Common Knowledge
Tributary World-Ecologies, Part I
Çağrı İdiman
This essay, in two parts, argues for the centrality of world-ecology perspective theorizing relations, dynamics, and crises High Medieval Worlds. Commercialization Theorists view Middle Ages as a period early capitalism, while classical Marxist theorists conceive it continuation feudalism. In contrast to both conceptions, I argue that this era can instead be evaluated on its own terms from perspective. Part I, develop interrelated historical-geographical theoretical arguments. By employing comparative world-historical methodology, first distinct world-ecologies emerged North Sea Mediterranean during Ages. Second, define not only commercial but also production is, mode appropriation nature labor. Next, focus common characteristics tributary world-ecologies. These were distinguished by agrarian two-tiered networks, multiple state-system. they expanded due unique bundling climatological upturn, novel technological organizational innovations. conclude analyzing world-ecology, which has typically served model Classical perspectives. While there is no question perspectives have their merits, seems more fruitful explain relations dynamics world mutual-conditioning nature, production, commerce. useful theorize relation larger worlds, characteristic
Journal of World-Systems Research
From fragments to codices: the reconstruction of copies of Carolingian homiliaries and the <i>Homiliary of Luculentius</i>, a case study of twenty-first-century fragmentology in Septimania and Catalonia
Matthias M. Tischler
Research on manuscripts from early medieval Septimania and Catalonia has become quite sophisticated, but significant detailed work remains to be done. The ongoing digitization of thousands manuscript fragments, preserved especially in public, ecclesiastical, private archives libraries Catalonia, will furnish a rich collection unknown items that allow for the reconstruction lost testimonies region’s religious culture ninth century onwards. This paper shows how modern fragmentology, based systematic comparison scattered pieces, enables us rediscover write history Carolingian homiletic collections south-western periphery empire formed by Catalonia—both general specific case autochthonous Homiliary Luculentius.
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies
‘According to Right Law’: John Jewel’s Use of the <i>Ius Antiqua</i> in His Defense of the Elizabethan Church
André A. Gazal
Abstract In his Apology of the Church England as well many other works, John Jewel defended orthodoxy Elizabethan on basis following criteria: Scripture, first four general councils, writings Fathers, and example primitive church. 1 By emphasizing these authorities, bishop Salisbury also sought to impeach Roman Church’s claim by arguing that doctrines practices which developed subsequently early church defined criteria contradict them, thereby nullifying its charge heresy against Protestants while simultaneously indicting papacy itself heretical. A question emerges from studying Jewel’s prodigious polemical works concerns source this means determining orthodoxy. Answering requires a close analysis apologist’s use sources. This article will attempt answer for defining derived mainly canon law tradition is confirmed specifically Gratian’s Decretum . thesis maintains constituted form ius antiqua with he attacked novum provided authoritative papal supremacy, in so doing, vindicate place ancient catholic tradition.
Perichoresis: The Theological Journal of Emanuel University
Feo, inútil, inestable: pensamiento crítico contemporáneo y procesos proyectivos en arquitectura = Ugly, useless, unstable: contemporary critical thought and projective processes in architecture
Miguel Paredes Maldonado
Citation Paredes Maldonado, Miguel (2015). Feo, inútil, inestable: pensamiento crítico contemporáneo y procesos proyectivos en arquitectura = Ugly, useless, unstable: contemporary critical thought and projective processes in architecture. Thesis (Doctoral), E.T.S. Arquitectura (UPM). https://doi.org/10.20868/UPM.thesis.38627.
The Making of a Nation
Ivan Majnarić
During the 14th century, state and governmental development brought forward need to simplify a complex social reality. The management of this complexity eventually led formation more tightly connected groups, some which can be considered as corporate groups. At same time, different identities became clearly visible. Both processes observed in Kingdom Croatia during Angevin reorganization their dominions. paper argues that these processes, among other things, nurtured emergence pre-modern Croatian nation.
Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Medaevalis
Pallienprivilegien für Apulien zwischen 1063 und 1122
Claudia Alraum
Privilegies of pallium to Apulia between 1063 and 1122&#x0D; The present study intends examine the bestowal upon apulian bishops 1122 based on documents drawn up by papacy. Together with were not only concessed metropolitan rights, but in second half Eleventh Century it became also a strong instrument bond control for so called reforming shows inter alia that was bestowed archbishops intended as an control, particularly aid reorganization southern italian church authorizing handle hands archbishops.
Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Medaevalis
The Sanctuaries in Uppsala and Lejre and their Literary Antecedents
Rudolf Šimek
ABSTRACT: Much weight has been attached to the description of a pagan cult at Uppsala written about in Adam Bremen’s Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae pontificum, although this was already anachronistic by time he wrote 1070s. Many scholars have tried salvage some hard historical information both from Adam’s imaginative text and even more fanciful contained scholia which were added later. Little attention, however, paid literary sources used well-read scholar who had substantial library his disposal, let alone oral sources. This paper tries highlight use made Lejre on Zealand Chronicon Thietmar Merseburg three quarters century earlier. It also asks for motivations behind those two descriptions.&#x0D; RESUME: Stor vægt er blevet tillagt beskrivelsen af en hedensk kult i Uppsala, der beskrives Bremens selvom denne beskrivelse allerede var anakronistisk, da han skrev 1070'erne. Mange forskere har forsøgt redde nogle hårde historiske oplysninger ud både Adams fantasifulde tekst og den endnu mere indeholdt til teksten, som blev tilføjet senere. Der dog været ringe opmærksomhed omkring de litterære kilder, brugt lærde mand, havde et betydeligt bibliotek rådighed samt mundtlige kilder. Denne artikel forsøger fremhæve brug, gjort ved på Sjælland skrevet fra trekvart århundrede tidligere. Også motivationerne bag disse beskrivelser undersøges.
Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift
Open AccessEinführunghttps://doi.org/10.7788/9783412524807.11SectionsPDF/EPUB ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail About Previous chapter Next FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Download book coverZürcher Beiträge zur GeschichtswissenschaftVolume 13 1. AuflageISBN: 978-3-412-52478-4 eISBN: 978-3-412-52480-7HistoryPublished online:May 2022 Information© Böhlau, Lindenstraße 14, D-50674 Köln, ein Imprint der Brill-GruppeDas Werk ist als Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY-NC-ND International 4.0 („Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell Keine Bearbeitung“) unter dem DOI https://doi.org/10.7788/9783412524807 abzurufen. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.PDF download
Böhlau Verlag eBooks
John Scottus Eriugena and the Carolingian Renaissance
This classic book, now in a second, expanded edition, is an invitation to think along with major theologians and spiritual authors, men women from the time of St Augustine end fourteenth century, who profoundly challenge our (post-)modern assumptions. Medieval theology was radically theocentric, Trinitarian, Scriptural, sacramental, yet it also operated rich notion human understanding. In post-modern setting, when modern views on 'autonomous reason' are increasingly questioned, fruitful re-engage pre-modern thinkers did not share presuppositions. Their different perspective does antiquate their thought; contrary, makes them challenging enriching for today. survey introduces readers key period explores themes relationship between faith reason; mystery Trinity; soteriology; Christian love; transcendent thrust medieval thought.
Cambridge University Press eBooks
Summary of the e pigraphic examinations performed on stone carved inscriptions made in the M edieval Transdanubia
Zoltán Várady
The Romanesque inscriptions (with Antiqua letters then more and Uncials) have appeared at about 1000 A.D. in Hungary. This style has lasted until the middle of 13 th century. early Gothic domination appears just after mid poin t 12 century also lasts maiuscula characters were first found Transdanubia on stones carved half 14 century, but oldest such inscription could be dated 1289 Hun gary. end its use 1400. relic proving apparition new minuscule Hungary is a tombstone fragment Buda, traced back to 1366.The period writing ended midd le 15 although some late provincial versions made 1524 or later. known stone done humanistic capitals dates from 1467. different this type are observed persist 1539 40 longer, i.e. historical mark area.
Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Medaevalis
Repenser la relation avunculaire dans le duché de Normandie : diversité et multiplicité des points de vue documentaires (Xe-XIIIe siècle)
Hugo Fresnel
Pendant longtemps, l’historiographie a vu en l’oncle maternel une figure particulière de la parenté médiévale. La fréquence relation avunculaire dans les sources littéraires est particulièrement marquante. Toutefois, peu d’études ont été menées à partir d’autres types sources. Après un retour sur l’historiographie, cet article propose plusieurs points vue documentaires des réalités différentes avunculaire. Dans celles-ci, cette n’apparaît pas comme élément structurel vie individus. Ni uniquement positive, ni présente avec même que littéraires, pôle unique et préférentiel proche, elle semble alors avant tout prendre son importance lorsqu’elle s’inscrit le champ pratique.
Annales de Normandie
A Comparative Study on the Inauguration — Coronation Ceremonies of Gaelic Ireland and the Byzantine Empire —
SangDong Lee|Jian Yang
This study examines the range of religious, cultural, and political circumstances that influenced historical shaping inauguration/ coronation ceremonies in different medieval societies. After Carolingian dynasty Frankish Kingdom mid-eighth century, so-called Latin-Catholic tradition heavily inauguration/coronation ceremony its western Europe. However, forms ceremonial traditions were structured embraced by inhabitants outside world. To investigate this often overlooked issue further, Gaelic Irish inauguration Byzantine Empire. In latter world, Byzantium still retained upheld traditional identity as cultural successor ancient Roman Empire Eastern Orthodox faith, not Catholicism. Thus, Ireland kept their pagan or Greco-Roman past; other words, they stood on margins mainstream hemisphere European analyzes these marginalized societies’ development embedded symbolic messages represent landscape home society.
Martianus Capella au Mont Saint-Michel : parcours dans les manuscrits 226, 235 et 240 de la bibliothèque municipale d’Avranches
Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin
Trois manuscrits provenant du Mont Saint-Michel, conservés à la bibliothèque d’Avranches sous les cotes 226, 235 et 240, transmettent chacun une partie de l’œuvre Martianus Capella. Ces trois ne sont généralement pas utilisés par éditeurs texte, mais ils témoignent différentes manières lire comprendre Noces Philologie Mercure au Saint-Michel entre le XIe XIIIe siècle. En mettant en évidence spécificité ces manuscrits, cette étude cherche préciser contexte intellectuel dont ainsi que leur place dans l’histoire texte.
Tabularia|HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
Exarachellos: Dírhames en la Barcelona del siglo X
Thomas Freudenhammer
Alrededor del año mil en Barcelona circulaban, aparte de la moneda local, dírhames al-Andalus que fueron llamados caceminos los documentos. Este nombre imitaba denominación árabe darāhim qāsimiyya recordaba el famoso director Moneda Córdoba, Qāsim ibn Ḫālid. Además esto, tres documentos locales atestiguan uso monedas plata llamadas exarachellos. A base consideraciones filológicas, esta palabra puede ser descifrada como un apodo dírham formado a raíz para brillo (al-šaraq) complementada por desinencia románica diminutivo -ello. En alusión su argénteo, podrían haber sido *al-šaraq-ellos (‘piezas brillantes’), trasmitido posteriormente través contactos bilaterales estrechos.
Al-qantara|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
Immutatio Syntactica - Slipping in Medieval Latin Literature : Preliminary Findings
Monika Rener
Tous les exemples de slipping identifiés dans la littérature en latin médiéval au cours cette recherche préliminaire révèlent une structure identique : un verbum dicendi est suivi du discours indirect, lui-même introduit soit par accusatif et infinitif (AcI), conjonctions quod quia. Ce indirect glisse ensuite vers direct. La rupture syntaxique qui s'ensuit indiquée à l'aide inquit ou ait ; d'autre part, coordination sed, et, tamen quia font le lien avec proposition subordonnée précédente. Sans aucune exception, tels passages abrupts direct ont lieu des moments dramatiques décisifs texte alors mettent évidence réflexions informations importantes, ceci sans être toutefois obligatoires. question savoir si utilisé façon volontaire fins stylistiques (« effet style ») s'il apparaît involontairement inadvertance ne peut pas obtenir réponse convaincante sur base ces exemples, qui, pour plupart, sont ancien. Une possible imitation modèles provenant l'Antiquité doit aussi exclue. Il se pourrait cependant que l'on trouve explications plausibles l'étude psychologie langage général.
Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage
Mayke de Jong and Justin Lake, trans., <i>Confronting Crisis in the Carolingian Empire: Paschasius Radbertus’ Funeral Oration for Wala of Corbie</i>. (Manchester Medieval Sources Series.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. Pp. xx, 244; black-and-white figures. $29.95. ISBN: 978-1-5261-3484-4.
Martin Claußen
Previous articleNext article No AccessReviewsMayke de Jong and Justin Lake, trans., Confronting Crisis in the Carolingian Empire: Paschasius Radbertus’ Funeral Oration for Wala of Corbie. (Manchester Medieval Sources Series.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. Pp. xx, 244; black-and-white figures. $29.95. ISBN: 978-1-5261-3484-4.M. A. ClaussenM. ClaussenUniversity San Francisco Search more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Speculum Volume 97, Number 2April 2022 The journal Academy America Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/719248 Views: 38Total views on site For permission reuse, please contact [email protected]PDF download Crossref reports no citing article.
Benturan Antarperadaban Huntington
Syakieb Sungkar
Perang Rusia melawan Ukraina tiba-tiba membuat orang kembali mengingat buku Huntington tentang The Clash of Civilization. Mengapa yang mewakili peradaban Ortodoks - menurut Huntington, berbeda dengan menurutnya bagian dari Barat, hal itu tidak mendapat penjelasan memadai dalam bukunya. Paper ini ingin membahas keanehan lain tesis itu, terutama menyangkut benturan antara Islam terpengaruh pemikiran Salib.
Reconstructing Middle Byzantine Arabo-Greek Astrology from Later Greek Manuscripts
Joe Glynias
This paper sheds light on one aspect of the large-scale influx Arabic scientific knowledge into Byzantium through an analysis three Byzantine astrological compendia that contain texts originally written in Greek as well those translated from to Greek. While c. 1200–1400, each manuscript contains a compilation was assembled eleventh and twelfth centuries. The first considers dating compilations shows utility using these late manuscripts study Middle astrology. Second, it analyzes uses them explain chronology scale translation material Third, how is combined within manuscripts, what resulting synthesis says about astrology writ large.
The Manuscripts of the Irish Liber Hymnorum, a Bilingual Anthology of Sacred Verse
Michael Clarke
The Irish Liber Hymnorum is a collection of hymns and para-liturgical material contained in two glossed richly-decorated manuscripts from the late eleventh century. themselves, commentary apparatus, exhibit pattern alternation even virtual merger between Latin Old Irish. It argued here that this interaction languages essential to representation poems as national poetic spiritual canon.
De Gruyter eBooks
Michael Clarke|Máire Ní Mhaonaigh
De Gruyter eBooks
Medieval Wales as a Linguistic Crossroads in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 153
Lars Nooij|Peter Schrijver
The manuscript known as Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 153 contains a copy of Martianus Capella’s Latin text De Nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae. Written in Wales around 900 CE, it includes marginal annotations and Old Welsh that open window on the spread Carolingian educational culture to Celtic-speaking Britain. Evidence is examined here for close interaction between some indigenous languages island learned schools, even surviving traces variety spoken had been current Britain under Empire.
De Gruyter eBooks|Utrecht University Repository (Utrecht University)
Avrupa Birliği’nin Kaygı, Uyumsuzluk ve Emperyal Unutkanlığı
Filip Ejdus
According to the master commemorative narrative of EU, European integration project represents a break with violent past characterised by fragmentation and nationalism, which culminated in World War Two crimes Nazism Stalinism. However, recent scholarship has criticised omission 19th 20th-century colonialism from memory narratives advanced EU. In this article, I use permanent exhibition House History (HEH) Brussels take insight one step further make two arguments. Firstly, show that it is not only erased official but, more broadly, empires imperialism, although most history over 2000 years was imperial. Secondly, understand “imperial amnesia” as an anxiety-controlling mechanism aimed at reducing dissonance between self-proclaimed image normative civilian power on hand imperial-like tendencies its behaviour other.
Uluslararası ilişkiler dergisi|DergiPark (Istanbul University)