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如果照目前的趋势发展下去,中国与东盟贸易额到2020年将达到1万亿美元。 | If the current trend holds, China’s trade with ASEAN could reach $1 trillion by 2020. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
其联合政府尽管不乏内部矛盾,但在民众眼中却应该能终其任期。 | His coalition government, despite some internal bickering, was expected to serve out its term. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
从1980年前后开始,低层90%平均家庭所得几乎未曾改变。 | The average family income of the bottom 90% of households has been flat since about 1980. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在这些国家,环境直接与人类发展-及贫困相连。 | In these nations, the environment is linked directly to human development - and to poverty. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
卡特里娜飓风的近期效果是把有关伊拉克的新闻报导赶下了电视屏幕和报纸头条。 | The short-term effect of Katrina was to drive stories about Iraq off of television screens and newspaper front pages. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在上个月的布鲁塞尔国际捐助者会议上,他们承诺提供数十亿美元的重建援助。 | At last month’s International Donors’ Conference in Brussels, they pledged billions of dollars of reconstruction aid. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但不幸的是,国际上对武装保卫受威胁民众的行动却尚未达成一致。 | Unfortunately, international solidarity for the armed protection of endangered populations does not yet really exist. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
“全新开发银行”对金砖国家具有实际意义。 | The NDB makes sense for the BRICS, and it has a future. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
金砖国家也未能兑现领导国际事务的承诺。 | The BRICS have also failed to fulfill their promise of international leadership. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在世界十大人口密集城市中,有七个位于印度。 | Of the world’s ten most densely populated cities, seven are in India. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
美国并不是一个世俗社会,而是一个宗教多样性、具有世俗法律和政治结构的社会。 | The US is not a secular society; it is a religiously pluralistic one with secular legal and political structures. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
他们在谈判前的叛乱威胁和谈判后的财产保护承诺也因此变得可信。 | This makes credible both their threat of insurrection before the bargain and their promise to protect property rights afterwards. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
想象一下这一和平民主国家集团在拉丁美洲东海岸和非洲西海岸的扩张。 | Imagine that community spreading down the east coast of Latin America and the west coast of Africa. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
可以肯定的是,国家和当地的官员应该为准备不足承担部分责任。 | To be sure, some of the blame for poor preparation belongs to state and local officials. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
将于6月3日-5日在罗马召开的全球食品安全大会正是为了应对这个越来越严重的危机。 | Addressing this growing crisis is the aim of the Global Conference on Food Security in Rome on June 3-5. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
预防癌症的最佳办法之一就是大量食用水果和蔬菜。 | One of the best ways to avoid cancer is to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这里的关键词是“合作”以及“伙伴关系”,而无论二者次序或者如何合并。 | The key words are “association” and “partnership,” in whatever order or combination. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
落败的候选人维克托·亚努科维奇置疑选举结果,整个国家已成明显的分裂态势。 | The defeated candidate, Viktor Yanukovych, contests the result. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
除了稳定社会安全融资,美国领导人还应该实施更加强调工作价值的政策。 | Beyond stabilizing Social Security’s finances, US leaders should implement policies that place a higher value on work. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
无论如何,向西方价值观开战的中国必将输掉这场战争。 | One way or the other, the war on Western values is a war that China can only lose. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
目前资本取代劳动力的趋势已经不仅局限在制造业。 | Now the substitution of capital for labor is moving beyond manufacturing. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这三项措施的目标是同时重建国家权威和经济活力。 | The aim of all three measures was to restore both state authority and economic dynamism. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
政府应该改善我们的信息基础设施,以便金融合同能够更好地描述经济风险的后果。 | And governments should improve our information infrastructure, so that financial contracts can better capture the outcomes of economic risks. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
事实上,动物研究在几乎每一项重大的医学进步中都扮演了一个重要的角色。 | In fact, animal studies have played a vital role in almost every major medical advance. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
虽然低油价压制了消费者物价,也将刺激生产和整体GDP。 | Though lower oil prices depress consumer prices, they should boost production and overall GDP. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在英国,2009—2012年的多项商业调查也给出了同样的结论。 | In the UK, many business surveys from 2009-2012 told the same story. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
原因非常明显:所造成的损失数倍于所要求补偿的数额。 | The reason is obvious: the damage caused is many times higher than the compensation being requested. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
此次争吵反映出李和中国政府关系的重大转变。 | The ongoing squabble represents a significant shift in Li’s relationship with China’s government. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
此外,他们还引发了澳大利亚公众舆论对国家安全关键问题的不必要的争议。 | In addition, they have divided Australian public opinion unnecessarily on the vital issue of the country’s security. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
关键是,国际组织必须有能力抵制国家政府庇护其表现不佳的国民。 | Crucially, international organizations must build up the capacity to resist governments’ efforts to protect their underperforming nationals. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
服务成本和商品成本的比较其实取决于生产力。 | The cost of services compared to the cost of goods depends on productivity. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
的确,CDS产品被指责为金融危机爆发的主要原因。 | Indeed, CDSs are blamed as one of the main causes of the financial crisis. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
由于害怕金融崩溃日益临近,希腊的存款者们纷纷涌向银行取钱。 | Fearing that a financial collapse is imminent, Greek depositors rush for the exit. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
类似的改革在意大利和西班牙等国家也刻不容缓。 | Similar reforms are urgently needed in countries like Italy and Spain. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
伊朗公民年满16岁就获得了投票权,也就是说伊朗的合格选民大约有4千8百万左右。 | With the voting age set at just 16 years, Iran has roughly 48 million eligible voters. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当利息回归正常水平时,这一影响会增加。 | When interest rates return to more normal levels, the impact would be greater. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
欧洲和美国都必须在促进低工资工人的包容上更进一步。 | Both Europe and the US must do more to promote low-wage workers’ inclusion. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
医院挤满了重病患者,工作人员都十分惊慌。 | They were panicking in the hospital, overrun by cases on the verge of dying. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
2006年Facebook还只有600万用户;但今天已经达到14亿之多。 | Facebook had six million users in 2006; today, it has 1.4 billion. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
2006年,约1亿5千万移民为他们在发展中国家的亲人汇去约3千亿美元。 | In 2006, around 150 million migrants sent roughly $300 billion to their families in developing countries. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
住房投资应能成为今年产出和就业增长的一大源泉。 | Residential investment should be a source of output and job growth this year. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
至少从1989年开始,中国共产党独裁的合法性就已经变得很脆弱了。 | At least since 1989, the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party’s monopoly on power has been fragile. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
日本银行政策委员会也只有一名女性成员。 | The Bank of Japan has only one woman on its Policy Board. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
20世纪80年代末,生物学家发现了对所有已知杀虫剂具有耐药性的菜蛾品种。 | In the late 1980’s, biologists found strains that were resistant to all known insecticides. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
没有强大的创新,维持生产率增长将十分困难。 | Without powerful innovations, sustaining productivity growth will be an uphill battle. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
2011年7月我就任国防部长后,为完成这项任务已经四次出访亚洲。 | That mission has led me to travel to Asia four times since becoming Secretary of Defense in July 2011. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
更大力度的债务免除-纳入更多的国家和更多的债务(包括双边债务)--是有必要的。 | More debt relief – encompassing more countries and more debt (including bilateral debt) – is needed. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
自2003年以来,电子零售市场年复合增长率超过110%。 | Since 2003, the market has posted a compound annual growth rate of over 110%. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
金融危机造成了需求的极度萎缩,对此经济学家称之为“凯恩斯衰退”。 | The financial crisis has created a sharp fall in demand, what economists call a “Keynesian recession.” | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
美国宣布将继续对巴基斯坦北瓦济里斯坦地区实施无人机攻击。 | The US responded by announcing that its drone attacks on Pakistan’s North Waziristan region will continue. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
但他们也要求银行配置更多资金于国内投资和产业领域。 | But they also wanted banks to direct more resources to financing domestic investments and industry. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在2013年第三季度德国的出口增长放缓而法国出口下跌。 | In the third quarter of 2013, Germany’s export growth slowed and French exports fell. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
长远看能削减开支、增加税收,恢复财政平衡稳健的措施都有好处。 | Spending cuts and tax increases that in the long run restore fiscal sanity and balance are good. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
立法者需要在自我教育的同时教育公众,并落实更严格的监督。 | Legislators need to educate themselves – and the public – and exercise more oversight. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
阿拉伯世界在过去曾经扮演过这一有益角色,也可以再次扮演这一角色。 | The Arab world has played that beneficent role in the past, and it can do so again. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
甚至还有一家报纸的新闻版全版空白地出版。 | At least one newspaper came out with its news pages completely blank. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
然而,在意大利投票率50%以上的公民投票才是有效的。 | However, a referendum in Italy requires 50% turnout to validate the outcome. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
出于其全球性,互联网需要一定程度的国际合作才能运行。 | Given its global nature, the Internet requires a degree of international cooperation to be able to function. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在很多国家,律师和法官都不熟悉歧视的法律定义。 | In many countries, lawyers and judges lack familiarity with legal concepts of discrimination. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
瑞典高等教育免费,并且在全国所有地区都可以接受。 | Higher education is free of charge and accessible in all parts of the country. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
美国女性排名倒数第二,日本女性出生预期寿命低五年多。 | And it is the second worst for women, more than five years below life expectancy in Japan. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
制造业公司是这些优惠措施的最大受益者,而奥巴马意在强化前两项。 | Manufacturing companies are the major beneficiaries of these preferences, and Obama has proposed strengthening the first two. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
”这个声明以84票赞成,34票反对、37票弃权通过。 | The declaration passed with 84 votes in favor, 34 against, and 37 abstentions. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
基本价值得到广泛认同,大部分行动者支持捍卫既有秩序。 | Essential values were widely shared, and most actors favored protecting the existing order. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
中国尚不具备规模堪与好莱坞相比的全球文化产业或实力堪与美国相比的大学。 | China does not yet have global cultural industries on the scale of Hollywood or universities capable of rivaling America’s. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
去年7月,欧洲中央银行行长德拉吉就为金融市场提供了这样一种故事。 | European Central Bank President Mario Draghi provided such a narrative to the financial markets last July. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
本组织还积极地监督资金市场发展,目前正在实施一项更加系统化的债务可持续性评估。 | The Fund also actively monitors capital market developments, and is implementing a more systematic assessment of debt sustainability. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这是欧洲历史上已经发生过的事实,也是现今美国共和党发生的事实。 | That was true in Europe’s past, just as it is true for America’s Republicans today. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
相反,自我报告的家族史在预测心脏病方面相当准确。 | Self-reported family histories, by contrast, proved very accurate in predicting the disease. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
中国共产党政府已经无法从马克思主义意识形态中获得合法性,更不用说毛泽东主义。 | The Communist government in China can no longer derive any legitimacy from Marxist, let alone Maoist, ideology. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这是一张多中心的安全网络,而中心是规模和实力各异的区域组织。 | It is a multi-hub security network, in which the hubs are regional organizations of different sizes and strengths. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
单一市场提供了向国际市场出口商品和服务的平台和杠杆。 | The single market also provides a platform and leverage to export goods and services to international markets. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
政府也将在低收入者住房和扩大医疗保障方面投入更多资金。 | And the government will spend more on low-income housing and to expand health-care services. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
两名志愿者死亡。这些志愿者得到了几千美元来参与这一实验。 | The volunteers were paid several thousands of dollars to participate in the trial. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
国际原子能机构也报道说,伊朗正在研究设计核弹头。 | The International Atomic Energy Agency also reports that Iran is carrying out research to develop designs for nuclear warheads. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在发展中国家,农村地区供水和交通系统的改善也有助于女性更好地管理时间。 | In developing countries, accessible water and better transportation systems in rural areas can help women manage their time better. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
当然,自卫队的职责不包括进攻性军事行动的限制仍然没有改变。 | Of course, the obligation of the Self-Defense Forces not to engage in offensive combat operations remains unchanged. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在阿拉伯世界,目前没有哪个举足轻重的国家有能力推动稳定延伸到本国边界之外。 | In the Arab world, there is currently no dominant power able to project stability beyond its own national borders. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
显然,2008年金融动荡后的一系列事件可以看成是团结的危机。 | Clearly, the series of events following the financial meltdown in 2008 can be viewed as a crisis of solidarity. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
即使这一计划提高了总体利润,也可能降低流向高管层和股东的利润。 | Even when such programs increase overall profitability, they could reduce the profits going to top management and shareholders. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
第二个例子是1989年的冷战结束,这也可以算作是一个成功案例。 | The second example, the end of the Cold War in 1989, was also a success story. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
而今年欧洲议会选举中此类欧洲层面上的党团势力也比以往更加集中地出现在人们眼前。 | And this year’s elections saw a more intensive presence of party organizations at European level than ever before. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在金融业、家庭和公司部门资产负债表不振问题解决后,复苏才开始出现。 | Recovery began only after the balance-sheet weaknesses in the financial, household, and corporate sectors were addressed. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这种模式的缺点导致很多发达及发展中国家进行私有化。 | The model’s shortcomings led to privatization in many developed and developing countries. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在市场的持续压力下,欧洲委员会或许将不得不寻求权宜之计以避免灾难性后果。 | Under continued market pressure, the European Council might have to find a stopgap arrangement to avoid a calamity. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
在2015年及其后支持新乌克兰是欧盟所能做的最有性价比的投资。 | Supporting the new Ukraine in 2015 and beyond is the most cost-effective investment the EU could make. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
第二场反斯大林运动持续了2年,还不足以改变这个国家的思想状况。 | This second anti-Stalinist campaign lasted two years, which was not nearly enough to change the country’s mentality. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
1991年海湾战争期间,沙特也雇用过数千巴基斯坦士兵。 | The Saudis also employed thousands of Pakistani soldiers during the 1991 Gulf War. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如果观众的欣赏口味不断提高,那么私人资金和创新的曲目编排是完全可以契合的。 | If the audience has progressive tastes, private money and innovative programming are entirely compatible. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
最近,奥巴马政府成立了一个3亿美元的基金用于推广联邦按表现付酬合同。 | Recently, the Obama administration proposed a $300 million fund to catalyze federal pay-for-performance contracts. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
中国希望建立其银行的国际经营网络。 | China wants to build up its banks’ international operations. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
支持这些项目的可用资源主要依靠裁撤多余项目和根除政府腐败。 | Mobilizing resources for these programs depends on cutting wasteful programs and rooting out corruption in our bureaucracy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
这个项目已资助了约230万个贫困家庭,为他们提供了实现社会流动的另一渠道。 | This program already covers roughly 2.3 million poor families, providing them with yet another key to social mobility. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
尽管委内瑞拉的非石油部门也在成长,但石油仍然提供着大部分美元收入。 | Though Venezuela’s non-oil sector has been growing, oil still provides the vast majority of its dollar earnings. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
该计划在10月3日宣布,并被解读为葡国政府对市场的成功测试。 | The deal was concluded on October 3, and has been interpreted as a successful market test for Portugal. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
正发生着变化的,是美国用于实施这一宏大战略的军事力量。 | What is changing is the way that US military power is used to implement this grand strategy. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
如今,女性占据顶尖政治职位的可能性更大。 | Women, nowadays, are more likely to occupy top political jobs. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
水资源管理注定是一项艰巨的挑战,经验在其中能起到很大的作用。 | Water management is an inherently difficult challenge, and experience counts for a lot. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
幸运的是,有办法确保2015年的分化不会导致经济和金融灾难。 | Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that 2015’s divergences do not lead to economic and financial disruptions. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
还有一种情况能造成类似的结果,那就是多重和重叠分裂的存在。 | A different situation that produces a similar outcome is the presence of multiple and overlapping cleavages. | zho_Hant-eng_Latn |
Subsets and Splits