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政府计划必须强化,雇主和工会必须承担更大的技能投资的责任。 | Government programs must be strengthened, and employers and trade unions must assume greater responsibility for investing in skills. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
仅仅是完善宾客名单就是一个艰巨的外交任务。 | Merely finalizing the guest list would be a major diplomatic feat. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我祖母所有的牙齿全部掉光,我父母也掉了绝大多数。 | My grandmother lost all of her teeth during her life, and my parents lost many of theirs. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
它保护了生物多样性,健康的珊瑚礁能提高渔业产量和吸引更多游客。 | It preserves biodiversity, with healthy reefs producing more fish and attracting more tourists. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这一状况凸显出欧盟预算在欧洲一体化进程中作用不清。 | The situation has highlighted the ambiguity surrounding the EU budget’s role in European integration. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在之前和之后的几个月,以色列继续举行空袭伊朗的军事演习。 | In the months before and after, it continued to hold war games and practice air strikes on Iran. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
许多贫困国家在完成这个目标的途中远远地偏离了轨道。 | Many poor countries are wildly off track when it comes to meeting this goal. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
不管政府的财政政策立场如何,利率都不可能降到零以下。 | Regardless of the government’s fiscal-policy stance, this interest rate cannot move below zero. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
基础设施包括公路、铁路、水电系统、光纤、管道、机场港口等。 | Infrastructure includes roads, railways, power and water systems, fiber optics, pipelines, and airports and seaports. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
什叶派法律被推行;妇女被强迫佩戴面纱(此前从未有过如此要求)。 | Sharia law was applied; women who were never forced to do so before had to wear the veil. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
相反,快速经济增长和汉民族主义已经成为其合法统治的基础。 | Instead, it bases its legitimacy on rapid economic growth and ethnic Han nationalism. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在尼加拉瓜,这些计划让学校的入学率提高了大约13个百分点。 | In Nicaragua, these programs have increased school enrollment rates by about 13 percentage points. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
昂贵援助或破坏性重组的高昂社会和金融成本也因此能够避免。 | The heavy social and financial costs of an expensive bailout or a disruptive restructuring could thereby be avoided. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我们将实施刑事和民事法典;我们将给法院自主权和自由。 | Criminal and civil codes will be enforced; our courts will be allowed to find their feet and their freedom. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
而如果全球变暖根据气候学家的基线预测那样展开,移民压力还将进一步增加。 | And migration pressure will increase markedly if global warming unfolds according to climatologists’ baseline predictions. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
仅仅向市场供应廉价高热量、低营养作物无法解决长期营养不良问题。 | Simply flooding markets with cheap high-calorie, low-nutrient grains will never solve chronic malnutrition. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
许多国家也可以通过实施农业机械化等方式大幅提升食品价值链的效率。 | And many countries can improve the efficiency of food value chains considerably, such as by mechanizing agriculture. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
一年前刚刚用于治疗丙肝患者的干扰素,在现阶段的确非常引人注目。 | The story of interferon, given for one year to patients with hepatitis C virus, is particularly striking. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
到2013年底,诺基亚已经向微软出售其手机业务。 | By the end of 2013, Nokia had sold its phone business to Microsoft. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
多数顶级球员都加盟了西班牙、德国、英格兰和意大利等国相同的俱乐部。 | Most of the top players play for the same clubs in Spain, Germany, England, or Italy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
若汇回盈余超过5亿美元,则超出部分将按照5%的税率征税。 | Repatriation of any earnings in excess of $500 million would be subject to a 5% tax. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但这一预计建立在持续增长的基础上,而眼下法国正在滑向衰退。 | But that forecast assumes continued growth, whereas France is slipping into recession. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当投资回到正常水平时,经济增长也会进一步减速。 | When investment returns to normal levels, economic growth will slow further. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
直到2008年,土耳其最高法院还在考虑以违反这一原则为由取缔AKP。 | As recently as 2008, Turkey’s highest court considered shutting down the AKP for violating that principle. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
国际机构需要一定时间才能跟上变化的国际秩序。 | It has taken the international institutions some time to catch up to the changing world order. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当我在2004年看到从阿布格莱布监狱流出的照片时,我有一种似曾相识的感觉。 | I had a sense of déjà vu when I saw the photos that emerged in 2004 from Abu Ghraib prison. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
动态结构变化从那里开始,成功将孕育成功。 | With dynamic structural change starting from there, success will breed success. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
放松这些限制能够强化金融部门,并在经济增长中起到重要作用。 | Relaxing such restrictions would strengthen the financial sector and play an important role in economic growth. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
同类实验在新西兰,澳大利亚和日本都被彻底禁止或者严加监管。 | Experiments on great apes are now either banned or severely restricted in New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这可能使巴基斯坦未来几年的年均GDP增长降低1-1.5个百分点。 | This damage could lower annual GDP growth by 1-1.5% for several years to come. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
虽然媒体对两件事的报道铺天盖地,但我们真正知道的东西却异常稀少。 | Despite exhaustive press coverage of these events, it is remarkable how little we actually know. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在奥利克出生的1854年,伊利诺伊州首次发现了小菜蛾。 | In 1854, the year Ehrlich was born, the diamondback moth was first observed in Illinois. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
不到60年前,保守党在苏格兰拥有多数席位。 | Conservatives held a majority of the seats in Scotland less than 60 years ago. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我们不知道如何处理金融危机引发的财政难题。 | We do not know how to handle the fiscal issues posed by the financial crisis. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
基于对消费和消费主义的研究,美国的大学传授新的课程。 | American universities delivered new curricula based on studies of consumption and consumerism. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
家庭面临预算约束。企业面临技术、竞争和利润约束。 | Firms have technological, competitive, and bottom-line constraints. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在2000年美国总统大选中,外交政策几乎没有起到任何作用。 | Foreign policy played almost no role in the 2000 US presidential election. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
安理会可以同意推荐几个候选人,由联合国大会挑选。 | The Security Council might agree to recommend several candidates from which the General Assembly would select one. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
根据标准的经济学理论,真实工资应该与生产率同步变动。 | According to standard economic theory, real wages should track productivity. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如果说哪个国家拥有执行全面改革计划的政治工具,这个国家非日本莫属。 | If any country has the political tools to undertake a program of comprehensive reform, it is Japan. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
由此引发的家畜传染病影响了28万多头牛。 | The resulting epizootic (animal epidemic) affected more than 280,000 cows. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
英国首相卡梅伦最近致信欧盟,其中所提出的唯一一个重大要求是关于欧盟内部移民的。 | The only significant demand expressed by Prime Minister David Cameron in his recent letter to the EU concerns internal migration. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
欧洲政治和社会模式的“软实力”是众所周知的。 | The “soft power” of Europe’s political and social model is well known. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
诚然,闪光点还是有的:印度、西班牙和英国都好于预期。 | True, there are bright spots: India, Spain, and the United Kingdom are beating expectations. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
应用得当的话,医疗IT可以改善医疗卫生行业的所有这些缺陷。 | Properly applied, health IT can improve health care in all of these dimensions. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
比如,西方政策在解决伊朗核计划问题上取得了一些进展。 | For example, Western policy has yielded some progress toward a resolution regarding Iran’s nuclear program. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
20世纪90年代,西方未能资助自己倡导的俄罗斯经济改革。 | In the 1990s, it failed to put money behind the economic reforms that it sponsored. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这一复杂问题的解决办法其实非常简单:那就是让数据说话。 | Although the issues are complicated, the solution is simple: follow the data. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
相比于巴勒斯坦的经济收益,以色列的收益则偏重于社会和政治方面。 | While Palestine would gain economically, Israel would gain politically and socially. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
今天,疾病对一个国家的影响最终会波及到所有国家。 | Nowadays, the impact of disease in one country is ultimately felt by all. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
塔克西姆广场所催生的事件是土耳其的个例,但它们也是全人类共同愿望的镜像。 | The events that started in Taksim Square are specific to Turkey, but they mirror aspirations that are universal. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我的父亲是一名智利律师兼人权活动家。 | My father was a Chilean lawyer and human-rights activist. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
2015年巴黎联合国气候变化会议必须产生一个协定为全世界范围引入碳定价。 | The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris must produce an agreement to introduce a price on carbon worldwide. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
移动金融服务可以让3,000万印度人进入金融系统,建立信用。 | Mobile financial services will give 300 million Indians access to the financial system, allowing them to build credit. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但同一过程产生了经济增长;所有成功的发展中国家都有这一经历。 | And yet this is the same process that produces economic growth; all successful developing countries have gone through it. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但二战结束后德国债务被大幅削减,使其有能力开展重建工作。 | After World War II, however, Germany’s debt was slashed, enabling it to rebuild. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
巴西财政部长称这些动作为“货币战争”。 | Brazil’s finance minister referred to these numerous actions as the “currency wars.” | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
北京的空气测量数据表明,空气污染成分中有超过16%来自煤炭。 | Measurements from Beijing show that upwards of 16% of the air pollution comes from coal. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
然后政府动用其强制力来控制物价增长。 | The government then uses its coercive power to keep a lid on price growth. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自1992年以来,"非政府组织"或"NGO"这一字眼的使用增加了17倍。 | The use of the term "non-governmental organization " or "NGO" has increased 17-fold since 1992. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
放到经济学里讲,这就是2008年全球金融危机爆发后所需要的。 | In economic terms, that is what was needed following the 2008 global financial crisis. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
两名西班牙医务人员于去年7月被释放,此后索马里青年军劫持事件也只发生了一起。 | The two Spanish aid workers were released last July, and al-Shabaab has attempted only one abduction since. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
1975年,纽约州不得不将未来税收收入抵押给债权人以维持偿债能力。 | In 1975, New York had to pledge its future tax revenues to its creditors in order to remain solvent. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
与这些语言项目同时进行的还有中国杂技团的定期巡演。 | Alongside these linguistic programs are seasonal performances by touring Chinese acrobats. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
俄罗斯还需要一个全国安全战略以补充其政治和经济复苏。 | Russia also needs a national security strategy to complement its political and economic renewal. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
教育要求兴建更多的学校和购买更少的武器;成立更多的大学而开工更少的航空母舰。 | It requires more schools and fewer guns; more universities and fewer aircraft carriers. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
卫生官员应引导人们度过适应性反应期,而不是强行要求他们越过这个阶段。 | Health officials should guide people through their adjustment reactions, not demand that they skip that step. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
非洲大陆过去10年间取得了显著的社会经济成就。 | The continent has made some significant socio-economic gains over the last decade. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
货币政策是一种艺术而不是一种科学;它是“猜准”的艺术。 | Monetary policy is an art, not a science; it is the art of taking one’s best guess. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自从1979年以来,欧洲议会的议员都是由各国的议会中直接而非间接选举产生。 | Since 1979, these MEPs have been elected direct rather than indirectly from national parliaments. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我的父亲理解这些总设计师雄心勃勃,而且有嫉妒心理。 | My father understood that the Chief Designers were ambitious and jealous people. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
我的方法的基础是一项观察,即你很少听说有穷光蛋博彩公司。 | My method is based largely on the observation that you rarely hear of a poor bookie. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
此外,预算限制严重约束着法国的军事实力。 | Moreover, budget restrictions have severely constrained French military capabilities. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
毕竟,2003年的《决定》便已定义市场在资源配置中起“基础性”作用。 | After all, the 2003 resolution had already defined the market as “fundamental” to resource allocation. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
乳腺癌筛查需要对表面健康的人进行乳房X光照射,以检查是否存在未被怀疑的疾病。 | A mammogram (x-ray of the breast) is administered to ostensibly healthy people to detect unsuspected disease. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但廉价信用刺激了坏投资和过度债务,借款人常常无法偿还。 | But cheap credit promotes bad investment and excessive debt, which borrowers often are unable to repay. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
政府还应该鼓励公共退休基金进行负责任的投资,特别是在气候问题上。 | Governments should also encourage public pension funds to invest responsibly, especially when it comes to the climate. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
此次公投是苏格兰国民党在2011年苏格兰议会选举中大获全胜的产物。 | The referendum is the result of the landslide victory by the Scottish National Party in the 2011 Scottish Parliament election. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
旅游业是一个成熟的行业,地区竞争激烈。 | Tourism is a mature industry with plenty of regional competitors. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
对此有人寄望于各国国内或国际的非政府组织能填补这一空白,但事实并非如此。 | One might expect that national and international non-governmental organizations would fill the gap. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自该计划发布以来,中国的经常账户盈余占GDP的比例确实有所下降。 | Since the Plan’s introduction, China’s current-account surplus as a share of GDP has indeed fallen. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
会员国现在割裂为债权国和债务国两大阵营——这两大阵营由债权国占据主导。 | Member countries are now divided into two classes – creditors and debtors – with the creditors in charge. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在今年6月进行的地方选举中,大罗马尼亚党表现不佳。 | At the local elections held in June, the PRM did poorly. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
国家在现代社会中扮演着核心角色,理应如此。 | The state plays a central role in modern society, and rightly so. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
早期学习的长期效应不太明显,但更加深远。 | The longer-term effects of early learning are less apparent but more profound. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
披露可以有助于民主化政治捐助,防止它们在选举中起到过度影响。 | Disclosure may help democratize political donations, preventing them from having an undue influence in elections. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
只要平均教育年限仍在八年左右徘徊,对技术工人快速增长的需求就无法得到满足。 | Rapidly expanding demand for skilled workers cannot be satisfied as long as average schooling still totals eight years. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
更大的问题是,透明支持者坚持开放政府应该与公民隐私兼容。 | The broader issue is transparency advocates’ insistence that open government can be reconciled with citizens’ privacy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
正像伊拉克战争所显示的那样,“几个月”在中东地区可能是“旷日持久”的代名词。 | As the case of Iraq shows, “months” is a long time in the Middle East. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
技术突破——蒸汽机、计算机和互联网——可能起到了领导作用。 | A technological breakthrough – the steam engine, computers, the Internet – may play a leading role. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
教育系统的体制特点是决定学生成绩的另一重要因素。 | The institutional features of education systems are another important determinant of student achievement. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
早稻田大学的很多学生不久前接受了调查,询问他们对发展军力的态度。 | A large group of students at Waseda University recently were polled on their attitudes toward the military. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
1989年,中国政府动用军队镇压了该国的民主运动。 | In 1989, the Chinese Government sent troops to repress the country’s pro-democracy movement. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
强奸事件继续得到报道,而缅甸军队当然知道所发生的事情。 | Incidents of rape continue to be reported, and the Burmese military surely must know what is happening. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
东南方则是已有400,000难民涌入土耳其的战火纷飞的叙利亚。 | To the southeast is war-torn Syria, which has already disgorged almost 400,000 refugees into Turkey. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
事件发生后当局在尚未进行调查的情况下就匆匆掩埋了出事列车残骸。 | The wrecked body of the ruined train was buried immediately afterward, with no investigation. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
北方拥有丰富的自然资源,就连电力也是从北方输送到南方。 | Natural resources were abundant in the North, and even electricity was supplied from North to South. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如果利率为3%,那么年税收额必须增加15亿美元。 | If it is 3%, the required increase in annual tax revenues rises to $1.5 billion a year. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
五年前,叙利亚北部边陲城镇享受着土耳其高速经济增长的红利。 | Five years ago, Syria’s northern border towns were reaping the dividends of Turkey’s fast-growing economy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在过去的一个世纪中,我们的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化——技术是其中的重要原因。 | Our world has changed vastly over the past century – and not only because of technology. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
Subsets and Splits