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考虑到需求不足大大制约着增长,应该把投资放在首位。 | Given the extent to which insufficient demand is constraining growth, investment should come first. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
其世界级的大学教育了大部分未来世界领袖。 | Its world-class universities educate a significant percentage of future world leaders. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但此项研究无法得出长时间工作引发心脏病的结论。 | However, the study cannot conclude that long work hours cause cardiac disease. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
中央银行介入的反对者们在一件事情上是正确的:货币融资也附带有严重的风险。 | Opponents of central-bank intervention are right about one thing: monetary financing carries serious risks. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
至少,他在政府未能对布托提供足够安全保护方面难辞其咎。 | At the very least, he cannot be absolved from his government’s failure to provide Bhutto with adequate security. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这就是为何各国需要破产法和破产法庭来处理国内债务纠纷。 | That is why, for domestic debt disputes, countries have bankruptcy laws and courts. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但如果仔细推敲这种说法,就会发现它们根本没有依据。 | Look closer at these claims, and you find that they are built on sand. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
主流经济学模型因为危机而信誉扫地,因为这些模型根本不承认有可能发生危机。 | Mainstream economic models were discredited by the crisis because they simply did not admit of its possibility. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
利用2014年提供的政治机会需要从现在开始展开开放、教育性的努力。 | To take advantage of the political opportunity offered in 2014 requires launching an open, pedagogical effort now. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
首先,伊拉克政府必须立即在伊拉克南部城市建立“妇女保护”安全巡逻。 | First, the Iraqi government must immediately establish “Protection of Women” security patrols in Iraq’s southern cities. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
为了弥补这一缺口,发达国家政府正在用有限的公共资金促进私人部门投资。 | To bridge the gap, advanced-country governments are leveraging their limited public funds to catalyze private-sector investment. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
新加坡是一个城市国家,只有500万人口——大概和北京市海淀区相当。 | Singapore is a city-state of five million people – roughly the population of the Haidian district of Beijing. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
发展中国家将实施健康的经济政策,并施以良好的管理。 | Developing countries would implement sound economic policies accompanied by good governance. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
现在的挑战是让大公司在发展中国家投资,但要为当地的消费者制造产品。 | The challenge is to get corporations to invest in developing countries, but for purposes of producing for local consumers. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
从更广义的角度讲,非洲国家需要规范自己的政治和经济秩序。 | More broadly, African countries need to put their political and economic houses in order. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
世界对日本和日本人民充满了信任,这是日本外交最宝贵的资产。 | The faith that the world has placed in Japan and its people has been Japanese diplomacy’s most valuable asset. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
而印度面临的严重困难则与中国性质不同。 | India is facing severe difficulties as well, but of a different nature. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
为生态系统功能支付时解决方案之一,尽管可能还有更简单的选择。 | Payment for ecosystem services could be a solution, though there are likely to be simpler options. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自然资源禀赋起到了提振作用,但好消息并不只限于资源丰富国。 | Natural-resource windfalls have helped, but the good news extends beyond resource-rich countries. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
厄立特里亚人将会在喀土穆申请瑞典、德国或英国庇护。 | Eritreans could file applications in Khartoum for asylum in Sweden, Germany, or the United Kingdom. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
部长们辞职往往由于陷入丑闻,这些丑闻近来常与政党筹资有关。 | Ministers frequently resign because they find themselves involved in scandals, often connected in recent times with financing political parties. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
美英军队已经为加强平民社团的力量做出了巨大贡献。 | Much good work on strengthening civil society has already been done by American and British forces. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
选举不会是完全自由的,但政府也不能完全操纵它。 | The election will not be entirely free, but the government will be unable to manipulate them entirely. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
一种危险的情况可能出现,因为这份报告可能导致整个进程脱轨。 | A dangerous situation may well emerge, as this report threatens to derail the whole process. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
想想哈萨克斯坦,那里的500万民众今年9月刚刚举行了议会下院的选举。 | Consider Kazakhstan, where five million people cast ballots in September for their parliament's lower house. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
正如美国枪支游说团所指出的:“枪支不会杀人,是人杀人。 | As America’s gun lobby puts it, “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.” | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
孩子们被鼓励学习数学和科学,美国的专业技术则帮助美国完成了这项艰巨的任务。 | Children were encouraged to study math and science, and American know-how helped the US meet the challenge. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
比如弗朗西斯教皇似乎想引导天主教会加强社会参与。 | Pope Francis, for example, appears to be leading the Catholic Church in the direction of greater social engagement. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
每年投入400亿美元可以在全球创造500万个新工作岗位。 | Annual investments of $40 billion per year could generate five million new jobs globally. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
过去5年里,新欧盟成员国接收的国外直接投资总额已经超过了一千亿欧元。 | Over the past five years, foreign direct investment in the new member states topped the €100 billion mark. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
特别是,这一观点没有看到地区政治和制度日益增加的关键作用。 | In particular, it misses the crucial and growing importance of regional politics and institutions. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
投资支出和经常支出有着很明显的区别,意大利总理马里奥·蒙蒂如是强调。 | There is the obvious distinction between investment spending and current expenditure, which Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has emphasized. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当前者在官方媒体上发表教条主义文章时,武装部队却接管了政治和生产。 | While Fidel wrote doctrinaire articles in the official press, the armed forces took over politics and production. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我甚至加入农民代表在日本议会前示威抗议。 | I even joined farmers’ representatives in a rally in front of Japan’s Diet. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如果世界按照当前趋势发展下去,劳动力市场失衡将在未来几年中大大恶化。 | If the world continues on its current course, labor-market imbalances will worsen significantly in the coming years. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
冷战的结束并未引发美国全球统治力的上涨,反而将这股力量分散到了各个区域。 | We are, in short, moving to a multi-polar world. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在欧洲列强长达数百年的暴力驱逐后,今天迁徙的涵义已经超出了实际迁移的范畴。 | Centuries after these violent expulsions by European powers, hijra today signifies much more than physical relocation. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如今,国际社会对它们所进行的“战争”的性质也存在类似的误解。 | Today, the international community similarly misconceives the nature of the “war” that it is fighting. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但克里姆林宫迅速从俄军中抽调营级战术性部队部署至顿巴斯。 | But the Kremlin quickly deployed battalion-size tactical groups from the Russian army to support the rebels. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
上个月,克里姆林宫警告该国民众美国正在对国外的俄罗斯人进行“追捕”。 | Last month, the Kremlin warned the country’s citizens that the United States was “hunting” Russians abroad. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
无人对其进行疏散,民众只能长途跋涉前往安全区域。 | They were left to walk for miles and days to safety. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
德·米斯图拉的一个工作组目前正由德国著名外交政策专家沃克尔·珀瑟斯所领导。 | A leading German foreign policy expert, Volker Perthes, is chairing one of de Mistura’s working groups. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
它们积累了大量的外汇储备,估计超过2万亿美金。 | They have accumulated vast foreign exchange reserves, estimated at more than $2 trillion. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
议会拒绝了政府的经济法案,反复弹劾或挑战艾哈迈迪—内贾德的内阁部长们。 | The Majlis has rejected the government’s economic bills, and has repeatedly impeached or challenged Ahmadinejad’s cabinet ministers. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
从1368年到1911年封建帝制终结,中国只有过一次朝代更替。 | There was only one change of dynasty in China between 1368 and the end of the imperial era in 1911. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
根据官方统计数字,中国的投资率已接近GDP的50%。 | According to official statistics, China’s investment rate is approaching 50% of GDP. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
尽管有对罗马俱乐部研究方法的科学批评,但是公众仍然准备相信这个可怕的预言。 | Despite scientific critics of the Club of Rome’s methods, the public was ready to believe the dire forecast. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这种病毒将持续地推动政府机构变得更高效和可接近,而不仅仅是更有效。 | This virus would continuously nudge government agencies to become more effective and accessible, rather than merely more efficient. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
福岛核电站和日本都缺少综合紧急响应的能力。 | There was a lack of integrated emergency-response capability at the site and nationally. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
现有体制下的意大利政府虽然效率低下,但至少还算稳定。 | Under the current system, Italian governments achieve little, but at least they last longer. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在包括了2002—2012年的修正额后,这一差额大概在3,500亿英镑。 | Including the revisions for the 2002-2012 period, the difference comes to about £350 billion ($560 billion). | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
劳动力市场管制得到了放松,单位劳动力成本也有所下降。 | Labor-market regulation has been loosened, and unit labor costs have come down. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
新入境者大多来自波兰、罗马尼亚和保加利亚等其他欧盟成员国。 | The majority of these newcomers are from other European Union countries, such as Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
因此,重新关注历史让经济学家可以更系统地考察制度对宏观经济结果的作用。 | Renewed attention to history is thus allowing economists to consider more systematically the role of institutions in macroeconomic outcomes. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
富裕的国家将被要求减少补贴;贫穷国家将被要求开放其市场。 | Rich countries will be asked to reduce subsidies; poor countries to open up their markets. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
衍生品交易保证金要求就有这类影响,提高银行成本的监管措施亦然。 | Margin requirements for derivatives transactions have this effect, as do regulations that increase banking costs. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但即使是最强大的独裁者也无法完全控制网络活动。 | But even the most determined autocrat cannot fully control political activity online. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
此外,建设竞争市场是确保可持续GDP增长的关键。 | Moreover, building competitive markets is essential to ensuring sustainable GDP growth. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
政治腐败根深蒂固,西班牙政府和金融部门之间的旋转门就是明证。 | Political corruption, exemplified by the revolving door between Spain’s government and financial sector, was endemic. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
尽管如此,这次全球衰退会比人们普遍认为的持续时间更长。 | Still, this global recession will continue for a longer period than the consensus suggest. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
然而在正确认识历史的问题上困难重重也是意料之中。 | But it is no surprise that coming to terms with history can be damnably difficult. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在巴勒斯坦历史上,一个宗教政党首次占据统治地位。 | For the first time in Palestinian history, a religious party is dominant. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自由或保守派的所有政治家都希望前进,而不想倒退。 | Every politician, whether liberal or conservative, wants to move forward, not backward. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如今,阿勒颇由叛军控制并被叙利亚军方包围。 | Today, Aleppo is under rebel control – surrounded by the Syrian army. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
三大工业也成功获得政府的保护,因此无需进行任何实质性的变革。 | Each had also succeeded in getting government to insulate it against any need to make fundamental changes. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
2004年的竞选活动中,布什宣称新的机构捍卫了美国的安全。 | During the 2004 election campaign, Bush claimed that the new department had made Americans safer. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
经济情况持续恶化,致使民众遭受到巨大的痛苦。 | Economic conditions are continuing to deteriorate, causing immense human suffering. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
与此同时,内战和人道主义灾难正蹂躏着叙利亚。 | Meanwhile, civil war is raging in Syria, accompanied by a humanitarian catastrophe. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
其中90%的留学生选择在西方国家(以及日本)留学。 | Of those, 90% chose to study in Western countries (plus Japan). | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
事实上,尼日利亚的人均国民收入(用大概1995年的美元值来衡量)已有所下降。 | Indeed, Nigeria's per capita income (as measured in constant dollars circa 1995) has fallen. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
非洲必须拥有的另一个价值观是爱护和关心年轻人。 | Another value Africans must adopt is love and concern for young people. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在一位袭击者尸体附近找到的叙利亚护照似乎是被盗的。 | The Syrian passport found near the body of one attacker appears to have been stolen. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
”派遣地面部队——“外国占领军”——被列入明令禁止的范畴。 | Boots on the ground – “a foreign occupation force” – were expressly excluded. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
开发新抗生素是一项挑战,因为制药公司需要激励进行必要的研究。 | Developing new antibiotics is a challenge, because pharmaceutical companies seem to need incentives to conduct the required research. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
生产率增长是一国经济表现的决定性因素,古今中外概莫能外。 | There is no escaping the key role that productivity growth plays in any country’s economic performance. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
因此,降低政府、公司和资产支持债券的收益率没有什么效果。 | As a result, bringing down yields on government, corporate, and asset-backed bonds has less impact. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
工厂式养殖迅速扩展是因为它似乎比传统方式更为廉价。 | Factory farming spread because it seemed to be cheaper than more traditional methods. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
传奇中有一部分几乎永远不会改变,它们是围绕在领袖之死周围的神秘感。 | Part of the legend is almost invariably the mystery surrounding the circumstances of the leader’s death. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在勃列日涅夫时代,扩张主义政策反映了苏联得自能源的新财富。 | In the Brezhnev era, expansionist policies reflected the country’s new energy-derived wealth. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在不断加重的公共调查下,政府官员不得不保证那些责任人将会受到惩处。 | Under mounting public scrutiny, government officials felt compelled to promise that those responsible will be brought to justice. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
石油和天然气价格的高涨,让出口收入源源不断地涌进克里姆林宫的国库。 | Oil and gas prices were sky high, with export revenues flooding the Kremlin’s coffers. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
第二种解决方法是捕获排放的二氧化碳并储存在地下。 | The second solution is to capture CO2 emissions for storage underground. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
欧元区工作年龄人口一直保持增长至2005年,但从2015年将开始下降。 | The eurozone’s working-age population had been growing until 2005, but it will fall from 2015 onward. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在今后五十年中,即使大幅降低二氧化碳的排放量也只会起微不足道的影响。 | Over the next half-century, even large reductions in CO2 emissions would have only a negligible impact. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
事实上,把国家货币政策委托给欧洲央行正是为了解决这个问题。 | Indeed, delegating national monetary policies to a Europe-wide central bank was intended to solve precisely this problem. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
贪婪和不道德世世代代伴随着金融市场的发展,司空见惯。 | Not really, because greed and amorality in financial markets have been common throughout the ages. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
精英公立学校倒退最终会使智利民主蒙受损失。 | As the elite public schools suffer, so will Chilean democracy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
1971年9月,一千万难民涌入东印度。 | By September 1971, ten million refugees had poured into eastern India. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
结果沙特在中美洲和南美洲的市场份额又遭美国生厂商抢占。 | As a result, Saudi Arabia has lost market share to US producers in Central and South America. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
比如说印度企业的对外投资正不断扩大。 | For example, outward investment by Indian companies is expanding fast. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
它不能造成一种印象,好像它在刻意鼓励新兴市场经济体。 | It can’t be seen as giving emerging markets special encouragement. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
任何采取理智发展策略的国家都有机会借助贸易实现经济发展。 | Any country with a sensible development strategy has the opportunity to make its economy grow, with assistance from trade. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
其它政府也已花费了几千亿美元购买疫苗,采取其它预防措施。 | Other governments have already spent tens of millions on vaccines and other preventive measures. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
带着黄金、乳香和没药等礼物的智者。 | The arrival of the wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在愈加疲弱的经济增长的大背景下,稳定和发展协议将面临新的严峻考验。 | In the context of weakening growth, the Stability and Growth Pact will face a severe new test. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
1990年以来,美国边防局在美墨边境发现了150条地道。 | Since 1990, the US Border Patrol has found 150 tunnels beneath the US-Mexico border. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当官员被指控或怀疑涉嫌腐败时,他们并不像在韩国或日本那样很快地辞去职务。 | When officials are accused or suspected of corruption, they do not quickly resign, as in Korea or Japan. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
要实现可持续发展,必须达成短期和长期目标的平衡。 | To achieve sustained growth, a balance between short-term and long-term objectives must be struck. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在解释2007年金融危机为何爆发时,人们大多指出了不稳定性的5个来源。 | Most explanations of the causes of the post-2007 financial crisis point to five sources of instability. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
从目的上讲,俄罗斯主权财富基金是为了在俄罗斯之外进行投资。 | By design, these funds are intended to be invested outside Russia. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
Subsets and Splits