why is the 1 digit to the left of the binary point not stored in ieee 754 format
The leading 1 bit is omitted since all numbers except zero start with a leading 1 ; the leading 1 is implicit and does n't actually need to be stored which gives an extra bit of precision for `` free . ''
IEEE 754 - 1985
ieee 754 - 1985
IEEE 754 - 1985 was an industry standard for representing floating - point numbers in computers , officially adopted in 1985 and superseded in 2008 by IEEE 754 - 2008 . During its 23 years , it was the most widely used format for floating - point computation . It was implemented in software , in the form of floating - point libraries , and in hardware , in the instructions of many CPUs and FPUs . The first integrated circuit to implement the draft of what was to become IEEE 754 - 1985 was the Intel 8087 .
IEEE 754 - 1985 represents numbers in binary , providing definitions for four levels of precision , of which the two most commonly used are : Level Width Range at full precision Precision Single precision 32 bits ± 1.18 × 10 to ± 3.4 × 10 Approximately 7 decimal digits Double precision 64 bits ± 2.23 × 10 to ± 1.80 × 10 Approximately 16 decimal digits The standard also defines representations for positive and negative infinity , a `` negative zero '' , five exceptions to handle invalid results like division by zero , special values called NaNs for representing those exceptions , denormal numbers to represent numbers smaller than shown above , and four rounding modes . Contents ( hide ) 1 Representation of numbers 1.1 Zero 1.2 Denormalized numbers 2 Representation of non-numbers 2.1 Positive and negative infinity 2.2 NaN 3 Range and precision 3.1 Single precision 3.2 Double precision 3.3 Extended formats 4 Examples 5 Comparing floating - point numbers 6 Rounding floating - point numbers 7 Extending the real numbers 8 Functions and predicates 8.1 Standard operations 8.2 Recommended functions and predicates 9 History 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 Further reading 14 External links Representation of numbers ( edit ) The number 0.15625 represented as a single - precision IEEE 754 - 1985 floating - point number . See text for explanation . The three fields in a 64bit IEEE 754 float Floating - point numbers in IEEE 754 format consist of three fields : a sign bit , a biased exponent , and a fraction . The following example illustrates the meaning of each . The decimal number 0.15625 represented in binary is 0.00101 ( that is , 1 / 8 + 1 / 32 ) . ( Subscripts indicate the number base . ) Analogous to scientific notation , where numbers are written to have a single non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point , we rewrite this number so it has a single 1 bit to the left of the `` binary point '' . We simply multiply by the appropriate power of 2 to compensate for shifting the bits left by three positions : 0.00101 2 = 1.01 2 × 2 − 3 ( \ displaystyle 0.00101 _ ( 2 ) = 1.01 _ ( 2 ) \ times 2 ^ ( - 3 ) ) Now we can read off the fraction and the exponent : the fraction is . 01 and the exponent is − 3 . As illustrated in the pictures , the three fields in the IEEE 754 representation of this number are : sign = 0 , because the number is positive . ( 1 indicates negative . ) biased exponent = − 3 + the `` bias '' . In single precision , the bias is 127 , so in this example the biased exponent is 124 ; in double precision , the bias is 1023 , so the biased exponent in this example is 1020 . fraction = . 01000 ... . IEEE 754 adds a bias to the exponent so that numbers can in many cases be compared conveniently by the same hardware that compares signed 2 's - complement integers . Using a biased exponent , the lesser of two positive floating - point numbers will come out `` less than '' the greater following the same ordering as for sign and magnitude integers . If two floating - point numbers have different signs , the sign - and - magnitude comparison also works with biased exponents . However , if both biased - exponent floating - point numbers are negative , then the ordering must be reversed . If the exponent were represented as , say , a 2 's - complement number , comparison to see which of two numbers is greater would not be as convenient . The leading 1 bit is omitted since all numbers except zero start with a leading 1 ; the leading 1 is implicit and does n't actually need to be stored which gives an extra bit of precision for `` free . '' Zero ( edit ) The number zero is represented specially : sign = 0 for positive zero , 1 for negative zero . biased exponent = 0 . fraction = 0 . Denormalized numbers ( edit ) The number representations described above are called normalized , meaning that the implicit leading binary digit is a 1 . To reduce the loss of precision when an underflow occurs , IEEE 754 includes the ability to represent fractions smaller than are possible in the normalized representation , by making the implicit leading digit a 0 . Such numbers are called denormal . They do n't include as many significant digits as a normalized number , but they enable a gradual loss of precision when the result of an arithmetic operation is not exactly zero but is too close to zero to be represented by a normalized number . A denormal number is represented with a biased exponent of all 0 bits , which represents an exponent of − 126 in single precision ( not − 127 ) , or − 1022 in double precision ( not − 1023 ) . In contrast , the smallest biased exponent representing a normal number is 1 ( see examples below ) . Representation of non-numbers ( edit ) The biased - exponent field is filled with all 1 bits to indicate either infinity or an invalid result of a computation . Positive and negative infinity ( edit ) Positive and negative infinity are represented thus : sign = 0 for positive infinity , 1 for negative infinity . biased exponent = all 1 bits . fraction = all 0 bits . NaN ( edit ) Some operations of floating - point arithmetic are invalid , such as taking the square root of a negative number . The act of reaching an invalid result is called a floating - point exception . An exceptional result is represented by a special code called a NaN , for `` Not a Number '' . All NaNs in IEEE 754 - 1985 have this format : sign = either 0 or 1 . biased exponent = all 1 bits . fraction = anything except all 0 bits ( since all 0 bits represents infinity ) . Range and precision ( edit ) Relative precision of single ( binary32 ) and double precision ( binary64 ) numbers , compared with decimal representations using a fixed number of significant digits . Relative precision is defined here as ulp ( x ) / x , where ulp ( x ) is the unit in the last place in the representation of x , i.e. the gap between x and the next representable number . Precision is defined as the minimum difference between two successive mantissa representations ; thus it is a function only in the mantissa ; while the gap is defined as the difference between two successive numbers . Single precision ( edit ) Single - precision numbers occupy 32 bits . In single precision : The positive and negative numbers closest to zero ( represented by the denormalized value with all 0s in the exponent field and the binary value 1 in the fraction field ) are ± 2 ≈ ± 1.40130 × 10 The positive and negative normalized numbers closest to zero ( represented with the binary value 1 in the exponent field and 0 in the fraction field ) are ± 2 ≈ ± 1.17549 × 10 The finite positive and finite negative numbers furthest from zero ( represented by the value with 254 in the exponent field and all 1s in the fraction field ) are ± ( 1 − 2 ) × 2 ≈ ± 3.40282 × 10 Some example range and gap values for given exponents in single precision : Actual Exponent ( unbiased ) Exp ( biased ) Minimum Maximum Gap 0 127 ≈ 1.999999880791 ≈ 1.19209 e-7 128 ≈ 3.999999761581 ≈ 2.38419 e-7 129 ≈ 7.999999523163 ≈ 4.76837 e-7 10 137 1024 ≈ 2047.999877930 ≈ 1.22070 e-4 11 138 2048 ≈ 4095.999755859 ≈ 2.44141 e-4 23 150 8388608 16777215 24 151 16777216 33554430 127 254 ≈ 1.70141 e38 ≈ 3.40282 e38 ≈ 2.02824 e31 As an example , 16,777,217 can not be encoded as a 32 - bit float as it will be rounded to 16,777,216 . This shows why floating point arithmetic is unsuitable for accounting software . However , all integers within the representable range that are a power of 2 can be stored in a 32 - bit float without rounding . Double precision ( edit ) Double - precision numbers occupy 64 bits . In double precision : The positive and negative numbers closest to zero ( represented by the denormalized value with all 0s in the Exp field and the binary value 1 in the Fraction field ) are ± 2 ≈ ± 4.94066 × 10 The positive and negative normalized numbers closest to zero ( represented with the binary value 1 in the Exp field and 0 in the fraction field ) are ± 2 ≈ ± 2.22507 × 10 The finite positive and finite negative numbers furthest from zero ( represented by the value with 2046 in the Exp field and all 1s in the fraction field ) are ± ( 1 − 2 ) × 2 ≈ ± 1.79769 × 10 Some example range and gap values for given exponents in double precision : Actual Exponent ( unbiased ) Exp ( biased ) Minimum Maximum Gap 0 1023 ≈ 1.999999999999999777955 ≈ 2.22045 e-16 1024 ≈ 3.999999999999999555911 ≈ 4.44089 e-16 1025 ≈ 7.999999999999999111822 ≈ 8.88178 e-16 10 1033 1024 ≈ 2047.999999999999772626 ≈ 2.27374 e-13 11 1034 2048 ≈ 4095.999999999999545253 ≈ 4.54747 e-13 52 1075 4503599627370496 9007199254740991 53 1076 9007199254740992 18014398509481982 1023 2046 ≈ 8.98847 e307 ≈ 1.79769 e308 ≈ 1.99584 e292 Extended formats ( edit ) The standard also recommends extended format ( s ) to be used to perform internal computations at a higher precision than that required for the final result , to minimise round - off errors : the standard only specifies minimum precision and exponent requirements for such formats . The x87 80 - bit extended format is the most commonly implemented extended format that meets these requirements . Examples ( edit ) Here are some examples of single - precision IEEE 754 representations : Type Sign Actual Exponent Exp ( biased ) Exponent field Significand ( fraction field ) Value Zero 0 − 127 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.0 Negative zero − 127 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 − 0.0 One 0 0 127 0111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1.0 Minus One 0 127 0111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 − 1.0 Smallest denormalized number * − 126 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 ± 2 × 2 = ± 2 ≈ ± 1.4 × 10 `` Middle '' denormalized number * − 126 0 0000 0000 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ± 2 × 2 = ± 2 ≈ ± 5.88 × 10 Largest denormalized number * − 126 0 0000 0000 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 ± ( 1 − 2 ) × 2 ≈ ± 1.18 × 10 Smallest normalized number * − 126 0000 0001 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ± 2 ≈ ± 1.18 × 10 Largest normalized number * 127 254 1111 1110 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 ± ( 2 − 2 ) × 2 ≈ ± 3.4 × 10 Positive infinity 0 128 255 1111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 + ∞ Negative infinity 128 255 1111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 − ∞ Not a number * 128 255 1111 1111 non zero NaN * Sign bit can be either 0 or 1 . Comparing floating - point numbers ( edit ) Every possible bit combination is either a NaN or a number with a unique value in the affinely extended real number system with its associated order , except for the two bit combinations negative zero and positive zero , which sometimes require special attention ( see below ) . The binary representation has the special property that , excluding NaNs , any two numbers can be compared as sign and magnitude integers ( endianness issues apply ) . When comparing as 2 's - complement integers : If the sign bits differ , the negative number precedes the positive number , so 2 's complement gives the correct result ( except that negative zero and positive zero should be considered equal ) . If both values are positive , the 2 's complement comparison again gives the correct result . Otherwise ( two negative numbers ) , the correct FP ordering is the opposite of the 2 's complement ordering . Rounding errors inherent in floating point calculations often make comparison of results for exact equality not useful . Choosing an acceptable range is a complex topic . Although negative zero and positive zero are generally considered equal for comparison purposes , some programming language relational operators and similar constructs might or do treat them as distinct . According to the Java Language Specification , comparison and equality operators treat them as equal , but Math. min ( ) and Math. max ( ) distinguish them ( officially starting with Java version 1.1 but actually with 1.1. 1 ) , as do the comparison methods equals ( ) , compareTo ( ) and even compare ( ) of classes Float and Double . Rounding floating - point numbers ( edit ) The IEEE standard has four different rounding modes ; the first is the default ; the others are called directed roundings . Round to Nearest -- rounds to the nearest value ; if the number falls midway it is rounded to the nearest value with an even ( zero ) least significant bit , which occurs 50 % of the time ( in IEEE 754 - 2008 this mode is called roundTiesToEven to distinguish it from another round - to - nearest mode ) Round toward 0 -- directed rounding towards zero Round toward + ∞ -- directed rounding towards positive infinity Round toward − ∞ -- directed rounding towards negative infinity . Extending the real numbers ( edit ) The IEEE standard employs ( and extends ) the affinely extended real number system , with separate positive and negative infinities . During drafting , there was a proposal for the standard to incorporate the projectively extended real number system , with a single unsigned infinity , by providing programmers with a mode selection option . In the interest of reducing the complexity of the final standard , the projective mode was dropped , however . The Intel 8087 and Intel 80287 floating point co-processors both support this projective mode . Functions and predicates ( edit ) Standard operations ( edit ) The following functions must be provided : Add , subtract , multiply , divide Square root Floating point remainder . This is not like a normal modulo operation , it can be negative for two positive numbers . It returns the exact value of x -- ( round ( x / y ) y ) . Round to nearest integer . For undirected rounding when halfway between two integers the even integer is chosen . Comparison operations . Besides the more obvious results , IEEE 754 defines that − ∞ = − ∞ , + ∞ = + ∞ and x ≠ NaN for any x ( including NaN ) . Recommended functions and predicates ( edit ) copysign ( x , y ) returns x with the sign of y , so abs ( x ) equals copysign ( x , 1.0 ) . This is one of the few operations which operates on a NaN in a way resembling arithmetic . The function copysign is new in the C99 standard . − x returns x with the sign reversed . This is different from 0 − x in some cases , notably when x is 0 . So − ( 0 ) is − 0 , but the sign of 0 − 0 depends on the rounding mode . scalb ( y , N ) logb ( x ) finite ( x ) a predicate for `` x is a finite value '' , equivalent to − Inf < x < Inf isnan ( x ) a predicate for `` x is a NaN '' , equivalent to `` x ≠ x '' x y which turns out to have different exception behavior than NOT ( x = y ) . unordered ( x , y ) is true when `` x is unordered with y '' , i.e. , either x or y is a NaN . class ( x ) nextafter ( x , y ) returns the next representable value from x in the direction towards y History ( edit ) In 1976 Intel began planning to produce a floating point coprocessor . John Palmer , the manager of the effort , persuaded them that they should try to develop a standard for all their floating point operations . William Kahan was hired as a consultant ; he had helped improve the accuracy of Hewlett - Packard 's calculators . Kahan initially recommended that the floating point base be decimal but the hardware design of the coprocessor was too far along to make that change . The work within Intel worried other vendors , who set up a standardization effort to ensure a ' level playing field ' . Kahan attended the second IEEE 754 standards working group meeting , held in November 1977 . Here , he received permission from Intel to put forward a draft proposal based on the standard arithmetic part of their design for a coprocessor . The arguments over gradual underflow lasted until 1981 when an expert hired by DEC to assess it sided against the dissenters . Even before it was approved , the draft standard had been implemented by a number of manufacturers . The Intel 8087 , which was announced in 1980 , was the first chip to implement the draft standard . See also ( edit ) − 0 ( negative zero ) Intel 8087 minifloat for simple examples of properties of IEEE 754 floating point numbers Fixed - point arithmetic Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Precision : The number of decimal digits precision is calculated via number_of_mantissa_bits * Log ( 2 ) . Thus ~ 7.2 and ~ 15.9 for single and double precision respectively . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Hennessy . Computer Organization and Design . Morgan Kaufmann . p. 270 . Jump up ^ Hossam A.H. Fahmy ; Shlomo Waser ; Michael J. Flynn , Computer Arithmetic ( PDF ) , archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2010 - 10 - 08 , retrieved 2011 - 01 - 02 ^ Jump up to : William Kahan . `` Lecture Notes on the Status of IEEE 754 '' ( PDF ) . October 1 , 1997 3 : 36 am . Elect . Eng . & Computer Science University of California . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications '' . Java Documentation . Jump up ^ John R. Hauser ( March 1996 ) . `` Handling Floating - Point Exceptions in Numeric Programs '' ( PDF ) . ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems . 18 ( 2 ) : 139 -- 174 . doi : 10.1145 / 227699.227701 . Jump up ^ David Stevenson ( March 1981 ) . `` IEEE Task P754 : A proposed standard for binary floating - point arithmetic '' . IEEE Computer . 14 ( 3 ) : 51 -- 62 . Jump up ^ William Kahan and John Palmer ( 1979 ) . `` On a proposed floating - point standard '' . SIGNUM Newsletter. 14 ( Special ) : 13 -- 21 . doi : 10.1145 / 1057520.1057522 . Jump up ^ W. Kahan 2003 , pers . comm. to Mike Cowlishaw and others after an IEEE 754 meeting Jump up ^ Charles Severance ( 20 February 1998 ) . `` An Interview with the Old Man of Floating - Point '' . Jump up ^ Charles Severance . `` History of IEEE Floating - Point Format '' . Connexions . Further reading ( edit ) Charles Severance ( March 1998 ) . `` IEEE 754 : An Interview with William Kahan '' ( PDF ) . IEEE Computer . 31 ( 3 ) : 114 -- 115 . doi : 10.1109 / MC. 1998.660194 . Retrieved 2008 - 04 - 28 . David Goldberg ( March 1991 ) . `` What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating - Point Arithmetic '' ( PDF ) . ACM Computing Surveys. 23 ( 1 ) : 5 -- 48 . doi : 10.1145 / 103162.103163 . Retrieved 2008 - 04 - 28 . Chris Hecker ( February 1996 ) . `` Let 's Get To The ( Floating ) Point '' ( PDF ) . Game Developer Magazine : 19 -- 24 . ISSN 1073 - 922X . David Monniaux ( May 2008 ) . `` The pitfalls of verifying floating - point computations '' . ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems . 30 ( 3 ) : article # 12 . doi : 10.1145 / 1353445.1353446 . ISSN 0164 - 0925 . : A compendium of non-intuitive behaviours of floating - point on popular architectures , with implications for program verification and testing . External links ( edit ) Comparing floats Coprocessor.info : x87 FPU pictures , development and manufacturer information IEEE 854 - 1987 -- History and minutes IEEE754 ( Single and Double precision ) Online Converter ( hide ) IEEE standards Current 488 730 754 Revision 854 828 829 896 1003 1014 1016 1076 1149.1 1154 1164 1275 1278 1284 1355 1394 1451 1497 1516 1541 1547 1584 1588 1596 1603 1613 1666 1667 1675 1685 1800 1801 1815 1850 1900 1901 1902 1904 1905 2030 11073 12207 14764 16085 16326 29148 42010 802 series 802.1 p Q Qat Qay w X ab ad AE ag ah ak aq ax az 802.11 d f g h i j k n p r s u w y ac ad af ah ai ax ay . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 12 . 14 . 15 . 1 . 4 . 4a . 16 d e . 17 . 18 . 20 . 21 . 22 Proposed P1363 P1619 P1699 P1823 P1906. 1 Superseded 754 - 1985 830 1219 1233 1362 1364 1471 See also IEEE Standards Association Category : IEEE standards Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IEEE_754-1985&oldid=817953039 '' Categories : Computer arithmetic IEEE standards Floating point Hidden categories : All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from October 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia 한국어 Edit links This page was last edited on 31 December 2017 , at 15 : 29 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where is the ribs located in the human body
In vertebrate anatomy , ribs ( Latin : costae ) are the long curved bones which form the rib cage . In most tetrapods , ribs surround the chest , enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity . They serve to protect the lungs , heart , and other internal organs of the thorax . In some animals , especially snakes , ribs may provide support and protection for the entire body .
surround the chest , enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity
In vertebrate anatomy , ribs ( Latin : costae ) are the long curved bones which form the rib cage . In most tetrapods , ribs surround the chest , enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity . They serve to protect the lungs , heart , and other internal organs of the thorax . In some animals , especially snakes , ribs may provide support and protection for the entire body .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Human anatomy 2 In animals 3 Additional images 4 See also 5 References Human anatomy ( edit ) Main article : Rib cage Humans have 24 ribs ( 12 pairs ) . The first seven sets of ribs , known as `` true ribs '' ( costae verae ) also known as vertebrosternal ribs , are directly attached to the sternum through the costal cartilage . Rib 1 is unique and harder to distinguish than other ribs . It is a short , flat , C - shaped bone . The vertebral attachment can be found just below the neck and the majority of this bone can be found above the level of the clavicle . Ribs 2 through 7 have a more traditional appearance and become longer and less curved as they progress downwards . The following five sets are known as `` false ribs '' ( costae spuriae ) , three of these sharing a common cartilaginous connection to the sternum , while the last two ( eleventh and twelfth ribs ) are termed floating ribs ( costae fluctuantes ) or vertebral ribs . They are attached to the vertebrae only , and not to the sternum or cartilage coming off of the sternum . Some people lack one of the two pairs of floating ribs , while others have a third pair . In general , human ribs increase in length from ribs 1 through 7 and decrease in length again through rib 12 . Along with this change in size , the ribs become progressively oblique ( slanted ) from ribs 1 through 9 , then less slanted through rib 12 . X-ray image of human chest , with ribs labelled The ribcage is separated from the lower abdomen by the thoracic diaphragm which controls breathing . When the diaphragm contracts , the thoracic cavity is expanded , reducing intra-thoracic pressure and drawing air into the lungs . This happens through one of two actions ( or a mix of the two ) : when the lower ribs the diaphragm connects to are stabilized by muscles and the central tendon is mobile , when the muscle contracts the central tendon is drawn down , compressing the cavity underneath and expanding the thoracic cavity downward . When the central tendon is stabilized and the lower ribs are mobile , a contraction of the diaphragm elevates the ribs , which works in conjunction with other muscles to expand the thoracic indent upward . In animals ( edit ) Skeleton of a dog showing the location of the ribs Ribcage of Eptesicus fuscus ( Big Brown Bat ) In fish , there are often two sets of ribs attached to the vertebral column . One set , the dorsal ribs , are found in the dividing septum between the upper and lower parts of the main muscle segments , projecting roughly sideways from the vertebral column . The second set , of ventral ribs arise from the vertebral column just below the dorsal ribs , and enclose the lower body , often joining at the tips . Not all species possess both types of rib , with the dorsal ribs being most commonly absent . Sharks , for example , have no dorsal ribs , and only very short ventral ribs , while lampreys have no ribs at all . In some teleosts , there may be additional rib - like bones within the muscle mass . Tetrapods , however , only ever have a single set of ribs which are probably homologous with the dorsal ribs of fishes . In the early tetrapods , every vertebra bore a pair of ribs , although those on the thoracic vertebrae are typically the longest . The sacral ribs were stout and short , since they formed part of the pelvis , connecting the backbone to the hip bones . In most subsequent forms , many of these early ribs have been lost , and in living amphibians and reptiles , there is great variation in rib structure and number . For example , turtles have only eight pairs of ribs , which are developed into a bony or cartilagenous carapace and plastron , while snakes have numerous ribs running along the full length of their trunk . Frogs typically have no ribs , aside from a sacral pair , which form part of the pelvis . In birds , ribs are present as distinct bones only on the thoracic region , although small fused ribs are present on the cervical vertebrae . The thoracic ribs of birds possess a wide projection to the rear ; this uncinate process is an attachment for the shoulder muscles . Usually dogs have 26 ribs . Mammals usually also only have distinct ribs on the thoracic vertebra , although fixed cervical ribs are also present in monotremes . In marsupials and placental mammals , the cervical and lumbar ribs are found only as tiny remnants fused to the vertebrae , where they are referred to as transverse processes . In general , the structure and number of the true ribs in humans is similar to that in other mammals . Unlike reptiles , caudal ribs are never found in mammals . Additional images ( edit ) Human ribs ( shown in red ) . It consist of 24 ribs . Left and right of first rib to twelfth rib . Spinal cord . Spinal membranes and nerve roots . Deep dissection . Posterior view . Spinal cord . Spinal membranes and nerve roots. Deep dissection . Posterior view . Spinal cord . Spinal membranes and nerve roots. Deep dissection . Posterior view . See also ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ribs ( skeleton ) . Look up rib in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Anatomical terms of location Bone terminology Rib fracture Rib removal Ribs ( food ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Saladin , K.S. ( 2010 ) . Anatomy and Physiology : The Unity of Form and Function ( 5th ed . ) . New York , NY : McGraw - Hill . ^ Jump up to : Romer , Alfred Sherwood ; Parsons , Thomas S. ( 1977 ) . The Vertebrate Body . Philadelphia , PA : Holt - Saunders International . pp. 170 -- 173 . ISBN 0 - 03 - 910284 - X . Clinically Oriented Anatomy , 4th ed . Keith L. Moore and Robert F. Dalley . pp. 62 -- 64 ( hide ) Human regional anatomy Head Ear Face Cheek Chin Eye Mouth Nose Forehead Jaw Occiput Scalp Temple Neck Adam 's apple Throat Trunk Abdomen Waist Midriff Navel Back Thorax Breast Pelvis Sex organs Limbs Arm Shoulder Axilla Brachium Elbow Forearm Wrist Hand Finger Thumb Index Middle Ring Little Leg Buttocks Hip Thigh Knee Calf Foot Ankle Heel Sole Toe Other Écorché General anatomy : systems and organs , regional anatomy , planes and lines , superficial axial anatomy , superficial anatomy of limbs GND : 4178211 - 2 NDL : 00569649 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rib&oldid=800252888 '' Categories : Thorax ( human anatomy ) Skeletal system Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from June 2008 All articles needing additional references Articles containing Latin - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia ܐܪܡܝܐ Atikamekw Avañe'ẽ Авар Azərbaycanca Башҡортса Беларуская Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Чӑвашла Čeština ChiShona Dansk Deutsch Eesti Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Қазақша Лакку Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски मराठी Bahasa Melayu Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Nederlands नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Tiếng Việt West - Vlams Winaray 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 10 : 52 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who was the lead singer for jefferson starship
Jefferson Starship
jefferson starship
Jefferson Starship is an American rock band from San Francisco , California which evolved out of the group Jefferson Airplane following the departure of bassist Jack Casady and guitarist Jorma Kaukonen . The band has undergone several major changes in personnel and genres through the years while retaining the same Jefferson Starship name . The band name was retired in 1985 , but picked up again in the early ' 90s by a Kantner - led revival of the group .
Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 1974 -- 1978 : first lineup 1.3 1979 -- 1984 : second lineup 1.4 Paul Kantner departure and lawsuit 1.5 1992 -- present : The Next Generation 2 Members 3 Discography 4 References 5 External links History Origins In 1970 , while Jefferson Airplane was on break from touring , singer - guitarist Paul Kantner recorded Blows Against the Empire . This was a concept album featuring an ad hoc group of musicians ( centered on Kantner , Grace Slick , Joey Covington , and Jack Casady of Jefferson Airplane ; Crosby & Nash ; and members of Grateful Dead and Santana ) credited on the LP as `` Paul Kantner & Jefferson Starship '' , marking the first use of that name . This agglomeration was informally known as the Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra , a moniker later used on a Kantner album in the early 1980s . On Blows Against the Empire , Kantner and Slick sang about a group of people escaping Earth in a hijacked starship . In 1971 , the album was nominated for the prestigious science fiction prize , the Hugo Award , a rare honor for a musical recording . Kantner and Slick were a couple during this period . Slick was pregnant during the recording of the album . Their daughter , China , was born shortly thereafter . Kantner and Slick with the Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra released two follow - up albums : Sunfighter , an environmentalism - tinged album released in 1971 to celebrate China 's birth , and 1973 's Baron von Tollbooth & the Chrome Nun , titled after the nicknames David Crosby had given to the couple . Bassist / keyboardist / vocalist David Freiberg was given equal billing alongside Kantner and Slick on the latter album . A founding member of Quicksilver Messenger Service , Freiberg had known and played with Kantner on the folk circuit in the early 1960s and sang background vocals on Blows Against the Empire . Following a marijuana arrest that resulted in his departure from Quicksilver in 1971 , he joined Jefferson Airplane as a vocalist for their 1972 tour , documented on the live Thirty Seconds Over Winterland ( 1973 ) . Early in 1974 , Slick released Manhole , her first solo album . It was on that album that Kantner and Slick next worked with Pete Sears ( who had first played on Papa John Creach 's first solo album ) . Pete was co-producing a Kathi McDonald album in the same studio . Sears wrote the music to Grace 's raunchy lyrics `` Better Lying Down , '' recorded the song , and also played bass on the song `` Epic # 38 '' . It was during this session at Wally Heider studios in San Francisco that Paul first asked Pete to play with a new band he was forming that was later christened Jefferson Starship . Sears had worked on three of Rod Stewart 's early British recordings , and had to go back to England to play on Smiler , Stewart 's last album made in London , so Jorma Kaukonen 's brother Peter Kaukonen first played with the band early in 1974 before Sears returned to the States and replaced him in Jefferson Starship in June 1974 . Kantner is credited with discovering during this time the teenage guitarist Craig Chaquico , who first appeared on Sunfighter and played with Kantner , Slick and their bands and then with Starship through 1990 . After leaving the group , Chaquico embarked on a successful solo career as a smooth jazz artist . In early 1974 , with guitarist Jorma Kaukonen and bass player , Jack Casady having moved on to Hot Tuna full time , Kantner decided to put together a touring band without them . The musicians on Baron von Tollbooth & the Chrome Nun formed the core of a new lineup that was formally reborn as Jefferson Starship . They appropriated the name from Kantner 's Blows Against the Empire , with manager Bill Thompson convincing the group that keeping the connection to Jefferson Airplane made sense from a business standpoint . It included the other five remaining members of Jefferson Airplane , including Kantner on rhythm guitar and vocals ; Slick on vocals and percussion , David Freiberg on vocals and keyboards , John Barbata , who had played with the Turtles and Crosby , Stills and Nash , on drums and Papa John Creach , from Hot Tuna , on electric violin . Jorma Kaukonen 's brother , Peter ( who had appeared on the albums Blows Against the Empire and `` Sunfighter '' ) , was on bass . On lead guitar was Craig Chaquico who had played on three of Kantner and Slick 's solo albums , as well as in the band Steelwind . The band began rehearsals in January 1974 and opened its first tour in Chicago on March 19 . By April , it was decided that the band would go into the studio to record an album . British veteran Pete Sears , who had worked on Slick 's solo album , Manhole , and played with Rod Stewart and John Cipollina , was selected to replace Peter Kaukonen as the band 's bass player . 1974 -- 1978 : first lineup In 1974 , after touring as `` Jefferson Starship , '' Kantner , Slick , Freiberg , Chaquico , Pete Sears , Hot Tuna 's electric fiddle player , Papa John Creach , along with former Turtles and Airplane drummer , Johny Barbata , decided to record an album , which they called , Dragon Fly . Jorma Kaukonen 's brother Peter , had played bass during the group 's spring tour in 1974 , but was replaced by Pete Sears ( who , like Freiberg , played bass and keyboards ) . Marty Balin contributed the haunting ballad `` Caroline '' to their first album Dragon Fly , but did not join the band again until January 1975 . Balin stayed with the group for nearly the remainder of the decade . This line - up proved to be commercially successful with hits like , `` Ride the Tiger , '' ( # 84 US -- Yu , Slick , Kanter ) and `` Hyperdrive . '' Jefferson Starship free concert in Golden Gate Park , San Francisco -- May 30 , 1975 Their second album , 1975 's Red Octopus had even greater success , with hit songs like `` Miracles , '' ( # 3 US -- Balin ) `` Fast Buck Freddie '' ( Chaquico , Slick ) and `` Play on Love '' ( Sears , Slick ) . The album reached multiple - platinum status and No. 1 in the Billboard 100 . Creach quietly left the band in August 1975 to pursue a solo career . The next album , Spitfire , was released in June 1976 and went platinum , spending six weeks at No. 3 on the Billboard charts , and including the hit song `` With Your Love '' ( # 12 ) , and the haunting `` St. Charles , '' written by Chaquico , Balin and Kantner , with its soaring guitar solos . Regardless of this success , the band considered the album 's sales to be relatively disappointing compared to its predecessor and requested an audit from RCA Records , distributor of their Grunt label . RCA subsequently put a reported $500,000 into the next Jefferson Starship project . Earth was released in March 1978 , and included the hit songs `` Count on Me '' ( # 8 ) and `` Runaway '' ( # 12 ) . Tours of the U.S. and Europe would soon follow . Balin 's reluctance to tour had kept the band off the road for over a year , and Slick 's alcoholism increasingly became a problem , which led to two consecutive nights of disastrous concerts in Germany in June 1978 . On the first night , the band was scheduled to perform at the Lorelei Amphitheater in Germany , on the bill with Leo Kottke and the Atlanta Rhythm Section , but Grace was too ill to perform . The rest of the band was willing to go on without Grace , in configurations playing a set not dependent upon her vocals . But to avoid disappointing the audience , Kantner insisted the show be cancelled . `` He made his decision ; if Grace would not perform , the Starship could not perform . ' Look , man , ' he said , raising his eyes to the others . ' We ca n't play , It would be like the Stones without Jagger . I do n't want to fool our audience . Balin and Sears , who were back at the hotel with Kantner and Slick , protested , but Kantner was adamant . '' `` The three Starship musicians at the gig -- Freiberg , Barbata , and Chaquico -- discussed the possibility of the three of them performing alone . That was ruled out because there was n't a singer amongst them . '' There was an announcement made to the fans that the band would perform for them on July 2 , but the crowd would have none of it . Bottles and stones began flying , and the stage was ransacked and set ablaze . `` They had lost virtually everything . The gear they had spent 12 years tuning to perfection . All their guitars ; Chaquicos 1959 Les Paul Sunburst , his ' 57 Gold Top . The Fender Jazz bass Pete Sears had played exclusively for 16 years . Barbata 's vintage cymbals . Guitar losses alone totalled five Gibsons , five Fenders , two Rickenbackers , an Ibanez double neck , a custom bass , two Guild accoustics and a pair of Ovation acoustic / electrics . The Starship had brought $160,000 of equipment into Germany . About $15,000 remained , including three mixers heroically saved by the sound engineers . '' A shell - shocked band , who had scrambled to find replacement gear , made it to the show in Hamburg the next night . Slick , in a drunken stupor , shocked that audience by swearing and making sexual references throughout most of her songs . She also reminded the audience that their country had lost World War II , repeatedly asking `` Who won the war ? '' , and implied that all residents of Germany were responsible for the wartime atrocities. After the debacle , Kantner asked for Slick 's resignation from the band . Towards the end of 1978 , Jefferson Starship ( now without Grace Slick ) recorded the single `` Light the Sky on Fire '' ( music and lyrics by Craig Chaquico ) for television 's Star Wars Holiday Special . It was released as a promotional tie - in to the special ( backed with `` Hyperdrive '' from Dragon Fly ) , and was also included as a bonus with their greatest hits album Gold ( 1979 ) , which highlighted their work from 1974 's Dragon Fly to 1978 's Earth . 1979 -- 1984 : second lineup Jefferson Starship , Mickey Thomas , Pete Sears , Aynsley Dunbar in 1981 In October 1978 , Marty Balin left the group , leaving the band without a lead singer . Mickey Thomas ( who had sung lead on Elvin Bishop 's `` Fooled Around and Fell in Love '' ) was invited to audition and then joined the group in April 1979 . Barbata had been seriously injured in a car accident in October 1978 and in January 1979 was replaced by Aynsley Dunbar , who had previously played with Journey . In 1979 , the band released the first album without Marty Balin or Grace Slick , Freedom at Point Zero went Gold . The single `` Jane , '' ( Freiberg , McPherson , Chaquico and Kantner ) , peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at # 14 and spent three weeks at # 6 on the Cash Box Top 100 . the new lineup toured , augmented by saxophonist Steve Schuster . ( Schuster , along with horn player David Farey , had played on Jefferson Starship 's 1978 tour , and he had also appeared on Freedom At Point Zero . ) Pete Sears and Craig Chaquico of Jefferson Starship in Central Park in 1981 In early 1981 , Grace Slick returned to the band , rejoining in time to sing on one song , `` Stranger , '' ( P. and J. Sears ) # 48 on US Billboard Charts , on the group 's next album , Modern Times ( 1981 ) . Modern Times , which also went Gold , included the hit song `` Find Your Way Back '' ( Chaquico ) , # 29 on US Billboard Charts , as well as the humorous `` Stairway to Cleveland '' , in which the band defended the numerous changes it had undergone in its musical style , personnel , and even name . Slick remained in the band for Jefferson Starship 's next two albums , Winds of Change ( 1982 ) and Nuclear Furniture ( 1984 ) . Winds of Change , featured `` Be My Lady , '' ( P. Sears and J. Sears ) which reached # 26 in the US . The album featured Aynsley Dunbar on drums ; however , by August 1982 , he 'd been replaced by Donny Baldwin who had performed with Thomas in the Elvin Bishop Group . Paul Kantner 's 1983 solo album , Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra , included the track `` Circle of Fire '' , which was recorded by Jefferson Starship in the summer of 1982 . Other members of the band also appeared on additional tracks on this effort . Nuclear Furniture , produced by Ron Nevison , reached # 28 and featured the single , `` Layin ' It On the Line '' ( Chaquico and Thomas ) . Around this time , the band began enthusiastically embracing the rock - video age , making elaborate videos typical of the era 's superstar bands . They would appear frequently on MTV and other music - oriented television shows as Solid Gold , and 1984 's Super Night of Rock and Roll , giving the band a high visibility in the MTV era . The band continued to release Top 40 singles like `` Winds of Change '' ( # 38 -- P. and J. Sears ) , `` Be My Lady '' ( # 28 -- P. and J. Sears ) , and `` No Way Out '' ( # 23 -- P. and I. Wolf ) . The band also remained a gold - selling ( and thus a commercially credible ) act and a popular concert draw . During this year , band groupie Patricia Lang helped establish a large `` groupie following '' with over one million fans using BBS services , which at the time was very progressive . It is believed by many to be one of the first uses of online services for gathering a large fan base support . Paul Kantner departure and lawsuit Grace Slick , Paul Kantner and Mickey Thomas of Jefferson Starship , NYC , 1981 Pier 84 While Marty and Grace had come and gone over the years , in June 1984 , after the release of Nuclear Furniture , Kantner , the last remaining founding member of Jefferson Airplane , left the band due to disputes over the group 's artistic direction . `` I think we would be terrible failures trying to write pop songs all the time. ... The band became more mundane and not quite as challenging and not quite as much of a thing to be proud of '' , said Kantner . In October 1984 , Paul Kantner took legal action over money he claimed he was owed and to prevent the remaining members from continuing to use the name Jefferson Starship . The lawsuit was settled in March 1985 . Kantner received a cash settlement , the name Jefferson Starship became the property of Grace Slick ( 51 % ) and Bill Thompson ( 49 % ) , and all parties agreed to not use the name `` Jefferson '' going forward . The remaining members renamed themselves Starship , and continued to tour and record music . David Freiberg was dismissed from the band shortly after the lawsuit was settled . Pete Sears departed in 1987 . Grace Slick left Starship in early 1988 , going on to join the reformed Jefferson Airplane for an album and tour in 1989 . Craig Chaquico departed in 1990 . The band has been billed as `` Starship featuring Mickey Thomas '' since 1992 . 1992 -- present : the next Generation Paul Kantner , Diana Mangano , and Marty Balin performing in 1996 Shortly after leaving Jefferson Starship , Kantner formed the KBC Band with ( among others ) his former band mates Marty Balin and Jack Casady . They released an eponymous album in 1986 , but soon broke up after Balin lost interest . In 1988 , Kantner toured with Casady in Hot Tuna . This led to a full Jefferson Airplane reunion in 1989 , which also resulted in an eponymous album and subsequent tour . In 1991 , Kantner toured with an acoustic ensemble called `` Paul Kantner 's Wooden Ships , '' a trio that included Slick Aguilar and Tim Gorman from the KBC Band . The group was soon reestablished as `` Jefferson Starship : The Next Generation '' in January 1992 , for which Kantner recruited Jack Casady and Papa John Creach ; former Tubes drummer Prairie Prince ; and former World Entertainment War vocalist Darby Gould . In 1993 , Balin joined . Creach died in February 1994 , weeks after touring Europe . Concurrently , vocalist Diana Mangano joined the group ( after a brief spell by original Jefferson Airplane singer Signe Toly Anderson ) as Gould 's replacement . After the first couple of years , the band dropped the use of `` The Next Generation '' , and began to perform as simply Jefferson Starship . In 1995 they released Deep Space / Virgin Sky , a live album recorded at the House of Blues in West Hollywood , California on January 21 , 1995 . The album featured eight new and seven classic tunes. Grace Slick joined the band for five songs , `` Lawman '' , `` Wooden Ships '' , `` Somebody to Love '' and `` White Rabbit '' and `` Volunteers '' . In 1999 Jefferson Starship released the studio album Windows of Heaven , which featured Slick on background vocals on one song , `` I 'm On Fire '' . Balin continued as a full - time member of the reunited band until 2003 and still occasionally joins them in concert . Casady remained a member until 2000 and has also ( since 1983 ) played with Jorma Kaukonen in a reunited Hot Tuna . Gorman left in 1995 and was replaced by Gary Cambra ( from The Tubes ) , Barry Flast and then T Lavitz , who stayed with the band for the recording of Windows of Heaven but was replaced by former Supremes keyboardist Chris Smith before the album 's release . In 2005 , twenty years after leaving , David Freiberg rejoined the group . Jefferson Starship played three songs on NBC 's The Today Show on June 30 , 2007 . In 2007 , Jefferson Starship began working with corporate sponsors . The owners of the name Jefferson Starship , Grace Slick along with manager Bill Thompson , objected . They sued Kantner for the sponsorship and for touring under the Jefferson Starship name , citing their initial separation agreement in 1985 . All parties later agreed that Kantner could go forward , after paying Slick and Thompson an undisclosed fee . Mangano was replaced by vocalist Cathy Richardson in early 2008 , and Prince was replaced by the reinstated Baldwin . In March and May 2008 , tracks were recorded for the new studio album released on September 2 , 2008 , Jefferson 's Tree of Liberty . In addition to the current members , Grace Slick made contributions to the bonus track on the album , and Marty Balin and Jack Casady appear on a recording originally made for Windows of Heaven . In July and August 2008 , they played a two - part UK tour , including three nights at the 100 Club in London and an appearance at the Rhythm Festival . In 2009 they toured as part of the Heroes of Woodstock tour with Jeff Pevar ( Jazz Is Dead , Crosby , Pevar & Raymond ) on bass . Other musicians included in this tour were Canned Heat , Ten Years After , Country Joe McDonald , Tom Constanten , Big Brother and the Holding Company , Melanie , John Sebastian , Mountain , Quicksilver Messenger Service and Levon Helm Band , although not all artists appeared at every show . On June 5 , 2011 Jefferson Starship ( Kantner , Freiberg , Richardson and Smith ) performed with the Contemporary Youth Orchestra at Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica in Cleveland , OH . The show was broadcast live on HDNet for the HDNet Concert Series . In 2012 , longtime guitarist Slick Aguilar departed the band due to falling ill with Hepatitis C , and was replaced by Jude Gold . In November 2015 , a new lead vocalist , Rachel Rose , was phased in to replace the departing Cathy Richardson ; sharing the stage with one - time Jefferson Starship vocalist Darby Gould until Richardson announced her return to the band in March 2016 . The band has featured guest musicians such as Balin , Gould , Gorman , Jeff Pevar , Tony Morley , Richard Newman and original Jefferson Starship bassist and keyboardist Pete Sears . Kantner 's Jefferson Starship musicians in 2014 -- l to r : Chris Smith , David Freiberg , Cathy Richardson , Paul Kantner , Donny Baldwin , Jude Gold Following Kantner 's death in 2016 , Jefferson Starship has continued to tour with a line - up consisting of remaining members David Freiberg ( vocals , guitar ) , Donny Baldwin ( drums ) , Chris Smith ( keyboards ) , Jude Gold ( lead guitar ) , and Cathy Richardson ( vocals ) . In 2017 , Craig Chaquico , former Jefferson Starship member , filed a lawsuit against the five individual members ( Freiberg , Baldwin , Smith , Gold , and Richardson ) currently performing as Jefferson Starship for breaching the 1985 contract and for using Chaquico 's name and likeness in their promotional materials . About this , Chaquico has said he had only given permission to Paul Kantner to use the name , and by this point , `` Freiberg and Baldwin are performing with others who have no connection to the original group , using the name in violation of that agreement . If any of the members who signed the ' 85 agreement want to use the name , they need the permission of all the other members who signed the agreement and Freiberg and Baldwin do not have my permission . '' On August 11 , 2017 , U.S. Magistrate Judge Maria - Elena James said the guitarist Craig Chaquico may pursue a breach of contract claim against David Freiberg , Donny Baldwin and the other musicians for performances and merchandising since January 2016 , but dismissed Chaquico 's claims of earlier alleged contract breaches and a trademark claim over the use of his likeness . Members Main article : List of Jefferson Starship band members Discography Main article : Jefferson Starship discography Dragon Fly ( 1974 ) Red Octopus ( 1975 ) Spitfire ( 1976 ) Earth ( 1978 ) Freedom at Point Zero ( 1979 ) Modern Times ( 1981 ) Winds of Change ( 1982 ) Nuclear Furniture ( 1984 ) Windows of Heaven ( 1998 ) Jefferson 's Tree of Liberty ( 2008 ) References Jump up ^ `` Profile of ' 70s & ' 80s Soft Rock / Arena Rock Band Jefferson Starship '' . 80music.about.com . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Jefferson Airplane Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Biography '' . Jump up ^ `` Blows Against the Empire '' . Microsoft.com . Retrieved July 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Tamarakin , Jeff ( 2003 ) . Got a Revolution : The Turbulent Flight of Jefferson Airplane . Simon and Schuster . p. 231 . ISBN 0 - 671 - 03403 - 0 . Jump up ^ Tamarakin , Jeff ( 2003 ) . Got a Revolution : The Turbulent Flight of Jefferson Airplane . Simon and Schuster . p. 267 . ISBN 0 - 671 - 03403 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` Strange Times on the Launching Pad '' . Rolling Stone Magazine . 58 . May 18 , 1978 . Jump up ^ Carney , Emily ( March 30 , 2008 ) . `` Wasted ! The Top 5 Most Inebriated Performances / Tours ( In No Particular Order ) '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Creem '' . starship.lu . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ Giles , Jeff ( August 15 , 2014 ) . `` How Jefferson Airplane Became Jefferson Starship -- And Then Just Starship '' . Ultimate Classic Rock . Retrieved December 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Tamarakin , Jeff ( 2003 ) . Got a Revolution : The Turbulent Flight of Jefferson Airplane . Simon and Schuster . p. 330 . ISBN 0 - 671 - 03403 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` Licensing - deal - ends - Jefferson - Starship - spat '' . Jump up ^ `` WebCite query result '' . www.webcitation.org . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Jefferson Starship -- Calling all Gypsies '' . www.jeffersonstarshipsf.com . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Paul Kantner 's Jefferson StarshipTeaching the Computers to Dream '' . www.jeffersonstarshipsf.com . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Rhythm Festival 2008 '' . www.rhythmfestival.net . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Jude Gold -- Press '' . judegold.com . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Rock Legends Gramm , Balin to Team for Benefit Concert for Slick Aguilar '' . TAPinto . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` CRB at City Winery Chicago May 27 ON SALE NOW '' . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Jefferson Starship Lawsuit 2017 '' . bestclassicbands.com . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Jefferson Starship Lawsuit 2017 '' . bestclassicbands.com . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 19 . Jump up ^ Stempel , Jonathan . `` Jefferson Starship guitarist can pursue lawsuit over band name '' . Reuters India . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 12 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jefferson Starship . Official Jefferson Starship web site Old official site Jefferson Starship collection at the Internet Archive 's live music archive Jefferson Airplane ( discography , members ) Jefferson Starship ( discography , members ) Starship ( discography ) Studio albums Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Takes Off Surrealistic Pillow After Bathing at Baxter 's Crown of Creation Volunteers Bark Long John Silver Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship Blows Against the Empire ( with Paul Kantner ) Dragon Fly Red Octopus Spitfire Earth Freedom at Point Zero Modern Times Winds of Change Nuclear Furniture Windows of Heaven Jefferson 's Tree of Liberty Starship Knee Deep in the Hoopla No Protection Love Among the Cannibals Loveless Fascination Live albums Bless Its Pointed Little Head Thirty Seconds Over Winterland Deep Space / Virgin Sky Greatest Hits : Live at the Fillmore Across the Sea of Suns Archival releases Live at the Monterey Festival Live at the Fillmore East At Golden Gate Park Last Flight Sweeping Up the Spotlight At the Family Dog Ballroom The Woodstock Experience Compilations The Worst of Jefferson Airplane Early Flight Flight Log Gold 2400 Fulton Street Greatest Hits ( Ten Years and Change 1979 -- 1991 ) Jefferson Airplane Loves You The Essential Jefferson Airplane Singles `` Somebody to Love '' `` White Rabbit '' `` The Ballad of You and Me and Pooneil '' `` Volunteers '' `` Wooden Ships '' `` Mexico '' `` Ride the Tiger '' `` Miracles '' `` Play On Love '' `` With Your Love '' `` Count On Me '' `` Runaway '' `` Light the Sky on Fire '' `` Jane '' `` Find Your Way Back '' `` Stranger '' `` Be My Lady '' `` Winds of Change '' `` No Way Out '' `` Layin ' It on the Line '' `` We Built This City '' `` Sara '' `` Tomorrow Does n't Matter Tonight '' `` Nothing 's Gonna Stop Us Now '' `` It 's Not Over ( ' Til It 's Over ) '' `` It 's Not Enough '' `` Planes '' `` Good Heart '' `` Let Me Fly '' `` It 's Not the Same as Love '' Filmography Monterey Pop ( 1968 ) Gimme Shelter ( 1970 ) One P.M. ( 1972 ) Star Wars Holiday Special ( 1978 ) Woodstock ( 1994 director 's cut ) Related articles Grunt Records Hot Tuna KBC Band The Matrix ( club ) Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra Book Paul Kantner Studio albums Blows Against the Empire ( with Jefferson Starship ) Sunfighter ( with Grace Slick ) Baron von Tollbooth & the Chrome Nun ( with Grace Slick and David Freiberg ) Dragon Fly ( with Grace Slick and Jefferson Starship ) Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra Related articles Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship KBC Band Grace Slick Studio albums Manhole Dreams Welcome to the Wrecking Ball ! Software with Paul Kantner Blows Against the Empire Sunfighter Baron von Tollbooth & the Chrome Nun Compilation The Best of Grace Slick Related articles China Kantner Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship Starship The Great Society Marty Balin Studio albums Balin Lucky Better Generation Freedom Flight EPs There 's No Shoulder Compilations Balince Marty Balin Greatest Hits Singles `` Nobody but You '' `` You Are the One '' `` Hearts '' `` Atlanta Lady ( Something About Your Love ) '' `` What Love Is '' `` Do It for Love '' Related articles Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship Bodacious DF KBC Band Papa John Creach Studio albums Papa John Creach Filthy ! Playing My Fiddle for You I 'm the Fiddle Man Rock Father The Cat and the Fiddle Inphasion Papa Blues Related articles Hot Tuna Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship Keb ' Mo ' LCCN : nr89008893 ISNI : 0000 0001 2375 5498 GND : 10279385 - 2 SUDOC : 158167600 BNF : cb139067088 ( data ) MusicBrainz : 4854429b - 66f7 - 41c0 - a89c - 030bb7ccf958 NKC : xx0014747 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jefferson_Starship&oldid=803859718 '' Categories : American pop rock music groups Rock music groups from California American soft rock music groups Epic Records artists Musical groups established in 1970 Musical groups disestablished in 1984 Musical groups from San Francisco Musical groups reestablished in 1992 RCA Records artists Hidden categories : Wikipedia pages semi-protected from banned users Use mdy dates from April 2012 Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Español فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano Magyar Norsk Occitan Polski Русский Suomi Svenska Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 5 October 2017 , at 02 : 48 . 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the taxonomic name canis familiaris is an example of
The domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris ) is a member of the genus Canis ( canines ) , which forms part of the wolf - like canids , and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore . The dog and the extant gray wolf are sister taxa as modern wolves are not closely related to the wolves that were first domesticated , which implies that the direct ancestor of the dog is extinct . The dog was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors , sensory capabilities , and physical attributes .
domestic dog
Canis familiaris Linnaeus , 1758
Montage showing the morphological variation of the dog . The domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris ) is a member of the genus Canis ( canines ) , which forms part of the wolf - like canids , and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore . The dog and the extant gray wolf are sister taxa as modern wolves are not closely related to the wolves that were first domesticated , which implies that the direct ancestor of the dog is extinct . The dog was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors , sensory capabilities , and physical attributes . Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior and they are able to thrive on a starch - rich diet that would be inadequate for other canid species . New research seems to show that dogs have mutations to equivalent genetic regions in humans where changes are known to trigger high sociability and somewhat reduced intelligence . Dogs vary widely in shape , size and colors . Dogs perform many roles for people , such as hunting , herding , pulling loads , protection , assisting police and military , companionship and , more recently , aiding handicapped individuals and therapeutic roles . This influence on human society has given them the sobriquet `` man 's best friend '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 Terminology 3 Taxonomy 4 Origin 5 Biology 5.1 Anatomy 5.1. 1 Size and weight 5.1. 2 Senses 5.1. 3 Coat 5.1. 4 Tail 5.1. 5 Differences from wolves 5.2 Health 5.2. 1 Lifespan 5.3 Reproduction 5.3. 1 Neutering 5.4 Inbreeding depression 6 Intelligence , behavior and communication 6.1 Intelligence 6.2 Behavior 6.3 Communication 7 Ecology 7.1 Population and habitat 7.2 Competitors 7.3 Diet 7.4 Range 8 Breeds 9 Roles with humans 9.1 Early roles 9.2 As pets 9.3 Work 9.4 Sports and shows 9.5 As food 9.6 Health risks to humans 9.7 Health benefits for humans 9.8 Medical detection dogs 9.9 Shelters 10 Cultural depictions 10.1 Mythology 10.2 Literature 10.3 Religion 10.4 Art 11 See also 12 Notes 13 References 14 Bibliography 15 Further reading 16 External links Etymology The term `` domestic dog '' is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties . The English word dog comes from Middle English dogge , from Old English docga , a `` powerful dog breed '' . The term may possibly derive from Proto - Germanic * dukkōn , represented in Old English finger - docce ( `` finger - muscle '' ) . The word also shows the familiar petname diminutive - ga also seen in frogga `` frog '' , picga `` pig '' , stagga `` stag '' , wicga `` beetle , worm '' , among others . Piotr Gąsiorowski has suggested that Old English * docga is actually derived from Old English colour adjective dox . In 14th - century England , hound ( from Old English : hund ) was the general word for all domestic canines , and dog referred to a subtype of hound , a group including the mastiff . It is believed this `` dog '' type was so common , it eventually became the prototype of the category `` hound '' . By the 16th century , dog had become the general word , and hound had begun to refer only to types used for hunting . The word `` hound '' is ultimately derived from the Proto - Indo - European word * kwon - , `` dog '' . This semantic shift may be compared with in German , where the corresponding words Dogge and Hund kept their original meanings . The term * ḱwon - may ultimately derive from the earliest layer of Proto - Indo - European vocabulary . A male canine is referred to as a `` dog '' , while a female is traditionally called a `` bitch '' ( derived from Middle English bicche , from Old English bicce , ultimately from Old Norse bikkja . Since the word `` bitch '' has taken on derogatory connotations , nowadays it is less commonly used to refer to dogs ) . The father of a litter is called the sire , and the mother is called the dam . The process of birth is `` whelping '' , from the Old English word hwelp ; the modern English word `` whelp '' is an alternative term for puppy . A litter refers to the multiple offspring at one birth which are called puppies or pups from the French poupée , `` doll '' , which has mostly replaced the older term `` whelp '' . Terminology The term dog typically is applied both to the species ( or subspecies ) as a whole , and any adult male member of the same . An adult female is a bitch . An adult male capable of reproduction is a stud . An adult female capable of reproduction is a brood bitch , or brood mother . Immature males or females ( that is , animals that are incapable of reproduction ) are pups or puppies . A group of pups from the same gestation period is a litter . The father of a litter is a sire . It is possible for one litter to have multiple sires . The mother of a litter is a dam . A group of any three or more adults is a pack . Taxonomy In 1758 , the taxonomist Linnaeus published in his Systema Naturae the classification of species . Canis is a Latin word meaning dog , and under this genus he listed the dog - like carnivores including domestic dogs , wolves , and jackals . He classified the domestic dog as Canis familiaris ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) and on the next page as a separate species he classified the wolf as Canis lupus ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) . In 1926 , the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ( ICZN ) ruled in Opinion 91 that the domestic dog Canis familiaris ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) be placed on its official list . In 1957 , the ICZN ruled in Opinion 451 that Canis dingo ( Meyer , 1793 ) was the name to be used for the dingo and that this be placed on its official list . These are the scientific names for the dog and dingo that appear on the Official Lists and Indexes of Names in Zoology of the ICZN . In 1978 , a review to minimize the number species listed under genus Canis proposed that `` Canis dingo is now generally regarded as a distinctive feral domestic dog . Canis familiaris is used for domestic dogs , although taxonomically it should probably be synonymous with Canis lupus . '' In 1982 , the first edition of Mammal Species of the World included a note under Canis lupus with the comment : `` Probably ancestor of and conspecific with the domestic dog , familiaris . Canis familiaris has page priority over Canis lupus , but both were published simultaneously in Linnaeus ( 1758 ) , and Canis lupus has been universally used for this species '' . In the same year , an application was made to the ICZN to reclassify the dingo to Canis lupus dingo because it was proposed that the wolf ( Canis lupus ) was the ancestor of dogs and dingoes , however the application was rejected . In 2003 , the ICZN ruled in its Opinion 2027 that the `` name of a wild species ... is not invalid by virtue of being predated by the name based on a domestic form . '' Additionally , the ICZN placed the taxon Canis lupus as a conserved name on the official list under this opinion . In the third edition of Mammal Species of the World published in 2005 , the mammalogist W. Christopher Wozencraft listed under the wolf Canis lupus what he proposed to be two subspecies : `` familiaris Linneaus , 1758 ( domestic dog ) '' and `` dingo Meyer , 1793 ( domestic dog ) '' , with the comment `` Includes the domestic dog as a subspecies , with the dingo provisionally separate -- artificial variants created by domestication and selective breeding . Although this may stretch the subspecies concept , it retains the correct allocation of synonyms . '' Although the earliest use of the name `` dingo '' was Canis familiaris dingo ( Blumenbach , 1780 ) , Wozencraft attributed it to Meyer from 1793 without comment . This classification by Wozencraft is hotly debated by zoologists . Mathew Crowther , Stephen Jackson and Colin Groves disagree with Wozencraft and argue that based on ICZN Opinion 2027 , the implication is that a domestic animal can not be a subspecies . Crowther , Juliet Clutton - Brock and others argue that because the dingo differs from wolves by behavior , morphology , and that the dingo and dog do not fall genetically within any extant wolf clade , that the dingo should be considered the distinct taxon Canis dingo. Jackson and Groves regard the dog Canis familiaris as a taxonomic synonym for the wolf Canis lupus with them both equally ranked at the species level . They also disagree with Crowther , based on the overlap between dogs and dingoes in their morphology , in their ability to easily hybridize with each other , and that they show the signs of domestication by both having a cranium of smaller capacity than their progenitor , the wolf . Given that Canis familiaris ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) has date priority over Canis dingo ( Meyer , 1793 ) , they regard the dingo as a junior taxonomic synonym for the dog Canis familiaris . Gheorghe Benga and others support the dingo as a subspecies of the dog from the earlier Canis familiaris dingo ( Blumenbach , 1780 ) . Xiaoming Wang and Richard H. Tedford proposed that the dog should be classified as Canis lupus familiaris under the Biological Species Concept and Canis familiaris under the Evolutionary Species Concept . Origin Main article : Origin of the domestic dog The origin of the domestic dog is not clear . It is known that the dog was the first domesticated species . The domestic dog is a member of the genus Canis ( canines ) , which forms part of the wolf - like canids , and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore . The closest living relative of the dog is the gray wolf and there is no evidence of any other canine contributing to its genetic lineage . The dog and the extant gray wolf form two sister clades , with modern wolves not closely related to the wolves that were first domesticated . The archaeological record shows the first undisputed dog remains buried beside humans 14,700 years ago , with disputed remains occurring 36,000 years ago . These dates imply that the earliest dogs arose in the time of human hunter - gatherers and not agriculturists . Where the genetic divergence of dog and wolf took place remains controversial , with the most plausible proposals spanning Western Europe , Central Asia , and East Asia . This has been made more complicated by the most recent proposal that fits the available evidence , which is that an initial wolf population split into East and West Eurasian wolves , these were then domesticated independently before going extinct into two distinct dog populations between 14,000 - 6,400 years ago , and then the Western Eurasian dog population was partially and gradually replaced by East Asian dogs that were brought by humans at least 6,400 years ago . Biology Lateral view of skeleton . `` Five different types of dogs , '' c. 1547 . Anatomy Main article : Dog anatomy Domestic dogs have been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors , sensory capabilities , and physical attributes . Modern dog breeds show more variation in size , appearance , and behavior than any other domestic animal . Dogs are predators and scavengers , and like many other predatory mammals , the dog has powerful muscles , fused wrist bones , a cardiovascular system that supports both sprinting and endurance , and teeth for catching and tearing . Size and weight Dogs are highly variable in height and weight . The smallest known adult dog was a Yorkshire Terrier , that stood only 6.3 cm ( 2.5 in ) at the shoulder , 9.5 cm ( 3.7 in ) in length along the head - and - body , and weighed only 113 grams ( 4.0 oz ) . The largest known dog was an English Mastiff which weighed 155.6 kg ( 343 lb ) and was 250 cm ( 98 in ) from the snout to the tail . The tallest dog is a Great Dane that stands 106.7 cm ( 42.0 in ) at the shoulder . Senses The dog 's senses include vision , hearing , sense of smell , sense of taste , touch and sensitivity to the earth 's magnetic field . Another study suggested that dogs can see the earth 's magnetic field . See further : Dog anatomy - senses Coat Main article : Coat ( dog ) Montage showing the coat variation of the dog . A Golden Retriever with a golden shade of coat . Shades of coat colors can vary within breeds of dogs . For example , some Golden Retrievers have light , almost cream colored coats , and others may have dark , brownish shades of coat . The coats of domestic dogs are of two varieties : `` double '' being common with dogs ( as well as wolves ) originating from colder climates , made up of a coarse guard hair and a soft down hair , or `` single '' , with the topcoat only . Domestic dogs often display the remnants of countershading , a common natural camouflage pattern . A countershaded animal will have dark coloring on its upper surfaces and light coloring below , which reduces its general visibility . Thus , many breeds will have an occasional `` blaze '' , stripe , or `` star '' of white fur on their chest or underside . Regarding coat appearance or health , the coat can be maintained or affected by multiple nutrients present in the diet , see Coat ( dog ) for more information . Tail See also : Docking There are many different shapes for dog tails : straight , straight up , sickle , curled , or cork - screw . As with many canids , one of the primary functions of a dog 's tail is to communicate their emotional state , which can be important in getting along with others . In some hunting dogs , however , the tail is traditionally docked to avoid injuries . In some breeds , such as the Braque du Bourbonnais , puppies can be born with a short tail or no tail at all . Differences from wolves The Saarloos wolfdog carries more gray wolf DNA than any other dog breed Despite their close genetic relationship and the ability to inter-breed , there are a number of diagnostic features to distinguish the gray wolves from domestic dogs . Domesticated dogs are clearly distinguishable from wolves by starch gel electrophoresis of red blood cell acid phosphatase . The tympanic bullae are large , convex and almost spherical in gray wolves , while the bullae of dogs are smaller , compressed and slightly crumpled . Compared with equally sized wolves , dogs tend to have 20 % smaller skulls and 30 % smaller brains . The teeth of gray wolves are also proportionately larger than those of dogs . Dogs have a more domed forehead and a distinctive `` stop '' between forehead and nose . The temporalis muscle that closes the jaws is more robust in wolves . Wolves do not have dewclaws on their back legs , unless there has been admixture with dogs that had them . Most dogs lack a functioning pre-caudal gland and enter estrus twice yearly , unlike gray wolves which only do so once a year . So - called primitive dogs such as Dingoes and Basenjis retain the yearly estrus cycle . Dogs generally have brown eyes and wolves almost always have amber or light colored eyes . The skin of domestic dogs tends to be thicker than that of wolves , with some Inuit tribes favoring the former for use as clothing due to its greater resistance to wear and tear in harsh weather . The paws of a dog are half the size of those of a wolf , and their tails tend to curl upwards , another trait not found in wolves The dog has developed into hundreds of varied breeds , and shows more behavioral and morphological variation than any other land mammal . For example , height measured to the withers ranges from a 6 inches ( 150 mm ) in the Chihuahua to 3.3 feet ( 1.0 m ) in the Irish Wolfhound ; color varies from white through grays ( usually called `` blue '' ) to black , and browns from light ( tan ) to dark ( `` red '' or `` chocolate '' ) in a wide variation of patterns ; coats can be short or long , coarse - haired to wool - like , straight , curly , or smooth . It is common for most breeds to shed their coat . Health Main article : Dog health There are many household plants that are poisonous to dogs including begonia , Poinsettia and aloe vera . Some breeds of dogs are prone to certain genetic ailments such as elbow and hip dysplasia , blindness , deafness , pulmonic stenosis , cleft palate , and trick knees . Two serious medical conditions particularly affecting dogs are pyometra , affecting unspayed females of all types and ages , and gastric dilatation volvulus ( bloat ) , which affects the larger breeds or deep - chested dogs . Both of these are acute conditions , and can kill rapidly . Dogs are also susceptible to parasites such as fleas , ticks , and mites , as well as hookworms , tapeworms , roundworms , and heartworms . A number of common human foods and household ingestibles are toxic to dogs , including chocolate solids ( theobromine poisoning ) , onion and garlic ( thiosulphate , sulfoxide or disulfide poisoning ) , grapes and raisins , macadamia nuts , xylitol , as well as various plants and other potentially ingested materials . The nicotine in tobacco can also be dangerous . Dogs can be exposed to the substance by scavenging garbage or ashtrays ; eating cigars and cigarettes . Signs can be vomiting of large amounts ( e.g. , from eating cigar butts ) or diarrhea . Some other signs are abdominal pain , loss of coordination , collapse , or death . Dogs are highly susceptible to theobromine poisoning , typically from ingestion of chocolate . Theobromine is toxic to dogs because , although the dog 's metabolism is capable of breaking down the chemical , the process is so slow that even small amounts of chocolate can be fatal , especially dark chocolate . Dogs are also vulnerable to some of the same health conditions as humans , including diabetes , dental and heart disease , epilepsy , cancer , hypothyroidism , and arthritis . Lifespan Further information : Aging in dogs A mixed - breed terrier . Mixed - breed dogs have been found to run faster and live longer than their pure - bred parents ( See heterosis ) In 2013 , a study found that mixed breeds live on average 1.2 years longer than pure breeds , and that increasing body - weight was negatively correlated with longevity ( i.e. the heavier the dog the shorter its lifespan ) . The typical lifespan of dogs varies widely among breeds , but for most the median longevity , the age at which half the dogs in a population have died and half are still alive , ranges from 10 to 13 years . Individual dogs may live well beyond the median of their breed . The breed with the shortest lifespan ( among breeds for which there is a questionnaire survey with a reasonable sample size ) is the Dogue de Bordeaux , with a median longevity of about 5.2 years , but several breeds , including Miniature Bull Terriers , Bloodhounds , and Irish Wolfhounds are nearly as short - lived , with median longevities of 6 to 7 years . The longest - lived breeds , including Toy Poodles , Japanese Spitz , Border Terriers , and Tibetan Spaniels , have median longevities of 14 to 15 years . The median longevity of mixed - breed dogs , taken as an average of all sizes , is one or more years longer than that of purebred dogs when all breeds are averaged . The dog widely reported to be the longest - lived is `` Bluey '' , who died in 1939 and was claimed to be 29.5 years old at the time of his death . On 5 December 2011 , Pusuke , the world 's oldest living dog recognized by Guinness Book of World Records , died aged 26 years and 9 months . Reproduction Main article : Canine reproduction Dog nursing her newborn puppies In domestic dogs , sexual maturity begins to happen around age six to twelve months for both males and females , although this can be delayed until up to two years old for some large breeds . This is the time at which female dogs will have their first estrous cycle . They will experience subsequent estrous cycles semiannually , during which the body prepares for pregnancy . At the peak of the cycle , females will come into estrus , being mentally and physically receptive to copulation . Because the ova survive and are capable of being fertilized for a week after ovulation , it is possible for a female to mate with more than one male . Fertilization typically occurs 2 -- 5 days after ovulation ; 14 -- 16 days after ovulation , the embryo attaches to the uterus , and after 7 - 8 more days the heart beat is detectable . Dogs bear their litters roughly 58 to 68 days after fertilization , with an average of 63 days , although the length of gestation can vary . An average litter consists of about six puppies , though this number may vary widely based on the breed of dog . In general , toy dogs produce from one to four puppies in each litter , while much larger breeds may average as many as twelve . Some dog breeds have acquired traits through selective breeding that interfere with reproduction . Male French Bulldogs , for instance , are incapable of mounting the female . For many dogs of this breed , the female must be artificially inseminated in order to reproduce . Neutering A feral dog from Sri Lanka nursing her four puppies Neutering refers to the sterilization of animals , usually by removal of the male 's testicles or the female 's ovaries and uterus , in order to eliminate the ability to procreate and reduce sex drive . Because of the overpopulation of dogs in some countries , many animal control agencies , such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( ASPCA ) , advise that dogs not intended for further breeding should be neutered , so that they do not have undesired puppies that may have to later be euthanized . According to the Humane Society of the United States , 3 -- 4 million dogs and cats are put down each year in the United States and many more are confined to cages in shelters because there are many more animals than there are homes . Spaying or castrating dogs helps keep overpopulation down . Local humane societies , SPCAs , and other animal protection organizations urge people to neuter their pets and to adopt animals from shelters instead of purchasing them . Neutering reduces problems caused by hypersexuality , especially in male dogs . Spayed female dogs are less likely to develop some forms of cancer , affecting mammary glands , ovaries , and other reproductive organs . However , neutering increases the risk of urinary incontinence in female dogs , and prostate cancer in males , as well as osteosarcoma , hemangiosarcoma , cruciate ligament rupture , obesity , and diabetes mellitus in either sex . Inbreeding depression A common breeding practice for pet dogs is mating between close relatives ( e.g. between half - and full siblings ) . In a study of seven different French breeds of dogs ( Bernese mountain dog , basset hound , Cairn terrier , Epagneul Breton , German Shepherd dog , Leonberger , and West Highland white terrier ) it was found that inbreeding decreases litter size and survival . Another analysis of data on 42,855 dachshund litters , found that as the inbreeding coefficient increased , litter size decreased and the percentage of stillborn puppies increased , thus indicating inbreeding depression . About 22 % of boxer puppies die before reaching 7 weeks of age . Stillbirth is the most frequent cause of death , followed by infection . Mortality due to infection was found to increase significantly with increases in inbreeding . Inbreeding depression is considered to be due largely to the expression of homozygous deleterious recessive mutations . Outcrossing between unrelated individuals , including dogs of different breeds , results in the beneficial masking of deleterious recessive mutations in progeny . Intelligence , behavior and communication Intelligence Main article : Dog intelligence Dog intelligence is the ability of the dog to perceive information and retain it as knowledge for applying to solve problems . Dogs have been shown to learn by inference . A study with Rico showed that he knew the labels of over 200 different items . He inferred the names of novel items by exclusion learning and correctly retrieved those novel items immediately and also 4 weeks after the initial exposure . Dogs have advanced memory skills . A study documented the learning and memory capabilities of a border collie , `` Chaser '' , who had learned the names and could associate by verbal command over 1,000 words . Dogs are able to read and react appropriately to human body language such as gesturing and pointing , and to understand human voice commands . Dogs demonstrate a theory of mind by engaging in deception . An experimental study showed compelling evidence that Australian dingos can outperform domestic dogs in non-social problem - solving , indicating that domestic dogs may have lost much of their original problem - solving abilities once they joined humans . Another study indicated that after undergoing training to solve a simple manipulation task , dogs that are faced with an insoluble version of the same problem look at the human , while socialized wolves do not . Modern domestic dogs use humans to solve their problems for them . Behavior Main article : Dog behavior See also : Dog behavior § Behavior compared with other canids Dog behavior is the internally coordinated responses ( actions or inactions ) of the domestic dog ( individuals or groups ) to internal and / or external stimuli . As the oldest domesticated species , with estimates ranging from 9,000 -- 30,000 years BCE , the minds of dogs inevitably have been shaped by millennia of contact with humans . As a result of this physical and social evolution , dogs , more than any other species , have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans , and they are uniquely attuned to human behaviors . Behavioral scientists have uncovered a surprising set of social - cognitive abilities in the domestic dog . These abilities are not possessed by the dog 's closest canine relatives nor by other highly intelligent mammals such as great apes but rather parallel some of the social - cognitive skills of human children . Unlike other domestic species which were primarily selected for production - related traits , dogs were initially selected for their behaviors . In 2016 , a study found that there were only 11 fixed genes that showed variation between wolves and dogs . These gene variations were unlikely to have been the result of natural evolution , and indicate selection on both morphology and behavior during dog domestication . These genes have been shown to affect the catecholamine synthesis pathway , with the majority of the genes affecting the fight - or - flight response ( i.e. selection for tameness ) , and emotional processing . Dogs generally show reduced fear and aggression compared with wolves . Some of these genes have been associated with aggression in some dog breeds , indicating their importance in both the initial domestication and then later in breed formation . Traits of high sociability and lack of fear in dogs may include genetic modifications related to Williams - Beuren syndrome in humans , which cause hypersociability at the expense of problem solving ability . Communication Main article : Dog communication Dog communication is about how dogs `` speak '' to each other , how they understand messages that humans send to them , and how humans can translate the ideas that dogs are trying to transmit . These communication behaviors include eye gaze , facial expression , vocalization , body posture ( including movements of bodies and limbs ) and gustatory communication ( scents , pheromones and taste ) . Humans communicate with dogs by using vocalization , hand signals and body posture . Ecology Population and habitat The global dog population is estimated at 900 million and rising . Although it is said that the `` dog is man 's best friend '' regarding 17 -- 24 % of dogs in developed countries , in the developing world they are feral , village or community dogs , with pet dogs uncommon . Most of these dogs live their lives as scavengers and have never been owned by humans , with one study showing their most common response when approached by strangers is to run away ( 52 % ) or respond aggressively . ( 11 % ) . Little is known about these dogs , or the dogs in developed countries that are feral , stray or are in shelters , as the majority of modern research on dog cognition has focused on pet dogs living in human homes . Competitors Being the most abundant and widely distributed terrestrial carnivores , feral and free - ranging dogs have the greatest potential to compete with other carnivores . A review of the studies in the competitive effects of dogs on sympatric carnivores did not mention any research on competition between dogs and wolves . Competition would favor the wolf as it is known to kill dogs , however wolves tend to live in pairs or in small packs in areas where they are highly persecuted , giving them a disadvantage facing large dog groups . Wolves kill dogs wherever they are found together . One survey claims that in Wisconsin in 1999 more compensation had been paid for dog losses than livestock , however in Wisconsin wolves will often kill hunting dogs , perhaps because they are in the wolf 's territory . Some wolf pairs have been reported to prey on dogs by having one wolf lure the dog out into heavy brush where the second animal waits in ambush . In some instances , wolves have displayed an uncharacteristic fearlessness of humans and buildings when attacking dogs , to the extent that they have to be beaten off or killed . Although the numbers of dogs killed each year are relatively low , it induces a fear of wolves entering villages and farmyards to take dogs . In many cultures , there are strong social and emotional bonds between humans and their dogs that can be seen as family members or working team members . The loss of a dog can lead to strong emotional responses with demands for more liberal wolf hunting regulations . Coyotes and big cats have also been known to attack dogs . Leopards in particular are known to have a predilection for dogs , and have been recorded to kill and consume them regardless of their size or ferocity . Tigers in Manchuria , Indochina , Indonesia , and Malaysia are reputed to kill dogs with the same vigor as leopards . Striped hyenas are major predators of stray dogs in Turkmenistan , India , and the Caucasus . The spiked collar common on working and pet dogs is no mere ornament : it originated as a protection of the vulnerable neck of a dog from wolves , but also protects dogs from attacks by other dogs . Diet See also : Dog food Golden Retriever gnawing a pig 's foot Despite their descent from wolves and classification as Carnivora , dogs are variously described in scholarly and other writings as carnivores or omnivores . Unlike obligate carnivores , dogs can adapt to a wide - ranging diet , and are not dependent on meat - specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill their basic dietary requirements . Dogs will healthily digest a variety of foods , including vegetables and grains , and can consume a large proportion of these in their diet , however all - meat diets are not recommended for dogs due to their lack of calcium and iron . Comparing dogs and wolves , dogs have adaptations in genes involved in starch digestion that contribute to an increased ability to thrive on a starch - rich diet . Range As a domesticated or semi-domesticated animal , the dog is nearly universal among human societies . Notable exceptions include : Aboriginal Tasmanians , who were separated from Australia before the arrival of dingos on that continent The Andamanese , who were isolated when rising sea levels covered the land bridge to Myanmar The natives of Tierra del Fuego , who instead domesticated the Fuegian dog , a different canid species Certain Pacific islands whose maritime settlers did not bring dogs , or where dogs died out after original settlement , notably : Palau , Marshall Islands , Gilbert Islands , New Caledonia , Vanuatu , Tonga , Marquesas , Mangaia in the Cook Islands , Rapa Iti in French Polynesia , Easter Island , Chatham Islands , and Pitcairn Island ( settled by the Bounty mutineers , who killed off their dogs in order to escape discovery by passing ships ) Breeds Main article : Dog breed Further information : Dog type Cavalier King Charles Spaniels demonstrate different colored coats within the one breed Most breeds of dog are at most a few hundred years old , having been artificially selected for particular morphologies and behaviors by people for specific functional roles . Through this selective breeding , the dog has developed into hundreds of varied breeds , and shows more behavioral and morphological variation than any other land mammal . For example , height measured to the withers ranges from 15.2 centimetres ( 6.0 in ) in the Chihuahua to about 76 cm ( 30 in ) in the Irish Wolfhound ; color varies from white through grays ( usually called `` blue '' ) to black , and browns from light ( tan ) to dark ( `` red '' or `` chocolate '' ) in a wide variation of patterns ; coats can be short or long , coarse - haired to wool - like , straight , curly , or smooth . It is common for most breeds to shed this coat . While all dogs are genetically very similar , natural selection and selective breeding have reinforced certain characteristics in certain populations of dogs , giving rise to dog types and dog breeds . Dog types are broad categories based on function , genetics , or characteristics . Dog breeds are groups of animals that possess a set of inherited characteristics that distinguishes them from other animals within the same species . Modern dog breeds are non-scientific classifications of dogs kept by modern kennel clubs . Purebred dogs of one breed are genetically distinguishable from purebred dogs of other breeds , but the means by which kennel clubs classify dogs is unsystematic . DNA microsatellite analyses of 85 dog breeds showed they fell into four major types of dogs that were statistically distinct . These include the `` old world dogs '' ( e.g. , Malamute and Shar Pei ) , `` Mastiff '' - type ( e.g. , English Mastiff ) , `` herding '' - type ( e.g. , Border Collie ) , and `` all others '' ( also called `` modern '' - or `` hunting '' - type ) . Roles with humans Gunnar Kaasen and Balto , the lead dog on the last relay team of the 1925 serum run to Nome . Domestic dogs inherited complex behaviors , such as bite inhibition , from their wolf ancestors , which would have been pack hunters with complex body language . These sophisticated forms of social cognition and communication may account for their trainability , playfulness , and ability to fit into human households and social situations , and these attributes have given dogs a relationship with humans that has enabled them to become one of the most successful species on the planet today . The dogs ' value to early human hunter - gatherers led to them quickly becoming ubiquitous across world cultures . Dogs perform many roles for people , such as hunting , herding , pulling loads , protection , assisting police and military , companionship , and , more recently , aiding handicapped individuals . This influence on human society has given them the nickname `` man 's best friend '' in the Western world . In some cultures , however , dogs are also a source of meat . Early roles Wolves , and their dog descendants , would have derived significant benefits from living in human camps -- more safety , more reliable food , lesser caloric needs , and more chance to breed . They would have benefited from humans ' upright gait that gives them larger range over which to see potential predators and prey , as well as better color vision that , at least by day , gives humans better visual discrimination . Camp dogs would also have benefited from human tool use , as in bringing down larger prey and controlling fire for a range of purposes . The dogs of Thibet are twice the size of those seen in India , with large heads and hairy bodies . They are powerful animals , and are said to be able to kill a tiger . During the day they are kept chained up , and are let loose at night to guard their masters ' house . Humans would also have derived enormous benefit from the dogs associated with their camps . For instance , dogs would have improved sanitation by cleaning up food scraps . Dogs may have provided warmth , as referred to in the Australian Aboriginal expression `` three dog night '' ( an exceptionally cold night ) , and they would have alerted the camp to the presence of predators or strangers , using their acute hearing to provide an early warning . Anthropologists believe the most significant benefit would have been the use of dogs ' robust sense of smell to assist with the hunt . The relationship between the presence of a dog and success in the hunt is often mentioned as a primary reason for the domestication of the wolf , and a 2004 study of hunter groups with and without a dog gives quantitative support to the hypothesis that the benefits of cooperative hunting was an important factor in wolf domestication . The cohabitation of dogs and humans would have greatly improved the chances of survival for early human groups , and the domestication of dogs may have been one of the key forces that led to human success . Emigrants from Siberia that walked across the Bering land bridge into North America may have had dogs in their company , and one writer suggests that the use of sled dogs may have been critical to the success of the waves that entered North America roughly 12,000 years ago , although the earliest archaeological evidence of dog - like canids in North America dates from about 9,400 years ago . Dogs were an important part of life for the Athabascan population in North America , and were their only domesticated animal . Dogs also carried much of the load in the migration of the Apache and Navajo tribes 1,400 years ago . Use of dogs as pack animals in these cultures often persisted after the introduction of the horse to North America . As pets Siberian Husky -- pack animal A British Bulldog shares a day at the park . Green velvet dog collar , dates from 1670 to 1690 . It is estimated that three - quarters of the world 's dog population lives in the developing world as feral , village , or community dogs , with pet dogs uncommon . `` The most widespread form of interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs '' and the keeping of dogs as companions , particularly by elites , has a long history . ( As a possible example , at the Natufian culture site of Ain Mallaha in Israel , dated to 12,000 BC , the remains of an elderly human and a four - to - five - month - old puppy were found buried together ) . However , pet dog populations grew significantly after World War II as suburbanization increased . In the 1950s and 1960s , dogs were kept outside more often than they tend to be today ( using the expression `` in the doghouse '' to describe exclusion from the group signifies the distance between the doghouse and the home ) and were still primarily functional , acting as a guard , children 's playmate , or walking companion . From the 1980s , there have been changes in the role of the pet dog , such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians . People and dogs have become increasingly integrated and implicated in each other 's lives , to the point where pet dogs actively shape the way a family and home are experienced . There have been two major trends in the changing status of pet dogs . The first has been the ' commodification ' of the dog , shaping it to conform to human expectations of personality and behaviour . The second has been the broadening of the concept of the family and the home to include dogs - as - dogs within everyday routines and practices . There are a vast range of commodity forms available to transform a pet dog into an ideal companion . The list of goods , services and places available is enormous : from dog perfumes , couture , furniture and housing , to dog groomers , therapists , trainers and caretakers , dog cafes , spas , parks and beaches , and dog hotels , airlines and cemeteries . While dog training as an organized activity can be traced back to the 18th century , in the last decades of the 20th century it became a high - profile issue as many normal dog behaviors such as barking , jumping up , digging , rolling in dung , fighting , and urine marking ( which dogs do to establish territory through scent ) , became increasingly incompatible with the new role of a pet dog . Dog training books , classes and television programs proliferated as the process of commodifying the pet dog continued . The majority of contemporary people with dogs describe their pet as part of the family , although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog -- human family as a pack . A dominance model of dog -- human relationships has been promoted by some dog trainers , such as on the television program Dog Whisperer . However it has been disputed that `` trying to achieve status '' is characteristic of dog -- human interactions . Pet dogs play an active role in family life ; for example , a study of conversations in dog -- human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource , talking to the dog , or talking through the dog , to mediate their interactions with each other . Increasingly , human family members are engaging in activities centered on the perceived needs and interests of the dog , or in which the dog is an integral partner , such as dog dancing and dog yoga . According to statistics published by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association in the National Pet Owner Survey in 2009 -- 2010 , it is estimated there are 77.5 million people with pet dogs in the United States . The same survey shows nearly 40 % of American households own at least one dog , of which 67 % own just one dog , 25 % two dogs and nearly 9 % more than two dogs . There does not seem to be any gender preference among dogs as pets , as the statistical data reveal an equal number of female and male dog pets . Yet , although several programs are ongoing to promote pet adoption , less than a fifth of the owned dogs come from a shelter . The latest study using magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) comparing humans and dogs showed that dogs have same response to voices and use the same parts of the brain as humans do . This gives dogs the ability to recognize emotional human sounds , making them friendly social pets to humans . Work Dogs have lived and worked with humans in so many roles that they have earned the unique nickname , `` man 's best friend '' , a phrase used in other languages as well . They have been bred for herding livestock , hunting ( e.g. pointers and hounds ) , rodent control , guarding , helping fishermen with nets , detection dogs , and pulling loads , in addition to their roles as companions . In 1957 , a husky - terrier mix named Laika became the first animal to orbit the Earth . Service dogs such as guide dogs , utility dogs , assistance dogs , hearing dogs , and psychological therapy dogs provide assistance to individuals with physical or mental disabilities . Some dogs owned by epileptics have been shown to alert their handler when the handler shows signs of an impending seizure , sometimes well in advance of onset , allowing the guardian to seek safety , medication , or medical care . Dogs included in human activities in terms of helping out humans are usually called working dogs . Sports and shows See also : Conformation show Dogs come in a range of sizes . People often enter their dogs in competitions such as breed - conformation shows or sports , including racing , sledding and agility competitions . In conformation shows , also referred to as breed shows , a judge familiar with the specific dog breed evaluates individual purebred dogs for conformity with their established breed type as described in the breed standard . As the breed standard only deals with the externally observable qualities of the dog ( such as appearance , movement , and temperament ) , separately tested qualities ( such as ability or health ) are not part of the judging in conformation shows . As food Main article : Dog meat Gaegogi ( dog meat ) stew being served in a Korean restaurant Dog meat is consumed in some East Asian countries , including Korea , China and Vietnam , a practice that dates back to antiquity . It is estimated that 13 -- 16 million dogs are killed and consumed in Asia every year . Other cultures , such as Polynesia and pre-Columbian Mexico , also consumed dog meat in their history . However , Western , South Asian , African , and Middle Eastern cultures , in general , regard consumption of dog meat as taboo . In some places , however , such as in rural areas of Poland , dog fat is believed to have medicinal properties -- being good for the lungs for instance . Dog meat is also consumed in some parts of Switzerland . Proponents of eating dog meat have argued that placing a distinction between livestock and dogs is western hypocrisy , and that there is no difference with eating the meat of different animals . In Korea , the primary dog breed raised for meat , the nureongi ( 누렁이 ) , differs from those breeds raised for pets that Koreans may keep in their homes . The most popular Korean dog dish is gaejang - guk ( also called bosintang ) , a spicy stew meant to balance the body 's heat during the summer months ; followers of the custom claim this is done to ensure good health by balancing one 's gi , or vital energy of the body . A 19th century version of gaejang - guk explains that the dish is prepared by boiling dog meat with scallions and chili powder . Variations of the dish contain chicken and bamboo shoots . While the dishes are still popular in Korea with a segment of the population , dog is not as widely consumed as beef , chicken , and pork . Health risks to humans Further information : Dog attack and Canine vector - borne disease Further information : Dog bite prevention In 2005 , the WHO reported that 55,000 people died in Asia and Africa from rabies , a disease for which dogs are the most important vector . Citing a 2008 study , the U.S. Center for Disease Control estimated in 2015 that 4.5 million people in the USA are bitten by dogs each year . A 2015 study estimated that 1.8 % of the U.S. population is bitten each year . In the 1980s and 1990s the US averaged 17 fatalities per year , while in the 2000s this has increased to 26 . 77 % of dog bites are from the pet of family or friends , and 50 % of attacks occur on the property of the dog 's legal owner . A Colorado study found bites in children were less severe than bites in adults . The incidence of dog bites in the US is 12.9 per 10,000 inhabitants , but for boys aged 5 to 9 , the incidence rate is 60.7 per 10,000 . Moreover , children have a much higher chance to be bitten in the face or neck . Sharp claws with powerful muscles behind them can lacerate flesh in a scratch that can lead to serious infections . In the UK between 2003 and 2004 , there were 5,868 dog attacks on humans , resulting in 5,770 working days lost in sick leave . In the United States , cats and dogs are a factor in more than 86,000 falls each year . It has been estimated around 2 % of dog - related injuries treated in UK hospitals are domestic accidents . The same study found that while dog involvement in road traffic accidents was difficult to quantify , dog - associated road accidents involving injury more commonly involved two - wheeled vehicles . Toxocara canis ( dog roundworm ) eggs in dog feces can cause toxocariasis . In the United States , about 10,000 cases of Toxocara infection are reported in humans each year , and almost 14 % of the U.S. population is infected . In Great Britain , 24 % of soil samples taken from public parks contained T. canis eggs . Untreated toxocariasis can cause retinal damage and decreased vision . Dog feces can also contain hookworms that cause cutaneous larva migrans in humans . Health benefits for humans A human cuddles a Doberman puppy . The scientific evidence is mixed as to whether companionship of a dog can enhance human physical health and psychological wellbeing . Studies suggesting that there are benefits to physical health and psychological wellbeing have been criticised for being poorly controlled , and finding that `` ( t ) he health of elderly people is related to their health habits and social supports but not to their ownership of , or attachment to , a companion animal . '' Earlier studies have shown that people who keep pet dogs or cats exhibit better mental and physical health than those who do not , making fewer visits to the doctor and being less likely to be on medication than non-guardians . A 2005 paper states `` recent research has failed to support earlier findings that pet ownership is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease , a reduced use of general practitioner services , or any psychological or physical benefits on health for community dwelling older people . Research has , however , pointed to significantly less absenteeism from school through sickness among children who live with pets . '' In one study , new guardians reported a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month following pet acquisition , and this effect was sustained in those with dogs through to the end of the study . In addition , people with pet dogs took considerably more physical exercise than those with cats and those without pets . The results provide evidence that keeping pets may have positive effects on human health and behaviour , and that for guardians of dogs these effects are relatively long - term . Pet guardianship has also been associated with increased coronary artery disease survival , with human guardians being significantly less likely to die within one year of an acute myocardial infarction than those who did not own dogs . The health benefits of dogs can result from contact with dogs in general , and not solely from having dogs as pets . For example , when in the presence of a pet dog , people show reductions in cardiovascular , behavioral , and psychological indicators of anxiety . Other health benefits are gained from exposure to immune - stimulating microorganisms , which , according to the hygiene hypothesis , can protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases . The benefits of contact with a dog also include social support , as dogs are able to not only provide companionship and social support themselves , but also to act as facilitators of social interactions between humans . One study indicated that wheelchair users experience more positive social interactions with strangers when they are accompanied by a dog than when they are not . In 2015 , a study found that pet owners were significantly more likely to get to know people in their neighborhood than non-pet owners . The practice of using dogs and other animals as a part of therapy dates back to the late 18th century , when animals were introduced into mental institutions to help socialize patients with mental disorders . Animal - assisted intervention research has shown that animal - assisted therapy with a dog can increase social behaviors , such as smiling and laughing , among people with Alzheimer 's disease . One study demonstrated that children with ADHD and conduct disorders who participated in an education program with dogs and other animals showed increased attendance , increased knowledge and skill objectives , and decreased antisocial and violent behavior compared with those who were not in an animal - assisted program . Medical detection dogs Medical detection dogs are capable of detecting diseases by sniffing a person directly or samples of urine or other specimens . Dogs can detect odour in one part per trillion , as their brain 's olfactory cortex is ( relative to total brain size ) 40 times larger than humans . Dogs may have as many as 300 million odour receptors in their nose , while humans may have only 5 million . Each dog is trained specifically for the detection of single disease from the blood glucose level indicative to diabetes to cancer . The process of training a cancer dog requires six months . A Labrador Retriever called Daisy has detected 551 cancer patients with an accuracy of 93 percent and received the Blue Cross ( for pets ) Medal for her life - saving skills . Shelters Main article : Animal shelter Every year , between 6 and 8 million dogs and cats enter US animal shelters . The Humane Society of the United States ( HSUS ) estimates that approximately 3 to 4 million of those dogs and cats are euthanized yearly in the United States . However , the percentage of dogs in US animal shelters that are eventually adopted and removed from the shelters by their new legal owners has increased since the mid-1990s from around 25 % to a 2012 average of 40 % among reporting shelters ( with many shelters reporting 60 -- 75 % ) . Cultural depictions Spread of Seuso , dogs at Lake Balaton Main article : Cultural depictions of dogs Dogs have been viewed and represented in different manners by different cultures and religions , over the course of history . Mythology See also : Category : Mythological dogs In ancient Mesopotamia , from the Old Babylonian period until the Neo-Babylonian , dogs were the symbol of Ninisina , the goddess of healing and medicine , and her worshippers frequently dedicated small models of seated dogs to her . In the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian periods , dogs were used as emblems of magical protection . In mythology , dogs often serve as pets or as watchdogs . Stories of dogs guarding the gates of the underworld recur throughout Indo - European mythologies and may originate from Proto - Indo - European religion . In Greek mythology , Cerberus is a three - headed watchdog who guards the gates of Hades . In Norse mythology , a bloody , four - eyed dog called Garmr guards Helheim . In Persian mythology , two four - eyed dogs guard the Chinvat Bridge . In Welsh mythology , Annwn is guarded by Cŵn Annwn . In Hindu mythology , Yama , the god of death , owns two watch dogs who have four eyes . They are said to watch over the gates of Naraka . The hunter god Muthappan from North Malabar region of Kerala has a hunting dog as his mount . Dogs are found in and out of the Muthappan Temple and offerings at the shrine take the form of bronze dog figurines . In Philippine mythology , Kimat who is the pet of Tadaklan , god of thunder , is responsible for lightning . The role of the dog in Chinese mythology includes a position as one of the twelve animals which cyclically represent years ( the zodiacal dog ) . Literature In Homer 's epic poem the Odyssey , when the disguised Odysseus returns home after 20 years he is recognized only by his faithful dog , Argos , who has been waiting for his return . Religion A painting of Saint Dominic carrying the Dominican Rosary , with a dog bearing a torch , at his side In Christianity , dogs represent faithfulness . Within the Roman Catholic denomination specifically , the iconography of Saint Dominic includes a dog , after the hallow 's mother dreamt of a dog springing from her womb and becoming pregnant shortly thereafter . As such , the Dominican Order ( Ecclesiastical Latin : Dominicanus ) means `` dogs of the Lord '' of `` hounds of the Lord '' ( Ecclesiastical Latin : domini canis ) . Jewish law does not prohibit keeping dogs and other pets . Jewish law requires Jews to feed dogs ( and other animals that they own ) before themselves , and make arrangements for feeding them before obtaining them . The view on dogs in Islam is mixed , with some schools of thought viewing it as unclean , although Khaled Abou El Fadl states that this view is based on `` pre-Islamic Arab mythology '' and `` a tradition to be falsely attributed to the Prophet '' . Therefore , Sunni Malaki and Hanafi jurists permit the trade of and keeping of dogs as pets . In China , Korea , and Japan , dogs are viewed as kind protectors . Art Main article : Cultural depictions of dogs in Western art Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dogs in art . Cultural depictions of dogs in art extend back thousands of years to when dogs were portrayed on the walls of caves . Representations of dogs became more elaborate as individual breeds evolved and the relationships between human and canine developed . Hunting scenes were popular in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance . Dogs were depicted to symbolize guidance , protection , loyalty , fidelity , faithfulness , watchfulness , and love . Ancient Greek rhyton in the shape of a dog 's head , made by Brygos , early 5th century BC . Jérôme Carcopino Museum , Department of Archaeology , Aleria Figure of a Recumbent Dog , China , 4th century , Brooklyn Museum See also Dogs portal Mammals portal Book : Dog Aging in dogs Animal track Argos ( dog ) Cynanthropy Dog -- cat relationship Dogs in art Dog in Chinese mythology Dog odor Dognapping Ethnocynology Fuegian dog - another domestic canid Hachikō - a notable example of dog loyalty Mountain dog Pet recovery service Toy Group Wolfdog Lists List of fictional dogs List of individual dogs Notes Jump up ^ The addition of ( domestic dog ) against dingo and familiaris is inferred to mean that these two taxons form the `` domestic dog clade '' within Canis lupus , as opposed to its wild `` wolf clade '' . References ^ Jump up to : Wozencraft , W.C. ( 2005 ) . `` Order Carnivora '' . In Wilson , D.E. ; Reeder , D.M. Mammal Species of the World : A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference ( 3rd ed . ) . Johns Hopkins University Press . pp. 575 -- 577 . 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Amsterdam : Elsevier / Academic Press . pp. 153 -- 77 . ISBN 0 - 12 - 369484 - 1 . Jump up ^ Terry Gasking . `` How my dog sniffed out breast cancer and saved my lifeYYY '' . Retrieved 22 November 2014 . Jump up ^ Animals abandoned as recession hits home Archived 7 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine ... TheStar.com. 22 December 2008 . Jump up ^ HSUS Pet Overpopulation Estimates Archived 25 April 2013 at the Wayback Machine . The Humane Society of the United States Jump up ^ `` ASPCA Pet Statistics '' . Retrieved 8 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Palika , Liz ( 4 February 2004 ) . Purebred Rescue Dog Adoption : Rewards and Realities. Howell Book House . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7645 - 4971 - 7 . Retrieved 24 February 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Black , Jeremy ; Green , Anthony ( 1992 ) . Gods , Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia : An Illustrated Dictionary . The British Museum Press . pp. 70 , 101 . ISBN 0 - 7141 - 1705 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : Sherman , Josepha ( August 2008 ) . Storytelling : An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore . Sharpe Reference . pp. 118 -- 121 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7656 - 8047 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Mallory , James P. ; Adams , Douglas Q. ( 2006 ) . Oxford Introduction to Proto - Indo - European and the Proto - Indo - European World . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . p. 439 . ^ Jump up to : West , Martin Litchfield ( 2007 ) . Indo - European Poetry and Myth . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . p. 392 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 928075 - 9 . Jump up ^ `` Indian Myth and Legend : Chapter III . Yama , the First Man , and King of the Dead '' . Sacred-texts.com . Retrieved 4 July 2013 . Jump up ^ Fodor 's Essential India : with Delhi , Rajasthan , Mumbai , and Kerala . Random House LLC. 7 May 2013 . ISBN 9780891419440 . Retrieved 13 May 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` '' Hounds of the Lord `` : The Little - Known Meaning of the Dominican Dog '' . ChurchPOP. 7 August 2017 . Retrieved 9 December 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Judaism & The Treatment of Animals '' . Jewish Virtual Library . Jump up ^ Khaled Abou El Fadl ( 2004 ) . `` Dogs in the Islamic Tradition and Nature '' . Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature . New York : Scholar of the House . Missing or empty url = ( help ) ; access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Coren , Stanley ( 23 March 2010 ) . `` Dogs and Islam : The Devil and the Seeing - Eye Dog '' . Psychology Today . Psychology Today . Retrieved 26 May 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Animal Symbolism in Many Cultures '' . Bibliography Miklósi , Adám ( 2007 ) . Dog Behaviour , Evolution , and Cognition . Oxford University Press . doi : 10.1093 / acprof : oso / 9780199295852.001. 0001 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 929585 - 2 . Further Reading De Vito , Dominique ( March 1995 ) . World Atlas of Dog Breeds ( Hardcover ) ( 6th ed . ) . Neptune City , NJ Lanham , MD : TFH Publications , Inc . pp. 960 pages . ISBN 0793806569 . Wilcox , Bonnie ; Walkowicz , Chris ( March 1995 ) . Atlas of Dog Breeds of the World ( Print ) ( 5th ed . ) . Neptune City , NJ Lanham , MD : TFH Publications , Inc . Distributed in the U.S. to the Bookstore and library trade by National Book Network . p. 912 . ISBN 0793812844 . External links Find more aboutDogat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Taxonomy from Wikispecies Biodiversity Heritage Library bibliography for Canis lupus familiaris Fédération Cynologique Internationale ( FCI ) -- World Canine Organisation Dogs in the Ancient World , an article on the history of dogs View the dog genome on Ensembl Extant Carnivora species Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordata Class : Mammalia Infraclass : Eutheria Superorder : Laurasiatheria Suborder Feliformia Nandiniidae Nandinia African palm civet ( N. binotata ) Herpestidae ( Mongooses ) Atilax Marsh mongoose ( A. paludinosus ) Bdeogale Bushy - tailed mongoose ( B. crassicauda ) Jackson 's mongoose ( B. jacksoni ) Black - footed mongoose ( B. nigripes ) Crossarchus Alexander 's kusimanse ( C. alexandri ) Angolan kusimanse ( C. ansorgei ) Common kusimanse ( C. obscurus ) Flat - headed kusimanse ( C. platycephalus ) Cynictis Yellow mongoose ( C. penicillata ) Dologale Pousargues 's mongoose ( D. dybowskii ) Galerella Angolan slender mongoose ( G. flavescens ) Black mongoose ( G. nigrata ) Somalian slender mongoose ( G. ochracea ) Cape gray mongoose ( G. pulverulenta ) Slender mongoose ( G. sanguinea ) Helogale Ethiopian dwarf mongoose ( H. hirtula ) Common dwarf mongoose ( H. parvula ) Herpestes Short - tailed mongoose ( H. brachyurus ) Indian gray mongoose ( H. edwardsii ) Indian brown mongoose ( H. fuscus ) Egyptian mongoose ( H. ichneumon ) Small Asian mongoose ( H. javanicus ) Long - nosed mongoose ( H. naso ) Collared mongoose ( H. semitorquatus ) Ruddy mongoose ( H. smithii ) Crab - eating mongoose ( H. urva ) Stripe - necked mongoose ( H. vitticollis ) Ichneumia White - tailed mongoose ( I. albicauda ) Liberiictus Liberian mongoose ( L. kuhni ) Mungos Gambian mongoose ( M. gambianus ) Banded mongoose ( M. mungo ) Paracynictis Selous ' mongoose ( P. selousi ) Rhynchogale Meller 's mongoose ( R. melleri ) Suricata Meerkat ( S. suricatta ) Hyaenidae ( Hyenas ) Crocuta Spotted hyena ( C. crocuta ) Hyaena Brown hyena ( H. brunnea ) Striped hyena ( H. hyaena ) Proteles Aardwolf ( P. cristatus ) Felidae Large family listed below Viverridae Large family listed below Eupleridae Small family listed below Family Felidae Felinae Acinonyx Cheetah ( A. jubatus ) Caracal Caracal ( C. caracal ) African golden cat ( C. aurata ) Catopuma Bay cat ( C. badia ) Asian golden cat ( C. temminckii ) Felis European wildcat ( F. silvestris ) African wildcat ( F. lybica ) Jungle cat ( F. chaus ) Black - footed cat ( F. nigripes ) Sand cat ( F. margarita ) Chinese mountain cat ( F. bieti ) Domestic cat ( F. catus ) Leopardus Ocelot ( L. pardalis ) Margay ( L. wiedii ) Pampas cat ( L. colocola ) Geoffroy 's cat ( L. geoffroyi ) Kodkod ( L. guigna ) Andean mountain cat ( L. jacobita ) Oncilla ( L. tigrinus ) Southern tigrina ( L. guttulus ) Leptailurus Serval ( L. serval ) Lynx Canadian lynx ( L. canadensis ) Eurasian lynx ( L. lynx ) Iberian lynx ( L. pardinus ) Bobcat ( L. rufus ) Otocolobus Pallas 's cat ( O. manul ) Pardofelis Marbled cat ( P. marmorata ) Prionailurus Fishing cat ( P. viverrinus ) Leopard cat ( P. bengalensis ) Sundaland leopard cat ( P. javanensis ) Flat - headed cat ( P. planiceps ) Rusty - spotted cat ( P. rubiginosus ) Puma Cougar ( P. concolor ) Herpailurus Jaguarundi ( H. yagouaroundi ) Pantherinae Panthera Lion ( P. leo ) Jaguar ( P. onca ) Leopard ( P. pardus ) Tiger ( P. tigris ) Snow leopard ( P. uncia ) Neofelis Clouded leopard ( N. nebulosa ) Sunda clouded leopard ( N. diardi ) Family Viverridae ( includes Civets ) Paradoxurinae Arctictis Binturong ( A. binturong ) Arctogalidia Small - toothed palm civet ( A. trivirgata ) Macrogalidia Sulawesi palm civet ( M. musschenbroekii ) Paguma Masked palm civet ( P. larvata ) Paradoxurus Golden wet - zone palm civet ( P. aureus ) Asian palm civet ( P. hermaphroditus ) Jerdon 's palm civet ( P. jerdoni ) Golden palm civet ( P. zeylonensis ) Hemigalinae Chrotogale Owston 's palm civet ( C. owstoni ) Cynogale Otter civet ( C. bennettii ) Diplogale Hose 's palm civet ( D. hosei ) Hemigalus Banded palm civet ( H. derbyanus ) Prionodontinae ( Asiatic linsangs ) Prionodon Banded linsang ( P. linsang ) Spotted linsang ( P. pardicolor ) Viverrinae Civettictis African civet ( C. civetta ) Genetta ( Genets ) Abyssinian genet ( G. abyssinica ) Angolan genet ( G. angolensis ) Bourlon 's genet ( G. bourloni ) Crested servaline genet ( G. cristata ) Common genet ( G. genetta ) Johnston 's genet ( G. johnstoni ) Rusty - spotted genet ( G. maculata ) Pardine genet ( G. pardina ) Aquatic genet ( G. piscivora ) King genet ( G. poensis ) Servaline genet ( G. servalina ) Haussa genet ( G. thierryi ) Cape genet ( G. tigrina ) Giant forest genet ( G. victoriae ) Poiana African linsang ( P. richardsonii ) Leighton 's linsang ( P. leightoni ) Viverra Malabar large - spotted civet ( V. civettina ) Large - spotted civet ( V. megaspila ) Malayan civet ( V. tangalunga ) Large Indian civet ( V. zibetha ) Viverricula Small Indian civet ( V. indica ) Family Eupleridae Euplerinae Cryptoprocta Fossa ( C. ferox ) Eupleres Eastern falanouc ( E. goudotii ) Western falanouc ( E. major ) Fossa Malagasy civet ( F. fossana ) Galidiinae Galidia Ring - tailed mongoose ( G. elegans ) Galidictis Broad - striped Malagasy mongoose ( G. fasciata ) Grandidier 's mongoose ( G. grandidieri ) Mungotictis Narrow - striped mongoose ( M. decemlineata ) Salanoia Brown - tailed mongoose ( S. concolor ) Durrell 's vontsira ( S. durrelli ) Suborder Caniformia ( cont . below ) Ursidae ( Bears ) Ailuropoda Giant panda ( A. melanoleuca ) Helarctos Sun bear ( H. malayanus ) Melursus Sloth bear ( M. ursinus ) Tremarctos Spectacled bear ( T. ornatus ) Ursus American black bear ( U. americanus ) Brown bear ( U. arctos ) Polar bear ( U. maritimus ) Asian black bear ( U. thibetanus ) Mephitidae Conepatus ( Hog - nosed skunks ) Molina 's hog - nosed skunk ( C. chinga ) Humboldt 's hog - nosed skunk ( C. humboldtii ) American hog - nosed skunk ( C. leuconotus ) Striped hog - nosed skunk ( C. semistriatus ) Mephitis Hooded skunk ( M. macroura ) Striped skunk ( M. mephitis ) Mydaus Sunda stink badger ( M. javanensis ) Palawan stink badger ( M. marchei ) Spilogale ( Spotted skunks ) Southern spotted skunk ( S. angustifrons ) Western spotted skunk ( S. gracilis ) Eastern spotted skunk ( S. putorius ) Pygmy spotted skunk ( S. pygmaea ) Procyonidae Bassaricyon ( Olingos ) Eastern lowland olingo ( B. alleni ) Northern olingo ( B. gabbii ) Western lowland olingo ( B. medius ) Olinguito ( B. neblina ) Bassariscus Ring - tailed cat ( B. astutus ) Cacomistle ( B. sumichrasti ) Nasua ( Coatis inclusive ) White - nosed coati ( N. narica ) South American coati ( N. nasua ) Nasuella ( Coatis inclusive ) Western mountain coati ( N. olivacea ) Eastern mountain coati ( N. meridensis ) Potos Kinkajou ( P. flavus ) Procyon Crab - eating raccoon ( P. cancrivorus ) Raccoon ( P. lotor ) Cozumel raccoon ( P. pygmaeus ) Ailuridae Ailurus Red panda ( A. fulgens ) Suborder Caniformia ( cont . above ) Otariidae ( Eared seals ) ( includes fur seals and sea lions ) ( Pinniped inclusive ) Arctocephalus South American fur seal ( A. australis ) Australasian fur seal ( A. forsteri ) Galápagos fur seal ( A. galapagoensis ) Antarctic fur seal ( A. gazella ) Juan Fernández fur seal ( A. philippii ) Brown fur seal ( A. pusillus ) Guadalupe fur seal ( A. townsendi ) Subantarctic fur seal ( A. tropicalis ) Callorhinus Northern fur seal ( C. ursinus ) Eumetopias Steller sea lion ( E. jubatus ) Neophoca Australian sea lion ( N. cinerea ) Otaria South American sea lion ( O. flavescens ) Phocarctos New Zealand sea lion ( P. hookeri ) Zalophus California sea lion ( Z. californianus ) Galápagos sea lion ( Z. wollebaeki ) Odobenidae ( Pinniped inclusive ) Odobenus Walrus ( O. rosmarus ) Phocidae ( Earless seals ) ( Pinniped inclusive ) Cystophora Hooded seal ( C. cristata ) Erignathus Bearded seal ( E. barbatus ) Halichoerus Gray seal ( H. grypus ) Histriophoca Ribbon seal ( H. fasciata ) Hydrurga Leopard seal ( H. leptonyx ) Leptonychotes Weddell seal ( L. weddellii ) Lobodon Crabeater seal ( L. carcinophagus ) Mirounga ( Elephant seals ) Northern elephant seal ( M. angustirostris ) Southern elephant seal ( M. leonina ) Monachus Mediterranean monk seal ( M. monachus ) Hawaiian monk seal ( M. schauinslandi ) Ommatophoca Ross seal ( O. rossi ) Pagophilus Harp seal ( P. groenlandicus ) Phoca Spotted seal ( P. largha ) Harbor seal ( P. vitulina ) Pusa Caspian seal ( P. caspica ) Ringed seal ( P. hispida ) Baikal seal ( P. sibirica ) Canidae Large family listed below Mustelidae Large family listed below ( hide ) Family Canidae ( includes dogs ) Atelocynus Short - eared dog ( A. microtis ) Canis Side - striped jackal ( C. adustus ) African golden wolf ( C. anthus ) Golden jackal ( C. aureus ) Coyote ( C. latrans ) Gray wolf ( C. lupus ) Black - backed jackal ( C. mesomelas ) Red wolf ( C. rufus ) Ethiopian wolf ( C. simensis ) Cerdocyon Crab - eating fox ( C. thous ) Chrysocyon Maned wolf ( C. brachyurus ) Cuon Dhole ( C. alpinus ) Lycalopex Culpeo ( L. culpaeus ) Darwin 's fox ( L. fulvipes ) South American gray fox ( L. griseus ) Pampas fox ( L. gymnocercus ) Sechuran fox ( L. sechurae ) Hoary fox ( L. vetulus ) Lycaon African wild dog ( L. pictus ) Nyctereutes Raccoon dog ( N. procyonoides ) Otocyon Bat - eared fox ( O. megalotis ) Speothos Bush dog ( S. venaticus ) Urocyon Gray fox ( U. cinereoargenteus ) Island fox ( U. littoralis ) Vulpes ( Foxes ) Bengal fox ( V. bengalensis ) Blanford 's fox ( V. cana ) Cape fox ( V. chama ) Corsac fox ( V. corsac ) Tibetan sand fox ( V. ferrilata ) Arctic fox ( V. lagopus ) Kit fox ( V. macrotis ) Pale fox ( V. pallida ) Rüppell 's fox ( V. rueppelli ) Swift fox ( V. velox ) Red fox ( V. vulpes ) Fennec fox ( V. zerda ) Family Mustelidae Lutrinae ( Otters ) Aonyx African clawless otter ( A. capensis ) Oriental small - clawed otter ( A. cinerea ) Enhydra Sea otter ( E. lutris ) Hydrictis Spotted - necked otter ( H. maculicollis ) Lontra North American river otter ( L. canadensis ) Marine otter ( L. felina ) Neotropical otter ( L. longicaudis ) Southern river otter ( L. provocax ) Lutra Eurasian otter ( L. lutra ) Hairy - nosed otter ( L. sumatrana ) Lutrogale Smooth - coated otter ( L. perspicillata ) Pteronura Giant otter ( P. brasiliensis ) Mustelinae ( including badgers ) Arctonyx Hog badger ( A. collaris ) Eira Tayra ( E. barbara ) Galictis Lesser grison ( G. cuja ) Greater grison ( G. vittata ) Gulo Wolverine ( G. gulo ) Ictonyx Saharan striped polecat ( I. libyca ) Striped polecat ( I. striatus ) Lyncodon Patagonian weasel ( L. patagonicus ) Martes ( Martens ) American marten ( M. americana ) Yellow - throated marten ( M. flavigula ) Beech marten ( M. foina ) Nilgiri marten ( M. gwatkinsii ) European pine marten ( M. martes ) Japanese marten ( M. melampus ) Sable ( M. zibellina ) Pekania Fisher ( P. pennanti ) Meles Japanese badger ( M. anakuma ) Asian badger ( M. leucurus ) European badger ( M. meles ) Mellivora Honey badger ( M. capensis ) Melogale ( Ferret - badgers ) Bornean ferret - badger ( M. everetti ) Chinese ferret - badger ( M. moschata ) Javan ferret - badger ( M. orientalis ) Burmese ferret - badger ( M. personata ) Mustela ( Weasels and Ferrets ) Amazon weasel ( M. africana ) Mountain weasel ( M. altaica ) Stoat ( M. erminea ) Steppe polecat ( M. eversmannii ) Colombian weasel ( M. felipei ) Long - tailed weasel ( M. frenata ) Japanese weasel ( M. itatsi ) Yellow - bellied weasel ( M. kathiah ) European mink ( M. lutreola ) Indonesian mountain weasel ( M. lutreolina ) Black - footed ferret ( M. nigripes ) Least weasel ( M. nivalis ) Malayan weasel ( M. nudipes ) European polecat ( M. putorius ) Siberian weasel ( M. sibirica ) Back - striped weasel ( M. strigidorsa ) Egyptian weasel ( M. subpalmata ) Neovison ( Minks ) American mink ( N. vison ) Poecilogale African striped weasel ( P. albinucha ) Taxidea American badger ( T. taxus ) Vormela Marbled polecat ( V. peregusna ) ( hide ) Dogs Mind Barking Behavior Communication Emotions Human - canine bond Intelligence Health Aging Anatomy Coat Diseases Dog food Heartworm Odor Rabies Reproduction Skin disorders Vaccination Training Clicker Crate training Collar Harness Training Housebreaking Obedience Puppy Rescue Socialization Types Bandogs Bay dogs Bird dogs Bulldogs Catch dogs Companion dogs Crossbred dogs Curs Eskimo dogs Feral dogs Fighting dogs Guard dogs Gun dogs Herding dogs Hounds Hunting dogs Lap dogs Livestock guardian dogs Mongrels Mountain dogs Molossers Meat dogs Pointers Purebred dogs Retrievers Setters Scenthounds Sighthounds Sled dogs Spaniels Spitz Street dogs Terriers Turnspit Dogs Village dogs Water dogs Wild dogs Breeds List of breeds List of crossbreeds Breed Groups Breeding Conformation Crossbreeds Extinct breeds Most popular Purebred Rare breeds Work Assistance dog Attack dog Detection dog Guard dog Guide dog Hearing dog Herding dog Hunting dog Livestock guardian dog Pet dog Police dog Search and rescue dog Service dog Sled dog Therapy dog War dog Working Group ( dogs ) Human -- dog interaction Animal testing Baiting Breed - 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why did many cities disappear after the fall of rome
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
fall of the western roman empire
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire ( also called Fall of the Roman Empire or Fall of Rome ) was the process of decline in the Western Roman Empire in which it failed to enforce its rule , and its vast territory was divided into several successor polities . The Roman Empire lost the strengths that had allowed it to exercise effective control over the West ; modern historians mention factors including the effectiveness and numbers of the army , the health and numbers of the Roman population , the strength of the economy , the competence of the Emperors , the internal struggles for power , the religious changes of the period , and the efficiency of the civil administration . Increasing pressure from barbarians outside Roman culture also contributed greatly to the collapse . The reasons for the collapse are major subjects of the historiography of the ancient world and they inform much modern discourse on state failure .
Relevant dates include 117 CE , when the Empire was at its greatest territorial extent , and the accession of Diocletian in 284 . Irreversible major territorial loss , however , began in 376 with a large - scale irruption of Goths and others . In 395 , after winning two destructive civil wars , Theodosius I died , leaving a collapsing field army and the Empire , still plagued by Goths , divided between his two incapable sons . By 476 when Odoacer deposed the Emperor Romulus , the Western Roman Emperor wielded negligible military , political , or financial power and had no effective control over the scattered Western domains that could still be described as Roman . Invading barbarians had established their own power in most of the area of the Western Empire . While its legitimacy lasted for centuries longer and its cultural influence remains today , the Western Empire never had the strength to rise again . The Fall is not the only unifying concept for these events ; the period described as Late Antiquity emphasizes the cultural continuities throughout and beyond the political collapse . Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical approaches 1.1 Timespan 1.2 Reasons 1.3 Alternative descriptions and labels 2 Height of power , crises , and recoveries 2.1 Height of power 2.2 Crisis of the Third Century 2.3 Reunification and political division 2.4 Growing social divisions 3 313 -- 376 : Abuse of power , frontier warfare , and rise of Christianity 4 376 -- 395 ; invasions , civil wars , and religious discord 4.1 Battle of Adrianople 4.2 Partial recovery in the Balkans 4.3 Civil wars 5 Military , financial , and political ineffectiveness : the process of failure 6 395 -- 406 ; Stilicho 6.1 Stilicho 's attempts to unify the Empire , revolts , and invasions 7 408 -- 410 ; the end of an effective regular field army , starvation in Italy , sack of Rome 7.1 Stilicho 's fall and Alaric 's reaction 7.2 Alaric besieges Rome 7.3 The Goths move out of Italy 8 405 -- 418 in the Gallic provinces ; barbarians and usurpers , loss of Britannia , partial loss of Hispania and Gaul 8.1 Settlement of 418 ; barbarians within the empire 9 421 -- 433 ; renewed dissension after the death of Constantius , partial loss of the Diocese of Africa 10 433 -- 454 ; ascendancy of Aetius , loss of Carthage 10.1 444 -- 453 ; attacks by the empire of Attila the Hun 11 455 -- 456 ; failure of Avitus , further losses in Gaul , rise of Ricimer 12 457 -- 467 ; resurgence under Majorian , attempt to recover Africa , control by Ricimer 13 467 -- 472 , Anthemius ; an Emperor and an army from the East 14 472 -- 476 ; the final emperors , puppets of the warlords 15 From 476 ; last Emperor , rump states 16 Legacy 17 See also 18 Notes 19 References 20 External Links Historical approaches ( edit ) Main article : Historiography of the fall of the Western Roman Empire Since 1776 , when Edward Gibbon published the first volume of his The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , Decline and Fall has been the theme around which much of the history of the Roman Empire has been structured . `` From the eighteenth century onward , '' historian Glen Bowersock wrote , `` we have been obsessed with the fall : it has been valued as an archetype for every perceived decline , and , hence , as a symbol for our own fears . '' The Fall is not the only unifying concept for these events ; the period described as Late Antiquity emphasizes the cultural continuities throughout and beyond the political collapse . Timespan ( edit ) The Fall of the Western Roman Empire was the process of decline in the Western Roman Empire in which it failed to enforce its rule . The loss of centralized political control over the West , and the lessened power of the East , are universally agreed , but the theme of decline has been taken to cover a much wider time span than the hundred years from 376 . For Cassius Dio , the accession of the emperor Commodus in 180 CE marked the descent `` from a kingdom of gold to one of rust and iron '' . Gibbon started his story in 98 and Theodor Mommsen regarded the whole of the imperial period as unworthy of inclusion in his Nobel Prize - winning History of Rome . Arnold J. Toynbee and James Burke argue that the entire Imperial era was one of steady decay of institutions founded in republican times . As one convenient marker for the end , 476 has been used since Gibbon , but other markers include the Crisis of the Third Century , the Crossing of the Rhine in 406 ( or 405 ) , the sack of Rome in 410 , the death of Julius Nepos in 480 , all the way to the Fall of New Rome in 1453 . Reasons ( edit ) Gibbon gave a classic formulation of reasons why the Fall happened . He began an ongoing controversy about the role of Christianity , but he gave great weight to other causes of internal decline and to attacks from outside the Empire . The story of its ruin is simple and obvious ; and , instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed , we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long . The victorious legions , who , in distant wars , acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries , first oppressed the freedom of the republic , and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple . The emperors , anxious for their personal safety and the public peace , were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy ; the vigour of the military government was relaxed , and finally dissolved , by the partial institutions of Constantine ; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians . -- Edward Gibbon . The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , `` General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West '' , Chapter 38 Alexander Demandt enumerated 210 different theories on why Rome fell , and new ideas have emerged since . Historians still try to analyze the reasons for loss of political control over a vast territory ( and , as a subsidiary theme , the reasons for the survival of the Eastern Roman Empire ) . Comparison has also been made with China after the end of the Han dynasty , which re-established unity under the Sui dynasty while the Mediterranean world remained politically disunited . Low taxes helped the Roman aristocracy increase their wealth , which equalled or exceeded the revenues of the central government . An emperor sometimes replenished his treasury by confiscating the estates of the `` super-rich '' , but in the later period , the resistance of the wealthy to paying taxes was one of the factors contributing to the collapse of the Empire . Alternative descriptions and labels ( edit ) Main article : Late Antiquity From at least the time of Henri Pirenne scholars have described a continuity of Roman culture and political legitimacy long after 476 . Pirenne postponed the demise of classical civilization to the 8th century . He challenged the notion that Germanic barbarians had caused the Western Roman Empire to end , and he refused to equate the end of the Western Roman Empire with the end of the office of emperor in Italy . He pointed out the essential continuity of the economy of the Roman Mediterranean even after the barbarian invasions , and suggested that only the Muslim conquests represented a decisive break with antiquity . The more recent formulation of a historical period characterized as `` Late Antiquity '' emphasizes the transformations of ancient to medieval worlds within a cultural continuity . In recent decades archaeologically - based argument even extends the continuity in material culture and in patterns of settlement as late as the eleventh century . Observing the political reality of lost control , but also the cultural and archaeological continuities , the process has been described as a complex cultural transformation , rather than a fall . Height of power , crises , and recoveries ( edit ) Height of power ( edit ) The Roman Empire reached its greatest geographical extent under Trajan ( emperor 98 -- 117 ) , who ruled a prosperous state that stretched from Armenia to the Atlantic . The Empire had large numbers of trained , supplied , and disciplined soldiers , as well as a comprehensive civil administration based in thriving cities with effective control over public finances . Among its literate elite it had ideological legitimacy as the only worthwhile form of civilization and a cultural unity based on comprehensive familiarity with Greek and Roman literature and rhetoric . The Empire 's power allowed it to maintain extreme differences of wealth and status ( including slavery on a large scale ) , and its wide - ranging trade networks permitted even modest households to use goods made by professionals far away . Its financial system allowed it to raise significant taxes which , despite endemic corruption , supported a large regular army with logistics and training . The cursus honorum , a standardized series of military and civil posts organised for ambitious aristocratic men , ensured that powerful noblemen became familiar with military and civil command and administration . At a lower level within the army , connecting the aristocrats at the top with the private soldiers , a large number of centurions were well - rewarded , literate , and responsible for training , discipline , administration , and leadership in battle . City governments with their own properties and revenues functioned effectively at a local level ; membership of city councils involved lucrative opportunities for independent decision - making , and , despite its obligations , became seen as a privilege . Under a series of emperors who each adopted a mature and capable successor , the Empire did not require civil wars to regulate the imperial succession . Requests could be submitted directly to the better emperors , and the answers had the force of law , putting the imperial power directly in touch with even humble subjects . The cults of polytheist religion were hugely varied , but none claimed that theirs was the only truth , and their followers displayed mutual tolerance , producing a polyphonous religious harmony . Religious strife was rare after the suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 136 ( after which the devastated Judaea ceased to be a major centre for Jewish unrest ) . Heavy mortality in 165 -- 180 from the Antonine Plague seriously impaired attempts to repel Germanic invaders , but the legions generally held or at least speedily re-instated the borders of the Empire . Map of the Roman Empire in the early second century Crisis of the third century ( edit ) Main article : Crisis of the Third Century The Empire suffered from multiple , serious crises during the third century , including the rise of the Sassanid Empire , which inflicted three crushing defeats on Roman field armies and remained a potent threat for centuries . Other disasters included repeated civil wars , barbarian invasions , and more mass mortality in the Plague of Cyprian ( from 250 onwards ) . Rome abandoned the province of Dacia on the north of the Danube ( 271 ) , and for a short period the Empire split into a Gallic Empire in the West ( 260 -- 274 ) , a Palmyrene Empire in the East ( 260 -- 273 ) , and a central Roman rump state . The Rhine / Danube frontier also came under more effective threat from larger barbarian groupings , which had developed better agriculture and larger populations . The Empire survived the Crisis of the Third Century , directing its economy successfully towards defence , but survival came at the price of a more centralized and bureaucratic state . Under Gallienus the senatorial aristocracy ceased joining the ranks of the senior military commanders , its typical members lacking interest in military service and showing incompetence at command . The divided Empire in 271 CE Reunification and political division ( edit ) Aurelian reunited the empire in 274 ; and from 284 Diocletian and his successors reorganized it with more emphasis on the military . John the Lydian , writing over two centuries later , reported that Diocletian 's army at one point totaled 389,704 men , plus 45,562 in the fleets , and numbers may have increased later . With the limited communications of the time , both the European and the Eastern frontiers needed the attention of their own supreme commanders . Diocletian tried to solve this problem by re-establishing an adoptive succession with a senior ( Augustus ) and junior ( Caesar ) emperor in each half of the Empire , but this system of tetrarchy broke down within one generation ; the hereditary principle re-established itself with generally unfortunate results , and thereafter civil war became again the main method of establishing new imperial regimes . Although Constantine the Great ( in office 306 to 337 ) again re-united the Empire , towards the end of the fourth century the need for division was generally accepted . From then on , the Empire existed in constant tension between the need for two emperors and their mutual mistrust . Until late in the fourth century the united Empire retained sufficient power to launch attacks against its enemies in Germania and in the Sassanid Empire . Receptio of barbarians became widely practiced : imperial authorities admitted potentially hostile groups into the Empire , split them up , and allotted to them lands , status , and duties within the imperial system . In this way many groups provided unfree workers ( coloni ) for Roman landowners , and recruits ( laeti ) for the Roman army . Sometimes their leaders became officers . Normally the Romans managed the process carefully , with sufficient military force on hand to ensure compliance , and cultural assimilation followed over the next generation or two . Map of the Roman Empire under the Tetrarchy , showing the dioceses and the four Tetrarchs ' zones of responsibility Growing social divisions ( edit ) The new supreme rulers disposed of the legal fiction of the early Empire ( seeing the emperor as but the first among equals ) ; emperors from Aurelian ( reigned 270 -- 275 ) onwards openly styled themselves as dominus et deus , `` lord and god '' , titles appropriate for a master - slave relationship . An elaborate court ceremonial developed , and obsequious flattery became the order of the day . Under Diocletian , the flow of direct requests to the emperor rapidly reduced and soon ceased altogether . No other form of direct access replaced them , and the emperor received only information filtered through his courtiers . Official cruelty , supporting extortion and corruption , may also have become more commonplace . While the scale , complexity , and violence of government were unmatched , the emperors lost control over their whole realm insofar as that control came increasingly to be wielded by anyone who paid for it . Meanwhile , the richest senatorial families , immune from most taxation , engrossed more and more of the available wealth and income , while also becoming divorced from any tradition of military excellence . One scholar identifies a great increase in the purchasing power of gold , two and a half fold from 274 to the later fourth century , which may be an index of growing economic inequality between a gold - rich elite and a cash - poor peasantry . Within the late Roman military , many recruits and even officers had barbarian origins , and soldiers are recorded as using possibly - barbarian rituals such as elevating a claimant on shields . Some scholars have seen this as an indication of weakness ; others disagree , seeing neither barbarian recruits nor new rituals as causing any problem with the effectiveness or loyalty of the army . 313 -- 376 : abuse of power , frontier warfare , and rise of Christianity ( edit ) Further information : History of late ancient Christianity In 313 Constantine I declared official toleration of Christianity , followed over the ensuing decades by establishment of Christian orthodoxy and by official and private action against pagans and non-orthodox Christians . His successors generally continued this process , and Christianity became the religion of any ambitious civil official . Under Constantine the cities lost their revenue from local taxes , and under Constantius II ( r . 337 -- 361 ) their endowments of property . This worsened the existing difficulty in keeping the city councils up to strength , and the services provided by the cities were scamped or abandoned . Public building projects became fewer , more often repairs than new construction , and now provided at state expense rather than by local grandees wishing to consolidate long - term local influence . A further financial abuse was Constantius 's increased habit of granting to his immediate entourage the estates of persons condemned of treason and other capital charges ; this reduced future though not immediate income , and those close to the emperor gained a strong incentive to stimulate his suspicion of plots . Constantine settled Franks on the lower left bank of the Rhine ; their settlements required a line of fortifications to keep them in check , indicating that Rome had lost almost all local control . Under Constantius , bandits came to dominate areas such as Isauria well within the empire . The tribes of Germany also became more populous and more threatening . In Gaul , which did not really recover from the invasions of the third century , there was widespread insecurity and economic decline in the 300s , perhaps worst in Armorica . By 350 , after decades of pirate attacks , virtually all villas in Armorica were deserted , and local use of money ceased about 360 . Repeated attempts to economize on military expenditure included billeting troops in cities , where they could less easily be kept under military discipline and could more easily extort from civilians . Except in the rare case of a determined and incorruptible general , these troops proved ineffective in action and dangerous to civilians . Frontier troops were often given land rather than pay ; as they farmed for themselves , their direct costs diminished , but so did their effectiveness , and there was much less economic stimulus to the frontier economy . However , except for the provinces along the lower Rhine , the agricultural economy was generally doing well . The average nutritional state of the population in the West suffered a serious decline in the late second century ; the population of North - Western Europe did not recover , though the Mediterranean regions did . The numbers and effectiveness of the regular soldiers may have declined during the fourth century : payrolls were inflated so that pay could be diverted and exemptions from duty sold , their opportunities for personal extortion were multiplied by residence in cities , and their effectiveness was reduced by concentration on extortion instead of drill . However , extortion , gross corruption , and occasional ineffectiveness were not new to the Roman army ; there is no consensus whether its effectiveness significantly declined before 376 . Ammianus Marcellinus , himself a professional soldier , repeats longstanding observations about the superiority of contemporary Roman armies being due to training and discipline , not to physical size or strength . Despite a possible decrease in its ability to assemble and supply large armies , Rome maintained an aggressive and potent stance against perceived threats almost to the end of the fourth century . Solidus of Julian , c. 361 . Obverse : Julian with the beard appropriate to a Neoplatonic philosopher . Inscription : FL ( AVIVS ) CL ( AVDIVS ) IVLIANVS PP ( = Pater Patriae , `` father of the nation '' ) AVG ( = Augustus ) . Reverse : an armed Roman , military standard in one hand , a captive in the other . Inscription : VIRTVS EXERCITVS ROMANORVM , `` the bravery / virtue of the Roman army '' ; the mint mark is SIRM , Sirmium Julian ( r . 360 -- 363 ) launched a drive against official corruption which allowed the tax demands in Gaul to be reduced to one - third of their previous amount , while all government requirements were still met . In civil legislation Julian was notable for his pro-pagan policies . All Christian sects were officially tolerated by Julian , persecution of heretics was forbidden , and non-Christian religions were encouraged . Some Christians continued to destroy temples , disrupt rituals , and break sacred images , seeking martyrdom and at times achieving it at the hands of non-Christian mobs or secular authorities ; some pagans attacked the Christians who had previously been involved with the destruction of temples . Julian won victories against Germans who had invaded Gaul . He launched an expensive campaign against the Persians , which ended in defeat and his own death . He succeeded in marching to the Sassanid capital of Ctesiphon , but lacked adequate supplies for an assault . He burned his boats and supplies to show resolve in continuing operations , but the Sassanids began a war of attrition by burning crops . Finding himself cut off in enemy territory , he began a land retreat during which he was mortally wounded . His successor Jovian , acclaimed by a demoralized army , began his brief reign ( 363 -- 364 ) trapped in Mesopotamia without supplies . To purchase safe passage home , he had to concede areas of northern Mesopotamia and Kurdistan , including the strategically important fortress of Nisibis , which had been Roman since before the Peace of Nisibis in 299 . The brothers Valens ( r . 364 -- 378 ) and Valentinian I ( r . 364 -- 375 ) energetically tackled the threats of barbarian attacks on all the Western frontiers and tried to alleviate the burdens of taxation , which had risen continuously over the previous forty years ; Valens in the East reduced the tax demand by half in his fourth year . Both were Christians and confiscated the temple lands that Julian had restored , but were generally tolerant of other beliefs . Valentinian in the West refused to intervene in religious controversy ; in the East , Valens had to deal with Christians who did not conform to his ideas of orthodoxy , and persecution formed part of his response . The wealth of the church increased dramatically , immense resources both public and private being used for ecclesiastical construction and support of the religious life . Bishops in wealthy cities were thus able to offer vast patronage ; Ammianus described some as `` enriched from the offerings of matrons , ride seated in carriages , wearing clothing chosen with care , and serve banquets so lavish that their entertainments outdo the tables of kings '' . Edward Gibbon remarked that `` the soldiers ' pay was lavished on the useless multitudes of both sexes who could only plead the merits of abstinence and chastity '' , though there are no figures for the monks and nuns nor for their maintenance costs . Pagan rituals and buildings had not been cheap either ; the move to Christianity may not have had significant effects on the public finances . Some public disorder also followed competition for prestigious posts ; Pope Damasus I was installed in 366 after an election whose casualties included a hundred and thirty - seven corpses in the basilica of Sicininus . Valentinian died of an apoplexy while personally shouting at envoys of Germanic leaders . His successors in the West were children , his sons Gratian ( r . 375 -- 383 ) and Valentinian II ( r . 375 -- 392 ) . Gratian , `` alien from the art of government both by temperament and by training '' removed the Altar of Victory from the Senate House , and he rejected the pagan title of Pontifex Maximus . 376 -- 395 ; invasions , civil wars , and religious discord ( edit ) Battle of Adrianople ( edit ) In 376 the East faced an enormous barbarian influx across the Danube , mostly Goths who were refugees from the Huns . They were exploited by corrupt officials rather than effectively resettled , and they took up arms , joined by more Goths and by some Alans and Huns . Valens was in Asia with his main field army , preparing for an assault on the Persians , and redirecting the army and its logistic support would have required time . Gratian 's armies were distracted by Germanic invasions across the Rhine . In 378 Valens attacked the invaders with the Eastern field army , perhaps some 20,000 men -- possibly only 10 % of the soldiers nominally available in the Danube provinces -- and in the Battle of Adrianople , 9 August 378 , he lost much of that army and his own life . All of the Balkan provinces were thus exposed to raiding , without effective response from the remaining garrisons who were `` more easily slaughtered than sheep '' . Cities were able to hold their own walls against barbarians who had no siege equipment , and they generally remained intact although the countryside suffered . Partial recovery in the Balkans ( edit ) Gratian appointed a new Augustus , a proven general from Hispania called Theodosius . During the next four years , he partially re-established the Roman position in the East . These campaigns depended on effective imperial coordination and mutual trust -- between 379 and 380 Theodosius controlled not only the Eastern empire , but also , by agreement , the diocese of Illyricum . Theodosius was unable to recruit enough Roman troops , relying on barbarian warbands without Roman military discipline or loyalty . In contrast , during the Cimbrian War , the Roman Republic , controlling a smaller area than the western Empire , had been able to reconstitute large regular armies of citizens after greater defeats than Adrianople , and it ended that war with the near - extermination of the invading barbarian supergroups , each recorded as having more than 100,000 warriors ( with allowances for the usual exaggeration of numbers by ancient authors ) . Theodosius 's partial failure may have stimulated Vegetius to offer advice on re-forming an effective army ( the advice may date from the 390s or from the 430s ) : From the foundation of the city till the reign of the Emperor Gratian , the foot wore cuirasses and helmets . But negligence and sloth having by degrees introduced a total relaxation of discipline , the soldiers began to think their armor too heavy , as they seldom put it on . They first requested leave from the Emperor to lay aside the cuirass and afterwards the helmet . In consequence of this , our troops in their engagements with the Goths were often overwhelmed with their showers of arrows . Nor was the necessity of obliging the infantry to resume their cuirasses and helmets discovered , notwithstanding such repeated defeats , which brought on the destruction of so many great cities . Troops , defenseless and exposed to all the weapons of the enemy , are more disposed to fly than fight . What can be expected from a foot - archer without cuirass or helmet , who can not hold at once his bow and shield ; or from the ensigns whose bodies are naked , and who can not at the same time carry a shield and the colors ? The foot soldier finds the weight of a cuirass and even of a helmet intolerable . This is because he is so seldom exercised and rarely puts them on . The final Gothic settlement was acclaimed with relief , even the official panegyrist admitting that these Goths could not be expelled or exterminated , nor reduced to unfree status . Instead they were either recruited into the imperial forces , or settled in the devastated provinces along the south bank of the Danube , where the regular garrisons were never fully re-established . In some later accounts , and widely in recent work , this is regarded as a treaty settlement , the first time that barbarians were given a home within the Empire in which they retained their political and military cohesion . No formal treaty is recorded , nor details of whatever agreement was actually made , and when `` the Goths '' re-emerge in our records they have different leaders and are soldiers of a sort . In 391 Alaric , a Gothic leader , rebelled against Roman control . Goths attacked the emperor himself , but within a year Alaric was accepted as a leader of Theodosius 's Gothic troops and this rebellion was over . Theodosius 's financial position must have been difficult , since he had to pay for expensive campaigning from a reduced tax base . The business of subduing barbarian warbands also demanded substantial gifts of precious metal . Nevertheless , he is represented as financially lavish , though personally frugal when on campaign . At least one extra levy provoked desperation and rioting in which the emperor 's statues were destroyed . He was pious , a Nicene Christian heavily influenced by Ambrose , and implacable against heretics . In 392 he forbade even private honor to the gods , and pagan rituals such as the Olympic Games . He either ordered or connived at the widespread destruction of sacred buildings . Civil wars ( edit ) Theodosius had to face a powerful usurper in the West ; Magnus Maximus declared himself Emperor in 383 , stripped troops from the outlying regions of Britannia ( probably replacing some with federate chieftains and their war - bands ) and invaded Gaul . His troops killed Gratian and he was accepted as Augustus in the Gallic provinces , where he was responsible for the first official executions of Christian heretics . To compensate the Western court for the loss of Gaul , Hispania , and Britannia , Theodosius ceded the diocese of Dacia and the diocese of Macedonia to their control . In 387 Maximus invaded Italy , forcing Valentinian II to flee to the East , where he accepted Nicene Christianity . Maximus boasted to Ambrose of the numbers of barbarians in his forces , and hordes of Goths , Huns , and Alans followed Theodosius . Maximus negotiated with Theodosius for acceptance as Augustus of the West , but Theodosius refused , gathered his armies , and counterattacked , winning the civil war in 388 . There were heavy troop losses on both sides of the conflict . Later Welsh legend has Maximus 's defeated troops resettled in Armorica , instead of returning to Britannia , and by 400 , Armorica was controlled by Bagaudae rather than by imperial authority . Theodosius restored Valentinian II , still a very young man , as Augustus in the West . He also appointed Arbogast , a pagan general of Frankish origin , as Valentinian 's commander - in - chief and guardian . Valentinian quarreled in public with Arbogast , failed to assert any authority , and died , either by suicide or by murder , at the age of 21 . Arbogast and Theodosius failed to come to terms and Arbogast nominated an imperial official , Eugenius ( r . 392 -- 394 ) , as emperor in the West . Eugenius made some modest attempts to win pagan support , and with Arbogast led a large army to fight another destructive civil war . They were defeated and killed at the Battle of the Frigidus , which was attended by further heavy losses especially among the Gothic federates of Theodosius . The north - eastern approaches to Italy were never effectively garrisoned again . The Eastern and Western Roman Empire at the death of Theodosius I in 395 Theodosius died a few months later in early 395 , leaving his young sons Honorius ( r . 395 -- 423 ) and Arcadius ( r . 395 -- 408 ) as emperors . In the immediate aftermath of Theodosius 's death , the magister militum Stilicho , married to Theodosius 's niece , asserted himself in the West as the guardian of Honorius and commander of the remains of the defeated Western army . He also claimed control over Arcadius in Constantinople , but Rufinus , magister officiorum on the spot , had already established his own power there . Henceforward the Empire was not under the control of one man , until much of the West had been permanently lost . Neither Honorius nor Arcadius ever displayed any ability either as rulers or as generals , and both lived as the puppets of their courts . Stilicho tried to reunite the Eastern and Western courts under his personal control , but in doing so achieved only the continued hostility of all of Arcadius 's successive supreme ministers . Military , financial , and political ineffectiveness : the process of failure ( edit ) The ineffectiveness of Roman military responses from Stilicho onwards has been described as `` shocking '' , with little evidence of indigenous field forces or of adequate training , discipline , pay , or supply for the barbarians who formed most of the available troops . Local defence was occasionally effective , but was often associated with withdrawal from central control and taxes ; in many areas , barbarians under Roman authority attacked culturally - Roman `` Bagaudae '' . Corruption , in this context the diversion of public finance from the needs of the army , may have contributed greatly to the Fall . The rich senatorial aristocrats in Rome itself became increasingly influential during the fifth century ; they supported armed strength in theory , but did not wish to pay for it or to offer their own workers as army recruits . They did , however , pass large amounts of money to the Christian Church . At a local level , from the early fourth century , the town councils lost their property and their power , which often became concentrated in the hands of a few local despots beyond the reach of the law . The fifth - century Western emperors , with brief exceptions , were individuals incapable of ruling effectively or even of controlling their own courts . Those exceptions were responsible for brief , but remarkable resurgences of Roman power . 395 -- 406 ; Stilicho ( edit ) The emperor Honorius , a contemporary depiction on a consular diptych issued by Anicius Petronius Probus to celebrate Probus 's consulship in 406 , now in the Aosta museum Without an authoritative ruler , the Balkan provinces fell rapidly into disorder . Alaric was disappointed in his hopes for promotion to magister militum after the battle of the Frigidus . He again led Gothic tribesmen in arms and established himself as an independent power , burning the countryside as far as the walls of Constantinople . Alaric 's ambitions for long - term Roman office were never quite acceptable to the Roman imperial courts , and his men could never settle long enough to farm in any one area . They showed no inclination to leave the Empire and face the Huns from whom they had fled in 376 ; indeed the Huns were still stirring up further migrations which often ended by attacking Rome in turn . Alaric 's group was never destroyed nor expelled from the Empire , nor acculturated under effective Roman domination . Stilicho 's attempts to unify the Empire , revolts , and invasions ( edit ) Stilicho moved with his remaining mobile forces into Greece , a clear threat to Rufinus ' control of the Eastern empire . The bulk of Rufinus ' forces were occupied with Hunnic incursions in Asia Minor and Syria , leaving Thrace undefended . He opted to enlist Alaric and his men , and sent them to Thessaly to stave off Stilicho 's threat , which they did . No battle took place . Stilicho was forced to send some of his Eastern forces home . They went to Constantinople under the command of one Gainas , a Goth with a large Gothic following . On arrival , Gainas murdered Rufinus , and was appointed magister militum for Thrace by Eutropius , the new supreme minister and the only eunuch consul of Rome , who controlled Arcadius `` as if he were a sheep '' . Stilicho obtained a few more troops from the German frontier and continued to campaign ineffectively against the Eastern empire ; again he was successfully opposed by Alaric and his men . During the next year , 397 , Eutropius personally led his troops to victory over some Huns who were marauding in Asia Minor . With his position thus strengthened he declared Stilicho a public enemy , and he established Alaric as magister militum per Illyricum . A poem by Synesius advises the emperor to display manliness and remove a `` skin - clad savage '' ( probably Alaric ) from the councils of power and his barbarians from the Roman army . We do not know if Arcadius ever became aware of the existence of this advice , but it had no recorded effect . Synesius , from a province suffering the widespread ravages of a few poor but greedy barbarians , also complained of `` the peacetime war , one almost worse than the barbarian war and arising from military indiscipline and the officer 's greed . '' The Favorites of the Emperor Honorius , by John William Waterhouse , 1883 The magister militum in the Diocese of Africa declared for the East and stopped the supply of grain to Rome . Italy had not fed itself for centuries and could not do so now . In 398 , Stilicho sent his last reserves , a few thousand men , to re-take the Diocese of Africa , and he strengthened his position further when he married his daughter Maria to Honorius . Throughout this period Stilicho , and all other generals , were desperately short of recruits and supplies for them . In 400 , Stilicho was charged to press into service any `` laetus , Alamannus , Sarmatian , vagrant , son of a veteran '' or any other person liable to serve . He had reached the bottom of his recruitment pool . Though personally not corrupt , he was very active in confiscating assets ; the financial and administrative machine was not producing enough support for the army . An ivory diptych , thought to depict Stilicho ( right ) with his wife Serena and son Eucherius , ca . 395 ( Monza Cathedral ) In 399 , Tribigild 's rebellion in Asia Minor allowed Gainas to accumulate a significant army ( mostly Goths ) , become supreme in the Eastern court , and execute Eutropius . He now felt that he could dispense with Alaric 's services and he nominally transferred Alaric 's province to the West . This administrative change removed Alaric 's Roman rank and his entitlement to legal provisioning for his men , leaving his army -- the only significant force in the ravaged Balkans -- as a problem for Stilicho . In 400 , the citizens of Constantinople revolted against Gainas and massacred as many of his people , soldiers and their families , as they could catch . Some Goths at least built rafts and tried to cross the strip of sea that separates Asia from Europe ; the Roman navy slaughtered them . By the beginning of 401 , Gainas ' head rode a pike through Constantinople while another Gothic general became consul . Meanwhile , groups of Huns started a series of attacks across the Danube , and the Isaurians marauded far and wide in Anatolia . In 401 Stilicho travelled over the Alps to Raetia , to scrape up further troops . He left the Rhine defended only by the `` dread '' of Roman retaliation , rather than by adequate forces able to take the field . Early in spring , Alaric , probably desperate , invaded Italy , and he drove Honorius westward from Mediolanum , besieging him in Hasta Pompeia in Liguria . Stilicho returned as soon as the passes had cleared , meeting Alaric in two battles ( near Pollentia and Verona ) without decisive results . The Goths , weakened , were allowed to retreat back to Illyricum where the Western court again gave Alaric office , though only as comes and only over Dalmatia and Pannonia Secunda rather than the whole of Illyricum . Stilicho probably supposed that this pact would allow him to put Italian government into order and recruit fresh troops . He may also have planned with Alaric 's help to relaunch his attempts to gain control over the Eastern court . Christian pendant of Empress Maria , daughter of Stilicho , and wife of Honorius . Musée du Louvre . The pendant reads , around a central cross ( clockwise ) : HONORI MARIA SERHNA VIVATIS STELICHO . The letters form a Christogram However , in 405 , Stilicho was distracted by a fresh invasion of Northern Italy . Another group of Goths fleeing the Huns , led by one Radagaisus , devastated the north of Italy for six months before Stilicho could muster enough forces to take the field against them . Stilicho recalled troops from Britannia and the depth of the crisis was shown when he urged all Roman soldiers to allow their personal slaves to fight beside them . His forces , including Hun and Alan auxiliaries , may in the end have totalled rather less than 15,000 men . Radagaisus was defeated and executed . 12,000 prisoners from the defeated horde were drafted into Stilicho 's service . Stilicho continued negotiations with Alaric ; Flavius Aetius , son of one of Stilicho 's major supporters , was sent as a hostage to Alaric in 405 . In 406 Stilicho , hearing of new invaders and rebels who had appeared in the northern provinces , insisted on making peace with Alaric , probably on the basis that Alaric would prepare to move either against the Eastern court or against the rebels in Gaul . The Senate deeply resented peace with Alaric ; in 407 , when Alaric marched into Noricum and demanded a large payment for his expensive efforts in Stilicho 's interests , the senate , `` inspired by the courage , rather than the wisdom , of their predecessors , '' preferred war . One senator famously declaimed Non est ista pax , sed pactio servitutis ( `` This is not peace , but a pact of servitude '' ) . Stilicho paid Alaric four thousand pounds of gold nevertheless . Stilicho sent Sarus , a Gothic general , over the Alps to face the usurper Constantine III , but he lost and barely escaped , having to leave his baggage to the bandits who now infested the Alpine passes . The empress Maria , daughter of Stilicho , died in 407 or early 408 and her sister Aemilia Materna Thermantia married Honorius . In the East , Arcadius died on 1 May 408 and was replaced by his son Theodosius II ; Stilicho seems to have planned to march to Constantinople , and to install there a regime loyal to himself . He may also have intended to give Alaric a senior official position and send him against the rebels in Gaul . Before he could do so , while he was away at Ticinum at the head of a small detachment , a bloody coup against his supporters took place at Honorius 's court . It was led by Stilicho 's own creature , one Olympius . 408 -- 410 ; the end of an effective regular field army , starvation in Italy , sack of Rome ( edit ) Stilicho 's Fall and Alaric 's reaction ( edit ) Stilicho had news of the coup at Bononia ( where he was probably waiting for Alaric ) . His small escort of barbarians was led by Sarus , who rebelled . His Gothic troops massacred the Hun contingent in their sleep , and then withdrew towards the cities in which their families were billeted . Stilicho ordered that these troops should not be admitted , but , now without an army , he was forced to flee for sanctuary , promised his life , and killed . Alaric was again declared an enemy of the Emperor . The conspiracy then massacred the families of the federate troops ( as presumed supporters of Stilicho , although they had probably rebelled against him ) , and the troops defected en masse to Alaric . The conspirators seem to have let their main army disintegrate , and had no policy except hunting down supporters of Stilicho . Italy was left without effective indigenous defence forces thereafter . Heraclianus , a co-conspirator of Olympius , became governor of the Diocese of Africa , where he controlled the source of most of Italy 's grain , and he supplied food only in the interests of Honorius 's regime . As a declared ' enemy of the Emperor ' , Alaric was denied the legitimacy that he needed to collect taxes and hold cities without large garrisons , which he could not afford to detach . He again offered to move his men , this time to Pannonia , in exchange for a modest sum of money and the modest title of Comes , but he was refused as a supporter of Stilicho . He moved into Italy , probably using the route and supplies arranged for him by Stilicho , bypassing the imperial court in Ravenna which was protected by widespread marshland and had a port , and he menaced the city of Rome itself . In 407 , there was no equivalent of the determined response to the catastrophic Battle of Cannae in 216 BCE , when the entire Roman population , even slaves , had been mobilized to resist the enemy . Alaric 's military operations centred on the port of Rome , through which Rome 's grain supply had to pass . Alaric 's first siege of Rome in 408 caused dreadful famine within the walls . It was ended by a payment that , though large , was less than one of the richest senators could have produced . The super-rich aristocrats made little contribution ; pagan temples were stripped of ornaments to make up the total . With promises of freedom , Alaric also recruited many of the slaves in Rome . Alaric withdrew to Tuscany and recruited more slaves . Ataulf , a Goth nominally in Roman service and brother - in - law to Alaric , marched through Italy to join Alaric despite taking casualties from a small force of Hunnic mercenaries led by Olympius . Sarus was an enemy of Ataulf , and on Ataulf 's arrival went back into imperial service . Alaric besieges Rome ( edit ) In 409 Olympius fell to further intrigue , having his ears cut off before he was beaten to death . Alaric tried again to negotiate with Honorius , but his demands ( now even more moderate , only frontier land and food ) were inflated by the messenger and Honorius responded with insults , which were reported verbatim to Alaric . He broke off negotiations and the standoff continued . Honorius 's court made overtures to the usurper Constantine III in Gaul and arranged to bring Hunnic forces into Italy , Alaric ravaged Italy outside the fortified cities ( which he could not garrison ) , and the Romans refused open battle ( for which they had inadequate forces ) . Late in the year Alaric sent bishops to express his readiness to leave Italy if Honorius would only grant his people a supply of grain . Honorius , sensing weakness , flatly refused . Alaric moved to Rome and captured Galla Placidia , sister of Honorius . The Senate in Rome , despite its loathing for Alaric , was now desperate enough to give him almost anything he wanted . They had no food to offer , but they tried to give him imperial legitimacy ; with the Senate 's acquiescence , he elevated Priscus Attalus as his puppet emperor , and he marched on Ravenna . Honorius was planning to flee to Constantinople when a reinforcing army of 4,000 soldiers from the East disembarked in Ravenna . These garrisoned the walls and Honorius held on . He had Constantine 's principal court supporter executed and Constantine abandoned plans to march to Honorius 's defence . Attalus failed to establish his control over the Diocese of Africa , and no grain arrived in Rome where the famine became even more frightful . Jerome reports cannibalism within the walls . Attalus brought Alaric no real advantage , failing also to come to any useful agreement with Honorius ( who was offered mutilation , humiliation , and exile ) . Indeed , Attalus 's claim was a marker of threat to Honorius , and Alaric dethroned him after a few months . In 410 Alaric took Rome by starvation , sacked it for three days ( there was relatively little destruction , and in some Christian holy places Alaric 's men even refrained from wanton wrecking and rape ) , and invited its remaining barbarian slaves to join him , which many did . The city of Rome was the seat of the richest senatorial noble families and the centre of their cultural patronage ; to pagans it was the sacred origin of the empire , and to Christians the seat of the heir of Saint Peter , Pope Innocent I , the most authoritative bishop of the West . Rome had not fallen to an enemy since the Battle of the Allia over eight centuries before . Refugees spread the news and their stories throughout the Empire , and the meaning of the fall was debated with religious fervour . Both Christians and pagans wrote embittered tracts , blaming paganism or Christianity respectively for the loss of Rome 's supernatural protection , and blaming Stilicho 's earthly failures in either case . Some Christian responses anticipated the imminence of Judgement Day . Augustine in his book `` City of God '' ultimately rejected the pagan and Christian idea that religion should have worldly benefits ; he developed the doctrine that the City of God in heaven , undamaged by mundane disasters , was the true objective of Christians . More practically , Honorius was briefly persuaded to set aside the laws forbidding pagans to be military officers , so that one Generidus could re-establish Roman control in Dalmatia . Generidus did this with unusual effectiveness ; his techniques were remarkable for this period , in that they included training his troops , disciplining them , and giving them appropriate supplies even if he had to use his own money . The penal laws were reinstated no later than 25 August 410 and the overall trend of repression of paganism continued . Inscription honouring Honorius , as florentissimo invictissimoque , the most excellent and invincible , 417 -- 418 , Forum Romanum Procopius mentions a story in which Honorius , on hearing the news that Rome had `` perished '' , was shocked , thinking the news was in reference to his favorite chicken he had named `` Roma '' . On hearing that Rome itself had fallen he breathed a sigh of relief : At that time they say that the Emperor Honorius in Ravenna received the message from one of the eunuchs , evidently a keeper of the poultry , that Roma had perished . And he cried out and said , `` And yet it has just eaten from my hands ! '' For he had a very large cockerel , Roma by name ; and the eunuch comprehending his words said that it was the city of Roma which had perished at the hands of Alaric , and the emperor with a sigh of relief answered quickly : `` But I thought that my fowl Roma had perished . '' So great , they say , was the folly with which this emperor was possessed . -- Procopius , The Vandalic War ( De Bellis III. 2.25 -- 26 ) The Goths move out of Italy ( edit ) Alaric then moved south , intending to sail to Africa , but his ships were wrecked in a storm and he shortly died of fever . His successor Ataulf , still regarded as an usurper and given only occasional and short - term grants of supplies , moved north into the turmoil of Gaul , where there was some prospect of food . His supergroup of barbarians are called the Visigoths in modern works : they may now have been developing their own sense of identity . 405 -- 418 in the Gallic provinces ; barbarians and usurpers , loss of Britannia , partial loss of Hispania and Gaul ( edit ) The Crossing of the Rhine in 405 / 6 brought unmanageable numbers of German and Alan barbarians ( perhaps some 30,000 warriors , 100,000 people ) into Gaul . They may have been trying to get away from the Huns , who about this time advanced to occupy the Great Hungarian Plain . For the next few years these barbarian tribes wandered in search of food and employment , while Roman forces fought each other in the name of Honorius and a number of competing claimants to the imperial throne . The remaining troops in Britannia elevated a succession of imperial usurpers . The last , Constantine III , raised an army from the remaining troops in Britannia , invaded Gaul and defeated forces loyal to Honorius led by Sarus . Constantine 's power reached its peak in 409 when he controlled Gaul and beyond , he was joint consul with Honorius and his magister militum Gerontius defeated the last Roman force to try to hold the borders of Hispania . It was led by relatives of Honorius ; Constantine executed them . Gerontius went to Hispania where he may have settled the Sueves and the Asding Vandals . Gerontius then fell out with his master and elevated one Maximus as his own puppet emperor . He defeated Constantine and was besieging him in Arelate when Honorius 's general Constantius arrived from Italy with an army ( possibly , mainly of Hun mercenaries ) . Gerontius 's troops deserted him and he committed suicide . Constantius continued the siege , defeating a relieving army . Constantine surrendered in 411 with a promise that his life would be spared , and was executed . In 410 , the Roman civitates of Britannia rebelled against Constantine and evicted his officials . They asked for help from Honorius , who replied that they should look to their own defence . While the British may have regarded themselves as Roman for several generations , and British armies may at times have fought in Gaul , no central Roman government is known to have appointed officials in Britannia thereafter . In 411 , Jovinus rebelled and took over Constantine 's remaining troops on the Rhine . He relied on the support of Burgundians and Alans to whom he offered supplies and land . In 413 Jovinus also recruited Sarus ; Ataulf destroyed their regime in the name of Honorius and both Jovinus and Sarus were executed . The Burgundians were settled on the left bank of the Rhine . Ataulf then operated in the south of Gaul , sometimes with short - term supplies from the Romans . All usurpers had been defeated , but large barbarian groups remained un-subdued in both Gaul and Hispania. . The imperial government was quick to restore the Rhine frontier . The invading tribes of 407 had passed into Spain at the end of 409 but the Visigoths had exited Italy at the beginning of 412 and settled themselves in Narbo . Heraclianus was still in command in the diocese of Africa , the last of the clique that overthrew Stilicho to retain power . In 413 he led an invasion of Italy , lost to a subordinate of Constantius , and fled back to Africa where he was murdered by Constantius 's agents . In January 414 Roman naval forces blockaded Ataulf in Narbo , where he married Galla Placidia . The choir at the wedding included Attalus , a puppet emperor without revenues or soldiers . Ataulf famously declared that he had abandoned his intention to set up a Gothic empire because of the irredeemable barbarity of his followers , and instead he sought to restore the Roman Empire . He handed Attalus over to Honorius 's regime for mutilation , humiliation , and exile , and abandoned Attalus 's supporters . ( One of them , Paulinus Pellaeus , recorded that the Goths considered themselves merciful for allowing him and his household to leave destitute , but alive , without being raped . ) Ataulf moved out of Gaul , to Barcelona . There his infant son by Galla Placidia was buried , and there Ataulf was assassinated by one of his household retainers , possibly a former follower of Sarus . His ultimate successor Wallia had no agreement with the Romans ; his people had to plunder in Hispania for food . Settlement of 418 ; barbarians within the Empire ( edit ) Areas allotted to or claimed by barbarian groups in 416 -- 418 In 416 Wallia reached agreement with Constantius ; he sent Galla Placidia back to Honorius and received provisions , six hundred thousand modii of wheat . From 416 to 418 , Wallia 's Goths campaigned in Hispania on Constantius 's behalf , exterminating the Siling Vandals in Baetica and reducing the Alans to the point where the survivors sought the protection of the king of the Asding Vandals . ( After retrenchment they formed another barbarian supergroup , but for the moment they were reduced in numbers and effectively cowed . ) In 418 , by agreement with Constantius , Wallia 's Goths accepted land to farm in Aquitania . Constantius also reinstituted an annual council of the southern Gallic provinces , to meet at Arelate . Although Constantius rebuilt the western field army to some extent -- the Notitia Dignitatum gives a list of the units of the western field army at this time -- he did so only by replacing half of its units ( vanished in the wars since 395 ) by re-graded barbarians , and by garrison troops removed from the frontier . Constantius had married the princess Galla Placidia ( despite her protests ) in 417 . The couple soon had two children , Honoria and Valentinian III , and Constantius was elevated to the position of Augustus in 420 . This earned him the hostility of the Eastern court , which had not agreed to his elevation . Nevertheless , Constantius had achieved an unassailable position at the Western court , in the imperial family , and as the able commander - in - chief of a partially restored army . This settlement represented a real success for the Empire -- a poem by Rutilius Namatianus celebrates his voyage back to Gaul in 417 and his confidence in a restoration of prosperity . But it marked huge losses of territory and of revenue ; Rutilius travelled by ship past the ruined bridges and countryside of Tuscany , and in the west the River Loire had become the effective northern boundary of Roman Gaul . In the east of Gaul the Franks controlled large areas ; the effective line of Roman control until 455 ran from north of Cologne ( lost to the Ripuarian Franks in 459 ) to Boulogne . The Italian areas which had been compelled to support the Goths had most of their taxes remitted for several years . Even in southern Gaul and Hispania large barbarian groups remained , with thousands of warriors , in their own non-Roman military and social systems . Some occasionally acknowledged a degree of Roman political control , but without the local application of Roman leadership and military power they and their individual subgroups pursued their own interests . 421 -- 433 ; renewed dissension after the death of Constantius , partial loss of the Diocese of Africa ( edit ) Constantius died in 421 , after only seven months as Augustus . He had been careful to make sure that there was no successor in waiting , and his own children were far too young to take his place . Honorius was unable to control his own court and the death of Constantius initiated more than ten years of instability . Initially Galla Placidia sought Honorius 's favour in the hope that her son might ultimately inherit . Other court interests managed to defeat her , and she fled with her children to the Eastern court in 422 . Honorius himself died , shortly before his thirty - ninth birthday , in 423 . After some months of intrigue , the patrician Castinus installed Joannes as Western Emperor , but the Eastern Roman government proclaimed the child Valentinian III instead , his mother Galla Placidia acting as regent during his minority . Joannes had few troops of his own . He sent Aetius to raise help from the Huns . An Eastern army landed in Italy , captured Joannes , cut his hand off , abused him in public , and killed him with most of his senior officials . Aetius returned , three days after Joannes ' death , at the head of a substantial Hunnic army which made him the most powerful general in Italy . After some fighting , Placidia and Aetius came to an agreement ; the Huns were paid off and sent home , while Aetius received the position of magister militum . Galla Placidia , as Augusta , mother of the Emperor , and his guardian until 437 , could maintain a dominant position in court , but women in Ancient Rome did not exercise military power and she could not herself become a general . She tried for some years to avoid reliance on a single dominant military figure , maintaining a balance of power between her three senior officers , Aetius ( magister militum in Gaul ) , Count Boniface governor in the Diocese of Africa , and Flavius Felix magister militum praesentalis in Italy . Meanwhile , the Empire deteriorated seriously . Apart from the losses in the Diocese of Africa , Hispania was slipping out of central control and into the hands of local rulers and Suevic bandits . In Gaul the Rhine frontier had collapsed , the Visigoths in Aquitaine may have launched further attacks on Narbo and Arelate , and the Franks , increasingly powerful although disunited , were the major power in the north - east . Aremorica was controlled by Bagaudae , local leaders not under the authority of the Empire . Aetius at least campaigned vigorously and mostly victoriously , defeating aggressive Visigoths , Franks , fresh Germanic invaders , Bagaudae in Aremorica , and a rebellion in Noricum . Not for the first time in Rome 's history , a triumvirate of mutually distrustful rulers proved unstable . In 427 Felix tried to recall Boniface from Africa ; he refused , and overcame Felix 's invading force . Boniface probably recruited some Vandal troops among others . In 428 the Vandals and Alans were united under the able , ferocious , and long - lived king Genseric ; he moved his entire people to Tarifa near Gibraltar , divided them into 80 groups nominally of 1,000 people , ( perhaps 20,000 warriors in total ) , and crossed from Hispania to Mauretania without opposition . ( The Straits of Gibraltar were not an important thoroughfare at the time , and there were no significant fortifications nor military presence at this end of the Mediterranean . ) They spent a year moving slowly to Numidia , defeating Boniface . He returned to Italy where Aetius had recently had Felix executed . Boniface was promoted to magister militum and earned the enmity of Aetius , who may have been absent in Gaul at the time . In 432 the two met at the Battle of Ravenna which left Aetius 's forces defeated and Boniface mortally wounded . Aetius temporarily retired to his estates , but after an attempt to murder him he raised another Hunnic army ( probably by conceding parts of Pannonia to them ) and in 433 he returned to Italy , overcoming all rivals . He never threatened to become an Augustus himself and thus maintained the support of the Eastern court , where Valentinian 's cousin Theodosius II reigned until 450 . 433 -- 454 ; ascendancy of Aetius , loss of carthage ( edit ) Aetius campaigned vigorously , somewhat stabilizing the situation in Gaul and in Hispania . He relied heavily on his forces of Huns . With a ferocity celebrated centuries later in the Nibelungenlied , the Huns slaughtered many Burgundians on the middle Rhine , re-establishing the survivors as Roman allies , the first Kingdom of the Burgundians . This may have returned some sort of Roman authority to Trier . Eastern troops reinforced Carthage , temporarily halting the Vandals , who in 435 agreed to limit themselves to Numidia and leave the most fertile parts of North Africa in peace . Aetius concentrated his limited military resources to defeat the Visigoths again , and his diplomacy restored a degree of order to Hispania . However , his general Litorius was badly defeated by the Visigoths at Toulouse , and a new Suevic king , Rechiar , began vigorous assaults on what remained of Roman Hispania . At one point Rechiar even allied with Bagaudae . These were Romans not under imperial control ; some of their reasons for rebellion may be indicated by the remarks of a Roman captive under Attila who was happy in his lot , giving a lively account of the vices of a declining empire , of which he had so long been the victim ; the cruel absurdity of the Roman princes , unable to protect their subjects against the public enemy , unwilling to trust them with arms for their own defence ; the intolerable weight of taxes , rendered still more oppressive by the intricate or arbitrary modes of collection ; the obscurity of numerous and contradictory laws ; the tedious and expensive forms of judicial proceedings ; the partial administration of justice ; and the universal corruption , which increased the influence of the rich , and aggravated the misfortunes of the poor . A religious polemic of about this time complains bitterly of the oppression and extortion suffered by all but the richest Romans . Many wished to flee to the Bagaudae or even to foul - smelling barbarians . Although these men differ in customs and language from those with whom they have taken refuge , and are unaccustomed too , if I may say so , to the nauseous odor of the bodies and clothing of the barbarians , yet they prefer the strange life they find there to the injustice rife among the Romans . So you find men passing over everywhere , now to the Goths , now to the Bagaudae , or whatever other barbarians have established their power anywhere ... We call those men rebels and utterly abandoned , whom we ourselves have forced into crime . For by what other causes were they made Bagaudae save by our unjust acts , the wicked decisions of the magistrates , the proscription and extortion of those who have turned the public exactions to the increase of their private fortunes and made the tax indictions their opportunity for plunder ? From Britannia comes an indication of the prosperity which freedom from taxes could bring . No sooner were the ravages of the enemy checked , than the island was deluged with a most extraordinary plenty of all things , greater than was before known , and with it grew up every kind of luxury and licentiousness . Nevertheless , effective imperial protection from barbarian ravages was eagerly sought . About this time authorities in Britannia asked Aetius for help : `` To Aetius , now consul for the third time : the groans of the Britons . '' And again a little further , thus : -- `` The barbarians drive us to the sea ; the sea throws us back on the barbarians : thus two modes of death await us , we are either slain or drowned . '' The Romans , however , could not assist them ... The Visigoths passed another waymark on their journey to full independence ; they made their own foreign policy , sending princesses to make ( rather unsuccessful ) marriage alliances with Rechiar of the Sueves and with Huneric , son of the Vandal king Genseric . In 439 the Vandals moved eastward ( temporarily abandoning Numidia ) and captured Carthage , where they established an independent state with a powerful navy . This brought immediate financial crisis to the Western Empire ; the diocese of Africa was prosperous , normally required few troops to keep it secure , contributed large tax revenues , and exported wheat to feed Rome and many other areas . Roman troops assembled in Sicily , but the planned counter-attack never happened . Huns attacked the Eastern empire , and the troops , which had been sent against Genseric , were hastily recalled from Sicily ; the garrisons , on the side of Persia , were exhausted ; and a military force was collected in Europe , formidable by their arms and numbers , if the generals had understood the science of command , and the soldiers the duty of obedience . The armies of the Eastern empire were vanquished in three successive engagements ... From the Hellespont to Thermopylae , and the suburbs of Constantinople , ( Attila ) ravaged , without resistance , and without mercy , the provinces of Thrace and Macedonia . Attila 's invasions of the East were stopped by the walls of Constantinople , and at this heavily fortified Eastern end of the Mediterranean there were no significant barbarian invasions across the sea into the rich southerly areas of Anatolia , the Levant , and Egypt . Despite internal and external threats , and more religious discord than the West , these provinces remained prosperous contributors to tax revenue ; despite the ravages of Attila 's armies and the extortions of his peace treaties , tax revenue generally continued to be adequate for the essential state functions of the Eastern empire . Genseric settled his Vandals as landowners and in 442 was able to negotiate very favourable peace terms with the Western court . He kept his latest gains and his eldest son Huneric was honoured by betrothal to Princess Eudocia , who carried the legitimacy of the Theodosian dynasty . Huneric 's Gothic wife was suspected of trying to poison her father - in - law Genseric ; he sent her home without her nose or ears , and his Gothic alliance came to an early end . The Romans regained Numidia , and Rome again received a grain supply from Africa . The losses of income from the Diocese of Africa were equivalent to the costs of nearly 40,000 infantry or over 20,000 cavalry . The imperial regime had to increase taxes . Despite admitting that the peasantry could pay no more , and that a sufficient army could not be raised , the imperial regime protected the interests of landowners displaced from Africa and allowed wealthy individuals to avoid taxes . 444 -- 453 ; attacks by the Empire of Attila the Hun ( edit ) In 444 , the Huns were united under Attila . His subjects included Huns , outnumbered several times over by other groups , predominantly Germanic . His power rested partly on his continued ability to reward his favoured followers with precious metals , and he continued to attack the Eastern Empire until 450 , by when he had extracted vast sums of money and many other concessions . Attila may not have needed any excuse to turn West , but he received one in the form of a plea for help from Honoria , the Emperor 's sister , who was being forced into a marriage which she resented . Attila claimed Honoria as his wife and half of the Western Empire 's territory as his dowry . Faced with refusal , he invaded Gaul in 451 with a huge army . In the bloody battle of the Catalaunian Plains the invasion was stopped by the combined forces of the barbarians within the Western empire , coordinated by Aetius and supported by what troops he could muster . The next year , Attila invaded Italy and proceeded to march upon Rome , but an outbreak of disease in his army , lack of supplies , reports that Eastern Roman troops were attacking his noncombatant population in Pannonia , and , possibly , Pope Leo 's plea for peace induced him to halt this campaign . Attila unexpectedly died a year later ( 453 ) and his empire crumbled as his followers fought for power . The life of Severinus of Noricum gives glimpses of the general insecurity , and ultimate retreat of the Romans on the Upper Danube , in the aftermath of Attila 's death . The Romans were without adequate forces ; the barbarians inflicted haphazard extortion , murder , kidnap , and plunder on the Romans and on each other . So long as the Roman dominion lasted , soldiers were maintained in many towns at the public expense to guard the boundary wall . When this custom ceased , the squadrons of soldiers and the boundary wall were blotted out together . The troop at Batavis , however , held out . Some soldiers of this troop had gone to Italy to fetch the final pay to their comrades , and no one knew that the barbarians had slain them on the way . In 454 Aetius was personally stabbed to death by Valentinian , who was himself murdered by the dead general 's supporters a year later . ( Valentinian ) thought he had slain his master ; he found that he had slain his protector : and he fell a helpless victim to the first conspiracy which was hatched against his throne . A rich senatorial aristocrat , Petronius Maximus , who had encouraged both murders , then seized the throne . He broke the engagement between Huneric , prince of the Vandals , and Princess Eudocia , and had time to send Avitus to ask for the help of the Visigoths in Gaul before the Vandals sailed to Italy . Petronius was unable to muster any effective response and was killed by a mob as he tried to flee the city . The Vandals entered Rome , and plundered it for two weeks . Despite the shortage of money for the defence of the state , considerable private wealth had accumulated since the previous sack in 410 . The Vandals sailed away with large amounts of treasure and also with the Princess Eudocia , who became the wife of one Vandal king and the mother of another . The Vandals conquered Sicily , and their fleet became a constant danger to Roman sea trade and to the coasts and islands of the western Mediterranean . 455 -- 456 ; failure of Avitus , further losses in Gaul , rise of Ricimer ( edit ) Avitus , at the Visigothic court in Burdigala , declared himself Emperor . He moved on Rome with Visigothic support which gained his acceptance by Majorian and Ricimer , commanders of the remaining army of Italy . This was the first time that a barbarian kingdom had played a key role in the imperial succession . Avitus 's son - in - law Sidonius wrote propaganda to present the Visigothic king Theoderic II as a reasonable man with whom a Roman regime could do business . Theoderic 's payoff included precious metal from stripping the remaining public ornaments of Italy , and an unsupervised campaign in Hispania . There he not only defeated the Sueves , executing his brother - in - law Rechiar , but he also plundered Roman cities . The Burgundians expanded their kingdom in the Rhone valley and the Vandals took the remains of the Diocese of Africa . In 456 the Visigothic army was too heavily engaged in Hispania to be an effective threat to Italy , and Ricimer had just destroyed a pirate fleet of sixty Vandal ships ; Majorian and Ricimer marched against Avitus and defeated him near Placentia . He was forced to become Bishop of Placentia , and died ( possibly murdered ) a few weeks later . 457 -- 467 ; resurgence under Majorian , attempt to recover Africa , control by Ricimer ( edit ) During his four - year reign Majorian reconquered most of Hispania and southern Gaul , meanwhile reducing the Visigoths , Burgundians and Suevi to federate status . Majorian and Ricimer were now in control of Italy . Ricimer was the son of a Suevic king and his mother was the daughter of a Gothic one , so he could not aspire to an imperial throne . After some months , allowing for negotiation with the new emperor of Constantinople and the defeat of 900 Alamannic invaders of Italy by one of his subordinates , Majorian was acclaimed as Augustus . Majorian is described by Gibbon as `` a great and heroic character '' . He rebuilt the army and navy of Italy with vigour and set about recovering the remaining Gallic provinces , which had not recognized his elevation . He defeated the Visigoths at the Battle of Arelate , reducing them to federate status and obliging them to give up their claims in Hispania ; he moved on to subdue the Burgundians , the Gallo - Romans around Lugdunum ( who were granted tax concessions and whose senior officials were appointed from their own ranks ) and the Suevi and Bagaudae in Hispania . Marcellinus , magister militum in Dalmatia and the pagan general of a well - equipped army , acknowledged him as emperor and recovered Sicily from the Vandals . Aegidius also acknowledged Majorian and took effective charge of northern Gaul . ( Aegidius may also have used the title `` King of the Franks '' . ) Abuses in tax collection were reformed and the city councils were strengthened , both actions necessary to rebuild the strength of the Empire but disadvantageous to the richest aristocrats . Majorian prepared a fleet at Carthago Nova for the essential reconquest of the Diocese of Africa . The fleet was burned by traitors , and Majorian made peace with the Vandals and returned to Italy . Here Ricimer met him , arrested him , and executed him five days later . Marcellinus in Dalmatia , and Aegidius around Soissons in northern Gaul , rejected both Ricimer and his puppets and maintained some version of Roman rule in their areas . Ricimer later ceded Narbo and its hinterland to the Visigoths for their help against Aegidius ; this made it impossible for Roman armies to march from Italy to Hispania . Ricimer was then the effective ruler of Italy ( but little else ) for several years . From 461 to 465 the pious Italian aristocrat Libius Severus reigned . There is no record of anything significant that he even tried to achieve , he was never acknowledged by the East whose help Ricimer needed , and he died conveniently in 465 . 467 -- 472 , Anthemius ; an emperor and an army from the East ( edit ) Tremissis of Anthemius After two years without a Western Emperor , the Eastern court nominated Anthemius , a successful general who had a strong claim on the Eastern throne . He arrived in Italy with an army , supported by Marcellinus and his fleet ; he married his daughter to Ricimer , and he was proclaimed Augustus in 467 . In 468 , at vast expense , the Eastern empire assembled an enormous force to help the West retake the Diocese of Africa . Marcellinus rapidly drove the Vandals from Sardinia and Sicily , and a land invasion evicted them from Tripolitania . The commander in chief with the main force defeated a Vandal fleet near Sicily and landed at Cape Bon . Here Genseric offered to surrender , if he could have a five - day truce to prepare the process . He used the respite to prepare a full - scale attack preceded by fireships , which destroyed most of the Roman fleet and killed many of its soldiers . The Vandals were confirmed in their possession of the Diocese of Africa and they retook Sardinia and Sicily . Marcellinus was murdered , possibly on orders from Ricimer . The Praetorian prefect of Gaul , Arvandus , tried to persuade the new king of the Visigoths to rebel , on the grounds that Roman power in Gaul was finished anyway , but he refused . Anthemius was still in command of an army in Italy . Additionally , in northern Gaul , a British army led by one Riothamus , operated in imperial interests . Anthemius sent his son over the Alps , with an army , to request that the Visigoths return southern Gaul to Roman control . This would have allowed the Empire land access to Hispania again . The Visigoths refused , defeated the forces of both Riothamus and Anthemius , and with the Burgundians took over almost all of the remaining imperial territory in southern Gaul . Ricimer then quarreled with Anthemius , and besieged him in Rome , which surrendered in July 472 after more months of starvation . Anthemius was captured and executed ( on Ricimer 's orders ) by the Burgundian prince Gundobad . In August Ricimer died of a pulmonary haemorrhage . Olybrius , his new emperor , named Gundobad as his patrician , then died himself shortly thereafter . 472 -- 476 ; the final emperors , puppets of the Warlords ( edit ) After the death of Olybrius there was a further interregnum until March 473 , when Gundobad proclaimed Glycerius emperor . He may have made some attempt to intervene in Gaul ; if so , it was unsuccessful . Tremissis of Julius Nepos In 474 Julius Nepos , nephew and successor of the general Marcellinus , arrived in Rome with soldiers and authority from the eastern emperor Leo I. Gundobad had already left to contest the Burgundian throne in Gaul and Glycerius gave up without a fight , retiring to become bishop of Salona in Dalmatia . In 475 , Orestes , a former secretary of Attila , drove Julius Nepos out of Ravenna and proclaimed his own son Flavius Momyllus Romulus Augustus ( Romulus Augustulus ) to be Emperor , on October 31 . His surname ' Augustus ' was given the diminutive form ' Augustulus ' by rivals because he was still a minor , and he was never recognized outside of Italy as a legitimate ruler . In 476 , Orestes refused to grant Odoacer and the Heruli federated status , prompting an invasion . Orestes fled to the city of Pavia on August 23 , 476 , where the city 's bishop gave him sanctuary . Orestes was soon forced to flee Pavia when Odoacer 's army broke through the city walls , and his army ravaged the city . Odoacer 's army chased Orestes to Piacenza , where they captured and executed him on August 28 , 476 . On September 4 , 476 , Odoacer forced then 16 - year - old Romulus Augustulus , whom his father Orestes had proclaimed to be Rome 's Emperor , to abdicate . After deposing Romulus , Odoacer did not execute him . The Anonymus Valesianus wrote that Odoacer , `` taking pity on his youth '' , spared Romulus ' life and granted him an annual pension of 6,000 solidi before sending him to live with relatives in Campania . Odoacer then installed himself as ruler over Italy , and sent the Imperial insignia to Constantinople . From 476 ; last emperor , rump states ( edit ) Europe and the Near East in 476 AD By convention , the Western Roman Empire is deemed to have ended on 4 September 476 , when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus and proclaimed himself ruler of Italy , but this convention is subject to many qualifications . In Roman constitutional theory , the Empire was still simply united under one emperor , implying no abandonment of territorial claims . In areas where the convulsions of the dying Empire had made organized self - defence legitimate , rump states continued under some form of Roman rule after 476 . Julius Nepos still claimed to be Emperor of the West and controlled Dalmatia until his murder in 480 . Syagrius son of Aegidius ruled the Domain of Soissons until his murder in 487 . The indigenous inhabitants of Mauretania developed kingdoms of their own , independent of the Vandals , with strong Roman traits . They again sought Imperial recognition with the reconquests of Justinian I , and they put up effective resistance to the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb . While the civitates of Britannia sank into a level of material development inferior even to their pre-Roman Iron Age ancestors , they maintained identifiably Roman traits for some time , and they continued to look to their own defence as Honorius had authorized . The Ostrogothic Kingdom , which rose from the ruins of the Western Roman Empire Odoacer began to negotiate with the East Roman ( Byzantine ) Emperor Zeno , who was busy dealing with unrest in the East . Zeno eventually granted Odoacer the status of patrician and accepted him as his own viceroy of Italy . Zeno , however , insisted that Odoacer had to pay homage to Julius Nepos as the Emperor of the Western Empire . Odoacer never returned any territory or real power , but he did issue coins in the name of Julius Nepos throughout Italy . The murder of Julius Nepos in 480 ( Glycerius may have been among the conspirators ) prompted Odoacer to invade Dalmatia , annexing it to his Kingdom of Italy . In 488 the Eastern emperor authorized a troublesome Goth , Theoderic ( later known as `` the Great '' ) to take Italy . After several indecisive campaigns , in 493 Theoderic and Odoacer agreed to rule jointly . They celebrated their agreement with a banquet of reconciliation , at which Theoderic 's men murdered Odoacer 's , and Theoderic personally cut Odoacer in half . Legacy ( edit ) Main article : Legacy of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire was not only a political unity enforced by violence . It was also the combined and elaborated civilization of the Mediterranean basin and beyond . It included manufacture , trade , and architecture , widespread secular literacy , written law , and an international language of science and literature . The Western barbarians lost much of these higher cultural practices , but their redevelopment in the Middle Ages by polities aware of the Roman achievement formed the basis for the later development of Europe . Observing the cultural and archaeological continuities through and beyond the period of lost political control , the process has been described as a complex cultural transformation , rather than a fall . See also ( edit ) Comparative studies of the Roman and Han empires Decline of the Byzantine Empire ( Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire ) Historiography of the fall of the Roman Empire Last of the Romans Late Roman army Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2007 , p. 1 . Jump up ^ e.g. Why Nations Fail . Acemoglu D and Robinson JA . Profile Books ( Random House Inc . ) 2012 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84668 - 429 - 6 . pp. 166 -- 175 Jump up ^ Glen Bowersock , `` The Vanishing Paradigm of the Fall of Rome '' Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1996 . vol. 49 no . 8 pp 29 -- 43 . Jump up ^ Dio Cassius 72.36. 4 , Loeb edition translated E. Cary Jump up ^ Momigliano 1973 . Jump up ^ Alexander Demandt : 210 Theories Archived 2015 - 03 - 16 at the Wayback Machine. , quoting A. Demandt , Der Fall Roms ( 1984 ) 695 . Jump up ^ Galinsky 1992 , pp. 53 -- 73 . Jump up ^ Morris , p. 184 . Jump up ^ Brown 1978 , pp. 2 -- 3 . Jump up ^ Hunt 2001 , p. 256 . Jump up ^ Randsborg 1991 . Jump up ^ Cameron , 1993 & chapter 4 . Jump up ^ Bowersock 2001 . Jump up ^ Harper 2011 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , pp. 87 -- 121 . Jump up ^ Goldsworthy 2003 , pp. 68 -- 73 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 110 . Jump up ^ Edward Gibbon Chapter 2 . Fall In The West . The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire http://www.ccel.org/ccel/gibbon/decline/files/volume1/chap2.htm Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter I : The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines . Chapter II : The Internal Prosperity In The Age Of The Antonines . Chapter III : The Constitution In The Age Of The Antonines . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 67 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 123 . Jump up ^ Letki 2012 , pp. 52 -- 53 . Jump up ^ Aurelius Victor De Caesaribus . chapter XXXIII verse 34 . `` Et patres quidem praeter commune Romani malum orbis stimulabat proprii ordinis contumelia , 34 quia primus ipse metu socordiae suae , ne imperium ad optimos nobilium transferretur , senatum militia vetuit et adire exercitum . Huic novem annorum potentia fuit . '' http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/victor.caes.html ( in Latin ) Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 63 -- 64 . Jump up ^ Macarius Magnes , Apocriticus IV : 23 : `` Therefore you make a great mistake in thinking that God is angry if any other is called a god , and obtains the same title as Himself . For even rulers do not object to the title from their subjects , nor masters from slaves . '' Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , pp. 110 , 147 . ^ Jump up to : MacMullen 1988 , pp. 137 -- 142 . Jump up ^ Matthews 2007 , p. 253 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 170 . Jump up ^ Cameron 2012 , p. 97 . Jump up ^ Matthews 2007 , p. 278 . Jump up ^ Rathbone 2009 , p. 324 . Jump up ^ Matthews 2007 , p. 284 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 119 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 1964 , p. 131 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 115 -- 116 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , pp. 181 -- 183 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , pp. 23 , 178 , 186 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 161 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , pp. 190 -- 193 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 176 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 112 -- 115 . Jump up ^ G.M. Klein Goldewijk and W.M. Jongman . They never had it so good . Roman stature and the biological standard of living . As quoted in : Willem Jongman . Gibbon was right : The decline and fall of the Roman economy . In : Crises and the Roman Empire , pp 183 -- 200 . Editors O. Hekster ; G. Kleijn ; Daniëlle Slootjes . Brill : 2007 . Chapter DOI : 10.1163 / ej. 9789004160507. i - 448.38 E-ISBN 978 - 90 - 474 - 2090 - 3 pages 194 -- 195 . https://books.google.com/books?id=nG-S-X_uI6EC&pg=PA183&lpg=PA18#v=onepage&q&f=false Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 175 . Jump up ^ Tacitus , Annals , book 11 , chapter 18 . http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Tacitus/Annals/11B*.html Corbulo ... recalled the legions , as lethargic in their toils and duties as they were ardent in pillage , to the old code with its prohibitions against falling out on march or beginning an action without orders . Jump up ^ Nicasie 1998 , p. 187 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , p. 37 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , pp. 173 -- 175 , 181 . Jump up ^ Nicasie 1998 , p. 261 . Jump up ^ Ammianus 1935 , book XVI , chapter V : `` what good he did to Gaul , labouring as it was in utmost destitution , appears most clearly from this fact : when he first entered those parts , he found that twenty - five pieces of gold were demanded by way of tribute from every one as a poll and land tax ; but when he left , seven only for full satisfaction of all duties . And on account of this ( as if clear sunshine had beamed upon them after ugly darkness ) , they expressed their joy in gaiety and dances . '' Jump up ^ Gaddis 2005 , pp. 94 - 95 . Jump up ^ Burns 1990 , p. 283 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 147 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 152 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 51 . Jump up ^ Gibbon & vol. 2 , p. 513 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter XXVII : Civil Wars , Reign Of Theodosius. -- Part I. Death Of Gratian . ^ Jump up to : MacMullen 1988 , p. 185 . Jump up ^ Nicasie 1998 , p. 263ff . Jump up ^ Nicasie 1998 , p. 256 . ^ Jump up to : Halsall 2007 , p. 183 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 48 . Jump up ^ Ab Urbe Condita by Titus Livius . Translated from the Original with Notes and Illustrations by George Baker , A.M. . First American , from the Last London Edition , in Six Volumes ( New York : Peter A. Mesier et al. , 1823 ) . Vol. 6 , surviving summaries of books LXIII , LXV , LXVII , LXVIII , http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=1758&layout=html#chapter_92709 accessed 4th July 2012 Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 182 -- 183,212 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 1964 , pp. 157 -- 158 , 169 . Jump up ^ Milner NP . Vegetius : Epitome of Military Science , second edition , Liverpool University Press , 1996 . pp. xxxvii ff Jump up ^ Seeck O. Die Zeit des Vegetius . Hermes 1876 vol. 11 pp. 61 -- 83 . As quoted in Milner NP . Vegetius : Epitome of Military Science , second edition , Liverpool University Press , 1996 . pp. xxxvii ff Jump up ^ De Re Militari . Flavius Vegetius Renatus . Translated by Lieutenant John Clarke 1767 . Etext version by Mads Brevik ( 2001 ) http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~madsb/home/war/vegetius/dere03.php Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 188 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 157 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 185 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 102 , 152 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 65 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , pp. 162 , 169 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 1964 , p. 162 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , pp. 166 -- 167 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 164 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 159 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 178 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 159 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 1964 , p. 173 . ^ Jump up to : Macgeorge 2002 , p. 171 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , pp. 213 -- 214 , 217 -- 218 , 242 , 255 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 1964 , p. 187 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , chapter 2 : Power Effective pp = 58 -- 121 . Jump up ^ Alföldy 2001 , p. 17 . Jump up ^ Macgeorge 2002 , p. 171 - 172 . Jump up ^ Macgeorge 2002 , p. 172 . ^ Jump up to : MacMullen 1988 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 153 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 154 . ^ Jump up to : Zosimus , book 5 http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/New_History/Book_the_Fifth Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 162 -- 163 . Jump up ^ MacMullen 1988 , p. 189 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 183 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 186 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 187 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 169 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 175 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , p. 60 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 173 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 192 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 191 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 190 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 193 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 195 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 198 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 277 Jump up ^ Zosimus , Nova Historia , book 5 . http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/zosimus05_book5.htm ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 215 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 216 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 218 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 227 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 219 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 224 -- 225 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 228 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 236 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 216 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 226 -- 227 . Jump up ^ Connolly 1998 , p. 189 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 233 -- 234 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 234 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 227 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 226 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 239 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 238 -- 239 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 240 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 242 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 243 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 243 -- 244 . Jump up ^ Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers : Series II / Volume VI / The Letters of St. Jerome / Letter 127 Philip Schaff et al. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Nicene_and_Post-Nicene_Fathers:_Series_II/Volume_VI/The_Letters_of_St._Jerome/Letter_127 ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 239 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 228 -- 231 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 229 -- 232 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 196 , 237 , 238 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 238 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 245 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 198 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 202 -- 205 . Jump up ^ Jones , 1964 & 185 -- 189 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 128 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 244 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 205 -- 212 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 251 . ^ Jump up to : Burns 1994 , p. 257 . ^ Jump up to : Eucharisticus Paulinus Pellaeus English translation by H.G. Evelyn White , 1921 , Loeb Classical Library 's Ausonius , vol. II , pp 295 ‐ 351 . http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Paulinus_Pellaeus/Eucharisticus*.html Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 258 -- 259 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 259 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , pp. 259 -- 260 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 240 -- 241 . Jump up ^ Burns 1994 , p. 260 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 241 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 242 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 246 -- 248 . Jump up ^ Matthews 1975 , p. 378 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 257 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 234 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , pp. 231 -- 232 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 246 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 204 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 274 -- 278 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 261 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 260 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 283 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 285 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 240 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 290 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 244 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 288 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter XXXIV : Attila. -- Part II . Jump up ^ De gubernatione Dei by Salvianus . The fifth book . verses 5 -- 7 . http://www.ccel.org/ccel/salvian/govt.iv.vi.html ^ Jump up to : Gildas . On The Ruin of Britain ( De Excidio Britanniae ) . Translation by J.A. Giles https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1949/pg1949.html Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 247 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 288 -- 290 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 291 -- 292 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter XXXIV : Attila. -- Part I . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , pp. 54 -- 62 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , pp. 58 -- 62 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , pp. 206 -- 207 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 293 -- 294 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , Chapter XXXV : Invasion By Attila. -- Part I. & ( http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25717/25717-h/files/733/733-h/gib3-35.htm ) . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 298 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 295 -- 297 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , pp. 205 -- 206 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 330 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 332 . Jump up ^ Gibbon et al . Jump up ^ The Life of St. Severinus ( 1914 ) by Eugippius pp. 13 -- 113 , English translation by George W. Robinson , Harvard University Press , Cambridge , Massachusetts . Jump up ^ Gibbon & Chapter XXXV : Invasion By Attila. -- Part III . ( http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25717/25717-h/files/733/733-h/gib3-35.htm ) . Jump up ^ Bury , J.B. , The Cambridge Medieval History Vol . I ( 1924 ) , pages 418 -- 419 Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 375 -- 377 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 256 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter XXXVI : Total Extinction Of The Western Empire . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , p. 379 . ^ Jump up to : Heather 2005 , p. 381 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 260 . Jump up ^ Heather 2005 , pp. 382 -- 383 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 261 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , 1782 & Chapter XXXVI : Total Extinction Of The Western Empire. -- Part II . Jump up ^ Martindale 1980 , pp. 708 -- 710 , Chapter Marcellinus 6 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 266 -- 267 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 241 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 391 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 273 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , pp. 276 -- 277 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 277 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , p. 278 . ^ Jump up to : Halsall 2007 , p. 279 . Jump up ^ Encyclopædia Britannica online Jump up ^ De Imperatoribus Romanis Jump up ^ Gibbon , p. 406 Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , pp. 280 -- 281 . Jump up ^ Jones 1964 , p. 246 . Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , pp. 405 -- 411 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , p. 118 . Jump up ^ The Britons : from Romans to barbarians . Alex Woolf . pp 345 -- 380 in Regna and Gentes . The relationship between Late Antique and Early Mediaeval Peoples and Kingdoms in the Transformation of the Roman World . Edited by Hans - Werner Goetz , Jörg Janut , and Walter Pohl with the collaboration of Sören Kaschke . Brill , Leiden , 2003 . ISBN 90 - 04 - 12524 - 8 Jump up ^ Halsall 2007 , pp. 284 -- 319 . ^ Jump up to : Halsall 2007 , p. 287 . Jump up ^ Ward - Perkins 2005 , pp. 87 -- 122 . Jump up ^ Bowersock 2001 , pp. 87 -- 122 . References ( edit ) Alföldy , Géza . Urban life , inscriptions , and mentality in late antique Rome . In Urban Centers and Rural Contexts in Late Antiquity , Thomas S. Burns and John W. Eadie ( eds . ) . Michigan State University Press 2001 . ISBN 0 - 87013 - 585 - 6 . Ammianus . The History . Trans . J.C. Rolfe . Loeb Classical Library , Vol . I , 1935 . Bowersock , Glen , Peter Brown , Oleg Grabar . Interpreting Late Antiquity : essays on the postclassical world . Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 674 - 00598 - 8 . Brown , Peter . The Making of Late Antiquity , Harvard University Press , 1978 . Burns , Thomas S. Barbarians Within the Gates of Rome : A Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians , ca . 375 -- 425 A.D. Indiana University Press 1995 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 253 - 31288 - 4 . Börm , Henning . Westrom . Von Honorius bis Justinian . Kohlhammer 2013 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 17 - 023276 - 1 ( Review in English ) . Cameron , Averil . The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity . AD 395 -- 700 . Routledge 2011 , ISBN 978 - 0415579612 . Connolly , Peter . Greece and Rome at War . Revised edition , Greenhill Books , 1998 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85367 - 303 - 0 . Gaddis , Michael . There Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ . Religious violence in the Christian Roman Empire . University of California Press , 2005 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 24104 - 6 . Galinsky , Karl . Classical and Modern Interactions ( 1992 ) 53 -- 73 . Gibbon , Edward . History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire . With notes by the Rev. H.H. Milman. 1782 ( Written ) , 1845 ( Revised ) Goldsworthy , Adrian . The complete Roman Army . ISBN 978 - 0 - 500 - 05124 - 5 . Thames & Hudson , 2003 . Goldsworthy , Adrian . The Fall of the West : The Slow Death of the Roman Superpower . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7538 - 2692 - 8 . Phoenix , an imprint of Orion Books Ltd , 2010 . Heather , Peter . The fall of the Roman Empire . A new history . Pan Books , 2006 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 330 - 49136 - 5 . Halsall , Guy . Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West , 376 -- 568 ( Cambridge Medieval Textbooks ) Harper , Kyle . Slavery in the late Roman world AD 275 -- 425 . ISBN ( hardback ) 978 - 0 - 521 - 19861 - 5 . Cambridge University Press 2011 . Hunt , Lynn , Thomas R. Martin , Barbara H. Rosenwein , R. Po - chia Hsia , Bonnie G. Smith . The Making of the West , Peoples and Cultures , Volume A : To 1500 . Bedford / St. Martins 2001 . ISBN 0 - 312 - 18365 - 8 . Hodges , Richard , Whitehouse , David . Mohammed , Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe : archaeology and the Pirenne thesis . Cornell University Press , 1983 . Jones , A.H.M. The Later Roman Empire , 284 -- 602 : A Social , Economic , and Administrative Survey ( Paperback , vol. 1 ) ISBN 0 - 8018 - 3353 - 1 Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1964 . Letki Piotr . The cavalry of Diocletian . Origin , organization , tactics , and weapons . Translated by Pawel Grysztar and Trystan Skupniewicz . Wydawnictwo NapoleonV ISBN 978 - 83 - 61324 - 93 - 5 . Oświęcim 2012 . Macgeorge , Penny . Late Roman Warlords . Oxford University Press 2002 . MacMullen , Ramsay . Corruption and the decline of Rome . Yale University Press , 1988 . ISBN 0 - 300 - 04799 - 1 . Martindale , J.R. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire volume II , A.D. 395 -- 527 . Cambridge University Press 1980 . Matthews , John . The Roman empire of Ammianus . Michigan Classical Press , 2007 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9799713 - 2 - 7 . Matthews , John . Western aristocracies and Imperial court AD 364 -- 425 . Oxford University Press 1975 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 814817 - 8 . Momigliano , Arnaldo. 1973 . `` La caduta senza rumore di un impero nel 476 d.C. '' ( `` The noiseless fall of an empire in 476 AD '' ) . Rivista storica italiana , 85 ( 1973 ) , 5 -- 21 . Nicasie , M.J. Twilight of Empire . The Roman Army from the reign of Diocletian to the Battle of Adrianople . J.C. Gieben , 1998 . ISBN 90 - 5063 - 448 - 6 . Randsborg , Klavs . The First Millennium AD in Europe and the Mediterranean : an archaeological essay . Cambridge University Press 1991 . ISBN 0 521 38401 X . Rathbone , Dominic . `` Earnings and Costs . Part IV , chapter 15 '' , pages 299 -- 326 . In : Quantifying the Roman Economy . Methods and Problems . Alan Bowman and Andrew Wilson eds . Oxford University Press 2009 , paperback edition 2013 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 967929 - 4 . Ward - Perkins Bryan . The fall of Rome and the end of civilization . Oxford University Press 2005 ( hardback edition ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 280728 - 1 External links ( edit ) `` The Roman Empire 's Collapse in the 5th Century '' BBC Radio 4 discussion with Charlotte Roueché , David Womersley and Richard Alston ( In Our Time , Mar. 18 , 2004 ) Ancient Rome topics Outline Timeline Epochs Foundation Kingdom overthrow Republic Empire Pax Romana Principate Dominate Western Empire fall historiography of the fall Byzantine Empire decline fall Constitution History Kingdom Republic Empire Late Empire Senate Legislative assemblies Curiate Centuriate Tribal Plebeian Executive magistrates SPQR Government Curia Forum Cursus honorum Collegiality Emperor Legatus Dux Officium Prefect Vicarius Vigintisexviri Lictor Magister militum Imperator Princeps senatus Pontifex Maximus Augustus Caesar Tetrarch Optimates Populares Province Magistrates Ordinary Consul Censor Praetor Tribune Tribune of the Plebs Military tribune Quaestor Aedile Promagistrate Governor Extraordinary Rex Interrex Dictator Magister Equitum Decemviri 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Vulgar Late Medieval Renaissance New Contemporary Ecclesiastical Romance languages Writers Latin Ammianus Marcellinus Appian Appuleius Asconius Pedianus Augustine Aurelius Victor Ausonius Boëthius Caesar Catullus Cassiodorus Censorinus Cicero Claudian Columella Ennius Eutropius Fabius Pictor Festus Florus Frontinus Fulgentius Gellius Horace Jerome Juvenal Livy Lucan Lucretius Macrobius Marcus Aurelius Martial Orosius Ovid Petronius Phaedrus Plautus Pliny the Elder Pliny the Younger Priscian Propertius Quintilian Quintus Curtius Rufus Sallust Seneca the Elder Seneca the Younger Servius Sidonius Apollinaris Statius Suetonius Symmachus Tacitus Terence Tertullian Tibullus Valerius Antias Valerius Maximus Varro Velleius Paterculus Verrius Flaccus Virgil Vitruvius Greek Arrian Cassius Dio Diodorus Siculus Dionysius of Halicarnassus Dioscorides Eusebius of Caesaria Galen Herodian Josephus Pausanias Philostratus Phlegon of Tralles Photius Plutarch Polybius Porphyrius Procopius Strabo Zonaras 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any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental
All persons fictitious disclaimer
all persons fictitious disclaimer
An `` all persons fictitious '' disclaimer in a work of media is one which states that the persons portrayed in it are not based on real people . This is done to reduce the possibility of legal action for libel from any person who believes that he or she has been defamed by their portrayal in the work , whether portrayed under their real name or a different name . The wording of this disclaimer varies , and differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction , as does its legal effectiveness .
The disclaimer for American studio films and TV series is routinely included among disclaimers on other topics , such as copyright , animal welfare , and promotion of tobacco use , such as : This motion picture is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world . Country of first publication : United States of America . Any unauthorized exhibition , distribution , or copying of this film or any part thereof ( including soundtrack ) may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution . The story , all names , characters , and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious . No identification with actual persons ( living or deceased ) , places , buildings , and products is intended or should be inferred . No person or entity associated with this film received payment or anything of value , or entered into any agreement , in connection with the depiction of tobacco products . No animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture . Contents 1 Origins 2 Later uses 3 Effectiveness 4 See also 5 References Origins ( edit ) The disclaimer came as a result of litigation against the 1932 Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer film Rasputin and the Empress , which insinuated that the character Princess Natasha had been raped by Russian mystic Rasputin . The character of Natasha was supposedly intended to represent Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia , who sued MGM for libel . After seeing the film twice , the jury agreed that the princess had been defamed . Irina and her husband Felix Yusupov were reportedly awarded $127,373 in damages by the English Court of Appeal in 1934 and $1 million in an out - of - court settlement with MGM . As a preventive measure against further lawsuits , the film was taken out of distribution for decades . The film began with a claim that `` This concerns the destruction of an empire ... A few of the characters are still alive -- the rest met death by violence . '' Reportedly , a justice in the case told MGM that not only was this claim damaging to their case , but that their case would be stronger if they had incorporated a directly opposite statement , that the film was n't intended as an accurate portrayal of real people or events . Prompted by the outcome of this case , many studios began to incorporate an `` all persons fictitious '' disclaimer in their films , to protect themselves from similar court action . Later uses ( edit ) The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject . You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate . ( July 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Although the disclaimer is routinely included as boilerplate , producers sometimes vary from it , sometimes to make a statement about the veracity of their work , for humor , or to satirize the standard disclaimer . The disclaimer is sometimes presented with qualifications . In Jack Webb 's police series Dragnet , each episode begins with an announcer intoning , `` The story you are about to see is true . The names have been changed to protect the innocent . '' The 1969 alternative western comedy Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid , based upon real individuals whose lives and exploits already had a place among American legends of the West , opens with the disclaimer `` Most of what follows is true . '' Because of the autobiographical nature of Dave Eggers ' memoir , A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius , the book features the following play on the usual disclaimer : `` Any resemblance to persons living or dead should be plainly apparent to them and those who know them , especially if the author has been kind enough to have provided their real names and , in some cases , their phone numbers . All events described herein actually happened , though on occasion the author has taken certain , very small , liberties with chronology , because that is his right as an American . '' All episodes of South Park , which frequently features well - known public figures or parodies of them , open with a tongue - in - cheek disclaimer that begins by stating , `` All characters and events in this show -- even those based on real people -- are entirely fictional . All celebrity voices are impersonated -- poorly . '' Disclaimers can occasionally be used to make political or similar points . One such disclaimer is shown at the end of the industrial / political thriller The Constant Gardener , signed by the author of the original book , John le Carré : `` Nobody in this story , and no outfit or corporation , thank God , is based upon an actual person or outfit in the real world . But I can tell you this ; as my journey through the pharmaceutical jungle progressed , I came to realize that , by comparison with the reality , my story was as tame as a holiday postcard . '' The 1969 film Z , which is based on the military dictatorship ruling Greece at that time , has this notice : `` Any resemblance to actual events , to persons living or dead , is not the result of chance . It is DELIBERATE . '' German nobel laureate Heinrich Böll 's novel The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum was originally preceded by a statement which made the usual disclaimer , but stated that similarities to the journalistic practices of the German newspaper Bild `` are neither intended nor coincidental but inevitable '' ; this disclaimer was later removed in the English edition . The familiar disclaimer is often rewritten for humor . Early examples include The Three Stooges ' parody of Nazi Germany You Nazty Spy , which stated that `` Any resemblance between the characters in this picture and any persons , living or dead , is a miracle , '' and its sequel I 'll Never Heil Again , which features a disclaimer that states that `` The characters in this picture are fictitious . Anyone resembling them is better off dead . '' In the 1966 film Thunderbirds Are Go , a disclaimer states that all the persons in the feature are fictitious `` as they do not exist yet '' ( the film is set in the year 2068 ) . In the film An American Werewolf in London , and in Michael Jackson 's Thriller , the disclaimer refers to `` persons living , dead or undead '' . Variations sometimes employ irony or satire . The film Return of the Living Dead features a disclaimer that reads `` The events portrayed in this film are all true . The names are real names of real people and real organizations . '' The novel Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut features a truncated version of the disclaimer : `` All persons , living and dead , are purely coincidental , and should not be construed '' , referring to the novel 's existentialist themes . Richard Linklater 's 1990 feature film Slacker ends with `` This story was based on fact . Any similarity with fictitious events or characters was purely coincidental . '' In response to controversies over cultural appropriation and the use of an indigenous term , Filipino television network ABS - CBN used a special disclaimer in the 2018 fantaserye Bagani , maintaining that the series takes place in an alternate fantasy universe inspired but unrelated to pre-colonial Philippines and is in no way intended to trivialize or misrepresent tribal groups : `` Ang kuwentong inyong mapapanood ay kathang - isip lamang at kumuha ng inspirasyon mula sa iba 't ibang alamat at mitolohiyang Pilipino . Ito'y hindi tumutukoy o kumakatawan sa kahit anong Indigenous People sa Pilipinas . '' ( `` The story you 're about to watch is a work of fiction and is inspired by Philippine mythology and folk legends . It does not refer to and is not representative of any Indigenous People in the Philippines . '' ) Effectiveness ( edit ) If a fictitious film is perceived to be too close to actual events , the disclaimer may be ruled null and void in court and the inspiration behind the film may be due compensation . Such was the case with the 1980 film The Idolmaker , which was based on a fictional talent promoter who discovers a talentless teenage boy and turns him into a manufactured star ; Fabian , whose career path was very similar to the fictional boy 's , took offense at the caricature , and the production company responded with the all persons fictitious disclaimer . As the promoter on which the fictional character was based , Bob Marcucci , was part of the production staff ( and thus it could not be plausibly denied that actual events inspired the film ) , Fabian ultimately received a settlement granting a minority stake in the film 's profits . See also ( edit ) Negative checking References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Any Resemblance to Persons Living or Dead : Film and the Challenge of Authenticity '' . Stanford.edu . Retrieved 2 August 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Rasputin and the Empress '' . Tcm.com . Retrieved 17 October 2011 . Jump up ^ `` The Strange Reason Nearly Every Film Ends by Saying It 's Fiction ( You Guessed It : Rasputin ! ) '' . Slate.com . Retrieved 3 December 2017 . Jump up ^ The Constant Gardener , IMDb.com . Retrieved 31 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Crazy Credits , IMDb.com . Retrieved 9 March 2013 . Jump up ^ Cepeda , Cody ( 6 March 2018 ) . `` ' Bagani ' teleserye 's misuse of term ' distorts , misleads and confuses ' Filipino viewers , says IP commission '' . Philippine Daily Inquirer . Retrieved 6 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Guno , Niña ( 4 March 2018 ) . `` ' Bagani ' teleserye under fire from CHED commissioner for misuse of term '' . Philippine Daily Inquirer . Retrieved 5 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Ramos , Marjaleen ( 5 March 2018 ) . `` CHED Commissioner criticizes teleserye ' Bagani ' '' . Manila Bulletin . Retrieved 6 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Film Clips : Paramount 's Eisner Ca n't Find A Booth . Pollock , Dale . Los Angeles Times 30 Jan 1981 : g1 . Jump up ^ `` The Music Index -- Story Of The Stars -- Fabian Interview '' . Story Of The Stars . Retrieved 2012 - 04 - 11 . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=All_persons_fictitious_disclaimer&oldid=848168292 '' Categories : Tort law Film and video terminology Hidden categories : Articles with too many examples Use dmy dates from October 2011 Articles with limited geographic scope from July 2016 USA - centric Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 30 June 2018 , at 05 : 37 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who played it in the first it movie
Curry received further acclaim for his film and television roles , including as Rooster Hannigan in the film adaptation of Annie ( 1982 ) , as Darkness in the fantasy film Legend ( 1985 ) , as Wadsworth in the mystery comedy film Clue ( 1985 ) , as Pennywise the Dancing Clown in the horror miniseries It ( 1990 ) and Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island ( 1996 ) .
Tim Curry
tim curry
Timothy James Curry ( born 19 April 1946 ) is an English actor , voice actor and singer . He is known for his work in a diverse range of theatre , film , and television productions , often portraying villainous roles or character parts . Curry rose to prominence with his portrayal of Dr. Frank - N - Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show ( 1975 ) , reprising the role he had originated in the 1973 London and 1974 Los Angeles stage productions of The Rocky Horror Show .
His other stage work includes various roles in the original West End production of Hair , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the 1980 Broadway production of Amadeus , the Pirate King in the 1982 West End production of The Pirates of Penzance , Alan Swann in the Broadway production of My Favourite Year and King Arthur in Broadway and West End productions of Spamalot from 2005 to 2007 . Curry received further acclaim for his film and television roles , including as Rooster Hannigan in the film adaptation of Annie ( 1982 ) , as Darkness in the fantasy film Legend ( 1985 ) , as Wadsworth in the mystery comedy film Clue ( 1985 ) , as Pennywise the Dancing Clown in the horror miniseries It ( 1990 ) and Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island ( 1996 ) . Curry has also gained acclaim as a voice actor . His roles in animation include Captain Hook on the FOX series Peter Pan & the Pirates ( 1990 -- 1991 ) , Hexxus in the fantasy film FernGully : The Last Rainforest ( 1992 ) , Nigel Thornberry on the Nickelodeon series The Wild Thornberrys ( 1998 -- 2004 ) and Palpatine on Star Wars : The Clone Wars ( 2012 -- 2014 ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Acting career 2.1 Rocky Horror 2.2 Theatre 2.3 Film 2.4 Television 2.5 Voice acting 3 Musical career 4 Personal life 5 Awards and nominations 6 References 7 External links Early life ( edit ) Curry was born in Grappenhall , Cheshire . His father , James Curry , a chaplain in the Royal Navy , died when Curry was 12 . Curry 's mother , Patricia , a school secretary , died in June 1999 after living with cancer for two years . His older sister , Judith ( `` Judy '' ) , was a concert pianist who died of a brain tumour in 2001 . Curry spent most of his childhood in Plymouth , Devon , but , after his father 's death from pneumonia in 1958 , his family moved to South London . Curry then went to boarding school and attended Kingswood School in Bath , Somerset . He developed into a talented boy soprano ( treble ) . Deciding to concentrate on acting , Curry graduated from the University of Birmingham with a combined degree in English and Drama ( BA Drama & Theatre Studies , 1968 ) . Acting career ( edit ) Main article : Tim Curry performances Rocky Horror ( edit ) Curry in a performance of The Rocky Horror Show . Curry 's first full - time role was as part of the original London cast of the musical Hair in 1968 , where he first met Richard O'Brien who went on to write Curry 's next full - time role , that of Dr. Frank - N - Furter in The Rocky Horror Show ( 1975 ) . Curry recalled his first encounter with the project : I 'd heard about the play because I lived on Paddington Street , off Baker Street , and there was an old gym a few doors away . I saw Richard O'Brien in the street , and he said he 'd just been to the gym to see if he could find a muscleman who could sing . I said , `` Why do you need him to sing ? '' ( laughs ) And he told me that his musical was going to be done , and I should talk to Jim Sharman . He gave me the script , and I thought , `` Boy , if this works , it 's going to be a smash . '' Originally , Curry rehearsed the character with a German accent and peroxide blond hair , and later , with an American accent . In March 2005 , in an interview with Terry Gross of NPR 's Fresh Air , he explains that he decided to play Dr. Frank - N - Furter with an English accent after listening to an English woman say , `` Do you have a house in town or a house in the country , '' and decided , `` Yes , ( Dr. Frank - N - Furter ) should sound like the Queen . '' Curry originally thought the character was merely a laboratory doctor dressed in a white lab coat . However , at the suggestion of director Sharman , the character evolved into the diabolical mad scientist and transvestite with an upper - class Belgravia accent that carried over to The Rocky Horror Picture Show and made Curry a household name and gave him a cult following . He continued to play the character in London , Los Angeles , and New York City until 1975 . In an interview with NPR , Curry called Rocky Horror a `` rite of passage , '' and added that the film is `` a guaranteed weekend party to which you can go with or without a date and probably find one if you do n't have one , and it 's also a chance for people to try on a few roles for size , you know ? Figure out , help them maybe figure out their own sexuality . '' In 2016 , Curry played The Criminologist in the television film remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show . Theatre ( edit ) Curry in February 2005 Shortly after the end of Rocky Horror 's run on Broadway , Curry returned to the stage with Tom Stoppard 's Travesties , which ran in London and New York from 1975 to 1976 . Travesties was a Broadway hit . It won two Tony Awards ( Best Performance by an Actor for John Wood and Best Comedy ) , as well as the New York Drama Critics Circle Award ( Best Play ) , and Curry 's performance as the famous dadaist Tristan Tzara received good reviews . In 1981 , Curry formed part of the original cast in the Broadway show Amadeus , playing the title character , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . He was nominated for his first Tony Award ( Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play ) for this role but lost out to his co-star Ian McKellen , who played Antonio Salieri . In 1982 , Curry took the part of the Pirate King in the Drury Lane production of Joe Papp 's version of The Pirates of Penzance opposite George Cole , earning enthusiastic reviews . In the mid-1980s , Curry performed in The Rivals and in several plays with the Royal National Theatre of Great Britain , including The Threepenny Opera , Dalliance and Love For Love . In 1988 , Curry did the national tour of Me and My Girl as the lead role of Bill Snibson , a role originated on Broadway by Robert Lindsay and followed by Jim Dale . In 1989 - 90 , Tim Curry returned once again to the New York stage in The Art of Success . In 1993 , Curry played Alan Swann in the Broadway musical version of My Favourite Year , earning him his second Tony Award nomination , this time for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical . In 2001 , Curry appeared as Scrooge in the musical version of A Christmas Carol that played at Madison Square Garden . In 2004 , Curry began his role of King Arthur in Spamalot in Chicago . The show successfully moved to Broadway in February 2005 . The show sold more than $1 million worth of tickets in its first 24 hours . It brought him a third Tony nomination , again for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical . Curry reprised this role in London 's West End at the Palace Theatre , where Spamalot opened on 16 October 2006 . His final performance came on 6 January 2007 . He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award as the Best Actor in a Musical for the role , and also won the Theatregoers ' Choice Award ( getting 39 % of the votes cast by over 12,000 theatregoers ) as Best Actor in a Musical . From May to August 2011 , Curry was scheduled to portray the Player in a Trevor Nunn stage production of Tom Stoppard 's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead at the Chichester Festival Theatre and then in London . He withdrew from the production on 27 May , citing ill health . From 26 -- 29 April 2012 , Tim Curry appeared in Eric Idle 's play What About Dick ? at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles . He had originally appeared in the play back in 2007 when it was still work in progress . Curry 's career in theatre was honoured on 7 June 2015 at the Actors Fund 's 19th annual Tony Awards Viewing Party , where he was awarded an Artistic Achievement Award . Film ( edit ) After The Rocky Horror Picture Show , Curry began to appear in many films , acting in supporting roles , such as Robert Graves in the British horror film The Shout , as Johnny LaGuardia in Times Square , as Daniel Francis `` Rooster '' Hannigan in Annie , a film based on the broadway musical of the same name and as Jeremy Hancock in the political film The Ploughman 's Lunch . In 1985 , Curry starred in the fantasy film , Legend as the Lord of Darkness . Director Ridley Scott cast Curry in the film after watching him in Rocky Horror , thinking he was ideal to play the role of Darkness . It took five and a half hours to apply the makeup needed for Darkness onto Curry and at the end of the day , he would spend an hour in a bath in order to liquefy the soluble spirit gum . At one point , Curry got too impatient and claustrophobic and pulled the makeup off too quickly , tearing off his own skin in the process . Scott had to shoot around the actor for a week as a result . The same year , he appeared in the comedy mystery film Clue as Wadsworth the butler . After this , Curry began to be cast in more comedy roles throughout the late 1980s and ' 90s such as Rev. Ray Porter in Pass the Ammo , Dr. Thornton Poole in Oscar , Mr. Hector in Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York , Jigsaw in Loaded Weapon 1 and as Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island . Although he featured in mostly comedies throughout the ' 90s , he did appear in some action films , such as the thriller The Hunt for Red October as Dr. Yevgeniy Petrov , the 1993 reboot of The Three Musketeers as Cardinal Richelieu , in the superhero film The Shadow as Farley Claymore and as Herkermer Homolka in the 1995 action adventure Congo . He also starred in the 1998 direct - to - video film Addams Family Reunion playing the role of Gomez Addams . In the early 2000s , Curry was cast in the film adaption of Charlie 's Angels in the role of Roger Corwin , and in the parody film Scary Movie 2 playing Professor Oldman . Curry then went on to play Thurman Rice , a supporting role in the biographical film Kinsey . In recent years , Curry has mostly performed in animated films , his most recent feature film onscreen role has been in the British black comedy Burke & Hare as Prof Alexander Monro . Television ( edit ) Curry started off his career with small roles in television series , such as Eugene in Napoleon and Love , and guest roles in Armchair Theatre and Play for Today . Curry also appeared in the `` Dead Dog Records '' storyline of the television series crime drama Wiseguy , as Winston Newquay . He also had recurring roles on the short - lived science fiction television series Earth 2 and the sitcom Rude Awakening . He has also guest starred on other series such as Roseanne , Tales from the Crypt ( which earned him an Emmy award nomination ) , The Tracey Ullman Show , Lexx , The Naked Truth , Monk , Will & Grace , Psych , Agatha Christie 's Poirot and Criminal Minds . Curry also performed in a large number of television films and miniseries , including Three Men in a Boat , the titular role in Will Shakespeare , playing the role of Bill Sikes in a television adaptation of Oliver Twist , a wizard in the Halloween television film adaptation of The Worst Witch , Titanic , Terry Pratchett 's The Colour of Magic , Alice , Return to Cranford and many more . Although Curry has appeared in numerous television series throughout his career he has only had main roles in two : Over the Top , a sitcom that he also produced , and the revival series of Family Affair . Both were cancelled after one season . One of Curry 's best - known television roles ( and best - known roles overall ) is as Pennywise the Clown in the 1990 horror miniseries Stephen King 's It . Aside from one Fangoria interview in 1990 , Curry never publicly acknowledged his involvement in It until an interview with Moviefone in 2015 , where he called the role of Pennywise `` a wonderful part '' , giving his blessing to successor Will Poulter ; Poulter was set to play the character in the reboot , although ultimately dropped out . Bill Skarsgård replaced him and while being interviewed at Fan Expo Canada Curry gave his approval , saying that he liked Skarsgård very much . Voice acting ( edit ) Curry voiced Taurus Bullba in Darkwing Duck for 3 episodes . He has also appeared in a large number of animated television series and films , starting with the performance of the Serpent in The Greatest Adventure : Stories from the Bible . Curry also portrayed Captain Hook in the Fox animated series Peter Pan and the Pirates . Curry won a Daytime Emmy Award for his performance . Another animated television role was in The Wild Thornberrys , where he played Nigel Thornberry . He had small roles in the Little Mermaid TV series and the 2014 Cartoon Network mini-series Over the Garden Wall , as Auntie Whispers . In 1988 Curry recorded the lead voice as the castaway mouse Abelard Hassan DiChirico Flint in Michael Sporn 's Emmy Nominated adaptation of William Steig 's novel for children , `` Abel 's Island '' for Italtoons , now distributed by Random House . Curry was mainly known for antagonist roles in animated series such as MAL in Captain Planet and the Planeteers , Skullmaster in Mighty Max , Dr Anton Sevarius in Gargoyles , George Herbert Walker ' King ' Chicken in Duckman , Lord Dragaunus in The Mighty Ducks , as Henri Poupon and Charlene 's coat in Jim Henson 's Dinosaurs , Scarlet Fever and Nick O'Teen in Ozzy & Drix , Professor Finbar Calamitous in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron : Boy Genius , Slagar the Cruel in Redwall , Doctor Morocco in Transformers : Rescue Bots , and G. Gordon Godfrey in Young Justice . He also became the voice of Palpatine in Star Wars : The Clone Wars upon the death of Ian Abercrombie . During the 1990s , Curry played the voice - only role of cyber-villain Kilokahn in DIC 's live - action series Superhuman Samurai Syber - Squad . Curry also appeared in a number of animated films such as FernGully : The Last Rainforest , The Pebble and the Penguin , all three Rugrats films as side characters ( excluding Rugrats Go Wild where he reprises his role as Nigel Thornberry ) , Beauty and the Beast : The Enchanted Christmas , He played Voley in US Version on The First Snow of Winter , Scooby - Doo ! and the Witch 's Ghost , The Wild Thornberrys Movie , The Cat Returns , Valiant , Garfield : Tail of Two Kitties , Fly Me to the Moon , and many more . Curry has also lent his voice to numerous video games , such as , Gabriel Knight : Sins of the Fathers and Gabriel Knight 3 : Blood of the Sacred , Blood of the Damned , where he voiced the title character , Gabriel Knight , Toonstruck , Sacrifice , Brütal Legend and Dragon Age : Origins . His audiobook work includes Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events , Geraldine McCaughrean 's Peter Pan in Scarlet , Charles Dickens ' A Christmas Carol , Bram Stoker 's Dracula and the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix . He also played Premier Anatoly Cherdenko in Command & Conquer : Red Alert 3 . Musical career ( edit ) This section of a biography of a living person does not include any references or sources . Please help by adding reliable sources . Contentious material about living people that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately . Find sources : `` Tim Curry '' -- news newspapers books scholar JSTOR ( November 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Aside from his performances on various soundtrack records , Curry has had some success as a solo musical artist . Curry received classical vocal training as a boy . He has mentioned that his musical influences included jazz vocalists such as Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong and idolised the Beatles and the Rolling Stones as a teenager . In 1978 , A&M Records released Curry 's debut solo album Read My Lips . The album featured an eclectic range of songs ( mostly covers ) performed in diverse genres . Highlights of the album are a reggae version of the Beatles ' song `` I Will '' , a rendition of `` Wake Nicodemus '' featuring the Pipes and Drums of the 48th Highlanders of Canada , and a bar - room ballad , `` Alan '' , composed by Canadian singer - songwriter Tony Kosinec . The following year , Curry released his second and most successful album Fearless . The LP was more rock - oriented than Read My Lips and mostly featured original songs rather than cover versions . The record included Curry 's only US charting songs : `` I Do the Rock '' and `` Paradise Garage '' . Curry 's third and final album , Simplicity , was released in 1981 , again by A&M Records . This record , which did not sell as well as the previous offerings , combined both original songs and cover versions . The writing , production and musician roster for Curry 's solo albums included an impressive list of collaborators , including Bob Ezrin and David Sanborn . In 1989 , A&M released The Best of Tim Curry on CD and cassette , featuring songs from his albums ( including a live version of `` Alan '' ) and a previously unreleased song , a live cover version of Bob Dylan 's `` Simple Twist of Fate '' . Curry toured America with his band through the late 1970s and the first half of the 1980s . In 1990 he performed as the prosecutor in Roger Waters ' production of The Wall in Berlin . Although Curry 's first album was released in 1978 , he had previously recorded a nine - track album for Lou Adler 's Ode Records in 1976 . However , the album remained unreleased in its entirety until February 2010 , when it was made available as a legal download entitled ... From the Vaults ( though four tracks from these sessions had been released on a 1990 Rocky Horror box set ) . The album , produced by Adler , included Curry 's rendition of the Supremes ' hit `` Baby Love '' . Personal life ( edit ) Curry resides in Toluca Lake , California . He is agnostic . In June 2012 , Curry suffered a major stroke . As a result of the stroke , he now uses a wheelchair . Curry has never been married and does not have children . Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Title Award Result The Rocky Horror Show Drama Desk Award Best Actor in a Musical Nominated 1981 Amadeus Best Actor in a Play Nominated Tony Award Best Actor in a Play Nominated 1982 The Pirates of Penzance Royal Variety Club Award Stage Actor of the Year Won Laurence Olivier Award Best Actor in a Musical Nominated 1991 Peter Pan and the Pirates Daytime Emmy Award Outstanding Performer in a Children 's Series Won My Favorite Year Tony Award Best Actor in a Musical Nominated Passed Away American Comedy Award Funniest Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture Nominated Tales from the Crypt Primetime Emmy Award Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Nominated 1995 CableACE Award Best Actor in a Dramatic Series Nominated Mighty Max Daytime Emmy Award Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program Nominated Congo Razzie Award Worst Supporting Actor Nominated 1998 Beauty and the Beast : The Enchanted Christmas Annie Award Voice Acting in a Feature Production Nominated 2002 The Bad Beginning Grammy Award Best Spoken Word Album for Children Nominated 2005 Spamalot Outer Critics Circle Award Outstanding Actor in a Musical Nominated Tony Award Best Actor in a Musical Nominated 2007 Laurence Olivier Award Best Actor in a Musical Nominated Whatsonstage.com Award Best Actor in a Musical Won Brütal Legend NAVGTR Award Supporting Performance in a Comedy Nominated Dragon Age : Origins Supporting Performance in a Drama Nominated 2015 N / A Actors Fund of America Artistic Achievement Award N / A Awarded References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Did not become part of Warrington until 1st April 1974 , before which Warrington was historically part of Lancashire Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry Biography ( 1946 -- ) '' . Filmreference.com . Retrieved 15 September 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry 's back on the Grail trail '' . London Evening Standard . 25 September 2006 . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Brown , Laura ; `` admin '' . `` Biography '' . timcurry.co.uk . Retrieved 10 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Rothstein , Mervyn ( 24 January 1990 ) . `` Tim Curry Plunges Ahead Into the Past , Part IV '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Harding , James ( 1 October 1987 ) . The Rocky Horror Show Book . London : Sidgwick & Jackson . p. 45 . ISBN 978 - 0283993886 . Jump up ^ `` Terry Pratchett 's The Colour of Magic : Sky One '' . Web.archive.org. 18 January 2008 . Archived from the original on 18 January 2008 . Retrieved 15 September 2009 . Jump up ^ Brown , Mark ( 20 October 2006 ) . `` ' We were all going to join this street theater troupe . Tim got a job in Hair the next day . All he had to do was sing ' '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 26 March 2008 . Jump up ^ Lovece , Frank ( 8 December 1992 ) . `` Curry Prefers the Sidelight for Now '' . NEA newspaper syndicate . Retrieved 21 May 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Gross , Terry ( 15 March 2005 ) . `` Star of ' Spamalot , ' Actor Tim Curry '' . Fresh Air . NPR . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Mark Caldwell interview with Tim Curry '' . Stoic Productions . Film Talk . September 1975 . Jump up ^ McHenry , Jackson ( 9 August 2016 ) . `` Tim Curry Is Perfectly Happy Fox 's Rocky Horror Remake Is Doing the Time Warp Again ( Again ) '' . vulture.com . Retrieved 9 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` In Step With : Tim Curry '' . Parade. 29 May 2005 . Jump up ^ Amer , Matthew ( 31 May 2011 ) . `` Curry Withdraws from Haymarket Production '' . Official London Theatre . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Russell Brand to Star in Eric Idle Stage Musical WHAT ABOUT DICK ? '' . BroadwayWorld.com. 20 February 2012 . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Eric Idle Workshops ' What About Dick ? ' with Izzard , Curry '' . BroadwayWorld.com. 12 October 2007 . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry , Alfred Molina & More to Be Honored at The Actors Fund 's Annual Tony Awards Viewing Party ; Kate Burton Will Host '' . BroadwayWorld.com . Retrieved 17 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry '' . IMDb . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry '' . IMDb . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 26 . Jump up ^ Burke and Hare ( 2010 ) , retrieved 2017 - 08 - 23 Jump up ^ `` Tim Curry to the ' It ' Remake 's Pennywise : ' Good Luck ' '' . Moviefone . June 8 , 2015 . Retrieved June 16 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Pauley , Patti ( September 2017 ) . `` Here 's what Tim Curry thinks about Bill Skarsgard 's Pennywise '' . Fansided . Retrieved 19 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Audiobooks '' . Audible.com . Retrieved 13 August 2014 . Jump up ^ Chris Thompson , ' Shake It Up ! ' and ' Bosom Buddies ' scribe , dead at 63 - UPI.com Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 28 . Jump up ^ Abramovitch , Seth ( 24 May 2013 ) . `` Tim Curry Recovering From Stroke '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 8 October 2015 . Jump up ^ ABC News . `` Tim Curry Relies on His Humor While Recovering From Stroke '' . ABC News . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tim Curry . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Tim Curry Tim Curry on IMDb Tim Curry at the Internet Broadway Database Tim Curry discography at Discogs Tim Curry at AllMusic Tim Curry at Anime News Network 's encyclopedia Tim Curry at the Internet Off - Broadway Database Tim Curry at BFI Film & TV Database New show Actor playing King Arthur in Spamalot ( Broadway ) 17 March 2005 ( Opening ) -- 19 December 2005 Succeeded by Simon Russell Beale 21 December 2005 -- 26 April 2006 New show Actor playing King Arthur in Spamalot ( West End ) 30 September 2006 ( Opened 16 October 2006 ) -- 6 January 2007 Succeeded by Simon Russell Beale 24 January 2007 -- July 2007 VIAF : 59269145 LCCN : n88028203 ISNI : 0000 0000 7823 6882 GND : 131985280 SUDOC : 069402450 BNF : cb138928831 ( data ) MusicBrainz : 33ce4a70 - 005d - 4563 - bb6e - 2d253fab9842 NKC : xx0045838 BNE : XX1306167 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tim_Curry&oldid=817860535 '' Categories : 1946 births Living people 20th - century English male actors 21st - century English male actors Alumni of the University of Birmingham Daytime Emmy Award winners English agnostics English expatriates in the United States English male film actors English male singers English male musical theatre actors English male stage actors English male television actors English male video game actors English male voice actors Stroke survivors People educated at Kingswood School , Bath People from Bath , Somerset People from Grappenhall and Thelwall People from Plymouth Royal Shakespeare Company members English male Shakespearean actors English people of Irish descent English people of Scottish descent Audio book narrators People from Toluca Lake , Los Angeles Hidden categories : Use British English from April 2012 Use dmy dates from February 2011 Articles with hCards All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015 BLP articles lacking sources from November 2014 All BLP articles lacking sources Articles with IBDb links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Acèh Aragonés Arpetan Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Български Boarisch Brezhoneg Català Čeština Chavacano de Zamboanga Corsu Dansk Deutsch Eesti Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Euskara فارسی Français 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Lietuvių Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Napulitano Norsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Qaraqalpaqsha Română Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Tagalog Türkçe Українська Vèneto Volapük Winaray Yorùbá 粵語 Zazaki 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 31 December 2017 , at 00 : 18 . 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who controlled the city of venice before the unification of italy brainly
Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states
revolutions of 1848 in the italian states
The 1848 revolutions in the Italian states were organized revolts in the states of the Italian peninsula and Sicily , led by intellectuals and agitators who desired a liberal government . As Italian nationalists they sought to eliminate reactionary Austrian control . During this time period , Italy was not a unified country , and was divided into many states , which , in Northern Italy , were ruled by the Austrian Empire . A desire to be independent from foreign rule , and the conservative leadership of the Austrians , led Italian revolutionaries to stage revolution in order to drive out the Austrians . The revolution was led by the state of the Kingdom of Sardinia . Also , the uprisings in the Kingdom of Lombardy -- Venetia , particularly in Milan , forced the Austrian General Radetzky to retreat to the Quadrilatero ( Quadrilateral ) fortresses .
King Charles Albert , who ruled Piedmont - Sardinia from 1831 to 1849 , aspired to unite Italy under his leadership . He declared war on Austria and launched a full - out attack on the Quadrilateral . Lacking allies , Charles Albert was no match for the Austrian army . He was defeated at the Battle of Custoza ( 24 July 1848 ) , signed a truce , and withdrew his forces from Lombardy . Austria remained dominant in a divided Italy and the Revolution was lost . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 The Revolution 3 Aftermath 4 See also 5 References 6 Further reading Background ( edit ) In 1848 , which is now modern day Italy was composed of the following duchies , states , or kingdoms : in the southern Italian peninsula and the island of Sicily was the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies , in the central Italian peninsula was the Papal States , in the north were the three Duchies of Parma , Tuscany and Modena , in the northwest was the Kingdom of Sardinia , which consisted of Nice , Genoa , Savoy , mainland Piedmont , and the island of Sardinia . The economy was heavily based on agriculture . Farm products were subject to unstable prices due to foreign competition , and the slowness of Italian farming contrasted to more efficient foreigners . There were food riots all through 1840 to 1847 ; radical groups proliferated in Rome . On 16 June 1846 , Cardinal Giovanni Mastai - Ferretti was elected to the papacy as Pope Pius IX . He was considered a liberal and aroused the hopes of political liberals and of the poor both in the Papal States and throughout Italy . He began numerous political and economic reforms . Most dramatically , he immediately pardoned hundreds of political prisoners , creating a sensation . He created a Council of State in order to share his power , as well as a municipal council for Rome and a Citizens ' Guard so that the middle class would be armed and support his regime . These projects raised high hopes for greater popular influence in the papal government and for Italian unification , and the disenchantment when these did not happen was severe . The reforms failed to resolve any of the grave political and economic problems of the Papal States . Pius IX refused to lead an Italian war of liberation against Habsburg Austria , because it was a Catholic stronghold . A violent uprising in Rome forced Pius to flee in November 1848 . The failure of his modest liberal reforms turned him to the right , and he returned as a reactionary . The revolution ( edit ) Main articles : Sicilian revolution of 1848 , Five Days of Milan , Republic of San Marco , and Roman Republic ( 19th century ) An image of divided Italy ( 1815 - 1870 ) After witnessing the liberal friendly events that were occurring in Rome , the people of other states started to demand similar treatment . It commenced on 12 January in Sicily , where the people began to demand a Provisional Government , separate from the government of the mainland . King Ferdinand II tried to resist these changes , however a full - fledged revolt erupted in Sicily , a revolt also erupted in Salerno and Naples . These revolts drove Ferdinand and his men out of Sicily , and forced him to allow a provisional government to be constituted . Notwithstanding the events in Rome and Naples , the states still were under a conservative rule . Italians in Lombardo - Veneto could not enjoy these freedoms . The Austrian Empire of this region had tightened their grip on the people by further oppressing them with harsher taxes . Tax gatherers were sent out along with the 100,000 man army standing in place , and letting their presence be known . Clashes between rebels and Austrians in Bologna . These revolts in Sicily helped to spark revolts in the northern Kingdom of Lombardy -- Venetia . Revolutions in the Lombardy city of Milan forced about 20,000 of an Austrian General Radetsky 's troops to withdraw from the city . Eventually General Radetsky was forced to completely withdraw his troops from the two states , however , due to his expertise , he was able to keep the Quadrilateral fortresses of Verona , Peschiera , Legnano and Mantua . Through his skillful tactics he brought his men that had been withdrawn into the key forts . Meanwhile , the Italian insurgents were encouraged when news of Prince Metternich abdicating in Vienna spread out , but were unable to completely eradicate Radetsky 's troops . Also , by this time Charles Albert of Piedmont had published a liberal constitution for Piedmont . In the Quadrilateral General Radetsky and his men were plotting a counterattack in order to regain their lost ground . However , they were interrupted by Charles Albert of Sardinia , the King of Sardinia , who had by then taken the forefront of the attack , and had launched an attack against the Quadrilateral . Charles charged the fortress from all sides aided by 25,000 reinforcements , who came in assistance of their fellow citizens . While journeying to the fortress preparing for the attack , Charles garnered the support of princes of other states . His fellow princes responded by sending reinforcements to his aid : Leopold II , Grand Duke of Tuscany sent 8,000 , Pope Pius contributed 10,000 , and Ferdinand II sent 16,050 men on the advice of general Guglielmo Pepe . They attacked the fortresses and on 3 May 1848 succeeded in winning the battle of Goito and capturing the fortress of Peschiera . At that point , Pope Pius IX became nervous about defeating the Austrian empire and withdrew his troops , citing that he could not endorse a war between two Catholic nations . King Ferdinand of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies also called his soldiers back and retired his troops . However , some of them did not comply with the order and continued on under the guidance of Generals Pepe , Durando and Giovanni . A year later , Charles launched another attack , but , due to the lack of troops , he was defeated in the Battle of Novara . Aftermath ( edit ) Giuseppe Garibaldi in Rome . Despite the fact that Pius had abandoned the war against the Austrians , many of his people had still fought alongside Charles Albert . The people of Rome rebelled against Pius ' government and assassinated Pellegrino Rossi , Pius ' minister . Pope Pius IX then fled to the fortress of Gaeta , under the protection of King Ferdinand II . In February 1849 , he was joined by Leopold II , Grand Duke of Tuscany who had to flee from there because of another insurrection . Piedmont was also lost to the Austrians in 1849 and Charles Albert had to abdicate leaving his son , Victor Emanuel II , to rule . In Rome , the authority that did take over passed popular legislation to eliminate burdensome taxes and give work to the unemployed . Giuseppe Garibaldi and Giuseppe Mazzini came to build a `` Rome of the People , '' and the short - lived Roman Republic was proclaimed . The Republic succeeded in inspiring the people to build an independent Italian nation . It also attempted to improve economically the lives of the underserved by giving some of the Church 's large landholdings and giving it to poor peasants . It also made prison and insane asylum reforms , gave freedom to the press , provided secular education , but shied away from the `` Right to Work '' , having seen this fail in France . Runaway price inflation doomed the economy of the Republic . In addition sending troops to defend the Piedmont from Austrian forces put Rome at risk of attack from Austria . However , Pope Pius appealed to Napoleon III for help . The French President saw this as an opportunity to gain Catholic support . The French army arrived by sea under the command of general Charles Oudinot , and , despite an early loss to Garibaldi , the French , with the help of the Austrians , eventually defeated the Roman Republic . On July 12 , 1849 Pope Pius IX was escorted back into town and ruled under French protection until 1870 . See also ( edit ) Revolutions of 1848 Revolt of Genoa Italian unification References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Priscilla Robertson , Revolutions of 1848 : A Social History ( 1952 ) pp 311 - 401 ^ Jump up to : `` Italian Unification '' . Library Thinkquest . Archived from the original on 7 March 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2010 . Jump up ^ Frank J. Coppa , `` Papal Rome in 1848 : From Reform to Revolution , '' Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750 - 1850 : Proceedings , 1979 , Vol. 8 , pp 93 - 103 Jump up ^ Denis Mack Smith , Mazzini ( 1996 ) pp 49 - 76 Further reading ( edit ) De Mattei , Roberto . Pius IX ( 2004 ) Ginsborg , Paul . `` Peasants and Revolutionaries in Venice and the Veneto , 1848 , '' Historical Journal , Sep 1974 , Vol. 17 Issue 3 , pp 503 -- 550 in JSTOR Ginsborg , Paul . Daniele Manin and the Venetian Revolution of 1848 - 49 ( 1979 ) Rapport , Michael . 1848 : Year of Revolution ( 2010 ) pp 79 -- 93 Robertson , Priscilla . Revolutions of 1848 : A Social History ( 1952 ) pp 311 -- 401 ISBN 0 - 691 - 00756 - X Smith , Denis Mack . Mazzini ( 1996 ) excerpt and text search Revolutions of 1848 Ideals Liberalism Nationalism Republicanism Socialism By nation French Germans Schleswig Italians Sicily Poles Swedes By location Austrian Empire Hungary Serbia Slovakia Belgium Brazil Luxembourg Ottoman Empire Moldavia Wallachia United Kingdom Britain Ireland Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Revolutions_of_1848_in_the_Italian_states&oldid=843569394 '' Categories : Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states Hidden categories : Interlanguage link template link number All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Alemannisch Azərbaycanca Български Eesti Français Bahasa Indonesia Română Русский Slovenščina Српски / srpski Svenska Türkçe Українська 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 00 : 42 . 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what served as centers of learning in early medieval europe
Education did ultimately continue , and was centred in the monasteries and cathedrals . A `` Renaissance '' of classical education would appear in Carolingian Empire in the 8th century . In the Eastern Roman Empire ( Byzantium ) , learning ( in the sense of formal education involving literature ) was maintained at a higher level than in the West . The classical education system , which would persist for hundreds of years , emphasized grammar , Latin , Greek , and rhetoric . Pupils read and reread classic works and wrote essays imitating their style . By the 4th century , this education system was Christianized . In De Doctrina Christiana ( started 396 , completed 426 ) , Augustine explained how classical education fits into the Christian worldview : Christianity is a religion of the book , so Christians must be literate . Tertullian was more skeptical of the value of classical learning , asking `` What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem ? ''
Early Middle Ages
early middle ages
The Early Middle Ages ( or early medieval period ) , lasting from the 5th to the 10th century CE , marked the start of the Middle Ages of European history . The Early Middle Ages followed the decline of the Western Roman Empire and preceded the High Middle Ages ( c. 10th to 13th centuries ) . The Early Middle Ages largely overlap with Late Antiquity . The term `` Late Antiquity '' is used to emphasize elements of continuity with the Roman Empire , while `` Early Middle Ages '' is used to emphasize developments characteristic of the later medieval period .
The period saw a continuation of trends begun during late classical antiquity , including population decline , especially in urban centres , a decline of trade , and increased immigration . The period has been labelled the `` Dark Ages '' , a characterization highlighting the relative scarcity of literary and cultural output from this time , especially in Northwestern Europe . However , the Eastern Roman Empire , or Byzantine Empire , continued to survive , and in the 7th century the Islamic caliphates conquered swathes of formerly Roman territory . Many of these trends were reversed later in the period . In 800 the title of emperor was revived in Western Europe by Charlemagne , whose Carolingian Empire greatly affected later European social structure and history . Europe experienced a return to systematic agriculture in the form of the feudal system , which introduced such innovations as three - field planting and the heavy plough . Barbarian migration stabilized in much of Europe , although Northern Europe was greatly affected by the Viking expansion . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Collapse of Rome 1.2 Migration Period 1.3 Byzantine Empire 1.4 Rise of Islam 1.5 Birth of the Latin West 1.5. 1 700 -- 850 1.5. 2 Italy 1.5. 3 Britain 1.5. 4 Frankish Empire 1.5. 5 Feudalism 1.6 Viking Age 1.7 Eastern Europe 1.7. 1 Bulgaria 1.7. 2 Kievan Rus ' 2 Transmission of learning 2.1 Science 2.2 Carolingian Renaissance 2.3 Byzantium 's golden age 2.4 Islamic learning 2.5 Monasteries 3 Christianity West and East 3.1 Christianization of the West 4 Holy Roman Empire 4.1 10th century 4.2 Founding of the Holy Roman Empire 5 Europe in 1000 CE 6 Middle East 6.1 Rise of Islam 6.2 Islamic expansion 6.3 Caliphs and empire 6.4 European timelines 6.4. 1 Beginning years 6.4. 2 Ending years 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links History ( edit ) Collapse of Rome ( edit ) Main article : Decline of the Western Roman Empire Starting in the 2nd century , various indicators of Roman civilization began to decline , including urbanization , seaborne commerce , and population . Archaeologists have identified only 40 per cent as many Mediterranean shipwrecks from the 3rd century as from the first . Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million , a decline of more than 20 per cent . Some scholars have connected this de-population to the Dark Ages Cold Period ( 300 -- 700 ) , when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields . Die Hunnen im Kampf mit den Alanen , ( The Huns in battle with the Alans by Johann Nepomuk Geiger , 1873 ) . The Alans , an Iranian people who lived north and east of the Black Sea , functioned as Europe 's first line of defence against the Asiatic Huns . They were dislocated and settled throughout the Roman Empire Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea , creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians . In Dacia ( present - day Romania ) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths , a Germanic people , established at least two kingdoms : Therving and Greuthung . The arrival of the Huns in 372 -- 375 ended the history of these kingdoms . The Huns , a confederation of central Asian tribes , founded an empire . They had mastered the difficult art of shooting composite recurve bows from horseback . The Goths sought refuge in Roman territory ( 376 ) , agreeing to enter the Empire as unarmed settlers . However many bribed the Danube border - guards into allowing them to bring their weapons . The discipline and organization of a Roman legion made it a superb fighting unit . The Romans preferred infantry to cavalry because infantry could be trained to retain the formation in combat , while cavalry tended to scatter when faced with opposition . While a barbarian army could be raised and inspired by the promise of plunder , the legions required a central government and taxation to pay for salaries , constant training , equipment , and food . The decline in agricultural and economic activity reduced the empire 's taxable income and thus its ability to maintain a professional army to defend itself from external threats . The Barbarians ' Invasions The destruction of the Gothic kingdoms by the Huns in 372 -- 375 triggered the Germanic migrations of the 5th century . The Visigoths captured and looted the city of Rome in 410 ; the Vandals followed suit in 455 Germanic tribes Angles , Saxons Franks Goths Visigoths Ostrogoths Huns Vandals Roman Empire Western Empire Eastern Empire In the Gothic War ( 376 -- 382 ) , the Goths revolted and confronted the main Roman army in the Battle of Adrianople ( 378 ) . By this time , the distinction in the Roman army between Roman regulars and barbarian auxiliaries had broken down , and the Roman army comprised mainly barbarians and soldiers recruited for a single campaign . The general decline in discipline also led to the use of smaller shields and lighter weaponry . Not wanting to share the glory , Eastern Emperor Valens ordered an attack on the Therving infantry under Fritigern without waiting for Western Emperor Gratian , who was on the way with reinforcements . While the Romans were fully engaged , the Greuthung cavalry arrived . Only one - third of the Roman army managed to escape . This represented the most shattering defeat that the Romans had suffered since the Battle of Cannae ( 216 BCE ) , according to the Roman military writer Ammianus Marcellinus . The core army of the Eastern Roman Empire was destroyed , Valens was killed , and the Goths were freed to lay waste to the Balkans , including the armories along the Danube . As Edward Gibbon comments , `` The Romans , who so coolly and so concisely mention the acts of justice which were exercised by the legions , reserve their compassion and their eloquence for their own sufferings , when the provinces were invaded and desolated by the arms of the successful Barbarians . '' The empire lacked the resources , and perhaps the will , to reconstruct the professional mobile army destroyed at Adrianople , so it had to rely on barbarian armies to fight for it . The Eastern Roman Empire succeeded in buying off the Goths with tribute . The Western Roman Empire proved less fortunate . Stilicho , the western empire 's half - Vandal military commander , stripped the Rhine frontier of troops to fend off invasions of Italy by the Visigoths in 402 -- 03 and by other Goths in 406 -- 07 . Fleeing before the advance of the Huns , the Vandals , Suebi , and Alans launched an attack across the frozen Rhine near Mainz ; on 31 December , 406 , the frontier gave way and these tribes surged into Roman Gaul . There soon followed the Burgundians and bands of the Alamanni . In the fit of anti-barbarian hysteria which followed , the Western Roman Emperor Honorius had Stilicho summarily beheaded ( 408 ) . Stilicho submitted his neck , `` with a firmness not unworthy of the last of the Roman generals '' , wrote Gibbon . Honorius was left with only worthless courtiers to advise him . In 410 , the Visigoths led by Alaric I captured the city of Rome and for three days fire and slaughter ensued as bodies filled the streets , palaces were stripped of their valuables , and the invaders interrogated and tortured those citizens thought to have hidden wealth . As newly converted Christians , the Goths respected church property , but those who found sanctuary in the Vatican and in other churches were the fortunate few . Migration period ( edit ) Main articles : Migration Period and Germanic monarchy Migration Period The Mausoleum of Theodoric in Ravenna is the only extant example of Ostrogothic architecture . Around 500 , the Visigoths ruled large parts of what is now France , Spain , Andorra and Portugal . The Roman Empire was n't `` conquered '' by Germanic tribes , but overrun and even completely displaced by the flood of Germanic migrants . The Goths and Vandals were only the first of many waves of invaders that flooded Western Europe . Some lived only for war and pillage and disdained Roman ways . Other peoples had been in prolonged contact with the Roman civilization , and were , to a certain degree , romanized . `` A poor Roman plays the Goth , a rich Goth the Roman '' said King Theoderic of the Ostrogoths . The subjects of the Roman empire were a mix of Catholic Christian , Arian Christian , Nestorian Christian , and pagan . The Germanic peoples knew little of cities , money , or writing , and were still mostly pagan , though were becoming increasingly Arian . Arianism was a branch of Christianity that was first proposed early in the 4th century by the Alexandrian presbyter Arius . Arius proclaimed that Christ is not truly divine but a created being . His basic premise was the uniqueness of God , who is alone self - existent and immutable ; the Son , who is not self - existent , can not be God . During the migrations , or Völkerwanderung ( wandering of the peoples ) , the earlier settled populations were sometimes left intact though usually partially or entirely displaced . Roman culture north of the Po River was almost entirely displaced by the migrations . Whereas the peoples of France , Italy , and Spain continued to speak the dialects of Latin that today constitute the Romance languages , the language of the smaller Roman - era population of what is now England disappeared with barely a trace in the territories settled by the Anglo - Saxons , although the Brittanic kingdoms of the west remained Brythonic speakers . The new peoples greatly altered established society , including law , culture , religion , and patterns of property ownership . A paten from the Treasure of Gourdon The pax Romana had provided safe conditions for trade and manufacture , and a unified cultural and educational milieu of far - ranging connections . As this was lost , it was replaced by the rule of local potentates , sometimes members of the established Romanized ruling elite , sometimes new lords of alien culture . In Aquitania , Gallia Narbonensis , southern Italy and Sicily , Baetica or southern Spain , and the Iberian Mediterranean coast , Roman culture lasted until the 6th or 7th centuries . The gradual breakdown and transformation of economic and social linkages and infrastructure resulted in increasingly localized outlooks . This breakdown was often fast and dramatic as it became unsafe to travel or carry goods over any distance ; there was a consequent collapse in trade and manufacture for export . Major industries that depended on trade , such as large - scale pottery manufacture , vanished almost overnight in places like Britain . Tintagel in Cornwall , as well as several other centres , managed to obtain supplies of Mediterranean luxury goods well into the 6th century , but then lost their trading links . Administrative , educational and military infrastructure quickly vanished , and the loss of the established cursus honorum led to the collapse of the schools and to a rise of illiteracy even among the leadership . The careers of Cassiodorus ( died c. 585 ) at the beginning of this period and of Alcuin of York ( died 804 ) at its close were founded alike on their valued literacy . For the formerly Roman area , there was another 20 per cent decline in population between 400 and 600 , or a one - third decline for 150 - 600 . In the 8th century , the volume of trade reached its lowest level . The very small number of shipwrecks found that dated from the 8th century supports this ( which represents less than 2 per cent of the number of shipwrecks dated from the 1st century ) . There were also reforestation and a retreat of agriculture that centreed around 500 . The Romans had practiced two - field agriculture , with a crop grown in one field and the other left fallow and ploughed under to eliminate weeds . Systematic agriculture largely disappeared and yields declined . It is estimated that the Plague of Justinian which began in 541 and recurred periodically for 150 years thereafter killed as many as 100 million people across the world . Some historians such as Josiah C. Russell ( 1958 ) have suggested a total European population loss of 50 to 60 per cent between 541 and 700 . After the year 750 , major epidemic diseases did not appear again in Europe until the Black Death of the 14th century . The disease Smallpox which was eradicated in the late 20th Century did not definitively enter Western Europe until about 581 when Bishop Gregory of Tours provided an eyewitness account that describes the characteristic findings of smallpox . Waves of epidemics wiped out large rural populations . Most of the details about the epidemics are lost , probably due to the scarcity of surviving written records . For almost a thousand years , Rome was the most politically important , richest and largest city in Europe . Around 100 CE , it had a population of about 450,000 . Its population declined to a mere 20,000 during the Early Middle Ages , reducing the sprawling city to groups of inhabited buildings interspersed among large areas of ruins and vegetation . Byzantine Empire ( edit ) Main article : Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire Byzantium under the Justinian dynasty Under Emperor Justinian ( r . 527 - 65 ) , the Byzantines were able to reestablish Roman rule in Italy and most of North Africa Justinian 's conquests Eastern Empire The death of Theodosius I in 395 was followed by the division of the empire between his two sons . The Western Roman Empire disintegrated into a mosaic of warring Germanic kingdoms in the 5th century , making the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople the legal successor to the classical Roman Empire . After Greek replaced Latin as the official language of the Empire , historians refer to the empire as `` Byzantine . '' Westerners would gradually begin to refer to it as `` Greek '' rather than `` Roman . '' The inhabitants , however , always called themselves Romaioi , or Romans . The Eastern Roman Empire aimed at retaining control of the trade routes between Europe and the Orient , which made the Empire the richest polity in Europe . Making use of their sophisticated warfare and superior diplomacy , the Byzantines managed to fend off assaults by the migrating barbarians . Their dreams of subduing the Western potentates briefly materialized during the reign of Justinian I in 527 -- 565 . Not only did Justinian restore some western territories to the Roman Empire , but he also codified Roman law ( with his codification remaining in force in many areas of Europe until the 19th century ) and built the largest and the most technically advanced edifice of the Early Middle Ages , the Hagia Sophia . A bubonic plague pandemic , the Plague of Justinian , marred Justinian 's reign , however , infecting the Emperor , killing perhaps 40 % of the people in Constantinople , and contributing to Europe 's early medieval population decline . Theodora , Justinian 's wife , and her retinue Justinian 's successors Maurice and Heraclius had to confront invasions of the Avar and Slavic tribes . After the devastations by the Slavs and the Avars , large areas of the Balkans became depopulated . In 626 Constantinople , by far the largest city of early medieval Europe , withstood a combined siege by Avars and Persians . Within several decades , Heraclius completed a holy war against the Persians by taking their capital and having a Sassanid monarch assassinated . Yet Heraclius lived to see his spectacular success undone by the Muslim conquests of Syria , three Palaestina provinces , Egypt , and North Africa which was considerably facilitated by religious disunity and the proliferation of heretical movements ( notably Monophysitism and Nestorianism ) in the areas converted to Islam . Restored Walls of Constantinople Although Heraclius 's successors managed to salvage Constantinople from two Arab sieges ( in 674 -- 77 and 717 ) , the empire of the 8th and early 9th century was rocked by the great Iconoclastic Controversy , punctuated by dynastic struggles between various factions at court . The Bulgar and Slavic tribes profited from these disorders and invaded Illyria , Thrace and even Greece . After the decisive victory at Ongala in 680 the armies of the Bulgars and Slavs advanced to the south of the Balkan mountains , defeating again the Byzantines who were then forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty which acknowledged the establishment of the First Bulgarian Empire on the borders of the Empire . To counter these threats , a new system of administration was introduced . The regional civil and military administration were combined in the hands of a general , or strategos . A theme , which formerly denoted a subdivision of the Byzantine army , came to refer to a region governed by a strategos . The reform led to the emergence of great landed families which controlled the regional military and often pressed their claims to the throne ( see Bardas Phocas and Bardas Sklerus for characteristic examples ) . Christ crowning Constantine VII ivory plaque , ca . 945 By the early 8th century , notwithstanding the shrinking territory of the empire , Constantinople remained the largest and the wealthiest city of the entire world , comparable only to Sassanid Ctesiphon , and later Abassid Baghdad . The population of the imperial capital fluctuated between 300,000 and 400,000 as the emperors undertook measures to restrain its growth . The only other large Christian cities were Rome ( 50,000 ) and Salonika ( 30,000 ) . Even before the 8th century was out , the Farmer 's Law signalled the resurrection of agricultural technologies in the Roman Empire . As the 2006 Encyclopædia Britannica noted , `` the technological base of Byzantine society was more advanced than that of contemporary western Europe : iron tools could be found in the villages ; water mills dotted the landscape ; and field - sown beans provided a diet rich in protein '' . The ascension of the Macedonian dynasty in 867 marked the end of the period of political and religious turmoil and introduced a new golden age of the empire . While the talented generals such as Nicephorus Phocas expanded the frontiers , the Macedonian emperors ( such as Leo the Wise and Constantine VII ) presided over the cultural flowering in Constantinople , known as the Macedonian Renaissance . The enlightened Macedonian rulers scorned the rulers of Western Europe as illiterate barbarians and maintained a nominal claim to rule over the West . Although this fiction had been exploded with the coronation of Charlemagne in Rome ( 800 ) , the Byzantine rulers did not treat their Western counterparts as equals . Generally , they had little interest in political and economic developments in the barbarian ( from their point of view ) West . Against this economic background , the culture and the imperial traditions of the Eastern Roman Empire attracted its northern neighbours -- Slavs , Bulgars , and Khazars -- to Constantinople , in search of either pillage or enlightenment . The movement of the Germanic tribes to the south triggered the great migration of the Slavs , who occupied the vacated territories . In the 7th century , they moved westward to the Elbe , southward to the Danube and eastward to the Dnieper . By the 9th century , the Slavs had expanded into sparsely inhabited territories to the south and east from these natural frontiers , peacefully assimilating the indigenous Illyrian and Finno - Ugric populations . Rise of Islam ( edit ) 632 -- 750 Main articles : Umayyad conquest of Hispania and History of Islam in southern Italy Europe around 650 From the 7th century Byzantine history was greatly affected by the rise of Islam and the Caliphates . Muslim Arabs first invaded historically Roman territory under Abū Bakr , first Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate , who entered Roman Syria and Roman Mesopotamia . As the Byzantines and neighbouring Persian Sasanids had been severely weakened by a long succession of Byzantine -- Sasanian wars , especially the climactic Byzantine -- Sasanian War of 602 -- 628 , under Umar , the second Caliph , the Muslims decisively conquered Syria and Mesopotamia , as well as Roman Palestine , Roman Egypt , parts of Asia Minor and Roman North Africa , while they entirely toppled the Sasanids . In the mid 7th century AD , following the Muslim conquest of Persia , Islam penetrated into the Caucasus region , of which parts would later permanently become part of Russia . This expansion of Islam continued under Umar 's successors and then the Umayyad Caliphate , which conquered the rest of Mediterranean North Africa and most of the Iberian Peninsula . Over the next centuries Muslim forces were able to take further European territory , including Cyprus , Malta , Septimania , Crete , and Sicily and parts of southern Italy . The Muslim conquest of Hispania began when the Moors ( mostly Berbers with some Arabs ) invaded the Christian Visigothic kingdom of Iberia in the year 711 , under their Berber leader Tariq ibn Ziyad . They landed at Gibraltar on 30 April and worked their way northward . Tariq 's forces were joined the next year by those of his superior , Musa ibn Nusair . During the eight - year campaign most of the Iberian Peninsula was brought under Muslim rule -- save for small areas in the north - westnorthwest ( Asturias ) and largely Basque regions in the Pyrenees . This territory , under the Arab name Al - Andalus , became part of the expanding Umayyad empire . The unsuccessful second siege of Constantinople ( 717 ) weakened the Umayyad dynasty and reduced their prestige . After their success in overrunning Iberia , the conquerors moved northeast across the Pyrenees , but were defeated by the Frankish leader Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 732 . The Umayyads were overthrown in 750 by the Abbāsids and most of the Umayyad clan massacred . A surviving Umayyad prince , Abd - ar - rahman I , escaped to Spain and founded a new Umayyad dynasty in the Emirate of Cordoba in 756 . Charles Martel 's son Pippin the Short retook Narbonne , and his grandson Charlemagne established the Marca Hispanica across the Pyrenees in part of what today is Catalonia , reconquering Girona in 785 and Barcelona in 801 . The Umayyads in Spain proclaimed themselves caliphs in 929 . Birth of the Latin West ( edit ) 700 -- 850 ( edit ) This article 's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia . See Wikipedia 's guide to writing better articles for suggestions . ( March 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Sutton Hoo helmet , an Anglo - Saxon parade helmet from the 7th century Due to a complex set of reasons , conditions in Western Europe began to improve after 700 . In that year , the two major powers in western Europe were the Franks in Gaul and the Lombards in Italy . The Lombards had been thoroughly Romanized , and their kingdom was stable and well developed . The Franks , in contrast , were barely any different from their barbarian Germanic ancestors . Their kingdom was weak , hopelessly divided , and ruled by a king who was barely distinguishable from a peasant . Impossible to guess at the time , but by the end of the century , the Lombardic kingdom would be extinct , while the Frankish kingdom would have nearly reassembled the Western Roman Empire . Though much of Roman civilization north of the Po River had been wiped out in the years after the end of the Western Roman Empire , between the 5th and 8th centuries , new political and social infrastructure began to develop . Much of this was initially Germanic and pagan . Arian Christian missionaries had been spreading Arian Christianity throughout northern Europe , though by 700 the religion of northern Europeans was largely a mix of Germanic paganism , Christianized paganism , and Arian Christianity . Catholic Christianity had barely started to spread in northern Europe by this time . Through the practice of simony , local princes typically auctioned off ecclesiastical offices , causing priests and bishops to function as though they were yet another noble under the patronage of the prince . In contrast , a network of monasteries had sprung up as monks sought separation from the world . These monasteries remained independent from local princes , and as such constituted the `` church '' for most northern Europeans during this time . Being independent from local princes , they increasingly stood out as centres of learning , of scholarship , and as religious centres where individuals could receive spiritual or monetary assistance . The interaction between the culture of the newcomers , their warband loyalties , the remnants of classical culture , and Christian influences , produced a new model for society , based in part on feudal obligations . The centralized administrative systems of the Romans did not withstand the changes , and the institutional support for chattel slavery largely disappeared . The Anglo - Saxons in England had also started to convert from Anglo - Saxon polytheism after the arrival of Christian missionaries around the year 600 . Italy ( edit ) Main articles : Lombards , King of Italy , and Medieval Corsica The Lombard possessions in Italy : The Lombard Kingdom ( Neustria , Austria and Tuscia ) and the Lombard Duchies of Spoleto and Benevento The Lombards , who first entered Italy in 568 under Alboin , carved out a state in the north , with its capital at Pavia . At first , they were unable to conquer the Exarchate of Ravenna , the Ducatus Romanus , and Calabria and Apulia . The next two hundred years were occupied in trying to conquer these territories from the Byzantine Empire . The Lombard state was relatively Romanized , at least when compared to the Germanic kingdoms in northern Europe . It was highly decentralized at first , with the territorial dukes having practical sovereignty in their duchies , especially in the southern duchies of Spoleto and Benevento . For a decade following the death of Cleph in 575 , the Lombards did not even elect a king ; this period is called the Rule of the Dukes . The first written legal code was composed in poor Latin in 643 : the Edictum Rothari . It was primarily the codification of the oral legal tradition of the people . The Lombard state was well - organized and stabilized by the end of the long reign of Liutprand ( 717 -- 744 ) , but its collapse was sudden . Unsupported by the dukes , King Desiderius was defeated and forced to surrender his kingdom to Charlemagne in 774 . The Lombard kingdom ended and a period of Frankish rule was initiated . The Frankish king Pepin the Short had , by the Donation of Pepin , given the pope the `` Papal States '' and the territory north of that swath of papally - governed land was ruled primarily by Lombard and Frankish vassals of the Holy Roman Emperor until the rise of the city - states in the 11th and 12th centuries . In the south , a period of chaos began . The duchy of Benevento maintained its sovereignty in the face of the pretensions of both the Western and Eastern Empires . In the 9th century , the Muslims conquered Sicily . The coastal cities on the Tyrrhenian Sea departed from Byzantine allegiance . Various states owing various nominal allegiances fought constantly over territory until events came to a head in the early 11th century with the coming of the Normans , who conquered the whole of the south by the end of the century . Britain ( edit ) Main articles : History of Anglo - Saxon England , History of Brittany , History of Cornwall , Scotland in the Early Middle Ages , and History of Wales Roman Britain was in a state of political and economic collapse at the time of the Roman departure c. 400 . A series of settlements ( traditionally referred to as an invasion ) by Germanic peoples began in the early fifth century , and by the sixth century the island would consist of many small kingdoms engaged in ongoing warfare with each other . The Germanic kingdoms are now collectively referred to as Anglo - Saxons . Christianization began to take hold among the Anglo - Saxons in the sixth century , with 597 given as the traditional date for its large - scale adoption . The Gokstad ship , a 9th - century Viking longship , excavated in 1882 . Viking Ship Museum , Oslo , Norway Western Britain ( Wales ) , eastern and northern Scotland ( Pictland ) and the Scottish highlands and isles continued their separate evolution . The Irish descended and Irish - influenced people of western Scotland were Christian from the fifth century onward , the Picts adopted Christianity in the sixth century under the influence of Columba , and the Welsh had been Christian since the Roman era . Northumbria was the pre-eminent power c. 600 -- 700 , absorbing several weaker Anglo - Saxon and Brythonic kingdoms , while Mercia held a similar status c. 700 -- 800 . Wessex would absorb all of the kingdoms in the south , both Anglo - Saxon and Briton . In Wales consolidation of power would not begin until the ninth century under the descendants of Merfyn Frych of Gwynedd , establishing a hierarchy that would last until the Norman invasion of Wales in 1081 . The first Viking raids on Britain began before 800 , increasing in scope and destructiveness over time . In 865 a large , well - organized Danish Viking army ( called the Great Heathen Army ) attempted a conquest , breaking or diminishing Anglo - Saxon power everywhere but in Wessex . Under the leadership of Alfred the Great and his descendants , Wessex would at first survive , then coexist with , and eventually conquer the Danes . It would then establish the Kingdom of England and rule until the establishment of an Anglo - Danish kingdom under Cnut , and then again until the Norman Invasion of 1066 . Viking raids and invasion were no less dramatic for the north . Their defeat of the Picts in 839 led to a lasting Norse heritage in northernmost Scotland , and it led to the combination of the Picts and Gaels under the House of Alpin , which became the Kingdom of Alba , the predecessor of the Kingdom of Scotland . The Vikings combined with the Gaels of the Hebrides to become the Gall - Gaidel and establish the Kingdom of the Isles . Frankish Empire ( edit ) Main articles : Frankish Empire , Carolingian Empire , and Carolingian Renaissance Charlemagne 's Coronation On 25 December 800 , Charlemagne was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III . Coronation of Charlemagne , Grandes Chroniques de France , Jean Fouquet , Tours , c. 1455 - 1460 Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I The Merovingians established themselves in the power vacuum of the former Roman provinces in Gaul , and Clovis I converted to Christianity following his victory over the Alemanni at the Battle of Tolbiac ( 496 ) , laying the foundation of the Frankish Empire , the dominant state of early medieval Western Christendom . The Frankish kingdom grew through a complex development of conquest , patronage , and alliance building . Due to salic custom , inheritance rights were absolute , and all land was divided equally among the sons of a dead land holder . This meant that , when the king granted a prince land in reward for service , that prince and all of his descendants had an irrevocable right to that land that no future king could undo . Likewise , those princes ( and their sons ) could sublet their land to their own vassals , who could in turn sublet the land to lower sub-vassals . This all had the effect of weakening the power of the king as his kingdom grew , since the result was that the land became controlled by not just by more princes and vassals , but by multiple layers of vassals . This also allowed his nobles to attempt to build their own power base , though given the strict salic tradition of hereditary kingship , few would ever consider overthrowing the king . This increasingly absurd arrangement was highlighted by Charles Martel , who as Mayor of the Palace was effectively the strongest prince in the kingdom . His accomplishments were highlighted , not just by his famous defeat of invading Muslims at the Battle of Tours , which is typically considered the battle that saved Europe from Muslim conquest , but by the fact that he greatly expanded Frankish influence . It was under his patronage that Saint Boniface expanded Frankish influence into Germany by rebuilding the German church , with the result that , within a century , the German church was the strongest church in western Europe . Yet despite this , Charles Martel refused to overthrow the Frankish king . His son , Pepin the Short , inherited his power , and used it to further expand Frankish influence . Unlike his father , however , Pepin decided to seize the Frankish kingship . Given how strongly Frankish culture held to its principle of inheritance , few would support him if he attempted to overthrow the king . Instead , he sought the assistance of Pope Zachary , who was himself newly vulnerable due to fallout with the Byzantine Emperor over the Iconoclastic Controversy . Pepin agreed to support the pope and to give him land ( the Donation of Pepin , which created the Papal States ) in exchange for being consecrated as the new Frankish king . Given that Pepin 's claim to the kingship was now based on an authority higher than Frankish custom , no resistance was offered to Pepin . With this , the Merovingian line of kings ended , and the Carolingian line began . Pepin 's son Charlemagne continued in the footsteps of his father and grandfather . He further expanded and consolidated the Frankish kingdom ( now commonly called the Carolingian Empire ) . His reign also saw a cultural rebirth , commonly called the Carolingian Renaissance . Though the exact reasons are unclear , Charlemagne was crowned `` Roman Emperor '' by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day , 800 . Upon Charlemagne 's death , his empire had united much of modern - day France , western Germany and northern Italy . The years after his death illustrated how Germanic his empire remained . Rather than an orderly succession , his empire was divided in accordance with Frankish inheritance custom , which resulted in instability that plagued his empire until the last king of a united empire , Charles the Fat , died in 887 , which resulted in a permanent split of the empire into West Francia and East Francia . West Francia would be ruled by Carolingians until 987 and East Francia until 911 , after which time the partition of the empire into France and Germany was complete . Feudalism ( edit ) Main articles : Feudalism and Manoralism Around 800 there was a return to systematic agriculture in the form of the open field , or strip , system . A manor would have several fields , each subdivided into 1 - acre ( 4,000 m ) strips of land . An acre measured one `` furlong '' of 220 yards by one `` chain '' of 22 yards ( that is , about 200 m by 20 m ) . A furlong ( from `` furrow long '' ) was considered to be the distance an ox could plough before taking a rest ; the strip shape of the acre field also reflected the difficulty in turning early heavy ploughs . In the idealized form of the system , each family got thirty such strips of land . The three - field system of crop rotation was first developed in the 9th century : wheat or rye was planted in one field , the second field had a nitrogen - fixing crop , and the third was fallow . Compared to the earlier two - field system , a three - field system allows for significantly more land to be put under cultivation . Even more important , the system allows for two harvests a year , reducing the risk that a single crop failure will lead to famine . Three - field agriculture creates a surplus of oats that can be used to feed horses . Because the system required a major rearrangement of real estate and of the social order , it took until the 11th century before it came into general use . The heavy wheeled plough was introduced in the late 10th century . It required greater animal power and promoted the use of teams of oxen . Illuminated manuscripts depict two - wheeled ploughs with both a mouldboard , or curved metal ploughshare , and a coulter , a vertical blade in front of the ploughshare . The Romans had used light , wheel-less ploughs with flat iron shares that often proved unequal to the heavy soils of northern Europe . The return to systemic agriculture coincided with the introduction of a new social system called feudalism . This system featured a hierarchy of reciprocal obligations . Each man was bound to serve his superior in return for the latter 's protection . This made for confusion of territorial sovereignty since allegiances were subject to change over time and were sometimes mutually contradictory . Feudalism allowed the state to provide a degree of public safety despite the continued absence of bureaucracy and written records . Even land ownership disputes were decided based solely on oral testimony . Territoriality was reduced to a network of personal allegiances . Viking Age ( edit ) 793 -- 1066 Main article : Viking Age Scandinavian settlements and raiding territory . Note : yellow in England and southern Italy covers the Viking expansion from Normandy , called by the name of Norman 8th century homeland 9th century expansion 10th century expansion Viking raiding regions The Viking Age spans the period between 793 and 1066 in Scandinavia and Britain , following the Germanic Iron Age ( and the Vendel Age in Sweden ) . During this period , the Vikings , Scandinavian warriors and traders , raided and explored most parts of Europe , south - western Asia , northern Africa , and north - eastern North America . With the means to travel ( longships and open water ) , desire for goods led Scandinavian traders to explore and develop extensive trading partnerships in new territories . Some of the most important trading ports during the period include both existing and ancient cities such as Aarhus , Ribe , Hedeby , Vineta , Truso , Kaupang , Birka , Bordeaux , York , Dublin , and Aldeigjuborg . Viking raiding expeditions were separate from , though coexisted with , regular trading expeditions . Apart from exploring Europe via its oceans and rivers , with the aid of their advanced navigational skills , they extended their trading routes across vast parts of the continent . They also engaged in warfare , looting and enslaving numerous Christian communities of Medieval Europe for centuries , contributing to the development of feudal systems in Europe . Eastern Europe ( edit ) 600 -- 1000 Main articles : Byzantine Empire , Western Turkic Khaganate , Avar Khaganate , Khazar Khaganate , Old Great Bulgaria , Alani , Magyars , Early Slavs , Principality of Serbia ( medieval ) , Great Moravia , and Duchy of Croatia The Early Middle Ages marked the beginning of the cultural distinctions between Western and Eastern Europe north of the Mediterranean . Influence from the Byzantine Empire impacted the Christianization and hence almost every aspect of the cultural and political development of the East from the preeminence of Caesaropapism and Eastern Christianity to the spread of the Cyrillic alphabet . The turmoil of the so - called Barbarian invasions in the beginning of the period gradually gave way to more stabilized societies and states as the origins of contemporary Eastern Europe began to take shape during the High Middle Ages . Magyar tribes Magyar campaigns in the 10th century Magyar region Most European nations were praying for mercy : `` Sagittis hungarorum libera nos , Domine '' - `` Lord save us from the arrows of Hungarians '' Turkic and Iranian invaders from Central Asia pressured the agricultural populations both in the Byzantine Balkans and in Central Europe creating a number of successor states in the Pontic steppes . After the dissolution of the Hunnic Empire , the Western Turkic and Avar Khaganates dominated territories from Pannonia to the Caspian Sea before replaced by the short lived Old Great Bulgaria and the more successful Khazar Khaganate north of the Black Sea and the Magyars in Central Europe . The Khazars were a nomadic Turkic people who managed to develop a multiethnic commercial state which owed its success to the control of much of the waterway trade between Europe and Central Asia . The Khazars also exacted tribute from the Alani , Magyars , various Slavic tribes , the Crimean Goths , and the Greeks of Crimea . Through a network of Jewish itinerant merchants , or Radhanites , they were in contact with the trade emporia of India and Spain . Once they found themselves confronted by Arab expansionism , the Khazars pragmatically allied themselves with Constantinople and clashed with the Caliphate . Despite initial setbacks , they managed to recover Derbent and eventually penetrated as far south as Caucasian Iberia , Caucasian Albania and Armenia . In doing so , they effectively blocked the northward expansion of Islam into Eastern Europe even before khan Tervel achieved the same at the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople and several decades before the Battle of Tours in Western Europe . In the beginning of the period the Slavic tribes started to expand aggressively into Byzantine possessions on the Balkans . The first attested Slavic polities were Serbia and Great Moravia , the latter of which emerged under the aegis of the Frankish Empire in the early 9th century . Great Moravia was ultimately overrun by the Magyars , who invaded the Pannonian Basin around 896 . The Slavic state became a stage for confrontation between the Christian missionaries from Constantinople and Rome . Although West Slavs , Croats and Slovenes eventually acknowledged Roman ecclesiastical authority , the clergy of Constantinople succeeded in converting to Eastern Christianity two of the largest states of early medieval Europe , Bulgaria around 864 , and Kievan Rus ' circa 990 . Bulgaria ( edit ) Main article : First Bulgarian Empire Ceramic icon of St Theodore from around 900 , found in Preslav , Bulgarian capital from 893 -- 972 In 632 the Bulgars established the khanate of Old Great Bulgaria under the leadership of Kubrat . The Khazars managed to oust the Bulgars from Southern Ukraine into lands along middle Volga ( Volga Bulgaria ) and along lower Danube ( Danube Bulgaria ) . In 681 the Bulgars founded a powerful and ethnically diverse state that played a defining role in the history of early medieval Southeastern Europe . Bulgaria withstood the pressure from Pontic steppe tribes like the Pechenegs , Khazars , and Cumans , and in 806 destroyed the Avar Khanate . The Danube Bulgars were quickly slavicized and , despite constant campaigning against Constantinople , accepted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire . Through the efforts of missionaries Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius , the Bulgarian Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets were developed in the capital Preslav and a vernacular dialect , now known as Old Bulgarian or Old Church Slavonic , was established as the language of books and liturgy among Orthodox Christian Slavs . After the adoption of Christianity in 864 , Bulgaria became a cultural and spiritual hub of the Eastern Orthodox Slavic world . The Cyrillic script was developed by Bulgarian scholar Clement of Ohrid in 885 - 886 and was afterwards introduced to Serbia and Kievan Rus ' . Literature , art , and architecture were thriving with the establishment of the Preslav and Ohrid Literary Schools along with the distinct Preslav Ceramics School . In 927 the Bulgarian Orthodox Church was the first European national Church to gain independence with its own Patriarch while conducting services in the vernacular Old Church Slavonic . Under Simeon I ( 893 -- 927 ) , the state was the largest and one of the most powerful political entities of Europe , and it consistently threatened the existence of the Byzantine empire . From the middle of the 10th century Bulgaria was in decline as it entered a social and spiritual turmoil . It was in part due to Simeon 's devastating wars , but was also exacerbated by a series of successful Byzantine military campaigns . Bulgaria was conquered after a long resistance in 1018 . Kievan Rus ' ( edit ) Main article : Kievan Rus ' Led by a Varangian dynasty , the Kievan Rus ' controlled the routes connecting Northern Europe to Byzantium and to the Orient ( for example : the Volga trade route ) . The Kievan state began with the rule ( 882 -- 912 ) of Prince Oleg , who extended his control from Novgorod southwards along the Dnieper river valley in order to protect trade from Khazar incursions from the east and moved his capital to the more strategic Kiev . Sviatoslav I ( died 972 ) achieved the first major expansion of Kievan Rus ' territorial control , fighting a war of conquest against the Khazar Empire and inflicting a serious blow on Bulgaria . A Rus ' attack ( 967 or 968 ) , instigated by the Byzantines , led to the collapse of the Bulgarian state and the occupation of the east of the country by the Rus ' . An ensuing direct military confrontation between the Rus ' and Byzantium ( 970 - 971 ) ended with a Byzantine victory ( 971 ) . The Rus ' withdrew and the Byzantine Empire incorporated eastern Bulgaria . Both before and after their conversion to Christianity ( conventionally dated 988 under Vladimir I of Kiev -- known as Vladimir the Great ) , the Rus ' also embarked on predatory military campaigns against the Byzantine Empire , some of which resulted in trade treaties . The importance of Russo - Byzantine relations to Constantinople was highlighted by the fact that Vladimir I of Kiev , son of Svyatoslav I , became the only foreigner to marry ( 989 ) a Byzantine princess of the Macedonian dynasty ( which ruled the Eastern Roman Empire from 867 to 1056 ) , a singular honour sought in vain by many other rulers . Transmission of learning ( edit ) Christian monasticism Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos In the Early Middle Ages , cultural life was concentrated at monasteries . With the end of the Western Roman Empire and with urban centres in decline , literacy and learning decreased in the West . This continued a pattern that had been underway since the 3rd century . Much learning under the Roman Empire was in Greek , and with the re-emergence of the wall between east and west , little eastern learning continued in the west . Much of the Greek literary corpus remained in Greek , and few in the west could speak or read Greek . Due to the demographic displacement that accompanied the end of the western Roman Empire , by this point most western Europeans were descendants of non-literate barbarians rather than literate Romans . In this sense , education was n't lost so much as it had yet to be acquired . Education did ultimately continue , and was centred in the monasteries and cathedrals . A `` Renaissance '' of classical education would appear in Carolingian Empire in the 8th century . In the Eastern Roman Empire ( Byzantium ) , learning ( in the sense of formal education involving literature ) was maintained at a higher level than in the West . The classical education system , which would persist for hundreds of years , emphasized grammar , Latin , Greek , and rhetoric . Pupils read and reread classic works and wrote essays imitating their style . By the 4th century , this education system was Christianized . In De Doctrina Christiana ( started 396 , completed 426 ) , Augustine explained how classical education fits into the Christian worldview : Christianity is a religion of the book , so Christians must be literate . Tertullian was more skeptical of the value of classical learning , asking `` What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem ? '' De-urbanization reduced the scope of education , and by the 6th century teaching and learning moved to monastic and cathedral schools , with the study of biblical texts at the centre of education . Education of the laity continued with little interruption in Italy , Spain , and the southern part of Gaul , where Roman influences were more long - lasting . In the 7th century , however , learning expanded in Ireland and the Celtic lands , where Latin was a foreign language and Latin texts were eagerly studied and taught . Science ( edit ) Main article : History of science in the Middle Ages In the ancient world , Greek was the primary language of science . Advanced scientific research and teaching was mainly carried on in the Hellenistic side of the Roman empire , and in Greek . Late Roman attempts to translate Greek writings into Latin had limited success . As the knowledge of Greek declined , the Latin West found itself cut off from some of its Greek philosophical and scientific roots . For a time , Latin - speakers who wanted to learn about science had access to only a couple of books by Boethius ( c. 470 -- 524 ) that summarized Greek handbooks by Nicomachus of Gerasa . Saint Isidore of Seville produced a Latin encyclopedia in 630 . Private libraries would have existed , and monasteries would also keep various kinds of texts . The study of nature was pursued more for practical reasons than as an abstract inquiry : the need to care for the sick led to the study of medicine and of ancient texts on drugs ; the need for monks to determine the proper time to pray led them to study the motion of the stars ; and the need to compute the date of Easter led them to study and teach mathematics and the motions of the Sun and Moon . Carolingian Renaissance ( edit ) In the late 8th century , there was renewed interest in Classical Antiquity as part of the Carolingian Renaissance . Charlemagne carried out a reform in education . The English monk Alcuin of York elaborated a project of scholarly development aimed at resuscitating classical knowledge by establishing programs of study based upon the seven liberal arts : the trivium , or literary education ( grammar , rhetoric , and dialectic ) , and the quadrivium , or scientific education ( arithmetic , geometry , astronomy , and music ) . From 787 on , decrees began to circulate recommending the restoration of old schools and the founding of new ones across the empire . Institutionally , these new schools were either under the responsibility of a monastery ( monastic schools ) , a cathedral , or a noble court . The teaching of dialectic ( a discipline that corresponds to today 's logic ) was responsible for the increase in the interest in speculative inquiry ; from this interest would follow the rise of the Scholastic tradition of Christian philosophy . In the 12th and 13th centuries , many of those schools founded under the auspices of Charlemagne , especially cathedral schools , would become universities . Byzantium 's golden Age ( edit ) Macedonian Byzantium Miniature from the Paris Psalter Byzantium in the 10th century experienced a wide - scale cultural revival . Byzantium 's great intellectual achievement was the Corpus Juris Civilis ( `` Body of Civil Law '' ) , a massive compilation of Roman law made under Justinian ( r . 528 - 65 ) . The work includes a section called the Digesta which abstracts the principles of Roman law in such a way that they can be applied to any situation . The level of literacy was considerably higher in the Byzantine Empire than in the Latin West . Elementary education was much more widely available , sometimes even in the countryside . Secondary schools still taught the Iliad and other classics . As for higher education , the Neoplatonic Academy in Athens was closed in 526 . There was also a school in Alexandria which remained open until the Arab conquest ( 640 ) . The University of Constantinople , founded by Emperor Theodosius II ( 425 ) , seems to have dissolved around this time . It was refounded by Emperor Michael III in 849 . Higher education in this period focused on rhetoric , although Aristotle 's logic was covered in simple outline . Under the Macedonian dynasty ( 867 -- 1056 ) , Byzantium enjoyed a golden age and a revival of classical learning . There was little original research , but many lexicons , anthologies , encyclopedias , and commentaries . Islamic learning ( edit ) In the course of the 11th century , Islam 's scientific knowledge began to reach Western Europe , via Islamic Spain . The works of Euclid and Archimedes , lost in the West , were translated from Arabic to Latin in Spain . The modern Hindu - Arabic numerals , including a notation for zero , were developed by Hindu mathematicians in the 5th and 6th centuries . Muslim mathematicians learned of it in the 7th century and added a notation for decimal fractions in the 9th and 10th centuries . Around 1000 , Gerbert of Aurillac ( later Pope Sylvester II ) made an abacus with counters engraved with Hindu - Arabic numbers . A treatise by Al - Khwārizmī on how to perform calculations with these numerals was translated into Latin in Spain in the 12th century . Monasteries ( edit ) Monasteries were targeted in the eighth and ninth centuries by Vikings who invaded the coasts of northern Europe . They were targeted not only because they stored books but also precious objects that were looted by invaders . In the earliest monasteries , there were no special rooms set aside as a library , but from the sixth century onwards libraries became an essential aspect of monastic life in the Western Europe . The Benedictines placed books in the care of a librarian who supervised their use . In some monastic reading rooms , valuable books would be chained to shelves , but there were also lending sections as well . Copying was also another important aspect of monastic libraries , this was undertaken by resident or visiting monks and took place in the scriptorium . In the Byzantine world , religious houses rarely maintained their own copying centres . Instead they acquired donations from wealthy donors . In the tenth century , the largest collection in the Byzantine world was found in the monasteries of Mount Athos ( modern - day Greece ) , which accumulated over 10,000 books . Scholars travelled from one monastery to another in search of the texts they wished to study . Travelling monks were often given funds to buy books , and certain monasteries which held a reputation for intellectual activities welcomed travelling monks who came to copy manuscripts for their own libraries . One of these was the monastery of Bobbio in Italy , which was founded by the Irish abbot St. Columba in 614 , and by the ninth century boasted a catalogue of 666 manuscripts , including religious works , classical texts , histories and mathematical treatises . Christianity West and East ( edit ) Further information : Christianity in the 6th century , Christianity in the 7th century , and Christianity in the 8th century Medieval Christians Sacramentarium Gelasianum . Frontispiece of Incipit from the Vatican manuscript St Boniface - Baptism and Martyrdom . From the early Christians , early medieval Christians inherited a church united by major creeds , a stable Biblical canon , and a well - developed philosophical tradition . The history of medieval Christianity traces Christianity during the Middle Ages -- the period after the fall of the Roman Empire until the Protestant Reformation . The institutional structure of Christianity in the west during this period is different from what it would become later in the Middle Ages . As opposed to the later church , the church of the early Middle Ages consisted primarily of the monasteries . The practice of simony has caused the ecclesiastical offices to become the property of local princes , and as such the monasteries constituted the only church institution independent of the local princes . In addition , the papacy was relatively weak , and its power was mostly confined to central Italy . Individualized religious practice was uncommon , as it typically required membership in a religious order , such as the Order of Saint Benedict . Religious orders would n't proliferate until the high Middle Ages . For the typical Christian at this time , religious participation was largely confined to occasionally receiving mass from wandering monks . Few would be lucky enough to receive this as often as once a month . By the end of this period , individual practice of religion was becoming more common , as monasteries started to transform into something approximating modern churches , where some monks might even give occasional sermons . During the early Middle Ages , the divide between Eastern and Western Christianity widened , paving the way for the East - West Schism in the 11th century . In the West , the power of the Bishop of Rome expanded . In 607 , Boniface III became the first Bishop of Rome to use the title Pope . Pope Gregory the Great used his office as a temporal power , expanded Rome 's missionary efforts to the British Isles , and laid the foundations for the expansion of monastic orders . Roman church traditions and practices gradually replaced local variants , including Celtic Christianity in Great Britain and Ireland . Various barbarian tribes went from raiding and pillaging the island to invading and settling . They were entirely pagan , having never been part of the Empire , though they experienced Christian influence from the surrounding peoples , such as those who were converted by the mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury , sent by Pope Gregory the Great . In the East , the conquests of Islam reduced the power of the Greek - speaking patriarchates . Christianization of the West ( edit ) Main article : Christianization The Catholic Church , the only centralized institution to survive the fall of the Western Roman Empire intact , was the sole unifying cultural influence in the West , preserving Latin learning , maintaining the art of writing , and preserving a centralized administration through its network of bishops ordained in succession . The Early Middle Ages are characterized by the urban control of bishops and the territorial control exercised by dukes and counts . The rise of urban communes marked the beginning of the High Middle Ages . The Christianization of Germanic tribes began in the 4th century with the Goths and continued throughout the Early Middle Ages , led in the 6th to 7th centuries by the Hiberno - Scottish mission and replaced in the 8th to 9th centuries by the Anglo - Saxon mission , with Anglo - Saxons like Alcuin playing an important role in the Carolingian renaissance . Saint Boniface , the Apostle of the Germans , propagated Christianity in the Frankish Empire during the 8th century . He helped shape Western Christianity , and many of the dioceses he proposed remain until today . After his martyrdom , he was quickly hailed as a saint . By 1000 , even Iceland had become Christian , leaving only more remote parts of Europe ( Scandinavia , the Baltic , and Finno - Ugric lands ) to be Christianized during the High Middle Ages . Holy Roman Empire ( edit ) 10th century ( edit ) Main article : Holy Roman Empire The Holy Roman Empire HRE in era from Emperor Otto I to Konrad II included present - day : Germany , the Czech Republic , Austria , Slovenia , northern half of Italy , Switzerland , ( south ) eastern France , Belgium and the Netherlands Imperial region Borders ( Solid ) ; Otto I ( 927 ) Borders ( Dots ) ; Konrad II ( 1032 ) Theodisc kingdom ( Solid ) Saxon Eastern March ( Slashed ) Kingdom of Italy Kingdom of Burgundy / Duchy of Bohemia Other regions Byzantium Papal States Republic of Venice Saracens / Moors / Arabs Not Specified Listless and often ill , Carolingian Emperor Charles the Fat provoked an uprising , led by his nephew Arnulf of Carinthia , which resulted in the division of the empire in 887 into the kingdoms of France , Germany , and ( northern ) Italy . Taking advantage of the weakness of the German government , the Magyars had established themselves in the Alföld , or Hungarian grasslands , and began raiding across Germany , Italy , and even France . The German nobles elected Henry the Fowler , duke of Saxony , as their king at a Reichstag , or national assembly , in Fritzlar in 919 . Henry 's power was only marginally greater than that of the other leaders of the stem duchies , which were the feudal expression of the former German tribes . Henry 's son King Otto I ( r . 936 -- 973 ) was able to defeat a revolt of the dukes supported by French King Louis IV ( 939 ) . In 951 , Otto marched into Italy and married the widowed Queen Adelaide , named himself king of the Lombards , and received homage from Berengar of Ivrea , king of Italy ( r . 950 - 52 ) . Otto named his relatives the new leaders of the stem duchies , but this approach did n't completely solve the problem of disloyalty . His son Liudolf , duke of Swabia , revolted and welcomed the Magyars into Germany ( 953 ) . At Lechfeld , near Augsburg in Bavaria , Otto caught up with the Magyars while they were enjoying a razzia and achieved a signal victory in 955 . The Magyars ceased living on plunder , and their leaders created a Christian kingdom called Hungary ( 1000 ) . Founding of the Holy Roman Empire ( edit ) Otto I meets Pope John XII The defeat of the Magyars greatly enhanced Otto 's prestige . He marched into Italy again and was crowned emperor ( imperator augustus ) by Pope John XII in Rome ( 962 ) , an event that historians count as the founding of the Holy Roman Empire , although the term was not used until much later . The Ottonian state is also considered the first Reich , or German Empire . Otto used the imperial title without attaching it to any territory . He and later emperors thought of themselves as part of a continuous line of emperors that begins with Charlemagne . ( Several of these `` emperors '' were simply local Italian magnates who bullied the pope into crowning them . ) Otto deposed John XII for conspiring against him with Berengar , and he named Pope Leo VIII to replace him ( 963 ) . Berengar was captured and taken to Germany . John was able to reverse the deposition after Otto left , but he died in the arms of his mistress soon afterwards . Besides founding the German Empire , Otto 's achievements include the creation of the `` Ottonian church system , '' in which the clergy ( the only literate section of the population ) assumed the duties of an imperial civil service . He raised the papacy out of the muck of Rome 's local gangster politics , assured that the position was competently filled , and gave it a dignity that allowed it to assume leadership of an international church . Europe in 1000 CE ( edit ) Further information : 1000 Speculation that the world would end in the year 1000 was confined to a few uneasy French monks . Ordinary clerks used regnal years , i.e. the 4th year of the reign of Robert II ( the Pious ) of France . The use of the modern `` anno domini '' system of dating was confined to the Venerable Bede and other chroniclers of universal history . Western Europe remained less developed compared to the Islamic world , with its vast network of caravan trade , or China , at this time the world 's most populous empire under the Song Dynasty . Constantinople had a population of about 300,000 , but Rome had a mere 35,000 and Paris 20,000 . By contrast , Córdoba , in Islamic Spain , at this time the world 's largest city contained 450,000 inhabitants . The Vikings had a trade network in northern Europe , including a route connecting the Baltic to Constantinople through Russia , as did the Radhanites . St. Michael 's Church , Hildesheim , 1010s . Ottonian architecture draws its inspiration from Carolingian and Byzantine architecture . With nearly the entire nation freshly ravaged by the Vikings , England was in a desperate state . The long - suffering English later responded with a massacre of Danish settlers in 1002 , leading to a round of reprisals and finally to Danish rule ( 1013 ) , though England regained independence shortly after . But Christianization made rapid progress and proved itself the long - term solution to the problem of barbarian raiding . The territories of Scandinavia were soon to be fully Christianized Kingdoms : Denmark in the 10th century , Norway in the 11th , and Sweden , the country with the least raiding activity , in the 12th . Kievan Rus , recently converted to Orthodox Christianity , flourished as the largest state in Europe . Iceland and Hungary were both declared Christian about 1000 CE . In Europe , a formalized institution of marriage was established . North of Italy , where masonry construction was never extinguished , stone construction was replacing timber in important structures . Deforestation of the densely wooded continent was under way . The 10th century marked a return of urban life , with the Italian cities doubling in population . London , abandoned for many centuries , was again England 's main economic centre by 1000 . By 1000 , Bruges and Ghent held regular trade fairs behind castle walls , a tentative return of economic life to western Europe . In the culture of Europe , several features surfaced soon after 1000 that mark the end of the Early Middle Ages : the rise of the medieval communes , the reawakening of city life , and the appearance of the burgher class , the founding of the first universities , the rediscovery of Roman law , and the beginnings of vernacular literature . In 1000 , the papacy was firmly under the control of German Emperor Otto III , or `` emperor of the world '' as he styled himself . But later church reforms enhanced its independence and prestige : the Cluniac movement , the building of the first great Transalpine stone cathedrals and the collation of the mass of accumulated decretals into a formulated canon law . Middle East ( edit ) Main article : Muslim history Rise of Islam ( edit ) Consult particular article for details The Islamic Prophet Muhammad preaching . Rise of Islam Arab expansion in the 7th century . Area I : Muhammad Area II : Abu Bakr Area III : Omar Area IV : Uthman Al - Andalus The 10th - century Grand Mosque of Cordoba ( Andalusian city , Córdoba , Spain ) The site of the Grand Mosque was originally a pagan temple , then a Visigothic Christian church , before the Umayyad Moors at first converted the building into a mosque and then built a new mosque on the site . The rise of Islam begins around the time Muhammad and his followers took flight , the Hijra , to the city of Medina . Muhammad spent his last ten years in a series of battles to conquer the Arabian region . From 622 to 632 , Muhammad as the leader of a Muslim community in Medina was engaged in a state of war with the Meccans . In the proceeding decades , the area of Basra was conquered by the Muslims . During the reign of Umar , the Muslim army found it a suitable place to construct a base . Later the area was settled and a mosque was erected . Madyan was conquered and settled by Muslims , but the environment was considered harsh and the settlers moved to Kufa . Umar defeated the rebellion of several Arab tribes in a successful campaign , unifying the entire Arabian peninsula and giving it stability . Under Uthman 's leadership , the empire , through the Muslim conquest of Persia , expanded into Fars in 650 , some areas of Khorasan in 651 , and the conquest of Armenia was begun in the 640s . In this time , the Islamic empire extended over the whole Sassanid Persian Empire and to more than two - thirds of the Eastern Roman Empire . The First Fitna , or the First Islamic Civil War , lasted for the entirety of Ali ibn Abi Talib 's reign . After the recorded peace treaty between with Hassan ibn Ali and the suppression of early Kharijites ' disturbances , Muawiyah I acceded to the position of Caliph . Islamic expansion ( edit ) Main article : Umayyad Caliphate Muslim Expansions in 7th & 8th Centuries The Islamic expansion of the 7th and 8th centuries Muhammad 's conquests , 622 -- 632 Rashidun Caliphate , 632 -- 661 Umayyad Caliphate , 661 -- 750 The Muslim conquests of the Eastern Roman Empire and Arab wars occurred between 634 and 750 . Starting in 633 , Muslims conquered Iraq . The Muslim conquest of Syria would begin in 634 and would be complete by 638 . The Muslim conquest of Egypt started in 639 . Before the Muslim invasion of Egypt began , the Eastern Roman Empire had already lost the Levant and its Arab ally , the Ghassanid Kingdom , to the Muslims . The Muslims would bring Alexandria under control and the fall of Egypt would be complete by 642 . Between 647 and 709 , Muslims swept across North Africa and established their authority over that region . The Transoxiana region was conquered by Qutayba ibn Muslim between 706 and 715 and loosely held by the Umayyads from 715 to 738 . This conquest was consolidated by Nasr ibn Sayyar between 738 and 740 . It was under the Umayyads from 740 - 748 and under the Abbasids after 748 . Sindh , attacked in 664 , would be subjugated by 712 . Sindh became the easternmost province of the Umayyad . The Umayyad conquest of Hispania ( Visigothic Spain ) would begin in 711 and end by 718 . The Moors , under Al - Samh ibn Malik , swept up the Iberian peninsula and by 719 overran Septimania ; the area would fall under their full control in 720 . With the Islamic conquest of Persia , the Muslim subjugation of the Caucasus would take place between 711 and 750 . The end of the sudden Islamic Caliphate expansion ended around this time . The final Islamic dominion eroded the areas of the Iron Age Roman Empire in the Middle East and controlled strategic areas of the Mediterranean . At the end of the 8th century , the former Western Roman Empire was decentralized and overwhelmingly rural . The Islamic conquest and rule of Sicily and Malta was a process which started in the 9th century . Islamic rule over Sicily was effective from 902 , and the complete rule of the island lasted from 965 until 1061 . The Islamic presence on the Italian Peninsula was ephemeral and limited mostly to semi-permanent soldier camps . Caliphs and Empire ( edit ) Main article : Abbasid Caliphate The Abbasid Caliphate , ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliphs , was the third of the Islamic caliphates . Under the Abbasids , the Islamic Golden Age philosophers , scientists , and engineers of the Islamic world contributed enormously to technology , both by preserving earlier traditions and by adding their own inventions and innovations . Scientific and intellectual achievements blossomed in the period . The Abbasids built their capital in Baghdad after replacing the Umayyad caliphs from all but the Iberian peninsula . The influence held by Muslim merchants over African - Arabian and Arabian - Asian trade routes was tremendous . As a result , Islamic civilization grew and expanded on the basis of its merchant economy , in contrast to their Christian , Indian , and Chinese peers who built societies from an agricultural landholding nobility . The Abbasids flourished for two centuries but slowly went into decline with the rise to power of the Turkish army they had created , the Mamluks . Within 150 years of gaining control of Persia , the caliphs were forced to cede power to local dynastic emirs who only nominally acknowledged their authority . After the Abbasids lost their military dominance , the Samanids ( or Samanid Empire ) rose up in Central Asia . The Sunni Islam empire was a Tajik state and had a Zoroastrian theocratic nobility . It was the next native Persian dynasty after the collapse of the Sassanid Persian empire , caused by the Arab conquest . European timelines ( edit ) Further information : Timeline of the Middle Ages Beginning years ( edit ) Dates 410 : Visigoths under Alaric I sack Rome 430 : Death of Saint Augustine 476 : Odoacer deposes Romulus Augustus 496 : Battle of Tolbiac , Clovis I converts to Catholicism 507 : Battle of Vouillé 527 -- 565 : Justinian I 535 -- 552 : Gothic Wars 541 -- 542 : Plague of Justinian in Constantinople 547 : death of Benedict of Nursia c. 570 : birth of Muhammad 590 -- 604 Pope Gregory I 597 : death of Columba 602 -- 629 : Last great Roman - Persian War 615 : death of Columbanus 626 : Joint Persian - Avar - Slav Siege of Constantinople 627 : Byzantine Emperor Heraclius invites the Serbs to settle in the Balkans 632 : death of Muhammad 636 : death of Isidore of Seville 674 -- 678 : First Arab siege of Constantinople 681 : First Bulgarian Empire established Ending years ( edit ) Dates 7th century : Khazar empire established 711 -- 718 : Umayyad conquest of Hispania 717 : Second Arab siege of Constantinople 721 : death of Ardo , last king of the Visigoths 730 : Byzantine Iconoclasm 732 : Battle of Poitiers 735 : death of Bede , British historian 746 : Blood court at Cannstatt 751 : Pepin the Short founds the Carolingian dynasty 754 : death of Saint Boniface 768 -- 814 : Charlemagne 778 : Battle of Roncevaux Pass 782 : Bloody Verdict of Verden 793 : first Viking raids 796 -- 804 : Alcuin initiates the Carolingian Renaissance 815 : Byzantine Iconoclasm 843 : Treaty of Verdun 862 : Rurikid Dynasty established 871 -- 899 : Alfred the Great 872 -- 930 : Harald I of Norway 882 : Kievan Rus ' established 911 : Treaty of Saint - Clair - sur - Epte ( Normandy ) 955 : Battle of Lechfeld 962 : Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor 969 : Kievan Rus ' subjugates Khazars 987 -- 996 : Hugh Capet 988 : Christianization of Kievan Rus ' 991 : Battle of Maldon See also ( edit ) Middle Ages portal History portal Medieval culture : Medieval demography , English Medieval fashion , Early Medieval literature , Early medieval European dress , Universal history Sassanid Empire : Indo - Sassanid ( Early Medieval Persia and India ) Other : Turkic expansion References ( edit ) Citations Jump up ^ The term `` Dark Ages '' is inappropriate when applied to the Iberian peninsula , since during the Caliphate of Córdoba and Taifas periods Spanish culture , learning , arts , and science flourished as nowhere else in Europe , and Córdoba was the largest city in the world . Daniel Eisenberg , `` No hubo una edad media española '' , in Propuestas teorico - metodológicas para el estudio de la literatura hispanica medieval , ed . Lillian van der Walde ( Mexico : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa , 2003 , ( 1 ) ) ( `` Top 10 cities of the Year 1000 '' . http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa011201c.htm Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 15 ) . Jump up ^ Hopkins , Keith Taxes and Trade in the Roman Empire ( 200 BC - AD 400 ) Jump up ^ Berglund , B.E. ( 2003 ) . `` Human impact and climate changes -- synchronous events and a causal link ? '' ( PDF ) . Quaternary International . 105 : 7 -- 12 . Bibcode : 2003QuInt. 105 ... 7B . doi : 10.1016 / S1040 - 6182 ( 02 ) 00144 - 1 . Jump up ^ Curry , Andrew , `` Fall of Rome Recorded in Trees '' , ScienceNOW , 13 January 2011 . Jump up ^ Heather , Peter , 1998 , The Goths , pp. 51 - 93 Jump up ^ Eisenberg , Robert , `` The Battle of Adrianople : A Reappraisal '' , p. 112 . Jump up ^ Gibbon , Edward , A History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , 1776 . Jump up ^ Excerpta Valesiana Jump up ^ McEvedy 1992 , op . cit . Jump up ^ `` Scientists Identify Genes Critical to Transmission of Bubonic Plague '' , News Release , National Institutes of Health , July 18 , 1996 . The History of the Bubonic Plague . Jump up ^ An Empire 's Epidemic . Jump up ^ Hopkins DR ( 2002 ) . The Greatest Killer : Smallpox in history . University of Chicago Press . ISBN 0 - 226 - 35168 - 8 . Originally published as Princes and Peasants : Smallpox in History ( 1983 ) , ISBN 0 - 226 - 35177 - 7 Jump up ^ How Smallpox Changed the World , By Heather Whipps , LiveScience , June 23 , 2008 Jump up ^ Roman Empire Population Jump up ^ Storey , Glenn R. , `` The population of ancient Rome '' , Antiquity , December 1 , 1997 . Jump up ^ Harbeck , Michaela ; Seifert , Lisa ; Hänsch , Stephanie ; Wagner , David M. ; Birdsell , Dawn ; Parise , Katy L. ; Wiechmann , Ingrid ; Grupe , Gisela ; Thomas , Astrid ; Keim , P ; Zöller , L ; Bramanti , B ; Riehm , JM ; Scholz , HC ( 2013 ) . Besansky , Nora J , ed . `` Yersinia pestis DNA from Skeletal Remains from the 6th Century AD Reveals Insights into Justinianic Plague '' . PLoS Pathogens. 9 ( 5 ) : e1003349 . PMC 3642051 . PMID 23658525 . doi : 10.1371 / journal. ppat. 1003349 . Jump up ^ Bos , Kirsten ; Stevens , Philip ; Nieselt , Kay ; Poinar , Hendrik N. ; Dewitte , Sharon N. ; Krause , Johannes ( 28 November 2012 ) . Gilbert , M. Thomas P , ed . `` Yersinia pestis : New Evidence for an Old Infection '' . PLoS ONE . 7 ( 11 ) : e49803 . Bibcode : 2012PLoSO ... 749803B . PMC 3509097 . PMID 23209603 . doi : 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0049803 . Jump up ^ 6th century mosaic from the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna . Jump up ^ City populations from Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth : An Historical Census Archived February 11 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . ( 1987 , Edwin Mellon Press ) by Tertius Chandler Jump up ^ http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9239 Jump up ^ Hunter , Shireen ; et al. ( 2004 ) . Islam in Russia : The Politics of Identity and Security . M.E. Sharpe . p. 3 . ( ... ) It is difficult to establish exactly when Islam first appeared in Russia because the lands that Islam penetrated early in its expansion were not part of Russia at the time , but were later incorporated into the expanding Russian Empire . Islam reached the Caucasus region in the middle of the seventh century as part of the Arab conquest of the Iranian Sassanian Empire . Jump up ^ Kennedy , Hugh ( 1995 ) . `` The Muslims in Europe '' . In McKitterick , Rosamund , The New Cambridge Medieval History : c. 500 - c. 700 , pp. 249 -- 272 . Cambridge University Press . 052136292X . Jump up ^ Berglund , ibid . Jump up ^ Cini Castagnoli , G.C. , Bonino , G. , Taricco , C. and Bernasconi , S.M. 2002 . `` Solar radiation variability in the last 1400 years recorded in the carbon isotope ratio of a Mediterranean sea core '' , Advances in Space Research 29 : 1989 - 1994 . ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 102 ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 147 Jump up ^ Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 148 ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 165 ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 189 ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 170 Jump up ^ `` No. 1318 : Three - Field Rotation '' Jump up ^ This surplus would allow the replacement of the ox by the horse after the introduction of the padded horse collar in the 12th century . Jump up ^ Islam eventually penetrated into Eastern Europe in the 920s when Volga Bulgaria exploited the decline of Khazar power in the region to adopt Islam from the Baghdad missionaries . The state religion of Khazaria , Judaism , disappeared as a political force with the fall of Khazaria , while Islam of Volga Bulgaria has survived in the region up to the present . Jump up ^ Barford , P.M. ( 2001 ) . The Early Slavs . Ithaca , New York : Cornell University Press ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 52 Jump up ^ `` De praescriptione haereticorum , VII '' . Jump up ^ Pierre Riché , Education and Culture in the Barbarian West : From the Jeremy Marcelino II , ( Columbia : Univ. of South Carolina Pr. , 1976 ) , pp. 100 - 129 . Jump up ^ Pierre Riché , Education and Culture in the Barbarian West : From the Sixth through the Eighth Century , ( Columbia : Univ. of South Carolina Pr. , 1976 ) , pp. 307 - 323 . Jump up ^ William Stahl , Roman Science , ( Madison : Univ. of Wisconsin Pr . ) 1962 , see esp . pp. 120 - 133 . Jump up ^ Linda E. Voigts , `` Anglo - Saxon Plant Remedies and the Anglo - Saxons , '' Isis , 70 ( 1979 ) : 250 - 268 ; reprinted in M.H. Shank , ed. , The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages , ( Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Pr. , 2000 ) . Jump up ^ Stephen C. McCluskey , `` Gregory of Tours , Monastic Timekeeping , and Early Christian Attitudes to Astronomy , '' Isis , 81 ( 1990 ) : 9 - 22 ; reprinted in M.H. Shank , ed. , The Scientific Enterprise in Antiquity and the Middle Ages , ( Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Pr. , 2000 ) . Jump up ^ Stephen C. McCluskey , Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe , ( Cambridge : Cambridge Univ . Pr. , 1998 ) , pp. 149 - 57 . Jump up ^ Faith Wallis , `` ' Number Mystique ' in Early Medieval Computus Texts , '' pp. 179 - 99 in T. Koetsier and L. Bergmans , eds . Mathematics and the Divine : A Historical Study , ( Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2005 ) . Jump up ^ Lyons , Martyn ( 2011 ) . Books A Living History . United States : Getty Publications . pp. 15 , 38 -- 40 . ISBN 9781606060834 . ^ Jump up to : Cantor , Norman . `` The Civilization of the Middle Ages '' . p 153 Jump up ^ Cantor , 1993 Europe in 1050 p 235 . Jump up ^ http://www.irows.ucr.edu/research/citemp/estcit/estcit.htm Jump up ^ http://sumbur.n-t.org/sg/ua/ddk.htm Jump up ^ The proscribed degree of the degree of consanguinity varied , but the custom made marriages annullable by application to the Pope . Jump up ^ The Cincinnati lancet - clinic , Volume 89 . Pg 478 Jump up ^ 17th - century Ottoman copy of an early 14th - century ( Ilkhanate period ) manuscript of Northwestern Iran or northern Iraq ( the `` Edinburgh codex ) . Illustration of Abū Rayhan al - Biruni ' s al - Athar al - Baqiyah ( الآثار الباقيةة , `` The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries '' ) Further reading ( edit ) Cambridge Economic History of Europe , vol . I 1966 . Michael M. Postan , et al. , editors . Norman F. Cantor , The Medieval World 300 to 1300 Marcia L. Colish , 1997 . Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition : 400 - 1400 . ( New Haven , CT : Yale University Press ) Georges Duby , 1974 . The Early Growth of the European Economy : Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century ( New York : Cornell University Press ) Howard B. Clark , translator . Georges Duby , editor , 1988 . A History of Private Life II : Revelations of the Medieval World ( Harvard University Press ) Heinrich Fichtenau , ( 1957 ) 1978 . The Carolingian Empire ( University of Toronto ) Peter Munz , translator . Charles Freeman , 2003 . The Closing of the Western Mind : The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason ( London : William Heinemann ) Richard Hodges , 1982 . Dark Age Economics : The Origins of Towns and Trade AD 600 - 1000 ( New York : St Martin 's Press ) David Knowles , ( 1962 ) 1988 . The Evolution of Medieval Thought Richard Krautheimer , 1980 . Rome : Profile of a City 312 - 1308 ( Princeton University Press ) Robin Lane Fox , 1986 . Pagans and Christians ( New York : Knopf ) David C. Lindberg , 1992 . The Beginnings of Western Science : 600 BC - 1450 AD ( Chicago : The University of Chicago Press ) John Marenbon ( 1983 ) 1988. Early Medieval Philosophy ( 480 - 1150 ) : An Introduction ( London : Routledge ) Rosamond McKittrick , 1983 The Frankish Church Under the Carolingians ( London : Longmans , Green ) Karl Frederick Morrison , 1969 . Tradition and Authority in the Western Church , 300 - 1140 ( Princeton University Press ) Pierre Riché , ( 1978 ) 1988 . Daily Life in the Age of Charlemagne Laury Sarti , `` Perceiving War and the Military in Early Christian Gaul ( ca . 400 -- 700 A.D. ) '' ( = Brill 's Series on the Early Middle Ages , 22 ) , Leiden / Boston 2013 , ISBN 978 - 9004 - 25618 - 7 . Richard Southern , 1953 . The Making of the Middle Ages ( Yale University Press ) Early Medieval History page , Clio History Journal , Dickson College , Australian Capital Territory . Glimpses of the dark ages : Or , Sketches of the social condition of Europe , from the fifth to the twelfth century . ( 1846 ) . New - York : Leavitt , Trow & company External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Early Middle Ages . Age of spirituality : late antique and early Christian art , third to seventh century from The Metropolitan Museum of Art European Middle Ages Early Middle Ages Migration Period Decline of the Western Roman Empire Late Antiquity Decline of Hellenistic religion Christianization Rise of Islam First Bulgarian Empire Frankish Empire Kingdom of Croatia Anglo - Saxon England Viking Age Carolingian Empire Old Church Slavonic Civitas Schinesghe Kievan Rus ' Growth of the Eastern Roman Empire High Middle Ages Holy Roman Empire Second Bulgarian Empire Georgian Empire Kingdom of Poland Feudalism Great Schism Investiture Controversy Crusades Scholasticism Monasticism Communalism Manorialism Medieval Warm Period Mongol invasion of Europe Late Middle Ages Hundred Years ' War Wars of the Roses Hussite Wars Burgundy House of Habsburg Western Schism Fall of Constantinople Rise of the Ottoman Empire Swiss mercenaries Chivalry Renaissance Humanism Universities Crisis of the Late Middle Ages Little Ice Age Culture Architecture Art Church and State Cuisine Demography Household Literature Medicine Music Philosophy Poetry Science Slavery Technology Warfare See also Dark Ages Disability in the Middle Ages Basic topics list Medievalism Medieval reenactment Medieval studies Neo-medievalism Timeline Global history of same period of time Periods of the history of Europe Prehistoric Europe Classical antiquity Late antiquity Middle Ages Renaissance Early modern Modern GND : 7503821 - 3 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Early_Middle_Ages&oldid=799330423 '' Categories : Early Middle Ages Middle Ages 6th century in Europe 7th century in Europe 8th century in Europe 9th century in Europe 10th century in Europe 6th - century establishments in Europe 10th - century disestablishments in Europe Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from May 2015 Wikipedia articles needing style editing from March 2016 All articles needing style editing Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from September 2016 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Articles which contain graphical timelines Talk Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Asturianu Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Furlan Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Қазақша Lietuvių Lumbaart Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 7 September 2017 , at 01 : 27 . 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companies that make up the dow jones industrial average
Company Exchange Symbol Industry Date Added Notes 3M NYSE MMM Conglomerate 1976 - 08 - 09 as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing American Express NYSE AXP Consumer finance 1982 - 08 - 30 Apple NASDAQ AAPL Consumer electronics 2015 - 03 - 19 Boeing NYSE BA Aerospace and defense 1987 - 03 - 12 Caterpillar NYSE CAT Construction and mining equipment 1991 - 05 - 06 Chevron NYSE CVX Oil & gas 2008 - 02 - 19 also 1930 - 07 - 18 to 1999 - 11 - 01 Cisco Systems NASDAQ CSCO Computer networking 2009 - 06 - 08 Coca - Cola NYSE KO Beverages 1987 - 03 - 12 also 1932 - 05 - 26 to 1935 - 11 - 20 DowDuPont NYSE DWDP Chemical industry 2017 - 09 - 01 ExxonMobil NYSE XOM Oil & gas 1928 - 10 - 01 as Standard Oil of New Jersey General Electric NYSE GE Conglomerate 1907 - 11 - 07 also 1896 - 05 - 26 to 1898 - 10 and 1899 - 04 - 21 to 1901 - 04 - 01 Goldman Sachs NYSE GS Banking , Financial services 2013 - 09 - 20 The Home Depot NYSE HD Home improvement retailer 1999 - 11 - 01 IBM NYSE IBM Computers and technology 1979 - 06 - 29 also 1932 - 05 - 26 to 1939 - 03 - 04 Intel NASDAQ INTC Semiconductors 1999 - 11 - 01 Johnson & Johnson NYSE JNJ Pharmaceuticals 1997 - 03 - 17 JPMorgan Chase NYSE JPM Banking 1991 - 05 - 06 McDonald 's NYSE MCD Fast food 1985 - 10 - 30 Merck NYSE MRK Pharmaceuticals 1979 - 06 - 29 Microsoft NASDAQ MSFT Software 1999 - 11 - 01 Nike NYSE NKE Apparel 2013 - 09 - 20 Pfizer NYSE PFE Pharmaceuticals 2004 - 04 - 08 Procter & Gamble NYSE PG Consumer goods 1932 - 05 - 26 Travelers NYSE TRV Insurance 2009 - 06 - 08 UnitedHealth Group NYSE UNH Managed health care 2012 - 09 - 24 United Technologies NYSE UTX Conglomerate 1939 - 03 - 14 as United Aircraft Verizon NYSE VZ Telecommunication 2004 - 04 - 08 Visa NYSE V Consumer banking 2013 - 09 - 20 Walmart NYSE WMT Retail 1997 - 03 - 17 Walt Disney NYSE DIS Broadcasting and entertainment 1991 - 05 - 06
Dow Jones Industrial average
dow jones industrial average
The Dow Jones Industrial Average / ˌdaʊ ˈdʒoʊnz / , also called DJIA , the Industrial Average , the Dow Jones , the Dow Jones Industrial , ^ DJI , the Dow 30 or simply the Dow , is a stock market index , and one of several indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company co-founder Charles Dow . The industrial average was first calculated on May 26 , 1896 . Currently owned by S&P Dow Jones Indices , which is majority owned by S&P Global , it is the most notable of the Dow Averages , of which the first ( non-industrial ) was originally published on February 16 , 1885 . The averages are named after Dow and one of his business associates , statistician Edward Jones . It is an index that shows how 30 large publicly owned companies based in the United States have traded during a standard trading session in the stock market . It is the second - oldest U.S. market index after the Dow Jones Transportation Average , which was also created by Dow .
The Industrial portion of the name is largely historical , as many of the modern 30 components have little or nothing to do with traditional heavy industry . The average is price - weighted , and to compensate for the effects of stock splits and other adjustments , it is currently a scaled average . The value of the Dow is not the actual average of the prices of its component stocks , but rather the sum of the component prices divided by a divisor , which changes whenever one of the component stocks has a stock split or stock dividend , so as to generate a consistent value for the index . Since the divisor is currently less than one , the value of the index is larger than the sum of the component prices . Although the Dow is compiled to gauge the performance of the industrial sector within the American economy , the index 's performance continues to be influenced by not only corporate and economic reports , but also by domestic and foreign political events such as war and terrorism , as well as by natural disasters that could potentially lead to economic harm . Contents ( hide ) 1 Components 2 Former components 3 History 3.1 Precursor 3.2 Initial components 3.3 Early years 3.4 Post-war years 3.5 Dot - com boom 3.6 Post internet - bubble era 3.7 Bull market of 2009 -- present 4 Investing 4.1 Exchange - traded fund 4.2 Leveraged and short funds 4.3 Futures contracts 4.4 Options contracts 5 Calculation 6 Assessment 6.1 Market performance 6.2 Correlation among components 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Components ( edit ) Beginning on March 18 , 2015 , after the close , the Dow Jones Industrial Average consists of the following 30 major companies : Company Exchange Symbol Industry Date Added Notes 3M NYSE MMM Conglomerate 1976 - 08 - 09 as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing American Express NYSE AXP Consumer finance 1982 - 08 - 30 Apple NASDAQ AAPL Consumer electronics 2015 - 03 - 19 Boeing NYSE BA Aerospace and defense 1987 - 03 - 12 Caterpillar NYSE CAT Construction and mining equipment 1991 - 05 - 06 Chevron NYSE CVX Oil & gas 2008 - 02 - 19 also 1930 - 07 - 18 to 1999 - 11 - 01 Cisco Systems NASDAQ CSCO Computer networking 2009 - 06 - 08 Coca - Cola NYSE KO Beverages 1987 - 03 - 12 also 1932 - 05 - 26 to 1935 - 11 - 20 DowDuPont NYSE DWDP Chemical industry 2017 - 09 - 01 ExxonMobil NYSE XOM Oil & gas 1928 - 10 - 01 as Standard Oil of New Jersey General Electric NYSE GE Conglomerate 1907 - 11 - 07 also 1896 - 05 - 26 to 1898 - 10 and 1899 - 04 - 21 to 1901 - 04 - 01 Goldman Sachs NYSE GS Banking , Financial services 2013 - 09 - 20 The Home Depot NYSE HD Home improvement retailer 1999 - 11 - 01 IBM NYSE IBM Computers and technology 1979 - 06 - 29 also 1932 - 05 - 26 to 1939 - 03 - 04 Intel NASDAQ INTC Semiconductors 1999 - 11 - 01 Johnson & Johnson NYSE JNJ Pharmaceuticals 1997 - 03 - 17 JPMorgan Chase NYSE JPM Banking 1991 - 05 - 06 McDonald 's NYSE MCD Fast food 1985 - 10 - 30 Merck NYSE MRK Pharmaceuticals 1979 - 06 - 29 Microsoft NASDAQ MSFT Software 1999 - 11 - 01 Nike NYSE NKE Apparel 2013 - 09 - 20 Pfizer NYSE PFE Pharmaceuticals 2004 - 04 - 08 Procter & Gamble NYSE PG Consumer goods 1932 - 05 - 26 Travelers NYSE TRV Insurance 2009 - 06 - 08 UnitedHealth Group NYSE UNH Managed health care 2012 - 09 - 24 United Technologies NYSE UTX Conglomerate 1939 - 03 - 14 as United Aircraft Verizon NYSE VZ Telecommunication 2004 - 04 - 08 Visa NYSE V Consumer banking 2013 - 09 - 20 Walmart NYSE WMT Retail 1997 - 03 - 17 Walt Disney NYSE DIS Broadcasting and entertainment 1991 - 05 - 06 Former components ( edit ) Main article : Historical components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average The components of the DJIA have changed 51 times since its beginning in May 26 , 1896 . General Electric has had the longest continuous presence on the index , with its latest addition being in 1907 . More recent changes to the index include the following : On February 19 , 2008 , Chevron and Bank of America replaced Altria Group and Honeywell . Chevron was previously a Dow component from July 18 , 1930 , to November 1 , 1999 . During Chevron 's absence , its split - adjusted price per share went from $44 to $85 , while the price of petroleum rose from $24 to $100 . On September 22 , 2008 , Kraft Foods Inc replaced the American International Group ( AIG ) in the index . On June 8 , 2009 , General Motors Corporation and Citigroup were replaced by The Travelers Companies and Cisco Systems , the latter of which became the third company traded on the NASDAQ to be part of the Dow . On September 24 , 2012 , UnitedHealth Group replaced Kraft Foods Inc following Kraft 's split into Mondelēz International and Kraft Foods Group . On September 20 , 2013 , Goldman Sachs , Nike , and Visa replaced Alcoa , Bank of America , and Hewlett - Packard . Visa replaced Hewlett - Packard because of the split into HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise On March 19 , 2015 , Apple replaced AT&T , which had been a component of the DJIA since November 1916 . On September 1 , 2017 , DowDuPont replaced DuPont . DowDuPont was formed by the merger of Dow Chemical Company with DuPont . History ( edit ) Precursor ( edit ) DJIA monthly trading volume in shares from 1929 to 2012 In 1884 , Charles Dow composed his first stock average , which contained nine railroads and two industrial companies that appeared in the Customer 's Afternoon Letter , a daily two - page financial news bulletin which was the precursor to The Wall Street Journal . On January 2 , 1886 , the number of stocks represented in what we now call the Dow Jones Transportation Average dropped from 14 to 12 , as the Central Pacific Railroad and Central Railroad of New Jersey were dropped from that index . Though comprising the same number of stocks , this index contained only one of the original twelve industrials that would eventually form Dow 's most famous index . Initial components ( edit ) Dow calculated his first average purely of industrial stocks on May 26 , 1896 , creating what is now known as the Dow Jones Industrial Average . Of the original 12 industrials , only General Electric currently remains part of that index . The other 11 were : American Cotton Oil Company , a predecessor company to Bestfoods , now part of Unilever . American Sugar Company , became Domino Sugar in 1900 , now Domino Foods , Inc . American Tobacco Company , broken up in a 1911 antitrust action . Chicago Gas Company , bought by Peoples Gas Light in 1897 , now an operating subsidiary of Integrys Energy Group . Distilling & Cattle Feeding Company , now Millennium Chemicals , formerly a division of LyondellBasell , the latter of which recently emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy . Laclede Gas Company , still in operation as Spire Inc , removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1899 . National Lead Company , now NL Industries , removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1916 . North American Company , an electric utility holding company , broken up by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1946 . Tennessee Coal , Iron and Railroad Company in Birmingham , Alabama , bought by U.S. Steel in 1907 ; U.S. Steel was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1991 . U.S. Leather Company , dissolved in 1952 . United States Rubber Company , changed its name to Uniroyal in 1961 , merged with private B.F. Goodrich in 1986 , bought by Michelin in 1990 . Early years ( edit ) When it was first published in the mid-1880s , the index stood at a level of 62.76 . It reached a peak of 78.38 during the summer of 1890 , but ended up hitting its all - time low of 28.48 in the summer of 1896 during the depths of what later became known as the Panic of 1896 . Many of the biggest percentage price moves in the Dow occurred early in its history , as the nascent industrial economy matured . A brief war in 1898 between the United States and the Spanish Empire might have only had a minor impact in the Dow 's direction . The 1900s ( decade ) would see the Dow halt its momentum as it worked its way through a pair of cataclysmic financial crises ; the Panic of 1901 and the Panic of 1907 . The Dow would remain stuck in a trading range between 53 and 103 points until late 1914 . The negativity surrounding the 1906 San Francisco earthquake did little to improve the economic climate . At the start of the 1910s , the decade would begin with the Panic of 1910 -- 1911 stifling economic growth for a lengthy period of time . History would later take its course on July 30 , 1914 ; as the average stood at a level of 71.42 when a decision was made to close down the New York Stock Exchange , and suspend trading for a span of four and a half months . Some historians believe the exchange closed because of a concern that markets would plunge as a result of panic over the onset of World War I. An alternative explanation is that the Secretary of the Treasury , William Gibbs McAdoo , closed the exchange because he wanted to conserve the U.S. gold stock in order to launch the Federal Reserve System later that year , with enough gold to keep the United States at par with the gold standard . When the markets reopened on December 12 , 1914 , the index closed at 74.56 , a gain of 4.4 percent . This is frequently reported as a large drop , due to using a later redefinition . Reports from the time say that the day was positive . Following World War I , the United States would experience another downturn in economic activity in what became known as the post-World War I recession . The Dow 's performance would remain virtually unchanged from the closing value of the previous decade , adding only 8.26 % , from 99.05 points at the beginning of 1910 , to a level of 107.23 points at the end of 1919 . During the 1920s , specifically in 1928 , the components of the Dow were increased to 30 stocks near the economic height of that decade , which was nicknamed the Roaring Twenties . The prosperous nature of the economic climate , muted the negative influence of an early 1920s recession plus certain international conflicts such as the Polish - Soviet war , the Irish Civil War , the Turkish War of Independence and the initial phase of the Chinese Civil War . The Crash of 1929 in October and the ensuing Great Depression over the next several years returned the average to its starting point , almost 90 % below its peak . By July 8 , 1932 , following its intra-day low of 40.56 , the Dow would end up closing the session at 41.22 . The high of 381.17 on September 3 , 1929 , would not be surpassed until 1954 , in inflation - adjusted numbers . However , the bottom of the 1929 Crash came just 21⁄2 months later on November 13 , 1929 , when intra-day it was at the 195.35 level , closing slightly higher at 198.69 . For the decade , the Dow would end off with a healthy 131.7 % gain , from 107.23 points at the beginning of 1920 , to a level of 248.48 points at the end of 1929 , just before the bulk of the Crash . Marked by global instability and the Great Depression , the 1930s contended with several consequential European and Asian outbreaks of war , leading up to catastrophic World War II in 1939 . Other conflicts during the decade which affected the stock market included the 1936 -- 1939 Spanish Civil War , the 1935 -- 1936 Second Italo - Abyssinian War , the Soviet - Japanese Border War of 1939 and the Second Sino - Japanese War from 1937 . On top of that , the United States dealt with a painful recession in 1937 and 1938 which temporarily brought economic recovery to a halt . The largest one - day percentage gain in the index , 15.34 % , happened on March 15 , 1933 , in the depths of the 1930s bear market when the Dow gained 8.26 points to close at 62.10 . However , as a whole throughout the Great Depression , the Dow posted some of its worst performances , for a negative return during most of the 1930s for new and old stock market investors . For the decade , the Dow Jones average was down from 248.48 points at the beginning of 1930 , to a stable level of 150.24 points at the end of 1939 , a loss of about 40 % . Post-war years ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Post-war reconstruction during the 1940s , along with renewed optimism of peace and prosperity , brought about a 39 % surge in the Dow from around the 148 level to 206 . The strength in the Dow occurred despite a brief recession in 1949 and other global conflicts which started a short time later including the latter stages of the Chinese Civil War , the Greek Civil War , the Indo - Pakistani War of 1947 and the 1948 Arab -- Israeli War . During the 1950s , the Korean War , the Algerian War , the Cold War and other political tensions such as the Cuban Revolution , as well as widespread political and economic changes in Africa during the initial stages of European Decolonization , did not stop the Dow 's bullish climb higher . Additionally , the U.S. would also make its way through two grinding recessions ; one in 1953 and another in 1958 . A 200 % increase in the average from a level of 206 to 616 ensued over the course of that decade . The Dow fell 22.61 % on Black Monday ( 1987 ) from about the 2,500 level to around 1,750 . Two days later , it rose 10.15 % above the 2,000 level for a mild recovery attempt . The Dow 's bullish behavior began to stall during the 1960s as the U.S. became entangled with foreign political issues . U.S. military excursions included the Bay of Pigs Invasion involving Cuba , the Vietnam War , the Portuguese Colonial War , the Colombian civil war which the U.S. assisted with short - lived counter-guerrilla campaigns , as well as domestic issues such as the Civil Rights Movement and several influential political assassinations . For the decade though , and despite a mild recession between 1960 and 1961 , the average still managed a respectable 30 % gain from the 616 level to 800 . The 1970s marked a time of economic uncertainty and troubled relations between the U.S. and certain Middle - Eastern countries . To begin with , the decade started off with the ongoing Recession of 1969 -- 70 . Following that , the 1970s Energy Crisis ensued which included the 1973 -- 75 recession , the 1973 Oil Crisis as well as the 1979 energy crisis beginning as a prelude to a disastrous economic climate injected with stagflation ; the combination between high unemployment and high inflation . However , on November 14 , 1972 , the average closed above the 1,000 mark ( 1,003.16 ) for the first time , during a brief relief rally in the midst of a lengthy bear market . Between January 1973 and December 1974 , the average lost 48 % of its value in what became known as the 1973 -- 1974 Stock Market Crash ; with the situation being exacerbated by the events surrounding the Yom Kippur War . The index closed at 577.60 , on December 4 , 1974 . During 1976 , the index went above 1000 several times , and it closed the year at 1,004.75 . Although the Vietnam War ended in 1975 , new tensions arose towards Iran surrounding the Iranian Revolution in 1979 . Other notable disturbances such as the Lebanese Civil War , the Ethiopian Civil War , the Indo - Pakistani War of 1971 and the Angolan Civil War which the U.S. and Soviet Union considered critical to the global balance of power , seemed to have had little influence towards the financial markets . Performance-wise for the decade , gains remained virtually flat , rising less than 5 % from about the 800 level to 838 . The 1980s decade started with the early 1980s recession . In early 1981 , it broke above 1000 several times , but then retreated . The largest one - day percentage drop occurred on Black Monday ; October 19 , 1987 , when the average fell 22.61 % . There were no clear reasons given to explain the crash , but program trading may have been a major contributing factor . On October 13 , 1989 , the Dow stumbled into another downfall , the 1989 Mini-Crash which initiated the collapse of the junk bond market as the Dow registered a loss of almost 7 % . For the decade , the Dow made a 228 % increase from the 838 level to 2,753 ; despite the market crashes , Silver Thursday , an early 1980s recession , the 1980s oil glut , the Japanese asset price bubble and other political distractions such as the Soviet war in Afghanistan , the Falklands War , the Iran -- Iraq War , the Second Sudanese Civil War and the First Intifada in the Middle East . The index had only two negative years , which were in 1981 and 1984 . Dot - com boom ( edit ) The 1990s brought on rapid advances in technology along with the introduction of the dot - com era . To start off , the markets contended with the 1990 oil price shock compounded with the effects of the Early 1990s recession and a brief European situation surrounding Black Wednesday . Certain influential foreign conflicts such as the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt which took place as part of the initial stages of the Dissolution of the USSR and the Fall of Communism ; the First and Second Chechen Wars , the Persian Gulf War and the Yugoslav Wars failed to dampen economic enthusiasm surrounding the ongoing Information Age and the `` irrational exuberance '' ( a phrase coined by Alan Greenspan ) of the Internet Boom . Even the occurrences of the Rwandan Genocide and the Second Congo War , termed as `` Africa 's World War '' that involved 8 separate African nations which together between the two killed over 5 million people ; did n't seem to have any noticeable negative financial impact on the Dow either . Between late 1992 and early 1993 , the Dow staggered through the 3,000 level making only modest gains as the Biotechnology sector suffered through the downfall of the Biotech Bubble ; as many biotech companies saw their share prices rapidly rise to record levels and then subsequently fall to new all - time lows . On November 21 , 1995 , the DJIA closed above the 5,000 level ( 5,023.55 ) for the first time . Over the following two years , the Dow would rapidly tower above the 6,000 level during the month of October in 1996 , and the 7,000 level in February 1997 . On its march higher into record territory , the Dow easily made its way through the 8,000 level in July 1997 . However , later in that year during October , the events surrounding the Asian Financial Crisis plunged the Dow into a 554 - point loss to a close of 7,161.15 ; a retrenchment of 7.18 % in what became known as the 1997 Mini-Crash . Although internationally there was negativity surrounding the 1998 Russian financial crisis along with the subsequent fallout from the 1998 collapse of the derivatives Long - Term Capital Management hedge fund involving bad bets placed on the movement of the Russian ruble , the Dow would go on to surpass the 9,000 level during the month of April in 1998 , making its sentimental push towards the symbolic 10,000 level . On March 29 , 1999 , the average closed above the 10,000 mark ( 10,006.78 ) after flirting with it for two weeks . This prompted a celebration on the trading floor , complete with party hats . The scene at the exchange made front page headlines on many U.S. newspapers such as The New York Times . On May 3 , 1999 , the Dow achieved its first close above the 11,000 mark ( 11,014.70 ) . Total gains for the decade exceeded 315 % ; from the 2,753 level to 11,497 . The Dow averaged a 5.3 % return compounded annually for the 20th century , a record Warren Buffett called `` a wonderful century '' ; when he calculated that to achieve that return again , the index would need to close at about 2,000,000 by December 2099 . Even during the height of the dot - com era , authors James K. Glassman and Kevin A. Hassett went so far as to publish a book entitled Dow 36,000 : The New Strategy for Profiting From the Coming Rise in the Stock Market . Their theory was to imply that stocks were still cheap and it was not too late to benefit from rising prices during the Internet boom . Characterized by fear on the part of newer investors , the uncertainty of the 2000s ( decade ) brought on a significant bear market . There was indecision on whether the cyclical bull market represented a prolonged temporary bounce or a new long - term trend . Ultimately , there was widespread resignation and disappointment as the lows were revisited , and in some cases , surpassed near the end of the decade . Post Internet - bubble era ( edit ) The Dow fell 14.3 % from the mid-9,000 level to the low 8,000 level after the September 11 , 2001 attacks . Exchanges were closed between September 11 and 17 . The third largest one - day point drop in DJIA history , and largest at the time , occurred on September 17 , 2001 , the first day of trading after the September 11 , 2001 attacks , when the Dow fell 684.81 points , or 7.1 % . However , the Dow had been in a downward trend for virtually all of 2001 prior to September 11 , losing well over 1000 points between January 2 and September 10 , and had lost 187.51 points on September 6 , followed by losing 235.4 points on September 7 . By the end of that week , the Dow had fallen 1,369.70 points , or 14.3 % . However , the Dow began an upward trend shortly after the attacks , and quickly regained all lost ground to close above the 10,000 level for the year . During 2002 , the average remained subdued without making substantial gains due to the stock market downturn of 2002 as well as the lingering effects of the dot - com bubble . In 2003 , the Dow held steady within the 7,000 to 9,000 - point level range by the early 2000s recession , the Afghan War and the Iraq War . But by December of that year , the Dow remarkably returned to the 10,000 mark . In October 2006 , four years after its bear market low , the DJIA set fresh record theoretical , intra-day , daily close , weekly , and monthly highs for the first time in almost seven years , closing above the 12,000 level for the first time on the 19th anniversary of Black Monday ( 1987 ) . On February 27 , 2007 , the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 3.3 % ( 415.30 points ) , its biggest point drop since 2001 . The initial drop was caused by a global sell - off after Chinese stocks experienced a mini-crash , yet by April 25 , the Dow passed the 13,000 level in trading and closed above that milestone for the first time . On July 19 , 2007 , the average passed the 14,000 level , completing the fastest 1,000 - point advance for the index since 1999 . One week later , a 450 - point intra-day loss , owing to turbulence in the U.S. sub-prime mortgage market and the soaring value of the yuan , initiated another correction falling below the 13,000 mark , about 10 % from its highs . On October 9 , 2007 , the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high of 14,164.53 . Two days later on October 11 , the Dow traded at an intra-day level high of 14,198.10 , a mark which would not be matched until March 2013 . In what would normally take many years to accomplish ; numerous reasons were cited for the Dow 's extremely rapid rise from the 11,000 level in early 2006 , to the 14,000 level in late 2007 . They included future possible takeovers and mergers , healthy earnings reports particularly in the tech sector , and moderate inflationary numbers ; fueling speculation the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates . On September 15 , 2008 , a wider financial crisis became evident when Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy along with the economic effect of record high oil prices which reached almost $150 per barrel two months earlier . When opening that morning , it immediately lost 300 points and overall the DJIA lost more than 500 points for only the sixth time in history , returning to its mid-July lows below the 11,000 level . A series of `` bailout '' packages , including the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 , proposed and implemented by the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury , as well as FDIC - sponsored bank mergers , did not prevent further losses . After nearly six months of extreme volatility during which the Dow experienced its largest one - day point loss , largest daily point gain , and largest intra-day range ( more than 1,000 points ) , the index closed at a new twelve - year low of 6,547.05 on March 9 , 2009 ( after an intra-day low of 6,469.95 during the March 6 session ) , its lowest close since April 1997 , and had lost 20 % of its value in only six weeks . Bull market of 2009 -- present ( edit ) Towards the latter half of 2009 , the average rallied towards the 10,000 level amid optimism that the Late - 2000s ( decade ) Recession , the United States Housing Bubble and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 -- 2009 , were easing and possibly coming to an end . For the decade , the Dow saw a rather substantial pullback for a negative return from the 11,497 level to 10,428 , a loss of a little over 9 % . The DJIA from January 2000 through February 2015 . During the early part of the 2010s , aided somewhat by the loose monetary policy practiced by the Federal Reserve , the Dow made a notable rally attempt , though with significant volatility due to growing global concerns such as the 2010 European sovereign debt crisis , the Dubai debt crisis , and the United States debt ceiling crisis . On May 6 , 2010 , the index lost around 400 points over the day , then just after 2 : 30 pm EDT , it lost about 600 points in just a few minutes , and gained the last amount back about as quickly . The intra-day change at the lowest point was 998.50 points , the largest intra-day point decline ever , representing an intra-day loss of 9.2 % . The event , during which the Dow bottomed out at 9,869 before recovering to end with a 3.2 % daily loss at 10,520.32 , became known as the 2010 Flash Crash . The index closed the half - year at 9,774.02 for a loss of 7.7 % . On May 3 , 2013 , the Dow surpassed the 15,000 mark for the first time , while later on November 18 , it closed above the 16,000 level . Following a strong jobs report on July 3 , 2014 , the Dow traded above the 17,000 mark for the first time . On December 23 , 2014 , the DJIA traded above the 18,000 boundary for the first time , after data showed the U.S. economy posted its strongest growth in more than a decade . The index closed 2014 at 17,823.07 for a gain of 71 % for the five years . During the summer of 2015 the Dow began to retreat from its all - time high due to overwhelming economic factors entering correction for the first time since 2011 . By October , the Dow had exited correction rallying 14 % from its August lows , but failed to hit a record high set back in May . In November and December , the Dow continued to retreat from the 14 % rally in October , leading some to call it a bear market . This led to the Dow closing at 17,425.03 for 2015 , the first annual loss since 2008 . After nearly 14 months since the last record close , the Dow finally achieved a fresh new , central - bank debt fuelled record close on July 20 , 2016 at 18,595.03 along with an intraday high of 18,622.01 . Despite anticipations of post-election selloffs , the Dow rallied significantly after Donald Trump was elected President . On January 25 , 2017 , the Dow hit a record high of 20,000 , an increase of 1,667 points since his election in November 2016 . On March 1 , 2017 , the Dow broke through the 21,000 level , reaching a new all time high . The 1,000 point gain took just 35 days being tied for the fastest time ever . The Dow hit yet another new high just 5 months later , closing at 22,000 on August 2 , 2017 . Investing ( edit ) Investing in the DJIA is made widely accessible in equities through exchange - traded funds ( ETFs ) as well as in derivatives through option contracts and futures contracts . Exchange - traded fund ( edit ) The index is tracked by an exchange - traded fund , the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ( NYSE Arca : DIA ) , commonly called `` diamonds '' . This fund is part of the SPDR family of ETFs from State Street Global Advisors . This fund was introduced in 1998 , and it was previously called DIAMONDS Trust , Series 1 . Due to the advent of pre-market trading , the `` diamonds '' provide a very accurate opening value for the average . As an example , if the ETF opens the trading session with a 76 ¢ loss ; then that would strongly indicate roughly a 76 - point loss for the Dow within the first few seconds or so , even before all of its components open for trade . Likewise , if the ETF starts the trading session higher by $1.12 , then that would signal an approximate gain for the Dow of 112 points at the open , even if some components begin trading at 9 : 31 am or 9 : 33 am due to a delay . Leveraged and short funds ( edit ) Another asset management firm , ProFunds , issue other related DJIA ETFs through ProShares such as the Inverse Performance ( NYSE Arca : DOG ) for a bearish strategy on the average . That is , if the DJIA falls by some percentage , the ETF gains an equal percentage ; thus giving an alternative to a sell short position if one has a bearish goal in mind . ProFunds also issues the 2x ( NYSE Arca : DDM ) , which attempts to match the daily performance of the DJIA by 200 % and the Inverse 2x ( NYSE Arca : DXD ) , which attempts to match the inverse daily performance by 200 % . In the case of 2x performance , the ETF increases the buying power by leveraging money without using margin . Currently , there are also 3x performance ETFs issued by ProShares that exist too ; which attempt to replicate ( 300 % leverage ) against the Dow . For 3x performance , the symbol is ( NYSE Arca : UDOW ) , and for Inverse 3x performance , it is ( NYSE Arca : SDOW ) . Futures contracts ( edit ) In the derivatives market , the CME Group through its subsidiaries the Chicago Mercantile Exchange ( CME ) and the Chicago Board of Trade ( CBOT ) , issues Futures Contracts ; the E-mini Dow ( $5 ) Futures ( YM ) , which track the average and trade on their exchange floors respectively . Trading is typically carried out in an Open Outcry auction , or over an electronic network such as CME 's Globex platform . Dow Futures is one of the most important premarket tool and reflect the mood in which DJIA will open . Options contracts ( edit ) The Chicago Board Options Exchange ( CBOE ) issues Options Contracts on the Dow through the root symbol DJX in combination with long - term expiration options called DJX LEAPS . There are also options on the various ETFs ; Performance ETFs , Inverse Performance ETFs , 2x Performance ETFs , Inverse 2x Performance ETFs , 3x Performance ETFs , and Inverse 3x Performance ETFs . Calculation ( edit ) To calculate the DJIA , the sum of the prices of all 30 stocks is divided by a divisor , the Dow Divisor . The divisor is adjusted in case of stock splits , spinoffs or similar structural changes , to ensure that such events do not in themselves alter the numerical value of the DJIA . Early on , the initial divisor was composed of the original number of component companies ; which made the DJIA at first , a simple arithmetic average . The present divisor , after many adjustments , is less than one ( meaning the index is larger than the sum of the prices of the components ) . That is : DJIA = ∑ p d ( \ displaystyle ( \ text ( DJIA ) ) = ( \ sum p \ over d ) ) where p are the prices of the component stocks and d is the Dow Divisor . Events such as stock splits or changes in the list of the companies composing the index alter the sum of the component prices . In these cases , in order to avoid discontinuity in the index , the Dow Divisor is updated so that the quotations right before and after the event coincide : DJIA = ∑ p old d old = ∑ p new d new . ( \ displaystyle ( \ text ( DJIA ) ) = ( \ sum p_ ( \ text ( old ) ) \ over d_ ( \ text ( old ) ) ) = ( \ sum p_ ( \ text ( new ) ) \ over d_ ( \ text ( new ) ) ) . ) The Dow Divisor was 0.14602128057775 on December 24 , 2015 . Presently , every $1 change in price in a particular stock within the average , equates to a 6.848 ( or 1 ÷ 0.14602128057775 ) point movement . Assessment ( edit ) Market performance ( edit ) With the current inclusion of only 30 stocks , critics such as Ric Edelman argue that the DJIA is not a very accurate representation of overall market performance . Still , it is the most cited and most widely recognized of the stock market indices . Additionally , the DJIA is criticized for being a price - weighted average , which gives higher - priced stocks more influence over the average than their lower - priced counterparts , but takes no account of the relative industry size or market capitalization of the components . For example , a $1 increase in a lower - priced stock can be negated by a $1 decrease in a much higher - priced stock , even though the lower - priced stock experienced a larger percentage change . In addition , a $1 move in the smallest component of the DJIA has the same effect as a $1 move in the largest component of the average . For example , during September -- October 2008 , former component AIG 's reverse split - adjusted stock price collapsed from $22.76 on September 8 to $1.35 on October 27 ; contributing to a roughly 3,000 - point drop in the index . As of August 2017 , Boeing and 3M are among the highest priced stocks in the average and therefore have the greatest influence on it . Alternately , Cisco Systems and General Electric are among the lowest priced stocks in the average and have the least amount of sway in the price movement . Many critics of the DJIA recommend the float - adjusted market - value weighted S&P 500 or the Wilshire 5000 , the latter of which includes all U.S. equity securities , as better indicators of the U.S. stock market . Correlation among components ( edit ) A study between the correlation of components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average compared with the movement of the index , finds that the correlation is higher in a time period where the average recedes and goes down . The correlation is lowest in a time when the average is flat or rises a modest amount . See also ( edit ) Capitalism portal Business and economics portal Closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical record closes of the Dow Jones Industrial Average List of largest daily changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Nikkei 225 S&P Dow Jones Indices References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Dow Record Book Adds Another First . Philly.com . Retrieved July 8 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Dow Jones Industrial Average Fact Sheet Jump up ^ O'Sullivan , Arthur ; Sheffrin , Steven M. ( 2003 ) . Economics : Principles in Action . Upper Saddle River , New Jersey 07458 : Pearson Prentice Hall . p. 290 . ISBN 0 - 13 - 063085 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Dow Jones to change the composition of the Dow Jones Industrial Average '' ( Press release ) . Dow Jones . February 11 , 2008 . Retrieved February 11 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Browning , E.S. ( June 1 , 2009 ) . `` Travelers , Cisco Replace Citi , GM in Dow '' . Wall Street Journal . Dow Jones & Company . Retrieved June 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Barr , Collin ( September 10 , 2013 ) . `` Alcoa , H-P and Bank of America to Be Dropped from the Dow Jones '' . The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved September 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Why Alcoa , Hewlett - Packard Should Still Be in the Dow Industrial 30 '' . TheStreet . Jump up ^ Shell , Adam ( March 6 , 2015 ) . `` iDow : Apple added to iconic Dow stock index '' . USA Today . Retrieved March 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` Fool.com : History of the Dow '' . fool.com . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Indexes Website . Dow Jones Indexes . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ What happened to the original 12 companies in the DJIA ? . Dow Jones Indexes . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` LyondellBasell to emerge from Chapter 11 at end of month '' Archived May 8 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine ... MarketWatch . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Setting the Record Straight on the Dow Drop '' , New York Times , Retrieved March 22 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Closing Prices 1911 to 1920 Archived October 5 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine ... Automationinformation.com . Retrieved on August 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Benjamin ( 1949 ) . Economics and the Public Welfare : A Financial and Economic History of the United States , 1914 -- 1946 . LibertyPress ( 2nd ed. , 1979 ) . p. 219 . ISBN 0 - 913966 - 69 - X . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Closing Prices 1921 to 1930 Archived October 5 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine ... Automationinformation.com . Retrieved on August 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Closing Prices 1931 to 1940 Archived October 4 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine ... Automationinformation.com . Retrieved on August 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Buffett , Warren ( February 2008 ) . `` Letter to Shareholders '' ( PDF ) . Berkshire Hathaway . Retrieved March 4 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Prices . Yahoo Finance . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ McHugh , Robert D. ( July 1 , 2007 ) . July 26 , 2007 ... Black Thursday ? Archived September 1 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine ... Gold Eagle Financial News . Retrieved February 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Murchie , Kay ( August 17 , 2007 ) . Black Thursday on Stock Market . FinanceMarkets.co.uk . Retrieved February 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Prices . Google Finance . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ The Dow Jones Has Never Been Higher . Slate . Retrieved March 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Prices . Google Finance . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Paradis , Tim ( May 6 , 2010 ) . Wall St. rollercoaster : Stocks fall nearly 10 pct Archived May 9 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine ... Associated Press . Retrieved May 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` CNNMoney '' . cnn.com . Jump up ^ Gibson , Kate ( May 3 , 2013 ) . U.S. stock rally lifts S&P 500 , Dow to milestones . CBS Marketwatch . Retrieved May 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Dow Jones industrial average trades above 17,000 for first time after strong US jobs report . Associated Press . Retrieved July 3 , 2014 . Jump up ^ DJIA Trades Above 18,000 for First Time . Wall Street Journal . Retrieved December 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Dow Jones Industrial Average Closes 2014 Below 18,000 Milestone , But Gains 7.52 % For The Year '' . International Business Times . 2014 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 25 . Jump up ^ Cramer , Jim . `` Cramer : We 're in a bear market '' . Yahoo . CNBC . Archived from the original on October 1 , 2015 . Retrieved 28 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Buckels , Re-Essa . `` We 're in a bear market : Carter Worth '' . CNBC . CNBC . Retrieved 29 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Dow , S&P Close Lower to End Worst Year Since 2008 '' . Yahoo ! Finance . CNBC Videos . Retrieved 2 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dow closes up triple digits at record , first 5 - day win streak since March '' . Yahoo ! Finance . CNBC Videos . Retrieved 14 July 2016 . Jump up ^ Egan , Matt ( 2017 - 01 - 25 ) . `` Boom : Dow hits 20,000 for first time ever '' . CNNMoney . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 25 . Jump up ^ Peltz , James F. `` Dow hits 20,000 for the first time as stocks ' postelection rally continues '' . latimes.com . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 25 . Jump up ^ https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/01/us-markets.html Jump up ^ http://time.com/4884895/dow-jones-stock-market Jump up ^ IndexUniverse Staff ( February 8 , 2010 ) . `` ProShares Plans More 300 % Geared ETFs '' . IndexUniverse.com . Retrieved February 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ S.E.C. ( February 5 , 2010 ) . `` ProShares Registration Statement '' . S.E.C. . Retrieved February 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Barrons Data Center Table '' . Retrieved December 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Edelman , Ric ( December 23 , 2003 ) . The Truth About Money 3rd Edition . Harper Paperbacks . p. 126 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 056658 - 6 . Jump up ^ How Dow Jones Wrecked The Dow Jones Industrial Average . Business Insider . Retrieved March 14 , 2010 . Jump up ^ La Monica , Paul ( September 15 , 2008 ) . Toss AIG from the Dow ! . CNN . Retrieved September 21 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Index Component Weights of Stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average '' . Index Insight and Market Timing Tools : Futures , Equities , Options . Ergo Inc . Retrieved July 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Tobias Preis , Dror Y . Kenett , H. Eugene Stanley , Dirk Helbing and Eshel Ben - Jacob ( 2012 ) . `` Quantifying the Behavior of Stock Correlations Under Market Stress '' . Scientific Reports . 2 : 752 . doi : 10.1038 / srep00752 . Retrieved October 19 , 2012 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Further reading ( edit ) Stillman , Richard ( 1986 ) . Dow Jones Industrial Average : History and Role in an Investment Strategy . Dow Jones - Irwin . Goodrick , D. Scott ( 2008 ) . Making Dollar $ and Sense on Wall Street . CreateSpace . ISBN 978 - 1438229010 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dow Jones Industrial Average . Official website Dow Jones Industrial Average Milestones Dow Jones Industrial Average Biggest Gains and Losses Dow Jones Industrial Average at NASDAQ Dow Jones Industrial Average at NYSE Euronext Dow Jones Industrial Average at the Chicago Board Options Exchange Dow Jones Industrial Average Component Quotes at Yahoo ! Finance 100 Year Dow Jones Industrial Average Adjusted for Inflation at MacroTrends Components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average 3M American Express Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Systems Coca - Cola Disney DowDuPont ExxonMobil General Electric Goldman Sachs The Home Depot Intel IBM Johnson & Johnson JPMorgan Chase McDonald 's Merck & Co . Microsoft Nike Pfizer Procter & Gamble Travelers UnitedHealth Group United Technologies Verizon Communications Visa Walmart Major United States stock market indices Dow Jones Industrial Average ( 30 large stocks ; popular indicator ) NYSE Composite Index ( all companies on the NYSE ) Nasdaq Composite Index ( all companies on the NASDAQ ; technology - heavy ) NASDAQ - 100 Index ( 100 large NASDAQ non-financial stocks ) S&P 500 Index ( 500 large companies ; general market analysis ) Russell 2000 Index ( small - cap stocks ) Wilshire 5000 Index ( total U.S. market ) News Corp Dow Jones & Company National consumer products Barron 's Financial News Heat Street MarketWatch.com BigCharts VSE Vedomosti The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal Asia The Wall Street Journal Europe Wall Street Journal Radio Network WSJ . Enterprise products Factiva S&P Dow Jones Indices ( 2.6 % ) HarperCollins United States Avon Caedmon Ecco Harper Harper Perennial I Can Read ! 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Yahoo ! Answers is a community - driven question - and - answer ( Q&A ) website or a knowledge market from Yahoo ! , that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer questions asked by other users .
Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Site operation 3 Level table 4 Badges 4.1 Top Contributor 4.2 Staff 4.3 Official 4.4 Knowledge Partners 5 Academic studies 6 Quality of answers 7 Promotions and events 7.1 Yamster 7.2 Special guests 8 Site statistics 9 In popular media 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links History ( edit ) The website Yahoo ! was officially incorporated on March 2 , 1995 , and was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo . The website began as a search directory for various websites , and soon grew into an established Internet resource that features the `` Yahoo ! Answers '' platform . Yahoo ! Answers was launched on June 28 , 2005 , while in internal alpha testing by Director of Engineering , Ofer Shaked . Yahoo ! Answers was launched to the general public while in beta testing on December 8 , 2005 , which lasted until May 14 , 2006 . Yahoo ! Answers was finally incorporated for general availability on May 15 , 2006 . Yahoo ! Answers was created to replace Ask Yahoo ! , Yahoo ! 's former Q&A platform which was discontinued in March 2006 . The site gives members the chance to earn points as a way to encourage participation and is based on Naver 's Knowledge iN . Yahoo ! Answers is available in 12 languages , but several Asian sites operate a different platform which allows for non-Latin characters . The platform is known as Yahoo ! Chiebukuro ( Yahoo ! 知恵袋 ) in Japan and as Yahoo ! Knowledge in Korea , Taiwan , China , and Hong Kong . An Arabic language Q&A platform called Seen Jeem is available through the Yahoo ! subsidiary Maktoob . On December 8 , 2016 , Yahoo ! released an app for the platform called Yahoo ! Answers Now ( formally known as Yahoo ! Hive ) for iOS and Android . The number of poorly formed questions and inaccurate answers has made the site a target of ridicule . Site operation ( edit ) Yahoo ! Answers allows any questions that do not violate Yahoo ! Answers community guidelines . To encourage good answers , helpful participants are occasionally featured on the Yahoo ! Answers Blog . Though the service itself is free , the contents of the answers are owned by the respective users -- while Yahoo ! maintains a non-exclusive royalty - free worldwide right to publish the information . Chat is explicitly forbidden in the Community Guidelines , although categories like Politics and Religion & Spirituality are mostly opinion . Users may also choose to reveal their Yahoo ! Messenger ID on their Answers profile page . Misuse of Yahoo ! Answers is handled by a user moderation system , where users report posts that are in breach of guidelines or the Terms of Service . Posts are removed if they receive sufficient weight of trusted reports ( reports from users with a reliable reporting history ) . Deletion may be appealed : an unsuccessful appeal receives a 10 - point penalty ; a successful one reinstates the post and reduces the ' trust rating ' ( reporting power ) of the reporter . If a user receives a large number of violations in a relatively short amount of time or a very serious violation , it can cause the abuser 's account to be suspended . In extreme , but rare cases ( for a Terms of Service violation ) , the abuser 's entire Yahoo ! ID will be suddenly deactivated without warning . To open an account , a user needs a Yahoo ! ID but can use any name as identification on Yahoo ! Answers . A user can be represented by a picture from various internet avatar sites or a user - made graphic uploaded to replace their default Yahoo graphic . Yahoo ! Avatars was discontinued in 2012 . When answering a question , a user can search Yahoo ! or Wikipedia , or any source of information that the user wishes , as long as they mention their source . Questions are initially open to answers for four days . However , the asker can choose to pick a best answer for the question after a minimum of one hour . However , comments and answers can still be posted after this time . To ask a question , one has to have a Yahoo ! account with a positive score balance of five points or more . The points system is weighted to encourage users to answer questions and to limit spam questions . There are also levels ( with point thresholds ) , which give more site access . Points and levels have no real world value , can not be traded , and serve only to indicate how active a user has been on the site . A notable downside to the points / level system is that it encourages people to answer questions even when they do not have a suitable answer to give to gain points . Users also receive ten points for contributing the `` Best Answer '' which is selected by the question 's asker . The voting function , which allowed users to vote for the answer they considered best , was discontinued in April 2014 . In addition to points awarded for activity , Yahoo ! Answers staff may also award extra points if they are impressed with a user 's contributions . The Yahoo ! Answers community manager has stated that `` power users '' who defend the company should be thanked and rewarded . Level table ( edit ) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Points 1 -- 249 250 -- 999 1,000 -- 2,499 2,500 -- 4,999 5,000 -- 9,999 10,000 -- 24,999 25,000 + Questions 5 10 15 20 20 20 20 Answers 20 80 120 160 160 160 160 Commentaries 10 20 30 40 40 40 40 Stars 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 Evaluation permission No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note : All limitations are per day . Users begin on level 1 and receive 100 free points . Prior to this , they began on level 0 , could only answer one question , and then were promoted to level 1 . Before April 20 , 2012 , users levels 5 and above could give an unlimited amount of questions , answers , and comments . Yahoo ! Answers established an upper limit to curb spam and unproductive answers . Before April 2014 users were also able to vote for a best answer if the asker did not choose one , but this was discontinued . Badges ( edit ) Top Contributor ( edit ) The point system ostensibly encourages users to answer as many questions as they possibly can , up to their daily limit . Once a user achieves and maintains a certain minimum number of such contributions ( See Note * , further ... ) , they may receive an orange `` badge '' under the name of their avatar , naming the user a Top Contributor ( TC ) . Users can lose this badge if they do not maintain their level of participation . Once a user becomes a `` Top Contributor '' in any category , the badge appears in all answers , questions , and comments by the user , regardless of category . A user can be a Top Contributor in a maximum of 3 categories . The list of Top contributors is updated every Monday . Although Yahoo ! Answers staff has kept secret the conditions of becoming a TC , many theories exist among users , for example : Maintaining a weekly ( mystery ) `` quota '' of answers in the category . User wanting to become a TC must have more than or equal to 12 % Best answers . User should be at least on level 2 , although there have been claims that first - level users with TC Badge have been seen . User should concentrate only on one particular category to become a Top Contributor for that category . Out of these , none have an official status . This feature began March 8 , 2007 . Staff ( edit ) Badge is seen under the name staff members of Yahoo ! Answers . Official ( edit ) This type of badge is found on the name of celebrities ( like mentioned above ) and government departments like the health department . Knowledge partners ( edit ) These badges are found under the name of the companies or organizations who share their personal knowledge and experience with the members of Yahoo ! Answers . Academic studies ( edit ) A number of studies have looked at the structure of the community and the interaction between askers and responders . Studies of user typology on the site have revealed that some users answer from personal knowledge -- `` specialists '' -- while others use external sources to construct answers -- `` synthesists '' , with synthesists tending to accumulate more reward points . Adamic et al. looked at the ego networks of users and showed that it is possible to distinguish `` answer people '' from `` discussion people '' with the former found in specialist categories for factual information , such as mathematics and the latter more common in general interest categories , such as marriage and wrestling . They also show that answer length is a good predictor of `` best answer '' choice . Kim and Oh looked at the comments given by users on choosing best answers and showed that content completeness , solution feasibility and personal agreement / confirmation were the most significant criteria . Quality of Answers ( edit ) Researchers found that questions seeking factual information received few answers and that the knowledge on Yahoo ! Answers is not very deep . Despite the presence of experts , academics and other researchers , Yahoo ! Answers ' base consists of a much more general group ; hence , it has been criticized for the large number of dubious questions , such as `` how is babby formed how girl get pragnent '' ( sic ) , which sparked an Internet meme . This `` Internet language '' of incorrect spelling and improper grammar also contributes to Yahoo ! Answers ' reputation of being a source of entertainment rather than a fact based question and answer platform , and for the reliability , validity , and relevance of its answers . A 2008 study found that Yahoo ! Answers is suboptimal for questions requiring factual answers and that the quality decreases as the number of users increases . One journalist observed that the structure Yahoo ! Answers provides , particularly the persistence of inaccuracies , the inability to correct them , and a point structure that rewards participation more readily than accuracy , all indicate that the site is oriented towards encouraging use of the site , not offering accurate answers to questions . The number of poorly formed questions and inaccurate answers has made the site a target of ridicule . Likewise , posts on many Internet forums and Yahoo ! Answers itself indicate that Yahoo ! Answers attracts a large number of trolls . The site does not have a system that filters the correct answers from the incorrect answers . At one time , the community could vote for the best answer among the posted answers ; but that option was disabled in March 2014 . For most of the life of Yahoo ! Answers , once the `` best answer '' was chosen , there was no way to add more answers nor to improve or challenge the best answer chosen by the question asker ; there is a display of thumbs down or thumbs up for each answer , but viewers can not vote . In April 2014 , this was changed to allow for additional answers after a best answer is chosen , but the best answer can never be changed . Also , while `` best answers '' can be briefly commented upon , the comment is not visible by default and is hence hardly read . ( Even the user who posts the question is n't notified , before or after the best answer is picked , about a comment on the question or on the best answer . ) If the best answer chosen is wrong or contains problematic information , the only chance to give a better ( or correct ) answer will be the next time the same question is asked . The older answer will likely get higher priority in search engines . Any new answer will most probably not be seen by any original questioner . Promotions and events ( edit ) Yamster ( edit ) The Yahoo ! Answers green smiley . The official Yahoo ! Answers mascot is a cartoon hamster called Yamster . Yamster is a combination , or portmanteau , of the words `` Yahoo '' and `` hamster '' . The mascot is also used as an avatar for Yahoo ! Answers staff . During beta testing of Yahoo ! Answers in 2005 , the Director of Product Management would use a Gemmy Kung Fu Hamster to summon employees to meetings . The toy was a battery - operated , dancing , musical plush hamster clothed in a karate uniform . A Yahoo ! Answers employee selected a photo of the toy as the staff avatar . A user then questioned the potential trademark / copyright infringement of using such an avatar . At that time , the photo was replaced with the Yahoo ! Answers green smiley face . At the beginning of 2006 , the green smiley face was replaced by the cartoon Yamster clad in a karate uniform . As of November 2009 , the history of Yamster , complete with photos of the toy , was available on the Yahoo ! Answers Team Vietnam blog . Special guests ( edit ) Several celebrities and notables have appeared on Yahoo ! Answers to ask questions . These users have an `` official '' badge below their avatar and on their profile page . During the 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign , Hillary Clinton , John McCain , Barack Obama , and Mitt Romney posted questions on Yahoo ! Answers , in addition to YouTube . In an awareness campaign , `` UNICEF Up Close 2007 '' , nine UNICEF ambassadors asked questions . The launch of Answers on Yahoo ! India included a question from A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , the President of India at that time . Other guests have included international leaders ( Queen Rania of Jordan , candidate for United Nations Secretary - General Shashi Tharoor ) , Nobel Peace Prize laureates ( Al Gore , Muhammad Yunus ) and other international activists ( Bono , Jean - Michel Cousteau ) , intellectuals ( Stephen Hawking , Marilyn vos Savant ) , and numerous other celebrities . Site statistics ( edit ) Yahoo ! used comScore statistics in December 2006 to proclaim Yahoo ! Answers `` the leading Q&A site on the web '' . Currently Yahoo ! Answers is ranked as the second most popular Q&A site on the web by comScore . The slogan `` The world 's leading Q&A site '' has since been adopted by Answers.com . In 2009 , Yahoo ! Answers staff claimed 200 million users worldwide and 15 million users visiting daily . Google Trends has reported around 4 million unique visitors ( Global ) daily . In January 2010 , the web analytics website Quantcast reported 24 million active users ( US ) per month ; in November 2015 , that had fallen by 77 % to 5.6 million . Quantcast traffic statistics for Yahoo ! Answers , January 2010 : 24,201,619 people per month ( US ) 62,171,200 visits per month ( US ) For January 1 -- 30 , 2015 : 11,273,839 people per month ( US ) For October 31 -- November 29 , 2015 : 5,555,080 people per month ( US ) For December 1 -- December 30 , 2015 : 4,546,016 people per month ( US ) Google Ad Planner traffic statistics for Yahoo ! Answers , December 2009 : 26,000,000 unique visitors ( users ) ( US ) 110,000,000 total visits ( US ) Compete Site Analytics traffic statistics for Yahoo ! Answers , December 2009 : 33,090,163 unique visitors ( US ) 64,928,634 visits ( US ) Yahoo ! Answers represents between 1.03 % to 1.7 % of Yahoo ! traffic . In popular media ( edit ) The comedy / advice podcast My Brother , My Brother and Me features a reoccurring segment in which co-host Griffin McElroy selects and reads a particularly humorous or outrageous question from Yahoo ! Answers . The hosts then discuss and attempt to answer the question , to comedic effect . The Internet troll Ken M is a regular user on Yahoo ! Answers , posting comments that confound and annoy other users . There are several communities on social media sites such as Reddit and Facebook dedicated to observing his antics , especially on Yahoo ! Answers . Ken was named as one of Time 's most influential people online in 2016 . See also ( edit ) List of question - and - answer websites Ask MetaFilter Askalo Askville Blurtit GirlsAskGuys Google Answers Q&A software Hunch Knowledge Search LinkedIn Answers Quora Stack Exchange Wiki Answers References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Mccullough , Brian . `` On the 20th Anniversary -- The History of Yahoo 's Founding '' . Internet History Podcast . Jump up ^ `` First / oldest Y ! A account - Director of Engineering , Ofer Shaked 's Yahoo ! Answers account , created on June 28 , 2005 '' . Yahoo ! Answers . 2005 - 06 - 28 . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` SiliconBeat : Yahoo Answers '' . SiliconBeat. 2005 - 12 - 07 . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` The Birth of Yahoo Answers - Search Engine Watch '' . Search Engine Watch . 2005 - 12 - 07 . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo launches Q&A service - CNET News.com '' . CNET. 2005 - 12 - 07 . Archived from the original on December 10 , 2005 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Answers - Home on December 10 , 2005 '' . Wayback Machine . December 10 , 2005 . Archived from the original on December 10 , 2005 . Retrieved February 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo - Yahoo ! Search Leverages Human Knowledge From Yahoo ! Answers to Improve Web Search ; Yahoo ! Answers Surpasses 10 Million Answers to Everyday Questions From Real People '' . Yahoo ! Investor . 2006 - 05 - 15 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Barry ( December 13 , 2006 ) . `` Yahoo Answers Birthday : One Year Old '' . Search Engine Land . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Chiebukuro Website '' . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo Answers Now on the App Store '' . iTunes . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo Answers Now - Android Apps on Google Play '' . Google Play . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo Answers Now is a standalone app for iOS '' . Engadget. 2016 - 11 - 29 . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo officially launches its Yahoo Answers Q&A mobile app - VentureBeat '' . VentureBeat. 2016 - 12 - 08 . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo Answers makes its official mobile debut - TechCrunch '' . TechCrunch. 2016 - 12 - 09 . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . ^ Jump up to : Raphael , J.R. ( December 17 , 2009 ) . `` The 20 Dumbest Questions on Yahoo Answers '' . PC World . Retrieved May 24 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Ahmed , Murad ( January 3 , 2009 ) . `` Ask a silly question ... '' The Times . London . Retrieved May 24 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Community guidelines '' . Yahoo ! Answers . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Terms of Service '' . Yahoo ! Terms . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . 9 ) Content submitted or made available for inclusion on the Yahoo ! Services : Yahoo ! does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Yahoo ! Services . However , with respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo ! Services , you grant Yahoo ! the following worldwide , royalty - free and non-exclusive license ( s ) , as applicable ^ Jump up to : Moore , Nicole Casal ( April 21 , 2008 ) . `` Users of Yahoo Answers seek advice , opinion , expertise '' . University of Michigan News Service . Ann Arbor , Michigan . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` What if my question does n't receive any answers ? '' . Yahoo ! Help . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Yahoo ! Answers -- Point System '' . Yahoo ! Answers . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` A person in my category has - 9,000 points this week . ( Yes , that 's a minus . ) Someone else has - 22 % Best Answers . ( Also a minus ) '' . Yahoo ! Answers Suggestion Board . Archived from the original on January 15 , 2010 . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Sometimes when we ( Yahoo ! Answers employees ) are impressed with a user 's answer quality or overall contribution to make Answers a better place , we award extra points as a mark of encouragement . Jump up ^ `` Managing the Mob : What to do when things go wrong '' . Socialtext . Archived from the original on November 22 , 2009 . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Limitations on Level 5 , 6 and 7 Users '' . Yahoo ! Answers Blog. April 18 , 2012 . Retrieved 22 August 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` What is a Top Contributor ? '' . Yahoo ! Answers . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` What do the different badges on Yahoo ! Answers mean ? '' . Yahoo ! Answers . December 7 , 2009 . Archived from the original on November 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gazan , R. ; et al. ( 2006 ) . `` Specialists and Synthesists in a Question Answering Community '' . 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ( ASIST ) , Austin ( US ) , 3 -- 8 November 2006 . Richard B. Hill . CiteSeerX 10.1. 1.124. 6014 . Missing or empty url = ( help ) ; access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Adamic , L. ; et al. ( 2008 ) . `` Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers : Everyone Knows Something '' . WWW 2008 / Refereed Track : Social Networks & Web 2.0 - Analysis of Social Networks & Online Interaction . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ Kim , S. ; Oh , S. ( 2009 ) . `` Users ' relevance criteria for evaluating answers in a social Q&A site '' . Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology . 60 ( 4 ) : 716 . doi : 10.1002 / asi. 21026 . Jump up ^ `` Stet '' . The New York Times . July 20 , 2008 . Retrieved April 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Modine , Austin ( June 9 , 2009 ) . `` Wolfram Alpha to venture beyond boron nucleus '' . The Register . Southport , England : Situation Publishing . Retrieved January 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Liu , Yandong ; Agichtein , Eugene ( 2008 ) . `` On the Evolution of the Yahoo ! Answers QA Community '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ Liebenluft , Jacob ( December 7 , 2007 ) . `` A Librarian 's Worst Nightmare : Yahoo ! Answers , where 120 million users can be wrong '' . Slate . Retrieved August 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Angwin , Julia ( December 23 , 2008 ) . `` Looking for a Few Good Answers Online '' . WSJ . Jump up ^ `` Important Changes to Answers '' . Yahoo ! Answers official blog . March 20 , 2014 . Retrieved January 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Answers Team 's Profile '' . Answers.yahoo.com . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` MyThings -- View Item : KungFu Hamster '' . Archived from the original on November 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` What is the history of the Yahoo ! Answers Hamster ? '' . Answers.yahoo.com . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Y ! Answers _ Yamster '' . Archived from the original on November 17 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Mills , Elinor ( April 11 , 2007 ) . `` Presidential candidates to appear on YouTube '' . CNET News . Retrieved April 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo Answers Unicef And Widgets Vista '' . WebProNews . January 30 , 2007 . Retrieved April 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` UNICEF Up Close 2007 '' . 2007 . Retrieved April 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` ` Yahoo ! Answers ' launched '' . The Hindu Business Line . The Hindu Group . January 14 , 2007 . Retrieved April 10 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Queen Rania of Jordan 's Activity -- Yahoo ! Answers '' . Answers.yahoo.com . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Shashi Tharoor 's Activity -- Yahoo ! Answers '' . Answers.yahoo.com . February 1 , 2007 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Sample , Ian ( July 8 , 2006 ) . `` Hawking turns to Yahoo for answers to his big question '' . The Guardian . Retrieved April 11 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Herman , Michele ( June 23 , 2006 ) . `` Answer Al Gore 's Question , Win a Prius '' . Extra Helping . School Library Journal . Retrieved April 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` How can you help to create a poverty - free world ? -- Yahoo ! Answers '' . Answers.yahoo.com . December 6 , 2006 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Jean - Michel Cousteau 's Activity -- Yahoo ! Answers '' . Answers.yahoo.com . June 7 , 2007 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Answers Celebrates One Year of Knowledge and Success as Poll Reveals Use and Influence of Q&A Sites '' ( Press release ) . Business Wire . December 13 , 2006 . Archived from the original on November 16 , 2009 . Retrieved November 15 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Who 's Scorched Up comScore In September , You Ask ? '' . October 15 , 2009 . Retrieved September 18 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Answers.com Announces September comScore Rank of No. 13 , up from No. 18 in August '' ( Press release ) . Business Wire . October 15 , 2009 . Retrieved November 15 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo ! Answers hits 200 million visitors -- December 14 , 2009 '' . Yanswersblog.com . December 14 , 2009 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Did you know ? -- October 5 , 2009 '' . Yanswersblog.com . October 5 , 2009 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Google Trends for Yahoo ! Answers '' . Google . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Quantcast profile for Yahoo ! Answers '' . Quantcast.com . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Site profile for Yahoo ! Answers '' . Google . Archived from the original on January 4 , 2012 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Site Profile for answers.yahoo.com '' . Site Analytics . October 26 , 2011 . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Hopkins , Heather ( March 5 , 2009 ) . `` Yahoo ! Mail More than One Third of Yahoo ! Traffic '' . Experian Hitwise blogs . Retrieved April 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Yahoo.com site info '' . Alexa.com . Retrieved August 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` My Brother , My Brother , and Me '' . Maximum Fun . Retrieved 8 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Lavender , Dave ( 8 November 2010 ) . `` McElroy brothers find success with podcast '' . The Herald - Dispatch . Retrieved 8 February 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Ken M dedicated Reddit site '' . Reddit.com . Retrieved 28 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Ken M official Facebook page '' . Facebook.com . Retrieved 28 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Independent article on Ken M '' . independent.co.uk . Retrieved 28 March 2017 . Further reading ( edit ) Gomes , Lee ( August 23 , 2006 ) . `` Portals : Success , greed in the new economy of web point payouts '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . The Wall Street Journal . Archived from the original on March 6 , 2008 . External links ( edit ) Official website Quicken Support Phone Number Yahoo Answers Answers architect Yahoo ! Answers Suggestion Board Answers API Ask Yahoo ! , Yahoo ! 's former Q&A site , now merged with Answers Python wrapper over Answers API Introducing the new Yahoo ! Answers ( Tumblr announcement ) Yahoo ! 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what is the meaning of arabic word al
al - ( Arabic : ال ‎ ) , also Romanized as el - as pronounced in varieties of Arabic , is the definite article in the Arabic language : a particle ( ḥarf ) whose function is to render the noun on which it is prefixed definite . For example , the word كتاب kitāb `` book '' can be made definite by prefixing it with al - , resulting in الكتاب al - kitāb `` the book '' . Consequently , al - is typically translated as the in English .
Arabic definite article
arabic definite article
al - ( Arabic : ال ‎ ) , also Romanized as el - as pronounced in varieties of Arabic , is the definite article in the Arabic language : a particle ( ḥarf ) whose function is to render the noun on which it is prefixed definite . For example , the word كتاب kitāb `` book '' can be made definite by prefixing it with al - , resulting in الكتاب al - kitāb `` the book '' . Consequently , al - is typically translated as the in English .
Unlike most other particles in Arabic , al - is always prefixed to another word and it never stands alone . Consequently , most dictionaries will not list it as a separate word , and it is almost invariably ignored in collation . Similarly , al - is not a permanent component of the word to which it is prefixed . It is added and removed to toggle between the definiteness and indefiniteness of the word . As a particle , al - does not inflect for gender , plurality or grammatical case . The sound of the final - l consonant , however , can vary ; when followed by a sun letter such as t , d , r , s , n and a few others , it is replaced by the sound of the initial consonant of the following noun , thus doubling it . For example : for `` the Nile '' , one does not say al - Nīl , but an - Nīl . When followed by a moon letter , like m - , no replacement occurs , as in al - masjid ( `` the mosque '' ) . This affects only the pronunciation and not the spelling of the article . The Quran says that Al means , `` which is complete in itself '' . MWN . Contents 1 Overview 2 Etymology 2.1 Proto - Semitic particle hypothesis 2.2 Arabic lā hypothesis 2.3 Arabic la hypothesis 3 Phonology 3.1 The hamza in al - 3.2 The lām in al - 3.3 The vowels in al - 3.4 Separating al - from its host word 4 Lexicology 4.1 Definiteness 4.2 Class nouns 4.3 Encompassing a genus 4.4 Indicating presence 4.5 At the beginning of names 4.6 Extra 4.7 Miscellaneous 5 Grammar 5.1 At the beginning of particles ( ḥarf ) and verbs ( fi'l ) 5.2 At the beginning of nouns ( ism ) 5.2. 1 Prohibited prefixation 5.2. 1.1 Nouns that do not inflect for definiteness 5.2. 1.2 Already definite nouns 5.2. 1.3 The genitival construction ( iḍāfa ) 5.2. 1.4 Vocation 5.2. 1.5 Nunation ( tanwīn ) 5.2. 2 Necessary prefixation 5.2. 3 Al - on numbers 5.2. 4 Al - on participles 5.2. 5 Effects of al - on grammatical case 5.2. 6 Allah 6 In other languages 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Overview ( edit ) To put al - into perspective , there are many ways in which Arabic words can be made definite . These include the use of personal pronouns like `` me '' , the use of proper nouns like `` Saudi Arabia '' , demonstrative pronouns like `` this man '' , relative pronouns like `` the man who ... '' , vocation like `` O man '' , possession like `` my man '' , and of course the definite article like `` the man '' . Apart from possession , prefixing a noun with al - is the weakest form of definiteness . That is , saying `` the man '' does not define the man being referred to as clearly as saying `` this man '' , for example . Arabic has an indefinite article indicated by nunation ( tanwīn ) which is declined for three cases . Etymology ( edit ) The etymology of al - is the study of how it developed and how it changed over time . There are several major opinions in regards to the origins of the Arabic definite article . The earliest evidence of the article , besides a 1st - century BC inscription in Qaryat al - Faw ( formerly Qaryat Dhat Kahil , near Sulayyil , Saudi Arabia ) , occurs in the 5th century BC , in the epithet of a goddess which Herodotus ( Histories I : 131 , III : 8 ) quotes in its preclassical Arabic form as Alilat ( Ἀλιλάτ , i . e. , ʼal - ʼilat ) , which means `` the goddess '' . Proto - Semitic particle hypothesis ( edit ) While the Proto - Semitic language did not have any articles , the most likely theory is that the article al - comes from the same proto - Semitic source as the Hebrew definite article ה ־ ha - . That theory is based primarily on the fact that the two share many similarities . Both particles are prefixed to nouns , and both geminate with certain following letters . Moreover , neither particle is prefixed to non-final nouns in a genitival construction . Finally , both are prefixed to relative clauses . According to David Testen , many northern and southwestern Semitic languages have particles that bear similarities to al - . With this fact , he posits that al - has a proto - Semitic antecedent . There are three major possibilities regarding the form of the proto - Semitic particle that is the putative antecedent of al - : hal ; ha ; ' a ; David Testen and Jacob Weingreen state that هل ۔ / הל ־ hal is the correct antecedent . Often cited is the Arabic word for ' this ' , هذا hādhā , which , when combined with a definite phrase , has been known to become shortened from هذا البيت hādhā al - bayt ( this house ) to هلبيت hal - bayt . However , hal - bayt may merely be a shortening of the demonstrative pronoun . Weingreen also states that the original form of the Hebrew ha - was in fact hal . Hebrew , then , dropped the final l to achieve ha - while Arabic softened the h - to a hamza , resulting in al - . However , there is no evidence supporting the existence of hal from ancient Hebrew texts . In fact , as early as the 6th century BC both han ( a probable predecessor of the Hebrew ha ) and al were being used simultaneously in different Arabic dialects , namely Northern and Central . The Arabic word hādhā is equivalent to the Hebrew word זה zé . It appears that over time Hebrew shortened the demonstrative pronoun hazé ( eikh korím layéled hazé ? or What 's this boy 's name ? ) to simply zé . That indicates that the Hebrew ha - was the accurate retention of the original proto - Semitic source , as opposed to al - , which can not conclusively be linked to the ancient cognate demonstrative pronoun hādhā / hazé . Arabic lā hypothesis ( edit ) According to Jacob Barth , who was lecturer in Hebrew at the Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary , al - comes directly from the Arabic negating particle , لا lā . He conjectures that lā became al - through a process of metathesis . That is to say , the lām and the alif swapped positions . It is noteworthy that the negation denoted by lā and the definiteness denoted by al - are in stark contrast to each other . Barth also asserts that lā could have resulted in al - through a process of syncope so the alif in lā and the vowel over the lām were dropped , resulting in a sukūn ( an Arabic diacritic ) over the lām , and a volatile or elidable hamza was added to compensate for that . David Testen argues against both of these explanations . He says that there is no corroboratory evidence for either metathesis or syncope . Arabic lā hypothesis ( edit ) It is possible that al - comes from the same root as the asseverative - cum - precative particle , لـَ la - ; it is the la - used at the beginning of nominal sentences for emphasis . Phonology ( edit ) See also : Arabic nouns and adjectives § Article The phonology of al - is the study of its constituent letters and vowels , and of its pronunciation in different dialects and in different lexical circumstances . The hamza in al - ( edit ) A classical ( and largely one - sided ) debate in regards to al - is whether the hamza is volatile or not . The majority opinion is that of Sibawayh ( d . ca . 797 ) , who considers the hamza volatile . In his opinion , the hamza neither is part of al - nor contributes to the definiteness of the following word . Khalīl , Ibn Keisān and Akhfash , on the other hand , consider the hamza not to be volatile . There is a further debate among the proponents of the second theory . Some do not consider the hamza volatile and assert that it contributes to the definiteness of the following word . Others assert that the hamza contributes to the definiteness of the following word but is still volatile . In his defence , Khalīl argues that when a word prefixed with al - is preceded by the interrogative hamza , the two hamzas mix . For example , when the word الآن al - āna ( now ) is prefixed with it , the result is آلآن āl - āna . Clearly , the hamza of al - does not drop in this case even though there is no further purpose for it . Khalīl further argues that the only reason the hamza in al - is ever dropped is not that it is volatile but that it is used too much . When asked why the lām in al - was not simply given a vowel if it is so heavily used and it needs to be easier to pronounce , followers of Khalīl said that if the lām had been given a fatḥa , it would have been confused with the asseverative - cum - precative particle . Had it been given a kasra , it would have been confused with the genitival particle . It could not have been given a ḍamma for fear of the following vowel being a kasra or ḍamma ( which would result in awkward pronunciations as in لإبل * lu - ibil or لعنق * lu - ' unuq ) . Despite the myriad of proofs for the argument , in most classical grammars and in modern Arabic , the opinion of Sibawayh is often taken as an axiomatic fact . There are many proofs and counterproofs , but the overarching argument in favour of this opinion is as follows : The lām in al - is the only lām particle in the language with a sukūn ( to avoid confusion , as mentioned ) . Thus , it requires a volatile hamza . Moreover , al - is a particle , and Arabic particles do not drop letters ( without losing their meanings or connotations ) . Yet the hamza in al - drops all the time . Therefore , it must be volatile , or al - would lose its ability to render the following word definite . Consequently , it turns out that the hamza in al - is considered the only volatile hamza in the language that has a fatḥa vowel . The lām in al - ( edit ) Main article : Sun and moon letters In very early Semitic languages , definiteness was achieved through gemination of the first letter in a word . For example , the word kitāb would be made definite by ak - kitāb . An additional benefit of this construction was to connote `` determination '' . The lām in the Arabic al - was thus a result of a dissimilation process . In Arabic , this gemination occurs when the word to which al - is prefixed begins with one of the fourteen sun letters . Twelve of these letters ( including lām ) are originally designed to geminate . Ḍād and shīn have been included due to their similarities in pronunciation with lām and ţā , respectively . For example , the word الرجل al - rajul ' the man ' is actually pronounced `` ar - rajul '' . Notice that the lām is written but not pronounced . In more modern dialects , the sun letters have been extended to include the velars gīm and kāf . The ancient tribe of Banū Hamīr replace the lām in al - with mīm . The Prophet Muhammad is recorded to have uttered the following words in that dialect : لَيْسَ مِن امْبِرِّ امْصِيامُ في امْسَفَرِ Laysa min am - birr - i am - ṣiyām - u fī am - safar - i Also , there exists a negative form for the word Mā ( ما النافية ) . This Mā is a particle used to negate the perfect ( past tense ) verb . It almost invariably comes before such verbs . This Mā is sometimes followed by an imperfect verb . This has minor rhetorical considerations and is somewhat rare . Therefore , in most cases , one can interchangeably use Lā and Mā to convey negativness . Finally , in some Semitic languages like Hebrew , words that include the letter lāmed have Arabic cognates that replace it with a Mīm as opposed to Lām , the equivalent letter . For example , skull in Hebrew is גֻּלְגֹּלֶת ( gulgolet ) . Its Arabic cognate is جمجمة ( jumjúmah ) . This gives plausibility to the case of Banu Hamīr and indicates that lām is frequently equated with Mīm . The vowels in al - ( edit ) Regardless of whether the hamza in al - is volatile or not , it is read with a fatḥa when beginning speech with the definite article . For example , if one vocalizes the word البيت ' the house ' after a pause , it will be pronounced `` al - bayt '' . In fact , the hamza in al - is largely considered to be the only volatile hamza that has a fatḥa vowel . If , however , al - is vocalized in the middle of speech , the hamza will be dropped in pronunciation . As a result , the vowel preceding the definite article will be linked to the lām of al - . For example , بابُ البيت ( vocalized without any pauses ) is pronounced `` bābu l - bayt '' , بابَ البيت is pronounced `` bāba l - bayt '' , and بابِ البيت is pronounced `` bābi l - bayt '' . If the word onto which al - is prefixed starts with a hamza , the vowel from that hamza may transfer to the lām of al - after which the hamza not be pronounced . See Allah in `` Arabic definite article '' for an example . If this hamza is volatile , that is required . An example is in the phrase بِئْشَ الإسْمُ bi'sa al - ismu . The phrase is read as بِئْشَ الاِسْمُ `` bi'sa lismu '' ( Qur'an 49 : 11 ) . The rule relates to hamza and is not in direct relation to al - . Moreover , it is a rare occurrence and is almost never applied in spoken varieties of modern or classical Arabic . Separating al - from its host word ( edit ) Al - has been recorded to separate from its host word as in the following couplet : دَعْ ذا وَعَجِّلْ ذا وَأَلْحِقْنا بِذالْ -- بِالشَحْمِ إِنّا قَدْ مَلِلْناهُ بَجَلْ The al - in بذال has been recorded both with and without the alif . It has been stripped from its host word شحم because of the meter of the couplet . It has then been repeated in the second half of the couplet reattached to its host . This happened very rarely and , even then , has been recorded only in poetry . Lexicology ( edit ) Definiteness ( edit ) The primary and most profuse function of al - is to render the following word definite . This is known as تعريف العهد . This function is of two types : ذكري : when the word being referred to has already been mentioned . An example is found in the word messenger in `` We had sent to Pharaoh a messenger . But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger ... '' ( Qur'an 73 : 15 - 6 ) . ذهني : when the word being referred to is understood by the listener . An example is found in the word battle in `` The battle is getting worse ; I think we should retreat . '' There is also a special type of ذهني known as `` the al - for غلبة '' . The noun on which the al - is prefixed , in this case , is never explicitly mentioned but the listener knows what is being referred to . For example , the word الكتاب al - kitāb ( the book ) may actually refer to the classical book of Arabic grammar written by Sibawayh . Whenever grammarians talk about `` the book '' , this is what they mean and it is always understood without explanation . Class nouns ( edit ) One of the functions of al - is to render the noun onto which it is prefixed a class noun . For example , the word الأسد `` al - asad '' can mean ' the lion ' , referring to a specific lion , or ' the lion ' in the sense ' the lion is a dangerous animal ' . Notice that the meaning connoted by this function of al - is indefinite , which is in stark contrast with the primary function of the definite article . Because of this meaning , the noun following al - will be grammatically indefinite and one may , for example , modify the noun without the use of a relative pronoun . An example of this is seen in the following couplet of poetry : وَلَقَدْ أَمُرُّ عَلى اللَئيمِ يَسُبُّني -- فَمَضَيْتُ ثُمَّتَ قُلْتُ لا يَعْنيني Encompassing a genus ( edit ) Al - may be used to encompass all the individuals of a genus . For example , الأسد `` al - asad '' can be used to mean ' all lions ' . This function is called استغراق . One is encouraged to use caution when employing this form of al - as it may be confused with its other meanings . In order for al - to be in this capacity , it is necessary that it be interchangeable with the word كل kull ' all ' . Some classical grammarians assert that this kull may be figurative , in which case al - , in this capacity , would be a form of exaggeration . The most well known use of al - in this meaning occurs twice in the Qur'anic verse 1 : 1 , الحمد لله رب العالمين ( all praise is due to Allah , lord of all the worlds ) . Indicating presence ( edit ) Al - is often used in words to indicate the presence of something . For example , اليوم `` al - yawm '' means ' this day ' i.e. ' today ' . In modern Arabic , this function is largely idiomatic and does not carry over to new words . At the beginning of names ( edit ) Al - may be prefixed to names that are derived from Arabic nouns . This function is known as لمح الصفة . The purpose of doing this is to point toward the meaning of the one named . For example , the name عادل ' Adīl ( meaning ' just ' ) may be read العادل `` al - ' Adīl '' to allude to the fact that ' Adīl is a just person . In modern Arabic , however , this type of al - is largely idiomatic . That is to say , names traditionally prefixed with al - are kept as such and names without al - are also kept as such ; the connotation of this al - is ignored . When it comes to alphabetic ordering , some sources will list names according to the al - while others will ignore it . Extra ( edit ) Al - is sometimes prefixed to words without giving any grammatical benefit . This may occur in poetry , in which case the purpose may be to maintain metre , rhythm , or rhyme . It may also occur elsewhere to give a rhetorical benefit . For example , the al - attached to the relative pronoun الذي al - ladhī ( that / which / etc ) is considered to be extra , because relative pronouns are already definite and there is no use for the al - . Al - is perpetually and necessarily attached to this word in most Arabic dialects . Thus its purpose is not a lexical or grammatical one , but a rhetorical one . In the above example , the extra al - is necessary . There are other cases where it is extra but not necessary . An example is in the following phrase : ادخلوا الأول فالأول The word أول `` awwal '' ( first ) is considered حال `` ḥāl '' ( a type of object in grammar ) in the above phrase . This type of object is typically indefinite according to most classical and modern grammarians . So the al - attached to it is unnecessarily extra . Miscellaneous ( edit ) Jamīl Shāmi asserts that there is a type of al - that connotes the essence of something . For example , `` And we made from water every living thing ... '' ( Qur'an 21 : 30 ) can be translated as `` And we made from the essence of water ( i.e. , from the compound H O ) every living thing ... '' Shāmi also cites a usage of al - as an interrogative particle . For example , ال فعلت al fa'alta ( did you do it ? ) . Notice that the al - stands alone and un-prefixed here . Grammar ( edit ) At the beginning of particles ( ḥarf ) and verbs ( fi'l ) ( edit ) Al - is a particle ( ḥarf ) in the Arabic language . Like most ( but not all ) particles , it is not prefixed to other particles . That is because particles are never in need of any of the lexical meanings or grammatical inflections provided by al - . Similarly , al - is not prefixed to verbs . However , it has been seen on verbs in poetry , as in the following couplets by Dhu al - Kharq al - Tahawi ( ذو الخرق الطهوي ) : يقول الخَنى وأبغَضُ العُجْمِ ناطقا -- الى ربنا موتُ الحِمارِ اليُجَدّعُ ويَستخرج اليَرْبوعَ مِن نافِقائِه -- ومِن جُحْرِه بالشيحَةِ اليَتقصّعُ Several opinions exist to explain this aberrant al - . The following is a precis of different Arabic scholars ' views as given in Khizanat al - Adab . One view is that al - is a relative pronoun here , similar to alladhī ( الذي ) , allatī ( التي ) , etc. in Arabic . This is the view of Ibn Hisham and Al - Akhfash al - Akbar . This opinion is in harmony with the form of the general relative pronoun ( alli , illi , al ) in most Arabic dialects nowadays . If this view is correct , this aberrant al - does not follow the sun and moon letters rule . Al - may also be used to turn verbs in the imperfect , passive state into adjectives in a limited set of circumstances . This is employed to show ability / possibility , or with the use of another particle ( `` - la - '' ) , inability / impossibility as is related to the definite word the resulting adjective modifies . Examples : Al - yurā : the see - able ; al - yu'kal : the edible ; al - la - yurā : the un-see - able ; al - la - silkī : the wire-less ( device ) ; etc . When al - occurs in places where we would not normally expect it , it is considered extra as far as grammar and lexicology are concerned . This is the view of al - Kisā'ī . Al - is used by poets to complete the meter of the verse under poetic license . This is the view of Ibn Malik , the author of the Alfiyyah ; it is rejected by the author of the Khizānat al - Adab . At the beginning of nouns ( ism ) ( edit ) The terms noun and ism have been used synonymously in this section Because nouns require the functions provided by al - ( namely definiteness ) , al - is prefixed to them . Ism , as defined in classical Arabic grammar , includes all parts of speech save particles and verbs : nouns , pronouns , adjectives , adverbs , etc . As a general rule , al - may be prefixed to any ism , regardless of gender , plurality , grammatical case , etc . However , this rule has some pathological caveats . That is , there are some nouns that al - may never be prefixed to , and there are others that al - must always be prefixed to . Prohibited prefixation ( edit ) Nouns that do not inflect for definiteness ( edit ) The definite article al - is not typically prefixed to nouns that do not inflect for definiteness . Examples include the interrogative مَن man ' who ' . Already definite nouns ( edit ) The definite article al - is not typically prefixed to nouns that are already definite . Examples include personal pronouns , relative pronouns , demonstrative pronouns , nouns already prefixed with al - , etc . Exceptions to this include the prefixation of al - to the relative pronoun الذي ( see # Extra ) and to proper nouns ( see # At the beginning of names ) . As a concrete example , al - has been recorded at the beginning of a demonstrative pronoun , as in the following poetic verse : فإن الأولاء يعلمونكَ مِنهمُ The genitival construction ( Iḍāfa ) ( edit ) Al - is not prefixed to non-final nouns in a genitival construction ( Iḍāfa ) . For example , in شوارع المدينة shawāri ' al - madīna '' ( the city 's streets ) , the word شوارع is a non-final noun in the genitival construction . Hence , it can not be prefixed with al - ( it is already definite by virtue of the construction ) . Exceptions to this include genitival constructions where the first noun is a participle and the second noun is its object . This can be done if one of the following conditions is met . the first noun is dual ; e.g. الضاربا زيد the first noun is sound masculine plural ; e.g. الضاربو زيد the second noun also has al - ; e.g. الضارب الرجل the second noun is the first noun of another genitival construction , and the second noun in this other construction has al - ; e.g. الضارب رأسِ الرجلِ the second noun is suffixed to a pronoun which refers to a noun that has al - ; e.g. مررتُ بالرجل الضاربِ غلامِه Al - has also been seen in poetic verses prefixed to non-final nouns in a genitival construction . An example is in the following couplet : مِن القوم الرسولُ الله منهم -- لهم دانَتْ رِقابُ بني مَعَدٍّ Furthermore , the grammatical school of Kufa allows al - on the first noun in a genitival construction if it is a number . For example , the phrase ثلاثة اقلام `` thalāthat aqlām '' ( three pens ) may be read الثلاثة اقلام `` al - thalāthat aqlām '' . Vocation ( edit ) According to the Basra school of classical grammar , al - does not typically follow the particles of vocation . For example , one will not say يا الرجل `` yā ar - rajul '' ( O the man ) . The proponents of the Basra camp give two exceptions . the word `` Allah '' ; one may say يا الله `` yā Allah '' ( O God ) with or without pronouncing the hamza in `` Allah '' . direct quotation ; one may say , for example , يا الحسن `` yā al - Ḥasan '' ( O al - Hasan ) to someone named al - Hasan . However , the Kufa camp of classical grammar , as well as many modern grammarians , allow al - to be prefixed to the object of vocation almost unconditionally . An example is given in the following couplet of poetry : مِن أجْلِكِ يا التي تَيَّمْتِ قلبي -- وأنتِ بحيلةٌ بالوُدِّ عَنّي Under this scheme , if the object of vocation is a single word and it is feminine , the particle of vocation will be followed by the particle ايتها ayyatuhā . And if it is masculine , it will be followed by the particle ايها ayyuhā . Nunation ( tanwīn ) ( edit ) According to the classical grammarians Farrā and Kasā'ī , the overarching purpose of nunation is to differentiate between nouns and verbs . Thus a noun is given nunation so that it wo n't be confused with a verb ; for example the name جعفر would have been confused with a quatralateral verb had it not been for nunation . Additionally , we know that al - is not prefixed to verbs . Therefore , when al - is prefixed to a noun , there is no longer any danger of the noun being confused with a verb , and so the nunation is no longer needed . Hence , no noun has both al - and nunation simultaneously . However , there are some types of nunation whose purpose is not to differentiate between nouns and verbs . Such types include تنوين ترنم ( a type of nunation converted from an alif at the end of poetic couplets ) and تنوين غالي ( a type of nunation used to maintain the metre of a poem ) . An example of the first type in conjunction with al - is found in the following couplet of poetry : أقِلّي اللَومَ عاذِلَ والعِتابَن -- وقُولي إنْ أصَبْتُ لقد أصابَنْ And an example of the second type in conjunction with al - is found in the verse below : وقاتِمِ الأعْماقِ خاوي المُخْتَرَقْنْ Necessary prefixation ( edit ) There are some nouns that are invariably seen with al - . Examples include the relative pronoun الذي al - ladhī ( that / which / etc ) . Al - on numbers ( edit ) Al - may be prefixed to the first part of a number between 11 and 19 . For example , احد عشر aḥada ' ashar ( eleven ) may be read as الاحد عشر `` al - aḥada ' ashar '' . In the case of a compound number ( 21 - 29 , 31 - 39 , ... , 91 - 99 ) , al - may be prefixed to both parts . For example , واحد وعشرون wāḥid wa - ' ishrūn '' ( twenty - one ) may be read as الواحد والعشرون `` al - wāḥid wa - al - ' ishrūn '' . Al - on participles ( edit ) When al - is prefixed to a participle , it acts like a relative pronoun . For the purposes of this rule , participles include اسم فاعل ( the active participle ) , اسم مفعول ( the passive participle ) , الصفة المشبهة ( another participle in Arabic ) , etc . For example , مررت بالراكب خيله . This is translated as `` I passed by the man who was riding his steed '' as opposed to something like `` I passed by the rider of his steed . '' Consequently , all the rules of Arabic relative pronouns and their clauses will apply here . It is widely accepted in Arabic grammar that a participle can carry tense . This tense , however , is typically limited to the present and future . But when we use the above construction , the past can be connoted by the participle as well due to the nature of relative clauses . For example , one may say مررت بالراكب خيله أمس ( I passed by the man who was riding his steed yesterday ) . Some grammarians , however , say that it is only the past that can be connoted in this construction ; the option of connoting the present and future is no longer available . And others say that no tense at all can be connoted . Effects of al - on grammatical case ( edit ) Al - has very few contributions to the grammatical case of a noun . However , it is worth mentioning that it turns second - declension nouns ( ghayr munṣarif ) into first declension nouns by allowing the kasra vowel . Moreover , al - brings back the ي letter in an ism manqūṣ that is in the nominative or genitive case . Without the al - , the ي in such nouns is omitted and replaced by nunation . Allah ( edit ) Of special interest is the origin of the word Allah . Scholars propose that this derives from the word الإله al - ʾilāh `` the god '' , where ʾilāh `` god '' is related to Hebrew ʾeloah `` god '' . The hamza dropped from writing ( see # The vowels in al - ) , resulting in الِلـه alilāh , though it is still pronounced . Then the vowel i dropped , producing الّه allāh ; the resulting / l / became emphatic out of reverence for the name of God ; the result is written الله . In other languages ( edit ) See also : Arabic language influence on the Spanish language , List of Portuguese words of Arabic origin , and List of English words of Arabic origin The article was borrowed along with a large number of Arabic nouns into the Iberian Romance languages . ( See Al - Andalus . ) Portuguese , for example , acquired some 1,200 Arabic words between the 9th and 13th centuries , such as aldeia `` village '' ( from الضيعة alḍaiʿa ) , alface `` lettuce '' ( from الخس alxas ) , armazém `` warehouse '' ( from المخزن almaxzan ) , and azeite `` olive oil '' ( from الزيت azzait ) . It even appears on non-Arabic vocabulary , such as enxofre `` sulfur '' ( also xofre , from late classical Latin sulfur ; the prefix nasalizes before x ) . Spanish has a similar inventory , such as alfombra `` carpet '' and algodón `` cotton '' , including such Arabic -- Latinate doublets as aceituna and oliva `` olive '' , alacrán and escorpión `` scorpion '' , alcancía and hucha `` piggy bank '' , as well as azufre ~ zufre `` sulfur '' . Whether through the Iberian languages or by other routes , such as the technical vocabulary borrowed by various European languages during the adoption of Arab mathematics and science , a number of English words contain the Arabic definite article . These include alcove , alcohol , albatross , alfalfa , algebra , algorithm , alchemy , alkaline , alembic , elixir , artichoke , acequia , adobe , aniline , apricot , aubergine , azimuth , and the names of stars such as Algol . In azure , from لازورد lāzūard , the initial l of the word was lost due to being mistaken as the Arabic article ; it is retained in lazurite and in the compound lapis lazuli . In lute , form العود al - ʿūd , the a of the article was dropped , but the l retained ; compare oud . In admiral , the article comes at the end , as it is an abbreviation of such phrases as amīr - al - mā `` commander of the water '' and amīr - al - bahr `` commander of the sea '' . The al - article is also used in Urdu mostly relating to personal names of Arabic origin and in words which are imported from Arabic mostly related to religious , administrative and scientific vocabulary . The most common al - words in Urdu are بالکل ( bil - kul ) meaning `` exactly '' and فی الحال ( fil - hal ) meaning `` currently '' . See also ( edit ) Arabic grammar Arabic phonology Grammatical particle Influence of Arabic on other languages Sun and moon letters Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , pp. 159 -- 190 Jump up ^ Woodard ( 2008 ) , p. 180 Jump up ^ Macdonald ( 2000 ) , pp. 50 , 61 Jump up ^ http://www.islamic-awareness.org/History/Islam/Inscriptions/faw.html Jump up ^ Woodard ( 2008 ) , p. 208 Jump up ^ https://www.academia.edu/202934/The_Development_of_the_Definite_Article_in_Semitic_A_Syntactic_Approach Jump up ^ https://www.academia.edu/11080253/Definite_Articles_in_Semitic_with_a_focus_on_Central_Semitic_ ^ Jump up to : Testen ( 1998 ) , pp. 139 -- 140 ^ Jump up to : Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 140 Jump up ^ Weingreen ( 1967 ) , p. 23 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 138 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 165 ^ Jump up to : Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 186 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 177 ^ Jump up to : Jamīl Shāmi ( 1992 ) , p. 102 Jump up ^ Sībawayh ( 1999 ) , v. 3 p. 358 ^ Jump up to : Muḥyī al - Dīn ' Abd al - Ḥamīd ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 177 -- 178 ^ Jump up to : Zajjājī ( 1984 ) , p. 20 ^ Jump up to : Zajjājī ( 1984 ) , pp. 19 -- 20 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 150 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 148 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 144 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 137 Jump up ^ Sībawayh ( 1999 ) , v. 4 p. 590 -- 591 Jump up ^ Testen ( 1998 ) , p. 145 Jump up ^ Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 189 Jump up ^ http://www.learnarabiconline.com/types-of-maa.shtml Jump up ^ Zajjājī ( 1984 ) , pp. 46 -- 47 ^ Jump up to : Sībawayh ( 1999 ) , v. 3 p. 359 Jump up ^ Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 186f Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 186 ^ Jump up to : ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 178 ^ Jump up to : Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 186ff ^ Jump up to : Jamīl Shāmi ( 1992 ) , p. 103 ^ Jump up to : Jamīl Shāmi ( 1992 ) , p. 104 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 184 -- 185 ^ Jump up to : ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 180 Jump up ^ Jamīl Shāmi ( 1992 ) , p. 105 ^ Jump up to : Muḥyī al - Dīn ' Abd al - Ḥamīd ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 183 ^ Jump up to : Jamīl Shāmi ( 1992 ) , p. 107 Jump up ^ Sībawayh ( 1999 ) , v. 4 p. 259 Jump up ^ Ibn Mālik , v. 1 p. 177 Jump up ^ Anbari , p. 316 ^ Jump up to : خزانة الأدب - عبد القادر البغدادي Jump up ^ Al - mu'jam Ul - waṣīt , rev. 3 , vol. 1 , p. 23 , entry : ( `` Al - أل '' ) Jump up ^ Owens , p. 129 Jump up ^ Anbari , p. 321 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 2 p. 47 ^ Jump up to : Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 379 Jump up ^ Hasan , v. 1 p. 438 ^ Jump up to : ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 2 p. 263 -- 265 Jump up ^ Anbari , p. 335 - 9 ^ Jump up to : Zajjājī ( 1984 ) , pp. 32 -- 35 ^ Jump up to : Zajjājī ( 1984 ) , p. 31 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 20 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 1 p. 18 ^ Jump up to : Hasan , v. 1 p. 439 Jump up ^ Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 171 Jump up ^ ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl ( 1998 ) , v. 2 p. 110 Jump up ^ Ibn Hājib , p. 12 Jump up ^ Ibn Hishām ( 2001 ) , p. 103 Jump up ^ `` sulfur '' . Oxford English Dictionary ( 3rd ed . ) . Oxford University Press . September 2005 . ( Subscription or UK public library membership required . ) References ( edit ) Abu ' Alī al - Fārisī , al - Hasan ibn Aḥmad ( d . 987 ) ( 2004 ) . al - Masā'il al - Manthūrah . Oman : Dār ' Umān lil - Nashr wa - al - Tawzī ' . Asmar , Rājī ( 2005 ) . Mu'jam al - Adawāt fī al - Qur'ān al - Karīm . Beirut : Dār al - Jīl . ' Aţā , Diyāb ' Abd al - Jawwād ( 1985 ) . Ḥurūf al - Ma'ānī wa - ' Alāqatuhā bi-al - Ḥukm al - shar'ī . Cairo : Dār al - Manār . ' Abd Allāh ibn ' Aqīl , Bahā al - Dīn ( d . 1367 ) ( 1998 ) . Sharḥ Ibn ' Aqīl ' alā Alfiyyat Ibn Mālik . See Muḥyī al - Dīn . Baytüshi , Abdullah ibn Muhammad ( 2005 ) . Kifāyat al - Mu'ānī fī ḥurūf al - Ma'ānī . Damascus : Dār al - Iqrā . Ḥasan , ' Abbās . al - Nahw al - Wāfī ( 3rd ed . ) . Cairo : Dār al - Ma'ārif . Hopkins , Simon ( 1984 ) . Studies in the Grammar of Early Arabic Based upon Papyri Datable to Before 300 A.H. / 912 A.D . Oxford : Oxford University Press . Ibn al - Anbari , ' Abd al - Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ( d . 1181 ) ( 1961 ) . al - Inṣāf fi Masa'il al - Khilāf . Cairo : al - Maktabah al - Tijārīyah al - Kubrā . Ibn Ḥājib , ' Uthmān ibn ' Umar ( d . 1249 ) ( 2000 ) . Kāfiya . Karachi : Qadeem Kutub Khaana . Ibn Hishām , Abu Muhammad ' Abd al - Malik ( d . 833 ) ( 2001 ) . Sabīl al - Hudā ' alā Sharh Qaţr al - Nadā wa - Ball a ; - Ṣadā . Damascus : Maktab Dār al - Fajr . Ibn Mālik , Abu ' Abd Allāh Muḥammad Jamāl al - Dīn ibn ' Abd Allāh ( d . 1273 ) . al - Khulāṣa . See Muḥyī al - Dīn . Ibn al - Sarrāj , Muḥammad ibn al - Sarī ( d . 929 ) ( 1985 ) . al - Uṣūl fī al - Nahw . Beirut : Mu'assasat al - Risālah . Irbillī , ' Alī ibn Muhammad ( d . 1340 ) ( 1991 ) . Jawāhir al - Adab fī Ma'rifat Kalām al - ' Arab . Beirut : Dār An - Nafā'is . Jamīl Shāmi , Aḥmad ( 1992 ) . Mu'jam Ḥurūf al - Ma'āni . Beirut : Mu'assasat ' Izz al - Dīn . Macdonald , M. C. A. ( 2000 ) . `` Reflections on the linguistic map of pre-Islamic Arabia '' ( PDF ) . Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy. 11 : 28 -- 79 . Mubarrad , Muḥammad ibn Yazīd ( d . 898 ) ( 1999 ) . al - Muqtadab . Beirut : Dār al - Kutub al - ' Ilmīyah . Muḥyī al - Dīn ' Abd al - Ḥamīd , Muḥammad ( d . 898 ) ( 1998 ) . Sharh Ibn ' Aqīl ' alā Alfiyyat Ibn Mālik wa - ma'ahu Kitāb Minḥat al - Jalīl bi-Taḥqīq Ibn ' Aqīl . Cairo : Maktab al - Turāth . Sakhāwī , ' Alī ibn Muḥammad ( d . 1245 ) ( 2002 ) . al - Mufaḍḍal fī Sharh al - Mufaṣṣal : Bāb al - Ḥurūf . Oman : Wizārat al - Thaqāfah . Sībawayh , ' Amr ibn ' Uthmān ( d . 796 ) ( 1999 ) . al - Kitāb . Beirut : Dār al - Kutub al - ' Ilmīyah . Taftahzāni , Mas'ūd ibn ' Umar ( d . 1389 ) ( 2000 ) . Mukhtaṣar al - Ma'ānī . Karachi : Qadeem Kutub Khaana . Testen , David D. ( 1998 ) . Parallels in Semitic Linguistics : the Development of Arabic La - and Related Semitic Particles . Leiden : Brill . ISBN 9004109730 . Weingreen , Jacob ( 1967 ) . A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew ( 2nd ed . ) . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Woodard , Roger D. ( 2008 ) . Ancient Languages of Syria - Palestine and Arabia . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521684989 . Zajjājī , ' Abd al - Raḥman ibn Isḥāq ( d . 950 ) ( 1984 ) . Kitāb Ḥurūf al - Ma'ānī . Beirut : Mu'assasat al -- Risālah . Kitāb al - Lāmāt . Damascus : Majma ' al - Lughah al - ' Arabīyah . Zamakhsharī , Maḥmūd ibn ' Umar ( d . 1144 ) . al - Mufaṣṣal fī ' Ilm al - ' Arabīyah . See Sakhāwī . External links ( edit ) Look up ال in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . What 's Up With `` Al - '' ? at Slate `` Al '' . The American Cyclopædia. 1879 . `` Al '' . New International Encyclopedia . 1905 . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Arabic_definite_article&oldid=855453060 '' Categories : Arabic grammar Arabic words and phrases Prefixes Hidden categories : Articles containing Arabic - language text Articles containing Hebrew - language text Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2014 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from The American Cyclopaedia Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from The American Cyclopaedia with a Wikisource reference Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the New International Encyclopedia Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia עברית Latina Bahasa Melayu 日本 語 Русский Svenska Tiếng Việt 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 18 August 2018 , at 11 : 56 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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rachel in batman begins and the dark knight
Rachel Dawes is a fictional character who first appeared in Christopher Nolan 's 2005 feature film Batman Begins . She was portrayed in that film by Katie Holmes , with Emma Lockhart as a younger version of the character in early scenes . Holmes also voiced the character in the video game adaptation . Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes in the 2008 sequel The Dark Knight after Holmes chose not to reprise the role . Gyllenhaal also appeared as Dawes on the viral marketing website I Believe in Harvey Dent , giving Harvey Dent her endorsement in the District Attorney election .
Rachel Dawes
rachel dawes
Rachel Dawes is a fictional character who first appeared in Christopher Nolan 's 2005 feature film Batman Begins . She was portrayed in that film by Katie Holmes , with Emma Lockhart as a younger version of the character in early scenes . Holmes also voiced the character in the video game adaptation . Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes in the 2008 sequel The Dark Knight after Holmes chose not to reprise the role . Gyllenhaal also appeared as Dawes on the viral marketing website I Believe in Harvey Dent , giving Harvey Dent her endorsement in the District Attorney election .
In the Dark Knight Trilogy , Rachel is Bruce Wayne 's childhood sweetheart and one of the few people who truly knows him . The conflict between Bruce 's love for her and his secret life as Batman is one of the main themes of the first two films in the trilogy , while her death in The Dark Knight in part motivates his actions in the third and final film , The Dark Knight Rises . Contents ( hide ) 1 Fictional biography 1.1 Batman Begins 1.2 The Dark Knight 1.3 The Dark Knight Rises 2 Development 3 References 4 External links Fictional biography ( edit ) Batman Begins ( edit ) Main article : Batman Begins Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins ( 2005 ) Rachel is Bruce Wayne 's closest childhood friend . Rachel 's mother worked as a domestic servant at Wayne Manor , and the two would often play together on the grounds . After Bruce 's parents are murdered by Joe Chill ( Richard Brake ) , Rachel 's mother seeks other employment and leaves Wayne Manor with Rachel . Rachel enrolls in law school and gets an internship at the Gotham City District Attorney 's office during her first year . After Chill is murdered for testifying against Mafia boss Carmine Falcone ( Tom Wilkinson ) , Bruce reveals to Rachel that he intended to murder Chill himself , and is angry that he was deprived of revenge . Rachel is horrified and tells Bruce that his late parents would be ashamed of him . She also takes Bruce down to the slums and shows him that Falcone 's criminal empire has worsened the poverty created by Gotham City 's economic depression , and states that every day more people just like Chill turn to crime out of desperation . Soon afterward , Bruce leaves the United States and Rachel continues her studies in law school . Years later , she becomes an Assistant District Attorney . Rachel dedicates her life and career to eliminating crime in Gotham , in the process making enemies of Falcone and later Dr. Jonathan Crane ( Cillian Murphy ) , Arkham Asylum 's corrupt chief psychiatrist . When Bruce returns to Gotham , Rachel is surprised that he did not contact her , and later feels disappointed in him , taking his playboy façade at face value . She reminds Bruce , `` Bruce , deep down you may still be that great kid you used to be , but it 's not who you are underneath , it 's what you do that defines you . '' Around the same time , a costumed vigilante calling himself Batman appears in Gotham , and saves Rachel from Falcone 's assassins . Rachel is intrigued by the masked crime - fighter , unaware that he is her old friend Bruce . After her boss is murdered by thugs working for Crane , Rachel takes over his job until a replacement can be found . Shortly afterward , Falcone has a psychotic break in police custody , and Rachel believes he is faking it to avoid trial , unaware that Crane drugged him with his fear toxin . When she goes to Arkham to evaluate the situation , Crane drugs her with fear toxin as well . Batman rescues her again , administers an antidote and tells her that Crane is working with the League of Shadows , a terrorist organization led by Ra 's al Ghul ( Liam Neeson ) . He gives her instructions for a plan to save the city from the League 's attack . He then sedates her and has his butler , Alfred Pennyworth ( Michael Caine ) , take her home . She wakes up in her bed and delivers samples of an anti-toxin to Gotham City Police Department sergeant James Gordon ( Gary Oldman ) . The League starts a riot in the Narrows , one of Gotham City 's slums , and Rachel is trapped . Crane , who has now assumed the criminal alter ego of `` The Scarecrow '' , attacks her again . She defends herself and a boy caught in the riot by firing a taser at Crane 's face , driving him away . Soon , the city is overrun by Arkham 's inmates , whom the League has released , and Rachel and the boy are surrounded by lunatics led by Falcone 's henchman , Victor Zsasz ( Tim Booth ) . Batman saves them at the last minute and gives Rachel a hint as to his secret identity . Towards the end of the film , Rachel visits the remains of Wayne Manor , finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage . She and Bruce share a kiss , but she tells him that they can not be together until Gotham no longer needs Batman . At the end of the movie 's novelization , she is named interim District Attorney . The Dark Knight ( edit ) Main article : The Dark Knight ( film ) By the start of the second film , Rachel is in a relationship with newly selected District Attorney Harvey Dent ( Aaron Eckhart ) , creating a conflict between him , herself , and Bruce Wayne . Dent soon asks Rachel to marry him , but she does not have a clear answer , being torn between her love for both men . At one point , the Joker ( Heath Ledger ) attacks Rachel at Dent 's fundraiser , holding her at knifepoint . Batman arrives and fights off the men , but the Joker grabs Rachel and throws her from the skyscraper window . Batman jumps out the window after her , breaking their fall on a car below . Rachel is next seen at the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb ( Colin MacFarlane ) , who was murdered by the Joker . At the funeral , the Joker attempts to assassinate Mayor Anthony Garcia ( Nestor Carbonell ) , and leaves behind evidence indicating that Rachel will be next . Rachel takes shelter in Bruce 's penthouse at Dent 's insistence . There she and Bruce briefly rekindle their romance . He admits that he desires to turn himself in as Batman and hopes they could eventually be together , which Rachel says can not happen if he goes to prison . Dent holds a press conference and claims to be Batman . Rachel is disgusted that Bruce would let Dent take the fall for him , and gives Alfred a letter to be delivered to Bruce `` when the time is right . '' She promptly leaves the penthouse . After Batman and Gordon capture the Joker , Rachel and Dent are kidnapped by police officers on mob boss Sal Maroni 's ( Eric Roberts ) payroll , who are working under the Joker 's orders . Batman interrogates the Joker and learns that the lives of both Dent and Rachel are at stake . The Joker tells Batman that he must choose which one of them to save and gives him both locations . However , the Joker has switched the addresses , with the intention of orchestrating Dent 's downfall . Batman speeds off , believing that he is traveling to Rachel 's destination . Both Rachel and Dent are tied up in rooms surrounded with gasoline drums and remote - controlled explosives , with phones attached so they can talk to each other . Rachel tells Dent that she wants to marry him . Batman arrives at Dent 's location in time to save him , but Gordon arrives at the other too late , and Rachel is killed in the explosion . The loss of Rachel , in addition to his own disfigurement , drives Dent insane and he becomes the murderous vigilante Two - Face , seeking revenge on those he holds responsible for Rachel 's death . Upon her death , Alfred reads Rachel 's note ( which she deliberately left unsealed ) in which she reveals that she intends to marry Dent . She explains that while Gotham may come to no longer need Batman , she now feels that the day when Bruce no longer does will never come . She urges Bruce not to give up faith in other people , even if she has disappointed him . When Bruce relates to Alfred that his only solace is the knowledge that she would have waited for him , Alfred decides to burn the note , sparing Bruce the pain of the truth . The Dark Knight Rises ( edit ) Main article : The Dark Knight Rises Rachel does not appear in The Dark Knight Rises , but is mentioned several times . Additionally , a picture of her appears in Wayne Manor , in Gyllenhaal 's likeness . Bruce , having given up the mantle of Batman , is portrayed as still mourning Rachel eight years after her death , rarely leaving Wayne Manor and failing to move on and find a normal life that Rachel once promised him . When Bane ( Tom Hardy ) attacks Gotham City , Bruce decides to become Batman once more to oppose him . In an attempt to stop him , Alfred finally confesses to Bruce that Rachel chose Dent and that he burned the letter in order to spare Bruce the pain . This revelation puts a severe strain on Bruce 's relationship with Alfred , who then leaves Wayne Manor when Bruce decides to continue as Batman . Throughout the film , Bruce keeps a picture of Rachel . By the end of the film , however , he is in a relationship with Selina Kyle ( Anne Hathaway ) , and has passed on his legacy to Detective John Blake ( Joseph Gordon Levitt ) so he can finally get on with his life ; proving Rachel 's belief that Bruce will never give up being Batman wrong . Development ( edit ) Katie Holmes was to reprise as Rachel in The Dark Knight ; she turned it down and starred in Mad Money instead . Before Maggie Gyllenhaal was cast , Emily Blunt , Isla Fisher , Sarah Michelle Gellar , and Rachel McAdams were considered to replace Holmes as Rachel . Gyllenhaal has acknowledged that Rachel is a damsel in distress to an extent , but says Nolan sought ways to empower the character , so `` Rachel 's really clear about what 's important to her and unwilling to compromise her morals , which made a nice change '' from the many conflicted characters whom she has previously portrayed . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Sciretta , Peter ( 2007 - 03 - 08 ) . `` Maggie Gyllenhaal Cast in The Dark Knight '' . Slash Film . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ I Believe In Harvey Dent Jump up ^ Williams , Andrew ( January 6 , 2008 ) . `` Gyllenhaal Talks Sexy Underwear '' . Metro . Associated Newspapers Ltd . Archived from the original on January 23 , 2010 . Retrieved January 8 , 2008 . External links ( edit ) McClintock , Pamela . `` Gyllenhaal joining Batman sequel '' ( Archive ) . Variety . March 8 , 2007 . Ayala , Nancy . `` ' Dark Knight ' Gets New Leading Lady '' ( Archive ) . ABC News . July 18 , 2008 . Davis , Erik . `` It 's Official : Maggie Gyllenhaal Replaces Katie Holmes in ' The Dark Knight ' '' ( Archive ) . Moviefone . March 8 , 2007 . ( hide ) Batman in film 1989 -- 1997 series Batman Score Soundtrack Batman Returns Soundtrack Batman Forever Score Soundtrack Batman & Robin Soundtrack The Dark Knight Trilogy Batman Begins Soundtrack Video game Rachel Dawes The Dark Knight Soundtrack Cancelled video game The Joker The Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack Video games Batman home computer game Batman : The Video Game for the NES and Game Boy Batman : The Video Game for the Sega Genesis Batman arcade game Batman Returns Batman Forever video game Batman Forever pinball Batman Forever : The Arcade Game Batman and Robin Unofficial and fan films Features English Batman Dracula The Wild World of Batwoman Filipino Alyas Batman at Robin James Batman Batman Fights Dracula Fight Batman Fight ! Alyas Batman en Robin Shorts Live action Batman : Dead End Grayson World 's Finest Robin 's Big Date City of Scars Seeds of Arkham Batman : Death Wish See also Batman franchise media Batman : Gotham Knight Batman OnStar commercials Catwoman Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rachel_Dawes&oldid=799150071 '' Categories : Batman characters Batman in other media Fictional characters introduced in 2005 Fictional lawyers Fictional victims of kidnapping Superhero film characters The Dark Knight Trilogy Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Italiano Português Simple English Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 5 September 2017 , at 23 : 23 . About Wikipedia
the reconquista aimed to remove the moors from spain
History of the Jews in Spain
history of the jews in spain
Spanish Jews once constituted one of the largest and most prosperous Jewish communities in the world . Spain was the unquestioned leader of world Jewry : scientific and philological study of the Hebrew Bible began , Hebrew was used for the first time for secular poetry , and for the only time between Biblical times and the origins of the modern state of Israel , a Jew ( Samuel ha - Nagid ) commanded a Jewish army . This period ended definitively with the anti-Jewish riots of 1391 and Alhambra Decree of 1492 , as a result of which the majority of Jews in Spain ( between 200,000 and 250,000 ) converted to Catholicism and those remaining ( between 40,000 and 100,000 ) were forced into exile .
An estimated 13,000 to 50,000 Jews live in Spain today , concentrated in the provinces of Malaga , Madrid and Barcelona as well as having a historic presence in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla . A significant portion of these are Spanish - speaking Jews who returned to Spain after centuries of exile in northern Morocco during and after the Spanish protectorate . Ashkenazi Jews , primarily from Latin America but also of European origin are also present in Spain . Contents 1 Early history ( before 300 ) 2 Visigoth rule - Repression and forced conversions ( 5th century to 711 ) 3 Moorish Spain ( 711 to 1492 ) 3.1 Moorish conquest 3.2 The caliphate of Córdoba 3.3 The Taifas , the Almoravids and the Almohads 4 Catholic kingdoms of Spain ( 974 -- 1300 ) 4.1 Early rule ( 974 -- 1085 ) 4.2 Toleration and Jewish immigration ( 1085 -- 1212 ) 4.3 Turning point ( 1212 -- 1300 ) 4.4 The Jewish community in 1300 5 1300 -- 1391 5.1 Massacres of 1366 5.2 Anti-Jewish enactments 5.3 Massacres and mass conversions of 1391 6 1391 -- 1492 6.1 Anti-Jewish laws 6.2 Architecture 7 Edict of Expulsion 7.1 Number of the exiles 7.2 European context of this expulsion 8 Conversos 9 1858 to present 9.1 Spain and Israel 9.2 Modern Jewish community 9.3 Citizenship law 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 External links Early History ( before 300 ) ( edit ) Some associate the country of Tarshish , as mentioned in the books of Jeremiah , Ezekiel , I Kings , Jonah and Romans , with a locale in southern Spain . In generally describing Tyre 's empire from west to east , Tarshish is listed first ( Ezekiel 27.12 -- 14 ) , and in Jonah 1.3 it is the place to which Jonah sought to flee from the Lord ; evidently it represents the westernmost place to which one could sail . Map of Phoenician ( red ) and Greek colonies ( blue ) at about 550 BC Roman Province of Hispania The link between Jews and Tarshish is clear . One might speculate that commerce conducted by Jewish emissaries , merchants , craftsmen , or other tradesmen among the Semitic Tyrean Phoenicians might have brought them to Tarshish . Although the notion of Tarshish as Spain is merely based on suggestive material , it leaves open the possibility of a very early , although perhaps limited , Jewish presence in the Iberian peninsula . More substantial evidence of Jews in Spain comes from the Roman era . Although the spread of the Jews into Europe is most commonly associated with the diaspora , which ensued from the Roman conquest of Judea , emigration from Eretz Yisrael into the greater Roman Mediterranean area predated the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans under Titus . In his Facta et dicta memorabilia , Valerius Maximus makes reference to Jews and Chaldaeans being expelled from Rome in 139 BCE for their `` corrupting '' influences . According to Josephus , King Agrippa attempted to discourage the Jews of Jerusalem from rebelling against Roman authority by reference to Jews throughout the Roman Empire and elsewhere ; Agrippa warned that `` the danger concerns not those Jews that dwell here only , but those of them which dwell in other cities also ; for there is no people upon the habitable earth which do not have some portion of you among them , whom your enemies might slay , in case you go to war ... '' The Provençal rabbi and scholar , Rabbi Abraham ben David , wrote in anno 1161 : `` A tradition exists with the ( Jewish ) community of Granada that they are from the inhabitants of Jerusalem , of the descendants of Judah and Benjamin , rather than from the villages , the towns in the outlying districts ( of Palestine ) . '' Elsewhere , he writes about his maternal grandfather 's family and how they came to Spain : `` When Titus prevailed over Jerusalem , his officer who was appointed over Hispania appeased him , requesting that he send to him captives made - up of the nobles of Jerusalem , and so he sent a few of them to him , and there were amongst them those who made curtains and who were knowledgeable in the work of silk , and ( one ) whose name was Baruch , and they remained in Mérida . '' Here , Rabbi Abraham ben David refers to the second influx of Jews into Spain , shortly after the destruction of Israel 's Second Temple . The earliest mention of Spain ( Hispania ) is , allegedly , found in Obadiah 1 : 20 : `` And the exiles of this host of the sons of Israel who are among the Canaanites as far as Ṣarfat ( Heb . צרפת ) , and the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad , will possess the cities of the south . '' While the medieval lexicographer , David ben Abraham Al - Fāsī , identifies Ṣarfat with the city of Ṣarfend ( Judeo - Arabic : צרפנדה ) , the word Sepharad ( Heb . ספרד ) in the same verse has been translated by the 1st century rabbinic scholar , Yonathan Ben Uzziel , as Aspamia . Based on a later teaching in the compendium of Jewish oral laws compiled by Rabbi Judah Hanasi in 189 CE , known as the Mishnah , Aspamia is associated with a very far place , generally thought of as Hispania , or Spain . In circa 960 CE , Ḥisdai ibn Šaprūṭ , minister of trade in the court of the caliph in Córdoba , wrote to Joseph , the king of Khazaria , saying : `` The name of our land in which we dwell is called in the sacred tongue , Sepharad , but in the language of the Arabs , the indwellers of the lands , Alandalus ( Andalusia ) , the name of the capital of the kingdom , Córdoba . '' According to Rabbi David Kimchi ( 1160 -- 1235 ) , in his commentary on Obadiah 1 : 20 , Ṣarfat and Sepharad , both , refer to the Jewish captivity ( Heb . galut ) expelled during the war with Titus and who went as far as the countries Alemania ( Germany ) , Escalona , France and Spain . The names Ṣarfat and Sepharad are explicitly mentioned by him as being France and Spain , respectively . Some scholars think that , in the case of the place - name , Ṣarfat ( lit . Ṣarfend ) -- which , as noted , was applied to the Jewish diaspora in France , the association with France was made only exegetically because of its similarity in spelling with the name פרנצא ( France ) , by a reversal of its letters . Spanish Jew , Moses de León ( ca . 1250 -- 1305 ) , mentions a tradition concerning the first Jewish exiles , saying that the vast majority of the first exiles driven away from the land of Israel during the Babylonian captivity refused to return , for they had seen that the Second Temple would be destroyed like the first . In yet another teaching , passed down later by Moses ben Machir in the 16th century , an explicit reference is made to the fact that Jews have lived in Spain since the destruction of the First Temple : `` Now , I have heard that this praise , emet weyaṣiv ( which is now used by us in the prayer rite ) was sent by the exiles who were driven away from Jerusalem and who were not with Ezra in Babylon , and that Ezra had sent inquiring after them , but they did not wish to go up ( there ) , replying that since they were destined to go off again into exile a second time , and that the Temple would once again be destroyed , why should we then double our anguish ? It is best for us that we remain here in our place and to serve God . Now , I have heard that they are the people of Ṭulayṭulah ( Toledo ) and those who are near to them . However , that they might not be thought of as wicked men and those who are lacking in fidelity , may God forbid , they wrote down for them this magnanimous praise , etc . '' Similarly , Gedaliah ibn Jechia the Spaniard has written : `` In ( 5 ) , 252 anno mundi ( = 1492 CE ) , the king Ferdinand and his wife , Isabella , made war with the Ishmaelites who were in Granada and took it , and while they returned they commanded the Jews in all of his kingdom that in but a short time they were to take leave from the countries ( they had heretofore possessed ) , they being Castile , Navarre , Catalonia , Aragón , Granada and Sicily . Then the ( Jewish ) inhabitants of Ṭulayṭulah ( Toledo ) answered that they were not present ( in the land of Judea ) at the time when their Christ was put to death . Apparently , it was written upon a large stone in the city 's street which some very ancient sovereign inscribed and testified that the Jews of Ṭulayṭulah ( Toledo ) did not depart from there during the building of the Second Temple , and were not involved in putting to death ( the man whom they called ) Christ . Yet , no apology was of any avail to them , neither unto the rest of the Jews , till at length six hundred - thousand souls had evacuated from there . '' Don Isaac Abrabanel , a prominent Jewish figure in Spain in the 15th century and one of the king 's trusted courtiers who witnessed the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492 , informs his readers that the first Jews to reach Spain were brought by ship to Spain by a certain Phiros who was confederate with the king of Babylon when he laid siege to Jerusalem . This man was a Grecian by birth , but who had been given a kingdom in Spain . He became related by marriage to a certain Espan , the nephew of king Heracles , who also ruled over a kingdom in Spain . This Heracles later renounced his throne because of his preference for his native country in Greece , leaving his kingdom to his nephew , Espan , by whom the country of España ( Spain ) derives its name . The Jewish exiles transported there by the said Phiros were descended by lineage from Judah , Benjamin , Shimon and Levi , and were , according to Abrabanel , settled in two districts in southern Spain : one , Andalusia , in the city of Lucena - a city so - called by the Jewish exiles that had come there ; the second , in the country around Ṭulayṭulah ( Toledo ) . Abrabanel says that the name Ṭulayṭulah ( Toledo ) was given to the city by its first Jewish inhabitants , and surmises that the name may have meant טלטול ( = wandering ) , on account of their wandering from Jerusalem . He says , furthermore , that the original name of the city was Pirisvalle , so - called by its early pagan inhabitants . He also writes there that he found written in the ancient annals of Spanish history collected by the kings of Spain that the 50,000 Jewish households then residing in the cities throughout Spain were the descendants of men and women who were sent to Spain by the Roman Emperor and who had formerly been subjected to him and whom Titus had originally exiled from places in or around Jerusalem . The two Jewish exiles joined together and became one . Hispania came under Roman control with the fall of Carthage after the Second Punic War ( 218 -- 202 BCE ) . Exactly how soon after this time Jews made their way onto the scene is a matter of speculation . It is within the realm of possibility that they went there under the Romans as free men to take advantage of its rich resources and build enterprises there . These early arrivals would have been joined by those who had been enslaved by the Romans under Vespasian and Titus , and dispersed to the extreme west during the period of the Jewish - Roman War , and especially after the defeat of Judea in 70 . The Jewish historian , Josephus , confirms that as early as 90 CE there was already a Jewish Diaspora living in Europe , made - up of the two tribes , Judah and Benjamin . Thus , he writes in his Antiquities : `` ... there are but two tribes in Asia ( Turkey ) and Europe subject to the Romans , while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now and are an immense multitude . '' One estimate places the number carried off to Spain at 80,000 . ( Graetz , p. 42 ) . Subsequent immigrations came into the area along both the northern African and southern European sides of the Mediterranean . ( Assis , p. 9 . ) Among the earliest records which may refer specifically to Jews in Spain during the Roman period is Paul 's Letter to the Romans . Many have taken Paul 's intention to go to Spain to minister the gospel ( 15.24 , 28 ) to indicate the presence of Jewish communities there , as has Herod 's banishment to Spain by Caesar in 39 ( Flavius Josephus , The Wars of the Jews , 2.9. 6 ) . So too , the Mishna implied that there was a Jewish community in Spain , and that there was communication with the Jewish community in Israel . From a slightly later period , Midrash Rabbah ( Leviticus Rabba § 29.2 ) , and Pesikta de-Rav Kahana ( Rosh Hashanna ) , both , make mention of the Jewish Diaspora in Spain ( Hispania ) and their eventual return . Perhaps the most substantial of early references are the several decrees of the Council of Elvira , convened in the early fourth century , which address proper Christian behavior with regard to the Jews of Spain , notably forbidding marriage between Jews and Christians . Of material evidence of early Iberian Jewry , representing a particularly early presence is a signet ring found at Cadiz , dating from the 8th -- 7th century BCE The inscription on the ring , generally accepted as Phoenician , has been interpreted by a few scholars to be `` paleo - hebraic '' ( Bowers , p. 396 ) . Among the early Spanish items of more reliably Jewish origins is an amphora which is at least as old as the 1st century . Although this vessel is not from the Spanish mainland ( it was recovered from Ibiza , in the Balearic Islands ) , the imprint upon it of two Hebrew characters attests to Jewish contact , either direct or indirect , with the area at this time . Two trilingual Jewish inscriptions from Tarragona and Tortosa have been variously dated from the 2nd century BCE to the 6th century . ( Bowers , p. 396 . ) There is also the tombstone inscription from Adra ( formerly Abdera ) of a Jewish girl named Salomonula , which dates to the early 3rd century ( Encyclopaedia Judaica , p. 221 ) . Thus , while there are limited material and literary indications for Jewish contact with Spain from a very early period , more definitive and substantial data begins with the third century . Data from this period suggest a well - established community , whose foundations must have been laid some time earlier . It is likely that these communities originated several generations earlier in the aftermath of the conquest of Judea , and possible that they originated much earlier . There may have been close contact between the Jewish community of Babylon and Spain , as the Talmud documents that Yitzhak the Exilarch , son of the sister of Rav Beivai traveled from `` Cordoba to Hispania '' . As citizens of the Roman Empire , the Jews of Spain engaged in a variety of occupations , including agriculture . Until the adoption of Christianity , Jews had close relations with non-Jewish populations , and played an active role in the social and economic life of the province ( Assis at p. 9 ) . The edicts of the Synod of Elvira , although early ( and perhaps precedent - setting ) examples of priesthood - inspired anti-Semitism , provide evidence of Jews who were integrated enough into the greater community to cause alarm among some : of the Council 's 80 canonic decisions , all which pertain to Jews served to maintain a separation between the two communities ( Laeuchli , pp. 75 -- 76 ) . It seems that by this time the presence of Jews was of greater concern to Catholic authorities than the presence of pagans ; Canon 16 , which prohibited marriage with Jews , was worded more strongly than canon 15 , which prohibited marriage with pagans . Canon 78 threatens those who commit adultery with Jews with ostracism . Canons 48 and 50 forbade the blessing of Christian crops by Jews and the sharing of meals with Jews , respectively , repeating the command to Hebrew the Bible indicated respect to Gentile . Visigoth rule - repression and forced conversions ( 5th century to 711 ) ( edit ) Barbarian invasions brought most of the Iberian Peninsula under Visigothic rule by the early fifth century . Other than in their contempt for Catholics , who reminded them of the Romans ( Graetz , p. 45 ) , the Visigoths did not generally take much of an interest in the religious creeds within their kingdom . It was n't until 506 , when Alaric II ( 484 -- 507 ) published his Breviarium Alaricianum ( wherein he adopted the laws of the ousted Romans ) , that a Visigothic king concerned himself with the Jews ( Katz , p. 10 ) . Visigothic coinage : King Recared The tides turned even more dramatically following the conversion of the Visigothic royal family under Recared from Arianism to Catholicism in 587 . In their desire to consolidate the realm under the new religion , the Visigoths adopted an aggressive policy concerning the Jews . As the king and the church acted in a single interest , the situation for the Jews deteriorated . Recared approved the Third Council of Toledo 's move in 589 to forcibly baptize the children of mixed marriages between Jews and Christians . Toledo III also forbade Jews from holding public office , from having intercourse with Christian women , and from performing circumcisions on slaves or Christians . Still , Recared was not entirely successful in his campaigns : not all Visigoth Arians had converted to Catholicism ; the unconverted were true allies of the Jews , oppressed like themselves , and Jews received some protection from Arian bishops and the independent Visigothic nobility . Visigothic coinage : Sisebut While the policies of subsequent Kings Liuva II ( 601 -- 604 ) , Witteric ( 603 -- 610 ) , and Gundemar ( 610 -- 612 ) are unknown to us , Sisebut ( 612 -- 620 ) embarked on Recared 's course with renewed vigor . Soon after upholding the edict of compulsory baptism for children of mixed marriages , Sisebut instituted what was to become an unfortunate recurring phenomenon in Spanish official policy , in issuing the first edicts against the Jews of expulsion from Spain . Following his 613 decree that the Jews either convert or be expelled , some fled to Gaul and North Africa , while as many as 90,000 converted . Many of these conversos , as did those of later periods , maintained their Jewish identities in secret ( Assis , p. 10 ) . During the more tolerant reign of Suintila ( 621 -- 631 ) , however , most of the conversos returned to Judaism , and a number of the exiled returned to Spain ( Encyclopaedica Judaica , p. 221 . ) In 633 , the Fourth Council of Toledo , while taking a stance in opposition to compulsory baptism , convened to address the problem of crypto - Judaism . It was decided that , if a professed Christian were determined to be a practicing Jew , his or her children were to be taken away to be raised in monasteries or trusted Christian households ( Assis , p. 10 ) . The council further directed that all who had reverted to Judaism during the reign of Swintila had to return to Christianity ( Katz , p. 13 ) . The trend toward intolerance continued with the ascent of Chintila ( 636 -- 639 ) . He directed the Sixth Council of Toledo to order that only Catholics could remain in the kingdom , and taking an unusual step further , Chintila excommunicated `` in advance '' any of his successors who did not act in accordance with his anti-Jewish edicts . Again , many converted while others chose exile ( Encyclopaedia Judaica , p. 222 ) . And yet the `` problem '' continued . The Eighth Council of Toledo in 653 again tackled the issue of Jews within the realm . Further measures at this time included the forbidding of all Jewish rites ( including circumcision and the observation of the Shabbat ) , and all converted Jews had to promise to put to death , either by burning or by stoning , any of their brethren known to have relapsed to Judaism . The Council was aware that prior efforts had been frustrated by lack of compliance among authorities on the local level : therefore , anyone -- including nobles and clergy -- found to have aided Jews in the practice of Judaism were to be punished by seizure of one quarter of their property and excommunication ( Katz , p. 16 ) . These efforts again proved unsuccessful . The Jewish population remained sufficiently sizable as to prompt Wamba ( 672 -- 680 ) to issue limited expulsion orders against them , and the reign of Erwig ( 680 -- 687 ) also seemed vexed by the issue . The Twelfth Council of Toledo again called for forced baptism , and , for those who disobeyed , seizure of property , corporal punishment , exile , and slavery . Jewish children over seven years of age were taken from their parents and similarly dealt with in 694 . Erwig also took measures to ensure that Catholic sympathizers would not be inclined to aid Jews in their efforts to subvert the council 's rulings . Heavy fines awaited any nobles who acted in favor of the Jews , and members of the clergy who were remiss in enforcement were subject to a number of punishments ( Encyclopaedia Judaica , p. 222 ) . Egica ( 687 -- 702 ) , recognizing the wrongness of forced baptism , relaxed the pressure on the conversos , but kept it up on practicing Jews . Economic hardships included increased taxes and the forced sale , at a fixed price , of all property ever acquired from Christians . This effectively ended all agricultural activity for the Jews of Spain . Furthermore , Jews were not to engage in commerce with the Christians of the kingdom nor conduct business with Christians overseas ( Katz , p. 21 ) . Egica 's measures were upheld by the Sixteenth Council of Toledo in 693 . As demonstrated , under the Catholic Visigoths , the trend was clearly one of increasing persecutions . The degree of complicity which the Jews had in the Islamic invasion in 711 is uncertain . Yet , openly treated as enemies in the country in which they had resided for generations , it would be no surprise for them to have appealed to the Moors to the south , quite tolerant in comparison to the Visigoths , for aid . In any case , in 694 they were accused of conspiring with the Muslims across the Mediterranean . Declared traitors , the Jews , including baptized ones , found their property confiscated and themselves enslaved . This decree exempted only the converts who dwelt in the mountain passes of Septimania , who were necessary for the kingdom 's protection ( Katz , p. 21 ) . The Jews of Spain had been utterly embittered and alienated by Catholic rule by the time of the Muslim invasion . To them , the Moors were perceived as , and indeed were , a liberating force ( Stillman , p. 53 ) . Wherever they went , the Muslims were greeted by Jews eager to aid them in administering the country . In many conquered towns the garrison was left in the hands of the Jews before the Muslims proceeded further north . Thus was initiated the period that became known as the `` Golden Age '' for Spanish Jews . The Eastern Roman Empire sent its navy on numerous occasions at the end of the 7th and beginning of the 8th centuries to try and instill uprisings in the Jewish and Christian Roman populations in Spain and Gaul against Visigoth and Frankish rule , which was also aimed at halting the expansion of Muslim Arabs in the Roman world . In AD 694 , at the council of Toledo , Jews were condemned to slavery by the Visigoths because of a plot to revolt against them encouraged by the Eastern Roman Empire and Romans still residing in Spain . Moorish Spain ( 711 to 1492 ) ( edit ) Main article : Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain Moorish conquest ( edit ) With the victory of Tariq ibn Ziyad in 711 , the lives of the Sephardim changed dramatically . For the most part , the invasion of the Moors was welcomed by the Jews of Iberia . Both Muslim and Catholic sources tell us that Jews provided valuable aid to the invaders . Once captured , the defense of Córdoba was left in the hands of Jews , and Granada , Málaga , Seville , and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors . The Chronicle of Lucas de Tuy records that `` when the Catholics left Toledo on Sunday before Easter to go to the Church of the Holy Laodicea to listen to the divine sermon , the Jews acted treacherously and informed the Saracens . Then they closed the gates of the city before the Catholics and opened them for the Moors . '' ( Although , in contradiction to de Tuy 's account , Rodrigo of Toledo 's Historia de rebus Hispaniae maintains that Toledo was `` almost of completely empty from its inhabitants '' , not because of Jewish treachery , but because `` many had fled to Amiara , others to Asturias and some to the mountains '' , following which the city was fortified by a militia of Arabs and Jews ( 3.24 ) . Although in the cases of some towns the behavior of the Jews may have been conducive to Muslim success , such was of limited impact overall . The claims of the fall of Iberia as being due in large part to Jewish perfidy are no doubt exaggerated ( Assis , pp. 44 -- 45 ) . In spite of the restrictions placed upon the Jews as dhimmis , life under Muslim rule was one of great opportunity in comparison to that under prior Catholic Visigoths , as testified by the influx of Jews from abroad . To Jews throughout the Catholic and Muslim worlds , Iberia was seen as a land of relative tolerance and opportunity . Following initial Arab - Berber victories , and especially with the establishment of Umayyad rule by Abd - ar - Rahman I in 755 , the native Jewish community was joined by Jews from the rest of Europe , as well as from Arab territories , from Morocco to Babylon ( Assis , p. 12 ; Sarna , p. 324 ) . Thus the Sephardim found themselves enriched culturally , intellectually , and religiously by the commingling of diverse Jewish traditions . Contacts with Middle Eastern communities were strengthened , and it was during this time that the influence of the Babylonian academies of Sura and Pumbedita was at its greatest . As a result , until the mid-10th century , much of Sephardic scholarship focused on Halakhah . Although not as influential , Eretz Israel traditions were also made manifest , in an increased interest in Hebrew language and biblical studies ( Sarna , pp. 325 -- 326 ) . Arabic culture , of course , also made a lasting impact on Sephardic cultural development . General re-evaluation of scripture was prompted by Muslim anti-Jewish polemics and the spread of rationalism , as well as the anti-Rabbanite polemics of Karaite sectarianism ( which was inspired by various Muslim schismatic movements ) . In adopting the Arabic language , as had the Babylonian geonim ( the heads of Babylonian rabbinic academies ) , not only were the cultural and intellectual achievements of Arabic culture opened up to the educated Jew , but much of the scientific and philosophical speculation of Greek culture , which had been best preserved by Arab scholars , were as well . The meticulous regard which the Arabs had for grammar and style also had the effect of stimulating an interest among Jews in philological matters in general ( Sarna , pp. 327 -- 328 ) . Arabic came to be the main language of Sephardic science , philosophy , and everyday business . From the second half of the 9th century , most Jewish prose , including many non-halakhic religious works , were in Arabic . The thorough adoption of Arabic greatly facilitated the assimilation of Jews into Arabic culture ( Dan , p. 115 ; Halkin , pp. 324 -- 325 ) . Although initially the often bloody disputes among Muslim factions generally kept Jews out of the political sphere , the first approximately two centuries which preceded the `` Golden Age '' were marked by increased activity by Jews in a variety of professions , including medicine , commerce , finance , and agriculture ( Raphael , p. 71 ) . By the ninth century , some members of the Sephardic community felt confident enough to take part in proselytizing amongst previously Jewish `` Catholics '' . Most famous were the heated correspondences sent between Bodo Eleazar , a former deacon who had converted to Judaism in 838 , and the converso Bishop of Córdoba Paulus Albarus . Each man , using such epithets as `` wretched compiler '' , tried to convince the other to return to his former religion , to no avail ( Katz , pp. 40 -- 41 ; Stillman , pp. 54 -- 55 ) . The caliphate of Córdoba ( edit ) The first period of exceptional prosperity took place under the reign of Abd ar - Rahman III ( 882 -- 955 ) , the first independent Caliph of Córdoba . The inauguration of the Golden Age is closely identified with the career of his Jewish councillor , Hasdai ibn Shaprut ( 882 -- 942 ) . Originally a court physician , Shaprut 's official duties went on to include the supervision of customs and foreign trade . It was in his capacity as dignitary that he corresponded with the kingdom of the Khazars , who had converted to Judaism in the 8th century ( Assis , pp. 13 , 47 ) . Abd al - Rahman III 's support for Arabic scholasticism had made Iberia the center of Arabic philological research . It was within this context of cultural patronage that interest in Hebrew studies developed and flourished . With Hasdai as its leading patron , Córdoba became the `` Mecca of Jewish scholars who could be assured of a hospitable welcome from Jewish courtiers and men of means '' ( Sarna , p. 327 ) . During this period the achievements of Sephardic culture , which were in large measure a synthesis of different Jewish traditions , in turn influenced those other cultures which influenced it . Perhaps most notable of Sephardic achievements which occurred during and following Hasdai 's time were in the literary and linguistic fields . In addition to being a poet himself , Hasdai encouraged and supported the work of other Sephardic writers . Subjects covered the spectrum , encompassing religion , nature , music , and politics , as well as pleasure . Hasdai brought a number of men of letters to Córdoba , including Dunash ben Labrat , innovator of Hebrew metrical poetry and Menahem ben Saruq , compiler of the first Hebrew dictionary , which came into wide use among the Jews of Germany and France . Celebrated poets of this era include Solomon ibn Gabirol , Yehuda Halevi , Samuel Ha - Nagid ibn Nagrela , and Abraham and Moses ibn Ezra ( Sassoon , p. 15 ; Stillman , p. 58 ) . Hasdai benefitted world Jewry not only indirectly by creating a favorable environment for scholarly pursuits within Iberia , but also by using his influence to intervene on behalf of foreign Jews , as is reflected in his letter to the Byzantine Princess Helena . In it he requested protection for the Jews under Byzantine rule , attesting to the fair treatment of the Christians of al - Andalus , and perhaps indicating that such was contingent on the treatment of Jews abroad ( Assis , p. 13 ; Mann , pp. 21 -- 22 ) . The intellectual achievements of the Sephardim of al - Andalus influenced the lives of non-Jews as well . Most notable of literary contributions is Ibn Gabirol 's neo-Platonic Fons Vitae ( `` The Source of Life '' ) . Thought by many to have been written by a Christian , this work was admired by Christians and studied in monasteries throughout the Middle Ages ( Raphael , p. 78 ) . Some Arabic philosophers followed Jewish ones in their ideas ( though this phenomenon was somewhat hindered in that , although in Arabic , Jewish philosophical works were usually written with Hebrew characters ) ( Dan , p. 116 ) . Jews were also active in such fields as astronomy , medicine , logic , and mathematics , not least because these disciplines , perhaps in contrast to today , were regarded as foundations of divine knowledge . In addition to training the mind in logical yet abstract and subtle modes of thought , the study of the natural world , as the direct study of the work of the Creator , was ideally a way to better understand and become closer to God ( Dan , pp. 7 -- 8 ) . Al - Andalus also became a major center of Jewish philosophy during Hasdai 's time . Following in the tradition of the Talmud and the Midrash , many of the most notable Jewish philosophers were dedicated to the field of ethics ( although this ethical Jewish rationalism rested on the notion that traditional approaches had not been successful in their treatments of the subject in that they were lacking in rational , scientific arguments ) ( Dan , p. 117 ) . In addition to contributions of original work , the Sephardim were active as translators . Greek texts were rendered into Arabic , Arabic into Hebrew , Hebrew and Arabic into Latin , and all combinations of vice versa . In translating the great works of Arabic , Hebrew , and Greek into Latin , Iberian Jews were instrumental in bringing the fields of science and philosophy , which formed much of the basis of Renaissance learning , into the rest of Europe . The taifas , the almoravids and the Almohads ( edit ) In the early 11th century , centralized authority based at Córdoba broke down following the Berber invasion and the ousting of the Umayyads . In its stead arose the independent taifa principalities under the rule of local Arab , Berber , Slavic , or Muladi leaders . Rather than having a stifling effect , the disintegration of the caliphate expanded the opportunities to Jewish and other professionals . The services of Jewish scientists , doctors , traders , poets , and scholars were generally valued by the Christian as well as Muslim rulers of regional centers , especially as recently conquered towns were put back in order ( Assis , pp. 13 -- 14 ; Raphael , p. 75 ) . Among the most prominent of Jews to serve as viziers in the Muslim taifas were the ibn Nagrelas ( or Naghrela ) . Samuel Ha - Nagid ibn Nagrela ( 993 -- 1056 ) served Granada 's King Habbus and his son Badis for thirty years . In addition to his roles as policy director and military leader ( as one of only two Jews to command Muslim armies -- the other being his son Joseph ) , Samuel ibn Nagrela was an accomplished poet , and his introduction to the Talmud is standard today . His son Joseph ibn Naghrela also acted as vizier . He was murdered in the 1066 Granada massacre . There were other Jewish viziers serving in Seville , Lucena , and Saragossa ( Assis , p. 14 ) . The Granada massacre of 1066 was an Anti-Jewish Pogrom that took place in Granada in 1066 when a Muslim mob stormed the Royal Palace where Joseph had sought refuge , then crucified him . After that , the instigators attacked 1500 Jewish families , killing approximately a 4,000 Granada Jews . The Golden Age ended before the completion of the Christian Reconquista . The Granada massacre was one of the earliest signs of a decline in the status of Jews , which resulted largely from the penetration and influence of increasingly zealous Islamic sects from North Africa . Following the fall of Toledo to Christians in 1085 , the ruler of Seville sought relief from the Almoravides . This ascetic sect abhorred the liberality of the Islamic culture of al - Andalus , including the position of authority that some dhimmis held over Muslims . In addition to battling the Christians , who were gaining ground , the Almoravides implemented numerous reforms to bring al - Andalus more in line with their notion of proper Islam . In spite of large - scale forcible conversions , Sephardic culture was not entirely decimated . Members of Lucena 's Jewish community , for example , managed to bribe their way out of conversion . As the spirit of Andalusian Islam was absorbed by the Almoravides , policies concerning Jews were relaxed . The poet Moses ibn Ezra continued to write during this time , and several Jews served as diplomats and physicians to the Almoravides ( Assis , p. 14 ; Gampel , p. 20 ) . Wars in North Africa with Muslim tribes eventually forced the Almoravides to withdraw their forces from Iberia . As the Christians advanced , Iberian Muslims again appealed to their brethren to the south , this time to those who had displaced the Almoravides in North Africa . The Almohads , who had taken control of much of Islamic Iberia by 1172 , far surpassed the Almoravides in fundamentalist outlook , and they treated the dhimmis harshly . Jews and Christians were expelled from Morocco and Islamic Spain . Faced with the choice of either death or conversion , many Jews emigrated . Some , such as the family of Maimonides , fled south and east to the more tolerant Moslem lands , while others went northward to settle in the growing Christian kingdoms . ( Assis , p. 16 ; Gampel ; pp. 20 -- 21 ; Stillman , pp. 51 , 73 . ) Meanwhile , the Reconquista continued in the north . By the early 12th century , conditions for some Jews in the emerging Christian kingdoms became increasingly favorable . As had happened during the reconstruction of towns following the breakdown of authority under the Umayyads , the services of Jews were employed by the Christian leaders who were increasingly emerging victorious during the later Reconquista . Their knowledge of the language and culture of the enemy , their skills as diplomats and professionals , as well as their desire for relief from intolerable conditions , rendered their services of great value to the Christians during the Reconquista -- the very same reasons that they had proved useful to the Arabs in the early stages of the Moslem invasion . The necessity to have conquerors settle in reclaimed territories also outweighed the prejudices of anti-Semitism , at least while the Moslem threat was imminent . Thus , as conditions in Islamic Iberia worsened , immigration to Christian principalities increased ( Assis , p. 17 ) . The Jews from the Muslim south were not entirely secure in their northward migrations , however . Old prejudices were compounded by newer ones . Suspicions of complicity with the Moslems were alive and well as Jews immigrated from Muslim territories , speaking the Muslim tongue . However , many of the newly arrived Jews of the north prospered during the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries . The majority of Latin documentation regarding Jews during this period refers to their landed property , fields , and vineyards ( Ashtor , pp. 250 -- 251 ) . In many ways life had come full circle for the Sephardim of al - Andalus . As conditions became more oppressive in the areas under Muslim rule during the 12th and 13th centuries , Jews again looked to an outside culture for relief . Christian leaders of reconquered cities granted them extensive autonomy , and Jewish scholarship recovered and developed as communities grew in size and importance ( Assis , p. 18 ) . However , the Reconquista Jews never reached the same heights as had those of the Golden Age . Catholic kingdoms of Spain ( 974 -- 1300 ) ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Spanish kingdoms in 1030 Early rule ( 974 -- 1085 ) ( edit ) Catholic princes , the counts of Castile and the first kings of Leon , treated the Jews as mercilessly as did the Almohades . In their operations against the Moors they did not spare the Jews , destroying their synagogues and killing their teachers and scholars . Only gradually did the rulers come to realize that , surrounded as they were by powerful enemies , they could not afford to turn the Jews against them . Garcia Fernandez , Count of Castile , in the fuero of Castrojeriz ( 974 ) , placed the Jews in many respects on an equality with Catholics ; and similar measures were adopted by the Council of Leon ( 1020 ) , presided over by Alfonso V. In Leon , the metropolis of Catholic Spain until the conquest of Toledo , many Jews owned real estate , and engaged in agriculture and viticulture as well as in the handicrafts ; and here , as in other towns , they lived on friendly terms with the Catholic population . The Council of Coyanza ( 1050 ) therefore found it necessary to revive the old - Visigothic law forbidding , under pain of punishment by the Church , Jews and Catholics to live together in the same house , or to eat together . Toleration and Jewish immigration ( 1085 -- 1212 ) ( edit ) Ferdinand I of Castile set aside a part of the Jewish taxes for the use of the Church , and even the not very religious - minded Alfonso VI gave to the church of Leon the taxes paid by the Jews of Castro . Alfonso VI , the conqueror of Toledo ( 1085 ) , was tolerant and benevolent in his attitude toward the Jews , for which he won the praise of Pope Alexander II . To estrange the wealthy and industrious Jews from the Moors he offered the former various privileges . In the fuero of Najara Sepulveda , issued and confirmed by him ( 1076 ) , he not only granted the Jews full equality with the Catholics , but he even accorded them the rights enjoyed by the nobility . To show their gratitude to the king for the rights granted them , the Jews willingly placed themselves at his and the country 's service . Alfonso 's army contained 40,000 Jews , who were distinguished from the other combatants by their black - and - yellow turbans ; for the sake of this Jewish contingent the Battle of Sagrajas was not begun until after the Sabbath had passed . According to the article `` Battle of Sagrajas '' , the whole Catholic army was formed by 2,500 soldiers , they must have forgotten the 40,000 extra troops mentioned in this article , according to the other article `` The battle started on Friday '' , this is a long time since after the Sabbath . The king 's favoritism toward the Jews , which became so pronounced that Pope Gregory VII warned him not to permit Jews to rule over Catholics , roused the hatred and envy of the latter . After the unfortunate Battle of Uclés , at which the Infante Sancho , together with 30,000 men ( according to Wikipedia only ~ 2,300 soldiers fought on Sancho 's side ) , were killed , an anti-Jewish riot broke out in Toledo ; many Jews were slain , and their houses and synagogues were burned ( 1108 ) . Alfonso intended to punish the murderers and incendiaries , but died before he could carry out his intention ( June , 1109 ) . After his death the inhabitants of Carrion fell upon the Jews ; many were slain , others were imprisoned , and their houses were pillaged . Image of a cantor reading the Passover story in Moorish Spain , from a 14th - century Spanish Haggadah Alfonso VII , who assumed the title of Emperor of Leon , Toledo , and Santiago , curtailed in the beginning of his reign the rights and liberties which his father had granted the Jews . He ordered that neither a Jew nor a convert might exercise legal authority over Catholics , and he held the Jews responsible for the collection of the royal taxes . Soon , however , he became more friendly , confirming the Jews in all their former privileges and even granting them additional ones , by which they were placed on an equality with Catholics . Considerable influence with the king was enjoyed by Judah ben Joseph ibn Ezra ( Nasi ) . After the conquest of Calatrava ( 1147 ) the king placed Judah in command of the fortress , later making him his court chamberlain . Judah ben Joseph stood in such favor with the king that the latter , at his request , not only admitted into Toledo the Jews who had fled from the persecutions of the Almohades , but even assigned many fugitives dwellings in Flascala ( near Toledo ) , Fromista , Carrion , Palencia , and other places , where new congregations were soon established . After the brief reign of King Sancho III , a war broke out between Fernando II of Leon ( who granted the Jews special privileges ) and the united kings of Aragon and Navarre . Jews fought in both armies , and after the declaration of peace they were placed in charge of the fortresses . Alfonso VIII of Castile ( 1166 -- 1214 ) , who had succeeded to the throne , entrusted the Jews with guarding Or , Celorigo , and , later , Mayorga , while Sancho the Wise of Navarre placed them in charge of Estella , Funes , and Murañon . During the reign of Alfonso VIII the Jews gained still greater influence , aided , doubtless , by the king 's love of the beautiful Rachel ( Fermosa ) of Toledo , who was Jewish . When the king was defeated at the battle of Alarcos by the Almohades under Yusuf Abu Ya'kub al - Mansur , the defeat was attributed to the king 's love - affair with Fermosa , and she and her relatives were murdered in Toledo by the nobility . After the victory at Alarcos the emir Mohammed al - Nasir ravaged Castile with a powerful army and threatened to overrun the whole of Catholic Spain . The Archbishop of Toledo called to crusade to aid Alfonso . In this war against the Moors the king was greatly aided by the wealthy Jews of Toledo , especially by his `` almoxarife mayor '' , the learned and generous Nasi Joseph ben Solomon ibn Shoshan ( Al - Hajib ibn Amar ) . Turning point ( 1212 -- 1300 ) ( edit ) See also : Nahmanides and Disputation of Barcelona The Spanish kingdoms in 1210 The Crusaders were hailed with joy in Toledo , but this joy was soon changed to sorrow , as far as the Jews were concerned . The Crusaders began the `` holy war '' in Toledo ( 1212 ) by robbing and killing the Jews , and if the knights had not checked them with armed forces all the Jews in Toledo would have been slain . When , after the sanguinary battle of Las Navas de Tolosa ( 1212 ) , Alfonso victoriously entered Toledo , the Jews went to meet him in triumphal procession . Shortly before his death ( Oct. , 1214 ) the king issued the fuero de Cuenca , settling the legal position of the Jews in a manner favorable to them . A turning - point in the history of the Jews of Spain was reached under Ferdinand III ( who united permanently the kingdoms of Leon and Castile ) , and under James I , the contemporary ruler of Aragon . The clergy 's endeavors directed against the Jews became more and more pronounced . The Spanish Jews of both sexes , like the Jews of France , were compelled to distinguish themselves from Catholics by wearing a yellow badge on their clothing ; this order was issued to keep them from associating with Catholics , although the reason given was that it was ordered for their own safety . The papal bull issued by Pope Innocent IV in April 1250 , to the effect that Jews might not build a new synagogue without special permission , also made it illegal for Jews to proselytize , under pain of death and confiscation of property . They might not associate with the Catholics , live under the same roof with them , eat and drink with them , or use the same bath ; neither might a Catholic partake of wine which had been prepared by a Jew . The Jews might not employ Catholic nurses or servants , and Catholics might use only medicinal remedies which had been prepared by competent Catholic apothecaries . Every Jew should wear the badge , though the king reserved to himself the right to exempt any one from this obligation ; any Jew apprehended without the badge was liable to a fine of ten gold maravedís or to the infliction of ten stripes . The Jews were forbidden to appear in public on Good Friday . The Jewish community in 1300 ( edit ) An illustration from the Sarajevo Haggadah , written in fourteenth - century Spain The Jews in Spain were citizens of the kingdoms in which they resided ( Castile , Aragón , and Valencia were the most important ) , both as regards their customs and their language . They owned real estate , and they cultivated their land with their own hands ; they filled public offices , and on account of their industry they became wealthy while their knowledge and ability won them respect and influence . But this prosperity roused the jealousy of the people and provoked the hatred of the clergy ; the Jews had to suffer much through these causes . The kings , especially those of Aragon , regarded the Jews as their property ; they spoke of `` their '' Jews , `` their '' juderías ( Jewish neighborhoods ) , and in their own interest they protected the Jews against violence , making good use of them in every way possible . The Jews were vassals of the king , the same as Christian commoners . There were about 120 Jewish communities in Catholic Spain around 1300 , with somewhere around half a million or more Jews , mostly in Castille . Catalonia , Aragón , and Valencia were more sparsely inhabited by Jews . Even though the Spanish Jews engaged in many branches of human endeavor -- agriculture , viticulture , industry , commerce , and the various handicrafts -- it was the money business that procured to some of them their wealth and influence . Kings and prelates , noblemen and farmers , all needed money and could obtain it only from the Jews , to whom they paid from 20 to 25 per cent interest . This business , which , in a manner , the Jews were forced to pursue in order to pay the many taxes imposed upon them as well as to raise the compulsory loans demanded of them by the kings , led to their being employed in special positions , as `` almonries '' , bailiffs , tax farmers ( tax collectors ) . The Jews of Spain formed in themselves a separate political body . They lived almost solely in the Juderias , various enactments being issued from time to time preventing them from living elsewhere . From the time of the Moors they had had their own administration . At the head of the aljamas in Castile stood the `` rab de la corte '' , or `` rab mayor '' ( court , or chief , rabbi ) , also called `` juez mayor '' ( chief justice ) , who was the principal mediator between the state and the aljamas . These court rabbis were men who had rendered services to the state , as , for example , David ibn Yah. ya and Abraham Benveniste , or who had been royal physicians , as Meïr Alguadez and Jacob ibn Nuñez , or chief - tax - farmers , as the last incumbent of the court rabbi 's office , Abraham Senior . They were appointed by the kings , no regard being paid to the rabbinical qualifications or religious inclination of those chosen 1300 -- 1391 ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In the beginning of the fourteenth century the position of Jews became precarious throughout Spain as anti-Semitism increased . Many Jews emigrated from Castile and from Aragon . It was not until the reigns of Alfonso IV and Peter IV of Aragon , and of the young and active Alfonso XI of Castile ( 1325 ) , that an improvement set in . Peter I , the son and successor of Alfonso XI , was relatively favorably disposed toward the Jews , who under him reached the zenith of their influence - often exemplified by the success of his treasurer Samuel Ha - Levi . For this reason the king was called `` the heretic '' ; and was often called `` the cruel '' . Peter , whose education had been neglected , was not quite sixteen years of age when he ascended the throne ( 1350 ) . From the commencement of his reign he so surrounded himself with Jews that his enemies in derision spoke of his court as `` a Jewish court '' . Soon , however a civil war erupted , as Henry de Trastámara and his brother , at the head of a mob , invaded ( May 7 , 1355 ) that part of the Juderia of Toledo called the Alcana ; they plundered the warehouses and murdered about 1,200 persons , without distinction of age or sex . The mob did not , however , succeed in overrunning the Juderia proper , which was defended by the Jews and by knights loyal to the King . The more friendly Peter showed himself toward the Jews , and the more he protected them , the more antagonistic became the attitude of his illegitimate half - brother , who , when he invaded Castile in 1360 , murdered all the Jews living in Najera and exposed those of Miranda de Ebro to robbery and death . The Spanish kingdoms in 1360 Massacres of 1366 ( edit ) `` Everywhere the Jews remained loyal to King Peter , in whose army they fought bravely ; the king showed his good - will toward them on all occasions , and when he called the King of Granada to his assistance he especially requested the latter to protect the Jews . Nevertheless they suffered greatly . Villadiego ( whose Jewish community numbered many scholars ) , Aguilar , and many other towns were totally destroyed . The inhabitants of Valladolid , who paid homage to his half brother Henry , robbed the Jews , destroyed their houses and synagogues , and tore their Torah scrolls to pieces . Paredes , Palencia , and several other communities met with a like fate , and 300 Jewish families from Jaén were taken prisoners to Granada . The suffering , according to a contemporary writer , Samuel Zarza of Palencia had reached its culminating point , especially in Toledo , which was being besieged by Henry , and in which no less than 8,000 persons died through famine and the hardships of war . This civil conflict did not end until the death of Peter , of whom the victorious brother said , derisively , `` Dó esta el fi de puta Judio , que se llama rey de Castilla ? '' ( `` Where is the Jewish son of a whore , who calls himself king of Castile ? '' ) Peter was beheaded by Henry and Bertrand Du Guesclin on March 14 , 1369 . A few weeks before his death he reproached his physician and astrologer Abraham ibn Zarzal for not having told the truth in prophesying good fortune for him . '' `` When Henry de Trastámara ascended the throne as Henry II there began for the Castilian Jews an era of suffering and intolerance , culminating in their expulsion . Prolonged warfare had devastated the land ; the people had become accustomed to lawlessness , and the Jews had been reduced to poverty . '' `` But in spite of his aversion for the Jews , Henry did not dispense with their services . He employed wealthy Jews -- Samuel Abravanel and others -- as financial councilors and tax - collectors . His contador mayor , or chief tax - collector , was Joseph Pichon of Seville . The clergy , whose power became greater and greater under the reign of the fratricide , stirred the anti-Jewish prejudices of the masses into clamorous assertion at the Cortes of Toro in 1371 . It was demanded that the Jews should be kept far from the palaces of the grandees , should not be allowed to hold public office , should live apart from the Catholics , should not wear costly garments nor ride on mules , should wear the badge , and should not be allowed to bear Catholic names . The king granted the two last - named demands , as well as a request made by the Cortes of Burgos ( 1379 ) that the Jews should neither carry arms nor sell weapons ; but he did not prevent them from holding religious disputations , nor did he deny them the exercise of criminal jurisprudence . The latter prerogative was not taken from them until the reign of John I , Henry 's son and successor ; he withdrew it because certain Jews , on the king 's coronation - day , by withholding the name of the accused , had obtained his permission to inflict the death - penalty on Joseph Pichon , who stood high in the royal favor ; the accusation brought against Pichon included `` harboring evil designs , informing , and treason '' . Anti-Jewish enactments ( edit ) In the Cortes of Soria ( 1380 ) it was enacted that rabbis , or heads of aljamas , should be forbidden , under penalty of a fine of 6,000 maravedís , to inflict upon Jews the penalties of death , mutilation , expulsion , or excommunication ; but in civil proceedings they were still permitted to choose their own judges . In consequence of an accusation that the Jewish prayers contained clauses cursing the Catholics , the king ordered that within two months , on pain of a fine of 3,000 maravedís , they should remove from their prayer - books the objectionable passages . Whoever caused the conversion to Judaism of a Moor or of any one confessing another faith , or performed the rite of circumcision upon him , became a slave and the property of the treasury . The Jews no longer dared show themselves in public without the badge , and in consequence of the ever - growing hatred toward them they were no longer sure of life or limb ; they were attacked and robbed and murdered in the public streets , and at length the king found it necessary to impose a fine of 6,000 maravedís on any town in which a Jew was found murdered . Against his desire , John was obliged ( 1385 ) to issue an order prohibiting the employment of Jews as financial agents or tax - farmers to the king , queen , infantes , or grandees . To this was added the resolution adopted by the Council of Palencia ordering the complete separation of Jews and Catholics and the prevention of any association between them . Massacres and mass conversions of 1391 ( edit ) Slaughter of Jews in Barcelona in 1391 ( Josep Segrelles , c. 1910 ) `` The execution of Joseph Pichon and the inflammatory speeches and sermons delivered in Seville by Archdeacon Ferrand Martinez , the pious Queen Leonora 's confessor , soon raised the hatred of the populace to the highest pitch . The feeble King John I , in spite of the endeavors of his physician Moses ibn Ẓarẓal to prolong his life , died at Alcalá de Henares on October 9 , 1390 , and was succeeded by his eleven - year - old son . The council - regent appointed by the king in his testament , consisting of prelates , grandees , and six citizens from Burgos , Toledo , León , Seville , Córdoba , and Murcia , was powerless ; every vestige of respect for law and justice had disappeared . Ferrand Martínez , although deprived of his office , continued , in spite of numerous warnings , to incite the public against the Jews , and encourage it to acts of violence . As early as January , 1391 , the prominent Jews who were assembled in Madrid received information that riots were threatening in Seville and Córdoba . A revolt broke out in Seville in 1391 . Juan Alfonso de Guzmán , Count of Niebla and governor of the city , and his relative , the `` alguazil mayor '' Alvar Pérez de Guzmán , had ordered , on Ash Wednesday , March 15 , the arrest and public whipping of two of the mob - leaders . The fanatical mob , still further exasperated thereby , murdered and robbed several Jews and threatened the Guzmáns with death . In vain did the regency issue prompt orders ; Ferrand Martínez continued unhindered his inflammatory appeals to the rabble to kill the Jews or baptize them . On June 6 the mob attacked the Juderia in Seville from all sides and killed 4,000 Jews ; the rest submitted to baptism as the only means of escaping death . '' `` At this time Seville is said to have contained 7,000 Jewish families . Of the three large synagogues existing in the city two were transformed into churches . In all the towns throughout the archbishopric , as in Alcalá de Guadeira , Écija , Cazalla , and in Fregenal , the Jews were robbed and slain . In Córdoba this butchery was repeated in a horrible manner ; the entire Judería was burned down ; factories and warehouses were destroyed by the flames . Before the authorities could come to the aid of the defenseless people , every one of them -- children , young women , old men -- had been ruthlessly slain ; 2,000 corpses lay in heaps in the streets , in the houses , and in the wrecked synagogues . '' `` From Cordova the spirit of murder spread to Jaén . A horrible butchery took place in Toledo on June 20 . Among the many martyrs were the descendants of the famous Toledan rabbi Asher ben Jehiel . Most of the Castilian communities suffered from the persecution ; nor were the Jews of Aragon , Catalonia , or Majorca spared . On July 9 , an outbreak occurred in Valencia . More than 200 persons were killed , and most of the Jews of that city were baptized by the friar Vicente Ferrer , whose presence in the city was probably not accidental . The only community remaining in the former kingdom of Valencia was that of Murviedro . On Aug. 2 the wave of murder visited Palma , in Majorca ; 300 Jews were killed , and 800 found refuge in the fort , from which , with the permission of the governor of the island , and under cover of night , they sailed to North Africa ; many submitted to baptism . Three days later , on Saturday , August 5 , a riot began in Barcelona . On the first day , 100 Jews were killed , while several hundred found refuge in the new fort ; on the following day the mob invaded the Juderia and began pillaging . The authorities did all in their power to protect the Jews , but the mob attacked them and freed those of its leaders who had been imprisoned . On Aug. 8 the citadel was stormed , and more than 300 Jews were murdered , among the slain being the only son of Ḥasdai Crescas . The riot raged in Barcelona until Aug. 10 , and many Jews ( though not 11,000 as claimed by some authorities ) were baptized . On the last - named day began the attack upon the Juderia in Girona ; several Jews were robbed and killed ; many sought safety in flight and a few in baptism . '' `` The last town visited was Lérida ( August 13 ) . The Jews of this city vainly sought protection in the Alcázar ; 75 were slain , and the rest were baptized ; the latter transformed their synagogue into a church , in which they worshiped as Marranos . '' Several responses bearing on the widespread persecution of Spanish Jewry between the years 1390 and 1391 can be found in contemporary Jewish sources , such as in the Responsa of Rabbi Isaac ben Sheshet ( 1326 -- 1408 ) , and in the seminal writing of Gedaliah Ibn Yechia , Shalshelet Ha - Kabbalah ( written ca . 1586 ) , as also in Abraham Zacuto 's Sefer Yuchasin , in Solomon ibn Verga 's Shevaṭ Yehudah , as well as in a Letter written to the Jews of Avignon by Don Hasdai Crescas in the winter of 1391 concerning the events in Spain in the year 1391 . According to Don Hasdai Crescas , persecution against Jews began in earnest in Seville in 1391 , on the 1st day of the lunar month Tammuz ( June ) . From there the violence spread to Córdoba , and by the 17th day of the same lunar month , it had reached Toledo ( called then by Jews after its Arabic name `` Ṭulayṭulah '' ) in the region of Castile . From there , the violence had spread to Majorca and by the 1st day of the lunar month Elul it had also reached the Jews of Barcelona in Catalonia , where the slain were estimated at two - hundred and fifty . So , too , many Jews who resided in the neighboring provinces of Lérida and Gironda and in the kingdom of València had been affected , as were also the Jews of Al - Andalus ( Andalucía ) , whereas many died a martyr 's death , while others converted in order to save themselves . 1391 -- 1492 ( edit ) Main article : Spanish Inquisition `` The year 1391 forms a turning - point in the history of the Spanish Jews . The persecution was the immediate forerunner of the Inquisition , which , ninety years later , was introduced as a means of watching heresy and converted Jews . The number of those who had embraced Catholicism , in order to escape death , was very large - over half of Spain 's Jews according to Joseph Pérez , 200,000 converts with only 100,000 openly practicing Jews remaining by 1410. ; Jews of Baena , Montoro , Baeza , Úbeda , Andújar , Talavera , Maqueda , Huete , and Molina , and especially of Zaragoza , Barbastro , Calatayud , Huesca , and Manresa , had submitted to baptism . Among those baptized were several wealthy men and scholars who scoffed at their former coreligionists ; some even , as Solomon ha - Levi , or Paul de Burgos ( called also Paul de Santa Maria ) , and Joshua Lorqui , or Gerónimo de Santa Fe , became the bitterest enemies and persecutors of their former brethren . '' `` After the bloody excesses of 1391 the popular hatred of the Jews continued unabated . The Cortes of Madrid and that of Valladolid ( 1405 ) mainly busied themselves with complaints against the Jews , so that Henry III found it necessary to prohibit the latter from practising usury and to limit the commercial intercourse between Jews and Catholics ; he also reduced by one - half the claims held by Jewish creditors against Catholics . Indeed , the feeble and suffering king , the son of Leonora , who hated the Jews so deeply that she even refused to accept their money , showed no feelings of friendship toward them . Though on account of the taxes of which he was thereby deprived he regretted that many Jews had left the country and settled in Málaga , Almería , and Granada , where they were well treated by the Moors , and though shortly before his death he inflicted a fine of 24,000 doubloons on the city of Córdoba because of a riot that had taken place there ( 1406 ) , during which the Jews had been plundered and many of them murdered , he prohibited the Jews from attiring themselves in the same manner as other Spaniards , and he insisted strictly on the wearing of the badge by those who had not been baptized . '' Many of the Jews from Valencia , Catalonia and Aragon thronged to North Africa , particularly Algiers . Anti-Jewish laws ( edit ) At the Catholic preacher Ferrer 's request a law consisting of twenty - four clauses , which had been drawn up by Paul de Burgos , ( a.k.a. Selomuth HaLevi , a.k.a. Pablo Santa Maria , former Rabbi of Burgos ) was issued ( January 1412 ) in the name of the child - king John II of Castile . The object of this law was to reduce the Jews to poverty and to further humiliate them . They were ordered to live by themselves , in enclosed Juderías , and they were to repair , within eight days after the publication of the order , to the quarters assigned them under penalty of loss of property . They were prohibited from practising medicine , surgery , or chemistry ( pharmacy ) and from dealing in bread , wine , flour , meat , etc . They might not engage in handicrafts or trades of any kind , nor might they fill public offices , or act as money - brokers or agents . They were not allowed to hire Catholic servants , farmhands , lamplighters , or gravediggers ; nor might they eat , drink , or bathe with Catholics , or hold intimate conversation ( have sexual relations ) with them , or visit them , or give them presents . Catholic women , married or unmarried , were forbidden to enter the Juderia either by day or by night . The Jews were allowed no self - jurisdiction whatever , nor might they , without royal permission , levy taxes for communal purposes ; they might not assume the title of `` Don '' , carry arms , or trim beard or hair . Jewish women were required to wear plain , long mantles of coarse material reaching to the feet ; and it was strictly forbidden for Jews to wear garments made of better material . On pain of loss of property and even of slavery , they were forbidden to leave the country , and any grandee or knight who protected or sheltered a fugitive Jew was punished with a fine of 150,000 maravedís for the first offense . These laws , which were rigidly enforced , any violation of them being punished with a fine of 300 -- 2,000 maravedís and flagellation , were calculated to compel the Jews to embrace Catholicism . A lane in the old Jewish Quarter , called `` El Call '' , of Girona , Spain . Girona 's Jewish community was lost as a result of the Expulsion . The persecution of the Jews was now pursued systematically . In the hope of mass - conversions , Benedict issued , on May 11 , 1415 , a bull consisting of twelve articles , which , in the main , corresponded with the decree ( `` Pragmática '' ) issued by Catalina , and which had been placed on the statutes of Aragon by Fernando . By this bull Jews and neophytes were forbidden to study the Talmud , to read anti-Catholic writings , in particular the work `` Macellum '' ( `` Mar Jesu '' ) , to pronounce the names of Jesus , Maria , or the saints , to manufacture communion - cups or other church vessels or accept such as pledges , or to build new synagogues or ornament old ones . Each community might have only one synagogue . Jews were denied all rights of selfjurisdiction , nor might they proceed against `` malsines '' ( accusers ) . They might hold no public offices , nor might they follow any handicrafts , or act as brokers , matrimonial agents , physicians , apothecaries , or druggists . They were forbidden to bake or sell matzot , or to give them away ; neither might they dispose of meat which they were prohibited from eating . They might have no intercourse ( sex ) with Catholics , nor might they disinherit their baptized children . They should wear the badge at all times , and thrice a year all Jews over twelve , of both sexes , were required to listen to a Catholic sermon . ( the bull is reprinted , from a manuscript in the archives of the cathedral in Toledo , by Rios ( `` Hist . '' ii. 627 -- 653 ) ) . As soon as the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella ascended their respective thrones , steps were taken to segregate the Jews both from the `` conversos '' and from their fellow countrymen . At the Cortes of Toledo , in 1480 , all Jews were ordered to be separated in special `` barrios '' , and at the Cortes of Fraga , two years later , the same law was enforced in Navarre , where they were ordered to be confined to the Jewries at night . The same year saw the establishment of the Inquisition in Spain , the main object of which was to deal with the `` conversos '' . Though both monarchs were surrounded by Neo-Catholics , such as Pedro de Caballería and Luis de Santangel , and though Ferdinand was the grandson of a Jew , he showed the greatest intolerance to Jews , whether converted or otherwise , commanding all `` conversos '' to reconcile themselves with the Inquisition by the end of 1484 , and obtaining a bull from Innocent VIII ordering all Catholic princes to restore all fugitive `` conversos '' to the Inquisition of Spain . One of the reasons for the increased rigor of the Catholic monarchs was the disappearance of the fear of any united action by Jews and Moors , the kingdom of Granada being at its last gasp . The rulers did , however , promise the Jews of the Moorish kingdom that they could continue to enjoy their existing rights in exchange for aiding the Spaniards in overthrowing the Moors . This promise dated February 11 , 1490 , was repudiated , however , by the decree of expulsion . See Ferdinand and Isabella . Architecture ( edit ) Interior of the old main synagogue , Segovia A small number of pre-expulsion synagogues survive , including Santa María la Blanca and the Synagogue of El Transito in Toledo , the Córdoba Synagogue , the Híjar Synagogue , the Old main synagogue , Segovia and the Synagogue of Tomar . Edict of expulsion ( edit ) Main article : Alhambra decree A signed copy of the Alhambra decree Expulsions of Jews in Europe from 1100 to 1600 Several months after the fall of Granada an Edict of Expulsion was issued against the Jews of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella ( March 31 , 1492 ) . It ordered all Jews of whatever age to leave the kingdom by the last day of July ( one day before Tisha B'Av ) . They were permitted to take their property provided it was not in gold , silver , or money . The reason alleged for this action in the preamble of the edict was the relapse of so many `` conversos '' , owing to the proximity of unconverted Jews who seduced them from Christianity and kept alive in them the knowledge and practices of Judaism . It is claimed that Don Isaac Abravanel , who had previously ransomed 480 Jews of Málaga from the Catholic monarchs by a payment of 20,000 doubloons , now offered them 600,000 crowns for the revocation of the edict . It is said also that Ferdinand hesitated , but was prevented from accepting the offer by Torquemada , the grand inquisitor , who dashed into the royal presence and , throwing a crucifix down before the king and queen ( a type of action a good Christian should have never done ) , asked whether , like Judas , they would betray their Lord for money . Torquemada was reported being from a ' converse ' ancestry , and the confessor of Isabella , Espina , being previously a Rabin . Whatever may be the truth of this story , there were no signs of relaxation shown by the court , and the Jews of Spain made preparations for exile . In some cases , as at Vitoria , they took steps to prevent the desecration of the graves of their kindred by presenting the cemetery to the municipality -- a precaution not unjustified , as the Jewish cemetery of Seville was later ravaged by the people . The members of the Jewish community of Segovia passed the last three days of their stay in the city in the Jewish cemetery , fasting and wailing over being parted from their beloved dead . Number of the exiles ( edit ) The number of Jews exiled from Spain is subject to controversy , with highly exaggerated figures provided by early observers and historians offering figures which numbered the hundreds of thousands . By the time of the expulsion , little more than 100,000 practicing Jews remained in Spain , the majority having already converted to Catholicism . This in addition to the indeterminate number who managed to return has led to recent academic investigations such as those of Joseph Pérez and Julio Valdeón to offer figures of somewhere between 50,000 and 80,000 practicing Jews expelled from Spanish territory . European context of this expulsion ( edit ) Jewish expulsion is a well established trend in European history . From the 13th to the 16th centuries , at least 15 occasions of European countries expelling their Jewish populations occurred . The expulsion in Spain was preceded by England , France and Germany , among many others , and succeeded by at least five more expulsions . Conversos ( edit ) Main articles : Converso , Marrano , Anusim , and Spanish and Portuguese Jews The history of the Jews henceforth in Spain is that of the conversos , whose numbers , as has been shown , had been increased by no less than 50,000 during the period of expulsion to a total of maybe 300,000 . For three centuries after expulsion , Spanish Conversos were subject to suspicion by the Spanish Inquisition which executed over 3000 people in the 1570 - 1700 period on charges of heresy ( including Judaism among other ) . They were also subject to more general discriminatory laws of known as `` limpieza de sangre '' which required Spaniards to demonstrate `` old Christian '' background in order to access certain positions of authority . During this period hundreds of conversos escaped to nearby countries such as England , France and the Netherlands , converted back to Judaism , thus becoming part of the communities of Western Sephardim or Spanish and Portuguese Jews . Conversos played an important leadership role in the Revolt of the Comuneros ( 1520 - 1522 ) , a popular revolt and Civil War centered in the region of Castile against the imperial pretensions of the Spanish monarchy . 1858 to present ( edit ) Small numbers of Jews started to arrive in Spain in the 19th century , and synagogues were opened in Madrid . The Jews of Morocco , where the initial welcome had turned to oppression as centuries passed by , had welcomed the Spanish troops conquering Spanish Morocco as their liberators , general Franco had interviews with some Sefardím , and spoke good about them . In the 15th century , among the first send to stake by Inquisition in Seville was the Hebrew Yusif Franco , later , a poorly conducted trial was acknowledged . Spanish historians started to take an interest in the Sephardim and Ladino , their language . Spain 's rediscovery of the Jews of Northern Morocco who still conserved Spanish language and customs was instrumental in ending Antisemitism among its ruling classes . The government of Miguel Primo de Rivera ( 1923 -- 1930 ) decreed the right to Spanish citizenship of Sephardim . Shlomo ben Ami wrote a book about this period : ' Fascism from above ' During the Spanish Civil War ( 1936 -- 1939 ) , the synagogues were closed and post-war worship was kept in private homes . Jewish public life resumed in 1947 with the arrival of Jews from Europe and North Africa . In the first years of the World War II , `` Laws regulating their admittance were written and mostly ignored . '' They were mainly from Western Europe , fleeing deportation to concentration camps from occupied France , but also Jews from Eastern Europe , especially Hungary . Trudi Alexy refers to the `` absurdity '' and `` paradox of refugees fleeing the Nazis ' Final Solution to seek asylum in a country where no Jews had been allowed to live openly as Jews for over four centuries . '' Throughout World War II , Spanish diplomats of the Franco government extended their protection to Eastern European Jews , especially in Hungary . Jews claiming Spanish ancestry were provided with Spanish documentation without being required to prove their case and either left for Spain or survived the war with the help of their new legal status in occupied countries . Once the tide of war began to turn , and Count Francisco Gómez - Jordana Sousa succeeded Franco 's brother - in - law Serrano Súñer as Spain 's foreign minister , Spanish diplomacy became `` more sympathetic to Jews '' , although Franco himself `` never said anything '' about this . Around that same time , a contingent of Spanish doctors travelling in Poland were fully informed of the Nazi extermination plans by Governor - General Hans Frank , who was under the misimpression that they would share his views about the matter ; when they came home , they passed the story to Admiral Luís Carrero Blanco , who told Franco . Diplomats discussed the possibility of Spain as a route to a containment camp for Jewish refugees near Casablanca but it came to naught due to lack of Free French and British support . Nonetheless , control of the Spanish border with France relaxed somewhat at this time , and thousands of Jews managed to cross into Spain ( many by smugglers ' routes ) . Almost all of them survived the war . The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee operated openly in Barcelona . Shortly afterwards , Spain began giving citizenship to Sephardic Jews in Greece , Hungary , Bulgaria , and Romania ; many Ashkenazic Jews also managed to be included , as did some non-Jews . The Spanish head of mission in Budapest , Ángel Sanz Briz , saved thousands of Ashkenazim in Hungary by granting them Spanish citizenship , placing them in safe houses and teaching them minimal Spanish so they could pretend to be Sephardim , at least to someone who did not know Spanish . The Spanish diplomatic corps was performing a balancing act : Alexy conjectures that the number of Jews they took in was limited by how much German hostility they were willing to engender . Toward the war 's end , Sanz Briz had to flee Budapest , leaving these Jews open to arrest and deportation . An Italian diplomat , Giorgio Perlasca , who was himself living under Spanish protection , used forged documents to persuade the Hungarian authorities that he was the new Spanish Ambassador . As such , he continued Spanish protection of Hungarian Jews until the Red Army arrived . Although Spain effectively undertook more to help Jews escape deportation to the concentration camps than most neutral countries did , there has been debate about Spain 's wartime attitude towards refugees . Franco 's regime , despite its aversion to Zionism and `` Judeo - Marxist '' - Freemasonry conspiracy , does not appear to have shared the rabid anti-Semitic ideology promoted by the Nazis . About 25,000 to 35,000 refugees , mainly Jews , were allowed to transit through Spain to Portugal and beyond . Some historians argue that these facts demonstrate a humane attitude by Franco 's regime , while others point out that the regime only permitted Jewish transit through Spain . After the war , Franco 's regime was quite hospitable to those who had been responsible for the deportation of the Jews , notably Louis Darquier de Pellepoix , Commissioner for Jewish Affairs ( May 1942 -- February 1944 ) under the Vichy Régime in France . José María Finat y Escrivá de Romaní , Franco 's chief of security , issued an official order dated May 13 , 1941 to all provincial governors requesting a list of all Jews , both local and foreign , present in their districts . After the list of six thousand names was compiled , Romani was appointed Spain 's ambassador to Germany , enabling him to deliver it personally to Himmler . Following the defeat of Germany in 1945 , the Spanish government attempted to destroy all evidence of cooperation with the Nazis , but this official order survived . At around the same time , synagogues were opened and the communities could hold a discreet degree of activity . On December 29 , 1948 , the official state bulletin ( BOE ) published a list of Sefardím family surnames from Greece and Egypt to which a special protection should be granted . In 1976 , the two wealthiest women in Spain were the Koplowitz sisters , born from an Hebrew coming from Poland in 1947 , and having support from Alvarez Areces , founder of : ' El Corte Inglés ' , they maintained in the board of their construction company , FCC , Max Mazin , head of the Madrid Hebrew community . The Alhambra Decree that had expelled the Jews was formally rescinded on December 16 , 1968 . Spain and Israel ( edit ) Main article : Israel -- Spain relations The later Israeli ambassador Shlomo Ben - Ami still remembers the Spanish Legion escorting his family out of Tangiers , Morocco , towards Israeli ships anchored in Ceuta . During the Spanish transition to democracy , the recognition of Israel was one of the issues of modernization . The Democratic Center Union governments were divided . They did not want to risk the Arab friendship and subjected the establishment to the beginning of a durable solution of the Israeli - Arab conflict . After years of negotiations , the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party government of Felipe González established relations with Israel in 1986 , denying links between relations and the admission of Spain into the European Economic Community . Spain tries to serve as a bridge between Israel and the Arabs as seen in the Madrid Conference of 1991 . Between 1948 ( the year Israel was created ) and 2010 , 1,747 Spanish Jews made aliyah to Israel . Modern Jewish community ( edit ) There are currently around 50,000 Spanish Jews , with the largest communities in Barcelona and Madrid each with around 3,500 members . There are smaller communities in Alicante , Málaga , Tenerife , Granada , Valencia , Benidorm , Cadiz , Murcia and many more . Barcelona , with a Jewish community of 3,500 , has the largest concentration of Jews in Spain . Melilla maintains an old community of Sephardic Jews . The city of Murcia in the southeast of the country has a growing Jewish community and a local synagogue . Kosher olives are produced in this region and exported to Jews around the world . Also there is a new Jewish school in Murcia as a result of the growth in Jewish population immigrating to the Murcia community PolarisWorld . The modern Jewish community in Spain consists mainly of Sephardim from Northern Africa , especially the former Spanish colonies . In the 1970s , there was also an influx of Argentine Jews , mainly Ashkenazim , escaping from the military Junta . With the birth of the European community , Jews from other countries in Europe are moving to Spain because of its weather , lifestyle as well as for its cost of living relative to the north of Europe . Some Jews see Spain as an easier life for retirees and for young people . Mazarron has seen its Jewish community grow as well as La Manga , Cartagena and Alicante . Moreover , Reform and liberal communities have arisen in cities like Barcelona or Oviedo during the last decade . Some famous Spaniards of Jewish descent are the businesswomen Alicia and Esther Koplowitz , the politician Enrique Múgica Herzog , and Isak Andic , founder of the clothing design and manufacturing company Mango , though only the latter is of Sephardic origin . There are rare cases of Jewish converts , like the writer Jon Juaristi . Today there is an interest by some Jewish groups working in Spain to encourage the descendants of the Marranos to return to Judaism . This has resulted in a limited number of conversions to the Jewish faith . Like other religious communities in Spain , FCJE has established agreements with the Spanish government , regulating the status of Jewish clergy , places of worship , teaching , marriages , holidays , tax benefits , and heritage conservation . In 2014 it was announced that the descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain by the Alhambra Decree of 1492 would be offered Spanish citizenship , without being required to move to Spain and / or renounce any other citizenship they may have . In 2014 , residents of a village in Spain called Castrillo Matajudios voted to change the name of their town due to risk of confusion resulting from the etymology of the name . `` Mata '' is a common suffix of placenames in Spain , meaning `` forested patch '' . In this case , it is likely to be a corruption of `` mota '' meaning `` hill '' . Confusion arises from the word `` mata '' also meaning `` kill '' , thus rendering a name which could be interpreted as `` kill the jews '' . The name was changed back to its earlier name which would be less subject to surprise by newcomers Castrillo Mota de Judíos ( Castrillo Hill of the Jews ) . Although a mere anecdote in Spain , where it barely made the national press , this story was widely covered in the English speaking press of the United States , United Kingdom and Israel , often misrepresenting the name of the village as `` Camp Kill the Jews '' . Citizenship law ( edit ) In 2014 it was announced that the descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain by the Alhambra Decree of 1492 would be offered Spanish citizenship , without being required to move to Spain and / or renounce any other citizenship they may have . See also ( edit ) Judaism portal Spain portal Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain Jacob ibn Jau Jewish community of Calatayud Converso Marrano Persecution of Jews Samuel Toledano Sephardi Jews Spanish and Portuguese Jews Spanish Inquisition Alhambra Decree Pallache family Sephardi Jewish topics Origins Sepharad Roman Empire Golden Age Expulsion Conversos Degredados Lançados Marranos Dispersion Eastern Mediterranean Bosnian Bulgarian Egyptian Ottoman Palestinian Syrian Thessaloniki North Africa Algerian Libyan Moroccan Tunisian Western Europe and overseas Dutch English Hamburg Indian Livornese Crypto - Sephardim Amazonian Xuetas Modern history History of the Jews under Muslim rule Antisemitism in the Arab world Islam and antisemitism Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries Languages Judeo - Berber Sephardi Hebrew Judeo - Arabic Judaeo - Portuguese Judaeo - Spanish Haketia Tetuani Ladino Religion and culture Cuisine Music Rite and customs Sephardi chief rabbi Haredim Politics Black Panthers Shas Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Eisenberg , Daniel ( 2008 ) . `` La actitud de Cervantes ante sus antepasados judaicos ( 2005 ) '' ( PDF ) . Cervantes y las religiones . Universidad de Navarra Iberoamericana Vervuert . pp. 55 -- 78 . ISBN 978 - 84 - 8489 - 314 - 1 . Archived from the original on 2016 - 03 - 13 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ Press , Europa ( 27 November 2013 ) . `` Los 50.000 judíos de España celebran desde hoy la fiesta de Janucá que culminará el día 4 con el encendido de luces '' . Jump up ^ `` Unos 50000 judíos residentes en España reciben el nuevo año '' . Jump up ^ Calvo , Vera Gutiérrez ( 6 June 2014 ) . `` El Gobierno aprueba la ley que otorga la doble nacionalidad a los sefardíes '' . Jump up ^ Sergio DellaPergola , World Jewish Population ( 2007 ) American Jewish Committee , accessed 12 October 2009 Jump up ^ The Jewish Virtual Library ( as well as the president of the Spanish Jewish community ) speak of 40,000 - 50,000 Jews ( see `` Spain '' . Jewish Virtual Library . Retrieved 12 October 2009. ) of whom half are affiliated with the Federación de Comunidades Judías de España ( FCJE ) . Jump up ^ `` Tarshish '' in the Jewish Encyclopedia , Isidore Singer and M. Seligsohn Jump up ^ from ' Tyre ' in Easton 's Bible Dictionary Jump up ^ William Parkin - 1837 `` Festus Avinus says expressly that Cadiz was Tarshish . This agrees perfectly with the statement of Ibn Hankal , who no doubt reports the opinion of the Arabian geographers , that Phoenicia maintained a direct intercourse with Britain in later ... '' Jump up ^ `` Valerius Maximus I '' . www.thelatinlibrary.com . Jump up ^ Flavius Josephus , Wars of the Jews 2.16. 4 . Jump up ^ Seder Hakabbalah Laharavad , p. 51 , Jerusalem 1971 ( printed in the edition which includes the books , Seder Olam Rabbah and Seder Olam Zuta ) ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Seder Olam Rabba / Seder Olam Zuta / Seder HaKabbalah le'Ravad , Jerusalem 1971 , pp. 43 -- 44 ( Hebrew ) . Jump up ^ Pesiqata Derav Kahana ( ed . Salomon Buber ) , New York 1949 , p. 151b , in Comments , note 26 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ The Hebrew - Arabic Dictionary known as Kitāb Jāmi ' Al - Alfāẓ ( Agron ) , p. xxxviii , pub . by Solomon L. Skoss , 1936 Yale University Jump up ^ Targum Yonathan ben Uzziel on the Minor Prophets Jump up ^ Mishnayoth , with a commentary by Pinchas Kahati , Baba Bathra 3 : 2 s.v. , אספמיא , Jerusalem 1998 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Elkan Nathan Adler , Jewish Travellers , Routledge : London 1931 , pp. 22 -- 36 . Cf . Cambridge University Library , Taylor - Schecter Collection ( T-S Misc. 35.38 ) Jump up ^ According to Don Isaac Abrabanel , in his Commentary at the end of II Kings , this was a city built near Toledo , in Spain . Abrabanel surmises that the name may have been given to it by the Jewish exiles who arrived in Spain , in remembrance of the city Ashqelon in the Land of Israel . The spelling rendered by Abrabanel is אישקלונה . See : Abrabanel , Commentary on the First Prophets , p. 680 , Jerusalem 1955 ( Hebrew ) . Jump up ^ Moses de León , in Ha - Nefesh Ha - Ḥakhamah ( also known as Sefer Ha - Mishḳal ) , end of Part VI which treats on the Resurrection of the Dead , pub. in Basel 1608 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Moses ben Machir , in Seder Ha - Yom , p. 15a , Venice 1605 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Gedaliah ibn Jechia in Shalshelet Ha - Kabbalah , p. 271 , Venice 1585 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Abrabanel 's Commentary on the First Prophets ( Pirush Al Nevi'im Rishonim ) , end of II Kings , pp. 680 - 681 , Jerusalem 1955 ( Hebrew ) . Jump up ^ Abrabanel 's Commentary on the First Prophets ( Pirush Al Nevi'im Rishonim ) , end of II Kings , pp. 680 - 681 , Jerusalem 1955 ( Hebrew ) . Jump up ^ Josephus Flavius , Antiquities , xi. v. 2 Jump up ^ See , e.g. , Yitzhak Baer , A History of the Jews in Christian Spain , Philadelphia : The Jewish Publication Society of America ( 1961 ) , p. 16 ; Salo Wittmayer Baron , A Social and Religious History of the Jews : Christian Spain , New York : Columbia University press ( 1952 ) , p. 170 ; Safrai , S. and Stern , M. , eds. , The Jewish People in the First Century , Assen , Netherlands : Van Gorcum & Comp. ( 1974 ) , p. 169 ; Bowers , W.P. `` Jewish Communities in Spain in the Time of Paul the Apostle '' Journal of Theological Studies Vol. 26 Part 2 ( October 1975 ) p. 395 . Jump up ^ The place of banishment is identified in Josephus 's Antiquities of the Jews as Gaul -- specifically Lyon ( 18.7. 2 ) -- this discrepancy has been resolved by postulating Lugdunum Convenarium , a town in Gaul on the Spanish frontier as the actual site . Jump up ^ Bava Basra . https://www.sefaria.org/Bava_Batra.38a.4/he/Wikisource_Talmud_Bavli?lang=bi&with=Commentary&lang2=en . pp. 38a . Jump up ^ `` History of the Christian Church , Volume II : Ante - Nicene Christianity . A.D. 100 - 325 - Christian Classics Ethereal Library '' . www.ccel.org . Jump up ^ But see this article , that some Rishonim explained that the Exilarch was just a local community leader . https://www.ou.org/life/torah/masechet_yevamot_113119/ . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Yevamot 115b '' . Jump up ^ Who lived in the fourth century `` Jewish Encyclopedia '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Roman Revolutions and the Rise of Frankish Feudalism and Doctrine '' . / www.romanity.org . Retrieved 14 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Roth , Norman ( 1994 ) , Jews , Visigoths and Muslims in medieval Spain : cooperation and conflict , pp. 79 -- 90 , Leiden : Brill , ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 09971 - 5 Jump up ^ See article by Imam Mohamad Jebara `` Hope amid discord in the Middle East '' http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hope-amid-discord-in-the-middle-east/ Jump up ^ `` The Treatment of Jews in Arab / Islamic Countries '' . www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org . Jump up ^ The Forgotten Refugees Jump up ^ `` Sephardim '' . www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org . Jump up ^ López de Ayala , Pedro . Cronicas de los reyes de Castilla Don Pedro , Don Enrique II , Don Juan I , Don Enrique III / 1 : Que comprende la cronica del rey Don Pedro Madrid ( 1779 ) . Chap . VII ^ Jump up to : `` SPAIN - JewishEncyclopedia.com '' . www.jewishencyclopedia.com . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 15 . Jump up ^ Rabbi Isaac ben Sheshet Perfet , in his Responsa , treats mainly on the status of Jews ( Anūsim ) who were compelled to hide their religion in face of persecution in responsa no 's . 6 , 11 , 12 and 14 of Questions and Responsa of Ben Sheshet , Vilnius 1879 , pages 13 , 15 and 16 in PDF ( Hebrew ) ; On Rabbi Isaac ben Sheshet 's own forced conversion , see : Isaac ben Sheshet Perfet , Encyclopaedia Judaica ( ed . Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik ) , vol. 10 , 2nd ed. , Detroit : Macmillan Reference USA , 2007 , p. 49 . Jump up ^ Gedaliah Ibn Yechia , Shalshelet Ha - Kabbalah Jerusalem 1962 , pp. רסז -- רסח , in PDF pp. 276 -- 278 ( Hebrew ) Jump up ^ Abraham Zacuto , Sefer Yuchasin , Cracow 1580 ( q.v. Sefer Yuchasin , pp. 265 - 266 in PDF ) Jump up ^ Ibn Verga , Salomón ( 1992 ) . Sheveṭ Yehudah ( The Sceptre of Judah ) ( in Hebrew ) . B'nei Issachar Institute : Jerusalem . ; Solomon ibn Verga , Shevaṭ Yehudah ( The Sceptre of Judah ) , Lvov 1846 , p. 76 in PDF ) Jump up ^ Printed in the book Shevaṭ Yehudah by Solomon ibn Verga ( ed . Dr. M. Wiener ) , Hannover 1855 , pp. 128 -- 130 , or pp. 138 - 140 in PDF , and which history concerns only the year 1391 , although the Gregorian date mentioned here is represented in his account by two dates in the Anno Mundi counting , i.e. 5,152 and 5,151 , owing to the change of the Hebrew year in the Fall of that same year . For English translation , see : Fritz Kobler , Letters of the Jews through the Ages , London 1952 , pp. 272 -- 75 . Jump up ^ Letter of Hasdai Crescas , Shevaṭ Yehudah by Solomon ibn Verga ( ed . Dr. M. Wiener ) , Hannover 1855 , pp. 128 -- 130 , or pp. 138 - 140 in PDF ; Fritz Kobler , Letters of the Jews through the Ages , London 1952 , pp. 272 -- 75 ; Mitre Fernández , Emilio ( 1994 ) . Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial , ed . Los judíos de Castilla en tiempo de Enrique III : el pogrom de 1391 ( The Castilian Jews at the time of Henry III : the 1391 pogrom ) ( in Spanish ) . Valladolid University . ISBN 84 - 7762 - 449 - 6 . ; Solomon ibn Verga , Shevaṭ Yehudah ( The Sceptre of Judah ) , Lvov 1846 , p. 76 in PDF . Jump up ^ Letter from Hasdai Crescas to the congregations of Avignon , published as an appendix to Wiener 's edition of Shevaṭ Yehudah of Solomon ibn Verga , in which he names the Jewish communities affected by the persecution of 1391 . See pages 138 -- 140 in PDF ( Hebrew ) ; Fritz Kobler , Letters of the Jews through the Ages , London 1952 , pp. 272 -- 75 . Jump up ^ Solomon ibn Verga , Shevaṭ Yehudah ( The Sceptre of Judah ) , Lvov 1846 , pp. 41 ( end ) -- 42 in PDF ) ; Kamen ( 1998 ) , p. 17 . Kamen cites approximate numbers for Valencia ( 250 ) and Barcelona ( 400 ) , but no solid data about Córdoba . Jump up ^ According to Gedaliah Ibn Yechia , these disturbances were caused by a malicious report spread about the Jews . See : Gedaliah Ibn Yechia , Shalshelet Ha - Kabbalah Jerusalem 1962 , p. רסח , in PDF p. 277 ( top ) ( Hebrew ) ; Solomon ibn Verga , Shevat Yehudah , Lvov 1846 ( p. 76 in PDF ) ( Hebrew ) . Jump up ^ `` ALGERIA - JewishEncyclopedia.com '' . www.jewishencyclopedia.com . Jump up ^ Hebrew calendar dates start at sunset. 31 July 1492 until sunset was the 7th of Av ; from sunset it was the 8th . Presumably the edict took effect at midnight , which was already the 8th , the day before the 9th . Jump up ^ Valdeón Baruque , Raúl ( 2007 ) . p. 102 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ Expulsion at USF.edu Jump up ^ `` A Brief Chronology of anti-Semitism '' . 26 October 2009 . Archived from the original on 26 October 2009 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ Hernando , Máximo Diago ( 24 May 2017 ) . `` Líderes de origen judeoconverso en las ciudades castellanas durante la revuelta comunera : su papel al frente de Común de pecheros '' . Centro de Estudios del Camino de Santiago . pp. 71 -- 102 -- via dialnet.unirioja.es . Jump up ^ The Spanish Civil Code of 2002 , article 22 Archived 2007 - 01 - 22 at the Wayback Machine . treats Sephardim in the same terms of nationals of Ibero - America , Andorra , Philippines , Equatorial Guinea and Portugal . ^ Jump up to : Alexy , p. 77 . Jump up ^ Trudi Alexy , The Mezuzah in the Madonna 's Foot , Simon and Schuster , 1993 . ISBN 0 - 671 - 77816 - 1 . p. 74 . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 164 -- 165 . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 77 -- 78 . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 165 . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 79 , passim . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 154 -- 155 , passim . Jump up ^ Alexy , p. 165 et . seq . ^ Jump up to : `` Giorgio Perlasca '' . The International Raoul Wallenberg foundation . Retrieved 2006 - 07 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` Franco & the Jews '' . Hitler : Stopped by Franco . Retrieved 2006 - 07 - 21 . Jump up ^ Nicholas Fraser , `` Toujours Vichy : a reckoning with disgrace '' , Harper 's , October 2006 , p. 86 -- 94 . The relevant statement about Spain sheltering him is on page 91 . Jump up ^ Haaretz , 22 June 2010 , `` WWII Document Reveals : General Franco Handed Nazis List of Spanish Jews , '' http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/wwii-document-reveals-general-franco-handed-nazis-list-of-spanish-jews-1.297546 , citing a report published 20 June 2010 in the Spanish daily El Pais . Jump up ^ Spain at the Virtual Jewish History Tour Jump up ^ 1492 Ban on Jews Is Voided by Spain -- The New York Times , 17 Dec 1968 Jump up ^ Jewish Spain : Living , Eating and Praying as a Jew in Spain at Spain Expat.com Jump up ^ `` European Jewish Congress - Spain '' . Jump up ^ HebreoCollege Murcia empezamos en 2003 como escuela privada en polaris world para 214 familias jud at ayunt. murcia Jump up ^ `` Barcelona , Spain Jewish History Tour '' . www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org . Jump up ^ `` Comunidad Judía del Principado de Asturias '' . www.sefarad-asturias.org . Jump up ^ `` Europe - World Union for Progressive Judaism '' . wupj.org . Jump up ^ Anusim project at bechollashon.org Jump up ^ Ley 25 / 1992 , de 10 de noviembre , por la que se aprueba el acuerdo de cooperación del Estado con la Federación de Comunidades Israelistas de España . Jump up ^ Stavans , Ilan ( 1 April 2014 ) . `` Repatriating Spain 's Jews '' -- via NYTimes.com . Jump up ^ France - Presse , Agence ( 12 August 2014 ) . `` Jewish group asks French minister to rename Death to Jews hamlet '' -- via The Guardian . Jump up ^ https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-camp-kill-the-jews-to-change-name-1.5249543 Jump up ^ Stavans , Ilan ( 1 April 2014 ) . `` Repatriating Spain 's Jews '' -- via NYTimes.com . Jump up ^ `` 522 años después , los sefardíes podrán tener nacionalidad española ( 522 years later , the Sephardi Jews will be able to have Spanish nationality ) '' ( in Spanish ) . El Mundo. 9 February 2014 . Retrieved 27 July 2018 . References ( edit ) Alexy , Trudi . The Mezuzah in the Madonna 's Foot : Oral Histories Exploring Five Hundred Years in the Paradoxical Relationship of Spain and the Jews , New York : Simon & Schuster , 1993 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 671 - 77816 - 3 , hardcover ; ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 060340 - 3 , paperback reprint . Ashtor , Eliyahu . The Jews of Moslem Spain , Vol. 2 , Philadelphia : The Jewish Publication Society of America , 1979 . Assis , Yom Tov . The Jews of Spain : From Settlement to Expulsion , Jerusalem : The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , 1988 . Bartlett , John R. Jews in the Hellenistic World : Josephus , Aristeas , The Sibylline Oracles , Eupolemus , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985 . Bowers , W.P. `` Jewish Communities in Spain in the Time of Paul the Apostle '' Journal of Theological Studies Vol. 26 Part 2 , October 1975 , pp. 395 -- 402 . Dan , Joseph . `` The Epic of a Millennium : Judeo - Spanish Culture 's Confrontation '' in Judaism Vol. 41 , No. 2 , Spring 1992 . Encyclopaedia Judaica , Jerusalem : Keter Publishing House , Ltd. , 1971 . Gampel , Benjamin R. `` Jews , Christians , and Muslims in Medieval Iberia : Convivencia through the Eyes of Sephardic Jews '' , in Convivencia : Jews , Muslims , and Christians in Medieval Spain , ed . Vivian B. Mann , Thomas F. Glick , and Jerrilynn D. Dodds , New York : George Braziller , Inc. , 1992 . Graetz , Professor H. History of the Jews , Vol . III Philadelphia : The Jewish Publication Society of America , 1894 . 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Mann , Jacob , Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature I Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press , 1931 . Markman , Sidney David , Jewish Remnants in Spain : Wanderings in a Lost World , Mesa , Arizona , Scribe Publishers , 2003 . ( in Spanish ) Arias , Leopoldo Meruéndano . Los Judíos de Ribadavia y orígen de las cuatro parroquias . Raphael , Chaim . The Sephardi Story : A Celebration of Jewish History London : Valentine Mitchell & Co. Ltd. , 1991 . Ray , Jonathan . The Jew in Medieval Iberia ( Boston Academic Studies Press , 2012 ) 441 pp . Sarna , Nahum M. , `` Hebrew and Bible Studies in Medieval Spain '' in Sephardi Heritage , Vol. 1 ed . R.D. Barnett , New York : Ktav Publishing House , Inc. , 1971 . Sassoon , Solomon David , `` The Spiritual Heritage of the Sephardim '' , in The Sephardi Heritage , Vol. 1 ed . R.D. Barnett , New York : Ktav Publishing House Inc. , 1971 . Scherman , Rabbi Nosson and Zlotowitz , Rabbi Meir eds. , History of the Jewish People : The Second Temple Era , Brooklyn : Mesorah Publications , Ltd. , 1982 . Stillman , Norman , `` Aspects of Jewish Life in Islamic Spain '' in Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages , ed . Paul E. Szarmach , Albany : State University of New York Press , 1979 . Whiston , A.M. , trans. , The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus Philadelphia : The John C. Winston Company , 19 ? ? . This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Singer , Isidore ; et al. , eds. ( 1901 -- 1906 ) . `` Spain '' . Jewish Encyclopedia . New York : Funk & Wagnalls Company . External links ( edit ) Expulsion from Spain and The Anusim , The Jewish History Resource Center , Project of the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jewish Spain today ( in Spanish ) La Inquisición Española : origen , desarrollo , organización , administración , métodos y proceso inquisitorial The Jews in Spain ( from Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971 History of the Jews in Europe Sovereign states Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Kosovo Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Transnistria Dependencies and other entities Åland Faroe Islands Gibraltar Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey Svalbard Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=History_of_the_Jews_in_Spain&oldid=863581968 '' Categories : Jewish Spanish history Hidden categories : CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs CS1 Hebrew - language sources ( he ) CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Webarchive template wayback links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015 Articles needing additional references from January 2008 All articles needing additional references Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2008 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015 Articles needing additional references from March 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018 Articles with unsourced statements from March 2013 Articles with Spanish - language external links Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia without a Wikisource reference Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Български Català Čeština Deutsch Español Français Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Ladino Русский Slovenčina 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 11 October 2018 , at 18 : 00 ( UTC ) . 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how many times do they say into the woods in into the woods
Into the Woods
into the woods
Into the Woods is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine . The musical intertwines the plots of several Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault fairy tales , exploring the consequences of the characters ' wishes and quests . The main characters are taken from `` Little Red Riding Hood '' , `` Jack and the Beanstalk '' , `` Rapunzel '' , and `` Cinderella '' , as well as several others . The musical is tied together by a story involving a childless baker and his wife and their quest to begin a family ( the original beginning of The Grimm Brothers ' Rapunzel ) , their interaction with a witch who has placed a curse on them , and their interaction with other storybook characters during their journey .
The musical debuted in San Diego at the Old Globe Theatre in 1986 and premiered on Broadway on November 5 , 1987 , where it won several Tony Awards , including Best Score , Best Book , and Best Actress in a Musical ( Joanna Gleason ) , in a year dominated by The Phantom of the Opera ( 1988 ) . The musical has since been produced many times , with a 1988 US national tour , a 1990 West End production , a 1997 tenth anniversary concert , a 2002 Broadway revival , a 2010 London revival and in 2012 as part of New York City 's outdoor Shakespeare in the Park series . A Disney film adaptation directed by Rob Marshall and starring Meryl Streep , Emily Blunt , James Corden , Anna Kendrick , Chris Pine , Tracey Ullman , Christine Baranski and Johnny Depp was released in 2014 . The film grossed over $213 million worldwide and received three Academy Award nominations and three Golden Globe Award nominations . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 1.1 Act I 1.2 Act II 2 Productions 2.1 Pre-Broadway San Diego production 2.2 Original Broadway production 2.3 1988 US tour production 2.4 Original London production 2.5 1998 London revival production 2.6 2002 Broadway revival production 2.7 London Royal Opera House , 2007 2.8 Regent 's Park Open Air Theatre production , 2010 2.9 Central Park Delacorte Theater production , 2012 2.10 Other productions 2.10. 1 2016 Tel Aviv production 3 Casting history 4 Adaptations 4.1 Junior version 4.2 Film 5 Musical numbers 6 Analysis of book and music 7 Awards and nominations 7.1 Original Broadway production 7.2 Original London production 7.3 1999 London revival 7.4 2002 Broadway revival 7.5 2010 London revival 7.6 2012 New York revival 7.7 2014 Australian production 7.8 2015 Off - Broadway production 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) This article 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ( April 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Act I ( edit ) Starting with the words `` Once Upon a Time , '' the Narrator introduces four characters who each have a wish : Cinderella , the daughter of a wealthy man who has been reduced by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters into becoming their skivvy , wishes to attend the King 's festival ; Jack , a simple poor boy , wishes that his cow , Milky White , would give milk ; and a Baker and his Wife wish they could have a child . While Little Red Ridinghood wishes for bread from the Baker to take to her grandmother 's house , which they give while she steals a few sweets , Jack 's weary mother , who wishes for gold , nags him into selling the cow , and Cinderella 's stepmother and stepsisters Florinda and Lucinda tease her about wanting to attend the King 's festival . The Baker 's neighbor , an ugly old witch , reveals that the source of the couple 's infertility is a curse she placed on the Baker 's line after catching the Baker 's father in her garden stealing vegetables , including six `` magic '' beans . In addition to the curse , the Witch took the Baker 's father 's newborn child Rapunzel . She explains the curse will be lifted if the Baker and his Wife can find the four ingredients that the Witch needs for a certain potion ; `` the cow as white as milk , the cape as red as blood , the hair as yellow as corn , and the slipper as pure as gold , '' all before the chime of midnight in three days ' time . All begin their journeys into the woods -- Jack goes to the market to sell his beloved pet Milky White , Cinderella 's family goes to the Festival while Cinderella goes to her mother 's grave to ask for guidance , Little Red goes to her grandmother 's house , and the Baker , refusing his wife 's help , goes to find the ingredients ( `` Prologue '' ) . Cinderella visits her mother 's grave and receives a beautiful gown and golden slippers from her mother 's spirit ( `` Cinderella at the Grave '' ) . Jack encounters a Mysterious Man who mocks him for trying to sell his cow for more than a `` sack of beans '' and then vanishes . Little Red Ridinghood meets a hungry Wolf who convinces her to take a detour on her way to Granny 's ( `` Hello , Little Girl '' ) . The Baker sees Little Red Ridinghood in the woods , and when the Witch appears , screaming at him to get the red cape , he is so frightened that he forgets the ingredients he needs . Luckily his wife , who followed him into the forest , reminds him . They are squabbling over her presence when they come across Jack with Milky White . Not having the money necessary to buy the cow , they convince Jack that the beans the Baker has found in his father 's old hunting jacket are magic and buy the cow for five of them . Jack bids a tearful goodbye to his cow ( `` I Guess This Is Goodbye '' ) , and the Baker orders his wife to return to the village with the cow . He has qualms about being so dishonest , but his wife reasons that the chance to have a child justifies their trickery ( `` Maybe They 're Magic '' ) . The Witch has raised Rapunzel as her own daughter , keeping her locked away from the world in a tall tower in the middle of the woods , accessible only by climbing Rapunzel 's long , golden hair ( `` Our Little World '' ) . However , on this day a handsome prince spies the beautiful Rapunzel and resolves to climb the tower himself . In another part of the wood , the Baker has tracked down Little Red Ridinghood . Following the Witch 's advice , he attempts to simply steal the red cape , but her ensuing temper tantrum guilts him into returning it . When Little Red Ridinghood arrives at her grandmother 's house , she is swallowed by the Wolf . The Baker , in pursuit of the cape , slays the Wolf , pulling Little Red Ridinghood and her grandmother from the beast 's innards . Little Red Riding hood rewards him with the red cape , reflecting on her new experiences ( `` I Know Things Now '' ) . Meanwhile , Jack 's mother angrily tosses the beans aside , which end up growing into an enormous stalk overnight , and sends her son to bed without supper . As Cinderella flees the Festival , pursued by another handsome prince and his steward , the Wife helps her hide and quizzes Cinderella about the ball . Cinderella explains that it was a nice ball ( `` A Very Nice Prince '' ) but seems fairly ambivalent about the experience . As a giant beanstalk begins to sprout from the ground next to Jack 's cottage , the Baker 's Wife spots Cinderella 's pure gold slippers . She tries to chase after Cinderella but inadvertently allows Milky White to run off , leaving the Baker 's Wife without the slippers or the cow . The characters each state morals and credos as the first midnight chimes ( `` First Midnight '' ) and they continue their journeys through the woods . The next morning , Jack describes his thrilling adventure after he returns from climbing the beanstalk and finding a castle of two married giants , whom he robbed unnoticed ( `` Giants in the Sky '' ) . He gives the Baker five gold pieces he stole from the giants to buy back his cow . When the Baker hesitates , Jack climbs back up the beanstalk to find more . The Mysterious Man emerges and taunts the Baker , stealing the money . The Baker 's Wife confesses she has lost the cow , and she and the Baker split up to look for it . Cinderella 's Prince and Rapunzel 's Prince , who are brothers , meet and compare the misery of their newfound and unobtainable loves ( `` Agony '' ) . The Baker 's Wife , who is eavesdropping , takes note when Rapunzel 's prince mentions that he is in love with a girl in a tower with hair `` as yellow as corn . '' The Baker 's Wife fools Rapunzel into letting down her hair by telling her that she is her prince and pulls out a piece of it . Meanwhile , The Mysterious Man gives Milky White back to the Baker . The Baker 's Wife and Cinderella meet again , and the Baker 's Wife makes a desperate grab for her shoes , almost succeeding before Cinderella flees . The Baker and his wife reunite , now with three of the four items . The Baker admits that they will have to work together to fulfill the quest ( `` It Takes Two '' ) . Jack arrives with a hen that lays golden eggs and attempts to buy Milky White back , but the cow suddenly keels over dead as midnight chimes . Again , the characters exchange morals ( `` Second Midnight '' ) . The Witch discovers that the Prince has been visiting Rapunzel and begs Rapunzel to stay with her so she can protect her from the outside world ( `` Stay with Me '' ) . When Rapunzel refuses , the Witch angrily cuts off Rapunzel 's hair and banishes her to a desert . The Mysterious Man gives the Baker the money to buy another cow . Jack encounters Little Red Ridinghood , who is now sporting a wolf skin cape and a knife for protection , and tries to impress her by telling her about the kingdom of the Giant . When she refuses to believe him , he is goaded into returning once again to the Giant 's home to steal a magic harp . Cinderella , returning from the last night of the festival , describes how the Prince had spread pitch on the stairs to prevent her from escaping . Caught between wanting to escape and wanting to stay , she eventually resolves to let the Prince decide , leaving him one of her slippers as a clue to her identity ( `` On the Steps of the Palace '' ) . The Baker 's Wife frantically tries to convince her to give up her other shoe , offering her the sixth magic bean in exchange for it . Cinderella throws the bean aside , but trades shoes with the Baker 's Wife and flees , while unbeknownst to anyone a second beanstalk starts to grow . The Baker arrives with another cow ; they now have all four items . The Prince 's Steward grabs the slipper from the Baker 's Wife , and they are fighting over it when a great crash is heard and Jack 's mother runs in to report that a Giant seeking revenge from Jack for stealing his magic harp has fallen from the first beanstalk when Jack chopped it and is dead in her backyard . The Prince , more concerned with finding Cinderella , waves her off and departs with one of the slippers , giving the other to the Baker and his wife . Jack , to the relief of his mother , returns with the magic harp . The Witch discovers that the new cow is not pure white ; it is covered with flour . However , the Witch is able to bring Milky White back to life and instructs the Baker and his Wife to feed the items to her . Jack tries to milk her , but no milk comes . The Baker 's Wife admits that the hair is Rapunzel 's , and the Witch furiously explains that the magic will not work because the Witch has already touched Rapunzel 's hair , which is also why she had asked the Baker and his Wife to get the objects for her : she 's not allowed to touch any of the objects . The Mysterious Man tells the Baker to feed the hair - like corn silk to the cow . Now Milky White gives milk which is the potion . The Witch reveals that the Mysterious Man is the Baker 's father . The Witch drinks the potion , and suddenly the Mysterious Man falls dead , his reparation complete , the curse is broken , and the Witch is transformed into a beautiful young woman , reversing the effects of the curse of ugliness by which she was punished by her mother , because the Baker 's father stole the beans from her , regaining her youth and beauty . Cinderella 's Prince searches for the girl whose foot fits the slipper ; the stepsisters try but can only get it on by cutting off parts of their feet ( `` Careful My Toe '' ) . Cinderella appears , her foot fits the slipper , and she becomes the Prince 's bride . Rapunzel has borne twins in the desert where her Prince finds her . The Witch attempts to curse the couple , only to find that though she gained her youth and beauty , her powers have been lost . At Cinderella 's wedding to the Prince , Florinda and Lucinda are blinded by birds as they try to win Cinderella 's favor . Everyone is at the wedding , and it is shown that the Baker and his wife will get to have their baby soon . Everyone but the Witch and the stepsisters congratulate themselves on being able to live happily `` Ever After , '' though they fail to notice another beanstalk growing sky - high ... Act II ( edit ) The Narrator introduces the action again : `` Once Upon a Time ... Later . '' All the characters seem happy but are still wishing : The Baker and his Wife have their precious baby boy , but wish for more room and bicker over the Baker 's unwillingness to hold his child ; Jack and his mother are rich and well - fed , but Jack misses his kingdom in the sky ; Cinderella is living with her Prince Charming in the Palace , but is getting bored and wants to have a festival . ( `` So Happy '' ) . Suddenly , everyone is knocked over by a loud crash , and enormous footprints from a Giant have destroyed the Witch 's garden , sparing only a few beans . The Baker and his Wife decide that they must tell the Royal Family , and the Baker travels to the palace . His news is ignored by the Prince 's Steward , and also by Jack 's Mother when he stops at her house to ask for Jack 's aid . When he returns home , Little Red Ridinghood arrives on her way to Granny 's : her house has been destroyed and her mother is missing . The Baker and his Wife decide to escort her . Meanwhile , Jack decides that he must slay the Giant and Cinderella learns from her bird friends that her mother 's grave was disturbed and decides to investigate , dressed in her old clothes . Once again , everyone heads Into the Woods , but this time the mood is somber and the birds have stopped singing ( `` Into the Woods '' Reprise ) . While everyone else is drawn back into the woods , Rapunzel has fled there in a hysterical fit , her treatment at the hands of the Witch having driven her into madness . Her Prince has followed her , but when he encounters his brother they each confess they have another reason for their presence in the woods . They have grown bored and frustrated with their marriages and now lust after two beautiful women asleep in the woods - Snow White and Sleeping Beauty ( `` Agony '' Reprise ) . The Baker , his Wife , and Little Red Ridinghood get lost in the woods and find Cinderella 's family and the Steward , who reveal that the castle was set upon by the Giant . The Witch arrives as well , bringing news that the Giant has destroyed the village and the Baker 's house . Suddenly , thunderous footsteps are heard and the Giant appears . To the shock of all , this Giant is a woman who has come from the second beanstalk and is the widow of the Giant that Jack killed by chopping down the beanstalk . Her booming voice proclaims that she wants Jack 's blood in revenge . To satisfy the Giantess , the group realizes they must give her someone , but are unable to decide on whom until they realize that the Narrator is still commenting on the actions from the sidelines . Everyone offers her the narrator as a sacrifice , but he convinces them how lost they would be without him . Nevertheless , the Witch throws him into the Giantess 's arms and he is killed upon being dropped . Jack 's mother finds the group and aggressively defends her son , angering the Giantess , and the Steward clubs Jack 's mother to quiet her , inadvertently killing her . As the Giantess leaves to search for Jack , Rapunzel runs into her path and is trampled , to the horror of the Witch and her Prince ( `` Witch 's Lament '' ) . The Royal Family continue on their way , fleeing to a hidden Kingdom despite the Baker 's pleas for them to stay and fight the Giant . The Witch declares she will find Jack and sacrifice him to the Giant , and the Baker and his Wife decide they must find him first and split up to search . The Baker 's Wife meets Cinderella 's Prince , and he easily seduces the Wife ( `` Any Moment '' ) . Meanwhile , the Baker discovers Cinderella at her mother 's destroyed grave and convinces her to join their group for safety . The Prince , satisfied , leaves the Baker 's Wife with a few platitudes , and she realizes her error and decides to return to her happy life with the Baker and their son ( `` Moments in the Woods '' ) . However , she has lost her way , stumbles into the path of the Giant , and is consequently killed by a falling tree . The Baker , Little Red , and Cinderella await the return of the Baker 's Wife when the Witch drags in Jack , whom she found weeping over the Baker 's Wife 's body . The Baker , grief - stricken when he learns of his wife 's death , unwittingly agrees to give Jack to the Giantess , causing an argument . The characters first blame each other for their predicament , until finally they all decide to blame the Witch for growing the beans in the first place ( `` Your Fault '' ) . Disgusted and fed up , the Witch curses and scolds them for their inability to accept their own individual responsibility and throws away the rest of her magic beans , reactivating her mother 's curse and making her vanish ( `` Last Midnight '' ) . The grieving Baker flees , but is visited by his father 's spirit who convinces him to face his responsibilities ( `` No More '' ) . The Baker returns and helps plan killing the Giantess , using Cinderella 's bird friends to peck out the Giant 's eyes at an area smeared with pitch , where Jack and the Baker can finally deliver a fatal blow . Cinderella stays behind to protect the Baker 's child and when her Prince passes by , he nearly fails to recognize her . She confronts him , having learned of his infidelity from her birds and he explains his feelings of unfulfillment and his reasons for seducing another woman . She asks him to go , and he sorrowfully leaves . Little Red returns with the news that her grandmother has been killed by the Giantess . Meanwhile , the Baker tells Jack that his mother is dead . Jack vows to kill the steward in revenge until the Baker convinces him that killing the steward will not benefit anyone . Cinderella comforts Little Red and tries to answer her qualms that killing the Giant makes them no better than she is , while the Baker explains to Jack that everyone is responsible for the choices they make , good or bad ( `` No One Is Alone '' ) . The four remaining characters slay the Giant and the deceased characters now including the Royal Family ( who have lost their way and starved to death in the woods ) and the Princes ( who have their new paramours , Snow White and Sleeping Beauty , on their arms ) return to share one last set of morals with the audience . The survivors resolve to band together and rebuild . The spirit of the Baker 's Wife appears to comfort her mourning husband advising her husband to tell their child their story . The Baker begins to tell the story using the same words as the narrator did at the beginning of the play as the Witch appears with the final moral : `` Careful the things you say , Children Will Listen . '' All join in on a last reprise of the title song , surmising that we all must venture into the Woods while remembering the choices we 've made and learning from each endeavor we come across ( `` Finale '' ) . As the characters conclude the song singing , `` Into the woods , and out of the woods and happily ever after '' , Cinderella closes the show with one last `` I wish ... '' Productions ( edit ) Pre-broadway San Diego production ( edit ) Into the Woods premiered at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego , California , on December 4 , 1986 and ran for 50 performances under the direction of James Lapine . Many of the performers from that production appeared in the Broadway cast but John Cunningham , who played the Narrator , Wolf and Steward and George Coe , as the Mysterious Man and Cinderella 's Father were replaced by Tom Aldredge , who played the Narrator and Mysterious Man . Kenneth Marshall as Cinderella 's Prince was replaced by Robert Westenberg ( who also played the Wolf ) , LuAnne Ponce , who played Little Red Ridinghood , was replaced by Danielle Ferland , Ellen Foley , the Witch , was replaced by Bernadette Peters . Kay McClelland , who played both Rapunzel and the Stepsister Florinda , stayed with the cast but only played Florinda , Rapunzel being played by Pamela Winslow . The show underwent much evolution , but the most notable change was the addition of the song `` No One Is Alone '' in the middle of the run . Original Broadway production ( edit ) Into The Woods opened on Broadway at the Martin Beck Theatre on November 5 , 1987 , and closed on September 3 , 1989 after 765 performances . It starred Bernadette Peters , Joanna Gleason , Chip Zien , Kim Crosby , Ben Wright , Danielle Ferland , Chuck Wagner , Merle Louise , Tom Aldredge , and Robert Westenberg . The musical was directed by James Lapine , with musical staging by Lar Lubovitch , settings by Tony Straiges , lighting by Richard Nelson , costumes by Ann Hould - Ward ( based on original concepts by Patricia Zipprodt and Ann Hould - Ward ) , and makeup by Jeff Raum . The original production won the 1988 New York Drama Critics ' Circle Award and the Drama Desk Award for Best Musical , and the original cast recording won a Grammy Award . The show was nominated for ten Tony Awards , and won three : Best Score ( Stephen Sondheim ) , Best Book ( James Lapine ) and Best Actress in a Musical ( Joanna Gleason ) . Peters left the show after almost five months due to a prior commitment to film the movie Slaves of New York . The Witch was then played by : Betsy Joslyn ( from March 30 , 1988 ) ; Phylicia Rashad ( from April 14 , 1988 ) ; Betsy Joslyn ( from July 5 , 1988 ) ; Nancy Dussault ( from December 13 , 1988 ) ; and Ellen Foley ( from August 1 , 1989 until the closing ) . Other cast replacements included Dick Cavett as the Narrator ( as of July 19 , 1988 ) ( for a temporary engagement after which Tom Aldredge returned ) , Edmund Lyndeck as the Mysterious Man , Patricia Ben Peterson as Cinderella , LuAnne Ponce returning to the role of Little Red Ridinghood , Jeff Blumenkrantz as Jack , Marin Mazzie as Rapunzel ( as of March 7 , 1989 ) and Kay McClelland , Lauren Mitchell , Cynthia Sikes and Mary Gordon Murray as the Baker 's Wife . In 1989 , from May 23 to May 25 the full original cast ( with the exception of Cindy Robinson as Snow White instead of Jean Kelly ) reunited for three performances to tape the musical in its entirety for the Season 10 premiere episode of PBS 's American Playhouse , which first aired on March 15 , 1991 . The show was filmed professionally with seven cameras on the set of the Martin Beck Theater in front of an audience with certain elements changed from its standard production only slightly for the recording in order to better fit the screen rather than the stage such as the lighting , minor costume differences , and others . There were also pick up shots not filmed in front of an audience for various purposes . This video has since been released on Tape and DVD and on occasion , remastered and re-released . Tenth Anniversary benefit performances were held on November 9 , 1997 at The Broadway Theatre ( New York ) , with most of original cast . Original cast understudies Chuck Wagner and Jeff Blumenkrantz played Cinderella 's Prince / Wolf and The Steward in place of Robert Westenburg and Philip Hoffmann and Jonathan Dokuchitz ( who joined the broadway production as an understudy in 1989 ) played Rapunzel 's Prince in place of Wagner . This concert featured the duet `` Our Little World , '' written for the first London production of the show . On November 9 , 2014 , most of the original cast reunited for two reunion concerts and discussion in Costa Mesa , California . Mo Rocca hosted the reunion and interviewed Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine as well as each cast member . Appearing were Bernadette Peters , Joanna Gleason , Chip Zien , Danielle Ferland , Ben Wright and real life husband and wife , Robert Westenberg and Kim Crosby . The same group presented this discussion / concert on June 21 , 2015 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music , New York City . 1988 US tour production ( edit ) A United States tour began on November 22 , 1988 with Cleo Laine playing the Witch , replaced by Betsy Joslyn in May 1989 . Rex Robbins played the Narrator and Mysterious Man , Charlotte Rae played Jack 's Mother , and the Princes were played by Chuck Wagner and Douglas Sills . The set was almost completely reconstructed , and there were certain changes to the script , changing certain story elements . The 10 - month tour played cities around the country , such as Fort Lauderdale , Florida , Los Angeles , and Atlanta . The tour ran at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts from June 1989 to July 16 , 1989 , with the reviewer for The Washington Post writing : `` his lovely score -- poised between melody and dissonance -- is the perfect measure of our tenuous condition . The songs invariably follow the characters ' thinking patterns , as they weigh their options and digest their experience . Needless to say , that does n't make for traditional show - stoppers . But it does make for vivacity of another kind . And Sondheim 's lyrics ... are brilliant ... I think you 'll find these cast members alert and engaging . '' Original London production ( edit ) The album cover of the London cast recording . The original West End production opened on September 25 , 1990 at the Phoenix Theatre and closed on February 23 , 1991 after 197 performances . It was directed by Richard Jones , and produced by David Mirvish , with choreography by Anthony Van Laast , costumes by Sue Blane and orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick . The cast featured Julia McKenzie as the Witch , Ian Bartholomew as the Baker , Imelda Staunton as the Baker 's Wife and Clive Carter as the Wolf / Cinderella 's Prince . The show received seven Olivier Award nominations in 1991 , winning for Best Actress in a Musical ( Staunton ) and Best Director of a Musical ( Jones ) . The song `` Our Little World '' was added . This song was a duet sung between the Witch and Rapunzel giving further insight into the care the Witch has for her self - proclaimed daughter and the desire Rapunzel has to see the world outside of her tower . The overall feel of the show was a lot darker than that of the original Broadway production . Critic Michael Billington wrote `` But the evening 's triumph belongs also to director Richard Jones , set designer Richard Hudson and costume designer Sue Blane who evoke exactly the right mood of haunted theatricality. Old - fashioned footlights give the faces a sinister glow . The woods themselves are a semi-circular , black - and - silver screen punctuated with nine doors and a crazy clock : they achieve exactly the ' agreeable terror ' of Gustave Dore 's children 's illustrations . And the effects are terrific : doors open to reveal the rotating magnified eyeball or the admonitory finger of the predatory giant . 1998 London revival production ( edit ) A new intimate production of the show opened ( billed as the first London revival ) at the Donmar Warehouse on 16 November 1998 , closing on 13 February 1999 . This revival was directed by John Crowley and designed by his brother , Bob Crowley . The cast included Clare Burt as the Witch , Nick Holder as the Baker , Sophie Thompson as the Baker 's Wife , Jenna Russell as Cinderella , Sheridan Smith as Little Red Ridinghood and Frank Middlemass as the Narrator / Mysterious Man . Russell later appeared as the Baker 's Wife in the 2010 Regent 's Park production . Thompson won the 1999 Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her performance , while the production itself was nominated for Outstanding Musical Production . 2002 Broadway revival production ( edit ) A poster for the 2002 Broadway revival . A revival opened at the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles , running from February 1 , 2002 to March 24 , 2002 . This production was directed and choreographed , with the same principal cast , which later ran on Broadway . The 2002 Broadway revival , directed by James Lapine and choreographed by John Carrafa , began previews on April 13 , 2002 and opened April 30 , 2002 at the Broadhurst Theatre , closing on December 29 after a run of 18 previews and 279 regular performances . It starred Vanessa L. Williams as the Witch , John McMartin as the Narrator , Stephen DeRosa as the Baker , Kerry O'Malley as the Baker 's Wife , Gregg Edelman as Cinderella 's Prince / Wolf , Christopher Sieber as Rapunzel 's Prince / Wolf , Molly Ephraim as Little Red Ridinghood , Adam Wylie as Jack and Laura Benanti as Cinderella . Judi Dench provided the pre-recorded voice of the Giant . Lapine revised the script slightly for this production , with a cameo appearance of the Three Little Pigs restored from the earlier San Diego production . Other changes , apart from numerous small dialogue changes , included the addition of the song `` Our Little World , '' a duet for the Witch and Rapunzel written for the first London production , the addition of a second wolf in the song `` Hello Little Girl '' who competes for Little Red 's attention with the first Wolf , the portrayal of Jack 's cow by a live performer ( Chad Kimball ) in an intricate costume and new lyrics were written for `` The Last Midnight , '' now sung by the Witch as a menacing lullaby to the Baker 's baby . This production featured Scenic design by Douglas W. Schmidt , Costume design by Susan Hilferty , Lighting design by Brian MacDevitt , Sound design by Dan Moses Schreier and Projection design by Elaine J. McCarthy . The revival won the Tony Awards for the Best Revival of a Musical and Best Lighting Design . This Broadway revival wardrobe is on display at the Costume World in South Florida . London Royal Opera house , 2007 ( edit ) A revival at the Royal Opera House 's Linbury Studio in Covent Garden had a limited run from June 14 through June 30 , 2007 followed by a short stint at The Lowry theatre , Salford Quays , Manchester between 4 -- 7 July . The production mixed Opera singers , Musical Theatre actors as well as Film and television actors ; including Anne Reid as Jack 's Mother and Gary Waldhorn as the Narrator . The production itself , directed by Will Tuckett , was met with mixed reviews ; although there were clear stand out performances . The production completely sold out three weeks before opening . As this was an ' Opera ' production , the show and its performers were overlooked for the ' Musical ' nominations in the 2008 Olivier Awards . This production featured Suzie Toase ( Little Red ) , Peter Caulfield ( Jack ) , Beverley Klein ( Witch ) , Anna Francolini ( Baker 's Wife ) , Clive Rowe ( Baker ) , Nicholas Garrett ( wolf ) and Lara Pulver ( Lucinda ) . This was the second Sondheim musical to be staged by the Opera House , following 2003 's Sweeney Todd . Regent 's Park Open Air Theatre production , 2010 ( edit ) The Olivier Award winning Regent 's Park Open Air Theatre production , directed by Timothy Sheader and choreographed by Liam Steel , ran for a six - week limited season from 6 August to 11 September 2010 . The cast included Hannah Waddingham as the Witch , Mark Hadfield as the Baker , Jenna Russell as the Baker 's wife , Helen Dallimore as Cinderella , and Judi Dench as the recorded voice of the Giant . Gareth Valentine was the Musical Director . The musical was performed outdoors in a wooded area . Whilst the book remained mostly unchanged , the subtext of the plot was dramatically altered by casting the role of the Narrator as a young school boy lost in the woods following a family argument -- a device used to further illustrate the musical 's themes of parenting and adolescence . The Regent 's Park Open Air Theatre Production , with Beverly Rudd as Little Red Ridinghood The production opened to wide critical acclaim , much of the press commenting on the effectiveness of the open air setting . The Telegraph reviewer , for example , wrote : `` It is an inspired idea to stage this show in the magical , sylvan surroundings of Regent 's Park , and designer Soutra Gilmour has come up with a marvellously rickety , adventure playground of a set , all ladders , stairs and elevated walkways , with Rapunzel discovered high up in a tree . '' The New York Times reviewer commented : `` The natural environment makes for something genuinely haunting and mysterious as night falls on the audience ... '' Stephen Sondheim attended twice , reportedly extremely pleased with the production . The production also won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical Revival and Michael Xavier , who played Cinderella 's Prince and the Wolf , was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Performance in a Supporting Role in a Musical . The production was recorded in its entirety and released for public download through Digital Theatre , an online video production company . Central Park Delacorte Theater production , 2012 ( edit ) The Regent 's Park Open Air Theatre production transferred to the Public Theater 's 2012 summer series of free performances Shakespeare in the Park at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park , New York , with an American cast as well as new designers . Sheader again was the director and Steel served as co-director and choreographer . Performances were originally to run from July 24 ( delayed from July 23 due to the weather ) to August 25 , 2012 , but the show was extended till September 1 , 2012 . The cast included Amy Adams as The Baker 's Wife , Donna Murphy as The Witch , Denis O'Hare as The Baker , Chip Zien as the Mysterious Man / Cinderella 's Father , Jack Broderick as the young Narrator , Gideon Glick as Jack , Cooper Grodin as Rapunzel 's Prince , Ivan Hernandez as Cinderella 's Prince / Wolf , Tina Johnson as Granny , Josh Lamon as the Steward , Jessie Mueller as Cinderella , Laura Shoop as Cinderella 's Mother , Tess Soltau as Rapunzel and Glenn Close as the Voice of the Giant . The set was a `` collaboration between original Open Air Theatre designer Soutra Gilmour and ... John Lee Beatty , ( and ) rises over 50 feet in the air , with a series of tree - covered catwalks and pathways . '' The production was dedicated to Nora Ephron , who died earlier in 2012 . In February 2012 and in May 2012 , reports of a possible Broadway transfer surfaced with the production 's principal actors in negotiations to reprise their roles . In January 2013 , it was announced that the production will not transfer to Broadway due to scheduling conflicts . Other productions ( edit ) 1993 Sydney Theatre Company production A production played in Sydney from 19 March 1993 to 5 June 1993 at the Drama Theatre , Sydney Opera House . It starred Judi Connelli , Geraldine Turner , Tony Sheldon , Philip Quast , , Pippa Grandison , and DJ Foster . A Melbourne Theatre Company played from 17 January 1998 to 21 February 1998 at the Playhouse , Victorian Arts Centre . It starred Rhonda Burchmore , John McTernan , Gina Riley , Lisa McCune , Peter Carroll , Tamsin Carroll and Robert Grubb . The first professional Spanish language production , `` Dentro del Bosque '' , was produced by University of Puerto Rico Repertory Theatre and premiered in San Juan at Teatro de la Universidad ( University Theatre ) on March 14 , 2013 The cast included Víctor Santiago as Baker , Ana Isabelle as Baker 's Wife and Lourdes Robles as the Witch The Roundabout Theatre production , directed by Noah Brody and Ben Steinfeld , began performances Off - Broadway on December 19 , 2014 and officially opened on January 22 , 2015 , at the Laura Pels Theatre . Like the original Broadway production 28 years prior , this production had a try - out run at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego , California from July 12 , 2014 -- August 17 , 2014 with the opening night taking place on July 17 . This new version is completely minimalistically reimagined by the Fiasco Theater Company , featuring only ten actors playing multiple parts , and one piano accompanist . The DreamCatcher Theatre production opened in January 2015 and played a sold out run at the Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami , Florida . Tituss Burgess starred as The Witch , the first male actor to do so . The cast also included Arielle Jacobs as The Bakers Wife . The musical had a production at The Muny in Forest Park , St. Louis , Missouri running from July 21 through 28 2015 . The cast included Heather Headley ( Witch ) , Erin Dilly ( Baker 's Wife ) , Rob McClure ( Baker ) , Ken Page ( Narrator ) , Elena Shaddow ( Cinderella ) . The Hart House Theatre production in Toronto , Ontario from January 15 , 2016 to January 30 , 2016 . A production ran at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds in a collaboration with Opera North from 2 June 2016 to 25 June 2016 . 2016 Tel Aviv production ( edit ) The Israeli premiere , אל תוך היער ( El Toch Ha - ya - ar ) , opened in Tel Aviv on August 2016 for a limited run produced by The Tramp Productions and Stuff Like That , starring Roi Dolev as The Witch , the second male actor to do so . Casting history ( edit ) The principal original casts of notable stage productions of Into the Woods Role Broadway First National Tour West End Broadway Revival West End Revival DagollDagom Catalan Production `` Boscos endins '' Regent 's Park Production Central Park Production Roundabout Theatre Production Australian Production 1988 1990 2002 2007 2007 2012 2014 2014 Narrator Tom Aldredge Rex Robbins Nicholas Parsons John McMartin Gary Waldhorn Jordi Estadella / Ferran Frauca Eddie Manning Ethan Beer Joshua Swinney Jack Broderick Ensemble John Diedrich Cinderella Kim Crosby Kathleen Rowe McAllen Jacqui Dankworth Laura Benanti Gillian Kirkpatrick Gisela Helen Dallimore Jessie Mueller Claire Karpen Lucy Maunder Jack Ben Wright Robert Duncan McNeill Richard Dempsey Adam Wylie Peter Caulfield Marc Pujol Ben Stott Gideon Glick Patrick Mulryan Rowan Witt Baker Chip Zien Ray Gill Ian Bartholomew Stephen DeRosa Clive Rowe Josep Ma Gimeno Mark Hadfield Denis O'Hare Ben Steinfeld David Harris Baker 's Wife Joanna Gleason Mary Gordon Murray Imelda Staunton Kerry O'Malley Anna Francolini Annabel Totusaus Jenna Russell Amy Adams Jessie Austrian Christina O'Neil Stepmother Joy Franz Jo Ann Cunningham Ann Howard Pamela Myers Elizabeth Brice Clara del Ruste Gaye Brown Ellen Harvey Liz Hayes Antoinette Halloran Florinda Kay McClelland Susan Gordon - Clark Elizabeth Brice Tracy Nicole Chapman Louise Bowden Anna Ventura Amy Ellen Richardson Bethany Moore Andy Grotelueschen Elise McCann Lucinda Lauren Mitchell Danette Cuming Liza Sadovy Amanda Naughton Lara Pulver Laura Ventura Amy Griffiths Jennifer Rias Noah Brody Angela Scundi Jack 's Mother Barbara Bryne Charlotte Rae Patsy Rowlands Marylouise Burke Anne Reid Teresa Vallicrosa Marilyn Cutts Kristine Zbornik Liz Hayes Melissa Langton Little Red Ridinghood Danielle Ferland Tracy Katz Tessa Burbridge Molly Ephraim Suzie Toase Anna Moliner Beverly Rudd Sarah Stiles Emily Young Josie Lane Witch Bernadette Peters Cleo Laine Julia McKenzie Vanessa Williams Beverly Klein Mone Hannah Waddingham Donna Murphy Jennifer Mudge Queenie van de Zandt Cinderella 's Father Edmund Lyndeck Don Crosby John Rogan Dennis Kelly Martin Nelson Sergi Albert Chip Zien N / A David Rogers - Smith Cinderella 's Mother Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Laura Benanti Gemma Wardle Maria del Mar Maestu Gemma Wardle Laura Shoop Ensemble Noni McCallum Mysterious Man / Baker 's Father Tom Aldredge Rex Robbins John Rogan John McMartin Martin Nelson Ferran Castells Billy Boyle Chip Zien Paul L. Coffey John Diedrich Big Bad Wolf Robert Westenberg Chuck Wagner Clive Carter Gregg Edelman Christopher Sieber Nicholas Garrett Carlos Gramaje Michael Xavier Ivan Hernandez Noah Brody Matthew McFarlane Rapunzel Pamela Winslow Marguerite Lowell Mary Lincoln Melissa Dye Christina Haldane Maria del Mar Maestu Alice Fearn Tess Soltau Emily Young Olivia Cranwell Rapunzel 's Prince Chuck Wagner Douglas Sills Mark Tinkler Christopher Sieber Nic Greenshields Sergi Albert Simon Thomas Cooper Grodin Andy Groutelueschen Jeremy Kleeman Granny Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Pamela Myers Linda Hibberd Clara del Ruste Valda Aviks Tina Johnson Claire Karpen Noni McCallum Cinderella 's Prince Robert Westenberg Chuck Wagner Clive Carter Gregg Edelman Nicholas Garrett Carlos Gramaje Michael Xavier Ivan Hernandez Noah Brody Matthew McFarlane Steward Philip Hoffman Marcus Olson Peter Ledbury Trent Armand Kendall Byron Watson Ferran Castells Mark Goldthorp Josh Lamon Patrick Mulryan David Rogers - Smith Sleeping Beauty Maureen Davis N / A Kate Arneil N / A N / A Unknown Alice Fearn Tess Soltau N / A N / A Snow White Jean Kelly ( Cindy Robinson in the video ) N / A Megan Kelly N / A N / A Unknown Sophie Caton Victoria Cook N / A N / A Giant ( voice ) Merle Louise Nora Mae Lyng Eunice Gayson Judi Dench ( Pre-recorded ) Linda Hibberd Unknown Judi Dench ( Pre-recorded ) Glenn Close ( Pre-recorded ) Ensemble Noni McCallum Adaptations ( edit ) Junior version ( edit ) The musical has been adapted into a child - friendly version for use by schools and young companies , with the second act completely removed , as well as almost half the material from the first . The show is shortened from the original 2 and a half hours to fit in a 50 - minute range , and the music transposed into keys that more easily fit young voices . Film ( edit ) Main article : Into the Woods ( film ) A theatrical film adaptation of the musical was produced by Walt Disney Pictures , directed by Rob Marshall , and starring Meryl Streep , Emily Blunt , James Corden , Anna Kendrick , Chris Pine , Tracey Ullman , Christine Baranski , Lilla Crawford , Daniel Huttlestone , MacKenzie Mauzy , Billy Magnussen , and Johnny Depp . The film was released on December 25 , 2014 . It was a critical and commercial hit , grossing over $213 million worldwide . Streep was nominated for many accolades for her performance as the Witch , including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress . Musical numbers ( edit ) Act I `` Act I Prologue : Into the Woods '' -- Narrator , Cinderella , Jack , Baker , Baker 's Wife , Stepmother , Florinda , Lucinda , Jack 's Mother , Little Red Ridinghood , Witch , Cinderella 's Father `` Cinderella at the Grave '' -- Cinderella , Cinderella 's Mother `` Hello , Little Girl '' -- Wolf and Little Red Ridinghood `` The Spell is on My House ( Reprise ) '' -- Baker and Baker 's Wife `` I Guess This is Goodbye '' -- Jack `` Maybe They 're Magic '' -- Baker 's Wife , Baker `` Our Little World '' -- Rapunzel and Witch `` Maybe They 're Magic ( Reprise ) '' -- Baker `` I Know Things Now '' -- Little Red Ridinghood `` A Very Nice Prince '' -- Cinderella and Baker 's Wife `` First Midnight / Into the Woods ( Reprise ) '' -- Company `` Giants in the Sky '' -- Jack `` Agony '' -- Cinderella 's Prince and Rapunzel 's Prince `` A Very Nice Prince ( Reprise ) '' -- Cinderella and Baker 's Wife `` It Takes Two '' -- Baker and Baker 's Wife `` Second Midnight '' -- Witch , Cinderella , Cinderella 's Prince , Rapunzel 's Prince , Stepmother , Florinda , Lucinda , Granny `` Stay with Me '' -- Witch , Rapunzel `` On the Steps of the Palace '' -- Cinderella `` Careful , My Toe / The True Bride '' - Cinderella 's Stepmother , Florinda , Lucinda , Cinderella 's Mother `` Act I Finale : Ever After '' -- Narrator , Cinderella , Cinderella 's Prince , Baker , Baker 's Wife and Company Act I Prologue parts : Once Upon a Time / I Wish Birds in the Sky There Are Bugs on Her Dugs Into the Woods ( Little Red ) Fly Birds , Back to the Sky Witch 's Entrance / Witch 's Rap Jack , Jack , Jack , Head in a Sack / Into the Woods ( Jack 's Mother and Jack ) You Wish to Have the Curse Reversed ? Ladies , Our Carriage Awaits The Spell is on My House Into the Woods ( Company ) Act I Finale parts : So Happy - short version Happy Ever After Unhappy Ever After Into the Woods ( Reprise ) Act II `` Act II Prologue : So Happy '' -- Company `` Agony '' ( Reprise ) -- Cinderella 's Prince and Rapunzel 's Prince `` Witch 's Lament '' ( Reprise of Stay with Me ) -- Witch `` Any Moment '' -- Cinderella 's Prince and Baker 's Wife `` Moments in the Woods '' -- Baker 's Wife `` Your Fault '' -- Jack , Baker , Little Red Ridinghood , Witch and Cinderella `` Last Midnight '' -- Witch `` No More '' -- Baker and Mysterious Man `` No One is Alone '' -- Cinderella , Baker , Little Red Ridinghood and Jack `` Act II Finale : Children Will Listen '' -- Company Act II Prologue parts : Once Upon a Time - later / I Wish So Happy Witch 's Rap ( Reprise ) Into the Woods ( Reprise ) Act II Finale : Reprise of First and Second Midnight Maybe I Just Was n't Meant to Have Children ? No One is Alone ( Reprise ) Children Will Listen ( Reprise of Stay with Me and Witch 's Lament ) Into the Woods ( Finale Reprise ) Analysis of book and music ( edit ) In most productions of Into the Woods , including the original Broadway production , several parts are doubled . Cinderella 's Prince and the Wolf , who share the characteristic of being unable to control their appetites , are usually played by the same actor . Similarly , the Narrator and the Mysterious Man , who share the characteristic of commenting on the story while avoiding any personal involvement or responsibility . Granny and Cinderella 's Mother , who are both matriarchal characters in the story , are also typically played by the same person , who also gives voice to the nurturing but later murderous Giant 's Wife . The show covers multiple themes : growing up , parents and children , accepting responsibility , morality , and finally , wish fulfillment and its consequences . The Time Magazine reviewers wrote that the play 's `` basic insight ... is at heart , most fairy tales are about the loving yet embattled relationship between parents and children . Almost everything that goes wrong -- which is to say , almost everything that can -- arises from a failure of parental or filial duty , despite the best intentions . '' Stephen Holden wrote that the themes of the show include parent - child relationships and the individual 's responsibility to the community . The witch is n't just a scowling old hag , but a key symbol of moral ambivalence . James Lapine said that the most unpleasant person ( the Witch ) would have the truest things to say and the `` nicer '' people would be less honest . In the Witch 's words : `` I 'm not good ; I 'm not nice ; I 'm just right . '' Given the show 's debut during the 1980s , the height of the US AIDS crisis , the work has been interpreted to be a parable about AIDS . In this interpretation , the Giant 's Wife serves as a metaphor for HIV / AIDS , killing good and bad characters indiscriminately and forcing the survivors to band together to stop the threat and move on from the devastation , reflecting the devastation to many communities during the AIDS crisis . When asked about the thematic connection , Sondheim acknowledged that initial audiences interpreted it as an AIDS metaphor , but stated that the work was not intended to be specific . The score is also notable in Sondheim 's output , because of its intricate reworking and development of small musical motifs . In particular , the opening words , `` I wish '' , are set to the interval of a rising major second and this small unit is both repeated and developed throughout the show , just as Lapine 's book explores the consequences of self - interest and `` wishing . '' The dialogue in the show is characterized by the heavy use of syncopated speech . In many instances , the characters ' lines are delivered with a fixed beat that follows natural speech rhythms , but is also purposely composed in eighth , sixteenth , and quarter note rhythms as part of a spoken song . Like many Sondheim / Lapine productions , the songs contain thought - process narrative , where characters converse or think aloud . Sondheim drew on parts of his troubled childhood when writing the show . In 1987 , he told Time Magazine that the `` father uncomfortable with babies ( was ) his father , and ( the ) mother who regrets having had children ( was ) his mother . '' Awards and nominations ( edit ) Original Broadway production ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 1988 Tony Award Best Musical Nominated Best Original Score Stephen Sondheim Won Best Book of a Musical James Lapine Won Best Direction of a Musical Nominated Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical Joanna Gleason Won Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical Robert Westenberg Nominated Best Choreography Lar Lubovitch Nominated Best Scenic Design Tony Straiges Nominated Best Costume Design Ann Hould - Ward Nominated Best Lighting Design Richard Nelson Nominated Drama Desk Award Outstanding Musical Won Outstanding Music Stephen Sondheim Nominated Outstanding Lyrics Won Outstanding Book of a Musical James Lapine Won Outstanding Director of a Musical Nominated Outstanding Actress in a Musical Bernadette Peters Nominated Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical Robert Westenberg Won Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical Joanna Gleason Won Danielle Ferland Nominated Outstanding Set Design Tony Straiges Nominated Outstanding Costume Design Ann Hould - Ward Nominated Outstanding Lighting Design Richard Nelson Nominated Outstanding Orchestrations Jonathan Tunick Nominated Original London production ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 1991 Laurence Olivier Award Best New Musical Nominated Best Director of a Musical Richard Jones Won Best Actor in a Musical Ian Bartholomew Nominated Best Actress in a Musical Imelda Staunton Won Julia McKenzie Nominated Best Performance in a Supporting Role in a Musical Clive Carter Nominated Best Costume Design Sue Blane Nominated 1999 London revival ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 1999 Laurence Olivier Award Outstanding Musical Production Nominated Best Actress in a Musical Sophie Thompson Won 2002 Broadway revival ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 2002 Tony Award Best Revival of a Musical Won Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical John McMartin Nominated Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical Vanessa L. Williams Nominated Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical Gregg Edelman Nominated Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical Laura Benanti Nominated Best Direction of a Musical James Lapine Nominated Best Choreography John Carrafa Nominated Best Scenic Design Douglas W. Schmidt Nominated Best Costume Design Susan Hilferty Nominated Best Lighting Design Brian MacDevitt Won Drama Desk Award Outstanding Revival of a Musical Won Outstanding Actress in a Musical Laura Benanti Nominated Vanessa L. Williams Nominated Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical Gregg Edelman Nominated Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical Kerry O'Malley Nominated Outstanding Director of a Musical James Lapine Nominated Outstanding Set Design Douglas W. Schmidt Won Outstanding Costume Design Susan Hilferty Nominated Outstanding Sound Design Dan Moses Schreier Won 2010 London revival ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 2011 Laurence Olivier Award Best Musical Revival Won Best Performance in a Supporting Role in a Musical Michael Xavier Nominated 2012 New York revival ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 2013 Drama Desk Award Outstanding Actress in a Musical Donna Murphy Nominated 2014 Australian production ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 2015 Helpmann Award Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical Lucy Maunder Nominated Best Direction of a Musical Stuart Maunder Nominated 2015 Off - Broadway production ( edit ) Year Award Category Nominee Result 2015 Drama Desk Award Outstanding Revival of a Musical Nominated Drama League Award Outstanding Revival of a Broadway or Off - Broadway Musical Nominated References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Hutchins , Michael H. ( October 14 , 2010 ) . `` Into the Woods '' . The Stephen Sondheim Reference Guide . Retrieved January 11 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Piccalo , Gina ( January 5 , 2015 ) . `` Record - breaking ' Into the Woods ' is a surprise hit '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved January 9 , 2015 . Jump up ^ The Sondheim score and Lapine book differ from the Brothers Grimm tale by rendering `` Riding Hood '' as `` Ridinghood '' . Jump up ^ `` Into the Woods ' listing , Old Globe Theatre , 1986 SondheimGuide.com , retrieved April 17 , 2010 Jump up ^ `` Bernadette Peters is leaving Into the Woods as of March 30 to make the movie ' Slaves of New York ' ... '' Nemy , Enid . `` On Stage '' , The New York Times , March 11 , 1988 , Section C ; Page 2 Jump up ^ `` Phylicia Rashad is to replace Bernadette Peters in the role of the Witch ... ( Rashad ) will take over the Broadway role in mid-April . Until then , the Witch is being played by Betsy Joslyn . '' `` Phylicia Rashad Joining Cast of ' Into the Woods ' '' , The New York Times , p. C18 , March 30 , 1988 ( no author ) Jump up ^ Guernsey , Otis L. `` ' Into the Woods ' Listing '' , The Best Plays of 1988 - 1989 , Hal Leonard Corporation , 1989 , ISBN 1557830568 , p. 462 ^ Jump up to : `` Cast Replacements - Witch '' , SondheimGuide.com , accessed August 2 , 2012 Jump up ^ `` 1991 Television Version '' SondheimGuide.com , accessed March 19 , 2012 Jump up ^ `` Concert , Tenth Anniversary '' SondheimGuide.com Jump up ^ Henerson , Evan . `` Bernadette Peters , Joanna Gleason , Stephen Sondheim and More Return to The Woods '' playbill.com , November 10 , 2014 Jump up ^ Gioia , Michael . `` Learn How ' Into the Woods ' Began '' playbill.com , June 22 , 2015 Jump up ^ Green , Stanley and Green , Kay . `` ' Into the Woods ' '' , Broadway Musicals , Show by Show ( 5ed ) , Hal Leonard Corporation , 1996 , ISBN 0793577500 , p. 277 Jump up ^ Hutchins , Michael H. ( October 14 , 2010 ) . `` Into the Woods , 1988 National Touring Company '' . The Stephen Sondheim Reference Guide . Retrieved January 11 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Stearns , David Patrick . USA Today , January 26 , 1989 , p. 4D Jump up ^ Richards , David . `` Woods ' of enchantment ; At the Opera House , Sondlheim 's Bittersweet Turn on Happily Ever After '' , The Washington Post , June 24 , 1989 , p. B1 Jump up ^ `` 1990 London Production '' SondheimGuide.com , accessed March 26 , 2011 Jump up ^ `` Arts : In the thickets of thought - Michael Billington sings the praises of Sondheim and Lapine 's fairy tale attempt to push the musical into new and daring directions '' , The Guardian ( London ) , September 27 , 1990 ( no page number ) Jump up ^ `` Archive Page for ' Into the Woods ' '' , Albemarle of London Jump up ^ `` 2002 Los Angeles Production '' sondheimguide.com , accessed July 1 , 2011 Jump up ^ Reviving the Woods ( 2002 ) '' sondheim.com , accessed March 26 , 2011 Jump up ^ O'Haire , Patricia. `` ' Woods ' Path Takes New Twists '' New York Daily News , January 9 , 2002 ^ Jump up to : Pressley , Nelson . `` A Spruced - Up ' Into the Woods ' Grows on Broadway '' , The Washington Post , May 1 , 2002 , p . C1 Jump up ^ `` 2002 revival production information '' sondheimguide.com Jump up ^ Cavendish , Dominic ( June 21 , 2007 ) . `` Beyond the happy - ever - after '' . The Telegraph . London . Retrieved January 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Hall , George ( June 20 , 2007 ) . `` Into the Woods '' . The Stage . London . Retrieved January 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Billington , Michael ( June 20 , 2007 ) . `` Into the Woods '' . The Guardian . London . 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Retrieved July 23 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Central Park ' Into The Woods ' Already Considering Broadway ? '' , Broadwayworld.com , February 22 , 2012 Jump up ^ `` The Public ' plays ' it safe '' New York Post Jump up ^ Hetrick , Adam . `` Is Public Theater Considering Broadway Run of ' Into the Woods ? ' '' , Playbill.com , May 11 , 2012 Jump up ^ INTO THE WOODS Will Not Transfer to Broadway ; THE SUNSHINE BOYS Delayed to 2013 - 14 Season Broadway World , January 6 , 2013 Jump up ^ Healey , Ken ( and others ) . `` Reviews , Sydney Theatre Company , Drama Theatre , Sydney Opera House '' The Sun - Herald , ( and others ) March 28 , 1993 Jump up ^ Kemp , Peter . Roger Hodgman Unveils His Final Season at Melbourne Theatre Company `` , Playbill , September 30 , 1997 Jump up ^ Burchmore , Rhonda and Howson , Frank . 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Jump up ^ Schillaci , Sophie ; Pamela McClintock ( 13 June 2013 ) . `` Disney Dates Musical ' Into the Woods ' Opposite ' Annie ' in December 2014 '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 5 September 2013 . Jump up ^ Labrecque , Jeff ( January 15 , 2015 ) . `` Oscars 2015 : Full list of nominations '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved March 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Flatow , Sheryl . Liner Notes , Into the Woods CD , 1988 , RCA Victor 6796 - 2 - RC Jump up ^ Henry , William A. and Bland , Elizabeth A. `` Theater : Some Enchanted Evening ' Into The Woods ' '' . Time Magazine ( abstract , subscription required ) , November 16 , 1987 . Jump up ^ Holden , Stephen. `` A Fairy - Tale Musical Grows Up '' . The New York Times , November 1 , 1987 Jump up ^ Schulman , Michael ( December 24 , 2014 ) . `` Why `` Into the Woods '' Matters `` . The New Yorker . Retrieved January 18 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Stevens , Dana ( December 24 , 2014 ) . `` Into the Woods '' . Slate . Retrieved January 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Sondheim 's Into the Woods Comes to Suffolk '' . Suffolk.edu . March 30 , 2010 . Retrieved January 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Bloom , Ester ( January 2 , 2015 ) . `` Before Into The Woods Was A Disney Movie , It Was An AIDS Parable '' . Talking Points Memo . Retrieved January 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Benton , Nicholas F. ( January 7 , 2015 ) . `` ' Into the Woods ' is An AIDS Parable '' . Falls Church News - Press . Retrieved January 18 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Henry , William A , III ; Bland , Elizabeth L. ( December 7 , 1987 ) . `` Master of the Musical ( subscription required , abstract ) '' . Time Magazine . Retrieved July 28 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Into the Woods Into the Woods at the Internet Broadway Database Into the Woods 2012 lortel.org Into the Woods 2015 lortel.org Libretto for Into the Woods Into the Woods on The Stephen Sondheim Reference Guide Illustrated Book of Into the Woods article , Sondheim.com ( 2004 ) Into the Woods at the Music Theatre International website Into the Woods JR . at the Music Theatre International website `` Profile : Into the Woods '' , Ovrtur : International Database of Musicals Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Musical The Wiz ( 1975 ) A Chorus Line ( 1976 ) Annie ( 1977 ) Ai n't Misbehavin ' ( 1978 ) Sweeney Todd ( 1979 ) Evita ( 1980 ) The Pirates of Penzance ( 1981 ) Nine ( 1982 ) Little Shop of Horrors ( 1983 ) Sunday in the Park with George ( 1984 ) The Mystery of Edwin Drood ( 1986 ) Les Miserables ( 1987 ) Into the Woods ( 1988 ) Jerome Robbins ' Broadway ( 1989 ) City of Angels ( 1990 ) The Secret Garden ( 1991 ) Crazy for You ( 1992 ) Kiss of the Spider Woman ( 1993 ) Passion ( 1994 ) Show Boat ( 1995 ) Rent ( 1996 ) The Life ( 1997 ) Ragtime ( 1998 ) Parade ( 1999 ) Contact ( 2000 ) The Producers ( 2001 ) Thoroughly Modern Millie ( 2002 ) Hairspray ( 2003 ) Wicked ( 2004 ) Spamalot ( 2005 ) The Drowsy Chaperone ( 2006 ) Spring Awakening ( 2007 ) Passing Strange ( 2008 ) Billy Elliot the Musical ( 2009 ) Memphis ( 2010 ) The Book of Mormon ( 2011 ) Once ( 2012 ) Matilda the Musical ( 2013 ) A Gentleman 's Guide to Love and Murder ( 2014 ) Hamilton ( 2015 ) Shuffle Along ( 2016 ) Come From Away ( 2017 ) Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revival of a Musical She Loves Me ( 1994 ) The King and I ( 1996 ) Chicago ( 1997 ) Cabaret ( 1998 ) You 're a Good Man , Charlie Brown ( 1999 ) Kiss Me , Kate ( 2000 ) 42nd Street ( 2001 ) Into the Woods ( 2002 ) Nine ( 2003 ) Assassins ( 2004 ) La Cage aux Folles ( 2005 ) Sweeney Todd ( 2006 ) Company ( 2007 ) South Pacific ( 2008 ) Hair ( 2009 ) La Cage aux Folles ( 2010 ) Anything Goes ( 2011 ) Follies ( 2012 ) Pippin ( 2013 ) Hedwig and the Angry Inch ( 2014 ) The King and I ( 2015 ) She Loves Me ( 2016 ) Hello , Dolly ! ( 2017 ) Tony Award for Best Original Score ( 1976 -- 2000 ) A Chorus Line by Marvin Hamlisch and Edward Kleban ( 1976 ) Annie by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin ( 1977 ) On the Twentieth Century by Cy Coleman , Betty Comden , and Adolph Green ( 1978 ) Sweeney Todd by Stephen Sondheim ( 1979 ) Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice ( 1980 ) Woman of the Year by John Kander and Fred Ebb ( 1981 ) Nine by Maury Yeston ( 1982 ) Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber and T.S. Eliot ( 1983 ) La Cage aux Folles by Jerry Herman ( 1984 ) Big River by Roger Miller ( 1985 ) Drood by Rupert Holmes ( 1986 ) Les Misérables by Claude - Michel Schönberg , Herbert Kretzmer , and Alain Boublil ( 1987 ) Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim ( 1988 ) City of Angels by Cy Coleman and David Zippel ( 1990 ) The Will Rogers Follies by Cy Coleman , Betty Comden , and Adolph Green ( 1991 ) Falsettos by William Finn ( 1992 ) Kiss of the Spider Woman by John Kander and Fred Ebb / The Who 's Tommy by Pete Townshend ( 1993 ) Passion by Stephen Sondheim ( 1994 ) Sunset Boulevard by Andrew Lloyd Webber , Don Black , and Christopher Hampton ( 1995 ) Rent by Jonathan Larson ( 1996 ) Titanic by Maury Yeston ( 1997 ) Ragtime by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens ( 1998 ) Parade by Jason Robert Brown ( 1999 ) Aida by Elton John and Tim Rice ( 2000 ) Complete list ( 1947 -- 1975 ) ( 1976 -- 2000 ) ( 2001 -- 2025 ) Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical ( 1976 -- 2000 ) A Chorus Line by James Kirkwood Jr. and Nicholas Dante ( 1976 ) Annie by Thomas Meehan ( 1977 ) On the Twentieth Century by Betty Comden and Adolph Green ( 1978 ) Sweeney Todd by Hugh Wheeler ( 1979 ) Evita by Tim Rice ( 1980 ) Woman of the Year by Peter Stone ( 1981 ) Dreamgirls by Tom Eyen ( 1982 ) Cats by T.S. Eliot ( 1983 ) La Cage aux Folles by Harvey Fierstein ( 1984 ) Big River by William Hauptman ( 1985 ) Drood by Rupert Holmes ( 1986 ) Les Misérables by Alain Boublil and Claude - Michel Schönberg ( 1987 ) Into the Woods by James Lapine ( 1988 ) no award ( 1989 ) City of Angels by Larry Gelbart ( 1990 ) The Secret Garden by Marsha Norman ( 1991 ) Falsettos by William Finn and James Lapine ( 1992 ) Kiss of the Spider Woman by Terrence McNally ( 1993 ) Passion by James Lapine ( 1994 ) Sunset Boulevard by Don Black and Christopher Hampton ( 1995 ) Rent by Jonathan Larson ( 1996 ) Titanic by Peter Stone ( 1997 ) Ragtime by Terrence McNally ( 1998 ) Parade by Alfred Uhry ( 1999 ) James Joyce 's The Dead by Richard Nelson ( 2000 ) Complete list ( 1950 -- 1975 ) ( 1976 -- 2000 ) ( 2001 -- 2025 ) Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical Carousel ( 1994 ) Show Boat ( 1995 ) The King and I ( 1996 ) Chicago ( 1997 ) Cabaret ( 1998 ) Annie Get Your Gun ( 1999 ) Kiss Me , Kate ( 2000 ) 42nd Street ( 2001 ) Into the Woods ( 2002 ) Nine ( 2003 ) Assassins ( 2004 ) La Cage aux Folles ( 2005 ) The Pajama Game ( 2006 ) Company ( 2007 ) South Pacific ( 2008 ) Hair ( 2009 ) La Cage aux Folles ( 2010 ) Anything Goes ( 2011 ) Porgy and Bess ( 2012 ) Pippin ( 2013 ) Hedwig and the Angry Inch ( 2014 ) The King and I ( 2015 ) The Color Purple ( 2016 ) Hello , Dolly ! ( 2017 ) Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical Revival Show Boat ( 1991 ) The Boys from Syracuse ( 1992 ) Carousel ( 1993 ) Sweeney Todd ( 1994 ) She Loves Me ( 1995 ) The Who 's Tommy ( 1997 ) Chicago ( 1998 ) Oklahoma ! ( 1999 ) Candide ( 2000 ) Singin ' in the Rain ( 2001 ) My Fair Lady ( 2002 ) Anything Goes ( 2003 ) Pacific Overtures ( 2004 ) Grand Hotel ( 2005 ) Guys and Dolls ( 2006 ) Sunday in the Park with George ( 2007 ) The Magic Flute ( 2008 ) La Cage aux Folles ( 2009 ) Hello , Dolly ! ( 2010 ) Into the Woods ( 2011 ) Crazy for You ( 2012 ) Sweeney Todd ( 2013 ) Merrily We Roll Along ( 2014 ) City of Angels ( 2015 ) Gypsy ( 2016 ) Jesus Christ Superstar ( 2017 ) Musicals by Stephen Sondheim Saturday Night West Side Story Gypsy A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Anyone Can Whistle Do I Hear a Waltz ? Evening Primrose The Race to Urga Company Follies A Little Night Music The Frogs Pacific Overtures Side by Side by Sondheim Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Marry Me a Little Merrily We Roll Along Sunday in the Park with George Into the Woods Assassins Putting It Together Passion Road Show Sondheim on Sondheim `` Rapunzel '' by the Brothers Grimm Literature Grimms ' Fairy Tales ( 1812 ) Rapunzel ( 1998 ) Related myths and tales Danaë Rudaba Petrosinella Adaptations Film Barbie as Rapunzel ( 2002 ) Tangled ( 2010 ) Tangled Ever After ( 2012 ) Tangled : Before Ever After ( 2017 ) Literary adaptations Rapunzel ( 1998 ) Cress ( 2014 ) Television The Mind Robber ( 1968 ) `` The Tower '' ( 2014 ) Tangled : The Series ( 2017 ) Video games Tangled : The Video Game Kingdom Hearts III See also Märchenbilder Golem in the Gears Rapunzel ( Disney ) Rapunzel syndrome Into the Woods ( stage ) Into the Woods ( film ) Cinderella by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm Characters Buttons Cinderella Ugly sisters Fairy godmother Wicked stepmother Prince Charming Films Cinderella ( 1899 ) Cinderella or the Glass Slipper ( 1912 ) Cinderella ( 1914 ) A Lowland Cinderella ( 1921 ) Ella Cinders ( 1926 ) The Cookie Carnival ( 1935 ) The Magic Shoes ( 1935 ) First Love ( 1939 ) Cinderella ( 1947 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) The Glass Slipper ( 1955 ) Cinderfella ( 1960 ) Stop ! Look ! and Laugh ( 1960 ) More Than a Miracle ( 1967 ) Tři oříšky pro Popelku ( 1973 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1976 ) Cinderella ( 1979 ) Cinderella ' 80 ( 1984 ) Maid to Order ( 1987 ) If the Shoe Fits ( 1990 ) Cinderella ( 1994 ) Ever After ( 1998 ) A Cinderella Story ( 2004 ) Ella Enchanted ( 2004 ) Cinderella ( 2006 ) Elle : A Modern Cinderella Tale ( 2010 ) Cinderella ( 2015 ) Animation Cinderella Blues ( 1931 ) Poor Cinderella ( 1934 ) Cinderella Meets Fella ( 1938 ) Swing Shift Cinderella ( 1945 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) Señorella and the Glass Huarache ( 1964 ) Cinderella ( 1979 ) The Tender Tale of Cinderella Penguin ( 1981 ) The Magic Riddle ( 1991 ) Happily N'Ever After ( 2007 ) Year of the Fish ( 2008 ) Charming ( 2017 ) Sequels Princess Cinderella ( 1941 ) Cinderella II : Dreams Come True ( 2002 ) Cinderella III : A Twist in Time ( 2007 ) Another Cinderella Story ( 2008 ) A Cinderella Story : Once Upon a Song ( 2011 ) A Cinderella Story : If the Shoe Fits ( 2016 ) Television Hey , Cinderella ! ( 1968 ) Cindy ( 1978 ) Cinderella Monogatari ( 1996 ) Cinderella ( 1997 ) CinderElmo ( 1999 ) Cinderella ( 2000 ) La Cenicienta ( 2003 ) Bawang Merah Bawang Putih ( 2004 ) Floricienta ( 2004 ) Floribella ( 2005 Brazil ) Floribella ( 2006 Portugal ) Grazilda ( 2010 ) Rags ( 2012 ) Aik Nayee Cinderella ( 2012 ) Literary adaptations Celestina ( 1791 ) Cinderella , or the Little Glass Slipper ( 1954 ) Nine Coaches Waiting ( 1958 ) Carrie ( 1974 ) The Coachman Rat ( 1989 ) Witches Abroad ( 1991 ) Ella Enchanted ( 1997 ) I Was a Rat ! or The Scarlet Slippers ( 1999 ) Just Ella ( 1999 ) Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister ( 1999 ) Chinese Cinderella ( 1999 ) The Fairy Godmother ( 2004 ) Phoenix and Ashes ( 2004 ) Bella at Midnight ( 2006 ) Ash ( 2009 ) Princess of Glass ( 2010 ) Cinder ( 2012 ) Opera Cendrillon ( 1810 Isouard ) La Cenerentola ( 1817 Rossini ) Cendrillon ( 1899 Massenet ) Cendrillon ( 1904 Viardot ) La Cenicienta ( 1966 Hen ) Ballet Cinderella ( 1893 Fitinhof - Schell ) Aschenbrödel ( 1900 Strauss - Bayer ) Cinderella ( 1945 Prokofiev ) Cinderella ( 1948 Ashton ) Musicals Cinderella and the Prince , or The Castle of Heart 's Desire ( 1904 ) Stubborn Cinderella ( 1909 ) Mr. Cinders ( 1929 ) Cinderella ( 1957 ) Cindy ( 1964 ) The Penny Friend ( 1966 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1984 ) Soho Cinders ( 2008 ) Cinderella ( 2013 ) Plays A Kiss for Cinderella ( 1916 ) Comics Cinderella : From Fabletown with Love Cinderalla Songs `` Spread a Little Happiness '' ( 1929 ) `` Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo '' ( 1949 ) `` A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes '' ( 1950 ) `` Cinderella '' ( 1987 ) `` Hey Cinderella '' ( 1993 ) `` It 's Midnight Cinderella '' ( 1996 ) `` Cinderella '' ( 2001 ) `` Cinderella '' ( 2002 ) `` Cinderella '' ( 2003 ) `` Stealing Cinderella '' ( 2007 ) `` Cinderella '' ( 2007 ) `` C \ C ( Cinderella \ Complex ) '' ( 2008 ) Albums A Cinderella Story ( 2004 soundtrack ) Disney 's Princess Favorites ( 2002 ) Sociology Cinderella complex Cinderella effect The Cinderella Movement Commercials A Coach for Cinderella A Ride for Cinderella Adult Cinder Ellen up too Late Cinderella ( 1977 ) Naughty Cinderella National variation Bawang Merah Bawang Putih ( Malay and Indonesian ) Beauty and Pock Face ( Chinese ) Chūjō - hime ( Japanese ) Fair , Brown and Trembling ( Irish ) Finette Cendron ( French ) The Green Knight ( Danish ) Katie Woodencloak ( Norwegian ) Kongji and Patzzi ( Korean ) Ochikubo Monogatari ( Japanese ) `` Rhodopis '' ( Greek ) Rushen Coatie ( Scottish ) The Sharp Grey Sheep ( Scottish ) The Story of Tam and Cam ( Vietnamese ) Sumiyoshi Monogatari ( Japanese ) The True Bride ( German ) The Wonderful Birch ( Russian ) Ye Xian ( Chinese ) Games Cinders Related Catskin Into the Woods Into the Woods ( 2014 film ) A Kiss for Cinderella ( 1925 film ) Politically Correct Bedtime Stories Disney 's characters Stop ! Look ! and Laugh Waltz Suite Black Cinderella Two Goes East Cinderella Monogatari Cinderella 's Sister Cinderella ( sports ) Lying to Be Perfect Cinderella 's Eyes ( 2011 ) Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Into_the_Woods&oldid=804868726 '' Categories : 1987 musicals Broadway musicals Drama Desk Award - winning musicals Musicals based on secular traditions Laurence Olivier Award - winning musicals Musicals by Stephen Sondheim West End musicals Plays based on fairy tales Brothers Grimm Works based on European myths and legends Musicals based on novels Fantasy theatre Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from April 2017 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Català Čeština Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Italiano Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Português Русский Suomi Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 11 October 2017 , at 16 : 37 . 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a nightmare on elm street nes 4 player
A Nightmare on Elm Street ( video game )
a nightmare on elm street ( video game )
A Nightmare on Elm Street is a video game released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in October 1989 and 1990 , loosely based on the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise . It was developed by Rare and published by LJN . It should not be confused with an unrelated game with the same title for the Commodore 64 and IBM PC released in 1989 .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Gameplay 2 Development 3 Reception 4 Legacy 5 See also 6 References Gameplay ( edit ) The player takes on the role of an ordinary teenager . Additional teenagers can be controlled by up to three other players with the use of the NES Four Score . The objective is to scour the vicinity of Elm Street , collect the bones of the supernatural serial killer Freddy Krueger and dispose of them in the local high school 's furnace . The game takes place in the neighborhood of Elm Street and is played from a side - scrolling perspective . The game 's environment is inhabited by hostile characters ( such as zombies , cats , dogs , skeletons , bats and minotaurs ) that will attack the player character . Being attacked a certain number of times will cause the player to lose a life . Because the game takes place around midnight , certain areas are initially locked off from the player and require a key to be collected for later access . Within the individual buildings , the player must collect the bones scattered throughout the level before being able to leave . When all the bones are collected , a boss battle with Freddy will commence . Defeating Freddy will both allow the player to exit the area and earn the player a key that allows access to a new area . A game mechanic unique to the title is the `` Sleep Meter '' . The meter indicates how close the player character is to falling asleep . If even one of the player characters falls asleep , all of the player characters will be transported to an alternate version of the environment referred to as the `` Dream World '' , where the player is more vulnerable to attacks from Freddy . The Sleep Meter decreases automatically , but does so at a slower pace when the player character stays in motion . The Sleep Meter can be increased by collecting cups of coffee scattered throughout the levels . When in the Dream World , the player character can be returned to the default version of the level by collecting the boombox placed somewhere within the level . Collecting certain icons grants the player characters special powers while they 're within the Dream World , namely the ability to throw shurikens , javelins or magic projectiles . Development ( edit ) According to the game magazines Nintendo Power and Nintendo of Europe , the original concept of this game varied greatly from what was eventually released . In the original game concept , the players would control Freddy Krueger and should kill the teenagers who were attempting to gather his scattered bones in order to rebury them . Follows the synopsis of the prototype version of the game : You ARE Freddy Krueger . A horde of obnoxious teenagers is trying to get rid of you by finding your scattered bones and burying them . The only way to stop them is to kill them . You can travel along Elm Street through the electrical and plumbing lines or step into a mirror and step in another room . The kids have weapons to battle you with and some of them even possess powerful `` Dream Alter Egos '' ... but if you can strike before they wake , they 'll trouble you no more . So sharpen up your finger razors and get ready to slash , ' cause Freddy 's here ! It is assumed that this version of the game had been cancelled to prevent controversy . Years earlier , a video game adaptation of the movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre had been released for the Atari 2600 , where the player controls the murderer with the objective to chase and kill victims . The game was a financial failure because many sellers refused to sell it , fearing reprisals . Reception ( edit ) Writing in retrospect in 2010 , an IGN journalist was mixed towards the game , praising its sleep meter element but also feeling it was a `` low - rent Castlevania with a great but bizarrely weak super-villain . '' Legacy ( edit ) In 2013 , the National Entertainment Collectibles Association released an exclusive figurine of the video game - style Freddy with the glove-less clawed hand to go along with their other Nintendo-esque horror figurine , a video game - style Jason Voorhees based on LJN 's Friday the 13th game . See also ( edit ) Friday the 13th ( NES video game ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : A Nightmare on Elm Street . USA : Nintendo. 1990 . Jump up ^ Nintendo Power . Nintendo. 2 : 96 . September 1989 . YOU are Freddy Kruger , terrorizing the neighborhood . This time it 's you they have to fear on Elm Street . CS1 maint : Untitled periodical ( link ) Jump up ^ http://dailydead.com/retro-gaming-review-a-nightmare-on-elm-street-nes/ Jump up ^ Cohen , D.S. `` Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the Atari 2600 -- The First Slasher Video Game '' . About.com . Retrieved September 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Buchanan , Levi ( April 30 , 2010 ) . ( http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/04/30/an-nes-nightmare-on-elm-street `` An NES Nightmare on Elm Steet '' ( . IGN . Retrieved November 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` NECA 's 8 - Bit Freddy Krueger Based On the 1989 NES Game ! ! ! '' . Bloody Disgusting . August 7 , 2013 . Retrieved September 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` SDCC Exclusive : Video Game Jason Voorhees Action Figure Coming to Comic - Con ! '' . Neca Online . June 6 , 2013 . Retrieved September 28 , 2013 . A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise Films A Nightmare on Elm Street ( 1984 ) Freddy 's Revenge Dream Warriors The Dream Master The Dream Child Freddy 's Dead : The Final Nightmare Wes Craven 's New Nightmare Freddy vs. Jason A Nightmare on Elm Street ( 2010 ) Cast and characters Freddy Krueger Nancy Thompson Tina Gray Jesse Walsh Alice Johnson Cast list Character list Comics Comics Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash The Nightmare Warriors Music `` Dream Warriors '' `` Are You Ready for Freddy '' `` Nightmare '' `` A Nightmare on My Street '' Freddy 's Favorites : The Best of A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy vs. Jason ( soundtrack ) Freddy vs. Jason ( score ) Other media List of media A Nightmare on Elm Street NES game Freddy 's Nightmares episodes Never Sleep Again : The Elm Street Legacy I Am Nancy Related topics Friday the 13th franchise `` Freddy Kreuger '' ( song ) Book Category Portal Rare Series Jetpac Sabreman Wizards & Warriors R.C. Pro-Am Snake Rattle ' n ' Roll Battletoads Donkey Kong Country Killer Instinct Banjo - Kazooie Conker Perfect Dark Viva Piñata Kinect Sports Games 1980s Slalom Anticipation WWF WrestleMania John Elway 's Quarterback Taboo : The Sixth Sense Cobra Triangle Hollywood Squares Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1990s Pin Bot Captain Skyhawk The Amazing Spider - Man Time Lord A Nightmare on Elm Street Super Glove Ball Digger T. Rock Beetlejuice High Speed F - 117 Night Storm Monster Max Ken Griffey Jr. 's Winning Run Blast Corps GoldenEye 007 Diddy Kong Racing Jet Force Gemini Mickey 's Racing Adventure 2000s Mickey 's Speedway USA Star Fox Adventures Grabbed by the Ghoulies It 's Mr. Pants Kameo 2010s Rare Replay Sea of Thieves unreleased Dream : Land of Giants Dinosaur Planet People Robin Beanland Duncan Botwood Steve Burke David Doak Eveline Fischer Martin Hollis Grant Kirkhope Leigh Loveday Gregg Mayles Graeme Norgate Stamper brothers David Wise List Category Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=A_Nightmare_on_Elm_Street_(video_game)&oldid=796368227 '' Categories : 1990 video games A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise media LJN games North America - exclusive video games Platform games Rare ( company ) games Video games based on films Video games developed in the United Kingdom Video games composed by David Wise Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Untitled periodical Articles needing additional references from April 2016 All articles needing additional references Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Italiano Русский Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 20 August 2017 , at 10 : 38 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what's the least densely populated country in asia
Flag Name Population Area ( km2 ) Capital Abkhazia 242,862 8,660 Sukhumi Nagorno - Karabakh 146,573 11,458 Stepanakert Northern Cyprus 285,356 3,355 Nicosia South Ossetia 51,547 3,900 Tskhinvali Taiwan ( ROC ) 23,556,706 36,193 Taipei
Major Cities of Asia List of cities in Asia
List ( show ) Tokyo Jakarta Delhi Manila Seoul Karachi Shanghai Mumbai Beijing Guangzhou Osaka Dhaka Bangkok Kolkata Tehran Shenzhen Asia ( / ˈeɪʒə , ˈeɪʃə / ( listen ) ) is Earth 's largest and most populous continent , located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres . It shares the continental landmass of Eurasia with the continent of Europe and the continental landmass of Afro - Eurasia with both Europe and Africa . Asia covers an area of 44,579,000 square kilometres ( 17,212,000 sq mi ) , about 30 % of Earth 's total land area and 8.7 % of the Earth 's total surface area . The continent , which has long been home to the majority of the human population , was the site of many of the first civilizations . Asia is notable for not only its overall large size and population , but also dense and large settlements as well as vast barely populated regions within the continent of 4.5 billion people , or roughly 60 % of the world 's population . In general terms , Asia is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean , on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean . The western boundary with Europe is a historical and cultural construct , as there is no clear physical and geographical separation between them . The most commonly accepted boundaries place Asia to the east of the Suez Canal , the Ural River , and the Ural Mountains , and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas . China and India alternated in being the largest economies in the world from 1 to 1800 CE . China was a major economic power and attracted many to the east , and for many the legendary wealth and prosperity of the ancient culture of India personified Asia , attracting European commerce , exploration and colonialism . The accidental discovery of America by Columbus in search for India demonstrates this deep fascination . The Silk Road became the main East - West trading route in the Asian hinterlands while the Straits of Malacca stood as a major sea route . Asia has exhibited economic dynamism ( particularly East Asia ) as well as robust population growth during the 20th century , but overall population growth has since fallen . Asia was the birthplace of most of the world 's mainstream religions including Christianity , Islam , Judaism , Hinduism , Buddhism , Confucianism , Taoism ( or Daoism ) , Jainism , Sikhism , Zoroastranism , as well as many other religions . Given its size and diversity , the concept of Asia -- a name dating back to classical antiquity -- may actually have more to do with human geography than physical geography . Asia varies greatly across and within its regions with regard to ethnic groups , cultures , environments , economics , historical ties and government systems . It also has a mix of many different climates ranging from the equatorial south via the hot desert in the Middle East , temperate areas in the east and the continental centre to vast subarctic and polar areas in Siberia . Contents ( hide ) 1 Definition and boundaries 1.1 Asia - Africa boundary 1.2 Asia -- Europe boundary 1.3 Asia -- Oceania boundary 1.4 Ongoing definition 2 Etymology 2.1 Bronze Age 2.2 Classical antiquity 3 History 4 Geography and climate 4.1 Climate change 5 Economy 6 Tourism 7 Demographics 7.1 Languages 7.2 Religions 7.2. 1 Abrahamic 7.2. 2 Indian and East Asian religions 8 Modern conflicts 9 Culture 9.1 Nobel prizes 10 Political geography 11 See also 12 References 13 Bibliography 14 Further reading 15 External links Definition and boundaries For more details on Asian borders , see Geography of Asia § Boundary , Boundaries between continents , List of transcontinental countries § Asia and Europe , and Copenhagen criteria . Asia - Africa boundary The boundary between Asia and Africa is the Red Sea , the Gulf of Suez , and the Suez Canal . This makes Egypt a transcontinental country , with the Sinai peninsula in Asia and the remainder of the country in Africa . Asia -- Europe boundary Statue representing Asia at Palazzo Ferreria , in Valletta , Malta The border between Asia and Europe was historically defined by European academics . The Don River became unsatisfactory to northern Europeans when Peter the Great , king of the Tsardom of Russia , defeating rival claims of Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to the eastern lands , and armed resistance by the tribes of Siberia , synthesized a new Russian Empire extending to the Ural Mountains and beyond , founded in 1721 . The major geographical theorist of the empire was actually a former Swedish prisoner - of - war , taken at the Battle of Poltava in 1709 and assigned to Tobolsk , where he associated with Peter 's Siberian official , Vasily Tatishchev , and was allowed freedom to conduct geographical and anthropological studies in preparation for a future book . In Sweden , five years after Peter 's death , in 1730 Philip Johan von Strahlenberg published a new atlas proposing the Urals as the border of Asia . The Russians were enthusiastic about the concept , which allowed them to keep their European identity in geography . Tatishchev announced that he had proposed the idea to von Strahlenberg . The latter had suggested the Emba River as the lower boundary . Over the next century various proposals were made until the Ural River prevailed in the mid-19th century . The border had been moved perforce from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea into which the Ural River projects . The border between the Black Sea and the Caspian is usually placed along the crest of the Caucasus Mountains , although it is sometimes placed further north . Asia -- Oceania boundary The border between Asia and the region of Oceania is usually placed somewhere in the Malay Archipelago . The Maluku Islands in Indonesia are often considered to lie on the border of southeast Asia , with New Guinea , to the east of the islands , being wholly part of Oceania . The terms Southeast Asia and Oceania , devised in the 19th century , have had several vastly different geographic meanings since their inception . The chief factor in determining which islands of the Malay Archipelago are Asian has been the location of the colonial possessions of the various empires there ( not all European ) . Lewis and Wigen assert , `` The narrowing of ' Southeast Asia ' to its present boundaries was thus a gradual process . '' Ongoing definition Afro - Eurasia shown in green Geographical Asia is a cultural artifact of European conceptions of the world , beginning with the Ancient Greeks , being imposed onto other cultures , an imprecise concept causing endemic contention about what it means . Asia is larger and more culturally diverse than Europe . It does not exactly correspond to the cultural borders of its various types of constituents . From the time of Herodotus a minority of geographers have rejected the three - continent system ( Europe , Africa , Asia ) on the grounds that there is no or is no substantial physical separation between them . For example , Sir Barry Cunliffe , the emeritus professor of European archeology at Oxford , argues that Europe has been geographically and culturally merely `` the western excrescence of the continent of Asia '' . Geographically , Asia is the major eastern constituent of the continent of Eurasia with Europe being a northwestern peninsula of the landmass . Asia , Europe and Africa make up a single continuous landmass - Afro - Eurasia ( except for the Suez Canal ) and share a common continental shelf . Almost all of Europe and the better part of Asia sit atop the Eurasian Plate , adjoined on the south by the Arabian and Indian Plate and with the easternmost part of Siberia ( east of the Chersky Range ) on the North American Plate . Etymology Ptolemy 's Asia The English name `` Asia '' was originally a concept of Greek civilization . The place name `` Asia '' in various forms in a large number of modern languages is of unknown ultimate provenience . Its etymology and language of origin are uncertain . It appears to be one of the most ancient of recorded names . A number of theories have been published . English Asia can be traced through the formation of English literature to Latin literature , where it has the same form , Asia . Whether all uses and all forms of the name derive also from the Latin of the Roman Empire is much less certain . One of the first classical writers to use Asia as a name of the whole continent was Pliny . This metonymical change in meaning is common and can be observed in some other geographical names , such as Skandinavia ( from Scania ) . Bronze Age Before Greek poetry , the Aegean Sea area was in a Greek Dark Age , at the beginning of which syllabic writing was lost and alphabetic writing had not begun . Prior to then in the Bronze Age the records of the Assyrian Empire , the Hittite Empire and the various Mycenaean states of Greece mention a region undoubtedly Asia , certainly in Anatolia , including if not identical to Lydia . These records are administrative and do not include poetry . The Mycenaean states were destroyed about 1200 BCE by unknown agents although one school of thought assigns the Dorian invasion to this time . The burning of the palaces baked clay diurnal administrative records written in a Greek syllabic script called Linear B , deciphered by a number of interested parties , most notably by a young World War II cryptographer , Michael Ventris , subsequently assisted by the scholar , John Chadwick . A major cache discovered by Carl Blegen at the site of ancient Pylos included hundreds of male and female names formed by different methods . Some of these are of women held in servitude ( as study of the society implied by the content reveals ) . They were used in trades , such as cloth - making , and usually came with children . The epithet , lawiaiai , `` captives , '' associated with some of them identifies their origin . Some are ethnic names . One in particular , aswiai , identifies `` women of Asia . '' Perhaps they were captured in Asia , but some others , Milatiai , appear to have been of Miletus , a Greek colony , which would not have been raided for slaves by Greeks . Chadwick suggests that the names record the locations where these foreign women were purchased . The name is also in the singular , Aswia , which refers both to the name of a country and to a female of it . There is a masculine form , aswios . This Aswia appears to have been a remnant of a region known to the Hittites as Assuwa , centered on Lydia , or `` Roman Asia . '' This name , Assuwa , has been suggested as the origin for the name of the continent `` Asia '' . The Assuwa league was a confederation of states in western Anatolia , defeated by the Hittites under Tudhaliya I around 1400 BCE . Alternatively , the etymology of the term may be from the Akkadian word ( w ) aṣû ( m ) , which means ' to go outside ' or ' to ascend ' , referring to the direction of the sun at sunrise in the Middle East and also likely connected with the Phoenician word asa meaning east . This may be contrasted to a similar etymology proposed for Europe , as being from Akkadian erēbu ( m ) ' to enter ' or ' set ' ( of the sun ) . T.R. Reid supports this alternative etymology , noting that the ancient Greek name must have derived from asu , meaning ' east ' in Assyrian ( ereb for Europe meaning ' west ' ) . The ideas of Occidental ( form Latin Occidens ' setting ' ) and Oriental ( from Latin Oriens for ' rising ' ) are also European invention , synonymous with Western and Eastern . Reid further emphasizes that it explains the Western point of view of placing all the peoples and cultures of Asia into a single classification , almost as if there were a need for setting the distinction between Western and Eastern civilizations on the Eurasian continent . Ogura Kazuo and Tenshin Okakura are two outspoken Japanese figures on the subject . Classical antiquity The province of Asia highlighted ( in red ) within the Roman Empire . Latin Asia and Greek Ἀσία appear to be the same word . Roman authors translated Ἀσία as Asia . The Romans named a province Asia , which roughly corresponds with modern - day central - western Turkey . There was an Asia Minor and an Asia Major located in modern - day Iraq . As the earliest evidence of the name is Greek , it is likely circumstantially that Asia came from Ἀσία , but ancient transitions , due to the lack of literary contexts , are difficult to catch in the act . The most likely vehicles were the ancient geographers and historians , such as Herodotus , who were all Greek . Ancient Greek certainly evidences early and rich uses of the name . The first continental use of Asia is attributed to Herodotus ( about 440 BCE ) , not because he innovated it , but because his Histories are the earliest surviving prose to describe it in any detail . He defines it carefully , mentioning the previous geographers whom he had read , but whose works are now missing . By it he means Anatolia and the Persian Empire , in contrast to Greece and Egypt . Herodotus comments that he is puzzled as to why three women 's names were `` given to a tract which is in reality one '' ( Europa , Asia , and Libya , referring to Africa ) , stating that most Greeks assumed that Asia was named after the wife of Prometheus ( i.e. Hesione ) , but that the Lydians say it was named after Asies , son of Cotys , who passed the name on to a tribe at Sardis . In Greek mythology , `` Asia '' ( Ἀσία ) or `` Asie '' ( Ἀσίη ) was the name of a `` Nymph or Titan goddess of Lydia . '' In ancient Greek religion , places were under the care of female divinities , parallel to guardian angels . The poets detailed their doings and generations in allegoric language salted with entertaining stories , which subsequently playwrights transformed into classical Greek drama and became `` Greek mythology . '' For example , Hesiod mentions the daughters of Tethys and Ocean , among whom are a `` holy company '' , `` who with the Lord Apollo and the Rivers have youths in their keeping . '' Many of these are geographic : Doris , Rhodea , Europa , Asia . Hesiod explains : `` For there are three - thousand neat - ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide , and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep waters . '' The Iliad ( attributed by the ancient Greeks to Homer ) mentions two Phrygians ( the tribe that replaced the Luvians in Lydia ) in the Trojan War named Asios ( an adjective meaning `` Asian '' ) ; and also a marsh or lowland containing a marsh in Lydia as ασιος . History Main article : History of Asia The Mongol Empire , ca . 1300 . The gray area is the later Timurid Empire . 1890 map of Asia Map of western , southern , and central Asia in 1885 The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions : East Asia , South Asia , Southeast Asia and the Middle East , linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian steppes . The coastal periphery was home to some of the world 's earliest known civilizations , each of them developing around fertile river valleys . The civilizations in Mesopotamia , the Indus Valley and the Yellow River shared many similarities . These civilizations may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel . Other innovations , such as writing , seem to have been developed individually in each area . Cities , states and empires developed in these lowlands . The central steppe region had long been inhabited by horse - mounted nomads who could reach all areas of Asia from the steppes . The earliest postulated expansion out of the steppe is that of the Indo - Europeans , who spread their languages into the Middle East , South Asia , and the borders of China , where the Tocharians resided . The northernmost part of Asia , including much of Siberia , was largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads , owing to the dense forests , climate and tundra . These areas remained very sparsely populated . The Silk Road connected many civilizations across Asia The center and the peripheries were mostly kept separated by mountains and deserts . The Caucasus and Himalaya mountains and the Karakum and Gobi deserts formed barriers that the steppe horsemen could cross only with difficulty . While the urban city dwellers were more advanced technologically and socially , in many cases they could do little in a military aspect to defend against the mounted hordes of the steppe . However , the lowlands did not have enough open grasslands to support a large horsebound force ; for this and other reasons , the nomads who conquered states in China , India , and the Middle East often found themselves adapting to the local , more affluent societies . The Islamic Caliphate took over the Middle East and Central Asia during the Muslim conquests of the 7th century . The Mongol Empire conquered a large part of Asia in the 13th century , an area extending from China to Europe . Before the Mongol invasion , Song dynasty reportedly had approximately 120 million citizens ; the 1300 census which followed the invasion reported roughly 60 million people . The Black Death , one of the most devastating pandemics in human history , is thought to have originated in the arid plains of central Asia , where it then travelled along the Silk Road . The Russian Empire began to expand into Asia from the 17th century , and would eventually take control of all of Siberia and most of Central Asia by the end of the 19th century . The Ottoman Empire controlled Anatolia , most of the Middle East , North Africa and the Balkans from the mid 16th century onwards . In the 17th century , the Manchu conquered China and established the Qing dynasty . The Islamic Mughal Empire and the Hindu Maratha Empire controlled much of India in the 16th and 18th centuries respectively . Geography and climate Main articles : Geography of Asia and Climate of Asia See also : Category : Biota of Asia The Himalayan range is home to some of the planet 's highest peaks . Asia is the largest continent on Earth . It covers 8.8 % of the Earth 's total surface area ( or 30 % of its land area ) , and has the largest coastline , at 62,800 kilometres ( 39,022 mi ) . Asia is generally defined as comprising the eastern four - fifths of Eurasia . It is located to the east of the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains , and south of the Caucasus Mountains ( or the Kuma -- Manych Depression ) and the Caspian and Black Seas . It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean , on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean . Asia is subdivided into 48 countries , three of them ( Russia , Kazakhstan and Turkey ) having part of their land in Europe . Asia has extremely diverse climates and geographic features . Climates range from arctic and subarctic in Siberia to tropical in southern India and Southeast Asia . It is moist across southeast sections , and dry across much of the interior . Some of the largest daily temperature ranges on Earth occur in western sections of Asia . The monsoon circulation dominates across southern and eastern sections , due to the presence of the Himalayas forcing the formation of a thermal low which draws in moisture during the summer . Southwestern sections of the continent are hot . Siberia is one of the coldest places in the Northern Hemisphere , and can act as a source of arctic air masses for North America . The most active place on Earth for tropical cyclone activity lies northeast of the Philippines and south of Japan . The Gobi Desert is in Mongolia and the Arabian Desert stretches across much of the Middle East . The Yangtze River in China is the longest river in the continent . The Himalayas between Nepal and China is the tallest mountain range in the world . Tropical rainforests stretch across much of southern Asia and coniferous and deciduous forests lie farther north . Kerala backwaters Mongolian steppe South China Karst Altai Mountains Hunza Valley Climate change A survey carried out in 2010 by global risk analysis farm Maplecroft identified 16 countries that are extremely vulnerable to climate change . Each nation 's vulnerability was calculated using 42 socio , economic and environmental indicators , which identified the likely climate change impacts during the next 30 years . The Asian countries of Bangladesh , India , Vietnam , Thailand , Pakistan and Sri Lanka were among the 16 countries facing extreme risk from climate change . Some shifts are already occurring . For example , in tropical parts of India with a semi-arid climate , the temperature increased by 0.4 ° C between 1901 and 2003 . A 2013 study by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ( ICRISAT ) aimed to find science - based , pro-poor approaches and techniques that would enable Asia 's agricultural systems to cope with climate change , while benefitting poor and vulnerable farmers . The study 's recommendations ranged from improving the use of climate information in local planning and strengthening weather - based agro-advisory services , to stimulating diversification of rural household incomes and providing incentives to farmers to adopt natural resource conservation measures to enhance forest cover , replenish groundwater and use renewable energy . Economy Main article : Economy of Asia Singapore has one of the busiest ports in the world and is the world 's fourth largest foreign exchange trading center . Rank Country GDP ( PPP , Peak Year ) millions of USD Peak Year China 23,122,027 2017 India 9,446,789 2017 Japan 5,405,072 2017 Russia 4,000,096 2017 5 Indonesia 3,242,966 2017 6 Turkey 2,132,717 2017 7 South Korea 2,026,651 2017 8 Saudi Arabia 1,789,264 2017 9 Iran 1,630,859 2017 10 Thailand 1,228,941 2017 Rank Country GDP ( nominal , Peak Year ) millions of USD Peak Year China 11,937,562 2017 Japan 6,203,213 2012 India 2,439,008 2017 Russia 2,297,125 2013 5 South Korea 1,529,743 2017 6 Indonesia 1,010,937 2017 7 Turkey 950,328 2013 8 Saudi Arabia 756,350 2014 9 Iran 577,214 2011 10 Taiwan 571,453 2017 Asia has the second largest nominal GDP of all continents , after Europe , but the largest when measured in purchasing power parity . As of 2011 , the largest economies in Asia are China , Japan , India , South Korea and Indonesia . Based on Global Office Locations 2011 , Asia dominated the office locations with 4 of the top 5 being in Asia : Hong Kong , Singapore , Tokyo , Seoul and Shanghai . Around 68 percent of international firms have office in Hong Kong . In the late 1990s and early 2000s , the economies of China and India have been growing rapidly , both with an average annual growth rate of more than 8 % . Other recent very - high - growth nations in Asia include Israel , Malaysia , Indonesia , Bangladesh , Pakistan , Thailand , Vietnam , Mongolia , Uzbekistan , Cyprus and the Philippines , and mineral - rich nations such as Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan , Iran , Brunei , the United Arab Emirates , Qatar , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , Bahrain and Oman . According to economic historian Angus Maddison in his book The World Economy : A Millennial Perspective , India had the world 's largest economy during 0 BCE and 1000 BCE . China was the largest and most advanced economy on earth for much of recorded history , until the British Empire ( excluding India ) overtook it in the mid-19th century . For several decades in the late twentieth century Japan was the largest economy in Asia and second - largest of any single nation in the world , after surpassing the Soviet Union ( measured in net material product ) in 1986 and Germany in 1968 . ( NB : A number of supernational economies are larger , such as the European Union ( EU ) , the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) or APEC ) . This ended in 2010 when China overtook Japan to become the world 's second largest economy . In the late 1980s and early 1990s , Japan 's GDP was almost as large ( current exchange rate method ) as that of the rest of Asia combined . In 1995 , Japan 's economy nearly equaled that of the USA as the largest economy in the world for a day , after the Japanese currency reached a record high of 79 yen / US $ . Economic growth in Asia since World War II to the 1990s had been concentrated in Japan as well as the four regions of South Korea , Taiwan , Hong Kong and Singapore located in the Pacific Rim , known as the Asian tigers , which have now all received developed country status , having the highest GDP per capita in Asia . Mumbai is one of the most populous cities on the continent . The city is an infrastructure and tourism hub , and plays a crucial role in the Economy of India . It is forecasted that India will overtake Japan in terms of nominal GDP by 2020 . By 2027 , according to Goldman Sachs , China will have the largest economy in the world . Several trade blocs exist , with the most developed being the Association of Southeast Asian Nations . Asia is the largest continent in the world by a considerable margin , and it is rich in natural resources , such as petroleum , forests , fish , water , rice , copper and silver . Manufacturing in Asia has traditionally been strongest in East and Southeast Asia , particularly in China , Taiwan , South Korea , Japan , India , the Philippines , and Singapore . Japan and South Korea continue to dominate in the area of multinational corporations , but increasingly the PRC and India are making significant inroads . Many companies from Europe , North America , South Korea and Japan have operations in Asia 's developing countries to take advantage of its abundant supply of cheap labour and relatively developed infrastructure . According to Citigroup 9 of 11 Global Growth Generators countries came from Asia driven by population and income growth . They are Bangladesh , China , India , Indonesia , Iraq , Mongolia , Philippines , Sri Lanka and Vietnam . Asia has four main financial centers : Tokyo , Hong Kong , Singapore and Shanghai . Call centers and business process outsourcing ( BPOs ) are becoming major employers in India and the Philippines due to the availability of a large pool of highly skilled , English - speaking workers . The increased use of outsourcing has assisted the rise of India and the China as financial centers . Due to its large and extremely competitive information technology industry , India has become a major hub for outsourcing . In 2010 , Asia had 3.3 million millionaires ( people with net worth over US $1 million excluding their homes ) , slightly below North America with 3.4 million millionaires . Last year Asia had toppled Europe . Citigroup in The Wealth Report 2012 stated that Asian centa - millionaire overtook North America 's wealth for the first time as the world 's `` economic center of gravity '' continued moving east . At the end of 2011 , there were 18,000 Asian people mainly in Southeast Asia , China and Japan who have at least $100 million in disposable assets , while North America with 17,000 people and Western Europe with 14,000 people . Tourism Wat Phra Kaeo in the Grand Palace is among Bangkok 's major tourist attractions . With growing Regional Tourism with domination of Chinese visitors , MasterCard has released Global Destination Cities Index 2013 with 10 of 20 are dominated by Asia and Pacific Region Cities and also for the first time a city of a country from Asia ( Bangkok ) set in the top - ranked with 15.98 international visitors . Demographics Main article : Demographics of Asia Historical populations Year Pop . ± % 1500 243,000,000 -- 1700 436,000,000 + 79.4 % 1900 947,000,000 + 117.2 % 1950 1,402,000,000 + 48.0 % 1999 3,634,000,000 + 159.2 % 2016 4,462,676,731 + 22.8 % Source : `` UN report 2004 data '' ( PDF ) . The figure for 2016 is provided by the 2017 revision of the World Population Prospects . Graph showing population by continent as a percentage of world population ( 1750 - 2005 ) East Asia had by far the strongest overall Human Development Index ( HDI ) improvement of any region in the world , nearly doubling average HDI attainment over the past 40 years , according to the report 's analysis of health , education and income data . China , the second highest achiever in the world in terms of HDI improvement since 1970 , is the only country on the `` Top 10 Movers '' list due to income rather than health or education achievements . Its per capita income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades , also lifting hundreds of millions out of income poverty . Yet it was not among the region 's top performers in improving school enrollment and life expectancy . Nepal , a South Asian country , emerges as one of the world 's fastest movers since 1970 mainly due to health and education achievements . Its present life expectancy is 25 years longer than in the 1970s . More than four of every five children of school age in Nepal now attend primary school , compared to just one in five 40 years ago . Japan and South Korea ranked highest among the countries grouped on the HDI ( number 11 and 12 in the world , which are in the `` very high human development '' category ) , followed by Hong Kong ( 21 ) and Singapore ( 27 ) . Afghanistan ( 155 ) ranked lowest amongst Asian countries out of the 169 countries assessed . Languages Main article : Languages of Asia Asia is home to several language families and many language isolates . Most Asian countries have more than one language that is natively spoken . For instance , according to Ethnologue , more than 600 languages are spoken in Indonesia , more than 800 languages spoken in India , and more than 100 are spoken in the Philippines . China has many languages and dialects in different provinces . Religions See also : Eastern philosophy , Religion in Asia , and List of Asian mythologies The Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock , Jerusalem Pilgrims in the annual Hajj at the Kaabah in Mecca . Spring Temple Buddha in Lushan County , Henan , China is the world 's tallest statue . The Church of São António de Motael , Dili Many of the world 's major religions have their origins in Asia , including the five most practiced in the world ( excluding irreligion ) , which are Christianity , Islam , Hinduism , Chinese folk religion ( classified as Confucianism and Taoism ) , and Buddhism respectively . Asian mythology is complex and diverse . The story of the Great Flood for example , as presented to Christians in the Old Testament in the narrative of Noah , is first found in Mesopotamian mythology , in the Epic of Gilgamesh . Likewise , the same story of Great Flood is presented to Muslims in the Holy Quran , again in the narrative of Noah , Who according to Islamic mythology was a Prophet and Built an Ark on Allah 's Command to save the True Believers from the Great Flood ( Great Calamity ) . Hindu mythology also tells about an Avatar of the God Vishnu in the form of a fish who warned Manu of a terrible flood . In ancient Chinese mythology , Shan Hai Jing , the Chinese ruler Da Yu , had to spend 10 years to control a deluge which swept out most of ancient China and was aided by the goddess Nüwa who literally fixed the broken sky through which huge rains were pouring . Abrahamic The Abrahamic religions including Judaism , Christianity , Islam and Bahá'í Faith originated in West Asia . Judaism , the oldest of the Abrahamic faiths , is practiced primarily in Israel , the birthplace and historical homeland of the Hebrew nation which today consists equally of those Israelites who remained in Asia / North Africa and those who returned from diaspora in Europe , North America , and other regions , though sizable communities continue to live abroad . Jews are the predominant ethnic group in Israel ( 75.6 % ) numbering at about 6.1 million , although the levels of adherence to Jewish religion are unspecified . Outside of Israel there are small ancient communities of Jewish still live in Turkey ( 17,400 ) , Azerbaijan ( 9,100 ) , Iran ( 8,756 ) , India ( 5,000 ) and Uzbekistan ( 4,000 ) . Christianity is a widespread religion in Asia with more than 286 million adherents according to Pew Research Center in 2010 , and nearly 364 million according to Britannica Book of the Year 2014 . Constituting around 12.6 % of the total population of Asia . In the Philippines and East Timor , Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion ; it was introduced by the Spaniards and the Portuguese , respectively . In Armenia , Cyprus , Georgia and Asian Russia , Eastern Orthodoxy is the predominant religion . Various Christian denominations have adherents in portions of the Middle East , as well as China and India . Saint Thomas Christians in India trace their origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century . Islam , which originated in Saudi Arabia , is the largest and most widely spread religion in Asia with at least 1 billion Muslims constituting around 23.8 % of the total population of Asia . With 12.7 % of the world Muslim population , the country currently with the largest Muslim population in the world is Indonesia , followed by Pakistan , India , Bangladesh , Iran and Turkey . Mecca , Medina and to a lesser extent Jerusalem are the holiest cities for Islam in all the world . These religious sites attract large numbers of devotees from all over the world , particularly during the Hajj and Umrah seasons . Iran is the largest Shi'a country . The Bahá'í Faith originated in Asia , in Iran ( Persia ) , and spread from there to the Ottoman Empire , Central Asia , India , and Burma during the lifetime of Bahá'u'lláh . Since the middle of the 20th century , growth has particularly occurred in other Asian countries , because Bahá'í activities in many Muslim countries has been severely suppressed by authorities . Lotus Temple is a big Baha'i Temple in India . Indian and East Asian religions The Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Delhi , according to the Guinness World Records is the World 's Largest Comprehensive Hindu Temple Almost all Asian religions have philosophical character and Asian philosophical traditions cover a large spectrum of philosophical thoughts and writings . Indian philosophy includes Hindu philosophy and Buddhist philosophy . They include elements of nonmaterial pursuits , whereas another school of thought from India , Cārvāka , preached the enjoyment of the material world . The religions of Hinduism , Buddhism , Jainism and Sikhism originated in India , South Asia . In East Asia , particularly in China and Japan , Confucianism , Taoism and Zen Buddhism took shape . As of 2012 , Hinduism has around 1.1 billion adherents . The faith represents around 25 % of Asia 's population and is the second largest religion in Asia . However , it is mostly concentrated in South Asia . Over 80 % of the populations of both India and Nepal adhere to Hinduism , alongside significant communities in Bangladesh , Pakistan , Bhutan , Sri Lanka and Bali , Indonesia . Many overseas Indians in countries such as Burma , Singapore and Malaysia also adhere to Hinduism . Buddhism has a great following in mainland Southeast Asia and East Asia . Buddhism is the religion of the majority of the populations of Cambodia ( 96 % ) , Thailand ( 95 % ) , Burma ( 80 % -- 89 % ) , Japan ( 36 % -- 96 % ) , Bhutan ( 75 % -- 84 % ) , Sri Lanka ( 70 % ) , Laos ( 60 % -- 67 % ) and Mongolia ( 53 % -- 93 % ) . Large Buddhist populations also exist in Singapore ( 33 % -- 51 % ) , Taiwan ( 35 % -- 93 % ) , South Korea ( 23 % -- 50 % ) , Malaysia ( 19 % -- 21 % ) , Nepal ( 9 % -- 11 % ) , Vietnam ( 10 % -- 75 % ) , China ( 20 % -- 50 % ) , North Korea ( 1.5 % -- 14 % ) , and small communities in India and Bangladesh . In many Chinese communities , Mahayana Buddhism is easily syncretized with Taoism , thus exact religious statistics is difficult to obtain and may be understated or overstated . The Communist - governed countries of China , Vietnam and North Korea are officially atheist , thus the number of Buddhists and other religious adherents may be under - reported . Jainism is found mainly in India and in oversea Indian communities such as the United States and Malaysia . Sikhism is found in Northern India and amongst overseas Indian communities in other parts of Asia , especially Southeast Asia . Confucianism is found predominantly in Mainland China , South Korea , Taiwan and in overseas Chinese populations . Taoism is found mainly in Mainland China , Taiwan , Malaysia and Singapore . Taoism is easily syncretized with Mahayana Buddhism for many Chinese , thus exact religious statistics is difficult to obtain and may be understated or overstated . Japanese wedding at the Meiji Shrine Hindu festival celebrated by Singapore 's Tamil community Orthodox cross procession in Novosibirsk Catholic procession of the Black Nazarene in Manila Muslim men praying in Turkey Modern conflicts US forces drop Napalm on suspected Viet Cong positions in 1965 Wounded civilians arrive at a hospital in Aleppo during the Syrian Civil War , October 2012 Some of the events pivotal in the Asia territory related to the relationship with the outside world in the post-Second World War were : The Kashmir conflict The Insurgency in Northeast India The Korean War The French - Indochina War The Vietnam War The Indonesia -- Malaysia confrontation The Sino - Vietnamese War The Bangladesh Liberation War The Yom Kippur War The Iranian Revolution The Soviet war in Afghanistan The Iran -- Iraq War The Indonesian occupation of East Timor The Cambodian Killing Fields The Insurgency in Laos The Lebanese Civil War The Sri Lankan Civil War The Dissolution of the Soviet Union The Gulf War The Nepalese Civil War The India - Pakistan Wars The Nagorno - Karabakh War The War in Afghanistan The Iraq War The 2006 Thai coup d'état The Burmese Civil War The Saffron Revolution The Arab Spring The Arab -- Israeli conflict The Syrian Civil War The Sino - Indian War The 2014 Thai coup d'état The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Culture This section needs expansion with : More information about general cultural topics other than Nobel prizes . You can help by adding to it . ( June 2011 ) Main article : Culture of Asia Nobel Prizes Bengali polymath Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 , and became Asia 's first Nobel laureate The polymath Rabindranath Tagore , a Bengali poet , dramatist , and writer from Santiniketan , now in West Bengal , India , became in 1913 the first Asian Nobel laureate . He won his Nobel Prize in Literature for notable impact his prose works and poetic thought had on English , French , and other national literatures of Europe and the Americas . He is also the writer of the national anthems of Bangladesh and India . Other Asian writers who won Nobel Prize for literature include Yasunari Kawabata ( Japan , 1968 ) , Kenzaburō Ōe ( Japan , 1994 ) , Gao Xingjian ( China , 2000 ) , Orhan Pamuk ( Turkey , 2006 ) , and Mo Yan ( China , 2012 ) . Some may consider the American writer , Pearl S. Buck , an honorary Asian Nobel laureate , having spent considerable time in China as the daughter of missionaries , and based many of her novels , namely The Good Earth ( 1931 ) and The Mother ( 1933 ) , as well as the biographies of her parents of their time in China , The Exile and Fighting Angel , all of which earned her the Literature prize in 1938 . Also , Mother Teresa of India and Shirin Ebadi of Iran were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights , especially for the rights of women and children . Ebadi is the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive the prize . Another Nobel Peace Prize winner is Aung San Suu Kyi from Burma for her peaceful and non-violent struggle under a military dictatorship in Burma . She is a nonviolent pro-democracy activist and leader of the National League for Democracy in Burma ( Myanmar ) and a noted prisoner of conscience . She is a Buddhist and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 . Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for `` his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China '' on 8 October 2010 . He is the first Chinese citizen to be awarded a Nobel Prize of any kind while residing in China . In 2014 , Kailash Satyarthi from India and Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize `` for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education '' . Sir C.V. Raman is the first Asian to get a Nobel prize in Sciences . He won the Nobel Prize in Physics `` for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him '' . Japan has won the most Nobel Prizes of any Asian nation with 24 followed by India which has won 13 . Amartya Sen , ( born 3 November 1933 ) is an Indian economist who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to welfare economics and social choice theory , and for his interest in the problems of society 's poorest members . Other Asian Nobel Prize winners include Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar , Abdus Salam , Malala yousafzai , Robert Aumann , Menachem Begin , Aaron Ciechanover , Avram Hershko , Daniel Kahneman , Shimon Peres , Yitzhak Rabin , Ada Yonath , Yasser Arafat , José Ramos - Horta and Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo of Timor Leste , Kim Dae - jung , and 13 Japanese scientists . Most of the said awardees are from Japan and Israel except for Chandrasekhar and Raman ( India ) , Abdus Salam and Malala yousafzai , ( Pakistan ) , Arafat ( Palestinian Territories ) , Kim ( South Korea ) , and Horta and Belo ( Timor Leste ) . In 2006 , Dr. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the establishment of Grameen Bank , a community development bank that lends money to poor people , especially women in Bangladesh . Dr. Yunus received his PhD in economics from Vanderbilt University , United States . He is internationally known for the concept of micro credit which allows poor and destitute people with little or no collateral to borrow money . The borrowers typically pay back money within the specified period and the incidence of default is very low . The Dalai Lama has received approximately eighty - four awards over his spiritual and political career . On 22 June 2006 , he became one of only four people ever to be recognized with Honorary Citizenship by the Governor General of Canada . On 28 May 2005 , he received the Christmas Humphreys Award from the Buddhist Society in the United Kingdom . Most notable was the Nobel Peace Prize , presented in Oslo , Norway on 10 December 1989 . Political geography Main article : Politics of Asia See also : List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Asia From 1841 to 1997 , Hong Kong was a British colony . Iran China Saudi Arabia Japan Kazakhstan India Mongolia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Singapore South Korea North Korea Afghanistan Pakistan Thailand Laos Cambodia East Timor Brunei Myanmar Bhutan Bangladesh Nepal Taiwan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Oman Yemen UAE Qat . Bah . Kuw . Iraq Jordan Israel Syria Turkey Georgia Azer . Armenia Cyp . Egypt Maldives Sri Lanka Russia H.K. Macau Flag Name Population ( 2016 ) Area ( km2 ) Capital Afghanistan 34,656,032 647,500 Kabul Armenia 2,924,816 29,743 Yerevan Azerbaijan 9,725,376 86,600 Baku Bahrain 1,425,171 760 Manama Bangladesh 162,951,560 147,570 Dhaka Bhutan 797,765 38,394 Thimphu Brunei 423,196 5,765 Bandar Seri Begawan Cambodia 15,762,370 181,035 Phnom Penh China ( PRC ) 1,403,500,365 9,596,961 Beijing Cyprus 1,170,125 9,251 Nicosia East Timor 1,268,671 14,874 Dili Egypt 95,688,681 1,010,408 Cairo Georgia 3,925,405 69,700 Tbilisi India 1,324,171,354 3,287,263 New Delhi Indonesia 261,115,456 1,904,569 Jakarta Iran 80,277,428 1,648,195 Tehran Iraq 37,202,572 438,317 Baghdad Israel 8,191,828 20,770 Jerusalem ( disputed ) Japan 127,748,513 377,915 Tokyo Jordan 9,455,802 89,342 Amman Kazakhstan 17,987,736 2,724,900 Astana Kuwait 4,052,584 17,818 Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan 5,955,734 199,951 Bishkek Laos 6,758,353 236,800 Vientiane Lebanon 6,006,668 10,400 Beirut Malaysia 31,187,265 329,847 Kuala Lumpur Maldives 427,756 298 Malé Mongolia 3,027,398 1,564,116 Ulaanbaatar Myanmar 52,885,223 676,578 Naypyidaw Nepal 28,982,771 147,181 Kathmandu North Korea 25,368,620 120,538 Pyongyang Oman 4,424,762 309,500 Muscat Pakistan 193,203,476 796,095 Islamabad Palestine 4,790,705 6,220 Ramallah ( Jerusalem ) ( claimed ) Philippines 103,320,222 300,000 Manila Qatar 2,569,804 11,586 Doha Russia 143,964,513 17,098,242 Moscow Saudi Arabia 32,275,687 2,149,690 Riyadh Singapore 5,622,455 697 Singapore South Korea 50,791,919 100,210 Seoul Sri Lanka 20,798,492 65,610 Colombo Syria 18,430,453 185,180 Damascus Tajikistan 8,734,951 143,100 Dushanbe Thailand 68,863,514 513,120 Bangkok Turkey 79,512,426 783,562 Ankara Turkmenistan 5,662,544 488,100 Ashgabat United Arab Emirates 9,269,612 83,600 Abu Dhabi Uzbekistan 31,446,795 447,400 Tashkent Vietnam 94,569,072 331,212 Hanoi Yemen 27,584,213 527,968 Sana'a Within the above - mentioned states are several partially recognized countries with limited to no international recognition . None of them are members of the UN : Flag Name Population Area ( km2 ) Capital Abkhazia 242,862 8,660 Sukhumi Nagorno - Karabakh 146,573 11,458 Stepanakert Northern Cyprus 285,356 3,355 Nicosia South Ossetia 51,547 3,900 Tskhinvali Taiwan ( ROC ) 23,556,706 36,193 Taipei See also Main articles : Outline of Asia and Index of Asia - related articles References to articles : Subregions of Asia Special topics : Asian Century Asian cuisine Asian furniture Asian Games Asian Monetary Unit Asian people Eastern world Eurasia Far East East Asia Southeast Asia South Asia Central Asia Fauna of Asia Flags of Asia Middle East Eastern Mediterranean Levant Near East Pan-Asianism Lists : List of cities in Asia List of metropolitan areas in Asia by population List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Asia References Jump up ^ National Geographic Family Reference Atlas of the World . 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New Delhi : Wordsmith , 2002 , ISBN 978 - 81 - 87412 - 08 - 3 Kapadia , Feroz , and Mandira Mukherjee . Encyclopaedia of Asian Culture and Society . New Delhi : Anmol Publications , 1999 . Levinson , David , and Karen Christensen . Encyclopedia of Modern Asia . New York : Charles Scribner 's Sons , 2002 . External links Find more aboutAsiaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity `` Display Maps '' . The Soil Maps of Asia . European Digital Archive of Soil Maps -- EuDASM . Archived from the original on 12 August 2011 . Retrieved 26 July 2011 . `` Asia Maps '' . Perry - Castañeda Library Map Collection . University of Texas Libraries . Archived from the original on 18 July 2011 . Retrieved 20 July 2011 . `` Asia '' . Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library . Archived from the original on 29 September 2011 . Retrieved 26 July 2011 . Bowring , Philip ( 12 February 1987 ) . `` What is Asia ? '' . Eastern Economic Review . Columbia University Asia For Educators. 135 ( 7 ) . Asia portal Geography portal Articles Related to Asia ( hide ) Asia articles History Chronology Indian Ocean trade Silk Road Imperialism Decolonisation By topic Military conflicts Sovereignty Geography Cities metropolitan areas tallest buildings Countries and territories by population Extreme points Islands Lakes Mountains Rivers Regions Asia - Pacific Central Asia East Asia Eurasia Inner Asia North Asia Northeast Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Tropical Asia Western Asia Politics Heads of government Heads of state Elections political parties Human rights Law Military Intergovernmental Asia Cooperation Dialogue ( ACD ) Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) Bay of Bengal Initiative ( BIMSTEC ) Economic Cooperation Organization ( ECO ) Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf ( CCASG / GCC ) Mekong -- Ganga Cooperation ( MGC ) Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ( RCEP ) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC ) Shanghai Cooperation Organisation ( SCO ) Economy Countries by GDP ( PPP ) Countries by HDI Currencies Stock exchanges Technology renewable energy Transport airports high - 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Eurasia America Eurasia Oceania Former supercontinents Gondwana Laurasia Pangaea Pannotia Rodinia Columbia Kenorland Nena Sclavia Ur Vaalbara Historical continents Amazonia Arctica Asiamerica Atlantica Avalonia Baltica Cimmeria Congo craton Euramerica Kalaharia Kazakhstania Laurentia North China Siberia South China East Antarctica India Submerged continents Kerguelen Plateau Zealandia Possible future supercontinents Pangaea Ultima Amasia Novopangaea Mythical and hypothesised continents Atlantis Kumari Kandam Lemuria Meropis Mu Hyperborea Terra Australis See also Regions of the world Continental fragment Book Category Regions of the world Regions of Africa North Mediterranean Gibraltar Arc Greater Middle East MENA Middle East Maghreb Barbary Coast Barbara Ancient Libya Atlas Mountains ( Middle Atlas ) Sahara Western Sahara Sahel Eastern Mediterranean Egypt Upper Egypt Middle Egypt Lower Egypt Cataracts of the Nile Bashmur Nubia Lower Nubia Nile Valley Nile Delta Darfur Gulf of Aqaba Sub-Saharan East Aethiopia Swahili coast East African Rift Great Rift Valley Afar Triangle Danakil Desert Danakil Alps Albertine Rift Virunga Mountains Gregory Rift Valley Southern Rift Valley Rift Valley lakes African Great Lakes Mittelafrika Horn of Africa Ethiopian Highlands Gulf of Aden Gulf of Tadjoura Sudan ( region ) Sudanian Savanna East African montane forests Sub-Saharan Central Negroland Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Cape Lopez Mayombe Igboland Mbaise Maputaland Pool Malebo Congo Basin Chad Basin Congolese rainforests Ouaddaï highlands Ennedi Plateau Sub-Saharan West Pepper Coast Gold Coast Slave Coast Ivory Coast Cape Palmas Cape Mesurado Negroland Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Sudanian Savanna Niger Basin Guinean Forests of West Africa Sudan ( region ) Niger Delta Inner Niger Delta Sub-Saharan South Madagascar Central Highlands ( Madagascar ) Northern Highlands Rhodesia North South Thembuland Succulent Karoo Nama Karoo Bushveld Highveld Fynbos Cape Floristic Region Kalahari Desert Okavango Delta False Bay Hydra Bay Sub-Saharan Anglophone Africa Francophone Africa Lusophone Africa Arabophone Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical Africa Islands Regions of North America Canada Eastern Canada Western Canada Canadian Prairies Central Canada Northern Canada Atlantic Canada The Maritimes French Canada English Canada Acadia Acadian Peninsula Quebec City -- Windsor Corridor Peace River Country Cypress Hills Palliser 's Triangle Canadian Shield Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Newfoundland ( island ) Vancouver island Gulf Islands Strait of Georgia Canadian Arctic Archipelago Labrador Peninsula Gaspé Peninsula Avalon Peninsula Bay de Verde Peninsula Brodeur Peninsula Melville Peninsula Bruce Peninsula Banks Peninsula ( Nunavut ) Cook Peninsula Gulf of Boothia Georgian Bay Hudson Bay James Bay Greenland United States Pacific Northwest Inland Northwest Northeast New England Mid-Atlantic Commonwealth West Midwest Upper Midwest Mountain States Intermountain West Basin and Range Province Oregon Trail Mormon Corridor Calumet Region Southwest Old Southwest Llano Estacado Frontier Strip Central United States Tallgrass prairie South South Central Deep South Upland South Four Corners East Coast West Coast Gulf Coast Third Coast Coastal states Eastern United States Appalachia Trans - Mississippi Great North Woods Great Plains Interior Plains Great Lakes Great Basin Great Basin Desert Acadia Ozarks Ark - La - Tex Waxhaws Siouxland Twin Tiers Driftless Area Palouse Piedmont Atlantic coastal plain Outer Lands Black Dirt Region Blackstone Valley Piney Woods Rocky Mountains Mojave Desert The Dakotas The Carolinas Shawnee Hills San Fernando Valley Tornado Alley North Coast Lost Coast Emerald Triangle San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay North Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) East Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) Silicon Valley Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Gulf of Mexico Lower Colorado River Valley Sacramento -- San Joaquin River Delta Yukon -- Kuskokwim Delta Colville Delta Arkansas Delta Mobile -- Tensaw River Delta Mississippi Delta Mississippi River Delta Columbia River Estuary Great Basin High Desert Monterey Peninsula Upper Peninsula of Michigan Lower Peninsula of Michigan Virginia Peninsula Keweenaw Peninsula Middle Peninsula Delmarva Peninsula Alaska Peninsula Kenai Peninsula Niagara Peninsula Beringia Belt regions Bible Belt Black Belt Corn Belt Cotton Belt Frost Belt Rice Belt Rust Belt Sun Belt Snow Belt Mexico Northern Mexico Baja California Peninsula Gulf of California Colorado River Delta Gulf of Mexico Soconusco Tierra Caliente La Mixteca La Huasteca Bajío Valley of Mexico Mezquital Valley Sierra Madre de Oaxaca Yucatán Peninsula Basin and Range Province Central Western Caribbean Zone Isthmus of Panama Gulf of Panama Pearl Islands Azuero Peninsula Mosquito Coast Caribbean West Indies Antilles Greater Antilles Lesser Antilles Leeward Leeward Antilles Windward Lucayan Archipelago Southern Caribbean Aridoamerica Mesoamerica Oasisamerica Northern Middle Anglo Latin French Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Regions of South America North Caribbean South America West Indies Los Llanos The Guianas Amazon basin Amazon rainforest Gulf of Paria Paria Peninsula Paraguaná Peninsula Orinoco Delta South Tierra del Fuego Patagonia Pampas Pantanal Gran Chaco Chiquitano dry forests Valdes Peninsula West Andes Tropical Andes Wet Andes Dry Andes Pariacaca mountain range Altiplano Atacama Desert East Amazon basin Atlantic Forest Caatinga Cerrado Latin Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Regions of Asia Central Greater Middle East Aral Sea Aralkum Desert Caspian Sea Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Transoxiana Turan Greater Khorasan Ariana Khwarezm Sistan Kazakhstania Eurasian Steppe Asian Steppe Kazakh Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Mongolian - Manchurian grassland Wild Fields Yedisan Muravsky Trail Ural Ural Mountains Volga region Idel - Ural Kolyma Transbaikal Pryazovia Bjarmaland Kuban Zalesye Ingria Novorossiya Gornaya Shoriya Tulgas Iranian Plateau Altai Mountains Pamir Mountains Tian Shan Badakhshan Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Mount Imeon Mongolian Plateau Western Regions Taklamakan Desert Karakoram Trans - Karakoram Tract Siachen Glacier North Inner Asia Northeast Far East Russian Far East Okhotsk - Manchurian taiga Extreme North Siberia Baikalia ( Lake Baikal ) Transbaikal Khatanga Gulf Baraba steppe Kamchatka Peninsula Amur Basin Yenisei Gulf Yenisei Basin Beringia Sikhote - Alin East Japanese archipelago Northeastern Japan Arc Sakhalin Island Arc Korean Peninsula Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Greater Khingan Mongolian Plateau Inner Asia Inner Mongolia Outer Mongolia China proper Manchuria Outer Manchuria Inner Manchuria Northeast China Plain Mongolian - Manchurian grassland North China Plain Yan Mountains Kunlun Mountains Liaodong Peninsula Himalayas Tibetan Plateau Tibet Tarim Basin Northern Silk Road Hexi Corridor Nanzhong Lingnan Liangguang Jiangnan Jianghuai Guanzhong Huizhou Wu Jiaozhou Zhongyuan Shaannan Ordos Loop Loess Plateau Shaanbei Hamgyong Mountains Central Mountain Range Japanese Alps Suzuka Mountains Leizhou Peninsula Gulf of Tonkin Yangtze River Delta Pearl River Delta Yenisei Basin Altai Mountains Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass West Greater Middle East MENA Middle East Red Sea Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea Zagros Mountains Persian Gulf Pirate Coast Strait of Hormuz Greater and Lesser Tunbs Al - Faw Peninsula Gulf of Oman Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Aden Balochistan Arabian Peninsula Najd Hejaz Tihamah Eastern Arabia South Arabia Hadhramaut Arabian Peninsula coastal fog desert Tigris -- Euphrates Mesopotamia Upper Mesopotamia Lower Mesopotamia Sawad Nineveh plains Akkad ( region ) Babylonia Canaan Aram Eber - Nari Suhum Eastern Mediterranean Mashriq Kurdistan Levant Southern Levant Transjordan Jordan Rift Valley Levantine Sea Golan Heights Hula Valley Gaza Strip West Bank Galilee Gilead Judea Samaria Arabah Anti-Lebanon Mountains Sinai Peninsula Arabian Desert Syrian Desert Fertile Crescent Azerbaijan Syria Palestine Iranian Plateau Armenian Highlands Caucasus Caucasus Mountains Greater Caucasus Lesser Caucasus North Caucasus South Caucasus Kur - Araz Lowland Lankaran Lowland Alborz Absheron Peninsula Anatolia Cilicia Cappadocia Alpide belt South Greater India Indian subcontinent Himalayas Hindu Kush Western Ghats Eastern Ghats Ganges Basin Ganges Delta Pashtunistan Punjab Balochistan Kashmir Kashmir Valley Pir Panjal Range Thar Desert Indus Valley Indus River Delta Indus Valley Desert Indo - Gangetic Plain Eastern coastal plains Western Coastal Plains Meghalaya subtropical forests Lower Gangetic plains moist deciduous forests Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows Doab Bagar tract Great Rann of Kutch Little Rann of Kutch Deccan Plateau Coromandel Coast Konkan False Divi Point Hindi Belt Ladakh Aksai Chin Gilgit - Baltistan Baltistan Shigar Valley Karakoram Saltoro Mountains Siachen Glacier Bay of Bengal Gulf of Khambhat Gulf of Kutch Gulf of Mannar Trans - Karakoram Tract Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Lakshadweep Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman Islands Nicobar Islands Maldive Islands Alpide belt Southeast Mainland Indochina Malay Peninsula Maritime Peninsular Malaysia Sunda Islands Greater Sunda Islands Lesser Sunda Islands Indonesian Archipelago Timor New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula Philippine Archipelago Luzon Visayas Mindanao Leyte Gulf Gulf of Thailand East Indies Nanyang Alpide belt Asia - Pacific Tropical Asia Ring of Fire Regions of Europe North Nordic Northwestern Scandinavia Scandinavian Peninsula Fennoscandia Baltoscandia Sápmi West Nordic Baltic Baltic Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Iceland Faroe Islands East Danubian countries Prussia Galicia Volhynia Donbass Sloboda Ukraine Sambia Peninsula Amber Coast Curonian Spit Izyum Trail Lithuania Minor Nemunas Delta Baltic Baltic Sea Vyborg Bay Karelia East Karelia Karelian Isthmus Lokhaniemi Southeastern Balkans Aegean Islands Gulf of Chania North Caucasus Greater Caucasus Kabardia European Russia Southern Russia Central Baltic Baltic Sea Alpine states Alpide belt Mitteleuropa Visegrád Group West Benelux Low Countries Northwest British Isles English Channel Channel Islands Cotentin Peninsula Normandy Brittany Gulf of Lion Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Pyrenees Alpide belt South Italian Peninsula Insular Italy Tuscan Archipelago Aegadian Islands Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Gibraltar Arc Southeastern Mediterranean Crimea Alpide belt Germanic Romance Celtic Slavic countries Uralic European Plain Eurasian Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Wild Fields Pannonian Basin Great Hungarian Plain Little Hungarian Plain Eastern Slovak Lowland Regions of Oceania Australasia Gulf of Carpentaria New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula New Zealand South Island North Island Coromandel Peninsula Zealandia New Caledonia Solomon Islands ( archipelago ) Vanuatu Kula Gulf Australia Capital Country Eastern Australia Lake Eyre basin Murray -- Darling basin Northern Australia Nullarbor Plain Outback Southern Australia Maralinga Sunraysia Great Victoria Desert Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf St Vincent Lefevre Peninsula Fleurieu Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Eyre Peninsula Mornington Peninsula Bellarine Peninsula Mount Henry Peninsula Melanesia Islands Region Bismarck Archipelago Solomon Islands Archipelago Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Micronesia Caroline Islands Federated States of Micronesia Palau Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Northern Mariana Islands Wake Island Polynesia Easter Island Hawaiian Islands Cook Islands French Polynesia Austral Islands Gambier Islands Marquesas Islands Society Islands Tuamotu Kermadec Islands Mangareva Islands Samoa Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Ring of Fire Polar regions Antarctic Antarctic Peninsula East Antarctica West Antarctica Eklund Islands Ecozone Extreme points Islands Arctic Arctic Alaska British Arctic Territories Canadian Arctic Archipelago Finnmark Greenland Northern Canada Northwest Territories Nunavik Nunavut Russian Arctic Sakha Sápmi Yukon North American Arctic Earth 's oceans and seas Arctic Ocean Amundsen Gulf Barents Sea Beaufort Sea Chukchi Sea East Siberian Sea Greenland Sea Gulf of Boothia Kara Sea Laptev Sea Lincoln Sea Prince Gustav Adolf Sea Pechora Sea Queen Victoria Sea Wandel Sea White Sea Atlantic Ocean Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Alboran Sea Archipelago Sea Argentine Sea Baffin Bay Balearic Sea Baltic Sea Bay of Biscay Bay of Bothnia Bay of Campeche Bay of Fundy Black Sea Bothnian Sea Caribbean Sea Celtic Sea English Channel Foxe Basin Greenland Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Gulf of Lion Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Maine Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Saint Lawrence Gulf of Sidra Gulf of Venezuela Hudson Bay Ionian Sea Irish Sea Irminger Sea James Bay Labrador Sea Levantine Sea Libyan Sea Ligurian Sea Marmara Sea Mediterranean Sea Myrtoan Sea North Sea Norwegian Sea Sargasso Sea Sea of Åland Sea of Azov Sea of Crete Sea of the Hebrides Thracian Sea Tyrrhenian Sea Wadden Sea Indian Ocean Andaman Sea Arabian Sea Bali Sea Bay of Bengal Flores Sea Great Australian Bight Gulf of Aden Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Khambhat Gulf of Kutch Gulf of Oman Gulf of Suez Java Sea Laccadive Sea Mozambique Channel Persian Gulf Red Sea Timor Sea Pacific Ocean Arafura Sea Banda Sea Bering Sea Bismarck Sea Bohai Sea Bohol Sea Camotes Sea Celebes Sea Ceram Sea Chilean Sea Coral Sea East China Sea Gulf of Alaska Gulf of Anadyr Gulf of California Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf of Fonseca Gulf of Panama Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Tonkin Halmahera Sea Koro Sea Mar de Grau Molucca Sea Moro Gulf Philippine Sea Salish Sea Savu Sea Sea of Japan Sea of Okhotsk Seto Inland Sea Shantar Sea Sibuyan Sea Solomon Sea South China Sea Sulu Sea Tasman Sea Visayan Sea Yellow Sea Southern Ocean Amundsen Sea Bellingshausen Sea Cooperation Sea Cosmonauts Sea Davis Sea D'Urville Sea King Haakon VII Sea Lazarev Sea Mawson Sea Riiser - 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what types of transportation can be found in london
Public transport services are dominated by the executive agency for transport in London : Transport for London ( TfL ) . TfL controls the majority of public transport , including the Underground , Buses , Tramlink , the Docklands Light Railway , London River Services and the London Overground . Other rail services are either franchised to train operating companies by the national Department for Transport ( DfT ) . TfL also controls most major roads in London , but not minor roads . In addition , there are several independent airports operating in London , including Heathrow , the busiest airport in the United Kingdom .
Transport in London
transport in london
London has an extensive and developed transport network which includes both private and public services . Journeys made by public transport systems account for 37 % of London 's journeys while private services accounted for 36 % of journeys . London 's public transport network serves as the central hub for the United Kingdom in rail , air and road transport .
Public transport services are dominated by the executive agency for transport in London : Transport for London ( TfL ) . TfL controls the majority of public transport , including the Underground , Buses , Tramlink , the Docklands Light Railway , London River Services and the London Overground . Other rail services are either franchised to train operating companies by the national Department for Transport ( DfT ) . TfL also controls most major roads in London , but not minor roads . In addition , there are several independent airports operating in London , including Heathrow , the busiest airport in the United Kingdom . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Metro and Light rail 2.1 London Underground 2.2 Docklands Light Railway 2.3 Tramlink 3 Heavy rail 3.1 Local and regional 3.1. 1 London Overground 3.1. 2 Airport services 3.1. 3 Operators 3.2 National InterCity 3.3 International 4 Ticketing 5 Roads 5.1 Major routes 5.2 Distributor and minor routes 5.3 Congestion charge 5.4 Road casualties in London 6 Cycling 7 Buses and Bus Rapid Transit 8 Taxis 8.1 Black cabs and Hire cars 8.2 Horse - drawn vehicles 8.3 Bicycle taxis and Pedicabs 9 Airports 9.1 Airport Transit 10 Water transport 10.1 River Thames 10.2 Canals 10.3 Cargo 11 Aerial lift 12 Public Transportation Statistics 13 See also 14 References 15 External links History ( edit ) Management of London Transport 1933 - 2000 Dates Organisation Overseen by 1933 - 1947 London Passenger Transport Board London County Council 1948 - 1962 London Transport Executive British Transport Commission 1963 - 1969 London Transport Board Minister of Transport 1970 - 1984 London Transport Executive ( Greater London only ) Greater London Council 1970 - 1986 London Country Bus Services ( Green Line only ) National Bus Company 1984 - 2000 London Regional Transport Secretary of State for Transport 2000 - Transport for London Mayor of London Early public transport in London began with horse - drawn omnibus services in 1829 , which were gradually replaced by the first motor omnibuses in 1902 . Over the years the private companies which began these services amalgamated with the London General Omnibus Company ( LGOC ) to form a unified bus service . The Underground Electric Railways Company of London , also formed in 1902 , unified the pioneering underground railway companies which built the London Underground ; in 1912 the Underground Group took over the LGOC and in 1913 it also absorbed the London tramway companies . The Underground Group became part of the new London Passenger Transport Board ( LTPB ) in 1933 ; Underground trains , buses and trams began to operate under the shorter London Transport brand name . The London Transport name continued in use until 2000 , although the political management of transport services changed several times . The LPTB oversaw transport from 1933 to 1947 until it was re-organised into the London Transport Executive ( 1948 to 1962 ) . Responsibility for London Transport was subsequently taken over to the London Transport Board ( 1963 to 1969 ) , the Greater London Council ( 1970 to 1984 ) and London Regional Transport ( 1984 to 2000 ) . Following the privatisation of London bus services in 1986 , bus services were spun off to a separate operation based on competitive tendering , London Buses . In 2000 , as part of the formation of the new Greater London Authority , responsibility for London transport was taken over by a new transport authority , Transport for London ( TfL ) , which is the publicly owned transport corporation for the London region today . Metro and Light rail ( edit ) Transport for London operates three different railway systems across London . The largest is the London Underground , a rapid transit system operating on sub-surface lines and in deep - level `` tube '' lines . TfL also operates the Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) , an automated light rail system in the east of the city , and the Tramlink system . The London Underground and the DLR account for 40 percent of the journeys between Inner London and Outer London , making them the most highly used systems in all of London . These three systems extend to most points of London , creating a comprehensive and extensive system . One major area missed by these systems is South London , which is dominated by a large suburban rail network . London Underground ( edit ) Main article : London Underground London Underground 's Jubilee line at Green Park station . London Underground lines cross the city and stretch out into the suburbs Colloquially known as the Tube , the London Underground was the first rapid transit system in the world , having begun operations in 1863 . More than 3 million passengers travel on the Underground every day , amounting to over 1 billion passenger journeys per year for the first time in 2006 . The Underground has 11 lines , most of which connect the suburbs to Central London and together form a dense network in central London , linking major railway stations , central business areas and icons . The Underground serves North London much more extensively than South London . This is the result of a combination of unfavourable geology , historical competition from surface railways and the historical geography of London which was focused to the north of the River Thames . South London is served primarily by surface railways ( although it should be noted that the majority of London Underground 's route length is actually on the surface rather than in tunnel . ) Carrying nearly 50 % of London 's commuters , the Tube is the most heavily used mode of public transport in the area . Docklands Light railway ( edit ) Main article : Docklands Light Railway An automated Docklands Light Railway train at Heron Quays , in the Canary Wharf financial district . The Docklands Light Railway ( DLR ) is an automated light rail system serving the Docklands area of east London . It complements the London Underground , largely sharing its fares system and having a number of interchanges with it . The DLR serves over 101 million passengers a year and is an essential piece of infrastructure to East London . The DLR 's most heavily used stations are Bank , Canary Wharf , Canning Town , Lewisham and Woolwich Arsenal . Partly thanks to the success of Canary Wharf , the system has expanded several times and now has five main branches connecting the Isle of Dogs and Royal Docks to each other and to the City of London , Stratford , Woolwich and Lewisham south of the river . It also serves London City Airport and Stratford International . A further extension to Dagenham Dock is being proposed but is on hold for the time . Tramlink ( edit ) Main article : Tramlink A Tramlink tram on Lebanon Road in Croydon The Tramlink is a tram and light rail system in South London . It operates in the Boroughs of Croydon and Merton and has 39 stations . The system has four services : Elmers End - Croydon , Beckenham Junction - Croydon , Wimbledon - New Addington and Elmers End - Therapia Lane . In 2011 , it carried over 28 million passengers , up from 18 million in 2001 . The system runs on its own right of way , mixed use rails and with street traffic . The network has connections with the London Underground , the London Overground and the National Rail system . There are several extensions planned for the system , such as expanding its coverage and further integrating it into the Underground system . Heavy rail ( edit ) Main article : Rail transport in Great Britain The radial form of the London railway network London is the focal point of the British railway network , with 18 major stations providing a combination of suburban , intercity , airport and international services ; 14 of these stations are termini and 4 are through stations and two others are both . Most areas of the city not served by the Underground or DLR are served by suburban heavy rail services into one of these stations . These suburban rail services are not part of Transport for London ( apart from London Overground and TfL Rail ) but are owned and operated by a number of private rail firms and use TfL 's Oyster card system . The terminal ( only ) stations are Cannon Street , Charing Cross , Euston , Fenchurch Street , King 's Cross , Liverpool Street , Marylebone , Moorgate , Paddington , St Pancras , Victoria and Waterloo . The through ( only ) stations are City Thameslink , Farringdon , Old Street , Vauxhall . The ' mixed ' stations are Waterloo East , Blackfriars and London Bridge . London is also linked by rail to mainland Europe by High Speed 1 through the Channel Tunnel Rail Link , branded HS1 ( High Speed 1 ) . High - speed Eurostar trains serve Paris and Brussels . Eurostar 's London terminus is at St Pancras International and the HS1 route passes through Stratford International railway Station and two stations in the county of Kent , Ashford International and Ebsfleet International . Local and regional ( edit ) Main article : Commuter rail in the United Kingdom South London is covered by a large suburban network electrified with Third rail . Here a South West Trains service stands at Chessington South Cross-London rail routes London is the centre of an extensive radial commuter railway network which , along with Paris , is the busiest and largest in Europe , serving the surrounding metropolitan area . Each terminus is associated with commuter services from a particular segment of this area . The majority of commuters to central London ( about 80 % of 1.1 million ) arrive by either the Underground ( 400,000 daily ) or by surface railway into these termini ( 860,000 daily ) . For historical reasons , London 's commuter rail network is arranged in a radial form , and as a result the majority of services entering London terminate at one of the terminal stations around the edge of the city centre . In contrast to the more developed regional RER network in Paris , only two long - distance National Rail lines currently go across London : the Thameslink route runs between the more distant towns of Bedford in the north and Brighton on the south coast , passing through the City of London , London suburbs as well as Luton Airport Parkway and Gatwick Airport . And also the West London Route which passes through Shepherd 's Bush and operated by Southern running between Milton Keynes Central in the north and East Croydon in the south . A major expansion of the Thameslink route is planned 2013 - 18 , in which a number of existing regional rail services will be redirected via the cross-London Thameslink corridor . Constantly increasing pressure on the commuter rail systems and on the Underground to disperse passengers from the busy terminals has led to the multibillion - pound Crossrail scheme . When completed , Crossrail will add a further cross-London line passing through Paddington and Liverpool Street . Construction work is currently underway , and twin 16 - km tunnels are being bored underneath the city centre . New or upgraded stations will be provided at key city centre locations , linking to the Underground . While most stations in central London are termini , there are a few notable exceptions . London Bridge station has several through lines to the more central termini at Cannon Street and Charing Cross , and trains to the latter also call at Waterloo East , linked to Waterloo by a footbridge . London Bridge 's through platforms are also used by the Thameslink services of Govia Thameslink Railway , which cross the city centre , calling at Blackfriars , City Thameslink , Farringdon and St Pancras . London Overground ( edit ) Main article : London Overground London Overground at Gospel Oak running a North London Line service . This forms part of London 's orbital route In addition to London 's radial lines and cross-London routes , there are also several orbital National Rail lines connecting peripheral inner - London suburbs . These lines have been under the management of TfL since November 2007 and are operated by private contract under the London Overground brand . This commuter transport is operated as a rapid transit system with high - frequency services around a circular route with radial branch lines and is designed to reduce stress from the inner - city Tube network by allowing commuters to travel across London without going through the central Zone 1 . London Overground was formed by joining a series of existing railway lines to form a circular route around the city and incorporates the oldest part of the Underground 's history , the Thames Tunnel under the River Thames , which was completed in 1843 . The routes comprise : The North London Line , which arcs across North London from Richmond in the west via Willesden Junction and Highbury & Islington to Stratford in the east . The West London Line linking Clapham Junction to Willesden Junction with some trains to Stratford via the North London Line . The East London Line ( including the South London Line ) , a former London Underground line which was converted to heavy rail operation in 2010 ; part of the Brighton Main Line between New Cross Gate and Norwood Junction ; and the South London Line which was added to the London Overground network in December 2012 , completing the circuit across the South London suburbs to Clapham Junction . Running from Highbury & Islington to New Cross , West Croydon , and Crystal Palace , and via the South London Line , Clapham Junction . Other routes operated include : The Gospel Oak to Barking Line which links inner North London to the northeastern suburbs , which is due to be extended to Barking Riverside . The inner - suburban Watford DC Line from Euston to Watford Junction . Suburban services from Liverpool Street to Chingford , Enfield Town and Cheshunt via Hackney Downs . The Romford to Upminster Line via Emerson Park . Airport services ( edit ) Map of rail links to London Airports Heathrow , Gatwick and Stansted airports are served by dedicated train services , and are also served by standard commuter services . The Heathrow Express service from Paddington is provided by the airport operator , Heathrow Airport Holdings , whilst the Gatwick Express from Victoria and Stansted Express from Liverpool Street are provided by franchised train operating companies . Airport Train operator Central London station Notes Heathrow Heathrow Connect Paddington An all station suburban service that serves terminals 1 , 2 & 3 , then terminates at either terminal 4 or 5 . Heathrow Heathrow Express Paddington Non-stop service between Central London and the Airport . Serves terminals 1 , 2 & 3 , then terminates at either terminal 4 or 5 . Heathrow London Underground Several including King 's Cross St Pancras Piccadilly line service Heathrow South West Trains Waterloo to Feltham , then bus connection to Heathrow . Gatwick Gatwick Express Victoria Non-stop service . Sub brand of Govia Thameslink Railway . Gatwick Thameslink St Pancras / Farringdon / City Thameslink / Blackfriars / London Bridge Thameslink route service . Gatwick Southern Victoria Semi-fast and fast service via Clapham Junction . City DLR Bank / Tower Gateway Stansted Stansted Express Liverpool Street Limited stop service . Sub brand of Abellio Greater Anglia . Southend Abellio Greater Anglia Liverpool Street Luton Thameslink St Pancras / Farringdon / City Thameslink / Blackfriars / London Bridge Thameslink route service . Operators ( edit ) Thameslink trains run a cross London route through Central London Unlike the Underground , which is a single system owned and operated by Transport for London , commuter railways in London are run by a number of separate train operating companies ( TOCs ) . This results from the privatisation of British Rail in the 1990s which split the former state railway operator British Rail into a number of smaller franchises in order to increase competition and allow railways to operate in a free market . Among the rail firms operating passenger services in London , a number are owned by foreign companies or by state - owned railways of other European countries . London Overground is contracted in a different way to other franchises in that it is operated by a private company under contract to Transport for London . Heathrow Express is also unusual in that it is not officially part of the National Rail franchising system . Train operator Franchise / services Parent company / owner Abellio Greater Anglia East Anglia franchise - Local and regional / commuter services to Essex , Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire , serving Liverpool Street Abellio Arriva Rail London London Overground metro service across London Arriva c2c Essex Thameside - local and regional / commuter services in East London and South Essex serving Fenchurch Street Trenitalia Chiltern Railways London to Aylesbury Line - local and regional / commuter services to North West London , Buckinghamshire serving Marylebone Arriva East Midlands Trains Regional services to Corby serving St Pancras Stagecoach Group Thameslink Great Northern Thameslink and Great Northern Route provides local , commuter and regional services to North London , South London , Hertfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Bedfordshire , Kent and Sussex serving King 's Cross , St Pancras , Moorgate , Blackfriars , and London Bridge Govia Gatwick Express Express service to Gatwick Airport , part of Southern franchise serving Victoria Govia Great Western Railway Local and regional / commuter services to West London and the Thames Valley region serving Paddington FirstGroup Heathrow Connect Stopping service to Heathrow Airport serving Paddington Heathrow Express / Great Western Railway joint venture Heathrow Express Non-stop service to Heathrow Airport serving Paddington Heathrow Airport Holdings London Midland Local and regional / commuter services to Hertfordshire , Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire , Warwickshire and Staffordshire serving Euston Govia South West Trains Waterloo to Reading line , Local services to South West London and regional / commuter services to Surrey , Hampshire , Dorset & Berkshire serving Waterloo Stagecoach Group Southeastern Local metro services across South East London and commuter and regional services to Kent serving London Charing Cross , London Victoria , London Cannon Street and London Blackfriars . Southeastern High Speed commuter services to Kent serving London St Pancras Govia Southern Local / commuter services in South London and commuter / regional services to Sussex ; stopping service to Gatwick Airport ; the cross-London route to Milton Keynes serving London Bridge and Victoria Govia Stansted Express Express service to Stansted Airport , part of Abellio Greater Anglia serving Liverpool Street Abellio TfL Rail Local and commuter services to Gidea Park and Shenfield serving Liverpool Street MTR Corporation National intercity ( edit ) East Coast 125mph InterCity trains connect London with the East Midlands , Yorkshire , North East England and Scotland Long - distance intercity services are provided at some London rail termini . Because the termini and intercity routes were largely built by competing companies , many termini serve cities in overlapping regions or different parts of the same region : Euston for the West Midlands , North Wales , North West England and Scotland St Pancras for the East Midlands and parts of Yorkshire King 's Cross for the East Midlands , Yorkshire , North East England and Scotland Liverpool Street for East Anglia Paddington for South West England and South Wales International ( edit ) a Eurostar train at St Pancras St Pancras provides international Eurostar services via the Channel Tunnel to cities including Paris , Brussels , Lyon and Marseilles , with journeys to Paris in around 2 hours 15 minutes and to Brussels in around 1 hour 50 minutes . Ticketing ( edit ) Main article : Oyster card The TfL Oyster Card electronic ticket London commuters mostly gain access to public transport services in London by using one of the inter-modal travel tickets provided by Transport for London . Oyster card is a credit - card - sized electronic ticket which offers almost unlimited use on the London Underground , London Overground , Docklands Light Railway , Tramlink , London Buses and National Rail services in the Greater London area . Commuters entering London from further afield may rely on the older paper Travelcard ( combined with a National Rail ticket ) which offers the same inter-modal access but is valid at the regional railway stations not yet equipped to offer electronic ticketing . Oyster card is generally not valid outside the London fare zones or on certain airport express services . Both Travelcard and Oyster card fares are calculated by using a system of fare zones which divides London 's transport network into concentric circles numbered 1 - 6 . Individual transport operators may also offer their own ticketing and fare tariffs for travel on one mode of transport . The London Pass offers tourists visiting London a combination of the Travelcard and admissions to a number of tourist attractions for a set fee in advance . Roads ( edit ) London has a hierarchy of roads ranging from major radial and orbital trunk roads down to minor `` side streets '' . At the top level are motorways and grade - separated dual carriageways , supplemented by non-grade - separated urban dual carriageways , major single carriageway roads , local distributor roads and small local streets . Most of the streets of central London were laid out before cars were invented and London 's road network is often congested . Attempts to tackle this go back at least to the 1740s , when the New Road was built through the fields north of the city ; it is now just another congested central London thoroughfare . In the late 19th and early 20th centuries , new wide roads such as Victoria Embankment , Shaftesbury Avenue and Kingsway were created . In the 1920s and 1930s a series of new radial roads , such as the Western Avenue and Eastern Avenue , were constructed in the new suburban outskirts of London but little was done in the congested central area . A 1938 report , The Highway Development Survey , by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for the Ministry of Transport and Sir Patrick Abercrombie 's 1943 County of London Plan and 1944 Greater London Plan all recommended the construction of many miles of new roads and the improvement of existing routes and junctions but little was done to implement the recommendations . In the 1960s the Greater London Council prepared a drastic plan for a network of London Ringways including the construction of the London Motorway Box which would have involved massive demolition and huge cost to bring motorways into the heart of the city . Resistance from Central Government over the costs and campaigns of objection from local residents caused the cancellation of most of the plans in 1973 . By the end of the 20th century policy swung towards a preference for public transport improvements , although the 118 - mile ( 190 km ) M25 orbital motorway was constructed between 1973 and 1986 to provide a route for traffic to bypass the London urban area . Major routes ( edit ) The busy M25 motorway which circles the urban area . Due to the opposition to the Ringway plan and earlier proposals there are few grade - separated routes penetrating to the city centre . Only the western A40 , the northeastern A12 Leyton By - pass , eastern A13 and southeastern A2 are grade - separated for most of the way into central London . There is also the eastern A1203 , a dual carriageway tunnel around the Docklands area , which directly links onto the A13 . There is a technical distinction between the motorways , operated by the Highways Agency , and other major routes , operated by TfL as the Transport for London Route Network ( TLRN ) . Many of London 's major radial routes continue far beyond the city as part of the national motorway and trunk road network . From the north , clockwise ( and noting a key commuter location served by each rather than the final destination ) , the major radial routes are the A10 ( north to Hertford ) , the M11 ( north to Cambridge ) , the A12 ( northeast to Chelmsford ) , the A127 ( east to Southend ) , the A13 ( also east to Southend ) , the A2 / M2 ( east to Chatham ) , the A20 / M20 ( east to Maidstone ) , the A23 / M23 ( south to Gatwick Airport and Brighton ) , the A3 ( southwest to Guildford ) , A316 / M3 ( southwest to Basingstoke ) , the A4 / M4 ( west to Heathrow Airport and Reading ) , the A40 / M40 ( west to Oxford ) , the M1 ( northwest to Luton & Milton Keynes ) and the A1 ( north to Stevenage ) . Sign marking an exit from the congestion charging zone There are also three ring roads linking these routes orbitally . The innermost , the Inner Ring Road , circumnavigates the congestion charging zone in the city centre . The generally grade - separated North Circular Road ( the A406 from Gunnersbury to East Ham ) and the non-separated South Circular Road ( the A205 ) form a suburban ring of roughly 10 km radius . Finally , the M25 encircles most of the urban area with roughly a 25 km radius . The western section of the M25 past Heathrow Airport is one of Europe 's busiest , carrying around 200,000 vehicles per day . None of these roads have tolls , although the Dartford Crossing , which links the two ends of the M25 to the east of London , is tolled . Distributor and minor routes ( edit ) The major roads mentioned above are supplemented by a host of standard single - carriageway main roads , operated as part of the afore - mentioned TLRN . These roads generally link suburbs with each other , or deliver traffic from the ends of the major routes into the city centre . The TLRN is supplemented by local distributor roads operated by the local authorities , the London boroughs . These non-strategic roads only carry local traffic . Congestion charge ( edit ) In February 2003 , TfL introduced a radical scheme to charge motorists £ 5 per day for driving vehicles within a designated area of central London during peak hours , the congestion charge . The politicians behind the scheme claim that it has significantly reduced traffic congestion and hence improved reliability of bus and taxi services , but this is strongly contested by the scheme 's critics . The charge was increased to £ 8 per day on 4 July 2005 . In 2007 the zone was extended into west London . On 4 January 2011 several changes were implemented based on the public consultation conducted in 2008 , which included the removal of the Western Extension and a charge increase from £ 8 to £ 10 , Road casualties in London ( edit ) The following table shows the number of casualties , grouped by severity , on the roads of Greater London ( including the City of London ) , over recent years . 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fatal 204 184 126 159 134 132 127 136 Serious 3,322 3,043 2,760 2,646 2,884 2,192 2,040 1,956 Total 3,526 3,227 2,886 2,805 3,018 2,324 2,167 2,092 Slight 24,627 24,752 26,003 26,452 25,762 24,875 28,618 28,090 Grand total 28,361 27,979 28,889 29,257 28,780 27,199 30,785 30,182 Cycling ( edit ) Main article : Cycling in London Barclays Cycle Hire docking station in Soho Square Over one million Londoners own bicycles but as of 2008 only around 2 per cent of all journeys in London are made by bike : this compares poorly to other major European cities such as Berlin ( 5 per cent ) , Munich ( 12 per cent ) , and Amsterdam ( 55 per cent ) and Copenhagen ( 36 per cent ) . Nevertheless , this is an 83 per cent increase compared to that in 2000 . There are currently an estimated 480,000 cycle journeys each day in the capital . The Santander Cycles ( formerly Barclays Cycle Hire ) scheme , launched 30 July 2010 , aims to provide 6,000 bicycles for rental . Bikes are available at a number of docking stations in central London . Buses and bus rapid transit ( edit ) Main articles : Buses in London and East London Transit The modern Alexander Dennis Enviro400 double - decker bus operating services on route 139 The red double - decker London bus has entered popular culture as an internationally recognised British icon , and while the design and operation of London buses has changed over the years , the vehicles still maintain their traditional red colour . The London Bus network is extensive , with over 6,800 scheduled services every weekday carrying about six million passengers on over 700 different routes making it one of the most extensive bus systems in the world and by far the largest in Europe . Catering mainly for local journeys , it carries more passengers than the Underground . In addition to this extensive daytime system , a 100 - route night bus service is also operated , providing a 24 - hour service . East London Transit is a partially segregated Bus Rapid Transit system . The London Buses network and East London Transit systems are managed by TfL through its arms - length subsidiary company , London Buses Ltd . As a result of the Privatisation of London bus services in 1985 , bus operations in London must be put out to competitive tendering and routes are operated by a number of private companies , while TfL sets the routes , frequencies , fares and even the type of vehicle used ( Greater London was exempted from the bus deregulation in Great Britain ) . Transport companies may bid to run London bus services for a fixed price for several years , with incentives and penalties in place to encourage good performance against certain criteria . The tendering system is open to transport operators from a global market , with the result that some London bus services are now operated by international groups such as RATP Group , the state - owned operator of the Paris public transport system . Company Routes Parent company Abellio London London & Surrey Abellio Abellio Surrey London & Surrey Abellio Arriva London London Arriva Carousel Buses Buckinghamshire Go - Ahead Group CT Plus Greater London HCT Group First Berkshire & The Thames Valley Berkshire FirstGroup Go - Ahead London London Go - Ahead Group Green Line Coaches Express services to Berkshire & Hertfordshire Arriva London Sovereign North London RATP Group London United West & Central London RATP Group Metrobus South and South - east London , and parts of Surrey , Kent , West and East Sussex . Go - Ahead Group Metroline North & West London ComfortDelGro Quality Line South London & Surrey RATP Group Stagecoach London South and East London Stagecoach Group Sullivan Buses Hertfordshire & North London - Tower Transit East , West & Central London Transit Systems Uno Hertfordshire & North London University of Hertfordshire Many services are operated with the iconic red double - decker buses , virtually all using modern low - floor accessible vehicles rather than the traditional open - platform AEC Routemasters , now limited to two city centre `` heritage routes '' after a phase out in 2006 . However a new Routemaster has come into service following the withdrawal of the articulated buses called New Routemaster which is a modern version of the Routemaster which started service in 2012 . The bus system has been the subject of much investment since TfL 's inception in 2000 , with consequent improvements in the number of routes ( particularly night services ) , their frequency , reliability and the standard of the vehicles used . Taxis ( edit ) Black cabs and Hire cars ( edit ) The iconic Hackney carriage or black cab . The iconic black cab remains a common sight . They are driven by the only taxicab drivers in the world who have spent at least three years learning the city 's road network to gain ' The Knowledge ' . All London taxicabs are licensed by TfL 's Public Carriage Office ( PCO ) , who also set taxicab fares along with strict maximum vehicle emission standards . Black cabs can be hailed on the street or hired from a taxicab rank ( by all the mainline railway stations and around the major business , shopping and tourist centres ) . Taxicab fares are set by TfL and are calculated using a Taximeter in the vehicle ( hence the name ' Taxicab ' ) and are calculated using a combination of distance travelled and time . Private Hire Vehicles ( PHVs or minicabs ) are cars which are not licensed to pick people up on the street . They must always be booked in advance by phone or at the operator 's offices . Horse - drawn vehicles ( edit ) More than 70 years after horse - drawn carriages were restricted from the West End , Westminster City Council has announced that it will consider supporting applications to reintroduce them for sightseeing tours across the city . The first Hackney carriages licensed in London , in 1662 , were horse - drawn vehicles . Bicycle taxis and pedicabs ( edit ) Pedicabs are a fairly recent addition , being mostly used by tourists and operating in the central areas . Unlike the black cab , no test of knowledge is required to operate a pedicab or bicycle rickshaw . Cambridge Trishaws Ltd moved from Cambridge to London in 1998 as the first such company to work within the city . There are now 5 -- 10 such companies providing competing services . The Licensed Taxi Drivers Association ( LTDA ) went to the High Court to try to force them to become licensed , but lost their case in 2004 . There has been a move , led by Chris Smallwood , chairman of the London Pedicab Operators Association , to bring in more relevant legislation . Smallwood helped to draft an amendment to a bill to be put before the House of Lords that would introduce these ' lighter ' pedicab regulations . This was followed in 2005 by Transport Committee scrutiny to determine the future of the then nascent industry . This led in turn , to a 2006 TfL consultation `` for the introduction of a licensing regime that is appropriate for pedicabs and their riders '' . Airports ( edit ) Main article : Airports of London Map of airports serving london London 's Heathrow Airport handles more international passenger traffic than any other in the world . London City Airport has a single STOL runway located on a narrow strip of land with docks on both sides . London is the best served city by airports in the world with almost 150 million passengers using its six airports in 2005 . In order of size , these airports are Heathrow , Gatwick , Stansted , Luton , London City ; and London Southend Airport . Heathrow and Gatwick serve long - haul , European and domestic flights ; Stansted , Luton and Southend cater primarily for low - cost European and domestic services , whilst London City caters for business passengers to short - haul and domestic destinations . The closest airport to the city centre is London City in the Docklands area , approximately 10 km east of the City of London financial district . A branch of the Docklands Light Railway links the airport to the City in under 25 minutes . Two other airports are at the edge of the city but within the Greater London boundary : Biggin Hill , around 23 km southeast of the centre , and London 's principal airport , Heathrow , 20 -- 25 km from central London . Heathrow handles nearly 70 million passengers per annum , making it Europe 's busiest airport . On the western edge of the city in the London Borough of Hillingdon , it has two runways and five passenger terminals , with the £ 4bn fifth terminal opening in 2008 . It is connected to central London by the dedicated Heathrow Express rail service , the Heathrow Connect local rail service and London Underground 's Piccadilly line , and is connected to the M4 and M25 motorways . Gatwick is just under 40 km south of central London in Sussex , some distance outside London 's boundary . With a single runway and two terminals , it handles approximately 32 million passengers per year from domestic , short - haul and long - haul flights , and is linked to London by the Gatwick Express , Thameslink and Southern rail services , and by the M23 . It is the busiest single runway airport in the world . Southend is to the east of London , and has undergone rapid development to be usable by short - haul passenger flights in time for the 2012 Olympics . It is connected to London via the A127 road , an on airport station with services through Stratford to London Liverpool Street . Passenger numbers have risen significantly from April 2012 when low - cost flights commenced to 13 European destinations . Stansted is London 's most distant airport , approximately 50 km north of the centre , in Essex . With a single runway and terminal , it handles approximately 20 million passengers annually , mostly from low - cost short - haul and domestic leisure flights . It is connected to London by the Stansted Express rail service and the M11 motorway . Luton Airport is about 45 km northwest of London , connected to it by the M1 and First Capital Connect trains from nearby Luton Airport Parkway station . It has a single terminal and a runway considerably shorter than the other London airports , and like Stansted it caters mainly for low - cost short - haul leisure flights . RAF Northolt in west London is used by private jets , and London Heliport in Battersea is used by private helicopters . There are also Biggin Hill and Farnborough Airfield . Croydon Airport was originally London 's main airport , but was replaced by Heathrow , and closed in 1959 . An airfield at Lydd has been rebranded London Ashford , but currently have little traffic . In August 2009 , Oxford Airport , some 95 km from London 's City Centre , re-branded itself London Oxford Airport in a controversial move , while Kent International was briefly called London Manston ; it is 120 km from London . In addition , RAF Brize Norton with direct flights to the Falkland Islands is less than two hours away by car . Airport transit ( edit ) Gatwick Airport inter-terminal transit Three of London 's airports provide varieties of automated people mover along guided tracks to shuttle passengers between terminals . These small - scale transport systems operate independently of London 's main transportation network . The Gatwick Airport inter-terminal transit , originally built in 1983 and refurbished in 2010 , was the first airport driverless train system outside the USA ; a similar system , the Stansted Airport Transit System , was opened in 1991 at Stansted Airport to provide airside terminal transfers . At Heathrow Airport , a personal rapid transit system called ULTra has been in operation since 2011 . Water Transport ( edit ) River Thames ( edit ) See also : London River Services `` River bus '' services on the River Thames The River Thames is navigable to ocean - going vessels as far as London Bridge , and to substantial craft well upstream of Greater London . Historically , the river was one of London 's main transport arteries . Although this is no longer the case , passenger services have seen something of a revival since the creation in 1999 of London River Services , an arm of Transport for London . LRS now regulates and promotes a small - scale network of river bus commuter services and a large number of leisure cruises operating on the river . Boats are owned and operated by a number of private companies , and LRS manages five of central London 's 22 piers . Canals ( edit ) See also : Canals of the United Kingdom A `` water bus '' on the Regent 's Canal London also has several canals , including the Regent 's Canal , which links the Thames to the Grand Union Canal and thus to the waterway network across much of England . These canals were originally built in the Industrial Revolution for the transport of coal , raw materials and foods . Although they now carry few goods , they are popular with private narrowboat users and leisure cruisers , and a regular `` water bus '' service operates along the Regent 's Canal during the summer months . Cargo ( edit ) Some bulk cargoes are carried on the Thames , and the Mayor of London wishes to increase this use . London 's port used to be the country 's busiest when it was located in Central London and east London 's Docklands . Since the 1960s , containerisation has led to almost all of the port 's activities moving further downstream and the ceasing of port - related activity at the extensive network of docks ( which were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries ) . A purpose - built container port at Tilbury in Essex , around ten kilometres outside the Greater London boundary , is today the busiest part of the port , though activity remains along stretches of the Thames , mainly downstream of the Thames Barrier . Fifty riverside wharfs have been safeguarded from development in Greater London . Today the port is the UK 's second largest by cargo handled ( 53 million tonnes in 2008 ) . The Port of London Authority is responsible for most port activities and navigation along the River Thames in London and on the Thames estuary . Aerial lift ( edit ) Main article : Emirates cable car The Air Line aerial cable system over the River Thames opened in 2012 . Public transportation Statistics ( edit ) The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit in London , for example to and from work , on a weekday is 84 min . 30 % of public transit riders , ride for more than 2 hours every day . The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for public transit is 13 min , while 18 % of riders wait for over 20 minutes on average every day . The average distance people usually ride in a single trip with public transit is 8.9 km , while 20 % travel for over 12 km in a single direction . See also ( edit ) Book : London London Transport portal List of bus routes in London History of public transport authorities in London List of heads of public transport authorities in London London fare zones References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Travel in London Report 9 '' ( PDF ) . TfL . Retrieved 29 August 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Terminal and Transit Passengers 2012 Comparison with the Previous Year '' ( PDF ) . Civil Aviation Authority ( UK ) . Retrieved 9 August 2014 . Jump up ^ by S.P. Sinha ; Faguni Ram ; Manager Prasad ... ( et al . ) , eds. ( 1993 ) . Instant encyclopaedia of geography . 23 . Transportation geography ( 1st ed . ) . New Delhi : Mittal publ . p. 295 . ISBN 817099506X . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Martin , Andrew . Underground , Overground a Passenger 's History of the Tube . London : Profile . ISBN 9781847658074 . Jump up ^ `` Company information '' . Transport for London website . Retrieved 28 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Travel in London '' ( PDF ) . TfL . Transport for London . Retrieved 4 August 2014 . Jump up ^ `` London Underground History '' . Transport for London website . Retrieved 29 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` London Underground Key Facts '' . TfL website . Retrieved 29 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Tube carries one billion passengers for first time '' . Transport for London . Archived from the original on 2 July 2008 . Retrieved 22 July 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Light Rail and Tram Statistics : England 2013 / 14 '' ( PDF ) . Government of the UK . Department for Transport . Retrieved 5 August 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Freedom of Information DLR usage 1213 '' . Transport for London . 12 February 2013 . Retrieved 10 November 2013 . Jump up ^ `` TRAMLINK OPERATIONS '' ( PDF ) . www.tfl.gov.uk . Transport for London . Retrieved 27 August 2014 . Jump up ^ The Mayor 's Transport Strategy -- Figure 2.20 and Paragraph 2.76 . Jump up ^ `` South London Route Utilisation Strategy '' ( PDF ) . Network Rail . March 2008 . Retrieved 29 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Consultation on the combined Thameslink , Southern and Great Northern franchise '' ( PDF ) . Department for Transport . Retrieved 29 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About London Overground '' . Transport for London . Retrieved 9 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Outer London rail orbital opens for passengers '' . BBC News . 9 December 2012 . Retrieved 9 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Haywood , Russell ( 2009 ) . Railways , urban development and town planning in Britain : 1948 - 2008 ( ( Online - Ausg . ) . ed . ) . Farnham , England : Ashgate . p. 266 . ISBN 9780754673927 . Retrieved 10 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Brummer , Alex ( 2012 ) . `` 7 . the Export of Transport '' . Britain for Sale : British Companies in Foreign Hands . Random House . ISBN 1448136814 . ^ Jump up to : Macalister , Terry ; Milmo , Dan ( 22 April 2010 ) . `` Arriva takeover bid revives foreign takeover row '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 17 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` England London Eurostar arrives in Paris on time '' . BBC News . 14 November 2007 . Retrieved 27 April 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Tickets '' . Transport for London website . Retrieved 3 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Smooth start for congestion charge '' . BBC News . 18 February 2003 . Retrieved 26 May 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Impacts monitoring -- Fourth Annual Report Overview '' ( PDF ) . Transport for London . June 2006 . Retrieved 26 May 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Congestion charge increases to £ 8 '' . BBC News . 1 April 2005 . Retrieved 8 April 2006 . Jump up ^ Woodman , Peter ( 19 February 2007 ) . `` Capital 's congestion charge area extended '' . The Independent . London . Retrieved 26 May 2007 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( 2009 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2008 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( 2011 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2009 and 2010 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( June 2012 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2011 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( June 2013 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2012 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( June 2014 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2013 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( June 2015 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2014 . Jump up ^ Transport for London ( June 2016 ) . Casualties in Greater London during 2015 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` Bike City Copenhagen '' . Københavns Kommune . Retrieved 5 January 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Greater London Authority -- Press Release '' . London.gov.uk . Retrieved 27 April 2010 . Jump up ^ Quigley - Jones , Jennifer ( 13 November 2009 ) . `` On yer bikes '' . The Economist . The World in 2010 . Retrieved 23 November 2009 . Jump up ^ Elborough , Travis ( 2006 ) . The bus we loved : London 's affair with the Routemaster . London : Granta Books . p. 108 . ISBN 9781862078857 . Jump up ^ London Buses , Transport for London . Accessed 10 May 2007 . Jump up ^ Parker , David ( 2009 ) . The official history of privatisation . London : Routledge . p. 232 . ISBN 9780203881521 . Jump up ^ `` The French connection : What 's a picture of the River Seine doing on our iconic London buses ? '' . Daily Mail . 25 April 2011 . Retrieved 11 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Horse - drawn carriages could make West End comeback '' ( Press release ) . City of Westminster Council . 22 January 2007 . Retrieved 28 May 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Taxi driver : London '' . BBC News . 4 August 2004 . Retrieved 28 May 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Public Carriage Office begins consultation on licensing pedicabs in London '' ( Press release ) . Transport for London . 29 June 2006 . Retrieved 28 May 2007 . Jump up ^ London City Airport train timetable , www.tfl.gov.uk . Retrieved 16 June 2005 . Jump up ^ `` London Oxford Airport - a Tale of Two Cities '' . The Telegraph . 19 August 2009 . Archived from the original on 30 May 2016 . Retrieved 26 October 2016 . Jump up ^ https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.75,-1.583611&spn=0.03,0.03&t=m&q=51.75,-1.583611 Jump up ^ Hudson , Kenneth ( 1984 ) . `` Airports and Airfields '' . Industrial history from the air . Cambridge University Press . p. 113 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 25333 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Press release 2010 -- London Gatwick -- we have lift on ! '' ( Press release ) . Gatwick Airport . Retrieved 15 August 2010 . Jump up ^ `` 24 . BAA Stansted Airport Transit '' ( PDF ) . Physics At Work 2008 . BAA Stansted / Cambridge University Cavendish Laboratory . Retrieved 4 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Heathrow : Driverless ULTra Pods Replace Buses At Terminal 5 '' . Huffington Post . 12 November 2011 . Retrieved 4 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Transport for London . `` London River Services '' . Retrieved 1 April 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Port of London Annual Review 2008 '' ( PDF ) . Port of London Authority . Retrieved 9 May 2009 . Jump up ^ `` London Public Transportation Statistics '' . Global Public Transit Index by Moovit . Retrieved June 19 , 2017 . Material was copied from this source , which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Public transport in London . Official website of Transport for London , the executive agency in charge of most transport operations Department for Transport , central government department overseeing the national railway network London Campaign for Better Transport , campaigns on local issues , and supports the national organisation in pressing for sustainable transport . A current project is a possible `` Brent Cross Railway '' in north London . Transport in London Companies and organisations Transport for London Air Line Buses East London Transit Night buses Coach station Cycle hire Dial - a-Ride London Rail Docklands Light Railway London Overground TfL Rail Tramlink Crossrail ( under construction ) Crossrail 2 ( proposed ) London River Services London Streets London Underground Night Tube Source London Taxi and Private Hire office Bus operators Abellio Arriva East Herts & Essex Arriva London Arriva Southern Counties CT Plus Go - Ahead London London Sovereign London United Metrobus Metroline Quality Line Stagecoach London Tower Transit Uno River operators Bateaux London City Cruises Crown River Cruises Livett 's Launches Lower Thames and Medway Passenger Boat Company Thames Clippers Thames Executive Charters Thames River Services Westminster Passenger Services Association Train operators Arriva Rail London c2c Caledonian Sleeper Chiltern Railways East Midlands Trains Eurostar Govia Thameslink Railway Gatwick Express Great Northern Southern Thameslink Grand Central Great Western Railway Greater Anglia Stansted Express Heathrow Connect Heathrow Express Hull Trains London Northwestern Railway South Western Railway Southeastern TfL Rail Virgin Trains ( West Coast ) Virgin Trains East Coast Other Global Infrastructure Partners Heathrow Airport Holdings Port of London Authority Airports Within London City Heathrow Private : Biggin Hill Damyns Hall London Heliport Military : Northolt Outside London Gatwick Luton Southend Stansted Proposed : Thames Estuary Major stations Central area Bank / Monument Baker Street Blackfriars Bond Street Cannon Street Charing Cross City Thameslink Euston Farringdon Fenchurch Street King 's Cross Liverpool Street London Bridge Marylebone Moorgate Oxford Circus Paddington St Pancras International Tottenham Court Road Vauxhall Victoria Waterloo Waterloo East Westminster Other Barking Bromley South Canary Wharf Clapham Junction Ealing Broadway East Croydon Finsbury Park Heathrow Stations Highbury & Islington Ilford Lewisham London City Airport Orpington Putney Richmond Romford Stratford Surbiton Sutton Wimbledon Roads Motorways M1 M4 M11 M25 London Orbital Former : M41 ( West Cross Route ) A40 ( M ) ( Westway ) A102 ( M ) ( East Cross Route ) Ring roads London Inner Ring Road London Ringways North Circular Road South Circular Road Charging Congestion charge Low emission zone Ticketing Freedom Pass Oyster card Travelcard Other History of public transport authorities London Transport Museum Port of London Regent 's Canal Cycle routes Thameslink Trams Trolleybuses Windsor House Former BR sectors British Rail InterCity Network SouthEast Commons WikiProject Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transport_in_London&oldid=813726143 '' Categories : Infrastructure in London Transport in London Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008 All articles containing potentially dated statements Commons category with local link different than on Wikidata Use dmy dates from April 2011 Use British English from August 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Deutsch Français Italiano Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Română ไทย Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 4 December 2017 , at 22 : 42 . 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if loving you is wrong season 4 episode 18
List of If Loving You is Wrong episodes
list of if loving you is wrong episodes
If Loving You Is Wrong is an American primetime television soap opera , created , executive produced , written and directed by Tyler Perry . The show premiered September 9 , 2014 , on the Oprah Winfrey Network . If Loving You Is Wrong is loosely based on Perry 's 2014 film , The Single Moms Club .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Series overview 1.1 Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) 1.2 Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) 1.3 Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 1.4 Season 4 ( 2017 -- 18 ) 2 References 3 External links Series overview ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 20 September 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 09 ) May 26 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 26 ) 22 September 22 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 22 ) May 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 24 ) 22 September 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 13 ) May 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 30 ) 18 September 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 09 - 19 ) March 7 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 07 ) Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) ( edit ) No. in series No. in season Title Original air date U.S. viewers ( million ) `` A Twisted Affair '' September 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 09 ) 1.93 Alex takes a pregnancy test because everyone thinks she 's pregnant . Her husband Brad loves his job more than he loves her , but wants to make up for it . Esperanza deals with her ex-husband . Kelly wants to buy a house for her boyfriend Travis and her son Justice . Note : The character Esperanza ( played by Zulay Henao ) is based on the character of the same name ( also played by Zulay Henao ) from the feature film The Single Moms Club . The character Natalie is based on the character Lytia Wright from The Single Moms Club . Differences from the movie : ( 1 ) The girls meet because their kids are on the same sports team ; unlike the movie , where their kids got into trouble in school . ( 2 ) Esperanza 's character and storyline is rebooted and her ex-husband is more aggressive . `` Shots Fired '' September 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 09 ) 1.92 Kelly buys a home in Alex and Marcie 's neighborhood ; meanwhile , the identification of Esperanza 's new lover , is revealed to Edward . `` Alex Is Pregnant '' September 16 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 16 ) 1.80 Brad and Alex help Kelly move into her new house , his suspicions of Alex 's infidelity are put on hold after she reveals she is pregnant . `` The Colombian '' September 23 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 23 ) 1.64 Travis comes back from his mission trip to Haiti and drops a bombshell on Kelly . Meanwhile , Esperanza finds out that Julius ' father is the head of a Colombian cartel . 5 5 `` The War Begins '' September 30 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 30 ) 1.54 Kelly 's world is rocked when Travis reveals that he is engaged to another woman . Meanwhile , Alex tries to confirm that Brad is the father of her child . 6 6 `` Game Night '' October 7 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 07 ) 1.80 After Eddie 's house gets sprayed with gunfire , Lushion finally has an interview at the police station . Travis goes to see Kelly with the hopes of remaining in her life . During game night at Alex and Brad 's house , a game of truth with Randall and Marcie leads to some awkward moments for everyone . 7 7 `` After Heartbreak '' October 14 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 14 ) 1.65 Kelly makes plans to sell her house . Marcie and Brad become more suspicious of their spouses . 8 8 `` 14 Weeks '' October 21 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 21 ) 1.68 Alex finds out that she 's further along in her pregnancy than she originally thought . 9 9 `` Peppa '' October 28 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 28 ) 1.74 Natalie points the finger at Joey when Burger Fast is robbed . Marcie finds out Randall is sneaking around with a woman named `` Peppa '' . 10 10 `` Look Closely '' November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) 1.87 In need of a distraction from her own drama , Kelly helps Marcie find `` Peppa 's '' true identity . 11 11 `` The Lady Next Door '' March 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 24 ) 2.99 Marcie has discovered the truth about Randall 's affair ; she makes a scene at Brad 's birthday party . Everyone is thinking it was Kelly who was having the affair with Randall . It is later revealed that it was Alex who is `` Peppa '' . Brad and Edward both attack Randall and beat him up for the deception . 12 12 `` Girlfriends '' March 31 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 31 ) 2.53 After , Alex 's affair with Randall is exposed . Kelly , Natalie and Esperanza try to comfort her . Brad and Eddie talk over what to do about the affair . Kelly gets a visit from Travis , who claims to still be in with her . Joey has a run - in with some guys from his old gang . Brad pulls a gun on Alex . 13 13 `` Fatherless Boys '' April 7 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 07 ) 2.02 Brad is looking for Randall . Travis tells Justice that he is not his biological father , at the same time his mother comes to apologize to Kelly . Marcie is looking for a place to stay and comes to Kelly for comfort . Joey wants to work at a chemical plant but Natalie does n't want him to work there . Meanwhile , things are getting heated between Eddie and Lushion . 14 14 `` Who Knew '' April 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 14 ) 2.28 Brad questions all of the girls about the affair . The police come to Randall 's house after getting reports of gunfire . Eddie arrests Randall . Lushion stands up to Eddie . Marcie becomes unstable when showing a house to an interracial couple . 15 15 `` Marcie & Brad '' April 21 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 21 ) 2.21 Marcie tries to hold it together when she confronts Alex . Randall hires a lawyer specializing in discrimination . Joey is still trying to get a job but things are n't looking up . Lushion and Natalie discuss living arraignments . Meanwhile , Marcie and Brad plot to have sex to get back at Alex and Randall . 16 16 `` Whose Baby ? '' April 28 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 28 ) 1.97 Marcie and Brad find out they have more in common than they expected . Alex experiences contraction - like symptoms . Brad demands that Alex get a paternity test from the doctor . 17 17 `` The Randall Connection '' May 5 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 05 ) 1.95 Randall tells Marcie he 's the father of Alex 's unborn child . Alex and Brad 's kids see him sleeping on the couch and question their parents . Eddie feels uneasy , so he tries to make things right with Lushion . Joey gets some helpful advice from Faun but things go wrong when Quan shows up , to threaten his family . Randall finds out Eddie 's secret and uses it against him . 18 18 `` The Debt '' May 12 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 12 ) 2.07 Edward is targeted in an act of revenge for taking money from Quan . Marcie confronts Alex about her sexual history . Esperanza gets a visit from Randall 's lawyer . Meanwhile , being a stay - at - home mom has its disadvantages , when Randall shows up at Alex 's front door . Quan struggles to pay back the debt he owes Julius . 19 19 `` Nine P.M. '' May 19 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 19 ) 2.21 Eddie is rushed to the hospital after getting shot in the last episode . While struggling for his life , Esperanza is distraught but things worsen when Eddie 's wife shows up . Travis comes to Kelly 's job and she finds herself tempted . Brad helps Peter with his Mother 's Day homework . Peter gets suspicious over Brad 's behavior . 20 20 `` Alex 's Baby '' May 26 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 26 ) 2.05 Marcie tells the neighbors about the Randall - Alex affair and Brad threatens Randall . Alex goes into labor ; Natalie begs Lushion to quit the force ; Edward confesses his feelings for Esperanza . Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) ( edit ) No. in series No. in season Title Original air date U.S. viewers ( million ) 21 `` Miss Louise '' September 22 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 22 ) 2.90 Kelly , Esperanza , and Natalie try to calm down Brad when he discovers that he is n't the father of Alex 's newborn baby boy ; As Marcie struggles with her and Randal 's relationship a surprise lies ahead , a visit from her mother - in - law , Louise . 22 `` The Beauty That Is '' September 29 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 29 ) 2.32 The ladies show their support for Alex as she deals with giving birth with Randal 's child . 23 `` The Painter '' October 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 06 ) 2.05 Alex dreams of how her affair with Randal started . 24 `` Blonde Hair , Blue Eyes '' October 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 13 ) 1.96 Louise gives up information about Randal attraction to blonde women with blue eyes , making Marcie jealous . 25 5 `` The Shed '' October 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 20 ) 2.01 Randal finds out karma does exists . Natalie catches Joey and Faun having sex at her restaurant . 26 6 `` Being a Woman '' October 27 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 27 ) 2.44 Randal 's wife and mother deal with their conflicted feelings . 27 7 `` Joey and Faun '' November 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 03 ) 2.28 Marcie gains an unexpected ally ; Faun tries to reconcile with Natalie . 28 8 `` The Tape '' November 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 10 ) 2.43 Eddie and Ben go forward with plans to take down their enemies . 29 9 `` He 's Beautiful '' November 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 17 ) 2.23 Brad surprises Alex with something terrible . 30 10 `` Time For A Cigar '' November 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 24 ) 2.19 Because of his betrayal , Brad taunts Randal , causing a fight between the two at the hospital . 31 11 `` Out of Control '' December 1 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 01 ) 2.51 Edward plans out something vicious . Alex gets released from the hospital . 32 12 `` Mortal & Fifth '' March 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 15 ) 2.47 A horrible ambush ends in catastrophe . 33 13 `` The Last Word '' March 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 22 ) 2.20 Randal confronts his wife about her infidelity . 34 14 `` Backfired '' March 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 29 ) 2.19 Kelly does her best to protect Alex . 35 15 `` Randal 's Wicked Web '' April 5 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 05 ) 1.99 Randal comes for Alex and Brad . 36 16 `` A Mother 's Love '' April 12 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 12 ) 2.19 Alex realizes the debts of Randal 's evil 37 17 `` Betting on Tina '' April 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 19 ) 2.20 Eddie finds that a nurse is his most formidable opponent . The ladies spend the night at Alex 's house . 38 18 `` The Brown Paper Bag '' April 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 26 ) 2.05 Lushion searches high and low for a piece of evidence . Kelly and Esperanza talk Alex into letting Randal see the baby . 39 19 `` For Pete '' May 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 03 ) 2.30 Lushion takes a stand against corruption . Alex agrees to let Randal see the baby . 40 20 `` The Will '' May 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 10 ) 2.37 Julius faces a shocking blow . 41 21 `` An Evil Alliance '' May 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 17 ) 2.28 An alliance is formed . Alex receives custody notices from Randal . 42 22 `` The Wicked Soul '' May 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 24 ) 2.39 Lushion confesses a secret . Alex begs her parents for help with Randal . Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) ( edit ) No. in series No. in season Title Original air date U.S. viewers ( million ) 43 `` Watch Your Back '' September 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 13 ) 2.94 In the Season 3 premiere , Alex discovers a terrible scene . 44 `` 911 Emergency '' September 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 20 ) 2.33 In a fit of desperation , Alex leaves home and takes matters into her own hands . 45 September 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 27 ) 2.16 Natalie waits for news about Joey while the police try to locate Alex 's baby . 46 `` You 're The Boss '' October 4 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 04 ) 2.06 Edward oversteps his authority in front of Steven and is reminded who the boss really is . 47 5 `` An Unlikely Suspect '' October 11 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 11 ) 2.25 A crime shocks the town of Maxine ; the police identify a suspect . 48 6 `` The Power Of Love '' October 18 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 18 ) 2.03 Police interrogate their top suspect in the crime that has shocked the town . 49 7 `` The Wages Of Sin '' October 25 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 25 ) 2.08 The police question Brad as Joey fights for his life . 50 8 `` Keeping Watch '' November 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 01 ) 1.89 Edward tries to wake Louise while she is unconscious in an effort to see what she knows about Brad ; Lushion scolds an agent who was n't keeping tabs on Pete 's room . 51 9 `` A Room For You '' November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) 2.05 Alex and Andrew wait for backup on a quiet country road ; things are not quiet at the hospital . 52 10 `` Every Minute Counts '' November 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 22 ) 2.00 Marcie learns life - altering news and her life will never be the same . 53 11 `` Rusty 's Brand Of Justice '' November 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 29 ) 2.41 On the mid-season finale , Rusty issues his brand of justice . 54 12 `` A Neighborhood In Crisis '' March 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 21 ) 1.96 Kelly learns the shocking whereabouts of her neighbor Ramsey and Alex finally saves her baby . 55 13 `` Sui Ling Mai '' March 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 28 ) 1.97 Pete takes on an alias to keep himself out of Edward 's grasp . Kelly attempts to distance herself from Travis . Marcie and Brad confess their love for each other . 56 14 `` A Fatal Attraction '' April 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 04 ) 1.89 Travis loses his mind and becomes a crazed predator . Alex and Randall face off in court . 57 15 `` The Missing Person '' April 11 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 11 ) 2.03 The police are searching for the missing Andrew . Alex reveals shocking news . 58 16 `` The Mail Man '' April 18 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 18 ) 1.87 Kelly panics when she learns the crime Travis has committed . 59 17 `` Tippa Haynes '' April 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 25 ) 1.92 Randal questions the paternity of Alex 's baby . Marcie struggles of telling Brad about her pregnancy . 60 18 `` The Party Just Arrived '' May 2 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 02 ) 1.85 Dianne confronts and bullies Kelly with outrageous demands , while Randal warns Natalie that Lushion is cheating on her . 61 19 `` Do n't Lose Your Deposit '' May 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 09 ) N / A Louise gives Marcie advice about Brad . Marcie taunts Alex . 62 20 `` No One Is Safe '' May 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 16 ) N / A Kelly finds herself in an all - to - familiar predicament with a man she just ca n't get rid of . 63 21 `` Angry Men '' May 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 23 ) N / A Travis acts on his vengeful impulses . 64 22 `` Sound The Alarm '' May 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 30 ) N / A In the Season 3 finale , Kelly learns a new way to protect herself from Travis , Alex is finally granted custody of her baby , and Eddie gets taken down . Season 4 ( 2017 -- 18 ) ( edit ) No. in series No. in season Title Original air date U.S. viewers ( million ) 65 `` A Difficult Path '' September 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 09 - 19 ) 1.89 In the Season 4 premiere , the Maxine community is left unsteady after an incident endangers the lives of all the children in the neighborhood . 66 `` Justice '' September 26 , 2017 ( 2017 - 09 - 26 ) 1.70 Kelly finds herself in legal trouble that endangers her freedom . Randal continues to antagonize Marcie and Brad . 67 `` In Distress '' October 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 03 ) 1.93 Lushion tries to get Kelly out of a horrible situation . 68 `` Enemy Secrets '' October 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 10 ) 1.81 Kelly gets help for her legal troubles . Eddie declares war against Steven and Lushion . 69 5 `` A Taste Of Freedom '' October 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 17 ) 1.84 Randall continues his intensified harassment on all his neighbors , especially those of Brad and Alex . 70 6 `` Falling '' October 24 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 24 ) 1.79 Brad seeks revenge against Randall , almost injuring him seriously . Much to Randall 's dismay , it 's not giving him much help by calling the police . 71 7 `` Something Is Rotten '' November 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 07 ) 1.72 Randall secretly undermines Marcie in her attempts to seek legal counsel against him ; Also , Eddie surprises Esperanza and is shocked in anger by his discovery . 72 8 `` Dark Intentions '' November 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 14 ) 1.79 Lushion comes to Kelly 's aid by going after Travis ; Steven reveals his true feelings to Esperanza . 73 9 `` Chains , Guns , and Automobiles '' November 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 21 ) 1.77 Larry , the attorney , mistakenly breaks Marcie 's confidence , leaving Marcie in great peril . Travis goes after Kelly in the dead of night . 74 10 `` A Dame In Distress '' January 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 10 ) 1.39 Randall enacts a terrible game of vengeance against Eddie ; Eddie must depend on Lushion to call for help . 75 11 `` The Porch Light '' January 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 17 ) 1.60 Lushion reluctantly comes to Eddie 's rescue ; and Eddie vows revenge against Randall and his attorney , Larry . 76 12 `` The Papers '' January 24 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 24 ) 1.55 Kelly finds out she has been betrayed by her lawyer , Ian ; Steven continues his pursuit of Esperanza . 77 13 `` Hanging in the Balance '' January 31 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 31 ) 1.47 Eddie seeks out vengeance against attorney Larry . 78 14 `` The Battleground State '' February 7 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 07 ) 1.52 Randall schemes up a plan to destroy Marcie so he gets some high - maintenance assistance ; Kelly 's son , Justice , becomes traumatized by his mother 's legal troubles . 79 15 `` Golfer '' February 14 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 14 ) 1.46 Marcie finds a lawyer , who she hopes to be a strong ally in her fight against her devious husband Randal ; Brad gives Alex an ultimatum that forces her to make a promise she will have a difficult time keeping . 80 16 `` Rock Solid '' February 21 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 21 ) 1.49 Randal sounds alarm bells informing the police and law firm that Larry may be missing and in danger . 81 17 `` In God 's Hands '' February 28 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 28 ) 1.53 Lushion confronts Eddie about Larry 's whereabouts ; Randal confronts Dr. Raston with a criminal accusation . 82 18 `` Behind Enemy Lines '' March 7 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 07 ) 1.55 In the Season 4 finale , the sins of the neighborhood come to a head in catastrophic events across the city . 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Jump up ^ `` If loving you is wrong Episode Guide '' . The Futon Critic . Retrieved December 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( January 18 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.17. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved January 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( January 25 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.24. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved January 25 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( February 1 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.31. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved February 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( February 8 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.7. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( February 15 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.14. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( February 22 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.21. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( March 1 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 2.28. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved March 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( March 8 , 2018 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 3.7. 2018 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved March 8 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Episodes of If Loving You Is Wrong on TV Guide Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_If_Loving_You_Is_Wrong_episodes&oldid=846117193 '' Categories : American television soap operas Lists of American drama television series episodes Lists of soap opera episodes 2014 American television seasons 2015 American television seasons 2016 American television seasons 2017 American television seasons 2018 American television seasons Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 16 June 2018 , at 12 : 35 . About Wikipedia
who said the following lines to whom mangal bhavan amangal hari
Ramcharitmanas ( Devanāgarī : श्रीरामचरितमानस , IAST : ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa ) , is an epic poem in the language Awadhi , composed by the 16th - century Indian bhakti poet Goswami Tulsidas ( c. 1532 -- 1623 ) . Ramcharitmanas literally means `` Lake of the deeds of Rama '' . Ramcharitmanas is considered as one of the greatest works of Hindi literature , Indian literature as well as of the world literature . The work has variously been acclaimed as `` the living sum of Indian culture '' , `` the tallest tree in the magic garden of medieval Indian poetry '' , `` the greatest book of all devotional literature '' and `` the best and most trustworthy guide to the popular living faith of the Indian people '' .
Part of a series on Hindu scriptures and texts Shruti Smriti Vedas ( show ) Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda Atharvaveda Divisions Samhita Brahmana Aranyaka Upanishads Upanishads ( show ) Rig vedic Aitareya Kaushitaki Sama vedic Chandogya Kena Yajur vedic Brihadaranyaka Isha Taittiriya Katha Shvetashvatara Maitri Atharva vedic Mundaka Mandukya Prashna Other scriptures ( show ) Bhagavad Gita Agamas Related Hindu texts Vedangas ( show ) Shiksha Chandas Vyakarana Nirukta Kalpa Jyotisha Puranas ( show ) Brahma puranas Brahma Brahmānda Brahmavaivarta Markandeya Bhavishya Vaishnava puranas Vishnu Bhagavata Naradiya Garuda Padma Vamana Kurma Matsya Shaiva puranas Shiva Linga Skanda Vayu Agni Itihasa ( show ) Ramayana Mahabharata Shastras and sutras ( show ) Dharma Shastra Artha Śastra Kamasutra Brahma Sutras Samkhya Sutras Mimamsa Sutras Nyāya Sūtras Vaiśeṣika Sūtra Yoga Sutras Pramana Sutras Charaka Samhita Sushruta Samhita Natya Shastra Panchatantra Divya Prabandha Tirumurai Ramcharitmanas Yoga Vasistha Swara yoga Shiva Samhita Gheranda Samhita Panchadasi Vedantasara Stotra Timeline ( show ) Chronology of Hindu texts Tulsidas ( the Sanskrit name of Tulsidas can be transliterated in two ways . Using the IAST transliteration scheme , the name is written as Tulasīdāsa , as pronounced in Sanskrit . Using the Hunterian transliteration scheme , it is written as Tulsidas or Tulsīdās , as pronounced in Hindi ) . Tulsidas was a great scholar of Sanskrit . However , he wanted the story of Rama to be accessible to the general masses and not just the Sanskrit - speaking elite . In order to make the story of Rama as accessible to the layman as to the scholar , Tulsidas chose to write in Awadhi , a local dialect of Hindi which was in vogue as the language of general parlance in large parts of north India during the composition of the work . Tradition has it that Tulsidas had to face a lot of criticism from the sanskrit scholars of Varanasi for being a bhasha ( vernacular ) poet . However , Tulsidas remained steadfast in his resolve for simplifying the knowledge contained in the Vedas , the Upanishads and the Puranas to the common people . Subsequently , his work was accepted by all . Ramcharitmanas , made available the story of Rama to the common man to sing , meditate and perform on . The writing of Ramcharitmanas also heralded many a cultural tradition , most significantly that of the tradition of Ramlila , the dramatic enactment of the text . Ramcharitmanas is considered by many as a work belonging to the Saguna school of the Bhakti movement in Hindi literature . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Structure 2.1 Invocations at beginning of each episode 2.2 Kānd endings 3 Narrative 3.1 Bāl Kāṇḍ 3.2 Ayodha Kāṇḍ 3.3 Araṇya Kāṇḍ 3.4 Kiśkindhā Kāṇḍ 3.5 Sundar Kāṇḍ 3.6 Laṅkā Kāṇḍ 3.7 Uttar Kānd 4 Stories behind the incarnation of Rama 4.1 Jay and Vijay 4.2 The curse of Nārad Muni 4.3 Svayambhuva Manu and Shatarupa 4.4 Tale of King Pratapbhanu 5 The immolation of Sati and the incarnation of Parvati 5.1 Sati 's doubts 5.2 Daksha 's sacrifice 5.3 Parvati and Nārad 's prophecy 5.4 The wedding of Shiva and Parvati 6 The divinity of Ram in the Manas 6.1 Ram 's divine birth 6.2 Deliverance of Ahalya 7 The abrupt ending 8 English translation 9 See also 10 Notes and references 11 External links Background ( edit ) Picture of author , Tulsidas published in the Ramcharitmanas , 1949 . Tulsidas began writing the Ramcharitmanas in Ayodhya in Vikram Samvat 1631 ( 1574 CE ) . The exact date is stated within the poem as being the ninth day of the month of Chaitra , which is the birthday of Rama , Rama Navami . Ramcharitmanas was composed at Ayodhya , Varanasi & Chitrakoot . India was under the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar ( 1556 - 1605 CE ) during this period . This also makes Tulsidas a contemporary of William Shakespeare . The Ramcharitmanas is written in vernacular Awadhi language , The core of the work is considered by some to be a poetic retelling of the events of the Sanskrit epic Ramayana by Valmiki . The Valmiki Ramayana is centered on the narrative of Rama , the scion of the family tree of king Raghu of the Sun Dynasty . Rama was the crown prince of Ayodhya and is considered in Hindu tradition as the seventh Avatar of Vishnu . However , the Ramacharitmanas is by no means a word - to - word copy of the Valmiki Ramayana nor an abridged re-telling of the latter . Ramcaritmanas has elements from many other Ramayanas written earlier in Sanskrit and other Indian dialects as well as stories from Puranas . Tulsidas himself never writes Ramcharitmanas as being a retelling of Valmiki Ramayana . He calls the epic Ramcharitmanas as the story of Rama , that was stored in the mind ( Mānasa ) of Shiva before he narrated the same to His wife Parvati . Tulsidas claims to have received the story through his guru , Narharidas. Tulsidas was a naive ( Acheta ) child and the story was stored in his mind ( Mānasa ) for long before he wrote it down as Ramcharitmanas . Some understand this passage of the Ramcharitmanas to mean that Tulsidas at first could not grasp the story fully as he was a naïve young boy . His guru graciously repeated it again and again so that he could understand and remember it . Then he narrated the story and named it Ramcharitmanas as Shiva himself called it . The epic poem is , therefore , also referred to as Tulsikrit Ramayana ( literally , The Ramayana composed by Tulsidas ) . The Ramcharitmanas is a masterpiece of vernacular literature . Some believe it to represent a challenge to the dominance of high - class Brahmanical Sanskrit , echoing the revolt of Buddha against Brahmanical elitism . However , this interpretation appears faulty as Tulsidas himself was a brahmin and often talks very highly of the Brahmins in Ramcharitmanas and other books written by him . It was the attempt of Tulsidas to reconcile the different stories of Rama and to bring the story within the reach of the common man . Structure ( edit ) Scene Ramayana , Gupta art Ramcharitmanas consists of seven Kāndas ( literally `` books '' or `` episodes '' , cognate with cantos ) . Tulsidas compared the seven Kāndas of the epic to seven steps leading into the holy waters of Lake Manasarovar `` which purifies the body and the soul at once '' . The first two parts , Bāl Kāṇḍ ( Childhood Episode ) and Ayodhyā Kāṇḍ ( Ayodhya Episode ) , make up more than half of the work . The other parts are Araṇya Kāṇḍ ( Forest Episode ) , Kiśkindhā Kāṇḍ ( Kishkindha Episode ) , Sundar Kāṇḍ ( Pleasant Episode ) , Laṅkā Kāṇḍ ( Lanka Episode ) , and Uttar Kāṇḍ ( Later Episode ) . The work is primarily composed in the Chaupai metre ( four - line quatrains ) , separated by the Doha metre ( two - line couplets ) , with occasional Soratha and various Chhand metres . Invocations at beginning of each Episode ( edit ) Every chapter of the Ramcharitmanas begins with an invocation or Mangalācharaņ . It is customary of the Indian tradition of writing that the author begins a new book with invocation to the Gods to ensure that the sankalpa is finished unhindered . The first three or four verses of each Kānd are typically in the form of invocations . Bāl Kāṇḍ begins with a hymn honouring the goddess Saraswati and the god Ganesha , the deities related to knowledge , wisdom , speech and auspiciousness . Ayodhyā Kāṇḍ begins with the famous verse dedicated to the god Shiva : May He in whose lap shines forth the Daughter of the mountain king , who carries the celestial stream on His head , on whose brow rests the crescent moon , whose throat holds poison and whose breast is support of a huge serpent , and who is adorned by the ashes on His body , may that chief of gods , the Lord of all , the Destroyer of the universe , the omnipresent Śhiva , the moon - like Śańkara , ever protect me . '' Araṇya Kāṇḍ 's first verse again extols Shiva : I reverence Bhagavan Śańkara , the progeny of Brahmā , the very root of the tree of piety , the beloved , devotee of King Śri Rama , the full moon that brings joy to the ocean of wisdom , the sun that opens the lotus of dispassion , the wind that disperses the clouds of ignorance , who dispels the thick darkness of sin and eradicates the threefold agony and who wipes off all calumny and obloquy . Kiśkindhā Kāṇḍ commences with the following verse : Lovely as a jasmine and a blue lotus , of surpassing strength , repositories of wisdom , endowed with natural grace , excellent bowmen , hymned by the Vedas , and lovers of the cow and Brāhmaņas , who appeared in the form of mortal men through their own Māyā ( deluding potency ) as the two noble scions of Raghu , the armours of true dharma , friendly to all and journeying in quest for Sita , may they both grant us Devotion . Sundar Kāṇḍ begins with a hymn in the praise of Rama : I adore the Lord of the universe bearing the name of Rama , the chief of the Raghu 's line and the crest - jewel of kings , the mine of compassion , the dispeller of all sins , appearing in human form through His Māyā ( deluding potency ) , the greatest of all gods , knowable through Vedānta ( the Upanishads ) , constantly worshipped by Brahmā ( the Creator ) , Śhambhu ( Śivā ) , and Śeşa ( the serpent - god ) , the one who bestows of supreme peace in the form of final beatitude , placid , eternal , beyond the ordinary means of cognition , sinless and all - pervading . Laṅkā Kāṇḍ begins with this hymn : I adore Śri Rama , the supreme Deity , the object of worship even by Śivā ( the destroyer of Kāma , the God of Love ) , the Dispeller of the fear of rebirth , the lion to quell the mad elephant in the form of Death , the Master of Yogīs , attainable through immediate knowledge , the storehouse of good qualities , unconquerable , attributeless , immutable , beyond the realm of Māyā , the Lord of celestials , intent on killing the evil - doers , the only protector of the Brāhmaņas , beautiful as a cloud laden with moisture , who has lotus like eyes and appeared in the form of an earthly king . Uttar Kāṇḍ begins with the following hymn : I unceasingly extol Śri Ramā , the praiseworthy lord of Jānakī ( Sītā , Janakā 's daughter and the wife of Rama ) , the chief of Raghu 's line , possessed of a form greenish blue , the color of the neck of a peacock and adorned with an insignia of Brahmā pada , the lotus - foot , which testifies to His being the greatest of all gods - rich in splendour , clad in yellow robes , lotus - eyed , ever - propitious , holding a bow and arrow in His hands , riding an aerial car named Puşpakā , accompanied by a host of monkeys and waited upon by His own brother Lakşmaņa . Kāṇḍ endings ( edit ) Tulsidas ends every chapter in a similar manner describing the ending in the Sanskrit language . Every Kānd is formally concluded by Goswami Tulsidas . The following is an example of the ending of Kiśkindhā Kāṇḍ : `` Iti Srimad ramacharitamanase sakala kali kalusavi dhvamsane caturthah sopanah samaptah . '' Translation : `` Thus ends the fourth descent into the Mānasa lake of Sri Rama 's exploits , that eradicates all the impurities of the kali age . '' All the other Kāndas are concluded in the same way where the word caturthah is substituted , according to the Kānd being concluded . Narrative ( edit ) Ramcharitmanas is structured around three separate conversations . The conversations happen between Shiva and Parvati , Sages Bharadwaj and Yajnavalkya and finally Kakbhushundi and the king of birds , Garuda . Some scholars are of the opinion that there is also an underlying personal conversation between Tulsidas and Lord Rama all through the text of Ramcharitmanas . Bāl Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Child Episode Tulsidas begins the story with an invocation to various deities , his guru , and saints who have preceded him and those who will succeed him in the future . Homage is paid to Valmiki for bringing the Ramayana to the devotees of Rama . Next are introduced and praised the various characters of the epic beginning with the birthplace of Rama , the holy city of Ayodhya . Praises are bestowed on Dasharatha , the king of Ayodhya and Rama 's father , and his queens Kausalya , Kaikeyi and Sumitra . Tulsidas then praises King Janaka , the father - in - law of Rama ) , and his family . He goes on to praise the brothers of Rama - Bharata , Lakshman & Shatrughna and sings the glories of Hanuman , the constant companion to Rama , Sugriva , the monkey king and Jambavan , the leader of bears . Next , the characters of Sita and Rama are introduced . The birth of the four sons of Dasharatha . The story of Ramcharitmanas is then underway . It begins with the meeting of two sages - Bharadwaj and Yajnavalkya . Bharadwaj asks Yajnavalkya to narrate in detail the story of Rama . Yajnavalkya begins with how Shiva came about retelling the story of Rama to his wife Parvati . ( The great story of Sati 's self - immolation , the destruction of her father Daksha 's sacrifice , the rebirth of Sati as Parvati and her marriage to Shiva ) . Shiva explains five different reasons as to why Rama incarnated on earth in different ages Kalpa ( aeon ) . Each of these stories is discussed in detail , with the primary message being that Rama incarnated on earth to protect the righteous who follow the path of Dharma . The story then moves to the birth of Ravana and his brothers . Post this point , the narration is done at different times by Shiva , Yajnavalkya , Kakbhushundi and Tulsidas . The story now moves to the abode of Brahma where Brahma and the other Hindu Devas are found mulling on the ways to rid the earth of Ravana and his excesses . Unable to find a solution , they pray to Shiva and ask him for his guidance on where to find the supreme God who will come to their rescue . Shiva tells them that they do n't need to go anywhere to find the Supreme God for He resides in the hearts of his devotees . All the Devas then Pray to the supreme Brahman to rid the earth of the demons wreaking havoc on men as well as Devas . Brahman shows compassion to all and announces in an Akashvani that He will be born in the Sun Dynasty to save the Devas and His devotees from the demons . The story then moves to Ayodhya . One fine day , Dasharatha , the king of Ayodhya , realizes that he has become old and still issueless ... He conveys his distress to sage Vasistha , the family guru , and seeks the way forward . Vasistha comforts Dasharatha and tells him that he will have four sons . Vasistha requests Shringi Rishi to perform the Putrakām yajna ( vedic yajna for the birth of sons ) . Tulsidas states that the birth of Rama and his brothers took place on the ninth day of the Chaitra month . It was the fortnight of the moon , known as the shukla period . The story then moves on and Rama and His brothers are now grown - up boys . The sage Vishvamitra arrives at Dashratha 's royal court where the King receives his eminent guest with great honour . Sage Vishvamitra lived in the forest and was performing great sacrifices . However , the demons Maricha and Subahu would always desecrate the ceremonial offerings . He knew that Rama had taken birth on earth to protect his devotees and so he decided to visit Dashratha to ask him a favour . The sage asks the king to let his sons accompany him to the forest . Reluctantly the king agrees . Rama knew before hand the intention of Vishvamitra in asking him to come along with him. He asures the sage that he would obey his commands . Lakshman kills Subahu and Rama kills Maricha , the dreaded demons . Vishvamitra looks as Ram breaks the bow , to win the hand of Sita in marriage . The story then moves to the deliverance of Ahalya . Rama , Lakshman and Vishvamitra venture on a journey and reach the beautiful kingdom of the Videhas , Mithila . The king of Mithila , Janaka , welcomes the great sage and asks him who are the two boys accompanying him ... Janaka is overcome by great emotion as he is able to sense the true nature of their mission ... The brothers then set out to discover the beautiful city and visit Janaka 's garden . This is an important section of the manās as it portrays the first meeting of Rama and Sita ... In the meanwhile , King Janaka arranges a swayamvara ceremony for his daughter Sita . A swayamvara ceremony is a Vedic ritual in which a prospective bride selects her groom from among a group of suitors who attend the ceremony . Sita falls in love with Rama at first sight in Janaka 's garden and prays to Gauri that she may get Rama as her husband . King Janaka sends a messenger to invite Rama , Laksman and Sage Vishvamitra to attend the swayamvara . Janaka puts a condition to identify the right groom for Sita . The great bow of Shiva by the name of Pinaka was kept in the arena . Any suitor who would be able to string Pinaka would be married to Sita . Many princes try but fail to even nudge the mammoth bow . This causes great distress to Janaka who wonders aloud if the earth has become devoid of brave men . This statement of Janaka angers Lakshman who retorts that no one talks in this vein , when a gathering like this , has the presence of scions of the Sun Dynasty . Rama gently nudges him to keep calm as Vishwamitra asks him to break the bow and make Janaka happy once again ... Rama steps in and effortlessly lifts and strings the divine bow . In a swift move , he breaks the bow . The breaking of Pinaka causes a great noise that disturbs the great sage Parashurama in his meditation and he storms into the swayamvara arena in great anger vowing to kill whoever had dared to break the bow of lord Shiva . Lakshman enters into an argument with Parashurama paying scant respect to the sage who was known for his bursts of anger and was known to slay whoever dared to oppose him . Ultimately , Rama brings him around . Parashurama comes to know the real nature of lord Rama as the ultimate Brahman , pays his respects and leaves for the forests for meditation. Sita places the wreath of victory around the neck of Rama in accordance with the rules of the swayamvara and is thus wedded to him . However , Sita being his beloved daughter , Janaka desires to conduct a grand marriage of Sita and Rama in accordance with both Vedic and laukik ( traditional ) customs . Janaka dispatches messengers to Ayodhya to inform Dashratha and his family about the marriage of Rama and Sita and invites them for the formal consummation of marriage ceremony . Dashratha starts with a great marriage procession , consisting of Rama 's family , friends and well wishers in addition to Shiva , Vishnu , Brahma and all Devas who take up human form and depart for Mithila . After a grand wedding , the kind of which had never been witnessed in the universe , Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya where there was a great celebration and much rejoicing . Ayodha Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Ayodhya Episode Ayodhya was described as being like a heaven on earth ever since Rama and Sita came back from Mithila . As King Dasaratha was getting old , he wanted to install his son Rama as Prince regent ... He took a decision to start the ceremonies for his crowning , the next day itself . The Devas however became very concerned at the prospect of Rama remaining in Ayodhya , and not pursuing the wicked Ravana , and vanquishing him ... something had to happen if Rama were to embark on his mission to rid the world of Ravana . They approached Goddess Saraswati for help . King Dashratha has three wives . Queen Kaushalya is the principle queen and the mother of Rama . Queen Kaikeyi is the mother of Bharata and Queen Sumitra is the mother of Lakshman and Shatrughna . Saraswati decides to influence the mind of one of Queen Kaikeyi 's maid servants named Manthara . Manthara 's mind harbors evil intentions and she begins to talk to Queen Kaikeyi in harsh and conceited tones . She finds faults with Kaikeyi for being supportive of the king 's plan of installing Rama , as Prince Regent when her own mind tells her that Bharata would clearly be a greater king . At that time Bharata is in Kaikeya country visiting his uncle and so he is unaware of what is happening in Ayodhya . Slowly Queen Kaikeyi 's mind is poisoned . Manthara reminds Queen Kaikeyi of the two boons that the King had promised her . Kaikeyi enters the private room in the royal palace , where the King gives audience to his queens , and awaits Dashratha . Dashratha is greatly alarmed and concerned that Kaikeyi is sitting in the sulking chamber , while the entire population of Ayodhya is greatly happy and eagerly anticipating the coronation of Rama . Queen Kaikeyi speaks harshly to Dashratha , which surprises the king . She reminds him of the two boons he promised her and to his bewilderment , asks him to install her son Bharata as Prince Regent and send Rama into forest for 14 years . Queen Kaikeyi is unmoved by Dashratha 's lamentations and finally the king emotionally breaks down . The king 's assistant Sumantra sends for Rama with a request to meet his father . Queen Kaikeyi speaks to Rama and explains to him the boons that she had asked of His father . Rama is actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead incarnated on earth , yet He accepts His step mother 's request and decides to leave the kingdom as it serves his purpose as well ... The people of Ayodhya remonstrate against Queen Kaikeyi who firmly believes that she is doing the right thing . Rama attempts to dissuade Lakshman and Sita from joining him but is unable to do so . The scene becomes very emotional as Rama , Sita and Lakshman greet their mothers before finally going to Dashratha to take leave of him . Dashratha attempts , in vain , to try to talk Sita out of joining Rama in the forest . Rama , Sita and Lakshman meeting Sage Bharadwaj at his ashram in Prayag . The residents of Ayodhya ca n't spare the thought of being away from Rama and decide to join him in the forest . Rama , Sita , Lakshman and Sumantra go incognito and in the dead of the night leave the city and move into the forest . They leave for a place called Sringaverapur after which they meet Guha , the Nishad king . They arrive at Prayag , the holy city where the Rivers Ganges , Yamuna and Saraswati meet . Rama meets with the Sage Bharadwaj at his ashram . Rama is overwhelmed with the reception and love shown by the people inhabiting the banks of the Yamuna . Rama then meets Sage Valmiki , the author of the Ramayan at Chitrakoot dham . Valmiki recognises the true opulence of Rama and sings His praises . At this point Tulsidas takes great care to describe the beauty of the land of Chitrakoot with some inspiring poetry . Rama asks Sumantra to return to Ayodhya which saddens Sumantra . He not only wants to stay with Rama , he is also afraid of going back only to face the anger and wrath of the citizens of Ayodhya . Rama persuades him to go back . On returning to Ayodhya , Sumantra meets Dashratha , who asks him the whereabouts of Rama . The pain of separation from Rama is too much for Dashratha who passes away crying Rama 's name . Sage Vashishtha knows that Rama will not return to the kingdom and so immediately sends an envoy to call Bharata and Shatrughna back to Ayodhya . Bharata learns of all that has happened and chastises his mother , Queen Kaikeyi . He is greatly pained and blames himself for Rama leaving Ayodhya . He accuses her of bringing ruin to the family . Shatrughna comes across Manthara and beats her in rage . They approach Queen Kaushalya and see her in a sorry state . Bharata begs for her forgiveness and loudly laments while the Queen attempts to pacify him . She asks him to carry out his duty and rule Ayodhya , but Bharata can not bear the thought of sitting on the throne with his father dead and his brothers in exile in the forest . The cremation of King Dashratha takes place . Bharata and Shatrughna decide to go into the forest and ask Rama to return to Ayodhya and take the throne . Many citizens as well as the royal family , who have been grieving ever since Rama had left them , decide to join the brothers . Bharata asks for Rama 's paduka ( footwear ) . The Nishads see the approaching royal party and become suspicious . Guha approaches Bharata to understand his motive for bringing such a large party to the forest . He assumes that Bharata has some sinister motive . Bharata shows his love for Rama and Guha is moved to tears by his love for his brother . The royal procession then moves forward to Chitrakoot . Lakshman sees the huge army of people with Bharata and immediately begins to chastise Bharata . Rama counters this by praising the greatness of Bharata , leaving Lakshman feeling sorry for his harsh words . Bharata finally arrives at Chitrakoot where the brothers are all reunited once again . They collectively mourn the passing of their father and perform his Shraddha ( obsequies ) along with Sage Vashistha leading the ceremony . Despite all of Bharata 's convincing , Rama is true to the word given to his father and step mother Kaikeyi , and vows that he will fulfill her wish . Bharata says that he simply can not sit on the throne while Rama wanders in the forest . He asks Rama for his sandals , which he would place at the throne and would only act as Rama 's representative and not as a full - fledged king . With much sorrow and hurt , Bharata leaves Rama and returns to Ayodhya . He decides that he would not live in the kingdom while Rama is in exile and so lives like a hermit in a nearby town called Nandigram . Araṇya Kāṇḍ ( edit ) Main article : Araṇya - Kāṇḍa ( The forest episode ) The Forest Episode Ravana fights Jatayu as he carries off the kidnapped Sita . Rama , Sita and Lakshman wander in the forest and come across the hermitage of a sage called Atri . Atri sees them approaching and is overcome with great joy . Sita is embraced by Atri 's wife , Anasuya . Anusuya talks to Sita at length about the duties of a devoted wife . Rama , Sita and Lakshman venture further into the forest and encounter Viradha . Viradha attempts to capture Sita . Rama kills him by burying him in a ditch . They then visit the ashram of Sage Sarabhanga . Rama asks him of where he should go for shelter in the forest . He is advised to visit the sage Sutiksna . As Rama approaches Sutiksna , the latter comes out of his meditation . He tells Rama that he had been awaiting his arrival , and had even turned down the offer of entering the heavenly planets . Continuing on their journey through the forest , they meet with Sage Agastya where Rama pays his respect to the sage . Agastya gifts divine weapons to Rama and advises him to venture further into the forest and into the region of Dandaka . Rama meets with the eagle , Jatayu . Rama , Sita and Lakshman take up abode at Panchavati and build a beautiful ashram , as per the advice of Agastya . Laksman becomes nostalgic of the past and begins to talk harshly about Kaikeyi . Rama pacifies him and explains that it is sinful to speak of his mother in such a way . The story takes a new turn , as Rama , Sita and Lakshman are approached by the sister of the demon - king Ravana , called Surpanakha . She immediately takes a liking to Rama and falls in love with him . She disguises herself and talks to Rama in sweet tones . Rama rejects her advances explaining that he is already married and advises her to approach Laksman as he is unmarried . However , Laksman also rejects her advances . Surpanakha takes it as a great insult to be spurned like this , and attempts to hurt Sita . Laksman takes hold of his sword and lops off Surpanakha 's ear lobes and nose . Feeling humiliated , Surpanakha leaves the forest and goes to the abode of her brothers Khara , Dusana and Trisira . They are angry at the treatment meted out to their sister and leave with the intention of killing Rama . All three brothers are vanquished by Rama . Surpanakha is greatly upset and visits Ravana at his residence in Lanka . She explains all that has happened , after which Ravana calls for his old friend Maricha . Ravana hatches a plot and asks Maricha to disguise himself as a golden deer , so that Ravana may then kidnap Sita . Maricha has already felt the power of Rama ( as mentioned in Bālakāṇḍa ) and is apprehensive , however , he thinks that he is going to die either way since Ravana will kill him in rage for refusing him . Ravana and Marich immediately leave for Rama 's forest abode . Maricha takes his position and instantly Sita is attracted by his deer form . Rama knows that Ravana 's intentions and orders Sita to place her shadow ( Maya Sita ) in her place , while she would hide in the fire . She asks Rama time and time again to hunt for the deer and bring it to her . Rama runs after the deer and is soon quite a far distance away from the ashram . Rama releases an arrow and hits the deer . Impersonating Rama 's voice , Marich shouts out to Laksman to help him . Maya Sita ( hereafter called simply Sita ) hears the cry and orders Laksman to go help his brother . Ravana , while posing as a begging minstrel , uses this opportunity to forcibly kidnap Sita from the ashram . Jatayu , the eagle , sees Ravana 's sinful act and attempts to fight with him , but Ravana has too much power and cuts off Jatayu 's wings and leaves him for dead . Rama and Lakshman return to find the ashram empty . They anxiously set out to find Sita and find the severely wounded eagle . Jatayu dies in Rama 's lap and receives liberation . As they continue to look for Sita they come across the hermitage of Shabari . Tulsidas says that Shabari washes the feet of Ram with tears from her eyes and feeds him half eaten wild berries to ensure he gets only sweet ones . She is given liberation by Rama . The brothers then head towards the Pampasarovar lake . Kiśkindhā Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Kiśkindhā Region Episode Laksman meets with Tara , Sugriva , and Hanuman in the Palace of Kishkandha High up in the Rishyamuk mountains , Sugriva sees Rama and Laksman at the foothills . He consults Hanuman as to whether he thinks they have been sent by his brother Bali . Hanuman disguises himself as a Brahmin and approaches the brothers . Hanuman recognises the true nature of Rama as God - incarnation and surrenders himself to his Holy feet . He tells the brothers that his king , Sugriva , wishes to extend his friendship to Them and will help Them to find Sita . Rama asks Sugriva why he resides in the mountains instead of Kishkindha , where Sugriva tells of his feud with his brother Bali . Rama sympathises with Sugriva and decides to help Sugriva in return for the latter 's help in finding Sita . Ram kills Bali and installs Sugriva as king of Kishkindha and Angada , Bali 's son , as prince regent . Sugriva becomes too attached to his new regal lifestyle and forgets about his agreement with Rama , which fills Rama with great anger . Rama asks Laksman to bring Sugriva to him . Laksman enters the royal court and threatens to burn the entire city to ashes . Sugriva is gravely worried and asks Hanuman to pacify him . Laksman escorts Sugriva to Rama and upon seeing Him , Sugriva falls as His feet and begs forgiveness . Sugriva immediately orders the gathering of the region 's bear and monkey community . Armies of bears and monkeys are dispatched north , south east and west to search for Sita . Rama knew that only Hanuman was really capable of finding Sita . He asks Hanuman to narrate the agony of separation from her and then hands over his ring . Hanuman is joined by Angad , Nala , Kesari and Jambavan as well as many others as they head to the south . As the army approach the coast , Jambavan and Angad see a cave by the shore of the ocean . The cave is occupied by Sampati ( who is actually Jatayu 's older brother ) . There is a conversation during which Angad explains that Jatayu died serving Rama and thereafter Sampati narrates his biography . He tells the monkeys that he is sure that Sita is captive in Ashok Vatika in Lanka . The island is 400 miles away and requires someone who is able to jump the distance . Jambavan deduces that Hanuman is the only one capable of the task . Sundar Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Pleasant Episode Rama and the monkey chiefs . Hanuman takes Jambavan 's suggestion and immediately takes off for Lanka . He climbs onto the mountain and using it as a pivot , launches himself into the air . He meets Surasa , the mother of serpents and passes her test . The ocean demoness tries to capture Hanuman , thinking of him as a bird . He quickly kills her and then lands on the shore of the ocean in Lanka . He sees beautiful lush gardens , groves , lakes and reservoirs . Hanuman takes a minute form and , remembering Rama , enters Lanka . He is accosted by the demon Lankini whom he hits with his fist and causes her to fall to the ground . Hanuman flies through the various palaces and gardens for his search of Sita , and amongst all the demonic activities going on in Lanka , Hanuman sees a palace where Sri Hari 's name is being chanted . He is drawn towards the palace and decides to visit the inhabitant . The palace belongs to Ravana 's brother , Vibhishan . Hanuman narrates Rama katha ( story ) and then introduces himself . Hanuman proceeds to Ashok Vatika where he finally sees Sita . He positions himself on a branch of a tree , under which Sita was sitting , and contemplates his next move . He sees Ravana walk towards Sita and beg her to glance at least once toward him . She simply looks at a blade of grass to insult him . Ravana threatens to behead Sita but is calmed down by his wife , Mandodari . Hanuman has to use all his powers of calm not to react to Ravana 's threats . When all is quiet again , Hanuman begins to sing the glory of Rama in sweet tones . He then approaches Sita and explains who he is . He presents the ring lord Rama had given him and Sita is overjoyed . She blesses Hanuman with many kind words and boons . Hanuman tells Sita that he is hungry and asks for her permission to eat fruits from the grove . He not only eats but manages to destroy large parts of it . He easily kills one of Ravana 's sons , prince Aksaya . Indrajit arrives in the grove and Hanuman allows himself to be captured . He is brought in front of the king of Lanka , Ravana . Ravana orders his death , however , Vibhishan reminds him that Hanuman is an envoy and can not be killed according to religious principle . Ravana decides to humiliate Hanuman by setting his tail on fire . Large amounts of clothes are tied to his tail and soaked in oil . Hanuman chants the name of Rama and his tail begins to get longer , and more cloth and oil is used . He changes from his small form into a gigantic form and decides to torch alight the whole of Lanka . He returns to the ocean to extinguish his tail and then goes to Sita to reassure her that the next time she sees him , it will be with Rama . He bids farewell to Sita and leaps back towards Angad and Jambavan . The monkey army then ventures back to where Sugriva , Rama and Lakshman are waiting . On arrival Hanuman explains all that happened and immediately an army is prepared to go south towards Lanka . Meanwhile , in Lanka , both Mandodari and Vibhishan ask Ravana to hand Sita back to Rama . Ravana takes great exception to this suggestion and begins to insult Vibhishan particularly . He tells him he has no need for a weakling like him and that he is no longer needed . Vibhishan decides to join Rama at Kishkindha . Vibhishan falls at Ram 's feet and asks him for protection . The army deliberate over how to cross the ocean to Lanka . The deity of the seas tells Rama of the boon obtained by the monkey brothers Nila and Nala , and that they have the power to build a bridge to link the seashore to Lanka . Lanka Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Lanka Episode Building Rama Setu Bridge to Lanka . Jambavan asks the monkeys Nala and Nila to begin work on building the bridge across the sea . The Mānas states that entire mountain ranges were used by Nala and Nila to complete their objective . Rama remembers Lord Shiva and decides to install a shrine for Rameswaram . Upon completion , the army of Rama begins to cross the bridge and arrives at Lanka , taking camp on Mount Suvela . Ravana hears of the advances of Rama 's army and feels greatly agitated . Mandodari asks Ravana to return Sita to Rama as she fears for her husband 's life . Ravana is dismissive of Rama 's power and pacifies his wife . Next , Ravana 's son Prahasta attempts to reinforce his mothers sentiments , but all to no avail . Rama fires a warning shot from his retreat in Suvela . The arrow strikes Ravana 's crown and royal umbrella . Mandodari once again attempts to convince Ravana of handing Sita back to Rama . Meanwhile , Rama asks Jambavan what should be done . Jambavan suggests that they send Angada , as messenger , to give Ravana a chance to return Sita . On reaching Ravana 's court , Angada explains he is the ambassador of Rama , and tells Ravana that he still has time to save himself from destruction . Ravana insults Angada and his refusal to comply makes war inevitable . The war begins with great ferocity as Ravana loses half of his army on the first day . Indrajit , Ravan 's son , is required to enter the battle far earlier than he expected . He severely wounds Lakshman with his special weapon , the Saang . Hanumanji is ordered to fetch the doctor of Lanka called Sushena . Sushena tells Rama that there exists a herb called Sanjivani which can only be found in the Himalayan mountains . It is the only hope to save Lakshman . Hanuman immediately reassures Rama that he shall find this herb . As Hanuman is about to leave , Ravana orders the demon Kalanemi to impede him . However , Hanuman kills Kalanemi with ease . Hanuman reaches the mountain and ca n't find the herb . In his frustration he decides to take the entire mountain to Lanka . Hanuman searching for the Sanjivani herb . Hanuman makes good speed towards Lanka when suddenly he is shot by an arrow as he approaches Nandigram . Hanuman is mistaken to be a demon by Bharat . Hanuman falls to the ground together with the great hill . Hanuman regains consciousness and recognizes that Bharata is Rama 's brother . He continues on to Lanka where he delivers the Sanjivani herb and Sushena treats Lakshman . Rama embraces Hanuman with great pride and affection . Ravan takes the news of Lakshman 's recovery very badly and decides to awaken his brother Kumbhakarna . Kumbhakarna kills indiscriminantly and wreaks much havoc . Rama releases an arrow which kills him instantly . The death of his brother scares Ravan greatly . Indrajit hastily tries to arrange a ceremony to receive great boons and powers but is interrupted by Hanuman and Angada . Lakshman takes up arms against Indrajit and kills him . Rama throws numerous arrows at Ravana but is unable to kill him . He asks Vibhishan on how to kill his brother after which Rama finally kills Ravana . The war is over . Ravana 's funeral takes place and Vibhishan is crowned the king of Lanka . Hanuman carries the happy news to Sita in Ashok vatika . Finally Rama and Sita are reunited . Rama and the army prepare to depart Lanka and return towards Ayodhya . Rama , Sita , Lakshman and the senior monkeys travel back in Ravana 's flying vehicle , Pushpak Vimaan . Uttar Kāṇḍ ( edit ) The Epilogue The Family of Rama It is now the day before Rama is to return to Ayodhya after serving his exile . Bharata is anxious that his brother still has n't arrived . The Mānas mentions that Bharata had passed his days shedding tears for fourteen years in Nandigram . Hanuman meets Bharata telling him of the arrival of Rama , Sita and Laksman . Bharata rushes to Ayodhya to tell the citizens of the great news . As the Pushpak Vimaan landed in Ayodhya the citizens shouted chants of ' Glory be to Ramchandra ' . Rama , Sita and Laksman collectively touch the feet of the sage Vashishta on arriving in Ayodhya and thereafter greet all that have gathered in the assembly . Lastly Rama meets Bharata with great affection and love . Rama 's coronation takes place and he is finally crowned king of Ayodhya . Shiva arrives to glorify the festivities further and asks Rama of the boon that he may have firm and undeviating devotion of Rama 's feet . In conclusion to the tale , Rama has twin sons named Lava and Kusha . The other brothers each have two sons as well . It is mentioned that great sages like Nārad and Sanaka visit Ayodhya to meet with Rama and to see his great city . In the subsequent passages of Uttar Kānd the biography of Saint Kakbhushundi is given , followed by a description of what is to be expected in the current age of Kaliyuga . Shiva ends his narration of the Rama Katha to Parvati as does Kakbhushundi to Garuda . It is not mentioned whether Yajnavalkya finishes his recitation to Bharadwaj . Finally , Goswami Tulsidas concludes his retelling of the Shri Ramcharitmanas . The Rudrastakam in Sanskrit is a part of this Kanda . Stories behind the incarnation of Rama ( edit ) During the Bālakāṇḍa , it is mentioned that Shiva is retelling the story of Rama ( Rama Katha ) to his spouse Parvati . During this retelling , Shiva explains as many as five reasons why Rama incarnated on earth . Jay and Vijay ( edit ) The brothers Jay and Vijay are the two favoured gate keepers of Hari . Due to a curse , by the Brahmin Sanaka and his three brothers , Jay and Vijay were born in the species of the demons . One took the birth of Hiranyakashipu and the other was born as Hiranyaksha . The Supreme incarnated Himself as Varaha in order to kill Hiranyaksha , while incarnating as Narasimha to kill Hiranyakashipu . Even though these brothers are killed by Hari Himself , they do not attain liberation as the Brahman 's had cursed them to three births and so were reborn as the powerful demons Ravana and Kumbhakarna . Hari took a human incarnation , as Rama , to kill Ravana and Kumbhakarna . The curse of Nārad Muni ( edit ) Nārad Muni was wandering in Himalayan mountains and begins to think about Vishnu . He instantly falls into a deep meditative trance . Seeing the sage 's state , Indra becomes apprehensive as he sees Nārad 's trance as a threat to his own position as the chief of demigods in heaven . Indra asks Kamadeva to disturb Nārad 's trance . He creates an illusion of fragrant flowers , delightful breezes and such . Heavenly damsels are called but all this has no effect on the sage . Kamadeva accepts defeat and falls at Nārad 's feet , addressing him with deep humility . He recalls all that happened to Shiva and becomes puffed up with pride of his defeating of Kamadeva . Shiva admonishes him not to repeat the story to Hari . Nārad visits Vishnu at his abode , and unable to control his pride , re-tells his episode with Kamadeva , ignoring all that Shiva had advised . Vishnu further fans Nārad 's pride by telling him that his steadfast vow of celibacy is so strong that he can never be smitten . Nārad then departs Vishnu 's abode . Hari tells Laksmi that he has a plan and sets his illusory powers ( maya ) into operation . As Nārad departs Vaikuntha , Vishnu creates a beautiful illusory city with illusionary inhabitants . The city is ruled by King Sheelanidhi , who has a beautiful daughter called Vishvamohini . Nārad is intrigued with the city and decides to visit the king . Nārad sees the king 's daughter and falls in love with her . The king explains that he wishes to marry his daughter to a suitable man . Nārad devises a plot to get the princess to choose him . Nārad approaches Hari and asks him for the gift of great beauty . Vishnu says that he will do only that which is beneficial to Nārad . The sage is glad at heart and thinks that with Vishnu 's favour , the princess will surely choose him . In reality the Hari had made Nārad look hideous . The entire royal court is aware of Nārad 's appearance , but says nothing . The princess filled with rage as soon as she sees Nārad 's ugly form and completely ignores him . He sees a reflection of his face in water and is consumed with rage . He instantly goes back to Vaikuntha and begins to speak to Hari in ugly tones . He curses Hari , `` You made me look like a monkey ; therefore You shall have monkeys for Your mates . And as You have grievously wronged me , so shall You suffer the pangs of separation from Your wife '' . Hari accepts Nārad 's curse and instantly withdraws his illusionary spell . Nārad realises that there is no city and there is no Visvamohini , and is dismayed at what he has done . He begs Vishnu to invalidate his curse . Hari explains that it was His will and advises Nārad to chant his name to absolve himself of any sin . Nārad returns to his abode chanting the praises of Ram . Svayambhuva Manu and Shatarupa ( edit ) Svayambhuva Manu had Shatarupa as his wife . Manu ruled the earth for many years and carried out the Lord 's commandments . He longed to devotion to Hari and decides to give up rulership to his son so that he can retire to the forest with Satarupa and meditate upon the Lord . Manu and Satarupa settle at the banks of the Sarayu river and devoutly repeat the twelve - syllable Mantra , calling out to who is the source of many Brahmas , Vishnus and Shivas emanate . Some commentators indicate that the twelve - syllable mantra is the Vishnu mantra ( Oṃ Namo Bhagavate Vāsudevāya ) . Rambhadracharya comments that the twelve - letter mantra is the coupled mantra for Sita and Rama . Manu and Shatarupa first sacrifice food and then water and are finally willing to sacrifice air . Brahma , Hari and Shiva call on Manu but Manu and Satarupa are resolute and do not swerve on their sacrifices . A great voice from the heavens tells Manu , in sweet tones , to ask for a boon . Rama and Sita approach Manu in a beautiful form , which leaves Manu overcome with emotion . Manu explains now that he and Satarupa have seen the Lord 's lotus feet , all their desires have been met . Manu has one longing but does n't know how to ask the Lord . Finally he asks , `` O gracious Lord , I tell You my sincere wish : I would have a son like You . I have nothing to conceal from You . '' The Lord announces that it shall be , however , where would he find a son like Himself ? The Lord tells Manu that He Himself would be a son to him . The Lord then asks Satarupa of her wish . She says that she greatly likes the boon received by her husband and wants the same . Bowing at the Lord 's feet , Manu then asks one more favour . He asks that he be dependent on which is granted . The Lord then commands the couple to dwell in Indra 's capital in heaven . The Lord explains that after some time Manu would be born as the king of Ayodhya , Dashrath and Satarupa as Kausalya . He would then manifest Himself in the royal household as their son . He reassured the couple that their desire would be accomplished . Tale of king Pratapbhanu ( edit ) Prior to the birth of Rama , Muni Bharadwaja is told the story of King Pratapbhanu by Yajnavalkya . There is a kingdom called Kaikay where Satyaketu is king . He has two sons , Pratapbhanu and Arimardana and rules his kingdom with his prime minister Dharamaruchi . Satyaketu abdicates and hands the reign to Pratapbhanu , who becomes conqueror of the world . Once Pratapbhanu goes into the forest to hunt and sees a wild boar . The boar is actually the demon Kalaketu in disguise who runs away from the king . Pratapbhanu gives chase deeper into the forest . Pratapbhanu chases for many miles and becomes thirsty . He approaches a fake saints ashram , where the resident fake saint wants to hurt and insult Pratapbhanu due to a previous incident . Pratapbhanu does n't recognise the saint , who begins to sweet talk the king and says that by pure love , he wishes to impart boons onto the king . The king asks to be invicible and never ageing , which the fake saint grants , but with the condition that he needs to win favour of all Brahmans . The fake saint advises that the king arrange the cooking of holy food ( prasadam ) to feed the bramanas , who would surely be in his favour for such an act of kindness . The fake saint 's real intention is to trap the king and repay him for his old grievances . The fake saint asks the king to go rest , and that he would arrange the feast for the bramanas using his mystic powers . Pratapbhanu waits for three days for the fake saint . Kalaketu , now disguised as a priest , approaches the King in his court and says that he has been sent to cook the holy food . The entire brahmana community is invited . A heavenly voice from above warns the brahmanas that the food is unpure and they should run away immediately . They curse the king that he , his kingdom and entire family are wiped from the face of earth . They also curse that he be born a demon in his next life . The heavenly voice says that the brahmana 's curse is ill thought , as Pratapbhanu is not to blame . Since their curse can not be taken back , the voice says that it is the Brahmana community that will bare the brunt of the evil of his next life . Pratapbhanu is distraught and quickly goes to his kitchen to find Kalaketu . The king is pained and cries as he realises Kalaketu has vanished . The brahmanas feel sorry for Pratapbhanu and tell him that his evil next life will be ended by Supreme Vishnu himself . As per the curse , Pratapbhanu , Arimardam and Dharmaruchi are all killed as other neighbouring kings invade Kaikay . Pratapbhanu is reborn as Ravan , Arimardam is reborn as Kumbhkarna and Dharmaruchi as Vibhishan . All three take great penances and are approached by Brahma and Shiva and are asked for any boon . Ravan asks that no one should be able to kill me except the tribes of man and monkeys . Kumbhkarna asks for uninterrupted sleep for periods of six months . Vibhishan asks for unshakeable love for the feet of Vishnu . The immolation of Sati and the incarnation of Parvati ( edit ) The story of how Shiva came about retelling Ramkatha to his consort Parvati is retold in great detail within the Bālakāṇḍa . This part of the story is narrated by Sant Yajnavalkya to Bharadvaj Muni . Sati 's doubts ( edit ) In the age of Treta , Shiva , accompanied by His consort Bhavani Sati , went to visit Rishi Agastya . The Rishi being pleased with Shiva 's visit , began to narrate the eternal story of Ram . Shiva listens with great pleasure and then they return towards Their abode . Around these exact days Ram had descended on earth and was wondering the Dandaka forest with Sita and Lakshman . Shiva ponders how he can catch sight of Ram . He finally sees Ram , who is frantically searching for Sita , and instantly joins his palms and prays `` Glory to the Redeemer of the universe , who is Truth , Consciousness and Bliss '' . Sati can not recognise Ram and wonders why her Supreme Shiva is praising a mortal . Shiva is the knower of all truth and instantly reads Sati 's thoughts . He advises her to not harbour such doubts and accept that she had seen Ram , whom Agastya had praised earlier . He finally says that if she is still not convinced then she should seek to verify this truth herself . Shiva observes as Sati takes the guise of Sita . Ram and Lakshman instantly see through Sati 's disguised and asks about Shiva 's whereabouts . Sati feels very uncomfortable and heads towards Shiva , thinking of how she is going to explain her folly of questioning His word . Shiva asks her to tell the truth of how she tested Ram . Sati is unable to tell the truth and says that she did not test Ram , but praised his as You had . Sati forgets that Shiva knows all that has happened and is disappointed that she was disguised as his Sita . He decides that Sati is too chaste to abandon and it is a sin to continue to be her Husband and so from then he has no connection with Sati in her current body . Sati concludes that Shiva has come to know everything and feels very foolish for having tried deceiving Him . Shiva sits under a banyan tree and enters into a long trance . Sati feel extremely sorry but accepts that providence is repaying her for her sins . Many years pass and Shiva finally ends his trance whilst praising Ram . Sati bows down at Shiva 's feet , after which he seats Sati opposite him and he begins to tell stories of Vishnu 's exploits . Daksha 's sacrifice ( edit ) While Shiva is narrating the stories of Vishnu , the air is filled with celestial beings . Sati asks Shiva what the occasion is . Shiva explains that Her father Daksha has organised a great sacrifice where many demigods were invited . All except Brahma , Vishnu and Shiva were invited as Daksha had developed a hatred towards the Gods . Sati thinks of Her father and asks if She may visit him at this time . Shiva says that they have no formal invite and that all of Sati 's sisters are invited but because of his animosity towards Shiva , Her father has not invited us . Shiva tries to reason with Sati , that no good can come of Her attending , but Tulsidas explains that a daughters ties to her father are very strong . When she reaches her father 's abode , no one welcomes Her apart from Her mother . Daksha does not even acknowledge Her and actually burns with anger that She has turned up uninvited . Sati looks around and sees no oblations set apart for Shiva and the lack of respect of her father causes Her mind to rage with great anger . She faces Her father 's court and announces that Shiva is the father of the universe and the beneficent of all . It is the same Shiva that Her father vilifies . She burns Her body with the fires of Yoga. Her guards are beaten and thrashed. When Shiva came to know this , he sends Virabhadra , who wreaks havoc of the sacrifice and Daksha is slain . As Sati is about to die , She asks Lord Hari of the boon that she be devoted to Shiva 's feet in successive births . She is reborn as Parvati , the daughter of Himachal and Mena . Parvati and Nārad 's prophecy ( edit ) Years after the birth of Parvati , Nārad Muni visits her parents Himachal and Mena . Himachal asks Nārad what the future holds for his daughter . Nārad says that Parvati will be adorned with good traits and win unfailing love of her husband . She will remain ever united with him and bring great glory upon her parents . The only drawback is that her husband will be an ascetic with matted hair who is naked and of hideous accoutrements . Himachal and Mena become disconsolate while Parvati is greatly pleased , as she senses from Nārad 's words that her boon from Vishnu is coming true . Nārad explains to Himachal that the only person who shows the virtues as described by him is Shiva . Parvati 's parents are immediately uplifted and as Nārad leaves , he asks Parvati to fix Her thoughts on Hari and practice austerity . The young Parvati enters the forest and performs great penances in order to obtain Shiva . Her body thins greatly due to her self - mortification after which Brahma declares that she should cease her severe penances as Shiva would soon be hers . History had produced many great sages , but none had performed such penances as this . Brahma instructs that her father would soon come for her and that she should return home with him . Ever since Sati had quit her body , Shiva had begun chanting Ram 's name and entered into a great trance . Through his mystic power , Ram asks Shiva to marry Parvati . Shiva says that this is not a justifiable request but the word of a master can not be set aside and must be obeyed . Shiva remains in his great trance . Around that time the demon Tāraka was causing distress and was in full flourish . Brahma declares that the son of Shiva will kill Tāraka , but for this to happen His wedding with Parvati needs to be arranged and for that to happen , Shiva 's trance has to be broken . It is decided that the God of Love should be sent to awaken Shiva . He fires five arrows of flowers at Shiva 's breast , the trance is broken and Shiva awakens . Shiva is enraged and , through his third eye , reduces Love to ashes . Love 's consort Rati faints as soon as she hears of her husband 's demise . Seeing the helpless woman , Shiva foretells that her husband will now be called bodiless and shall dominate all without a body form . When Krishna descends on earth , her husband would be born as His son Pradyumna . Thereafter Brahma and other gods approach Shiva and declare that they wish to witness His wedding with their own eyes . Remembering Vishnu 's early request , Shiva gladly agrees and Brahma proceeds to arrange the marriage . The wedding of Shiva and Parvati ( edit ) Shiva has no real family and so his attendants begin to adorn Him for His wedding to Parvati . His hair is formed into a crown with serpents forming a crest . Serpents form His earrings , bracelets and adorn his neck and He is smeared in ashes and has lion 's skin wrapped around His loins . He heads the wedding procession and Vishnu and Brahma , as well as a host of spirits , gandharavs and danavs follow behind . The divinity of Ram in the Manas ( edit ) Ram 's divine birth ( edit ) On the ninth day of the Chaitra month , the Manas describes that the Sun is at its meridian and the climate is neither cold nor hot . There is a cool , soft and fragrant breeze . The woods are full of blossom and the rivers or in full flow . Brahma deduces that the time for Ram 's birth is approaching and the heavenly beings all crowd over the skies to glimpse sight of the auspicious moment . The sky resounds of music and song as the heavenly beings offer their praises to the Supreme Personality of Godhead . Here begins one of the most famous chhands from the Manas , the Ram Janam Stuti . The stuti begins with the appearance of Ram . Mother Kaushalya 's is filled with joy as she marvels over Ram 's dark complexion and his four armed form . He is adorned with jewels and a garland of Sylvan flowers and is described as being an ocean of beauty . Kaushalya joins her palms and prays . `` O Infinite , How can I praise You ! The Vedas and Puranas reveal you to be the repository of all virtues . You are the Lord of Laksmi and the lover of all of Your devotees and have appeared for my good . Every pore of Your body contains multitudes of universes and the thought that You stayed in my womb is truly staggering . '' Ram smiles and exhorts Kaushalya by telling her the charming account of her previous birth so that she can accept Him as her own child . Kaushalya asks Ram to give up His current superhuman form and to start to indulge in childish sports that are dear to a mother 's heart . Ram , described as the Lord of immortals , immediately becomes an infant and begins to cry . Tulsidas concludes that whoever sings this Stuti attains the abode of Lord Vishnu and never falls into the well of mundane existence . The Stuti has therefore been immortalised and it is a popular prayer sung on the occasion of Ram 's birthday . Deliverance of Ahalya ( edit ) Ahalya , the wife of Rishi Gautam , was a beautiful woman . Indra , king of the gods , was tempted and decided to seduce her with trickery . Early morning Rishi Gautam when the dawn had arrived go down to the nearby Ganges for his usual morning bath . While the Rishi was bathing at the river , Indra assumed Gautam 's form and visited Ahalya , fooling her into thinking he was her husband . When Gautam returned , he encountered Indra , emerging from his hut in his ( Gautam 's ) form . Spiritually powerful , Gautam employed his divine vision to see the whole episode . Enraged , he cursed Indra with impotence . Losing his potency , Indra lost heaven to demons and sat prayerfully in a lotus flower for thousands of years in order to repent . Rishi Gautam , in a blind rage , also cursed his wife , Ahalya , to turn into a boulder . Innocent of any intentional wrongdoing , Ahalya begged for forgiveness . Gautam relented somewhat and said that when Ram is incarnated , he will bless her and break her curse . Ram , while going to Mithila for Sita Svayamvar along with Sage Vishwamitra and Laksman , stopped at the , then - uninhabited , hermitage of Rishi Gautam . Vishwamitra narrated Ahalya 's story to Ram , and asked him to free her . Ram touched the boulder with his foot and Ahalya was immediately released from the curse . She fell to Ram 's feet and washed his feet with her tears . She felt that her curse had become her fortune as she got the opportunity to seek Ram 's refuge in person . She then returned to her husband 's place . The abrupt ending ( edit ) Many scholars have commented on the sudden ending to the Manas . Valmiki 's Uttar Kānd goes into great detail about Sita going into the forest , as a result of disapproving gossip of the citizens of Ayodhya , during the rule of Ram over Ayodhya . Sitaji asks mother Earth to receive her and Ram leaves His human form and returns to His celestial abode . Tulsidas decides not to mention these at all . The Katha Kar Morari Bapu has mentioned in many of his retellings of Ram Katha , that Tulsidasji did n't want to end the Manas in heartache for Sita . Tulsidas refers to Sita as his mother ( as well as the mother of the entire universe ) many times in the poem and so , on an emotional level , this becomes very understandable . She has endured enough pain throughout the Manas and so ends his retelling at a relatively happy moment . It is said that there are some Vaishnav devotees who will only recite the Bālakāṇḍa of the Manas , as this is seen as the happiest period of Ram and Sita 's lila on earth . However , Ramchritmans at few places do make reference of Sita 's abandonment , birth of lav - kush and Ram 's demise to his abode . These stories thus can be said to have mentioned in brief . English translation ( edit ) An unpublished English poetic translation of Ramcharitmanas is provided by ( Late ) Binda Prasad Khattri of New Market , Banda , Uttar Pradesh . Apparently , the translation can be sung essentially in the same way and with the same rhythm as the original Hindi work . Frederick Growse translated the Ramcharitmanas into English under the title The Ramayan of Tulsidas during the nineteenth century . His translation remains in print . The English commentary by Morari Bapu , Mangal Ramayan , is an English composition of one of his orrated Ram Katha commentaries . The book contains all the translations of prayers , Doha , Chaupais , and Chandan sung by Bapu , as well as an in - depth disccusion behind the meanings of the poetry . See also ( edit ) Tulsi Manas Mandir India portal Varanasi portal Religion portal Notes and references ( edit ) Notes Jump up ^ Tulsidas , Kabir , Mirabai , and Surdas are considered the greatest devotional poets of Bhakti kāl Jump up ^ In verse 1.33. 2 of Bālkānd , the first chapter of Rāmcaritmanas , Tulsidas mentions 1631 , Tuesday , as the date according to Vikram Samvat calendar , which is 1574 in Gregorian calendar or Common Era . Jump up ^ Pronounced as tool - see - DAHSS Jump up ^ Tulsidas was a contemporary of Akbar , Maharana Pratap , and William Shakespeare References Jump up ^ K.B. Jindal ( 1955 ) , A history of Hindi literature , Kitab Mahal , ... The book is popularly known as the Ramayana , but the poet himself called it the Ramcharitmanas or the ' Lake of the Deeds of Rama ' ... the seven cantos of the book are like the seven steps to the lake ... Jump up ^ Lutgendorf 1991 , p. 1 . ^ Jump up to : Subramanian 2008 , p. 19 Jump up ^ McLean 1998 , p. 121 Jump up ^ Puri & Das 2003 , p. 230 Jump up ^ Lele 1981 , p. 75 Jump up ^ Lorenzen 1995 , p. 160 Jump up ^ Lutgendorf 2006 , p. 92 Jump up ^ Sadarangani 2004 , p. 78 Jump up ^ Kumar 2001 , p. 161 Jump up ^ Tulsidas 1574 , p. 45 Jump up ^ Saraswati 2001 , p. 485 ^ Jump up to : O.P. Ralhan ( 1997 ) , The Great Gurus of the Sikhs , Volume 1 , Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd , ISBN 978 - 81 - 7488 - 479 - 4 , ... It was on a Tuesday , the ninth day of Chaitra in the Samvat year 1631 , that Tulsidas started writing the Ramcharitmanas in the city of Ayodhya on the banks of the sacred Saryu . The place and date are significant , Ayodhya being the birthplace and the day being the birthday of Sri Rama ... Jump up ^ Rambhadracharya , Swami ( 2008 ) . Ramcharitmanas Bhavarthbodhini Hindi Tika . Page No. xxxi Jump up ^ Duiker 2012 , p. 3.1 Jump up ^ Pant 2012 , p. 64 Jump up ^ Singh 1990 , p. 121 Jump up ^ Mathew 2012 , p. H - 39 Jump up ^ Ghosh 2002 , p. 104 Jump up ^ Lochtefeld 2002 , p. 713 Jump up ^ Coogan 2003 , p. 141 Jump up ^ Richman 2001 , p. 9 Jump up ^ Agarwal 2005 , p. 114 Jump up ^ MacFie 2004 , p. 115 Jump up ^ Bakker 2009 , p. 122 Jump up ^ Rajagopal 2001 , p. 99 Jump up ^ Lallan Prasad Vyas ( 1992 ) , Ramayana , its universal appeal and global role , Har - Anand Publications , ... Its original name is Ram Charit Manas , but people call it Tulsi Krit Ramayan . ( This has been the custom to name the Ramayan after its author ) . Tulsi Krit Ramayan was written in the 16th Century AD . This is the most popular and a work by a world renowned ... Jump up ^ Miller 2008 , p. 161 Jump up ^ Lamb 2002 , p. 39 Jump up ^ Ascher & Heffron 2010 , p. 27 Jump up ^ Mehta 1992 , p. 243 Jump up ^ Sanujit Ghose ( 2004 ) , Legend of Ram : Antiquity to Janmabhumi Debate , Bibliophile South Asia , ISBN 978 - 81 - 85002 - 33 - 0 , ... Lake of the Deeds of Ram . He says that the seven cantos or sections of the work are like the beautiful flights of steps to the holy water of a lake , which purifies the body and the soul at once ... Jump up ^ Olive Classe ( 2000 ) , Encyclopedia of literary translation into English : M-Z , Volume 2 , Taylor & Francis , ISBN 978 - 1 - 884964 - 36 - 7 , ... Rāmcāritmānas , composed in the Avadhi dialect of Hindi , is an epic of some 13,000 lines divided into seven kandas or ' books . ' The word mānas ( which Hindi speakers often use as an abbreviation of the longer title ) alludes to a sacred lake in the Himalayas , and so the title may be rendered ' the divine lake of Ram 's deeds ' ... Jump up ^ Impact of Ramayan - http://www.bhuvaneshwarmandir.com/resources/impact.htm ^ Jump up to : Shri Ramacharitamanasa , A Romanized Edition ( 1968 ed . ) . Gorakhpur : Gita Press . Jump up ^ Gita press ShriRamcharitmanas - End of each Kānd of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Morari Bapu 2000 , pp. 58 , 59 , 134 . https://openlibrary.org/b/OL2164668M/Mangal_Ramayan Jump up ^ Cite error : The named reference Raychaudhuri_1972 was invoked but never defined ( see the help page ) . Jump up ^ Bālakāṇḍa section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Ayodhya Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Aranya Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Kishkinha Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Sunder Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Lanka Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Uttar Kānd section of Gitapress version Jump up ^ Jay and Vijay , the gatekeepers - http://www.srirangjimandir.org/glossary.html Jump up ^ Morari Bapu 2000 , pp. 159 -- 161 Jump up ^ Nārad Muni 's curse - http://www.boloji.com/hinduism/109.htm Jump up ^ Śrīrāmacaritamānasa ( Gita Press ) 2004 , pp. 107 -- 108 : संभु बिरंचि बिष्नु भगवाना । उपजहिं जासु अंस ते नाना ॥ ... and from a particle of whose emanate a number of Śambhus , Virañcis and Viṣṇus . Jump up ^ Śrīrāmacaritamānasa ( Gita Press ) 2004 , p. 105 : They further devoutly repeated the twelve - letter formula ( ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ) . Jump up ^ Rambhadracharya 2008 , p. 127 : मनु शतरूपा श्रेष्ठ बारह अक्षरों वाले श्रीसीताराम के युगलमंत्र का प्रेमपूर्वक जाप करने लगे । Jump up ^ Śrīrāmacaritamānasa ( Gita Press ) 2004 , pp. 107 -- 108 : भृकुटि बिलास सृष्टि लय होई । राम बाम दिसि सीता सोई ॥ ... Sītā , who stood to the left of Śrī Rāma , was the same was the same ... the mere play of whose eyebrows brings the cosmos into existence . Jump up ^ Morari Bapu 2000 , pp. 173 -- 180 Jump up ^ Pratapbhanu 's tale - ( Reason v ) http://charm.cs.uiuc.edu/~bhatele/ramayan.htm Jump up ^ Ram Janam Stuti from the Manas - http://www.iiramii.net/stuti_ram_janam_stuti.html Jump up ^ Morari Bapu 2000 , p. 635 Jump up ^ J.M. Macfie , The Ramayan of Tulsidas Or the Bible of Northern India , Kessinger Publishing , 2004 , ISBN 978 - 1 - 4179 - 1498 - 2 , ... The splendid English translation by FC Growse has also been used ( the sixth edition , 1914 , published by Ram Narayan , Allahabad ) . Another admirer of the poet whose studies in the Indian Antiquary , 1893 , and in the Indian Gazetteer are of much value , is Sir George Grierson , who speaks of the Ramcharitmanas as worthy of the greatest poet of any age ... Online sources `` 1318_Sri Ramchritmanas_Roman '' ( PDF ) . Gorakhpur , India : Gita Press . Retrieved 4 October 2013 . Bibliography Ascher , William ; Heffron , John M. ( 15 November 2010 ) . Cultural Change and Persistence : New Perspectives on Development . Palgrave Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 11733 - 4 . Agarwal , Mirgandra ( 1 January 2005 ) . Philosophy of Inspiration . Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84557 - 280 - 8 . Bakker , Freek L. ( 2009 ) . The Challenge of the Silver Screen : An Analysis of the Cinematic Portraits of Jesus , Rama , Buddha and Muhammad . BRILL . ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 16861 - 9 . Bulcke , Camille ; Prasāda , Dineśvara ( 2010 ) . Rāmakathā and Other Essays . Vani Prakashan . ISBN 978 - 93 - 5000 - 107 - 3 . Callewaert , Winand M. ( 1 January 2000 ) . Banaras : Vision of a Living Ancient Tradition . Hemkunt Press . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7010 - 302 - 8 . Coogan , Michael D. ( 2003 ) . The Illustrated Guide to World Religions . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 521997 - 5 . Duiker , William J. Cengage Advantage Books : World History , Complete , 7th ed . Cengage Learning . ISBN 978 - 1 - 133 - 71009 - 7 . Ghosh , Amitav ( 2002 ) . The Imam and the Indian : Prose Pieces . Orient Blackswan . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7530 - 047 - 7 . Gupta , Kulwant Rai ; Gupta , Amita ( 1 January 2006 ) . Concise Encyclopaedia Of India : . Atlantic Publishers & Dist . ISBN 978 - 81 - 269 - 0637 - 6 . Jones , Constance ; Ryan , James D. ( 2006 ) . Encyclopedia of Hinduism . Infobase Publishing . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8160 - 7564 - 5 . Kumar , A. ( 1 January 2001 ) . Social Transformation In Modern India . Sarup & Sons . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7625 - 227 - 0 . Lamb , Ramdas ( 29 August 2002 ) . Rapt in the Name : The Ramnamis , Ramnam , and Untouchable Religion in Central India . SUNY Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 5385 - 8 . Lele , Jayant ( 1981 ) . Tradition and Modernity in Bhakti Movements . Brill Archive . ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 06370 - 9 . Lochtefeld , James G. ( 2002 ) . The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism : N-Z . The Rosen Publishing Group . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8239 - 3180 - 4 . Lorenzen , David N. ( 1995 ) . Bhakti Religion in North India : Community Identity and Political Action . SUNY Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 2025 - 6 . Lutgendorf , Philip ( 13 December 2006 ) . Hanuman 's Tale : The Messages of a Divine Monkey . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 988582 - 4 . MacFie , J.M. ( 1 May 2004 ) . The Ramayan Of Tulsidas Or The Bible Of Northern India . Kessinger Publishing . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4179 - 1498 - 2 . Mathew , Kirpal Singh , Annie . Frank Middle School Social Sciences Class VII . Frank Brothers . ISBN 978 - 81 - 8409 - 102 - 1 . Mathur , Suresh Narain ; Chaturvedi , B.K. ( 2005 ) . The Diamond Book of Hindu Gods and Goddesses . Diamond Pocket Books ( P ) Ltd . ISBN 978 - 81 - 288 - 0802 - 9 . McLean , Malcolm ( 1998 ) . Devoted to the Goddess : The Life and Work of Ramprasad . SUNY Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7914 - 3689 - 9 . Mehta , Jarava Lal ( January 1992 ) . J.L. Mehta on Heidegger , Hermeneutics , and Indian Tradition . BRILL . ISBN 978 - 90 - 04 - 09488 - 8 . Melton , J. Gordon ( 13 September 2011 ) . Religious Celebrations : An Encyclopedia of Holidays , Festivals , Solemn Observances , and Spiritual Commemorations . ABC - CLIO . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59884 - 205 - 0 . Miller , Kevin Christopher ( 2008 ) . A Community of Sentiment : Indo - Fijian Music and Identity Discourse in Fiji and Its Diaspora . ProQuest . ISBN 978 - 0 - 549 - 72404 - 9 . Pant , Ashok ( August 2012 ) . The Truth of Babri Mosque . iUniverse . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4759 - 4289 - 7 . Pillai , Poornima ; Bharti , Jyotsna ( 2005 ) . Gateway to Indian Classical Literature . Asiapac Books Pte Ltd . ISBN 978 - 981 - 229 - 427 - 2 . Pinch , William R. ( 17 March 2006 ) . Warrior Ascetics and Indian Empires . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 85168 - 8 . Puri , B.N. ; Das , M.N. ( 1 December 2003 ) . A Comprehensive History of India : Comprehensive history of medieval India . Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd . ISBN 978 - 81 - 207 - 2508 - 9 . Quinn , Edward ( 1 January 2009 ) . Critical Companion to George Orwell . Infobase Publishing . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4381 - 0873 - 5 . Rajagopal , Arvind ( 25 January 2001 ) . Politics After Television : Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 64839 - 4 . Richman , Paula ( 1 January 2001 ) . Questioning Ramayanas : A South Asian Tradition . University of California Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 22074 - 4 . Sadarangani , Neeti M. ( 2004 ) . Bhakti Poetry in Medieval India : Its Inception , Cultural Encounter and Impact . Sarup & Sons . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7625 - 436 - 6 . Saraswati , Prakashanand ( 1 January 2001 ) . The True History and the Religion of India : A Concise Encyclopedia of Authentic Hinduism . Motilal Banarsidass Publ . ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 1789 - 0 . Singh , Khushwant ( 1 January 1990 ) . India An Introduction . HarperCollins Publishers . ISBN 978 - 93 - 5029 - 243 - 3 . Tulasīdāsa ; Subramanian , V.K. ( 2008 ) . Hymns of Tulsidas . Abhinav Publications . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7017 - 496 - 7 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : Shri Rāmcharitmānas Wikiquote has quotations related to : Ramcharitmanas Ramcharitmanas Bhavarth Bodhini Tika by Swami Rambhadracharya Avadhi and Romanised text with translation by Gita Press , Gorakhpur ( hide ) Ramayana by Valmiki Ikshvaku dynasty Dasharatha Kausalya Sumitra Kaikeyi Shanta Rama Bharata Lakshmana Shatrughna Sita Urmila Mandavi Shrutakirti Lava Kusha ( genealogy ) Vanara Hanuman Sugriva Vali Tara Rumā Angada Nala Nila Kesari Anjana Makardhwaja Rakshasa Ravana Vibhishana Kumbhakarna Indrajit Akshayakumara Atikaya Kabandha Khara Dushan Mandodari Maricha Mayasura Narantaka - Devantaka Prahasta Sarama Subahu Sulochana Sumali Surpanakha Tataka Trijata Trishira Viradha Sages Agastya Ahalya Arundhati Bharadwaja Kambhoja Parashurama Vasistha Vishvamitra Rishyasringa Other characters and concepts Lakshmana rekha Jambavan Janaka Kushadhwaja Jatayu Manthara Ashwapati Maya Sita Sampati Shabari Shravan Vedavati Places Ayodhya Mithila Dandakaranya Kishkindha Lanka Seven Books ( Kandas ) Bala Ayodhya Aranya Kishkindha Sundara Yuddha Uttara Versions , adaptations & inspired works Adbhuta Ramayana Adhyathmaramayanam Adhyatma Ramayana Ananda Ramayana Bhaṭṭikāvya Hikayat Seri Rama Kakawin Ramayana Kamba Ramayanam Krittivasi Ramayan Phra Lak Phra Ram Darangen Ramlila Ramayan ( TV series ) Raghunatha Ramayana Ramakien Ramcharitmanas Reamker Saptakanda Ramayana Sri Ramayana Darshanam Vilanka Ramayana Yama Zatdaw Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ramcharitmanas&oldid=808604611 '' Categories : Epic poems Hindi - language literature Hindu texts Indian poems Works based on the Ramayana 16th - century Indian books 16th - century poems Hidden categories : Pages with reference errors Pages with broken reference names Use dmy dates from March 2016 Use Indian English from March 2016 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Articles containing Hindi - language text Articles prone to spam from December 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Afrikaans भोजपुरी فارسی Français ગુજરાતી हिन्दी മലയാളം मराठी नेपाली ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Русский தமிழ் Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 November 2017 , at 22 : 31 . 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The Government of Sri Lanka ( GoSL ) ( Sinhala : ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජය Śrī Laṃkā Rajaya ) is a semi-presidential system determined by the Sri Lankan Constitution . The GoSL administers Sri Lanka from both its commercial capital of Colombo and the administrative capital of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte .
a semi-presidential system determined by the Sri Lankan Constitution
Government of Sri Lanka
government of sri lanka
The Government of Sri Lanka ( GoSL ) ( Sinhala : ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජය Śrī Laṃkā Rajaya ) is a semi-presidential system determined by the Sri Lankan Constitution . The GoSL administers Sri Lanka from both its commercial capital of Colombo and the administrative capital of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte .
Presidential Secretariat , Colombo 1 Contents ( hide ) 1 Constitution 2 Executive branch 3 Elections 4 Legislative branch 5 Judicial Branch 6 References 7 External links Constitution ( edit ) Main article : Constitution of Sri Lanka The Constitution of Sri Lanka has been the constitution of the island nation of Sri Lanka since its original promulgation by the National State Assembly on 7 September 1978 . It is Sri Lanka 's second republican constitution , and its third constitution since the country 's independence ( as Ceylon ) in 1948 . As of April 2015 it has been formally amended 19 times . Executive branch ( edit ) Main article : President of Sri Lanka The President , directly elected for a five - year term , is head of state , head of government , and commander in chief of the armed forces . The election occurs under the Sri Lankan form of the contingent vote . Responsible to Parliament for the exercise of duties under the constitution and laws , the president may be removed from office by a two - thirds vote of Parliament with the concurrence of the Supreme Court . The President appoints and heads a cabinet of ministers responsible to Parliament . The President 's deputy is the prime minister , who leads the ruling party in Parliament . A parliamentary no - confidence vote requires dissolution of the cabinet and the appointment of a new one by the President . Main office holders Office Name Party Since President Maithripala Sirisena Sri Lanka Freedom Party 9 January 2015 Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe United National Party 17 August 2015 Elections ( edit ) Main article : Elections in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature . The president is elected for a five - year term by the people . The Parliament has 225 members , elected for a five - year term , 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district . Legislative branch ( edit ) Main article : Parliament of Sri Lanka The Parliament of Sri Lanka The Parliament has 225 members , elected for a six - year term , 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies and 29 by proportional representation . The President may summon , suspend , or end a legislative session and dissolve Parliament any time after it has served for one year . Parliament reserves the power to make all laws . The primary modification is that the party that receives the largest number of valid votes in each constituency gains a unique `` bonus seat '' ( see Hickman , 1999 ) . Since its independence in 1948 , Sri Lanka has remained a member of the Commonwealth of Nations . Judicial branch ( edit ) Main article : Judiciary of Sri Lanka Main article : Law of Sri Lanka Supreme Court Complex , Hultsdorf The judiciary is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the country . It is set out in the constitution , which defines courts as independent institutions within the traditional framework of checks and balances . The Sri Lankan courts are presided over by professional judges , judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President with the nomination of the Parliamentary Council , others by the Judicial Service Commission . Sri Lanka has a legal system which is an amalgam of English common law , Roman - Dutch civil law and Customary Law . Sri Lanka This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Sri Lanka Constitution ( show ) Previous constitutions : 1931 1947 Law of Sri Lanka Human rights Law enforcement Government ( show ) Executive President ( List ) : Maithripala Sirisena Prime Minister ( List ) : Ranil Wickremesinghe Cabinet : 15th cabinet Ministries Legislature Parliament Speaker Deputy Speaker Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition Judiciary Constitutional Council Supreme Court Chief Justice : Priyasath Dep Court of Appeal High Courts District Courts Magistrate 's Courts Primary Courts Labour Tribunal Elections ( show ) Elections Political parties Last election Next election Administrative geography ( show ) Provinces Districts Municipalities Wards Grama Niladhari divisions Foreign policy ( show ) Foreign relations Related issues ( show ) Civil War Sri Lanka Portal Other countries Atlas References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Boxall , Sheryl ( 2008 ) . DeRouen , Karl ; Bellamy , Paul , eds . International Security and the United States : An Encyclopedia , Volume 2 . Westport , Connecticut , USA : Greenwood Publishing Group . p. 728 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 275 - 99255 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` Judicial System of Sri Lanka '' . Commonwealth Governance . Retrieved 17 November 2013 . External links ( edit ) Sri Lanka portal General Government of Sri Lanka The Official Website of the Data and Information Unit of the Presidential Secretariat , Sri Lanka Law Official site of the Judicial Service Commission Secretariat Sri Lanka 's Legal Information Network Executive Branch Official site of the Presidency Official site of the Presidential Secretariat Legislative Branch Official site of the Parliament of Sri Lanka Judiciary Official site of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka Official site of the Court of Appeal of Sri Lanka Others Official Government News Portal Sri Lanka topics Overviews Outline Index Bibliography Timeline Years 2018 History Periods Prehistory Early kingdoms period Anuradhapura period Polonnaruwa period Transitional period Crisis of the Sixteenth Century Kandyan period History of British Ceylon History of Sri Lanka ( 1948 -- present ) Epochs Mahavamsa Vijaya Tambapanni Upatissa Nuwara Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Jaffna Dambadeniya Gampola Kotte Sitawaka Kandy Portuguese Ceylon Dutch Ceylon British Ceylon Kandyan Wars Uva Rebellion Matale rebellion Independence movement Dominion of Ceylon Civil War Topics Chronicles Ancient capitals Monarchs Demographic Economic Education Military Government Law Constitution Constitutional Council Executive President Executive Office Cabinet / Ministries Administrative Service National Security Council Law enforcement Judiciary Supreme Court Court of appeal High Courts District courts Magistrate 's Courts Primary Courts Labour Tribunal Legislature Parliament Prime Minister Office Speaker Deputy speaker and chairman of committees Deputy Chairman of Committees Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition Chief Government Whip Chief Opposition Whip Secretaries - General 15th Parliament Members National security Armed Forces Air Force Army Navy Coast Guard Intelligence State Intelligence Service Directorate of Military Intelligence Criminal Investigation Department Sri Lanka Police Service Politics Electoral districts Elections Foreign relations Parties Sri Lanka Freedom Party United National Party Scandals Provincial governments Local governments Geography Administrative divisions Provinces Districts Divisional Secretary 's Divisions Municipalities Cities Wards Grama Niladhari divisions Towns Ecoregions Environment Extreme points Islands Mountains Pidurutalagala Central Highlands Hanthana Mountain Range Knuckles Mountain Range National parks Protected areas Rivers Mahaweli Malvathu Kelani Kalu Gin Waterfalls Wildlife Economy Agriculture Banking Central Bank Communications Companies Energy Information Technology Public debt Research Rupee Stock Exchange Taxation Trade Transport Unemployment Industries Apparel Beer Cinnamon Coconut Coffee Gems Rice Rubber Sugar Tea Tourism Society Topics Birth Demographics Education Health Languages Sinhala Tamil Media People Public holidays Religion Social class Sport Culture Architecture Art Cinema Cuisine Dance Fashion Flag Folklore Literature Music National symbols Philosophy Radio Television Theatre World Heritage Sites Issues Capital punishment Crime Gender inequality Human rights Immigration International rankings LGBT history LGBT rights Poverty Terrorism Book Portal WikiProject Governments of Asia Sovereign states Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Cyprus East Timor ( Timor - Leste ) Egypt Georgia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Kazakhstan North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Tajikistan Thailand Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Northern Cyprus Palestine South Ossetia Taiwan Dependencies and other territories British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands Hong Kong Macau Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Government_of_Sri_Lanka&oldid=849655373 '' Categories : Government of Sri Lanka Politics of Sri Lanka Hidden categories : Pages using deprecated image syntax Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages සිංහල Edit links This page was last edited on 10 July 2018 , at 13 : 08 ( UTC ) . 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which country is free visa for indian passport
Country Visa requirement Allowed stay Notes Afghanistan Visa required Albania Visa required Visa free for a maximum stay of 90 days within 180 days for valid visa holders or residents of the Schengen Area member states , the UK and US . Algeria Visa required Andorra Visa required Andorra has no visa regime , but is only accessible through France and Spain . Angola eVisa 30 days Visitors who have been granted an online pre-visa or have requested such pre-visa from the consulates of Angola abroad , are then issued with a visa on arrival at the country 's border check points . For a maximum total stay of 90 days within a one year period . Besides having printed confirmation that a visa will be issued upon arrival , passengers must : have a return / onward ticket , and have a hotel reservation confirmation . Antigua and Barbuda Electronic Entry Visa Visa free for a maximum stay of 30 days for valid visa holders or residents of Canada , the Schengen Area member states , UK and US . Argentina Visa required Visa free of charge for Indian and Moroccan passport holders Armenia eVisa / Visa on arrival 120 days Australia and territories Visa required May apply online ( Online Visitor e600 visa ) Transit visa : required , can apply online . Austria Visa required Azerbaijan eVisa 30 days Bahamas Visa required Visa on arrival for all Indian nationals who have valid Schengen , UK , US , and Canadian visas . Bahrain eVisa 90 days 14 days to 1 year multiple entry visa ( max stay 90 days ) . Visa on arrival for Gulf Cooperation Council residents . Bangladesh Visa required Barbados Visa required Belarus Visa required National visa may be substituted with a Schengen visa or a national visa of country of EU , and if arriving and departing via Minsk International Airport . Belgium Visa required Belize Visa required Permanent residents and holders of multiple entry visa of the US may obtain a visa on arrival . Holders of a valid visa issued by a Schengen Member state are visa exempt for a maximum stay of 90 days . Benin eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days / 8 days Must have an international vaccination certificate . Bhutan Visa not required 14 days Bolivia Visa on arrival 90 days Bosnia and Herzegovina Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid multiple - entry visa issued by an EU or Schengen Area member state , or USA Botswana Visa required Brazil Visa required Brunei Visa required Bulgaria Visa required National visa may be substituted with a C visa issued by Croatia , Cyprus , Romania or a Schengen Area member state Burkina Faso Visa required Burundi Visa required Cambodia eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Fee of USD 30 applicable Cameroon Visa required Canada Visa required National visa may be substituted with a US permanent resident card ; Travelers with a US permanent resident card arriving by air require an Electronic Travel Authorization ( ETA ) . Transit visa : required Cape Verde Visa on arrival 30 days Central African Republic Visa required Chad Visa required Chile Visa required China Visa required Colombia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid C or D visa issued by a Schengen Area member state or a valid visa ( with 180 days left ) issued by the US ( except for C1 transit visas ) . Comoros Visa on arrival 45 days Republic of the Congo Visa required Visa not required if presenting a V.I.P invitation letter Democratic Republic of the Congo Visa required visa on arrival if a letter ( visa volant ) issued by the Ministry of Interior and Security is presented Costa Rica Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by the US or with a multiple - entry visa issued by Canada . Côte d'Ivoire eVisa 3 months eVisa holders must arrive via Port Bouet Airport . Croatia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by a Schengen Area member state Cuba Visa required Eligible to travel to Cuba with a tourist card if they also hold a valid visa or a residence permit issued by Canada , the United States or an EU member state . Cyprus Visa required National visa may be substituted with a double or multiple entry C visa issued by Bulgaria , Croatia , Romania or a Schengen Area member state . Czech Republic Visa required Denmark Visa required Djibouti eVisa 31 days Visa on arrival also available at Djibouti -- Ambouli International Airport until 30 April 2018 . Dominica Visa not required 6 months Dominican Republic Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , US or any EU member state . Ecuador Visa not required 90 days Egypt Visa required If travelling as a part of an organized tourist group that consists of at least 10 persons and holding both onward and return flight tickets , booked accommodation and a signed Letter of Guarantee ( LG ) from an Egyptian travel agency , a visa on arrival in Egypt can be obtained Air transit passengers with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country within 48 hours do not need visas ; however , this exemption does not apply when transiting through Alexandria ( HBE ) El Salvador Visa not required 90 days Equatorial Guinea Visa required Eritrea Visa required Estonia Visa required Ethiopia eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Fiji Visa not required 4 months Finland Visa required France Visa required Gabon eVisa / Visa on arrival 1 month Electronic visa holders must arrive via Libreville International Airport . Gambia Visa required Visa not required if Passengers traveling as tourists on a charter flight Georgia eVisa 30 days 30 days within 120 days Germany Visa required Ghana Visa required Greece Visa required Grenada Visa not required 3 months Guatemala Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , the US or a Schengen Area member state . Guinea Visa required Guinea - Bissau eVisa / Visa on arrival 90 days Guyana Visa required Visa on arrival if holding a letter of invitation from sponsor or host Haiti Visa not required 3 months Honduras Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , the US or a Schengen Area member state . Hungary Visa required Iceland Visa required Indonesia Visa not required 30 days 30 days for tourism purposes . Iran Visa on arrival 30 days Iraq Visa required Ireland Visa required National visa may be substituted with a UK C visa holders until October 2021 . Entry permitted only if first point of entry to the Common Travel Area is in the UK . May transit without a visa . Israel Visa required Italy Visa required Jamaica Visa not required 6 months Japan Visa required Jordan Visa on arrival 30 days Kazakhstan Visa required Visa not required if transiting with Air Astana ( KC ) at Almaty ( ALA ) or Astana ( TSE ) for a maximum stay of 72 hours ( until 31 December 2018 only ) . Kenya eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months Kiribati Visa required North Korea Visa required South Korea Visa required Visa free transit ( up to 30 days ) provided holding a valid US , Canada , Australia , New Zealand Visa , and arriving from or departing to those countries . Kuwait Visa required Kyrgyzstan eVisa Electronic visa holders must arrive via Manas International Airport or Osh Airport or through land crossings with China ( at Irkeshtam and Torugart ) , Kazakhstan ( at Ak - jol , Ak - Tilek , Chaldybar , Chon - Kapka ) , Tajikistan ( at Bor - Dobo , Kulundu , Kyzyl - Bel ) and Uzbekistan ( at Dostuk ) . Laos Visa on arrival 30 days Conditions apply . Available at international airports Luangphabang , Pakse , Savannakhet and Vientiane , and at 4 land borders Friendship Bridge , and at 13 border crossings as well as Tanalaeng train station in Vientiane , which connects to the train station in Nongkai , Thailand . Entry points Lalai , Lantui , Meuang mom , Pakxan , and Phoudou are open only to visa holders . Extendable up to 60 days . Latvia Visa required Lebanon Visa required In addition to a visa , an approval should be obtained from the immigration department of the General Directorate of General Security ( La Sûreté Générale ) . Lesotho eVisa 30 days Liberia Visa required Libya Visa required Liechtenstein Visa required Lithuania Visa required Luxembourg Visa required Macedonia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid double or multi entry C visa issued by a British , Canadian or U.S. visa or Schengen Area member state for max stay of 15 days . Need onward tickets . Madagascar Visa on arrival 30 days Malawi Visa required Malaysia eVisa / eNTRI 30 days Visa on arrival is also issued if arriving from Thailand , Singapore or Indonesia and holding a valid visa for any of those countries . Maldives Visa not required 90 days Mali Visa required Malta Visa required Marshall Islands Visa on arrival 90 days Mauritania Visa on arrival 30 days Mauritius Visa not required 90 days Mexico Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa or permanent residence documents issued by the US , Canada , Japan , UK or Schengen Area member state to enter Mexico for tourism , transit , or business purposes . Micronesia Visa not required 30 days Moldova Visa required Indian nationals holding a visa issued by a Schengen Area member state , UK or Ireland may obtain a Moldovan visa online . Monaco Visa required Mongolia Visa required Montenegro Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by a Schengen Area member state , UK , Ireland or the US visa . Morocco Visa required Mozambique Visa on arrival 30 days Myanmar eVisa 28 days eVisa holders must arrive via Yangon , Nay Pyi Taw or Mandalay airports or via land border crossings with Thailand -- Tachileik , Myawaddy and Kawthaung or India -- Rih Khaw Dar and Tamu . eVisa available for both tourism ( allowed stay is 28 days ) or business ( allowed stay is 70 days ) purposes . Namibia Visa required Nauru Visa required Nepal Freedom of movement Indian citizens may live and work freely in Nepal under the terms of the 1950 Indo - Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship . Netherlands Visa required New Zealand Visa required National visa may be substituted with an Australian permanent residence documents . Nicaragua Visa required Nationals of India with a normal passport and a valid visa issued by Canada , the USA or a Schengen Member State can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 30 days . Fee $10 . Niger Visa required Nigeria Visa required Norway Visa required Oman Visa required National visa may be substituted with a GCC visa of certain categories ( managers , sales executives , etc . ) when a visitor visa on arrival can be granted if the visitor is coming directly from a GCC country via air or land . All passengers from India , who reside in or hold an entry visa to one of the following countries ( USA , Canada , Australia , UK and Schengen states ) are allowed to obtain non-sponsored electronic tourist visa to enter Oman . Pakistan Visa required Palau Visa on arrival 30 days Panama Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid multiple entry visa issued by US ( including Green Card Holders , ) UK , Canada , Australia or a Schengen visa , which has been used at least once to enter those countries , and with at least one year validity remaining at the time of entry into Panama . Papua New Guinea Visa required Paraguay Visa required Peru Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid US , Canada , Australia , Schengen Area or UK visa or permanent resident permit may be granted visa - free entry for a maximum of 180 days . The visa must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the arrival date . Philippines Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid US , Japanese , Australian , Canadian , Schengen , Singapore or UK visa or permanent resident permit whose holders may be granted visa - free entry for an initial stay not exceeding 14 days . Poland Visa required Portugal Visa required Qatar Visa not required 30 days Romania Visa required National visa may be substituted with a double or multiple entry C visa issued by a Schengen Area member state valid for the period of intended stay . Russia Visa required eVisa for up to 8 days for Amur Oblast , Chukotka , Kamchatka , Khabarovsk Krai , Primorye and Sakhalin regions of the Russian Far East for tourism , business and humanitarian purposes . Available at 6 airports , 5 seaports , some railway and road entry points . Visa not required if visiting Saint Petersburg for up to 72 hours via ferry from Finland . Rwanda eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa not required 3 months Saint Lucia Visa on arrival 6 weeks Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Visa not required 1 month Samoa Entry Permit on arrival 60 days San Marino Visa required Same rules as for Italy . No border control but accessible only via Italy . São Tomé and Príncipe eVisa National visa may be substituted with a US or a Schengen member state visa for stays up to 15 days . Saudi Arabia Visa required Senegal Visa not required 90 days Serbia Visa not required 30 days 30 days within one year . Seychelles Visitor 's Permit on arrival 3 months Sierra Leone Visa required Singapore eVisa May obtain online eVisa through eligible authorized travel agencies or through local sponsors ( Singapore citizen or permanent residents ) . Indian nationals with valid visa from countries such as UK , USA , Canada , Japan , Australia , New Zealand , Germany and Switzerland who are in transit to or from any third country by air may be conditionally eligible for 96 - hours Visa Free Transit Facility ( VFTF ) . Slovakia Visa required Slovenia Visa required Solomon Islands Visa required Somalia Visa on arrival 30 days Available at Bosaso Airport , Galcaio Airport and Mogadishu Airport . South Africa Visa required South Sudan Visa required Spain Visa required Sri Lanka eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Sudan Visa required Suriname Tourist Card on arrival 90 days Available at Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport . Swaziland Visa required Sweden Visa required Switzerland Visa required Syria Visa required Tajikistan eVisa eVisa holders can enter through all border points . Tanzania Visa on arrival 3 months Visa fee of 50 USD is payable upon entry Thailand Visa on arrival 15 days Visa fee of 2000 THB is payable upon entry . Visa must be obtained at first point of entry . Timor - Leste Visa on arrival 30 days Togo Visa on arrival 7 days Tonga Visa required Trinidad and Tobago Visa not required 90 days Tunisia Visa not required 90 days Turkey Visa required Conditional eVisa issued for the period of 30 days to holders of a valid visa or residence permit issues by one of the Schengen member countries , US , UK , or Ireland . Turkmenistan Visa required Letter of invitation issued by a company registered in Turkmenistan and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 10 days . They can apply to extend their stay for an additional 10 days . Tuvalu Visa on arrival 1 month Uganda eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months Ukraine Visa on arrival 15 days Available at Kyiv Boryspil Airport , Kyiv International Airport ( Zhuliany ) and Odessa International Airport . Letter of invitation from a legal entity registered in Ukraine on official letterhead , or a tourist voucher by a touristic company in Ukraine , or a booked hotel confirmation and return flight tickes are required . United Arab Emirates Visa required If have visa issued by the USA or green card which is valid for a minimum of 6 months can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 14 days . They can apply to extend their stay for an additional 14 days . United Kingdom and Crown dependencies Visa required Visa not required if holding a biometric Irish visa endorsed with `` BC BIVS '' and with a valid Irish entry stamp . Other exemptions apply for Visa - free Direct Airside Transit . United States Visa required Uruguay Visa required Uzbekistan eVisa 30 days 5 - day visa free transit when in transit at the international airports on condition of holding a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country . Vanuatu Visa not required 30 days Vatican City Visa required Schengen Visa Required . Entry can be made from Italy exclusively Venezuela Visa required Vietnam eVisa 30 days . Yemen Visa required Zambia eVisa 30 days Zimbabwe eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months 30 days for visits on business , 3 months for tourists
Visa requirements for Indian citizens
visa requirements for indian citizens
The front cover of a contemporary Indian passport Visa requirements for Indian citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of India . As of 9 October 2018 , Indian citizens had visa - free or visa on arrival access to 60 countries and territories , and ranking the Indian passport 81st in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index . Contents 1 Recent changes 2 Visa requirements map 3 Visa requirements 4 Dependent , Disputed , or Restricted territories 5 Reciprocity 5.1 Full reciprocity 5.2 Partial reciprocity 5.3 Disparity ( to the detriment of foreign citizens ) 6 Non-visa restrictions 6.1 Passport validity length 6.2 Blank passport pages 6.3 Vaccination 6.4 Israeli stamps 6.5 Armenian ethnicity 6.6 Criminal record 6.7 Persona non grata 6.8 Fingerprinting 7 Foreign travel statistics 8 See also 9 References and notes Recent changes ( edit ) The requirement for a visa was removed by Indonesia and Ukraine in July 2017 , Qatar in August 2017 , Serbia in September 2017 , Tunisia in October 2017 . Visa free status was granted to parts of the Russian Far East : Primorye and the rest of Khabarovsk , Sakhalin , Chukotka and Kamchatka regions in 2018 . Australia started offering an online , e600 visitor visa to Indian passport bearers in July 2017 . Kyrgyzstan followed suit with online visitor visas in September 2017 , Armenia in November 2017 , and both Vietnam and Uzbekistan in 2018 . Indians already in possession of a valid UK , US , Canada or Schengen visa became eligible to apply for a visa on arrival for Oman in October 2017 , and Armenia in November 2017 . All Indian passport bearers became eligible for a visa on arrival for Gabon in October 2017 , Rwanda in January 2018 , Zimbabwe , Angola and Jordan in February 2018 , the Bahamas ( but only with a valid Schengen , UK , US or Canadian visa ) on 24 April 2018 and Iran on 22 July 2018 . Eligible Indian travellers can now participate in the Global Entry program for expedited entry into the United States . France abolished airport transit visas ( ATA ) for Indian nationals after 23 July 2018 . Visa requirements map ( edit ) Visa requirements for holders of regular Indian passports India Visa free Freedom of movement Visa issued upon arrival Electronic / pre-arrival authorisation or eVisa Visa available both on arrival or online Visa required prior to arrival Visa requirements ( edit ) Country Visa requirement Allowed stay Notes Afghanistan Visa required Albania Visa required Visa free for a maximum stay of 90 days within 180 days for valid visa holders or residents of the Schengen Area member states , the UK and US . Algeria Visa required Andorra Visa required Andorra has no visa regime , but is only accessible through France and Spain . Angola eVisa 30 days Visitors who have been granted an online pre-visa or have requested such pre-visa from the consulates of Angola abroad , are then issued with a visa on arrival at the country 's border check points . For a maximum total stay of 90 days within a one year period . Besides having printed confirmation that a visa will be issued upon arrival , passengers must : have a return / onward ticket , and have a hotel reservation confirmation . Antigua and Barbuda Electronic Entry Visa Visa free for a maximum stay of 30 days for valid visa holders or residents of Canada , the Schengen Area member states , UK and US . Argentina Visa required Visa free of charge for Indian and Moroccan passport holders Armenia eVisa / Visa on arrival 120 days Australia and territories Visa required May apply online ( Online Visitor e600 visa ) Transit visa : required , can apply online . Austria Visa required Azerbaijan eVisa 30 days Bahamas Visa required Visa on arrival for all Indian nationals who have valid Schengen , UK , US , and Canadian visas . Bahrain eVisa 90 days 14 days to 1 year multiple entry visa ( max stay 90 days ) . Visa on arrival for Gulf Cooperation Council residents . Bangladesh Visa required Barbados Visa required Belarus Visa required National visa may be substituted with a Schengen visa or a national visa of country of EU , and if arriving and departing via Minsk International Airport . Belgium Visa required Belize Visa required Permanent residents and holders of multiple entry visa of the US may obtain a visa on arrival . Holders of a valid visa issued by a Schengen Member state are visa exempt for a maximum stay of 90 days . Benin eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days / 8 days Must have an international vaccination certificate . Bhutan Visa not required 14 days Bolivia Visa on arrival 90 days Bosnia and Herzegovina Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid multiple - entry visa issued by an EU or Schengen Area member state , or USA Botswana Visa required Brazil Visa required Brunei Visa required Bulgaria Visa required National visa may be substituted with a C visa issued by Croatia , Cyprus , Romania or a Schengen Area member state Burkina Faso Visa required Burundi Visa required Cambodia eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Fee of USD 30 applicable Cameroon Visa required Canada Visa required National visa may be substituted with a US permanent resident card ; Travelers with a US permanent resident card arriving by air require an Electronic Travel Authorization ( ETA ) . Transit visa : required Cape Verde Visa on arrival 30 days Central African Republic Visa required Chad Visa required Chile Visa required China Visa required Colombia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid C or D visa issued by a Schengen Area member state or a valid visa ( with 180 days left ) issued by the US ( except for C1 transit visas ) . Comoros Visa on arrival 45 days Republic of the Congo Visa required Visa not required if presenting a V.I.P invitation letter Democratic Republic of the Congo Visa required visa on arrival if a letter ( visa volant ) issued by the Ministry of Interior and Security is presented Costa Rica Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by the US or with a multiple - entry visa issued by Canada . Côte d'Ivoire eVisa 3 months eVisa holders must arrive via Port Bouet Airport . Croatia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by a Schengen Area member state Cuba Visa required Eligible to travel to Cuba with a tourist card if they also hold a valid visa or a residence permit issued by Canada , the United States or an EU member state . Cyprus Visa required National visa may be substituted with a double or multiple entry C visa issued by Bulgaria , Croatia , Romania or a Schengen Area member state . Czech Republic Visa required Denmark Visa required Djibouti eVisa 31 days Visa on arrival also available at Djibouti -- Ambouli International Airport until 30 April 2018 . Dominica Visa not required 6 months Dominican Republic Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , US or any EU member state . Ecuador Visa not required 90 days Egypt Visa required If travelling as a part of an organized tourist group that consists of at least 10 persons and holding both onward and return flight tickets , booked accommodation and a signed Letter of Guarantee ( LG ) from an Egyptian travel agency , a visa on arrival in Egypt can be obtained Air transit passengers with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country within 48 hours do not need visas ; however , this exemption does not apply when transiting through Alexandria ( HBE ) El Salvador Visa not required 90 days Equatorial Guinea Visa required Eritrea Visa required Estonia Visa required Ethiopia eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Fiji Visa not required 4 months Finland Visa required France Visa required Gabon eVisa / Visa on arrival 1 month Electronic visa holders must arrive via Libreville International Airport . Gambia Visa required Visa not required if Passengers traveling as tourists on a charter flight Georgia eVisa 30 days 30 days within 120 days Germany Visa required Ghana Visa required Greece Visa required Grenada Visa not required 3 months Guatemala Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , the US or a Schengen Area member state . Guinea Visa required Guinea - Bissau eVisa / Visa on arrival 90 days Guyana Visa required Visa on arrival if holding a letter of invitation from sponsor or host Haiti Visa not required 3 months Honduras Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by Canada , the US or a Schengen Area member state . Hungary Visa required Iceland Visa required Indonesia Visa not required 30 days 30 days for tourism purposes . Iran Visa on arrival 30 days Iraq Visa required Ireland Visa required National visa may be substituted with a UK C visa holders until October 2021 . Entry permitted only if first point of entry to the Common Travel Area is in the UK . May transit without a visa . Israel Visa required Italy Visa required Jamaica Visa not required 6 months Japan Visa required Jordan Visa on arrival 30 days Kazakhstan Visa required Visa not required if transiting with Air Astana ( KC ) at Almaty ( ALA ) or Astana ( TSE ) for a maximum stay of 72 hours ( until 31 December 2018 only ) . Kenya eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months Kiribati Visa required North Korea Visa required South Korea Visa required Visa free transit ( up to 30 days ) provided holding a valid US , Canada , Australia , New Zealand Visa , and arriving from or departing to those countries . Kuwait Visa required Kyrgyzstan eVisa Electronic visa holders must arrive via Manas International Airport or Osh Airport or through land crossings with China ( at Irkeshtam and Torugart ) , Kazakhstan ( at Ak - jol , Ak - Tilek , Chaldybar , Chon - Kapka ) , Tajikistan ( at Bor - Dobo , Kulundu , Kyzyl - Bel ) and Uzbekistan ( at Dostuk ) . Laos Visa on arrival 30 days Conditions apply . Available at international airports Luangphabang , Pakse , Savannakhet and Vientiane , and at 4 land borders Friendship Bridge , and at 13 border crossings as well as Tanalaeng train station in Vientiane , which connects to the train station in Nongkai , Thailand . Entry points Lalai , Lantui , Meuang mom , Pakxan , and Phoudou are open only to visa holders . Extendable up to 60 days . Latvia Visa required Lebanon Visa required In addition to a visa , an approval should be obtained from the immigration department of the General Directorate of General Security ( La Sûreté Générale ) . Lesotho eVisa 30 days Liberia Visa required Libya Visa required Liechtenstein Visa required Lithuania Visa required Luxembourg Visa required Macedonia Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid double or multi entry C visa issued by a British , Canadian or U.S. visa or Schengen Area member state for max stay of 15 days . Need onward tickets . Madagascar Visa on arrival 30 days Malawi Visa required Malaysia eVisa / eNTRI 30 days Visa on arrival is also issued if arriving from Thailand , Singapore or Indonesia and holding a valid visa for any of those countries . Maldives Visa not required 90 days Mali Visa required Malta Visa required Marshall Islands Visa on arrival 90 days Mauritania Visa on arrival 30 days Mauritius Visa not required 90 days Mexico Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa or permanent residence documents issued by the US , Canada , Japan , UK or Schengen Area member state to enter Mexico for tourism , transit , or business purposes . Micronesia Visa not required 30 days Moldova Visa required Indian nationals holding a visa issued by a Schengen Area member state , UK or Ireland may obtain a Moldovan visa online . Monaco Visa required Mongolia Visa required Montenegro Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid visa issued by a Schengen Area member state , UK , Ireland or the US visa . Morocco Visa required Mozambique Visa on arrival 30 days Myanmar eVisa 28 days eVisa holders must arrive via Yangon , Nay Pyi Taw or Mandalay airports or via land border crossings with Thailand -- Tachileik , Myawaddy and Kawthaung or India -- Rih Khaw Dar and Tamu . eVisa available for both tourism ( allowed stay is 28 days ) or business ( allowed stay is 70 days ) purposes . Namibia Visa required Nauru Visa required Nepal Freedom of movement Indian citizens may live and work freely in Nepal under the terms of the 1950 Indo - Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship . Netherlands Visa required New Zealand Visa required National visa may be substituted with an Australian permanent residence documents . Nicaragua Visa required Nationals of India with a normal passport and a valid visa issued by Canada , the USA or a Schengen Member State can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 30 days . Fee $10 . Niger Visa required Nigeria Visa required Norway Visa required Oman Visa required National visa may be substituted with a GCC visa of certain categories ( managers , sales executives , etc . ) when a visitor visa on arrival can be granted if the visitor is coming directly from a GCC country via air or land . All passengers from India , who reside in or hold an entry visa to one of the following countries ( USA , Canada , Australia , UK and Schengen states ) are allowed to obtain non-sponsored electronic tourist visa to enter Oman . Pakistan Visa required Palau Visa on arrival 30 days Panama Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid multiple entry visa issued by US ( including Green Card Holders , ) UK , Canada , Australia or a Schengen visa , which has been used at least once to enter those countries , and with at least one year validity remaining at the time of entry into Panama . Papua New Guinea Visa required Paraguay Visa required Peru Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid US , Canada , Australia , Schengen Area or UK visa or permanent resident permit may be granted visa - free entry for a maximum of 180 days . The visa must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the arrival date . Philippines Visa required National visa may be substituted with a valid US , Japanese , Australian , Canadian , Schengen , Singapore or UK visa or permanent resident permit whose holders may be granted visa - free entry for an initial stay not exceeding 14 days . Poland Visa required Portugal Visa required Qatar Visa not required 30 days Romania Visa required National visa may be substituted with a double or multiple entry C visa issued by a Schengen Area member state valid for the period of intended stay . Russia Visa required eVisa for up to 8 days for Amur Oblast , Chukotka , Kamchatka , Khabarovsk Krai , Primorye and Sakhalin regions of the Russian Far East for tourism , business and humanitarian purposes . Available at 6 airports , 5 seaports , some railway and road entry points . Visa not required if visiting Saint Petersburg for up to 72 hours via ferry from Finland . Rwanda eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa not required 3 months Saint Lucia Visa on arrival 6 weeks Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Visa not required 1 month Samoa Entry Permit on arrival 60 days San Marino Visa required Same rules as for Italy . No border control but accessible only via Italy . São Tomé and Príncipe eVisa National visa may be substituted with a US or a Schengen member state visa for stays up to 15 days . Saudi Arabia Visa required Senegal Visa not required 90 days Serbia Visa not required 30 days 30 days within one year . Seychelles Visitor 's Permit on arrival 3 months Sierra Leone Visa required Singapore eVisa May obtain online eVisa through eligible authorized travel agencies or through local sponsors ( Singapore citizen or permanent residents ) . Indian nationals with valid visa from countries such as UK , USA , Canada , Japan , Australia , New Zealand , Germany and Switzerland who are in transit to or from any third country by air may be conditionally eligible for 96 - hours Visa Free Transit Facility ( VFTF ) . Slovakia Visa required Slovenia Visa required Solomon Islands Visa required Somalia Visa on arrival 30 days Available at Bosaso Airport , Galcaio Airport and Mogadishu Airport . South Africa Visa required South Sudan Visa required Spain Visa required Sri Lanka eVisa / Visa on arrival 30 days Sudan Visa required Suriname Tourist Card on arrival 90 days Available at Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport . Swaziland Visa required Sweden Visa required Switzerland Visa required Syria Visa required Tajikistan eVisa eVisa holders can enter through all border points . Tanzania Visa on arrival 3 months Visa fee of 50 USD is payable upon entry Thailand Visa on arrival 15 days Visa fee of 2000 THB is payable upon entry . Visa must be obtained at first point of entry . Timor - Leste Visa on arrival 30 days Togo Visa on arrival 7 days Tonga Visa required Trinidad and Tobago Visa not required 90 days Tunisia Visa not required 90 days Turkey Visa required Conditional eVisa issued for the period of 30 days to holders of a valid visa or residence permit issues by one of the Schengen member countries , US , UK , or Ireland . Turkmenistan Visa required Letter of invitation issued by a company registered in Turkmenistan and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 10 days . They can apply to extend their stay for an additional 10 days . Tuvalu Visa on arrival 1 month Uganda eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months Ukraine Visa on arrival 15 days Available at Kyiv Boryspil Airport , Kyiv International Airport ( Zhuliany ) and Odessa International Airport . Letter of invitation from a legal entity registered in Ukraine on official letterhead , or a tourist voucher by a touristic company in Ukraine , or a booked hotel confirmation and return flight tickes are required . United Arab Emirates Visa required If have visa issued by the USA or green card which is valid for a minimum of 6 months can obtain a visa on arrival for a maximum stay of 14 days . They can apply to extend their stay for an additional 14 days . United Kingdom and Crown dependencies Visa required Visa not required if holding a biometric Irish visa endorsed with `` BC BIVS '' and with a valid Irish entry stamp . Other exemptions apply for Visa - free Direct Airside Transit . United States Visa required Uruguay Visa required Uzbekistan eVisa 30 days 5 - day visa free transit when in transit at the international airports on condition of holding a confirmed onward ticket for a flight to a third country . Vanuatu Visa not required 30 days Vatican City Visa required Schengen Visa Required . Entry can be made from Italy exclusively Venezuela Visa required Vietnam eVisa 30 days . Yemen Visa required Zambia eVisa 30 days Zimbabwe eVisa / Visa on arrival 3 months 30 days for visits on business , 3 months for tourists Dependent , disputed , or restricted territories ( edit ) Unrecognized or partially recognized countries Territory Conditions of access Notes Abkhazia Visa required Kosovo Visa required Schengen zone visa or residence permit valid for 15 days . Serbia will not recognize the entry if coming from Kosovo without entering it first via Serbia . No Visa needed , if a holder of a valid travel documents issued by EU Member and Schengen States , United States of America , Canada , Australia and Japan . Nagorno - Karabakh ( Artsakh ) Visa required Travellers with Nagorno - Karabakh visa ( expired or valid ) or evidence of travel to Nagorno - Karabakh ( stamps ) will be permanently denied entry to Azerbaijan . Northern Cyprus Visa not required 3 months Novorossiya Restricted area Crossing from Ukraine requires visit purpose to be explained to Ukrainian passport control on exit and those who entered from Russia are not allowed to proceed further into Ukraine . Palestine Visa not required Arrival by sea to Gaza Strip not allowed . Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Undefined visa regime in the Western Sahara controlled territory . Somaliland Visa on arrival 30 days for 30 US dollars , payable on arrival . South Ossetia Visa not required Multiple entry visa to Russia and three day prior notification are required to enter South Ossetia . Taiwan Visa required 30 day online travel authority is available to the citizens of India with permanent residency or valid visa of Australia , Canada , Japan , New Zealand , Schengen Convention countries , United Kingdom or United States . Transnistria Visa not required Registration required after 24h . Dependent and autonomous territories Territory Conditions of access Notes China Hong Kong Electronic Travel Authorization 14 days entry on each visit . ETA is valid for 6 months or until the expiry of passport . Macau Visa not required 30 days Denmark Faroe Islands Visa required Greenland Visa required France Clipperton Island Special permit required French Guiana Visa required French Polynesia Visa required French West Indies Guadeloupe Visa required Martinique Visa required Saint Barthélemy Visa required Saint Martin Visa required Mayotte Visa required New Caledonia Visa required Réunion Organized trips 15 days if trip arranged through approved travel agencies Saint Pierre and Miquelon Visa required Wallis and Futuna Visa required Netherlands Aruba Visa required Visa not required if holding a valid multiple - entry visa issued by Canada or USA . Caribbean Netherlands Bonaire Visa required Sint Eustatius Saba Curaçao Visa required Sint Maarten Visa required New Zealand Cook Islands Visa not required 31 days Niue Visa not required 30 days Tokelau Permit required Norway Jan Mayen Permit required Permit issued by the local police required for staying for less than 24 hours and permit issued by the Norwegian police for staying for more than 24 hours . Svalbard Visa not required Unlimited period under Svalbard Treaty but it 's practically impossible to board a flight / ferry to Svalbard without entering Norway . Hence double entry Schengen visa would be required to go and come back from Svalbard to mainland Norway . United Kingdom Akrotiri and Dhekelia Visa required Anguilla Visa required Visa required , except for Holders of a visa issued by the United Kingdom . Bermuda Visa required Visa required , except for a maximum stay of 3 months for holders of a multiple - entry visa issued by Canada , USA or the United Kingdom , valid for at least 45 days beyond the period of intended stay in Bermuda . British Indian Ocean Territory Special permit required British Virgin Islands Visa not required 30 days Cayman Islands Visa required Visa not required if permanent resident of US , Canada , or UK , and are arriving from and departing to that country , except residents of Canada can arrive and depart from the US or Canada . Visa free for Indian nationals who possess a valid visa from the United States of America , Canada , or the United Kingdom and , arrive in the Cayman Islands directly from the country for which that visa was issued . Visa free for nationals of India who under 15 or over 70 years of age . Falkland Islands ( Malvinas ) Visa required Gibraltar Visa required UK Visa / Schengen Residence Permit covers entry . Montserrat Visa not required 6 months Pitcairn Islands Visa not required 14 days visa free and landing fee 35 USD or tax of 5 USD if not going ashore . Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena eVisa Ascension Island Entry Permit required Entry Permit must be obtained minimum 28 days in advance ( 3 months for 20 / 30 pounds sterling , single / double entry ) . Tristan da Cunha Permission required Permission to land required for 15 / 30 pounds sterling ( yacht / ship passenger ) for Tristan da Cunha Island or 20 pounds sterling for Gough Island , Inaccessible Island or Nightingale Islands . South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Permit required Pre-arrival permit from the Commissioner required ( 72 hours / 1 month for 110 / 160 pounds sterling ) . Turks and Caicos Islands Visa not required 90 days United States American Samoa Entry permit required Guam Visa required Northern Mariana Islands Visa required Puerto Rico Visa required Visa not required if holding a valid multiple - entry visa issued by USA . U.S. Virgin Islands Visa required Antarctica and adjacent islands Special permits required for Bouvet Island , British Antarctic Territory , French Southern and Antarctic Lands , Argentine Antarctica , Australian Antarctic Territory , Chilean Antarctic Territory , Heard Island and McDonald Islands , Peter I Island , Queen Maud Land , Ross Dependency . Other territories Australia . Ashmore and Cartier Islands -- Special authorisation required . Belarus . Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park -- Visa not required for 3 days ; must first obtain an electronic pass . Belarus . Brest and Grodno -- Visa not required for 10 days Crimea -- Visa issued by Russia is required . China . Hainan -- Visa on arrival for 15 days . Available at Haikou Meilan International Airport and Sanya Phoenix International Airport . Visa not required for 21 days for traveling as part of a tourist group ( 2 or more people ) China . Tibet Autonomous Region -- Tibet Travel Permit required ( 10 US Dollars ) . Colombia . San Andrés and Leticia -- Visitors arriving at Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport and Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport must buy tourist cards on arrival . Ecuador . Galápagos -- Online pre-registration is required . Transit Control Card must also be obtained at the airport prior to departure . Eritrea outside Asmara -- To travel in the rest of the country , a Travel Permit for Foreigners is required ( 20 Eritrean nakfa ) . Fiji . Lau Province -- Special permission required . Greece Mount Athos -- Special permit required ( 4 days : 25 euro for Orthodox visitors , 35 euro for non-Orthodox visitors , 18 euro for students ) . There is a visitors ' quota : maximum 100 Orthodox and 10 non-Orthodox per day and women are not allowed . Iran . Kish Island -- Visa not required . Kazakhstan . Closed cities -- Special permission required for the town of Baikonur and surrounding areas in Kyzylorda Oblast , and the town of Gvardeyskiy near Almaty . North Korea outside Pyongyang -- Special permit required . People are not allowed to leave the capital city , tourists can only leave the capital with a governmental tourist guide ( no independent moving ) . Malaysia . Sabah and Sarawak -- Visa not required . These states have their own immigration authorities and passport is required to travel to them , however the same visa applies . Maldives outside Malé -- Permission required . Tourists are generally prohibited from visiting non-resort islands without the express permission of the Government of Maldives . Russia -- Several closed cities and regions in Russia require special authorization . Saudi Arabia Mecca and Medina -- Special access required . Non-Muslims and those following the Ahmadiyya religious movement are strictly prohibited from entry . South Korea Jeju Island -- Visa free entry for 30 days for Indian citizens provided arriving directly at Jeju Island . Sudan . Darfur -- Separate travel permit is required . Sudan outside Khartoum -- All foreigners traveling more than 25 kilometers outside of Khartoum must obtain a travel permit . Tajikistan . Gorno - Badakhshan Autonomous Province -- OIVR permit required ( 15 + 5 Tajikistani Somoni ) and another special permit ( free of charge ) is required for Lake Sarez . Turkmenistan . Closed cities -- A special permit , issued prior to arrival by Ministry of Foreign Affairs , is required if visiting the following places : Atamurat , Cheleken , Dashoguz , Serakhs and Serhetabat . United States . Closed city of Mercury , Nevada , United States -- Special authorization is required for entry into Mercury . United States . United States Minor Outlying Islands -- Special permits required for Baker Island , Howland Island , Jarvis Island , Johnston Atoll , Kingman Reef , Midway Atoll , Palmyra Atoll and Wake Island . Venezuela . Margarita Island -- Visa not required . All visitors are fingerprinted . Vietnam . Phú Quốc -- Visa not required for 30 days . Yemen outside Sana'a or Aden -- Special permission needed for travel outside Sana'a or Aden . UN Buffer Zone in Cyprus -- Access Permit is required for travelling inside the zone , except Civil Use Areas . Korean Demilitarized Zone -- Restricted area . UNDOF Zone and Ghajar -- Restricted area . Reciprocity ( edit ) The Indian Government has not drafted any laws to mandate reciprocity in visa agreements with other countries . While a very small number of bilateral agreements have concluded with reciprocity for visa arrangements , a large number of visa relationships continue to be highly skewed to one side or the other . In 2015 , Iran revoked visa - on - arrival for Indian citizens after it was included as one of the eight countries in India 's Prior Reference Category , which would be excluded from India 's visa liberalisation plans for foreign tourists . The other countries on the list at the time were Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iraq , Somalia , Nigeria and Sudan . Full reciprocity ( edit ) India has , by default , achieved full reciprocity in visa free or e-Visa privileges with following countries : Australia ( Electronic Visitor Visa ) Bhutan ( Visa not required ) Nepal ( Freedom of Movement ) Maldives ( Visa not required , for 90 days ) Antigua and Barbuda ( e-Visa required ) Ivory Coast ( e-Visa required ) Gabon ( e-Visa required ) Georgia ( e-Visa required ) Kenya ( e-Visa required ) Lesotho ( e-Visa required ) Malaysia ( e-Visa required ) Myanmar ( e-Visa required ) Sri Lanka ( e-Visa required ) Zambia ( e-Visa required ) Hong Kong ( Electronic Authorization required ) Indonesia ( Visa not required , 30 days ) Uzbekistan ( e-Visa required ) Vietnam ( e-Visa required ) Partial reciprocity ( edit ) India has achieved partial reciprocity with following countries , where Indian Immigration rules afford the citizens of the following countries slightly lesser visa privileges than what the following countries provide for Indian Citizens : Country Visa requirement for Indian nationals to visit the country Visa requirement to visit India Bolivia Visa on arrival for 90 days , charged at La Paz airport . Prior visa is free of cost at Bolivian embassy . e-Visa for 60 days Cambodia Visa on arrival for 30 days e-Visa for 60 days Djibouti Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Dominica Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Ecuador Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days El Salvador Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Fiji Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Grenada Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Guyana Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Haiti Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Jamaica Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Jordan Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Laos Visa on arrival for 30 days e-Visa for 60 days Madagascar Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Malawi Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Mauritius Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Micronesia Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Myanmar Conditional visa on arrival for business , workshops , events , etc . It is unclear if this exemption is also valid for tourist class visas . However , full reciprocity exits only in providing E-visa for tourism purpose . e-Visa for 60 days Nauru Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Palau Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Saint Kitts and Nevis Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Saint Lucia Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Serbia Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Seychelles Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Tanzania Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Thailand Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Timor - Leste Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Trinidad and Tobago Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Tuvalu Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Ukraine Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Vanuatu Visa not required e-Visa for 60 days Zimbabwe Visa on arrival e-Visa for 60 days Disparity ( to the detriment of foreign citizens ) ( edit ) Visa privileges provided by Indian immigration for citizens of these countries are considerably less than the visa privileges provided by these countries to Indian citizens : Country Visa requirement to visit India Visa requirement for Indian nationals to visit the country Burundi Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel 30 day visa on arrival Bahrain Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel e-Visa available for tourism Cape Verde Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Comoros Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Ethiopia Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Guinea - Bissau Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Qatar Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Rwanda Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel e-Visa available for tourism Somalia Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Togo Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Tunisia Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa not required Uganda Visa application and approval mandatory prior to travel Visa on arrival Zimbabwe Visa application and approval prior to travel is mandatory Visa on arrival , effective from 16 February 2018 Non-visa restrictions ( edit ) This section is transcluded from Non-visa travel restrictions . ( edit history ) Passport validity length ( edit ) In the absence of specific bilateral agreements , countries requiring passports to be valid at least 6 months on arrival include Afghanistan , Algeria , Anguilla , Bahrain , Bhutan , Botswana , British Virgin Islands , Brunei , Cambodia , Cameroon , Cape Verde , Cayman Islands , Central African Republic , Chad , Comoros , Costa Rica , Côte d'Ivoire , Curaçao , Ecuador , Egypt , El Salvador , Equatorial Guinea , Fiji , Gabon , Guinea Bissau , Guyana , Haiti , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Kenya , Kiribati , Kuwait , Laos , Madagascar , Malaysia , Maldives , Marshall Islands , Mongolia , Myanmar , Namibia , Nepal , Nicaragua , Nigeria , Oman , Palau , Papua New Guinea , Philippines , Rwanda , Samoa , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Solomon Islands , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Suriname , Tanzania , Thailand , Timor - Leste , Tokelau , Tonga , Tuvalu , Uganda , United Arab Emirates , Vanuatu , Venezuela and Vietnam . Turkey requires passports to be valid for at least 150 days upon entry . Countries requiring passports valid for at least 4 months on arrival include Micronesia and Zambia . Countries requiring passports valid for at least 3 months beyond the period of intended stay include European Union countries ( except the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom ) , Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway and Switzerland ( and always excepting EU / EEA / Swiss nationals ) , Azerbaijan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro , Nauru , Moldova , New Zealand and 3 months validity on arrival in Albania , Honduras , Macedonia , Panama , Qatar and Senegal . Bermuda requires passports to be valid for at least 45 days upon entry . Countries that require a passport validity of at least one month beyond the period of intended stay include Eritrea , Hong Kong , Lebanon , Macau and South Africa . Other countries require either a passport valid on arrival or a passport valid throughout the period of the intended stay . Some countries have bilateral agreements with other countries to shorten the period of passport validity required for each other 's citizens or even accept passports that have already expired ( but not been cancelled ) . Blank passport pages ( edit ) Many countries require a minimum number of blank pages in the passport being presented , generally one or two pages . Endorsement pages , which often appear after the visa pages , are not counted as being available . Vaccination ( edit ) An International Certificate of Vaccination required to prove that someone has been vaccinated against yellow fever Main article : Carte Jaune Many African countries , including Angola , Benin , Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Republic , Chad , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Republic of the Congo , Côte d'Ivoire , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon , Ghana , Guinea , Liberia , Mali , Mauritania , Niger , Rwanda , São Tomé and Príncipe , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Uganda , and Zambia , require all incoming passengers to have a current International Certificate of Vaccination . Some other countries require vaccination only if the passenger is coming from an infected area or has recently visited one . Israeli stamps ( edit ) Israeli border control Entry Permit ( issued as a stand - alone document rather than a stamp affixed in a passport ) Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Saudi Arabia , Sudan , Syria and Yemen do not allow entry to people with passport stamps from Israel or whose passports have either a used or an unused Israeli visa , or where there is evidence of previous travel to Israel such as entry or exit stamps from neighbouring border posts in transit countries such as Jordan and Egypt . To circumvent this Arab League boycott of Israel , the Israeli immigration services have now mostly ceased to stamp foreign nationals ' passports on either entry to or exit from Israel . Since 15 January 2013 , Israel no longer stamps foreign passports at Ben Gurion Airport , giving passengers a card instead that reads : `` Since January 2013 a pilot scheme has been introduced whereby visitors are given an entry card instead of an entry stamp on arrival . You should keep this card with your passport until you leave . This is evidence of your legal entry into Israel and may be required , particularly at any crossing points into the Occupied Palestinian Territories . '' Passports are still ( as of 22 June 2017 ) stamped at Erez when travelling into and out of Gaza . Also , passports are still stamped ( as of 22 June 2017 ) at the Jordan Valley / Sheikh Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin / Arava land borders with Jordan . Iran refuses admission to holders of passports containing an Israeli visa or stamp that is less than 12 months old . Armenian ethnicity ( edit ) Main article : Armenia -- Azerbaijan relations Due to a state of war existing between Armenia and Azerbaijan , the government of Azerbaijan not only bans entry of citizens from Armenia , but also all citizens and nationals of any other country who are of Armenian descent , to the Republic of Azerbaijan ( although there have been exceptions , notably for Armenia 's participation at the 2015 European Games held in Azerbaijan ) . Azerbaijan also strictly bans any visit by foreign citizens to the separatist region of Nagorno - Karabakh ( the de facto independent Republic of Artsakh ) , its surrounding territories and the Azerbaijani exclaves of Karki , Yuxarı Əskipara , Barxudarlı and Sofulu which are de jure part of Azerbaijan but under control of Armenia , without the prior consent of the government of Azerbaijan . Foreign citizens who enter these occupied territories will be permanently banned from entering the Republic of Azerbaijan and will be included in their `` list of personae non gratae '' . As of April 2018 the list contains 710 persons . Upon request , the authorities of the largely unrecognized Republic of Artsakh may attach their visa and / or stamps to a separate piece of paper in order to avoid detection of travel to their country . Criminal record ( edit ) Some countries ( for example : Australia , Canada , Fiji , New Zealand and the United States ) routinely deny entry to non-citizens who have a criminal record . Persona non grata ( edit ) The government of a country can declare a diplomat persona non grata , banning their entry into that country . In non-diplomatic use , the authorities of a country may also declare a foreigner persona non grata permanently or temporarily , usually because of unlawful activity . Attempts to enter the Gaza strip by sea may attract a 10 - year ban on entering Israel . Fingerprinting ( edit ) Main article : Countries applying biometrics Iris recognition biometric systems apply mathematical pattern - recognition techniques to images of the irises of an individual 's eyes . Several countries mandate that all travellers , or all foreign travellers , be fingerprinted on arrival and will refuse admission to or even arrest those travellers that refuse to comply . In some countries , such as the United States , this may apply even to transit passengers who merely wish to quickly change planes rather than go landside . Fingerprinting countries include Afghanistan , Argentina , Brunei , Cambodia , China when entering through Shenzhen airport , Ethiopia , Ghana , India , Japan , Malaysia upon entry and departure , Paraguay , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , South Korea , and Taiwan . Additionally , the United Arab Emirates conducts iris scanning on visitors who need to apply for a visa . Foreign travel Statistics ( edit ) This section is transcluded from Indian passport . ( edit history ) According to the statistics these are the numbers of Indian visitors to various countries in 2015 ( unless otherwise noted ) : Foreign travel statistics Destination Number of visitors American Samoa 63 Angola 9,170 Antarctica 292 Antigua and Barbuda 366 Australia 302,200 Austria 147,300 Azerbaijan 6,012 Barbados 900 Belgium 44,898 Bhutan 172,751 Bolivia 1,338 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,700 Botswana 17,413 Brazil 16,916 Cambodia 46,131 Canada 261,801 Cayman Islands 292 Chile 4,468 China 799,100 Colombia 5,402 Congo 2,373 Costa Rica 7,415 Croatia 55,745 Dominica 97 Dominican Republic 4,649 France 524,055 French Polynesia 379 Georgia 59,732 Germany 231,244 Guam 8 Hong Kong 392,853 Hungary 33,134 Indonesia 422,045 Israel 58,000 Italy 225,000 Jamaica 1,834 Japan 103,084 Jordan 57,720 Kazakhstan 21,890 Kyrgyzstan 19,600 Laos 8,249 Latvia 5,476 Lebanon 15,610 Macao 148,121 Madagascar 2,234 Malaysia 552,739 Maldives 83,019 Mali 1,500 Mauritius 86,294 Mexico 59,020 Mongolia 1,888 Montenegro 1,131 Myanmar 34,628 Nepal 75,124 Netherlands 155,000 New Zealand 61,440 Oman 321,161 Panama 6,748 Papua New Guinea 4,293 Peru 7,201 Philippines 107,278 Qatar 333,708 Romania 16,753 Russia 130,400 Seychelles 13,518 Singapore 1,272,069 Slovakia 6,805 South Africa 85,639 South Korea 123,416 Spain 141,122 Sri Lanka 356,729 Suriname 1,045 Swaziland 6,867 Taiwan 40,846 Tanzania 69,876 Thailand 1,411,942 Timor - Leste 799 Turkey 86,996 Ukraine 23,173 United Arab Emirates 2,073,000 United Kingdom 525,000 United States 1,967,181 Uzbekistan 18,100 Zambia 25,517 Zimbabwe 5,421 ^ Data for 2016 ^ Data for 2017 ^ Counting only guests in tourist accommodation establishments . ^ Data for arrivals by air only . ^ Data for 2012 ^ Data for 2014 ^ Data for arrivals by air only . ^ Total number includes tourists , business travelers , students , exchange visitors , temporary workers and families , diplomats and other representatives and all other classes of nonimmigrant admissions ( I - 94 ) . ^ Data for 2015 See also ( edit ) India portal Visa policy of India Indian nationality law Overseas Citizenship of India References and notes ( edit ) References ^ `` Global Ranking -- Visa Passport Index '' . Henley & Partners . Retrieved 9 October 2018 . ^ `` www.Qatarvisaservice.com '' . www.Qatarvisaservice.com . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 27 . ^ `` The Decision on visa exemption for the nationals of the Republic of India , holding ordinary passports '' . www.mfa.gov.rs . ^ `` Об утверждении перечня государств , для граждан которых устанавливается упрощённый порядок въезда в Россию через пункты пропуска свободного порта Владивосток '' . m.government.ru . ^ `` Assistant Minister - Online Visitor visa lodgement for Indian nationals '' . www.minister.border.gov.au . ^ http://arminfo.info/mvfull_news.php?id=28226&lang=2 ^ `` Info '' . arminfo.info . ^ `` English - VietNamNet News '' . m.english.vietnamnet.vn . ^ `` Travel News - Uzbekistan to extend e-Visa facility for India starting July TravelBiz Monitor '' . www.travelbizmonitor.com . Retrieved 10 May 2018 . ^ `` Oman Announces Visa On Arrival Scheme For Indians '' . Little India : Overseas Indian , NRI , Asian Indian , Indian American . 2017 - 10 - 06 . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . ^ Africtelegraph ( 13 October 2017 ) . `` Le Gabon assouplit sa politique de délivrance de visas '' . ^ AfricaNews . `` Zimbabwe announces new visa regime - Africanews '' . ^ `` Angola offers visa on arrival to nationals from 61 countries '' . 27 February 2018 . ^ `` King Abdullah in India : Jordan announces visa on arrival for Indians '' . India Today . 28 February 2018 . Retrieved 4 March 2018 . ^ http://mofa.gov.bs ( 2018 - 04 - 24 ) . `` Visa Facilitation for Indian Nationals - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Bahamas '' . Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Bahamas . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 24 . ^ `` Iran Offers On - Arrival Visa to Indian Citizens '' . 22 July 2018 . ^ `` MoU between Government of India and Government of the United States for the Development of an International Expedited '' . ^ `` Airport Transit Visa ( ATV ) '' . ^ Visa information , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan . ^ Visa regime for foreign citizens , Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ `` Identity documents '' . Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations - Government of Andorra . Retrieved 2 May 2011 . ^ `` SME e-Visa '' . www.smevisa.gov.ao . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Angola : Migration Service to Speed Up Visa Exemption Procedure ^ `` Country information ( visa section ) '' . Timatic . International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) through Olympic Air . Retrieved 24 October 2018 . ^ Countries exempt from visa , Department of Immigration of Antigua and Barbuda . ^ Visa regime , National Directorate of Migrations of Argentina ( in Spanish ) . ^ `` INFORMATION CONCERNING VISAS ( fees , application form , general considerations and specific requirements ) Embajada en REPÚBLICA DE LA INDIA '' . eindi.mrecic.gov.ar . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 04 . ^ Visa , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia . ^ Visitor visa options , Department of Home Affairs of Australia . ^ `` Visitor e600 Visa Online Applications '' . Department of Immigration and Border Protection . ^ Schengen visa , Federal Ministry for Europe , Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria . ^ Countries with visa - free travel regime , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan ( in Azerbaijani ) . ^ `` Home Page - The Electronic Visa System of Azerbaijan Republic '' . evisa.gov.az . ^ Visa requirements for foreigners travelling to the Bahamas , Government of the Bahamas , 18 February 2014 . ^ Bahrain eVisas , Ministry of Interior of Bahrain . ^ `` Bahrain Electronic Visa Service '' . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Visa requirements for foreign nationals entering Barbados , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Barbados , 3 June 2009 . ^ Visa - free travel , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus . ^ `` Национальный правовой Интернет - портал Республики Беларусь '' . www.pravo.by . ^ Visa for Belgium , Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs of Belgium . ^ Countries not requiring an entry visa , Department of Immigration and Nationality Services of Belize , September 2016 . ^ Visa , Emigration and Immigration Directorate of Benin . ^ `` Accueil e-visa '' . evisa.gouv.bj . ^ Visa , Tourism Council of Bhutan . ^ `` Visa for coming to Bhutan '' . Archived from the original on 2015 - 03 - 16 . Retrieved 2015 - 06 - 11 . ^ Requirements to enter Bolivia , General Directorate of Migration of Bolivia ( in Spanish ) . ^ Visas , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina . ^ Requirements for visa application , Government of Botswana . ^ Visas to travel to Brazil , Ministry of External Relations of Brazil ( in Portuguese and English ) . ^ Country category for visa application , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Brunei . ^ Visa for Bulgaria , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ `` Cambodian visa requirements for Indians '' . Blog.Pickyourtrail.com . Retrieved 20 December 2017 . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ Travel Information Manual , International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) . ^ `` I have U.S. residency ( Green Card ) . Do I need a visa or an eTA to visit Canada or can I use my Green Card ? 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Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` International arrivals 2017 '' . ^ Tourismus in Zahlen 2016 , Statistisches Bundesamt ^ `` Visitor Arrival Statistics - Research - Research and Reports '' . www.guamvisitorsbureau.com . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ ( 18 ) ^ `` TOURISM IN HUNGARY 2016 '' . ^ ( 19 ) ^ TOURIST ARRIVALS TO ISRAEL ( EXC . DAY VISITORS & CRUISE PASSENGERS ) BY NATIONALITY , Ministry of Tourism ^ `` IAGGIATORI STRANIERI NUMERO DI VIAGGIATORI '' . ^ Monthly Statistical Report December 2017 Vol xxvii No 12 ^ `` 2015 Foreign Visitors & Japanese Departures '' ( PDF ) . jnto.go.jp . Japan National Tourism Organization . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` Tourist Overnight and Same Day Visitors By Nationality during '' . ^ `` Статистические сборники '' . stat.gov.kz . ^ `` Туризм в Кыргызстане - Архив публикаций - Статистика Кыргызстана '' . www.stat.kg . line feed character in title = at position 40 ( help ) ^ ( 20 ) ^ `` TUG02 . 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Retrieved 5 January 2016 . ^ Tourism Statistics 2015 p. 20 , 31 Archived 31 January 2017 at the Wayback Machine . ^ Toerisme in perspectief 2018 ^ `` International travel and migration : December 2017 '' . Statistics New Zealand . Retrieved 2 February 2018 . ^ ( 22 ) ^ ( 23 ) ^ ( 24 ) ^ `` datosTurismo '' . datosturismo.mincetur.gob.pe . ^ ( 25 ) ^ `` 2016 Annual Tourism Performance Report '' ( PDF ) . visitqatar.qa . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ ( 26 ) ^ `` Въезд иностранных граждан в РФ '' . Fedstat.ru. 2017 - 10 - 18 . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 18 . ^ ( 27 ) ^ `` Visitor Arrivals '' . www.stb.gov.sg . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ ( 28 ) ^ ( 29 ) ^ `` Korea , Monthly Statistics of Tourism - key facts on toursim - Tourism Statistics '' . kto.visitkorea.or.kr . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` Tabla23984 '' . www.ine.es . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` TOURIST ARRIVALS BY COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE 2016 '' ( PDF ) . sltda.gov.lk . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` Suriname Tourism Statistics '' ( PDF ) . www.surinametourism.sr . Retrieved 8 June 2018 . ^ `` Swaziland Tourism - Swaziland Safari - Swaziland Attractions - Useful Links - Research '' . www.thekingdomofswaziland.com . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` Visitor Arrivals by Nationality '' . taiwan.net.tw . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` The 2016 International Visitors ' Exit Survey Report . International Tourist Arrivals . pp. 73 -- 77 '' ( PDF ) . nbs.go.tz/ . NBS Tanzania . Retrieved 18 December 2017 . ^ `` สถิติ ด้าน การ ท่องเที่ยว ปี 2560 ( Tourism Statistics 2017 ) '' . Ministry of Tourism & Sports . Retrieved 16 January 2018 . ^ ( 30 ) ^ `` NUMBER OF ARRIVING - DEPARTING VISITORS , FOREIGNERS AND CITIZENS December 2017 '' . ^ `` Foreign citizens who visited Ukraine in 2017 year , by countries '' . ^ Statistics for the Emirate of Dubai Dubai Statistics , Visitor by Nationality ^ `` Annual estimates on visits and spending in the UK by overseas residents , by purpose and region of visit '' . Office of National Statistics . ^ `` Table 28 . Nonimmigrant Admissions ( I - 94 Only ) By Selected Category Of Admission And Region And Country Of Citizenship : Fiscal Year 2016 '' . dhs.gov. 16 May 2017 . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . ^ `` Распределение въехавших в Республику Узбекистан иностранных граждан по странам в 2015 году '' . data.gov.uz . Retrieved 12 March 2018 . ^ `` Tourism Statistical Digests '' . ^ `` Tourism Trends and Statistics 2015 Annual Report -- Zimbabwe A World Of Wonders '' . www.zimbabwetourism.net . Retrieved 26 March 2018 . Notes Vientiane Savannakhet Khammuan Bokeo Panghok - Taichang ( Vietnam ) Samliemkham - ( Thailand and Myanmar ) Nonghaed - Nam kanh ( Vietnam ) Nam phao - Cau treo ( Vietnam ) Na pao - Cha lo ( Vietnam ) Daensavan - Lao bao ( Vietnam ) Veunkham - Nong nok khian ( Cambodia ) Vang tao - Chongmek ( Thailand ) Boten - Bo han ( China ) Nam ngeun - Huay konl ( Thailand ) Namheuang - Nakaseng ( Thailand ) Nam soy - Na meo ( Vietnam ) Phoukeua - Kontoum ( Vietnam ) ^ Available at Anadyr Airport Blagoveshchensk Airport Khabarovsk Airport Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky Airport Vladivostok International Airport Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk Airport Sea port of Korsakov Sea port of Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky Sea port of Posyet Sea passenger terminal of Vladivostok Sea port of Zarubino Railway checkpoints : Khasan , Makhalino , Pogranichny Road checkpoints : Poltavka , Turiy Rog Visa requirements Visa Passport Travel document Africa Central Angolan Cameroonian Central African Republic Chadian DR Congo R Congo Equatorial Guinean Gabonese Santomean Eastern Burundian Comorian Djiboutian Eritrean Ethiopian Kenyan Malagasy Malawian Mauritian Mozambican Rwandan Seychellois Somali ( Somaliland ) South Sudanese Tanzanian Ugandan Zambian Zimbabwean Northern Algerian Egyptian Libyan Moroccan Sudanese Tunisian Southern Botswana Lesotho Namibian Saint Helena South African Swazi Western Beninese Burkinabe Cape Verdean Gambian Ghanaian Guinean Guinea - Bissauan Ivorian Liberian Malian Mauritanian Nigerian Nigerien Senegalese Sierra Leonean Togolese Americas Caribbean Anguillan Antigua and Barbuda Bahamian Barbadian British Virgin Islands Caymanian Cuban Dominica Dominican Republic Grenadian Haitian Jamaican Montserratian Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucian Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands Central Belizean Costa Rican El Salvador Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan Panamanian North Bermudian Canadian Mexican United States South Argentine Bolivian Brazilian Chilean Colombian Ecuadorian Guyanese Paraguayan Peruvian Surinamese Uruguayan Venezuelan Asia Central & North Afghanistani Kazakhstani Kyrgyzstani Russian Tajik Turkmen Uzbekistani East Chinese Hong Kongese Macanese Japanese North Korean South Korean Mongolian Taiwanese South Bangladeshi Bhutanese Indian Maldivian Nepalese Pakistani Sri Lankan Southeast Bruneian Cambodian East Timorese Indonesian Laotian Malaysian Myanmar Philippine Singaporean Thai Vietnamese Western Abkhaz Armenian Artsakh Azerbaijani Bahraini Cypriot Egyptian Georgian Emirati Iranian Iraqi Israeli Jordanian Kuwaiti Lebanese Northern Cypriot Omani Palestinian Qatari Saudi South Ossetian Syrian Turkish Yemeni Europe European Union Austrian Belgian British ( BOTC BN ( O ) BOC ) Bulgarian Croatian Cypriot Czech Danish Dutch Estonian ( Non-citizens ) Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Irish Italian Latvian ( Non-citizens ) Lithuanian Luxembourg Maltese Polish Portuguese Romanian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Other Europe Abkhaz Albanian Andorran Armenian Artsakh Azerbaijani Belarusian Bosnian and Herzegovinian Georgian Gibraltar Icelandic Kazakhstani Kosovan Liechtenstein Macedonia Moldovan Monégasque Montenegrin Northern Cypriot Norwegian Russian San Marino Serbian South Ossetian Sovereign Military Order of Malta Swiss Transnistrian Turkish Ukrainian Vatican City Oceania Australian Fijian Kiribati Marshallese Micronesian Nauruan New Zealand Palauan Papua New Guinean Pitcairn Islands Samoan Solomon Islands Tongan Tuvaluan Vanuatuan British Overseas Territories . Open border with Schengen Area . Russia is a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia . The vast majority of its population ( 80 % ) lives in European Russia . Turkey is a transcontinental country in the Middle East and Southeast Europe . Has a small part of its territory ( 3 % ) in Southeast Europe called Turkish Thrace . Abkhazia , Azerbaijan , Georgia , and South Ossetia are often regarded as transcontinental countries . Both have a small part of their territories in the European part of the Caucasus . Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country . Has a small part of its territories located west of the Urals in Eastern Europe . Armenia , Artsakh , Cyprus , and Northern Cyprus are entirely in Southwest Asia but having socio - political connections with Europe . Egypt is a transcontinental country in North Africa and the Middle East . Has a small part of its territory in the Middle East called Sinai Peninsula . Partially recognized . Immigration law Visa policy by country Visa Passport Travel document Africa Central Angola Cameroon Central African Republic Chad DR Congo R Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon São Tomé and Príncipe Eastern Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Rwanda Seychelles Somalia ( Somaliland ) South Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Northern Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco Sudan Tunisia Southern Botswana eSwatini Lesotho Namibia Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha South Africa Western Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea - Bissau Ivory Coast Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone Togo Americas Caribbean Dutch Caribbean ( Aruba , Caribbean Netherlands , Curaçao , Sint Maarten ) Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti Jamaica Montserrat Puerto Rico St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United States Virgin Islands Central Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama North Bermuda Canada Greenland Mexico United States South Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Falkland Islands Guyana Paraguay Peru South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Asia Central & North Afghanistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan East China Hong Kong Macau Japan North Korea South Korea Mongolia Taiwan ( Republic of China ) South Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Southeast Brunei Cambodia East Timor Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Western Abkhazia Akrotiri and Dhekelia Armenia Artsakh Azerbaijan Bahrain Cyprus Egypt Georgia Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Northern Cyprus Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia South Ossetia Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Europe European Union / EFTA Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Cyprus Denmark Faroe Islands , Greenland Estonia Finland France Overseas Germany Gibraltar Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Overseas Norway Svalbard Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Overseas Other Europe Abkhazia Akrotiri and Dhekelia Albania Andorra Armenia Artsakh Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Georgia Kazakhstan Kosovo Macedonia Moldova Monaco Montenegro Northern Cyprus Russia San Marino Serbia South Ossetia Transnistria Turkey Ukraine Vatican City Oceania American Samoa Australia Cook Islands Fiji Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia Nauru New Zealand Niue Northern Mariana Islands Palau Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Islands Samoa Solomon Islands Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu British Overseas Territories . Open border with Schengen Area . Russia is a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia . The majority of its population ( 80 % ) lives in European Russia , therefore Russia as a whole is included as a European country here . Turkey is a transcontinental country in the Middle East and Southeast Europe . Has part of its territory ( 3 % ) in Southeast Europe called Turkish Thrace . Azerbaijan ( Artsakh ) and Georgia ( Abkhazia ; South Ossetia ) are transcontinental countries . Both have part of their territories in the European part of the Caucasus . Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country . Has part of its territories located west of the Ural River in Eastern Europe . Armenia and Cyprus ( Northern Cyprus ; Akrotiri and Dhekelia ) are entirely in Southwest Asia but having socio - political connections with Europe . Egypt is a transcontinental country in North Africa and the Middle East . Has part of its territory in the Middle East called Sinai Peninsula . Part of the Realm of New Zealand . Partially recognized . Unincorporated territory of the United States . Part of Norway , not part of the Schengen Area , special open - border status under Svalbard Treaty . Part of the Kingdom of Denmark , not part of the Schengen Area . 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why did the romans stop their trade with the gupta
Indo - Roman trade relations
indo - roman trade relations
Indo - Roman trade relations ( see also the spice trade and incense road ) was trade between the Indian subcontinent and the Roman Empire in Europe and the Mediterranean . Trade through the overland caravan routes via Asia Minor and the Middle East , though at a relative trickle compared to later times , antedated the southern trade route via the Red Sea and monsoons which started around the beginning of the Common Era ( CE ) following the reign of Augustus and his conquest of Egypt in 30 BCE .
The southern route so helped enhance trade between the ancient Roman Empire and the Indian subcontinent , that Roman politicians and historians are on record decrying the loss of silver and gold to buy silk to pamper Roman wives , and the southern route grew to eclipse and then totally supplant the overland trade route . Roman and Greek traders frequented the ancient Tamil country , present day Southern India and Sri Lanka , securing trade with the seafaring Tamil states of the Pandyan , Chola and Chera dynasties and establishing trading settlements which secured trade with the Indian Subcontinent by the Greco - Roman world since the time of the Ptolemaic dynasty a few decades before the start of the Common Era and remained long after the fall of the Western Roman Empire . As recorded by Strabo , Emperor Augustus of Rome received at Antioch an ambassador from a South Indian king called Pandyan of Dramira . The country of the Pandyas , Pandi Mandala , was described as Pandyan Mediterranea in the Periplus and Modura Regia Pandyan by Ptolemy . They also outlasted Byzantium 's loss of the ports of Egypt and the Red Sea ( c. 639 -- 645 CE ) under the pressure of the Muslim conquests . Sometime after the sundering of communications between the Axum and Eastern Roman Empire in the 7th century , the Christian kingdom of Axum fell into a slow decline , fading into obscurity in western sources . It survived , despite pressure from Islamic forces , until the 11th century , when it was reconfigured in a dynastic squabble . Communications were reinstated after the Muslim forces retreated . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Early Common Era 3 Establishment 4 Trade of exotic animals 5 Ports 5.1 Roman ports 5.1. 1 Arsinoe 5.1. 2 Myos Hormos and Berenice 5.2 Major regional ports 5.2. 1 Barigaza 5.2. 2 Muziris 5.2. 3 Arikamedu 6 Cultural exchanges 7 Decline and aftermath 7.1 Roman decline 7.2 Ravaging of the Gupta Empire by the Hunas 7.3 Arab expansion 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links Background ( edit ) Main article : Indo - Roman relations The Seleucid and the Ptolemaic dynasties controlled trade networks to India before the establishment of Roman Egypt . Kingdom of Ptolemy Kingdom of Seleucus The Seleucid dynasty controlled a developed network of trade with the Indian Subcontinent which had previously existed under the influence of the Achaemenid Empire . The Greek - Ptolemaic dynasty , controlling the western and northern end of other trade routes to Southern Arabia and the Indian Subcontinent , had begun to exploit trading opportunities in the region prior to the Roman involvement but , according to the historian Strabo , the volume of commerce between Indians and the Greeks was not comparable to that of later Indo - Roman trade . The Periplus Maris Erythraei mentions a time when sea trade between Egypt and the subcontinent did not involve direct sailings . The cargo under these situations was shipped to Aden : Aden -- Arabia Eudaimon was called the fortunate , being once a city , when , because ships neither came from India to Egypt nor did those from Egypt dare to go further but only came as far as this place , it received the cargoes from both , just as Alexandria receives goods brought from outside and from Egypt . -- Gary Keith Young , Rome 's Eastern Trade : International Commerce and Imperial Policy The Ptolemaic dynasty had developed trade with Indian kingdoms using the Red Sea ports . With the establishment of Roman Egypt , the Romans took over and further developed the already existing trade using these ports . Classical geographers such as Strabo and Pliny the Elder were generally slow to incorporate new information into their works and , from their positions as esteemed scholars , were seemingly prejudiced against lowly merchants and their topographical accounts . Ptolemy 's Geography represents somewhat of a break from this since he demonstrated an openness to their accounts and would not have been able to chart the Bay of Bengal so accurately had it not been for the input of traders . It is perhaps no surprise then that Marinus and Ptolemy relied on the testimony of a Greek sailor named Alexander for how to reach `` Cattigara '' ( most likely Oc Eo , Vietnam , where Antonine - period Roman artefacts have been discovered ) in the Magnus Sinus ( i.e. Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea ) located east of the Golden Chersonese ( i.e. Malay Peninsula ) . In the 1st - century CE Periplus of the Erythraean Sea , its anonymous Greek - speaking author , a merchant of Roman Egypt , provides such vivid accounts of trade cities in Arabia and India , including travel times from rivers and towns , where to drop anchor , the locations of royal courts , lifestyles of the locals and goods found in their markets , and favorable times of year to sail from Egypt to these places in order to catch the monsoon winds , that it is clear he visited many of these locations . Early Common Era ( edit ) Silver denarius of Tiberius ( 14 -- 37 CE ) found in India . Indian copy of the same , 1st century CE . Coin of Kushan king Kujula Kadphises copying a coin of Augustus . Indian ship on lead coin of Vasisthiputra Sri Pulamavi , 1st -- 2nd century CE . Prior to Roman expansion , the various peoples of the subcontinent had established strong maritime trade with other countries . The dramatic increase in the importance of Indian ports , however , did not occur until the opening of the Red Sea by the Greeks and the Romans ' attainment concerning the region 's seasonal monsoons . The first two centuries of the Common Era indicate a marked increase in trade between western India and the Roman east by sea . The expansion of trade was made possible by the stability brought to the region by the Roman Empire from the time of Augustus ( r . 27 BCE -- 14 CE ) which allowed for new explorations and the creation of a sound silver and gold coinage ... The west coast of present - day India is mentioned frequently in literature , such as the Periplus Maris Erythraei . The area was noted for its strong tidal currents , turbulent waves and rocky sea - beds were dangerous for shipping experience . The anchors of ships would be caught by the waves and quickly detach to capsize the vessel or cause a shipwreck . Stone anchors have been observed near Bet Dwarka , an island situated in the Gulf of Kachchh , from ship lost at sea . Onshore and offshore explorations have been carried out around Bet Dwarka Island since 1983 . The finds discovered include lead and stone objects buried in sediment and considered to be anchors due to their axial holes . Though it is unlikely that the remains of the shipwreck 's hull survived , offshore explorations in 2000 and 2001 have yielded seven differently - sized amphoras , two lead anchors , forty - two stone anchors of different types , a supply of potsherds , and a circular lead ingot . The remains of the seven amphoras were of a thick , coarse fabric with a rough surface , which was used for exporting wine and olive oil from the Roman Empire . Archeologists have concluded that most of these were wine amphoras , since olive oil was in less demand in the subcontinent . A coin of Trajan , found together with coins of the Kushan ruler Kanishka , at the Ahin Posh Buddhist Monastery , Afghanistan . Since the discoveries at Bet Dwarka are significant for the maritime history of the region , archeologists have researched the resources in India . Despite the unfavorable conditions the island is situated in , the following items have made Bet Dwarka as well as the rest of western India an important place for trade . From Latin literature , Rome imported Indian tigers , rhinoceros , elephants , and serpents to use for circus shows -- a method employed as entertainment to prevent riots in Rome . It has been noted in the Periplus that Roman women also wore Indian Ocean pearls and used a supply of herbs , spices , pepper , lyceum , costus , sesame oil and sugar for food . Indigo was used as a color while cotton cloth was used as articles of clothing . Furthermore , the subcontinent exported ebony for fashioned furniture in Rome . The Roman Empire also imported Indian lime , peach , and various other fruits for medicine . Western India , as a result , was the recipient of large amounts of Roman gold during this time . Since one must sail against the narrow gulfs of western India , special large boats were used and ship development was demanded . At the entrance of the gulf , large ships called trappaga and cotymba helped guide foreign vessels safely to the harbor . These ships were capable of relatively long coastal cruises , and several seals have depicted this type of ship . In each seal , parallel bands were suggested to represent the beams of the ship . In the center of the vessel is a single mast with a tripod base . Apart from the recent explorations , close trade relations as well as the development of ship building were supported by the discovery of several Roman coins . On these coins were depictions of two strongly constructed masted ships . Thus , these depictions of Indian ships , originating from both coins and literature ( Pliny and Pluriplus ) , indicate Indian development in seafaring due to the increase in Indo - Roman commerce . In addition , the silver Roman coins discovered in western India primarily come from the 1st , 2nd , and 5th centuries . These Roman coins also suggest that the Indian peninsula possessed a stable sea borne trade with Rome during 1st and 2nd century AD . Land routes , during the time of Augustus , were also used for Indian embassies to reach Rome . The discoveries found on Bet Dwarka and on other areas on the western coast of India strongly indicate that there were strong Indo - Roman trade relations during the first two centuries of the Common Era . The 3rd century , however , was the demise of the Indo - Roman trade . The sea - route between Rome and India was shut down , and as a result , the trading reverted to the time prior to Roman expansion and exploration . Establishment ( edit ) Coin of the Roman emperor Augustus found at the Pudukottai hoard . British Museum . Indian copy of an aureus of Faustina Major , 2nd century CE . British Museum . The replacement of Greek kingdoms by the Roman empire as the administrator of the eastern Mediterranean basin led to the strengthening of direct maritime trade with the east and the elimination of the taxes extracted previously by the middlemen of various land based trading routes . Strabo 's mention of the vast increase in trade following the Roman annexation of Egypt indicates that monsoon was known from his time . The trade started by Eudoxus of Cyzicus in 130 BCE kept increasing according to Strabo ( II. 5.12 . ) : At any rate , when Gallus was prefect of Egypt , I accompanied him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Kingdom of Aksum ( Ethiopia ) , and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to the subcontinent , whereas formerly , under the Ptolemies , only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise . -- Strabo By the time of Augustus up to 120 ships were setting sail every year from Myos Hormos to India . So much gold was used for this trade , and apparently recycled by the Kushan Empire ( Kushans ) for their own coinage , that Pliny the Elder ( NH VI. 101 ) complained about the drain of specie to India : India , China and the Arabian peninsula take one hundred million sesterces from our empire per annum at a conservative estimate : that is what our luxuries and women cost us . For what fraction of these imports is intended for sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead ? -- Pliny , Historia Naturae 12.41. 84 . Gold coin of Claudius ( 50 -- 51 CE ) excavated in South India . Gold coin of Justinian I ( 527 -- 565 CE ) excavated in India probably in the south . Trade of exotic animals ( edit ) Sri Lankan imitations of 4th - century Roman coins , 4th -- 8th century CE . There is evidence of animal trade between Indian Ocean harbours and the Mediterranean . This can be seen in the mosaics and frescoes of the remains of Roman villas in Italy . For example , the Villa del Casale has mosaics depicting the capture of animals in India , Indonesia and Africa . The intercontinental trade of animals was one of the sources of wealth for the owners of the villa . In the Ambulacro della Grande Caccia , the hunting and capture of animals is represented in such detail that it is possible to identify the species . There is a scene that shows a technique to distract a mother tiger with a shimmering ball of glass or mirror in order to take her cubs . Tiger hunting with red ribbons serving as a distraction is also shown . In the mosaic there are also numerous other animals such as rhinoceros , an Indian elephant ( recognized from the ears ) with his Indian conductor , and the Indian peafowl , and other exotic birds . There are also numerous animals from Africa . Tigers , leopards and Asian and African lions were used in the arenas and circuses . The European lion was already extinct at that time . Probably the last lived in the Balkan Peninsula and were hunted to stock arenas . The birds and monkeys entertained the guests of many villas . Also in the Villa Romana del Tellaro there is a mosaic with a tiger in the jungle attacking a man with Roman clothes , probably a careless hunter . The animals were transported in cages by ship . Ports ( edit ) Roman ports ( edit ) The three main Roman ports involved with eastern trade were Arsinoe , Berenice and Myos Hormos . Arsinoe was one of the early trading centers but was soon overshadowed by the more easily accessible Myos Hormos and Berenice . Arsinoe ( edit ) Sites of Egyptian Red Sea ports , including Alexandria and Berenice . The Ptolemaic dynasty exploited the strategic position of Alexandria to secure trade with the subcontinent . The course of trade with the east then seems to have been first through the harbor of Arsinoe , the present day Suez . The goods from the East African trade were landed at one of the three main Roman ports , Arsinoe , Berenice or Myos Hormos . The Romans repaired and cleared out the silted up canal from the Nile to harbor center of Arsinoe on the Red Sea . This was one of the many efforts the Roman administration had to undertake to divert as much of the trade to the maritime routes as possible . Arsinoe was eventually overshadowed by the rising prominence of Myos Hormos . The navigation to the northern ports , such as Arsinoe - Clysma , became difficult in comparison to Myos Hormos due to the northern winds in the Gulf of Suez . Venturing to these northern ports presented additional difficulties such as shoals , reefs and treacherous currents . Myos Hormos and Berenice ( edit ) Myos Hormos and Berenice appear to have been important ancient trading ports , possibly used by the Pharaonic traders of ancient Egypt and the Ptolemaic dynasty before falling into Roman control . The site of Berenice , since its discovery by Belzoni ( 1818 ) , has been equated with the ruins near Ras Banas in Southern Egypt . However , the precise location of Myos Hormos is disputed with the latitude and longitude given in Ptolemy 's Geography favoring Abu Sha'ar and the accounts given in classical literature and satellite images indicating a probable identification with Quseir el - Quadim at the end of a fortified road from Koptos on the Nile . The Quseir el - Quadim site has further been associated with Myos Hormos following the excavations at el - Zerqa , halfway along the route , which have revealed ostraca leading to the conclusion that the port at the end of this road may have been Myos Hormos . Major regional ports ( edit ) Roman piece of pottery from Arezzo , Latium , found at Virampatnam , Arikamedu ( 1st century CE ) . Musee Guimet . The regional ports of Barbaricum ( modern Karachi ) , Sounagoura ( central Bangladesh ) Barygaza , Muziris ( in Kerala ) Korkai , Kaveripattinam and Arikamedu on the southern tip of present - day India were the main centers of this trade , along with Kodumanal , an inland city . The Periplus Maris Erythraei describes Greco - Roman merchants selling in Barbaricum `` thin clothing , figured linens , topaz , coral , storax , frankincense , vessels of glass , silver and gold plate , and a little wine '' in exchange for `` costus , bdellium , lycium , nard , turquoise , lapis lazuli , Seric skins , cotton cloth , silk yarn , and indigo '' . In Barygaza , they would buy wheat , rice , sesame oil , cotton and cloth . Barigaza ( edit ) Trade with Barigaza , under the control of the Indo - Scythian Western Satrap Nahapana ( `` Nambanus '' ) , was especially flourishing : There are imported into this market - town ( Barigaza ) , wine , Italian preferred , also Laodicean and Arabian ; copper , tin , and lead ; coral and topaz ; thin clothing and inferior sorts of all kinds ; bright - colored girdles a cubit wide ; storax , sweet clover , flint glass , realgar , antimony , gold and silver coin , on which there is a profit when exchanged for the money of the country ; and ointment , but not very costly and not much . And for the King there are brought into those places very costly vessels of silver , singing boys , beautiful maidens for the harem , fine wines , thin clothing of the finest weaves , and the choicest ointments . There are exported from these places spikenard , costus , bdellium , ivory , agate and carnelian , lycium , cotton cloth of all kinds , silk cloth , mallow cloth , yarn , long pepper and such other things as are brought here from the various market - towns . Those bound for this market - town from Egypt make the voyage favorably about the month of July , that is Epiphi . -- Periplus of the Erythraean Sea ( paragraph 49 ) . Muziris ( edit ) Muziris , as shown in the Tabula Peutingeriana , with a `` Templum Augusti '' Muziris is a lost port city on the south - western coast of India which was a major center of trade in the ancient Tamil land between the Chera kingdom and the Roman Empire . Its location is generally identified with modern - day Cranganore ( central Kerala ) . Large hoards of coins and innumerable shards of amphorae found at the town of Pattanam ( near Cranganore ) have elicited recent archeological interest in finding a probable location of this port city . According to the Periplus , numerous Greek seamen managed an intense trade with Muziris : Then come Naura and Tyndis , the first markets of Damirica ( Limyrike ) , and then Muziris and Nelcynda , which are now of leading importance . Tyndis is of the Kingdom of Cerobothra ; it is a village in plain sight by the sea . Muziris , of the same Kingdom , abounds in ships sent there with cargoes from Arabia , and by the Greeks ; it is located on a river , distant from Tyndis by river and sea five hundred stadia , and up the river from the shore twenty stadia '' -- The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea ( 53 -- 54 ) Arikamedu ( edit ) The Periplus Maris Erythraei mentions a marketplace named Poduke ( ch. 60 ) , which G.W.B. Huntingford identified as possibly being Arikamedu in Tamil Nadu , a centre of early Chola trade ( now part of Ariyankuppam ) , about 3 kilometres ( 1.9 mi ) from the modern Pondicherry . Huntingford further notes that Roman pottery was found at Arikamedu in 1937 , and archeological excavations between 1944 and 1949 showed that it was `` a trading station to which goods of Roman manufacture were imported during the first half of the 1st century AD '' . Cultural exchanges ( edit ) Further information : Buddhism and the Roman world A 1st century CE Indian imitation of a coin of Augustus , British Museum . Bronze imitation of a Roman coin , Sri Lanka , 4th -- 8th century CE . The Rome - subcontinental trade also saw several cultural exchanges which had lasting effect for both the civilizations and others involved in the trade . The Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum was involved in the Indian Ocean trade network and was influenced by Roman culture and Indian architecture . Traces of Indian influences are visible in Roman works of silver and ivory , or in Egyptian cotton and silk fabrics used for sale in Europe . The Indian presence in Alexandria may have influenced the culture but little is known about the manner of this influence . Clement of Alexandria mentions the Buddha in his writings and other Indian religions find mentions in other texts of the period . Indian art also found its way into Italy : in 1938 the Pompeii Lakshmi was found in the ruins of Pompeii ( destroyed in an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE ) . Han China was perhaps also involved in the Roman trade , with Roman embassies recorded for the years 166 , 226 , and 284 that allegedly landed in Rinan ( Jianzhi ) in northern Vietnam , according to Chinese histories . Roman coins and goods such as glasswares and silverwares have been found in China , as well as Roman coins , bracelets , glass beads , a bronze lamp , and Antonine - period medallions in Vietnam , especially at Oc Eo ( belonging to the Funan Kingdom ) . The 1st - century Periplus notes how a country called This , with a great city called Thinae ( comparable to Sinae in Ptolemy 's Geography ) , produced silk and exported it to Bactria before it traveled overland to Barygaza in India and down the Ganges River . While Marinus of Tyre and Ptolemy provided vague accounts of the Gulf of Thailand and Southeast Asia , the Alexandrian Greek monk and former merchant Cosmas Indicopleustes , in his Christian Topography ( c. 550 ) , spoke clearly about China , how to sail there , and how it was involved in the clove trade stretching to Ceylon . Comparing the small amount of Roman coins found in China as opposed to India , Warwick Ball asserts that most of the Chinese silk purchased by the Romans was done so in India , with the land route through ancient Persia playing a secondary role . Christian and Jewish settlers from Rome continued to live in India long after the decline in bilateral trade . Large hoards of Roman coins have been found throughout India , and especially in the busy maritime trading centers of the south . The Tamilakkam kings reissued Roman coinage in their own name after defacing the coins in order to signify their sovereignty . Mentions of the traders are recorded in the Tamil Sangam literature of India . One such mention reads : `` The beautiful warships of the Yavanas came to the prosperous and beautiful Muchiri ( Muziris ) breaking the white foams of ' Chulli ' , the big river , and returned with ' curry ' ( kari , the black pepper ) paying for it in gold . ( from poem no . 149 of ' Akananuru ' of Sangam Literature ) '' Decline and aftermath ( edit ) Roman decline ( edit ) Trade declined from the mid-3rd century during a crisis period in the Roman Empire but recovered in the 4th century until the early 7th century when Khosrow II Shah of Persian occupied the Roman parts of the Fertile Crescent and Egypt beginning in 614 until defeated by the Eastern Roman emperor Heraclius at the end of 627 after which the lost territories were returned to the Romans . Ravaging of the Gupta Empire by the hunas ( edit ) In India , the Alchon Huns invasions ( 496 -- 534 CE ) are said to have seriously damaged India 's trade with Europe and Central Asia . The Gupta Empire had been benefiting greatly from Indo - Roman trade . They had been exporting numerous luxury products such as silk , leather goods , fur , iron products , ivory , pearl or pepper from centers such as Nashik , Prathisthana , Pataliputra or Varanasi etc . The Huna invasion probably disrupted these trade relations and the tax revenues that came with it . Soon after the invasions , the Gupta Empire , already weakened by these invasions and the rise of local rulers , ended as well . Following the invasions , northern India was left in disarray , with numerous smaller Indian powers emerging after the crumbling of the Guptas . Arab expansion ( edit ) Egypt under the rule of the Rashidun and Ummayad Caliphates , drawn on the modern state borders . The Arabs , led by ' Amr ibn al - ' As , crossed into Egypt in late 639 or early 640 CE . This advance marked the beginning of the Islamic conquest of Egypt . The capture of Alexandria and the rest of the country , brought an end to 670 years of Roman trade with the subcontinent . Tamil speaking south India turned to Southeast Asia for international trade where Indian culture influenced the native culture to a greater degree than the sketchy impressions made on Rome seen in the adoption of Hinduism and then Buddism However , knowledge of the Indian subcontinent and its trade was preserved in Byzantine books and it is likely that the court of the emperor still maintained some form of diplomatic relation to the region up until at least the time of Constantine VII , seeking an ally against the rising influence of the Islamic states in the Middle East and Persia , appearing in a work on ceremonies called De Ceremoniis . The Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in the 15th century ( 1453 ) , marking the beginning of Turkish control over the most direct trade routes between Europe and Asia . The Ottomans initially cut off eastern trade with Europe , leading in turn to the attempt by Europeans to find a sea route around Africa , spurring the European Age of Discovery , and the eventual rise of European Mercantilism and Colonialism . See also ( edit ) Buddhism and the Roman world Chronology of European exploration of Asia Indian maritime history Sino - Roman relations Indo - Roman relations Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Shaw 2003 : 426 ^ Jump up to : Young 2001 : 19 ^ Jump up to : Lindsay 2006 : 101 ^ Jump up to : Curtin 1984 : 100 Jump up ^ The cyclopædia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia By Edward Balfour ^ Jump up to : Holl 2003 : 9 Jump up ^ Potter 2004 : 20 ^ Jump up to : Parker 2008 : 118 . ^ Jump up to : Young 2001 : 29 . Jump up ^ Mawer 2013 : 38 . Jump up ^ William H. Schoff ( 2004 ) ( 1912 ) . Lance Jenott , ed . `` '' The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea : Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century '' in The Voyage around the Erythraean Sea `` . Depts.washington.edu . University of Washington . Retrieved 19 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Lach 1994 : 13 Jump up ^ Young 2001 : 20 ^ Jump up to : `` The Geography of Strabo published in Vol . I of the Loeb Classical Library edition , 1917 '' . Jump up ^ `` minimaque computatione miliens centena milia sestertium annis omnibus India et Seres et paeninsula illa imperio nostro adimunt : tanti nobis deliciae et feminae constant . quota enim portio ex illis ad deos , quaeso , iam vel ad inferos pertinet ? '' Pliny , Historia Naturae 12.41. 84 . Jump up ^ Original Latin : `` minimaque computatione miliens centena milia sestertium annis omnibus India et Seres et paeninsula illa imperio nostro adimunt : tanti nobis deliciae et feminae constant . quota enim portio ex illis ad deos , quaeso , iam vel ad inferos pertinet ? Jump up ^ `` Il Blog sulla Villa Romana del Casale Piazza Armerina '' . villadelcasale.it . Retrieved 12 February 2017 . Jump up ^ O'Leary 2001 : 72 ^ Jump up to : Fayle 2006 : 52 ^ Jump up to : Freeman 2003 : 72 ^ Jump up to : Halsall , Paul . `` Ancient History Sourcebook : The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea : Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century '' . Fordham University . ^ Jump up to : `` Search for India 's ancient city '' . BBC . 11 June 2006 . Retrieved 4 January 2010 . Jump up ^ George Menachery ( 1987 ) Kodungallur City of St. Thomas ; ( 2000 ) Azhikode alias Kodungallur Cradle of Christianity in India Jump up ^ `` Signs of ancient port in Kerala '' . telegraphindia.com . Calcutta ( Kolkata ) : The Telegraph . Retrieved 12 February 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Huntingford 1980 : 119 . ^ Jump up to : Lach 1994 : 18 ^ Jump up to : Ball 2016 : 152 -- 53 Jump up ^ Hill 2009 : 27 Jump up ^ Yule 1915 : 53 -- 54 Jump up ^ An 2002 : 83 Jump up ^ Harper 2002 : 99 -- 100 , 106 -- 07 Jump up ^ O'Reilly 2007 : 97 Jump up ^ Schoff 2004 ( 1912 ) : paragraph # 64 . Retrieved 24 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Suárez ( 1999 ) : 90 -- 92 Jump up ^ Yule 1915 : 25 -- 28 Jump up ^ Lieu 2009 : 227 Jump up ^ Ball 2016 : 153 -- 54 . ^ Jump up to : Kulke 2004 : 108 Jump up ^ Farrokh 2007 : 252 Jump up ^ The First Spring : The Golden Age of India by Abraham Eraly pp. 48 sq Jump up ^ Longman History & Civics ICSE 9 by Singh p. 81 Jump up ^ Ancient Indian History and Civilization by Sailendra Nath Sen p. 221 Jump up ^ A Comprehensive History Of Ancient India p. 174 ^ Jump up to : Meri 2006 : 224 Jump up ^ Kulke 2004 : 106 Jump up ^ Luttwak 2009 : 167 -- 68 Jump up ^ The Encyclopedia Americana 1989 : 176 References ( edit ) An , Jiayao ( 2002 ) . `` When Glass Was Treasured in China '' . In Annette L. Juliano and Judith A. Lerner . Silk Road Studies VII : Nomads , Traders , and Holy Men Along China 's Silk Road . Brepols Publishers . pp. 79 -- 94 . ISBN 2 - 503 - 52178 - 9 . Ball , Warwick ( 2016 ) . Rome in the East : Transformation of an Empire ( 2nd ed . ) . Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 72078 - 6 . Curtin , Philip DeArmond ; el al. ( 1984 ) . Cross-Cultural Trade in World History . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 26931 - 8 . The Encyclopedia Americana ( 1989 ) . Grolier . ISBN 0 - 7172 - 0120 - 1 . Farrokh , Kaveh ( 2007 ) . Shadows in the Desert : Ancient Persia at War . Osprey Publishing . ISBN 1 - 84603 - 108 - 7 . Fayle , Charles Ernest ( 2006 ) . A Short History of the World 's Shipping Industry . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 28619 - 0 . Freeman , Donald B. ( 2003 ) . The Straits of Malacca : Gateway Or Gauntlet ? . McGill - Queen 's Press . ISBN 0 - 7735 - 2515 - 7 . Harper , P.O. ( 2002 ) . `` Iranian Luxury Vessels in China From the Late First Millennium B.C.E. to the Second Half of the First Millennium C.E. '' . In Annette L. Juliano and Judith A. Lerner . Silk Road Studies VII : Nomads , Traders , and Holy Men Along China 's Silk Road . Brepols Publishers . pp. 95 -- 113 . ISBN 2 - 503 - 52178 - 9 . Hill , John E. ( 2009 ) . Through the Jade Gate to Rome : A Study of the Silk Routes during the Later Han Dynasty , First to Second Centuries CE . BookSurge . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4392 - 2134 - 1 . Holl , Augustin F.C. ( 2003 ) . Ethnoarchaeology of Shuwa - Arab Settlements . Lexington Books . ISBN 0 - 7391 - 0407 - 1 . Huntingford , G.W.B. ( 1980 ) . The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea . Hakluyt Society . Kulke , Hermann ; Dietmar Rothermund ( 2004 ) . A History of India . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 32919 - 1 . Lach , Donald Frederick ( 1994 ) . Asia in the Making of Europe : The Century of Discovery . Book 1 . University of Chicago Press . ISBN 0 - 226 - 46731 - 7 . Lieu , Samuel N.C. ( 2009 ) . `` Epigraphica Nestoriana Serica '' . Exegisti monumenta Festschrift in Honour of Nicholas Sims - Williams . Harrassowitz Verlag . pp. 227 -- 46 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 447 - 05937 - 4 . Lindsay , WS ( 2006 ) . History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce . Adamant Media Corporation . ISBN 0 - 543 - 94253 - 8 . Luttwak , Edward ( 2009 ) . The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire . Harvard University Press . ISBN 0 - 674 - 03519 - 4 . Mawer , Granville Allen ( 2013 ) . `` The Riddle of Cattigara '' . In Nichols , Robert and Martin Woods . Mapping Our World : Terra Incognita to Australia . National Library of Australia . pp. 38 -- 39 . ISBN 9780642278098 . Meri , Josef W. ; Jere L. Bacharach ( 2006 ) . Medieval Islamic Civilization : An Encyclopedia . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 96690 - 6 . O'Leary , De Lacy ( 2001 ) . Arabia Before Muhammad . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23188 - 4 . O'Reilly , Dougald J.W. ( 2007 ) . Early Civilizations of Southeast Asia . AltaMira Press , Division of Rowman and Littlefield Publishers . ISBN 0 - 7591 - 0279 - 1 . Parker , Grant ( 2008 ) . The Making of Roman India . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 85834 - 2 . Potter , David Stone ( 2004 ) . The Roman Empire at Bay : Ad 180 -- 395 . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 10058 - 5 . Schoff , Williamm H. ( 2004 ) ( 1912 ) . Lance Jenott , ed . `` '' The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea : Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century '' in The Voyage around the Erythraean Sea `` . Depts.washington.edu . University of Washington . Retrieved 19 September 2016 . Shaw , Ian ( 2003 ) . The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 280458 - 8 . Young , Gary Keith ( 2001 ) . Rome 's Eastern Trade : International Commerce and Imperial Policy , 31 BC -- AD 305 . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 24219 - 3 . Yule , Henry ( 1915 ) . Henri Cordier , ed . Cathay and the Way Thither : Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China , Vol I : Preliminary Essay on the Intercourse Between China and the Western Nations Previous to the Discovery of the Cape Route. 1 . Hakluyt Society . Further reading ( edit ) Lionel Casson , The Periplus Maris Erythraei : Text With Introduction , Translation , and Commentary . Princeton University Press , 1989 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 04060 - 5 . Chami , F.A. 1999 . `` The Early Iron Age on Mafia island and its relationship with the mainland . '' Azania Vol . XXXIV . McLaughlin , Raoul. ( 2010 ) . Rome and the Distant East : Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia , India and China . Continuum , London and New York . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84725 - 235 - 7 . Miller , J. Innes. 1969 . The Spice Trade of The Roman Empire : 29 B.C. to A.D. 641 . Oxford University Press . Special edition for Sandpiper Books . 1998 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 814264 - 1 . Sidebotham , Steven E. ( 2011 ) . Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route . University of California Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 24430 - 6 . Van der Veen , Marijke ( 2011 ) . Consumption , Trade and Innovation . Exploring the Botanical Remains from the Roman and Islamic Ports at Quseir al - Qadim , Egypt . Frankfurt : Africa Magna Verlag . ISBN 978 - 3 - 937248 - 23 - 3 External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Indo - Roman trade and relations . English translation of the Periplus Maris Erythraei ( Voyage around the Erythraean Sea ) BBC News : Search for India 's ancient city Trade between the Romans and the Empires of Asia ( hide ) Part of a series on trade routes Amber Road Hærvejen Incense Route Dvaravati -- Kamboja route King 's Highway Rome - India routes Royal Road Salt road Siberian Route Silk Road Maritime Silk Road Spice Route Tea Horse Road Varangians to the Greeks Via Maris Triangular trade Volga trade route Trans - Saharan trade Old Salt Route Maritime republics Hanseatic League Grand Trunk Road Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Indo-Roman_trade_relations&oldid=812275359 '' Categories : Foreign relations of ancient India Ancient international relations Foreign relations of Ancient Rome Bilateral trading relationships Maritime history of India Economic history of India Foreign trade of India Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from September 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Deutsch Español Français हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands Norsk Русский Slovenščina தமிழ் ไทย Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 27 November 2017 , at 01 : 01 . 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don't stand so close to me police lyrics
Do n't Stand So Close to Me
don't stand so close to me
`` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' is a hit single by the British rock band The Police , released in September 1980 as the lead single from their third album Zenyatta Mondatta . It concerns a schoolgirl 's crush on her teacher which leads to an affair , which in turn is discovered .
The band 's third number one on the UK Singles Chart , it was also the best selling single of 1980 in the UK . The song also charted in the top ten in Australia , Canada and the US . The Police won the 1982 Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal for this song . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Composition 3 Personnel 3.1 Track listing 3.2 Charts 4 `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' 4.1 Track listing 4.2 Charts 5 Glee cover 6 In other media 7 References Background ( edit ) The music and lyrics of the song were written by the lead singer of The Police , Sting . The song deals with the mixed feelings of lust , fear and guilt that a female student has for a school teacher and vice versa , and inappropriateness leading to confrontation which is unravelled later on in the song . The line `` Just like the old man in that book by Nabokov '' alludes to Vladimir Nabokov 's novel Lolita , which covers somewhat similar issues . After being criticised for rhyming `` cough '' with `` Nabokov , '' Sting replied , `` I 've used that terrible , terrible rhyme technique a few times . Technically , it 's called a feminine rhyme -- where it 's so appalling it 's almost humorous . You do n't normally get those type of rhymes in pop music and I 'm glad ! '' Before joining The Police , Sting had previously worked as an English teacher . Sting said of the song in 1981 : I wanted to write a song about sexuality in the classroom . I 'd done teaching practice at secondary schools and been through the business of having 15 - year - old girls fancying me -- and me really fancying them ! How I kept my hands off them I do n't know ... Then there was my love for Lolita which I think is a brilliant novel . But I was looking for the key for eighteen months and suddenly there it was . That opened the gates and out it came : the teacher , the open page , the virgin , the rape in the car , getting the sack , Nabokov , all that . -- Sting , L'Historia Bandido , 1981 In 1993 , however , he said of the song 's inspiration , `` You have to remember we were blond bombshells at the time and most of our fans were young girls so I started role playing a bit . Let 's exploit that . '' in a 2001 interview for the concert DVD ... All This Time , Sting denied that the song is autobiographical . `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' appeared on The Police 's album Zenyatta Mondatta ( A&M ) , and became a hit No. 1 UK single , along with a corresponding music video . In the US , it reached the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart , peaking at No. 10 . In the UK , the track was confirmed by the end of 1980 to have been the biggest selling single of that year . The B - side , `` Friends '' , was written by Andy Summers and is inspired by Stranger in a Strange Land , a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein . Summers described the track as `` Very quirky . A touch of Long John Silver on Acid . '' Sting was asked to perform on Mark Knopfler 's `` Money for Nothing '' as he was in Montserrat at the time , and reused a melody from `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' in the counterpoint lyric `` I want my MTV . '' It was only after this story was related to reporters during promotions for the Brothers in Arms album that lawyers for Sting became involved , and later copies of the album co-credit the song to Sting . The initial pressings list only Knopfler . It is one of only two shared songwriting credits on any Dire Straits album . Composition ( edit ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' features Sting on lead vocals . Like many Police songs , the verses are more subdued , while the chorus is bolder and louder . The song also bears a reggae style , yet another common trait in Police songs . Thematically , the `` wet bus stop '' idea invites comparison with the 1966 hit song `` Bus Stop '' by another English group , The Hollies . The track uses a guitar synthesizer in the middle of the song , which was used by guitarist Andy Summers . Summers said , `` After Sting had put the vocals on ' Do n't Stand So Close To Me ' we looked for something to lift the middle of the song . I came up with a guitar synthesiser . It was the first time we 'd used it . I felt it worked really well . '' The verses and choruses do not feature this effect . Personnel ( edit ) Sting -- lead and backing vocals , bass guitar Andy Summers -- guitars , guitar synthesizer Stewart Copeland -- drums Track listing ( edit ) 7 - inch -- A&M / AMS 7564 ( UK ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' -- 4 : 03 `` Friends '' -- 3 : 37 7 - inch -- A&M / AMS 2301 ( US ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' -- 4 : 03 `` A Sermon '' -- 2 : 34 Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1980 -- 81 ) Peak position Australian Singles Chart Dutch Top 40 French Singles Chart 7 German Singles Chart 23 Irish Singles Chart Italian Singles Chart NZ Singles Chart Spanish Singles Chart 5 UK Singles Chart US Billboard Hot 100 10 Canadian Singles Chart `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' ( edit ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' Single by The Police from the album Every Breath You Take : The Singles B - side `` Do n't Stand So Close To Me '' ( Live ) Released October 1986 ( 1986 - 10 ) Format 7 - inch single CD single Recorded 1986 Genre Rock new wave Length 4 : 51 Label A&M Songwriter ( s ) Sting Producer ( s ) Stewart Copeland Sting Andy Summers Laurie Latham The Police singles chronology `` King of Pain '' ( 1984 ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' ( 1986 ) `` Ca n't Stand Losing You '' ( 1995 ) `` King of Pain '' ( 1984 ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' ( 1986 ) `` Ca n't Stand Losing You '' ( 1995 ) The song was re-recorded in 1986 with a new , brooding arrangement , a different chorus and a more opulent production . The new version appeared as `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' on the album Every Breath You Take : The Singles , and was released as a single , reaching number 24 in the British charts . It also reached number 11 in Ireland , number 14 in New Zealand , number 19 on the Netherlands MegaCharts Singles Chart ( number 20 on Dutch Top 40 ) , number 27 in Canada and number 46 on Billboard Hot 100 ( number 10 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks ) . Because of the decrease in tempo , a slight lyric change is found in the line `` Just like the old man in that book by Nabokov '' ( the word ' famous ' was added ) . A new music video was produced for the reworked song by Godley and Creme , notable for its early use of animated computer graphics . Because drummer Stewart Copeland had broken his collarbone and was unable to drum , he opted to use his Fairlight CMI to program the drum track for the single . While singer / bassist Sting pushed to use the drums on his Synclavier instead , the group 's engineer found the Synclavier 's programming interface difficult -- and it ended up taking him two days to complete the task . Copeland ultimately finished the drum programming and claimed that the Fairlight 's then - legendary `` Page R '' ( the device 's sequencing page ) saved his life and put him on the map as a composer . In a Qantas inflight radio program named `` Reeling in the Years '' , Copeland was quoted as saying that the argument over Synclavier versus Fairlight drums was `` the straw that broke the camel 's back , '' and that this led to the group 's unravelling . As the Police had already disbanded by the time the 1986 single was released , this , aside from the then - unreleased `` De Do Do Do , De Da Da Da ' 86 , '' was the last recording before the band 's reunion and the most recent studio recording the band has released . Track listing ( edit ) 7 - inch -- A&M / AM 354 ( UK ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' -- 4 : 47 `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' ( live ) -- 3 : 40 12 - inch -- A&M / AMY 354 ( UK ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' ( dance mix ) -- 6 : 32 `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' -- 4 : 47 `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' ( original version ) -- 4 : 03 `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' ( live ) -- 3 : 40 Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1986 ) Peak position Spain ( Los 40 Principales ) Australian Singles Chart 32 Dutch Top 40 19 Irish Singles Chart 11 UK Singles Chart 24 US Billboard Hot 100 46 Canadian Singles Chart 27 Glee cover ( edit ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' Single by Glee cast from the album Glee : The Music , Volume 2 B - side `` Young Girl '' Released 2009 Format Digital download Recorded 2009 Genre Pop Label Columbia Songwriter ( s ) Sting Producer ( s ) Ryan Murphy , Adam Anders Glee cast singles chronology `` I 'll Stand by You '' ( 2009 ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' ( 2009 ) `` Crush '' ( 2009 ) `` I 'll Stand by You '' ( 2009 ) `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' ( 2009 ) `` Crush '' ( 2009 ) The song was covered in the episode `` Ballad '' of the American television series Glee in 2009 . It was performed by the character Will Schuester ( played by Matthew Morrison ) as a musical mashup with `` Young Girl '' by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap . It was included on the second soundtrack album from the series . The single version charted at number 67 in Canada , number 64 in the United States and number 50 in Ireland . In other media ( edit ) The song was featured in `` Mars vs. Mars '' , an episode of the American television series Veronica Mars . During several parts of Zoolander 2 , Sting calls Hansel ( who is established as Hansel 's biological father ) on numerous occasions , often quoting songs such as `` Do n't Stand So Close To Me '' , and `` Spirits in the Material World '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ amazon.com , `` Zenyatta Mondatta ( Digipak ) Original recording reissued , Original recording remastered '' . Accessed 11 October 2014 . Jump up ^ JR Huffman , JL Huffman ( 1987 ) , `` Sexism and cultural lag : The rise of the jailbait song , 1955 -- 1985 '' , The Journal of Popular Culture , doi : 10.1111 / j. 0022 - 3840.1987. 2102_65. x ^ Jump up to : `` ' Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' / ' Friends ' '' . sting.com . ^ Jump up to : The Police in the UK Charts Archived 26 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine. , The Official Charts . Jump up ^ amazon.com , `` Every Breath You Take : The Classics '' . Accessed 11 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Item Display -- RPM -- Library and Archives Canada -- Top Singles -- Volume 45 , No. 14 , December 27 1986 Jump up ^ `` The Music of Veronica Mars : Episode 1 -- 14 : `` Mars vs. Mars '' `` . Mars Investigations : The ( In ) Complete Guide to Veronica Mars . 15 February 2005 . Retrieved 5 January 2015 . Preceded by `` Feels Like I 'm in Love '' by Kelly Marie UK number - one single 27 September 1980 -- 18 October 1980 Succeeded by `` Woman in Love '' by Barbra Streisand Preceded by `` Start ! by The Jam List of number - one singles of 1980 ( Ireland ) 4 October 1980 -- 25 October 1980 Succeeded by `` Woman in Love '' by Barbra Streisand Preceded by `` I Got You '' by Split Enz CHUM Chart 29 November -- 6 December Succeeded by Turning Japanese by The Vapors The Police Stewart Copeland Sting Andy Summers Henry Padovani Studio albums Outlandos d'Amour Reggatta de Blanc Zenyatta Mondatta Ghost in the Machine Synchronicity Live albums Live ! Certifiable : Live in Buenos Aires Compilations Every Breath You Take : The Singles Greatest Hits Every Breath You Take : The Classics The Very Best of Sting & The Police The Police Boxed sets Six Pack Message in a Box : The Complete Recordings Singles `` Fall Out '' `` Roxanne '' `` Ca n't Stand Losing You '' `` So Lonely '' `` Message in a Bottle '' `` Walking on the Moon '' `` Bring on the Night '' `` The Bed 's Too Big Without You '' `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' `` De Do Do Do , De Da Da Da '' `` Invisible Sun '' `` Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic '' `` Spirits in the Material World '' `` Secret Journey '' `` Every Breath You Take '' `` Wrapped Around Your Finger '' `` Synchronicity II '' `` King of Pain '' `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me ' 86 '' `` When the World Is Running Down , You Make the Best of What 's Still Around '' ( Different Gear vs. The Police ) Other songs `` Next to You '' `` Reggatta de Blanc '' `` Driven to Tears '' `` Behind My Camel '' `` Demolition Man '' `` Synchronicity I '' `` Tea in the Sahara '' `` De Do Do Do , De Da Da Da ' 86 '' Tours The Police Around the World Tour Zenyatta Mondatta Tour Ghost in the Machine Tour Synchronicity Tour A Conspiracy of Hope Tour The Police Reunion Tour Related articles Discography Songs Strontium 90 Strontium 90 : Police Academy Brimstone & Treacle ¡ Policia ! : A Tribute to the Police Everyone Stares Book Best - selling singles by year in the United Kingdom 1952 -- 1969 1952 : `` Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart '' -- Vera Lynn ( UK ) 1953 : `` I Believe '' -- Frankie Laine 1954 : `` Secret Love '' -- Doris Day 1955 : `` Rose Marie '' -- Slim Whitman 1956 : `` I 'll Be Home '' -- Pat Boone 1957 : `` Diana '' -- Paul Anka 1958 : `` Jailhouse Rock '' -- Elvis Presley 1959 : `` Living Doll '' -- Cliff Richard ( UK ) 1960 : `` It 's Now or Never '' -- Elvis Presley 1961 : `` Wooden Heart '' -- Elvis Presley 1962 : `` I Remember You '' -- Frank Ifield ( UK ) 1963 : `` She Loves You '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1964 : `` Ca n't Buy Me Love '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1965 : `` Tears '' -- Ken Dodd ( UK ) 1966 : `` Green , Green Grass of Home '' -- Tom Jones ( UK ) 1967 : `` Release Me '' -- Engelbert Humperdinck ( UK ) 1968 : `` Hey Jude '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1969 : `` Sugar , Sugar '' -- The Archies 1970 -- 1989 1970 : `` The Wonder of You '' -- Elvis Presley 1971 : `` My Sweet Lord '' -- George Harrison ( UK ) 1972 : `` Amazing Grace '' -- The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Band ( UK ) 1973 : `` Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree '' -- Tony Orlando and Dawn 1974 : `` Tiger Feet '' -- Mud ( UK ) 1975 : `` Bye Bye Baby '' -- Bay City Rollers ( UK ) 1976 : `` Save Your Kisses for Me '' -- Brotherhood of Man ( UK ) 1977 : `` Mull of Kintyre '' / `` Girls ' School '' -- Wings ( UK ) 1978 : `` Rivers of Babylon '' / `` Brown Girl in the Ring '' -- Boney M . 1979 : `` Bright Eyes '' -- Art Garfunkel 1980 : `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' -- The Police ( UK ) 1981 : `` Do n't You Want Me '' -- The Human League ( UK ) 1982 : `` Come On Eileen '' -- Dexys Midnight Runners ( UK ) 1983 : `` Karma Chameleon '' -- Culture Club ( UK ) 1984 : `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' -- Band Aid ( UK ) 1985 : `` The Power of Love '' -- Jennifer Rush 1986 : `` Do n't Leave Me This Way '' -- The Communards ( UK ) 1987 : `` Never Gonna Give You Up '' -- Rick Astley ( UK ) 1988 : `` Mistletoe and Wine '' -- Cliff Richard ( UK ) 1989 : `` Ride on Time '' -- Black Box 1990 -- 2009 1990 : `` Unchained Melody '' -- The Righteous Brothers 1991 : `` ( Everything I Do ) I Do It for You '' -- Bryan Adams 1992 : `` I Will Always Love You '' -- Whitney Houston 1993 : `` I 'd Do Anything for Love ( But I Wo n't Do That ) '' -- Meat Loaf 1994 : `` Love Is All Around '' -- Wet Wet Wet ( UK ) 1995 : `` Unchained Melody '' -- Robson & Jerome ( UK ) 1996 : `` Killing Me Softly '' -- Fugees 1997 : `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' -- Elton John ( UK ) 1998 : `` Believe '' -- Cher 1999 : `` ... Baby One More Time '' -- Britney Spears 2000 : `` Can We Fix It ? '' -- Bob the Builder ( UK ) 2001 : `` It Was n't Me '' -- Shaggy featuring Rikrok ( UK ) 2002 : `` Anything Is Possible '' / `` Evergreen '' -- Will Young ( UK ) 2003 : `` Where Is the Love ? '' -- The Black Eyed Peas 2004 : `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' -- Band Aid 20 ( UK ) 2005 : `` Is This the Way to Amarillo '' -- Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay ( UK ) 2006 : `` Crazy '' -- Gnarls Barkley 2007 : `` Bleeding Love '' -- Leona Lewis ( UK ) 2008 : `` Hallelujah '' -- Alexandra Burke ( UK ) 2009 : `` Poker Face '' -- Lady Gaga 2010 -- present 2010 : `` Love the Way You Lie '' -- Eminem featuring Rihanna 2011 : `` Someone Like You '' -- Adele ( UK ) 2012 : `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' -- Gotye featuring Kimbra 2013 : `` Blurred Lines '' -- Robin Thicke featuring T.I. & Pharrell Williams 2014 : `` Happy '' -- Pharrell Williams 2015 : `` Uptown Funk '' -- Mark Ronson ( UK ) featuring Bruno Mars 2016 : `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla ( UK ) 2017 : `` Shape of You '' - Ed Sheeran ( UK ) Vladimir Nabokov 's Lolita ( 1955 ) Film Lolita ( 1962 ) Lolita ( 1997 ) Stage Lolita , My Love ( 1971 musical ) Lolita ( 1981 play ) Lolita ( 1992 opera ) Lolita 's perspective Lo 's Diary ( 1995 novel ) Roger Fishbite ( 1999 novel ) Music `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' `` Lolita '' ( The Veronicas ) `` Lolita '' ( Belinda ) `` Lolita '' ( Leah LaBelle ) `` Lolita ( trop jeune pour aimer ) '' `` Moi ... Lolita '' Eat Me , Drink Me Related The Enchanter Reading Lolita in Tehran Lolicon Lolita Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Don%27t_Stand_So_Close_to_Me&oldid=825585743 '' Categories : The Police songs 1980 singles 1981 singles 1986 singles UK Singles Chart number - one singles Sexuality and age in fiction Songs about sexuality Songs written by Sting ( musician ) Song recordings produced by Nigel Gray Songs about school 1980 songs A&M Records singles Columbia Records singles Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links EngvarB from May 2015 Use dmy dates from May 2015 Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano ქართული Polski Português Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 06 : 45 . 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boomtown rats i don't like mondays song meaning
I Do n't Like Mondays
i don't like mondays
`` I Do n't Like Mondays '' is a song by Irish band The Boomtown Rats that was a number one single in the UK Singles Chart for four weeks during the summer of 1979 , and ranks as the sixth biggest British hit of 1979 . Written by Bob Geldof , it was the band 's second number one single .
The full length version appeared on the group 's third album , The Fine Art of Surfacing . It includes a reprise of the first verse , which was edited for the single release . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Chart performance 2.1 Weekly singles charts 2.2 Year - end charts 3 Live performances 4 References History ( edit ) According to Geldof , he wrote the song after reading a telex report at Georgia State University 's campus radio station , WRAS , on the shooting spree of 16 - year - old Brenda Ann Spencer , who fired at children in a school playground at Grover Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego , California , US on 29 January 1979 , killing two adults and injuring eight children and one police officer . Spencer showed no remorse for her crime and her full explanation for her actions was `` I do n't like Mondays . This livens up the day '' . The song was first performed less than a month later . Geldof explained how he wrote the song : I was doing a radio interview in Atlanta with ( Johnnie ) Fingers and there was a telex machine beside me . I read it as it came out . Not liking Mondays as a reason for doing somebody in is a bit strange . I was thinking about it on the way back to the hotel and I just said ' Silicon chip inside her head had switched to overload ' . I wrote that down . And the journalists interviewing her said , ' Tell me why ? ' It was such a senseless act . It was the perfect senseless act and this was the perfect senseless reason for doing it . So perhaps I wrote the perfect senseless song to illustrate it . It was n't an attempt to exploit tragedy . Geldof had originally intended the song as a B - side , but changed his mind after the song was successful with audiences on the Rats ' US tour . Spencer 's family tried unsuccessfully to prevent the single from being released in the United States . Despite being a major hit in the United Kingdom , it only reached # 73 on the US Billboard Hot 100 . The song was played regularly by album - oriented rock format radio stations in the United States throughout the 1980s , although radio stations in San Diego refrained from playing the track for some years in respect to local sensitivities about the shooting . The strings were arranged by Fiachra Trench . Apart from Geldof , pianist Johnnie Fingers and drummer Simon Crowe are the only members of the group who appear on the recording . In the UK the song reached Number One on the singles chart in July 1979 , and won the Best Pop Song and Outstanding British Lyric categories at the Ivor Novello Awards . Chart performance ( edit ) Weekly singles charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1979 ) Peak position Australia Canada Ireland New Zealand UK U.S. Billboard Hot 100 73 U.S. Cash Box Top 100 84 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1979 ) Position Australia 6 Canada 117 New Zealand 25 UK Chart ( 1980 ) Position Canada 55 Live performances ( edit ) On 9 September 1981 , Geldof was joined on stage by fellow Boomtown Rat , Johnnie Fingers , to perform the song for The Secret Policeman 's Ball sponsored by Amnesty International . A recording of that performance appears on the 1982 album , The Secret Policeman 's Other Ball . The Boomtown Rats performed the song for Live Aid at Wembley Stadium in 1985 . This was the band 's final major appearance . On singing the line , `` And the lesson today is how to die '' , Geldof paused for 20 seconds while the crowd applauded on the significance to those starving in Africa that Live Aid was intended to help . At a concert in London in 1995 , almost ten years later to the day , Bon Jovi covered the song after being joined on stage by Geldof at Wembley Stadium . This recorded performance features on Bon Jovi 's live album One Wild Night Live 1985 -- 2001 , as well as on the bonus 2 - CD edition of These Days . Bon Jovi was again joined by Geldof for a performance of the song at The O2 Arena on 23 June 2010 , the 10th night of their 12 - night residency . Geldof himself performed a version of the song while hosting the Live 8 concert in London , on 2 July 2005 . `` I Do n't Like Mondays '' was subsequently covered by Tori Amos on her 2001 album Strange Little Girls and later by G4 on their 2006 album Act Three . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Roberts , David ( 2006 ) . British Hit Singles & Albums ( 19th ed . ) . London : Guinness World Records Limited . pp. 370 -- 1 . ISBN 1 - 904994 - 10 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 1979 - UK Music Charts '' . Uk-charts.top-source.info . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 20 . Jump up ^ Mikkelson , Barbara ( 29 September 2005 ) . `` Urban Legends Reference Pages : Music ( I Do n't Like Mondays ) '' . snopes.com . ^ Jump up to : Clarke , Steve ( 18 -- 31 October 1979 ) . The Fastest Lip on Vinyl . Smash Hits . EMAP National Publications Ltd . pp. 6 -- 7 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2000 ) . Top Pop Singles 1955 - 1999 . Record Research Inc. p. 65 . ISBN 0 - 89820 - 139 - X . Jump up ^ `` I Do n't Like Mondays '' . Songfacts.com . Retrieved 2009 - 04 - 05 . ^ Jump up to : Steffen Hung . `` Forum - 1970 ( ARIA Charts : Special Occasion Charts ) '' . australian-charts.com . Archived from the original on 2 June 2016 . Retrieved 20 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Image : RPM Weekly - Library and Archives Canada '' . Bac-lac.gc.ca . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Image : RPM Weekly - Library and Archives Canada '' . Bac-lac.gc.ca . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Top Selling Singles of 1979 The Official New Zealand Music Chart '' . Nztop40.co.nz. 1979 - 12 - 31 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Singles of 1979 '' Record Mirror 5 January 1980 : 30 Preceded by `` Are ' Friends ' Electric ? '' by Tubeway Army UK number - one single 28 July 1979 - 24 August 1979 Succeeded by `` We Do n't Talk Anymore '' by Cliff Richard Preceded by `` Do You Want Your Oul Lobby Washed Down '' by Brendan Shine Irish Singles Chart number - one single 4 August 1979 - 31 August 1979 Succeeded by `` Viva Il Papa '' by Catriona Walsh Preceded by `` Born to Be Alive '' by Patrick Hernandez Australian Kent Music Report number - one single 12 November 1979 - 25 November 1979 Succeeded by `` Video Killed the Radio Star '' by The Buggles ( hide ) The Boomtown Rats Bob Geldof Pete Briquette Gerry Cott Simon Crowe Johnnie Fingers Garry Roberts Studio albums The Boomtown Rats A Tonic for the Troops The Fine Art of Surfacing Mondo Bongo V Deep In the Long Grass Singles `` Lookin ' After No. 1 '' `` Mary of the 4th Form '' `` She 's So Modern '' `` Like Clockwork '' `` Rat Trap '' `` I Do n't Like Mondays '' `` Diamond Smiles '' `` Someone 's Looking at You '' `` Banana Republic '' `` Up All Night '' `` The Elephant 's Graveyard ( Guilty ) '' `` Never in a Million Years '' `` House on Fire '' `` Charmed Lives '' `` Tonight '' `` Drag Me Down '' `` Dave '' `` A Hold of Me '' Other albums Ratrospective The Boomtown Rats ' Greatest Hits Loudmouth -- The Best of Bob Geldof and the Boomtown Rats The Best of The Boomtown Rats Back to Boomtown : Classic Rats Hits So Modern -- The Boomtown Rats Collection Related articles Discography Ensign Records Mercury Records Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=I_Don%27t_Like_Mondays&oldid=805975011 '' Categories : 1979 singles European Hot 100 Singles number - one singles Irish Singles Chart number - one singles Songs based on actual events Songs inspired by deaths Songs about school Songs about the media Songs written by Bob Geldof The Boomtown Rats songs UK Singles Chart number - one singles Song recordings produced by Phil Wainman 1979 songs Ensign Records singles Columbia Records singles Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2011 Use dmy dates from July 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Dansk Deutsch Español Français Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Português Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 18 October 2017 , at 20 : 55 . 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when was the first car sold in the us
Automotive industry in the United States
automotive industry in the united states
The automotive industry in the United States began in the 1890s and , as a result of the size of the domestic market and the use of mass - production , rapidly evolved into the largest in the world . However , the United States was overtaken as the largest automobile producer by Japan in the 1980s , and subsequently by China in 2008 . The U.S. is currently second among the largest manufacturer in the world by volume , with approximately 8 - 10 million manufactured annually . Notable exceptions were 5.7 million automobiles manufactured in 2009 ( due to crisis ) , and peak production levels of 13 - 15 million units during the 1970s and early 2000s .
The motor vehicle industry began with hundreds of manufacturers , but by the end of the 1920s it was dominated by three large companies : General Motors , Ford , and Chrysler , all based in Metro Detroit . After the Great Depression and World War II , these companies continued to prosper , and the U.S. produced nearly three quarters of all automobiles in the world by 1950 ( 8,005,859 of 10,577,426 ) . Beginning in the 1970s , a combination of high oil prices and increased competition from foreign auto manufacturers severely affected the companies . In the ensuing years , the companies periodically bounced back , but by 2008 the industry was in turmoil due to the aforementioned crisis . As a result , General Motors and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy reorganization and were bailed out with loans and investments from the federal government . But according to Autodata Corp , June 2014 seasonally adjusted annualized sales is the biggest in history with 16.98 million vehicles and toppled previous record in July 2006 . Prior to the 1980s , most manufacturing facilities were owned by the Big Three ( GM , Ford , Chrysler ) and AMC . Their U.S. market share has dropped steadily as numerous foreign - owned car companies have built factories in the U.S. Toyota had 31,000 direct employees in the U.S. in 2012 , meaning a total payroll of about $2.1 billion , compared to Ford 's 80,000 U.S. employees supplying their 3,300 dealerships and Chrysler 's 71,100 U.S. employees supplying their 2,328 dealerships . Total Vehicle sales in the United States Contents ( hide ) 1 Development history 1.1 Production 1.2 American road system 1.2. 1 State involvement 1.2. 2 Federal involvement 2 International trade 3 The Big Three automakers 4 Great Depression and World War II 5 Unionization of the auto manufacturers workforce 6 Decline of the independent automakers 7 Post-war years 8 1960s 9 Federal regulation of the auto industry 10 1970s 11 1980s 12 1990s 13 2000s 14 2010s 15 See also 16 Notes 17 References 18 External links Development history ( edit ) See also : History of the automobile Production ( edit ) See also : U.S. Automobile Production Figures The development of self - powered vehicles was accompanied by numerous technologies and components giving rise to numerous supplier firms and associated industries . Various types of energy sources were employed by early automobiles including steam , electric , and gasoline . Thousands of entrepreneurs were involved in developing , assembling , and marketing of early automobiles on a small and local scale . Increasing sales facilitated production on a larger scale in factories with broader market distribution . Ransom E. Olds and Thomas B. Jeffery began mass production of their automobiles . Henry Ford focused on producing an automobile that many middle class Americans could afford . Originally purchased by wealthy individuals , by 1916 cars began selling at $875 . Soon , the market widened with the mechanical betterment of the cars , the reduction in prices , as well as the introduction of installment sales and payment plans . During the period from 1917 to 1926 , the annual rate of increase in sales was considerably less than from 1903 to 1916 . In the years 1918 , 1919 , 1921 , and 1924 there were absolute declines in automotive production . The automotive industry caused a massive shift in the industrial revolution because it accelerated growth by a rate never before seen in the U.S. economy . The combined efforts of innovation and industrialization allowed the automotive industry to take off during this period and it proved to be the backbone of United States manufacturing during the 20th century . American road System ( edit ) See also : Interstate Highway System The `` final '' U.S. Highway plan as approved November 11 , 1926 The practicality of the automobile was initially limited because of the lack of suitable roads . Travel between cities was mostly done by railroad , waterways , or carriages . Roads were mostly dirt and hard to travel , particularly in bad weather . The League of American Wheelman maintained and improved roads as it was viewed as a local responsibility with limited government assistance . During this time , there was an increase in production of automobiles coupled with a swell of auto dealerships , marking their growth in popularity . State involvement ( edit ) State governments began to use the corvee system to maintain roads , an implementation of required physical labor on a public project on the local citizens . Part of their motivation was the needs of farmers in rural areas attempting to transport their goods across rough , barely functioning roads ( article ) . The other reason was the weight of the wartime vehicles . The materials involved altered during World War I to accommodate the heavier trucks on the road and were responsible for widespread shift to macadam highways and roadways . However , rural roads were still a problem for military vehicles , so four wheel drive was developed by automobile manufacturers to assist in powering through . As the prevalence of automobiles grew , it became clear funding would need to improve as well and the addition of government financing reflected that change . Federal involvement ( edit ) The Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 allocated $75 million for building roads . It was also responsible for approving a refocusing of military vehicles to road maintenance equipment . It was followed by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 provided additional funding for road construction . By 1924 , there were 31,000 miles of paved road in the U.S. International trade ( edit ) The Big Three automakers ( edit ) See also : Ford Motor Company , General Motors , and Chrysler About 3,000 automobile companies have existed in the United States . In the early 1900s , the U.S. saw the rise of the Big Three automakers ; Ford , GM , and Chrysler . In the late 19th century Thorstein Veblen introduced his Theory of the Leisure Class which introduced conspicuous consumption and demonstrated that wealth was the basis for social status . Ford and General Motors each played a role in their target market and what social status each consumer belonged to . Henry Ford began building cars in 1896 and started his own company in 1903 . The Ford Motor Company improved mass - production with the first conveyor belt - based assembly line in 1913 , producing the Model T ( which had been introduced in 1908 ) . These assembly lines significantly reduced costs . The first models were priced at $850 , but by 1924 had dropped to $290 . The Model T sold extremely well and Ford became the largest automobile company in the U.S. By the time it was retired in 1927 , more than 15 million Model Ts had been sold . Ford introduced the Model A in 1927 ( after a six - month production stoppage to convert from the Model T ) , and produced it through 1931 . However , while the Model A was successful , Ford lost ground to GM and eventually Chrysler , as auto buyers looked to more upscale cars and newer styling . Ford was also a pioneer in establishing foreign manufacturing facilities , with production facilities created in England in 1911 , and Germany and Australia in 1925 . Ford purchased the luxury Lincoln automaker in 1922 and established the Mercury division in 1938 . General Motors Corporation ( GM ) , the company that would soon become the world 's largest automaker , was founded in 1908 by William Durant . Durant had previously been a carriage maker , and had taken control of Buick in 1904 . The company initially acquired Buick , Oldsmobile and Oakland ( later to become Pontiac ) in 1908 . The next year GM acquired Cadillac , along with a number of other car companies and parts suppliers . Durant also was interested in acquiring Ford , but after initial merger talks , Henry Ford decided to keep his company independent . In 1910 , Durant lost control of GM after over-extending the company with its acquisitions . A group of banks took over control of GM and ousted Durant . Durant and Louis Chevrolet founded Chevrolet in 1913 and it quickly became very successful . Durant began acquiring stock in GM and by 1915 had majority control . Chevrolet was acquired by GM in 1917 and Durant was back in charge of GM . In 1921 , Durant was again forced out of the company . During the late 1920s , General Motors overtook Ford to become the largest automaker . Under the leadership of Alfred P. Sloan , General Motors instituted decentralized management and separate divisions for each price class . They also introduced annual model changes . GM also became an innovator in technology under the leadership of Charles F. Kettering . GM followed Ford by expanding overseas , including purchasing England 's Vauxhall Motors in 1925 , Germany 's Opel in 1929 , and Australia 's Holden in 1931 . GM also established GMAC ( now Ally Financial ) in 1919 to provide credit for buyers of its cars . Walter Chrysler was formerly president of Buick and an executive of GM . After leaving GM in 1920 , he took control of the Maxwell Motor Company , revitalized the company and , in 1925 , reorganized it into Chrysler Corporation . He then acquired Dodge Brothers in 1927 . The acquisition of Dodge gave Chrysler the manufacturing facilities and dealer network that it needed to significantly expand production and sales . In 1928 , Chrysler introduced the Plymouth and DeSoto brands . Chrysler also overtook Ford to become the second largest auto maker by the 1930s , following similar strategies as General Motors . General Motors wanted automobiles to be status symbols and illustrate a defined social class structure . Thorstein Veblen refers to conspicuous consumption as spending money on luxury goods and services to display power or social status . Through offering different makes and models they offered different levels in social status meeting the demands of consumers needing to display wealth . Ford and General Motors each had their own impact on social status and the type of market they were targeting . Henry Ford focused on delivery one product for the masses . Ford 's focus was one car , one color , all for one price . He not only manufactured a product for the masses , but he provided a $5 a day wage so that there was a market to buy this product . In doing these things he eliminated the social status that went along with owning a car . The contrast of that is General Motors offered a product that catered to those looking to gain status by having that sense of individualism and offering different make , models , and quality . Great Depression and world War II ( edit ) The 1930s saw the demise of many auto makers due to the economic effects of the Great Depression , stiff competition from the Big Three , and / or mismanagement . Luxury car makers were particularly affected by the economy , with companies like Stutz Motor Company , Pierce - Arrow Motor Car Company , Peerless Motor Company , Cunningham , and the Marmon Motor Car Company going out of business . The decade also saw several companies with innovative engineering , such as the Doble Steam Motors Corporation ( advanced steam engines ) and Franklin Automobile Company ( air - cooled aluminium engines ) going out of business . Errett Lobban Cord , who controlled the Auburn Automobile Company ( which also sold the Cord ) and the Duesenberg Motor Company , was under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service . His auto empire collapsed in 1937 and production ceased . Major technological innovations were introduced or were widely adopted during the 1930s , such as synchromesh manual transmissions , semi-automatic transmissions , automatic transmissions , hydraulic brakes , independent front suspension , and overhead - valve engines . The Cord 810 used front - wheel drive , had hidden headlights , and was offered with a supercharger . Exterior styling designs were more flowing , as shown most noticeably on the Auburn Speedster and the Cord 810 / 812 . Radical air - streamed design was introduced on the Chrysler Airflow , a sales flop , and the Lincoln - Zephyr ( both of which used unit - body construction ) . Packard introduced their `` Air Cool - ditioned '' car in 1940 . When the U.S. entered World War II , all domestic passenger automobile production ceased by February 1942 . The industry received $10 billion in war - related orders by that month , compared to $4 billion before the attack on Pearl Harbor . All factories were enlarged and converted , many new ones such as Ford 's Willow Run and Chrysler 's Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant were built , and hundreds of thousands more workers were hired to produce war material such as armaments , aircraft , and military vehicles . Experts anticipated that Detroit would learn advanced engineering methods from the aviation industry that would result in great improvements for postwar civilian automobiles . These factories produced an astonishing amount of material , including 5.9 million weapons , 2.8 million tanks and trucks , and 27,000 aircraft . This production was a major factor in the victory of the allies . Unionization of the auto manufacturers workforce ( edit ) See also : United Automobile Workers Due to the difficult working conditions in the auto production plants , auto workers began to seek representation to help improve conditions and ensure fair pay . The United Automobile Workers union won recognition from GM and Chrysler in 1937 , and Ford in 1941 . In 1950 , the automakers granted workers a company - paid pension to those 65 years old and with 30 years seniority . In the mid-1950s , the automakers agreed to set up a trust fund for unemployed auto workers . In 1973 , the automakers agreed to offer pensions to any worker with 30 years seniority , regardless of age . By then the automakers had also agreed to cover the entire health insurance bill for its employees , survivors , and retirees . Decline of the independent automakers ( edit ) The only major auto companies to survive the Great Depression were General Motors Corporation , Ford Motor Company , Chrysler Corporation , Hudson Motor Car Company , Nash - Kelvinator Corporation , Packard Motor Car Company , Studebaker Corporation , and Crosley Motors . The former three companies , known as the Big Three , enjoyed significant advantages over the smaller independent auto companies due to their financial strength , which gave them a big edge in marketing , production , and technological innovation . Most of the Big Three 's competitors ended production by the 1960s , and their last major domestic competitor was acquired in the 1980s . Crosley Motors ceased auto production in 1952 . Packard and Studebaker merged in 1954 , but ended production of Packard - branded cars in 1958 and ceased all auto production in 1966 . Kaiser - Frazer Corporation was started in 1945 and acquired Willys - Overland Motors ( maker of the Jeep ) in 1953 . Production of passenger cars was discontinued in 1955 . In 1970 , the company was sold to American Motors . In 1954 , Nash - Kelvinator and Hudson merged to form American Motors ( AMC ) . The company introduced numerous product and marketing innovations , but its small size made it difficult to compete with the Big Three and struggled financially . The French auto maker Renault took control of AMC in the early 1980s , but financial difficulties continued and AMC was purchased by Chrysler Corporation in 1987 . Periodically , other entrepreneurs would found automobile companies , but most would soon fail and none achieved major sales success . Some of the best known included Preston Tucker 's 1948 sedan , Earl Muntz 's Muntz Car Company , Malcolm Bricklin 's Bricklin SV - 1 , the modern Stutz Blackhawk , Clénet Coachworks , Zimmer , Excalibur , and John DeLorean 's DMC - 12 . Postwar years ( edit ) See also : American automobile industry in the 1950s and 1950s American automobile culture Initial auto production after the WWII was slowed by the retooling process , shortages of materials , and labor unrest . However , the American auto industry reflected the post-war prosperity of the late - 1940s and the 1950s . Cars grew in overall size , as well as engine size during the 1950s . The Overhead valve V - 8 engine developed by GM in the late - 1940s proved to be very successful and helped ignite the horsepower race , the second salvo of which was Chrysler 's 1951 Hemi engine . Longer , lower , and wider tended to be the general trend . Exterior styling was influenced by jets and rockets as the space - age dawned . Rear fins were popular and continued to grow larger , and front bumpers and taillights were sometimes designed in the shape of rockets . Chrome plating was very popular , as was two - tone paint . The most extreme version of these styling trends were found in the 1959 Cadillac Eldorado and Chrysler Corporation 's 1957 Imperial . The Chevrolet Corvette and the Ford Thunderbird , introduced in 1953 and 1955 respectively , were designed to capture the sports car market . However , the Thunderbird grew in size in 1958 and evolved into a personal luxury car . The 1950s were also noted for perhaps one of the biggest miscues in auto marketing with the Ford Edsel , which was the result of unpopular styling and being introduced during an economic recession . The introduction of the Interstate Highway System and the suburbanization of America made automobiles more necessary and helped change the landscape and culture in the United States . Individuals began to see the automobile as an extension of themselves . 1960s ( edit ) Big changes were taking place in automobile development in the 1960s , with the Big Three dominating the industry . Meanwhile , with the passage of the $33 billion Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 , a network of regional and interstate roads continued to enhance transportation . As urban areas became more congested , more families migrated to the suburbs . Between 1960 and 1970 , 70 percent of the population 's growth occurred in the suburbs . Imported vehicles grew during the 1950s and 1960s - from a very low base . In 1966 , the Big Three ( GM , Ford , Chrysler ) had market share of 89.6 % ( 44.5 % in 2014 ) . From 1966 to 1969 , net imports increased at an average annual rate of 84 % . The Volkswagen Beetle was the biggest seller . The compact Nash Rambler had been around since 1950 , and American Motors Corporation ( AMC ) expanded into a range of smaller cars than were offered by the Big Three . By 1960 , Rambler was the third most popular brand of automobile in the United States , behind Ford and Chevrolet . In response to this the domestic auto makers developed compact - sized cars , such as the Ford Falcon , Chevrolet Corvair , Studebaker Lark , and Plymouth Valiant . The four - seat 1958 Ford Thunderbird ( second generation ) was arguably the first personal luxury car , which became a large market segment . Pony cars were introduced with the Ford Mustang in 1964 . This car combined sporty looks with a long hood , small rear deck , and a small rear seat . The car proved highly successful and imitators soon arose , including the Chevrolet Camaro , Pontiac Firebird , Plymouth Barracuda ( actually introduced two weeks prior to the Mustang ) , AMC Javelin , and the two - seat AMX , as well as the `` luxury '' version of the Mustang , the Mercury Cougar . Muscle cars were also introduced in 1964 with the Pontiac GTO . These combined an intermediate - sized body with a large high - output engine . Competitors were also quickly introduced , including the Chevrolet Chevelle SS , Dodge R / T ( Coronet and Charger ) , Plymouth Road Runner / GTX , Ford Torino , and AMC 's compact SC / Rambler . Muscle cars reached their peak in the late - 1960s , but soon fell out of favor due to high insurance premiums along with the combination of emission controls and high gas prices in the early 1970s . While the personal luxury , pony , and muscle cars got most of the attention , the full sized cars formed the bulk of auto sales in the 1960s , helped by low oil prices . The styling excesses and technological gimmicks ( such as the retractable hardtop and the pushbutton automatic transmission ) of the 1950s were de-emphasized . The rear fins were downsized and largely gone by the mid-1960s , as was the excessive chrome . Federal regulation of the auto industry ( edit ) Safety and environmental issues during the 1960s led to stricter government regulation of the auto industry , spurred in part by Ralph Nader and his book : Unsafe at Any Speed : The Designed - in Dangers of the American Automobile . This resulted in higher costs and eventually to weaker performance for cars in the 1970s . Seat lap belts were mandated by many states effective in 1962 . Under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 , Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards required shoulder belts for front passengers , front head restraints , energy - absorbing steering columns , ignition - key warning systems , anti-theft steering column / transmission locks , side marker lights and padded interiors starting in 1968 . Beginning in 1972 , bumpers were required to be reinforced to meet 5 - mph impact standards , a decision that was revised in 1982 . With the Clean Air Act ( United States ) of 1963 and the Vehicle Air Pollution and Control Act of 1965 , emission controls began being instituted in 1968 . The use of leaded gasoline began being curtailed in the early 1970s , which resulted in lower - compression engines being used , and thus reducing horsepower and performance . Catalytic converters began being widely used by the mid-1970s . During his first term as EPA Administrator , William Ruckelshaus spent 60 % of his time on the automobile industry , whose emissions were to be reduced 90 % under the 1970 Clean Air Act after senators became frustrated at the industry 's failure to cut emissions under previous , weaker air laws . 1970s ( edit ) By 1969 , imports had increased their share of the U.S. auto market , with Volkswagen selling 548,904 vehicles , followed by Toyota with 127,018 vehicles . In response to this , the domestic auto makers introduced new compact and sub-compact cars , such as the Ford Pinto and Maverick , the Chevrolet Vega , and the AMC Gremlin , Hornet and Pacer . ( Chrysler had to make do with importing the Dodge Colt from Mitsubishi Motors and the Plymouth Cricket from their affiliated Rootes Group . ) However , design and manufacturing problems infected a number of these cars and led to unfavorable perceptions of the cars . The auto industry was severely affected by the 1973 oil crisis Arab embargo . Small fuel - efficient cars from foreign automakers took a sharply higher share of the U.S. auto sales market . Under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act the federal government initiated fuel efficiency standards ( known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy , or CAFE ) in 1975 , effective as of 1978 for passenger cars , and as of 1979 for light trucks . For passenger cars , the initial standard was 18 miles per gallon ( mpg ) , and increased to 27.5 mpg by 1985 . General Motors began responding first to the high gas prices by downsizing most of their models by 1977 . In 1979 , the second oil price spike occurred , precipitated by political events in Iran , resulting in the 1979 energy crisis . By 1980 , the economy slid into turmoil , with high inflation , high unemployment , and high interest rates . The automakers suffered large operating losses . Chrysler was hurt most severely and in 1979 received a bailout from the federal government in the form of $1.5 billion in loan guarantees . One quick fix was a Detroit - built version of their then - new French ( Simca ) economy car , the Horizon . As a result of its financial difficulties , Chrysler sold its British and French subsidiaries , Rootes Group and Simca . As bold and confident as the Big Three automakers were in the 1950s and 1960s , the American auto makers in the 1970s and 1980s stumbled badly , going from one engineering , manufacturing , or marketing disaster to another . Ford struggled when it was revealed that the Ford Pinto 's gas tank was vulnerable to exploding when hit from behind . Ford knew about this vulnerability but did not design any safeguards in order to save a few dollars per vehicle . They rationalized that the cost of lawsuits would be less than the cost of redesigning the car . GM had a string of miscues starting with the Chevrolet Vega , which developed a reputation for rapidly rusting and having major problems with the aluminium engine . Cadillac damaged their reputation when the four - cylinder Cadillac Cimarron was introduced in 1981 ( a gussied - up Chevrolet Cavalier at twice the price ) and the `` V8 - 6 - 4 '' engine did n't work as advertised . GM 's reputation was also damaged when it revealed in 1977 that they were installing Chevrolet engines in Oldsmobiles , and lawsuits from aggrieved Oldsmobile owners followed . Likewise litigation ensued when a trio of diesel engines , designed from gasoline engines and used in GM cars from 1978 to 1985 suffered major problems . Class action lawsuits and efforts from the Federal Trade Commission resulted in buybacks of the cars from GM . Chrysler also suffered damage to its reputation when its compact cars , the Plymouth Volaré and Dodge Aspen , were developed quickly and suffered from massive recalls and poor quality . 1980s ( edit ) In 1981 , Japanese automakers entered into a so - called `` Voluntary restraint agreement '' limiting the number of autos that they could import to the U.S. to 1.68 million per year . One side effect of this quota was that the Japanese car companies began developing luxury cars that had higher profit margins , such as Toyota 's Lexus , Honda 's Acura , and Nissan Motor Company 's Infiniti divisions . Another consequence was that the Japanese car makers began opening auto production plants in the U.S. , with the three largest Japanese auto manufacturers all opening production facilities by 1985 . These facilities were opened primarily in the southern U.S. , in states which disadvantaged unions through right - to - work laws . The UAW failed in its substantial union - organizing efforts at these plants . The Big Three also began investing in and / or developing joint manufacturing facilities with several of the Japanese automakers . Ford invested in Mazda as well as setting up a joint facility with them called AutoAlliance International . Chrysler bought stock in Mitsubishi Motors and established a joint facility with them called Diamond - Star Motors . GM invested in Suzuki and Isuzu Motors , and set up a joint manufacturing facility with Toyota , called NUMMI ( New United Motor Manufacturing , Inc . ) . Despite the financial and marketing upheavals during the 1970s and 1980s , the decades led to technological innovations and / or widespread use of such improvements as disc brakes , fuel injection , electronic engine control units , and electronic ignition . Front - wheel drive became the standard drive system by the late 1980s . By the mid-1980s , oil prices had fallen sharply , helping lead to the revitalization of the American auto industry . Under the leadership of Lee Iacocca , Chrysler Corporation mounted a comeback after its flirtation with bankruptcy in 1979 . The Minivan was introduced in the 1984 model year by Chrysler with the Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan , and proved very popular . These vehicles were built on a passenger - car chassis and seated up to seven people as well as being able to hold bulky loads . Chrysler also introduced their `` K - cars '' in the 1980s , which came with front - wheel drive and fuel - efficient OHC engines . In 1987 , Chrysler bought American Motors , which produced the Jeep . This proved to be excellent timing to take advantage of the Sport utility vehicle boom . Ford also began a comeback after losses of $3.3 billion in the early 1980s . In 1985 , the company introduced the very successful , aerodynamic Taurus . General Motors , under the leadership of Roger Smith , was not as successful as its competitors in turning itself around , and its market share fell significantly . While Ford and Chrysler were cutting production costs , GM was investing heavily in new technology . The company 's attempts at overhauling its management structure and using increased technology for manufacturing production were not successful . Several large acquisitions ( Electronic Data Systems and Hughes Aircraft Company ) also diverted management attention away from their main industry . ( Ford and Chrysler also joined in the acquisition and diversification trend , with Ford buying Jaguar Cars , Aston Martin , The Associates ( a finance company ) , and First Nationwide Financial Corp. ( a savings and loan ) . Chrysler purchased Lamborghini , an interest in Maserati , and Gulfstream Aerospace jets . ) GM started the Saturn brand in the late 1980s as a way to retake sales from imported cars . While Saturn initially succeeded , GM later neglected to provide it much support . Around this time GM also began development on the General Motors EV1 electric car , which debuted in 1996 . 1990s ( edit ) The 1990s began the decade in a recession , which resulted in weak auto sales and operating losses . In addition , the Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq caused a temporary jump in oil prices . However , the automakers recovered fairly quickly . In the mid-1990s , light truck sales ( which included Sport utility vehicles , Pickup trucks and Minivans ) began to rise sharply . Due to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards differentiating between passenger cars and light trucks , the automakers were able to sell large and heavy vehicles without fear of the CAFE fines . Low oil prices also gave incentives for consumers to buy these gas - guzzling vehicles . The American automakers sold combined , and even separately , millions of pickup trucks and body - on - frame SUVs during this period . Imports such as the Toyota 4Runner , Land Cruiser , Tacoma , and Nissan Pathfinder and Frontier were also popular during this time period . The automakers also continued their trend of purchasing or investing in foreign automakers . GM purchased a controlling interest in Saab in 1990 and Daewoo Motors in 2001 , and invested in Subaru in 1999 and Fiat in 2000 . They also purchased the Hummer name from AM General in 1998 . Ford purchased Volvo in 1999 and Land Rover in 2000 . GM and Ford also established joint ventures with Chinese auto companies during this period . GM 's joint ventures are with Shanghai GM , SAIC - GM - Wuling Automobile , and FAW - GM Light Duty Commercial Vehicle Co Ltd . Ford 's joint ventures are with Chang'an Ford and Jiangling Ford . While the American automakers were investing in or buying foreign competitors , the foreign automakers continued to establish more production facilities in the United States . In the 1990s , BMW and Daimler - Benz opened SUV factories in Spartanburg County , South Carolina and Tuscaloosa County , Alabama , respectively . In the 2000s , assembly plants were opened by Honda in Lincoln , Alabama , Nissan in Canton , Mississippi , Hyundai in Montgomery , Alabama and Kia in West Point , Georgia . Toyota opened an engine plant in Huntsville , Alabama in 2003 ( along with a truck assembly plant in San Antonio , Texas ) and is building an assembly plant in Blue Springs , Mississippi . Volkswagen has announced a new plant for Chattanooga , Tennessee . Also , several of the Japanese auto manufacturers expanded or opened additional plants during this period . For example , while new , the Alabama Daimler - Benz and Honda plants have expanded several times since their original construction . The opening of Daimler - Benz plant in the 1990s had a cascade effect . It created a hub of new sub-assembly suppliers in the Alabama area . This hub of sub-assemblies suppliers helped in attracting several new assembly plants into Alabama plus new plants in nearby Mississippi , Georgia and Tennessee . In 1998 , Chrysler and the German automaker Daimler - Benz entered into a `` merger of equals '' although in reality it turned out be an acquisition by Daimler - Benz . Thus the Big Three American - owned automakers turned into the Big Two automakers . However , a culture clash emerged between the two divisions , and there was an exodus of engineering and manufacturing management from the Chrysler division . The Chrysler division struggled financially , with only a brief recovery when the Chrysler 300 was introduced . In 2007 , Daimler - Benz sold the company to a private equity firm , Cerberus Capital Management , thus again making it American - owned . 2000s ( edit ) See also : Effects of the 2008 -- 10 automotive industry crisis on the United States The 2000s began with a recession in early 2001 and the effects of the September 11 attacks , significantly affecting auto industry sales and profitability . The stock market decline affected the pension fund levels of the automakers , requiring significant contributions to the funds by the automakers ( with GM financing these contributions by raising debt ) . In 2001 , Chrysler discontinued their Plymouth brand , and in 2004 GM ended their Oldsmobile division . In 2005 , oil prices began rising and peaked in 2008 . With the American automakers heavily dependent upon the gas - guzzling light truck sales for their profits , their sales fell sharply . Additionally , the finance subsidiaries of the Big Three became of increasing importance to their overall profitability ( and their eventual downfall ) . GMAC ( now Ally Financial ) , began making home mortgage loans , especially subprime loans . With the subsequent collapse of the sub-prime mortgage industry , GM suffered heavy losses . The Automotive industry crisis of 2008 -- 10 happened when the Big Three were in weak financial condition and the beginning of an economic recession , and the financial crisis resulted in the automakers looking to the federal government for help . Ford was in the best position , as under new CEO Alan Mulally they had fortuitously raised $23 billion in cash in 2006 by mortgaging most of their assets . Chrysler , purchased in 2007 by a private equity firm , had weak financial backing , was the most heavily dependent on light truck sales , and had few new products in their pipeline . General Motors was highly leveraged , also heavily dependent on light truck sales , and burdened by high health care costs . The CEOs of the Big Three requested government aid in November 2008 , but sentiment in Congress was against the automakers , especially after it was revealed that they had flown to Washington D.C. on their private corporate jets . In December 2008 , President Bush gave $17.4 billion to GM and Chrysler from the Troubled Asset Relief Program as temporary relief for their cash flow problems . Several months later , President Obama formed the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry to decide how to handle GM and Chrysler . Chrysler received a total of $12.5 billion in TARP funds and entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in April 2009 . Automaker Fiat was given management control and a 20 % ownership stake ( adjusted to 35 % under certain conditions ) , the U.S. and Canadian governments were given a 10 % holding , and the remaining ownership was given to a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association ( VEBA ) , which was a trust fund established to administer employee health care benefits . The Automotive Task Force requested that GM CEO Rick Wagoner resign ( although he was replaced by another long - time GM executive , Frederick Henderson ) . GM received a total of $49.5 billion in TARP finds and entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in June 2009 . The U.S. and Canadian governments received a 72.5 % ownership stake , a VEBA received 17.5 % , and the unsecured creditors received 10 % . As part of the bailout GM and Chrysler closed numerous production plants , and eliminated hundreds of dealerships and thousands of jobs . They also required a number of major labor union concessions . GM also sold off the Saab division and eliminated the Pontiac , Hummer , and Saturn Corporation brands . In addition to the $62 billion that the automakers received from TARP , their financing arms , Ally Financial and TD Auto Finance received an additional $17.8 billion . In addition to the funding from the United States government , the Canadian government provided $10.8 billion to GM and $2.9 billion to Chrysler as incentives to maintain production facilities in Canada . Ford did not request any government assistance , but as part of their downsizing sold Volvo in 2010 and phased out their Mercury division in 2011 . ( They had previously sold Aston Martin in 2007 , and Land Rover and Jaguar Cars in 2008 ) . Under the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program Ford borrowed $5.9 billion to help their vehicles meet higher mileage requirements . 2010s ( edit ) Ford went through 2012 having recovered to the point of having 80,000 total U.S. employees , supplying their 3,300 dealerships . In comparison , Chrysler had 71,100 U.S. employees supplying their 2,328 dealerships during that year . Data for the beginning of 2014 put the four companies of GM , Ford , Toyota , and Chrysler , in that order , at the top as having the most U.S. car sales . In terms of specific types of vehicles , the new decade has meant Chrysler having an emphasis on its Ram trucks and the Jeep Cherokee SUV , both of which had `` hefty sales '' for 2014 according to a news report . In 2017 , it is reported that auto makers spent more on incentives , US $3,830 per vehicle sold , than labour , which is estimated to be less than US $2,500 per vehicle . See also ( edit ) United States portal Big Three automobile manufacturers 1950s American automobile culture American automobile industry in the 1950s Canada -- United States Automotive Products Agreement Effects of the 2008 -- 10 automotive industry crisis on the United States Henry Ford History of Chrysler History of Ford Motor Company History of General Motors List of automobile manufacturers of the United States List of defunct automobile manufacturers of the United States Passenger vehicles in the United States Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` 2013 production statistics '' . Oica.net . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . ^ Jump up to : OICA : Production Statistics ^ Jump up to : Ward 's : World Motor Vehicle Data 2007 . Wards Communications , Southfield MI 2007 , ISBN 0910589534 Jump up ^ `` U.S. June auto sales hit level not seen since July 2006 '' . July 1 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : O'Dell , John ( 2013 - 06 - 19 ) . `` Foreign Cars Made in America : Where Does the Money Go ? '' . Edmunds.com . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Brungardt , A.O. Book Review : The Automobile Industry : Its Economic and Commercial Development . Ralph C. Epstein . Journal of Business of the University of Chicago , 1 , 390 - 392 . Jump up ^ Bureau of Public Roads ( November 11 , 1926 ) . United States System of Highways Adopted for Uniform Marking by the American Association of State Highway Officials ( Map ) . 1 : 7,000,000 . Cartography by U.S. Geological Survey . OCLC . Jump up ^ Hugill , P.J. ( 1982 ) . Good Roads and the Automobile in the United States 1880 - 1929 . Geographical Review , 72 ( 3 ) , 327 - 349 . Jump up ^ Woutat , Donald ( 1985 - 01 - 06 ) . `` High Tech : Auto Makers ' History Revisited '' . Los Angeles Times . ISSN 0458 - 3035 . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 03 . Jump up ^ Mechler , Katharine ( 2007 ) General Motors : Innovations in American Social Class Structure Jump up ^ `` U.S. Auto Plants are Cleared for War '' . Life . 1942 - 02 - 16 . p. 19 . Retrieved November 16 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Weingroff , Richard F. ( September -- October 2000 ) . `` The Genie in the Bottle : The Interstate System and Urban Problems , 1939 -- 1957 '' . Public Roads . Washington , DC : Federal Highway Administration . 64 ( 2 ) . ISSN 0033 - 3735 . Retrieved May 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Vebell , Ed ( February 1958 ) . Popular Mechanics . Hearst Magazines . p. 144 . ISSN 0032 - 4558 . Retrieved December 2 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Geography of Transport Systems -- The Interstate Highway System '' . Hofstra University . Retrieved October 14 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 1960s : Developing Critical Mass '' . Nacs50.com . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Joel Cutcher - Gershenfeld ; Dan Brooks ; Martin Mulloy ( 6 May 2015 ) . `` The Decline and Resurgence of the U.S. Auto Industry '' . Economic Policy Institute . Retrieved 1 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` FOREIGN AUTOMOBILE SALES IN THE UNITED STATES '' . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . 1 November 1970 . Retrieved 1 July 2016 . Jump up ^ Flory , Jr. , J. `` Kelly '' ( 2004 ) . American Cars , 1960 -- 1972 : Every Model , Year by Year . McFarland . p. 133 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 1273 - 0 . Jump up ^ Genat , Robert ( 2006 ) . Hemi Muscle . Motorbooks . p. 62 . ISBN 9780760326787 . Retrieved 31 July 2015 . Jump up ^ EPA Alumni Association : EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus in a 2013 interview discusses his extensive engagement in regulating the U.S. automobile industry as he implemented the Clean Air Act of 1970 , Video , Transcript ( see pages 14 - 16 ) . Jump up ^ `` Bill Summary & Status - 94th Congress ( 1975 - 1976 ) - S. 622 - ( Library of Congress ) '' . Thomas.loc.gov . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Bickley , James M. ( 2008 - 12 - 08 ) . `` Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Acto of 1979 : Background , Provisions , and Cost '' . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Ford Pinto '' . Engineering.Com. 2006 - 10 - 24 . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Huffman , John Pearley ( 2010 - 10 - 19 ) . `` How the Chevy Vega Nearly Destroyed GM '' . Popular Mechanics . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` The 50 Worst Cars Of All Time '' . Time . September 7 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on May 14 , 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` The Saga Of The G.M. Diesel : Lemons , Lawsuits And Soon An F.T.C. ; Decision '' . The New York Times . March 27 , 1983 . Jump up ^ Huffman , John Pearley. `` 5 Most Notorious Recalls of All Time '' . Popular Mechanics . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Sousa , Barbara Anne ( 1982 - 08 - 01 ) . `` Regulating Japanese Automobile Imports : Some Implications of the Voluntary Quota System '' . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2001/07/02/the-unstoppable-suv.html Jump up ^ Vlasic , Bill ; Bunkley , Nick ( 2008 - 10 - 25 ) . `` How the SUV boom drove GM down '' . HeraldTribune.com . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ http://www.gao.gov/assets/320/318151.pdf Archived January 6 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ McClearn , Matthew ( 2011 - 06 - 09 ) . `` Autopilot bailout '' . Canadian Business . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Chrysler Shows 13 Percent Increase In March U.S. Auto Sales '' . Fox Business . 2014 - 04 - 01 . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Roberts , Adrienne ( 3 Mar 2017 ) . `` Keeping the motor running is getting more expensive '' . The Australian . Retrieved 28 June 2017 . References ( edit ) Burgess-Wise , David ; Wright , Nicky ( 1980 ) . Classic American Automobiles . New York : Galahad Books . ISBN 0 - 88365 - 454 - 7 . Coffey , Frank ; Layden , Joseph ( 1996 ) . America on Wheels : The First 100 Years : 1896 - 1996 . Los Angeles : General Pub . Group . ISBN 1 - 881649 - 80 - 6 . Collier , James L. ( 2006 ) . The Automobile . New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark . ISBN 0 - 7614 - 1877 - 6 . Crabb , A. Richard ( 1969 ) . Birth of a Giant : The Men and Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar . Philadelphia : Chilton Book Co . OCLC 567965259 . Georgano , G.N. ; Wright , Nicky ( 1992 ) . The American Automobile : A Centenary , 1893 - 1993 . New York : Smithmark . ISBN 0 - 8317 - 0286 - 9 . Peterson , J.S. ( 1987 ) . Auto Work . American automobile workers , 1900 - 1933 ( ) . Albany : State University of New York Press . Mechler , Katharine ( 2007 ) General Motors : Innovations in American Social Class Structure Hugill , P.J. ( 1982 ) . Good Roads and the Automobile in the United States 1880 - 1929 . Geographical Review , 72 ( 3 ) , 327 - 349 . Brungardt , A.O. Book Review : The Automobile Industry : Its Economic and Commercial Development . Ralph C. Epstein . Journal of Business of the University of Chicago , 1 , 390 - 392 . Heitmann , John . The Automobile and American Life . Jefferson , NC : McFarland , 2009 External links ( edit ) The Automotive Industry in the United States from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Automotive SPA.gov United Automobile Workers Automotive industry Car Motor vehicle By country Africa Egypt Ethiopia Ghana Ivory Coast Libya Kenya Morocco Namibia Nigeria South Africa Sudan Tunisia Asia Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Myanmar Cambodia China manufacturers Georgia India Indonesia Iran Israel Japan manufacturers Kazakhstan Lebanon Malaysia North Korea Pakistan Philippines South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Turkey Vietnam Uzbekistan Europe Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic automobiles Denmark Finland France manufacturers Germany manufacturers Greece Hungary Italy manufacturers Ireland Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia manufacturers Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Soviet Union Spain Sweden manufacturers Switzerland Ukraine Yugoslavia United Kingdom manufacturers North America Canada Mexico United States manufacturers South America Argentina Brazil Colombia Venezuela Oceania Australia New Zealand Data Automobile sales by model Best - selling automobiles Countries by motor vehicle production Countries by car exports Countries by vehicles per capita Top manufacturers History Automotive industry crisis of 2008 -- 10 History of the automobile History of the internal combustion engine History of the motorcycle Timeline of motor vehicle brands Manufacturers Automobile manufacturers marques Motorcycle manufacturers Truck manufacturers Minor automotive manufacturing groups Organisations Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems European Automobile Manufacturers Association Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles Related topics Auto and motor shows Automotive design Automotive engineering Automotive standards People Category Commons List Portal Automotive industry in the United States Automotive industry Economy of the United States Transportation in the United States American vehicle manufacturers ( list ) AGCO Challenger Tractor Massey Ferguson AM General American Expedition Vehicles American Growler Amp Electric Vehicles Anteros Coachworks Arcimoto Armour Group , Inc . ATK motorcycles Aurica Motors Autocar Blue Bird Boulder Electric Vehicle Brammo Brunton Stalker Caterpillar FCA US Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram CNH Industrial Case CE Case IH Commuter Cars Cushman Cummins Cycle - Scoot DeLorean Chenowth Racing Products Eagle Bus Environmental Performance Vehicles Equus Elio Motors Faraday Future Fisker Inc . Ford Lincoln SVT General Dynamics Land Systems General Motors Buick Cadillac Chevrolet GMC Gillig Glaval Bus GreenTech Harley - Davidson HDT Global Hennessey HME John Deere Karma Automotive Legacy Nikola Local Motors Lockheed Martin Lingenfelter Lenco Industries Mack Trucks Millennium Luxury Coaches Morgan Olson Mosler Automotive MotoCzysz Motor Coach Industries Myers Motors Navistar International IC Bus International Nissan Commercial Vehicles Oshkosh Pierce Paccar Kenworth Peterbilt Panoz Phoenix Motorcars Polaris Industries Global Electric Motorcars Indian Victory Proterra REV Group Champion Bus Collins ElDorado National E-One Fleetwood Goshen Coach Holiday Rambler Laymor Wheeled Coach Saleen Shelby American SSC North America Starcraft Bus Superformance Tesla Textron Marine & Land Systems Trans Tech TranStar Racing Ultimaster VIA Motors Visionary Vehicles Wheego Electric Cars ZAP Zimmer Motorcars Foreign vehicle manufacturers with US operations AB Volvo USA BMW US Manufacturing Company BYD Auto America Changan USA Daimler North America Daimler Trucks North America Thomas Freightliner Western Star FAW Group USA Fiat USA FHI America Honda of America Acura Hyundai USA Isuzu America Kia Motors America Mazda America Mitsubishi Motors North America New Flyer Industries ( 1 ) New Flyer NABI Motor Coach Industries Nissan USA Peugeot USA SAIC Motor USA Suzuki America Toyota Motor Sales , U.S.A. Lexus Scion Volkswagen Group of America Wanxiang America Active factories BMW US Manufacturing Company Fiat Chrysler factories Ford factories General Motors factories Honda of America factories Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia Mercedes - Benz U.S. International Nissan North America Subaru of Indiana Automotive , Inc . 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when did the dodgers have their last 100 win season
List of Los Angeles Dodgers seasons
list of los angeles dodgers seasons
The Los Angeles Dodgers are the second most successful franchise in the National League and the third-most successful and second-most wealthy in Major League Baseball after the New York Yankees . The franchise was formerly based in Brooklyn and known originally as the `` Grays '' or `` Trolley Dodgers '' after the trams which supporters had to avoid to enter games . Later it became known successively as the `` Bridegrooms '' , `` Superbas '' , `` Dodgers '' and `` Robins '' ; the present `` Dodgers '' was firmly established in 1932 .
The franchise has won the World Series six times and lost a further 13 , and like the Yankees and Cardinals have never lost 100 games in a season since World War I , with their worst record since then being in 1992 with 63 wins and their best records ever being in 1953 with 105 wins and both 1942 and 2017 with 104 . Their most successful period , between 1947 and 1966 with ten World Series appearances and only two seasons with 71 or more losses ( one of them the year they moved to Los Angeles after a dispute over stadium funding ) , was famous for the Dodgers becoming the first Major League Baseball team to incorporate African American players , led by Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella . Contents ( hide ) 1 Season - by - season records 2 All - time records 3 Record by decade 4 Opening Day starting lineups 5 References 6 External links Season - by - season records ( edit ) Pre-World Series Champions ( 1884 -- 1891 ) † World Series Champions ( 1903 -- present ) ‡ NL Champions ( 1892 -- present ) * Division Champions ( 1969 -- present ) ^ Wild Card Berth ( 1994 -- present ) ¤ Season Level League Division Finish Wins Losses Win % GB Playoffs Awards Brooklyn Grays 1883 N / A IA † 1st 44 28 . 611 -- 1884 MLB AA 9th 40 64 . 385 331⁄2 1885 MLB AA 5th 53 59 . 473 26 1886 MLB AA 3rd 76 61 . 555 16 1887 MLB AA 6th 60 74 . 448 341⁄2 Brooklyn Bridegrooms 1888 MLB AA 2nd 88 52 . 629 61⁄2 1889 MLB AA † 1st 93 44 . 679 -- Lost World Series ( Giants ) 6 -- 3 1890 MLB NL † 1st 86 43 . 667 -- Tied World Series ( Colonels ) 3 -- 3 -- 1 1891 MLB NL 6th 61 76 . 455 251⁄2 1892 MLB NL 3rd 95 59 . 617 9 1893 MLB NL 7th 65 63 . 508 201⁄2 1894 MLB NL 5th 70 61 . 534 201⁄2 1895 MLB NL 5th 71 60 . 542 161⁄2 1896 MLB NL 10th 58 73 . 443 33 1897 MLB NL 7th 61 71 . 462 32 1898 MLB NL 10th 54 91 . 372 46 Brooklyn Superbas 1899 MLB NL † 1st 101 47 . 682 -- 1900 MLB NL † 1st 82 54 . 603 -- Won Chronicle - Telegraph Cup ( Pirates ) 4 -- 1 † 1901 MLB NL 3rd 79 57 . 581 91⁄2 1902 MLB NL 2nd 75 63 . 543 271⁄2 1903 MLB NL 5th 70 66 . 515 19 1904 MLB NL 6th 56 97 . 366 50 1905 MLB NL 8th 48 104 . 316 561⁄2 1906 MLB NL 5th 66 86 . 434 50 1907 MLB NL 5th 65 83 . 439 40 1908 MLB NL 7th 53 101 . 344 46 1909 MLB NL 6th 55 98 . 359 551⁄2 1910 MLB NL 6th 64 90 . 416 40 Brooklyn Dodgers 1911 MLB NL 7th 64 86 . 427 331⁄2 1912 MLB NL 7th 58 95 . 379 46 1913 MLB NL 6th 65 84 . 436 341⁄2 Jake Daubert ( MVP ) Brooklyn Robins 1914 MLB NL 5th 75 79 . 487 191⁄2 1915 MLB NL 3rd 80 72 . 526 10 1916 MLB NL * 1st 94 60 . 610 -- Lost World Series ( Red Sox ) 4 -- 1 * 1917 MLB NL 7th 70 81 . 464 261⁄2 1918 MLB NL 5th 57 69 . 452 251⁄2 1919 MLB NL 5th 69 71 . 493 27 1920 MLB NL * 1st 93 61 . 604 -- Lost World Series ( Indians ) 5 -- 2 * 1921 MLB NL 5th 77 75 . 507 161⁄2 1922 MLB NL 6th 76 78 . 494 17 1923 MLB NL 6th 76 78 . 494 191⁄2 1924 MLB NL 2nd 92 62 . 597 11⁄2 Dazzy Vance ( MVP , TC ) 1925 MLB NL 7th 68 85 . 444 27 1926 MLB NL 6th 71 82 . 464 171⁄2 1927 MLB NL 6th 65 88 . 425 281⁄2 1928 MLB NL 6th 77 76 . 503 171⁄2 1929 MLB NL 6th 70 83 . 458 281⁄2 1930 MLB NL 4th 86 68 . 558 6 1931 MLB NL 4th 79 73 . 520 21 Brooklyn Dodgers 1932 MLB NL 3rd 81 73 . 526 9 1933 MLB NL 6th 65 88 . 425 261⁄2 1934 MLB NL 6th 71 81 . 467 231⁄2 1935 MLB NL 5th 70 83 . 458 291⁄2 1936 MLB NL 7th 67 87 . 435 25 1937 MLB NL 6th 62 91 . 405 331⁄2 1938 MLB NL 7th 69 80 . 463 181⁄2 1939 MLB NL 3rd 84 69 . 549 121⁄2 1940 MLB NL 2nd 88 65 . 575 12 1941 MLB NL * 1st 100 54 . 649 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 1 * Dolph Camilli ( MVP ) 1942 MLB NL 2nd 104 50 . 675 1943 MLB NL 3rd 81 72 . 529 231⁄2 1944 MLB NL 7th 63 91 . 409 42 1945 MLB NL 3rd 87 67 . 565 11 1946 MLB NL 2nd 96 60 . 615 1947 MLB NL * 1st 94 60 . 610 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 3 * Jackie Robinson ( ROY ) 1948 MLB NL 3rd 84 70 . 545 71⁄2 1949 MLB NL * 1st 97 57 . 630 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 1 * Jackie Robinson ( MVP ) Don Newcombe ( ROY ) 1950 MLB NL 2nd 89 65 . 578 1951 MLB NL 2nd 97 60 . 618 Roy Campanella ( MVP ) 1952 MLB NL * 1st 96 57 . 627 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 3 * Joe Black ( ROY ) 1953 MLB NL * 1st 105 49 . 682 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 2 * Roy Campanella ( MVP ) Jim Gilliam ( ROY ) 1954 MLB NL 2nd 92 62 . 597 5 1955 MLB ‡ NL * 1st 98 55 . 641 -- Won World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 3 ‡ Roy Campanella ( MVP ) Johnny Podres ( WS MVP ) 1956 MLB NL * 1st 93 61 . 604 -- Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 3 * Don Newcombe ( MVP , CYA ) 1957 MLB NL 3rd 84 70 . 545 11 Los Angeles Dodgers 1958 MLB NL 7th 71 83 . 461 21 1959 MLB ‡ NL * 1st 88 68 . 564 -- Won World Series ( White Sox ) 4 -- 2 ‡ Larry Sherry ( WS MVP ) 1960 MLB NL 4th 82 72 . 532 13 Frank Howard ( ROY ) 1961 MLB NL 2nd 89 65 . 578 1962 MLB NL 2nd 102 63 . 618 Maury Wills ( MVP ) Don Drysdale ( CYA ) 1963 MLB ‡ NL * 1st 99 63 . 611 -- Won World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 0 ‡ Sandy Koufax ( MVP , CYA , TC , WS MVP ) 1964 MLB NL 7th 80 82 . 494 13 1965 MLB ‡ NL * 1st 97 65 . 599 -- Won World Series ( Twins ) 4 -- 3 ‡ Sandy Koufax ( CYA , TC , WS MVP ) Jim Lefebvre ( ROY ) 1966 MLB NL * 1st 95 67 . 586 -- Lost World Series ( Orioles ) 4 -- 0 * Sandy Koufax ( CYA , TC ) 1967 MLB NL 8th 73 89 . 451 281⁄2 1968 MLB NL 8th 76 86 . 469 21 1969 MLB NL West 4th 85 77 . 525 8 Ted Sizemore ( ROY ) 1970 MLB NL West 2nd 87 74 . 540 141⁄2 1971 MLB NL West 2nd 89 73 . 549 1972 MLB NL West 3rd 85 70 . 548 101⁄2 1973 MLB NL West 2nd 95 66 . 590 31⁄2 MLB NL * West ^ 1st 102 60 . 630 -- Won NLCS ( Pirates ) 3 -- 1 Lost World Series ( Athletics ) 4 -- 1 * Steve Garvey ( MVP ) Mike Marshall ( CYA ) MLB NL West 2nd 88 74 . 543 20 1976 MLB NL West 2nd 92 70 . 568 10 1977 MLB NL * West ^ 1st 98 64 . 605 -- Won NLCS ( Phillies ) 3 -- 1 Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 2 * 1978 MLB NL * West ^ 1st 95 67 . 586 -- Won NLCS ( Phillies ) 3 -- 1 Lost World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 2 * 1979 MLB NL West 3rd 79 83 . 488 111⁄2 Rick Sutcliffe ( ROY ) 1980 MLB NL West 2nd 92 71 . 564 Steve Howe ( ROY ) 1981 MLB ‡ NL * West ^ 1st 36 21 . 632 -- Won NLDS ( Astros ) 3 -- 2 Won NLCS ( Expos ) 3 -- 2 Won World Series ( Yankees ) 4 -- 2 ‡ Fernando Valenzuela ( CYA , ROY ) Ron Cey ( co-WS MVP ) Pedro Guerrero ( co-WS MVP ) Steve Yeager ( co-WS MVP ) 4th 27 26 . 509 6 1982 MLB NL West 2nd 88 74 . 543 Steve Sax ( ROY ) MLB NL West ^ 1st 91 71 . 562 -- Lost NLCS ( Phillies ) 3 -- 1 Tommy Lasorda ( MOY ) 1984 MLB NL West 4th 79 83 . 488 13 1985 MLB NL West ^ 1st 95 67 . 586 -- Lost NLCS ( Cardinals ) 4 -- 2 1986 MLB NL West 5th 73 89 . 451 23 MLB NL West 4th 73 89 . 451 17 1988 MLB ‡ NL * West ^ 1st 94 67 . 584 -- Won NLCS ( Mets ) 4 -- 3 Won World Series ( Athletics ) 4 -- 1 ‡ Kirk Gibson ( MVP ) Orel Hershiser ( CYA , WS MVP ) Tommy Lasorda ( MOY ) 1989 MLB NL West 4th 77 83 . 481 14 1990 MLB NL West 2nd 86 76 . 531 5 1991 MLB NL West 2nd 93 69 . 574 1992 MLB NL West 6th 63 99 . 389 35 Eric Karros ( ROY ) 1993 MLB NL West 4th 81 81 . 500 23 Mike Piazza ( ROY ) 1994 MLB NL West 1st 58 56 . 509 -- Playoffs cancelled Raúl Mondesí ( ROY ) 1995 MLB NL West ^ 1st 78 66 . 542 -- Lost NLDS ( Reds ) 3 -- 0 Hideo Nomo ( ROY ) MLB NL West 2nd ¤ 90 72 . 556 Lost NLDS ( Braves ) 3 -- 0 Todd Hollandsworth ( ROY ) 1997 MLB NL West 2nd 88 74 . 543 1998 MLB NL West 3rd 83 79 . 512 15 1999 MLB NL West 3rd 77 85 . 475 23 2000 MLB NL West 2nd 86 76 . 531 11 2001 MLB NL West 3rd 86 76 . 531 6 2002 MLB NL West 3rd 92 70 . 568 6 2003 MLB NL West 2nd 85 77 . 525 151⁄2 Éric Gagné ( CYA ) MLB NL West ^ 1st 93 69 . 574 -- Lost NLDS ( Cardinals ) 3 -- 1 2005 MLB NL West 4th 71 91 . 438 11 2006 MLB NL West 2nd ¤ 88 74 . 543 -- Lost NLDS ( Mets ) 3 -- 0 2007 MLB NL West 4th 82 80 . 506 8 2008 MLB NL West ^ 1st 84 78 . 519 -- Won NLDS ( Cubs ) 3 -- 0 Lost NLCS ( Phillies ) 4 -- 1 2009 MLB NL West ^ 1st 95 67 . 586 -- Won NLDS ( Cardinals ) 3 -- 0 Lost NLCS ( Phillies ) 4 -- 1 MLB NL West 4th 80 82 . 494 12 2011 MLB NL West 3rd 82 79 . 509 111⁄2 Clayton Kershaw ( CYA , TC ) 2012 MLB NL West 2nd 86 76 . 531 8 2013 MLB NL West ^ 1st 92 70 . 568 -- Won NLDS ( Braves ) 3 -- 1 Lost NLCS ( Cardinals ) 4 -- 2 Clayton Kershaw ( CYA ) 2014 MLB NL West ^ 1st 94 68 . 580 -- Lost NLDS ( Cardinals ) 3 -- 1 Clayton Kershaw ( MVP , CYA ) 2015 MLB NL West ^ 1st 92 70 . 568 -- Lost NLDS ( Mets ) 3 -- 2 2016 MLB NL West ^ 1st 91 71 . 562 -- Won NLDS ( Nationals ) 3 -- 2 Lost NLCS ( Cubs ) 4 -- 2 Corey Seager ( ROY ) Dave Roberts ( MOY ) 2017 MLB NL * West ^ 1st 104 58 . 642 -- Won NLDS ( Diamondbacks ) 3 -- 0 Won NLCS ( Cubs ) 4 -- 1 Lost World Series ( Astros ) 4 -- 3 * Cody Bellinger ( ROY ) All - time records ( edit ) Games Wins Losses Win % All - time regular season record 20,053 10,532 9,521 . 525 All - time post-season record 161 72 89 . 447 All - time regular and post-season record 20,214 10,604 9,610 . 525 Record by decade ( edit ) The following table describes the Dodgers ' MLB win -- loss record by decade . Decade Wins Losses Pct 1880s 410 764 . 349 1890s 722 644 . 529 1900s 649 809 . 445 1910s 696 787 . 469 1920s 765 768 . 499 1930s 734 793 . 481 1940s 894 646 . 581 1950s 913 630 . 592 1960s 878 729 . 546 1970s 910 701 . 565 1980s 825 741 . 527 1990s 797 757 . 513 2000s 862 758 . 532 2010s 721 574 . 557 All - time 10776 9691 . 527 These statistics are from Baseball-Reference.com 's Los Angeles Dodgers History & Encyclopedia , and are current as of October 1 , 2017 . Opening Day Starting lineups ( edit ) This is a chart of the Opening Day Starting Lineup for the Los Angeles Dodgers . ( show ) Opening day starting lineups Year Catcher First baseman Second baseman Shortstop Third baseman Right fielder Center fielder Left fielder Starting pitcher 2017 Yasmani Grandal Adrian Gonzalez Logan Forsythe Corey Seager Justin Turner Yasiel Puig Joc Pederson Andrew Toles Clayton Kershaw 2016 A.J. Ellis Adrian Gonzalez Chase Utley Corey Seager Justin Turner Yasiel Puig Joc Pederson Carl Crawford Clayton Kershaw 2015 A.J. Ellis Adrian Gonzalez Howie Kendrick Jimmy Rollins Juan Uribe Yasiel Puig Joc Pederson Carl Crawford Clayton Kershaw 2014 A.J. Ellis Adrian Gonzalez Justin Turner Hanley Ramírez Juan Uribe Yasiel Puig Andre Ethier Scott Van Slyke Clayton Kershaw 2013 A.J. Ellis Adrian Gonzalez Mark Ellis Justin Sellers Luis Cruz Andre Ethier Matt Kemp Carl Crawford Clayton Kershaw 2012 A.J. Ellis James Loney Mark Ellis Dee Gordon Juan Uribe Andre Ethier Matt Kemp Juan Rivera Clayton Kershaw 2011 Rod Barajas James Loney Jamey Carroll Rafael Furcal Juan Uribe Andre Ethier Matt Kemp Tony Gwynn Jr . Clayton Kershaw Russell Martin James Loney Blake DeWitt Rafael Furcal Casey Blake Andre Ethier Matt Kemp Manny Ramirez Vicente Padilla 2009 Russell Martin James Loney Orlando Hudson Rafael Furcal Casey Blake Andre Ethier Matt Kemp Manny Ramirez Hiroki Kuroda 2008 Russell Martin James Loney Jeff Kent Rafael Furcal Blake DeWitt Matt Kemp Andruw Jones Andre Ethier Brad Penny 2007 Russell Martin Nomar Garciaparra Jeff Kent Ramón Martínez Wilson Betemit Andre Ethier Juan Pierre Luis Gonzalez Derek Lowe 2006 Sandy Alomar Jr . Olmedo Sáenz Jeff Kent Rafael Furcal Bill Mueller J.D. Drew Jason Repko José Cruz Jr . Derek Lowe 2005 Jason Phillips Hee - seop Choi Jeff Kent César Izturis José Valentín J.D. Drew Milton Bradley Ricky Ledée Derek Lowe Paul Lo Duca Shawn Green Alex Cora César Izturis Adrián Beltré Juan Encarnación Milton Bradley Dave Roberts Hideo Nomo 2003 Paul Lo Duca Fred McGriff Jolbert Cabrera César Izturis Adrián Beltré Shawn Green Dave Roberts Brian Jordan Hideo Nomo 2002 Paul Lo Duca Eric Karros Mark Grudzielanek César Izturis Adrián Beltré Shawn Green Dave Roberts Brian Jordan Kevin Brown 2001 Chad Kreuter Eric Karros Mark Grudzielanek César Izturis Chris Donnels Shawn Green Tom Goodwin Gary Sheffield Chan Ho Park 2000 Todd Hundley Eric Karros Mark Grudzielanek Kevin Elster Adrián Beltré Shawn Green Devon White Gary Sheffield Kevin Brown 1999 Todd Hundley Eric Karros Eric Young Mark Grudzielanek Adrián Beltré Raúl Mondesí Devon White Gary Sheffield Kevin Brown 1998 Mike Piazza Paul Konerko Eric Young José Vizcaíno Todd Zeile Raúl Mondesí Trenidad Hubbard Todd Hollandsworth Ramón Martínez 1997 Mike Piazza Eric Karros Wilton Guerrero Greg Gagne Todd Zeile Raúl Mondesí Brett Butler Todd Hollandsworth Ramón Martínez Mike Piazza Eric Karros Delino DeShields Greg Gagne Mike Blowers Raúl Mondesí Brett Butler Todd Hollandsworth Ramón Martínez 1995 Mike Piazza Eric Karros Delino DeShields José Offerman Dave Hansen Henry Rodríguez Raúl Mondesí Billy Ashley Ramón Martínez 1994 Mike Piazza Eric Karros Delino DeShields José Offerman Tim Wallach Raúl Mondesí Brett Butler Henry Rodríguez Orel Hershiser 1993 Mike Piazza Eric Karros Jody Reed José Offerman Tim Wallach Darryl Strawberry Brett Butler Eric Davis Orel Hershiser 1992 Mike Scioscia Kal Daniels Juan Samuel José Offerman Lenny Harris Darryl Strawberry Brett Butler Eric Davis Ramón Martínez 1991 Mike Scioscia Eddie Murray Juan Samuel Alfredo Griffin Lenny Harris Darryl Strawberry Brett Butler Kal Daniels Tim Belcher 1990 Mike Scioscia Eddie Murray Willie Randolph Alfredo Griffin Jeff Hamilton Hubie Brooks Juan Samuel Kal Daniels Orel Hershiser 1989 Mike Scioscia Eddie Murray Willie Randolph Alfredo Griffin Jeff Hamilton Mike Marshall John Shelby Kirk Gibson Tim Belcher 1988 Mike Scioscia Mike Marshall Steve Sax Alfredo Griffin Pedro Guerrero Mike Davis John Shelby Kirk Gibson Fernando Valenzuela Mike Scioscia Franklin Stubbs Steve Sax Mariano Duncan Bill Madlock Mike Marshall Mike Ramsey Ken Landreaux Orel Hershiser 1986 Mike Scioscia Greg Brock Steve Sax Mariano Duncan Bill Madlock Mike Marshall Ken Landreaux Franklin Stubbs Fernando Valenzuela 1985 Mike Scioscia Sid Bream Mariano Duncan Dave Anderson Pedro Guerrero Mike Marshall Ken Landreaux Al Oliver Fernando Valenzuela 1984 Mike Scioscia Pedro Guerrero Steve Sax Bill Russell Germán Rivera Candy Maldonado Ken Landreaux Mike Marshall Fernando Valenzuela Steve Yeager Greg Brock Steve Sax Bill Russell Pedro Guerrero Mike Marshall Ken Landreaux Dusty Baker Fernando Valenzuela 1982 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Steve Sax Bill Russell Ron Cey Pedro Guerrero Ken Landreaux Dusty Baker Jerry Reuss 1981 Mike Scioscia Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Pedro Guerrero Ken Landreaux Dusty Baker Fernando Valenzuela 1980 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Derrel Thomas Ron Cey Reggie Smith Rudy Law Dusty Baker Burt Hooton 1979 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Reggie Smith Rick Monday Dusty Baker Burt Hooton 1978 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Reggie Smith Rick Monday Dusty Baker Don Sutton 1977 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Reggie Smith Rick Monday Dusty Baker Don Sutton 1976 Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Ted Sizemore Bill Russell Ron Cey Joe Ferguson Dusty Baker Bill Buckner Don Sutton Steve Yeager Steve Garvey Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Joe Ferguson Jimmy Wynn Bill Buckner Don Sutton Joe Ferguson Bill Buckner Davey Lopes Bill Russell Ron Cey Willie Crawford Jimmy Wynn Von Joshua Don Sutton 1973 Joe Ferguson Bill Buckner Lee Lacy Bill Russell Ken McMullen Willie Crawford Willie Davis Manny Mota Don Sutton 1972 Duke Sims Bill Buckner Jim Lefebvre Maury Wills Billy Grabarkewitz Frank Robinson Willie Davis Willie Crawford Don Sutton 1971 Duke Sims Wes Parker Bill Russell Maury Wills Steve Garvey Bill Buckner Willie Davis Dick Allen Bill Singer 1970 Tom Haller Wes Parker Ted Sizemore Maury Wills Steve Garvey Willie Crawford Willie Davis Bill Buckner Claude Osteen 1969 Tom Haller Ron Fairly Jim Lefebvre Ted Sizemore Bill Sudakis Len Gabrielson Willie Crawford Andy Kosco Don Drysdale 1968 Tom Haller Wes Parker Paul Popovich Zoilo Versalles Bob Bailey Ron Fairly Willie Davis Al Ferrara Claude Osteen 1967 Johnny Roseboro Ron Fairly Ron Hunt Gene Michael Jim Lefebvre Lou Johnson Wes Parker Bob Bailey Bob Miller 1966 Johnny Roseboro Wes Parker Nate Oliver Maury Wills Jim Lefebvre Ron Fairly Willie Davis Lou Johnson Claude Osteen 1965 Johnny Roseboro Wes Parker Jim Lefebvre Maury Wills John Kennedy Ron Fairly Willie Davis Tommy Davis Don Drysdale 1964 Johnny Roseboro Ron Fairly Jim Gilliam Maury Wills Johnny Werhas Frank Howard Willie Davis Tommy Davis Sandy Koufax 1963 Johnny Roseboro Bill Skowron Nate Oliver Maury Wills Ken McMullen Ron Fairly Willie Davis Tommy Davis Don Drysdale 1962 Johnny Roseboro Ron Fairly Jim Gilliam Maury Wills Daryl Spencer Duke Snider Willie Davis Wally Moon Johnny Podres 1961 Johnny Roseboro Norm Larker Charlie Neal Maury Wills Tommy Davis Duke Snider Willie Davis Wally Moon Don Drysdale 1960 Johnny Roseboro Gil Hodges Charlie Neal Maury Wills Jim Gilliam Duke Snider Don Demeter Wally Moon Don Drysdale 1959 Johnny Roseboro Gil Hodges Charlie Neal Don Zimmer Jim Baxes Ron Fairly Duke Snider Wally Moon Don Drysdale 1958 Rube Walker Gil Hodges Charlie Neal Pee Wee Reese Dick Gray Carl Furillo Gino Cimoli Duke Snider Don Drysdale 1957 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jim Gilliam Don Zimmer Randy Jackson Carl Furillo Duke Snider Gino Cimoli Don Newcombe 1956 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Charlie Neal Pee Wee Reese Jackie Robinson Carl Furillo Duke Snider Jim Gilliam Don Newcombe 1955 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jim Gilliam Pee Wee Reese Jackie Robinson Carl Furillo Duke Snider Sandy Amorós Carl Erskine 1954 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jim Gilliam Pee Wee Reese Billy Cox Carl Furillo Duke Snider Jackie Robinson Carl Erskine 1953 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jim Gilliam Pee Wee Reese Jackie Robinson Carl Furillo Duke Snider Don Thompson Carl Erskine 1952 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese Billy Cox Carl Furillo Duke Snider Andy Pafko Preacher Roe 1951 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese Rocky Bridges Carl Furillo Duke Snider Don Thompson Carl Erskine 1950 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese Bobby Morgan Carl Furillo Duke Snider George Shuba Don Newcombe 1949 Roy Campanella Gil Hodges Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese Billy Cox Carl Furillo Duke Snider Cal Abrams Joe Hatten 1948 Gil Hodges Preston Ward Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese Billy Cox Dick Whitman Carl Furillo Arky Vaughan Rex Barney 1947 Bruce Edwards Jackie Robinson Eddie Stanky Pee Wee Reese Spider Jorgensen Dixie Walker Pete Reiser Gene Hermanski Joe Hatten 1946 Ferrell Anderson Jack Graham Billy Herman Pee Wee Reese Lew Riggs Gene Hermanski Carl Furillo Dick Whitman Hal Gregg 1945 Mickey Owen Augie Galan Leo Durocher Mike Sandlock Bill Hart Dixie Walker Luis Olmo Frenchy Bordagaray Curt Davis 1944 Mickey Owen Howie Schultz Luis Olmo Gene Mauch Gil English Dixie Walker Frenchy Bordagaray Augie Galan Hal Gregg 1943 Mickey Owen Dolph Camilli Al Glossop Arky Vaughan Billy Herman Dixie Walker Pete Reiser Joe Medwick Ed Head 1942 Mickey Owen Dolph Camilli Billy Herman Pee Wee Reese Arky Vaughan Dixie Walker Augie Galan Joe Medwick Curt Davis 1941 Mickey Owen Dolph Camilli Alex Kampouris Pee Wee Reese Cookie Lavagetto Paul Waner Dixie Walker Joe Medwick Whit Wyatt 1940 Babe Phelps Dolph Camilli Pete Coscarart Leo Durocher Cookie Lavagetto Roy Cullenbine Charlie Gilbert Joe Vosmik Whit Wyatt 1939 Babe Phelps Dolph Camilli Pete Coscarart Leo Durocher Cookie Lavagetto Gene Moore Goody Rosen Fred Sington Red Evans 1938 Paul Chervinko Dolph Camilli Johnny Hudson Leo Durocher Cookie Lavagetto Kiki Cuyler Goody Rosen Ernie Koy Van Mungo 1937 Babe Phelps Buddy Hassett Cookie Lavagetto Woody English Jim Bucher Heinie Manush Eddie Wilson Tom Winsett Van Mungo 1936 Ray Berres Buddy Hassett Lonny Frey Jimmy Jordan Jim Bucher Ox Eckhardt Johnny Cooney Freddie Lindstrom George Earnshaw 1935 Al López Sam Leslie Tony Cuccinello Lonny Frey Joe Stripp Buzz Boyle Len Koenecke Danny Taylor Van Mungo 1934 Al López Sam Leslie Tony Cuccinello Jimmy Jordan Joe Stripp Johnny Frederick Danny Taylor Hack Wilson Van Mungo 1933 Al López Joe Judge Tony Cuccinello Jake Flowers Joe Stripp Johnny Frederick Danny Taylor Lefty O'Doul Watty Clark 1932 Al López High Pockets Kelly Tony Cuccinello Glenn Wright Joe Stripp Johnny Frederick Hack Wilson Alta Cohen Waite Hoyt 1931 Al López Del Bissonette Neal Finn Glenn Wright Wally Gilbert Babe Herman Johnny Frederick Lefty O'Doul Jack Quinn 1930 Val Picinich Del Bissonette Jake Flowers Glenn Wright Wally Gilbert Babe Herman Johnny Frederick Harvey Hendrick Watty Clark 1929 Hank DeBerry Del Bissonette Jake Flowers Dave Bancroft Harvey Hendrick Babe Herman Johnny Frederick Nick Cullop Watty Clark 1928 Charlie Hargreaves Del Bissonette Harry Riconda Dave Bancroft Howard Freigau Max Carey Ty Tyson Harvey Hendrick Jesse Petty 1927 Butch Henline Babe Herman Jay Partridge Johnny Butler Bob Barrett Harvey Hendrick Max Carey Jigger Statz Jesse Petty 1926 Hank DeBerry Jack Fournier Milt Stock Rabbit Maranville William Marriott Dick Cox Gus Felix Zack Wheat Jesse Petty 1925 Hank DeBerry Jack Fournier Andy High Johnny Mitchell Milt Stock Jimmy Johnston Eddie Brown Zack Wheat Dazzy Vance 1924 Hank DeBerry Jack Fournier Joe Klugmann Binky Jones Jimmy Johnston Tommy Griffith Bernie Neis Zack Wheat Dutch Ruether 1923 Hank DeBerry Dutch Schliebner Ivy Olson Jimmy Johnston Andy High Tommy Griffith Turner Barber Zack Wheat Dutch Ruether 1922 Hank DeBerry Ray Schmandt Ivy Olson Andy High Jimmy Johnston Bernie Neis Hi Myers Zack Wheat Dutch Ruether 1921 Ernie Krueger Ed Konetchy Pete Kilduff Ivy Olson Jimmy Johnston Tommy Griffith Hi Myers Zack Wheat Leon Cadore 1920 Ernie Krueger Ed Konetchy Ivy Olson Chuck Ward Jimmy Johnston Bernie Neis Hi Myers Zack Wheat Leon Cadore 1919 Ernie Krueger Jimmy Johnston Lew Malone Ivy Olson Ollie O'Mara Tommy Griffith Hi Myers Zack Wheat Leon Cadore 1918 Otto Miller Jake Daubert Ray Schmandt Ivy Olson Ollie O'Mara Jim Hickman Hi Myers Jimmy Johnston Rube Marquard 1917 Chief Meyers Jake Daubert George Cutshaw Bunny Fabrique Ivy Olson Casey Stengel Hi Myers Zack Wheat Wheezer Dell 1916 Otto Miller Jake Daubert George Cutshaw Ollie O'Mara Gus Getz Casey Stengel Hi Myers Zack Wheat Larry Cheney 1915 Lew McCarty John Hummel George Cutshaw Ollie O'Mara Joe Schultz Casey Stengel Hi Myers Zack Wheat Jeff Pfeffer 1914 Otto Miller Jake Daubert George Cutshaw Dick Egan Red Smith Casey Stengel Jack Dalton Zack Wheat Ed Reulbach 1913 Otto Miller Jake Daubert George Cutshaw Bob Fisher Red Smith Benny Meyer Casey Stengel Zack Wheat Nap Rucker References ( edit ) Jump up ^ # 2 Los Angeles Dodgers ^ Jump up to : Arlott , John ( editor ) ; The Oxford Companion to Sports and Games ; p. 125 . ISBN 0192115383 Jump up ^ `` Giants Postseason Results '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved October 29 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Los Angeles Dodgers History & Encyclopedia '' . Baseball-Reference.com . Retrieved October 18 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) Baseball-Reference.com Dodgers team index Major League Baseball season - by - season team history American League East Division Baltimore Orioles Boston Red Sox New York Yankees Tampa Bay Rays Toronto Blue Jays Central Division Chicago White Sox Cleveland Indians Detroit Tigers Kansas City Royals Minnesota Twins West Division Houston Astros Los Angeles Angels Oakland Athletics Seattle Mariners Texas Rangers National League East Division Atlanta Braves Miami Marlins New York Mets Philadelphia Phillies Washington Nationals Central Division Chicago Cubs Cincinnati Reds Milwaukee Brewers Pittsburgh Pirates St. Louis Cardinals West Division Arizona Diamondbacks Colorado Rockies Los Angeles Dodgers San Diego Padres San Francisco Giants Los Angeles Dodgers Formerly the Brooklyn Robins and the Brooklyn Dodgers . Based in Los Angeles , California Franchise History in Brooklyn History in Los Angeles Seasons Award winners Records No - hitters Players First - round draft picks Managers Owners and executives Coaches Broadcasters Los Angeles Dodgers Radio Network SportsNet LA Hall of Famers Opening Day starting pitchers Ballparks Washington Park Eastern Park Ridgewood Park Washington Park Ebbets Field Roosevelt Stadium Proposed domed stadium Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Dodger Stadium Spring training : Whittington Park Majestic Park Barrs Field Tinker Field Clearwater Athletic Field City Island Ball Park Gran Stadium de La Habana Holman Stadium Camelback Ranch Culture Dodger Dog The First Rick Monday saves the American flag Chavez Ravine Dodger blue `` I Love L.A. 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who is the captain of west indies in cricket
West Indian Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Karl Nunes 1928 England England 0 0 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Total 0 Teddy Hoad 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Nelson Betancourt 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Maurice Fernandes 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 5 Jackie Grant 1930 / 1 Australia Australia 5 0 1933 England England 0 1934 / 5 England West Indies Total 12 7 6 Rolph Grant 1939 England England 0 7 George Headley 1947 / 8 † England West Indies 0 0 8 Gerry Gomez 1947 / 8 † England West Indies 0 0 9 John Goddard 1947 / 8 England West Indies 0 0 1948 / 9 India India 5 0 1950 England England 0 1951 / 2 Australia Australia 0 1951 / 2 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1957 England England 5 0 Total 22 8 7 7 10 Jeffrey Stollmeyer 1951 / 2 † Australia Australia 0 0 1952 / 3 India West Indies 5 0 1953 / 4 England West Indies 5 1954 / 5 † Australia West Indies 0 Total 13 6 11 Denis Atkinson 1954 / 5 Australia West Indies 0 1955 / 6 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 7 12 Gerry Alexander 1957 / 8 Pakistan West Indies 5 1958 / 9 India India 5 0 1958 / 9 Pakistan Pakistan 0 1959 / 60 England West Indies 5 0 Total 18 7 7 13 Frank Worrell 1960 / 1 Australia Australia 5 1961 / 2 India West Indies 5 5 0 0 1963 England England 5 Total 15 9 14 Garfield Sobers 1964 / 5 Australia West Indies 5 1966 England England 5 1966 / 7 India India 0 1967 / 8 England West Indies 5 0 1968 / 9 Australia Australia 5 1968 / 9 New Zealand New Zealand 1969 England England 0 1970 / 1 India West Indies 5 0 1971 / 2 New Zealand West Indies 5 0 0 5 Total 39 9 10 20 15 Rohan Kanhai 1972 / 3 Australia West Indies 5 0 1973 England England 0 1973 / 4 England West Indies 5 Total 13 7 16 Clive Lloyd 1974 / 5 India India 5 0 1974 / 5 Pakistan Pakistan 0 0 1975 / 6 Australia Australia 6 5 0 1975 / 6 India West Indies 1976 England England 5 0 1976 / 7 Pakistan West Indies 5 1977 / 8 † Australia West Indies 0 0 1979 / 80 Australia Australia 0 0 1979 / 80 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1980 England England 0 1980 / 1 Pakistan Pakistan 0 1980 / 1 England West Indies 0 1981 / 2 Australia Australia 1982 / 3 India West Indies 5 0 1983 / 4 India India 6 0 1983 / 4 Australia West Indies 0 1984 England England 5 5 0 0 1984 / 5 Australia Australia 5 Total 74 36 12 26 17 Alvin Kallicharran 1977 / 8 Australia West Indies 1978 / 9 India India 6 0 5 Total 9 6 18 Deryck Murray 1979 / 80 † Australia Australia 0 0 19 Viv Richards 1980 † England England 0 0 1983 / 4 Australia West Indies 0 0 1984 / 5 New Zealand West Indies 0 1985 / 6 England West Indies 5 5 0 0 1986 / 7 Pakistan Pakistan 1986 / 7 New Zealand New Zealand 1987 / 8 India India 1987 / 8 Pakistan West Indies 0 1988 England England 5 0 1988 / 9 Australia Australia 5 1988 / 9 India West Indies 0 1989 / 90 England West Indies 0 1990 / 1 Australia West Indies 5 1991 England England 5 Total 50 27 8 15 20 Gordon Greenidge 1987 / 8 † Pakistan West Indies 0 0 21 Desmond Haynes 1989 / 90 † England West Indies 0 0 1990 / 1 Pakistan Pakistan Total 22 Richie Richardson 1991 / 2 South Africa West Indies 0 0 1992 / 3 Australia Australia 5 1992 / 3 Pakistan West Indies 0 1993 / 4 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 1993 / 4 England West Indies 0 1994 / 5 Australia West Indies 1995 England England 6 Total 24 11 6 7 23 Courtney Walsh 1993 / 4 † England West Indies 0 0 1994 / 5 India India 1994 / 5 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1995 / 6 New Zealand West Indies 0 1996 / 7 Australia Australia 5 0 1996 / 7 India West Indies 0 0 1996 / 7 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 1997 / 8 Pakistan Pakistan 0 0 Total 22 6 7 9 24 Brian Lara 1996 / 7 † India West Indies 0 0 1997 / 8 England West Indies 6 1998 / 9 South Africa South Africa 5 0 5 0 1998 / 9 Australia West Indies 0 1999 / 2000 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2002 / 3 Australia West Indies 0 2003 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 2003 / 4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2003 / 4 South Africa South Africa 0 2003 / 4 England West Indies 0 Bangladesh West Indies 0 England England 0 0 2006 India West Indies 0 2006 / 7 Pakistan Pakistan 0 Total 47 10 26 11 25 Jimmy Adams 1999 / 2000 Zimbabwe West Indies 0 0 1999 / 2000 Pakistan West Indies 0 2000 England England 5 2000 / 1 Australia Australia 5 0 5 0 Total 15 8 26 Carl Hooper 2000 / 1 South Africa West Indies 5 2001 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2001 / 2 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2001 / 2 Pakistan Sharjah 0 0 2001 / 2 India West Indies 5 2002 New Zealand West Indies 0 2002 / 3 India India 0 Total 22 11 7 27 Ridley Jacobs 2002 / 3 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 0 28 Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2004 / 5 South Africa West Indies 0 2004 / 5 Pakistan West Indies 0 2005 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2005 / 6 Australia Australia 0 0 2005 / 6 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 14 10 29 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2007 England England 0 2008 Australia West Indies 0 Total 0 30 Daren Ganga 2007 † England England 0 0 31 Chris Gayle 2007 / 8 South Africa South Africa 0 2007 / 8 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 2008 † Australia West Indies 0 0 2008 / 09 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2008 / 09 England West Indies 5 0 2009 England England 0 0 2009 / 10 Australia Australia 0 South Africa West Indies 0 Total 20 9 8 32 Dwayne Bravo 2007 / 8 † South Africa South Africa 0 0 33 Floyd Reifer 2009 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 34 Darren Sammy 2010 / 11 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2011 Pakistan West Indies 0 2011 India West Indies 0 2011 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 2011 India India 0 2011 / 12 Australia West Indies 0 2012 England England 0 2012 New Zealand West Indies 0 0 2012 / 13 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 0 2012 / 13 Zimbabwe West Indies 0 0 2013 / 14 India India 0 0 2013 / 14 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 30 8 12 10 35 Denesh Ramdin 2014 New Zealand West Indies 0 2014 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 2014 / 15 South Africa South Africa 0 2014 / 15 England West Indies 2015 Australia West Indies 0 0 Total 13 7 36 Jason Holder 2015 / 16 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2015 / 16 Australia Australia 0 2016 India West Indies 0 2016 Pakistan UAE 0 2016 / 17 Pakistan West Indies 0 2017 England England 0 2017 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2017 / 18 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2018 Sri Lanka West Indies 2018 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 Total 25 6 14 5 37 Kraigg Brathwaite 2017 / 18 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 Grand total 535 171 189 176
List of West Indies cricket captains
list of west indies cricket captains
This is a list of all men , boys and women who have captained the West Indian cricket team at official international level in at least one match . The West Indies became a full member of the Imperial Cricket Conference ( now the International Cricket Council ) on 31 May 1926 at the same time as India and New Zealand . It played its first test match in 1928 against England at Lord 's . Their first game against other opposition came in 1930 / 31 when they played Australia .
In the mid-1980s there were two rebel West Indian tours to South Africa , which was at that time banned from official competition because of the apartheid régime then in force there . None of the matches from the rebel tours were recognised as official Test matches and all players who toured South Africa at the time were banned from official international cricket matches for life . The captains of those West Indian sides are also listed below . Prior to becoming a member of the ICC , the first combined West Indian team was formed in 1884 and toured Canada and the United States in 1886 under the captaincies of Charles Guy Austin Wyatt of Demerara and Laurence Fyfe of Jamaica ( also vice captain under Wyatt ) . In a return tour by the United States in 1888 , the combined West Indian team was captained by Edward Wright . Combined West Indian teams have played more regular first - class cricket under the name `` West Indies '' since 1897 usually against amateur sides touring from England , such as Lord Brackley 's XI or RA Bennett 's XI , but from 1912 onwards the MCC also played on tour against the West Indies . The West Indies also toured England in 1900 , 1906 and 1923 with the opposition usually being various English first - class and minor county sides . Other opposition during these tours included amateur sides , the MCC , an England XI ( once ) and Scotland and Ireland ( once each ) . Some of the matches played on the various West Indian tours of England were deemed not to be first - class matches . During this time ( 1897 to 1926 ) the various West Indies captains were Aucher Warner , Stanley Sproston ( non-first - class matches only ) , Harold Austin , Clement King , Alfred Harrigan , Edwin Moulder , William Sherlock , Percy Tarilton , Malcolm Austin and Karl Nunes Contents ( hide ) 1 Most successful captains 2 Men 's cricket 2.1 Test match captains 2.2 Men 's ODI captains 2.3 Men 's Twenty20 International captains 2.4 Other men 's captains 2.4. 1 Rest of the World , 1970 and 1971 / 2 2.4. 2 World Series Cricket , 1977 / 8 to 1978 / 9 2.4. 3 Rebel tour to South Africa , 1982 / 3 and 1983 / 4 3 Youth cricket 3.1 Test match captains 3.2 Youth One - Day International captains 4 Women 's cricket 4.1 Test match captains 4.2 Women 's One - Day International captains 4.3 Women 's Twenty20 International captains 5 See also 6 References Most successful captains ( edit ) The West Indian team 's greatest successes in One Day Internationals came in 1975 and 1979 , when they won the Cricket World Cup under the captaincy of Clive Lloyd , and in 2004 when they won the ICC Champions Trophy under the captaincy of Brian Lara . The West Indies ' most successful captains in Test cricket are Viv Richards ( who has won 27 of his 50 Tests ) , Clive Lloyd ( who won 36 of his 74 Tests ) , Frank Worrell ( who won 9 of his 15 Tests ) and Richie Richardson ( who won 11 of his 24 Tests ) . In one - day internationals the West Indies ' most successful captain is Clive Lloyd , who won 64 of his 84 matches . The successes of the senior men 's team in international tournaments was never replicated at the youth level until the 2016 U-19 Cricket World Cup when Shimron Hetmyer lead the West Indies Under - 19 team to their first ICC Under - 19 Cricket World Cup title . For the most recent international format of cricket , Twenty20 Internationals , the West Indies ' best result in an international tournament was achieved in the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 and 2016 ICC World Twenty20 where the team won the ICC World Twenty20 under the captaincy of Darren Sammy . Stafanie Taylor led the West Indies ' women 's team to their best result in an international Twenty20 tournament when the team won the 2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 . Prior to that Merissa Aguilleira led West Indies women to the semi-finals in the 2010 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 , the 2012 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 and the 2014 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 and also led the women to their first title in an international Women 's Twenty20 tournament during the 2010 ICC Women 's Cricket Challenge . Both the West Indies ' men 's and women 's teams made it to the semi-finals of the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 and 2012 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 under the captaincies of Darren Sammy and Merissa Aguilleira respectively ; the third time the men 's and women 's teams from the same country have done this in the ICC World Twenty20 after Australia 's men and women 's teams achieved the feat in 2010 and 2012 . This feat was repeated for the 2014 ICC World Twenty20 and 2014 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 when the West Indies ' men 's and women 's teams made it to the semi-finals again under the captaincies of Darren Sammy and Merissa Aguillera . This was bettered in 2016 when both the West Indies ' men 's and women 's teams not only made it to the semi-finals but won the tournaments for the 2016 ICC World Twenty20 and 2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 under the captaincies of Darren Sammy and Stafanie Taylor . Along with men and women 's teams from New Zealand ( in 2016 ) , England ( 2016 ) , South Africa ( 2014 ) , and Australia ( 2012 and 2010 ) who also made it the semi-finals in the previous tournaments , this was the eighth time men 's and women 's teams from the same country have reached the semi-finals in the same year of the ICC World Twenty20 . It was also only the second time ( after Australia in 2010 ) that men 's and women 's teams from the same country have reached the final in the same year of the ICC 's premier Twenty20 tournaments . Merissa Aguilleira also led the West Indies women to its best result in Women 's ODI cricket when the team finished second in the 2013 Women 's Cricket World Cup ( bettering their previous best finish in the Women 's World Cup of fifth place in 2005 ) . Their previous best result had been under Stephanie Power when she led the West Indies to second place in the 2003 IWCC Trophy . Aguilleira is also the most successful West Indies women 's captain in one - day internationals , winning 32 of 55 matches . The only women 's captain who has led her side to a victory in a women 's Test match is Louise Browne in the 1976 / 77 Test series against India . Men 's cricket ( edit ) Test match captains ( edit ) This is a list of cricketers who have captained the West Indian cricket team for at least one Test match . Development of the Test captaincy of West Indies falls into three eras -- The period of white captaincy Rise to become the dominant Test nation Slide from Test domination . The table of results is complete up to the second Test match for the West Indies in the 2018 Bangladeshi tour of the West Indies . Where a player has a dagger ( † ) next to a Test match series in which he captained at least one Test , that denotes that player deputised for the appointed captain or were appointed for a minor proportion in a series . West Indian Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Karl Nunes 1928 England England 0 0 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Total 0 Teddy Hoad 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Nelson Betancourt 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 Maurice Fernandes 1929 / 30 † England West Indies 0 0 5 Jackie Grant 1930 / 1 Australia Australia 5 0 1933 England England 0 1934 / 5 England West Indies Total 12 7 6 Rolph Grant 1939 England England 0 7 George Headley 1947 / 8 † England West Indies 0 0 8 Gerry Gomez 1947 / 8 † England West Indies 0 0 9 John Goddard 1947 / 8 England West Indies 0 0 1948 / 9 India India 5 0 1950 England England 0 1951 / 2 Australia Australia 0 1951 / 2 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1957 England England 5 0 Total 22 8 7 7 10 Jeffrey Stollmeyer 1951 / 2 † Australia Australia 0 0 1952 / 3 India West Indies 5 0 1953 / 4 England West Indies 5 1954 / 5 † Australia West Indies 0 Total 13 6 11 Denis Atkinson 1954 / 5 Australia West Indies 0 1955 / 6 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 7 12 Gerry Alexander 1957 / 8 Pakistan West Indies 5 1958 / 9 India India 5 0 1958 / 9 Pakistan Pakistan 0 1959 / 60 England West Indies 5 0 Total 18 7 7 13 Frank Worrell 1960 / 1 Australia Australia 5 1961 / 2 India West Indies 5 5 0 0 1963 England England 5 Total 15 9 14 Garfield Sobers 1964 / 5 Australia West Indies 5 1966 England England 5 1966 / 7 India India 0 1967 / 8 England West Indies 5 0 1968 / 9 Australia Australia 5 1968 / 9 New Zealand New Zealand 1969 England England 0 1970 / 1 India West Indies 5 0 1971 / 2 New Zealand West Indies 5 0 0 5 Total 39 9 10 20 15 Rohan Kanhai 1972 / 3 Australia West Indies 5 0 1973 England England 0 1973 / 4 England West Indies 5 Total 13 7 16 Clive Lloyd 1974 / 5 India India 5 0 1974 / 5 Pakistan Pakistan 0 0 1975 / 6 Australia Australia 6 5 0 1975 / 6 India West Indies 1976 England England 5 0 1976 / 7 Pakistan West Indies 5 1977 / 8 † Australia West Indies 0 0 1979 / 80 Australia Australia 0 0 1979 / 80 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1980 England England 0 1980 / 1 Pakistan Pakistan 0 1980 / 1 England West Indies 0 1981 / 2 Australia Australia 1982 / 3 India West Indies 5 0 1983 / 4 India India 6 0 1983 / 4 Australia West Indies 0 1984 England England 5 5 0 0 1984 / 5 Australia Australia 5 Total 74 36 12 26 17 Alvin Kallicharran 1977 / 8 Australia West Indies 1978 / 9 India India 6 0 5 Total 9 6 18 Deryck Murray 1979 / 80 † Australia Australia 0 0 19 Viv Richards 1980 † England England 0 0 1983 / 4 Australia West Indies 0 0 1984 / 5 New Zealand West Indies 0 1985 / 6 England West Indies 5 5 0 0 1986 / 7 Pakistan Pakistan 1986 / 7 New Zealand New Zealand 1987 / 8 India India 1987 / 8 Pakistan West Indies 0 1988 England England 5 0 1988 / 9 Australia Australia 5 1988 / 9 India West Indies 0 1989 / 90 England West Indies 0 1990 / 1 Australia West Indies 5 1991 England England 5 Total 50 27 8 15 20 Gordon Greenidge 1987 / 8 † Pakistan West Indies 0 0 21 Desmond Haynes 1989 / 90 † England West Indies 0 0 1990 / 1 Pakistan Pakistan Total 22 Richie Richardson 1991 / 2 South Africa West Indies 0 0 1992 / 3 Australia Australia 5 1992 / 3 Pakistan West Indies 0 1993 / 4 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 1993 / 4 England West Indies 0 1994 / 5 Australia West Indies 1995 England England 6 Total 24 11 6 7 23 Courtney Walsh 1993 / 4 † England West Indies 0 0 1994 / 5 India India 1994 / 5 New Zealand New Zealand 0 1995 / 6 New Zealand West Indies 0 1996 / 7 Australia Australia 5 0 1996 / 7 India West Indies 0 0 1996 / 7 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 1997 / 8 Pakistan Pakistan 0 0 Total 22 6 7 9 24 Brian Lara 1996 / 7 † India West Indies 0 0 1997 / 8 England West Indies 6 1998 / 9 South Africa South Africa 5 0 5 0 1998 / 9 Australia West Indies 0 1999 / 2000 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2002 / 3 Australia West Indies 0 2003 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 2003 / 4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2003 / 4 South Africa South Africa 0 2003 / 4 England West Indies 0 Bangladesh West Indies 0 England England 0 0 2006 India West Indies 0 2006 / 7 Pakistan Pakistan 0 Total 47 10 26 11 25 Jimmy Adams 1999 / 2000 Zimbabwe West Indies 0 0 1999 / 2000 Pakistan West Indies 0 2000 England England 5 2000 / 1 Australia Australia 5 0 5 0 Total 15 8 26 Carl Hooper 2000 / 1 South Africa West Indies 5 2001 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2001 / 2 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2001 / 2 Pakistan Sharjah 0 0 2001 / 2 India West Indies 5 2002 New Zealand West Indies 0 2002 / 3 India India 0 Total 22 11 7 27 Ridley Jacobs 2002 / 3 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 0 28 Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2004 / 5 South Africa West Indies 0 2004 / 5 Pakistan West Indies 0 2005 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2005 / 6 Australia Australia 0 0 2005 / 6 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 14 10 29 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2007 England England 0 2008 Australia West Indies 0 Total 0 30 Daren Ganga 2007 † England England 0 0 31 Chris Gayle 2007 / 8 South Africa South Africa 0 2007 / 8 Sri Lanka West Indies 0 2008 † Australia West Indies 0 0 2008 / 09 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2008 / 09 England West Indies 5 0 2009 England England 0 0 2009 / 10 Australia Australia 0 South Africa West Indies 0 Total 20 9 8 32 Dwayne Bravo 2007 / 8 † South Africa South Africa 0 0 33 Floyd Reifer 2009 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 34 Darren Sammy 2010 / 11 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2011 Pakistan West Indies 0 2011 India West Indies 0 2011 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 2011 India India 0 2011 / 12 Australia West Indies 0 2012 England England 0 2012 New Zealand West Indies 0 0 2012 / 13 Bangladesh Bangladesh 0 0 2012 / 13 Zimbabwe West Indies 0 0 2013 / 14 India India 0 0 2013 / 14 New Zealand New Zealand 0 Total 30 8 12 10 35 Denesh Ramdin 2014 New Zealand West Indies 0 2014 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 2014 / 15 South Africa South Africa 0 2014 / 15 England West Indies 2015 Australia West Indies 0 0 Total 13 7 36 Jason Holder 2015 / 16 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 0 0 2015 / 16 Australia Australia 0 2016 India West Indies 0 2016 Pakistan UAE 0 2016 / 17 Pakistan West Indies 0 2017 England England 0 2017 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 0 2017 / 18 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 2018 Sri Lanka West Indies 2018 Bangladesh West Indies 0 0 Total 25 6 14 5 37 Kraigg Brathwaite 2017 / 18 New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 Grand total 535 171 189 176 Notes : Jackie and Rolph Grant were brothers Includes one tie Garfield Sobers also captained the Rest of the World team in England in 1970 and in Australia in 1971 / 2 . These series were arranged to replace planned tours of those countries by South Africa , which were cancelled because of the apartheid policies followed by the South African government of the time . Men 's ODI captains ( edit ) This is a complete list of every man who has captained the West Indies in at least one One Day International . It is complete up to the seventh and final ODI match for the West Indies ( against Afghanistan ) in the 2018 Cricket World Cup Qualifier . It does not include the fourth match ( which West Indies won ) for the West Indies ( against the Netherlands in that tournament as that match was not accorded ODI status . West Indian ODI captains Number Name Period of captaincy Played Won Tied Lost No result Rohan Kanhai 1973 0 0 Clive Lloyd 1975 - 1985 84 64 18 Deryck Murray 1978 - 79 0 0 0 Alvin Kallicharan 1978 0 0 0 5 Viv Richards 1980 -- 1991 105 67 0 36 6 Michael Holding 1984 0 0 0 7 Gordon Greenidge 1988 8 6 0 0 8 Desmond Haynes 1989 - 1993 7 0 0 9 Jeff Dujon 1990 0 0 0 10 Richie Richardson 1991 - 1996 87 46 36 11 Courtney Walsh 1994 - 1997 43 22 0 20 12 Brian Lara 1994 - 2007 125 59 0 59 6 13 Carl Hooper 1997 - 2003 49 23 0 24 14 Jimmy Adams 1999 - 2001 26 10 14 15 Sherwin Campbell 2001 0 0 0 16 Ridley Jacobs 2002 0 17 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2004 - 2008 5 0 0 18 Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2005 - 2006 16 0 14 0 19 Sylvester Joseph 2005 0 0 0 20 Chris Gayle 2007 - 2010 53 17 0 30 6 21 Dwayne Bravo 2007 - 2014 37 17 18 0 22 Floyd Reifer 2009 6 0 0 6 0 23 Darren Sammy 2010 -- 2013 51 19 30 24 Denesh Ramdin 2011 0 0 0 25 Kieron Pollard 2013 0 0 26 Jason Holder 2015 -- present 56 16 36 27 Marlon Samuels 2015 0 0 0 28 Jason Mohammed 2017 0 0 0 Grand total 777 385 9 356 27 Men 's Twenty20 international captains ( edit ) This is a complete list of every man who has captained the West Indies in at least one twenty20 international . It is complete up to the sole T20I match for the West Indies in the 2018 Hurricane Relief T20 Challenge . The first Twenty20 International involving West Indies was played in February 2006 against New Zealand in Auckland . This match was the first tied Twenty20 International and also involved the first bowl - out ( won by New Zealand ) . Two years later in December 2008 , another match between New Zealand and West Indies at the same venue in Auckland was also tied and this match involved the first elimination over / Super Over ( won by West Indies ) which is meant to replace the bowl - out . The first Twenty20 International played in the West Indies was played on 20 June 2008 against Australia in Bridgetown , Barbados . West Indian Twenty20 International captains No . Name Span Played Won Tied Lost NR Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2006 0 0 0 Chris Gayle 2007 - 2010 17 6 10 0 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2007 0 0 0 Dwayne Bravo 2007 - 2014 6 0 0 5 Denesh Ramdin 2009 / 10 0 0 6 Floyd Reifer 2009 0 0 0 7 Darren Sammy 2011 -- 2016 47 27 17 8 Carlos Brathwaite 2016 -- 2018 18 8 0 8 9 Jason Mohammed 2018 -- present 0 0 0 Grand total 98 46 45 Other men 's captains ( edit ) In addition to the above official Tests and ODIs , there have been West Indian captains of other leading sides . The Rest of the World teams that played in England and Australia in 1970 and 1971 / 2 respectively were captained by a West Indian . World Series Cricket featured a West Indian side , and finally , there were two rebel West Indian tours to apartheid South Africa . Rest of the World , 1970 and 1971 / 2 ( edit ) When the South African tour to England due to take place in 1970 was cancelled , five matches were arranged against a Rest of the World team , all of which were recognised as Tests at the time , although they were later stripped of Test status . A similar situation also arose with the proposed South African tour of Australia that was due to take place in 1971 / 2 , when the Rest of the World team also played two one - day matches . ( There were to be three games , but one was abandoned without a ball being bowled . ) These matches do not have official ODI status . The Rest of the World team was captained by a West Indian , Garfield Sobers . Rest of the World Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Garfield Sobers 1970 England England 5 0 1971 / 2 Australia Australia 5 Total 10 6 Rest of the World ODI captains Number Name Period of captaincy Played Won Tied Lost No result Garfield Sobers 1971 / 2 0 0 World series cricket , 1977 / 8 to 1978 / 9 ( edit ) In 1977 / 8 Kerry Packer financed a breakaway cricket movement by signing up top players from Australia , the West Indies and other cricket nations around the world . Three sides were constructed : an Australian team , a West Indian team and a World team , with the World teams including some West Indians too . The teams played a mixture of unofficial Test matches , styled as Supertests , and unofficial ODIs . Unlike the Australian players , who were barred from playing official cricket until the rift was healed after the 1978 / 9 season , the West Indian players were permitted to play official cricket as well as compete in World Series Cricket . West Indian Supertest match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Clive Lloyd 1977 / 8 Australia Australia 0 1978 / 9 World Australia 0 0 1978 / 9 Australia Australia 0 1978 / 9 Australia West Indies 5 Total 11 West Indian WSC ODI captains Number Name Period of captaincy Played Won Tied Lost No result Clive Lloyd 1977 / 8 - 1978 / 9 39 24 0 11 Rebel tour to South Africa , 1982 / 3 and 1983 / 4 ( edit ) In 1982 / 3 and 1983 / 4 a group of West Indian cricketers toured apartheid South Africa . The West Indies Cricket Board banned all the tourists from cricket for life , and such was the furore caused by the visits that many of the cricketers ceased to be welcome in their home islands . The rebel West Indian squad played a series of Tests and ODIs , none of which have official status . West Indian rebel Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Lawrence Rowe 1982 / 3 South Africa South Africa 0 1983 / 4 South Africa South Africa Total 5 Alvin Kallicharan 1983 / 1984 † South Africa South Africa 0 0 Grand total 6 West Indian rebel ODI captains Number Name Period of captaincy Played Won Tied Lost No result Lawrence Rowe 1982 / 3 - 1983 / 4 11 7 0 0 Alvin Kallicharan 1983 / 4 0 0 0 Grand total 12 8 0 0 Youth cricket ( edit ) Test match captains ( edit ) This is a list of cricketers who have captained the West Indian U-19 cricket team for at least one under - 19 Test match . The table of results is complete to the only youth Test match of the 2011 Dubai Series between the West Indies U-19 team and the Australia U-19 team and includes the third Test against England in 2001 . West Indian Under - 19 Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Colin Murray England England 0 Timur Mohamed 1976 England West Indies 0 0 Austin White 1978 England England 0 Marlon Tucker 1979 / 80 England West Indies 0 5 Roger Harper 1982 England England 0 6 Zorol Barthley 1984 / 5 England West Indies 0 7 Brian Lara 1987 / 8 Australia Australia 0 0 8 Sherwin Campbell 1990 Australia West Indies 0 9 Ian Bradshaw 1993 England England 0 10 Andre Percival 1994 / 5 England England 0 11 Gareth Breese 1995 / 6 Pakistan Pakistan 0 12 Shirley Clarke 1996 / 7 Pakistan West Indies 0 0 13 Brenton Parchment 2001 England England 0 14 Kraigg Brathwaite 2011 Australia UAE 0 0 Grand total 36 13 5 18 Youth one - day international captains ( edit ) This is a list of cricketers who have captained the West Indian U-19 cricket team for at least one U-19 One Day International . The table of results is complete to the sixth and final youth ODI match for the WI U-19 team in the 2018 Under - 19 Cricket World Cup , and includes all three youth ODI match for the WI U-19 team in the 2017 West Indies Under - 19 tour of Zimbabwe , all five matches for the WI U-19 team in the 2017 West Indies Under - 19 tour of South Africa , all six matches for the WI U-19 team of the 2016 U-19 Cricket World Cup , all three matches for the WI U-19 team of 2015 / 2016 West Indies U-19 tour of Bangladesh , all six matches for the WI U-19 team of the 2014 U-19 Cricket World Cup , the one and only youth ODI match of the 2013 / 2014 West Indies U-19 tour of Bangladesh ( the other six matches were cancelled following an explosion near the WI U-19 team hotel ) , all seven youth ODI matches of the 2013 / 2014 Bangladesh U-19 tour of the West Indies , the 2012 U-19 Cricket World Cup ( all six matches including the fifth place playoff ) , all seven youth ODI matches for the West Indies U-19 team in the 2011 / 12 U-19 Quadrangular Series in India , all three youth ODI matches of the 2011 Dubai Series between the West Indies U-19 team and the Australia U-19 team and all six matches of the West Indies team in the 2009 / 10 U-19 Cricket World Cup where they lost in the semi-finals to the Pakistan U-19 cricket team but beat the Sri Lanka U-19 cricket team in the playoff to place third in the tournament . West Indies U-19s ' best result in an U-19 World Cup has been as a finalist in 2003 / 04 . In 2007 / 08 they won the plate final for the U-19 World Cup . West Indian Under - 19 ODI captains Number Name Year Played Won Tied Lost No result Timur Mohamed 1976 0 0 0 Austin White 1978 0 0 0 Roger Harper 1982 0 0 0 Zorol Barthley 1985 0 0 5 Brian Lara 1988 8 5 0 0 6 Ian Bradshaw 1993 0 0 0 7 Rawl Lewis 1995 0 0 8 Andre Percival 1995 0 0 0 9 Gareth Breese 1995 0 0 10 Shirley Clarke 0 0 11 Sylvester Joseph 1998 7 0 0 12 Ryan Hinds 2000 5 0 0 13 Marlon Samuels 2000 0 0 0 14 Brenton Parchment 2001 0 0 15 Narsingh Deonarine 2002 7 0 0 16 Denesh Ramdin 12 7 0 5 0 17 Leon Johnson 2006 8 0 5 0 18 Jason Mohammed 2006 0 0 0 19 Sharmarh Brooks 2008 8 0 0 20 Steven Jacobs 2008 0 0 0 21 Andre Creary 20010 0 0 22 Yannick Ottley 0 0 0 23 Kraigg Brathwaite 2011 / 12 16 8 0 8 0 24 Ramaal Lewis 2013 / 14 14 6 0 8 0 25 Jeremy Solozano 2013 0 0 0 26 Shimron Hetmyer 2015 / 16 9 5 0 0 27 Emmanuel Stewart 2017 14 8 0 7 0 Grand total 139 71 0 68 0 Women 's cricket ( edit ) Test match captains ( edit ) This is a list of cricketers who have captained the West Indian women 's cricket team for at least one women 's Test match . The table of results is complete to the Test against Pakistan in 2003 / 4 . West Indian women 's Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn Louise Browne 1975 / 6 Australia West Indies 0 0 1976 / 7 India India 6 Total 8 6 Patricia Whittaker 1979 England England 0 Stephanie Power 2003 / 4 Pakistan Pakistan 0 0 Grand total 12 8 Women 's one - day international captains ( edit ) This is a list of cricketers who have captained the West Indian women 's cricket team for at least one women 's one - day international . The table of results is complete to the third ODI against South Africa in 2004 / 5 , the West Indies women 's tour of Europe ( Ireland , Netherlands and England ) in 2008 ( all 9 ODIs ) and Sri Lanka in 2008 / 09 ( all 5 ODIs ) , the seventh and final match for the team in 2009 Women 's Cricket World Cup , the 2009 / 10 West Indies women 's tour of South Africa ( all 4 ODIs ) , the 2009 / 10 England women 's tour of West Indies ( all 3 ODIs ) , the 2010 Sri Lanka women 's tour of West Indies ( both ODIs ) , the 2010 ICC Women 's Cricket Challenge , the 2010 / 11 West Indies women 's tour of India , the 2010 / 11 Pakistan women 's tour of the West Indies and the West Indies women 's team in the 2011 Women 's Cricket World Cup Qualifier ( which the West Indies women won ) , the 2011 / 12 Indian women 's tour of the West Indies , the 2012 Sri Lankan women 's tour of the West Indies , the 2012 / 13 South African Women 's tour of the West Indies , the 2013 Women 's Cricket World Cup ( all 7 matches for the team where West Indies women came second ) , the 2012 / 13 West Indies women 's tour of Sri Lanka , the 2013 / 14 New Zealand women 's tour of the West Indies , the 2013 / 14 England women 's tour of the West Indies , the 2013 / 14 West Indies women 's tour of New Zealand , the 2014 / 15 New Zealand women 's tour of West Indies ( of which only the first 3 ( of 4 ) ODIs were counted as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2014 / 15 West Indies women 's tour of Australia ( the first three matches also counted as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2015 West Indies women 's tour of Sri Lanka ( the final three matches of which count as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2015 / 16 Pakistan women 's tour of West Indies ( the final three matches of which count as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2015 / 16 West Indies women 's tour of South Africa ( all three matches of which count as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2016 / 17 England women 's tour of the West Indies ( the final three matches of which count as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2016 / 17 West Indies women 's tour of India ( all three matches of which count as part of the 2014 - 2016 ICC Women 's Championship ) , the 2017 Women 's Cricket World Cup ( all seven matches for the team ) , the 2017 / 18 Sri Lanka women 's tour of the West Indies ( all three matches of which count as part of the 2017 - 2020 ICC Women 's Championship ) and up to the third and final match for the team in the 2017 / 18 West Indies women 's tour of New Zealand ( all three matches of which count as part of the 2017 - 2020 ICC Women 's Championship ) . Data from 2004 / 5 to 2008 ( including the 2005 Women 's World Cup ) may be missing . West Indian women 's ODI captains Number Name Year Played Won Tied Lost No result Leila Williams 1979 0 0 0 Patricia Whittaker 1979 0 0 0 Ann Browne 1993 - 1998 10 0 7 0 Marlene Needham 0 0 0 5 Verena Felician 2003 6 0 0 6 0 6 Stephanie Power 2003 -- 2005 25 13 0 11 7 Envis Williams 0 0 0 8 Nadine George 2008 11 5 0 9 Chedean Nation 2008 0 0 0 10 Merissa Aguilleira 2009 -- 2015 74 39 32 11 Anisa Mohammed 0 0 0 12 Stafanie Taylor 2013 -- present 28 13 0 15 0 13 Shakera Selman 2016 0 0 0 Grand total 162 77 80 Women 's Twenty20 international captains ( edit ) This is a complete list of every woman who has captained the West Indies in at least one twenty20 international . It is complete up to the fifth and final match for the team in the 2017 / 18 West Indies women 's tour of New Zealand . In 2010 West Indies women took their first international T20 title by winning the 2010 ICC Women 's Cricket Challenge . The first Twenty20 International involving West Indies women was played in June 2008 against Ireland in Dublin . West Indian Twenty20 International captains Number Name Period of captaincy Played Won Tied Lost No result Nadine George 2008 0 0 0 Merissa Aguilleira 2009 -- 2015 70 38 28 Anisa Mohammed 0 0 0 Stafanie Taylor 2012 -- present 29 16 2 , 10 5 Shemaine Campbelle 2012 0 0 0 Grand total 104 59 38 Notes : Also captained two warm - up matches against Pakistan and Sri Lanka which were both won by West Indies . After the 2010 Sri Lanka women 's tour to the West Indies , Pakistan played an apparently unofficial 3 - match series in preparation for the Women 's World Twenty20 . Aguilleira captained WI women entirely in this series which WI women won 2 -- 1 . This was followed by two official warm - up matches ( in which Aguilleira also captained WI women ) , one against Pakistan women again ( won by Pakistan ) and one against New Zealand women ( won by West Indies women ) . West Indies won the Super Over in this match by 3 runs with WI scoring 10 / 1 and Pakistan scoring 7 / 1 West Indies won the One Over Eliminator in this match with England scoring 6 / 1 and West Indies replying with 9 / 0 New Zealand won the One Over Eliminator in this match with West Indies scoring 5 / 2 and New Zealand replying with 8 / 0 West Indies won the One Over Eliminator in this match with Pakistan scoring 3 / 2 and West Indies replying with 6 / 1 See also ( edit ) List of West Indian Test cricketers List of West Indian ODI cricketers Development of the Test captaincy of West Indies References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Canada Cricket online -- scroll to `` West Indies 1886 tour to Canada '' ^ Jump up to : The Development of West Indies Cricket Google Book results pages 22 and 23 Jump up ^ Canada Cricket online -- scroll to `` The first West Indies cricket tour '' Jump up ^ West Indies versus the Gentlemen of the United States of America 1888 Jump up ^ Cricket Archive : Edward Wright Cricket Archive Wisden Cricketers ' Almanack West Indies Test cricket captains 1928 ; 1929 / 30 : Nunes 1929 / 30 : Hoad 1929 / 30 : Betancourt 1929 / 30 : Fernandes 1930 / 31 -- 1934 / 35 : J. Grant 1939 : R. Grant 1947 / 48 : Headley 1947 / 48 : Gomez 1947 / 48 -- 1957 : Goddard 1951 / 52 ; 1952 / 53 -- 1953 / 54 ; 1954 / 55 : Stollmeyer 1954 / 55 -- 1955 / 56 : Atkinson 1957 / 58 -- 1959 / 60 : Alexander 1960 / 61 -- 1963 : Worrell 1964 / 65 -- 1971 / 72 : Sobers 1972 / 73 -- 1973 / 74 : Kanhai 1974 / 75 -- 1976 / 77 ; 1977 / 78 ; 1979 / 80 -- 1984 / 85 : Lloyd 1977 / 78 -- 1978 / 79 : Kallicharran 1979 / 80 : Murray 1980 ; 1983 / 84 -- 1991 : Richards 1987 / 88 : Greenidge 1989 / 90 ; 1990 / 91 : Haynes 1991 / 92 -- 1995 : Richardson 1993 / 94 ; 1994 / 95 -- 1997 / 98 : Walsh 1996 / 97 ; 1997 / 98 -- 2006 / 07 : Lara 1999 / 00 -- 2000 / 01 : Adams 2000 / 01 -- 2002 / 03 : Hooper 2002 / 03 : Jacobs 2004 / 05 -- 2005 / 06 : Chanderpaul 2007 -- 2008 : Sarwan 2007 : Ganga 2007 / 08 ; 2008 ; 2008 / 09 -- 2010 : Gayle 2007 / 08 : Bravo 2009 : Reifer 2010 / 11 -- 2014 : Sammy 2014 -- 2015 : Ramdin 2015 -- : Holder 2017 : Brathwaite Italics denote deputised captaincy West Indies ODI cricket captains 1973 : Kanhai 1975 -- 1984 / 85 : Lloyd 1977 / 78 -- 1979 / 80 : Murray 1977 / 78 : Kallicharran 1980 -- 1991 : Richards 1983 / 84 : Holding 1987 / 88 -- 1988 / 89 : Greenidge 1989 / 90 -- 1993 / 94 : Haynes 1989 / 90 : Dujon 1991 / 92 -- 1995 / 96 : Richardson 1994 / 95 -- 1997 / 98 : Walsh 1994 / 95 -- 2006 / 07 : Lara 1996 / 97 -- 2002 / 03 : Hooper 1998 / 99 -- 2000 / 01 : Adams 2000 / 01 : Campbell 2002 / 03 : Jacobs 2003 / 04 -- 2004 : Sarwan 2004 / 05 -- 2005 / 06 : Chanderpaul 2005 : Joseph 2006 / 07 -- 2010 / 11 : Gayle 2007 / 08 -- 2014 : Bravo 2009 : Reifer 2010 -- 2013 : Sammy 2011 / 12 : Ramdin 2013 : Pollard 2015 -- : Holder 2015 : Samuels 2017 : Mohammed West Indies T20I cricket captains 2005 / 06 : Chanderpaul 2007 -- 2010 / 11 : Gayle 2007 : Sarwan 2007 / 08 : Bravo 2008 / 09 : Ramdin 2009 : Reifer 2011 : Ramdin 2011 -- 2016 : Sammy 2016 -- 2017 : Brathwaite 2018 - : Mohammed National cricket captains Test nations Australia Bangladesh England India Ireland New Zealand Pakistan South Africa Sri Lanka West Indies Zimbabwe ODI nations Afghanistan Bermuda Canada East Africa Hong Kong Kenya Namibia Nepal Netherlands Oman PNG Scotland United Arab Emirates United States of America Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_West_Indies_cricket_captains&oldid=850286091 '' Categories : West Indian cricket captains Lists of West Indies cricketers Lists of cricket captains West Indies in international cricket Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from February 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia বাংলা मराठी Edit links This page was last edited on 14 July 2018 , at 23 : 20 ( UTC ) . 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where does the last name blackburn come from
Blackburn is a surname of English origin . At the time of the British Census of 1881 , its frequency was highest in Yorkshire , followed by Cumberland , Lancashire , Lincolnshire , Northumberland , County Durham and Norfolk . In all other British counties , its frequency was below national average . Notable people with the surname include :
English origin
Blackburn ( surname )
blackburn ( surname )
Blackburn is a surname of English origin . At the time of the British Census of 1881 , its frequency was highest in Yorkshire , followed by Cumberland , Lancashire , Lincolnshire , Northumberland , County Durham and Norfolk . In all other British counties , its frequency was below national average . Notable people with the surname include :
Alan Blackburn ( 1935 -- 2014 ) , English footballer Anthony Blackburn Arthur Blackburn ( footballer ) ( born 1877 ) , English footballer with Blackburn Rovers and Southampton Arthur Seaforth Blackburn ( 1892 -- 1960 ) Australian soldier , Victoria Cross recipient Bob Blackburn ( disambiguation ) Bunkie Blackburn Chase Blackburn Clare Blackburn Clarice Blackburn Colin Blackburn , Baron Blackburn , a Scottish judge who sat in the English courts Dan Blackburn David Blackburn ( disambiguation ) , multiple people Derek Blackburn Doris Blackburn Earl Blackburn , Major League Baseball player Edmond Spencer Blackburn Elizabeth Blackburn , molecular biologist and Nobel prize winner Estelle Blackburn Frank Blackburn ( born 1944 ) , Louisiana politician Fred Blackburn ( footballer ) ( born 1879 ) , English international footballer Frédéric Blackburn , Canadian short track speed skater Geoffrey Blackburn George Blackburn ( disambiguation ) George Blackburn ( American football ) , American football coach George Blackburn ( baseball ) , Major League Baseball player George Blackburn ( footballer , born 1888 ) , English footballer George Blackburn ( footballer , born 1899 ) , English footballer George G. Blackburn , Canadian author Gideon Blackburn Harold Blackburn ( pioneer aviator ) , aviator Howard Blackburn Jack Blackburn , American boxer and trainer , most notable for training heavyweight champion Joe Louis Jack Blackburn ( rugby league ) , rugby league footballer of the 1930s , 1940s and 1950s James Blackburn ( disambiguation ) James Blackburn ( architect ) James Blackburn ( politician ) James Blackburn ( RAF officer ) Jean - Pierre Blackburn John Blackburn ( disambiguation ) John Blackburn ( author ) John Blackburn ( educator ) John Blackburn ( musician ) John Blackburn ( politician ) John Blackburn ( songwriter ) Joseph Blackburn ( disambiguation ) Karoliina Blackburn Luke P. Blackburn Marsha Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Michael Blackburn ( disambiguation ) Michael Blackburn ( athlete ) ( born 1970 ) , Australian Olympic medallist and sailor Michael Blackburn ( poet ) ( born 1954 ) , British poet Nick Blackburn , Major League Baseball player Olly Blackburn , filmmaker and screenwriter Paul Blackburn ( U.S. poet ) Peter Blackburn Robert Blackburn ( disambiguation ) Robert Blackburn ( artist ) Robert Blackburn ( aviation pioneer ) Robert Blackburn ( educationalist ) Robert Blackburn ( politician ) Robert McGrady Blackburn Simon Blackburn , philosopher Thomas Blackburn ( disambiguation ) Thomas Blackburn ( entomologist ) Thomas Blackburn ( poet ) Tom Blackburn ( basketball ) Tom W. Blackburn , writer , lyricist John T. `` Tommy '' Blackburn , U.S. aviator Thornton Blackburn , escaped fugitive slave from Kentucky Tony Blackburn William Blackburn , British architect References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Blackburn Meaning and Distribution '' . forebears.co.uk . Retrieved 25 January 2014 See also ( edit ) Blackburne ( disambiguation ) This page lists people with the surname Blackburn . If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page , you may wish to change that link by adding the person 's given name ( s ) to the link . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blackburn_(surname)&oldid=828369614 '' Categories : Surnames English toponymic surnames Hidden categories : All set index articles Talk About Wikipedia Bân - lâm - gú Edit links This page was last edited on 2 March 2018 , at 03 : 34 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who wrote the song that's the way i like it
`` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' German 5 - inch maxi single Single by KC and the Sunshine Band from the album KC and the Sunshine Band B - side `` What Makes You Happy '' Released June 10 , 1975 Format Vinyl ( 7 `` ) Genre Disco funk Length 3 : 06 ( radio edit ) 5 : 07 ( album version ) Label TK Songwriter ( s ) Harry W. Casey Richard Finch Producer ( s ) Harry W. Casey Richard Finch KC and the Sunshine Band singles chronology `` Shotgun Shuffle '' ( 1975 ) `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' ( 1975 ) `` I 'm So Crazy ( ' Bout You ) '' ( 1975 ) `` Shotgun Shuffle '' ( 1975 ) `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' ( 1975 ) `` I 'm So Crazy ( ' Bout You ) '' ( 1975 ) file help
Harry W. Casey|Richard Finch
That 's the way ( I like it )
that's the way ( i like it )
`` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' is a song by the American group KC and the Sunshine Band from their second studio album . At the time , this song was considered by some to be rather risqué because of the obvious meaning behind the title as well as its chorus with multiple `` uh - huhs '' and its verses .
The song is in natural minor . Contents ( hide ) 1 KC and the Sunshine Band version 2 Chart performance 2.1 KC and the Sunshine Band 2.1. 1 Weekly singles charts 2.1. 2 Year - end charts 2.2 Dead or Alive 3 Other cover versions 4 Uses in media 5 Bibliography 6 References 7 External links KC and the Sunshine Band version ( edit ) `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' became the band 's second number - one hit in the Billboard Hot 100 , and it is one of the few chart - toppers in history to hit number one on more than one occasion during a one - month period , as it did between November and December 1975 . This song topped the American pop chart for one week , and then it was replaced by another disco song , `` Fly , Robin , Fly '' by Silver Convention . `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' returned to number - one for one more week after `` Fly , Robin , Fly '' completed three weeks at the top . `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' also spent one week at number - one in the soul singles chart . The song was also an international chart hit , reaching # 1 in Canada and the Netherlands and charting in Australia ( # 5 ) , Belgium ( # 2 ) , Germany ( # 20 ) , Ireland ( # 17 ) , New Zealand ( # 12 ) , Norway ( # 5 ) and the UK ( # 4 ) . For release as a single and radio airplay , the song was toned down from the original recording , which would have jeopardized getting radio airplay at the time . However the sexual overtones may have improved the record 's reception at discos , increasing its overall popularity in the charts . Chart performance ( edit ) KC and the Sunshine Band ( edit ) Weekly singles charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1975 -- 76 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 5 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) Canada RPM Top Singles Germany ( Official German Charts ) 20 Irish Singles Chart 17 Italy ( FIMI ) 17 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 12 Norway ( VG - lista ) 5 South African Chart 6 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play 18 US Billboard Hot R&B Singles US Cash Box Top 100 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1975 ) Rank Canada 14 Netherlands 9 UK 49 U.S. Cash Box 49 Chart ( 1976 ) Rank Australia 51 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 45 Dead or Alive ( edit ) Chart ( 1984 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 45 Irish Singles Chart 23 UK ( Official Charts Company ) 22 US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play 28 Other cover versions ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In 1979 , Pete Burns used the chorus in the song `` Black Leather '' , composed and recorded in the early stages of Dead or Alive ( then known as Nightmares in Wax ) . In 1984 , this song was covered by Dead or Alive for their album Sophisticated Boom Boom . In 1991 , `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' was covered by post-hardcore band Trenchmouth for the compilation 20 Explosive Dynamic Super Smash Hit Explosions ! . In 1992 , this song was covered by Giorgio Moroder in his album called , `` Forever Dancing '' . In 1995 , this song was covered by Eurodance German project Tears n ' Joy for the album Enjoy . In 1995 , this song was covered by Italian Eurodance group Double You . In 1996 , Spin Doctors and Biz Markie covered this song for the soundtrack for the film Space Jam . In 1997 , this song was covered by Polish rapper Norbi as Kobiety są gorące . In the nineties , the song was covered by Clock ; it features the Queen , Tony Blair , Palace Guards and other celebrities dancing alongside the band members In 2001 , Mexican girl group Jeans included a Spanish version of the song on their album , `` Cuarto para las Cuatro '' . In 2004 , the band Westlife performed this song live during its Turnaround Tour . In 2010 , this song was covered by Eytan for the MTV film Turn the Beat Around . In 2011 , this song was later sampled by the rapper 50 Cent for his song `` I Just Wanna ( feat . Tony Yayo ) '' for his mixtape The Big 10 . Uses in media ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The chorus was used in Canada for Cadbury Crunchie chocolate bars from 1984 to 1987 with the ' uh - huhs ' replaced by ' crunch crunch . ' The song was featured in Happy Feet and From Justin To Kelly The song was used in opening scene of the 2000 American animated comedy - drama film Rugrats in Paris . In Indonesia , the television commercials that featured this song was Daihatsu Taruna and Bakrie Telecom 's AHA modem from Bakrie & Brothers and also used as a non-campaign song for Jakarta 2012 's Government Jokowi and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama It is the opening theme song from the 2014 Brazilian soap opera Boogie Oogie . It 's sung by the Albert Einstein Bobbleheads in Night at the Museum : Battle of the Smithsonian . It 's a playable level in the Wii - exclusive video game We Cheer . In the Philippines , it was used from Nestle Magnolia Ice Cream commercial in 1999 . The song was ranked number 17 out of the top 76 songs of the 1970s by internet radio station WDDF Radio in their 2016 countdown . The opening verse was used in Australia for Cadbury chocolate as a bear dances around a tree , with the caption `` Tastes like this feels '' . The song was covered several times in Brazil for the beer Brahma commercials at 2016 , with the slogan `` Cerveja é assim que se faz '' ( That 's the way beer is made ) . One of these covers , its lyrics were used at the sound of Ode to Joy . In the film Austin Powers in Goldmember , Beyoncé sings a medley of this and several other KC and the Sunshine Band songs as a tribute to the character of Goldmember . The song was played on King of the Hill ( season 6 ) in episode `` Returning Japanese '' . In Bruce Almighty , Jim Carrey 's character recites the chorus in Walter Cronkite 's voice . Bibliography ( edit ) Craig MacInnis , `` That 's the Way I Like It ( The Harry Wayne Casey Story ) '' , Team Power Publishing , 2002 , ISBN 2 - 89568 - 059 - 0 References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Alex Henderson . `` KC and the Sunshine Band review on Allmusic '' . Allmusic . Rovi Corporation . Retrieved 9 June 2013 . `` Fueled by such addictive funk hits as `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' and `` Get Down Tonight , '' the album established K.C. as one of the top stars of the disco era . '' Jump up ^ Stephenson , Ken ( 2002 ) . What to Listen for in Rock : A Stylistic Analysis , p. 89 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 09239 - 4 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 315 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . Collectionscanada.gc.ca . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ Dimery , Robert ( 2010 ) . 1001 songs you must hear before you die . United Kingdom : Cassell Illustrated . p. 350 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84403 - 736 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Kent , David ( 1993 ) . Australian Chart Book 1970 -- 1992 . St Ives , N.S.W. : Australian Chart Book . pp. 85 , 163 . ISBN 0 - 646 - 11917 - 6 . N.B. The Kent Report chart was licensed by ARIA between mid 1983 and 19 June 1988 . Jump up ^ `` Ultratop.be -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` That 's the way ( I like it ) in Canadian Top Singles Chart '' . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved 10 July 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Offiziellecharts.de -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . ^ Jump up to : `` That 's the way ( I like it ) in Irish Chart '' . IRMA . Retrieved 30 May 2013 . Only results when searching `` That 's the way ( I like it ) '' Jump up ^ `` The best - selling singles of 1976 in Italy '' . HitParadeItalia ( it ) . Retrieved 4 June 2013 . 67 . That 's the way ( I like it ) - K.C. and the Sunshine Band ( # 17 ) Jump up ^ `` Nederlandse Top 40 -- KC and the Sunshine Band '' ( in Dutch ) . Dutch Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` Dutchcharts.nl -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` Charts.org.nz -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' . Top 40 Singles . Jump up ^ `` Norwegiancharts.com -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' . VG - lista . Jump up ^ John Samson . `` That 's the way ( I like it ) by KC & the Sunshine Band in South African Chart '' . Retrieved 4 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Swedishcharts.com -- KC & the Sunshine Band -- That 's the way ( I like it ) '' . Singles Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` Official Singles Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 30 May 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` KC and the Sunshine Band Awards on Allmusic '' . Allmusic . Retrieved 30 May 2013 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . collectionscanada.gc.ca . Jump up ^ `` Jaaroverzichten -- Single 1975 '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Hung Medien . Retrieved March 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Britain 's best selling records of ' 75 '' ( JPG ) . Scans.chartarchive.org . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Jump up ^ `` Australian Chart Book '' . Austchartbook.com.au . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Hits of 1976 / Top 100 Songs of 1976 '' . Musicoutfitters.com . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` 1984 Top 40 Official UK Singles Archive - 21st April 1984 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 30 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Dead or Alive awards on Allmusic '' . Allmusic . Retrieved 30 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Clock - That 's The Way ( CLUB 90 ) ( WebR '' . YouTube . 2011 - 10 - 11 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` WDDF Radio '' . External links ( edit ) Song lyrics from the band 's official website . Check this link ! Music Legends Part 1 : KC & The Sunshine Band Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics `` The Complexity of Songs '' , Knuth , Donald E. ( 1984 ) . Preceded by `` Island Girl '' by Elton John `` Fly , Robin , Fly '' by Silver Convention Billboard Hot 100 number - one single November 22 , 1975 ( one week ) December 20 , 1975 ( one week ) Succeeded by `` Fly , Robin , Fly '' by Silver Convention `` Let 's Do It Again '' by The Staple Singers Preceded by `` Let 's Do It Again '' by The Staple Singers Billboard Hot Soul Singles number one single November 29 , 1975 Succeeded by `` I Love Music '' by The O'Jays Preceded by `` Black Superman '' by Johnny Wakelin Canadian RPM number - one single December 13 , 1975 -- January 3 , 1976 Succeeded by `` Saturday Night '' by Bay City Rollers Preceded by `` Dansez maintenant '' by Dave Dutch Top 40 number - one single November 29 , 1975 -- December 6 , 1975 Succeeded by `` Mississippi '' by Pussycat KC and the Sunshine Band Harry Wayne `` K.C. '' Casey Maria De Crescenzo Anika Ellis Fermin Goytisolo Robert E. Lee David Simmons Chris Cadenhead Jeffery Reeves Steve Lashley John Reid Michael Cordone Fernando Diaz Miles Fielder Kenetha Morris Janell Burgess Richard Finch Jerome Smith Robert Johnson Oliver C. Brown Mike Lewis Vinnie Tanno Ken Faulk Margaret Reynolds Beverley Champion Jeanette Williams Studio albums Do It Good ( 1974 ) KC and the Sunshine Band ( 1975 ) The Sound of Sunshine ( 1975 ) Part 3 ( 1976 ) Who Do Ya ( Love ) ( 1978 ) Do You Wanna Go Party ( 1979 ) Space Cadet : Solo Flight ( 1981 ) The Painter ( 1981 ) All in a Night 's Work ( 1982 ) KC Ten ( 1984 ) Oh Yeah ! ( 1993 ) I 'll Be There for You ( 2001 ) Yummy ( 2007 ) Live albums Get Down Live ! ( 1995 ) Compilation albums Greatest Hits ( 1980 ) The Best of KC and the Sunshine Band ( 1990 ) 25th Anniversary Collection ( 1999 ) In a Mellow Mood ( 2005 ) Singles `` Get Down Tonight '' `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' `` Rock Your Baby '' `` ( Shake , Shake , Shake ) Shake Your Booty '' `` I 'm Your Boogie Man '' `` Keep It Comin ' Love '' `` Boogie Shoes '' `` It 's the Same Old Song '' `` Please Do n't Go '' `` Give It Up '' Related articles Discography Book Dead or Alive Pete Burns Mike Percy Steve Coy Timothy Lever Martin Healy Mick Reid Walter Ogden Paul Hornby Phil Hurst Pete Lloyd Joe Musker Sue James Adrian Mitchley Wayne Hussey Peter Oxendale Jason Alburey Studio albums Sophisticated Boom Boom ( 1984 ) Youthquake ( 1985 ) Mad , Bad , and Dangerous to Know ( 1986 ) Nude ( 1988 ) Fan the Flame ( Part 1 ) ( 1990 ) Nukleopatra ( 1995 ) Fragile ( 2000 ) Remix albums Nude ( Remixed , Remodelled , Remixed ) ( 1991 ) Unbreakable ( 2001 ) Other albums Rip It Up ( 1987 ) Love , Pete ( 1992 ) Star Box ( 1993 ) Evolution : The Hits ( 2003 ) That 's the Way I Like It : The Best of Dead or Alive ( 2010 ) Sophisticated Boom Box MMXVI ( 2016 ) Singles `` I 'm Falling '' `` Number Eleven '' `` It 's Been Hours Now '' `` The Stranger '' `` Misty Circles '' `` What I Want '' `` I 'd Do Anything '' `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' `` You Spin Me Round ( Like a Record ) '' `` Lover Come Back to Me '' `` In Too Deep '' `` My Heart Goes Bang ( Get Me to the Doctor ) '' `` Brand New Lover '' `` Something in My House '' `` Hooked on Love '' `` I 'll Save You All My Kisses '' `` Son of A Gun '' `` Turn Around & Count 2 Ten '' `` Come Home with Me Baby '' `` Baby Do n't Say Goodbye '' `` Your Sweetness ( Is Your Weakness ) '' `` Gone 2 Long '' `` Unhappy Birthday '' `` Rebel Rebel '' `` You Spin Me Round ( Like a Record ) 96 '' `` Sex Drive '' `` Hit and Run Lover '' `` You Spin Me Round 2003 '' Related topics Discography Celebrity Big Brother 2006 ( UK ) Celebrity Wife Swap Epic Records Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=That%27s_the_Way_(I_Like_It)&oldid=830154788 '' Categories : 1975 singles KC and the Sunshine Band songs Dead or Alive ( band ) songs Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles RPM Top Singles number - one singles Dutch Top 40 number - one singles Single Top 100 number - one singles Songs written by Harry Wayne Casey Songs written by Richard Finch ( musician ) Funk songs Disco songs Songs about sexuality Television theme songs 1975 songs Hidden categories : CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2015 Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Dutch40 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for New Zealand Singlechart usages for Norway Singlechart usages for Sweden Singlechart usages for UK Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Articles needing additional references from December 2014 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands Português Русский Simple English Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 13 March 2018 , at 02 : 26 . 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how did the industrial revolution contribute to the spread of liberalism
History of liberalism
history of liberalism
Liberalism , the belief in freedom and human rights , is historically associated with such thinkers as John Locke and Montesquieu . It is a political movement which spans the better part of the last four centuries , though the use of the word `` liberalism '' to refer to a specific political doctrine did not occur until the 19th century . The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England laid the foundations for the development of the modern liberal state by constitutionally limiting the power of the monarch , affirming parliamentary supremacy , passing the Bill of Rights and establishing the principle of `` consent of the governed '' . The 1776 Declaration of Independence of the United States of America founded the nascent republic on liberal principles without the encumbrance of hereditary aristocracy -- the declaration stated that `` all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights , among these life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness '' , echoing John Locke 's phrase `` life , liberty , and property '' . A few years later , the French Revolution overthrew the hereditary aristocracy , with the slogan `` liberty , equality , fraternity '' and was the first state in history to grant universal male suffrage . The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen , first codified in 1789 in France , is a foundational document of both liberalism and human rights . The intellectual progress of the Enlightenment , which questioned old traditions about societies and governments , eventually coalesced into powerful revolutionary movements that toppled what the French called the Ancien Régime , the belief in absolute monarchy and established religion , especially in Europe , Latin America and North America .
William Henry of Orange in the Glorious Revolution , Thomas Jefferson in the American Revolution and Lafayette in the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule . Liberalism started to spread rapidly especially after the French Revolution . The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe , South America and North America . In this period , the dominant ideological opponent of classical liberalism was conservatism , but liberalism later survived major ideological challenges from new opponents , such as fascism and communism . Liberal government often adopted the economic beliefs espoused by Adam Smith , John Stuart Mill and others , which broadly emphasized the importance of free markets and laissez - faire governance , with a minimum of interference in trade . During 19th and early 20th century in the Ottoman Empire and Middle East , liberalism influenced periods of reform such as the Tanzimat and Nahda and the rise of secularism , constitutionalism and nationalism . These changes , along with other factors , helped to create a sense of crisis within Islam which continues to this day -- this led to Islamic revivalism . During the 20th century , liberal ideas spread even further as liberal democracies found themselves on the winning side in both world wars . In Europe and North America , the establishment of social liberalism ( often called simply `` liberalism '' in the United States ) became a key component in the expansion of the welfare state . Today , liberal parties continue to wield power and influence throughout the world , but it still has challenges to overcome in Africa and Asia . Later waves of modern liberal thought and struggle were strongly influenced by the need to expand civil rights . Liberals have advocated for gender equality and racial equality and a global social movement for civil rights in the 20th century achieved several objectives towards both goals . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early history 2 Glorious Revolution 3 Age of Enlightenment 3.1 French Enlightenment 4 Era of revolution 4.1 American revolution 4.2 French Revolution 5 Classical liberalism 5.1 Radicalism 5.1. 1 Laissez - faire 5.2 Liberal economic theory 5.3 John Stuart Mill and Liberal political theory 6 Worldwide spread 6.1 Freemasons 6.2 Africa and Asia 6.3 Americas 6.4 Europe 6.5 Oceania 7 Historiography 7.1 Foucault 8 Notes 9 References and further reading 9.1 Britain 9.2 France Early History ( edit ) John Locke was the first to develop a liberal philosophy as he coherently described the elementary principles of the liberal movement , such as the right to private property and the consent of the governed The Agreement of the People ( 1647 ) , a manifesto for political change proposed by the Levellers during the English Civil War , called for freedom of religion , frequent convening of Parliament and equality under the law Isolated strands of liberal thought had existed in Western philosophy since the Ancient Greeks and in Eastern philosophy since the Song and Ming period , but the first major signs of liberal politics emerged in modern times . Many of the liberal concepts of Locke were foreshadowed in the radical ideas that were freely aired at the time . The pamphleteer Richard Overton wrote : `` To every Individuall in nature , is given an individuall property by nature , not to be invaded or usurped by any ... ; no man hath power over my rights and liberties , and I over no mans '' . These ideas were first unified as a distinct ideology by the English philosopher John Locke , generally regarded as the father of modern liberalism . Locke developed the radical notion that government acquires consent from the governed , which has to be constantly present for a government to remain legitimate . His influential Two Treatises ( 1690 ) , the foundational text of liberal ideology , outlined his major ideas . His insistence that lawful government did not have a supernatural basis was a sharp break from previous theories of governance . Locke also defined the concept of the separation of church and state . Based on the social contract principle , Locke argued that there was a natural right to the liberty of conscience , which he argued must therefore remain protected from any government authority . He also formulated a general defence for religious toleration in his Letters Concerning Toleration . Locke was influenced by the liberal ideas of John Milton , who was a staunch advocate of freedom in all its forms . Milton argued for disestablishment as the only effective way of achieving broad toleration . In his Areopagitica , Milton provided one of the first arguments for the importance of freedom of speech -- `` the liberty to know , to utter , and to argue freely according to conscience , above all liberties '' . Algernon Sidney was second only to John Locke in his influence on liberal political thought in eighteenth - century Britain and Colonial America , and was widely read and quoted by the Whig opposition during the Glorious Revolution . Sidney 's argument that `` free men always have the right to resist tyrannical government '' was widely quoted by the Patriots at the time of American Revolutionary War and Thomas Jefferson considered Sidney to have been one of the two primary sources for the Founding Fathers ' view of liberty . Sidney believed that absolute monarchy was a great political evil and his major work , Discourses Concerning Government , was written during the Exclusion Crisis , as a response to Robert Filmer 's Patriarcha , a defence of divine right monarchy . Sidney firmly rejected the Filmer 's reactionary principles and argued that the subjects of the monarch were entitled by right to share in the government through advice and counsel . Glorious Revolution ( edit ) Main article : Glorious Revolution See also : Civil liberties in the United Kingdom The Bill of Rights was a landmark piece of liberal legislation Isolated strands of liberal thought that had existed in Western philosophy since the Ancient Greeks , began to coalesce at the time of the English Civil War . Disputes between the Parliament and King Charles I over political supremacy sparked a massive civil war in the 1640s , which culminated in Charles ' execution and the establishment of a Republic . In particular , the Levellers , a radical political movement of the period , published their manifesto Agreement of the People which advocated popular sovereignty , an extended voting suffrage , religious tolerance and equality before the law . The impact of these ideas steadily increased during the 17th century in England , culminating in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 , which enshrined parliamentary sovereignty and the right of revolution , and led to the establishment of what many consider the first modern , liberal state . Significant legislative milestones in this period included the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 , which strengthened the convention that forbade detention lacking sufficient cause or evidence . The Bill of Rights formally established the supremacy of the law and of parliament over the monarch and laid down basic rights for all Englishmen . The Bill made royal interference with the law and with elections to parliament illegal , made the agreement of parliament necessary for the implementation of any new taxes and outlawed the maintenance of a standing army during peacetime without parliament 's consent . The right to petition the monarch was granted to everyone and `` cruel and unusual punishments '' were made illegal under all circumstances . This was followed a year later with the Act of Toleration , which drew its ideological content from John Locke 's four letters advocating religious toleration . The Act allowed freedom of worship to Nonconformists who pledged oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to the Anglican Church . In 1695 , the Commons refused to renew the Licensing of the Press Act 1662 , leading to a continuous period of unprecedented freedom of the press . The Licensing of the Press Act 1662 , which sanctioned government censorship of the printing press , expired in 1692 at the end of the existing session of parliament . In 1695 , the Commons refused to renew the legislation , leading to a continuous period of unprecedented freedom of the press ( apart from seditious libel ) . Age of Enlightenment ( edit ) Main article : Age of Enlightenment The development of liberalism continued throughout the 18th century with the burgeoning Enlightenment ideals of the era . This was a period of profound intellectual vitality that questioned old traditions and influenced several European monarchies throughout the 18th century . In contrast to England , the French experience in the 18th century was characterised by the perpetuation of feudal payments and rights and absolutism . Ideas that challenged the status quo were often harshly repressed . Most of the philosophes of the French Enlightenment were progressive in the liberal sense and advocated the reform of the French system of government along more constitutional and liberal lines . The American Enlightenment is a period of intellectual ferment in the thirteen American colonies in the period 1714 -- 1818 , which led to the American Revolution and the creation of the American Republic . Influenced by the 18th - century European Enlightenment and its own native American Philosophy , the American Enlightenment applied scientific reasoning to politics , science and religion , promoted religious tolerance , and restored literature , the arts , and music as important disciplines and professions worthy of study in colleges . Joseph II of Austria was an archetypal enlightened despot and although he maintained a belief in absolutist monarchy , he also championed a series of liberal reforms A prominent example of a monarch who took the Enlightenment project seriously was Joseph II of Austria , who ruled from 1780 to 1790 and implemented a wide array of radical reforms , such as the complete abolition of serfdom , the imposition of equal taxation policies between the aristocracy and the peasantry , the institution of religious toleration , including equal civil rights for Jews and the suppression of Catholic religious authority throughout his empire , creating a more secular nation . Besides the Enlightenment , a rising tide of industrialization and urbanization in Western Europe during the 18th century also contributed to the growth of liberal society by spurring commercial and entrepreneurial activity . In the early 18th century , the Commonwealth men and the Country Party in England , promoted republicanism and condemned the perceived widespread corruption and lack of morality during the Walpole era , theorizing that only civic virtue could protect a country from despotism and ruin . A series of essays , known as Cato 's Letters , published in the London Journal during the 1720s and written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon , condemned tyranny and advanced principles of freedom of conscience and freedom of speech . They were an important influence on the development of Republicanism in the United States . In the 1760s , the `` Middlesex radicals '' , led by the politician John Wilkes who was expelled from the House of Commons for seditious libel , founded the Society for the Defence of the Bill of Rights and developed the belief that every man had the right to vote and `` natural reason '' enabled him to properly judge political issues . Liberty consisted in frequent elections . This was to begin a long tradition of British radicalism . French Enlightenment ( edit ) Montesquieu was a prominent figure of the French enlightenment who argued for the separation of the powers of government in his The Spirit of the Laws ( 1748 ) In contrast to England , the French experience in the 18th century was characterized by the perpetuation of feudalism and absolutism . Ideas that challenged the status quo were often harshly repressed . Most of the philosophes of the French Enlightenment were progressive in the liberal sense and advocated the reform of the French system of government along more constitutional and liberal lines . Baron de Montesquieu wrote a series of highly influential works in the early 18th century , including Persian letters ( 1717 ) and The Spirit of the Laws ( 1748 ) . The latter exerted tremendous influence , both inside and outside France . Montesquieu pleaded in favor of a constitutional system of government , the preservation of civil liberties and the law and the idea that political institutions ought to reflect the social and geographical aspects of each community . In particular , he argued that political liberty required the separation of the powers of government . Building on John Locke 's Second Treatise of Government , he advocated that the executive , legislative and judicial functions of government should be assigned to different bodies , so that attempts by one branch of government to infringe on political liberty might be restrained by the other branches . In a lengthy discussion of the English political system , which he greatly admired , he tried to show how this might be achieved and liberty secured , even in a monarchy . He also notes that liberty can not be secure where there is no separation of powers , even in a republic . He also emphasized the importance of a robust due process in law , including the right to a fair trial , the presumption of innocence and proportionality in the severity of punishment . Another important figure of the French Enlightenment was Voltaire . Initially believing in the constructive role an enlightened monarch could play in improving the welfare of the people , he eventually came to a new conclusion : `` It is up to us to cultivate our garden '' . His most polemical and ferocious attacks on intolerance and religious persecutions indeed began to appear a few years later . Despite much persecution , Voltaire remained a courageous polemicist who indefatigably fought for civil rights -- the right to a fair trial and freedom of religion -- and who denounced the hypocrisies and injustices of the Ancien Régime . Era of Revolution ( edit ) American Revolution ( edit ) Main article : American Revolution The Philadelphia Convention in 1787 adopted the United States Constitution ( still in effect ) , which established a federalist republic with three equal branches of government Political tension between England and its American colonies grew after 1765 and the Seven Years ' War over the issue of taxation without representation , culminating in the Declaration of Independence of a new republic , and the resulting American Revolutionary War to defend it . The intellectual underpinnings for independence were provided by the English pamphleteer Thomas Paine . His Common Sense pro-independence pamphlet was anonymously published on January 10 , 1776 and became an immediate success . It was read aloud everywhere , including the Army . He pioneered a style of political writing that rendered complex ideas easily intelligible . The Declaration of Independence , written in committee largely by Thomas Jefferson , echoed Locke . After the war , the leaders debated about how to move forward . The Articles of Confederation , written in 1776 , now appeared inadequate to provide security , or even a functional government . The Confederation Congress called a Constitutional Convention in 1787 , which resulted in the writing of a new Constitution of the United States establishing a federal government . In the context of the times , the Constitution was a republican and liberal document . It remains the oldest liberal governing document in effect worldwide . The American theorists and politicians strongly believe in the sovereignty of the people rather than in the sovereignty of the King . As one historian writes : `` The American adoption of a democratic theory that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed , as it had been put as early as the Declaration of Independence , was epoch - marking '' . The American Revolution had its impact on the French Revolution and later movements in Europe . Leopold von Ranke , a leading German historian , in 1848 argued that American republicanism played a crucial role in the development of European liberalism : By abandoning English constitutionalism and creating a new republic based on the rights of the individual , the North Americans introduced a new force in the world . Ideas spread most rapidly when they have found adequate concrete expression . Thus republicanism entered our Romanic / Germanic world ... Up to this point , the conviction had prevailed in Europe that monarchy best served the interests of the nation . Now the idea spread that the nation should govern itself . But only after a state had actually been formed on the basis of the theory of representation did the full significance of this idea become clear . All later revolutionary movements have this same goal ... This was the complete reversal of a principle . Until then , a king who ruled by the grace of God had been the center around which everything turned . Now the idea emerged that power should come from below ... These two principles are like two opposite poles , and it is the conflict between them that determines the course of the modern world . In Europe the conflict between them had not yet taken on concrete form ; with the French Revolution it did . French Revolution ( edit ) Main article : Influence of the French Revolution The march of the women on Versailles in October 1789 , one of the most famous examples of popular political participation during the French Revolution , forced the royal court back to Paris -- it would remain there until the proclamation of the First Republic in 1792 Historians widely regard the French Revolution as one of the most important events in history . The Revolution is often seen as marking the `` dawn of the modern era '' , and its convulsions are widely associated with `` the triumph of liberalism '' . Three years into the French Revolution , German writer Johann von Goethe reportedly told the defeated Prussian soldiers after the Battle of Valmy that `` from this place and from this time forth commences a new era in world history , and you can all say that you were present at its birth '' . Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history . The Revolution is often seen as marking the `` dawn of the modern era , '' and its convulsions are widely associated with `` the triumph of liberalism '' . Describing the participatory politics of the French Revolution , one historian commented that `` thousands of men and even many women gained firsthand experience in the political arena : they talked , read , and listened in new ways ; they voted ; they joined new organizations ; and they marched for their political goals . Revolution became a tradition , and republicanism an enduring option '' . For liberals , the Revolution was their defining moment , and later liberals approved of the French Revolution almost entirely -- `` not only its results but the act itself , '' as two historians noted . The French Revolution began in 1789 with the convocation of the Estates - General in May . The first year of the Revolution witnessed members of the Third Estate proclaiming the Tennis Court Oath in June , the Storming of the Bastille in July . The two key events that marked the triumph of liberalism were the Abolition of feudalism in France on the night of 4 August 1789 , which marked the collapse of feudal and old traditional rights and privileges and restrictions , and the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August . Jefferson , the American ambassador to France , was consulted in its drafting and there are striking similarities with the American Declaration of Independence . The next few years were dominated by tensions between various liberal assemblies and a conservative monarchy intent on thwarting major reforms . A republic was proclaimed in September 1792 and King Louis XVI was executed the following year . However , conflict between rival political factions , the Girondins and the Jacobins , culminated in the Reign of Terror , that was marked by mass executions of `` enemies of the revolution '' , with the death toll reaching into the tens of thousands . Finally Napoleon came to power in 1799 , ended any form of democracy with his dictatorship , ended internal civil wars , made peace with the Catholic Church , and conquered much of Europe until he went too far and was finally defeated in 1815 . The rise of Napoleon as dictator in 1799 , heralded a reverse of many of the republican and democratic gains . However Napoleon did not restore the ancien regime . He kept much of the liberalism and imposed a liberal code of law , the Code Napoleon . First page of Napoleon 's Civil Code which removed inherited privilege and allowed freedom of religion During the Napoleonic Wars , the French brought to Western Europe the liquidation of the feudal system , the liberalization of property laws , the end of seigneurial dues , the abolition of guilds , the legalization of divorce , the disintegration of Jewish ghettos , the collapse of the Inquisition , the final end of the Holy Roman Empire , the elimination of church courts and religious authority , the establishment of the metric system , and equality under the law for all men . Napoleon wrote that `` the peoples of Germany , as of France , Italy and Spain , want equality and liberal ideas , '' with some historians suggesting that he may have been the first person ever to use the word `` liberal '' in a political sense . He also governed through a method that one historian described as `` civilian dictatorship '' , which `` drew its legitimacy from direct consultation with the people , in the form of a plebiscite '' . Napoleon , however , did not always live up to the liberal ideals he espoused . Outside France the Revolution had a major impact and its ideas became widespread . Furthermore , the French armies in the 1790s and 1800s directly overthrew feudal remains in much of western Europe . They liberalised property laws , ended seigneurial dues , abolished the guild of merchants and craftsmen to facilitate entrepreneurship , legalised divorce , and closed the Jewish ghettos . The Inquisition ended as did the Holy Roman Empire . The power of church courts and religious authority was sharply reduced , and equality under the law was proclaimed for all men . Artz emphasises the benefits the Italians gained from the French Revolution : For nearly two decades the Italians had the excellent codes of law , a fair system of taxation , a better economic situation , and more religious and intellectual toleration than they had known for centuries ... Everywhere old physical , economic , and intellectual barriers had been thrown down and the Italians had begun to be aware of a common nationality . Likewise in Switzerland the long - term impact of the French Revolution has been assessed by Martin : It proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law , equality of languages , freedom of thought and faith ; it created a Swiss citizenship , basis of our modern nationality , and the separation of powers , of which the old regime had no conception ; it suppressed internal tariffs and other economic restraints ; it unified weights and measures , reformed civil and penal law , authorised mixed marriages ( between Catholics and Protestants ) , suppressed torture and improved justice ; it developed education and public works . His most lasting achievement , the Civil Code , served as `` an object of emulation all over the globe , '' but it also perpetuated further discrimination against women under the banner of the `` natural order '' . This unprecedented period of chaos and revolution had irreversibly introduced the world to a new movement and ideology that would soon criss - cross the globe . For France , however , the defeat of Napoleon brought about the restoration of the monarchy and an ultra-conservative order was reimposed on the country . Classical liberalism ( edit ) Main article : Classical liberalism The development into maturity of classical liberalism took place before and after the French Revolution in Britain , and was based on the following core concepts : classical economics , free trade , laissez - faire government with minimal intervention and taxation and a balanced budget . Classical liberals were committed to individualism , liberty and equal rights . Writers such as John Bright and Richard Cobden opposed both aristocratic privilege and property , which they saw as an impediment to the development of a class of yeoman farmers . Radicalism ( edit ) Main article : Radicalism Thomas Paine 's The Rights of Man was a manifesto for political radicalism The radical liberal movement began in the 1790s in England and concentrated on parliamentary and electoral reform , emphasizing natural rights and popular sovereignty . Radicals like Richard Price and Joseph Priestley saw parliamentary reform as a first step toward dealing with their many grievances , including the treatment of Protestant Dissenters , the slave trade , high prices and high taxes . Thomas Paine 's The Rights of Man ( 1791 ) provoked a response from Burke , with his conservative essay Reflections on the Revolution in France . The ensuing Revolution Controversy featured , among others , Mary Wollstonecraft , who followed with an early feminist tract A Vindication of the Rights of Woman . Radicals encouraged mass support for democratic reform along with rejection of the monarchy , aristocracy , and all forms of privilege . Different strands of the movement developed , with middle class `` reformers '' aiming to widen the franchise to represent commercial and industrial interests and towns without parliamentary representation , while `` Popular radicals '' drawn from the middle class and from artisans agitated to assert wider rights including relieving distress . The theoretical basis for electoral reform was provided by `` Philosophical radicals '' who followed the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham and strongly supported parliamentary reform , but were generally hostile to the arguments and tactics of the `` popular radicals '' . Improved economic conditions after 1821 , improvements in economic and criminal law and the abandoning of policies of repression led to decreasing polarisation and a more consensual form of reform politics that was to dominate in Britain for the next two centuries . In 1823 Jeremy Bentham co-founded the Westminster Review with James Mill as a journal for `` philosophical radicals '' , setting out the utilitarian philosophy . The Reform Act 1832 was put through with the support of public outcry , mass meetings of `` political unions '' and riots in some cities . This now enfranchised the middle classes , but failed to meet radical demands . Following the Reform Act the mainly aristocratic Whigs in the House of Commons were joined by a small number of parliamentary Radicals , as well as an increased number of middle class Whigs . By 1839 they were informally being called `` the Liberal party . The Liberals produced one of the greatest British prime ministers -- William Gladstone , who was also known as the Grand Old Man and was the towering political figure of liberalism in the 19th century . Under Gladstone , the Liberals reformed education , disestablished the Church of Ireland , and introduced the secret ballot for local and parliamentary elections . Laissez - faire ( edit ) Jeremy Bentham 's philosophy counseled government to adopt policies that could bestow the greatest possible social benefit Commitment to laissez - faire , however , was not uniform . Some economists advocated state support of public works and education . Classical liberals were also divided on free trade . David Ricardo expressed doubt that the removal of grain tariffs would have any general benefits . Most classical liberals also supported legislation to regulate the number of hours that children were allowed to work and usually did not oppose factory reform legislation . Despite the pragmatism of classical economists , their views were expressed in dogmatic terms by such popular writers as Jane Marcet and Harriet Martineau . The strongest defender of laissez - faire was The Economist founded by James Wilson in 1843 . The Economist criticised Ricardo for his lack of support for free trade and expressed hostility to welfare , believing that the lower orders were responsible for their economic circumstances . The Economist took the position that regulation of factory hours was harmful to workers and also strongly opposed state support for education , health , the provision of water , and granting of patents and copyrights . Liberal economic theory ( edit ) Main article : Economic liberalism Adam Smith argued for free trade and low levels of government regulation The primary intellectual influences on 19th century liberal trends were those of Adam Smith and the classical economists , and Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill . Adam Smith 's The Wealth of Nations , published in 1776 , was to provide most of the ideas of economics , at least until the publication of J.S. Mill 's Principles in 1848 . Smith addressed the motivation for economic activity , the causes of prices and the distribution of wealth , and the policies the state should follow in order to maximise wealth . Smith 's economics was carried into practice in the 19th century with the lowering of tariffs in the 1820s , the repeal of the Poor Relief Act , that had restricted the mobility of labour , in 1834 , and the end of the rule of the East India Company over India in 1858 . In addition to Adam Smith 's legacy , Say 's law , Malthus theories of population and Ricardo 's iron law of wages became central doctrines of classical economics . Jean Baptiste Say challenged Smith 's labour theory of value , believing that prices were determined by utility and also emphasised the critical role of the entrepreneur in the economy . However neither of those observations became accepted by British economists at the time . Thomas Malthus wrote An essay on the principle of population in 1798 , becoming a major influence on classical liberalism . Utilitarianism provided the political justification for the implementation of economic liberalism by British governments , which was to dominate economic policy from the 1830s . Although utilitarianism prompted legislative and administrative reform and John Stuart Mill 's later writings on the subject foreshadowed the welfare state , it was mainly used as a justification for laissez - faire . The central concept of utilitarianism , which was developed by Jeremy Bentham , was that public policy should seek to provide `` the greatest happiness of the greatest number '' . While this could be interpreted as a justification for state action to reduce poverty , it was used by classical liberals to justify inaction with the argument that the net benefit to all individuals would be higher . His philosophy proved to be extremely influential on government policy and led to increased Benthamite attempts at government social control , including Robert Peel 's Metropolitan Police , prison reforms , the workhouses and asylums for the mentally ill . John Stuart Mill 's On Liberty greatly influenced the course of 19th century liberalism By the end of the nineteenth century , the principles of classical liberalism were being increasingly challenged by downturns in economic growth , a growing perception of the evils of poverty , unemployment and relative deprivation present within modern industrial cities , and the agitation of organized labour . The ideal of the self - made individual , who through hard work and talent could make his or her place in the world , seemed increasingly implausible . A major political reaction against the changes introduced by industrialisation and laissez - faire capitalism came from conservatives concerned about social balance , although socialism later became a more important force for change and reform . Some Victorian writers -- including Charles Dickens , Thomas Carlyle , and Matthew Arnold -- became early influential critics of social injustice . The New Liberalism or social liberalism movement emerged about 1900 in Britain . John Stuart Mill and liberal political theory ( edit ) John Stuart Mill contributed enormously to liberal thought by combining elements of classical liberalism with what eventually became known as the new liberalism . Mill 's 1859 On Liberty addressed the nature and limits of the power that can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual . He gives an impassioned defence of free speech , arguing that free discourse is a necessary condition for intellectual and social progress . Mill defined `` social liberty '' as protection from `` the tyranny of political rulers . '' He introduced a number of different concepts of the form tyranny can take , referred to as social tyranny , and tyranny of the majority respectively . Social liberty meant limits on the ruler 's power through obtaining recognition of political liberties or rights and by the establishment of a system of `` constitutional checks '' . Liberal philosopher T.H. Green began to espouse a more interventionist government approach . Green 's definition of liberty , influenced by Joseph Priestley and Josiah Warren , was that the individual ought to be free to do as he wishes unless he harms others . Mill was also an early proponent of feminism . In his article , `` The Subjection of Women '' ( 1861 , published 1869 ) , Mill attempted to prove that the legal subjugation of women is wrong and that it should give way to perfect equality . However , although Mill ' initial economic philosophy supported free markets and argued that progressive taxation penalised those who worked harder , he later altered his views toward a more socialist bent , adding chapters to his Principles of Political Economy in defence of a socialist outlook , and defending some socialist causes , including the radical proposal that the whole wage system be abolished in favour of a co-operative wage system . The Liberal Party led in Parliament by W.E. Gladstone drew from across the intellectual and social spectrum . On one hand , there were progressive elites who sought to fuse the methods of science with liberal political economy . The anthropologist and MP Sir John Lubbock , for example , followed the strategy of using cognitive science to challenge and shape public policy . He famously applied this approach to parliamentary debates relating to universal education , the preservation of monuments and the introduction of Bank Holidays . One the other hand , the liberal party also had a strong base in evangelical and nonconformist religious elements Thomas Hill Green ( 1836 - 1882 ) at Balliol College , Oxford , for instance , argued that the state should foster and protect the social , political and economic environments in which individuals will have the best chance of acting according to their consciences . The state should intervene only where there is a clear , proven and strong tendency of a liberty to enslave the individual . Green regarded the national state as legitimate only to the extent that it upholds a system of rights and obligations that is most likely to foster individual self - realisation . The Gladstonian liberals in 1891 adopted `` the Newcastle Programme that included home rule for Ireland , disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales and Scotland , tighter controls on the sale of liquor , major extension of factory regulation , and various democratic political reforms . The Programme had a strong appeal to the Nonconformist middle - class Liberal element , which felt liberated by the departure of the aristocratic leaders of the Liberal Party . Worldwide spread ( edit ) Main article : Liberalism by country Abolitionist and suffrage movements spread , along with representative and democratic ideals . France established an enduring republic in the 1870s . Meanwhile , nationalism also spread rapidly after 1815 . A mixture of liberal and nationalist sentiment in Italy and Germany brought about the unification of the two countries in the late 19th century . A liberal regime came to power in Italy , and ended the secular power of the popes . The Vatican , however , launched a counter crusade against liberalism . Pope Pius IX issued the Syllabus of Errors in 1864 , condemning liberalism in all its forms . In many countries , liberal forces responded by expelling the Jesuit order . Liberalism gained momentum in the beginning of the 20th century . The bastion of autocracy , the Russian Tsar , was overthrown in the first phase of the Russian Revolution . The Allied victory in the First World War and the collapse of four empires seemed to mark the triumph of liberalism across the European continent , not just among the victorious allies , but also in Germany and the newly created states of Eastern Europe . Militarism , as typified by Germany , was defeated and discredited . As Blinkhorn argues , the liberal themes were ascendant in terms of `` cultural pluralism , religious and ethnic toleration , national self - determination , free - market economics , representative and responsible government , free trade , unionism , and the peaceful settlement of international disputes through a new body , the League of Nations '' . The worldwide Great Depression , starting in 1929 , hastened the discrediting of liberal economics and strengthened calls for state control over economic affairs . Economic woes prompted widespread unrest in the European political world , leading to the strengthening of fascism and communism . Their rise in 1939 culminated in the Second World War . The Allies , which included most of the important liberal nations as well as communist Russia , won World War II , defeating Nazi Germany , Fascist Italy , and militarist Japan . After the war , there was a falling out between Russia and the West , and the Cold War opened in 1947 between the Communist Eastern Bloc and the liberal Western Alliance . John Maynard Keynes was one of the most influential economists of modern times whose ideas , which are still widely felt , formalized modern liberal economic policy Meanwhile , the definitive liberal response to the Great Depression was given by the British economist John Maynard Keynes , who had begun a theoretical work examining the relationship between unemployment , money and prices back in the 1920s . Keynes was deeply critical of the British government 's austerity measures during the Great Depression . He believed that budget deficits were a good thing , a product of recessions . He wrote , `` For Government borrowing of one kind or another is nature 's remedy , so to speak , for preventing business losses from being , in so severe a slump as to present one , so great as to bring production altogether to a standstill . '' At the height of the Great Depression , in 1933 , Keynes published The Means to Prosperity , which contained specific policy recommendations for tackling unemployment in a global recession , chiefly counter cyclical public spending . The Means to Prosperity contains one of the first mentions of the multiplier effect . Keynes 's magnum opus , The General Theory of Employment , Interest and Money was published in 1936 , and served as a theoretical justification for the interventionist policies Keynes favoured for tackling a recession . The Cold War featured extensive ideological competition and several proxy wars , but the widely feared Third World War between the Soviet Union and the United States never occurred . While communist states and liberal democracies competed against one another , an economic crisis in the 1970s inspired a move away from Keynesian economics , especially under Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US . This classical liberal renewal , called pejoratively `` neoliberalism '' by its opponents , lasted through the 1980s and the 1990s . Meanwhile , nearing the end of the 20th century , communist states in Eastern Europe collapsed precipitously , leaving liberal democracies as the only major forms of government in the West . This classical liberal renewal , sometimes called libertarianism , lasted through the 1980s and the 1990s , although recent economic troubles have prompted a resurgence in Keynesian economic thought . Meanwhile , nearing the end of the 20th century , communist states in Eastern Europe collapsed precipitously , leaving liberal democracies as the only major forms of government in the West . At the beginning of the Second World War , the number of democracies around the world was about the same as it had been forty years before . After 1945 , liberal democracies spread very quickly , but then retreated . In The Spirit of Democracy , Larry Diamond argues that by 1974 , `` dictatorship , not democracy , was the way of the world '' , and that `` Barely a quarter of independent states chose their governments through competitive , free , and fair elections . '' Diamond goes on to say that democracy bounced back and by 1995 the world was `` predominantly democratic '' . The gains of liberalism have been significant . In 1975 , roughly 40 countries around the world were characterised as liberal democracies , but that number had increased to more than 80 as of 2008 . Most of the world 's richest and most powerful nations are liberal democracies with extensive social welfare programmes . However , liberalism still faces challenges , especially with the phenomenal growth of China as a model combination of authoritarian government and economic liberalism . The Great Recession , which began around 2007 , prompted a resurgence in Keynesian economic thought . A major liberal accomplishment includes the rise of liberal internationalism , which has been credited with the establishment of global organisations such as the League of Nations and , after World War II , the United Nations . The idea of exporting liberalism worldwide and constructing a harmonious and liberal internationalist order has dominated the thinking of liberals since the 18th century . `` Wherever liberalism has flourished domestically , it has been accompanied by visions of liberal internationalism , '' one historian wrote . But resistance to liberal internationalism was deep and bitter , with critics arguing that growing global interdependency would result in the loss of national sovereignty and that democracies represented a corrupt order incapable of either domestic or global governance . Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern times . Politically , liberals have organised extensively throughout the world . Liberal parties , think tanks , and other institutions are common in many nations , although they advocate for different causes based on their ideological orientation . Liberal parties can be centre - left , centrist , or centre - right depending on their location . Liberals are committed to build and safeguard free , fair and open societies , in which they seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty , equality and community , and in which no one is enslaved by poverty , ignorance or conformity ... Liberalism aims to disperse power , to foster diversity and to nurture creativity . Liberal International They can further be divided based on their adherence to social liberalism or classical liberalism , although all liberal parties and individuals share basic similarities , including the support for civil rights and democratic institutions . On a global level , liberals are united in the Liberal International , which contains over 100 influential liberal parties and organisations from across the ideological spectrum . Some parties in the LI are among the most famous in the world , such as the Liberal Party of Canada , while others are among the smallest , such as the Gibraltar Liberal Party . Regionally , liberals are organised through various institutions depending on the prevailing geopolitical context . The European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party , for example , represents the interests of liberals in Europe while the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe is the predominant liberal group in the European Parliament . Freemasons ( edit ) In long - term historical perspective , Norman Davies has argued that Freemasonry was a powerful force on behalf of Liberalism in Europe and its colonies , from about 1700 to the twentieth century . It expanded rapidly during the Age of Enlightenment , reaching practically every country in Europe , as well as the British and Spanish overseas colonies . It was especially attractive to royalty , powerful aristocrats and politicians as well as intellectuals , artists and political activists . Its great enemy was the Roman Catholic Church , so that in countries with a large Catholic element , such as France , Italy , Austria , Spain , and Mexico , much of the ferocity of the political battles involve the confrontation between the conservatives centered around the Church and liberals who were often Freemasons . By the 1820s , every regiment of the British Army had at least one Masonic chapter , and they set about to form chapters among civilians everywhere they were stationed in the British Empire . In the French , Spanish , and Portuguese empires , Army chapters were also active in spreading Freemasonry . In 19th and early 20th century Mexico , practically all the important leaders of liberalism were active Freemasons ; they used their lodges as devices for political organization . Twentieth century totalitarian movements , especially the Fascists and Communists when they came to power , set out to systematically crush the Freemason organizations in their countries . Africa and Asia ( edit ) Rifa'a al - Tahtawi , 1801 -- 1873 In the Middle East and the Ottoman Empire the effect of liberalism was significant . During the 19th century , Arab , Ottoman , and Persian intellectuals visited Europe to study and learn about Western literature , science and liberal ideas . This led them to ask themselves about their countries ' underdevelopment and concluded that they needed to promote constitutionalism , development , and liberal values to modernize their societies . At the same time , the increasing European presence in the Middle East and the stagnation of the region encouraged some Middle Eastern leaders , including Mahmud II and his son Abdülmecid I , Muhammad Ali Pasha , and Amir Kabir , to make socio - political changes and start modernization projects . In 1826 , intellectual and academic Rifa'a al - Tahtawi was sent to Paris in one of the Muhammad Ali 's scholar missions . Tahtawi studied ethics , social and political philosophy , and mathematics . He read works by Condillac , Voltaire , Rousseau , Montesquieu and Bézout , among others , during his séjour in France . In 1831 , Tahtawi returned home to be part of the statewide effort to modernize the Egyptian infrastructure and education in what became an Egyptian renaissance ( Nahda ) that flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries , later moving to Ottoman - ruled Arabic - speaking regions including Lebanon , Syria and others . He founded the School of Languages ( also known as School of Translators ) in 1835 , which become part of Ain Shams University in 1973 . Upon his return , Al - Tahtawi became an advocate of parliamentarian , the rights of citizens to political participation , and the rights of women to education . The School of Languages graduated the earliest modern Egyptian intellectuals , who formed the basis of the emerging grassroots mobilization against British colonialism in Egypt . Three of his published volumes were works of political and moral philosophy . They introduced his Egyptian audience to the liberal ideas of the Enlightenment such as secular authority and political rights and liberty , his ideas regarding how a modern civilized society ought to be and what constituted by extension a civilized or `` good Egyptian '' , and his ideas on public interest and public good . In the Ottoman Empire , to secure its territorial integrity against internal nationalist movements and external aggressive powers , the Empire launched a series of reforms . This period is called Tanzimat ( reorganization ) . Although liberal ministers and intellectuals tried to influence the reforms , the motives for the implementation of Tanzimât were bureaucratic . These changes were made to improve civil liberties . However , the reformist ideas and trends of the Nahda and Tanzimat did n't reach the common population successfully , as the books , periodicals , and newspapers were accessible primarily to intellectuals and segments of an emerging middle class , while many Muslims saw them as foreign influences on the world of Islam . That perception complicated reformist efforts made by Middle Eastern states . A policy called Ottomanism was meant to unite all the different peoples living in Ottoman territories , `` Muslim and non-Muslim , Turkish and Greek , Armenian and Jewish , Kurd and Arab '' . The policy officially began with the Edict of Gülhane of 1839 , declaring equality before the law for both Muslim and non-Muslim Ottomans . Namık Kemal ( 1840 -- 1888 , left ) and İbrahim Şinasi ( 1826 -- 1871 , right ) , two of the most prominent members of the Young Ottomans , both of whom published and printed reformist newspapers and other works in support of constitutionality and democracy in the Ottoman Empire In 1865 , a group of Ottoman Turkish intellectuals , who were dissatisfied with the Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire , established a secret society called the Young Ottomans . They believed the reforms did not go far enough and wanted to end the autocracy in the empire . They sought to transform Ottoman society by preserving the empire and modernizing it along European lines , adopting a constitutional government . Though the Young Ottomans were frequently in disagreement ideologically , they all agreed that the new constitutional government should continue to be somewhat rooted in Islam to emphasize `` the continuing and essential validity of Islam as the basis of Ottoman political culture . '' However , they syncretize Islamic idealism with modern liberalism and parliamentary democracy ; to them the European parliamentary liberalism was a model to follow , in accordance with the tenets of Islam . They `` attempted to reconcile Islamic concepts of government with the ideas of Montesquieu , Danton , Rousseau , and contemporary European Scholars and statesmen . '' Namik Kemal , who was influential in the formation of the Young Ottomans , admired the constitution of the French Third Republic ; he summed up the Young Ottomans ' political ideals as `` the sovereignty of the nation , the separation of powers , the responsibility of officials , personal freedom , equality , freedom of thought , freedom of press , freedom of association , enjoyment of property , sanctity of the home '' . The Young Ottomans believed that one of the principal reasons for the decline of the empire was abandoning Islamic principles in favor of imitating European modernity with unadvised compromises to both , and they sought to unite the two in a way that they believed would best serve the interests of the state and its people . They sought to revitalize the empire by incorporating certain Europeans models of government , while still retaining the Islamic foundations the empire was founded on . Among the prominent members of this society were writers and publicists such as İbrahim Şinasi , Namık Kemal , Ali Suavi , Ziya Pasha , and Agah Efendi . Ottoman constitution of 1876 The emerging internal financial and diplomatic crises of 1875 -- 1876 allowed the Young Ottomans their defining moment , when Sultan Abdülhamid II appointed liberal - minded Midhat Pasha as Grand Vizier and reluctantly promulgated the Ottoman constitution of 1876 , the first attempt at a constitution in the Ottoman Empire , ushering in the First Constitutional Era and ending the Tanzimat . Thanks to liberal intellectuals who tried to modernize their society by promoting development , progress , and liberal values , constitutionalism was introduced in the Ottoman Empire , Midhat Pasha is often considered to be one of the founders of the Ottoman Parliament . Although this period was short lived , with Abdülhamid ultimately suspending the constitution and parliament in 1878 in favor of a return to absolute monarchy with himself in power , the legacy and influence of the Young Ottomans continued to endure until the collapse of the empire . Several decades later , another group of reform - minded Ottomans , the Young Turks , repeated the Young Ottomans ' efforts , leading to the Young Turk Revolution in 1908 and the beginning of the Second Constitutional Era . The Nahda period sought to modernize Islam and society . Thinkers and religious reformers rejected traditional views and encourage modernization through the abandonment of taqlid ( imitation , conformity to legal precedent ) and emphasis on ijtihad ( intellectual effort , reasoning and hermeneutics ) , which they saw as a return to Islamic origins . The Islamic Modernist movement , also sometimes referred to as Modernist Salafism , has been described as `` the first Muslim ideological response to the Western cultural challenge '' Islamic modernism was the first of several movements -- including secularism , Islamism and Salafism -- that emerged in the middle of the 19th century in reaction to the rapid changes of the time , especially the perceived onslaught of Western Civilization and colonialism on the Muslim world . The founders of Islamic modernism include Muhammad Abduh , a Sheikh of Al - Azhar University for a brief period before his death in 1905 , Jamal ad - Din al - Afghani , and Muhammad Rashid Rida ( d . 1935 ) . The movement started with Rifa'a al - Tahtawi but gained popularity when al - Afghani organized a group of Muslim scholars to discuss the socio - political and theological challenges that Islam was facing . The movement attempted to reconcile Islamic faith with modern Western values such as nationalism , democracy , civil rights , rationality , equality , and progress . It featured a `` critical reexamination of the classical conceptions and methods of jurisprudence '' and a new approach to Islamic theology and Quranic exegesis ( Tafsir ) . Islamic modernism and liberal nationalism were interconnected , both were factors in the retreat of Islamic orthodoxy and the decline of the absolutist state . Although Middle Eastern liberal nationalism took Western liberalism as inspiration , favoring national integration via cultural and educational reforms , the promotion of indigenous national languages , and the separation of religion and politics , concepts of nationalism , and the principles of democratic institutions . It was a response to colonialism and interventionism and collided with Western interests in the region . In Egypt , Islamic modernism let liberal nationals reach a wider audience . This ended in the 1920s and 1930s when liberal nationalism took a strong secularist orientation , weakening Islamic modernism . All these changes in the Muslim world created a sense of crisis within Islam that favored Islamic revivalism . In 1909 , in Qajari ruled Persia ( today Iran ) the Democrat Party ( also translated as Democratic Party ) during the constitutional period , was one of two major parliamentary parties at the time , alongside its rival the Moderate Socialists Party . Initially an offshoot of the Transcaucasia - based Social Democratic Party , it was largely composed of liberal middle - class intellectuals and stood for a representative political system and the separation of church and state , to limit the authority of the monarchy and the clergy . It influenced the Constitution of 1906 which created the Majlis ( parliament ) and the senate . However , due internal and external factors , the party could n't grow significantly and was suppressed and when the Pahlavi Dynasty was established in 1925 , fragmenting itself into different smaller associations . In Japan , which was generally liberal in the 1920s , saw liberalism wither away in the 1930s under pressure from the military . Taha Hussein ( 1889 -- 1973 , left ) and Ahmed Lutfi el - Sayed ( 1872 -- 1963 , right ) In Egypt , the Wafd Party ( `` Delegation Party '' ) was a nationalist liberal political party in Egypt . It was said to be Egypt 's most popular and influential political party for a period in the 1920s and 30s . Although the efforts of liberal nationalists culminated in the formation of a constitutional monarchy with the Egyptian Constitution of 1923 , liberal nationalism declined in the late 1930s due the growth and opposition of two movements , the Muslim Brotherhood and Pan-Arab nationalism . However , there were various examples of intellectuals who advocated liberal values and ideas . Prominent liberals during the period were Taha Hussein , Ahmed Lutfi el - Sayed , Tawfiq al - Hakim , Abd El - Razzak El - Sanhuri , Abd El - Razzak El - Sanhuri and Muhammad Mandur . Taha Hussein and Ahmed Lutfi el - Sayed were among the most influential 20th - century Egyptian intellectuals . Hussein was opposed to Islamism and one of his major contributions to the liberal movement was an examination of how Egyptian liberalism and Islam could be reconciled . He believed in freedom and equality and that Egypt should be developed as a modern , enlightened society in line with the ideas of the French Revolution and the Industrial Age . El - Sayed was one of the architects of modern Egyptian nationalism , secularism , and liberalism . Fondly known as the `` Professor of the Generation '' , he was an influential person in the Egyptian nationalist movement and an anti-colonial activist . el - Sayed believed in equality and rights for all people . He was the first director of Cairo University , in which he served from 1925 to 1941 . He was considered one of the first Egyptian officials to introduce Mill 's works to the general Arab public , so they could educate themselves on concepts of liberalism . He believed that people should have a say in what goes on in their government and country , and that all people had certain civil rights that could not be taken away . Mohammad Mosaddegh In 1949 in Iran , the National Front of Iran was founded by Mohammad Mosaddegh , Hossein Fatemi , Ahmad Zirakzadeh , Ali Shayegan and Karim Sanjabi among others . It is the oldest pro-democracy group operating inside Iran . The front was conceived to be a broad alliance of like - minded associations , included various , nationalist , liberal , and social democratic parties , with the aim of strengthening democracy , press freedom , and constitutional government . The most important groups in the Front were the Iran Party , the Toilers Party , the National Party , and the Tehran Association of Bazaar Trade and Craft Guilds . The Iran Party , which was founded in 1946 as a platform for Iranian liberals , included figures such as Karim Sanjâbi , Gholam Hossein Sadighi , Ahmad Zirakzadeh and Allah - Yar Saleh . In April 1951 , The National Front became the governing coalition when democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddegh took office as the Prime Minister of Iran . Mosaddegh was liberal nationalist and prominent parliamentarian who advocated for the rule of law and freedom of foreign intervention , his administration introduced a range of progressive social and political reforms such as social security and land reforms , including taxation of the rent on land . His government 's most notable policy , however , was the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry , which had been under British control since 1913 through the Anglo - Persian Oil Company ( APOC / AIOC ) ( later British Petroleum and BP ) , becoming the first country in the Middle East in nationalize its oil industry . Mossadegh 's liberal and independent way of governing gained him the popular support but also alienated various groups . It entered in direct conflict with the Western interests in the region , challenged the shah 's authority and Mossadegh 's tolerance with lefties groups offended the traditionalist and the ulama . In favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran 's government , though the predecessor Truman administration had opposed a coup . Mosaddegh was removed from power in a coup on 19 August 1953 , organised and carried out by the CIA at the request of MI6 , which chose Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to succeed Mosaddegh . The 1953 coup ended the dominance of liberalism in the country 's government . Before 1953 and throughout the 1960s , the National Front was torn by strife between secular and religious elements and over the time has splintered into various squabbling factions , gradually emerging as the leading organization of secular liberals with nationalist members adhering to liberal democracy and social democracy . In the middle of the 20th century , the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party were formed to oppose the apartheid policies of the government . The Liberals formed a multiracial party that originally drew considerable support from urban Blacks and college - educated Whites . It also gained supporters from the `` westernised sectors of the peasantry '' , and its public meetings were heavily attended by Blacks . The party had 7,000 members at its height , although its appeal to the White population as a whole was too small to make any meaningful political changes . The Liberals were disbanded in 1968 after the government passed a law that prohibited parties from having multiracial membership . In India , the INC was founded in the late 19th century by liberal nationalists demanding the creation of a more liberal and autonomous India . Liberalism continued to be the main ideological current of the group through the early years of the 20th century , but socialism gradually overshadowed the thinking of the party in the next few decades . A famous struggle led by the INC eventually earned India 's independence from Britain . In recent times , the party has adopted more of a liberal streak , championing open markets while simultaneously seeking social justice . In its 2009 Manifesto , the INC praised a `` secular and liberal '' Indian nationalism against the nativist , communal , and conservative ideological tendencies it claims are espoused by the right . In general , the major theme of Asian liberalism in the past few decades has been the rise of democratization as a method facilitate the rapid economic modernization of the continent . In nations such as Myanmar , however , liberal democracy has been replaced by military dictatorship . Among African nations , South Africa stands out for having a notable liberal tradition that other countries on the continent lack . Today , liberalism in South Africa is represented by the Democratic Alliance , the official opposition party to the ruling African National Congress . The Democratic Alliance is the second largest party in the National Assembly and currently leads the provincial government of Western Cape . Recently , liberal parties and institutions have made a major push for political power . On a continental level , liberals are organised in the Africa Liberal Network , which contains influential parties such as the Popular Movement in Morocco , the Democratic Party in Senegal , and the Rally of the Republicans in Côte d'Ivoire . In Asia , several Asian nations have explicitly rejected important liberal principles . Continentally , liberals are organized through the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats , which includes powerful parties such the Liberal Party in the Philippines , the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan , and the Democrat Party in Thailand . A notable example of liberal influence can be found in India . In India , the most populous democracy in the world , the Indian National Congress has long dominated political affairs . Americas ( edit ) See also : Liberalism in the United States , Liberalism in Canada , Liberalism in Mexico , and Liberalism and conservatism in Latin America In Latin America , liberal unrest dates back to the 18th century , when liberal agitation in Latin America led to independence from the imperial power of Spain and Portugal . The new regimes were generally liberal in their political outlook , and employed the philosophy of positivism , which emphasized the truth of modern science , to buttress their positions . Benito Juárez , 26th president of Mexico The liberal and conservative struggles in Spain also replicated themselves in Latin America . Like its former master , the region was a hotbed of wars , conflicts , and revolutionary activity throughout the 19th century . In Mexico , the liberales instituted the program of La Reforma in the 1850s , reducing the power of the military and the Catholic Church . The conservadores were outraged at these steps and launched a revolt , which sparked a deadly conflict . From 1857 to 1861 , Mexico was gripped in the bloody War of Reform , a massive internal and ideological confrontation between the liberals and the conservatives . The liberals eventually triumphed and Benito Juárez , a dedicated liberal and now a Mexican national hero , became the president of the republic . After Juárez , Mexico suffered from prolonged periods of dictatorial repression , which lasted until the Mexican Revolution in the early 20th century . Another regional example of liberal influence can be found in Ecuador . As with other nations throughout the region at the time , Ecuador was steeped in conflict and uncertainty after gaining independence from Spain . By the middle of the 19th century , the country had descended into chaos and madness , with the people divided between rival liberal and conservative camps . From these conflicts , García Moreno established a conservative government that ruled the country for several years . The liberals , however , were incensed at the conservative regime and overthrew it completely in the Liberal Revolution of 1895 . The Radical Liberals who toppled the conservatives were led by Eloy Alfaro , a firebrand who implemented a variety of sociopolitical reforms , including the separation of church and state , the legalization of divorce , and the establishment of public schools . Liberal revolutions in countries such as Mexico and Ecuador ushered in the modern world for much of Latin America . Latin American liberals generally emphasised free trade , private property , and anti-clericalism . In the United States , a vicious war ensured the integrity of the nation and the abolition of slavery in the south . Historian Don Doyle has argued that the Union victory in the American Civil War ( 1861 -- 65 ) gave a major boost to the course of liberalism . The Union victory energized popular democratic forces . A Confederate victory , on the other hand , would have meant a new birth of slavery , not freedom . Historian Fergus Bordewich , following Doyle , argues that : The North 's victory decisively proved the durability of democratic government . Confederate independence , on the other hand , would have established An American model for reactionary politics and race - based repression that would likely have cast an international shadow into the twentieth century and perhaps beyond . '' In Canada , the long - dominant Liberal Party , founded in 1867 and colloquially known as the Grits , ruled the country for nearly 70 years during the 20th century . The party produced some of the most influential prime ministers in Canadian history , including Pierre Trudeau , Lester B. Pearson and Jean Chrétien , and has been primarily responsible for the development of the Canadian welfare state . The enormous success of the Liberals -- virtually unmatched in any other liberal democracy -- has prompted many political commentators over time to identify them as the nation 's natural governing party . Color photo of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the Man of the Year of Time , January 1933 Unskilled labourers working for the Works Progress Administration , a New Deal agency In the United States , modern liberalism traces its history to the popular presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt , who initiated the New Deal in response to the Great Depression and won an unprecedented four elections . The New Deal coalition established by Franklin Roosevelt left a decisive legacy and influenced many future American presidents , including John F. Kennedy , a self - described liberal who defined a liberal as `` someone who looks ahead and not behind , someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions ... someone who cares about the welfare of the people '' . The social liberal program launched by President Roosevelt in the United States , the New Deal , proved very popular with the American public . In 1933 , when FDR came into office , the unemployment rate stood at roughly 25 percent . The size of the economy , measured by the gross national product , had fallen to half the value it had in early 1929 . The electoral victories of FDR and the Democrats precipitated a deluge of deficit spending and public works programs . In 1940 , the level of unemployment had fallen by 10 points to around 15 percent . Additional state spending and the gigantic public works program sparked by the Second World War eventually pulled the United States out of the Great Depression . The social liberal programme reduced the unemployment rate from roughly 25 percent to about 15 percent by 1940 . Additional state spending and the very large public works programme sparked by the Second World War eventually pulled the United States out of the Great Depression . From 1940 to 1941 , government spending increased by 59 percent , the gross domestic product increased 17 percent , and unemployment fell below 10 percent for the first time since 1929 . Among the various regional and national movements , the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1960s strongly highlighted the liberal efforts for equal rights . The Great Society project launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson oversaw the creation of Medicare and Medicaid , the establishment of Head Start and the Job Corps as part of the War on Poverty , and the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- an altogether rapid series of events that some historians have dubbed the Liberal Hour . In the 1960s and 1970s , the cause of Second Wave feminism in the United States was advanced in large part by liberal feminist organisations such as the National Organization for Women . The March on Washington participants and leaders In the late 20th century , a conservative backlash against the kind of liberalism championed by Roosevelt and Kennedy developed in the Republican Party . This brand of conservatism primarily reacted against the cultural and political upheavals of the 1960s . It helped launch into power such presidents as Ronald Reagan , George H.W. Bush , George W. Bush , and Donald Trump . Economic woes in the early 21st century led to a resurgence of social liberalism with the election of Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election , along with countervailing and partly reactive conservative populism and nativism embodied in the Tea Party movement and the election of Donald Trump . Today , market liberals in Latin America are organised in the Red Liberal de América Latina ( RELIAL ) , a centre - right network that brings together dozens of liberal parties and organisations . RELIAL features parties as geographically diverse as the Mexican Nueva Alianza and the Cuban Liberal Union , which aims to secure power in Cuba . Some major liberal parties in the region continue , however , to align themselves with social liberal ideas and policies -- a notable case being the Colombian Liberal Party , which is a member of the Socialist International . Another famous example is the Paraguayan Authentic Radical Liberal Party , one of the most powerful parties in the country , which has also been classified as centre - left . Europe ( edit ) See also : Liberalism in Europe The Spanish Liberals prepare to attack the Carlists in the Battle of Mendigorría ( 1835 ) The iconic painting Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix , a tableau of the July Revolution in 1830 In Spain , the Liberales , the first group to use the liberal label in a political context , fought for the implementation of the 1812 Constitution for decades -- overthrowing the monarchy in 1820 as part of the Trienio Liberal and defeating the conservative Carlists in the 1830s . In France , the fall of Napoleon in 1814 -- 15 brought back to power in France the reactionary Bourbon kings . However even they were unable to reverse the liberalization of the French Revolution and they were overthrown in 1830 . Likewise The fall of Napoleon brought conservatives to power across much of Europe . The July Revolution of 1830 , orchestrated by liberal politicians and journalists , removed the Bourbon monarchy and inspired similar uprisings elsewhere in Europe . Frustration with the pace of political progress in the early 19th century sparked even more gigantic revolutions in 1848 . Revolutions spread throughout the Austrian Empire , the German states , and the Italian states . Governments fell rapidly . Liberal nationalists demanded written constitutions , representative assemblies , greater suffrage rights , and freedom of the press . A second republic was proclaimed in France . Serfdom was abolished in Prussia , Galicia , Bohemia , and Hungary . The indomitable Metternich , the Austrian builder of the reigning conservative order , shocked Europe when he resigned and fled to Britain in panic and disguise . Eventually , however , the success of the revolutionaries petered out . Without French help , the Italians were easily defeated by the Austrians . With some luck and skill , Austria also managed to contain the bubbling nationalist sentiments in Germany and Hungary , helped along by the failure of the Frankfurt Assembly to unify the German states into a single nation . Two decades later , however , the Italians and the Germans realised their dreams for unification and independence . The Sardinian Prime Minister , Camillo di Cavour , was a shrewd liberal who understood that the only effective way for the Italians to gain independence was if the French were on their side . Napoleon III agreed to Cavour 's request for assistance and France defeated Austria in the Franco - Austrian War of 1859 , setting the stage for Italian independence . German unification transpired under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck , who decimated the enemies of Prussia in war after war , finally triumphing against France in 1871 and proclaiming the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles , ending another saga in the drive for nationalisation . The French proclaimed a third republic after their loss in the war . In Germany , unification brought to power the leading conservative of the nineteenth century , Otto von Bismarck , a member of the landholding Junker aristocracy . In order to secure the loyalty of the working classes to the ruling aristocracy , Bismarck introduced both universal male suffrage and the first welfare state . Bismarck first formed a coalition with the liberals , with a focus on ending trade restrictions and reducing the power of the Catholic Church . By the late 1870s he then reversed positions , and began collaborating with Catholics . He 's best known for a foreign - policy that balanced multiple competing interests to produce a peaceful era . A meeting of the Anti-Corn Law League in Exeter Hall in 1846 In the United Kingdom , the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 was a watershed moment and encapsulated the triumph of free trade and liberal economics . The Anti-Corn Law League brought together a coalition of liberal and radical groups in support of free trade under the leadership of Richard Cobden and John Bright , who opposed militarism and public expenditure . Their policies of low public expenditure and low taxation were later adopted by the liberal chancellor of the exchequer and later prime minister , William Ewart Gladstone . Although classical liberals aspired to a minimum of state activity , they eventually accepted the principle of government intervention in the economy from the early 19th century with the passage of the Factory Acts . From around 1840 to 1860 , laissez - faire advocates of the Manchester School and writers in The Economist were confident that their early victories would lead to a period of expanding economic and personal liberty and world peace but would face reversals as government intervention and activity continued to expand from the 1850s . Jeremy Bentham and James Mill , although advocates of laissez - faire , non-intervention in foreign affairs , and individual liberty , believed that social institutions could be rationally redesigned through the principles of Utilitarianism . By the 1870s , Herbert Spencer and other classical liberals concluded that historical development was turning against them . By the First World War , the Liberal Party had largely abandoned classical liberal principles . The Liberals , under Henry Campbell - Bannerman and later H.H. Asquith , returned with full strength in the general election of 1906 , aided by working class voters worried about food prices . After that historic victory , the Liberal Party introduced various reforms , including health insurance , unemployment insurance , and pensions for elderly workers , thereby laying the groundwork for the future British welfare state . Liberal politicians David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill enacted the 1909 People 's Budget which specifically aimed at the redistribution of wealth The People 's Budget of 1909 , championed by David Lloyd George and fellow liberal Winston Churchill , introduced unprecedented taxes on the wealthy in Britain and radical social welfare programmes to the country 's policies . It was the first budget with the expressed intent of redistributing wealth among the public . It imposed increased taxes on luxuries , liquor , tobacco , incomes , and land , -- taxation that disproportionately affected the rich -- so that money could be made available for new welfare programmes as well as new battleships . In 1911 Lloyd George succeeded in putting through Parliament his National Insurance Act , making provision for sickness and invalidism , and this was followed by his Unemployment Insurance Act . Historian Peter Weiler argues that : Although still partially informed by older Liberal concerns for character , self - reliance , and the capitalist market , this legislation nevertheless , marked a significant shift in Liberal approaches to the state and social reform , approaches that later governments would slowly expand and that would grow into the welfare state after the Second World War . What was new in these reforms was the underlying assumption that the state could be a positive force , that the measure of individual freedom ... was not how much the state left people alone , but whether he gave them the capacity to fill themselves as individuals . At the turn of the 20th century , the incompetence of the ruling class in Russia discredited the monarchy and aristocracy . Russia was already reeling from earlier losses to Japan and political struggles with the Kadets , a powerful liberal bloc in the Duma . Facing huge shortages in basic necessities along with widespread riots in early 1917 , Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March , bringing to an end three centuries of Romanov rule and paving the way for liberals to declare a republic . Russia 's liberals , repeatedly used the slogans , symbols , and ideas of the French Revolution -- plastering liberté , égalité , fraternité over major public spaces -- to establish an emotional attachment to the past , an attachment that liberals hoped would galvanize the public to fight for modern values . But democracy was no simple task , and the Provisional Government that took over the country 's administration needed the cooperation of the Petrograd Soviet , an organization that united leftist industrial laborers , to function and survive . Under the uncertain leadership of Alexander Kerensky , however , the Provisional Government mismanaged Russia 's continuing involvement in the war , prompting angry reactions from the Petrograd workers , who drifted further and further to the left . The Bolsheviks , a communist group led by Vladimir Lenin , seized the political opportunity from this confusion and launched a second revolution in Russia during the same year . The communists violently overthrew the fragile liberal - socialist order in October , after which Russia witnessed several years of civil war between communists and conservatives wishing to restore the monarchy . The worldwide Great Depression , starting in 1929 , hastened the discrediting of liberal economics and strengthened calls for state control over economic affairs . Economic woes prompted widespread unrest in the European political world , leading to the rise of fascism as an ideology and a movement arrayed against both liberalism and communism , especially in Nazi Germany and Italy . The rise of fascism in the 1930s eventually culminated in the Second World War , the deadliest conflict in human history . The Allies prevailed in the war by 1945 , and their victory set the stage for the Cold War between the communist Eastern Bloc and the liberal Western Alliance . In the United Kingdom , the Liberal Party lost its influence in the early 20th century due to the growth of the Labour Party . In Russia , liberalism was defeated when the Communists came to power under Vladimir Lenin in October 1917 , in Italy when Mussolini set up his dictatorship in 1922 , in Poland in 1926 under Józef Piłsudski , and in Spain in 1939 after the Spanish Civil War . Before World War I , liberal parties dominated the European political scene , but they were gradually displaced by socialists and social democrats in the early 20th century . The fortunes of liberal parties since World War II have been mixed , with some gaining strength while others suffered from continuous declines . The fall of the Soviet Union and the breakup of Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century , however , allowed the formation of many liberal parties throughout Eastern Europe . These parties developed varying ideological characters . Some , such as the Slovenian Liberal Democrats or the Lithuanian Social Liberals , have been characterised as centre - left . Others , such as the Romanian National Liberal Party , have been classified as centre - right . In the United Kingdom , the comprehensive welfare state was built after the Second World War . Although it was largely accomplished by the Labour Party , it was also significantly designed by John Maynard Keynes , who laid the economic foundations , and by William Beveridge , who designed the welfare system . In 1988 , in the United Kingdom the Liberal Party joined with the Labour splinter Social Democratic Party to form the Liberal Democrats . Following the general election of 2010 , the Liberal Democrats formed a coalition government with the Conservatives , resulting in party leader Nick Clegg becoming the Deputy Prime minister and many other members becoming ministers . However , the Liberal Democrats lost 49 of their 56 seats in the 2015 general election , with their review of the result concluding that a number of policy reversals were responsible for their poor electoral performance . In Western Europe , liberal parties have often cooperated with socialist and social democratic parties , as evidenced by the Purple Coalition in the Netherlands during the late 1990s and into the 21st century . The Purple Coalition , one of the most consequential in Dutch history , brought together the progressive left - liberal D66 , the economic liberal and centre - right VVD , and the social democratic Labour Party -- an unusual combination that ultimately legalised same - sex marriage , euthanasia , and prostitution while also instituting a non-enforcement policy on marijuana . Oceania ( edit ) In Australia , liberalism is primarily championed by the centre - right Liberal Party . The Liberals are a fusion of classical liberal and conservative forces and are affiliated with the centre - right International Democrat Union . Historiography ( edit ) Foucault ( edit ) French intellectual Michel Foucault locates the emergence of liberalism , both as a political philosophy and a mode of governance , in the sixteenth century . He especially focuses on Adam Smith , David Hume and Adam Ferguson . According to Foucault , it was through a double movement , of state centralisation on the one hand and of dispersion and religious dissidence on the other , that this problem of government presented itself clearly for the first time . The central question , or problem of government , in relation to the birth of liberalism , was how to apply the form of governance of the family , the ' economy ' , to the state as a whole . How to introduce the meticulous attention of the father within the family home and the family unit , to the management of the state ? The birth of liberalism can be located in the response to this question or problem of government . The response witnessed the shift from the dominance of sovereign power to the apparatus of the state , and can be characterised in three important developments : Liberalism , as a ' rationality ' of governing was , in Foucault 's mind , unique from other previous technologies of governing , as it had as its foundation the assumption that human behaviour should be governed , in the pursuit of fostering the idea that society be understood as a realm separate from the state , not just something that was drawn off of and violated in order to strengthen the state . In a Foucauldian sense , liberalism did not emerge as a doctrine of how to simply govern people , but rather , as a technology of governing that arose from the timeless critique of excessive government -- `` a search for a technology of government that could address the recurrent complaint that authorities were governing too much . 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Liberal Democrats . Retrieved May 11 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Schie and Voermann , p. 121 . Jump up ^ Gallagher et al. , p. 226 . ^ Jump up to : Monsma and Soper , p. 95 . Jump up ^ `` International Democrat Union '' Member Parties `` . International Democrat Union . Jump up ^ `` A new battleline for Liberal ideas '' . The Australian . 26 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Vote 1 Baillieu to save small - l liberalism '' . The Age . Melbourne . Jump up ^ Karatnycky , p. 59 . Jump up ^ Foucault , M. , Burchell , G. , Gordon , C. , & Miller , P. ( 1991 ) . The Foucault Effect : Studies in Governmentality : With two lectures by and an interview with Michel Foucault ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press ( p. 92 ) Jump up ^ ( Foucault 1991 : 88 ) Jump up ^ ( Foucault 1991 : 92 ) Jump up ^ ( Nadesan 2008 : 16 ) Jump up ^ Rose , N. , O'Malley , P. , & Valverde , M. ( 2006 ) . Governmentality . Annual Review of Law and Social Science , 2 ( 1 ) , 83 -- 104 ( p. 84 ) Jump up ^ ( Rose et al. 2006 : 84 ) References and further reading ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Islamic modernism was the first Muslim ideological response to the Western cultural challenge . Started in India and Egypt in the second part of the 19th century ... reflected in the work of a group of like - minded Muslim scholars , featuring a critical reexamination of the classical conceptions and methods of jurisprudence and a formulation of a new approach to Islamic theology and Quranic exegesis . '' Alnes , Jan Harald , and Manuel Toscano . Varieties of Liberalism : Contemporary Challenges ( 2014 ) Alterman , Eric . Why We 're Liberals . New York : Viking Adult , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 670 - 01860 - 0 Ameringer , Charles . Political parties of the Americas , 1980s to 1990s . Westport : Greenwood Publishing Group , 1992 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 27418 - 5 Auerbach , Alan and Kotlikoff , Laurence . Macroeconomics Cambridge : MIT Press , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 262 - 01170 - 0 Bernstein , Richard . Thomas Jefferson : The Revolution of Ideas . New York : Oxford University Press US , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 514368 - X Browning , Gary et al. Understanding Contemporary Society : Theories of the Present . Thousand Oaks : SAGE , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 7619 - 5926 - 2 Coker , Christopher . Twilight of the West . Boulder : Westview Press , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 8133 - 3368 - 7 Colomer , Josep Maria . Great Empires , Small Nations . New York : Routledge , 2007 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 43775 - X Colton , Joel and Palmer , R.R. A History of the Modern World . New York : McGraw Hill , Inc. , 1995 . ISBN 0 - 07 - 040826 - 2 Copleston , Frederick . A History of Philosophy : Volume V. New York : Doubleday , 1959 . ISBN 0 - 385 - 47042 - 8 Delaney , Tim . The march of unreason : science , democracy , and the new fundamentalism . New York : Oxford University Press , 2005 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 280485 - 5 Diamond , Larry . The Spirit of Democracy . New York : Macmillan , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 8050 - 7869 - X Dobson , John . Bulls , Bears , Boom , and Bust . Santa Barbara : ABC - CLIO , 2006 . ISBN 1 - 85109 - 553 - 5 Dorrien , Gary . The making of American liberal theology . Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 664 - 22354 - 0 Fawcett , Edmund . Liberalism : The Life of an Idea ( 2014 ) Flamm , Michael and Steigerwald , David . Debating the 1960s : liberal , conservative , and radical perspectives . Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 7425 - 2212 - 1 Gallagher , Michael et al. Representative government in modern Europe . New York : McGraw Hill , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 07 - 232267 - 5 Godwin , Kenneth et al. School choice tradeoffs : liberty , equity , and diversity . Austin : University of Texas Press , 2002 . ISBN 0 - 292 - 72842 - 5 Gould , Andrew . Origins of liberal dominance . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1999 . ISBN 0 - 472 - 11015 - 2 Gray , John . Liberalism . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press , 1995 . ISBN 0 - 8166 - 2801 - 7 Grigsby , Ellen . Analyzing Politics : An Introduction to Political Science . Florence : Cengage Learning , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 495 - 50112 - 3 Ha Hartz , Louis . The liberal tradition in America . New York : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt , 1955 . ISBN 0 - 15 - 651269 - 6 Hafner , Danica and Ramet , Sabrina . Democratic transition in Slovenia : value transformation , education , and media . College Station : Texas A&M University Press , 2006 . ISBN 1 - 58544 - 525 - 8 Handelsman , Michael . Culture and Customs of Ecuador . Westport : Greenwood Press , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 30244 - 8 Heywood , Andrew . Political Ideologies : An Introduction . New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2003 . ISBN 0 - 333 - 96177 - 3 Hodge , Carl . Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism , 1800 -- 1944 . Westport : Greenwood Publishing Group , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 33406 - 4 Jensen , Pamela Grande . Finding a new feminism : rethinking the woman question for liberal democracy . Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield , 1996 . ISBN 0 - 8476 - 8189 - 0 Johnson , Paul . The Renaissance : A Short History . New York : Modern Library , 2002 . ISBN 0 - 8129 - 6619 - 8 Karatnycky , Adrian et al. Nations in transit , 2001 . Piscataway : Transaction Publishers , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 7658 - 0897 - 8 Karatnycky , Adrian . Freedom in the World . Piscataway : Transaction Publishers , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 7658 - 0760 - 2 Ke Kerber , Linda . `` The Republican Mother '' . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , 1976 . Kirchner , Emil . Liberal parties in Western Europe . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1988 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 32394 - 0 Knoop , Todd . Recessions and Depressions Westport : Greenwood Press , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 38163 - 1 Lightfoot , Simon . Europeanizing social democracy ? : the rise of the Party of European Socialists . New York : Routledge , 2005 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 34803 - X Mackenzie , G. Calvin and Weisbrot , Robert . The liberal hour : Washington and the politics of change in the 1960s . New York : Penguin Group , 2008 . ISBN 1 - 59420 - 170 - 6 Manent , Pierre and Seigel , Jerrold . An Intellectual History of Liberalism . Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1996 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 02911 - 3 Mazower , Mark . Dark Continent . New York : Vintage Books , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 679 - 75704 - X Monsma , Stephen and Soper , J. Christopher . The Challenge of Pluralism : Church and State in Five Democracies . Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 7425 - 5417 - 1 Peerenboom , Randall . China modernizes . New York : Oxford University Press , 2007 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 920834 - 4 Perry , Marvin et al. Western Civilization : Ideas , Politics , and Society . Florence , KY : Cengage Learning , 2008 . ISBN 0 - 547 - 14742 - 2 Pierson , Paul . The New Politics of the Welfare State . New York : Oxford University Press , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 829756 - 4 Riff , Michael . Dictionary of modern political ideologies . Manchester : Manchester University Press , 1990 . ISBN 0 - 7190 - 3289 - X Rivlin , Alice . Reviving the American Dream Washington D.C. : Brookings Institution Press , 1992 . ISBN 0 - 8157 - 7476 - 1 Roberts , J.M. The Penguin History of the World . New York : Penguin Group , 1992 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 521043 - 3 Ros , Agustin . Profits for all ? : the cost and benefits of employee ownership . New York : Nova Publishers , 2001 . ISBN 1 - 59033 - 061 - 7 Ryan , Alan . The Making of Modern Liberalism ( Princeton UP , 2012 ) Shaw , G.K. Keynesian Economics : The Permanent Revolution . Aldershot , England : Edward Elgar Publishing Company , 1988 . ISBN 1 - 85278 - 099 - 1 Sinclair , Timothy . Global governance : critical concepts in political science . Oxford : Taylor & Francis , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 27662 - 4 Song , Robert . Christianity and Liberal Society . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2006 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 826933 - 1 Stacy , Lee . Mexico and the United States . New York : Marshall Cavendish Corporation , 2002 . ISBN 0 - 7614 - 7402 - 1 Steindl , Frank . Understanding Economic Recovery in the 1930s . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 472 - 11348 - 8 Susser , Bernard . Political ideology in the modern world . Upper Saddle River : Allyn and Bacon , 1995 . ISBN 0 - 02 - 418442 - X Van Schie , P.G.C. and Voermann , Gerrit . The dividing line between success and failure : a comparison of Liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries . Berlin : LIT Verlag Berlin - Hamburg - Münster , 2006 . ISBN 3 - 8258 - 7668 - 3 Various authors . Countries of the World & Their Leaders Yearbook 08 , Volume 2 . Detroit : Thomson Gale , 2007 . ISBN 0 - 7876 - 8108 - 3 Wolfe , Alan . The Future of Liberalism . New York : Random House , Inc. , 2009 . ISBN 0 - 307 - 38625 - 2 Worell , Judith . Encyclopedia of women and gender , Volume I. Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 12 - 227246 - 3 Young , Shaun . Beyond Rawls : an analysis of the concept of political liberalism . Lanham : University Press of America , 2002 . ISBN 0 - 7618 - 2240 - 2 Zvesper , John . Nature and liberty . New York : Routledge , 1993 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 08923 - 9 Britain ( edit ) Adams , Ian . Ideology and politics in Britain today . Manchester : Manchester University Press , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 7190 - 5056 - 1 Cook , Richard . The Grand Old Man . Whitefish : Kessinger Publishing , 2004 . ISBN 1 - 4191 - 6449 - X on Gladstone Falco , Maria . Feminist interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft . State College : Penn State Press , 1996 . ISBN 0 - 271 - 01493 - 8 Forster , Greg . John Locke 's politics of moral consensus . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2005 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 84218 - 2 Gross , Jonathan . Byron : the erotic liberal . Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers , Inc. , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 7425 - 1162 - 6 Locke , John . A Letter Concerning Toleration : Humbly Submitted . CreateSpace , 2009 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4495 - 2376 - 3 Locke , John . Two Treatises of Government . reprint , New York : Hafner Publishing Company , Inc. , 1947 . ISBN 0 - 02 - 848500 - 9 Wempe , Ben . T.H. Green 's theory of positive freedom : from metaphysics to political theory . Exeter : Imprint Academic , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 907845 - 58 - 4 France ( edit ) Frey , Linda and Frey , Marsha . The French Revolution . Westport : Greenwood Press , 2004 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 32193 - 0 Hanson , Paul . Contesting the French Revolution . Hoboken : Blackwell Publishing , 2009 . ISBN 1 - 4051 - 6083 - 7 Leroux , Robert , Political Economy and Liberalism in France : The Contributions of Frédéric Bastiat , London and New York , Routledge , 2011 . Leroux , Robert , and David Hart ( eds ) , French Liberalism in the 19th century . An Anthology , London and New York , Routledge , 2012 . Lyons , Martyn . Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution . New York : St. Martin 's Press , Inc. , 1994 . ISBN 0 - 312 - 12123 - 7 Shlapentokh , Dmitry . The French Revolution and the Russian Anti-Democratic Tradition . Edison , NJ : Transaction Publishers , 1997 . ISBN 1 - 56000 - 244 - 1 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=History_of_liberalism&oldid=815959193 '' Categories : Liberalism History of political thought Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Pages containing links to subscription - only content Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Pages with DOIs inactive since 2017 CS1 maint : Untitled periodical Talk Variants Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español فارسی Ido Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 18 December 2017 , at 09 : 26 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . 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who was the leader of the bolsheviks in 1917 during the november revolution
A period of dual power ensued , during which the Provisional Government held state power while the national network of soviets , led by socialists , had the allegiance of the lower classes and , increasingly , the left - leaning urban middle class . During this chaotic period there were frequent mutinies , protests and many strikes . Many socialist political organizations were engaged in daily struggle and vied for influence within the Duma and the soviets , central among which were the Bolsheviks ( `` Ones of the Majority '' ) led by Vladimir Lenin who campaigned for an immediate end to the war , land to the peasants , and bread to the workers . When the Provisional Government chose to continue fighting the war with Germany , the Bolsheviks and other socialist factions were able to exploit virtually universal disdain towards the war effort as justification to advance the revolution further . The Bolsheviks turned workers ' militias under their control into the Red Guards ( later the Red Army ) over which they exerted substantial control .
Vladimir Lenin
Russian Revolution
russian revolution
The Russian Revolution was a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917 which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the rise of the Soviet Union . The Russian Empire collapsed with the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II and the old regime was replaced by a provisional government during the first revolution of February 1917 ( March in the Gregorian calendar ; the older Julian calendar was in use in Russia at the time ) . Alongside it arose grassroots community assemblies ( called ' soviets ' ) which contended for authority . In the second revolution that October , the Provisional Government was toppled and all power was given to the soviets .
The February Revolution ( March 1917 ) was a revolution focused around Petrograd ( now Saint Petersburg ) , the capital of Russia at that time . In the chaos , members of the Imperial parliament ( the Duma ) assumed control of the country , forming the Russian Provisional Government which was heavily dominated by the interests of large capitalists and the noble aristocracy . The army leadership felt they did not have the means to suppress the revolution , resulting in Nicholas 's abdication . The soviets , which were dominated by soldiers and the urban industrial working class , initially permitted the Provisional Government to rule , but insisted on a prerogative to influence the government and control various militias . The February Revolution took place in the context of heavy military setbacks during the First World War ( 1914 -- 18 ) , which left much of the Russian Army in a state of mutiny . A period of dual power ensued , during which the Provisional Government held state power while the national network of soviets , led by socialists , had the allegiance of the lower classes and , increasingly , the left - leaning urban middle class . During this chaotic period there were frequent mutinies , protests and many strikes . Many socialist political organizations were engaged in daily struggle and vied for influence within the Duma and the soviets , central among which were the Bolsheviks ( `` Ones of the Majority '' ) led by Vladimir Lenin who campaigned for an immediate end to the war , land to the peasants , and bread to the workers . When the Provisional Government chose to continue fighting the war with Germany , the Bolsheviks and other socialist factions were able to exploit virtually universal disdain towards the war effort as justification to advance the revolution further . The Bolsheviks turned workers ' militias under their control into the Red Guards ( later the Red Army ) over which they exerted substantial control . In the October Revolution ( November in the Gregorian calendar ) , the Bolsheviks led an armed insurrection by workers and soldiers in Petrograd that successfully overthrew the Provisional Government , transferring all its authority to the soviets with the capital being relocated to Moscow shortly thereafter . The Bolsheviks had secured a strong base of support within the soviets and , as the now supreme governing party , established a federal government dedicated to reorganizing the former empire into the world 's first socialist republic , practicing soviet democracy on a national and international scale . The promise to end Russia 's participation in the First World War was honored promptly with the Bolshevik leaders signing the Treaty of Brest - Litovsk with Germany in March 1918 . To further secure the new state , the Cheka was established which functioned as a revolutionary security service that sought to weed out and punish those considered to be `` enemies of the people '' in campaigns consciously modeled on similar events during the French Revolution . Soon after , civil war erupted among the `` Reds '' ( Bolsheviks ) , the `` Whites '' ( counter-revolutionaries ) , the independence movements and the non-Bolshevik socialists . It continued for several years , during which the Bolsheviks defeated both the Whites and all rival socialists and thereafter reconstituted themselves as the Communist Party . In this way , the Revolution paved the way for the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ) in 1922 . While many notable historical events occurred in Moscow and Petrograd , there was also a visible movement in cities throughout the state , among national minorities throughout the empire and in the rural areas , where peasants took over and redistributed land . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 1.1 Economic and social changes 1.2 Political issues 1.3 World War I 2 February Revolution 3 Between February and throughout October : `` Dual Power '' ( dvoevlastie ) 4 October Revolution 5 Russian Civil War 6 Execution of the imperial family 7 The revolution and the world 8 Historiography 9 Chronology 9.1 Chronology of events leading to the revolution 9.2 Chronology of the 1917 revolutions 10 Cultural portrayal 10.1 Film 11 See also 12 Footnotes 13 Notes 14 Further reading 14.1 Historiography 14.2 Participants ' accounts 14.3 Primary documents 15 External links Background Main article : Russian history , 1892 -- 1917 Soldiers blocking Narva Gate on Bloody Sunday The Russian Revolution of 1905 was said to be a major factor contributing to the cause of the Revolutions of 1917 . The events of Bloody Sunday triggered nationwide protests and soldier mutinies . A council of workers called the St. Petersburg Soviet was created in this chaos . While the 1905 Revolution was ultimately crushed , and the leaders of the St. Petersburg Soviet were arrested , this laid the groundwork for the later Petrograd Soviet and other revolutionary movements during the leadup to 1917 . The 1905 Revolution also led to the creation of a Duma ( parliament ) , that would later form the Provisional Government following February 1917 . The outbreak of World War I prompted general outcry directed at Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family . While the nation was initially caught up in a wave of nationalism , increasing numbers of defeats and poor conditions soon made the opposite true . The Tsar attempted to remedy the situation by taking personal control of the army in 1915 . This proved disastrous , as the Tsar was now held personally responsible for Russia 's continuing defeats and losses . In addition , the Tsarina Alexandra , left to rule in while the Tsar was commanding at the front , was German born , leading to suspicion of collusion , only exacerbated by rumors relating to her relationship with the controversial mystic Rasputin . Rasputin 's influence led to disastrous ministerial appointments and corruption , resulting in a worsening of conditions within Russia . This led to general dissatisfaction with the Romanov family , and was a major factor contributing to the retaliation of the Russian Communists against the royal family . After the entry of the Ottoman Empire on the side of the Central Powers in October 1914 , Russia was deprived of a major trade route through the Dardanelles , which further contributed to the economic crisis , in which Russia became incapable of providing munitions to their army in the years leading to 1917 . However , the problems were primarily administrative , and not industrial , as Germany was producing great amounts of munitions whilst constantly fighting on two major battlefronts . The conditions during the war resulted in devastating loss of morale within the Russian army , as well as the general population . This was particularly apparent in the cities , owing to a lack of food in response to the disruption of agriculture . Food scarcity had become a considerable problem in Russia , but the cause of this did not lie in any failure of the harvests , which had not been significantly altered during wartime . The indirect reason was that the government , in order to finance the war , had been printing millions of ruble notes , and by 1917 inflation had made prices increase up to four times what they had been in 1914 . Farmers were consequently faced with a higher cost of living , but little increase in income . As a result , they tended to hoard their grain and to revert to subsistence farming . Thus the cities were constantly short of food . At the same time , rising prices led to demands for higher wages in the factories , and in January and February 1916 revolutionary propaganda , in part aided by German funds , led to widespread strikes . This resulted in a growing criticism of the government , including an increased participation of workers in revolutionary parties . Liberal parties too had an increased platform to voice their complaints , as the initial fervor of the war had resulted in the Tsarist government creating a variety of political organizations . In July 1915 , a Central War Industries Committee was established under the chairmanship of a prominent Octobrist , Alexander Guchkov ( 1862 - 1936 ) , including ten workers ' representatives . The Petrograd Mensheviks agreed to join despite the objections of their leaders abroad . All this activity gave renewed encouragement to political ambitions , and , in September 1915 , a combination of Octobrists and Kadets in the Duma demanded the forming of a responsible government . The Tsar rejected these proposals . All these factors had given rise to a sharp loss of confidence in the regime , even within the ruling class , growing throughout the war . Early in 1916 , Guchkov discussed with senior army officers and members of the Central War Industries Committee about a possible coup to force the abdication of the Tsar . In December , a small group of nobles assassinated Rasputin , and in January 1917 the Tsar 's uncle , Grand Duke Nicholas , was asked indirectly by Prince Lvov whether he would be prepared to take over the throne from his nephew , Tsar Nicholas II . None of these incidents were in themselves the immediate cause of the February Revolution , but they do help to explain why the monarchy survived only a few days after it had broken out . Russian soldiers marching in Petrograd in February 1917 Meanwhile , Socialist Revolutionary leaders in exile , many of them living in Switzerland , had been the glum spectators of the collapse of international socialist solidarity . French and German Social Democrats had voted in favour of their respective governments ' war efforts . Georgi Plekhanov in Paris had adopted a violently anti-German stand , while Parvus supported the German war effort as the best means of ensuring a revolution in Russia . The Mensheviks largely maintained that Russia had the right to defend herself against Germany , although Martov ( a prominent Menshevik ) , now on the left of his group , demanded an end to the war and a settlement on the basis of national self - determination , with no annexations or indemnities . It was these views of Martov that predominated in a manifesto drawn up by Leon Trotsky ( at the time a Menshevik ) at a conference in Zimmerwald , attended by 35 Socialist leaders in September 1915 . Inevitably Vladimir Lenin , supported by Zinoviev and Radek , strongly contested them . Their attitudes became known as the Zimmerwald Left . Lenin rejected both the defence of Russia and the cry for peace . Since the autumn of 1914 , he had insisted that `` from the standpoint of the working class and of the labouring masses from the lesser evil would be the defeat of the Tsarist Monarchy '' ; the war must be turned into a civil war of the proletarian soldiers against their own governments , and if a proletarian victory should emerge from this in Russia , then their duty would be to wage a revolutionary war for the liberation of the masses throughout Europe . Economic and social changes An elementary theory of property , believed by many peasants , was that land should belong to those who work on it . At the same time , peasant life and culture was changing constantly . Change was facilitated by the physical movement of growing numbers of peasant villagers who migrated to and from industrial and urban environments , but also by the introduction of city culture into the village through material goods , the press , and word of mouth . Workers also had good reasons for discontent : overcrowded housing with often deplorable sanitary conditions , long hours at work ( on the eve of the war a 10 - hour workday six days a week was the average and many were working 11 -- 12 hours a day by 1916 ) , constant risk of injury and death from poor safety and sanitary conditions , harsh discipline ( not only rules and fines , but foremen 's fists ) , and inadequate wages ( made worse after 1914 by steep wartime increases in the cost of living ) . At the same time , urban industrial life was full of benefits , though these could be just as dangerous , from the point of view of social and political stability , as the hardships . There were many encouragements to expect more from life . Acquiring new skills gave many workers a sense of self - respect and confidence , heightening expectations and desires . Living in cities , workers encountered material goods such as they had never seen in villages . Most important , living in cities , they were exposed to new ideas about the social and political order . The social causes of the Russian Revolution mainly came from centuries of oppression of the lower classes by the Tsarist regime , and Nicholas 's failures in World War I. While rural agrarian peasants had been emancipated from serfdom in 1861 , they still resented paying redemption payments to the state , and demanded communal tender of the land they worked . The problem was further compounded by the failure of Sergei Witte 's land reforms of the early 20th century . Increasing peasant disturbances and sometimes actual revolts occurred , with the goal of securing ownership of the land they worked . Russia consisted mainly of poor farming peasants , with 1.5 % of the population owning 25 % of the land . The rapid industrialization of Russia also resulted in urban overcrowding and poor conditions for urban industrial workers ( as mentioned above ) . Between 1890 and 1910 , the population of the capital , Saint Petersburg , swelled from 1,033,600 to 1,905,600 , with Moscow experiencing similar growth . This created a new ' proletariat ' which , due to being crowded together in the cities , was much more likely to protest and go on strike than the peasantry had been in previous times . In one 1904 survey , it was found that an average of sixteen people shared each apartment in Saint Petersburg , with six people per room . There was also no running water , and piles of human waste were a threat to the health of the workers . The poor conditions only aggravated the situation , with the number of strikes and incidents of public disorder rapidly increasing in the years shortly before World War I. Because of late industrialization , Russia 's workers were highly concentrated . By 1914 , 40 % of Russian workers were employed in factories of 1,000 + workers ( 32 % in 1901 ) . 42 % worked in 100 -- 1,000 worker enterprises , 18 % in 1 -- 100 worker businesses ( in the US , 1914 , the figures were 18 , 47 and 35 respectively ) . Years Average annual strikes 1862 -- 69 6 1870 -- 84 20 1885 -- 94 33 1895 -- 1905 176 World War I added to the chaos . Conscription swept up the unwilling across Russia . The vast demand for factory production of war supplies and workers caused many more labor riots and strikes . Conscription stripped skilled workers from the cities , who had to be replaced with unskilled peasants , and then , when famine began to hit due to the poor railway system , workers abandoned the cities in droves seeking food . Finally , the soldiers themselves , who suffered from a lack of equipment and protection from the elements , began to turn against the Tsar . This was mainly because , as the war progressed , many of the officers who were loyal to the Tsar were killed , and were replaced by discontented conscripts from the major cities , who had little loyalty to the Tsar . The Petrograd Soviet Assembly meeting in 1917 Political issues Many sections of the country had reason to be dissatisfied with the existing autocracy . Nicholas II was a deeply conservative ruler and maintained a strict authoritarian system . Individuals and society in general were expected to show self - restraint , devotion to community , deference to the social hierarchy and a sense of duty to the country . Religious faith helped bind all of these tenets together as a source of comfort and reassurance in the face of difficult conditions and as a means of political authority exercised through the clergy . Perhaps more than any other modern monarch , Nicholas II attached his fate and the future of his dynasty to the notion of the ruler as a saintly and infallible father to his people . This idealized vision of the Romanov monarchy blinded him to the actual state of his country . With a firm belief that his power to rule was granted by Divine Right , Nicholas assumed that the Russian people were devoted to him with unquestioning loyalty . This ironclad belief rendered Nicholas unwilling to allow the progressive reforms that might have alleviated the suffering of the Russian people . Even after the 1905 revolution spurred the Tsar to decree limited civil rights and democratic representation , he worked to limit even these liberties in order to preserve the ultimate authority of the crown . Despite constant oppression , the desire of the people for democratic participation in government decisions was strong . Since the Age of Enlightenment , Russian intellectuals had promoted Enlightenment ideals such as the dignity of the individual and the rectitude of democratic representation . These ideals were championed most vociferously by Russia 's liberals , although populists , Marxists , and anarchists also claimed to support democratic reforms . A growing opposition movement had begun to challenge the Romanov monarchy openly well before the turmoil of World War I . Dissatisfaction with Russian autocracy culminated in the huge national upheaval that followed the Bloody Sunday massacre of January 1905 , in which hundreds of unarmed protesters were shot by the Tsar 's troops . Workers responded to the massacre with a crippling general strike , forcing Nicholas to put forth the October Manifesto , which established a democratically elected parliament ( the State Duma ) . The Tsar undermined this promise of reform but a year later with Article 87 of the 1906 Fundamental State Laws , and subsequently dismissed the first two Dumas when they proved uncooperative . Unfulfilled hopes of democracy fueled revolutionary ideas and violent outbursts targeted at the monarchy . One of the Tsar 's principal rationales for risking war in 1914 was his desire to restore the prestige that Russia had lost amid the debacles of the Russo - Japanese war . Nicholas also sought to foster a greater sense of national unity with a war against a common and ancient enemy . The Russian Empire was an agglomeration of diverse ethnicities that had shown significant signs of disunity in the years before the First World War . Nicholas believed in part that the shared peril and tribulation of a foreign war would mitigate the social unrest over the persistent issues of poverty , inequality , and inhuman working conditions . Instead of restoring Russia 's political and military standing , World War I led to the horrifying slaughter of Russian troops and military defeats that undermined both the monarchy and society in general to the point of collapse . World war I The outbreak of war in August 1914 initially served to quiet the prevalent social and political protests , focusing hostilities against a common external enemy , but this patriotic unity did not last long . As the war dragged on inconclusively , war - weariness gradually took its toll . More important , though , was a deeper fragility : although many ordinary Russians joined anti-German demonstrations in the first few weeks of the war , the most widespread reaction appears to have been skepticism and fatalism . Hostility toward the Kaiser and the desire to defend their land and their lives did not necessarily translate into enthusiasm for the Tsar or the government . Russia 's first major battle of the war was a disaster : in the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg , over 30,000 Russian troops were killed or wounded and 90,000 captured , while Germany suffered just 12,000 casualties . However , Austro - Hungarian forces allied to Germany were driven back deep into the Galicia region by the end of the year . In the autumn of 1915 , Nicholas had taken direct command of the army , personally overseeing Russia 's main theatre of war and leaving his ambitious but incapable wife Alexandra in charge of the government . Reports of corruption and incompetence in the Imperial government began to emerge , and the growing influence of Grigori Rasputin in the Imperial family was widely resented . In the eyes of Michael Lynch , a revisionist historian ( member of the School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester ) who focuses on the role of the people , Rasputin was a `` fatal disease '' to the Tsarist regime . In 1915 , things took a critical turn for the worse when Germany shifted its focus of attack to the Eastern front . The superior German army -- better led , better trained and better supplied -- was terrifyingly effective against the ill - equipped Russian forces , driving the Russians out of Galicia , as well as Russian Poland , during the Gorlice -- Tarnów Offensive campaign . By the end of October 1916 , Russia had lost between 1,600,000 and 1,800,000 soldiers , with an additional 2,000,000 prisoners of war and 1,000,000 missing , all making up a total of nearly 5,000,000 men . These staggering losses played a definite role in the mutinies and revolts that began to occur . In 1916 , reports of fraternizing with the enemy started to circulate . Soldiers went hungry , and lacked shoes , munitions , and even weapons . Rampant discontent lowered morale , which was further undermined by a series of military defeats . Russian troops awaiting German attack in trenches Casualty rates were the most vivid sign of this disaster . Already , by the end of 1914 , only five months into the war , around 390,000 Russian men had lost their lives and nearly 1,000,000 were injured . Far sooner than expected , barely trained recruits had to be called up for active duty , a process repeated throughout the war as staggering losses continued to mount . The officer class also saw remarkable changes , especially within the lower echelons , which were quickly filled with soldiers rising up through the ranks . These men , usually of peasant or working - class backgrounds , were to play a large role in the politicization of the troops in 1917 . The huge losses on the battlefields were not limited to men . The army quickly ran short of rifles and ammunition ( as well as uniforms and food ) , and , by mid-1915 , men were being sent to the front bearing no arms . It was hoped that they could equip themselves with the arms that they recovered from fallen soldiers , of both sides , on the battlefields . The soldiers did not feel that they were being treated as valuable soldiers , or even as human beings , but rather as raw materials to be squandered for the purposes of the rich and powerful . By the spring of 1915 , the army was in steady retreat , which was not always orderly ; desertion , plunder and chaotic flight were not uncommon . By 1916 , however , the situation had improved in many respects . Russian troops stopped retreating , and there were even some modest successes in the offensives that were staged that year , albeit at great loss of life . Also , the problem of shortages was largely solved by a major effort to increase domestic production . Nevertheless , by the end of 1916 , morale among soldiers was even worse than it had been during the great retreat of 1915 . The fortunes of war may have improved , but the fact of the war , still draining away strength and lives from the country and its many individuals and families , remained an oppressive inevitability . The crisis in morale ( as was argued by Allan Wildman , a leading historian of the Russian army in war and revolution ) `` was rooted fundamentally in the feeling of utter despair that the slaughter would ever end and that anything resembling victory could be achieved . '' The war devastated not only soldiers . By the end of 1915 , there were manifold signs that the economy was breaking down under the heightened strain of wartime demand . The main problems were food shortages and rising prices . Inflation dragged incomes down at an alarmingly rapid rate , and shortages made it difficult to buy even what one could afford . These shortages were a problem especially in the capital , St. Petersburg , where distance from supplies and poor transportation networks made matters particularly bad . Shops closed early or entirely for lack of bread , sugar , meat and other provisions , and lines lengthened massively for what remained . It became increasingly difficult both to afford and actually buy food . Not surprisingly , strikes increased steadily from the middle of 1915 , and so did crime ; but , for the most part , people suffered and endured , scouring the city for food . Working class women in St. Petersburg reportedly spent about forty hours a week in food lines , begging , turning to prostitution or crime , tearing down wooden fences to keep stoves heated for warmth , grumbling about the rich , and wondering when and how this would all come to an end . Government officials responsible for public order worried about how long people 's patience would last . A report by the St. Petersburg branch of the security police , the Okhrana , in October 1916 , warned bluntly of `` the possibility in the near future of riots by the lower classes of the empire enraged by the burdens of daily existence . '' Nicholas was blamed for all of these crises , and what little support he had left began to crumble . As discontent grew , the State Duma issued a warning to Nicholas in November 1916 . It stated that , inevitably , a terrible disaster would grip the country unless a constitutional form of government was put in place . Nicholas ignored these warnings and Russia 's Tsarist regime collapsed a few months later during the February Revolution of 1917 . One year later , the Tsar and his entire family were executed . February Revolution Main article : February Revolution Revolutionaries protesting in February 1917 Meeting Germans in No Man 's Land Meeting before the Russian wire entanglements At the beginning of February , Petrograd workers began several strikes and demonstrations . On 7 March ( O.S. 22 February ) , workers at Putilov , Petrograd 's largest industrial plant , announced a strike . The next day , a series of meetings and rallies were held for International Women 's Day , which gradually turned into economic and political gatherings . Demonstrations were organised to demand bread , and these were supported by the industrial working force who considered them a reason for continuing the strikes . The women workers marched to nearby factories bringing out over 50,000 workers on strike . By 10 March ( O.S. 25 February ) , virtually every industrial enterprise in Petrograd had been shut down , together with many commercial and service enterprises . Students , white - collar workers and teachers joined the workers in the streets and at public meetings . To quell the riots , the Tsar looked to the army . At least 180,000 troops were available in the capital , but most were either untrained or injured . Historian Ian Beckett suggests around 12,000 could be regarded as reliable , but even these proved reluctant to move in on the crowd , since it included so many women . It was for this reason that when , on 11 March ( O.S. 26 February ) , the Tsar ordered the army to suppress the rioting by force , troops began to mutiny . Although few actively joined the rioting , many officers were either shot or went into hiding ; the ability of the garrison to hold back the protests was all but nullified , symbols of the Tsarist regime were rapidly torn down around the city , and governmental authority in the capital collapsed -- not helped by the fact that Nicholas had prorogued the Duma that morning , leaving it with no legal authority to act . The response of the Duma , urged on by the liberal bloc , was to establish a Temporary Committee to restore law and order ; meanwhile , the socialist parties establish the Petrograd Soviet to represent workers and soldiers . The remaining loyal units switched allegiance the next day . The Tsar directed the royal train back towards Petrograd , which was stopped 14 March ( O.S. 1 March ) , by a group of revolutionaries at Malaya Vishera . When the Tsar finally arrived at in Pskov , the Army Chief Nikolai Ruzsky , and the Duma deputees Guchkov and Vasily Shulgin suggested in unison that he abdicate the throne . He did so on 15 March ( O.S. 2 March ) , on behalf of himself , and then , having taken advice , on behalf of his son , the Tsarevich . Nicholas nominated his brother , the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich , to succeed him . But the Grand Duke realised that he would have little support as ruler , so he declined the crown on 16 March ( O.S. 3 March ) , stating that he would take it only if that was the consensus of democratic action . Six days later , Nicholas , no longer Tsar and addressed with contempt by the sentries as `` Nicholas Romanov '' , was reunited with his family at the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo . He was placed under house arrest with his family by the Provisional Government . The immediate effect of the February Revolution was a widespread atmosphere of elation and excitement in Petrograd . On 16 March ( O.S. 3 March ) , a provisional government was announced . The center - left was well represented , and the government was initially chaired by a liberal aristocrat , Prince Georgy Yevgenievich Lvov , a member of the Constitutional Democratic party ( KD ) . The socialists had formed their rival body , the Petrograd Soviet ( or workers ' council ) four days earlier . The Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government competed for power over Russia . Between February and throughout October : `` dual power '' ( dvoevlastie ) The effective power of the Provisional Government was challenged by the authority of an institution that claimed to represent the will of workers and soldiers and could , in fact , mobilize and control these groups during the early months of the revolution -- the Petrograd Soviet ( Council ) of Workers ' Deputies . The model for the soviet were workers ' councils that had been established in scores of Russian cities during the 1905 Revolution . In February 1917 , striking workers elected deputies to represent them and socialist activists began organizing a citywide council to unite these deputies with representatives of the socialist parties . On 27 February , socialist Duma deputies , mainly Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries , took the lead in organizing a citywide council . The Petrograd Soviet met in the Tauride Palace , the same building where the new government was taking shape . The leaders of the Petrograd Soviet believed that they represented particular classes of the population , not the whole nation . They also believed Russia was not ready for socialism . So they saw their role as limited to pressuring hesitant `` bourgeoisie '' to rule and to introduce extensive democratic reforms in Russia ( the replacement of the monarchy by a republic , guaranteed civil rights , a democratic police and army , abolition of religious and ethnic discrimination , preparation of elections to a constituent assembly , and so on ) . They met in the same building as the emerging Provisional Government not to compete with the Duma Committee for state power but to best exert pressure on the new government , to act , in other words , as a popular democratic lobby . The relationship between these two major powers was complex from the beginning and would shape the politics of 1917 . The representatives of the Provisional Government agreed to `` take into account the opinions of the Soviet of Workers ' Deputies '' , though they were also determined to prevent `` interference in the actions of the government '' , which would create `` an unacceptable situation of dual power . '' In fact , this was precisely what was being created , though this `` dual power '' ( dvoevlastie ) was the result less of the actions or attitudes of the leaders of these two institutions than of actions outside their control , especially the ongoing social movement taking place on the streets of Russia 's cities , in factories and shops , in barracks and in the trenches , and in the villages . The 2nd Moscow Women Death Battalion protecting the Winter Palace as the last guards of the stronghold . A series of political crises -- see the chronology below -- in the relationship between population and government and between the Provisional Government and the soviets ( which developed into a nationwide movement with a national leadership , The All - Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets ( VTsIK ) ) undermined the authority of the Provisional Government but also of the moderate socialist leaders of the Soviet . Although the Soviet leadership initially refused to participate in the `` bourgeois '' Provisional Government , Alexander Kerensky , a young and popular lawyer and a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party ( SRP ) , agreed to join the new cabinet , and became an increasingly central figure in the government , eventually taking leadership of the Provisional Government . As minister of war and later Prime Minister , Kerensky promoted freedom of speech , released thousands of political prisoners , did his very best to continue the war effort and even organised another offensive ( which , however , was no more successful than its predecessors ) . Nevertheless , Kerensky still faced several great challenges , highlighted by the soldiers , urban workers and peasants , who claimed that they had gained nothing by the revolution : Other political groups were trying to undermine him . Heavy military losses were being suffered on the front . The soldiers were dissatisfied and demoralised and had started to defect . ( On arrival back in Russia , these soldiers were either imprisoned or sent straight back into the front . ) There was enormous discontent with Russia 's involvement in the war , and many were calling for an end to it . There were great shortages of food and supplies , which was difficult to remedy because of the wartime economic conditions . The political group that proved most troublesome for Kerensky , and would eventually overthrow him , was the Bolshevik Party , led by Vladimir Lenin . Lenin had been living in exile in neutral Switzerland and , due to democratization of politics after the February Revolution , which legalized formerly banned political parties , he perceived the opportunity for his Marxist revolution . Although return to Russia had become a possibility , the war made it logistically difficult . Eventually , German officials arranged for Lenin to pass through their territory , hoping that his activities would weaken Russia or even -- if the Bolsheviks came to power -- led to Russia 's withdrawal from the war . Lenin and his associates , however , had to agree to travel to Russia in a sealed train : Germany would not take the chance that he would foment revolution in Germany . After passing through the front , he arrived in Petrograd in April 1917 . Street demonstration on Nevsky Prospekt in Petrograd just after troops of the Provisional Government opened fire in the July Days With Lenin 's arrival , the popularity of the Bolsheviks increased steadily . Over the course of the spring , public dissatisfaction with the Provisional Government and the war , in particular among workers , soldiers and peasants , pushed these groups to radical parties . Despite growing support for the Bolsheviks , buoyed by maxims that called most famously for `` all power to the Soviets , '' the party held very little real power in the moderate - dominated Petrograd Soviet . In fact , historians such as Sheila Fitzpatrick have asserted that Lenin 's exhortations for the Soviet Council to take power were intended to arouse indignation both with the Provisional Government , whose policies were viewed as conservative , and the Soviet itself , which was viewed as subservient to the conservative government . By some historians ' accounts , Lenin and his followers were unprepared for how their groundswell of support , especially among influential worker and soldier groups , would translate into real power in the summer of 1917 . Soviets attacking the tsarist police in the early days of the March Revolution . On 18 June , the Provisional Government launched an attack against Germany that failed miserably . Soon after , the government ordered soldiers to go to the front , reneging on a promise . The soldiers refused to follow the new orders . The arrival of radical Kronstadt sailors -- who had tried and executed many officers , including one admiral -- further fueled the growing revolutionary atmosphere . The sailors and soldiers , along with Petrograd workers , took to the streets in violent protest , calling for `` all power to the Soviets . '' The revolt , however , was disowned by Lenin and the Bolshevik leaders and dissipated within a few days . In the aftermath , Lenin fled to Finland under threat of arrest while Trotsky , among other prominent Bolsheviks , was arrested . The July Days confirmed the popularity of the anti-war , radical Bolsheviks , but their unpreparedness at the moment of revolt was an embarrassing gaffe that lost them support among their main constituent groups : soldiers and workers . The Bolshevik failure in the July Days proved temporary . The Bolsheviks had undergone a spectacular growth in membership . Whereas , in February 1917 , the Bolsheviks were limited to only 24,000 members , by September 1917 there were 200,000 members of the Bolshevik faction . Previously , the Bolsheviks had been in the minority in the two leading cities of Russia -- St. Petersburg and Moscow behind the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries , by September the Bolsheviks were in the majority in both cities . Furthermore , the Bolshevik - controlled Moscow Regional Bureau of the Party also controlled the Party organizations of the thirteen ( 13 ) provinces around Moscow . These thirteen provinces held 37 % of Russia 's population and 20 % of the membership of the Bolshevik faction . In August , poor or misleading communication led General Lavr Kornilov , the recently appointed Supreme Commander of Russian military forces , to believe that the Petrograd government had already been captured by radicals , or was in serious danger thereof . In response , he ordered troops to Petrograd to pacify the city . To secure his position , Kerensky had to ask for Bolshevik assistance . He also sought help from the Petrograd Soviet , which called upon armed Red Guards to `` defend the revolution '' . The Kornilov Affair failed largely due to the efforts of the Bolsheviks , whose influence over railroad and telegraph workers proved vital in stopping the movement of troops . With his coup failing , Kornilov surrendered and was relieved of his position . The Bolsheviks ' role in stopping the attempted coup further strengthened their position . In early September , the Petrograd Soviet freed all jailed Bolsheviks and Trotsky became chairman of the Petrograd Soviet . Growing numbers of socialists and lower - class Russians viewed the government less and less as a force in support of their needs and interests . The Bolsheviks benefited as the only major organized opposition party that had refused to compromise with the Provisional Government , and they benefited from growing frustration and even disgust with other parties , such as the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries , who stubbornly refused to break with the idea of national unity across all classes . In Finland , Lenin had worked on his book State and Revolution and continued to lead his party , writing newspaper articles and policy decrees . By October , he returned to Petrograd ( St. Petersburg ) , aware that the increasingly radical city presented him no legal danger and a second opportunity for revolution . Recognising the strength of the Bolsheviks , Lenin began pressing for the immediate overthrow of the Kerensky government by the Bolsheviks . Lenin was of the opinion that taking power should occur in both St. Petersburg and Moscow simultaneously , parenthetically stating that it made no difference which city rose up first , but expressing his opinion that Moscow may well rise up first . The Bolshevik Central Committee drafted a resolution , calling for the dissolution of the Provisional Government in favor of the Petrograd Soviet . The resolution was passed 10 -- 2 ( Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev prominently dissenting ) and the October Revolution began . October Revolution Main article : October Revolution The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin and was based upon Lenin 's writing on the ideas of Karl Marx , a political ideology often known as Marxism -- Leninism . It marked the beginning of the spread of communism in the 20th century . It was far less sporadic than the revolution of February and came about as the result of deliberate planning and coordinated activity to that end . Though Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party , it has been argued that since Lenin was not present during the actual takeover of the Winter Palace , it was really Trotsky 's organization and direction that led the revolution , merely spurred by the motivation Lenin instigated within his party . Critics on the Right have long argued that the financial and logistical assistance of German intelligence via their key agent , Alexander Parvus was a key component as well , though historians are divided , since there is little evidence supporting that claim . On 7 November 1917 , Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin led his leftist revolutionaries in a revolt against the ineffective Provisional Government ( Russia was still using the Julian calendar at the time , so period references show a 25 October date ) . The October revolution ended the phase of the revolution instigated in February , replacing Russia 's short - lived provisional parliamentary government with government by soviets , local councils elected by bodies of workers and peasants . Liberal and monarchist forces , loosely organized into the White Army , immediately went to war against the Bolsheviks ' Red Army , in a series of battles that would become known as the Russian Civil War . Soviet membership was initially freely elected , but many members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party , anarchists , and other leftists created opposition to the Bolsheviks through the soviets themselves . When it became clear that the Bolsheviks had little support outside of the industrialized areas of Saint Petersburg and Moscow , they simply barred non-Bolsheviks from membership in the soviets . Not surprisingly , this caused mass domestic tension with many individuals who called for another series of political reform , revolting , and calling for `` a third Russian revolution , '' a movement that received a significant amount of support . The most notable instances of this anti-Bolshevik mentality were expressed in the Tambov rebellion , 1919 -- 1921 , and the Kronstadt rebellion in March 1921 . These movements , which made a wide range of demands and lacked effective coordination , were eventually defeated along with the White Army during the Civil War . Russian Civil war American , British , and Japanese Troops parade through Vladivostok in armed support to the White Army Main articles : Russian Civil War and Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War The Russian Civil War , which broke out in 1918 shortly after the October Revolution , brought death and suffering to millions of people regardless of their political orientation . The war was fought mainly between the Red Army ( `` Reds '' ) , consisting of the uprising majority led by the Bolshevik minority , and the `` Whites '' -- army officers and cossacks , the `` bourgeoisie '' , and political groups ranging from the far Right to the Socialist Revolutionaries who opposed the drastic restructuring championed by the Bolsheviks following the collapse of the Provisional Government to the soviets ( under clear Bolshevik dominance ) . The Whites had backing from nations such as Great Britain , France , USA and Japan , while the Reds possessed internal support which proved to be much more effective . Though the Allied nations , using external interference , provided substantial military aid to the loosely knit anti-Bolshevik forces , they were ultimately defeated . The Bolsheviks firstly assumed power in Petrograd , expanding their rule outwards . They eventually reached the Easterly Siberian Russian coast in Vladivostok , 4 years after the war began , an occupation that is believed to have ended all significant military campaigns in the nation . Less than one year later the last area controlled by the White Army , the Ayano - Maysky District , directly to the north of the Krai containing Vladivostok , was given up when General Anatoly Pepelyayev capitulated in 1923 . Several revolts were initiated against the Bolsheviks and their army near the end of the war , notably the Kronstadt Rebellion . This was a naval mutiny engineered by Soviet Baltic sailors , former Red Army soldiers , and the people of Kronstadt . This armed uprising was fought against the antagonizing Bolshevik economic policies that farmers were subjected to , including seizures of grain crops by the Communists . This all amounted to large - scale discontent . When delegates representing the Kronstadt sailors arrived at Petrograd for negotiations , they raised 15 demands primarily pertaining to the Russian right to freedom . The Government firmly denounced the rebellions and labelled the requests as a reminder of the Social Revolutionaries , a political party that was popular among Soviets before Lenin , but refused to cooperate with the Bolshevik Army . The Government then responded with an armed suppression of these revolts and suffered 10 thousand casualties before entering the city of Kronstadt . This ended the rebellions fairly quickly , causing many of the rebels to flee to political exile . During the Civil War , Nestor Makhno led a Ukrainian anarchist movement , the Black Army allied to the Bolsheviks thrice , one of the powers ending the alliance each time . However , a Bolshevik force under Mikhail Frunze destroyed the Makhnovist movement , when the Makhnovists refused to merge into the Red Army . In addition , the so - called `` Green Army '' ( peasants defending their property against the opposing forces ) played a secondary role in the war , mainly in the Ukraine . Execution of the Imperial family Main article : Shooting of the Romanov family The Bolsheviks executed the tsar and his family on 16 July 1918 . In early March , the Provisional Government placed Nicholas and his family under house arrest in the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo , 24 kilometres ( 15 mi ) south of Petrograd . In August 1917 the Kerensky government evacuated the Romanovs to Tobolsk in the Urals , to protect them from the rising tide of revolution . After the Bolsheviks came to power in October 1917 , the conditions of their imprisonment grew stricter and talk of putting Nicholas on trial increased . As the counter revolutionary White movement gathered force , leading to full - scale civil war by the summer , the Romanovs were moved during April and May 1918 to Yekaterinburg , a militant Bolshevik stronghold . During the early morning of 16 July , Nicholas , Alexandra , their children , their physician , and several servants were taken into the basement and shot . According to Edvard Radzinsky and Dmitrii Volkogonov , the order came directly from Lenin and Sverdlov in Moscow . That the order came from the top has long been believed , although there is a lack of hard evidence . The execution may have been carried out on the initiative of local Bolshevik officials , or it may have been an option pre-approved in Moscow should White troops approach Yekaterinburg . Radzinsky noted that Lenin 's bodyguard personally delivered the telegram ordering the execution and that he was ordered to destroy the evidence . The Revolution and the World Main article : Revolutions of 1917 -- 1923 Leon Trotsky said that the goal of socialism in Russia would not be realized without the success of the world revolution . Indeed , a revolutionary wave caused by the Russian Revolution lasted until 1923 . Despite initial hopes for success in the German Revolution of 1918 -- 19 , in the short - lived Hungarian Soviet Republic and others like it , no other Marxist movement at the time succeeded in keeping power in its hands . This issue is subject to conflicting views on the communist history by various Marxist groups and parties . Joseph Stalin later rejected this idea , stating that socialism was possible in one country . The confusion regarding Stalin 's position on the issue stems from the fact that he , after Lenin 's death in 1924 , successfully used Lenin 's argument -- the argument that socialism 's success needs the workers of other countries in order to happen -- to defeat his competitors within the party by accusing them of betraying Lenin and , therefore , the ideals of the October Revolution . Historiography Main article : October Revolution § Historiography Few events in historical research have been as conditioned by political influences as the October Revolution . The historiography of the Revolution generally divides into three camps : the Soviet - Marxist view , the Western - Totalitarian view , and the Revisionist view . Since the fall of Communism in Russia in 1991 , the Western - Totalitarian view has again become dominant and the Soviet - Marxist view has practically vanished . Lenin 's biographer Robert Service , says he , `` laid the foundations of dictatorship and lawlessness . Lenin had consolidated the principle of state penetration of the whole society , its economy and its culture . Lenin had practised terror and advocated revolutionary amoralism . '' Chronology Chronology of events leading to the Revolution Dates are correct for the Julian calendar , which was used in Russia until 1918 . It was twelve days behind the Gregorian calendar during the 19th century and thirteen days behind it during the 20th century . Date ( s ) Event ( s ) 1874 -- 81 Growing anti-government terrorist movement and government reaction . 1881 Alexander II assassinated by revolutionaries ; succeeded by Alexander III . 1883 First Russian Marxist group formed . 1894 Start of reign of Nicholas II . 1898 First Congress of Russian Social Democratic Labour Party ( RSDLP ) . 1900 Foundation of Socialist Revolutionary Party ( SR ) . 1903 Second Congress of Russian Social Democratic Labour Party . Beginning of split between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks . 1904 -- 5 Russo - Japanese War ; Russia loses war . 1905 Revolution of 1905 . 1905 January Bloody Sunday in Saint Petersburg . 1905 June Battleship Potemkin uprising at Odessa on the Black Sea ( see movie The Battleship Potemkin ) . 1905 October General strike , Saint Petersburg Soviet formed ; October Manifesto : Imperial agreement on elections to the State Duma . 1906 First State Duma . Prime Minister : Petr Stolypin . Agrarian reforms begin . 1907 Third State Duma , until 1912 . 1911 Stolypin assassinated . 1912 Fourth State Duma , until 1917 . Bolshevik / Menshevik split final . 1914 Germany declares war on Russia . 1914 30 July The All Russian Zemstvo Union for the Relief of Sick and Wounded Soldiers is created with Lvov as president . 1914 August -- November Russia suffers heavy defeats and a large shortage of supplies , including food and munitions , but holds onto Austrian Galicia . 1914 3 August Germany declares war on Russia , causing a brief sense of patriotic union amongst the Russian nation and a downturn in striking . 1914 18 August St. Petersburg is renamed Petrograd as ' Germanic ' names are changed to sound more Russian , and hence more patriotic . 1914 5 November Bolshevik members of the Duma are arrested ; they are later tried and exiled to Siberia . 1915 Serious defeats , Nicholas II declares himself Commander in Chief . 1915 19 February Great Britain and France promise Russia Istanbul and other Turkish lands . 1915 5 June Strikers shot at in Kostromá ; casualties . 1915 9 July The Great Retreat begins , as Russian forces pull back out of Galicia and Russian Poland into Russia proper . 1915 9 August The Duma 's bourgeois parties form the ' Progressive bloc ' to push for better government and reform ; includes the Kadets , Octobrist groups and Nationalists . 1915 10 August Strikers shot at in Ivánovo - Voznesénsk ; casualties . 1915 17 -- 19 August Strikers in Petrograd protest at the deaths in Ivánovo - Voznesénsk . 1915 23 August Reacting to war failures and a hostile Duma , the Tsar takes over as Commander - in - Chief of the armed forces , prorogues the Duma and moves to military headquarters at Mogilev . Central government begins to seize up . 1916 Food and fuel shortages and high prices . Progressive Bloc formed . 1916 January -- December Despite successes in the Brusilov offensive , the Russian war effort is still characterised by shortages , poor command , death and desertion . Away from the front , the conflict causes starvation , inflation and a torrent of refugees . Both soldiers and civilians blame the incompetence of the Tsar and his government . 1916 6 February Duma reconvened . 1916 29 February After a month of strikes at the Putílov Factory , the government conscripts the workers and takes charge of production . Protest strikes follow . 1916 20 June Duma prorogued . 1916 October Troops from 181st Regiment help striking Russkii Renault workers fight against the Police . 1916 1 November Miliukov gives his ' Is this stupidity or treason ? ' speech in reconvened Duma . 1916 29 December Rasputin is killed by Prince Yusupov . 1916 30 December The Tsar is warned that his army will not support him against a revolution . 1917 Strikes , mutinies , street demonstrations lead to the fall of autocracy . Chronology of the 1917 revolutions Gregorian Date Julian Date Event January Strikes and unrest in Petrograd . February February Revolution . 8 March 23 February International Women 's Day : strikes and demonstrations in Petrograd , growing over the next few days . 11 March 26 February 50 demonstrators killed in Znamenskaya Square Tsar Nicholas II prorogues the State Duma and orders commander of Petrograd military district to suppress disorders with force . 12 March 27 February * Troops refuse to fire on demonstrators , deserters . Prisons , courts , and police bumbs attacked and looted by angry crowds . Okhrana buildings set on fire . Garrison joins revolutionaries . Petrograd Soviet formed . Formation of Provisional Committee of the Duma by liberals from Constitutional Democratic Party ( Kadets ) . 14 March 1 March Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet . 15 March 2 March Nicholas II abdicates . Provisional Government formed under Prime Minister Prince Lvov . 16 April 3 April Return of Vladimir Lenin to Russia . He publishes his April Theses . 3 -- 4 May 20 -- 21 April `` April Days '' : mass demonstrations by workers , soldiers , and others in the streets of Petrograd and Moscow triggered by the publication of the Foreign Minister Pavel Miliukov 's note to the allies , which was interpreted as affirming commitment to the war policies of the old government . First Provisional Government falls . 18 May 5 May First Coalition Government forms when socialists , representatives of the Soviet leadership , agree to enter the cabinet of the Provisional Government . Alexander Kerensky , the only socialist already in the government , made minister of war and navy . 16 June 3 June First All - Russian Congress of Workers ' and Soldiers ' Deputies opens in Petrograd . Closed on 24 June . Elects Central Executive Committee of Soviets ( VTsIK ) , headed by Mensheviks and SRs . 23 June 10 June Planned Bolshevik demonstration in Petrograd banned by the Soviet . 29 June 16 June Kerensky orders offensive against Austro - Hungarian forces . Initial success only . 1 July 18 June Official Soviet demonstration in Petrograd for unity is unexpectedly dominated by Bolshevik slogans : `` Down with the Ten Capitalist Ministers '' , `` All Power to the Soviets '' . 15 July 2 July Russian offensive ends . Trotsky joins Bolsheviks . 16 -- 17 July 3 -- 4 July The `` July Days '' ; mass armed demonstrations in Petrograd , encouraged by the Bolsheviks , demanding `` All Power to the Soviets '' . 19 July 6 July German and Austro - Hungarian counter-attack . Russians retreat in panic , sacking the town of Tarnopol . Arrest of Bolshevik leaders ordered . 20 July 7 July Lvov resigns and asks Kerensky to become Prime Minister and form a new government . Established 25 July . 4 August 22 July Trotsky and Lunacharskii arrested . 8 September 26 August Second coalition government ends . 8 -- 12 September 26 -- 30 August `` Kornilov mutiny '' . Begins when the commander - in - chief of the Russian army , General Lavr Kornilov , demands ( or is believed by Kerensky to demand ) that the government give him all civil and military authority and moves troops against Petrograd . 13 September 31 August Majority of deputies of the Petrograd Soviet approve a Bolshevik resolution for an all - socialist government excluding the bourgeoisie . 14 September 1 September Russia declared a republic . 17 September 4 September Trotsky and others freed . 18 September 5 September Bolshevik resolution on the government wins majority vote in Moscow Soviet . 2 October 19 September Moscow Soviet elects executive committee and new presidium , with Bolshevik majorities , and the Bolshevik Viktor Nogin as chairman . 8 October 25 September Third coalition government formed . Bolshevik majority in Petrograd Soviet elects Bolshevik Presidium and Trotsky as chairman . 23 October 10 October Bolshevik Central Committee meeting approves armed uprising . 24 October 11 October Congress of Soviets of the Northern Region , until 13 October . 2 November 20 October First meeting of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet . 7 November 25 October October Revolution is launched as MRC directs armed workers and soldiers to capture key buildings in Petrograd . Winter Palace attacked at 9 : 40pm and captured at 2am . Kerensky flees Petrograd . Opening of the 2nd All - Russian Congress of Soviets . 8 November 26 October Second Congress of Soviets : Mensheviks and right SR delegates walk out in protest against the previous day 's events . Congress approves transfer of state authority into its own hands and local power into the hands of local soviets of workers ' , soldiers ' , and peasants ' deputies , abolishes capital punishment , issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land , and approves the formation of an all - Bolshevik government , the Council of People 's Commissars ( Sovnarkom ) , with Lenin as chairman . Cultural portrayal George Orwell 's classic novella Animal Farm is an allegory of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath . It describes the dictator Stalin as a big Berkshire boar named , `` Napoleon . '' Trotsky is represented by a pig called Snowball who is a brilliant talker and makes magnificent speeches . However , Napoleon overthrows Snowball as Stalin overthrew Trotsky and Napoleon takes over the farm the animals live on . Napoleon becomes a tyrant and uses force and propaganda to oppress the animals . Film The Russian Revolution has been portrayed in or served as backdrop for many films . Among them , in order of release date : The White Guard , Mikhail Bulgakov , 1926 . Partially autobiographical novel , portraying the life of one family torn apart by uncertainty of the Civil War times . Also , Dni Turbinykh ( IMDB profile ) , 1976 -- film based on the novel . Konets Sankt - Peterburga AKA The End of Saint Petersburg ( IMDB profile ) . 1927 . Directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin and Mikhail Doller , USSR . October : Ten Days That Shook the World ( IMDB profile ) . 1927 . Directed by Sergei Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov . Soviet Union . Black and White . Silent . Arsenal ( IMDB profile ) . 1929 . Set in the Ukraine . Written and directed by Aleksandr Dovzhenko . Scarlet Dawn , a 1932 Pre-Code American romantic drama starring Douglas Fairbanks , Jr. and Nancy Carroll caught up in the fallout of the Russian Revolution . Knight Without Armour. 1937 . A British historical drama starring Marlene Dietrich and Robert Donat , with Dietrich as an imperiled aristocrat on the eve of the Russian Revolution . Lenin v 1918 godu AKA Lenin in 1918 ( IMDB profile ) . 1939 . Directed by Mikhail Romm , E. Aron , and I. Simkov . Historical - revolutionary film about Lenin 's activities in the first years of Soviet power . Doctor Zhivago. 1965 . A drama - romance - war film directed by David Lean , filmed in Europe with a largely European cast , loosely based on the famous novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak . Reds ( IMDB profile ) . 1981 . Directed by Warren Beatty , it is based on the book Ten Days that Shook the World . Anastasia ( IMDB profile ) . 1997 . An American animated feature , directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman . See also Socialism portal Communism portal Russia portal Soviet Union portal April Crisis Arthur Ransome Jacob Schiff John Reed ( journalist ) White Terror ( Russia ) Iranian Revolution Footnotes Jump up ^ Scholarly literature on peasants is now extensive . Major recent works that examine themes discussed above ( and can serve as a guide to older scholarship ) Christine Worobec , Peasant Russia : Family and Community in the Post Emancipation Period ( Princeton , 1955 ) ; Frank and Steinberg , eds. , Cultures in Flux ( Princeton , 1994 ) ; Barbara Alpern Engel , Between the Fields and the City : Women , Work , and Family in Russia , 1861 -- 1914 ( Cambridge , 1994 ) ; Jeffrey Burds , Peasant Dreams and Market Politics ( Pittsburgh , 1998 ) ; Stephen Frank , Crime , Cultural Conflict and Justice in Rural Russia , 1856 -- 1914 ( Berkeley , 1999 ) . Jump up ^ Among the many scholarly works on Russian workers , see especially Reginald Zelnik ( pl ) , Labor and Society in Tsarist Russia : The Factory Workers of St. Petersburg , 1855 -- 1870 ( Stanford , 1971 ) ; Victoria Bonnell , Roots of Rebellion : Workers ' Politics and Organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow , 1900 -- 1914 ( Berkeley , 1983 ) . ^ Jump up to : See , especially , Dominic Lieven , Nicholas II : Emperor of all the Russias ( London , 1993 ) ; Andrew Verner , The Crisis of the Russian Autocracy : Nicholas II and the 1905 Revolution ( Princeton , 1990 ) ; Mark Steinberg and Vladimir Khrustalev , The Fall of the Romanovs : Political Dreams and Personal Struggles in a Time of Revolution ( New Haven , 1995 ) ; Richard Wortman , Scenarios of Power , vol. 2 ( Princeton , 2000 ) ; Orlando Figes , A People 's Tragedy : The Russian Revolution 1891 -- 1924 , Part One . Notes Jump up ^ Orlando Figes , A Peoples Tragedy , p370 Jump up ^ Wood , 1979 . p. 18 ^ Jump up to : Perfect ; Ryan ; Sweeny ( 2016 ) . Reinventing Russia . Collingwood : History Teachers Association of Victoria . ISBN 9781875585052 . Jump up ^ Wood , 1979 . p. 24 ^ Jump up to : Wood , 1979 . p. 25 Jump up ^ Wood , 1979 . p. 26 Jump up ^ Joel Carmichael , A short history of the Russian Revolution , pp 23 -- 24 Jump up ^ Abraham Ascher , The Revolution of 1905 : A Short History , page 6 Jump up ^ Allan Wildman , The End of the Russian Imperial Army , vol. 1 ( Princeton , 1980 ) : 76 -- 80 Jump up ^ Hubertus Jahn , Patriotic Culture in Russia During World War I ( Ithaca , 1995 ) Jump up ^ Figes , A People 's Tragedy , 257 -- 258 . Jump up ^ Wildman : The End of the Russian Imperial Army ( I ) , p. 85 -- 89 , 99 -- 105 , 106 ( quotation ) . Jump up ^ `` Doklad petrogradskogo okhrannogo otdeleniia osobomu otdelu departamenta politsii '' ( `` Report of the Petrograd Okhrana to the Special Department of the Department of the Police '' ) , October 1916 , Krasnyi arkhiv 17 ( 1926 ) , 4 -- 35 ( quotation 4 ) . Jump up ^ Service , 2005 . p. 32 . Jump up ^ When women set Russia ablaze , Fifth International 11 July 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Beckett , 2007 . p. 523 . Jump up ^ Wade , 2005 . pp. 40 -- 43 . Jump up ^ Browder and Kerensky , 1961 . p. 116 . Jump up ^ Tames , 1972 . Jump up ^ Malone , 2004 . p. 91 . Jump up ^ Service , 2005 . p. 34 . Jump up ^ N.N. Sukhanov , The Russian Revolution : A Personal Record , ed. and trans . Joel Carmichael ( Oxford , 1955 ; originally published in Russian in 1922 ) , 101 -- 8 . Jump up ^ `` Zhurnal ( No. 1 ) Soveta Ministrov Vremennogo Pravitel'stva , '' 2 March 1917 , GARF ( State Archive of the Russian Federation ) , f . 601 , op . 1 , d . 2103 , l . 1 Jump up ^ Lenin , Vladimir ( 27 September 1964 ) ( 1917 ) . Apresyan , Stephen , ed . One of the Fundamental Questions of the Revolution ( in Russian ) . 25 . Jim Riordan ( 4th ed . ) . Moscow : Progress Publishers . pp. 370 -- 77 . Jump up ^ Stephen Cohen , Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution : A Political Biography 1888 -- 1938 ( Oxford University Press : London , 1980 ) p. 46 . ^ Jump up to : Stephen Cohen , Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution : A Political Biography 1888 -- 1938 , p. 46 . Jump up ^ V.I. Lenin , `` State and Revolution '' contained in the Collected Works of Lenin : Volume 25 ( Progress Publishers : Moscow , 1974 ) pp. 3395 -- 487 . Jump up ^ V.I. Lenin , `` The Bolsheviks Must Assume Power '' contained in the Collected Works of Lenin : Volume 26 ( Progress Publishers : Moscow , 1972 ) p. 21 . Jump up ^ Isaac Deutscher The Prophet Armed ^ Jump up to : Riasanovsky , Nichlas V. ; Steinberg , Mark D. ( 2005 ) . A History of Russia ( 7th ed . ) . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0195153944 . Jump up ^ article `` Civil War and military intervention in Russia 1918 -- 20 '' , Big Soviet Encyclopedia , third edition ( 30 volumes ) , 1969 -- 78 Jump up ^ `` The Kronstadt Mutiny notes on Orlando Figes , A People 's Tragedy ( 1996 ) '' Jump up ^ Petrograd on the Eve of Kronstadt rising 1921 Archived 15 July 2012 at Archive.is . Flag.blackened.net ( 10 March 1921 ) . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 26 . Jump up ^ Orlando Figes , A People 's Tragedy : The Russian Revolution 1891 -- 1924 ( New York : Viking Press 1997 ) , 767 . Jump up ^ Kronstadtin kapina 1921 ja sen perilliset Suomessa ( Kronstadt Rebellion 1921 and Its Descendants in Finland ) by Erkki Wessmann . Jump up ^ Robert K. Massie ( 2012 ) . The Romanovs : The Final Chapter . Random House . pp. 3 -- 24 . Jump up ^ Dmitrii Volkogonov , Lenin : A New Biography ( New York : Free Press , 1994 ) . Jump up ^ Edvard Radzinsky , The Last Tsar : The Life And Death Of Nicholas II ( New York : Knopf , 1993 ) . Jump up ^ Acton , Critical Companion , 5 - 7 . Jump up ^ Edward Acton , ed . Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution , 1914 -- 1921 ( Indiana University Press , 1997 ) , pp 3 - 17 . Jump up ^ Robert Service , `` Lenin '' in Edward Acton ; et al. ( 1997 ) . Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution , 1914 - 1921 . Indiana University Press . p. 159 . Jump up ^ Robert W. Menchhofer ( 1990 ) . Animal Farm . Lorenz Educational Press . pp. 1 -- 8 . Further reading Acton , Edward , Vladimir Cherniaev , and William G. Rosenberg , eds . A Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution , 1914 -- 1921 ( Bloomington , 1997 ) . Ascher , Abraham . The Russian Revolution : A Beginner 's Guide ( Oneworld Publications , 2014 ) Beckett , Ian F.W. ( 2007 ) . The Great war ( 2 ed . ) . Longman . ISBN 1 - 4058 - 1252 - 4 . Brenton , Tony . Was Revolution Inevitable ? : Turning Points of the Russian Revolution ( Oxford UP , 2017 ) . Cambridge History of Russia , vol. 2 -- 3 , England : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 81529 - 0 ( vol. 2 ) ISBN 0 - 521 - 81144 - 9 ( vol. 3 ) . Chamberlin , William Henry . The Russian Revolution , Volume I : 1917 - 1918 : From the Overthrow of the Tsar to the Assumption of Power by the Bolsheviks ; The Russian Revolution , Volume II : 1918 - 1921 : From the Civil War to the Consolidation of Power ( 1935 ) , famous classic Figes , Orlando ( 1996 ) . A People 's Tragedy : The Russian Revolution : 1891 - 1924 . Pimlico . Daly , Jonathan , and Leonid Trofimov , eds . `` Russia in War and Revolution , 1914 - 1922 : A Documentary History . '' ( Indianapolis and Cambridge , MA : Hackett Publishing Company , 2009 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 87220 - 987 - 9 . Fitzpatrick , Sheila . The Russian Revolution . 199 pages . Oxford University Press ; ( 2nd ed. 2001 ) . ISBN 0 - 19 - 280204 - 6 . Lincoln , W. Bruce . Passage Through Armageddon : The Russians in War and Revolution , 1914 -- 1918 . ( New York , 1986 ) . Malone , Richard ( 2004 ) . Analysing the Russian Revolution . Cambridge University Press . p. 67 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 54141 - 7 . Marples , David R. Lenin 's Revolution : Russia , 1917 - 1921 ( Routledge , 2014 ) . Mawdsley , Evan . Russian Civil War ( 2007 ) . 400p . Piper , Jessica . Events That Changed the Course of History : The Story of the Russian Revolution 100 Years Later ( Atlantic Publishing Company , 2017 ) , popular history . Rappaport , Helen . Caught in the Revolution : Petrograd , Russia , 1917 -- A World on the Edge ( Macmillan , 2017 ) . Pipes , Richard . The Russian Revolution ( New York , 1990 ) Pipes , Richard ( 1997 ) . Three `` whys '' of the Russian Revolution . Vintage Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 679 - 77646 - 8 . Service , Robert . Lenin : A Biography ( 2000 ) ; one vol edition of his three volume scholarly biography Robert Service ( 2005 ) . A history of modern Russia from Nicholas II to Vladimir Putin . Harvard University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 674 - 01801 - 3 . Service , Robert ( 1993 ) . The Russian Revolution , 1900 - 1927 . Basingstoke : MacMillan . ISBN 0333560361 . Shukman , Harold , ed . The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution ( 1998 ) articles by over 40 specialists Smele , Jonathan . The ' Russian ' Civil Wars , 1916 - 1926 : Ten Years That Shook the World ( Oxford UP , 2016 ) . Stoff , Laurie S. They Fought for the Motherland : Russia 's Women Soldiers in World War I & the Revolution ( 2006 ) 294pp Swain , Geoffrey . Trotsky and the Russian Revolution ( Routledge , 2014 ) Tames , Richard ( 1972 ) . Last of the Tsars . London : Pan Books Ltd . ISBN 978 - 0 - 330 - 02902 - 5 . Wade , Rex A. ( 2005 ) . The Russian Revolution , 1917 . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 84155 - 9 . Wade , R. ( 2000 ) . The Russian Revolution , 1917 . Cambridge : University Press . Walston , Oliver ( 2005 ) . Russian revolution . 76 : Farmers Weekly . White , James D. Lenin : The Practice & Theory of Revolution ( 2001 ) 262pp Wood , Alan ( 1993 ) . The origins of the Russian Revolution , 1861 - 1917 . London : Routledge . ISBN 0415102324 . Historiography Gatrell , Peter . `` Tsarist Russia at War : The View from Above , 1914 -- February 1917 '' Journal of Modern History 87 # 4 ( 2015 ) 668 - 700 online Haynes , Mike and Wolfreys , Jim ( eds ) . History and Revolution : Refuting Revisionism . Verso Books , 2007 . ISBN 978 - 1844671502 Smith , S.A. `` The historiography of the Russian revolution 100 years on . '' Kritika : Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 16.4 ( 2015 ) : 733 - 749 . Smith , Steve . `` Writing the History of the Russian Revolution after the Fall of Communism . '' Europe ‐ Asia Studies 46.4 ( 1994 ) : 563 - 578 . Wade , Rex A . `` The Revolution at One Hundred : Issues and Trends in the English Language Historiography of the Russian Revolution of 1917 . '' Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography 9.1 ( 2016 ) : 9 - 38 . Warth , Robert D. `` On the Historiography of the Russian Revolution . '' Slavic Review 26.2 ( 1967 ) : 247 - 264 . Participants ' accounts Reed , John . Ten Days that Shook the World . 1919 , 1st Edition , published by BONI & Liveright , Inc. for International Publishers . Transcribed and marked by David Walters for John Reed Internet Archive . Penguin Books ; 1st edition . 1 June 1980 . ISBN 0 - 14 - 018293 - 4 . Retrieved 14 May 2005 . Serge , Victor . Year One of the Russian Revolution . L'An l de la revolution russe , 1930 . Year One of the Russian Revolution , Holt , Rinehart , and Winston . Translation , editor 's Introduction , and notes © 1972 by Peter Sedgwick . Reprinted on Victor Serge Internet Archive by permission . ISBN 0 - 86316 - 150 - 2 . Retrieved 14 May 2005 . Steinberg , Mark , Voices of Revolution , 1917 . Yale University Press , 2001 Trotsky , Leon . The History of the Russian Revolution . Translated by Max Eastman , 1932 . Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 8083994 . ISBN 0 - 913460 - 83 - 4 . Transcribed for the World Wide Web by John Gowland ( Australia ) , Alphanos Pangas ( Greece ) and David Walters ( United States ) . Pathfinder Press edition . 1 June 1980 . ISBN 0 - 87348 - 829 - 6 . Retrieved 14 May 2005 . Primary Documents. Ascher , Abraham , ed . The Mensheviks in the Russian Revolution ( Ithaca , 1976 ) . Browder , Robert Paul and Alexander F. Kerensky , eds. , The Russian Provisional Government , 1917 : Documents. 3 volumes ( Stanford , 1961 ) . Bunyan , James and H.H. Fisher , eds . The Bolshevik Revolution , 1917 -- 1918 : Documents and Materials ( Stanford , 1961 ; first ed. 1934 ) . Daly , Jonathan , and Leonid Trofimov , eds . `` Russia in War and Revolution , 1914 - 1922 : A Documentary History . '' ( Indianapolis and Cambridge , MA : Hackett Publishing Company , 2009 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 87220 - 987 - 9 . Miller , Martin A. , ed . Russian Revolution : The Essential Readings ( 2001 ) 304pp Steinberg , Mark D. Voices of Revolution , 1917 . In the series `` Annals of Communism , '' Yale University Press , 2001 . 404pp On - line publication of these texts in the Russian original : Golosa revoliutsii , 1917 g . ( Yale University Press , 2002 ) Zeman , Z.A.B. ed . Germany and the Revolution in Russia , 1915 - 1918 : Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry ( 1958 ) in Questia External links Library resources about Russian Revolution Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Read , Christopher : Revolutions ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Brudek , Paweł : Revolutions ( East Central Europe ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Sumpf , Alexandre : Russian Civil War , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Mawdsley , Evan : International Responses to the Russian Civil War ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Melancon , Michael S. : Social Conflict and Control , Protest and Repression ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Sanborn , Joshua A. : Russian Empire , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Gaida , Fedor Aleksandrovich : Governments , Parliaments and Parties ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Albert , Gleb : Labour Movements , Trade Unions and Strikes ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Gatrell , Peter : Organization of War Economies ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Marks , Steven G. : War Finance ( Russian Empire ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Orlando Figes 's free educational website on the Russian Revolution and Soviet history , May 2014 Avrahm Yarmolinsky , Road to Revolution : A Century of Russian Radicalism , 1956 . Soviet history archive at www.marxists.org Précis of Russian Revolution A summary of the key events and factors of the 1917 Russian Revolution . Kevin Murphy 's Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize lecture Can we Write the History of the Russian Revolution , which examines historical accounts of 1917 in the light of newly accessible archive material . Thanks to Trotsky , the ' insurrection ' was bloodless Violence and Revolution in 1917 . Mike Haynes for Jacobin. 17 July 2017 . Russian Revolution / Russian Civil War Events Revolution February Revolution July Days Kornilov affair October Revolution Kerensky -- Krasnov uprising Junker mutiny Civil War Russian Civil War Ukrainian War of Independence Ukrainian -- Soviet War Kiev Bolshevik Uprising Polish -- Ukrainian War Finnish Civil War Heimosodat Polish -- Soviet War Estonian War of Independence Latvian War of Independence Lithuanian Wars of Independence Red Army invasion of Georgia Armenian -- Azerbaijani War Left - wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War Siberian Intervention Groups Provisional Committee of the State Duma Russian Provisional Government White movement Pro-independence movements Petrograd Soviet Council of the People 's Commissars Military Revolutionary Committee Russian Constituent Assembly elections Black Guards Red Guards Group of forces in battle with the counterrevolution in the South of Russia Tsentralna Rada Ukrainian People 's Republic Parties Kadets Russian Social Democratic Labour Party Bolsheviks Mensheviks Socialist Revolutionary Party Left SRs Union of October 17 Figures Monarchists Nicholas II of Russia Provisional Government Georgy Lvov Pavel Milyukov Alexander Guchkov White movement Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel Alexander Kolchak Anton Denikin Pyotr Krasnov Nikolai Yudenich Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin Lev Kamenev Grigory Zinoviev Leon Trotsky Mikhail Frunze Joseph Stalin Semyon Budyonny Right SRs Alexander Kerensky Stepan Petrichenko Boris Savinkov International Revolutions of 1917 -- 23 German Revolution of 1918 -- 1919 Bavarian Soviet Republic Hungarian Soviet Republic Hungarian -- Romanian War Workers ' Councils in Poland Polish -- Ukrainian War Polish -- Soviet War Slovak Soviet Republic Finnish Civil War Finnish Socialist Workers ' Republic Revolutions of 1917 -- 23 Revolts Russian Revolution Finnish Civil War Greater Poland Uprising German Revolution of 1918 -- 19 Aster Revolution Egyptian Revolution of 1919 Revolutions and interventions in Hungary Iraqi revolt against the British Biennio Rosso Mongolian Revolution of 1921 Ruhr uprising March Action September Uprising Hamburg Uprising Protests French Army Mutinies Red Week 1919 Southampton mutiny Battle of George Square Seattle General Strike May Fourth Movement 1923 Kraków riot Territories Soviet Republic of Naissaar Donetsk -- Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic Bavarian Soviet Republic Slovak Soviet Republic Albona Republic Reactions First Red Scare Russian Civil War Related World communism World Revolution Soviet Union topics History Index of Soviet Union - 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what is the definition of the name aiden
The name is derived from the name Aodhán , which is a pet form of Aodh . The personal name Aodh means `` fiery '' and / or `` bringer of fire '' and was the name of a Celtic sun god ( see Aed ) .
Aidan ( name )
aidan ( name )
Aidan , Aiden and Aedan are the main anglicisations of the Irish male given name Aodhán and the Scottish Gaelic given name Aodhàn .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology and spelling 2 Given name 2.1 Middle Ages 2.2 Modern times 2.2. 1 Sports 3 Fictional characters 4 See also 5 References Etymology and spelling ( edit ) The name is derived from the name Aodhán , which is a pet form of Aodh . The personal name Aodh means `` fiery '' and / or `` bringer of fire '' and was the name of a Celtic sun god ( see Aed ) . Formerly common only in Ireland and Scotland , the name and its variants have become popular in England , the United States , and Canada . Aidan has been the 57th most popular name in the United States since the start of the year 2000 , bestowed on over 62,000 boys , while Aiden ranking 66th , has been used on over 51,000 boys . Other variants are a bit less popular , such as Hayden 88th , Ayden 189th , Aden 333rd , Aydan 808th , and Aydin 960th , according to the United States Social Security Database . `` Aidan / Aiden '' was the most popular boys ' name in Canada in 2007 . Its popularity is also reflected in the occurrence of similar - sounding names such as Braden , Caden , Hayden , and Jayden . Aidan ( or any reasonable variant ) as a girl 's name does not appear in the top one thousand names for girls from the same database , although it has occasionally been used for girls . Some sources suggest that the feminine equivalent of Aidan is Eithne , which has the same meaning . Given name ( edit ) Middle Ages ( edit ) Áedán mac Gabráin ( ruled c. 574 -- 609 ) , King of Dál Riata , sometimes anglicised as Aidan of Dalriada Aeddan ap Blegywryd ( died 1018 ) , Welsh prince of Gwynedd Adam , Earl of Angus ( ruled from before c. 1189 ) Saint Máedóc of Ferns ( 550 -- 632 ) , also known as Áedan Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne ( died 651 ) , Irish missionary and Bishop Modern times ( edit ) Aidan Baker ( born 1974 ) , Canadian musician Aidan Banks , English guitarist Aidan Browne , Northern Irish television presenter Aiden Byrne , English chef Aidan Chambers ( born 1934 ) , English author Aidan Cooney , Irish television presenter Aidan Crawley ( 1908 -- 1993 ) , British politician Aidan J. David ( born 1981 ) , English actor Aidan Davis ( born 1997 ) , English dancer Aidan Delgado ( born 1981 ) , American soldier and anti-war activist Aidan Devine , Canadian film actor Francis Aidan Gasquet ( 1846 -- 1929 ) , English cardinal Aidan Gillen ( born 1968 ) , Irish actor Aidan Gillett ( born 1986 ) , Australian actor Aidan Girt , Canadian drummer Aidan Gould ( born 1996 ) , American actor Aiden Grimshaw , English musician Aiden Guerra , Australian rugby league player Aidan Hartley ( born 1965 ) , British author and journalist Aiden J. Harvey ( born 1944 ) , English comedian Aidan Heavey ( born 1953 ) , Irish businessman Aidan Higgins ( born 1927 ) , Irish writer Aidan Hughes ( born 1956 ) , English artist Aidan Kelly ( born 1940 ) , American Wiccan John Aidan Liddell ( 1888 -- 1915 ) , English pilot Aiden MacCarthy ( 1914 -- 1992 ) , Irish doctor Aidan Carl Matthews ( born 1956 ) , Irish writer Aidan McAnespie ( 1965 -- 1988 ) , Irish victim of the Troubles Aidan McArdle ( born 1970 ) , Irish actor Aidan McLindon ( born 1980 ) , Australian politician Aidan Mitchell ( born 1993 ) , American actor Aidan Moffat ( born 1973 ) , Scottish musician Aidan Quinn ( born 1959 ) , American actor Aiden Wilson Tozer ( 1897 -- 1963 ) , American preacher Aidan Turner ( born 1983 ) , Irish actor Aiden Turner ( born 1977 ) , English actor Aidan White ( journalist ) ( born 1951 ) , British journalist Aidan Zammit ( born 1965 ) , Maltese musician Sports ( edit ) Aiden Blizzard ( born 1984 ) , Australian cricketer Aiden Butterworth ( born 1961 ) , English football player Aiden Cairns , Australian rugby league player Aidan Coleman ( born 1988 ) , Irish jockey Aidan Collins ( English footballer ) ( born 1986 ) Aidan Daly ( born 1978 ) , New Zealand basketball player Aidan Davison ( born 1968 ) , British footballer Aidan Downes ( born 1988 ) , Irish footballer Aidan Fennelly , Irish gaelic footballer Aidan Fogarty ( born 1982 ) , Irish hurling player Aidan Fogarty ( hurler ) ( born 1958 ) , Irish hurling player Aidan Kearney ( born 1984 ) , Irish hurling player Aidan Kirk ( born 1986 ) , New Zealand rugby league player Aidan McCaffrey ( born 1957 ) , English footballer Aiden McGeady ( born 1986 ) , Irish footballer Aidan Murphy ( born 1967 ) , English footballer and coach Aidan Newhouse ( born 1972 ) , English footballer Aiden O'Brien , Irish footballer Aidan O'Brien ( born 1969 ) , Irish horse - racing trainer Aidan O'Kane ( born 1979 ) , Northern Irish footballer Aidan O'Mahony ( born 1982 ) , Irish gaelic footballer Aiden Palmer ( born 1987 ) , English football player Aidan Price ( born 1981 ) , Irish footballer Aiden Tolman ( born 1988 ) , Australian rugby league player Aidan Walsh ( born 1990 ) , Irish hurling and Gaelic football player Fictional characters ( edit ) `` Aidan '' ( The Inside episode ) , the title of episode 8 of the television series The Inside Aidan Brosnan , fictional character played by Sean Maguire in the television series EastEnders Aiden Burn , fictional female character in the television series CSI : NY Aiden Dennison , fictional character in the television series South of Nowhere Aidan Devane , fictional character played by Aiden Turner in the television series All My Children Aiden Ford , fictional character in the television series Stargate Atlantis Aiden Lucas , fictional character in the television series Ghost Whisperer Aidan Lynch , fictional character in the novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling Aiden Pearce , protagonist in the video game Watch Dogs Aidan Shaw , fictional character played by John Corbett in the television series Sex and the City Aidan Waite , fictional character in the Syfy drama / horror Being Human See also ( edit ) List of Irish - language given names References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Redgate , A.E. ( 2002 ) . `` St. Aidan '' . In Cannon , John Ashton . The Oxford Companion to British History ( Revised ed . ) . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19860 - 514 - 0 . Retrieved 31 October 2009 -- via Encyclopedia.com . Jump up ^ `` Aodhán '' . Encyclopedia.com . Retrieved 31 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Aodh '' . Encyclopedia.com . Retrieved 31 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Top names of the 2000s '' . United States Social Security Database . Retrieved 28 February 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Canada 's Top Baby Names for 2007 '' . BabyCenter.ca . Retrieved 28 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Rosenkrantz , Linda ; Satran , Pamela Redmond ( 2007 ) . The Baby Name Bible . New York City : St. Martin 's Griffin . p. 343 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 35220 - 2 . Jump up ^ Macleod , Iseabail ; Freedman , Terry ( 1995 ) . The Wordsworth Dictionary of First Names . Ware , Hertfordshire : Wordsworth Editions . p. 74 . ISBN 1 - 85326 - 366 - 4 . Name list This page or section lists people that share the same given name . If an internal link led you here , you may wish to change that link to point directly to the intended article . 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when did the last season of glee air
The sixth and final season of the Fox musical comedy - drama television series Glee was commissioned on April 19 , 2013 , along with the fifth season , as part of a two - season renewal deal for the show on the Fox network . The final season , consisting of 13 episodes , premiered on Friday , January 9 , 2015 , with the first two episodes , and the last two episodes ( functioning as a single series finale ) aired on March 20 , 2015 .
Glee ( season 6 )
glee ( season 6 )
The sixth and final season of the Fox musical comedy - drama television series Glee was commissioned on April 19 , 2013 , along with the fifth season , as part of a two - season renewal deal for the show on the Fox network . The final season , consisting of 13 episodes , premiered on Friday , January 9 , 2015 , with the first two episodes , and the last two episodes ( functioning as a single series finale ) aired on March 20 , 2015 .
The series features the New Directions glee club at the fictional William McKinley High School ( WMHS ) in the town of Lima , Ohio , and some of the graduates of McKinley . The season focuses on the former glee club member , Rachel Berry , who returns to McKinley after her TV Pilot bombs to rebuild the disbanded glee club . The central characters are the former glee club director Will Schuester ( Matthew Morrison ) , school principal Sue Sylvester ( Jane Lynch ) , and Glee club graduates Rachel Berry ( Lea Michele ) , Kurt Hummel ( Chris Colfer ) , Blaine Anderson ( Darren Criss ) , Artie Abrams ( Kevin McHale ) , and Sam Evans ( Chord Overstreet ) . Amber Riley returns to the main cast as Mercedes Jones and Dot - Marie Jones , who portrays Shannon Beiste , the school 's football coach , was promoted to the main cast after four years as a recurring character . Jenna Ushkowitz , Naya Rivera , Becca Tobin , Jacob Artist , Melissa Benoist , Blake Jenner , and Alex Newell who have portrayed Tina Cohen - Chang , Santana Lopez , Kitty Wilde , Jake Puckerman , Marley Rose , Ryder Lynn , and Wade `` Unique '' Adams , were demoted from the main cast this season with Ushkowitz , Rivera , Tobin , and Newell recurring during the season , while Artist and Jenner returned briefly in the series finale . Benoist , however , does not appear at all in this season . The season was nominated for one Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics . Contents 1 Episodes 2 Production 3 Cast 4 Reception 4.1 Critical response 4.2 Ratings 4.2. 1 Live + SD Ratings 5 References Episodes ( edit ) See also : List of Glee episodes This episode 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( November 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code US viewers ( millions ) 109 `` Loser Like Me '' Bradley Buecker Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk & Ian Brennan January 9 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 09 ) 6ARC01 2.34 Rachel 's TV show is canceled after a single episode , so she returns to Lima only to find out that her fathers are getting a divorce . When she finds out that Sue has stripped McKinley of all arts , Rachel convinces the Lima Superintendent to reinstate the Glee Club , but he insists that she lead it . Blaine has also returned to Lima after Kurt severed their engagement and he flunked out of NYADA ; he is coaching the Warblers , Will is now coaching rival Vocal Adrenaline , and Sam is the assistant coach for the McKinley football team . Kurt misses Blaine and decides to do his NYADA third - year project in Lima helping Rachel with New Directions , but discovers that Blaine has moved on and is dating Dave Karofsky ( Max Adler ) . 110 `` Homecoming '' Bradley Buecker Ryan Murphy January 9 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 09 ) 6ARC02 2.34 McKinley alums return for Homecoming , including Mercedes , Artie , Puck ( Mark Salling ) , Quinn ( Dianna Agron ) , Santana ( Naya Rivera ) , Brittany ( Heather Morris ) , Tina ( Jenna Ushkowitz ) , and Becky ( Lauren Potter ) . The former members of New Directions agree to help Rachel and Kurt recruit for the resurrected glee club , leading them to find talent from the likes of a soulful loner named Roderick ( Noah Guthrie ) and cheerleading twins Mason ( Billy Lewis Jr . ) and Madison McCarthy ( Laura Dreyfuss ) . Blaine faces a problem when a girl named Jane Hayward ( Samantha Marie Ware ) , newly admitted to Dalton Academy , wants to join the all - male Warblers . Despite a rousing audition , she is denied a spot in the choir , and as a consequence she transfers to McKinley and joins New Directions . 111 `` Jagged Little Tapestry '' Paul McCrane Brad Falchuk January 16 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 16 ) 6ARC03 1.98 Rachel and Kurt introduce their first assignment for the newly - formed New Directions and the remaining alumni : to perform mash - ups of songs from Carole King 's Tapestry and Alanis Morissette 's Jagged Little Pill . Santana decides to propose to Brittany , which causes Kurt -- still regretting his breakup with Blaine -- to vocally object and raise Santana 's ire . Kurt 's bitterness also causes tension with Rachel , whose optimistic leadership is at odds with Kurt 's realistic expectations for the new members . Meanwhile , Becky returns to McKinley and asks Quinn and Tina to help convince her new boyfriend Darrell that she was in glee club after trying to impress him with a number of lies . Coach Beiste has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria , and tells Sam and Principal Sue of Beiste 's imminent transition and surgery . 112 `` The Hurt Locker , Part One '' Ian Brennan Ian Brennan January 23 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 23 ) 6ARC04 1.82 Sue organizes an invitational for New Directions , Vocal Adrenaline and the Dalton Academy Warblers , despite the fact that Rachel and Kurt 's group is still small and unprepared . Sue also works behind the scenes in order to take down Will for constantly annoying her , as well as to reunite Kurt and Blaine -- a relationship that she has secretly been shipping . In order to accomplish her goals , she hypnotizes Sam and instructs him to make amorous advances toward Rachel as they take piano lessons from Blaine , have him forget , and then allow him to break her heart so that she becomes distracted from her duties as choir director . She also has a hypnotized Sam pit Will against Rachel by spreading lies about a fictional animosity that Rachel has toward him . Finally , she investigates the genealogies of Blaine and Karofsky and informs them that they 're third cousins , while also having Blaine learn that Karofsky 's previous boyfriends were all bears . Meanwhile , Kurt meets an online date named Walter ( Harry Hamlin ) , only to learn that he is a man in his 50s who only recently came out . The episode ends with Vocal Adrenaline 's invitational set . 113 5 `` The Hurt Locker , Part Two '' Barbara Brown Ian Brennan January 30 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 30 ) 6ARC05 1.85 After Vocal Adrenaline perform , Sue announces that she is extending the invitational two more days in order to give New Directions more time to prepare . Desperate for more members , Rachel asks Kitty Wilde ( Becca Tobin ) to rejoin ; while initially hesitant due to the heartbreak caused by the original group 's disbanding , she agrees and helps Rachel create a new setlist using some of Sue 's favorite songs . Sam also helps in the recruitment process by convincing Spencer Porter ( Marshall Williams ) to join . Meanwhile , Sue traps Blaine and Kurt in an ersatz elevator before the Warblers perform and , via a mechanized robot , tells them that they must passionately kiss if they want to leave -- which they do , after spending over a day in confinement . They escape just as New Directions perform and after Rachel and Will make amends . Despite her attempts to sabotage their chances , Sue begrudgingly names the New Directions as winners of the invitational ; Vocal Adrenaline are the runners - up , which angers Clint ( Max George ) , the lead singer . Kurt and Blaine confront Sue over their captivity and tell her that the kiss has merely reaffirmed their decision to remain friends . She appears to concede ; however , she later tells Becky that that was her plan all along , and that she has much more up her sleeve . 114 6 `` What the World Needs Now '' Barbara Brown Michael Hitchcock February 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 06 ) 6ARC06 1.58 Rachel and Sam continue to be indecisive about their relationship as the glee club celebrates the music of Burt Bacharach and Mercedes is invited back to mentor them before Sectionals . Mercedes ' first order of business , however , is to lure Rachel back to Broadway by scheduling her to audition for an original musical ; Rachel , still nursing her wounds after abandoning Funny Girl for her failed TV show , does not feel confident that she is ready . With encouragement from her friends , however , she travels to New York and attends her audition . Mercedes also encourages Sam to pursue Rachel , which he does . Meanwhile , Santana and Brittany begin planning for their wedding day . Brittany tells her parents , Pierce and Whitney ( Ken Jeong and Jennifer Coolidge ) , about her engagement ( although not before being told that Stephen Hawking is her real father ) and hires Artie as the wedding planner . She also gets in touch with Santana 's estranged grandmother , Alma ( Ivonne Coll ) , and tries to reconcile the two . Her plan fails when Alma can not overcome her homophobic prejudices . Nevertheless , the pair are comforted by the support of their friends , who toast their love in song . 115 7 `` Transitioning '' Dante Di Loreto Matthew Hodgson February 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 13 ) 6ARC07 1.81 Will is enjoying the material benefits of coaching Vocal Adrenaline , but can not connect emotionally with the job because his students take the choir far too seriously . When Clint and the other members egg Rachel and Blaine , Will puts his foot down and invites choir alumna Wade `` Unique '' Adams ( Alex Newell ) to help him teach a lesson on tolerance -- which ends up falling on deaf ears , as the students later vandalize newly - transgender Sheldon Beiste 's car in the hopes of distracting New Directions so that they will have to spend time learning about tolerance instead of rehearsing for Sectionals . This demeaning act forces Will to kick out Clint ( which proves a futile effort when the choir 's financial backers get wind of it ) and makes him reconsider his future at Carmel High . Meanwhile , Rachel 's childhood home is finally sold , and to help ease her transition , Sam organizes a farewell party for the house in her basement . There , after singing a duet that Kurt surreptitiously prearranged , Blaine kisses his former fiancé , and the act leads to his breakup with Karofsky . However , when he is about to break the news to Kurt , he finds him , Walter , Rachel and Sam about to go out on a double date . Finally , after hearing helpful advice from his wife , Emma ( Jayma Mays ) , Will tricks Vocal Adrenaline into thinking they will pull a prank on New Directions , when in reality he has them hear Unique and a transgender choir serenade Sheldon and make his transition into his new identity easier . He then decides to quit and , at the behest of Rachel and Kurt , becomes a consultant for New Directions . 116 8 `` A Wedding '' Bradley Buecker Ross Maxwell February 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 20 ) 6ARC08 1.86 On Whitney Pierce 's suggestion , Santana and Brittany decide to get married in the Indiana barn where Brittany was born . This also proves convenient as same sex marriage is legal in Indiana . Before the ceremony , Brittany agrees to have Burt Hummel ( Mike O'Malley ) officiate the ceremony , while Santana tells Sue that she is not invited . Also , while choosing wedding dresses , Santana goes against tradition and sees Brittany in her chosen dress , sending the latter into a superstitious tailspin . On the day of the ceremony , Sue arrives with Alma Lopez , who finally gives her blessing to the couple after realizing that regardless of her views on homosexuality her family is the most important thing in life ; this act redeems Sue in Santana 's eyes , and she is allowed to stay for the wedding . Sue and Brittany also convince Kurt and Blaine to get married that same day . After the couples tie the knot , Tina tries to propose to ex-boyfriend Mike Chang ( Harry Shum , Jr . ) . Despite professing his love for her , he gently turns her down as he thinks she is just caught up in the two weddings that just happened , and wants what everyone else has . While lunching together back at McKinley , Tina and Artie make a pact and agree to marry each other if they are still single by 30 . Finally , Sue gives the newlywed couples a parting gift , sending Kurt and Blaine on a weekend honeymoon trip to Provincetown , Massachusetts , and Santana and Brittany on a month - long getaway to the Bahamas . 117 9 `` Child Star '' Michael Hitchcock Ned Martel February 27 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 27 ) 6ARC10 1.69 In the hope of securing the prestigious Principal of the Year Award , Sue asks Superintendent Bob Harris ( Christopher Cousins ) for a letter of recommendation . In exchange , Harris asks Sue to help his nephew , Myron Muskovitz ( J.J. Totah ) , plan a lavish musical performance for his upcoming bar mitzvah party . When Sue defers to the New Directions , Myron asks them to perform there , as well . Mason , having developed feelings for Jane , is anxious to perform with her , but he is prevented from doing so by his controlling twin sister . When he asks Jane anyway and tells Madison that she is to sing with Roderick instead of him , Madison freaks out . However , after Mason performs a telling solo about independence at the party , Madison relents and allows her brother to further pursue Jane . Meanwhile , Spencer develops a crush on a student named Alistair ( Finneas O'Connell ) , and decides to help Roderick -- who is Alistair 's friend -- improve his fitness if he helps him strike up a friendship . Despite Spencer 's abrasive personality , Roderick helps the two connect , resulting in Alistair being convinced to join New Directions . Myron also joins the glee club due to his uncle 's influence , which infuriates Sue , as now she can not destroy the club without invoking the ire of her superior . Nevertheless , she intends to do battle with the group anyway . 118 10 `` The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester '' Anthony Hemingway Jessica Meyer March 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 06 ) 6ARC11 1.81 After Dalton Academy unexpectedly burns to the ground , the Warblers join New Directions to form one unified team . Sue tries to exert her authority and have the Warblers removed , which angers Becky Jackson so much that she decides to end her friendship with Sue and betray the secrets of her hurt locker to Superintendent Harris . Sue is fired as McKinley 's principal as a result , and in the aftermath she consents to be interviewed by Geraldo Rivera for Fox News . In reality , Rivera is conducting an exposé on Sue , publicly revealing ( among other things ) that she is a compulsive liar , that Michael Bolton did not father her child , and that her parents lied about being Nazi hunters in order to avoid her because she was a problem child . Only two people interviewed by Rivera -- Sheldon and Will -- stand up for Sue in the end . Afterwards , Sue 's mother Doris ( Carol Burnett ) visits her and , after apologizing to each other for their wrongdoings , they both reconcile with a duet . Battered but not beaten , Sue is then hired as Vocal Adrenaline 's new coach . Meanwhile , Rachel returns to NYADA to beg the dean , Carmen Tibideaux , for a second chance ; despite being thrown out , she remains hopeful that Tibideaux will have a change of heart . Upon her return to Lima , she receives word that she has been cast in the musical she auditioned for a few weeks before , and decides to leap at the opportunity . Sam expresses concern that she is making the wrong choice , but when Tibideaux calls Rachel to accept her back into NYADA , Rachel remains steadfast in her decision to pursue the musical . 119 11 `` We Built This Glee Club '' Joaquin Sedillo Aristotle Kousakis March 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 13 ) 6ARC12 2.02 As the glee club readies itself for Sectionals , Rachel receives a surprise visit from Jesse St. James ( Jonathan Groff ) , who reveals that he has been cast as the male lead opposite her in the new musical . Despite telling Sam that she 's made up her mind , Rachel is still unsure as to whether she should go back to college . Meanwhile , Roderick and Spencer ask Kitty and Will to help them improve their dance moves , which results in Spencer spraining his ankle . Despite the injury being severe , Spencer opts for a cortisone injection so that he can still perform with his friends . Roderick , however , finds a better solution by incorporating Spencer into the Sectionals set in a unique way . Before the day of the competition , Sue glitter bombs the choir room , taints the McKinley water supply and sets fire to Will 's car -- all seemingly for revenge . Her coaching of Vocal Adrenaline also results in an overblown competition set , complete with human cannonballs . This ostentatiousness costs them the victory , with New Directions emerging as the winners . Afterwards , Sue tells Will that , because he stood up for her during Geraldo Riviera 's exposé , she had sabotaged Vocal Adrenaline by deliberately alienating the judges , while also helping New Directions improve their physiologies with her earlier shenanigans , thereby ensuring their victory . After Sectionals ends , Rachel tells Jesse that she has decided to return to NYADA and turn down the musical . Though disappointed , he accepts her decision and offers her a place to stay in New York ; the two then share a kiss before parting . As the glee club celebrates their victory and sends off a departing Rachel , they have the previous trophies put back on display with the latest one as Sue looks on with approval . 120 12 `` 2009 '' Paris Barclay Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk & Ian Brennan March 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 20 ) 6ARC09 2.69 The episode is a flashback to the show 's pilot episode , exploring how in 2009 the original members of New Directions -- Rachel , Kurt , Mercedes , Artie and Tina -- came to join the club . Kurt is friendless and depressed ; believing him to be suicidal , guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury contacts Burt to warn him of his son 's difficulties . As a result , Burt orders Kurt to join a school team for his own good . Hoping to please his father , Kurt befriends Rachel and Mercedes ; the former suggests that he audition for Will Schuester 's new glee club , while the latter helps him choose his audition song . After signing up herself , Mercedes is targeted by Rachel as a potential rival for the position of lead female vocalist , and the two immediately butt heads . After Will gives the first female solo to Rachel , Mercedes ' confidence is shattered until she is given a pep talk by her church 's choir director . Artie and Tina both audition because of a dare from Tina 's Goth friends , and Sue and Will are on good terms with each other until he refuses to give up on the glee club in order to maintain their friendship . After Will 's wife Terri ( Jessalyn Gilsig ) tells her husband that she is pregnant and convinces him to give up teaching and take up accounting , Rachel tries unsuccessfully to get Terri to change her mind . The five original members of the glee club are also at loggerheads over Finn Hudson 's leadership , questioning his commitment after he quits and later rejoins . During a meeting between the five , Rachel and Artie convince the others to give Finn another chance , as they believe in his good qualities . The episode concludes with the pilot episode 's now - iconic staging of `` Do n't Stop Believin ' '' , which is what convinced Will to stay on as choir director . 121 13 `` Dreams Come True '' Bradley Buecker Ryan Murphy & Brad Falchuk & Ian Brennan March 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 20 ) 6ARC13 2.54 After New Directions wins Nationals , Superintendent Harris has McKinley converted into a performing arts school and appoints Will to be its principal . This allows him to add more choirs in addition to New Directions , whose leadership he hands off to Sam . As the school begins its transition , the original New Directions alumni gather for a final time to say goodbye to both the school and to each other . Mercedes announces that she has been chosen as the opening act for Beyoncé 's world tour , and tells her friends that she will not see them for a long time ; nevertheless , through a final song she reassures them that they will be together again . Meanwhile , Kurt and Blaine thank Sue for her efforts to reunite them after their breakup , and Sue , in turn , mends fences with both Becky and Will . The episode then reveals the fates of the characters in 2020 : Kurt and Blaine are theatre actors who also visit schools and spread messages of acceptance and equality ; Sue has become Vice President of United States under Jeb Bush ; Artie and Tina are together , with Tina having starred in a film Artie directed that is to premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival ; and Rachel is a Tony Award - winning Broadway star , married to Jesse St. James , and also the surrogate mother of Kurt and Blaine 's child . Sometime during that year , Vice President Sue invites Will , Emma , Sheldon , Burt , Carole ( Romy Rosemont ) , Principal Figgins ( Iqbal Theba ) and Terri to a rededication of McKinley 's auditorium in Finn Hudson 's name , where she finally espouses the virtues of glee . After her speech , Will and nearly all of his former students from every season of the show come together in song for a final time . Production ( edit ) On April 19 , 2013 , Fox renewed Glee for a fifth and a sixth season , as part of a two - season renewal deal for the show . Ryan Murphy subsequently announced that season six would be the show 's last , that it would n't be New York - centric like the end of the fifth season , that there will be a time jump between the season five finale and the season six premiere , and that during the final season the show would revisit the younger McKinley High students who did not graduate in the fifth season . Season six premiered on January 9 , 2015 , as part of the 2014 -- 15 television season . The 13 episodes were broadcast consecutively on Fridays at 9 : 00 p.m. ( ET ) , with the beginning and ending double episodes starting an hour earlier . Executive Music Producer Adam Anders began working on the music for the season on July 16 , 2014 , and on August 25 his brother Alex Anders was in the studio with Darren Criss doing the show 's first cast member recording session of the season . The season 's first day of filming was September 3 , 2014 , which was revealed that day by co-executive producer Michael Hitchcock with a `` Back to school '' tweet accompanied by a photo of a first - episode call sheet ; Lea Michele posted a picture of herself from the set that same day . Filming concluded on February 21 , 2015 . The final season follows former New Directions lead singer and Broadway star Rachel Berry ( Michele ) as she returns to Lima to relaunch the New Directions . The sixth season included the 700th song performance on the show , which took place in the sixth episode . On December 6 , 2014 , the EPs for the first two episodes of the season were posted on Amazon over a month before their scheduled release , including the episodes ' titles `` Loser Like Me '' and `` Homecoming '' . `` Loser Like Me '' included the songs `` Uninvited '' , `` Suddenly Seymour '' , `` Sing '' , `` Dance the Night Away '' and `` Let It Go '' . `` Homecoming '' included the songs `` Take On Me '' , `` Tightrope '' , `` Mustang Sally '' , `` Home '' and `` Problem '' . The EP for the third episode was posted on December 13 , 2014 , including the episode title `` Jagged Little Tapestry '' . The episode included the songs `` It 's Too Late '' , `` So Far Away '' , and three mash - ups : `` Hand In My Pocket / I Feel the Earth Move '' , `` Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet '' , and `` You Learn / You 've Got a Friend '' . Cast ( edit ) The main cast was reduced for the sixth season : Chris Colfer , Darren Criss , Jane Lynch , Kevin McHale , Lea Michele , Matthew Morrison , and Chord Overstreet continue from the previous season while Amber Riley returned to the main cast and Dot - Marie Jones was promoted to the main cast as well after four years as a recurring guest star . Former previous main cast members who return as guest stars include Jenna Ushkowitz , Dianna Agron , Mark Salling , Jayma Mays , Naya Rivera , Heather Morris , Becca Tobin , Harry Shum Jr. , Mike O'Malley , Alex Newell , Jessalyn Gilsig , Jacob Artist , and Blake Jenner . Past recurring guest stars returning during the season include Iqbal Theba , Lauren Potter , Max Adler , Gloria Estefan , Romy Rosemont , Brian Stokes Mitchell , NeNe Leakes , Ivonne Coll , Jonathan Groff , Vanessa Lengies , Ashley Fink , Samuel Larsen , and Dijon Talton . Five new major recurring characters were introduced : Roderick ( Noah Guthrie ) , a shy teenager with a good voice , Spencer Porter ( Marshall Williams ) , a `` post-modern gay '' football player , Jane Hayward ( Samantha Marie Ware ) , an ambitious girl who originally intends to join the Warblers , and twins Mason ( Billy Lewis Jr . ) and Madison McCarthy ( Laura Dreyfuss ) , cheerleaders who are strange but positive . The Wanted 's Max George plays Clint , the villainous new Vocal Adrenaline lead singer . Harry Hamlin guest starred as Walter , Kurt 's brief love interest who is in his 50s . J.J. Totah plays Myron Muskovitz , a spoiled but talented 13 - year - old tween and Finneas O'Connell plays Alistair , the love interest for Spencer . Special guest stars include Ken Jeong and Jennifer Coolidge as Brittany 's parents , and Gina Gershon as Blaine 's mother . Michael Bolton , Geraldo Rivera , and Carnie Wilson appear as themselves . Carol Burnett reprises her role as Doris , Sue 's mother , for the first time since the second season . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) The opening of the season was received with positive reviews from critics , most of them remarking how it reminds them of Glee 's first seasons . The sixth - season premiere was the lowest watched season premiere in the show 's history , with a rating of 2.34 and in adults 18 - 49 the premiere scored a 0.7 / 2 . On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes the sixth season got a rating of 67 % fresh based on 9 reviews . Ratings ( edit ) Live + SD Ratings ( edit ) No. in series No. in season Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) 109 `` Loser Like Me '' January 9 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 09 ) 0.8 / 3 2.34 0.5 1.3 110 `` Homecoming '' January 9 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 09 ) 0.7 / 2 2.34 0.5 1.2 111 `` Jagged Little Tapestry '' January 16 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 16 ) 0.7 / 2 1.98 0.6 1.3 112 `` The Hurt Locker , Part One '' January 23 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 23 ) 0.7 / 2 1.82 0.5 1.2 113 5 `` The Hurt Locker , Part Two '' January 30 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 30 ) 0.7 / 2 1.85 0.4 1.1 114 6 `` What the World Needs Now '' February 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 06 ) 0.5 / 2 1.58 0.6 1.1 115 7 `` Transitioning '' February 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 13 ) 0.6 / 2 1.81 0.5 1.1 116 8 `` A Wedding '' February 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 20 ) 0.6 / 2 1.86 0.6 1.2 117 9 `` Child Star '' February 27 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 27 ) 0.6 / 2 1.69 0.6 1.2 118 10 `` The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester '' March 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 06 ) 0.6 / 2 1.81 0.6 1.2 119 11 `` We Built This Glee Club '' March 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 13 ) 0.7 / 2 2.02 0.5 1.2 120 12 `` 2009 '' March 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 20 ) 0.8 / 2 2.69 N / A N / A 121 13 `` Dreams Come True '' March 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 20 ) 0.7 / 2 2.54 0.6 1.3 References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Stanhope , Kate ( November 20 , 2014 ) . `` Fox Announces Premiere Dates for Glee 's Goodbye , The Following 's Return '' . TV Guide . Retrieved November 21 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( January 12 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : No Adjustments to ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' , ' Cristela ' or ' Glee ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 12 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( January 20 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' Adjusted Up ; No Adjustments to ' Constantine ' or ' Glee ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 20 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( January 26 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Grimm ' Adjusted Up ; No Adjustment for ' Constantine ' or ' Hart of Dixie ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( February 2 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Grimm ' & ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' Adjusted Up ; ' Cristela ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 2 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( February 9 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Hart of Dixie ' , ' Dateline ' , ' Shark Tank ' & ' Masters of Illusion ' Adjusted Up ; ' Cristela ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( February 17 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' Adjusted Up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 18 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( February 23 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : No Adjustment to ' Cristela ' , ' Last Man Standing ' or ' Glee ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 23 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( March 2 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' Adjusted Up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 2 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( March 9 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : No Adjustment for ' Glee ' , ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' or ' Shark Tank ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( March 16 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : ' The Amazing Race ' , ' Cristela ' , ' Hawaii Five - 0 ' & ' Blue Bloods ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 16 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( March 23 , 2015 ) . `` Friday Final Ratings : No Adjustment for ' Glee ' , ' Grimm ' or ' Last Man Standing ' + Final NCAA Basketball Ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 23 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Brown , Laurel ( April 19 , 2013 ) . `` ' Glee ' renewed for two seasons : FOX orders Season 5 and Season 6 early '' . Zap2it . Retrieved April 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( April 15 , 2014 ) . `` Glee Boss Ryan Murphy Reveals Game Plan for ' Satisfying ' Final Season ( Who 'll Be Back ? ! ) ; Plus -- Inside the ' Painful ' Rachel Romance Debate '' . TV Line . Retrieved April 16 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Goldberg , Lesley ( July 10 , 2014 ) . `` Glee 's Final Season Episode Count Officially Trimmed '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved August 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Adam Anders ( @ AdamAnders ) ( 17 July 2014 ) . `` Working on the first song of # glee season 6 today ! ! Very excited to get back to work ! '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Alex Anders ( @ alxanders ) ( 25 August 2014 ) . `` Aaaannnd ... we 're back ! @ DarrenCriss back in the booth ! My first victim of the season . Here we go ! # GleeSeason6 '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Michael Hitchcock ( @ hitchmichael ) ( 3 September 2014 ) . `` Back to school '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Lea Michele ( @ LeaMichele ) ( 3 September 2014 ) . `` Day 1 back on the set of # GleeSeason6 # BerryIsBack 🌟 '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : Swift , Andy ( August 27 , 2014 ) . `` Glee Season 6 Plan Revealed : Rachel Revives New Directions and More '' . TV Line . Mail.com Media . Retrieved August 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lea Michele ( @ LeaMichele ) ( 6 November 2014 ) . `` Headed to set now w / @ chordoverstreet to rehearse our 700th number ! # Glee700th '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Lea Michele ( @ LeaMichele ) ( 6 November 2014 ) . `` Here we go ! ! ! # Glee700th '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Joaquin Sedillo ( @ JOAQUINSEDILLO ) ( 6 November 2014 ) . `` Big Day at # GLEE ! # gleefamilyphoto and filming our # Glee700th performance ! # JOAQUINthegleeDP ❤ ️ '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Joaquin Sedillo ( @ JOAQUINSEDILLO ) ( 7 November 2014 ) . `` '' @ SantanaSavedMe : @ JOAQUINSEDILLO Hello Joaquin ! What episode will the 700th glee song be in ? Is it 6x06 or 6x07 ? '' # 606 '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Leight , Elias ( December 30 , 2014 ) . `` ' Glee ' Final Season : Watch the First Full Performance '' . Billboard . Retrieved December 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Glee : The Music , Loser Like Me '' . Amazon.com . December 6 , 2014 . Retrieved December 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lea Michele ( @ LeaMichele ) ( 13 September 2014 ) . `` '' I do n't care ... What they 're going to say ... Let the storm rage on ... The cold never bothered me anyway ... `` '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ `` Glee : The Music , Homecoming '' . Amazon.com . December 6 , 2014 . Retrieved December 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Glee : The Music , Jagged Little Tapestry '' . Amazon . Retrieved December 14 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Dos Santos , Kristin ( September 10 , 2014 ) . `` Happy Glee News ! Find Out Which Four Original Cast Members Definitely Will Return '' . E ! Online . NBCUniversal . Retrieved September 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( July 7 , 2014 ) . `` Naya Rivera Returning to Glee for Final Season -- But There 's a Catch '' . TV Line . Mail.com Media . Retrieved August 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lea Michele ( @ LeaMichele ) ( 10 September 2014 ) . `` Love being on set with this lady ! Welcome to twitter @ HeatherMorrisTV ! # GleeSeason6 ❤ ️ '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Tobin , Becca ( September 22 , 2014 ) . `` Kitty 's gettin ' up early for work tomorrow ! # GleeS6 '' . Retrieved September 22 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Shum Jr. , Harry ( November 24 , 2014 ) . `` Instagram / @ harryshumjr : A fun scene with the lovely @ jennaushkowitz '' . Retrieved November 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Amber Patrice Riley ( @ MsAmberPRiley ) ( 6 November 2014 ) . `` Bae came to work today @ anew92 😍 '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : Bucksbaum , Sydney ( March 2 , 2015 ) . `` Glee Says Goodbye : Inside the Final Days of Filming '' . E ! Online . Retrieved March 9 , 2015 . Jump up ^ iqbal theba ( @ iqbaltheba ) ( 8 September 2014 ) . `` Reporting for duty sir ! @ MrRPMurphy @ GLEEonFOX 6th year in a row ! '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Michael Hitchcock ( @ hitchmichael ) ( 12 September 2014 ) . `` Welcome back , @ TheLaurenPotter ! '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Goldberg , Lesley ( August 21 , 2014 ) . `` Glee Books Max Adler 's Return -- as Blaine 's Boyfriend ? ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved August 31 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Swift , Andy ( January 5 , 2015 ) . `` Glee Casts Gina Gershon as Blaine 's Mother in Final Season '' . TV Line . Mail.com Media . Retrieved February 16 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Romy Rosemont ( @ RomyRosemont ) ( 6 February 2015 ) . `` '' @ kgleeb : @ RomyRosemont Does Carole have any lines in 6x08 ? I want her 2 say something & not just stand there : / `` I say a little stand a lot '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ Bucksbaum , Sydney ( February 19 , 2015 ) . `` Calling All Gleeks : Jonathan Groff Is Returning For the Glee Series Finale ! '' . E ! Online . Retrieved March 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Shum Jr , Harry ( December 19 , 2014 ) . `` Ladies . Jenna Ushkowitz Amber Riley Vanessa Lengies '' . Facebook . Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( August 6 , 2014 ) . `` Glee Adding Five Major New Characters in Season 6 ( Including Gay Football Stud and Twin Cheerios ) '' . TV Line . Mail.com Media . Retrieved September 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Glee ' Season 6 Cast , Spoilers & Air Date : Who Is the Adorable New Male Cast Member to Join New Directions ? '' . Latin Post . December 3 , 2014 . Retrieved December 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Naya Rivera ( @ NayaRivera ) ( 19 December 2014 ) . ``. @ JENCOOLIDGE is cracking me up on set today ! Love watching this lady work ! '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ `` Heather Morris ' `` Glee '' Parents Revealed as Final Season Approaches `` . Playbill . Retrieved January 11 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : http://www.idolator.com/7583754/glee-recap-sue-sylvester-michael-bolton-geraldo-rivera-carol-burnett Jump up ^ `` ' Glee ' : Kurt & Blaine Break Up , Rachel Returns Home -- Season 6 Premiere Recap - Hollywood Life '' . Hollywood Life . Jump up ^ `` Review : Glee : `` Loser Like Me '' / `` Homecoming '' TV Club The A.V. Club `` . Jump up ^ Miranda Wicker . `` Glee '' . TV Fanatic . Jump up ^ `` GLEE : SEASON 6 ( 2015 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved January 19 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( January 25 , 2015 ) . `` ' The Big Bang Theory ' & ' Modern Family ' Have Biggest Adults 18 - 49 Increase , ' Revenge ' Tops Percentage Gains & ' The Big Bang Theory ' Grows Most in Viewership in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 15 Ending January 4 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 25 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( February 2 , 2015 ) . `` ' Modern Family ' Biggest Adults 18 - 49 Increase , ' Revenge ' , ' Forever ' & ' State of Affairs ' Top Percentage Gainers & ' Castle ' Grows Most in Viewership in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 17 Ending January 18 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 2 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( February 9 , 2015 ) . `` ' Empire ' Notches Biggest Adults 18 - 49 Increase , ' Revenge ' Leads Percentage Gainers & ' Elementary ' Tops Viewership Gains in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 18 Ending January 25 '' . TV y the Numbers . Retrieved February 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara ( February 17 , 2015 ) . `` ' The Big Bang Theory ' Notches Biggest Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Increase , ' Hart of Dixie ' Top Percentage Gainers in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 18 Ending February 1 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 17 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda . `` ' The Big Bang Theory ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Gains , ' Glee ' Tops Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 20 Ending February 8 '' . TV By the Numbers . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara . `` ' Modern Family ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 Gains , ' The Blacklist ' Tops Percentage Increases & Viewer Growth in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 21 Ending February 15 '' . TVbyTheNumbers . Retrieved 2 March 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( March 9 , 2015 ) . `` ' The Big Bang Theory ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Gains + ' The Blacklist ' Tops Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 22 Ending February 22 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( March 15 , 2015 ) . `` ' The Big Bang Theory ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 Gains + ' Glee ' Tops Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 23 Ending March 1 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 15 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda ( March 23 , 2015 ) . `` ' Empire ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Gains + ' Glee ' & ' Hart of Dixie ' Top Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 24 Ending March 8 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 23 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bibel , Sara . `` ' Empire ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Gains + ' The Originals ' Tops Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 25 Ending March 15 '' . TVbytheNumbers . Retrieved 30 March 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Kondolojy , Amanda . `` ' Empire ' Leads Adults 18 - 49 & Viewership Gains + ' The Originals ' Tops Percentage Increases in Live + 7 Ratings for Week 26 Ending March 22 '' . TvbytheNumbers . Retrieved 6 April 2015 . Glee Awards and nominations Merchandise Episodes Season : 1 5 6 Characters Artie Abrams Blaine Anderson Coach Beiste Rachel Berry Mike Chang Tina Cohen - Chang Shelby Corcoran Dani Sam Evans Quinn Fabray Rory Flanagan Elliott Gilbert Holly Holliday Finn Hudson Burt Hummel Kurt Hummel Mercedes Jones Dave Karofsky Santana Lopez Ryder Lynn Brittany Pierce Emma Pillsbury Noah Puckerman Terri Schuester Will Schuester Sue Sylvester Kitty Wilde Lauren Zizes Songs Season : 1 5 6 Original songs `` Get It Right '' `` Loser like Me '' `` Pretending '' `` Light Up the World '' `` This Time '' Albums Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Showstoppers The Christmas Album Volume 4 Volume 5 Presents the Warblers Volume 6 The 3D Concert Movie The Christmas Album Volume 2 Volume 7 The Graduation Album Season 4 , Volume 1 The Christmas Album Volume 3 Sings the Beatles Extended plays The Power of Madonna Journey to Regionals The Rocky Horror Glee Show Britney 2.0 Presents Glease The Quarterback The Christmas Album Volume 4 Related Glee Live ! In Concert ! The Glee Project Glee : The 3D Concert Movie `` See the USA in Your Chevrolet '' Glee episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` Showmance '' `` Acafellas '' `` Preggers '' `` The Rhodes Not Taken '' `` Vitamin D '' `` Throwdown '' `` Mash - Up '' `` Wheels '' `` Ballad '' `` Hairography '' `` Mattress '' `` Sectionals '' `` Hell - O '' `` The Power of Madonna '' `` Home '' `` Bad Reputation '' `` Laryngitis '' `` Dream On '' `` Theatricality '' `` Funk '' `` Journey to Regionals '' Season 2 `` Audition '' `` Britney / Brittany '' `` Grilled Cheesus '' `` Duets '' `` The Rocky Horror Glee Show '' `` Never Been Kissed '' `` The Substitute '' `` Furt '' `` Special Education '' `` A Very Glee Christmas '' `` The Sue Sylvester Shuffle '' `` Silly Love Songs '' `` Comeback '' `` Blame It on the Alcohol '' `` Sexy '' `` Original Song '' `` A Night of Neglect '' `` Born This Way '' `` Rumours '' `` Prom Queen '' `` Funeral '' `` New York '' Season 3 `` The Purple Piano Project '' `` I Am Unicorn '' `` Asian F '' `` Pot O ' Gold '' `` The First Time '' `` Mash Off '' `` I Kissed a Girl '' `` Hold On to Sixteen '' `` Extraordinary Merry Christmas '' `` Yes / No '' `` Michael '' `` The Spanish Teacher '' `` Heart '' `` On My Way '' `` Big Brother '' `` Saturday Night Glee - ver '' `` Dance with Somebody '' `` Choke '' `` Prom - asaurus '' `` Props '' `` Nationals '' `` Goodbye '' Season 4 `` The New Rachel '' `` Britney 2.0 '' `` Makeover '' `` The Break Up '' `` The Role You Were Born to Play '' `` Glease '' `` Dynamic Duets '' `` Thanksgiving '' `` Swan Song '' `` Glee , Actually '' `` Sadie Hawkins '' `` Naked '' `` Diva '' `` I Do '' `` Girls ( and Boys ) On Film '' `` Feud '' `` Guilty Pleasures '' `` Shooting Star '' `` Sweet Dreams '' `` Lights Out '' `` Wonder - ful '' `` All or Nothing '' Season 5 `` Love , Love , Love '' `` Tina in the Sky with Diamonds '' `` The Quarterback '' `` A Katy or a Gaga '' `` The End of Twerk '' `` Movin ' Out '' `` Puppet Master '' `` Previously Unaired Christmas '' `` Frenemies '' `` Trio '' `` City of Angels '' `` 100 '' `` New Directions '' `` New New York '' `` Bash '' `` Tested '' `` Opening Night '' `` The Back - up Plan '' `` Old Dog , New Tricks '' `` The Untitled Rachel Berry Project '' Season 6 `` Loser Like Me '' `` Homecoming '' `` Jagged Little Tapestry '' `` The Hurt Locker , Part One '' `` The Hurt Locker , Part Two '' `` What the World Needs Now '' `` Transitioning '' `` A Wedding '' `` Child Star '' `` The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester '' `` We Built This Glee Club '' `` 2009 '' `` Dreams Come True '' Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Glee_(season_6)&oldid=851102388 '' Categories : 2015 American television seasons Glee ( TV series ) episodes Glee ( season 6 ) episodes Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from November 2017 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Dansk Español Français Italiano Português Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 20 July 2018 , at 02 : 46 ( UTC ) . 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adeno-associated virus (aav) vectors in gene therapy
Adeno - associated virus
adeno - associated virus
Adeno - associated virus Adeno - associated virus serotype 2 structure from 1LP3 . One fivefold axis shown center . Virus classification Group : Group II ( ssDNA ) Order : Unassigned Family : Parvoviridae Subfamily : Parvovirinae Genus : Dependoparvovirus Species Adeno - associated dependoparvovirus A Adeno - associated dependoparvovirus B Adeno - associated virus ( AAV ) is a small virus which infects humans and some other primate species . AAV is not currently known to cause disease . The virus causes a very mild immune response , lending further support to its apparent lack of pathogenicity . In many cases , AAV vectors integrate into the host cell genome , which can be important for certain applications , but can also have unwanted consequences . Gene therapy vectors using AAV can infect both dividing and quiescent cells and persist in an extrachromosomal state without integrating into the genome of the host cell , although in the native virus some integration of virally carried genes into the host genome does occur . These features make AAV a very attractive candidate for creating viral vectors for gene therapy , and for the creation of isogenic human disease models . Recent human clinical trials using AAV for gene therapy in the retina have shown promise . AAV belongs to the genus Dependoparvovirus , which in turn belongs to the family Parvoviridae . The virus is a small ( 20 nm ) replication - defective , nonenveloped virus . Contents 1 History 2 Use in gene therapy 2.1 Advantages and drawbacks 2.2 Clinical trials 3 Structure 3.1 Genome , transcriptome and proteome 3.1. 1 ITR sequences 3.1. 2 rep gene and Rep proteins 3.1. 3 cap gene and VP proteins 4 Serotypes , receptors and native tropism 4.1 Serotype 2 4.2 Other serotypes 4.2. 1 Synthetic Serotypes 5 Immunology 5.1 Innate 5.2 Humoral 5.3 Cell - mediated 6 Infection cycle 7 See also 8 References 9 External links History ( edit ) The adeno - associated virus ( AAV ) , previously thought to be a contaminant in adenovirus preparations , was first identified as a dependovirus in the 1960s in the laboratories of Bob Atchison at Pittsburgh and Wallace Rowe at NIH . Serological studies in humans subsequently indicated that , despite being present in people infected by helper viruses such as adenovirus or herpes virus , AAV itself did not cause any disease . Use in gene therapy ( edit ) Advantages and drawbacks ( edit ) Wild - type AAV has attracted considerable interest from gene therapy researchers due to a number of features . Chief amongst these is the virus 's apparent lack of pathogenicity . It can also infect non-dividing cells and has the ability to stably integrate into the host cell genome at a specific site ( designated AAVS1 ) in the human chromosome 19 . This feature makes it somewhat more predictable than retroviruses , which present the threat of a random insertion and of mutagenesis , which is sometimes followed by development of a cancer . The AAV genome integrates most frequently into the site mentioned , while random incorporations into the genome take place with a negligible frequency . Development of AAVs as gene therapy vectors , however , has eliminated this integrative capacity by removal of the rep and cap from the DNA of the vector . The desired gene together with a promoter to drive transcription of the gene is inserted between the inverted terminal repeats ( ITR ) that aid in concatemer formation in the nucleus after the single - stranded vector DNA is converted by host cell DNA polymerase complexes into double - stranded DNA . AAV - based gene therapy vectors form episomal concatemers in the host cell nucleus . In non-dividing cells , these concatemers remain intact for the life of the host cell . In dividing cells , AAV DNA is lost through cell division , since the episomal DNA is not replicated along with the host cell DNA . Random integration of AAV DNA into the host genome is detectable but occurs at very low frequency . AAVs also present very low immunogenicity , seemingly restricted to generation of neutralizing antibodies , while they induce no clearly defined cytotoxic response . This feature , along with the ability to infect quiescent cells present their dominance over adenoviruses as vectors for human gene therapy . Use of the virus does present some disadvantages . The cloning capacity of the vector is relatively limited and most therapeutic genes require the complete replacement of the virus 's 4.8 kilobase genome . Large genes are , therefore , not suitable for use in a standard AAV vector . Options are currently being explored to overcome the limited coding capacity . The AAV ITRs of two genomes can anneal to form head to tail concatemers , almost doubling the capacity of the vector . Insertion of splice sites allows for the removal of the ITRs from the transcript . Because of AAV 's specialized gene therapy advantages , researchers have created an altered version of AAV termed self - complementary adeno - associated virus ( scAAV ) . Whereas AAV packages a single strand of DNA and must wait for its second strand to be synthesized , scAAV packages two shorter strands that are complementary to each other . By avoiding second - strand synthesis , scAAV can express more quickly , although as a caveat , scAAV can only encode half of the already limited capacity of AAV . Recent reports suggest that scAAV vectors are more immunogenic than single stranded adenovirus vectors , inducing a stronger activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes . The humoral immunity instigated by infection with the wild type is thought to be a very common event . The associated neutralising activity limits the usefulness of the most commonly used serotype AAV2 in certain applications . Accordingly , the majority of clinical trials currently under way involve delivery of AAV2 into the brain , a relatively immunologically privileged organ . In the brain , AAV2 is strongly neuron - specific . Clinical trials ( edit ) To date , AAV vectors have been used in over 117 clinical trials worldwide , approximately 5.6 % of virus - vectored gene - therapy trials . Recently , promising results have been obtained from Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials for a number of diseases , including Leber 's congenital amaurosis , Hemophilia , congestive heart failure , spinal muscular atrophy , lipoprotein lipase deficiency , and Parkinson 's disease . Selected Clinical Trials using AAV - Based Vectors Indication Gene Route of administration Phase Subject number Status Cystic fibrosis CFTR Lung , via aerosol 12 Complete CFTR Lung , via aerosol II 38 Complete CFTR Lung , via aerosol II 100 Complete Hemophilia B FIX Intramuscular 9 Complete FIX Hepatic artery 6 Ended Arthritis TNFR : Fc Intraarticular Ongoing Hereditary emphysema AAT Intramuscular 12 Ongoing Leber 's congenital amaurosis RPE65 Subretinal I -- II Multiple Several ongoing and complete Age - related macular degeneration sFlt - 1 Subretinal I -- II 24 Ongoing Duchenne muscular dystrophy SGCA Intramuscular 10 Ongoing Parkinson 's disease GAD65 , GAD67 Intracranial 12 Complete Canavan disease AAC Intracranial 21 Ongoing Batten disease CLN2 Intracranial 10 Ongoing Alzheimer 's disease NGF Intracranial 6 Ongoing Spinal muscular atrophy SMN1 Intravenous I -- II 15 Ongoing Congestive heart failure SERCA2a Intra-coronary IIb 250 Ongoing Structure ( edit ) Genome , transcriptome and proteome ( edit ) The AAV genome is built of single - stranded deoxyribonucleic acid ( ss DNA ) , either positive - or negative - sensed , which is about 4.7 kilobase long . The genome comprises inverted terminal repeats ( ITRs ) at both ends of the DNA strand , and two open reading frames ( ORFs ) : rep and cap . The former is composed of four overlapping genes encoding Rep proteins required for the AAV life cycle , and the latter contains overlapping nucleotide sequences of capsid proteins : VP1 , VP2 and VP3 , which interact together to form a capsid of an icosahedral symmetry . ITR sequences ( edit ) The Inverted Terminal Repeat ( ITR ) sequences comprise 145 bases each . They were named so because of their symmetry , which was shown to be required for efficient multiplication of the AAV genome . The feature of these sequences that gives them this property is their ability to form a hairpin , which contributes to so - called self - priming that allows primase - independent synthesis of the second DNA strand . The ITRs were also shown to be required for both integration of the AAV DNA into the host cell genome ( 19th chromosome in humans ) and rescue from it , as well as for efficient encapsidation of the AAV DNA combined with generation of a fully assembled , deoxyribonuclease - resistant AAV particles . With regard to gene therapy , ITRs seem to be the only sequences required in cis next to the therapeutic gene : structural ( cap ) and packaging ( rep ) proteins can be delivered in trans . With this assumption many methods were established for efficient production of recombinant AAV ( rAAV ) vectors containing a reporter or therapeutic gene . However , it was also published that the ITRs are not the only elements required in cis for the effective replication and encapsidation . A few research groups have identified a sequence designated cis - acting Rep - dependent element ( CARE ) inside the coding sequence of the rep gene . CARE was shown to augment the replication and encapsidation when present in cis . Rep gene and rep proteins ( edit ) On the `` left side '' of the genome there are two promoters called p5 and p19 , from which two overlapping messenger ribonucleic acids ( mRNAs ) of different length can be produced . Each of these contains an intron which can be either spliced out or not . Given these possibilities , four various mRNAs , and consequently four various Rep proteins with overlapping sequence can be synthesized . Their names depict their sizes in kilodaltons ( kDa ) : Rep78 , Rep68 , Rep52 and Rep40 . Rep78 and 68 can specifically bind the hairpin formed by the ITR in the self - priming act and cleave at a specific region , designated terminal resolution site , within the hairpin . They were also shown to be necessary for the AAVS1 - specific integration of the AAV genome . All four Rep proteins were shown to bind ATP and to possess helicase activity . It was also shown that they upregulate the transcription from the p40 promoter ( mentioned below ) , but downregulate both p5 and p19 promoters . Cap gene and vp proteins ( edit ) The right side of a positive - sensed AAV genome encodes overlapping sequences of three capsid proteins , VP1 , VP2 and VP3 , which start from one promoter , designated p40 . The molecular weights of these proteins are 87 , 72 and 62 kiloDaltons , respectively . The AAV capsid is composed of a mixture of VP1 , VP2 , and VP3 totaling 60 monomers arranged in icosahedral symmetry in a ratio of 1 : 1 : 10 , with an estimated size of 3.9 MegaDaltons . The crystal structure of the VP3 protein was determined by Xie , Bue , et al . AAV2 capsid , shown as a ribbon diagram , with the back half hidden for clarity . One fivefold symmetry axis is shown center . The cap gene produces an additional , non-structural protein called the Assembly - Activating Protein ( AAP ) . This protein is produced from ORF2 and is essential for the capsid - assembly process . The exact function of this protein in the assembly process and its structure have not been solved to date . All three VPs are translated from one mRNA . After this mRNA is synthesized , it can be spliced in two different manners : either a longer or shorter intron can be excised resulting in the formation of two pools of mRNAs : a 2.3 kb - and a 2.6 kb - long mRNA pool . Usually , especially in the presence of adenovirus , the longer intron is preferred , so the 2.3 - kb - long mRNA represents the so - called `` major splice '' . In this form the first AUG codon , from which the synthesis of VP1 protein starts , is cut out , resulting in a reduced overall level of VP1 protein synthesis . The first AUG codon that remains in the major splice is the initiation codon for VP3 protein . However , upstream of that codon in the same open reading frame lies an ACG sequence ( encoding threonine ) which is surrounded by an optimal Kozak context . This contributes to a low level of synthesis of VP2 protein , which is actually VP3 protein with additional N terminal residues , as is VP1 . Since the bigger intron is preferred to be spliced out , and since in the major splice the ACG codon is a much weaker translation initiation signal , the ratio at which the AAV structural proteins are synthesized in vivo is about 1 : 1 : 20 , which is the same as in the mature virus particle . The unique fragment at the N terminus of VP1 protein was shown to possess the phospholipase A2 ( PLA2 ) activity , which is probably required for the releasing of AAV particles from late endosomes . Muralidhar et al. reported that VP2 and VP3 are crucial for correct virion assembly . More recently , however , Warrington et al. showed VP2 to be unnecessary for the complete virus particle formation and an efficient infectivity , and also presented that VP2 can tolerate large insertions in its N terminus , while VP1 can not , probably because of the PLA2 domain presence . Serotypes , receptors and native tropism ( edit ) Until the 1990s , virtually all AAV biology was studied using AAV serotype 2 . However , AAV is highly prevalent in humans and other primates and several serotypes have been isolated from various tissue samples . Serotypes 2 , 3 , 5 , and 6 were discovered in human cells , AAV serotypes 1 , 4 , and 7 -- 11 in nonhuman primate samples . As of 2006 there have been 11 AAV serotypes described , the 11th in 2004 . AAV capsid proteins contain 12 hypervariable surface regions , with most variability occurring in the threefold proximal peaks , but the parvovirus genome in general presents highly conserved replication and structural genes across serotypes . All of the known serotypes can infect cells from multiple diverse tissue types . Tissue specificity is determined by the capsid serotype and pseudotyping of AAV vectors to alter their tropism range will likely be important to their use in therapy . Serotype 2 ( edit ) Serotype 2 ( AAV2 ) has been the most extensively examined so far . AAV2 presents natural tropism towards skeletal muscles , neurons , vascular smooth muscle cells and hepatocytes . Three cell receptors have been described for AAV2 : heparan sulfate proteoglycan ( HSPG ) , a β integrin and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 ( FGFR - 1 ) . The first functions as a primary receptor , while the latter two have a co-receptor activity and enable AAV to enter the cell by receptor - mediated endocytosis . These study results have been disputed by Qiu , Handa , et al. HSPG functions as the primary receptor , though its abundance in the extracellular matrix can scavenge AAV particles and impair the infection efficiency . Studies have shown that serotype 2 of the virus ( AAV - 2 ) apparently kills cancer cells without harming healthy ones . `` Our results suggest that adeno - associated virus type 2 , which infects the majority of the population but has no known ill effects , kills multiple types of cancer cells yet has no effect on healthy cells , '' said Craig Meyers , a professor of immunology and microbiology at the Penn State College of Medicine in Pennsylvania in 2005 . This could lead to a new anti-cancer agent . Other serotypes ( edit ) Although AAV2 is the most popular serotype in various AAV - based research , it has been shown that other serotypes can be more effective as gene delivery vectors . For instance AAV6 appears much better in infecting airway epithelial cells , AAV7 presents very high transduction rate of murine skeletal muscle cells ( similarly to AAV1 and AAV5 ) , AAV8 is superb in transducing hepatocytes and AAV1 and 5 were shown to be very efficient in gene delivery to vascular endothelial cells . In the brain , most AAV serotypes show neuronal tropism , while AAV5 also transduces astrocytes . AAV6 , a hybrid of AAV1 and AAV2 , also shows lower immunogenicity than AAV2 . Serotypes can differ with the respect to the receptors they are bound to . For example , AAV4 and AAV5 transduction can be inhibited by soluble sialic acids ( of different form for each of these serotypes ) , and AAV5 was shown to enter cells via the platelet - derived growth factor receptor . Synthetic serotypes ( edit ) There have been many efforts to engineer and improve new AAV variants for both clinical and research purposes . Such modifications include new tropisms to target specific tissues , and modified surface residues to evade detection by the immune system . Other efforts have involved the ancestral reconstruction of virus variants to generate new vectors with enhanced properties for clinical applications and the study of AAV biology . Immunology ( edit ) AAV is of particular interest to gene therapists due to its apparent limited capacity to induce immune responses in humans , a factor which should positively influence vector transduction efficiency while reducing the risk of any immune - associated pathology . AAV is not considered to have any known role in disease . Innate ( edit ) The innate immune response to the AAV vectors has been characterised in animal models . Intravenous administration in mice causes transient production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and some infiltration of neutrophils and other leukocytes into the liver , which seems to sequester a large percentage of the injected viral particles . Both soluble factor levels and cell infiltration appear to return to baseline within six hours . By contrast , more aggressive viruses produce innate responses lasting 24 hours or longer . Humoral ( edit ) The virus is known to instigate robust humoral immunity in animal models and in the human population , where up to 80 % of individuals are thought to be seropositive for AAV2 . Antibodies are known to be neutralising , and for gene therapy applications these do impact on vector transduction efficiency via some routes of administration . As well as persistent AAV specific antibody levels , it appears from both prime - boost studies in animals and from clinical trials that the B - cell memory is also strong . In seropositive humans , circulating IgG antibodies for AAV2 appear to be primarily composed of the IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses , with little or no IgG3 or IgG4 present . Cell - mediated ( edit ) The cell - mediated response to the virus and to vectors is poorly characterised , and has been largely ignored in the literature as recently as 2005 . Clinical trials using an AAV2 - based vector to treat haemophilia B seem to indicate that targeted destruction of transduced cells may be occurring . Combined with data that shows that CD8+ T - cells can recognise elements of the AAV capsid in vitro , it appears that there may be a cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to AAV vectors . Cytotoxic responses would imply the involvement of CD4+ T helper cells in the response to AAV and in vitro data from human studies suggests that the virus may indeed induce such responses , including both Th1 and Th2 memory responses . A number of candidate T cell stimulating epitopes have been identified within the AAV capsid protein VP1 , which may be attractive targets for modification of the capsid if the virus is to be used as a vector for gene therapy . Infection cycle ( edit ) There are several steps in the AAV infection cycle , from infecting a cell to producing new infectious particles : attachment to the cell membrane receptor - mediated endocytosis endosomal trafficking escape from the late endosome or lysosome translocation to the nucleus uncoating formation of double - stranded DNA replicative form of the AAV genome expression of rep genes genome replication expression of cap genes , synthesis of progeny ssDNA particles assembly of complete virions , and release from the infected cell . Some of these steps may look different in various types of cells , which , in part , contributes to the defined and quite limited native tropism of AAV . Replication of the virus can also vary in one cell type , depending on the cell 's current cell cycle phase . The characteristic feature of the adeno - associated virus is a deficiency in replication and thus its inability to multiply in unaffected cells . The first factor that was described as providing successful generation of new AAV particles , was the adenovirus , from which the AAV name originated . It was then shown that AAV replication can be facilitated by selected proteins derived from the adenovirus genome , by other viruses such as HSV , or by genotoxic agents , such as UV irradiation or hydroxyurea . The minimal set of the adenoviral genes required for efficient generation of progeny AAV particles , was discovered by Matsushita , Ellinger et al . This discovery allowed for new production methods of recombinant AAV , which do not require adenoviral co-infection of the AAV - producing cells . In the absence of helper virus or genotoxic factors , AAV DNA can either integrate into the host genome or persist in episomal form . In the former case integration is mediated by Rep78 and Rep68 proteins and requires the presence of ITRs flanking the region being integrated . In mice , the AAV genome has been observed persisting for long periods of time in quiescent tissues , such as skeletal muscles , in episomal form ( a circular head - to - tail conformation ) . See also ( edit ) Viruses portal Isogenic human disease models Recombinant AAV mediated genome engineering References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Deyle DR , Russell DW ( August 2009 ) . `` Adeno - associated virus vector integration '' . Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics . 11 ( 4 ) : 442 -- 7 . PMC 2929125 . PMID 19649989 . Jump up ^ Grieger JC , Samulski RJ ( 2005 ) . `` Adeno - associated virus as a gene therapy vector : vector development , production and clinical applications '' . 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Jump up ^ Myers MW , Laughlin CA , Jay FT , Carter BJ ( July 1980 ) . `` Adenovirus helper function for growth of adeno - associated virus : effect of temperature - sensitive mutations in adenovirus early gene region 2 '' . Journal of Virology. 35 ( 1 ) : 65 -- 75 . PMC 288783 . PMID 6251278 . Jump up ^ Handa H , Carter BJ ( July 1979 ) . `` Adeno - associated virus DNA replication complexes in herpes simplex virus or adenovirus - infected cells '' . The Journal of Biological Chemistry . 254 ( 14 ) : 6603 -- 10 . PMID 221504 . Jump up ^ Yalkinoglu AO , Heilbronn R , Bürkle A , Schlehofer JR , zur Hausen H ( June 1988 ) . `` DNA amplification of adeno - associated virus as a response to cellular genotoxic stress '' . Cancer Research . 48 ( 11 ) : 3123 -- 9 . PMID 2835153 . Jump up ^ Yakobson B , Koch T , Winocour E ( April 1987 ) . `` Replication of adeno - associated virus in synchronized cells without the addition of a helper virus '' . Journal of Virology. 61 ( 4 ) : 972 -- 81 . PMC 254052 . PMID 3029431 . Jump up ^ Yakobson B , Hrynko TA , Peak MJ , Winocour E ( March 1989 ) . `` Replication of adeno - associated virus in cells irradiated with UV light at 254 nm '' . Journal of Virology. 63 ( 3 ) : 1023 -- 30 . PMC 247794 . PMID 2536816 . Jump up ^ Duan D , Sharma P , Yang J , Yue Y , Dudus L , Zhang Y , Fisher KJ , Engelhardt JF ( November 1998 ) . `` Circular intermediates of recombinant adeno - associated virus have defined structural characteristics responsible for long - term episomal persistence in muscle tissue '' . Journal of Virology. 72 ( 11 ) : 8568 -- 77 . PMC 110267 . PMID 9765395 . External links ( edit ) Kimball JW ( 17 May 2015 ) . `` Gene Therapy II '' . Kimball 's Biology Pages . `` Adeno - associated virus '' . NCBI Taxonomy Browser. 272636 . 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who won the best original song oscar at the 1971 oscars
Shaft `` Theme from Shaft '' Isaac Hayes ( music and lyrics )
Academy award for Best original song
academy award for best original song
The Academy Award for Best Original Song is one of the awards given annually to people working in the motion picture industry by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) . It is presented to the songwriters who have composed the best original song written specifically for a film . The performers of a song are not credited with the Academy Award unless they contributed either to music , lyrics or both in their own right . The songs that are nominated for this award are performed during the ceremony and before this award is presented .
The award category was introduced at the 7th Academy Awards , the ceremony honoring the best in film for 1934 . Nominations are made by Academy members who are songwriters and composers , and the winners are chosen by the Academy membership as a whole . Contents ( hide ) 1 Eligibility 2 Number of nominations 3 Performances at the awards ceremony 4 Winners and nominees 4.1 1930s 4.2 1940s 4.3 1950s 4.4 1960s 4.5 1970s 4.6 1980s 4.7 1990s 4.8 2000s 4.9 2010s 5 Notes 6 Records 6.1 Winners of multiple awards 6.2 Most number of songs nominated by studio 6.3 Foreign - language song winners 7 See also 8 References Eligibility ( edit ) `` There must be a clearly audible , intelligible , substantive rendition ( not necessarily visually presented ) of both lyrics and melody , used in the body of the motion picture or as the first music cue in the end credits . '' The original requirement was only that the nominated song appear in a motion picture during the previous year . This rule was changed after the 1941 Academy Awards , when `` The Last Time I Saw Paris '' , from the film Lady Be Good , with music by Jerome Kern and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II , won . Kern was upset that his song won because it had been published and recorded before it was used in the film . The song was actually written in 1940 , after the Germans occupied Paris at the start of World War II . It was recorded by Kate Smith and peaked at No. 8 on the best seller list before it was used in the film . Kern got the Academy to change the rule so that only songs that are `` original and written specifically for the motion picture '' are eligible to win . Songs that rely on sampled or reworked material along with cover versions , remixes and parodies , such as `` Gangsta 's Paradise '' in the 1995 film Dangerous Minds , are also ineligible . This rule means that when a film is adapted from a previously - produced stage musical , none of the existing songs from the musical are eligible . As a result , many recent film adaptations of musicals have included original songs which could be nominated , such as `` You Must Love Me '' in the 1996 film Evita ( won award ) , and `` Listen '' , `` Love You I Do '' , `` Patience '' in the 2006 film Dreamgirls and `` Suddenly '' in the 2012 film Les Misérables . There was a debate as to whether or not Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova , who were awarded the Oscar in 2008 for `` Falling Slowly '' , were in fact eligible . `` Falling Slowly '' had been released on two other albums -- The Swell Season , Hansard and Irglova 's duo project , and The Cost , by Hansard 's band The Frames . The Swell Season was released in August 2006 , and The Cost in February 2007 , before the release of Once . However , the AMPAS music committee determined that , in the course of the film 's protracted production , the composers had `` played the song in some venues that were deemed inconsequential enough to not change the song 's eligibility '' . The same issue arose two years earlier with `` In the Deep '' from Crash , which appeared on Bird York 's 2003 album The Velvet Hour after being written for Crash , but before the film was released . The current Academy rule says an eligible song `` must be recorded for use in the motion picture prior to any other usage '' , so recordings released prior to the film will not disqualify a song as long as the film version was `` recorded '' before then . Number of nominations ( edit ) Until the Academy Awards for 1945 ( awarded in 1946 ) any number of songs could be nominated for the award . For the 1945 awards , 14 songs were nominated . From 1946 to 2011 , each member of the Music Branch of the Academy was asked to vote using a points system of 10 , 9.5 , 9 , 8.5 , 8 , 7.5 , 7 , 6.5 or 6 points . Only those songs that received an average score of 8.25 or more were eligible for nomination . If no song qualified , there would be no nominees . And if only one song achieved that score , it and the song receiving the next highest score would be the two nominees . This system usually resulted in five nominations each year , except for 2010 when four were nominated , 1988 , 2005 , and 2008 , when only three were nominated ; and 2011 when only two were nominated . Following the two song competition in 2011 , the rules were changed once more . The number of nominations is now contingent upon the number of submissions . Depending on the amount received by the Academy there would be five , three or no nominations each year . Since then , there have always been five nominees , except in 2013 when one was disqualified . The first film to receive multiple nominations was Fame in 1980 . Only four films have featured three nominated songs : Beauty and the Beast , The Lion King , Dreamgirls , and Enchanted . Dreamgirls and Enchanted lost on every nomination : An Inconvenient Truth original song `` I Need to Wake Up '' defeated all three of the nominated songs from Dreamgirls , while `` Falling Slowly '' from Once defeated all three of Enchanted 's nominations . After these two consecutive defeats , a new rule was instated in June 2008 that a film could have no more than two songs nominated . Performances at the Awards ceremony ( edit ) Nominated songs are usually performed live at the televised Academy Awards ceremonies . Although pre-televised ceremonies were broadcast on the radio , the tradition of performing the nominated songs did not begin until the 18th Academy Awards in 1946 , in which performers included Frank Sinatra , Kathryn Grayson , Dinah Shore , and Dick Haymes . In the early years , the songs were usually not performed by the original artists as in the film . For example , in 1965 , Robert Goulet performed all the nominated songs at the ceremony . ( Ironically , in the case of `` The Look Of Love '' , sung by Dusty Springfield in Casino Royale , the positive reaction to the performance by Sergio Mendes & Brasil ' 66 on the 1968 telecast led to their version being released as a single and eventually becoming the bigger hit . ) In 1970 , this was reversed and only the people who had performed the piece in the film were permitted to perform the song on the live telecast , even if a hit version was performed by another act . However , since Oscar nominees for 1970 , 1971 and 1972 had all been major hit records by other artists , in 1973 the rule was amended again and it became standard to first offer either the original artist or artists who performed the song in the film a chance to perform it at the ceremony , followed by the artist or artists who had the hit record with it . When neither of those is able to do so ( or in rare cases where the telecast producers decide to go with someone else ) , the Academy chooses more well - known entertainers to perform the song at the ceremony . For example , Robin Williams performed `` Blame Canada '' from South Park : Bigger , Longer & Uncut at the 72nd Academy Awards instead of the film 's voice actors , Trey Parker and Mary Kay Bergman ( Bergman died a few months before the show ) . Beyoncé Knowles sang three nominated songs ( one of which was a duet with Josh Groban ) during the 77th Academy Awards even though she had not performed those songs in any of the respective films . That same year , the song `` Al otro lado del río '' ( On The Other Side Of The River ) , which was featured in the film The Motorcycle Diaries , won the award , becoming the first song in Spanish and the second in a foreign language to receive such an honor ( the first winner was the title tune to Never on Sunday , which was sung in Greek in the film by its star , Melina Mercouri ) . It was written by Uruguayan composer Jorge Drexler , but the producers would not let Drexler perform the song during the show for fear of losing ratings . Instead , the song was performed by Carlos Santana and Antonio Banderas . Drexler 's acceptance speech for the award consisted of him singing a few lines a cappella and closed by simply saying `` thank you '' . In 1985 , Phil Collins was passed over to perform his nominated composition `` Against All Odds ( Take a Look at Me Now ) '' . According to representatives of both Collins ' record company and Columbia Pictures , this was because the producers of the telecast were not familiar with his work . Ann Reinking performed the song instead , with Collins sitting in the audience . At the 80th Academy Awards , `` That 's How You Know '' from the film Enchanted was performed by Kristin Chenoweth , rather than the film 's star , Amy Adams . However , Adams performed `` Happy Working Song '' , which was nominated from the same film . In 2009 , Peter Gabriel , who was originally scheduled to perform his nominated song `` Down to Earth '' during the live broadcast , declined to perform after learning that he would be allowed to sing only 65 seconds of the song during the ceremony 's Best Original Song nominee performance medley . Gabriel still attended the ceremony , with John Legend performing the song in his place , backed by the Soweto Gospel Choir . The 84th Academy Awards did not feature performances from either nominated song ( `` Man or Muppet '' from The Muppets or `` Real in Rio '' from Rio ) . No reason for this was given by Oscar producers . This was only the third time that Best Original Song nominees were not performed ( the others were in 1989 and 2010 ) . At the 2013 Oscars , only three of the five nominees were performed , with the eventual winner , the theme from Skyfall , being the only one performed separately on its own as opposed to being part of a musical montage sequence . The 88th Academy Awards also had three of the five nominees performed . Anohni , performer and writer of `` Manta Ray '' , one of the two nominated songs cut from the ceremony , boycotted the ceremony for this reason . Winners and nominees ( edit ) 1930s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1934 ( 7th ) The Gay Divorcee `` The Continental '' Con Conrad ( music ) ; Herb Magidson ( lyrics ) Flying Down to Rio `` Carioca '' Vincent Youmans ( music ) ; Edward Eliscu & Gus Kahn ( lyrics ) She Loves Me Not `` Love in Bloom '' Ralph Rainger ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) 1935 ( 8th ) Gold Diggers of 1935 `` Lullaby of Broadway '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Al Dubin ( lyrics ) Roberta `` Lovely to Look At '' Jerome Kern ( music ) ; Dorothy Fields & Jimmy McHugh ( lyrics ) Top Hat `` Cheek to Cheek '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) 1936 ( 9th ) Swing Time `` The Way You Look Tonight '' Jerome Kern ( music ) ; Dorothy Fields ( lyrics ) Born to Dance `` I 've Got You Under My Skin '' Cole Porter ( music and lyrics ) Pennies from Heaven `` Pennies from Heaven '' Arthur Johnston ( music ) ; Johnny Burke ( lyrics ) Sing , Baby , Sing `` When Did You Leave Heaven '' Richard A. Whiting ( music ) ; Walter Bullock ( lyrics ) Suzy `` Did I Remember '' Walter Donaldson ( music ) ; Harold Adamson ( lyrics ) Trail of the Lonesome Pine `` A Melody from the Sky '' Louis Alter ( music ) ; Sidney D. Mitchell ( lyrics ) 1937 ( 10th ) Waikiki Wedding `` Sweet Leilani '' Harry Owens ( music and lyrics ) Artists and Models `` Whispers in the Dark '' Frederick Hollander ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Mr. Dodd Takes the Air `` Remember Me '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Al Dubin ( lyrics ) Shall We Dance `` They Ca n't Take That Away from Me '' George Gershwin ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Ira Gershwin ( lyrics ) Vogues of 1938 `` That Old Feeling '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Lew Brown ( lyrics ) 1938 ( 11th ) The Big Broadcast of 1938 `` Thanks for the Memory '' Ralph Rainger ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Alexander 's Ragtime Band `` Now It Can Be Told '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) Carefree `` Change Partners '' The Cowboy and the Lady `` The Cowboy and the Lady '' Lionel Newman ( music ) ; Arthur Quenzer ( lyrics ) Going Places `` Jeepers Creepers '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) The Lady Objects `` A Mist Over the Moon '' Ben Oakland ( music ) ; Oscar Hammerstein II ( lyrics ) Mannequin `` Always and Always '' Edward Ward ( music ) ; Chet Forrest & Bob Wright ( lyrics ) Merrily We Live `` Merrily We Live '' Phil Charig ( music ) ; Quenzer ( lyrics ) That Certain Age `` My Own '' Jimmy McHugh ( music ) ; Harold Adamson ( lyrics ) Under Western Stars `` Dust '' Johnny Marvin ( music and lyrics ) 1939 ( 12th ) The Wizard of Oz `` Over the Rainbow '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Yip Harburg ( lyrics ) Gulliver 's Travels `` Faithful Forever '' Ralph Rainger ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Love Affair `` Wishing '' Buddy DeSylva ( music and lyrics ) Second Fiddle `` I Poured My Heart into a Song '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) 1940s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1940 ( 13th ) Pinocchio `` When You Wish Upon a Star '' Leigh Harline ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) Down Argentine Way `` Down Argentine Way '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) Hit Parade of 1941 `` Who Am I ? '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Walter Bullock ( lyrics ) Music in My Heart `` It 's a Blue World '' Chet Forrest & Bob Wright ( music and lyrics ) Rhythm on the River `` Only Forever '' James V. Monaco ( music ) ; Johnny Burke ( lyrics ) Second Chorus `` Love of My Life '' Artie Shaw ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Spring Parade `` Waltzing in the Clouds '' Robert Stolz ( music ) ; Gus Kahn ( lyrics ) Strike Up the Band `` Our Love Affair '' Roger Edens & Arthur Freed ( music and lyrics ) You 'll Find Out `` I 'd Know You Anywhere '' Jimmy McHugh ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) 1941 ( 14th ) Lady Be Good `` The Last Time I Saw Paris '' Jerome Kern ( music ) ; Oscar Hammerstein II ( lyrics ) All - American Co-Ed `` Out of the Silence '' Lloyd B. Norlin ( music and lyrics ) Blues in the Night `` Blues in the Night '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Buck Privates `` Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy '' Hughie Prince ( music ) ; Don Raye ( lyrics ) Dumbo `` Baby Mine '' Frank Churchill ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) Las Vegas Nights `` Dolores '' Louis Alter ( music ) ; Frank Loesser ( lyrics ) Ridin ' on a Rainbow `` Be Honest with Me '' Gene Autry & Fred Rose ( music and lyrics ) Sun Valley Serenade `` Chattanooga Choo Choo '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) You 'll Never Get Rich `` Since I Kissed My Baby Goodbye '' Cole Porter ( music and lyrics ) 1942 ( 15th ) Holiday Inn `` White Christmas '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) Always in My Heart `` Always in My Heart '' Ernesto Lecuona ( music ) ; Kim Gannon ( lyrics ) Babes on Broadway `` How About You ? '' Burton Lane ( music ) ; Ralph Freed ( lyrics ) Bambi `` Love Is a Song '' Frank Churchill ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Larry Morey ( lyrics ) Flying with Music `` Pennies for Peppino '' Edward Ward ( music ) ; Chet Forrest & Bob Wright ( lyrics ) Hellzapoppin ' `` Pig Foot Pete '' Gene de Paul ( music ) ; Don Raye ( lyrics ) The Mayor of 44th Street `` There 's a Breeze on Lake Louise '' Harry Revel ( music ) ; Mort Greene ( lyrics ) Orchestra Wives `` ( I 've Got a Gal in ) Kalamazoo '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) You Were Never Lovelier `` Dearly Beloved '' Jerome Kern ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Youth on Parade `` It Seems I 've Heard That Song Before '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) 1943 ( 16th ) Hello , Frisco , Hello `` You 'll Never Know '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) Cabin in the Sky `` Happiness Is a Thing Called Joe '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Yip Harburg ( lyrics ) Hers to Hold `` Say a Pray'r For The Boys Over There '' Jimmy McHugh ( music ) ; Herb Magidson ( lyrics ) Hit Parade of 1943 `` Change of Heart '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Harold Adamson ( lyrics ) Saludos Amigos `` Saludos Amigos '' Charles Wolcott ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) The Sky 's the Limit `` My Shining Hour '' Arlen ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Something to Shout About `` You 'd Be So Nice to Come Home To '' Cole Porter ( music and lyrics ) Stage Door Canteen `` We Must n't Say Goodbye '' James V. Monaco ( music ) ; Al Dubin ( lyrics ) Star Spangled Rhythm `` That Old Black Magic '' Arlen ( music ) ; Mercer ( lyrics ) Thank Your Lucky Stars `` They 're Either Too Young or Too Old '' Arthur Schwartz ( music ) ; Frank Loesser ( lyrics ) 1944 ( 17th ) Going My Way `` Swinging on a Star '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Johnny Burke ( lyrics ) Brazil `` Rio de Janeiro '' Ary Barroso ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) Cover Girl `` Long Ago ( and Far Away ) '' Jerome Kern ( music ) ; Ira Gershwin ( lyrics ) Follow the Boys `` I 'll Walk Alone '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Higher and Higher `` I Could n't Sleep a Wink Last Night '' Jimmy McHugh ( music ) ; Harold Adamson ( lyrics ) Hollywood Canteen `` Sweet Dreams , Sweetheart '' M.K. Jerome ( music ) ; Ted Koehler ( lyrics ) Lady , Let 's Dance `` Silver Shadows and Golden Dreams '' Lew Pollack ( music ) ; Charles Newman ( lyrics ) Meet Me in St. Louis `` The Trolley Song '' Ralph Blane & Hugh Martin ( music and lyrics ) Minstrel Man `` Remember Me to Carolina '' Harry Revel ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Song of the Open Road `` Too Much in Love '' Walter Kent ( music ) ; Kim Gannon ( lyrics ) Sweet and Low - Down `` I 'm Making Believe '' James V. Monaco ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) Up in Arms `` Now I Know '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Ted Koehler ( lyrics ) 1945 ( 18th ) State Fair `` It Might as Well Be Spring '' Richard Rodgers ( music ) ; Oscar Hammerstein II ( lyrics ) Anchors Aweigh `` I Fall in Love Too Easily '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Belle of the Yukon `` Sleighride in July '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Johnny Burke ( lyrics ) The Bells of St. Mary 's `` Are n't You Glad You 're You ? '' Ca n't Help Singing `` More and More '' Jerome Kern ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Yip Harburg ( lyrics ) Earl Carroll Vanities `` Endlessly '' Walter Kent ( music ) ; Kim Gannon ( lyrics ) G.I. Joe `` Linda '' Ann Ronell ( music and lyrics ) Here Come the Waves `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Love Letters `` Love Letters '' Victor Young ( music ) ; Edward Heyman ( lyrics ) San Antonio `` Some Sunday Morning '' Ray Heindorf & M.K. Jerome ( music ) ; Ted Koehler ( lyrics ) Sing Your Way Home `` I 'll Buy That Dream '' Allie Wrubel ( music ) ; Herb Magidson ( lyrics ) Tonight and Every Night `` Anywhere '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Why Girls Leave Home `` The Cat and the Canary '' Jay Livingston ( music ) ; Ray Evans ( lyrics ) Wonder Man `` So in Love '' David Rose ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) 1946 ( 19th ) The Harvey Girls `` On the Atchison , Topeka and the Santa Fe '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Blue Skies `` You Keep Coming Back Like a Song '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) Canyon Passage `` Ole Buttermilk Sky '' Hoagy Carmichael ( music ) ; Jack Brooks ( lyrics ) Centennial Summer `` All Through the Day '' Jerome Kern ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Oscar Hammerstein II ( lyrics ) The Dolly Sisters `` I Ca n't Begin to Tell You '' James V. Monaco ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) 1947 ( 20th ) Song of the South `` Zip - a-Dee - Doo - Dah '' Allie Wrubel ( music ) ; Ray Gilbert ( lyrics ) Good News `` Pass That Peace Pipe '' Ralph Blane , Roger Edens & Hugh Martin ( music and lyrics ) Mother Wore Tights `` You Do '' Josef Myrow ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) The Perils of Pauline `` I Wish I Did n't Love You So '' Frank Loesser ( music and lyrics ) The Time , the Place and the Girl `` A Gal in Calico '' Arthur Schwartz ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) 1948 ( 21st ) The Paleface `` Buttons and Bows '' Jay Livingston & Ray Evans ( music and lyrics ) Casbah `` For Every Man There 's a Woman '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Romance on the High Seas `` It 's Magic '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) That Lady in Ermine `` This Is the Moment '' Friedrich Hollaender ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Wet Blanket Policy `` The Woody Woodpecker Song '' Ramey Idriss & George Tibbles ( music and lyrics ) 1949 ( 22nd ) Neptune 's Daughter `` Baby , It 's Cold Outside '' Frank Loesser ( music and lyrics ) Come to the Stable `` Through a Long and Sleepless Night '' Alfred Newman ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) It 's a Great Feeling `` It 's a Great Feeling '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) My Foolish Heart `` My Foolish Heart '' Victor Young ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) So Dear to My Heart `` Lavender Blue '' Eliot Daniel ( music ) ; Larry Morey ( lyrics ) 1950s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1950 ( 23rd ) Captain Carey , U.S.A. `` Mona Lisa '' Ray Evans & Jay Livingston ( music and lyrics ) Cinderella `` Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo '' Mack David , Al Hoffman & Jerry Livingston ( music and lyrics ) Singing Guns `` Mule Train '' Fred Glickman , Hy Heath & Johnny Lange ( music and lyrics ) The Toast of New Orleans `` Be My Love '' Slug Brodszky ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Wabash Avenue `` Wilhelmina '' Josef Myrow ( music ) ; Mack Gordon ( lyrics ) 1951 ( 24th ) Here Comes the Groom `` In the Cool , Cool , Cool of the Evening '' Hoagy Carmichael ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Golden Girl `` Never '' Lionel Newman ( music ) ; Eliot Daniel ( lyrics ) Rich , Young and Pretty `` Wonder Why '' Slug Brodszky ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Royal Wedding `` Too Late Now '' Burton Lane ( music ) ; Alan Jay Lerner ( lyrics ) The Strip `` A Kiss to Build a Dream On '' Bert Kalmar ( posthumously ) , Harry Ruby & Oscar Hammerstein II ( music and lyrics ) 1952 ( 25th ) High Noon `` The Ballad of High Noon '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) Because You 're Mine `` Because You 're Mine '' Slug Brodszky ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Hans Christian Andersen `` Thumbelina '' Frank Loesser ( music and lyrics ) Just for You `` Zing a Little Zong '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) Son of Paleface `` Am I in Love '' Jack Brooks ( music and lyrics ) 1953 ( 26th ) Calamity Jane `` Secret Love '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) The Caddy `` That 's Amore '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Jack Brooks ( lyrics ) Miss Sadie Thompson `` Blue Pacific Blues '' Lester Lee ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) The Moon Is Blue `` The Moon Is Blue '' Herschel Burke Gilbert ( music ) ; Sylvia Fine ( lyrics ) Small Town Girl `` My Flaming Heart '' Slug Brodszky ( music ) ; Leo Robin ( lyrics ) 1954 ( 27th ) Three Coins in the Fountain `` Three Coins in the Fountain '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) The High and the Mighty `` The High and the Mighty '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) A Star Is Born `` The Man That Got Away '' Harold Arlen ( music ) ; Ira Gershwin ( lyrics ) Susan Slept Here `` Hold My Hand '' Jack Lawrence & Richard Myers ( music and lyrics ) White Christmas `` Count Your Blessings '' Irving Berlin ( music and lyrics ) 1955 ( 28th ) Love Is a Many - Splendored Thing `` Love Is a Many - Splendored Thing '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Daddy Long Legs `` Something 's Gotta Give '' Johnny Mercer ( music and lyrics ) Love Me or Leave Me `` I 'll Never Stop Loving You '' Slug Brodszky ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) The Tender Trap `` ( Love Is ) The Tender Trap '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Cahn ( lyrics ) Unchained `` Unchained Melody '' Alex North ( music ) ; Hy Zaret ( lyrics ) 1956 ( 29th ) The Man Who Knew Too Much `` Que Sera , Sera '' Jay Livingston & Ray Evans ( music and lyrics ) Friendly Persuasion `` Friendly Persuasion '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) High Society `` True Love '' Cole Porter ( music and lyrics ) Julie `` Julie '' Leith Stevens ( music ) ; Tom Adair ( lyrics ) Written on the Wind `` Written on the Wind '' Victor Young ( posthumously ) ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) 1957 ( 30th ) The Joker Is Wild `` All the Way '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) An Affair to Remember `` An Affair to Remember '' Harry Warren ( music ) ; Harold Adamson & Leo McCarey ( lyrics ) April Love `` April Love '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Tammy and the Bachelor `` Tammy '' Ray Evans & Jay Livingston ( music and lyrics ) Wild Is the Wind `` Wild Is the Wind '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) 1958 ( 31st ) Gigi `` Gigi '' Frederick Loewe ( music ) ; Alan Jay Lerner ( lyrics ) A Certain Smile `` A Certain Smile '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Houseboat `` Almost in Your Arms '' Jay Livingston & Ray Evans ( music and lyrics ) Marjorie Morningstar `` A Very Precious Love '' Fain ( music ) ; Webster ( lyrics ) Some Came Running `` To Love and Be Loved '' James Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) 1959 ( 32nd ) A Hole in the Head `` High Hopes '' James Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) The Best of Everything `` The Best of Everything '' Alfred Newman ( music ) ; Cahn ( lyrics ) The Five Pennies `` The Five Pennies '' Sylvia Fine ( music and lyrics ) The Hanging Tree `` The Hanging Tree '' Jerry Livingston ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) The Young Land `` Strange Are the Ways of Love '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) 1960s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1960 ( 33rd ) Never on Sunday `` Never on Sunday '' Manos Hatzidakis ( music and lyrics ) The Alamo `` The Green Leaves of Summer '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) The Facts of Life `` The Facts of Life '' Johnny Mercer ( music and lyrics ) High Time `` The Second Time Around '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Pepe `` Faraway Part of Town '' André Previn ( music ) ; Dory Previn ( lyrics ) 1961 ( 34th ) Breakfast at Tiffany 's `` Moon River '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Bachelor in Paradise `` Bachelor in Paradise '' Mancini ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) El Cid `` The Falcon and the Dove '' Miklós Rózsa ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Pocketful of Miracles `` Pocketful of Miracles '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Town Without Pity `` Town Without Pity '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Ned Washington ( lyrics ) 1962 ( 35th ) Days of Wine and Roses `` Days of Wine and Roses '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Mutiny on the Bounty `` Follow Me '' Bronisław Kaper ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Tender Is the Night `` Tender Is the Night '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Webster ( lyrics ) Two for the Seesaw `` Second Chance '' André Previn ( music ) ; Dory Previn ( lyrics ) Walk on the Wild Side `` Walk on the Wild Side '' Elmer Bernstein ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) 1963 ( 36th ) Papa 's Delicate Condition `` Call Me Irresponsible '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Charade `` Charade '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) 55 Days at Peking `` So Little Time '' Dimitri Tiomkin ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) It 's a Mad , Mad , Mad , Mad World `` It 's a Mad , Mad , Mad , Mad World '' Ernest Gold ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) Mondo Cane `` More '' Riz Ortolani & Nino Oliviero ( music ) ; Norman Newell ( lyrics ) 1964 ( 37th ) Mary Poppins `` Chim Chim Cher - ee '' Sherman Brothers ( music and lyrics ) Dear Heart `` Dear Heart '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Jay Livingston & Ray Evans ( lyrics ) Hush ... Hush , Sweet Charlotte `` Hush ... Hush , Sweet Charlotte '' Frank De Vol ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) Robin and the 7 Hoods `` My Kind of Town '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) Where Love Has Gone `` Where Love Has Gone '' 1965 ( 38th ) The Sandpiper `` The Shadow of Your Smile '' Johnny Mandel ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Cat Ballou `` The Ballad of Cat Ballou '' Jerry Livingston ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) The Great Race `` The Sweetheart Tree '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg `` I Will Wait for You '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Jacques Demy ( lyrics ) ; Norman Gimbel ( English lyrics ) What 's New Pussycat ? `` What 's New Pussycat ? '' Burt Bacharach ( music ) ; Hal David ( lyrics ) 1966 ( 39th ) Born Free `` Born Free '' John Barry ( music ) ; Don Black ( lyrics ) Alfie `` Alfie '' Burt Bacharach ( music ) ; Hal David ( lyrics ) An American Dream `` A Time for Love '' Johnny Mandel ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) Georgy Girl `` Georgy Girl '' Tom Springfield ( music ) ; Jim Dale ( lyrics ) Hawaii `` My Wishing Doll '' Elmer Bernstein ( music ) ; Mack David ( lyrics ) 1967 ( 40th ) Doctor Dolittle `` Talk to the Animals '' Leslie Bricusse ( music and lyrics ) Banning `` The Eyes of Love '' Quincy Jones ( music ) ; Bob Russell ( lyrics ) Casino Royale `` The Look of Love '' Burt Bacharach ( music ) ; Hal David ( lyrics ) The Jungle Book `` The Bare Necessities '' Terry Gilkyson ( music and lyrics ) Thoroughly Modern Millie `` Thoroughly Modern Millie '' Jimmy Van Heusen & Sammy Cahn ( music and lyrics ) 1968 ( 41st ) The Thomas Crown Affair `` The Windmills of Your Mind '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang `` Chitty Chitty Bang Bang '' Sherman Brothers ( music and lyrics ) For Love of Ivy `` For Love of Ivy '' Quincy Jones ( music ) ; Bob Russell ( lyrics ) Funny Girl `` Funny Girl '' Jule Styne ( music ) ; Bob Merrill ( lyrics ) Star ! `` Star ! '' Jimmy Van Heusen ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) 1969 ( 42nd ) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid `` Raindrops Keep Fallin ' on My Head '' Burt Bacharach ( music ) ; Hal David ( lyrics ) The Happy Ending `` What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life ? '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie `` Jean '' Rod McKuen ( music and lyrics ) The Sterile Cuckoo `` Come Saturday Morning '' Fred Karlin ( music ) ; Dory Previn ( lyrics ) True Grit `` True Grit '' Elmer Bernstein ( music ) ; Don Black ( lyrics ) 1970s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1970 ( 43rd ) Lovers and Other Strangers `` For All We Know '' Fred Karlin ( music ) ; Robb Royer & Jimmy Griffin ( music ) Darling Lili `` Whistling Away the Dark '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Madron `` Till Love Touches Your Life '' Riz Ortolani ( music ) ; Arthur Hamilton ( lyrics ) Pieces of Dreams `` Pieces of Dreams '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) Scrooge `` Thank You Very Much '' Leslie Bricusse ( music and lyrics ) 1971 ( 44th ) Shaft `` Theme from Shaft '' Isaac Hayes ( music and lyrics ) Bedknobs and Broomsticks `` The Age of Not Believing '' Sherman Brothers ( music and lyrics ) Bless the Beasts & Children `` Bless the Beasts & Children '' Barry De Vorzon & Perry Botkin Jr. ( music and lyrics ) Kotch `` Life Is What You Make It '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Johnny Mercer ( lyrics ) Sometimes a Great Notion `` All His Children '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) 1972 ( 45th ) The Poseidon Adventure `` The Morning After '' Al Kasha & Joel Hirschhorn ( music and lyrics ) Ben `` Ben '' Walter Scharf ( music ) ; Don Black ( lyrics ) The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean `` Marmalade , Molasses & Honey '' Maurice Jarre ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) The Little Ark `` Come Follow , Follow Me '' Fred Karlin ( music ) ; Marsha Karlin ( lyrics ) The Stepmother `` Strange Are the Ways of Love '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) 1973 ( 46th ) The Way We Were `` The Way We Were '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) Cinderella Liberty `` Nice to Be Around '' John Williams ( music ) ; Paul Williams ( lyrics ) Live and Let Die `` Live and Let Die '' Paul McCartney & Linda McCartney ( music and lyrics ) Robin Hood `` Love '' George Bruns ( music ) ; Floyd Huddleston ( lyrics ) A Touch of Class `` All That Love Went to Waste '' George Barrie ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) ( 47th ) The Towering Inferno `` We May Never Love Like This Again '' Al Kasha & Joel Hirschhorn ( music and lyrics ) Benji `` I Feel Love '' Euel Box ( music ) ; Betty Box ( lyrics ) Blazing Saddles `` Blazing Saddles '' John Morris ( music ) ; Mel Brooks ( lyrics ) Gold `` Wherever Love Takes Me '' Elmer Bernstein ( music ) ; Don Black ( lyrics ) The Little Prince `` Little Prince '' Frederick Lowe ( music ) ; Alan Jay Lerner ( lyrics ) ( 48th ) Nashville `` I 'm Easy '' Keith Carradine ( music and lyrics ) Funny Lady `` How Lucky Can You Get '' Fred Ebb & John Kander ( music and lyrics ) Mahogany `` Do You Know Where You 're Going To '' Michael Masser ( music ) ; Gerry Goffin ( lyrics ) The Other Side of the Mountain `` Richard 's Window '' Charles Fox ( music ) ; Norman Gimbel ( lyrics ) Whiffs `` Now That We 're in Love '' George Barrie ( music ) ; Sammy Cahn ( lyrics ) 1976 ( 49th ) A Star Is Born `` Evergreen '' Barbra Streisand ( music ) ; Paul Williams ( lyrics ) Half a House `` A World That Never Was '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Paul Francis Webster ( lyrics ) The Omen `` Ave Satani '' Jerry Goldsmith ( music and lyrics ) The Pink Panther Strikes Again `` Come to Me '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Don Black ( lyrics ) Rocky `` Gonna Fly Now '' Bill Conti ( music ) ; Carol Connors & Ayn Robbins ( lyrics ) 1977 ( 50th ) You Light Up My Life `` You Light Up My Life '' Joe Brooks ( music and lyrics ) Pete 's Dragon `` Candle on the Water '' Al Kasha & Joel Hirschhorn ( music and lyrics ) The Rescuers `` Someone 's Waiting for You '' Sammy Fain ( music ) ; Carol Connors & Ayn Robbins ( lyrics ) The Slipper and the Rose `` He / She Danced with Me '' Sherman Brothers ( music and lyrics ) The Spy Who Loved Me `` Nobody Does It Better '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Carole Bayer Sager ( lyrics ) 1978 ( 51st ) Thank God It 's Friday `` Last Dance '' Paul Jabara ( music and lyrics ) Foul Play `` Ready to Take a Chance Again '' Charles Fox ( music ) ; Norman Gimbel ( lyrics ) Grease `` Hopelessly Devoted to You '' John Farrar ( music and lyrics ) The Magic of Lassie `` When You 're Loved '' Sherman Brothers ( music and lyrics ) Same Time , Next Year `` The Last Time I Felt Like This '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) 1979 ( 52nd ) Norma Rae `` It Goes Like It Goes '' David Shire ( music ) ; Norman Gimbel ( lyrics ) Ice Castles `` Through the Eyes of Love '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Carole Bayer Sager ( lyrics ) The Muppet Movie `` The Rainbow Connection '' Paul Williams & Kenny Ascher ( music and lyrics ) The Promise `` I 'll Never Say ' Goodbye ' '' David Shire ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) 10 `` It 's Easy to Say '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Robert Wells ( lyrics ) 1980s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1980 ( 53rd ) Fame `` Fame '' Michael Gore ( music ) ; Dean Pitchford ( lyrics ) The Competition `` People Alone '' Lalo Schifrin ( music ) ; Will Jennings ( lyrics ) Fame `` Out Here on My Own '' M. Gore ( music ) ; Lesley Gore ( lyrics ) Honeysuckle Rose `` On the Road Again '' Willie Nelson ( music and lyrics ) Nine to Five `` 9 to 5 '' Dolly Parton ( music and lyrics ) 1981 ( 54th ) Arthur `` Best That You Can Do '' Burt Bacharach , Carole Bayer Sager , Christopher Cross & Peter Allen ( music and lyrics ) Endless Love `` Endless Love '' Lionel Richie ( music and lyrics ) For Your Eyes Only `` For Your Eyes Only '' Bill Conti ( music ) ; Mick Leeson ( lyrics ) The Great Muppet Caper `` The First Time It Happens '' Joe Raposo ( music and lyrics ) Ragtime `` One More Hour '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) 1982 ( 55th ) An Officer and a Gentleman `` Up Where We Belong '' Jack Nitzsche & Buffy Sainte - Marie ( music ) ; Will Jennings ( lyrics ) Best Friends `` How Do You Keep the Music Playing ? '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) Rocky III `` Eye of the Tiger '' Jim Peterik & Frankie Sullivan ( music and lyrics ) Tootsie `` It Might Be You '' Dave Grusin ( music ) ; A. & M. Bergman ( lyrics ) Yes , Giorgio `` If We Were in Love '' John Williams ( music ) ; A. & M. Bergman ( lyrics ) ( 56th ) Flashdance `` Flashdance ... What a Feeling '' Giorgio Moroder ( music ) ; Keith Forsey & Irene Cara ( lyrics ) Flashdance `` Maniac '' Michael Sembello & Dennis Matkosky ( music and lyrics ) Tender Mercies `` Over You '' Austin Roberts & Bobby Hart ( music and lyrics ) Yentl `` Papa , Can You Hear Me ? '' Michel Legrand ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) `` The Way He Makes Me Feel '' 1984 ( 57th ) The Woman in Red `` I Just Called to Say I Love You '' Stevie Wonder ( music and lyrics ) Against All Odds `` Against All Odds '' Phil Collins ( music and lyrics ) Footloose `` Footloose '' Kenny Loggins & Dean Pitchford ( music and lyrics ) `` Let 's Hear It for the Boy '' Tom Snow & Pitchford ( music and lyrics ) Ghostbusters `` Ghostbusters '' Ray Parker Jr. ( music and lyrics ) 1985 ( 58th ) White Nights `` Say You , Say Me '' Lionel Richie ( music and lyrics ) Back to the Future `` The Power of Love '' Chris Hayes & Johnny Colla ( music ) ; Huey Lewis ( lyrics ) A Chorus Line `` Surprise , Surprise '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Ed Kleban ( lyrics ) The Color Purple `` Sister '' Quincy Jones & Rod Temperton ( music ) ; Jones , Temperton & Richie ( lyrics ) White Nights `` Separate Lives '' Stephen Bishop ( music and lyrics ) 1986 ( 59th ) Top Gun `` Take My Breath Away '' Giorgio Moroder ( music ) ; Tom Whitlock ( lyrics ) An American Tail `` Somewhere Out There '' James Horner & Barry Mann ( music ) ; Cynthia Weil ( lyrics ) The Karate Kid Part II `` Glory of Love '' Peter Cetera & David Foster ( music ) ; Cetera & Diane Nini ( lyrics ) Little Shop of Horrors `` Mean Green Mother from Outer Space '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Howard Ashman ( lyrics ) That 's Life ! `` Life in a Looking Glass '' Henry Mancini ( music ) ; Leslie Bricusse ( lyrics ) ( 60th ) Dirty Dancing `` ( I 've Had ) The Time of My Life '' Franke Previte , John DeNicola & Donald Markowitz ( music ) ; Previte ( lyrics ) Beverly Hills Cop II `` Shakedown '' Harold Faltermeyer & Keith Forsey ( music ) ; Faltermeyer , Forsey & Bob Seger ( lyrics ) Cry Freedom `` Cry Freedom '' George Fenton & Jonas Gwangwa ( music and lyrics ) Mannequin `` Nothing 's Gonna Stop Us Now '' Albert Hammond & Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) The Princess Bride `` Storybook Love '' Willy DeVille ( music and lyrics ) 1988 ( 61st ) Working Girl `` Let the River Run '' Carly Simon ( music and lyrics ) Bagdad Café `` Calling You '' Bob Telson ( music and lyrics ) Buster `` Two Hearts '' Lamont Dozier ( music ) ; Phil Collins ( lyrics ) 1989 ( 62nd ) The Little Mermaid `` Under the Sea '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Howard Ashman ( lyrics ) Chances Are `` After All '' Tom Snow ( music ) ; Dean Pitchford ( lyrics ) The Little Mermaid `` Kiss the Girl '' Menken ( music ) ; Ashman ( lyrics ) Parenthood `` I Love to See You Smile '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) Shirley Valentine `` The Girl Who Used to Be Me '' Marvin Hamlisch ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) 1990s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 1990 ( 63rd ) Dick Tracy `` Sooner or Later '' Stephen Sondheim ( music and lyrics ) The Godfather Part III `` Promise Me You 'll Remember '' Carmine Coppola ( music ) ; John Bettis ( lyrics ) Home Alone `` Somewhere in My Memory '' John Williams ( music ) ; Leslie Bricusse ( lyrics ) Postcards from the Edge `` I 'm Checkin ' Out '' Shel Silverstein ( music and lyrics ) Young Guns II `` Blaze of Glory '' Jon Bon Jovi ( music and lyrics ) 1991 ( 64th ) Beauty and the Beast `` Beauty and the Beast '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Howard Ashman ( posthumously ) ( lyrics ) Beauty and the Beast `` Be Our Guest '' Menken ( music ) ; Ashman ( posthumously ) ( lyrics ) `` Belle '' Hook `` When You 're Alone '' John Williams ( music ) ; Leslie Bricusse ( lyrics ) Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves `` ( Everything I Do ) I Do It for You '' Michael Kamen ( music ) ; Bryan Adams & Mutt Lange ( lyrics ) 1992 ( 65th ) Aladdin `` A Whole New World '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Tim Rice ( lyrics ) Aladdin `` Friend Like Me '' Menken ( music ) ; Howard Ashman ( posthumously ) ( lyrics ) The Bodyguard `` I Have Nothing '' David Foster ( music ) ; Linda Thompson ( lyrics ) `` Run to You '' Jud Friedman ( music ) ; Allan Rich ( lyrics ) The Mambo Kings `` Beautiful Maria of My Soul '' Robert Kraft ( music ) ; Arne Glimcher ( lyrics ) 1993 ( 66th ) Philadelphia `` Streets of Philadelphia '' Bruce Springsteen ( music and lyrics ) Beethoven 's 2nd `` The Day I Fall in Love '' Carole Bayer Sager , James Ingram & Clif Magness ( music and lyrics ) Philadelphia `` Philadelphia '' Neil Young ( music and lyrics ) Poetic Justice `` Again '' Janet Jackson , Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis ( music and lyrics ) Sleepless in Seattle `` A Wink and a Smile '' Marc Shaiman ( music ) ; Ramsey McLean ( lyrics ) 1994 ( 67th ) The Lion King `` Can You Feel the Love Tonight '' Elton John ( music ) ; Tim Rice ( lyrics ) Junior `` Look What Love Has Done '' Carole Bayer Sager , James Newton Howard , James Ingram & Patty Smyth ( music and lyrics ) The Lion King `` Circle of Life '' John ( music ) ; Rice ( lyrics ) `` Hakuna Matata '' The Paper `` Make Up Your Mind '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) 1995 ( 68th ) Pocahontas `` Colors of the Wind '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Stephen Schwartz ( lyrics ) Dead Man Walking `` Dead Man Walkin ' '' Bruce Springsteen ( music and lyrics ) Don Juan DeMarco `` Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman ? '' Michael Kamen , Bryan Adams & Mutt Lange ( music and lyrics ) Sabrina `` Moonlight '' John Williams ( music ) ; Alan & Marilyn Bergman ( lyrics ) Toy Story `` You 've Got a Friend in Me '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) ( 69th ) Evita `` You Must Love Me '' Andrew Lloyd Webber ( music ) ; Tim Rice ( lyrics ) The Mirror Has Two Faces `` I Finally Found Someone '' Barbra Streisand , Marvin Hamlisch , Bryan Adams & Mutt Lange ( music and lyrics ) One Fine Day `` For the First Time '' James Newton Howard , Jud J. Friedman & Allan Dennis Rich ( music and lyrics ) That Thing You Do ! `` That Thing You Do ! '' Adam Schlesinger ( music and lyrics ) Up Close and Personal `` Because You Loved Me '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) 1997 ( 70th ) Titanic `` My Heart Will Go On '' James Horner ( music ) ; Will Jennings ( lyrics ) Anastasia `` Journey to the Past '' Stephen Flaherty ( music ) ; Lynn Ahrens ( lyrics ) Con Air `` How Do I Live '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) Good Will Hunting `` Miss Misery '' Elliott Smith ( music and lyrics ) Hercules `` Go the Distance '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; David Zippel ( lyrics ) 1998 ( 71st ) The Prince of Egypt `` When You Believe '' Stephen Schwartz ( music and lyrics ) Armageddon `` I Do n't Want to Miss a Thing '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) Babe : Pig in the City `` That 'll Do '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) The Horse Whisperer `` A Soft Place to Fall '' Allison Moorer & Gwil Owen ( music and lyrics ) Quest for Camelot `` The Prayer '' Carole Bayer Sager & David Foster ( music ) ; Sager , Foster , Tony Renis & Alberto Testa ( lyrics ) 1999 ( 72nd ) Tarzan `` You 'll Be in My Heart '' Phil Collins ( music and lyrics ) Magnolia `` Save Me '' Aimee Mann ( music and lyrics ) Music of the Heart `` Music of My Heart '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) South Park : Bigger , Longer & Uncut `` Blame Canada '' Trey Parker & Marc Shaiman ( music and lyrics ) Toy Story 2 `` When She Loved Me '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) 2000s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees 2000 ( 73rd ) Wonder Boys `` Things Have Changed '' Bob Dylan ( music and lyrics ) Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon `` A Love Before Time '' Jorge Calandrelli & Tan Dun ( music ) ; James Schamus ( lyrics ) Dancer in the Dark `` I 've Seen It All '' Björk ( music ) ; Lars von Trier & Sjón ( lyrics ) The Emperor 's New Groove `` My Funny Friend and Me '' Sting & David Hartley ( music ) ; Sting ( lyrics ) Meet the Parents `` A Fool in Love '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) 2001 ( 74th ) Monsters , Inc . `` If I Did n't Have You '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) Kate & Leopold `` Until '' Sting ( music and lyrics ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring `` May It Be '' Enya , Nicky & Roma Ryan ( music and lyrics ) Pearl Harbor `` There You 'll Be '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) Vanilla Sky `` Vanilla Sky '' Paul McCartney ( music and lyrics ) 2002 ( 75th ) 8 Mile `` Lose Yourself '' Eminem , Jeff Bass & Luis Resto ( music ) ; Eminem ( lyrics ) Chicago `` I Move On '' John Kander ( music ) ; Fred Ebb ( lyrics ) Frida `` Burn It Blue '' Elliot Goldenthal ( music ) ; Julie Taymor ( lyrics ) Gangs of New York `` The Hands That Built America '' U2 ( music and lyrics ) The Wild Thornberrys Movie `` Father and Daughter '' Paul Simon ( music and lyrics ) 2003 ( 76th ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King `` Into the West '' Fran Walsh , Howard Shore & Annie Lennox ( music and lyrics ) Cold Mountain `` Scarlet Tide '' T Bone Burnett & Elvis Costello ( music and lyrics ) `` You Will Be My Ain True Love '' Sting ( music and lyrics ) A Mighty Wind `` A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow '' Michael McKean & Annette O'Toole ( music and lyrics ) The Triplets of Belleville `` Belleville Rendez - vous '' Benoît Charest ( music ) ; Sylvain Chomet ( lyrics ) ( 77th ) The Motorcycle Diaries `` Al otro lado del río '' Jorge Drexler ( music and lyrics ) The Chorus `` Look to Your Path '' Bruno Coulais ( music ) ; Christophe Barratier ( lyrics ) The Phantom of the Opera `` Learn to Be Lonely '' Andrew Lloyd Webber ( music ) ; Charles Hart ( lyrics ) The Polar Express `` Believe '' Glen Ballard & Alan Silvestri ( music and lyrics ) Shrek 2 `` Accidentally in Love '' Counting Crows ( music ) ; Adam Duritz & Daniel Vickrey ( lyrics ) 2005 ( 78th ) Hustle & Flow `` It 's Hard out Here for a Pimp '' Juicy J , Frayser Boy & DJ Paul ( music and lyrics ) Crash `` In the Deep '' Bird York & Michael Becker ( music ) ; York ( lyrics ) Transamerica `` Travelin ' Thru '' Dolly Parton ( music and lyrics ) 2006 ( 79th ) An Inconvenient Truth `` I Need to Wake Up '' Melissa Etheridge ( music and lyrics ) Cars `` Our Town '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) Dreamgirls `` Listen '' Scott Cutler & Henry Krieger ( music ) ; Anne Preven ( lyrics ) `` Love You I Do '' Krieger ( music ) ; Siedah Garrett ( lyrics ) `` Patience '' Krieger ( music ) ; Willie Reale ( lyrics ) 2007 ( 80th ) Once `` Falling Slowly '' Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová ( music and lyrics ) August Rush `` Raise It Up '' Jamal Joseph , Charles Mack & Tevin Thomas ( music and lyrics ) Enchanted `` Happy Working Song '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Stephen Schwartz ( lyrics ) `` So Close '' `` That 's How You Know '' 2008 ( 81st ) Slumdog Millionaire `` Jai Ho '' A.R. Rahman ( music ) ; Gulzar ( lyrics ) Slumdog Millionaire `` O ... Saya '' Rahman & M.I.A. ( music and lyrics ) WALL - E `` Down to Earth '' Peter Gabriel & Thomas Newman ( music ) ; Gabriel ( lyrics ) 2009 ( 82nd ) Crazy Heart `` The Weary Kind '' Ryan Bingham & T Bone Burnett ( music and lyrics ) Nine `` Take It All '' Maury Yeston ( music and lyrics ) Paris 36 `` Loin De Paname '' Reinhardt Wagner ( music ) ; Frank Thomas ( lyrics ) The Princess and the Frog `` Almost There '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) `` Down in New Orleans '' 2010s ( edit ) Year Film Song Nominees ( 83rd ) Toy Story 3 `` We Belong Together '' Randy Newman ( music and lyrics ) Country Strong `` Coming Home '' Tom Douglas , Troy Verges & Hillary Lindsey ( music and lyrics ) 127 Hours `` If I Rise '' A.R. Rahman ( music ) ; Dido & Rollo Armstrong ( lyrics ) Tangled `` I See the Light '' Alan Menken ( music ) ; Glenn Slater ( lyrics ) 2011 ( 84th ) The Muppets `` Man or Muppet '' Bret McKenzie ( music and lyrics ) Rio `` Real in Rio '' Sérgio Mendes & Carlinhos Brown ( music ) ; Siedah Garrett ( lyrics ) 2012 ( 85th ) Skyfall `` Skyfall '' Adele & Paul Epworth ( music and lyrics ) Chasing Ice `` Before My Time '' J. Ralph ( music and lyrics ) Les Misérables `` Suddenly '' Claude - Michel Schönberg ( music ) ; Herbert Kretzmer & Alain Boublil ( lyrics ) Life of Pi `` Pi 's Lullaby '' Mychael Danna ( music ) ; Bombay Jayashri ( lyrics ) Ted `` Everybody Needs a Best Friend '' Walter Murphy ( music ) ; Seth MacFarlane ( lyrics ) 2013 ( 86th ) Frozen `` Let It Go '' Kristen Anderson - Lopez & Robert Lopez ( music and lyrics ) Despicable Me 2 `` Happy '' Pharrell Williams ( music and lyrics ) Her `` The Moon Song '' Karen O ( music ) ; O & Spike Jonze ( lyrics ) Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom `` Ordinary Love '' U2 ( music ) ; Bono ( lyrics ) 2014 ( 87th ) Selma `` Glory '' John Legend & Common ( music and lyrics ) Begin Again `` Lost Stars '' Gregg Alexander & Danielle Brisebois ( music and lyrics ) Beyond the Lights `` Grateful '' Diane Warren ( music and lyrics ) Glen Campbell : I 'll Be Me `` I 'm Not Gonna Miss You '' Glen Campbell & Julian Raymond ( music and lyrics ) The Lego Movie `` Everything Is Awesome '' Shawn Patterson ( music and lyrics ) 2015 ( 88th ) Spectre `` Writing 's on the Wall '' Jimmy Napes & Sam Smith ( music and lyrics ) Fifty Shades of Grey `` Earned It '' The Weeknd , Belly , DaHeala & Stephan Moccio ( music and lyrics ) The Hunting Ground `` Til It Happens to You '' Diane Warren & Lady Gaga ( music and lyrics ) Racing Extinction `` Manta Ray '' J. Ralph ( music ) ; Anohni ( lyrics ) Youth `` Simple Song # 3 '' David Lang ( music and lyrics ) 2016 ( 89th ) La La Land `` City of Stars '' Justin Hurwitz ( music ) ; Pasek & Paul ( lyrics ) Jim : The James Foley Story `` The Empty Chair '' J. Ralph & Sting ( music and lyrics ) La La Land `` Audition '' Hurwitz ( music ) ; Pasek & Paul ( lyrics ) Moana `` How Far I 'll Go '' Lin - Manuel Miranda ( music and lyrics ) Trolls `` Ca n't Stop the Feeling ! '' Justin Timberlake , Max Martin & Shellback ( music and lyrics ) 2017 ( 90th ) Coco `` Remember Me '' Kristen Anderson - Lopez & Robert Lopez ( music and lyrics ) Call Me by Your Name `` Mystery of Love '' Sufjan Stevens ( music and lyrics ) The Greatest Showman `` This Is Me '' Pasek & Paul ( music and lyrics ) Marshall `` Stand Up for Something '' Diane Warren ( music ) ; Common & Warren ( lyrics ) Mudbound `` Mighty River '' Mary J. Blige , Raphael Saadiq & Taura Stinson ( music and lyrics ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The nominations list and awards dinner program from 1942 list `` Pig Foot Pete '' as a nomination for Hellzapoppin ' , released in Los Angeles in 1942 . The song does not appear in the film , but rather in Keep ' Em Flying , a 1941 release from the same production company and studio . The song would have been ineligible for nomination . Jump up ^ In 1943 , `` That Old Black Magic '' was nominated under the title `` Black Magic '' as it was submitted by Paramount Pictures ' Music Department . Academy records have since been revised to reflect the more common title . Jump up ^ In 2013 , a nomination for `` Alone Yet Not Alone '' from the film of the same name , with music by Bruce Broughton and lyrics by Dennis Spiegel , was revoked prior to voting . The Academy concluded that Broughton 's campaigning via personal communication with music branch members was inconsistent with promotional regulations . Records ( edit ) Winners of multiple awards ( edit ) Number of nominations in parentheses 4 : Sammy Cahn ( 26 ) ( twenty - five as lyricist , one as composer and lyricist ) 4 : Johnny Mercer ( 18 ) ( sixteen as lyricist , two as composer and lyricist ) 4 : Alan Menken ( 14 ) ( composer ) 4 : Jimmy Van Heusen ( 14 ) ( composer ) 3 : Paul Francis Webster ( 16 ) ( lyricist ) 3 : Harry Warren ( 11 ) ( composer ) 3 : Ray Evans ( 7 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 3 : Jay Livingston ( 7 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 3 : Tim Rice ( 5 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Alan and Marilyn Bergman ( 15 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Randy Newman ( 12 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 2 : Henry Mancini ( 11 ) ( composer ) 2 : Ned Washington ( 11 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Sammy Fain ( 10 ) ( composer ) 2 : Howard Ashman ( 7 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Jerome Kern ( 7 ) ( composer ) 2 : Burt Bacharach ( 5 ) ( composer ) 2 : Oscar Hammerstein II ( 5 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Stephen Schwartz ( 5 ) ( four as lyricist , one as composer and lyricist ) 2 : Joel Hirschhorn ( 3 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 2 : Will Jennings ( 3 ) ( lyricist ) 2 : Al Kasha ( 3 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 2 : Kristen Anderson - Lopez ( 2 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 2 : Robert Lopez ( 2 ) ( composer and lyricist ) 2 : Giorgio Moroder ( 2 ) ( composer ) Most number of songs nominated by studio ( edit ) Paramount Pictures Twentieth Century Fox Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Pictures Disney ( 14 songs ) Foreign - language song winners ( edit ) Manos Hatzidakis was the first to receive this award for a song originally written in a language other than English , in 1960 for `` Never on Sunday '' ( Greek title `` Ta Paidia toy Peiraia '' ) from the Greek film Never on Sunday ( Greek title Pote tin Kyriaki ) . Jorge Drexler was the second foreign language songwriter to win the Best Original Song Oscar , for `` Al otro lado del río '' from The Motorcycle Diaries in 2004 . That year another foreign language writing pair were nominated , composer Bruno Coulais and lyricist Christophe Barratier for `` Look to Your Path '' from the French film The Chorus . A.R. Rahman and Gulzar are the third and fourth foreign language composer and songwriter respectively to win in the Best Original Song category , which they shared for the Hindi song `` Jai Ho '' from Slumdog Millionaire , at the 81st Academy Awards in 2009 . That same year , `` O ... Saya '' , another partly Hindi song from the same film by Rahman and M.I.A. , was also nominated , making it the first time two foreign language songs from the same film were nominated in the category . See also ( edit ) Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Song Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media References ( edit ) Jump up ^ 2011 Academy Awards rules ( PDF ) Archived 2012 - 03 - 05 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Susan Sacket , `` 1941 : ' The Last Time I Saw Paris ' '' , Hollywood Sings ! , Billboard Books , New York , 1995 , pp. 42 -- 43 . ^ Jump up to : Rule Fifteen : Special Rules for the Music Awards Rules for the 86th Academy Awards Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Archived October 25 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` '' Once '' Again , a Legit Nominee `` . The New York Times . 2008 - 01 - 29 . Jump up ^ Sacket , `` Preface '' , p. xvii . Jump up ^ BBC2012Noms . `` Oscars 2012 : Nominees in full '' . BBC News . BBC . Retrieved 24 January 2012 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Academy press release Jump up ^ Bronson , Fred ( 2003 ) . The Billboard Book of Number 1 Hits ( 5th ed . ) . New York : Billboard Books . p. 586 . ISBN 0 - 8230 - 7677 - 6 . Retrieved 2009 - 02 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Oscar Show Participants Revealed '' ( Press release ) . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . 2008 - 02 - 14 . Archived from the original on 18 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 15 . Jump up ^ UPI.com ( 2009 - 02 - 14 ) . `` Gabriel cancels Oscar night performance '' . United Press International Inc . Archived from the original on 15 February 2009 . Retrieved 2009 - 02 - 22 . Jump up ^ Oscar nominee Brett McKenzie in Billboard Magazine Jump up ^ `` Why Best Song nominee Anohni is sitting out the Oscars '' . www.cbsnews.com . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` The 7th Academy Awards - 1935 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 8th Academy Awards - 1936 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 9th Academy Awards - 1937 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 10th Academy Awards - 1938 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 11th Academy Awards - 1939 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 12th Academy Awards - 1940 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 13th Academy Awards - 1941 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 14th Academy Awards - 1942 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 15th Academy Awards - 1943 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 16th Academy Awards - 1944 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 17th Academy Awards - 1945 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 18th Academy Awards - 1946 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 19th Academy Awards - 1947 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 20th Academy Awards - 1948 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 21st Academy Awards - 1949 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 22nd Academy Awards - 1950 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 23rd Academy Awards - 1951 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 24th Academy Awards - 1952 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 25th Academy Awards - 1953 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 26th Academy Awards - 1954 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 27th Academy Awards - 1955 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 28th Academy Awards - 1956 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 29th Academy Awards - 1957 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 30th Academy Awards - 1958 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 31st Academy Awards - 1959 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 32nd Academy Awards - 1960 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 33rd Academy Awards - 1961 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 34th Academy Awards - 1962 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 35th Academy Awards - 1963 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 36th Academy Awards - 1964 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 37th Academy Awards - 1965 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 38th Academy Awards - 1966 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 39th Academy Awards - 1967 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 40th Academy Awards - 1968 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 41st Academy Awards - 1969 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 42nd Academy Awards - 1970 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 43rd Academy Awards - 1971 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 44th Academy Awards - 1972 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 45th Academy Awards - 1973 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 46th Academy Awards - 1974 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 47th Academy Awards - 1975 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 48th Academy Awards - 1976 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 49th Academy Awards - 1977 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 50th Academy Awards - 1978 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 51st Academy Awards - 1979 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 52nd Academy Awards - 1980 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 53rd Academy Awards - 1981 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 54th Academy Awards - 1982 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 55th Academy Awards - 1983 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 56th Academy Awards - 1984 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 57th Academy Awards - 1985 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 58th Academy Awards - 1986 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 59th Academy Awards - 1987 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 60th Academy Awards - 1988 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 61st Academy Awards - 1989 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 62nd Academy Awards - 1990 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 63rd Academy Awards - 1991 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 64th Academy Awards - 1992 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 65th Academy Awards - 1993 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 66th Academy Awards - 1994 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 67th Academy Awards - 1995 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 68th Academy Awards - 1996 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 69th Academy Awards - 1997 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 70th Academy Awards - 1998 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 71st Academy Awards - 1999 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 72nd Academy Awards - 2000 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 73rd Academy Awards - 2001 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 74th Academy Awards - 2002 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 75th Academy Awards - 2003 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 76th Academy Awards - 2004 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 77th Academy Awards - 2005 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 78th Academy Awards - 2006 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 79th Academy Awards - 2007 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 80th Academy Awards - 2008 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 81st Academy Awards - 2009 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 82nd Academy Awards - 2010 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 83rd Academy Awards - 2011 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 84th Academy Awards - 2012 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 85th Academy Awards - 2013 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Feinberg , Scott ( January 29 , 2014 ) , `` Academy Disqualifies Oscar - Nominated Song ' Alone Yet Not Alone ' '' , The Hollywood Reporter Jump up ^ `` The 86th Academy Awards - 2014 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 88th Academy Awards - 2016 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 89th Academy Awards - 2017 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The 90th Academy Awards - 2018 '' . Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Retrieved January 22 , 2018 . Academy Awards Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ( AMPAS ) Records Most wins per ceremony Oscar season Governors Awards Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Pre-show Awards of Merit Best Picture Director Actor Actress Supporting Actor Supporting Actress Adapted Screenplay Original Screenplay Animated Feature Documentary Feature Foreign Language Film Animated Short Film Documentary Short Subject Live Action Short Film Cinematography Costume Design Film Editing Makeup and Hairstyling Original Score Original Song Production Design Sound Editing Sound Mixing Visual Effects Special awards Governors Awards Academy Honorary Award Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award Special Achievement Academy Award Academy Scientific and Technical Awards Academy Award of Merit ( non-competitive ) Scientific and Engineering Award Technical Achievement Award John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation Gordon E. Sawyer Award Student Awards Student Academy Award Former awards Merit Awards Assistant Director Dance Direction Story Special Awards Academy Juvenile Award Ceremonies ‡ ( List Book ) 1927 / 28 1928 / 29 1929 / 30 1930 / 31 1931 / 32 1932 / 33 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Footnote ‡ Dates and years listed for each ceremony were the eligibility period of film release in Los Angeles County . For the first five ceremonies , the eligibility period was done on a seasonal basis , from August to July . For the 6th ceremony , held in 1934 , the eligibility period lasted from August 1 , 1932 to December 31 , 1933 . Since the 7th ceremony held in 1935 , the period of eligibility became the full previous calendar year from January 1 to December 31 . Book Portal Academy Award for Best Original Song 1934 -- 1940 `` The Continental '' Music : Con Conrad Lyrics : Herb Magidson ( 1934 ) `` Lullaby of Broadway '' Music : Harry Warren Lyrics : Al Dubin ( 1935 ) `` The Way You Look Tonight '' Music : Jerome Kern Lyrics : Dorothy Fields ( 1936 ) `` Sweet Leilani '' Music and lyrics : Harry Owens ( 1937 ) `` Thanks for the Memory '' Music : Ralph Rainger Lyrics : Leo Robin ( 1938 ) `` Over the Rainbow '' Music : Harold Arlen Lyrics : E.Y. Harburg ( 1939 ) `` When You Wish upon a Star '' Music : Leigh Harline Lyrics : Ned Washington ( 1940 ) 1941 -- 1950 `` The Last Time I Saw Paris '' Music : Jerome Kern Lyrics : Oscar Hammerstein II ( 1941 ) `` White Christmas '' Music and lyrics : Irving Berlin ( 1942 ) `` You 'll Never Know '' Music : Harry Warren Lyrics : Mack Gordon ( 1943 ) `` Swinging on a Star '' Music : Jimmy Van Heusen Lyrics : Johnny Burke ( 1944 ) `` It Might as Well Be Spring '' Music : Richard Rodgers Lyrics : Oscar Hammerstein II ( 1945 ) `` On the Atchison , Topeka and the Santa Fe '' Music : Harry Warren Lyrics : Johnny Mercer ( 1946 ) `` Zip - a-Dee - Doo - Dah '' Music : Allie Wrubel Lyrics : Ray Gilbert ( 1947 ) `` Buttons and Bows '' Music : Jay Livingston Lyrics : Ray Evans ( 1948 ) `` Baby , It 's Cold Outside '' Music and lyrics : Frank Loesser ( 1949 ) `` Mona Lisa '' Music and lyrics : Ray Evans and Jay Livingston ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1960 `` In the Cool , Cool , Cool of the Evening '' Music : Hoagy Carmichael Lyrics : Johnny Mercer ( 1951 ) `` High Noon ( Do Not Forsake Me , Oh My Darlin ' ) '' Music : Dimitri Tiomkin Lyrics : Ned Washington ( 1952 ) `` Secret Love '' Music : Sammy Fain Lyrics : Paul Francis Webster ( 1953 ) `` Three Coins in the Fountain '' Music : Jule Styne Lyrics : Sammy Cahn ( 1954 ) `` Love Is a Many Splendored Thing '' Music : Sammy Fain Lyrics : Paul Francis Webster ( 1955 ) `` Que Sera , Sera ( Whatever Will Be , Will Be ) '' Music and lyrics : Jay Livingston and Ray Evans ( 1956 ) `` All the Way '' Music : Jimmy Van Heusen Lyrics : Sammy Cahn ( 1957 ) `` Gigi '' Music : Frederick Loewe Lyrics : Alan Jay Lerner ( 1958 ) `` High Hopes '' Music : Jimmy Van Heusen Lyrics : Sammy Cahn ( 1959 ) `` Never on Sunday '' Music and lyrics : Manos Hatzidakis ( 1960 ) 1961 -- 1970 `` Moon River '' Music : Henry Mancini Lyrics : Johnny Mercer ( 1961 ) `` Days of Wine and Roses '' Music : Henry Mancini Lyrics : Johnny Mercer ( 1962 ) `` Call Me Irresponsible '' Music : Jimmy Van Heusen Lyrics : Sammy Cahn ( 1963 ) `` Chim Chim Cher - ee '' Music and lyrics : Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman ( 1964 ) `` The Shadow of Your Smile '' Music : Johnny Mandel Lyrics : Paul Francis Webster ( 1965 ) `` Born Free '' Music : John Barry Lyrics : Don Black ( 1966 ) `` Talk to the Animals '' Music and lyrics : Leslie Bricusse ( 1967 ) `` The Windmills of Your Mind '' Music : Michel Legrand Lyrics : Alan and Marilyn Bergman ( 1968 ) `` Raindrops Keep Fallin ' on My Head '' Music : Burt Bacharach Lyrics : Hal David ( 1969 ) `` For All We Know '' Music : Fred Karlin Lyrics : Robb Royer and Jimmy Griffin ( 1970 ) 1971 -- 1980 `` Theme from Shaft '' Music and lyrics : Isaac Hayes ( 1971 ) `` The Morning After '' Music and lyrics : Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn ( 1972 ) `` The Way We Were '' Music : Marvin Hamlisch Lyrics : Alan and Marilyn Bergman ( 1973 ) `` We May Never Love Like This Again '' Music and lyrics : Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn ( 1974 ) `` I 'm Easy '' Music and lyrics : Keith Carradine ( 1975 ) `` Evergreen ( Love Theme from A Star Is Born ) '' Music : Barbra Streisand Lyrics : Paul Williams ( 1976 ) `` You Light Up My Life '' Music and lyrics : Joseph Brooks ( 1977 ) `` Last Dance '' Music and lyrics : Paul Jabara ( 1978 ) `` It Goes Like It Goes '' Music : David Shire Lyrics : Norman Gimbel ( 1979 ) `` Fame '' Music : Michael Gore Lyrics : Dean Pitchford ( 1980 ) 1981 -- 1990 `` Arthur 's Theme ( Best That You Can Do ) '' Music and lyrics : Burt Bacharach , Carole Bayer Sager , Christopher Cross and Peter Allen ( 1981 ) `` Up Where We Belong '' Music : Jack Nitzsche and Buffy Sainte - Marie Lyrics : Will Jennings ( 1982 ) `` Flashdance ... What a Feeling '' Music : Giorgio Moroder Lyrics : Keith Forsey and Irene Cara ( 1983 ) `` I Just Called to Say I Love You '' Music and lyrics : Stevie Wonder ( 1984 ) `` Say You , Say Me '' Music and lyrics : Lionel Richie ( 1985 ) `` Take My Breath Away '' Music : Giorgio Moroder Lyrics : Tom Whitlock ( 1986 ) `` ( I 've Had ) The Time of My Life '' Music : Franke Previte , John DeNicola and Donald Markowitz Lyrics : Franke Previte ( 1987 ) `` Let the River Run '' Music and lyrics : Carly Simon ( 1988 ) `` Under the Sea '' Music : Alan Menken Lyrics : Howard Ashman ( 1989 ) `` Sooner or Later ( I Always Get My Man ) '' Music and lyrics : Stephen Sondheim ( 1990 ) 1991 -- 2000 `` Beauty and the Beast '' Music : Alan Menken Lyrics : Howard Ashman ( 1991 ) `` A Whole New World '' Music : Alan Menken Lyrics : Tim Rice ( 1992 ) `` Streets of Philadelphia '' Music and lyrics : Bruce Springsteen ( 1993 ) `` Can You Feel the Love Tonight '' Music : Elton John Lyrics : Tim Rice ( 1994 ) `` Colors of the Wind '' Music : Alan Menken Lyrics : Stephen Schwartz ( 1995 ) `` You Must Love Me '' Music : Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics : Tim Rice ( 1996 ) `` My Heart Will Go On '' Music : James Horner Lyrics : Will Jennings ( 1997 ) `` When You Believe '' Music and lyrics : Stephen Schwartz ( 1998 ) `` You 'll Be in My Heart '' Music and lyrics : Phil Collins ( 1999 ) `` Things Have Changed '' Music and lyrics : Bob Dylan ( 2000 ) 2001 -- 2010 `` If I Did n't Have You '' Music and lyrics : Randy Newman ( 2001 ) `` Lose Yourself '' Music : Eminem , Jeff Bass and Luis Resto Lyrics : Eminem ( 2002 ) `` Into the West '' Music and lyrics : Fran Walsh , Howard Shore and Annie Lennox ( 2003 ) `` Al otro lado del río '' Music and lyrics : Jorge Drexler ( 2004 ) `` It 's Hard out Here for a Pimp '' Music and lyrics : Juicy J , Frayser Boy and DJ Paul ( 2005 ) `` I Need to Wake Up '' Music and lyrics : Melissa Etheridge ( 2006 ) `` Falling Slowly '' Music and lyrics : Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová ( 2007 ) `` Jai Ho '' Music : A.R. Rahman Lyrics : Gulzar ( 2008 ) `` The Weary Kind '' Music and lyrics : Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett ( 2009 ) `` We Belong Together '' Music and lyrics : Randy Newman ( 2010 ) 2011 -- present `` Man or Muppet '' Music and lyrics : Bret McKenzie ( 2011 ) `` Skyfall '' Music and lyrics : Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth ( 2012 ) `` Let It Go '' Music and lyrics : Kristen Anderson - Lopez and Robert Lopez ( 2013 ) `` Glory '' Music and lyrics : John Stephens and Lonnie Lynn ( 2014 ) `` Writing 's on the Wall '' Music and lyrics : James Napier and Sam Smith ( 2015 ) `` City of Stars '' Music : Justin Hurwitz Lyrics : Benj Pasek and Justin Paul ( 2016 ) `` Remember Me '' Music and lyrics : Kristen Anderson - Lopez and Robert Lopez ( 2017 ) Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Academy_Award_for_Best_Original_Song&oldid=834044774 '' Categories : Academy Awards Film awards for Best Song Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2012 Talk More Contents About Wikipedia Bosanski Català Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Latviešu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 28 more Edit links This page was last edited on 3 April 2018 , at 17 : 14 . 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who wrote 1 and 2 chronicles in the bible
Books of Chronicles
books of chronicles
In the Christian Bible , the two Books of Chronicles ( commonly referred to as 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles , or First Chronicles and Second Chronicles ) generally follow the two Books of Kings and precede Ezra -- Nehemiah , thus concluding the history - oriented books of the Old Testament , often referred to as the Deuteronomistic history .
In the Hebrew Bible , Chronicles is a single book , called Diḇrê Hayyāmîm ( Hebrew : דִּבְרֵי ־ הַיָּמִים ‬ , `` The Matters ( of ) the Days '' ) , and is the final book of Ketuvim , the third and last part of the Tanakh . Chronicles was divided into two books in the Septuagint and called I and II Paralipoménōn ( Greek : Παραλειπομένων , `` things left on one side '' ) . The English name comes from the Latin name chronikon , which was given to the text by scholar Jerome in the 5th century . Chronicles present the biblical narrative from the first human being , Adam , through the history of ancient Judah and Israel until the proclamation of King Cyrus the Great ( c. 540 BC ) . Contents 1 Summary 2 Structure 3 Composition 3.1 Origins 3.2 Sources 3.3 Genre 4 Themes 5 See also 6 Notes 7 Bibliography 8 External links Summary ( edit ) The Chronicles narrative begins with Adam and the story is then carried forward , almost entirely by genealogical lists , down to the founding of the first Kingdom of Israel ( 1 Chronicles 1 -- 9 ) . The bulk of the remainder of 1 Chronicles , after a brief account of Saul , is concerned with the reign of David ( 1 Chronicles 11 -- 29 ) . The next long section concerns David 's son Solomon ( 2 Chronicles 1 -- 9 ) , and the final part is concerned with the Kingdom of Judah with occasional references to the second kingdom of Israel ( 2 Chronicles 10 -- 36 ) . In the last chapter Judah is destroyed and the people taken into exile in Babylon , and in the final verses the Persian king Cyrus the Great conquers the Neo-Babylonian Empire , and authorises the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem , and the return of the exiles . Structure ( edit ) Originally a single work , Chronicles was divided into two in the Septuagint , a Greek translation produced in the 3rd and 2nd centuries Before Christ . It has three broad divisions : ( 1 ) the genealogies in chapters 1 -- 9 of 1 Chronicles ; ( 2 ) the reigns of David and Solomon , taking up the remainder of 1 Chronicles and chapters 1 -- 9 of 2 Chronicles ; and ( 3 ) the story of the divided kingdom , the remainder of 2 Chronicles . Within this broad structure there are signs that the author has used various other devices to structure his work , notably the drawing of parallels between David and Solomon ( the first becomes king , establishes the worship of Israel 's God in Jerusalem , and fights the wars that will enable the Temple to be built , then Solomon becomes king , builds and dedicates the Temple , and reaps the benefits of prosperity and peace ) . Composition ( edit ) Origins ( edit ) The last events in Chronicles take place in the reign of Cyrus the Great , the Persian king who conquered Babylon in 539 BC ; this sets an earliest possible date for the book . It was probably composed between 400 -- 250 BC , with the period 350 -- 300 BC the most likely . The latest person mentioned in Chronicles is Anani , an eighth - generation descendant of King Jehoiachin according to the Masoretic Text . Anani 's birth would likely have been sometime between 425 and 400 BC . The Septuagint gives an additional five generations in the genealogy of Anani . For those scholars who side with the Septuagint 's reading , Anani 's likely date of birth is a century later . Chronicles appears to be largely the work of a single individual , with some later additions and editing . The writer was probably male , probably a Levite ( temple priest ) , and probably from Jerusalem . He was well read , a skilled editor , and a sophisticated theologian . His intention was to use Israel 's past to convey religious messages to his peers , the literary and political elite of Jerusalem in the time of the Achaemenid Empire . Jewish and Christian tradition identified this author as the 5th century BC figure Ezra , who gives his name to the Book of Ezra ; Ezra was also believed to be the author of both Chronicles and Ezra -- Nehemiah , but later critical scholarship abandoned the identification with Ezra and called the anonymous author `` the Chronicler '' . One of the most striking , although inconclusive , features of Chronicles is that its closing sentence is repeated as the opening of Ezra -- Nehemiah . The last half of the 20th century saw a radical reappraisal , and many now regard it as improbable that the author of Chronicles was also the author of the narrative portions of Ezra -- Nehemiah . Sources ( edit ) Much of the content of Chronicles is a repetition of material from other books of the Bible , from Genesis to Kings , and so the usual scholarly view is that these books , or an early version of them , provided the author with the bulk of his material . It is , however , possible that the situation was rather more complex , and that books such as Genesis and Samuel should be regarded as contemporary with Chronicles , drawing on much of the same material , rather than a source for it . There is also the question of whether the author of Chronicles used sources other than those found in the Bible : if such sources existed , it would bolster the Bible 's case to be regarded as a reliable history . Despite much discussion of this issue , no agreement has been reached . Genre ( edit ) The translators who created the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible ( the Septuagint ) called this book `` Things Left Out '' , indicating that they thought of it as a supplement to another work , probably Genesis - Kings , but the idea seems inappropriate , since much of Genesis - Kings has been copied almost without change . Some modern scholars proposed that Chronicles is a midrash , or traditional Jewish commentary , on Genesis - Kings , but again this is not entirely accurate , since the author or authors do not comment on the older books so much as use them to create a new work . Recent suggestions have been that it was intended as a clarification of the history in Genesis - Kings , or a replacement or alternative for it . Themes ( edit ) The message which the author wished to give to his audience was this : God is active in history , and especially the history of Israel . The faithfulness or sins of individual kings are immediately rewarded or punished by God . ( This is in contrast to the theology of the Books of Kings , where the faithlessness of kings was punished on later generations through the Babylonian exile ) . God calls Israel to a special relationship . The call begins with the genealogies ( chapters 1 -- 9 of 1 Chronicles ) , gradually narrowing the focus from all mankind to a single family , the Israelites , the descendants of Jacob . `` True '' Israel is those who continue to worship Yahweh at the Temple in Jerusalem , with the result that the history of the historical kingdom of Israel is almost completely ignored . God chose David and his dynasty as the agents of his will . According to the author of Chronicles , the three great events of David 's reign were his bringing the ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem , his founding of an eternal royal dynasty , and his preparations for the construction of the Temple . God chose the Temple in Jerusalem as the place where he should be worshiped . More time and space are spent on the construction of the Temple and its rituals of worship than on any other subject . By stressing the central role of the Temple in pre-exilic Judah , the author also stresses the importance of the newly - rebuilt Persian - era Second Temple to his own readers . God remains active in Israel . The past is used to legitimise the author 's present : this is seen most clearly in the detailed attention he gives to the Temple built by Solomon , but also in the genealogy and lineages , which connect his own generation to the distant past and thus make the claim that the present is a continuation of that past . See also ( edit ) Bible portal History of ancient Israel and Judah Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Japhet 1993 , p. 1 - 2 . Jump up ^ Japhet 1993 , p. 1 . Jump up ^ Coggins 2003 , p. 282 . Jump up ^ Japhet 1993 , p. 2 . ^ Jump up to : McKenzie 2004 . Jump up ^ New Spirit - Filled Life Bible , Thomas Nelson , 2002 , p. 519 Jump up ^ Isaac Kalimi ( January 2005 ) . An Ancient Israelite Historian : Studies in the Chronicler , His Time , Place and Writing . Uitgeverij Van Gorcum . pp. 61 -- 64 . ISBN 978 - 90 - 232 - 4071 - 6 . Jump up ^ Beentjes 2008 , p. 3 . Jump up ^ Coggins 2003 , p. 283 . Jump up ^ Beentjes 2008 , p. 4 - 6 . Jump up ^ Hooker 2001 , p. 6 . ^ Jump up to : Hooker 2001 , p. 7 - 8 . Jump up ^ Hooker 2001 , p. 6 - 10 . Bibliography ( edit ) Beentjes , Pancratius C. ( 2008 ) . Tradition and Transformation in the Book of Chronicles . Brill . ISBN 9789004170445 . Coggins , Richard J. ( 2003 ) . `` 1 and 2 Chronicles '' . In Dunn , James D.G. ; Rogerson , John William . Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible . Eerdmans . ISBN 9780802837110 . Hooker , Paul K. ( 2001 ) . First and Second Chronicles . Westminster John Knox Press . ISBN 9780664255916 . Japhet , Sara ( 1993 ) . I and II Chronicles : A Commentary . SCM Press . ISBN 9780664226411 . Kalimi , Isaac ( 2005 ) . The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles . Eisenbrauns . ISBN 9781575060583 . Kelly , Brian E. ( 1996 ) . Retribution and Eschatology in Chronicles . Sheffield Academic Press . ISBN 9780567637796 . Klein , Ralph W. ( 2006 ) . 1 Chronicles : A Commentary . Fortress Press . Knoppers , Gary N. ( 2004 ) . 1 Chronicles : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary . Doubleday . McKenzie , Steven L. ( 2004 ) . 1 -- 2 Chronicles . Abingdon . ISBN 9781426759802 . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : 1 Chronicles Wikisource has original text related to this article : 2 Chronicles Wikimedia Commons has media related to Books of Chronicles . Translations Divrei Hayamim I -- Chronicles I ( Judaica Press ) translation ( with Rashi 's commentary ) at Chabad.org Divrei Hayamim II -- Chronicles II ( Judaica Press ) translation ( with Rashi 's commentary ) at Chabad.org 1 Chronicles at Biblegateway 2 Chronicles at Biblegateway 1 Chronicles at Bible-Book.org 2 Chronicles at Bible-Book.org Introductions 1 & 2 Chronicles Bible : Chronicles public domain audiobook at LibriVox Books of Chronicles History books Preceded by Ezra - Nehemiah Hebrew Bible Succeeded by None Preceded by 1 -- 2 Kings Western Old Testament Succeeded by Ezra Eastern Old Testament Succeeded by 1 Esdras Books of the Bible Principal divisions Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Protocanon Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 -- 2 Samuel 1 -- 2 Kings 1 -- 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Deuterocanon and Apocrypha Catholic Orthodox Tobit Judith Additions to Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom Sirach Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah Additions to Daniel Susanna Song of the Three Children Bel and the Dragon Orthodox only 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Odes Tewahedo Orthodox Enoch Jubilees 1 , 2 , and 3 Meqabyan Paralipomena of Baruch Broader canon Syriac Letter of Baruch Psalms 152 -- 155 New Testament Matthew Mark Luke Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Subdivisions Chapters and verses Pentateuch Wisdom Major prophets / Minor prophets Gospels Synoptic Epistles Pauline Johannine Pastoral Catholic Apocalyptic literature Development Old Testament canon New Testament canon Antilegomena Jewish canon Christian canon Manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls Samaritan Pentateuch Septuagint Targum Diatessaron Muratorian fragment Peshitta Vetus Latina Masoretic Text New Testament manuscript categories New Testament papyri New Testament uncials See also Biblical canon Luther 's canon Authorship English Bible translations Other books referenced in the Bible Pseudepigrapha list New Testament apocrypha Studies Synod of Hippo Textual criticism Portal WikiProject Book WorldCat Identities BNF : cb12008250g ( data ) GND : 4070011 - 2 LCCN : n80008483 SELIBR : 271974 SUDOC : 028198697 VIAF : 182657626 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Books_of_Chronicles&oldid=860841489 '' Categories : 4th - century BC books 3rd - century BC books Ketuvim Books of Chronicles King lists Hidden categories : Articles containing Hebrew - language text Articles containing Ancient Greek - language text Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Esperanto فارسی Français Frysk Gaeilge गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia IsiZulu Italiano עברית ქართული Kiswahili Latina Lietuvių Magyar Malagasy മലയാളം Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Svenska Tagalog Türkçe Українська اردو Winaray ייִדיש Yorùbá 中文 Lingua Franca Nova 36 more Edit links This page was last edited on 23 September 2018 , at 12 : 24 ( UTC ) . 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where are the andes located on a map
The Andes or Andean Mountains ( Spanish : Cordillera de los Andes ) are the longest continental mountain range in the world . They form a continuous highland along the western edge of South America . This range is about 7,000 km ( 4,300 mi ) long , about 200 to 700 km ( 120 to 430 mi ) wide ( widest between 18 ° south and 20 ° south latitude ) , and of an average height of about 4,000 m ( 13,000 ft ) . The Andes extend from north to south through seven South American countries : Venezuela , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , Bolivia , Argentina and Chile .
Along their length , the Andes are split into several ranges , which are separated by intermediate depressions . The Andes are the location of several high plateaus -- some of which host major cities such as Quito , Bogotá , Arequipa , Medellín , Sucre , Mérida and La Paz . The Altiplano plateau is the world 's second - highest after the Tibetan plateau . These ranges are in turn grouped into three major divisions based on climate : the Tropical Andes , the Dry Andes , and the Wet Andes . The Andes are the world 's highest mountain range outside Asia . The highest mountain outside Asia , Mount Aconcagua , in Argentina , rises to an elevation of about 6,961 m ( 22,838 ft ) above sea level . The peak of Chimborazo in the Ecuadorean Andes is farther from the Earth 's center than any other location on the Earth 's surface , due to the equatorial bulge resulting from the Earth 's rotation . The world 's highest volcanoes are in the Andes , including Ojos del Salado on the Chile - Argentina border , which rises to 6,893 m ( 22,615 ft ) . The Andes are also part of the American Cordillera , a chain of mountain ranges ( cordillera ) that consists of an almost continuous sequence of mountain ranges that form the western `` backbone '' of North America , Central America , South America and Antarctica . `` Cono de Arita '' in the Puna de Atacama , Salta ( Argentina ) . Aerial view of Aconcagua . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 Geography 3 Geology 3.1 Orogeny 3.2 Volcanism 3.3 Ore deposits and evaporates 4 Climate and hydrology 5 Flora 6 Fauna 7 Human activity 7.1 Transportation 7.2 Agriculture 7.3 Irrigation 7.4 Mining 8 Peaks 8.1 Argentina 8.2 Border between Argentina and Chile 8.3 Bolivia 8.4 Border between Bolivia and Chile 8.5 Chile 8.6 Colombia 8.7 Ecuador 8.8 Peru 8.9 Venezuela 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 External links Etymology ( edit ) The etymology of the word Andes has been debated . The majority consensus is that it derives from the Quechua word anti , which means `` east '' as in Antisuyu ( Quechua for `` east region '' ) , one of the four regions of the Inca Empire . Geography ( edit ) Aerial view of Valle Carbajal in the Fuegian Andes The Andes can be divided into three sections : The Southern Andes ( south of Llullaillaco ) in Argentina and Chile ; The Central Andes in Ecuador , Peru , and Bolivia The Northern Andes ( north of the Nudo de Pasto ) in Venezuela and Colombia , which consist of three parallel ranges , the western , central , and eastern ( the cordillera occidental , central , and oriental ) . In the northern part of the Andes , the isolated Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta range is often considered to be part of the Andes . The term cordillera comes from the Spanish word `` cordel '' , meaning `` rope '' . The Andes range is about 200 km ( 124 mi ) wide throughout its length , except in the Bolivian flexure where it is about 640 kilometres ( 398 mi ) wide . The Leeward Antilles islands Aruba , Bonaire , and Curaçao , which lie in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela , were thought to represent the submerged peaks of the extreme northern edge of the Andes range , but ongoing geological studies indicate that such a simplification does not do justice to the complex tectonic boundary between the South American and Caribbean plates . Geology ( edit ) Geology of the Andes Orogenies Pampean orogeny Famatinian orogeny Gondwanide orogeny Andean orogeny Fold - thrust belts Central Andean Patagonian Batholiths Peruvian Coastal North Patagonian South Patagonian Subducted structures Antarctic Plate Carnegie Ridge Chile Rise Farallon Plate ( formerly ) Juan Fernández Ridge Nazca Plate Nazca Ridge Faults Gastre Liquiñe - Ofqui Magallanes - Fagnano Andean Volcanic Belt Northern Zone Peruvian flat - slab Central Zone Pampean flat - slab Southern Zone Patagonian Gap Austral Zone Paleogeographic terminology Arequipa - Antofalla Chilenia Chiloé Block Cuyania Iapetus Ocean Madre de Dios Terrane Mejillonia Pampia This box : view talk edit The Andes are a Mesozoic -- Tertiary orogenic belt of mountains along the Pacific Ring of Fire , a zone of volcanic activity that encompasses the Pacific rim of the Americas as well as the Asia - Pacific region . The Andes are the result of plate tectonics processes , caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath the South American Plate . The main cause of the rise of the Andes is the compression of the western rim of the South American Plate due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the Antarctic Plate . To the east , the Andes range is bounded by several sedimentary basins , such as Orinoco , Amazon Basin , Madre de Dios and Gran Chaco , that separate the Andes from the ancient cratons in eastern South America . In the south , the Andes share a long boundary with the former Patagonia Terrane . To the west , the Andes end at the Pacific Ocean , although the Peru - Chile trench can be considered their ultimate western limit . From a geographical approach , the Andes are considered to have their western boundaries marked by the appearance of coastal lowlands and a less rugged topography . The Andes Mountains also contain large quantities of iron ore located in many mountains within the range . The Andean orogen has a series of bends or oroclines . The Bolivian Orocline is a seaward concave bending in the coast of South America and the Andes Mountains at about 18 ° S. At this point the orientation of the Andes turns from Northwest in Peru to South in Chile and Argentina . The Andean segment north and south of the orocline have been rotated 15 ° to 20 ° counter clockwise and clockwise respectively . The Bolivian Orocline area overlaps with the area of maximum width of the Altiplano Plateau and according to Isacks ( 1988 ) the orocline is related to crustal shortening . The specific point at 18 ° S where the coastline bends is known as the `` Arica Elbow '' . Further south lies the Maipo Orocline or Maipo Transition Zone located between 30 ° S and 38 ° S with a break in trend at 33 ° S. Near the southern tip of the Andes lies the Patagonian orocline . Orogeny ( edit ) Main article : Andean orogeny The western rim of the South American Plate has been the place of several pre-Andean orogenies since at least the late Proterozoic and early Paleozoic , when several terranes and microcontinents collided and amalgamated with the ancient cratons of eastern South America , by then the South American part of Gondwana . The formation of the modern Andes began with the events of the Triassic when Pangaea began to break up that resulted in developing several rifts . The development continued through the Jurassic Period . It was during the Cretaceous Period that the Andes began to take their present form , by the uplifting , faulting and folding of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the ancient cratons to the east . The rise of the Andes has not been constant , where different regions have had different degrees of tectonic stress , uplift , and erosion . Tectonic forces above the subduction zone along the entire west coast of South America where the Nazca Plate and a part of the Antarctic Plate are sliding beneath the South American Plate continue to produce an ongoing orogenic event resulting in minor to major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to this day . In the extreme south a major transform fault separates Tierra del Fuego from the small Scotia Plate . Across the 1,000 km ( 620 mi ) wide Drake Passage lie the mountains of the Antarctic Peninsula south of the Scotia Plate which appear to be a continuation of the Andes chain . The regions immediately east of the Andes experience a series of changes resulting from the Andean orogeny . Parts of the Sunsás Orogen in Amazonian craton disappeared from the surface of earth being overridden by the Andes . The Sierras de Córdoba , where the effects of the ancient Pampean orogeny can be observed , owe their modern uplift and relief to the Andean orogeny in the Tertiary . Further south in southern Patagonia the onset of the Andean orogeny caused the Magallanes Basin to evolve from being an extensional back - arc basin in the Mesozoic to being a compressional foreland basin in the Cenozoic . Volcanism ( edit ) Main article : Andean Volcanic Belt Rift valley near Quilotoa , Ecuador . Astronaut photograph with the high plains of the Andes Mountains in the foreground , with a line of young volcanoes facing the much lower Atacama Desert . The Andes range has many active volcanoes , which are distributed in four volcanic zones separated by areas of inactivity . The Andean volcanism is a result of subduction of the Nazca Plate and Antarctic Plate underneath the South American Plate . The belt is subdivided into four main volcanic zones that are separated from each other by volcanic gaps . The volcanoes of the belt are diverse in terms of activity style , products and morphology . While some differences can be explained by which volcanic zone a volcano belongs to , there are significant differences inside volcanic zones and even between neighbouring volcanoes . Despite being a type location for calc - alkalic and subduction volcanism , the Andean Volcanic Belt has a large range of volcano - tectonic settings , such as rift systems and extensional zones , transpressional faults , subduction of mid-ocean ridges and seamount chains apart from a large range of crustal thicknesses and magma ascent paths , and different amount of crustal assimilations . Ore deposits and evaporates ( edit ) The Andes Mountains host large ore and salt deposits and some of their eastern fold and thrust belt acts as traps for commercially exploitable amounts of hydrocarbons . In the forelands of the Atacama desert some of the largest porphyry copper mineralizations occurs making Chile and Peru the first and second largest exporters of copper in the world . Porphyry copper in the western slopes of the Andes has been generated by hydrothermal fluids ( mostly water ) during the cooling of plutons or volcanic systems . The porphyry mineralization further benefited from the dry climate that let them largely out of the disturbing actions of meteoric water . The dry climate in the central western Andes has also led to the creation of extensive saltpeter deposits which were extensively mined until the invention of synthetic nitrates . Yet another result of the dry climate are the salars of Atacama and Uyuni , the first one being the largest source of lithium today and the second the world 's largest reserve of the element . Early Mesozoic and Neogene plutonism in Bolivia 's Cordillera Central created the Bolivian tin belt as well as the famous , now depleted , deposits of Cerro Rico de Potosí . Climate and hydrology ( edit ) See also : Tropical Andes , Dry Andes , and Wet Andes Central Andes Bolivian Andes The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on latitude , altitude , and proximity to the sea . Temperature , atmospheric pressure and humidity decrease in higher elevations . The southern section is rainy and cool , the central section is dry . The northern Andes are typically rainy and warm , with an average temperature of 18 ° C ( 64 ° F ) in Colombia . The climate is known to change drastically in rather short distances . Rainforests exist just miles away from the snow - covered peak Cotopaxi . The mountains have a large effect on the temperatures of nearby areas . The snow line depends on the location . It is at between 4,500 and 4,800 m ( 14,800 and 15,700 ft ) in the tropical Ecuadorian , Colombian , Venezuelan , and northern Peruvian Andes , rising to 4,800 -- 5,200 m ( 15,700 -- 17,100 ft ) in the drier mountains of southern Peru south to northern Chile south to about 30 ° S , then descending to 4,500 m ( 14,760 ft ) on Aconcagua at 32 ° S , 2,000 m ( 6,600 ft ) at 40 ° S , 500 m ( 1,640 ft ) at 50 ° S , and only 300 m ( 980 ft ) in Tierra del Fuego at 55 ° S ; from 50 ° S , several of the larger glaciers descend to sea level . The Andes of Chile and Argentina can be divided in two climatic and glaciological zones ; the Dry Andes and the Wet Andes . Since the Dry Andes extend from the latitudes of Atacama Desert to the area of Maule River , precipitation is more sporadic and there are strong temperature oscillations . The line of equilibrium may shift drastically over short periods of time , leaving a whole glacier in the ablation area or in the accumulation area . In the high Andes of central Chile and Mendoza Province , rock glaciers are larger and more common than glaciers ; this is due to the high exposure to solar radiation . Though precipitation increases with the height , there are semiarid conditions in the nearly 7000 m towering highest mountains of the Andes . This dry steppe climate is considered to be typical of the subtropical position at 32 -- 34 ° S . The valley bottoms have no woods , just dwarf scrub . The largest glaciers , as e.g. the Plomo glacier and the Horcones glaciers do not even reach 10 km in length and have an only insignificant ice thickness . At glacial times , however , c. 20 000 years ago , the glaciers were over ten times longer . On the east side of this section of the Mendozina Andes they flowed down to 2060 m and on the west side to c. 1220 m asl . The massifs of Cerro Aconcagua ( 6,961 m ) , Cerro Tupungato ( 6,550 m ) and Nevado Juncal ( 6,110 m ) are tens of kilometres away from each other and were connected by a joint ice stream network . The Andes ' dendritic glacier arms , i.e. components of valley glaciers , were up to 112.5 km long , over 1020 , i.e. 1250 m thick and overspanned a vertical distance of 5150 altitude metres . The climatic glacier snowline ( ELA ) was lowered from currently 4600 m to 3200 m at glacial times . Flora ( edit ) Laguna de Sonso tropical dry forest in Northern Andes The Andean region cuts across several natural and floristic regions due to its extension from Caribbean Venezuela to cold , windy and wet Cape Horn passing through the hyperarid Atacama Desert . Rainforests and tropical dry forests used to encircle much of the northern Andes but are now greatly diminished , especially in the Chocó and inter-Andean valleys of Colombia . As a direct opposite of the humid Andean slopes are the relatively dry Andean slopes in most of western Peru , Chile and Argentina . Along with several Interandean Valles , they are typically dominated by deciduous woodland , shrub and xeric vegetation , reaching the extreme in the slopes near the virtually lifeless Atacama Desert . About 30,000 species of vascular plants live in the Andes , with roughly half being endemic to the region , surpassing the diversity of any other hotspot . The small tree Cinchona pubescens , a source of quinine which is used to treat malaria , is found widely in the Andes as far south as Bolivia . Other important crops that originated from the Andes are tobacco and potatoes . The high - altitude Polylepis forests and woodlands are found in the Andean areas of Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , Bolivia and Chile . These trees , by locals referred to as Queñua , Yagual and other names , can be found at altitudes of 4,500 m ( 14,760 ft ) above sea level . It remains unclear if the patchy distribution of these forests and woodlands is natural , or the result of clearing which began during the Incan period . Regardless , in modern times the clearance has accelerated , and the trees are now considered to be highly endangered , with some believing that as little as 10 % of the original woodland remains . Fauna ( edit ) A male Andean cock - of - the - rock , a species found in humid Andean forests and the national bird of Peru . Herds of alpacas in the foothills near Ausangate mountain . Main article : Fauna of the Andes The Andes are rich in fauna : With almost 3,500 species , of which roughly 2 / 3 are endemic to the region , the Andes are the most important region in the world for amphibians . The diversity of animals in the Andes is high , with almost 600 species of mammals ( 13 % endemic ) , more than 1,700 species of birds ( about 1 / 3 endemic ) , more than 600 species of reptile ( about 45 % endemic ) , and almost 400 species of fish ( about 1 / 3 endemic ) . The vicuña and guanaco can be found living in the Altiplano , while the closely related domesticated llama and alpaca are widely kept by locals as pack animals and for their meat and wool . The crepuscular ( active during dawn and dusk ) chinchillas , two threatened members of the rodent order , inhabit the Andes ' alpine regions . The Andean condor , the largest bird of its kind in the Western Hemisphere , occurs throughout much of the Andes but generally in very low densities . Other animals found in the relatively open habitats of the high Andes include the huemul , cougar , foxes in the genus Pseudalopex , and , for birds , certain species of tinamous ( notably members of the genus Nothoprocta ) , Andean goose , giant coot , flamingos ( mainly associated with hypersaline lakes ) , lesser rhea , Andean flicker , diademed sandpiper - plover , miners , sierra - finches and diuca - finches . Lake Titicaca hosts several endemics , among them the highly endangered Titicaca flightless grebe and Titicaca water frog . A few species of hummingbirds , notably some hillstars , can be seen at altitudes above 4,000 m ( 13,100 ft ) , but far higher diversities can be found at lower altitudes , especially in the humid Andean forests ( `` cloud forests '' ) growing on slopes in Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , Bolivia and far northwestern Argentina . These forest - types , which includes the Yungas and parts of the Chocó , are very rich in flora and fauna , although few large mammals exist , exceptions being the threatened mountain tapir , spectacled bear and yellow - tailed woolly monkey . Birds of humid Andean forests include mountain - toucans , quetzals and the Andean cock - of - the - rock , while mixed species flocks dominated by tanagers and furnariids commonly are seen -- in contrast to several vocal but typically cryptic species of wrens , tapaculos and antpittas . A number of species such as the royal cinclodes and white - browed tit - spinetail are associated with Polylepis , and consequently also threatened . Human activity ( edit ) See also : Cultural periods of Peru , Inca Empire , Viceroyalty of Peru , and Andean states This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) La Paz , Bolivia is the highest capital city in the world The Andes Mountains form a north - south axis of cultural influences . A long series of cultural development culminated in the expansion of the Inca civilization and Inca Empire in the central Andes during the 15th century . The Incas formed this civilization through imperialistic militarism as well as careful and meticulous governmental management . The government sponsored the construction of aqueducts and roads in addition to preexisting installations . Some of these constructions are still in existence today . Devastated by European diseases to which they had no immunity and civil wars , in 1532 the Incas were defeated by an alliance composed of tens of thousands of allies from nations they had subjugated ( e.g. Huancas , Chachapoyas , Cañaris ) and a small army of 180 Spaniards led by Francisco Pizarro . One of the few Inca sites the Spanish never found in their conquest was Machu Picchu , which lay hidden on a peak on the eastern edge of the Andes where they descend to the Amazon . The main surviving languages of the Andean peoples are those of the Quechua and Aymara language families . Woodbine Parish and Joseph Barclay Pentland surveyed a large part of the Bolivian Andes from 1826 to 1827 . In modern times , the largest Andean cities are Bogotá , Colombia , with a population of about eight million , Santiago de Chile , and Medellin , Colombia . La Paz , Bolivia 's seat of government is considered the highest capital city in the world . Transportation ( edit ) Several major cities are either in the Andes or in the foothills , among which are Bogotá , Medellín and Cali , Colombia ; Quito , Ecuador ; Mérida , Venezuela ; La Paz , Bolivia ; Santiago , Chile , and Lima or Cusco , Peru . These and most other cities and large towns are connected with asphalt - paved roads , while smaller towns are often connected by dirt roads , which may require a four - wheel - drive vehicle . Venezuelan andes in Mérida . The rough terrain has historically put the costs of building highways and railroads that cross the Andes out of reach of most neighboring countries , even with modern civil engineering practices . For example , the main crossover of the Andes between Argentina and Chile is still accomplished through the Paso Internacional Los Libertadores . Only recently the ends of some highways that came rather close to one another from the east and the west have been connected . Much of the transportation of passengers is done via aircraft . However , there is one railroad that connects Chile with Argentina via the Andes , and there are others that make the same connection via southern Bolivia . See railroad maps of that region . There is one or more highways in Bolivia that cross the Andes . Some of these were built during a period of war between Bolivia and Paraguay , in order to transport Bolivian troops and their supplies to the war front in the lowlands of southeastern Bolivia and western Paraguay . For decades , Chile claimed ownership of land on the eastern side of the Andes . However , these claims were given up in about 1870 during the War of the Pacific between Chile , the allied Bolivia and Peru , in a diplomatic deal to keep Argentina out of the war . The Chilean Army and Chilean Navy defeated the combined forces of Bolivia and Peru , and Chile took over Bolivia 's only province on the Pacific Coast , some land from Peru that was returned to Peru decades later . Bolivia has been a completely landlocked country ever since . It mostly uses seaports in eastern Argentina and Uruguay for international trade because its diplomatic relations with Chile have been suspended since 1978 . Because of the tortuous terrain in places , villages and towns in the mountains -- to which travel via motorized vehicles are of little use -- are still located in the high Andes of Argentina , Bolivia , Peru , and Ecuador . Locally , the relatives of the camel , the llama , and the alpaca continue to carry out important uses as pack animals , but this use has generally diminished in modern times . Donkeys , mules , and horses are also useful . Agriculture ( edit ) Photograph of young Peruvian farmers sowing maize and beans . See also : Vertical archipelago The ancient peoples of the Andes such as the Incas have practiced irrigation techniques for over 6,000 years . Because of the mountain slopes , terracing has been a common practice . Terracing , however , was only extensively employed after Incan imperial expansions to fuel their expanding realm . The potato holds a very important role as an internally consumed staple crop . Maize was also an important crop for these people , and was used for the production of chicha , important to Andean native people . Currently , tobacco , cotton and coffee are the main export crops . Coca , despite eradication programmes in some countries , remains an important crop for legal local use in a mildly stimulating herbal tea , and , both controversially and illegally , for the production of cocaine . Irrigation ( edit ) Women in the Andes are good irrigators . In unirrigated land , pasture is the most common type of land use . In the rainy season ( summer ) , part of the rangeland is used for cropping ( mainly potatoes , barley , broad beans and wheat ) . Irrigation is helpful in advancing the sowing data of the summer crops which guarantees an early yield in the period of food shortage . Also , by early sowing , maize can be cultivated higher up in the mountains ( till 3800 m ) . In addition it makes cropping in the dry season ( winter ) possible and allows the cultivation of frost resistant vegetable crops like onion and carrot . Mining ( edit ) The Andes rose to fame for their mineral wealth during the Spanish conquest of South America . Although Andean Amerindian peoples crafted ceremonial jewelry of gold and other metals the mineralizations of the Andes were first mined in large scale after the Spanish arrival . Potosí in present - day Bolivia and Cerro de Pasco in Peru were one of the principal mines of the Spanish Empire in the New World . Río de la Plata and Argentina derive their names from the silver of Potosí . Currently , mining in the Andes of Chile and Peru places these countries as the first and third major producers of copper in the world . Peru also contains the largest goldmine in the world : the Yanacocha . The Bolivian Andes produce principally tin although historically silver mining had a huge impact on the economy of 17th century Europe . There is a long history of mining in the Andes , from the Spanish silver mines in Potosí in the 16th century to the vast current porphyry copper deposits of Chuquicamata and Escondida in Chile and Toquepala in Peru . Other metals including iron , gold and tin in addition to non-metallic resources are important . Chilean huasos , 19th century The mountain Huayna Picchu overlooks the Inca estate ( land ) of Machu Picchu Peaks ( edit ) Main article : List of mountains in the Andes This list contains some of the major peaks in the Andes mountain range . The highest peak is Aconcagua of Argentina ( see below ) . Argentina ( edit ) See also : List of mountains in Argentina Aconcagua , 6,961 m ( 22,838 ft ) Cerro Bonete , 6,759 m ( 22,175 ft ) Galán , 5,912 m ( 19,396 ft ) Mercedario , 6,720 m ( 22,047 ft ) Pissis , 6,795 m ( 22,293 ft ) Llao Llao Hotel with the Andes on the background , in the city of Bariloche , Argentina The Aconcagua , the highest mountain in the Americas and in the entire world outside the Himalayas , Argentina El Chaltén , Argentina Mount Fitz Roy Border between Argentina and Chile ( edit ) Cerro Bayo , 5,401 m ( 17,720 ft ) Cerro Fitz Roy , 3,375 m ( 11,073 ft ) or 3,405 m , Patagonia , also known as Cerro Chaltén Cerro Escorial , 5,447 m ( 17,871 ft ) Cordón del Azufre , 5,463 m ( 17,923 ft ) Falso Azufre , 5,890 m ( 19,324 ft ) Incahuasi , 6,620 m ( 21,719 ft ) Lastarria , 5,697 m ( 18,691 ft ) Llullaillaco , 6,739 m ( 22,110 ft ) Maipo , 5,264 m ( 17,270 ft ) Marmolejo , 6,110 m ( 20,046 ft ) Ojos del Salado , 6,893 m ( 22,615 ft ) Olca , 5,407 m ( 17,740 ft ) Sierra Nevada de Lagunas Bravas , 6,127 m ( 20,102 ft ) Socompa , 6,051 m ( 19,852 ft ) Nevado Tres Cruces , 6,749 m ( 22,142 ft ) ( south summit ) ( III Region ) Tronador , 3,491 m ( 11,453 ft ) Tupungato , 6,570 m ( 21,555 ft ) Nacimiento , 6,492 m ( 21,299 ft ) Bolivia ( edit ) Janq'u Uma , 6,427 m ( 21,086 ft ) Cabaraya , 5,860 m ( 19,226 ft ) Chacaltaya , 5,421 m ( 17,785 ft ) Wayna Potosí , 6,088 m ( 19,974 ft ) Illampu , 6,368 m ( 20,892 ft ) Illimani , 6,438 m ( 21,122 ft ) Laram Q'awa , 5,520 m ( 18,110 ft ) Macizo de Pacuni , 5,400 m ( 17,720 ft ) Nevado Anallajsi , 5,750 m ( 18,865 ft ) Nevado Sajama , 6,542 m ( 21,463 ft ) Patilla Pata , 5,300 m ( 17,390 ft ) Tata Sabaya , 5,430 m ( 17,815 ft ) Illampu , Bolivia Illimani , Bolivia Sajama , Bolivia Wayna Potosí , Bolivia Border between Bolivia and Chile ( edit ) Acotango , 6,052 m ( 19,856 ft ) Michincha , 5,305 m ( 17,405 ft ) Iru Phutunqu , 5,163 m ( 16,939 ft ) Licancabur , 5,920 m ( 19,423 ft ) Olca , 5,407 m ( 17,740 ft ) Parinacota , 6,348 m ( 20,827 ft ) Paruma , 5,420 m ( 17,782 ft ) Pomerape , 6,282 m ( 20,610 ft ) Licancabur , Bolivia / Chile Parinacota , Bolivia / Chile Chile ( edit ) Main article : List of mountains in Chile Monte San Valentin , 4,058 m ( 13,314 ft ) Cerro Paine Grande , 2,884 m ( 9,462 ft ) Cerro Macá , c. 2,300 m ( 7,546 ft ) Monte Darwin , c. 2,500 m ( 8,202 ft ) Volcan Hudson , c. 1,900 m ( 6,234 ft ) Cerro Castillo Dynevor , c. 1,100 m ( 3,609 ft ) Mount Tarn , c. 825 m ( 2,707 ft ) Polleras , c. 5,993 m ( 19,662 ft ) Acamarachi , c. 6,046 m ( 19,836 ft ) Santiago de Chile on the western slopes of a snowcapped Andes View of Cuernos del Paine in Torres del Paine National Park Colombia ( edit ) Pico Cristóbal Colón , 5,775 m ( 18,947 ft ) Nevado del Huila , 5,365 m ( 17,602 ft ) Nevado del Ruiz , 5,321 m ( 17,457 ft ) Nevado del Tolima , 5,205 m ( 17,077 ft ) Pico Pan de Azucar , 5,200 m ( 17,060 ft ) Ritacuba Negra , 5,320 m ( 17,454 ft ) Nevado del Cumbal , 4,764 m ( 15,630 ft ) Cerro Negro de Mayasquer , 4,445 m ( 14,583 ft ) Ritacuba Blanco , 5,410 m ( 17,749 ft ) Nevado del Quindío , 5,215 m ( 17,110 ft ) Purace , 4,655 m ( 15,272 ft ) Santa Isabel , 4,955 m ( 16,257 ft ) Doña Juana , 4,150 m ( 13,615 ft ) Galeras , 4,276 m ( 14,029 ft ) Azufral . 4,070 m ( 13,353 ft ) Ritacuba blanco the highest peak of Cordillera Oriental , Colombia . Nevado del Ruiz , Colombia Ecuador ( edit ) Antisana , 5,752 m ( 18,871 ft ) Cayambe , 5,790 m ( 18,996 ft ) Chimborazo , 6,268 m ( 20,564 ft ) Corazón , 4,790 m ( 15,715 ft ) Cotopaxi , 5,897 m ( 19,347 ft ) El Altar , 5,320 m ( 17,454 ft ) Illiniza , 5,248 m ( 17,218 ft ) Pichincha , 4,784 m ( 15,696 ft ) Quilotoa , 3,914 m ( 12,841 ft ) Reventador , 3,562 m ( 11,686 ft ) Sangay , 5,230 m ( 17,159 ft ) Tungurahua , 5,023 m ( 16,480 ft ) Titicaca , 5,035 m ( 16,519 ft ) Chimborazo near Riobamba , Ecuador Tungurahua , Ecuador Cayambe , Ecuador Volcán El Altar - Riobamba - Ecuador Cotopaxi Andes near Otavalo Pichincha Volcano , an active stratovolcano in the Ecuadorian Andes photographed from the Historic Center of Quito Imbabura Volcano , an inactive stratovolcano Peru ( edit ) Alpamayo , 5,947 m ( 19,511 ft ) Artesonraju , 6,025 m ( 19,767 ft ) Carnicero , 5,960 m ( 19,554 ft ) Chumpe , 6,106 m ( 20,033 ft ) Coropuna , 6,377 m ( 20,922 ft ) El Misti , 5,822 m ( 19,101 ft ) El Toro , 5,830 m ( 19,127 ft ) Huandoy , 6,395 m ( 20,981 ft ) Huascarán , 6,768 m ( 22,205 ft ) Jirishanca , 6,094 m ( 19,993 ft ) Pumasillo , 5,991 m ( 19,656 ft ) Rasac , 6,040 m ( 19,816 ft ) Rondoy , 5,870 m ( 19,259 ft ) Sarapo , 6,127 m ( 20,102 ft ) Salcantay , 6,271 m ( 20,574 ft ) Seria Norte , 5,860 m ( 19,226 ft ) Siula Grande , 6,344 m ( 20,814 ft ) Huaytapallana , 5,557 m ( 18,232 ft ) Yerupaja , 6,635 m ( 21,768 ft ) Yerupaja Chico , 6,089 m ( 19,977 ft ) Alpamayo , Peru Chachani and El Misti , Peru Huandoy , Peru Yerupaja Venezuela ( edit ) Pico Bolívar , 5,007 m ( 16,427 ft ) Pico Humboldt , 4,940 m ( 16,207 ft ) Pico Bonpland , 4,880 m ( 16,010 ft ) Pico La Concha , 4,920 m ( 16,142 ft ) Pico Piedras Blancas , 4,740 m ( 15,551 ft ) Pico El Águila , 4,180 m ( 13,714 ft ) Pico El Toro 4,729 m ( 15,515 ft ) Pico El León 4,740 m ( 15,551 ft ) Pico Mucuñuque 4,609 m ( 15,121 ft ) Pico Bolívar , Venezuela Pico Humboldt , Venezuela Pico El León , Venezuela Snow in the Pico Humboldt , Venezuela Pico Pan de Azúcar , Venezuela See also ( edit ) Andean Geology -- a scientific journal Andesite line Apu ( god ) Cordillera Mountains in the Philippines List of longest mountain chains on Earth Mountain Passes of the Andes Rocky Mountains Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Teofilo Laime Ajacopa , Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha , La Paz , 2007 ( Quechua - Spanish dictionary ) Jump up ^ `` CORDILLERA '' . etimologias.dechile.net . 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Published in Annual Report 1989 , p. 8 -- 24 , International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement , Wageningen , The Netherlands . On line : ( 1 ) References ( edit ) Oncken , O. et al. ( 2006 ) . The Andes . Active Subduction Orogeny . Springer : Berlin . DOI : 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 540 - 48684 - 8 Biggar , J. ( 2005 ) . The Andes : A Guide For Climbers . 3rd . edition . Andes : Kirkcudbrightshire . ISBN 0 - 9536087 - 2 - 7 de Roy , T. ( 2005 ) . The Andes : As the Condor Flies . Firefly books : Richmond Hill . ISBN 1 - 55407 - 070 - 8 Fjeldså , J. & N. Krabbe ( 1990 ) . The Birds of the High Andes . Zoological Museum , University of Copenhagen : Copenhagen . ISBN 87 - 88757 - 16 - 1 Fjeldså , J. & M. Kessler ( 1996 ) . Conserving the biological diversity of Polylepis woodlands of the highlands on Peru and Bolivia , a contribution to sustainable natural resource management in the Andes . NORDECO : Copenhagen . ISBN 978 - 87 - 986168 - 0 - 1 Bibliography ( edit ) Biggar , John ( 2005 ) . The Andes : A Guide for Climbers ( 3 ed . ) . Scotland : Andes Publishing . ISBN 0 - 9536087 - 2 - 7 . Darack , Ed ( 2001 ) . Wild Winds : Adventures in the Highest Andes . Cordee / DPP . ISBN 978 - 1884980817 . External links ( edit ) Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Andes . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Andes . Wikisource has original text related to this article : Andes University of Arizona : Andes geology Blueplanetbiomes.org : Climate and animal life of the Andes Discover-peru.org : Regions and Microclimates in the Andes Peaklist.org : Complete list of mountains in South America with an elevation at / above 1,500 m ( 4,920 ft ) Regions of the world Regions of Africa North Mediterranean Gibraltar Arc Greater Middle East MENA Middle East Maghreb Barbary Coast Barbara Ancient Libya Atlas Mountains ( Middle Atlas ) Sahara Western Sahara Sahel Eastern Mediterranean Egypt Upper Egypt Middle Egypt Lower Egypt Cataracts of the Nile Bashmur Nubia Lower Nubia Nile Valley Nile Delta Darfur Gulf of Aqaba Sub-Saharan East Aethiopia Swahili coast East African Rift Great Rift Valley Afar Triangle Danakil Desert Danakil Alps Albertine Rift Virunga Mountains Gregory Rift Valley Southern Rift Valley Rift Valley lakes African Great Lakes Mittelafrika Horn of Africa Ethiopian Highlands Gulf of Aden Gulf of Tadjoura Sudan ( region ) Sudanian Savanna East African montane forests Sub-Saharan Central Negroland Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Cape Lopez Mayombe Igboland Mbaise Maputaland Pool Malebo Congo Basin Chad Basin Congolese rainforests Ouaddaï highlands Ennedi Plateau Sub-Saharan West Pepper Coast Gold Coast Slave Coast Ivory Coast Cape Palmas Cape Mesurado Negroland Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Sudanian Savanna Niger Basin Guinean Forests of West Africa Sudan ( region ) Niger Delta Inner Niger Delta Sub-Saharan South Madagascar Central Highlands ( Madagascar ) Northern Highlands Rhodesia North South Thembuland Succulent Karoo Nama Karoo Bushveld Highveld Fynbos Cape Floristic Region Kalahari Desert Okavango Delta False Bay Hydra Bay Sub-Saharan Anglophone Africa Francophone Africa Lusophone Africa Arabophone Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical Africa Islands Regions of North America Canada Eastern Canada Western Canada Canadian Prairies Central Canada Northern Canada Atlantic Canada The Maritimes French Canada English Canada Acadia Acadian Peninsula Quebec City -- Windsor Corridor Peace River Country Cypress Hills Palliser 's Triangle Canadian Shield Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Newfoundland ( island ) Vancouver island Gulf Islands Strait of Georgia Canadian Arctic Archipelago Labrador Peninsula Gaspé Peninsula Avalon Peninsula Bay de Verde Peninsula Brodeur Peninsula Melville Peninsula Bruce Peninsula Banks Peninsula ( Nunavut ) Cook Peninsula Gulf of Boothia Georgian Bay Hudson Bay James Bay Greenland United States Pacific Northwest Inland Northwest Northeast New England Mid-Atlantic Commonwealth West Midwest Upper Midwest Mountain States Intermountain West Basin and Range Province Oregon Trail Mormon Corridor Calumet Region Southwest Old Southwest Llano Estacado Frontier Strip Central United States Tallgrass prairie South South Central Deep South Upland South Four Corners East Coast West Coast Gulf Coast Third Coast Coastal states Eastern United States Appalachia Trans - Mississippi Great North Woods Great Plains Interior Plains Great Lakes Great Basin Great Basin Desert Acadia Ozarks Ark - La - Tex Waxhaws Siouxland Twin Tiers Driftless Area Palouse Piedmont Atlantic coastal plain Outer Lands Black Dirt Region Blackstone Valley Piney Woods Rocky Mountains Mojave Desert The Dakotas The Carolinas Shawnee Hills San Fernando Valley Tornado Alley North Coast Lost Coast Emerald Triangle San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay North Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) East Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) Silicon Valley Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Gulf of Mexico Lower Colorado River Valley Sacramento -- San Joaquin River Delta Yukon -- Kuskokwim Delta Colville Delta Arkansas Delta Mobile -- Tensaw River Delta Mississippi Delta Mississippi River Delta Columbia River Estuary Great Basin High Desert Monterey Peninsula Upper Peninsula of Michigan Lower Peninsula of Michigan Virginia Peninsula Keweenaw Peninsula Middle Peninsula Delmarva Peninsula Alaska Peninsula Kenai Peninsula Niagara Peninsula Beringia Belt regions Bible Belt Black Belt Corn Belt Cotton Belt Frost Belt Rice Belt Rust Belt Sun Belt Snow Belt Mexico Northern Mexico Baja California Peninsula Gulf of California Colorado River Delta Gulf of Mexico Soconusco Tierra Caliente La Mixteca La Huasteca Bajío Valley of Mexico Mezquital Valley Sierra Madre de Oaxaca Yucatán Peninsula Basin and Range Province Central Western Caribbean Zone Isthmus of Panama Gulf of Panama Pearl Islands Azuero Peninsula Mosquito Coast Caribbean West Indies Antilles Greater Antilles Lesser Antilles Leeward Leeward Antilles Windward Lucayan Archipelago Southern Caribbean Aridoamerica Mesoamerica Oasisamerica Northern Middle Anglo Latin French Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Regions of South America North Caribbean South America West Indies Los Llanos The Guianas Amazon basin Amazon rainforest Gulf of Paria Paria Peninsula Paraguaná Peninsula Orinoco Delta South Tierra del Fuego Patagonia Pampas Pantanal Gran Chaco Chiquitano dry forests Valdes Peninsula West Andes Tropical Andes Wet Andes Dry Andes Pariacaca mountain range Altiplano Atacama Desert East Amazon basin Atlantic Forest Caatinga Cerrado Latin Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Regions of Asia Central Greater Middle East Aral Sea Aralkum Desert Caspian Sea Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Transoxiana Turan Greater Khorasan Ariana Khwarezm Sistan Kazakhstania Eurasian Steppe Asian Steppe Kazakh Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Mongolian - Manchurian grassland Wild Fields Yedisan Muravsky Trail Ural Ural Mountains Volga region Idel - Ural Kolyma Transbaikal Pryazovia Bjarmaland Kuban Zalesye Ingria Novorossiya Gornaya Shoriya Tulgas Iranian Plateau Altai Mountains Pamir Mountains Tian Shan Badakhshan Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Mount Imeon Mongolian Plateau Western Regions Taklamakan Desert Karakoram Trans - Karakoram Tract Siachen Glacier North Inner Asia Northeast Far East Russian Far East Okhotsk - Manchurian taiga Extreme North Siberia Baikalia ( Lake Baikal ) Transbaikal Khatanga Gulf Baraba steppe Kamchatka Peninsula Amur Basin Yenisei Gulf Yenisei Basin Beringia Sikhote - Alin East Japanese archipelago Northeastern Japan Arc Sakhalin Island Arc Korean Peninsula Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Greater Khingan Mongolian Plateau Inner Asia Inner Mongolia Outer Mongolia China proper Manchuria Outer Manchuria Inner Manchuria Northeast China Plain Mongolian - Manchurian grassland North China Plain Yan_Mountains Kunlun Mountains Liaodong Peninsula Himalayas Tibetan Plateau Tibet Tarim Basin Northern Silk Road Hexi Corridor Nanzhong Lingnan Liangguang Jiangnan Jianghuai Guanzhong Huizhou Wu Jiaozhou Zhongyuan Shaannan Ordos Loop Loess Plateau Shaanbei Hamgyong Mountains Central Mountain Range Japanese Alps Suzuka Mountains Leizhou Peninsula Gulf of Tonkin Yangtze River Delta Pearl River Delta Yenisei Basin Altai Mountains Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass West Greater Middle East MENA Middle East Red Sea Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea Zagros Mountains Persian Gulf Pirate Coast Strait of Hormuz Greater and Lesser Tunbs Al - Faw Peninsula Gulf of Oman Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Aden Balochistan Arabian Peninsula Najd Hejaz Tihamah Eastern Arabia South Arabia Hadhramaut Arabian Peninsula coastal fog desert Tigris -- Euphrates Mesopotamia Upper Mesopotamia Lower Mesopotamia Sawad Nineveh plains Akkad ( region ) Babylonia Canaan Aram Eber - Nari Suhum Eastern Mediterranean Mashriq Kurdistan Levant Southern Levant Transjordan Jordan Rift Valley Levantine Sea Golan Heights Hula Valley Gaza Strip West Bank Galilee Gilead Judea Samaria Arabah Anti-Lebanon Mountains Sinai Peninsula Arabian Desert Syrian Desert Fertile Crescent Azerbaijan Syria Palestine Iranian Plateau Armenian Highlands Caucasus Caucasus Mountains Greater Caucasus Lesser Caucasus North Caucasus South Caucasus Kur - Araz Lowland Lankaran Lowland Alborz Absheron Peninsula Anatolia Cilicia Cappadocia Alpide belt South Greater India Indian subcontinent Himalayas Hindu Kush Western Ghats Eastern Ghats Ganges Basin Ganges Delta Pashtunistan Punjab Balochistan Kashmir Kashmir Valley Pir Panjal Range Thar Desert Indus Valley Indus River Delta Indus Valley Desert Indo - Gangetic Plain Eastern coastal plains Western Coastal Plains Meghalaya subtropical forests Lower Gangetic plains moist deciduous forests Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows Doab Bagar tract Great Rann of Kutch Little Rann of Kutch Deccan Plateau Coromandel Coast Konkan False Divi Point Hindi Belt Ladakh Aksai Chin Gilgit - Baltistan Baltistan Shigar Valley Karakoram Saltoro Mountains Siachen Glacier Bay of Bengal Gulf of Khambhat Gulf of Kutch Gulf of Mannar Trans - Karakoram Tract Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Lakshadweep Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman Islands Nicobar Islands Maldive Islands Alpide belt Southeast Mainland Indochina Malay Peninsula Maritime Peninsular Malaysia Sunda Islands Greater Sunda Islands Lesser Sunda Islands Indonesian Archipelago Timor New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula Philippine Archipelago Luzon Visayas Mindanao Leyte Gulf Gulf of Thailand East Indies Nanyang Alpide belt Asia - Pacific Tropical Asia Ring of Fire Regions of Europe North Nordic Northwestern Scandinavia Scandinavian Peninsula Fennoscandia Baltoscandia Sápmi West Nordic Baltic Baltic Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Iceland Faroe Islands East Danubian countries Prussia Galicia Volhynia Donbass Sloboda Ukraine Sambia Peninsula Amber Coast Curonian Spit Izyum Trail Lithuania Minor Nemunas Delta Baltic Baltic Sea Vyborg Bay Karelia East Karelia Karelian Isthmus Lokhaniemi Southeastern Balkans Aegean Islands Gulf of Chania North Caucasus Greater Caucasus Kabardia European Russia Southern Russia Central Baltic Baltic Sea Alpine states Alpide belt Mitteleuropa Visegrád Group West Benelux Low Countries Northwest British Isles English Channel Channel Islands Cotentin Peninsula Normandy Brittany Gulf of Lion Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Pyrenees Alpide belt South Italian Peninsula Insular Italy Tuscan Archipelago Aegadian Islands Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Gibraltar Arc Southeastern Mediterranean Crimea Alpide belt Germanic Romance Celtic Slavic countries Uralic European Plain Eurasian Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Wild Fields Pannonian Basin Great Hungarian Plain Little Hungarian Plain Eastern Slovak Lowland Regions of Oceania Australasia Gulf of Carpentaria New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula New Zealand South Island North Island Coromandel Peninsula Zealandia New Caledonia Solomon Islands ( archipelago ) Vanuatu Kula Gulf Australia Capital Country Eastern Australia Lake Eyre basin Murray -- Darling basin Northern Australia Nullarbor Plain Outback Southern Australia Maralinga Sunraysia Great Victoria Desert Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf St Vincent Lefevre Peninsula Fleurieu Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Eyre Peninsula Mornington Peninsula Bellarine Peninsula Mount Henry Peninsula Melanesia Islands Region Bismarck Archipelago Solomon Islands Archipelago Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Micronesia Caroline Islands Federated States of Micronesia Palau Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Northern Mariana Islands Wake Island Polynesia Easter Island Hawaiian Islands Cook Islands French Polynesia Austral Islands Gambier Islands Marquesas Islands Society Islands Tuamotu Kermadec Islands Mangareva Islands Samoa Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Ring of Fire Polar regions Antarctic Antarctic Peninsula East Antarctica West Antarctica Eklund Islands Ecozone Extreme points Islands Arctic Arctic Alaska British Arctic Territories Canadian Arctic Archipelago Finnmark Greenland Northern Canada Northwest Territories Nunavik Nunavut Russian Arctic Sakha Sápmi Yukon North American Arctic Earth 's oceans and seas Arctic Ocean Amundsen Gulf Barents Sea Beaufort Sea Chukchi Sea East Siberian Sea Greenland Sea Gulf of Boothia Kara Sea Laptev Sea Lincoln Sea Prince Gustav Adolf Sea Pechora Sea Queen Victoria Sea Wandel Sea White Sea Atlantic Ocean Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Alboran Sea Archipelago Sea Argentine Sea Baffin Bay Balearic Sea Baltic Sea Bay of Biscay Bay of Bothnia Bay of Campeche Bay of Fundy Black Sea Bothnian Sea Caribbean Sea Celtic Sea English Channel Foxe Basin Greenland Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Gulf of Lion Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Maine Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Saint Lawrence Gulf of Sidra Gulf of Venezuela Hudson Bay Ionian Sea Irish Sea Irminger Sea James Bay Labrador Sea Levantine Sea Libyan Sea Ligurian Sea Marmara Sea Mediterranean Sea Myrtoan Sea North Sea Norwegian Sea Sargasso Sea Sea of Åland Sea of Azov Sea of Crete Sea of the Hebrides Thracian Sea Tyrrhenian Sea Wadden Sea Indian Ocean Andaman Sea Arabian Sea Bali Sea Bay of Bengal Flores Sea Great Australian Bight Gulf of Aden Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Khambhat Gulf of Kutch Gulf of Oman Gulf of Suez Java Sea Laccadive Sea Mozambique Channel Persian Gulf Red Sea Timor Sea Pacific Ocean Arafura Sea Banda Sea Bering Sea Bismarck Sea Bohai Sea Bohol Sea Camotes Sea Celebes Sea Ceram Sea Chilean Sea Coral Sea East China Sea Gulf of Alaska Gulf of Anadyr Gulf of California Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf of Fonseca Gulf of Panama Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Tonkin Halmahera Sea Koro Sea Mar de Grau Molucca Sea Moro Gulf Philippine Sea Salish Sea Savu Sea Sea of Japan Sea of Okhotsk Seto Inland Sea Shantar Sea Sibuyan Sea Solomon Sea South China Sea Sulu Sea Tasman Sea Visayan Sea Yellow Sea Southern Ocean Amundsen Sea Bellingshausen Sea Cooperation Sea Cosmonauts Sea Davis Sea D'Urville Sea King Haakon VII Sea Lazarev Sea Mawson Sea Riiser - Larsen Sea Ross Sea Scotia Sea Somov Sea Weddell Sea Endorheic basins Aral Sea Caspian Sea Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Salton Sea Book VIAF : 254473096 GND : 4001912 - 3 NDL : 00628193 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Andes&oldid=806587648 '' Categories : Andes Mountain ranges of South America Biodiversity hotspots Ecology of the Andes Regions of South America Physiographic divisions Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Webarchive template wayback links Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing Spanish - language text Wikipedia articles needing clarification from August 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2010 Articles needing additional references from January 2011 All articles needing additional references Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikivoyage Afrikaans Alemannisch አማርኛ Ænglisc Aragonés অসমীয়া Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ भोजपुरी Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Čeština Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Dolnoserbski Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Къарачай - малкъар ქართული Қазақша Kernowek Kiswahili Kurdî Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Ligure Limburgs Lumbaart Magyar मैथिली Македонски മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური مصرى Bahasa Melayu Mirandés Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Олык марий Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Patois Picard Piemontèis Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русиньскый Русский संस्कृतम् Scots Seeltersk Shqip Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Taqbaylit Tarandíne Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Vèneto Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt Võro Walon Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 Žemaitėška 中文 डोटेली Kabɩyɛ Edit links This page was last edited on 22 October 2017 , at 23 : 53 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when was the tread act mandated by the nhtsa in the us
The Transportation Recall Enhancement , Accountability and Documentation ( or TREAD ) Act is a United States federal law enacted in the fall of 2000 . This law intends to increase consumer safety through mandates assigned to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) . It was drafted in response to fatalities related to Ford Explorers fitted with Firestone tires , and was influenced by automobile and tire manufacturers as well as consumer safety advocates . After congressional hearings were held in September 2000 , Congress in only an 18 - hour span passed the TREAD Act in October 2000 . The Act was signed into law by President Clinton on November 1 , 2000 , and has been incorporated into the existing National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 , codified at 49 U.S.C. § § 30101 - 30170 .
fall of 2000
Transportation recall Enhancement , Accountability and Documentation Act
transportation recall enhancement, accountability and documentation act
The Transportation Recall Enhancement , Accountability and Documentation ( or TREAD ) Act is a United States federal law enacted in the fall of 2000 . This law intends to increase consumer safety through mandates assigned to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) . It was drafted in response to fatalities related to Ford Explorers fitted with Firestone tires , and was influenced by automobile and tire manufacturers as well as consumer safety advocates . After congressional hearings were held in September 2000 , Congress in only an 18 - hour span passed the TREAD Act in October 2000 . The Act was signed into law by President Clinton on November 1 , 2000 , and has been incorporated into the existing National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 , codified at 49 U.S.C. § § 30101 - 30170 .
There are three major components of the TREAD Act . First , it requires that vehicle manufacturers report to the National Highway & Transportation Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) when it conducts a safety recall or other safety campaign in a foreign country . Second , vehicle manufacturers need to report information related to defects , reports of injury or death related to its products , as well as other relevant data in order to comply with `` Early Warning '' requirements . Third , there is criminal liability where a vehicle manufacturer intentionally violates the new reporting requirements when a safety - related defect has subsequently caused death or serious bodily injury . There are a number of other smaller provisions which mostly address manufacturers of vehicle tires and guidance to the NHTSA on reporting data . The `` Early Warning '' requirement is the heart of the TREAD Act , enabling the NHTSA to collect data , notice trends , and warn consumers of potential defects in vehicles . Related links ( edit ) Tire - pressure monitoring system Firestone and Ford Tire Controversy External links ( edit ) Text of TREAD Act NHTSA TREAD Act resources Critique of regulatory changes Summary of TREAD Act requirements This United States federal legislation article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transportation_Recall_Enhancement,_Accountability_and_Documentation_Act&oldid=799740881 '' Categories : United States federal transportation legislation United States federal legislation stubs Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 9 September 2017 , at 15 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
did the jonas brothers write their own songs
Category : songs written by nick Jonas
category : songs written by nick jonas
Songs written or co-written by Nick Jonas
Pages in category `` songs written by nick Jonas '' The following 53 pages are in this category , out of 53 total . This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ) . Avalanche ( Nick Jonas song ) Bacon ( song ) BB Good ( song ) Burnin ' Up ( Jonas Brothers song ) Champagne Problems The Difference ( Nick Jonas song ) Do n't Charge Me for the Crime Do n't Forget ( song ) Do n't Make Me Choose ( song ) Find You ( Nick Jonas song ) First Time ( Jonas Brothers song ) Fly with Me ( Jonas Brothers song ) Get Back ( Demi Lovato song ) Hey Baby ( Jonas Brothers song ) Hold On ( Jonas Brothers song ) Home ( Nick Jonas song ) Jealous ( Nick Jonas song ) Keep It Real ( Jonas Brothers song ) L.A. Baby ( Where Dreams Are Made Of ) La La Land ( Demi Lovato song ) Last Time Around ( song ) List of songs written and produced by Nick Jonas A Little Bit Longer ( song ) Love Is on Its Way Lovebug ( Jonas Brothers song ) Mandy ( Jonas Brothers song ) Much Better Nothing Would Be Better Numb ( Nick Jonas song ) One Day ( Charice song ) Paranoid ( Jonas Brothers song ) Poison Ivy ( Jonas Brothers song ) Pom Poms ( song ) Push ( Nick Jonas song ) Pushin ' Me Away Ready for Ya Remember I Told You Rose Garden ( Nick Jonas & the Administration song ) Shelf ( song ) S.O.S ( Jonas Brothers song ) Stay ( Nick Jonas & the Administration song ) Take Over ( Nick Jonas song ) Testify ( Nick Jonas song ) That 's What They All Say Tonight ( Jonas Brothers song ) Turn Right U Unhinged ( Nick Jonas song ) Wedding Bells ( Jonas Brothers song ) What Did I Do to Your Heart When We Get Home When You Look Me in the Eyes Who I Am ( Nick Jonas & the Administration song ) World War III ( Jonas Brothers song ) Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Songs_written_by_Nick_Jonas&oldid=736074215 '' Categories : Songs by songwriter Nick Jonas Talk Help About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 25 August 2016 , at 00 : 26 . About Wikipedia
what is a tish at a jewish wedding
Tish ( Hasidic celebration )
tish ( hasidic celebration )
A tish ( Yiddish : טיש ‎ , lit . ' table ' , pl . טישן ‎ , tishn ) is a gathering of Hasidim around their Rebbe . In Hebrew , a tish is called hitveadut ( ההתועדות ‬ ) . It may consist of speeches on Torah subjects , singing of melodies known as niggunim ( singular niggun ) and zemirot ( `` hymns '' ) , with refreshments being served . Hasidim see it as a moment of great holiness . They are public events that are open to non-Hasidim as well .
Within Hasidic Judaism , a tish refers to any joyous public celebration or gathering or meal by Hasidim at a `` table '' of their Rebbe . Such a gathering is staged around the blessing of Melchizedek - themed `` setting of the table '' and so is often referred to in Hebrew as Arichat HaShulchan ( עריכת השולחן ‬ ) . Bread and wine are essential elements . A Shabbos tish could also be the Shabbat meal of any Jewish family . During a tish , the Rebbe sits at the head of the table and the Hasidim gather around the table . In large Hasidic movements , only the Rebbe and his immediate family , plus a few close disciples , partake of the actual meal , but small pieces of bread , fish , meat , poultry , farfel , beans , kugel , or fruit , as well as small cups of kosher wine or other beverages , are distributed to all present as shiyarim ( שיריים ‬ ) . In such large courts , there are often bleachers , known as parentches ( פארענטשעס ‬ ) in Yiddish , for observers of the tish to stand on . In smaller courts there is usually more food available for observers to partake . Often , in both large and small tishen , the Rebbe will personally distribute shirayim food to individuals . Hasidim believe that the Rebbe will have a personal blessing for each person who partakes of the food he gives them . In some Hasidic movements , the Rebbe only eats his Shabbat meals at the tish , often waiting many hours until the Hasidim have finished their meals to begin his meal with the recitation of the Kiddush prayer . In other courts , the Rebbe begins his meal at home with his family , and then comes to join the Hasidim in the synagogue to end the meal . In yet other courts , the entire tish is conducted after the meal has been finished at home . In such a case only dessert , usually consisting of kugel and fruit , is served , as well as soft drinks , usually seltzer - water . Such tishes are known as a Peiros Tish ( פירות טיש ‬ ) ( `` Fruit Tish '' ) . Sometimes , a Hasidic gathering similar to a tish is conducted without the presence of a Rebbe . This is called a botteh ( באטע ‬ ) in Yiddish or a shevet achim ( שבת אחים ‬ ) in Hebrew . It is often led by a Rabbi who is not a Rebbe , such as a Rosh Yeshivah , Mashgiach Ruchani , or a Rebbe 's son . Often , a botteh will be indistinguishable from a tish , for the respect that many Hasidim have for their Rebbe 's son is often very close to the reverence for the Rebbe himself , as he is the assumed heir to the throne . A tish takes place at the meals in honor of the Shabbat , Jewish holidays , yahrzeit ( `` annual memorial '' ) for previous rebbes of that dynasty , as a seudas hoda'ah ( meal of thanksgiving ) to God for past salvations ( such as escape from prisons or from the Holocaust ) , or some other seudas mitzvah . Some Hasidic movements hold a tish every Shabbat ; others do so only on Jewish holidays . The time at which a tish can be held also differs . For example , Belzer Hasidim conduct their tish both late Friday night and on Saturday afternoon for Seudah Shlishit , while Gerrer Hasidim only have their tish on Saturday afternoon or early evening for Seudah Shlishit . A tish is usually also held on minor holidays such as Lag b'Omer , Hanukkah , Purim , Tu Bishvat , on the minor days ( Chol Hamoed ) of major festivals such as Sukkos and Pesach , and before and after the fast of Yom Kippur . Hasidim may also visit the tish of another Rebbe , and non-Hasidic Jews often visit a tish also . Non-Jews sometimes visit a tish as well , particularly dignitaries and politicians during a weekday tish such as on Chol HaMoed . The nature of the tish differs from group to group but during the tish , the Hasidim intently and silently watch the rebbe eating the meal and are extremely eager to receive shirayim ( `` leftovers '' ) , cooked alongside the Rebbe 's courses , believing it to be a great merit ( zechus ) to eat something from the leftovers of a tzadik 's meal . Many Hasidim claim that miracles can take place in merit of partaking of the shirayim , such as miraculous healing or blessings of wealth or piety . Hasidic songs , or niggunim , are sung with great gusto . The songs may at times be either joyous or solemnly meditative . The rebbe may teach words of Torah , often mystical passages from the Midrash , Zohar , and the Kabbalah during the tish . He may also tell Hasidic stories , parables , and history . He may also give religious commentary on current events and politics . Women do not sit with the men ( because some communities of Orthodox Jews , especially Hasidim , are very strict about the separation of the sexes ) but they are often present to observe the tish from the ezras noshim ( `` women 's section '' ) in the main synagogue or hall where it is taking place . The women present do not sing aloud and they generally do not receive the shirayim , although sometimes they do . A tish can vary in size from a handful to thousands of people . Large tishen are usually held in special rooms in the main building of a Hasidic movement . Sometimes they are held in the main synagogue . Around the holidays , when thousands of Hasidim who live in other cities or countries come to pray and visit with their Rebbe joining the Hasidim who live near the Rebbe and things can get very crowded , they are sometimes held in a large temporary structure . Small tishen are often conducted in private homes , particularly when a Hasidic Rebbe is visiting another community . These events are usually open to the public . Farbrengen ( edit ) Main article : Farbrengen Among Lubavitcher Hasidim , a gathering known as a farbrengen ( Yiddish : פארברענגען ‎ , lit . ' gathering ' ) is celebrated , similar to a tish . A farbrengen may be conducted with or without the presence of a Rebbe , and even with the presence of only a few Hasidim . At a farbrengen , zemiros are generally not sung ( with the exception of the zemiros of the Arizal for each Sabbath meal ) , but rather only niggunim . See also ( edit ) Farbrengen Hasidic Judaism Jewish holiday Rebbe Rebbe # Tish Shabbat Videos of tishen ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tish . A large number of videos of tishen can be found on Google Videos . Tish of Satmar Hasidim on Saturday night after the end of shabbos ( Sabbath ) ( 34 seconds ) Purim tish at Sanz - Klausenburg in Boro Park , Brooklyn , New York ( 6 minutes ) Tish of Nadvorna in Bnei Brak on Tu Bishvat ( 3 minutes ) Tish of Kretshnif in Jerusalem at seudas shlishis ( 24 seconds ) Tish of Pittsburger Hasidim in Ashdod , E. Israel , in honor of the feast of Hanukkah ( 3 : 40 minutes ) Tish of Bobov on the night after Yom Kippur in Boro Park ( 1 : 30 minutes ) Tish of Bobov on Purim ( 1 : 30 minutes ) Tish of Satmar ( Zalman Leib ) on Shavuos ( 31 seconds ) Tish on Lag Bomer at Bobov in Boro Park ( 6 minutes ) An example of a Small Hasidic Tish in honor of Hanukah with the Nadvorna Rebbe of Safed , E. Israel Large Tish with the Tosher Rebbe in Canada for the end of Sukkos Small Tish with the Tenka Rebbe in Flatbush for Purim Large Tish in Bobov for Pesach Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tish_(Hasidic_celebration)&oldid=844108818 '' Categories : Hasidic Judaism Shabbat Yiddish words and phrases Hidden categories : Articles needing cleanup from January 2010 All pages needing cleanup Cleanup tagged articles without a reason field from January 2010 Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from January 2010 Articles lacking sources from January 2010 All articles lacking sources Articles containing Yiddish - language text Talk About Wikipedia Italiano עברית ייִדיש Edit links This page was last edited on 2 June 2018 , at 17 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who played chloe on how i met your mother
The guys go to a coffee shop , where Ted points out that Chloe ( Morena Baccarin ) , the girl working there , has drawn a heart next to Marshall 's name on his cup . Ted insists that Chloe has a crush on Marshall because she always laughs at his lame joke about how they fit a pumpkin into a pumpkin - flavored latte . As Marshall leaves , his name is called for ( an unordered ) pumpkin latte on which Chloe has written her number . Later , when Marshall introduces Chloe to Ted and Barney at the bar , they tell him that she has the `` Crazy Eyes '' , an indicator of future mental instability . Both Ted and Barney give Marshall examples of their experiences with this malady ; Barney 's crazy - eyed date wanted a threesome with a teddy bear , while Ted 's crazy - eyed date picked up a long metal rod and repeatedly hit a car that nearly hit them as they were about to cross the street . Marshall shrugs it off . The next day , as Marshall is taking a test , he receives a call from Chloe who says that she is being followed by a hunchback with a limp . Later , Marshall takes Chloe back to his apartment and suspects that she broke a picture of him and Lily that was sitting on the end table . However , it turns out that Lily has been hiding in the apartment , and pops out ( much to Marshall and Chloe 's surprise ) . Lily introduces herself , and leaves the apartment dejected and crying . Marshall follows her out to the steps , leaving Chloe sitting on the sofa .
`` Swarley '' is the seventh episode in the second season of the television series How I Met Your Mother . It originally aired on November 6 , 2006 .
The name `` Swarley '' is taken from an in - episode joke . A coffee shop barista mistakenly hears Barney 's name as `` Swarley '' and writes it on his cup . This leads to a running gag in which everyone mercilessly refers to Barney as `` Swarley '' despite his protests . This culminates to the point of the entire bar shouting `` '' Swarley '' when he enters , as a callback to the sitcom Cheers . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Critical reception 3 References 4 External links Plot ( edit ) This article 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( June 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The guys go to a coffee shop , where Ted points out that Chloe ( Morena Baccarin ) , the girl working there , has drawn a heart next to Marshall 's name on his cup . Ted insists that Chloe has a crush on Marshall because she always laughs at his lame joke about how they fit a pumpkin into a pumpkin - flavored latte . As Marshall leaves , his name is called for ( an unordered ) pumpkin latte on which Chloe has written her number . Later , when Marshall introduces Chloe to Ted and Barney at the bar , they tell him that she has the `` Crazy Eyes '' , an indicator of future mental instability . Both Ted and Barney give Marshall examples of their experiences with this malady ; Barney 's crazy - eyed date wanted a threesome with a teddy bear , while Ted 's crazy - eyed date picked up a long metal rod and repeatedly hit a car that nearly hit them as they were about to cross the street . Marshall shrugs it off . The next day , as Marshall is taking a test , he receives a call from Chloe who says that she is being followed by a hunchback with a limp . Later , Marshall takes Chloe back to his apartment and suspects that she broke a picture of him and Lily that was sitting on the end table . However , it turns out that Lily has been hiding in the apartment , and pops out ( much to Marshall and Chloe 's surprise ) . Lily introduces herself , and leaves the apartment dejected and crying . Marshall follows her out to the steps , leaving Chloe sitting on the sofa . Lily confides in Robin that she is scared by the idea of Marshall going out on a date with another woman . Despite hearing that Ted believes she has crazy eyes , Lily wants to see what Chloe looks like . It turns out that Lily was the hunchback following Chloe -- she was carrying a book bag , then covered herself with a coat to shield herself from the rain ( the hump ) , and limped because she hit her knee while concentrating on seeing the face of Chloe . Lily , while visiting Ted and Robin in the apartment , realized that Marshall had moved the picture of the two of them . She sneaked into the apartment before Marshall brings Chloe home to put it in a more conspicuous place , and it broke . While hiding from Marshall and Chloe , she got upset and jumped out . Marshall realizes that he should get back together with Lily even though he says that Lily has the craziest eyes he 's ever seen . Six months after Ted came back to the apartment and found Marshall alone and upset after the engagement ended , he returns to find Marshall and Lily happy and back together . The gang first goes to McLaren 's for a drink and then returns upstairs to the apartment , finding it has been ransacked by Chloe who has been `` searching '' for her `` lost '' keys which are in fact sitting in plain sight on the coffee table in front of where she had been sitting . Marshall points out the keys and Chloe departs , leaving a nonplussed gang and apparently proving the `` Crazy Eyes '' theory . Meanwhile , Chloe writes Barney 's name as `` Swarley '' , prompting everyone to call him the name for the duration of the episode . Barney protests , but variations on the nickname become a running gag throughout the episode . Just prior to leaving the apartment , Chloe calls Robin `` Roland '' , and Barney tries to use it as an opportunity to stop everyone from calling him `` Swarley '' . In the final scene , however , Barney walks into the bar , everyone shouts `` Swarley '' , and he turns and walks out dejectedly as Carl the bartender plays the Cheers theme : `` Where Everybody Knows Your Name . '' The credits are then presented in the same font used on the show Cheers . Critical reception ( edit ) Staci Krause of IGN said `` the whole Swarley joke had gotten very old '' by the end of the episode , although `` it was funny for the first ten or so times '' and `` the homage paid to Cheers was well appreciated '' . Krause said the animated effects used for the women with ' crazy eyes ' was `` rather stupid '' , but that the story came to a `` great conclusion '' as Lily crying was `` one of the best emotional moments this show has ever given us '' . Both Digital Spy and Radio Times listed `` Swarley '' as one of the ten best How I Met Your Mother episodes , with the latter describing it as `` one of the most ridiculous episodes of How I Met Your Mother '' , but claiming `` that 's exactly why it works '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Krause , Staci ( April 17 , 2007 ) . `` How I Met Your Mother : `` Swarley '' Review `` . IGN . Retrieved June 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Eames , Tom ( March 24 , 2014 ) . `` How I Met Your Mother : The 10 best episodes from CBS comedy '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved June 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Velarde , Ciera ( March 31 , 2014 ) . `` How I Met Your Mother : The ten best episodes '' . Radio Times . Retrieved June 6 , 2015 . External links ( edit ) `` Swarley '' on IMDb `` Swarley '' at TV.com ( hide ) How I Met Your Mother episodes Seasons 6 7 8 9 Season 2 `` Where Were We ? '' `` Ted Mosby : Architect '' `` Aldrin Justice '' `` Swarley '' `` Slap Bet '' `` Single Stamina '' `` How Lily Stole Christmas '' `` First Time in New York '' `` Columns '' `` Monday Night Football '' `` Lucky Penny '' `` Bachelor Party '' `` Something Blue '' Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Swarley&oldid=793644848 '' Categories : How I Met Your Mother ( season 2 ) episodes 2006 American television episodes Hidden categories : Wikipedia introduction cleanup from May 2015 All pages needing cleanup Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from May 2015 All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from June 2015 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 3 August 2017 , at 02 : 23 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
the world's biggest cave hang son doong
Hang Son Đoòng
hang son đoong
Sơn Đoòng Cave ( ( haːŋ ˧ ʂəːn ˧ ɗɔ̤ŋ ˨ ˩ ) ) is in Phong Nha - Kẻ Bàng National Park , Bố Trạch District , Quảng Bình Province , Vietnam .
Located near the Laos -- Vietnam border , Hang Sơn Đoòng has an internal , fast - flowing subterranean river and the largest cross-section of any cave , worldwide , as of 2009 , believed to be twice that of the next largest passage . It is the largest known cave passage in the world by volume . Its name , Hang Sơn Đoòng , is variously translated from Vietnamese as ' cave of the mountain river ' or ' mountain cave of Đoòng ( village ) ' . As a solutional cave , it was formed in soluble limestone and is believed to be between 2 and 5 million years old . Contents ( hide ) 1 Discovery 2 Description 3 Tourist activities 4 Development plans 5 References 6 External links Discovery ( edit ) Hang Sơn Đoòng was found by a local man named Hồ Khanh in 1991 . The whistling sound of wind and roar of a rushing stream in the cave heard through the entrance as well as the steep descent prevented the local people from entering the cave . Only in 2009 did the cave become internationally known after a group of cavers from the British Cave Research Association , led by Howard Limbert , conducted a survey in Phong Nha - Kẻ Bàng from 10 to 14 April 2009 . Their progress was stopped by a large , 60 - metre ( 200 ft ) high flowstone - coated wall , which was named the Great Wall of Vietnam . It was traversed in 2010 when the group reached the end of the cave passage . Description ( edit ) Formed of Carboniferous / Permian limestone , the main Sơn Đoòng cave passage is the largest known cave passage in the world by volume -- 38.4 × 10 cubic metres ( 1.36 × 10 cu ft ) , according to Howard Limbert . It is more than 5 kilometres ( 3.1 mi ) long , 200 metres ( 660 ft ) high and 150 metres ( 490 ft ) wide . Its cross-section is believed to be twice that of the next largest passage , in Deer Cave , Malaysia . The cave runs for approximately 9 kilometres ( 5.6 mi ) and is punctuated by 2 large dolines , which are areas where the ceiling of the cave has collapsed . The dolines allow sunlight to enter sections of the cave which has resulted in the growth of trees as well as other vegetation . The cave contains some of the tallest known stalagmites in the world , which are up to 70 m tall . Behind the Great Wall of Vietnam were found cave pearls the size of baseballs , an abnormally large size . Son Doong cave doline Another view out the mouth of the cavern , showing the rainforest in its doline . Reflecting pool further inside Large stalagmites in the passage of Hang Son Doong in Vietnam . The tallest has been measured at 70 meters in height . Large stalagmites in the Hang Son Doong , Vietnam . This passage is said to have the greatest cross sectional area of any cave in the world . The massive Second Doline in Hang Son Doong is so large that trees grow inside . Tourist activities ( edit ) In early August 2013 , the first tourist group explored the cave on a guided tour at a cost of US $3,000 each . Permits are required to access the cave and are made available on a limited basis , with 800 permits available for the 2017 season , which runs from February to August . After August , heavy rains cause river levels to rise and make the cave largely inaccessible . As of 2017 , only one expedition company currently has permits to enter the cave for tourism purposes . Development plans ( edit ) Plans are being considered to build a cable car through the cave . The proposed system would be 10.5 kilometres ( 6.5 mi ) long , and cost between $112 and $211 million . The plans are opposed by environmentalists . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` World 's Biggest Cave Found in Vietnam '' . National Geographic . July 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Guinness World Records 2013 , Page 032 . ISBN 9781904994879 ^ Jump up to : Dykes , Brett Michael ( January 3 , 2011 ) . `` Explorers discover spectacular caves in Vietnam '' . Yahoo !. Archived from the original on 2011 - 01 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Gerological Map of Vietnam , Kampuchea , and Laos '' . Retrieved 15 May 2014 . Jump up ^ Edström , Martin . `` Fly Through A Colossal Cave : Son Doong in 360 ° '' . National Geographic . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` World 's largest grotto unveiled in Vietnam '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 04 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Britons claim to find world 's largest cave '' . The Daily Telegraph . London . 30 April 2009 . Jump up ^ Son Doong Cave . `` Son Doong cave , Hang Son Doong -- Map '' . Jump up ^ `` Vietnam Cave '' . National Geographic . July 2011 . Retrieved 16 January 2017 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ Arkell , Harriet ( 25 September 2013 ) . `` Five miles long , and with its own rivers and jungle : The world 's largest cave is open for tours ... you just have to trek for a day and a half and then abseil down a Vietnamese cliff to get there '' . Daily Mail . London . Retrieved 16 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` First foreign tourist group explores Son Doong Cave '' . Saigon - gpdaily. 2013 - 08 - 07 . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Son Doong Cave tours increase in popularity '' . 2015 - 01 - 15 . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 16 . Jump up ^ Letter 1213 / UBND - VX , 2016 - 08 - 03 , Government of Quang Binh Province . Jump up ^ `` Son Doong Cave cable car raises controversy '' . Vietnam.com . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 16 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Son Doong Cave . `` Vietnam 's Mammoth Cavern '' . Retrieved 2010 - 12 - 21 . National Geographic pictorial of Hang Sơn Đoòng `` American Film Crew 's Backstage Inside Son Doong '' . Retrieved 2015 - 05 - 18 . Saigon - online - SonDoong - cave Strutner , Suzy ( September 7 , 2013 ) . `` World 's Largest Cave , Son Doong , Prepping For First Public Tours '' ( includes video ) . The Huffington Post . Retrieved September 11 , 2013 . Chùm ảnh khám phá hang động đẹp và lớn nhất thế giới ( includes images ) Quảng Bình Province ( in Vietnamese ) `` In pictures : Inside Hang Son Doong , the world 's largest caves in Vietnam '' . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 20 . The Telegraph Online `` Hang Son Doong '' ( video on Vimeo ) . Retrieved March 17 , 2015 . `` National Geographic Video March 19 , 2015 '' . Fly Through a Colossal Cave : Son Doong in 360 degrees by Martin Edström Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title= Hang_Sơn_Đoòng&oldid = 850504978 '' Categories : Caves of Vietnam Landforms of Quang Binh Province 2009 in Vietnam Sơn Đoòng Cave Show caves in Vietnam Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Coordinates on Wikidata Wikipedia cave articles with unreferenced coordinates Articles containing Vietnamese - language text All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from May 2015 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles with Vietnamese - language external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano Basa Jawa ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Latviešu Lietuvių Lumbaart Magyar Македонски Malti Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Shqip Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Tarandíne తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 中文 62 more Edit links This page was last edited on 16 July 2018 , at 08 : 51 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who did alabama play in the semifinals last year
College Football Playoff
college football playoff
The College Football Playoff ( CFP ) is an annual postseason invitational tournament to award a mythical national championship to an NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision ( FBS ) school . The inaugural tournament was held at the end of the 2014 NCAA Division I FBS football season . Four teams play in two semifinal games , and the winner of each semifinal advances to the College Football Playoff National Championship .
The College Football Playoff is not an officially sanctioned championship event by the NCAA , the sport 's governing body . The NCAA has never recognized an `` official '' national championship for FBS football , instead merely recognizing the decisions made any of a number of independent major championship selectors . Consequently , Division I FBS football is the only NCAA sport in which a yearly national champion is not determined by an NCAA event , nor is an official NCAA national championship awarded . Nevertheless , the CFP 's inauguration in 2014 marked the first time a major championship selector was able to determine their champion by using a bracket competition . From 2014 until present , a 13 - member committee has been selecting and seeding the four teams to take part . This system differs from the use of polls or computer rankings that had previously been used to select the participants for the Bowl Championship Series ( BCS ) , the title system used in FBS from 1998 to 2013 . The new format is a Plus - One system , an idea which became popular as an alternative to the BCS after the 2003 and 2004 seasons ended in controversy . The two semifinal games rotate among six major bowl games , referred to as the New Year 's Six : the Rose Bowl , Sugar Bowl , Orange Bowl , Cotton Bowl , Fiesta Bowl , and Peach Bowl . In addition to the four teams selected for the playoff , the final CFP rankings are used to help determine the participants for the other four New Year 's Six bowls that are not hosting the semifinals that year . The New Year 's Six represent six of the ten oldest bowl games currently played at the FBS level . The semifinals are scheduled usually on Friday , Saturday , or Monday close to , or on , New Years Day , with some flexibility to ensure that bowl games traditionally held on New Year 's Day are not in conflict with the semi-final games . The CFP National Championship is then played on the first Monday that is six or more days after the semifinals . The venue of the championship game is selected based on bids submitted by cities , similar to the Super Bowl or NCAA Final Four . The winner of the game is awarded the College Football Playoff National Championship Trophy . Playoff officials commissioned a new trophy that was unconnected with the previous championship systems ( such as the AFCA `` crystal football '' trophy which had been regularly presented after the championship game since the 1990s ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Selection process 1.1 Selection committee 1.1. 1 Past members 1.2 Voting procedure 2 Impact on scheduling 3 Semifinals 4 Championship game 5 Appearances 5.1 College Football Playoff appearances by team 5.2 College Football Playoff appearances by conference 6 Broadcasting 6.1 Ratings 7 Revenue 8 Leadership 8.1 Board of Managers 8.2 Athletics Directors Advisory Group 9 Criticism 9.1 Team selection 9.2 Selection committee 9.3 Scheduling 10 See also 11 References 12 External links Selection process ( edit ) Selection committee ( edit ) The first College Football Playoff selection committee was announced on October 16 , 2013 . The group consists of 13 members who generally serve three - year terms , although some initial selections served terms both shorter and longer than three years `` to achieve a rotation '' of members . The current members of the selection committee are : Member Position Conference affiliation Recusals Term expires Hocutt , Kirby Kirby Hocutt ( chairman ) Texas Tech athletic director ; former Kansas State linebacker Big 12 Texas Tech February 2018 Howard , Christopher B. Christopher B. Howard Robert Morris University President ; former Air Force running back N / A None February 2020 Bower , Jeff Jeff Bower Former Southern Miss head coach N / A Southern Miss February 2019 Deromedi , Herb Herb Deromedi Former Central Michigan head coach N / A Central Michigan February 2019 Jernstedt , Tom Tom Jernstedt Former NCAA executive vice president ; former Oregon quarterback N / A None February 2018 Johnson , Bobby Bobby Johnson Former Vanderbilt head coach ; former Clemson player N / A None February 2018 Long , Jeff Jeff Long Former Arkansas athletic director SEC Arkansas , Missouri February 2018 Mullens , Rob Rob Mullens Oregon athletic director Pac - 12 Oregon February 2019 Radakovich , Dan Dan Radakovich Clemson athletic director , father of current Clemson player ACC Clemson February 2018 Beamer , Frank Frank Beamer Former Virginia Tech head coach N / A Georgia , Virginia Tech February 2020 Wieberg , Steve Steve Wieberg Former USA Today reporter N / A None February 2018 Willingham , Tyrone Tyrone Willingham Former Stanford , Notre Dame and Washington head coach N / A Duke , Stanford February 2018 Smith , Gene Gene Smith Ohio State athletic director Big Ten Ohio State February 2020 Jump up ^ Current or former , athletic department administration only . Jump up ^ Any programs for which members are required to recuse themselves from voting or discussions . Jump up ^ In addition to Arkansas , Long is recused from Missouri because his daughter attends the school and works in its athletic department . Jump up ^ In addition to Virginia Tech , Beamer is recused from Georgia because his son Shane is the Bulldogs ' tight ends coach and special teams coordinator . Jump up ^ Willingham is recused from Stanford because his son is currently on the Cardinal coaching staff , and from Duke because his daughter is employed at the school . The committee members include one current athletic director from each of the five `` major '' conferences -- ACC , Big Ten , Big 12 , Pac - 12 , and SEC -- also known as the Power Five conferences . Other members are former coaches , players , athletic directors , and administrators , plus a retired member of the media . The goal was for the panel to consist proportionally of current `` Power Five '' athletic directors , former coaches , and a third group of other voters , excluding current conference commissioners , coaches , and media members . During the selection process , organizers said they wanted the committee to be geographically balanced . Conference commissioners submitted lists totaling more than 100 names from which to select the final committee members . Past members ( edit ) Member Position Conference affiliation Season ( s ) Replaced by Gould , Michael C. Michael C. Gould Former Air Force Academy superintendent N / A 2014 -- 15 Jeff Bower Osborne , Tom Tom Osborne Former Nebraska coach and athletic director Big Ten / Big 12 2014 -- 15 Lloyd Carr Tranghese , Mike Mike Tranghese Former Big East commissioner The American 2014 -- 15 Herb Deromedi Haden , Pat Pat Haden USC athletic director ; former USC quarterback Pac - 12 2014 Rob Mullens Luck , Oliver Oliver Luck Former West Virginia athletic director Big 12 2014 Kirby Hocutt Manning , Archie Archie Manning Former NFL and Ole Miss quarterback N / A - Bobby Johnson Carr , Lloyd Lloyd Carr Former Michigan coach Big Ten - Chris Howard Rice , Condoleezza Condoleezza Rice Former Secretary of state N / A 2014 -- 16 Frank Beamer Alvarez , Barry Barry Alvarez Former Wisconsin coach and athletic director Big Ten 2014 -- 16 Gene Smith The selection of Condoleezza Rice , a former U.S. Secretary of State and Stanford University provost , was met with some backlash within the sport and the media . Critics questioned her qualifications , citing gender and lack of football experience . Jump up ^ Current or former , athletic department administration only . Jump up ^ Stepped down October 30 , 2015 , citing health reasons and instability at USC . Did not participate in 2015 season committee . Jump up ^ Left the committee in 2015 , before his term expired , after resigning as West Virginia athletic director to work for the NCAA as executive vice president of regulatory affairs . Jump up ^ Took a leave of absence for health reasons in October 2014 and stepped down in March 2015 . Never participated in any committee voting . Jump up ^ Left the committee in 2016 before the season started for health reasons . Committee stayed at 12 members rather than replacing him . Voting Procedure ( edit ) The committee releases its top 25 rankings weekly on Tuesdays in the second half of the regular season . The top four teams are seeded in that order for the playoff . During the season , the committee meets and releases rankings six or seven times , depending on the length of the season ( the number of games is consistent , but the number of weeks those games are played over can vary from year to year ) . The group , which meets at the Gaylord Texan hotel in Grapevine , Texas , reportedly meets in person up to 10 total times a year . A team 's strength of schedule is one of the most pertinent considerations for the committee in making its selections . Other factors that the committee weighs are conference championships , team records , and head - to - head results , plus other points such as injuries and weather . Unlike the BCS system , the AP Poll , Coaches ' Poll , and the Harris Poll , computer rankings are not used to make the selections . Advanced statistics and metrics are expected to be submitted to the committee , though like other analytics , they have no formal role in the decision . Committee members are not required to attend games . Long said the panel considered less frequent rankings , but ultimately decided on a weekly release . `` That 's what the fans have become accustomed to , and we felt it would leave a void in college football without a ranking for several weeks , '' he said . Long also noted : `` Early on there was some talk that we would go into a room at the end of the season and come out with a top four , but that did n't last long . '' In analyzing this change in thinking , Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated commented : `` The whole point of the selection committee was to replace the simplistic horse - race nature of Top 25 polls -- where teams only move up if someone above them loses -- with a more deliberative evaluation method . Now the playoff folks are going to try to do both . '' Addressing the `` pecking order '' nature of traditional polls , George Schrodeder of USA Today wrote that `` if it actually works as intended , we could see volatile swings '' from week to week , with lower - ranked teams moving ahead of higher - ranked teams without either team losing ( a rarity in traditional polls ) . Both Long and Bill Hancock , the CFP executive director , say they expect that to happen . The committee 's voting method uses multiple ballots , similar to the NCAA basketball tournament selection process and the entire process is facilitated through custom software developed by Code Authority in Frisco , Texas . From a large initial pool of teams , the group takes numerous votes on successive tiers of teams , considering six at a time and coming to a consensus on how they should be ranked , then repeating the process with the next tier of teams . Discussion and debate happens at each voting step . All votes are by secret ballot , and committee members do not make their ballots public . Each week 's ranking process begins anew , with no weight given to the previous week 's selections . In this fashion , the committee selects the four teams to compete for the national championship . Committee members who are currently employed or financially compensated by a school , or have family members who have a current financial relationship ( which includes football players ) , are not allowed to vote for that school . During deliberations about a team 's selection , members with such a conflict of interest can not be present , but can answer factual questions about the institution . All committee members have past ties to certain NCAA institutions , but the committee decided to ignore those ties in the recusal requirements . `` We just boiled it down to where we felt this group was fit to its high integrity and would differentiate from those past relationships , '' Long said . Some football writers , like Dennis Dodd and Mark Schlabach , have said the recusal arrangement is n't transparent or objective , suggesting that members ' alma maters and former coaching jobs should be considered disqualifying conflicts of interest . Impact on scheduling ( edit ) `` Strength of schedule will become such an important factor ... that if you want to be under consideration , you need to have a more meaningful schedule than perhaps you 've had in previous years . '' -- Tom Jernstedt , selection committee member Due to the increased emphasis on strength of schedule , teams have considered playing more challenging opponents during the non-conference portion of their schedules . Some teams have traditionally played three or four `` weak '' non-conference opponents , but wins against such low - level competition are unlikely to impress the committee . For teams on the cusp of making the playoff four , `` I think one of the first things the committee will look at is strength of schedule , '' said selector Oliver Luck . Teams in the Big Ten , Big 12 and Pac - 12 play nine conference games on their twelve - game schedules and thus only have flexibility in choosing their opponents for the three non-league games . Some programs are opting to increase their schedule strength by scheduling high - profile matchups at neutral sites and on weeknights , garnering primetime TV exclusivity . In response to the new playoff system , the Southeastern Conference considered increasing its conference schedule from eight to nine games , with Alabama coach Nick Saban a vocal proponent . According to Jon Solomon of the Birmingham News , `` The prevailing opinion among SEC athletics directors : The SEC is difficult enough that there 's no need for a ninth game . '' Some in the conference , like Mississippi State athletic director Scott Stricklin , opined that a nine - game SEC schedule would result in more teams with two losses . Commissioner Michael Slive and Vanderbilt AD David Williams , among others , supported a stronger out - of - league schedule , which would likely impress the committee . In April 2014 , the league voted to mandate that all SEC teams must play a Power Five foe ( ACC , Big Ten , Big 12 , Pac - 12 , or independent Notre Dame ) in its non-conference slate beginning in 2016 . Slive noted this rule `` gives us the added strength - of - schedule we were seeking '' . In 2014 , the first year of the College Football Playoff , one team played two opponents from the Power Five , nine of the 14 teams played one Power Five conference opponent and three lower - level opponents ( including one FCS school ) , and four teams did not face a Power Five foe . In the spring of 2015 , the SEC decided to count games played against Independents BYU and Army toward its Power Five requirement . The ACC , whose teams also play eight conference games ( plus Notre Dame at least once every three years ) , also considered moving to a nine - game conference schedule . However , the league opted to stay with the eight - plus - Notre Dame model , stipulating instead that teams would have to play one Power Five school in their non-league slates beginning in 2017 , which would include the Notre Dame game or other ACC schools , as will games against another FBS independent , BYU . Despite the push to increase schedule strength , some ACC coaches preferred the scheduling flexibility available with fewer permanent fixtures on a team 's slate . Opinion was split among league athletic directors on moving to a nine - game schedule prior to the vote . An SEC expansion to a nine - game schedule would limit the ACC 's opportunities to play Power Five non-conference opponents . Semifinals ( edit ) Main article : List of College Football Playoff games The College Football Playoff uses a four - team knockout bracket to determine the national champion . Six of the most historic bowl games -- the Rose Bowl , Sugar Bowl , Orange Bowl , Cotton Bowl , Fiesta Bowl , and Peach Bowl -- rotate as hosts for the semifinals . The rotation is set on a three - year cycle with the following pairings : Rose / Sugar , Orange / Cotton , and Fiesta / Peach . The two semifinal bowls and the other four top - tier bowls are marketed as the `` New Year 's Six '' . Three of these bowls played per day , typically on consecutive days that include New Year 's Day . The selection committee seeds and pairs the top four teams , and additionally assigns teams to the at - large bowls ( Cotton , Fiesta , and Peach ) in years when they do not host semifinals . The four - team format pits the No. 1 - ranked team against No. 4 and No. 2 vs. No. 3 . The selection committee seeds the two semifinal games , placing the top - seeded team at the closest site to prevent it from playing in a `` road '' environment . There are no limits on the number of teams per conference , a change from previous BCS rules . However , some non-semifinal bowl selections still maintain their conference tie - ins , similarly to the BCS 's automatic qualifier berths . A team from one of the `` Group of Five '' conferences is guaranteed a spot in one of the New Year 's Six bowls . Season Semifinal Winner Loser Score Venue 2014 -- 15 Rose Bowl 2 Oregon 3 Florida State 59 -- 20 Rose Bowl Stadium , Pasadena , California Sugar Bowl 4 Ohio State 1 Alabama 42 -- 35 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2015 -- 16 Orange Bowl 1 Clemson 4 Oklahoma 37 -- 17 Sun Life Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida Cotton Bowl 2 Alabama 3 Michigan State 38 -- 0 AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2016 -- 17 Fiesta Bowl 2 Clemson 3 Ohio State 31 -- 0 University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona Peach Bowl 1 Alabama 4 Washington 24 -- 7 Georgia Dome , Atlanta , Georgia 2017 -- 18 Rose Bowl 3 Georgia 2 Oklahoma 54 -- 48 Rose Bowl Stadium , Pasadena , California Sugar Bowl 4 Alabama 1 Clemson 24 -- 6 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2018 -- 19 Orange Bowl Hard Rock Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2019 -- 20 Fiesta Bowl University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona Peach Bowl Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta , Georgia Championship game ( edit ) Main article : College Football Playoff National Championship Cities around the country bid to host each year 's championship game . The playoff group 's leaders make a selection from those proposals , in a similar fashion to other large sporting events , such as the Super Bowl or NCAA Final Four . Officials say the championship game will be held in a different city each year , and that bids must propose host stadiums with a capacity of at least 65,000 spectators . Under the system , cities can not host both a semifinal game and the title game in the same year . Season Champion Runner - up Score Venue 2014 -- 15 4 Ohio State 2 Oregon 42 -- 20 AT&T Stadium , Arlington , Texas 2015 -- 16 2 Alabama 1 Clemson 45 -- 40 University of Phoenix Stadium , Glendale , Arizona 2016 -- 17 2 Clemson 1 Alabama 35 -- 31 Raymond James Stadium , Tampa , Florida 2017 -- 18 4 Alabama 3 Georgia 26 - 23 Mercedes - Benz Stadium , Atlanta , Georgia 2018 -- 19 Levi 's Stadium , Santa Clara , California 2019 -- 20 Mercedes - Benz Superdome , New Orleans , Louisiana 2020 -- 21 Hard Rock Stadium , Miami Gardens , Florida 2021 -- 22 Lucas Oil Stadium , Indianapolis , Indiana 2022 -- 23 Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park , Inglewood , California 2023 -- 24 NRG Stadium , Houston , Texas Appearances ( edit ) For the list of College Football Playoff New Year 's Six Bowl Appearances , see College Football Playoff New Year 's Six . For the list of College Football Playoff National Champions , see College Football Playoff National Championship . College Football Playoff appearances by team ( edit ) Alabama Clemson Georgia Florida State Michigan State Ohio State Oklahoma Oregon Washington Teams that have appeared in the College Football Playoff -- 4 appearances , -- 3 appearances , -- 2 appearances , -- 1 appearance Alabama Clemson Ohio State Teams that have won the College Football Playoff -- 2 championships , -- 1 championship Appearances Team Pct Games Alabama 5 . 714 Lost 2015 Sugar Bowl Won 2015 Cotton Bowl ( Dec. 2015 ) Won 2016 CFP National Championship Won 2016 Peach Bowl Lost 2017 CFP National Championship Won 2018 Sugar Bowl Won 2018 CFP National Championship Clemson . 600 Won 2015 Orange Bowl Lost 2016 CFP National Championship Won 2016 Fiesta Bowl ( Dec. 2016 ) Won 2017 CFP National Championship Lost 2018 Sugar Bowl Ohio State . 667 Won 2015 Sugar Bowl Won 2015 CFP National Championship Lost 2016 Fiesta Bowl ( Dec. 2016 ) Oklahoma 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Orange Bowl Lost 2018 Rose Bowl Georgia . 500 Won 2018 Rose Bowl Lost 2018 CFP National Championship Oregon . 500 Won 2015 Rose Bowl Lost 2015 CFP National Championship Florida State 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Rose Bowl Michigan State 0 . 000 Lost 2015 Cotton Bowl ( Dec. 2015 ) Washington 0 . 000 Lost 2016 Peach Bowl College Football Playoff appearances by conference ( edit ) Conference Appearances Pct Championships # of teams Teams ( s ) SEC 5 6 . 667 Alabama ( 4 ) Georgia ( 1 ) ACC . 500 Clemson ( 3 ) Florida State ( 1 ) Big Ten . 500 Ohio State ( 2 ) Michigan State ( 1 ) Pac - 12 . 333 0 Oregon ( 1 ) Washington ( 1 ) Big 12 0 . 000 0 Oklahoma ( 2 ) Broadcasting ( edit ) The television broadcast rights to all six CFP bowls and the National Championship are owned by ESPN through at least the 2025 season . ESPN then reached 12 - year agreements to retain rights to the Rose Bowl , Orange Bowl , and Sugar Bowl following the dissolution of the Bowl Championship Series . In November , ESPN reached a 12 - year deal to broadcast the remaining three bowls , the championship game , as well as shoulder programming such as ranking shows ; as a whole , the contract is valued at around $470 million per year , or nearly $5.7 billion for the life of the contract . Ratings ( edit ) The inaugural College Football Playoff games in January 2015 generated larger ratings than previous BCS games . The 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship had an 18.9 Nielsen rating and was watched by approximately 33.4 million people , the largest broadcast audience of all time on American cable television ( non-broadcast ) , according to AdWeek . That was a 31 percent audience increase over the previous year 's championship game and a 22 percent increase over the BCS title game 's best rating on cable ( a 16.1 rating in 2011 ) . The semifinal games , the 2015 Rose Bowl and 2015 Sugar Bowl , saw 28.16 million and 28.27 million viewers , respectively . According to ESPN , these games also set ( and briefly held ) all - time records for cable TV viewership . In 2015 , the ratings for the two semifinal games were down from the prior season 's equivalents , with the Orange Bowl reaching a 9.7 rating ( in comparison to 15.5 for the 2015 Rose Bowl ) and the Cotton Bowl reaching a 9.9 rating ( in comparison to a 15.3 rating for the 2015 Sugar Bowl ) . On the online WatchESPN streaming service , excluding 2014 FIFA World Cup games , the Cotton Bowl and the Orange Bowl drew the second and third - largest streaming audiences in the service 's history , behind the 2015 national championship . The ratings drops were attributed to the New Year 's Eve time slot , as fewer people were at home to watch the game . The decline in ratings was a factor in changes for the scheduling of future CFP semi-final games . Revenue ( edit ) In 2012 , ESPN reportedly paid about $7.3 billion over 12 years for broadcasting rights to all seven games , an average of about $608 million per year . That includes $215 million per year which was already committed to the Rose , Sugar and Orange bowls , plus $470 -- 475 million annually for the rest of the package . By comparison , the most recent contract with the BCS and the Rose Bowl had paid approximately $155 million per year for five games . The average revenue to the new system over 12 years is to be about $500 million per year . After $125 -- 150 million in expenses , the Power Five conferences split about 71.5 percent of the remaining money , for an approximate average payout of $250 million a year ( $50 million per league ) over the life of the contract . The `` Group of Five '' conferences split 27 percent , about $90 million a year ( $18 million per league ) . Notre Dame receives around one percent , about $3.5 - 4 million , and other FBS independents get about 0.5 percent of the deal . Extra revenue goes to conferences in contracts with the Rose , Sugar , and Orange bowls , which split revenue 50 / 50 between their participating leagues . In non-semifinal years , the Rose Bowl 's TV revenue would be divided between the Big Ten and Pac - 12 conferences ; likewise , the Sugar Bowl and Orange Bowl revenue to its participant conferences . When those bowls are semifinal games , the money is distributed by the playoff system to all FBS conferences . ESPN has paid about $80 million a year each for the Rose and Sugar bowls over 12 years . The Orange Bowl deal is worth $55 million per year . For example , in a non-semifinal year , the Big Ten could receive about $90 million ( half of its $80 million Rose Bowl deal plus about $50 million from the playoff system ) . Conferences receive an additional $6 million each year for each team it places in the semifinals and $4 million for a team in one of the three at - large bowls ; Notre Dame receives the same amount in either scenario . No additional money is awarded for reaching the championship game . The Power Five conferences and the `` Group of Five '' have not decided on their respective revenue - sharing formulas , though the SEC initially receives more revenue than the other four Power Five conferences due to its BCS success . Reports say the money is to be divided based on several criteria such as `` on - field success , teams ' expenses , marketplace factors and academic performance of student - athletes . '' The playoff system awards academic performance bonuses of $300,000 per school for meeting the NCAA 's Academic Progress Rate standard of 930 . In a hypothetical 14 - team conference , $4.2 million ( $300,000 x 14 ) would be allocated to that league , and if only 12 of the 14 members meet the APR standard , then each of the 12 schools would receive $350,000 ( $4.2 million / 12 ) , penalizing schools that fall below the threshold . Leadership ( edit ) BCS Properties , LLC holds all properties related to the College Football Playoff . Previous BCS commissioner Bill Hancock is the executive director of the playoff organization , with former ACC Senior Associate Commissioner Michael Kelly as COO . Like the BCS , the playoff system 's management committee consists of the conference commissioners from the 10 FBS conferences and Notre Dame 's athletic director . The playoff system 's headquarters is in Irving , Texas . Board of Managers ( edit ) According to the CFP website , the system 's operations are controlled by the Board of Managers , which consists of presidents and chancellors of the playoff group 's member universities . The eleven members have sole authority to develop , review and approve annual budgets , policies and operating guidelines . The group also selects the company 's officers . Rodney Bennett -- President , Southern Mississippi ( C - USA ) Anthony Frank -- President , Colorado State ( Mountain West ) Burns Hargis -- President , Oklahoma State ( Big 12 ) Jack Hawkins -- Chancellor , Troy ( Sun Belt ) Rev. John I. Jenkins -- President , Notre Dame ( Independent ) Mark Keenum -- President , Mississippi State ( SEC ) Roderick McDavis -- President , Ohio ( MAC ) Max Nikias -- President , USC ( Pac - 12 ) Harvey Perlman ( chair ) -- Chancellor , Nebraska ( Big Ten ) Donna Shalala -- President , Miami ( Fla . ) ( ACC ) Steadman Upham -- President , Tulsa ( The American ) Athletics directors advisory group ( edit ) According to the CFP website , the Athletics Directors Advisory Group is appointed by the management committee to `` offer counsel '' on the operations of the system . As an advisory board , it has no authority in the management of the CFP . Gary Barta , Iowa ( Big Ten ) Tom Bowen , Memphis ( The American ) Tom Burman , Wyoming ( Mountain West ) Joe Castiglione , Oklahoma ( Big 12 ) Jeremy Foley , Florida ( SEC ) Dan Guerrero , UCLA ( Pac - 12 ) Chris Massaro , Middle Tennessee State ( C - USA ) Terry Mohajir , Arkansas State ( Sun Belt ) Mike O'Brien , Toledo ( MAC ) Stan Wilcox , Florida State ( ACC ) Criticism ( edit ) Although being generally well received , the College Football Playoff has been criticized much like its predecessor , the Bowl Championship Series , which had several controversies . Team selection ( edit ) Chief among the criticisms was the subjective element of the selection process such as basing rankings on metrics such as strength of schedule and conference as opposed to solely basing rankings on a team 's win - loss record . One particular similarity between the old BCS and the current Playoff system is both have been alleged to be biased toward schools , programs and conferences with large financial endowments ( being the perceived favoritism with the SEC the most outstanding argument ) , hurting the chances of smaller schools with fewer athletic resources . Undefeated teams from less wealthy conferences can be passed over for teams with losses from richer conferences . Because the tournament has four teams , at least one Power Five champion misses the playoffs every season . However , not all teams selected have been conference winners . In the 2016 -- 17 season , one of the teams selected was Ohio State , who did not qualify to the Big Ten Championship Game . As a result , both the Big Ten and Big 12 champions were not selected for the playoffs . In the 2017 -- 18 season , two of the four selected teams were from the SEC : conference champions Georgia , winners of the SEC Championship Game , and Alabama , who lost to SEC Championship Game finalist Auburn . Analysts have discussed whether the committee should selected conference champions only . Another critique centered around a perceived bias against smaller conferences such as the Big 12 which used to not stage a conference championship game , but was reintroduced for the 2017 season . The American addressed this issue by adding Navy to its ranks for 2015 , bringing its membership to 12 teams , which allowed it to stage a conference championship game under then - current NCAA rules . Starting with the 2016 season , FBS conferences will be allowed to stage football championship games even if they do not have 12 members . There are opinions labeling the CFP system `` just as '' or `` even more polarizing '' than the BCS or the old wire - service poll system . Selection committee ( edit ) The qualifications of selection committee members has also been scrutinized . As an outsider to the sports world , Condoleezza Rice was the focus of some criticism . Former Clemson head coach Tommy Bowden opined that the committee 's members should be `` people who played the game and preferably coached the game '' . Former Auburn head coach Pat Dye said that `` All she knows about football is what somebody told her ... or what she read in a book , or what she saw on television . To understand football , you 've got to play with your hand in the dirt '' . Former Big East commissioner Mike Tranghese also gained membership on the selection committee despite having never played football in college . Former sportswriter Steve Weiberg and retired U.S. Air Force General Michael Gould are other committee members without significant football playing , coaching or administrative experience . Scheduling ( edit ) The semifinal games for the 2015 season were scheduled for December 31 ; they were expected to have lower television viewership because the date is not a federal holiday , and because the second game faced heavy competition for television viewers in primetime from New Year 's Eve specials ( such as New Year 's Rockin ' Eve , which is aired by ESPN 's sister broadcast network ABC ) . Under television contracts with ESPN that predate the College Football Playoff , both the Rose and Sugar Bowl games are guaranteed exclusive TV time slots on January 1 ( or January 2 if New Year 's Day falls on a Sunday ) , regardless of whether they are hosting a semifinal game . In an interview with CBS Sports , CFP commissioner Bill Hancock suggested this scheduling issue would `` change the paradigm of what New Year 's Eve is all about , '' opining that `` if you 're hosting a New Year 's Eve party , you better have a bunch of televisions around . '' Although ESPN proposed moving the Thursday , December 31 , 2015 semifinal games to Saturday , January 2 , 2016 , the idea was rejected . The semifinal games ' ratings were ultimately down significantly from those of the previous season . In an effort to reduce the impact of their New Year 's Eve scheduling , the 2016 semifinal games , which fell on a Saturday , had earlier kickoff times , at 3 : 00 p.m. and 7 : 00 p.m. ET respectively . The 2016 Orange Bowl was played in primetime on December 30 , 2016 , rather than in an early afternoon window on New Year 's Eve . Hancock considered the earlier start times to be a compromise to reduce the games ' intrusion into New Year 's Eve festivities , but reiterated that there were no plans to move the semi-final games from New Year 's Eve outside of years where they are hosted by the Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl . On July 28 , 2016 , however , Hancock reversed this stance and announced revisions to the scheduling for future College Football Playoff semi-final games . The games were rescheduled so that they will not necessarily be played on New Year 's Eve yearly : outside of years when they are hosted by the Rose and Sugar Bowls ( where they retain their traditional New Year 's Day scheduling ) , they will now be scheduled primarily on the last Saturday or federally observed holiday of the year . In some years , this date will land on New Year 's Eve . In 2021 , the games will be played on Friday , December 31 , because the day will be observed as a holiday . See also ( edit ) College football portal College Football Playoff New Year 's Six College football playoff debate College football national championships in NCAA Division I FBS List of college bowl games Mythical National Championship Plus - One system References ( edit ) Jump up ^ McMurphy , Brett ( April 24 , 2013 ) . `` Football playoff has name and site '' . ESPN . Retrieved April 24 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Wolken , Dan ( April 25 , 2013 ) . `` Questions and answers for the College Football Playoff '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ C.N. ( 14 January 2015 ) . `` The business of college football : Undisputed champs in a disputed sport '' . The Economist . Retrieved 6 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Dodd , Dennis ( 24 June 2014 ) . `` Fringe benefit of College Football Playoff ? No more mythical titles '' . CBS Sports . 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External links ( edit ) Official website College Football Playoff Championships Overview College Football Playoff National Championship Games 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 2018 -- 19 2019 -- 20 2020 -- 21 Semifinal Bowls Rose 2014 ( Jan 2015 ) 2017 ( Jan 2018 ) 2020 ( Jan 2021 ) Sugar 2014 ( Jan 2015 ) 2017 ( Jan 2018 ) 2020 ( Jan 2021 ) Orange 2015 ( Dec 2015 ) 2018 ( Dec 2018 ) Cotton 2015 ( Dec 2015 ) 2018 ( Dec 2018 ) Peach 2016 ( Dec 2016 ) 2019 ( Dec 2019 ) Fiesta 2016 ( Dec 2016 ) 2019 ( Dec 2019 ) Other List of College Football Playoff games New Year 's Six College Football Playoff National Championship Trophy NCAA Division I FBS champions Mythical national championship Plus - One system Power Five conferences Championship games for each season are played in January , while semifinal games are identified by season year , alternating between December and January Links to related articles Systems used to determine college football national championships NCAA Division I-A / FBS Various polling systems ( 1869 -- present ) Bowl Coalition ( 1992 -- 1994 ) Bowl Alliance ( 1995 -- 1997 ) Bowl Championship Series ( 1998 -- 2013 ) College Football Playoff ( 2014 -- present ) NCAA Division I - AA / FCS NCAA Division I Football Championship ( 1978 -- present ) NCAA Division II NCAA Division II Football Championship ( 1973 -- present ) NCAA Division III NCAA Division III Football Championship ( 1973 -- present ) NAIA Divisions NAIA Football National Championship ( 1956 -- present ) NAIA Division II Football National Championship ( 1970 -- 1996 ) Additional systems Black college football national championship NCCAA Victory Bowl ( 1997 -- present ) NCAA Division I FBS bowl games College Football Playoff Championship Game Cotton Fiesta Orange Peach Rose Sugar Other bowl games Alamo Arizona Armed Forces Bahamas Belk Birmingham Boca Raton Cactus Camellia Camping World Citrus Cure Dollar General Famous Idaho Potato Foster Farms Frisco Gasparilla Hawaii Heart of Dallas Holiday Independence Las Vegas Liberty Military Music City New Mexico New Orleans Outback Pinstripe Quick Lane Sun TaxSlayer Texas All - Star games East -- West Shrine Game NFLPA Collegiate Bowl Senior Bowl Rose Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Rose Bowl Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Big Ten Conference Pac - 12 Conference Games 1902 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Notes No games were held from 1903 to 1915 . The 1942 game was played at Duke Stadium in Durham , NC , due to the attack on Pearl Harbor . The game was also the national title game for the Bowl Championship Series in 2002 and 2006 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 and 2018 editions . Sugar Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Tulane Stadium Georgia Dome Mercedes - Benz Superdome College Football Playoff Broadcasters Southeastern Conference Big 12 Conference Games 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Notes The 2006 game took place in Atlanta , Georgia due to Hurricane Katrina . The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1993 , 1997 , 2000 , and 2004 . There was a Sugar Bowl in January and December in 1972 and 1995 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 and 2018 editions . Orange Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Miami Orange Bowl Hard Rock Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Atlantic Coast Conference Big Ten Conference Southeastern Conference Notre Dame Games 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 Notes The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1998 , 2001 , and 2005 . There was an Orange Bowl in January and December in 1996 and 2014 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its 2015 edition . Cotton Bowl Classic History & conference tie - ins History Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters Playoff At - Large Group of Five Games 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2017 2017 Notes There was a Cotton Bowl Classic in January and December in 1966 , 2015 and 2017 There was no Cotton Bowl Classic in 1967 or 2016 The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its December 2015 edition Peach Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Bobby Dodd Stadium Atlanta -- Fulton County Stadium Georgia Dome Mercedes - Benz Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters College Football Playoff At - Large Group of Five Games 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1993 1995 1995 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 Fiesta Bowl Game History & conference tie - ins History Sun Devil Stadium University of Phoenix Stadium College Football Playoff Broadcasters College Football Playoff At - Large Group of Five Bid Games 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2016 2016 2017 Notes The game was also the national title game for either the Bowl Coalition , Bowl Alliance , or Bowl Championship Series in 1996 , 1999 , and 2003 . There was a Fiesta Bowl in January and December in 1997 , 2014 , and 2016 . The game was a College Football Playoff semifinal in its December 2016 edition . New Year 's Eve and New Year 's Day Events America 's Party First Night Hogmanay New Year 's Eve in London Objects dropped on New Year 's Eve Peach Drop Pelican Drop Réveillon de Copacabana Sydney New Year 's Eve The Possum Drop Times Square Ball Vienna New Year 's Concert Sports College Football Playoff bowls Rose Orange Sugar Fiesta Cotton Peach Citrus Bowl Gator Bowl Outback Bowl Tour de Ski Four Hills Tournament NHL Winter Classic Spengler Cup Final IIHF World U20 Championship Saint Silvester Road Race New Year Sprint Nos Galan road race Parades Tournament of Roses Parade London 's New Year 's Day Parade Florida Citrus Parade Mummers Parade Television New Year 's Rockin ' Eve Fox 's New Year 's Eve with Steve Harvey New Year 's Eve with Carson Daly New Year Live CNN New Year 's Eve Live ¡ Feliz ! MTV New Year 's The Big Fat Quiz of the Year Bye Bye Dinner for One Happy New Year , America Hogmanay Live Hootenanny Kōhaku Uta Gassen Little Blue Light Only an Excuse ? Red Bull New Year No Limits Rudolph 's Shiny New Year Scotch and Wry Silvesterstadl `` Silvesterpunsch `` 2000 Today ( US , Ireland ) Happy New Year , Charlie Brown ! First Night 2013 with Jamie Kennedy Music `` Auld Lang Syne '' `` Happy New Year '' `` What Are You Doing New Year 's Eve ? '' `` Levy - Dew '' `` New Year 's Day '' Related topics New Year films Gregorian calendar Baby New Year Calennig Hogmanay Holiday season Leap second Guy Lombardo New Year 's resolution New Year tree Saint Sylvester 's Day Vasilopita Watchnight service Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=College_Football_Playoff&oldid=825579744 '' Categories : College Football Playoff 2014 establishments in the United States Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Pages using web citations with no URL Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français 日本 語 Polski Português 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 05 : 46 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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who has the most power in the parliament
Politics of the United Kingdom
politics of the united kingdom
The United Kingdom is a unitary state with devolution that is governed within the framework of a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy in which the monarch , currently Queen Elizabeth II , is the head of state while the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , currently Theresa May , is the head of government . Executive power is exercised by the British government , on behalf of and by the consent of the monarch , as well as by the devolved governments of Scotland and Wales and the Northern Ireland Executive . Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of the Parliament of the United Kingdom , the House of Commons and the House of Lords , as well as in the Scottish Parliament and Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies . The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature . The highest court is the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom . The UK political system is a multi-party system . Since the 1920s , the two dominant parties have been the Conservative Party and the Labour Party . Before the Labour Party rose in British politics , the Liberal Party was the other major political party , along with the Conservatives . While coalition and minority governments have been an occasional feature of parliamentary politics , the first - past - the - post electoral system used for general elections tends to maintain the dominance of these two parties , though each has in the past century relied upon a third party , such as the Liberal Democrats , to deliver a working majority in Parliament . A Conservative -- Liberal Democrat coalition government held office from 2010 until 2015 , the first coalition since 1945 . The coalition ended following parliamentary elections on 7 May 2015 , in which the Conservative Party won an outright majority of 330 seats in the House of Commons , while their coalition partners lost all but eight seats . With the partition of Ireland , Northern Ireland received home rule in 1920 , though civil unrest meant direct rule was restored in 1972 . Support for regional nationalist parties in Scotland and Wales led to proposals for devolution in the 1970s , though only in the 1990s did devolution happen . Today , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland each possess a legislature and executive , with devolution in Northern Ireland being conditional on participation in certain all - Ireland institutions . The UK government remains responsible for non-devolved matters and , in the case of Northern Ireland , co-operates with the government of the Republic of Ireland . It is a matter of dispute as to whether increased autonomy and devolution of executive and legislative powers has contributed to the increase in support for independence . The principal Scottish pro-independence party , the Scottish National Party , became a minority government in 2007 and then went on to win an overall majority of MSPs at the 2011 Scottish parliament elections and forms the Scottish Government administration . A 2014 referendum on independence led to a rejection of the proposal but with 44.7 % voting for it . In Northern Ireland , a smaller percentage vote for Irish nationalist parties . The largest , Sinn Féin , not only advocates Irish reunification , but its members also abstain from taking their elected seats in the Westminster parliament , as this would entail taking a pledge of allegiance to the British monarch . The constitution of the United Kingdom is uncodified , being made up of constitutional conventions , statutes and other elements such as EU law . This system of government , known as the Westminster system , has been adopted by other countries , especially those that were formerly parts of the British Empire . The United Kingdom is also responsible for several dependencies , which fall into two categories : the Crown dependencies , in the immediate vicinity of the UK , and British Overseas Territories , which originated as colonies of the British Empire . The Economist Intelligence Unit rated the United Kingdom as a `` full democracy '' in 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 The Crown 3 Executive 3.1 The United Kingdom Government 3.1. 1 The Prime Minister and the Cabinet 3.1. 2 Government departments and the Civil Service 3.2 Devolved national administrations 3.2. 1 Scottish Government 3.2. 2 Welsh Government 3.2. 3 Northern Ireland Executive 4 Legislatures 4.1 UK Parliament 4.1. 1 House of Commons 4.1. 2 House of Lords 4.2 Devolved national legislatures 4.2. 1 Scottish Parliament 4.2. 2 National Assembly for Wales 4.2. 3 Northern Ireland Assembly 5 Judiciary 5.1 England , Wales and Northern Ireland 5.2 Scotland 6 Electoral systems 7 Political parties 7.1 Conservatives ( Tories ) 7.2 Labour 7.3 Scottish National Party 7.4 Liberal Democrats 7.5 Northern Ireland parties 7.6 Plaid Cymru 7.7 Other parliamentary parties 7.8 Non-Parliamentary political parties 7.9 Current political landscape 7.10 Membership 8 Local government 9 European Union 10 International organisation participation 11 See also 12 References 13 Further reading 14 External links History ( edit ) Main articles : Postwar Britain , History of the United Kingdom § Victorian era , and Political history of the United Kingdom ( 1945 -- present ) The Crown ( edit ) Main article : Monarchy of the United Kingdom The British monarch , currently Queen Elizabeth II , is the chief of state of the United Kingdom . Though she takes little direct part in government , the Crown remains the fount in which ultimate executive power over government lies . These powers are known as royal prerogative and can be used for a vast amount of things , such as the issue or withdrawal of passports , to the dismissal of the Prime Minister or even the declaration of war . The powers are delegated from the monarch personally , in the name of the Crown , and can be handed to various ministers , or other officers of the Crown , and can purposely bypass the consent of Parliament . The head of Her Majesty 's Government , the prime minister , also has weekly meetings with the sovereign , where she may express her feelings , warn , or advise the prime minister in the government 's work . According to the uncodified constitution of the United Kingdom , the monarch has the following powers : Domestic powers The power to dismiss and appoint a prime minister The power to dismiss and appoint other ministers The power to summon and prorogue Parliament The power to grant or refuse Royal Assent to bills ( making them valid and law ) The power to commission officers in the Armed Forces The power to command the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom The power to appoint members to the Queen 's Counsel The power to issue and withdraw passports The power to grant prerogative of mercy ( though capital punishment is abolished , this power is still used to change sentences ) The power to grant honours The power to create corporations via Royal Charter Foreign powers The power to ratify and make treaties The power to declare war and peace The power to deploy the Armed Forces overseas The power to recognize states The power to credit and receive diplomats Executive ( edit ) Executive power in the United Kingdom is exercised by the Sovereign , Queen Elizabeth II , via Her Majesty 's Government and the devolved national authorities - the Scottish Government , the Welsh Assembly Government and the Northern Ireland Executive . The United Kingdom government ( edit ) The monarch appoints a Prime Minister as the head of Her Majesty 's Government in the United Kingdom , guided by the strict convention that the Prime Minister should be the member of the House of Commons most likely to be able to form a Government with the support of that House . In practice , this means that the leader of the political party with an absolute majority of seats in the House of Commons is chosen to be the Prime Minister . If no party has an absolute majority , the leader of the largest party is given the first opportunity to form a coalition . The Prime Minister then selects the other Ministers which make up the Government and act as political heads of the various Government Departments . About twenty of the most senior government ministers make up the Cabinet and approximately 100 ministers in total comprise the government . In accordance with constitutional convention , all ministers within the government are either Members of Parliament or peers in the House of Lords . As in some other parliamentary systems of government ( especially those based upon the Westminster System ) , the executive ( called `` the government '' ) is drawn from and is answerable to Parliament - a successful vote of no confidence will force the government either to resign or to seek a parliamentary dissolution and a general election . In practice , members of parliament of all major parties are strictly controlled by whips who try to ensure they vote according to party policy . If the government has a large majority , then they are very unlikely to lose enough votes to be unable to pass legislation . The Prime Minister and the Cabinet ( edit ) The Prime Minister is the most senior minister in the Cabinet . They are responsible for chairing Cabinet meetings , selecting Cabinet ministers ( and all other positions in Her Majesty 's government ) , and formulating government policy . The Prime Minister being the de facto leader of the UK , he or she exercises executive functions that are nominally vested in the sovereign ( by way of the Royal Prerogatives ) . Historically , the British monarch was the sole source of executive powers in the government . However , following the lead of the Hanoverian monarchs , an arrangement of a `` Prime Minister '' chairing and leading the Cabinet began to emerge . Over time , this arrangement became the effective executive branch of government , as it assumed the day - to - day functioning of the British government away from the sovereign . Theoretically , the Prime Minister is primus inter pares ( i.e. , Latin for `` first among equals '' ) among their Cabinet colleagues . While the Prime Minister is the senior Cabinet Minister , they are theoretically bound to make executive decisions in a collective fashion with the other Cabinet ministers . The Cabinet , along with the PM , consists of Secretaries of State from the various government departments , the Lord High Chancellor , the Lord Privy Seal , the President of the Board of Trade , the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Ministers without portfolio . Cabinet meetings are typically held weekly , while Parliament is in session . Government departments and the civil service ( edit ) The Government of the United Kingdom contains a number of ministries known mainly , though not exclusively as departments , e.g. , Department for Education . These are politically led by a Government Minister who is often a Secretary of State and member of the Cabinet . He or she may also be supported by a number of junior Ministers . In practice , several government departments and Ministers have responsibilities that cover England alone , with devolved bodies having responsibility for Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , ( for example - the Department of Health ) , or responsibilities that mainly focus on England ( such as the Department for Education ) . Implementation of the Minister 's decisions is carried out by a permanent politically neutral organisation known as the civil service . Its constitutional role is to support the Government of the day regardless of which political party is in power . Unlike some other democracies , senior civil servants remain in post upon a change of Government . Administrative management of the Department is led by a head civil servant known in most Departments as a Permanent Secretary . The majority of the civil service staff in fact work in executive agencies , which are separate operational organisations reporting to Departments of State . `` Whitehall '' is often used as a metonym for the central core of the Civil Service . This is because most Government Departments have headquarters in and around the former Royal Palace Whitehall . Devolved National administrations ( edit ) Scottish government ( edit ) Main article : Scottish Government The Scottish Government is responsible for all issues that are not explicitly reserved to the United Kingdom Parliament at Westminster , by the Scotland Act ; including NHS Scotland , education , justice , rural affairs , and transport . It manages an annual budget of more than £ 25 billion . The government is led by the First Minister , assisted by various Ministers with individual portfolios and remits . The Scottish Parliament nominates a Member to be appointed as First Minister by the Queen . The First Minister then appoints their Ministers ( now known as Cabinet Secretaries ) and junior Ministers , subject to approval by the Parliament . The First Minister , the Ministers ( but not junior ministers ) , the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General are the Members of the ' Scottish Executive ' , as set out in the Scotland Act 1998 . They are collectively known as `` the Scottish Ministers '' . Welsh government ( edit ) Main article : Welsh Government The Welsh Government and the National Assembly for Wales have more limited powers than those devolved to Scotland , although following the passing of the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the Welsh devolution referendum , 2011 , the Assembly can now legislate in some areas through an Act of the National Assembly for Wales . Following the 2011 election , Welsh Labour held exactly half of the seats in the Assembly , falling just short of an overall majority . A Welsh Labour Government was subsequently formed headed by Carwyn Jones . Northern Ireland executive ( edit ) Main article : Northern Ireland Executive The Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly have powers closer to those already devolved to Scotland . The Northern Ireland Executive is led by a diarchy , most recently First Minister Arlene Foster ( Democratic Unionist Party ) and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness ( Sinn Féin ) , with both positions currently vacant . Legislatures ( edit ) The UK Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom ( i.e. , there is parliamentary sovereignty ) , and Government is drawn from and answerable to it . Parliament is bicameral , consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords . There is also a devolved Scottish Parliament and devolved Assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland , with varying degrees of legislative authority . UK Parliament ( edit ) House of Commons ( edit ) Parliament meets at the Palace of Westminster Main article : British House of Commons The Countries of the United Kingdom are divided into parliamentary constituencies of broadly equal population by the four Boundary Commissions . Each constituency elects a Member of Parliament ( MP ) to the House of Commons at General Elections and , if required , at by - elections . As of 2010 there are 650 constituencies ( there were 646 before that year 's general election ) . Of the 650 MPs , all but one - Lady Sylvia Hermon - belong to a political party . In modern times , all Prime Ministers and Leaders of the Opposition have been drawn from the Commons , not the Lords . Alec Douglas - Home resigned from his peerages days after becoming Prime Minister in 1963 , and the last Prime Minister before him from the Lords left in 1902 ( the Marquess of Salisbury ) . One party usually has a majority in Parliament , because of the use of the First Past the Post electoral system , which has been conducive in creating the current two party system . The monarch normally asks a person commissioned to form a government simply whether it can survive in the House of Commons , something which majority governments are expected to be able to do . In exceptional circumstances the monarch asks someone to ' form a government ' with a parliamentary minority which in the event of no party having a majority requires the formation of a coalition government or ' confidence and supply ' arrangement . This option is only ever taken at a time of national emergency , such as war - time . It was given in 1916 to Bonar Law , and when he declined , to David Lloyd George and in 1940 to Winston Churchill . A government is not formed by a vote of the House of Commons , it is a commission from the monarch . The House of Commons gets its first chance to indicate confidence in the new government when it votes on the Speech from the Throne ( the legislative programme proposed by the new government ) . House of Lords ( edit ) Main article : House of Lords The House of Lords was previously a largely hereditary aristocratic chamber , although including life peers , and Lords Spiritual . It is currently midway through extensive reforms , the most recent of these being enacted in the House of Lords Act 1999 . The house consists of two very different types of member , the Lords Temporal and Lords Spiritual . Lords Temporal include appointed members ( life peers with no hereditary right for their descendants to sit in the house ) and ninety - two remaining hereditary peers , elected from among , and by , the holders of titles which previously gave a seat in the House of Lords . The Lords Spiritual represent the established Church of England and number twenty - six : the Five Ancient Sees ( Canterbury , York , London , Winchester and Durham ) , and the 21 next-most senior bishops . The House of Lords currently acts to review legislation initiated by the House of Commons , with the power to propose amendments , and can exercise a suspensive veto . This allows it to delay legislation if it does not approve it for twelve months . However , the use of vetoes is limited by convention and by the operation of the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 : the Lords may not veto the `` money bills '' or major manifesto promises ( see Salisbury convention ) . Persistent use of the veto can also be overturned by the Commons , under a provision of the Parliament Act 1911 . Often governments will accept changes in legislation in order to avoid both the time delay , and the negative publicity of being seen to clash with the Lords . However the Lords still retain a full veto in acts which would extend the life of Parliament beyond the 5 - year term limit introduced by the Parliament Act 1911 . The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 outlined plans for a Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to replace the role of the Law Lords . The House of Lords was replaced as the final court of appeal on civil cases within the United Kingdom on 1 October 2009 , by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom . Devolved National legislatures ( edit ) Main article : Devolution in the United Kingdom Though the UK parliament remains the sovereign parliament , Scotland has a parliament and Wales and Northern Ireland have assemblies . De jure , each could have its powers broadened , narrowed or changed by an Act of the UK Parliament . The UK is a unitary state with a devolved system of government . This contrasts with a federal system , in which sub-parliaments or state parliaments and assemblies have a clearly defined constitutional right to exist and a right to exercise certain constitutionally guaranteed and defined functions and can not be unilaterally abolished by Acts of the central parliament . All three devolved institutions are elected by proportional representation : the Additional Member System is used in Scotland and Wales , and Single Transferable Vote is used in Northern Ireland . England , therefore , is the only country in the UK not to have its own devolved parliament . However , senior politicians of all main parties have voiced concerns in regard to the West Lothian Question , which is raised where certain policies for England are set by MPs from all four constituent nations whereas similar policies for Scotland or Wales might be decided in the devolved assemblies by legislators from those countries alone . Alternative proposals for English regional government have stalled , following a poorly received referendum on devolved government for the North East of England , which had hitherto been considered the region most in favour of the idea , with the exception of Cornwall , where there is widespread support for a Cornish Assembly , including all five Cornish MPs . England is therefore governed according to the balance of parties across the whole of the United Kingdom . The government has no plans to establish an English parliament or assembly although several pressure groups are calling for one . One of their main arguments is that MPs ( and thus voters ) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers . Currently an MP from Scotland can vote on legislation which affects only England but MPs from England ( or indeed Scotland ) can not vote on matters devolved to the Scottish parliament . Indeed , the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown , who is an MP for a Scottish constituency , introduced some laws that only affect England and not his own constituency . This anomaly is known as the West Lothian question . The policy of the UK Government in England was to establish elected regional assemblies with no legislative powers . The London Assembly was the first of these , established in 2000 , following a referendum in 1998 , but further plans were abandoned following rejection of a proposal for an elected assembly in North East England in a referendum in 2004 . Unelected regional assemblies remain in place in eight regions of England . Scottish Parliament ( edit ) Main article : Scottish Parliament The Scottish Parliament Building in Holyrood , Edinburgh , seat of the Scottish Parliament . The debating chamber of the Scottish Parliament . The Scottish Parliament is the national , unicameral legislature of Scotland , located in the Holyrood area of the capital Edinburgh . The Parliament , informally referred to as `` Holyrood '' ( cf . `` Westminster '' ) , is a democratically elected body comprising 129 members who are known as Members of the Scottish Parliament , or MSPs . Members are elected for four - year terms under the mixed member proportional representation system . As a result , 73 MSPs represent individual geographical constituencies elected by the plurality ( `` first past the post '' ) system , with a further 56 returned from eight additional member regions , each electing seven MSPs . The current Scottish Parliament was established by the Scotland Act 1998 and its first meeting as a devolved legislature was on 12 May 1999 . The parliament has the power to pass laws and has limited tax - varying capability . Another of its roles is to hold the Scottish Government to account . The `` devolved matters '' over which it has responsibility include education , health , agriculture , and justice . A degree of domestic authority , and all foreign policy , remains with the UK Parliament in Westminster . The public take part in Parliament in a way that is not the case at Westminster through Cross-Party Groups on policy topics which the interested public join and attend meetings of alongside Members of the Scottish Parliament ( MSPs ) . The resurgence in Celtic language and identity , as well as ' regional ' politics and development , has contributed to forces pulling against the unity of the state . This was clearly demonstrated when - although some argue it was influenced by general public dillusionment with Labour - the Scottish National Party ( SNP ) became the largest party in the Scottish Parliament by one seat . Alex Salmond ( leader of SNP ) has since made history by becoming the first First Minister of Scotland from a party other than Labour . The SNP governed as a minority administration at Holyrood following the 2007 Scottish Parliament election . Nationalism ( support for breaking up the UK ) has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity in recent years , with a pivotal moment coming at the 2011 Scottish Parliament election where the SNP capitalised on the collapse of the Liberal Democrat support to improve on their 2007 performance to win the first ever outright majority at Holyrood ( despite the voting system being specifically designed to prevent majorities ) , with Labour remaining the largest opposition party . This election result prompted the leader of the three main opposition parties to resign . Iain Gray was succeeded as Scottish Labour leader by Johann Lamont , Scottish Conservative and Unionist leader , Annabel Goldie was replaced by Ruth Davidson , and Tavish Scott , leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats was replaced by Willie Rennie . A major SNP manifesto pledge was to hold a referendum on Scottish Independence , which was duly granted by the UK Government and held on 18 September 2014 . When the nationalists came to power in 2011 , opinion polls placed support for independence at around 31 % , but in 2014 , 45 % voted to leave the union . In the wake of the referendum defeat , membership of the SNP surged to over 100,000 , overtaking the Liberal Democrats as the third largest political party in the UK by membership , and in the general election of May 2015 the SNP swept the board and took 56 of the 59 Westminster constituencies in Scotland ( far surpassing their previous best of 11 seats in the late 1970s ) and winning more than 50 % of the Scottish vote . Alex Salmond resigned as First Minister of Scotland and leader of the SNP following the country 's rejection of independence in September 2014 , and was succeeded in both roles by the deputy First Minister and deputy leader of the SNP , Nicola Sturgeon . Also in the wake of the referendum , Scottish Labour leader , Johann Lamont , stood down and Jim Murphy was elected to replace her . As Mr. Murphy is not currently an MSP , the Labour group in the Scottish Parliament is led by their deputy leader in Scotland , Kezia Dugdale . National Assembly for Wales ( edit ) Main article : National Assembly for Wales The Senedd - The Welsh Assembly Building The National Assembly for Wales is the devolved assembly with power to make legislation in Wales . The Assembly comprises 60 members , who are known as Assembly Members , or AMs ( Welsh : Aelod y Cynulliad ) . Members are elected for four - year terms under an additional members system , where 40 AMs represent geographical constituencies elected by the plurality system , and 20 AMs from five electoral regions using the d'Hondt method of proportional representation . The Siambr - The debating chamber of the Welsh Assembly The Assembly was created by the Government of Wales Act 1998 , which followed a referendum in 1997 . On its creation , most of the powers of the Welsh Office and Secretary of State for Wales were transferred to it . The Assembly had no powers to initiate primary legislation until limited law - making powers were gained through the Government of Wales Act 2006 . Its primary law - making powers were enhanced following a Yes vote in the referendum on 3 March 2011 , making it possible for it to legislate without having to consult the UK parliament , nor the Secretary of State for Wales in the 20 areas that are devolved . Northern Ireland Assembly ( edit ) Main article : Northern Ireland Assembly Parliament Buildings in Stormont , Belfast , seat of the Northern Ireland Assembly . The government of Northern Ireland was established as a result of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement . This created the Northern Ireland Assembly . The Assembly is a unicameral body consisting of 108 members elected under the Single Transferable Vote form of proportional representation . The Assembly is based on the principle of power - sharing , in order to ensure that both communities in Northern Ireland , unionist and nationalist , participate in governing the region . It has power to legislate in a wide range of areas and to elect the Northern Ireland Executive ( cabinet ) . It sits at Parliament Buildings at Stormont in Belfast . The Assembly has authority to legislate in a field of competences known as `` transferred matters '' . These matters are not explicitly enumerated in the Northern Ireland Act 1998 but instead include any competence not explicitly retained by the Parliament at Westminster . Powers reserved by Westminster are divided into `` excepted matters '' , which it retains indefinitely , and `` reserved matters '' , which may be transferred to the competence of the Northern Ireland Assembly at a future date . Health , criminal law and education are `` transferred '' while royal relations are all `` excepted '' . While the Assembly was in suspension , due to issues involving the main parties and the Provisional Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) , its legislative powers were exercised by the UK government , which effectively had power to legislate by decree . Laws that would normally be within the competence of the Assembly were passed by the UK government in the form of Orders - in - Council rather than legislative acts . There has been a significant decrease in violence over the last twenty years , though the situation remains tense , with the more hard - line parties such as Sinn Féin and the Democratic Unionist Party now holding the most parliamentary seats ( see Demographics and politics of Northern Ireland ) . Judiciary ( edit ) See also : Courts of the United Kingdom and Law of the United Kingdom The United Kingdom does not have a single legal system due to it being created by the political union of previously independent countries with the terms of the Treaty of Union guaranteeing the continued existence of Scotland 's separate legal system . Today the UK has three distinct systems of law : English law , Northern Ireland law and Scots law . Recent constitutional changes saw a new Supreme Court of the United Kingdom come into being in October 2009 that took on the appeal functions of the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords . The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council , comprising the same members as the Supreme Court , is the highest court of appeal for several independent Commonwealth countries , the UK overseas territories , and the British crown dependencies . England , Wales and Northern Ireland ( edit ) Main articles : English law and Northern Ireland law Both English law , which applies in England and Wales , and Northern Ireland law are based on common - law principles . The essence of common - law is that law is made by judges sitting in courts , applying their common sense and knowledge of legal precedent ( stare decisis ) to the facts before them . The Courts of England and Wales are headed by the Senior Courts of England and Wales , consisting of the Court of Appeal , the High Court of Justice ( for civil cases ) and the Crown Court ( for criminal cases ) . The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is the highest court in the land for both criminal and civil cases in England , Wales , and Northern Ireland and any decision it makes is binding on every other court in the hierarchy . Scotland ( edit ) Main article : Scots law Scots law , a hybrid system based on both common - law and civil - law principles , applies in Scotland . The chief courts are the Court of Session , for civil cases , and the High Court of Justiciary , for criminal cases . The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom serves as the highest court of appeal for civil cases under Scots law . Sheriff courts deal with most civil and criminal cases including conducting criminal trials with a jury , known that as Sheriff solemn Court , or with a Sheriff and no jury , known as ( Sheriff summary Court ) . The Sheriff courts provide a local court service with 49 Sheriff courts organised across six Sheriffdoms . Electoral systems ( edit ) Main article : Elections in the United Kingdom Various electoral systems are used in the UK : The first - past - the - post system is used for general elections to the House of Commons , and also for some local government elections in England and Wales . The plurality - at - large voting ( the bloc vote ) is also used for some local government elections in England and Wales . The additional member system is used for elections to the Scottish Parliament , the National Assembly for Wales ( Welsh Assembly ) and London Assembly . The system is implemented differently in each of the three locations . The single transferable vote system is used in Northern Ireland to elect the Northern Ireland Assembly , local councils , and Members of the European Parliament , and in Scotland to elect local councils . The alternative vote system is used for by - elections in Scottish local councils . The D'Hondt method of party - list proportional representation is used for European Parliament elections in England , Scotland and Wales . The supplementary vote is used to elect directly elected mayors in England , including the mayor of London . The use of the first - past - the - post to elect members of Parliament is unusual among European nations . The use of the system means that when three or more candidates receive a significant share of the vote , MPs are often elected from individual constituencies with a plurality ( receiving more votes than any other candidate ) , but not an absolute majority ( 50 percent plus one vote ) . Elections and political parties in the United Kingdom are affected by Duverger 's law , the political science principle which states that plurality voting systems , such as first - past - the - post , tend to lead to the development of two - party systems . The UK , like several other states , has sometimes been called a `` two - and - a-half '' party system , because parliamentary politics is dominated by the Labour Party and Conservative Party , while the Liberal Democrats , used to , hold a significant number of seats ( but still substantially less than Labour and the Conservatives ) , and several small parties ( some of them regional or nationalist ) trailing far behind in number of seats , although this changed in the 2015 general election . In the last few general elections , voter mandates for Westminster in the 30 -- 40 % ranges have been swung into 60 % parliamentary majorities . No single party has won a majority of the popular vote since the Third National Government of Stanley Baldwin in 1935 . On two occasions since World War II -- 1951 and February 1974 -- a party that came in second in the popular vote actually came out with the larger number of seats . Electoral reform for parliamentary elections have been proposed many times . The Jenkins Commission report in October 1998 suggested implementing the Alternative Vote Top - up ( also called alternative vote plus or AV+ ) in parliamentary elections . Under this proposal , most MPs would be directly elected from constituencies by the alternative vote , with a number of additional members elected from `` top - up lists . '' However , no action was taken by the Labour government at the time . There are a number of groups in the UK campaigning for electoral reform , including the Electoral Reform Society , Make Votes Count Coalition and Fairshare . The 2010 general election resulted in a hung parliament ( no single party being able to command a majority in the House of Commons ) . This was only the second general election since World War II to return a hung parliament , the first being the February 1974 election . The Conservatives gained the most seats ( ending 13 years of Labour government ) and the largest percentage of the popular vote , but fell 20 seats short of a majority . The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats entered into a new coalition government , headed by David Cameron . Under the terms of the coalition agreement the government committed itself to hold a referendum in May 2011 on whether to change parliamentary elections from first - past - the - post to AV . Electoral reform was a major priority for the Liberal Democrats , who favour proportional representation but were able to negotiate only a referendum on AV with the Conservatives . The coalition partners campaigned on opposite sides , with the Liberal Democrats supporting AV and the Conservatives opposing it . The referendum resulted in the Conservative 's favour and the first - past - the - post system was maintained . Political parties ( edit ) 2005 election results by age group : voters for Conservative ( blue ) , Labour ( red ) , Lib Dem ( yellow ) , other parties ( green ) ; and those not voting ( grey ) . There are two main parties in the United Kingdom : the Conservative Party , and the Labour Party . The Scottish National Party ( SNP ) is the third party in terms of representatives elected and party membership . The modern day Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is an outgrowth of the Tory movement or party , which began in 1678 . Today it is still colloquially referred to as the Tory Party and its members as Tories . The Liberal Democrats or `` Lib Dems '' were founded in 1988 by an amalgamation of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) , a Labour breakaway movement formed in 1981 . The Liberals and SDP had contested elections together as the SDP -- Liberal Alliance for seven years previously . The modern Liberal Party had been founded in 1859 as an outgrowth of the Whig movement or party ( which began at the same time as the Tory party and was its historical rival ) as well as the Radical and Peelite tendencies . The Liberal Party was one of the two dominant parties ( along with the Conservatives ) from its founding until the 1920s , when it rapidly declined in popularity , and was supplanted on the left by the Labour Party , which was founded in 1900 and formed its first government in 1924 . Since that time , the Labour and Conservative parties have been dominant , with the Liberals ( later Liberal Democrats ) being the third - largest party until 2015 , when they lost 48 of their 57 seats , while the Scottish National Party increased from 6 seats to 56 . Founded in 1934 , the SNP advocates for Scottish independence and has had continuous representation in Parliament since 1967 . The SNP currently leads a minority government in the Scottish Parliament . Minor parties also hold seats in parliament : Plaid Cymru , the Welsh nationalist party , has had continuous representation in Parliament since 1974 . Plaid Cymru has the third - largest number of seats in the National Assembly for Wales , after Welsh Labour and the Welsh Conservative & Unionist Party , and participated with the former in the coalition agreement in the Assembly before the 2011 election . In Northern Ireland , all 18 MPs are from parties that only contest elections in Northern Ireland ( except for Sinn Féin , which contests elections in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland ) . The unionist Democratic Unionist Party ( DUP ) , the republican Sinn Féin , the nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party ( SDLP ) , and the nonsectarian Alliance Party of Northern Ireland all gained seats in Parliament in the 2010 general election , the Alliance Party for the first time . Sinn Féin has a policy of abstentionism and their MPs refuse to take their seats in Parliament , and have done so since the 1920s . DUP , Sinn Féin , the Ulster Unionist Party ( UUP ) , and the SDLP are considered the four major political parties in Northern Ireland , holding the most seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly . In the most recent general election in 2017 , the Conservatives , although increased their vote share lost their overall majority in the House of Commons after previously commanding a majority for two years between 2015 and 2017 . Conservatives ( Tories ) ( edit ) Main article : Conservative Party ( UK ) The Conservative Party won the largest number of seats at the 2015 general election , returning 330 MPs ( plus the Speaker 's seat , uncontested , bringing the total MPs to 331 ) , enough for an overall majority , and went on to form the first Conservative majority government since the 1992 general election . It then won only 318 seats in the 2017 general election , but went on to form a confidence and supply deal with the DUP ( Democratic Unionist Party ) who got 10 seats in the House of Commons , creating a minority government for the Conservative party . The Conservative party can trace its origin back to 1662 , with the Court Party and the Country Party being formed in the aftermath of the English Civil War . The Court Party soon became known as the Tories , a name that has stuck despite the official name being ' Conservative ' . The term `` Tory '' originates from the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678 - 1681 - the Whigs were those who supported the exclusion of the Roman Catholic Duke of York from the thrones of England , Ireland and Scotland , and the Tories were those who opposed it . Both names were originally insults : a `` whiggamore '' was a horse drover ( See Whiggamore Raid ) , and a `` tory '' ( Tóraidhe ) was an Irish term for an outlaw , later applied to Irish Confederates and Irish Royalists , during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms . Generally , the Tories were associated with lesser gentry and the Church of England , while Whigs were more associated with trade , money , larger land holders ( or `` land magnates '' ) , expansion and tolerance of Catholicism . The Rochdale Radicals were a group of more extreme reformists who were also heavily involved in the cooperative movement . They sought to bring about a more equal society , and are considered by modern standards to be left - wing . After becoming associated with repression of popular discontent in the years after 1815 , the Tories underwent a fundamental transformation under the influence of Robert Peel , himself an industrialist rather than a landowner , who in his 1834 `` Tamworth Manifesto '' outlined a new `` Conservative '' philosophy of reforming ills while conserving the good . Though Peel 's supporters subsequently split from their colleagues over the issue of free trade in 1846 , ultimately joining the Whigs and the Radicals to form what would become the Liberal Party , Peel 's version of the party 's underlying outlook was retained by the remaining Tories , who adopted his label of Conservative as the official name of their party . The Conservatives were in government for 18 years between 1979 and 1997 , under the country 's first ever female Prime Minister , Margaret Thatcher , and then under John Major . Their landslide defeat in the 1997 general election saw the Conservative Party lose over half their seats gained in 1992 , and saw the party re-align with public perceptions of them . In 2008 , the Conservative Party formed a pact with the Ulster Unionist Party to select joint candidates for European and House of Commons elections ; this angered the DUP as by splitting the Unionist vote , republican parties will be elected in some areas . After thirteen years as the official opposition , the Party returned to power as part of a coalition agreement with the Liberal Democrats in 2010 , going on to form a majority government in 2015 . 2016 saw the resignation of David Cameron , which resulted in the appointment of the country 's second female Prime Minister Theresa May . The party is the only party in the United Kingdom to have a female prime minister . Historically , the party has been the mainland party most pre-occupied by British Unionism , as attested to by the party 's full name , the Conservative & Unionist Party . This resulted in the merger between the Conservatives and Joseph Chamberlain 's Liberal Unionist Party , composed of former Liberals who opposed Irish home rule . The unionist tendency is still in evidence today , manifesting sometimes as a scepticism or opposition to devolution , firm support for the continued existence of the United Kingdom in the face of movements advocating independence from the UK , and a historic link with the cultural unionism of Northern Ireland . Labour ( edit ) Main article : Labour Party ( UK ) The Labour Party won the second - largest number of seats in the House of Commons at the 2017 general election , with 261 seats overall . The history of the Labour Party goes back to 1900 , when a Labour Representation Committee was established and changed its name to `` The Labour Party '' in 1906 . After the First World War , this led to the demise of the Liberal Party as the main reformist force in British politics . The existence of the Labour Party on the left - wing of British politics led to a slow waning of energy from the Liberal Party , which has consequently assumed third place in national politics . After performing poorly in the general elections of 1922 , 1923 and 1924 , the Liberal Party was superseded by the Labour Party as the party of the left . Following two brief spells in minority governments in 1924 and 1929 -- 1931 , the Labour Party had its first true victory after World War II in the 1945 `` khaki election '' . Throughout the rest of the twentieth century , Labour governments alternated with Conservative governments . The Labour Party suffered the `` wilderness years '' of 1951 - 1964 ( three straight general election defeats ) and 1979 - 1997 ( four straight general election defeats ) . During this second period , Margaret Thatcher , who became Leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 , made a fundamental change to Conservative policies , turning the Conservative Party into an economic neoliberal party . In the General Election of 1979 she defeated James Callaghan 's Labour government following the Winter of Discontent . For all of the 1980s and most of the 1990s , Conservative governments under Thatcher and her successor John Major pursued policies of privatization , anti-trade - unionism , and , for a time , monetarism , now known collectively as Thatcherism . The Labour Party elected left - winger Michael Foot as their leader after their 1979 election defeat , and he responded to dissatisfaction with the Labour Party by pursuing a number of radical policies developed by its grassroots members . In 1981 , several centrist and right - wing leaning Labour MPs formed a breakaway group called the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) , a move which split Labour and is widely believed to have made the Labour Party unelectable for a decade . The SDP formed an alliance with the Liberal Party which contested the 1983 and 1987 general elections as a centrist alternative to Labour and the Conservatives . After some initial success , the SDP did not prosper ( partly due to its unfavourable distribution of votes by the First - Past - The - Post electoral system ) , and was accused by some of splitting the anti-Conservative vote . The SDP eventually merged with the Liberal Party to form the Liberal Democrats in 1988 . Support for the new party has increased since then , and the Liberal Democrats ( often referred to as Lib Dems ) gained an increased number of seats in the House of Commons in the 2001 and 2005 general elections . The Labour Party was defeated in a landslide in the 1983 general election , and Michael Foot was replaced shortly thereafter by Neil Kinnock as party leader . Kinnock progressively expelled members of Militant , a far left group which practised entryist , and moderated many of the party 's policies . Despite these changes , and because of Kinnock 's negative media image , Labour was defeated in the 1987 and 1992 general elections , and he was succeeded by John Smith . Tony Blair became Leader of the Labour Party after John Smith 's sudden death from a heart attack in 1994 . He continued to move the Labour Party towards the `` centre '' by loosening links with the unions and continuing many of Margaret Thatcher 's neoliberal policies . This coupled with the professionalising of the party machine 's approach to the media , helped Labour win a historic landslide in the 1997 General Election , after 18 years of Conservative government . Some observers say the Labour Party had by then morphed from a democratic socialist party to a social democratic party , a process which delivered three general election victories but alienated some of its core base - leading to the formation of the Socialist Labour Party ( UK ) . A subset of Labour MPs stand as joint Labour and Co-operative candidates due to a long - standing electoral alliance between the Labour Party and the Co-op Party - the political arm of the British co-operative movement . In the 2015 general election 42 candidates stood using the Labour and Co-operative Party description , of which 24 were elected . Scottish National Party ( edit ) Main article : Scottish National Party The Scottish National Party won the third - largest number of seats in the House of Commons at the 2015 general election , winning 56 MPs from the 59 constituencies in Scotland having won 50 % of the popular vote . This was an increase of 50 MPs on the result achieved in 2010 . The SNP has enjoyed parliamentary representation continuously since 1967 . Following the 2007 Scottish parliamentary elections , the SNP emerged as the largest party with 47 MSPs and formed a minority government with Alex Salmond as First Minister . After the 2011 Scottish parliamentary election , the SNP won enough seats to form a majority government , the first time this had ever happened since devolution was established in 1999 . Members of the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru work together as a single parliamentary group following a formal pact signed in 1986 . This group currently has 39 MPs . Liberal Democrats ( edit ) Main article : Liberal Democrats ( UK ) The Liberal Democrats won the joint - fourth largest number of seats at the 2015 general election , returning 8 MPs . The Liberal Democrats were founded in 1988 by an amalgamation of the Liberal Party with the Social Democratic Party , but can trace their origin back to the Whigs and the Rochdale Radicals who evolved into the Liberal Party . The term ' Liberal Party ' was first used officially in 1868 , though it had been in use colloquially for decades beforehand . The Liberal Party formed a government in 1868 and then alternated with the Conservative Party as the party of government throughout the late - nineteenth century and early - twentieth century . The Liberal Democrats are a party with policies on Constitutional and Political Reforms , including changing the voting system for General Elections ( UK Alternative Vote referendum , 2011 ) , abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with a 300 - member elected Senate , introducing Fixed Five Year Parliaments , and introducing a National Register of Lobbyists . They also support what they see as greater fairness and social mobility . In the coalition government , the party promoted legislation introducing a pupil premium - funding for schools directed at the poorest students to give them an equal chance in life . They also supported same - sex marriage and increasing the income tax threshold to £ 10,000 , a pre-election manifesto commitment . Northern Ireland parties ( edit ) Main article : List of political parties in Northern Ireland The Democratic Unionist Party had 8 MPs elected at the 2015 general election . Founded in 1971 by Ian Paisley , it has grown to become the larger of the two main unionist political parties in Northern Ireland . Other Northern Ireland parties represented at Westminster include the Social Democratic and Labour Party ( 3 MPs ) , the Ulster Unionist Party , the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland ( 1 MP ) and Sinn Féin ( 4 MPs ) . Sinn Féin MPs refuse to take their seats and sit in a ' foreign ' parliament . Plaid Cymru ( edit ) Main article : Plaid Cymru Plaid Cymru has enjoyed parliamentary representation continuously since 1974 and had 3 MPs elected at the 2015 general election . Following the 2007 Welsh Assembly elections , they joined Labour as the junior partner in a coalition government , but have fallen down to the third - largest party in the Assembly after the 2011 Assembly elections , and have become an opposition party . Other parliamentary parties ( edit ) The Green Party of England and Wales kept its sole MP , Caroline Lucas , in the 2015 General Election ( it previously had an MP in 1992 ; Cynog Dafis , Ceredigion , who was elected on a joint Plaid Cymru / Green Party ticket ) . It also has seats in the European Parliament , two seats on the London Assembly and around 120 local councillors . The UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) had one MP and 24 seats in the European Parliament as well as seats in the House of Lords and a number of local councillors . UKIP also had a MLA in the Northern Ireland Assembly . UKIP has become an emerging alternative party among some voters , gaining the third - largest share of the vote in the 2015 General Election and the largest share of the vote of any party ( 27 % ) in the 2014 European elections . In 2014 UKIP gained its first ever MP following the defection and re-election of Douglas Carswell in the 2014 Clacton by - election . They campaign mainly on issues such as reducing immigration and EU withdrawal . The Respect party , a left - wing group that came out of the anti-war movement had a single MP , George Galloway from 2005 - 2010 , and again between 2012 - 2015 . There are usually a small number of Independent politicians in parliament with no party allegiance . In modern times , this has usually occurred when a sitting member leaves their party , and some such MPs have been re-elected as independents . The only independent MP in the current parliament is Sylvia Hermon , previously of the Ulster Unionist Party . However , since 1950 , only two new members have been elected as independents without having ever stood for a major party : Martin Bell represented the Tatton constituency in Cheshire between 1997 and 2001 . He was elected following a `` sleaze '' scandal involving the - then incumbent Conservative MP , Neil Hamilton . Bell , a BBC journalist , stood as an anti-corruption independent candidate , and the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties withdrew their candidates from the election . Dr. Richard Taylor MP was elected for the Wyre Forest constituency in 2001 on a platform opposing the closure of Kidderminster hospital . He later established Health Concern , the party under which he ran in 2005 . Non-parliamentary political parties ( edit ) Other UK political parties exist , but generally do not succeed in returning MPs to Parliament . The Scottish Green Party has 6 MSPs in the Scottish Parliament and a number of local councillors . The Green Party ( Ireland ) has one MLAs in the Northern Ireland Assembly as well as local councillors . The British National Party ( BNP ) won two seats in the European Parliament in the 2009 European Elections , but currently has none . It also has a number of councillors . The Libertarian Party was founded in 2008 and has contested several local elections and parliamentary constituencies , gaining some local councillors . The English Democrats , which wants a parliament for England , has some local councillors and had its candidate elected mayor of Doncaster in 2009 . Other parties include : the Socialist Labour Party ( UK ) , the Free England Party , the Communist Party of Britain , the Socialist Party ( England and Wales ) , the Socialist Workers Party , the Scottish Socialist Party , the Liberal Party , Mebyon Kernow ( a Cornish nationalist party ) in Cornwall , Veritas , the Communist Left Alliance ( in Fife ) and the Pirate Party UK . Several local parties contest only within a specific area , a single county , borough or district . Examples include the Better Bedford Independent Party , which was one of the dominant parties in Bedford Borough Council and led by Bedford 's former Mayor , Frank Branston . The most notable local party is Health Concern , which controlled a single seat in the UK Parliament from 2001 to 2010 . The Jury Team , launched in March 2009 and described as a `` non-party party '' , is an umbrella organisation seeking to increase the number of independent members of both domestic and European members of Parliament in Great Britain . The Official Monster Raving Loony Party was founded in 1983 . The OMRLP are distinguished by having a deliberately bizarre manifesto , which contains things that seem to be impossible or too absurd to implement -- usually to highlight what they see as real - life absurdities . In spite of ( or perhaps because of ) a reputation more satirical than serious , they have routinely been successful in local elections . Current political landscape ( edit ) After winning the largest number of seats and votes in the 2015 general election , the Conservatives first under David Cameron and now under Theresa May remain ahead of the Labour Party , led by Jeremy Corbyn since September 2015 . The SNP has maintained its position in Scotland , the party was just short of an overall majority at the Scottish parliamentary elections in May 2016 . However a turbulent referendum on the United Kingdom 's membership of the European Union , called for by David Cameron , led to his own resignation , the appointment of a new prime minister Theresa May , and divided opinion on Europe amongst the party . In addition , the EU referendum campaign plunged the Labour Party into crisis and resulted in a motion of no confidence in the party leader Jeremy Corbyn being passed by the party 's MPs in a 172 - 40 vote , which followed a significant number of resignations from the Shadow Cabinet . This led to a leadership election which began with Angela Eagle , the former Shadow First Secretary of State and Shadow Secretary of State for Business , Innovation and Skills who eight days later withdrew from the leadership race , to support Owen Smith , the former Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions . This was won by Jeremy Corbyn with an increased majority . He went on to lead the Labour party at the 2017 election , where they gained 30 seats . Following the vote to leave the European Union , Nigel Farage offered his own resignation as leader , something he had campaigned for since 1992 . A leadership contest also took place in the Green Party , which led to the joint election on 2 September 2016 of Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas as co-leaders , who took over the role in a job - share arrangement . Lucas , was previously leader until 2010 and is the party 's only MP . Strategic cross-party alliances have been initiated , including a `` progressive alliance '' and a `` Patriotic Alliance '' , as proposed by UKIP donor Aaron Banks . Membership ( edit ) All political parties have membership schemes that allow members of the public to actively influence the policy and direction of the party to varying degrees , though particularly at a local level . Membership of British political parties is around 1 % of the British electorate , which is lower than in all European countries except for Poland and Latvia . Overall membership to a political party has been in decline since the 1950s . In 1951 , the Conservative Party had 2.2 million members , and a year later in 1952 the Labour Party reached their peak of 1 million members ( of an electorate of around 34 million ) . The table below details the membership numbers of political parties that have more than 5,000 members . Party Members Date Conservative 149,800 December 2013 Green Party of England and Wales 53,000 26 August 2016 Labour 528,180 31 March 2017 Liberal Democrats 108,000 16 October 2017 Plaid Cymru 8,273 July 2016 Scottish Green Party 9,000 + 9 June 2015 Scottish National Party 114,221 16 October 2015 UK Independence Party 32,757 11 November 2016 No data could be collected for the four parties of Northern Ireland : the DUP , UUP , SDLP , and Sinn Féin . However , in January 1997 , it was estimated that the UUP had 10 - 12,000 members , and the DUP had 5,000 members . Local government ( edit ) Main articles : Local government in England , Local government in Scotland , Local government in Wales , and Local government in Northern Ireland The UK is divided into a variety of different types of Local Authorities , with different functions and responsibilities . England has a mix of two - tier and single - tier councils in different parts of the country . In Greater London , a unique two - tier system exists , with power shared between the London borough councils , and the Greater London Authority which is headed by an elected mayor . Unitary Authorities are used throughout Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland . European Union ( edit ) Further information : European Movement UK , Euroscepticism in the United Kingdom , Members of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom , and Brexit The United Kingdom first joined the then European Communities in January 1973 by the then Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath , and remained a member of the European Union ( EU ) that it evolved into ; UK citizens , and other EU citizens resident in the UK , elect 73 members to represent them in the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg . The UK 's membership in the Union has been a major topic of debate over the years and has been objected to over questions of sovereignty , and in recent years there have been divisions in both major parties over whether the UK should form greater ties within the EU , or reduce the EU 's supranational powers . Opponents of greater European integration are known as `` Eurosceptics '' , while supporters are known as `` Europhiles '' . Division over Europe is prevalent in both major parties , although the Conservative Party is seen as most divided over the issue , both whilst in Government up to 1997 and after 2010 , and between those dates as the opposition . However , the Labour Party is also divided , with conflicting views over UK adoption of the euro whilst in Government ( 1997 -- 2010 ) . British nationalists have long campaigned against European integration . The strong showing of the eurosceptic UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) since the 2004 European Parliament elections has shifted the debate over UK relations with the EU . In March 2008 , Parliament decided to not hold a referendum on the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon , signed in December 2007 . This was despite the Labour government promising in 2004 to hold a referendum on the previously proposed Constitution for Europe . On 23 June 2016 , the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a referendum . After the referendum , it was debated as to how and when the UK should leave the EU . On 11 July 2016 , the Cabinet Office Minister , John Penrose failed to deliver a final answer on whether it would be at the disposal of the Prime Minister and one of the Secretaries of State , through the Royal prerogative , or of Parliament , through primary legislation . In October 2016 the Conservative Prime Minister , Theresa May , announced that Article 50 would be invoked by `` the first quarter of 2017 '' . On 24 January 2017 the Supreme Court ruled in the Miller case by a majority that the process could not be initiated without an authorising act of parliament , but unanimously ruled against the Scottish government 's claim in respect of devolution that they had a direct say in the decision to trigger Article 50 . Consequently , the European Union ( Notification of Withdrawal ) Act 2017 empowering the prime minister to invoke Article 50 was passed and enacted by royal assent in March 2017 . Invocation of Article 50 by the United Kingdom government occurred on 29 March 2017 , when Sir Tim Barrow , the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the European Union , formally delivered by hand a letter signed by Prime Minister Theresa May to Donald Tusk , the President of the European Council in Brussels . The letter also contained the United Kingdom 's intention to withdraw from the European Atomic Energy Community ( EAEC or Euratom ) . This means that the UK will cease to be a member of the EU on 30 March 2019 , unless an extension to negotiations is agreed upon by the UK and EU . International organisation participation ( edit ) African Development Bank Asian Development Bank Australia Group Bank for International Settlements Commonwealth of Nations Caribbean Development Bank ( non-regional ) Council of Europe CERN Euro - Atlantic Partnership Council European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Investment Bank European Space Agency European Union Food and Agriculture Organization G5 , G6 , G7 , G8 G10 Inmarsat Inter-American Development Bank International Atomic Energy Agency International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Civil Aviation Organization International Chamber of Commerce International Confederation of Free Trade Unions International Criminal Court International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol International Development Association International Energy Agency International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Finance Corporation International Fund for Agricultural Development International Hydrographic Organization International Labour Organization International Maritime Organization International Monetary Fund International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) ( observer ) International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement International Telecommunications Satellite Organization ( Intelsat ) International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ) International Whaling Commission MONUC Non-Aligned Movement ( NAM ) ( guest ) North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) Nuclear Energy Agency ( NEA ) Nuclear Suppliers Group ( NSG ) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ( OSCE ) Organization of American States ( OAS ) ( observer ) Permanent Court of Arbitration Secretariat of the Pacific Community ( SPC ) UNESCO United Nations United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ( associate ) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO ) United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo ( UNMIK ) United Nations Iraq - Kuwait Observation Mission ( UNIKOM ) United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina ( UNMIBH ) United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone ( UNAMSIL ) United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia ( UNOMIG ) United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus ( UNFICYP ) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ( UNRWA ) United Nations Security Council ( permanent member ) Universal Postal Union ( UPU ) UNTAET Western European Union World Confederation of Labour World Customs Organization World Health Organization World Intellectual Property Organization World Meteorological Organization World Trade Organization Zangger Committee See also ( edit ) British politics portal British political scandals British Polling Council List of British political defections Parliament in the Making Parliament Week Pressure groups in the United Kingdom Referendums in the United Kingdom History of taxation in the United Kingdom References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` General Election results through time , 1945 -- 2001 '' . BBC News . Retrieved 19 May 2006 . Jump up ^ `` UK election results - what does it all mean ? As it happened '' . Telegraph.co.uk . Retrieved 8 October 2016 . Jump up ^ EIU . `` Democracy Index 2017 '' . www.eiu.com . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Queen and Prime Minister '' . Archived from the original on 14 April 2010 . Retrieved 18 June 2010 . Jump up ^ Dyer , Clare ( 21 October 2003 ) . `` Mystery lifted on Queen 's powers '' . The Guardian . London . Jump up ^ About the Scottish Executive , Scotland.gov.uk Jump up ^ `` Structure and powers of the Assembly '' . BBC News . 9 April 1992 . Retrieved 21 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Devolved Government - Ministers and their departments '' . Northern Ireland Executive . Archived from the original on 25 July 2008 . Retrieved 17 October 2008 . Jump up ^ The formal request from the monarch is either to ( a ) form a government capable of surviving in the House of Commons ( which by implication does not require a majority behind it , given that skilled minority governments can and do survive for long periods ) ; or ( b ) form a government capable of commanding a majority in the Commons , which by implication requires a majority behind it Jump up ^ Jones , George ( 17 January 2006 ) . `` Baker seeks end to West Lothian question '' . London : The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 16 May 2006 . Jump up ^ `` No English parliament -- Falconer '' . BBC . 10 March 2006 . Retrieved 16 May 2006 . Jump up ^ BBC News 2001 - Blair gets Cornish assembly call Jump up ^ BBC news 2003 - Prescott pressed on Cornish Assembly poll Jump up ^ including The Campaign for an English Parliament Jump up ^ `` Scottish Parliament Word Bank '' . Scottish Parliament . Retrieved 14 November 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Scottish Parliament MSPs '' . Scottish Parliament . Retrieved 14 November 2006 . Jump up ^ `` The Celtic League '' . Archived from the original on 15 June 2006 . Retrieved 20 May 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Wales says Yes in referendum vote '' . BBC News . 4 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Constitutional reform : A Supreme Court for the United Kingdom '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 17 January 2009 . ( 252 KB ) , Department for Constitutional Affairs . Retrieved on 22 May 2006 Jump up ^ Warnes , Sophie ( 26 September 2014 ) . `` The Scottish National Party is now the third - largest party in the UK '' . mirror . Retrieved 8 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Theresa May and the DUP deal : What you need to know BBC News , 26 June 2017 Jump up ^ The Conservative / DUP deal : what it says and what it means The Guardian , 26 June 2017 Jump up ^ DUP agrees £ 1bn deal with Conservatives to prop up Theresa May 's minority Government The Telegraph , 26 June 2017 Jump up ^ Oxford English Dictionary ( Second Edition 1989 ) . Whig n. 2 , whiggamore , and tory 1 . a . Jump up ^ Pact will ' empower NI electorate ' BBC News , 6 December 2008 Jump up ^ `` Parliamentary candidates '' . The Co-operative Party . Archived from the original on 18 May 2015 . Retrieved 8 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` General Election results '' . The Co-operative Party . 8 May 2015 . Retrieved 8 May 2015 . Jump up ^ Plaid Cymru / Scottish National Party Parliamentary Teams www.parliament.uk , accessed 15 August 2008 Jump up ^ Duggan , Emily ( 8 May 2015 ) . `` George Galloway defeated by Labour 's Naz Shah as tactics backfire in Bradford '' . The Independent . Retrieved 15 July 2016 . Jump up ^ / 8084538. stm English Democrat wins mayor vote BBC NEWS 5 June 2009 Jump up ^ Gourlay , Chris ( 8 March 2009 ) . `` Tycoon finances ' X Factor ' party to clean up politics '' . London : The Sunday Times . Retrieved 10 May 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Labour MPs pass no - confidence motion in Jeremy Corbyn '' . BBC News . 28 June 2016 . Retrieved 8 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Walker , Peter ( 2 September 2016 ) . `` Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley voted joint Green party leaders '' . The Guardian . ISSN 0261 - 3077 . Retrieved 8 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Patriotic Alliance '' . Retrieved 30 April 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Patriotic Alliance '' . Retrieved 30 April 2017 . Jump up ^ The Guardian - British Democracy In Terminal Decline Jump up ^ The Telegraph - Our Politics Is Bursting With Life , It 's The Parties That Are Dying Jump up ^ BBC - Can Political Parties Be Saved From Extinction Jump up ^ Parliament UK - Membership of British Political Parties Jump up ^ `` Membership of UK political parties -- Commons Library Standard Note '' . UK Parliament . 28 March 2017 . Retrieved 22 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Bateman , Tom ( 26 August 2016 ) . `` Greens ' Caroline Lucas proposes Labour election pact '' . BBC News . Retrieved 26 August 2016 . The ballot of the Greens ' 53,000 members closed on Thursday night Jump up ^ `` Labour party has lost nearly 26,000 members since mid-2016 , report claims '' . The Guardian . Press Association . 3 March 2017 . Retrieved 15 March 2017 . Jump up ^ BBC News , accessed 11 July 2016 Jump up ^ Martin Shipton . `` No surge in membership for Plaid Cymru under Leanne Wood 's leadership despite predictions to the contrary '' . Wales Online . Retrieved 22 April 2017 . Last updated 26 August 2016 Jump up ^ `` SCOTTISH GREENS WELCOME LATEST HOLYROOD POLL '' . Scottish Green Party . 9 June 2015 . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` SNP Conference 2015 : Who are the party 's new members ? '' . BBC . 16 October 2015 . Retrieved 24 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Paul Nuttall elected as UKIP leader . BBC NEWS . Published 28 November 2016 . Retrieved 20 April 2017 . Jump up ^ British Elections and Parties Review , Volume 7 . Edited by David Denver . Hosted by Google Books . Published by Routledge , 18 Oct 2013 . Jump up ^ Browne , Anthony ( 14 September 2005 ) . `` Europe Wins The Power To Jail British Citizens '' . The Times . London . Retrieved 20 October 2008 . Jump up ^ `` UK rebel lawmakers beaten on EU vote '' . CNN . 5 March 2008 . Archived from the original on 9 March 2008 . Retrieved 5 March 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Brexit : Theresa May to trigger Article 50 by end of March '' . BBC News . 2 October 2016 . Retrieved 16 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Bloom , Dan ( 29 March 2017 ) . `` Brexit Day recap : Article 50 officially triggered on historic day as Theresa May warns : ' No turning back ' '' . Daily Mirror . Retrieved 29 March 2017 . Further reading ( edit ) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ( 2004 ) online ; short scholarly biographies of all the major people who died by 2009 Addison , Paul and Harriet Jones , eds . A Companion to Contemporary Britain : 1939 -- 2000 ( 2005 ) excerpt and text search Budge , Ian , et al. eds . The New British Politics ( 4th ed. 2007 ) 712pp Butler , David . British General Elections Since 1945 ( 1995 ) 195pp ; excerpt and text search Cannon , John , ed . The Oxford Companion to British History ( 2003 ) , historical encyclopedia ; 4000 entries in 1046pp excerpt and text search Childs , David . Britain since 1945 : A Political History ( 2012 ) excerpt and text search Cook , Chris and John Stevenson , eds . Longman Companion to Britain Since 1945 ( 1995 ) 336pp Hennessy , Peter . The Prime Minister : The Office and Its Holders Since 1945 ( 2001 ) except and text search ; Attlee to Blair ; 688pp Jones , Harriet , and Mark Clapson , eds . The Routledge Companion to Britain in the Twentieth Century ( 2009 ) excerpt and text search King , Anthony . The British Constitution ( 2011 ) 464pp Leventhal , F.M. Twentieth - Century Britain : An Encyclopedia ( 2nd ed. 2002 ) 640pp ; short articles by scholars Marr , Andrew . A History of Modern Britain ( 2009 ) ; also published as The Making of Modern Britain ( 2010 ) , popular history 1945 -- 2005 Pugh , Martin . Speak for Britain ! : A New History of the Labour Party ( 2011 ) excerpt and text search Ramsden , John , ed . The Oxford Companion to Twentieth - Century British Politics ( 2005 ) excerpt and text search External links ( edit ) Prospect Magazine - UK based political magazine focussing on British and international politics , cultural essays and arguments British Politics - the only academic journal devoted purely to the study of political issues in Britain Directgov , main entry point for citizens to the UK government Directgov - Guide to Government Official UK parliament website Official UK parliamentary membership by party British Government and Politics on the Internet from the Keele University School of Politics British Politics and Policy at LSE The London School of Economics ' UK politics and policy blog ePolitix - UK Politics news website British Government and Politics Compiled by a retired English Librarian Women 's Parliamentary Radio Interviews and resources about women politicians in the UK Political parties in the United Kingdom House of Commons ( 650 ) Conservative ( 316 ) Labour ( 259 , including Labour Co-operative ) * Scottish National ( 35 ) Liberal Democrats ( 12 ) Democratic Unionist ( 10 ) Sinn Féin ( 7 ) Plaid Cymru ( 4 ) Green ( E&W ) ( 1 ) Independent ( 5 ) House of Lords ( 792 ) Conservative ( 248 ) Labour ( 188 ) Crossbenchers ( 186 ) Liberal Democrats ( 98 ) Democratic Unionist ( 4 ) UKIP ( 3 ) Ulster Unionist ( 2 ) Plaid Cymru ( 1 ) Green ( E&W ) ( 1 ) Non-affiliated & independent ( 33 ) Lords Spiritual ( 26 ) Scottish Parliament ( 129 ) Scottish National ( 62 ) Conservatives ( 31 ) Labour ( 24 ) Scottish Green ( 6 ) Liberal Democrats ( 5 ) Independent ( 1 ) National Assembly for Wales ( 60 ) Labour ( 29 ) Conservatives ( 11 ) Plaid Cymru ( 10 ) UKIP ( 5 ) Independent ( 4 ) Liberal Democrats ( 1 ) Northern Ireland Assembly ( 90 ) Democratic Unionist ( 28 ) Sinn Féin ( 27 ) Social Democratic and Labour ( 12 ) Ulster Unionist ( 10 ) Alliance ( 8 ) Green ( NI ) ( 2 ) People Before Profit ( 1 ) Traditional Unionist Voice ( 1 ) Independent Unionist ( 1 ) London Assembly ( 25 ) Labour ( 12 ) Conservative ( 8 ) Green ( E&W ) ( 2 ) UKIP ( 2 ) Liberal Democrats ( 1 ) European Parliament ( 73 of 751 ) Conservative ( ECR , 20 ) Labour ( S&D , 20 ) UKIP ( EFDD , 20 ) Green ( E&W ) ( Greens / EFA , 3 ) Independent ( Non-inscrits , 2 ; ENF , 1 ) Scottish National ( Greens / EFA , 2 ) Democratic Unionist ( Non-inscrits , 1 ) Liberal Democrats ( ALDE , 1 ) Plaid Cymru ( Greens / EFA ) , 1 ) Sinn Féin ( GUE / NGL , 1 ) Ulster Unionist ( ECR , 1 ) Other national and regional parties British Democratic British National English Democrats Independent Community and Health Concern Liberal Mebyon Kernow National Health Action National Liberal Progressive Unionist Scottish Socialist Solidarity UK European People 's Party Yorkshire Party * Co-operative Party candidates stand jointly with the Labour Party . Sinn Féin have elected members and offices at Westminster , but as abstentionists do not take their seats . Some candidates stand as `` Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition '' candidates . 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what is the meaning of equidistant in mathematics
A point is said to be equidistant from a set of objects if the distances between that point and each object in the set are equal .
A point is said to be equidistant from a set of objects if the distances between that point and each object in the set are equal .
In two - dimensional Euclidean geometry , the locus of points equidistant from two given ( different ) points is their perpendicular bisector . In three dimensions , the locus of points equidistant from two given points is a plane , and generalising further , in n - dimensional space the locus of points equidistant from two points in n - space is an ( n − 1 ) - space . For a triangle the circumcentre is a point equidistant from each of the three vertices . Every non-degenerate triangle has such a point . This result can be generalised to cyclic polygons : the circumcentre is equidistant from each of the vertices . Likewise , the incentre of a triangle or any other tangential polygon is equidistant from the points of tangency of the polygon 's sides with the circle . Every point on a perpendicular bisector of the side of a triangle or other polygon is equidistant from the two vertices at the ends of that side . Every point on the bisector of an angle of any polygon is equidistant from the two sides that emanate from that angle . The center of a rectangle is equidistant from all four vertices , and it is equidistant from two opposite sides and also equidistant from the other two opposite sides . A point on the axis of symmetry of a kite is equidistant between two sides . The center of a circle is equidistant from every point on the circle . Likewise the center of a sphere is equidistant from every point on the sphere . A parabola is the set of points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point ( the focus ) and a fixed line ( the directrix ) , where distance from the directrix is measured along a line perpendicular to the directrix . In shape analysis , the topological skeleton or medial axis of a shape is a thin version of that shape that is equidistant from its boundaries . In Euclidean geometry , parallel lines ( lines that never intersect ) are equidistant in the sense that the distance of any point on one line from the nearest point on the other line is the same for all points . In hyperbolic geometry the set of points that are equidistant from and on one side of a given line form an hypercycle ( which is a curve not a line ) . See also ( edit ) Equidistant set References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Clapham , Christopher ; Nicholson , James ( 2009 ) . The concise Oxford dictionary of mathematics . Oxford University Press . pp. 164 -- 165 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 923594 - 0 . Jump up ^ Smart , James R. ( 1997 ) , Modern Geometries ( 5th ed . ) , Brooks / Cole , p. 392 , ISBN 0 - 534 - 35188 - 3 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Equidistant&oldid=805759682 '' Categories : Elementary geometry Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from August 2012 All articles needing additional references Talk About Wikipedia Euskara Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 17 October 2017 , at 13 : 18 . About Wikipedia
where is the fa cup draw being held
FA Cup
fa cup
The FA Cup , known officially as The Football Association Challenge Cup , is an annual knockout football competition in men 's domestic English football . First played during the 1871 -- 72 season , it is the oldest national football competition in the world . It is organised by and named after The Football Association ( The FA ) . For sponsorship reasons , from 2015 through to 2018 it is also known as The Emirates FA Cup . A concurrent women 's tournament is also held , the FA Women 's Cup .
The competition is open to any eligible club down to Level 10 of the English football league system -- all 92 professional clubs in the Premier League ( Level 1 ) and the English Football League ( Levels 2 to 4 ) , and several hundred `` non-league '' teams in Steps 1 to 6 of the National League System ( Levels 5 to 10 ) . A record 763 clubs competed in 2011 -- 12 . The tournament consists of 12 randomly drawn rounds followed by the semi-finals and the final . Entrants are not seeded , although a system of byes based on league level ensures higher ranked teams enter in later rounds -- the minimum number of games needed to win the competition ranges from six to fourteen . The first six rounds are the Qualifying Competition , from which 32 teams progress to the first round of the Competition Proper , meeting the first of the 48 professional teams from Leagues One and Two . The last entrants are the Premier League and Championship clubs , into the draw for the Third Round Proper . In the modern era , only one non-league team has ever reached the quarter - finals , and teams below Level 2 have never reached the final . As a result , as well as who wins , significant focus is given to those `` minnows '' ( smaller teams ) who progress furthest , especially if they achieve an unlikely `` giant - killing '' victory . Winners receive the FA Cup trophy , of which there have been two designs and five actual cups ; the latest is a 2014 replica of the second design , introduced in 1911 . Winners also qualify for the Europa League and a place in the FA Community Shield match . Chelsea are the current holders , having beaten Manchester United 1 -- 0 in the 2018 final . Arsenal are the most successful club with 13 titles . Arsenal 's Arsène Wenger is the most successful manager in the competition with seven finals won . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Eligibility 3 Competition format 3.1 Overview 3.2 Schedule 3.3 The draw 3.4 Tiebreaking 4 Qualification for subsequent competitions 4.1 European football 4.2 FA Community Shield 5 Venues 5.1 Competition rounds 5.2 Semi-finals 5.3 Final 5.4 Artificial turf 6 Trophy 6.1 Original design 6.1. 1 1871 original 6.1. 2 1895 replica 6.2 Current design 6.2. 1 1911 original 6.2. 2 1992 replica 6.2. 3 2014 replica 7 Medals 8 Sponsorship 9 Records and statistics 9.1 Final 9.1. 1 Team 9.1. 2 Individual 9.2 All rounds 10 Cup runs and giant killings 10.1 Early years 10.2 Non-league giant killings 10.3 Non-league cup runs 10.4 Giant killings between league clubs 11 Winners and finalists 11.1 Results by team 11.2 Consecutive winners 11.3 Winning managers 11.4 Doubles / Trebles 11.5 Outside England 11.6 Outside the top division 12 Media coverage 12.1 Domestic broadcasters 12.2 Overseas broadcasters 13 References 13.1 Notes 14 External links History ( edit ) See also : History of the FA Cup Harry Hampton scores one of his two goals in the 1905 FA Cup Final where Aston Villa defeated Newcastle United In 1863 , the newly founded Football Association ( the FA ) published the Laws of the Game of Association Football , unifying the various different rules in use before then . On 20 July 1871 , in the offices of The Sportsman newspaper , the FA Secretary C.W. Alcock proposed to the FA committee that `` it is desirable that a Challenge Cup should be established in connection with the Association for which all clubs belonging to the Association should be invited to compete '' . The inaugural FA Cup tournament kicked off in November 1871 . After thirteen games in all , Wanderers were crowned the winners in the final , on 16 March 1872 . Wanderers retained the trophy the following year . The modern cup was beginning to be established by the 1888 -- 89 season , when qualifying rounds were introduced . Following the 1914 -- 15 edition , the competition was suspended due to the First World War , and did not resume until 1919 -- 20 . The 1922 -- 23 competition saw the first final to be played in the newly opened Wembley Stadium ( known at the time as the Empire Stadium ) . Due to the outbreak of World War II , the competition was not played between the 1938 -- 39 and 1945 -- 46 editions . Due to the wartime breaks , the competition did not celebrate its centenary year until 1980 -- 81 ; fittingly the final featured a goal by Ricky Villa which was later voted the greatest goal ever scored at Wembley Stadium , but has since been replaced by Steven Gerrard . Having previously featured replays , the modern day practice of ensuring the semi-final and final matches finish on the day , was introduced from 2000 onwards . Redevelopment of Wembley saw the final played outside of England for the first time , the 2001 -- 2006 finals being played at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff . The final returned to Wembley in 2007 , followed by the semi-finals from 2008 . Eligibility ( edit ) The competition is open to any club down to Level 10 of the English football league system which meets the eligibility criteria . All clubs in the top four levels ( the Premier League and the three divisions of the Football League ) are automatically eligible . Clubs in the next six levels ( non-league football ) are also eligible provided they have played in either the FA Cup , FA Trophy or FA Vase competitions in the previous season . Newly formed clubs , such as F.C. United of Manchester in 2005 -- 06 and also 2006 -- 07 , may not therefore play in the FA Cup in their first season . All clubs entering the competition must also have a suitable stadium . It is very rare for top clubs to miss the competition , although it can happen in exceptional circumstances . Manchester United did not defend their title in 1999 -- 2000 , as they were already in the inaugural Club World Championship . The club stated that entering both tournaments would overload their fixture schedule and make it more difficult to defend their Champions League and Premier League titles . The club claimed that they did not want to devalue the FA Cup by fielding a weaker side . The move benefited United as they received a two - week break and won the 1999 -- 2000 league title by an 18 - point margin , although they did not progress past the group stage of the Club World Championship . The withdrawal from the FA Cup , however , drew considerable criticism as this weakened the tournament 's prestige and Sir Alex Ferguson later admitted his regret regarding their handling of the situation . Welsh sides that play in English leagues are eligible , although since the creation of the League of Wales there are only six clubs remaining : Cardiff City ( the only non-English team to win the tournament , in 1927 ) , Swansea City , Newport County , Wrexham , Merthyr Town and Colwyn Bay . In the early years other teams from Wales , Ireland and Scotland also took part in the competition , with Glasgow side Queen 's Park losing the final to Blackburn Rovers in 1884 and 1885 before being barred from entering by the Scottish Football Association . In the 2013 -- 14 season the first Channel Island club entered the competition when Guernsey F.C. competed for the first time . The number of entrants has increased greatly in recent years . In the 2004 -- 05 season , 660 clubs entered the competition , beating the long - standing record of 656 from the 1921 -- 22 season . In 2005 -- 06 this increased to 674 entrants , in 2006 -- 07 to 687 , in 2007 -- 08 to 731 clubs , and for the 2008 -- 09 and 2009 -- 10 competitions it reached 762 . The number has varied slightly but remained roughly stable since then , with 759 clubs participating in 2010 -- 11 , a record 763 in 2011 -- 12 , 758 for 2012 -- 13 , 737 for 2013 -- 14 and 736 for 2014 -- 15 . By comparison , the other major English domestic cup , the League Cup , involves only the 92 members of the Premier League and Football League . Competition format ( edit ) Overview ( edit ) Beginning in August , the competition proceeds as a knockout tournament throughout , consisting of twelve rounds , a semi-final and then a final , in May . A system of byes ensures clubs above Level 9 and 10 enter the competition at later stages . There is no seeding , the fixtures in each round being determined by a random draw . Prior to the quarter - finals , fixtures ending in a tie are replayed once only . The first six rounds are qualifiers , with the draws organised on a regional basis . The next six rounds are the `` proper '' rounds where all clubs are in one draw . Schedule ( edit ) Entrants from the bottom two levels ( 9 and 10 ) begin the competition in the Extra Preliminary Round . Clubs from higher levels are then added in later rounds , as per the table below . The months in which rounds are played are traditional , with exact dates subject to each year 's calendar . Round New entrants at this round Month No of matches Qualifying Competition Extra-Preliminary Round Level 9 and 10 clubs August 184 Preliminary Round Level 8 clubs 160 First Round Level 7 clubs September 116 Second Round Level 6 clubs 80 Third Round none October 40 Fourth Round Level 5 clubs 32 Competition Proper First Round Level 3 and 4 clubs November 40 Second Round none December 20 Third Round Level 1 and 2 clubs January 32 Fourth Round none 16 Fifth Round February 8 Quarter - finals March Semi-Finals April Final May The qualifying rounds are regionalised to reduce the travel costs for smaller non-league sides . The first and second proper rounds were also previously split into Northern and Southern sections , but this practice was ended after the 1997 -- 98 competition . The final is normally held the Saturday after the Premier League season finishes in May . The only seasons in recent times when this pattern was not followed were 1999 -- 2000 , when most rounds were played a few weeks earlier than normal as an experiment , and 2010 -- 11 and 2012 -- 13 when the FA Cup Final was played before the Premier League season had finished , to allow Wembley Stadium to be ready for the UEFA Champions League final , as well as in 2011 -- 12 to allow England time to prepare for that summer 's European Championships . The draw ( edit ) The draws for the Extra-Preliminary , Preliminary , and First Qualifying Rounds used to all occur at the same time . Thereafter , the draw for each subsequent round is not made until after the scheduled dates for the previous round , meaning that in the case of replays , clubs will often know their future opponents in advance . This season 2016 / 17 the draw for the 1st qualifying round was drawn at a later date as per previous season 's later rounds . The draw for each of the proper rounds is broadcast live on television , usually taking place at the conclusion of live coverage of one of the games of the previous round . Public interest is particularly high during the draw for the third round , which is where the top - ranked teams are added to the draw . Tiebreaking ( edit ) In rounds up to and including the fifth round proper , fixtures resulting in a draw ( after normal time ) go to a replay , played at the venue of the away team , at a later date ; if that replay is still tied , the winner is settled by a period of extra time , and if still necessary , a penalty shootout . Since 2016 -- 17 , ties are settled on the day from the quarter - finals onwards , using extra time and penalties . Until 1990 -- 91 , further replays would be played until one team was victorious . Some ties took as many as six matches to settle ; in their 1975 campaign , Fulham played a total of 12 games over six rounds , which remains the most games played by a team to reach a final . Replays were traditionally played three or four days after the original game , but from 1991 -- 92 they were staged at least 10 days later on police advice for the rounds proper . This led to penalty shoot - outs being introduced , the first of which came on 26 November 1991 when Rotherham United eliminated Scunthorpe United . From 1980 -- 81 to 1998 -- 99 , the semi-finals went to extra time on the day if the score after 90 minutes was a draw . If the score was still level after extra time , the match would go to a replay . Replays for the semi-finals were scrapped for 1999 -- 2000 , the last semi-final to go into a replay was in 1998 -- 99 when Manchester United beat Arsenal 2 -- 1 after extra time . The first game had ended in a 0 -- 0 draw . The first FA Cup Final to go to extra time and a replay was the 1875 final , between the Royal Engineers and the Old Etonians . The initial tie finished 1 -- 1 but the Royal Engineers won the replay 2 -- 0 in normal time . The last replayed final was the 1993 FA Cup Final , when Arsenal and Sheffield Wednesday fought a 1 -- 1 draw . The replay saw Arsenal win the FA Cup , 2 -- 1 after extra time . The last quarter - final to go to a replay was Manchester United vs West Ham United in the 2015 -- 16 FA Cup . The original game at Old Trafford ended in a 1 -- 1 draw , while Manchester United won the replay at the Boleyn Ground , 2 -- 1 . It was also the last FA Cup game ever played at the Boleyn Ground . Qualification for subsequent competitions ( edit ) European Football ( edit ) The FA Cup winners qualify for the following season 's UEFA Europa League ( formerly named the UEFA Cup ; from its launch in 1960 until 1998 , they entered the now - defunct UEFA Cup Winners ' Cup instead ) . This European place applies even if the team is relegated or is not in the English top flight . In the past , if the FA Cup winning team also qualified for the following season 's Champions League or Europa League through their league position , then the losing FA Cup finalist were given this European berth instead . FA Cup winners enter the Europa League at the group stage . Losing finalists , if they have n't qualified for Europe via the league , began earlier , at the play - off or third qualifying round stage . From the 2015 -- 16 UEFA Europa League season , however , UEFA does not allow the runners - up to qualify for the Europa League through the competition . If the winner -- and until 2015 , the runner - up -- has already qualified for Europe through their league position ( with the exception of the UEFA Cup until 1998 ) , the FA Cup berth is then given to the highest - place team in the league who has not yet qualified . FA Community Shield ( edit ) The FA Cup winners also qualify for the following season 's single - match FA Community Shield , the traditional season opener played against the previous season 's Premier League champions ( or the Premier League runners - up if the FA Cup winners also won the league -- the double ) . Venues ( edit ) Since 2007 the FA Cup Final has been held at Wembley Stadium , on the site of the previous stadium which hosted it from 1923 to 2000 . Fixtures in the 12 rounds of the competition are usually played at the home ground of one of the two teams . The semi-finals and final are played at a neutral venue -- the rebuilt Wembley Stadium ( since 2008 and 2007 respectively ) . Competition rounds ( edit ) In the matches for the twelve competition rounds , the team who plays at home is decided when the fixtures are drawn -- simply the first team drawn out for each fixture . Occasionally games may have to be moved to other grounds due to other events taking place , security reasons or a ground not being suitable to host popular teams . In the event of a draw , the replay is played at the ground of the team who originally played away from home . In the days when multiple replays were possible , the second replay ( and any further replays ) were played at neutral grounds . The clubs involved could alternatively agree to toss for home advantage in the second replay . Semi-finals ( edit ) The semi-finals have been played exclusively at the rebuilt Wembley Stadium since 2008 , one year after it opened and after it had already hosted a final ( in 2007 ) . For the first decade of the competition , the Kennington Oval was used as the semi-final venue . In the period between this first decade and the reopening of Wembley , semi-finals were played at high - capacity neutral venues around England ; usually the home grounds of teams not involved in that semi-final , chosen to be roughly equidistant between the two teams for fairness of travel . The top three most used venues in this period were Villa Park in Birmingham ( 55 times ) , Hillsborough in Sheffield ( 34 times ) and Old Trafford in Manchester ( 23 times ) . The original Wembley Stadium was also used seven times for semi-final , between 1991 and 2000 ( the last held there ) , but not always for fixtures featuring London teams . In 2005 , both were held at the Millennium Stadium . In 2003 the FA took the decision to permanently use the new Wembley for semi-finals to recoup debts in financing the new stadium . This was controversial , with the move seen as both unfair to fans of teams located far from London , as well as taking some of the prestige away from a Wembley final . In defending the move , the FA has also cited the extra capacity Wembley offers , although the 2013 fixture between Millwall and Wigan led to the unprecedented step of placing 6,000 tickets on sale to neutral fans after the game failed to sell out . A fan poll by The Guardian in 2013 found 86 % opposition to Wembley semi-finals . Final ( edit ) The final has been played at the rebuilt Wembley Stadium since it opened , in 2007 . The rebuilding process meant that between 2001 and 2006 they were hosted at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff in Wales . Prior to rebuilding , the final was hosted by the original Wembley Stadium since it opened in 1923 ( being originally named the Empire Stadium ) . One exception to this 78 year series of Empire Stadium finals ( including five replays ) was the 1970 replay between Leeds and Chelsea , held at Old Trafford in Manchester . In the 51 years prior to the Empire Stadium opening , the final ( including 8 replays ) was held in a variety of locations , predominantly in London , and mainly at the Kennington Oval and then Crystal Palace . It was played 22 times at The Oval ( the inaugural competition in 1872 , and then all but two times until 1892 ) . After The Oval , Crystal Palace hosted 21 finals from 1895 to 1914 , broken up by four replays elsewhere . The other London venues were Stamford Bridge from 1920 to 1922 ( the last three finals before the move to Empire Stadium ) ; and the University of Oxford 's Lillie Bridge in Fulham for the second ever final , in 1873 . The other venues used sparingly in this period were all outside of London , as follows : Racecourse Ground , Derby ( 1886 ) Fallowfield Stadium , Manchester ( 1893 ) Goodison Park , Liverpool ( 1894 ) Burnden Park , Bolton ( 1901 replay ) Old Trafford , Manchester ( 1911 replay ) Goodison Park ( 1910 replay ) Bramall Lane , Sheffield ( 1912 replay ) Old Trafford ( 1915 ) Artificial turf ( edit ) The FA permitted artificial turf ( 3G ) pitches in all rounds of the competition from the 2014 -- 15 edition and beyond . Under the 2015 -- 16 rules , the pitch must be of FIFA One Star quality , or Two Star for ties if they involve one of the 92 professional clubs . This followed approval two years previously for their use in the qualifying rounds only -- if a team with a 3G pitch progressed to the competition proper , they had to switch their tie to the ground of another eligible entrant with a natural grass pitch . Having been strong proponents of the surface , the first match in the proper rounds to be played on a 3G surface was a televised first round replay at Maidstone United 's Gallagher Stadium on 20 November 2014 . Trophy ( edit ) The eventual winners of the competition receive the FA Cup ; it is only loaned to the club by the FA , under the current ( 2015 -- 16 ) rules it must be returned by 1 March , or earlier if given seven days ' notice . Traditionally , the holders had the Cup until the following year 's presentation , although more recently the trophy has been taken on publicity tours by the FA in between finals . King George V presents the FA Cup trophy to Tommy Boyle of Burnley F.C. , April 1914 The trophy comes in three parts -- the cup itself , plus a lid and a base . There have been two designs of trophy in use , but five physical trophies have been presented . The original trophy , known as the `` little tin idol '' , was 18 inches high and made by Martin , Hall & Co . It was stolen in 1895 and never recovered , and so was replaced by an exact replica , used until 1910 . The FA decided to change the design after the 1909 winners , Manchester United , made their own replica , leading the FA to realise they did not own the copyright . This new , larger design was by Fattorini and Sons , and was used from 1911 . In order to preserve this original , from 1992 it was replaced by an exact replica , although this had to be replaced after just over two decades , after showing wear and tear from being handled more than in previous eras . This third replica , first used in 2014 , was built heavier to withstand the increased handling . Of the four surviving trophies , only the 1895 replica has entered private ownership . The name of the winning team is engraved on the silver band around the base as soon as the final has finished , in order to be ready in time for the presentation ceremony . This means the engraver has just five minutes to perform a task which would take 20 under normal conditions , although time is saved by engraving the year on during the match , and sketching the presumed winner . During the final , the trophy is decorated with ribbons in the colours of both finalists , with the loser 's ribbons being removed at the end of the game . The tradition of tying ribbons started after Tottenham Hotspur won the 1901 FA Cup Final and the wife of a Spurs director decided to tie blue and white ribbons to the handles of the cup . Traditionally , at Wembley finals , the presentation is made at the Royal Box , with players , led by the captain , mounting a staircase to a gangway in front of the box and returning by a second staircase on the other side of the box . At Cardiff the presentation was made on a podium on the pitch . The tradition of presenting the trophy immediately after the game did not start until the 1882 final ; after the first final in 1872 the trophy was not presented to the winners , Wanderers , until a reception held four weeks later in the Pall Mall Restaurant in London . Under the original rules , the trophy was to be permanently presented to any club which won the competition three times , although when inaugural winners Wanderers achieved this feat by the 1876 final , the rules were changed by FA Secretary CW Alcock ( who was also captain of Wanderers in their first victory ) . Portsmouth F.C. have the distinction of being the football club which has held the FA Cup trophy for the longest uninterrupted period - seven years . Portsmouth had defeated Wolverhampton Wanderers 4 -- 1 in the 1939 FA Cup Final and were awarded the trophy as 1938 - 1939 FA Cup Champions . But with the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 , the regular Football League and FA Cup competitions for the 1939 - 40 season were cancelled for the duration of the war . Portsmouth 's manager Jack Tinn was rumoured to have kept the FA Cup trophy ' safe under his bed ' throughout the duration of the war , but this is an urban myth . Because the naval city of Portsmouth was a primary strategic military target for German Luftwaffe bombing , the FA Cup trophy was actually taken ten miles to the north of Portsmouth , to the nearby Hampshire village of Lovedean , and there it resided in a quaint thatched roof country pub called The Bird in Hand for the seven years of the war . After the conclusion of World War II , the FA Cup trophy was presented back to the Football Association by Portsmouth F.C. in time for the 1946 FA Cup Final . Original design ( edit ) 1871 original ( edit ) The first trophy , the ' little tin idol ' , was made by Martin , Hall & Co at a cost of £ 20 It was stolen from a Birmingham shoe shop window belonging to William Shillcock while held by Aston Villa on 11 September 1895 and was never seen again . Despite a £ 10 reward for information , the crime was never solved . As it happened while it was in their care , the FA fined Villa £ 25 to pay for a replacement . Just over 60 years later , 80 year old career criminal Henry ( Harry ) James Burge claimed to have committed the theft , confessing to a newspaper , with the story being published in the Sunday Pictorial newspaper on 23 February 1958 . He claimed to have carried out the robbery with two other men , although when discrepancies with a contemporaneous report in the Birmingham Post newspaper ( the crime pre-dated written police reports ) in his account of the means of entry and other items stolen , detectives decided there was no realistic possibility of a conviction and the case was closed . Burge claimed the cup had been melted down to make counterfeit half - crown coins , which matched known intelligence of the time , in which stolen silver was being used to forge coins which were then laundered through betting shops at a local racecourse , although Burge had no past history of forgery in a record of 42 previous convictions for which he had spent 42 years in prison . He had been further imprisoned in 1957 for seven years for theft from cars . Released in 1961 , he died in 1964 . 1895 replica ( edit ) The second FA Cup trophy , used between 1896 and 1910 . After being rendered obsolete by the redesign , the 1895 replica was presented in 1910 to the FA 's long - serving president Lord Kinnaird . Kinnaird died in 1923 , and his family kept it in their possession , out of view , until putting it up for auction in 2005 . It was duly sold at Christie 's auction house on 19 May 2005 for £ 420,000 ( £ 478,400 including auction fees and taxes ) . The sale price set a new world record for a piece of football memorabilia , surpassing the £ 254,000 paid for the Jules Rimet World Cup Trophy in 1997 . The successful bidder was David Gold , the then joint chairman of Birmingham City ; claiming the FA and government were doing nothing proactive to ensure the trophy remained in the country , Gold stated his purchase was motivated by wanting to save it for the nation . Accordingly , Gold presented the trophy to the National Football Museum in Preston on 20 April 2006 , where it went on immediate public display . It later moved with the museum to its new location in Manchester . In November 2012 , it was ceremonially presented to Royal Engineers , after they beat Wanderers 7 -- 1 in a charity replay of the first FA Cup final . Current design ( edit ) 1911 original ( edit ) The redesigned trophy first used in 1911 was larger at 61.5 cm ( 24.2 inches ) high , and was designed and manufactured by Fattorini 's of Bradford , coincidentally being won by Bradford City in its first outing . On the 27 March 2016 episode of the BBC television programme Antiques Roadshow , this trophy was valued at £ 1 million by expert Alastair Dickenson , although he suggested that , due to the design featuring depictions of grapes and vines , it may not have been specifically produced for the FA , but was instead an off - the - shelf design originally meant to be a wine or champagne cooler . A smaller , but otherwise identical , replica was also made by Fattorini , the North Wales Coast FA Cup trophy , and is contested annually by members of that regional Association . 1992 replica ( edit ) The current design of the FA Cup ( 1992 replica pictured ) The 1992 replica was made by Toye , Kenning and Spencer . A copy of this trophy was also produced , in case anything happened to the primary trophy . 2014 replica ( edit ) The 2014 replica was made by Thomas Lyte , handcrafted in sterling 925 silver over 250 hours . A weight increase to increase durability has taken it to 6.3 kilograms ( 14 lb ) . Medals ( edit ) Each club in the final receives 40 winners or runners - up medals to be distributed among players , staff , and officials . Sponsorship ( edit ) Pre-match ceremony of 2010 FA Cup Final showing sponsorship by E. ON See also : English football sponsorship Since the start of the 1994 -- 95 season , the FA Cup has been sponsored . However , to protect the identity of the competition , the sponsored name has always included ' The FA Cup ' in addition to the sponsor 's name , unlike sponsorship deals for the League Cup where the word ' cup ' is preceded by only the sponsor 's name . Sponsorship deals run for four years , though -- as in the case of E. ON -- one - year extensions may be agreed . Emirates Airline is the sponsor from 2015 to 2018 , renaming the competition as ' The Emirates FA Cup ' , unlike previous editions , which included ' The FA Cup in association with E. ON ' and ' The FA Cup with Budweiser ' . Period Sponsor Name 1871 / 72 -- 1993 / 94 No main sponsor The FA Cup 1994 / 95 -- 1997 / 98 Littlewoods The FA Cup sponsored by Littlewoods 1998 / 99 -- 2001 / 02 AXA The AXA sponsored FA Cup ( 1998 -- 99 ) The FA Cup sponsored by AXA ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 2002 / 03 -- 2005 / 06 No main sponsor The FA Cup 2006 / 07 -- 2010 / 11 E. ON The FA Cup sponsored by E. ON 2011 / 12 -- 2013 / 14 Budweiser The FA Cup with Budweiser 2014 / 15 No main sponsor The FA Cup 2015 / 16 -- 2017 / 18 Emirates The Emirates FA Cup From August 2006 to 2013 , Umbro supplied match balls for all FA Cup matches . Since March 2013 , Nike has supplied the official match ball . Records and statistics ( edit ) See also : Football records in England Final ( edit ) Team ( edit ) Most wins : 13 : Arsenal ( 1930 , 1936 , 1950 , 1971 , 1979 , 1993 , 1998 , 2002 , 2003 , 2005 , 2014 , 2015 , 2017 ) Most consecutive wins : 3 , joint record : Wanderers ( 1876 , 1877 , 1878 ) Blackburn Rovers , ( 1884 , 1885 , 1886 ) Most appearances in a final : 20 , joint record : Arsenal ( 1927 , 1930 , 1932 , 1936 , 1950 , 1952 , 1971 , 1972 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 , 1993 , 1998 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2005 , 2014 , 2015 , 2017 ) Manchester United ( 1909 , 1948 , 1957 , 1958 , 1963 , 1976 , 1977 , 1979 , 1983 , 1985 , 1990 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1999 , 2004 , 2005 , 2007 , 2016 , 2018 ) Most consecutive / uninterrupted years as FA Cup Champions : 7 , Portsmouth F.C. , ( 1939 - 1946 ) Most Final appearances without ever winning : 4 , Leicester City ( 1949 , 1961 , 1963 , 1969 ) Most Final appearances without ever losing : 5 , Wanderers ( 1872 , 1873 , 1876 , 1877 , 1878 ) Most Final appearances without losing ( streak ) : 7 , Tottenham Hotspur ( 1901 , 1921 , 1961 , 1962 , 1967 , 1981 , 1982 ) Biggest win : 6 goals : Bury 6 -- 0 Derby County , ( 1903 ) Most goals in a final : 7 : Blackburn Rovers 6 -- 1 Sheffield Wednesday ( 1890 ) Blackpool 4 -- 3 Bolton Wanderers ( 1953 ) Most goals by a losing side : 3 : Bolton Wanderers : Lost 3 -- 4 against Blackpool ( 1953 ) West Ham United : Drew 3 -- 3 but lost in a penalty shootout against Liverpool ( 2006 ) Most defeats : 8 , joint record : Everton ( 1893 , 1897 , 1907 , 1968 , 1985 , 1986 , 1989 , 2009 ) Manchester United ( 1957 , 1958 , 1976 , 1979 , 1995 , 2005 , 2007 , 2018 ) Individual ( edit ) Ian Rush , the former Liverpool striker and record goalscorer in FA Cup final history Ashley Cole won a record seven FA Cup Finals Most wins by player : 7 , Ashley Cole ( Arsenal ) ( 2002 , 2003 , 2005 ) & ( Chelsea ) ( 2007 , 2009 , 2010 , 2012 ) Most wins by manager : 7 , Arsène Wenger ( Arsenal ) ( 1998 , 2002 , 2003 , 2005 , 2014 , 2015 , 2017 ) , Most appearances : 9 , Arthur Kinnaird ( Wanderers ) ( 1872 -- 73 , 1875 -- 76 , 1876 -- 77 , 1877 -- 78 ) & ( Old Etonians ) ( 1874 -- 75 , 1878 -- 79 , 1880 -- 81 , 1881 -- 82 , 1882 -- 83 ) Most goals ( one final ) : 3 , Billy Townley ( Blackburn Rovers ) ( 1890 ) , James Logan ( Notts County ) ( 1894 ) & Stan Mortensen ( Blackpool ) ( 1953 ) Most goals ( all finals ) : 5 , Ian Rush ( Liverpool ) ( 2 in 1986 , 2 in 1989 , 1 in 1992 ) Most finals scored in : 4 , Didier Drogba ( Chelsea ) ( 1 each in 2007 , 2009 , 2010 , 2012 ) Youngest FA Cup finalist : Curtis Weston ( Millwall ) , 17 years and 119 days ( 2004 ) Youngest player to score in an FA Cup Final : Norman Whiteside ( Manchester United ) , 18 years and 19 days ( 1983 ) Oldest player : Billy Hampson ( Newcastle United ) , 41 years and 257 days ( 1924 ) All rounds ( edit ) Biggest win : Preston North End 26 -- 0 Hyde ( First Round , 15 October 1887 ) Biggest away win : Clapton 0 -- 14 Nottingham Forest ( First Round , 17 January 1891 ) Highest attendance at Wembley : 126,047 ( official ) up to 300,000 ( estimate ) at the `` White Horse Final '' ( Bolton Wanderers v. West Ham United , 28 April 1923 ) Most clubs competing for trophy in a season : 763 ( 2011 -- 12 ) Longest tie : 660 minutes ( 6 matches in total ) , Oxford City v. Alvechurch ( Fourth Qualifying Round , November 6 / 9 / 15 / 17 / 20 / 22 1971 ; Alvechurch won the sixth match 1 -- 0 ) Longest penalty shootout : 20 penalties each , Tunbridge Wells v. Littlehampton Town ( Preliminary Round Replay , 31 August 2005 ; Tunbridge Wells won 16 -- 15 ) Most rounds played in a season : 9 , for : Brighton & Hove Albion ( 1932 -- 33 : 1st -- 4th Qualifying Rounds , 1st -- 5th Rounds ) New Brighton ( 1956 -- 57 : Preliminary , 1st -- 4th Qualifying Rounds , 1st -- 4th Rounds ) Blyth Spartans ( 1977 -- 78 : 1st -- 4th Qualifying Rounds , 1st -- 5th Rounds ) Harlow Town ( 1979 -- 80 : Preliminary , 1st -- 4th Qualifying Rounds , 1st -- 4th Rounds ) Most games played in a season : 13 , Bideford ( 1973 -- 74 : one First Qualifying , two Second Qualifying , five Third Qualifying , four Fourth Qualifying and one First Round ) Fastest goal : 4 seconds , Gareth Morris ( for Ashton United v. Skelmersdale United , 1st Qualifying Round , 17 September 2001 ) Most consecutive games without defeat : 22 , Blackburn Rovers ( First Round , 1884 through Second round , replay , 1886 . Won two FA Cups . ) Most consecutive games without defeat : ( Excluding defeat by penalty shoot - out ) 29 , Chelsea ( Third Round Proper , 2009 through Fourth Round Proper , replay , 2013 . Won three FA Cups . ) Fastest hat - trick : 2 min 20 sec , Andy Locke ( for Nantwich Town v. Droylsden , Preliminary Round , August 1995 ) Most career goals : 49 , Henry `` Harry '' Cursham ( for Notts County in 12 tournaments from 1877 -- 78 to 1888 -- 89 ) . Most goals by a player in a single FA Cup season : 19 , Jimmy Ross ( for Preston North End , 1887 -- 88 . Preston outscored opponents 50 -- 5 over 7 matches , including `` Biggest win '' shown above . ) . Most goals by a player in a single FA Cup game : 9 , Ted MacDougall ( for AFC Bournemouth in 11 -- 0 defeat of Margate , First Round Proper , 20 November 1971 ) Scoreline : Two examples of teams scoring 7 goals and not winning -- Dulwich Hamlet 8 -- 7 St Albans City ( Fourth Qualifying Round Replay , 22 November 1922 ) , and Dulwich Hamlet 7 -- 7 Wealdstone ( Fourth Qualifying Round , 16 November 1929 ) . Youngest player : Andy Awford , 15 years and 88 days ( for Worcester City v. Boreham Wood , 3rd Qualifying Round , 10 October 1987 ) , Youngest goalscorer : Sean Cato , 16 years and 25 days ( for Barrow Town v. Rothwell Town , Preliminary Round , 3 September 2011 ) Youngest goalscorer ( proper rounds ) : George Williams , 16 years and 66 days ( for Milton Keynes Dons v. Nantwich Town , First Round Proper , 12 November 2011 ) Cup runs and giant killings ( edit ) The possibility of unlikely victories in the earlier rounds of the competition , where lower ranked teams beat higher placed opposition in what is known as a `` giant killing '' , is much anticipated by the public . Such upsets are considered an integral part of the tradition and prestige of the competition , and the attention gained by giant - killing teams can be as great as that for winners of the cup . Almost every club in the League Pyramid has a fondly remembered giant - killing act in its history . It is considered particularly newsworthy when a top Premier League team suffers an upset defeat , or where the giant - killer is a non-league club , i.e. from outside the professional levels of The Football League . One analysis of four years of FA Cup results showed that it was 99.85 per cent likely that at least one team would beat one from its next higher division in a given year . The probability drops to 48.8 per cent for a two - division gap , and 39.28 per cent for a three - division gap . Early years ( edit ) The Football League was founded in 1888 , 16 years after the first FA Cup competition . Since the creation of The Football League , Tottenham Hotspur is the only non-league `` giant - killer '' to win the Cup , taking the 1901 FA Cup with a victory over reigning league runners - up Sheffield United : although at that time , there were only two divisions and 36 clubs in the Football League , and Spurs were champions of the next strongest football league -- the Southern League and probably already good enough for the First Division ( as was shown when they joined the Second Division in 1908 and immediately won promotion to the First . ) Only two other actual non-League clubs have even reached the final since the founding of the League : Sheffield Wednesday in 1890 ( champions of the Football Alliance , a rival league which was already effectively the Second Division , which it formally became in 1892 -- Wednesday being let straight into the First Division ) , and Southampton in 1900 and 1902 ( in which years they were also Southern League champions , proving the strength of that league : again , they were probably of equivalent standard to a First Division club at the time , but Southampton 's form subsequently faded and they did not join the League till 1920 and the formation of the Third Division . ) Non-league giant killings ( edit ) The most recent examples of a non-league team ( Levels 5 to 10 ) beating a Level 1 opponent are National League side Lincoln City 's away victory over Premier League side Burnley in the 2016 -- 17 FA Cup and Conference Premier side Luton Town 's away victory over Level 1 Premier League 's Norwich City in the 2012 -- 13 Fourth Round Proper . Prior to that game , the last time a non-league side defeated a Level 1 club was in 1989 when Sutton United claimed a 2 -- 1 victory at home over Coventry City , who had won the FA Cup less than two years prior . In the 1971 -- 72 FA Cup , a non-league side achieved a Level 1 giant killing that was voted `` best FA Cup tie ever '' in a 2007 poll by The Observer newspaper . Non-league Hereford United was trailing First Division Newcastle United 0 -- 1 with less than seven minutes left in the Third Round Proper replay , when Hereford 's Ronnie Radford scored the equalizer -- a goal still shown regularly when FA Cup fixtures are broadcast . Hereford finished the shocking comeback by defeating Newcastle 2 -- 1 in the match . Some small clubs gain a reputation for being `` cup specialists '' after two or more giant killing feats within a few years . Yeovil Town holds the record for the most victories over league opposition as a non-league team , having recorded 20 wins through the years before it achieved promotion into The Football League . The record for a club which has never entered The Football League is held by Altrincham , with 17 wins against league teams . Non-league Cup runs ( edit ) See also : List of non-league clubs in the Fifth Round of the FA Cup since 1945 For non-league teams , reaching the Third Round Proper -- where all Level 1 sides now enter -- is considered a major achievement . In the 2008 -- 09 FA Cup , a record nine non-league teams achieved this feat . As of the 2016 -- 17 season , only nine non-league teams have reached the Fifth Round Proper ( final 16 ) since 1945 , and only Lincoln City have progressed to the Sixth Round ( final 8 ) , during the 2016 -- 17 edition of the tournament . Prior to Lincoln 's run , Kidderminster Harriers were the last team to reach the 5th round , in 1994 , where they had a chance to inflict a giant - killing of their own against a Premier League side . They were drawn at home against West Ham United in Round 5 but lost 0 - 1 in a close game at Aggborough . Chasetown , while playing at Level 8 of English football during the 2007 -- 08 competition , are the lowest - ranked team to ever play in the Third Round Proper ( final 64 , of 731 teams entered that season ) . Chasetown was then a member of the Southern League Division One Midlands ( a lower level within the Southern Football League ) , when they lost to Football League Championship ( Level 2 ) team Cardiff City , the eventual FA Cup runners - up that year . Their success earned the lowly organisation over £ 60,000 in prize money . Giant killings between League clubs ( edit ) In games between league sides , one of the most notable results was the 1992 victory by Wrexham , last in the previous season 's league , over reigning league champion Arsenal . Another similar shock was when Shrewsbury Town beat Everton 2 -- 1 in 2003 . Everton finished 7th in The Premier League and Shrewsbury Town were relegated to the Football Conference that same season . Winners and finalists ( edit ) Main article : FA Cup Final See also : List of FA Cup Finals Results by team ( edit ) Teams shown in italics are no longer in existence . Additionally , Queen 's Park ceased to be eligible to enter the FA Cup after a Scottish Football Association ruling in 1887 . Results by team Club Wins First final won Last final won Runners - up Last final lost Total final appearances Arsenal 13 1930 2017 7 2001 20 Manchester United 12 1909 2016 8 2018 20 Chelsea 8 1970 2018 5 2017 13 Tottenham Hotspur 8 1901 1991 9 Liverpool 7 1965 2006 7 2012 14 Aston Villa 7 1887 1957 2015 11 Newcastle United 6 1910 1955 7 1999 13 Blackburn Rovers 6 1884 1928 1960 8 Everton 5 1906 1995 8 2009 13 Manchester City 5 1904 2011 5 2013 10 West Bromwich Albion 5 1888 1968 5 1935 10 Wanderers 5 1872 1878 0 -- 5 Wolverhampton Wanderers 1893 1960 1939 8 Bolton Wanderers 1923 1958 1953 7 Sheffield United 1899 1925 1936 6 Sheffield Wednesday 1896 1935 1993 6 West Ham United 1964 1980 2006 5 Preston North End 1889 1938 5 1964 7 Old Etonians 1879 1882 1883 6 Portsmouth 1939 2008 5 Sunderland 1937 1973 1992 Nottingham Forest 1898 1959 1991 Bury 1900 1903 0 -- Huddersfield Town 1922 1922 1938 5 Derby County 1946 1946 1903 Leeds United 1972 1972 1973 Oxford University 1874 1874 1880 Royal Engineers 1875 1875 1878 Southampton 1976 1976 2003 Blackpool 1953 1953 1951 Burnley 1914 1914 1962 Cardiff City 1927 1927 2008 Charlton Athletic 1947 1947 1946 Barnsley 1912 1912 1910 Clapham Rovers 1880 1880 1879 Notts County 1894 1894 1891 Blackburn Olympic 1883 1883 0 -- Bradford City 1911 1911 0 -- Coventry City 0 -- Ipswich Town 1978 1978 0 -- Old Carthusians 1881 1881 0 -- Wigan Athletic 2013 2013 0 -- Wimbledon 1988 1988 0 -- Leicester City 0 1969 Birmingham City 0 1956 Crystal Palace 0 2016 Queen 's Park 0 1885 Brighton & Hove Albion 0 Bristol City 0 1909 Fulham 0 Hull City 0 2014 Luton Town 0 1959 Middlesbrough 0 1997 Millwall 0 Queens Park Rangers 0 1982 Stoke City 0 2011 Watford 0 1984 Jump up ^ Sheffield Wednesday 's total includes two wins and one defeat under the earlier name of The Wednesday . Jump up ^ Wimbledon relocated in 2004 from south London to Milton Keynes rebranding the club as Milton Keynes Dons , but the current incarnation of the club considers that it was founded in 2004 and does not lay claim to the history or honours ( including the FA Cup win ) of Wimbledon . Consecutive winners ( edit ) Four clubs have won consecutive FA Cups on more than one occasion : Wanderers ( 1872 , 1873 and 1876 , 1877 , 1878 ) , Blackburn Rovers ( 1884 , 1885 , 1886 and 1890 , 1891 ) , Tottenham Hotspur ( 1961 , 1962 and 1981 , 1982 ) and Arsenal ( 2002 , 2003 and 2014 , 2015 ) . Winning managers ( edit ) See also : List of FA Cup winning managers The record for most winner 's medals for a manager is held by Arsène Wenger , who has won seven titles with Arsenal ( 1998 , 2002 , 2003 , 2005 , 2014 , 2015 , 2017 ) . Doubles / trebles ( edit ) Seven clubs have won the FA Cup as part of a League and Cup double , namely Preston North End ( 1889 ) , Aston Villa ( 1897 ) , Tottenham Hotspur ( 1961 ) , Arsenal ( 1971 , 1998 , 2002 ) , Liverpool ( 1986 ) , Manchester United ( 1994 , 1996 , 1999 ) and Chelsea ( 2010 ) . In 1993 , Arsenal became the first side to win both the FA Cup and the League Cup in the same season when they beat Sheffield Wednesday 2 -- 1 in both finals . Liverpool ( in 2001 ) and Chelsea ( in 2007 ) have since repeated this feat . In 2012 , Chelsea accomplished a different cup double consisting of the FA Cup and the 2012 Champions League . In 1998 -- 99 , Manchester United added the 1999 Champions League title to their league and cup double to complete a unique Treble . Two years later , in 2000 -- 01 , Liverpool won the FA Cup , League Cup and UEFA Cup to complete a cup treble . Outside England ( edit ) The FA Cup has only been won by a non-English team once . Cardiff City achieved this in 1927 when they beat Arsenal in the final at Wembley . They had previously made it to the final only to lose to Sheffield United in 1925 and lost another final to Portsmouth in 2008 . Cardiff City is also the only team to win the national cups of two different countries in the same season , having also won the Welsh Cup in 1927 . The Scottish team Queen 's Park reached and lost the final in both 1884 and 1885 . Outside the top Division ( edit ) Since the creation of the Football League in 1888 , the final has never been contested by two teams from outside the top division , and there have only been eight winners who were not in the top flight : Notts County ( 1894 ) ; Tottenham Hotspur ( 1901 ) ; Wolverhampton Wanderers ( 1908 ) ; Barnsley ( 1912 ) ; West Bromwich Albion ( 1931 ) ; Sunderland ( 1973 ) , Southampton ( 1976 ) and West Ham United ( 1980 ) . With the exception of Tottenham , these clubs were all playing in the second tier ( the old Second Division ) -- Tottenham were playing in the Southern League and were only elected to the Football League in 1908 , meaning they are the only non-League winners of the FA Cup since the League 's creation . Other than Tottenham 's victory , only 24 finalists have come from outside English football 's top tier , with a record of 7 wins and 17 runners - up : and none at all from the third tier or lower , Southampton ( 1902 , then in the Southern League ) being the last finalist from outside the top two tiers . Sunderland 's win in 1973 was considered a major upset , having beaten Leeds United who finished third in the top flight that season. , as was West Ham 's victory over Arsenal in 1980 as the Gunners were in their third successive FA Cup Final and were also the cup holders from the previous year as well as just having finished 4th in the First Division , whereas West Ham had ended the season 7th in Division 2 . This also marked the last time ( as of 2017 - 18 ) a team from outside the top division won the FA cup . Uniquely , in 2008 three of the four semi-finalists ( Barnsley , Cardiff City and West Bromwich ) were from outside the top division , although the eventual winner was the last remaining top - flight team , Portsmouth . West Bromwich ( 1931 ) are the only team to have won the FA Cup and earned promotion to the top flight in the same season ; whereas Wigan Athletic ( 2013 ) are the only team to have won the Cup and been relegated from the top flight in the same season . Media coverage ( edit ) Domestic broadcasters ( edit ) See also : English football on television The FA Cup Final is one of 10 events reserved for live broadcast on UK terrestrial television under the Ofcom Code on Sports and Other Listed and Designated Events . In the early years of coverage the BBC had exclusive radio coverage with a picture of the pitch marked in the Radio Times with numbered squares to help the listener follow the match on the radio . The first FA Cup Final on Radio was in 1926 between Bolton Wanderers and Manchester City but this was only broadcast in Manchester , the first national final on BBC Radio was between Arsenal and Cardiff in 1927 . The first final on BBC Television was in 1937 in a match which featured Sunderland and Preston North End but this was not televised in full . The following season 's final between Preston and Huddersfield was covered in full by the BBC . When ITV was formed in 1955 they shared final coverage with the BBC in one of the only club matches shown live on television , during the 1970s and 1980s coverage became more elaborate with BBC and ITV trying to steal viewers from the others by starting coverage earlier and earlier some starting as early as 9 a.m. which was six hours before kick off . Nowadays , this continues with Setanta and ESPN having all - day broadcasts from Wembley , but terrestrial TV coverage usually begins two hours before kick off . The sharing of rights between BBC and ITV continued from 1955 to 1988 , when ITV lost coverage to the new Sports Channel which later became Sky Sports . From 1988 to 1997 , the BBC and Sky Sports had coverage of the FA Cup , the BBC had highlights on Match of the Day and usually one match per round while Sky had the same deal . From 1997 to 2001 , ITV and Sky shared live coverage with both having two matches per round and BBC continuing with highlights on Match of the Day . From 2002 to 2008 , BBC and Sky again shared coverage with BBC having two or three matches per round and Sky having one or two . From 2008 -- 09 to 2013 -- 14 , FA Cup matches are shown live by ITV across England and Wales , with UTV broadcasting to Northern Ireland but STV refusing to show them . ITV shows 16 FA Cup games per season , including the first pick of live matches from each of the first to sixth rounds of the competition , plus one semi-final exclusively live . The final is also shown live on ITV . Under the same 2008 contract , Setanta Sports showed three games and one replay in each round from round three to five , two quarter - finals , one semi-final and the final . The channel also broadcast ITV 's matches exclusively to Scotland , after the ITV franchise holder in Scotland , STV , decided not to broadcast FA Cup games . Setanta entered administration in June 2009 and as a result the FA terminated Setanta 's deal to broadcast FA - sanctioned competitions and England internationals . As a result of Setanta going out of business ITV showed the competition exclusively in the 2009 -- 10 season with between three and four matches per round , all quarter finals , semi-finals and final live as the FA could not find a pay TV broadcaster in time . ESPN bought the competition for the 2010 -- 11 to 2012 -- 13 season and during this time Rebecca Lowe became the first woman to host the FA Cup Final in the UK . In October 2009 , The FA announced that ITV would show an additional match in the First and Second Rounds on ITV , with one replay match shown on ITV4 . One match and one replay match from the first two rounds will broadcast on The FA website for free , in a similar situation to the 2010 World Cup Qualifier between Ukraine and England . The 2009 -- 10 First Round match between Oldham Athletic and Leeds United was the first FA Cup match to be streamed online live . Many expected BSkyB to make a bid to show some of the remaining FA Cup games for the remainder of the 2009 -- 10 season which would include a semi-final and shared rights to the final . ESPN took over the package Setanta held for the FA Cup from the 2010 -- 11 season . The 2011 final was also shown live on Sky 3D in addition to ESPN ( who provided the 3D coverage for Sky 3D ) and ITV . Following the sale of ESPN 's UK and Ireland channels to BT , ESPN 's rights package transferred to BT Sport from the 2013 -- 14 season . BBC Radio 5 Live and Talksport provides radio coverage including several full live commentaries per round , with additional commentaries broadcast on BBC Local Radio . Until the 2008 -- 09 season , the BBC and Sky Sports shared television coverage , with the BBC showing three matches in the earlier rounds . Some analysts argued the decision to move away from the Sky and , in particular , the BBC undermined the FA Cup in the eyes of the public . The early rounds of the 2008 -- 09 competition were covered for the first time by ITV 's online service , ITV Local . The first match of the competition , between Wantage Town and Brading Town , was broadcast live online . Highlights of eight games of each round were broadcast as catch up on ITV Local . Since ITV Local closed , this coverage did not continue . ITV lost the rights to the FA Cup beginning with the 2014 -- 15 FA Cup , terrestrial rights will return to BBC Sport , with the final being shown on BBC One while BT Sport hold the pay TV rights . Under this deal , the BBC will show around the same number of games as ITV and still having the first pick for each round . Matches involving Welsh clubs are sometimes exclusively broadcast on Welsh language channel S4C , which is also available to view across the rest of the United Kingdom on satellite and cable television , and through the channel 's website . A similar arrangement is shared with BBC Cymru Wales from 2014 -- 15 , potentially giving the BBC an extra match per round . Overseas broadcasters ( edit ) See also : List of FA Cup broadcasters The FA sells overseas rights separately from the domestic contract . Territory Current broadcaster ( s ) Former broadcaster ( s ) Australia First Round to the Semi-finals are broadcast exclusively by ESPN Australia ; final co-broadcast with SBS . Due to Australian anti-siphoning laws , the FA Cup Final is on a list of sporting events , that must first be offered to national television broadcasters and commercial free - to - air television broadcasters before rights can be acquired by a subscription television broadcaster . Africa Supersport , since 2015 -- 16 Albania Tring Sport , since 2009 -- 10 Belgium Eleven Sports Network , since 2015 -- 2016 Prime , 2008 -- 09 -- 2011 -- 12 Canada Sportsnet World , since 2011 -- 12 Setanta Sports , 2008 -- 09 -- 2010 -- 11 Denmark SBS Discovery Channel ( Kanal 5 , 6'eren , 7'eren ) , since 2012 -- 13 France beIN Sport , since 2012 -- 13 Canal+ , 2007 -- 08 , France Télévisions , 2008 -- 09 -- 2011 -- 12 India Sony Six & Sony ESPN , since 2012 -- 13 Italy Fox Sports , since 2013 -- 14 SKY Italia , 2003 -- 04 -- 2011 -- 12 , Mediaset Premium , 2012 -- 13 Netherlands FOX Sports , since 2010 -- 11 Russia Match TV , since 2015 -- 16 Spain Teledeporte , since 2016 -- 17 Movistar+ , 2008 -- 2012 Sweden TV10 , since 2013 -- 14 United States From 2012 -- 13 , Fox Sports will feature FA Cup games split between Fox Sports 1 , Fox Sports 2 , Fox Soccer Plus and the broadcast Fox network , with the Final being on Fox . English football portal References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Oldest football cup ' not for sale ' '' . BBC News . 2014 - 10 - 14 . Archived from the original on 5 November 2017 . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 04 . ^ Jump up to : `` The rules of The FA Cup for season 2015 -- 16 '' . The Football Association . Retrieved 9 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Collett , Mike ( 2003 ) . The Complete Record of The FA Cup . p. 878 . ISBN 1 - 899807 - 19 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` FA Cup final : The greatest goal from the last 50 years voted by you '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 14 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Man Utd 's FA Cup catastrophe '' . BBC News . 27 July 2000 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . Jump up ^ `` I regret Manchester United 's FA Cup pull - out : Fergie '' . The Belfast Telegraph . 3 December 2009 . Retrieved 1 March 2012 . Jump up ^ Staniforth , Tommy ( 29 October 1999 ) . `` United underline Cup withdrawal '' . The Independent . London . Retrieved 16 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Guernsey Press ( 30 April 2013 ) . `` Lions in FA Cup '' . www.thisisguernsy.com . Retrieved 3 May 2013 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` No Replays in the 2017 Emirates FA Cup Quarter - Finals '' . www.thefa.com . Retrieved 25 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Wilson , Paul ( 6 March 2011 ) . `` Tarnished FA Cup needs a Manchester derby 's drama '' . The Guardian . London . Jump up ^ Gibson , Owen ( 12 May 2011 ) . `` No escape for 2012 FA Cup final from date clash with Premier League '' . The Guardian . London . Jump up ^ `` Hammers nail Fulham '' . The Football Association . Archived from the original on 5 January 2013 . Retrieved 5 March 2005 . Jump up ^ `` Penalty shoot - out makes English FA Cup history '' . New Straits Press . Kuala Lumpur . 28 November 1991 . p. 44 . Retrieved 26 November 2014 . Jump up ^ Ashenden , Mark ( 26 May 2016 ) . `` FA Cup quarter - final replays to be scrapped from next season '' . Sky Sports . Sky UK . Retrieved 26 May 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Who qualifies to play in Europe ? '' . Archived from the original on 7 September 2012 . Retrieved 24 January 2013 . Premier League , 3 May 2012 Jump up ^ `` UEFA Direct '' ( PDF ) . UEFA Magazine . October 2013 . Retrieved 27 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` FA Cup : Greg Dyke says semi-finals will stay at Wembley '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 12 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Football supporters hail FA Cup semi-final decision '' . Football Supporters ' Federation . Archived from the original on 8 February 2007 . Retrieved 8 February 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Campbell , Paul ( 11 April 2013 ) . `` FA Cup semi-finals : should they be played at Wembley ? -- poll '' . the Guardian . Retrieved 12 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Nurse , Howard ( 19 October 2006 ) . `` Wembley Stadium to open next year '' . BBC News . Retrieved 17 March 2007 . Jump up ^ `` 3G pitches allowed in all rounds of FA Cup from 2014 -- 15 '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 13 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Artificial pitches given go - ahead for FA Cup qualifying rounds '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 13 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Maidstone United 2 -- 1 Stevenage '' . BBC Sport . Retrieved 13 February 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` FA Cup reborn for 2014 final as new trophy is cast '' . BBC News . BBC News . Retrieved 30 September 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` FA Cup given top Antiques Roadshow value of more than £ 1m '' . BBC News . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Birmingham City boss buys FA Cup '' . BBC News . 21 May 2005 . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Emmet Smith -- FA Cup engraver '' . The Guardian . 12 May 2007 . ISSN 0261 - 3077 . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Association , The Football . `` Up for the Cup ! Historic FA Cup on Display at Stoke Park '' . www.surreyfa.com . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Lennox , Doug ( 1 June 2009 ) . Now You Know Soccer . Dundurn . ISBN 9781770706132 . Jump up ^ Donnelley , Paul ( 4 October 2010 ) . Firsts , Lasts & Onlys of Football : Presenting the most amazing football facts from the last 160 years . Octopus . p. 1878 . ISBN 9780600622543 . Jump up ^ Brown , Paul ( 29 May 2013 ) . The Victorian Football Miscellany . Superelastic . p. 63 . ISBN 9780956227058 . Jump up ^ http://www.lovedeanbirdinhand.co.uk/?BIHrequestID=4C55838218D9D39854D199BD64BA29 Jump up ^ `` The Trophies '' . The Football Association . Archived from the original on 25 June 2014 . Retrieved 30 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Unsolved : Did this OAP really steal the famous FA Cup ? '' . Birmingham Mail . Trinity Mirror Midlands. 13 May 2010 . Retrieved 4 January 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Oldest FA Cup presented to museum '' . BBC . 20 April 2006 . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Williams , H.R. `` North Wales Coast Football League history '' . Welsh Soccer Archive . Retrieved 4 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Toye trophies page '' . Archived from the original on 22 May 2010 . Jump up ^ Godfrey , Mark . `` The history of the FA Cup trophy '' . Retrieved 29 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` RULES OF THE FA CHALLENGE CUP COMPETITION '' . The Football Association . p. 25 . Retrieved 16 May 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` FA Cup get first title sponsor following deal with Emirates Airline '' . BBC Sport. 30 May 2015 . Retrieved 30 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` F.A. Cup Soccer Gets A Sponsor '' . The New York Times . 2 September 1994 . Retrieved 10 October 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Axa wins FA Cup '' . BBC News . 23 July 1998 . Retrieved 10 October 2011 . Jump up ^ `` FA announces new Cup sponsorship '' . Retrieved 30 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` NotFound '' . Archived from the original on 16 September 2010 . Retrieved 30 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Budweiser up for Cup in £ 8m a year deal '' . The Sun . Retrieved 30 September 2014 . Jump up ^ Barber , David ( 3 February 2010 ) . `` Fastest Cup hat - trick '' . The FA . Retrieved 4 February 2010 . Jump up ^ `` FA Cup Heroes '' . The Football Association . Archived from the original on 25 April 2012 . Retrieved 10 July 2013 . Jump up ^ 20 November -- Mac o ' Nine Tales , On This Football Day . Jump up ^ `` Gills ' Freeman makes Cup history '' . BBC Sport. 12 November 2007 . Retrieved 15 January 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Teenager breaks FA Cup record on his debut '' . Loughborough Echo. 10 September 2011 . Archived from the original on 2 April 2012 . Retrieved 10 September 2011 . Jump up ^ `` The harder they fall '' . ESPN.co.uk . Retrieved 10 February 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Giant - killing not a tall order in FA Cup '' . The Times . 8 January 2005 . Archived from the original on 5 January 2006 . Jump up ^ BBC Sport , 26 January 2013 Jump up ^ `` It 'll never happen '' . The Observer . Guardian News and Media . 28 January 2007 . Retrieved 14 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` TheFA.com -- Twenty to tackle answers '' . 23 November 2008 . Archived from the original on 23 November 2008 . Jump up ^ Kessel , Anna ( 3 January 2009 ) . `` Non-league presence in third round of FA Cup breaks all - time record '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 2 May 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Ask Albert -- Number 8 '' . BBC News . 7 December 2000 . Retrieved 2 May 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Burnley 0 -- 1 Lincoln City '' . BBC News . 18 February 2017 . Retrieved 18 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Chasetown 1 -- 3 Cardiff . Jump up ^ `` Ask Albert -- Number 5 '' . BBC Sport. 19 February 2001 . Retrieved 26 April 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Merton to be given Dons trophies '' . BBC Sport. 2 August 2007 . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` TheFA.com -- Shocks do happen '' . The Football Association . Archived from the original on 5 March 2005 . Retrieved 6 April 2005 . Jump up ^ `` FA Cup semi-final draw 2008 '' . BBC Sport. 10 March 2008 . Retrieved 15 March 2012 . Jump up ^ `` FA face Setanta shortfall '' . BBC Sport . British Broadcasting Corporation . 23 June 2009 . Retrieved 12 August 2009 . Jump up ^ `` FA Cup to be broadcast Free - to - Air '' . Archived from the original on 27 October 2009 . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Latics to face Leeds in Cup '' . Retrieved 27 October 2009 . Jump up ^ Gibson , Owen ( 7 December 2009 ) . `` ESPN secures rights to show FA Cup matches from next season '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 30 December 2009 . Jump up ^ `` ESPN 's 3D coverage of 2011 FA Cup Final to be available on Sky 3D '' . Sky TV . London . Retrieved 26 April 2011 . Jump up ^ `` BT Group acquires ESPN 's UK and Ireland television channels business '' ( Press release ) . BT Group . 25 February 2013 . Archived from the original on 1 March 2013 . Retrieved 25 February 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Watch The FA Cup online '' . Archived from the original on 23 November 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Cup tie live online '' . Archived from the original on 18 August 2008 . Jump up ^ McNulty , Phil ( 17 July 2013 ) . `` BBC to show live matches from 2014 -- 15 season '' . BBC Sport . British Broadcasting Corporation . Retrieved 17 July 2013 . Jump up ^ `` S4C to broadcast live coverage of Wrexham 's FA Cup clash '' . S4C . Sianel Pedwar Cymru. 2 November 2011 . Retrieved 3 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Wrexham v Stevenage or Maidstone live on BBC Wales '' . BBC Sport . British Broadcasting Corporation . 13 November 2014 . Retrieved 3 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Teledeporte emite la Emirates FA Cup '' . RTVE.es. 3 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Harris , Christopher ( 13 December 2013 ) . `` FOX to Broadcast FA Cup Final and Arsenal - Spurs FA Cup Match on Over-the - Air Network '' . World Soccer Talk . Retrieved 12 August 2015 . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Since 1920 , when the Football League expanded to three divisions , no club from outside the top two divisions has reached the final . Since 1914 , when QPR reached the fourth round proper ( the last eight / quarter - final stage ) , the only non-league club to have reached that stage is Lincoln City in 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to FA Cup . The FA Cup Archive -- England 's official Football Association site , all results with dates , including all qualifying rounds The official FA Cup website Thomas Fattorini Ltd. makers of the 1911 FA Cup -- manufacturers of the 1911 FA Cup and other sporting trophies FA Cup going under the hammer -- BBC News story on the sale of the second trophy FA Supporters -- Independent FA Cup Supporters Club FA Cup Seasons 1871 -- 72 1872 -- 73 1873 -- 74 1874 -- 75 1875 -- 76 1876 -- 77 1877 -- 78 1878 -- 79 1879 -- 80 1880 -- 81 1881 -- 82 1882 -- 83 1883 -- 84 1884 -- 85 1885 -- 86 1886 -- 87 1887 -- 88 1888 -- 89 1889 -- 90 1890 -- 91 1891 -- 92 1892 -- 93 1893 -- 94 1894 -- 95 1895 -- 96 1896 -- 97 1897 -- 98 1898 -- 99 1899 -- 1900 1900 -- 01 1901 -- 02 1902 -- 03 1903 -- 04 1904 -- 05 1905 -- 06 1906 -- 07 1907 -- 08 1908 -- 09 1909 -- 10 1910 -- 11 1911 -- 12 1912 -- 13 1913 -- 14 1914 -- 15 1919 -- 20 1920 -- 21 1921 -- 22 1922 -- 23 1923 -- 24 1924 -- 25 1925 -- 26 1926 -- 27 1927 -- 28 1928 -- 29 1929 -- 30 1930 -- 31 1931 -- 32 1932 -- 33 1933 -- 34 1934 -- 35 1935 -- 36 1936 -- 37 1937 -- 38 1938 -- 39 1945 -- 46 1946 -- 47 1947 -- 48 1948 -- 49 1949 -- 50 1950 -- 51 1951 -- 52 1952 -- 53 1953 -- 54 1954 -- 55 1955 -- 56 1956 -- 57 1957 -- 58 1958 -- 59 1959 -- 60 1960 -- 61 1961 -- 62 1962 -- 63 1963 -- 64 1964 -- 65 1965 -- 66 1966 -- 67 1967 -- 68 1968 -- 69 1969 -- 70 1970 -- 71 1971 -- 72 1972 -- 73 1973 -- 74 1974 -- 75 1975 -- 76 1976 -- 77 1977 -- 78 1978 -- 79 1979 -- 80 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 1989 -- 90 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 1999 -- 2000 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 2018 -- 19 Qualifying rounds 1888 -- 89 1889 -- 90 1890 -- 91 1891 -- 92 1892 -- 93 1893 -- 94 1894 -- 95 1895 -- 96 1896 -- 97 1897 -- 98 1898 -- 99 1899 -- 1900 1900 -- 01 1901 -- 02 1902 -- 03 1903 -- 04 1904 -- 05 1905 -- 06 1906 -- 07 1907 -- 08 1908 -- 09 1909 -- 10 1910 -- 11 1911 -- 12 1912 -- 13 1913 -- 14 1914 -- 15 1919 -- 20 1920 -- 21 1921 -- 22 1922 -- 23 1923 -- 24 1924 -- 25 1925 -- 26 1926 -- 27 1927 -- 28 1928 -- 29 1929 -- 30 1930 -- 31 1931 -- 32 1932 -- 33 1933 -- 34 1934 -- 35 1935 -- 36 1936 -- 37 1937 -- 38 1938 -- 39 1945 -- 46 1946 -- 47 1947 -- 48 1948 -- 49 1949 -- 50 1950 -- 51 1951 -- 52 1952 -- 53 1953 -- 54 1954 -- 55 1955 -- 56 1956 -- 57 1957 -- 58 1958 -- 59 1959 -- 60 1960 -- 61 1961 -- 62 1962 -- 63 1963 -- 64 1964 -- 65 1965 -- 66 1966 -- 67 1967 -- 68 1968 -- 69 1969 -- 70 1970 -- 71 1971 -- 72 1972 -- 73 1973 -- 74 1974 -- 75 1975 -- 76 1976 -- 77 1977 -- 78 1978 -- 79 1979 -- 80 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 1989 -- 90 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 1999 -- 2000 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 2009 -- 10 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 2018 -- 19 Finals 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 History Trophy List of finals Third - fourth place matches Semi-finals Final referees Winning managers Non-English clubs Non-League clubs in the 5th Round Men 's football in England The Football Association National teams England U-21 U-20 U-19 U-18 U-17 U-16 League competitions Level 1 Premier League Levels 2 -- 4 English Football League EFL Championship EFL League One EFL League Two Levels 5 -- 6 National League Levels 7 -- 8 Isthmian League Northern Premier League Southern League Levels 9 -- 10 Combined Counties League East Midlands Counties League ( level 10 only ) Eastern Counties League Essex Senior League ( level 9 only ) Hellenic League Midland League Northern Counties East League Northern League North West Counties League Southern Counties East League South West Peninsula League ( level 10 only ) Spartan South Midlands League Southern Combination League United Counties League Wessex Football League Western League West Midlands ( Regional ) League ( level 10 only ) Cup competitions FA cups FA Cup FA Community Shield FA Trophy FA Vase FA Inter-League Cup League cups EFL Cup EFL Trophy Northern Premier League Cup Isthmian League Cup Southern League Cup County cups List of County Cups Others Reserve and youth football Defunct leagues Defunct cups Lists List of clubs List of clubs by honours won Current managers Stadiums by capacity Record home attendances Venues Competitions Trophies and awards History Records Football in the United Kingdom United Kingdom National team Olympic men 's team Olympic women 's team Nations Cup British Home Championship Rous Cup British League Cup Empire Exhibition Trophy Football World Championship Coronation Cup Texaco Cup Anglo - Scottish Cup List of football matches between British national teams List of football matches between British clubs in UEFA competitions International Football Association Board England -- Scotland football rivalry British clubs tours to South America England National team The FA Footballing history National team history Premier League English Football League FA Cup EFL Cup Scotland National team The SFA Footballing history National team history Scottish Professional Football League Scottish Cup Scottish League Cup Wales National team FAW National team history Welsh Premier League Welsh Cup Welsh League Cup Northern Ireland National team IFA National team history Northern Ireland Football League Irish Cup Northern Ireland League Cup Records England Northern Ireland Scotland UEFA members national football cups Current Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Gibraltar Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia San Marino Scotland Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Wales Defunct Czechoslovakia East Germany Serbia and Montenegro USSR Yugoslavia Non-UEFA Vatican City Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FA_Cup&oldid=842334066 '' Categories : FA Cup Recurring sporting events established in 1871 Football cup competitions in England National association football cups 1871 establishments in England Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December 2016 Articles with permanently dead external links EngvarB from November 2015 Use dmy dates from February 2018 All articles with specifically marked weasel - 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who played the pirate in the spongebob movie
Tom Kenny as the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants / The Invincibubble and Gary the Snail Clancy Brown as the voice of Mr. Krabs / Sir Pinch - a-Lot , SpongeBob and Squidward 's boss Rodger Bumpass as the voice of Squidward Tentacles / Sour Note , SpongeBob 's coworker Bill Fagerbakke as the voice of Patrick Star / Mr. Superawesomeness , SpongeBob 's neighbor and best friend Mr. Lawrence as the voice of Plankton / Plank - Ton , Mr. Krabs ' arch - rival and Karen 's husband Jill Talley as the voice of Karen , Plankton 's sentient computer sidekick and wife Carolyn Lawrence as the voice of Sandy Cheeks / The Rodent , a squirrel from Texas Mary Jo Catlett as the voice of Mrs. Puff , SpongeBob 's boating school teacher Lori Alan as the voice of Pearl Krabs , a teenage whale who is Mr. Krabs ' daughter Antonio Banderas as Burger Beard , the pirate who stole the Krabby Patty formula Matt Berry as the voice of Bubbles , a time - traveling dolphin Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci as the voices of Popsicles Dee Bradley Baker as the voice of Perch Perkins and other fish characters Nolan North as the voice of Pigeon Cabbie Paul Tibbitt ( US ) , Joe Sugg ( UK ) and Robert Irwin ( Australia ) as the voice of Kyle the Seagull Peter Shukoff as Painty the Pirate
Antonio Banderas
The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water
the spongebob movie : sponge out of water
The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water is a 2015 American 3D live - action / animated comedy film based on the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants . A stand - alone sequel to The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ( 2004 ) , it was directed by former series showrunner Paul Tibbitt in his directorial debut , with live - action sequences directed by Mike Mitchell . It was the first film to be produced by Paramount Animation and second film in the SpongeBob SquarePants film series . The film stars Antonio Banderas and features the show 's regular voice cast , who returned to reprise their respective roles from the series and the previous film . The plot follows a pirate named Burger Beard , who steals the Krabby Patty secret formula using a magical book that makes any text written upon it come true . SpongeBob and his friends must travel to the surface to confront Burger Beard and get the formula back .
The film was written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger from a story conceived by Tibbitt and SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg . Like the first film , the final act places the animated characters in a live - action world . These scenes were shot in various locations throughout Savannah , Georgia and Tybee Island . Filming began on October 9 , 2013 and completed in November 2013 . The film is dedicated to Ernest Borgnine , the original voice of Mermaid Man , who died in 2012 . The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water was released in the United States on February 6 , 2015 and received generally positive reviews . The film grossed over $325 million worldwide against its $74 million budget , making it the fifth - highest - grossing animated film of 2015 . A third film , titled The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge , is scheduled to be released on July 22 , 2020 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Casting 3.3 Animation 3.4 Filming 4 Music 4.1 Soundtrack EP 4.2 Original Motion Picture Score 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 5.2 Theatrical release 5.3 International releases 5.4 Home media 6 Reception 6.1 Box office 6.1. 1 North America 6.1. 2 Other territories 6.2 Critical response 6.3 Accolades 7 Video game 8 Sequel 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) A pirate named Burger Beard travels to Bikini Atoll , where he obtains a magical book with the power to make any text written upon it real . The book tells the story of SpongeBob SquarePants and his adventures in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom . SpongeBob loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab fast food restaurant , where he cooks burgers called Krabby Patties and works for Mr. Krabs . He has spent years guarding the secret Krabby Patty formula from Plankton , the owner of a competing restaurant called the Chum Bucket . One day , Plankton attacks the Krusty Krab in an attempt to steal the formula . After a military battle involving giant foods and condiments , Plankton feigns surrender . He uses a decoy of himself to give Mr. Krabs a fake penny , which the real Plankton then hides inside in order to gain access to Krabs ' vault . As the decoy distracts Mr. Krabs , Plankton steals the formula , leaving a fake in its place . SpongeBob catches Plankton and the two engage in a tug of war over the formula , which magically disappears before anyone can claim it . Without the secret formula , Krabby Patties can not be made , causing customers to become ravenous . SpongeBob is the only one who believes Plankton is innocent and creates a giant soap bubble for them to fly away in . Bikini Bottom is immediately reduced to an apocalyptic wasteland due to the absence of the much - relied - on Krabby Patty . A page of the book is discarded in the ocean and lands on Sandy Cheeks ' treedome and assumes the page is a sign from the `` sandwich gods '' . SpongeBob proposes he and Plankton team up to find the formula . SpongeBob tries to explain the concept of teamwork to Plankton , who does not quite understand . Together , they decide to travel back in time to the moment before the formula disappeared . The two then head to the Chum Bucket to rescue Karen who has been held captive by SpongeBob 's friend , Patrick , whom they intend to help power the time machine . They assemble the machine and end up traveling far into the future , where they meet Bubbles , a magical dolphin who acts as an overseer of the galaxy , and inadvertently get him fired . SpongeBob and Plankton succeed in retrieving the formula , but it turns out to be the fake one Plankton had left . Burger Beard converts his pirate ship into a food truck to sell Krabby Patties at a beach community . Sandy suggests a sacrifice be made to appease the gods . As the town attempts to sacrifice SpongeBob by executing him using a metal krabby patty shaped crusher , he and Mr. Krabs smell Krabby Patties . The townsfolk follow the scent , which leads to the surface . Bubbles returns and , revealing that he hated his job , repays SpongeBob by granting him and his sea creature friends the ability to breathe on land ; Plankton also joins by stowing away in SpongeBob 's sock . Bubbles launches SpongeBob and the others out of his blowhole to the surface . The team soon lands on a beach and finds the source of the Krabby Patty scent : Burger Beard 's food truck . Burger Beard reveals he had stolen the formula by using the book to rewrite the story and then uses it to banish the gang to Pelican Island . SpongeBob uses the book 's page that Sandy had to transform himself and the others into superheroes with special powers -- The Invincibubble ( SpongeBob ) , Mr. Superawesomeness ( Patrick ) , Sour Note ( Squidward ) , The Rodent ( Sandy ) , and Sir Pinch - a-Lot ( Mr. Krabs ) but leave the page ( and Plankton ) behind . They return and find Burger Beard , who runs away with the formula , forcing the team to give chase . During the ensuing battle , the team manages to destroy the book , but Burger Beard overpowers them one by one . Plankton then appears as a muscle - bound hero named Plank - Ton and assists them . Plankton and SpongeBob create one final attack to defeat Burger Beard and retrieve the Krabby Patty formula . After sending Burger Beard flying to Bikini Atoll , Plankton returns the formula to Mr. Krabs , having learned the value of teamwork . The gang uses the final page 's magic to return home to Bikini Bottom . With Krabby Patties back , the city is finally returned to normal and Plankton re-assumes his role as business rival , thus returning everything to the status quo . Cast ( edit ) See also : List of SpongeBob SquarePants characters Tom Kenny as the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants / The Invincibubble and Gary the Snail Clancy Brown as the voice of Mr. Krabs / Sir Pinch - a-Lot , SpongeBob and Squidward 's boss Rodger Bumpass as the voice of Squidward Tentacles / Sour Note , SpongeBob 's coworker Bill Fagerbakke as the voice of Patrick Star / Mr. Superawesomeness , SpongeBob 's neighbor and best friend Mr. Lawrence as the voice of Plankton / Plank - Ton , Mr. Krabs ' arch - rival and Karen 's husband Jill Talley as the voice of Karen , Plankton 's sentient computer sidekick and wife Carolyn Lawrence as the voice of Sandy Cheeks / The Rodent , a squirrel from Texas Mary Jo Catlett as the voice of Mrs. Puff , SpongeBob 's boating school teacher Lori Alan as the voice of Pearl Krabs , a teenage whale who is Mr. Krabs ' daughter Antonio Banderas as Burger Beard , the pirate who stole the Krabby Patty formula Matt Berry as the voice of Bubbles , a time - traveling dolphin Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci as the voices of Popsicles Dee Bradley Baker as the voice of Perch Perkins and other fish characters Nolan North as the voice of Pigeon Cabbie Paul Tibbitt ( US ) , Joe Sugg ( UK ) and Robert Irwin ( Australia ) as the voice of Kyle the Seagull Peter Shukoff as Painty the Pirate The seagulls were voiced by Peter Shukoff , Lloyd Ahlquist , Carlos Alazraqui , Eric Bauza , Tim Conway , Eddie Deezen , Nolan North , Rob Paulsen , Kevin Michael Richardson , April Stewart , Cree Summer , Billy West , Alan Carr ( UK ) , Joe Sugg ( UK ) , Caspar Lee ( UK ) and Stacey Solomon ( UK ) . Slash appeared in trailers for the film , but his scene was cut from the theatrical release . It was presented among the special features for the Blu - ray release of the film . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Following the release of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie in 2004 , producer Julia Pistor stated that a sequel film was unlikely , despite the film 's successful box office performance . In a 2009 interview with Digital Spy , SpongeBob SquarePants writer and executive producer Paul Tibbitt was asked about the possibility of a sequel . He said , `` I think that they are talking about doing that , but I have n't signed up for anything . We just feel like we 've told so many stories , and SpongeBob exists so well in this short 11 - minute form . '' He further stated that making another film was `` a huge challenge . '' However , Tibbitt denied that a sequel is not impossible to emerge , saying `` I would n't say no , but I do n't know if there will be another one . '' In 2010 , Nickelodeon reportedly had been approaching the crews of the show to make another film adaptation . The network had long wanted to partner with Paramount Pictures to release another SpongeBob SquarePants film to help reinvigorate the series from its declining ratings . However , internal disagreement delayed collaborations . On March 4 , 2011 , in an article by the Los Angeles Times , it was first reported that Paramount had `` another SpongeBob picture '' in development . Several months later , in July , Paramount formed its new animation unit , Paramount Animation , in the wake of the commercial and critical success of the 2011 computer - animated film Rango , and the departure of DreamWorks Animation upon completion of their distribution contract in 2012 . Philippe Dauman , the president and CEO of Paramount and Nickelodeon 's parent company Viacom , officially announced on February 28 , 2012 that a sequel film was in development and slated for an unspecified 2014 release , saying that `` We will be releasing a SpongeBob movie at the end of 2014 . '' Dauman added that the film `` will serve to start off or be one of our films that starts off our new animation effort . '' Nickelodeon expected the film to do much better in foreign box office than the 2004 feature , given its increasingly global reach . Dauman said , `` This will continue to propel SpongeBob internationally . '' Production was announced on June 10 , 2014 under the title The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 2 , which some trade publications began referring to as SpongeBob SquarePants 2 . The film 's executive producer is series creator Stephen Hillenburg , who departed from the show as its showrunner in 2004 following the release of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie . He no longer writes or runs the show on a day - to - day basis , but reviews each episode and delivers suggestions . However , in a 2012 interview with Thomas F. Wilson , Hillenburg stated that he was helping in writing the film . Tibbitt later revealed on Twitter in late 2013 that `` Steve ( Hillenburg ) and I wrote the new movie together and he has been in the studio everyday working with us . '' Production on the film was expected to finish in November 2014 . After production on the film finished , Hillenburg returned to the show as an executive producer , now having greater creative input and attending crew meetings . Casting ( edit ) The regular series main cast members returned to reprise their roles from the series and the previous 2004 film . In August 2013 , casting directors from Marty Siu Casting began casting calls for the background extras for the live action scenes . On September 21 , 2013 , it was reported that Spanish actor Antonio Banderas had been cast for a live - action role as Burger - Beard the pirate . Animation ( edit ) Style guide depicting the main characters , with an early version of the film 's logo in the upper left corner . The animation for the film was handled overseas by Rough Draft Korea in South Korea . Creative supervisor Vincent Waller said , `` We 're getting animation back that is looking terrific . '' The sequel is a combination of traditional animation and live action as its predecessor was , and also used computer - generated imagery ( CGI ) handled by Iloura VFX in Melbourne , Australia to render the characters in 3D . Sherm Cohen returned to work on the sequel , when he previously worked on The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie as a character designer and the lead storyboard artist and left the show in 2005 . Series animation directors Tom Yasumi and Alan Smart worked on the film 's exposure sheets . Most of the character layout crew of the film are from the series . In a preview of upcoming Paramount films held in 2012 , it first exhibited the film as a `` 3D feature film '' with `` CGI - like animation '' . Following the release of the SpongeBob SquarePants 4 - D : The Great Jelly Rescue , a 3D short film released in early 2013 at the Nickelodeon Suites Resort Orlando , executives also talked of continuing the use of 3D in the film . Director Tibbitt was asked on Twitter concerning what animation technique the film would have , and responded , `` ( I ) do n't wan na spoil anything but ( it is ) mostly 2D . '' The film contains a stop - motion animation sequence by Screen Novelties . The company had previously produced a clay animation scene for the first film , the mixed - media opening for `` Truth or Square '' , and the entirety of the stop - motion special It 's a SpongeBob Christmas ! In March 2014 , Paramount screened live - action footage from the film during the National Association of Theatre Owners ' CinemaCon . News websites report that the film would be CGI - animated , with an Internet Movie Database staff commenting , `` When Paramount announced there would be a new SpongeBob SquarePants movie , the assumption was that it would be animated ( like all other incarnations of SpongeBob ) . The very brief footage from tonight 's presentation suggested otherwise -- it looked as though this was a CGI / live - action hybrid akin to Alvin and the Chipmunks , Yogi Bear , The Smurfs , etc . '' In an article published by ComingSoon.net , author Edward Douglas wrote : `` The CGI animation just looks weird . '' Philippe Dauman said that the CGI elements are intended to `` refresh and give another boost '' to the characters . Filming ( edit ) The film features live - action scenes directed by Mike Mitchell . Filming began on September 30 , 2013 and lasted through November 5 , 2013 , on various locations in Savannah , Georgia and Tybee Island . The Savannah Film Office first announced that the film would shoot live action scenes in Savannah for 40 days on July 11 , 2013 . Will Hammargren , location specialist for the Savannah Film Office , said the film was expected to contribute $8 million to the city 's economy , including booking at least 5,600 hotel room nights . The film 's live action scenes were shot on various locations in Savannah , Georgia , including the downtown ( top ) , and in Tybee Island 's Pier ( bottom ) . On September 30 , 2013 , the start of production filming was interrupted when Jay Self was dismissed . According to a memorandum from Joe Shearouse , bureau chief of the leisure services department of Savannah , Self was fired for his `` failure to properly plan and manage the arrangement for the movie . '' It accused Self of shortcomings surrounding the filming and also cited complaints from local residents of Savannah . Another reported reason for Self 's dismissal was a disagreement between Paramount and the Savannah Film Office , about the deal of granting the local businesses to negotiate with Paramount for potential business losses during filming . In preparing the filming location in the downtown , the film crew painted storefronts along Broughton Street to resemble a `` beach community '' called `` Salty Shoals '' . Jay Self said , `` They 're trying to make it look like it 's right at the seaside . '' The Jen Library and Trustees Theater , a landmark situated on Broughton Street , of the Savannah College of Art and Design ( SCAD ) was converted into a sea museum . Paramount first approached SCAD to utilize the Jen Library for a scene back in August 2013 . Once SCAD approved , the studio 's art department transformed the buildings in choice for the film . It remained open to students during filming , while the `` SCAD '' letters atop Trustees remained untouched . Other establishments , like flower shops , convenience stores and coffeehouses , were converted to surfing , fudge and buoy shops , respectively . Self said , `` The changes are temporary with all buildings scheduled to be restored to their original colors after filming is complete . '' Filming began on October 9 in the downtown where parts of the Broughton Street between Montgomery Street and Habersham Street were closed through October 18 . Prior to October 9 , residents were given yellow flyers handed out by the production crew to detail the inconveniences of the filming would have on them . Actor Antonio Banderas appeared as a pirate and was filmed on a pirate ship with wheels for a car chase scene . At one point , a film crew member caused an accident that damaged a downtown building and rushed a woman to the Candler Hospital . William Hammargren , with the Savannah Film Services office , said that Paramount was issued a permit to use motorized vehicles within certain areas closed for filming , but the permit did not extend to the lanes . Filming in the downtown ended on October 18 , when a raffle was also held , with City Mayor Edna Jackson announcing the winners . The prizes include : a SpongeBob SquarePants - themed party , bicycles , a vacation at Marshall House , dinner at Savannah Bistro , gift certificates , and a 60 - inch television . After filming in the downtown , the production received mixed response from local businesses located in filming areas . A concern raised by business owners was the choice in dates for shooting as October is `` a big month for merchants along Broughton . '' Some merchants suggested February , July , or August as prime filming dates . Filming for the scenes resumed on October 21 on Tybee Island . The producers of the film were permitted to film on Tybee Island after meetings held at the Tybee Island City Hall with businesses and residents that imposed concerns about the possible effects of the filming , and also apprehensions about sea turtle safety . Musician Slash of the band Guns N ' Roses was seen on set at the Tybee Pier for filming , although he does not appear in the final film . The film crew later moved to Strand Avenue for a chase scene with extras on bicycles . Music ( edit ) Soundtrack EP ( edit ) Music from The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water EP by Various artists Released January 27 , 2015 Recorded 2014 Genre Hip hop Length 10 : 28 Label Nickelodeon Columbia i Am Other Producer Pharrell Williams , Chad Hugo SpongeBob SquarePants chronology It 's a SpongeBob Christmas ! Album ( 2012 ) It 's a SpongeBob Christmas ! Album 2012 Music from `` The SpongeBob Movie Sponge Out of Water '' ( 2015 ) SpongeBob SquarePants , The New Musical ( 2017 ) SpongeBob SquarePants , The New Musical 2017 It was announced that Pharrell Williams would write a song for the film with his band N.E.R.D , which is titled `` Squeeze Me '' . A five - song EP was released digitally on January 27 , 2015 . Music from `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water '' - EP No . Title Artist Length 1 . `` Squeeze Me '' N.E.R.D 2 : 34 2 . `` Patrick Star '' N.E.R.D 1 : 46 3 . `` Sandy Squirrel '' N.E.R.D 3 : 01 4 . `` Team Work '' Tom Kenny & Mr. Lawrence 1 : 07 5 . `` Thank Gosh It 's Monday '' Tom Kenny , Bill Fagerbakke & Clancy Brown 2 : 40 Original motion picture score ( edit ) The original score for the film was composed by John Debney . On February 16 , 2015 , Debney announced via Twitter that Varèse Sarabande would release his score to the film digitally on March 23 , 2015 in the UK and March 24 , 2015 in the US , along with a physical release on March 31 , 2015 . The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( Music from the Motion Picture ) Film score by John Debney Released March 23 , 2015 Recorded 2014 Genre Film score Length 48 : 49 Label Varèse Sarabande John Debney chronology Stonehearst Asylum ( 2014 ) Stonehearst Asylum 2014 The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water2015 Careful What You Wish For ( 2015 ) Careful What You Wish For 2015 The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( Original Motion Picture Score ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Burger Beard on Island '' 3 : 09 2 . `` Burger Beard Starts to Read '' 0 : 35 3 . `` Plankton Attack / Tank Defeat / Giant Robot / Trying to Steal Formula '' 4 : 07 4 . `` Torturing Plankton / Refund '' 3 : 18 5 . `` Escaping in a Bubble '' 2 : 33 6 . `` The End / Get Him '' 5 : 06 7 . `` Going to Sleep / Inside SpongeBob 's Brain '' 2 : 09 8 . `` Getting the Key / Plankton Rescues Karen '' 1 : 53 9 . `` Intro Bubbles '' 2 : 08 10 . `` Stealing Formula Back / Pirate Ship and Food Truck '' 2 : 53 11 . `` My Very Own Food Truck / Sandy Proposes Sacrifice '' 1 : 49 12 . `` Bubbles to the Rescue / Beach Search for Krabby Patties '' 3 : 56 13 . `` Beachfront Antics / Bike Path Encounters / Home of the Krabby Patty '' 2 : 54 14 . `` Story Rewrites / Invincibubble '' 2 : 50 15 . `` Chasing Burger Beard / Team Worked '' 4 : 04 16 . `` Not So Fast Burger Beard / PlankTON / Real Teamwork '' 5 : 47 Release ( edit ) Marketing ( edit ) In March 2012 , in regards to consumer products for the film , Dauman stated , `` This will be a Nickelodeon - branded movie . We 'll license the toys , but we own it . '' The film 's first teaser poster was released on June 10 , 2014 , along with the announcement of its new title , The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water . The poster is a nod to the famous Coppertone sunscreen advertisements from the 1950s , in which a dog is seen pulling the bikini bottom off of a blonde girl . At the San Diego Comic - Con International held on July 25 , 2014 , Paramount Pictures released the first footage from the film , as part of their presentation at Hall H , with Tom Kenny , SpongeBob 's voice actor , hosting the panel . The film 's trailer was released on July 31 , 2014 . Throughout the year , trailers and 15 second teaser posters of the movie were shown . Theatrical release ( edit ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water was originally planned for a 2014 release to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first film . However , Paramount Pictures announced on August 1 , 2013 , in an article in The Hollywood Reporter , that the film would instead have its official wide release in theaters on February 13 , 2015 in North America to avoid competition of the 2014 reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . On June 5 , 2014 , the film 's release date was moved up one week to February 6 , 2015 in order to avoid competition with 20th Century Fox 's Kingsman : The Secret Service and Universal Pictures ' Fifty Shades of Grey , which premiered the following week . The film premiered on January 28 , 2015 in Belgium and the Netherlands , and on January 30 , 2015 in Iceland , Mexico , and Taiwan . International releases ( edit ) It was announced on February 24 that Paramount Pictures , in partnership with TG4 , would release the film in the Irish language , alongside the English release . This marked the first time a major film studio released an Irish - language version of a movie . SpongeBob - An Scannán : Spúinse as Uisce premiered in Ireland on March 27 , 2015 . Home media ( edit ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water was released on Digital HD on May 19 , 2015 . It was released on Blu - ray ( 2D and 3D ) and DVD on June 2 , 2015 . The cover of the home media releases ( excluding the Blu - ray 3D release ) and digital releases is the principal theatrical poster . The only difference is that Plankton is on the cover as his super hero alter - ego , Plank - Ton . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water grossed $162.9 million in North America and $162.1 million in other territories for a total gross of $325.1 million worldwide , against a budget of $74 million . It outgrossed the first SpongeBob movie , which made $140.2 million worldwide , and is the second - highest - grossing film based off an animated television show , behind The Simpsons Movie ( $527.1 million ) . Deadline.com calculated the net profit of the film to be $99.8 million , when factoring together all expenses and revenues for the film . North America ( edit ) The film was originally expected to gross around $35 million in its opening weekend ; however , the film exceeded expectations on its opening day . In its opening weekend the film grossed $55.4 million , playing in 3,641 theaters , with a $15,206 per - theater average and finishing in first place at the box office . It beat out American Sniper , which grossed $23.3 million , marking the first time in four weeks a film other than American Sniper was the top - grossing film . In its second weekend , The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water earned $31.4 million , marking a 43.2 % decline , and was overtaken by Fifty Shades of Grey and Kingsman : The Secret Service , dropping to number three . On its third weekend , the film stayed at number three , grossing $16.5 million . In its fourth weekend , the film was number three again , with $10.8 million . Other territories ( edit ) A week ahead of North America release , the film was released in five markets for the three - day weekend of January 30 in other territories , and earned a gross of $8 million . Six - point - seven million dollars of that came from a strong debut in Mexico . For its second weekend of February 6 , 2015 , the film earned itself a gross of $16.2 million playing in theaters of 25 markets . The film opened at # 1 in Brazil and Spain by grossing $4.6 million and $1.9 million , respectively , while maintaining the top spot at the box office of Mexico by earning $2.4 million . In the UK the film was released on March 27 in time for the Easter school holidays and opened at # 3 behind Cinderella and Home . Critical response ( edit ) On Rotten Tomatoes , the film scored an approval rating of 80 % based on 102 reviews , with an average rating of 6.5 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus read , `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water wo n't win over many viewers who are n't fans of the show , but for the converted , it 's another colorful burst of manic fun . '' On Metacritic , the film scored of 62 out of 100 , based on 27 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' . According to CinemaScore , audiences gave the film a grade of `` B '' on an A+ to F scale . Andrew Barker of Variety praised the film for `` never even feigning a lick of seriousness '' . Although he felt the film was too long and the CGI sequences to be inferior to the traditionally animated ones , he said the film would prove `` popular among the franchise 's key grade - schooler and head - shop - owner demographics . '' Michael Rechtshaffen of The Hollywood Reporter was more negative , saying the film 's two animation styles failed `` to create a cohesive whole in spite of all the inspired non sequiturs , '' stating `` the live action / CG stuff never satisfyingly jibes with the traditional nautical nonsense down below . '' He opined that although the film was inferior to the first one , it would likely be a box office success . Barbara VanDenburgh of The Arizona Republic gave the film three - and - a-half stars out of five , saying `` The plot is straightforward , predictable and slight , no more intricate a plot than a 15 - minute TV episode would have . It 's the freewheeling madness of its execution that makes the movie such a trip -- as in acid trip . '' Elizabeth Weitzman of the New York Daily News gave the film four out of five stars , saying `` The spirit of the series remains true : cheerfully random jokes , blink - and - you 'll - miss - them references and , above all , a silly , stubbornly sentimental streak that only the crabbiest cynic could dismiss . '' Colin Covert of the Star Tribune gave the film three out of five stars , saying `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water weaves a silly -- and often funny -- spell . It 's a scrappy little B - movie that zips along rather entertainingly . '' Jen Chaney of The Washington Post gave the film two out of four stars , saying `` There 's something about this project that , despite checking all of the requisite plot and sensibility boxes , does n't convey as an organic work of SpongeBob - ishness . '' Nicolas Rapold of The New York Times gave the film a positive review , saying `` While less fluid and fresh than its 2004 predecessor , the new film displays enough nutty writing and sheer brio to confirm the stamina of its enduring and skillfully voiced characters . '' Gwen Ihnat of The A.V. Club gave the film a B+ , saying `` The visual effects and fast and furious quips combine for that rarest of releases : one that both parents and kids can enjoy ( just like the show ) , leaving viewers of any age hoping that the next SpongeBob movie is n't an entire decade off . '' Alonso Duralde of The Wrap gave the film a positive review , saying `` The jokes are consistently hilarious , with enough variety to tickle the funny bones of old salts and young fishies alike . '' Claudia Puig of USA Today gave the film two out of four stars , saying `` The live - action elements -- mostly in the person of Antonio Banderas as cranky pirate Burger Beard , who spends most of his time addressing a flock of seagulls -- do n't mesh seamlessly with the animated sequences . It almost feels like two movies awkwardly melded together . '' John Semley of The Globe and Mail gave the film two - and - a-half stars out of four , saying `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water mostly nails what has always made the character , and his brightly coloured underwater world , so endearing : the abundant innocence , the welcome lack of cynicism and the out - and - out stupidity . '' Christy Lemire of RogerEbert.com gave the film two - and - a-half stars out of four , saying `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water remains true to the surrealism of its animated television roots . But it also tries to force a live - action element which is n't as comfortable a fit as a certain pair of symmetrical trousers . '' Accolades ( edit ) List of awards and nominations Award Category Recipient ( s ) and nominee ( s ) Result Nickelodeon Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Animated Movie Paul Tibbitt Nominated Nickelodeon Mexico Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Movie The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water Nominated British Academy Children 's Awards BAFTA Kids ' Vote - Feature Film The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water Nominated 43rd Annie Awards Animated Effects in an Animated Production Brice Mallier , Paul Buckley , Brent Droog , Alex Whyte , Jonothan Freisler Nominated Voice Acting in an Animated Feature Tom Kenny Nominated Video game ( edit ) A video game featuring a plot set directly after the film , titled SpongeBob HeroPants , was released in North America on February 3 , 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS , Xbox 360 , and PlayStation Vita . The game is published by Activision . A mobile game , titled The SpongeBob Movie Game : Sponge on the Run , was released on January 22 , 2015 for iOS and Android . It is an endless running game based on the film , featuring several mini games . Sequel ( edit ) Main article : SpongeBob SquarePants ( film series ) § The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge ( 2020 ) In a February 2015 interview discussing the film 's financial success , Megan Collison , president of worldwide distribution and marketing at Paramount , stated the possibility of a third film was `` a good bet '' . In another interview , Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore remarked , `` Hopefully , it wo n't take 10 years to make another film . '' On April 30 , 2015 , via Twitter , Viacom announced a third SpongeBob SquarePants film was in development . On August 3 , 2015 , via Twitter , Vincent Waller confirmed that the sequel is in pre-production and that Paul Tibbitt was confirmed to return as director from a story by him and Kyle McCulloch . It was announced in November 2015 that the film would be released on February 8 , 2019 , but the release date was moved to an unspecified date for March 2019 . On November 11 , 2015 , Waller confirmed via Twitter that the film will be mostly traditionally animated with CGI / live - action sequences . Screenwriters Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger said in a January 2016 interview that they are working on the third SpongeBob movie . Storyboard artist Bob Camp said in an April 2016 interview that cartoonist John Kricfalusi is developing a new Ren & Stimpy cartoon to precede the movie ; however , Kricfalusi denied on Twitter that he 's making a cartoon . In March 2017 at CinemaCon , it was announced that the movie had been delayed to August 2 , 2019 . On March 28 , 2017 , Yahoo ! Movies reported on its Twitter feed that the movie had been given the final title of The SpongeBob Movie ; current showrunner Waller later suggested that this was a placeholder title . On May 29 , 2017 , Kristen Caplan was announced to be the production manager of the movie . On December 19 , 2017 , it was announced that the movie had been pushed back again to July 31 , 2020 . In April 2018 at CinemaCon , it was announced that the film would be called The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge , that it was going to be directed by Tim Hill , and that it would have a new release date of July 22 , 2020 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Detail view of Movies Page '' . www.afi.com . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) - International Box Office Results - Box Office Mojo '' . www.boxofficemojo.com . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water - Financial Information Belgium '' . Jump up ^ `` THE SPONGEBOB MOVIE : SPONGE OUT OF WATER ( U ) '' . 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Retrieved June 11 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( January 19 , 2014 ) . `` Twitter / VincentWaller72 : @ JohnMcBloom @ paultibbitt It 's '' . Twitter . Archived from the original on January 31 , 2013 . Retrieved January 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( March 2 , 2014 ) . `` Twitter / VincentWaller72 : @ CC_Animations_2 Le Strange ... '' Twitter . Archived from the original on March 11 , 2014 . Retrieved March 11 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( January 22 , 2014 ) . `` Twitter / VincentWaller72 : @ Kaiju_Saurus most of the ... '' Twitter . Archived from the original on January 31 , 2014 . Retrieved January 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Nemiroff , Perri ( October 15 , 2012 ) . `` Paramount Previews Jack Reacher , Pain & Gain , Jack Ryan , Transformers 4 , World War Z & More ! '' . ComingSoon.net . CraveOnline . Retrieved March 26 , 2014 . SpongeBob SquarePants fans are in for a nice surprise . Your favorite pineapple - dwelling sea sponge is getting his own 3D feature film . The quick teaser announced that SpongeBob is due to travel from his world to ours , revealed a quick shot of SpongeBob , Patrick and Squidward with muscled up bodies rendered with a CGI - like animation , and then returned to the classic SpongeBob style so we can watch him eat a container of corn , explode and wind up with a bin full of popcorn . Jump up ^ Rubin , Judith ( January 8 , 2013 ) . `` Tales from IAAPA 2012 in Orlando '' . InPark Magazine . Retrieved August 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Paul , Tibbitt ( December 14 , 2013 ) . `` paultibbitt : @ DEEninetysix do n't wan na spoil ... '' Twitter . Archived from the original on December 15 , 2013 . Retrieved December 15 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Screen Novelties . `` Screen Novelties on Facebook : `` As you can see , no expense was spared at the SpongeBob screening party . The new movie turned out great ! We were thrilled to have animated a little sequence in the film . Coming soon to theaters everywhere . '' `` . 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Of the rest of the slate that appeared in the opening reel there are some not - so Oscar contenders like Hot Tub Time Machine 2 ( oy , really ? ) and a 3D SpongeBob SquarePants . Jump up ^ Subers , Ray ( March 25 , 2014 ) . `` CinemaCon Day 1 : Paramount Premieres Turtles , Hercules , Transformers Footage '' . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved May 3 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Douglas , Edward ( March 24 , 2014 ) . `` CinemaCon : Paramount Shows Off First Ninja Turtles and New Transformers Footage '' . ComingSoon.net . CraveOnline . Retrieved May 3 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lang , Brent ( May 15 , 2014 ) . `` Transformers to Smash Box Office Record in China , Viacom Chief Predicts '' . Variety . Penske Media Corporation . Retrieved June 11 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Zahed , Ramin ( May 28 , 2013 ) . `` Mike Mitchell to Direct DreamWorks Trolls Movie '' . Animation . Retrieved August 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Dickstein , Corey ( September 20 , 2013 ) . `` Antonio Banderas to star in SpongeBob movie filming soon in Savannah , Tybee '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved September 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Connelley , Brendon ( September 23 , 2013 ) . `` New SpongeBob Movie To Feature A Lot Of Live Action , Antonio Banderas And A Standout Villainous Beard '' . Bleeding Cool . Retrieved September 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Logana , Don . `` ' SpongeBob Movie 2 ' to film in Savannah '' . WTOC News . Retrieved July 13 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Curl , Eric ( September 30 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob filming starting Monday in Savannah '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` ' SpongeBob SquarePants ' sequel filming near Savannah as city fires director of film office '' . The Republic . October 1 , 2013 . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Curl , Eric ( September 30 , 2013 ) . `` ' SpongeBob ' issues attributed to Savannah Film Director 's firing '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , Carla ( October 1 , 2013 ) . `` Savannah officials confirm SpongeBob behind firing '' . The Atlanta Business Journal . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` City of Savannah fires director of film office '' . Firstcoastnews.com . October 1 , 2013 . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Morekis , Jim ( September 25 , 2013 ) . `` Editor 's Note : Sponging off Jay Self '' . Connect Savannah . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Georgia 's ' Sponge Bob ' controversy '' . The Augusta Chronicle . September 30 , 2013 . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Dickstein , Corey ( October 23 , 2013 ) . `` Businesses along Savannah 's Broughton share mixed reactions following ' SpongeBob ' '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 23 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Curl , Eric ( October 9 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob filming begins downtown '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 11 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Parts of Broughton Street being painted `` coral '' for upcoming SpongeBob filming `` . Savannah Morning News . September 18 , 2013 . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , Carla ( September 27 , 2013 ) . `` Savannah film office director suspended , SpongeBob project eyed '' . The Atlanta Business Journal . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Mayes , Tarana ( October 14 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob SquarePants comes to Savannah College of Art and Design '' . Savannah , GA : Savannah College of Art and Design . Retrieved October 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Montaya , Orlando ( October 11 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob Filming Attracts And Disrupts '' . GPB News . Retrieved October 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Logona , Don ( September 19 , 2013 ) . `` Broughton Street transformed into ' Spongetown ' '' . WTOC News . Retrieved October 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Downtown road closures announced for ' SpongeBob ' filming '' . Savannah Morning News . October 7 , 2013 . Retrieved October 8 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Filmed in Savannah : Predictable process '' . Savannah Morning News . October 7 , 2013 . Retrieved October 8 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Natario , Nick ( September 27 , 2013 ) . `` Details about SpongeBob shoot announced '' . WJCL News . Savannah , GA . Retrieved October 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Hyman , Alyssa ( September 21 , 2013 ) . `` Meeting details SpongeBob filming logistics '' . WTOC News . Savannah , GA . Retrieved October 21 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Curl , Eric ( October 11 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob cart crash ends with restaurant damage '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Curl , Eric ( October 14 , 2013 ) . `` UPDATE : City releases video of SpongeBob wreck '' . Savannah Morning News . Retrieved October 18 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` SpongeBob filming wraps on Broughton '' . WTOC News . October 19 , 2013 . Retrieved October 19 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Natario , Nick ( October 18 , 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob movies wraps up filming in downtown Savannah '' . WJCL News . Retrieved October 19 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Logona , Don ( September 18 , 2013 ) . `` ' SpongeBob SquarePants 2 ' gets greenlight on Tybee Island '' . WTOC News . Retrieved October 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Haynes , Tracy ( September 2013 ) . `` SpongeBob Movie Making Waves , Bringing Cash to Tybee '' . WSAV News . Retrieved October 23 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : WTOC Staff ( October 22 , 2013 ) . `` Slash has cameo in SpongeBob film '' . WTOC News . Retrieved October 23 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Pharrell and N.E.R.D. recorded a song for the new SpongeBob movie , compare it to The Beatles '' . avclub.com . Retrieved January 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` iTunes - Music - Music from `` The SpongeBob Movie Sponge Out of Water '' - EP by Various Artists `` . iTunes . Retrieved February 4 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` John Debney Named `` Shining Star '' by ETM - LA `` . American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers . December 9 , 2013 . Retrieved December 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Varese Sarabande will be putting out the score for SpongeBob ! ! '' . Retrieved February 16 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Gallagher , Brian ( June 10 , 2014 ) . `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water Poster '' . MovieWeb . Retrieved June 13 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Han , Angie ( June 11 , 2014 ) . `` Sequel Bits : Jurassic World , Insurgent , Fast & Furious 7 , Sharknado 2 '' . / Film . Retrieved June 13 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Spongebob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ' Comic - Con 2014 Panel Video '' . MovieWeb . July 25 , 2014 . Retrieved August 1 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lewis , Hilary ( July 31 , 2014 ) . `` Watch the ' SpongeBob Movie ' Sequel Trailer ( Video ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved July 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Chitwood , Adam ( August 2 , 2013 ) . `` MONSTER TRUCKS and SPONGEBOB 2 Get 2015 Release Dates ; Robert Downey Jr. 's THE JUDGE Opens 10 / 11 / 2014 ; OUT OF THE FURNACE Shifted '' . Collider . Retrieved August 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` TOLDJA ! Paramount Sets Date For ' Monster Trucks ' & ' SpongeBob ' Movies '' . Deadline.com . August 1 , 2013 . Retrieved August 3 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Sneider , Jeff ( June 5 , 2014 ) . `` Paramount Avoids Fifty Shades by Moving Up SpongeBob SquarePants Sequel '' . The Wrap . Retrieved June 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water release '' . imdb.com . IMDB . Retrieved February 3 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Ó Caollaí , Éanna ( February 25 , 2015 ) . `` ' SpongeBob an Scannán ' to hit the big screen as Gaeilge '' . Irish Times . Retrieved March 7 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Ó Caollaí , Éanna ( February 24 , 2015 ) . `` ' SpongeBob an Scannán ' to hit the big screen as Gaeilge '' . NÓS . Retrieved March 7 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water Blu - ray '' . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water vs The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved February 21 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Animation - TV Adaption Movies at the Box Office - Box Office Mojo '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved March 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Mike Fleming Jr ( March 21 , 2016 ) . `` No. 15 ' The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out Of Water ' -- 2015 Most Valuable Movie Blockbuster Tournament '' . Deadline.com . Retrieved March 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` ' SpongeBob ' to soak up box office , push ' American Sniper ' out of top spot '' . latimes.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Agar , Chris . `` Box Office Prediction : ' American Sniper ' vs. ' The SpongeBob Movie ' '' . screenrant.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Forecast : ' SpongeBob ' To Take Down ' Sniper ' on First Weekend of February '' . boxofficemojo.com . IMDB . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Friday Report : ' SpongeBob ' Scores Super $15.1 Million '' . boxofficemojo.com . IMDB . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Mendelson , Scott . `` Box Office : ' SpongeBob ' Ascends To $15 M Friday , ' Jupiter , ' ' Seventh Son ' Descend '' . fobres.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Weekend Box Office Results for January 9 - 11 , 2015 - Box Office Mojo '' . boxofficemojo.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Around - the - World Roundup : ' Hobbit ' Hits $900 Million Worldwide '' . boxofficemojo.com . IMDB . Retrieved February 9 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Around - the - World Roundup : ' Jupiter ' Ascends to Top Spot Overseas '' . boxofficemojo.com . IMDB . Retrieved February 9 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) '' . rottentomatoes.com . February 6 , 2015 . Retrieved March 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water reviews '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved March 26 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` CinemaScore '' . CinemaScore . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 15 . Jump up ^ Barker , Andrew . `` Film Review : ' The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ' '' . Variety . Retrieved February 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Rechtshaffen , Michael . `` ' The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ' : Film Review '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved February 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Review : ' The SpongeBob Movie ' is a surreal trip '' . The Arizona Republic . February 5 , 2015 . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` ' The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ' : Movie review '' . NY Daily News . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The joy of SpongeBob : ' Sponge Out of Water ' weaves a silly spell '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` ' The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ' review : Krabby Patties provide fuel for a cartoon franchise 's staying power '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ NICOLAS RAPOLD . `` All Hail the Lordling Dolphin ! In New SpongeBob Movie , Bikini Bottom Goes ' Mad Max ' '' . The New York Times . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Review : Sponge Out Of Water proves that SpongeBob should hit dry land more often Movie Review The A.V. Club '' . avclub.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` ' The SpongeBob Movie ' Review : Swims in Silliness , Even on Dry Land '' . TheWrap . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Claudia Puig ( February 5 , 2015 ) . `` ' SpongeBob Movie ' : Cute , but too zany to absorb '' . USA TODAY . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The SpongeBob Movie : A last gasp for a flagging franchise '' . The Globe and Mail . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Christy Lemire ( February 6 , 2015 ) . `` The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water '' . rogerebert.com . Retrieved February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Anthony D'Alessandro , Anthony ( 1 December 2015 ) . `` Annie Awards Noms : ' Inside Out ' , ' Anomalisa ' , ' Shaun The Sheep ' , ' Good Dinosaur ' & ' Peanuts ' Up For Best Feature '' . Deadline.com . Penske Business Media , LLC . Retrieved 2 December 2015 . Jump up ^ Lowe , Scott ( 2015 - 01 - 06 ) . `` Introducing SpongeBob TM HeroPants , Arriving February 3 '' . Official Activision press release blog . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` SpongeBob : Sponge On The Run Mobile Game Released '' . Comicbook.com . January 22 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` ' SpongeBob ' Soaks Up $55 Million to Swamp ' Jupiter Ascending , ' ' Seventh Son ' at Box Office '' . TheWrap.com . February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Box Office : ' SpongeBob ' Capsizes ' Jupiter Ascending , ' ' Seventh Son ' With $56 M '' . The Hollywood Reporter . February 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Staff ( April 30 , 2015 ) . `` Viacom on Twitter '' . Retrieved April 30 , 2015 . `` @ ParamountPics ( Paramount Pictures ) is in development on sequels to existing franchises : @ WorldWarZMovie ( World War Z ) , @ JackReacher ( Jack Reacher ) & @ SpongeBobMovie ( SpongeBob SquarePants ) '' - TD Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( August 3 , 2015 ) . `` @ gameshowalex The series is in production , and the 3rd movie is in pre production '' . Jump up ^ `` Paramount Animation announces release dates for ' SpongeBob 3 , ' ' Little Prince ' '' . November 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Paramount Bumps ' Monster Trucks ' to 2017 , Sets ' Spongebob Squarepants 3 ' for 2019 '' . November 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( November 11 , 2015 ) . `` @ johnny_marrero There will be both I 'm sure , but mostly 2d , unless something has changed since Mr. tibbitt and i spoke last '' . Jump up ^ `` Screenwriters Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger on ' Kung Fu Panda 3 ' , ' Trolls ' and ' Monster Truck ' '' . January 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Thad Komorowski ( July 12 , 2016 ) , INTERVIEW : 25 Years Later , Directors Bob Camp and Bill Wray Remember `` The Ren & Stimpy Show '' , retrieved August 12 , 2016 Jump up ^ `` John K on Twitter : not that I know of '' . February 6 , 2017 . Retrieved February 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Movies , Yahoo ( March 28 , 2017 ) . `` Paramount confirms new SpongeBob movie for 2019 , will be called ... `` The SpongeBob Movie . '' # Cinemacon `` . Jump up ^ Waller , Vincent ( March 31 , 2017 ) . `` I 'm pretty sure that is a place holder , until the actual title is chosen '' . Jump up ^ Vincent Waller ( May 29 , 2017 ) . `` Production manager on the movie . Kristen Caplan '' . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ http://deadline.com/2017/12/johnny-knoxville-action-point-spongebob-squarepant-movie-release-dates-paramount-1202229994/ Jump up ^ Donnelly , Matt ( April 25 , 2018 ) . `` Paramount Animation Sets Three New Films , Including ' SpongeBob ' Sequel '' . The Wrap . Retrieved April 26 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Giardina , Carolyn ( April 25 , 2018 ) . `` Paramount Grows Its Animation Slate With ' Monster on the Hill , ' ' Luck ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved April 26 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water Wikimedia Commons has media related to The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water . Official website The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water on IMDb The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water at Box Office Mojo The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water at Rotten Tomatoes The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water at Metacritic Links to related articles SpongeBob SquarePants ( film series ) Films The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ( 2004 ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge ( 2020 ) Video games The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ( video game ) SpongeBob HeroPants Music The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie -- Music from the Movie and More ... SpongeBob SquarePants Characters SpongeBob SquarePants Patrick Star Squidward Tentacles Mr. Krabs Plankton and Karen Sandy Cheeks Mrs. Puff Pearl Krabs Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Production Cast members Guest stars Awards and nominations Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Episodes `` Help Wanted '' `` Pizza Delivery '' `` Rock Bottom '' `` Christmas Who ? '' `` Band Geeks '' `` Graveyard Shift '' `` Sailor Mouth '' `` Chocolate with Nuts '' `` The Sponge Who Could Fly '' `` Have You Seen This Snail ? '' `` Dunces and Dragons '' `` Best Day Ever '' `` Friend or Foe '' `` Atlantis SquarePantis '' `` Pest of the West '' `` What Ever Happened to SpongeBob ? '' `` SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One '' `` To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants '' `` Truth or Square '' `` The Clash of Triton '' `` SpongeBob 's Last Stand '' `` The Great Patty Caper '' `` It 's a SpongeBob Christmas ! '' `` Extreme Spots '' `` SpongeBob , You 're Fired '' `` Squid Noir '' Films The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge ( 2020 ) Miniseries Legends of Bikini Bottom SpongeBob 's Runaway Roadtrip Locations Krusty Krab Attractions Jimmy Neutron 's Nicktoon Blast SpongeBob SquarePants 4 - D SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge SpongeBob SquarePants 4D : The Great Jelly Rescue Universal 's Superstar Parade Miscellaneous Merchandise SpongeBob Comics SpongeBob SquarePants ( musical ) Related articles 2015 SpongeBob SquarePants 400 Square Roots : The Story of SpongeBob SquarePants Spongiforma squarepantsii United Plankton Pictures Book Category Portal Nickelodeon Movies Feature films Animated The Rugrats Movie ( 1998 ) Rugrats in Paris : The Movie ( 2000 ) Jimmy Neutron : Boy Genius ( 2001 ) Hey Arnold ! : The Movie ( 2002 ) The Wild Thornberrys Movie ( 2002 ) Rugrats Go Wild ( 2003 ) The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ( 2004 ) Barnyard ( 2006 ) Rango ( 2011 ) The Adventures of Tintin ( 2011 ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) Wonder Park ( 2019 ) The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge ( 2020 ) Live - action Harriet the Spy ( 1996 ) Good Burger ( 1997 ) Snow Day ( 2000 ) Clockstoppers ( 2002 ) Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2004 ) Mad Hot Ballroom ( 2005 ) Yours , Mine & Ours ( 2005 ) Nacho Libre ( 2006 ) Charlotte 's Web ( 2006 ) The Spiderwick Chronicles ( 2008 ) Angus , Thongs and Perfect Snogging ( 2008 ) Hotel for Dogs ( 2009 ) Imagine That ( 2009 ) The Last Airbender ( 2010 ) Fun Size ( 2012 ) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 ) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows ( 2016 ) Monster Trucks ( 2017 ) Film franchises Rugrats ( 1998 -- 2003 ) The Wild Thornberrys ( 2002 -- 03 ) SpongeBob SquarePants ( 2004 -- present ) The Adventures of Tintin ( 2011 , Sequels planned ) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 -- 16 ) Book Category Paramount Animation Feature films The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) Monster Trucks ( 2016 ) Sherlock Gnomes ( 2018 ) Upcoming films Wonder Park ( 2019 ) Sonic the Hedgehog ( 2019 ) The SpongeBob Movie : It 's a Wonderful Sponge ( 2020 ) Monster on the Hill ( 2020 ) Luck ( 2021 ) Related animation studios Nickelodeon Movies Nickelodeon Animation Studio Nick Digital MTV Films MTV Animation Fleischer Studios Famous Studios Terrytoons Rainbow S.r.l. Stephen Hillenburg Television series SpongeBob SquarePants ( since 1999 ) Films The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ( 2004 ) The SpongeBob Movie : Sponge Out of Water ( 2015 ) Comic books SpongeBob Comics ( since 2011 ) See also United Plankton Pictures Square Roots : The Story of SpongeBob SquarePants ( 2009 ) Cartoon portal SpongeBob SquarePants portal Nickelodeon portal 2010s portal Film in the United States portal Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_SpongeBob_Movie:_Sponge_Out_of_Water&oldid=841014618 '' Categories : 2015 films English - language films 2015 3D films 2015 animated films 2015 computer - animated films 2010s adventure films 2010s American animated films 2010s comedy films American films American 3D films American animated science fiction films American children 's animated adventure films American children 's animated comedy films American children 's animated fantasy films American fantasy - comedy films Sequel films American sequel films Animated superhero films Animated films based on animated series Animated films about fish Animated films about squirrels Directorial debut films Films scored by John Debney Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films shot in Georgia ( U.S. state ) Films with live action and animation Nickelodeon animated films Nickelodeon Movies films Paramount Animation films Pirate films Rough Draft Studios films Superhero comedy films SpongeBob SquarePants ( film series ) Time travel films Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from December 2013 Articles with hAudio microformats Album infoboxes lacking a cover Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Български Cebuano Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español فارسی Føroyskt Français Gaeilge 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Occitan Polski Português Runa Simi Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 27 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 May 2018 , at 14 : 51 . 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who wrote the book lord of the rings
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien . The story began as a sequel to Tolkien 's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit , but eventually developed into a much larger work . Written in stages between 1937 and 1949 , The Lord of the Rings is one of the best - selling novels ever written , with over 150 million copies sold .
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings
the lord of the rings
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J.R.R. Tolkien . The story began as a sequel to Tolkien 's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit , but eventually developed into a much larger work . Written in stages between 1937 and 1949 , The Lord of the Rings is one of the best - selling novels ever written , with over 150 million copies sold .
The title of the novel refers to the story 's main antagonist , the Dark Lord Sauron , who had in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle - earth . From quiet beginnings in the Shire , a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside , the story ranges across Middle - earth , following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters , not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins , Samwise `` Sam '' Gamgee , Meriadoc `` Merry '' Brandybuck and Peregrin `` Pippin '' Took , but also the hobbits ' chief allies and travelling companions : the Men Aragorn son of Arathorn , a Ranger of the North , and Boromir , a Captain of Gondor ; Gimli son of Glóin , a Dwarf warrior ; Legolas Greenleaf , an Elven prince ; and Gandalf , a Wizard . The work was initially intended by Tolkien to be one volume of a two - volume set , the other to be The Silmarillion , but this idea was dismissed by his publisher . For economic reasons , The Lord of the Rings was published in three volumes over the course of a year from 29 July 1954 to 20 October 1955 . The three volumes were titled The Fellowship of the Ring , The Two Towers and The Return of the King . Structurally , the novel is divided internally into six books , two per volume , with several appendices of background material included at the end . Some editions combine the entire work into a single volume . The Lord of the Rings has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into 38 languages . Tolkien 's work has been the subject of extensive analysis of its themes and origins . Although a major work in itself , the story was only the last movement of a larger epic Tolkien had worked on since 1917 , in a process he described as mythopoeia . Influences on this earlier work , and on the story of The Lord of the Rings , include philology , mythology , religion and the author 's distaste for the effects of industrialization , as well as earlier fantasy works and Tolkien 's experiences in World War I. These inspirations and themes have often been denied by Tolkien himself . The Lord of the Rings in its turn is considered to have had a great effect on modern fantasy ; the impact of Tolkien 's works is such that the use of the words `` Tolkienian '' and `` Tolkienesque '' have been recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary . The enduring popularity of The Lord of the Rings has led to numerous references in popular culture , the founding of many societies by fans of Tolkien 's works , and the publication of many books about Tolkien and his works . The Lord of the Rings has inspired , and continues to inspire , artwork , music , films and television , video games , board games , and subsequent literature . Award - winning adaptations of The Lord of the Rings have been made for radio , theatre , and film . In 2003 , it was named Britain 's best - loved novel of all time in the BBC 's The Big Read . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot summary 1.1 Prologue 1.2 The Fellowship of the Ring 1.3 The Two Towers 1.4 The Return of the King 2 Main characters 2.1 Protagonists 2.2 Antagonists 3 Concept and creation 3.1 Background 3.2 Writing 3.3 Influences 4 Publication history 4.1 Editions and revisions 4.2 Posthumous publication of drafts 4.3 Translations 5 Reception 6 Themes 7 Adaptations 7.1 Radio 7.2 Film 7.3 Television 7.4 Stage 8 Legacy 8.1 Influences on the fantasy genre 8.2 Music 8.3 Impact on popular culture 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Plot Summary ( edit ) See also : The Fellowship of the Ring , The Two Towers , and The Return of the King plot summaries Prologue ( edit ) Thousands of years before the events of the novel , the Dark Lord Sauron had forged the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power and corrupt those who wore them : the leaders of Men , Elves and Dwarves . Sauron was defeated by an alliance of Elves and Men led by Gil - galad and Elendil , respectively . In the final battle , Isildur , son of Elendil , cut the One Ring from Sauron 's finger , causing Sauron to lose his physical form . Isildur claimed the Ring as an heirloom for his line , but when he was later ambushed and killed by the Orcs , the Ring was lost in the River Anduin at Gladden Fields . Over two thousand years later , the Ring was found by one of the river - folk called Déagol . His friend Sméagol fell under the Ring 's influence and strangled Déagol to acquire it . Sméagol was banished and hid under the Misty Mountains . The Ring gave him long life and changed him over hundreds of years into a twisted , corrupted creature called Gollum . Gollum lost the Ring , his `` precious '' , and as told in The Hobbit , Bilbo Baggins found it . Meanwhile , Sauron assumed a new form and took back his old realm of Mordor . When Gollum set out in search of the Ring , he was captured and tortured by Sauron . Sauron learned from Gollum that `` Baggins '' of the Shire had taken the Ring . Gollum was set loose . Sauron , who needed the Ring to regain his full power , sent forth his powerful servants , the Nazgûl , to seize it . The Fellowship of the Ring ( edit ) The story begins in the Shire , where the hobbit Frodo Baggins inherits the Ring from Bilbo Baggins , his cousin and guardian . Neither hobbit is aware of the Ring 's nature , but Gandalf the Grey , a wizard and an old friend of Bilbo , suspects it to be Sauron 's Ring . Many years later , after Gandalf confirms his guess , he tells Frodo the history of the Ring and counsels him to take it away from the Shire . Frodo sets out , accompanied by his gardener and friend , Samwise ( `` Sam '' ) Gamgee , and two cousins , Meriadoc Brandybuck , called Merry , and Peregrin Took , called Pippin . They are nearly caught by the Black Riders but shake off their pursuers by cutting through the Old Forest . There they are aided by Tom Bombadil , a strange and merry fellow who lives with his wife Goldberry in the forest . The Hobbits reach the town of Bree , where they encounter a Ranger named Strider , whom Gandalf had mentioned in a letter . Strider persuades the hobbits to take him on as their guide and protector . Together , they leave Bree after another close escape from the Black Riders . On the hill of Weathertop , they are again attacked by the Black Riders , who wound Frodo with a cursed blade . Strider fights them off with fire and leads the hobbits towards the Elven refuge of Rivendell . Frodo falls deathly sick from the wound . The Black Riders nearly overtake Frodo at the Ford of Bruinen , but flood waters summoned by Elrond , master of Rivendell , rise up and overwhelm them . Frodo recovers in Rivendell under Elrond 's care . The Council of Elrond discusses the history of Sauron and the Ring . Strider is revealed to be Aragorn , Isildur 's heir . Gandalf reports that Sauron has corrupted Saruman , chief of the wizards . The Council decides that the Ring must be destroyed , but that can only be done by sending it to the Fire of Mount Doom in Mordor , where it was forged . Frodo takes this task upon himself . Elrond , with the advice of Gandalf , chooses companions for him . The Company of the Ring are nine in number : Frodo , Sam , Merry , Pippin , Aragorn , Gandalf , Gimli the Dwarf , Legolas the Elf , and the Man Boromir , son of the Ruling Steward Denethor of the land of Gondor . After a failed attempt to cross the Misty Mountains through the Redhorn Pass , the Company are forced to take a perilous path through the Mines of Moria . They are attacked by the Watcher in the Water before the doors of Moria . Inside Moria , they learn of the fate of Balin and his colony of Dwarves . After surviving an attack , they are pursued by Orcs and by an ancient demon called a Balrog . Gandalf faces the Balrog , and both of them fall into the abyss . The others escape and find refuge in the Elven forest of Lothlórien , where they are counselled by Galadriel and Celeborn . With boats and gifts from Galadriel , the Company travel down the River Anduin to the hill of Amon Hen . There , Boromir tries to take the Ring from Frodo , but Frodo puts it on and disappears . After the Company scatters to search for Frodo , they are attacked by Orcs . Frodo chooses to go alone to Mordor , but Sam guesses what he intends and goes with him . The two Towers ( edit ) Orcs sent by Saruman and Sauron kill Boromir and take Merry and Pippin . Aragorn , Gimli and Legolas debate amongst themselves which pair of hobbits to follow . They decide to pursue the Orcs bearing Merry and Pippin to Saruman . In the kingdom of Rohan , the Orcs are slain by a company of the Rohirrim . Merry and Pippin escape into Fangorn Forest , where they are befriended by Treebeard , the oldest of the tree - like Ents . Aragorn , Gimli and Legolas track the hobbits to Fangorn . There they unexpectedly meet Gandalf . Gandalf explains that he slew the Balrog ; darkness took him , but he was sent back to Middle - earth to complete his mission . He is clothed in white and is now `` Gandalf the White '' , for he has taken Saruman 's place as the chief of the wizards . Gandalf assures his friends that Merry and Pippin are safe . Together they ride to Edoras , capital of Rohan . Gandalf frees Théoden , King of Rohan , from the influence of Saruman 's spy Gríma Wormtongue . Théoden musters his fighting strength and rides with his men to the ancient fortress of Helm 's Deep , while Gandalf departs to seek help from Treebeard . Meanwhile , the Ents , roused by Merry and Pippin from their peaceful ways , attack Isengard , Saruman 's stronghold , and trap the wizard in the tower of Orthanc . Gandalf convinces Treebeard to send an army of Huorns to Théoden 's aid . Gandalf brings an army of Rohirrim to Helm 's Deep , and they defeat the Orcs , who flee into the waiting shadow of the trees , never to be seen again . Gandalf offers Saruman a chance to turn away from evil . When Saruman refuses to listen , Gandalf strips him of his rank and most of his powers . Pippin picks up a palantír , a seeing - stone that Saruman used to speak with Sauron and through which Saruman was ensnared , and is seen by Sauron . Gandalf rides for Minas Tirith , chief city of Gondor , taking Pippin with him . Frodo and Sam capture Gollum , who has followed them from Moria . They force him to guide them to Mordor . They find that the Black Gate of Mordor is too well guarded , so instead they travel to a secret way Gollum knows . On the way , they encounter Faramir , who , unlike his brother Boromir , resists the temptation to seize the Ring . Gollum -- who is torn between his loyalty to Frodo and his desire for the Ring -- betrays Frodo by leading him to the great spider Shelob in the tunnels of Cirith Ungol . Frodo falls to Shelob 's sting . But with the help of Galadriel 's gifts , Sam fights off the spider . Believing Frodo to be dead , Sam takes the Ring to continue the quest alone . Orcs find Frodo ; Sam overhears them and learns that Frodo is still alive . The Return of the King ( edit ) Sauron sends a great army against Gondor . Gandalf arrives at Minas Tirith to warn Denethor of the attack , while Théoden musters the Rohirrim to ride to Gondor 's aid . Minas Tirith is besieged . Denethor is deceived by Sauron and falls into despair . He burns himself alive on a pyre , nearly taking his son Faramir with him . Aragorn , accompanied by Legolas , Gimli and the Rangers of the North , takes the Paths of the Dead to recruit the Dead Men of Dunharrow , who are bound by a curse which denies them rest until they fulfil their long - ago forsworn oath to fight for the King of Gondor . Following Aragorn , the Army of the Dead strikes terror into the Corsairs of Umbar invading southern Gondor . Aragorn defeats the Corsairs and uses their ships to transport the men of southern Gondor up the Anduin , reaching Minas Tirith just in time to turn the tide of battle . Éowyn , Théoden 's niece , slays the Lord of the Nazgûl with help from Merry . Together , Gondor and Rohan defeat Sauron 's army in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields , though at great cost . Théoden is slain , and Éowyn and Merry are injured . Meanwhile , Sam rescues Frodo from the tower of Cirith Ungol . They set out across Mordor . Aragorn leads an army of men from Gondor and Rohan to march on the Black Gate to distract Sauron from his true danger . His army is vastly outnumbered by the great might of Sauron . Frodo and Sam reach the edge of the Cracks of Doom , but Frodo can not resist the Ring any longer . He claims it for himself and puts it on his finger . Gollum suddenly reappears . He struggles with Frodo and bites off Frodo 's finger with the Ring still on it . Celebrating wildly , Gollum loses his footing and falls into the Fire , taking the Ring with him . When the Ring is destroyed , Sauron loses his power forever . The Nazgûl perish , and his armies are thrown into such disarray that Aragorn 's forces emerge victorious . Aragorn is crowned Elessar , King of Arnor and Gondor , and weds Arwen , daughter of Elrond . The four hobbits make their way back to the Shire , only to find out that it has been taken over by men led by Sharkey . The hobbits raise a rebellion and liberate the Shire . Sharkey turns out to be Saruman . Frodo stops the hobbits from killing the wizard , but Gríma turns on him and kills him in front of Bag End , Frodo 's home . He is slain in turn by hobbit archers , and the War of the Ring comes to its true end on Frodo 's very doorstep . Merry and Pippin are celebrated as heroes . Sam marries Rosie Cotton and uses his gifts from Galadriel to help heal the Shire . But Frodo is still wounded in body and spirit , having borne the Ring for so long . A few years later , in the company of Bilbo and Gandalf , Frodo sails from the Grey Havens west over the Sea to the Undying Lands to find peace . In the appendices , Sam gives his daughter Elanor the Red Book of Westmarch , which contains the story of Bilbo 's adventures and the War of the Ring as witnessed by the hobbits . Sam is then said to have crossed west over the Sea himself , the last of the Ring - bearers . Main characters ( edit ) Some characters in The Lord of the Rings are unequivocal protagonists , and others are absolute antagonists . However despite criticism that the book 's characters `` are all either black or white '' , some of the ' good ' characters have darker sides that feature in the story , and likewise some of the villains have `` good impulses '' . Therefore the categorization of characters as either ' protagonists ' or ' antagonists ' below indicates their general role in the story . Protagonists ( edit ) The Company of the Ring : Frodo Baggins , bearer of the One Ring , given to him by Bilbo Baggins Samwise Gamgee , gardener and friend of the Bagginses Meriadoc Brandybuck ( Merry ) , Frodo 's cousin and friend Peregrin Took ( Pippin or Pip ) , Frodo 's cousin and friend Gandalf the Grey , a wizard , leads the Fellowship until his fall in Moria , returns from death as Gandalf the White to lead the armies of the West against Sauron Aragorn , descendant of Isildur and rightful heir to the thrones of Arnor and Gondor Legolas Greenleaf , an Elf prince and son of King Thranduil of the Silvan Elves of Northern Mirkwood Gimli , son of Glóin , a dwarf Boromir , the eldest son and heir of Denethor Denethor , ruling Steward of Gondor and Lord of Minas Tirith Faramir , younger son of Denethor and brother of Boromir Galadriel , Elf co-ruler of Lothlórien , and grandmother of Arwen Celeborn , Elf co-ruler of Lothlórien , husband of Galadriel , and grandfather of Arwen Elrond , Half - elven Lord of Rivendell and father of Arwen Arwen Undómiel , daughter of Elrond , love interest of Aragorn Bilbo Baggins , Frodo 's cousin Théoden , King of Rohan , ally of Gondor Éomer , the 3rd Marshal of the Mark and Théoden 's nephew . Later King of Rohan after Théoden 's death . Éowyn , sister of Éomer , who disguises herself as a male warrior named Dernhelm to fight beside Théoden Treebeard , oldest of the Ents Tom Bombadil , lives at the edge of the Old Forest near the barrow - downs , a mysterious character with great powers Antagonists ( edit ) Sauron , the Dark Lord and titular Lord of the Rings , a fallen Maia who helped the Elves forge the Rings of Power in the Second Age . The Nazgûl or Ringwraiths , men enslaved by Sauron when they accepted his treacherous gifts of Rings of Power The Witch - king of Angmar , the Lord of the Nazgûl , and Sauron 's most powerful servant , who commands Sauron 's army Saruman the White , a wizard who seeks the One Ring for himself . Originally the chief of the order of wizards of which Gandalf is also a member ; corrupted by Sauron through the palantír . Gríma Wormtongue , a secret servant of Saruman and traitor to Rohan , who poisons Théoden 's perceptions with well placed `` advice '' Gollum , a river hobbit originally named Sméagol and an obsessive previous owner of the One Ring , planning to steal it back . Shelob , a giant spider who dwells in the passes above Minas Morgul Durin 's Bane , a Balrog dwelling beneath the Mines of Moria Concept and creation ( edit ) Background ( edit ) The Lord of the Rings started as a sequel to J.R.R. Tolkien 's work The Hobbit , published in 1937 . The popularity of The Hobbit had led George Allen & Unwin , the publishers , to request a sequel . Tolkien warned them that he wrote quite slowly , and responded with several stories he had already developed . Having rejected his contemporary drafts for The Silmarillion , putting on hold Roverandom , and accepting Farmer Giles of Ham , Allen & Unwin thought more stories about hobbits would be popular . So at the age of 45 , Tolkien began writing the story that would become The Lord of the Rings . The story would not be finished until 12 years later , in 1949 , and would not be fully published until 1955 , when Tolkien was 63 years old . Writing ( edit ) Persuaded by his publishers , he started `` a new Hobbit '' in December 1937 . After several false starts , the story of the One Ring emerged . The idea for the first chapter ( `` A Long - Expected Party '' ) arrived fully formed , although the reasons behind Bilbo 's disappearance , the significance of the Ring , and the title The Lord of the Rings did not arrive until the spring of 1938 . Originally , he planned to write a story in which Bilbo had used up all his treasure and was looking for another adventure to gain more ; however , he remembered the Ring and its powers and thought that would be a better focus for the new work . As the story progressed , he also brought in elements from ' The Silmarillion ' mythology . Writing was slow , because Tolkien had a full - time academic position , and needed to earn further money as a university examiner . Tolkien abandoned The Lord of the Rings during most of 1943 and only restarted it in April 1944 , as a serial for his son Christopher Tolkien , who was sent chapters as they were written while he was serving in South Africa with the Royal Air Force . Tolkien made another concerted effort in 1946 , and showed the manuscript to his publishers in 1947 . The story was effectively finished the next year , but Tolkien did not complete the revision of earlier parts of the work until 1949 . The original manuscripts , which total 9,250 pages , now reside in the J.R.R. Tolkien Collection at Marquette University . Influences ( edit ) Mentioned at the beginning of The Lord of the Rings , the Ivy Bush is the closest public house to Birmingham Oratory which Tolkien attended while living near Edgbaston Reservoir . Perrott 's Folly is nearby . Main article : J.R.R. Tolkien 's influences The influence of the Welsh language , which Tolkien had learned , is summarized in his essay English and Welsh : `` If I may once more refer to my work . The Lord of the Rings , in evidence : the names of persons and places in this story were mainly composed on patterns deliberately modelled on those of Welsh ( closely similar but not identical ) . This element in the tale has given perhaps more pleasure to more readers than anything else in it . '' The Lord of the Rings developed as a personal exploration by Tolkien of his interests in philology , religion ( particularly Roman Catholicism ) , fairy tales , Norse and general Germanic mythology , and also Celtic , Slavic , Persian , Greek , and Finnish mythology . Tolkien acknowledged , and external critics have verified , the influences of George MacDonald and William Morris and the Anglo - Saxon poem Beowulf . The question of a direct influence of Wagner 's The Nibelung 's Ring on Tolkien 's work is debated by critics . Tolkien included neither any explicit religion nor cult in his work . Rather the themes , moral philosophy , and cosmology of The Lord of the Rings reflect his Catholic worldview . In one of his letters Tolkien states , `` The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work ; unconsciously so at first , but consciously in the revision . That is why I have not put in , or have cut out , practically all references to anything like ' religion ' , to cults or practices , in the imaginary world . For the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism . '' Some locations and characters were inspired by Tolkien 's childhood in Birmingham , where he first lived near Sarehole Mill , and later near Edgbaston Reservoir . There are also hints of the Black Country , which is within easy reach of north west Edgbaston . This shows in such names as `` Underhill '' , and the description of Saruman 's industrialization of Isengard and The Shire . It has also been suggested that The Shire and its surroundings were based on the countryside around Stonyhurst College in Lancashire where Tolkien frequently stayed during the 1940s . The work was influenced by the effects of his military service during World War I , to the point that Frodo has been `` diagnosed '' as suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder , or `` shell - shock '' , which was first diagnosed under that name at the Battle of the Somme , at which Tolkien served . Publication history ( edit ) A dispute with his publisher , George Allen & Unwin , led to the book being offered to Collins in 1950 . Tolkien intended The Silmarillion ( itself largely unrevised at this point ) to be published along with The Lord of the Rings , but A&U were unwilling to do this . After Milton Waldman , his contact at Collins , expressed the belief that The Lord of the Rings itself `` urgently wanted cutting '' , Tolkien eventually demanded that they publish the book in 1952 . Collins did not ; and so Tolkien wrote to Allen and Unwin , saying , `` I would gladly consider the publication of any part of the stuff '' , fearing his work would never see the light of day . For publication , the book was divided into three volumes to minimize any potential financial loss due to the high cost of type - setting and modest anticipated sales : The Fellowship of the Ring ( Books I and II ) , The Two Towers ( Books III and IV ) , and The Return of the King ( Books V and VI plus six appendices ) Delays in producing appendices , maps and especially an index led to the volumes being published later than originally hoped -- on 29 July 1954 , on 11 November 1954 and on 20 October 1955 respectively in the United Kingdom . In the United States , Houghton Mifflin published The Fellowship of the Ring on 21 October 1954 , The Two Towers on 21 April 1955 , and The Return of the King on 5 January 1956 . The Return of the King was especially delayed due to Tolkien revising the ending and preparing appendices ( some of which had to be left out because of space constraints ) . Tolkien did not like the title The Return of the King , believing it gave away too much of the storyline , but deferred to his publisher 's preference . He suggested the title The Two Towers in a deliberately ambiguous attempt to link the unconnected books III and IV , and as such the eponymous towers could be either Orthanc and Barad - dûr , or Minas Tirith and Barad - dûr , or Orthanc and Cirith Ungol . Tolkien was initially opposed to titles being given to each two - book volume , preferring instead the use of book titles : e.g. The Lord of the Rings : Vol. 1 , The Ring Sets Out and The Ring Goes South ; Vol. 2 , The Treason of Isengard and The Ring Goes East ; Vol. 3 , The War of the Ring and The End of the Third Age . However these individual book titles were later scrapped , and after pressure from his publishers , Tolkien initially suggested the titles : Vol. 1 , The Shadow Grows ; Vol. 2 , The Ring in the Shadow ; Vol. 3 , The War of the Ring or The Return of the King . The books were published under a profit - sharing arrangement , whereby Tolkien would not receive an advance or royalties until the books had broken even , after which he would take a large share of the profits . It has ultimately become one of the best - selling novels ever written , with over 150 million copies sold . The book was published in the UK by Allen & Unwin until 1990 when the publisher and its assets were acquired by HarperCollins . Editions and revisions ( edit ) In the early 1960s Donald A. Wollheim , science fiction editor of the paperback publisher Ace Books , claimed that The Lord of the Rings was not protected in the United States under American copyright law because Houghton Mifflin , the US hardcover publisher , had neglected to copyright the work in the United States . Then , in 1965 , Ace Books proceeded to publish an edition , unauthorized by Tolkien and without paying royalties to him . Tolkien took issue with this and quickly notified his fans of this objection . Grass - roots pressure from these fans became so great that Ace Books withdrew their edition and made a nominal payment to Tolkien . Authorized editions followed from Ballantine Books and Houghton Mifflin to tremendous commercial success . Tolkien undertook various textual revisions to produce a version of the book that would be published with his consent and establish an unquestioned US copyright . This text became the Second Edition of The Lord of the Rings , published in 1965 . The first Ballantine paperback edition was printed in October that year , and sold a quarter of a million copies within ten months . On September 4 1966 , the novel debuted on New York Times ' Paperback Bestsellers list as number three , and was number one by December 4 , a position it held for eight weeks . Houghton Mifflin editions after 1994 consolidate variant revisions by Tolkien , and corrections supervised by Christopher Tolkien , which resulted , after some initial glitches , in a computer - based unified text . In 2004 , for the 50th Anniversary Edition , Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull , under supervision from Christopher Tolkien , studied and revised the text to eliminate as many errors and inconsistencies as possible , some of which had been introduced by well - meaning compositors of the first printing in 1954 , and never been corrected . The 2005 edition of the book contained further corrections noticed by the editors and submitted by readers . Further corrections were added to the 60th Anniversary Edition in 2014 . Several editions , notably the 50th Anniversary Edition , combine all three books into one volume , with the result that pagination varies widely over the various editions . Posthumous publication of drafts ( edit ) From 1988 to 1992 Christopher Tolkien published the surviving drafts of The Lord of The Rings , chronicling and illuminating with commentary the stages of the text 's development , in volumes 6 -- 9 of his History of Middle - earth series . The four volumes carry the titles The Return of the Shadow , The Treason of Isengard , The War of the Ring , and Sauron Defeated . Translations ( edit ) Main article : Translations of The Lord of the Rings The novel has been translated , with various degrees of success , into at least 56 languages . Tolkien , an expert in philology , examined many of these translations , and made comments on each that reflect both the translation process and his work . As he was unhappy with some choices made by early translators , such as the Swedish translation by Åke Ohlmarks , Tolkien wrote a `` Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings '' ( 1967 ) . Because The Lord of the Rings purports to be a translation of the fictitious Red Book of Westmarch , with the English language representing the Westron of the `` original '' , Tolkien suggested that translators attempt to capture the interplay between English and the invented nomenclature of the English work , and gave several examples along with general guidance . Reception ( edit ) Main article : Reception of J.R.R. Tolkien While early reviews for The Lord of the Rings were mixed , reviews in various media have been , on the whole , highly positive and acknowledge Tolkien 's literary achievement as a significant one . The initial review in the Sunday Telegraph described it as `` among the greatest works of imaginative fiction of the twentieth century '' . The Sunday Times echoed this sentiment , stating that `` the English - speaking world is divided into those who have read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and those who are going to read them '' . The New York Herald Tribune also seemed to have an idea of how popular the books would become , writing in its review that they were `` destined to outlast our time '' . W.H. Auden , an admirer of Tolkien 's writings , regarded The Lord of the Rings as a `` masterpiece '' , further stating that in some cases it outdid the achievement of John Milton 's Paradise Lost . New York Times reviewer Judith Shulevitz criticized the `` pedantry '' of Tolkien 's literary style , saying that he `` formulated a high - minded belief in the importance of his mission as a literary preservationist , which turns out to be death to literature itself '' . Critic Richard Jenkyns , writing in The New Republic , criticized the work for a lack of psychological depth . Both the characters and the work itself are , according to Jenkyns , `` anemic , and lacking in fibre '' . Even within Tolkien 's literary group , The Inklings , reviews were mixed . Hugo Dyson complained loudly at its readings . However , another Inkling , C.S. Lewis , had very different feelings , writing , `` here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron . Here is a book which will break your heart . '' Despite these reviews and its lack of paperback printing until the 1960s , The Lord of the Rings initially sold well in hardback . In 1957 , The Lord of the Rings was awarded the International Fantasy Award . Despite its numerous detractors , the publication of the Ace Books and Ballantine paperbacks helped The Lord of the Rings become immensely popular in the United States in the 1960s . The book has remained so ever since , ranking as one of the most popular works of fiction of the twentieth century , judged by both sales and reader surveys . In the 2003 `` Big Read '' survey conducted in Britain by the BBC , The Lord of the Rings was found to be the `` Nation 's best - loved book '' . In similar 2004 polls both Germany and Australia also found The Lord of the Rings to be their favourite book . In a 1999 poll of Amazon.com customers , The Lord of the Rings was judged to be their favourite `` book of the millennium '' . The Lord of the Rings was awarded the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award in 2009 . Themes ( edit ) Main article : Themes of The Lord of the Rings Although The Lord of the Rings was published in the 1950s , Tolkien insisted that the One Ring was not an allegory for the atomic bomb , nor were his works a strict allegory of any kind , but were open to interpretation as the reader saw fit . A few critics have found what they consider to be racial elements in the story , generally based upon their views of how Tolkien 's imagery depicts good and evil , characters ' race ( e.g. Elf , Dwarf , Hobbit , Southron , Númenórean , Orc ) ; and that the character 's race is seen as determining their behaviour . Counter-arguments note that race - focused critiques often omit relevant textual evidence to the contrary , cite imagery from adaptations rather than the work itself ; ignore the absence of evidence of racist attitudes or events in the author 's personal life , and claim that the perception of racism is itself a marginal view . The opinions that pit races against one another are likely to reflect Tolkien 's critique on war rather than a racist perspective . In The Two Towers , the character Samwise sees a fallen foe and considers for a moment the humanity of this fallen Southron who , just moments before , is shown to be a man of color . Director Peter Jackson considers Sam this scene in the director 's commentary of the scene and argues that Tolkien is n't projecting any negative sentiments towards the individual soldier because of his race , but the evil that 's driving them from their authority , These sentiments , Jackson argues , were derived from Tolkien 's experience in the Great War and found their way into his writings to show the evils of war itself , not of other races . Critics have also seen social class rather than race as being the determining factor in the portrayal of good and evil . Commentators such as science fiction author David Brin have interpreted the work to hold unquestioning devotion to a traditional elitist social structure . In his essay `` Epic Pooh '' , science fiction and fantasy author Michael Moorcock critiques the world - view displayed by the book as deeply conservative , in both the ' paternalism ' of the narrative voice and the power - structures in the narrative . Tom Shippey cites the origin of this portrayal of evil as a reflection of the prejudices of European middle - classes during the inter-war years towards the industrial working class . Other observers have cited Christian and Catholic themes in The Lord of the Rings . The book has been read as fitting the model of Joseph Campbell 's `` monomyth '' . Adaptations ( edit ) Main article : Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings has been adapted for film , radio and stage . Radio ( edit ) The book has been adapted for radio four times . In 1955 and 1956 , the BBC broadcast The Lord of the Rings , a 12 - part radio adaptation of the story . In the 1960s radio station WBAI produced a short radio adaptation . A 1979 dramatization of The Lord of the Rings was broadcast in the United States and subsequently issued on tape and CD . In 1981 , the BBC broadcast The Lord of the Rings , a new dramatization in 26 half - hour instalments . This dramatization of The Lord of the Rings has subsequently been made available on both tape and CD both by the BBC and other publishers . For this purpose it is generally edited into 13 one - hour episodes . Film ( edit ) Following J.R.R. Tolkien 's sale of the film rights for The Lord of the Rings to United Artists in 1969 , rock band The Beatles considered a corresponding film project and approached Stanley Kubrick as a potential director ; however , Kubrick turned down the offer , explaining to John Lennon that he thought the novel could not be adapted into a film due to its immensity . The eventual director of the film adaptation Peter Jackson further explained that a major hindrance to the project 's progression was Tolkien 's opposition to the involvement of the Beatles . Two film adaptations of the book have been made . The first was J.R.R. Tolkien 's The Lord of the Rings ( 1978 ) , by animator Ralph Bakshi , the first part of what was originally intended to be a two - part adaptation of the story ; it covers The Fellowship of the Ring and part of The Two Towers . A three - issue comic book version of the movie was also published in Europe ( but not printed in English ) , with illustrations by Luis Bermejo . When Bakshi 's investors shied away of financing the second film that would complete the story , the remainder of the story was covered in an animated television special by Rankin - Bass . Stylistically , the two segments are very different . The second and more commercially successful adaptation was Peter Jackson 's live action The Lord of the Rings film trilogy , produced by New Line Cinema and released in three instalments as The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2001 ) , The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2002 ) , and The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) . All three parts won multiple Academy Awards , including consecutive Best Picture nominations . The final instalment of this trilogy was the second film to break the one - billion - dollar barrier and won a total of 11 Oscars ( something only two other films in history , Ben - Hur and Titanic , have accomplished ) , including Best Picture , Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay . The Hunt for Gollum , a fan film based on elements of the appendices to The Lord of the Rings , was released on the internet in May 2009 and has been covered in major media . Born of Hope , written by Paula DiSante , directed by Kate Madison , and released in December 2009 , is a fan film based upon the appendices of The Lord of the Rings . Television ( edit ) On November 13 , 2017 , it was announced that Amazon had acquired the global television rights to The Lord of the Rings , committing to a multi-season television series . The series will not be a direct adaptation of the books , but will instead introduce new stories that are set before The Fellowship of the Ring . Amazon said the deal included potential for spin - off series as well . The press release referred to `` previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien 's original writings '' . Amazon will be the producer in conjunction with the Tolkien Estate and the Tolkien Trust , HarperCollins and New Line Cinema . Stage ( edit ) In 1990 , Recorded Books published an audio version of The Lord of the Rings , with British actor Rob Inglis -- who had previously starred in his own one - man stage productions of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings -- reading . A large - scale musical theatre adaptation , The Lord of the Rings was first staged in Toronto , Ontario , Canada in 2006 and opened in London in May 2007 . Legacy ( edit ) Main article : Works inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien Influences on the fantasy genre ( edit ) The enormous popularity of Tolkien 's work expanded the demand for fantasy fiction . Largely thanks to The Lord of the Rings , the genre flowered throughout the 1960s , and enjoys popularity to the present day . The opus has spawned many imitators , such as The Sword of Shannara , which Lin Carter called `` the single most cold - blooded , complete rip - off of another book that I have ever read '' . Dungeons & Dragons , which popularized the role - playing game ( RPG ) genre in the 1970s , features many races found in The Lord of the Rings , most notably halflings ( another term for hobbits ) , elves ( who are distinct from dark elves , following Tolkien 's example ) , dwarves , half - elves , orcs , and dragons . However , Gary Gygax , lead designer of the game , maintained that he was influenced very little by The Lord of the Rings , stating that he included these elements as a marketing move to draw on the popularity the work enjoyed at the time he was developing the game . Because D&D has gone on to influence many popular role - playing video games , the influence of The Lord of the Rings extends to many of them as well , with titles such as Dragon Quest , the Ultima series , EverQuest , the Warcraft series , and the Elder Scrolls series of games as well as video games set in Middle - earth itself . Research also suggests that some consumers of fantasy games derive their motivation from trying to create an epic fantasy narrative which is influenced by The Lord of the Rings . Music ( edit ) In 1965 , songwriter Donald Swann , who was best known for his collaboration with Michael Flanders as Flanders & Swann , set six poems from The Lord of the Rings and one from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ( `` Errantry '' ) to music . When Swann met with Tolkien to play the songs for his approval , Tolkien suggested for `` Namárië '' ( Galadriel 's lament ) a setting reminiscent of plain chant , which Swann accepted . The songs were published in 1967 as The Road Goes Ever On : A Song Cycle , and a recording of the songs performed by singer William Elvin with Swann on piano was issued that same year by Caedmon Records as Poems and Songs of Middle Earth . Rock bands of the 1970s were musically and lyrically inspired by the fantasy embracing counter-culture of the time ; British 70s rock band Led Zeppelin recorded several songs that contain explicit references to The Lord of the Rings ( `` Ramble On '' , `` Misty Mountain Hop '' , `` The Battle of Evermore '' , and `` Over the Hills and Far Away '' ) . In 1970 , the Swedish musician Bo Hansson released an instrumental concept album based on the book titled Sagan om ringen ( translated as `` The Saga of the Ring '' , which was the title of the Swedish translation of The Lord of the Rings at the time ) . The album was subsequently released internationally as Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings in 1972 . The songs `` Rivendell '' and `` The Necromancer '' by the progressive rock band Rush were inspired by Tolkien . Styx also paid homage to Tolkien on their `` Pieces of Eight '' album with the song `` Lords of the Ring '' , while Black Sabbath 's song , `` The Wizard '' , which appeared on their debut album , was influenced by Tolkien 's hero , Gandalf . The heavy metal band Cirith Ungol took their name from a mountain pass in Middle - earth . Progressive rock group Camel paid homage to the text in their lengthy composition `` Nimrodel / The Procession / The White Rider '' , and Progressive rock band Barclay James Harvest was inspired by the character Galadriel to write a song by that name , and used `` Bombadil '' , the name of another character , as a pseudonym under which their 1972 single `` Breathless '' / `` When the City Sleeps '' was released ; there are other references scattered through the BJH oeuvre . Later , from the 1980s to the present day , many heavy metal acts have been influenced by Tolkien . Blind Guardian has written many songs relating to Middle - earth , including the full concept album Nightfall in Middle Earth . Almost the entire discography of Battlelore are Tolkien - themed . Summoning 's music is based upon Tolkien and holds the distinction of the being the only artist to have crafted a song entirely in the Black Speech of Mordor . Gorgoroth and Amon Amarth take their names from an area of Mordor , and Burzum take their name from the Black Speech of Mordor . The Finnish metal band Nightwish and the Norwegian metal band Tristania have also incorporated many Tolkien references into their music . American heavy metal band Megadeth released two song titled This Day We Fight ! and How the Story Ends which were both inspired by the Lord of the Rings series . German folk metal band Eichenschild is named for Thorin Oakenshield , and naturally has a number of Tolkien - themed songs . They are not to be confused with the 70s folk rock band Thorin Eichenschild . In 1988 , Dutch composer and trombonist Johan de Meij completed his Symphony No. 1 `` The Lord of the Rings '' , which encompassed 5 movements , titled `` Gandalf '' , `` Lothlórien '' , `` Gollum '' , `` Journey in the Dark '' , and `` Hobbits '' . In 1989 the symphony was awarded the Sudler Composition Award , awarded biennially for best wind band composition . The Danish Tolkien Ensemble have released a number of albums that feature the complete poems and songs of The Lord of the Rings set to music , with some featuring recitation by Christopher Lee . Enya wrote an instrumental piece called `` Lothlórien '' in 1991 , and composed two songs for the film The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring -- `` May It Be '' ( sung in English and Quenya ) and `` Aníron '' ( sung in Sindarin ) . Impact on popular culture ( edit ) `` Welcome to Hobbiton '' sign in Matamata , New Zealand , where the film trilogy was shot . The Lord of the Rings has had a profound and wide - ranging impact on popular culture , beginning with its publication in the 1950s , but especially throughout the 1960s and 1970s , during which time young people embraced it as a countercultural saga . `` Frodo Lives ! '' and `` Gandalf for President '' were two phrases popular amongst United States Tolkien fans during this time . Parodies like the Harvard Lampoon 's Bored of the Rings , the VeggieTales episode `` Lord of the Beans '' , the South Park episode `` The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers '' , the Futurama film `` Bender 's Game '' , The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron : Boy Genius episode `` Lights ! Camera ! Danger ! '' , The Big Bang Theory episode `` The Precious Fragmentation '' , and the American Dad ! episode `` The Return of the Bling '' are testimony to the work 's continual presence in popular culture . In 1969 , Tolkien sold the merchandising rights to The Lord of The Rings ( and The Hobbit ) to United Artists under an agreement stipulating a lump sum payment of £ 10,000 plus a 7.5 % royalty after costs , payable to Allen & Unwin and the author . In 1976 , three years after the author 's death , United Artists sold the rights to Saul Zaentz Company , who now trade as Tolkien Enterprises . Since then all `` authorized '' merchandise has been signed - off by Tolkien Enterprises , although the intellectual property rights of the specific likenesses of characters and other imagery from various adaptations is generally held by the adaptors . Outside any commercial exploitation from adaptations , from the late 1960s onwards there has been an increasing variety of original licensed merchandise , from posters and calendars created by illustrators such as Pauline Baynes and the Brothers Hildebrandt , to figurines and miniatures to computer , video , tabletop and role - playing games . Recent examples include the Spiel des Jahres award winning ( for best use of literature in a game ) board game The Lord of the Rings by Reiner Knizia and the Golden Joystick award - winning massively multiplayer online role - playing game , The Lord of the Rings Online : Shadows of Angmar by Turbine , Inc ... The Lord of the Rings has been mentioned in numerous songs including The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins by Leonard Nimoy , Led Zeppelin 's Misty Mountain Hop , Over the Hills and Far Away , Ramble On , and The Battle of Evermore , Genesis ' song `` Stagnation '' ( from Trespass , 1970 ) was about Gollum , and Argent included the song `` Lothlorien '' on the 1971 album Ring of Hands . Steve Peregrin Took ( born Stephen Ross Porter ) of British rock band T. Rex took his name from the hobbit Peregrin Took ( better known as Pippin ) . Took later recorded under the pseudonym ' Shagrat the Vagrant ' , before forming a band called Shagrat in 1970 . See also ( edit ) Middle - earth portal Novels portal Le Monde 's 100 Books of the Century Norse mythology in popular culture 1954 in literature 1955 in literature Literature of the United Kingdom Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ This is made clear in the chapter The Council of Elrond , where Glorfindel states : `` ( E ) ven if we could ( hide the Ring ) , soon or late the Lord of the Rings would learn of its hiding place and would bend all his power towards it . '' Jump up ^ Tolkien created the word to define a different view of myth from C.S. Lewis 's `` lies breathed through silver '' . Mythopoeia was also the title of one of his poems , first published in Tree and Leaf in 1988 . ^ Jump up to : Although Frodo referred to Bilbo as his `` uncle '' , they were in fact first and second cousins , once removed either way ( his paternal great - great - uncle 's son 's son and his maternal great - aunt 's son ) . 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Jump up ^ Tolkien had recorded a version of his theme on a friend 's tape recorder in 1952 . This was later issued by Caedmon Records in 1975 as part of J.R.R. Tolkien reads and sings The Lord of the Rings ( LP recording TC1478 ) . Jump up ^ Swann , Donald and Tolkien , J.R.R. The Road Goes Ever On : A Song Cycle New York : Ballantine Books ( 1967 ) . Jump up ^ Tolkien , J.R.R. and Swann , Donald . Poems and Songs of Middle Earth New York : Caedmon Records ( 1967 ) . LP recording , TC1231 / TC91231 . ^ Jump up to : Snider , Charles . ( 2008 ) . The Strawberry Bricks Guide to Progressive Rock . Strawberry Bricks . pp. 120 -- 121 . ISBN 0 - 615 - 17566 - X . Jump up ^ Rockers influenced by LOTR Archived 16 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Feist , Raymond ( 2001 ) . Meditations on Middle - earth . St. Martin 's Press . ISBN 0 - 312 - 30290 - 8 . Jump up ^ Carpenter , Humphrey ( 2000 ) . J.R.R. Tolkien : A Biography . Houghton Mifflin . ISBN 0 - 618 - 05702 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Tolkien sold film rights for £ 10,000 '' . London Evening Standard . 12 July 2001 . Retrieved 20 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Pulley , Brett ( 15 July 2009 ) . `` ' Hobbit ' Heirs Seek $220 Million for ' Rings ' Rights ( Update1 ) '' . Bloomberg . Archived from the original on 2 August 2012 . Retrieved 20 November 2011 . Jump up ^ Harlow , John ( 28 May 2008 ) . `` Hobbit movies meet dire foe in son of Tolkien '' . The Times Online . London : The Times . Retrieved 24 July 2008 . Jump up ^ Mathijs , Ernest ( 2006 ) . The Lord of the Rings : Popular Culture in Global Context . Wallflower Press . p. 25 . ISBN 1 - 904764 - 82 - 7 . Further reading ( edit ) Carter , Lin ( 1969 ) . Tolkien : A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings . Ballantine Books . ISBN 0 - 345 - 27539 - X . Day , David ( 2004 ) . The World of Tolkien : Mythological Sources of the Lord of the Rings . Gramercy Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 517 - 22317 - 8 . Drout , Michael D.C. ( 2006 ) . J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia . Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 96942 - 0 . Foster , Robert ( 1978 ) . The Complete Guide to Middle - Earth : from `` The Hobbit '' through `` The lord of the Rings '' and Beyond . Rev. and enl . ed . Ballantine Books . N.B. : An alphabetical dictionary of personages and lore in this body of works by J.R.R. Tolkien . ISBN 0 - 7394 - 3297 - 4 hdbk . Hammond , Wayne G. ; Christina Scull ( 2005 ) . The Lord of the Rings : A Reader 's Companion . Houghton Mifflin Co . ISBN 0 - 618 - 64267 - 6 . Glyer , Diana Pavlac ( 2007 ) . The Company They Keep : C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community . Kent State University Press . ISBN 0 - 87338 - 890 - 9 . Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond , The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide ( 2006 ) , ISBN 0 - 618 - 39113 - 4 Christopher Tolkien ( ed . ) , The History of The Lord of the Rings , 4 vols ( 1988 -- 1992 ) . J.R.R. Tolkien , On Fairy Stories External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to The Lord of the Rings . Wikiquote has quotations related to : The Lord of the Rings Wikivoyage has a travel guide for The Lord of the Rings tourism . Tolkien website of Harper Collins ( the British publisher ) Tolkien website of Houghton Mifflin ( the American publisher ) The Encyclopedia of Arda : An Interactive Guide to the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien The Tolkien Library J.R.R. Tolkien 's The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King Production and reception Composition Themes Influences Translations Russian Swedish Reception Fandom Study Related works The Hobbit The Adventures of Tom Bombadil The Road Goes Ever On The Silmarillion Unfinished Tales The History of Middle - earth The History of The Lord of the Rings Bilbo 's Last Song The Children of Húrin The History of The Hobbit The Tale of Beren and Lúthien Characters Aragorn Arwen Bilbo Boromir Butterbur Celeborn Ceorl Denethor Elladan and Elrohir Elrond Éomer Éowyn Faramir Frodo Galadriel Gandalf Gildor Gimli Glorfindel Gollum Legolas Merry Mouth of Sauron Old Man Willow Pippin Radagast Sam Saruman Sauron Shelob Théoden Tom Bombadil Treebeard Witch - king Wormtongue Adaptations and other derivative works Books Bored of the Rings ( 1969 ) The Last Ringbearer ( 1999 ) Muddle Earth ( 2003 ) Theatre Fellowship ! ( 2005 ) Lord of the Rings ( 2006 ) Radio The Lord of the Rings ( 1955 ) The Lord of the Rings ( 1979 ) Hordes of the Things ( 1980 ) The Lord of the Rings ( 1981 ) Der Herr der Ringe ( 1992 ) Film Animated The Lord of the Rings ( 1978 ) The Return of the King ( 1980 ) Peter Jackson series The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Fan - made The Hunt for Gollum ( 2009 ) Born of Hope ( 2009 ) Video games Journey to Rivendell Game One Game Two : Shadows of Mordor War in Middle Earth Vol . I ( 1990 ) Vol . I ( SNES ) Riders of Rohan Elendor Volume II The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King War of the Ring The Third Age The Battle for Middle - earth Tactics The Battle for Middle - earth II The Rise of the Witch - king The Lord of the Rings Online Mines of Moria Siege of Mirkwood Rise of Isengard Riders of Rohan Helm 's Deep Conquest Aragorn 's Quest War in the North Lego The Lord of the Rings Guardians of Middle - earth Middle - earth : Shadow of Mordor Middle - earth : Shadow of War Tabletop role - playing games The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Middle - earth Role Playing The One Ring Roleplaying Game Board games Middle Earth Lord of the Rings Risk : The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition War of the Ring Other games The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game The Lord of the Rings : The Card Game The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game Middle - earth Collectible Card Game Toys Middle - earth Lego sets J.R.R. Tolkien 's legendarium Writings Principal works The Silmarillion The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King Other works The Adventures of Tom Bombadil The Road Goes Ever On Posthumous publications Unfinished Tales The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien The History of Middle - earth ( 12 volumes ) Bilbo 's Last Song The Children of Húrin The History of The Hobbit The Tale of Beren and Lúthien Fictional universe Characters Peoples Individual Dwarves Individual Elves Individual Hobbits Hobbit families Individual Númenóreans Individual Orcs Kings of Arnor House of Isildur Rangers of the North Arvedui Aragorn Eldarion Kings of Dale Kings of Gondor House of Anárion Eärnil II Kings of Rohan Éomer Théoden Rulers of Númenor Realms Objects Rings of Power One Ring Three Rings Palantír Silmarils Mithril Weapons and armour Sting Concepts Cosmology Ages or timeline Animals Plants Food and drink Wars and battles Rivers Anduin Roads Languages Magic Hobbit Day Secondary works and legacy The Atlas of Middle - earth The Complete Guide to Middle - earth A Guide to Middle - earth The Individuated Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien : Author of the Century J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia Journeys of Frodo The Lord of the Rings : A Reader 's Companion Images of Middle - Earth Related fiction Things named after Tolkien and his works Tolkien 's Ring Tolkien : A Look Behind `` The Lord of the Rings '' J.R.R. Tolkien Bibliography Fiction Songs for the Philologists ( 1936 ) The Hobbit ( 1937 ) Leaf by Niggle ( 1947 ) The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun ( 1945 / 2016 ) Farmer Giles of Ham ( 1949 ) The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm 's Son ( 1953 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 1954 ) The Two Towers ( 1954 ) The Return of the King ( 1955 ) The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ( 1962 ) Tree and Leaf ( 1964 ) The Tolkien Reader ( 1966 ) The Road Goes Ever On ( 1967 ) Smith of Wootton Major ( 1967 ) Posthumous fiction The Father Christmas Letters ( 1976 ) The Silmarillion ( 1977 ) Poems and Stories ( 1980 ) Unfinished Tales ( 1980 ) Mr. Bliss ( 1982 ) Bilbo 's Last Song ( 1990 ) The History of Middle - earth ( 1983 -- 1996 ) Tales from the Perilous Realm ( 1997 ) Roverandom ( 1998 ) The Children of Húrin ( 2007 ) The History of The Hobbit ( 2007 ) The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún ( 2009 ) The Fall of Arthur ( 2013 ) The Story of Kullervo ( 2015 ) The Tale of Beren and Lúthien ( 2017 ) Academic works Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ( Middle English text , 1925 ) The Devil 's Coach Horses ( 1925 ) Ancrene Wisse and Hali Meiðhad ( 1929 ) Sigelwara Land ( 1932 -- 34 ) Chaucer as a Philologist : The Reeve 's Tale ( 1934 ) Beowulf : The Monsters and the Critics ( 1936 ) On Fairy - Stories ( 1939 ) On Translating Beowulf ( 1940 ) Sir Orfeo ( 1944 ) Ancrene Wisse ( 1962 ) English and Welsh ( 1963 ) Jerusalem Bible ( as translator and lexicographer , 1966 ) Posthumous academic Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , Pearl , and Sir Orfeo ( Modern English translations , 1975 ) Finn and Hengest ( 1982 ) The Monsters and the Critics , and Other Essays ( 1983 ) Beowulf and the Critics ( 2002 ) Beowulf : A Translation and Commentary with Sellic Spell ( 2014 ) A Secret Vice ( 1983 / 2016 ) List of Tolkien 's alliterative verse Related Influences Languages constructed by Tolkien Inklings Mythopoeic Society The Tolkien Society Tolkien Reading Day Tolkien Studies Memorials Tolkien research Works inspired by Tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien : A Biography ( 1977 , authorized biography ) Tolkien ( biographical film ) Family Edith Tolkien ( wife ) Christopher Tolkien ( son ) Simon Tolkien ( grandson ) Books I Love Best Yearly : Older Readers Award The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole , Aged 133⁄4 by Sue Townsend ( 1990 ) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton ( 1991 ) Where 's Wally ? by Martin Handford ( 1992 ) Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews ( 1993 ) Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta ( 1995 ) Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton ( 1996 ) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien ( 1997 ) Tomorrow , When the War Began by John Marsden ( 1998 ) Bumface by Morris Gleitzman ( 1999 ) Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta ( 2000 ) Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ( 2002 ) Two of a Kind series by various authors ( 2003 ) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling ( 2004 ) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling ( 2005 ) Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling ( 2006 ) VIAF : 184093601 LCCN : no97079452 GND : 4124318 - 3 BNF : cb11939715m ( data ) BNE : XX3049459 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Lord_of_the_Rings&oldid=815504243 '' Categories : The Lord of the Rings Artificial mythology 1950s fantasy novels 1954 British novels English novels British adventure novels Fantasy books by series Sequel novels Epic novels British fantasy novels British novels adapted into films BILBY Award - winning works Prometheus Award - winning works Allen & Unwin books Three - volume novels Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Polish - language sources ( pl ) CS1 Ukrainian - language sources ( uk ) All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from April 2011 Use dmy dates from August 2012 Use British English Oxford spelling from March 2014 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from December 2016 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Wikivoyage Languages Alemannisch Ænglisc Asturianu Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Kurdî Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Lumbaart Magyar मैथिली Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Polski Português Ripoarisch Română Runa Simi Русский Sardu Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Winaray 粵語 Zazaki 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 15 December 2017 , at 06 : 22 . 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who sings i want a hippo for christmas
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
i want a hippopotamus for christmas
`` I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas '' Single by Gayla Peevey B - side `` Are My Ears on Straight ? '' Released November 11 , 1953 ( U.S. ) Genre Christmas , Novelty Length 2 : 38 Label Columbia ( no . 4 - 40106 ) Songwriter ( s ) John Rox `` I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas '' is a Christmas novelty song written by John Rox ( 1902 -- 1957 ) and performed by Gayla Peevey ( 10 years old at the time ) in 1953 . The song peaked at number 24 on Billboard magazine 's pop chart in December 1953 . Contents 1 History 2 B - side 3 Other releases 4 Notes 5 External links History ( edit ) Peevey was a child star ( born in Oklahoma City , Oklahoma ) , before her family moved to Ponca City , Oklahoma , when she was five . When released nationally by Columbia Records the song shot to the top of the charts , and the city zoo acquired a baby hippo named Matilda . Peevey was filmed performing the song on The Ed Sullivan Show in October 1953 , airing on November 15 , 1953 . A video of this performance is available on her website . A popular legend holds that this 1953 hit had been recorded as a fundraiser to bring the city zoo a hippo ; but in a 2007 radio interview with Detroit - based WNIC radio station , Peevey clarified that the song was not originally recorded as a fundraiser . Instead , a local promoter picked up on the popularity of the song and Peevey 's local roots , and launched a campaign to present her with an actual hippopotamus on Christmas . The campaign succeeded , and she was presented with an actual hippopotamus , which she donated to the city zoo . The hippopotamus lived for nearly 50 years . Peevey , by this point 73 years old , was again present when the Oklahoma City Zoo acquired a rare pygmy hippopotamus in 2017 . Gayla Peevey later recorded as Jamie Horton , scoring the Billboard Hot 100 - charter `` My Little Marine '' in 1960 . B - side ( edit ) The B - side of the original 78 featured the song `` Are my Ears on Straight ? '' Other releases ( edit ) It is a Dr. Demento Christmas staple , and is currently available on Dr. Demento 's The Greatest Novelty Records of All Time Vol. 6 : Christmas . A version by Vicki Dale and the Peter Pan Orchestra was released in 1953 . The Three Stooges also recorded a version in 1959 . Bob Keeshan , as Captain Kangaroo , recorded a version of the song in the 1960s . Captain & Tennille included a version on their 2007 album The Secret of Christmas , and it was released as a single the same year . The American pop band Jonas Brothers covered the song live in 2007 at the Radio Disney Jingle Jam in Katy , Texas . In the 2007 Sesame Street Christmas special `` Elmo 's Christmas Countdown '' , Big Bird sang a duet of the song with Anne Hathaway . However , in that version , they replaced hippopotamus with Snuffleupagus . Country music singer Gretchen Wilson recorded a rendition in late 2009 . It debuted at No. 54 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts dated for January 2 , 2010 . It is included on her album Christmas in My Heart , released in 2013 . American recording artist LeAnn Rimes released her cover of the song as a digital single for her EP , One Christmas : Chapter 1 ( 2014 ) . In 2016 , country music artist Kacey Musgraves recorded a version for her album A Very Kacey Christmas . A version was also recorded by the British entertainer Terry Hall and his puppet Lenny The Lion . Lake Street Dive recorded a version on Holidays Rule ( Vol. 2 ) released on October 13 , 2017 by Capitol Records , UMG Recordings . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Local Song Writer Dies '' , The Winterset Madisonian ( Winterset , Iowa ) , August 14 , 1957 . Jump up ^ `` Alice Pearce 's Nuptials '' , The New York Times , May 23 , 1948 , p. 65 . Jump up ^ `` John R. Rox '' ( sic ) , The New York Times , August 6 , 1957 , p. 26 . Jump up ^ `` John J. Rox , Song Writer '' , The Washington Post , August 8 , 1957 , p . B - 2 . Jump up ^ `` John Jefferson Rox '' in Notable Names in the American Theatre . James T. White & Co. , 1976 . ISBN 0 - 88371 - 018 - 8 . Jump up ^ Renewal registration RE0000084409 , February 23 , 1981 , of `` I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas '' , by John Jefferson Rox , U.S. Copyright Office database on - line . Jump up ^ John J. Rox in : National Archives and Records Administration . U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records , 1938 -- 1946 ( database on - line ) . Provo , UT , USA : The Generations Network , Inc. , 2005 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Christmas in the Charts ( 1920 -- 2004 ) . Wisconsin : Record Research Inc. p. 53 . ISBN 0 - 89820 - 161 - 6 . Jump up ^ Gayla Peevey biography Jump up ^ `` The Ed Sullivan Show '' . The official site by Gayla Peevey . Retrieved December 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Breakfast Club '' morning show . WNIC , Detroit , MI . December 19 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` ' I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas ' Singer Welcomes Hippo to Oklahoma City Zoo '' . Associated Press . December 12 , 2017 . Retrieved December 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Christmas Music Coundown : Day 9.5 '' , The Portland Mercury . December 15 , 2010 . Retrieved November 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Dale , Vicki ; The Peter Pan Orchestra ( 1953 ) . I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas ( FLAC , MP3 , Ogg ) format = requires url = ( help ) ( 78 rpm record ) . Peter Pan Records . Recording on the Internet Archive . Jump up ^ `` The Three Stooges -- Records '' . Retrieved May 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas - Single by LeAnn Rimes '' . Apple Inc . Retrieved October 19 , 2014 -- via iTunes Store . Jump up ^ Conaway , Alanna ( August 8 , 2014 ) . `` LeAnn Rimes Has a New Album , a New Reality TV Show and a New Attitude ( 2014 ) '' . Country Weekly . American Media , Inc . Retrieved October 19 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Holiday Rules ( Vol 2 ) '' . Track 11 I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas . Apple Inc . Retrieved October 28 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=I_Want_a_Hippopotamus_for_Christmas&oldid=827595198 '' Categories : 1953 songs 2009 singles Christmas novelty songs American Christmas songs Songs about animals Columbia Records singles Hidden categories : Articles with Internet Archive links Pages using citations with format and no URL Use mdy dates from September 2012 Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from August 2017 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Edit links This page was last edited on 25 February 2018 , at 17 : 12 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who wears a white cap in the raf
RAFP non-commissioned officers and warrant officers are noticeable by their white - topped caps ( giving rise to their nickname of `` Snowdrops '' ) , which they have worn since 1945 , and by black and red flashes worn below their rank slides . RAFP commissioned officers wear the standard peaked cap of all RAF officers , with the red and black flashes . In dress uniform , all RAFP wear a red and black brassard on the left arm , reflecting the flashes worn with normal working dress . In tactical dress , RAFP personnel wear red `` MP '' badges , the internationally recognised symbol for military police .
RAFP non-commissioned officers and warrant officers
Royal Air Force Police
royal air force police
Royal Air Force Police Royal Air Force Police crest Active 1 April 1918 -- present Country United Kingdom Allegiance HM The Queen Branch Royal Air Force Type Service Police Role Policing , Protective Security and Counter-intelligence Nickname ( s ) Snowdrops Motto ( s ) Fiat justitia ( Latin : Let justice be done ) March RAF Police March Past Website Royal Air Force Police Commanders Provost Marshal ( RAF ) Group Captain Steven Horne PMWO Warrant Officer Frank Green Insignia Identification symbol The Royal Air Force Police ( RAFP ) is the service police branch of the Royal Air Force , headed by the Provost Marshal of the Royal Air Force . Its headquarters are at RAF Honington and it deploys throughout the world to support RAF and UK defence missions . Contents 1 History 2 Uniform and insignia 3 The Oath 4 Mission statement 5 Role 6 Organisation 7 Recent operations 8 Training 9 See also 10 External links 11 References History ( edit ) The RAFP was formed on 1 April 1918 , when the RAF was formed by the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service . By the end of World War II there were 500 officers and 20,000 NCOs in the RAFP . In January 1947 , the RAF Provost Branch became a Specialist Branch within the RAF . In December 1950 , George VI approved the crest and motto Fiat Justitia . By 2009 , the RAFP had served in 66 countries around the globe . Uniform and insignia ( edit ) RAFP non-commissioned officers and warrant officers are noticeable by their white - topped caps ( giving rise to their nickname of `` Snowdrops '' ) , which they have worn since 1945 , and by black and red flashes worn below their rank slides . RAFP commissioned officers wear the standard peaked cap of all RAF officers , with the red and black flashes . In dress uniform , all RAFP wear a red and black brassard on the left arm , reflecting the flashes worn with normal working dress . In tactical dress , RAFP personnel wear red `` MP '' badges , the internationally recognised symbol for military police . The oath ( edit ) `` I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that as a member of the Royal Air Force Police I will well and truly serve Her Majesty the Queen , acting with fairness , integrity , diligence and impartiality , upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people ; and that I will , to the best of my power , maintain service law and investigate independently and impartially all service offences against people and property ; and that while I continue to be a member of the Royal Air Force Police I will , to the best of my skill and knowledge , discharge all the duties of that appointment faithfully according to law . '' Mission statement ( edit ) To deliver focused Police , counter-intelligence and protective security services to commanders in support of Defence outputs . Role ( edit ) Royal Air Force Police guarding the Main Entry Point at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province , Afghanistan ( 2013 ) A Royal Air Force Police Dog Handler attached to 42 Commando , on patrol in Helmand Province , Afghanistan ( 2011 ) The RAFP are responsible for the policing and security of all service personnel , much like their Royal Navy and British Army counterparts . Provision of policing , counter-intelligence and specialist security support to the RAF includes : Front line , Response and General Policing duties ( Law Enforcement ) Criminal and security investigations Serious and Complex Criminal Investigations Aircraft protection and security Counter Intelligence operations to identify and counter threats from terrorism , espionage , subversion , sabotage and Organised Crime . Cyber and information security Military working dogs Force protection ( on deployed operations ) Close protection of VIPs Close support of other UK military units In addition to general policing , the RAFP has specialist security and criminal investigators tasked with the investigation of more serious and complex crime and security threats . The RAFP Special Investigation Branch investigate serious and complex crimes within the Defence community , up to and including murder . Counter Intelligence Operations Squadron investigate serious security breaches and support the RAF through the gathering of intelligence and protective security based activities . These specialist capabilities are supported by forensic and intelligence units . Members of all wings are used for operations overseas , deploying as individuals , with the aircraft they support , or as a formed unit drawn together under the Tactical Police Squadrons . Members of the RAFP may also specialise in close protection duties , ensuring the safety of VIPs and other dignitaries in hostile environments . The RAFP are the only branch of the Service Police who operate police dogs within the UK military . They manage all RAF military working dogs , with detachments at many RAF stations . RAFP dogs and their handlers support overseas operations . Recently , this has included Iraq and Afghanistan , in both patrol and specialist search roles . The RAFP is subject to inspection by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary , in the same way as the UK 's civilian police forces . Organisation ( edit ) Office of the Provost Marshal ( OPM ) is the HQ of the Provost Marshal , who holds the rank of group captain . A component of the RAF 's Force Protection Force , the RAFP is organised into three functional wings that operate both within the UK and internationally . No 1 RAF Police Wing covers the north of the UK and Northern Ireland , and incorporates No 4 and No 5 RAF Police Squadrons . No. 2 RAF Police Wing covers the south of the UK and supports overseas non-operational detachments ; this Wing incorporates No 6 and No 7 RAF Police Squadrons . No. 3 RAF Police Wing provides deployable and specialist support worldwide . It incorporates No. 1 Tactical Police Squadron ( TPS ) ( formerly the Tactical Provost Wing ) which forms the RAF Police 's tactical , deployable capability ; their primary role is to conduct forward policing and security of RAF personnel and assets . The Tactical Police Squadron , augmented by RAF Police personnel from various RAFP formations , have deployed personnel on operations around the world . The Special Investigation Branch , named as SIB ( North ) and SIB ( South ) have transferred to No 3 Specialist Police Wing . In addition , 3 Police Wing includes all RAF Police Reserves , 3 Tactical Police Squadron and 603 ( City of Edinburgh ) Royal Auxiliary Air Force Squadron. 3 RAF Police Wing moved to RAF Honington in 2015 to provide a single hub for RAF Force Protection . Detachments of RAFP can be found at most RAF stations . Usually , the detachment consists of a Flight , commanded by either a Flying Officer or a Flight Lieutenant ; either a Flight Sergeant or Sergeant usually functions as the senior non-commissioned officer of the flight . RAF Police Flights are responsible to and directed by a RAFP Squadron . Squadron HQs are based at the larger RAF stations and provide remote oversight of the Police Flights at the units within their respective area of responsibility . Squadron HQs are themselves responsible to , and directed by , the Assistant Provost Marshal of the RAFP , who is the Wing Commander of their respective Police Wing . RAFP personnel are not responsible to , or under the direct command of , the Commanding Officer ( Base Commander ) of the station at which they are situated ; all service police on RAFP Wings remain under the command of the Provost Marshal ( RAF ) . Their authority to act as service police stems directly from the Armed Forces Act 2006 . Service police are able to issue lawful commands to any service person , regardless of their rank or trade . The RAF Police also provides the RAF 's Protective Security ( PS ) role , similar to that carried out by the Intelligence Corps and elements of the Royal Signals of the British Army . IT Security ( ITSy ) is a further specialisation within the protective security field and personnel trained to this level are expected to perform all PS and ITSy related tasks . Recent operations ( edit ) In Afghanistan , as part of the RAF 's Force Protection Wing , the RAFP provided security for Camp Bastion . along with external support to frontline troops . On 12 May 2012 , Cpl Brent McCarthy -- an RAF Policeman stationed at RAF Brize Norton -- was shot and killed while on duty in Helmand Province . RAF Police , along with other units , took part the Mobility Guardian exercise in 2017 . Training ( edit ) Main article : Defence College of Policing and Guarding Ground Trades within the Royal Air Force start their service career at RAF Halton where they undergo Basic training . Once this is successfully completed , recruit intakes are dispersed to the various Ground Trades Training Schools . Potential RAFP recruits are trained at the Defence College of Policing and Guarding ( DSPG ) at Southwick Park , Hampshire , along with the Royal Navy Police and the Royal Military Police . In order to conduct some of the wider specialist roles , particularly involving the investigation of more serious and complex crime and security investigations , extensive further post-graduation training is provided outside of DSPG to all RAFP specialists by Home Department Police Forces and Training providers . Most of the training requirements of a Home Department Police Force in terms of Detective training and Covert Operations are delivered to specialist RAFP elements . During the 1950s , training was carried out at RAF Netheravon in Wiltshire , and in the 1960s at RAF Debden near Saffron Walden . Until the mid-1990s , trade training took place at RAF Newton in Nottinghamshire , before moving to RAF Halton in Buckinghamshire . In 2004 , all UK service police training was consolidated at Southwick Park . See also ( edit ) Service Police Ministry of Defence Police Service Police Crime Bureau Royal Military Police Royal Navy Police Royal Marines Police Special Investigation Branch External links ( edit ) Official website References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Pine , L.G. ( 1983 ) . A dictionary of mottoes ( 1 ed . ) . London : Routledge & Kegan Paul . p. 75 . ISBN 0 - 7100 - 9339 - X . ^ Jump up to : `` RAF Police Factsheet '' ( PDF ) . RAF Police Associates . 2012 . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 1 February 2017 . Retrieved 20 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` RAF Police '' . Royal Air Force . 6 November 2012 . Archived from the original on 9 November 2012 . Retrieved 29 January 2013 . Jump up ^ `` RAF Recruitment -- RAF Police '' . Royal Air Force . Archived from the original on 21 September 2013 . Retrieved 24 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` War hero RAF dog Buster bow wows out after serving FIVE tours of duty '' . Mail Online . 5 October 2011 . Archived from the original on 20 April 2013 . Retrieved 29 January 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Armed Forces Act 2011 '' . Legislation.gov.uk . Archived from the original on 27 June 2014 . Retrieved 2 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 24 September 2015 . Retrieved 5 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` RAF police move to new headquarters '' . 9 June 2015 . Archived from the original on 31 December 2017 -- via www.bbc.co.uk . Jump up ^ `` 7 Force Protection Wing Take Control at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan '' . Royal Air Force . 6 December 2012 . Archived from the original on 11 December 2012 . Retrieved 29 January 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Family of Cpl Brent McCarthy pay tribute to ' perfect ' son '' . BBC News . 15 May 2012 . Archived from the original on 19 May 2012 . Retrieved 29 January 2013 . Jump up ^ `` RAF Force Protection leads on security on Exercise Mobility Guardian '' . Royal Air Force . 8 August 2017 . Archived from the original on 11 August 2017 . Retrieved 11 August 2017 . Royal Air Force Royal Air Force portal Formations and units Commands Groups Stations Wings Squadrons Flights Conversion units Operational Training units Schools / Training units Ferry units Glider units Misc units Regiment squadrons Branches and components Air Force Board RAF Flying Branch RAF Regiment RAF Chaplains Branch RAF Intelligence RAF Legal Branch RAF Medical Services Princess Mary 's RAF Nursing Service RAF Police Search and Rescue Force Mountain Rescue Service RAF Marine Branch RAF Ground Trades Reserve forces Royal Auxiliary Air Force RAF Volunteer Reserve Associated civil organisations Air Training Corps Royal Air Forces Association RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine RAF Benevolent Fund RAF Football Association Royal Air Force Museum Equipment List of RAF aircraft List of RAF missiles Personnel Officer ranks Other ranks List of personnel Appointments Chief of Air Staff Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Air Member for Personnel Air Secretary Air Member for Materiel Commandant - General of the RAF Regiment Chief of the Air Staff 's Warrant Officer Symbols and uniform Ensign Badge Roundels Uniform Heraldic badges History Timeline Future Private and military police forces of the United Kingdom Airports Belfast International British Airports Authority Birmingham Liverpool Manchester Ministry of Civil Aviation Markets City of London ( Billingsgate , Smithfields and Spitalfields ) Birmingham Liverpool Miscellaneous Cambridge University Liverpool Cathedral Mersey Tunnels Oxford University Salisbury Cathedral York Minster Northern Ireland Security Guard Service Canterbury Cathedral Close Constables Chester Cathedral Constables Parks London Barking and Dagenham Brent Epping Forest Greenwich Hammersmith and Fulham Hampstead Heath Haringey Hillingdon Kew Newham Redbridge Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Royal Parks Sutton Wandsworth Non-London Brighton Birmingham Liverpool Ports Belfast Harbour Bute Docks Falmouth Docks Larne Harbour Port of Bristol Port of Dover Port of Felixstowe Port of Liverpool Port of Portland Port of Tilbury Southampton Harbour Tees and Hartlepool Harbour Rivers & canals Lee Conservancy Manchester Ship Canal Marine Police Force ( River Thames ) River Clyde River Tyne Tyne Improvement Commission Service police Royal Air Force Police Royal Marines Police Royal Military Police Royal Navy Police Italics indicate defunct agencies Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Royal_Air_Force_Police&oldid=850308012 '' Categories : Military units and formations established in 1918 Royal Air Force Military police agencies of the United Kingdom Air force police agencies Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from November 2010 All articles needing additional references Use British English from August 2017 Use dmy dates from August 2017 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Norsk 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 15 July 2018 , at 01 : 44 ( UTC ) . 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where is the brain located in the skull
The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system , and with the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system . The brain consists of the cerebrum , the brainstem and the cerebellum . It controls most of the activities of the body , processing , integrating , and coordinating the information it receives from the sense organs , and making decisions as to the instructions sent to the rest of the body . The brain is contained in , and protected by , the skull bones of the head . The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain . It is divided into two cerebral hemispheres . The cerebral cortex is an outer layer of grey matter , covering the core of white matter . The cortex is split into the neocortex and the much smaller allocortex . The neocortex is made up of six neuronal layers , while the allocortex has three or four . Each hemisphere is conventionally divided into four lobes -- the frontal , temporal , parietal , and occipital lobes . The frontal lobe is associated with executive functions including self - control , planning , reasoning , and abstract thought , while the occipital lobe is dedicated to vision . Within each lobe , cortical areas are associated with specific functions , such as the sensory , motor and association regions . Although the left and right hemispheres are broadly similar in shape and function , some functions are associated with one side , such as language in the left and visual - spatial ability in the right . The hemispheres are connected by nerve tracts , the largest being the corpus callosum .
skull bones of the head .
Human brain
human brain
The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system , and with the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system . The brain consists of the cerebrum , the brainstem and the cerebellum . It controls most of the activities of the body , processing , integrating , and coordinating the information it receives from the sense organs , and making decisions as to the instructions sent to the rest of the body . The brain is contained in , and protected by , the skull bones of the head . The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain . It is divided into two cerebral hemispheres . The cerebral cortex is an outer layer of grey matter , covering the core of white matter . The cortex is split into the neocortex and the much smaller allocortex . The neocortex is made up of six neuronal layers , while the allocortex has three or four . Each hemisphere is conventionally divided into four lobes -- the frontal , temporal , parietal , and occipital lobes . The frontal lobe is associated with executive functions including self - control , planning , reasoning , and abstract thought , while the occipital lobe is dedicated to vision . Within each lobe , cortical areas are associated with specific functions , such as the sensory , motor and association regions . Although the left and right hemispheres are broadly similar in shape and function , some functions are associated with one side , such as language in the left and visual - spatial ability in the right . The hemispheres are connected by nerve tracts , the largest being the corpus callosum .
The cerebrum is connected by the brainstem to the spinal cord . The brainstem consists of the midbrain , the pons , and the medulla oblongata . The cerebellum is connected to the brainstem by pairs of tracts . Within the cerebrum is the ventricular system , consisting of four interconnected ventricles in which cerebrospinal fluid is produced and circulated . Underneath the cerebral cortex are several important structures , including the thalamus , the epithalamus , the pineal gland , the hypothalamus , the pituitary gland , and the subthalamus ; the limbic structures , including the amygdala and the hippocampus ; the claustrum , the various nuclei of the basal ganglia ; the basal forebrain structures , and the three circumventricular organs . The cells of the brain include neurons and supportive glial cells . There are more than 86 billion neurons in the brain , and a more or less equal number of other cells . Brain activity is made possible by the interconnections of neurons and their release of neurotransmitters in response to nerve impulses . Neurons form elaborate neural networks of neural pathways and circuits . The whole circuitry is driven by the process of neurotransmission . The brain is protected by the skull , suspended in cerebrospinal fluid , and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood -- brain barrier . However , the brain is still susceptible to damage , disease , and infection . Damage can be caused by trauma , or a loss of blood supply known as a stroke . The brain is susceptible to degenerative disorders , such as Parkinson 's disease , dementias including Alzheimer 's disease , and multiple sclerosis . Psychiatric conditions , including schizophrenia and clinical depression , are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions . The brain can also be the site of tumours , both benign and malignant ; these mostly originate from other sites in the body . The study of the anatomy of the brain is neuroanatomy , while the study of its function is neuroscience . A number of techniques are used to study the brain . Specimens from other animals , which may be examined microscopically , have traditionally provided much information . Medical imaging technologies such as functional neuroimaging , and electroencephalography ( EEG ) recordings are important in studying the brain . The medical history of people with brain injury has provided insight into the function of each part of the brain . In culture , the philosophy of mind has for centuries attempted to address the question of the nature of consciousness and the mind - body problem . The pseudoscience of phrenology attempted to localise personality attributes to regions of the cortex in the 19th century . In science fiction , brain transplants are imagined in tales such as the 1942 Donovan 's Brain . Contents ( hide ) 1 Structure 1.1 Gross anatomy 1.1. 1 Cerebrum 1.1. 2 Cerebellum 1.1. 3 Brainstem 1.2 Microanatomy 1.3 Cerebrospinal fluid 1.4 Blood supply 1.4. 1 Blood drainage 1.4. 2 The blood -- brain barrier 2 Development 3 Function 3.1 Motor control 3.2 Sensory 3.3 Regulation 3.4 Language 3.5 Lateralisation 3.6 Emotion 3.7 Cognition 4 Physiology 4.1 Neurotransmission 4.2 Metabolism 5 Research 5.1 Methods 5.2 Imaging 5.3 Gene and protein expression 6 Clinical significance 6.1 General 6.2 Stroke 6.3 Brain death 7 Society and culture 7.1 The mind 7.2 Brain size 7.3 In popular culture 8 History 8.1 Early history 8.2 Renaissance 8.3 Modern period 9 Comparative anatomy 10 See also 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 Notes 14 External links Structure ( edit ) See also : List of regions in the human brain and Outline of the human brain Gross Anatomy ( edit ) The adult human brain weighs on average about 1.2 -- 1.4 kg ( 2.6 -- 3.1 lb ) which is about 2 % of the total body weight , with a volume of around 1260 cm in men and 1130 cm in women , although there is substantial individual variation . Neurological differences between the sexes have not been shown to correlate in any simple way with IQ or other measures of cognitive performance . The cerebrum , consisting of the cerebral hemispheres , forms the largest part of the brain and is situated above the other brain structures . The outer region of the hemispheres , the cerebral cortex , is grey matter , consisting of cortical layers of neurons . Each hemisphere is divided into four main lobes . The brainstem , resembling a stalk , attaches to and leaves the cerebrum at the start of the midbrain area . The brainstem includes the midbrain , the pons , and the medulla oblongata . Behind the brainstem is the cerebellum ( Latin : little brain ) . The cerebrum , brainstem , cerebellum , and spinal cord are covered by three membranes called meninges . The membranes are the tough dura mater ; the middle arachnoid mater and the more delicate inner pia mater . Between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the subarachnoid space , which contains the cerebrospinal fluid . In the cerebral cortex , close to the basement membrane of the pia mater , is a limiting membrane called the glia limitans ; this is the outermost membrane of the cortex . The living brain is very soft , having a gel - like consistency similar to soft tofu . The cortical layers of neurons constitute much of the brain 's grey matter , while the deeper subcortical regions of myelinated axons , make up the white matter . Structural and functional areas of the human brain Human brain bisected in the sagittal plane , showing the white matter of the corpus callosum Functional areas of the human brain . Dashed areas shown are commonly left hemisphere dominant Cerebrum ( edit ) Main articles : Cerebrum and Cerebral cortex Major gyri and sulci on the lateral surface of the cortex Lobes of the brain The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain , and is divided into nearly symmetrical left and right hemispheres by a deep groove , the longitudinal fissure . The outer part of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex , made up of grey matter arranged in layers . It is 2 to 4 millimetres ( 0.079 to 0.157 in ) thick , and deeply folded to give a convoluted appearance . Beneath the cortex is the white matter of the brain . The largest part of the cerebral cortex is the neocortex , which has six neuronal layers . The rest of the cortex is of allocortex , which has three or four layers . The hemispheres are connected by five commissures that span the longitudinal fissure , the largest of these is the corpus callosum . The surface of the brain is folded into ridges ( gyri ) and grooves ( sulci ) , many of which are named , usually according to their position , such as the frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe or the central sulcus separating the central regions of the hemispheres . There are many small variations in the secondary and tertiary folds . Each hemisphere is conventionally divided into four lobes ; the frontal lobe , parietal lobe , temporal lobe , and occipital lobe , named according to the skull bones that overlie them . Each lobe is associated with one or two specialised functions though there is some functional overlap between them . The cortex is mapped by divisions into about fifty different functional areas known as Brodmann 's areas . These areas are distinctly different when seen under a microscope . The cortex is divided into two main functional areas -- a motor cortex and a sensory cortex . The primary sensory areas receive signals from the sensory nerves and tracts by way of relay nuclei in the thalamus . Primary sensory areas include the visual cortex of the occipital lobe , the auditory cortex in parts of the temporal lobe and insular cortex , and the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe . The primary motor cortex , which sends axons down to motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord , occupies the rear portion of the frontal lobe , directly in front of the somatosensory area . The remaining parts of the cortex , are called the association areas . These areas receive input from the sensory areas and lower parts of the brain and are involved in the complex cognitive processes of perception , thought , and decision - making . The main functions of the frontal lobe are to control attention , abstract thinking , behavior , problem solving tasks , and physical reactions and personality . The occipital lobe is the smallest lobe ; its main functions are visual reception , visual - spatial processing , movement , and colour recognition . There is a smaller occipital lobule in the lobe known as the cuneus . The temporal lobe controls auditory and visual memories , language , and some hearing and speech . Cortical folds and white matter in horizontal bisection of head The cerebrum contains the ventricles where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced and circulated . Below the corpus callosum is the septum pellucidum , a membrane that separates the lateral ventricles . Beneath the lateral ventricles is the thalamus and to the front and below this is the hypothalamus . The hypothalamus leads on to the pituitary gland . At the back of the thalamus is the brainstem . The basal ganglia , also called basal nuclei , are a set of structures deep within the hemispheres involved in behaviour and movement regulation . The largest component is the striatum , others are the globus pallidus , the substantia nigra and the subthalamic nucleus . Part of the dorsal striatum , the putamen , and the globus pallidus , lie separated from the lateral ventricles and thalamus by the internal capsule , whereas the caudate nucleus stretches around and abuts the lateral ventricles on their outer sides . Below and in front of the striatum are a number of basal forebrain structures . These include the nucleus accumbens , nucleus basalis , diagonal band of Broca , substantia innominata , and the medial septal nucleus . These structures are important in producing the neurotransmitter , acetylcholine , which is then distributed widely throughout the brain . The basal forebrain , in particular the nucleus basalis , is considered to be the major cholinergic output of the central nervous system to the striatum and neocortex . Cerebellum ( edit ) Main article : Cerebellum Human brain viewed from below , showing cerebellum and brainstem The cerebellum is divided into an anterior lobe , a posterior lobe , and the flocculonodular lobe . The anterior and posterior lobes are connected in the middle by the vermis . The cerebellum has a much thinner outer cortex that is narrowly furrowed horizontally . Viewed from underneath between the two lobes is the third lobe the flocculonodular lobe . The cerebellum rests at the back of the cranial cavity , lying beneath the occipital lobes , and is separated from these by the cerebellar tentorium , a sheet of fibre . It is connected to the midbrain of the brainstem by the superior cerebellar peduncles , to the pons by the middle cerebellar peduncles , and to the medulla by the inferior cerebellar peduncles . The cerebellum consists of an inner medulla of white matter and an outer cortex of richly folded grey matter . The cerebellum 's anterior and posterior lobes appear to play a role in the coordination and smoothing of complex motor movements , and the flocculonodular lobe in the maintenance of balance although debate exists as to its cognitive , behavioral and motor functions . Brainstem ( edit ) Main article : Brainstem The brainstem lies beneath the cerebrum and consists of the midbrain , pons and medulla . It lies in the back part of the skull , resting on the part of the base known as the clivus , and ends at the foramen magnum , a large opening in the occipital bone . The brainstem continues below this as the spinal cord , protected by the vertebral column . Ten of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves emerge directly from the brainstem . The brainstem also contains nuclei of many cranial and peripheral nerves , as well as nuclei involved in the regulation of many essential processes including breathing , control of eye movements and balance . The reticular formation , a network of nuclei of ill - defined formation , is present within and along the length of the brainstem . Many nerve tracts , which transmit information to and from the cerebral cortex to the rest of the body , pass through the brainstem . Microanatomy ( edit ) The human brain is primarily composed of neurons , glial cells , neural stem cells , and blood vessels . Types of neuron include interneurons , pyramidal cells including Betz cells , motor neurons ( upper and lower motor neurons ) , and cerebellar Purkinje cells . Betz cells are the largest cells ( by size of cell body ) in the nervous system . The adult human brain is estimated to contain 86 ± 8 billion neurons , with a roughly equal number ( 85 ± 10 billion ) of non-neuronal cells . Out of these neurons , 16 billion ( 19 % ) are located in the cerebral cortex , and 69 billion ( 80 % ) are in the cerebellum . Types of glial cell are astrocytes ( including Bergmann glia ) , oligodendrocytes , ependymal cells ( including tanycytes ) , radial glial cells and microglia . Astrocytes are the largest of the glial cells . They are stellate cells with many processes radiating from their cell bodies . Some of these processes end as perivascular end - feet on capillary walls . The glia limitans of the cortex is made up of astrocyte foot processes that serve in part to contain the cells of the brain . Mast cells are white blood cells that interact in the neuroimmune system in the brain . Mast cells in the central nervous system are present in a number of brain structures and in the meninges ; they mediate neuroimmune responses in inflammatory conditions and help to maintain the blood - brain - brarrier particularly in those areas where the barrier is absent . Across systems , mast cells serve as the main effector cell through which pathogens can affect the gut -- brain axis . Some 400 genes are shown to be brain - specific . In all neurons ELAVL3 is expressed , and in pyramidal neurons NRGN and REEP2 are also expressed . GAD1 essential for the biosynthesis of GABA is expressed in interneurons . Proteins expressed in glial cells are astrocyte markers GFAP , and S100B . Myelin basic protein and the transcription factor OLIG2 are expressed in oligodendrocytes . Cerebrospinal fluid ( edit ) Cerebrospinal fluid circulates in spaces around and within the brain Main article : Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear , colourless transcellular fluid that circulates around the brain in the subarachnoid space , in the ventricular system , and in the central canal of the spinal cord . It also fills some gaps in the subarachnoid space , known as subarachnoid cisterns . The four ventricles , two lateral , a third , and a fourth ventricle , all contain choroid plexus that produces cerebrospinal fluid . The third ventricle lies in the midline and is connected to the lateral ventricles . A single duct , the cerebral aqueduct between the pons and the cerebellum , connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle . Three separate openings , the middle and two lateral apertures , drain the cerebrospinal fluid from the fourth ventricle to the cisterna magna one of the major cisterns . From here , cerebrospinal fluid circulates around the brain and spinal cord in the subarachnoid space , between the arachnoid mater and pia mater . At any one time , there is about 150mL of cerebrospinal fluid -- most within the subarachnoid space . It is constantly being regenerated and absorbed , and replaces about once every 5 -- 6 hours . In other parts of the body , circulation in the lymphatic system clears extracellular waste products from the cell tissue . For the tissue of the brain , such a system has not yet been identified . However , the presence of a glymphatic pathway has been proposed . Newer studies ( 2015 ) from two laboratories have shown the presence of meningeal lymphatic vessels running alongside the blood vessels , and these have been shown with lymph valves , to be more extensive at the base of the brain where they exit with the cranial nerves . Blood supply ( edit ) Main article : Cerebral circulation Two circulations joining at the circle of Willis Diagram showing features of cerebral outer membranes and supply of blood vessels The internal carotid arteries supply oxygenated blood to the front of the brain and the vertebral arteries supply blood to the back of the brain . These two circulations join together in the circle of Willis , a ring of connected arteries that lies in the interpeduncular cistern between the midbrain and pons . The internal carotid arteries are branches of the common carotid arteries . They enter the cranium through the carotid canal , travel through the cavernous sinus and enter the subarachnoid space . They then enter the circle of Willis , with two branches , the anterior cerebral arteries emerging . These branches travel forward and then upward along the longitudinal fissure , and supply the front and midline parts of the brain . One or more small anterior communicating arteries join the two anterior cerebral arteries shortly after they emerge as branches . The internal carotid arteries continue forward as the middle cerebral arteries . They travel sideways along the sphenoid bone of the eye socket , then upwards through the insula cortex , where final branches arise . The middle cerebral arteries send branches along their length . The vertebral arteries emerge as branches of the left and right subclavian arteries . They travel upward through transverse foramina -- spaces in the cervical vertebrae and then emerge as two vessels , one on the left and one on the right of the medulla . They give off one of the three cerebellar branches . The vertebral arteries join in front of the middle part of the medulla to form the larger basilar artery , which sends multiple branches to supply the medulla and pons , and the two other anterior and superior cerebellar branches . Finally , the basilar artery divides into two posterior cerebral arteries . These travel outwards , around the superior cerebellar peduncles , and along the top of the cerebellar tentorium , where it sends branches to supply the temporal and occipital lobes . Each posterior cerebral artery sends a small posterior communicating artery to join with the internal carotid arteries . Blood drainage ( edit ) Cerebral veins drain deoxygenated blood from the brain . The brain has two main networks of veins : an exterior or superficial network , on the surface of the cerebrum that has three branches , and an interior network . These two networks communicate via anastomosing ( joining ) veins . The veins of the brain drain into larger cavities the dural venous sinuses usually situated between the dura mater and the covering of the skull . Blood from the cerebellum and midbrain drains into the great cerebral vein . Blood from the medulla and pons of the brainstem have a variable pattern of drainage , either into the spinal veins or into adjacent cerebral veins . The blood in the deep part of the brain drains , through a venous plexus into the cavernous sinus at the front , and the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses at the sides , and the inferior sagittal sinus at the back . Blood drains from the outer brain into the large superior saggital sinus , which rests in the midline on top of the brain . Blood from here joins with blood from the straight sinus at the confluence of sinuses . Blood from here drains into the left and right transverse sinuses . These then drain into the sigmoid sinuses , which receive blood from the cavernous sinus and superior and inferior petrosal sinuses . The sigmoid drains into the large internal jugular veins . The blood -- brain barrier ( edit ) The larger arteries throughout the brain supply blood to smaller capillaries . These smallest of blood vessels in the brain , are lined with cells joined by tight junctions and so fluids do not seep in or leak out to the same degree as they do in other capillaries , thereby creating the blood - brain barrier . Pericytes play a major role in the formation of the tight junctions . The barrier is less permeable to larger molecules , but is still permeable to water , carbon dioxide , oxygen , and most fat - soluble substances ( including anaesthetics and alcohol ) . The blood - brain barrier is not present in areas of the brain that may need to respond to changes in body fluids , such as the pineal gland , area postrema , and some areas of the hypothalamus . There is a similar blood -- cerebrospinal fluid barrier , which serves the same purpose as the blood -- brain barrier , but facilitates the transport of different substances into the brain due to the distinct structural characteristics between the two barrier systems . Development ( edit ) Main article : Neural development in humans Further information : Human brain development timeline Brain of a human embryo in the sixth week of development Neurulation and neural crest cells At the beginning of the third week of development , the embryonic ectoderm forms a thickened strip called the neural plate . By the fourth week of development the neural plate has widened to give a broad cephalic end , a less broad middle part and a narrow caudal end . These swellings represent the beginnings of the forebrain , midbrain and hindbrain . Neural crest cells ( derived from the ectoderm ) populate the lateral edges of the plate at the neural folds . In the fourth week in the neurulation stage the neural plate folds and closes to form the neural tube , bringing together the neural crest cells at the neural crest . The neural crest runs the length of the tube with cranial neural crest cells at the cephalic end and caudal neural crest cells at the tail . Cells detach from the crest and migrate in a craniocaudal ( head to tail ) wave inside the tube . Cells at the cephalic end give rise to the brain , and cells at the caudal end give rise to the spinal cord . The tube flexes as it grows , forming the crescent - shaped cerebral hemispheres at the head . The cerebral hemispheres first appear on day 32 . Early in the fourth week the cephalic part bends sharply forward in a cephalic flexure . This flexed part becomes the forebrain ( prosencephalon ) ; the adjoining curving part becomes the midbrain ( mesencephalon ) and the part caudal to the flexure becomes the hindbrain ( rhombencephalon ) . In the fifth week of developmement five brain vesicles have formed . The forebrain separates into two vesicles an anterior telencephalon and a posterior diencephalon . The telencephalon gives rise to the cerebral cortex , basal ganglia , and related structures . The diencephalon gives rise to the thalamus and hypothalamus . The hindbrain also splits into two areas -- the metencephalon and the mylencephalon . The metencephalon gives rise to the cerebellum and pons . The myelencephalon gives rise to the medulla oblongata . Also during the fifth week , the brain divides into repeating segments called neuromeres . These are known as rhombomeres seen in the hindbrain . A characteristic of the brain is gyrification ( wrinkling of the cortex ) . In the womb , the cortex starts off as smooth but starts to form fissures that begin to mark out the different lobes of the brain . Scientists do not have a clear answer as to why the cortex later wrinkles and folds , but the wrinkling and folding is associated with intelligence and neurological disorders . The fissures form as a result of the growing hemispheres that increase in size due to a sudden growth in cells of the grey matter . The underlying white matter does not grow at the same rate and the hemispheres are crowded into the small cranial vault . The first cleft to appear in the fourth month is the lateral cerebral fossa . The expanding caudal end of the hemisphere has to curve over in a forward direction to fit into the restricted space . This covers the fossa and turns it into a much deeper ridge known as the lateral sulcus and this marks out the temporal lobe . By the sixth month other sulci have formed that demarcate the frontal , parietal , and occipital lobes . A gene present in the human genome ( ArhGAP11B ) may play a major role in gyrification and encephalisation . Brain of human embryo at 4.5 weeks , showing interior of forebrain Brain interior at 5 weeks Brain viewed at midline at 3 months Function ( edit ) Motor and sensory regions of the brain Motor control ( edit ) The motor system of the brain is responsible for the generation and control of movement . Generated movements pass from the brain through nerves to motor neurons in the body , which control the action of muscles . The corticospinal tract carries movements from the brain , through the spinal cord , to the torso and limbs . The cranial nerves carry movements related to the eyes , mouth and face . Gross movement -- such as locomotion and the movement of arms and legs -- is generated in the motor cortex , divided into three parts : the primary motor cortex , found in the prefrontal gyrus and has sections dedicated to the movement of different body parts . These movements are supported and regulated by two other areas , lying anterior to the primary motor cortex : the premotor area and the supplementary motor area . The hands and mouth have a much larger area dedicated to them than other body parts , allowing finer movement ; this has been visualised in a motor cortical homunculus . Impulses generated from the motor cortex travel along the corticospinal tract along the front of the medulla and cross over ( decussate ) at the medullary pyramids . These then travel down the spinal cord , with most connecting to interneurons , in turn connecting to lower motor neurons within the grey matter that then transmit the impulse to move to muscles themselves . The cerebellum and basal ganglia , play a role in fine , complex and coordinated muscle movements . Connections between the cortex and the basal ganglia control muscle tone , posture and movement initiation , and are referred to as the extrapyramidal system . Sensory ( edit ) Cortical areas Routing of neural signals from the two eyes to the brain The sensory nervous system is involved with the reception and processing of sensory information . This information is received through the cranial nerves , through tracts in the spinal cord , and directly at centres of the brain exposed to the blood . The brain also receives and interprets information from the special senses ( vision , smell , hearing , and taste ) . Mixed motor and sensory signals are also integrated . From the skin , the brain receives information about fine touch , pressure , pain , vibration and temperature . From the joints , the brain receives information about joint position . The sensory cortex is found just near the motor cortex , and , like the motor cortex , has areas related to sensation from different body parts . Sensation collected by a sensory receptor on the skin is changed to a nerve signal , that is passed up a series of neurons through tracts in the spinal cord . The posterior column -- medial lemniscus pathway contains information about fine touch , vibration and position of joints . Neurons travel up the back part of the spinal cord to the back part of the medulla , where they connect with `` second order '' neurons that immediately swap sides . These neurons then travel upwards into the ventrobasal complex in the thalamus where they connect with `` third order '' neurons , and travel up to the sensory cortex. The spinothalamic tract carries information about pain , temperature , and gross touch . Neurons travel up the spinal cord and connect with second - order neurons in the reticular formation of the brainstem for pain and temperature , and also at the ventrobasal complex of the medulla for gross touch . Vision is generated by light that hits the retina of the eye . Photoreceptors in the retina transduce the sensory stimulus of light into an electrical nerve signal that is sent to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe . Vision from the left visual field is received on the right side of each retina ( and vice versa ) and passes through the optic nerve until some information changes sides , so that all information about one side of the visual field passes through tracts in the opposite side of the brain . The nerves reach the brain at the lateral geniculate nucleus , and travel through the optic radiation to reach the visual cortex . Hearing and balance are both generated in the inner ear . The movement of liquids within the inner ear is generated by motion ( for balance ) and transmitted vibrations generated by the ossicles ( for sound ) . This creates a nerve signal that passes through the vestibulocochlear nerve . From here , it passes through to the cochlear nuclei , the superior olivary nucleus , the medial geniculate nucleus , and finally the auditory radiation to the auditory cortex . The sense of smell is generated by receptor cells in the epithelium of the olfactory mucosa in the nasal cavity . This information passes through a relatively permeable part of the skull to the olfactory nerve . This nerve transmits to the neural circuitry of the olfactory bulb from where information is passed to the olfactory cortex . Taste is generated from receptors on the tongue and passed along the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves into the solitary tract in the brainstem . Some taste information is also passed from the pharynx into this area via the vagus nerve . Information is then passed from here through the thalamus into the gustatory cortex . Regulation ( edit ) Autonomic functions of the brain include the regulation , or rhythmic control of the heart rate and rate of breathing , and maintaining homeostasis . Blood pressure and heart rate are influenced by the vasomotor centre of the medulla , which causes arteries and veins to be somewhat constricted at rest . It does this by influencing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems via the vagus nerve . Information about blood pressure is generated by baroreceptors in aortic bodies in the aortic arch , and passed to the brain along the afferent fibres of the vagus nerve . Information about the pressure changes in the carotid sinus comes from carotid bodies located near the carotid artery and this is passed via a nerve joining with the glossopharyngeal nerve . This information travels up to the solitary nucleus in the medulla . Signals from here influence the vasomotor centre to adjust vein and artery constriction accordingly . The brain controls the rate of breathing , mainly by respiratory centres in the medulla and pons . The respiratory centres control respiration , by generating motor signals that are passed down the spinal cord , along the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm and other muscles of respiration . This is a mixed nerve that carries sensory information back to the centres . There are four respiratory centres , three with a more clearly defined function , and an apneustic centre with a less clear function . In the medulla a dorsal respiratory group causes the desire to breathe in and receives sensory information directly from the body . Also in the medulla , the ventral respiratory group influences breathing out during exertion . In the pons the pneumotaxic centre influences the duration of each breath , and the apneustic centre seems to have an influence on inhalation . The respiratory centres directly senses blood carbon dioxide and pH . Information about blood oxygen , carbon dioxide and pH levels are also sensed on the walls of arteries in the peripheral chemoreceptors of the aortic and carotid bodies . This information is passed via the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves to the respiratory centres . High carbon dioxide , an acidic pH , or low oxygen stimulate the respiratory centres . The desire to breathe in is also affected by pulmonary stretch receptors in the lungs which , when activated , prevent the lungs from overinflating by transmitting information to the respiratory centres via the vagus nerve . The hypothalamus in the diencephalon , is involved in regulating many functions of the body . Functions include neuroendocrine regulation , regulation of the circadian rhythm , control of the autonomic nervous system , and the regulation of fluid , and food intake . The circadian rhythm is controlled by two main cell groups in the hypothalamus . The anterior hypothalamus includes the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus which through gene expression cycles , generates a roughly 24 hour circadian clock . In the circadian day an ultradian rhythm takes control of the sleeping pattern . Sleep is an essential requirement for the body and brain and allows the closing down and resting of the body 's systems . There are also findings that suggest that the daily build - up of toxins in the brain are removed during sleep . Whilst awake the brain consumes a fifth of the body 's total energy needs . Sleep necessarily reduces this use and gives time for the restoration of energy - giving ATP . The effects of sleep deprivation show the absolute need for sleep . The lateral hypothalamus contains orexinergic neurons that control appetite and arousal through their projections to the ascending reticular activating system . The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland through the release of peptides such as oxytocin , and vasopressin , as well as dopamine into the median eminence . Through the autonomic projections , the hypothalamus is involved in regulating functions such as blood pressure , heart rate , breathing , sweating , and other homeostatic mechanisms . The hypothalamus also plays a role in thermal regulation , and when stimulated by the immune system , is capable of generating a fever . The hypothalamus is influenced by the kidneys -- when blood pressure falls , the renin released by the kidneys stimulates a need to drink . The hypothalamus also regulates food intake through autonomic signals , and hormone release by the digestive system . Language ( edit ) Broca 's area and Wernicke 's area are linked by the arcuate fasciculus . Main article : Language processing in the brain See also : Two - streams hypothesis § Two auditory systems While language functions were traditionally thought to be localized to Wernicke 's area and Broca 's area , it is now mostly accepted that a wider network of cortical regions contributes to language functions . The study on how language is represented , processed , and acquired by the brain is called neurolinguistics , which is a large multidisciplinary field drawing from cognitive neuroscience , cognitive linguistics , and psycholinguistics . Lateralisation ( edit ) Main article : Lateralization of brain function Further information : Functional specialization ( brain ) The cerebrum has a contralateral organisation with each hemisphere of the brain interacting primarily with one half of the body : the left side of the brain interacts with the right side of the body , and vice versa . The developmental cause for this is uncertain . Motor connections from the brain to the spinal cord , and sensory connections from the spinal cord to the brain , both cross sides in the brainstem . Visual input follows a more complex rule : the optic nerves from the two eyes come together at a point called the optic chiasm , and half of the fibres from each nerve split off to join the other . The result is that connections from the left half of the retina , in both eyes , go to the left side of the brain , whereas connections from the right half of the retina go to the right side of the brain . Because each half of the retina receives light coming from the opposite half of the visual field , the functional consequence is that visual input from the left side of the world goes to the right side of the brain , and vice versa . Thus , the right side of the brain receives somatosensory input from the left side of the body , and visual input from the left side of the visual field . The left and right sides of the brain appear symmetrical , but they function asymmetrically . For example , the counterpart of the left - hemisphere motor area controlling the right hand is the right - hemisphere area controlling the left hand . There are , however , several important exceptions , involving language and spatial cognition . The left frontal lobe is dominant for language . If a key language area in the left hemisphere is damaged , it can leave the victim unable to speak or understand , whereas equivalent damage to the right hemisphere would cause only minor impairment to language skills . A substantial part of current understanding of the interactions between the two hemispheres has come from the study of `` split - brain patients '' -- people who underwent surgical transection of the corpus callosum in an attempt to reduce the severity of epileptic seizures . These patients do not show unusual behavior that is immediately obvious , but in some cases can behave almost like two different people in the same body , with the right hand taking an action and then the left hand undoing it . These patients , when briefly shown a picture on the right side of the point of visual fixation , are able to describe it verbally , but when the picture is shown on the left , are unable to describe it , but may be able to give an indication with the left hand of the nature of the object shown . Emotion ( edit ) Main article : Emotion Further information : Affective neuroscience Emotions are generally defined as two - step multicomponent processes involving elicitation , followed by psychological feelings , appraisal , expression , autonomic responses , and action tendencies . Attempts to localize basic emotions to certain brain regions have been controversial , with some research finding no evidence for specific locations corresponding to emotions , and instead circuitry involved in general emotional processes . The amygdala , orbitofrontal cortex , mid and anterior insula cortex and lateral prefrontal cortex , appeared to be involved in generating the emotions , while weaker evidence was found for the ventral tegmental area , ventral pallidum and nucleus accumbens in incentive salience . Others , however , have found evidence of activation of specific regions , such as the basal ganglia in happiness , the subcallosal cingulate cortex in sadness , and amygdala in fear . Cognition ( edit ) Main article : Cognition The executive function of the brain is the set of cognitive processes that allow the cognitive control of behavior : selecting and successfully monitoring behaviors that facilitate the attainment of chosen goals . Executive functions include the ability to filter information and tune out irrelevant stimuli with attentional control and cognitive inhibition , the ability to process and manipulate information held in working memory , the ability to think about multiple concepts simultaneously and switch tasks with cognitive flexibility , the ability to inhibit impulses and prepotent responses with inhibitory control , and the ability to determine the relevance of information or appropriateness of an action . Higher order executive functions , require multiple cognitive processes including planning , reasoning , and problem solving . The prefrontal cortex plays a significant role in mediating executive functions . Neuroimaging during neuropsychological tests of executive function , such as the stroop test and working memory tests , have found that cortical maturation of the prefrontal cortex correlates with executive function in children . Planning involves activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ( DLPFC ) , anterior cingulate cortex , angular prefrontal cortex , right prefrontal cortex , and supramarginal gyrus . Working memory manipulation involves the DLPFC , inferior frontal gyrus , and areas of the parietal cortex . Inhibitory control involves multiple areas of the prefrontal cortex as well as the caudate nucleus and subthalamic nucleus . Task shifting does n't involve specific regions of the brain , but instead involves multiple regions of the prefrontal cortex and parietal lobe . Physiology ( edit ) Neurotransmission ( edit ) Main article : Neurotransmission Further information : Summation ( neurophysiology ) Brain activity is made possible by the interconnections of neurons that are linked together to reach their targets . A neuron consists of a cell body , axon , and dendrites . Dendrites are often extensive branches that receive information in the form of signals from the axon terminals of other neurons . The signals received may cause the neuron to initiate an action potential ( an electrochemical signal or nerve impulse ) which is sent along its axon to the axon terminal , to connect with the dendrites or with the cell body of another neuron . An action potential is initiated at the initial segment of an axon , which contains a complex of proteins . When an action potential , reaches the axon terminal it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter at a synapse that propagates a signal that acts on the target cell . These chemical neurotransmitters include dopamine , serotonin , GABA , glutamate , and acetylcholine . GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain , and glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter . Neurons link at synapses to form pathways and elaborate neural networks , and the activity between them is driven by the process of neurotransmission . Metabolism ( edit ) PET image of the human brain showing energy consumption The brain consumes up to twenty percent of the energy used by the human body , more than any other organ . Brain metabolism normally relies upon blood glucose as an energy source , but during times of low glucose ( such as fasting , endurance exercise , or limited carbohydrate intake ) , the brain uses ketone bodies for fuel with a smaller need for glucose . The brain can also utilize lactate during exercise . Long - chain fatty acids can not cross the blood -- brain barrier , but the liver can break these down to produce ketone bodies . However , short - chain fatty acids ( e.g. , butyric acid , propionic acid , and acetic acid ) and the medium - chain fatty acids , octanoic acid and heptanoic acid , can cross the blood -- brain barrier and be metabolized by brain cells . The brain stores glucose in the form of glycogen , albeit in significantly smaller amounts than that found in the liver or skeletal muscle . Although the human brain represents only 2 % of the body weight , it receives 15 % of the cardiac output , 20 % of total body oxygen consumption , and 25 % of total body glucose utilization . The brain mostly uses glucose for energy , and deprivation of glucose , as can happen in hypoglycemia , can result in loss of consciousness . The energy consumption of the brain does not vary greatly over time , but active regions of the cortex consume somewhat more energy than inactive regions : this fact forms the basis for the functional brain imaging methods PET and fMRI . These functional imaging techniques provide a three - dimensional image of metabolic activity . The function of sleep is not fully understood , but there is evidence it allows for metabolic waste to be removed from the brain , and may permit repair . It may also have a cognitive function , weakening unnecessary connections . Research ( edit ) The brain is not fully understood , and research is ongoing . Neuroscientists , along with researchers from allied disciplines , study how the human brain works . The boundaries between the specialties of neuroscience , neurology and other disciplines such as psychiatry have faded as they are all influenced by basic research in neuroscience . Neuroscience research has expanded considerably in recent decades . The `` Decade of the Brain '' , an initiative of the United States Government in the 1990s , is considered to have marked much of this increase in research , and was followed in 2013 by the BRAIN Initiative . The Human Connectome Project was a five - year study launched in 2009 to analyse the anatomical and functional connections of parts of the brain , and has provided much data . Methods ( edit ) Information about the structure and function of the human brain comes from a variety of experimental methods , including animals and humans . Information about brain trauma and stroke has provided information about the function of parts of the brain and the effects of brain damage . Neuroimaging is used to visualise the brain and record brain activity . Electrophysiology is used to measure , record and monitor the electrical activity of the cortex . Measurements may be of local field potentials of cortical areas , or of the activity of a single neuron . An electroencephalogram can record the electrical activity of the cortex using electrodes placed non-invasively on the scalp . Invasive measures include electrocorticography , which uses electrodes placed directly on the exposed surface of the brain . This method is used in cortical stimulation mapping , used in the study of the relationship between cortical areas and their systemic function . By using much smaller microelectrodes , single - unit recordings can be made from a single neuron that give a high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution . This has enabled the linking of brain activity to behaviour , and the creation of neuronal maps . Imaging ( edit ) Further information : Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain Functional neuroimaging techniques show changes in brain activity that relate to the function of specific brain areas . One technique is functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) which has the advantages over earlier methods of SPECT and PET of not needing the use of radioactive materials and of offering a higher resolution . Another technique is functional near - infrared spectroscopy . These methods rely on the haemodynamic response that shows changes in brain activity in relation to changes in blood flow , useful in mapping functions to brain areas . Resting state fMRI looks at the interaction of brain regions whilst the brain is not performing a specific task . This is also used to show the default mode network . Any electrical current generates a magnetic field ; neural oscillations induce weak magnetic fields , and in functional magnetoencephalography the current produced can show localised brain function in high resolution . Tractography uses MRI and image analysis to create 3D images of the nerve tracts of the brain . Connectograms give a graphical representation of the neural connections of the brain . Differences in brain structure can be measured in some disorders , notably schizophrenia and dementia . Different biological approaches using imaging have given more insight for example into the disorders of depression and obsessive - compulsive disorder . A key source of information about the function of brain regions is the effects of damage to them . Advances in neuroimaging have enabled objective insights into mental disorders , leading to faster diagnosis , more accurate prognosis , and better monitoring . Gene and protein expression ( edit ) Main article : Bioinformatics See also : List of neuroscience databases Bioinformatics is a field of study that includes the creation and advancement of databases , and computational and statistical techniques , that can be used in studies of the human brain , particularly in the areas of gene and protein expression . Bioinformatics and studies in genomics , and functional genomics , generated the need for DNA annotation , a transcriptome technology , identifying genes , and their and location and function . GeneCards is a major database . As of 2017 , just under 20,000 protein - coding genes are seen to be expressed in the human , and some 400 of these genes are brain - specific . The data that has been provided on gene expression in the brain has fuelled further research into a number of disorders . The long term use of alcohol for example , has shown altered gene expression in the brain , and cell - type specific changes that may relate to alcohol use disorder . These changes have been noted in the synaptic transcriptome in the prefrontal cortex , and are seen as a factor causing the drive to alcohol dependence , and also to other substance abuses . Other related studies have also shown evidence of synaptic alterations and their loss , in the ageing brain . Changes in gene expression alter the levels of proteins in various pathways and this has been shown to be evident in synaptic contact dysfunction or loss . This dysfunction has been seen to affect many structures of the brain and has a marked effect on inhibitory neurons resulting in a decreased level of neurotransmission , and subsequent cognitive decline and disease . Clinical significance ( edit ) General ( edit ) Brain damage , or disease of the brain can manifest in a wide variety of ways . Traumatic brain injury , for example in contact sport , after a fall , or in traffic or work accidents , can be associated with both immediate and longer - term problems . Immediate problems that develop may include bleeding within the skull , compressing the brain tissue or damaging its blood supply , skull fractures , injury to a particular area , deafness , and concussion . In addition to the site of injury , the opposite side of the brain may be affected , termed a contrecoup injury . Longer - term issues that may develop include post-traumatic stress , hydrocephalus , and chronic traumatic encephalopathy . Neurodegenerative diseases result in progressive damage to different parts of the brain 's function , and worsen with age . Common examples include dementia such as Alzheimer 's disease , alcoholic dementia or vascular dementia ; Parkinson 's disease ; and other rarer infectious , genetic , or metabolic causes such as Huntington 's disease , motor neuron diseases , HIV dementia , syphilis - related dementia and Wilson 's disease . Neurodegenerative diseases can affect different parts of the brain , and can affect movement , memory , and cognition . The brain , although protected by the blood - brain barrier , can be affected by infections including viruses , bacteria and fungi . Infection may be of the meninges ( meningitis ) , the brain matter ( encephalitis ) , or within the brain matter ( such as a cerebral abscess ) . Rare prion diseases including Creutzfeldt -- Jakob disease and its variant , and kuru may also affect the brain . The most common cancers in the brain come from elsewhere in the body -- most commonly the lung , breast and skin . Cancers of brain tissue can also occur , and originate from any tissue in and around the brain . Meningioma , cancer of the meninges around the brain , is more common than cancers of brain tissue . Cancers within the brain may cause symptoms related to their size or position , with symptoms including headache and nausea , or the gradual development of focal symptoms such as gradual difficulty seeing , swallowing , talking , or as a change of mood . Cancers are in general investigated through the use of CT scans and MRI scans . A variety of other tests including blood tests and lumbar puncture may be used to investigate for the cause of the cancer and evaluate the type and stage of the cancer . The corticosteroid dexamethasone is often given to decrease the swelling of brain tissue around a tumour . Surgery may be considered , however given the complex nature of many tumours or based on tumour stage or type , radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be considered more suitable . Mental disorders , such as major depressive disorder , schizophrenia , bipolar disorder , post-traumatic stress disorder , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , obsessive - compulsive disorder , Tourette syndrome , and addiction , are known to relate to the functioning of the brain . Treatment for mental disorders may include psychotherapy , psychiatry , social intervention and personal recovery work or cognitive behavioural therapy ; the underlying issues and associated prognoses vary significantly between individuals . Epileptic seizures are thought to relate to abnormal electrical activity . Seizure activity can manifest as absence ( of consciousness ) , focal effects such as limb movement or impediments of speech , or be generalized in nature . Status epilepticus refers to a seizure or series of seizures that have not terminated within 30 minutes , although this definition has recently been revised . Seizures have a large number of causes , however many seizures occur without a definitive cause being found . In a person with epilepsy , risk factors for further seizures may include sleeplessness , drug and alcohol intake , and stress . Seizures may be assessed using blood tests , EEG and various medical imaging techniques based on the medical history and exam findings . In addition to treating an underlying cause and reducing exposure to risk factors , anticonvulsant medications can play a role in preventing further seizures . Some brain disorders such as Tay -- Sachs disease are congenital , and linked to genetic and chromosomal mutations . A rare group of congenital cephalic disorders known as lissencephaly is characterised by the lack of , or inadequacy of , cortical folding . Normal development of the brain can be affected during pregnancy by nutritional deficiencies , teratogens , infectious diseases , and by the use of recreational drugs and alcohol . Stroke ( edit ) Main article : Stroke CT scan of a cerebral hemorrhage , showing an intraparenchymal bleed ( bottom arrow ) with surrounding edema ( top arrow ) A stroke is a decrease in blood supply to an area of the brain causing cell death and brain injury . This can lead to a wide range of symptoms , including the `` FAST '' symptoms of facial droop , arm weakness , and speech difficulties ( including with speaking and finding words or forming sentences ) . Symptoms relate to the function of the affected area of the brain and can point to the likely site and cause of the stroke . Difficulties with movement , speech , or sight usually relate to the cerebrum , whereas imbalance , double vision , vertigo and symptoms affecting more than one side of the body usually relate to the brainstem or cerebellum . Most strokes result from loss of blood supply , typically because of an embolus , rupture of a fatty plaque or narrowing of small arteries . Strokes can also result from bleeding within the brain . Transient ischaemic attacks ( TIAs ) are strokes in which symptoms resolve within 24 hours . Investigation into the stroke will involve a medical examination ( including a neurological examination ) and the taking of a medical history , focusing on the duration of the symptoms and risk factors ( including high blood pressure , atrial fibrillation , and smoking ) . Further investigation is needed in younger patients . An ECG and biotelemetry may be conducted to identify atrial fibrillation ; an ultrasound can investigate narrowing of the carotid arteries ; an echocardiogram can be used to look for clots within the heart , diseases of the heart valves or the presence of a patent foramen ovale . Blood tests are routinely done as part of the workup including diabetes tests and a lipid profile . Some treatments for stroke are time - critical . These include clot dissolution or surgical removal of a clot for ischaemic strokes , and decompression for haemorrhagic strokes . As stroke is time critical , hospitals and even pre-hospital care of stroke involves expedited investigations -- usually a CT scan to investigate for a haemorrhagic stroke and a CT or MR angiogram to evaluate arteries that supply the brain . MRI scans , not as widely available , may be able to demonstrate the affected area of the brain more accurately , particularly with ischaemic stroke . Having experienced a stroke , a person may be admitted to a stroke unit , and treatments may be directed as preventing future strokes , including ongoing anticoagulation ( such as aspirin or clopidogrel ) , antihypertensives , and lipid - lowering drugs . A multidisciplinary team including speech pathologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , and psychologists plays a large role in supporting a person affected by a stroke and their rehabilitation . Brain death ( edit ) Main article : Brain death Brain death refers to an irreversible total loss of brain function . This is characterised by coma , loss of reflexes , and apnoea , however , the declaration of brain death varies geographically and is not always accepted . In some countries there is also a defined syndrome of brainstem death . Declaration of brain death can have profound implications as the declaration , under the principle of medical futility , will be associated with the withdrawal of life support , and as those with brain death often have organs suitable for organ donation . The process is often made more difficult by poor communication with patients ' families . When brain death is suspected , reversible differential diagnoses such as hypothermia - induced coma , electrolyte , neurological and drug - related cognitive suppression need to be excluded . Testing for reflexes can be of help in the decision , as can the absence of response and breathing . Clinical observations , including a total lack of responsiveness , a known diagnosis , and neural imaging evidence , may all play a role in the decision to pronounce brain death . Society and culture ( edit ) Neuroanthropology is the study of the relationship between culture and the brain . It explores how the brain gives rise to culture , and how culture influences brain development . Cultural differences and their relation to brain development and structure are researched in different fields . The mind ( edit ) Main articles : Cognition and Mind The skull of Phineas Gage , with the path of the iron rod that passed through it without killing him , but altering his cognition . The case helped to convince people that mental functions were localized in the brain . The philosophy of the mind studies such issues as the problem of understanding consciousness and the mind -- body problem . The relationship between the brain and the mind is a significant challenge both philosophically and scientifically . This is because of the difficulty in explaining how mental activities , such as thoughts and emotions , can be implemented by physical structures such as neurons and synapses , or by any other type of physical mechanism . This difficulty was expressed by Gottfried Leibniz in the analogy known as Leibniz 's Mill : One is obliged to admit that perception and what depends upon it is inexplicable on mechanical principles , that is , by figures and motions . In imagining that there is a machine whose construction would enable it to think , to sense , and to have perception , one could conceive it enlarged while retaining the same proportions , so that one could enter into it , just like into a windmill . Supposing this , one should , when visiting within it , find only parts pushing one another , and never anything by which to explain a perception . -- Leibniz , Monadology Doubt about the possibility of a mechanistic explanation of thought drove René Descartes , and most other philosophers along with him , to dualism : the belief that the mind is to some degree independent of the brain . There has always , however , been a strong argument in the opposite direction . There is clear empirical evidence that physical manipulations of , or injuries to , the brain ( for example by drugs or by lesions , respectively ) can affect the mind in potent and intimate ways . In the 19th century , the case of Phineas Gage , a railway worker who was injured by a stout iron rod passing through his brain , convinced both researchers and the public that cognitive functions were localised in the brain . Following this line of thinking , a large body of empirical evidence for a close relationship between brain activity and mental activity has led most neuroscientists and contemporary philosophers to be materialists , believing that mental phenomena are ultimately the result of , or reducible to , physical phenomena . Brain size ( edit ) Main article : Brain size The size of the brain and a person 's intelligence are not strongly related . Studies tend to indicate small to moderate correlations ( averaging around 0.3 to 0.4 ) between brain volume and IQ . The most consistent associations are observed within the frontal , temporal , and parietal lobes , the hippocampi , and the cerebellum , but these only account for a relatively small amount of variance in IQ , which itself has only a partial relationship to general intelligence and real - world performance . Other animals , including whales and elephants have larger brains than humans . However , when the brain - to - body mass ratio is taken into account , the human brain is almost twice as large as that of a bottlenose dolphin , and three times as large as that of a chimpanzee . However , a high ratio does not of itself demonstrate intelligence : very small animals have high ratios and the treeshrew has the largest quotient of any mammal . In Popular culture ( edit ) Phrenology summarized in an 1883 chart Research has disproved some common misconceptions about the brain . These include both ancient and modern myths . It is not true that neurons are not replaced after the age of two ; nor that only ten per cent of the brain is used . Popular culture has also oversimplified the lateralisation of the brain , suggesting that functions are completely specific to one side of the brain or the other . Akio Mori coined the term game brain for the unreliably supported theory that spending long periods playing video games harmed the brain 's pre-frontal region and the expression of emotion and creativity . Historically , the brain featured in popular culture through phrenology , a pseudoscience that assigned personality attributes to different regions of the cortex . The cortex remains important in popular culture as covered in books and satire . The brain features in science fiction , with themes such as brain transplants and cyborgs ( beings with features like partly artificial brains ) . The 1942 science fiction book ( adapted three times for cinema ) Donovan 's Brain tells the tale of an isolated brain kept alive in vitro , gradually taken over by a malign intelligence . History ( edit ) Main article : History of neuroscience Early history ( edit ) Hieroglyph for the word `` brain '' ( c. 1700 BC ) The Edwin Smith Papyrus , an ancient Egyptian medical treatise written in the 17th century BC , contains the earliest recorded reference to the brain . The hieroglyph for brain , occurring eight times in this papyrus , describes the symptoms , diagnosis , and prognosis of two traumatic injuries to the head . The papyrus mentions the external surface of the brain , the effects of injury ( including seizures and aphasia ) , the meninges , and cerebrospinal fluid . In the fifth century BC , Alcmaeon of Croton in Magna Grecia , first considered the brain to be the seat of the mind . Also in the fifth century BC in Athens , Hippocrates believed the brain to be the seat of intelligence . Aristotle , in his biology initially believed the heart to be the seat of intelligence , and saw the brain as a cooling mechanism for the blood . He reasoned that humans are more rational than the beasts because , among other reasons , they have a larger brain to cool their hot - bloodedness . Aristotle did describe the meninges and distinguished between the cerebrum and cerebellum . Herophilus of Chalcedon in the fourth and third centuries BC distinguished the cerebrum and the cerebellum , and provided the first clear description of the ventricles ; and with Erasistratus of Ceos experimented on living brains . Their works are now mostly lost , and we know about their achievements due mostly to secondary sources . Some of their discoveries had to be re-discovered a millennium after their deaths . Anatomist physician Galen in the second century AD , during the time of the Roman Empire , dissected the brains of sheep , monkeys , dogs , and pigs . He concluded that , as the cerebellum was denser than the brain , it must control the muscles , while as the cerebrum was soft , it must be where the senses were processed . Galen further theorized that the brain functioned by movement of animal spirits through the ventricles . Renaissance ( edit ) In 1316 , Mondino de Luzzi 's Anathomia began the modern study of brain anatomy . Niccolò Massa discovered in 1536 that the ventricles were filled with fluid . Archiangelo Piccolomini of Rome was the first to distinguish between the cerebrum and cerebral cortex . In 1543 Andreas Vesalius published his seven - volume De humani corporis fabrica . The seventh book covered the brain and eye , with detailed images of the ventricles , cranial nerves , pituitary gland , meninges , structures of the eye , the vascular supply to the brain and spinal cord , and an image of the peripheral nerves . Vesalius rejected the common belief that the ventricles were responsible for brain function , arguing that many animals have a similar ventricular system to humans , but no true intelligence . René Descartes proposed the theory of dualism to tackle the issue of the brain 's relation to the mind . He suggested that the pineal gland was where the mind interacted with the body after recording the brain mechanisms responsible for circulating cerebrospinal fluid . This dualism likely provided impetus for later anatomists to further explore the relationship between the anatomical and functional aspects of brain anatomy . Thomas Willis is considered a second pioneer in the study of neurology and brain science . In 1664 in Cerebri Anatome ( Latin : Anatomy of the brain ) , followed by Cerebral Pathology in 1667 . In these he described the structure of the cerebellum , the ventricles , the cerebral hemispheres , the brainstem , and the cranial nerves , studied its blood supply ; and proposed functions associated with different areas of the brain . The circle of Willis was named after his investigations into the blood supply of the brain , and he was the first to use the word `` neurology . '' Willis removed the brain from the body when examining it , and rejected the commonly held view that the cortex only consisted of blood vessels and the view of the last two millennia that the cortex was only incidentally important . In the late 19th century , Emil du Bois - Reymond and Hermann von Helmholtz , following the work of their teacher Johannes Peter Müller showed the electrical inpulses which pass along nerves ; but unlike Müller 's views , that such impulses were able to be observed . Richard Caton in 1875 demonstrated electrical in the cerebral hemispheres of rabbits and monkeys . In the 1820s , Jean Pierre Flourens pioneered the experimental method of damaging specific parts of animal brains describing the effects on movement and behavior . Drawing of the base of the brain , from Andreas Vesalius 's 1543 work De humani corporis fabrica One of Leonardo da Vinci 's sketches of the human skull Modern period ( edit ) Further information : Neuropsychiatry Drawing by Camillo Golgi of vertical section of rabbit hippocampus , from his `` Sulla fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso '' , 1885 Drawing of cells in chick cerebellum by Santiago Ramón y Cajal , from `` Estructura de los centros nerviosos de las aves '' , Madrid , 1905 Studies of the brain became more sophisticated with the use of the microscope and the development of a silver staining method by Camillo Golgi during the 1880s . This was able to show the intricate structures of single neurons . This was used by Santiago Ramón y Cajal and led to the formation of the neuron doctrine , the then revolutionary hypothesis that the neuron is the functional unit of the brain . He used microscopy to uncover many cell types , and proposed functions for the cells he saw . For this , Golgi and Cajal are considered the founders of twentieth century neuroscience , both sharing the Nobel prize in 1906 for their studies and discoveries in this field . Charles Sherrington published his influential 1906 work The Integrative Action of the Nervous System examining the function of reflexes , evolutionary development of the nervous system , functional specialisation of the brain , and layout and cellular function of the central nervous system . John Farquhar Fulton , founded the Journal of Neurophysiology and published the first comprehensive textbook on the physiology of the nervous system during 1938 . Neuroscience during the twentieth century began to be recognized as a distinct unified academic discipline , with David Rioch , Francis O. Schmitt , and Stephen Kuffler playing critical roles in establishing the field . Rioch originated the integration of basic anatomical and physiological research with clinical psychiatry at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research , starting in the 1950s . During the same period , Schmitt established the Neuroscience Research Program , an inter-university and international organisation , bringing together biology , medicine , psychological and behavioural sciences . The word neuroscience itself arises from this program . Paul Broca associated regions of the brain with specific functions , in particular language in Broca 's area , following work on brain - damaged patients . John Hughlings Jackson described the function of the motor cortex by watching the progression of epileptic seizures through the body . Carl Wernicke described a region associated with language comprehension and production . Korbinian Brodmann divided regions of the brain based on the appearance of cells . By 1950 , Sherrington , Papez , and MacLean had identified many of the brainstem and limbic system functions . The capacity of the brain to re-organise and change with age , and a recognised critical development period , were attributed to neuroplasticity , pioneered by Margaret Kennard , who experimented on monkeys during the 1930 - 40s . Harvey Cushing ( 1869 -- 1939 ) is recognised as the first proficient brain surgeon in the world . In 1937 , Walter Dandy began the practice of vascular neurosurgery by performing the first surgical clipping of an intracranial aneurysm . Comparative Anatomy ( edit ) See also : Evolution of the brain The human brain has many properties that are common to all vertebrate brains , and shares many features common to all mammalian brains , most notably a six - layered cerebral cortex and a set of associated structures , including the hippocampus and amygdala . The cortex is proportionally larger in greater mammals and humans than many other animals . Humans have more association cortex , sensory and motor parts than other mammals such as the rat and the cat . As a primate brain , the human brain has a much larger cerebral cortex , in proportion to body size , than most mammals , and a highly developed visual system . As a hominid brain , the human brain is substantially enlarged even in comparison to the brain of a typical monkey . The sequence of human evolution from Australopithecus ( four million years ago ) to Homo sapiens ( modern man ) was marked by a steady increase in brain size . As brain size increased , this altered the size and shape of the skull , from about 600 cm in Homo habilis to an average of about 1520 cm in Homo neanderthalensis . Differences in DNA , gene expression and gene -- environment interactions help explain the differences between the function of the human brain and other primates . See also ( edit ) Neuroscience portal Thinking portal Cephalic disorder Cerebral atrophy Cortical spreading depression Enchanted loom References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Cerebrum Etymology '' . dictionary.com . Retrieved October 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Encephalo - Etymology '' . Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved October 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Parent , A. ; Carpenter , M.B. ( 1995 ) . `` Ch. 1 '' . Carpenter 's Human Neuroanatomy . Williams & Wilkins . ISBN 978 - 0 - 683 - 06752 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Bigos , K.L. ; Hariri , A. ; Weinberger , D. ( 2015 ) . Neuroimaging Genetics : Principles and Practices . Oxford University Press . p. 157 . ISBN 0199920222 . 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Jump up ^ Including the vestibulo - ocular reflex , corneal reflex , gag reflex and dilation of the pupils in response to light , Jump up ^ Illustrated by architect Christopher Wren External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Brain . Brain basics by NIMH Atlas of the Human Brain Brain Facts and Figures Brain Maps : Brain Anatomy , Functions and Disorders Anatomy of the human brain Anatomy of the medulla Grey matter Cranial nuclei afferent : Solitary nucleus tract Dorsal respiratory group Gustatory nucleus Vestibular nuclei Lateral Medial Inferior efferent : Hypoglossal nucleus Nucleus ambiguus Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve Inferior salivatory nucleus Dorsal Gracile nucleus Cuneate nucleus Accessory cuneate nucleus Ventral Ventral respiratory group Arcuate nucleus of medulla Rostral ventromedial medulla Botzinger complex Pre-Bötzinger complex White matter Dorsal Sensory Sensory decussation Medial lemniscus Juxtarestiform body Ascending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Medial longitudinal fasciculus Motor Descending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Medial longitudinal fasciculus Ventral Descending tracts Olivocerebellar tract Rubro - olivary tract Surface Front Pyramid Anterior median fissure Anterolateral sulcus Olive Inferior olivary nucleus Back Posterior median sulcus Posterolateral sulcus Area postrema Vagal trigone Hypoglossal trigone Medial eminence Inferior cerebellar peduncle Grey Reticular formation Gigantocellular Parvocellular Ventral Lateral Paramedian Raphe nuclei Obscurus Magnus Pallidus Perihypoglossal nuclei Anatomy of the pons Dorsal / ( tegmentum ) Surface Cerebellopontine angle Superior medullary velum Sulcus limitans Medial eminence Facial colliculus White : Sensory Trapezoid body Trigeminal lemniscus Dorsal trigeminal tract Ventral trigeminal tract Medial lemniscus Lateral lemniscus Medial longitudinal fasciculus Vestibulo - oculomotor fibers Anterior trigeminothalamic tract Central tegmental tract White : Motor Inferior cerebellar peduncle Vestibulocerebellar tract Medial longitudinal fasciculus Vestibulospinal tract Medial vestibulospinal tract Lateral vestibulospinal tract Grey : Cranial nuclei afferent : GSA Trigeminal Principal Spinal Cochlear nucleus Dorsal Anterior Vestibular nuclei Superior efferent : SVE : Trigeminal motor nucleus Facial motor nucleus GSE : Abducens nucleus GVE : Superior salivary nucleus Inferior salivary nucleus Other Apneustic center Parabrachial area Pneumotaxic center Subparabrachial nucleus Medial parabrachial nucleus Lateral parabrachial nucleus Superior olivary nucleus Caerulean nucleus Ventral / ( base ) Grey Pontine nuclei White : Motor / descending Corticospinal tract Corticobulbar tract Corticopontine fibers MCP Pontocerebellar fibers Surface Basilar sulcus Other grey : Raphe / reticular Reticular formation Caudal Oral Tegmental Paramedian Raphe nuclei Median Anatomy of the midbrain Tectum ( Dorsal ) Surface Corpora quadrigemina : Inferior colliculus Brachium Superior colliculus Brachium Grey matter Pretectal area White : Sensory / ascending Spinotectal tract Central tegmental tract White : Motor / descending Tectospinal tract Peduncle ( Ventral ) Tegmentum White : Sensory / ascending Lemnisci Medial Lateral Ascending MLF Vestibulo - oculomotor fibers Spinothalamic tract Anterior trigeminothalamic tract Dentatothalamic tract White : Motor / descending Rubrospinal tract Rubro - olivary tract Descending MLF Grey : cranial nuclei GSA Mesencephalic - GSE Oculomotor nucleus , Trochlear nucleus - GVE Edinger -- Westphal nucleus Grey : other Periaqueductal gray Raphe nuclei dorsal Ventral tegmental area Rostromedial tegmental nucleus Pedunculopontine nucleus Red nucleus Rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus Parabrachial area Interpeduncular nucleus Midbrain reticular formation Ventricular system Cerebral aqueduct Base White : Motor / descending Cerebral crus : Corticospinal tract Corticobulbar tract Corticopontine tract / Frontopontine fibers / Temporopontine fibers Grey : Substantia nigra Pars compacta Pars reticulata Surface Superior cerebellar peduncle Decussation Interpeduncular fossa Anatomy of the cerebellum Surface Lobes Anterior lobe Posterior lobe Horizontal fissure Flocculonodular lobe Flocculus Nodule Primary fissure Medial / lateral Vermis : anterior Central lobule Culmen Lingula posterior Folium Tuber Uvula Vallecula of cerebellum Hemisphere : anterior Alar central lobule posterior Biventer lobule Cerebellar tonsil Grey matter Deep cerebellar nuclei Dentate interposed Emboliform Globose Fastigial Cerebellar cortex Molecular layer Stellate cell Basket cell Purkinje cell layer Purkinje cell Bergmann glia cell = Golgi epithelial cell Fañanas cell Granule cell layer Golgi cell Granule cell Unipolar brush cell Fibers : Mossy fibers Climbing fiber Parallel fiber White matter Internal Arbor vitae Peduncles Inferior ( medulla ) : Dorsal spinocerebellar tract Olivocerebellar tract Cuneocerebellar tract Juxtarestiform body ( Vestibulocerebellar tract ) Trigeminocerebellar fibers Middle ( pons ) : Pontocerebellar fibers Superior ( midbrain ) : Ventral spinocerebellar tract Dentatothalamic tract ( hide ) Anatomy of the diencephalon of the human brain Epithalamus Surface Pineal gland Habenula Habenular trigone Habenular commissure Grey matter Pretectal area Habenular nuclei Subcommissural organ Thalamus Surface Stria medullaris of thalamus Thalamic reticular nucleus Taenia thalami Grey matter / nuclei paired : AN Ventral VA / VL VP / VPM / VPL Lateral LD LP Pulvinar nuclei Metathalamus MG LG P cell M cell K cell midline : MD Intralaminar Centromedian Midline nuclear group Interthalamic adhesion White matter Mammillothalamic fasciculus Pallidothalamic tracts Ansa lenticularis Lenticular fasciculus Thalamic fasciculus PCML Medial lemniscus Trigeminal lemniscus Spinothalamic tract Lateral lemniscus Dentatothalamic tract Acoustic radiation Optic radiation Subthalamic fasciculus Anterior trigeminothalamic tract Medullary laminae Hypothalamus Surface Median eminence / Tuber cinereum Mammillary body Infundibulum Grey matter Autonomic zones Anterior ( parasympathetic / heat loss ) Posterior ( sympathetic / heat conservation ) Endocrine posterior pituitary : Paraventricular Magnocellular neurosecretory cell Parvocellular neurosecretory cell Supraoptic oxytocin / vasopressin other : Arcuate ( dopamine / GHRH ) Preoptic ( GnRH ) Suprachiasmatic ( melatonin ) Emotion Lateral Ventromedial Dorsomedial White matter afferent Medial forebrain bundle Retinohypothalamic tract efferent Mammillothalamic fasciculus Stria terminalis Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Pituitary Posterior is diencephalon , but anterior is glandular Subthalamus Subthalamic nucleus Zona incerta Nuclei campi perizonalis ( Fields of Forel ) Anatomy of the cerebral cortex of the human brain Frontal lobe Superolateral Prefrontal Superior frontal gyrus 6 8 Middle frontal gyrus 9 10 46 Inferior frontal gyrus : 11 47 - Pars orbitalis Broca 's area 44 - Pars opercularis 45 - Pars triangularis Superior frontal sulcus Inferior frontal sulcus Precentral Precentral gyrus Precentral sulcus Medial / inferior Prefrontal Superior frontal gyrus 6 Medial frontal gyrus 8 9 Paraterminal gyrus / Paraolfactory area 12 Straight gyrus 11 Orbital gyri / Orbitofrontal cortex 10 11 12 Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 10 Subcallosal area 25 Olfactory sulcus Orbital sulcus Precentral Paracentral lobule Paracentral sulcus Both Primary motor cortex Premotor cortex 6 Supplementary motor area 6 Supplementary eye field 6 Frontal eye fields 8 Parietal lobe Superolateral Superior parietal lobule 5 7 Inferior parietal lobule 40 - Supramarginal gyrus 39 - Angular gyrus Parietal operculum 43 Intraparietal sulcus Medial / inferior Paracentral lobule 5 Precuneus 7 Marginal sulcus Both Postcentral gyrus / Primary somatosensory cortex Secondary somatosensory cortex 5 Posterior parietal cortex 7 Occipital lobe Superolateral Occipital pole of cerebrum Lateral occipital gyrus 18 19 Lunate sulcus Transverse occipital sulcus Medial / inferior Visual cortex 17 Cuneus Lingual gyrus Calcarine sulcus Temporal lobe Superolateral Transverse temporal gyrus / Auditory cortex 41 42 Superior temporal gyrus 38 22 / Wernicke 's area Middle temporal gyrus 21 Superior temporal sulcus Medial / inferior Fusiform gyrus 37 Medial temporal lobe 27 28 34 35 36 Inferior temporal gyrus 20 Inferior temporal sulcus Interlobar sulci / fissures Superolateral Central ( frontal + parietal ) Lateral ( frontal + parietal + temporal ) Parieto - occipital Preoccipital notch Medial / inferior Longitudinal fissure Cingulate ( frontal + cingulate ) Collateral ( temporal + occipital ) Callosal sulcus Limbic lobe Parahippocampal gyrus anterior Entorhinal cortex Perirhinal cortex Postrhinal cortex Posterior parahippocampal gyrus Prepyriform area Cingulate cortex / gyrus Subgenual area 25 Anterior cingulate 24 32 33 Posterior cingulate 23 31 Isthmus of cingulate gyrus : Retrosplenial cortex 26 29 30 Hippocampal formation Hippocampal sulcus Fimbria of hippocampus Dentate gyrus Rhinal sulcus Other Supracallosal gyrus Uncus Amygdala Insular cortex Insular cortex General Operculum Poles of cerebral hemispheres Some categorizations are approximations , and some Brodmann areas span gyri . Rostral basal ganglia of the human brain and associated structures Basal ganglia Grey matter Striatum Dorsal striatum Putamen Caudate nucleus Ventral striatum Nucleus accumbens Olfactory tubercle Globus pallidus GPe GPi Other Amygdala Claustrum White matter Centrum semiovale Internal capsule Anterior limb Genu Posterior limb Optic radiation Corona radiata External capsule Extreme capsule Pallidothalamic tracts : Thalamic fasciculus Ansa lenticularis Lenticular fasciculus Subthalamic fasciculus Rhinencephalon Grey matter Anterior olfactory nucleus Anterior perforated substance Olfactory bulb White matter Olfactory tract Medial olfactory stria Lateral olfactory stria Olfactory trigone Other basal forebrain Grey matter Substantia innominata Nucleus basalis Nucleus of diagonal band White matter Diagonal band of Broca Stria terminalis Archicortex : Hippocampal formation / Hippocampus anatomy Grey matter Hippocampus proper CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 Dentate gyrus Fascia dentata Subiculum White matter Alveus Fimbria Perforant path Schaffer collateral Meninges of the brain and spinal cord Layers Dura mater Falx cerebri Tentorium cerebelli Falx cerebelli Diaphragma sellae Trigeminal cave Arachnoid mater Arachnoid granulation Arachnoid trabeculae Subarachnoid cisterns : Cisterna magna Pontine cistern Interpeduncular cistern Chiasmatic Of lateral cerebral fossa Of great cerebral vein Of lamina terminalis Pia mater Denticulate ligaments Tela choroidea Choroid plexus Perivascular space Combined Filum terminale Leptomeninges Spaces Epidural space Subdural space Subarachnoid space Cerebrospinal fluid Ventricular system of the human brain Lateral ventricles Body Lamina affixa Stria terminalis Collateral eminence Occipital horn Calcar avis Septum pellucidum Third ventricle Recesses Optic recess Infundibular recess Suprapineal recess Pineal recess Hypothalamic sulcus Tela choroidea Subfornical organ Posterior commissure Fourth ventricle Roof Superior medullary velum Frenulum Inferior medullary velum Taenia Floor Upper Facial colliculus Locus coeruleus Lower Vagal trigone Hypoglossal trigone Area postrema Obex Medial eminence Sulcus limitans Fastigium Apertures Median / Magendie Lateral recess to Lateral / Luschka Other Rhomboid fossa Tela choroidea Cerebrospinal fluid Blood -- brain barrier Cerebral aqueduct Interventricular foramina Perilymphatic duct Commissural fibers in the human brain Corpus callosum Genu Splenium Tapetum Rostrum Archicortex Supracallosal gyrus Lamina terminalis Vascular organ of lamina terminalis Anterior commissure Fornix Fornix Septum pellucidum Septal nuclei Medial septal nucleus Subfornical organ Cave of septum pellucidum Other Posterior commissure The cranial nerves terminal Nuclei Septal nuclei Course no significant branches olfactory Nuclei Anterior olfactory nucleus Course olfactory bulb olfactory tract optic Nuclei Lateral geniculate nucleus Course optic chiasm optic tract oculomotor Nuclei Oculomotor nucleus Edinger -- Westphal nucleus Branches superior parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion / ciliary ganglion inferior trochlear Nucleus Branches no significant branches trigeminal Nuclei PSN Spinal trigeminal nucleus MN TMN Course trigeminal ganglion Branches ophthalmic maxillary mandibular abducens Nucleus Branches no significant branches facial near origin intermediate nerve geniculate inside facial canal greater petrosal pterygopalatine ganglion nerve to the stapedius chorda tympani lingual nerve submandibular ganglion at stylomastoid foramen posterior auricular suprahyoid digastric stylohyoid parotid plexus temporal zygomatic buccal mandibular cervical Nuclei Facial motor nucleus Solitary nucleus Superior salivary nucleus vestibulocochlear Nuclei Vestibular nuclei Cochlear nuclei cochlear nerve striae medullares lateral lemniscus vestibular Scarpa 's ganglion glossopharyngeal before jugular fossa ganglia superior inferior after jugular fossa tympanic tympanic plexus lesser petrosal otic ganglion stylopharyngeal branch pharyngeal branches tonsillar branches lingual branches carotid sinus Nuclei Nucleus ambiguus Inferior salivatory nucleus Solitary nucleus vagus before jugular fossa ganglia superior inferior after jugular fossa meningeal branch auricular branch neck pharyngeal branch pharyngeal plexus superior laryngeal external internal recurrent laryngeal ( inferior ) superior cervical cardiac thorax inferior cardiac pulmonary vagal trunks anterior posterior abdomen celiac renal hepatic anterior gastric posterior gastric Nuclei Nucleus ambiguus Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve Solitary nucleus accessory Nuclei Nucleus ambiguus Spinal accessory nucleus cranial spinal hypoglossal Nucleus Branches lingual Arteries of the head and neck CC EC sup . thyroid superior laryngeal sternocleidomastoid branch infrahyoid branch cricothyroid branch glandular branches asc . pharyngeal posterior meningeal pharyngeal branches inferior tympanic lingual suprahyoid dorsal lingual deep lingual sublingual facial cervical branches ( ascending palatine , tonsillar , submental , glandular ) facial branches ( inferior labial superior labial / nasal septum lateral nasal angular ) occipital sternocleidomastoid meningeal occipital auricular descending post . auricular stylomastoid stapedial auricular occipital Parotid sup . temporal transverse facial middle temporal ( zygomatico - orbital ) anterior auricular frontal parietal maxillary 1st part / mandibular anterior tympanic deep auricular middle meningeal ( superior tympanic , petrosal ) accessory meningeal inferior alveolar 2nd part / pterygoid to muscles of mastication ( deep temporal , pterygoid , masseteric ) buccal 3rd part / pterygopalatine posterior superior alveolar infraorbital ( anterior superior alveolar ) descending palatine ( greater palatine , lesser palatine ) artery of the pterygoid canal sphenopalatine ( posterior septal branches , posterior lateral nasal ) pharyngeal IC cervical carotid sinus petrous Vidian caroticotympanic cavernous / ophthalmic orbital group : anterior ethmoidal posterior ethmoidal lacrimal ( lateral palpebral ) medial palpebral terminal ( supraorbital , supratrochlear , dorsal nasal ) ocular group : central retinal ciliary ( short posterior , long posterior , anterior ) Circulus arteriosus major hypophysial ( superior , inferior ) brain Circle of Willis ACA ( anterior communicating , medial striate , Orbitofrontal artery ) MCA ( anterolateral central , Prefrontal artery , Superior terminal branch , Inferior terminal branch , Anterior temporal branch ) posterior communicating anterior choroidal SC vertebral artery meningeal spinal ( posterior , anterior ) basilar : pontine labyrinthine cerebellar ( AICA , SCA , PICA ) cerebral ( PCA ) thyrocervical trunk inferior thyroid inferior laryngeal tracheal esophageal ascending cervical pharyngeal glandular branches transverse cervical superficial branch deep branch / dorsal scapular scapular anastomosis suprascapular acromial branch scapular anastomosis costocervical trunk deep cervical Supreme Intercostal artery Veins of the head and neck External jugular Retromandibular maxillary pterygoid plexus superficial temporal anterior auricular Direct posterior auricular transverse cervical suprascapular anterior jugular jugular venous arch Internal jugular Diploic / brain Cerebral Superficial : superior superficial middle inferior inferior anastomotic ( Labbé ) superior anastomotic ( Trolard ) Deep : great internal basal deep middle superior thalamostriate Cerebellar superior inferior Sinuses To COS superior sagittal straight inferior sagittal occipital To CS sphenoparietal intercavernous superior ophthalmic ethmoidal central retinal nasofrontal vorticose veins inferior ophthalmic To IJV sigmoid : transverse petrosquamous superior petrosal inferior petrosal basilar plexus internal auditory veins condylar Facial / common facial frontal supraorbital angular superior labial inferior labial deep facial Direct lingual dorsal lingual deep lingual sublingual pharyngeal superior thyroid superior laryngeal middle thyroid Brachiocephalic Vertebral occipital occipital emissary suboccipital venous plexus deep cervical Direct inferior thyroid inferior laryngeal thymic Human systems and organs Musculoskeletal Skeletal system Bone Carpus Collar bone ( clavicle ) Thigh bone ( femur ) Fibula Humerus Mandible Metacarpus Metatarsus Ossicles Patella Phalanges Radius Skull Tarsus Tibia Ulna Rib Vertebra Pelvis Sternum Cartilage Joints Fibrous joint Cartilaginous joint Synovial joint Muscular system Muscle Tendon Diaphragm Circulatory system Cardiovascular system peripheral Artery Vein Lymphatic vessel Heart Lymphatic system primary Bone marrow Thymus secondary Spleen Lymph node CNS equivalent Glymphatic system Nervous system Brain Spinal cord Nerve Sensory system Ear Eye Integumentary system Skin Subcutaneous tissue Breast Mammary gland Immune system Myeloid Myeloid immune system Lymphoid Lymphoid immune system Respiratory system Upper Nose Nasopharynx Larynx Lower Trachea Bronchus Lung Digestive system Mouth Salivary gland Tongue upper GI Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Esophagus Stomach lower GI Small intestine Appendix Colon Rectum Anus accessory Liver Biliary tract Pancreas Urinary system Genitourinary system Kidney Ureter Bladder Urethra Reproductive system Female Uterus Vagina Vulva Ovary Placenta Male Scrotum Penis Prostate Testicle Seminal vesicle Endocrine system Pituitary Pineal Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal Islets of Langerhans Nervous system Central nervous system Meninges Spinal cord Brain Rhombencephalon Medulla Pons Cerebellum Midbrain Forebrain Diencephalon Retina Optic nerve Cerebrum Limbic system Peripheral nervous system Somatic Sensory nerve Motor nerve Cranial nerve Spinal nerve Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic Enteric Physiology of the nervous system Primarily CNS Arousal Wakefulness Intracranial pressure Lateralization of brain function Sleep Memory Primarily PNS Reflex Sensation Both Evoked potential Bereitschaftspotential P300 Auditory evoked potential Somatosensory evoked potentials Visual evoked potential Other short term Neurotransmission Chronaxie Membrane potential Action potential Postsynaptic potential Excitatory Inhibitory Long term Axoplasmic transport Neuroregeneration / Nerve regeneration Neuroplasticity / Synaptic plasticity Long - term potentiation Long - term depression Other Myelinogenesis Nervous tissue CNS Tissue Types Grey matter White matter Projection fibers Association fiber Commissural fiber Lemniscus Funiculus Fasciculus Nerve tract Decussation Commissure Neuropil Meninges Cell Types Neuronal Pyramidal Purkinje Granule Glial insulating : Myelination : Oligodendrocyte other Astrocyte Radial glial cell Ependymal cells Tanycyte Microglia PNS General Dorsal Root Ganglion Ramus Ventral Root Ramus Ramus communicans Gray White Autonomic ganglion ( Preganglionic nerve fibers Postganglionic nerve fibers ) Connective tissues Epineurium Perineurium Endoneurium Nerve fascicle Neuroglia Myelination : Schwann cell Neurolemma Myelin incisure Node of Ranvier Internodal segment Satellite glial cell Neurons / nerve fibers Parts Soma Axon hillock Axon Telodendron Axon terminals Axoplasm Axolemma Neurofibril / neurofilament Dendrite Nissl body Dendritic spine Apical dendrite / Basal dendrite Types Bipolar Unipolar Pseudounipolar Multipolar Interneuron Renshaw Afferent nerve fiber / Sensory neuron GSA GVA SSA SVA fibers Ia or Aα Ib or Golgi or Aα II or Aβ and Aγ III or Aδ or fast pain IV or C or slow pain Efferent nerve fiber / Motor neuron GSE GVE SVE Upper motor neuron Lower motor neuron α motorneuron β motorneuron γ motorneuron Termination Synapse Electrical synapse / Gap junction Chemical synapse Synaptic vesicle Active zone Postsynaptic density Autapse Ribbon synapse Neuromuscular junction Sensory receptors Meissner 's corpuscle Merkel nerve ending Pacinian corpuscle Ruffini ending Muscle spindle Free nerve ending Nociceptor Olfactory receptor neuron Photoreceptor cell Hair cell Taste bud Brain and spinal cord : neural tracts and fasciculi Sensory / ascending PCML 1 ° : Pacinian corpuscle / Meissner 's corpuscle → Posterior column ( Gracile fasciculus / Cuneate fasciculus ) → Gracile nucleus / Cuneate nucleus 2 ° : → sensory decussation / arcuate fibers ( Posterior external arcuate fibers , Internal arcuate fibers ) → Medial lemniscus / Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus ( VPL , VPM ) 3 ° : → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrus Anterolateral / pain Fast / lateral 1 ° ( Free nerve ending → A delta fiber ) → 2 ° ( Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus ) → 3 ° ( Postcentral gyrus ) → 4 ° ( Posterior parietal cortex ) 2 ° ( Spinomesencephalic tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum ) Slow / medial 1 ° ( Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation ) → 2 ° ( MD of Thalamus ) → 3 ° ( Cingulate cortex ) Motor / descending Pyramidal flexion : Primary motor cortex → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Decussation of pyramids → Corticospinal tract ( Lateral , Anterior ) → Neuromuscular junction Extrapyramidal flexion : Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles flexion : Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract extension : Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract extension : Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neck Basal ganglia direct : 1 ° ( Motor cortex → Striatum ) → 2 ° ( GPi ) → 3 ° ( Lenticular fasciculus / Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus ) → 4 ° ( Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area ) → 5 ° ( Motor cortex ) indirect : 1 ° ( Motor cortex → Striatum ) → 2 ° ( GPe ) → 3 ° ( Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus ) → 4 ° ( Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi ) → 5 ° ( Lenticular fasciculus / Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus ) → 6 ° ( Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area ) → 7 ° ( Motor cortex ) nigrostriatal pathway : Pars compacta → Striatum Cerebellar Afferent Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nuclei Efferent Dentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere / pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus ( VL ) → Motor cortex Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere / spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation , or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus ( VL ) → Motor cortex Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe / vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nuclei Bidirectional : Spinocerebellar Unconscious proprioception lower limb → 1 ° ( muscle spindles → DRG ) → 2 ° ( Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal / posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis ) upper limb → 1 ° ( muscle spindles → DRG ) → 2 ° ( Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum ) Reflex arc lower limb → 1 ° ( Golgi tendon organ ) → 2 ° ( Ventral / anterior spinocerebellar tract → SCP → Cerebellar vermis ) upper limb → 1 ° ( Golgi tendon organ ) → 2 ° ( Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum ) Neuroscience Outline of neuroscience Basic science Behavioral epigenetics Behavioral genetics Cellular neuroscience Computational neuroscience Connectomics Imaging genetics Integrative neuroscience Molecular neuroscience Neural engineering Neuroanatomy Neurochemistry Neuroendocrinology Neurogenetics Neuroinformatics Neurometrics Neuromorphology Neurophysics Neurophysiology Clinical neuroscience Behavioral neurology Clinical neurophysiology Neurocardiology Neuroepidemiology Neurogastroenterology Neuroimmunology Neurointensive care Neurology Neurooncology Neuro - ophthalmology Neuropathology Neuropharmacology Neuroprosthetics Neuropsychiatry Neuroradiology Neurorehabilitation Neurosurgery Neurotology Neurovirology Nutritional neuroscience Psychiatry Cognitive neuroscience Affective neuroscience Behavioral neuroscience Chronobiology Molecular cellular cognition Motor control Neurolinguistics Neuropsychology Sensory neuroscience Social neuroscience Systems neuroscience Interdisciplinary fields Consumer neuroscience Cultural neuroscience Educational neuroscience Evolutionary neuroscience Neuroanthropology Neurobioengineering Neurobiotics Neurocriminology Neuroeconomics Neuroepistemology Neuroesthetics Neuroethics Neuroethology Neurohistory Neurolaw Neuromarketing Neurophenomenology Neurophilosophy Neuropolitics Neurorobotics Neurosociology Neurotheology Paleoneurology Concepts Brain -- computer interface Neural development Neural network ( artificial ) Neural network ( biological ) Detection 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what force was raised in 1990 to deal with insurgency in kashmir
Under JKLF 's leadership on January 21 - 23 large scale protests were organised in valley . As a response to this largely explosive situation paramilitary units of BSF and CRPF were called . These units were used by the government to combat Maoist insurgency and the North - Eastern insurgency . The challenge to them in this situation was not posed by armed insurgents but by the stone pelters . Their inexperience caused atleast 50 casualties in Gawkadal massacre . In this incident the underground militant movement was transformed into a mass struggle . To curb the situation AFSPA ( Armed Forces Special Powers Act ) was imposed on Kashmir in September 1990 to supress the insurgency by giving armed forces the powers to kill and arrest without warrant to maintain public order . During this time the dominant tactic involved killing of a prominent figure in a public gathering to push forces into action and the public prevented them from capturing these insurgents . This sprouting of sympathisers in Kashmir led to the hard - line approach of Indian army .
Armed Forces Special Powers Act
Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir
insurgency in jammu and kashmir
Indian Army Indian Air Force Central Reserve Police Force Border Security Force Jammu and Kashmir Police Sashastra Seema Bal Harkat - ul - Jihad al - Islami Lashkar - e-Taiba Jaish - e-Mohammed Hizbul Mujahideen Harkat - ul - Mujahideen Al - Badr Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Supported by : Pakistan Taliban al - Qaeda Commanders and leaders General Bipin Rawat Lt Gen Devraj Anbu Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa RR Bhatnagar Hafiz Saeed Maulana Azhar Ilyas Kashmiri † Sayeed Salahudeen Fazlur Rehman Khalil Farooq Kashmiri Arfeen Bhai Amanullah Khan Bakht Zameen Strength 30,000 -- 600,000 Army 65,000 CRPF 3,500 to 5,000 ( 2006 est . ) ≈ 150 ( 2014 est . ) ≈ 200 ( 2017 est . ) Casualties and losses 5,462 security forces killed > 21,000 militants killed 3,000 captured ≈ 4,500 surrendered 20,228 -- 100,000 civilians killed Internal conflicts in India Northeast India Naxalite -- Maoist Jammu and Kashmir The insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir or the Kashmiri Insurgency ( also known as Kashmir Intifada ) is a conflict between various Kashmiri separatists and the Government of India . There are some groups that support the complete independence of Kashmir , while others seek Kashmir 's accession to Pakistan . The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir has strong Islamist elements among the insurgents , with many of the `` ultras '' identifying with Jihadist movements and supported by such . The roots of the conflict between the Kashmiri insurgents and the Indian government are tied to a dispute over local autonomy . Democratic development was limited in Kashmir until the late 1970s and by 1988 many of the democratic reforms provided by the Indian government had been reversed and non-violent channels for expressing discontent were limited and caused a dramatic increase in support for insurgents advocating violent secession from India . In 1987 , a disputed State election created a catalyst for the insurgency when it resulted in some of the state 's legislative assembly members forming armed insurgent groups . In July 1988 , a series of demonstrations , strikes and attacks on the Indian government began the Kashmir Insurgency , which during the 1990s escalated into the most important internal security issue in India . Thousands of people have died during fighting between insurgents and the government as well as thousands of civilians who have died as a result of being targeted by the various armed groups . The Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan has been accused by India of supporting and training mujahideen. to fight in Jammu and Kashmir . In 2015 , former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf admitted that Pakistan had supported and trained insurgent groups in the 1990s . According to official figures released in Jammu and Kashmir assembly , there were 3,400 disappearance cases and the conflict has left more than 47,000 people dead which also includes 7,000 police personnel as of July 2009 . However , the number of insurgency - related deaths in the state have fallen sharply since the start of a slow - moving peace process between India and Pakistan . Some rights groups claim a higher figure of 100,000 deaths since 1989 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History of the insurgency 1.1 1947 -- 1987 1.2 1987 -- 2004 1.3 2004 -- 11 1.4 2012 -- present 2 Reasons for the insurgency 2.1 Rigging of 1987 Assembly elections 2.2 ISI 's role 2.3 Mujahideen influence 2.4 Religion 2.5 Humanitarian abuses 2.6 Other reasons 2.6. 1 Psychological 2.6. 2 Economic 3 Stone pelting 4 Human rights violations by militants 4.1 Notable terrorist attacks in J&K 5 Tactics 5.1 India 5.2 Pakistan 5.3 Insurgents 5.4 Groups 6 Identity 6.1 Al - Qaeda 7 Casualties 8 See also 9 References 10 Bibliography History of the insurgency See also : Timeline of the Kashmir conflict , History of Jammu and Kashmir , and Kashmir Conflict 1947 -- 1987 See also : Partition of India After independence from colonial rule India and Pakistan fought a war over the princely state of Kashmir . At the end of the war India controlled the most valuable parts of Kashmir . While there were sporadic periods of violence there was no organised insurgency movement . During this period legislative elections in Jammu and Kashmir were first held in 1951 and Sheikh Abdullah 's secular party stood unopposed . He was an instrumental member in the accession of the state to India . However Sheikh Abdullah would fall in and out of favour with the central government and would often be dismissed only to be re-appointed later on . This was a time of political instability & power struggle in Jammu and Kashmir and it went through several periods of President 's rule by the Federal Government . 1987 -- 2004 The trend in total yearly civilian and security forces fatalities from insurgency - related violence over 25 years from 1988 to 2013 . After Sheikh Abdullah 's death , his son Farooq Abdullah took over as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir . Farooq Abdullah eventually fell out of favour with the Central Government and the Prime Minister of India , Indira Gandhi had him dismissed . A year later , Abdullah announced an alliance with the ruling Congress party for the elections of 1987 . The elections were allegedly rigged in favour of Abdullah . This led to the rise of an armed insurgency movement composed , in part , of those who unfairly lost elections . Pakistan supplied these groups with logistical support , arms , recruits and training . In the second half of 1989 the alleged assassinations of the Indian spies and political collaborators by JKLF ( Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front ) was intensified . Over six months more than a hundred officials were killed to paralyse government 's administrative and intelligence apparatus . The daughter of then interior affairs minister , Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was kidnapped in December and four terrorists had to be released for her release . This event led to mass celebrations all over the valley . Farooq Abdullah resigned in January after the appointment of Jagmohan Malhotra as the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir . Subsequently , J&K was placed under governor rule under Article 356 , Disturbed Areas Act of Indian constitution . Under JKLF 's leadership on January 21 - 23 large scale protests were organised in valley . As a response to this largely explosive situation paramilitary units of BSF and CRPF were called . These units were used by the government to combat Maoist insurgency and the North - Eastern insurgency . The challenge to them in this situation was not posed by armed insurgents but by the stone pelters . Their inexperience caused atleast 50 casualties in Gawkadal massacre . In this incident the underground militant movement was transformed into a mass struggle . To curb the situation AFSPA ( Armed Forces Special Powers Act ) was imposed on Kashmir in September 1990 to supress the insurgency by giving armed forces the powers to kill and arrest without warrant to maintain public order . During this time the dominant tactic involved killing of a prominent figure in a public gathering to push forces into action and the public prevented them from capturing these insurgents . This sprouting of sympathisers in Kashmir led to the hard - line approach of Indian army . With JKLF at forefront large number of militant groups like Allah Tigers , People 's League and Hizb - i - Islamia sprung up . Weapons were smuggled on a large scale from Pakistan . In Kashmir JKLF operated under the leadership of Ashfaq Majid Wani , Yasin Bhat , Hamid Shiekh and Javed Mir . To counter this growing pro-Pakistani sentiment in Kashmir , Indian media associated it exclusively with Pakistan . JKLF used distinctly Islamic themes to mobilise crowds and justify their use of violence . They seeked to establish an Islamic democratic state where the rights of minorities would be protected according to Quran and Sunna and economy would be organised on the principles of Islamic socialism . 2004 -- 11 Main article : 2010 Kashmir unrest Beginning in 2004 Pakistan began to end its support for insurgents in Kashmir . This happened because terrorist groups linked to Kashmir twice tried to assassinate Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf . His successor , Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy , calling insurgents in Kashmir `` terrorists '' . Although it is unclear if Pakistan 's intelligence agency , the Inter-Services Intelligence , thought to be the agency aiding and controlling the insurgency is following Pakistan 's commitment to end support for the insurgency in Kashmir . Despite the change in the nature of the insurgency from a phenomenon supported by external forces to a primarily domestic - driven movement the Indian government has continued to send large numbers of troops to the Indian border . There have been widespread protests against Indian rule . Once the most formidable face of Kashmir militancy , Hizbul Mujahideen is slowly fading away as its remaining commanders and cadres are being taken out on a regular interval by security forces . Some minor incidents of grenade throwing and sniper firing at security forces notwithstanding , the situation is under control and more or less peaceful . A record number of tourists including Amarnath pilgrims visited Kashmir during 2012 . On 3 August 2012 , a top Lashkar - e-Taiba militant commander , Abu Hanzulah involved in various attacks on civilians and security forces was killed in an encounter with security forces in a village in Kupwara district of north Kashmir . 2012 -- present Main articles : 2013 India -- Pakistan border skirmishes , 2014 -- 15 India -- Pakistan border skirmishes , and 2016 Kashmir unrest According to an Indian Army data -- quoted by Reuters -- at least 70 young Kashmiris joined the insurgency in the 2014 , army records showed , with most joining the banned group Lashkar - e-Taiba , which was accused of carrying out attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008 . Two of the new recruits have doctorates and eight were post graduates , the army data showed . According to BBC , that despite a Pakistani ban on militant activity in Kashmir in 2006 , its fighters continue to attempt infiltration into Indian - administered Kashmir . These attempts were curtailed however when people living along the Line of Control which divides Indian and Pakistani Kashmir started to hold public protests against their activities . Reasons for the insurgency Rigging of 1987 assembly elections Further information : Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly election , 1987 Following the rise of Islamisation in the Kashmir valley , during the 1987 state elections , various Islamic anti-establishment groups including Jamaat - e-Islami Kashmir were organised under a single banner named Muslim United Front ( MUF ) , that is largely current Hurriyat . MUF 's election manifesto stressed the need for a solution to all outstanding issues according to Simla Agreement , work for Islamic unity and against political interference from the centre . Their slogan was wanting the law of the Quran in the Assembly . But the MUF won only four seats , even though it had polled 31 % votes in the election . However , the elections were widely believed to be rigged , changing the course of politics in the state . The insurgency was sparked by the apparent rigging of state elections in 1987 . ISI 's Role The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence has allegedly encouraged and aided the Kashmir independence movement through an insurgency due to its dispute on the legitimacy of Indian rule in Kashmir , with the insurgency as an easy way to keep Indian troops distracted and cause international condemnation of India . Former Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf in Oct 2014 said during TV interview , `` We have source ( in Kashmir ) besides the ( Pakistan ) army ... People in Kashmir are fighting against ( India ) . We just need to incite them . '' The Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , in their first ever open acknowledgement in 2011 in US Court , said that the Inter-Services Intelligence ( ISI ) sponsors terrorism in Kashmir and it oversees terrorist separatist groups in Kashmir . Mujahideen influence After the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union , Mujahideen fighters , with the aid of Pakistan , slowly infiltrated Kashmir with the goal of spreading a radical Islamist ideology . Religion Jammu and Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state in Hindu - majority India . Indian - American journalist Asra Nomani states that while India itself is a secular state , Muslims are politically , culturally and economically marginalised when compared to Hindus in India as a whole . The government 's decision to transfer 99 acres of forest land in near Amarnath in the Kashmir valley to a Hindu organisation ( for setting up temporary shelters and facilities for Hindu pilgrims ) solidified this feeling and led to one of the largest protest rallies in Jammu and Kashmir . Humanitarian abuses Main article : Human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir After insurgency started in Kashmir valley because of above reasons in late 1980s , Indian troops entered in Kashmir valley to control the insurgency . Some analysts have suggested that the number of Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir is close to 600,000 although estimates vary and the Indian government refuses to release official figures . The troops have been accused and held accountable for several humanitarian abuses and have engaged in mass extrajudicial killings , torture , rape and sexual abuse . Indian security forces have been implicated in many reports for enforced disappearances of thousands of Kashmiris whereas the security forces deny having their information and / or custody . This is often in association with torture or extrajudicial killing . Human right activists estimate the number of disappeared to be over eight thousand , last seen in government detention . The disappeared are believed to be dumped in thousands of mass graves across Kashmir . A State Human Rights Commission inquiry in 2011 , has confirmed there are thousands of bullet - ridden bodies buried in unmarked graves in Jammu and Kashmir . Of the 2730 bodies uncovered in 4 of the 14 districts , 574 bodies were identified as missing locals in contrast to the Indian governments insistence that all the graves belong to foreign militants . Military forces in Jammu and Kashmir operate under impunity and emergency powers granted to them by the central government . These powers allow the military to curtail civil liberties , creating further support for the insurgency . The insurgents have also abused human rights , engaging in what some have called an ethnic cleansing by exterminating Kashmiri Pandits from the valley of Kashmir . The government 's inability to protect the people from both its own troops and the insurgency has further eroded support for the government . Amnesty International accused security forces of exploiting the Armed Forces Special Powers Act ( AFSPA ) that enables them to `` hold prisoners without trial '' . The group argues that the law , which allows security to detain individuals for as many as two years `` without presenting charges , violating prisoners ' human rights '' . The Army sources maintain that `` any move to revoke AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir would be detrimental to the security of the Valley and would provide a boost to the terrorists . '' Former Indian Army Chief General V.K. Singh rejected the accusations that the action was not taken in the cases of human rights violations by Army personnel . On 24 October 2010 , he has said that 104 Army personnel had been punished in Jammu and Kashmir in this regard , including 39 officers . He also said that 95 % of the allegations of human rights abuses against Indian Army were proved to be false , of which he remarked , had apparently been made with the `` ulterior motive of maligning the armed forces '' . However , according to Human Rights Watch , the military courts in India , in general , were proved to be incompetent to deal with cases of serious human rights abuses and were responsible in covering up evidence and protecting the involved officers . Amnesty International in its report in 2015 , titled `` Denied '' - Failures in Accountability in Jammu and Kashmir , says , `` ... with respect to investigations , an inquiry that is conducted by the same authority accused of the crime raises serious questions about the independence and impartiality of those proceedings '' , adding that according to the international law , an independent authority that is not involved in the alleged violations has to investigate such crimes . These human rights violations are said to have contributed to the rise of resistance in Kashmir . Other reasons Psychological Psychologist Waheeda Khan , explaining the rebellious nature of the Kashmiris , says that because of the tense situations in the valley from 1990s , the generation gap between parents and young generations has increased . Young generations tend to blame their parents for failing to do anything about the political situation . So they start experimenting with their own aggressive ways to show their curbed feelings and would go against any authority . A prominent psychiatrist of the valley , Margoob , described that children / teenagers are much more vulnerable to passionate actions and reactions , since the young minds are yet to completely develop psychological mechanisms . When they assume that they are `` pushed against the wall '' , they get controlled by the emotions without bothering about the consequences . Also young people easily identify themselves with the `` group '' rather than with their individual identities . It leads to psychological distress which causes antisocial behaviour and aggressive attitude . Often , this situation gets worsened by the availability of weapons and people becoming familiar to violence after having exposed to conflict for so long . Waheeda Khan remarks , the major concern is that generations of children who are experiencing long - term violence in their lives , may reach adulthood perceiving that violence is a fair means of solving ethinic , religious , or political differences . Economic High unemployment and lack of economic opportunities in Kashmir are also said to have intensified the struggle . Stone pelting Main article : Stone Pelting in Kashmir Since the 2008 protests and 2010 unrest , the turmoil has taken a new dimension when people , particularly youngsters of the Kashmir valley have started pelting stones on security forces to express their aggression and protest for the loss of freedom . In turn they get attacked by the armed personnel with pellets , rubber bullets , sling shots and tear gas shells . This leads to eye - injuries and several other kind of injuries to many people . Security forces also face injuries , and sometimes get beaten up during these events . According to Waheeda Khan , most of the ' stone - pelters ' are school and college going students . Large number of these people get arrested during these events for allegedly resorting to stone pelting , after which some of them are also tortured . According to political activist Mannan Bukhari , Kashmiris made stone , an easily accessible and defenseless weapon , their weapon of choice for protest . Kashmiri senior journalist Parvaiz Bukhari remarked : The summer of 2010 witnessed a convulsion in the world 's most militarized zone , the Indian - controlled part of Kashmir , an unprecedented and deadly civil unrest that is beginning to change a few things on the ground . ( ... ) Little known and relatively anonymous resistance activists emerged , organizing an unarmed agitation more fierce than the armed rebellion against Indian rule two decades earlier . And apparently aware of the post 9 / 11 world , young Kashmiris , children of the conflict , made stones and rocks a weapon of choice against government armed forces , side - stepping the tag of a terrorist movement linked with Pakistan . The unrest represents a conscious transition to an unarmed mass movement , one that poses a moral challenge to New Delhi 's military domination over the region . Human Rights violations by militants Further information : Human rights abuses by insurgents and Rape by militants See also : Ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus Islamic separatist militants are accused of violence against the Kashmir populace . They continue serious human rights violations : summary executions , rape , and torture . In the effort to curb support for pro-independence militants , Indian security forces have resorted to arbitrary arrest and collective punishments of entire neighbourhoods , tactics which have only led to further disaffection from India . The militants have kidnapped and killed civil servants and suspected informers . Human Rights Watch alleged that thousands of civilian Kashmiri Hindus have been killed over the past 10 years by Islamic militants organisations or Muslim mobs . The militants committed war rape during the 1980s . Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits have emigrated as a result of the violence . Estimates of the displaced varies from 170,000 to 700,000 . Thousands of Kasmiri Pandits had to move to Jammu because of militancy . Notable terrorist attacks in J&K July and August 1989 -- 3 CRPF personnel and politician Mohd . Yusuf Halwai of NC / F were killed . 1989 kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed daughter of the then Home Minister of India Mufti Sayeed . 1995 kidnapping of western tourists in Jammu and Kashmir -- Six foreign trekkers from Anantnag district were kidnapped by Al Faran . One was beheaded later , one escaped , and the other four remain missing , presumably killed . 1997 Sangrampora massacre -- On 22 March 1997 , seven Kashmiri Pandits were killed in Sangrampora village in the Budgam district . Wandhama massacre -- In January 1998 , 24 Kashmiri Pandits living in the village of Wandhama were massacred by Pakistani militants . According to the testimony of one of the survivors , the militants dressed themselves as officers of the Indian Army , entered their houses and then started firing blindly . The incident was significant because it coincided with former US president Bill Clinton 's visit to India and New Delhi used the massacre to present a case against the alleged Pakistan - supported terrorism in Kashmir . 1998 Prankote massacre -- 26 Hindu villagers of Udhampur district were killed by militants . 1998 Champanari massacre -- 25 Hindu villagers killed on 19 June 1998 by Islamic militants . 2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre -- 30 Hindu pilgrims massacred by militants . Chittisinghpura massacre -- 36 Sikhs massacred by LET militants . 2001 terrorist attack on Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly -- On 1 October 2001 , a bombing at the Legislative Assembly in Srinagar killed 38 . 2002 Raghunath temple attacks -- First attack occurred on 30 March 2002 when two suicide bombers attacked the temple . Eleven persons including three security forces personnel were killed and 20 were injured . In second attack , the fidayeen suicide squad attacked the temple second time on 24 November 2002 when two suicide bombers stormed the temple and killed fourteen devotees and injured 45 others . 2002 Qasim Nagar massacre -- On 13 July 2002 , armed militants believed to be a part of the Lashkar - e-Toiba threw hand grenades at the Qasim Nagar market in Srinagar and then fired on civilians standing nearby killing 27 and injuring many more . 2003 Nadimarg Massacre -- 24 Hindus killed in Nadimarg , Kashmir on 23 March 2003 by Lashkar - e-Taiba militants . 20 July 2005 Srinagar Bombing -- A car bomb exploded near an armoured Indian Army vehicle in the famous Church Lane area in Srinagar killing 4 Indian Army personnel , one civilian and the suicide bomber . Militant group Hizbul Mujahideen , claimed responsibility for the attack . Budshah Chowk attack -- A militant attack on 29 July 2005 at Srinigar 's city centre , Budshah Chowk , killed 2 and left more than 17 people injured . Most of those injured were media journalists . Assassination of Ghulam Nabi Lone -- On 18 October 2005 , suspected Kashmiri militants killed Jammu and Kashmir 's then education minister Ghulam Nabi Lone . Militant group called Al Mansurin claimed responsibility for the attack . Abdul Ghani Lone , a prominent All Party Hurriyat Conference leader , was assassinated by unidentified gunmen during a memorial rally in Srinagar . The assassination resulted in wide - scale demonstrations against the Indian forces for failing to provide enough security cover for Lone . 2006 Doda massacre -- On 3 May 2006 , militants massacred 35 Hindus in Doda and Udhampur districts in Jammu and Kashmir . On 12 June 2006 , one person was killed and 31 were wounded when terrorists hurled three grenades on Vaishnodevi shrine - bound buses at the general bus stand . 2014 Kashmir Valley attacks -- There were four attacks on 5 December 2014 on army , police and civilians resulted in 21 deaths and several injured . Their motive was to disrupt the ongoing assembly elections . 2016 Uri attack -- Four armed terrorists sneaked into an army camp and lobbed grenades onto tents causing massive fire culminating in the death of 19 military personnel . Tactics India Over time the Indian government has increasingly relied on military presence to control the insurgency . The military has committed human rights violations . The government would often dissolve assemblies , arrest elected politicians and impose president 's rule . The government also rigged elections in 1987 . In recent times there have been signs that the government is taking local elections more seriously . The government has also funneled development aid to Kashmir and Kashmir has now become the biggest per capita receiver of Federal aid . Pakistan The Pakistani central government originally supported , trained and armed the insurgency in Kashmir , sometimes known as `` ultras '' ( extremists ) , however after groups linked to the Kashmiri insurgency twice attempted to assassinate president Pervez Musharraf , Musharraf decided to end support for such groups . His successor , Asif Ali Zardari has continued the policy , calling insurgents in Kashmir `` terrorists '' . But the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence has n't followed the lead of the government and has continued its support for insurgent groups in Kashmir although Pakistani support for the insurgency has certainly waned . Insurgents Since around 2000 the ' insurgency ' has become far less violent and has instead taken on the form of protests and marches . Certain groups have also chosen to lay down their arms and look for a peaceful resolution to the conflict . Groups The different insurgent groups have different aims in Kashmir . Some want complete independence from both India and Pakistan , others want unification with Pakistan and still others just want greater autonomy from the Indian government . A 2010 survey found that 43 % in J&K and 44 % in AJK would favour complete independence from both India and Pakistan , with support for the independence movement unevenly distributed across the region . Identity Over the last two years , the militant group , Lashkar - e-Toiba has split into two factions : Al Mansurin and Al Nasirin . Another new group reported to have emerged is the `` Save Kashmir Movement '' . Harkat - ul - Mujahideen ( formerly known as Harkat - ul - Ansar ) and Lashkar - e-Toiba are believed to be operating from Muzaffarabad , Azad Kashmir and Muridke , Pakistan respectively . Other less well known groups are the Freedom Force and Farzandan - e-Milat . A smaller group , Al - Badr , has been active in Kashmir for many years and is still believed to be functioning . All Parties Hurriyat Conference , an organisation that uses moderate means to press for the rights of the Kashmiris , is often considered as the mediator between New Delhi and insurgent groups . Al - Qaeda It is unclear if Al Qaeda has a presence in Jammu and Kashmir . Donald Rumsfeld suggested that they were active and in 2002 the SAS hunted for Osama bin Laden in Jammu and Kashmir . Al Qaeda claims that it has established a base in Jammu and Kashmir . However , there has been no evidence for any of these assertions . The Indian army also claims that there is no evidence of Al Qaeda presence in Jammu and Kashmir . Al Qaeda has established bases in Pakistani administered Kashmir and some , including Robert Gates have suggested that they have helped to plan attacks in India . Casualties According to Sumantra Bose in his book , Kashmir : Roots of Conflict , Paths to Peace , around 40000 ( Indian estimates ) to 80000 ( Hurriyat estimates ) civilians , separatist guerilla fighters and Indian security personnel died from the time period of 1989 to 2002 in both Kashmir Valley and Jammu . More than 4600 security personnel , 13500 civilians and 15937 militants including 3000 from outside Jammu and Kashmir ( mostly Pakistanis and some Afghans ) were killed in this fourteen - year period . Also in this period , 55,538 incidents of violence were recorded . Indian forces engaged in counter insurgency operations captured around 40,000 firearms , 150,000 explosive devices , and over 6 million rounds of assorted ammunition . Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society posits a figure of 70,000 deaths , most of them civilians killed by Indian forces . See also Kashmir Conflict List of massacres in Jammu and Kashmir Human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir All Parties Hurriyat Conference Timeline of the Kashmir conflict History of Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan and state - sponsored terrorism Partition of India JKEDI Siege Indo - Pakistani wars and conflicts Ikhwan ( Kashmir ) References Jump up ^ Ganguly , Sumit ; Paul Kapur ( 7 August 2012 ) . India , Pakistan , and the Bomb : Debating Nuclear Stability in South Asia . Columbia University Press . pp. 27 -- 28 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 231 - 14375 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : Gall , Carlotta ( 21 January 2007 ) . `` At Border , Signs of Pakistani Role in Taliban Surge '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 21 February 2017 . Jump up ^ http://www.jammu-kashmir.com/basicfacts/politics/political_history.html Jump up ^ ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) Multiple sources for the number of Indian counter-insurgency troops in the region `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 23 May 2011 . Retrieved 2006 - 02 - 08 . 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Bibliography Khan , Waheeda ( 2015 ) , `` Conflict in Kashmir : Psychosocial Consequences on Children '' , in Sibnath Deb , Child Safety , Welfare and Well - being : Issues and Challenges , Springer , pp. 83 -- 93 , ISBN 978 - 81 - 322 - 2425 - 9 Kashmir separatist movement Political parties All Parties Hurriyat Conference All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference Jammu and Kashmir National Front Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party Jammu Kashmir Democratic Liberation Party United Kashmir People 's National Party Jihadist organisations Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front ( Yasin Malik ) Tehreek - e-Hurriyat Hizbul Mujahideen Lashkar - e-Taiba Islamic State Jaish - e-Mohammed Harkat - ul - Mujahideen Harkat - ul - Ansar Separatists Afzal Guru Amanullah Khan Ashiq Hussain Faktoo Asiya Andrabi Ayub Thakur Abdullah Yusuf Azzam Burhan Wani Farooq Ahmed Dar Hafiz Saeed Hashim Qureshi Maqbool Bhat Masood Azhar Masarat Alam Farooq Siddiqi Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Mohammad Abbas Ansari Muhammad Ahsan Dar Sayeed Salahudeen Sheikh Abdul Aziz Syed Ali Shah Geelani Yasin Malik History Treaty of Amritsar ( 1846 ) Kashmir conflict Kashmir war Amarnath land transfer controversy 2008 Kashmir unrest 2010 Kashmir unrest Sopore massacre Ramban firing incident 2016 -- 17 Kashmir unrest Nationalism Kashmiriyat Elections Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly election , 2008 Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly election , 2014 India -- Pakistan relations Diplomacy High Commission of India to Pakistan High Commissioner of India to Pakistan High Commission of Pakistan to India High Commissioner of Pakistan to India Treaties and summits Jinnah -- Mountbatten Talks ( 1947 ) Karachi Agreement ( 1949 ) Liaquat - Nehru Treaty ( 1950 ) Indus Waters Treaty ( 1960 ) Tashkent Declaration ( 1965 ) Simla Agreement ( 1972 ) Delhi Agreement ( 1974 ) Islamabad Agreement ( 1988 ) Lahore summit ( 1999 ) Agra Summit ( 2001 ) Events and conflicts Partition of India Kashmir conflict Integration of Junagadh 1947 - 1948 War Sir Creek Operation Gibraltar 1965 War 1971 War Bangladesh Liberation War Pokhran -- I Kirana -- I Nuclear race Line of Control Maritime trespassing Siachen conflict Operation Brasstacks Pokhran - II / Chagai - I / Chagai - II Violence against Muslims in India Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan Human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir Human rights abuses in Azad Kashmir Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir Balochistan conflict Kargil conflict Atlantique incident Iran -- Pakistan -- India gas pipeline 2001 Indian Parliament attack 2001 -- 2002 military standoff 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings 2008 Mumbai attacks 2008 military standoff 2011 border skirmishes 2013 border skirmishes Sarabjit / Sanaullah murder incidents 2013 Pakistan Embassy attack 2014 - 2015 border skirmishes 2016 Kulbhushan Jadhav interception 2016 -- 17 unrest in Jammu and Kashmir 2016 Uri attack 2016 military confrontation Initiatives Aman ki Asha Hotline Transport Samjhauta Express Delhi -- Lahore Bus Srinagar -- Muzaffarabad Bus Thar Express Indo - Pak Confederation Indo - Pak Joint Judicial Committee Hindi in Pakistan Sports India -- Pakistan cricket rivalry India -- Pakistan field hockey rivalry Related templates Foreign relations of India Foreign relations of Pakistan Military of India Indian Army Indian Navy Indian Air Force Leadership Chief of the Army Staff Chief of the Naval Staff Chief of the Air Staff Minister of Defence Topics History Academies Ranks and insignia Army Air Force Navy Special Forces Indian Peace Keeping Force Central Armed Police Forces Paramilitary forces Andaman and Nicobar Command Strategic Forces Command Nuclear Command Authority Ballistic missiles Weapons of mass destruction Defence Research and Development Organisation Ordnance Factories Board Territorial Army National Cadet Corps Wars and conflicts Indo - Pakistani wars 1947 1965 1971 Operation Polo Congo Crisis Operation Vijay Operation Trident Sino - Indian War Cho La incident Siachen conflict Blue Star Woodrose 1987 Sino - Indian skirmish Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War Operation Cactus Kargil War Kashmir insurgency 2001 Bangladeshi - Indian border skirmish Operation Parakram Piracy off the coast of Somalia Army Navy Air Force Post -- Cold War conflicts in Asia South Asia Nepalese conflicts Civil War ( 1996 -- 2006 ) Royal massacre ( 2001 ) Sri Lankan Civil War ( 1983 -- 2009 ) Other Sri Lankan conflicts 1971 JVP insurrection 1987 -- 89 JVP insurrection Kashmir conflict ( 1947 -- present ) 2013 India -- Pakistan border skirmishes India -- Pakistan border skirmishes ( 2014 -- 2015 ) India -- Pakistan military confrontation ( 2016 -- present ) Rohingya insurgency in Western Myanmar ( 1947 -- present ) Kargil War ( 1999 ) Jammu and Kashmir insurgency ( 1989 -- present ) Insurgency in Northeast India ( 1964 -- present ) Naxalite -- Maoist insurgency ( 1967 -- present ) Afghanistan -- Pakistan skirmishes Afghan Wars 1989 -- 92 1992 -- 96 1996 -- 2001 2001 -- 14 2015 -- present War in North - West Pakistan ( 2004 -- present ) Balochistan conflict ( 2004 -- present ) East Asia Taiwan Strait Crisis ( 1996 ) Korean dispute Maritime border incidents ( 1967 -- present ) 2013 crisis 2017 crisis Xinjiang conflict ( 1960s -- present ) Southeast Asia Cambodian -- Vietnamese War Insurgency in Laos East Timorese conflicts Indonesian occupation ( 1975 -- 99 ) 1999 crisis 2006 crisis Cambodian -- Thai border dispute ( 2008 -- 11 ) Other Indonesian conflicts Papua conflict ( 1969 -- present ) Aceh insurgency ( 1976 -- 2005 ) Burmese internal conflict ( 1947 -- present ) Karen conflict Kachin ( 2011 -- present ) Civil conflict in the Philippines CPP -- NPA -- NDF Moro Al - Ma'unah ( 2000 - 2001 ) Kampung Medan riots ( 2001 ) South Thailand insurgency ( 2004 -- present ) Central Asia Tajikistani Civil War ( 1992 -- 97 ) Kyrgyz Revolution ( 2010 ) South Kyrgyzstan ethnic clashes ( 2010 ) Tajikistan Insurgency ( 2010 -- 12 ) Western Asia ( excluding South Caucasus ) Iraqi conflicts Iraqi -- Kurdish ( 1918 -- 2003 ) Civil War ( 1994 -- 97 ) Kurdistan Islamist conflict ( 2001 -- 03 ) War ( 2003 -- 11 ) Post-War insurgency ( 2011 -- 13 ) Civil War ( 2014 -- present ) Conflicts with Israel Israeli -- Palestinian ( 1948 -- present ) Intifada ( 2000 -- 05 ) Gaza -- Israel ( 2006 -- present ) Israeli -- Lebanese ( 1948 -- present ) South Lebanon ( 1985 -- 2000 ) Lebanon War ( 2006 ) Yemeni conflicts Yemeni Civil War ( 1994 ) al - Qaeda ( 1998 -- 2015 ) Houthi ( 2004 -- 15 ) South Yemen ( 2009 -- 15 ) Yemeni Crisis ( 2011 -- present ) Coup d'état ( 2014 -- 15 ) Civil War ( 2015 -- present ) Civil conflict in Turkey Political violence ( 1976 -- 80 ) Maoist insurgency DHKP / C insurgency PKK conflict Turkey -- ISIL conflict Others Kurdish separatism in Iran KDPI insurgency ( 1989 -- 96 ) Iran -- PJAK conflict ( 2004 -- present ) Sinai insurgency ( 2011 -- present ) Bahraini uprising ( 2011 ) Syrian Civil War ( 2011 -- present ) Regional spillover Related topics War on Terror ( 2001 -- present ) Arab Spring ( 2010 -- 11 ) Arab Winter Colour revolutions European conflicts African conflicts Conflicts in the Americas Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Insurgency_in_Jammu_and_Kashmir&oldid=817243750 '' Categories : 20th - century conflicts 21st - century conflicts Independent India History of Jammu and Kashmir Terrorism in Pakistan Insurgencies in Asia Guerrilla wars Kashmir conflict Wars involving India India -- Pakistan relations Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir Rebellions in India Ongoing insurgencies Ongoing conflicts Proxy wars Hidden categories : CS1 maint : BOT : original - 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when was the last time the rangers were in the stanley cup
After missing the playoffs in the 1992 -- 93 season , the Rangers accumulated 112 points in the 1993 -- 94 season and won their second Presidents ' Trophy . With a seven - game victory against the Vancouver Canucks in the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals , the Rangers ended a 54 - year Stanley Cup drought . After reaching the Eastern Conference Finals in 1997 , the Rangers did not return to the playoffs until 2006 . In the 2013 -- 14 season , the Rangers reached the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in 20 years , defeating the Canadiens in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games before losing to the Los Angeles Kings in the championship series . New York earned its third Presidents ' Trophy with a team record 113 points in 2014 -- 15 , but was eliminated in the Conference Finals by the Tampa Bay Lightning . In the most recent season , 2016 -- 17 , the Rangers reached the playoffs for the seventh straight season , but were defeated by the Ottawa Senators in the second round .
2016 -- 17
List of New York Rangers seasons
list of new york rangers seasons
The New York Rangers are an American ice hockey franchise that compete in the National Hockey League ( NHL ) . One of the NHL 's `` Original Six '' teams , the Rangers play in the Metropolitan Division of the Eastern Conference . Since 1968 , the team has played its home games in Madison Square Garden . In 90 completed seasons , the team has won four Stanley Cup championships and has qualified for the playoffs fifty - nine times . As of the end of the 2016 -- 17 season , New York has won more than 2,700 regular - season games , the fifth - highest victory total among NHL teams .
The Rangers were founded in 1926 , and won their first Stanley Cup title in 1928 , making them the first U.S. - based NHL franchise to win the Cup . Over the next 12 seasons , New York reached the Stanley Cup Finals five times and won twice , in 1933 and 1940 . The Rangers then entered a period of decline ; from 1943 to 1966 , New York missed the playoffs 18 times . During that time , the Rangers reached the 1950 Stanley Cup Finals , where they lost to the Detroit Red Wings . In the 1970s , the Rangers made the Stanley Cup Finals twice , but were defeated by the Boston Bruins in 1972 and by the Montreal Canadiens in 1979 . Thirteen years later , in the 1991 -- 92 season , New York won the Presidents ' Trophy by leading the NHL in regular - season points with 105 . The team , however , was eliminated in the second round of the playoffs . After missing the playoffs in the 1992 -- 93 season , the Rangers accumulated 112 points in the 1993 -- 94 season and won their second Presidents ' Trophy . With a seven - game victory against the Vancouver Canucks in the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals , the Rangers ended a 54 - year Stanley Cup drought . After reaching the Eastern Conference Finals in 1997 , the Rangers did not return to the playoffs until 2006 . In the 2013 -- 14 season , the Rangers reached the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in 20 years , defeating the Canadiens in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games before losing to the Los Angeles Kings in the championship series . New York earned its third Presidents ' Trophy with a team record 113 points in 2014 -- 15 , but was eliminated in the Conference Finals by the Tampa Bay Lightning . In the most recent season , 2016 -- 17 , the Rangers reached the playoffs for the seventh straight season , but were defeated by the Ottawa Senators in the second round . Contents ( hide ) 1 Table key 2 Year by year 3 Notes 4 References Table key ( edit ) Mark Messier played 10 seasons for the Rangers and helped them win the Stanley Cup in 1994 . Finish Final position in division or league standings GA Goals against ( goals scored by the Rangers ' opponents ) GF Goals for ( goals scored by the Rangers ) GP Number of games played Number of losses OT Number of losses in overtime ( since the 1999 -- 2000 season ) Pts Number of points Number of ties TG Two - game total goals series Number of wins Year by year ( edit ) Stanley Cup champions Conference champions Division champions Led league in points Year - by - year listing of New York Rangers seasons NHL season Rangers season Conference Division Regular season Postseason Finish GP OT Pts GF GA GP GF GA Result 1926 -- 27 1926 -- 27 -- American 1st 44 25 13 6 -- 56 95 72 0 Lost Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 1 -- 3 ( TG ) 1927 -- 28 1927 -- 28 -- American 2nd 44 19 16 9 -- 47 94 79 9 5 16 12 Won Quarterfinals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates , 6 -- 4 ( TG ) Won Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 5 -- 2 ( TG ) Won Stanley Cup Finals vs. Montreal Maroons , 3 -- 2 1928 -- 29 1928 -- 29 -- American 2nd 44 21 13 10 -- 52 72 65 6 5 5 Won Quarterfinals vs. New York Americans , 1 -- 0 ( TG ) Won Semifinals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 2 -- 0 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Boston Bruins , 0 -- 2 1929 -- 30 1929 -- 30 -- American 3rd 44 17 17 10 -- 44 136 143 7 7 Won Quarterfinals vs. Ottawa Senators , 6 -- 3 ( TG ) Lost Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 0 -- 2 1930 -- 31 1930 -- 31 -- American 3rd 44 19 16 9 -- 47 106 87 0 8 Won Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Maroons , 8 -- 1 ( TG ) Lost Semifinals vs. Chicago Black Hawks , 0 -- 2 1931 -- 32 1931 -- 32 -- American 1st 48 23 17 8 -- 54 134 112 7 -- 23 27 Won Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 3 -- 1 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 0 -- 3 1932 -- 33 1932 -- 33 -- American 3rd 48 23 17 8 -- 54 135 107 8 6 25 13 Won Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 8 -- 5 ( TG ) Won Semifinals vs. Detroit Red Wings , 6 -- 3 ( TG ) Won Stanley Cup Finals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 3 -- 1 1933 -- 34 1933 -- 34 -- American 3rd 48 21 19 8 -- 50 120 113 0 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Maroons , 1 -- 2 ( TG ) 1934 -- 35 1934 -- 35 -- American 3rd 48 22 20 6 -- 50 137 139 10 10 Won Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 6 -- 5 ( TG ) Lost Semifinals vs. Montreal Maroons , 4 -- 5 ( TG ) 1935 -- 36 1935 -- 36 -- American 4th 48 19 17 12 -- 50 91 96 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1936 -- 37 1936 -- 37 -- American 3rd 48 19 20 9 -- 47 117 106 9 6 -- 18 10 Won Quarterfinals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 2 -- 0 Won Semifinals vs. Montreal Maroons , 2 -- 0 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Detroit Red Wings , 2 -- 3 1937 -- 38 1937 -- 38 -- American 2nd 48 27 15 6 -- 60 149 96 -- 7 8 Lost Quarterfinals vs. New York Americans , 1 -- 2 1938 -- 39 1938 -- 39 -- -- 2nd 48 26 16 6 -- 58 149 105 7 -- 12 14 Lost Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 3 -- 4 1939 -- 40 1939 -- 40 -- -- 2nd 48 27 11 10 -- 64 136 77 12 8 -- 29 20 Won Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 4 -- 2 Won Stanley Cup Finals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 4 -- 2 1940 -- 41 1940 -- 41 -- -- 4th 48 21 19 8 -- 50 143 125 -- 6 6 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Detroit Red Wings , 1 -- 2 1941 -- 42 1941 -- 42 -- -- 1st 48 29 17 -- 60 177 143 6 -- 12 13 Lost Semifinals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 2 -- 4 1942 -- 43 1942 -- 43 -- -- 6th 50 11 31 8 -- 30 161 253 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1943 -- 44 1943 -- 44 -- -- 6th 50 6 39 5 -- 17 162 310 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1944 -- 45 1944 -- 45 -- -- 6th 50 11 29 10 -- 32 154 247 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1945 -- 46 1945 -- 46 -- -- 6th 50 13 28 9 -- 35 144 191 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1946 -- 47 1946 -- 47 -- -- 5th 60 22 32 6 -- 50 167 186 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1947 -- 48 1947 -- 48 -- -- 4th 60 21 26 13 -- 55 176 201 6 -- 12 17 Lost Semifinals vs. Detroit Red Wings , 2 -- 4 1948 -- 49 1948 -- 49 -- -- 6th 60 18 31 11 -- 47 133 172 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1949 -- 50 1949 -- 50 -- -- 4th 70 28 31 11 -- 67 170 189 12 7 5 -- 32 29 Won Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 1 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Detroit Red Wings , 3 -- 4 1950 -- 51 1950 -- 51 -- -- 5th 70 20 29 21 -- 61 169 201 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1951 -- 52 1951 -- 52 -- -- 5th 70 23 34 13 -- 59 192 219 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1952 -- 53 1952 -- 53 -- -- 6th 70 17 37 16 -- 50 152 211 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1953 -- 54 1953 -- 54 -- -- 5th 70 29 31 10 -- 68 161 182 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1954 -- 55 1954 -- 55 -- -- 5th 70 17 35 18 -- 52 150 210 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1955 -- 56 1955 -- 56 -- -- 3rd 70 32 28 10 -- 74 204 203 5 -- 9 24 Lost Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 1 -- 4 1956 -- 57 1956 -- 57 -- -- 4th 70 26 30 14 -- 66 184 227 5 -- 12 22 Lost Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 1 -- 4 1957 -- 58 1957 -- 58 -- -- 2nd 70 32 25 13 -- 77 195 188 6 -- 16 28 Lost Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 2 -- 4 1958 -- 59 1958 -- 59 -- -- 5th 70 26 32 12 -- 64 201 217 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1959 -- 60 1959 -- 60 -- -- 6th 70 17 38 15 -- 49 187 247 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1960 -- 61 1960 -- 61 -- -- 5th 70 22 38 10 -- 54 204 248 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1961 -- 62 1961 -- 62 -- -- 4th 70 26 32 12 -- 64 195 207 6 -- 15 22 Lost Semifinals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 2 -- 4 1962 -- 63 1962 -- 63 -- -- 5th 70 22 36 12 -- 56 211 233 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1963 -- 64 1963 -- 64 -- -- 5th 70 22 38 10 -- 54 186 242 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1964 -- 65 1964 -- 65 -- -- 5th 70 20 38 12 -- 52 179 246 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1965 -- 66 1965 -- 66 -- -- 6th 70 18 41 11 -- 47 195 261 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1966 -- 67 1966 -- 67 -- -- 4th 70 30 28 12 -- 72 188 189 0 -- 8 14 Lost Semifinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 0 -- 4 1967 -- 68 1967 -- 68 -- East 2nd 74 39 23 12 -- 90 226 183 6 -- 12 18 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Chicago Black Hawks , 2 -- 4 1968 -- 69 1968 -- 69 -- East 3rd 76 41 26 9 -- 91 231 196 0 -- 7 16 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 0 -- 4 1969 -- 70 1969 -- 70 -- East 4th 76 38 22 16 -- 92 246 189 6 -- 16 25 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Boston Bruins , 2 -- 4 1970 -- 71 1970 -- 71 -- East 2nd 78 49 18 11 -- 109 259 177 13 7 6 -- 30 36 Won Quarterfinals vs. Toronto Maple Leafs , 4 -- 2 Lost Semifinals vs. Chicago Black Hawks , 3 -- 4 1971 -- 72 1971 -- 72 -- East 2nd 78 48 17 13 -- 109 317 192 16 10 6 -- 52 41 Won Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 2 Won Semifinals vs. Chicago Black Hawks , 4 -- 0 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Boston Bruins , 2 -- 4 1972 -- 73 1972 -- 73 -- East 3rd 78 47 23 8 -- 102 297 208 10 5 5 -- 33 26 Won Quarterfinals vs. Boston Bruins , 4 -- 1 Lost Semifinals vs. Chicago Black Hawks , 1 -- 4 1973 -- 74 1973 -- 74 -- East 3rd 78 40 24 14 -- 94 300 251 13 7 6 -- 38 39 Won Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 2 Lost Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 3 -- 4 1974 -- 75 1974 -- 75 Campbell Patrick 2nd 80 37 29 14 -- 88 319 276 -- 13 10 Lost Preliminary Round vs. New York Islanders , 1 -- 2 1975 -- 76 1975 -- 76 Campbell Patrick 4th 80 29 42 9 -- 67 262 333 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1976 -- 77 1976 -- 77 Campbell Patrick 4th 80 29 37 14 -- 72 272 310 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1977 -- 78 1977 -- 78 Campbell Patrick 4th 80 30 37 13 -- 73 279 280 -- 6 11 Lost Preliminary Round vs. Buffalo Sabres , 1 -- 2 1978 -- 79 1978 -- 79 Campbell Patrick 3rd 80 40 29 11 -- 91 316 292 18 11 7 -- 66 42 Won Preliminary Round vs. Los Angeles Kings , 2 -- 0 Won Quarterfinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 4 -- 1 Won Semifinals vs. New York Islanders , 4 -- 2 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 1 -- 4 1979 -- 80 1979 -- 80 Campbell Patrick 3rd 80 38 32 10 -- 86 308 284 9 5 -- 21 23 Won Preliminary Round vs. Atlanta Flames , 3 -- 1 Lost Quarterfinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 1 -- 4 1980 -- 81 1980 -- 81 Campbell Patrick 4th 80 30 36 14 -- 74 312 317 14 7 7 -- 60 56 Won Preliminary Round vs. Los Angeles Kings , 3 -- 1 Won Quarterfinals vs. St. Louis Blues , 4 -- 2 Lost Semifinals vs. New York Islanders , 0 -- 4 1981 -- 82 1981 -- 82 Wales Patrick 2nd 80 39 27 14 -- 92 316 306 10 5 5 -- 39 42 Won Division Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 3 -- 1 Lost Division Finals vs. New York Islanders , 2 -- 4 1982 -- 83 1982 -- 83 Wales Patrick 4th 80 35 35 10 -- 80 306 287 9 5 -- 33 37 Won Division Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 3 -- 0 Lost Division Finals vs. New York Islanders , 2 -- 4 1983 -- 84 1983 -- 84 Wales Patrick 4th 80 42 29 9 -- 93 314 304 5 -- 14 13 Lost Division Semifinals vs. New York Islanders , 2 -- 3 1984 -- 85 1984 -- 85 Wales Patrick 4th 80 26 44 10 -- 62 295 345 0 -- 10 14 Lost Division Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 0 -- 3 1985 -- 86 1985 -- 86 Wales Patrick 4th 80 36 38 6 -- 78 280 276 16 8 8 -- 47 55 Won Division Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 3 -- 2 Won Division Finals vs. Washington Capitals , 4 -- 2 Lost Conference Finals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 1 -- 4 1986 -- 87 1986 -- 87 Wales Patrick 4th 80 34 38 8 -- 76 307 323 6 -- 13 22 Lost Division Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 2 -- 4 1987 -- 88 1987 -- 88 Wales Patrick 5th 80 36 34 10 -- 82 300 283 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1988 -- 89 1988 -- 89 Wales Patrick 3rd 80 37 35 8 -- 82 310 307 0 -- 11 19 Lost Division Semifinals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 0 -- 4 1989 -- 90 1989 -- 90 Wales Patrick 1st 80 36 31 13 -- 85 279 267 10 5 5 -- 37 35 Won Division Semifinals vs. New York Islanders , 4 -- 1 Lost Division Finals vs. Washington Capitals , 1 -- 4 1990 -- 91 1990 -- 91 Wales Patrick 2nd 80 36 31 13 -- 85 297 265 6 -- 16 16 Lost Division Semifinals vs. Washington Capitals , 2 -- 4 1991 -- 92 1991 -- 92 Wales Patrick 1st 80 50 25 5 -- 105 321 246 13 6 7 -- 47 49 Won Division Semifinals vs. New Jersey Devils , 4 -- 3 Lost Division Finals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 2 -- 4 1992 -- 93 1992 -- 93 Wales Patrick 6th 84 34 39 11 -- 79 304 308 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1993 -- 94 1993 -- 94 Eastern Atlantic 1st 84 52 24 8 -- 112 299 231 23 16 7 -- 83 52 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. New York Islanders , 4 -- 0 Won Conference Semifinals vs. Washington Capitals , 4 -- 1 Won Conference Finals vs. New Jersey Devils , 4 -- 3 Won Stanley Cup Finals vs. Vancouver Canucks , 4 -- 3 1994 -- 95 1994 -- 95 Eastern Atlantic 4th 48 22 23 -- 47 139 134 10 6 -- 35 37 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Quebec Nordiques , 4 -- 2 Lost Conference Semifinals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 0 -- 4 1995 -- 96 1995 -- 96 Eastern Atlantic 2nd 82 41 27 14 -- 96 272 237 11 5 6 -- 34 38 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 2 Lost Conference Semifinals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 1 -- 4 1996 -- 97 1996 -- 97 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 38 34 10 -- 86 258 231 15 9 6 -- 36 35 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Florida Panthers , 4 -- 1 Won Conference Semifinals vs. New Jersey Devils , 4 -- 1 Lost Conference Finals vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 1 -- 4 1997 -- 98 1997 -- 98 Eastern Atlantic 5th 82 25 39 18 -- 68 197 231 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1998 -- 99 1998 -- 99 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 33 38 11 -- 77 217 227 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 1999 -- 2000 1999 -- 2000 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 29 38 12 73 218 246 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2000 -- 01 2000 -- 01 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 33 43 5 72 250 290 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2001 -- 02 2001 -- 02 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 36 38 80 227 258 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2002 -- 03 2002 -- 03 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 32 36 10 78 210 231 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2003 -- 04 2003 -- 04 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 27 40 7 8 69 206 250 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2004 -- 05 2004 -- 05 Eastern Atlantic Season not played due to lockout 2005 -- 06 2005 -- 06 Eastern Atlantic 3rd 82 44 26 -- 12 100 257 215 0 -- 17 Lost Conference Quarterfinals vs. New Jersey Devils , 0 -- 4 2006 -- 07 2006 -- 07 Eastern Atlantic 3rd 82 42 30 -- 10 94 242 216 10 6 -- 30 23 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Atlanta Thrashers , 4 -- 0 Lost Conference Semifinals vs. Buffalo Sabres , 2 -- 4 2007 -- 08 2007 -- 08 Eastern Atlantic 3rd 82 42 27 -- 13 97 213 199 10 5 5 -- 31 27 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. New Jersey Devils , 4 -- 1 Lost Conference Semifinals vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 1 -- 4 2008 -- 09 2008 -- 09 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 43 30 -- 9 95 210 218 7 -- 11 19 Lost Conference Quarterfinals vs. Washington Capitals , 3 -- 4 2009 -- 10 2009 -- 10 Eastern Atlantic 4th 82 38 33 -- 11 87 222 218 -- -- -- -- -- -- Did not qualify 2010 -- 11 2010 -- 11 Eastern Atlantic 3rd 82 44 33 -- 5 93 233 198 5 -- 8 13 Lost Conference Quarterfinals vs. Washington Capitals , 1 -- 4 2011 -- 12 2011 -- 12 Eastern Atlantic 1st 82 51 24 -- 7 109 226 187 20 10 10 -- 43 41 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Ottawa Senators , 4 -- 3 Won Conference Semifinals vs. Washington Capitals , 4 -- 3 Lost Conference Finals vs. New Jersey Devils , 2 -- 4 2012 -- 13 2012 -- 13 Eastern Atlantic 2nd 48 26 18 -- 56 130 112 12 5 7 -- 26 28 Won Conference Quarterfinals vs. Washington Capitals , 4 -- 3 Lost Conference Semifinals vs. Boston Bruins , 1 -- 4 2013 -- 14 2013 -- 14 Eastern Metropolitan 2nd 82 45 31 -- 6 96 218 193 25 13 12 -- 64 60 Won First Round vs. Philadelphia Flyers , 4 -- 3 Won Second Round vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 4 -- 3 Won Conference Finals vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 2 Lost Stanley Cup Finals vs. Los Angeles Kings , 1 -- 4 2014 -- 15 2014 -- 15 Eastern Metropolitan 1st 82 53 22 -- 7 113 252 192 19 11 8 -- 45 41 Won First Round vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 4 -- 1 Won Second Round vs. Washington Capitals , 4 -- 3 Lost Conference Finals vs. Tampa Bay Lightning , 3 -- 4 2015 -- 16 2015 -- 16 Eastern Metropolitan 3rd 82 46 27 -- 9 101 236 217 5 -- 10 21 Lost First Round vs. Pittsburgh Penguins , 1 -- 4 2016 -- 17 2016 -- 17 Eastern Metropolitan 4th 82 48 28 -- 6 102 253 216 12 6 6 -- 34 30 Won First Round vs. Montreal Canadiens , 4 -- 2 Lost Second Round vs. Ottawa Senators , 2 -- 4 NHL season Franchise season Conference Division Regular season Postseason Finish GP OT Pts GF GA GP GF GA Result Totals 6,270 2,753 2,590 808 119 6,433 19,169 19,097 496 233 255 8 1,354 1,396 As of May 10 , 2017 Notes ( edit ) From the 1926 -- 27 season to the 1937 -- 38 season , the Rangers played in the American Division . From the 1938 -- 39 season to the 1966 -- 67 season , the NHL had no divisions . Before the 1967 -- 68 season , the NHL split into East and West Divisions because of the addition of six expansion teams . The NHL realigned before the 1974 -- 75 season . The Rangers were placed in the Clarence Campbell Conference 's Patrick Division . Before the 1981 -- 82 season , the NHL moved the Patrick Division to the Prince of Wales Conference . The NHL realigned into Eastern and Western conferences prior to the 1993 -- 94 season . New York was placed in the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference . The season was shortened to 48 games because of the 1994 -- 95 NHL lockout . Beginning with the 1999 -- 2000 season , teams received one point for losing a regular - season game in overtime . The season was cancelled because of the 2004 -- 05 NHL lockout . Before the 2005 -- 06 season , the NHL instituted a penalty shootout for regular - season games that remained tied after a five - minute overtime period , which prevented ties . The season was shortened to 48 games because of the 2012 -- 13 NHL lockout . The NHL realigned its divisions before the 2013 -- 14 season . The Rangers were placed in the Metropolitan Division . References ( edit ) General `` New York Rangers : History '' . CBS Sports . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . `` New York Rangers '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . `` History : Rangers Records -- All - Time Won / Lost '' . New York Rangers . Archived from the original on April 11 , 2009 . Retrieved September 9 , 2013 . Specific Jump up ^ Burnside , Scott ( February 23 , 2007 ) . `` Do Original Six teams still matter in the NHL ? '' . ESPN . Retrieved December 7 , 2008 . Jump up ^ 2008 ESPN Sports Almanac . New York City : ESPN Books . 2007 . p. 586 . ISBN 1 - 933060 - 38 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Team Index '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 7 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Dave ( May 14 , 1995 ) . `` Sports of The Times ; At Boston Garden , There 's Much More Gold Than Green '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 19 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Silverware : Presidents ' Trophy Winners '' . Hockey Hall of Fame . Retrieved September 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Induction Showcase : Mark Messier -- Player Category '' . Hockey Hall of Fame . Retrieved September 9 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 1927 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved November 30 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1928 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1929 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1930 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1931 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1932 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1933 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1934 -- 35 NHL Playoff Results '' . The Internet Hockey Database . Retrieved December 13 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1935 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1937 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1938 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1939 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1940 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1941 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1942 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1948 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1950 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1956 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1957 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1958 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1962 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1967 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1968 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1969 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1970 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1971 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1972 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1973 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1974 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1975 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1978 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1979 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1980 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1981 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1982 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1983 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1984 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1985 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1986 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 2 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1987 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1989 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1990 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1991 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1992 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1994 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1995 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1996 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1997 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 2007 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 2008 NHL Playoff Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved December 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Obernauer , Michael ( April 28 , 2009 ) . `` Rangers complete collapse as late goal leads Capitals to series win '' . New York Daily News . Retrieved April 29 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` 2011 NHL Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved April 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 2012 NHL Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved April 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 2013 NHL Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved June 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved June 14 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` 2015 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved May 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 2016 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved April 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Summary '' . Hockey - Reference . Sports Reference LLC . Retrieved May 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` New York Rangers All - Time Standings '' . The Internet Hockey Database . Retrieved December 14 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : `` Playoff Formats '' . National Hockey League . Retrieved September 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ McFarlane , Brian ( 1990 ) . 100 Years of Hockey . Summerhill Press . p. 120 . ISBN 0 - 929091 - 26 - 4 . Jump up ^ McFarlane , Brian ( 1990 ) . 100 Years of Hockey . Summerhill Press . p. 197 . ISBN 0 - 929091 - 26 - 4 . Jump up ^ Lapointe , Joe ( April 1 , 1993 ) . `` Hockey ; N.H.L. Redraws Map In Realignment Plan '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Swift , E.M. ( January 23 , 1995 ) . `` Drop Those Pucks ! '' . Sports Illustrated . Archived from the original on May 17 , 2009 . Retrieved May 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lapointe , Joe ( September 30 , 1999 ) . `` Hockey : Preview ' 99 - ' 00 ; Overtime Is Now Five Minutes in Hockey Heaven '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Lockout over salary cap shuts down NHL '' . Associated Press . ESPN . February 16 , 2005 . Retrieved December 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Shootouts are fan - friendly '' . The Washington Times . October 19 , 2005 . Retrieved December 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Podell , Ira ( January 12 , 2013 ) . `` NHL lockout ends , training camps set to open '' . Associated Press . Yahoo ! News . Retrieved May 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Guide to 2013 -- 14 NHL realignment '' . National Hockey League . October 1 , 2013 . Retrieved June 14 , 2014 . New York Rangers Founded in 1926 Based in New York City , New York Franchise Team General managers Coaches Players Captains Draft picks Seasons Current season History History ( Original Six ) Records Award winners Retired numbers Personnel Owners The Madison Square Garden Company ( James Dolan , chairman ) President Glen Sather General manager Jeff Gorton Head coach Alain Vigneault Team captain Ryan McDonagh Current roster Arenas Madison Square Garden III Madison Square Garden IV Rivalries New Jersey Devils New York Islanders Philadelphia Flyers Washington Capitals Affiliates AHL Hartford Wolf Pack ECHL Greenville Swamp Rabbits Media Networks TV MSG Network Radio WEPN - FM Broadcasters TV Sam Rosen Joe Micheletti Radio Kenny Albert Dave Maloney Culture and lore Curse of 1940 `` It 's a power play goal ! '' GAG line The Lindros Trade Messier 's Guarantee `` Matteau , Matteau , Matteau '' George Kalinsky Steven McDonald Extra Effort Award Hockey Night Live ! `` The Face Painter '' ( Seinfeld episode ) 1991 Las Vegas outdoor game 2011 NHL Premiere 2012 NHL Winter Classic 2014 NHL Stadium Series 2018 NHL Winter Classic New York Rangers seasons 1920s 1920 -- 21 . 1921 -- 22 . 1922 -- 23 . 1923 -- 24 . 1924 -- 25 . 1925 -- 26 . 1926 -- 27 1927 -- 28 1928 -- 29 1929 -- 30 1930s 1930 -- 31 1931 -- 32 1932 -- 33 1933 -- 34 1934 -- 35 1935 -- 36 1936 -- 37 1937 -- 38 1938 -- 39 1939 -- 40 1940s 1940 -- 41 1941 -- 42 1942 -- 43 1943 -- 44 1944 -- 45 1945 -- 46 1946 -- 47 1947 -- 48 1948 -- 49 1949 -- 50 1950s 1950 -- 51 1951 -- 52 1952 -- 53 1953 -- 54 1954 -- 55 1955 -- 56 1956 -- 57 1957 -- 58 1958 -- 59 1959 -- 60 1960s 1960 -- 61 1961 -- 62 1962 -- 63 1963 -- 64 1964 -- 65 1965 -- 66 1966 -- 67 1967 -- 68 1968 -- 69 1969 -- 70 1970s 1970 -- 71 1971 -- 72 1972 -- 73 1973 -- 74 1974 -- 75 1975 -- 76 1976 -- 77 1977 -- 78 1978 -- 79 1979 -- 80 1980s 1980 -- 81 1981 -- 82 1982 -- 83 1983 -- 84 1984 -- 85 1985 -- 86 1986 -- 87 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 1989 -- 90 1990s 1990 -- 91 1991 -- 92 1992 -- 93 1993 -- 94 1994 -- 95 1995 -- 96 1996 -- 97 1997 -- 98 1998 -- 99 1999 -- 2000 2000s 2000 -- 01 2001 -- 02 2002 -- 03 2003 -- 04 2004 -- 05 2005 -- 06 2006 -- 07 2007 -- 08 2008 -- 09 2009 -- 10 2010s 2010 -- 11 2011 -- 12 2012 -- 13 2013 -- 14 2014 -- 15 2015 -- 16 2016 -- 17 2017 -- 18 Highlighted seasons indicate Stanley Cup championship ( hide ) NHL seasons by team Western Conference Eastern Conference Pacific Anaheim Arizona Calgary Edmonton Los Angeles San Jose Vancouver Vegas Central Chicago Colorado Dallas Minnesota Nashville St. Louis Winnipeg Atlantic Boston Buffalo Detroit Florida Montreal Ottawa Tampa Bay Toronto Metropolitan Carolina Columbus New Jersey NY Islanders NY Rangers Philadelphia Pittsburgh Washington Relocated ( still active ) Atlanta Flames ( Calgary ) Atlanta Thrashers ( Winnipeg ) Hartford Whalers ( Carolina ) Kansas City Scouts / Colorado Rockies ( New Jersey ) Minnesota North Stars ( Dallas ) Quebec Nordiques ( Colorado ) Winnipeg Jets ( Arizona ) Defunct teams California Golden Seals / Cleveland Barons Hamilton Tigers Montreal Maroons New York Americans Ottawa Senators Pittsburgh Pirates / Philadelphia Quakers Toronto Blueshirts Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_New_York_Rangers_seasons&oldid=806605843 '' Categories : National Hockey League team seasons New York Rangers seasons Lists of National Hockey League seasons New York Rangers lists Hidden categories : Articles containing potentially dated statements from May 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements Featured lists Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 23 October 2017 , at 02 : 00 . 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who is in charge of dragon ball super
Dragon Ball Super
dragon ball super
Dragon Ball Super ( Japanese : ドラゴンボール 超 ( スーパー ) , Hepburn : Doragon Bōru Sūpā ) is an ongoing Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation that began airing on July 5 , 2015 . Its overall plot outline is written by Dragon Ball franchise creator Akira Toriyama , while the individual episodes are written by different screenwriters . It is also a manga series illustrated by Toyotarou , serialized in Shueisha 's shōnen manga magazine V Jump . The anime is a sequel to Toriyama 's original Dragon Ball manga and the Dragon Ball Z television series featuring the first new storyline in 18 years . It is broadcast on Sundays at 9 : 00 a.m. on Fuji TV .
Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of the protagonist Goku after defeating Majin Buu and bringing peace to Earth once again . Four years later , Goku attains the power of a god and faces more challenges . He defends the Earth against powerful destructive deities and travels to other universes to face more powerful opponents and nearly unstoppable foes . Dragon Ball Super reveals the events of the ten year time skip following chapter 517 of the original manga and anime . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Production 2.1 International production and broadcasting 3 Music 4 Related media 5 Reception 6 References 7 External links Plot ( edit ) Main article : List of Dragon Ball Super episodes Four years after the defeat of Majin Buu , peace has returned to Earth . Son Goku has settled down and now works as a radish farmer to support his family . His family and friends live peaceful lives . However , a new threat appears in the form of Beerus , the God of Destruction , who is considered to be the most terrifying being in Universe 7 . After awakening from several years of slumber , Beerus is eager to fight the legendary warrior whom he had seen in a prophecy known as the Super Saiyan God ( 超 ( スーパー ) サイヤ 人 ゴッド , Sūpā Saiya - jin Goddo ) . To protect Earth , Goku transforms into the Super Saiyan God to fight Beerus . Despite losing , Goku 's efforts appease the God of Destruction enough that he decides to spare the planet . This part of the series retells the events of Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods . While Goku and Vegeta leave with Beerus and his aide Whis to train for a year , two remnants of Frieza 's army arrive at Earth and use the Dragon Balls to revive him . Frieza gathers his forces and returns to enact his revenge on Goku and his friends . Despite getting strong enough to attain a new transformation , he is once again defeated by Goku . This part of the series retells the events of Dragon Ball Z : Resurrection ' F ' . On a later occasion , Champa , Beerus ' twin brother and the God of Destruction of Universe 6 , convinces Beerus to hold a tournament between the best fighters from each god 's universe for the possession of Earth . Goku and some of his friends join the tournament , which ends in a surprising victory for Beerus ' team after the strongest fighters from each side , Goku and Universe 6 's Hit , end up forfeiting . In the occasion , Goku meets and befriends Zenō , the king of all universes . He promises to bring him a friend to play with . After the tournament is completed , Future Trunks reappears and brings news of a new and powerful enemy resembling Goku that is known as Goku Black . Goku and the others eventually discover that Goku Black is actually a Kaiō - shin from Universe 10 named Zamasu , who hijacked Goku 's body from a different timeline as part of his plan to attain immortality and wipe out all mortals . In the end , Zamasu is erased along with the entire future timeline by Zenō from the future , who accompanies Goku back to his timeline . Goku fulfills his promise to Zenō by introducing him to his future self . Some time after Future Trunks returns home , Zenō and Future Zenō hold a new tournament called the Tournament of Power ( 力 の 大会 , Chikara no Taikai ) . The multiverse tournament features teams of fighters from each universe by Goku 's suggestion . However , it becomes a battle for survival when both kings declare that the universes defeated at the tournament will be erased . Goku , Vegeta , Gohan , Krillin , Android 17 , Android 18 , Piccolo , Tien , Master Roshi , and a temporarily revived Frieza join the tournament as representatives for Universe 7 to protect it . Despite the fact that Zenō and Future Zenō already have the intention to destroy the weaker universes , most of the fighters from the other universes who are unaware of it view Goku as a villain for suggesting to hold the tournament in the first place . Out of the twelve universes , only four ( universe 1 , 5 , 8 , and 12 ) are exempt from participating due to their inhabitants having an average mortal rank above 7 . Production ( edit ) In addition to his role as series creator , Akira Toriyama is also credited for the `` original story and character design concepts '' of the new anime originally directed by Kimitoshi Chioka . Toriyama elaborated on his involvement with the `` Future Trunks arc '' saying he created the story based on suggestions from the editorial department , `` As with last time , I wrote the overall plot outline , and the scriptwriters have been compiling and expanded the story content into individual episodes , making various changes and additions , and generally doing their best to make the story more interesting . '' In addition to new characters designed by Toriyama , other characters for the `` Universe Survival arc '' were designed by Toyotarou , artist of the anime 's manga adaptation , and a few by both . Toei Animation producer Atsushi Kido previously worked on Dragon Ball Z for a brief time during the Freeza arc , while Fuji TV producer Osamu Nozaki said he has been a fan of the series since childhood . Morio Hatano , series director of Saint Seiya Omega ( episodes # 1 -- 51 ) , began sharing the series director credit with Chioka beginning with episode # 33 , before taking it over completely with # 47 . From episode # 68 to # 76 , Morio Hatano shared the role of series director with Kōhei Hatano ( no relation ) , another storyboard artist and episode director for the series . Masako Nozawa reprises her roles as Son Goku , Son Gohan , and Son Goten . Most of the original cast reprise their roles as well . However , Jōji Yanami 's roles as Kaiō - sama and the narrator were indefinitely taken over by Naoki Tatsuta as of episode 12 , so that Yanami could take medical leave . Kōichi Yamadera and Masakazu Morita also return as Beerus and Whis , respectively . The first preview of the series aired on June 14 , 2015 , following episode 157 of Dragon Ball Kai . The next day , the main promotional image for Dragon Ball Super was added to its official website and unveiled two new characters , who were later revealed to be named Champa and Vados , respectively . A thirty - second trailer including the new characters was uploaded to the series ' official website on June 26 , 2015 . International Production and broadcasting ( edit ) Dragon Ball Super received an English - language dub that premiered on the Toonami channel in Southeast Asia and India on January 21 , 2017 . This dub is produced by Los Angeles based Bang Zoom ! Entertainment for the Asian market . A sneak preview of the English dub aired on December 17 , 2016 , and featured the first episode . Starting in 2016 , the series has been airing in Israel on Nickelodeon and in Portugal on SIC . On October 10 , 2016 , Toei Animation Europe announced that Dragon Ball Super would be broadcast in France , Italy , Spain , and English - speaking Africa in Fall 2016 . Later that same month , Toei Animation announced an official English sub of the series would be simulcasted legally on Crunchyroll , Daisuki.net , and AnimeLab beginning October 22 , 2016 . On November 4 , 2016 , Funimation announced the company acquired the rights to Dragon Ball Super and will be producing an English dub , with many cast members of their previous English - language releases of Dragon Ball media reprising their respective roles . As well as officially announcing the dub , it was also announced they will be simulcasting the series on their streaming platform , FunimationNow . On December 7 , 2016 , IGN reported that the Funimation English dub of Dragon Ball Super would air on Adult Swim Saturdays at 8 p.m. with an encore showing in their Toonami block later that night at 11 : 30 p.m. beginning January 7 , 2017 . This was later confirmed on Toonami 's official Facebook page . The North American premiere of Dragon Ball Super was watched by 1,063,000 viewers for its 8 p.m. showing on Adult Swim . The Latin - American - Spanish Dub began airing on August 5 , 2017 on Cartoon Network with most of the cast from the original Dragon Ball Z Dub reprising their roles , Including Mario Castañeda as Son Goku who was abscent from Dragon Ball Z Kai . Music ( edit ) `` Chōzetsu ☆ Dynamic ! '' Sample of `` Chōzetsu ☆ Dynamic ! '' performed by Kazuya Yoshii , the opening theme song for the first 76 episodes of the show . Problems playing this file ? See media help . Norihito Sumitomo , the composer for Battle of Gods and Resurrection ' F ' , is scoring Dragon Ball Super . An original soundtrack for the anime was released on CD by Nippon Columbia on February 24 , 2016 . The first opening theme song for episodes 1 to 76 is `` Chōzetsu ☆ Dynamic ! '' ( 超絶 ☆ ダイナミック ! , Chōzetsu Dainamikku , `` Excellent Dynamic ! '' ) by Kazuya Yoshii of The Yellow Monkey . The lyrics were penned by Yukinojo Mori who has written numerous songs for the Dragon Ball series . The second opening theme song from episode 77 onwards is `` Genkai Toppa × Survivor '' ( 限界 突破 × サバイバー , `` Limit Breakthrough × Survivor '' ) by enka singer Kiyoshi Hikawa . Yukinojo Mori wrote the lyrics for the rock song and Takafumi Iwasaki composed the music . The first ending theme song for episodes 1 to 12 is `` Hello Hello Hello '' ( ハロー ハロー ハロー , Harō Harō Harō ) by Japanese rock band Good Morning America . The second ending theme song for episodes 13 to 25 is `` Starring Star '' ( スターリング スター , Sutāringu Sutā ) by the group Key Talk . The singer for Funimation 's English dub is Professor Shyguy . The third ending song for episodes 26 to 36 is `` Usubeni '' ( 薄 紅 , `` Light Pink '' ) by the band Lacco Tower . The fourth ending theme song for episodes 37 to 49 is `` Forever Dreaming '' by Czecho No Republic . The fifth ending theme song for episodes 50 to 59 is `` Yokayoka Dance '' ( よかよか ダンス , Yokayoka Dansu , `` It 's Fine Dance '' ) by idol group Batten Showjo Tai . The sixth ending theme for episodes 60 to 72 is `` Chao Han Music '' ( 炒飯 MUSIC , Chāhan Myūjikku ) by Arukara . The seventh ending theme from episodes 73 to 83 is `` Aku no Tenshi to Seigi no Akuma '' ( 悪 の 天使 と 正義 の 悪魔 , `` Evil Angel and Righteous Devil '' ) by The Collectors . The eighth ending theme from episodes 84 to 96 is `` Boogie Back '' by Miyu Inoue . The ninth ending theme from episodes 97 onwards is `` Haruka '' ( 遥 ) by Lacco Tower . Related Media ( edit ) The Dragon Ball Super anime is being adapted into a companion manga illustrated by artist Toyotarou , who was previously responsible for the official Resurrection ' F ' manga adaptation . Toyotarou explained that he receives the major plot points from Toriyama , before drawing the storyboard and filling in the details in between himself . He sends the storyboard to Toriyama for review . It began serialization in the August 2015 issue of V Jump , which was released on June 20 , 2015 . Shueisha began collecting the chapters into tankōbon volumes with the first published on April 4 , 2016 . Viz Media began posting free English translations of the manga chapters to their website on June 24 , 2016 . A print release of the first volume followed in spring 2017 . The anime episodes are being released on Japanese Blu - ray and DVD sets that contain twelve episodes each . The first set was released on December 2 , 2015 . The second set was released on March 2 , 2016 . The third set was released on July 2 , 2016 . The fourth set was released on October 4 , 2016 . Bandai has announced that a line of Dragon Ball Super toys will be available in the United States in summer 2017 . Bandai has also announced the updated Dragon Ball Super Card Game that starts with one starter deck , one special pack containing 4 booster packs and a promotional Vegeta card and a booster box with 24 packs . It will be released on July 28 , 2017 . A line of six Dragon Ball Super Happy Meal toys were made available at Japanese McDonald 's restaurants in May 2017 . Reception ( edit ) First impressions of the series ' debut episode were mostly positive with the quality of animation being praised the most . Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku praised the series ' title sequence and said `` My middle - school self is so happy right now , you guys . '' Jamieson Cox of The Verge also praised the title sequence and said that `` Dragon Ball Super 's intro will have you begging for its North American release '' . Cox was also surprised that , considering how popular the franchise is , the series did not launch internationally at the same time . He called it `` a move that would n't be unprecedented '' giving Sailor Moon Crystal as an example . Lucas Siegel of Comicbook.com praised the debut episode for its `` laid back plotline '' and animation style and said that the debut was `` very much put out as a `` slice of life '' episode `` . Siegel also noted that the premiere episode was more of a `` where are they now '' introduction to the series that will eventually help build anticipation for `` where will they be . '' However , the fifth episode received harsh criticism from Japanese and Western audiences due to its poor animation style compared to the previous four episodes . Dragon Ball Kai and Resurrection ' F ' producer Norihiro Hayashida felt that the criticism was overblown . He said that people were criticizing the entire series based on a few bad sequences that were done by new animators . He went on to explain a quality decline in the anime industry that he believes is the result of studios cutting time given for post-production and not allowing for reviews of the final product . Toei Animation improved the animation for episode five 's Blu - ray and DVD release . The twenty - fourth episode of the series also received harsh criticism from both Japanese and western audiences due to its poor animation style , which continued throughout several episodes compared to its previous episodes . However , the Champa Arc was praised for improving its animation . Episode 39 of the series was critically acclaimed for its improved animation and praised fighting sequences . Attack of the Fanboy reported that `` Dragon Ball Super '' episode 39 may be the best installment of the series to date . Goku and Hit 's fight `` starts off explosively from the get - go . '' The Future Trunks Arc also received generally positive reviews from fans and critics alike , with IGN 's Shawn Saris acclaiming Episode 66 , stating that , `` Episode 66 of Dragon Ball Super has a few missteps but ultimately leads to a great final battle with Zamasu . '' All three volumes of Dragon Ball Super 's manga adaptation have charted on Oricon 's weekly list of the best - selling manga ; volumes one and two sold 29,995 and 56,947 copies in their debut weeks respectively . Volume three was the fourth best - selling for its week with 92,114 copies sold . According to Nielsen BookScan , the English version of volume one was the second best - selling graphic novel of May 2017 , the ninth of June , the fourteenth of July , and the eighteenth of August . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Credited second beginning with Episode # 33 , after Morio Hatano . Jump up ^ Credited first , before Kimitoshi Chioka . Jump up ^ Credited first , before Morio Hatano . ^ Jump up to : `` Dragon Ball Gets 1st New TV Anime in 18 Years in July '' . Anime News Network . April 28 , 2015 . Retrieved April 28 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` `` DRAGON BALL SUPER '' SUBTITLED EPISODES BEGIN STREAMING TODAY ON FUNIMATIONNOW WITH NEW SIMULCAST EPISODES STARTING NOVEMBER 5 , 2016 . Funimation to Produce English Dub of New Series. `` . Funimation . Funimation . November 4 , 2016 . Retrieved November 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Toonami : Hope you 're sitting down for this ... '' . Facebook . September 7 , 2016 . Retrieved December 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super Series Expected To Come To Cartoon Network In South Africa '' . October 11 , 2016 . Retrieved December 30 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dragon Ball Super TV Anime Debuts on July 5 '' . Anime News Network . June 4 , 2015 . Retrieved June 4 , 2015 . Jump up ^ テレビ シリーズ 初 ! 鳥山 明 オリジナル 原案 ! 「 ドラゴンボール 」 テレビ アニメーション 新 シリーズ 放送 決定 ! ( Original TV series ! Original concept by Akira Toriyama ! New `` Dragon Ball '' TV series broadcast date set ! ) ( in Japanese ) . Toei Animation . Retrieved July 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ あらすじ ドラゴンボール 超 ( in Japanese ) . Toei Animation . Retrieved July 16 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : 作品 情報 ( Credits ) ( in Japanese ) . Toei Animation . Retrieved August 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super ' Anime 's New Arc Releases In February '' . iDigitalTimes.com . December 20 , 2016 . Retrieved February 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super Anime Reveals Story , Visual for ' Universe Survival ' Arc '' . Anime News Network . December 15 , 2016 . Retrieved December 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball TV Anime 30th Anniversary News -- Part 2 ! '' . Toei Animation . June 24 , 2016 . Retrieved August 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 超 SCOOP3 新 章 「 宇宙 サバイバル 編 」 サバイバル ! ! 全 12 宇宙 '' . V Jump ( in Japanese ) . Shueisha ( April 2017 ) : 36 -- 37 . February 21 , 2017 . ASIN B01N6Y2ZTB . Jump up ^ `` Toei Animation Begins Production on Dragon Ball Super '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . Tokyo : Toei Animation. April 28 , 2015 . Retrieved May 9 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dragon Ball Super Main Visual Reveals 2 New Characters '' . Anime News Network . June 15 , 2015 . Retrieved June 26 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Naoki Tatsuta Temporarily Replaces Jouji Yanami as Kaiō / Narrator in Dragon Ball Super Anime '' . Anime News Network . September 25 , 2015 . Retrieved January 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super TV Anime Teased in 1st Preview Video '' . Anime News Network . June 13 , 2015 . Retrieved June 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ 「 ドラゴンボール 超 」 新 キャラ 登場 の ビジュアル 、 V ジャン では マンガ 版 始動 . Natalie ( in Japanese ) . June 20 , 2015 . Retrieved June 26 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super 's Extended Commercial Introduces New Characters '' . Anime News Network . June 26 , 2015 . Retrieved June 26 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Toonami Asia Premieres Dragon Ball Super Anime on January 21 '' . Anime News Network . November 28 , 2016 . Retrieved November 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` DRAGON BALL SUPER , READY FOR EMEA TAKEOVER WITH TURNER '' . www.toei-animation.com . Toei Animation Europe . October 10 , 2016 . Retrieved October 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Barder , Ollie ( October 11 , 2016 ) . `` ' Dragon Ball Super ' Will Start Airing In Europe This Fall , Still No Word On A US Release '' . Forbes . Retrieved October 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Dornbush , Jonathon ( October 19 , 2016 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super English Sub Announced '' . IGN . Ziff Davis , LLC . Retrieved October 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super to Simulcast on Crunchyroll , Daisuki , AnimeLab ( Updated ) '' . Anime News Network . Anime News Network . October 19 , 2016 . Retrieved October 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Funimation Licenses Dragon Ball Super , Plans English Dub '' . Anime News Network . Anime News Network . November 4 , 2016 . Retrieved November 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Dornbush , Jonathon ( December 7 , 2016 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super English Dub to Premiere on Adult Swim 's Toonami in January '' . IGN . Retrieved January 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Peters , Megan ( January 10 , 2017 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super Toonami Premiere Ratings Released '' . Comicbook.com . Retrieved January 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super Anuncia Estreno '' . millenio.com . August 5 , 2017 . Retrieved August 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Seeto , Damian ( May 31 , 2015 ) . `` Composer Returns To Score Dragon Ball Super TV Series '' . attackofthefanboy.com . Retrieved May 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 日本 コロムビア ドラゴンボール 超 オリジナル サウンド トラック '' . 日本 コロムビア ドラゴンボール 超 オリジナル サウンド トラック . March 7 , 2016 . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Kazuya Yoshii , Good Morning America to Perform Theme Songs For Dragon Ball Super '' . Anime News Network . May 19 , 2015 . Retrieved January 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Gods And Heroes Of ' Dragon Ball Super -- Universal Survival Arc ' Gathered For New Opening Preview Shots '' . Crunchyroll . February 4 , 2017 . Retrieved February 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super 's New Opening Sequence Previewed in Screenshotspublisher '' . Anime News Network . February 4 , 2017 . Retrieved February 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` VIDEO : KEYTALK Performs New ED Song for ' Dragon Ball Super ' '' . Crunchyroll . October 1 , 2015 . Retrieved January 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Tour , Shyguy on ( 2017 - 05 - 15 ) . `` I 'd like to thank @ FUNimation for having me sing the new Dragon Ball Super outro ! So very surreal , so very rad . '' . @ ProfessorShyguy . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super to Introduce a New Theme This April '' . attackofthefanboy . March 17 , 2016 . Retrieved March 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Batten Showjo Tai Performs New Dragon Ball Super Ending Theme '' . Anime News Network . June 19 , 2016 . Retrieved June 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Rock Band Arukara Performs New Dragon Ball Super Ending Theme '' . Anime News Network . September 21 , 2016 . Retrieved October 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` THE COLLECTORS Perform New `` Dragon Ball Super '' Ending Theme `` . Crunchyroll . December 6 , 2016 . Retrieved January 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Spring 's `` Dragon Ball Super '' End Theme Revealed `` . Crunchyroll . March 5 , 2017 . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Miyu Inoue Sings New Dragon Ball Super Ending Theme Song '' . Anime News Network . March 5 , 2017 . Retrieved April 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Lacco Tower Returns For New `` Dragon Ball Super '' Ending `` . Crunchyroll . June 5 , 2017 . Retrieved July 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Chiok , Christian ( May 16 , 2015 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super To Get A Manga Adaptation As Well '' . shonengamez.com . Retrieved July 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Interview : Dragon Ball Super 's Toyotarou '' . Anime News Network . October 26 , 2016 . Retrieved October 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ 鳥山 明 ストーリー 原案 の 「 ドラゴンボール 」 新 アニメ 、 V ジャン で コミカライズ . Natalie ( in Japanese ) . May 21 , 2015 . Retrieved June 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` ドラゴンボール 超 1 '' ( in Japanese ) . Shueisha . Retrieved April 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Viz Previews Dragon Ball , Naruto , Tokyo Ghoul Spinoff Manga in English '' . Anime News Network . June 25 , 2016 . Retrieved June 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Viz Manga Adds Dragon Ball Super , Gundam Thunderbolt , Rei Tōma 's The Water Dragon 's Bride '' . Anime News Network . July 1 , 2016 . Retrieved July 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Blu - ray ・ DVD 情報 ドラゴンボール 超 東映 アニメーション ( in Japanese ) . Toei Animation . Retrieved January 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Green , Scott ( October 4 , 2016 ) . `` '' Dragon Ball Super '' Toys Headed To US In Summer 2017 `` . Crunchyroll . Otter Media . Retrieved October 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Bunge , Nicole ( February 24 , 2017 ) . `` ' Dragon Ball Super Card Game ' Launches This Summer '' . ICv2 . Hard copy . Retrieved February 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ http://comicbook.com/anime/2017/05/17/dragon-ball-powers-up-mcdonald-s-happy-meal-toys/ Jump up ^ Seeto , Damian ( July 4 , 2015 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super First Impressions On Debut Episode '' . attackofthefanboy.com . Retrieved July 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Eisenbeis , Richard ( July 5 , 2015 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super 's Intro Makes My Inner Child So Happy '' . Kotaku . Gawker Media . Retrieved July 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Cox , Jamieson ( July 6 , 2015 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super 's intro will have you begging for its North American release '' . The Verge . Vox Media . Retrieved July 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Siegel , Lucas ( July 7 , 2015 ) . `` REVIEW : Dragon Ball Super Episode 1 Delivers Nostalgic Excitement '' . comicbook.com . Retrieved July 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Barder , Ollie ( August 12 , 2015 ) . `` Japanese Fans Are Not Happy With The Animation In ' Dragon Ball Super ' '' . Forbes . Retrieved August 15 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Ashcraft , Brian ( August 10 , 2015 ) . `` Dragon Ball Super Looks Super Crappy '' . Kotaku . Retrieved August 14 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Interview : The Past , Present and Future of Dragon Ball '' . Anime News Network . March 1 , 2015 . Retrieved March 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Toei Animation Fixes Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 -- Dragon Ball Universe -- Comic Vine '' . comicvine.gamespot.com . Retrieved March 11 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Review : Hit vs Goku Fight Reveals A New Technique Attack of the Fanboy '' . Attack of the Fanboy. April 17 , 2016 . Retrieved March 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Review : Hit vs Goku Fight Reveals A New Technique Attack of the Fanboy '' . April 17 , 2016 . Retrieved September 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Saris , Shawn ( November 15 , 2016 ) . `` Episode 66 Review IGN '' . IGN . Retrieved January 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Japanese Comic Ranking , April 4 -- 10 '' . Anime News Network . April 13 , 2016 . Retrieved June 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Japanese Comic Ranking , November 28 -- December 4 '' . Anime News Network . December 7 , 2016 . Retrieved June 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Japanese Comic Ranking , May 29 -- June 4 '' . Anime News Network . June 7 , 2017 . Retrieved June 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` MAY 2017 BOOKSCAN -- TOP 20 ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS '' . ICV2 . June 2 , 2017 . Retrieved June 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` JUNE 2017 BOOKSCAN -- TOP 20 ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS '' . ICV2 . July 14 , 2017 . Retrieved August 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` JULY 2017 BOOKSCAN TOP 20 ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS '' . ICV2 . August 3 , 2017 . Retrieved August 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` AUGUST 2017 BOOKSCAN TOP 20 ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS '' . ICV2 . September 1 , 2017 . Retrieved September 1 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Official website ( in English ) Official website ( in Japanese ) Viz Media page Official Adult Swim website Dragon Ball Super ( anime ) at Anime News Network 's encyclopedia Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama Media Manga chapters Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball episodes Z episodes season 1 5 6 7 8 9 GT episodes Kai episodes Super episodes Films and TV specials Video games Soundtracks Characters Goku Bulma Yamcha Krillin Tien Shinhan Piccolo Gohan Vegeta Frieza Trunks Android 17 Android 18 Cell Majin Buu Beerus Zamasu Related Dr. Slump Neko Majin Episode of Bardock Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Category Portal Toonami programming and soundtracks Toonami ( Asia ) Toonami ( France ) Toonami ( India ) Former : Toonami ( Australia ) Toonami ( UK & Ireland ) Cartoon Network / Kids ' WB era Cartoon Roulette ( composed of Space Ghost ( TV series ) , Birdman and the Galaxy Trio , The Herculoids , Mightor , Shazzan , Teen Force , The Impossibles , and the 1940s Superman cartoons ) The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest ThunderCats Voltron 1998 Beast Wars : Transformers Dragon Ball Z ( Ocean Dub / Funimation Dub ' 99 ) Robotech Sailor Moon ( DiC Dub ' 98 - ' 99 / Cloverway , Inc . Dub ' 00 ) Superfriends 1999 ReBoot Ronin Warriors The Powerpuff Girls 2000 Batman : The Animated Series Blue Submarine No. 6 G - Force : Guardians of Space Gundam Wing Superman : The Animated Series Tenchi in Tokyo Tenchi Muyo ! Tenchi Universe Batman Beyond Cardcaptors Dragon Ball ( Funimation Dub ) Gundam 0080 The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam Outlaw Star The Big O The New Batman / Superman Adventures Zoids : New Century Zero 2002 G Gundam G.I. Joe He - Man and the Masters of the Universe Samurai Jack Transformers : Armada Zoids : Chaotic Century 2003 Cyborg 009 Dai - Guard Gigantor . hack / / Sign IGPX : Micro Series Justice League Martian Successor Nadesico Neon Genesis Evangelion Rurouni Kenshin Star Wars : Clone Wars SD Gundam Force Yu Yu Hakusho Astro Boy Duel Masters Gundam SEED Jackie Chan Adventures Justice League Unlimited Megas XLR Rave Master Teen Titans Transformers : Energon 2005 Bobobo - bo Bo - bobo Dragon Ball Z ( uncut ) Hot Wheels AcceleRacers D.I.C.E. Dragon Ball GT IGPX Naruto One Piece ( 4Kids dub ) The Batman Transformers : Cybertron Zatch Bell ! 2006 Fantastic Four : World 's Greatest Heroes MÄR Pokémon : Battle Frontier Pokémon Chronicles The Prince of Tennis Wulin Warriors 2007 Yu - Gi - Oh ! GX One Piece ( Funimation dub ) Storm Hawks 2008 Bakugan Battle Brawlers Ben 10 : Alien Force Blue Dragon Adult Swim era 2012 Bleach Deadman Wonderland Casshern Sins Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood Ghost in the Shell : S.A.C 2nd GIG Cowboy Bebop Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex Samurai 7 Eureka Seven Sym - Bionic Titan ThunderCats ( 2011 TV series ) Inuyasha Tenchi Muyo ! GXP Naruto ( uncut ) 2013 Soul Eater One Piece ( uncut ) Sword Art Online The Big O ( season 2 ) Star Wars : The Clone Wars FLCL ( OVA ) 2014 Space Dandy Naruto : Shippuden ( uncut ) Blue Exorcist Black Lagoon Attack on Titan Beware The Batman Gurren Lagann Hellsing Ultimate Dragon Ball Z Kai ( uncut ) Inuyasha : The Final Act 2015 Kill la Kill Sword Art Online II Michiko & Hatchin Akame ga Kill ! Parasyte - the maxim - 2016 Samurai Champloo Dimension W Hunter × Hunter ( 2011 series ) Gundam : Iron - Blooded Orphans One - Punch Man JoJo 's Bizarre Adventure 2017 Dragon Ball Super Dragon Ball Z Kai : The Final Chapters Gundam Unicorn RE : 0096 Samurai Jack ( revival series ) Sand Whale and Me ( microseries ) Tokyo Ghoul Lupin the Third Part IV Tokyo Ghoul √ A JoJo 's Bizarre Adventure : Stardust Crusaders Outlaw Star ( uncut ) 2018 FLCL ( television series ) Portal Category Anime and manga portal Dragon Ball portal Japan portal 2010s portal Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dragon_Ball_Super&oldid=800998012 '' Categories : Manga series 2015 manga Anime series Dragon Ball 2015 anime television series Anime series based on manga Comedy anime and manga Fuji Television shows Funimation Martial arts anime and manga Science fantasy anime and manga Shōnen manga Shueisha manga Toonami Toei Animation television Viz Media manga Hidden categories : CS1 uses Japanese - language script ( ja ) CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) Use mdy dates from March 2017 Articles containing Japanese - language text Articles with hAudio microformats Articles with Japanese - language external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Deutsch Español Français Galego 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Српски / srpski ไทย Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 17 September 2017 , at 01 : 46 . 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what year is a series of unfortunate events set in
The books seem to be set in an alternate , `` timeless '' world with stylistic similarities to both the 19th century and the 1930s , though with contemporary , and seemingly anachronistic scientific knowledge . For instance , in The Hostile Hospital , the Baudelaire children send a message via Morse code on a telegraph , yet in the general store they are in , there is fiber - optic cable for sale . An `` advanced computer '' appears in The Austere Academy ; this computer 's exact functions are never stated , as its only use in the book is to show a picture of Count Olaf . In a companion book to the series , The Unauthorized Autobiography , the computer is said to be capable of advanced forgery . The setting of the world has been compared to Edward Scissorhands in that it is `` suburban gothic '' . Although the film version sets the Baudelaires ' mansion in the city of Boston , Massachusetts , real places rarely appear in the books , although some are mentioned . For example , in The Ersatz Elevator , a book in Jerome and Esmé Squalor 's library was titled Trout , In France They 're Out ; there are also references to the fictional nobility of North American regions , specifically the Duchess of Winnipeg and the King of Arizona , perhaps allusions to the setting of Kurt Vonnegut 's novel Slapstick , which features similar North American fictional nobility . Interestingly , Vonnegut 's novel focuses on artificial family as the cure for loneliness and strife , which seems to also be the aim of the `` artificial family '' of V.F.D.
A series of Unfortunate Events
a series of unfortunate events
A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of thirteen children 's novels by Lemony Snicket , the pen name of American author Daniel Handler . The books follow the turbulent lives of Violet , Klaus , and Sunny Baudelaire . After their parents ' death in a fire , the children are placed in the custody of a murderous relative , Count Olaf , who attempts to steal their inheritance and , later , orchestrates numerous disasters with the help of his accomplices as the children attempt to flee . As the plot progresses , the Baudelaires gradually confront further mysteries surrounding their family and deep conspiracies involving a secret society known as V.F.D. , with connections to both Olaf and their parents . The series is narrated by Snicket , who dedicates each of his works to his deceased love interest , Beatrice , and often attempts to dissuade the reader from continuing to read the Baudelaires ' story .
Characterized by Victorian Gothic tones and absurdist textuality , the books are noted for their dark humor , sarcastic storytelling , and anachronistic elements , as well as frequent cultural and literary allusions . They have been classified as postmodern and metafictional writing , with the plot evolution throughout the later novels being cited as an exploration of the psychological process of transition from the idyllic innocence of childhood to the moral complexity of maturity . Likewise , the final installments of the series are also acknowledged for their escalatingly intricate ethical ambiguity toward philosophical ambivalence , as the nature of some of the Baudelaires ' actions becomes increasingly harder to discern from those of their antagonist counterparts and more characters are revealed to be responsible for permanent wrongdoing , despite their identification with the self - proclaimed good side of the tale . Since the release of the first novel , The Bad Beginning , in September 1999 , the books have gained significant popularity , critical acclaim , and commercial success worldwide , spawning a film , a video game , assorted merchandise and a television series on Netflix . The main thirteen books in the series have collectively sold more than 65 million copies and have been translated into 41 languages . Several companion books set in the same universe of the series have also been released , including Lemony Snicket : The Unauthorized Autobiography , The Beatrice Letters and the noir prequel tetralogy All the Wrong Questions , which chronicles Snicket 's youth . Contents ( hide ) 1 Synopsis 1.1 Setting 1.2 Plot 2 Origins 3 Genre 4 Recurring themes and concepts 4.1 Narration style 4.2 Thematic approaches 4.3 Transtextuality 4.4 Allusions 5 Distribution 5.1 Books 5.2 All the Wrong Questions 6 In other media 6.1 Television 6.2 Film 6.3 Video games 6.4 Board games 6.5 Card games 6.6 Audio 6.6. 1 Audio books 6.6. 2 Album 7 Reception 7.1 Reviews 7.2 Criticism 7.3 Sales 7.4 Awards 8 See also 9 References 10 External links Synopsis ( edit ) Setting ( edit ) The books seem to be set in an alternate , `` timeless '' world with stylistic similarities to both the 19th century and the 1930s , though with contemporary , and seemingly anachronistic scientific knowledge . For instance , in The Hostile Hospital , the Baudelaire children send a message via Morse code on a telegraph , yet in the general store they are in , there is fiber - optic cable for sale . An `` advanced computer '' appears in The Austere Academy ; this computer 's exact functions are never stated , as its only use in the book is to show a picture of Count Olaf . In a companion book to the series , The Unauthorized Autobiography , the computer is said to be capable of advanced forgery . The setting of the world has been compared to Edward Scissorhands in that it is `` suburban gothic '' . Although the film version sets the Baudelaires ' mansion in the city of Boston , Massachusetts , real places rarely appear in the books , although some are mentioned . For example , in The Ersatz Elevator , a book in Jerome and Esmé Squalor 's library was titled Trout , In France They 're Out ; there are also references to the fictional nobility of North American regions , specifically the Duchess of Winnipeg and the King of Arizona , perhaps allusions to the setting of Kurt Vonnegut 's novel Slapstick , which features similar North American fictional nobility . Interestingly , Vonnegut 's novel focuses on artificial family as the cure for loneliness and strife , which seems to also be the aim of the `` artificial family '' of V.F.D. Plot ( edit ) See also : List of A Series of Unfortunate Events characters The series follows the adventures of three siblings called the Baudelaire orphans . Snicket explains that very few positive things happen to the children , but much misfortune befalls them . Violet Baudelaire , the eldest , is 14 when the series begins and is an inventor . Klaus Baudelaire , the middle child , is twelve when the books begin ; he loves books and is an extraordinary speed reader who can remember everything he has ever read after reading it only once . Sunny Baudelaire is a baby in the beginning of the series , and enjoys biting things ; she develops a love for cooking later in the series . The children become orphans after their parents are killed in a fire at the family mansion . In The Bad Beginning , they are sent to live with a distant relative named Count Olaf after briefly living with Mr. Poe , a banker in charge of the orphans ' affairs . The siblings discover that Count Olaf intends to get his hands on the enormous Baudelaire fortune , which Violet is to inherit when she reaches 18 years of age . In the first book , he attempts to marry Violet , pretending it is the storyline for his latest play , but the plan falls through when Violet uses her non-dominant hand to sign the marriage document . In the following six books , Olaf disguises himself , finds the children and , with help from his many accomplices , tries to steal their fortune , committing arson , murder , and other crimes . In the eighth through twelfth books , the orphans adopt disguises while on the run from the police after Count Olaf frames them for his own murder . The Baudelaires routinely try to get help from Mr. Poe , but he , like many of the adults in the series , is oblivious to the dangerous reality of the children 's situation . As the books continue , the children uncover more of the mystery surrounding their parents ' deaths and find that their parents were in a secret organization , V.F.D. , along with several other adults they meet . After the acronym first appears at the end of The Austere Academy , the siblings find several red herrings that share the initials . They then start to meet `` volunteers '' and gradually learn about the organization , although they discover several mysteries that are never explained . In The End , the children find a diary written by their parents that answers many of their questions but also raises many more . The children leave with another young orphan on a boat from a remote island at the end of the series , their fates left unknown . Origins ( edit ) Author Daniel Handler The author of the series , Daniel Handler ( who uses the pseudonym Lemony Snicket ) , has said in an interview with The A.V. Club that he decided to write a children 's story when he was trying to find a publisher for his first novel , The Basic Eight . One of the publishers , HarperCollins , passed on The Basic Eight , but they were interested in him writing a story for children . Handler thought it was a terrible idea at first , but met with the publishers to discuss the book . They challenged him to write the book he wished he could have read when he was 10 . He retooled a manuscript he had for a mock - Gothic book for adults , which became `` the story of children growing through all these terrible things '' , a concept which the publishers liked , to Handler 's surprise . The first book in the series was The Bad Beginning , released September 30 , 1999 . When asked in a Moment Magazine interview about the Baudelaire children and Handler 's own Jewish heritage he replied , `` Oh yeah ! Yes . The Baudelaires are Jewish ! I guess we would not know for sure but we would strongly suspect it , not only from their manner but from the occasional mention of a rabbi or bar mitzvah or synagogue . The careful reader will find quite a few rabbis . '' Genre ( edit ) This series is most commonly classified as children 's fiction , but it has also been classified in more specific genres such as gothic fiction , or some variety thereof , whether it is mock - gothic , a satire of gothic literature , neo-Victorian or `` suburban gothic '' . Another genre that the series has been described as is absurdist fiction , because of its strange characters , improbable storylines , and black comedy . Recurring themes and concepts ( edit ) The plots of the first seven books follow the same basic pattern : the Baudelaires go to a new guardian in a new location , where Count Olaf appears and attempts to steal their fortune . The books following pick up where the previous book ended . There are thirteen books in the series and each book has thirteen chapters . The last book in the series , The End contains two stories , The End which has 13 chapters , and a separate `` book '' that is titled Chapter Fourteen . The location of each book 's critical events is usually identified in the book 's title ; the first twelve book titles are alliterative . In most books , the children 's skills are used to help them defeat Count Olaf 's plots ; for instance , Violet invents a lockpick in The Reptile Room . Occasionally , the children 's roles switch or other characters use their skills to assist the Baudelaires ( e.g. Quigley 's cartography skills help Violet and Klaus in The Slippery Slope ) . Narration style ( edit ) Lemony Snicket Lemony Snicket frequently explains words and phrases in incongruous detail . When describing a word the reader may not be aware of , he typically says `` a word which here means ... , '' sometimes with a humorous definition , or one that is relevant only to the events at hand ( for example , he describes `` adversity '' as meaning `` Count Olaf '' ) . Despite the general absurdity of the books ' storyline , Lemony Snicket continuously maintains that the story is true and that it is his `` solemn duty '' to record it . Snicket often goes off into humorous or satirical asides , discussing his opinions of various matters , or his personal life . The details of his supposed personal life are largely absurd , incomplete , and not explained in detail . For example , Snicket claims to have been chased by an angry mob for 16 miles . Some details of his life are explained somewhat in a supplement to the series , Lemony Snicket : The Unauthorized Autobiography . Lemony Snicket 's narration and commentary is characteristically cynical and despondent . In the blurb for each book , Snicket warns of the misery the reader may experience in reading about the Baudelaire orphans and suggests abandoning the books altogether . However , he also provides ample comic relief with wry , dark humor . In the excerpt for The Grim Grotto , he writes : `` ... the horrors ( the Baudelaire children ) encounter are too numerous to list , and you would n't even want me to describe the worst of it , which includes mushrooms , a desperate search for something lost , a mechanical monster , a distressing message from a lost friend and tap - dancing . '' Snicket 's narration has been described as `` self - conscious '' and `` post-modern '' . Snicket translates for the youngest Baudelaire orphan , Sunny , who in the early books almost solely uses words or phrases that make sense only to her siblings . As the series progresses , her speech often contains disguised meanings . Some words are spelled phonetically : ' surchmi ' in The Slippery Slope and ' Kikbucit ? ' in The End ; some are spelled backwards : ' edasurc ' in The Carnivorous Carnival , and ' cigam ' in The Miserable Mill . Some contain references to culture or people : for instance , when Sunny says `` Busheney '' ( combining the last names of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney , presumably ) , it is followed by the definition of `` you are a vile man who has no regard for anyone else '' . Some words Sunny uses are foreign , such as `` Shalom '' , `` Sayonara '' or `` Arrete '' . Some are more complex , such as when she says `` Akrofil , meaning , ' they were not afraid of heights ' '' , which phonetically translates to acrophile , meaning one who loves heights . She begins to use standard English words towards the end of the books ; one of her longer sentences being `` I 'm not a baby '' in The Slippery Slope . When describing a character whom the Baudelaires have met before , Snicket often describes the character first and does not reveal the name of the character until they have been thoroughly described . Lemony Snicket starts each book with a `` post-modern dissection of the reading experience '' before linking it back to how he presents the story of the Baudelaires and what their current situation is . Snicket often uses alliteration to name locations , as well as book titles , throughout the story . Many of the books start with a theme being introduced that is continually referenced throughout the book -- such as the repeated comparisons of the words `` nervous '' and `` anxious '' in The Ersatz Elevator , the consistent use of the phrase `` where there 's smoke , there 's fire '' in The Slippery Slope and the descriptions of the water cycle in The Grim Grotto . Thematic approaches ( edit ) A theme that becomes more prevalent as the series continues is the simultaneous importance and worthlessness of secrets . In the final book , The End , the concept is especially important , as demonstrated by a several - page - long discussion of the phrase `` in the dark . '' The children hear of a massive schism within the organization of V.F.D. , which was once noble but became filled with corruption and split into two sides , `` volunteers '' and `` villains . '' While many of the critical plot points are given answers , Snicket explains that no story can be fully devoid of questions as every story is intertwined with numerous others and every character 's history is shared in a great web of mysteries and unfortunate events that make up the world 's legacy , making it impossible for anyone to know all the answers to every question . The Baudelaire children and Count Olaf 's story is said to be merely a fragment of a much bigger story between numerous characters with the central connection being the organization of V.F.D. Social commentary is a major element in the books , which often comment on the seemingly inescapable follies of human nature . The books consistently present the Baudelaire children as free - thinking and independent , while the adults around them obey authority and succumb to mob psychology , peer pressure , ambition , and other social ills . A high account is given to learning : those who are `` well read '' are often sympathetic characters , while those who shun knowledge are villains . The books have strong themes of moral relativism , as the Baudelaires become more confused during the course of the series about the difference between right and wrong , feeling they have done wicked things themselves and struggling with the question of whether the end justifies the means . In the final book , in an allusion to the Book of Genesis , a snake offers the children a life - giving apple ( which the other characters in The End refuse to eat despite the fact that it is a cure for a fatal illness ) . Evil characters are shown to have sympathetic characteristics and often have led difficult lives . Similarly , good characters ' flaws become major problems . Almost every major character in the books has lived a life as difficult as that of the Baudelaires , especially the villains . The books highlight the inevitability of temptation and moral decision - making , regardless of external situation . This indicates that regardless of one 's outside influences , one always has the final choice in whether they will be good or bad . Characters that make brave decisions to fight back and take charge are almost always `` good , '' and characters that just go along end up as `` bad . '' However , some characters suggest that people are neither good nor bad , but a mix of both . Transtextuality ( edit ) There is a full page picture at the end of each book , showing a hint or clue about the content of the next book . This may be showing a flyer or piece of paper drifting by , though sometimes by a significant object : a snake appears at the end of The Bad Beginning , referring to Montgomery 's snake collection in the following book . The same picture is used at the start of the succeeding book . This practice continued at the end of The End which shows a boat sailing off into the sunset and at the start of Chapter Fourteen . The picture at the end of Chapter Fourteen includes a shape of a question mark . Following the picture is a letter to the editor , which explains to the editor how to get a manuscript of the next book . Snicket is writing from the location of the next book and usually reveals its title . Snicket notes that the editors will find various objects along with the manuscript , all of them having some impact in the story . Starting with the fourth book ( which previews the fifth ) , each letter has a layout relating to the next book , such as torn edges , fancy stationery , sopping wet paper , or telegram format . The letters change dramatically starting with the letter at the end of The Hostile Hospital -- for this preview letter , the letter is ripped to shreds and only a few scraps remain . The remaining letters are difficult to read , and some do not reveal the title . The final letter appears at the end of The End and simply has `` The end of THE END can be found at the end of THE END . '' There is no letter after Chapter Fourteen . Each book begins with a dedication to Beatrice , and references to this woman are made by Snicket throughout the series . At the end of the Chapter Fourteen epilogue , it is revealed that Beatrice was the Baudelaires ' late mother . Allusions ( edit ) To see more examples of allusions to literature and the real world in A Series of Unfortunate Events , see the individual article for any book in the series . While the books are marketed primarily to children , they are written with adult readers in mind as well ; the series features numerous references more likely to make sense to adults , such as allusions to Monty Python ( the Baudelaire children 's uncle Monty has a large snake collection , including a python , and a reference to the Self Defense Against Fresh Fruit sketch ) . Many of the characters ' names allude to other fictional works or real people with macabre connections ; locations may also allude to fiction , or contain foreign or obscure words with negative connotations . Lake Lachrymose appears in The Wide Window ; `` lachrymose '' means `` tearful . '' As the series progresses , more literature appears in the series -- either through quotes , explicit mentions or both . For instance , T.S. Eliot 's The Waste Land is important to the plot of The Grim Grotto , the eleventh book . The Baudelaire orphans are named after Charles Baudelaire ; Violet 's name also comes from the T.S. Eliot 's poem The Waste Land , specifically its verses concerning the `` violet hour , '' and Sunny and Klaus take their first names from Claus and Sunny von Bülow , while Mr. Poe is a reference to Edgar Allan Poe ( his sons are named Edgar and Albert ) . In the seventh installment , The Vile Village , Count Olaf 's disguise , Detective Dupin , is an allusion to C. Auguste Dupin , a fictional detective created by Edgar Allan Poe . Isadora and Duncan Quagmire are named after Isadora Duncan , a notorious dancer also remembered for her unusual death by strangulation when her scarf entangled around the wheels of the open car in which she was a passenger . In the fourth book , The Miserable Mill , Dr. Georgina Orwell is a reference to British author George Orwell . Orwell finished his famous book 1984 in 1948 , and in the sixth book , The Ersatz Elevator , it is not clear if the skyscraper in which Esmé and Jerome Squalor live has 48 or 84 stories . The Squalors ' names reference Jerome David `` J.D. '' Salinger and his short story For Esmé -- with Love and Squalor , while in an auction on which the plot hinges , Lot 49 is skipped , i.e. not cried , an allusion to Thomas Pynchon 's The Crying of Lot 49 . Both Salinger and Pynchon were reputed at one time not to be actual persons . The ninth book in the series , The Carnivorous Carnival , takes place at Caligari Carnival ; the carnival 's name is a nod to the 1920 silent horror film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari . Also , most of the inhabitants of the island in which the Baudelaires find themselves on in The End are named after characters from The Tempest , a play by William Shakespeare . Beatrice may be an allusion to the poem La Beatrice by Charles Baudelaire . The poem references an `` actor without a job , '' like the actor Count Olaf . The poem also begins with the line `` In a burnt , ash - grey land without vegetation , '' similar to the Baudelaire mansion burning down at the beginning of the series . The name Beatrice could also be an allusion to Italian poet Dante . Dante dedicated all of his works to `` Beatrice , '' with whom he was obsessed , and who was also dead , like Snicket 's Beatrice . Distribution ( edit ) Books ( edit ) The series includes thirteen novels as follows : The Bad Beginning ( 1999 ) The Reptile Room ( 1999 ) The Wide Window ( 2000 ) The Miserable Mill ( 2000 ) The Austere Academy ( 2000 ) The Ersatz Elevator ( 2001 ) The Vile Village ( 2001 ) The Hostile Hospital ( 2001 ) The Carnivorous Carnival ( 2002 ) The Slippery Slope ( 2003 ) The Grim Grotto ( 2004 ) The Penultimate Peril ( 2005 ) The End ( 2006 ) There are books that accompany the series , such as The Beatrice Letters , Lemony Snicket : The Unauthorized Autobiography , and The Puzzling Puzzles ; journals The Blank Book and The Notorious Notations ; and short materials such as The Dismal Dinner and 13 Shocking Secrets You 'll Wish You Never Knew About Lemony Snicket . The books were at one point published at the rate of three or four books per year . The endpapers were `` designed in a suitably Victorian style '' , with cloth binding on the spines matching the colours of the cover . A paperback release of the series , featuring restyled covers , new illustrations and a serial supplement entitled The Cornucopian Cavalcade happened with The Bad Beginning : or , Orphans ! , The Reptile Room : or , Murder ! , and The Wide Window : or , Disappearance ! , but stopped after the third . Humorous quotes from the series were used in a book published under the Snicket name , Horseradish : Bitter Truths You Ca n't Avoid . All the Wrong Questions ( edit ) Main article : All the Wrong Questions See also : Lemony Snicket bibliography Lemony Snicket 's All the Wrong Questions is a four - part young adult series focused on Snicket 's childhood working for V.F.D. It is set in the same universe as A Series of Unfortunate Events and features several of the same characters and locations . The first book was entitled Who Could That Be at This Hour ? , and was released in October 2012 . The second , When Did You See Her Last ? , was released in October 2013 , and the third , Should n't You Be in School ? , was released in September 2014 . The final book , Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights ? was released on September 29 , 2015 . In other media ( edit ) Television ( edit ) Main article : A Series of Unfortunate Events ( TV series ) Poster of the first season from the Netflix adaptation Netflix , in association with Paramount Television , announced in November 2014 its plans to adapt the books into an original TV series with 26 total episodes spanning 3 seasons , with 2 episodes dedicated to each book . Author Daniel Handler will serve as a writer and executive producer . On September 4 , 2015 , it was announced that filmmaker Barry Sonnenfeld and True Blood showrunner Mark Hudis had agreed to helm the series . Hudis would serve as showrunner , Sonnenfeld as director , and both as executive producers . Daniel Handler is penning the scripts . On December 3 , 2015 , an open casting call was announced for the roles of Violet and Klaus Baudelaire , with the casting call confirming that the series would begin production in March 2016 . In January 2016 , Netflix announced that Hudis had left the project and they have not yet named a replacement showrunner . However , it was announced that Sonnenfeld and Handler were both still on board , and that Neil Patrick Harris had been cast as Count Olaf and Malina Weissman and Louis Hynes are cast as Violet and Klaus . In March 2016 , K. Todd Freeman and Patrick Warburton were cast as Mr. Poe and Lemony Snicket respectively . The first season , consisting of eight episodes that cover the first four books , was released worldwide on Netflix on January 13 , 2017 . A Series of Unfortunate Events was renewed for a second season , which is planned to consist of ten episodes that adapt books five through nine of the novel series , and also for a third and final season , which will adapt the four remaining books . It is assumed Handler will remain on as screenwriter of the new seasons . Film ( edit ) Main article : Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events Jim Carrey as Count Olaf in the film adaptation Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events is a film adaptation of the first three titles in the series , mixing the various events and characters into one story . It was released on December 17 , 2004 . Directed by Brad Silberling , it stars Jim Carrey as Count Olaf , Meryl Streep as Aunt Josephine , Billy Connolly as Uncle Monty , Emily Browning as Violet , Liam Aiken as Klaus , Timothy Spall as Mr. Poe , and Jude Law as the voice of Lemony Snicket . The film was successful , however it was also criticized because the tone was comical , when the books were solemn and serious with occasional wry humor . Considering the success of the movie , the director and some of the lead actors hinted that they were keen on making a sequel , but no script was written . When I took the decision to take the movie I said I 'd obviously do it with the right to refusal , I 'm not going to give in to anything . I asked the studio how they were going to deal with the sequel . But they did n't want to talk about it until the first film was out . It 's amazing ; a script has not yet been worked on for the sequel , which I find a bit baffling . -- Brad Silberling , Browning has said that further films would have to be produced quickly , as the children do not age much throughout the book series . In 2008 , Daniel Handler stated in a Bookslut Interview that another film was in the works , but had been delayed by corporate shake - ups at Paramount Pictures . In June 2009 , Silberling confirmed he still talked about the project with Handler , and suggested the sequel be a stop motion film because the lead actors have grown too old . `` In an odd way , the best thing you could do is actually have Lemony Snicket say to the audience , ' Okay , we pawned the first film off as a mere dramatization with actors . Now I 'm afraid I 'm going to have to show you the real thing . ' '' Video Games ( edit ) Main article : Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events ( video game ) Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events is a video game based on the books and film ( more so the film , as the name and many plot elements seen in the movie but not the book are seen ) that was released in 2004 by Adrenium Games and Activision for PlayStation 2 , GameCube , Xbox , Game Boy Advance , and PC . The player plays as all three orphans at points in the game , and encounters characters such as Mr. Poe , Uncle Monty and Aunt Josephine , along with villains such as Count Olaf , the Hook - Handed Man , the White - Faced Women , and the Bald Man With the Long Nose . The game , like the movie , follows only the first three books in the series . Although never mentioned in the game there are some references to V.F.D. such as while in the first level a package is delivered from the `` Very Fast Delivery Service . '' The note attached to the package also reads at the end `` P.S. The world is quiet here , '' which is the motto of V.F.D. Board Games ( edit ) A board game based on the books was distributed by Mattel in 2004 , prior to the movie . The Perilous Parlor Game is for 2 -- 4 players , ages 8 and up . One player assumes the role of Count Olaf , and the other players play the Baudelaire children . Count Olaf 's objective in the game is to eliminate the guardian , while the children try to keep the guardian alive . The game employs Clever Cards , Tragedy Cards , Secret Passage Tiles , and Disguise Tiles in play . Card Games ( edit ) The Catastrophic Card Game is the second game based on the books . In this card game , players are looking to complete sets of characters . There are 4 different sets : The Baudelaire Orphans , Count Olaf in Disguise , Olaf 's Henchmen and the Orphans Confidants . Players take turns drawing a card from either the draw pile or the top card from the discard pile in hopes of completing their sets . For 2 -- 4 players , ages 14 and under . Audio ( edit ) Audio books ( edit ) Most of the series of unabridged audio books are read by British actor Tim Curry , though Handler as Lemony Snicket reads books 3 to 5 . Of narrating the audio books , Handler has said : `` It was very , very hard . It was unbelievably arduous . It was the worst kind of arduous . '' As such , future narrating duties were handed back to Curry , of whom Handler states : `` he does a splendid job '' . The `` Dear Reader '' blurb is usually read by Handler ( as Snicket ) at the beginning , although it is missing in The Hostile Hospital . Handler usually reads the `` To my Kind Editor '' blurb about the next book at the end . Starting at The Carnivorous Carnival there is another actor who replaces Handler in reading the two blurbs , although they are skipped entirely in The Grim Grotto . All of the recordings include a loosely related song by The Gothic Archies , a novelty band of which Handler is a member , featuring lyrics by Handler 's Magnetic Fields bandmate Stephin Merritt . Album ( edit ) Main article : The Tragic Treasury : Songs from A Series of Unfortunate Events In October 2006 , The Tragic Treasury : Songs from A Series of Unfortunate Events by The Gothic Archies was released . The album is a collection of thirteen songs written and performed by Stephin Merritt ( of The Magnetic Fields ) , each one originally appearing on one of the corresponding thirteen audiobooks of the series . Two bonus songs are included . Reception ( edit ) Reviews ( edit ) Reviews for A Series of Unfortunate Events have generally been positive , with reviewers saying that the series is enjoyable for children and adults alike , and that it brings fresh and adult themes to children 's stories . The Times Online refer to the books as `` a literary phenomenon '' , and discuss how the plight of the Baudelaire orphans helps children cope with loss -- citing the rise in sales post September 11 , 2001 as evidence . Although the series has often been compared to Harry Potter due to the young heroes and the sales of the two series , reviewer Bruce Butt feels that the series ' tone is closer to Roald Dahl and Philip Ardagh . Handler acknowledges Edward Gorey and Roald Dahl as influences . Mackey attributes the series ' success to the `` topsy - turvy moral universe '' . Langbauer feels that the series `` offers a critique of the pieties '' of earlier generations and `` imparting its own vision of ethics '' . Criticism ( edit ) Czech translation The series has come under criticism from some school districts for its dark themes , citing objections to the suggested incest ( referring to Olaf 's attempt to marry his distant cousin Violet in The Bad Beginning , although his motivation was not sexual in nature , but rather an attempt to gain the Baudelaire fortune ) and the words `` damn '' and `` hell '' being said in The Reptile Room . Handler later commented that the word 's use was `` precipitated by a long discussion of how one should never say this word , since only a villain would do so vile a thing ! This is exactly the lily - liveredness of children 's books that I ca n't stand . '' Access to the books was similarly restricted at Katy ISD Elementary School in Katy , Texas . The series has also been criticized for formulaic and repetitive storytelling . Sales ( edit ) French translations A Series of Unfortunate Events has been printed in 41 different languages , selling at least sixty - five million copies as of 2015 . Awards ( edit ) In addition to its strong reviews , The Bad Beginning won multiple literary awards , including the Colorado Children 's Book Award , the Nevada Young Readers Award and the Nene Award . It was also a finalist for the Book Sense Book of the Year . Its sequels have continued this trend , garnering multiple awards and nominations . Among these are three IRA / CBC Children 's Choice Awards , which it received for The Wide Window , The Vile Village , and The Hostile Hospital ; a best book prize at the Nickelodeon Kids ' Choice Awards , and a 2006 Quill Book Award , both for The Penultimate Peril . While not technically awards , The Ersatz Elevator was named a Book Sense 76 Pick , and The Grim Grotto is an Amazon.com Customers ' Favorite . See also ( edit ) Lemony Snicket portal Lemony Snicket bibliography References ( edit ) Snicket , Lemony ( 2006 ) . The End . HarperColins . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 441016 - 8 . Jump up ^ Han , Angie ( November 5 , 2014 ) . `` Netflix Making Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events Series '' ... Slashfilm . Retrieved 15 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Campbell , Jean . `` Steampunk Style Jewelry : Victorian , Fantasy , and Mechanical Necklaces , Bracelets , and Earrings '' ... Retrieved 15 January 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Noah Cruickshank and Kevin McFarland ( October 25 , 2012 ) . Dissecting the repetition and hidden messages of A Series Of Unfortunate Events . The A.V. Club . Retrieved 13 January 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Lemony Who ? '' . ansible.co.uk . Archived from the original on September 27 , 2007 . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Olson , Danel . 21st - Century Gothic : Great Gothic Novels Since 2000 . Retrieved 13 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Cross , Julie . 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Jump up ^ Snetiker , Marc ( January 11 , 2017 ) . `` Lemony Snicket speaks out about Netflix 's Series of Unfortunate Events '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved January 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( April 4 , 2017 ) . `` A Series of Unfortunate Events Renewal Extended Through Season 3 at Netflix '' . TV Line . Retrieved April 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events ( 2004 ) '' . IMDb . Archived from the original on September 11 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events '' . unfortunateeventsmovie.com . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` The Bothersome Books -- The Bad Beginning : Movie Tie - in Edition '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 07 - 10 . I 'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely boring . If you are looking for a good time , you would have a better time watching a motion picture starring a handsome count . -- Count Olaf Jump up ^ `` The latest on Snicket sequel '' . moviehole.net. April 8 , 2005 . Archived from the original on September 19 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Interview Emily Browning -- Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events '' . darkhorizons.com . December 13 , 2004 . Archived from the original on September 30 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Scott , Ronnie ( October 2008 ) . `` AN INTERVIEW WITH DANIEL HANDLER '' . Retrieved May 26 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Ditzian , Eric ( June 3 , 2009 ) . `` Lemony Snicket Director Brad Silberling Plans To Do Each Film In Different Medium '' . MTV News . Archived from the original on June 7 , 2009 . Retrieved June 4 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events Game News '' . kidzworld.com . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` Talking With Lemony Snicket '' . audiofilemagazine.com . Archived from the original on September 28 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Gothic Archies Theme Songs for Lemony Snicket Audio Books '' . houseoftomorrow.com . Archived from the original on September 27 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` The Gothic Archies The Tragic Treasury : Songs From A Series Of Unfortunate Events '' . tragictreasury.co.uk . Archived from the original on October 8 , 2007 . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` The Bad Beginning '' . ypress.org . Archived from the original on September 27 , 2007 . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Jennifer Robinson . `` Life Is n't Fair : Adult Lessons for Children from Dahl and Snicket '' ( PDF ) . San Jose State University . Retrieved August 19 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Betts , Hannah ( December 18 , 2004 ) . `` Unhappily ever after '' . Times Online . London . Retrieved September 7 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Mackey , Margaret ( January 2003 ) . `` Risk , Safety , and Control in Young People 's Reading Experiences '' ( PDF ) . School Libraries Worldwide . Edmonton. 9 ( 1 ) : 50 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2015 - 02 - 25 . Retrieved 19 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Langbauer , Laurie ( March 2007 ) . `` The Ethics and Practice of Lemony Snicket : Adolescence and Generation X '' . PMLA. 122 ( 2 ) : 502 -- 521 . doi : 10.1632 / pmla. 2007.122. 2.502 . JSTOR 25501718 . Jump up ^ Vaux , Anna ( December 4 , 2001 ) . `` Move over Harry Potter '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved September 7 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 Banned Books Report '' ( PDF ) . ACLU TX . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on September 28 , 2007 . Retrieved September 7 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` The Snicket Letters '' . Books For Keeps . Archived from the original on October 14 , 2007 . Retrieved September 7 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Minzesheimer , Bob ( October 11 , 2006 ) . `` Friday the 13th closes the book on Lemony Snicket '' . USAToday . Retrieved September 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 1 : The Bad Beginning '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` ABA : The Book Sense Book of the Year '' . bookweb.org . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2007 . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 3 : The Wide Window '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 7 : The Vile Village '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 8 : The Hostile Hospital '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Kids ' Choice Awards 2005 '' . Nickelodeon . Archived from the original on September 30 , 2007 . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` The Quill Awards '' . thequills.org . Archived from the original on September 11 , 2007 . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 6 : The Ersatz Elevator '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` A Series of Unfortunate Events # 11 : The Grim Grotto '' . HarperCollins . Retrieved September 5 , 2007 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : A Series of Unfortunate Events Official website A Series of Unfortunate Events at the Internet Book List Daniel Handler 's official website A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix ( hide ) Works by Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events Novels The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End Related works The Unauthorized Autobiography The Beatrice Letters Horseradish : Bitter Truths You Ca n't Avoid Media Feature film Soundtrack Video game The Tragic Treasury TV series Other Characters All the Wrong Questions Who Could That Be at This Hour ? When Did You See Her Last ? Should n't You Be in School ? Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights ? Other works The Baby in the Manger The Latke Who Could n't Stop Screaming The Lump of Coal The Composer Is Dead Related Daniel Handler Brett Helquist Seth Portal Book Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=A_Series_of_Unfortunate_Events&oldid=815644950 '' Categories : A Series of Unfortunate Events Absurdist fiction Black comedy books British Book Award - winning works American children 's novels Novels about orphans Series of children 's books HarperCollins books Hidden categories : All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from June 2015 All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October 2016 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with dead external links from September 2010 Articles with dead external links from July 2010 Use mdy dates from March 2012 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Gaeilge 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Кыргызча Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 December 2017 , at 03 : 45 . 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who got voted off big brother season 19
Big Brother 19 ( U.S. )
big brother 19 ( u. s. )
Big Brother 19 is the nineteenth season of the American reality television series Big Brother . It is based upon the Dutch series of the same name . The season premiered on June 28 , 2017 on CBS in the United States with a two - hour season premiere and Julie Chen returning as host . The season was titled `` Summer of Temptation '' with the various contestants able to receive a temptation which gave the taker a surprise reward or game advantage but also unleashed a game change for one or more other players . Viewers at home were able to vote to offer selected chosen players a secret temptation . A weekly opt - in competition , known as the Temptation Challenge , would give the winner immunity from the week 's nomination but also put the last - place finisher on the block as a third nominee , able to compete in the weekly Veto Competition and avoid a backdoor nomination .
On September 20 , 2017 , Josh Martinez won the game in a 5 -- 4 vote against returning Big Brother 18 runner - up Paul Abrahamian , earning the latter the distinction of being the first person to lose a Final 2 jury vote twice . Contents ( hide ) 1 Production 1.1 Development 1.2 Broadcasts 1.3 Prizes 1.4 Twists 1.4. 1 Standard Temptations 1.4. 2 Battle Back Showdown 1.4. 3 Den of Temptation 1.4. 4 Temptation Competition 1.4. 5 Tree of Temptation 2 HouseGuests 2.1 Future appearances 3 Summary 4 Have - Nots 5 Voting History 5.1 Notes 6 Controversies and criticisms 7 Reception 7.1 Viewing figures 8 References 9 External links Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Big Brother 19 was produced by Endemol Shine North America and Fly on the Wall Entertainment with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers . This season of the program has been confirmed since August 10 , 2016 as part of a multi season renewal between Endemol Shine North America and CBS which also includes its twentieth season tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2018 . Julie Chen returned as the host of the series . Broadcasts ( edit ) The main television coverage of the season was screened on CBS beginning June 28 , 2017 with a two - hour season premiere . This season featured no changes to the schedule that was used in the previous edition , with episodes airing on Wednesday , Thursday , and Sunday each week . The weekly Thursday episode , which airs at 6 PM PDT , featured the live eviction and subsequent Head of Household competition taking place . During the live eviction , the show will be hosted by Julie Chen . The weekly Sunday episode , which airs at 5 PM PDT , features the nomination ceremony , as well as some highlights from the previous days . The weekly Wednesday episode , which also airs at 5 PM PDT , features the Power of Veto competition and the Power of Veto ceremony , along with more highlights of recent events in the House . The live Internet feeds which have been a staple of the program since its first season will return as part of CBS All Access . Alongside the weekly shows on CBS spin - off series Big Brother : After Dark will return on Pop for its twelfth season . The show serves as a live feed into the House , and is edited for profanity , nudity , slanderous statements and music copyrights . A special episode was aired on July 21 to show the `` Battle Back Showdown '' where one of the 4 first evicted HouseGuests competed to re-enter the Big Brother House . Prizes ( edit ) The HouseGuests will be competing for the main prize of $500,000 . Cash prizes of varying amounts may be offered as `` temptations '' over the course of the season . Kevin Schlehuber was awarded $25,000 on the premiere episode . The second cash temptation of the season was also claimed by Kevin ; this time , it was a smaller sum of $27 . Twists ( edit ) Changes to the main format known as twists occur during the course of the season that will impact the lives of the HouseGuests during their time in the House . The twists for this season center around the theme of temptation where the HouseGuests will be tempted with money , power or safety during their stay . Each temptation however will come with a consequence that will impact the entire House . The overall main twist is being billed by the program as `` The Summer of Temptation '' for this reason . Standard temptations ( edit ) During the season premiere the HouseGuests were presented with the first temptation of the season , in which each new HouseGuest had a chance to secretly win $25,000 . Kevin Schlehuber was the quickest to claim the monetary prize , resulting in two different consequences . The first consequence was personal : Kevin was not allowed to win the first Head of Household competition ; to keep his winning a secret , he had to throw ( intentionally lose ) the competition . The second consequence unleashed a major twist on the House called the `` BB Swap . '' This resulted in Paul Abrahamian , runner - up from the previous season , entering the House as a full HouseGuest eligible to win by taking the place of an original HouseGuest . Shortly after entering Paul was given nine friendship bracelets which gave immunity from the first eviction . Paul was instructed to take one for himself and give the remaining eight friendship bracelets to the HouseGuests that did a good job tempting him . The remaining eight HouseGuests took part in a competition for safety which resulted in Cameron , Christmas , and Jillian being nominated for eviction . The three nominees were given the power to choose how their fate would be determined . The nominees had a choice of a competition or a house eviction vote . Only Cameron chose to have a competition ; shortly after , the HouseGuests voted to evict Cameron from the House . The following temptation would be during the second Week 1 HoH competition . During the competition , a golden apple appeared that would guarantee safety for the person who grabbed it , but would eliminate the team from the competition . Josh took the temptation , eliminating his team from the HoH competition . In the Week 1 Power of Veto competition , the first HouseGuest to find a gold starfish and place it on their shelf would earn a Never - Not pass , meaning they can not be a Have - Not for the rest of the season with the consequence of eliminating themselves from the competition . Raven took the temptation . Battle Back Showdown ( edit ) Instead of permanent eviction , the first four evicted HouseGuests received a chance to return to the game . Unlike last season , this showdown was done in playoff style . They will participate in a 3 - Round - Battle in order to gain their spot back in the house . The first competition `` Maze Race '' will eliminate the bottom two finishers , permanently eliminating them from the game . Dominique and Jillian lost the competition to Cody and Cameron respectively ; The second Competition between Cody and Cameron determined which first four evicted HouseGuest will be the last one standing and battle one of the HouseGuests in the house for a chance to get back to the house . If the evicted HouseGuest wins against the current HouseGuest , the remaining evictee will have a second chance to re-enter the house . However if the current HouseGuest defeats the returning evictee , no one will be returning to the house effectively blocking the Battle Back . The HouseGuests unanimously voted to choose Paul to battle Cody in the final competition . Cody chose `` Maze Race '' as the final competition . Cody won and re-entered the house on Day 30 . All three duels aired in a special episode on July 21 . Round # Winner ( s ) Loser ( s ) Cody , Cameron Dominique , Jillian Cody Cameron Cody Paul Den of temptation ( edit ) During the first three weeks of the season , the viewing public will vote for a HouseGuest of their choice to secretly enter a room called the Den of Temptation . The temptation inside the den could provide an advantage in the game but will come with a consequence that may affect one or more HouseGuests . The public 's chosen HouseGuest can choose to accept the temptation or reject it completely . Each HouseGuest can only be chosen to enter the den once during their time in the House . The results of the vote and the HouseGuest decision will be shown during the Sunday primetime episode . No . Date given Temptation ( if accepted ) Consequence ( if accepted ) Den Entrant Consequence Recipient Result Wed , June 28 The Pendant of Protection The HouseGuest will be immune from the next three evictions . The HouseGuest must pick a poison that is tied to another HouseGuest . The HouseGuest whose poison was chosen is now `` cursed '' and must volunteer as a third nominee for eviction in the next 3 weeks . Paul Ramses Accepted Sun , July 2 The Ring of Replacement The HouseGuest will have the power to swap with one of the randomly drawn players in the Power of Veto competition and take their place and have the power to participate in any veto competition . This temptation can only be used once . The HouseGuest must choose 3 HouseGuests to wear `` Ve - Toad '' costumes for the rest of the week . Christmas Cody , Jason , Jessica Accepted Wed , July 19 The Halting Hex The HouseGuest will have the power to stop one of the next 4 evictions , meaning that no eviction vote would be held and no one would be evicted . The `` Temptation Competition '' is unleashed for the next 3 weeks . Jessica All HouseGuests Accepted Temptation competition ( edit ) Due to Jessica accepting the final temptation , the `` Temptation Competition '' was unleashed for the next 3 weeks . Prior to nominations , HouseGuests ( except for the current Head of Household ) would be able to decide if they wanted to compete in this competition or not . The winner of the `` Temptation Competition '' would receive immunity for the week , however , the HouseGuest that finishes last in the competition would be automatically nominated as a 3rd nominee . Week # Competitors Winner Loser 5 Alex , Jason , Mark , Matt Mark Jason 6 Alex , Cody , Elena , Jason , Jessica , Kevin , Mark , Matt , Paul , Raven Cody Jessica 7 Cody , Elena , Jason , Josh , Kevin , Mark , Matt , Paul , Raven Mark Matt Tree of temptation ( edit ) After Cody and Elena 's eviction , Julie revealed a new twist into the game which unleashed 5 possible temptations for HouseGuests to select for the next 3 weeks . These temptations include powers and punishments . When the apple tree turns red , the first HouseGuest to enter the diary room gets to claim a temptation from the apple tree . Once a HouseGuest claims an apple , they are not eligible for another temptation . The results of picking an apple include , save a friend , ca n't play in next HOH , second veto , bounty on your head , and eliminate two eviction votes . Week # Name Description Picker Result 8 Save a Friend The winner earns the right to award immunity to another HouseGuest for the week . Mark Paul 9 None 10 None ^ Jump up to : No one decided to choose an apple temptation . HouseGuests ( edit ) Main article : List of Big Brother 19 houseguests ( U.S. ) The cast of the nineteenth season of Big Brother . Top : Ramses , Christmas , Jessica , Mark , Josh , Raven , Dominique and Jason Middle row : Paul , Jillian , Matt , Megan , Alex , Cody and Cameron Bottom : Elena and Kevin The HouseGuests were announced on Monday , June 19 at 6 AM PDT through the CBS website . Interviews with the cast were released at 8 AM PDT on CBS All Access . Name Age on entry Occupation Residence Alex Ow 28 Eco-friendly marketing representative California , Camarillo , Camarillo , California Cameron Heard 24 Microbiologist Illinois , Woodridge , Woodridge , Illinois Christmas Abbott 35 Fitness superstar North Carolina , Raleigh , Raleigh , North Carolina Cody Nickson 32 Construction sales representative Texas , Plano , Plano , Texas Dominique Cooper 30 Government engineer Virginia , Woodbridge , Woodbridge , Virginia Elena Davies 26 Radio personality Texas , Dallas , Dallas , Texas Jason Dent 37 Rodeo clown Iowa , Humeston , Humeston , Iowa Jessica Graf 26 VIP concierge California , Los Angeles , Los Angeles , California Jillian Parker 24 Timeshare sales representative Nevada , Las Vegas , Las Vegas , Nevada Josh Martinez 23 Haircare sales Florida , Homestead , Homestead , Florida Kevin Schlehuber 55 Stay - at - home dad Massachusetts , Boston , Boston , Massachusetts Mark Jansen 26 Personal trainer New York , Grand Island , Grand Island , New York Matthew `` Matt '' Clines 33 Renovation consultant Virginia , Arlington , Arlington , Virginia Megan Lowder 28 Dog walker Arizona , Phoenix , Phoenix , Arizona Paul Abrahamian 24 Clothing designer California , Tarzana , Tarzana , California Ramses Soto 21 Cosplay artist Michigan , Grand Rapids , Grand Rapids , Michigan Raven Walton 23 Dance teacher Arkansas , DeValls Bluff , DeValls Bluff , Arkansas Future appearances ( edit ) On September 27 , 2017 , CBS announced that Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson will be competing in the upcoming 30th season of The Amazing Race . Summary ( edit ) On Day 1 , 16 new HouseGuests entered the newest rendition of the Big Brother House . After getting settled in and introductions were done , they were then informed by series host Julie Chen that the theme for this season is `` Summer of Temptation '' , where they would face various offers during the game that would offer them prizes and unique game - changing advantages throughout the season . However , every temptation that was accepted in the House would have a consequence that would affect at least one of the other HouseGuests . They began the summer inside the Garden of Temptation , the first competition of the season . The HouseGuests , while sequestered in 16 separate pods , were given the offer of $25,000 . A flower was placed in front of the pods and the first HouseGuest to press their button when the flower lit up green would win the money . The identity of the person who pressed the button to accept the money would remain anonymous , however their actions would unleash the first twist of the season . Kevin accepted the offer , but in doing so it required him to throw the first Head of Household competition as he was now ineligible to win it . As another consequence for Kevin pressing the button , Paul from Big Brother 18 re-entered the House as the seventeenth HouseGuest . However , it was revealed by Chen that he would be swapping spots with one of the new HouseGuests that would be evicted the same night in a first - ever `` BB Swap . '' Paul was given the task to select eight HouseGuests to receive a `` friendship '' bracelet . Any HouseGuest who received a `` friendship '' bracelet would be immune from eviction . He gave bracelets to Kevin , Raven , Dominique , Mark , Jason , Jessica , Ramses , and Elena . The remaining eight HouseGuests battled for their lives in the Tempted by the Fruit competition . In this competition , HouseGuests had to stand on a trapeze bar while holding on to a rope . If a HouseGuest fell off , they had to select an apple from a serpent . Four apples contained safety , while three apples were `` poisonous '' . As the competition continued , Julie would give them clues guiding them to the four safe apples . The last HouseGuest standing would guarantee his or her safety from the eviction , and the three HouseGuests with poisonous apples would be nominated for the first eviction . Cody was the winner ; Christmas , Cameron , and Jillian had the poisoned apples and were put on the block . The nominees were then presented with their own temptation . Each nominee had the power to decide how their fate would ultimately be determined . They would each decide to either face an eviction vote or compete in an eviction competition , with the top 2 finishers guaranteed safety and the third place finisher automatically evicted . By a vote of 2 - 1 , they decided to face an eviction vote , with Cameron voting for an eviction competition . On Day 1 , Cameron was evicted by an 8 - 3 - 2 vote , with Cody , Mark , and Matt voting to evict Jillian , and Josh and Jason voting to evict Christmas . Julie then revealed the next twist to the viewers . Each week , America would vote to select one HouseGuest to enter the `` Den of Temptation . '' Inside the Den , they would be offered a temptation . A HouseGuest is only able to be selected once throughout the entire season . However , every temptation will come with a consequence . Following Cameron 's eviction , Big Brother 18 winner Nicole hosted the HouseGuests in the Hangs in the Balance Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were divided into four same - gender teams . One at a time , HouseGuests had to swing across their ropes and grab a rotten apple and then return it to their station . However , they were all tempted by a golden apple : the first HouseGuest to return a golden apple would earn safety for the week , but would also eliminate their entire team from the competition . Josh took the temptation , eliminating his team . The first two teams to retrieve eight apples would advance to the second round of the competition . The pink team and the blue team were the winners , who then went head - to - head to balance seven apples on a tree . However , only one person per team could compete . The first HouseGuest to successfully balance their apples would be the first Head of Household . Cody was the winner and on Day 5 , he nominated Jillian and Megan for eviction . As Head of Household , Cody was required to name five Have - Nots for the week . He selected Megan , Josh , Jillian , Paul , and Ramses . However , the Have - Nots were offered a temptation . On the wall of the Have - Not room , there were two available spikes . Inside one spike is a Have - Not Escape which would allow its holder to leave the Have - Not Room and become a Have for the week . However , the other held a Have - Not Extension , making the holder a Have - Not for an extra week . One Have - Not per week could go to the Diary Room to claim the key to unlock a spike . On Day 8 , Megan walked from the game after an argument with numerous HouseGuests over an alleged racial slur . Following Megan 's departure , Paul took the Have - Not temptation and successfully claimed the Have - Not Escape . The HouseGuests learned of the Den of Temptation . Paul was given the offer of the Pendant of Protection , which would give him immunity for the next three evictions . By accepting the offer , another HouseGuest would be cursed . Whichever HouseGuest was represented by the chosen bottle would be the consequence recipient . On Day 9 , Cody nominated Alex to replace Megan on the block alongside Jillian . As consequence for Paul accepting the Pendant , one HouseGuest was `` bitten '' by a snake inside the Den . The HouseGuest bitten will be cursed and be given further instructions by Big Brother . Ramses was bitten and learned that he must place himself on the block as a third nominee within one of the next three nomination ceremonies . On Day 9 , Cody , Alex , and Jillian , alongside Matt , Raven , and Jason , scrapped in the Fin to Win Power of Veto competition , which was hosted by Kevin . In this competition , HouseGuests had to pull the plug on their water timer , causing it to drain . They had to then search the water for starfish and put them on their stacking shelf one at a time . If their water began to run low , they could collect water from the ocean to put in their timer . Once a HouseGuest 's water timer was empty , their starfish were locked in . However , the players were also offered a temptation . The first HouseGuest to find a gold starfish and place it on their shelf would earn a Never - Not pass , meaning they can not be a Have - Not for the rest of the season . However , they would eliminate themselves from the competition . Raven took the temptation . The HouseGuest with the most starfish stacked on their shelf after their water had drained would win the Power of Veto . Alex won the Power of Veto , and on Day 11 , she took herself off the block , and Cody attempted to nominate Paul , who was immune thanks to the Pendant of Protection . This led Cody to nominate Christmas as the third replacement nominee . Christmas broke her foot in multiple places as well as tearing some ligaments when she and Jason were clowning around in the backyard . Even though Christmas was Cody 's target , many people were angry with Cody 's unforeseen nomination of Christmas . On Day 16 , Jillian was evicted by an 8 - 4 vote , with Alex , Jason , Jessica , and Ramses voting to evict Christmas . Following Jillian 's eviction , the HouseGuests crushed it in the Sugar Shot Head of Household competition , sponsored by the new CBS game show Candy Crush . In this competition , candies would fall into the yard . The HouseGuests needed to search the candies for tickets . Each ticket would give them one shot on the board . HouseGuests could exchange tickets and take up to three shots at one time . The first HouseGuest to land a ball in the center heart would be the new Head of Household . Paul was the winner . Cody , Jason , Jessica , and Matt became the Have - Nots for the week . On Day 17 , Christmas was tempted with the `` Ring of Replacement '' inside the Den . If she accepts this temptation , she can replace a randomly drawn player in any Veto competition this season . She accepted the temptation . She was then required to select three HouseGuests for the curse , and these three will be the only people Christmas has the option to replace . She selected Cody , Jessica , and Jason . On Day 17 , Paul nominated Alex and Josh for eviction , with the plan to backdoor Cody , while Ramses revealed his curse and named himself as a third nominee . As consequence for Christmas accepting the temptation , Cody , Jessica , and Jason had to wear toad suits for the week . Jason accepted the Have - Not temptation and claimed the Have - Not Extension . On Day 18 , Paul , Alex , Josh , and Ramses , alongside Elena and Matt , recalled in the Path of Least Resistance Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed individually . They must go through a series of rooms and answer questions based on what they have seen throughout the previous rooms . If they answer a question correctly , they may walk through a quicker path . If they answer incorrectly , they must take a delayed path that contains a challenge that will slow them down . The HouseGuest to make it through all five areas in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto . Paul was the winner . On Day 20 , Paul took Josh off the block and named Cody as the replacement nominee . On Day 23 , Cody was evicted by a 7 - 3 - 0 vote , with Christmas , Jessica , and Kevin voting to evict Ramses . Julie then informed Cody and America that the first four evicted HouseGuests would compete in the `` Battle Back Showdown '' with a chance to return to the game . Due to Christmas ' foot injury in the previous week , she was offered two options for the rest of her game : to either receive the medical treatments in the BB House with her having to sit out of some games as she would not be medically eligible to compete , or exit the BB House immediately . She decided to stay in the House . As a result , she cast her eviction vote from the hospital nearby and was sidelined for the following HOH competition . Following Cody 's eviction , the HouseGuests blasted off in the Space Cadets Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests stood on a small foothold and held on to their handles , trying to stay on the side of the space station . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Alex was the winner . On Day 24 , Alex nominated Dominique and Jessica for eviction . On Day 25 , Alex , Dominique , and Jessica , joined by Kevin , Christmas , and Jason , felt the heat in the Temple of Temptation Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must walk across their suspended beam and hit their statue . They must then return and hit their button again . Each time they hit their button , they will earn a point . If they fall in the lava , however , their counter will reset to zero . However , the HouseGuests were also offered a temptation . The first HouseGuest to hit their special button will earn a money prize , but they will eliminate themselves from the competition . The first HouseGuest to get fifty points will win the Power of Veto . Kevin claimed the temptation of $27 . Jason was the winner . On Day 27 , Jason decided not to use the Power of Veto . On Day 28 , Jessica was tempted with the `` Halting Hex '' . If she accepts this temptation , she can cancel any of the next four evictions . She accepted the offer . On Day 30 , Dominique was evicted by a 10 - 0 vote . The HouseGuests were then informed of the `` Battle Back Showdown '' . The evicted HouseGuests would face off in a series of head - to - head matches , with the winner facing the next evicted HouseGuest . The last standing will have a second chance at the game . Cody was the winner . However , the HouseGuests were given a chance to prevent Cody 's return . They must select one of them to face off against Cody in a final round . If the current HouseGuest wins , no one will return . The HouseGuests selected Paul . Cody beat Paul , and he returned to the game . Following Dominique 's eviction and Cody 's return , the HouseGuests stuck it out in the What 's the Hold Up ? Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must press their red traffic disk up by pressing it against their board with their stick . If a HouseGuest drops their disk , they will be eliminated . As a HouseGuest is eliminated , they must select a HouseGuest to punish , making it more difficult for them to continue . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Jessica was the winner . For being the first three HouseGuests out of the Head of Household competition , Kevin , Mark , Paul , as well as Josh , became Have - Nots for the week . On Day 31 , Jessica nominated Josh and Ramses for eviction . Mark accepted the Have - Not temptation and received the Have - Not Extension . On Day 32 , Jessica , Josh , and Ramses mixed it up with Cody , Jason , and Christmas in the BB Juicy Blast Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests will watch the monitor to see a sequence of smoothie ingredients . After the sequence , they will be asked a question based on the sequence they just saw . If a HouseGuest answers incorrectly , they will be eliminated . The last HouseGuest standing will win the Power of Veto . Jessica was the winner . On Day 34 , Jessica decided not to use the Power of Veto . Paul hoped to flip the vote and keep Josh safe and use him to go after Jessica and Cody . On Day 37 , Ramses was evicted by a 7 - 3 vote , with Cody , Mark , and Elena voting to evict Josh . Julie revealed to the viewers that as consequence for Jessica accepting the temptation last week , a new competition known as the `` Temptation Competition '' would be in play for the next three weeks . Each week , each HouseGuest will decide whether or not they wish to participate in the competition . The HouseGuest who wins the competition will earn safety for the week . However , the HouseGuest who places last in the competition will be a third nominee for the week . Following Ramses ' eviction , the HouseGuests were quizzed in the Inked and Evicted Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were asked a series of questions based on photos of the evicted HouseGuests . An incorrect answer resulted in elimination . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Paul was the winner . On Day 38 , the HouseGuests learned of the Temptation Competition . Alex , Jason , Mark , and Matt decided to compete in the competition . The four then danced in the Bowlerina Temptation Competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed individually . They must spin around their handle fifteen times . They will then earn fifteen seconds of bowling time . If they run out of time , they must spin again to earn more time . The HouseGuest who knocks down their four pins the fastest will win safety for the week , while the slowest competitor will be on the block as a third nominee . Mark was the winner , and Jason became the third nominee . On Day 38 , Paul nominated Cody and Jessica for eviction . Elena accepted the Have - Not temptation and received the Have - Not Extension . On Day 39 , Paul , Jessica , Cody , and Jason , accompanied by Kevin and Raven , weathered the pain in the returned Under the Weather Power of Veto competition . The day before the competition , HouseGuests listened to a series of BB Storm Watch updates . In this competition , HouseGuests competed individually . HouseGuests looked at a teleprompter for sentences with blanks . HouseGuests had to report the weather and fill in the blanks with the name of one of the first four evicted HouseGuests while standing in a storm . If the sentence passes through the teleprompter before the HouseGuest fills in the blank , they will be incorrect . The HouseGuest who fills in the most blanks correctly will win the Power of Veto . Paul was the winner . On Day 41 , Paul used the Power of Veto on Jason . On Day 44 , Jessica used the Halting Hex and canceled the eviction . Following Jessica 's use of the Halting Hex , the HouseGuests putted for power in the Gravestone Golf Head of Household competition . In this competition , each HouseGuest will putt their eye ball down the course , attempting to land it in the highest numbered slot possible . The slot their ball lands in will be their score . The HouseGuest with the highest score will be the new Head of Household . Josh was the winner . On Day 45 , all HouseGuests except Christmas accepted the offer to compete in the Temptation Competition . The HouseGuests then blacked out in the Strangest Things Temptation Competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed individually . They must walk through the pitch black House in search of phrases written on the wall . Each phrase will have a circled letter . They must unscramble the circled letters , locate the correct item , and put it in the box . The HouseGuest who locates the item and puts it in the box in the fastest time will win safety for the week , while the HouseGuest with the slowest time will be a third nominee for the week . Cody was the winner , and Jessica became the third nominee . On Day 45 , Josh nominated Elena and Mark for eviction . On Day 46 , Josh , Mark , Elena , and Jessica , plus Alex , and Christmas , after she used her Ring of Replacement to take Cody 's spot , vied in the OTEV the Possessed Piglet Power of Veto competition . Christmas was not allowed to compete . In each round of this competition , HouseGuests received a question with a number answer . They must search the field for the shoe with the correct number , and return it to OTEV and kneel on a stump . However , there will always be one less stump than HouseGuests . The last HouseGuest to return with the correct number will be eliminated . The last HouseGuest standing will win the Power of Veto . Mark was the winner . On Day 48 , Mark used the Power of Veto on himself , and Josh named Raven as the replacement nominee . On Day 51 , Jessica was evicted by a 7 - 1 - 0 vote , with Cody voting to evict Raven . Following Jessica 's eviction , the HouseGuests were put under a spell in the Hocus Focus Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests watched a series of magic performances . After each performance , the HouseGuests will be asked questions based on the performance . An incorrect answer resulted in elimination . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Alex was the winner . For being the first four HouseGuests eliminated in the Head of Household competition , Kevin , Mark , Jason , and Paul became Have - Nots for the week . The day before the Temptation Competition , the HouseGuests were surprised by a series of random sounds . All HouseGuests except Christmas accepted the offer to compete in the Temptation Competition . On Day 52 , the HouseGuests were irritated in the Where Were You ? Temptation Competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were asked where they were in the House when a specific sound went off . They must then stand on their location on the blueprint of the House . Each correct answer earns HouseGuests a point . The HouseGuest with the most points after ten questions will win safety for the week , and the HouseGuest with the least points will be the third nominee for the week . Mark was the winner , and Matt became the third nominee for the week . On Day 52 , Alex nominated Elena and Jason for eviction . Mark accepted the Have - Not temptation and claimed the Have - Not Escape . On Day 53 , Alex , Elena , Jason , and Matt , alongside Paul and Mark , launched in the BB Adventure Tour Power of Veto competition , sponsored by Outback Steakhouse . In each round of this competition , each HouseGuest shot an arrow at a map with a series of numbers . After a spot is landed on , it is out of play . The HouseGuest with the lowest score will be eliminated . However , when they are eliminated , they will open a prize . HouseGuests eliminated in future rounds will have the option to swap their prize with a prize that was already revealed . The HouseGuest with the veto at the end will win the Power of Veto , as well as the option to select five HouseGuests to join them for a meal from Outback Steakhouse . Elena claimed $5000 , Alex earned the Camp Guide , Paul won a skydiving outfit to share with another HouseGuest ; he selected Christmas . Mark won a trip to Colorado , and Jason won the Extreme - itard . Matt won the Power of Veto . Matt selected Mark , Elena , Paul , Alex , and Jason for the Outback dinner . However Paul gave up the dinner suggesting that Christmas take his place . On Day 55 , Matt used the Power of Veto on Jason , and Alex named Cody as the replacement nominee . On Day 58 , Julie informed the HouseGuests of the Double Eviction . On Day 58 , Cody was re-evicted by a 7 - 0 vote . He became the first member of the jury . Immediately following Cody 's eviction , the HouseGuests slid in the Let It Slide Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed in head - to - head matches . They will each slide a shuffleboard disc down their lane . The HouseGuest with a puck closest to the edge without falling off will win the match and eliminate their opponent . The remaining HouseGuest will then select the next two HouseGuests to face off . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Jason was the winner . He immediately nominated Elena and Mark for eviction . Jason , Elena , Mark , Raven , Josh , and Matt then were puzzled in the Kenya - Solve It Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must solve a series of three puzzles , one at a time . Their puzzle pieces must be inside the black outline . The first HouseGuest to complete all three puzzles and buzz in will win the Power of Veto . Mark was the winner . At the Veto meeting , Mark used the Power of Veto on himself , and Jason named Matt as the replacement nominee . On Day 58 , Elena was evicted by a 6 - 1 vote , with Mark voting to evict Matt . She became the second member of the jury . Following Cody and Elena 's eviction , Derrick from Big Brother 16 surprised the HouseGuests , and they took the opportunity to reflect on the season . Derrick then hosted the HouseGuests in the Tales from Decrypt Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed in a tournament - style bracket . In each head - to - head match , the HouseGuests will watch a crypted message be slowly revealed . They must decrypt the message and press the button of the correct HouseGuest . If they are correct , they will advance and eliminate their opponent . If they are incorrect , they will be eliminated and their opponent will advance . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Christmas was the winner . For being the first two HouseGuests eliminated in the Head of Household competition , Mark and Josh became Have - Nots for the week . On Day 59 , the HouseGuests learned of the Tree of Temptation . In the front hallway is a tree with five apples on it . For the next three weeks , HouseGuests must wait for the tree to turn red . After it turns red , the first HouseGuest to enter the Diary Room may claim an apple . A HouseGuest may only accept one apple while the twist is in play . Each apple contains a prize or a punishment , but the HouseGuests will not know what is inside until they open it . On Day 59 , the Tree of Temptation turned red . Mark accepted the temptation . His apple contained the `` Save - A-Friend '' power . He earned the power to grant one HouseGuest other than himself immunity for the week . He gave Paul immunity for the week . On Day 59 , Christmas nominated Jason and Matt for eviction , with the intention to backdoor Mark . On Day 60 , Zingbot surprised the HouseGuests to host them for the Power of Veto competition . Christmas , Jason , and Matt , as well as Raven , Paul , and Mark , slipped in the Home Zing Home Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must fill up their cup , walk down their slippery lane , and pour it into their bowl . They must then walk back down their lane and do it again . There are two bowls for HouseGuests to fill . If they fill their small bowl , they will receive a larger cup with which to fill their large bowl . The first HouseGuest to fill their large bowl enough to retrieve their ball inside will win the Power of Veto . Jason was the winner . On Day 62 , Jason used the Power of Veto on himself , and Christmas named Mark as the replacement nominee . On Day 65 , Mark was evicted by a 4 - 2 vote , with Alex and Jason voting to evict Matt . He became the third member of the jury . Following Mark 's eviction , the HouseGuests were splattered in the Everyone 's A Wiener Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must brace themselves with handholds and footholds inside their hot dog bun . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Jason was the winner . For being the first two people to drop in the Head of Household competition , Kevin and Matt became Have - Nots for the week . On Day 66 , the Tree of Temptation turned red . However , nobody accepted the temptation . On Day 66 , Jason nominated Matt and Raven , with Matt as the target . On Day 67 , Jason , Matt , Raven , Josh , Paul , and Kevin went on the lookout in the Hide and Go Veto Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests had three minutes to individually hide their locked veto card in the House . Then , one at a time , HouseGuests entered the House and had one minute to attempt to find a veto card . If a HouseGuest 's veto card is found , they will be eliminated , though the owner of the veto cards will not be revealed until the end of the competition . The HouseGuest who hides their veto card the best will win the Power of Veto . Jason was the winner . On Day 69 , Jason decided not to use the Power of Veto . On Day 71 , Matt broke the Have - Not rules and earned a penalty vote on eviction night . On Day 72 , Matt was evicted by a 6 - 0 vote . He became the fourth member of the jury . Following Matt 's eviction , Julie informed the HouseGuests that the Head of Household competition would be delayed until further notice due to weather conditions . When the delay was over , the HouseGuests sprinted in the Ready , Set , Whoa Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests had to hold down two buttons in their starting lane . At the end of their lanes , a monitor will cycle though the words `` ready , set , go . '' If a HouseGuest releases a button before the word `` go '' , they will be eliminated . Once they see the word `` go , '' they must run to the end of their lane and hit one of the five buttons . The last person to hit a button will be eliminated . Once a HouseGuest uses a button , it is out of play for future rounds . The last HouseGuest standing will be the new Head of Household . Christmas was the winner . On Day 73 , Christmas nominated Alex and Jason for eviction . Bobby Moynihan surprised the HouseGuests to host the Veto competition . On Day 74 , everyone except Josh fought in the Punch Slap Kick Power of Veto competition , sponsored by the new CBS show `` Me , Myself & I '' . In this competition , HouseGuests were hit with a series of punches , slaps , and kicks . After the sequence , they were asked a question based on their experience . If they answer correctly , they will earn one point . The HouseGuest with the most points after six rounds will win the Power of Veto , as well as a visit to the set of `` Me , Myself & I '' . Alex and Paul tied the competition and then played a series of tiebreaker sequences to determine the winner . Paul was the winner . On Day 76 , Paul used the Power of Veto on Alex , and Christmas named Kevin as the replacement nominee . Julie informed the HouseGuests of the Double Eviction . On Day 79 , after Christmas cast the tie - breaking vote , Jason was evicted by a 3 - 2 vote , with Alex and Paul voting to evict Kevin . He became the fifth member of the jury . Immediately after Jason 's eviction , the HouseGuests reported in the Fake News Head of Household competition . In this competition , Julie will read a series of headlines to the HouseGuests . The HouseGuests must identify if these headlines are real or fake . The HouseGuest with the most points after seven questions will be the new Head of Household . Alex was the winner . Alex immediately nominated Kevin and Raven for eviction . The HouseGuests then dug down deep in the Lime Drop Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must race down their lane , jump into their ball pit , and search for limes . They must find a lime and attempt to drop it in their tube . If a ball hits the ground , it is out of play . The first HouseGuest to drop four limes into their tube and hit their button will win the Power of Veto . Josh was the winner . At the Veto Meeting , Josh decided not to use the Power of Veto . On Day 79 , Raven was evicted by a 2 - 1 vote , with Josh voting to evict Kevin . She became the sixth member of the jury . Following Jason and Raven 's eviction , the HouseGuests recalled in The Revengers Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were asked a question about the `` Revengers '' movie trailer they were shown . They must find the correct character and place it in front . If they are correct , they will receive one point . The HouseGuest with the most points after seven questions will be the new Head of Household . Josh was the winner . On Day 80 , Josh nominated Alex and Kevin for eviction . On Day 81 , the HouseGuests geeked out in the BB Comics Power of Veto competition . In this competition , HouseGuests competed individually . HouseGuests must zip line by the comic studio window to look at the set of comics on the other side . They must then recreate the set of comics on their computer . However , there are several decoy comics to confuse the HouseGuests . The HouseGuest who replicates the comics on their computer the fastest will win the Power of Veto . Paul was the winner . On Day 83 , Paul decided not to use the Power of Veto . On Day 84 , after Josh cast the tie - breaking vote , Alex was evicted by a 2 - 1 vote , with Paul voting to evict Kevin . She became the seventh member of the jury . Following Alex 's eviction , the HouseGuests sought a spot in the final three in the What the Bleep ? Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were shown a series of clips with a censored word or words . Julie will then give them words as to what the blurred phrase may be . The HouseGuests must then state if Julie 's suggestion is true or false . A correct answer earned a HouseGuest a point . The HouseGuest with the most points after seven questions will be the new Head of Household . Paul was the winner . On Day 85 , Paul nominated Josh and Kevin for eviction . On Day 85 , the HouseGuests were steampunked in the Back to the Veto final Power of Veto competition . In each round of this competition , HouseGuests were asked on what day a specific event took place . They must turn their dials to match the day , then hit their button . If they are incorrect , their counter will reset to zero , and they must try again . The last HouseGuest to input the correct day will lose power in their time machine . Three strikes will result in elimination . The last HouseGuest standing will win the final Power of Veto . Paul was the winner . On Day 86 , Paul decided not to use the Power of Veto . On Day 86 , Christmas cast the sole vote to evict Kevin . He became the eighth member of the jury . Following Kevin 's eviction , the HouseGuests engaged in their final battle in the Tail of the Unicorn Part 1 of the Final Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests must stand on their cloud and hold on to the tail of their unicorn . If a HouseGuest lets go of their tail , they will be eliminated . The last HouseGuest standing will win Part 1 and advance to Part 3 . Paul was the winner . Josh and Christmas then faced off in the Knock ' Em Down Part 2 of the Final Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were shown a series of scrolls . They must knock down the HouseGuests who do not apply to the clue . The HouseGuest who completes the three scrolls correctly faster will win Part 2 and face Paul in Part 3 . Josh was the winner . Paul and Josh had the final showdown in the Scales of Just - Us Part 3 of the Final Head of Household competition . In this competition , HouseGuests were read a series of statements from the jury . They must guess how each juror completed their statement . A correct answer gave them a point . The HouseGuest with the most points after eight questions will be the final Head of Household . Josh was the winner . On Day 92 , Josh cast the sole vote to evict Christmas . She became the ninth and final member of the jury . On Day 92 , after receiving Cody , Elena , Mark , Alex , and Jason 's votes , Josh was deemed the winner of Big Brother 19 . Paul was declared the runner - up , securing the votes of Matt , Raven , Kevin , and Christmas . Cody was revealed to be America 's Favorite HouseGuest and received $25,000 . Have - Nots ( edit ) This season , the Have - Nots for the week were offered a temptation . On the wall of the Have - Not room , there were two available spikes . Inside one spike is a Have - Not Escape which would allow its holder to leave the Have - Not Room and become a Have for the week . However , the other held a Have - Not Extension , making the holder a Have - Not for an extra week . One Have - Not per week could go to the Diary Room to claim the key to unlock a spike . Week No . Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Have - Nots Jillian , Josh , Megan , Paul , Ramses Cody , Jason , Jessica , Matt Jason , Josh , Mark , Ramses Josh , Kevin , Mark , Paul Alex , Christmas , Elena , Mark Elena Jason , Kevin , Mark , Paul Josh , Mark Kevin , Matt none Have - Not Temptation Paul Jason Josh Mark Elena none Mark none none Voting history ( edit ) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Day 1 Day 7 Day 24 Day 30 Day 52 Day 58 Day 73 Day 79 Day 80 Day 85 Day 92 Finale Head of Household ( none ) Cody Paul Alex ( none ) Jessica Paul Josh Alex Jason Christmas Jason Christmas Alex Josh Paul Josh ( none ) Temptation Winner Kevin Paul Christmas Jessica ( none ) Mark Cody Mark ( none ) Mark ( none ) Nominations ( pre-veto ) Cameron Christmas Jillian Alex Jillian Megan Alex Josh Ramses Dominique Jessica Josh Ramses Cody Jason Jessica Elena Jessica Mark Elena Jason Matt Elena Mark Jason Matt Matt Raven Alex Jason Kevin Raven Alex Kevin Josh Kevin Christmas Paul Veto Winner ( none ) Alex Paul Jason Jessica Paul Mark Matt Mark Jason Jason Paul Josh Paul Paul ( none ) Nominations ( post-veto ) Christmas Jillian Paul Alex Cody Ramses Dominique Jessica Josh Ramses Cody Jessica Elena Jessica Raven Cody Elena Matt Elena Matt Mark Matt Matt Raven Jason Kevin Kevin Raven Alex Kevin Josh Kevin Josh Christmas Jillian Cody Dominique Paul Nominated No voting Head of Household Cody Elena Mark Matt Jason Kevin Alex Nominated Christmas Winner ( Day 92 ) Paul Not eligible Jillian Head of Household Dominique Alex Ramses Head of Household Jessica Cody Elena Mark Matt Kevin Raven Kevin Head of Household Nominated Runner - up ( Day 92 ) Christmas Nominated Nominated Ramses Dominique Paul Ramses No voting Jessica Cody Elena Head of Household Matt Jason Raven Alex Kevin Evicted ( Day 92 ) Paul Kevin Cameron Jillian Ramses Dominique Paul Ramses No voting Jessica Cody Elena Mark Matt Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Evicted ( Day 86 ) Paul Alex Cameron Christmas Nominated Head of Household Paul Ramses No voting Jessica Head of Household Elena Matt Matt Kevin Head of Household Nominated Evicted ( Day 84 ) Josh Raven Cameron Jillian Cody Dominique Paul Ramses No voting Nominated Cody Elena Mark Nominated Jason Nominated Evicted ( Day 79 ) Paul Jason Christmas Christmas Cody Dominique Paul Ramses No voting Jessica Cody Head of Household Matt Head of Household Nominated Evicted ( Day 79 ) Josh Matt Jillian Jillian Cody Dominique Paul Ramses No voting Jessica Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Evicted ( Day 72 ) Paul Mark Jillian Jillian Cody Dominique Paul Josh No voting Jessica Cody Matt Nominated Evicted ( Day 65 ) Josh Elena Cameron Jillian Cody Dominique Paul Josh No voting Nominated Nominated Nominated Evicted ( Day 58 ) Josh Cody Jillian Head of Household Nominated Evicted ( Day 23 ) Josh Nominated Raven Nominated Re-evicted ( Day 58 ) Josh Jessica Cameron Christmas Ramses Nominated Paul Head of Household Nominated Nominated Evicted ( Day 51 ) Ramses Cameron Christmas Nominated Dominique Paul Nominated Evicted ( Day 37 ) Dominique Cameron Jillian Cody Nominated Evicted ( Day 30 ) Jillian Nominated Nominated Evicted ( Day 16 ) Megan Cameron Nominated Walked ( Day 8 ) Cameron Nominated Evicted ( Day 1 ) Notes 1 , 2 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 6 , 7 6 8 , 9 none 10 , 11 10 12 13 14 , 15 14 , 16 12 17 none 18 Walked none Megan none Evicted Cameron 8 of 13 votes to evict Jillian 8 of 12 votes to evict Cody 7 of 10 votes to evict Dominique 10 of 10 votes to evict Paul 11 of 12 votes to compete Ramses 7 of 10 votes to evict Eviction cancelled Jessica 7 of 8 votes to evict Cody 7 of 7 votes to evict Elena 6 of 7 votes to evict Mark 4 of 6 votes to evict Matt 6 of 6 votes to evict Jason 3 of 5 votes to evict Raven 2 of 3 votes to evict Alex 2 of 3 votes to evict Kevin Christmas ' choice to evict Christmas Josh 's choice to evict Paul 4 votes to win Cody Won re-entry into game Josh 5 votes to win Notes ( edit ) ^ Note 1 : Paul entered the House after the original sixteen HouseGuests due to Kevin accepting a temptation . Paul was given immunity from the first eviction and had to give immunity to eight HouseGuests of his choice by giving them a friendship bracelet . ^ Note 2 : Those who did not get a friendship bracelet had to compete in a competition in order to stay in the house . Cameron , Christmas and Jillian lost this competition and were nominated for eviction . The three nominees were given a choice between an eviction vote or an eviction competition . The eviction vote was held after a 2 - 1 vote in favor of an eviction vote ; only Cameron voted for an eviction competition . Paul was not eligible to vote but would cast a tiebreaker vote if required . ^ Note 3 : Due to accepting the $25,000 temptation on Day 1 , Kevin was not allowed to win the first Head of Household competition and had to secretly throw it . ^ Note 4 : Because Josh retrieved the Golden Apple in the HoH competition , he was awarded immunity for that week . ^ Note 5 : Because Megan walked from the game while still being one of Cody 's original nominations , he had to choose a replacement nominee , ultimately choosing Alex . ^ Note 6 : For the first three weeks , America voted to tempt three houseguests , one per week . Because Paul accepted the Pendant of Protection temptation , he is immune for the next three evictions . Paul chose to keep this immunity a secret until Cody attempted to nominate him for eviction at the Week 1 Veto Ceremony . ^ Note 7 : During Week 1 , Ramses was cursed with having to nominate himself as a 3rd nominee within the next three weeks . He chose to nominate himself during Week 2 . In the event that the PoV was used on Ramses , no replacement nominee would be named . ^ Note 8 : Instead of permanent eviction , the first four evicted HouseGuests received a chance to return to the game through the `` Battle Back Showdown . '' All four evictees faced off in a duel , in which two winners of the first round advanced to face each other in the second round and the losers from both rounds were permanently eliminated ; going into the third duel , Cody was the last evictee standing and beat Paul to officially win re-entry into the house . ^ Note 9 : Paul was voted to battle Cody in the final round of the Battle Back Showdown . Ultimately , Cody defeated Paul and re-entered the game on Day 30 . ^ Note 10 : Since Jessica accepted the Halting Hex temptation , the consequence was a new competition unleashed for the next 3 weeks . The winner of the temptation competition would be immune for the week , however , the person that finishes last in the competition will be automatically nominated as a third nominee , indicated in bold . This temptation nominee is irreplaceable if the veto is used on them . ^ Note 11 : On Day 44 , Jessica used the Halting Hex , which halted Week 5 's Eviction . ^ Note 12 : This week was a double eviction week . Following the first eviction , the remaining HouseGuests played a week 's worth of games -- including HoH and Veto competitions and Nomination , Veto and Eviction ceremonies -- during the remainder of the live show , culminating in a second eviction for the week . ^ Note 13 : Through the Tree of Temptation , Mark earned the power to `` Save a Friend '' which allowed him to grant immunity to another HouseGuest ; he chose Paul . ^ Note 14 : Due to nobody picking an apple from the Tree of Temptation , no one received a temptation . ^ Note 15 : Matt was given a penalty vote for eviction after eating normal food while on the mandatory Have - Not slop diet . ^ Note 16 : As Head of Household , Christmas was forced to break the tie on Day 79 . ^ Note 17 : As Head of Household , Josh was forced to break the tie on Day 84 . ^ Note 18 : During the finale , the jury members voted for which finalist should win Big Brother . Controversies and criticisms ( edit ) Paul Abrahamian received criticism for his controversial mimicking of another HouseGuest . In Week 3 , he targeted Dominique Cooper for eviction and decided to apply black facial cosmetics and clothing that resembled the skin of a snake , a metaphor that she had called him in an effort to expose his strategy to the other HouseGuests . Given that Cooper is African American , Abrahamian 's actions were deemed racist when he referred to the cosmetics as `` blackface . '' When asked by TMZ about the incident , Run the Jewels member Killer Mike remarked that `` ( Abrahamian ) has the right to be stupid '' and `` there are consequences that that come with that . '' Viewers also debated on Abrahamian 's alleged bullying tactics in which he encouraged other HouseGuests to antagonize `` outcasts '' in the House , especially showmance allies Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson . Some notable incidents include Christmas Abbott propagating aspersions on Nickson 's military service , and Alex Ow and Raven Walton engaging in verbal arguments with Graf . Likewise , a physical confrontation nearly transpired between Josh Martinez and Mark Jansen after the latter defended Nickson and the former responded with his frying - pan shtick , prompting Big Brother production to force them to opposite ends of the House . A fistfight almost ensued between Abrahamian and Nickson as well after Abrahamian disrespectfully silenced Graf in front of Nickson in the HoH Room . Abrahamian , who was HoH at that time , bypassed the confrontation instead by sending Nickson out of the room while screaming condescensions at him . Some fans also perceived Megan Lowder 's controversial exit on Day 8 as a result of bullying . During a backyard conversation , Lowder overheard Graf refer to Ow as `` Panda , '' which Lowder considered to be racist due to its Asian connotation . However , Graf actually said `` PaoPao , '' which alluded to the nickname of Big Brother 16 HouseGuest Paola Shea , of whom Ow reminded Graf due to both being Asian Americans . After being informed of the comment by Lowder , Ow clarified the issue with Graf before they assumed that Lowder fabricated the comment for game - related purposes , prompting them to confront her . Lowder felt overwhelmed by the confrontation that she broke down and stayed long in the Diary Room where she brought up her history of posttraumatic stress disorder with the show 's producers . Concerned of her mental health , production came to a mutual decision with Lowder that it would be best for her to self - evict from the game . Viewers called for Jason Dent 's expulsion from the House after he was caught on the live feeds making rape and assault jokes in front of other HouseGuests . In one instance , Dent commented on having sex with Kevin Schlehuber 's wife , Deborah , while all their daughters were tied up and forced to watch the act . In an interview with TMZ , Deborah Schlehuber said that Dent 's comments were disturbing and `` the worst thing she 's ever seen . '' On Twitter , Dent 's family apologized for the comments but stated that the comments were taken out of context , which Deborah doubted as she believed her husband would never joke as such about anyone in any situation . Dent was also seen making similar jokes earlier in the competition , such as suggesting to restrain Walton and have male HouseGuests `` take turns '' on her , and once telling cops about sexually assaulting women at a nursing home . Dent and Nickson sparked backlash after footage of remarks regarded as transphobic was depicted on the live feeds . During a conversation in the hot tub , Graf informed Dent and Nickson about Audrey Middleton of Big Brother 17 as the first transgender contestant in the show 's history . Nickson proceeded to mock the gender identity of Middleton , for whom Dent was also confused about the appropriate pronoun . Middleton addressed the controversy through a Twitter post , urging people not to vilify both male HouseGuests but rather , educate them on the value of emotional intelligence . Nickson was also criticized for using the derogatory term `` tranny '' several times earlier in the game . Fans were heavily divided on the authenticity of some of Walton 's claims in the House . As a gastroparesis ( GP ) sufferer , Walton often commented that her gastric pacemaker was burdensome , that her condition was hereditary and terminal , and that she was sterile , making her consider egg - freezing , hysterectomy , and knee surgery before her death . Even before joining the show , Walton had established a $200,000 campaign on GoFundMe for her treatment , which some skeptical fans considered a scam . Schlehuber also recounted Walton asking viewers for money on camera . Other GP sufferers and organizations like Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatment disputed her claims about the severity of the disease . However , Walton 's mother , Stacy , and her physician , Dr. Thomas Abell , took it to social media to combat Walton 's critics , even stating `` there 's basically many different ways to die from gastroparesis ... '' Fans also accused Walton of being an `` attention seeker '' or having hypochondria or Munchausen syndrome due to her allegedly exaggerating other health conditions and lying about having GP based on her unhealthy eating habits in the House . Walton also claimed that she and her mother were members of Mensa International but their names were proven not to be found in the organization 's current directory . Several HouseGuests , especially Graf , attracted controversy for engaging in a certain inappropriate behavior in the House . Footage on the live feeds showed Graf making unwanted contact with some HouseGuests in their `` private areas '' in a joking manner without prior consent . When confronted , Graf dismissed any accusations of such wrongdoing as sexual harassment or invasion of privacy . Ironically , Graf 's behavior incited other HouseGuests like Abrahamian , Matthew Clines , Ramses Soto , and Elena Davies to partake in similar playful acts towards HouseGuests of the same and opposite genders . In one episode of the show , Ow shared with Martinez how the rampant `` touching '' in the House , particularly her experience with Graf , made her uncomfortable because it was reminiscent of her cousin who had been raped and murdered . Reception ( edit ) Viewing figures ( edit ) # Air Date United States Source 18 -- 49 ( rating / share ) Viewers ( millions ) Rank ( timeslot ) Rank ( night ) Wednesday , June 28 , 2017 1.7 / 7 5.88 Thursday , June 29 , 2017 1.6 / 7 5.37 Sunday , July 2 , 2017 1.4 / 7 5.16 Wednesday , July 5 , 2017 1.8 / 8 6.15 5 Thursday , July 6 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.09 6 Sunday , July 9 , 2017 1.8 / 8 6.39 7 Wednesday , July 12 , 2017 1.9 / 9 6.45 8 Thursday , July 13 , 2017 1.8 / 8 6.11 9 Sunday , July 16 , 2017 1.8 / 8 5.95 10 Wednesday , July 19 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.19 11 Thursday , July 20 , 2017 1.9 / 7 5.96 12 Friday , July 21 , 2017 1.5 / 7 5.45 13 Sunday , July 23 , 2017 1.8 / 7 5.98 14 Wednesday , July 26 , 2017 1.8 / 8 6.35 15 Thursday , July 27 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.33 16 Sunday , July 30 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.33 17 Wednesday , August 2 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.57 18 Thursday , August 3 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.42 19 Sunday , August 6 , 2017 2.0 / 8 6.46 20 Wednesday , August 9 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.39 21 Thursday , August 10 , 2017 1.9 / 8 5.95 22 Sunday , August 13 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.22 23 Wednesday , August 16 , 2017 1.9 / 8 6.27 24 Thursday , August 17 , 2017 2.1 / 8 6.48 25 Friday , August 18 , 2017 1.4 / 7 5.06 26 Sunday , August 20 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.42 27 Wednesday , August 23 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.10 28 Thursday , August 24 , 2017 1.7 / 7 6.03 29 Sunday , August 27 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.28 30 Wednesday , August 30 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.20 31 Thursday , August 31 , 2017 1.5 / 6 4.91 32 Sunday , September 3 , 2017 1.7 / 7 5.65 33 Wednesday , September 6 , 2017 1.9 / 7 6.33 34 Thursday , September 7 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.24 35 Sunday , September 10 , 2017 1.9 / 7 6.27 6 36 Wednesday , September 13 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.38 37 Thursday , September 14 , 2017 1.8 / 7 6.12 38 Friday , September 15 , 2017 1.2 / 6 4.89 39 Wednesday , September 20 , 2017 2.2 / 8 6.70 ^ Note 1 : Episode 22 was delayed to 8 : 18 PM ET ( 7 : 18 PM CT ) ) due to the PGA Tour golf event running long . 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External links ( edit ) CBS Official Site Big Brother ( U.S. TV series ) Main edition Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Houseguests 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Spin - offs Over the Top houseguests Celebrity Winners Eddie McGee Will Kirby Lisa Donahue Jun Song Drew Daniel Maggie Ausburn Mike Malin Dick Donato Adam Jasinski Dan Gheesling Jordan Lloyd Hayden Moss Rachel Reilly Ian Terry Andy Herren Derrick Levasseur Steve Moses Nicole Franzel Other contestants Jamie Kern Lima George Boswell Brittany Petros Danielle Reyes Jason Guy Marcellas Reynolds Alison Irwin Erika Landin Diane Henry Adria Montgomery - Klein and Natalie Montgomery - Carroll Will Wikle Janelle Pierzina Howie Gordon James Rhine Daniele Donato Sheila Kennedy Jessie Godderz Steven Daigle Jeff Schroeder Chima Simone Brendon Villegas Jenn Arroyo Frank Eudy Kara Monaco Aaryn Gries Candice Stewart Cody Calafiore Caleb Reynolds Frankie Grande Liz and Julia Nolan Vanessa Rousso Austin Matelson James Huling Companion shows House Calls After Dark Coordinates : 34 ° 8 ′ 40.12 '' N 118 ° 23 ′ 20.71 '' W  /  34.1444778 ° N 118.3890861 ° W  / 34.1444778 ; - 118.3890861 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Big_Brother_19_(U.S.)&oldid=811595551 '' Categories : 2017 American television seasons Big Brother ( U.S. ) seasons Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Coordinates not on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 22 November 2017 , at 17 : 26 . 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summarize the structure of congress as outlined in the constitution's article i
Structure of the United States Congress
structure of the united states congress
The structure of the United States Congress with a separate House and Senate is complex with numerous committees handling a disparate array of topics presided over by elected officers . Some committees manage other committees . Congresspersons have various privileges to help the presidents serve the national interest and are paid a salary and have pensions . Congress formed a Library of Congress to help assist investigations and developed a Government Accountability Office to help it analyze complex and varied federal expenditures .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Committees 2 Officers 3 Privileges 4 Government Accountability Office 5 References 6 External links Committees ( edit ) Main article : United States Congressional committee Most congressional legislative work happens in committees . It is neither expected nor possible that a member of Congress be an expert on all matters and subject areas that come before Congress . Congressional committees provide invaluable informational services to Congress by investigating and reporting back in regard to specialized subject matter . While this investigatory function is indispensable to Congress , procedures such as the House discharge petition process ( the process of bringing a bill onto the floor without a committee report or mandatory consent from its leadership ) are so difficult to implement that committee jurisdiction over particular subject matter of bills has expanded into semi-autonomous power . Of the 73 discharge petitions submitted to the full House from 1995 through 2007 , only one was successful in securing a definitive yea - or - nay vote for a bill on the floor of the House of Representatives . Not without reason have congressional committees been called independent fiefdoms . In 1931 a reform movement temporarily reduced the number of signatures required on discharge petitions in the U.S. House of Representatives from a constitutional majority of 218 down to 145 , i.e. from one - half to one - third of the House membership . This reform was abolished in a 1935 counterattack led by the intra-House oligarchy . Thus the era of the Great Depression marks the last across - the - board change , albeit a short - lived one , in the autonomy of House standing committees . On strategy for an enduring reform in the system of semi-autonomous committees see the citation . In the course of committee work , members will often develop personal expertise on the matters under the jurisdiction of their respective committee ( s ) . Such expertise , or claims thereof , are invariably cited during disputes over whether the parent body should bow to obdurate committee negatives . Congress divides its legislative , oversight , and internal administrative tasks among approximately two hundred committees and subcommittees . Within assigned areas , these functional sub-units gather information , compare and evaluate legislative alternatives , identify policy problems and propose solutions , select , determine , and report measures for full chamber consideration , monitor executive branch performance ( oversight ) , and investigate allegations of wrongdoing . Decision on which areas individual members choose to specialize may be influenced by their constituency and regional issues of importance to them , as well as prior background and experience of the member . Senators will also try to differentiate themselves from the other senator from the same state , so that areas of specialization do not overlap . The Ways and Means Committee has been seen as a powerful one since it controlled other aspects of House affairs . Here is a list of major House committees : Major Senate committees Standing committees Agriculture , Nutrition , and Forestry Appropriations Armed Services Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs Budget Commerce , Science , and Transportation Energy and Natural Resources Environment and Public Works Finance Foreign Relations Health , Education , Labor , and Pensions Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Judiciary Rules and Administration Small Business and Entrepreneurship Veterans ' Affairs Special , Select , and other committees Impeachment Trial Committee ( Porteous ) Indian Affairs Select Committee on Ethics Select Committee on Intelligence Special Committee on Aging Joint committees Joint Committee on Printing Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on the Library Joint Economic Committee Major House committees Committee on Agriculture Committee on Appropriations Committee on Armed Services Committee on the Budget Committee on Education and Labor Committee on Energy and Commerce Committee on Financial Services Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Homeland Security Committee on House Administration Committee on the Judiciary Committee on Natural Resources Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Rules Committee on Science and Technology Committee on Small Business Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Veterans ' Affairs Committee on Ways and Means Joint Economic Committee Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Joint Committee on Taxation House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Officers ( edit ) President Lyndon B. Johnson in U.S. Congress in 1963 with Speaker of the House John W. McCormack ( left ) , and Senate President pro tempore Carl T. Hayden ( right ) . At the beginning of each two - year Congress , the House of Representatives elects a speaker . The speaker does not normally preside over debates , but is , rather , the leader of the majority party in the House . The Vice President of the United States is , ex officio , President of the Senate . The Senate also elects a President pro tempore . For decades the person elected has been the most senior member of the majority party in the Senate , and has held office until he or she ceases to be a senator or a new president pro tempore is elected ( usually after a change in party control ) . Thus , the Senate does not necessarily elect a new president pro tempore at the beginning of a new Congress . Privileges ( edit ) Under the Constitution , members of both houses enjoy the privilege of being free from arrest in all cases , except for treason , felony , and breach of the peace . This immunity applies to members during sessions and when traveling to and from sessions . The term `` arrest '' has been interpreted broadly , and includes any detention or delay in the course of law enforcement , including court summons and subpoenas . The rules of the House strictly guard this privilege ; a member may not waive the privilege on his or her own , but must seek the permission of the whole house to do so . Senate rules , on the other hand , are less strict , and permit individual senators to waive the privilege as they see fit . The Constitution also guarantees absolute freedom of debate in both houses , providing , `` for any Speech or Debate in either House , they shall not be questioned in any other Place . '' Hence , a member of Congress may not be sued for slander because of remarks made in either house . However , each house has its own rules restricting offensive speeches , and may punish members who transgress them . Obstructing the work of Congress is a crime under federal law , and is known as contempt of Congress . Each house of Congress has the power to cite individuals for contempt , but may not impose any punishment . Instead , after a house issues a contempt citation , the judicial system pursues the matter like a normal criminal case . If convicted in court , an individual found guilty of contempt of Congress may be imprisoned for up to one year . From 1789 to 1815 , members of Congress received only a per diem ( daily payment ) of $6 while in session . Members began receiving an annual salary in 1815 , when they were paid $1,500 per year . As of 2006 , rank and file members of Congress received a yearly salary of $165,200 . Congressional leaders are paid $183,500 per year . The Speaker of the House of Representatives earns $212,100 per annum . The salary of the President pro tempore for 2006 is $183,500 , equal to that of the majority and minority leader of the House and Senate . Privileges include having an office and paid staff . Generally , members who have been in Congress longer have greater seniority and therefore greater power . Members elected since 1984 are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System ( FERS ) . Those elected prior to 1984 were covered by the Civil Service Retirement System ( CSRS ) . In 1984 all members were given the option of remaining with CSRS or switching for FERS . As it is for all other federal employees , congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants ' contributions . Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 % of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 % of their salary in Social Security taxes . And like Federal employees , members contribute one - third of the cost of health insurance with the government covering the other two - thirds . The size of a congressional pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest three years of his or her salary . By law , the starting amount of a member 's retirement annuity may not exceed 80 % of his or her final salary . In 2006 , the average annual pension for retired senators and representatives under CSRS was $60,972 , while those who retired under FERS , or in combination with CSRS , was $35,952 . Members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five years of service and who are at least 62 years of age . If members leave Congress before reaching retirement age , they may leave their contributions behind and receive a deferred pension later . The current pension program , effective January 1987 , is under the Federal Employees Retirement System ( FERS ) , which covers members and other federal employees whose federal employment began in 1984 or later . The Library of Congress main reading room in the Thomas Jefferson Building Another privilege is the use of the Library of Congress which is housed in three buildings . Established in 1800 , it consisted mostly of law books which were burned by the British in 1814 , but the library collection was restored afterwards with significant gifts from the collection of Thomas Jefferson . One of the Library 's missions is to serve the Congress and its staff as well as the American public and is the `` largest library in the world '' according to one source , with over a hundred million items including books , films , maps , photographs , music , manuscripts , and graphics , and materials in over four hundred and fifty languages . The Congressional Research Service provides detailed , up - to - date and non-partisan research for senators , representatives , and their staff to help them carry out their official duties . The franking privilege allows members of Congress to send official mail to constituents at government expense . Though they are not permitted to send election materials , borderline material is often sent , especially in the run - up to an election by those in close races . Indeed , some academics consider free mailings as giving incumbents a big advantage over challengers . In 2008 , rank and file members of Congress earned $169,300 annually . Some critics complain congressional pay is high compared with a median American income of $45,113 for men and $35,102 for women . Others have countered that congressional pay is consistent with other branches of government . Congress has been criticized for trying to conceal pay raises by slipping them into a large bill at the last minute . Others have criticized the wealth of members of Congress . Congresspersons are encouraged to journey on fact - finding missions to learn about other countries and gain information . This helps them stay informed . Sometimes , however , these can cause controversy if the trip is deemed excessive or unconnected with the task of governing . For example , the Wall Street Journal reported lawmaker trips abroad at taxpayer expense , which included spas , $300 - per - night extra unused rooms , and shopping excursions . One five - day trip by two senators with wives to Germany included excursions along the Rhine and a heavy metal music concert . Another trip had lawmakers staying at Edinburgh 's Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa , which featured `` state - of - the - art spa and leisure facilities including a rooftop indoor / outdoor pool '' and with wives eating $40 - per - person `` traditional English cream tea '' . Lawmakers respond that `` traveling with spouses compensates for being away from them a lot in Washington '' and justify the trips as a way to meet officials in other nations . Government Accountability Office ( edit ) The headquarters of the Government Accountability Office in Washington , D.C. Main article : Government Accountability Office Congress uses the Government Accountability Office or GAO to help it understand the financial ramifications of various decisions and to perform studies to help guide its legislative activity . It was established as the General Accounting Office by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 to investigate the `` receipt , disbursement , and application of public funds '' and to keep the president and Congress informed about such expenditures . It supports Congress in its efforts to meet its constitutional responsibilities and improve government fiscal performance . The name was changed to Government Accountability Office in 2004 . GAO auditors conduct financial audits as well as other performance audits . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ alina Jump up ^ English ( 2003 ) , pp. 46 -- 47 Jump up ^ The one successful discharge petition from the 104th Congress , session 1 through the 110th Congress , session 1 -- 1995 through 2007 -- was in behalf of HR 2356 ( campaign finance reform ) , which secured 218 signatures on 1 / 24 / 2002 . Source on discharge petitions since 1997 : Beginning with the 105th Congress , the House Clerk lists discharge petitions per Congress at its website , Jump up ^ Cannon 's Precedents , vol. 7 , sect. 1007 , gives a short history of the discharge rules from early times to 1935 . In 1910 the House established the first known discharge rule since the Civil War . In 1924 the House passed the rule requiring Congressmen 's signatures on discharge petitions , and the required number of signatories was 150 . ( Congressional Record , 68 Congress 1 , pp. 944 - 1143 ) . In 1925 the House increased the signature requirement to 218 . ( CR , 69 Congress 1 , pp. 383 - 91 ) . But in 1931 the House reduced the signature requirement to 145 and rewrote the rule . ( CR , 72 Congress 1 , pp. 10 - 83 ) . Finally in 1935 the Democrats reversed their 1931 policy -- they had been disconcerted by the discharge of several bills that the House leadership and FDR opposed -- and by a vote of 245 to 166 they raised the signature requirement to 218 . ( CR , 74 Congress 1 , pp. 13 - 20 ) . Today 's rule is identical to that of 1935 . Jump up ^ The `` 21 - day rule '' applied to the Rules Committee alone ; this rule was in force during 1949 - 1951 , and 1965 - 1967 , and it allowed the chairman of the legislative committee involved to bypass the Rules Committee and report a bill directly to the House floor , provided that three weeks had passed without a rule being reported for floor debate on the bill . ( See James A. Robinson , The House Rules Committee ( New York : Bobbs - Merrill Co. , 1963 ) , pp. 70 , 87 ; Congressional Record , 81 Congress 1 , p. 10 ; CR , 89 Congress 1 , p. 21 ; CR , 92 Congress 1 , p . H69 ; Congressional Quarterly Almanac , 1967 , pp. 180 - 81 ; CQ Weekly Report 29 ( January 29 , 1971 ) : 257 - 58 ) . Jump up ^ Robert Struble , Jr. , Treatise on Twelve Lights , chapter seven , subsection on `` Committee Autonomy '' Jump up ^ Committee Types and Roles , Congressional Research Service , April 1 , 2003 Jump up ^ English , p. 46 Jump up ^ Schiller , Wendy J. ( 2000 ) . Partners and Rivals : Representation in U.S. Senate Delegations . Princeton University Press . Jump up ^ `` Committees '' . U.S. Senate . 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ 111th Congress , 2nd Session ( 2010 ) . `` Committee Offices '' . United States House of Representatives . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 11 . Jump up ^ Davidson ( 2006 ) , p. 17 Jump up ^ Senate Salaries since 1789 . United States Senate . Retrieved on 2007 - 08 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : Salaries of Members of Congress ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . Retrieved on 2007 - 08 - 12 . Jump up ^ Salaries of Legislative , Executive , and Judicial Officials ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . Retrieved on 2007 - 08 - 12 . ^ Jump up to : `` BLACKS : Confronting the President '' . Time Magazine . April 5 , 1971 . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 11 . The catch in Fauntroy 's election is that he will be a nonvoting member of the House ; he also becomes the 437th member , which places him on the last rung of the seniority ladder . Otherwise , he receives full congressional privileges , including an office with a staff of 13 , an annual salary of $42,500 , a vote on the House District of Columbia Committee ( where he will likely be placed ) , and the right to introduce legislation . Jump up ^ Scott , Walter ( 25 April 2010 ) . `` Personality Parade column : Q. Does Congress pay for its own health care ? '' . New York , NY : Parade . p. 2 . Jump up ^ Retirement Benefits for Members of Congress ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service , February 9 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Capitol Questions '' . C - Span. 28 September 2000 . Retrieved 2007 - 03 - 20 . ^ Jump up to : Loveleena Rajeev ( 2010 ) . `` History of the Library of Congress '' . Buzzle.com . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 11 . The Library of Congress is the research library of the United States Congress and is one of the oldest federal institution in the country . The huge library collection is housed in three buildings ; Thomas Jefferson Building , John Adams Building , and James Madison Memorial Building . It is the largest library in the world , with a collection of millions of books , manuscripts , recordings , photographs and maps . These resources are used by American people and the Congress , as a source for all American history , inquires and knowledge . The Office of the Librarian is the administrative branch of the Library of Congress and bears responsibility for the overall management of the Library . Jump up ^ English ( 2003 ) , pp. 24 -- 25 Jump up ^ Simpson , G.R. ( October 22 , 1992 ) . `` Surprise ! Top Frankers Also Have the Stiffest Challenges '' . Roll Call . Jump up ^ Steven S. Smith ; Jason M. Roberts ; Ryan J. Vander Wielen ( 2006 ) . `` The American Congress ( Fourth Edition ) '' . Cambridge University Press . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 11 ... The form of voter contact for which incumbents enjoy the biggest advantage over challengers is contact through the mail ... incumbents ' franking privilege and funding for mass mailings give them an important edge over the competition ... ( see page 79 ) Jump up ^ Perry Bacon Jr . ( August 31 , 2009 ) . `` Post Politics Hour : Weekend Review and a Look Ahead '' . Washington Post . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 20 . Huckabee , David C. ( 2003 ) . Reelection Rates of Incumbents . Hauppauge , New York : Novinka Books , an imprint of Nova Science Publishers . p. 21 . ISBN 1590335090 . David C. Huckabee -- Analyst in American National Government -- Government Division ( 1995 - 03 - 08 ) . `` Reelection rate of House Incumbents 1790 - 1990 Summary ( page 2 ) '' (. PDF ) . Congressional Research Service -- The Library of Congress . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 20 . Janice Francis - Smith ( 2008 - 10 - 22 ) . `` Waging campaigns against incumbents in Oklahoma '' . The Oklahoma City Journal Record . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 20 . `` How To Clean Up The Mess From Inside The System , A Plea -- And A Plan -- To Reform Campaign Finance Before It 's Too '' . NEWSWEEK . October 28 , 1996 . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 20 . ^ Jump up to : Associated Press ( 1 / 9 / 2008 ) . `` Congress gets $4,100 pay raise '' . USA Today . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 28 . Check date values in : date = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` US Census Bureau news release in regards to median income '' . Archived from the original on August 30 , 2008 . Retrieved 2007 - 08 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` A Quiet Raise -- Congressional Pay -- special report '' . Washington Post . 1999 - 03 - 18 . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 28 . Check date values in : year = / date = mismatch ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Time Essay : Campaign Costs : Floor , Not Ceiling '' . Time Magazine . May 17 , 1971 . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 01 . Jump up ^ Evan Thomas ( April 4 , 2008 ) . `` At What Cost ? -- Sen. John Warner and Congress 's money culture . '' . Newsweek . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : Brody Mullins & T.W. Farnam ( December 17 , 2009 ) . `` Congress Travels More , Public Pays : Lawmakers Ramp Up Taxpayer - Financed Journeys ; Five Days in Scotland '' . Wall Street Journal . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 17 . The tour provides a glimpse of the mixture of business and pleasure involved in legislators ' overseas trips , which are growing in number and mostly financed by the taxpayer . Lawmakers travel with military liaisons who carry luggage , help them through customs , escort them on sightseeing trips and stock their hotel rooms with food and liquor . Typically , spouses come along , flying free on jets operated by the Air Force . Legislative aides come too . On the ground , all travel in chauffeured vehicles . Jump up ^ GAO.gov External links ( edit ) Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Structure_of_the_United_States_Congress&oldid=800713381 '' Categories : Legislative branch of the United States government Hidden categories : CS1 errors : dates Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 15 September 2017 , at 06 : 34 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . 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whats the difference between american cheese and cheddar cheese
American cheese
american cheese
A wrapped slice of cheese American cheese is a type of processed cheese . It can be orange , yellow , or white in color , is mild , salty , and faintly sweet in flavor , has a medium - firm consistency , and has a very low melting point . Very early in its history , American cheese was only white in color -- as it was made from a blend of cheeses ( most often including cheddar cheese ) which were originally only white . However , the later versions are often a yellow hue due to the addition of annatto , a sweet and nutty seasoning added to cheddar and to Colby so that by the late 1800s American cheese was often simply called `` yellow cheese '' . Today 's American cheese is , by law , required to be manufactured from at least two types of cheese . Because its manufacturing process differs from `` unprocessed '' / raw / natural cheeses , American cheese can not be legally sold under the name ( authentic ) `` cheese '' in the US . Instead , federal ( and even some state ) laws mandate that it be labeled as `` processed cheese '' if simply made from combining more than one cheese , or `` cheese food '' if dairy ingredients such as cream , milk , skim milk , buttermilk , cheese whey , or albumin from cheese whey are added . As a result , sometimes even the word `` cheese '' is absent altogether from the product 's labeling in favor of , e.g. , `` American slices '' or `` American singles '' . In the United Kingdom , packs of individually wrapped slices are labeled as `` singles '' , although they are commonly referred to as `` cheese slices '' . The previously used marketing term , `` American Cheese '' , for processed cheese -- combined with the commonality of processed cheeses in the US , versus outside it -- has led to the terms American cheese and `` processed cheese '' to often be confused outside the United States . However , the term `` American cheese '' has a legal definition as a type of pasteurized processed cheese under the American Code of Federal Regulations . A square of American cheese is a component of the traditional cheeseburger , a popular food in North America . Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 2 Modern varieties 3 See also 4 Notes 5 External links History ( edit ) Origins ( edit ) British colonists made cheddar cheese soon upon their arrival in North America . By 1790 , American cheddars were being exported back to England . According to Robert Carlton Brown , author of The Complete Book of Cheese , `` The English called our imitation Yankee , or American , Cheddar , while here at home it was popularly known as yellow or store cheese '' . In 1878 , the total export of American cheese was 355 million pounds per year , with an expected growth to 1,420 million pounds . After the official invention of processed cheese in 1911 , and its subsequent popularization by James L. Kraft in the late - 1910s and the 1920s , the term `` American cheese '' rapidly began to refer to this variety , instead of the traditional but more expensive cheddars also made and sold in the US . The latter had already begun to be produced on an industrial scale in the 1890s , leading to the term `` factory cheese '' . The Oxford English Dictionary defines American cheese as a `` cheese of cheddar type , made in the U.S. '' and lists 1804 as the first known usage of `` American cheese '' , occurring in the Frankfort , Kentucky newspaper Guardian of Freedom . The next usage given is in 1860 by Charles Dickens in his series The Noncommercial Traversal . The English method of producing cheddar cheese was known in America as `` the Joseph Harding Method '' . Modern varieties ( edit ) Even though the term `` American cheese '' has a legal definition in the United States as a type of pasteurized processed cheese , and is actually something different , products called `` cheese product '' are by no means identical . Depending on the additives and the amounts of milk fat , oil , and water added during emulsification , the taste and texture of solid American cheese varies . As a result , some varieties ( e.g. , `` American cheese '' and `` American processed cheese '' ) bear remarkable similarity to traditional / unprocessed cheeses , while other varieties ( e.g. , `` American cheese food '' and `` American cheese product '' ) are much more like Velveeta or Cheez Whiz . The taste and texture of different varieties of American cheese vary considerably . Depending on the food manufacturer , the color of the cheese ( orange , yellow , or white ) may indicate different ingredients or processes . Typically , yellow to orange American cheese is made with cheeses ( such as Cheddar or Colby cheese ) that are seasoned with annatto , while white American cheese is made with cheeses ( such as White Cheddar or Jack cheese ) which do not contain annatto . The processed variety of American cheese is sold in three basic packaging varieties : individually - wrapped cheese slices ( which are not sliced from a block of cheese , but rather slabs of processed cheese which are formed from a viscous processed cheese which only solidifies between the wrapping medium ) ; small , pre-sliced blocks of 8 to 36 slices ; and large blocks meant for use behind deli counters . The individually - wrapped cheese slices are , typically , the least like traditional cheese . Small blocks of pre-sliced ( e.g. , 8 -- 36 slices ) , unwrapped American cheese are also marketed , often with the branding `` deluxe '' or `` old - fashioned '' ; this variety of American cheese is similar in ingredients and texture to that of modern block American cheese . Before the advent of the individually - wrapped variety , this was the typical variety that Americans purchased . Hence , some people refer to this as `` classic '' or `` traditional '' American cheese . See also ( edit ) Food portal List of cheeses List of dairy products Government cheese Kraft Singles Velveeta Provel Cheez Whiz Easy Cheese Chile con queso Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Standards of Identity for Dairy Products '' . MilkFacts.info . Retrieved February 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` CFR -- Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 : Sec . 133.169 Pasteurized process cheese '' . U.S. Food and Drug Administration . Jump up ^ `` CFR -- Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 : Sec . 133.173 Pasteurized process cheese food '' . U.S. Food and Drug Administration . Jump up ^ `` Tesco Everyday Value Singles 257G '' . Tesco.com . Retrieved February 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ US Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 ( Food and Drugs ) , Subchapter B , Part 133 , Section 169 - 173 ( Pasteurized processed cheese ) , the allowed usage of the term `` American cheese '' for certain types of `` Pasteurized processed cheese '' is detailed . U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( April 1 , 1999 ) , Title 21 , Subchapter B , Part 133 , U.S. Government Printing Office , Paragraph ( e ) ( 2 ) ( ii ) of section 133.169 , retrieved February 17 , 2007 , In case it is made of cheddar cheese , washed curd cheese , colby cheese , or granular cheese or any mixture of two or more of these , it may be designated `` Pasteurized processed American cheese '' ; or when cheddar cheese , washed curd cheese , Colby cheese , granular cheese , or any mixture of two or more of these is combined with other varieties of cheese in the cheese ingredient , any of such cheeses or such mixture may be designated as `` American cheese . '' Jump up ^ Robert Carlton Brown , The Complete Book of Cheese ( New York : Programmer Publishing Company , 1955 ) . Republished in 2006 : `` Bob '' Brown , The Complete Book of Cheese ( Echo Library , 2006 ) . Jump up ^ `` The Cheese All Inspected '' , The New York Times , p. 5 , December 8 , 1878 Jump up ^ Edited by Edmund Whiner and John Simpson . ( 1991 ) , Oxford English Dictionary , I ( Second ed . ) , Oxford , UK : Oxford University Press , p. 397 , ISBN 0 - 19 - 861258 - 3 CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ American Notes and Queries , 1950 , page 159 Jump up ^ Cheke , Valerie Essex ( November 13 , 2017 ) . `` The story of cheese - making in Britain '' . Routledge & K. Paul -- via Google Books . External links ( edit ) Making American cheese on the farm for home consumption , Farmers ' Bulletin No. 1734 , U.S. Department of Agriculture , October 1934 . Hosted at University of North Texas Government Documents Department . An American - type cheese : how to make it for home use , Farmers ' Bulletin No. 2075 , U.S. Department of Agriculture , October 1954 . Cheese Types Acid - set Blue Brined Cream Goat Green cheese Pasta filata Processed Smear - ripened Smoked Washed - rind Whey Animal milk Cow Goat Reindeer Sheep Water buffalo Yak Camel Regions Bandel Cornwall France Germany Ireland Italy Mexico Middle East Netherlands Poland Romania Serbia Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Special designations Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée cheeses European cheeses with protected geographical status Greek Italian Organizations American Cheese Society International Cheese Awards Lucerne Cheese Festival Mountain Cheese Olympics National Cheese Exchange The Great British Cheese Festival List articles Cheese dishes Cheesemakers Cheese soups Cheeses Blue cheeses Goat milk cheeses Sheep milk cheeses Stretch - curd cheeses Water buffalo cheeses Miscellaneous Cheese ripening Dairy salt Cheese dishes Cheesemakers List of cheeses Processed cheese American cheese Cheese spread Cheez Whiz Chesdale Cold pack cheese Cup cheese Dairylea Easy Cheese Imitation cheese Korall Kraft Singles James L. Kraft Pimento cheese Pizza cheese Primula Provel cheese The Laughing Cow Velveeta American cheeses Types Baby Swiss Bergenost Brick Cheese curd Colby Colby - Jack Cougar Gold Cream cheese Creole cream cheese Cuba D'Isigny Farmer Hoop Humboldt Fog Kunik Liederkranz Maytag Blue Monterey Jack Muenster Pepper jack Pinconning Red Hawk String Swiss Teleme Regions Wisconsin cheese Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=American_cheese&oldid=845706082 '' Categories : American cheeses Processed cheese Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Use mdy dates from October 2014 All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from November 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu Azərbaycanca Català Español فارسی Français 한국어 Latina Русский Simple English Українська 粵語 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 June 2018 , at 15 : 56 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
where was the movie palm trees in the snow filmed
The film was shot in the Canary Islands , Huesca and Colombia .
Canary Islands , Huesca|Colombia
Palm Trees in the Snow
palm trees in the snow
Palm Trees in the Snow ( Spanish : Palmeras en la nieve ) is a 2015 Spanish romantic drama film directed by Fernando González Molina . The screenplay is based on the novel of the same name , Palmeras en la nieve , by Luz Gabás .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Awards and nominations 5 References 6 External links Plot ( edit ) Kilian is a young man from the mountains of Huesca who , in 1954 , returns to the island of Fernando Pó ( present Bioko ) , where he was born . He joins his father Antón and his brother Jacobo . As a family they are some of the Spanish colonialists who raise cocoa . In 2003 , Clarence discovers a hidden letter that reveals a hint about her father Jacobo 's and uncle Kilian 's past and sets out to discover what was concealed behind that journey to the former Spanish Guinea . Cast ( edit ) Mario Casas as Kilian Adriana Ugarte as Clarence Macarena García as Julia Alain Hernández as Jacobo Laia Costa as Daniela Emilio Gutiérrez Caba as Antón Berta Vázquez ( es ) as Bisila Daniel Grao as Manuel Fernando Cayo as Garuz Celso Bugallo as older Kilian Petra Martínez as older Julia Production ( edit ) The film was shot in the Canary Islands , Huesca and Colombia . Awards and nominations ( edit ) Awards Nominated Result III Premios Feroz Best Original Soundtrack Lucas Vidal Nominated 30th Goya Awards Best Art Direction Antón Laguna Won Best Production Supervision Toni Novella Nominated Best Costume Design Lolés García Galeán Nominated Best Makeup and Hairstyles Alicia López , Karmele Soler , Manolo García and Pedro de Diego Nominated Best Original Song `` Palmeras en la nieve '' by Lucas Vidal and Pablo Alborán Won References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Palmeras en la nieve '' . Sensacine . Retrieved 26 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` '' Palm Trees in the Snow '' second best Spanish opening of the year `` . Vertele . Retrieved 28 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The challenge of ' Palm Trees in the Snow ' '' . El Mundo . Retrieved 26 December 2015 . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) External links ( edit ) Palmeras en la nieve on IMDb Palm Trees in the Snow at Rotten Tomatoes This article related to a Spanish film of the 2010s is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . This article about a 2010s romantic drama film is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Palm_Trees_in_the_Snow&oldid=792140283 '' Categories : 2015 films 2010s romantic drama films Films set in Spain Films set in Equatorial Guinea Spanish films Spanish - language films 2010s Spanish film stubs 2010s romantic drama film stubs Hidden categories : Articles containing Spanish - language text Interlanguage link template link number Articles needing additional references from December 2015 All articles needing additional references All stub articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Català Español Euskara 日本 語 Svenska Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 24 July 2017 , at 18 : 25 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who sings i died in your arms tonight
`` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' is a song by the English rock band Cutting Crew . The song was released as the lead single from their debut studio album , Broadcast ( 1986 ) . It was first released on 25 July 1986 in the United Kingdom , and then released to the United States on 1 January 1987 . The song was written by frontman Nick Van Eede , produced by Terry Brown , John Jansen and the band , and mixed at Utopia Studios in London by Tim Palmer .
Cutting Crew
( I Just ) Died in Your Arms
( i just ) died in your arms
`` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' Single by Cutting Crew from the album Broadcast B - side `` For the Longest Time '' Released 25 July 1986 ( UK ) 1 January 1987 ( US ) Format 7 '' single Recorded February 1986 Genre Pop rock Length 4 : 39 Label Virgin Songwriter ( s ) Nick Van Eede Producer ( s ) Terry Brown John Jansen Cutting Crew Cutting Crew singles chronology `` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' ( 1986 ) `` I 've Been in Love Before '' ( 1987 ) `` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' ( 1986 ) `` I 've Been in Love Before '' ( 1987 ) Audio sample `` I Just Died in Your Arms '' file help `` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' is a song by the English rock band Cutting Crew . The song was released as the lead single from their debut studio album , Broadcast ( 1986 ) . It was first released on 25 July 1986 in the United Kingdom , and then released to the United States on 1 January 1987 . The song was written by frontman Nick Van Eede , produced by Terry Brown , John Jansen and the band , and mixed at Utopia Studios in London by Tim Palmer . The power ballad was the band 's biggest hit , peaking at number - one in the United States , Canada and Finland , and reaching the top five in the UK , South Africa , Sweden and Switzerland . Contents 1 Background and writing 2 Music video 3 Chart performance 3.1 Weekly charts 3.2 Year - end charts 4 In popular culture 5 References Background and writing ( edit ) The actual words `` I just died in your arms tonight '' originally came allegedly to Van Eede while he was having sex with his girlfriend , the French phrase la petite mort , or `` the little death '' , being a metaphor for orgasm . After writing down his version of the phrase , he later used it as the opening line to the song as well as using it as the chorus . Music Video ( edit ) There were two music videos produced . The North American version featured artistic fragmented shots using a model , with the band performing to camera . The UK version was filmed both in color as well as in black and white in a film studio . Chart performance ( edit ) First released in Britain , the song peaked at # 4 on the UK charts in August 1986 . Upon its release in the United States , the previously unknown band 's debut single shot to number one on 2 May 1987 , and stayed there for two weeks . It also reached # 4 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart , # 24 on Billboard 's Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and ( in a remix version ) # 37 on the Hot Dance / Club Play chart . The song spent three weeks at # 1 in Canada . Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1986 -- 87 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 8 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 9 Belgium ( VRT Top 30 Flanders ) 19 Canada ( RPM ) Finland ( Suomen virallinen lista ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) Ireland ( IRMA ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 50 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 9 Norway ( VG - lista ) Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) UK Singles ( The Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Billboard Album Rock Tracks US Billboard Adult Contemporary 24 Chart ( 2017 ) Peak position Poland ( Polish Airplay Top 100 ) 42 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1986 ) Rank Australia 94 UK 44 Chart ( 1987 ) Rank Canada 7 US Billboard Hot 100 32 In popular culture ( edit ) The track appears in the 1999 movie Never Been Kissed , the 2007 movie Hot Rod , the 2010 film Hot Tub Time Machine , the 2015 television series Ash vs Evil Dead ( Season 2 `` Home again '' ) and the 2017 film The Lego Batman Movie . The song was made available for download on 7 August 2012 to play in Rock Band 3 Basic and PRO mode utilizing real guitar / bass guitar , and MIDI compatible electronic drum kits / keyboards . It also can be heard on Grand Theft Auto : Vice City on Emotion 98.3 radio . It also played briefly during DC 's Legend of Tomorrow in the episode Compromised . a Spider - Man collected editon gaphic novel is named Spider - Man : Died in Your Arms Tonight ( and it collects The Amazing Spider - Man ( 1998 - 2nd Series ) # 600 - 601 , Annual # 36 and material from Amazing Spider - Man Family ( 2008 ) # 7 , 200 pages , November 2009 , ISBN 0 - 7851 - 4459 - 5 ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The 21 best power ballads '' . Jump up ^ Bronson , Fred ( 2001 ) . The Billboard Book of Number One Hits . ISBN 0 - 8230 - 7677 - 6 . Retrieved 25 January 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Filme online schauen in der Online - Videothek von MyVideo - MyVideo '' . www.myvideo.de . Jump up ^ `` Cutting Crew , `` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' Chart Positions `` . Retrieved January 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Austriancharts.at -- Cutting Crew -- ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Jump up ^ Belgian peak Archived 9 April 2012 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Item Display -- RPM -- Library and Archives Canada '' . Collectionscanada.gc.ca . Archived from the original on 25 February 2012 . Retrieved 5 April 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Cutting Crew : ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' ( in Finnish ) . Musiikkituottajat -- IFPI Finland . Jump up ^ `` Musicline.de -- Cutting Crew Single - Chartverfolgung '' ( in German ) . Media Control Charts . PhonoNet GmbH . Jump up ^ `` Charts.nz -- Cutting Crew -- ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' . Top 40 Singles . Jump up ^ `` Nederlandse Top 40 -- Cutting Crew '' ( in Dutch ) . Dutch Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` Norwegiancharts.com -- Cutting Crew -- ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' . VG - lista . Jump up ^ `` Swedishcharts.com -- Cutting Crew -- ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' . Singles Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` Swisscharts.com -- Cutting Crew -- ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` Listy bestsellerów , wyróżnienia : : Związek Producentów Audio - Video '' . Polish Airplay Top 100 . Retrieved 12 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Kent , David ( 1993 ) . Australian Chart Book 1970 -- 1992 . Australian Chart Book , St Ives , N.S.W. ISBN 0 - 646 - 11917 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Singles '' . Music Week . London , England : Spotlight Publications . 24 January 1987 . p. 24 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . www.collectionscanada.gc.ca . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Hits of 1987 / Top 100 Songs of 1987 '' . www.musicoutfitters.com . Retrieved 7 December 2015 . Cutting Crew Nick Van Eede Gareth Moulton Joolz Dunkley Jono Harrison Tom Arnold Martyn Barker Nick Kay Mak Norman Gary Barnacle Nik Carter Jack Birchwood Steven Fuller TJ Davis Angela Brooks Kevin MacMichael Colin Farley Martin `` Frosty '' Beedle Tony Moore Studio albums Broadcast Singles `` ( I Just ) Died in Your Arms '' `` I 've Been in Love Before '' Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=(I_Just)_Died_in_Your_Arms&oldid=864577821 '' Categories : 1986 songs 1986 singles 1987 singles 1995 singles Cutting Crew songs Smokie ( band ) songs Trust Company ( band ) songs Jason Donovan songs Bastille ( band ) songs Rock ballads Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Number - one singles in Norway RPM Top Singles number - one singles Virgin Records singles Songs about sexuality Debut singles Black - and - white music videos Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from July 2016 Articles with hAudio microformats Audio sample to be checked Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Finland Singlechart used with missing parameters Singlechart usages for Germany Singlechart usages for New Zealand Singlechart usages for Dutch40 Singlechart usages for Norway Singlechart usages for Sweden Singlechart usages for Swiss Singlechart usages for Poland Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Talk Contents About Wikipedia বাংলা Deutsch Español Français Galego Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Русский Slovenčina Suomi Svenska 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 18 October 2018 , at 04 : 09 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
it doesn't have to be this way blow monkeys
It Does n't Have to Be this Way
it doesn't have to be this way
`` It Does n't Have to Be this Way '' is a single released by British band The Blow Monkeys in early 1987 . It is one of the band 's best known singles , and hit the top 5 on the UK Singles Chart . The song was featured in the 1987 comedy film Police Academy 4 : Citizens on Patrol .
Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 1987 ) Peak position Italy 44 Netherlands 29 UK Singles Chart Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=It_Doesn%27t_Have_to_Be_This_Way&oldid=789878898 '' Categories : 1987 singles 1987 songs RCA Records singles Hidden categories : Articles lacking sources from December 2010 All articles lacking sources Articles with hAudio microformats Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 10 July 2017 , at 06 : 10 . About Wikipedia
state that brought first state bank to national convention
National Convention
national convention
This article is written like a personal reflection , personal essay , or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor 's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic . Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style . ( May 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) National Convention Convention nationale French First Republic Autel de la Convention nationale or Autel républicain François - Léon Sicard Panthéon de Paris , France , 1913 Type Type Unicameral History Established 20 September 1792 Disbanded 3 November 1795 Preceded by Legislative Assembly Succeeded by Legislative Body Seats 850 Meeting place Tuileries Palace , Paris Part of a series on the History of France Prehistory ( show ) Palaeolithic Mesolithic Neolithic Copper Age Bronze Age Iron Age Ancient ( show ) Greek colonies Celtic Gaul until 50 BC Roman Gaul 50 BC -- 486 AD Early Middle Ages ( show ) Franks Merovingians 481 -- 751 Carolingians 751 -- 987 Middle Ages ( show ) Direct Capetians 987 -- 1328 Valois 1328 -- 1498 Early modern ( show ) Ancien Régime Valois - Orléans 1498 -- 1515 Valois - Angoulême 1515 -- 89 Bourbon 1589 -- 1792 Long 19th century ( show ) French Revolution 1789 -- 1799 Kingdom of France 1791 -- 92 First Republic 1792 -- 1804 First Empire 1804 -- 14 Restoration 1814 -- 30 July Monarchy 1830 -- 1848 Second Republic 1848 -- 52 Second Empire 1852 -- 70 Third Republic 1870 -- 1940 20th century ( show ) Third Republic 1870 -- 1940 Free France Vichy France 1940 -- 44 Provisional Republic 1944 -- 46 Fourth Republic 1946 -- 58 Fifth Republic 1958 -- present Timeline France portal The National Convention ( French : Convention nationale ) was the first government of the French Revolution , following the two - year National Constituent Assembly and the one - year Legislative Assembly . Created after the great insurrection of 10 August 1792 , it was the first French government organized as a republic , abandoning the monarchy altogether . The Convention sat as a single - chamber assembly from 20 September 1792 to 26 October 1795 ( 4 Brumaire IV under the Convention 's adopted calendar ) . The Convention came about when the Legislative Assembly , which had found it impossible to work with the king , decreed the provisional suspension of King Louis XVI and the convocation of a National Convention to draw up a new constitution with no monarchy . The other major innovation was to decree that deputies to that Convention should be elected by all Frenchmen twenty - five years old or more , domiciled for a year and living by the product of their labor . The National Convention was , therefore , the first French assembly elected by a suffrage without distinctions of class . Although the Convention lasted until 1795 , power was effectively stripped from the elected deputies and concentrated in the small Committee of Public Safety from April 1793 . The eight months from the fall of 1793 to the spring of 1794 , when Maximilien Robespierre and his allies dominated the Committee of Public Safety , represent the most radical and bloodiest phase of the French Revolution , known as the Reign of Terror . After the fall of Robespierre , the Convention lasted for another year until a new constitution was written , ushering in the French Directory . Contents 1 Elections 2 Girondin Convention 2.1 The Girondins and the Montagnards 2.2 The Plain 2.3 Trial and execution of the King 2.4 The Crisis and Fall of the Girondins 3 Montagnard Convention 3.1 Constitution of 1793 3.2 Federalist revolt , war and counter-revolution 3.3 Revolutionary government 3.3. 1 The economy 3.3. 2 The Army of the Year II 3.4 Fall of the factions 3.5 The Terror 3.6 Slavery 3.7 Thermidor 4 Thermidorian Convention 4.1 Thermidorian Reaction 4.2 Crushing of the popular movement 4.3 Constitution of the Year III 4.4 Vendemiaire 5 Legacy 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Sources 10 Further Reading 11 External links Elections ( edit ) The indirect election took place from 2 to 10 September 1792 after the election of the electoral colleges by primary assemblies on 26 August . Owing to the abstention of royalists , the anti-republicans , and the fear of victimization the voter turnout in the departments was low -- 11.9 % of the electorate came , compared to 10.2 % in the 1791 elections -- in spite of the fact that the number of those eligible to vote had doubled . Therefore , the quasi-universal male suffrage had very little impact . The electorate returned the same sort of men that the active citizens had chosen in 1791 . In the whole of France , only eleven primary assemblies wanted to retain the monarchy . Of the electoral assemblies , all tacitly voted for a republic -- though only Paris used the word . None of the deputies stood as a royalist for elections . Out of the five million Frenchmen able to vote , only a million showed up at the polls . On 20 september the Convention held its first session in the `` Salle des Cent - Suisses '' , the next day it moved to the Salle du Manège , with little room for the public and a bad acoustic . From 10 May 1793 it met in the Salle des Machines , an immense hall in which the deputies were loosely scattered . The Salle des Machines had galleries for the public who often influenced the debates with interruptions or applause . The members of the Convention came from all classes of society , but the most numerous were lawyers . 75 members had sat in the National Constituent Assembly , 183 in the Legislative Assembly . The full number of deputies was 749 , not counting 33 from the French colonies , of whom only some arrived in Paris in time . Thomas Paine and Anacharsis Cloots were appointed in the Convention by Girondins . Besides these , however , the newly formed départements annexed to France from 1782 to 1789 were allowed to send deputations . According to its own ruling , the Convention elected its President every fortnight , and the outgoing President was eligible for re-election after the lapse of a fortnight . Ordinarily , the sessions were held in the morning , but evening sessions also occurred frequently , often extending late into the night . Sometimes in exceptional circumstances , the Convention declared itself in permanent session and sat for several days without interruption . For both legislative and administrative the Convention used committees , with powers more or less widely extended and regulated by successive laws . The most famous of these committees included the Committee of Public Safety and the Committee of General Security . The Convention held legislative and executive powers during the first years of the French First Republic and had three distinct periods : Girondin , Montagnard or Jacobin , and Thermidorian . Girondin Convention ( edit ) The first session was held on 20 September 1792 . The following day , the assembly agreed the proposition `` That royalty be abolished in France '' and was carried with cheers . On the 22nd came the news of the Battle of Valmy . On the same day it was decreed that `` in future the acts of the assembly shall be dated First Year of the French Republic '' . Three days later the corollary that `` the French republic is one and indivisible '' was added to guard against federalism . A republic had been proclaimed , but it remained to enact a republican government . The country was little more republican in feeling or practice than it had been before at any time since Varennes . But now it had to become a republic , because it no longer had a king . When the Convention met the military situation was undergoing an extraordinary transformation that seemed to confirm the Girondin prophecies of easy victory . After Valmy the Prussians withdrew to the frontier , and in November French troops occupied the left bank of the Rhine . The Austrians , who had besieged Lille in October , were defeated by Dumouriez at the Battle of Jemappes on 6 November and evacuated the Austrian Netherlands . Nice was occupied and Savoy proclaimed its union with France . These successes made it safe to quarrel at home . The Girondins and the Montagnards ( edit ) Most historians divide the National Convention into two main factions : the Girondins and the Montagnards . The Girondins were the more radical democratic faction at the Convention , as opposed to the Montagnards , who were authoritarian populists . They drew their name from the Gironde , a region of France from which many of the deputies of this faction were elected ( although many `` Girondins '' were actually Parisian by origin ) . They were also known as the Brissotins after their most prominent speaker , Jaques Pierre Brissot . The Montagnards , who drew their support from the less educated segments of the Parisian population , drew their name from the high bleachers that they sat on while the Convention was in session . The Montagnards dominated the Convention through the threat of physical violence . Three questions dominated the first months of the Convention : revolutionary violence ; the trial of the king ; and Parisian dominance of politics . Antagonism between Paris and the provinces created friction among the people that served as a propaganda tool and combat weapon for the two groups . The departments resisted the idea of centralization . They saw this idea being symbolized by the desire to reduce the capital of the Revolution to its one - eighty - third share of influence . Much of the Gironde wished to remove the Assembly from a city dominated by `` agitators and flatterers of the people '' : it did not at the time encourage an aggressive federalism that would have run counter to its political ambitions . The Plain ( edit ) The Plain was a third faction during the Convention . Though some historians consider these men to be closely associated with the Girondins , the Plain was much more centrist in their ideals . The Plain held the largest group of deputies and derived their name from their place on the floor of the Convention . During the start of the Convention , they sided with the Girondins , however , as it progressed and the Montagnards began to push for the execution of Louis , the Plain began to side with them . Trial and execution of the king ( edit ) Main articles : Trial of Louis XVI and Execution of Louis XVI The trial of Louis XVI From the opening of the Convention the Girondins showed no inclination to bring the king to trial . They were more interested in discrediting Paris and its deputies . Their decision to hound the Jacobins was not merely a choice of priorities ; they genuinely wanted to spare the king . But in reality the Convention had to declare him guilty if it wanted to avoid damning 10 August 1792 , its own existence , and the proclamation of the Republic . `` If the king is not guilty , then those who have dethroned him are '' , as Robespierre remarked on 2 December . Once the Convention recognized Louis 's guilt it could hardly refuse to pronounce the death penalty against a person who had summoned the aid of foreign powers and whom the sans - culottes considered responsible for the ambush at the Tuileries . The discovery of the iron chest in the Tuileries 20 November 1792 made the trial inevitable . Documents found in this secret chest proved without any doubt the treachery of Louis XVI . The trial began on 10 December . The Montagnards put the debate on the ideological level . Louis XVI was classified as an enemy , alien to the body of the nation and as a `` usurper '' . Balloting began on 14 January 1793 . Each deputy explained his vote at the rostrum . The vote against the king was unanimous . There was to be no popular referendum as Girondins hoped . The fatal vote started on 16 January and continued until the next day . Of the 721 deputies present , 387 declared themselves for the death penalty , while 334 were opposed . 26 deputies voted for death on condition that he was reprieved . On 18 January the question of reprieve was put to a vote : 380 votes were cast against ; 310 for . Each time the Girondins had split . On the morning of 21 January the Convention ordered the entire National Guard to line both sides of the route to the scaffold . Louis was beheaded at the Place de la Revolution . Within the nation , `` voters '' and `` appellants '' , those that were against the execution of Louis , swore undying hatred of each other . The rest of Europe , fearing the outcome of the French Revolution in their own countries , decreed a war of extermination against regicides . The crisis and fall of the Girondins ( edit ) The Assembly began harmoniously , but within a few days the Girondins launched a bitter attack on their Montagnard opponents . Conflict continued without interruption until the expulsion of the Girondin leaders from the Convention on 2 June 1793 . The Girondins had relied on votes from the majority of the deputies , many of whom were alarmed as well as scandalized by the September massacres , but their insistence on monopolizing all positions of authority during the Convention , and their attacks on the Montagnard leaders , soon irritated them , causing them to regard the party as a faction . One by one , able deputies such as Couthon , Cambon , Carnot , Lindet and Barère began to gravitate towards the Montagnards , while the majority -- the Plain , as it was called -- held itself aloof from both sides . Girondins were convinced that their opponents aspired to a bloody dictatorship , while the Montagnards believed that the Girondins were ready for any compromise with conservatives , and even royalists , that would guarantee their remaining in power . The bitter enmity soon reduced the Convention to a state of limbo . Debate after debate degenerated into verbal brawling from which no decision could emerged . The political deadlock , which had repercussions all over France , eventually drove men to accept dangerous allies , royalists in the case of Girondins , Jacobins in that of the Montagnards . Thus the struggle within the Convention continued without results . The decision was to come from outside . Journées des 31 Mai 1er et 2 Juin 1793 Since the king 's trial , the sans - culottes had been constantly assailing the `` appealers '' ( appelants ) , and quickly came to desire their expulsion from the Convention . If this were achieved , the government could recover the energy to enable it to deal with the aristocratic plot by arresting suspects and establishing a revolutionary tribunal . Military setbacks from the First Coalition , Dumouriez 's treason and the war in the Vendée , which began in March 1793 , were all used as arguments by Montagnards and sans - culottes to portray Girondins as soft . They demanded that the Girondins take measures to change thing , but the Girondins were reluctant to adopt the proposed measures . The Girondins were forced to accept the Montagnards creation of the Committee of Public Safety and Revolutionary Tribunal . Social and economic difficulties exacerbated the tensions between the groups . The final showdown was precipitated by Jean - Paul Marat 's trial and the arrest of sectional activists . On 25 May the Paris Commune demanded that arrested patriots be released . In reply , Isnard , who was presiding over the Convention , launched into a diatribe against Paris which was reminiscent of the Brunswick Manifesto : `` If any attack made on the persons of the representatives of the nation , then I declare to you in the name of the whole country that Paris would be destroyed '' . On the next day the Jacobins declared themselves in a state of insurrection . On 28 May the Cité section called the other sections to a meeting in order to organize the insurrection . On 29 May the delegates representing 33 of the sections formed an insurrectionary committee of nine members . Main article : Insurrection of 31 May -- 2 June 1793 On 2 June , 80,000 armed sans - culottes surrounded the Convention . After an attempt of deputies to leave collided with guns , the deputies resigned themselves to declare the arrest of 29 leading Girondins . In this way the Gironde ceased to be a political force . It had declared war without knowing how to conduct it ; it had denounced the King but had shrunk from condemning him ; it had contributed to the worsening of the economic crisis but had swept aside all the claims made by the popular movement . Montagnard Convention ( edit ) Scarcely had the Gironde been eliminated when the Convention , now under Montagnard leadership , found itself caught between two threats . While forces of counter-revolution were gaining new impetus from the federalist revolt , the popular movement , roused to fury by high prices , was increasing the pressure it exercised on the government . Meanwhile , the Government was proving incapable of controlling the situation . In July 1793 the nation appeared to be on the point of falling apart . Constitution of 1793 ( edit ) Main article : French Constitution of 1793 Constitution du Peuple Française du 6 Messidor l'an I ( 24 June 1793 ) During the month of June the Montagnards played for time . Yet the Convention did not overlook the peasants . It was to these latter that the revolution of 31 May ( like those of 14 July and 10 August ) brought a substantial benefit . On 3 June the sale of the property of emigrants , in small parcels and payable in ten years , was decreed ; on the 10th , the optional division of common lands by head ; and on 17 July , the abolition , without compensation , of all that remained of manorial rights . The Montagnards attempted to reassure the middle classes by rejecting any idea of terror , by protecting property rights , and by restricting the popular movement to very narrowly circumscribed limits . It was a delicate balance to achieve , a balance that was destroyed in July by the worsening of the crisis . The Convention rapidly approved the new constitution , hoping to clear itself of the charge of dictatorship and calm the anxieties of the departments . The Declaration of Rights which precedes the text of the Constitution solemnly reaffirmed the nation 's indivisibility and the great principles of freedom of the press , equality and resistance to oppression . It went far beyond the Declaration of 1789 , adding to it the right to public assistance , work , education and insurrection . No man could impose his will on others . All political and social tyranny was abolished . Although the montagnards had refused to be led further down the road to democracy , the Constitution became the bible of all democrats . The chief aim of the Constitution was to ensure the major role of the deputies in the Convention , which was seen as being the essential basis for political democracy . The Legislative Assembly was to be elected by direct vote cast for a single member ; deputies were elected on receiving a simple majority of the votes cast , and the assembly would sit for one year . The executive council of 24 members was chosen by the Legislative Assembly from among the 83 candidates chosen by the departments on the basis of universal male suffrage , and in this way ministers were made responsible to the representatives of the nation . The exercise of national sovereignty was widened through the institution of the referendum -- the Constitution was to be ratified by the people , as were laws in certain precisely defined circumstances . The Constitution was submitted for popular ratification and adopted by a huge margin of more than 1,801,918 in favour to some 17,610 against . The results of the plebiscite were made public on 10 August 1793 , but the application of the Constitution , the text of which was placed in the sacred ark and laid in the debating - chamber of the Convention , was postponed until peace had been made . Federalist revolt , war and counter-revolution ( edit ) See also : Federalist revolts La Mort de Marat Jacques - Louis David , 1793 , Brussels Indeed , the Montagnards faced dramatic circumstances -- federalist insurrection , war in the Vendée , military failures , and a worsening economic situation . Despite everything , a new civil war could not be avoided . By the middle of June , about sixty departments were in more or less open rebellion . Fortunately the frontier departments had remained faithful to the Convention . The rising was widespread rather than deep . It was essentially the work of the departmental and district administrations . The communes , which were more popular in composition , showed themselves in general lukewarm or hostile ; and federalist leaders soon became divided among themselves . Sincere republicans among them could not fail to be uneasy about the foreign invasion and the Vendée . Those who were seeing themselves rejected by the people , sought support from the moderates , the Feuillants and even from the aristocrats . July and August were bad months on the frontiers . Within three weeks Mainz , the symbol of previous successes , capitulated to the Prussians , and the Austrians captured the fortresses of Condé and Valenciennes and invaded northern France . Spanish troops crossed the Pyrenees and began advancing on Perpignan . The Piedmontese took advantage of the diversion of republican forces at Lyons in order to invade France from the East . In Corsica , Paoli 's revolt expelled the French from the island with British support . British troops opened the siege of Dunkirk in August and in October the Allies invaded Alsace . The military situation had become desperate . In addition there were other incidents which compounded the fury of the revolutionaries and convinced them that their opponents had abandoned all restraint of civilized behavior . On 13 July , Charlotte Corday murdered sans - culotte idol Jean - Paul Marat . She had been in touch with Girondin rebels in Normandy and they were believed to have used her as their agent . The lack of forethought displayed by the Convention during the first few days was redeemed by its vigor and skill in organizing measures of repression . Warrants were issued for the arrest of the rebellious Girondin leaders ; the members of the revolting departmental administration were deprived of their office . The regions in which the revolt was dangerous were precisely those in which a large number of royalists had remained . There was no room for a third party between the Mountain , which was identified with the Republic , and royalism , which was the ally of the enemy . The royalist insurrection in the Vendée had already led the Convention to take a long step in the direction of the Terror -- that is to say , the dictatorship of central power and the suppression of liberties . The Girondin insurrection now prompted it to take a decisive step in the same direction . Revolutionary government ( edit ) La Marseillaise par François Rude The Constituent Assembly had legislated through its commissions . The Convention governed by means of its committees . Two of them were of essential importance : Public Safety and General Security . The second , which had formidable powers , is less well known than the first , which was the true executive authority and was armed with immense prerogatives . It dated from April , but its composition was thoroughly reshuffled during the summer of 1793 . The summer of 1793 saw sans - culotte disturbances reach a peak under a double banner : price - fixing and terror . On top of this came the news of unprecedented treason : Toulon and its squadron had been handed over to the enemy . In the name of the wretched poverty of the people , the leaders of the Enragés , with Jacques Roux at their head , called for a planned economy from a Convention which had no liking for the idea . But the revolutionary logic of the mobilization of resources by national dictatorship was infinitely more powerful than economic doctrine . In August , a series of decrees gave the authorities discretionary powers over the production and circulation of grain , as well as ferocious punishments for fraud . `` Granaries of plenty '' were prepared , to stock corn requisitioned by authorities in each district . On 23 August the decree on the levée en masse turned able - bodied civilians into soldiers . On 5 September , Parisians tried to repeat the revolt of 2 June . Armed sections again encircled the Convention to demand the setting up of an internal revolutionary army , the arrest of suspects and a purge of the committees . It was probably the key day in the formation of the revolutionary government : the convention yielded , but kept control of events . It put Terror on the agenda on 5 September , on 6th elected Collot d'Herbois and Billaud - Varenne to the Committee of Public Safety , on the 9th created the revolutionary army , on the 11th decreed the Maximum for grain and fodder ( general controls for prices , and wages on the 29th ) , on the 14th reorganized the Revolutionary Tribunal , on the 17th voted in the law on suspects , and on the 20th gave the local revolutionary committees the task of drawing up lists of them . The dictatorship of the Convention and the committees , simultaneously supported and controlled by the Parisian sections , representing the sovereign people in permanent session , lasted from June to September . It governed through a network of institutions set up haphazardly since spring in March , the Revolutionary Tribunal and representatives on missions in the departments ; was followed the next month by the Convention 's representatives to the armies , also armed with unlimited powers ; and enforced acceptance of assignat as the sole legal tender , price controls for grain and the forced loan of a billion livres from the rich . At last France saw a government take shape . Danton resigned from it on 10 July . Couthon , Saint - Just , Jeanbon Saint - Andre , and Prieur of the Marne formed a nucleus of resolute Montagnards who rallied Barère and Lindet , then successfully added Robespierre on 27 July , Carnot and Prieur of Cote - d'Ore on 14 August , and Collot d'Herbois and Billaud - Varenne on 6 September . They had a few clear ideas to which they clung : to command , to fight , and to conquer . Their work in common , the danger , the taste of and pride in power created solidarity that made the Committee an autonomous organism . The committee was always managed collegially , despite the specific nature of the tasks of each director : the division into `` politicians '' and `` technicians '' was a Thermidorian invention , intended to lay the corpses of the Terror at the door of the Robespierrists alone . Many things , however , set the twelve committee members at loggerheads ; Barère was more a man of the Convention than of the committee and was a link with the Plaine . Robert Lindet had qualms about the Terror which , by contrast , was the outstanding theme of Collot d'Herbois and Billaud - Varenne , latecomers to the committee , forced on it by the sans - culottes in September ; unlike Robespierre and his friends , Lazare Carnot had given his support only provisionally and for reasons of state to a policy concession to the people . But the situation which united them in the summer of 1793 was stronger than those differences of opinion . The Committee had to set itself above all , and choose those popular demands which were most suitable for achieving the Assembly 's aims : to crush the enemies of the Republic and dash the last hopes of the aristocracy . To govern in the name of the Convention , at the same time controlling it , and to restrain the people without quenching their enthusiasm -- this was a gamble . The ensemble of institutions , measures and procedures which constituted it was codified in a decree of 14 Frimaire ( 4 December ) which set the seal on what had been the gradual development of centralized dictatorship founded on the Terror . In the center was the Convention , whose secular arm was the Committee of Public Safety , vested with immense powers : it interpreted the Convention 's decrees and settled their methods of application ; under its immediate authority it had all state bodies and all civil servants ( even ministers would disappear in April 1794 ) ; it directed military and diplomatic activity , appointed generals and members of other committees , subject to ratification by the Convention . It held responsibility for conducting war , public order and the provisioning of the population . The Commune of Paris , a famous sans - culotte bastion , was neutralized by coming under its control . The economy ( edit ) Administrative and economic centralization went hand in hand . The state of siege forced France into autarky ; to save the Republic the government mobilized all the nation 's productive forces and reluctantly accepted the need for a controlled economy , which it introduced extemporaneously , as the emergency required . It was necessary to develop war production , revive foreign trade , and find new resources in France itself ; and time was short . Circumstances gradually compelled it to assume the economic government of the country . Along with organization of the army , this was the most original feature of its work . All material resources were subjected to requisitioning . Farmers surrendered their grain , fodder , wool , flax , and hemp . Artisans and merchants gave up their manufactured products . Raw materials were carefully sought out -- metal of all kinds , church bells , old paper , rags and parchments , grasses , brushwood , and even household ashes for manufacturing of potassium salts , and chestnuts for distilling . All businesses were placed at the disposal of the nation -- forests , mines , quarries , furnaces , forges , tanneries , paper mills , large cloth factories and shoe making workshops . The labor of men and the value of things were subject to price controls . No one had a right to speculate at the cost of Patrie while it was in danger . Armaments caused more concern . As early as September 1793 efforts were made to create a large factory in Paris for rifles and sidearms . A special appeal was made to scientists . Monge , Vandermonde , Berthollet , Darcet , Fourcroy perfected metallurgy and manufacture of arms . Only to the wage earners did the Maximum seem thoroughly advantageous . It increased wages by one - half in relation to 1790 , and commodities by only one - third . But since the Committee did not ensure that it was respected ( except for bread ) , they would have been duped had they not been benefiting from the favorable conditions that a great war always offers the labor force . Still Paris became calmer , because the sans - culottes were gradually finding ways to subsist ; the levée en masse and the formation of the revolutionary army were thinning their ranks ; many now were working in arms and equipment shops , or in the offices of the committees and ministries , which were expanded enormously . The army of the Year II ( edit ) Main article : French Revolutionary Army During the summer the requisition of the levy was completed and by July the total strength of the army reached 650,000 . The difficulties were tremendous . The war production just started in September . The army was in the middle of the purge . In the spring of 1794 the amalgamation was undertaken . Two battalions of volunteers joined one battalion of regulars to constitute a demi - brigade , or regiment . At the same time the command was reconstituted . The purge ended with most of the nobles excluded . The new generation reached the highest ranks , and the War College ( Ecole de Mars ) received six young men from each district to improve the staff . Army commanders were to be appointed by the Convention . What gradually emerged was a military command unequaled in quality : Marceau , Hoche , Kleber , Massena , Jourdan , and a host of others , backed by officers who were sound both in their abilities as soldiers and in their sense of civic responsibility . For the first time since antiquity a truly national army marched to war , and for the first time , too , a nation succeeded in arming and feeding great numbers of soldiers -- these are the novel characteristics of the army of the Year II . The technical innovations resulted chiefly from its sheer size as well the strategy that developed from it . The old system of cordons lost its prestige . Moving between the armies of the Coalition , the French could maneuver along interior lines , deploy part of their troops along the frontiers , and take advantage of the inaction of any one of their enemies to beat the others . Acting en masse , and overwhelming the foe by sheer numbers -- such were Carnot 's principles . They were still untried , and not until Bonaparte appeared did they enjoy any great success . Fall of the factions ( edit ) As late as September 1793 , there were two distinct wings among the revolutionaries . Firstly those who were later called Hébertists -- although Hébert himself was never the official leader of a party -- advocated war to the death and adopted the program of the Enragés , ostensibly because the sans - culottes approved it . The Hebertists preferred to side with the Montagnards , so long as they could hope to control the Convention through them . They dominated the Cordeliers Club , filled Bouchotte 's offices , and could generally carry the Commune with them . The other wing was that of the Dantonists , which formed in response to the increasing centralization of the Revolutionary Government and the dictatorship of the Committees . The Dantonists were led predominately by deputies of the Convention ( rather than the sans - culottes ) , including Danton , Delacroix , and Desmoulins . Putting the needs of national defense above all other considerations , the Committee of Public Safety had no intentions of giving in to the demands of either the popular movement or the moderates . Following the Hebertists would jeopardize revolutionary unity , while the giving in to the demands of the moderates would have undermined the both the Terror and the controlled economy . However , unity , centralization , and the Terror were all considered essential to the war effort . In order to balance the contradictory demands of these two factions , the Revolutionary Government attempted to maintain a position halfway between the moderate Dantonists ( citras ) and the extremist Hebertists ( ultras ) . But at the end of the winter of 1793 - 4 , the shortage of food took a sharp turn for the worse . The Hebertists incited sans - culottes to demand stringent measures , and at first the Committee did prove conciliatory . The Convention voted 10 million for relief , on 3 Ventose , Barère presented a new general Maximum , and on the 8th Saint - Just obtained a decree confiscating the property of suspects and distributing it to the needy ( Ventose decrees ) . The Hebertists felt that if they increased the pressure , they would triumph once and for all . Although the call appeared like one for insurrection it was probably just for a new demonstration , like the one in September . But the Committee of Public Safety decided on 22 Ventose Year II ( 12 March 1794 ) that the Hebertists posed too serious a threat . The Committee linked Hebert , Ronsin , Vincent , and Momoro to the emigres Proli , Cloots and Pereira , so as to present the Hebertists as parties to the `` foreign plot '' . All were executed on 4 Germinal ( 24 March ) . This move largely silenced the Hebertists , now without their leadership . Having succeeded in stifling dissent on the left , the Committee then turned on the Dantonists , several members of which were implicated in financial corruption . The Committee forced the Convention to lift the parliamentary immunity of nine Dantonist deputies , allowing them to be put on trial . On 5 April Dantonist leaders Danton , Delacroix , Desmoulins , and Philippeaux were executed . The execution of the leaderships of both rival factions caused some to become disillusioned . Many sans - culottes were stunned by the Hebertists ' execution . All the positions of influence traditionally held by the sans - culottes were eliminated : the Revolutionary Army was disbanded , the inspectors of food - hoarding were dismissed , Bouchotte lost the War Office , the Cordeliers Club was forced to self - censor and the Government pressure brought about closing 39 popular societies . The Paris Commune , controlled by sans - culottes , was purged and filled with Committee nominees . With the execution of the Dantonists , many of the members of the National Convention lost trust in the Committee , and even began to fear for their personal safety . Ultimately , the Committee had undermined its own support by eliminating the Dantonists and Hebertists , both of which had backed the Committee . By compelling the Convention to allow the arrests of the Girondins and Dantonists , the Committee believed it had destroyed its major opposition . However , the trials demonstrated the Committee 's lack of respect for members of the Convention ( several of whom had been executed ) . Many Convention members who had sided with the Committee in the past by mid-1794 no longer supported it . The Committee had acted as mediator between the Convention and the sans - culottes from which they both had acquired their strength . By executing the Hebertists and alienating the sans - culottes , the Committee became unnecessary to the Assembly . The Terror ( edit ) Main article : Reign of Terror Though the Terror was organized in September 1793 , it was not introduced until October . It had resulted from a popular movement . A new chapter of the Revolutionary Tribunal was opened after 5 September , divided into four sections : the Committees of Public Safety and General Security were to propose the names of judges and jurymen ; Fouquier - Tinville stayed as public prosecutor , and Herman was nominated president . The Terror was meant to discourage support for the enemies of the Revolution by condemning outspoken critics of the Montagnards . The great political trials began in October . The queen was guillotined on 16 October . A special decree stifled the defense of 21 Girondins , including Vergniaud and Brissot , and they perished on the 31st . At the summit of the apparatus of the Terror sat the Committee of General Security , the state 's second organization . It consisted of twelve members elected each month by the Convention , and vested with security , surveillance and police functions , including over civil and military authorities . It employed a large staff , headed the gradually constituted network of local revolutionary committees , and applied the law on suspects by sifting through the thousands of local denunciations and arrests which it then had to try . It struck down the enemies of the Republic whoever and wherever they were . It was socially indiscriminate and politically perspicacious . Its victims belonged to the classes which hated the Revolution or lived in the regions where rebellion was most serious . `` The severity of repressive measures in the provinces , '' wrote Mathiez , `` was in direct proportion to danger of revolt . '' Many outspoken members of the community were tried and executed for claims of treason : Camille Desmoulins and Georges Danton were two of the more notable men executed for their `` threats '' against the Revolution . Deputies sent as `` representatives on mission '' by the Committee of Public Safety , armed with full powers , reacted according to both the local situation and their own temperaments : Lindet pacified the Girondin west in July without a single death sentence ; in Lyon , some months later , Collot d'Herbois and Joseph Fouche relied on frequent summary executions by shooting because the guillotine was not working swiftly enough . Slavery ( edit ) The monarchy made a distinction between French soil on the mainland and soil under French control such as the colonies . This distinction allowed for slavery to be illegal in France but continue in the colonies . Colonists in Saint Domingue wanted to have representation , 21 members due to their population size and contribution to the economy . This was shot down by the National Convention as the majority of their population were slaves and thus had no rights as citizens and contributed nothing to representative population . The Société des amis des Noirs in France originally did oppose slavery during the 1780s , however much of this opposition was ignored as a result of the French Revolution breaking out . The French showed a much greater willingness to act on the issue of slavery when the threat of a war with Spain seemed imminent . In 1792 the National Convention agreed to delegate 3 commissaries for Saint Domingue . Two of the commissaires , Léger - Félicité Sonthonax and Étienne Polverel , implemented rights for free men of color that were equal to their white counterparts . On May 5 , 1793 , Sonthonax and Polverel , first attacked the plantation system and forced the owners to treat the slaves better and care more for their well - being . Sonthonax then attacked slavery itself by freeing any slave Huzards , latin for hazards , who had been armed by their masters since they could not return to peaceful plantation life . Polverel issued a proclamation in Cap Francais on June 21 , 1793 which freed all slaves who agreed to fight for the French Republic from both internal and external threats . The commissaires then ruled that the Republic would pay an indemnity to the owners of female slaves marrying free men and that all children of that union would be free . The National Convention eventually allowed for 6 representative members for the colony . When pressured by the Friends of the Blacks to end the slave trade in the colonies , the National Convention refused on the grounds of slavery being too core to the French economic wealth . The committee felt `` six million French people relied on the colonies to survive '' and continued to stand by this argument . On October 12 , 1790 the National Convention declared the only body of power who could control the status of people in the colonies were committees in the colonies themselves -- this meant although free blacks met the requirement for active citizenship the white colonists would not allow it . This was done in an attempt to please the white colonists and convince them not to join forces with the British . This also gave the colonies the power to control their own laws regarding slavery and allowed for the National Convention to wash their hands of the issue . Three deputies from Saint Domingue traveled to France to attempt to persuade the National Convention to abolish slavery . The National Convention abolished slavery after hearing speeches from the deputies on February 4 , 1794 . However , the Committee of Public Safety delayed sending the proclamation to the colonies for two months . This was due to the apparent opposition of Robespierre to the abolition of slavery . The issue was eventually resolved following the Committee circumventing Robespierre and ordering the abolition decree to be sent to Saint Domingue . However , Napoleon 's attempt to return to slavery in 1801 removed France 's state of being the first to abolish slavery and led to the loss of the most prosperous French colony . Thermidor ( edit ) 9 Thermidor The Jacobin dictatorship could only hope to remain in power so long as it was dealing successfully with a national emergency . As soon as its political opponents had been destroyed , and its foreign enemies defeated , it would lose the chief force that kept it together . The Jacobin fall happened more rapidly than expected because of issues within the party . So long as it remained united , the Committee was virtually invulnerable , but it had scarcely attained the apogee of its power before signs of internal conflict appeared . The Committee of Public Safety had never been a homogeneous body . It was a coalition cabinet . Its members were kept together less by comradeship or common ideals than by calculation and routine . The press of business which at first prevented personal quarrels also produced tired nerves . Trifling differences were exaggerated into the issues of life and death . Small disputes estranged them from one another . Carnot , in particular , was irritated by the criticisms directed at his plans by Robespierre and Saint - Just , Dispute followed dispute . Bickering broke out on the Committee of Public Safety , with Carnot describing Robespierre and Saint - Just as `` ridiculous dictators '' and Collot making veiled attacks on the `` Incorruptible '' . From the end of June until 23 July Robespierre ceased to attend the Committee . Realizing the danger of fragmentation , they attempted a reconciliation . Saint - Just and Couthon favored it , but Robespierre doubted sincerity of his enemies . It was he who brought about the fatal intervention of the Convention . On 8 Thermidor , Year II ( 26 July 1794 ) , he denounced his opponents , and demanded that `` unity of government '' be realized . When called upon to name those whom he was accusing , however , he refused . This failure destroyed him , for it was assumed that he was demanding a blank cheque . This night an uneasy alliance was formed from threatened deputies and members of The Plain . On the next day , 9 Thermidor , Robespierre and his friends were not allowed to speak , and their indictment was decreed . The men of the extreme left played the leading roles : Billaud - Varenne , who attacked , and Collot d'Herbois , who presided . On hearing the news the Paris Commune , loyal to the man who had inspired it , called for an insurrection and released the arrested deputies in the evening and mobilized two or three thousand militants . The night of 9 -- 10 Thermidor was one of great confusion in Paris , as Commune and Assembly competed for the support of the sections and their troops . The Convention proclaimed that the rebels were henceforth outlaws ; Barras was given the task of mustering an armed force , and the moderate sections gave this their support . The National Guardsmen and artillerymen assembled outside the Hotel de Ville were left without instructions and little by little they dispersed and left the square deserted . Around two o'clock in the morning a column from Gravilliers section led by Léonard Bourdon burst in the Hotel de Ville and arrested insurgents . On the evening of 10 Thermidor ( 28 July 1794 ) , Robespierre , Saint - Just , Couthon and nineteen of their political allies were executed without trial . On the following day it was the turn of a large batch of 71 men , the largest mass execution in the entire course of the Revolution . Thermidorian Convention ( edit ) Whatever reasons the conspirators had behind 9 Thermidor , the events afterwards went beyond their intentions . Evidently the remaining members on the Committees counted on staying in office and currying the favour of the Jacobin dictatorship , as though nothing more had happened than a party purge . Thermidorian reaction ( edit ) Main article : Thermidorian Reaction They were speedily disabused of this notion . Robespierrists might go out and Dantonists come in ; the Convention had recovered its initiative and would put an end , once and for all , to the dictatorial committees government which had ousted it from power . It was decreed that no member of governing committees should hold office for more than four months . Three days later the Prairial Law was repealed and the Revolutionary Tribunal shorn of its abnormal powers . The Commune was replaced with a Commission of Civil Administrators ( commission des administrateurs civils ) from the ranks of the Conventions . In November the Jacobin club was closed . Not merely anti-Robespierrist but anti-Jacobin reaction was in full flood . At the beginning of September Billaud , Collot and Barère left the Committee of Public Safety ; by the end of the year they were in prison . The stability of the government was weakening . Next came the concentration of power , another revolutionary principle . The identification of the Committee of Public Safety with the executive was ended on 7 Fructidor ( 24 August ) , restricting it to its former domain of war and diplomacy . The Committee of General Security kept its control over the police . There was now to be a total of sixteen committees . Conventionnels , while aware of the dangers of fragmentation , were even more worried by its experience of monopoly of powers . In a few weeks the revolutionary government was dismantled . These measures affected , finally , the instruments of the Terror and opened numerous breaches in the apparatus of repression . The law of 22 Prairial was repealed , the prisons were opened and `` suspects '' were released : 500 in Paris in a single week . A few public trials were staged -- including those of Carrier , held responsible for the mass - drowning at Nantes , and Fouquier - Tinville , notorious as the public prosecutor of the Great Terror of the late spring and summer of 1794 -- after which the Revolutionary Tribunal was quietly put aside . The destruction of the system of revolutionary government eventually brought about the end of the Economic Terror . Maximum was relaxed even before 9 Thermidor . Now nobody believed in it any longer . Because the black market was plentifully supplied , the idea took hold that price control equalled scarcity and that free trade would bring back abundance . It was generally supposed that prices would rise but that then they would fall as a result of competition . This illusion was to be shattered in the winter . Formally the Convention put the end to the maximum on 4 Nivose Year III ( 24 December 1794 ) . The abandonment of the controlled economy provoked a frightful catastrophe . Prices soared and the rate of exchange fell . The Republic was condemned to massive inflation and its currency was ruined . In Thermidor , Year III , assignats were worth less than 3 % of their face value . Neither peasants nor merchants would accept anything but cash . The debacle was so swift that economic life seemed to come to standstill . The crisis was greatly aggravated by famine . Peasants , finally , stopped bringing any produce , because they did not wish to accept assignats . The government continued to provision Paris , but was unable to supply the promised rations . In provinces local municipalities resorted to some sort of regulations , provided not direct coercion in obtaining provisions . The misery of rural day laborers , abandoned by everyone , was often appalling . Inflation ruined creditors to the advantage of debtors . It unleashed an unprecedented speculation . At the beginning of spring , scarcity was such that more unrest appeared almost everywhere . Paris was active again . Crushing of the popular movement ( edit ) Journée du 1er Prairial de l'an III Discontent increased along with the shortages . On 17 March a delegation from faubourgs Saint - Marceau and Saint - Jacques complained that `` We are on the verge of regretting all the sacrifices that we have made for the Revolution . '' Police law was passed which lay down the death penalty for use of seditious language . Arms were distributed to the `` good citizens '' , the faithful nucleus of the National Guard . The trial of strength was approaching . Main article : Insurrection of 12 Germinal , Year III On 10 Germinal ( 30 March ) all the sections called their general assemblies . The political geography of Paris emerged clearly from this . Convention debate was centered on two issues : the fate of Barère , Collot , Billaud and Vadier , and the implementation of the constitution of 1793 . While in the sections of the center and the west formal addresses called for the punishment of the `` Four '' and passed over the food shortages , the sections of the east and the faubourgs demanded measures to deal with the grain crisis , the implementation of the constitution of 1793 , the reopening of the popular societies and the release of the imprisoned patriots . On the morning of 12 Germinal ( 1 April ) crowds gathered on the Ile de la Cité and , pushing aside the palace guards , burst into the chamber where the Convention met . Amidst the uproar , spokesmen of the sections outlined the people 's grievances . Reliable battalions of National Guard were called and demonstrators , lacking arms and leaders , were forced to withdraw . For the most people it was the constitution of 1793 -- seen as a liberating utopia -- which represented the solution to all evils . There were others who openly regretted the passing of `` the reign of Robespierre '' . Main article : Insurrection of 1 Prairial But it was not the end . A new explosion was on the horizon . Insurrection was being openly prepared . On 1 Prairial ( 20 May 1795 ) the alarm bells sounded in the faubourgs Saint - Antoine and Marceau . The armed battalions arrived at Place du Carousel and entered the sitting chamber . After an hour of uproar , `` The Insurrection of the People '' ( L'Insurection du Peuple ) was read . In the chaos , none of the ringleaders thought of implementing the key item of the program : the overthrow of the government . The remainder of the Montagnards , The Crest ( la Crête de la Montagne ) , managed to obtain the passage of decrees favorable to the rebels . But at 11 : 30 p.m. two armed columns entered the chamber and cleared out the rioters . The next day insurgents repeated the same mistakes and after receiving promises from the deputies to take speedy measures against the famine , returned to the sections . On 3 Prairial the government assembled loyal troops , chasseurs and dragoons , national guardsmen , selected from those `` who had fortune to preserve '' -- 20,000 men in all . Faubourg Saint - Antoine was surrounded and on 4 Prairial surrendered and was disarmed . Uncertainty about how to react , hesitancy in action , and lack of revolutionary leadership had doomed the popular movement to throw away its last chance in battle . 4 Prairial Year III is one of the crucial dates of the revolutionary period . The people had ceased to be a political force , participants in history . They were now no more than victims or spectators . Constitution of the Year III ( edit ) Main article : Constitution of the Year III Constitution de la République Française du 5 Fructidor l'an III ( 22 août 1795 ) The victors now could set up a new constitution , the task the National Convention was originally elected for . The Commission of Eleven ( the most notable members of which were Daunou , Lanjuinais , Boissy d'Anglas , Thibaudeau and La Révellière ) drafted a text which would reflect the new balance of power . It was presented on 5 Messidor ( 23 June ) and passed on 22 August 1795 ( 5 Fructidor of the Year III ) . The new constitution went back to the constitution of 1791 as to the dominant ideology of the country . Equality was certainly confirmed , but within the limits of civil equality . Numerous democratic rights of the constitution 1793 -- the right to work , to relief , to education -- were omitted . The Convention wanted to define rights and simultaneously reject both the privilege of the old order and social leveling . The constitution went back to the distinction between active and passive citizens . Only citizens over twenty - five years old , disposing of an income of two hundred days of work , were eligible to be electors . This electoral body , which held the real power , included 30,000 people , half as many as in 1791 . Guided by recent experience , institutions were set up to protect the Republic from two dangers : the omnipotence of an assembly and dictatorship . Bicameral legislature as a precaution against sudden political fluctuations was proposed : the Council of Five Hundred with rights to propose laws and Council of the Ancients , 250 deputies , with powers to accept or reject proposed laws . Executive power was to be shared between five Directors chosen by the Ancients from the list drawn by Five Hundred . One of the Directors would be renewed each year with re-election after five years . As one of the practical precautions , no military were allowed within 60 miles of the sitting assembly and it could relocate in case of danger . The Directory still retained great power , including emergency powers to curb freedom of the press and freedom of association . The Constitution generally was accepted favorably , even by those on the right , who were hopeful for the upcoming elections and even more happy to get rid of the legislative body so hated by them . But how to make sure that the new elected body would not overturn the constitution as it was before with Legislative Assembly ? Thermidorians attempted this on 5 Fructidor ( 22 August ) by voting for a decree on `` formation of a new legislative body '' . Article II stipulated : `` All members presently active in the Convention are re-eligible . Election assemblies may not take fewer than two - thirds of them to form the legislative body '' . This was known as the Law of the Two - Thirds . Vendemiaire ( edit ) Main article : 13 Vendémiaire Napoleon Bonaparte quelling of the Royalist revolt 13 Vendémiaire , in front of the Église Saint - Roch , rue Saint - Honoré . On 23 September the results were announced : the constitution was accepted by 1,057,390 votes , with 49,978 against . The Two - Thirds decrees obtained only 205,498 votes in favor and 108,754 against . But the Convention had not taken into account those Paris sections who were against Two - Thirds decrees and failed to provide precise vote figures : 47 Parisian sections had rejected the decrees . Eighteen of the Paris sections contested the result . The Lepeletier section issued a call to insurrection . By 11 Vendemiaire seven sections were in state of revolt , sections which were the base of the Convention since 9 Thermidor and now won by the far right if not royalists . The Convention declared itself permanent . The conventionnels knew the score . They knew the art of insurrection by heart and to bring down muscadins was easier than the sans - culottes . Five members including Barras were appointed to deal with the crisis . A decree of 12 Vendemiaire ( 4 October ) repealed the former disarmament of the former terrorists and an appeal to sans - culottes was issued . During the nights of Vendemiaire 12 - 13 ( October 4 -- 5 ) , General Jacques de Menou de Boussay was tasked with putting down the royalist rebels and keep them from attacking the Convention . He recruited other generals to help aid in quelling the insurrection such as , Napoleon Bonaparte . The rebels outnumbered the Army by the thousands , but because of their preparations the night before , Bonaparte and the armies were able to line the road into Paris with cannons from Sablons Camp . Without a way into Paris , the rebels surrendered to the Convention on Vendemiaire 13 . Barras and the Convention gave the armies permission to kill . Within 45 minutes over 300 royalist rebels were dead in front of the Church of Saint Roch . The rest had scattered and fled . Moderate repression ensued and the White Terror in the south was stopped . On 4 Brumaire Year IV , just before breaking up , the Convention voted a general amnesty for `` deeds exclusively connected with the Revolution '' . Legacy ( edit ) The article on the Convention in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica concludes , `` The work of the Convention was immense in all branches of public affairs . To appreciate it without prejudice , one should recall that this assembly saved France from a civil war and invasion , that it founded the system of public education ( Museum , École Polytechnique , École Normale Supérieure , École des langues orientales , Conservatoire ) , created institutions of capital importance , like that of the Grand Livre de la Dette publique , and definitely established the social and political gains of the Revolution . '' By a decree of 4 February 1794 ( 16 pluviôse ) it also ratified and expanded to the whole French colonial empire the 1793 abolition of slavery on Saint - Domingue by civil commissioners Sonthonax and Polverel , though this did not affect Martinique or Guadeloupe and was abolished by the law of 20 May 1802 . See also ( edit ) Fall of the French monarchy Girondist The Mountain Georges Danton Maximilien Robespierre Marat Ministers of the French National Convention Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The Convention had therefore been elected by small minority of the population , but those who were the most determined . That explains the ambiguity of the word `` popular '' when it is applied to this period : `` popular '' the French Revolution was certainly not in the sense of participation by the people in public affairs . But if the word `` popular '' is taken to mean that revolutionary policy was formed under pressure from the sans - culotte movement and organized minorities , and received an egalitarian impetus from them , then yes , the Revolution had well and truly entered its `` popular '' age . Jump up ^ During the early meetings of the Convention the deputies had sat indiscriminately , where they pleased . But it was noticed that , as the quarrel between Jacobins and Girondins developed , they grouped themselves to the right and left of the President 's chair , whiles the extreme Jacobins found a place of vantage in the higher seats at the end of the hall , which came to be called the Mountain ( French : La Montagne ) . Jump up ^ As opposed to the English Revolution , the French Revolution killed not only the king of France , but royalty itself . In this sense , even if the Conventionnels had only transformed into a national tragedy what the last century of absolutism had already marked out as inevitable , they had accomplished their aim : to strip royalty from the nation 's future . By executing the king , they had severed France 's last ties with her past , and made the rupture with the ancien régime complete . Jump up ^ The revolutionaries turned soldiers did not forget their attachments . Hoche had been a Maratist , Kleber and Marceau praised the activity of Carrier , and Bonaparte attached himself to the Robespierre brothers . So many years later , even men like Marmont and Soult were moved with emotion by the memory of the shining hours they had known in the service of the `` Indivisible Republic '' . Jump up ^ Based on recent figures of the Terror : 17,000 victims names distributed according to specific geographical areas : 52 % in the Vendee , 19 % in the south - east , 10 % in the capital and 13 % in the rest of France . Distinction is between zones of turmoil and an insignificant proportion of quite rural areas . Between departments , the contrast becomes more striking . Some were hard hit , the Loire - Inferieure , the Vendee , the Maine - et - Loire , the Rhone and Paris . In six departments no executions were recorded ; in 31 , there were fewer than 10 ; in 32 , fewer than 100 ; and only in 18 were there more than 1,000 . Charges of rebellion and treason were by far the most frequent grounds for execution ( 78 % ) , followed by federalism ( 10 % ) , crimes of opinion ( 9 % ) and economic crimes ( 1.25 % ) . Artisans , shopkeepers . wage - earners and humble folk made up the largest contingent ( 31 % ) , concentrated in Lyons , Marseilles and neighboring small towns . Because of the peasant rebellion in the Vendée , peasants are more heavily represented ( 28 % ) than the federalist and merchant bourgeoisie . Nobles ( 8.25 % ) and priests ( 6.5 % ) , who would seem to have been relatively spared , actually provided a higher proportion of victims than other social categories . In the most sheltered regions , they were the only victims . Furthermore , the `` Great Terror '' is hardly distinguishable from the rest . In June and July 1794 , it accounted for 14 % of executions , as against 70 % from October 1793 to May 1794 , and 3.5 % before September 1793 . if one adds executions without trial and deaths in prison , a total of 50,000 seems likely , that is 2 per 1,000 of the population . Jump up ^ Yet an unofficial Terror - in - reverse continued . In the provinces the Terror assumed violent and vicious form . In the Lyonnais , the Company of Jesus flung the bodies of its victims , men and women , into the Rhone , and prisoners were massacred wholesale in gaol or on their way to prison , while in other cities , bands of so - called Companies of Jehu and the Sun indiscriminately murdered `` terrorists '' , `` patriots of ' 89 '' and -- most eagerly of all -- purchasers of former Church properties . Such excesses were deplored in Paris , but the Convention and its Committees were powerless to contain forces that they had themselves done much to unleash . Jump up ^ Barras reference to `` Faubourg Saint - Antoin whose attachment to the cause of liberty is well known '' in subsequent report offers curious commentary to the official evolution since journees of prairial . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Du 2 au 10 septembre 1792 : élection des députés à la Convention nationale Jump up ^ Dupuy 2005 , p. 34 - 40 . Jump up ^ Thompson 1959 , p. 310 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 115 . Jump up ^ http://www.antoine-saint-just.fr/lieux/tuileries.html Jump up ^ The National Convention 1906 Jump up ^ Thompson 1959 , p. 320 . Jump up ^ Thompson 1959 , p. 315 . ^ Jump up to : Hampson 1988 , p. 157 . Jump up ^ `` Girondin political group , France '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ Reilly , Benjamin ( 2004 ) . `` Polling the Opinions : A Reexamination of Mountain , Plain , and Gironde in the National Convention '' . Social Science History . 28 : 53 -- 73 . doi : 10.1215 / 01455532 - 28 - 1 - 53 . JSTOR 40267833 . Jump up ^ Bouloiseau 1983 , p. 51 . Jump up ^ Jordan 1979 , p. 59 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 270 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 284 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 272 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 122 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 42 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 309 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 311 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 313 . ^ Jump up to : Lefebvre 1963 , p. 55 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 314 . Jump up ^ Bouloiseau 1983 , p. 67 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 316 . Jump up ^ Mathiez 1929 , p. 338 . Jump up ^ Mathiez 1929 , p. 336 . Jump up ^ Hampson 1988 , p. 189 . Jump up ^ Mathiez 1929 , p. 337 . Jump up ^ Mathiez 1929 , p. 340 . ^ Jump up to : Furet 1996 , p. 132 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 68 . Jump up ^ ( deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/50931/156.pdf ? sequence = 1 `` From Mobilization to Revolution '' ) Check url = value ( help ) ( PDF ) . Charles Tilly University of Michigan . March 1977 . Retrieved December 12 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Furet 1996 , p. 134 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 133 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 62 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 64 . Jump up ^ Bouloiseau 1983 , p. 100 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 100 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 104 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 101 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 109 . ^ Jump up to : Lefebvre 1963 , p. 71 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 96 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 400 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 98 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 99 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 61 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 359 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 88 . Jump up ^ Hampson 1988 , p. 220 . Jump up ^ Hampson 1988 , p. 221 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 90 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 341 . Jump up ^ `` Reign of Terror French history '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 135 . Jump up ^ Greer 1935 , p. 19 . Jump up ^ `` Reign of Terror French history '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 138 . Jump up ^ Bouloiseau 1983 , p. 210 . Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 6 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 6 Jump up ^ Stein 1982 , p. 451 Jump up ^ Stein 1982 , p. 454 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 23 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 24 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 24 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 25 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 26 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 26 Jump up ^ Andress , Covo 2015 , p. 26 Jump up ^ Thompson 1959 , p. 502 . ^ Jump up to : Hampson 1988 , p. 229 . Jump up ^ Thompson 1959 , p. 508 . ^ Jump up to : Lefebvre 1963 , p. 134 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 150 . Jump up ^ Soboul 1974 , p. 411 -- 412 . ^ Jump up to : Thompson 1959 , p. 516 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 2 . ^ Jump up to : Rude 1988 , p. 115 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 9 -- 10 . Jump up ^ Lefebvre 1963 , p. 142 -- 143 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 15 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 17 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 20 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 166 . ^ Jump up to : Hampson 1988 , p. 247 . Jump up ^ Woronoff 1984 , p. 31 . ^ Jump up to : Soboul 1974 , p. 473 . Jump up ^ Furet 1996 , p. 167 . Jump up ^ `` Napoleon and Counter-Revolutionary Royalists - 13 Vendémiaire Year 4 - Napoleon & Empire '' . www.napoleon-empire.com . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 12 . Sources ( edit ) Andress , David ( 2006 ) . The Terror : the merciless war for freedom in revolutionary France . Farrar : Straus and Giroux . ISBN 0 - 374 - 27341 - 3 . Andress , David , and Manuel Covo . `` Race , Slavery , and Colonies in the French Revolution . '' In The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution , The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution , Chapter 017 . Oxford University Press , 2015 . Aulard , François - Alphonse ( 1910 ) . The French Revolution , a Political History , 1789 -- 1804 , in 4 vols . New York : Charles Scribner 's Sons . Bouloiseau , Marc ( 1983 ) . The Jacobin Republic : 1792 -- 1794 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 28918 - 1 . Dupuy , Roger ( 2005 ) . La République jacobine . Terreur , guerre et gouvernement révolutionnaire ( 1792 -- 1794 ) . Paris : Le Seuil , coll . Points . ISBN 2 - 02 - 039818 - 4 . Furet , François ( 1996 ) . The French Revolution : 1770 -- 1814 . Oxford : Blackwell Publishers Ltd . ISBN 0 - 631 - 20299 - 4 . Greer , Donald ( 1935 ) . Incidence of the Terror During the French Revolution : A Statistical Interpretation . Peter Smith Pub Inc . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8446 - 1211 - 9 . Hampson , Norman ( 1988 ) . A Social History of the French Revolution . Routledge : University of Toronto Press . ISBN 0 - 7100 - 6525 - 6 . Jordan , David ( 1979 ) . The King 's Trial : Luis XVI vs. the French Revolution . Berkeley : University of California Press . ISBN 0 - 520 - 04399 - 5 . Lefebvre , Georges ( 1962 ) . The French Revolution : from its Origins to 1793 . vol . I. New York : Columbia University Press . ISBN 0 - 231 - 08599 - 0 . Lefebvre , Georges ( 1963 ) . The French Revolution : from 1793 to 1799 . vol. II . New York : Columbia University Press . ISBN 0 - 231 - 02519 - X . Lefebvre , Georges ( 1964 ) . The Thermidorians & the Directory . New York : Random House . Linton , Marisa , Choosing Terror : Virtue , Friendship and Authenticity in the French Revolution ( Oxford University Press , 2013 ) . Mathiez , Albert ( 1929 ) . The French Revolution . New York : Alfred a Knopf . Rude , George ( 1988 ) . The French Revolution . New York : Grove Weidenfeld . ISBN 1 - 55584 - 150 - 3 . Soboul , Albert ( 1974 ) . The French Revolution : 1787 -- 1799 . New York : Random House . ISBN 0 - 394 - 47392 - 2 . Stein , Robert . `` The Revolution of 1789 and the Abolition of Slavery . '' Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes D'Histoire 17 , no . 3 ( 1982 ) : 447 - 468 . Thompson , J.M. ( 1959 ) . The French Revolution . Oxford : Basil Blackwell . Woronoff , Denis ( 1984 ) . The Thermidorean regime and the directory : 1794 -- 1799 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 28917 - 3 . This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Chisholm , Hugh , ed. ( 1911 ) . `` Convention , The National '' . Encyclopædia Britannica ( 11th ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . Further reading ( edit ) Moitt , Bernard . Women and Slavery in the French Antilles , 1635 - 1848 . Blacks in the Diaspora . Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 2001 . Quinney , Valerie . `` Decisions on Slavery , the Slave - Trade and Civil Rights for Negroes in the Early French Revolution . '' The Journal of Negro History 55 , no . 2 ( 1970 ) . Nash , Gary B. `` Reverberations of Haiti in the American North : Black Saint Dominguans in Philadelphia . '' Pennsylvania History : A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 65 ( 1998 ) . Popkin , Jeremy D. A Short History of the French Revolution . Sixth ed. 2015 . External links ( edit ) Presidents of the National Convention : 1792 -- 1795 National Convention pamphlets and documents from the Ball State University Digital Media Repository Heads of state of France Recognized as Francia from 481 to 843 -- Recognized as West Francia from 843 to 987 -- Recognized as France from 987 to present Styled President of the Republic after 1871 , except from 1940 to 1944 ( Chief of State ) and 1944 to 1947 ( Chairman of the Provisional Government ) . Detailed monarch family tree Simplified monarch family tree Merovingians ( 486 -- 751 ) Clovis I Childebert I Chlothar I Charibert I Guntram Chilperic I Sigebert I Childebert II Chlothar II Dagobert I Sigebert II Clovis II Chlothar III Childeric II Theuderic III Clovis IV Childebert III Dagobert III Chilperic II Chlothar IV Theuderic IV Childeric III Carolingians , Robertians and Bosonids ( 751 -- 987 ) Pepin the Short Carloman I Charlemagne ( Charles I ) Louis I Charles II Louis II Louis III Carloman II Charles the Fat Odo Charles III Robert I Rudolph Louis IV Lothair Louis V House of Capet ( 987 -- 1328 ) Hugh Capet Robert II Henry I Philip I Louis VI Louis VII Philip II Louis VIII Louis IX Philip III Philip IV Louis X John I Philip V Charles IV House of Valois ( 1328 -- 1589 ) Philip VI John II Charles V Charles VI Charles VII Louis XI Charles VIII Louis XII Francis I Henry II Francis II Charles IX Henry III House of Lancaster ( 1422 -- 1453 ) Henry VI of England House of Bourbon ( 1589 -- 1792 ) Henry IV Louis XIII Louis XIV Louis XV Louis XVI Louis XVII First Republic ( 1792 -- 1804 ) National Convention Directory Consulate First Empire ( 1804 -- 1815 ) Napoleon I Napoleon II Bourbon Restoration ( 1815 -- 1830 ) Louis XVIII Charles X Louis XIX Henry V July Monarchy ( 1830 -- 1848 ) Louis Philippe I Second Republic ( 1848 -- 1852 ) Jacques - Charles Dupont de l'Eure Executive Commission Louis - Eugène Cavaignac Louis - Napoléon Bonaparte Second Empire ( 1852 -- 1870 ) Napoleon III Government of National Defense ( 1870 -- 1871 ) Louis - Jules Trochu Third Republic ( 1871 -- 1940 ) Adolphe Thiers Patrice de Mac - Mahon Jules Armand Dufaure * Jules Grévy Maurice Rouvier * Sadi Carnot Charles Dupuy * Jean Casimir - Perier Charles Dupuy * Félix Faure Charles Dupuy * Émile Loubet Armand Fallières Raymond Poincaré Paul Deschanel Alexandre Millerand Frédéric François - Marsal * Gaston Doumergue Paul Doumer André Tardieu * Albert Lebrun Vichy France ( 1940 -- 1944 ) Philippe Pétain Provisional Government ( 1944 -- 1947 ) Charles de Gaulle Félix Gouin Georges Bidault Vincent Auriol Léon Blum Fourth Republic ( 1947 -- 1958 ) Vincent Auriol René Coty Fifth Republic ( 1958 -- present ) Charles de Gaulle Alain Poher * Georges Pompidou Alain Poher * Valéry Giscard d'Estaing François Mitterrand Jacques Chirac Nicolas Sarkozy François Hollande Emmanuel Macron Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics . Acting heads of state are denoted by an asterisk * . Millerand held the presidency in an acting capacity before being fully elected . Governments of France ( 1792 -- 1870 ) First Republic ( 1792 -- 1804 ) National Convention Committee of Public Safety French Directory French Consulate Paris Commune First Empire ( 1804 -- 1814 ) Napoleon Provisional Government of 1814 First restoration Hundred Days Provisional Government of 1815 Restoration ( 1814 -- 1830 ) Talleyrand Richelieu ( 1 ) Dessolles Decazes Richelieu ( 2 ) Villèle Martignac Polignac Mortemart July Monarchy ( 1830 -- 1848 ) Paris Municipal Commission Provisional Ministry First ministry of Louis - Philippe Laffitte Casimir Perier Soult ( 1 ) Gérard Maret Mortier de Broglie Thiers ( 1 ) Molé ( 1 ) Molé ( 2 ) Transitional cabinet of 1839 Soult ( 2 ) Thiers ( 2 ) Soult ( 3 ) Guizot Second Republic ( 1848 -- 1852 ) Provisional Government Executive Commission Cavaignac Barrot ( 1 ) Barrot ( 2 ) Hautpoul Petit ministère Faucher Last cabinet of the French Second Republic Louis Napoleon ( 1 ) Louis Napoleon ( 2 ) Second Empire ( 1852 -- 1870 ) Third cabinet of Napoleon III Fourth cabinet of Napoleon III Ollivier Cousin - Montauban French Revolution Causes Timeline Ancien Régime Revolution Constitutional monarchy Republic Directory Consulate Glossary Journals Museum Significant civil and political events by year 1788 Day of the Tiles ( 7 Jun 1788 ) Assembly of Vizille ( 21 Jul 1788 ) 1789 What Is the Third Estate ? ( Jan 1789 ) Réveillon riots ( 28 Apr 1789 ) Convocation of the Estates - General ( 5 May 1789 ) National Assembly ( 17 Jun -- 9 Jul 1790 ) Tennis Court Oath ( 20 Jun 1789 ) National Constituent Assembly ( 9 Jul -- 30 Sep 1791 ) Storming of the Bastille ( 14 Jul 1789 ) Great Fear ( 20 Jul -- 5 Aug 1789 ) Abolition of Feudalism ( 4 - 11 Aug 1789 ) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( 27 Aug 1789 ) Women 's March on Versailles ( 5 Oct 1789 ) 1790 Abolition of the Parlements ( Feb -- Jul 1790 ) Abolition of the Nobility ( 19 Jun 1790 ) Civil Constitution of the Clergy ( 12 Jul 1790 ) Fête de la Fédération ( 14 Jul 1790 ) 1791 Flight to Varennes ( 20 -- 21 Jun 1791 ) Champ de Mars Massacre ( 17 Jul 1791 ) Declaration of Pillnitz ( 27 Aug 1791 ) The Constitution of 1791 ( 3 Sep 1791 ) Legislative Assembly ( 1 Oct 1791 -- Sep 1792 ) 1792 France declares war ( 20 Apr 1792 ) Brunswick Manifesto ( 25 Jul 1792 ) Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary ( Jun 1792 ) 10th of August ( 10 Aug 1792 ) September Massacres ( Sep 1792 ) National Convention ( 20 Sep 1792 -- 26 Oct 1795 ) First republic declared ( 22 Sep 1792 ) 1793 Execution of Louis XVI ( 21 Jan 1793 ) Revolutionary Tribunal ( 9 Mar 1793 -- 31 May 1795 ) Reign of Terror ( 27 Jun 1793 -- 27 Jul 1794 ) Committee of Public Safety Committee of General Security Fall of the Girondists ( 2 Jun 1793 ) Assassination of Marat ( 13 Jul 1793 ) Levée en masse ( 23 Aug 1793 ) The Death of Marat ( painting ) Law of Suspects ( 17 Sep 1793 ) Marie Antoinette is guillotined ( 16 Oct 1793 ) Anti-clerical laws ( throughout the year ) 1794 Danton and Desmoulins guillotined ( 5 Apr 1794 ) Law of 22 Prairial ( 10 Jun 1794 ) Thermidorian Reaction ( 27 Jul 1794 ) Robespierre guillotined ( 28 Jul 1794 ) White Terror ( Fall 1794 ) Closing of the Jacobin Club ( 11 Nov 1794 ) 1795 Constitution of the Year III ( 22 Aug 1795 ) Conspiracy of the Equals ( Nov 1795 ) Directoire ( 1795 -- 99 ) Council of Five Hundred Council of Ancients 13 Vendémiaire 5 Oct 1795 1797 Coup of 18 Fructidor ( 4 Sep 1797 ) Second Congress of Rastatt ( Dec 1797 ) 1799 Coup of 30 Prairial VII ( 18 Jun 1799 ) Coup of 18 Brumaire ( 9 Nov 1799 ) Constitution of the Year VIII ( 24 Dec 1799 ) Consulate Revolutionary campaigns 1792 Verdun Thionville Valmy Royalist Revolts Chouannerie Vendée Dauphiné Lille Siege of Mainz Jemappes Namur ( fr ) 1793 First Coalition Siege of Toulon ( 18 Sep -- 18 Dec 1793 ) War in the Vendée Battle of Neerwinden ) Battle of Famars ( 23 May 1793 ) Expédition de Sardaigne ( 21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793 ) Battle of Kaiserslautern Siege of Mainz Battle of Wattignies Battle of Hondschoote Siege of Bellegarde Battle of Peyrestortes ( Pyrenees ) First Battle of Wissembourg ( 13 Oct 1793 ) Battle of Truillas ( Pyrenees ) Second Battle of Wissembourg ( 26 -- 27 Dec 1793 ) 1794 Battle of Villers - en - Cauchies ( 24 Apr 1794 ) Battle of Boulou ( Pyrenees ) ( 30 Apr -- 1 May 1794 ) Battle of Tournay ( 22 May 1794 ) Battle of Fleurus ( 26 Jun 1794 ) Chouannerie Battle of Tourcoing ( 18 May 1794 ) Battle of Aldenhoven ( 2 Oct 1794 ) 1795 Peace of Basel 1796 Battle of Lonato ( 3 -- 4 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Castiglione ( 5 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Theiningen Battle of Neresheim ( 11 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Amberg ( 24 Aug 1796 ) Battle of Würzburg ( 3 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Rovereto ( 4 Sep 1796 ) First Battle of Bassano ( 8 Sep 1796 ) Battle of Emmendingen ( 19 Oct 1796 ) Battle of Schliengen ( 26 Oct 1796 ) Second Battle of Bassano ( 6 Nov 1796 ) Battle of Calliano ( 6 -- 7 Nov 1796 ) Battle of the Bridge of Arcole ( 15 -- 17 Nov 1796 ) The Ireland Expedition ( Dec 1796 ) 1797 Naval Engagement off Brittany ( 13 Jan 1797 ) Battle of Rivoli ( 14 -- 15 Jan 1797 ) Battle of the Bay of Cádiz ( 25 Jan 1797 ) Treaty of Leoben ( 17 Apr 1797 ) Battle of Neuwied ( 18 Apr 1797 ) Treaty of Campo Formio ( 17 Oct 1797 ) 1798 French invasion of Switzerland ( 28 January -- 17 May 1798 ) French Invasion of Egypt ( 1798 -- 1801 ) Irish Rebellion of 1798 ( 23 May -- 23 Sep 1798 ) Quasi-War ( 1798 -- 1800 ) Peasants ' War ( 12 Oct -- 5 Dec 1798 ) 1799 Second Coalition ( 1798 -- 1802 ) Siege of Acre ( 20 Mar -- 21 May 1799 ) Battle of Ostrach ( 20 -- 21 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Stockach ( 25 Mar 1799 ) Battle of Magnano ( 5 Apr 1799 ) Battle of Cassano ( 27 Apr 1799 ) First Battle of Zurich ( 4 -- 7 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Trebbia ( 19 Jun 1799 ) Battle of Novi ( 15 Aug 1799 ) Second Battle of Zurich ( 25 -- 26 Sep 1799 ) 1800 Battle of Marengo ( 14 Jun 1800 ) Battle of Hohenlinden ( 3 Dec 1800 ) League of Armed Neutrality ( 1800 -- 02 ) 1801 Treaty of Lunéville ( 9 Feb 1801 ) Treaty of Florence ( 18 Mar 1801 ) Algeciras Campaign ( 8 Jul 1801 ) 1802 Treaty of Amiens ( 25 Mar 1802 ) Military leaders French Army Eustache Charles d'Aoust Pierre Augereau Alexandre de Beauharnais Jean - Baptiste Bernadotte Louis - Alexandre Berthier Jean - Baptiste Bessières Guillaume - Marie - Anne Brune Jean François Carteaux Jean Étienne Championnet Chapuis de Tourville Adam Philippe , Comte de Custine Louis - Nicolas Davout Louis Desaix Jacques François Dugommier Thomas - Alexandre Dumas Charles François Dumouriez Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino Louis - Charles de Flers Paul Grenier Emmanuel de Grouchy Jacques Maurice Hatry Lazare Hoche Jean - Baptiste Jourdan François Christophe de Kellermann Jean - Baptiste Kléber Pierre Choderlos de Laclos Jean Lannes Charles Leclerc Claude Lecourbe François Joseph Lefebvre Jacques MacDonald Jean - Antoine Marbot Jean Baptiste de Marbot François Séverin Marceau - Desgraviers Auguste de Marmont André Masséna Bon - Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Jean Victor Marie Moreau Édouard Mortier , duc de Trévise Joachim Murat Michel Ney Pierre - Jacques Osten ( fr ) Nicolas Oudinot Catherine - Dominique de Pérignon Jean - Charles Pichegru Józef Poniatowski Laurent de Gouvion Saint - Cyr Barthélemy Louis Joseph Schérer Jean - Mathieu - Philibert Sérurier Joseph Souham Jean - de-Dieu Soult Louis - Gabriel Suchet Belgrand de Vaubois Claude Victor - Perrin , Duc de Belluno French Navy Charles - Alexandre Linois Opposition Austria József Alvinczi Archduke Charles , Duke of Teschen Count of Clerfayt ( Walloon ) Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze ( Swiss ) Friedrich Adolf , Count von Kalckreuth Pál Kray ( Hungarian ) Charles Eugene , Prince of Lambesc ( French ) Maximilian Baillet de Latour ( Walloon ) Karl Mack von Leiberich Rudolf Ritter von Otto ( Saxon ) Prince Josias of Saxe - Coburg - Saalfeld Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss - Plauen Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló ( Hungarian ) Karl Philipp Sebottendorf Dagobert von Wurmser Britain Sir Ralph Abercromby Admiral Sir James Saumarez Admiral Sir Edward Pellew Prince Frederick , Duke of York and Albany Dutch Republic William V , Prince of Orange Prussia Charles William Ferdinand , Duke of Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel Frederick Louis , Prince of Hohenlohe - Ingelfingen Russia Alexander Korsakov Alexander Suvorov Spain Luis Firmin de Carvajal Antonio Ricardos Other significant figures and factions Society of 1789 Jean Sylvain Bailly Gilbert du Motier , Marquis de Lafayette François Alexandre Frédéric , duc de la Rochefoucauld - Liancourt Isaac René Guy le Chapelier Honoré Gabriel Riqueti , comte de Mirabeau Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès Charles - Maurice de Talleyrand - Périgord Nicolas de Condorcet Feuillants and monarchiens Madame de Lamballe Madame du Barry Louis de Breteuil Loménie de Brienne Charles Alexandre de Calonne de Chateaubriand Jean Chouan Grace Elliott Arnaud de La Porte Jean - Sifrein Maury Jacques Necker François - Marie , marquis de Barthélemy Guillaume - Mathieu Dumas Antoine Barnave Lafayette Alexandre - Théodore - Victor , comte de Lameth Charles Malo François Lameth André Chénier Jean - François Rewbell Camille Jordan Madame de Staël Boissy d'Anglas Jean - Charles Pichegru Pierre Paul Royer - Collard Girondists Jacques Pierre Brissot Roland de La Platière Madame Roland Father Henri Grégoire Étienne Clavière Marquis de Condorcet Charlotte Corday Marie Jean Hérault Jean Baptiste Treilhard Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Jean Debry Jean - Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil Olympe de Gouges Jean - Baptiste Robert Lindet Louis Marie de La Révellière - Lépeaux The Plain Abbé Sieyès de Cambacérès Charles François Lebrun Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot Philippe Égalité Louis Philippe I Mirabeau Antoine Christophe Merlin de Thionville Jean Joseph Mounier Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours François de Neufchâteau Montagnards Maximilien Robespierre Georges Danton Jean - Paul Marat Camille Desmoulins Louis Antoine de Saint - Just Paul Nicolas , vicomte de Barras Louis Philippe I Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint - Fargeau Jacques - Louis David Marquis de Sade Georges Couthon Roger Ducos Jean - Marie Collot d'Herbois Jean - Henri Voulland Philippe - Antoine Merlin de Douai Antoine Quentin Fouquier - Tinville Philippe - François - Joseph Le Bas Marc - Guillaume Alexis Vadier Jean - Pierre - André Amar Prieur de la Côte - d'Or Prieur de la Marne Gilbert Romme Jean Bon Saint - André Jean - Lambert Tallien Pierre Louis Prieur Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac Antoine Christophe Saliceti Hébertists and Enragés Jacques Hébert Jacques Nicolas Billaud - Varenne Pierre Gaspard Chaumette Charles - Philippe Ronsin Antoine - François Momoro François - Nicolas Vincent François Chabot Jean Baptiste Noël Bouchotte Jean - Baptiste - Joseph Gobel François Hanriot Jacques Roux Stanislas - Marie Maillard Charles - Philippe Ronsin Jean - François Varlet Theophile Leclerc Claire Lacombe Pauline Léon Gracchus Babeuf Sylvain Maréchal Others Charles X Louis XVI Louis XVII Louis XVIII Louis Antoine , Duke of Enghien Louis Henri , Prince of Condé Louis Joseph , Prince of Condé Marie Antoinette Napoléon Bonaparte Lucien Bonaparte Joseph Bonaparte Joseph Fesch Joséphine de Beauharnais Joachim Murat Jean Sylvain Bailly Jacques - Donatien Le Ray Guillaume - Chrétien de Malesherbes Talleyrand Thérésa Tallien Gui - Jean - Baptiste Target Catherine Théot List of people associated with the French Revolution Influential thinkers Les Lumières Beaumarchais Edmund Burke Anacharsis Cloots Charles - Augustin de Coulomb Pierre Claude François Daunou Diderot Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Antoine Lavoisier Montesquieu Thomas Paine Jean - Jacques Rousseau Abbé Sieyès Voltaire Mary Wollstonecraft Cultural impact La Marseillaise French Tricolour Liberté , égalité , fraternité Marianne Bastille Day Panthéon French Republican Calendar Cult of the Supreme Being Cult of Reason Temple of Reason Sans - culottes Metric system Phrygian cap Women in the French Revolution Symbolism in the French Revolution Historiography of the French Revolution Influence of the French Revolution France topics History Periods Timeline Prehistory Celtic Gaul Roman Gaul Kingdom of the Visigoths Francia West Francia Middle Ages Early modern era Long nineteenth century Revolutionary era Napoleonic era Belle Époque Twentieth century Regimes Absolute monarchy Ancien Régime First Republic First Empire Constitutional monarchy Bourbon Restoration July Monarchy Second Republic Second Empire Government of National Defense Third Republic France during the Second World War Free France Vichy France Provisional Government of the French Republic Fourth Republic Fifth Republic Geography Administrative divisions Cities Islands Lakes Mountains Rivers Politics Constitution Elections presidential Foreign relations Government Human rights Intersex LGBT Judiciary Law enforcement Military Parliament Political parties Economy Agriculture Banking Central bank Economic history Energy Euro Exports Franc ( former currency ) French subdivisions by GDP Stock exchange Taxation Telecommunications Tourism Trade unions Transport Society Crime Demographics Education Health care People Poverty Religion Social class Welfare Culture Architecture Art Cinema ( comedy ) Cuisine Cultural icons Fashion Gardens Language Literature Media Music Philosophy Public holidays Sport Symbols Theatre Outline Book Portal WikiProject GND : 502190 - X ISNI : 0000 0001 2182 9537 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=National_Convention&oldid=866498032 '' Categories : French First Republic Defunct unicameral legislatures Government of France Provisional governments Constituent assemblies French Revolution 1792 establishments in France 1795 disestablishments 1792 events of the French Revolution 1793 events of the French Revolution 1794 events of the French Revolution 1795 events of the French Revolution Hidden categories : Articles containing French - language text Pages with URL errors Use dmy dates from July 2014 Wikipedia articles with style issues from May 2016 All articles with style issues Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2017 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from November 2015 All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from November 2015 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica Interlanguage link template link number Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Беларуская Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Italiano ქართული Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Українська 中文 33 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 October 2018 , at 18 : 13 ( UTC ) . 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when is sister's day celebrated in pakistan
Siblings Day
siblings day
Siblings Day ( sometimes called National Siblings Day or National Sibling Day ) is a holiday recognized annually in some parts of the United States on April 10 , honoring the relationships of siblings . Unlike Mother 's Day and Father 's Day , it is not federally recognized , though the Siblings Day Foundation is working to change this . Since 1998 , the governors of 49 states have officially issued proclamations to recognize Siblings Day in their state .
Siblings Day could be considered international because it shares many similarities with the Indian holiday of Raksha Bandhan , despite their inherently different origins and customs . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Celebration 3 See also 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) The US holiday was originally conceived by Claudia Evart to honor the memory of her brother and sister , both of whom died at early ages . The Siblings Day Foundation was incorporated in 1997 and achieved non-profit status in 1999 . Carolyn Maloney , then the U.S. Representative for New York 's 14th congressional district , officially saluted the holiday and introduced it into the official Congressional Record of the United States Congress on September 26 , 2005 . Celebration ( edit ) In the United States , approximately 80 % of people have siblings . The holiday is intended to be a celebration of the relationship of brothers and sisters . Examples of commemoration during this observance include giving your sibling a gift ( including a surprise gift ) , a giftcard , and taking one out for dinner . Nonmaterial examples of observances during this day includes giving hugs to your sibling ( s ) , enjoying time with them , and honoring their presence in your life . See also ( edit ) Children 's Day References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` National Sibling Day -- Highlight : ARISE Sibshops for Children '' . Oswego County Today . March 22 , 2013 . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Siblings Day Foundation '' . Retrieved March 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Gubernatorial ( State ) Proclamations '' . Retrieved September 26 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Kapur , Arjun - Anshula ( April 12 , 2015 ) . `` Bollywood celebrates siblings day '' . The Times of India . Retrieved April 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Dixit , Marni ( April 11 , 2015 ) . `` Sister act ! Rhiannon Fish joins National Siblings Day celebration by posting throwback snaps of her and sister Miranda in adorable animal - print outfits '' . Daily Mail Australia . Retrieved April 12 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Spiegel , Debbi ( March 22 , 2013 ) . `` Celebrate National Siblings Day ! '' . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Siblings Day Foundation '' . Retrieved April 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Maloney , Carolyn B. ( March 22 , 2005 ) . `` Congressional Record - Extenions of Remarks '' ( PDF ) . In Honor of Siblings Day . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` About 80 percent of Americans have at least one sibling ... '' . Chicago Tribune . ^ Jump up to : Twelve Principles of the Gilded Nest : Designing for the Soul of the Home , p 97 , 2002 Jump up ^ The Oamaru Telegram Issue 192 : Jump up ^ Chases Calendar of Events , 2012 Edition , McGraw Hill Professional External links ( edit ) Siblings Day Foundation Fox News Video on Siblings Day Family History Household Nuclear family Extended family Conjugal family Immediate family Matrifocal family Blended family Dysfunctional family Polyfidelitous families First - degree relatives Parent Father Mother Child Daughter Son Sibling Brother Sister Second - degree relatives Grandparent Grandchild Aunt Uncle Nephew and niece Third - degree relatives Great - grandparent Great - grandchild Grand - nephew and grand - niece Cousin Family - in - law Spouse Wife Husband Parents - in - law Siblings - in - law Stepfamily Stepfather Stepmother Stepchild Stepsibling Kinship Adoption Affinity Consanguinity Disownment Divorce Estrangement Fictive kinship Marriage Nurture kinship Lineage Bilateral descent Common ancestor Family name Family tree Genealogy Heirloom Heredity Inheritance Matrilineality Patrilineality Pedigree chart Progenitor Relationships Agape ( parental love ) Eros ( marital love ) Filial piety Philia ( friendly love ) Storge ( familial love ) Holidays Mother 's Day U.S. Father 's Day Siblings Day National Grandparents Day Wedding anniversary Related Sociology of the family Museum of Motherhood Holidays , observances , and celebrations in the United States January New Year 's Day ( federal ) Martin Luther King Jr . Day ( federal ) Confederate Heroes Day ( TX ) Fred Korematsu Day ( CA , FL , HI , VA ) Idaho Human Rights Day ( ID ) Inauguration Day ( federal quadrennial , DC area ) Kansas Day ( KS ) Lee -- Jackson Day ( formerly Lee -- Jackson -- King Day ) ( VA ) Robert E. Lee Day ( FL , GA ) Stephen Foster Memorial Day ( 36 ) The Eighth ( LA , former federal ) January -- February Super Bowl Sunday February American Heart Month Black History Month Washington 's Birthday / Presidents ' Day ( federal ) Valentine 's Day Georgia Day ( GA ) Groundhog Day Lincoln 's Birthday ( CA , CT , IL , IN , MO , NJ , NY , WV ) National Girls and Women in Sports Day National Freedom Day ( 36 ) Primary Election Day ( WI ) Ronald Reagan Day ( CA ) Rosa Parks Day ( CA , MO ) Susan B. Anthony Day ( CA , FL , NY , WI , WV , proposed federal ) February -- March Mardi Gras Ash Wednesday ( religious ) Courir de Mardi Gras ( religious ) Super Tuesday March Irish - American Heritage Month National Colon Cancer Awareness Month Women 's History Month St. Patrick 's Day ( religious ) Spring break ( week ) Casimir Pulaski Day ( IL ) Cesar Chavez Day ( CA , CO , TX , proposed federal ) Evacuation Day ( Suffolk County , MA ) Harriet Tubman Day ( NY ) Holi ( NY , religious ) Mardi Gras ( AL ( in two counties ) , LA ) Maryland Day ( MD ) National Poison Prevention Week ( week ) Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole Day ( HI ) Saint Joseph 's Day ( religious ) Seward 's Day ( AK ) Texas Independence Day ( TX ) Town Meeting Day ( VT ) March -- April Easter ( religious ) Palm Sunday ( religious ) Passover ( religious ) Good Friday ( CT , NC , PR , religious ) Easter Monday ( religious ) April Confederate History Month 420 Day April Fools ' Day Arbor Day Confederate Memorial Day ( AL , FL , MS , SC ) Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust ( week ) Earth Day Emancipation Day ( DC ) Thomas Jefferson 's Birthday ( AL ) Pascua Florida ( FL ) Patriots ' Day ( MA , ME ) San Jacinto Day ( TX ) Siblings Day Walpurgis Night ( religious ) May Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Jewish American Heritage Month Memorial Day ( federal ) Mother 's Day ( 36 ) Cinco de Mayo Harvey Milk Day ( CA ) Law Day ( 36 ) Loyalty Day ( 36 ) Malcolm X Day ( CA , IL , proposed federal ) May Day Military Spouse Day National Day of Prayer ( 36 ) National Defense Transportation Day ( 36 ) National Maritime Day ( 36 ) Peace Officers Memorial Day ( 36 ) Truman Day ( MO ) June Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month Father 's Day ( 36 ) Bunker Hill Day ( Suffolk County , MA ) Carolina Day ( SC ) Emancipation Day In Texas / Juneteenth ( TX ) Flag Day ( 36 , proposed federal ) Helen Keller Day ( PA ) Honor America Days ( 3 weeks ) Jefferson Davis Day ( AL , FL ) Kamehameha Day ( HI ) Odunde Festival ( Philadelphia , PA ) Senior Week ( week ) West Virginia Day ( WV ) July Independence Day ( federal ) Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea ( HI , unofficial ) Parents ' Day ( 36 ) Pioneer Day ( UT ) July -- August Summer vacation August American Family Day ( AZ ) Barack Obama Day ( IL ) Bennington Battle Day ( VT ) Hawaii Admission Day / Statehood Day ( HI ) Lyndon Baines Johnson Day ( TX ) National Aviation Day ( 36 ) Service Reduction Day ( MD ) Victory over Japan Day ( RI , former federal ) Women 's Equality Day ( 36 ) September Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Labor Day ( federal ) California Admission Day ( CA ) Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day ( 36 ) Constitution Day ( 36 ) Constitution Week ( week ) Defenders Day ( MD ) Gold Star Mother 's Day ( 36 ) National Grandparents Day ( 36 ) National Payroll Week ( week ) Native American Day ( CA , TN , proposed federal ) Patriot Day ( 36 ) September -- October Hispanic Heritage Month Oktoberfest Rosh Hashanah ( religious ) Yom Kippur ( religious ) October Breast Cancer Awareness Month Disability Employment Awareness Month Filipino American History Month LGBT History Month Columbus Day ( federal ) Halloween Alaska Day ( AK ) Child Health Day ( 36 ) General Pulaski Memorial Day German - American Day Indigenous Peoples ' Day ( VT ) International Day of Non-Violence Leif Erikson Day ( 36 ) Missouri Day ( MO ) National School Lunch Week Native American Day ( SD ) Nevada Day ( NV ) Sweetest Day White Cane Safety Day ( 36 ) October -- November Diwali ( religious ) November Native American Indian Heritage Month Veterans Day ( federal ) Thanksgiving ( federal ) Day after Thanksgiving ( 24 ) Election Day ( CA , DE , HI , KY , MT , NJ , NY , OH , PR , WV , proposed federal ) Family Day ( NV ) Hanukkah ( religious ) Lā Kūʻokoʻa ( HI , unofficial ) Native American Heritage Day ( MD , WA ) Obama Day ( Perry County , AL ) December Christmas ( religious , federal ) Alabama Day ( AL ) Christmas Eve ( KY , NC , SC ) Day after Christmas ( KY , NC , SC , TX ) Festivus Hanukkah ( religious , week ) Indiana Day ( IN ) Kwanzaa ( religious , week ) National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ( 36 ) New Year 's Eve Pan American Aviation Day ( 36 ) Rosa Parks Day ( OH , OR ) Wright Brothers Day ( 36 ) Varies ( year round ) Eid al - Adha ( religious ) Eid al - Fitr ( religious ) Ramadan ( religious , month ) Legend : ( federal ) = federal holidays , ( state ) = state holidays , ( religious ) = religious holidays , ( week ) = weeklong holidays , ( month ) = monthlong holidays , ( 36 ) = Title 36 Observances and Ceremonies Bold indicates major holidays commonly celebrated in the United States , which often represent the major celebrations of the month . See also : Lists of holidays , Hallmark holidays , public holidays in the United States , New Jersey , New York , Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands . 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who wrote the song it so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
`` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' is an R&B song written by Motown husband - and - wife songwriting team Freddie Perren and Christine Yarian for the 1975 film Cooley High . In the film , the song is performed by Motown artist G.C. Cameron , whose rendition peaked at number 38 on the Billboard R&B singles chart that same year . Perren also composed the instrumental score for Cooley High , and the B - side to `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' features two of his score compositions from the film .
Motown husband - and - wife songwriting team Freddie Perren and Christine Yarian
It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday
it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
`` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' is an R&B song written by Motown husband - and - wife songwriting team Freddie Perren and Christine Yarian for the 1975 film Cooley High . In the film , the song is performed by Motown artist G.C. Cameron , whose rendition peaked at number 38 on the Billboard R&B singles chart that same year . Perren also composed the instrumental score for Cooley High , and the B - side to `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' features two of his score compositions from the film .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Boyz II Men version 1.1 Track listings 2 Covers and references 3 U.S. chart performance 3.1 G.C. Cameron version 3.2 Boyz II Men version 3.2. 1 Weekly charts 3.2. 2 Year - end charts 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Boyz II Men version ( edit ) `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' U.S. commercial cassette single Single by Boyz II Men from the album Cooleyhighharmony Released August 20 , 1991 Format 7 '' single Cassette single CD single Recorded Fall 1990 Genre R&B , soul , a cappella Length 2 : 47 Label Motown 2136 Songwriter ( s ) Freddie Perren Christine Yarian Producer ( s ) Dallas Austin Boyz II Men singles chronology `` Motownphilly '' ( 1991 ) `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' ( 1991 ) `` Uhh Ahh '' ( 1991 ) `` Motownphilly '' ( 1991 ) `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' ( 1991 ) `` Uhh Ahh '' ( 1991 ) The composition fared better when covered in an a cappella rendition by contemporary R&B Motown group Boyz II Men 16 years later . Boyz II Men 's recording of `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' peaked at number one on the Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs on December 21 , 1991 . Over on non-genre specific charts the song reached number five on the Hot 100 Airplay on December 7 , 1991 and number two on the Hot Singles Sales on November 23 , 1991 and eventually went on to peak at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 on December 14 , 1991 , blocked from the top spot for five weeks by Michael Jackson 's single `` Black or White '' . `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' was included on Boyz II Men 's first album , Cooleyhighharmony , its name a reference to the film from which the song originated . The song was also featured in the films Lethal Weapon 3 ( 1992 ) and as the center of gags in Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay ( 2008 ) , and in episodes of the television series It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia , Psych and Martin . It was featured in the American Dad ! episode `` News Glance with Genevieve VaVance '' when Steve goes missing . It was also performed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon immediately after Conan O'Brien 's final Tonight Show in 2010 , with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots singing it in the studio O'Brien had occupied when he hosted Late Night ( now home of The Dr. Oz Show ) . The song was later sung by Tracy Morgan as part of a tribute to his 30 Rock co-stars that celebrated the show 's then upcoming final episode . It was also featured on MTV during the current promotions of Jersey Shore 's final season . In July 2013 , the song was used by the show Game of Thrones at its Comic - Con panel in a tribute video to the characters killed off in its third season . Track listings ( edit ) US Cassette Single A It 's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday ( LP Version ) Album Snippets B1 Under Pressure B2 Please Do n't Go B3 Lonely Heart B4 Uhh Ahh B5 It 's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday Europe Maxi - CD It 's Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday ( Radio Version ) 3 : 06 It 's Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday ( Accapella Version ) 3 : 49 Album Snippets 3a Under Pressure 0 : 48 3b Please Do n't Go 1 : 00 3c Lonely Heart 1 : 00 3d Uhh Ahh 1 : 03 Covers and references ( edit ) Singer Jacky Cheung recorded a Cantonese version of `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' entitled `` 偷闲 加油 站 '' in 1993 . The Notorious B.I.G. humorously refers to the song in the song `` Gimme the Loot , '' from his 1994 album Ready to Die , indicating that if a potential robbery victim tried to resist his efforts , the victim 's bereaved mother would be left singing `` It 's so haaaard . '' Nas also did something similar in the song `` Destroy & Rebuild '' , where he did n't mention Cormega 's name in the first verse of the song : `` Right : Mega was his name , sorry ' bout that , but ' it 's so hard ' to put a coward 's name in my raps ! '' In 1995 , Barrio Boyzz dedicated the song in Spanish to Selena after her death on March 31 , 1995 . In 1998 , rapper Master P with Mo B. Dick , Silkk the Shocker , and R&B group Sons of Funk did a loose cover for the song titled as `` Goodbye to My Homies '' . In 2001 , Usher sang the song a capella in memory of R'n'B singer and actress Aaliyah , who had been killed in a plane crash three days before . In 2002 , Busch Stadium played the song while showing a memorial video of late pitcher Darryl Kile . In 2008 , Jamelody covered the song on his debut album , `` Be Prepared '' . In 2012 , R. Kelly sang a portion of the song a capella in the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Benji , which was a biography of Chicago HS basketball star Ben Wilson . Wilson was murdered in 1984 during an altercation with two teenagers at the age of 17 and Kelly was one of his AAU teammates . Kelly also sang the song as Wilson was being laid to rest the day of his funeral and recounted that for the film . In 2012 , Angela Aki sang the song using both English and Japanese lyrics . In 2014 , singer - songwriter Jason Mraz covered the song on his fifth studio album Yes ! , with rock - folk band Raining Jane providing back - up . Radio stations in the United States changing formats have on occasion used this song to sign off their old format prior to the debut of the new one , such as longtime urban station V103 in Baltimore in June 1997 . On February 12 , 2017 , guitarist Josh Klinghoffer performed a short tease of the song during the Red Hot Chili Peppers show in Philadelphia U.S. chart performance ( edit ) G.C. Cameron version ( edit ) Chart ( 1975 ) Peak position U.S. Billboard Hot Soul Singles 38 Boyz II Men version ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1991 ) Peak position US Billboard Hot 100 US Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs ( Billboard ) Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1992 ) Position US Billboard Hot 100 37 See also ( edit ) R&B number - one hits of 1991 ( USA ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Uproxx , `` Game of Thrones Opened Its Comic - Con Panel With a Tribute Video Set to Boyz II Men '' Retrieved 20 July 2013 Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 99 . Jump up ^ `` Boyz II Men -- Chart history '' Billboard Hot 100 for Boyz II Men . Retrieved June 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Boyz II Men -- Chart history '' Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs for Boyz II Men . Retrieved June 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 - 1992 '' . Archived from the original on 2010 - 01 - 17 . Retrieved 2010 - 07 - 30 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics ( hide ) Boyz II Men Nathan Morris Shawn Stockman Wanya Morris Marc Nelson Michael McCary Studio albums Cooleyhighharmony II Evolution Nathan Michael Shawn Wanya Full Circle Throwback , Vol. 1 The Remedy Motown : Hitsville USA Love Twenty Collide Compilation albums Christmas Interpretations The Remix Collection The Ballad Collection Legacy : The Greatest Hits Collection Winter / Reflections Covered : Winter The Millennium Collection : The Best of Boyz II Men Singles `` Motownphilly '' `` It 's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday '' `` Uhh Ahh '' `` Please Do n't Go '' `` End of the Road '' `` In the Still of the Nite ( I 'll Remember ) '' `` Let It Snow '' `` I 'll Make Love to You '' `` On Bended Knee '' `` Thank You '' `` Water Runs Dry '' `` One Sweet Day '' `` Brokenhearted '' `` Hey Lover '' `` 4 Seasons of Loneliness '' `` A Song for Mama '' `` Doin ' Just Fine '' `` I Will Get There '' `` Pass You By '' `` Thank You in Advance '' `` The Color of Love '' `` Relax Your Mind '' `` What You Wo n't Do for Love '' `` The Tracks of My Tears '' `` Just My Imagination '' `` War '' `` Mercy Mercy Me '' `` I Ca n't Make You Love Me '' `` Iris '' Related topics Discography Babyface The Package Tour Total Package Tour Book Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=It%27s_So_Hard_to_Say_Goodbye_to_Yesterday&oldid=800179249 '' Categories : 1975 singles 1991 singles Motown singles A cappella songs Boyz II Men songs Songs written by Freddie Perren Songs written for films Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Song recordings produced by Freddie Perren 1975 songs Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from December 2009 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardrandbhiphop Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 11 September 2017 , at 23 : 15 . 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who was the hero of yash chopra noorie
Noorie is a 1979 Indian Hindi romance film produced by Yash Chopra , and directed by Manmohan Krishna , who was a noted character actor of the 1950s and 1960s , this was his only film . The film stars Farooq Shaikh , Poonam Dhillon , Madan Puri , Iftekhar . The films music is by Khayyam and the lyrics by Jan Nisar Akhtar . The film was a Super-Hit and the 7th highest grossing film at the Indian Box Office in the year .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Synopsis 2 Cast 3 Soundtrack 4 Awards and nominations 5 References 6 External links Synopsis ( edit ) Noorie ( Poonam Dhillon ) lives in the Bhaderwah valleys with her father , Ghulam Nabi ( Iftekhar ) and her dog Khairoo , she has a boyfriend Yusuf ( Farooq Shaikh ) , they decide to get married , the date is decided and preparations begin . But fate had something else in store . As another villager Bashir Khan ( Bharat Kapoor ) takes a liking to Noorie and approaches Noorie 's father for her hand , to which Ghulam Nabi refuses . An angry Bashir Khan then arranges the murder of Gulam Nabi , through his men , using a falling tree . The marriage is suspended , few months later when the marriage preparations are back on , however a few days before the marriage Bashir Khan , who happens to be Yusuf 's boss sends him on an errand out of town . While Yusuf is out of town Bashir Khan goes over to Noorie 's house and rapes her . Noorie commits suicide and Yusuf gets to know that it all happened because of Bashir , so he runs behind him to kill him followed by Khairoo . They end up into a physical fight and Yusuf gets shot by Bashir . As Bashir runs back , he finds Khairoo there , who finally kills Bashir . Yusuf runs to the place where Noorie 's body is and dies there . At the end they both are dug into the ground and unite with each other . Cast ( edit ) Farooque Shaikh as Yusuf Fakir Mohammed Poonam Dhillon as Noorie Nabi Madan Puri as Lala Karamchand Iftekhar as Ghulam Nabi Padma Khanna as Courtesan Gita Siddharth as Karamchand 's daughter - in - law Javed Khan as Faulad Khan Bharat Kapoor as Basheer Khan Avtar Gill as Basheer 's friend Manmohan Krishna as Saiji ( Storyteller ) Soundtrack ( edit ) The soundtrack have the following tracks , composed by Khayyam , and with lyrics by Jan Nisar Akhtar , Naqsh Lyallpuri and Majrooh Sultanpuri . Noorie Soundtrack album by Khayyam Released 1979 ( India ) Genre Film soundtrack Label EMI Producer Khayyam Khayyam chronology Trishul ( 1978 ) Trishul 1978 Noorie ( 1979 ) Khandaan ( 1979 ) Khandaan1979 # Title Singer ( s ) Lyricist Duration `` Aaja Re O Mere Dilbar Aaja - I '' Nitin Mukesh , Lata Mangeshkar Jan Nisar Akhtar 04 : 58 `` Chori Chori Koi Aaye '' Lata Mangeshkar Naqsh Lyallpuri 05 : 04 `` Qadar Tune Na Jani '' Asha Bhosle Naqsh Lyallpuri 05 : 12 `` Uske Khel Nirale Wohi Jane '' Pamela Chopra , Jagjit Kaur , Anwar Majrooh Sultanpuri 04 : 54 5 `` Aashiq Ho To Aisa Ho ( Qawwali ) '' Pamela Chopra , Mahendra Kapoor , Jagjit Kaur , Swadesh Mahan Jan Nisar Akhtar 06 : 31 6 `` Aaja Re O Mere Dilbar Aaja - II '' Nitin Mukesh , Lata Mangeshkar Jan Nisar Akhtar 05 : 03 Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Nominee / work Award Result 1980 Poonam Dhillon Filmfare Award for Best Actress Nominated Yash Chopra ( for Yash Raj Films ) Filmfare Award for Best Film Nominated Manmohan Krishna Filmfare Award for Best Director Nominated Khayyam Filmfare Award for Best Music Director Nominated References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Box Office 1979 Jump up ^ http://www.hindigeetmala.net/movie/noorie.htm External links ( edit ) Noorie on IMDb Noorie ( 1979 ) at Yash Raj Films ( hide ) Yash Raj Films About Head Office Y - Films Yash Chopra Daag : A Poem of Love ( 1973 ) Kabhie Kabhie ( 1976 ) Kaala Patthar ( 1979 ) Silsila ( 1981 ) Mashaal ( 1984 ) Faasle ( 1985 ) Vijay ( 1988 ) Chandni ( 1989 ) Lamhe ( 1991 ) Darr ( 1993 ) Dil To Pagal Hai ( 1997 ) Veer - Zaara ( 2004 ) Jab Tak Hai Jaan ( 2012 ) Aditya Chopra Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge ( 1995 ) Mohabbatein ( 2000 ) Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi ( 2008 ) Befikre ( 2016 ) Kunal Kohli Mujhse Dosti Karoge ( 2002 ) Hum Tum ( 2004 ) Fanaa ( 2006 ) Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic ( 2008 ) Shaad Ali Saathiya ( 2002 ) Bunty Aur Babli ( 2005 ) Jhoom Barabar Jhoom ( 2007 ) Kill Dil ( 2014 ) Siddharth Anand Salaam Namaste ( 2005 ) Ta Ra Rum Pum ( 2007 ) Bachna Ae Haseeno ( 2008 ) Sanjay Gadhvi Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai ( 2002 ) Dhoom ( 2004 ) Dhoom 2 ( 2006 ) Shimit Amin Chak De ! India ( 2007 ) Rocket Singh : Salesman of the Year ( 2009 ) Jugal Hansraj Roadside Romeo ( 2008 ) Pyaar Impossible ! ( 2010 ) Kabir Khan Kabul Express ( 2006 ) New York ( 2009 ) Ek Tha Tiger ( 2012 ) Pradeep Sarkar Laaga Chunari Mein Daag ( 2007 ) Lafangey Parindey ( 2010 ) Mardaani ( 2014 ) Maneesh Sharma Band Baaja Baaraat ( 2010 ) Ladies vs Ricky Bahl ( 2011 ) Shuddh Desi Romance ( 2013 ) Fan ( 2016 ) Vijay Krishna Acharya Tashan ( 2008 ) Dhoom 3 ( 2013 ) Thugs of Hindostan ( 2018 ) Ramesh Talwar Doosra Aadmi ( 1977 ) Sawaal ( 1982 ) Ali Abbas Zafar Mere Brother Ki Dulhan ( 2011 ) Gunday ( 2014 ) Sultan ( 2016 ) Tiger Zinda Hai ( 2017 ) Habib Faisal Ishaqzaade ( 2012 ) Daawat - e-Ishq ( 2014 ) Qaidi Band ( 2017 ) Other Noorie ( 1979 ) Nakhuda ( 1981 ) Aaina ( 1993 ) Yeh Dillagi ( 1994 ) Neal ' n ' Nikki ( 2005 ) Aaja Nachle ( 2007 ) Dil Bole Hadippa ! ( 2009 ) Badmaash Company ( 2010 ) Aurangzeb ( 2013 ) Aaha Kalyanam ( 2014 ) Bewakoofiyaan ( 2014 ) Detective Byomkesh Bakshy ! ( 2015 ) Dum Laga Ke Haisha ( 2015 ) Titli ( 2015 ) Meri Pyaari Bindu ( 2017 ) Hichki ( TBA ) List of films released by Yash Raj Films Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Noorie&oldid=801926015 '' Categories : 1979 films Hindi - language films Indian films 1970s Hindi - language films Fictional Indian people Films set in Jammu and Kashmir Yash Raj Films films Film scores by Khayyam Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from November 2015 Use Indian English from November 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Articles with hAudio microformats Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 22 September 2017 , at 20 : 26 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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where did the name 5 seconds of summer come from
5 Seconds of Summer
5 seconds of summer
This article is about the band . For their 2014 album , see 5 Seconds of Summer ( album ) . 5 Seconds of Summer 5 Seconds of Summer in 2016 Background information Also known as 5SOS Origin Sydney , New South Wales , Australia Genres Pop rock pop punk power pop pop Years active 2011 -- present Labels Capitol Hi or Hey Associated acts Alex Gaskarth The Madden Brothers John Feldmann Website 5sos.com Members Luke Hemmings Calum Hood Ashton Irwin Michael Clifford 5 Seconds of Summer ( often abbreviated as 5SOS ) are an Australian pop rock band from Sydney , New South Wales , formed in 2011 . The group were originally YouTube celebrities , posting videos of themselves covering songs from various artists during 2011 and early 2012 . They rose to international fame while touring with One Direction on their Take Me Home Tour . In early 2014 , the band released `` She Looks So Perfect '' as their debut single , which topped the charts in Australia , New Zealand , Ireland and the United Kingdom . Their self - titled debut studio album was released on June 2014 , peaking at number one in 11 countries , and was followed by a live album titled LiveSOS . The band released their second album Sounds Good Feels Good in October 2015 , followed by the release of a live documentary DVD called How Did We End Up Here . In December 2016 , the band announced the release of their B - sides and rarities -- which were previously unavailable worldwide -- under the title This Is Everything We Ever Said , to celebrate their fifth anniversary as a band . The band released their third album Youngblood on 15 June 2018 which debuted at number one in Australia and the United States . 5SOS became the first Australian act to achieve three number - one albums on the Billboard 200 chart ; 5SOS also became the first non-vocal band to have their first three full - length albums debut at number - one on the Billboard 200 chart . Contents 1 Career 1.1 2011 -- 2012 : Origin and debut 1.2 2013 -- 2014 : 5 Seconds of Summer and LiveSOS 1.3 2015 -- 2017 : Sounds Good Feels Good 1.4 2018 -- present : Youngblood 2 Hi or Hey Records 3 Musical style and influences 4 Band members 5 Streaming platform and social media usernames 6 Discography 7 Tours 7.1 Headlining 7.2 Opening act 8 Awards 9 See also 10 References 11 External links Career 2011 -- 2012 : origin and debut 5 Seconds of Summer at their EP launch gig at The Metro Theatre on 25 November 2012 5 Seconds of Summer began in 2011 when Luke Hemmings , Michael Clifford , and Calum Hood , who all attended Norwest Christian College , started posting videos of themselves performing covers of popular songs together on Hemmings ' YouTube channel . Hemmings ' first video , a cover of Mike Posner 's `` Please Do n't Go '' , was posted on the 3rd February in 2011 . Their cover of Chris Brown 's `` Next to You '' received over 600,000 hits . In December 2011 , they were joined by drummer Ashton Irwin , and the four - man lineup was completed . The band attracted interest from major music labels and publishers and signed a publishing deal with Sony ATV Music Publishing . Despite having no promotion apart from on Facebook and Twitter , their first music release , an EP entitled Unplugged , reached number 3 on the iTunes chart in Australia and the Top 20 in both New Zealand and Sweden . Their international following significantly increased when One Direction member Louis Tomlinson posted the link to the YouTube video of their song `` Gotta Get Out '' , stating that he 'd been a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer `` for a while '' . 5 Seconds of Summer spent the second half of 2012 writing and developing their sound with Christian Lo Russo and Joel Chapman of Australian band Amy Meredith , with whom they wrote two songs ( `` Beside You '' and `` Unpredictable '' ) that was featured on their second EP Somewhere New . The EP was also co-produced by Joel Chapman . 5 Seconds of Summer released their first single `` Out of My Limit '' on 19 November 2012 , whose video clip received over 100,000 views within the first 24 hours . The band were once again the subject of interest for One Direction when Niall Horan posted a tweet of the link to 5SOS ' first single `` Out of My Limit '' . In December 2012 , the boys embarked on a songwriting trip to London where they wrote with various artists including McFly , Roy Stride of Scouting for Girls , Nick Hodgson of Kaiser Chiefs , Jamie Scott , Jake Gosling , Steve Robson and James Bourne of Busted . 2013 -- 2014 : 5 Seconds of Summer and LiveSOS On 14 February 2013 , it was announced that 5 Seconds of Summer would support One Direction on their worldwide Take Me Home Tour . The tour kicked off at the O2 Arena in London on 23 February 2013 , and 5 Seconds of Summer joined One Direction for shows in the UK , US , Australia and New Zealand , including seven shows at Allphones Arena in 5 Seconds of Summer 's home town of Sydney . 5 Seconds of Summer performing at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney , Australia on 30 April 2014 While on a break from the Take Me Home Tour , 5 Seconds of Summer returned home to Australia where they played a National headlining tour , with all dates selling out within minutes . It was around this time when the band began to gain popularity and become more well - known . On 21 November 2013 , the band announced that they had signed to Capitol Records . On 5 February 2014 , 5 Seconds of Summer listed their debut major label single `` She Looks So Perfect '' for pre-order on the iTunes Store . On 5 March 2014 , it was announced that 5 Seconds of Summer would join One Direction again , supporting them on their Where We Are Tour in the US , Canada , UK and Europe . The connection between 5SOS and One Direction extends to both artists being managed by London - based Modest Management . This has led to 5SOS being labelled as a boy band in the media . Members of the band have said that the group is not a boy band ; nevertheless , they have attracted a fanbase comprised of mainly female fans , a characteristic attributed to boy bands . Ashton Irwin has compared the band 's female following to Fall Out Boy which also has a sizable female fanbase . John Feldmann , frontman of Goldfinger and producer on 5 Seconds of Summer , attributes 5 Seconds of Summer 's fanbase to `` a fundamental change in the pop punk demo ( graphic ) '' , mentioning its gradual shift away from the majority - male audiences of early 1990s pop punk acts such as Blink - 182 and Green Day . In late March 2014 , their single `` She Looks So Perfect '' was released in UK . Despite spending only one day on top in the British iTunes store and ending its week in the lower end of the top 10 , 5 Seconds of Summer became the fourth Australian band to have a UK number - one single , and the first to do so in 14 years . On 9 April , their third EP She Looks So Perfect debuted at number 2 on the Billboard 200 Chart . On 9 May , they released their second single , `` Do n't Stop '' . It debuted at number 2 on the UK Singles Chart , 3,000 units behind Ella Henderson 's `` Ghost '' . It peaked at number one in 4 countries and was in the top 10 of 8 countries overall . Billboard said that , `` In the vein of Green Day 's `` She '' and Blink - 182 's `` All The Small Things , '' `` Do n't Stop '' is 5SOS ' bid for a deceptively charming pop - punk anthem , with lyrics that are stickily sweet in their awkward flirtatiousness . The bridge could be more polished , but that hook is a highlight of the whole album . '' On 15 June , the band released their fourth EP Do n't Stop which was not available to purchase in the US , Canada and Mexico . On 13 May , the band announced that their debut self - titled album would be released on 27 June 2014 in Europe and Australia , with other releases coming later . The album won a Kerrang ! award ; Luke Hemmings said it was a real honour to win one , as all the band 's idols are in Kerrang ! . The album debuted on the top of the Billboard 200 Chart , peaked at number one in 13 countries , and peaked in the Top 10 of 26 countries . On 15 July , the band released their third single , `` Amnesia '' , which was the only song not written by the band members themselves , but by Benji and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte , an American pop punk band . Billboard said of the track that , `` With a surprisingly affecting vocal performance and the most searing lyrics on the album , new single `` Amnesia '' establishes itself as 5 Seconds of Summer 's successful Serious Pose . Taking older listeners back to the relative heartache of dissolving high school romance , `` Amnesia '' demonstrates the versatility of 5SOS , and one wonders why it 's buried at the end of the group 's debut album . '' On 5 September , they released their fifth EP Amnesia which was not available in US and Mexico . On 12 October , the band released their fourth single , `` Good Girls '' , and the music video logged over two million views within 48 hours , making it their highest debut to date . On 16 November , they released their sixth EP Good Girls which topped the UK iTunes Chart . The band released a cover song `` What I Like About You '' by American rock band The Romantics as the first single from their live album LIVESOS . The band released their first live album , LiveSOS , on 15 December 2014 . 5 Seconds of Summer at the ARIA Music Awards of 2014 . From left to right : Luke Hemmings , Calum Hood , Ashton Irwin , and Michael Clifford . 2015 -- 2017 : Sounds Good Feels Good In May 2015 , the band embarked on their first headlining tour , Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour , of Europe , Australia , New Zealand and North America . On 17 July 2015 , 5 Seconds of Summer released the first single , `` She 's Kinda Hot '' , from their second studio album . On 12 August , the band announced that their second studio album was titled Sounds Good Feels Good . On 28 August , the band released their seventh EP , She 's Kinda Hot , in the UK and Ireland only . On 9 October 2015 , the band released `` Hey Everybody ! '' as the second single from their second album . On the same day , the band announced their Sounds Live Feels Live World Tour . Sounds Good Feels Good was released worldwide on 23 October 2015 . The album debuted at number one in Australia , the US and the UK . The band released their third single `` Jet Black Heart '' on 17 December 2015 , together with a music video which featured some of their fans . In 2016 , the band embarked on their Sounds Live Feels Live World Tour which included sold out stadiums and arenas . They toured across North America , Europe , Australia and Asia . On 3 June , the band announced their single `` Girls Talk Boys '' . The song was included on the Ghostbusters ( Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ) and was released on 15 July . On 2 December , the band announced the release of their B - sides and rarities , titled This Is Everything We Ever Said , to celebrate their fifth anniversary as a band . On 13 January 2017 , the band was featured on the song `` Take What You Want '' by the Japanese rock band One Ok Rock from their eighth studio album Ambitions . On 11 May , the band announced the dates for their summer tour where they played at several music festivals . The group performed in Asia , Europe , and South America from August to September 2017 . The last music festival they played that year was in Brazil for Rock in Rio . 2018 -- present : Youngblood On 22 February 2018 , the band released the single `` Want You Back '' and announced a 2018 promotional tour entitled 5SOS III . The band went on tour and performed at intimate venues across Europe , US , Singapore , Australia , Mexico , and Brazil from March to June 2018 . Besides the tour , the group performed at music festivals , had acoustic sessions at radio stations , and made TV show appearances . On 9 April 2018 , the band announced that their third studio album , Youngblood , will be released on 22 June 2018 . The band announced the dates for their fourth headlining tour titled the Meet You There Tour which started on 2 August 2018 and will take place at various arenas across Japan , New Zealand , Australia , Canada , United States , and Europe . The second single from the album , the title track , peaked at number one in Australia in May 2018 . It stayed on the ARIA Chart at number one for eight consecutive weeks . It also stayed at number one in Official New Zealand Music Chart for four consecutive weeks , hit UK Official Charts 's Top 5 , and hit US Billboard Hot 100 's top 25 . It was certified 3x platinum in Australia , platinum in New Zealand , gold in the US , and silver in the UK . On 1 June 2018 , the band announced that the release date of the album was moved forward to 15 June 2018 . Youngblood debuted at number one in Australia and the US Billboard 200 . It debuted in the top 3 in the UK and seven other countries . Overall , the album reached the top 10 of 20 countries . On 1 August 2018 , the band released a Spotify - exclusive version of `` Lie to Me '' , along with a cover of Post Malone 's song `` Stay '' . Hi or Hey Records On 27 January 2014 , 5SOS announced that they would be setting up their own label , Hi or Hey Records . On the Hi or Hey Records website , the band explained that not only would they be releasing all of their music through Hi or Hey Records in conjunction with Capitol Records , but they would also be signing a roster of their own bands and releasing them via the label . On 24 March 2015 , the label signed pop rock band Hey Violet . Musical style and influences 5 Seconds of Summer 's musical style has been described as pop rock , pop punk , power pop , and pop . Rolling Stone magazine called them `` emo - gone - pop '' . Matt Collar of AllMusic found a reminiscent of `` ' 90s punk - pop '' and `` 2000s boy band pop '' in their sound . John Feldmann of Goldfinger stated that , `` this is the best pop - punk band I 've ever heard '' . The band cited McFly , Blink - 182 , All Time Low , Mayday Parade , Green Day , My Chemical Romance , Boys Like Girls and Busted as their influences . Band members Luke Hemmings Calum Hood Michael Clifford Ashton Irwin Luke Hemmings -- lead vocals , guitar , keyboards Calum Hood -- bass guitar , vocals , keyboards Michael Clifford -- guitar , vocals , keyboards Ashton Irwin -- drums , percussion , vocals , keyboards Streaming platform and social media usernames Apple Music , Deezer , Spotify and YouTube -- 5 Seconds of Summer Instagram -- 5SOS Tumblr -- 5SOS Twitter -- 5SOS Discography Main article : 5 Seconds of Summer discography 5 Seconds of Summer ( 2014 ) Sounds Good Feels Good ( 2015 ) Youngblood ( 2018 ) Tours Headlining Mini Australian Tour ( 2012 ) Twenty Twelve Tour ( June 2012 ) First New Zealand Show ( 3 November 2012 ) Pants Down Tour ( 2013 ) ( Australia ) UK Tour ( February & March 2014 ) 5 Countries 5 Days European Tour ( March & April 2014 ) ( Sweden , Germany , France , Italy , Spain ) Stars , Stripes and Maple Syrup Tour ( April 2014 ) ( North America ) There 's No Place Like Home Tour ( May 2014 ) ( Australia ) Rock Out with Your Socks Out Tour ( May -- September 2015 ) ( UK , Europe , Australia , New Zealand , US , Canada ) Sounds Live Feels Live World Tour ( 2016 ) ( Asia , UK , Ireland , Europe , US , Canada , Mexico , Australia ) 5SOS III Tour ( 2018 ) ( Europe , North America , South America , Asia , Australia ) Meet You There Tour ( 2018 ) ( Asia , New Zealand , Australia , North America , Europe ) Opening act Hot Chelle Rae -- Whatever World Tour ( October 2012 ) One Direction -- Take Me Home Tour ( 2013 ) One Direction -- Where We Are Tour ( 2014 ) One Direction -- On the Road Again Tour ( 2015 ) 4 shows in Japan only Awards Main article : List of awards and nominations received by 5 Seconds of Summer See also 5 Seconds of Summer : Up Close & Personal References Jump up ^ `` THE 10 BEST 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER B - SIDES '' . altpress . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Caulfield , Keith ( 24 June 2018 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Earn Third No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart With ' Youngblood ' '' . Billboard . Retrieved 25 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Alex Langlands ( 14 May 2012 ) . `` Meet 5 Seconds Of Summer '' . Retrieved 9 August 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer Australian Tour '' . May 2012 . Retrieved 10 August 2012 . Jump up ^ `` the Au interview - 5 Seconds of Summer '' . 1 August 2011 . Retrieved 19 February 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Toby Creswell ( 30 July 2012 ) . `` Smells Like Teen Spirit '' . The Age . Melbourne . Retrieved 11 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Allan , Joe ( 2014 - 10 - 02 ) . 5 Seconds of Summer : The Unauthorized Biography . Michael O'Mara Books . p. 48 . ISBN 9781782433682 . Jump up ^ Kathy McCabe ( 18 November 2012 ) . `` Sydney teen band 5 Seconds of Summer is getting hot in the UK '' . Retrieved 1 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer are Writing with McFly '' . 19 December 2012 . Retrieved 17 February 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer Tumblr '' . 6 February 2013 . Retrieved 22 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Jessica Aquilina ( 15 February 2013 ) . `` Local boys to play support for One Direction tour '' . Retrieved 22 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Kathy McCabe ( 18 February 2013 ) . `` Things are hotting up for 5 Seconds of Summer '' . Retrieved 22 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Kathy McCabe ( 14 February 2013 ) . `` One Direction Picks Australian Band 5 Seconds of Summer as support act for world tour '' . Retrieved 17 February 2013 . Jump up ^ `` One Direction Tour Dates '' . 2012 . Retrieved 23 February 2013 . Jump up ^ The Hot Hits ( 17 May 2013 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Announce Australian Tour '' . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Jump up ^ The Hot Hits ( 21 November 2013 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Got Signed to Capitol Records '' . Retrieved 26 November 2013 . Jump up ^ Lawrence , Jesse ( 5 March 2014 ) . `` One Direction 's Where We Are Tour Gets Jolt With 5 Seconds Of Summer As Opening Act '' . Forbes . Retrieved 5 March 2014 . Jump up ^ Knopper , Steve ( 9 April 2014 ) . `` On the Charts : Aussie Boy Band 5 Seconds of Summer Almost Top ' Frozen ' '' . Rolling Stone . Jump up ^ Smirke , Richard ( 8 April 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Goes Global - But They 're Not The Next One Direction '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ Lewak , Doree ( 22 April 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer uber - fans storm NYC in boy band mania '' . New York Post . Jump up ^ Shultz , Cara Lynn ( 4 August 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer : ' If Anyone Puts Us Down , We Do n't Care ' '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` 5SOS triumph in UK singles charts '' . BBC News . 30 March 2014 . Retrieved 30 March 2014 . Jump up ^ Paul Cashmere ( 9 April 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Debuts at No 2 in USA '' . Retrieved 10 April 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ella Henderson holds on to No. 1 single , pushes 5SOS into second '' . Digital Spy . ^ Jump up to : `` 5 Seconds of Summer Scores With Debut Album : Track - By - Track Review '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds Of Summer Announce New ' Do n't Stop ' EP '' . Alternative Press . Retrieved 14 November 2015 . Jump up ^ This Week 's Fresh Music Top 20 . 25 June 2014 . 4Music . Jump up ^ `` OUR ' AMNESIA ' EP IS NOW OUT ! '' . 5sos.com . Retrieved 14 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds Of Summer Vs. One Direction : Aussie Band Releases New Song ' Good Girls ' Video On Vevo ( WATCH ) Will They Snatch Hot Teen Dream Title ? '' . Fashion Times . Retrieved 2 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer 's ' Good Girls EP ' rockets up UK iTunes chart '' . Press Party . Retrieved 14 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer 's ' What I Like About You ' Video : Watch a Sneak Peek '' . Billboard . Retrieved 2 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5SOS 's LIVESOS Album Has Fans Losing Their Pants , Going Into Labor '' . MTV . Retrieved 14 November 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' ROCK OUT WITH YOUR SOCKS OUT ' 2015 UK & EUROPEAN TOUR ! '' . 5sos.com. 7 July 2014 . Retrieved 10 July 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER '' . 5sos-official.tumblr.com. 17 July 2014 . Retrieved 4 August 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER '' . 5sos-official.tumblr.com. 30 July 2014 . Retrieved 4 August 2014 . Jump up ^ `` 5SOS announce ' She 's Kinda Hot ' EP with two brand new songs '' . Sugarscape . Retrieved 22 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` GHOSTBUSTERS / / GIRLS TALK BOYS - 5 Seconds of Summer '' . 5sos.com . Retrieved 15 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` ONE OK ROCK release a video for `` Take What You Want , '' and other new you might have missed today `` . altpress.com . Retrieved 3 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Aniftos , Rania ( February 22 , 2018 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Releases New Single ' Want You Back , ' Announces 2018 Tour '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Dickman , Maggie ( February 22 , 2018 ) . `` 5 Seconds Of Summer return with new song , tour dates '' . Alternative press . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ https://twitter.com/5SOS/status/983343792588754945 Jump up ^ `` 5SOS score second # 1 with Youngblood '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . 26 May 2018 . Retrieved 27 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Tornow , Sam . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Take On Post Malone 's ' Stay , ' Release Stripped - Back ' Lie to Me ' For Spotify Singles '' . Retrieved 2 August 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 5SOS Tumblr '' Archived 18 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine . ( 27 January 2014 ) . Retrieved 10 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Hi or Hey Records website '' Retrieved 10 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer Sign Hey Violet to Record Label ( VIDEO ) '' . PopCrush . Retrieved 2016 - 09 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : Los Angeles Times ( 16 November 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer strikes a punk pose at the Forum '' . latimes.com . Retrieved 22 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer Goes Global - But They 're Not The Next One Direction '' . 8 April 2014 . Retrieved 25 April 2014 . Jump up ^ Allan , Joe ( 2014 ) . 5 Seconds of Summer : The Unauthorized Biography . Michael O'Mara Books . p. 47 . ISBN 9781782433682 . What the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer began to realize was , if they could combine the separate strands of pop , rock and punk music together , they would have a winning formula that would tap a huge gap in the market . Jump up ^ Victoria Patneaude ( March 2014 ) . `` ATP ! Album Review : 5 Seconds of Summer -- She Looks So Perfect EP '' . Alter the Press ! . Retrieved 23 September 2015 . No , this is n't the next act of the boy band era , but rather the start of a new wave of pop / rock -- a wave that was desperately needed in a genre that has been feeling a little stale . Also quoted by Joe Allan on page 98 of 5 Seconds of Summer : The Unauthorized Biography , and by Triumph Books on page 25 of 5 Seconds of Summer : She Looks So Perfect , ISBN 9781629370699 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer 's New York City Fans Are Like ' A Good Version ' of Tinder '' . 23 April 2014 . Retrieved 25 April 2014 . Jump up ^ `` We Tested 5 Seconds of Summer 's Pop - Punk Chops '' . Spin . Jump up ^ Harriet Gibsone. `` 5 Seconds of Summer : punks or boyband ? '' . The Guardian . Jump up ^ Harris , Ron ( November 1 , 2015 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer delivers a dependable power - pop new album '' . Press Of Atlantic City . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer '' . Toronto Sun . Jump up ^ McRady , Rachel ( October 30 , 2015 ) . `` A day in the teen - idol life of 5 Seconds of Summer : reflections between the shrieks '' . Latimes . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ McRady , Rachel ( July 22 , 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer : 5 Things to Know About the Australian Pop Band '' . Usmagazine . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` How 5 Seconds of Summer and Pop - Punk Heroes Created New LP - Rolling Stone '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 22 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Collar , Matt . `` 5 Seconds of Summer - Biography by Matt Collar '' . AllMusic . Jump up ^ `` John Feldmann fangirls over 5SOS : ' They 're unbelievable musicians ' '' . 10 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer on Their My Chemical Romance Influence '' . Kerrang ! . 18 August 2015 . Retrieved 1 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 5 Seconds of Summer explain why their new single sounds like My Chemical Romance '' . Alternative Press . 19 August 2015 . Retrieved 1 November 2015 . Jump up ^ AU . `` THE AU INTERVIEW : 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER ( SYDNEY ) '' . AU . Retrieved 26 July 2014 . Jump up ^ DeVille , Chris . `` The Week In Pop : 5 Seconds Of Summer And The Evolution Of Pop - Punk Boy Bands '' . Stereogum . Retrieved 25 August 2014 . Jump up ^ NovaFM ( 17 July 2012 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Twenty Twelve Tour '' . Retrieved 11 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Under The Radar . `` Under The Radar NZ '' . Retrieved 9 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER ANNOUNCE 2014 UK TOUR . AGH '' . SugarsCape. 26 November 2013 . Jump up ^ Lucy Wood ( 5 March 2014 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer announces 5 Countries 5 Days European Tour '' . Retrieved 7 March 2014 . Jump up ^ `` There 's No Place Like Home Tour '' . 5sos-official.tumblr.com. 20 March 2014 . Retrieved 10 July 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Live - 5 Seconds of Summer '' . Jump up ^ The Hot Hits ( 12 September 2012 ) . `` 5 Seconds of Summer Join Hot Chelle Rae 's Australian Tour '' . Archived from the original on 1 March 2014 . Retrieved 12 September 2012 . Jump up ^ Poppy Reid ( 14 February 2013 ) . `` Sydney 's 5 Seconds of Summer support 1D on World Tour '' . Retrieved 17 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Brie Hiramine ( 13 February 2015 ) . `` One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer Are Going on Tour Together Again ! '' . Retrieved 6 March 2015 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to 5 Seconds of Summer . Official website 5 Seconds of Summer Studio albums 5 Seconds of Summer Sounds Good Feels Good Youngblood Live albums LiveSOS Singles `` Out of My Limit '' `` She Looks So Perfect '' `` Do n't Stop '' `` Amnesia '' `` Good Girls '' `` What I Like About You '' `` She 's Kinda Hot '' `` Hey Everybody ! '' `` Jet Black Heart '' `` Girls Talk Boys '' `` Want You Back '' `` Youngblood '' Other songs `` American Idiot '' Concert tours Rock Out with Your Socks Out Tour ( 2015 ) Sounds Live Feels Live World Tour ( 2016 ) Meet You There Tour ( 2018 ) Related articles Discography Awards and nominations Hi or Hey Records BNF : cb16932342d ( data ) GND : 1054057885 LCCN : no2014091602 MusicBrainz : 830e5c4e - 6b7d - 431d - 86ab - 00c751281dc5 VIAF : 310508565 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=5_Seconds_of_Summer&oldid=854751460 '' Categories : 5 Seconds of Summer 2011 establishments in Australia APRA Award winners Australian pop punk groups Australian pop rock groups Capitol Records artists Kerrang ! 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who is one of your state u s senators now
Current members of the United States Senate
current members of the united states senate
There are 100 senators , two from each of the 50 U.S. states . This is a list of the current members of the United States Senate ( 115th United States Congress ) .
Affiliation Members Republican Party 52 * Democratic Party 46 * Independent Total 100 * When Senator - elect Doug Jones from Alabama is sworn in in January 2018 , the Republicans will control 51 seats and the Democrats will control 47 seats . The expected resignation of Senator Al Franken of Minnesota , and his replacement by another Democrat , will not affect the partisan balance . Contents ( hide ) 1 Leadership 1.1 Majority ( Republican ) leadership 1.2 Minority ( Democratic ) leadership 2 Senators 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References Leadership ( edit ) Office Party Officer State Since President of the Senate Republican Mike Pence Indiana January 20 , 2017 President pro tempore Republican Orrin Hatch Utah January 3 , 2015 Party Dean since January 3 , 2013 Majority ( Republican ) leadership ( edit ) Office Officer State Since Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Kentucky January 3 , 2015 Party Leader since January 3 , 2007 Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn Texas January 3 , 2015 Party Whip since January 3 , 2013 Chair , Republican Conference John Thune South Dakota January 26 , 2012 Chair , Senate Republican Policy Committee John Barrasso Wyoming January 3 , 2013 Vice Chair , Republican Conference Roy Blunt Missouri January 3 , 2013 Chair , National Republican Senatorial Committee Cory Gardner Colorado January 3 , 2017 Chair , Senate Republican Steering Committee Mike Lee Utah January 3 , 2015 Senate Republican Chief Deputy Whip Mike Crapo Idaho January 3 , 2013 Minority ( Democratic ) leadership ( edit ) Office Officer State Since Senate Minority Leader Chair , Democratic Caucus Chuck Schumer New York January 3 , 2017 Party Leader since January 3 , 2017 Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin Illinois January 3 , 2015 Party Whip since January 3 , 2005 Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Patty Murray Washington January 3 , 2017 Chair , Senate Democratic Policy Committee Debbie Stabenow Michigan January 3 , 2017 Vice Chair , Democratic Caucus Mark Warner Virginia January 3 , 2017 Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts January 3 , 2017 Chair , Senate Democratic Steering Committee Amy Klobuchar Minnesota January 3 , 2017 Chair , Senate Democratic Outreach Committee Bernie Sanders Vermont January 3 , 2017 Vice Chair , Senate Democratic Policy Committee Joe Manchin West Virginia January 3 , 2017 Secretary , Democratic Caucus Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin January 3 , 2017 Chair , Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chris Van Hollen Maryland January 3 , 2017 Senate Democratic Chief Deputy Whip Jeff Merkley Oregon January 3 , 2017 President pro tempore emeritus Patrick Leahy Vermont January 3 , 2015 Party Dean since December 17 , 2012 Senators ( edit ) The relevance of particular information in ( or previously in ) this article or section is disputed . The information may have been removed or included by an editor as a result . Please see discussion on the talk page considering whether its inclusion is warranted . ( November 2017 ) Legend Democratic Republican Independent State Portrait Name Previous experience Assumed office Seat up Alabama Shelby , Richard Richard Shelby ( 1934 - 05 - 06 ) May 6 , 1934 ( age 83 ) Alabama Senate , U.S. House January 3 , 1987 ( 30 years ago ) ( 1987 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Strange , Luther Luther Strange ( 1953 - 03 - 01 ) March 1 , 1953 ( age 64 ) Attorney General of Alabama February 9 , 2017 ( 10 months ago ) ( 2017 - 02 - 09 ) December 2017 Alaska Murkowski , Lisa Lisa Murkowski ( 1957 - 05 - 22 ) May 22 , 1957 ( age 60 ) Alaska Senate December 20 , 2002 ( 14 years ago ) ( 2002 - 12 - 20 ) 2022 Sullivan , Dan Dan Sullivan ( 1964 - 11 - 13 ) November 13 , 1964 ( age 53 ) Various Alaska state offices , U.S. Department of State January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Arizona McCain , John John McCain ( 1936 - 08 - 29 ) August 29 , 1936 ( age 81 ) U.S. House January 3 , 1987 ( 30 years ago ) ( 1987 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Flake , Jeff Jeff Flake ( 1962 - 12 - 31 ) December 31 , 1962 ( age 54 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Arkansas Boozman , John John Boozman ( 1950 - 12 - 10 ) December 10 , 1950 ( age 67 ) Rogers Public Schools Board , U.S. House January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Cotton , Tom Tom Cotton ( 1977 - 05 - 13 ) May 13 , 1977 ( age 40 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 California Feinstein , Dianne Dianne Feinstein ( 1933 - 06 - 22 ) June 22 , 1933 ( age 84 ) San Francisco Mayor & Board of Supervisors November 10 , 1992 ( 25 years ago ) ( 1992 - 11 - 10 ) 2018 Harris , Kamala Kamala Harris ( 1964 - 10 - 20 ) October 20 , 1964 ( age 53 ) California Attorney General , San Francisco District Attorney January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Colorado Bennet , Michael Michael Bennet ( 1964 - 11 - 28 ) November 28 , 1964 ( age 53 ) Denver Public Schools Superintendent January 21 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 21 ) 2022 Gardner , Cory Cory Gardner ( 1974 - 08 - 22 ) August 22 , 1974 ( age 43 ) U.S. House , Colorado House January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Connecticut Blumenthal , Richard Richard Blumenthal ( 1946 - 02 - 13 ) February 13 , 1946 ( age 71 ) Connecticut Attorney General , House & Senate January 5 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 05 ) 2022 Murphy , Chris Chris Murphy ( 1973 - 08 - 03 ) August 3 , 1973 ( age 44 ) U.S. House , Connecticut House & Senate January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Delaware Carper , Tom Tom Carper ( 1947 - 01 - 23 ) January 23 , 1947 ( age 70 ) Delaware Governor , U.S. House , Delaware Treasurer January 3 , 2001 ( 16 years ago ) ( 2001 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Coons , Chris Chris Coons ( 1963 - 09 - 09 ) September 9 , 1963 ( age 54 ) New Castle County executive November 15 , 2010 ( 7 years ago ) ( 2010 - 11 - 15 ) 2020 Florida Nelson , Bill Bill Nelson ( 1942 - 09 - 29 ) September 29 , 1942 ( age 75 ) Florida Treasurer , U.S. House , Florida House , Astronaut January 3 , 2001 ( 16 years ago ) ( 2001 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Rubio , Marco Marco Rubio ( 1971 - 05 - 28 ) May 28 , 1971 ( age 46 ) Florida House Speaker January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Georgia Isakson , Johnny Johnny Isakson ( 1944 - 12 - 28 ) December 28 , 1944 ( age 72 ) U.S. House , Georgia House & Senate January 3 , 2005 ( 12 years ago ) ( 2005 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Perdue , David David Perdue ( 1949 - 12 - 10 ) December 10 , 1949 ( age 68 ) Chief Executive Officer January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Hawaii Schatz , Brian Brian Schatz ( 1972 - 10 - 20 ) October 20 , 1972 ( age 45 ) Hawaii Lieutenant Governor , Hawaii House December 26 , 2012 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2012 - 12 - 26 ) 2022 Hirono , Mazie Mazie Hirono ( 1947 - 11 - 03 ) November 3 , 1947 ( age 70 ) U.S. House , Hawaii House , Hawaii Lieutenant Governor January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Idaho Crapo , Mike Mike Crapo ( 1951 - 05 - 20 ) May 20 , 1951 ( age 66 ) U.S. House , Idaho Senate January 3 , 1999 ( 18 years ago ) ( 1999 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Risch , Jim Jim Risch ( 1943 - 05 - 03 ) May 3 , 1943 ( age 74 ) Idaho Governor , Lt. Governor , & Senate President pro tempore January 3 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Illinois Durbin , Dick Dick Durbin ( 1944 - 11 - 21 ) November 21 , 1944 ( age 73 ) U.S. House January 3 , 1997 ( 20 years ago ) ( 1997 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Duckworth , Tammy Tammy Duckworth ( 1968 - 03 - 12 ) March 12 , 1968 ( age 49 ) U.S. House , Assistant Secretary of VA , Illinois Director of VA January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Indiana Donnelly , Joe Joe Donnelly ( 1955 - 09 - 29 ) September 29 , 1955 ( age 62 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Young , Todd Todd Young ( 1972 - 08 - 24 ) August 24 , 1972 ( age 45 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Iowa Grassley , Chuck Chuck Grassley ( 1933 - 09 - 17 ) September 17 , 1933 ( age 84 ) U.S. House , Iowa House January 3 , 1981 ( 36 years ago ) ( 1981 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Ernst , Joni Joni Ernst ( 1970 - 07 - 01 ) July 1 , 1970 ( age 47 ) Iowa Senate January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Kansas Roberts , Pat Pat Roberts ( 1936 - 04 - 20 ) April 20 , 1936 ( age 81 ) U.S. House January 3 , 1997 ( 20 years ago ) ( 1997 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Moran , Jerry Jerry Moran ( 1954 - 05 - 29 ) May 29 , 1954 ( age 63 ) U.S. House , Kansas Senate January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Kentucky McConnell , Mitch Mitch McConnell ( 1942 - 02 - 20 ) February 20 , 1942 ( age 75 ) U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Judge - Executive of Jefferson County January 3 , 1985 ( 32 years ago ) ( 1985 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Paul , Rand Rand Paul ( 1963 - 01 - 07 ) January 7 , 1963 ( age 54 ) Physician , congressional intern January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Louisiana Cassidy , Bill Bill Cassidy ( 1957 - 09 - 28 ) September 28 , 1957 ( age 60 ) U.S. House , Louisiana Senate January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Kennedy , John John Kennedy ( 1951 - 11 - 21 ) November 21 , 1951 ( age 66 ) Louisiana Treasurer January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Maine Collins , Susan Susan Collins ( 1952 - 12 - 07 ) December 7 , 1952 ( age 65 ) Maine Professional and Financial Regulation Commissioner January 3 , 1997 ( 20 years ago ) ( 1997 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 King , Angus Angus King ( 1944 - 03 - 31 ) March 31 , 1944 ( age 73 ) Maine Governor January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Maryland Cardin , Ben Ben Cardin ( 1943 - 10 - 05 ) October 5 , 1943 ( age 74 ) U.S. House , Maryland House Speaker January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Van Hollen , Chris Chris Van Hollen ( 1959 - 01 - 10 ) January 10 , 1959 ( age 58 ) U.S. House , Maryland General Assembly January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Massachusetts Warren , Elizabeth Elizabeth Warren ( 1949 - 06 - 22 ) June 22 , 1949 ( age 68 ) CFPB Director , COP Chair , law professor January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Markey , Ed Ed Markey ( 1946 - 07 - 11 ) July 11 , 1946 ( age 71 ) U.S. House , Massachusetts House July 16 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 07 - 16 ) 2020 Michigan Stabenow , Debbie Debbie Stabenow ( 1950 - 04 - 29 ) April 29 , 1950 ( age 67 ) U.S. House , Michigan House & Senate January 3 , 2001 ( 16 years ago ) ( 2001 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Peters , Gary Gary Peters ( 1958 - 12 - 01 ) December 1 , 1958 ( age 59 ) U.S. House , Michigan Senate January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Minnesota Klobuchar , Amy Amy Klobuchar ( 1960 - 05 - 25 ) May 25 , 1960 ( age 57 ) Hennepin County Attorney January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Franken , Al Al Franken ( 1951 - 05 - 21 ) May 21 , 1951 ( age 66 ) Talk show host , author , comedian July 9 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 07 - 09 ) Resigning 2017 Special election 2018 Mississippi Cochran , Thad Thad Cochran ( 1937 - 12 - 07 ) December 7 , 1937 ( age 80 ) U.S. House December 27 , 1978 ( 38 years ago ) ( 1978 - 12 - 27 ) 2020 Wicker , Roger Roger Wicker ( 1951 - 07 - 05 ) July 5 , 1951 ( age 66 ) U.S. House , Mississippi Senate December 31 , 2007 ( 9 years ago ) ( 2007 - 12 - 31 ) 2018 Missouri McCaskill , Claire Claire McCaskill ( 1953 - 07 - 24 ) July 24 , 1953 ( age 64 ) Missouri Auditor , Missouri House January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Blunt , Roy Roy Blunt ( 1950 - 01 - 10 ) January 10 , 1950 ( age 67 ) U.S. House , Missouri Secretary of State January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Montana Tester , Jon Jon Tester ( 1956 - 08 - 21 ) August 21 , 1956 ( age 61 ) Montana Senate President January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Daines , Steve Steve Daines ( 1962 - 08 - 20 ) August 20 , 1962 ( age 55 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Nebraska Fischer , Deb Deb Fischer ( 1951 - 03 - 01 ) March 1 , 1951 ( age 66 ) Nebraska Legislature January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Sasse , Ben Ben Sasse ( 1972 - 02 - 22 ) February 22 , 1972 ( age 45 ) Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation ( HHS ) , university president January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Nevada Heller , Dean Dean Heller ( 1960 - 05 - 10 ) May 10 , 1960 ( age 57 ) U.S. House , Nevada Secretary of State , Nevada Assembly May 9 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 05 - 09 ) 2018 Cortez Masto , Catherine Catherine Cortez Masto ( 1964 - 03 - 29 ) March 29 , 1964 ( age 53 ) Nevada Attorney General January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 New Hampshire Shaheen , Jeanne Jeanne Shaheen ( 1947 - 01 - 28 ) January 28 , 1947 ( age 70 ) New Hampshire Governor , New Hampshire Senate January 3 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Hassan , Maggie Maggie Hassan ( 1958 - 02 - 27 ) February 27 , 1958 ( age 59 ) New Hampshire Governor , New Hampshire Senate January 3 , 2017 ( 11 months ago ) ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 New Jersey Menendez , Bob Bob Menendez ( 1954 - 01 - 01 ) January 1 , 1954 ( age 63 ) U.S. House , New Jersey General Assembly , New Jersey Senate January 18 , 2006 ( 11 years ago ) ( 2006 - 01 - 18 ) 2018 Booker , Cory Cory Booker ( 1969 - 04 - 27 ) April 27 , 1969 ( age 48 ) Newark Mayor October 31 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 10 - 31 ) 2020 New Mexico Udall , Tom Tom Udall ( 1948 - 05 - 18 ) May 18 , 1948 ( age 69 ) U.S. House , New Mexico Attorney General , Assistant U.S. Attorney January 3 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Heinrich , Martin Martin Heinrich ( 1971 - 10 - 17 ) October 17 , 1971 ( age 46 ) U.S. House , Albuquerque City Council January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 New York Schumer , Chuck Chuck Schumer ( 1950 - 11 - 23 ) November 23 , 1950 ( age 67 ) U.S. House , New York Assembly January 3 , 1999 ( 18 years ago ) ( 1999 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Gillibrand , Kirsten Kirsten Gillibrand ( 1966 - 12 - 09 ) December 9 , 1966 ( age 51 ) U.S. House , U.S. HUD special counsel January 26 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 26 ) 2018 North Carolina Burr , Richard Richard Burr ( 1955 - 11 - 30 ) November 30 , 1955 ( age 62 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2005 ( 12 years ago ) ( 2005 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Tillis , Thom Thom Tillis ( 1960 - 08 - 30 ) August 30 , 1960 ( age 57 ) North Carolina House Speaker January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 North Dakota Hoeven , John John Hoeven ( 1957 - 03 - 13 ) March 13 , 1957 ( age 60 ) North Dakota Governor January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Heitkamp , Heidi Heidi Heitkamp ( 1955 - 10 - 30 ) October 30 , 1955 ( age 62 ) North Dakota Attorney General , Tax Commissioner January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Ohio Brown , Sherrod Sherrod Brown ( 1952 - 11 - 09 ) November 9 , 1952 ( age 65 ) U.S. House , Ohio Secretary of State , Ohio House January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Portman , Rob Rob Portman ( 1955 - 12 - 19 ) December 19 , 1955 ( age 61 ) U.S. House , U.S. Trade Representative , Director of OMB January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Oklahoma Inhofe , Jim Jim Inhofe ( 1934 - 11 - 17 ) November 17 , 1934 ( age 83 ) U.S. House , Tulsa Mayor , Oklahoma House & Senate November 17 , 1994 ( 23 years ago ) ( 1994 - 11 - 17 ) 2020 Lankford , James James Lankford ( 1968 - 03 - 04 ) March 4 , 1968 ( age 49 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Oregon Wyden , Ron Ron Wyden ( 1949 - 05 - 03 ) May 3 , 1949 ( age 68 ) U.S. House February 6 , 1996 ( 21 years ago ) ( 1996 - 02 - 06 ) 2022 Merkley , Jeff Jeff Merkley ( 1956 - 10 - 24 ) October 24 , 1956 ( age 61 ) Oregon House Speaker , Defense Department , CBO analyst January 3 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Pennsylvania Casey Jr. , Bob Bob Casey Jr . ( 1960 - 04 - 13 ) April 13 , 1960 ( age 57 ) Pennsylvania Treasurer , Pennsylvania Auditor January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Toomey , Pat Pat Toomey ( 1961 - 11 - 17 ) November 17 , 1961 ( age 56 ) U.S. House January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Rhode Island Reed , Jack Jack Reed ( 1949 - 11 - 12 ) November 12 , 1949 ( age 68 ) U.S. House , Rhode Island Senate January 3 , 1997 ( 20 years ago ) ( 1997 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Whitehouse , Sheldon Sheldon Whitehouse ( 1955 - 10 - 20 ) October 20 , 1955 ( age 62 ) West Virginia Supreme Court law clerk , Rhode Island Attorney General January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 South Carolina Graham , Lindsey Lindsey Graham ( 1955 - 07 - 09 ) July 9 , 1955 ( age 62 ) U.S. House , South Carolina House January 3 , 2003 ( 14 years ago ) ( 2003 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Scott , Tim Tim Scott ( 1965 - 09 - 19 ) September 19 , 1965 ( age 52 ) U.S. House , South Carolina House , Charleston County Council January 2 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 02 ) 2022 South Dakota Thune , John John Thune ( 1961 - 01 - 07 ) January 7 , 1961 ( age 56 ) U.S. House , Legislative aide , South Dakota Republican Party Executive Director January 3 , 2005 ( 12 years ago ) ( 2005 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Rounds , Mike Mike Rounds ( 1954 - 10 - 24 ) October 24 , 1954 ( age 63 ) South Dakota Governor , South Dakota Senate January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Tennessee Alexander , Lamar Lamar Alexander ( 1940 - 07 - 03 ) July 3 , 1940 ( age 77 ) Tennessee Governor , U.S. Secretary of Education January 3 , 2003 ( 14 years ago ) ( 2003 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Corker , Bob Bob Corker ( 1952 - 08 - 24 ) August 24 , 1952 ( age 65 ) Chattanooga Mayor January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Texas Cornyn , John John Cornyn ( 1952 - 02 - 02 ) February 2 , 1952 ( age 65 ) Texas Attorney General , Texas Supreme Court ( Associate Justice ) December 1 , 2002 ( 15 years ago ) ( 2002 - 12 - 01 ) 2020 Cruz , Ted Ted Cruz ( 1970 - 12 - 22 ) December 22 , 1970 ( age 46 ) SCOTUS law clerk , U.S. Assoc . Deputy AG , Texas Solicitor General January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Utah Hatch , Orrin Orrin Hatch ( 1934 - 03 - 22 ) March 22 , 1934 ( age 83 ) Attorney January 3 , 1977 ( 40 years ago ) ( 1977 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Lee , Mike Mike Lee ( 1971 - 06 - 04 ) June 4 , 1971 ( age 46 ) Assistant U.S. Attorney January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Vermont Leahy , Patrick Patrick Leahy ( 1940 - 03 - 31 ) March 31 , 1940 ( age 77 ) Chittenden County State 's Attorney January 3 , 1975 ( 42 years ago ) ( 1975 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Sanders , Bernie Bernie Sanders ( 1941 - 09 - 08 ) September 8 , 1941 ( age 76 ) Burlington Mayor , U.S. House January 3 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Virginia Warner , Mark Mark Warner ( 1954 - 12 - 15 ) December 15 , 1954 ( age 63 ) Virginia Governor , Virginia Democratic Party Chair January 3 , 2009 ( 8 years ago ) ( 2009 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Kaine , Tim Tim Kaine ( 1958 - 02 - 26 ) February 26 , 1958 ( age 59 ) Virginia Governor , Lt. Governor , Democratic National Committee Chair January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Washington Murray , Patty Patty Murray ( 1950 - 10 - 11 ) October 11 , 1950 ( age 67 ) Washington Senate , Shoreline School Board January 3 , 1993 ( 24 years ago ) ( 1993 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Cantwell , Maria Maria Cantwell ( 1958 - 10 - 13 ) October 13 , 1958 ( age 59 ) U.S. House , Washington House January 3 , 2001 ( 16 years ago ) ( 2001 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 West Virginia Manchin , Joe Joe Manchin ( 1947 - 08 - 24 ) August 24 , 1947 ( age 70 ) West Virginia Governor , West Virginia Secretary of State , West Virginia House & Senate November 15 , 2010 ( 7 years ago ) ( 2010 - 11 - 15 ) 2018 Capito , Shelley Moore Shelley Moore Capito ( 1953 - 11 - 26 ) November 26 , 1953 ( age 64 ) U.S. House West Virginia House January 3 , 2015 ( 2 years ago ) ( 2015 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Wisconsin Johnson , Ron Ron Johnson ( 1955 - 04 - 08 ) April 8 , 1955 ( age 62 ) Chief Executive Officer January 3 , 2011 ( 6 years ago ) ( 2011 - 01 - 03 ) 2022 Baldwin , Tammy Tammy Baldwin ( 1962 - 02 - 11 ) February 11 , 1962 ( age 55 ) U.S. House , Wisconsin Assembly January 3 , 2013 ( 4 years ago ) ( 2013 - 01 - 03 ) 2018 Wyoming Enzi , Mike Mike Enzi ( 1944 - 02 - 01 ) February 1 , 1944 ( age 73 ) Wyoming House & Senate January 3 , 1997 ( 20 years ago ) ( 1997 - 01 - 03 ) 2020 Barrasso , John John Barrasso ( 1952 - 07 - 21 ) July 21 , 1952 ( age 65 ) Wyoming Senate June 25 , 2007 ( 10 years ago ) ( 2007 - 06 - 25 ) 2018 A. Democrat Doug Jones was elected to succeed Luther Strange on December 12 , 2017 . B. Al Franken is resigning due to sexual harassment allegations . He will be replaced by Democrat Tina Smith . See also ( edit ) Seniority in the United States Senate List of members of the United States Congress by longevity of service Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Senators Angus King of Maine and Bernie Sanders of Vermont caucus with the Democratic Party . Jump up ^ The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate Jump up ^ As Vice President , Pence represents no state , but his home state is Indiana . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Jones victorious in stunning Alabama Senate upset '' . AP News . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Franken to make announcement Thursday as chorus grows for his resignation '' . ABC7 Chicago . 2017 - 12 - 06 . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 09 . 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who started the first public library in the united states
Public libraries in North America
public libraries in north america
A public library is a library that is accessible by the general public and is generally funded from public sources , such as taxes . It is operated by librarians and library paraprofessionals , who are also civil servants .
Contents ( hide ) 1 United States 1.1 First libraries 1.2 Changing roles of libraries 1.3 Carnegie libraries 2 Canada 3 See also 4 Further reading 4.1 United States 4.1. 1 Historiography 4.2 Canada 5 References 6 External links United States ( edit ) Street sign commonly used to point the way to a public library As the United States developed from the 18th century to today , growing more populous and wealthier , factors such as a push for education and desire to share knowledge led to broad public support for free libraries . In addition , money donations by private philanthropists provided the seed capital to get many libraries started . In some instances , collectors donated large book collections . First libraries ( edit ) William James Sidis in The Tribes and the States claims the public library , as such , was an American invention . Founded in 1848 , it has 6.1 million books . There were parish ( parochial ) libraries open in Anglican churches all over the American colonies . The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts , founded in 1701 , subsidized libraries as a regular part of their missionary activity whenever they sent a priest to an Anglican mission or church that did not have a library already . There would thus have been parish libraries at the 289 Anglican churches , and at various missions . Bates Hall reading room in the Boston Public Library . Libraries often display exhibits inside and outside the structures , as this sculpture of a little girl reading at the public library in Trinidad , Colorado . According to Edmund Farwell Slafter , the first public library was founded in Boston by the Rev. John Checkley at the Old State House sometime between 1711 when Boston 's Old State House was built , and 1725 . In a letter to the Rev. Dr. Thomas Bennet , dated June 15 , 1725 , Checkley wrote : `` In a short Time I propose to send you an account of the charitable Society of the Church of England , and of the public Library erected here : the laying the Foundation of both which , I have been ( thanks to my good God ) the happy tho ' unworthy Instrument . '' The library was destroyed when the Old State House interior was consumed by fire on December 9 , 1747 , when many books , papers , and records were destroyed . There is evidence of other and possibly earlier public libraries . The Rev. John Sharpe , who had traveled as a missionary priest over the colonies from Maryland to Connecticut , thought the parish library in New York inadequate . He devised an advanced plan for a public library in New York City open to all . In a letter on March 11 , 1713 he notes there were already at least four public libraries in the colonies including the one in Boston : `` Another thing which is very much wanted here is a public Library , which would very much advance both learning and piety . Such there are at Charles Town in Carolina , Annapolis in Mary Land , at Philadelphia and Boston . Some books have been formerly sent to New York but as parochial they remain in the hands of the Incumbent . '' He proposed the institution should be `` publick and provincial '' and `` open every day in the week at convenient hours , '' when `` all men may have liberty to read in the Library . '' Just before returning to England in 1713 after a decade spent as a missionary priest in America , he left behind 238 of his volumes to be `` given for the laying of a foundation of a Public Library . '' However , it was n't until thirty years after Sharp left America that a dozen men in 1754 founded the New York Society Library with Sharp 's books as its core . His advanced dream of a library open every day was not to be accomplished in New York until 1791 . In 1729 , New York City formed its first public library . It was started with a donation of books from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . The Collection of Dr. Millington was presented for the library . Most but not all works were in relation to religion . In 1731 , Benjamin Franklin and the other members of the discussion club the Junto founded the Library Company of Philadelphia partly as a means to settle arguments and partly as a means to advance themselves through sharing information . Franklin 's subscription library allowed members to buy `` shares '' and combined funds were used to buy more books ; in return , members could borrow books and use the library . Today , the Library Company continues to exist as a nonprofit , independent research library . A town in Massachusetts named itself Franklin after the famous Pennsylvanian . For this honor , Franklin donated 116 books to the town in lieu of a requested church bell . Franklin 's town meeting voted to lend the books to all Franklin inhabitants free of charge in 1790 , and this small collection can therefore be considered the first public library in the United States . Peterborough Town Library , the first completely tax supported public library in the United States , Peterborough , New Hampshire . The first free public library supported by taxation in the world was the Peterborough , New Hampshire Town Library which was founded at town meeting on April 9 , 1833 . Many sources claim to have been the first , such as Boston 's Public Library , which was actually the second , established in 1852 . The first free continuous children 's library in the United States was founded in 1835 in Arlington , Massachusetts . New York lawyer , governor and bibliophile Samuel J. Tilden bequeathed millions to build the New York Public Library . He believed Americans should have access to books and a free education if desired . In 1902 , one account suggested `` the village library is growing more and more an indispensable adjunct to American village life . '' The public library in Summit , New Jersey Libraries have been started with wills from other benefactors . For example , the Bacon Free Library in South Natick , Massachusetts was founded in 1881 after a benefactor left $15,000 in a will ; it has operated as a public library since then . Women 's clubs in the late 1880s and early 1900s supported the creation of libraries in their communities . Once the idea of the public library as an agency worthy of taxation was broadly established during the 19th and early 20th centuries , librarians through actions of the American Library Association and its division devoted to public libraries , the Public Library Association , sought ways to identify standards and guidelines to ensure quality service . Legislation such as the Library Services Act and the Library Services and Construction Act ensured that unserved areas and unserved groups would have access to library services . In 2009 , with the Great Recession , many public libraries have budget shortfalls . The library in Darby , Pennsylvania found expenses were greater than revenues from local property taxes , state funds , and investment income ; it was on the risk of closing , according to a newspaper report . Changing roles of libraries ( edit ) The former Williams Free Library in Beaver Dam , Wisconsin features an architectural style called Richardsonian Romanesque . In many towns and small cities before 1900 , local boosters operated social libraries , which were open by subscription . The middle classes patronized them , borrowed bestsellers and old classics , and came to know the other book lovers in town . These libraries became the forerunners of the public library . Butte , Montana was perhaps the largest , richest and rowdiest mining camp in the American West . City boosters opened a public library in 1893 . Ring argues that the library was originally a mechanism of social control , `` an antidote to the miners ' proclivity for drinking , whoring , and gambling . '' It was also designed to promote middle - class values and to convince Easterners that Butte was a cultivated city . Quite apart from the Wild West , civic boosters hailed the opening of a public library as a landmark in their upward march of civilization and civility . Chicago Public Library , 1991 As VanSlyck ( 1989 ) shows , the last years of the 19th century saw acceptance of the idea that libraries should be available to the American public free of charge . However the design of the idealized free library was at the center of a prolonged and heated debate . On one hand , wealthy philanthropists favored grandiose monuments that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor and enhanced civic pride . They wanted a grandiose showcase that created a grand vista through a double - height , alcoved bookhall with domestically - scaled reading rooms , perhaps dominated by the donor 's portrait over the fireplace . Typical examples were the New York Public Library and the Chicago Public Library . Librarians considered that grand design inefficient , and too expensive to maintain . The Brumback Library in Van Wert , Ohio claims to be the first county library in US . Melvil Dewey instituted a traveling library system for upstate New York in 1892 . The idea spread rapidly in the North . By 1898 there were over a hundred traveling libraries in Wisconsin alone , 534 in New York . Carnegie libraries ( edit ) Main article : Carnegie library Andrew Carnegie , born to poverty taught himself and became a leading industrialist and philanthropist . Among his many philanthropies was the public library -- he built and furnished a library if the city agreed to maintain and staff it . He gave over $60 million , which was a vast fortune in 20th - century dollars . Carnegie envisioned that libraries would `` bring books and information to all people . '' A total of 2,509 Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929 , including some belonging to universities . 1,689 were built in the United States , 660 in Britain and Ireland , 125 in Canada , and others in Australia , New Zealand , and elsewhere . By 1930 , half the American public libraries had been built by Carnegie . Carnegie was attached to free libraries since his days as a young messenger - boy in Pittsburgh , when each Saturday he borrowed a new book from one . Carnegie systematically funded 2,507 libraries throughout the English - speaking world . James Bertram , Carnegie 's chief aide from 1894 to 1914 administered the library program , issued guidelines and instituted an architectural review process . Between 1886 and 1917 , Carnegie reformed both library philanthropy and library design , encouraging a closer correspondence between the two . The Carnegie buildings typically followed a standardized style called `` Carnegie Classic '' : a rectangular , T - shaped or L - shaped structure of stone or brick , with rusticated stone foundations and low - pitched , hipped roofs , with space allocated by function and efficiency . His libraries served not only as free circulating collections of books , magazines and newspapers , but also provided classrooms for growing school districts , Red Cross stations , and public meeting spaces , not to mention permanent jobs for the graduates of newly formed library schools . Academic libraries were built for 108 colleges . Usually there was no charge to read or borrow ; in New Zealand , however , local taxes were too low to support libraries and most charged subscription fees to their users . The arrangements were always the same : Carnegie would provide the funds for the building but only after the municipal government had provided a site for the building and had passed an ordinance for the purchase of books and future maintenance of the library through taxation . This policy was in accord with Carnegie 's philosophy that the dispensation of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but rather must be as a buttress to the community 's responsibility for its own welfare . In 1901 , Carnegie offered to donate $100,000 to the city of Richmond , Virginia , for a public library . The city council had to furnish a site for the building and guarantee that $10,000 in municipal funds would be budgeted for the library each year . Despite the support from the majority of Richmond 's civic leaders , the city council rejected Carnegie 's offer . A combination of aversion to new taxes , fear of modernization , and fear that Carnegie might require the city to admit black patrons to his library account for the local government 's refusal . A Richmond Public Library did open in 1924 with alternative sources of funding . In a municipal election in 1904 union leaders in Wheeling , West Virginia , blocked the acceptance of a Carnegie library . The Detroit Library subsisted on library fines and inadequate city funds ; Carnegie offered $750,000 in 1901 but was turned down because it was `` tainted money '' ; after nine more years of underfunding Detroit took the money . Canada ( edit ) The Toronto Reference Library , centrepiece of the Toronto Public Library system The new Halifax Central Library . Young girl reading a book , Central Circulating Library at College and St. George Streets , Toronto , Ontario , circa 1930 - 1960 . In 1779 Governor Frederick Haldimand founded the first subscription library in Québec City , Canada . Canada 's small libraries were mostly held by rich families or religious institutions , and the general public was not admitted . `` Haldimand 's library , like other subscription libraries , appealed primarily to an urban elite '' , Haldimand 's library later merged with the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec ( established in 1824 ) , which displays the original Québec Library collection within its library . This and similar association / social libraries were examples of early prototypes of public libraries . They were public in that membership was allowed regardless of class or religion , and many in Canada eventually evolved into free public libraries . `` Subsequently legislative collections were established in 1791 in Upper and in 1792 in Lower Canada ; and in 1796 the first public library was founded in Montreal . In 1800 , libraries were established in King 's College , Nova Scotia , and at Niagara , where the first public library in Upper Canada operated for twenty years , in spite of losses during the War of 1812 . '' . In Saint John , New Brunswick in 1883 , following the efforts of Colonel James Domville in procuring a collection of materials to replace the many private collections lost in the Great Fire of Saint John , New Brunswick the first free , tax - supported public library was established . Guelph , Ontario and Toronto , Ontario opened public libraries that same year as well . Due to Canada 's size and diversity , the development of the modern Canadian public library was more of a slow evolution than a quick transition as each of the provinces ' specific conditions ( geographic , economic , cultural , demographic , etc . ) had first to be addressed . The public library therefore took on many forms in Canada 's earlier years ; the three most prevalent of these forms were school - district libraries , Mechanics Institutes , and association / social libraries ( see reference to Literary and Historical Society of Quebec above ) . In 1850 , school - district libraries were initiated in Canada . Public servant Joseph Howe started one in Nova Scotia , and politician Egerton Ryerson started one in Ontario . New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island followed suit in 1858 and 1877 , respectively . The hope was that both children and adults could benefit from the local school authorities , where financial assistance was provided from colonial legislatures , but the departments of education proved to be too centralizing for locals and this practiced was phased out . Mechanics Institutes also contained libraries that the working class could access inexpensively . The first Canadian library of its kind was established in 1828 in Montréal , Québec . Other communities took up this idea as well -- notably those in Halifax , Nova Scotia , Hamilton , Ontario , Toronto , Ontario and Victoria , British Columbia . Like the school - district libraries , these institutes eventually ceased or were replaced by public libraries . The public library that opened in Toronto , Ontario , was mostly due to a campaign by city alderman John Hallam . James Bain became the first chief librarian , and built a comprehensive collection of Canadian literature and history . The Toronto Public Library was one of the first libraries to choose free status , and it was the largest of them all . Its development flourished after 1900 when Carnegie grants began to aid in building construction and the expansion of collections and services . During this time , open access and children 's departments were introduced , and standard cataloguing and classification systems were adopted . Many of the original branches , funded by a Carnegie grant , still stand and continue to be operated by the Toronto Public Library . Other provinces were affected by Carnegie as well and followed Ontario 's lead in legislating tax support for library services . British Columbia acted in 1891 , Manitoba in 1899 , Saskatchewan in 1906 , and in Alberta , the first legislation officially passed by the legislative assembly was the Library Act . The act was passed March 15 , 1907 . The next provinces to follow were New Brunswick in 1929 , Newfoundland in 1935 , Prince Edward Island in 1936 , Nova Scotia in 1937 , Québec in1959 , and then the Northwest Territories in 1966 . As they stand today , public libraries in Canada are `` governed by provincial statues and are primarily financed by municipal tax revenues and other local income , with provincial grants supplementing local funding . ( They are also ) the responsibility of a local or regional library board with authority to appoint or dismiss employees , control library property , establish policies , and budget for library operations . '' Though the services offered vary from local branch to local branch , public libraries in Canada are not only places to read and borrow books ; they are also hubs of community services , such as early reading programs , computer access , and tutoring and literacy help for children and adults . Throughout the years , Canadian libraries have been subject to the political and economic influence of the nation . During World War II , public libraries experienced development setbacks , but expansion resumed in 1945 . Then , in the 1960s , Canadian public libraries felt the benefits of the era 's emphasis on education -- service expanded , buildings were remodeled or constructed from scratch , and Centennial Grants were provided in order to improve the system . This period of growth ended in due to the inflationary period in the 1970s and the two recessions during the 1980s . However , in the late 1990s this trend reversed and the National Core Library Statistics Program reported in 1999 that public libraries served 28.5 million municipal residents -- a total of 93 % of the Canadian population . Nevertheless , in 2011 the tides turned for public libraries in Canada once again , specifically in Toronto . The city is now undergoing a heated debate regarding Mayor Rob Ford 's proposed budget cuts for the Toronto Public Library , which is currently one of the most efficient public library systems in all of North America . See also ( edit ) Public libraries for Britain and the rest of the world Further reading ( edit ) Dawson , Robert . ( 2014 ) . The Public Library : A Photographic Essay . New York , NY : Princeton Architectural Press . McCook , Kathleen de la Peña . Introduction to Public Librarianship , ( 2nd ed . Neal - Schuman , 2011 ) Wedgeworth , Robert , et al. eds. ( 1993 ) . World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services ( 3rd ed . ) . American Library Association . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) United States ( edit ) Bobinski , George S. Carnegie Libraries : their history and impact on American public library development . ( American Library Association 1969 ) ISBN 0 - 8389 - 0022 - 4 Bryan , Alice Isabel . The public librarian : a report of the public library inquiry ( Columbia University Press , 1952 ) Carrier , Esther Jane . Fiction in public libraries , 1876 -- 1900 ( Scarecrow Press , 1965 ) Garrison , Dee . Apostles of Culture : the public librarian and American society , 1876 -- 1920 . ( Free Press ( 1979 ) ISBN 0 - 02 - 693850 - 2 Glynn , Tom , Reading Publics : New York City 's Public Libraries , 1754 - 1911 ( Fordham University Press , 2015 ) . xii , 447 pp . Jones , Theodore . Carnegie Libraries Across America : A Public Legacy ( 1997 ) Martin , Lowell A. Enrichment : A History of the Public Library in the United States in the Twentieth Century ( 2003 ) Martin , Lowell Arthur , et al. Library response to urban change : a study of the Chicago Public Library ( Chicago : American Library Association , 1969 ) Mickelson , Peter . `` American Society and the Public Library in the Thought of Andrew Carnegie . '' Journal of Library History ( 1975 ) 10 # 2 pp 117 -- 138 . Rose , Ernestine . The public library in American life ( Columbia University Press , 1954 ) Shera , Jesse Hauk . Foundations of the public library ; : The origins of the public library movement in New England , 1629 -- 1885 ( 1965 ) Spencer , Gwladys . The Chicago public library : origins and backgrounds ( Gregg Press , 1972 ) Watson , Paula D. `` Founding mothers : The contribution of women 's organizations to public library development in the United States . '' Library Quarterly ( 1994 ) : 233 - 269 . in JSTOR Whitehill , Walter Muir . Boston Public Library : A Centennial History ( Harvard University Press , 1956 ) Wiegand , Wayne A. Main Street Public Library : Community Places and Reading Spaces in the Rural Heartland , 1876 -- 1956 ( University of Iowa Press , 2011 ) Wiegand , Wayne A . A Part of Our Lives : A History of the American Public Library ( Oxford University press , 2015 ) . Williamson , William Landram . William Frederick Poole and the Modern Library Movement ( Columbia University Press , 1963 ) Willis , Catherine J. Boston Public Library ( Arcadia Publishing , 2011 ) Historiography ( edit ) Davis , Donald G. Jr and Tucker , John Mark . American Library History : a comprehensive guide to the literature . ( ABC - CLIO , 1989 ) ISBN 0 - 87436 - 142 - 7 Harris , Michael H. and Davis , Donald G. Jr . American Library History : a bibliography . Austin : University of Texas ( 1978 ) . ISBN 0 - 292 - 70332 - 5 Harris , Michael H. `` Library history : a critical essay on the in - print literature . '' Journal of Library History ( 1967 ) : 117 - 125 . in jSTOR Wiegand , Wayne A. `` American Library History Literature , 1947 -- 1997 : Theoretical Perspectives ? . '' Libraries & Culture ( 2000 ) : 4 - 34 . in JSTOR Canada ( edit ) Bruce , Lorne . Free books for all : The public library movement in Ontario , 1850 -- 1930 ( Dundurn , 1994 ) excerpt Bruce , Lorne . Places to Grow : Public Libraries and Communities in Ontario , 1930 - 2000 ( Guelph , 2011 ) excerpt Bruce , Lorne . `` Professionalization , Gender , and Librarianship in Ontario , 1920 - 75 . '' Library & Information History 28.2 ( 2012 ) : 117 - 134 . Harrison , Tanja . `` The Courage to Connect : Mary Kinley Ingraham and the Development of Libraries in the Maritimes . '' Library & Information History 28.2 ( 2012 ) : 75 - 102 . McKechnie , Lynne . `` Patricia Spereman and the beginning of Canadian public library work with children . '' Libraries & culture ( 1999 ) : 135 - 150 . online Ridington , John , et al. Libraries in Canada : A study of library conditions and needs ( Ryerson press , 1933 ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jesse Hauk Shera , Foundations of the public library ; : The origins of the public library movement in New England , 1629 -- 1885 ( 1965 ) Jump up ^ `` The Tribes and the States , Penacook '' . Sidis.net . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 27 . Jump up ^ Business Wire ( September 9 , 2009 ) . `` Boston Public Library Secures E-Rate Funding ; Selects One Communications for 31 Location MPLS Network '' . Reuters . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 18 . The Internet and emerging technologies have had a substantial impact on libraries , '' said Mary Bender , Communications Manager at Boston Public Library . `` Content has been digitized and is available in a wider range of formats including video , and resources such as rare books , photos , and research documents now have broader accessibility within the community and around the world . Jump up ^ Humphreys , David , An Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts , Joseph Downing , 1730 , p. 72 Jump up ^ Purvis , Thomas L. , Colonial America To 1763 , Infobase Publishing , 1999 , p. 181 , Table 7.3 ^ Jump up to : Slafter , Edmund Farwell , John Checkley , Or , The Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Massachusetts Bay : Including Mr. Checkley 's Controversial Writings , His Letters and Other Papers , Prince Society , 1897 , Volume 1 , pp. 76 - 77 , and Volume 2 , p. 176 . ^ Jump up to : Keep , Austin Baxter , History of the New York society library , with an introductory chapter on libraries in colonial New York , 1698 - 1776 , Printed for the Trustees by the De Vinne Press , 1908 , pp. 52 - 29 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Jump up ^ `` Sense Is Preferable to Sound '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ Town of Franklin ( 2010 - 06 - 29 ) . `` Town of Franklin - History of the Franklin Public Library '' . Franklinma.virtualtownhall.net . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Library '' . Larry T. Nix 2008 . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` History of the Library - Robbins Library '' . robbinslibrary.org . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 11 . Jump up ^ E. Irenaeus Stevenson ( August 16 , 1902 ) . `` Village Libraries : Mr. E. Irenaeus Stevenson Offers Suggestions on How to Conduct Them . '' . New York Times . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 18 . The village library is growing more and more an indispensable adjunct to American village life . Jump up ^ `` Baconfreelibrary.org '' . Baconfreelibrary.org . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 19 . Jump up ^ Sherman , Mrs. John Dickinson ( September 1906 ) . `` The Women 's Clubs in the Middle Western States '' . The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science . 28 : 49 -- via JSTOR . Jump up ^ Johnson , Kimberly . `` From A to Z and In Between : Women 's Organizations Transforming Change from the Inside Out '' ( PDF ) . Delta Kappa Gamma . Jump up ^ O'Loughlin , Kathy ( 16 March 2012 ) . `` A century of service and eleganceThe Woman 's Club of Bala Cynwyd celebrates its centenary , and it 's not just for girls anymore '' . Main Line Times . Retrieved 4 February 2017 . Jump up ^ McCook , Kathleen de la Peña ( 2011 ) . Introduction to Public Librarianship . New York : Neal - Schuman . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55570 - 697 - 5 . Jump up ^ Holley , Edward G. , and Robert Schremser. 1983 . The Library Services and Construction Act : An Historical Overview from the Viewpoint of Major Participants . Greenwich , CT : JAI Press . Jump up ^ Marisol Bello ( 2009 - 02 - 02 ) . `` Country 's oldest public library could close this year '' . USA Today . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 18 . Now Darby 's only library , believed to be the country 's oldest continuously operating free public library , may close its doors and end its time as a gathering Jump up ^ Patrick M. Valentine , `` America 's Antebellum Social Libraries : A Reappraisal in Institutional Development , '' Library & Information History ( 2011 ) 27 # 1 pp 32 - 51 Jump up ^ Daniel F. Ring , `` The Origins of the Butte Public Library : Some Further Thoughts on Public Library Development in the State of Montana , '' Libraries & Culture ( 1993 ) 28 # 4 pp 430 - 44 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Peter Dobkin Hall , `` ' To Make Us Bold and Learn to Read -- To Be Friends to Each Other , and Friends to the World ' : Libraries and the Origins of Civil Society in the United States , '' in Donald G. Davis Jr. , ed. , Libraries and Philanthropy ( Austin : Graduate School of Library and Information Science , University of Texas , 1998 ) . ^ Jump up to : Abigail A. van Slyck , `` The Utmost Amount of Effectiv ( sic ) Accommodation '' : Andrew Carnegie and the Reform of the American Library , '' Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians ( 1991 ) 50 # 4 pp. 359 - 383 in JSTOR Jump up ^ `` A Brief History '' . Brumbacklib.com . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Obituary -- Carnegie Started as a Bobbin Boy '' . New York Times . August 12 , 1919 . Free Public Library buildings ( 2,811 ) $60,364,808.75 Jump up ^ `` Sunday Forum : The importance of libraries '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . January 13 , 2008 . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 18 . You 'll find librarians guiding customers to information that will help them to find a job , start a business or trace their family trees . You 'll find teens learning to use video cameras and online media to support a worthy cause . You 'll find children settling into a cozy pillow with a picture book . Jump up ^ Theodore Jones , Carnegie Libraries Across America : A Public Legacy ( 1997 ) Jump up ^ Peter Mickelson , `` American Society and the Public Library in the Thought of Andrew Carnegie . '' Journal of Library History ( 1975 ) 10 # 2 pp 117 - 138 . Jump up ^ Carolyn H. Leatherman , `` Richmond Considers a Free Public Library : Andrew Carnegie 's Offer of 1901 . '' Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 1988 96 ( 2 ) : 181 - 192 . ISSN 0042 - 6636 Jump up ^ `` On October 13th , 1924 , after more than 20 years of effort , a group of civic activists opened the Richmond Public Library . The late Major Lewis Ginter 's former home at 901 West Franklin Street served as the first location . By 1930 a new art deco building had been constructed on Franklin Street between 1st and 2nd and was named the Dooley Library for Mrs. Sallie May Dooley whose will contained both $500,000 for the library '' Jump up ^ McNally , Peter F. 1996 . `` Deja vu : cuts to public libraries threaten a return to `` gentleman 's '' past . '' Quill & Quire . Volume 62 , Issue 4 , p. 8 ^ Jump up to : `` Public Libraries '' . The Canadian Encyclopedia . Historica Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` L'Encyclopédie de l'histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia '' . Libraries in Canada . Marianopolis College . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` School - District Libraries '' . The Canadian Encyclopedia . Historica Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` Mechanics ' Institutes '' . The Canadian Encyclodpedia . Historica Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 24 . ^ Jump up to : `` Free Libraries '' . The Canadian Encyclodpedia . Historica Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 24 . ^ Jump up to : `` Modern Public Libraries '' . The Canadian Encyclodpedia . Historica Foundation . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` Toronto Public Library - History of the Library - Toronto 's Carnegie Libraries '' . torontopubliclibrary.ca . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Library Act '' . Qp.alberta.ca. 2012 - 09 - 17 . Retrieved 2013 - 02 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Alberta Public Library Service Branch '' . Public Library History . Government of Alberta . Jump up ^ `` YouTube '' . Alberta 's Public Libraries - Celebrating 100 years . Chinook Regional Library Service . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Services Halifax Public Libraries '' . Halifaxpubliclibraries.ca . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Vancouver Public Library - Programs & Events '' . Vpl.ca . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 27 . Jump up ^ Schrader , Alvin M. and Brundin , Michael R. 2002 . `` National Core Library Statistics Program Statistical Report , 1999 : Cultural and Economic Impact of Libraries on Canada . '' p. 15 Jump up ^ Thompson , Jim . 2011 . `` City Manager recommends Toronto Public Library budget cuts and branch closures '' . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 15 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Public libraries in the United States . Security Issues in Ohio Public Libraries `` Go Ahead , Name Them : America 's Best Public Libraries '' from the American Library Association Hennen 's American Public Library Ratings Public libraries in the United States of America ; their history , condition , and management . Special report , Department of the Interior , Bureau of Education ( 1876 ) at Internet Archive , Public library statistics from the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Public_libraries_in_North_America&oldid=806115678 '' Categories : Education in North America Public libraries in the United States Public libraries in Canada Libraries in Mexico Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing clarification from October 2015 CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی Edit links This page was last edited on 19 October 2017 , at 20 : 11 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
did the usa women's hockey team win a medal
In 1998 , the Women 's Olympic Hockey Team was named the USOC Team of the Year . In 2015 , the Women 's National Ice Hockey Team was named the USOC Team of the Month , in April . In 2018 , the Women 's Olympic Hockey Team won the gold medal in a 3 - 2 shootout , ending their 20 - year drought .
United States women 's national ice hockey team
united states women's national ice hockey team
The United States women 's national ice hockey team is controlled by USA Hockey . The United States has been one of the most dominant women 's hockey teams in international play , having won gold or silver in every major tournament with the exception of the 2006 Winter Olympics , where they captured bronze . The U.S. had 75,832 female players in 2018 , 7001136000000000000 ♠ 13.6 % of the 555,935 total .
In 1998 , the Women 's Olympic Hockey Team was named the USOC Team of the Year . In 2015 , the Women 's National Ice Hockey Team was named the USOC Team of the Month , in April . In 2018 , the Women 's Olympic Hockey Team won the gold medal in a 3 - 2 shootout , ending their 20 - year drought . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Facilities 3 2017 IIHF Women 's World Championship 4 Tournament record 4.1 Olympic Games 4.2 World Championship 4.3 3 / 4 Nations Cup 4.4 Pacific Rim Championship 4.5 Other tournaments 5 Team 5.1 Current roster 5.2 Coaching staff 5.3 Former rosters 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) Since the beginning of the International Ice Hockey Federation ( IIHF ) Women 's World Championship in 1990 , Team USA has participated . USA Hockey started to improve their women 's hockey program once the conversation over adding women 's ice hockey into the Olympics started at an IOC executive board meeting in July 1992 . In 1998 Winter Olympics at Nagano women 's ice hockey was included for the first time in the history of Olympics . USA Hockey wanted a team that could beat the Canadians since the stakes were very high for the 1998 Games , so they hired Ben Smith , who led the 1998 U.S. Olympic women 's hockey as the head coach . The U.S. women 's ice hockey team won gold in the 1998 Games , winning 3 - 1 against Team Canada . It became the first country to win gold in the women 's ice hockey competition in Olympic history . This was also the first gold in the history of the U.S women 's ice hockey team . This success inspired future generations of girls and women hockey players , including Meghan Duggan , a Team USA and Olympic athlete , who watched and celebrated the win as a 10 - year - old girl . Facilities ( edit ) The team 's training and development program was located in Blaine , Minnesota , at the Schwan Super Rink , the largest ice facility in the world for the 2010 Winter Olympics . For the 2014 Winter Olympics , the team 's training was located in the Greater Boston region at The Edge Sports Center in Bedford , Massachusetts and for off - ice fitness at the Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning Center in Woburn , Massachusetts . 2017 IIHF women 's World Championship ( edit ) See also : 2017 IIHF Women 's World Championship § Threatened boycott by US players On 15 March 2017 , players for the US women 's ice hockey team announced that they would boycott the World Championship over inequitable support and conditions for women 's hockey unless concessions were made by USA Hockey . Members of the team including captain Meghan Duggan made public statements regarding poor pay and conditions for female hockey players . The players were publicly supported by the players ' associations for the NBA , WNBA , MLB and the NHL . On 28 March 2017 , the players agreed to play in the World Championship after an agreement was struck with USA Hockey to increase player pay and support for women 's development . Tournament record ( edit ) Olympic Games ( edit ) 1998 -- Won gold medal 2002 -- Won silver medal 2006 -- Won bronze medal 2010 -- Won silver medal 2014 -- Won silver medal 2018 -- Won gold medal World Championship ( edit ) 1990 -- Won silver medal 1992 -- Won silver medal 1994 -- Won silver medal 1997 -- Won silver medal 1999 -- Won silver medal 2000 -- Won silver medal 2001 -- Won silver medal 2004 -- Won silver medal 2005 -- Won gold medal 2007 -- Won silver medal 2008 -- Won gold medal 2009 -- Won gold medal 2011 -- Won gold medal 2012 -- Won silver medal 2013 -- Won gold medal 2015 -- Won gold medal 2016 -- Won gold medal 2017 -- Won gold medal 3 / 4 Nations Cup ( edit ) Note : The event was the 3 Nations Cup from 1996 to 1999 , and 2001 . It was the 4 Nations Cup in 2000 , and from 2002 to present . 1996 -- Won silver medal 1997 -- Won gold medal 1998 -- Won silver medal 1999 -- Won silver medal 2000 -- Won silver medal 2002 -- Won silver medal 2003 -- Won gold medal 2004 -- Won silver medal 2005 -- Won silver medal 2006 -- Won silver medal 2007 -- Won silver medal 2008 -- Won gold medal 2009 -- Won silver medal 2010 -- Won silver medal 2011 -- Won gold medal 2012 -- Won gold medal 2013 -- Won bronze medal 2014 -- Won silver medal 2015 -- Won gold medal 2016 -- Won gold medal 2017 -- Won gold medal Pacific Rim Championship ( edit ) 1995 -- Won silver medal 1996 -- Won silver medal Other tournaments ( edit ) 2011 IIHF 12 Nations Tournament - Won gold medal Team ( edit ) Current roster ( edit ) The following is the United States roster for the women 's ice hockey tournament at the 2018 Winter Olympics . view Head coach : Robb Stauber Associate coaches : Brett Strot , Paul Mara No . Pos . Name Height Weight Birthdate 2017 -- 18 team Lee Stecklein 6 ft 0 in ( 1.83 m ) 7001789250723800000 ♠ 174 lb ( 79 kg ) 000000001994 - 04 - 23 - 0000 April 23 , 1994 Univ. of Minnesota Cayla Barnes 5 ft 1 in ( 1.55 m ) 7001662244860200000 ♠ 146 lb ( 66 kg ) 000000001999 - 01 - 07 - 0000 January 7 , 1999 Boston College 5 Megan Keller 5 ft 11 in ( 1.80 m ) 7001730283715700000 ♠ 161 lb ( 73 kg ) 000000001996 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1996 Boston College 6 Kali Flanagan 5 ft 4 in ( 1.63 m ) 7001639565241700000 ♠ 141 lb ( 64 kg ) 000000001995 - 09 - 19 - 0000 September 19 , 1995 Boston College 7 Monique Lamoureux - Morando 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ) 7001671316707600000 ♠ 148 lb ( 67 kg ) 000000001989 - 07 - 03 - 0000 July 3 , 1989 Minnesota Whitecaps 8 Emily Pfalzer 5 ft 3 in ( 1.60 m ) 7001571526386200000 ♠ 126 lb ( 57 kg ) 000000001993 - 06 - 14 - 0000 June 14 , 1993 Buffalo Beauts 10 Meghan Duggan -- C 5 ft 10 in ( 1.78 m ) 7001739355563100000 ♠ 163 lb ( 74 kg ) 000000001987 - 09 - 03 - 0000 September 3 , 1987 Boston Pride 11 Haley Skarupa 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ) 7001639565241700000 ♠ 141 lb ( 64 kg ) 000000001994 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3 , 1994 Boston Pride 12 Kelly Pannek 5 ft 8 in ( 1.73 m ) 7001748427410500000 ♠ 165 lb ( 75 kg ) 000000001995 - 12 - 29 - 0000 December 29 , 1995 Univ. of Minnesota 14 Brianna Decker -- A 5 ft 4 in ( 1.63 m ) 7001680388555000000 ♠ 150 lb ( 68 kg ) 000000001991 - 05 - 13 - 0000 May 13 , 1991 Boston Pride 17 Jocelyne Lamoureux - Davidson 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ) 7001680388555000000 ♠ 150 lb ( 68 kg ) 000000001989 - 07 - 03 - 0000 July 3 , 1989 Minnesota Whitecaps 19 Gigi Marvin 5 ft 8 in ( 1.73 m ) 7001721211868300000 ♠ 159 lb ( 72 kg ) 000000001987 - 03 - 07 - 0000 March 7 , 1987 Boston Pride 20 Hannah Brandt 5 ft 6 in ( 1.68 m ) 7001680388555000000 ♠ 150 lb ( 68 kg ) 000000001993 - 11 - 27 - 0000 November 27 , 1993 Minnesota Whitecaps 21 Hilary Knight 5 ft 11 in ( 1.80 m ) 7001789250723800000 ♠ 174 lb ( 79 kg ) 000000001989 - 07 - 12 - 0000 July 12 , 1989 Boston Pride 22 Kacey Bellamy -- A 5 ft 7 in ( 1.70 m ) 7001662244860200000 ♠ 146 lb ( 66 kg ) 000000001987 - 04 - 22 - 0000 April 22 , 1987 Boston Pride 23 Sidney Morin 5 ft 5 in ( 1.65 m ) 7001580598233600000 ♠ 128 lb ( 58 kg ) 000000001995 - 06 - 06 - 0000 June 6 , 1995 Modo Hockey 24 Dani Cameranesi 5 ft 5 in ( 1.65 m ) 7001671316707600000 ♠ 148 lb ( 67 kg ) 000000001995 - 06 - 30 - 0000 June 30 , 1995 Univ. of Minnesota 26 Kendall Coyne 5 ft 2 in ( 1.57 m ) 7001557918615100000 ♠ 123 lb ( 56 kg ) 000000001992 - 05 - 25 - 0000 May 25 , 1992 Minnesota Whitecaps 28 Amanda Kessel 5 ft 5 in ( 1.65 m ) 7001621421546900000 ♠ 137 lb ( 62 kg ) 000000001991 - 08 - 28 - 0000 August 28 , 1991 Metropolitan Riveters 29 Nicole Hensley 5 ft 7 in ( 1.70 m ) 7001698532249800000 ♠ 154 lb ( 70 kg ) 000000001994 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23 , 1994 Lindenwood Univ . 33 Alex Rigsby 5 ft 7 in ( 1.70 m ) 7001680388555000000 ♠ 150 lb ( 68 kg ) 000000001992 - 01 - 03 - 0000 January 3 , 1992 Minnesota Whitecaps 35 Maddie Rooney 5 ft 5 in ( 1.65 m ) 7001662244860200000 ♠ 146 lb ( 66 kg ) 000000001997 - 07 - 01 - 0000 July 1 , 1997 Univ. of Minnesota Duluth 37 Amanda Pelkey 5 ft 3 in ( 1.60 m ) 7001607813775800000 ♠ 134 lb ( 61 kg ) 000000001993 - 05 - 29 - 0000 May 29 , 1993 Boston Pride Coaching staff ( edit ) General Manager : Reagan Carey Head Coach : Robb Stauber Associate Head Coach : Brett Strot Assistant Coach : Paul Mara Strength & Conditioning Coach : Jim Radcliffe Mental Skills Coach : Colleen Hacker Head Scout : Matt Kelly Team Physician : Ally Howe Athletic Trainer : Sheri Walters Massage Therapist : Jennifer Chee Sports Dietician : Carrie Aprik Equipment Manager : Brent Proulx Video Coordinator : Nick Laurila Communications Manager : Andrea Mazzarelli Former rosters ( edit ) List of United States national women 's ice hockey team rosters Olympic Team Captains 1998 Winter Olympics Cammi Granato 2002 Winter Olympics Cammi Granato 2006 Winter Olympics Krissy Wendell 2010 Winter Olympics Natalie Darwitz 2014 Winter Olympics Meghan Duggan 2018 Winter Olympics Meghan Duggan US Women 's National Team Captains 1989 - 1996 Cindy Curley 1998 - 2005 Cammi Granato 2005 - 2006 Krissy Wendell 2007 - 2010 Natalie Darwitz 2011 - 2013 Julie Chu 2014 - present Meghan Duggan See also ( edit ) 2009 -- 10 United States women 's national ice hockey team 2010 -- 11 United States women 's national ice hockey team References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` United States '' . Iihf.com . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` U.S. Olympic Committee Announces Best Of April Honors For Team USA Awards , Presented By Dow '' . Teamusa.org . Retrieved 2015 - 05 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Women 's Worlds '' . Team USA Hockey . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 20 Years Later : An oral history of the 1998 U.S. women 's hockey team '' . NBC Olympics . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` The Legacy of This U.S. Women 's Hockey Team Is Already Secure '' . The Ringer . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` US women 's hockey team 's training emphasized lower body strength '' . Boston Globe . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 10 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( 29 March 2017 ) . `` US women 's hockey team strike ' historic ' pay deal and agree to end boycott '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/29/521863666/wage-deal-averts-threatened-boycott-by-u-s-womens-hockey-team Jump up ^ Berkman , Seth ( 27 March 2017 ) . `` No Resolution in Pay Dispute Involving U.S. Women 's Hockey Team '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Berkman , Seth ( 15 March 2017 ) . `` U.S. Women 's Hockey Team Plans to Boycott World Championship Over Pay Dispute '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Guardian Sport ( 26 March 2017 ) . `` USA Hockey rebuffed as replacements stand in support of women 's boycott '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 U.S. Olympic Women 's Hockey Team '' . USA Hockey . Retrieved January 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Team Roster United States External links ( edit ) Official website IIHF profile National sports teams of the United States A1 Grand Prix American football M U19 M U18 M U17 M U16 Australian rules football Badminton Ball hockey Bandy Baseball M U23 M U18 M U17 Basketball M U19 M U18 M U17 M U16 M 3x3 W U23 W U19 W U18 W U17 W U16 W 3x3 Cricket Equestrian Field hockey Floorball Goalball W U19 Gymnastics M U18 M U16 W U18 Handball Ice hockey M U20 M U18 M U17 W U22 W U18 Sled Inline hockey Kabaddi Korfball Lacrosse M U19 W U19 Indoor Netball Quidditch Roller derby Roller hockey Rugby league Rugby union M U20 M7 W7 Skiing Soccer M U23 M U21 M U20 M U18 M U17 M U16 W U23 W U20 W U18 W U17 W U16 Futsal Beach soccer Paralympic Cerebral palsy Softball M U19 M Slow W U19 W Slow Speedway Squash Tennis Davis Cup Fed Cup Hopman Cup Track and field Volleyball M U23 M U21 M U19 W U23 W U20 W U18 Beach Water polo Wheelchair Basketball Wheelchair rugby Olympics Pan American Games Paralympics Universiade Women 's national ice hockey teams Africa South Africa Americas Argentina Canada Mexico United States Asia and Oceania Australia China Chinese Taipei Hong Kong India Japan Kazakhstan Macau Malaysia New Zealand North Korea Philippines Singapore South Korea Thailand United Arab Emirates Europe Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Great Britain Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Other Korea Former teams Czechoslovakia England Scotland Wales Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_States_women%27s_national_ice_hockey_team&oldid=837265356 '' Categories : United States women 's national ice hockey team United States national ice hockey team Women 's national ice hockey teams Women 's ice hockey teams in the United States Women 's national sports teams of the United States 1987 establishments in the United States Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from March 2014 All articles needing additional references Use mdy dates from June 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Deutsch Français Italiano עברית Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Українська 中文 8 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 April 2018 , at 18 : 57 . About Wikipedia
who played the wicked witch of the west on broadway
Wicked ( musical )
wicked ( musical )
Wicked The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz Official poster of the original Broadway production Music Stephen Schwartz Lyrics Stephen Schwartz Book Winnie Holzman Basis Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire Premiere May 28 , 2003 : Curran Theatre , San Francisco Productions 2003 San Francisco ( tryout ) 2003 Broadway 2005 1st US Tour 2006 West End 2009 2nd US Tour 2013 1st UK and Ireland Tour 2017 - 2018 2nd UK and Ireland Tour 2019 Film adaptation Various international productions ( see below ) Awards Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Musical Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Broadway Musical Wicked is a Broadway musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and book by Winnie Holzman . It is based on the 1995 Gregory Maguire novel Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West , an alternative telling of the 1939 Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer film The Wizard of Oz and L. Frank Baum 's classic 1900 novel , The Wonderful Wizard of Oz . The musical is told from the perspective of the witches of the Land of Oz ; its plot begins before and continues after Dorothy Gale 's arrival in Oz from Kansas , and it includes several references to the 1939 film and Baum 's novel . Wicked tells the story of two unlikely friends , Elphaba ( the Wicked Witch of the West ) and Galinda ( whose name later changes to Glinda the Good Witch ) , who struggle through opposing personalities and viewpoints , rivalry over the same love - interest , reactions to the Wizard 's corrupt government , and , ultimately , Elphaba 's public fall from grace . Produced by Universal Stage Productions in coalition with Marc Platt , Jon B. Platt and David Stone , with direction by Joe Mantello and choreography by Wayne Cilento , the original production of Wicked premiered on Broadway at the Gershwin Theatre in October 2003 , after completing pre-Broadway tryouts at San Francisco 's Curran Theatre in May / June 2003 . Its original stars included Idina Menzel as Elphaba , Kristin Chenoweth as Glinda , and Joel Grey as the Wizard . The original Broadway production won three Tony Awards and six Drama Desk Awards , while its original cast album received a Grammy Award . Wicked celebrated its tenth anniversary on Broadway on October 30 , 2013 . On July 12 , 2018 , with its 6,138 th performance , it surpassed A Chorus Line to become Broadway 's sixth - longest running show . A typical performance takes approximately two hours and 30 minutes , plus a 15 - minute intermission . The success of the Broadway production has spawned several other productions worldwide , including various North American productions , a long - running Laurence Olivier Award -- nominated West End production , and a series of international productions . Since its 2003 debut , Wicked has broken box - office records around the world , currently holding weekly - gross - takings records in Los Angeles , Chicago , St. Louis , and London . In the week ending January 2 , 2011 , the London , Broadway , and both North American touring productions simultaneously broke their respective records for the highest weekly gross . In the final week of 2013 , the Broadway production broke this record again , earning $3.2 million . The West End production and the North American tour have each been seen by over two million patrons . In March 2016 , Wicked surpassed $1 billion in total Broadway revenue , joining both The Phantom of the Opera and The Lion King as the only Broadway shows to do so . In July 2017 , Wicked surpassed The Phantom of the Opera as Broadway 's second - highest grossing show , trailing only The Lion King . Contents 1 Inception and development 2 Plot 2.1 Act I 2.2 Act II 3 Cast 3.1 Original cast members 3.2 Notable replacements 3.3 Notable cast members 4 Musical Cues 5 Music and recordings 5.1 Music analysis 5.2 Recordings 5.3 Orchestration 6 Productions 6.1 Original Broadway production 6.2 North American productions 6.3 London 6.4 U.K. and Ireland Tours 6.5 International Tour 6.6 Australian productions 6.7 Subsequent international productions 7 Film adaptation 8 Response 8.1 Awards and nominations 8.2 Critical reception 8.3 Commercial reception 8.4 Behind the Emerald Curtain 9 In popular culture 10 References 11 External links Inception and development ( edit ) Wicked composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz Composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz discovered writer Gregory Maguire 's 1995 novel Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West while on vacation , and saw its potential for a dramatic adaptation . Maguire , however , had released the rights to Universal Pictures , which had planned to develop a live - action feature film . In 1998 , Schwartz persuaded Maguire to release the rights to a stage production while also making what Schwartz called an `` impassioned plea '' to Universal producer Marc Platt to realize Schwartz 's own intended adaptation . Persuaded , Platt signed on as joint producer of the project with Universal and David Stone . The novel , described as a political , social , and ethical commentary on the nature of good and evil , takes place in the Land of Oz , in the years leading to Dorothy 's arrival . The story centers on Elphaba , the misunderstood , smart , and fiery girl of emerald - green skin who grows up to become the notorious Wicked Witch of the West and Galinda , the beautiful , blonde , popular girl who grows up to become Glinda the Good Witch of the South . The story is divided into five different sections based on the plot location , and presents events , characters , and situations from L. Frank Baum 's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 1900 ) and its 1939 film adaptation in new ways . It is designed to set the reader thinking about what it really is to be `` Wicked '' , and whether good intentions with bad results are the same as bad intentions with bad results . Schwartz considered how best to condense the novel 's dense and complicated plot into a sensible script . To this end , he collaborated with Emmy Award -- winning writer Winnie Holzman to develop the outline of the plot over the course of a year while meeting with producer Marc Platt to refine the structural outline of the show , spinning an original stage piece rather than creating a strict adaptation of Maguire 's work . While the draft followed Maguire 's idea of retelling the story of the 1939 film from the perspective of its main villain , the storyline of the stage adaptation `` goes far afield '' from the novel . As Holzman observed in an interview with Playbill , `` It was ( Maguire 's ) brilliant idea to take this hated figure and tell things from her point of view , and to have the two witches be roommates in college , but the way in which their friendship develops -- and really the whole plot -- is different onstage . '' Schwartz justified the deviation , saying `` Primarily we were interested in the relationship between Galinda -- who becomes Glinda -- and Elphaba ... the friendship of these two women and how their characters lead them to completely different destinies . '' In addition to this change in focus , other major plot modifications include Fiyero 's appearance as the scarecrow , Elphaba 's survival at the end , Nessarose using a wheelchair instead of being born without arms , Boq having a continuing love interest for Glinda - and eventually becoming the Tin Woodman instead of Nick Chopper , the complete cutting of Elphaba 's years in the Vinkus , the deletion of Liir 's birth , Fiyero not having a wife and children , and Doctor Dillamond not being murdered . The book , lyrics , and score for the musical were developed through a series of readings . For these developmental workshops , Kristin Chenoweth , the Tony Award -- winning actress whom Stephen Schwartz had in mind while composing the music for the character , joined the project as Glinda . Stephanie J. Block played Elphaba in all of the workshops , ( she was the original Elphaba in the first national tour and joined the Broadway cast later on ) before fellow performer Idina Menzel was cast in the role in late 2000 . In early 2000 , the creators recruited New York producer David Stone , who began the transition of the workshop production into a full Broadway production . Joe Mantello was brought in as director and Wayne Cilento as choreographer while Tony Award -- winning designer Eugene Lee created the set and visual style for the production based on both W.W. Denslow 's original illustrations for Baum 's novels and Maguire 's concept of the story being told through a giant clock . Costume designer Susan Hilferty created a `` twisted Edwardian '' style through more than 200 costumes , while lighting designer Kenneth Posner used more than 800 individual lights to give each of the 54 distinct scenes and locations `` its own mood '' . By April 2003 , a full cast had been assembled and the show readied its debut . The Curran Theatre in San Francisco , where Wicked made its debut On May 28 , 2003 , the first performance of Wicked was held at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco , as the start of SHN pre-Broadway tryouts . After officially opening on June 10 , 2003 , it ran there for the month and finished on June 29 , 2003 . Audience reaction was mostly positive and although critics tended to compliment the aesthetic and spectacle of the show , they disparaged the state of its book , score , and choreography . Dennis Harvey of Variety commented positively of the `` sleekly directed '' , `` snazzily designed '' , and `` smartly cast '' production , yet still disapproved of its `` mediocre '' book , `` trite '' lyrics , and `` largely generic '' music while Karen D'Souza of the San Jose Mercury News wrote that `` Style over substance is the real theme in this Emerald City . '' Noting mixed response , the creative team started making extensive changes , tweaking it before its transfer to Broadway . Winnie Holzman stated , `` Stephen ( Schwartz ) wisely had insisted on having three months to rewrite in between the time we closed in San Francisco and when we were to go back into rehearsals in New York . That was crucial ; that was the thing that made the biggest difference in the life of the show . That time is what made the show work . '' Elements of the book were rewritten , while several songs underwent minor transformations . This included the excision of `` Which Way is the Party ? '' , the introductory song to the character Fiyero , which was subsequently replaced by `` Dancing Through Life '' in Schwartz 's fear that the former failed to be a clear `` statement of Fiyero 's philosophy of life '' . In addition , concern existed that Menzel 's Elphaba `` got a little overshadowed '' by Chenoweth 's Glinda . San Francisco Chronicle critic Robert Hurwitt wrote , `` Menzel 's brightly intense Elphaba the Wicked Witch ( needs ) a chance of holding her own alongside Chenoweth 's gloriously , insidiously bubbly Glinda '' , so the creative team set about making her character `` more prominent '' . On the subject of the Broadway revisions , Schwartz recalled , `` It was clear there was work to be done and revisions to be made in the book and the score . The critical community was , frankly , very helpful to us . We learned a lot from the reviews , which were honest and constructive in the aggregate , unlike New York , where the critics make up their minds before they come to the theatre . '' On October 30 , 2003 , the musical opened on Broadway . Plot ( edit ) Act I ( edit ) In the Land of Oz , a lot of celebrating is going on ; the Ozians are rejoicing over the demise of Elphaba , the Wicked Witch of the West . Glinda the Good Witch talks about Elphaba 's past and you see Elphaba 's mother have an affair after Elphaba 's father goes out of town . As her mother has this affair she drinks green elixir . She then gets pregnant and when she gives birth her baby has green skin ( `` No One Mourns the Wicked '' ) . Glinda arrives to congratulate Dorothy Gale ( unseen though frequently mentioned ) for restoring peace to the land until an Ozian asks her if Elphaba and she were friends . She reluctantly admits that they were , leading Glinda to tell them the story of how they became best friends . A flashback starts with a scene at school , Shiz University , when Elphaba arrives ( `` Dear Old Shiz '' ) . Elphaba was believed to be the daughter of the governor of Munchkinland , although we know her real father is the man her mother had an affair with . Her father resented her and showered his affection on her younger sister , Nessarose , who is physically disabled and uses a wheelchair . The two sisters both go to Shiz University , where the beautiful and popular Glinda , formerly known as Galinda , is also in their class . As their father says goodbye , he gives Nessarose a pair of silver slippers . The headmistress , Madame Morrible , decides to take Nessarose under her protection , leaving Elphaba and Galinda as roommates to their chagrin . Elphaba attempts to take back her sister , and her anger manifests physically in an explosion . Madame Morrible recognizes that Elphaba has special powers and decides to teach her sorcery . She tells Elphaba her powers might allow her to one day work with the Wonderful Wizard of Oz , something Elphaba has dreamed of her whole life ( `` The Wizard and I '' ) . All of this does little to endear Elphaba to Galinda , and the feeling is mutual ( `` What is this Feeling ? '' ) . They fight constantly , even in their classes , such as their history class with Dr. Dillamond , the only Animal ( a sentient goat ) professor at the university , who is beginning to suffer from discrimination . He tells Elphaba a conspiracy is afoot to stop Animals from speaking , and she wants to let the Wizard know , for he would surely stop it ( `` Something Bad '' ) . Later , Fiyero Tigelaar , an Arjiki prince from the Vinkus , has arrived at Shiz and shares his life philosophy . They all decide to have an orientation party at the Ozdust Ball that evening . Boq , a Munchkin who has developed a crush on Galinda , tries to invite her to the party , but she convinces him to ask Nessarose out of pity , leaving Galinda free to go with Fiyero . Nessarose , who has a crush on Boq , is delighted and tells her sister how Galinda made it happen . When Galinda gives an ugly hat to Elphaba to wear at the party , Elphaba takes it as an act of kindness . At the party that evening , Boq tries to tell Nessarose the real reason he invited her , but is too nice to hurt her feelings ( `` Dancing Through Life '' ) . She continues to fall for him . Madame Morrible arrives to tell Galinda she can join her sorcery class , at Elphaba 's obliging request . Elphaba arrives wearing the witch 's hat , only to find the other students laughing and staring while she awkwardly dances alone . Galinda feels regretful and goes to dance with Elphaba . Soon , everyone joins them , and the two girls look at each other in a new light . Back in their room , they continue to bond . Galinda decides to give Elphaba a makeover ( `` Popular '' ) . When Elphaba arrives at class the next day , Fiyero sees Galinda 's influence and tells Elphaba that she does not need to change . Dr. Dillamond enters to tell the class that he has been excommunicated . Elphaba wants to help , but no one will stand up with her . Afterward , the students are introduced to the cage , which will keep animals controlled , so they never learn to speak . Elphaba 's fury can not be contained , and in the ensuing chaos , Fiyero and she steal the lion cub in the cage and escape . Fiyero is disillusioned about what transpired , but is taken by Elphaba 's passion . She begins to fall in love with him and they share a tender moment before he leaves to free the lion cub . Elphaba reminds herself that it is pointless to wish for something to happen between them ( `` I 'm Not that Girl '' ) . Madame Morrible comes to tell her that the Wizard has decided to meet her . Nessarose and Galinda come to see her off , and Fiyero meets her , too . Galinda tries to win Fiyero 's respect by changing her name to `` Glinda '' , in solidarity with Dr. Dillamond , who always mispronounced her name , but Fiyero is not impressed , saying goodbye to Elphaba , instead . Elphaba invites Glinda to the Emerald City with her ( `` One Short Day '' ) . The girls meet the Wizard , who turns out to be not quite as intimidating as they thought ( `` A Sentimental Man '' ) . He promises Elphaba that he will grant her request if she proves herself . Madame Morrible appears ; she is the Wizard 's new `` press secretary '' . She gives Elphaba an ancient book of spells , called the Grimmerie , which only the magically gifted can read . Elphaba is asked to try a levitation spell on the Wizard 's monkey servant , Chistery . However , the spell does not go the way Elphaba plans when Chistery sprouts wings , and she realizes that the Wizard is the one behind the suppression of the Animals . Elphaba realizes the Wizard has no powers ; he is merely a fraud . He offers Glinda and her everything they have ever wanted if they will help him , but Elphaba is unwilling to comply . She runs away , and to prevent the truth from getting out , Madame Morrible spreads reports that Elphaba is a `` wicked witch '' . This only reaffirms Elphaba 's belief that she must not let anyone hold her down . She performs a spell on a broom and flies away from the Emerald City , never to return ( `` Defying Gravity '' ) . Act II ( edit ) Some time later , Elphaba 's opposition of the Wizard 's regime has earned her the title `` the Wicked Witch of the West '' . Glinda has become the positive public front of the Wizard 's regime , given the title `` Glinda the Good '' and positioned by Morrible as the nation 's defender against the Witch ( `` No One Mourns The Wicked ( Reprise ) '' ) . A press conference to celebrate Fiyero 's appointment as captain of the guard ( a position he has accepted to find Elphaba ) is hijacked by the crowd 's panicked rumors about the Witch , including a story that she will be melted by water . Fiyero is incredulous and not convinced by Glinda 's insistence that Elphaba does not want to be found . He is further angered when Morrible announces his engagement to Glinda and runs off . Glinda attempts to keep a cheerful front for the press , but clearly , she realizes her dream life has come at a great price ( `` Thank Goodness '' ) . Elphaba pays a visit to Nessarose , who is now the governor of Munchkinland following the death of their father , whom Nessarose says `` died of shame '' when he heard what Elphaba did . Nessarose has taken away the rights of the Munchkins in a desperate attempt to keep Boq at her side . Elphaba tries to convince her sister to side with her against the Wizard , but Nessarose is more concerned with her own problems . Elphaba tries to help by giving Nessarose the power to walk by turning the silver slippers into the `` ruby slippers '' . Convinced that Boq must love her now , Nessarose calls for him , but he only sees this as proof that she does not need him anymore . Hurt , Nessarose takes Elphaba 's spell book and tries to cast a spell to make Boq fall in love with her . However , the spell backfires , making her the `` Wicked Witch of the East '' , shrinking Boq 's heart ( `` The Wicked Witch Of The East '' ) . Elphaba must work another spell to save his life , if in a slightly different condition than he was before . When Boq awakens , he is disgusted at his new state as a man made of tin , and Nessarose tells him that it was Elphaba who did this to him . Elphaba returns to the Wizard 's palace to free the monkey servants , and comes across the Wizard himself . He tries once again to convince her to work with him , telling her that he is not evil - just an average man who came into his position by chance , led to stay by the reverence of the Ozians , and he offers to redeem Elphaba 's reputation ( `` Wonderful '' ) . She is almost won over until she sees Dr. Dillamond , who has lost the power of speech . Angered by this , Elphaba accuses the Wizard , but he calls the guards to arrest Elphaba for fraud . In response , Fiyero and the guards enter , followed by Glinda . However , Fiyero instead helps Elphaba escape and decides to leave with her . Although broken hearted of Fiyero switching sides with Elphaba ( `` I 'm Not that Girl ( Reprise ) '' ) , Glinda suggests to the Wizard and Madame Morrible that the way to apprehend Elphaba is to use her sister as bait , allowing the officials to recapture Elphaba once and for all . Elphaba and Fiyero are both taken by surprise by the strength of their feelings for each other , and promise to be together always ( `` As Long As You 're Mine '' ) . Their happiness is interrupted when Elphaba suddenly has a vision of a house flying through the sky and Nessarose being in danger . Before Elphaba leaves to investigate , Fiyero tells her about a castle that his family owns in which she can stay . Glinda and Elphaba meet again at the site where Nessarose has been crushed by a house with a girl named Dorothy Gale inside . Fueled by the rivalry over Fiyero , the two have a heated argument . The guards arrive and tackle Elphaba , who guesses that Glinda arranged for all of this as a trap . Fiyero arrives , as well , and holds Glinda hostage until Elphaba is allowed to go free . Glinda pleads for the guards not to harm him , but they do not listen , as they escort Fiyero to the field where they can interrogate and torture him ( by crucifixion ) into revealing Elphaba 's whereabouts . Elphaba tries to cast a spell to protect him , but is crestfallen by the limitations of her power . She decides that from this point on , she will live up to her reputation as the Wicked Witch of the West ( `` No Good Deed '' ) . Later , back at Oz 's capital , all of Oz 's citizens unite , declaring war on Elphaba due to Madame Morrible and Boq 's testimony against her . Meanwhile , Glinda has realized Morrible , who can control the weather , is responsible for Nessarose 's death , but when she about to accuse her , Morrible simply reminds her that blood is on her hands , as well . Feeling guilty for her association , Glinda flees in horror to warn Elphaba , as the angry mob sets out to take Kiamo Ko by force ( `` March of the Witch Hunters '' ) . Back at Kiamo Ko , Elphaba has already captured Dorothy , refusing to release her until she relinquishes Nessarose 's slippers -- the only things left of her dead sister . Glinda travels to Elphaba 's castle to warn her of the danger and persuade her to let Dorothy go . Elphaba refuses until she receives a letter saying that Fiyero has died . The two women forgive each other , acknowledging they have both made mistakes . To help her in her future , Elphaba gives the Grimmerie to Glinda . The two friends embrace for the last time before saying goodbye ( `` For Good '' ) . As the mob arrives , Elphaba tells Glinda to hide , and she watches helplessly from the shadows as Dorothy throws a bucket of water on Elphaba , who appears to disintegrate . Shaken , Glinda sees that all that remains of her friend is her black hat and the small bottle of green elixir . In the Emerald City , Glinda confronts the Wizard with Elphaba 's bottle , which he recognizes as identical to his own . He was Elphaba 's biological father and the cause of her green skin . He breaks down in sorrow , and Madame Morrible surmises that Elphaba 's powers were so strong because she was a child of two worlds . Glinda banishes the Wizard from Oz and sends Madame Morrible to prison for murder . Meanwhile , back at the castle , Fiyero ( now a scarecrow ) comes to the spot where Elphaba was melted . Making sure that no one is watching , he knocks on the floor and out from a trap door steps Elphaba , very much alive ; the entire thing was a ruse to convince her enemies of her death and to ensure her future with Fiyero , who was transformed into the scarecrow by her spell unintentionally . Before leaving , Elphaba regrets that she will never see Glinda again and tell her that they are alive . Simultaneously , returning to the musical 's starting point , Glinda promises the people of Oz to properly earn her title as Glinda the Good . As the people celebrate and Glinda mourns , Elphaba and Fiyero leave Oz together forever ( `` Finale '' ) . Cast ( edit ) Original cast members ( edit ) Characters Pre-Broadway Tryout Broadway West End 1st National Tour 2nd National Tour Australia 1st Asian National Tour Australasian National Tour 1st UK Tour Bradford / International Tour Zurich / 2nd UK Tour Germany The Netherlands Finland Denmark Mexico Brazil South Korea Elphaba Idina Menzel Stephanie J. Block Marcie Dodd Amanda Harrison Jemma Rix Nikki Davis - Jones Jacqueline Hughes Amy Ross Willemijn Verkaik Maria Ylipää Maria Lucia Heiberg Rosenberg Danna Paola Myra Ruiz Oak Joo Hyun Glinda Kristin Chenoweth Helen Dallimore Kendra Kassebaum Heléne Yorke Lucy Durack Suzie Mathers Emily Tierney Carly Anderson Helen Woolf Lucy Scherer Chantal Janzen Anna - Maija Tuokko Annette Heick Cecilia de la Cueva Fabi Bang Jeong Sun Ah Fiyero Norbert Leo Butz Adam Garcia Derrick Williams Colin Donnell Rob Mills David Harris Steve Danielsen Liam Doyle Bradley Jaden Aaron Sidwell Mark Seibert Jim Bakkum Tuukka Leppänen John Martin Bengtsson Jorge Lau Jonatas Faro Lee Jee Hoon The Wizard Robert Morse Joel Grey Nigel Planer David Garrison Tom McGowan Rob Guest Bert Newton Jay Laga'aia Dale Rapley Steven Pinder Carlo Lauber Bill van Dijk Eero Saarinen Steen Springborg Paco Morales Sérgio Rufino Nam Kyoung Madame Morrible Carole Shelley Miriam Margolyes Carol Kane Marilyn Caskey Maggie Kirkpatrick Anne Wood Maggie Kirkpatrick Marilyn Cutts Kim Ismay Angelika Wedekind Pamela Teves Ursula Salo Marianne Mortensen Anahi Allue Adriana Quadros Kim Young Ju Nessarose Michelle Federer Katie Rowley Jones Jenna Leigh Green Kristine Reese Penny McNamee Elisa Colla Emily Cascarino Carina Gillespie Emily Shaw Nicole Radeschnig Christanne de Bruijn Vuokko Hovatta Anaïs Lueken Marisol Meneses Giovanna Moreira Lee Yea Eun Boq Kirk McDonald Christopher Fitzgerald James Gillan Logan Lipton Ted Ely Anthony Callea James D. Smith Edward Grey George Ure Iddon Jones Stefan Stara Niels Jacobs Antti Lang Kim Hammelsvang Henriksen Adam Sadwing Bruno Fraga Kim Dong Hyun Doctor Dillamond John Horton William Youmans Martin Ball Timothy Britten Parker David DeVries Rodney Dobson Glen Hogstrom Dale Rapley Steven Pinder Michael Gunther Jochem Feste Roozemond Heikki Sankari Kristian Boland Beto Torres Cesar Mello Cho Jung Keun Notes Kristy Cates began the 1st National Tour as Elphaba on March 8 , 2005 , while Block was out due to injury , and Block returned to the role on March 25 , 2005 . Victoria Matlock became the first standby for Elphaba on the first national tour on March 8 , 2006 . Laura Bell Bundy became the first standby for Glinda on Broadway in November 2003 . Neither US or UK & Irish national tour has / had a Glinda standby . Stephanie J. Block read the part of Elphaba while the show was being developed , but was eventually replaced by Menzel , who already had a Tony nomination under her belt . Nikki Davis - Jones , Liam Doyle , Dale Rapley and George Ure left the UK tour production in September 2014 after it finished its run at the Birmingham Hippodrome and were replaced by Ashleigh Gray , Samuel Edwards , Steven Pinder and Richard Vincent respectively from the Liverpool Empire until the tour closed at The Lowry , Salford in July 2015 . Due to the ill health of Jacqueline Hughes during the international tour , her standby Jodie Steele was credited in programmes as an alternate . Notable replacements ( edit ) Elphaba : Shoshana Bean , Caroline Bowman , Eden Espinosa , Stephanie J. Block , Jackie Burns , Kerry Ellis , Ana Gasteyer , Mandy Gonzalez , Caissie Levy , Lindsay Mendez , Julia Murney , Rachel Tucker , Jessica Vosk , Donna Vivino , Teal Wicks Glinda : Annaleigh Ashford , Laura Bell Bundy , Katie Rose Clarke , Amanda Jane Cooper , Megan Hilty , Kara Lindsay , Alli Mauzey , Carrie St. Louis , Jennifer Laura Thompson Fiyero : Taye Diggs , Andy Karl , Derek Klena , Kyle Dean Massey , Aaron Tveit , Ashley Parker Angel Nessarose : Kelli Barrett Madame Morrible : Carol Kane , Judy Kaye , Sheryl Lee Ralph Boq : Etai Benson , Alex Brightman , Robin de Jesús , Taylor Trensch The Wizard : Fred Applegate , Kevin Chamberlin , Ben Vereen , PJ Benjamin Notable cast members ( edit ) Louise Dearman is the first actress to date to have played both Glinda and Elphaba full time , having played Glinda from 2010 -- 2011 and Elphaba from 2012 - 2013 , both in the West End production . Marcie Dodd is the only actress to date to have played both Elphaba and Nessarose full time when she starred as Elphaba on Broadway after playing Nessarose in Los Angeles . Gina Beck was the first performer to play Glinda on both sides of the Atlantic ( West End and 1st National Tour productions ) . Willemijn Verkaik , who had created the role of Elphaba for the German and Dutch productions previously , joined the Broadway production for a limited run in 2013 , becoming the first actress to have appeared in three different language productions . Later that year , she transferred to the London company and made her West End debut . Jennifer DiNoia has played the role in four countries ( seven productions ) , more than any other actress and became the fourth actress to have played the role on both Broadway and the West End . Miriam Margolyes is the only actress to date to have played Madame Morrible in the West End ( original cast ) and on Broadway , when she repeated her performance at the Gershwin in 2008 . Tom McGowan is the only actor to date to have played The Wizard on both Broadway and the West End , when he joined the London company in 2015 . Suzie Mathers is the only actor to date to have played Glinda in both the UK and Australia . Willemijn Verkaik is the longest running Elphaba , having played the role over 2,000 times . Danna Paola is the youngest actress to play the role of Elphaba at 18 years old at the time of opening , with Sabrina Weckerlin ( Stand - By for the German production ) being the second youngest at 21 years old . In July 2017 , Sophie Evans became the youngest actress to play the role of Glinda on the West End , aged 24 at the start of her contract . Amy Goodwin , of the second UK tour , holds the rare distinction of covering both roles of Elphaba and Glinda on the same contract . On 25 April 2018 , she officially became the second person to play both roles . Since 23 July 2018 , identical twins , Luke and Tom Woollaston , star in the ensemble of two different productions of Wicked at the same time , with Luke appearing in the U.K. Tour and Tom appearing in the West End production . Musical cues ( edit ) Songs in bold are included on the Original Broadway Cast Recording . See Recordings for more information on the soundtrack . Act I # 1 -- `` Overture '' # 2 -- `` No One Mourns the Wicked '' # 2A -- `` Elphaba 's Entrance '' # 3 -- `` Dear Old Shiz '' # 3A -- `` Jeweled Shoes '' # 3B -- `` Let Her Go ! '' # 4 -- `` The Wizard and I '' # 5 -- `` What is this Feeling ? '' # 6 -- `` Something Bad '' # 6A -- `` Into Courtyard '' # 7 -- `` Dancing Through Life '' # 7A -- `` The Ozdust Dance '' # 8 -- `` Elphaba 's Dance '' # 9 -- `` Popular '' # 9A -- `` After Popular '' # 9B -- `` Save the Lion '' # 10 -- `` I 'm Not That Girl '' ( no # 11 , # 12 ) # 13 -- `` The Wizard and I ~ Reprise '' # 14 -- `` One Short Day '' # 14A -- `` I Am Oz '' # 15 -- `` A Sentimental Man '' # 16 -- `` Monkey Reveal '' # 17 -- `` Defying Gravity '' Act II # 17A -- `` Act II Opening '' ( called `` No One Mourns the Wicked ( Reprise ) '' for the CD ) # 18 -- `` Thank Goodness ~ Part 1 '' # 18A -- `` Thank Goodness ~ Part 2 '' # 18B -- `` Thank Goodness ~ Part 3 '' # 18C -- `` After Thank Goodness '' # 18D -- `` There 's Elphaba ! '' # 18E -- `` Wicked Witch of the East ~ Intro '' # 19 -- `` Wicked Witch of the East '' # 19A -- `` Ballroom Transition '' # 20 -- `` Wonderful '' # 20A -- `` Set Free The Monkeys '' # 20B -- `` Dillamond Discovered '' # 21 -- `` I 'm Not That Girl ~ Reprise '' # 22 -- `` As Long As You 're Mine '' # 22A -- `` The Cyclone '' # 22B -- `` Fiyero ! '' # 23 -- `` No Good Deed '' # 24 -- `` March of the Witch - Hunters '' # 24A -- `` The Letter '' # 24B -- `` For Good ~ Intro '' # 25 -- `` For Good '' # 26 -- `` The Melting '' # 27 -- `` A Sentimental Man ~ Reprise '' # 28 -- `` Finale '' # 29 -- `` Bows / Exit '' In the original cast recording , several tracks are combined into one recording under a single title ( i.e # 7 , # 7A , and # 8 as `` Dancing Through Life '' ) . # 19 is the only major piece to be omitted from the CD because the show 's producers felt the song included too much dialogue and would give some of the plot away to people who have not seen the show . Music and recordings ( edit ) Music analysis ( edit ) The Wicked overture The first 15 bars of the overture ; note the identical chord progression to `` As Long as You 're Mine '' Problems playing this file ? See media help . The score of Wicked is heavily thematic , bearing in some senses more resemblance to a film score than a traditional musical score . While many musical scores employ new motifs and melodies for each song with little overlap , Schwartz integrated a handful of leitmotifs throughout the production . Some of these motifs indicate irony -- for example , when Galinda presents Elphaba with a `` ghastly '' hat in `` Dancing through Life '' , the score reprises a theme from `` What is this Feeling ? '' a few scenes earlier , in which Elphaba and Glinda had espoused their mutual loathing . Two musical themes in Wicked run throughout the score . Although Schwartz rarely reuses motifs or melodies from earlier works , the first -- Elphaba 's theme -- came from The Survival of St. Joan , on which he worked as musical director . `` I always liked this tune a lot and I never could figure out what to do with it , '' he remarked in an interview in 2004 . The chord progression that he first penned in 1971 became a major theme of the show 's orchestration . By changing the instruments that carry the motif in each instance , Schwartz enables the same melody to convey different moods . In the overture , the tune is carried by the orchestra 's brass section , with heavy percussion . The result is , in Schwartz ' own words , `` like a giant shadow terrorizing you '' . When played by the piano with some electric bass in `` As Long As You 're Mine '' , however , the same chord progression becomes the basis for a romantic duet . And with new lyrics and an altered bridge , the theme forms the core of the song `` No One Mourns the Wicked '' and its reprises . Schwartz uses the `` Unlimited '' theme as the second major motif running through the score . Although not included as a titled song , the theme appears as an interlude in several of the musical numbers . In a tribute to Harold Arlen , who wrote the score for the 1939 film adaptation , the `` Unlimited '' melody incorporates the first seven notes of the song `` Over the Rainbow . '' Schwartz included it as an inside joke as , `` according to copyright law , when you get to the eighth note , then people can come and say , ' Oh you stole our tune . ' And of course obviously it 's also disguised in that it 's completely different rhythmically . And it 's also harmonized completely differently ... It 's over a different chord and so on , but still it 's the first seven notes of ' Somewhere Over the Rainbow ' '' . Schwartz further obscured the motif 's origin by setting it in a minor key in most instances . This also creates contrast in the songs in which it forms a part , for example in `` Defying Gravity '' , which is written primarily in the key of D - flat major . In the song `` The Wicked Witch of the East '' , however , when Elphaba finally uses her powers to let her sister walk , the `` Unlimited '' theme is played in a major key . Recordings ( edit ) See also : Wicked ( musical album ) A cast recording of the original Broadway production was released on December 16 , 2003 , by Universal Music . All of the songs featured on stage are present on the recording with the exception of `` The Wizard and I ( Reprise ) '' and `` The Wicked Witch of the East '' . The short reprise of `` No One Mourns the Wicked '' that opens Act II is attached to the beginning of `` Thank Goodness '' . The music was arranged by Stephen Oremus , who was also the conductor and musical director and James Lynn Abbott , with orchestrations by William David Brohn . The recording received the Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album in 2005 and was certified platinum by the RIAA on November 30 , 2006 . The album was certified double platinum on November 8 , 2010 . A fifth - anniversary special edition of the original Broadway cast recording was released on October 28 , 2008 , with a bonus CD including tracks from the Japanese and German cast recordings , `` Making Good '' -- a song later replaced by `` The Wizard and I '' -- sung by Stephanie J. Block with Schwartz at the piano , `` I 'm Not that Girl '' by Kerry Ellis ( featuring Brian May on guitar ) , Menzel 's dance mix of `` Defying Gravity '' and `` For Good '' sung by LeAnn Rimes and Delta Goodrem . A German recording of the Stuttgart production was released on December 7 , 2007 , featuring a track listing and arrangements identical to those of the Broadway recording . The Japanese cast recording was released on July 23 , 2008 , featuring the original Tokyo cast . It is notable for being the only Cast Album of the show that includes Glinda 's Finale dialogue . Orchestration ( edit ) A comparison between the original and reduced ( written for the 2005 national tour ) orchestrations Original Reduced Reed 1 : Piccolo , Flute , Alto Flute , Recorder , Pennywhistle in D Reed 2 : Oboe , English Horn , Bass Oboe Reed 3 : B ♭ Clarinet , E ♭ clarinet , Bass Clarinet , Soprano Saxophone Reed 4 : Flute , B ♭ Clarinet , Bassoon , Baritone Saxophone Reed 1 : Piccolo , Flute , Alto Flute , Soprano Recorder , Pennywhistle in D Reed 2 : Oboe , English horn Reed 3 : B ♭ Clarinet , E ♭ Clarinet , Bass Clarinet , Soprano Saxophone 2 Horns 2 Trumpets ( doubling on Flügelhorn ) 2 Trombones 1 Horn 2 Trumpets ( doubling on Flügelhorn ) 1 Trombone ( primarily Tenor , but doubling on Bass ) Drum Set ( including : Snare , Bass Drum , Kick Drum , Toms , Crash Cymbal , China Cymbal , Sizzle Cymbal , Ride Cymbal , Tambourine , Berimbau , and other auxiliary items ) Drum Set ( including : Snare , Bass Drum , Kick Drum , Toms , Crash Cymbal , China Cymbal , Sizzle Cymbal , Ride Cymbal , Tambourine , Berimbau , and other auxiliary items ) Percussion ( including : Glockenspiel , Vibraphone , Timpani , Chimes / Tubular Bells , Crotales , Tam - Tam , Taiko Drums , Triangle , and other various instruments ) Percussion ( including : Glockenspiel , Vibraphone , Timpani , Chimes / Tubular Bells , Crotales , Tam - Tam , Taiko Drums , Triangle , and other various instruments ) Guitar 1 ( Electric , Acoustic , E-bow , Banjo , and Mandolin ) Guitar 2 ( Electric , Acoustic , Banjo , 12 - String , and E-bow ) Guitar ( Electric , Acoustic , Classical , E-bow , Banjo , 12 - String , and Mandolin ) Violin 1 ( doubling on Electric Violin ) Violin 2 Viola Cello Bass ( doubling electric , fretless , and specifically Fender Bass ) Violin Cello Bass ( doubling electric , fretless , and specifically Fender Bass ) 1 Harp 3 Keyboards ( Piano , Rhodes / Suitcase , Electronic Piano , Strings , various Brass and Woodwind instruments , and other various sounds and combinations of sounds ) 4 Keyboards ( Piano , Rhodes / Suitcase , Electronic Piano , Strings , various Brass and Woodwind instruments , Sampled Harp Glissandi , and other combinations of sounds ) Productions ( edit ) Production Venue / Location Opening Night Closing Night Notes San Francisco Curran Theatre June 10 , 2003 June 29 , 2003 Debut production . Pre-Broadway try - out ; cast transferred to Broadway Broadway Gershwin Theatre October 30 , 2003 Currently running Longest running production so far ; original cast recording released 1st North American National Tour Various March 31 , 2005 March 15 , 2015 First location : Toronto , Canada . Opening night delayed due to the injury of Stephanie J. Block ; one of the longest - running Broadway musical tours in the US Chicago Ford Center - Oriental Theatre July 13 , 2005 January 25 , 2009 Transferred to 2nd North American National Tour West End Apollo Victoria Theatre September 27 , 2006 Currently running British premiere of Wicked . First full official production outside the US Los Angeles Pantages Theatre February 21 , 2007 January 11 , 2009 Transferred to San Francisco Tokyo The Dentsu - Shiki Theatre June 17 , 2007 September 6 , 2009 First Japanese - language and Asian replica production ( cast recording released ) ; Transferred to Osaka Stuttgart Palladium Theater November 15 , 2007 January 29 , 2010 First German - language production ( cast recording released ) ; Transferred to Oberhausen Melbourne Regent Theatre July 12 , 2008 August 9 , 2009 First Australian production ; Transferred to Sydney San Francisco Orpheum Theatre February 6 , 2009 September 5 , 2010 Second Californian production 2nd North American National Tour Various March 12 , 2009 Currently running First location : Fort Myers , Florida . Sydney Capitol Theatre September 12 , 2009 September 26 , 2010 Transferred to Australian National Tour Osaka Osaka Shiki Theatre October 11 , 2009 February 13 , 2011 Transferred to Fukuoka Oberhausen Metronom Theater March 5 , 2010 September 2 , 2011 Helsinki Helsinki City Theatre August 26 , 2010 May 4 , 2011 First non-replica production Copenhagen Det Ny Teater January 12 , 2011 May 29 , 2011 Non-replica production Australian National Tour QPAC , Brisbane Festival Centre , Adelaide Burswood Theatre , Perth January 25 , 2011 September 11 , 2011 Opening night delayed due to the Queensland floods ; transferred to Asian National Tour Fukuoka Canal City Theatre April 3 , 2011 August 28 , 2011 Transferred to Nagoya Nagoya Shin Nagoya Musical Theater September 25 , 2011 September 2 , 2012 Asian National Tour Grand Theater , Singapore / Bluesquare Samsung Electronics Hall December 9 , 2011 October 7 , 2012 English - language production ; Transferred to Australasian National Tour Scheveningen AFAS Circus Theater November 6 , 2011 January 11 , 2013 First Dutch - language production Tokyo The Dentsu - Shiki Theatre August 3 , 2013 November 16 , 2014 First revival production UK / IRE National Tour Various September 17 , 2013 July 25 , 2015 First location : Manchester , England Final location : Salford , England Australasian National Tour The Civic , Auckland , New Zealand CCP Main Theater , Manila , Philippines Melbourne , Sydney , Brisbane , Perth ; Australia September 21 , 2013 June 28 , 2015 First location : Auckland , New Zealand . Mexico City Teatro Telcel October 17 , 2013 January 18 , 2015 First Spanish - language replica production . Seoul Charlotte Theater November 22 , 2013 October 5 , 2014 First Korean - language replica production São Paulo Teatro Renault March 4 , 2016 December 18 , 2016 First Portuguese - language , first South American replica production ; holds the record for largest stage ever used by a production of Wicked . Sapporo Hokkaido Shiki Theatre May 3 , 2016 November 6 , 2016 Daegu Keimyung Arts Center May 18 , 2016 June 19 , 2016 First Korean - language revival production Cast transferred to Seoul Seoul Opera Theater at Seoul Arts Center July 12 , 2016 August 28 , 2016 First Korean - language revival production International Tour The Alhambra Theatre , Bradford Grand Theater , Singapore Lyric Theatre ( HKAPA ) , Hong Kong The Theatre at Solaire , Manila Shanghai Cultural Square , Shanghai Tianqiao Performing Arts Center , Beijing Guangzhou Opera House , Guangzhou July 13 , 2016 July 2 , 2017 English - language production Second UK / IRE National Tour Various November 15 , 2017 Currently running First location : Zurich , Switzerland ( originally planned as stop for International Tour ) Original Broadway production ( edit ) The original Broadway production has been at the Gershwin Theatre since its opening in 2003 . Wicked officially opened on June 10 , 2003 at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco , after previews began on May 28 , in a pre-Broadway tryout presented by SHN . The cast included Kristin Chenoweth as Glinda , Idina Menzel as Elphaba , Robert Morse as the Wizard , Norbert Leo Butz as Fiyero , Michelle Federer as Nessarose , Carole Shelley as Madame Morrible , John Horton as Doctor Dillamond , and Kirk McDonald as Boq while Stephanie J. Block , who originally read the role of Elphaba in workshop development , served as an ensemble member and understudied the lead role . The tryout closed on June 29 , 2003 , and after extensive retooling , the musical began previews on Broadway at the Gershwin Theatre on October 8 , 2003 , and made its official premiere on October 30 . Most of the original production team and cast members remained with the show , with the exception of some minor ensemble changes and the replacement of Robert Morse with Joel Grey as the Wizard , John Horton with William Youmans as Doctor Dillamond and Kirk McDonald with Christopher Fitzgerald as Boq , while Eden Espinosa and Laura Bell Bundy were added as standbys for Elphaba and Glinda respectively . North American productions ( edit ) In 2005 , the first national tour of Wicked ( called the `` Emerald City Tour '' by the producers ) started in Toronto , Ontario , and has since visited numerous cities throughout the United States and Canada . Stephanie J. Block was set to open the tour as Elphaba with previews beginning March 8 , but after having sustained a minor injury in rehearsal , Kristy Cates temporarily took her place . Previews were therefore postponed until the following day . After some delay , Block made her debut on March 25 , and the tour officially opened on March 31 . The original touring cast also included Kendra Kassebaum as Glinda , Derrick Williams as Fiyero , Jenna Leigh Green as Nessarose , Carol Kane as Madame Morrible , Timothy Britten Parker as Doctor Dillamond , Logan Lipton as Boq , and David Garrison as the Wizard . After a decade of shows , the tour concluded at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles on March 15 , 2015 . The tour played 4,160 performances at 124 engagements , and grossed over $790 million ( an average of $1.5 million a week ) . It was seen by 10.3 million people in 55 cities . The closing cast included Jennifer DiNoia as Elphaba , Chandra Lee Schwartz as Glinda , Nick Adams as Fiyero , Kim Zimmer as Madam Morrible , Tim Kazurinsky as The Wizard , Jenny Florkowski as Nessarose , Tom Flynn as Doctor Dillamond and Etai Benson as Boq . Wicked ran at the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco for almost two years . While the original touring cast intended to play a limited engagement from April 29 to June 12 , 2005 at the Oriental Theatre in Chicago , producers decided to extend it to an open - ended run , making it the first non-Broadway sit - down production of Wicked . Opening at the same Chicago theatre the day after the touring production had finished , the original Chicago cast included Ana Gasteyer as Elphaba , Kate Reinders as Glinda , Rondi Reed as Madame Morrible , Kristoffer Cusick as Fiyero , Telly Leung as Boq , Heidi Kettenring as Nessarose and Gene Weygandt as the Wizard . The production closed on January 25 , 2009 , after over 1,500 performances . The touring production returned to Chicago for a special engagement at the Cadillac Palace Theatre from December 1 , 2010 to January 23 , 2011 . In celebration of the musical 's 10th anniversary , the tour played an eight - week return engagement , returning to the Oriental Theatre , from October 30 through December 21 , 2013 . An open - ended production also appeared in Los Angeles , California at the Pantages Theatre . Performances began on February 10 , 2007 , with an official opening on February 21 . Megan Hilty and original Broadway standby Eden Espinosa were Glinda and Elphaba respectively while Carol Kane was Madame Morrible , Timothy Britten Parker was Doctor Dillamond , Jenna Leigh Green was Nessarose , Adam Wylie was Boq , Kristoffer Cusick was Fiyero , and John Rubinstein was the Wizard . The production closed on January 11 , 2009 , after 791 performances and 12 previews . The first national touring production returned to the Pantages Theatre for a limited engagement from November 30 , 2011 until January 29 , 2012 . Another engagement played at the Pantages Theatre for an extended run lasting from December 10 , 2014 until the tour 's closing performance on March 15 , 2015 . This LA production was also featured in `` Something Wicked This Way Comes '' , a 2007 episode of Ugly Betty , as the Broadway production of Wicked , which is a major setting and plot point of the episode . A San Francisco production of Wicked officially opened February 6 , 2009 , at SHN 's Orpheum Theatre , following previews from January 27 . The cast included Teal Wicks as Elphaba , Kendra Kassebaum as Glinda , Nicolas Dromard as Fiyero , Carol Kane as Madame Morrible , David Garrison as the Wizard , Deedee Magno Hall as Nessarose , Tom Flynn as Doctor Dillamond , and Eddy Rioseco as Boq . The production closed on September 5 , 2010 , after 672 performances and 12 previews with Marcie Dodd as Elphaba and Alli Mauzey as Glinda . The first national touring company ended their second San Francisco engagement at the Orpheum Theatre , which ran January 23 -- February 17 , 2013 . The second national tour of Wicked ( called the `` Munchkinland Tour '' ) began in 2009 with previews on March 7 and official opening night on March 12 at the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall in Fort Myers , Florida . Like the first , this touring production has since visited numerous cities throughout North America . The original cast starred Marcie Dodd as Elphaba , Heléne Yorke as Glinda , Colin Donnell as Fiyero , Kristine Reese as Nessarose , Marilyn Caskey as Madame Morrible , David deVries as Doctor Dillamond , Ted Ely as Boq and Tom McGowan as the Wizard . London ( edit ) Since its opening , the London production has played at the Apollo Victoria Theatre The West End production began previews at the Apollo Victoria Theatre from September 7 , and officially opened on September 27 , 2006 . The production celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2011 with a special curtain call featuring former West End cast members . The London production was tailored slightly for a British audience , including minor creative changes to dialogue , choreography and special effects . A majority of these changes were later incorporated into all productions of Wicked . The changes include Elphaba meeting Fiyero when he first arrives at Shiz University . In addition , the waltz between Elphaba and the Wizard during Wonderful was removed . The West End production reunited the show 's original creative team with Idina Menzel , who had originated the role of Elphaba in the Broadway production . Original London cast members included Helen Dallimore as Glinda , Miriam Margolyes as Madame Morrible , Adam Garcia as Fiyero , Martin Ball as Doctor Dillamond , James Gillan as Boq , Katie Rowley Jones as Nessarose and Nigel Planer as the Wizard . After her limited engagement , Menzel was succeeded by Kerry Ellis , who became the first British woman to play the role of Elphaba and the following year , the second actress to play Elphaba on both Broadway and in the West End productions . An autism - friendly performance was given on 14 May 2016 in conjunction with the National Autistic Society . Wicked London celebrated its 10th anniversary on September 27 , 2016 , with Rachel Tucker reprising her role . The cast also included Suzie Mathers and Anita Dobson . UK and Ireland tours ( edit ) The show began its first national tour of the UK and Ireland on September 12 , 2013 at the Palace Theatre in Manchester , where it is played to November 16 . It then played Dublin in 2013 , and in 2014 , Milton Keynes , Cardiff , Glasgow , Leeds , Birmingham , Liverpool , Southampton and Edinburgh . In 2015 , the tour visited Plymouth , Bristol , Sunderland and Aberdeen , before concluding in Salford on July 25 , 2015 . The original cast comprised former West End standby Nikki Davis - Jones as Elphaba , with former ensemble member of the West End production , Emily Tierney , as Glinda . Alongside them were Liam Doyle as Fiyero , Marilyn Cutts as Madame Morrible , Carina Gillespie as Nessarose and George Ure , who was reprising his role as Boq from the West End production . For the first time , the roles of The Wizard and Doctor Dillamond were played by a single actor , Dale Rapley . At the time , the only other actor to play both roles in a single performance was London 's David Stoller in November 2008 , but this was only due to the absence of several actors . Another former West End standby , Ashleigh Gray , took over as Elphaba for the tour 's second contract run , making her the second actress after Davis - Jones to have played the role in both the West End and the UK touring production . Originally , Davis - Jones was due to leave in order to return to the London company and lead its cast , however , it was later announced that , towards the end of her run in August 2014 she had withdrawn from the tour and subsequently would not be appearing in the West End . A second UK and Ireland Tour is due to begin in December 2017 and continue to run until at least January 2019 . Casting for the Tour was announced in September 2017 , with Wicked newcomer Amy Ross starring as Elphaba , and Helen Woolf - a former Glinda understudy in the West End and UK National Tour productions - starring as Glinda . Former International Tour cast members Iddon Jones ( Boq ) , Emily Shaw ( Nessarose ) , Kim Ismay ( Madame Morrible ) and Steven Pinder ( Doctor Dillamond & The Wizard ) reprise their previous roles , while the cast is rounded out by Wicked newcomer Aaron Sidwell as Fiyero . Nikki Bentley also joins the production as the Standby for Elphaba . International tour ( edit ) Wicked 's first International Tour opened on July 13 , 2016 at the Alhambra Theatre in Bradford , England . Jacqueline Hughes stars as Elphaba with Jodie Steele as her alternate , with Carly Anderson as Glinda and Bradley Jaden as Fiyero . A large portion of the cast are alumni from the previous UK and Ireland tour . After its stop in Bradford , the tour moved to Asia , first playing at the Grand Theater in Singapore . It then moved to the Lyric Theatre ( HK Academy of Performing Arts ) in Hong Kong , marking the first ever professional production of Wicked in Hong Kong . It is currently playing in Manila at The Theatre Solaire , marking Manila 's first professional production of Wicked . After its stop in Manila , the tour will head to Shanghai , Beijing , Guangzhou , and Istanbul . Further dates are unconfirmed . Australian productions ( edit ) Australian productions have played at the Regent Theatre , Melbourne ( left ) and the Capitol Theatre , Sydney ( right ) An Australian production officially opened on July 12 , 2008 , with previews commencing June 27 at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne . Amanda Harrison was originally cast as Elphaba , with Lucy Durack as Glinda . The original cast consisted of Rob Mills as Fiyero , Anthony Callea as Boq , Rob Guest as the Wizard , Maggie Kirkpatrick as Madame Morrible , Penny McNamee as Nessarose and Rodney Dobson as Doctor Dillamond . Guest unexpectedly died months into the Melbourne season , with the role being taken up by Bert Newton . Closing in Melbourne August 9 , 2009 , the show transferred to Sydney 's Capitol Theatre . Previews began on September 5 , 2009 , with the official opening on September 12 . Shortly into the run , Harrison was forced to leave the role of Elphaba , so current standby Jemma Rix and Australian theatre veteran Pippa Grandison began to share the role , each appearing in four shows per week . Eventually , it was confirmed that she would not be returning to the cast . Closing in Sydney September 26 , 2010 , the production embarked on a national Australian tour which began at the QPAC Lyric Theatre in Brisbane . After a two - week delay due to the Queensland floods , performances began January 25 , 2011 , and ran until April 2 . Rix became the sole lead Elphaba with David Harris joining as the new Fiyero . The touring production then moved to the Festival Centre in Adelaide , running from April 14 until June 4 , 2011 , with the final leg of the tour playing the Burswood Theatre in Perth , from June 19 to September 11 , 2011 , wrapping up more than three years of performances in Australia . An Asian tour began at Singapore 's Grand Theater in Marina Bay from December 6 , 2011 with Suzie Mathers taking over as Glinda opposite Rix . After the Singapore engagement of the tour closed April 22 , 2012 , performances began in Seoul , Korea from May 31 through October 6 , 2012 . The show then made its premiere in New Zealand , with previews taking place on September 17 , 2013 , and the official opening night on September 21 . The Auckland run concluded on November 24 , 2013 , where it played the Civic Theatre . The cast then moved on to the Main Theater of the Cultural Center of the Philippines in Manila on a limited run from January 22 through March 9 , 2014 after having been extended from its original closing date . At the time of the Wicked 's 10th Anniversary on Broadway , the show announced it would return to Australia for a commemorative national tour , beginning in Melbourne on May 10 , 2014 . Lucy Durack returned as Glinda , with Jemma Rix continuing as Elphaba . The final cast included Suzie Mathers ( who had returned once Durack announced her pregnancy ) as Glinda , Steve Danielsen as Fiyero , Simon Gallaher as the Wizard , Edward Grey as Boq , Emily Cascarino as Nessarose , Glen Hogstrom as Doctor Dillamond and original cast members Jemma Rix as Elphaba and Maggie Kirkpatrick as Madame Morrible . After seven years and close to 2,000 performances across 8 different cities internationally , Wicked closed indefinitely at the Burswood Theatre in Perth on June 28 , 2015 . The first licensed school production of the show was staged in Sydney by Kambala School ( in partnership with Sydney Grammar School , St Mary 's Cathedral College , Sydney Cranbrook School and Rose Bay Secondary College ) , directed by Mark Grandison . The production staged four shows from 8 to 12 August 2017 . Subsequent international productions ( edit ) A condensed thirty - minute version of the musical played at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka , Japan . Australian Jemma Rix was part of the original cast , alternating the role of Elphaba with Jillian Giaachi and Taylor Jordan . The show , which opened on July 12 , 2006 , featured the preliminary storyline of Act 1 but Fiyero , Madame Morrible , Boq , Nessarose and Doctor Dillamond were absent and there were considerable changes in sets and costumes . The final performance took place on January 11 , 2011 . The first replicated non-English and the first Asian production opened in Tokyo , Japan , on June 17 , 2007 with Hamada Megumi as Elphaba and Numao Miyuki as Glinda . The production closed on September 6 , 2009 , in preparation for its transfer to Osaka . After opening on October 11 , 2009 , the Osaka production closed on February 13 , 2011 , featuring Ebata Masae as Elphaba with Tomada Asako as Glinda . The production then moved again to Fukuoka on April 2 , 2011 where its original stars were Ebata Masae ( Elphaba ) and Numao Miyuki ( Glinda ) . After its closure in Fukuoka on August 28 , 2011 , the production re-located to Nagoya with performances beginning September 23 . It starred Masae Ebata and Asako Tomada as Elphaba and Glinda , respectively . Wicked re-opened in Tokyo at the Dentsu Shiki Theatre on August 3 , 2013 . The production closed on November 16 , 2014 . And the Production re-located to Sapporo in May 2016 . Renault Theater , stage of the Brazilian version of Wicked in São Paulo Renamed Wicked : Die Hexen von Oz ( Wicked : The Witches of Oz ) , the German production of Wicked began previews on November 1 , 2007 and opened on November 15 , at the Palladium Theater in Stuttgart . Willemijn Verkaik played Elphaba , Lucy Scherer played Glinda , Mark Seibert played Fiyero , Angelika Wedekind was Madame Morrible , Nicole Radeschnig was Nessarose , Stefan Stara was Boq , Michael Gunther was Doctor Dillamond , and Carlo Lauber played the Wizard . The production was produced by Stage Entertainment and closed on January 29 , 2010 , and transferred to Oberhausen where previews began at the Metronom Theater am CentrO on March 5 , 2010 , with an opening night of March 8 . The cast featured Willemijn Verkaik as Elphaba , Joana Fee Würz as Glinda , Barbara Raunegger as Madame Morrible , Mathias Edenborn as Fiyero , Janine Tippl as Nessarose , Ben Darmanin as Boq , Thomas Wissmann as Doctor Dillamond , and Carlo Lauber as the Wizard . Willemijn Verkaik left the role of Elphaba in February 2011 , after being consistently billed as lead for almost three and a half years between the Stuttgart and Oberhausen productions . The Oberhausen production closed on September 2 , 2011 . A brand new production , notable for not being a replica of the original Broadway staging , opened at the City Theatre in Helsinki , Finland on August 26 , 2010 after a preview performance took place on August 24 . Directed by Hans Berndtsson , the production stars Maria Ylipää as Elphaba , Anna - Maija Tuokko as Glinda , Tuukka Leppänen as Fiyero , Ursula Salo as Madame Morrible , Vuokko Hovatta as Nessarose , Antti Lang as Boq , Heikki Sankari as Doctor Dillamond , and Eero Saarinen as the Wizard . The second non-replicated production ran in Copenhagen , Denmark from January 12 until May 29 , 2011 , and was presented by Det Ny Teater . The cast included Annette Heick as Glinda , Maria Lucia Heiberg Rosenberg as Elphaba , John Martin Bengtsson as Fiyero , Marianne Mortensen as Madame Morrible , Anais Lueken as Nessarose , Kim Hammelsvang Henriksen as Boq , Kristian Boland as Doctor Dillamond and Steen Springborg as the Wizard . A Dutch - language production began previews at the Circustheater in Scheveningen , The Netherlands on October 26 , 2011 and was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties / Stage Entertainment . The official opening took place on November 6 . Willemijn Verkaik reprises her role of Elphaba from the German productions , becoming the first actress to play the role in two different languages . She is joined by Chantal Janzen as Glinda , Jim Bakkum as Fiyero , Pamela Teves as Madame Morrible , Christanne de Bruijn as Nessarose , Niels Jacobs as Boq , Jochem Feste Roozemond as Doctor Dillamond and Bill van Dijk in the role of the Wizard . As musicals do not usually run for a long open - ended run in the Netherlands , closing night took place as announced on January 11 , 2013 , following a 14 - month run . The first Spanish - language production opened in Mexico City , Mexico on October 17 , 2013 , following previews from October 10 . Produced by OCESA Teatro , the replica production plays at the Teatro Telcel . Former child star , Danna Paola , shares the role of Elphaba with Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa , making the 18 - year - old Paola the youngest actress in history to take on the role . They are both joined by Cecilia de la Cueva and Majo Pérez as Glinda , Jorge Lau as Fiyero , Anahi Allué as Madame Morrible , Marisol Meneses as Nessarose , Adam Sadwing as Boq and Beto Torres as Doctor Dillamond . Eugenio Montessoro was originally cast as the Wizard , but was replaced during previews by Paco Morales , for unknown reasons . Sebastian Treviño and Estibalitz Ruiz are recurrent Boq and Nessa Understudies and play the roles once a week . The first Korean - language production began performances in Seoul on November 22 , 2013 and is an all - new replica production . This production , located at the Charlotte Theater in Songpa , ran from November 22 , 2013 , to October 5 , 2014 . In November 2015 , the company `` Time For Fun '' , a leading company in the entertainment market in Latin America , announced the adaptation of the musical in Brazil , that debuted in March 2016 at the Renault Theatre in São Paulo . It is the largest stage that the musical has been mounted on yet . Film adaptation ( edit ) A film adaptation of Wicked had been in talks since 2004 , though producers were waiting for a dip in the stage musical 's earnings . Since 2012 , Universal Studios were reported to be producing the film with Stephen Daldry as director and Winnie Holzman , who wrote the musical 's book , to pen the screenplay . After long development , Universal announced in 2016 that the film will be released in theaters on December 20 , 2019 . Daldry is still scheduled to direct it , and the script is to be co-written by the musical 's creators , Holzman and Schwartz . Casting has yet to be announced . Response ( edit ) Awards and nominations ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by the musical Wicked The original Broadway production of Wicked was nominated for 10 Tony Awards in 2004 , including Best Musical ; Book ; Orchestrations ; Original Score ; Choreography ; Costume Design ; Lighting Design ; Scenic Design while receiving two nominations for Best Actress -- for Menzel and Chenoweth . Menzel won the Best Actress award , and the show also won the Tony Awards for Best Scenic Design and Best Costume Design , notably losing Best Book , Original Score and ultimately Best Musical to Avenue Q. The same year , the show won 6 Drama Desk Awards out of 11 nominations , including Outstanding Musical , Book , Director and Costume Design in addition to winning 4 Outer Critics Circle Awards out of 10 nominations . The original Broadway cast recording also received the 2005 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album . Subsequent productions have received awards and nominations . The West End production received 5 Laurence Olivier Award nominations and later won the Audience Award for Most Popular Show at the 2010 award ceremony . The original Australian production received 6 Helpmann Awards out of 12 nominations , including Best Musical . Wicked was named the Best Musical of the Decade by Entertainment Weekly magazine and hailed `` a cultural phenomenon '' by Variety magazine . While not technically an `` award '' , the character of Elphaba was named 79th on Entertainment Weekly 's list of The 100 Greatest Characters of the Past 20 Years . Critical reception ( edit ) Touring cast members in the curtain call at a show in Omaha , Nebraska The Broadway production opened on October 30 , 2003 , to mixed to positive reviews from theatre critics . Chenoweth received nearly unanimous praise for her performances as Glinda while Menzel received mixed - to - positive reviews for her performance as Elphaba . Both USA Today and Time Magazine gave the Broadway production of Wicked very positive reviews , with Richard Zoglin of Time saying , `` If every musical had a brain , a heart and the courage of Wicked , Broadway really would be a magical place . '' Elysa Gardner of USA Today described it as `` the most complete , and completely satisfying , new musical I 've come across in a long time . '' Conversely , Ben Brantley in the New York Times loved the production but panned the show itself , calling it a `` sermon '' that `` so overplays its hand that it seriously dilutes its power , '' with a `` generic '' score . He noted that Glinda is such a showy role that the audience ends up rooting for her rather than the `` surprisingly colorless '' Elphaba , who is `` nominally '' the hero . Despite these mixed reviews , interest in Wicked spread quickly by word - of - mouth , leading to record - breaking success at the box office , as described below . Speaking to The Arizona Republic in 2006 , Schwartz commented , `` What can I say ? Reviews are reviews ... I know we divided the critics . We did n't divide the audience , and that 's what counts . '' International productions have opened to similarly ambivalent critical reception . The West End production opened to a slightly more upbeat response . The majority of critics have appreciated the spectacle of the lavish production , and the `` powerhouse '' performances of actors in the roles of the two witches . However , contemporaries have characterized the production as overblown , occasionally preachy , and suffering from more hype than heart . Although Charles Spencer of The Daily Telegraph described it as `` at times ... a bit of a mess , '' he praised Holzman 's script , described Kenneth Posner 's lighting design as `` magical '' and lauded Menzel 's Elphaba and Helen Dallimore 's Glinda . Michael Billington of The Guardian gave it three out of five stars and remarked on the competence of all the lead actors ; however , he complained that Wicked was `` all too typical of the modern Broadway musical : efficient , knowing and highly professional but more like a piece of industrial product than something that genuinely touches the heart or mind '' . Paul Taylor of The Independent gave extremely negative remarks to his viewing of the London production , calling the attempt at topical political allegory `` well - meaning but also melodramatic , incoherent and dreadfully superficial '' while deploring the acting , songs and book , concluding that `` the production manages to feel at once overblown and empty . '' Commercial reception ( edit ) Playing at the Oriental Theatre for more than three years , the Chicago production continually broke box - office records . Since its opening in 2003 , the original Broadway production of Wicked has broken the house record at the Gershwin Theatre twenty times . It regularly grosses in excess of $1.6 million each week , making it one of the most lucrative productions on Broadway . With a $14 million capitalization , the Broadway production took 15 months to break even , earning back its initial investment by December 21 , 2004 . In its first year , it grossed more than $56 million . In the week ending January 1 , 2006 , Wicked broke the record , previously held by the musical The Producers , for the highest weekly box office gross in Broadway history , earning $1,610,934 . It has gone on to break its own record numerous times , reaching $1,715,155 in November 2006 , $1,839,950 , during the 2007 Christmas week , $2,086,135 for the week ending November 29 , 2009 , $2,125,740 just a few weeks later for the eight performances ending January 3 , 2010 , and over $2.2 million in the week ending January 2 , 2011 . In the first week of 2012 , the Broadway production broke a record again , earning $2.7 million . Wicked once again broke this record in the final week of 2012 when it grossed $2.9 million . In the final weekend of 2013 , Wicked became the first musical to gross $3 million in one week . Wicked 's productions across North America and abroad have been equally financially successful . The Los Angeles production took the local weekly gross record , again from a performance of The Producers , bringing in $1,786,110 in the week ending March 4 , 2007 . The production joined its Broadway counterpart in setting a new record over Christmas 2007 with $1,949,968 , with records also set in Chicago ( $1,418,363 ) , and St Louis ( $2,291,608 ) , to bring the collective gross of the seven worldwide productions to a world record - breaking $11.2 million . A new suite of records were set over Christmas 2010 , with house records broken in San Francisco ( $1,485,692 ) , Providence ( $1,793,764 ) and Schenectady ( $1,657,139 ) as well as Broadway , bringing the musical 's one - week gross in North America alone to $7,062,335 . Wicked played to more than 2 million visitors in Chicago with a gross of over $200 million , making it the highest - grossing show in Chicago history by June 2007 . With an opening - week gross of $1,400,000 , it continually set records and became the longest - running Broadway musical in Chicago history . Producer David Stone told Variety , `` we thought it ( the Chicago production ) would run 18 months , then we 'd spend a year in Los Angeles and six months in San Francisco ... but sales stayed so strong that the producers created another road show and kept the show running in Chicago . '' In addition , over 2.2 million saw the touring production in its first two years , which grossed over $155 million The Los Angeles production grossed over $145 million and was seen by more than 1.8 million patrons . Over the 672 performances of the San Francisco production , Wicked sold over 1 million tickets with a cumulative gross of over $75 million . While the Broadway production of Wicked welcomed its 5 millionth audience member on September 29 , 2010 , The Los Angeles production played at the Pantages Theatre for almost two years , grossing more than $145 million . International productions of Wicked have matched the extremely positive reception at the box - office . Although West End theatres do not publish audited weekly grosses , the West End production of Wicked claimed to take the record for highest one - week gross in December 2006 , taking £ 761,000 in the week ending December 30 . On June 23 , 2008 , the producers reported that over 1.4 million people had seen the London production since its opening , and grosses had topped £ 50 million ; The same reports stated that the show has consistently been one of the two highest - grossing shows in the West End . For the week commencing December 27 , 2010 , the London production grossed £ 1,002,885 , the highest single - week gross in West End theatre history , with over 20,000 theatregoers attending the nine performances of Wicked that week . The Melbourne production broke Australian box - office records , selling 24,750 tickets in three hours during pre-sales and grossing over $1.3 million on the first business day after its official opening . On April 27 , 2009 , the production passed the milestone of 500,000 patrons . When it transferred to Sydney , the production broke `` all previous weekly box office records for a musical at the Capitol Theatre , grossing $1,473,775.70 '' in one week during October 2009 . In the week ending October 17 , 2010 , Wicked became only the third musical in Broadway history to exceed $500 million in total gross . By seats sold on Broadway , it ranks tenth of all time . As of September 2011 , Wicked 's North American and international companies have cumulatively grossed nearly $2.5 billion and have been seen by nearly 30 million people worldwide . The original production still runs today and currently stands as the 6th longest - running Broadway show in history . Wicked celebrated its 1,000 th performance on Broadway on March 23 , 2006 . Several other productions have also reached the 1,000 th performance milestone , including the first North American touring company on August 15 , 2007 , the Chicago company on November 14 , 2007 , the West End company on February 14 , 2009 , the Australian company on May 7 , 2011 and the second North American touring company on August 4 , 2011 . Behind the Emerald Curtain ( edit ) The success of the Broadway production has led to the development of an auxiliary show , Behind the Emerald Curtain , created by Sean McCourt -- an original Broadway production cast member who played the Witch 's Father , among other roles , in addition to understudying the Wizard and Doctor Dillamond , before taking over the latter principal role -- and Anthony Galde who was a long - running swing in the Broadway company from 2004 to 2012 . The tour features a ninety - minute behind - the - scenes look at the props , masks , costumes and sets used in the show , and includes a question - and - answer session with the cast members . The Broadway tour is currently led by McCourt and long - running ensemble member and Glinda understudy Lindsay K. Northen . The tour also featured in the Los Angeles , San Francisco and Chicago sit - down productions , and were each run by different long - serving cast members of the show . The tour provides a behind the scenes look at what goes into putting on the show every day . Participants get a first hand account of what it is like to be a part of the massive production that Wicked is . To create Elphaba 's Green skin look , 40 pots a year of the commercially available MAC Chromacake landscape green make - up is used . It is water based for easy removal . In Popular culture ( edit ) The success of Wicked has made several of the show 's songs popular and has resulted in references to the show , characters , and songs in popular culture . The Broadway production has been featured in episodes of television programs , including Brothers & Sisters and The War at Home . For filming purposes , the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles doubled for the Gershwin Theatre on Broadway in Ugly Betty in an episode titled `` Something Wicked This Way Comes '' in which Betty , the show 's protagonist , goes to see Wicked on a date and accidentally stops the show . In the previous episode `` Brothers '' , Betty gets tickets to see Wicked and discusses with a friend how much she relates to Elphaba 's outcast status in a popularity and beauty - oriented environment ; In addition , The Simpsons episode `` Donnie Fatso '' sees Homer Simpson and Moe Szyslak accidentally sneak into a Springfield production of the show while the South Park episode `` Broadway Bro Down '' features Wicked and other musicals and have these shows contain subliminal messaging . In the episode , these messages persuade women into performing oral sex upon their spouse or boyfriend . Family Guy episode S15E09 , `` How the Griffin stole Christmas , '' jokes that all gays in town went to see the Wicked premiere in Quahog . The television series Glee has featured covers of songs from Wicked four times : firstly in the `` Wheels '' episode where two students ( Rachel and Kurt ) compete for a lead solo , using the song `` Defying Gravity '' , secondly in the `` New York '' episode where the same students duet on the Gershwin stage and sing `` For Good '' , on the show 's 100th episode , where three students sing `` Defying Gravity '' together and in the series ' penultimate episode , the same students sing `` Popular '' . On the show New Girl , a main character ( Winston ) sings the songs `` Popular '' and `` Defying Gravity '' on a trip to Mexico . A clip of the song `` Popular '' also plays in the 2009 movie Zombieland . Entertainer John Barrowman sang a version of `` The Wizard and I '' ( retitled `` The Doctor and I ) on his 2008 UK tour , with adapted lyrics referring to his Doctor Who and Torchwood character Jack 's affection for The Doctor . Kerry Ellis , who played Elphaba in the West End and on Broadway , recorded `` I 'm Not that Girl '' for the fifth anniversary edition of the original Broadway cast recording . She also recorded her own rock version of `` Defying Gravity '' . Both songs were produced by British musician Brian May and were featured on her extended play Wicked in Rock ( 2008 ) and debut album Anthems ( 2010 ) . She performed her version of `` Defying Gravity '' at the 2008 Royal Variety Performance alongside May on guitar . A dance remix of her rock version of `` Defying Gravity '' was later released in 2011 . Louise Dearman , who has played both Elphaba and Glinda in the West End , released an acoustic version of `` Defying Gravity '' for the Wicked edition of her album Here Comes the Sun . Her former co-star and London Elphaba Rachel Tucker also covered `` Defying Gravity '' on her debut album The Reason ( 2013 ) . Rapper Drake and singer Mika both sampled the musical 's song in their songs `` Popular '' and `` Popular Song '' respectively . American band Wheatus released an EP ' The Lightning EP ' in their ' Pop , Songs & Death ' series that was inspired by Wicked with heavy influences throughout including lyrics in `` Real Girl '' such as `` You were the perfect colour , Bright green lady '' with Elphaba and Scarecrow - like characters in the video . The cover art for the album was also bright green and included an Elphaba - style hat . Media as diverse as the anime series Red Garden , the daytime drama Passions and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer graphic novels have all parodied Wicked 's songs and characters . At the start of the second of three episodes of the miniseries , Tin Man ( another adaptation of Baum 's Ozian universe ) , protagonist DG refers to her father as `` Popsicle '' vice the more common names `` Pop '' or `` Pappi '' , echoing Galinda in her letter home at the start of `` What is this Feeling ? '' . Also , in the second episode of the ABC Family drama series Huge , one of the characters wears a `` Shiz University '' athletic Dept T - shirt , while Wicked and its `` long lines '' have been mentioned in the Nickelodeon series iCarly . The Broadway musical Shrek the Musical parodies the show 's Act I finale with `` What 's Up , Duloc ? '' ; character Lord Farquaad re-enacts `` Defying Gravity '' by proclaiming `` No one 's gon na bring me down '' followed by the legato belt while atop his castle . The end of the song `` Killer Instinct '' in Bring It On the Musical parodies the closing notes of `` No One Mourns the Wicked . '' The Oscar - winning song `` Let It Go '' from the successful 2013 Disney film Frozen , that also won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature , had been compared to `` Defying Gravity '' due to its similar theme and similar singing style , and was sung by the original Elphaba Idina Menzel . Willemijn Verkaik voiced the Dutch and German versions of the role of Elsa in Frozen and sang Let It Go in these two languages . This became another role originally played by Idina Menzel that Willemijn Verkaik played , following her success in the German , Dutch and English language productions of Wicked . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Wicked '' . Internet Broadway Database . Retrieved November 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Andrew Gans ( 2018 - 07 - 12 ) . `` Wicked Becomes 6th Longest - Running Show in Broadway History July 12 '' . Playbill . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked : The Show '' . Retrieved February 5 , 2014 . 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Broadwayworld.com . Retrieved December 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Carter , Kelley L. ( November 14 , 2009 ) . `` ' Wicked ' Actor Ready for 1,000 More Shows '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved November 17 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Now Longest - Running Musical in Chicago History '' . Broadwayworld.com . Wisdom Digital Media . June 21 , 2007 . Retrieved January 11 , 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` Wicked Hits 1000th Chicago Performance Nov. 14 '' . BroadwayWorld.com . November 7 , 2007 . Retrieved January 4 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Now Longest - Running Musical in Chicago History '' . BroadwayWorld.com . June 21 , 2007 . Retrieved November 9 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Oxman , Steven ( January 22 , 2007 ) . `` Touring Shows Stay in the Loop : Broadway in Chicago Boost Economy '' . Variety . Retrieved November 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Tickets '' . ticketdove.com . Archived from the original on December 17 , 2012 . Retrieved February 9 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Bids LA Farewell , Leaves Happy Fans and Broken Records in Its Wake '' . BroadwayWorld.com . January 12 , 2009 . Retrieved January 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Wiegand , David ( April 26 , 2010 ) . `` Curtain To Close on ' Wicked ' After 660 Performances '' . San Francisco Chronicle . p . E3 . Jump up ^ `` Photo Coverage : WICKED Celebrates 5 Million and Going Strong ! '' . Broadwayworld.com . Retrieved December 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Shenton , Mark ( October 31 , 2006 ) . `` Spinning the Grosses ... and Spinning the Gossip '' . The Stage . Archived from the original on September 30 , 2007 . Retrieved November 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked ' Sets Record ' for West End '' . BBC News . October 31 , 2006 . Retrieved November 8 , 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` Harriet Thorpe in Morrible in West End Wicked April 14 '' . Wicked The Musical ( UK ) . February 20 , 2008 . Retrieved April 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The hit musical Wicked reaches £ 50 million gross and continues to break records '' . West End production official site . June 23 , 2008 . Archived from the original on July 3 , 2008 . Retrieved July 3 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Sets New Box Office Record For London Theatres '' . Jump up ^ `` WICKED SETS NEW BOX OFFICE RECORD WITH A SINGLE WEEK GROSS OF OVER £ 1 MILLION , CROWNING A RECORD - BREAKING 2010 '' . Wicked the Musical . Archived from the original on July 24 , 2011 . Retrieved March 20 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` ' Wicked ' News '' wickedthemusical.com.au Archived July 22 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Wicked welcomes ist 500,000 th patron ! '' . Retrieved May 27 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Dodds , Troy. `` ' Wicked ' Breaks Records '' Archived December 6 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine ... Aussietheatre.com.au . October 15 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Grosses , Cumulative '' . Broadwayworld.com Jump up ^ `` WICKED - The Broadway Musical - Australia '' . Wickedthemusical.com.au . Retrieved September 18 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Longest Runs on Broadway '' . Playbill . August 14 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked Flies to 1,000 th Broadway Performance , March 23 '' . BroadwayWorld.com . March 16 , 2006 . Retrieved November 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Gans , Andrew ( August 15 , 2007 ) . `` Wicked Tour Celebrates 1,000 th Performance Aug. 15 '' . Playbill . Archived from the original on November 10 , 2007 . Retrieved February 12 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` WICKED CELEBRATES 1000th PERFORMANCE 14 FEBRUARY '' . Wicked Official website . February 16 , 2009 . Archived from the original on February 25 , 2009 . Retrieved April 23 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` WICKED -- The Broadway Musical -- Australia '' . Wickedthemusical.com.au . May 6 , 2011 . Archived from the original on October 3 , 2011 . Retrieved October 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Wicked 2nd National Tour ( FANPAGE ) '' . Facebook . Retrieved October 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Behind the Emerald Curtain '' . Broadway in Chicago . Archived from the original on January 21 , 2008 . Retrieved January 11 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Behind the Emerald Curtain official website '' . Behind the Emerald Curtain . Retrieved November 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Exclusive footage of Elphaba 's make - up process in Wicked '' . Daily Echo . Retrieved 2018 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Matriarchy '' . Brothers & Sisters . Season 1 . Episode 23 . 2007 - 05 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` WICKED GETS UGLY '' . London Theatre Direct . 30 October 2007 . Retrieved August 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Something Wicked This Way Comes '' . Ugly Betty . Season 2 . Episode 6 . November 1 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Brothers '' . Ugly Betty . Season 1 . Episode 15 . February 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Mika samples Wicked 's `` Popular '' in song about bullying and homophobia Archived May 18 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine. , Retrieved September 23 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` At Every Window '' . Red Garden . Season 1 . Episode 5 . October 31 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Whedon , Joss ( w ) , Jeanty , Georges ( p ) , Owens , Andy ( i ) . `` Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight '' The Long Way Home v3 , 1 ( May 21 , 2007 ) , Dark Horse Comics Jump up ^ Tin Man episode 2 , December 3 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Killer Instinct Bring it on the Musical . YouTube . September 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` ' Frozen ' : Defying meteorology '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved March 13 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Wicked ( musical ) Official production sites North America UK Japan Netherlands Singapore Behind the Emerald Curtain Official UK Facebook Page Official UK Twitter Profile Wicked at the Internet Broadway Database Wicked at Playbill Vault Wicked at MusicalSchwartz.com , the official Stephen Schwartz fan site 9 Things You Probably Did n't Know About Wicked the Musical The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Canonical books L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 1900 ) The Marvelous Land of Oz ( 1904 ) Ozma of Oz ( 1907 ) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz ( 1908 ) The Road to Oz ( 1909 ) The Emerald City of Oz ( 1910 ) The Patchwork Girl of Oz ( 1913 ) Tik - Tok of Oz ( 1914 ) The Scarecrow of Oz ( 1915 ) Rinkitink in Oz ( 1916 ) The Lost Princess of Oz ( 1917 ) The Tin Woodman of Oz ( 1918 ) The Magic of Oz ( 1919 ) Glinda of Oz ( 1920 ) Ruth Plumly Thompson The Royal Book of Oz ( 1921 ) Kabumpo in Oz ( 1922 ) The Cowardly Lion of Oz ( 1923 ) Grampa in Oz ( 1924 ) The Lost King of Oz ( 1925 ) The Hungry Tiger of Oz ( 1926 ) The Gnome King of Oz ( 1927 ) The Giant Horse of Oz ( 1928 ) Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz ( 1929 ) The Yellow Knight of Oz ( 1930 ) Pirates in Oz ( 1931 ) The Purple Prince of Oz ( 1932 ) Ojo in Oz ( 1933 ) Speedy in Oz ( 1934 ) The Wishing Horse of Oz ( 1935 ) Captain Salt in Oz ( 1936 ) Handy Mandy in Oz ( 1937 ) The Silver Princess in Oz ( 1938 ) Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz ( 1939 ) Others The Wonder City of Oz ( 1940 ) The Scalawagons of Oz ( 1941 ) Lucky Bucky in Oz ( 1942 ) The Magical Mimics in Oz ( 1946 ) The Shaggy Man of Oz ( 1949 ) The Hidden Valley of Oz ( 1951 ) Merry Go Round in Oz ( 1963 ) Yankee in Oz ( 1972 ) The Enchanted Island of Oz ( 1976 ) The Forbidden Fountain of Oz ( 1980 ) The Ozmapolitan of Oz ( 1986 ) The Wicked Witch of Oz ( 1993 ) The Giant Garden of Oz ( 1993 ) The Runaway in Oz ( 1995 ) The Rundelstone of Oz ( 2000 ) The Emerald Wand of Oz ( 2005 ) Trouble Under Oz ( 2006 ) Alternate Dorothy of Oz ( 1989 ) Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage ( 1995 ) Locations and elements Land of Oz Emerald City Munchkin Country Gillikin Country Winkie Country Quadling Country Yellow brick road Oogaboo Deadly Desert Nonestica Forest of Burzee Land of Ev Merryland Mo Ix Nome Kingdom Noland Ruby slippers Silver Shoes The Oz Film Manufacturing Company Characters Created by L. Frank Baum Dorothy Gale Toto Aunt Em Uncle Henry Princess Ozma The Wizard of Oz Scarecrow Tin Woodman Cowardly Lion Glinda , the Good Witch of the South Good Witch of the North Wicked Witch of the East Wicked Witch of the West Billina Glass Cat Hungry Tiger Jack Pumpkinhead Jellia Jamb Jinjur John Dough Mombi Munchkins Boq Ojo the Lucky Nine Tiny Piglets Nome King Pastoria Patchwork Girl Peter Brown Pigasus Polychrome Queen Lurline Shaggy Man Soldier with the Green Whiskers Tik - Tok Trot Winged monkeys Woggle - Bug Created by other writers Jinnicky the Red Jinn Kabumpo Other writers Authors John R. Neill Jack Snow Rachel Cosgrove Payes Eloise Jarvis McGraw Dick Martin Alexander Volkov Gregory Maguire Sherwood Smith Roger S. Baum Illustrators William Wallace Denslow Frank Kramer Dirk Gringhuis Dick Martin Eric Shanower William Stout Adaptations and other derivative works Films The Fairylogue and Radio - Plays ( 1908 ) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 1910 ) Dorothy and the Scarecrow in Oz ( 1910 ) The Land of Oz ( 1910 ) John Dough and the Cherub ( 1910 ) The Patchwork Girl of Oz ( 1914 ) The Magic Cloak of Oz ( 1914 ) His Majesty , the Scarecrow of Oz ( 1914 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1925 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1933 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1939 ) Return to Oz ( 1964 ) The Wonderful Land of Oz ( 1969 ) Ayşecik ve Sihirli Cüceler Rüyalar Ülkesinde ( 1971 ) Journey Back to Oz ( 1974 ) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 1975 ) The Wiz ( 1978 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1982 ) Return to Oz ( 1985 ) Dorothy Meets Ozma of Oz ( 1987 ) The Dreamer of Oz : The L. Frank Baum Story ( 1990 ) Lion of Oz ( 2000 ) The Muppets ' Wizard of Oz ( 2005 ) Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz ( 2011 ) Dorothy and the Witches of Oz ( 2011 ) After the Wizard ( 2011 ) Oz the Great and Powerful ( 2013 ) Legends of Oz : Dorothy 's Return ( 2014 ) Ozland ( 2014 ) Guardians of Oz ( 2015 ) Tom and Jerry : Back to Oz ( 2016 ) Stage The Wizard of Oz ( 1902 ) The Woggle - Bug ( 1905 ) The Tik - Tok Man of Oz ( 1913 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1942 ) The Wiz ( 1974 ) The Marvelous Land of Oz ( 1981 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1987 ) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 2000 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 2011 ) The Woodsman ( 2012 ) Television Tales of the Wizard of Oz ( 1961 ) Off to See the Wizard ( 1967 ) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 1986 ) The Wizard of Oz ( 1990 ) The Oz Kids ( 1996 ) Lost in Oz ( 2002 ) Once Upon a Time ( since 2011 ) The Wiz Live ! ( 2015 ) Lost In Oz ( 2015 ) Emerald City ( 2017 ) Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz ( 2017 ) Comics Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz ( 1904 -- 05 ) Adventures in Oz ( 1986 -- 92 ) The Enchanted Apples of Oz ( 1986 ) Oz Squad ( 1991 ) Lost Girls ( 1991 -- 92 ) Oz ( 1994 ) Dorothy of Oz ( 2006 ) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ( 2009 ) Video games The Wizard of Oz ( 1993 ) The Wizard of Oz : Beyond the Yellow Brick Road ( 2008 ) Emerald City Confidential ( 2009 ) Parodies The Wozard of Iz Os Trapalhões eo Mágico de Oróz The Wonderful Wizard of Ha 's Wizard of Odd Reimagining The Wizard of Mars ( 1965 ) Hunter ( 1973 ) Zardoz ( 1974 ) Oz ( 1976 ) The Number of the Beast ( 1980 ) A Barnstormer in Oz ( 1982 ) The Wizard of A.I.D.S. ( 1987 ) The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz ( 1990 ) Twister ( 1994 ) The Dark Tower IV : Wizard and Glass ( 1997 ) Tin Man ( 2007 ) Dorothy Must Die ( 2014 ) The Wicked Will Rise ( 2015 ) The Wicked Years Wicked Son of a Witch A Lion Among Men Out of Oz Wicked ( musical ) Characters Others Rainbow Road to Oz MÄR The Wizard of Oz ( pinball ) The Wizard of Oz ( arcade game ) Ozma ( album ) Related The International Wizard of Oz Club The Baum Bugle Portal The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire Books Wicked Son of a Witch A Lion Among Men Out of Oz Characters Elphaba Glinda Wizard of Oz Boq Nessarose Stage adaptation Wicked awards and nominations album Songs `` No One Mourns the Wicked '' `` Dear Old Shiz '' `` The Wizard and I '' `` What is this Feeling ? '' `` Dancing Through Life '' `` Popular '' `` I 'm Not that Girl '' `` A Sentimental Man '' `` Defying Gravity '' `` No One Mourns the Wicked ( Reprise ) '' `` Thank Goodness '' `` Wonderful '' `` I 'm Not That Girl ( Reprise ) '' `` No Good Deed '' `` For Good '' Stephen Schwartz Music and lyrics Godspell Pippin The Magic Show The Baker 's Wife Working Children of Eden Wicked Captain Louie Séance on a Wet Afternoon The Prince of Egypt Lyrics MASS Rags Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Film work Butterflies Are Free ( title song ) Pocahontas ( lyrics ) The Hunchback of Notre Dame ( lyrics ) The Prince of Egypt ( songs ) Enchanted ( lyrics ) Television Geppetto ( music and lyrics ) Johnny and the Sprites ( theme song ) Awards for Wicked Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Musical The Wiz ( 1975 ) A Chorus Line ( 1976 ) Annie ( 1977 ) Ai n't Misbehavin ' ( 1978 ) Sweeney Todd ( 1979 ) Evita ( 1980 ) The Pirates of Penzance ( 1981 ) Nine ( 1982 ) Little Shop of Horrors ( 1983 ) Sunday in the Park with George ( 1984 ) The Mystery of Edwin Drood ( 1986 ) Les Miserables ( 1987 ) Into the Woods ( 1988 ) Jerome Robbins ' Broadway ( 1989 ) City of Angels ( 1990 ) The Secret Garden ( 1991 ) Crazy for You ( 1992 ) Kiss of the Spider Woman ( 1993 ) Passion ( 1994 ) Show Boat ( 1995 ) Rent ( 1996 ) The Life ( 1997 ) Ragtime ( 1998 ) Parade ( 1999 ) Contact ( 2000 ) The Producers ( 2001 ) Thoroughly Modern Millie ( 2002 ) Hairspray ( 2003 ) Wicked ( 2004 ) Spamalot ( 2005 ) The Drowsy Chaperone ( 2006 ) Spring Awakening ( 2007 ) Passing Strange ( 2008 ) Billy Elliot the Musical ( 2009 ) Memphis ( 2010 ) The Book of Mormon ( 2011 ) Once ( 2012 ) Matilda the Musical ( 2013 ) A Gentleman 's Guide to Love and Murder ( 2014 ) Hamilton ( 2015 ) Shuffle Along ( 2016 ) Come from Away ( 2017 ) SpongeBob SquarePants ( 2018 ) Helpmann Award for Best Musical The Boy from Oz ( 2001 ) Mamma Mia ! ( 2002 ) Cabaret ( 2003 ) The Lion King ( 2004 ) The Producers ( 2005 ) The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee ( 2006 ) Keating ! ( 2007 ) Billy Elliot the Musical ( 2008 ) Wicked ( 2009 ) Jersey Boys ( 2010 ) Mary Poppins ( 2011 ) A Chorus Line ( 2012 ) Legally Blonde ( 2013 ) The King and I ( 2014 ) Les Misérables ( 2015 ) Matilda the Musical ( 2016 ) The Book of Mormon ( 2017 ) Laurence Olivier Audience Award for Most Popular Show The Phantom of the Opera ( 2002 ) Wicked ( 2010 ) We Will Rock You ( 2011 ) Les Misérables ( 2012 ) Billy Elliot the Musical ( 2013 ) Les Misérables ( 2014 ) Wicked ( 2015 ) The Phantom of the Opera ( 2016 ) GND : 7863196 - 8 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wicked_(musical)&oldid=856287044 '' Categories : 2003 musicals Broadway musicals Laurence Olivier Award - winning musicals Musicals based on novels Oz in stage and film productions West End musicals The Wicked Years Fantasy theatre Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs Articles containing Japanese - language text CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) Articles with German - language external links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from May 2016 Use mdy dates from February 2015 Pages with timeline metadata Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016 Good articles Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Hrvatski Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Tagalog Українська 中文 17 more Edit links This page was last edited on 24 August 2018 , at 04 : 33 ( UTC ) . 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who wins more often on love it or list it
Season Start date End date Episodes Hilary wins David wins September 8 , 2008 January 5 , 2009 12 9 April 6 , 2009 December 7 , 2009 18 10 8 May 3 , 2010 November 8 , 2010 21 9 12 March 14 , 2011 November 11 , 2011 19 12 7 5 February 20 , 2012 November 19 , 2012 18 10 8 6 January 19 , 2013 July 1 , 2013 14 8 6 7 January 8 , 2014 April 9 , 2014 14 11 8 September 8 , 2014 January 19 , 2015 16 8 8 9 March 9 , 2015 December 7 , 2015 22 13 9 Total 154 90 64
Love It or List It
love it or list it
Love It or List It Genre Reality renovations , upgrading Created by Maria Armstrong Catherine Fogarty Directed by Various Starring Hilary Farr David Visentin Narrated by Jacqueline Hennessy Theme music composer Lou Pomanti Country of origin Canada United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 10 No. of episodes 130 ( List of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Maria Armstrong Catherine Fogarty Producer ( s ) Maria Armstrong Production location ( s ) Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Raleigh -- Durham , North Carolina , United States Running time 44 minutes Production company ( s ) Big Coat Productions Release Original network W Network HGTV Original release September 8 , 2008 -- present External links Website Production website Love It or List It is a Canadian home design TV show currently airing on HGTV , W Network , and on OWN Canada , and is the original show in the Love it or List It franchise . The show is produced by Big Coat Productions and was based in Toronto and other surrounding areas in Ontario , Canada . The show premiered as a primetime program on W Network on September 8 , 2008 , and has since aired on OWN Canada as well as HGTV in the United States . In September 2014 , the show began filming in the United States in North Carolina . In September 2017 , HGTV ordered 20 additional episodes of the program . The next season is to start airing in June 2018 . Contents 1 Format 2 Host and crew 3 Episodes 4 Franchise 5 International syndication 6 Reception 7 Controversy 8 References 9 External links Format ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( November 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Every episode of Love It or List It follows the same formula . A couple ( usually , but not in all cases ) presents their living situation in the current house that they own . In most episodes , the couple is split on whether or not they want to stay in the house . Interior designer Hilary Farr and real estate agent David Visentin tour the couple 's home before meeting with them . The tour usually consists of David finding mostly negative things to say about the residence while Hilary is convinced that she can work magic with whatever plans she is given . At the meetup between the couple and the hosts of the show , both Hilary and David are briefed as to what the couple 's desires are . Hilary is given a list of renovations the couple wants for the current house and her budget for the entire project . David , meanwhile , is tasked with searching for a new home for the couple that both meets their needs and stays within their desired budget . Common challenges faced by Hilary are an inadequate budget to complete the entire request list from the homeowners , often due to discovery of unforeseen issues with the house that are uncovered during the renovation such as lack of compliance with modern building codes . Common issues for David , meanwhile , depend on the homeowners ' desires ; for instance , the couple has children enrolled in the neighborhood school and they do not desire to change , or the potential house is too distant from family members or a workplace . After Hilary 's renovation is complete , the homeowners are given a tour of their current home to see what she was able to accomplish . After the tour , David meets with them and hands them an evaluation of the home 's current market value following the renovations . He will then remind the couple what they could have in one of the new homes they looked at and that they would not get that in their current home . The homeowners then meet with Hilary and David , who pose a question to them : The homeowners must choose either to `` Love It , '' meaning that they will continue to live in their current home with the renovations , or to `` List It , '' meaning that they will buy one of the homes David showed them and sell their current home . At this stage , all else being equal Hilary is at a theoretical disadvantage : Although Hilary 's renovations increase the attractiveness of her `` Love It '' option by improving the current home 's livability , they simultaneously increase the attractiveness of David 's `` List It '' option by increasing the current home 's resale value and thereby decreasing the net cost of acquiring any given new home that he proposes . By contrast , David 's efforts to maximize the attractiveness of his `` List It '' option do not provide Hilary any offsetting benefit increasing the attractiveness of her `` Love It '' option . Despite this disadvantage , as of the end of Season 9 Hilary leads by an overall tally of 90 `` Love Its '' against 64 `` List Its . '' After a moment to deliberate , the homeowners reveal their decision and explain their reasoning to Hilary and David . If the homeowners decide to `` List It , '' Hilary generally reacts with equanimity and expresses a desire for their best interest , whereas if they decide to `` Love It , '' David frequently reacts with incredulity , questioning their reasoning and / or giving at least the impression of taking their decision personally . The parties then bid each other farewell , with closing footage of Hilary and David continuing to react and occasionally continuing their bout of one - upmanship . Host and crew ( edit ) Hosts Hilary Farr -- Hilary Farr is a home designer from Toronto , Ontario . She has lived in Australia , England , California , and New York City . Farr honed her skills on properties in Los Angeles , Santa Barbara , New York and Toronto . When she first moved back to Toronto , she became the first designer to `` stage '' properties for sale . She continues to build and design homes in the downtown core where she herself owns properties . David Visentin -- David Visentin is a real estate agent in Southern Ontario with Country Living Realty Limited . He has been practicing since 1987 . Assistant Designer Desta Ostapyk ( Canadian episodes ) -- Desta is a Toronto - based designer who graduated in 2004 from the Toronto International Academy of Design and Technology in Interior Design , and has since focused on a career in the Television Industry . She first started working with Big Coat Productions during her last semester of school as an intern for HGTV 's hit series My Parents House . She soon became the Design Stylist for the show . Contractors Eric Eremita ( North Carolina episodes ) -- General contractor and designer Eric Eremita was selected to be the one and only general contractor on HGTV 's `` Love It or List It '' U.S. version , after HGTV network took notice of him when he competed in its `` Brother vs. Brother '' reality show . Eddie Richardson ( Canadian episodes ) -- Eddie Richardson was a contractor on Love It or List It who started his own family business . Richardson has also been a pro-beach volleyball player and professional bass fisherman . Fergus McLaren ( Canadian episodes ) -- Fergus McLaren started up his own construction company , R - Mac Solutions , 10 years ago . Behind the Scenes Architect : Simon West Senior Production Coordinator : Linda Johnstone Construction Coordinator : David Violante Construction Assistants : Chris Blinn , Adam Dalgarno , Ahren Mrowietz , Dale George Design Coordinator : Kaaveh Shoman Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Love It or List It episodes Season Start date End date Episodes Hilary wins David wins September 8 , 2008 January 5 , 2009 12 9 April 6 , 2009 December 7 , 2009 18 10 8 May 3 , 2010 November 8 , 2010 21 9 12 March 14 , 2011 November 11 , 2011 19 12 7 5 February 20 , 2012 November 19 , 2012 18 10 8 6 January 19 , 2013 July 1 , 2013 14 8 6 7 January 8 , 2014 April 9 , 2014 14 11 8 September 8 , 2014 January 19 , 2015 16 8 8 9 March 9 , 2015 December 7 , 2015 22 13 9 Total 154 90 64 Victories for Hilary are families or clients who decided to love their home and stay . Victories for David are families and clients who decided to list and move into a new or better home . Franchise ( edit ) Main article : Love It or List It ( franchise ) Love It or List It has spawned five spinoffs . The first , known as Love It or List It Vancouver ( or Love it or List it Too in the US ) , was launched in winter 2012 and is hosted by Jillian Harris and Todd Talbot . The second spin - off , a British version known as Love It or List It UK , debuted in 2015 , is hosted by Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer . The third spin off , Love It or List It Vacation Homes debuted in spring 2016 and is hosted by Dan Vickery and Elisa Goldhawke . A fourth spin off , Vendre ou renover au Quebec debuted in January 2017 and is hosted by Maika Desnoyers and Daniel Corbin . The fifth spin off , Love It Or List It Australia , debuted in September 2017 and is hosted by Andrew Winter and Neale Whittaker . International syndication ( edit ) Country / Region Name Television Network Dubbing / Subtitles Australia Love It or List It Lifestyle Home N / A Canada Love It or List It W Network N / A USA Love It or List It HGTV N / A Spain Tu casa a juicio Divinity Spanish Brazil Ame - a ou Deixe - a Discovery Home & Health Portuguese Norway Bolighjelpen TV 2 ( Norway ) Norwegian Bulgaria Podnovi ili proday Fox Life ( Bulgaria ) Bulgarian Italy Prendere o lasciare Cielo dubbed in Italian Poland Pokochaj lub sprzedaj Vancouver WP lector Reception ( edit ) On August 31 , 2010 , Love It or List It was nominated for two Gemini Awards : Best Reality Program or Series and Best Direction in a Reality Program or Series . When HGTV premiered the show on the network , the company stated that Love It or List It has been the highest rating reality series since Candice Olson 's Candice Tells All . In 2012 , New York Times ' columnist Gail Collins noted that it was US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 's favorite TV show . According to Collins , Clinton finds the show `` very calming '' after being interviewed about her departure from politics . In a 2013 interview with Las Vegas Magazine , Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune said it was one of her favourite HGTV programs . Actress Julianne Moore also gave similar praise for the show in an interview with Katie Couric and the Daily Mail . According to the Wall Street Journal , the show and its Vancouver spinoff is one of Canada 's beloved reality series . Controversy ( edit ) In April 2016 , homeowners Deanna Murphy and Tim Sullivan who had participated in a 2015 Love It or List It episode filed suit against production company Big Coat TV , as well as the North Carolina contractor ( Aaron Fitz Construction ) who had been hired by the show to do the renovations on their home . The couple alleges that the renovation funds that they provided were not properly disbursed , and that the work on their home was done to a substandard quality . Moreover , the lawsuit states that the television personalities on the show do not play an active role in the renovation process , and that they were not shown homes on the market by any licensed North Carolina real estate agent . Big Coat TV has commented that they `` do intend to vigorously defend what ( they ) consider to be false allegations . '' The suit was settled in April 2017 . The plaintiffs had signed a confidentiality agreement ; their lawyer would not comment on the settlement . Big Coat had previously filed a countersuit for libel , slander and product disparagement ; parts of that suit had been dismissed by the time of the settlement but that was under appeal by Big Coat . After the agreements had been concluded , both suits were dismissed . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ http://www.bigcoatproductions.com/blog/post/love-it-or-list-it-is-on-the-move-to-the-us . Big Coat Productions . Retrieved 12 December 2014 Jump up ^ `` HGTV Orders 20 New Episodes of Hit Series ' Love It or List It ' Scripps Networks Interactive Newsroom '' . newsroom.scrippsnetworksinteractive.com . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 02 . Jump up ^ https://www.hgtv.com/shows/love-it-or-list-it/episodes Jump up ^ Host Bios ; Hilary Farr `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on July 18 , 2011 . Retrieved June 10 , 2011 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ Host Bios ; David Visentin `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on July 18 , 2011 . Retrieved June 10 , 2011 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Big Coat Productions '' . Big Coat Productions . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2013 . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Love it or List it launches new spin off Jump up ^ `` Kirstie and Phil 's Love It or List It will return for a second series : Channel 4 orders six more episodes of the show to air in 2016 '' . Digital Spy. 2 June 2015 . Retrieved 14 March 2016 . Jump up ^ http://www.bigcoatmedia.com/ Jump up ^ http://www.hgtv.ca/tags/love-it-or-list-it-vacation-homes/ Jump up ^ http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/i-fear-pineapples-are-very-much-the-new-owls-love-it-or-list-it-hosts-kiss-and-tell-on-renos/news-story/935d73b586c68943a6a455f02354bef9 Jump up ^ Vlessing , Etan ( November 28 , 2011 ) . `` HGTV Acquires Canadian Lifestyle Series ' Love It Or List It ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Jump up ^ W Network 's Top Rated Show ; http://corusent.com/home/Corporate/PressReleases/tabid/1697/Default.aspx?Id=2323 Jump up ^ Maga , Carly ( March 29 , 2012 ) . `` Hillary Clinton 's favorite show is Canada 's ' Love It Or List It ' '' . Ca.omg.yahoo.com . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Miller , Julie . `` Hillary Clinton 's Unlikely Favorite TV Show Revealed '' . Vanity Fair . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Vanity Fair : Hillary Clinton 's Unlikely Favorite TV Show Revealed '' . Huffingtonpost.com . November 13 , 2012 . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Hillary Clinton likes ' Love It or List It ' '' . Politico.Com . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Love it or list it News , Video and Gossip '' . Jezebel . November 11 , 2012 . Retrieved March 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Collins , Gail ( November 10 , 2012 ) . `` Hillary 's Next Move '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ `` Q&A WITH VANNA WHITE '' . Las Vegas Magazine . September 13 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Daily Mail . London http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-2376232/Julianne-Moore-My-50s-important-years.html . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Julianne Moore Opens Up About Her Family '' . KatieCouric.com . Retrieved August 17 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` W Network Announces Return of Home - grown Favourites in Fall 2013 Lineup '' . The Wall Street Journal . July 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ https://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2017/05/lawsuit-against-producer-of-love-it-or-list-it.html Jump up ^ CNN , Lisa Respers France . `` ' Love It or List It ' homeowners file suit '' . CNN . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` ' Love It Or List It ' homeowners sue over Raleigh renovation '' . miamiherald . Retrieved 2016 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` '' Raleigh property owners settle lawsuit with ' Love It or List It ' `` '' . News & Observer . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 26 . Jump up ^ http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article150134792.html Jump up ^ https://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2017/05/lawsuit-against-producer-of-love-it-or-list-it.html External links ( edit ) Love It or List It on HGTV Love It or List It on W Network Love It or List It at the Internet Movie Database Love It or List It franchise Love It or List It Hosts Hilary Farr David Visentin Other Episodes Love It or List It Vancouver Hosts Jillian Harris Todd Talbot Love It or List It UK Hosts Kirstie Allsopp Phil Spencer Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Love_It_or_List_It&oldid=861819419 '' Categories : Love It or List It 2008 Canadian television series debuts 2000s Canadian reality television series Television series produced in Toronto 2010s Canadian reality television series Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Archived copy as title Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs Use mdy dates from February 2014 Articles needing additional references from November 2016 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Edit links This page was last edited on 30 September 2018 , at 07 : 36 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who sings the song come and get your love
`` Come and Get Your Love '' is a 1974 hit single by the Native American rock band Redbone . The song was written by band member Lolly Vegas and produced by Lolly and his brother Pat Vegas , who was also a band member . One of their most successful singles , the song was originally featured on Redbone 's 1973 album , Wovoka ; later the song appeared on many `` greatest hits '' albums released by the band , as well as on numerous compilation albums of the 1970s .
Come and Get Your Love
come and get your love
`` Come and Get Your Love '' is a 1974 hit single by the Native American rock band Redbone . The song was written by band member Lolly Vegas and produced by Lolly and his brother Pat Vegas , who was also a band member . One of their most successful singles , the song was originally featured on Redbone 's 1973 album , Wovoka ; later the song appeared on many `` greatest hits '' albums released by the band , as well as on numerous compilation albums of the 1970s .
The song peaked at number 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in April 1974 . It spent 18 weeks in the Top 40 and landed as the 4th most popular song on the Hot 100 for 1974 . The single was certified gold by the RIAA on April 22 , 1974 , which indicates that it had shipped over a million copies in the United States . The song is Redbone 's highest charting single and one of two Top 40 hits by the band ( an earlier recording , `` The Witch Queen of New Orleans '' , peaked at number 21 in 1972 ) . `` Come and Get Your Love '' also exists in a longer version , with an introductory slow part , plus a longer repeated coda . However , most radio stations rarely play it on the air . The song features a prominent part for electric sitar . Contents ( hide ) 1 Chart performance 1.1 Weekly singles charts 1.2 Year - end charts 2 Real McCoy version 2.1 Charts 3 Cover versions 4 In popular culture 5 Personnel 6 References 7 Bibliography Chart performance ( edit ) Weekly singles charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1974 ) Peak position U.S. Billboard Hot 100 5 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1974 ) Rank U.S. Billboard Real McCoy version ( edit ) `` Come and Get Your Love '' Single by Real McCoy from the album Another Night Released June 29 , 1995 Format CD Genre Euro disco R&B Length 3 : 14 Label Arista Songwriter ( s ) Lolly Vegas Producer ( s ) Douglas Carr Per Adebratt Tommy Ekman David Brunner Real McCoy singles chronology `` Love & Devotion '' ( 1995 ) `` Come and Get Your Love '' ( 1995 ) `` Sleeping with an Angel / Ooh Boy '' ( 1995 ) `` Love & Devotion '' ( 1995 ) `` Come and Get Your Love '' ( 1995 ) `` Sleeping with an Angel / Ooh Boy '' ( 1995 ) Music video `` Come and Get Your Love '' on YouTube In 1995 , the German eurodance group Real McCoy released a cover version of the song , which peaked at number 19 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 . This version also went to number - one on the American dance chart in August 1995 . Charts ( edit ) Charts ( 1995 ) Peak position Australian ARIA Singles Chart 18 Belgian ( Flanders ) Singles Chart 39 Belgian ( Wallonia ) Singles Chart 39 Canada ( RPM ) 42 Canada Dance ( RPM ) Dutch Singles Chart 37 Finnish Singles Chart 9 German Singles Chart 53 Irish Singles Chart 22 New Zealand Singles Chart 8 UK Singles Chart 19 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 19 U.S. Billboard Mainstream Top 40 8 U.S. Billboard Hot Dance / Club Play Cover versions ( edit ) Boys Town Gang , on their 1981 album Disc Charge Carol Jiani , on her 1995 album Superstar The Temprees , on their 1974 album Temprees 3 John Coinman , on 1997 soundtrack album to The Postman Real McCoy , on their 1995 maxi - single Come and Get Your Love Cyndi Lauper sampled the main hook for her remix of `` Girls Just Want to Have Fun '' on the soundtrack to the film To Wong Foo , Thanks For Everything , Julie Newmar . It reached # 87 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1995 . Derek Miller , cover from the Rumble album was listed as the 3rd most popular indigenous single of 2015 by the Canadian Aboriginal Music Countdown . In popular culture ( edit ) The song appears in the debut episode of the 2008 TV series Swingtown . The song is featured in the 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy . In the film intro the character Star - Lord ( Chris Pratt ) dances to it while exploring alien ruins . The song is featured in the 1994 film Dance Me Outside . The song is featured in the 1999 film Dick . The song 's melody is featured in the Bob 's Burgers episode titled `` The Kids Run the Restaurant '' , sung by Gene and his girl group The Cutie Patooties . Comedian Jimmy Pardo performed the song using his `` air bass '' on The Bob & Tom Show . Alltel and Dick 's Sporting Goods used the song for their advertisements . The song is used as the opening theme for Netflix 's animated - comedy series F Is for Family . The song served as intro theme for Costa Rica 's TV show Corte y Vamonos that was aired during 2014 - 2016 on Canal 9 . The song is featured in Sky UK 's advertisement for their superfast fibre broadband and stars X-Men character Quicksilver ( Evan Peters ) . Personnel ( edit ) Lolly Vegas -- lead guitar , electric sitar , vocals Tony Bellamy -- rhythm guitar , vocals Pat Vegas -- bass , vocals Butch Rillera -- drums , background vocals References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Billboard Top 100 - 1974 '' . Archived from the original on 2010 - 11 - 25 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 27 . ^ Jump up to : Steffen Hung. `` Real McCoy - Come And Get Your Love '' . Lescharts.com . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . Collectionscanada.gc.ca . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . Collectionscanada.gc.ca . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts - All there is to know '' . Irishcharts.ie . Archived from the original on 2009 - 06 - 03 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Real McCoy - Come And Get Your Love ( CD ) '' . Discogs.com . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` Best of 2015 - Aboriginal Music Countdown '' . aboriginalmusiccountdown.ca . Bibliography ( edit ) The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits , 9th Edition , 2010 , ISBN 978 - 0823085545 The Billboard Book of # 1 Hits , 5th Edition , 2003 , ISBN 978 - 0823076772 Preceded by `` My Love Is for Real '' by Paula Abdul Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number - one single ( Real McCoy version ) August 26 , 1995 Succeeded by `` No More I Love You 's '' by Annie Lennox Redbone Patrick Vasquez Fernando Verdialez Vini Mars Carlos Perez Lee Wilson Lolly Vegas Tony Bellamy Peter DePoe Robert Howard Arturo Perez George Spanos Butch Rillera Jack White Aloisio Aguiar Eddie Summers Joe Gonzales Garrett Saracho Raven Hernandez Robert Lame Bull McDonald Studio albums Redbone Potlatch Message from a Drum / The Witch Queen of New Orleans Already Here Wovoka Beaded Dreams Through Turquoise Eyes Cycles One World / Peace Pipe Live albums Redbone Live Compilation albums Come & Get Your Redbone The Best of Redbone The Very Best of Redbone Great Songs ( Come and Get Your Love ) Golden Classics To the Bone Take Two The Essential Redbone Singles `` Come and Get Your Love '' Related articles Epic Records The red road Jimi Hendrix Real McCoy O - Jay Karin Kasar Shampro Patricia Petersen Yvonne `` Sunday '' Parker Robert Kirby Vanessa Mason Lisa Cork Gabriele `` Geby '' Koopmans Ginger Maria Kamphuis Jason Ammon Gemma Sampson Studio albums Another Night ( 1995 ) One More Time ( 1997 ) Notable singles `` Pump Up the Jam '' `` It 's on You '' `` Another Night '' `` Automatic Lover ( Call for Love ) '' `` Run Away '' `` Love & Devotion '' `` Come and Get Your Love '' `` Sleeping with an Angel / Ooh Boy '' `` One More Time '' `` ( If You 're Not in it for Love ) I 'm Outta Here '' `` Follow My Heart '' Ich Troje feat . Real McCoy `` People Are Still Having Sex '' Record labels Arista Records BMG Records SME Records Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Come_and_Get_Your_Love&oldid=801425710 '' Categories : 1974 singles 1995 singles Real McCoy ( band ) songs Billboard Dance Club Songs number - one singles 1973 songs Arista Records singles Epic Records singles Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Nederlands 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 September 2017 , at 16 : 10 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
your so fit and you know it lyrics
Fit But You Know it
fit but you know it
`` It 's Too Late / Weak Become Heroes ( 2002 ) `` Fit But You Know It '' ( 2004 ) `` Dry Your Eyes '' ( 2004 ) `` Fit But You Know It '' is a song by The Streets and written / produced by Mike Skinner . It was the lead single of The Streets second album A Grand Do n't Come for Free and was released on 26 April 2004 ; it reached number four in the UK Single Charts . It has been suggested that the lyrics refer to former S Club 7 member Rachel Stevens who was embarking on a solo career at the time the song was recorded . The song was featured in EA Sports game FIFA Football 2005 and the 2010 French film Tout ce qui brille . Contents ( hide ) 1 Chart performance 2 Music video 3 Track listing 3.1 UK Single CD1 3.2 UK Single CD2 4 References Chart performance ( edit ) The single reached number four on the UK singles chart , spending fifteen weeks inside the top 75 . In Australia , the song was ranked # 18 on Triple J 's Hottest 100 of 2004 . Chart ( 2004 ) Peak Position Australian Singles Chart 37 German Singles Chart 85 Irish Singles Chart 11 Swedish Singles Chart 42 UK Singles Chart Music video ( edit ) The music video for the single has a cameo of the cast of The Football Factory which includes Danny Dyer and Frank Harper . In the video , Mike Skinner plays the part of a man picking up his holiday photos from the developers . As the song is playing , he looks through the photos which show scenes from his holiday . The video was released on two separate formats - a DVD single ( which also included the video for The Irony of it All and a bonus DVD which came with some copies of parent album A Grand Do n't Come For Free . Track listing ( edit ) UK Single CD1 ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Fit But You Know It '' ( Radio Edit ) 3 : 08 2 . `` Soaked By The Ale '' 3 : 33 Total length : 06 : 41 UK Single CD2 ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Fit But You Know It '' 4 : 11 2 . `` Fit But You Know It '' ( featuring The Futureheads ) 3 : 55 3 . `` Fit But You Know It '' ( featuring Kano , Donae'o , Lady Sovereign and Tinchy Stryder ) 3 : 47 4 . `` Fit But You Know It '' ( Donae'o Remix ) 2 : 46 5 . `` Fit But You Know It '' ( Video ) 3 : 34 Total length : 18 : 13 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` '' Fit But You Know It `` Chart Positions and Trajectories '' . Retrieved 3 February 2007 . Jump up ^ `` '' Fit But You Know It `` Chart Positions and Trajectories '' . Retrieved 3 February 2007 . hide The Streets Mike Skinner Johny Drum Machine Kevin Mark Trail Leo the Lion Morgan Nicholls Wayne Vibes Chris Brown Magic Mike Studio albums Original Pirate Material ( 2002 ) A Grand Do n't Come for Free ( 2004 ) The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living ( 2006 ) Everything Is Borrowed ( 2008 ) Cyberspace and Reds ( 2011 ) Computers and Blues ( 2011 ) Extended plays All Got Our Runnins ( 2003 ) Singles `` Has It Come to This ? '' `` Let 's Push Things Forward '' `` Weak Become Heroes '' `` The Irony of It All '' `` Do n't Mug Yourself '' `` Fit But You Know It '' `` Dry Your Eyes '' `` When You Was n't Famous '' `` Never Went to Church '' `` Prangin ' Out '' Other songs `` Who Knows Who '' Related articles Discography The Mitchell Brothers Ted Mayhem This 2000s hip hop single - related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fit_but_You_Know_It&oldid=822290240 '' Categories : 2004 singles 2004 songs The Streets songs UK R&B Singles Chart number - one singles 2000s hip hop single stubs Hidden categories : Music infoboxes with Module : String errors Articles with hAudio microformats Track listings with input errors All stub articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 25 January 2018 , at 14 : 44 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays the king of mississippi in true blood
In 2010 , O'Hare joined the cast of HBO 's True Blood in its third season as Russell Edgington , the vampire king of Mississippi who is 2,800 years old . In 2011 , he appeared in the film The Eagle as a Roman officer named Lutorius . Recently he has appeared in a recurring role as Judge Charles Abernathy on the television drama series The Good Wife . O'Hare also co-starred as Larry Harvey in FX 's first season of American Horror Story , Murder House .
Denis O'Hare
denis o'hare
Denis Patrick Seamus O'Hare ( born January 17 , 1962 ) is an American actor noted for his award - winning performances in the plays Take Me Out and Sweet Charity , as well as portraying the vampire Russell Edgington on HBO 's fantasy series True Blood . He is also known for his supporting roles in such films as Charlie Wilson 's War , Milk , Changeling and Dallas Buyers Club . In 2011 , he starred as Larry Harvey in the first season of the FX anthology series American Horror Story , for which he was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie in 2012 . He returned to the show in 2013 , playing Spalding in American Horror Story : Coven and once more as Stanley in American Horror Story : Freak Show , the latter for which he earned a second Primetime Emmy Award nomination . For his performance in American Horror Story : Hotel as Liz Taylor , O'Hare received universal critical acclaim .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 5 Awards 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Early life ( edit ) O'Hare was born in Kansas City , Missouri , the son of Margaret Karene ( née Kennedy ; January 25 , 1931 -- October 8 , 2008 ) and John M. O'Hare . He has three sisters , Pam , Patricia and Kathleen , and one brother , Michael . O'Hare grew up in the suburbs of Detroit , living in Southfield until he was 15 , when his family moved to Wing Lake in Bloomfield Hills . His mother was a musician and he grew up playing the church organ . O'Hare is of Irish descent and holds an Irish passport . As a teenager , O'Hare was in his school 's choir and in 1974 he went to his first audition , gaining a chorus part in a community theatre production of Show Boat . In 1980 , O'Hare left Detroit for Chicago to study theatre at Northwestern University . Career ( edit ) O'Hare discussing his role in Milk and the film 's subject O'Hare won a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play for his performance in Richard Greenberg 's Take Me Out , where his character 's lengthy monologues in which he slowly falls in love with the game of baseball were considered the main reason for his award . He won the 2005 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical for his role as Oscar Lindquist in the Broadway revival of Sweet Charity . In 2003 O'Hare played a doctor in 21 Grams . In 2004 , he played Charles J. Guiteau in the Broadway production of Stephen Sondheim 's Assassins , for which he was nominated for the Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical Tony Award . He lost to co-star Michael Cerveris who played John Wilkes Booth . Before appearing in those shows , he appeared on Broadway in the 1998 revival of Cabaret , in which he played Ernst Ludwig onstage and the clarinet in the show 's orchestra , the Kit Kat Band . O'Hare was featured in the Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation of Saint Maybe . He has appeared as a guest star on several episodes of Law & Order and its spin - offs , Law & Order : Special Victims Unit and Law & Order : Criminal Intent . In 2008 , he appeared as a guest star on several episodes of Brothers & Sisters . His feature film credits include The Anniversary Party , 21 Grams , Garden State , Derailed , Michael Clayton , A Mighty Heart , Half Nelson , Milk , Edge of Darkness , Charlie Wilson 's War and Changeling . In 2009 , O'Hare portrayed Phillip Steele ( an amalgam character based on Quentin Crisp 's friends Phillip Ward and Tom Steele ) in a television biopic on Crisp entitled An Englishman in New York . The same year he played therapist Dr. David Worth in the series Bored to Death ( episode 1.3 ) . O'Hare at the 2013 Wizard World New York Experience In 2010 , O'Hare joined the cast of HBO 's True Blood in its third season as Russell Edgington , the vampire king of Mississippi who is 2,800 years old . In 2011 , he appeared in the film The Eagle as a Roman officer named Lutorius . Recently he has appeared in a recurring role as Judge Charles Abernathy on the television drama series The Good Wife . O'Hare also co-starred as Larry Harvey in FX 's first season of American Horror Story , Murder House . In 2012 , O'Hare starred alongside Amy Adams and Donna Murphy as the Baker in Stephen Sondheim 's Into the Woods at The Public Theater . The production played at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park , NYC , from July 23 to September 1 , 2012 . In 2013 , O'Hare returned to American Horror Story for its third season , American Horror Story : Coven , where he portrayed Spalding , the house butler . O'Hare portrayed con artist , Stanley on the fourth season of the series , American Horror Story : Freak Show . In 2015 , O'Hare played a hotel worker , Liz Taylor on the fifth season of the series , American Horror Story : Hotel , and in 2016 he was Dr. Elias Cunningham on the sixth season , American Horror Story : Roanoke . Personal life ( edit ) O'Hare has been married to designer Hugo Redwood since July 28 , 2011 , and the couple have an adopted son , Declan . Filmography ( edit ) Main article : Denis O'Hare filmography Awards ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by Denis O'Hare See also ( edit ) Book : Denis O'Hare List of Broadway musicals stars References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Pluck of the Irish '' . Theatermania . Jump up ^ Hanks , E.A. ( 14 January 2016 ) , ' American Horror Story ' Season 5 Finale : The Real Lady , The New York Times , retrieved 15 January 2016 Jump up ^ Pruner , Aaron ( 17 January 2016 ) , Sorry Lady Gaga , but Denis O'Hare is ' AHS : Hotel 's ' true star , Zap2It , retrieved 1 July 2016 ^ Jump up to : `` Margaret Karene ( Kennedy ) O'Hare '' . Daily Press . October 12 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Chris Azzopardi ( November 20 , 2008 ) . `` The ' Milk ' Man '' . Pride Source . Retrieved February 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Marcus Sanford ( June 25 , 2007 ) . `` Hey There , Hi There , O'Hare ! Alone Time With Out , Tony Award - Winning Actor Denis O'Hare '' . Queer Sighted . Retrieved February 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` A Talk With Denis O'Hare - Take Me Out 's Mason Marzac '' , a CurtainUp interview Jump up ^ Julie Yolles ( January 10 , 2008 ) . `` Staging a Coup '' . Hour Detroit . Retrieved February 20 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Notable Alumni '' . School of Communication , Northwestern University . Archived from the original on March 18 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Anniversary Party ( 2001 ) '' . Internet Movie Database . Jump up ^ Denis O'Hare Drops Some Hints About True Blood Season 3 Jump up ^ `` ' True Blood ' star weds gay partner '' . Toronto Sun . July 29 , 2011 . Retrieved July 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` True Blood Star Denis O'Hare , Husband Hugo Redwood Planning to Adopt ! '' . US Magazine . 2012 - 09 - 27 . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 13 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutDenis O'Hareat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons Data from Wikidata Official website Denis O'Hare at AllMovie Denis O'Hare at the Internet Broadway Database Denis O'Hare on IMDb Denis O'Hare at the Internet Off - Broadway Database Denis O'Hare at Rotten Tomatoes Denis O'Hare at the TCM Movie Database Awards for Denis O'Hare Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Acting Ensemble ( 2001 -- 2009 ) Gosford Park ( 2001 ) : Eileen Atkins , Bob Balaban , Alan Bates , Charles Dance , Stephen Fry , Michael Gambon , Richard E. Grant , Tom Hollander , Derek Jacobi , Kelly Macdonald , Helen Mirren , Jeremy Northam , Clive Owen , Ryan Phillippe , Maggie Smith , Geraldine Somerville , Kristin Scott Thomas , Sophie Thompson , Emily Watson , James Wilby Chicago ( 2002 ) : Christine Baranski , Ekaterina Shchelkanova , Taye Diggs , Denise Faye , Colm Feore , Richard Gere , Deidre Goodwin , Queen Latifah , Lucy Liu , Susan Misner , Mýa , John C. Reilly , Dominic West , Renée Zellweger , Catherine Zeta - Jones The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) : Sean Astin , Sean Bean , Cate Blanchett , Orlando Bloom , Billy Boyd , Bernard Hill , Ian Holm , Ian McKellen , Dominic Monaghan , Viggo Mortensen , John Noble , Miranda Otto , John Rhys - Davies , Andy Serkis , Liv Tyler , Karl Urban , Hugo Weaving , David Wenham , Elijah Wood Sideways ( 2004 ) : Thomas Haden Church , Paul Giamatti , Virginia Madsen , Sandra Oh Crash ( 2005 ) : Christopher `` Ludacris '' Bridges , Sandra Bullock , Don Cheadle , Matt Dillon , Jennifer Esposito , William Fichtner , Brendan Fraser , Terrence Howard , Thandie Newton , Ryan Phillippe , Larenz Tate Little Miss Sunshine ( 2006 ) : Alan Arkin , Abigail Breslin , Steve Carell , Toni Collette , Paul Dano , Greg Kinnear Hairspray ( 2007 ) : Nikki Blonsky , Amanda Bynes , Paul Dooley , Zac Efron , Allison Janney , Elijah Kelley , Queen Latifah , James Marsden , Michelle Pfeiffer , Brittany Snow , Jerry Stiller , John Travolta , Christopher Walken Milk ( 2008 ) : Josh Brolin , Joseph Cross , James Franco , Victor Garber , Emile Hirsch , Diego Luna , Denis O'Hare , Sean Penn , Alison Pill Inglourious Basterds ( 2009 ) : Daniel Brühl , August Diehl , Julie Dreyfus , Michael Fassbender , Sylvester Groth , Jacky Ido , Diane Kruger , Mélanie Laurent , Denis Ménochet , Mike Myers , Brad Pitt , Eli Roth , Til Schweiger , Rod Taylor , Christoph Waltz , Martin Wuttke ( 2010 -- present ) The Fighter ( 2010 ) : Amy Adams , Christian Bale , Melissa Leo , Jack McGee , Mark Wahlberg The Help ( 2011 ) : Jessica Chastain , Viola Davis , Bryce Dallas Howard , Allison Janney , Chris Lowell , Ahna O'Reilly , Sissy Spacek , Octavia Spencer , Mary Steenburgen , Emma Stone , Cicely Tyson , Mike Vogel Silver Linings Playbook ( 2012 ) : Bradley Cooper , Robert De Niro , Anupam Kher , Jennifer Lawrence , Chris Tucker , Jacki Weaver American Hustle ( 2013 ) : Amy Adams , Christian Bale , Louis C.K. , Bradley Cooper , Jack Huston , Jennifer Lawrence , Alessandro Nivola , Michael Peña , Jeremy Renner , Elisabeth Röhm , Shea Whigham Birdman or ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) ( 2014 ) : Zach Galifianakis , Michael Keaton , Edward Norton , Andrea Riseborough , Amy Ryan , Emma Stone , Naomi Watts Spotlight ( 2015 ) : Billy Crudup , Brian d'Arcy James , Michael Keaton , Rachel McAdams , Mark Ruffalo , Liev Schreiber , John Slattery , Stanley Tucci Moonlight ( 2016 ) : Mahershala Ali , Patrick Decile , Alex R. Hibbert , Naomie Harris , André Holland , Jharrel Jerome , Janelle Monáe , Jaden Piner , Trevante Rhodes , Ashton Sanders Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play 1975 -- 2000 Frank Langella ( 1975 ) Judd Hirsch ( 1976 ) Bob Dishy ( 1977 ) Jeffrey DeMunn ( 1978 ) George Rose ( 1979 ) David Rounds ( 1980 ) Brian Backer ( 1981 ) Željko Ivanek / Adolph Caesar ( 1982 ) Alan Feinstein ( 1983 ) John Malkovich ( 1984 ) Barry Miller / Charles S. Dutton ( 1985 ) Joseph Maher ( 1986 ) John Randolph ( 1987 ) B.D. Wong ( 1988 ) Peter Frechette ( 1989 ) Charles Durning ( 1990 ) Kevin Spacey ( 1991 ) Laurence Fishburne ( 1992 ) Joe Mantello / Stephen Spinella ( 1993 ) Jeffrey Wright ( 1994 ) Nathan Lane ( 1995 ) Martin Shaw ( 1996 ) Brian Murray ( 1997 ) Alfred Molina ( 1998 ) Kevin Anderson ( 1999 ) Roy Dotrice ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present Charles Brown ( 2001 ) Frank Langella ( 2002 ) Denis O'Hare ( 2003 ) Ned Beatty ( 2004 ) Michael Stuhlbarg ( 2005 ) Samuel Barnett ( 2006 ) Boyd Gaines ( 2007 ) Conleth Hill ( 2008 ) Pablo Schreiber ( 2009 ) Santino Fontana ( 2010 ) Brian Bedford ( 2011 ) Tom Edden ( 2012 ) Richard Kind ( 2013 ) Reed Birney ( 2014 ) K. Todd Freeman ( 2015 ) Michael Shannon ( 2016 ) Danny DeVito ( 2017 ) Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical Ted Ross ( 1975 ) George Rose ( 1976 ) Ken Bichel / Michael Mark / John Miller / Joseph Saulter ( 1977 ) Kevin Kline ( 1978 ) Ken Jennings ( 1979 ) Bob Gunton ( 1980 ) Tony Azito ( 1981 ) Cleavant Derricks ( 1982 ) Charles Coles ( 1983 ) Martin Vidnovic ( 1984 ) René Auberjonois ( 1985 ) Michael Rupert ( 1986 ) Michael Maguire ( 1987 ) Robert Westenberg ( 1988 ) Michael Jeter ( 1990 ) Bruce Adler ( 1991 ) Scott Waara ( 1992 ) Mark Michael Hutchinson ( 1993 ) Jarrod Emick ( 1994 ) Wilson Jermaine Heredia ( 1996 ) Joel Grey ( 1997 ) Gregg Edelman ( 1998 ) Roger Bart ( 1999 ) Stephen Spinella ( 2000 ) Gary Beach ( 2001 ) Shuler Hensley ( 2002 ) Dick Latessa ( 2003 ) Raúl Esparza ( 2004 ) Denis O'Hare ( 2005 ) Jim Dale ( 2006 ) Gavin Lee ( 2007 ) Boyd Gaines ( 2008 ) Gregory Jbara ( 2009 ) Christopher Fitzgerald ( 2010 ) John Larroquette ( 2011 ) Michael McGrath ( 2012 ) Bertie Carvel ( 2013 ) James Monroe Iglehart ( 2014 ) Christian Borle ( 2015 ) Christopher Fitzgerald ( 2016 ) Gavin Creel ( 2017 ) Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play 1949 -- 1975 Arthur Kennedy ( 1949 ) Eli Wallach ( 1951 ) John Cromwell ( 1952 ) John Williams ( 1953 ) John Kerr ( 1954 ) Francis L. Sullivan ( 1955 ) Ed Begley ( 1956 ) Frank Conroy ( 1957 ) Henry Jones ( 1958 ) Charlie Ruggles ( 1959 ) Roddy McDowall ( 1960 ) Martin Gabel ( 1961 ) Walter Matthau ( 1962 ) Alan Arkin ( 1963 ) Hume Cronyn ( 1964 ) Jack Albertson ( 1965 ) Patrick Magee ( 1966 ) Ian Holm ( 1967 ) James Patterson ( 1968 ) Al Pacino ( 1969 ) Ken Howard ( 1970 ) Paul Sand ( 1971 ) Vincent Gardenia ( 1972 ) John Lithgow ( 1973 ) Ed Flanders ( 1974 ) Frank Langella ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Edward Herrmann ( 1976 ) Jonathan Pryce ( 1977 ) Lester Rawlins ( 1978 ) Michael Gough ( 1979 ) David Rounds ( 1980 ) Brian Backer ( 1981 ) Zakes Mokae ( 1982 ) Matthew Broderick ( 1983 ) Joe Mantegna ( 1984 ) Barry Miller ( 1985 ) John Mahoney ( 1986 ) John Randolph ( 1987 ) B.D. Wong ( 1988 ) Boyd Gaines ( 1989 ) Charles Durning ( 1990 ) Kevin Spacey ( 1991 ) Laurence Fishburne ( 1992 ) Stephen Spinella ( 1993 ) Jeffrey Wright ( 1994 ) John Glover ( 1995 ) Ruben Santiago - Hudson ( 1996 ) Owen Teale ( 1997 ) Tom Murphy ( 1998 ) Frank Wood ( 1999 ) Roy Dotrice ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present Robert Sean Leonard ( 2001 ) Frank Langella ( 2002 ) Denis O'Hare ( 2003 ) Brían F. O'Byrne ( 2004 ) Liev Schreiber ( 2005 ) Ian McDiarmid ( 2006 ) Billy Crudup ( 2007 ) Jim Norton ( 2008 ) Roger Robinson ( 2009 ) Eddie Redmayne ( 2010 ) John Benjamin Hickey ( 2011 ) Christian Borle ( 2012 ) Courtney B. 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who built the first dam in the world
The earliest known dam is the Jawa Dam in Jordan , 100 kilometres ( 62 mi ) northeast of the capital Amman . This gravity dam featured an originally 9 - metre - high ( 30 ft ) and 1 m - wide ( 3.3 ft ) stone wall , supported by a 50 m - wide ( 160 ft ) earth rampart . The structure is dated to 3000 BC .
A dam is a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of water or underground streams . Reservoirs created by dams not only suppress floods but also provide water for activities such as irrigation , human consumption , industrial use , aquaculture , and navigability . Hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity . A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations . Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water , while other structures such as floodgates or levees ( also known as dikes ) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions .
The word dam can be traced back to Middle English , and before that , from Middle Dutch , as seen in the names of many old cities . The first known appearance of dam occurs in 1165 . However , there is one village , Obdam , that is already mentioned in 1120 . The word seems to be related to the Greek word taphos , meaning `` grave '' or `` grave hill '' . So the word should be understood as `` dike from dug out earth '' . The names of more than 40 places ( with minor changes ) from the Middle Dutch era ( 1150 -- 1500 CE ) such as Amsterdam ( founded as ' Amstelredam ' in the late 12th century ) and Rotterdam , also bear testimony to the use of the word in Middle Dutch at that time . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Ancient dams 1.2 Roman engineering 1.3 Middle Ages 1.4 Industrial revolution 1.5 Large dams 2 Types of dams 2.1 By structure 2.1. 1 Arch dams 2.1. 2 Gravity dams 2.1. 3 Arch - gravity dams 2.1. 4 Barrages 2.1. 5 Embankment dams 2.1. 5.1 Rock - fill dams 2.1. 5.2 Concrete - face rock - fill dams 2.1. 5.3 Earth - fill dams 2.2 By size 2.3 By use 2.3. 1 Saddle dam 2.3. 2 Weir 2.3. 3 Check dam 2.3. 4 Dry dam 2.3. 5 Diversionary dam 2.3. 6 Underground dam 2.3. 7 Tailings dam 2.4 By material 2.4. 1 Steel dams 2.4. 2 Timber dams 2.5 Other types 2.5. 1 Cofferdams 2.5. 2 Natural dams 2.5. 2.1 Beaver dams 3 Construction elements 3.1 Power generation plant 3.2 Spillways 4 Dam creation 4.1 Common purposes 4.2 Location 4.3 Impact assessment 4.3. 1 Environmental impact 4.3. 2 Human social impact 4.3. 3 Economics 5 Dam failure 6 See also 7 Further reading 8 References 9 Sources 10 External links History ( edit ) Ancient dams ( edit ) Early dam building took place in Mesopotamia and the Middle East . Dams were used to control the water level , for Mesopotamia 's weather affected the Tigris and Euphrates rivers . The earliest known dam is the Jawa Dam in Jordan , 100 kilometres ( 62 mi ) northeast of the capital Amman . This gravity dam featured an originally 9 - metre - high ( 30 ft ) and 1 m - wide ( 3.3 ft ) stone wall , supported by a 50 m - wide ( 160 ft ) earth rampart . The structure is dated to 3000 BC . The Ancient Egyptian Sadd - el - Kafara Dam at Wadi Al - Garawi , located about 25 km ( 16 mi ) south of Cairo , was 102 m ( 335 ft ) long at its base and 87 m ( 285 ft ) wide . The structure was built around 2800 or 2600 BC as a diversion dam for flood control , but was destroyed by heavy rain during construction or shortly afterwards . During the Twelfth Dynasty in the 19th century BC , the Pharaohs Senosert III , Amenemhat III and Amenmehat IV dug a canal 16 km ( 9.9 mi ) long linking the Fayum Depression to the Nile in Middle Egypt . Two dams called Ha - Uar running east - west were built to retain water during the annual flood and then release it to surrounding lands . The lake called `` Mer - wer '' or Lake Moeris covered 1,700 km ( 660 sq mi ) and is known today as Berkat Qaroun . By the mid-late third millennium BC , an intricate water - management system within Dholavira in modern - day India was built . The system included 16 reservoirs , dams and various channels for collecting water and storing it . One of the engineering wonders of the ancient world was the Great Dam of Marib in Yemen . Initiated somewhere between 1750 and 1700 BC , it was made of packed earth -- triangular in cross section , 580 m ( 1,900 ft ) in length and originally 4 m ( 13 ft ) high -- running between two groups of rocks on either side , to which it was linked by substantial stonework . Repairs were carried out during various periods , most important around 750 BC , and 250 years later the dam height was increased to 7 m ( 23 ft ) . After the end of the Kingdom of Saba , the dam fell under the control of the Ḥimyarites ( ~ 115 BC ) who undertook further improvements , creating a structure 14 m ( 46 ft ) high , with five spillway channels , two masonry - reinforced sluices , a settling pond , and a 1,000 m ( 3,300 ft ) canal to a distribution tank . These extensive works were not actually finalized until 325 AD and allowed the irrigation of 25,000 acres ( 100 km ) . Eflatun Pınar is a Hittite dam and spring temple near Konya , Turkey . It is thought to be from the time of the Hittite empire between the 15th and 13th century BC . The Kallanai is constructed of unhewn stone , over 300 m ( 980 ft ) long , 4.5 m ( 15 ft ) high and 20 m ( 66 ft ) wide , across the main stream of the Kaveri river in Tamil Nadu , South India . The basic structure dates to the 2nd century AD and is considered one of the oldest water - diversion or water - regulator structures in the world which is still in use . The purpose of the dam was to divert the waters of the Kaveri across the fertile delta region for irrigation via canals . Du Jiang Yan is the oldest surviving irrigation system in China that included a dam that directed waterflow . It was finished in 251 BC . A large earthen dam , made by Sunshu Ao , the prime minister of Chu ( state ) , flooded a valley in modern - day northern Anhui province that created an enormous irrigation reservoir ( 100 km ( 62 mi ) in circumference ) , a reservoir that is still present today . Roman engineering ( edit ) The Roman dam at Cornalvo in Spain has been in use for almost two millennia . Roman dam construction was characterized by `` the Romans ' ability to plan and organize engineering construction on a grand scale . '' Roman planners introduced the then - novel concept of large reservoir dams which could secure a permanent water supply for urban settlements over the dry season . Their pioneering use of water - proof hydraulic mortar and particularly Roman concrete allowed for much larger dam structures than previously built , such as the Lake Homs Dam , possibly the largest water barrier to that date , and the Harbaqa Dam , both in Roman Syria . The highest Roman dam was the Subiaco Dam near Rome ; its record height of 50 m ( 160 ft ) remained unsurpassed until its accidental destruction in 1305 . Roman engineers made routine use of ancient standard designs like embankment dams and masonry gravity dams . Apart from that , they displayed a high degree of inventiveness , introducing most of the other basic dam designs which had been unknown until then . These include arch - gravity dams , arch dams , buttress dams and multiple arch buttress dams , all of which were known and employed by the 2nd century AD ( see List of Roman dams ) . Roman workforces also were the first to build dam bridges , such as the Bridge of Valerian in Iran . Remains of the Band - e Kaisar dam , built by the Romans in the 3rd century AD In Iran , bridge dams such as the Band - e Kaisar were used to provide hydropower through water wheels , which often powered water - raising mechanisms . One of the first was the Roman - built dam bridge in Dezful , which could raise water 50 cubits in height for the water supply to all houses in the town . Also diversion dams were known . Milling dams were introduced which the Muslim engineers called the Pul - i - Bulaiti . The first was built at Shustar on the River Karun , Iran , and many of these were later built in other parts of the Islamic world . Water was conducted from the back of the dam through a large pipe to drive a water wheel and watermill . In the 10th century , Al - Muqaddasi described several dams in Persia . He reported that one in Ahwaz was more than 910 m ( 3,000 ft ) long , and that it had many water - wheels raising the water into aqueducts through which it flowed into reservoirs of the city . Another one , the Band - i - Amir dam , provided irrigation for 300 villages . Middle ages ( edit ) In the Netherlands , a low - lying country , dams were often applied to block rivers in order to regulate the water level and to prevent the sea from entering the marsh lands . Such dams often marked the beginning of a town or city because it was easy to cross the river at such a place , and often gave rise to the respective place 's names in Dutch . For instance the Dutch capital Amsterdam ( old name Amstelredam ) started with a dam through the river Amstel in the late 12th century , and Rotterdam started with a dam through the river Rotte , a minor tributary of the Nieuwe Maas . The central square of Amsterdam , covering the original place of the 800 - year - old dam , still carries the name Dam Square or simply the Dam . Industrial revolution ( edit ) An engraving of the Rideau Canal locks at Bytown The Romans were the first to build arch dams , where the reaction forces from the abutment stabilizes the structure from the external hydrostatic pressure , but it was only in the 19th century that the engineering skills and construction materials available were capable of building the first large - scale arch dams . Three pioneering arch dams were built around the British Empire in the early 19th century . Henry Russel of the Royal Engineers oversaw the construction of the Mir Alam dam in 1804 to supply water to the city of Hyderabad ( it is still in use today ) . It had a height of 12 m ( 39 ft ) and consisted of 21 arches of variable span . In the 1820s and 30s , Lieutenant - Colonel John By supervised the construction of the Rideau Canal in Canada near modern - day Ottawa and built a series of curved masonry dams as part of the waterway system . In particular , the Jones Falls Dam , built by John Redpath , was completed in 1832 as the largest dam in North America and an engineering marvel . In order to keep the water in control during construction , two sluices , artificial channels for conducting water , were kept open in the dam . The first was near the base of the dam on its east side . A second sluice was put in on the west side of the dam , about 20 ft ( 6.1 m ) above the base . To make the switch from the lower to upper sluice , the outlet of Sand Lake was blocked off . Masonry arch wall , Parramatta , New South Wales , the first engineered dam built in Australia Hunts Creek near the city of Parramatta , Australia , was dammed in the 1850s , to cater for the demand for water from the growing population of the city . The masonry arch dam wall was designed by Lieutenant Percy Simpson who was influenced by the advances in dam engineering techniques made by the Royal Engineers in India . The dam cost £ 17,000 and was completed in 1856 as the first engineered dam built in Australia , and the second arch dam in the world built to mathematical specifications . The first such dam was opened two years earlier in France . It was the first French arch dam of the industrial era , and it was built by François Zola in the municipality of Aix - en - Provence to improve the supply of water after the 1832 cholera outbreak devastated the area . After royal approval was granted in 1844 , the dam was constructed over the following decade . Its construction was carried out on the basis of the mathematical results of scientific stress analysis . The 75 - miles dam near Warwick , Australia , was possibly the world 's first concrete arch dam . Designed by Henry Charles Stanley in 1880 with an overflow spillway and a special water outlet , it was eventually heightened to 10 m ( 33 ft ) . In the latter half of the nineteenth century , significant advances in the scientific theory of masonry dam design were made . This transformed dam design from an art based on empirical methodology to a profession based on a rigorously applied scientific theoretical framework . This new emphasis was centered around the engineering faculties of universities in France and in the United Kingdom . William John Macquorn Rankine at the University of Glasgow pioneered the theoretical understanding of dam structures in his 1857 paper On the Stability of Loose Earth . Rankine theory provided a good understanding of the principles behind dam design . In France , J. Augustin Tortene de Sazilly explained the mechanics of vertically faced masonry gravity dams , and Zola 's dam was the first to be built on the basis of these principles . Large dams ( edit ) The Hoover Dam by Ansel Adams , 1942 The era of large dams was initiated with the construction of the Aswan Low Dam in Egypt in 1902 , a gravity masonry buttress dam on the Nile River . Following their 1882 invasion and occupation of Egypt , the British began construction in 1898 . The project was designed by Sir William Willcocks and involved several eminent engineers of the time , including Sir Benjamin Baker and Sir John Aird , whose firm , John Aird & Co. , was the main contractor . Capital and financing were furnished by Ernest Cassel . When initially constructed between 1899 and 1902 , nothing of its scale had ever been attempted ; on completion , it was the largest masonry dam in the world . The Hoover Dam is a massive concrete arch - gravity dam , constructed in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River , on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression . In 1928 , Congress authorized the project to build a dam that would control floods , provide irrigation water and produce hydroelectric power . The winning bid to build the dam was submitted by a consortium called Six Companies , Inc . Such a large concrete structure had never been built before , and some of the techniques were unproven . The torrid summer weather and the lack of facilities near the site also presented difficulties . Nevertheless , Six Companies turned over the dam to the federal government on 1 March 1936 , more than two years ahead of schedule . By 1997 , there were an estimated 800,000 dams worldwide , some 40,000 of them over 15 m ( 49 ft ) high . In 2014 , scholars from the University of Oxford published a study of the cost of large dams -- based on the largest existing dataset -- documenting significant cost overruns for a majority of dams and questioning whether benefits typically offset costs for such dams . Types of dams ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Dams can be formed by human agency , natural causes , or even by the intervention of wildlife such as beavers . Man - made dams are typically classified according to their size ( height ) , intended purpose or structure . By structure ( edit ) Based on structure and material used , dams are classified as easily created without materials , arch - gravity dams , embankment dams or masonry dams , with several subtypes . Arch dams ( edit ) Main article : Arch dam Gordon Dam , Tasmania , is an arch dam . In the arch dam , stability is obtained by a combination of arch and gravity action . If the upstream face is vertical the entire weight of the dam must be carried to the foundation by gravity , while the distribution of the normal hydrostatic pressure between vertical cantilever and arch action will depend upon the stiffness of the dam in a vertical and horizontal direction . When the upstream face is sloped the distribution is more complicated . The normal component of the weight of the arch ring may be taken by the arch action , while the normal hydrostatic pressure will be distributed as described above . For this type of dam , firm reliable supports at the abutments ( either buttress or canyon side wall ) are more important . The most desirable place for an arch dam is a narrow canyon with steep side walls composed of sound rock . The safety of an arch dam is dependent on the strength of the side wall abutments , hence not only should the arch be well seated on the side walls but also the character of the rock should be carefully inspected . Daniel - Johnson Dam , Quebec , is a multiple - arch buttress dam . Two types of single - arch dams are in use , namely the constant - angle and the constant - radius dam . The constant - radius type employs the same face radius at all elevations of the dam , which means that as the channel grows narrower towards the bottom of the dam the central angle subtended by the face of the dam becomes smaller . Jones Falls Dam , in Canada , is a constant radius dam . In a constant - angle dam , also known as a variable radius dam , this subtended angle is kept a constant and the variation in distance between the abutments at various levels are taken care of by varying the radii . Constant - radius dams are much less common than constant - angle dams . Parker Dam on the Colorado River is a constant - angle arch dam . A similar type is the double - curvature or thin - shell dam . Wildhorse Dam near Mountain City , Nevada , in the United States is an example of the type . This method of construction minimizes the amount of concrete necessary for construction but transmits large loads to the foundation and abutments . The appearance is similar to a single - arch dam but with a distinct vertical curvature to it as well lending it the vague appearance of a concave lens as viewed from downstream . The multiple - arch dam consists of a number of single - arch dams with concrete buttresses as the supporting abutments , as for example the Daniel - Johnson Dam , Québec , Canada . The multiple - arch dam does not require as many buttresses as the hollow gravity type , but requires good rock foundation because the buttress loads are heavy . Gravity dams ( edit ) Main article : Gravity dam The Grand Coulee Dam is an example of a solid gravity dam . In a gravity dam , the force that holds the dam in place against the push from the water is Earth 's gravity pulling down on the mass of the dam . The water presses laterally ( downstream ) on the dam , tending to overturn the dam by rotating about its toe ( a point at the bottom downstream side of the dam ) . The dam 's weight counteracts that force , tending to rotate the dam the other way about its toe . The designer ensures that the dam is heavy enough that the dam 's weight wins that contest . In engineering terms , that is true whenever the resultant of the forces of gravity acting on the dam and water pressure on the dam acts in a line that passes upstream of the toe of the dam . Furthermore , the designer tries to shape the dam so if one were to consider the part of dam above any particular height to be a whole dam itself , that dam also would be held in place by gravity . i.e. there is no tension in the upstream face of the dam holding the top of the dam down . The designer does this because it is usually more practical to make a dam of material essentially just piled up than to make the material stick together against vertical tension . Note that the shape that prevents tension in the upstream face also eliminates a balancing compression stress in the downstream face , providing additional economy . For this type of dam , it is essential to have an impervious foundation with high bearing strength . When situated on a suitable site , a gravity dam can prove to be a better alternative to other types of dams . When built on a carefully studied foundation , the gravity dam probably represents the best developed example of dam building . Since the fear of flood is a strong motivator in many regions , gravity dams are being built in some instances where an arch dam would have been more economical . Gravity dams are classified as `` solid '' or `` hollow '' and are generally made of either concrete or masonry . The solid form is the more widely used of the two , though the hollow dam is frequently more economical to construct . Grand Coulee Dam is a solid gravity dam and Braddock Locks & Dam is a hollow gravity dam . Arch - gravity dams ( edit ) The Hoover Dam is an example of an arch - gravity dam . Main article : Arch - gravity dam A gravity dam can be combined with an arch dam into an arch - gravity dam for areas with massive amounts of water flow but less material available for a purely gravity dam . The inward compression of the dam by the water reduces the lateral ( horizontal ) force acting on the dam . Thus , the gravitation force required by the dam is lessened , i.e. the dam does not need to be so massive . This enables thinner dams and saves resources . Barrages ( edit ) The Koshi Barrage Main article : Barrage dams A barrage dam is a special kind of dam which consists of a line of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount of water passing the dam . The gates are set between flanking piers which are responsible for supporting the water load , and are often used to control and stabilize water flow for irrigation systems . An example of this type of dam is the now - decommissioned Red Bluff Diversion Dam on the Sacramento River near Red Bluff , California . Barrages that are built at the mouths of rivers or lagoons to prevent tidal incursions or utilize the tidal flow for tidal power are known as tidal barrages . Embankment dams ( edit ) Main article : Embankment dam Embankment dams are made from compacted earth , and have two main types , rock - fill and earth - fill dams . Embankment dams rely on their weight to hold back the force of water , like gravity dams made from concrete . Rock - fill dams ( edit ) The Gathright Dam in Virginia is a rock - fill embankment dam . Rock - fill dams are embankments of compacted free - draining granular earth with an impervious zone . The earth utilized often contains a high percentage of large particles , hence the term `` rock - fill '' . The impervious zone may be on the upstream face and made of masonry , concrete , plastic membrane , steel sheet piles , timber or other material . The impervious zone may also be within the embankment in which case it is referred to as a core . In the instances where clay is utilized as the impervious material the dam is referred to as a composite dam . To prevent internal erosion of clay into the rock fill due to seepage forces , the core is separated using a filter . Filters are specifically graded soil designed to prevent the migration of fine grain soil particles . When suitable material is at hand , transportation is minimized leading to cost savings during construction . Rock - fill dams are resistant to damage from earthquakes . However , inadequate quality control during construction can lead to poor compaction and sand in the embankment which can lead to liquefaction of the rock - fill during an earthquake . Liquefaction potential can be reduced by keeping susceptible material from being saturated , and by providing adequate compaction during construction . An example of a rock - fill dam is New Melones Dam in California or the Fierza Dam in Albania . A core that is growing in popularity is asphalt concrete . The majority of such dams are built with rock and / or gravel as the main fill material . Almost 100 dams of this design have now been built worldwide since the first such dam was completed in 1962 . All asphalt - concrete core dams built so far have an excellent performance record . The type of asphalt used is a viscoelastic - plastic material that can adjust to the movements and deformations imposed on the embankment as a whole , and to settlements in the foundation . The flexible properties of the asphalt make such dams especially suited in earthquake regions . For the Moglicë Hydro Power Plant in Albania the Norwegian power company Statkraft is currently building an asphalt - core rock - fill dam . Upon completion in 2018 the 320 m long , 150 m high and 460 m wide dam is anticipated to be the world 's highest of its kind . Concrete - face rock - fill dams ( edit ) A concrete - face rock - fill dam ( CFRD ) is a rock - fill dam with concrete slabs on its upstream face . This design provides the concrete slab as an impervious wall to prevent leakage and also a structure without concern for uplift pressure . In addition , the CFRD design is flexible for topography , faster to construct and less costly than earth - fill dams . The CFRD concept originated during the California Gold Rush in the 1860s when miners constructed rock - fill timber - face dams for sluice operations . The timber was later replaced by concrete as the design was applied to irrigation and power schemes . As CFRD designs grew in height during the 1960s , the fill was compacted and the slab 's horizontal and vertical joints were replaced with improved vertical joints . In the last few decades , the design has become popular . Currently , the tallest CFRD in the world is the 233 m - tall ( 764 ft ) Shuibuya Dam in China which was completed in 2008 . Earth - fill dams ( edit ) Earth - fill dams , also called earthen dams , rolled - earth dams or simply earth dams , are constructed as a simple embankment of well compacted earth . A homogeneous rolled - earth dam is entirely constructed of one type of material but may contain a drain layer to collect seep water . A zoned - earth dam has distinct parts or zones of dissimilar material , typically a locally plentiful shell with a watertight clay core . Modern zoned - earth embankments employ filter and drain zones to collect and remove seep water and preserve the integrity of the downstream shell zone . An outdated method of zoned earth dam construction utilized a hydraulic fill to produce a watertight core . Rolled - earth dams may also employ a watertight facing or core in the manner of a rock - fill dam . An interesting type of temporary earth dam occasionally used in high latitudes is the frozen - core dam , in which a coolant is circulated through pipes inside the dam to maintain a watertight region of permafrost within it . Tarbela Dam is a large dam on the Indus River in Pakistan . It is located about 50 km ( 31 mi ) northwest of Islamabad , and a height of 485 ft ( 148 m ) above the river bed and a reservoir size of 95 sq mi ( 250 km ) makes it the largest earth - filled dam in the world . The principal element of the project is an embankment 9,000 feet ( 2,700 m ) long with a maximum height of 465 feet ( 142 m ) . The total volume of earth and rock used for the project is approximately 200 million cubic yards ( 152.8 million cu . meters ) which makes it one of the largest man - made structures in the world . Because earthen dams can be constructed from materials found on - site or nearby , they can be very cost - effective in regions where the cost of producing or bringing in concrete would be prohibitive . By size ( edit ) International standards ( including the International Commission on Large Dams , ICOLD ) define large dams as higher than 15 m ( 49 ft ) and major dams as over 150 m ( 490 ft ) in height . The Report of the World Commission on Dams also includes in the large category , dams , such as barrages , which are between 5 and 15 m ( 16 and 49 ft ) high with a reservoir capacity of more than 3 million cubic metres ( 2,400 acre ⋅ ft ) . The tallest dam in the world is the 300 m - high ( 980 ft ) Nurek Dam in Tajikistan . By use ( edit ) Saddle dam ( edit ) A saddle dam is an auxiliary dam constructed to confine the reservoir created by a primary dam either to permit a higher water elevation and storage or to limit the extent of a reservoir for increased efficiency . An auxiliary dam is constructed in a low spot or `` saddle '' through which the reservoir would otherwise escape . On occasion , a reservoir is contained by a similar structure called a dike to prevent inundation of nearby land . Dikes are commonly used for reclamation of arable land from a shallow lake . This is similar to a levee , which is a wall or embankment built along a river or stream to protect adjacent land from flooding . Weir ( edit ) Main article : Weir A weir ( also sometimes called an overflow dam ) is a type of small overflow dam that is often used within a river channel to create an impoundment lake for water abstraction purposes and which can also be used for flow measurement or retardation . Check dam ( edit ) Main article : Check dam A check dam is a small dam designed to reduce flow velocity and control soil erosion . Conversely , a wing dam is a structure that only partly restricts a waterway , creating a faster channel that resists the accumulation of sediment . Dry dam ( edit ) Main article : Dry dam A dry dam , also known as a flood retarding structure , is a dam designed to control flooding . It normally holds back no water and allows the channel to flow freely , except during periods of intense flow that would otherwise cause flooding downstream . Diversionary dam ( edit ) Main article : Diversionary dam A diversionary dam is a structure designed to divert all or a portion of the flow of a river from its natural course . The water may be redirected into a canal or tunnel for irrigation and / or hydroelectric power production . Underground dam ( edit ) Underground dams are used to trap groundwater and store all or most of it below the surface for extended use in a localized area . In some cases they are also built to prevent saltwater from intruding into a freshwater aquifer . Underground dams are typically constructed in areas where water resources are minimal and need to be efficiently stored , such as in deserts and on islands like the Fukuzato Dam in Okinawa , Japan . They are most common in northeastern Africa and the arid areas of Brazil while also being used in the southwestern United States , Mexico , India , Germany , Italy , Greece , France and Japan . There are two types of underground dams : a sub-surface and a sand - storage dam . A sub-surface dam is built across an aquifer or drainage route from an impervious layer ( such as solid bedrock ) up to just below the surface . They can be constructed of a variety of materials to include bricks , stones , concrete , steel or PVC . Once built , the water stored behind the dam raises the water table and is then extracted with wells . A sand - storage dam is a weir built in stages across a stream or wadi . It must be strong , as floods will wash over its crest . Over time , sand accumulates in layers behind the dam , which helps store water and , most importantly , prevent evaporation . The stored water can be extracted with a well , through the dam body , or by means of a drain pipe . Tailings dam ( edit ) Main article : Tailings dam A tailings dam is typically an earth - fill embankment dam used to store tailings , which are produced during mining operations after separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction of an ore . Conventional water retention dams can serve this purpose , but due to cost , a tailings dam is more viable . Unlike water retention dams , a tailings dam is raised in succession throughout the life of the particular mine . Typically , a base or starter dam is constructed , and as it fills with a mixture of tailings and water , it is raised . Material used to raise the dam can include the tailings ( depending on their size ) along with dirt . There are three raised tailings dam designs , the upstream , downstream and centerline , named according to the movement of the crest during raising . The specific design used is dependent upon topography , geology , climate , the type of tailings , and cost . An upstream tailings dam consists of trapezoidal embankments being constructed on top but toe to crest of another , moving the crest further upstream . This creates a relatively flat downstream side and a jagged upstream side which is supported by tailings slurry in the impoundment . The downstream design refers to the successive raising of the embankment that positions the fill and crest further downstream . A centerlined dam has sequential embankment dams constructed directly on top of another while fill is placed on the downstream side for support and slurry supports the upstream side . Because tailings dams often store toxic chemicals from the mining process , they have an impervious liner to prevent seepage . Water / slurry levels in the tailings pond must be managed for stability and environmental purposes as well . By material ( edit ) Steel dams ( edit ) Main article : Steel dam Red Ridge steel dam , built 1905 , Michigan A steel dam is a type of dam briefly experimented with around the start of the 20th century which uses steel plating ( at an angle ) and load - bearing beams as the structure . Intended as permanent structures , steel dams were an ( arguably failed ) experiment to determine if a construction technique could be devised that was cheaper than masonry , concrete or earthworks , but sturdier than timber crib dams . Timber dams ( edit ) A timber crib dam in Michigan , photographed in 1978 Timber dams were widely used in the early part of the industrial revolution and in frontier areas due to ease and speed of construction . Rarely built in modern times because of their relatively short lifespan and the limited height to which they can be built , timber dams must be kept constantly wet in order to maintain their water retention properties and limit deterioration by rot , similar to a barrel . The locations where timber dams are most economical to build are those where timber is plentiful , cement is costly or difficult to transport , and either a low head diversion dam is required or longevity is not an issue . Timber dams were once numerous , especially in the North American West , but most have failed , been hidden under earth embankments , or been replaced with entirely new structures . Two common variations of timber dams were the crib and the plank . Timber crib dams were erected of heavy timbers or dressed logs in the manner of a log house and the interior filled with earth or rubble . The heavy crib structure supported the dam 's face and the weight of the water . Splash dams were timber crib dams used to help float logs downstream in the late 19th and early 20th centuries . Timber plank dams were more elegant structures that employed a variety of construction methods utilizing heavy timbers to support a water retaining arrangement of planks . Other types ( edit ) Cofferdams ( edit ) Main article : Cofferdam A cofferdam during the construction of locks at the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam A cofferdam is a barrier , usually temporary , constructed to exclude water from an area that is normally submerged . Made commonly of wood , concrete , or steel sheet piling , cofferdams are used to allow construction on the foundation of permanent dams , bridges , and similar structures . When the project is completed , the cofferdam will usually be demolished or removed unless the area requires continuous maintenance . ( See also causeway and retaining wall . ) Common uses for cofferdams include construction and repair of offshore oil platforms . In such cases the cofferdam is fabricated from sheet steel and welded into place under water . Air is pumped into the space , displacing the water and allowing a dry work environment below the surface . Natural dams ( edit ) Dams can also be created by natural geological forces . Volcanic dams are formed when lava flows , often basaltic , intercept the path of a stream or lake outlet , resulting in the creation of a natural impoundment . An example would be the eruptions of the Uinkaret volcanic field about 1.8 million -- 10,000 years ago , which created lava dams on the Colorado River in northern Arizona in the United States . The largest such lake grew to about 800 km ( 500 mi ) in length before the failure of its dam . Glacial activity can also form natural dams , such as the damming of the Clark Fork in Montana by the Cordilleran Ice Sheet , which formed the 7,780 km ( 3,000 sq mi ) Glacial Lake Missoula near the end of the last Ice Age . Moraine deposits left behind by glaciers can also dam rivers to form lakes , such as at Flathead Lake , also in Montana ( see Moraine - dammed lake ) . Natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides frequently create landslide dams in mountainous regions with unstable local geology . Historical examples include the Usoi Dam in Tajikistan , which blocks the Murghab River to create Sarez Lake . At 560 m ( 1,840 ft ) high , it is the tallest dam in the world , including both natural and man - made dams . A more recent example would be the creation of Attabad Lake by a landslide on Pakistan 's Hunza River . Natural dams often pose significant hazards to human settlements and infrastructure . The resulting lakes often flood inhabited areas , while a catastrophic failure of the dam could cause even greater damage , such as the failure of western Wyoming 's Gros Ventre landslide dam in 1927 , which wiped out the town of Kelly and resulted in the deaths of six people . Beaver dams ( edit ) Main article : Beaver dam Beavers create dams primarily out of mud and sticks to flood a particular habitable area . By flooding a parcel of land , beavers can navigate below or near the surface and remain relatively well hidden or protected from predators . The flooded region also allows beavers access to food , especially during the winter . Construction elements ( edit ) Power generation plant ( edit ) Main article : Hydroelectricity Hydraulic turbine and electric generator As of 2005 , hydroelectric power , mostly from dams , supplies some 19 % of the world 's electricity , and over 63 % of renewable energy . Much of this is generated by large dams , although China uses small - scale hydro generation on a wide scale and is responsible for about 50 % of world use of this type of power . Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator ; to boost the power generation capabilities of a dam , the water may be run through a large pipe called a penstock before the turbine . A variant on this simple model uses pumped - storage hydroelectricity to produce electricity to match periods of high and low demand , by moving water between reservoirs at different elevations . At times of low electrical demand , excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the higher reservoir . When there is higher demand , water is released back into the lower reservoir through a turbine . ( For example , see Dinorwig Power Station . ) Hydroelectric dam in cross section Spillways ( edit ) Main article : Spillway Spillway on Llyn Brianne dam , Wales , soon after first fill A spillway is a section of a dam designed to pass water from the upstream side of a dam to the downstream side . Many spillways have floodgates designed to control the flow through the spillway . There are several types of spillway . A service spillway or primary spillway passes normal flow . An auxiliary spillway releases flow in excess of the capacity of the service spillway . An emergency spillway is designed for extreme conditions , such as a serious malfunction of the service spillway . A fuse plug spillway is a low embankment designed to be overtopped and washed away in the event of a large flood . The elements of a fuse plug are independent free - standing blocks , set side by side which work without any remote control . They allow increasing the normal pool of the dam without compromising the security of the dam because they are designed to be gradually evacuated for exceptional events . They work as fixed weirs at times by allowing over-flow for common floods . The spillway can be gradually eroded by water flow , including cavitation or turbulence of the water flowing over the spillway , leading to its failure . It was the inadequate design of the spillway and installation of fish screens which led to the 1889 over-topping of the South Fork Dam in Johnstown , Pennsylvania , resulting in the infamous Johnstown Flood ( the `` great flood of 1889 '' ) . Erosion rates are often monitored , and the risk is ordinarily minimized , by shaping the downstream face of the spillway into a curve that minimizes turbulent flow , such as an ogee curve . Dam creation ( edit ) Common purposes ( edit ) Function Example Power generation Hydroelectric power is a major source of electricity in the world . Many countries have rivers with adequate water flow , that can be dammed for power generation purposes . For example , the Itaipu Dam on the Paraná River in South America generates 14 GW and supplied 93 % of the energy consumed by Paraguay and 20 % of that consumed by Brazil as of 2005 . Water supply Many urban areas of the world are supplied with water abstracted from rivers pent up behind low dams or weirs . Examples include London , with water from the River Thames , and Chester , with water taken from the River Dee . Other major sources include deep upland reservoirs contained by high dams across deep valleys , such as the Claerwen series of dams and reservoirs . Stabilize water flow / irrigation Dams are often used to control and stabilize water flow , often for agricultural purposes and irrigation . Others such as the Berg Strait dam can help to stabilize or restore the water levels of inland lakes and seas , in this case the Aral Sea . Flood prevention The Keenleyside Dam on the Columbia River , Canada can store 8.76 km ( 2.10 cu mi ) of floodwaters , and the huge Delta Works protects the Netherlands from coastal flooding . Land reclamation Dams ( often called dykes or levees in this context ) are used to prevent ingress of water to an area that would otherwise be submerged , allowing its reclamation for human use . Water diversion A typically small dam used to divert water for irrigation , power generation , or other uses , with usually no other function . Occasionally , they are used to divert water to another drainage or reservoir to increase flow there and improve water use in that particular area . See : diversion dam . Navigation Dams create deep reservoirs and can also vary the flow of water downstream . This can in return affect upstream and downstream navigation by altering the river 's depth . Deeper water increases or creates freedom of movement for water vessels . Large dams can serve this purpose , but most often weirs and locks are used . Some of these purposes are conflicting , and the dam operator needs to make dynamic tradeoffs . For example , power generation and water supply would keep the reservoir high , whereas flood prevention would keep it low . Many dams in areas where precipitation fluctuates in an annual cycle will also see the reservoir fluctuate annually in an attempt to balance these difference purposes . Dam management becomes a complex exercise amongst competing stakeholders . Location ( edit ) The discharge of Takato Dam One of the best places for building a dam is a narrow part of a deep river valley ; the valley sides then can act as natural walls . The primary function of the dam 's structure is to fill the gap in the natural reservoir line left by the stream channel . The sites are usually those where the gap becomes a minimum for the required storage capacity . The most economical arrangement is often a composite structure such as a masonry dam flanked by earth embankments . The current use of the land to be flooded should be dispensable . Significant other engineering and engineering geology considerations when building a dam include : Permeability of the surrounding rock or soil Earthquake faults Landslides and slope stability Water table Peak flood flows Reservoir silting Environmental impacts on river fisheries , forests and wildlife ( see also fish ladder ) Impacts on human habitations Compensation for land being flooded as well as population resettlement Removal of toxic materials and buildings from the proposed reservoir area Impact assessment ( edit ) Impact is assessed in several ways : the benefits to human society arising from the dam ( agriculture , water , damage prevention and power ) , harm or benefit to nature and wildlife , impact on the geology of an area ( whether the change to water flow and levels will increase or decrease stability ) , and the disruption to human lives ( relocation , loss of archeological or cultural matters underwater ) . Environmental impact ( edit ) Main article : Environmental impacts of reservoirs Wood and garbage accumulation due to a dam Reservoirs held behind dams affect many ecological aspects of a river . Rivers topography and dynamics depend on a wide range of flows , whilst rivers below dams often experience long periods of very stable flow conditions or sawtooth flow patterns caused by releases followed by no releases . Water releases from a reservoir including that exiting a turbine usually contain very little suspended sediment , and this in turn can lead to scouring of river beds and loss of riverbanks ; for example , the daily cyclic flow variation caused by the Glen Canyon Dam was a contributor to sand bar erosion . Older dams often lack a fish ladder , which keeps many fish from moving upstream to their natural breeding grounds , causing failure of breeding cycles or blocking of migration paths . Even the presence of a fish ladder does not always prevent a reduction in fish reaching the spawning grounds upstream . In some areas , young fish ( `` smolt '' ) are transported downstream by barge during parts of the year . Turbine and power - plant designs that have a lower impact upon aquatic life are an active area of research . A large dam can cause the loss of entire ecospheres , including endangered and undiscovered species in the area , and the replacement of the original environment by a new inland lake . Large reservoirs formed behind dams have been indicated in the contribution of seismic activity , due to changes in water load and / or the height of the water table . Dams are also found to have a role in the increase / decrease of global warming . The changing water levels in reservoirs are a source for greenhouse gases like methane . While dams and the water behind them cover only a small portion of earth 's surface , they harbour biological activity that can produce large amounts of greenhouse gases . Human social impact ( edit ) Main article : Dam eviction The impact on human society is also significant . Nick Cullather argues in Hungry World : America 's Cold War Battle Against Poverty in Asia that dam construction requires the state to displace individual people in the name of the common good , and that it often leads to abuses of the masses by planners . He cites Morarji Desai , Interior Minister of India , in 1960 speaking to villagers upset about the Pong Dam , who threatened to `` release the waters '' and drown the villagers if they did not cooperate . For example , the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China is more than five times the size of the Hoover Dam ( U.S. ) , and creates a reservoir 600 km ( 370 mi ) long to be used for flood control and hydro - power generation . Its construction required the loss of over a million people 's homes and their mass relocation , the loss of many valuable archaeological and cultural sites , as well as significant ecological change . During the 2010 China floods , the dam held back a what would have been a disastrous flood and the huge reservoir rose by 4 m ( 13 ft ) overnight . It is estimated that to date , 40 -- 80 million people worldwide have been physically displaced from their homes as a result of dam construction . Economics ( edit ) Construction of a hydroelectric plant requires a long lead time for site studies , hydrological studies , and environmental impact assessments , and are large - scale projects by comparison to traditional power generation based upon fossil fuels . The number of sites that can be economically developed for hydroelectric production is limited ; new sites tend to be far from population centers and usually require extensive power transmission lines . Hydroelectric generation can be vulnerable to major changes in the climate , including variations in rainfall , ground and surface water levels , and glacial melt , causing additional expenditure for the extra capacity to ensure sufficient power is available in low - water years . Once completed , if it is well designed and maintained , a hydroelectric power source is usually comparatively cheap and reliable . It has no fuel and low escape risk , and as an alternative energy source it is cheaper than both nuclear and wind power . It is more easily regulated to store water as needed and generate high power levels on demand compared to wind power . Dam failure ( edit ) Main article : Dam failure The reservoir emptying through the failed Teton Dam International special sign for works and installations containing dangerous forces Dam failures are generally catastrophic if the structure is breached or significantly damaged . Routine deformation monitoring and monitoring of seepage from drains in and around larger dams is useful to anticipate any problems and permit remedial action to be taken before structural failure occurs . Most dams incorporate mechanisms to permit the reservoir to be lowered or even drained in the event of such problems . Another solution can be rock grouting -- pressure pumping portland cement slurry into weak fractured rock . During an armed conflict , a dam is to be considered as an `` installation containing dangerous forces '' due to the massive impact of a possible destruction on the civilian population and the environment . As such , it is protected by the rules of international humanitarian law ( IHL ) and shall not be made the object of attack if that may cause severe losses among the civilian population . To facilitate the identification , a protective sign consisting of three bright orange circles placed on the same axis is defined by the rules of IHL . The main causes of dam failure include inadequate spillway capacity , piping through the embankment , foundation or abutments , spillway design error ( South Fork Dam ) , geological instability caused by changes to water levels during filling or poor surveying ( Vajont , Malpasset , Testalinden Creek dams ) , poor maintenance , especially of outlet pipes ( Lawn Lake Dam , Val di Stava Dam collapse ) , extreme rainfall ( Shakidor Dam ) , earthquakes , and human , computer or design error ( Buffalo Creek Flood , Dale Dike Reservoir , Taum Sauk pumped storage plant ) . A notable case of deliberate dam failure ( prior to the above ruling ) was the Royal Air Force ' Dambusters ' raid on Germany in World War II ( codenamed `` Operation Chastise '' ) , in which three German dams were selected to be breached in order to damage German infrastructure and manufacturing and power capabilities deriving from the Ruhr and Eder rivers . This raid later became the basis for several films . Since 2007 , the Dutch IJkdijk foundation is developing , with an open innovation model and early warning system for levee / dike failures . As a part of the development effort , full - scale dikes are destroyed in the IJkdijk fieldlab . The destruction process is monitored by sensor networks from an international group of companies and scientific institutions . See also ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dam . Bunding Grout curtain Ice dam Inflatable rubber dam International Commission on Large Dams List of dams and reservoirs List of largest dams List of tallest dams List of tidal barrages Lock ( water navigation ) Further reading ( edit ) Khagram , Sanjeev . Dams and Development : Transnational Struggles for Water and Power . Ithaca : Cornell University Press 2004 . McCully , Patrick . Silenced Rivers : The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams . London : Zed. 2001 . 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Stuttgart : Verlag Konrad Wittwer . pp. 221 -- 274 . ISBN 3 - 87919 - 145 - X . Hodge , A. Trevor ( 1992 ) . Roman Aqueducts & Water Supply . London : Duckworth . ISBN 0 - 7156 - 2194 - 7 . Hodge , A. Trevor ( 2000 ) . `` Reservoirs and Dams '' . In Wikander , Örjan . Handbook of Ancient Water Technology . Technology and Change in History . 2 . Leiden : Brill . pp. 331 -- 339 . ISBN 90 - 04 - 11123 - 9 . James , Patrick ; Chanson , Hubert ( 2002 ) . `` Historical Development of Arch Dams . From Roman Arch Dams to Modern Concrete Designs '' . Australian Civil Engineering Transactions . CE43 : 39 -- 56 . Schnitter , Niklaus ( 1978 ) . `` Römische Talsperren '' . Antike Welt. 8 ( 2 ) : 25 -- 32 . Schnitter , Niklaus ( 1987a ) . `` Verzeichnis geschichtlicher Talsperren bis Ende des 17 . Jahrhunderts '' . In Garbrecht , Günther . Historische Talsperren. 1 . Stuttgart : Verlag Konrad Wittwer . pp. 9 -- 20 . ISBN 3 - 87919 - 145 - X . Schnitter , Niklaus ( 1987b ) . `` Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pfeilerstaumauer '' . In Garbrecht , Günther . Historische Talsperren. 1 . Stuttgart : Verlag Konrad Wittwer . pp. 57 -- 74 . ISBN 3 - 87919 - 145 - X . Schnitter , Niklaus ( 1987c ) . `` Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bogenstaumauer '' . In Garbrecht , Günther . Historische Talsperren. 1 . Stuttgart : Verlag Konrad Wittwer . pp. 75 -- 96 . ISBN 3 - 87919 - 145 - X . Smith , Norman ( 1970 ) . `` The Roman Dams of Subiaco '' . Technology and Culture . 11 ( 1 ) : 58 -- 68 . doi : 10.2307 / 3102810 . JSTOR 3102810 . Smith , Norman ( 1971 ) . A History of Dams . London : Peter Davies . pp. 25 -- 49 . ISBN 0 - 432 - 15090 - 0 . Vogel , Alexius ( 1987 ) . `` Die historische Entwicklung der Gewichtsmauer '' . In Garbrecht , Günther . Historische Talsperren. 1 . Stuttgart : Verlag Konrad Wittwer . pp. 47 -- 56 ( 50 ) . ISBN 3 - 87919 - 145 - X . External links ( edit ) Look up dam in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . 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nancy sinatra don't let him waste your time
Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time
don't let him waste your time
`` Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time '' is a song by English singer and songwriter Jarvis Cocker . Before recording the song for his debut solo album Jarvis in November 2006 , the song appeared on Nancy Sinatra 's self - titled 2004 album ( Nancy Sinatra ) ( along with `` Baby 's Coming Back to Me '' , which also made it onto Jarvis ) . The song was released as a single on 8 January 2007 , reaching number 36 in the UK Singles Chart and number 1 on the UK indie chart .
Richard Hawley plays electric guitar on the track , while Cocker 's Pulp bandmate Steve Mackey plays bass . The track also features former Pulp member Antony Genn on backing vocals , and Martin Slattery of The Mescaleros on piano and saxophone . Contents ( hide ) 1 Music video 2 Track listings 3 References 4 External links Music video ( edit ) The music video , directed by Dougal Wilson , features Jarvis as a singing London taxicab driver . More concerned with singing to the passenger than watching the road , the driver collides with many pedestrians and cyclists . Track listings ( edit ) 7 inch 1 RTRADS385 `` Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time '' `` Big Stuff '' 7 inch 2 RTRADSX385 `` Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time '' `` One Man Show '' CD RTRADSCD385 `` Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time '' `` The Mouse the Bird and the Sausage '' ( spoken word ) `` Running the World '' ( karaoke video ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Pitchfork Media Archived 12 February 2007 at the Wayback Machine . -- News -- 3 January 2007 Jump up ^ EveryHit.com Archived 18 July 2007 at WebCite -- UK Top 40 Hit Database Jump up ^ Board Message Jump up ^ Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time CD sleeve notes -- RTRADSCD385 Jump up ^ http://www.videology-tv.com/viewclip.php?id=60 Jump up ^ http://buzzsugar.com/91530 External links ( edit ) Rough Trade Records discography NME review of the single Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics hide Jarvis Cocker Studio albums Jarvis Further Complications Singles `` Running the World '' `` Do n't Let Him Waste Your Time '' `` Fat Children '' `` Temptation '' ( with Beth Ditto ) `` Angela '' `` '' Further Complications. `` '' / `` Girls Like It Too '' Associated acts Pulp Relaxed Muscle All Seeing I Lush The Lovers Related articles The Trip ( with Steve Mackey ) 1996 BRIT Awards incident Goblet of Fire soundtrack Nancy Sinatra Songs for the Young at Heart Pocket Symphony Discography Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Don%27t_Let_Him_Waste_Your_Time&oldid=800252387 '' Categories : 2004 songs Nancy Sinatra songs 2007 singles Jarvis Cocker songs Songs written by Jarvis Cocker Rough Trade Records singles Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template webcite links EngvarB from January 2014 Use dmy dates from January 2014 Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 10 : 47 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
the bolshevik revolution in russia (oct 1917)
October Revolution
october revolution
The October Revolution ( Russian : Октя́брьская револю́ция , tr . Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya ; IPA : ( ɐkˈtjabrjskəjə rjɪvɐˈljutsɨjə ) ) , officially known in Soviet literature as the Great October Socialist Revolution ( Вели́кая Октя́брьская социалисти́ческая револю́ция , Velikaya Oktyabr'skaya sotsialističeskaya revolyutsiya ) , and commonly referred to as Red October , the October Uprising , the Bolshevik Revolution , or Bolshevik Coup was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin that was instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917 . It took place with an armed insurrection in Petrograd on the 25th of October ( 7 November , New Style ) 1917 .
It followed and capitalized on the February Revolution of the same year , which overthrew the Tsarist autocracy and resulted in a provisional government after a transfer of power proclaimed by Grand Duke Michael , brother of Tsar Nicolas II , who declined to take power after the Tsar stepped down . During this time , urban workers began to organize into councils ( Russian : Soviet ) wherein revolutionaries criticized the provisional government and its actions . After the Congress of Soviets , now the governing body , had its second session , it elected members of the Bolsheviks and other leftist groups such as the Left Socialist Revolutionaries to important positions within the new state of affairs . This immediately initiated the establishment of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic , the world 's first self - proclaimed socialist state . On 17 July 1918 , the Tsar and his family were brutally executed with Lenin 's approval . The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks , who used their influence in the Petrograd Soviet to organize the armed forces . Bolshevik Red Guards forces under the Military Revolutionary Committee began the occupation of government buildings on 7 November 1917 ( New Style ) . The following day , the Winter Palace ( the seat of the Provisional government located in Petrograd , then capital of Russia ) , was captured . The long - awaited Constituent Assembly elections were held on 12 November 1917 . In contrast to their majority in the Soviets , the Bolsheviks only won 175 seats in the 715 - seat legislative body , coming in second behind the Socialist Revolutionary Party , which won 370 seats , although the SR Party no longer existed as a whole party by that time , as the Left SRs had gone into coalition with the Bolsheviks from October 1917 to March 1918 . The Constituent Assembly was to first meet on 28 November 1917 , but its convocation was delayed until 5 January 1918 by the Bolsheviks . On its first and only day in session , the Constituent Assembly came into conflict with the Soviets , and it rejected Soviet decrees on peace and land , resulting in the Constituent Assembly being dissolved the next day by order of the Congress of Soviets . As the revolution was not universally recognized , there followed the struggles of the Russian Civil War ( 1917 -- 22 ) and the creation of the Soviet Union in 1922 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 Background 2.1 February Revolution 2.2 Unrest by workers , peasants and soldiers 2.3 Antiwar demonstrations 2.4 July days 2.5 Kornilov affair 3 Insurrection 3.1 Planning 3.2 Onset 3.3 Assault on the Winter Palace 3.4 Soviet propaganda 3.5 Dybenko 's memoirs 4 Outcome 5 Historiography 5.1 Soviet historiography 5.2 Western historiography 5.3 Effect of the dissolution of the USSR on historical research 6 Legacy 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Etymology ( edit ) At first , the event was referred to as the October coup ( Октябрьский переворот ) or the Uprising of 3rd , as seen in contemporary documents ( for example , in the first editions of Lenin 's complete works ) . In Russian , however , `` переворот '' has a similar meaning to `` revolution '' and also means `` upheaval '' or `` overturn '' , so `` coup '' is not necessarily the correct translation . With time , the term October Revolution ( Октябрьская революция ) came into use . It is also known as the `` November Revolution '' having occurred in November according to the Gregorian Calendar . The Great October Socialist Revolution ( Russian : Вели́кая Октя́брьская Социалисти́ческая Революция , Velikaya Oktyabr'skaya sotsialisticheskaya revolyutsiya ) was the official name for the October Revolution in the Soviet Union after the 10th anniversary of the Revolution in 1927 . Background ( edit ) February Revolution ( edit ) Main article : February Revolution The February Revolution had toppled Tsar Nicolas II of Russia , and replaced his government with the Russian Provisional Government . However , the provisional government was weak and riven by internal dissension . It continued to wage World War I , which became increasingly unpopular . A nationwide crisis developed in Russia , affecting social , economic , and political relations . Disorder in industry and transport had intensified , and difficulties in obtaining provisions had increased . Gross industrial production in 1917 had decreased by over 36 % from what it had been in 1914 . In the autumn , as much as 50 % of all enterprises were closed down in the Urals , the Donbas , and other industrial centers , leading to mass unemployment . At the same time , the cost of living increased sharply . Real wages fell about 50 % from what they had been in 1913 . Russia 's national debt in October 1917 had risen to 50 billion rubles . Of this , debts to foreign governments constituted more than 11 billion rubles . The country faced the threat of financial bankruptcy . Unrest by workers , peasants and soldiers ( edit ) In September and October 1917 , there were mass strike actions by the Moscow and Petrograd workers , miners in Donbas , metalworkers in the Urals , oil workers in Baku , textile workers in the Central Industrial Region , and railroad workers on 44 railway lines . In these months alone , more than a million workers took part in strikes . Workers established control over production and distribution in many factories and plants in a social revolution . By October 1917 , there had been over 4,000 peasant uprisings against landowners . When the Provisional Government sent punitive detachments , it only enraged the peasants . The garrisons in Petrograd , Moscow , and other cities , the Northern and Western fronts , and the sailors of the Baltic Fleet in September declared through their elected representative body Tsentrobalt that they did not recognize the authority of the Provisional Government and would not carry out any of its commands . Antiwar demonstrations ( edit ) In a diplomatic note of 1 May , the minister of foreign affairs , Pavel Milyukov , expressed the Provisional Government 's desire to continue the war against the Central Powers `` to a victorious conclusion '' , arousing broad indignation . On 1 -- 4 May , about 100,000 workers and soldiers of Petrograd , and after them the workers and soldiers of other cities , led by the Bolsheviks , demonstrated under banners reading `` Down with the war ! '' and `` all power to the soviets ! '' The mass demonstrations resulted in a crisis for the Provisional Government . 1 July saw more demonstrations , as about 500,000 workers and soldiers in Petrograd demonstrated , again demanding `` all power to the soviets '' , `` down with the war '' , and `` down with the ten capitalist ministers '' . The Provisional Government opened an offensive against the Central Powers on 1 July , which soon collapsed . The news of the offensive and its collapse intensified the struggle of the workers and the soldiers . A new crisis in the Provisional Government began on 15 July . July Days ( edit ) Main article : July Days A scene from the July Days . The army has just opened fire on street protesters . On 16 July , spontaneous demonstrations of workers and soldiers began in Petrograd , demanding that power be turned over to the soviets . The Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party provided leadership to the spontaneous movements . On 17 July , over 500,000 people participated in what was intended to be a peaceful demonstration in Petrograd , the so - called July Days . The Provisional Government , with the support of Socialist - Revolutionary Party - Menshevik leaders of the All - Russian Executive Committee of the Soviets , ordered an armed attack against the demonstrators , killing hundreds . A period of repression followed . On 5 -- 6 July , attacks were made on the editorial offices and printing presses of Pravda and on the Palace of Kshesinskaya , where the Central Committee and the Petrograd Committee of the Bolsheviks were located . On 7 July , the government ordered the arrest and trial of Vladimir Lenin . He was forced to go underground , as he had been under the Tsarist regime . Bolsheviks were arrested , workers were disarmed , and revolutionary military units in Petrograd were disbanded or sent to the war front . On 12 July , the Provisional Government published a law introducing the death penalty at the front . The second coalition government was formed on 24 July , chaired by Alexander Kerensky . Another problem for the government centered on General Lavr Kornilov , who had been Commander - in - Chief since 18 July . In response to a Bolshevik appeal , Moscow 's working class began a protest strike of 400,000 workers . They were supported by strikes and protest rallies by workers in Kiev , Kharkov , Nizhny Novgorod , Ekaterinburg , and other cities . Kornilov affair ( edit ) Main article : Kornilov affair In what became known as the Kornilov affair , Kornilov directed an army under Aleksandr Krymov to march toward Petrograd to restore order to Russia , with Kerensky 's agreement . Details remain sketchy , but Kerensky appeared to become frightened by the possibility the army would stage a coup , and reversed the order . By contrast , historian Richard Pipes has argued that the episode was engineered by Kerensky . On 27 August , feeling betrayed by the government , Kornilov pushed on towards Petrograd . With few troops to spare on the front , Kerensky turned to the Petrograd Soviet for help . Bolsheviks , Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries confronted the army and convinced them to stand down . The Bolsheviks ' influence over railroad and telegraph workers also proved vital in stopping the movement of troops . Right - wingers felt betrayed , and the left wing was resurgent . With Kornilov defeated , the Bolsheviks ' popularity in the soviets grew significantly , both in the central and local areas . On 31 August , the Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies , and on 5 September , the Moscow Soviet Workers Deputies adopted the Bolshevik resolutions on the question of power . The Bolsheviks won a majority in the Soviets of Briansk , Samara , Saratov , Tsaritsyn , Minsk , Kiev , Tashkent , and other cities . Insurrection ( edit ) Planning ( edit ) Cruiser Aurora Forward gun of Aurora that fired the signal shot On 23 October 1917 , the Bolsheviks ' Central Committee voted 10 -- 2 for a resolution saying that `` an armed uprising is inevitable , and that the time for it is fully ripe '' . The Bolsheviks created a revolutionary military committee within the Petrograd soviet , led by the soviet 's president , Trotsky . The committee included armed workers , sailors and soldiers , and assured the support or neutrality of the capital 's garrison . The committee methodically planned to occupy strategic locations through the city , almost without concealing their preparations : the Provisional Government 's president Kerensky was himself aware of them , and some details , leaked by Kamenev and Zinoviev , were published in newspapers . Onset ( edit ) On 25 October 1917 , Bolsheviks led their forces in the uprising in Petrograd ( modern day Saint Petersburg ) , then capital of Russia , against the Kerensky Provisional Government . The event coincided with the arrival of a flotilla of pro-Bolshevik marines , primarily five destroyers and their crew , into the St. Petersburg harbor . At Kronstadt , sailors also announced their allegiance to the Bolshevik insurrection . In the early morning , the military - revolutionary committee planned the last of the locations to be assaulted or seized from its heavily guarded and picketed center in Smolny palace . The Red Guards systematically captured major government facilities , key communication , installations and vantage points with little opposition . The Petrograd Garrison and most of the city 's military units joined the insurrection against the Provisional Government . Kerensky and the provisional government were virtually helpless to offer significant resistance . Railways and rail stations had been controlled by Soviet workers and soldiers for days , making rail travel to and from Petrograd , for Provisional Government officials , impossible . The Provisional Government was also unable to locate any serviceable vehicles . On the morning of the insurrection , Kerensky desperately searched for a means of reaching military forces he hoped would be friendly to the Provisional government outside the city , and ultimately borrowed a Renault car from the American Embassy , which he drove from the Winter Palace alongside a Pierce Arrow . Kerensky was able to evade the pickets going up around the palace and drive to meet oncoming soldiers . As Kerensky left Petrograd , Lenin penned a proclamation `` To the Citizens of Russia '' stating that the Provisional Government had been overthrown by the Military Revolutionary Committee . The proclamation was sent via telegram all throughout Russia , even as the pro-Soviet soldiers were seizing important control centers throughout the city . One of Lenin 's intentions was to present members of the Soviet congress , who would assemble that afternoon , with a fait accompli and therefore forestall further debate on the wisdom or legitimacy of taking power . Assault on the Winter Palace ( edit ) The insurrection was mostly bloodless , with a final assault being launched against the Winter Palace , poorly defended by 3,000 cadets , officers , cossacks and female soldiers . The assault was delayed throughout the day , both because functioning artillery could not be found , and because the Bolsheviks feared violence when the insurrection had so far been peaceful . At 6 : 15 p.m. , a large group of artillery cadets abandoned the palace , taking their artillery with them ; at 8 : 00 p.m. , 200 cossacks also left the palace and returned to their barracks . While the cabinet of the provisional government within the palace debated what action to take , the Bolsheviks issued an ultimatum to surrender . Workers and soldiers occupied the last of the telegraph stations , cutting off the cabinet 's communications with loyal military forces outside the city . As the night progressed , crowds of insurgents surrounded the palace , and many infiltrated it . While soviet historians and officials tended to depict the event in heroic terms , the insurrection and even the seizure of the Winter Palace happened almost without resistance . At 9 : 45 p.m , the cruiser Aurora fired a blank shot from the harbor . By 2 : 00 a.m on 26 October Bolshevik forces entered the palace , and after sporadic gunfire throughout the building , the cabinet of the provisional government surrendered . Soviet propaganda ( edit ) Later official accounts of the revolution from the Soviet Union would depict the events in October as being far more dramatic than they actually had been . ( See firsthand account by British General Knox . ) This was helped by the historical reenactment , entitled The Storming of the Winter Palace , which was staged in 1920 . This reenactment , watched by 100,000 spectators , provided the model for official films made much later , which showed a huge storming of the Winter Palace and fierce fighting ( See Sergei Eisenstein 's October : Ten Days That Shook the World ) . In reality , the Bolshevik insurgents faced little opposition . The insurrection was timed and organized to hand state power to the Second All - Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers ' and Soldiers ' Deputies , which began on 25 October . After a single day of revolution , 18 people had been arrested and two killed . Soviet government archives show that parties of Bolshevik operatives sent from the Smolny by Lenin took over all critical centers of power in Petrograd in the early hours of the first night without a shot being fired . This was completed so efficiently that the takeover resembled the changing of the guard . The capture of the Winter Palace was more dramatic , with the Red Guards storming it at 2 : 10 a.m. on 26 October 1917 . The Cossacks deserted when the Red Guard approached , and the Cadets and the 140 volunteers of the Women 's Battalion surrendered rather than resist the 40,000 strong army . The Aurora was commandeered to then fire blanks at the palace in a symbolic act of rejection of the government . The effectively unoccupied Winter Palace fell not because of acts of courage or a military barrage , but because the back door was left open , allowing the Red Guard to enter . A Red Guard named Adamovich remembered gasping as he burst into the palace , as he had never before seen such luxury and splendour . A small group broke in , got lost in the cavernous interior , and accidentally ran into the remnants of Kerensky 's provisional government in the imperial family 's breakfast room . The illiterate revolutionaries then compelled those arrested to write up their own arrest papers . The Provisional Government was arrested and imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress after the ministers resigned to fate and surrendered without a fight , and officially overthrown . Later stories of the heroic `` Storming of the Winter Palace '' and `` defense of the Winter Palace '' were later propaganda by Bolshevik publicists . Grandiose paintings depicting the `` Women 's Battalion '' and photo stills taken from Sergei Eisenstein 's staged film depicting the `` politically correct '' version of the October events in Petrograd came to be taken as truth . With the Petrograd Soviet now in control of government , garrison and proletariat , the Second All Russian Congress of Soviets held its opening session on the day , while Trotsky dismissed the opposing Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries ( SR ) from Congress . Dybenko 's memoirs ( edit ) Some sources contend that as the leader of Tsentrobalt , Pavlo Dybenko played an enormous role in the revolt . It is said that the ten warships that entered the city with ten thousand Baltic fleet mariners was the force that actually took the power in Petrograd and put down the Provisional Government . The same mariners then dispersed by force the elected parliament of Russia , and used machine - gun fire against protesting demonstrators in Petrograd . About 100 demonstrators were killed , and several hundreds wounded . Dybenko in his memoirs mentioned this event as `` several shots in the air '' . Later , during the first hours after the taking of the Winter Palace , Dybenko personally entered the Ministry of Justice and destroyed there the documents about the financing of the Bolshevik party by Germany . These are disputed by various sources such as Louise Bryant , who claims that news outlets in the West at the time reported that the unfortunate loss of life occurred in Moscow , not Petrograd , and the number was much less than suggested above . As for the `` several shots in the air '' , there is little evidence suggesting otherwise . The alleged action of Dybenko entering the Ministry of Justice to destroy documents as recalled by Savchenko can also be challenged . According to reports , Pavel Dybenko was in Helsingfors organizing the sailors ' departures for Petrograd . In the book Radio October ... On the `` Krechet '' in Helsingfors , radio operator Makarov hands a telegram to Pavel Dybenko with the report of the `` Samson '' commissar , Grigoriy Borisov : `` To Tsentrobalt . Everything is calm in Petrograd . The power is in the hands of the revolutionary committee . You have to immediately get in touch with the front committee of the Northern Army in order to preserve unity of forces and stability . '' Outcome ( edit ) See also : Russian Revolution and Kiev Bolshevik Uprising Petrograd Milrevcom proclamation about the deposing of the Russian Provisional Government The Second Congress of Soviets consisted of 670 elected delegates ; 300 were Bolshevik and nearly a hundred were Left Socialist - Revolutionaries , who also supported the overthrow of the Alexander Kerensky Government . When the fall of the Winter Palace was announced , the Congress adopted a decree transferring power to the Soviets of Workers ' , Soldiers ' and Peasants ' Deputies , thus ratifying the Revolution . The transfer of power was not without disagreement . The center and Right wings of the Socialist Revolutionaries as well as the Mensheviks believed that Lenin and the Bolsheviks had illegally seized power and they walked out before the resolution was passed . As they exited , they were taunted by Leon Trotsky who told them `` You are pitiful isolated individuals ; you are bankrupts ; your role is played out . Go where you belong from now on -- into the dustbin of history ! '' The following day , 26 October , the Congress elected a Council of People 's Commissars ( Sovnarkom ) with Lenin as leader as the basis of a new Soviet Government , pending the convocation of a Constituent Assembly , and passed the Decree on Peace and the Decree on Land . This new government was also officially called `` provisional '' until the Assembly was dissolved . Posters were pinned on walls and fences by the Right SRs , describing the takeover as a `` crime against the motherland and revolution '' . On 27 October 1917 , the Mensheviks seized power in Georgia and declared it an independent republic . The Don Cossacks also claimed control of their own government . The biggest Bolshevik strongholds were in the cities , particularly Petrograd , with support much more mixed in rural areas . The peasant dominated Left SR Party was in coalition with the Bolsheviks . There are reports that the Provisional Government has not conceded defeat and are meeting with the army at the Front . On 28 October 1917 , some posters and newspapers started criticizing the actions of the Bolsheviks and refuted their authority . The Executive Committee of Peasants Soviets `` refutes with indignation all participation of the organised peasantry in this criminal violation of the will of the working class '' . On 29 October 1917 , opposition to the Bolsheviks develops into major counter-revolutionary action . Cossacks enter Tsarskoye Selo on outskirts of Petrograd with Kerensky riding on a white horse welcomed by church bells . Kerensky gave an ultimatum to the rifle garrison to lay down weapons , which was promptly refused . They were then fired upon by Kerensky 's Cossacks , which resulted in 8 deaths . This turned soldiers in Petrograd against Kerensky because he was just like the Tsarist regime . Kerensky 's failure to assume authority over troops was described by John Reed as a ' fatal blunder ' that signalled the final death of the government . On 30 October 1917 , the battle against the anti-Bolsheviks continued . The Red Guard fought against Cossacks at Tsarskoye Selo , with the Cossacks breaking rank and fleeing , leaving their artillery behind . On 31 October 1917 , the Bolsheviks gain control of Moscow after a week of bitter street - fighting . Artillery had been freely used with an estimated 700 casualties . However , there is still continued support for Kerensky in some of the provinces . On 1 November 1917 , there is an appeal to anti-Bolsheviks throughout Russia to join the new government of the people , with the Bolsheviks winning even more support from the Russian people . On 2 November 1917 , there is only minor public anti-Bolshevik sentiment ; for example , the newspaper Novaya Zhizn criticises the lack of manpower and organisation of the Bolsheviks to run a party , let alone a government . Lenin confidently claims that there is `` not a shadow of hesitation in the masses of Petrograd , Moscow and the rest of Russia '' towards Bolshevik rule . On 12 November , a Constitutent Assembly was elected , giving a majority to the Socialist Revolutionary Party , which no longer existed as a full party by that time , with the Left SR Party in coalition with the Bolsheviks . The Bolsheviks dissolved the Constituent Assembly in January 1918 , when it came into conflict with the Soviets . On 20 December 1917 , the Cheka was created by the decree of Vladimir Lenin . These were the beginnings of the Bolsheviks ' consolidation of power over their political opponents . The Red Terror was started in September 1918 , following a failed assassination attempt on Lenin 's life . The Jacobin Terror was an example for the Soviet Bolsheviks . Leon Trotsky had compared Lenin to Maximilien Robespierre as early as 1904 . The Decree on Land ratified the actions of the peasants who throughout Russia gained private land and redistributed it among themselves . The Bolsheviks viewed themselves as representing an alliance of workers and peasants and memorialized that understanding with the Hammer and Sickle on the flag and coat of arms of the Soviet Union . Other decrees : All private property was nationalized by the government . All Russian banks were nationalized . Private bank accounts were expropriated . The properties of the Church ( including bank accounts ) were expropriated . All foreign debts were repudiated . Control of the factories was given to the soviets . Wages were fixed at higher rates than during the war , and a shorter , eight - hour working day was introduced . Bolshevik - led attempts to gain power in other parts of the Russian Empire were largely successful in Russia proper -- although the fighting in Moscow lasted for two weeks -- but they were less successful in ethnically non-Russian parts of the Empire , which had been clamoring for independence since the February Revolution . For example , the Ukrainian Rada , which had declared autonomy on 23 June 1917 , created the Ukrainian People 's Republic on 20 November , which was supported by the Ukrainian Congress of Soviets . This led to an armed conflict with the Bolshevik government in Petrograd and , eventually , a Ukrainian declaration of independence from Russia on 25 January 1918 . In Estonia , two rival governments emerged : the Estonian Provincial Assembly proclaimed itself the supreme legal authority of Estonia on 28 November 1917 and issued the Declaration of Independence on 24 February 1918 , while an Estonian Bolshevik sympathizer , Jaan Anvelt , was recognized by Lenin 's government as Estonia 's leader on 8 December , although forces loyal to Anvelt controlled only the capital and a few other towns . The success of the October Revolution transformed the Russian state into a soviet republic . A coalition of anti-Bolshevik groups attempted to unseat the new government in the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1922 . In an attempt to intervene in the civil war after the Bolsheviks ' separate peace with the Central Powers , the Allied powers ( United Kingdom , France , Italy , United States and Japan ) occupied parts of the Soviet Union for over two years before finally withdrawing . The United States did not recognize the new Russian government until 1933 . The European powers recognized the Soviet Union in the early 1920s and began to engage in business with it after the New Economic Policy ( NEP ) was implemented . Historiography ( edit ) Soviet Union This article is part of a series on the politics and government of the Soviet Union Leadership ( show ) Leaders President ( list Vice President ) Collective leadership State Council Presidential Council Communist Party ( show ) Congress Central Committee History General Secretary Politburo Secretariat Orgburo Legislature ( show ) Congress of Soviets ( Central Executive Committee ) Supreme Soviet Soviet of the Union Soviet of Nationalities Presidium Congress of People 's Deputies Speaker 1989 Legislative election Governance ( show ) Constitution Official names 1924 1936 1977 Government Ministries State Committees Executive Officer Premiership Cabinets Council of People 's Commissars Council of Ministers Cabinet of Ministers Judiciary ( show ) Law Supreme Court People 's Court Procurator General History ( hide ) 1917 -- 27 Revolution Civil War 1927 -- 53 World War II 1953 -- 64 Khrushchev Thaw 1964 -- 82 Era of Stagnation 1982 -- 91 Dissolution Ideology ( show ) Soviet democracy Marxism -- Leninism Leninism Stalinism Khrushchevism De-Stalinization Society ( show ) Economy Agriculture Consumer goods Five - Year Plan Kosygin reform New Economic Policy Science and technology Era of Stagnation Material balance planning Transport Culture Demographics Education Family Phraseology Religion Repression Censorship Censorship of images Great Purge Gulag system Collectivization Human rights Ideological repression Suppressed research Political abuse of psychiatry Political repression Population transfer Propaganda Red Terror Other countries Atlas Part of a series on Marxism -- Leninism Concepts ( show ) Anti-imperialism Anti-revisionism Commanding heights of the economy Communist society Communist state Democratic centralism Economic planning Marxist -- Leninist atheism One - party state People 's democracy Popular front Proletarian internationalism Socialist patriotism Socialist state Theory of the productive forces Third Period Vanguardism Variants ( show ) Guevarism Ho Chi Minh Thought Hoxhaism Husakism Kadarism Khrushchevism Maoism Marxism -- Leninism -- Maoism Prachanda Path Titoism Stalinism People ( show ) Joseph Stalin Ernst Thälmann Earl Browder Gonchigiin Bumtsend Mao Zedong Abimael Guzmán José Díaz Josip Broz Tito Enver Hoxha Palmiro Togliatti Nikita Khrushchev Fidel Castro Che Guevara Ho Chi Minh Deng Xiaoping Mathieu Kérékou Agostinho Neto Samora Machel Thomas Sankara Alfonso Cano Literature ( show ) Wage Labour and Capital Materialism and Empirio - criticism Imperialism ( Lenin ) What Is to Be Done ? The State and Revolution Dialectical and Historical Materialism Guerrilla Warfare Fundamentals of Marxism -- Leninism History ( hide ) October Revolution Soviet Union Comintern Hungarian Soviet Republic Spanish Civil War World War II Warsaw Pact Greek Civil War Chinese Revolution Korean War Cuban Revolution De-Stalinization Non-Aligned Movement Sino - Soviet split Vietnam War Portuguese Colonial War Black Power movement Nicaraguan Revolution Nepalese Civil War Naxalite insurgency Internal conflict in Peru Related topics ( show ) Bolshevism Marxism Leninism Trotskyism Communism portal Socialism portal Politics portal Few events in historical research have been as conditioned by political influences as the October Revolution . The historiography of the Revolution generally divides into three camps : the Soviet - Marxist view , the Western - Totalitarian view , and the Revisionist view . Soviet historiography ( edit ) Soviet historiography of the October Revolution is intertwined with Soviet historical development . Many of the initial Soviet interpreters of the Revolution were themselves Bolshevik revolutionaries . After the initial wave of revolutionary narratives , Soviet historians worked within `` narrow guidelines '' defined by the Soviet government . The rigidity of interpretive possibilities reached its height under Joseph Stalin . Soviet historians of the October Revolution interpreted the Revolution with regard to establishing the legitimacy of Marxist ideology , and also the Bolshevik government . To establish the accuracy of Marxist ideology , Soviet historians generally described the Revolution as the product of class struggle . They maintained that the Revolution was the supreme event in a world history governed by historical laws . The Bolshevik Party is placed at the center of the Revolution , exposing the errors of both the moderate Provisional Government and the spurious `` socialist '' Mensheviks in the Petrograd Soviet . Guided by Vladimir Lenin 's leadership and his firm grasp of scientific Marxist theory , the Party led the `` logically predetermined '' events of the October Revolution from beginning to end . The events were , according to these historians , logically predetermined because of the socio - economic development of Russia , where the monopoly industrial capitalism alienated the masses . In this view , the Bolshevik party took the leading role in organizing these alienated industrial workers , and thereby established the construction of the first socialist state . Although Soviet historiography of the October Revolution stayed relatively constant until 1991 , it did undergo some changes . Following Stalin 's death , historians such as E. N. Burdzhalov and P. V. Volobuev published historical research that deviated significantly from the party line in refining the doctrine that the Bolshevik victory `` was predetermined by the state of Russia 's socio - economic development '' . These historians , who constituted the `` New Directions Group '' , posited that the complex nature of the October Revolution `` could only be explained by a multi-causal analysis , not by recourse to the mono - causality of monopoly capitalism '' . For them , the central actor is still the Bolshevik party , but this party triumphed `` because it alone could solve the preponderance of ' general democratic ' tasks the country faced '' ( such as the struggle for peace , the exploitation of landlords , and so on . ) During the late Soviet period , the opening of select Soviet archives during glasnost sparked innovative research that broke away from some aspects of Marxism -- Leninism , though the key features of the orthodox Soviet view remained intact . Western historiography ( edit ) During the Cold War , Western historiography of the October Revolution developed in direct response to the assertions of the Soviet view . The Soviet version of the October Revolution conditioned historical interpretations in the United States and the West . As a result , these Western historians exposed what they believed were flaws in the Soviet view , thereby undermining the Bolsheviks ' original legitimacy , as well as the precepts of Marxism . These Western historians described the revolution as the result of a chain of contingent accidents . Examples of these accidental and contingent factors they say precipitated the Revolution included World War I 's timing , chance , and the poor leadership of Tsar Nicholas II as well as liberal and moderate socialists . According to Western historians , it was not popular support , but rather manipulation of the masses , ruthlessness , and the superior structure of the Bolsheviks that enabled it to survive . For these historians , the Bolsheviks ' defeat in the Constituent Assembly elections of November -- December 1917 demonstrated popular opposition to the Bolsheviks ' coup , as did the scale and breadth of the Civil War . Western historians saw the organization of the Bolshevik party as proto - totalitarian . Their interpretation of the October Revolution as a violent coup organized by a proto - totalitarian party reinforced to them the idea that totalitarianism was an inherent part of Soviet history . For them , Stalinist totalitarianism developed as a natural progression from Leninism and the Bolshevik party 's tactics and organization . Effect of the dissolution of the USSR on historical research ( edit ) The dissolution of the USSR affected historical interpretations of the October Revolution . Since 1991 , increasing access to large amounts of Soviet archival materials made it possible to re ‐ examine the October Revolution . Though both Western and Russian historians now have access to many of these archives , the effect of the dissolution of the USSR can be seen most clearly in the work of historians in the former USSR . While the disintegration essentially helped solidify the Western and Revisionist views , post-USSR Russian historians largely repudiated the former Soviet historical interpretation of the Revolution . As Stephen Kotkin argues , 1991 prompted `` a return to political history and the apparent resurrection of totalitarianism , the interpretive view that , in different ways ... revisionists sought to bury '' . There has additionally been the revival among some historians of the `` continuity thesis '' , the idea that there was an uncomplicated , natural evolution from the October Revolution 's organizational structure to Gulag camps during Stalin 's period . Legacy ( edit ) The term `` Red October '' ( Красный Октябрь , Krasnyy Oktyabr ) has also been used to describe the events of the month . This name has in turn been lent to a steel factory made notable by the Battle of Stalingrad , a Moscow sweets factory that is well known in Russia , and a fictional Soviet submarine . Ten Days That Shook the World , a book written by American journalist John Reed and first published in 1919 , gives a firsthand exposition of the events . Reed died in 1920 , shortly after the book was finished . Dmitri Shostakovich wrote his Symphony No. 2 in B major , Op. 14 and subtitled To October , for the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution . The choral finale of the work , `` To October '' , is set to a text by Alexander Bezymensky , which praises Lenin and the revolution . The Symphony No. 2 was first performed by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra and the Academy Capella Choir under the direction of Nikolai Malko , on 5 November 1927 . Sergei Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov 's film October : Ten Days That Shook the World , first released on 20 January 1928 in the USSR and on 2 November 1928 in New York City , describes and glorifies the revolution and was commissioned to commemorate the event . 7 November , the anniversary of the October Revolution , was the official national day of the Soviet Union from 1918 onward and still is a public holiday in Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , and the breakaway territory of Transnistria . The October revolution of 1917 also marks the inception of the first communist government in Russia , and thus the first large - scale socialist state in world history . After this Russia became the Russian SFSR and later part of the USSR , which dissolved in late 1991 . See also ( edit ) February Revolution Ten Days That Shook the World Revolutions of 1917 -- 23 Russian Civil War Russian Revolution ( 1917 ) Kiev Bolshevik Uprising Dissolution of the Soviet Union , 74 years later ( 1991 ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Samaan , A.E. ( 2 February 2013 ) . From a `` Race of Masters '' to a `` Master Race '' : 1948 to 1848 . A.E. Samaan . p. 346 . ISBN 0615747884 . Retrieved 9 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Jennifer Llewellyn , John Rae and Steve Thompson ( 2014 ) . `` The Constituent Assembly '' . Alpha History . Jump up ^ Bunyan & Fisher 1934 , p. 385 . Jump up ^ David Mandel , The Petrograd workers and the seizure of soviet power , London , 1984 Jump up ^ Richard Pipes ( 1990 ) . The Russian Revolution . Knopf Doubleday . p. 407 . Jump up ^ The Soviet Colossus : History and Aftermath . Michael Kort . p. 104 Jump up ^ Michael C. Hickey ( 2010 ) . Competing Voices from the Russian Revolution : Fighting Words : Fighting Words . ABC - CLIO . p. 559 . Jump up ^ Beckett 2007 , p. 526 Jump up ^ Pipes , 1997 . p. 51 . `` There is no evidence of a Kornilov plot , but there is plenty of evidence of Kerensky 's duplicity . '' Jump up ^ Service 2005 , p. 54 Jump up ^ `` Central Committee Meeting -- 10 Oct 1917 '' . Jump up ^ `` 1917 -- La Revolution Russe '' . Arte TV . 16 September 2007 . Retrieved 25 January 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Suny , Ronald ( 2011 ) . The Soviet Experiment . Oxford University Press . pp. 63 -- 67 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Rabinowitch , Alexander ( 2004 ) . The Bolsheviks Come to Power : The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd . Pluto Press . pp. 273 -- 305 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Beckett , p. 528 Jump up ^ Jonathan Schell , 2003 . ' The Mass Minority in Action : France and Russia ' . In The Unconquerable World . London : Penguin , pp. 167 -- 185 . Jump up ^ Argumenty i Fakty newspaper Jump up ^ `` ВОЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА -- ( Мемуары ) -- Дыбенко П. Е . Из недр царского флота к Великому Октябрю '' . Jump up ^ `` ВОЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА -- ( Биографии ) -- Савченко В . А . Авантюристы гражданской войны '' . Jump up ^ Louise Bryant , Six Red Months in Russia , pg 60 -- 61 Jump up ^ Service , 1998 . ^ Jump up to : John Reed , Ten Days that Shook the World Jump up ^ Figes , 1996 . Jump up ^ Richard Pipes : The Russian Revolution Jump up ^ See Encyclopedia of Ukraine online Jump up ^ See the article on Estonian independence in the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia online Jump up ^ Edward Acton , Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution , 1914 -- 1921 ( Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 1997 ) , 5 . Jump up ^ Acton , Critical Companion , 5 -- 7 . Jump up ^ Stephen Kotkin , `` 1991 and the Russian Revolution : Sources , Conceptual Categories , Analytical Frameworks , '' The Journal of Modern History 70 ( October 1998 ) : 392 . ^ Jump up to : Acton , Critical Companion , 7 . Jump up ^ Acton , Critical Companion , 8 . Jump up ^ Alter Litvin , Writing History in Twentieth - Century Russia , ( New York : Palgrave , 2001 ) , 49 -- 50 . Jump up ^ Roger Markwick , Rewriting History in Soviet Russia : The Politics of Revisionist Historiography , ( New York : Palgrave , 2001 ) , 97 . Jump up ^ Markwick , Rewriting History , 102 . Jump up ^ Acton , Critical Companion , 6 -- 7 . Jump up ^ Acton , Critical Companion , 7 -- 9 . Jump up ^ Stephen E. Hanson ( 1997 ) . Time and Revolution : Marxism and the Design of Soviet Institutions . U of North Carolina Press . p. 130 . Jump up ^ Kotkin , `` 1991 and the Russian Revolution , '' 385 - 86 . Jump up ^ Litvin , Writing History , 47 . Jump up ^ Kotkin , `` 1991 and the Russian Revolution , '' 385 . Jump up ^ Kevin Murphy , `` Can we write the history of the Russian Revolution ? , '' http://www.isreview.org/issues/57/feat-russianrev.shtml ( May 2011 ) . References ( edit ) Acton , Edward ( 1997 ) . Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution . Ascher , Abraham ( 2014 ) . The Russian Revolution : A Beginner 's Guide . Oneworld Publications . Beckett , Ian F.W. ( 2007 ) . The Great war ( 2 ed . ) . Longman . ISBN 1 - 4058 - 1252 - 4 . Bone , Ann ( trans . ) ( 1974 ) . The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution : Central Committee Minutes of the Russian Social - Democratic Labour Party ( Bolsheviks ) August 1917 - February 1918 . Pluto Press . ISBN 0 - 902818546 . Bunyan , James ; Fisher , Harold Henry ( 1934 ) . The Bolshevik Revolution , 1917 -- 1918 : Documents and Materials . Palo Alto : Stanford University Press . OCLC 253483096 . Chamberlin , William Henry ( 1935 ) . The Russian Revolution . I : 1917 -- 1918 : From the Overthrow of the Tsar to the Assumption of Power by the Bolsheviks. Old Classic . Figes , Orlando ( 1996 ) . A People 's Tragedy : The Russian Revolution : 1891 -- 1924 . Pimlico . Guerman , Mikhail ( 1979 ) . Art of the October Revolution . Kollontai , Alexandra ( 1971 ) . `` The Years of Revolution '' . The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman . New York : Herder and Herder . OCLC 577690073 . Krupskaya , Nadezhda ( 1930 ) . `` The October Days '' . Reminiscences of Lenin . Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House . OCLC 847091253 . Luxemburg , Rosa ( 1940 ) ( 1918 ) . The Russian Revolution . Translated by Bertram Wolfe . New York City : Workers Age . OCLC 579589928 . Mandel , David ( 1984 ) . The Petrograd Workers and the Soviet seizure of power . London : MacMillan . Pipes , Richard ( 1997 ) . Three `` whys '' of the Russian Revolution . Vintage Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 679 - 77646 - 8 . Radek , Karl ( 1995 ) ( First published 1922 as `` Wege der Russischen Revolution '' ) . `` The Paths of the Russian Revolution '' . In Bukharin , Nikolai ; Richardson , Al . In Defence of the Russian Revolution : A Selection of Bolshevik Writings , 1917 -- 1923 . London : Porcupine Press . pp. 35 -- 75 . ISBN 1899438017 . OCLC 33294798 . Read , Christopher ( 1996 ) . From Tsars to Soviets . Serge , Victor ( 1972 ) ( 1930 ) . Year One of the Russian Revolution . London : Penguin Press . OCLC 15612072 . Service , Robert ( 1998 ) . A history of twentieth - century Russia . Cambridge , Massachusetts : Harvard University Press . ISBN 0 - 674 - 40347 - 9 . Shukman , Harold , ed. ( 1998 ) . The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution . articles by over 40 specialists CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Swain , Geoffrey ( 2014 ) . Trotsky and the Russian Revolution . Routledge . Trotsky , Leon ( 1930 ) . `` XXVI : FROM JULY TO OCTOBER '' . My Life . London : Thornton Butterworth . OCLC 181719733 . Trotsky , Leon ( 1932 ) . The History of the Russian Revolution . III . Translated by Max Eastman . London : Gollancz . OCLC 605191028 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Russian Revolution of 1917 . The October Revolution Archive Let History Judge Russia 's Revolutions , commentary by Roy Medvedev , Project Syndicate , 2007 October Revolution and Logic of History Maps of Europe and Russia at time of October Revolution at omniatlas.com Annual Great October Socialist Revolution Parade By year 1919 1941 1947 1952 1953 1957 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967 1972 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 Related October Revolution Holidays in the USSR military parade Description This template features articles from all the parades from 1918 to 1990 . Parades in Soviet Cities 1989 ( Minsk ) 1989 ( Kishinev ) 1941 ( Kuybyshev ) Participating units Corps of Drums of the Moscow Military Music College Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union Frunze Military Academy V.I. Lenin Military Political Academy Felix Dzerzhinsky Artillery Academy Military Armored Forces Academy Marshal Rodion Malinovsky Military Engineering Academy Military Academy of Chemical Defense and Control Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy Prof. Nikolai Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy Naval Engineering School Moscow Border Guards Institute of the Border Defence Forces of the KGB `` Moscow City Council Western Military District units : 98th Guards Airborne Division OMSDON 336th Marine Regiment of the Baltic Fleet Suvorov Military School Nakhimov Naval School Moscow Military High Command Training School `` Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR October Bolshevik Uprising November Petrograd ( November 7 ) Moscow ( November 7 - 15 ) Kiev ( November 8 - 13 ) Tashkent ( November 10 - 14 ) Vinnytsia Russian Revolution / Russian Civil War Events Revolution February Revolution July Days Kornilov affair October Revolution Kerensky -- Krasnov uprising Junker mutiny Civil War Russian Civil War Ukrainian War of Independence Ukrainian -- Soviet War Kiev Bolshevik Uprising Polish -- Ukrainian War Finnish Civil War Heimosodat Polish -- Soviet War Estonian War of Independence Latvian War of Independence Lithuanian Wars of Independence Red Army invasion of Georgia Armenian -- Azerbaijani War Left - wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War Siberian Intervention Groups Provisional Committee of the State Duma Russian Provisional Government White movement Pro-independence movements Petrograd Soviet Council of the People 's Commissars Military Revolutionary Committee Russian Constituent Assembly elections Black Guards Red Guards Group of forces in battle with the counterrevolution in the South of Russia Tsentralna Rada Ukrainian People 's Republic Parties Kadets Russian Social Democratic Labour Party Bolsheviks Mensheviks Socialist Revolutionary Party Left SRs Union of October 17 Figures Monarchists Nicholas II of Russia Provisional Government Georgy Lvov Pavel Milyukov Alexander Guchkov White movement Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel Alexander Kolchak Anton Denikin Pyotr Krasnov Nikolai Yudenich Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin Lev Kamenev Grigory Zinoviev Leon Trotsky Mikhail Frunze Joseph Stalin Semyon Budyonny Right SRs Alexander Kerensky Stepan Petrichenko Boris Savinkov International Revolutions of 1917 -- 23 German Revolution of 1918 -- 1919 Bavarian Soviet Republic Hungarian Soviet Republic Hungarian -- Romanian War Workers ' Councils in Poland Polish -- Ukrainian War Polish -- Soviet War Slovak Soviet Republic Finnish Civil War Finnish Socialist Workers ' Republic Soviet Union topics History Index of Soviet Union - related articles Russian Revolution February October Russian Civil War Russian SFSR USSR creation treaty New Economic Policy Stalinism Great Purge Great Patriotic War ( World War II ) Cold War Khrushchev Thaw 1965 reform Stagnation Perestroika Glasnost Revolutions of 1989 Dissolution Nostalgia Post-Soviet states Geography Subdivisions Republics autonomous Oblasts autonomous Autonomous okrugs Closed cities list Regions Caspian Sea Caucasus Mountains European Russia North Caucasus Siberia Ural Mountains West Siberian Plain Politics General Constitution Elections Foreign relations Brezhnev Doctrine Government list Human rights LGBT Law Leaders Collective leadership Passport system State ideology Marxism -- Leninism Leninism Stalinism Bodies Communist Party organisation Central Committee Politburo Secretariat Congress General Secretary Congress of Soviets ( 1922 -- 1936 ) Supreme Soviet ( 1938 -- 1991 ) Congress of People 's Deputies ( 1989 -- 1991 ) Supreme Court Offices Premier President Deputy Premier First Deputy Premier Security services Cheka GPU NKVD MVD MGB KGB Political repression Red Terror Collectivization Great Purge Population transfer Gulag list Holodomor Political abuse of psychiatry Ideological repression Religion Suppressed research Censorship Censorship of images Economy Agriculture Central Bank Energy policy Five - 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who plays abigail father in the good witch
Art Hindle as Arthur : Abigail 's estranged father ( season 4 )
Art Hindle
Good Witch ( TV series )
good witch ( tv series )
Good Witch is an American / Canadian fantasy comedy - drama television series that is based on the made - for - TV movie series of the same name , produced by Whizbang Films in association with ITV Studios and the Hallmark Channel . Catherine Bell , who played Cassie Nightingale , the `` Good Witch '' in the movie series , both co-produces and stars in the series .
Good Witch premiered on February 28 , 2015 , and was consecutively renewed through a fourth season , which aired from April 29 to July 1 , 2018 . Immediately following the fourth season 's finale , Hallmark aired a teaser for a two - hour Halloween special to air in October 2018 . On July 26 , 2018 , the series was renewed for a fifth season . Contents 1 Series overview 2 Cast 2.1 Main 2.2 Recurring 3 Production 4 Home media 5 References 6 External links Series overview ( edit ) Further information : List of Good Witch episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 8 February 28 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 28 ) April 18 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 18 ) Halloween / Something Wicked October 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 24 ) 10 April 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 17 ) June 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 19 ) Secrets of Grey House October 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 22 ) 10 April 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 30 ) July 2 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 02 ) Spellbound October 22 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 22 ) 10 April 29 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 29 ) July 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 01 ) As with the previous seven TV movies , the series continues the spirited life of newly widowed Cassie Nightingale , the good - hearted enchantress of Middleton , United States , with her now - teenage daughter Grace . When new neighbors , the Radfords , move in next door , they become suspicious of Cassie and her daughter . Cast ( edit ) Main ( edit ) Catherine Bell as Cassandra `` Cassie '' Nightingale : She is the owner of a shop called Bell , Book & Candle and runs a bed and breakfast at Grey House . In the first season , Cassie develops a friendship with Middleton 's newest resident and neighbor , Sam Radford , and tries to move on from the loss of Jake with her long time friend , Ryan Elliot . However , both Cassie and Sam slowly begin to realize their romantic feelings for each other . Eventually , Cassie and Sam become a couple and by the end of the third season , they are engaged . Bailee Madison as Grace Russell : Cassie 's teenage daughter who has her own `` intuitive charm '' . Grace meets Nick Radford , a new resident that has arrived in Middleton . She initially tries to ignore him but gradually becomes his friend , even though , occasionally , he gets her into trouble . In the second season , she tries to gain her driver 's license and has Sam teach her , while she is struggling to move on from the loss of her father . In the third season , Grace briefly questions her true feelings for Nick , but later forms a relationship with his friend , Noah while she is struggling to accept the newfound romantic relationship between Cassie and Sam . James Denton as Dr. Sam Radford : Cassie 's handsome neighbor and the town 's new doctor . He is fairly wealthy from his experiences as a New York trauma surgeon , owner of his own private practice , on multiple hospital boards , and other activities . He has a hard time adjusting to Middleton in the beginning , but slowly opens up to the town while also beginning a close friendship with Cassie . In the first season , he dates Stephanie , but they eventually break up as he slowly begins to realize his true feelings towards Cassie . Sam admits his feelings at the start of the second season and begins to pursue Cassie , but faces trouble due to Linda 's interference and the arrival of Cassie 's old friend John . In the beginning of the third season , Sam and Cassie become a couple and later become engaged after he proposes in the third - season finale . Recurring ( edit ) Rhys Matthew Bond as Nick Radford : Sam 's troublesome son . Upon arriving in Middleton , he refuses to accept his new home and constantly wishes to go back to New York . In the first season , he repeatedly gets into trouble such as stealing a school statue or lying to his father . Eventually , Nick slowly begins to realize his mistakes while trying to form a friendship with Grace . In the second season , he becomes a nicer person and does n't get into any trouble anymore , but still faces some problems within his family . In the third season , Nick begins a romantic relationship with Grace 's friend , Courtney until in the season finale , he reveals his decision to break up , resulting in a falling out between him and Grace . Dan Jeannotte as Brandon Russell : Cassie 's stepson , who married Tara in the seventh movie and is a police officer like his father . Noah Cappe as Derek Sanders : Middleton 's chief of police , whom Mayor Martha Tinsdale appointed after Cassie 's husband died . Catherine Disher as Martha Tinsdale : The Mayor of Middleton . Since the previous Good Witch movie , Martha has been the Mayor of Middleton and is always making certain that parties and festivals are going exactly according to plan and turn out perfectly . Martha 's goal is to help Middleton grow and not to be overlooked by the rival town of Blairsville . Despite their rocky upstart , Martha is also close and good friends with Cassie , always appreciating everything Cassie has done for the town . Peter MacNeill as George O'Hanrahan : the father - in - law of Cassie 's late husband and grandfather of Brandon and Lori ; Grace refers to him as `` Grandpa '' as well . Kylee Evans as Stephanie Borden : the owner of a local bistro and a close friend of Cassie . She never wants to be single and becomes attracted to new men that arrive in town . In the first season , she is smitten with the new doctor , Sam and starts to pursue him . They briefly form a relationship , but eventually break up due to their differences and the slight interference of Abigail . In the second season , Stephanie works on starting a catering business while also beginning a new romantic relationship with local handyman Ben . Stephanie is also known to have a bad habit of making assumptions regarding romantic relationships such as believing that Cassie had romantic feelings for Ryan and John and later when she assumed that Nick had feelings for Grace . Jefferson Brown as Ben who has a construction business and dates Stephanie . Gabrielle Miller as Linda Wallace : Sam 's ex-wife and Nick 's mother . Linda moves to Middleton to be closer to Nick as she tries to get her family back together , including trying to reconcile with Sam . However , Linda begins to interfere in Sam 's life and quickly becomes jealous of his close and growing relationship with Cassie and starts to come between them . She tries to have everything her own way and never seems to listen to others or accept responsibilities for her own mistakes or true motives . Eventually , Linda moves back to New York for her career and to give Nick more space to grow . Sarah Power as Abigail Pershing : Cassie 's cousin . She has her own magical touch similar to Cassie , but uses it in her own way . Abigail is known to cause a bit of trouble to others , but they eventually help in the least expected way . Abigail originally worked for an Ad Agency in New York , but decided to leave to be closer to the family . Upon returning to Middleton , Abigail causes some problems such as helping Grace rebel and interfering in Stephanie and Sam 's relationship . She begins working for Stephanie in the bistro , but in the beginning of the second season , she opens her own flower shop . In the third season , Abigail becomes jealous of Cassie and tries to learn of her own purpose of what she can bring to the community of Middleton . Dan Payne as John Dover : Cassie 's former college friend . He arrives in Middleton , during the second season , for a teaching job and renews his interest in dating her . Paul Miller as Tom Tinsdale : Martha 's husband . He was previously mayor of Middleton . Hannah Endicott - Douglas as Lori Russell : Cassie 's stepdaughter , who is now a writer . Anthony Lemke as Ryan Elliot : a realtor and Cassie 's friend , although he secretly harbors romantic feelings for her . Prior to the beginning of show , he was engaged , but his fiancée Annie instead married his former best friend , resulting in Ryan being deeply hurt and betrayed . Eventually , Ryan admits his feelings for Cassie and tries to begin a romantic relationship . They form a brief relationship but they break up as Ryan moves away to Chicago to begin a new job he received while Cassie begins to realize her true feelings for Sam . Season 1 only . Shane Harte as Anthony : Grace 's best friend ( season 1 ) Art Hindle as Arthur : Abigail 's estranged father ( season 4 ) Sebastian Pigott as Phil Sturgis : a Grey House guest and creator of a high - tech dating app , who begins dating Abigail ( season 4 ) Production ( edit ) The series is filmed in Toronto , Ontario primarily at Cinespace Film Studios ' Kipling Avenue facility . As producer Orly Adelson was president of ITV Studios America in 2014 , ITV agreed to become the franchise 's TV series distributor outside of North America . Home Media ( edit ) On October 13 , 2015 , Hallmark released the first season of Good Witch on DVD . Its packaging contains two discs . On October 11 , 2016 , Hallmark released the second season of Good Witch on DVD . Its packaging contains three discs , including the Halloween special , `` Good Witch Halloween '' . The series is available internationally on Netflix . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Andreeva , Nellie ( February 25 , 2014 ) . `` Hallmark Channel 's ' Good Witch ' Movies To Spawn Drama Series Starring Catherine Bell '' . Deadline . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Petski , Denise ( July 28 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Good Witch ' Renewed For Season 4 By Hallmark Channel '' . Deadline . Penske Business Media . Retrieved February 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Good Witch Magical Adventures Return to Hallmark Channel for 4th Season , 4 / 29 '' . broadwayworld . January 15 , 2018 . Retrieved March 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Mitovich , Matt Webb ( July 26 , 2018 ) . `` Good Witch Renewed for Season 5 , When Calls the Heart Gets Spinoff '' . TVLine . Retrieved July 27 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Lambert , David ( August 21 , 2015 ) . `` Good Witch - Cover Art is Conjured Up for ' Season 1 ' on DVD '' . tvshowsondvd.com . Archived from the original on October 25 , 2015 . Retrieved October 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Lambert , David ( August 3 , 2016 ) . `` Good Witch -- Package Cover Art , Extras for ' Season 2 ' on DVD ! '' . tvshowsondvd.com . Archived from the original on October 9 , 2016 . Retrieved October 19 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) Official website Good Witch on IMDb The Good Witch Films The Good Witch ( 2008 ) The Good Witch 's Garden ( 2009 ) The Good Witch 's Gift ( 2010 ) The Good Witch 's Family ( 2011 ) The Good Witch 's Charm ( 2012 ) The Good Witch 's Destiny ( 2013 ) The Good Witch 's Wonder ( 2014 ) Television Good Witch ( episodes ) Hallmark Channel original programming Current Home and Family ( since 2012 ) When Calls the Heart ( since 2014 ) Good Witch ( since 2015 ) Chesapeake Shores ( since 2016 ) Meet the Peetes ( since 2018 ) Former Cedar Cove ( 2013 -- 2015 ) Signed , Sealed , Delivered ( 2014 ) Movies List of Hallmark Channel Original Movies Hallmark Hall of Fame movie list Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Good_Witch_(TV_series)&oldid=852238506 '' Categories : 2010s American comedy - drama television series 2010s Canadian comedy - drama television series 2015 American television series debuts 2015 Canadian television series debuts American fantasy television series Canadian fantasy television series Hallmark Channel shows Television programs based on books Television series by ITV Studios Television shows set in the United States Television series produced in Hamilton , Ontario Magic in television Witchcraft in television Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español فارسی Français Italiano Português Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 27 July 2018 , at 14 : 58 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
size of costa rica compared to a state
Costa Rica
costa rica
Coordinates : 10 ° N 84 ° W  /  10 ° N 84 ° W  / 10 ; - 84
Republic of Costa Rica República de Costa Rica ( Spanish ) Flag Coat of arms Anthem : `` Noble patria , tu hermosa bandera '' ( Spanish ) `` Noble motherland , your beautiful flag '' Capital and largest city San José 9 ° 56 ′ N 84 ° 5 ′ W  /  9.933 ° N 84.083 ° W  / 9.933 ; - 84.083 Official languages Spanish Recognized regional languages Mekatelyu Bribri Patois Ethnic groups ( 2011 ) 83.6 % White / Castizo or Mestizo 6.7 % Mulatto 2.4 % Amerindian 1.1 % Black ( of African descent ) 6.2 % Others Demonym Costa Rican Tico ( a ) Government Unitary presidential Constitutional republic President Carlos Alvarado 1st Vice-President Epsy Campbell Barr 2nd Vice-President Marvin Rodríguez Legislature Legislative Assembly Independence declared from Spain September 15 , 1821 from First Mexican Empire July 1 , 1823 from the Federal Republic of Central America 1838 Recognized by Spain May 10 , 1850 Constitution November 7 , 1949 Area Total 51,100 km ( 19,700 sq mi ) ( 126th ) Water ( % ) 0.7 Population 2016 estimate 4,857,274 ( 123rd ) Density 220 / sq mi ( 84.9 / km ) ( 107th ) GDP ( PPP ) 2018 estimate Total $90.157 billion Per capita $17,930 GDP ( nominal ) 2018 estimate Total $61.064 billion Per capita $12,144 Gini ( 2015 ) 48.2 high HDI ( 2015 ) 0.776 high 66th Currency Costa Rican colón ( CRC ) Time zone CST ( UTC − 6 ) Drives on the right Calling code + 506 ISO 3166 code CR Internet TLD . cr . co.cr Costa Rica ( / ˌkɒstə ˈriːkə / ( listen ) ; Spanish : ( ˈkosta ˈrika ) ; `` Rich Coast '' ) , officially the Republic of Costa Rica ( Spanish : República de Costa Rica ) , is a country in Central America , bordered by Nicaragua to the north , Panama to the southeast , the Pacific Ocean to the west , the Caribbean Sea to the east , and Ecuador to the south of Cocos Island . It has a population of around 4.9 million , in a land area of 51,060 square kilometers ( 19,714 square miles ) ; over 300,000 live in the capital and largest city , San José , which had a population of an estimated 333,980 in 2015 . Costa Rica has been known for its stable democracy , in a region that has had some instability , and for its highly educated workforce , most of whom speak English . The country spends roughly 6.9 % of its budget ( 2016 ) on education , compared to a global average of 4.4 % . Its economy , once heavily dependent on agriculture , has diversified to include sectors such as finance , corporate services for foreign companies , pharmaceuticals , and ecotourism . Many foreign companies ( manufacturing and services ) operate in Costa Rica 's Free Trade Zones ( FTZ ) where they benefit from investment and tax incentives . In spite of impressive growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) , low inflation , moderate interest rates and an acceptable unemployment level , Costa Rica in 2017 was facing a liquidity crisis due to a growing debt and budget deficit . By August 2017 , the Treasury was having difficulty paying its obligations . Other challenges facing the country in its attempts to improve the economy by increasing foreign investment include a poor infrastructure and a need to improve public sector efficiency . Costa Rica was sparsely inhabited by indigenous peoples before coming under Spanish rule in the 16th century . It remained a peripheral colony of the empire until independence as part of the short - lived First Mexican Empire , followed by membership in the United Provinces of Central America , from which it formally declared independence in 1847 . Since then , Costa Rica has remained among the most stable , prosperous , and progressive nations in Latin America . Following the brief Costa Rican Civil War , it permanently abolished its army in 1949 , becoming one of only a few sovereign nations without a standing army . The country has consistently performed favorably in the Human Development Index ( HDI ) , placing 69th in the world as of 2015 , among the highest of any Latin American nation . It has also been cited by the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) as having attained much higher human development than other countries at the same income levels , with a better record on human development and inequality than the median of the region . Costa Rica also has progressive environmental policies . It is the only country to meet all five UNDP criteria established to measure environmental sustainability . It was ranked 42nd in the world , and third in the Americas , in the 2016 Environmental Performance Index , and was twice ranked the best performing country in the New Economics Foundation 's ( NEF ) Happy Planet Index , which measures environmental sustainability , and was identified by the NEF as the greenest country in the world in 2009 . Costa Rica plans to become a carbon - neutral country by 2021 . By 2016 , 98.1 % of its electricity was generated from green sources particularly hydro , solar , geothermal and biomass . Contents 1 History 1.1 Pre-Columbian period 1.2 Spanish colonization 1.3 Independence 1.4 Economic growth in the 19th Century 1.4. 1 20th century 2 Geography 2.1 Climate 2.2 Flora and fauna 2.3 Rivers 3 Economy 3.1 Debt and deficit issues 3.1. 1 Liquidity crisis 3.2 Trade and foreign investment 3.3 Tourism 4 Governance 4.1 Administrative divisions 4.2 Foreign relations 5 Demographics 5.1 Largest cities 5.2 Religion 5.3 Languages 6 Culture 6.1 Cuisine 6.2 Sports 7 Education 8 Health 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links History Main article : History of Costa Rica A stone sphere created by the Diquis culture at the National Museum of Costa Rica . The sphere is the icon of the country 's cultural identity . Pre-Columbian period Historians have classified the indigenous people of Costa Rica as belonging to the Intermediate Area , where the peripheries of the Mesoamerican and Andean native cultures overlapped . More recently , pre-Columbian Costa Rica has also been described as part of the Isthmo - Colombian Area . Stone tools , the oldest evidence of human occupation in Costa Rica , are associated with the arrival of various groups of hunter - gatherers about 10,000 to 7,000 years BCE in the Turrialba Valley . The presence of Clovis culture type spearheads and arrows from South America opens the possibility that , in this area , two different cultures coexisted . Agriculture became evident in the populations that lived in Costa Rica about 5,000 years ago . They mainly grew tubers and roots . For the first and second millennia BCE there were already settled farming communities . These were small and scattered , although the timing of the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture as the main livelihood in the territory is still unknown . The earliest use of pottery appears around 2,000 to 3,000 BCE . Shards of pots , cylindrical vases , platters , gourds and other forms of vases decorated with grooves , prints , and some modelled after animals have been found . The impact of indigenous peoples on modern Costa Rican culture has been relatively small compared to other nations , since the country lacked a strong native civilization to begin with . Most of the native population was absorbed into the Spanish - speaking colonial society through inter-marriage , except for some small remnants , the most significant of which are the Bribri and Boruca tribes who still inhabit the mountains of the Cordillera de Talamanca , in the southeastern part of Costa Rica , near the frontier with Panama . Spanish colonization The name la costa rica , meaning `` rich coast '' in the Spanish language , was in some accounts first applied by Christopher Columbus , who sailed to the eastern shores of Costa Rica during his final voyage in 1502 , and reported vast quantities of gold jewelry worn by natives . The name may also have come from conquistador Gil González Dávila , who landed on the west coast in 1522 , encountered natives , and appropriated some of their gold . The Ujarrás historical site in the Orosí Valley , Cartago province . The church was built between 1686 and 1693 . During most of the colonial period , Costa Rica was the southernmost province of the Captaincy General of Guatemala , nominally part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain . In practice , the captaincy general was a largely autonomous entity within the Spanish Empire . Costa Rica 's distance from the capital of the captaincy in Guatemala , its legal prohibition under Spanish law from trade with its southern neighbor Panama , then part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada ( i.e. Colombia ) , and lack of resources such as gold and silver , made Costa Rica into a poor , isolated , and sparsely - inhabited region within the Spanish Empire . Costa Rica was described as `` the poorest and most miserable Spanish colony in all America '' by a Spanish governor in 1719 . Another important factor behind Costa Rica 's poverty was the lack of a significant indigenous population available for encomienda ( forced labor ) , which meant most of the Costa Rican settlers had to work on their own land , preventing the establishment of large haciendas ( plantations ) . For all these reasons , Costa Rica was , by and large , unappreciated and overlooked by the Spanish Crown and left to develop on its own . The circumstances during this period are believed to have led to many of the idiosyncrasies for which Costa Rica has become known , while concomitantly setting the stage for Costa Rica 's development as a more egalitarian society than the rest of its neighbors . Costa Rica became a `` rural democracy '' with no oppressed mestizo or indigenous class . It was not long before Spanish settlers turned to the hills , where they found rich volcanic soil and a milder climate than that of the lowlands . Independence Like the rest of Central America , Costa Rica never fought for independence from Spain . On September 15 , 1821 , after the final Spanish defeat in the Mexican War of Independence ( 1810 -- 21 ) , the authorities in Guatemala declared the independence of all of Central America . That date is still celebrated as Independence Day in Costa Rica even though , technically , under the Spanish Constitution of 1812 that had been readopted in 1820 , Nicaragua and Costa Rica had become an autonomous province with its capital in León . Upon independence , Costa Rican authorities faced the issue of officially deciding the future of the country . Two bands formed , the Imperialists , defended by Cartago and Heredia cities which were in favor of joining the Mexican Empire , and the Republicans , represented by the cities of San José and Alajuela who defended full independence . Because of the lack of agreement on these two possible outcomes , the first civil war of Costa Rica occurred . The battle of Ochomogo ( es ) took place on the Hill of Ochomogo , located in the Central Valley in 1823 . The conflict was won by the Republicans and , as a consequence , the city of Cartago lost its status as the capital , which moved to San José . The 1849 national coat of arms was featured in the first postal stamp issued in 1862 . In 1838 , long after the Federal Republic of Central America ceased to function in practice , Costa Rica formally withdrew and proclaimed itself sovereign . The considerable distance and poor communication routes between Guatemala City and the Central Plateau , where most of the Costa Rican population lived then and still lives now , meant the local population had little allegiance to the federal government in Guatemala . From colonial times to now , Costa Rica 's reluctance to become economically tied with the rest of Central America has been a major obstacle to efforts for greater regional integration . Economic growth in the 19th century Coffee was first planted in Costa Rica in 1808 , and by the 1820s , it surpassed tobacco , sugar , and cacao as a primary export . Coffee production remained Costa Rica 's principal source of wealth well into the 20th century , creating a wealthy class of growers , the so - called Coffee Barons . The revenue helped to modernize the country . Most of the coffee exported was grown around the main centers of population in the Central Plateau and then transported by oxcart to the Pacific port of Puntarenas after the main road was built in 1846 . By the mid-1850s the main market for coffee was Britain . It soon became a high priority to develop an effective transportation route from the Central Plateau to the Atlantic Ocean . For this purpose , in the 1870s , the Costa Rican government contracted with U.S. businessman Minor C. Keith to build a railroad from San José to the Caribbean port of Limón . Despite enormous difficulties with construction , disease , and financing , the railroad was completed in 1890 . Most Afro - Costa Ricans descend from Jamaican immigrants who worked in the construction of that railway and now make up about 3 % of Costa Rica 's population . U.S. convicts , Italians and Chinese immigrants also participated in the construction project . In exchange for completing the railroad , the Costa Rican government granted Keith large tracts of land and a lease on the train route , which he used to produce bananas and export them to the United States . As a result , bananas came to rival coffee as the principal Costa Rican export , while foreign - owned corporations ( including the United Fruit Company later ) began to hold a major role in the national economy and eventually became a symbol of the exploitative export economy . The major labor dispute between the peasants and the United Fruit Company ( The Great Banana Strike ) was a major event in the country 's history and was an important step that would eventually lead to the formation of effective trade unions in Costa Rica , as the company was required to sign a collective agreement with its workers in 1938 . 20th century Historically , Costa Rica has generally enjoyed greater peace and more consistent political stability than many of its fellow Latin American nations . Since the late 19th century , however , Costa Rica has experienced two significant periods of violence . In 1917 -- 19 , General Federico Tinoco Granados ruled as a military dictator until he was overthrown and forced into exile . The unpopularity of Tinoco 's regime led , after he was overthrown , to a considerable decline in the size , wealth , and political influence of the Costa Rican military . In 1948 , José Figueres Ferrer led an armed uprising in the wake of a disputed presidential election between Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia ( who had been president between 1940 and 1944 ) and Otilio Ulate Blanco . With more than 2,000 dead , the resulting 44 - day Costa Rican Civil War was the bloodiest event in Costa Rica during the 20th century . The victorious rebels formed a government junta that abolished the military altogether , and oversaw the drafting of a new constitution by a democratically elected assembly . Having enacted these reforms , the junta transferred power to Ulate on November 8 , 1949 . After the coup d'état , Figueres became a national hero , winning the country 's first democratic election under the new constitution in 1953 . Since then , Costa Rica has held 14 presidential elections , the latest in 2018 . With uninterrupted democracy dating back to at least 1948 , the country is the region 's most stable . Geography Main articles : Geography of Costa Rica and List of earthquakes in Costa Rica Costa Rica map of Köppen climate classification Arenal Volcano Costa Rica is located on the Central American isthmus , lying between latitudes 8 ° and 12 ° N , and longitudes 82 ° and 86 ° W. It borders the Caribbean Sea ( to the east ) and the Pacific Ocean ( to the west ) , with a total of 1,290 kilometres ( 800 mi ) of coastline , 212 km ( 132 mi ) on the Caribbean coast and 1,016 km ( 631 mi ) on the Pacific . Costa Rica also borders Nicaragua to the north ( 309 km or 192 mi of border ) and Panama to the south - southeast ( 330 km or 210 mi of border ) . In total , Costa Rica comprises 51,100 square kilometres ( 19,700 sq mi ) plus 589 square kilometres ( 227 sq mi ) of territorial waters . The highest point in the country is Cerro Chirripó , at 3,819 metres ( 12,530 ft ) ; it is the fifth highest peak in Central America . The highest volcano in the country is the Irazú Volcano ( 3,431 m or 11,257 ft ) and the largest lake is Lake Arenal . There are 14 known volcanoes in Costa Rica , and six of them have been active in the last 75 years . The country has also experienced at least ten earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 or higher ( 3 of magnitude 7.0 or higher ) in the last century . Costa Rica also comprises several islands . Cocos Island ( 24 square kilometres or 9.3 square miles ) stands out because of its distance from the continental landmass , 480 kilometres ( 300 mi ) from Puntarenas , but Isla Calero is the largest island of the country ( 151.6 square kilometres or 58.5 square miles ) . Over 25 % of Costa Rica 's national territory is protected by SINAC ( the National System of Conservation Areas ) , which oversees all of the country 's protected areas . Costa Rica also possesses the greatest density of species in the world . Climate Because Costa Rica is located between 8 and 12 degrees north of the Equator , the climate is tropical year round . However , the country has many microclimates depending on elevation , rainfall , topography , and by the geography of each particular region . Costa Rica 's seasons are defined by how much rain falls during a particular period . The year can be split into two periods , the dry season known to the residents as summer ( verano ) , and the rainy season , known locally as winter ( invierno ) . The `` summer '' or dry season goes from December to April , and `` winter '' or rainy season goes from May to November , which almost coincides with the Atlantic hurricane season , and during this time , it rains constantly in some regions . The location receiving the most rain is the Caribbean slopes of the Cordillera Central mountains , with an annual rainfall of over 5,000 mm ( 196.9 in ) . Humidity is also higher on the Caribbean side than on the Pacific side . The mean annual temperature on the coastal lowlands is around 27 ° C ( 81 ° F ) , 20 ° C ( 68 ° F ) in the main populated areas of the Cordillera Central , and below 10 ° C ( 50 ° F ) on the summits of the highest mountains . hide Climate data for Costa Rica Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Average high ° C ( ° F ) 27 ( 81 ) 27 ( 81 ) 28 ( 82 ) 28 ( 82 ) 27 ( 81 ) 27 ( 81 ) 27 ( 81 ) 27 ( 81 ) 26 ( 79 ) 26 ( 79 ) 26 ( 79 ) 26 ( 79 ) 27 ( 81 ) Average low ° C ( ° F ) 17 ( 63 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 17 ( 63 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) 18 ( 64 ) Average precipitation mm ( inches ) 6.3 ( 0.248 ) 10.2 ( 0.402 ) 13.8 ( 0.543 ) 79.9 ( 3.146 ) 267.6 ( 10.535 ) 280.1 ( 11.028 ) 181.5 ( 7.146 ) 276.9 ( 10.902 ) 355.1 ( 13.98 ) 330.6 ( 13.016 ) 135.5 ( 5.335 ) 33.5 ( 1.319 ) 1,971 ( 77.6 ) Percent possible sunshine 40 37 39 33 25 20 21 22 20 22 25 34 28 Source : Flora and fauna Further information : Wildlife of Costa Rica Red - eyed Tree Frog ( Agalychnis callidryas ) Heliconius doris Linnaeus butterfly of Costa Rica Costa Rica is home to a rich variety of plants and animals . While the country has only about 0.03 % of the world 's landmass , it contains 5 % of the world 's biodiversity . Around 25 % of the country 's land area is in protected national parks and protected areas , the largest percentage of protected areas in the world ( developing world average 13 % , developed world average 8 % ) . Costa Rica has successfully managed to diminish deforestation from some of the worst rates in the world from 1973 to 1989 , to almost zero by 2005 . One national park , the Corcovado National Park , is internationally renowned among ecologists for its biodiversity ( including big cats and tapirs ) and is where visitors can expect to see an abundance of wildlife . Corcovado is the one park in Costa Rica where all four Costa Rican monkey species can be found . These include the white - headed capuchin , the mantled howler , the endangered Geoffroy 's spider monkey , and the Central American squirrel monkey , found only on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and a small part of Panama , and considered endangered until 2008 , when its status was upgraded to vulnerable . Deforestation , illegal pet - trading , and hunting are the main reasons for its threatened status . Tortuguero National Park -- the name Tortuguero can be translated as `` Full of Turtles '' -- is home to spider , howler , and white - throated capuchin monkeys ; the three - toed sloth and two - toed sloth ; 320 species of birds ; and a variety of reptiles . The park is recognized for the annual nesting of the endangered green turtle , and is the most important nesting site for the species . Giant leatherback , hawksbill , and loggerhead turtles also nest there . The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is home to about 2,000 plant species , including numerous orchids . Over 400 types of birds and more than 100 species of mammals can be found there . Over 840 species of birds have been identified in Costa Rica . As is the case in much of Central America , the avian species in Costa Rica are a mix of North and South American species . The country 's abundant fruit trees , many of which bear fruit year round , are hugely important to the birds , some of whom survive on diets that consist only of one or two types of fruit . Some of the country 's most notable avian species include the resplendent quetzal , scarlet macaw , three - wattled bellbird , bare - necked umbrellabird , and the keel - billed toucan . The Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad is allowed to collect royalties on any biological discoveries of medical importance . Costa Rica is a center of biological diversity for reptiles and amphibians , including the world 's fastest running lizard , the spiny - tailed iguana ( Ctenosaura similis ) . Rivers Further information : List of rivers of Costa Rica Economy An Intel microprocessor facility in Costa Rica that was , at one time , responsible for 20 % of Costa Rican exports and 5 % of the country 's GDP . Main article : Economy of Costa Rica The country has been considered economically stable with moderate inflation , estimated at 2.6 % in 2017 , and moderately high growth in GDP , which increased from US $41.3 billion in 2011 to US $52.6 billion in 2015 . The estimated GDP for 2017 is US $61.5 billion and the estimated GDP per capita ( purchasing power parity ) is US $12,382 . The growing debt and budget deficit are the country 's primary concerns . That is a primary reason why the major credit rating agencies -- Standard & Poor 's , Moody 's and Fitch -- have downgraded Costa Rica 's risk ratings . For example , Moody 's Investors Service in early 2017 reduced the rating to Ba2 from Ba1 , with a negative outlook due to the `` rising government debt burden and persistently high fiscal deficit , which was 5.2 % of GDP in 2016 '' and the `` lack of political consensus to implement measures to reduce the fiscal deficit ( which ) will result in further pressure on the government 's debt ratios '' . The country is currently debating major fiscal reform legislation to cut the budget deficits and stop the growth in debt , one of the highest in Latin America . Many foreign companies ( manufacturing and services ) operate in Costa Rica 's Free Trade Zones ( FTZ ) where they benefit from investment and tax incentives . Well over half of that type of investment has come from the U.S. According to the government , the zones supported over 82 thousand direct jobs and 43 thousand indirect jobs in 2015 . Companies with facilities in the America Free Zone in Heredia , for example , include Intel , Dell , HP , Bayer , Bosch , DHL , IBM and Okay Industries . Of the GDP , 5.5 % is generated by agriculture , 18.6 % by industry and 75.9 % by services. ( 2016 ) Agriculture employs 12.9 % of the labor force , industry 18.57 % , services 69.02 % ( 2016 ) For the region , its unemployment level is moderately high ( 8.2 % in 2016 , according to the IMF ) . Although 20.5 % of the population lives below the poverty line ( 2017 ) , Costa Rica has one of the highest standards of living in Central America . High quality health care is provided by the government at low cost to the users . Housing is also very affordable . Costa Rica is recognized in Latin America for the quality of its educational system . Because of its educational system , Costa Rica has one of the highest literacy rates in Latin America , 97 % . General Basic Education is mandatory and provided without cost to the user . A US government report confirms that the country has `` historically placed a high priority on education and the creation of a skilled work force '' but notes that the high school drop - out rate is increasing . As well , Costa Rica would benefit from more courses in languages such as English , Portuguese , Mandarin and French and also in Science , Technology , Engineering and Math ( STEM ) . Debt and deficit issues The International Monetary Fund stated in June 2017 that annual growth in the economy was just over 4 % and that the financial system was sound . The IMF expressed concern however , about increasing deficits and public debt as well as the heavy dollarization of bank assets and liabilities . Costa Rica 's public debt is problematic , especially as a percentage of the GDP , increasing from 29.8 % in 2011 to 40.8 % in 2015 . Of the proposed 2017 budget ( US $15.9 billion ) , debt payments account for one - third of the total and a full 46 % of the budget will require financing . That will increase the deficit and the debt owed to foreign entities . The value of the Costa Rican colone per US $1 was 526.46 ₡ on March 27 , 2015 . At the end of July 2017 , the value was 563 ₡ . A 2017 study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned that reducing the foreign debt must be a very high priority for the government . Other fiscal reforms were also recommended to moderate the budget deficit . The IMF also recommended debt reduction , with specific suggestions . Liquidity crisis In early August 2017 , President Luis Guillermo Solís admitted that the country was facing a `` liquidity crisis '' and promised that a higher VAT tax and higher income tax rates were being considered by his government . Such steps are essential , Luis Guillermo Solís told the nation , because it was facing difficulties in paying its obligations and guaranteeing the provision of services . Solís explained that the Treasury will prioritize payments on the public debt first , then salaries , and then pensions . The subsequent priorities include transfers to institutions `` according to their social urgency '' . All other payments will be made only if funds are available . Trade and foreign investment Costa Rica has free trade agreements with many countries , including the US . There are no significant trade barriers that would affect imports and the country has been lowering its tariffs in accordance with other Central American countries . The country 's Free Trade Zones provide incentives for manufacturing and service industries to operate in Costa Rica . In 2015 , the zones supported over 82 thousand direct jobs and 43 thousand indirect jobs in 2015 and average wages in the FTZ were 1.8 times greater than the average for private enterprise work in the rest of the country . In 2016 , Amazon.com for example , had some 3,500 employees in Costa Rica and planned to increase that by 1,500 in 2017 , making it an important employer . The central location provides access to American markets and direct ocean access to Europe and Asia . The most important exports in 2015 ( in order of dollar value ) were medical instruments , bananas , tropical fruits , integrated circuits and orthopedic appliances . Total imports in that year were US $15 billion . The most significant products imported in 2015 ( in order of dollar value ) were refined petroleum , automobiles , packaged medications , broadcasting equipment and computers . The total exports were US $12.6 billion for a trade deficit of US $2.39 billion in 2015 . A coffee plantation in the Orosí Valley Pharmaceuticals , financial outsourcing , software development , and ecotourism have become the prime industries in Costa Rica 's economy . High levels of education among its residents make the country an attractive investing location . Since 1999 , tourism earns more foreign exchange than the combined exports of the country 's three main cash crops : bananas and pineapples especially , but also other crops , including coffee . Coffee production played a key role in Costa Rica 's history and in 2006 , was the third cash crop export . As a small country , Costa Rica now provides under 1 % of the world 's coffee production . In 2015 , the value of coffee exports was US $305.9 million , a small part of the total agricultural exports of US $2.7 billion . Coffee production increased by 13.7 % percent in 2015 - 16 , declined by 17.5 % in 2016 -- 17 , but was expected to increase by about 15 % in the subsequent year . Costa Rica has developed a system of payments for environmental services . Similarly , Costa Rica has a tax on water pollution to penalize businesses and homeowners that dump sewage , agricultural chemicals , and other pollutants into waterways . In May 2007 , the Costa Rican government announced its intentions to become 100 % carbon neutral by 2021 . By 2015 , 93 percent of the country 's electricity came from renewable sources . In 2016 , the country produced 98 % of its electricity from renewable sources and ran completely on renewable sources for 110 continuous days . In 1996 , the Forest Law was enacted to provide direct financial incentives to landowners for the provision of environmental services . This helped reorient the forestry sector away from commercial timber production and the resulting deforestation , and helped create awareness of the services it provides for the economy and society ( i.e. , carbon fixation , hydrological services such as producing fresh drinking water , biodiversity protection , and provision of scenic beauty ) . A 2016 report by the U.S. government report identifies other challenges facing Costa Rica as it works to expand its economy by working with companies from the US ( and probably from other countries ) . The major concerns identified were as follows : The ports , roads , railways and water delivery systems would benefit from major upgrading , a concern voiced by other reports too . Attempts by China to invest in upgrading such aspects were `` stalled by bureaucratic and legal concerns '' . The bureaucracy is `` often slow and cumbersome '' . Tourism Main article : Tourism in Costa Rica Poás Volcano Crater is one of the country 's main tourist attractions . Costa Rica is the most visited nation in the Central American region , with 2.9 million foreign visitors in 2016 , up 10 % from 2015 . In 2015 , the tourism sector was responsible for 5.8 % of the country 's GDP , or $3.4 billion . In 2016 , the highest number of tourists came from the United States , with 1,000,000 visitors , followed by Europe with 434,884 arrivals . According to Costa Rica Vacations , once tourists arrive in the country , 22 % go to Tamarindo , 18 % go to Arenal , 17 % pass through Liberia ( where the Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is located ) , 16 % go to San José , the country 's capital ( passing through Juan Santamaría International Airport ) , while 18 % choose Manuel Antonio and 7 % Monteverde . By 2004 , tourism was generating more revenue and foreign exchange than bananas and coffee combined . In 2016 , the World Travel & Tourism Council 's estimates indicated a direct contribution to the GDP of 5.1 % and 110,000 direct jobs in Costa Rica ; the total number of jobs indirectly supported by tourism was 271,000 . A pioneer of ecotourism , Costa Rica draws many tourists to its extensive series of national parks and other protected areas . In the 2011 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index , Costa Rica ranked 44th in the world and second among Latin American countries after Mexico in 2011 . By the time of the 2017 report , the country had reached 38th place , slightly behind Panama . The Ethical Traveler group 's ten countries on their 2017 list of The World 's Ten Best Ethical Destinations includes Costa Rica . The country scored highest in environmental protection among the winners . Governance Main article : Politics of Costa Rica Administrative divisions Provinces of Costa Rica Main article : Administrative divisions of Costa Rica Costa Rica is composed of seven provinces , which in turn are divided into 81 cantons ( Spanish : cantón , plural cantones ) , each of which is directed by a mayor . Mayors are chosen democratically every four years by each canton . There are no provincial legislatures . The cantons are further divided into 473 districts ( distritos ) . The provinces are : Alajuela Cartago Guanacaste Heredia Limón Puntarenas San José Foreign relations Main article : Foreign relations of Costa Rica The extent of Costa Rica 's western EEZ in the Pacific Barack Obama and Laura Chinchilla with Costa Rican children in San José Costa Rica is an active member of the United Nations and the Organization of American States . The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the United Nations University of Peace are based in Costa Rica . It is also a member of many other international organizations related to human rights and democracy , such as the Community of Democracies . A main foreign policy objective of Costa Rica is to foster human rights and sustainable development as a way to secure stability and growth . Costa Rica is a member of the International Criminal Court , without a Bilateral Immunity Agreement of protection for the United States military ( as covered under Article 98 ) . Costa Rica is an observer of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie . On September 10 , 1961 , some months after Fidel Castro declared Cuba a socialist state , Costa Rican President Mario Echandi ended diplomatic relations with Cuba through Executive Decree Number 2 . This freeze lasted 47 years until President Óscar Arias Sánchez re-established normal relations on 18 March 2009 , saying , `` If we have been able to turn the page with regimes as profoundly different to our reality as occurred with the USSR or , more recently , with the Republic of China , how would we not do it with a country that is geographically and culturally much nearer to Costa Rica ? '' Arias announced that both countries would exchange ambassadors . Costa Rica has a long - term disagreement with Nicaragua over the San Juan River , which defines the border between the two countries , and Costa Rica 's rights of navigation on the river . In 2010 , there was also a dispute around Isla Calero , and the impact of Nicaraguan dredging of the river in that area . On July 14 , 2009 , the International Court of Justice in the Hague upheld Costa Rica 's navigation rights for commercial purposes to subsistence fishing on their side of the river . An 1858 treaty extended navigation rights to Costa Rica , but Nicaragua denied passenger travel and fishing were part of the deal ; the court ruled Costa Ricans on the river were not required to have Nicaraguan tourist cards or visas as Nicaragua argued , but , in a nod to the Nicaraguans , ruled that Costa Rican boats and passengers must stop at the first and last Nicaraguan port along their route . They must also have an identity document or passport . Nicaragua can also impose timetables on Costa Rican traffic . Nicaragua may require Costa Rican boats to display the flag of Nicaragua , but may not charge them for departure clearance from its ports . These were all specific items of contention brought to the court in the 2005 filing . On June 1 , 2007 , Costa Rica broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan , switching recognition to the People 's Republic of China . Costa Rica was the first of the Central American nations to do so . President Óscar Arias Sánchez admitted the action was a response to economic exigency . In response , the PRC built a new , $100 million , state - of - the - art football stadium in Parque la Sabana , in the province of San José . Approximately 600 Chinese engineers and laborers took part in this project , and it was inaugurated in March 2011 , with a match between the national teams of Costa Rica and China . Costa Rica finished a term on the United Nations Security Council , having been elected for a nonrenewable , two - year term in the 2007 election . Its term expired on December 31 , 2009 ; this was Costa Rica 's third time on the Security Council . Elayne Whyte Gómez is the Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the UN Office at Geneva ( 2017 ) and President of the United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons . Demographics Main article : Demographics of Costa Rica show Costa Rican Censuses Year Population % ± 1864 120,499 -- 1883 182,073 51.1 1892 243,205 33.6 1927 471,524 93.9 1950 800,875 69.8 1963 1,336,274 66.9 1973 1,871,780 40.1 1984 2,416,809 29.1 2000 3,810,179 57.7 2011 4,301,712 12.9 The 2011 census counted a population of 4.3 million people distributed among the following groups : 83.6 % whites or mestizos , 6.7 % mulattoes , 2.4 % Native American , 1.1 % black or Afro - Caribbean ; the census showed 1.1 % as Other , 2.9 % ( 141,304 people ) as None , and 2.2 % ( 107,196 people ) as unspecified . By 2016 , the UN estimation for the population was around 4.9 million . In 2011 , there were over 104,000 Native American or indigenous inhabitants , representing 2.4 % of the population . Most of them live in secluded reservations , distributed among eight ethnic groups : Quitirrisí ( es ) ( in the Central Valley ) , Matambú or Chorotega ( Guanacaste ) , Maleku ( northern Alajuela ) , Bribri ( southern Atlantic ) , Cabécar ( Cordillera de Talamanca ) , ( ( ) ) ( southern Costa Rica , along the Panamá border ) , Boruca ( southern Costa Rica ) and Térraba ( es ) ( southern Costa Rica ) . The population includes European Costa Ricans ( of European ancestry ) , primarily of Spanish descent , with significant numbers of Italian , German , English , Dutch , French , Irish , Portuguese , and Polish families , as well a sizable Jewish community . The majority of the Afro - Costa Ricans are Creole English - speaking descendants of 19th century black Jamaican immigrant workers . Costa Rican school children The 2011 census classified 83.6 % of the population as white or Mestizo ; the latter are persons of combined European and Amerindian descent . The Mulatto segment ( mix of white and black ) represented 6.7 % and indigenous people made up 2.4 % of the population . Native and European mixed blood populations are far less than in other Latin American countries . Exceptions are Guanacaste , where almost half the population is visibly mestizo , a legacy of the more pervasive unions between Spanish colonists and Chorotega Amerindians through several generations , and Limón , where the vast majority of the Afro - Costa Rican community lives . Costa Rica hosts many refugees , mainly from Colombia and Nicaragua . As a result of that and illegal immigration , an estimated 10 -- 15 % ( 400,000 -- 600,000 ) of the Costa Rican population is made up of Nicaraguans . Some Nicaraguans migrate for seasonal work opportunities and then return to their country . Costa Rica took in many refugees from a range of other Latin American countries fleeing civil wars and dictatorships during the 1970s and 1980s , notably from Chile and Argentina , as well as people from El Salvador who fled from guerrillas and government death squads . According to the World Bank , in 2010 about 489,200 immigrants lived in the country , many from Nicaragua , Panama , El Salvador , Honduras , Guatemala , and Belize , while 125,306 Costa Ricans live abroad in the United States , Panama , Nicaragua , Spain , Mexico , Canada , Germany , Venezuela , Dominican Republic , and Ecuador . The number of migrants declined in later years but in 2015 , there were some 420,000 immigrants in Costa Rica and the number of asylum seekers ( mostly from Honduras , El Salvador , Guatemala and Nicaragua ) rose to more than 110,000 , a fivefold increase from 2012 . In 2016 , the country was called a `` magnet '' for migrants from South and Central America and other countries who were hoping to reach the U.S. Largest cities Further information : List of cities in Costa Rica Largest cities or towns in Costa Rica Census 2000 Rank Name Province Pop . San José Puerto Limón San José San José 333 980 ( 2015 ) Alajuela Heredia Puerto Limón Limón 55 667 Alajuela Alajuela 42 889 Heredia Heredia 40 840 5 Cinco Esquinas San José 36 627 6 Desamparados San José 36 437 7 Liberia Guanacaste 34 469 8 Puntarenas Puntarenas 32 460 9 San Vicente San José 31 693 10 Barranca Puntarenas 31 386 Religion Religion in Costa Rica Catholicism ( 70.5 % ) Protestantism ( 13.8 % ) Irreligion ( 11.3 % ) Buddhism ( 2.1 % ) Other religions ( 2.2 % ) Main article : Religion in Costa Rica Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles ( Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels ) , during 2007 pilgrimage Christianity is Costa Rica 's predominant religion , with Roman Catholicism being the official state religion according to the 1949 Constitution , which at the same time guarantees freedom of religion . It is the only state in the Americas which established Roman Catholicism as its state religion ; other such countries are microstates in Europe : Liechtenstein , Monaco , the Vatican City and Malta . According to the most recent nationwide survey of religion , conducted in 2007 by the University of Costa Rica , 70.5 % of Costa Ricans are Roman Catholics ( 44.9 % practicing Catholics ) , 13.8 % are Evangelical Protestants ( almost all are practicing ) , 11.3 % report that they do not have a religion , and 4.3 % belong to another religion . The rate of secularism is high by Latin American standards . Due to small , but continuous , immigration from Asia and the Middle East , other religions have grown , the most popular being Buddhism , with about 100,000 practitioners ( over 2 % of the population ) . Most Buddhists are members of the Han Chinese community of about 40,000 with some new local converts . There is also a small Muslim community of about 500 families , or 0.001 % of the population . The Sinagoga Shaarei Zion synagogue is near La Sabana Metropolitan Park in San José . Several homes in the neighborhood east of the park display the Star of David and other Jewish symbols . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints claims more than 35,000 members , and has a temple in San José that served as a regional worship center for Costa Rica . However , they represent less than 1 % of the population . Languages Main article : Languages of Costa Rica The primary language spoken in Costa Rica is Spanish , which features characteristics distinct to the country , a form of Central American Spanish . Costa Rica is a linguistically diverse country and home to at least five living local indigenous languages spoken by the descendants of pre-Columbian peoples : Maléku , Cabécar , Bribri , Guaymí , and Buglere . Of native languages still spoken , primarily in indigenous reservations , the most numerically important are the Bribri , Maléku , Cabécar and Ngäbere languages ; some of these have several thousand speakers in Costa Rica while others have a few hundred . Some languages , such as Teribe and Boruca , have fewer than a thousand speakers . The Buglere language and the closely related Guaymí are spoken by some in southeast Puntarenas . A Creole - English language , Jamaican patois ( also known as Mekatelyu ) , is an English - based Creole language spoken by the Afro - Carib immigrants who have settled primarily in Limón Province along the Caribbean coast . About 10.7 % of Costa Rica 's adult population ( 18 or older ) also speaks English , 0.7 % French , and 0.3 % speaks Portuguese or German as a second language . Culture Costa Rican breakfast with gallo pinto Las Carretas ( oxcarts ) are a national symbol . Main article : Culture of Costa Rica Costa Rica was the point where the Mesoamerican and South American native cultures met . The northwest of the country , the Nicoya peninsula , was the southernmost point of Nahuatl cultural influence when the Spanish conquerors ( conquistadores ) came in the 16th century . The central and southern portions of the country had Chibcha influences . The Atlantic coast , meanwhile , was populated with African workers during the 17th and 18th centuries . As a result of the immigration of Spaniards , their 16th - century Spanish culture and its evolution marked everyday life and culture until today , with Spanish language and the Catholic religion as primary influences . The Department of Culture , Youth , and Sports is in charge of the promotion and coordination of cultural life . The work of the department is divided into Direction of Culture , Visual Arts , Scenic Arts , Music , Patrimony and the System of Libraries . Permanent programs , such as the National Symphony Orchestra of Costa Rica and the Youth Symphony Orchestra , are conjunctions of two areas of work : Culture and Youth . Dance - oriented genres , such as soca , salsa , bachata , merengue , cumbia and Costa Rican swing are enjoyed increasingly by older rather than younger people . The guitar is popular , especially as an accompaniment to folk dances ; however , the marimba was made the national instrument . In November 2017 , National Geographic magazine named Costa Rica as the happiest country in the world . The article included this summary : `` Costa Ricans enjoy the pleasure of living daily life to the fullest in a place that mitigates stress and maximizes joy '' . It is not surprising then that one of the most recognizable phrases among `` Ticos '' is `` Pura Vida '' , pure life in a literal translation . It reflects the inhabitant 's philosophy of life , denoting a simple life , free of stress , a positive , relaxed feeling . The expression is used in various contexts in conversation . Often , people walking down the streets , or buying food at shops say hello by saying Pura Vida . It can be phrased as a question or as an acknowledgement of one 's presence . A recommended response to `` How are you ? '' would be `` Pura Vida . '' In that usage , it might be translated as `` awesome '' , indicating that all is very well . When used as a question , the connotation would be `` everything is going well ? '' or `` how are you ? '' . Costa Rica rates 12th on the 2017 Happy Planet Index in the World Happiness Report by the UN but the country is said to be the happiest in Latin America . Reasons include the high level of social services , the caring nature of its inhabitants , long life expectancy and relatively low corruption . Cuisine Further information : Costa Rican cuisine Costa Rican cuisine is a blend of Native American , Spanish , African and many other cuisine origins . Dishes such as the very traditional tamale and many others made of corn are the most representative of its indigenous inhabitants , and similar to other neighboring Mesoamerican countries . Spaniards brought many new ingredients to the country from other lands , especially spices and domestic animals . And later in the 19th century , the African flavor lent its presence with influence from other Caribbean mixed flavors . This is how Costa Rican cuisine today is very varied , with every new ethnic group who had recently become part of the country 's population influencing the country 's cuisine . Sports Main articles : Costa Rica at the Olympics and Association football in Costa Rica Costa Rica supporters at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil Claudia Poll won Costa Rica 's first Olympic gold medal in 1996 . Costa Rica entered the Summer Olympics for the first time in 1936 with the fencer Bernardo de la Guardia and the Winter Olympics for the first time in 1980 with the skier Arturo Kinch . All four of Costa Rica 's Olympic medals were won by the sisters Silvia and Claudia Poll in swimming , with Claudia winning the only gold medal in 1996 . Football is the most popular sport in Costa Rica . The national team has played in four FIFA World Cup tournaments and reached the quarter - finals for the first time in 2014 . Its best performance in the regional CONCACAF Gold Cup was runner - up in 2002 . Paulo Wanchope , a forward who played for three clubs in England 's Premier League in the late 1990s and early 2000s , is credited with enhancing foreign recognition of Costa Rican football . Education Main article : Education in Costa Rica The literacy rate in Costa Rica is approximately 97 percent and English is widely spoken primarily due to Costa Rica 's tourism industry . When the army was abolished in 1949 , it was said that the `` army would be replaced with an army of teachers '' . Universal public education is guaranteed in the constitution ; primary education is obligatory , and both preschool and high school are free . Students who finish 11th grade receive a Costa Rican Bachillerato Diploma accredited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Education . There are both state and private universities . The University of Costa Rica has been awarded the title `` Meritorious Institution of Costa Rican Education and Culture '' . A 2016 report by the U.S. government report identifies the current challenges facing the education system , including the high dropout rate among high school students . The country needs even more workers who are fluent in English and languages such as Portuguese , Mandarin and French . It would also benefit from more graduates in Science , Technology , Engineering and Math ( STEM ) programs , according to the report . Health Main article : Health care in Costa Rica According to the UNDP , in 2010 the life expectancy at birth for Costa Ricans was 79.3 years . The Nicoya Peninsula is considered one of the Blue Zones in the world , where people commonly live active lives past the age of 100 years . The New Economics Foundation ( NEF ) ranked Costa Rica first in its 2009 Happy Planet Index , and once again in 2012 . The index measures the health and happiness they produce per unit of environmental input . According to NEF , Costa Rica 's lead is due to its very high life expectancy which is second highest in the Americas , and higher than the United States . The country also experienced well - being higher than many richer nations and a per capita ecological footprint one - third the size of the United States . In 2002 , there were 0.58 new general practitioner ( medical ) consultations and 0.33 new specialist consultations per capita , and a hospital admission rate of 8.1 % . Preventive health care is also successful . In 2002 , 96 % of Costa Rican women used some form of contraception , and antenatal care services were provided to 87 % of all pregnant women . All children under one have access to well - baby clinics , and the immunization coverage rate in 2002 was above 91 % for all antigens . Costa Rica has a very low malaria incidence of 48 per 100,000 in 2000 and no reported cases of measles in 2002 . The perinatal mortality rate dropped from 12.0 per 1000 in 1972 to 5.4 per 1000 in 2001 . Costa Rica has been cited in various journals as Central America 's great health success story . Its healthcare system is ranked higher than that of the United States , despite having a fraction of its GDP . Prior to 1940 , government hospitals and charities provided most health care . But since the 1941 creation of the Social Insurance Administration ( Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social -- CCSS ) , Costa Rica has provided universal health care to its wage - earning residents , with coverage extended to dependants over time . In 1973 , the CCSS took over administration of all 29 of the country 's public hospitals and all health care , also launching a Rural Health Program ( Programa de Salud Rural ) for primary care to rural areas , later extended to primary care services nationwide . In 1993 , laws were passed to enable elected health boards that represented health consumers , social insurance representatives , employers , and social organizations . By the year 2000 , social health insurance coverage was available to 82 % of the Costa Rican population . Each health committee manages an area equivalent to one of the 83 administrative cantons of Costa Rica . There is limited use of private , for - profit services ( around 14.4 % of the national total health expenditure ) . About 7 % of GDP is allocated to the health sector , and over 70 % is government funded . Primary health care facilities in Costa Rica include health clinics , with a general practitioner , nurse , clerk , pharmacist and a primary health technician . In 2008 , there were five specialty national hospitals , three general national hospitals , seven regional hospitals , 13 peripheral hospitals , and 10 major clinics serving as referral centers for primary care clinics , which also deliver biopsychosocial services , family and community medical services and promotion and prevention programs . Patients can choose private health care to avoid waiting lists . Costa Rica is among the Latin America countries that have become popular destinations for medical tourism . In 2006 , Costa Rica received 150,000 foreigners that came for medical treatment . Costa Rica is particularly attractive to Americans due to geographic proximity , high quality of medical services , and lower medical costs . Since 2012 , smoking in Costa Rica is subject to some of the most restrictive regulations in the world . See also New Spain portal North America portal Central America portal Latin America portal Costa Rica portal Index of Costa Rica - related articles Outline of Costa Rica References ^ Jump up to : `` Live Costa Rica Population Clock 2017 - Polulation of Costa Rica Today '' . www.livepopulation.com . ^ Jump up to : Central Intelligence Agency ( 2011 ) . `` Costa Rica '' . The World Factbook . Langley , Virginia : Central Intelligence Agency . Retrieved 2011 - 10 - 04 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Population Prospects : The 2017 Revision '' . ESA.UN.org ( custom data acquired via website ) . United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs , Population Division . Retrieved 10 September 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Costa Rica '' . 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ISBN 9968 - 856 - 21 - 5 Jump up ^ Human Development Report . `` International Human Development Indicators '' . UNDP . Archived from the original on 2012 - 06 - 25 . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Anne Casselman ( 2008 - 04 - 14 ) . `` Long - Lived Costa Ricans Offer Secrets to Reaching 100 '' . National Geographic News . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Dan Buettner ( 2007 - 02 - 02 ) . `` Report from the ' Blue Zone ' : Why Do People Live Long in Costa Rica ? '' . ABC News . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 04 . Jump up ^ Nic Marks ( 2012 - 06 - 14 ) . `` Measuring what matters : the Happy Planet Index 2012 '' . New Economics Foundation . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 17 . Jump up ^ Unger , Jean - Pierre ; Buitrón , René ; Soors , Werner ; Soors , W. ( 2008 ) . `` Costa Rica : Achievements of a Heterodox Health Policy '' . American Journal of Public Health . 98 ( 4 ) : 636 -- 643 . doi : 10.2105 / AJPH. 2006.099598 . PMC 2376989 . PMID 17901439 . Jump up ^ Jacob , Brian ( 2009 ) . `` CLOSING THE GAPS : The Challenge to Protect Costa Rica 's Health Care System '' . The Georgetown Public Policy Review ( 77 ) . ^ Jump up to : Herrick , Devon M. ( 2007 ) . Medical Tourism : Global Competition in Health Care ( PDF ) . National Center for Policy Analysis , Dallas , Texas . pp. 4 -- 6 , 9 . ISBN 1 - 56808 - 178 - 2 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2011 - 07 - 20 . ^ Jump up to : Bookman , Milica Z. ; Bookman , Karla R. ( 2007 ) . Medical Tourism in Developing Countries . Palgrave Macmillan , New York . pp. 3 -- 4 , 58 , 95 , and 134 -- 135 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 60006 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Medical Tourism Statistics and Facts '' . Health-Tourism.com . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 02 . Further reading Blake , Beatrice . `` The New Key to Costa Rica '' Berkeley , California : Ulysses Press , 2009 . Edelman , Marc . Peasants Against Globalization : Rural Social Movements in Costa Rica Stanford : Stanford University Press , 1999 . Eisenberg , Daniel . `` In Costa Rica '' . Journal of Hispanic Philology , vol. 10 ( 1985 ( 1986 ) ) , 1 -- 6 . https://www.academia.edu/31761991/6._In_Costa_Rica Huhn , Sebastian : Contested Cornerstones of Nonviolent National Self - Perception in Costa Rica : A Historical Approach , 2009 . Keller , Marius ; Niestroy , Ingeborg ; García Schmidt , Armando ; Esche , Andreas . `` Costa Rica : Pioneering Sustainability '' . Excerpt ( pp. 81 -- 102 ) from Bertelsmann Stiftung ( ed . ) . Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future . Gütersloh , Germany : Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung , 2013 . Lara , Sylvia Lara , Tom Barry , and Peter Simonson . Inside Costa Rica : The Essential Guide to Its Politics , Economy , Society and Environment London : Latin America Bureau , 1995 . Lehoucq , Fabrice E. and Ivan Molina . Stuffing the Ballot Box : Fraud , Electoral Reform , and Democratization in Costa Rica Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002 . Lehoucq , Fabrice E. Policymaking , Parties , and Institutions in Democratic Costa Rica , 2006 . Palmer , Steven and Iván Molina . The Costa Rica Reader : History , Culture , Politics Durham and London : Duke University Press , 2004 . Sandoval , Carlos . Threatening Others : Nicaraguans and the Formation of National Identities in Costa Rica Athens : Ohio University Press , 2004 . Wilson , Bruce M. Costa Rica : Politics , Economics , and Democracy : Politics , Economics and Democracy . Boulder , London : Lynne Rienner Publishers , 1998 . External links Find more aboutCosta Ricaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity `` Costa Rica '' . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency . 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list and describe 3 services the federal reserve offers banks
Federal Reserve System
federal reserve system
The Federal Reserve System ( also known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed ) is the central banking system of the United States . It was created on December 23 , 1913 , with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act , after a series of financial panics ( particularly the panic of 1907 ) led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises . Over the years , events such as the Great Depression in the 1930s and the Great Recession during the 2000s have led to the expansion of the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System .
The U.S. Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act : maximizing employment , stabilizing prices , and moderating long - term interest rates . The first two objectives are sometimes referred to as the Federal Reserve 's dual mandate . Its duties have expanded over the years , and as of 2009 also include supervising and regulating banks , maintaining the stability of the financial system and providing financial services to depository institutions , the U.S. government , and foreign official institutions . The Fed conducts research into the economy and provides numerous publications , such as the Beige Book and the FRED database . The Federal Reserve System is composed of several layers . It is governed by the presidentially appointed Board of Governors or Federal Reserve Board ( FRB ) . Twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks , located in cities throughout the nation , oversee the privately owned U.S. member banks . Nationally chartered commercial banks are required to hold stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of their region , which entitles them to elect some of their board members . The Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) sets monetary policy ; it consists of all seven members of the Board of Governors and the twelve regional bank presidents , though only five bank presidents vote at any given time : the president of the New York Fed and four others who rotate through one - year terms . There are also various advisory councils . Thus , the Federal Reserve System has both public and private components . The structure is considered unique among central banks . It is also unusual in that the United States Department of the Treasury , an entity outside of the central bank , prints the currency used . Although an instrument of the U.S. Government , the Federal Reserve System considers itself `` an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government , it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress , and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms . '' The federal government sets the salaries of the board 's seven governors . The federal government receives all the system 's annual profits , after a statutory dividend of 6 % on member banks ' capital investment is paid , and an account surplus is maintained . In 2015 , the Federal Reserve made a profit of $100.2 billion and transferred $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury . Contents ( hide ) 1 Purpose 1.1 Addressing the problem of bank panics 1.1. 1 Check clearing system 1.1. 2 Lender of last resort 1.1. 3 Fluctuations 1.2 Central bank 1.2. 1 Federal funds 1.3 Bank regulation 1.3. 1 Government regulation and supervision 1.3. 1.1 Regulatory and oversight responsibilities 1.4 National payments system 2 Structure 2.1 Board of Governors 2.1. 1 List of members of the Board of Governors 2.1. 2 Nominations , confirmations and resignations 2.2 Federal Open Market Committee 2.3 Federal Advisory Council 2.4 Federal Reserve Banks 2.4. 1 Legal status of regional Federal Reserve Banks 2.5 Member banks 2.6 Accountability 3 Monetary policy 3.1 Interbank lending 3.2 Tools 3.2. 1 Federal funds rate and open market operations 3.2. 1.1 Repurchase agreements 3.2. 2 Discount rate 3.2. 3 Reserve requirements 3.2. 4 New facilities 3.2. 4.1 Term auction facility 3.2. 4.2 Term securities lending facility 3.2. 4.3 Primary dealer credit facility 3.2. 4.4 Interest on reserves 3.2. 4.5 Term deposit facility 3.2. 4.6 Asset Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility 3.2. 4.7 Commercial Paper Funding Facility 3.2. 5 Quantitative policy 4 History 4.1 Central banking in the United States , 1791 -- 1913 4.1. 1 First Central Bank , 1791 and Second Central Bank , 1816 4.1. 2 Creation of Third Central Bank , 1907 -- 1913 4.1. 2.1 Federal Reserve Act , 1913 4.2 Federal Reserve era , 1913 -- present 5 Measurement of economic variables 5.1 Net worth of households and nonprofit organizations 5.2 Money supply 5.3 Personal consumption expenditures price index 5.3. 1 Inflation and the economy 5.4 Unemployment rate 6 Budget 7 Net worth 7.1 Balance sheet 8 Criticism 9 See also 10 References 11 Bibliography 11.1 Recent 11.2 Historical 12 External links Purpose ( edit ) The Eccles Building in Washington , D.C. , which serves as the Federal Reserve System 's headquarters The primary motivation for creating the Federal Reserve System was to address banking panics . Other purposes are stated in the Federal Reserve Act , such as `` to furnish an elastic currency , to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper , to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States , and for other purposes '' . Before the founding of the Federal Reserve System , the United States underwent several financial crises . A particularly severe crisis in 1907 led Congress to enact the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 . Today the Federal Reserve System has responsibilities in addition to ensuring the stability of the financial system . Current functions of the Federal Reserve System include : To address the problem of banking panics To serve as the central bank for the United States To strike a balance between private interests of banks and the centralized responsibility of government To supervise and regulate banking institutions To protect the credit rights of consumers To manage the nation 's money supply through monetary policy to achieve the sometimes - conflicting goals of maximum employment stable prices , including prevention of either inflation or deflation moderate long - term interest rates To maintain the stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk in financial markets To provide financial services to depository institutions , the U.S. government , and foreign official institutions , including playing a major role in operating the nation 's payments system To facilitate the exchange of payments among regions To respond to local liquidity needs To strengthen U.S. standing in the world economy Addressing the problem of Bank panics ( edit ) Further information : Bank run and Fractional - reserve banking Banking institutions in the United States are required to hold reserves‍ -- ‌amounts of currency and deposits in other banks‍ -- ‌equal to only a fraction of the amount of the bank 's deposit liabilities owed to customers . This practice is called fractional - reserve banking . As a result , banks usually invest the majority of the funds received from depositors . On rare occasions , too many of the bank 's customers will withdraw their savings and the bank will need help from another institution to continue operating ; this is called a bank run . Bank runs can lead to a multitude of social and economic problems . The Federal Reserve System was designed as an attempt to prevent or minimize the occurrence of bank runs , and possibly act as a lender of last resort when a bank run does occur . Many economists , following Milton Friedman , believe that the Federal Reserve inappropriately refused to lend money to small banks during the bank runs of 1929 . Check clearing System ( edit ) Because some banks refused to clear checks from certain other banks during times of economic uncertainty , a check - clearing system was created in the Federal Reserve System . It is briefly described in The Federal Reserve System‍ -- ‌Purposes and Functions as follows : By creating the Federal Reserve System , Congress intended to eliminate the severe financial crises that had periodically swept the nation , especially the sort of financial panic that occurred in 1907 . During that episode , payments were disrupted throughout the country because many banks and clearinghouses refused to clear checks drawn on certain other banks , a practice that contributed to the failure of otherwise solvent banks . To address these problems , Congress gave the Federal Reserve System the authority to establish a nationwide check - clearing system . The System , then , was to provide not only an elastic currency‍ -- ‌that is , a currency that would expand or shrink in amount as economic conditions warranted‍ -- ‌but also an efficient and equitable check - collection system . Lender of last resort ( edit ) In the United States , the Federal Reserve serves as the lender of last resort to those institutions that can not obtain credit elsewhere and the collapse of which would have serious implications for the economy . It took over this role from the private sector `` clearing houses '' which operated during the Free Banking Era ; whether public or private , the availability of liquidity was intended to prevent bank runs . Fluctuations ( edit ) Through its discount window and credit operations , Reserve Banks provide liquidity to banks to meet short - term needs stemming from seasonal fluctuations in deposits or unexpected withdrawals . Longer term liquidity may also be provided in exceptional circumstances . The rate the Fed charges banks for these loans is called the discount rate ( officially the primary credit rate ) . By making these loans , the Fed serves as a buffer against unexpected day - to - day fluctuations in reserve demand and supply . This contributes to the effective functioning of the banking system , alleviates pressure in the reserves market and reduces the extent of unexpected movements in the interest rates . For example , on September 16 , 2008 , the Federal Reserve Board authorized an $85 billion loan to stave off the bankruptcy of international insurance giant American International Group ( AIG ) . Central Bank ( edit ) Further information : Central bank Obverse of a Federal Reserve $1 note issued in 2009 In its role as the central bank of the United States , the Fed serves as a banker 's bank and as the government 's bank . As the banker 's bank , it helps to assure the safety and efficiency of the payments system . As the government 's bank or fiscal agent , the Fed processes a variety of financial transactions involving trillions of dollars . Just as an individual might keep an account at a bank , the U.S. Treasury keeps a checking account with the Federal Reserve , through which incoming federal tax deposits and outgoing government payments are handled . As part of this service relationship , the Fed sells and redeems U.S. government securities such as savings bonds and Treasury bills , notes and bonds . It also issues the nation 's coin and paper currency . The U.S. Treasury , through its Bureau of the Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing , actually produces the nation 's cash supply and , in effect , sells the paper currency to the Federal Reserve Banks at manufacturing cost , and the coins at face value . The Federal Reserve Banks then distribute it to other financial institutions in various ways . During the Fiscal Year 2013 , the Bureau of Engraving and Printing delivered 6.6 billion notes at an average cost of 5.0 cents per note . Federal funds ( edit ) Main article : Federal funds Federal funds are the reserve balances ( also called Federal Reserve Deposits ) that private banks keep at their local Federal Reserve Bank . These balances are the namesake reserves of the Federal Reserve System . The purpose of keeping funds at a Federal Reserve Bank is to have a mechanism for private banks to lend funds to one another . This market for funds plays an important role in the Federal Reserve System as it is what inspired the name of the system and it is what is used as the basis for monetary policy . Monetary policy is put into effect partly by influencing how much interest the private banks charge each other for the lending of these funds . Federal reserve accounts contain federal reserve credit , which can be converted into federal reserve notes . Private banks maintain their bank reserves in federal reserve accounts . Bank regulation ( edit ) The Federal Reserve regulates private banks . The system was designed out of a compromise between the competing philosophies of privatization and government regulation . In 2006 Donald L. Kohn , vice chairman of the Board of Governors , summarized the history of this compromise : Agrarian and progressive interests , led by William Jennings Bryan , favored a central bank under public , rather than banker , control . But the vast majority of the nation 's bankers , concerned about government intervention in the banking business , opposed a central bank structure directed by political appointees . The legislation that Congress ultimately adopted in 1913 reflected a hard - fought battle to balance these two competing views and created the hybrid public - private , centralized - decentralized structure that we have today . The balance between private interests and government can also be seen in the structure of the system . Private banks elect members of the board of directors at their regional Federal Reserve Bank while the members of the Board of Governors are selected by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate . Government regulation and supervision ( edit ) Ben Bernanke ( lower - right ) , Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors , at a House Financial Services Committee hearing on February 10 , 2009 . Members of the Board frequently testify before congressional committees such as this one . The Senate equivalent of the House Financial Services Committee is the Senate Committee on Banking , Housing , and Urban Affairs . The Federal Banking Agency Audit Act , enacted in 1978 as Public Law 95 - 320 and 31 U.S.C. section 714 establish that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve banks may be audited by the Government Accountability Office ( GAO ) . The GAO has authority to audit check - processing , currency storage and shipments , and some regulatory and bank examination functions , however , there are restrictions to what the GAO may audit . Under the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act , 31 U.S.C. section 714 ( b ) , audits of the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve banks do not include ( 1 ) transactions for or with a foreign central bank or government or non-private international financing organization ; ( 2 ) deliberations , decisions , or actions on monetary policy matters ; ( 3 ) transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee ; or ( 4 ) a part of a discussion or communication among or between members of the Board of Governors and officers and employees of the Federal Reserve System related to items ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , or ( 3 ) . See Federal Reserve System Audits : Restrictions on GAO 's Access ( GAO / T - GGD - 94 - 44 ) , statement of Charles A. Bowsher . The Board of Governors in the Federal Reserve System has a number of supervisory and regulatory responsibilities in the U.S. banking system , but not complete responsibility . A general description of the types of regulation and supervision involved in the U.S. banking system is given by the Federal Reserve : The Board also plays a major role in the supervision and regulation of the U.S. banking system . It has supervisory responsibilities for state - chartered banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System , bank holding companies ( companies that control banks ) , the foreign activities of member banks , the U.S. activities of foreign banks , and Edge Act and `` agreement corporations '' ( limited - purpose institutions that engage in a foreign banking business ) . The Board and , under delegated authority , the Federal Reserve Banks , supervise approximately 900 state member banks and 5,000 bank holding companies . Other federal agencies also serve as the primary federal supervisors of commercial banks ; the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency supervises national banks , and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation supervises state banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System . Some regulations issued by the Board apply to the entire banking industry , whereas others apply only to member banks , that is , state banks that have chosen to join the Federal Reserve System and national banks , which by law must be members of the System . The Board also issues regulations to carry out major federal laws governing consumer credit protection , such as the Truth in Lending , Equal Credit Opportunity , and Home Mortgage Disclosure Acts . Many of these consumer protection regulations apply to various lenders outside the banking industry as well as to banks . Members of the Board of Governors are in continual contact with other policy makers in government . They frequently testify before congressional committees on the economy , monetary policy , banking supervision and regulation , consumer credit protection , financial markets , and other matters . The Board has regular contact with members of the President 's Council of Economic Advisers and other key economic officials . The Chair also meets from time to time with the President of the United States and has regular meetings with the Secretary of the Treasury . The Chair has formal responsibilities in the international arena as well . Regulatory and oversight responsibilities ( edit ) The board of directors of each Federal Reserve Bank District also has regulatory and supervisory responsibilities . If the board of directors of a district bank has judged that a member bank is performing or behaving poorly , it will report this to the Board of Governors . This policy is described in United States Code : Each Federal reserve bank shall keep itself informed of the general character and amount of the loans and investments of its member banks with a view to ascertaining whether undue use is being made of bank credit for the speculative carrying of or trading in securities , real estate , or commodities , or for any other purpose inconsistent with the maintenance of sound credit conditions ; and , in determining whether to grant or refuse advances , rediscounts , or other credit accommodations , the Federal reserve bank shall give consideration to such information . The chairman of the Federal reserve bank shall report to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System any such undue use of bank credit by any member bank , together with his recommendation . Whenever , in the judgment of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System , any member bank is making such undue use of bank credit , the Board may , in its discretion , after reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearing , suspend such bank from the use of the credit facilities of the Federal Reserve System and may terminate such suspension or may renew it from time to time . National payments System ( edit ) The Federal Reserve plays an important role in the U.S. payments system . The twelve Federal Reserve Banks provide banking services to depository institutions and to the federal government . For depository institutions , they maintain accounts and provide various payment services , including collecting checks , electronically transferring funds , and distributing and receiving currency and coin . For the federal government , the Reserve Banks act as fiscal agents , paying Treasury checks ; processing electronic payments ; and issuing , transferring , and redeeming U.S. government securities . In the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 , Congress reaffirmed that the Federal Reserve should promote an efficient nationwide payments system . The act subjects all depository institutions , not just member commercial banks , to reserve requirements and grants them equal access to Reserve Bank payment services . The Federal Reserve plays a role in the nation 's retail and wholesale payments systems by providing financial services to depository institutions . Retail payments are generally for relatively small - dollar amounts and often involve a depository institution 's retail clients‍ -- ‌individuals and smaller businesses . The Reserve Banks ' retail services include distributing currency and coin , collecting checks , and electronically transferring funds through the automated clearinghouse system . By contrast , wholesale payments are generally for large - dollar amounts and often involve a depository institution 's large corporate customers or counterparties , including other financial institutions . The Reserve Banks ' wholesale services include electronically transferring funds through the Fedwire Funds Service and transferring securities issued by the U.S. government , its agencies , and certain other entities through the Fedwire Securities Service . Structure ( edit ) Main article : Structure of the Federal Reserve System Organization of the Federal Reserve System The Federal Reserve System has a `` unique structure that is both public and private '' and is described as `` independent within the government '' rather than `` independent of government '' . The System does not require public funding , and derives its authority and purpose from the Federal Reserve Act , which was passed by Congress in 1913 and is subject to Congressional modification or repeal . The four main components of the Federal Reserve System are ( 1 ) the Board of Governors , ( 2 ) the Federal Open Market Committee , ( 3 ) the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks , and ( 4 ) the member banks throughout the country . District # Letter Federal Reserve Bank Branches Website President Boston http://www.bos.frb.org Eric S. Rosengren New York City Buffalo , New York ( closed as of October 31 , 2008 ) http://www.newyorkfed.org William C. Dudley Philadelphia http://www.philadelphiafed.org Patrick T. Harker Cleveland Cincinnati , Ohio Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania http://www.clevelandfed.org Loretta J. Mester 5 Richmond Baltimore , Maryland Charlotte , North Carolina http://www.richmondfed.org Thomas Barkin 6 Atlanta Birmingham , Alabama Jacksonville , Florida Miami , Florida Nashville , Tennessee New Orleans , Louisiana http://www.frbatlanta.org Raphael Bostic 7 Chicago Detroit , Michigan Des Moines , Iowa http://www.chicagofed.org Charles L. Evans 8 St Louis Little Rock , Arkansas Louisville , Kentucky Memphis , Tennessee http://www.stlouisfed.org James B. Bullard 9 Minneapolis Helena , Montana https://www.minneapolisfed.org Neel Kashkari 10 Kansas City Denver , Colorado Oklahoma City , Oklahoma Omaha , Nebraska http://www.kansascityfed.org Esther George 11 Dallas El Paso , Texas Houston , Texas San Antonio , Texas http://www.dallasfed.org Robert Steven Kaplan 12 San Francisco Los Angeles , California Portland , Oregon Salt Lake City , Utah Seattle , Washington http://www.frbsf.org John C. Williams Board of Governors ( edit ) Main article : Federal Reserve Board of Governors The seven - member Board of Governors is a federal agency . It is charged with the overseeing of the 12 District Reserve Banks and setting national monetary policy . It also supervises and regulates the U.S. banking system in general . Governors are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate for staggered 14 - year terms . One term begins every two years , on February 1 of even - numbered years , and members serving a full term can not be renominated for a second term . `` ( U ) pon the expiration of their terms of office , members of the Board shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed and have qualified . '' The law provides for the removal of a member of the board by the President `` for cause '' . The board is required to make an annual report of operations to the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives . The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Governors are appointed by the President from among the sitting Governors . They both serve a four - year term and they can be renominated as many times as the President chooses , until their terms on the Board of Governors expire . List of members of the Board of Governors ( edit ) The current members of the Board of Governors are as follows : Governor Political Party Entered office Term expires Jerome Powell ( Chair ) Republican February 5 , 2018 ( as Chair ) May 25 , 2012 ( as Governor ) June 16 , 2014 ( new term ) February 5 , 2022 ( as Chair ) January 31 , 2028 ( as Governor ) Vacant ( Vice Chair ) N / A ( as Vice Chair ) January 31 , 2020 ( as Governor ) Randal Quarles ( Vice Chair for Supervision ) Republican October 13 , 2017 ( as Vice Chair for Supervision ) October 13 , 2017 October 13 , 2021 ( as Vice Chair for Supervision ) January 31 , 2018 ( as Governor ) Lael Brainard Democratic June 16 , 2014 January 31 , 2026 Vacant January 31 , 2022 Vacant January 31 , 2024 Vacant January 31 , 2030 Indicates the date of term expiration for the individual nominated to this vacant position . Nominations , confirmations and resignations ( edit ) In late December 2011 , President Barack Obama nominated Jeremy C. Stein , a Harvard University finance professor and a Democrat , and Jerome Powell , formerly of Dillon Read , Bankers Trust and The Carlyle Group and a Republican . Both candidates also have Treasury Department experience in the Obama and George H.W. Bush administrations respectively . `` Obama administration officials ( had ) regrouped to identify Fed candidates after Peter Diamond , a Nobel Prize - winning economist , withdrew his nomination to the board in June ( 2011 ) in the face of Republican opposition . Richard Clarida , a potential nominee who was a Treasury official under George W. Bush , pulled out of consideration in August ( 2011 ) '' , one account of the December nominations noted . The two other Obama nominees in 2011 , Yellen and Raskin , were confirmed in September . One of the vacancies was created in 2011 with the resignation of Kevin Warsh , who took office in 2006 to fill the unexpired term ending January 31 , 2018 , and resigned his position effective March 31 , 2011 . In March 2012 , U.S. Senator David Vitter ( R , LA ) said he would oppose Obama 's Stein and Powell nominations , dampening near - term hopes for approval . However Senate leaders reached a deal , paving the way for affirmative votes on the two nominees in May 2012 and bringing the board to full strength for the first time since 2006 with Duke 's service after term end . Later , on January 6 , 2014 , the United States Senate confirmed Yellen 's nomination to be Chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors ; she is slated to be the first woman to hold the position and will become Chair on February 1 , 2014 . Subsequently , President Obama nominated Stanley Fischer to replace Yellen as the Vice Chair . In April 2014 , Stein announced he was leaving to return to Harvard May 28 with four years remaining on his term . At the time of the announcement , the FOMC `` already is down three members as it awaits the Senate confirmation of ... Fischer and Lael Brainard , and as ( President ) Obama has yet to name a replacement for ... Duke ... Powell is still serving as he awaits his confirmation for a second term . '' Allan R. Landon , former president and CEO of the Bank of Hawaii , was nominated in early 2015 by President Obama to the board . In July 2015 , President Obama nominated University of Michigan economist Kathryn M. Dominguez to fill the second vacancy on the board . The Senate had not yet acted on Landon 's confirmation by the time of the second nomination . Daniel Tarullo submitted his resignation from the board on February 10 , 2017 , effective on or around April 5 , 2017 . Federal open market Committee ( edit ) Main article : Federal Open Market Committee The Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) consists of 12 members , seven from the Board of Governors and 5 of the regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents . The FOMC oversees and sets policy on open market operations , the principal tool of national monetary policy . These operations affect the amount of Federal Reserve balances available to depository institutions , thereby influencing overall monetary and credit conditions . The FOMC also directs operations undertaken by the Federal Reserve in foreign exchange markets . The FOMC must reach consensus on all decisions . The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is a permanent member of the FOMC ; the presidents of the other banks rotate membership at two - and three - year intervals . All Regional Reserve Bank presidents contribute to the committee 's assessment of the economy and of policy options , but only the five presidents who are then members of the FOMC vote on policy decisions . The FOMC determines its own internal organization and , by tradition , elects the Chair of the Board of Governors as its chair and the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as its vice chair . Formal meetings typically are held eight times each year in Washington , D.C. Nonvoting Reserve Bank presidents also participate in Committee deliberations and discussion . The FOMC generally meets eight times a year in telephone consultations and other meetings are held when needed . Federal advisory Council ( edit ) Main article : Federal Advisory Council The Federal Advisory Council , composed of twelve representatives of the banking industry , advises the board on all matters within its jurisdiction . Federal Reserve banks ( edit ) Main article : Federal Reserve Bank Map of the twelve Federal Reserve Districts , with the twelve Federal Reserve Banks marked as black squares , and all Branches within each district ( 24 total ) marked as red circles . The Washington DC Headquarters is marked with a star . ( Also , a 25th branch in Buffalo , NY had been closed in 2008 . ) The twelve Reserve Banks buildings in 1936 There are 12 Federal Reserve Banks , each of which is responsible for member banks located in its district . They are located in Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Cleveland , Richmond , Atlanta , Chicago , St. Louis , Minneapolis , Kansas City , Dallas , and San Francisco . The size of each district was set based upon the population distribution of the United States when the Federal Reserve Act was passed . The charter and organization of each Federal Reserve Bank is established by law and can not be altered by the member banks . Member banks , do however , elect six of the nine members of the Federal Reserve Banks ' boards of directors . Each regional Bank has a president , who is the chief executive officer of their Bank . Each regional Reserve Bank 's president is nominated by their Bank 's board of directors , but the nomination is contingent upon approval by the Board of Governors . Presidents serve five - year terms and may be reappointed . Each regional Bank 's board consists of nine members . Members are broken down into three classes : A , B , and C. There are three board members in each class . Class A members are chosen by the regional Bank 's shareholders , and are intended to represent member banks ' interests . Member banks are divided into three categories : large , medium , and small . Each category elects one of the three class A board members . Class B board members are also nominated by the region 's member banks , but class B board members are supposed to represent the interests of the public . Lastly , class C board members are appointed by the Board of Governors , and are also intended to represent the interests of the public . Legal status of regional Federal Reserve banks ( edit ) The Federal Reserve Banks have an intermediate legal status , with some features of private corporations and some features of public federal agencies . The United States has an interest in the Federal Reserve Banks as tax - exempt federally created instrumentalities whose profits belong to the federal government , but this interest is not proprietary . In Lewis v. United States , the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stated that : `` The Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA ( the Federal Tort Claims Act ) , but are independent , privately owned and locally controlled corporations . '' The opinion went on to say , however , that : `` The Reserve Banks have properly been held to be federal instrumentalities for some purposes . '' Another relevant decision is Scott v. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City , in which the distinction is made between Federal Reserve Banks , which are federally created instrumentalities , and the Board of Governors , which is a federal agency . Regarding the structural relationship between the twelve Federal Reserve banks and the various commercial ( member ) banks , political science professor Michael D. Reagan has written that : ... the `` ownership '' of the Reserve Banks by the commercial banks is symbolic ; they do not exercise the proprietary control associated with the concept of ownership nor share , beyond the statutory dividend , in Reserve Bank `` profits . '' ... Bank ownership and election at the base are therefore devoid of substantive significance , despite the superficial appearance of private bank control that the formal arrangement creates . Plaque marking a bank as a member Member banks ( edit ) A member bank is a private institution and owns stock in its regional Federal Reserve Bank . All nationally chartered banks hold stock in one of the Federal Reserve Banks . State chartered banks may choose to be members ( and hold stock in their regional Federal Reserve bank ) , upon meeting certain standards . The amount of stock a member bank must own is equal to 3 % of its combined capital and surplus . However , holding stock in a Federal Reserve bank is not like owning stock in a publicly traded company . These stocks can not be sold or traded , and member banks do not control the Federal Reserve Bank as a result of owning this stock . From the profits of the Regional Bank of which it is a member , a member bank receives a dividend equal to 6 % of their purchased stock . The remainder of the regional Federal Reserve Banks ' profits is given over to the United States Treasury Department . In 2015 , the Federal Reserve Banks made a profit of $100.2 billion and distributed $2.5 billion in dividends to member banks as well as returning $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury . About 38 % of U.S. banks are members of their regional Federal Reserve Bank . Accountability ( edit ) The GAO and an outside auditor regularly audit the Board of Governors , the Federal Reserve banks , and individual member banks . Audits do not cover `` most of the Fed 's monetary policy actions or decisions , including discount window lending ( direct loans to financial institutions ) , open - market operations and any other transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee '' ... ( nor may the GAO audit ) `` dealings with foreign governments and other central banks . '' As of August 27 , 2012 , the Federal Reserve Board has been publishing unaudited financial reports for the Federal Reserve banks every quarter . This is an expansion of prior financial reporting practices . Greater transparency is offered with more frequent disclosure and more detail . November 7 , 2008 , Bloomberg L.P. News brought a lawsuit against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to force the board to reveal the identities of firms for which it has provided guarantees during the financial crisis of 2007 -- 2008 . Bloomberg , L.P. won at the trial court and the Fed 's appeals were rejected at both the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court . The data was released on March 31 , 2011 . Monetary policy ( edit ) Further information : Monetary policy of the United States The term `` monetary policy '' refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank , such as the Federal Reserve , to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote national economic goals . What happens to money and credit affects interest rates ( the cost of credit ) and the performance of an economy . The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve authority to set monetary policy in the United States . Interbank lending ( edit ) The Federal Reserve sets monetary policy by influencing the federal funds rate , which is the rate of interbank lending of excess reserves . The rate that banks charge each other for these loans is determined in the interbank market and the Federal Reserve influences this rate through the three `` tools '' of monetary policy described in the Tools section below . The federal funds rate is a short - term interest rate that the FOMC focuses on , which affects the longer - term interest rates throughout the economy . The Federal Reserve summarized its monetary policy in 2005 : The Federal Reserve implements U.S. monetary policy by affecting conditions in the market for balances that depository institutions hold at the Federal Reserve Banks ... By conducting open market operations , imposing reserve requirements , permitting depository institutions to hold contractual clearing balances , and extending credit through its discount window facility , the Federal Reserve exercises considerable control over the demand for and supply of Federal Reserve balances and the federal funds rate . Through its control of the federal funds rate , the Federal Reserve is able to foster financial and monetary conditions consistent with its monetary policy objectives . Effects on the quantity of reserves that banks used to make loans influence the economy . Policy actions that add reserves to the banking system encourage lending at lower interest rates thus stimulating growth in money , credit , and the economy . Policy actions that absorb reserves work in the opposite direction . The Fed 's task is to supply enough reserves to support an adequate amount of money and credit , avoiding the excesses that result in inflation and the shortages that stifle economic growth . Tools ( edit ) There are three main tools of monetary policy that the Federal Reserve uses to influence the amount of reserves in private banks : Tool Description Open market operations Purchases and sales of U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities‍ -- ‌the Federal Reserve 's principal tool for implementing monetary policy . The Federal Reserve 's objective for open market operations has varied over the years . During the 1980s , the focus gradually shifted toward attaining a specified level of the federal funds rate ( the rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of federal funds , which are the reserves held by banks at the Fed ) , a process that was largely complete by the end of the decade . Discount rate The interest rate charged to commercial banks and other depository institutions on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank 's lending facility‍ -- ‌the discount window . Reserve requirements The amount of funds that a depository institution must hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities . Federal funds rate and open market operations ( edit ) Further information : Open market operations , money creation , and federal funds rate The Federal Reserve System implements monetary policy largely by targeting the federal funds rate . This is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of federal funds , which are the reserves held by banks at the Fed . This rate is actually determined by the market and is not explicitly mandated by the Fed . The Fed therefore tries to align the effective federal funds rate with the targeted rate by adding or subtracting from the money supply through open market operations . The Federal Reserve System usually adjusts the federal funds rate target by 0.25 % or 0.50 % at a time . Open market operations allow the Federal Reserve to increase or decrease the amount of money in the banking system as necessary to balance the Federal Reserve 's dual mandates . Open market operations are done through the sale and purchase of United States Treasury security , sometimes called `` Treasury bills '' or more informally `` T - bills '' or `` Treasuries '' . The Federal Reserve buys Treasury bills from its primary dealers . The purchase of these securities affects the federal funds rate , because primary dealers have accounts at depository institutions . The Federal Reserve education website describes open market operations as follows : Open market operations involve the buying and selling of U.S. government securities ( federal agency and mortgage - backed ) . The term ' open market ' means that the Fed does n't decide on its own which securities dealers it will do business with on a particular day . Rather , the choice emerges from an ' open market ' in which the various securities dealers that the Fed does business with‍ -- ‌the primary dealers‍ -- ‌compete on the basis of price . Open market operations are flexible and thus , the most frequently used tool of monetary policy . Open market operations are the primary tool used to regulate the supply of bank reserves . This tool consists of Federal Reserve purchases and sales of financial instruments , usually securities issued by the U.S. Treasury , Federal agencies and government - sponsored enterprises . Open market operations are carried out by the Domestic Trading Desk of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under direction from the FOMC . The transactions are undertaken with primary dealers . The Fed 's goal in trading the securities is to affect the federal funds rate , the rate at which banks borrow reserves from each other . When the Fed wants to increase reserves , it buys securities and pays for them by making a deposit to the account maintained at the Fed by the primary dealer 's bank . When the Fed wants to reduce reserves , it sells securities and collects from those accounts . Most days , the Fed does not want to increase or decrease reserves permanently so it usually engages in transactions reversed within a day or two . That means that a reserve injection today could be withdrawn tomorrow morning , only to be renewed at some level several hours later . These short - term transactions are called repurchase agreements ( repos ) ‍ -- ‌the dealer sells the Fed a security and agrees to buy it back at a later date . Repurchase agreements ( edit ) Further information : Repurchase agreement To smooth temporary or cyclical changes in the money supply , the desk engages in repurchase agreements ( repos ) with its primary dealers . Repos are essentially secured , short - term lending by the Fed . On the day of the transaction , the Fed deposits money in a primary dealer 's reserve account , and receives the promised securities as collateral . When the transaction matures , the process unwinds : the Fed returns the collateral and charges the primary dealer 's reserve account for the principal and accrued interest . The term of the repo ( the time between settlement and maturity ) can vary from 1 day ( called an overnight repo ) to 65 days . Discount rate ( edit ) Further information : Discount window The Federal Reserve System also directly sets the `` discount rate '' , which is the interest rate for `` discount window lending '' , overnight loans that member banks borrow directly from the Fed . This rate is generally set at a rate close to 100 basis points above the target federal funds rate . The idea is to encourage banks to seek alternative funding before using the `` discount rate '' option . The equivalent operation by the European Central Bank is referred to as the `` marginal lending facility '' . Both the discount rate and the federal funds rate influence the prime rate , which is usually about 3 percentage points higher than the federal funds rate . Reserve requirements ( edit ) Another instrument of monetary policy adjustment employed by the Federal Reserve System is the fractional reserve requirement , also known as the required reserve ratio . The required reserve ratio sets the balance that the Federal Reserve System requires a depository institution to hold in the Federal Reserve Banks , which depository institutions trade in the federal funds market discussed above . The required reserve ratio is set by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System . The reserve requirements have changed over time and some history of these changes is published by the Federal Reserve . Reserve Requirements in the U.S. Federal Reserve System Liability Type Requirement Percentage of liabilities Effective date Net transaction accounts $0 to $11.5 million 0 December 29 , 2011 More than $11.5 million to $71 million December 29 , 2011 More than $71 million 10 December 29 , 2011 Nonpersonal time deposits 0 December 27 , 1990 Eurocurrency liabilities 0 December 27 , 1990 As a response to the financial crisis of 2008 , the Federal Reserve now makes interest payments on depository institutions ' required and excess reserve balances . The payment of interest on excess reserves gives the central bank greater opportunity to address credit market conditions while maintaining the federal funds rate close to the target rate set by the FOMC . New facilities ( edit ) In order to address problems related to the subprime mortgage crisis and United States housing bubble , several new tools have been created . The first new tool , called the Term Auction Facility , was added on December 12 , 2007 . It was first announced as a temporary tool but there have been suggestions that this new tool may remain in place for a prolonged period of time . Creation of the second new tool , called the Term Securities Lending Facility , was announced on March 11 , 2008 . The main difference between these two facilities is that the Term Auction Facility is used to inject cash into the banking system whereas the Term Securities Lending Facility is used to inject treasury securities into the banking system . Creation of the third tool , called the Primary Dealer Credit Facility ( PDCF ) , was announced on March 16 , 2008 . The PDCF was a fundamental change in Federal Reserve policy because now the Fed is able to lend directly to primary dealers , which was previously against Fed policy . The differences between these three new facilities is described by the Federal Reserve : The Term Auction Facility program offers term funding to depository institutions via a bi-weekly auction , for fixed amounts of credit . The Term Securities Lending Facility will be an auction for a fixed amount of lending of Treasury general collateral in exchange for OMO - eligible and AAA / Aaa rated private - label residential mortgage - backed securities . The Primary Dealer Credit Facility now allows eligible primary dealers to borrow at the existing Discount Rate for up to 120 days . Some measures taken by the Federal Reserve to address this mortgage crisis have not been used since the Great Depression . The Federal Reserve gives a brief summary of these new facilities : As the economy has slowed in the last nine months and credit markets have become unstable , the Federal Reserve has taken a number of steps to help address the situation . These steps have included the use of traditional monetary policy tools at the macroeconomic level as well as measures at the level of specific markets to provide additional liquidity . The Federal Reserve 's response has continued to evolve since pressure on credit markets began to surface last summer , but all these measures derive from the Fed 's traditional open market operations and discount window tools by extending the term of transactions , the type of collateral , or eligible borrowers . A fourth facility , the Term Deposit Facility , was announced December 9 , 2009 , and approved April 30 , 2010 , with an effective date of June 4 , 2010 . The Term Deposit Facility allows Reserve Banks to offer term deposits to institutions that are eligible to receive earnings on their balances at Reserve Banks . Term deposits are intended to facilitate the implementation of monetary policy by providing a tool by which the Federal Reserve can manage the aggregate quantity of reserve balances held by depository institutions . Funds placed in term deposits are removed from the accounts of participating institutions for the life of the term deposit and thus drain reserve balances from the banking system . Term Auction Facility ( edit ) Further information : Term auction facility The Term Auction Facility is a program in which the Federal Reserve auctions term funds to depository institutions . The creation of this facility was announced by the Federal Reserve on December 12 , 2007 , and was done in conjunction with the Bank of Canada , the Bank of England , the European Central Bank , and the Swiss National Bank to address elevated pressures in short - term funding markets . The reason it was created is that banks were not lending funds to one another and banks in need of funds were refusing to go to the discount window . Banks were not lending money to each other because there was a fear that the loans would not be paid back . Banks refused to go to the discount window because it is usually associated with the stigma of bank failure . Under the Term Auction Facility , the identity of the banks in need of funds is protected in order to avoid the stigma of bank failure . Foreign exchange swap lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank were opened so the banks in Europe could have access to U.S. dollars . Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke briefly described this facility to the U.S. House of Representatives on January 17 , 2008 : the Federal Reserve recently unveiled a term auction facility , or TAF , through which prespecified amounts of discount window credit can be auctioned to eligible borrowers . The goal of the TAF is to reduce the incentive for banks to hoard cash and increase their willingness to provide credit to households and firms ... TAF auctions will continue as long as necessary to address elevated pressures in short - term funding markets , and we will continue to work closely and cooperatively with other central banks to address market strains that could hamper the achievement of our broader economic objectives . It is also described in the Term Auction Facility FAQ The TAF is a credit facility that allows a depository institution to place a bid for an advance from its local Federal Reserve Bank at an interest rate that is determined as the result of an auction . By allowing the Federal Reserve to inject term funds through a broader range of counterparties and against a broader range of collateral than open market operations , this facility could help ensure that liquidity provisions can be disseminated efficiently even when the unsecured interbank markets are under stress . In short , the TAF will auction term funds of approximately one - month maturity . All depository institutions that are judged to be in sound financial condition by their local Reserve Bank and that are eligible to borrow at the discount window are also eligible to participate in TAF auctions . All TAF credit must be fully collateralized . Depositories may pledge the broad range of collateral that is accepted for other Federal Reserve lending programs to secure TAF credit . The same collateral values and margins applicable for other Federal Reserve lending programs will also apply for the TAF . Term securities lending Facility ( edit ) The Term Securities Lending Facility is a 28 - day facility that will offer Treasury general collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 's primary dealers in exchange for other program - eligible collateral . It is intended to promote liquidity in the financing markets for Treasury and other collateral and thus to foster the functioning of financial markets more generally . Like the Term Auction Facility , the TSLF was done in conjunction with the Bank of Canada , the Bank of England , the European Central Bank , and the Swiss National Bank . The resource allows dealers to switch debt that is less liquid for U.S. government securities that are easily tradable . The currency swap lines with the European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank were increased . Primary dealer credit Facility ( edit ) The Primary Dealer Credit Facility ( PDCF ) is an overnight loan facility that will provide funding to primary dealers in exchange for a specified range of eligible collateral and is intended to foster the functioning of financial markets more generally . This new facility marks a fundamental change in Federal Reserve policy because now primary dealers can borrow directly from the Fed when this used to be prohibited . Interest on reserves ( edit ) Main article : Interest on excess reserves in the United States As of October 2008 , the Federal Reserve banks will pay interest on reserve balances ( required and excess ) held by depository institutions . The rate is set at the lowest federal funds rate during the reserve maintenance period of an institution , less 75 bp . As of October 23 , 2008 , the Fed has lowered the spread to a mere 35 bp . Term deposit Facility ( edit ) The Term Deposit Facility is a program through which the Federal Reserve Banks will offer interest - bearing term deposits to eligible institutions . By removing `` excess deposits '' from participating banks , the overall level of reserves available for lending is reduced , which should result in increased market interest rates , acting as a brake on economic activity and inflation . The Federal Reserve has stated that : Term deposits will be one of several tools that the Federal Reserve could employ to drain reserves when policymakers judge that it is appropriate to begin moving to a less accommodative stance of monetary policy . The development of the TDF is a matter of prudent planning and has no implication for the near - term conduct of monetary policy . The Federal Reserve initially authorized up to five `` small - value offerings are designed to ensure the effectiveness of TDF operations and to provide eligible institutions with an opportunity to gain familiarity with term deposit procedures . '' After three of the offering auctions were successfully completed , it was announced that small - value auctions would continue on an ongoing basis . The Term Deposit Facility is essentially a tool available to reverse the efforts that have been employed to provide liquidity to the financial markets and to reduce the amount of capital available to the economy . As stated in Bloomberg News : Policy makers led by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke are preparing for the day when they will have to start siphoning off more than $1 trillion in excess reserves from the banking system to contain inflation . The Fed is charting an eventual return to normal monetary policy , even as a weakening near - term outlook has raised the possibility it may expand its balance sheet . Chairman Ben S. Bernanke , testifying before House Committee on Financial Services , described the Term Deposit Facility and other facilities to Congress in the following terms : Most importantly , in October 2008 the Congress gave the Federal Reserve statutory authority to pay interest on balances that banks hold at the Federal Reserve Banks . By increasing the interest rate on banks ' reserves , the Federal Reserve will be able to put significant upward pressure on all short - term interest rates , as banks will not supply short - term funds to the money markets at rates significantly below what they can earn by holding reserves at the Federal Reserve Banks . Actual and prospective increases in short - term interest rates will be reflected in turn in higher longer - term interest rates and in tighter financial conditions more generally ... As an additional means of draining reserves , the Federal Reserve is also developing plans to offer to depository institutions term deposits , which are roughly analogous to certificates of deposit that the institutions offer to their customers . A proposal describing a term deposit facility was recently published in the Federal Register , and the Federal Reserve is finalizing a revised proposal in light of the public comments that have been received . After a revised proposal is reviewed by the Board , we expect to be able to conduct test transactions this spring and to have the facility available if necessary thereafter . The use of reverse repos and the deposit facility would together allow the Federal Reserve to drain hundreds of billions of dollars of reserves from the banking system quite quickly , should it choose to do so . When these tools are used to drain reserves from the banking system , they do so by replacing bank reserves with other liabilities ; the asset side and the overall size of the Federal Reserve 's balance sheet remain unchanged . If necessary , as a means of applying monetary restraint , the Federal Reserve also has the option of redeeming or selling securities . The redemption or sale of securities would have the effect of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve 's balance sheet as well as further reducing the quantity of reserves in the banking system . Restoring the size and composition of the balance sheet to a more normal configuration is a longer - term objective of our policies . In any case , the sequencing of steps and the combination of tools that the Federal Reserve uses as it exits from its currently very accommodative policy stance will depend on economic and financial developments and on our best judgments about how to meet the Federal Reserve 's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability . In sum , in response to severe threats to our economy , the Federal Reserve created a series of special lending facilities to stabilize the financial system and encourage the resumption of private credit flows to American families and businesses . As market conditions and the economic outlook have improved , these programs have been terminated or are being phased out . The Federal Reserve also promoted economic recovery through sharp reductions in its target for the federal funds rate and through large - scale purchases of securities . The economy continues to require the support of accommodative monetary policies . However , we have been working to ensure that we have the tools to reverse , at the appropriate time , the currently very high degree of monetary stimulus . We have full confidence that , when the time comes , we will be ready to do so . Asset backed commercial paper money market Mutual Fund liquidity Facility ( edit ) The Asset Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility ( ABCPMMMFLF ) was also called the AMLF . The Facility began operations on September 22 , 2008 , and was closed on February 1 , 2010 . All U.S. depository institutions , bank holding companies ( parent companies or U.S. broker - dealer affiliates ) , or U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks were eligible to borrow under this facility pursuant to the discretion of the FRBB . Collateral eligible for pledge under the Facility was required to meet the following criteria : was purchased by Borrower on or after September 19 , 2008 from a registered investment company that held itself out as a money market mutual fund ; was purchased by Borrower at the Fund 's acquisition cost as adjusted for amortization of premium or accretion of discount on the ABCP through the date of its purchase by Borrower ; was rated at the time pledged to FRBB , not lower than A1 , F1 , or P1 by at least two major rating agencies or , if rated by only one major rating agency , the ABCP must have been rated within the top rating category by that agency ; was issued by an entity organized under the laws of the United States or a political subdivision thereof under a program that was in existence on September 18 , 2008 ; and had stated maturity that did not exceed 120 days if the Borrower was a bank or 270 days for non-bank Borrowers . Commercial paper funding Facility ( edit ) On October 7 , 2008 , the Federal Reserve further expanded the collateral it will loan against to include commercial paper using the new Commercial Paper Funding Facility ( CPFF ) . The action made the Fed a crucial source of credit for non-financial businesses in addition to commercial banks and investment firms . Fed officials said they 'll buy as much of the debt as necessary to get the market functioning again . They refused to say how much that might be , but they noted that around $1.3 trillion worth of commercial paper would qualify . There was $1.61 trillion in outstanding commercial paper , seasonally adjusted , on the market as of October 1 , 2008 , according to the most recent data from the Fed . That was down from $1.70 trillion in the previous week . Since the summer of 2007 , the market has shrunk from more than $2.2 trillion . This program lent out a total $738 billion before it was closed . Forty - five out of 81 of the companies participating in this program were foreign firms . Research shows that Troubled Asset Relief Program ( TARP ) recipients were twice as likely to participate in the program than other commercial paper issuers who did not take advantage of the TARP bailout . The Fed incurred no losses from the CPFF . Quantitative policy ( edit ) A little - used tool of the Federal Reserve is the quantitative policy . With that the Federal Reserve actually buys back corporate bonds and mortgage backed securities held by banks or other financial institutions . This in effect puts money back into the financial institutions and allows them to make loans and conduct normal business . The bursting of the United States housing bubble prompted the Fed to buy mortgage - backed securities for the first time in November 2008 . Over six weeks , a total of $1.25 trillion were purchased in order to stabilize the housing market , about one - fifth of all U.S. government - backed mortgages . History ( edit ) Timeline of central banking in the United States Dates System 1782 -- 1791 Bank of North America ( de facto , under the Confederation Congress ) 1791 -- 1811 First Bank of the United States 1811 -- 1816 No central bank 1816 -- 1836 Second Bank of the United States 1837 -- 1862 Free Banking Era 1846 -- 1921 Independent Treasury System 1863 -- 1913 National Banks 1913 -- present Federal Reserve System Sources : Central banking in the United States , 1791 -- 1913 ( edit ) Main article : History of central banking in the United States The first attempt at a national currency was during the American Revolutionary War . In 1775 , the Continental Congress , as well as the states , began issuing paper currency , calling the bills `` Continentals '' . The Continentals were backed only by future tax revenue , and were used to help finance the Revolutionary War . Overprinting , as well as British counterfeiting , caused the value of the Continental to diminish quickly . This experience with paper money led the United States to strip the power to issue Bills of Credit ( paper money ) from a draft of the new Constitution on August 16 , 1787 , as well as banning such issuance by the various states , and limiting the states ' ability to make anything but gold or silver coin legal tender on August 28 . In 1791 , the government granted the First Bank of the United States a charter to operate as the U.S. central bank until 1811 . The First Bank of the United States came to an end under President Madison because Congress refused to renew its charter . The Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816 , and lost its authority to be the central bank of the U.S. twenty years later under President Jackson when its charter expired . Both banks were based upon the Bank of England . Ultimately , a third national bank , known as the Federal Reserve , was established in 1913 and still exists to this day . First central Bank , 1791 and second central Bank , 1816 ( edit ) The first U.S. institution with central banking responsibilities was the First Bank of the United States , chartered by Congress and signed into law by President George Washington on February 25 , 1791 , at the urging of Alexander Hamilton . This was done despite strong opposition from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison , among numerous others . The charter was for twenty years and expired in 1811 under President Madison , because Congress refused to renew it . In 1816 , however , Madison revived it in the form of the Second Bank of the United States . Years later , early renewal of the bank 's charter became the primary issue in the reelection of President Andrew Jackson . After Jackson , who was opposed to the central bank , was reelected , he pulled the government 's funds out of the bank . Jackson was the only President to completely pay off the debt . The bank 's charter was not renewed in 1836 . From 1837 to 1862 , in the Free Banking Era there was no formal central bank . From 1846 to 1921 , an Independent Treasury System ruled . From 1863 to 1913 , a system of national banks was instituted by the 1863 National Banking Act during which series of bank panics , in 1873 , 1893 , and 1907 occurred Creation of third central Bank , 1907 -- 1913 ( edit ) Main article : History of the Federal Reserve System The main motivation for the third central banking system came from the Panic of 1907 , which caused renewed demands for banking and currency reform . During the last quarter of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , the United States economy went through a series of financial panics . According to many economists , the previous national banking system had two main weaknesses : an inelastic currency and a lack of liquidity . In 1908 , Congress enacted the Aldrich -- Vreeland Act , which provided for an emergency currency and established the National Monetary Commission to study banking and currency reform . The National Monetary Commission returned with recommendations which were repeatedly rejected by Congress . A revision crafted during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island by Senator Aldrich and representatives of the nation 's top finance and industrial groups later became the basis of the Federal Reserve Act . The House voted on December 22 , 1913 , with 298 voting yes to 60 voting no . The Senate voted 43 -- 25 on December 23 , 1913 . President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill later that day . Federal Reserve Act , 1913 ( edit ) Main article : Federal Reserve Act Newspaper clipping , December 24 , 1913 The head of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich . Aldrich set up two commissions -- one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other , headed by Aldrich himself , to study the European central banking systems and report on them . In early November 1910 , Aldrich met with five well known members of the New York banking community to devise a central banking bill . Paul Warburg , an attendee of the meeting and longtime advocate of central banking in the U.S. , later wrote that Aldrich was `` bewildered at all that he had absorbed abroad and he was faced with the difficult task of writing a highly technical bill while being harassed by the daily grind of his parliamentary duties '' . After ten days of deliberation , the bill , which would later be referred to as the `` Aldrich Plan '' , was agreed upon . It had several key components , including a central bank with a Washington - based headquarters and fifteen branches located throughout the U.S. in geographically strategic locations , and a uniform elastic currency based on gold and commercial paper . Aldrich believed a central banking system with no political involvement was best , but was convinced by Warburg that a plan with no public control was not politically feasible . The compromise involved representation of the public sector on the Board of Directors . Aldrich 's bill met much opposition from politicians . Critics charged Aldrich of being biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller , Jr. , Aldrich 's son - in - law . Most Republicans favored the Aldrich Plan , but it lacked enough support in Congress to pass because rural and western states viewed it as favoring the `` eastern establishment '' . In contrast , progressive Democrats favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government ; they believed that public ownership of the central bank would end Wall Street 's control of the American currency supply . Conservative Democrats fought for a privately owned , yet decentralized , reserve system , which would still be free of Wall Street 's control . The original Aldrich Plan was dealt a fatal blow in 1912 , when Democrats won the White House and Congress . Nonetheless , President Woodrow Wilson believed that the Aldrich plan would suffice with a few modifications . The plan became the basis for the Federal Reserve Act , which was proposed by Senator Robert Owen in May 1913 . The primary difference between the two bills was the transfer of control of the Board of Directors ( called the Federal Open Market Committee in the Federal Reserve Act ) to the government . The bill passed Congress on December 23 , 1913 , on a mostly partisan basis , with most Democrats voting `` yea '' and most Republicans voting `` nay '' . Federal Reserve Era , 1913 -- present ( edit ) Main article : History of the Federal Reserve This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( October 2015 ) Key laws affecting the Federal Reserve have been : Federal Reserve Act , 1913 Glass -- Steagall Act Banking Act of 1935 Employment Act of 1946 Federal Reserve - Treasury Department Accord of 1951 Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 and the amendments of 1970 Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977 International Banking Act of 1978 Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act ( 1978 ) Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act ( 1980 ) Financial Institutions Reform , Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 Gramm -- Leach -- Bliley Act ( 1999 ) Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act ( 2006 ) Emergency Economic Stabilization Act ( 2008 ) Dodd -- Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( 2010 ) Measurement of economic variables ( edit ) The Federal Reserve records and publishes large amounts of data . A few websites where data is published are at the Board of Governors Economic Data and Research page , the Board of Governors statistical releases and historical data page , and at the St. Louis Fed 's FRED ( Federal Reserve Economic Data ) page . The Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) examines many economic indicators prior to determining monetary policy . Some criticism involves economic data compiled by the Fed . The Fed sponsors much of the monetary economics research in the U.S. , and Lawrence H. White objects that this makes it less likely for researchers to publish findings challenging the status quo . Net worth of households and nonprofit organizations ( edit ) Total Net Worth‍ -- ‌Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations 1949 -- 2012 The net worth of households and nonprofit organizations in the United States is published by the Federal Reserve in a report titled Flow of Funds . At the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2012 , this value was $64.8 trillion . At the end of the first quarter of fiscal year 2014 , this value was $95.5 trillion . Money supply ( edit ) Further information : Money supply The most common measures are named M0 ( narrowest ) , M1 , M2 , and M3 . In the United States they are defined by the Federal Reserve as follows : Measure Definition M0 The total of all physical currency , plus accounts at the central bank that can be exchanged for physical currency . M1 M0 + those portions of M0 held as reserves or vault cash + the amount in demand accounts ( `` checking '' or `` current '' accounts ) . M2 M1 + most savings accounts , money market accounts , and small denomination time deposits ( certificates of deposit of under $100,000 ) . M3 M2 + all other CDs , deposits of eurodollars and repurchase agreements . The Federal Reserve stopped publishing M3 statistics in March 2006 , saying that the data cost a lot to collect but did not provide significantly useful information . The other three money supply measures continue to be provided in detail . Personal consumption expenditures price index ( edit ) Further information : Personal consumption expenditures price index The Personal consumption expenditures price index , also referred to as simply the PCE price index , is used as one measure of the value of money . It is a United States - wide indicator of the average increase in prices for all domestic personal consumption . Using a variety of data including United States Consumer Price Index and U.S. Producer Price Index prices , it is derived from the largest component of the gross domestic product in the BEA 's National Income and Product Accounts , personal consumption expenditures . One of the Fed 's main roles is to maintain price stability , which means that the Fed 's ability to keep a low inflation rate is a long - term measure of their success . Although the Fed is not required to maintain inflation within a specific range , their long run target for the growth of the PCE price index is between 1.5 and 2 percent . There has been debate among policy makers as to whether the Federal Reserve should have a specific inflation targeting policy . Inflation and the economy ( edit ) Most mainstream economists favor a low , steady rate of inflation . Low ( as opposed to zero or negative ) inflation may reduce the severity of economic recessions by enabling the labor market to adjust more quickly in a downturn , and reduce the risk that a liquidity trap prevents monetary policy from stabilizing the economy . The task of keeping the rate of inflation low and stable is usually given to monetary authorities . Unemployment rate ( edit ) Further information : Unemployment rate § United States Bureau of Labor Statistics , and List of U.S. states by unemployment rate United States unemployment rates 1975 -- 2010 showing variance between the fifty states One of the stated goals of monetary policy is maximum employment . The unemployment rate statistics are collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics , and like the PCE price index are used as a barometer of the nation 's economic health . Budget ( edit ) The Federal Reserve is self - funded . The vast majority ( 90 % + ) of Fed revenues come from open market operations , specifically the interest on the portfolio of Treasury securities as well as `` capital gains / losses '' that may arise from the buying / selling of the securities and their derivatives as part of Open Market Operations . The balance of revenues come from sales of financial services ( check and electronic payment processing ) and discount window loans . The Board of Governors ( Federal Reserve Board ) creates a budget report once per year for Congress . There are two reports with budget information . The one that lists the complete balance statements with income and expenses as well as the net profit or loss is the large report simply titled , `` Annual Report '' . It also includes data about employment throughout the system . The other report , which explains in more detail the expenses of the different aspects of the whole system , is called `` Annual Report : Budget Review '' . These detailed comprehensive reports can be found at the Board of Governors ' website under the section `` Reports to Congress '' Net worth ( edit ) Balance sheet ( edit ) This section needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information . ( July 2015 ) Federal Reserve total assets , treasuries , and mortages One of the keys to understanding the Federal Reserve is the Federal Reserve balance sheet ( or balance statement ) . In accordance with Section 11 of the Federal Reserve Act , the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System publishes once each week the `` Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks '' showing the condition of each Federal Reserve bank and a consolidated statement for all Federal Reserve banks . The Board of Governors requires that excess earnings of the Reserve Banks be transferred to the Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes . Below is the balance sheet as of July 6 , 2011 ( in billions of dollars ) : NOTE : The Fed balance sheet shown in this article has assets , liabilities and net equity that do not add up correctly . The Fed balance sheet is missing the item `` Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks '' which would make the figures balance . ASSETS : Gold Stock 11.04 Special Drawing Rights Certificate Acct . 5.20 Treasury Currency Outstanding ( Coin ) 43.98 Securities Held Outright 2647.94 U.S. Treasury Securities 1623.78 Bills 18.42 Notes and Bonds , nominal 1530.79 Notes and Bonds , inflation - indexed 65.52 Inflation Compensation 9.04 Federal Agency Debt Securities 115.30 Mortgage - Backed Securities 908.85 Repurchase Agreements 0 Loans 12.74 Primary Credit 12 Secondary Credit 0 Seasonal Credit 53 Credit Extended to AIG Inc . 0 Term Asset - Backed Securities Loan Facility 12.67 Other Credit Extended 0 Commercial Paper Funding Facility LLC 0 Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC , Maiden Lane II LLC , and Maiden Lane III LLC 60.32 Preferred Interest in AIG Life - Insurance Subsidiaries 0 Net Holdings of TALF LLC 0.75 Float - 1.05 Central Bank Liquidity Swaps 0 Other Assets 133.56 Total Assets 2914.51 LIABILITIES : Currency in Circulation 1031.30 Reverse repurchase agreements 68.09 Deposits 91.12 Term Deposits 0 U.S. Treasury , general account 76.56 U.S. Treasury , supplementary financing account 5 Foreign official 0.17 Service Related 2.53 Other Deposits 6.85 Funds from AIG , held as agent 0 Other Liabilities 73.06 Total liabilities 1263.73 CAPITAL ( AKA Net Equity ) Capital Paid In 26.71 Surplus 25.91 Other Capital 4.16 Total Capital 56.78 MEMO ( off - balance - sheet items ) Marketable securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts 3445.42 U.S. Treasury Securities 2708 Federal Agency Securities 737.31 Securities lent to dealers 30.46 Overnight 30.46 Term 0 Total combined assets for all 12 Federal Reserve Banks Total combined liabilities for all 12 Federal Reserve Banks In addition , the balance sheet also indicates which assets are held as collateral against Federal Reserve Notes . Federal Reserve Notes and Collateral Federal Reserve Notes Outstanding 1128.63 Less : Notes held by F.R. Banks 200.90 Federal Reserve notes to be collateralized 927.73 Collateral held against Federal Reserve notes 927.73 Gold certificate account 11.04 Special drawing rights certificate account 5.20 U.S. Treasury , agency debt , and mortgage - backed securities pledged 911.50 Other assets pledged 0 Criticism ( edit ) Money supply decreased significantly between Black Tuesday and the Bank Holiday in March 1933 when there were massive bank runs across the United States Main articles : Criticism of the Federal Reserve and Causes of the Great Depression The Federal Reserve System has faced various criticisms since its inception in 1913 . Critique of the organization and system has come from sources such as writers , journalists , economists , and financial institutions as well as politicians and various government employees . Criticisms include transparency , doubt of efficacy due to what is seen by some as poor historical performance and traditionalist concerns about the debasement of the value of the dollar . From the beginning , the Federal Reserve has been the subject of many popular conspiracy theories , that typically link the Fed to numerous other supposed conspiracies . See also ( edit ) Consumer Leverage Ratio Core inflation Farm Credit System Fed model Federal Home Loan Banks Federal Reserve Police Federal Reserve Statistical Release Free banking Gold standard Government debt Greenspan put History of Federal Open Market Committee actions History of central banking in the United States Independent Treasury Legal Tender Cases List of economic reports by U.S. government agencies Securities market participants ( United States ) Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations United States Bullion Depository ‍ -- ‌known as Fort Knox References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Federal Reserve Bank Discount Window & Payment System Risk Website '' . Archived from the original on July 5 , 2014 . http://www.frbdiscountwindow.org/ Jump up ^ `` FRB : Open Market Operations Archive '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Born of a panic : Forming the Federal Reserve System '' . The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis . August 1988 . Archived from the original on May 16 , 2008 . https://www.minneapolisfed.org/publications/the-region/born-of-a-panic-forming-the-fed-system ^ Jump up to : BoG 2006 , pp. 1 `` Just before the founding of the Federal Reserve , the nation was plagued with financial crises . At times , these crises led to ' panics , ' in which people raced to their banks to withdraw their deposits . A particularly severe panic in 1907 resulted in bank runs that wreaked havoc on the fragile banking system and ultimately led Congress in 1913 to write the Federal Reserve Act . Initially created to address these banking panics , the Federal Reserve is now charged with a number of broader responsibilities , including fostering a sound banking system and a healthy economy . '' Jump up ^ BoG 2005 , pp. 1 -- 2 ^ Jump up to : `` Panic of 1907 : J.P. Morgan Saves the Day '' . US-history.com . Retrieved December 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Born of a Panic : Forming the Fed System '' . The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis . Retrieved December 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Abigail Tucker ( October 29 , 2008 ) . `` The Financial Panic of 1907 : Running from History '' . Smithsonian Magazine . Retrieved December 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ BoG 2005 , pp. 1 `` It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer , more flexible , and more stable monetary and financial system . Over the years , its role in banking and the economy has expanded . '' Jump up ^ Patrick , Sue C. ( 1993 ) . Reform of the Federal Reserve System in the Early 1930s : The Politics of Money and Banking . Garland . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8153 - 0970 - 3 . Jump up ^ 12 U.S.C. § 225a Jump up ^ `` The Congress established two key objectives for monetary policy - maximum employment and stable prices - in the Federal Reserve Act . These objectives are sometimes referred to as the Federal Reserve 's dual mandate '' . Federalreserve.gov . January 25 , 2012 . Retrieved April 30 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` FRB : Mission '' . Federalreserve.gov . November 6 , 2009 . Retrieved October 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ BoG 2005 , pp. v ( See structure ) Jump up ^ `` Federal Reserve Districts '' . Federal Reserve Online . n.d . Retrieved August 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived April 13 , 2015 , at the Wayback Machine . ^ Jump up to : `` FAQ -- Who owns the Federal Reserve ? '' . Federal Reserve website . Retrieved December 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Lapidos , Juliet ( September 19 , 2008 ) . `` Is the Fed Private or Public ? '' . Slate . Retrieved August 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Toma , Mark ( February 1 , 2010 ) . `` Federal Reserve System '' . EH . Net Encyclopedia . Economic History Association . Archived from the original on May 13 , 2011 . Retrieved February 27 , 2011 . https://eh.net/encyclopedia/federal-reserve-system/ Jump up ^ `` Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank ? '' . FactCheck . March 31 , 2008 . Retrieved February 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Coins and Currency '' . US Dept of Treasury website . August 24 , 2011 . Retrieved August 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ From `` Who owns the Federal Reserve ? '' , Current FAQs , Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System , at ( 2 ) . ^ Jump up to : `` Press Release -- Federal Reserve Board announces Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2015 '' . Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System . January 11 , 2016 . Retrieved March 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Federal Reserve Act '' . Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System . May 14 , 2003 . Archived from the original on May 17 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : BoG 2006 , pp. 1 Jump up ^ Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke Before the National Economists Club , Washington , D.C. ( November 21 , 2002 ) . `` Deflation : Making Sure `` It '' Does n't Happen Here `` . Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System . Retrieved October 29 , 2011 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Bernanke , Ben ( October 24 , 2003 ) . `` Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke : At the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Conference on the Legacy of Milton and Rose Friedman 's Free to Choose , Dallas , Texas '' ( text ) . Jump up ^ BoG 2005 , pp. 83 Jump up ^ lender of last resort , Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis , Retrieved May 21 , 2010 , Jump up ^ Humphrey , Thomas M. ( 1 January 1989 ) . `` Lender of Last Resort : The Concept in History '' . Social Science Research Network . SSRN 2125371 . Missing or empty url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Federal Reserve , Monetary Policy and the Economy -- Everyday Economics '' . Dallasfed.org . Archived from the original on December 22 , 2007 . 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Jump up ^ `` US banks borrow $50 bn via new Fed facility '' . Financial Times . February 18 , 2008 . Before its introduction , banks either had to raise money in the open market or use the so - called `` discount window '' for emergencies . However , last year many banks refused to use the discount window , even though they found it hard to raise funds in the market , because it was associated with the stigma of bank failure Jump up ^ `` Fed Boosts Next Two Special Auctions to $30 Billion '' . Bloomberg . January 4 , 2008 . The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System established the temporary Term Auction Facility , dubbed TAF , in December to provide cash after interest - rate cuts failed to break banks ' reluctance to lend amid concern about losses related to subprime mortgage securities . 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The Great Debate on Banking Reform : Nelson Aldrich and the Origins of the Fed Ohio State University Press , 2005 . Wood , John H. A History of Central Banking in Great Britain and the United States ( 2005 ) Wueschner ; Silvano A. Charting Twentieth - Century Monetary Policy : Herbert Hoover and Benjamin Strong , 1917 -- 1927 Greenwood Press . ( 1999 ) External links ( edit ) ( hide ) Find more aboutFederal Reserve Systemat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity Wikisource has the text of the 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica article Federal Reserve Banking System . Official website Records of the Federal Reserve System in the National Archives ( Record Group 82 ) Federal Reserve System Federal Open Market Committee Chair Governors Federal Reserve Bank Banknotes Federal Reserve Note Federal Reserve Bank Note Reports Beige Book Federal Reserve Statistical Release Monetary Policy Report to the Congress Fedspeak Federal funds Discount window Federal funds Federal funds rate History of Federal Open Market Committee actions Primary dealer History Aldrich -- Vreeland Act Bloomberg v. Federal Reserve Board of Governors , FRS v. Investment Co . 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who sang the theme song for the brady bunch
The theme song , penned by Schwartz and Frank De Vol , and originally arranged , sung , and performed by Paul Parrish , Lois Fletcher , and John Beland under the name the Peppermint Trolley Company , quickly communicated to audiences that the Bradys were a blended family . The Brady family is shown in a tic - tac - toe board with Carol on the top center , Alice in the middle block , and Mike on bottom middle . To the right are three blocks with the boys from the oldest on top to the youngest . To the left are three blocks with the girls from the oldest to the youngest . In season two , the Brady kids took over singing the theme song . In season three , the boys sing the first verse , girls sing the second verse , and all sing together for the third and last verse . The sequence was created and filmed by Howard A. Anderson , Jr. , a visual effects pioneer who worked on the title sequences for many popular television series .
Peppermint Trolley Company
The Brady Bunch
the brady bunch
The Brady Bunch is an American sitcom created by Sherwood Schwartz that aired from September 26 , 1969 , to March 8 , 1974 , on ABC . The series revolves around a large blended family with six children . Considered one of the last of the old - style family sitcoms , the series aired for five seasons and , after its cancellation in 1974 , went into syndication in September 1975 . While the series was never a critical or ratings success during its original run , it has since become a popular staple in syndication , especially among children and teenaged viewers .
The Brady Bunch 's success in syndication led to several television reunion films and spin - off series : The Brady Bunch Hour ( 1976 -- 77 ) , The Brady Girls Get Married ( 1981 ) , The Brady Brides ( 1981 ) , A Very Brady Christmas ( 1988 ) , and The Bradys ( 1990 ) . In 1995 , the series was adapted into a satirical comedy theatrical film titled The Brady Bunch Movie , followed by A Very Brady Sequel in 1996 . A second sequel , The Brady Bunch in the White House , aired on Fox in November 2002 as a made - for - television film . In 1997 , `` Getting Davy Jones '' ( season three , episode 12 ) was ranked number 37 on TV Guide 's 100 Greatest Episodes of All - Time . The durability of the show has resulted in it becoming widely recognized as an American cultural icon . Contents ( hide ) 1 Development 2 Premise 3 Cast and characters 3.1 Main 3.2 Recurring characters 3.3 Notable guest stars 4 Production notes 4.1 Theme song and credits sequence 4.2 The Brady house 5 Episodes 6 Reception 6.1 U.S. television ratings 6.2 Popular reception 6.3 Awards and honors 7 Syndication and distribution 7.1 Current airings 8 Discography 8.1 Albums 8.2 Singles 9 Spin - offs , sequels , and reunions 9.1 Kelly 's Kids 9.2 The Brady Kids 9.3 The Brady Bunch Variety Hour 9.4 The Brady Girls Get Married / The Brady Brides 9.4. 1 Episodes 9.5 A Very Brady Christmas 9.6 The Bradys 9.7 Day by Day : `` A Very Brady Episode '' 10 Film adaptations 11 DVD releases 12 See also 13 References 14 External links Development ( edit ) In 1966 , following the success of his TV series Gilligan 's Island , Sherwood Schwartz conceived the idea for The Brady Bunch after reading in The Los Angeles Times that `` 30 % of marriages ( in the United States ) have a child or children from a previous marriage . '' He set to work on a pilot script for a series tentatively titled Mine and Yours . Schwartz then developed the script to include three children for each parent . While Mike Brady is depicted as being a widower , Schwartz originally wanted the character of Carol Brady to have been a divorcée , but the network objected to this . A compromise was reached whereby Carol 's marital status ( whether she was divorced or widowed ) was never directly revealed . Schwartz shopped the series to the `` big three '' television networks of the era . ABC , CBS , and NBC all liked the script , but each network wanted changes before they would commit to filming , so Schwartz shelved the project . Although similarities exist between the series and two 1968 theatrical release films , United Artists ' Yours , Mine and Ours ( starring Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball ) and CBS 's With Six You Get Eggroll ( starring Brian Keith and Doris Day ) , the original script for The Brady Bunch predated the scripts for both of these films . Nonetheless , the outstanding success of the United Artists film ( the 11th - highest - grossing film of 1968 ) was a factor in ABC 's decision to order episodes for the series . After receiving a commitment for 13 weeks of television shows from ABC in 1968 , Schwartz hired film and television director John Rich to direct the pilot , cast the six children from 264 interviews during that summer , and hired the actors to play the mother role , the father role , and the housekeeper role . As the sets were built on Paramount Television stage 5 , adjacent to the stage where H.R. Pufnstuf was filmed by Sid and Marty Krofft , who later produced The Brady Bunch Hour , the production crew prepared the back yard of a home in Sherman Oaks , Los Angeles , as the exterior location for the chaotic backyard wedding scene . Filming of the pilot began on Friday , October 4 , 1968 , and lasted eight days . Premise ( edit ) Mike Brady ( Robert Reed ) , a widowed architect with three sons , Greg ( Barry Williams ) , Peter ( Christopher Knight ) , and Bobby ( Mike Lookinland ) , marries Carol Martin ( Florence Henderson ) , who herself has three daughters : Marcia ( Maureen McCormick ) , Jan ( Eve Plumb ) , and Cindy ( Susan Olsen ) . The wife and daughters take the Brady surname . Included in the blended family are Mike 's live - in housekeeper , Alice Nelson ( Ann B. Davis ) , and the boys ' dog , Tiger . ( In the pilot episode , the girls also have a pet : a cat named Fluffy . Fluffy never appeared in any episodes following the pilot . ) The setting is a large , suburban , two - story house designed by Mike , in a Los Angeles suburb . In the first season , awkward adjustments , accommodations , gender rivalries , and resentments inherent in blended families dominate the stories . In an early episode , Carol tells Bobby that the only `` steps '' in their household lead to the second floor ( in other words , that the family contains no `` stepchildren '' , only `` children '' ) . Thereafter , the episodes focus on typical preteen and teenaged adjustments such as sibling rivalry , puppy love , self - image , character building , and responsibility . Cast and characters ( edit ) Main article : List of The Brady Bunch characters Main ( edit ) The regular cast appeared in an opening title sequence in which video head shots were arranged in a three - by - three grid , with each cast member appearing to look at the other cast members . The sequence used the then - new `` multi-dynamic image technique '' created by Canadian filmmaker Christopher Chapman ; as a result of the popular attention it garnered in this sequence , it has been referred to in the press as `` the Brady Bunch effect '' . In a 2010 issue of TV Guide , the show 's opening title sequence ranked number eight on a list of TV 's top - 10 credits sequences , as selected by readers . Cast of The Brady Bunch in the signature three - by - three grid featured in the show open . Click on character for actor biography . Robert Reed as Mike Brady Florence Henderson as Carol Brady Ann B. Davis as Alice Nelson Barry Williams as Greg Brady Maureen McCormick as Marcia Brady Christopher Knight as Peter Brady Eve Plumb as Jan Brady Mike Lookinland as Bobby Brady Susan Olsen as Cindy Brady Recurring characters ( edit ) Sam Franklin ( Allan Melvin ) is Alice 's boyfriend . He is the owner of a local butcher shop . Sam appears in only eight episodes , but they span all five seasons . He is also frequently mentioned in dialogue , and Alice occasionally goes on dates with him off - screen . By the time of the 1981 made - for - TV movie The Brady Girls Get Married , Alice and Sam are married . Tiger the dog -- the original dog that played Tiger died early in the first season . A replacement dog proved problematic , so the producers decided the dog would only appear when essential to the plot . Tiger appeared in about half the episodes in the first season and about half a dozen episodes in the second season . Tiger seemingly vanished without an explanation and was not shown again after `` The Impractical Joker '' ( last episode shown with Tiger ) and `` What Goes Up '' ( last episode made with Tiger ) . Robbie Rist as Cousin Oliver Mr. Phillips ( Jack Collins ) is Mike 's boss at the architectural firm . He appears in only three episodes , all during season two , but is often mentioned in other episodes when issues occur around Mike 's work . Cousin Oliver ( Robbie Rist ) -- in the middle of season five , producers added a new character named Oliver , Carol Brady 's young nephew , who was sent to live with the Bradys while his parents were living in South America . The character was added in an attempt to fill the age gap left by the maturing Brady children -- the youngest ( Susan Olsen ) was 12 years old during the show 's final season . Lloyd Schwartz , son of creator and executive producer Sherwood Schwartz , later admitted that the character threw off the balance of the show and said that fans regarded the character as an interloper . Oliver appeared in the final six episodes of season five , which proved to be the final season , as ABC cancelled the series in 1974 . The addition of the character has been cited as the moment the series `` jumped the shark '' . The term `` Cousin Oliver '' has been used to describe the addition of a young character to a series in an attempt to save a series from cancellation . Notable guest stars ( edit ) Davy Jones with Maureen McCormick in the 1971 The Brady Bunch episode `` Getting Davy Jones '' . Herbert Anderson ( known for playing Dennis 's father in the 1960s sitcom Dennis the Menace ) as a doctor who comes to treat the boys ' measles in `` Is There a Doctor in the House ? '' ( season one ) Melissa Sue Anderson , who later rose to fame playing Mary Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie , played Millicent , a girl who gives Bobby his first kiss ( `` Never Too Young '' , season five ) Desi Arnaz , Jr. ( teen heartthrob son of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball ) meets Marcia , who had written about him in her diary in `` The Possible Dream '' ( season one ) Jim Backus ( Thurston Howell III in Gilligan 's Island ) appears three times in the series , twice in two of the three Grand Canyon episodes , `` Ghost Town U.S.A. '' and `` Grand Canyon or Bust '' , playing Zaccariah T. Brown , who mistakenly thinks the Bradys are jumping his gold claim and locks them in a ghost - town jail , and in `` The Hustler '' ( season five ) playing Mike 's second boss , Mr. Harry Matthews Ken Berry ( known for F Troop , Mayberry RFD and Mama 's Family ) . In 1973 Sherwood Schwartz wrote a Brady Bunch spin - off called Kelly 's Kids , which featured Berry as the adoptive father of three diverse boys ( black , white , and Asian ) . The pilot failed to interest ABC . Imogene Coca ( known for Your Show of Shows and one of the cast members of Sherwood Schwartz 's It 's About Time TV series ) plays the Brady girls ' great - aunt Jenny , whom Jan fears she will grow up to resemble after seeing a childhood photo of her in `` Jan 's Aunt Jenny '' ( season three ) Don Drysdale ( Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher ) tries to inject reality into Greg 's dreams of being a professional baseball player in `` The Dropout '' ( season two ) Don Ho ( Hawaiian singer ) meets Cindy and Bobby and serenaded Cindy in Honolulu in `` Hawaii Bound '' ( part one of a three - part season - four episode , filmed on location in Hawaii ) Davy Jones ( of The Monkees ) performs at a music studio and then takes Marcia to her school dance in `` Getting Davy Jones '' ( season three ) ( he also satirized his cameo decades later in The Brady Bunch Movie ) . Deacon Jones ( Los Angeles Rams defensive end ) encourages Peter 's singing in `` The Drummer Boy '' ( season two ) . E.G. Marshall as Mr. J.P. Randolph , Marcia 's school principal in `` The Slumber Caper '' ( season two ) ( Marshall and Robert Reed co-starred in The Defenders in 1961 -- 65 -- making this a reunion of the two ) . Bart La Rue , immortalized in Star Trek history as the iconic voice of the Guardian of Forever , played a sports coach in the ( season two ) episodes `` Click '' and `` The Drummer Boy '' . Brigadier General James McDivitt ( NASA astronaut ) signs autographs for Peter and Bobby after appearing on a talk show in `` Out of This World '' ( season five ) . Joe Namath ( New York Jets quarterback ) visits Bobby because he thought that Bobby had a terminal illness in `` Mail Order Hero '' ( season five ) . Wes Parker ( Los Angeles Dodgers first baseman ) meets Mike and Greg in Greg 's math classroom , thus curing Greg of the crush he had on his teacher Miss Linda O'Hara ( played by Gigi Perreau ) , Parker 's fiancée in `` The Undergraduate '' ( season one ) . Vincent Price ( horror film actor ) appears twice in the series in two of the three Hawaii episodes , `` Pass the Tabu '' , and `` The Tiki Caves '' from season four , playing the villainous Professor Hubert Whitehead , who holds the Brady boys hostage . Marion Ross ( later known as Mrs. Cunningham in Happy Days ) appears as a doctor who comes to treat the girls ' measles in `` Is There a Doctor in the House ? '' ( season one ) . Natalie Schafer ( Lovey Howell in Gilligan 's Island ) is Mike 's fussy client , Penelope Fletcher , who is charmed by Cindy 's impromptu ' Shirley Temple ' routine in `` The Snooperstar '' ( season five ) . Marcia Wallace played a salesclerk in `` Would the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up '' ( season two ) and `` Mrs. Robbins '' in `` Getting Davy Jones '' ( season three ) . Rita Wilson ( actress and wife of Tom Hanks ) began her career with a guest appearance in `` Greg 's Triangle '' ( season four ) where she played one of the candidates running against Marcia for head cheerleader . Paul Winchell ( ventriloquist and actor ; Winchell - Mahoney Time , voice of `` Tigger '' in Winnie - the - Pooh ) appears as Skip Farnum , the TV commercial director in `` And Now a Word From Our Sponsor '' ( season three ) . Production notes ( edit ) Theme song and credits sequence ( edit ) The theme song , penned by Schwartz and Frank De Vol , and originally arranged , sung , and performed by Paul Parrish , Lois Fletcher , and John Beland under the name the Peppermint Trolley Company , quickly communicated to audiences that the Bradys were a blended family . The Brady family is shown in a tic - tac - toe board with Carol on the top center , Alice in the middle block , and Mike on bottom middle . To the right are three blocks with the boys from the oldest on top to the youngest . To the left are three blocks with the girls from the oldest to the youngest . In season two , the Brady kids took over singing the theme song . In season three , the boys sing the first verse , girls sing the second verse , and all sing together for the third and last verse . The sequence was created and filmed by Howard A. Anderson , Jr. , a visual effects pioneer who worked on the title sequences for many popular television series . The end credits feature an instrumental version of the theme song 's third verse . In season one , it was recorded by the Peppermint Trolley Company . From season two on , the theme was recorded in - house by Paramount musicians . The Brady house ( edit ) The house used in exterior shots , which bears little relation to the interior layout of the Bradys ' home , is located in Studio City , within the city limits of Los Angeles . According to a 1994 article in the Los Angeles Times , the San Fernando Valley house was built in 1959 and selected as the Brady residence because series creator Schwartz felt it looked like a home where an architect would live . A false window was attached to the front 's A-frame section to give the illusion that it had two full stories . Contemporary establishing shots of the house were filmed with the owner 's permission for the 1990 TV series The Bradys . The owner refused to allow Paramount to restore the property to its 1969 look for The Brady Bunch Movie in 1995 , so a facade resembling the original home was built around an existing house . In the series , the address of the house was given as 4222 Clinton Way ( as read aloud by Carol from an arriving package in the first - season episode entitled `` Lost Locket , Found Locket '' ) . Although no city was ever specified , it was presumed from references to the Los Angeles Dodgers , the Los Angeles Rams , and a Hollywood movie studio , among many others , that the Bradys lived in Southern California , most likely Los Angeles or one of its suburbs . The interior of the Brady house was used at least three times for other Paramount shows , twice for Mannix and once for Mission : Impossible , while The Brady Bunch was in production . In the case of Mission : Impossible , the Brady furniture was also used . A re-creation of the Brady house was constructed for the X-Files episode `` Sunshine Days '' , which also revolved around The Brady Bunch . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of The Brady Bunch episodes Season Episodes Originally aired Time slot ( ET ) First aired Last aired 1969 -- 70 25 September 26 , 1969 ( 1969 - 09 - 26 ) March 20 , 1970 ( 1970 - 03 - 20 ) Friday at 8 : 00 PM 1970 -- 71 24 September 25 , 1970 ( 1970 - 09 - 25 ) March 19 , 1971 ( 1971 - 03 - 19 ) Friday at 7 : 30 PM 1971 -- 72 23 September 17 , 1971 ( 1971 - 09 - 17 ) March 10 , 1972 ( 1972 - 03 - 10 ) Friday at 8 : 00 PM 1972 -- 73 23 September 22 , 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 22 ) March 23 , 1973 ( 1973 - 03 - 23 ) 5 1973 -- 74 22 September 14 , 1973 ( 1973 - 09 - 14 ) March 8 , 1974 ( 1974 - 03 - 08 ) Reception ( edit ) U.S. television ratings ( edit ) The Brady Bunch never achieved high ratings during its primetime run ( never placing in the top 30 during the five years it aired ) and was cancelled in 1974 after five seasons and 117 episodes ; it was cancelled shortly after the series crossed the minimum threshold for syndication . At that point in the story , Greg graduated from high school and was about to enroll in college . Popular reception ( edit ) When the episodes were repeated in syndication , they usually appeared every weekday in late - afternoon or early - evening slots on local stations . This enabled children to watch the episodes when they came home from school , making the program widely popular and giving it iconic status among those who were too young to have seen the series during its primetime run . According to Schwartz , the reason the show has become a part of Americana , despite the fact other shows have run longer , were rated higher , and were critically acclaimed , is that the episodes were written from the standpoint of the children and addressed situations that children could understand ( such as boy trouble , sibling rivalry , and meeting famous people such as a rock star or baseball players ) . The Bradys are also portrayed as a harmonious family , though they do have times when one of the children does not cooperate with his or her parents or the other children . Awards and honors ( edit ) Award Year Result Recipient Young Artist Award Former Child Star Lifetime Achievement Award Honored Barry Williams TV Land Awards 2003 Hippest Fashion Plate -- Male Nominated Favorite Dual - Role Character Nominated Christopher Knight as Peter Brady and Arthur Funniest Food Fight The Brady Pie Fight on the Paramount Lot . Nominated Favorite Guest Performance by a Musician on a TV Show Won Davy Jones Most Memorable Male Guest Star in a Comedy as Himself Won Joe Namath Favorite Fashion Plate -- Male Nominated Barry Williams Most Memorable Mane Nominated Susan Olsen Favorite Made - for - TV Maid Won Ann B. Davis 2005 Theme Song You Just Cannot Get out of Your Head Nominated Best Dream Sequence For episode `` Love and the Older Man , '' in which Marcia has a crush on her dentist . Nominated Favorite Two - Parter / Cliffhanger For the Greg Brady surfboard accident . Nominated Favorite Singing Siblings Nominated Williams , McCormick , Knight , Plumb , Lookinland , Olsen 2006 Best Dream Sequence For episode `` Love and the Older Man '' Nominated Favorite Made - for - TV Maid Won Ann B. Davis Favorite TV Food Pork chops and applesauce Won 2007 Most Beautiful Braces Nominated Maureen McCormick Pop Culture Award Won Williams , McCormick , Knight , Plumb , Lookinland , Olsen , Davis , Henderson , Lloyd J. Schwartz ( producer ) Syndication and distribution ( edit ) Since its first airing in syndication in September 1975 , an episode of the show has been broadcast somewhere in the United States and abroad every day of the year . Episodes were also shown on ABC daytime from July 9 , 1973 to April 18 , 1975 and from June 30 - August 29 , 1975 , at 11 : 30 a.m. EST / 10 : 30 CST . The show was aired on TBS starting in the 1980s until 1997 , Nick at Nite in 1995 ( for a special event ) , and again from 1998 to 2003 ( and briefly during the spring of 2012 ) , TeenNick ( under the channel 's former name The N ) from March to April 2004 , on TV Land on and off from 2002 to 2015 , Nick Jr. ( as part of the NickMom block from 2012 to 2013 ) , and Hallmark Channel from January to June 2013 and again starting September 5 , 2016 , until September 30 , 2016 . Episodes in the syndicated version have been edited for time to allow for commercial breaks , down from the original version of 25 -- 26 minutes . Current airings ( edit ) Since its launch as a national network in 2010 , the Weigel Broadcasting owned classic TV network MeTV airs a weekly two - hour block of the show every Sunday morning / early afternoon promoted as the `` Brady Bunch Brunch '' . In the years following , Me - TV has also aired the series weekday mornings . Decades - a sister network of MeTV - also periodically airs the show . The show is also available on Hulu and CBS All Access , though not all episodes are available for either service . Discography ( edit ) During the series ' original run , the Brady kids recorded several albums on Paramount 's record label . While session musicians provided backing , the actors from the series provided their own singing voices ( which was not always the case for early 1970s television crossover acts ) . None of the albums or singles from The Brady Kids ever became hits on any national music charts . Albums ( edit ) Merry Christmas From The Brady Bunch -- Paramount 5026 -- 1970 Meet The Brady Bunch -- Paramount 6032 -- 1972 -- Billboard # 108 The Kids From The Brady Bunch -- Paramount 6037 -- 1972 Phonographic Album -- Paramount 6058 -- 1973 Chris Knight & Maureen McCormick -- Paramount 6062 -- 1973 It 's a Sunshine Day : The Best of The Brady Bunch -- MCA 10764 -- 1993 Singles ( edit ) Also includes solo recordings as indicated Year Single ( A-side , B - side ) Label & number Album 1970 `` Frosty the Snowman '' b / w `` Silver Bells '' Paramount 0062 Merry Christmas From The Brady Bunch 1971 `` Sweet Sweetheart '' b / w `` Sunny '' Barry Williams solo single Paramount 0122 Non-album tracks `` How Will It Be ? '' b / w `` The Fortune Cookie Song '' Eve Plumb solo single RCA 0409 1972 `` Time to Change '' b / w `` We Can Make The World A Whole Lot Brighter '' Paramount 0141 Meet The Brady Bunch `` We 'll Always Be Friends '' b / w `` Time To Change '' Paramount 0167 `` Over and Over '' b / w `` Good For Each Other '' Chris Knight solo single Paramount 0177 Non-album tracks `` Candy ( Sugar Shoppe ) '' b / w `` Drummer Man '' Paramount 0180 The Kids From The Brady Bunch 1973 `` Zuckerman 's Famous Pig '' b / w `` Charlotte 's Web '' Paramount 0205 Phonographic Album `` Truckin ' Back To You '' b / w `` Teeny Weeny Bit ( Too Long ) '' Maureen McCormick solo single Paramount 0217 Non-album tracks `` I 'd Love You To Want Me '' b / w `` Everything I Do '' Paramount 0229 Phonographic Album `` Little Bird '' b / w `` Just A Singin ' Alone '' Maureen McCormick solo single Paramount 0246 Non-album tracks `` Harmonize '' b / w `` Love 's In The Roses '' Maureen McCormick solo single Paramount 0292 `` Love Does n't Care Who 's In It '' b / w `` Gum Drop '' Mike Lookinland solo single Capitol 3914 Spin - offs , sequels , and reunions ( edit ) Several spin - offs and sequels to the original series have been made , featuring all or most of the original cast . These include another sitcom , an animated series , a variety show , television movies , a dramatic series , a stage play , and theatrical movies : Kelly 's Kids ( edit ) A final - season Brady Bunch episode , `` Kelly 's Kids '' , was intended as a pilot for a prospective spin - off series of the same name . Ken Berry starred as Ken Kelly , a friend and neighbor of the Bradys , who with his wife Kathy ( Brooke Bundy ) adopted three orphaned boys of different racial backgrounds . One of the adopted sons was played by Todd Lookinland , the younger brother of Mike Lookinland . While Kelly 's Kids was not subsequently picked up as a full series , producer Sherwood Schwartz reworked the basic premise for the short - lived 1980s sitcom Together We Stand starring Elliott Gould and Dee Wallace . The Brady Kids ( edit ) Main article : The Brady Kids A 22 - episode animated Saturday morning cartoon series , produced by Filmation and airing on ABC from September 1972 to August 1974 , is about the Brady kids having various adventures . The family 's adults were never seen or mentioned , and the `` home '' scenes were in a very large , well - appointed tree house . Several animals were regular characters , including two non-English - speaking pandas ( Ping and Pong ) , a talking bird ( Marlon ) which could do magic , and an ordinary pet dog ( Mop Top , not Tiger ) . The first 17 episodes featured the voices of all six of the original child actors from the show , but Barry Williams , Maureen McCormick , and Christopher Knight were replaced for the last five episodes due to a contract dispute . The Brady Bunch Variety Hour ( edit ) Main article : The Brady Bunch Hour On November 28 , 1976 , a two - hour television special entitled The Brady Bunch Variety Hour aired on ABC . Eve Plumb was the only regular cast member from the original show who declined to be in the series and the role of Jan was recast with Geri Reischl . Produced by Sid and Marty Krofft , the sibling team behind H.R. Pufnstuf , Donny and Marie , and other variety shows and children 's series of the era , the show was intended to air every fifth week in the same slot as The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries , but ended up being scheduled sporadically throughout the season , leading to inconsistent ratings and its inevitable cancellation . In 2009 , Brady Bunch cast member Susan Olsen , with Lisa Sutton , published a book , Love to Love You Bradys , which dissects and celebrates the Variety Hour as a cult classic . The Brady Girls Get Married / the Brady Brides ( edit ) The Brady Brides Genre Sitcom Created by Sherwood Schwartz Lloyd J. Schwartz Directed by Peter Baldwin Starring Maureen McCormick Eve Plumb Jerry Houser Ron Kuhlman Florence Henderson Ann B. Davis Keland Love Theme music composer Frank De Vol Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 10 Production Executive producer ( s ) Sherwood Schwartz Lloyd J. Schwartz Producer ( s ) John Thomas Lenox Location ( s ) Paramount Studios , Hollywood , Los Angeles , California Cinematography Lester Shorr Running time 25 minutes Production company ( s ) Redwood Productions Paramount Television Distributor CBS Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Original release February 6 ( 1981 - 02 - 06 ) -- April 17 , 1981 ( 1981 - 04 - 17 ) Chronology Preceded by The Brady Bunch Hour Followed by A Very Brady Christmas Related shows The Brady Bunch A TV reunion movie called The Brady Girls Get Married was produced in 1981 . Although scheduled to be shown in its original full - length movie format , NBC at the last minute divided it into half - hour segments and showed one part a week for three weeks , and the fourth week debuted a spin - off sitcom titled The Brady Brides . The reunion movie featured the entire original cast ; this proved to be the only time the entire cast worked together on a single project following the cancellation of the original series . The movie 's opening credits featured the season - one `` Grid '' and theme song , with the addition of The Brady Girls Get Married title . The movie shows what the characters had been doing since the original series ended : Mike is still an architect , Carol is a real - estate agent , Marcia is a fashion designer , Jan is also an architect , Greg is a doctor , Peter is in the Air Force , Bobby and Cindy are in college , and Alice has married Sam . Eventually , they all reunite for Marcia and Jan 's double wedding . The Brady Brides features Maureen McCormick ( Marcia ) and Eve Plumb ( Jan ) in regular roles . The series begins with Marcia and Jan and their new husbands buying a house and living together . The clashes between Jan 's uptight and conservative husband , Philip Covington III ( a college professor in science who is several years older than Jan , played by Ron Kuhlman ) and Marcia 's slovenly and more bohemian husband , Wally Logan ( a fun - loving salesman for a large toy company , played by Jerry Houser ) , were the pivot on which many of the stories were based , not unlike The Odd Couple . Florence Henderson and Ann B. Davis also appeared regularly . Ten episodes were aired before the sitcom was cancelled . This was the only Brady show in sitcom form to be filmed in front of a live studio audience . Bob Eubanks guest - starred as himself in an episode where the two couples appear on The Newlywed Game . Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s , The Brady Girls Get Married was rerun on various networks in its original full - length movie format . Episodes ( edit ) No . Title Original air date `` The Brady Girls Get Married ( Part 1 ) '' February 6 , 1981 ( 1981 - 02 - 06 ) Marcia and Jan announce that they are both getting married and plans soon begin for a double wedding . `` The Brady Girls Get Married ( Part 2 ) '' February 13 , 1981 ( 1981 - 02 - 13 ) Jan and Philip want a traditional wedding , and Marcia and Wally want a modern wedding . `` The Brady Girls Get Married ( Part 3 ) '' February 20 , 1981 ( February 20 , 1981 ) The weather spells disaster for an outdoor wedding , so they end up having the ceremony inside the Brady house . `` Living Together '' March 6 , 1981 ( 1981 - 03 - 06 ) After all the houses they see are too expensive , Marcia , Jan and their husbands decide to share a house . 5 `` Gorilla of My Dreams '' March 13 , 1981 ( 1981 - 03 - 13 ) Marcia and Jan get some self - defense lessons from their mother , while a thief attempts to burglarize their home . 6 `` The Newlywed Game '' March 20 , 1981 ( 1981 - 03 - 20 ) Game - show host Bob Eubanks asks Marcia and Jan to appear on The Newlywed Game with their new husbands . 7 `` The Mom Who Came to Dinner '' March 27 , 1981 ( 1981 - 03 - 27 ) Mrs. Brady temporarily moves in with her newly wedded daughters and their husbands . 8 `` The Siege '' April 3 , 1981 ( 1981 - 04 - 03 ) Wally 's guilt over parking tickets causes him to panic when a policeman visits the house , so he decides to impersonate Philip . 9 `` Cool Hand Phil '' April 10 , 1981 ( 1981 - 04 - 10 ) Philip tries to change his image by dressing and acting `` hip . '' 10 `` A Pretty Boy is Like a Melody '' April 17 , 1981 ( 1981 - 04 - 17 ) Marcia is forced to use Wally and Philip in her fashion show after her models go on strike . A Very Brady Christmas ( edit ) Main article : A Very Brady Christmas A second TV reunion movie , A Very Brady Christmas , aired in December 1988 on CBS and featured all the regular cast ( except Susan Olsen , who was on her honeymoon at the time of filming ; the role of Cindy was played by Jennifer Runyon ) , as well as three grandchildren , Peter 's girlfriend , Valerie , and the spouses of Greg , Marcia , and Jan ( Nora , Wally , and Phillip , respectively ) . The Nielsen ratings for A Very Brady Christmas were the highest of any television movie that season for CBS . The Bradys ( edit ) Main article : The Bradys Due to the success of A Very Brady Christmas , CBS asked Brady Bunch creator Sherwood Schwartz and his son Lloyd to create a new series for the network . According to Lloyd Schwartz , his father and he initially balked at the idea because they felt a new series would harm the Brady franchise . They finally relented because CBS was `` desperate for programming '' . A new series featuring the Brady clan was created entitled The Bradys . All the original Brady Bunch cast members returned for the series , except for Maureen McCormick ( Marcia ) , who was replaced with Leah Ayres . As with A Very Brady Christmas , The Bradys also featured elements of comedy and drama and featured storylines that were of a more serious nature than that of the original series and its subsequent spin - offs . Lloyd Schwartz later said he compared The Bradys to another dramedy of the time , thirtysomething . The two - hour series premiere episode aired on February 9 , 1990 , at 9 pm on CBS and initially drew respectable ratings . Subsequent episodes were moved to 8 pm , where ratings quickly declined . Due to the decline , CBS cancelled the series after six episodes . Day by Day : `` A Very Brady Episode '' ( edit ) The Day by Day episode , titled `` A Very Brady Episode '' ( February 5 , 1989 ) , on NBC , reunited six of the original The Brady Bunch cast members : Robert Reed , Florence Henderson , Ann B. Davis , Christopher Knight , Mike Lookinland and Maureen McCormick Film adaptations ( edit ) Twenty years following the conclusion of the original series , a film adaptation , The Brady Bunch Movie went into production and was released in 1995 from Paramount Pictures . The film is set in the present day ( 1990s ) and the Bradys , still living their lives as if it were the 1970s , are unfamiliar with their surroundings . It stars Gary Cole and Shelley Long as Mike and Carol Brady , with Christopher Daniel Barnes ( Greg ) , Christine Taylor ( Marcia ) , Paul Sutera ( Peter ) , Jennifer Elise Cox ( Jan ) , Jesse Lee ( Bobby ) , Olivia Hack ( Cindy ) , Henriette Mantel ( Alice ) , and cameo appearances from Ann B. Davis as a long - haul truck driver and Florence Henderson as Carol 's mother . A sequel , A Very Brady Sequel , was released in 1996 . The cast of the first film returned for the sequel . A second sequel , The Brady Bunch in the White House was made - for - television and was aired on Fox in 2002 . Shelley Long and Gary Cole returned for the third film , while the Brady kids and Alice were recast . DVD releases ( edit ) Paramount Home Entertainment released all five seasons on DVD in Region 1 from 2005 to 2006 , before CBS DVD took over DVD rights to the Paramount Television library ( though CBS DVD releases are still distributed by Paramount ) . Paramount / CBS has released the series on DVD in other countries as well . A Complete Series box set was released in 2007 by CBS and Paramount , which includes the TV movies A Very Brady Christmas and `` The Brady 500 '' ( an episode of The Bradys ) , as well as two episodes of The Brady Kids animated series . The box art for the set features green shag carpeting and 1970s - style wood paneling . The first two seasons are also available on Region 2 DVD for the Nordic countries , with audio in English and subtitle choices in Norwegian , Swedish , Danish , or Finnish . The series has also been released on VHS , but the VHS tapes have gone out of print . On April 7 , 2015 , CBS Home Entertainment released a repackaged version of the complete series set , at a lower price , but it does not include the bonus disc that was part of the original complete series release . Seasons one and two have also been released in the UK . DVD name Episodes Release dates Region 1 Region 2 Region 4 The Complete First Season 25 March 1 , 2005 August 27 , 2007 September 19 , 2007 The Complete Second Season 24 July 26 , 2005 March 24 , 2008 March 6 , 2008 The Complete Third Season 23 September 13 , 2005 N / A September 4 , 2008 The Complete Fourth Season 23 November 1 , 2005 N / A April 2 , 2009 The Complete Fifth Season 22 March 7 , 2006 N / A June 18 , 2009 The Complete Series 117 ( with extras ) April 3 , 2007 N / A N / A See also ( edit ) Television in the United States portal 1960s portal 1970s portal It 's a Sunshine Day : The Best of The Brady Bunch Tam Spiva , a Brady Bunch script writer Christmas with The Brady Bunch , an album released by Paramount Records in 1970 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Brady Bunch '' . CBS.com . http://www.cbs.com/shows/the_brady_bunch/ Jump up ^ Berman , Marc . `` 11 Things About ' The Brady Bunch ' You May Not Know '' . TODAY. 26 September 2016 . http://www.today.com/popculture/11-things-about-brady-bunch-you-may-not-know-t103016 Jump up ^ `` Ann B Davis obit '' . Straight.com . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Special Collectors ' Issue : 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time '' . TV Guide ( June 28 July 4 ) . 1997 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Edelstein , Andrew J. ; Lovece , Frank ( 1990 ) . The Brady Bunch Book . New York : Warner Books . pp. 5 -- 9 . ISBN 0 - 446 - 39137 - 9 . Jump up ^ The Biography Channel documentary titled `` The Brady Bunch '' , retrieved on June 16 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Sherwood ; Schwartz , Lloyd J. ( 2010 ) . Brady , Brady , Brady : The Complete Story of The Brady Bunch as Told by the Father / Son Team who Really Know . Running Press . pp. 46 , 48 . ISBN 0 - 7624 - 4164 - X . Jump up ^ Sutton , written by Ted Nichelson ; commentary and special features by Susan Olsen ; art direction and design by Lisa ( 2009 ) . Love to love you Bradys : the bizarre story of the Brady Bunch Variety Hour . Toronto : ECW Press . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55022 - 888 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Brady Bunch synopsis '' . Sitcoms Online . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 01 . Jump up ^ The Globe and Mail , Obituary : `` Christopher Chapman , Oscar Winner who invented ' Brady Bunch ' effect '' Jump up ^ The Hollywood Reporter , `` Oscar - Winning Creator of ' The Brady Bunch ' Effect Dies at 88 '' Jump up ^ Tomashoff , Craig . `` Credits Check '' TV Guide , October 18 , 2010 , Pages 16 -- 17 Jump up ^ `` Growing up Brady '' by Barry Williams with Chris Kreski , p. 210 , 1992 Jump up ^ Schwartz 2010 p. 201 Jump up ^ Ariano , Tara ; Bunting , Sarah D. ( 2006 ) . Television Without Pity : 752 Things We Love to Hate ( And Hate to Love ) About TV . Quirk Books . p. 63 . ISBN 1 - 59474 - 117 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` The Biography of the Peppermint Trolley Company '' . Danny Faragher . Jump up ^ `` Howard Anderson , Jr . Interview '' . Academy of Television Arts & Sciences ' Archive of American Television . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Here 's the story of the Brady Bunch house '' . Davidbrady.com . Retrieved August 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Alleman , Richard ( 2003 ) . Hollywood : The Movie Lover 's Guide : The Ultimate Insider Tour of Movie L.A . Random House Digital , Inc . pp. 427 -- 428 . ISBN 0 - 8041 - 3777 - 3 . Jump up ^ McHugh , Erin ( 2005 ) . Where ? . Sterling Publishing Company , Inc. p. 54 . ISBN 1 - 4027 - 2572 - 8 . Jump up ^ Mansour , David ( 2005 ) . From Abba to Zoom : A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century . Andrews McMeel Publishing . p. 54 . ISBN 0 - 7407 - 5118 - 2 . Jump up ^ Terrace , Vincent ( 1985 ) . Encyclopedia of Television : Series , Pilots and Specials 1974 -- 1984 . 2 . VNR AG . p. 63 . ISBN 0 - 918432 - 61 - 8 . Jump up ^ Mannix -- season three , episode 19 -- `` Who is Sylvia ? '' Jump up ^ Mannix -- season four , episode two -- `` One for the Lady '' Jump up ^ Mission : Impossible -- season six , episode 20 -- `` Double Dead '' Jump up ^ `` Brady Bunch history '' . Bradyworld.com . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 30 . Jump up ^ Rubin , Lawrence C. , ed. ( 2008 ) . Popular Culture in Counseling , Psychotherapy , and Play - based Interventions . Springer Publishing Company . p. 248 . ISBN 0 - 8261 - 0119 - 4 . Jump up ^ The Brady Bunch on Me - TV - Me TV Network.com Jump up ^ Stoddard , Sylvia ( 1996 ) . The Brady Bunch : An Outrageously Funny , Far - Out Guide To America 's Favorite TV Family . Macmillan . pp. 151 -- 152 . ISBN 0 - 312 - 96053 - 0 . Jump up ^ Erickson , Hal ( 1995 ) . Television Cartoon Shows : An Illustrated Encyclopedia , 1949 Through 1993 . McFarland . p. 111 . ISBN 0 - 7864 - 0029 - 3 . Jump up ^ Stoddard , Sylvia ( 1996 ) . The Brady Bunch : An Outrageously Funny , Far - Out Guide To America 's Favorite TV Family . Macmillan . p. 197 . ISBN 0 - 312 - 96053 - 0 . Jump up ^ `` ' Love to You Bradys ' exposes troubled set '' . today.com . August 31 , 2009 . Retrieved April 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The Brady Brides ( NBC ) ( 1981 ) '' . CTVA . http://ctva.biz/US/Comedy/BradyBunch_07_(1981)_BradyBrides.htm Jump up ^ Winans , Wendy . `` History of The Brady Bunch '' . Brady World . 2005 . http://www.bradyworld.com/cover/history.htm Jump up ^ `` Brady World -- Episode Guide '' . Bradyworld.com . Retrieved August 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Owen , Rob ( 1999 ) . Gen X TV : `` The Brady Bunch '' to `` Melrose Place '' . Syracuse University Press . p. 26 . ISBN 0 - 8156 - 0585 - 4 . Jump up ^ Newcomb , Horace ( 2001 ) . Encyclopedia of television : A-C , Volume 1 ( 2 ed . ) . CRC Press . p. 300 . ISBN 1 - 57958 - 411 - X . Jump up ^ Schwartz 2010 p. 228 Jump up ^ `` Day by Day Season 2 Episode 11 A Very Brady Episode '' . TV.com . Retrieved October 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Day by Day Episode Guide 1989 Season 2 - A Very Brady Episode , Episode 11 '' . TVGuide.com . Retrieved October 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Brady Bunch -- Sesong 1 ( Television 1969 , Serie på 4 plater ) '' . Lovefilm.no . Retrieved August 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The Brady Bunch -- Sesong 2 ( Television 1970 , Serie på 4 plater ) '' . Lovefilm.no . Retrieved August 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Paramount to Re-Release a 20 - DVD Set of ' The Complete Series ' '' . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to The Brady Bunch . The Brady Bunch on IMDb The Brady Bunch Shrine ( fan site ) Bradyworld.com ( fan site ) `` The Brady Bunch Cast : Where are they now ? '' - ABC News , 2010 ( includes some editorial errors ) The Brady Bunch Characters Episodes TV series & reunions The Brady Bunch ( 1969 -- 74 ) The Brady Kids ( 1972 -- 73 ) The Brady Bunch Hour ( 1976 -- 77 ) The Brady Girls Get Married / The Brady Brides ( 1981 ) A Very Brady Christmas ( 1988 ) The Bradys ( 1990 ) Growing Up Brady ( 2000 ) The Brady Bunch 35th Anniversary Reunion Special : Still Brady After All These Years ( 2004 ) Books Growing Up Brady : I Was A Teenage Greg ( 1992 ) Here 's the Story : Surviving Marcia Brady ( 2008 ) Love to Love You Bradys : The Bizarre Story of The Brady Bunch Variety Hour ( 2009 ) Music Merry Christmas from The Brady Bunch ( 1970 ) `` Time to Change '' ( 1972 ) `` It 's a Sunshine Day '' ( 1973 ) It 's a Sunshine Day : The Best of The Brady Bunch ( 1993 ) Film series The Brady Bunch Movie ( 1995 ) A Very Brady Sequel ( 1996 ) The Brady Bunch in the White House ( 2002 ) Related shows Mission : Magic ! My Fair Brady `` Sunshine Days '' Television series produced or created by Sherwood Schwartz Gilligan 's Island It 's About Time The Brady Bunch Dusty 's Trail Big John , Little John The Brady Bunch Hour The Brady Brides Harper Valley PTA Together We Stand The Bradys The Real Gilligan 's Island MusicBrainz : 157f5157 - 5ad1 - 4055 - bbf5 - 91998e2e015c Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Brady_Bunch&oldid=812072715 '' Categories : The Brady Bunch 1969 American television series debuts 1974 American television series endings 1960s American comedy television series 1970s American comedy television series 1960s American television series 1970s American television series American Broadcasting Company network shows American television sitcoms Single - camera television sitcoms English - language television programs Fictional families Television series about families Television series based on singers and musicians Television series by CBS Television Studios Television shows set in Los Angeles Television programs adapted into films Television series created by Sherwood Schwartz Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Use mdy dates from June 2013 All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from August 2016 Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Afrikaans Cymraeg Deutsch Español Français Gaeilge 한국어 Italiano 日本 語 Português Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 25 November 2017 , at 21 : 00 . 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who was crowned king of macedonia when he was 20
Alexander III of Macedon ( 20 / 21 July 356 BC -- 10 / 11 June 323 BC ) , commonly known as Alexander the Great ( Ancient Greek : Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας , translit . Aléxandros ho Mégas , Koine Greek : ( a. lék. san. dros ho mé. gas ) ) , was a king ( basileus ) of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty . He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of twenty . He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa , and he created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the age of thirty , stretching from Greece to northwestern India . He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history 's most successful military commanders .
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
alexander the great
Alexander IV Philip III
Royal titulary Prenomen ( Praenomen ) stp. n - rꜤ mrj - jmn Setepenre meryamun Chosen by Ra , beloved by Amun Nomen Ꜥlwksjndrs Aluxsindres Alexandros Horus name mk - kmt Mekemet Protector of Egypt Second Horus name : ḥḳꜢ - ḳnj tkn - ḫꜢswt Heqaqeni tekenkhasut The brave ruler who has attacked foreign lands Third Horus name : ḥḳꜢ ḥḳꜢw nw tꜢ ( r ) ḏr - f Heqa heqau nu ta ( er ) djeref The ruler of the rulers of the entire land Fourth Horus name : ṯmꜢ - Ꜥ Tjema'a The sturdy - armed one Nebty name mꜢj wr - pḥty jṯ ḏww tꜢw ḫꜢswt Mai werpehty itj dju tau khasut The lion , great of might , who takes possession of mountains , lands , and deserts Golden Horus kꜢ ( nḫt ) ḫwj bꜢḳ ( t ) ḥḳꜢ wꜢḏ ( - wr ) šnw n jtn Ka ( nakht ) khui baq ( et ) heqa wadj ( wer ) shenu en Aten The ( strong ) bull who protects Egypt , the ruler of the sea and of what the sun encircles King of Persia Reign 330 -- 323 BC Predecessor Darius III Successor Alexander IV Philip III Lord of Asia Reign 331 -- 323 BC Predecessor New office Successor Alexander IV Philip III 20 or 21 July 356 BC Pella , Macedon , Ancient Greece 10 or 11 June 323 BC ( aged 32 ) Babylon Spouse Roxana of Bactria Stateira II of Persia Parysatis II of Persia Issue Alexander IV Full name Alexander III of Macedon Greek Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος Mégas Aléxandros lit . ' Great Alexander ' Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας Aléxandros ho Mégas lit . ' Alexander the Great ' Dynasty Argead Father Philip II of Macedon Mother Olympias of Epirus Religion Greek polytheism Alexander III of Macedon ( 20 / 21 July 356 BC -- 10 / 11 June 323 BC ) , commonly known as Alexander the Great ( Ancient Greek : Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας , translit . Aléxandros ho Mégas , Koine Greek : ( a. lék. san. dros ho mé. gas ) ) , was a king ( basileus ) of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty . He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of twenty . He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa , and he created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the age of thirty , stretching from Greece to northwestern India . He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history 's most successful military commanders . During his youth , Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until age 16 . After Philip 's assassination in 336 BC , he succeeded his father to the throne and inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army . Alexander was awarded the generalship of Greece and used this authority to launch his father 's pan-Hellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia . In 334 BC , he invaded the Achaemenid Empire ( Persian Empire ) and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years . Following the conquest of Anatolia , Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles , most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela . He subsequently overthrew Persian King Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety . At that point , his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River . He endeavored to reach the `` ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea '' and invaded India in 326 BC , winning an important victory over the Pauravas at the Battle of the Hydaspes . He eventually turned back at the demand of his homesick troops . Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC , the city that he planned to establish as his capital , without executing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia . In the years following his death , a series of civil wars tore his empire apart , resulting in the establishment of several states ruled by the Diadochi , Alexander 's surviving generals and heirs . Alexander 's legacy includes the cultural diffusion and syncretism which his conquests engendered , such as Greco - Buddhism . He founded some twenty cities that bore his name , most notably Alexandria in Egypt . Alexander 's settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization , aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD and the presence of Greek speakers in central and far eastern Anatolia until the 1920s . Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles , and he features prominently in the history and mythic traditions of both Greek and non-Greek cultures . He became the measure against which military leaders compared themselves , and military academies throughout the world still teach his tactics . He is often ranked among the most influential people in history . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 1.1 Lineage and childhood 1.2 Education 2 Philip 's heir 2.1 Regency and ascent of Macedon 2.2 Exile and return 2.3 Gallery of campaigns 3 King of Macedon 3.1 Accession 3.2 Consolidation of power 3.3 Balkan campaign 4 Conquest of the Persian Empire 4.1 Asia Minor 4.2 The Levant and Syria 4.3 Egypt 4.4 Assyria and Babylonia 4.5 Persia 4.6 Fall of the Empire and the East 4.7 Problems and plots 4.8 Macedon in Alexander 's absence 5 Indian campaign 5.1 Forays into the Indian subcontinent 5.2 Revolt of the army 6 Last years in Persia 7 Death and succession 7.1 After death 7.2 Division of the empire 7.3 Will 8 Character 8.1 Generalship 8.2 Physical appearance 8.3 Personality 8.4 Personal relationships 9 Battle record 10 Legacy 10.1 Hellenistic kingdoms 10.2 Founding of cities 10.3 Funding of temples 10.4 Hellenization 10.5 Influence on Rome 10.6 Legend 10.7 In ancient and modern culture 11 Historiography 12 Ancestry 13 See also 14 Annotations 15 References 16 Sources 16.1 Primary sources 16.2 Secondary sources 17 Further reading 18 External links Early life Lineage and childhood Bust of a young Alexander the Great from the Hellenistic era , British Museum Aristotle Tutoring Alexander , by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris Alexander was born on the sixth day of the ancient Greek month of Hekatombaion , which probably corresponds to 20 July 356 BC , although the exact date is disputed , in Pella , the capital of the Kingdom of Macedon . He was the son of the king of Macedon , Philip II , and his fourth wife , Olympias , the daughter of Neoptolemus I , king of Epirus . Although Philip had seven or eight wives , Olympias was his principal wife for some time , likely because she gave birth to Alexander . Statue of Alexander the Great in Thessaloniki , Macedonia , Greece Several legends surround Alexander 's birth and childhood . According to the ancient Greek biographer Plutarch , on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Philip , Olympias dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt that caused a flame to spread `` far and wide '' before dying away . Sometime after the wedding , Philip is said to have seen himself , in a dream , securing his wife 's womb with a seal engraved with a lion 's image . Plutarch offered a variety of interpretations of these dreams : that Olympias was pregnant before her marriage , indicated by the sealing of her womb ; or that Alexander 's father was Zeus . Ancient commentators were divided about whether the ambitious Olympias promulgated the story of Alexander 's divine parentage , variously claiming that she had told Alexander , or that she dismissed the suggestion as impious . On the day Alexander was born , Philip was preparing a siege on the city of Potidea on the peninsula of Chalcidice . That same day , Philip received news that his general Parmenion had defeated the combined Illyrian and Paeonian armies , and that his horses had won at the Olympic Games . It was also said that on this day , the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus , one of the Seven Wonders of the World , burnt down . This led Hegesias of Magnesia to say that it had burnt down because Artemis was away , attending the birth of Alexander . Such legends may have emerged when Alexander was king , and possibly at his own instigation , to show that he was superhuman and destined for greatness from conception . In his early years , Alexander was raised by a nurse , Lanike , sister of Alexander 's future general Cleitus the Black . Later in his childhood , Alexander was tutored by the strict Leonidas , a relative of his mother , and by Lysimachus of Acarnania . Alexander was raised in the manner of noble Macedonian youths , learning to read , play the lyre , ride , fight , and hunt . When Alexander was ten years old , a trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse , which he offered to sell for thirteen talents . The horse refused to be mounted , and Philip ordered it away . Alexander however , detecting the horse 's fear of its own shadow , asked to tame the horse , which he eventually managed . Plutarch stated that Philip , overjoyed at this display of courage and ambition , kissed his son tearfully , declaring : `` My boy , you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions . Macedon is too small for you '' , and bought the horse for him . Alexander named it Bucephalas , meaning `` ox - head '' . Bucephalas carried Alexander as far as India . When the animal died ( because of old age , according to Plutarch , at age thirty ) , Alexander named a city after him , Bucephala . Education When Alexander was 13 , Philip began to search for a tutor , and considered such academics as Isocrates and Speusippus , the latter offering to resign from his stewardship of the Academy to take up the post . In the end , Philip chose Aristotle and provided the Temple of the Nymphs at Mieza as a classroom . In return for teaching Alexander , Philip agreed to rebuild Aristotle 's hometown of Stageira , which Philip had razed , and to repopulate it by buying and freeing the ex-citizens who were slaves , or pardoning those who were in exile . Mieza was like a boarding school for Alexander and the children of Macedonian nobles , such as Ptolemy , Hephaistion , and Cassander . Many of these students would become his friends and future generals , and are often known as the ' Companions ' . Aristotle taught Alexander and his companions about medicine , philosophy , morals , religion , logic , and art . Under Aristotle 's tutelage , Alexander developed a passion for the works of Homer , and in particular the Iliad ; Aristotle gave him an annotated copy , which Alexander later carried on his campaigns . Philip 's heir Regency and ascent of Macedon Main articles : Philip II of Macedon and Rise of Macedon Further information : History of Macedonia ( ancient kingdom ) Philip II of Macedon , Alexander 's father At age 16 , Alexander 's education under Aristotle ended . Philip waged war against Byzantion , leaving Alexander in charge as regent and heir apparent . During Philip 's absence , the Thracian Maedi revolted against Macedonia . Alexander responded quickly , driving them from their territory . He colonized it with Greeks , and founded a city named Alexandropolis . Upon Philip 's return , he dispatched Alexander with a small force to subdue revolts in southern Thrace . Campaigning against the Greek city of Perinthus , Alexander is reported to have saved his father 's life . Meanwhile , the city of Amphissa began to work lands that were sacred to Apollo near Delphi , a sacrilege that gave Philip the opportunity to further intervene in Greek affairs . Still occupied in Thrace , he ordered Alexander to muster an army for a campaign in southern Greece . Concerned that other Greek states might intervene , Alexander made it look as though he was preparing to attack Illyria instead . During this turmoil , the Illyrians invaded Macedonia , only to be repelled by Alexander . Philip and his army joined his son in 338 BC , and they marched south through Thermopylae , taking it after stubborn resistance from its Theban garrison . They went on to occupy the city of Elatea , only a few days ' march from both Athens and Thebes . The Athenians , led by Demosthenes , voted to seek alliance with Thebes against Macedonia . Both Athens and Philip sent embassies to win Thebes ' favour , but Athens won the contest . Philip marched on Amphissa ( ostensibly acting on the request of the Amphictyonic League ) , capturing the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes and accepting the city 's surrender . Philip then returned to Elatea , sending a final offer of peace to Athens and Thebes , who both rejected it . Statue of Alexander in Istanbul Archaeology Museum As Philip marched south , his opponents blocked him near Chaeronea , Boeotia . During the ensuing Battle of Chaeronea , Philip commanded the right wing and Alexander the left , accompanied by a group of Philip 's trusted generals . According to the ancient sources , the two sides fought bitterly for some time . Philip deliberately commanded his troops to retreat , counting on the untested Athenian hoplites to follow , thus breaking their line . Alexander was the first to break the Theban lines , followed by Philip 's generals . Having damaged the enemy 's cohesion , Philip ordered his troops to press forward and quickly routed them . With the Athenians lost , the Thebans were surrounded . Left to fight alone , they were defeated . After the victory at Chaeronea , Philip and Alexander marched unopposed into the Peloponnese , welcomed by all cities ; however , when they reached Sparta , they were refused , but did not resort to war . At Corinth , Philip established a `` Hellenic Alliance '' ( modelled on the old anti-Persian alliance of the Greco - Persian Wars ) , which included most Greek city - states except Sparta . Philip was then named Hegemon ( often translated as `` Supreme Commander '' ) of this league ( known by modern scholars as the League of Corinth ) , and announced his plans to attack the Persian Empire . Exile and return When Philip returned to Pella , he fell in love with and married Cleopatra Eurydice , the niece of his general Attalus . The marriage made Alexander 's position as heir less secure , since any son of Cleopatra Eurydice would be a fully Macedonian heir , while Alexander was only half - Macedonian . During the wedding banquet , a drunken Attalus publicly prayed to the gods that the union would produce a legitimate heir . At the wedding of Cleopatra , whom Philip fell in love with and married , she being much too young for him , her uncle Attalus in his drink desired the Macedonians would implore the gods to give them a lawful successor to the kingdom by his niece . This so irritated Alexander , that throwing one of the cups at his head , `` You villain , '' said he , `` what , am I then a bastard ? '' Then Philip , taking Attalus 's part , rose up and would have run his son through ; but by good fortune for them both , either his over-hasty rage , or the wine he had drunk , made his foot slip , so that he fell down on the floor . At which Alexander reproachfully insulted over him : `` See there , '' said he , `` the man who makes preparations to pass out of Europe into Asia , overturned in passing from one seat to another . '' -- Plutarch , describing the feud at Philip 's wedding . Alexander fled Macedon with his mother , dropping her off with her brother , King Alexander I of Epirus in Dodona , capital of the Molossians . He continued to Illyria , where he sought refuge with the Illyrian king and was treated as a guest , despite having defeated them in battle a few years before . However , it appears Philip never intended to disown his politically and militarily trained son . Accordingly , Alexander returned to Macedon after six months due to the efforts of a family friend , Demaratus , who mediated between the two parties . In the following year , the Persian satrap ( governor ) of Caria , Pixodarus , offered his eldest daughter to Alexander 's half - brother , Philip Arrhidaeus . Olympias and several of Alexander 's friends suggested this showed Philip intended to make Arrhidaeus his heir . Alexander reacted by sending an actor , Thessalus of Corinth , to tell Pixodarus that he should not offer his daughter 's hand to an illegitimate son , but instead to Alexander . When Philip heard of this , he stopped the negotiations and scolded Alexander for wishing to marry the daughter of a Carian , explaining that he wanted a better bride for him . Philip exiled four of Alexander 's friends , Harpalus , Nearchus , Ptolemy and Erigyius , and had the Corinthians bring Thessalus to him in chains . Gallery of campaigns Alexander The Great campaign : Jonia 336 BC Alexander The Great campaign : Media and Egypt 333 BC Alexander The Great campaign : Persia 331 BC Alexander The Great campaign : India 326 BC King of Macedon Accession Further information : Government of Macedonia ( ancient kingdom ) The Kingdom of Macedon in 336 BC . In summer 336 BC , while at Aegae attending the wedding of his daughter Cleopatra to Olympias 's brother , Alexander I of Epirus , Philip was assassinated by the captain of his bodyguards , Pausanias . As Pausanias tried to escape , he tripped over a vine and was killed by his pursuers , including two of Alexander 's companions , Perdiccas and Leonnatus . Alexander was proclaimed king on the spot by the nobles and army at the age of 20 . Consolidation of power Alexander began his reign by eliminating potential rivals to the throne . He had his cousin , the former Amyntas IV , executed . He also had two Macedonian princes from the region of Lyncestis killed , but spared a third , Alexander Lyncestes . Olympias had Cleopatra Eurydice and Europa , her daughter by Philip , burned alive . When Alexander learned about this , he was furious . Alexander also ordered the murder of Attalus , who was in command of the advance guard of the army in Asia Minor and Cleopatra 's uncle . Attalus was at that time corresponding with Demosthenes , regarding the possibility of defecting to Athens . Attalus also had severely insulted Alexander , and following Cleopatra 's murder , Alexander may have considered him too dangerous to leave alive . Alexander spared Arrhidaeus , who was by all accounts mentally disabled , possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias . News of Philip 's death roused many states into revolt , including Thebes , Athens , Thessaly , and the Thracian tribes north of Macedon . When news of the revolts reached Alexander , he responded quickly . Though advised to use diplomacy , Alexander mustered 3,000 Macedonian cavalry and rode south towards Thessaly . He found the Thessalian army occupying the pass between Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa , and ordered his men to ride over Mount Ossa . When the Thessalians awoke the next day , they found Alexander in their rear and promptly surrendered , adding their cavalry to Alexander 's force . He then continued south towards the Peloponnese . Alexander stopped at Thermopylae , where he was recognized as the leader of the Amphictyonic League before heading south to Corinth . Athens sued for peace and Alexander pardoned the rebels . The famous encounter between Alexander and Diogenes the Cynic occurred during Alexander 's stay in Corinth . When Alexander asked Diogenes what he could do for him , the philosopher disdainfully asked Alexander to stand a little to the side , as he was blocking the sunlight . This reply apparently delighted Alexander , who is reported to have said `` But verily , if I were not Alexander , I would like to be Diogenes . '' At Corinth , Alexander took the title of Hegemon ( `` leader '' ) and , like Philip , was appointed commander for the coming war against Persia . He also received news of a Thracian uprising . Balkan campaign Main article : Alexander 's Balkan campaign The emblema of the Stag Hunt Mosaic , c. 300 BC , from Pella ; the figure on the right is possibly Alexander the Great due to the date of the mosaic along with the depicted upsweep of his centrally - parted hair ( anastole ) ; the figure on the left wielding a double - edged axe ( associated with Hephaistos ) is perhaps Hephaestion , one of Alexander 's loyal companions . Before crossing to Asia , Alexander wanted to safeguard his northern borders . In the spring of 335 BC , he advanced to suppress several revolts . Starting from Amphipolis , he travelled east into the country of the `` Independent Thracians '' ; and at Mount Haemus , the Macedonian army attacked and defeated the Thracian forces manning the heights . The Macedonians marched into the country of the Triballi , and defeated their army near the Lyginus river ( a tributary of the Danube ) . Alexander then marched for three days to the Danube , encountering the Getae tribe on the opposite shore . Crossing the river at night , he surprised them and forced their army to retreat after the first cavalry skirmish . News then reached Alexander that Cleitus , King of Illyria , and King Glaukias of the Taulantii were in open revolt against his authority . Marching west into Illyria , Alexander defeated each in turn , forcing the two rulers to flee with their troops . With these victories , he secured his northern frontier . While Alexander campaigned north , the Thebans and Athenians rebelled once again . Alexander immediately headed south . While the other cities again hesitated , Thebes decided to fight . The Theban resistance was ineffective , and Alexander razed the city and divided its territory between the other Boeotian cities . The end of Thebes cowed Athens , leaving all of Greece temporarily at peace . Alexander then set out on his Asian campaign , leaving Antipater as regent . Conquest of the Persian Empire Main articles : Wars of Alexander the Great and Chronology of the expedition of Alexander the Great into Asia Asia Minor Further information : Battle of the Granicus , Siege of Halicarnassus , and Siege of Miletus Map of Alexander 's empire and his route Alexander Cuts the Gordian Knot ( 1767 ) by Jean - Simon Berthélemy Alexander 's army crossed the Hellespont in 334 BC with approximately 48,100 soldiers , 6,100 cavalry and a fleet of 120 ships with crews numbering 38,000 , drawn from Macedon and various Greek city - states , mercenaries , and feudally raised soldiers from Thrace , Paionia , and Illyria . He showed his intent to conquer the entirety of the Persian Empire by throwing a spear into Asian soil and saying he accepted Asia as a gift from the gods . This also showed Alexander 's eagerness to fight , in contrast to his father 's preference for diplomacy . After an initial victory against Persian forces at the Battle of the Granicus , Alexander accepted the surrender of the Persian provincial capital and treasury of Sardis ; he then proceeded along the Ionian coast , granting autonomy and democracy to the cities . Miletus , held by Achaemenid forces , required a delicate siege operation , with Persian naval forces nearby . Further south , at Halicarnassus , in Caria , Alexander successfully waged his first large - scale siege , eventually forcing his opponents , the mercenary captain Memnon of Rhodes and the Persian satrap of Caria , Orontobates , to withdraw by sea . Alexander left the government of Caria to a member of the Hecatomnid dynasty , Ada , who adopted Alexander . From Halicarnassus , Alexander proceeded into mountainous Lycia and the Pamphylian plain , asserting control over all coastal cities to deny the Persians naval bases . From Pamphylia onwards the coast held no major ports and Alexander moved inland . At Termessos , Alexander humbled but did not storm the Pisidian city . At the ancient Phrygian capital of Gordium , Alexander `` undid '' the hitherto unsolvable Gordian Knot , a feat said to await the future `` king of Asia '' . According to the story , Alexander proclaimed that it did not matter how the knot was undone and hacked it apart with his sword . The Levant and Syria Further information : Battle of Issus and Siege of Tyre ( 332 BC ) Detail of Alexander Mosaic , showing Battle of Issus , from the House of the Faun , Pompeii In spring 333 BC , Alexander crossed the Taurus into Cilicia . After a long pause due to an illness , he marched on towards Syria . Though outmanoeuvered by Darius ' significantly larger army , he marched back to Cilicia , where he defeated Darius at Issus . Darius fled the battle , causing his army to collapse , and left behind his wife , his two daughters , his mother Sisygambis , and a fabulous treasure . He offered a peace treaty that included the lands he had already lost , and a ransom of 10,000 talents for his family . Alexander replied that since he was now king of Asia , it was he alone who decided territorial divisions . Alexander proceeded to take possession of Syria , and most of the coast of the Levant . In the following year , 332 BC , he was forced to attack Tyre , which he captured after a long and difficult siege . The men of military age were massacred and the women and children sold into slavery . Egypt Further information : Siege of Gaza Name of Alexander the Great in Egyptian hieroglyphs ( written from right to left ) , c. 330 BC , Egypt . Louvre Museum When Alexander destroyed Tyre , most of the towns on the route to Egypt quickly capitulated . However , Alexander met with resistance at Gaza . The stronghold was heavily fortified and built on a hill , requiring a siege . When `` his engineers pointed out to him that because of the height of the mound it would be impossible ... this encouraged Alexander all the more to make the attempt '' . After three unsuccessful assaults , the stronghold fell , but not before Alexander had received a serious shoulder wound . As in Tyre , men of military age were put to the sword and the women and children were sold into slavery . Alexander advanced on Egypt in later 332 BC , where he was regarded as a liberator . He was pronounced son of the deity Amun at the Oracle of Siwa Oasis in the Libyan desert . Henceforth , Alexander often referred to Zeus - Ammon as his true father , and after his death , currency depicted him adorned with the horns of a ram as a symbol of his divinity . During his stay in Egypt , he founded Alexandria - by - Egypt , which would become the prosperous capital of the Ptolemaic Kingdom after his death . Assyria and babylonia Further information : Battle of Gaugamela Leaving Egypt in 331 BC , Alexander marched eastward into Mesopotamia ( now northern Iraq ) and again defeated Darius , at the Battle of Gaugamela . Darius once more fled the field , and Alexander chased him as far as Arbela . Gaugamela would be the final and decisive encounter between the two . Darius fled over the mountains to Ecbatana ( modern Hamedan ) , while Alexander captured Babylon . Persia Further information : Battle of the Persian Gate Site of the Persian Gate ; the road was built in the 1990s From Babylon , Alexander went to Susa , one of the Achaemenid capitals , and captured its treasury . He sent the bulk of his army to the Persian ceremonial capital of Persepolis via the Persian Royal Road . Alexander himself took selected troops on the direct route to the city . He then stormed the pass of the Persian Gates ( in the modern Zagros Mountains ) which had been blocked by a Persian army under Ariobarzanes and then hurried to Persepolis before its garrison could loot the treasury . On entering Persepolis , Alexander allowed his troops to loot the city for several days . Alexander stayed in Persepolis for five months . During his stay a fire broke out in the eastern palace of Xerxes I and spread to the rest of the city . Possible causes include a drunken accident or deliberate revenge for the burning of the Acropolis of Athens during the Second Persian War by Xerxes . Even as he watched the city burn , Alexander immediately began to regret his decision . Plutarch claims that he ordered his men to put out the fires , but that the flames had already spread to most of the city . Curtius claims that Alexander did not regret his decision until the next morning . Plutarch recounts an anecdote in which Alexander pauses and talks to a fallen statue of Xerxes as if it were a live person : Shall I pass by and leave you lying there because of the expeditions you led against Greece , or shall I set you up again because of your magnanimity and your virtues in other respects ? Fall of the Empire and the east Silver coin of Alexander wearing the lion scalp of Herakles , British Museum Alexander then chased Darius , first into Media , and then Parthia . The Persian king no longer controlled his own destiny , and was taken prisoner by Bessus , his Bactrian satrap and kinsman . As Alexander approached , Bessus had his men fatally stab the Great King and then declared himself Darius ' successor as Artaxerxes V , before retreating into Central Asia to launch a guerrilla campaign against Alexander . Alexander buried Darius ' remains next to his Achaemenid predecessors in a regal funeral . He claimed that , while dying , Darius had named him as his successor to the Achaemenid throne . The Achaemenid Empire is normally considered to have fallen with Darius . Alexander viewed Bessus as a usurper and set out to defeat him . This campaign , initially against Bessus , turned into a grand tour of central Asia . Alexander founded a series of new cities , all called Alexandria , including modern Kandahar in Afghanistan , and Alexandria Eschate ( `` The Furthest '' ) in modern Tajikistan . The campaign took Alexander through Media , Parthia , Aria ( West Afghanistan ) , Drangiana , Arachosia ( South and Central Afghanistan ) , Bactria ( North and Central Afghanistan ) , and Scythia . Spitamenes , who held an undefined position in the satrapy of Sogdiana , in 329 BC betrayed Bessus to Ptolemy , one of Alexander 's trusted companions , and Bessus was executed . However , when , at some point later , Alexander was on the Jaxartes dealing with an incursion by a horse nomad army , Spitamenes raised Sogdiana in revolt . Alexander personally defeated the Scythians at the Battle of Jaxartes and immediately launched a campaign against Spitamenes , defeating him in the Battle of Gabai . After the defeat , Spitamenes was killed by his own men , who then sued for peace . Problems and plots The Killing of Cleitus , by André Castaigne ( 1898 -- 1899 ) During this time , Alexander adopted some elements of Persian dress and customs at his court , notably the custom of proskynesis , either a symbolic kissing of the hand , or prostration on the ground , that Persians showed to their social superiors . The Greeks regarded the gesture as the province of deities and believed that Alexander meant to deify himself by requiring it . This cost him the sympathies of many of his countrymen , and he eventually abandoned it . A plot against his life was revealed , and one of his officers , Philotas , was executed for failing to alert Alexander . The death of the son necessitated the death of the father , and thus Parmenion , who had been charged with guarding the treasury at Ecbatana , was assassinated at Alexander 's command , to prevent attempts at vengeance . Most infamously , Alexander personally killed the man who had saved his life at Granicus , Cleitus the Black , during a violent drunken altercation at Maracanda ( modern day Samarkand in Uzbekistan ) , in which Cleitus accused Alexander of several judgmental mistakes and most especially , of having forgotten the Macedonian ways in favour of a corrupt oriental lifestyle . Later , in the Central Asian campaign , a second plot against his life was revealed , this one instigated by his own royal pages . His official historian , Callisthenes of Olynthus , was implicated in the plot , and in the Anabasis of Alexander , Arrian states that Callisthenes and the pages were then tortured on the rack as punishment , and likely died soon after . It remains unclear if Callisthenes was actually involved in the plot , for prior to his accusation he had fallen out of favour by leading the opposition to the attempt to introduce proskynesis . Macedon in Alexander 's absence When Alexander set out for Asia , he left his general Antipater , an experienced military and political leader and part of Philip II 's `` Old Guard '' , in charge of Macedon . Alexander 's sacking of Thebes ensured that Greece remained quiet during his absence . The one exception was a call to arms by Spartan king Agis III in 331 BC , whom Antipater defeated and killed in the battle of Megalopolis . Antipater referred the Spartans ' punishment to the League of Corinth , which then deferred to Alexander , who chose to pardon them . There was also considerable friction between Antipater and Olympias , and each complained to Alexander about the other . In general , Greece enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity during Alexander 's campaign in Asia . Alexander sent back vast sums from his conquest , which stimulated the economy and increased trade across his empire . However , Alexander 's constant demands for troops and the migration of Macedonians throughout his empire depleted Macedon 's strength , greatly weakening it in the years after Alexander , and ultimately led to its subjugation by Rome after the Third Macedonian War ( 171 -- 168 BC ) . Indian campaign Main article : Indian campaign of Alexander the Great Forays into the Indian subcontinent The Phalanx Attacking the Centre in the Battle of the Hydaspes by André Castaigne ( 1898 -- 1899 ) . Alexander 's invasion of the Indian subcontinent . After the death of Spitamenes and his marriage to Roxana ( Raoxshna in Old Iranian ) to cement relations with his new satrapies , Alexander turned to the Indian subcontinent . He invited the chieftains of the former satrapy of Gandhara ( a region presently straddling eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan ) , to come to him and submit to his authority . Omphis ( Indian name Ambhi ) , the ruler of Taxila , whose kingdom extended from the Indus to the Hydaspes ( Jhelum ) , complied , but the chieftains of some hill clans , including the Aspasioi and Assakenoi sections of the Kambojas ( known in Indian texts also as Ashvayanas and Ashvakayanas ) , refused to submit . Ambhi hastened to relieve Alexander of his apprehension and met him with valuable presents , placing himself and all his forces at his disposal . Alexander not only returned Ambhi his title and the gifts but he also presented him with a wardrobe of `` Persian robes , gold and silver ornaments , 30 horses and 1,000 talents in gold '' . Alexander was emboldened to divide his forces , and Ambhi assisted Hephaestion and Perdiccas in constructing a bridge over the Indus where it bends at Hund ( Fox 1973 ) , supplied their troops with provisions , and received Alexander himself , and his whole army , in his capital city of Taxila , with every demonstration of friendship and the most liberal hospitality . On the subsequent advance of the Macedonian king , Taxiles accompanied him with a force of 5,000 men and took part in the battle of the Hydaspes River . After that victory he was sent by Alexander in pursuit of Porus , to whom he was charged to offer favourable terms , but narrowly escaped losing his life at the hands of his old enemy . Subsequently , however , the two rivals were reconciled by the personal mediation of Alexander ; and Taxiles , after having contributed zealously to the equipment of the fleet on the Hydaspes , was entrusted by the king with the government of the whole territory between that river and the Indus . A considerable accession of power was granted him after the death of Philip , son of Machatas ; and he was allowed to retain his authority at the death of Alexander himself ( 323 BC ) , as well as in the subsequent partition of the provinces at Triparadisus , 321 BC . In the winter of 327 / 326 BC , Alexander personally led a campaign against these clans ; the Aspasioi of Kunar valleys , the Guraeans of the Guraeus valley , and the Assakenoi of the Swat and Buner valleys . A fierce contest ensued with the Aspasioi in which Alexander was wounded in the shoulder by a dart , but eventually the Aspasioi lost . Alexander then faced the Assakenoi , who fought in the strongholds of Massaga , Ora and Aornos . The fort of Massaga was reduced only after days of bloody fighting , in which Alexander was wounded seriously in the ankle . According to Curtius , `` Not only did Alexander slaughter the entire population of Massaga , but also did he reduce its buildings to rubble . '' A similar slaughter followed at Ora . In the aftermath of Massaga and Ora , numerous Assakenians fled to the fortress of Aornos . Alexander followed close behind and captured the strategic hill - fort after four bloody days . After Aornos , Alexander crossed the Indus and fought and won an epic battle against King Porus , who ruled a region lying between the Hydaspes and the Acesines ( Chenab ) , in what is now the Punjab , in the Battle of the Hydaspes in 326 BC . Alexander was impressed by Porus ' bravery , and made him an ally . He appointed Porus as satrap , and added to Porus ' territory land that he did not previously own , towards the south - east , up to the Hyphasis ( Beas ) . Choosing a local helped him control these lands so distant from Greece . Alexander founded two cities on opposite sides of the Hydaspes river , naming one Bucephala , in honour of his horse , who died around this time . The other was Nicaea ( Victory ) , thought to be located at the site of modern - day Mong , Punjab . Revolt of the army Asia in 323 BC , the Nanda Empire and the Gangaridai of the Indian subcontinent , in relation to Alexander 's Empire and neighbours . Alexander 's troops beg to return home from India in plate 3 of 11 by Antonio Tempesta of Florence , 1608 . East of Porus ' kingdom , near the Ganges River , was the Nanda Empire of Magadha , and further east , the Gangaridai Empire of Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent . Fearing the prospect of facing other large armies and exhausted by years of campaigning , Alexander 's army mutinied at the Hyphasis River ( Beas ) , refusing to march farther east . This river thus marks the easternmost extent of Alexander 's conquests . As for the Macedonians , however , their struggle with Porus blunted their courage and stayed their further advance into India . For having had all they could do to repulse an enemy who mustered only twenty thousand infantry and two thousand horse , they violently opposed Alexander when he insisted on crossing the river Ganges also , the width of which , as they learned , was thirty - two furlongs , its depth a hundred fathoms , while its banks on the further side were covered with multitudes of men - at - arms and horsemen and elephants . For they were told that the kings of the Ganderites and Praesii were awaiting them with eighty thousand horsemen , two hundred thousand footmen , eight thousand chariots , and six thousand war elephants . Alexander tried to persuade his soldiers to march farther , but his general Coenus pleaded with him to change his opinion and return ; the men , he said , `` longed to again see their parents , their wives and children , their homeland '' . Alexander eventually agreed and turned south , marching along the Indus . Along the way his army conquered the Malhi ( in modern - day Multan ) and other Indian tribes and Alexander sustained an injury during the siege . Alexander sent much of his army to Carmania ( modern southern Iran ) with general Craterus , and commissioned a fleet to explore the Persian Gulf shore under his admiral Nearchus , while he led the rest back to Persia through the more difficult southern route along the Gedrosian Desert and Makran . Alexander reached Susa in 324 BC , but not before losing many men to the harsh desert . Last years in Persia Alexander , left , and Hephaestion , right Discovering that many of his satraps and military governors had misbehaved in his absence , Alexander executed several of them as examples on his way to Susa . As a gesture of thanks , he paid off the debts of his soldiers , and announced that he would send over-aged and disabled veterans back to Macedon , led by Craterus . His troops misunderstood his intention and mutinied at the town of Opis . They refused to be sent away and criticized his adoption of Persian customs and dress and the introduction of Persian officers and soldiers into Macedonian units . Alexander at the Tomb of Cyrus the Great , by Pierre - Henri de Valenciennes ( 1796 ) After three days , unable to persuade his men to back down , Alexander gave Persians command posts in the army and conferred Macedonian military titles upon Persian units . The Macedonians quickly begged forgiveness , which Alexander accepted , and held a great banquet for several thousand of his men at which he and they ate together . In an attempt to craft a lasting harmony between his Macedonian and Persian subjects , Alexander held a mass marriage of his senior officers to Persian and other noblewomen at Susa , but few of those marriages seem to have lasted much beyond a year . Meanwhile , upon his return to Persia , Alexander learned that guards of the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadae had desecrated it , and swiftly executed them . Alexander admired Cyrus the Great , from an early age reading Xenophon 's Cyropaedia , which described Cyrus 's heroism in battle and governance as a king and legislator . During his visit to Pasargadae Alexander ordered his architect Aristobulus to decorate the interior of the sepulchral chamber of Cyrus ' tomb . Afterwards , Alexander travelled to Ecbatana to retrieve the bulk of the Persian treasure . There , his closest friend and possible lover , Hephaestion , died of illness or poisoning . Hephaestion 's death devastated Alexander , and he ordered the preparation of an expensive funeral pyre in Babylon , as well as a decree for public mourning . Back in Babylon , Alexander planned a series of new campaigns , beginning with an invasion of Arabia , but he would not have a chance to realize them , as he died shortly thereafter . Death and succession Main article : Death of Alexander the Great A Babylonian astronomical diary ( c. 323 -- 322 BC ) recording the death of Alexander ( British Museum , London ) 19th century depiction of Alexander 's funeral procession based on the description of Diodorus On either 10 or 11 June 323 BC , Alexander died in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II , in Babylon , at age 32 . There are two different versions of Alexander 's death and details of the death differ slightly in each . Plutarch 's account is that roughly 14 days before his death , Alexander entertained admiral Nearchus , and spent the night and next day drinking with Medius of Larissa . He developed a fever , which worsened until he was unable to speak . The common soldiers , anxious about his health , were granted the right to file past him as he silently waved at them . In the second account , Diodorus recounts that Alexander was struck with pain after downing a large bowl of unmixed wine in honour of Heracles , followed by 11 days of weakness ; he did not develop a fever and died after some agony . Arrian also mentioned this as an alternative , but Plutarch specifically denied this claim . Given the propensity of the Macedonian aristocracy to assassination , foul play featured in multiple accounts of his death . Diodorus , Plutarch , Arrian and Justin all mentioned the theory that Alexander was poisoned . Justin stated that Alexander was the victim of a poisoning conspiracy , Plutarch dismissed it as a fabrication , while both Diodorus and Arrian noted that they mentioned it only for the sake of completeness . The accounts were nevertheless fairly consistent in designating Antipater , recently removed as Macedonian viceroy , and at odds with Olympias , as the head of the alleged plot . Perhaps taking his summons to Babylon as a death sentence , and having seen the fate of Parmenion and Philotas , Antipater purportedly arranged for Alexander to be poisoned by his son Iollas , who was Alexander 's wine - pourer . There was even a suggestion that Aristotle may have participated . The strongest argument against the poison theory is the fact that twelve days passed between the start of his illness and his death ; such long - acting poisons were probably not available . However , in a 2003 BBC documentary investigating the death of Alexander , Leo Schep from the New Zealand National Poisons Centre proposed that the plant white hellebore ( Veratrum album ) , which was known in antiquity , may have been used to poison Alexander . In a 2014 manuscript in the journal Clinical Toxicology , Schep suggested Alexander 's wine was spiked with Veratrum album , and that this would produce poisoning symptoms that match the course of events described in the Alexander Romance . Veratrum album poisoning can have a prolonged course and it was suggested that if Alexander was poisoned , Veratrum album offers the most plausible cause . Another poisoning explanation put forward in 2010 proposed that the circumstances of his death were compatible with poisoning by water of the river Styx ( modern - day Mavroneri in Arcadia , Greece ) that contained calicheamicin , a dangerous compound produced by bacteria . Several natural causes ( diseases ) have been suggested , including malaria and typhoid fever . A 1998 article in the New England Journal of Medicine attributed his death to typhoid fever complicated by bowel perforation and ascending paralysis . Another recent analysis suggested pyogenic ( infectious ) spondylitis or meningitis . Other illnesses fit the symptoms , including acute pancreatitis and West Nile virus . Natural - cause theories also tend to emphasize that Alexander 's health may have been in general decline after years of heavy drinking and severe wounds . The anguish that Alexander felt after Hephaestion 's death may also have contributed to his declining health . After death See also : Tomb of Alexander the Great Detail of Alexander on the Alexander Sarcophagus Alexander 's body was laid in a gold anthropoid sarcophagus that was filled with honey , which was in turn placed in a gold casket . According to Aelian , a seer called Aristander foretold that the land where Alexander was laid to rest `` would be happy and unvanquishable forever '' . Perhaps more likely , the successors may have seen possession of the body as a symbol of legitimacy , since burying the prior king was a royal prerogative . While Alexander 's funeral cortege was on its way to Macedon , Ptolemy seized it and took it temporarily to Memphis . His successor , Ptolemy II Philadelphus , transferred the sarcophagus to Alexandria , where it remained until at least late Antiquity . Ptolemy IX Lathyros , one of Ptolemy 's final successors , replaced Alexander 's sarcophagus with a glass one so he could convert the original to coinage . The recent discovery of an enormous tomb in northern Greece , at Amphipolis , dating from the time of Alexander the Great has given rise to speculation that its original intent was to be the burial place of Alexander . This would fit with the intended destination of Alexander 's funeral cortege . Pompey , Julius Caesar and Augustus all visited the tomb in Alexandria , where Augustus , allegedly , accidentally knocked the nose off . Caligula was said to have taken Alexander 's breastplate from the tomb for his own use . Around AD 200 , Emperor Septimius Severus closed Alexander 's tomb to the public . His son and successor , Caracalla , a great admirer , visited the tomb during his own reign . After this , details on the fate of the tomb are hazy . The so - called `` Alexander Sarcophagus '' , discovered near Sidon and now in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum , is so named not because it was thought to have contained Alexander 's remains , but because its bas - reliefs depict Alexander and his companions fighting the Persians and hunting . It was originally thought to have been the sarcophagus of Abdalonymus ( died 311 BC ) , the king of Sidon appointed by Alexander immediately following the battle of Issus in 331 . However , more recently , it has been suggested that it may date from earlier than Abdalonymus ' death . Division of the Empire Main articles : Partition of Babylon and Diadochi Kingdoms of the Diadochi in 301 BC : the Ptolemaic Kingdom ( dark blue ) , the Seleucid Empire ( yellow ) , Kingdom of Pergamon ( orange ) , and Kingdom of Macedon ( green ) . Also shown are the Roman Republic ( light blue ) , the Carthaginian Republic ( purple ) , and the Kingdom of Epirus ( red ) . Alexander 's death was so sudden that when reports of his death reached Greece , they were not immediately believed . Alexander had no obvious or legitimate heir , his son Alexander IV by Roxane being born after Alexander 's death . According to Diodorus , Alexander 's companions asked him on his deathbed to whom he bequeathed his kingdom ; his laconic reply was `` tôi kratistôi '' -- `` to the strongest '' . Another theory is that his successors willfully or erroneously misheard `` tôi Kraterôi '' -- `` to Craterus '' , the general leading his Macedonian troops home and newly entrusted with the regency of Macedonia . Arrian and Plutarch claimed that Alexander was speechless by this point , implying that this was an apocryphal story . Diodorus , Curtius and Justin offered the more plausible story that Alexander passed his signet ring to Perdiccas , a bodyguard and leader of the companion cavalry , in front of witnesses , thereby nominating him . Perdiccas initially did not claim power , instead suggesting that Roxane 's baby would be king , if male ; with himself , Craterus , Leonnatus , and Antipater as guardians . However , the infantry , under the command of Meleager , rejected this arrangement since they had been excluded from the discussion . Instead , they supported Alexander 's half - brother Philip Arrhidaeus . Eventually , the two sides reconciled , and after the birth of Alexander IV , he and Philip III were appointed joint kings , albeit in name only . Dissension and rivalry soon afflicted the Macedonians , however . The satrapies handed out by Perdiccas at the Partition of Babylon became power bases each general used to bid for power . After the assassination of Perdiccas in 321 BC , Macedonian unity collapsed , and 40 years of war between `` The Successors '' ( Diadochi ) ensued before the Hellenistic world settled into four stable power blocks : Ptolemaic Egypt , Seleucid Mesopotamia and Central Asia , Attalid Anatolia , and Antigonid Macedon . In the process , both Alexander IV and Philip III were murdered . Will Commemorative coin by Agathocles of Bactria ( 190 -- 180 BC ) for Alexander the Great Diodorus stated that Alexander had given detailed written instructions to Craterus some time before his death . Craterus started to carry out Alexander 's commands , but the successors chose not to further implement them , on the grounds they were impractical and extravagant . Nevertheless , Perdiccas read Alexander 's will to his troops . Alexander 's will called for military expansion into the southern and western Mediterranean , monumental constructions , and the intermixing of Eastern and Western populations . It included : Construction of a monumental tomb for his father Philip , `` to match the greatest of the pyramids of Egypt '' Erection of great temples in Delos , Delphi , Dodona , Dium , Amphipolis , and a monumental temple to Athena at Troy Conquest of Arabia and the entire Mediterranean Basin Circumnavigation of Africa Development of cities and the `` transplant of populations from Asia to Europe and in the opposite direction from Europe to Asia , in order to bring the largest continent to common unity and to friendship by means of intermarriage and family ties . '' Character Generalship The Battle of the Granicus , 334 BC The Battle of Issus , 333 BC Alexander earned the epithet `` the Great '' due to his unparalleled success as a military commander . He never lost a battle , despite typically being outnumbered . This was due to use of terrain , phalanx and cavalry tactics , bold strategy , and the fierce loyalty of his troops . The Macedonian phalanx , armed with the sarissa , a spear 6 metres ( 20 ft ) long , had been developed and perfected by Philip II through rigorous training , and Alexander used its speed and maneuverability to great effect against larger but more disparate Persian forces . Alexander also recognized the potential for disunity among his diverse army , which employed various languages and weapons . He overcame this by being personally involved in battle , in the manner of a Macedonian king . In his first battle in Asia , at Granicus , Alexander used only a small part of his forces , perhaps 13,000 infantry with 5,000 cavalry , against a much larger Persian force of 40,000 . Alexander placed the phalanx at the center and cavalry and archers on the wings , so that his line matched the length of the Persian cavalry line , about 3 km ( 1.86 mi ) . By contrast , the Persian infantry was stationed behind its cavalry . This ensured that Alexander would not be outflanked , while his phalanx , armed with long pikes , had a considerable advantage over the Persian 's scimitars and javelins . Macedonian losses were negligible compared to those of the Persians . At Issus in 333 BC , his first confrontation with Darius , he used the same deployment , and again the central phalanx pushed through . Alexander personally led the charge in the center , routing the opposing army . At the decisive encounter with Darius at Gaugamela , Darius equipped his chariots with scythes on the wheels to break up the phalanx and equipped his cavalry with pikes . Alexander arranged a double phalanx , with the center advancing at an angle , parting when the chariots bore down and then reforming . The advance was successful and broke Darius ' center , causing the latter to flee once again . When faced with opponents who used unfamiliar fighting techniques , such as in Central Asia and India , Alexander adapted his forces to his opponents ' style . Thus , in Bactria and Sogdiana , Alexander successfully used his javelin throwers and archers to prevent outflanking movements , while massing his cavalry at the center . In India , confronted by Porus ' elephant corps , the Macedonians opened their ranks to envelop the elephants and used their sarissas to strike upwards and dislodge the elephants ' handlers . Physical appearance Roman copy of a herma by Lysippos , Louvre Museum . Plutarch reports that sculptures by Lysippos were the most faithful . Greek biographer Plutarch ( c. 45 -- c. 120 AD ) describes Alexander 's appearance as : 1 The outward appearance of Alexander is best represented by the statues of him which Lysippus made , and it was by this artist alone that Alexander himself thought it fit that he should be modelled. 2 For those peculiarities which many of his successors and friends afterwards tried to imitate , namely , the poise of the neck , which was bent slightly to the left , and the melting glance of his eyes , this artist has accurately observed . 3 Apelles , however , in painting him as wielder of the thunder - bolt , did not reproduce his complexion , but made it too dark and swarthy . Whereas he was of a fair colour , as they say , and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly , and in his face . Moreover , that a very pleasant odour exhaled from his skin and that there was a fragrance about his mouth and all his flesh , so that his garments were filled with it , this we have read in the Memoirs of Aristoxenus . Greek historian Arrian ( Lucius Flavius Arrianus ' Xenophon ' c. 86 -- c. 160 AD ) described Alexander as : ( T ) he strong , handsome commander with one eye dark as the night and one blue as the sky . The semi-legendary Alexander Romance also suggests that Alexander exhibited heterochromia iridum : that one eye was dark and the other light . British historian Peter Green provided a description of Alexander 's appearance , based on his review of statues and some ancient documents : Physically , Alexander was not prepossessing . Even by Macedonian standards he was very short , though stocky and tough . His beard was scanty , and he stood out against his hirsute Macedonian barons by going clean - shaven . His neck was in some way twisted , so that he appeared to be gazing upward at an angle . His eyes ( one blue , one brown ) revealed a dewy , feminine quality . He had a high complexion and a harsh voice . Ancient authors recorded that Alexander was so pleased with portraits of himself created by Lysippos that he forbade other sculptors from crafting his image . Lysippos had often used the contrapposto sculptural scheme to portray Alexander and other characters such as Apoxyomenos , Hermes and Eros . Lysippos ' sculpture , famous for its naturalism , as opposed to a stiffer , more static pose , is thought to be the most faithful depiction . Personality Some of Alexander 's strongest personality traits formed in response to his parents . His mother had huge ambitions , and encouraged him to believe it was his destiny to conquer the Persian Empire . Olympias ' influence instilled a sense of destiny in him , and Plutarch tells how his ambition `` kept his spirit serious and lofty in advance of his years '' . However , his father Philip was Alexander 's most immediate and influential role model , as the young Alexander watched him campaign practically every year , winning victory after victory while ignoring severe wounds . Alexander 's relationship with his father forged the competitive side of his personality ; he had a need to out - do his father , illustrated by his reckless behaviour in battle . While Alexander worried that his father would leave him `` no great or brilliant achievement to be displayed to the world '' , he also downplayed his father 's achievements to his companions . Alexander ( left ) , wearing a kausia and fighting an Asiatic lion with his friend Craterus ( detail ) ; late 4th century BC mosaic , Pella Museum According to Plutarch , among Alexander 's traits were a violent temper and rash , impulsive nature , which undoubtedly contributed to some of his decisions . Although Alexander was stubborn and did not respond well to orders from his father , he was open to reasoned debate . He had a calmer side -- perceptive , logical , and calculating . He had a great desire for knowledge , a love for philosophy , and was an avid reader . This was no doubt in part due to Aristotle 's tutelage ; Alexander was intelligent and quick to learn . His intelligent and rational side was amply demonstrated by his ability and success as a general . He had great self - restraint in `` pleasures of the body '' , in contrast with his lack of self - control with alcohol . Alexander was erudite and patronized both arts and sciences . However , he had little interest in sports or the Olympic games ( unlike his father ) , seeking only the Homeric ideals of honour ( timê ) and glory ( kudos ) . He had great charisma and force of personality , characteristics which made him a great leader . His unique abilities were further demonstrated by the inability of any of his generals to unite Macedonia and retain the Empire after his death -- only Alexander had the ability to do so . During his final years , and especially after the death of Hephaestion , Alexander began to exhibit signs of megalomania and paranoia . His extraordinary achievements , coupled with his own ineffable sense of destiny and the flattery of his companions , may have combined to produce this effect . His delusions of grandeur are readily visible in his will and in his desire to conquer the world , in as much as he is by various sources described as having boundless ambition , an epithet , the meaning of which has descended into an historical cliché . He appears to have believed himself a deity , or at least sought to deify himself . Olympias always insisted to him that he was the son of Zeus , a theory apparently confirmed to him by the oracle of Amun at Siwa . He began to identify himself as the son of Zeus - Ammon . Alexander adopted elements of Persian dress and customs at court , notably proskynesis , a practice of which Macedonians disapproved , and were loath to perform . This behaviour cost him the sympathies of many of his countrymen . However , Alexander also was a pragmatic ruler who understood the difficulties of ruling culturally disparate peoples , many of whom lived in kingdoms where the king was divine . Thus , rather than megalomania , his behaviour may simply have been a practical attempt at strengthening his rule and keeping his empire together . Personal relationships Main article : Personal relationships of Alexander the Great A mural in Pompeii , depicting the marriage of Alexander to Barsine ( Stateira ) in 324 BC ; the couple are apparently dressed as Ares and Aphrodite . Alexander married three times : Roxana , daughter of the Sogdian nobleman Oxyartes of Bactria , out of love ; and the Persian princesses Stateira II and Parysatis II , the former a daughter of Darius III and latter a daughter of Artaxerxes III , for political reasons . He apparently had two sons , Alexander IV of Macedon by Roxana and , possibly , Heracles of Macedon from his mistress Barsine . He lost another child when Roxana miscarried at Babylon . Alexander also had a close relationship with his friend , general , and bodyguard Hephaestion , the son of a Macedonian noble . Hephaestion 's death devastated Alexander . This event may have contributed to Alexander 's failing health and detached mental state during his final months . Alexander 's sexuality has been the subject of speculation and controversy . No ancient sources stated that Alexander had homosexual relationships , or that Alexander 's relationship with Hephaestion was sexual . Aelian , however , writes of Alexander 's visit to Troy where `` Alexander garlanded the tomb of Achilles and Hephaestion that of Patroclus , the latter riddling that he was a beloved of Alexander , in just the same way as Patroclus was of Achilles . '' Noting that the word eromenos ( ancient Greek for beloved ) does not necessarily bear sexual meaning , Alexander may have been bisexual , which in his time was not controversial . Green argues that there is little evidence in ancient sources that Alexander had much carnal interest in women ; he did not produce an heir until the very end of his life . However , he was relatively young when he died , and Ogden suggests that Alexander 's matrimonial record is more impressive than his father 's at the same age . Apart from wives , Alexander had many more female companions . Alexander accumulated a harem in the style of Persian kings , but he used it rather sparingly , showing great self - control in `` pleasures of the body '' . Nevertheless , Plutarch described how Alexander was infatuated by Roxana while complimenting him on not forcing himself on her . Green suggested that , in the context of the period , Alexander formed quite strong friendships with women , including Ada of Caria , who adopted him , and even Darius ' mother Sisygambis , who supposedly died from grief upon hearing of Alexander 's death . Battle record Date War Action Opponent / s Type Country Rank Outcome 338 - 08 - 02 2 August 338 BC Rise of Macedon Chaeronea Battle of Chaeronea . Thebans , Athenians Battle Greece Prince Victory ⁂ 335 335 BC Balkan Campaign Mount Haemus Battle of Mount Haemus . Getae , Thracians Battle present - day Bulgaria King Victory ⁂ 335 - 12 December 335 BC Balkan Campaign Pelium Siege of Pelium . Illyrians Siege Greece King Victory ⁂ 335 - 12 December 335 BC Balkan Campaign Pelium Battle of Thebes . Thebans Battle Greece King Victory ⁂ 334 - 05 May 334 BC Persian Campaign Granicus Battle of the Granicus . Achaemenid Empire Battle present - day Turkey King Victory ⁂ 334 334 BC Persian Campaign Miletus Siege of Miletus . Achaemenid Empire , Milesians Siege present - day Turkey King Victory ⁂ 334 334 BC Persian Campaign Halicarnassus Siege of Halicarnassus . Achaemenid Empire Siege present - day Turkey King Victory ⁂ 333 - 11 - 05 5 November 333 BC Persian Campaign Issus Battle of Issus . Achaemenid Empire Battle present - day Turkey King Victory ⁂ 332 January -- July 332 BC Persian Campaign Tyre Siege of Tyre . Achaemenid Empire , Tyrians Siege present - day Lebanon King Victory ⁂ 332 - 10 October 332 BC Persian Campaign Tyre Siege of Gaza . Achaemenid Empire Siege present - day Palestine King Victory ⁂ 331 - 10 - 01 1 October 331 BC Persian Campaign Gaugamela Battle of Gaugamela . Achaemenid Empire Battle present - day Iraq King Victory ⁂ 331 - 12 December 331 BC Persian Campaign Uxian Defile Battle of the Uxian Defile . Uxians Battle present - day Iran King Victory ⁂ 330 - 01 - 20 20 January 330 BC Persian Campaign Persian Gate Battle of the Persian Gate . Achaemenid Empire Battle present - day Iran King Victory ⁂ 329 329 BC Persian Campaign Cyropolis Siege of Cyropolis . Sogdians Siege present - day Turkmenistan King Victory ⁂ 329 - 10 October 329 BC Persian Campaign Jaxartes Battle of Jaxartes . Scythians Battle present - day Uzbekistan King Victory ⁂ 327 327 BC Persian Campaign Sogdian Rock Siege of the Sogdian Rock . Sogdians Siege present - day Uzbekistan King Victory ⁂ 327 May 327 -- March 326 BC Indian Campaign Cophen Cophen Campaign . Aspasians Expedition present - day Afghanistan and Pakistan King Victory ⁂ 326 - 04 April 326 BC Indian Campaign Aornos Siege of Aornos . Aśvaka Siege present - day Pakistan King Victory ⁂ 326 - 05 May 326 BC Indian Campaign Hydaspes Battle of the Hydaspes . Paurava Battle present - day Pakistan King Victory ⁂ 325 November 326 -- February 325 BC Indian Campaign Aornos Siege of Multan . Malli Siege present - day Pakistan King Victory ⁂ Legacy The Hellenistic world view after Alexander : ancient world map of Eratosthenes ( 276 -- 194 BC ) , incorporating information from the campaigns of Alexander and his successors . Alexander 's legacy extended beyond his military conquests . His campaigns greatly increased contacts and trade between East and West , and vast areas to the east were significantly exposed to Greek civilization and influence . Some of the cities he founded became major cultural centers , many surviving into the 21st century . His chroniclers recorded valuable information about the areas through which he marched , while the Greeks themselves got a sense of belonging to a world beyond the Mediterranean . Hellenistic kingdoms Main article : Hellenistic period Plan of Alexandria c. 30 BC Alexander 's most immediate legacy was the introduction of Macedonian rule to huge new swathes of Asia . At the time of his death , Alexander 's empire covered some 5,200,000 km ( 2,000,000 sq mi ) , and was the largest state of its time . Many of these areas remained in Macedonian hands or under Greek influence for the next 200 -- 300 years . The successor states that emerged were , at least initially , dominant forces , and these 300 years are often referred to as the Hellenistic period . The eastern borders of Alexander 's empire began to collapse even during his lifetime . However , the power vacuum he left in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent directly gave rise to one of the most powerful Indian dynasties in history , the Maurya Empire . Taking advantage of this power vacuum , Chandragupta Maurya ( referred to in Greek sources as `` Sandrokottos '' ) , of relatively humble origin , took control of the Punjab , and with that power base proceeded to conquer the Nanda Empire . Founding of cities Further information : List of cities founded by Alexander the Great Over the course of his conquests , Alexander founded some twenty cities that bore his name , most of them east of the Tigris . The first , and greatest , was Alexandria in Egypt , which would become one of the leading Mediterranean cities . The cities ' locations reflected trade routes as well as defensive positions . At first , the cities must have been inhospitable , little more than defensive garrisons . Following Alexander 's death , many Greeks who had settled there tried to return to Greece . However , a century or so after Alexander 's death , many of the Alexandrias were thriving , with elaborate public buildings and substantial populations that included both Greek and local peoples . Funding of temples Dedication of Alexander the Great to Athena Polias at Priene , now housed in the British Museum In 334 BC , Alexander the Great donated funds for the completion of the new temple of Athena Polias in Priene . An inscription from the temple , now housed in the British Museum , declares : `` King Alexander dedicated ( this temple ) to Athena Polias . '' This inscription is one of the few independent archaeological discoveries confirming an episode from Alexander 's life . The temple was designed by Pytheos , one of the architects of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus . Hellenization Main article : Hellenistic civilization Alexander 's empire was the largest state of its time , covering approximately 5.2 million square km . Hellenization was coined by the German historian Johann Gustav Droysen to denote the spread of Greek language , culture , and population into the former Persian empire after Alexander 's conquest . That this export took place is undoubted , and can be seen in the great Hellenistic cities of , for instance , Alexandria , Antioch and Seleucia ( south of modern Baghdad ) . Alexander sought to insert Greek elements into Persian culture and attempted to hybridize Greek and Persian culture . This culminated in his aspiration to homogenize the populations of Asia and Europe . However , his successors explicitly rejected such policies . Nevertheless , Hellenization occurred throughout the region , accompanied by a distinct and opposite ' Orientalization ' of the successor states . The core of the Hellenistic culture promulgated by the conquests was essentially Athenian . The close association of men from across Greece in Alexander 's army directly led to the emergence of the largely Attic - based `` koine '' , or `` common '' Greek dialect . Koine spread throughout the Hellenistic world , becoming the lingua franca of Hellenistic lands and eventually the ancestor of modern Greek . Furthermore , town planning , education , local government , and art current in the Hellenistic period were all based on Classical Greek ideals , evolving into distinct new forms commonly grouped as Hellenistic . Aspects of Hellenistic culture were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century . The Buddha , in Greco - Buddhist style , 1st to 2nd century AD , Gandhara , ancient India . Tokyo National Museum . Some of the most pronounced effects of Hellenization can be seen in Afghanistan and India , in the region of the relatively late - rising Greco - Bactrian Kingdom ( 250 -- 125 BC ) ( in modern Afghanistan , Pakistan , and Tajikistan ) and the Indo - Greek Kingdom ( 180 BC -- 10 AD ) in modern Afghanistan and India . There on the newly formed Silk Road Greek culture apparently hybridized with Indian , and especially Buddhist culture . The resulting syncretism known as Greco - Buddhism heavily influenced the development of Buddhism and created a culture of Greco - Buddhist art . These Greco - Buddhist kingdoms sent some of the first Buddhist missionaries to China , Sri Lanka , and the Mediterranean ( Greco - Buddhist monasticism ) . Some of the first and most influential figurative portrayals of the Buddha appeared at this time , perhaps modeled on Greek statues of Apollo in the Greco - Buddhist style . Several Buddhist traditions may have been influenced by the ancient Greek religion : the concept of Boddhisatvas is reminiscent of Greek divine heroes , and some Mahayana ceremonial practices ( burning incense , gifts of flowers , and food placed on altars ) are similar to those practiced by the ancient Greeks ; however , similar practices were also observed amongst the native Indic culture . One Greek king , Menander I , probably became Buddhist , and was immortalized in Buddhist literature as ' Milinda ' . The process of Hellenization also spurred trade between the east and west . For example , Greek astronomical instruments dating to the 3rd century BC were found in the Greco - Bactrian city of Ai Khanoum in modern - day Afghanistan , while the Greek concept of a spherical earth surrounded by the spheres of planets eventually supplanted the long - standing Indian cosmological belief of a disc consisting of four continents grouped around a central mountain ( Mount Meru ) like the petals of a flower . The Yavanajataka ( lit . Greek astronomical treatise ) and Paulisa Siddhanta texts depict the influence of Greek astronomical ideas on Indian astronomy . Following the conquests of Alexander the Great in the east , Hellenistic influence on Indian art was far - ranging . In the area of architecture , a few examples of the Ionic order can be found as far as Pakistan with the Jandial temple near Taxila . Several examples of capitals displaying Ionic influences can be seen as far as Patna , especially with the Pataliputra capital , dated to the 3rd century BC . The Corinthian order is also heavily represented in the art of Gandhara , especially through Indo - Corinthian capitals . Influence on Rome This medallion was produced in Imperial Rome , demonstrating the influence of Alexander 's memory . Walters Art Museum , Baltimore . Alexander and his exploits were admired by many Romans , especially generals , who wanted to associate themselves with his achievements . Polybius began his Histories by reminding Romans of Alexander 's achievements , and thereafter Roman leaders saw him as a role model . Pompey the Great adopted the epithet `` Magnus '' and even Alexander 's anastole - type haircut , and searched the conquered lands of the east for Alexander 's 260 - year - old cloak , which he then wore as a sign of greatness . Julius Caesar dedicated a Lysippean equestrian bronze statue but replaced Alexander 's head with his own , while Octavian visited Alexander 's tomb in Alexandria and temporarily changed his seal from a sphinx to Alexander 's profile . The emperor Trajan also admired Alexander , as did Nero and Caracalla . The Macriani , a Roman family that in the person of Macrinus briefly ascended to the imperial throne , kept images of Alexander on their persons , either on jewelry , or embroidered into their clothes . The Greco - Bactrian king Demetrius ( reigned c. 200 -- c. 180 BC ) , wearing an elephant scalp , took over Alexander 's legacy in the east by again invading India , and establishing the Indo - Greek kingdom ( 180 BC -- 10 AD ) . The coronation of Alexander depicted in medieval European style in the 15th century romance The History of Alexander 's Battles On the other hand , some Roman writers , particularly Republican figures , used Alexander as a cautionary tale of how autocratic tendencies can be kept in check by republican values . Alexander was used by these writers as an example of ruler values such as amicita ( friendship ) and clementia ( clemency ) , but also iracundia ( anger ) and cupiditas gloriae ( over-desire for glory ) . Legend Main article : Alexander the Great in legend Legendary accounts surround the life of Alexander the Great , many deriving from his own lifetime , probably encouraged by Alexander himself . His court historian Callisthenes portrayed the sea in Cilicia as drawing back from him in proskynesis . Writing shortly after Alexander 's death , another participant , Onesicritus , invented a tryst between Alexander and Thalestris , queen of the mythical Amazons . When Onesicritus read this passage to his patron , Alexander 's general and later King Lysimachus reportedly quipped , `` I wonder where I was at the time . '' In the first centuries after Alexander 's death , probably in Alexandria , a quantity of the legendary material coalesced into a text known as the Alexander Romance , later falsely ascribed to Callisthenes and therefore known as Pseudo-Callisthenes . This text underwent numerous expansions and revisions throughout Antiquity and the Middle Ages , containing many dubious stories , and was translated into numerous languages . In ancient and modern culture Main articles : Cultural depictions of Alexander the Great and Alexander the Great in the Quran Alexander the Great depicted in a 14th - century Byzantine manuscript Alexander the Great depicted in a 15th - century Persian miniature painting Alexander the Great 's accomplishments and legacy have been depicted in many cultures . Alexander has figured in both high and popular culture beginning in his own era to the present day . The Alexander Romance , in particular , has had a significant impact on portrayals of Alexander in later cultures , from Persian to medieval European to modern Greek . Alexander features prominently in modern Greek folklore , more so than any other ancient figure . The colloquial form of his name in modern Greek ( `` O Megalexandros '' ) is a household name , and he is the only ancient hero to appear in the Karagiozis shadow play . One well - known fable among Greek seamen involves a solitary mermaid who would grasp a ship 's prow during a storm and ask the captain `` Is King Alexander alive ? '' The correct answer is `` He is alive and well and rules the world ! '' causing the mermaid to vanish and the sea to calm . Any other answer would cause the mermaid to turn into a raging Gorgon who would drag the ship to the bottom of the sea , all hands aboard . In pre-Islamic Middle Persian ( Zoroastrian ) literature , Alexander is referred to by the epithet gujastak , meaning `` accursed '' , and is accused of destroying temples and burning the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism . In Sunni Islamic Persia , under the influence of the Alexander Romance ( in Persian : اسکندرنامه ‎ Iskandarnamah ) , a more positive portrayal of Alexander emerges . Firdausi 's Shahnameh ( `` The Book of Kings '' ) includes Alexander in a line of legitimate Persian shahs , a mythical figure who explored the far reaches of the world in search of the Fountain of Youth . Later Persian writers associate him with philosophy , portraying him at a symposium with figures such as Socrates , Plato and Aristotle , in search of immortality . The figure of Dhul - Qarnayn ( literally `` the Two - Horned One '' ) mentioned in the Quran is believed by some scholars to represent Alexander , due to parallels with the Alexander Romance . In this tradition , he was a heroic figure who built a wall to defend against the nations of Gog and Magog . He then travelled the known world in search of the Water of Life and Immortality , eventually becoming a prophet . The Syriac version of the Alexander Romance portrays him as an ideal Christian world conqueror who prayed to `` the one true God '' . In Egypt , Alexander was portrayed as the son of Nectanebo II , the last pharaoh before the Persian conquest . His defeat of Darius was depicted as Egypt 's salvation , `` proving '' Egypt was still ruled by an Egyptian . According to Josephus , Alexander was shown the Book of Daniel when he entered Jerusalem , which described a mighty Greek king who would conquer the Persian Empire . This is cited as a reason for sparing Jerusalem . In Hindi and Urdu , the name `` Sikandar '' , derived from Persian , denotes a rising young talent . In medieval Europe , Alexander the Great was revered as a member of the Nine Worthies , a group of heroes whose lives were believed to encapsulate all the ideal qualities of chivalry . Irish playwright Aubrey Thomas de Vere wrote Alexander the Great , a Dramatic Poem . Historiography Main article : Alexander the Great in historiography Apart from a few inscriptions and fragments , texts written by people who actually knew Alexander or who gathered information from men who served with Alexander were all lost . Contemporaries who wrote accounts of his life included Alexander 's campaign historian Callisthenes ; Alexander 's generals Ptolemy and Nearchus ; Aristobulus , a junior officer on the campaigns ; and Onesicritus , Alexander 's chief helmsman . Their works are lost , but later works based on these original sources have survived . The earliest of these is Diodorus Siculus ( 1st century BC ) , followed by Quintus Curtius Rufus ( mid-to - late 1st century AD ) , Arrian ( 1st to 2nd century AD ) , the biographer Plutarch ( 1st to 2nd century AD ) , and finally Justin , whose work dated as late as the 4th century . Of these , Arrian is generally considered the most reliable , given that he used Ptolemy and Aristobulus as his sources , closely followed by Diodorus . Ancestry show Ancestors of Alexander the Great 8 . Arrhidaeus 4 . Amyntas III of Macedon 2 . Philip II of Macedon 10 . Sirras 5 . Eurydice I of Macedon 1 . Alexander the Great 24 . Tharrhypas 12 . Alcetas I of Epirus 6 . Neoptolemus I of Epirus 3 . Olympias See also History portal Greece portal Iran portal Egypt portal War portal Library resources about Alexander the Great Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Alexander the Great in the Qur'an Ancient Macedonian army Bucephalus Chronology of European exploration of Asia Diogenes and Alexander Ptolemaic cult of Alexander the Great List of people known as The Great The Mahabharata Quest : The Alexander Secret Annotations ^ Macedon was an Ancient Greek polity . The Macedonians were a Greek tribe . Historiography and scholarship agree that Alexander the Great was Greek . ^ By the time of his death , he had conquered the entire Achaemenid Persian Empire , adding it to Macedon 's European territories ; according to some modern writers , this was most of the world then known to the ancient Greeks ( the ' Ecumene ' ) . An approximate view of the world known to Alexander can be seen in Hecataeus of Miletus 's map ; see Hecataeus world map . ^ For instance , Hannibal supposedly ranked Alexander as the greatest general ; Julius Caesar wept on seeing a statue of Alexander , since he had achieved so little by the same age ; Pompey consciously posed as the ' new Alexander ' ; the young Napoleon Bonaparte also encouraged comparisons with Alexander . ^ The name Ἀλέξανδρος derives from the Greek verb ἀλέξω ( aléxō , lit . ' ward off , avert , defend ' ) and ἀνδρ - ( andr - ) , the stem of ἀνήρ ( anḗr , lit . ' man ' ) , and means `` protector of men '' . ^ There have been , since the time , many suspicions that Pausanias was actually hired to murder Philip . Suspicion has fallen upon Alexander , Olympias and even the newly crowned Persian Emperor , Darius III . All three of these people had motive to have Philip murdered . ^ However , Arrian , who used Ptolemy as a source , said that Alexander crossed with more than 5,000 horse and 30,000 foot ; Diodorus quoted the same totals , but listed 5,100 horse and 32,000 foot . Diodorus also referred to an advance force already present in Asia , which Polyaenus , in his Stratagems of War ( 5.44. 4 ) , said numbered 10,000 men . References Jump up ^ Bloom , Jonathan M. ; Blair , Sheila S. ( 2009 ) The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture : Mosul to Zirid , Volume 3 . ( Oxford University Press Incorporated , 2009 ) , 385 ; `` ( Khojand , Tajikistan ) ; As the easternmost outpost of the empire of Alexander the Great , the city was renamed Alexandria Eschate ( '' furthest Alexandria `` ) in 329 BCE . '' Golden , Peter B. Central Asia in World History ( Oxford University Press , 2011 ) , 25 ; `` ( ... ) his campaigns in Central Asia brought Khwarazm , Sogdia and Bactria under Graeco - Macedonian rule . As elsewhere , Alexander founded or renamed a number of cities , such as Alexandria Eschate ( '' Outernmost Alexandria `` , near modern Khojent in Tajikistan ) . '' Jump up ^ `` Alexander the Great ( 356 -- 323 BC ) '' . UK : BBC . Jump up ^ Yenne 2010 , p. 159 . Jump up ^ Heckel , Waldemar ; Tritle , Lawrence A. , eds. ( 2009 ) . `` The Corinthian League '' . Alexander the Great : A New History . Wiley - Blackwell . p. 99 . ISBN 1 - 4051 - 3082 - 2 . Jump up ^ Burger , Michael ( 2008 ) . The Shaping of Western Civilization : From Antiquity to the Enlightenment . University of Toronto Press . p. 76 . ISBN 1 - 55111 - 432 - 1 . Jump up ^ Yenne 2010 , p. viii . Jump up ^ `` Guardian on Time Magazine 's 100 personalities of all time '' . Jump up ^ `` The birth of Alexander the Great '' . Livius . Retrieved 16 December 2011 . Alexander was born the sixth of Hekatombaion . Jump up ^ Green , Peter ( 1970 ) , Alexander of Macedon , 356 -- 323 B.C. : a historical biography , Hellenistic culture and society ( illustrated , revised reprint ed . ) , University of California Press , p. xxxiii , ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 07165 - 0 , 356 -- Alexander born in Pella . The exact date is not known , but probably either 20 or 26 July . Jump up ^ McCarty 2004 , p. 10 , Renault 2001 , p. 28 , Durant 1966 , p. 538 Jump up ^ Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 171 . ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 188 . ^ Jump up to : Plutarch 1919 , III , 2 Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , p. 28 , Bose 2003 , p. 21 Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , pp. 33 -- 34 . ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 186 . Jump up ^ Plutarch 1919 , VI , 5 Jump up ^ Durant 1966 , p. 538 , Fox 1980 , p. 64 , Renault 2001 , p. 39 Jump up ^ Fox 1980 , pp. 65 -- 66 , Renault 2001 , p. 44 , McCarty 2004 , p. 15 Jump up ^ Fox 1980 , pp. 65 -- 66 , Renault 2001 , pp. 45 -- 47 , McCarty 2004 , p. 16 Jump up ^ Fox 1980 , p. 68 , Renault 2001 , p. 47 , Bose 2003 , p. 43 Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , pp. 47 -- 49 . Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , pp. 50 -- 51 , Bose 2003 , pp. 44 -- 45 , McCarty 2004 , p. 23 Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , p. 51 , Bose 2003 , p. 47 , McCarty 2004 , p. 24 Jump up ^ Diodorus Siculus 1989 , XVI , 86 Jump up ^ `` History of Ancient Sparta '' . Sikyon . Archived from the original on 5 March 2001 . Retrieved 14 November 2009 . Jump up ^ Renault 2001 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ McCarty 2004 , p. 26 . ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 179 . Jump up ^ McCarty 2004 , p. 27 . Jump up ^ Plutarch 1919 , IX , 1 ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 180 . 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Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 1 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 2 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 3 -- 4 , Renault 2001 , pp. 73 -- 74 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 5 -- 6 , Renault 2001 , p. 77 ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 192 . ^ Jump up to : Roisman & Worthington 2010 , p. 199 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 11 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 20 -- 23 ^ Jump up to : Arrian 1976 , I , 23 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 27 -- 28 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 3 Jump up ^ Green 2007 , p. 351 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , I , 11 -- 12 Jump up ^ The Anabasis of Alexander / Book II / Chapter XIV / Darius 's Letter , and Alexander 's Reply -- Arrian Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , II , 16 -- 24 Jump up ^ Gunther 2007 , p. 84 Jump up ^ Sabin , van Wees & Whitby 2007 , p. 396 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , II , 26 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , II , 26 -- 27 Jump up ^ Ring et al. 1994 , pp. 49 , 320 Jump up ^ Bosworth 1988 , pp. 71 -- 74 . Jump up ^ Dahmen 2007 , pp. 10 -- 11 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , III , 1 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , III 7 -- 15 ; also in a contemporary Babylonian account of the battle of Gaugamela ^ Jump up to : Arrian 1976 , III , 16 Jump up ^ Arrian 1976 , III , 18 Jump up ^ Foreman 2004 , p. 152 ^ Jump up to : Morkot 1996 , p. 121 . Jump up ^ Hammond 1983 , pp. 72 -- 73 . ^ Jump up to : Yenne , Bill ( 2010 ) . Alexander the Great : Lessons from History 's Undefeated General . New York City , New York : Palgrave Macmillan . p. 99 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 61915 - 9 . Jump up ^ Freeman , Philip ( 2011 ) . Alexander the Great . New York City , New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks . p. 213 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4391 - 9328 - 0 . Jump up ^ Briant , Pierre ( 2010 ) ( 1974 ) . Alexander the Great and His Empire : A Short Introduction . Princeton , New Jersey : Princeton University Press . p. 109 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 691 - 15445 - 9 . Jump up ^ O'Brien , John Maxwell ( 1994 ) . 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Hornblower , Simon ( 2008 ) . `` Greek Identity in the Archaic and Classical Periods '' . In Zacharia , K. Hellenisms : Culture , Identity and Ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity . Ashgate . pp. 37 -- 58 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7546 - 6525 - 0 . Keay , John ( 2001 ) . India : A History . Grove Press . ISBN 0 - 8021 - 3797 - 0 . Kosmin , Paul J. ( 2014 ) , The Land of the Elephant Kings : Space , Territory , and Ideology in Seleucid Empire , Harvard University Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 674 - 72882 - 0 Liddell , Henry George ; Scott , Robert ( 1940 ) . Jones , Sir Henry Stuart ; McKenzie , Roderick , eds . A Greek - English Lexicon on Perseus Digital Library . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Luniya , Bhanwarlal Nathuram ( 1978 ) . Life and Culture in Ancient India : From the Earliest Times to 1000 AD . Lakshmi Narain Agarwal . LCCN 78907043 . McCarty , Nick ( 2004 ) . Alexander the Great . Camberwell , Victoria : Penguin . ISBN 0 - 670 - 04268 - 4 . McKechnie , Paul ( 1989 ) . 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Chicago : Fitzroy Dearborn , 1994 -- 1996 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 884964 - 04 - 6 . Roisman , Joseph ; Worthington , Ian ( 2010 ) . A Companion to Ancient Macedonia . John Wiley & Sons . ISBN 1 - 4051 - 7936 - 8 . Sabin , P ; van Wees , H ; Whitby , M ( 2007 ) . The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare : Greece , the Hellenistic World and the Rise of Rome . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 78273 - 2 . Sacks , David ( 1995 ) . Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World . Constable & Co . ISBN 0 - 09 - 475270 - 2 . Stoneman , Richard ( 2004 ) . Alexander the Great . Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 31932 - 3 . Stoneman , Richard ( 1996 ) . `` The Metamorphoses of Alexander Romance '' . In Schmeling , Gareth L. The Novel in the Ancient World . Brill . pp. 601 -- 12 . ISBN 90 - 04 - 09630 - 2 . Studniczka , Franz ( 1894 ) . Achäologische Jahrbook 9 . Tripathi , Rama Shankar ( 1999 ) . History of Ancient India . ISBN 978 - 81 - 208 - 0018 - 2 . Heckel , Waldemar ; Tritle , Lawrence A , eds. ( 2009 ) . Alexander the Great : A New History . Wiley - Blackwell . pp. 47 -- 48 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4051 - 3082 - 0 . Wood , Michael ( 2001 ) . In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great : A Journey from Greece to Asia . University of California Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 23192 - 4 . Worthington , Ian ( 2003 ) . Alexander the Great : A Reader . Routledge . p. 332 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 29187 - 9 . Yenne , Bill ( 2010 ) . Alexander the Great : Lessons From History 's Undefeated General . Palmgrave McMillan . ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 61915 - 9 . Library resources about Alexander the Great Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Further reading Badian , Ernst ( 1958 ) . `` Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind '' . Historia. 7 . Beazley , JD ; Ashmole , B ( 1932 ) . Greek Sculpture and Painting . Cambridge University Press . Bowra , Maurice ( 1994 ) . The Greek Experience . Phoenix . ISBN 1 - 85799 - 122 - 2 . Burn , AR ( 1951 ) . Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Empire ( 2 ed . ) . London : English Universities Press . Rufus , Quintus Curtius . `` Quintus Curtius Rufus , History of Alexander the Great '' ( in Latin ) . U Chicago . Retrieved 16 November 2009 . Cartledge , Paul ( 2004 ) . `` Alexander the Great '' . Overlook . Doherty , Paul ( 2004 ) . `` The Death of Alexander the Great '' . Carroll & Graf . Engels , Donald W ( 1978 ) . Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army . Berkeley : University of California Press . Fawcett , Bill , ed. ( 2006 ) . How To Lose A Battle : Foolish Plans and Great Military Blunders. Harper . ISBN 0 - 06 - 076024 - 9 . Fuller , JFC ( 1958 ) . The Generalship of Alexander the Great . London : Eyre & Spottiswoode . ISBN 9780306803710 . Green , Peter ( 1992 ) . Alexander of Macedon : 356 -- 323 BC . A Historical Biography . University of California Press . ISBN 0 - 520 - 07166 - 2 . Greene , Robert ( 2000 ) . The 48 Laws of Power . Penguin . p. 351 . ISBN 0 - 14 - 028019 - 7 . Hammond , NGL ( 1989 ) . The Macedonian State : Origins , Institutions , and History . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 814883 - 6 . Hammond , NGL ( 1994 ) . Alexander the Great : King , Commander , and Statesman ( 3 ed . ) . London : Bristol Classical Press . Hammond , NGL ( 1997 ) . The Genius of Alexander the Great . Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press . Mercer , Charles ( 1962 ) . The Way of Alexander the Great ( 1 ed . ) . Boston : American Heritage Inc . McCrindle , J.W. ( 1893 ) . The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described by Arrian , Q Curtius , Diodorus , Plutarch , and Justin . Westminster : Archibald Constable & Co . Murphy , James Jerome ; Katula , Richard A ; Hill , Forbes I ; Ochs , Donovan J ( 2003 ) . A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates . p. 17 . ISBN 1 - 880393 - 35 - 2 . Nandan , Y ; Bhavan , BV ( 2003 ) . British Death March Under Asiatic Impulse : Epic of Anglo - Indian Tragedy in Afghanistan . Mumbai : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan . ISBN 81 - 7276 - 301 - 8 . O'Brien , John Maxwell ( 1992 ) . Alexander the Great : The Invisible Enemy . London : Routledge . Pomeroy , S ; Burstein , S ; Dolan , W ; Roberts , J ( 1998 ) . Ancient Greece : A Political , Social , and Cultural History . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 509742 - 4 . Prevas , John ( 2004 ) . Envy of the Gods : Alexander the Great 's Ill - Fated Journey Across Asia ( 3 ed . ) . Da Capo . Roisman , Joseph , ed. ( 1995 ) . Alexander the Great Ancient and Modern Perspectives . Problems in European Civilization . Lexington , MA : DC Heath . Savill , Agnes ( 1959 ) . Alexander the Great and His Time ( 3 ed . ) . London : Barrie & Rockliff . Stewart , Andrew ( 1993 ) . Faces of Power : Alexander 's Image and Hellenistic Politics . Hellenistic Culture and Society . 11 . Berkeley : University of California Press . Stoneman , Richard ( 2008 ) . Alexander the Great : A Life in Legend . Yale University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 11203 - 0 . Tarn , WW ( 1948 ) . Alexander the Great . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Wheeler , Benjamin Ide ( 1900 ) . Alexander the Great ; the merging of East and West in universal history . New York : GP Putnam 's sons . Wilcken , Ulrich ( 1997 ) ( 1932 ) . Alexander the Great . New York : WW Norton & Co . ISBN 0 - 393 - 00381 - 7 . Worthington , Ian ( 2004 ) . Alexander the Great : Man And God . Pearson . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4058 - 0162 - 1 . External links Find more aboutAlexander the Greatat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity Alexander the Great ( king of Macedonia ) at Encyclopædia Britannica Delamarche , Félix ( 1833 ) , The Empire and Expeditions of Alexander the Great . Romm , James ; Cartledge , Paul , `` Two Great Historians On Alexander the Great '' , Forbes ( conversations ) Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 . Alexander the Great at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Alexander the Great : An annotated list of primary sources , Livius . The Elusive Tomb of Alexander the Great , Archæology . Alexander the Great and Sherlock Holmes , Sherlockian Sherlock . In Our Time : Alexander the Great BBC discussion with Paul Cartledge , Diana Spencer and Rachel Mairs hosted by Melvyn Bragg , first broadcast 1 October 2015 . Alexander the Great Argead dynasty Born : 356 BC 323 BC Regnal titles Preceded by Philip II King of Macedon 336 -- 323 BC Succeeded by Philip III and Alexander IV Preceded by Darius III Great King ( Shah ) of Persia 330 -- 323 BC Pharaoh of Egypt 332 -- 323 BC New creation Lord of Asia 331 -- 323 BC Kings of Macedon Argead Caranus Coenus Tyrimmas Perdiccas I Argaeus I Philip I Aeropus I Alcetas I Amyntas I Alexander I Alcetas II Perdiccas II Archelaus I Craterus Orestes / Aeropus II Archelaus II Amyntas II Pausanias Argaeus II Amyntas III Alexander II Perdiccas III Amyntas IV Philip II Alexander III ( Alexander the Great ) Philip III Alexander IV Regents Ptolemy of Aloros Perdiccas Peithon and Arrhidaeus Antipater Polyperchon Cassander Antipatrid Cassander Philip IV Alexander V Antipater II Antipater Etesias Sosthenes Antigonid Demetrius I Antigonus II Demetrius II Antigonus III Philip V Perseus Andriscus ( Philip VI ) Non-dynastic Lysimachus Pyrrhus Ptolemy Keraunos Meleager Hellenistic rulers Argeads Philip II Alexander III the Great Philip III Arrhidaeus Alexander IV Antigonids Antigonus I Monophthalmus Demetrius I Poliorcetes Antigonus II Gonatas Demetrius II Aetolicus Antigonus III Doson Philip V Perseus Philip VI ( pretender ) Ptolemies Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy Keraunos Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Ptolemy V Epiphanes Cleopatra I Syra ( regent ) Ptolemy VI Philometor Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator Cleopatra II Philometor Soter Ptolemy VIII Physcon Cleopatra III Ptolemy IX Lathyros Ptolemy X Alexander Berenice III Ptolemy XI Alexander Ptolemy XII Auletes Cleopatra VI Tryphaena Berenice IV Epiphanea Ptolemy XIII Ptolemy XIV Cleopatra VII Philopator Ptolemy XV Caesarion Kings of Cyrene Magas Demetrius the Fair Ptolemy VIII Physcon Ptolemy Apion Seleucids Seleucus I Nicator Antiochus I Soter Antiochus II Theos Seleucus II Callinicus Seleucus III Ceraunus Antiochus III the Great Seleucus IV Philopator Antiochus IV Epiphanes Antiochus V Eupator Demetrius I Soter Alexander I Balas Demetrius II Nicator Antiochus VI Dionysus Diodotus Tryphon Antiochus VII Sidetes Alexander II Zabinas Seleucus V Philometor Antiochus VIII Grypus Antiochus IX Cyzicenus Seleucus VI Epiphanes Antiochus X Eusebes Antiochus XI Epiphanes Demetrius III Eucaerus Philip I Philadelphus Antiochus XII Dionysus Antiochus XIII Asiaticus Philip II Philoromaeus Lysimachids Lysimachus Ptolemy Epigonos Antipatrids Cassander Philip IV Alexander V Antipater II Antipater Etesias Sosthenes Attalids Philetaerus Eumenes I Attalus I Eumenes II Attalus II Attalus III Eumenes III Greco - Bactrians Diodotus I Diodotus II Euthydemus I Demetrius I Euthydemus II Antimachus I Pantaleon Agathocles Demetrius II Eucratides I Plato Eucratides II Heliocles I Indo - Greeks Demetrius I Antimachus I Pantaleon Agathocles Apollodotus I Demetrius II Antimachus II Menander I Zoilos I Agathokleia Lysias Strato I Antialcidas Heliokles II Polyxenos Demetrius III Philoxenus Diomedes Amyntas Epander Theophilos Peukolaos Thraso Nicias Menander II Artemidoros Hermaeus Archebius Telephos Apollodotus II Hippostratos Dionysios Zoilos II Apollophanes Strato II Strato III Kings of Bithynia Boteiras Bas Zipoetes I Nicomedes I Zipoetes II Etazeta ( regent ) Ziaelas Prusias I Prusias II Nicomedes II Nicomedes III Nicomedes IV Socrates Chrestus Kings of Pontus Mithridates I Ctistes Ariobarzanes Mithridates II Mithridates III Pharnaces I Mithridates IV Philopator Philadephos Mithridates V Euergetes Mithridates VI Eupator Pharnaces II Darius Arsaces Polemon I Pythodorida Polemon II Kings of Commagene Ptolemaeus Sames II Mithridates I Antiochus I Mithridates II Antiochus II Mithridates III Antiochus III Antiochus IV Kings of Cappadocia Ariarathes I Ariarathes II Ariamnes II Ariarathes III Ariarathes IV Ariarathes V Orophernes Ariarathes VI Ariarathes VII Ariarathes VIII Ariarathes IX Ariobarzanes I Ariobarzanes II Ariobarzanes III Ariarathes X Archelaus Kings of the Cimmerian Bosporus Paerisades I Satyros II Prytanis Eumelos Spartokos III Hygiainon ( regent ) Paerisades II Spartokos IV Leukon II Spartokos V Paerisades III Paerisades IV Paerisades V Mithridates I Pharnaces Asander with Dynamis Mithridates II Asander with Dynamis Scribonius ' attempted rule with Dynamis Dynamis with Polemon Polemon with Pythodorida Aspurgus Mithridates III with Gepaepyris Mithridates III Cotys I Pharaohs Protodynastic to First Intermediate Period ( < 3150 -- 2040 BC ) Period Dynasty Pharaohs ( male female ) uncertain Protodynastic ( pre-3150 BC ) Lower Hsekiu Khayu Tiu Thesh Neheb Wazner Mekh Double Falcon Upper Scorpion I Crocodile Iry - Hor Ka Scorpion II Narmer / Menes Early Dynastic ( 3150 -- 2686 BC ) Narmer / Menes Hor - Aha Djer Djet Merneith Den Anedjib Semerkhet Qa'a Sneferka Horus Bird II Hotepsekhemwy Nebra / Raneb Nynetjer Ba Nubnefer Horus Sa Weneg - Nebty Wadjenes Senedj Seth - Peribsen Sekhemib - Perenmaat Neferkara I Neferkasokar Hudjefa I Khasekhemwy Old Kingdom ( 2686 -- 2181 BC ) III Nebka Djoser Sekhemkhet Sanakht Khaba Qahedjet Huni IV Snefru Khufu Djedefre Khafre Bikheris Menkaure Shepseskaf Thamphthis V Userkaf Sahure Neferirkare Kakai Neferefre Shepseskare Nyuserre Ini Menkauhor Kaiu Djedkare Isesi Unas VI Teti Userkare Pepi I Merenre Nemtyemsaf I Pepi II Merenre Nemtyemsaf II Netjerkare Siptah 1 Intermediate ( 2181 -- 2040 BC ) VIII Menkare Neferkare II Neferkare III Neby Djedkare Shemai Neferkare IV Khendu Merenhor Neferkamin Nikare Neferkare V Tereru Neferkahor Neferkare VI Pepiseneb Neferkamin Anu Qakare Iby Neferkaure Neferkauhor Neferirkare Wadjkare Khuiqer Khui IX Meryibre Khety Neferkare VII Nebkaure Khety Setut X Meryhathor Neferkare VIII Wahkare Khety Merykare Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period ( 2040 -- 1550 BC ) Period Dynasty Pharaohs ( male female ) uncertain Middle Kingdom ( 2040 -- 1802 BC ) XI Mentuhotep I Intef I Intef II Intef III Mentuhotep II Mentuhotep III Mentuhotep IV Nubia Segerseni Qakare Ini Iyibkhentre XII Amenemhat I Senusret I Amenemhat II Senusret II Senusret III Amenemhat III Amenemhat IV Sobekneferu 2 Intermediate ( 1802 -- 1550 BC ) XIII Sekhemrekhutawy Sobekhotep Sonbef Nerikare Sekhemkare Amenemhat V Ameny Qemau Hotepibre Iufni Ameny Antef Amenemhet VI Semenkare Nebnuni Sehetepibre Sewadjkare Nedjemibre Khaankhre Sobekhotep Renseneb Hor Sekhemrekhutawy Khabaw Djedkheperew Sebkay Sedjefakare Wegaf Khendjer Imyremeshaw Sehetepkare Intef Seth Meribre Sobekhotep III Neferhotep I Sihathor Sobekhotep IV Merhotepre Sobekhotep Khahotepre Sobekhotep Wahibre Ibiau Merneferre Ay Merhotepre Ini Sankhenre Sewadjtu Mersekhemre Ined Sewadjkare Hori Merkawre Sobekhotep Mershepsesre Ini II Sewahenre Senebmiu Merkheperre Merkare Sewadjare Mentuhotep Seheqenre Sankhptahi XIV Yakbim Sekhaenre Ya'ammu Nubwoserre Qareh Khawoserre ' Ammu Ahotepre Maaibre Sheshi Nehesy Khakherewre Nebefawre Sehebre Merdjefare Sewadjkare III Nebdjefare Webenre Nebsenre Sekheperenre Djedkherewre Bebnum ' Apepi Nuya Wazad Sheneh Shenshek Khamure Yakareb Yaqub - Har XV Semqen ' Aper - ' Anati Sakir - Har Khyan Apepi Khamudi XVI Djehuti Sobekhotep VIII Neferhotep III Mentuhotepi Nebiryraw I Nebiriau II Semenre Bebiankh Sekhemre Shedwast Dedumose I Dedumose II Montuemsaf Merankhre Mentuhotep Senusret IV Pepi III Abydos Senebkay Wepwawetemsaf Pantjeny Snaaib XVII Rahotep Nebmaatre Sobekemsaf I Sobekemsaf II Sekhemre - Wepmaat Intef Nubkheperre Intef Sekhemre - Heruhirmaat Intef Senakhtenre Ahmose Seqenenre Tao Kamose New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period ( 1550 -- 664 BC ) Period Dynasty Pharaohs ( male female ) uncertain New Kingdom ( 1550 -- 1070 BC ) XVIII Ahmose I Amenhotep I Thutmose I Thutmose II Thutmose III Hatshepsut Amenhotep II Thutmose IV Amenhotep III Akhenaten Smenkhkare Neferneferuaten Tutankhamun Ay Horemheb XIX Ramesses I Seti I Ramesses II Merneptah Amenmesses Seti II Siptah Twosret XX Setnakhte Ramesses III Ramesses IV Ramesses V Ramesses VI Ramesses VII Ramesses VIII Ramesses IX Ramesses X Ramesses XI 3 Intermediate ( 1069 -- 664 BC ) XXI Smendes Amenemnisu Psusennes I Amenemope Osorkon the Elder Siamun Psusennes II XXII Shoshenq I Osorkon I Shoshenq II Takelot I Osorkon II Shoshenq III Shoshenq IV Pami Shoshenq V Osorkon IV XXIII Harsiese A Takelot II Pedubast I Shoshenq VI Osorkon III Takelot III Rudamun Menkheperre Ini XXIV Tefnakht Bakenranef XXV Piye Shebitku Shabaka Taharqa Tanutamun hide Late Period and Hellenistic Period ( 664 -- 30 BC ) Period Dynasty Pharaohs ( male female ) uncertain Late ( 664 -- 332 BC ) XXVI Necho I Psamtik I Necho II Psamtik II Wahibre Ahmose II Psamtik III XXVII Cambyses II Petubastis III Darius I Xerxes Artaxerxes I Darius II XXVIII Amyrtaeus XXIX Nepherites I Hakor Psammuthes Nepherites II XXX Nectanebo I Teos Nectanebo II XXXI Artaxerxes III Khabash Arses Darius III Hellenistic ( 332 -- 30 BC ) Argead Alexander the Great Philip III Arrhidaeus Alexander IV Ptolemaic Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Ptolemy V Epiphanes Ptolemy VI Philometor Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator Ptolemy VIII Euergetes Ptolemy IX Soter Ptolemy X Alexander I Ptolemy XI Alexander II Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos Berenice IV Cleopatra Ptolemy XV Caesarion Dynastic genealogies 11 12 18 19 20 21 to 23 25 26 27 30 31 Ptolemaic List of pharaohs Shahnameh of Ferdowsi Characters Pishdadian Keyumars Hushang Tahmuras Jamshid Fereydun Iraj Manuchehr Nowzar Zaav Garshasp Kayanian Kay Kawād Kay Kāvus Kay Khosrow Kay Lohrasp Goshtāsb Kay Bahman Homai Kay Darab Dara Characters Siamak Mardas Zahhak Shahrasp Abtin Kayanoush Kāve Arash Salm Tur Qobád Qaren Tous Gostaham Nariman Sām Zāl Rostam Sohrab Esfandiyār Pashotan Faramarz Fariborz Siyâvash Farud Zangay - i Shavaran Kashvad Goudarz Rohham Hojir Bahram Giv Bizhan Japasp Garshasp Gorgin Mehrab Kaboli Zavara Shaghad Rostam Farrokhzād Women Faranak Arnavāz Shahrnāz Sindukht Rudaba Sudabeh Tahmina Gordafarid Farangis Manizheh Katāyoun Turanian Zadashm Pashang Aghrirat Garsivaz Afrasiab Shideh Arjasp Viseh Nastihan Piran Viseh Houman Barman Biderafsh Clans and families Kashvadian House of Goudarz House of Viseh House of Nowzar House of Sasan House of Sām Creatures & animals Akvan Div Khazawran - i Div Arzhang Div Div - e Sepid Koulad - Ghandi Huma bird Simurgh Rakhsh Shabdiz Shabrang Places Iran Turan Zabulistan Sistan Kabul Balkh Ctesiphon Estakhr Mazandaran Alborzkouh Mount Damavand Tammisha Kasa - Roud ... Structures Gonbadan Castle Dez - i Roein White Castle Bahman Castle Dez - i Alanan Kang - dez Manuscripts Baysonghor Shahnameh Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasp Florence Shahnameh Shahnameh of Rashida Windsor Shahnameh Great Mongol Shahnameh ( or Demotte ) Shahnameh of Ghavam al - Din See also Abu - Mansur Daqiqi Abu - Mansuri Shahnameh Derafsh Kaviani Babr - e Bayan Zal and Rudabeh Rostam and Sohrab Rostam 's Seven Labours Davazdah Rokh Khosrow and Shirin Bijan and Manijeh Persian mythology Category Book Ancient Greece Outline Timeline History Geography Periods Cycladic civilization Minoan civilization Mycenaean civilization Greek Dark Ages Archaic period Classical Greece Hellenistic Greece Roman Greece Geography Aegean Sea Aeolis Alexandria Antioch Cappadocia Crete Cyprus Doris Ephesus Epirus Hellespont Ionia Ionian Sea Macedonia Magna Graecia Miletus Peloponnesus Pergamon Pontus Taurica Ancient Greek colonies City states Politics Military City states Argos Athens Byzantion Chalcis Corinth Eretria Kerkyra Larissa Megalopolis Megara Rhodes Samos Sparta Syracuse Thebes Politics Boeotarch Boule Koinon Proxeny Strategos Tagus Tyrant Amphictyonic League Athenian Agora Areopagus Ecclesia Graphē paranómōn Heliaia Ostracism Spartan Apella Ephor Gerousia Harmost Macedon Synedrion Koinon Military Wars Athenian military Antigonid Macedonian army Army of Macedon Ballista Cretan archers Hellenistic armies Hippeis Hoplite Hetairoi Macedonian phalanx Phalanx Peltast Pezhetairos Sarissa Sacred Band of Thebes Sciritae Seleucid army Spartan army Toxotai Xiphos Xyston People List of ancient Greeks Rulers Kings of Argos Archons of Athens Kings of Athens Kings of Commagene Diadochi Kings of Lydia Kings of Macedonia Kings of Paionia Attalid kings of Pergamon Kings of Pontus Kings of Sparta Tyrants of Syracuse Philosophers Anaxagoras Anaximander Anaximenes Antisthenes Aristotle Democritus Diogenes of Sinope Empedocles Epicurus Gorgias Heraclitus Hypatia Leucippus Parmenides Plato Protagoras Pythagoras Socrates Thales Zeno Authors Aeschylus Aesop Alcaeus Archilochus Aristophanes Bacchylides Euripides Herodotus Hesiod Hipponax Homer Ibycus Lucian Menander Mimnermus Panyassis Philocles Pindar Plutarch Polybius Sappho Simonides Sophocles Stesichorus Theognis Thucydides Timocreon Tyrtaeus Xenophon Others Agesilaus II Agis II Alcibiades Alexander the Great Aratus Archimedes Aspasia Demosthenes Epaminondas Euclid Hipparchus Hippocrates Leonidas Lycurgus Lysander Milo of Croton Miltiades Pausanias Pericles Philip of Macedon Philopoemen Praxiteles Ptolemy Pyrrhus Solon Themistocles Groups Philosophers Playwrights Poets Tyrants By culture Ancient Greek tribes Thracian Greeks Ancient Macedonians Society Culture Society Agriculture Calendar Clothing Coinage Cuisine Economy Education Festivals Funeral and burial practices Homosexuality Law Olympic Games Pederasty Philosophy Prostitution Religion Slavery Warfare Wedding customs Wine Arts and science Architecture Greek Revival architecture Astronomy Literature Mathematics Medicine Music Musical system Pottery Sculpture Technology Theatre Religion Funeral and burial practices Mythology mythological figures Temple Twelve Olympians Underworld Sacred places Eleusis Delphi Delos Dodona Mount Olympus Olympia Structures Athenian Treasury Lion Gate Long Walls Philippeion Theatre of Dionysus Tunnel of Eupalinos Temples Aphaea Artemis Athena Nike Erechtheion Hephaestus Hera , Olympia Parthenon Samothrace Zeus , Olympia Language Proto - 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where does the idea of purgatory come from
The idea of purgatory has roots that date back into antiquity . A sort of proto - purgatory called the `` celestial Hades '' appears in the writings of Plato and Heraclides Ponticus and in many other pagan writers . This concept is distinguished from the Hades of the underworld described in the works of Homer and Hesiod . In contrast , the celestial Hades was understood as an intermediary place where souls spent an undetermined time after death before either moving on to a higher level of existence or being reincarnated back on earth . Its exact location varied from author to author . Heraclides of Pontus thought it was in the Milky Way ; the Academicians , the Stoics , Cicero , Virgil , Plutarch , the Hermetical writings situated it between the Moon and the Earth or around the Moon ; while Numenius and the Latin Neoplatonists thought it was located between the sphere of the fixed stars and the Earth .
History of purgatory
history of purgatory
The idea of purgatory has roots that date back into antiquity . A sort of proto - purgatory called the `` celestial Hades '' appears in the writings of Plato and Heraclides Ponticus and in many other pagan writers . This concept is distinguished from the Hades of the underworld described in the works of Homer and Hesiod . In contrast , the celestial Hades was understood as an intermediary place where souls spent an undetermined time after death before either moving on to a higher level of existence or being reincarnated back on earth . Its exact location varied from author to author . Heraclides of Pontus thought it was in the Milky Way ; the Academicians , the Stoics , Cicero , Virgil , Plutarch , the Hermetical writings situated it between the Moon and the Earth or around the Moon ; while Numenius and the Latin Neoplatonists thought it was located between the sphere of the fixed stars and the Earth .
Perhaps under the influence of Hellenistic thought , we find another intermediate state entering Jewish religious thought in the last centuries B.C.E. In Maccabees we find the practice of prayer for the dead with a view to their after life purification a practice accepted by some Christians . The same practice appears in other traditions , such as the medieval Chinese Buddhist practice of making offerings on behalf of the dead , who are said to suffer numerous trials . Among other reasons , Catholic belief in purgatory is based on the practice of prayer for the dead . Descriptions and doctrine regarding purgatory developed over the centuries . Those who believe in purgatory interpret Bible passages such as 2 Maccabees 12 : 41 - 46 ( not accepted as Scripture by Protestants but recognized by Orthodox and Catholics ) , 2 Timothy 1 : 18 , Matthew 12 : 32 , Luke 16 : 19 - 16 : 26 , Luke 23 : 43 , 1 Corinthians 3 : 11 - 3 : 15 and Hebrews 12 : 29 as support for prayer for the dead , an active interim state for the dead prior to the resurrection , and purifying flames after death . The first Christians looked forward to the imminent return of Christ and did not develop detailed beliefs about the interim state . Gradually , Christians , especially in the West , took an interest in circumstances of the interim state between one 's death and the future resurrection . Christians both East and West prayed for the dead in this interim state , although theologians in the East refrained from defining it . Augustine of Hippo distinguished between the purifying fire that saves and eternal consuming fire for the unrepentant . Gregory the Great established a connection between earthly penance and purification after death . All Soul 's Day , established in the 10th century , turned popular attention to the condition of departed souls . The idea of Purgatory as a physical place ( like heaven and hell ) was `` born '' in the late 11th century . Medieval theologians concluded that the purgatorial punishments consisted of material fire . The Western formulation of purgatory proved to be a sticking point in the Great Schism between East and West . The Catholic Church believes that the living can help those whose purification from their sins is not yet completed not only by praying for them but also by gaining indulgences for them as an act of intercession . The later Middle Ages saw the growth of considerable abuses , such as the unrestricted sale of indulgences by professional `` pardoners '' sent to collect contributions to projects such as the rebuilding of St. Peter 's Basilica in Rome . These abuses were one of the factors that led to the Protestant Reformation . Most Protestants rejected the idea of purgatory , as never clearly mentioned in Luther 's canon of the Bible , which excludes the Deuterocanonical books . Modern Catholic theologians have softened the punitive aspects of purgatory and stress instead the willingness of the dead to undergo purification as preparation for the happiness of heaven The English Anglican scholar John Henry Newman argued , in a book that he wrote before becoming Catholic , that the essence of the doctrine on purgatory is locatable in ancient tradition , and that the core consistency of such beliefs are evidence that Christianity was `` originally given to us from heaven '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Christian Antiquity 1.1 Prayer for the dead 1.2 Purification after death 1.3 Interim state 2 Early Middle Ages 2.1 Gregory the Great 2.2 Visions of purgatory 2.3 Other influential writers 3 High Middle Ages 3.1 East - West Schism 3.2 All Soul 's Day 3.3 Twelfth century 3.4 `` Birth of purgatory '' 3.5 Thomas Aquinas 3.6 First Council of Lyon 3.7 Late Middle Ages 4 Subsequent history 4.1 Latin - Greek relations 4.2 Protestant Reformation 5 References 6 External links Christian antiquity ( edit ) A procession in the Catacombs of St. Callistus , Rome . The catacombs contain inscriptions that are often prayers for the dead . See also : Early Christianity Prayer for the dead ( edit ) Prayers for the dead were known to ancient Jewish practice , and it has been speculated that Christianity may have taken its similar practice from its Jewish heritage . In Christianity , prayer for the dead is attested since at least the 2nd century , evidenced in part by the tomb inscription of Abercius , Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia ( d. c. 200 ) . Celebration of the Eucharist for the dead is attested to since at least the 3rd century . Purification after death ( edit ) Specific examples of belief in purification after death and of the communion of the living with the dead through prayer are found in many of the Church Fathers . Irenaeus ( c. 130 - 202 ) mentioned an abode where the souls of the dead remained until the universal judgment , a process that has been described as one which `` contains the concept of ... purgatory . '' Both St. Clement of Alexandria ( c. 150 - 215 ) and his pupil , Origen of Alexandria ( c. 185 - 254 ) , developed a view of purification after death ; this view drew upon the notion that fire is a divine instrument from the Old Testament , and understood this in the context of New Testament teachings such as baptism by fire , from the Gospels , and a purificatory trial after death , from St. Paul . Origen , in arguing against soul sleep , stated that the souls of the elect immediately entered paradise unless not yet purified , in which case they passed into a state of punishment , a penal fire , which is to be conceived as a place of purification . For both Clement and Origen , the fire was neither a material thing nor a metaphor , but a `` spiritual fire '' . An early Latin author , Tertullian ( c. 160 - 225 ) , also articulated a view of purification after death . In Tertullian 's understanding of the afterlife , the souls of martyrs entered directly into eternal blessedness , whereas the rest entered a generic realm of the dead . There the wicked suffered a foretaste of their eternal punishments , whilst the good experienced various stages and places of bliss wherein `` the idea of a kind of purgatory ... is quite plainly found , '' an idea that is representative of a view widely dispersed in antiquity . Later examples , wherein further elaborations are articulated , include St. Cyprian ( d . 258 ) , St. John Chrysostom ( c. 347 - 407 ) , and St. Augustine ( 354 - 430 ) , among others . Interim state ( edit ) Main article : Interim state The notion of an interim state of souls after death developed only gradually , partly because it was of little interest as long as Christians looked for an imminent end of the world . The Eastern Church came to admit the existence of an intermediate state , but refrained from defining it , while at the same time maintaining the belief in prayer for the dead that was a constant feature of both Eastern and Western liturgies , and which is unintelligible without belief in an interim state in which the dead may be benefited . Christians in the West demonstrated much more curiosity about this interim state than those in the East : The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity and occasional remarks by Saint Augustine give expression to their belief that sins can be purged by suffering in an afterlife and that the process can be accelerated by prayer . In the early 5th century , Augustine spoke of the pain that purgatorial fire causes as more severe than anything a man can suffer in this life . And Gregory the Great said that those who after this life `` will expiate their faults by purgatorial flames , '' and he adds `` that the pain be more intolerable than any one can suffer in this life . '' Early Middle Ages ( edit ) Gregory the Great with a dove alighting on his shoulder while the pontiff writes his homilies , an ancient tradition about the saint . During the Early Middle Ages , the doctrine of final purification developed distinctive features in the Latin - speaking West - these differed from developments in the Greek - speaking East . Gregory the Great ( edit ) Pope Gregory the Great 's Dialogues , written in the late 6th century , evidence a development in the understanding of the afterlife distinctive of the direction that Latin Christendom would take : As for certain lesser faults , we must believe that , before the Final Judgment , there is a purifying fire . He who is truth says that whoever utters blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be pardoned neither in this age nor in the age to come . From this sentence we understand that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age , but certain others in the age to come . Visions of purgatory ( edit ) Visions of purgatory abounded ; Bede ( died 735 ) mentioned a vision of a beautiful heaven and a lurid hell with adjacent temporary abodes , as did Saint Boniface ( died 754 ) . In the 7th century , the Irish abbot St. Fursa described his foretaste of the afterlife , where , though protected by angels , he was pursued by demons who said : `` It is not fitting that he should enjoy the blessed life unscathed ... , for every transgression that is not purged on earth must be avenged in heaven '' , and on his return he was engulfed in a billowing fire that threatened to burn him , `` for it stretches out each one according to their merits ... For just as the body burns through unlawful desire , so the soul will burn , as the lawful , due penalty for every sin . '' Other influential writers ( edit ) Others who expounded upon purgatory include Haymo ( died 853 ) , Rabanus Maurus ( c. 780 -- 856 ) , and Walafrid Strabo ( c. 808 -- 849 ) . High Middle Ages ( edit ) East - West schism ( edit ) In 1054 , the Bishop of Rome and the four Greek - speaking patriarchs of the East excommunicated each other , triggering the East - West Schism . The schism split the church basically into the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches . In the West , the understanding of purification through fire in the intermediate state continued to develop . All soul 's Day ( edit ) The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates several All Souls ' Days in the year , but in the West only one such annual commemoration is celebrated . The establishment , at the end of the 10th century , of this remembrance helped focus popular imagination on the fate of the departed , and fostered a sense of solidarity between the living and the dead . Then , in the 12th century , the elaboration of the theology of penance helped create a notion of purgatory as a place to complete penances unfinished in this life . Twelfth century ( edit ) By the 12th century , the process of purification had acquired the Latin name , `` purgatorium '' , from the verb purgare : to purge . In that same century , around 1128 , Diego Gelmírez , then Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela , berated his enemy , Arias Pérez , saying to him , `` I fear , therefore , that if such that you are you leave this world , you will lose eternal life and incur the perpetual condemnation of your soul . '' These words make no mention of an intermediate state , but deny its existence no more than does the Catechism of the Catholic Church , when it says : `` Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell , where they suffer the punishments of hell , ' eternal fire ' . The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God , in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs . '' `` Birth of purgatory '' ( edit ) Medievalist Jacques Le Goff defines the `` birth of purgatory '' , i.e. the conception of purgatory as a physical place , rather than merely as a state , as occurring between 1170 and 1200 . Le Goff acknowledged that the notion of purification after death , without the medieval notion of a physical place , existed in antiquity , arguing specifically that Clement of Alexandria , and his pupil Origen of Alexandria , derived their view from a combination of biblical teachings , though he considered vague concepts of purifying and punishing fire to predate Christianity . Le Goff also considered Peter the Lombard ( d . 1160 ) , in expounding on the teachings of St. Augustine and Gregory the Great , to have contributed significantly to the birth of purgatory in the sense of a physical place . While the idea of purgatory as a process of cleansing thus dated back to early Christianity , the 12th century was the heyday of medieval otherworld - journey narratives such as the Irish Visio Tnugdali , and of pilgrims ' tales about St. Patrick 's Purgatory , a cavelike entrance to purgatory on a remote island in Ireland . The legend of St Patrick 's Purgatory ( Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii ) written in that century by Hugh of Saltry , also known as Henry of Sawtry , was `` part of a huge , repetitive contemporary genre of literature of which the most familiar today is Dante 's '' ; another is the Visio Tnugdali . Other legends localized the entrance to Purgatory in places such as a cave on the volcanic Mount Etna in Sicily . Thus the idea of purgatory as a physical place became widespread on a popular level , and was defended also by some theologians . Thomas Aquinas ( edit ) What has been called the classic formulation of the doctrine of purgatory , namely the means by which any unforgiven guilt of venial sins is expiated and punishment for any kind of sins is borne , is attributed to Thomas Aquinas although he ceased work on his Summa Theologica before reaching the part in which he would have dealt with Purgatory , which is treated in the `` Supplement '' added after his death . According to Aquinas and the other scholastics , the dead in purgatory are at peace because they are sure of salvation , and may be helped by the prayers of the faithful and especially the offering of the Eucharist , because they are still part of the Communion of Saints , from which only those in hell or limbo are excluded . First Council of Lyon ( edit ) Dogmatic definition of purgatory was given in 1245 : the First Council of Lyon declared that , on Scriptural grounds and because the Greeks too `` are said to believe and to affirm that the souls of those who after a penance has been received yet not performed , or who , without mortal sin yet die with venial and slight sin , can be cleansed after death and can be helped by the suffrages of the Church , we , since they say a place of purgation of this kind has not been indicated to them with a certain and proper name by their teachers , we indeed , calling it purgatory according to the traditions and authority of the Holy Fathers , wish that in the future it be called by that name in their area . For in that transitory fire certainly sins , though not criminal or capital , which before have not been remitted through penance but were small and minor sins , are cleansed , and these weigh heavily even after death , if they have been forgiven in this life . '' Late Middle Ages ( edit ) Through theology , literature , and indulgences , purgatory became central to late medieval religion and became associated with indulgences and other penitential practices , such as fasting . This was another step in the development of this doctrine . See also : Anima sola , Gertrude the Great , Sabbatine privilege Subsequent History ( edit ) Latin - Greek relations ( edit ) Basil Bessarion ( c. 1403 - 1472 ) , Latin Patriarch of Constantinople . The Eastern Orthodox Church holds that `` there is a state beyond death where believers continue to be perfected and led to full divinization '' . But in the 15th century , at the Council of Florence , authorities of the Eastern Orthodox Church identified some aspects of the Latin idea of purgatory as a point on which there were principal differences between Greek and Latin doctrine . The Eastern Christians objected especially to the legalistic distinction between guilt and punishment and to the fire of purgatory being material fire . The decrees of the Council , which contained no reference to fire and , without using the word `` purgatory '' ( `` purgatorium '' ) , spoke only of `` pains of cleansing '' ( `` poenis purgatoriis '' ) , were rejected at the time by the Eastern churches but formed the basis on which certain Eastern communities were later received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church . At the Council itself , the Greek Metropolitan Bessarion argued against the existence of real purgatorial fire . In effecting full communion between the Roman Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church by the Union of Brest ( 1595 ) , the two agreed , `` We shall not debate about purgatory , but we entrust ourselves to the teaching of the Holy Church . '' Furthermore , the Council of Trent , in its discussion of purgatory , instructed the bishops not to preach on such `` difficult and subtle questions '' . Protestant Reformation ( edit ) During the Protestant Reformation , certain Protestant theologians developed a view of salvation ( soteriology ) that excluded purgatory . This was in part a result from a doctrinal change concerning justification and sanctification on the part of the reformers . In Catholic theology , one is made righteous by a progressive infusion of divine grace accepted through faith and cooperated with through good works ; however , in Martin Luther 's doctrine , justification rather meant `` the declaring of one to be righteous '' , where God imputes the merits of Christ upon one who remains without inherent merit . In this process , good works done in faith ( i.e. through penance ) are more of an unessential byproduct that contribute nothing to one 's own state of righteousness ; hence , in Protestant theology , `` becoming perfect '' came to be understood as an instantaneous act of God and not a process or journey of purification that continues in the afterlife . John Calvin , unknown artist , British School , inscribed 1564 Thus , Protestant soteriology developed the view that each one of the elect ( saved ) experienced instantaneous glorification upon death . As such , there was little reason to pray for the dead . Luther wrote in Question No. 211 in his expanded Small Catechism : `` We should pray for ourselves and for all other people , even for our enemies , but not for the souls of the dead . '' Luther , after he stopped believing in purgatory around 1530 , openly affirmed the doctrine of soul sleep . Purgatory came to be seen as one of the `` unbiblical corruptions '' that had entered Church teachings sometime subsequent to the apostolic age . Hence , the Thirty - Nine Articles of the Church of England produced during the English Reformation stated : `` The Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory ... is a fond thing vainly invented , and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture ; but rather repugnant to the word of God '' ( article 22 ) . Likewise , John Calvin , central theologian of Reformed Protestantism , considered purgatory a superstition , writing in his Institutes ( 5.10 ) : `` The doctrine of purgatory ancient , but refuted by a more ancient Apostle . Not supported by ancient writers , by Scripture , or solid argument . Introduced by custom and a zeal not duly regulated by the word of God ... we must hold by the word of God , which rejects this fiction . '' In general , this position remains indicative of Protestant belief today , with the notable exception of certain Anglo - Catholics , such as the Guild of All Souls , which describe themselves as Reformed and Catholic ( and specifically not Protestant ) and believe in purgatory . In response to Protestant Reformation critics , the Council of Trent reaffirmed purgatory as already taught by the First Council of Lyon , confining itself to the concepts of purification after death and the efficacy of prayers for the dead . It simply affirmed the existence of purgatory and the great value of praying for the deceased , but sternly instructed preachers not to push beyond that and distract , confuse , and mislead the faithful with unnecessary speculations concerning the nature and duration of purgatorial punishments . It thus forbade presentation as Church teaching of the elaborate medieval speculation that had grown up around the concept of purgatory . Anglican apologist C.S. Lewis gave as an example of this speculation , which he interpreted as what the Church of England 's Thirty - Nine Articles , XXII meant by `` the Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory '' , the depiction of the state of purgatory as just a temporary hell with horrible devils tormenting souls . The etymology of the word `` purgatory '' , he remarked , indicates cleansing , not simply retributive punishment . Lewis declared his personal belief in purgatory , a process of after - death purification . Later speculations include the idea advocated by Saints Robert Bellarmine and Alphonsus Liguori of asking for the prayers of the souls in purgatory , a notion not accepted by all theologians . Saint Francis de Sales argued that , in the mention in Philippians 2 : 10 of every knee bowing at the name of Jesus `` in heaven , on earth , and under the earth '' , `` under the earth '' was a reference to those in purgatory , since it could not apply to those in hell . Frederick William Faber said that there have been private revelations of souls who `` abide their purification in the air , or by their graves , or near altars where the Blessed Sacrament is , or in the rooms of those who pray for them , or amid the scenes of their former vanity and frivolity '' . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Adrian Mihai , `` L'Hadès céleste . Histoire du purgatoire dans l'Antiquité '' ( Garnier : 2015 ) , pp. 185 - 188 Jump up ^ cf. 2 Maccabees 12 : 42 - 44 ^ Jump up to : Purgatory in Encyclopædia Britannica Jump up ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1032 Jump up ^ Isabel Moreira , Heaven 's Purge ( Oxford University Press , 2010 ) pp. 3 - 13 ^ Jump up to : Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church ( Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 280290 - 3 ) , article Purgatory Jump up ^ Jacques Le Goff , The Birth of Purgatory ( University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) Jump up ^ CCC , 1479 Archived 6 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine . ^ Jump up to : Cross , F.L. , ed. , The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church ( Oxford University Press 2005 ) , article indulgences Jump up ^ John Henry Newman , An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine , chapter 2 , section 3 , paragraph 2 . Jump up ^ Cabrol and Leclercq , Monumenta Ecclesiæ Liturgica . Volume I : Reliquiæ Liturgicæ Vetustissimæ ( Paris , 1900 - 2 ) pp. ci - cvi , cxxxix . Jump up ^ George Cross , `` The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 106 Jump up ^ Gerald O ' Collins and Mario Farrugia , Catholicism : the story of Catholic Christianity ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 ) p. 36 ; George Cross , `` The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 106 ; cf . Pastor I , iii. 7 , also Ambrose , De Excessu fratris Satyri 80 Jump up ^ Gerald O ' Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 217 Jump up ^ Gerald O ' Collins and Mario Farrugia , Catholicism : the story of Catholic Christianity ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 ) p. 36 ; George Cross , `` The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 106 Jump up ^ Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 . Jump up ^ Christian Dogmatics vol. 2 ( Philadelphia : Fortress Press , 1984 ) p. 503 ; cf . Irenaeus , Against Heresies 5.31. 2 , in The Ante - Nicene Fathers eds . Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson ( Grand Rapids : Eerdmans , 1979 ) 1 : 560 cf. 5.36. 2 / 1 : 567 ; cf . George Cross , `` The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 107 Jump up ^ Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 ; cf . Adolph Harnack , History of Dogma vol. 2 , trans . Neil Buchanan ( London , Williams & Norgate , 1995 ) p. 337 ; Clement of Alexandria , Stromata 6 : 14 Jump up ^ Jacques Le Goff , The Birth of Purgatory ( University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) p. 53 ; cf . Leviticus 10 : 1 - 2 , Deuteronomy 32 : 22 , 1Corinthians 3 : 10 - 15 Jump up ^ Adolph Harnack , History of Dogma vol. 2 , trans . Neil Buchanan ( London : Williams & Norgate , 1905 ) p. 377 . read online . Jump up ^ Jacques Le Goff , The Birth of Purgatory ( University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) pp. 55 - 57 ; cf . Clement of Alexandria , Stromata 7 : 6 and 5 : 14 Jump up ^ Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 ; cf . Adolph Harnack , History of Dogma vol. 2 , trans . Neil Buchanan ( London , Williams & Norgate , 1995 ) p. 296 n . 1 ; George Cross , `` The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) ; Tertullian De Anima ^ Jump up to : A.J. Visser , `` A Bird 's - Eye View of Ancient Christian Eschatology '' , in Numen ( 1967 ) p. 13 Jump up ^ Adolph Harnack , History of Dogma vol. 2 , trans . Neil Buchanan ( London : Williams & Norgate , 1905 ) p. 296 n . 1 . read online ; cf . Jacques Le Goff , The Birth of Purgatory ( University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) pp. 58 - 59 Jump up ^ Cyprian , Letters 51 : 20 ; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 Jump up ^ John Chrysostom , Homily on First Corinthians 41 : 5 ; Homily on Philippians 3 : 9 - 10 ; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 Jump up ^ Augustine , Sermons 159 : 1 , 172 : 2 ; City of God 21 : 13 ; Handbook on Faith , Hope , and Charity 18 : 69 , 29 : 109 ; Confessions 2.27 ; Gerald O ' Collins and Mario Farrugia , Catholicism : the story of Catholic Christianity ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 ) p. 36 ; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia , A Concise Dictionary of Theology ( Edinburgh : T&T Clark , 2000 ) p. 27 Jump up ^ `` gravior erit ignis quam quidquid potest homo pati in hac vita '' ( P.L. , col. 397 ) , quoted in Catholic Encyclopedia : Purgatory . Jump up ^ Ps. 3 poenit. , n . 1 , quoted in Catholic Encyclopedia : Purgatory Jump up ^ Vita Gregorii , ed . B. Colgrave , chapter 26 ( see also Colgrave 's introduction p. 51 ) ; John the Deacon , Life of Saint Gregory , IV , 70 . Jump up ^ Gregory the Great , Dialogues 4 , 39 : PL 77 , 396 ; cf . Matthew 12 : 31 Jump up ^ George Cross , `` The Medieval Catholic Doctrine of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 192 ; cf . Bede , Historia Ecclesiastica 4.19 Jump up ^ George Cross , `` The Medieval Catholic Doctrine of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 192 ; cf . Epistula ad Eadburgham 20 Jump up ^ Brown , Rise of Western Christendom ( Oxford : Blackwell , 2003 ) p. 259 ; cf . Vision of Fursa 8.16 , 16.5 Jump up ^ George Cross , `` The Medieval Catholic Doctrine of the Future Life '' , in The Biblical World ( 1912 ) p. 192 Jump up ^ See the Wikipedia article for a list . Jump up ^ See C.S. Watkins , `` Sin , penance and purgatory in the Anglo - Norman realm : the evidence of visions and ghost stories '' , in Past and Present 175 ( May 2002 ) pp. 3 - 33 . Jump up ^ Ermelindo Portela Silva ( 1985 ) , `` Muerte y sociedad en la Galicia medieval ( siglos XII -- XIV ) '' , Anuario de estudios medievales , 15 , 194 , who quotes Diego , from the Historia compostelana , in Spanish : Temo , por tanto , que , si tal cual eres , te vas de este mundo , perderás la vida eterna e incurrirás en la perpetua condenación de tu alma . Jump up ^ CCC , 1035 Archived 9 June 2012 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Jacques Le Goff , La naissance du purgatoire . ( Bibliothèque des Histoires ) Paris : Gallimard , 1981 ; an English translation is available under the title The Birth of Purgatory , published by the University of Chicago Press ( the English is referenced here ) . Jump up ^ Jacques Le Goff , The Birth of Purgatory ( University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) pp. 55 - 57 . Jump up ^ Online Encyclopædia Britannica Jump up ^ Lough Derg : the spirit of a holy place Archived 16 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine. ; cf . Visions of the Other World in Middle English by Robert Easting , p. 16 ; The legend of the `` Purgatory of Saint Patrick '' : from Ireland , until Dante and beyond . Jump up ^ A History of the Church in the Middle Ages by F. Donald Logan Jump up ^ Denzinger , 456 Jump up ^ Ted A. Campbell , Christian Confessions : a Historical Introduction ( Westminster John Knox Press 1996 ISBN 0 - 664 - 25650 - 3 ) , p. 54 Jump up ^ The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity ( Oxford : Blackwell , 1999 ) p. 201 ; cf . Orthodoxinfo.com , The Orthodox Response to the Latin Doctrine of Purgatory Jump up ^ Denzinger , 1304 Jump up ^ The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity ( Oxford : Blackwell , 1999 ) p. 202 Jump up ^ Union of Brest ( 1595 ) Article 5 Jump up ^ Catholic Encyclopedia ( 1913 ) , entry on Purgatory ; cf . Council of Trent , Session XXV , `` De Purgatorio '' Jump up ^ Diarmaid MacCulloch , The Reformation : A History ( New York : Penguin Books , 2004 ) p. 119 Jump up ^ Diarmaid MacCulloch , The Reformation : A History ( New York : Penguin Books , 2004 ) p. 580 ; cf . Koslofsky , Reformation of the Dead pp. 34 - 39 Jump up ^ Diarmaid MacCulloch , The Reformation : A History ( New York : Penguin Books , 2004 ) pp. 580 - 581 ; cf . Koslofsky , Reformation of the Dead p. 48 Jump up ^ Decree on Purgatory ( 1563 ) Jump up ^ `` Articles of Religion '' . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Lewis , C.S. ( Cllive Staples ) ( 2002 ) . Letters to Malcolm : Chiefly on Prayer . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt . p. 108 . ISBN 9780547541396 . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Francis de Sales . `` The Doctrine of Purgatory , chapter VII '' . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Faber , Frederick William ( 1854 ) . All for Jesus : or , The Easy Ways of Divine Love ( 40th American ed . ) . Baltimore and New York : John Murphy . p. 393 . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . Jump up ^ Meynell ( compiler ) , Wilfrid ( 1914 ) . The Spirit of Father Faber , Apostle of London . New York , Cincinnati , Chicago : Benziger Brothers . pp. 196 -- 197 . Retrieved 23 February 2015 . External links ( edit ) `` purgatory '' . Encyclopædia Britannica Online . 2009 . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=History_of_Purgatory&oldid=824712122 '' Categories : Catholic theology and doctrine Christian eschatology Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from March 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia Latina Edit links This page was last edited on 9 February 2018 , at 00 : 57 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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a substantive definition focuses on the what or content of a religion
Throughout the history of religious studies , there have been many attempts to define the term `` religion '' . Many of these have been monothetic , seeking to determine a key , essential element which all religions share , which can be used to define `` religion '' as a category , and which must be necessary in order for something to be classified as a `` religion '' . There are two forms of monothetic definition ; the first are substantive , seeking to identify a specific core as being at the heart of religion , such as a belief in a God or gods , or an emphasis on power . The second are functional , seeking to define `` religion '' in terms of what it does for humans , for instance defining it by the argument that it exists to assuage fear of death , unite a community , or reinforce the control of one group over another . Other forms of definition are polythetic , producing a list of characteristics that are common to religion . In this definition there is no one characteristic that need be common to every form of religion .
Religious studies
religious studies
Religious studies , alternately known as the study of religion , is an academic field devoted to research into religious beliefs , behaviors , and institutions . It describes , compares , interprets , and explains religion , emphasizing systematic , historically based , and cross-cultural perspectives .
While theology attempts to understand the nature of transcendent or supernatural forces ( such as deities ) , religious studies tries to study religious behavior and belief from outside any particular religious viewpoint . Religious studies draws upon multiple disciplines and their methodologies including anthropology , sociology , psychology , philosophy , and history of religion . Religious studies originated in the 19th century , when scholarly and historical analysis of the Bible had flourished , and Hindu and Buddhist texts were first being translated into European languages . Early influential scholars included Friedrich Max Müller , in England , and Cornelius P. Tiele , in the Netherlands . Today religious studies is practiced by scholars worldwide . In its early years , it was known as Comparative Religion or the Science of Religion and , in the USA , there are those who today also know the field as the History of religion ( associated with methodological traditions traced to the University of Chicago in general , and in particular Mircea Eliade , from the late 1950s through to the late 1980s ) . The term `` religion '' originated from the Latin noun `` religio '' , that was nominalized from one of three verbs : `` relegere '' ( to turn to constantly / observe conscientiously ) ; `` religare '' ( to bind oneself ( back ) ) ; and `` reeligere '' ( to choose again ) . Because of these three different potential meanings , an etymological analysis alone does not resolve the ambiguity of defining religion , since each verb points to a different understanding of what religion is . During the Medieval Period , the term `` religious '' was used as a noun to describe someone who had joined a monastic order ( a `` religious '' ) . The religious studies scholar Walter Capps described the purpose of the discipline as to provide `` training and practice ... in directing and conducting inquiry regarding the subject of religion '' . At the same time , Capps stated that its other purpose was to use `` prescribed modes and techniques of inquiry to make the subject of religion intelligible . '' Religious studies scholar Robert A. Segal characterised the discipline as `` a subject matter '' that is `` open to many approaches '' , and thus it `` does not require either a distinctive method or a distinctive explanation to be worthy of disciplinary status . '' Different scholars operating in the field have different interests and intentions ; some for instance seek to defend religion , while others seek to explain it away , and others wish to use religion as an example with which to prove a theory of their own . Some scholars of religious studies are interested in primarily studying the religion to which they belong . Scholars of religion have argued that a study of the subject is useful for individuals because it will provide them with knowledge that is pertinent in inter-personal and professional contexts within an increasingly globalised world . It has also been argued that studying religion is useful in appreciating and understanding sectarian tensions and religious violence . Contents ( hide ) 1 Defining `` religion '' 2 Intellectual foundation and background 3 History 3.1 Anthropology of religion 3.2 Cultural anthropology of religion 3.3 Economics of religion 3.4 Geography of religion 3.5 History of religion 3.6 Literary approaches 3.7 Neurological approaches 3.8 Origin of religion 3.9 Psychology of religion 3.10 Sociology of religion 3.11 Law and religion 3.12 Religion and film 4 Methodologies 4.1 Phenomenology 4.2 Functionalism 4.3 Lived religion 5 Religious studies and theology 6 Criticism 7 Scholarly journals 8 Notes 9 Bibliography 10 Further reading 11 External links 11.1 Academic societies 11.2 Online works and sources Defining `` religion '' ( edit ) Totem poles reflect the beliefs of the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast ; some religious studies scholars argue that the term `` religion '' is too Western - centric to encompass the beliefs and practices of communities such as these Throughout the history of religious studies , there have been many attempts to define the term `` religion '' . Many of these have been monothetic , seeking to determine a key , essential element which all religions share , which can be used to define `` religion '' as a category , and which must be necessary in order for something to be classified as a `` religion '' . There are two forms of monothetic definition ; the first are substantive , seeking to identify a specific core as being at the heart of religion , such as a belief in a God or gods , or an emphasis on power . The second are functional , seeking to define `` religion '' in terms of what it does for humans , for instance defining it by the argument that it exists to assuage fear of death , unite a community , or reinforce the control of one group over another . Other forms of definition are polythetic , producing a list of characteristics that are common to religion . In this definition there is no one characteristic that need be common to every form of religion . Causing further complications is the fact that there are various secular world views , such as nationalism and Marxism , which bear many of the same characteristics that are commonly associated with religion , but which rarely consider themselves to be religious . Conversely , other scholars of religious studies have argued that the discipline should reject the term `` religion '' altogether and cease trying to define it . In this perspective , `` religion '' is argued to be a Western concept that has been forced upon other cultures in an act of intellectual imperialism . According to scholar of religion Russell T. McCutcheon , `` many of the peoples that we study by means of this category have no equivalent term or concept whatsoever '' . There is , for instance , no word for `` religion '' in languages like Sanskrit . Intellectual foundation and background ( edit ) Before religious studies became a field in its own right , flourishing in the United States in the late 1960s , several key intellectual figures explored religion from a variety of perspectives . One of these figures was the famous pragmatist William James . His 1902 Gifford lectures and book The Varieties of Religious Experience examined religion from a psychological - philosophical perspective and is still influential today . His essay The Will to Believe defends the rationality of faith . Max Weber studied religion from an economic perspective in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism ( 1904 - 1905 ) , his most famous work . As a major figure in sociology , he has no doubt influenced later sociologists of religion . Émile Durkheim also holds continuing influence as one of the fathers of sociology . He explored Protestant and Catholic attitudes and doctrines regarding suicide in his work Suicide . In 1912 he published his most memorable work on religion , The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life . History ( edit ) Max Müller Interest in the general study of religion dates back to at least Hecataeus of Miletus ( ca . 550 BCE -- ca . 476 BCE ) and Herodotus ( ca . 484 BCE -- 425 BCE ) . Later , during the Middle Ages , Islamic scholars such as Ibn Hazm ( d . 1064 CE ) studied Persian , Jewish , Christian , and Indian religions , among others . The first history of religion was the Treatise on the Religious and Philosophical Sects ( 1127 CE ) , written by the Muslim scholar Muhammad al - Shahrastani . Peter the Venerable , also working in the twelfth century , studied Islam and made possible a Latin translation of the Qur'an . Notwithstanding the long interest in the study of religion , the academic discipline Religious Studies is relatively new . Dr. Chris Partridge notes that the `` first professorships were established as recently as the final quarter of the nineteenth century . '' ( 1 ) In the nineteenth century , the study of religion was done through the eyes of science . Max Müller was the first Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford University , a chair created especially for him . In his Introduction to the Science of Religion ( 1873 ) he wrote that it is `` the duty of those who have devoted their life to the study of the principal religions of the world in their original documents , and who value and reverence it in whatever form it may present itself , to take possession of this new territory in the name of true science . '' Many of the key scholars who helped to establish the study of religion did not regard themselves as scholars of religious studies , but rather as theologians , philosophers , anthropologists , sociologists , psychologists , and historians . Partridge writes that `` by the second half of the twentieth century the study of religion had emerged as a prominent and important field of academic enquiry . '' He cites the growing distrust of the empiricism of the nineteenth century and the growing interest in non-Christian religions and spirituality coupled with convergence of the work of social scientists and that of scholars of religion as factors involved in the rise of Religious Studies . One of the earliest academic institutions where Religious Studies was presented as a distinct subject was University College Ibadan , now the University of Ibadan , where Geoffrey Parrinder was appointed as lecturer in Religious Studies in 1949 . In the 1960s and 1970s , the term `` religious studies '' became common and interest in the field increased . New departments were founded and influential journals of religious studies were initiated ( for example , Religious Studies and Religion ) . In the forward to Approaches to the Study of Religion , Ninian Smart wrote that `` in the English - speaking world ( religious studies ) basically dates from the 1960s , although before then there were such fields as ' the comparative study of religion ' , the ' history of religion ' , the ' sociology of religion ' and so on ... '' In the 1980s , in both Britain and America , `` the decrease in student applications and diminishing resources in the 1980s led to cut backs affecting religious studies departments . '' ( Partridge ) Later in the decade , religious studies began to pick up as a result of integrating religious studies with other disciplines and forming programs of study that mixed the discipline with more utilitarian study . Philosophy of religion uses philosophical tools to evaluate religious claims and doctrines . Western philosophy has traditionally been employed by English speaking scholars . ( Some other cultures have their own philosophical traditions including Indian , Muslim , and Jewish . ) Common issues considered by the ( Western ) philosophy of religion are the existence of God , belief and rationality , cosmology , and logical inferences of logical consistency from sacred texts . Although philosophy has long been used in evaluation of religious claims ( e.g. Augustine and Pelagius 's debate concerning original sin ) , the rise of scholasticism in the 11th century , which represented `` the search for order in intellectual life '' ( Russell , 170 ) , more fully integrated the Western philosophical tradition ( with the introduction of translations of Aristotle ) in religious study . There is some amount of overlap between subcategories of religious studies and the discipline itself . Religious studies seeks to study religious phenomena as a whole , rather than be limited to the approaches of its subcategories . Anthropology of religion ( edit ) The anthropology of religion is principally concerned with the common basic human needs that religion fulfills . Cultural anthropology of religion ( edit ) The cultural anthropology of religion is principally concerned with the cultural aspects of religion . Of primary concern to the cultural anthropologist of religions are rituals , beliefs , religious art , and practices of piety . Economics of religion ( edit ) Gallup surveys have found that the world 's poorest countries may be the most religious . Of those countries with average per - capita incomes under $2000 , 95 % reported that religion played an important role in their daily lives . This is contrasted by the average of 47 % from the richest countries , with incomes over $25000 ( with the United States breaking the trend by reporting at 65 % ) . Social scientists have suggested that religion plays a functional role ( helping people cope ) in poorer nations . The New York Times offers a graphic illustrating the correlation ( not necessarily causation ) between religion and poverty . Geography of religion ( edit ) The geography of religion is principally concerned with the spatial elements of religious practice and embodiment . In the 1960s and 1970s , geographers of religion such as Wilbur Zelinsky and David Sopher were mostly associated with the `` Berkeley school '' of cultural geography and focused mostly on the cultural imprints of religion on the landscape . Since the turn in the new cultural geography of religion through the work of James Duncan on the City as Text , geographers of religion have focused on what Lily Kong has called the `` politics and poetics '' of religion , especially in relation to the political geographies of secular nation - states . Recent interest in the geography of religion has focused on how religious practitioners enact sacred space through their embodied sacred practices as well as the relationship between religion and geopolitics . History of religion ( edit ) See also : History of religion The history of religions is not concerned with theological claims apart from their historical significance . Some topics of this discipline are the historicity of religious figures , events , and the evolution of doctrinal matters . Literary approaches ( edit ) There are many approaches to the study of sacred texts . One of these approaches is to interpret the text as a literary object . Metaphor , thematic elements , and the nature and motivations of the characters are of interest in this approach . An example of this approach is God : A Biography , by Jack Miles . Neurological approaches ( edit ) The temporal lobe has been of interest which has been termed the `` God center '' of the brain . ( Ramachandran , ch. 9 ) Neurological findings in regard to religious experience is not a widely accepted discipline within religious studies . Scientific investigators have used a SPECTscanner to analyze the brain activity of both Christian contemplatives and Buddhist meditators , finding them to be quite similar . Origin of religion ( edit ) Main articles : Evolutionary origin of religions , Evolutionary psychology of religion , and Revelation The `` origin of religion '' refers to the emergence of religious behavior in prehistory , before written records . Psychology of religion ( edit ) Main article : Psychology of religion The psychology of religion is concerned with the psychological principles operative in religious communities and practitioners . William James 's The Varieties of Religious Experience analyzed personal experience as contrasted with the social phenomenon of religion . Some issues of concern to the psychologist of religions are the psychological nature of religious conversion , the making of religious decisions , religion and happiness , and the psychological factors in evaluating religious claims . Sigmund Freud was another figure in the field of psychology and religion . He used his psychoanalytic theory to explain religious beliefs , practices , and rituals , in order to justify the role of religion in the development of human culture . Sociology of religion ( edit ) Main article : Sociology of religion The sociology of religion concerns the dialectical relationship between religion and society ; the practices , historical backgrounds , developments , universal themes and roles of religion in society . There is particular emphasis on the recurring role of religion in all societies and throughout recorded history . The sociology of religion is distinguished from the philosophy of religion in that it does not set out to assess the validity of religious beliefs , though the process of comparing multiple conflicting dogmas may require what Peter L. Berger has described as inherent `` methodological atheism '' . Whereas the sociology of religion broadly differs from theology in assuming the invalidity of the supernatural , theorists tend to acknowledge socio - cultural reification of religious practise . It may be said that the modern formal discipline of sociology began with the analysis of religion in Durkheim 's 1897 study of suicide rates amongst Catholic and Protestant populations . The works of Max Weber emphasised the relationship between religious belief and the economic foundations of society . Contemporary debates have centred on issues such as secularization , civil religion , and the cohesiveness of religion in the context of globalization and multiculturalism . The sociology of religion also deals with how religion impacts society regarding the positive and negatives of what happens when religion is mixed with society . Theorist such as Marx states that `` religion is the opium of the people '' - the idea that religion has become a way for people to deal with their problems . At least one comprehensive study refutes this idea . Research has found that secular democracies like France or Scandinavia outperform more theistic democracies on various measures of societal health . The authors explains , `` Pressing questions include the reasons , whether theistic or non-theistic , that the exceptionally wealthy U.S. is so inefficient that it is experiencing a much higher degree of societal distress than are less religious , less wealthy prosperous democracies . Conversely , how do the latter achieve superior societal health while having little in the way of the religious values or institutions ? '' Law and religion ( edit ) Main article : Law and religion Vogel reports that in the 1970s a new `` law and religion '' approach has progressively built its own contribution to religious studies . Over a dozen scholarly organizations and committees were formed by 1983 , and a scholarly quarterly , the Journal of Law and Religion first published that year and the Ecclesiastical Law Journal opened in 1999 . Many departments and centers have been created around the world during the last decades . As of 2012 , major Law and Religion organizations in the U.S. included 500 law professors , 450 political scientists , and specialists in numerous other fields such as history and religious studies . Between 1985 and 2010 , the field saw the publication of some 750 books and 5000 scholarly articles . Scholars are not only focused on strictly legal issues about religious freedom or non establishment but also on the study of religions as they are qualified through judicial discourses or legal understanding on religious phenomena . Exponents look at canon law , natural law , and state law , often in comparative perspective . Specialists have explored themes in western history regarding Christianity and justice and mercy , rule and equity , discipline and love . Common topics on interest include marriage and the family , and human rights . Moving beyond Christianity , scholars have looked at law and religion interrelations in law and religion in the Muslim Middle East , and pagan Rome . Religion and film ( edit ) The earliest serious writing on the interface between religion and film appeared in the work of film critics like Jean Epstein in the 1920s . The subject has grown in popularity with students and is cited as having particular relevance given the pervasiveness of film in modern culture . Approaches to the study of religion and film differ among scholars ; functionalist approaches for instance view film as a site in which religion is manifested , while theological approaches examine film as a reflection of God 's presence in all things . Methodologies ( edit ) A number of methodologies are used in Religious Studies . Methodologies are hermeneutics , or interpretive models , that provide a structure for the analysis of religious phenomena . Phenomenology ( edit ) Main article : Phenomenology ( philosophy ) Phenomenology is `` arguably the most influential approach to the study of religion in the twentieth century . '' ( Partridge ) The term is first found in the title of the work of the influential philosopher of German Idealism , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , entitled The Phenomenology of Spirit . Phenomenology had been practiced long before its being made explicit as a philosophical method by Edmund Husserl , who is considered to be its founder . In the context of Phenomenology of religion however , the term was first used by Pierre Daniel Chantepie de la Saussaye in his work `` Lehrbuch der Religiongeschichte '' ( 1887 ) . Chantepie 's phenomenology catalogued observable characteristics of religion much like a zoologist would categorize animals or an entomologist would categorize insects . In part due to Husserl 's influence , `` phenomenology '' came to `` refer to a method which is more complex and claims rather more for itself than did Chantepie 's mere cataloguing of facts . '' ( Partridge ) Husserl argued that the foundation of knowledge is consciousness . He recognized `` how easy it is for prior beliefs and interpretations to unconsciously influence one 's thinking , Husserl 's phenomenological method sought to shelve all these presuppositions and interpretations . '' ( Partridge ) Husserl introduced the term `` eidetic vision '' to describe the ability to observe without `` prior beliefs and interpretations '' influencing understanding and perception . His other main conceptual contribution is the idea of the epoche : setting aside metaphysical questions and observing phenomena in and of themselves , without any bias or commitments on the part of the investigator . The epoche , also known as phenomenological reduction or bracketing , involves approaching a phenomenon or phenomena from a neutral standpoint , instead of with our own particular attitudes . In performing this reduction , whatever phenomenon or phenomena we approach are understood in themselves , rather than from our own perspectives . In the field of religious studies , a contemporary advocate of the phenomenological method is Ninian Smart . He suggests that we should perform the epoche as a means to engage in cross-cultural studies . In doing so , we can take the beliefs , symbols , rituals etc. of the other from within their own perspective , rather than imposing ours on them . Another earlier scholar who employs the phenomenological method for studying religion is Gerardus van der Leeuw . In his Religion in Essence and Manifestation ( 1933 ) , he outlines what a phenomenology of religion should look like : Firstly , argues van der Leeuw , the student of religion needs to classify the religious phenomena into distinct categories : e.g. sacrifice , sacrament , sacred space , sacred time , sacred word , festivals , and myth . Secondly , scholars then need to interpolate the phenomena into their own lives . That is to say , they need to empathetically ( Einfühlung ) try and understand the religion from within ... The life examined by the religious studies scholar , insists van der Leeuw , needs to `` acquire its place in the life of the student himself who should understand it out of his inner self . '' Thirdly , van der Leeuw stresses perhaps the fundamental phenomenological principle , namely epoch , the suspension of value - judgements and the adoption of a neutral stance . Fourthly , scholars needs to clarify any apparent structural relationships and make sense of the information . In so doing , they move towards a holistic understanding of how the various aspects of a religion relate and function together . Fifthly , this leads naturally to a stage at which `` all these activities , undertaken together and simultaneously , constitute genuine understanding ( Verstehen ) : the chaotic and obstinate ' reality ' thus becomes a manifestation , a revelation '' ( eidetic vision ) . Sixthly , having thus attained this general grasp , there is a continual need to make sure that it tallies with the up - to - date research of other disciplines , such as archaeology , history , philology etc . For van der Leeuw , as for other phenomenologists , the continual checking of one 's results is crucial to the maintenance of scholarly objectivity . In order to avoid degeneration into fantasy , phenomenology must always feed on facts . Finally , having gone through the above six stages , the phenomenologist should be as close as anyone can be to an understanding of the ' meaning ' of the religious phenomena studied and be in a position to relate his understanding to others . The subjectivity inherent to the phenomenological study of religion makes complete and comprehensive understanding highly difficult . However , phenomenologists aim to separate their formal study of religion from their own theological worldview and to eliminate , as far as possible , any personal biases ( e.g. , a Christian phenomenologist would avoid studying Hinduism through the lens of Christianity ) . There are a number of both theoretical and methodological attitudes common among phenomenologists : source Phenomenologists tend to oppose the acceptance of unobservable matters and grand systems erected in speculative thinking ; Phenomenologists tend to oppose naturalism ( also called objectivism and positivism ) , which is the worldview growing from modern natural science and technology that has been spreading from Northern Europe since the Renaissance ; Positively speaking , phenomenologists tend to justify cognition ( and some also evaluation and action ) with reference to what Edmund Husserl called Evidenz , which is awareness of a matter itself as disclosed in the most clear , distinct , and adequate way for something of its kind ; Phenomenologists tend to believe that not only objects in the natural and cultural worlds , but also ideal objects , such as numbers , and even conscious life itself can be made evident and thus known ; Phenomenologists tend to hold that inquiry ought to focus upon what might be called `` encountering '' as it is directed at objects and , correlatively , upon `` objects as they are encountered '' ( this terminology is not widely shared , but the emphasis on a dual problematics and the reflective approach it requires is ) ; Phenomenologists tend to recognize the role of description in universal , a priori , or `` eidetic '' terms as prior to explanation by means of causes , purposes , or grounds ; and Phenomenologists tend to debate whether or not what Husserl calls the transcendental phenomenological epochê and reduction is useful or even possible . Many scholars of religious studies argued that phenomenology was `` the distinctive method of the discipline '' . In 2006 , the phenomenologist of religion Thomas Ryba noted that this approach to the study of religion had `` entered a period of dormancy '' . Phenomenological approaches were largely taxonomical , with Robert A. Segal stating that it amounted to `` no more than data gathering '' alongside `` the classification of the data gathered '' . Functionalism ( edit ) Functionalism , in regard to religious studies , is the analysis of religions and their various communities of adherents using the functions of particular religious phenomena to interpret the structure of religious communities and their beliefs . The approach was introduced by British anthropologist Alfred Radcliffe - Brown . A major criticism of functionalism is that it lends itself to teleological explanations . An example of a functionalist approach is understanding the dietary restrictions contained in the Pentateuch as having the function of promoting health or providing social identity ( i.e. a sense of belonging though common practice ) . Lived religion ( edit ) Lived religion is the ethnographic and holistic framework for understanding the beliefs , practices , and everyday experiences of religious and spiritual persons in religious studies . The name lived religion comes from the French tradition of sociology of religion `` la religion vécue '' . The concept of lived religion was popularized in the late 20th century by religious study scholars like Robert A. Orsi and David Hall . The study of lived religion has come to include a wide range of subject areas as a means of exploring and emphasizing what a religious person does and what they believe . Today , the field of lived religion is expanding to include many topics and scholars . Religious studies and theology ( edit ) Western philosophy of religion , as the basic ancestor of modern religious studies , is differentiated from theology and the many Eastern philosophical traditions by generally being written from a third party perspective . The scholar need not be a believer . Theology stands in contrast to the philosophy of religion and religious studies in that , generally , the scholar is first and foremost a believer employing both logic and scripture as evidence . Theology according to this understanding fits with the definition which Anselm of Canterbury gave to it in the 11th century , credo ut intelligam , or faith seeking understanding ( literally , `` I believe so that I may understand '' ) . The theologian then has the task of making intelligible , or clarifying , the religious commitments to which he or she subscribes . The scholar of religious studies has no such allegiances . Criticism ( edit ) A group of scholars have criticized religious studies beginning in the 1990s as a theological project which actually imposes views onto the people it aims to survey . Prominent voices in this critical view include Jonathan Z. Smith , Timothy Fitzgerald , Talal Asad , Tomoko Masuzawa , Geoffrey A. Oddie , Richard E. King , Russell T. McCutcheon , and Daniel Dubuisson . Their areas of research overlap heavily with postcolonial studies . Scholarly journals ( edit ) Much of the latest scholarship appears in the scholarly journals , which also typically review and evaluate new monographs . There are a large numbers of peer - reviewed scholarly journals in the discipline of Religious Studies . Many journals focus on historical or sociological topics or concentrate on particular religious traditions , such as Judaism or Islam . Religious studies journals have been laggard in gaining accessibility through the Internet , but libraries specializing in religious history have started to catch up . Among the prominent journals published in English are : American Jewish History Anglican & Episcopal History British Catholic History The Catholic Historical Review Church History History of Religions Journal of the American Academy of Religion Journal of Ecclesiastical History Journal of Religious History Journal of Religion & Society Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Methodist History Journal Mormon Historical Studies Numen : International Review for the History of Religions Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique , published in English , French and German Social Compass Sociology of Religion Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ C.S. Adcock ( 2013 ) . The Limits of Tolerance : Indian Secularism and the Politics of Religious Freedom . Oxford University Press . pp. 67 -- 70 . Jump up ^ McBrien , Richard P. Catholicism . New York : HarperCollins , 1994 , p. 359 . ^ Jump up to : Capps 1995 , p. xiv . Jump up ^ Segal 2006 , p. xvii . Jump up ^ Capps 1995 , p. xvi . Jump up ^ Herling 2016 , p. 15 . Jump up ^ Herling 2016 , pp. 6 -- 7 . Jump up ^ Herling 2016 , pp. 7 -- 10 . Jump up ^ Capps 1995 , p. xviii . Jump up ^ Capps 1995 , p. xviii ; Herling 2016 , p. 37 . ^ Jump up to : Herling 2016 , p. 37 . Jump up ^ Smart 1998 , pp. 22 -- 26 . Jump up ^ Herling 2016 , p. 36 . ^ Jump up to : Hinnells 2005 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ McCutcheon 2001 , p. 10 . Jump up ^ Capps 1995 , p. xv . Jump up ^ https://www.theguardian.com/news/2005/aug/05/guardianobituaries.religion ^ Jump up to : http://www.gallup.com/poll/142727/religiosity-highest-world-poorest-nations.aspx Jump up ^ http://www.gallup.com/poll/116449/Religion-Provides-Emotional-Boost-World-Poor.aspx Jump up ^ Kevin M. Schultz and Paul Harvey , `` Everywhere and Nowhere : Recent Trends in American Religious History and Historiography , '' Journal of the American Academy of Religion , 78 ( March 2010 ) , 129 -- 62 . Jump up ^ Newberg , Andrew ; Eugene D'Aquili ; Vince Raus ( 2001 ) . Why God Wo n't Go Away : Brain Science and the Biology of Belief . New York : Ballantyne Books . ISBN 0 - 345 - 44033 - 1 . Jump up ^ Kevin J. Christiano , et al. , ( 2nd ed. , 2008 ) , Sociology of Religion : Contemporary Developments , Lanham , MD : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7425 - 6111 - 3 Jump up ^ Berger , Peter L. The Sacred Canopy : Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion ( 1967 ) . Anchor Books 1990 paperback : ISBN 0 - 385 - 07305 - 4 Jump up ^ Gregory S. Paul , `` Cross-national correlations of quantifiable societal health with popular religiosity and secularism in the prosperous democracies , '' Journal of Religion & Society ( 2005 ) 1 # 1 pp 1 - 17 online Archived 2014 - 01 - 23 at the Wayback Machine ... Jump up ^ Vogel , Howard J. ( 1983 ) . `` A Survey and Commentary on the New Literature in Law and Religion '' . Journal of Law and Religion . 1 ( 1 ) : 79 -- 169 . JSTOR 1051074 . Jump up ^ John Witte , `` The Study of Law and Religion in the United States : An Interim Report , '' Ecclesiastical Law Journal ( 2012 ) 14 # 3 pp : 327 - 354 . Jump up ^ Norman Doe , Law and Religion in Europe : A Comparative Introduction ( 2011 ) Jump up ^ W. Cole Durham , and Brett G. Scharffs , eds . Law and religion : national , international , and comparative perspectives ( Aspen Pub , 2010 ) . Jump up ^ John Witte Jr. and Frank S. Alexander , eds. , Christianity and Law : An Introduction ( Cambridge U.P. 2008 ) Jump up ^ John Witte Jr , From Sacrament to Contract : Marriage , Religion , and Law in the Western Tradition ( 1997 ) Jump up ^ John Witte , Jr. , The Reformation of Rights : Law , Religion and Human Rights in Early Modern Calvinism ( 2008 ) Jump up ^ Elizabeth Mayer , Ann ( 1987 ) . `` Law and Religion in the Muslim Middle East '' . American Journal of Comparative Law . 35 ( 1 ) : 127 -- 184 . JSTOR 840165 . Jump up ^ Alan Watson , The state , law , and religion : pagan Rome ( University of Georgia Press , 1992 ) Jump up ^ Wright 2007 , p. 16 . Jump up ^ Wright 2007 , p. 13 . Jump up ^ Wright 2007 , p. 14 . ^ Jump up to : Segal 2006 , p. xiii . Jump up ^ Ryba 2006 , p. 119 . Jump up ^ Peter Connolly ( 2001 ) . Approaches to the Study of Religion . A&C Black . p. 19 . Jump up ^ David Hall , `` Lived Religion In America : Toward A History Of Practice '' , Princeton University Press ( 1997 ) , p. vii Jump up ^ John M. Riddle ( 2008 ) . A History of the Middle Ages , 300 - 1500 . Rowman & Littlefield . p. 291 . Jump up ^ Daniel Dubuisson . `` Exporting the Local : Recent Perspectives on ' Religion ' as a Cultural Category . '' Religion Compass 1.6 ( 2007 ) , pp. 787 - 800 . Jump up ^ Marshall Eidson , `` Electronic journals in religious studies : Theological libraries prepare for the digital future . '' Journal of Religious & Theological Information 3.3 - 4 ( 2001 ) : 45 - 67 . Jump up ^ Kate L. Ganski , `` Accessibility of E-resources from Theological Library Websites . '' Theological Librarianship 1.1 ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ Gerber , Kent T.K. ( 2016 ) . `` Getting Involved With the Digital Humanities in Theology , Biblical Studies , and Religious Studies '' . Theological Librarianship : An Online Journal of the American Theological Library Association . 9 : 1 . Jump up ^ See `` Journal Rankings on Religious Studies '' SJR Jump up ^ See website Jump up ^ See website Bibliography ( edit ) Capps , Walter H. ( 1995 ) . Religious Studies : The Making of a Discipline . Minneapolis : Fortress Press . ISBN 978 - 0800625351 . Herling , Bradley L. ( 2016 ) . A Beginner 's Guide to the Study of Religion ( second ed . ) . London : Bloomsbury . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4725 - 0692 - 4 . Hinnells , John R. ( 2005 ) . `` Introduction '' . In John R. Hinnells ( ed . ) . The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion . Abingdon : Routledge . pp. 1 -- 3 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 33310 - 8 . CS1 maint : Extra text : editors list ( link ) McCutcheon , Russell T. ( 2001 ) . Critics Not Caretakers : Redescribing the Public Study of Religion . Albany : State University of New York Press . ISBN 978 - 0791449448 . Ryba , Thomas ( 2006 ) . `` Phenomenology of Religion '' . In Robert A. Segal ( ed . ) . The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion . Malden : Blackwell . pp. 91 -- 121 . ISBN 978 - 1405185981 . CS1 maint : Extra text : editors list ( link ) Segal , Robert A. ( 2006 ) . `` Introduction '' . In Robert A. Segal ( ed . ) . The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion . Malden : Blackwell . pp. xiii -- xix . ISBN 978 - 1405185981 . CS1 maint : Extra text : editors list ( link ) Smart , Ninian ( 1998 ) . The World 's Religions ( second ed . ) . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 63139 - 4 . Wright , Melanie ( 2007 ) . Religion and Film : An Introduction . London : I.B. Tauris . ISBN 9781850437598 . Further reading ( edit ) Curtis , Finbarr ( 2012 ) . `` The study of American religions : critical reflections on a specialization '' . Religion . 42 ( 3 ) : 355 -- 372 . doi : 10.1080 / 0048721x. 2012.681875 . Eaton , Mark E. `` Religious Studies Encyclopedism : A Recent History . '' The Reference Librarian ( 2016 ) : 1 - 13 . Eliade , Mircea and Ioan P. Couliano . The HarperCollins Concise Guide to World Religion : The A-to - Z Encyclopedia of All the Major Religious Traditions ( 1999 ) Eliade , Mircea ed . Encyclopedia of Religion ( 16 vol. 1986 ; 2nd ed 15 vol. 2005 ; online at Gale Virtual Reference Library ) . 3300 articles in 15,000 pages by 2000 experts . Elliott , Scott S. ed . Reinventing Religious Studies : Key Writings in the History of a Discipline ( Acumen , 2013 ) 280pp Hall , Weetwood ; et al. ( 2013 ) . `` Religious Studies at 50 '' . Religious Studies . 49 : 437 . doi : 10.1017 / S0034412513000395 . CS1 maint : Explicit use of et al. ( link ) Fitzgerald , Timothy . The Ideology of Religious Studies ( Oxford University Press , 2000 ) . Hart , Darryl G . The University Gets Religion : Religious Studies in American Higher Education ( Johns Hopkins University Press , 1999 ) . Hafner , Johann . `` Relating Theology and Religious Studies : Reflections on the German Academic Landscape . '' Toronto Journal of Theology ( 2015 ) : 1 - 9 . McCutcheon , Russell T . The Discipline of Religion : Structure , Meaning , Rhetoric ( Routledge , 2003 ) Martin , Luther H. , and Donald Wiebe . `` Religious studies as a scientific discipline : The persistence of a delusion . '' Journal of the American Academy of Religion ( 2012 ) Online Miles , Jack . God : A Biography . New York : Vintage , 1996 . Olson , Carl . The Allure of Decadent Thinking : Religious Studies and the Challenge of Postmodernism ( Oxford University Press , 2013 ) . Pals , Daniel L. Nine Theories of Religion . 3rd Edition . New York : Oxford University Press , 2014 . Sharpe , Eric J. Comparative Religion : A History , London : Duckworth , 1975 ( 2nd revised edition 1986 ) . Sloan Wilson , David . Darwin 's Cathedral : Evolution , Religion and the Nature of Society . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2003 . Stark , Rodney . Discovering God : The Origins of Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief . New York : HarperCollins , 2007 . Torre , Renée de la , and Eloísa Martín . `` Religious Studies in Latin America . '' Annual Review of Sociology 42.1 ( 2016 ) . Werblowsky , RJ Zwi ( 1989 ) . `` In nostro tempore : On Mircea Eliade '' . Religion . 19 ( 2 ) : 129 -- 136 . doi : 10.1016 / 0048 - 721x ( 89 ) 90035 - 3 . Werblowsky , RJ Zwi ( 1975 ) . `` On studying Comparative Religion '' . Religious Studies . 11 ( 02 ) : 145 -- 156 . doi : 10.1017 / s0034412500008301 . Witte , John . `` The Study of Law and Religion in the United States : An Interim Report , '' Ecclesiastical Law Journal ( 2012 ) 14 # 3 pp 327 -- 354 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Religious studies . The Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion ( IBCSR ) IBCSR Research Review - briefly annotates and furnishes online information about scholarly articles and books related to brain , behavior , culture , and religion . The Religious Research Association The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion ( SSSR ) The Institute for the Study of American Religion Academic societies ( edit ) Australian Association for the Study of Religions ( AASR ) American Academy of Religion ( AAR ) Council of Societies for the Study of Religion European Association for the Study of Religions ( EASR ) International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion ( IACSR ) International Association for the History of Religions ( IAHR ) International Philosophy of Religion Association ( IPRA ) New Zealand Association for the Study of Religions ( NZASR ) North American Association for the Study of Religion ( NAASR ) Society for the Scientific Study of Religion ( SSSR ) European Association of Social Anthropologists ( EASA ) - Anthropology of Religion Online works and sources ( edit ) Studying Religion in Culture University of Alabama `` Religious studies web guide : Online journals Religion Major religious groups and religious denominations Abrahamic Judaism Orthodox Haredi Hasidic Modern Conservative Reform Karaite Reconstructionist Renewal Humanistic Haymanot Christianity Catholicism Eastern Catholic Churches Eastern Christianity Church of the East Assyrian Church of the East Eastern Orthodoxy Oriental Orthodoxy Ethiopian Orthodoxy Independent Catholicism Old Catholicism Protestantism Adventism Anabaptism Anglicanism Baptists Calvinism Presbyterianism Congregationalism Continental Reformed Lutheranism Methodism Pentecostalism Evangelicalism Nontrinitarianism Jehovah 's Witnesses Mormonism Jesuism Nondenominational Islam Sunni Hanafi Maliki Hanbali Shafi'i Shia Twelver Isma'ilism Zaidiyyah Ahmadi Ibadi Non-denominational Quranism Zahirism Salafism Wahhabism Ahl al - Hadith Mahdavia European Islam Nation of Islam Others Bábism Azáli Bábism Bahá'í Faith Druze Mandaeism Rastafari Samaritanism Dharmic Hinduism Vaishnavism Shaktism Shaivism Ayyavazhi Smartism Balinese Buddhism Mahayana Chan Zen Thiền Seon Pure Land Nichiren Madhyamaka Tiantai Theravada Vajrayana Tibetan Shingon Newar Bon Navayana Others Dravidian Jainism Digambara Śvētāmbara Sikhism Gurung shamanism Bon Lamaism Kirant Mundhum Persian Manichaeism Yazdânism Yazidism Ishikism Ali - Illahism Yarsanism Zoroastrianism European Armenian Baltic Dievturība Druwi Romuva Caucasian Celtic Druidry Germanic Hellenism Italo - Roman Romanian Slavic Uralic Finnish Hungarian Uralic Mari Mordvin Udmurt Central and Northern Asian Burkhanism Chuvash Manchu Mongolian Siberian Tengrism East Asian Benzhuism Bimoism Bon Cheondoism Confucianism Dongbaism Faism Hmongism Jeungsanism Luoism Meishanism Mileism Muism Neo-Confucianism Ryukyuan religion Shenism Shigongism Shinto Taoism Tenrikyo Wuism Yiguandao Southeast Asian Burmese Satsana Phi Malaysian Indonesian Marapu Kaharingan Kebatinan Philippine Vietnamese Caodaism Đạo Mẫu Hoahaoism African Traditional Akan Akamba Baluba Bantu Berber Bushongo Cushitic Dinka Efik Fon and Ewe Guanche Igbo Isoko Lotuko Lozi Lugbara Maasai Mbuti San Serer Tumbuka Waaq Yoruba Zulu Diasporic Candomblé Kumina Obeah Quimbanda Palo Santería Umbanda Vodou Voodoo Winti Other groups Bathouism Bongthingism Donyi - Polo Kiratism Sanamahism Sarnaism Aboriginal Australian Native American Mesoamerican Hawaiian Polynesian Recent Discordianism Eckankar Jediism New Age New Thought Pastafarianism Raëlism Satanism Scientology Thelema Unitarian Universalism Wicca Historical religions Prehistoric Paleolithic Near East Arabian Egyptian Mesopotamian Semitic Canaanite Yahwism Indo - European Asia Proto - Indo - Iranian Armenian Ossetian Vedic Zoroastrianism Mithraism Zurvanism Gnosticism Manichaeism Europe Celtic Germanic Anglo - Saxon Continental Norse Greek Gnosticism Neoplatonism Manichaeism Balkan Roman Slavic Topics Aspects Apostasy / Disaffiliation Behaviour Beliefs Clergy Conversion Deities Entheogens Ethnic religion Denomination Faith Fire Folk religion God Meditation Monasticism monk nun Mysticism Mythology Nature Ordination Orthodoxy Orthopraxy Prayer Prophesy Religious experience Ritual liturgy sacrifice Spirituality Supernatural Symbols Truth Water Worship Theism Animism Deism Dualism Henotheism Monotheism Nontheism Panentheism Pantheism Polytheism Transtheism Religious studies Anthropology Cognitive science Comparative Development Evolutionary origin Evolutionary psychology History Philosophy Neurotheology Psychology Sociology Theology Theories Women Religion and society Agriculture Business Clergy monasticism ordination Conversion evangelism missionary proselytism Education Fanaticism Freedom pluralism syncretism toleration universalism Fundamentalism Growth Happiness Homosexuality Minorities National church National religiosity levels Religiocentrism Political science Populations Schism Science State Theocracy Vegetarianism Video games Violence persecution terrorism war Wealth Secularism and irreligion Antireligion Deism Agnosticism Atheism Criticism LaVeyan Satanism Deconstruction Humanistic Judaism Irreligion by country Objectivism Secular humanism Secular theology Secularization Separation of church and state Unaffiliated Overviews and lists Index Outline Timeline Abrahamic prophets Deification Deities Founders Mass gatherings New religious movements Organizations Religions and spiritual traditions Scholars Portal Humanities Anthropology Digital Humanities History Law Literature Performing arts Politics Philosophy Religious studies Visual arts GND : 4049426 - 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who wrote the music for the magnificent seven
Elmer Bernstein ( April 4 , 1922 -- August 18 , 2004 ) was an American composer and conductor who is best known for his many film scores . In a career which spanned fifty years , he composed music for hundreds of film and television productions . His most popular works include the scores to The Magnificent Seven , The Ten Commandments , The Great Escape , To Kill a Mockingbird , Ghostbusters , The Black Cauldron , Airplane ! , The Rookies , Cape Fear , Animal House , and The Age of Innocence .
Elmer Bernstein
Elmer Bernstein
elmer bernstein
Elmer Bernstein ( April 4 , 1922 -- August 18 , 2004 ) was an American composer and conductor who is best known for his many film scores . In a career which spanned fifty years , he composed music for hundreds of film and television productions . His most popular works include the scores to The Magnificent Seven , The Ten Commandments , The Great Escape , To Kill a Mockingbird , Ghostbusters , The Black Cauldron , Airplane ! , The Rookies , Cape Fear , Animal House , and The Age of Innocence .
Bernstein won an Oscar for his score to Thoroughly Modern Millie ( 1967 ) and was nominated for fourteen Oscars in total . He also won two Golden Globes , an Emmy , and was nominated for two Grammy Awards . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 Broadway 2.2 Politics 2.3 Association with John Landis 2.4 Cape Fear 2.5 Classical 3 Awards 4 Personal life and death 5 Influences 6 Influenced 7 List of Works 7.1 Film 7.1. 1 1950s 7.1. 2 1960s 7.1. 3 1970s 7.1. 4 1980s 7.1. 5 1990s 7.1. 6 2000s 7.2 Television 7.2. 1 1950s 7.2. 2 1960s 7.2. 3 1970s 7.2. 4 1980s 7.2. 5 1990s 7.2. 6 2000s 7.3 Broadway theatre 8 References 9 External links Early life ( edit ) Bernstein was born to a Jewish family in New York City , the son of Selma ( née Feinstein , 1901 - 1991 ) , from Ukraine , and Edward Bernstein ( 1896 - 1968 ) , from Austria - Hungary . He was not related to the celebrated composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein ; but the two men were friends , and even shared a certain physical similarity . Within the world of professional music , they were distinguished from each other by the use of the nicknames Bernstein West ( Elmer ) and Bernstein East ( Leonard ) . They pronounced their last names differently ; Elmer pronounced his ( BERN - steen ) , and Leonard 's was ( BERN - stine ) . During his childhood , Bernstein performed professionally as a dancer and an actor , in the latter case playing the part of Caliban in The Tempest on Broadway , and he also won several prizes for his painting . He attended Manhattan 's progressive Walden School and gravitated toward music at the age of twelve , at which time he was given a scholarship in piano by Henriette Michelson , a Juilliard teacher who guided him throughout his entire career as a pianist . She took him to play some of his improvisations for composer Aaron Copland , who was encouraging and selected Israel Citkowitz as a teacher for the young boy . Bernstein 's music has some stylistic similarities to Copland 's music , most notably in his western scores , particularly sections of Big Jake , in the Gregory Peck film Amazing Grace and Chuck , and in his spirited score for the 1958 film adaptation of Erskine Caldwell 's novel God 's Little Acre . Throughout his life , Bernstein demonstrated an enthusiasm for an even wider spectrum of the arts than his childhood interests would imply and , in 1959 , when he was scoring The Story on Page One , he considered becoming a novelist and asked the film 's screenwriter , Clifford Odets , to give him lessons in writing fiction . Career ( edit ) Bernstein wrote the theme songs or other music for more than 200 films and TV shows , including The Magnificent Seven , The Great Escape , The Ten Commandments ( 1956 ) , True Grit , The Man with the Golden Arm , To Kill a Mockingbird , Robot Monster , and the fanfare used in the National Geographic television specials . His theme for The Magnificent Seven is also familiar to television viewers , as it was used in commercials for Marlboro cigarettes . Bernstein also provided the score to many of the short films of Ray and Charles Eames . In 1961 Bernstein co-founded Äva Records an American record label based in Los Angeles together with Fred Astaire , Jackie Mills and Tommy Wolf . Broadway ( edit ) In addition to his film music , Bernstein wrote the scores for two Broadway musicals , How Now , Dow Jones , with lyricist Carolyn Leigh , in 1967 and Merlin , with lyricist Don Black , in 1983 . One of Bernstein 's tunes has since gained a lasting place in U.S. college sports culture . In 1968 , University of South Carolina football head coach Paul Dietzel wrote new lyrics to `` Step to the Rear '' , from How Now , Dow Jones . The South Carolina version of the tune , `` The Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way '' , has been the school 's fight song ever since . Politics ( edit ) Along with many in Hollywood , Bernstein faced censure during the McCarthy era of the early 1950s . Bernstein was called by the House Un-American Activities Committee when it was discovered that he had written some music reviews for a Communist newspaper . After he refused to name names , pointing out that he had never attended a Communist Party meeting , he found himself composing music for movies such as Robot Monster and Cat - Women of the Moon , a step down from his earlier Sudden Fear and Saturday 's Hero . Association with John Landis ( edit ) John Landis grew up near Bernstein , and befriended him through his children . Years later , he requested that Bernstein compose the music for National Lampoon 's Animal House , over the studio 's objections . He explained to Bernstein that he thought that Bernstein 's score , playing it straight as if the comedic Delta frat characters were actual heroes , would emphasize the comedy further . The opening theme to the movie is based upon a slight inversion of a secondary theme from Brahms 's Academic Festival Overture . Bernstein accepted the job , and it sparked a second wave in his career , where he continued to compose music for high - profile comedies such as Ghostbusters , Stripes , Airplane ! and The Blues Brothers , as well as most of Landis 's films for the next 15 years , including the famed music video to the Michael Jackson song `` Thriller '' . Cape Fear ( edit ) When Martin Scorsese announced that he was re-making Cape Fear , Bernstein adapted Bernard Herrmann 's original score to the new film . Bernstein leapt at the opportunity to work with Scorsese , as well as to pay homage to Herrmann . Scorsese and Bernstein subsequently worked together on two more films , The Age of Innocence ( 1993 ) and Bringing Out the Dead ( 1999 ) . Bernstein had previously conducted Herrmann 's original unused score for Alfred Hitchcock 's 1966 Torn Curtain . Classical ( edit ) Having studied composition under Aaron Copland , Roger Sessions , and Stefan Wolpe , Bernstein also performed as a concert pianist between 1939 and 1950 and wrote numerous classical compositions , including three orchestral suites , two song cycles , various compositions for viola and piano and for solo piano , and a string quartet . As president of the Young Musicians Foundation , Bernstein became acquainted with classical guitarist Christopher Parkening and wrote a Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra , which Parkening recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra under Bernstein 's baton for the Angel label in 1999 . In addition , Bernstein was a professor at the University of Southern California 's Thornton School of Music and conductor of the San Fernando Valley Symphony in the early 1970s . Awards ( edit ) Over the course of his career , Bernstein won an Academy Award , an Emmy Award , and two Golden Globe Awards . In addition , he was nominated for the Tony Award three times and a Grammy Award five times . He received 14 Academy Award nominations and was nominated at least once per decade from the 1950s until the 2000s , but his only win was for Thoroughly Modern Millie for Best Original Music Score . Bernstein was recognized by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association with Golden Globes for his scores for To Kill a Mockingbird and Hawaii . In 1963 , he won the Emmy for Excellence in Television for his score of the documentary The Making of The President 1960 . He is the recipient of Western Heritage Awards for The Magnificent Seven ( 1960 ) and The Hallelujah Trail ( 1965 ) . He received five Grammy Award nominations from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and garnered two Tony Award nominations for the Broadway musicals How Now Dow Jones and Merlin . Additional honors included Lifetime achievement awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) , the Society for the Preservation of Film Music , the USA , Woodstock , Santa Barbara , Newport Beach and Flanders International Film Festivals and the Foundation for a Creative America . In 1996 , Bernstein was honored with a star on Hollywood Boulevard . In 1999 , he received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Five Towns College in New York City and was honored by the American Film Institute in Los Angeles . Bernstein again was honored by ASCAP with its marquee Founders Award in 2001 and with the NARAS Governors Award in June 2004 . His scores for The Magnificent Seven and To Kill a Mockingbird were ranked by the American Film Institute as the eighth and seventeenth greatest American film scores of all time , respectively , on the list of AFI 's 100 Years of Film Scores . Bernstein , Bernard Herrmann , Max Steiner , and Jerry Goldsmith are the only composers to have two scores listed , and are therefore in second place for the most scores on the list , behind John Williams , who has three . Other Bernstein film scores nominated for the list are as follows : The Age of Innocence ( 1993 ) Far from Heaven ( 2002 ) The Great Escape ( 1963 ) Hawaii ( 1966 ) The Man with the Golden Arm ( 1955 ) Summer and Smoke ( 1961 ) Sweet Smell of Success ( 1957 ) The Ten Commandments ( 1956 ) Walk on the Wild Side ( 1962 ) Personal life and death ( edit ) Bernstein made his home in Hope Ranch in Santa Barbara , California , in the 1990s . Bernstein died of cancer in his sleep at his Ojai , California , home on August 18 , 2004 . His publicist stated that he had a lengthy illness . He left behind his wife , Eve , two sons Peter and Gregory , and two daughters , Emilie and Elizabeth . He had five grandchildren at the time of his death . Influences ( edit ) Benny Goodman , Count Basie , Dimitri Tiomkin , Duke Ellington , Erich Wolfgang Korngold , Franz Waxman , Jimmie Lunceford , Max Steiner , Victor Young , Aaron Copland , Bernard Herrmann , Nino Rota , Roger Sessions , Stefan Wolpe Influenced ( edit ) Alan Silvestri , Georges Delerue , Howard Shore , James Newton Howard , John Barry , Lalo Schifrin , Dick Hyman , Hans Zimmer , James Horner , Jerry Goldsmith , John Williams , Trevor Jones , Mark Isham , Alan Menken , Randy Newman , Danny Elfman List of Works ( edit ) Film ( edit ) 1950s ( edit ) Saturday 's Hero ( 1951 ) Battles of Chief Pontiac ( 1952 ) Sudden Fear ( 1952 ) Cat - Women of the Moon ( 1953 ) Robot Monster ( 1953 ) Silent Raiders ( 1954 ) The Eternal Sea ( 1955 ) The Man with the Golden Arm ( 1955 ) The View from Pompey 's Head ( 1955 ) The Ten Commandments ( 1956 ) Men in War ( 1957 ) Drango ( 1957 ) Fear Strikes Out ( 1957 ) Sweet Smell of Success ( 1957 ) The Tin Star ( 1957 ) Desire Under the Elms ( 1958 ) Kings Go Forth ( 1958 ) God 's Little Acre ( 1958 ) The Buccaneer ( 1958 ) Some Came Running ( 1958 ) The Miracle ( 1959 ) 1960s ( edit ) The Magnificent Seven ( 1960 ) The Rat Race ( 1960 ) The Story on Page One ( 1960 ) From the Terrace ( 1960 ) The Comancheros ( 1961 ) By Love Possessed ( 1961 ) The Young Doctors ( 1961 ) Summer and Smoke ( 1961 ) To Kill a Mockingbird ( 1962 ) Walk on the Wild Side ( 1962 ) A Girl Named Tamiko ( 1962 ) Birdman of Alcatraz ( 1962 ) Kings of the Sun ( 1963 ) The Caretakers ( 1963 ) The Great Escape ( 1963 ) Love with the Proper Stranger ( 1963 ) Hud ( 1963 ) The Carpetbaggers ( 1964 ) The World of Henry Orient ( 1964 ) The Sons of Katie Elder ( 1965 ) The Hallelujah Trail ( 1965 ) Baby the Rain Must Fall ( 1965 ) 7 Women ( 1966 ) Return of the Seven ( 1966 ) Hawaii ( 1966 ) Cast A Giant Shadow ( 1966 ) The Silencers ( 1966 ) Thoroughly Modern Millie ( 1967 ) The Scalphunters ( 1968 ) I Love You , Alice B. Toklas ( 1968 ) Powers of Ten ( 1968 ) The Gypsy Moths ( 1969 ) The Bridge at Remagen ( 1969 ) Guns of the Magnificent Seven ( 1969 ) True Grit ( 1969 ) 1970s ( edit ) The Liberation of L.B. Jones ( 1970 ) Cannon for Cordoba ( 1970 ) A Walk in the Spring Rain ( 1970 ) Big Jake ( 1971 ) Doctors ' Wives ( 1971 ) See No Evil ( 1971 ) The Amazing Mr. Blunden ( 1972 ) The Magnificent Seven Ride ! ( 1972 ) Cahill U.S. Marshal ( 1973 ) Gold ( 1974 ) McQ ( 1974 ) Nightmare Honeymoon ( 1974 ) The Trial of Billy Jack ( 1974 ) Mr Quilp ( 1975 ) Report to the Commissioner ( 1975 ) From Noon Till Three ( 1976 ) The Incredible Sarah ( 1976 ) The Shootist ( 1976 ) Slap Shot ( 1977 ) Powers of Ten ( 1977 ) National Lampoon 's Animal House ( 1978 ) Billy Jack Goes to Washington ( 1978 ) Bloodbrothers ( 1978 ) Zulu Dawn ( 1979 ) The Great Santini ( 1979 ) Meatballs ( 1979 ) 1980s ( edit ) Airplane ! ( 1980 ) The Blues Brothers ( 1980 ) Saturn 3 ( 1980 ) Heavy Metal ( 1981 ) Honky Tonk Freeway ( 1981 ) Going Ape ! ( 1981 ) The Chosen ( 1981 ) An American Werewolf in London ( 1981 ) Stripes ( 1981 ) Genocide ( 1982 ) Five Days One Summer ( 1982 ) Airplane II : The Sequel ( 1982 ) Michael Jackson 's Thriller ( 1983 ) Class ( 1983 ) Trading Places ( 1983 ) Spacehunter : Adventures in the Forbidden Zone ( 1983 ) Prince Jack ( 1984 ) Marie Ward - Zwischen Galgen und Glorie ( 1984 ) Bolero ( 1984 ) Ghostbusters ( 1984 ) The Black Cauldron ( 1985 ) Spies Like Us ( 1985 ) ¡ Three Amigos ! ( 1986 ) Legal Eagles ( 1986 ) Leonard Part 6 ( 1987 ) Amazing Grace and Chuck ( 1987 ) Funny Farm ( 1988 ) The Good Mother ( 1988 ) Da ( 1988 ) My Left Foot ( 1989 ) Slipstream ( 1989 ) 1990s ( edit ) The Field ( 1990 ) The Grifters ( 1990 ) Cape Fear ( 1991 ) Rambling Rose ( 1991 ) A Rage in Harlem ( 1991 ) Oscar ( 1991 ) Mad Dog and Glory ( 1993 ) The Age of Innocence ( 1993 ) Lost in Yonkers ( 1993 ) The Cemetery Club ( 1993 ) The Good Son ( 1993 ) Roommates ( 1995 ) Search and Destroy ( 1995 ) Canadian Bacon ( 1995 ) Devil in a Blue Dress ( 1995 ) Frankie Starlight ( 1995 ) Bulletproof ( 1996 ) Buddy ( 1997 ) The Rainmaker ( 1997 ) Hoodlum ( 1997 ) Twilight ( 1998 ) Bringing Out the Dead ( 1999 ) Wild Wild West ( 1999 ) The Deep End of the Ocean ( 1999 ) 2000s ( edit ) Keeping the Faith ( 2000 ) Far from Heaven ( 2002 ) Television ( edit ) 1950s ( edit ) General Electric Theater ( 1958 -- 59 ; 8 episodes ) Johnny Staccato ( 1959 -- 60 ; 23 episodes ) Riverboat ( 1959 -- 60 ; 18 episodes ) 1960s ( edit ) The Beachcomber ( 1962 ; 13 episodes ) The Dick Powell Show ( 1962 ; 1 episode ) The DuPont Show of the Week ( 1962 ; 1 episode ) The Making of the President , 1960 ( 1963 ; Television film ) Hollywood and the Stars ( 1963 -- 64 ; 7 episodes ) National Geographic Specials ( 1966 ; 1 episode ) ABC Stage 67 ( 1966 -- 67 ; 2 episodes ) The Big Valley ( 1967 -- 68 ; 24 episodes ) Julia ( 1968 -- 70 ; 60 episodes ) 1970s ( edit ) Owen Marshall : Counselor at Law ( 1971 -- 74 ; 20 episodes ) Gunsmoke ( 1972 ; 1 episode ) The Rookies ( 1972 -- 74 ; 12 episodes ) Ellery Queen ( 1975 -- 76 ; 17 episodes ) Serpico ( 1976 ; Pilot episode ) Captains and the Kings ( 1976 ; Miniseries - 8 episodes ) Once an Eagle ( 1976 -- 77 ; Miniseries - 7 episodes ) Seventh Avenue ( 1977 ; Miniseries - 2 episodes ) Little Women ( 1978 ; Miniseries - 2 episodes ) The Chisholms ( 1979 ; Miniseries - 4 episodes ) 1980s ( edit ) Guyana Tragedy : The Story of Jim Jones ( 1980 ; Television film ) This Year 's Blonde ( 1980 ; Television film ) Ripley 's Believe It or Not ! ( 1983 ; 1 episode ) Gulag ( 1985 ; Television film ) 1990s ( edit ) The Bogie Man ( 1992 ; Television film ) Fallen Angels ( 1993 -- 95 ; 10 episodes ) Rough Riders ( 1997 ; Miniseries - 2 episodes ) Introducing Dorothy Dandridge ( 1999 ; Television film ) 2000s ( edit ) Cecil B. De Mille -- American Epic ( 2004 ; Television film ) Broadway theatre ( edit ) Peter Pan ( 1954 ) -- Incidental music composer How Now , Dow Jones ( 1967 ) -- Composer -- Tony Co-Nomination for Best Musical , Tony Co-Nomination for Best Composer and Lyricist Merlin ( 1982 ) -- Composer and Incidental music composer -- Tony Co-Nomination for Best Composer and Lyricist References ( edit ) Jump up ^ The Guardian : `` Elmer Bernstein - Prolific Hollywood composer whose scores ranged from The Magnificent Seven to Far From Heaven '' Michael Freedland 19 August 2004 Jump up ^ Biography Archived 2009 - 07 - 21 at the Wayback Machine . elmerbernstein.com Jump up ^ `` Great Escape composer dies at 82 '' . BBC News . August 19 , 2004 . Jump up ^ `` Introduction '' . Bernstein West . Retrieved 2012 - 04 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : Biography songwritershalloffame.org , retrieved December 21 , 2009 ^ Jump up to : Internet Broadway Database listing ibdb.com , retrieved December 21 , 2009 Jump up ^ Susman , Gary ( August 19 , 2004 ) . `` Goodbye '' . EntertainmentWeekly.com . Retrieved 2009 - 02 - 27 . `` Composer Elmer Bernstein Dead at 82 '' . MSNBC.com . Associated Press . August 19 , 2004 . Retrieved 2009 - 02 - 27 . ^ Jump up to : Woodward , Josef , Sounds Around Town -- Elmer Bernstein : A First in His Career : Composer : From ' Cape Fear ' to ' The Grifters , ' all of his film scores this year are different . On purpose . Los Angeles Times , December 5 , 1991 Jump up ^ `` Talk on the Wild Side '' bernardherrmann.org , June 2003 Jump up ^ Patrick Russ , liner notes for Christopher Parkening Elmer Bernstein Concerto for Guitar & Orchestra for Two Christophers ( Angel CD 7243 5 56859 2 6 ) , New York , Angel Records , 2000 . ^ Jump up to : Internet Movie Database listing , Awards imdb.com , retrieved December 21 , 2009 ^ Jump up to : Biography filmreference.com , retrieved December 21 , 2009 Jump up ^ Hollywood Star Walk - Elmer Bernstein , Composer Star on the 7000 block of Hollywood Boulevard Jump up ^ `` Great Escape composer dies at 82 '' , BBC News , 19 August 2004 ^ Jump up to : Luther , Claudia , Elmer Bernstein , 82 ; Composer Who Won Oscar ' Could Do It All ' , Los Angeles Times , August 19 , 2004 External links ( edit ) Biography portal Official website Elmer Bernstein on IMDb Elmer Bernstein at the Internet Broadway Database Elmer Bernstein at the TCM Movie Database SWF movie with soundtracks Discography at SonyBMG Masterworks Fan website Lifetime Achievement Sammy Film Music Award BernsteinWest.com Meatballs Movie Website Academy Award for Best Original Score 1930s Louis Silvers ( 1934 ) Max Steiner ( 1935 ) Leo F. Forbstein ( 1936 ) Charles Previn ( 1937 ) Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Alfred Newman ( 1938 ) Herbert Stothart / Richard Hageman , W. Franke Harling , John Leipold , Leo Shuken ( 1939 ) 1940s Leigh Harline , Paul J. Smith , Ned Washington / Alfred Newman ( 1940 ) Bernard Herrmann / Frank Churchill and Oliver Wallace ( 1941 ) Max Steiner / Ray Heindorf and Heinz Roemheld ( 1942 ) Alfred Newman / Ray Heindorf ( 1943 ) Max Steiner / Morris Stoloff and Carmen Dragon ( 1944 ) Miklós Rózsa / Georgie Stoll ( 1945 ) Hugo Friedhofer / Morris Stoloff ( 1946 ) Miklós Rózsa / Alfred Newman ( 1947 ) Brian Easdale / Johnny Green and Roger Edens ( 1948 ) Aaron Copland / Roger Edens and Lennie Hayton ( 1949 ) 1950s Franz Waxman / Adolph Deutsch and Roger Edens ( 1950 ) Franz Waxman / Johnny Green and Saul Chaplin ( 1951 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Alfred Newman ( 1952 ) Bronisław Kaper / Alfred Newman ( 1953 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Adolph Deutsch and Saul Chaplin ( 1954 ) Alfred Newman / Robert Russell Bennett , Jay Blackton and Adolph Deutsch ( 1955 ) Victor Young / Alfred Newman and Ken Darby ( 1956 ) Malcolm Arnold ( 1957 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Andre Previn ( 1958 ) Miklós Rózsa / Andre Previn and Ken Darby ( 1959 ) 1960s Ernest Gold / Morris Stoloff and Harry Sukman ( 1960 ) Henry Mancini / Saul Chaplin , Johnny Green , Sid Ramin and Irwin Kostal ( 1961 ) Maurice Jarre / Ray Heindorf ( 1962 ) John Addison / Andre Previn ( 1963 ) Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman / Andre Previn ( 1964 ) Maurice Jarre / Irwin Kostal ( 1965 ) John Barry / Ken Thorne ( 1966 ) Elmer Bernstein / Alfred Newman and Ken Darby ( 1967 ) John Barry / Johnny Green ( 1968 ) Burt Bacharach / Lennie Hayton and Lionel Newman ( 1969 ) 1970s Francis Lai / The Beatles ( John Lennon , Paul McCartney , George Harrison and Ringo Starr ) ( 1970 ) Michel Legrand / John Williams ( 1971 ) Charlie Chaplin , Raymond Rasch and Larry Russell / Ralph Burns ( 1972 ) Marvin Hamlisch / Marvin Hamlisch ( 1973 ) Nino Rota and Carmine Coppola / Nelson Riddle ( 1974 ) John Williams / Leonard Rosenman ( 1975 ) Jerry Goldsmith / Leonard Rosenman ( 1976 ) John Williams / Jonathan Tunick ( 1977 ) Giorgio Moroder / Joe Renzetti ( 1978 ) Georges Delerue / Ralph Burns ( 1979 ) 1980s Michael Gore ( 1980 ) Vangelis ( 1981 ) John Williams / Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse ( 1982 ) Bill Conti / Michel Legrand , Alan and Marilyn Bergman ( 1983 ) Maurice Jarre / Prince ( 1984 ) John Barry ( 1985 ) Herbie Hancock ( 1986 ) Ryuichi Sakamoto , David Byrne and Cong Su ( 1987 ) Dave Grusin ( 1988 ) Alan Menken ( 1989 ) 1990s John Barry ( 1990 ) Alan Menken ( 1991 ) Alan Menken ( 1992 ) John Williams ( 1993 ) Hans Zimmer ( 1994 ) Luis Enríquez Bacalov / Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz ( 1995 ) Gabriel Yared / Rachel Portman ( 1996 ) James Horner / Anne Dudley ( 1997 ) Nicola Piovani / Stephen Warbeck ( 1998 ) John Corigliano ( 1999 ) 2000s Tan Dun ( 2000 ) Howard Shore ( 2001 ) Elliot Goldenthal ( 2002 ) Howard Shore ( 2003 ) Jan A.P. Kaczmarek ( 2004 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2005 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2006 ) Dario Marianelli ( 2007 ) A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) 2010s Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross ( 2010 ) Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) Mychael Danna ( 2012 ) Steven Price ( 2013 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2014 ) Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score 1940s Life with Father -- Max Steiner ( 1947 ) The Red Shoes -- Brian Easdale ( 1948 ) The Inspector General -- Johnny Green ( 1949 ) 1950s Sunset Boulevard -- Franz Waxman ( 1950 ) September Affair -- Victor Young ( 1951 ) High Noon -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1952 ) On the Beach -- Ernest Gold ( 1959 ) 1960s The Alamo -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1960 ) The Guns of Navarone -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1961 ) To Kill a Mockingbird -- Elmer Bernstein ( 1962 ) ( 1963 ) The Fall of the Roman Empire -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1964 ) Doctor Zhivago -- Maurice Jarre ( 1965 ) Hawaii -- Elmer Bernstein ( 1966 ) Camelot -- Frederick Loewe ( 1967 ) The Shoes of the Fisherman -- Alex North ( 1968 ) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- Burt Bacharach ( 1969 ) 1970s Love Story -- Francis Lai ( 1970 ) Shaft -- Isaac Hayes ( 1971 ) The Godfather -- Nino Rota ( 1972 ) Jonathan Livingston Seagull -- Neil Diamond ( 1973 ) The Little Prince -- Alan Jay Lerner , Frederick Loewe ( 1974 ) Jaws -- John Williams ( 1975 ) A Star is Born -- Kenneth Ascher , Paul Williams ( 1976 ) Star Wars -- John Williams ( 1977 ) Midnight Express -- Giorgio Moroder ( 1978 ) Apocalypse Now -- Carmine Coppola , Francis Ford Coppola ( 1979 ) 1980s The Stunt Man -- Dominic Frontiere ( 1980 ) ( 1981 ) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial -- John Williams ( 1982 ) Flashdance -- Giorgio Moroder ( 1983 ) A Passage to India -- Maurice Jarre ( 1984 ) Out of Africa -- John Barry ( 1985 ) The Mission -- Ennio Morricone ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor -- David Byrne , Ryuichi Sakamoto , Cong Su ( 1987 ) Gorillas in the Mist -- Maurice Jarre ( 1988 ) The Little Mermaid -- Alan Menken ( 1989 ) 1990s The Sheltering Sky -- Richard Horowitz , Ryuichi Sakamoto ( 1990 ) Beauty and the Beast -- Alan Menken ( 1991 ) Aladdin -- Alan Menken ( 1992 ) Heaven & Earth -- Kitarō ( 1993 ) The Lion King -- Hans Zimmer ( 1994 ) A Walk in the Clouds -- Maurice Jarre ( 1995 ) The English Patient -- Gabriel Yared ( 1996 ) Titanic -- James Horner ( 1997 ) The Truman Show -- Burkhard Dallwitz , Philip Glass ( 1998 ) 1900 -- Ennio Morricone ( 1999 ) 2000s Gladiator -- Lisa Gerrard , Hans Zimmer ( 2000 ) Moulin Rouge ! -- Craig Armstrong ( 2001 ) Frida -- Elliot Goldenthal ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King -- Howard Shore ( 2003 ) The Aviator -- Howard Shore ( 2004 ) Memoirs of a Geisha -- John Williams ( 2005 ) The Painted Veil -- Alexandre Desplat ( 2006 ) Atonement -- Dario Marianelli ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire -- A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Up -- Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) 2010s The Social Network -- Trent Reznor , Atticus Ross ( 2010 ) The Artist -- Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) Life of Pi -- Mychael Danna ( 2012 ) All Is Lost -- Alex Ebert ( 2013 ) The Theory of Everything -- Jóhann Jóhannsson ( 2014 ) The Hateful Eight -- Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) La La Land -- Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) The Shape of Water - Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) VIAF : 104815465 LCCN : n87103156 ISNI : 0000 0001 1454 1797 GND : 12925021X SUDOC : 08304812X BNF : cb13891432s ( data ) BIBSYS : 4020028 MusicBrainz : e2c7d7a5 - b520 - 4232 - b7cf - aaceead17b6c NDL : 001152846 BNE : XX840042 SNAC : w6s46zgg Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elmer_Bernstein&oldid=830841049 '' Categories : 1922 births 2004 deaths 20th - century classical composers American film score composers American male classical composers American people of Austrian - Jewish descent American people of Ukrainian - Jewish descent American classical composers American military personnel of World War II American musical theatre composers Best Original Music Score Academy Award winners Deaths from cancer in California Imperial Records artists Jewish American classical composers Juilliard School alumni Male film score composers Musicians from New York City Pupils of Roger Sessions Thornton School of Music faculty 20th - century American composers Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Articles with hCards Pages using div col with deprecated parameters Articles with IBDb links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge 한국어 Հայերեն Italiano ქართული Lëtzebuergesch Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Plattdüütsch Polski Português Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Українська 中文 21 more Edit links This page was last edited on 17 March 2018 , at 06 : 28 . 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when is a thousand splendid suns movie coming out
A Thousand Splendid Suns was released on May 22 , 2007 , and received favorable prepublication reviews from Kirkus Reviews , Publishers Weekly , Library Journal , and Booklist , becoming a number one New York Times bestseller for fifteen weeks following its release . During its first week on the market , it sold over one million copies . Columbia Pictures purchased film rights in 2007 and confirmed intentions to create a movie adaption of the book . The first theatrical adaptation of the book premiered on February 1 , 2017 , at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco , California .
February 1 , 2017
A Thousand Splendid Suns
a thousand splendid suns
A Thousand Splendid Suns is a 2007 novel by Afghan - American author Khaled Hosseini . It is his second , following his bestselling 2003 debut , The Kite Runner . Mariam is an illegitimate child , and suffers from both the stigma surrounding her birth along with the abuse she faces throughout her marriage . Laila , born a generation later , is comparatively privileged during her youth until their lives intersect and she is also forced to accept a marriage proposal from Rasheed , Mariam 's husband .
Hosseini has remarked that he regards the novel as a `` mother - daughter story '' in contrast to The Kite Runner , which he considers a `` father - son story '' . It continues some of the themes used in his previous work , such as the familial aspects , but focuses primarily on female characters and their roles in Afghan society . A Thousand Splendid Suns was released on May 22 , 2007 , and received favorable prepublication reviews from Kirkus Reviews , Publishers Weekly , Library Journal , and Booklist , becoming a number one New York Times bestseller for fifteen weeks following its release . During its first week on the market , it sold over one million copies . Columbia Pictures purchased film rights in 2007 and confirmed intentions to create a movie adaption of the book . The first theatrical adaptation of the book premiered on February 1 , 2017 , at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco , California . Contents ( hide ) 1 Creation 1.1 Title 1.2 Inspiration 1.3 Writing 2 Summary 3 Characters 4 Themes 4.1 Family 4.2 Women in Afghanistan 5 Critical reception 6 Adaptations 7 References 8 External links Creation ( edit ) Title ( edit ) The title of the book comes from a line in the Josephine Davis translation of the poem `` Kabul '' , by the 17th - century Iranian poet Saib Tabrizi : `` Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye Through the bazaars , caravans of Egypt pass One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls '' In an interview , Khaled Hosseini explains , `` I was searching for English translations of poems about Kabul , for use in a scene where a character bemoans leaving his beloved city , when I found this particular verse . I realized that I had found not only the right line for the scene , but also an evocative title in the phrase ' a thousand splendid suns , ' which appears in the next - to - last stanza . '' Inspiration ( edit ) When asked what led him to write a novel centered on two Afghan women , Hosseini responded : `` I had been entertaining the idea of writing a story of Afghan women for some time after I 'd finished writing The Kite Runner . That first novel was a male - dominated story . All the major characters , except perhaps for Amir 's wife Soraya , were men . There was a whole facet of Afghan society which I had n't touched on in The Kite Runner , an entire landscape that I felt was fertile with story ideas ... In the spring of 2003 , I went to Kabul , and I recall seeing these burqa - clad women sitting at street corners , with four , five , six children , begging for change . I remember watching them walking in pairs up the street , trailed by their children in ragged clothes , and wondering how life had brought them to that point ... I spoke to many of those women in Kabul . Their life stories were truly heartbreaking ... When I began writing A Thousand Splendid Suns , I found myself thinking about those resilient women over and over . Though no one woman that I met in Kabul inspired either Laila or Mariam , their voices , faces , and their incredible stories of survival were always with me , and a good part of my inspiration for this novel came from their collective spirit . '' Writing ( edit ) `` I hope the book offers emotional subtext to the image of the burqa - clad woman walking down a dusty street in Kabul . '' -- Khaled Hosseini in a 2007 interview . Hosseini disclosed that in some ways , A Thousand Splendid Suns was more difficult to write than his first novel , The Kite Runner . This is partly because when he penned The Kite Runner , `` no one was waiting for it . '' He also found his second novel to be more `` ambitious '' than the first due to its larger number of characters , its dual focus on Mariam and Laila , and its covering of a multi-generational - period of nearly forty - five - years . However , he stated , `` As I began to write , as the story picked up pace and I found myself immersed in the world of Mariam and Laila , these apprehensions vanished on their own . The developing story captured me and enabled me to tune out the background noise and get on with the business of inhabiting the world I was creating . '' The characters `` took on a life of their own '' at this point and `` became very real for ( him ) '' . Similar to The Kite Runner , the manuscript had to be extensively revised ; Hosseini divulged that he ultimately wrote the book five times before it was complete . The novel 's anticipated release was first announced in October 2006 , when it was described as a story about `` family , friendship , faith and the salvation to be found in love '' . Summary ( edit ) The novel centers on two women , Mariam and Laila , how their lives become intertwined after a series of drastic events , and their subsequent friendship and support for each other in the backdrop of Kabul in the 20th and 21st century . It is split into four parts that focus on individual stories : Part one is about Mariam , part two is on Laila , part three is on the relationship between the two women , and Laila 's life with Tariq is in part four . The last section also happens to be the only part written in the present tense . Mariam lives in a kolba on the outskirts of Herat with her embittered mother . Jalil , her father , is a wealthy businessman who owns a cinema and lives in the town with three wives and nine children . Mariam is his illegitimate daughter , and she is prohibited to live with them , but Jalil visits her every Thursday . On her fifteenth birthday , Mariam wants her father to take her to see Pinocchio at his movie theater , against the pleas of her mother . When he does not show up , she hikes into town and goes to his house . He refuses to see her , and she ends up sleeping on the street . In the morning , Mariam returns home to find that her mother has committed suicide out of fear that her daughter had deserted her . Mariam is then taken to live in her father 's house . Jalil arranges for her to be married to Rasheed , a shoemaker from Kabul who is thirty - years her senior . In Kabul , Mariam becomes pregnant seven successive times , but is never able to carry a child to term . This is a sad , disquieting reality for both Rasheed and Mariam . Ultimately Rasheed grows more and more despondent over his wife 's inability to have a child and particularly a son . As their marriage wears on Rasheed gradually becomes more and more abusive . Part Two introduces Laila . She is a girl growing up in Kabul who is close friends with Tariq , a boy living in her neighborhood . They eventually develop a romantic relationship despite being aware of the social boundaries between men and women in Afghan society . War comes to Afghanistan , and Kabul is bombarded by rocket attacks . Tariq 's family decides to leave the city , and the emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq culminates with them making love . Laila 's family also decides to leave Kabul , but as they are packing a rocket destroys the house , killing her parents and severely injuring Laila . Laila is subsequently taken in by Rasheed and Mariam . After recovering from her injuries , Laila discovers that she is pregnant with Tariq 's child . After being informed by Abdul Sharif that Tariq has died , she agrees to marry Rasheed , a man eager to have a young and attractive second wife in hopes of having a son with her . When Laila gives birth to a daughter , Aziza , Rasheed is displeased and suspicious . This results in him becoming abusive towards Laila . Mariam and Laila eventually become confidants and best friends . They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul but are caught at the bus station . Rasheed beats them and deprives them of water for several days , almost killing Aziza . A few years later , Laila gives birth to Zalmai , Rasheed 's son . The Taliban has risen to power and imposed harsh rules on the Afghan population , prohibiting women from appearing in public without a male relative . There is a drought , and living conditions in Kabul become poor . Rasheed 's workshop burns down , and he is forced to take jobs for which he is ill - suited . He sends Aziza to an orphanage . Laila endures a number of beatings from the Taliban when caught alone on the streets in attempts to visit her daughter . Then one day Tariq appears outside the house , and he and Laila are reunited . Laila realizes that Rasheed had hired Abdul Sharif to inform her about Tariq 's fake death , so that he could marry her . When Rasheed returns home from work , Zalmai tells his father about the visitor . Rasheed starts to savagely beat Laila . He nearly strangles her , but Mariam intervenes and kills Rasheed with a shovel . Afterwards , Mariam confesses to killing Rasheed in order to draw attention away from Laila and Tariq . Mariam is publicly executed , allowing Laila and Tariq to leave for Pakistan with Aziza and Zalmai . They spend their days working at a guest house in Murree , a summer retreat . After the fall of the Taliban , Laila and Tariq return to Afghanistan . They stop in the village where Mariam was raised , and discover a package that Mariam 's father left behind for her : a videotape of Pinocchio , a small sack of money , and a letter . Laila reads the letter and discovers that Jalil had regretted sending Mariam away . Laila and Tariq return to Kabul and use the money to fix up the orphanage , where Laila starts working as a teacher . Laila is pregnant with her third child , and if it is a girl , Laila has already named her Mariam . Characters ( edit ) Mariam is an ethnic Tajik born in Herat , 1959 . She is the child of Jalil and Nana born out of the wedlock . She suffers shame throughout her childhood because of the circumstances of her birth . Khaled Hosseini described her portrayal : `` The key word with Mariam is that she is isolated in every sense of the word . She is a woman who is detached from the day - to - day norms of human existence . Really , she just wants connection with another human being . '' Despite initially resenting Laila , she becomes a `` friend and a doting alternative mother '' to her through the `` common hardship '' of being married to the `` abusive , psychologically imposing '' Rasheed . Laila is an ethnic Tajik . Born in 1978 , to Hakim and Fariba , she is a beautiful and intelligent girl coming from a family in which the father is university - educated and a teacher . Hosseini states that compared to Mariam , Laila `` had a much more fulfilling relationship with her father , her girlfriends and her childhood friend , Tariq . She expected to finish school and is looking for personal fulfillment . These are two very different representations of women . '' Her life becomes tied to Mariam 's when she becomes the second wife of Rasheed , Mariam 's husband . This originally draws resentment from Mariam , who `` ( feels ) her territory infringed upon '' . Despite this , `` Laila becomes her daughter for all practical purposes '' due to Mariam 's childlessness , struggles , and abuse they both face during the marriage . Towards the end of the novel she becomes a schoolteacher at the orphanage where Aziza had stayed . Rasheed is an ethnic Pashtun , a shoemaker , and the antagonist of the novel . He marries Mariam through an arrangement with Jalil , and later marries Laila as well . After suffering years of domestic abuse at his hands , Mariam bludgeons Rasheed to death with a shovel during a violent struggle . Hosseini stated that he hoped to create a multi-layered character in Rasheed , saying , `` Rasheed 's the embodiment of the patriarchal , tribal character . In writing him , I did n't want to write him as an irredeemable villain . He is a reprehensible person , but there are moments of humanity , such as his love for his son . '' He identified an encounter with an Afghan man four years earlier as the foundation for this character ; the man `` had a very sweet , subservient wife '' and had not yet informed her that he was planning to marry again . Tariq , an ethnic Pashtun born in 1976 , is a boy who grew up in Kabul with Laila . He lost a leg to a land mine at the age of five . They eventually evolve from best friends to lovers ; after a decade of separation they are married and expecting a child by the end of the novel . Nana is Mariam 's mother and a former servant of Jalil . Mariam 's birth is the result of an affair between Nana and Jalil . Jalil 's favoritism towards his wives and legitimate children leaves Nana bitter towards Jalil . She hangs herself when Mariam is fifteen after Mariam journeys to Jalil 's house on her birthday . Nana perceives this to be betrayal and regards as an act of desertion . Mullah Faizullah , a Sufi , is Mariam 's elderly Koran teacher and friend . He dies of natural causes in 1989 . Jalil is Mariam 's father , a wealthy man who had three wives before he fathered Mariam . He marries Mariam to Rasheed after Nana 's death , but later regrets sending her away . He dies in 1987 . Hakim is Laila 's father . He is a well - educated and a progressive schoolteacher . He is killed in a rocket explosion along with Fariba . Fariba is Laila 's mother . In Part One , during her brief meeting with Mariam , she is depicted as cheerful , but her happy nature is disrupted when her two sons , Ahmad and Noor , leave home to go to war and are later killed . She spends nearly all of her time in bed mourning her sons until the Mujahideen are victorious , and is later killed in a rocket explosion along with Hakim . Aziza , born in the spring of 1993 , is the daughter of Laila and Tariq , conceived when Laila was fourteen . When the news of Tariq 's alleged death arrives , in order to hide the child 's illegitimacy and provide for herself , Laila decides to marry Rasheed . Aziza 's birth marks the beginning of Laila 's fall from favor with Rasheed and the friendship between Mariam and Laila . Zalmai , born in September 1997 , to Laila and Rasheed . He serves as a redeeming facet of Rasheed , idolizing him despite the abuse to his mother and Mariam . Zalmai remains unaware of the fact that Mariam killed Rasheed and continuously asks Laila about him , who lies by saying that he simply left for some time . After initially blaming Tariq for his father 's mysterious disappearance , he comes to accept Tariq as a father - figure . Themes ( edit ) Family ( edit ) When asked about common themes in The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns , Khaled Hosseini replied : `` Both novels are multigenerational , and so the relationship between parent and child , with all of its manifest complexities and contradictions , is a prominent theme . I did not intend this , but I am keenly interested , it appears , in the way parents and children love , disappoint , and in the end honor each other . In one way , the two novels are corollaries : The Kite Runner was a father - son story , and A Thousand Splendid Suns can be seen as a mother - daughter story . '' He ultimately considers both novels to be `` love stories '' in that it is love that `` draws characters out of their isolation , that gives them the strength to transcend their own limitations , to expose their vulnerabilities , and to perform devastating acts of self - sacrifice '' . Women in Afghanistan ( edit ) Hosseini visited Afghanistan in 2003 , and `` heard so many stories about what happened to women , the tragedies that they had endured , the difficulties , the gender - based violence that they had suffered , the discrimination , the being barred from active life during the Taliban , having their movement restricted , being banned essentially from practicing their legal , social rights , political rights '' . This motivated him to write a novel centered on two Afghan women . Washington Post writer Jonathan Yardley suggests that `` the central theme of A Thousand Splendid Suns is the place of women in Afghan society '' , pointing to a passage in which Mariam 's mother states , `` Learn this now and learn it well , my daughter : Like a compass needle that points north , a man 's accusing finger always finds a woman . Always . You remember that , Mariam . '' In the book , both Mariam and Laila are forced into accepting a marriage to Rasheed , who requires them to wear a burqa before it is implemented by law under the Taliban . He later becomes increasingly abusive . A Riverhead Trades Weekly review states that the novel consistently shows the `` patriarchal despotism where women are agonizingly dependent on fathers , husbands and especially sons , the bearing of male children being their sole path to social status . '' Critical reception ( edit ) In the first week following its release , A Thousand Splendid Suns sold over one million copies , becoming a number - one New York Times bestseller for fifteen weeks . Time magazine 's Lev Grossman placed it at number three in the Top 10 Fiction Books of 2007 , and praised it as a `` dense , rich , pressure - packed guide to enduring the unendurable . '' Jonathan Yardley said in the Washington Post `` Book World '' , `` Just in case you 're wondering whether Khaled Hosseini 's A Thousand Splendid Suns is as good as The Kite Runner , here 's the answer : No . It 's better . '' A Thousand Splendid Suns received significant praise from reviewers , with Publishers Weekly calling it `` a powerful , harrowing depiction of Afghanistan '' and USA Today describing the prose as `` achingly beautiful '' . Lisa See of The New York Times attributed the book 's success to Hosseini `` ( understanding ) the power of emotion as few other popular writers do '' . Natasha Walter from The Guardian wrote , `` Hosseini is skilled at telling a certain kind of story , in which events that may seem unbearable - violence , misery and abuse - are made readable . He does n't gloss over the horrors his characters live through , but something about his direct , explanatory style and the sense that you are moving towards a redemptive ending makes the whole narrative , for all its tragedies , slip down rather easily . '' Cathleen Medwick gave the novel a highly positive review in O , the Oprah Magazine : `` Love may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you consider the war - ravaged landscape of Afghanistan . But that is the emotion -- subterranean , powerful , beautiful , illicit , and infinitely patient -- that suffuses the pages of Khaled Hosseini 's A Thousand Splendid Suns . As in his best - selling first novel , The Kite Runner , Hosseini movingly examines the connections between unlikely friends , the fissures that open up between parents and children , the intransigence of quiet hearts . '' The New York Times writer Michiko Kakutani wrote a more critical review , describing the opening as `` heavy - handed '' and early events in the novel as `` soap - opera - ish '' . Despite these objections , she concluded , `` Gradually , however , Mr. Hosseini 's instinctive storytelling skills take over , mowing down the reader 's objections through sheer momentum and will . He succeeds in making the emotional reality of Mariam and Laila 's lives tangible to us , and by conjuring their day - to - day routines , he is able to give us a sense of what daily life was like in Kabul -- both before and during the harsh reign of the Taliban . '' Similarly , Yvonne Zipp of The Christian Science Monitor concluded that A Thousand Splendid Suns was ultimately `` a little shaky as a work of literature '' . The depictions of the lead female characters , Mariam and Laila , were praised by several commentators . John Freeman from The Houston Chronicle found them `` enormously winning '' while Carol Memmott from USA Today further described them as `` stunningly heroic characters whose spirits somehow grasp the dimmest rays of hope '' . Medwick summed up the portrayals : `` Mariam , branded as a harami , or bastard , and forced into an abusive marriage at the age of fifteen , and Laila , a beauty groomed for success but shrouded almost beyond recognition by repressive sharia law and the husband she and Mariam share . The story , epic in scope and spanning three decades , follows these two indomitable women whose fortunes mirror those of their beloved and battered country -- ' nothing pretty to look at , but still standing ' -- and who find in each other the strength they need to survive . '' Jennifer Reese from Entertainment Weekly dubbed Rasheed `` one of the most repulsive males in recent literature '' . Lisa See said that , with the exception of Tariq , `` the male characters seem either unrelentingly evil or pathetically weak '' and opinionated , `` If a woman wrote these things about her male characters , she would probably be labeled a man - hater . '' Adaptations ( edit ) Columbia Pictures owns the movie rights to the novel . Steven Zaillian finished writing the first draft of the screenplay in 2009 and is also slated to direct ; Scott Rudin has signed on as a producer . In May 2013 , studios confirmed a tentative release date of 2015 . The first theatrical adaptation of the novel premiered in San Francisco , California , on February 1 , 2017 . It is co-produced by the American Conservatory Theater and Theatre Calgary . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` An interview with Khaled Hosseini '' . Book Browse. 2007 . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Penguin.com ( USA ) . Penguin Group USA . c. 2008 . Archived from the original on 21 May 2009 . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Kirkus Reviews . March 1 , 2007 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 10 - 17 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 12 . ^ Jump up to : `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Publishers Weekly . May 2007 . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Library Journal ( review archived at MARINet ) . January 2007 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 12 . Jump up ^ Huntley , Kristine ( March 2007 ) . `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Booklist . Retrieved July 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Emrich , Stephanie ( June 12 , 2013 ) . `` ' The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns ' author Khaled Hosseini flies into Fairhope '' . Gulf Coast News Today . Archived from the original on July 4 , 2013 . Retrieved July 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Jurgensen , Paige ( September 24 , 2012 ) . `` Hosseini 's novel tears the heart '' . The Linfield Review . Retrieved July 4 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Milvy , Erika ( January 19 , 2017 ) . `` For ' A Thousand Splendid Suns , ' a well - timed journey from the page to the stage '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved January 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Kabul '' , oldpoetry.com Jump up ^ Memmott , Carol ( May 3 , 2007 ) . `` 5 questions for Khaled Hosseini '' . USA Today . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' Kite Runner ' Author On His Childhood , His Writing , And The Plight Of Afghan Refugees '' . Radio Free Europe . June 21 , 2012 . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Young , Lucie ( May 19 , 2007 ) . `` Despair in Kabul '' . Telegraph.co.uk . Retrieved July 31 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bosman , Julie ( October 20 , 2006 ) . `` Arts , Briefly ; ' Kite Runner ' Author To Release a New Novel '' . The New York Times . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Foley , Dylan ( July 15 , 2007 ) . `` Interview Khaled Hosseini '' . The Denver Post . Retrieved July 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Baron , Scarlette ( June 15 , 2007 ) . `` The War - Wearied Women of Kabul '' . Oxonian Review . Retrieved July 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Thompson , Harvey ( August 8 , 2009 ) . `` A Thousand Splendid Suns : The plight of Afghan women only partially depicted '' . WSWS . Retrieved July 3 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Yardley , Jonathan ( May 20 , 2007 ) . `` Jonathan Yardley : A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Critical Praise '' . Book Reporter . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Grossman , Lev ; `` The 10 Best Fiction Books '' ; Time magazine ; December 24 , 2007 ; Pages 44 - 45 . Jump up ^ Grossman , Lev ; Top 10 Fiction Books ; time.com ^ Jump up to : Memmott , Carol ( May 21 , 2007 ) . `` ' Splendid Suns ' burns brightly amid suffering '' . USA Today . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : See , Lisa ( June 3 , 2007 ) . `` Mariam and Laila '' . The New York Times . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Walter , Natasha ( May 18 , 2007 ) . `` Behind the veil '' . The Guardian . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Medwick , Cathleen ( June 2007 ) . `` Emotional Rescue '' . O , the Oprah Magazine . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Kakutani , Michiko ( May 29 , 2007 ) . `` A Woman 's Lot in Kabul , Lower Than a House Cat 's '' . The New York Times . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Zipp , Yvonne ( May 22 , 2007 ) . `` In Kabul , a tale of two women '' . The Christian Science Monitor . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Freeman , John ( May 27 , 2007 ) . `` A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini '' . The Houston Chronicle . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Reese , Jennifer ( May 18 , 2007 ) . `` A Thousand Splendid Suns '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved July 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Mechanic , Michael ( May -- June 2009 ) . `` Khaled Hosseini , Kabul 's Splendid Son ( Extended Interview ) '' . Mother Jones . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Siegel , Tatiana ( September 16 , 2007 ) . Zaillian takes shine to ' Suns ' . Variety . Jump up ^ Hoby , Hermione ( May 31 , 2013 ) . `` Khaled Hosseini : ' If I could go back now , I 'd take The Kite Runner apart ' '' . The Guardian . Retrieved July 4 , 2013 . External links ( edit ) Khaled Hosseini 's official website A Study Guide Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=A_Thousand_Splendid_Suns&oldid=814654759 '' Categories : 2007 American novels Afghan literature Novels set in Afghanistan Novels by Khaled Hosseini Novels set in Pakistan Hidden categories : Pages to import images to Wikidata Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Català Čeština Deutsch Eesti Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Кыргызча Македонски മലയാളം Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Português Suomi Svenska Türkçe Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 10 December 2017 , at 03 : 08 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . 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one day on the moon is the same length as one month on earth
Lunar day
lunar day
A lunar day is the period of time for Earth 's Moon to complete one rotation on its axis with respect to the Sun . Due to tidal locking , it is also the time the Moon takes to complete one orbit around Earth and return to the same phase . A lunar month is the period between two new moons and lasts about 29.5 days .
Relative to the fixed stars on the celestial sphere , the Moon takes 27 Earth days , 7 hours , 43 minutes , and 12 seconds to complete one orbit ; however , since the Earth -- Moon system advances around the Sun at the same time , the Moon must travel further to return to the same phase . On average , this synodic period lasts 29 days , 12 hours , 44 minutes , and 3 seconds . This is the mean figure since the speed of the Earth -- Moon system around the Sun varies slightly during a year due to the eccentricity of its elliptical orbit , variances in orbital velocity , and a number of other periodic and evolving variations about its observed , relative , mean values , which are influenced by the gravitational perturbations of the Sun and other bodies in the Solar System . As a result , daylight at a given point on the Moon would last approximately two weeks from beginning to end , followed by approximately two weeks of night . Contents ( hide ) 1 Alternate usage 1.1 Lunar calendars 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Alternate usage ( edit ) The term lunar day may also refer to the period between moonrises or high moon in a particular location on Earth . This period is typically about 50 minutes longer than a 24 - hour Earth day , as the Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth 's axial rotation . The term lunar day is also used in the context of night and day , i.e. , opposite to the lunar night . This is is common in discussions of the huge difference in temperatures , such as discussion about the Lunar rovers `` Soviet Union 's Luna missions , were designed to survive one lunar day ( two Earth weeks ) . Lunar calendars ( edit ) In some lunar calendars , such as the Hindu calendar , a lunar day , or tithi , is defined as 1 / 30th of a lunar month , or the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between the Moon and the Sun to increase by 12 degrees . By this definition , lunar days generally vary in duration . See also ( edit ) Lunisolar calendar Sol , the name for a Martian solar day References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Month '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 15 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Animation of a lunar day '' . NOAA . Retrieved 1 May 2012 . Jump up ^ http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151218-how-to-survive-the-freezing-lunar-night External links ( edit ) Lunar days and other lunar data for many different cities . Lunarium.co.uk . Lunar Standard Time ( LST ) lunarclock.org . Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lunar_day&oldid=825994979 '' Categories : Orbit of the Moon Units of time Talk Contents About Wikipedia Norsk Norsk nynorsk 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 February 2018 , at 16 : 22 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what are the causes and effects of the dead zone in the gulf of mexico
Dead zone ( ecology )
dead zone ( ecology )
Dead zones are hypoxic ( low - oxygen ) areas in the world 's oceans and large lakes , caused by `` excessive nutrient pollution from human activities coupled with other factors that deplete the oxygen required to support most marine life in bottom and near - bottom water . ( NOAA ) '' . In the 1970s oceanographers began noting increased instances of dead zones . These occur near inhabited coastlines , where aquatic life is most concentrated . ( The vast middle portions of the oceans , which naturally have little life , are not considered `` dead zones '' . )
In March 2004 , when the recently established UN Environment Programme published its first Global Environment Outlook Year Book ( GEO Year Book 2003 ) , it reported 146 dead zones in the world 's oceans where marine life could not be supported due to depleted oxygen levels . Some of these were as small as a square kilometre ( 0.4 mi2 ) , but the largest dead zone covered 70,000 square kilometres ( 27,000 mi2 ) . A 2008 study counted 405 dead zones worldwide . Contents ( hide ) 1 Causes 2 Effects 3 Locations 3.1 Baltic Sea 3.2 Elizabeth River , Virginia 3.3 Lake Erie 3.4 Lower St. Lawrence Estuary 3.5 Oregon 3.6 Gulf of Mexico ' dead zone ' 3.6. 1 Size 3.6. 2 Economic impact 3.6. 3 History 4 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 5 Reversal 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Causes ( edit ) Dead zones are often caused by the decay of algae during algal blooms , like this one off the coast of La Jolla , San Diego , California . Climate has a significant impact on the growth and decline of ecological dead zones . During spring months , as rainfall increases , more nutrient - rich water flows down the mouth of the Mississippi River . At the same time , as sunlight increases during the spring , algal growth in the dead zones increases dramatically . In fall months , tropical storms begin to enter the Gulf of Mexico and break up the dead zones , and the cycle repeats again in the spring . Aquatic and marine dead zones can be caused by an increase in chemical nutrients ( particularly nitrogen and phosphorus ) in the water , known as eutrophication . These chemicals are the fundamental building blocks of single - celled , plant - like organisms that live in the water column , and whose growth is limited in part by the availability of these materials . Eutrophication can lead to rapid increases in the density of certain types of these phytoplankton , a phenomenon known as an algal bloom . Limnologist Dr. David Schindler , whose research at the Experimental Lakes Area led to the banning of harmful phosphates in detergents , warned about algal blooms and dead zones , `` The fish - killing blooms that devastated the Great Lakes in the 1960s and 1970s have n't gone away ; they 've moved west into an arid world in which people , industry , and agriculture are increasingly taxing the quality of what little freshwater there is to be had here ... This is n't just a prairie problem . Global expansion of dead zones caused by algal blooms is rising rapidly . '' The major groups of algae are Cyanobacteria , green algae , Dinoflagellates , Coccolithophores and Diatom algae . Increase in input of nitrogen and phosphorus generally causes Cyanobacteria to bloom and this causes dead zones . Cyanobacteria are not good food for zooplankton and fish and hence accumulate in water , die , and then decompose . Other algae are consumed and hence do not accumulate to the same extent as Cyanobacteria . Dead zones can be caused by natural and by anthropogenic factors . Use of chemical fertilizers is considered the major human - related cause of dead zones around the world . Natural causes include coastal upwelling and changes in wind and water circulation patterns . Runoff from sewage , urban land use , and fertilizers can also contribute to eutrophication . Notable dead zones in the United States include the northern Gulf of Mexico region , surrounding the outfall of the Mississippi River , the coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest , and the Elizabeth River in Virginia Beach , all of which have been shown to be recurring events over the last several years . Additionally , natural oceanographic phenomena can cause deoxygenation of parts of the water column . For example , enclosed bodies of water , such as fjords or the Black Sea , have shallow sills at their entrances , causing water to be stagnant there for a long time . The eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and northern Indian Ocean have lowered oxygen concentrations which are thought to be in regions where there is minimal circulation to replace the oxygen that is consumed . These areas are also known as oxygen minimum zones ( OMZ ) . In many cases , OMZs are permanent or semipermanent areas . Remains of organisms found within sediment layers near the mouth of the Mississippi River indicate four hypoxic events before the advent of artificial fertilizer . In these sediment layers , anoxia - tolerant species are the most prevalent remains found . The periods indicated by the sediment record correspond to historic records of high river flow recorded by instruments at Vicksburg , Mississippi . Changes in ocean circulation triggered by ongoing climate change could also add or magnify other causes of oxygen reductions in the ocean . In August 2017 , a report found that the US meat industry is responsible for the largest - ever dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico . Runoff from widespread manure and fertilizer pollution contaminated water from the Heartland to the Gulf . Much of this pollution comes from the vast quantities of corn and soy used to raise meat animals for agribusiness companies , like Tyson . Effects ( edit ) Underwater video frame of the sea floor in the western Baltic covered with dead or dying crabs , fish and clams killed by oxygen depletion Low oxygen levels recorded along the Gulf Coast of North America have led to reproductive problems in fish involving decreased size of reproductive organs , low egg counts and lack of spawning . In a study of the Gulf killifish by the Southeastern Louisiana University done in three bays along the Gulf Coast , fish living in bays where the oxygen levels in the water dropped to 1 to 2 parts per million ( ppm ) for three or more hours per day were found to have smaller reproductive organs . The male gonads were 34 % to 50 % as large as males of similar size in bays where the oxygen levels were normal ( 6 to 8 ppm ) . Females were found to have ovaries that were half as large as those in normal oxygen levels . The number of eggs in females living in hypoxic waters were only one - seventh the number of eggs in fish living in normal oxygen levels . Fish raised in laboratory - created hypoxic conditions showed extremely low sex hormone concentrations and increased elevation of activity in two genes triggered by the hypoxia - inductile factor ( HIF ) protein . Under hypoxic conditions , HIF pairs with another protein , ARNT . The two then bind to DNA in cells , activating genes in those plant cells . Under normal oxygen conditions , ARNT combines with estrogen to activate genes . Hypoxic cells in vitro did not react to estrogen placed in the tube . HIF appears to render ARNT unavailable to interact with estrogen , providing a mechanism by which hypoxic conditions alter reproduction in fish . It might be expected that fish would flee the potential suffocation , but they are often quickly rendered unconscious and doomed . Slow moving bottom - dwelling creatures like clams , lobsters and oysters are unable to escape . All colonial animals are extinguished . The normal re-mineralization and recycling that occurs among benthic life - forms is stifled . It has been shown that future changes in oxygen could affect most marine ecosystems and have socio - economic ramifications due to human dependency on marine goods and services . Locations ( edit ) Dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico In the 1970s , marine dead zones were first noted in settled areas where intensive economic use stimulated scientific scrutiny : in the U.S. East Coast 's Chesapeake Bay , in Scandinavia 's strait called the Kattegat , which is the mouth of the Baltic Sea and in other important Baltic Sea fishing grounds , in the Black Sea , and in the northern Adriatic . Other marine dead zones have appeared in coastal waters of South America , China , Japan , and New Zealand . A 2008 study counted 405 dead zones worldwide . Baltic Sea ( edit ) Main article : Baltic Sea hypoxia This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( August 2013 ) Elizabeth River , Virginia ( edit ) The Elizabeth River estuary is important for Norfolk , Virginia , Chesapeake , Virginia , Virginia Beach , Virginia and Portsmouth , Virginia . It has been polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus , but also toxic deposits from the shipbuilding industry , the military , the world largest coal export facility , refineries , loading docks , container - repair facilities and others , so fish had been `` offlimits since the 1920 _́ s '' . In 1993 , a group formed to clean it up , adopting the mummichog as a mascot , and has removed thousands of tons of contaminated sediment . In 2006 , a 35 - acre biological dead zone called Money Point was dredged out , and shown fish to return , the wetland to recover Lake Erie ( edit ) A dead zone exists in the central part of Lake Erie from east of Point Pelee to Long Point and stretches to shores in Canada and the United States . The zone has been noticed since the 1950s to 1960s , but efforts since the 1970s have been made by Canada and the US to reduce runoff pollution into the lake as means to reverse the dead zone growth . Overall the lake 's oxygen level is poor with only a small area to the east of Long Point that has better levels . The biggest impact of the poor oxygen levels is to lacustrine life and fisheries industry . Lower St. Lawrence estuary ( edit ) A dead zone exists in the Lower St. Lawrence River area from east the Saguenay River to east of Baie Comeau , greatest at depths over 275 metres ( 902 ft ) and noticed since the 1930s . The main concerns for Canadian scientists is the impact of fish found in the area . Oregon ( edit ) Off the coast of Cape Perpetua , Oregon , there is also a dead zone with a 2006 reported size of 300 square miles ( 780 km2 ) . This dead zone only exists during the summer , perhaps due to wind patterns . The Oregon coast has also seen hypoxic water transporting itself from the continental shelf to the coastal embayments . This has seemed to cause intensity in several areas of Oregon 's climate such as upwelled water containing oxygen concentration and upwelled winds . Gulf of Mexico ' dead zone ' ( edit ) The area of temporary hypoxic bottom water that occurs most summers off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico is the largest recurring hypoxic zone in the United States . The Mississippi River , which is the drainage area for 41 % of the continental United States , dumps high - nutrient runoff such as nitrogen and phosphorus into the Gulf of Mexico . According to a 2009 fact sheet created by NOAA , `` seventy percent of nutrient loads that cause hypoxia are a result of this vast drainage basin '' . which includes the heart of U.S. agribusiness , the Midwest . The discharge of treated sewage from urban areas ( pop . c 12 million in 2009 ) combined with agricultural runoff deliver c. 1.7 million tons of phosphorus and nitrogen into the Gulf of Mexico every year . Even though Iowa occupies less than 5 % of the Mississippi River drainage basin , average annual nitrate discharge from surface water in Iowa is about 204,000 to 222,000 metric tonnes. or 25 % of all the nitrate which the Mississippi River delivers to the Gulf of Mexico . Export from the Raccoon River Watershed is among the highest in the United States with annual yields at 26.1 kg / ha / year which ranked as the highest loss of nitrate out of 42 Mississippi subwatersheds evaluated for a Gulf of Mexico hypoxia report . Size ( edit ) The area of hypoxic bottom water that occurs for several weeks each summer in the Gulf of Mexico has been mapped most years from 1985 through 2017 . The size varies annually from a record high in 2017 when it encompassed more than 22,730 sq kilometers ( 8,776 square miles ) to a record low in 1988 of 39 sq kilometers ( 15 square miles ) . The 2015 dead zone measured 16,760 square kilometers ( 6,474 square miles ) . Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium in Cocodrie predicted the dead zone or hypoxic zone in 2012 will cover an area of 17,353 sq kilometers ( 6,700 square miles ) which is larger than Connecticut ; however , when the measurements were completed , the area of hypoxic bottom water in 2012 only totaled 7,480 sq kilometers . The models using the nitrogen flux from the Mississippi River to predict the `` dead zone '' areas have been criticized for being systematically high from 2006 to 2014 , having predicted record areas in 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2011 , and 2013 that were never realized . In late summer 1988 the dead zone disappeared as the great drought caused the flow of Mississippi to fall to its lowest level since 1933 . During times of heavy flooding in the Mississippi River Basin , as in 1993 , `` '' the `` dead zone '' dramatically increased in size , approximately 5,000 km ( 3,107 mi ) larger than the previous year `` . Economic impact ( edit ) Some assert that the dead zone threatens lucrative commercial and recreational fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico . `` In 2009 , the dockside value of commercial fisheries in the Gulf was $629 million . Nearly three million recreational fishers further contributed about $10 billion to the Gulf economy , taking 22 million fishing trips . '' Scientists are not in universal agreement that nutrient loading has a negative impact on fisheries . Grimes makes a case that nutrient loading enhances the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico . Courtney et al. hypothesize , that nutrient loading may have contributed to the increases in red snapper in the northern and western Gulf of Mexico . History ( edit ) Shrimp trawlers first reported a ' dead zone ' in the Gulf of Mexico in 1950 , but it was not until 1970 when the size of the hypoxic zone had increased that scientists began to investigate . After 1950 , the conversion of forests and wetlands for agricultural and urban developments accelerated . `` Missouri River Basin has had hundreds of thousands of acres of forests and wetlands ( 66,000,000 acres ) replaced with agriculture activity ( ... ) In the Lower Mississippi one third of the valley 's forests were converted to agriculture between 1950 and 1976 . '' In July 2007 , a dead zone was discovered off the coast of Texas where the Brazos River empties into the Gulf . Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 ( edit ) The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 calls for the production of 36 billion US gallons ( 140,000,000 m ) of renewable fuels by 2022 , including 15 billion US gallons ( 57,000,000 m ) of corn - based ethanol , a tripling of current production that would require a similar increase in corn production . Unfortunately , the plan poses a new problem ; the increase in demand for corn production results in a proportional increase in nitrogen runoff . Although nitrogen , which makes up 78 % of the Earth 's atmosphere , is an inertial gas , it has more reactive forms , one of which is used to make fertilizer . According to Fred Below , a professor of crop physiology at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign , corn requires more nitrogen - based fertilizer because it produces a higher grain per unit area than other crops and , unlike other crops , corn is completely dependent on available nitrogen in soil . The results , reported 18 March 2008 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , showed that scaling up corn production to meet the 15 - billion - US - gallon ( 57,000,000 m ) goal would increase nitrogen loading in the Dead Zone by 10 -- 18 % . This would boost nitrogen levels to twice the level recommended by the Mississippi Basin / Gulf of Mexico Water Nutrient Task Force ( Mississippi River Watershed Conservation Programs ) , a coalition of federal , state , and tribal agencies that has monitored the dead zone since 1997 . The task force says a 30 % reduction of nitrogen runoff is needed if the dead zone is to shrink . Reversal ( edit ) Dead zones are reversible , though the extinction of organisms that are lost due to its appearance is not . The Black Sea dead zone , previously the largest in the world , largely disappeared between 1991 and 2001 after fertilizers became too costly to use following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the demise of centrally planned economies in Eastern and Central Europe . Fishing has again become a major economic activity in the region . While the Black Sea `` cleanup '' was largely unintentional and involved a drop in hard - to - control fertilizer usage , the U.N. has advocated other cleanups by reducing large industrial emissions . From 1985 to 2000 , the North Sea dead zone had nitrogen reduced by 37 % when policy efforts by countries on the Rhine River reduced sewage and industrial emissions of nitrogen into the water . Other cleanups have taken place along the Hudson River and San Francisco Bay . The chemical aluminium sulfate can be used to reduce phosphates in water . See also ( edit ) Algal bloom Anoxic event Anoxic waters Cultural eutrophication Eutrophication Fish kill Hypoxia Marine pollution Ocean deoxygenation Oxygen minimum zone Shutdown of thermohaline circulation Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Aquatic Dead Zones NASA Earth Observatory . Revised 17 July 2010 . Retrieved 17 January 2010 . Jump up ^ `` NOAA : Gulf of Mexico ' dead zone ' predictions feature uncertainty '' . 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Nutrient Loading Increases Red Snapper Production in the Gulf of Mexico . Hypotheses in the Life Sciences , 3 , 1 pp 7 -- 14 . ISSN 2042 - 8960 ^ Jump up to : Jennie Biewald ; Annie Rossetti ; Joseph Stevens ; Wei Cheih Wong . The Gulf of Mexico 's Hypoxic Zone ( Report ) . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Cox , Tony ( 2007 - 07 - 23 ) . `` Exclusive '' . Bloomberg . Archived from the original on 2010 - 06 - 09 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 03 . ^ Jump up to : Potera , Carol ( June 2008 ) . `` Corn Ethanol Goal Revives Dead Zone Concerns '' . Environmental Health Prospectives . Jump up ^ `` Dead Water '' . Economist . May 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Mee , Laurence ( November 2006 ) . `` Reviving Dead Zones '' . Scientific American . Jump up ^ ' Dead Zones ' Multiplying In World 's Oceans by John Nielsen . 15 Aug 2008 , Morning Edition , NPR . Jump up ^ `` Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2009 - 11 - 28 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 03 . References ( edit ) Diaz , R.J. ; Rosenberg , R. ( 2008 ) . `` Spreading dead zones and consequences for marine ecosystems '' . Science . 321 ( 5891 ) : 926 -- 929 . doi : 10.1126 / science. 1156401 . PMID 18703733 . Osterman , L.E. , et al. 2004 . Reconstructing an 180 - yr record of natural and anthropogenic induced hypoxia from the sediments of the Louisiana Continental Shelf . Geological Society of America meeting . Nov. 7 -- 10 . Denver . Abstract . Taylor , F.J. ; Taylor , N.J. ; Walsby , J.R. ( 1985 ) . `` A bloom of planktonic diatom Ceratulina pelagica off the coastal northeastern New Zealand in 1983 , and its contribution to an associated mortality of fish and benthic fauna '' . Intertional Revue ges . Hydrobiol. 70 : 773 -- 795 . doi : 10.1002 / iroh. 19850700602 . Morrisey , D.J. ( 2000 ) . `` Predicting impacts and recovery of marine farm sites in Stewart Island New Zealand , from the Findlay - Watling model '' . Aquaculture. 185 : 257 -- 271 . doi : 10.1016 / s0044 - 8486 ( 99 ) 00360 - 9 . Potera , C ( 2008 ) . `` Corn Ethanol Goal Revives Dead Zone Concerns '' . Environmental Health Perspectives. 116 ( 6 ) : A242 -- A243 . doi : 10.1289 / ehp. 116 - a242 . Further reading ( edit ) Hendy , Ian ( August 2017 ) , Gulf of Mexico ' dead zone ' is already a disaster -- but it could get worse , The Conversation Bryant , Lee ( April 2015 ) , Ocean ' dead zones ' are spreading -- and that spells disaster for fish , The Conversation David Stauth ( Oregon State University ) , `` Hypoxic `` dead zone '' growing off the Oregon Coast '' July 31 , 2006 Suzie Greenhalgh and Amanda Sauer ( WRI ) , `` Awakening the ' Dead Zone ' : An investment for agriculture , water quality , and climate change '' 2003 Reyes Tirado ( July 2008 ) Dead Zones : How Agricultural Fertilizers are Killing our Rivers , Lakes and Oceans . Greenpeace publications . See also : `` Dead Zones : How Agricultural Fertilizers are Killing our Rivers , Lakes and Oceans '' . Greenpeace Canada . 2008 - 07 - 07 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 03 . MSNBC report on dead zones , March 29 , 2004 Joel Achenbach , `` A ' Dead Zone ' in The Gulf of Mexico : Scientists Say Area That Cannot Support Some Marine Life Is Near Record Size '' , Washington Post , July 31 , 2008 Joel Achenbach , `` ' Dead Zones ' Appear In Waters Worldwide : New Study Estimates More Than 400 '' , Washington Post , August 15 , 2008 External links ( edit ) Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium UN Geo Yearbook 2003 report on nitrogen and dead zones NASA on dead zones ( Satellite pictures ) Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone -- multimedia Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch , NOAA Joel Achenbach NutrientNet , an online nutrient trading tool developed by the World Resources Institute , designed to address issues of eutrophication . See also the PA NutrientNet website designed for Pennsylvania 's nutrient trading program . ( hide ) Aquatic ecosystem topics ( hide ) Aquatic ecosystems -- general and freshwater components General Acoustic ecology Adaptation Agent - based models Algal bloom Anoxic waters Aquatic animals ( Insects Mammals ) Aquatic plants Aquatic science Benthos Biodiversity research Bioluminescence Biomass Biomonitoring Cascade effect Colored dissolved organic matter Camouflage and mimicry Dead zone Ecohydrology Ecosystems Eutrophication Fisheries science Food chain Food web GIS and aquatic science Hydrobiology Hypoxia Isotope analysis Microbial ecology Microbial food web Microbial loop Nekton Neuston Particle Pelagic zone Photic zone Phytoplankton Plankton Pleuston Predation Productivity Ramsar Convention Respiration Schooling Sediment trap Siltation Spawning Substrate Thermal pollution Toxicology Trophic level Water column Zooplankton More ... Freshwater Biology Biomes Ecosystems freshwater lake river Fish Hyporheic zone Limnology Lake stratification Macrophyte Pond Fish pond Rheotaxis Stream bed Stream pool Trophic state index Upland and lowland Water garden Wetland brackish marsh freshwater marsh swamp bog fen Environmental quality More ... Ecoregions Freshwater ( List ) Marine ( List ) The Everglades Maharashtra The North Pacific Subtropical Gyre The San Francisco Estuary Aquatic ecosystems -- marine components Marine Marine biology Marine chemistry Deep scattering layer Diel vertical migration Ecosystems large marine marine ) f - ratio Iron fertilization Marine snow Ocean nourishment Oceanic physical - biological process Ocean turbidity Photophore Thorson 's rule Upwelling Whale fall More ... 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in which of the following fields was the first cooperative movement in india
National Bank for agriculture and rural development
national bank for agriculture and rural development
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development NABARD logo Headquarters Mumbai , Maharashtra , India Established 12 July 1982 Chairman Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala Currency ₹ ( Rupees ) Website www.nabard.org NABARD is an Apex Development Financial Institution in Agriculture in India National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development ( NABARD ) is an apex development financial institution in India , headquartered at Mumbai with regional offices all over India . The Bank has been entrusted with `` matters concerning policy , planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India '' . NABARD is active in developing financial inclusion policy and is a member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion . Contents 1 History 2 Role 3 Rural innovation 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) NABARD Head Office at Mumbai NABARD was established on the recommendations of B. Sivaraman Committee , ( by Act 61 , 1981 of Parliament ) on 12 July 1982 to implement the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act 1981 . It replaced the Agricultural Credit Department ( ACD ) and Rural Planning and Credit Cell ( RPCC ) of Reserve Bank of India , and Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation ( ARDC ) . It is one of the premier agencies providing developmental credit in rural areas . NABARD is India 's specialised bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in India . The initial corpus of NABARD was Rs. 100 crores . Consequent to the revision in the composition of share capital between Government of India and RBI , the paid up capital as on 31 May 2017 , stood at Rs. 6,700 crore with Government of India holding Rs. 6,700 crore ( 100 % share ) . The authorized share capital is Rs. 30,000 crore . International associates of NABARD include World Bank - affiliated organizations and global developmental agencies working in the field of agriculture and rural development . These organizations help NABARD by advising and giving monetary aid for the upliftment of the people in the rural areas and optimizing the agricultural process . Role ( edit ) NABARD Regional Office , Lucknow NABARD has been instrumental in grounding rural , social innovations and social enterprises in the rural hinterlands . It has in the process partnered with about 4000 partner organisations in grounding many of the interventions be it , SHG - Bank Linkage programme , tree - based tribal communities ' livelihoods initiative , watershed approach in soil and water conservation , increasing crop productivity initiatives through lead crop initiative or dissemination of information flow to agrarian communities through Farmer clubs . Despite all this , it pays huge taxes too , to the exchequer -- figuring in the top 50 tax payers consistently . NABARD virtually ploughs back all the profits for development spending , in their unending search for solutions and answers . Thus the organisation had developed a huge amount of trust capital in its 3 decades of work with rural communities . 1. NABARD is the most important institution in the country which looks after the development of the cottage industry , small scale industry and village industry , and other rural industries . 2. NABARD also reaches out to allied economies and supports and promotes integrated development . 3. NABARD discharge its duty by undertaking the following roles : Serves as an apex financing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit for promoting the various developmental activities in rural areas Takes measures towards institution building for improving absorptive capacity of the credit delivery system , including monitoring , formulation of rehabilitation schemes , restructuring of credit institutions , training of personnel , etc . Co-ordinates the rural financing activities of all institutions engaged in developmental work at the field level and maintains liaison with Government of India , state governments , Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) and other national level institutions concerned with policy formulation Undertakes monitoring and evaluation of projects refinanced by it . NABARD refinances the financial institutions which finances the rural sector . NABARD partakes in development of institutions which help the rural economy . NABARD also keeps a check on its client institutes . It regulates the institutions which provide financial help to the rural economy . It provides training facilities to the institutions working in the field of rural upliftment . It regulates the cooperative banks and the RRB 's , and manages talent acquisition through IBPS CWE . NABARD 's refinance is available to state co-operative agriculture and rural development banks ( SCARDBs ) , state co-operative banks ( SCBs ) , regional rural banks ( RRBs ) , commercial banks ( CBs ) and other financial institutions approved by RBI . While the ultimate beneficiaries of investment credit can be individuals , partnership concerns , companies , State - owned corporations or co-operative societies , production credit is generally given to individuals . NABARD has its head office at Mumbai , India . NABARD Regional Office ( RO ) has a Chief General Manager ( CGMs ) as its head , and the Head office has several top executives viz the Executive Directors ( ED ) , Managing Directors ( MD ) , and the Chairperson.It has 336 District Offices across the country , one special cell at Srinagar . It also has 6 training establishments . NABARD is also known for its ' SHG Bank Linkage Programme ' which encourages India 's banks to lend to self - help groups ( SHGs ) . Largely because SHGs are composed mainly of poor women , this has evolved into an important Indian tool for microfinance . By March 2006 , 22 lakh SHGs representing 3.3 core members had to be linked to credit through this programme . NABARD also has a portfolio of Natural Resource Management Programmes involving diverse fields like Watershed Development , Tribal Development and Farm Innovation through dedicated funds set up for the purpose . Rural Innovation ( edit ) NABARD role in rural development in India is phenomenal . National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development ( NABARD ) is set up as an apex Development Bank by the Government of India with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture , cottage and village industries . The credit flow to agriculture activities sanctioned by NABARD reached Rs 1 , 57,480 crore in 2005 - 2006 . The overall GDP is estimated to grow at 8.4 per cent . The Indian economy as a whole is poised for higher growth in the coming years . Role of NABARD in overall development of India in general and rural & agricultural in specific is highly pivotal . Through assistance of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation , NABARD set up the Rural Innovation Fund . Rural Infrastructure Development Fund ( RIDF ) is another noted scheme for the bank for rural development . Under the RIDF scheme Rs. 51,283 crore have been sanctioned for 2 , 44,651 projects covering irrigation , rural roads and bridges , health and education , soil conservation , water schemes etc . Rural Innovation Fund is a fund designed to support innovative , risk friendly , unconventional experiments in these sectors that would have the potential to promote livelihood opportunities and employment in rural areas . The assistance is extended to Individuals , NGOs , Cooperatives , Self Help Group , and Panchayati Raj Institutions who have the expertise and willingness to implement innovative ideas for improving the quality of life in rural areas . Through member base of 25 crore , 600000 cooperatives are working in India at grass root level in almost every sector of economy . There are linkages between SHG and other type institutes with that of cooperatives . The purpose of RIDF is to promote innovation in rural & agricultural sector through viable means . Effectiveness of the program depends upon many factors , but the type of organization to which the assistance is extended is crucial one in generating , executing ideas in optimum commercial way . Cooperative is member driven formal organization for socio - economic purpose , while SHG is informal one . NGO have more of social color while that of PRI is political one . Does the legal status of an institute influences effectiveness of the program ? How & to what an extent ? Cooperative type of organization is better ( Financial efficiency & effectiveness ) in functioning ( agriculture & rural sector ) compared to NGO , SHG & PRIs . Recently in 2007 - 08 , NABARD has started a new direct lending facility under ' Umbrella Programme for Natural Resource Management ' ( UPNRM ) . Under this facility financial support for natural resource management activities can be provided as a loan at reasonable rate of interest . Already 35 projects have been sanctioned involving loan amount of about Rs 1000 crore . The sanctioned projects include honey collection by tribals in Maharashtra , tussar value chain by a women producer company ( ' MASUTA ' ) , eco-tourism in Karnataka etc . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` 25 YEARS OF DEDICATION TO RURAL PROSPERITY '' . Nabard.org . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Nabard Rural Innovation Fund Agriculture and Industry Survey '' . Agriculture information.com . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ Member Map Alliance for Financial Inclusion . AFI Global . Retrieved on 2013 - 12 - 06 . Jump up ^ https://www.nabard.org/english/mission.aspx Jump up ^ `` RBI sells Nabard stake to govt '' . 15 October 2010 . Retrieved 28 December 2011 . Jump up ^ `` NABARD '' . Retrieved 11 September 2011 . Jump up ^ `` NABARD is a institution and is in the business of development '' . Jump up ^ EDA and APMAS Self - Help Groups in India : A Study of the Lights and Shades , CARE , CRS , USAID and GTZ , 2006 , p. 11 Jump up ^ `` Nabard can help change face of rural India '' . The Hindu Business Line . 28 June 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ http://usaskstudies.coop/socialeconomy/files/congress07/sapovadia.pdf Jump up ^ `` NABARD -- SDC rural innovation fund '' . India microfinance.com . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ Vrajlal K. Sapovadia ( 13 May 2007 ) . `` Evaluating Effectiveness Among Cooperatives vis - a-vis Other Social Institutes - A Case Study of Nabard 's Rural Innovation Fund & Other Schemes '' . SSRN 985884 . Missing or empty url = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` india lags in using Nabard rural infra fund '' . Business-standard.com. 12 April 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development '' . Nabard.org . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 01 . External links ( edit ) Official website Banking in India Central bank Reserve Bank of India Public sector banks Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra Canara Bank Central Bank of India Corporation Bank Dena Bank IDBI Bank Indian Bank Indian Overseas Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce Post Bank of India Punjab & Sind Bank Punjab National Bank State Bank of India Syndicate Bank UCO Bank Union Bank of India United Bank of India Vijaya Bank Private sector banks Axis Bank Bandhan Bank Catholic Syrian Bank City Union Bank DCB Bank Dhanlaxmi Bank Federal Bank HDFC Bank ICICI Bank IDFC Bank IndusInd Bank Jammu & Kashmir Bank Karnataka Bank Karur Vysya Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank Lakshmi Vilas Bank Nainital Bank RBL Bank ( Ratnakar Bank ) South Indian Bank Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited Yes Bank Small finance bank Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Equitas Small Finance Bank AU Small Finance Bank Fincare Small Finance Bank ESAF Small Finance Bank Cooperative banks Buldhana Urban Cosmos Bank Repco Bank Saraswat Bank Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank TNSC Bank Rajkot Nagrik Sahakari Bank Foreign banks ABN AMRO Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Antwerp Diamond Bank Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Bank Maybank Indonesia Bank of America Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait Bank of Ceylon The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ Barclays Citibank India Credit Suisse DBS Bank Deutsche Bank HSBC Rabobank Royal Bank of Scotland Scotiabank Standard Chartered Regional Rural Banks Other Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank Gramin Bank of Aryavart Kerala Gramin Bank North Malabar Gramin Bank Pallavan Grama Bank Pandyan Grama Bank Paschim Banga Gramin Bank Sarva UP Gramin Bank South Malabar Gramin Bank Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank Vananchal Gramin Bank Uttar Pradesh Allahabad UP Gramin Bank Baroda UP Gramin Bank Gramin Bank of Aryavart Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank Prathama Bank Purvanchal Bank Sarva UP Gramin Bank Payments bank Aditya Birla Payments Bank Airtel Jio Paytm India Post Payments Bank Defunct banks Alliance Bank of Simla Arbuthnot & Co Bank of Bombay Bank of Calcutta Bank of Chettinad Bank of Cochin Bank of Hindostan Bank of Madras Bank of Madura Bank of Rajasthan Bank of Thanjavur Bareilley Corporation Bank Bengal Central Bank Bharat Overseas Bank Bharatiya Mahila Bank Centurion Bank of Punjab Chartered Bank of India , Australia and China Commercial Bank of India Dass Bank Exchange Bank of India & Africa Global Trust Bank Grindlays Bank Hindustan Commercial Bank Imperial Bank of India ING Vysya Bank Lakshmi Commercial Bank Lord Krishna Bank Madhavpura Mercantile Cooperative Bank Mercantile Bank of India , London and China Miraj State Bank Nath Bank Nedungadi Bank New Bank of India Oriental Bank Corporation Oudh Commercial Bank Palai Central Bank Pandyan Bank Sikkim Bank State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank of Hyderabad State Bank of Indore State Bank of Mysore State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Saurashtra State Bank of Travancore Times Bank United Industrial Bank United Western Bank Interbank networks Cirrus NFS PLUS Electronic funds transfers BBPS IMPS NEFT RTGS UPI ( VPA ) AEPS BHIM Cards MasterCard Debit MasterCard Maestro RuPay Visa Visa Debit Visa Electron Visa payWave Related topics ATM usage fees in India De-Materialisation ( DEMAT ) Foreign Exchange ( FOREX ) Indian Financial System Code ( IFSC ) List of banks in India Prepaid Payment Instruments in India Institiutes Banks Board Bureau Banking Codes and Standards Board of India National Payments Corporation of India Protocol Bharat Bill Payment System Structured Financial Messaging System ( SFMS ) ATM networks BANCS Cashnet CashTree India 1 ATM ( White Label ATM ) Indicash ( White Label ATM ) MITR Payment service Atom BHIM BillDesk Chillr CitrusPay ( Lazy Pay ) Razorpay Tez Zeta India Digital wallets ABPB Wallet Amazon Pay Freecharge HDFC PayZapp ICICI pockets Mobikwik Oxigen Services Paytm PayU Payworld PhonePe SBI buddy Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=National_Bank_for_Agriculture_and_Rural_Development&oldid=847701997 '' Categories : Agricultural organisations based in India Rural development organisations in India Financial services companies based in Mumbai Agricultural finance in India Regulatory agencies of India Microfinance companies of India Microfinance banks Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links Pages using web citations with no URL Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest from January 2018 Use dmy dates from July 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia हिन्दी ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം मराठी ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Svenska தமிழ் Edit links This page was last edited on 27 June 2018 , at 05 : 48 ( UTC ) . 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when does wheel of fortune start new season 2017
Wheel of Fortune ranks as the longest - running syndicated game show in the United States , with over 6,000 episodes aired . TV Guide named it the `` top - rated syndicated series '' in a 2008 article , and in 2013 , the magazine ranked it at No. 2 in its list of the 60 greatest game shows ever . The program has also come to gain a worldwide following with sixty international adaptations . The syndicated series ' 35th season premiered on September 11 , 2017 .
September 11
Wheel of Fortune ( U.S. game show )
wheel of fortune ( u. s. game show )
Wheel of Fortune ( often known simply as Wheel ) is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin . The show features a competition in which contestants solve word puzzles , similar to those used in Hangman , to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a giant carnival wheel .
Wheel premiered as a daytime series on NBC on January 6 , 1975 , and continued to air on the network until June 30 , 1989 . After some changes were made to its format , the daytime series returned on July 17 , 1989 as part of CBS 's daytime lineup . On January 14 , 1991 , Wheel moved back to NBC and aired on that network until it was cancelled on September 20 , 1991 . The popularity of the daytime series led to a nightly syndicated edition being developed ; that series premiered on September 19 , 1983 and continues to air to this day . The network version was originally hosted by Chuck Woolery and Susan Stafford , with Charlie O'Donnell as its announcer . O'Donnell left in 1980 , Woolery in 1981 , and Stafford in 1982 ; they were replaced , respectively , by Jack Clark , Pat Sajak , and Vanna White . After Clark 's death in 1988 , M.G. Kelly took over briefly as announcer until O'Donnell returned in 1989 . O'Donnell remained on the network version until its cancellation , and continued to announce on the syndicated show until his death in 2010 , when Jim Thornton succeeded him . Sajak left the network version in January 1989 to host his own late - night talk show , and was replaced on that version by Rolf Benirschke . Bob Goen replaced Benirschke when the network show moved to CBS , then remained as host until the network show was canceled altogether . The syndicated version has been hosted continuously by Sajak and White since its inception . Wheel of Fortune ranks as the longest - running syndicated game show in the United States , with over 6,000 episodes aired . TV Guide named it the `` top - rated syndicated series '' in a 2008 article , and in 2013 , the magazine ranked it at No. 2 in its list of the 60 greatest game shows ever . The program has also come to gain a worldwide following with sixty international adaptations . The syndicated series ' 35th season premiered on September 11 , 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Gameplay 1.1 Main game 1.2 Bonus round 1.3 Previous rules 2 Conception and development 3 Personnel 3.1 Hosts and hostesses 3.2 Announcers 3.3 Production staff 4 Production 4.1 Set 4.2 Music 4.3 Audition process 5 Broadcast history 6 Reception 7 Merchandise 8 Notes 9 References 9.1 Footnotes 9.2 Works cited 10 External links Gameplay ( edit ) Main game ( edit ) The template for round one in the syndicated version 's 32nd season ( 2014 -- 15 ) The core game is based on Hangman . Each round has a category and a blank word puzzle , with each blank representing a letter in the answer , and punctuation revealed as needed . The titular Wheel of Fortune is a roulette - style wheel mechanism with 24 spaces , most of which are labeled with dollar amounts ranging from $500 to $900 , plus a top dollar value : $2,500 in round 1 , $3,500 in rounds 2 and 3 , and $5,000 for round 4 and any subsequent rounds . The wheel also features two Bankrupt wedges and one Lose a Turn , both of which forfeit the contestant 's turn , with the former also eliminating any cash or prizes the contestant has accumulated within the round . Each game features three contestants , or occasionally , three two - contestant teams ; each contestant / team is positioned behind a single scoreboard with its own flipper . The left scoreboard from the viewer 's perspective is colored red , the center yellow , and the right blue ; which contestant / team occupies which position is determined by a random selection . A contestant spins the wheel to determine a dollar value and guess a consonant . Calling a correct letter earns the value before the corresponding flipper , multiplied by the number of times that the letter appears in the puzzle . A contestant with at least $250 may buy a vowel for a flat rate of that amount , until all the vowels in the puzzle have been revealed . Calling a correct letter keeps the wheel in the contestant 's control . Control passes to the next contestant clockwise if the wheel lands on Lose a Turn or Bankrupt , if the contestant calls a letter that is not in the puzzle , calls a letter that has already been called in that round , fails to call a letter within five seconds of the wheel stopping , or attempts unsuccessfully to solve the puzzle . The only exception is the Free Play wedge , on which the contestant may call a consonant for $500 per occurrence , call a free vowel , or solve the puzzle , with no penalty for an incorrect letter or answer . In the first three rounds , the wheel contains a Wild Card and a Gift Tag , while two 1⁄2 Car tags are present in rounds two and three only . The 1⁄2 Car tags are not used during weeks with two - contestant teams , unless the teams are married couples . The Wild Card may be used to call an additional consonant after any turn ( for the amount that the contestant has just spun ) or taken to the bonus round to call an extra consonant there . The Gift Tag offers either a $1,000 credit toward purchases from , or $1,000 in cash courtesy of , the sponsoring company , and the 1⁄2 Car tags award a car if the contestant wins the round ( s ) in which he or she claims both . Unlike the other tags , the 1⁄2 Car tags are replaced in subsequent rounds unless the car is won . A special wedge in the first two rounds awards a prize which is described by the announcer if won . All of the tags and the prize wedge are located over the $500 wedges , so calling a letter that appears in the puzzle when landed upon awards both the tag / wedge and $500 per every occurrence of that letter in the puzzle . The first three rounds also contain a special wedge which , if won and taken to the bonus round , offers an opportunity to play that round for $1,000,000 . A contestant must solve the puzzle in order to keep any cash , prizes , or extras accumulated during that round , with the exception of the Wild Card ; once this is picked up , it is kept until the contestant either loses it to Bankrupt or uses it . Bankrupt does not affect score from previous rounds , but it does take away the Wild Card , individual 1⁄2 Car tags , and / or million dollar wedge if any was claimed in a previous round . Contestants who solve a round for less than $1,000 in cash and prizes ( $2,000 on weeks with two - contestant teams ) have their scores increased to that amount . Each game also features three toss - up puzzles , which reveal the puzzle one random letter at a time , and award cash to whoever rings in with the right answer . The first determines who is interviewed first by the host , the second determines who starts round 1 , and the third determines who starts round 4 ; respectively , these are valued at $1,000 , $2,000 , and $3,000 . In addition to these , each game has a minimum of four rounds , with more played if time permits . Rounds 2 and 3 are respectively started by the next two contestants clockwise from the contestant who began round 1 . Round 2 features two `` mystery wedges '' . Calling a correct letter after landing upon this wedge offers the contestant the chance to accept its face value of $1,000 per letter , or forfeit that amount to flip over the wedge and see whether its reverse side contains a $10,000 cash prize or Bankrupt . Once either mystery wedge is flipped over , the other becomes a standard $1,000 space and can not be flipped . Round 3 is a prize puzzle , which offers a prize ( usually a trip ) to the contestant who solves it . Starting with season 31 in 2013 , an `` Express '' wedge is also placed on the wheel in round 3 . A contestant who lands on this space and calls a consonant that appears in the puzzle receives $1,000 per appearance . The contestant can then either `` pass '' and continue the round normally , or `` play '' and keep calling consonants for $1,000 each ( without spinning ) and buying vowels for $250 . The Express play ends when the contestant either calls an incorrect letter ( which has the same effect as landing on a Bankrupt wedge ) or solves the puzzle . The final round is always played at least in part in a `` speed - up '' format , in which the host spins the wheel to determine the value of each consonant , with $1,000 being added to the value on which the wheel stops before the red contestant 's arrow . Vowels do not add or deduct money from the contestants ' scores in the speed - up round . The contestant in control calls one letter ; if it appears in the puzzle , the contestant is given three seconds to attempt to solve . Play proceeds from the viewer 's left to right , starting with the contestant who was in control at the time of the final spin , until the puzzle is solved . The three - second timer does not begin until the hostess has revealed all instances of a called letter and moved aside from the puzzle board , and the contestant may offer multiple guesses on his / her turn . After the speed - up round , the total winnings of the three contestants are compared ; the contestant with the highest total winnings wins the game and advances to the bonus round . Contestants who fail to earn any cash or prizes in the game are awarded a consolation prize of $1,000 ( or $2,000 on weeks with two - contestant teams ) . If a tie for first place occurs after the speed - up round , an additional toss - up puzzle is played between the tied contestants . The contestant who solves the toss - up puzzle wins $1,000 and advances to the bonus round . Bonus round ( edit ) Before the bonus round begins , the winning contestant chooses one of three categories for his or her puzzle ( prior to season 35 , the puzzle and category were predetermined ) . After doing so , the contestant spins a smaller wheel with 24 envelopes to determine the prize . He or she is then shown a puzzle in the chosen category , and every instance of R , S , T , L , N , and E is revealed . The contestant provides three more consonants ( four if he / she is holding the Wild Card ) and one more vowel , then has 10 seconds to solve the puzzle after his or her other letters ( if any ) are revealed . The contestant may make as many guesses as necessary , so long as the contestant begins the correct answer before time expires . Whether or not the contestant solves the puzzle , the host opens the envelope at the end of the round to reveal the prize at stake . Prizes in the bonus round include various cash amounts , with the lowest being the season number multiplied by $1,000 ; a vehicle ( or two vehicles during weeks with two - contestant teams ) ; and a top prize of $100,000 . If the contestant has the Million Dollar Wedge , the $100,000 envelope is replaced with a $1,000,000 envelope . The $1,000,000 prize has been awarded three times : to Michelle Loewenstein ( on the episode that aired October 14 , 2008 ) , to Autumn Erhard ( May 30 , 2013 ) , and to Sarah Manchester ( September 17 , 2014 ) . Contestants who win the $1,000,000 may receive it in installments over 20 years , or in a lump sum of that amount 's present value . When the contestant fails to land on the $1,000,000 wedge , Sajak will reveal where it was on the prize wheel . Previous rules ( edit ) Originally , after winning a round , contestants spent their winnings on prizes that were presented onstage . At any time during a shopping round , most often if the contestant did not have enough left to buy another prize , a contestant could choose to put his or her winnings on a gift certificate ; alternatively , he or she could put the winnings `` on account '' for use in a later shopping round , but at the risk of losing any `` on account '' money to a Bankrupt , or failing to claim it by not winning subsequent rounds . The shopping element was eliminated from the syndicated version on the episode that aired October 5 , 1987 , both to speed up gameplay and to alleviate the taxes paid by contestants . However , the network version continued to use the shopping element until the end of its first NBC run on June 30 , 1989 . Before the introduction of toss - up puzzles at the start of the 18th syndicated season in 2000 , the contestant at the red arrow always started round 1 , with the next contestant clockwise starting each subsequent round . In addition , if a tie for first place occurred , an additional speed - up round was played between the tied contestants for the right to go to the bonus round . The wheel formerly featured a Free Spin wedge , which automatically awarded a token that the contestant could turn in after a lost turn to keep control of the wheel . It was replaced in 1989 with a single Free Spin token placed over a selected cash wedge . Free Spin was retired , and Free Play introduced , at the start of the 27th syndicated season in 2009 . Between September 16 , 1996 and the end of season 30 in 2013 , the show featured a progressive Jackpot wedge , which had been in several different rounds in its history . The jackpot started at $5,000 and had the value of every spin within the round added to it ; to claim the jackpot , a contestant had to land on the wedge , call a correct letter , and solve the puzzle all in the same turn . In later years , it also offered $500 per correct letter and $500 to the jackpot , regardless of whether or not it was won in that turn . The network version allowed champions to appear for up to five days originally , which was later reduced to three . The syndicated version , which originally retired contestants after one episode , adopted the three - day champion rule at the start of the seventh season in 1989 . In later years , the top three winners from the week 's first four shows would return to compete in the `` Friday Finals '' ; when the jackpot wedge was introduced , its value was affected as well , beginning at $10,000 instead of $5,000 . The rules allowing champions to return after their initial appearances were eliminated permanently beginning with the syndicated episode aired September 21 , 1998 ; as was the case before season 7 , contestants appear only on a single episode . Before December 1981 , the show did not feature a bonus round . Under the bonus round 's original rules , no letters were provided automatically ; the contestant was asked for five consonants and a vowel , and had fifteen seconds to attempt solving the puzzle . Also , bonus prizes were selected by the contestant at the start of the round . The current time limit and rules for letter selection were introduced on October 3 , 1988 . Starting on September 4 , 1989 , the first episode of the seventh syndicated season , bonus prizes were selected by the contestant choosing from one of five envelopes labeled W , H , E , E , and L. One prize was always $25,000 in cash , and the rest were changed weekly ; any prize that was won was taken out of rotation for the rest of the week . During seasons 16 through 18 ( 1998 -- 2001 ) , the $25,000 remained in - place the entire week of shows regardless if it was won . At the start of season 19 in 2001 , there were three car envelopes and two $25,000 envelopes , which were available the entire week of shows . These envelopes were replaced with the bonus wheel on October 22 , 2001 . Conception and Development ( edit ) Merv Griffin conceived Wheel of Fortune just as the original version of Jeopardy ! , another show he had created , was ending its 11 - year run on NBC with Art Fleming as its host . Griffin decided to create a Hangman - style game after recalling long car trips as a child , on which he and his sister would play Hangman . After he discussed the idea with Merv Griffin Enterprises ' staff , they thought that the idea would work as a game show if it had a `` hook '' . He decided to add a roulette - style wheel because he was always `` drawn to '' such wheels when he saw them in casinos . He and MGE 's then - president Murray Schwartz consulted an executive of Caesars Palace to find out how to build such a wheel . When Griffin pitched the idea for the show to Lin Bolen , then the head of NBC 's daytime programming division , she approved , but wanted the show to have more glamour to attract the female audience ; she suggested that Griffin incorporate a shopping element into the gameplay , and so , in 1973 , he created a pilot episode titled Shopper 's Bazaar , with Chuck Woolery as host and Mike Lawrence as announcer . The pilot started with the three contestants being introduced individually , with Lawrence describing the prizes that they chose to play for . The main game was played to four rounds , with the values on the wheel wedges increasing after the second round . Unlike the show it evolved into , Shopper 's Bazaar had a vertically mounted wheel , which was spun by Woolery rather than by the contestants ; this wheel lacked the Bankrupt wedge and featured a wedge where a contestant could call a vowel for free , as well as a `` Your Own Clue '' wedge that allowed contestants to pick up a rotary telephone and hear a private clue about the puzzle . At the end of the game , the highest - scoring contestant would play a bonus round called the `` Shopper 's Special '' where all the vowels in the puzzle were already there , and the contestant had 30 seconds to call out consonants in the puzzle . Edd Byrnes , an actor from 77 Sunset Strip , served as host for the second and third pilots , both titled Wheel of Fortune . These pilots were directed by Marty Pasetta , who gave the show a `` Vegas '' feel that more closely resembled the look and feel that the actual show ended up having , a wheel that was now spun by the contestants themselves , and a lighted mechanical puzzle board with letters that were now manually turnable . Showcase prizes on these pilots were located behind the puzzle board , and during shopping segments a list of prizes and their price values scrolled on the right of the screen . By the time production began in December 1974 , Woolery was selected to host , the choice being made by Griffin after he reportedly heard Byrnes reciting `` A-E-I-O-U '' to himself in an effort to remember the vowels . Susan Stafford turned the letters on Byrnes ' pilot episodes , a role that she also held when the show was picked up as a series . Personnel ( edit ) Hosts and hostesses ( edit ) Chuck Woolery was the show 's host from 1975 to 1981 . The original host of Wheel of Fortune was Chuck Woolery , who hosted the series from its 1975 premiere until December 25 , 1981 , save for one week in August 1980 when Alex Trebek hosted in his place . Woolery 's departure came over a salary dispute with show creator Merv Griffin , and his contract was not renewed . On December 28 , 1981 , Pat Sajak made his debut as the host of Wheel . Griffin said that he chose Sajak for his `` odd '' sense of humor . NBC president and CEO Fred Silverman objected as he felt Sajak , who at the time of his hiring was the weatherman for KNBC - TV , was `` too local '' for a national audience . Griffin countered by telling Silverman he would stop production if Sajak was not allowed to become host , and Silverman acquiesced . Pat Sajak ( right ) and Vanna White have hosted the syndicated version since 1983 . Sajak hosted the daytime series until January 9 , 1989 , when he left to host a late - night talk show for CBS . Rolf Benirschke , a former placekicker in the National Football League , was chosen as his replacement and hosted for a little more than five months . Benirschke 's term as host came to an end due to NBC 's cancellation of the daytime Wheel after fourteen years , with its final episode airing on June 30 , 1989 . When the newly formatted daytime series returned on CBS on July 17 , 1989 , Bob Goen became its host . The daytime program continued for a year and a half on CBS , then returned to NBC on January 14 , 1991 and continued until September 20 , 1991 when it was cancelled for a second and final time . Susan Stafford was the original hostess , serving in that role from the premiere until October 1982 . Stafford was absent for two extended periods , once in 1977 after fracturing two vertebrae in her back and once in 1979 after an automobile accident . During these two extended absences , former Miss USA Summer Bartholomew was Stafford 's most frequent substitute , with model Cynthia Washington and comedian Arte Johnson also filling in for Stafford . After Stafford left to become a humanitarian worker , over two hundred applicants signed up for a nationwide search to be her replacement . Griffin eventually narrowed the list to three finalists , which consisted of Summer Bartholomew , former Playboy centerfold Vicki McCarty , and Vanna White . Griffin gave each of the three women an opportunity to win the job by putting them in a rotation for several weeks after Stafford 's departure . In December 1982 , Griffin named White as Stafford 's successor , saying that he felt she was capable of activating the puzzle board letters ( which is the primary role of the Wheel hostess ) better than anyone else who had auditioned . White became highly popular among the young female demographic , and also gained a fanbase of adults interested in her daily wardrobe , in a phenomenon that has been referred to as `` Vannamania '' . White remained on the daytime series for the rest of the time it was on the air . Sajak and White have starred on the syndicated version continuously as host and hostess , respectively , since it began , except for very limited occasions . During two weeks in January 1991 , Tricia Gist , the girlfriend and future wife of Griffin 's son Tony , filled in for White when she and her new husband , restaurateur George San Pietro , were honeymooning . Gist returned for the week of episodes airing March 11 through 15 , 1991 , because White had a cold at the time of taping . On an episode in November 1996 , when Sajak proved unable to host the bonus round segment because of laryngitis , he and White traded places for that segment . On the March 4 , 1997 episode , Rosie O'Donnell co-hosted the third round with White after O'Donnell's name was used in a puzzle . On April 1 , 1997 , Sajak and Alex Trebek traded jobs for the day . Sajak hosted that day 's edition of Jeopardy ! in place of Trebek , who presided over a special two - contestant Wheel celebrity match between Sajak and White , who were playing for the Boy Scouts of America and the American Cancer Society , respectively ; Lesly Sajak , Pat 's wife , was the guest hostess for the day . In January and February 2011 , the show held a `` Vanna for a Day '' contest in which home viewers submitted video auditions to take White 's place for one episode , with the winner determined by a poll on the show 's website ; the winner of this contest , Katie Cantrell of Wooster , Ohio ( a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design ) , took White 's place for the second and third rounds on the episode that aired March 24 , 2011 . Announcers ( edit ) Jim Thornton has been the show 's announcer since 2011 . Charlie O'Donnell was the program 's first and longest tenured announcer . In 1980 , NBC was discussing cancelling Wheel and O'Donnell agreed to take the position as announcer on The Toni Tennille Show . The network decided against the cancellation but O'Donnell decided to honor his commitment and left the series . His replacement was Jack Clark , who added the syndicated series to his responsibilities when it premiered in 1983 and announced for both series until his death in July 1988 . Los Angeles radio personality M.G. Kelly was Clark 's replacement , starting on the daytime series in August 1988 and on the syndicated series when its new season launched a month later . Kelly held these positions until O'Donnell was able to return to the announcer position , doing so after his duties with Barris Industries came to an end at the end of the 1988 -- 89 television season . O'Donnell remained with the series until shortly before his death in November 2010 . Don Pardo , Don Morrow , and Johnny Gilbert have occasionally served as substitute announcers . After O'Donnell's death , the producers sought a permanent replacement , and a series of substitutes filled out the rest of the season , including Gilbert , John Cramer , Joe Cipriano , Rich Fields , Lora Cain and Jim Thornton . For the show 's twenty - ninth season , which began in 2011 , Thornton was chosen to be the new announcer for Wheel , and has been with the show ever since . Production staff ( edit ) Wheel of Fortune typically employs a total of 100 in - house production personnel , with 60 to 100 local staff joining them for those episodes that are taped on location . Griffin was the executive producer of the network version throughout its entire run , and served as the syndicated version 's executive producer until his retirement in 2000 . Since 1999 , the title of executive producer has been held by Harry Friedman , who had shared his title with Griffin for his first year , and had earlier served as a producer starting in 1995 . John Rhinehart was the program 's first producer , but departed in August 1976 to become NBC 's West Coast Daytime Program Development Director . Afterwards , his co-producer , Nancy Jones , was promoted to sole producer , and served as such until 1995 , when Friedman succeeded her . In the 15th syndicated season in 1997 , Karen Griffith and Steve Schwartz joined Friedman as producers ; they were later promoted to supervising producers , with Amanda Stern occupying Griffith and Schwartz 's old post . The show 's original director was Jeff Goldstein , who was succeeded by Dick Carson ( a brother of Johnny Carson ) in 1978 . Mark Corwin , who had served as associate director under Carson , took over for him upon his retirement at the end of the 1998 -- 99 season , and served as such until he himself died in July 2013 ( although episodes already taped before his death continued airing until late 2013 ) . Jeopardy ! director Kevin McCarthy , Corwin 's associate director Bob Cisneros , and Wheel and Jeopardy ! technical director Robert Ennis filled in at various points until Cisneros became full - time director in November 2013 . Ennis returned as guest director for the weeks airing October 13 through 17 and November 17 through 21 , 2014 , as Cisneros was recovering from neck surgery at the time of taping . With the start of the 33rd season on September 14 , 2015 , Ennis was promoted to full - time director . Production ( edit ) Wheel of Fortune is owned by Sony Pictures Television ( previously known as Columbia TriStar Television ; the successor company to original producer Merv Griffin Enterprises ) . The production company and copyright holder of all episodes to date is Califon Productions , Inc. , which like SPT has Sony Pictures for its active registered agent , and whose name comes from a New Jersey town where Griffin once owned a farm . The rights to distribute the show worldwide are owned by CBS Television Distribution , into which original distributor King World Productions was folded in 2007 . The show was originally taped in Studio 4 at NBC Studios in Burbank . Upon NBC 's 1989 cancellation of the network series , production moved to Studio 33 at CBS Television City in Los Angeles , where it remained until 1995 . Since then , the show has occupied Stage 11 at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City . Some episodes are also recorded on location , a tradition which began with two weeks of episodes taped at Radio City Music Hall in late 1988 . Recording sessions usually last for five or six episodes in one day . Set ( edit ) The current design of the Wheel of Fortune set , as seen on a Season 30 episode The show 's current puzzle board , as seen on a Season 30 episode Various changes have been made to the basic set since the syndicated version 's premiere in 1983 . In 1996 , a large video display was added center stage , which was then upgraded in 2003 as the show began the transition into high - definition broadcasting . In the mid-1990s , the show began a long - standing tradition of nearly every week coming with its own unique theme ; as a result , in addition to its generic design , the set also uses many alternate designs , which are unique to specific weekly sets of themed programs . The most recent set design was conceived by production designer Renee Hoss - Johnson , with later modifications by Jody Vaclav . Previous set designers included Ed Flesh and Dick Stiles . The first pilot used a vertically mounted wheel which was often difficult to see on - screen . Flesh , who also designed the sets for The $25,000 Pyramid and Jeopardy ! , designed the wheel mechanism . Originally made mostly of paint and cardboard , the modern wheel mechanism is framed on a steel tube surrounded with Plexiglas and more than 200 lighting instruments , and is held by a stainless steel shaft with roller bearings . Altogether , the wheel weighs approximately 2,400 pounds ( 1,100 kg ) . The show 's original puzzle board had three rows of 13 manually operated trilons , for a total of 39 spaces . On December 21 , 1981 , a larger board with 48 trilons in four rows ( 11 , 13 , 13 and 11 trilons ) was adopted . This board was surrounded by a double - arched border of lights which flashed at the beginning and end of the round . Each trilon had three sides : a green side to represent spaces not used by the puzzle , a blank side to indicate a letter that had not been revealed , and a side with a letter on it . With these older boards , in segments where more than one puzzle was present , while the viewer saw a seamless transition to the next puzzle , what actually happened was a stop - down of the taping ; during the old stop - downs , the board would be wheeled offstage and the new puzzle loaded in by hand out of sight of the contestants . On February 24 , 1997 , the show introduced a computerized puzzle board composed of 52 touch - activated monitors in four rows ( 12 on the top and bottom rows , 14 in the middle two ) . To illuminate a letter during regular gameplay , the hostess touches the right edge of the monitor to reveal it . The computerized board obviated the stop - downs , allowing tapings to finish quicker at a lower cost to the production company . The former board was subsequently sent to the Smithsonian Institution for storage . Although not typically seen by viewers , the set also includes a used letter board that shows contestants which letters are remaining in play , a scoreboard that is visible from the contestants ' perspective , and a countdown clock . The used letter board is also used during the bonus round , and in at least one case , helped the contestant to see unused letters to solve a difficult puzzle . Music ( edit ) Alan Thicke composed the show 's original theme , which was titled `` Big Wheels '' . In 1983 , it was replaced by Griffin 's own composition , `` Changing Keys '' , to allow him to derive royalties from that composition 's use on both the network and syndicated versions . Steve Kaplan became music director starting with the premiere of the 15th syndicated season in 1997 , and continued to serve as such until he was killed when the Cessna 421C Golden Eagle he was piloting crashed into a home in Claremont , California , in December 2003 ; his initial theme was a remix of `` Changing Keys '' , but by the 18th syndicated season ( 2000 -- 01 ) , he had replaced it with a composition of his own , which was titled `` Happy Wheels '' . Since 2006 , music direction has been handled by Frankie Blue and John Hoke ; themes they have written for the show include a remix of `` Happy Wheels '' and an original rock - based composition . In addition to `` Changing Keys '' , Griffin also composed various incidental music cues for the syndicated version which were used for announcements of prizes in the show 's early years . Among them were `` Frisco Disco '' ( earlier the closing theme for a revival of Jeopardy ! which aired in 1978 and 1979 ) , `` A Time for Tony '' ( whose basic melody evolved into `` Think ! '' , the longtime theme song for Jeopardy ! ) , `` Buzzword '' ( later used as the theme for Merv Griffin 's Crosswords ) , `` Nightwalk '' , `` Struttin ' on Sunset '' , and an untitled vacation cue . Audition process ( edit ) Marty Lublin interviews a potential contestant during an audition at Morongo Casino , Resort & Spa , Cabazon , California The most recent design of the Wheelmobile at the Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort in Jackson , California Anyone at least 18 years old has the potential to become a contestant through Wheel of Fortune 's audition process . Exceptions include employees and immediate family members of CBS Corporation , Sony Pictures Entertainment , or any of their respective affiliates or subsidiaries ; any firm involved in supplying prizes for the show ; and television stations that broadcast Wheel and / or Jeopardy ! , their sister radio stations , and those advertising agencies that are affiliated with them . Also ineligible to apply as contestants are individuals who have appeared on a different game show within the previous year , three other game shows within the past ten years , or on any version of Wheel of Fortune itself . Throughout the year , the show uses a custom - designed Winnebago recreational vehicle called the `` Wheelmobile '' to travel across the United States , holding open auditions at various public venues . Participants are provided with entry forms which are then drawn randomly . Individuals whose names are drawn appear on stage , five at a time , and are interviewed by traveling host Marty Lublin . The group of five then plays a mock version of the speed - up round , and five more names are selected after a puzzle is solved . Everyone who is called onstage receives a themed prize , usually determined by the spin of a miniature wheel . Auditions typically last two days , with three one - hour segments per day . After each Wheelmobile event , the `` most promising candidates '' are invited back to the city in which the first audition was held , to participate in a second audition . Alternatively , a participant may submit an audition form with a self - shot video through the show 's website to enter an audition . Contestants not appearing on stage at Wheelmobile events have their applications retained and get drawn at random to fill second - level audition vacancies . At the second audition , potential contestants play more mock games featuring a miniature wheel and puzzle board , followed by a 16 - puzzle test with some letters revealed . The contestants have five minutes to solve as many puzzles as they can by writing in the correct letters . The people who pass continue the audition , playing more mock games which are followed by interviews . Broadcast history ( edit ) Wheel of Fortune premiered on January 6 , 1975 , at 10 : 30 am ( 9 : 30 Central ) on NBC . Lin Bolen , then the head of daytime programming , purchased the show from Griffin to compensate him for canceling the original Jeopardy ! series , which had one year remaining on its contract ; Jeopardy ! aired its final episode on the Friday before Wheel 's premiere . The original Wheel aired on NBC , in varying time slots between 10 : 30 am and noon , until June 30 , 1989 . Throughout that version 's run , episodes were generally 30 minutes in length , except for six weeks of shows aired between December 1975 and January 1976 which were 60 minutes in length . NBC announced the cancellation of the show in August 1980 , but it stayed on the air following a decision to cut the duration of The David Letterman Show from 90 to 60 minutes . The network Wheel moved to CBS on July 17 , 1989 , and remained there until January 14 , 1991 . After that , it briefly returned to NBC , replacing Let 's Make a Deal , but was canceled permanently on September 20 of that year . The daily syndicated version of Wheel premiered on September 19 , 1983 , preceded by a series of episodes taped on location at the Ohio State Fair and aired on WBNS - TV in Columbus , Ohio . From its debut , the syndicated version offered a larger prize budget than its network counterpart . The show came from humble beginnings : King World chairmen Roger , Michael , and Robert King could initially find only 50 stations that were willing to carry the show , and since they could not find affiliates for the syndicated Wheel in New York , Los Angeles , or Chicago , Philadelphia was the largest market in which the show could succeed in its early days . Only nine stations carried the show from its beginning , but by midseason it was airing on all 50 of the stations that were initially willing to carry it , and by the beginning of 1984 the show was available to 99 percent of television households . Soon , Wheel succeeded Family Feud as the highest - rated syndicated show , and at the beginning of the 1984 -- 85 season , Griffin followed up on the show 's success by launching a syndicated revival of Jeopardy ! , hosted by Alex Trebek . The syndicated success of Wheel and Jeopardy ! siphoned ratings from the period 's three longest - running and most popular game shows , Tic - Tac - Dough , The Joker 's Wild , and Family Feud , to the point that all three series came to an end by the fall of 1986 . At this point , Wheel had the highest ratings of any syndicated television series in history , and at the peak of the show 's popularity , over 40 million people were watching five nights per week . The series , along with companion series Jeopardy ! , remained the most - watched syndicated program in the United States until dethroned by Judge Judy in 2011 . The program has become America 's longest - running syndicated game show and its second - longest in either network or syndication , second to the version of The Price Is Right which began airing in 1972 . The syndicated Wheel has become part of the consciousness of over 90 million Americans , and awarded a total of over $200 million in cash and prizes to contestants . The popularity of Wheel of Fortune has led it to become a worldwide franchise , with over forty known adaptations in international markets outside the United States . Versions of the show have existed in such countries as Australia , Denmark , France , Germany , Italy , Malaysia , New Zealand , the Philippines , Poland , Russia , Spain , and the United Kingdom . The American version of Wheel has honored its international variants with an occasional theme of special weeks known as `` Wheel Around the World '' , the inaugural episode of which aired when the 23rd syndicated season premiered on September 12 , 2005 . Between September 1997 and January 1998 , CBS and Game Show Network concurrently aired a special children 's version of the show titled Wheel 2000 . It was hosted by David Sidoni , with Tanika Ray providing voice and motion capture for a virtual reality hostess named `` Cyber Lucy '' . Created by Scott Sternberg , the spin - off featured special gameplay in which numerous rules were changed ; for example , the show 's child contestants competed for points and prizes instead of cash , with the eventual winner playing for a grand prize in the bonus round . Reception ( edit ) Wheel of Fortune has long been one of the highest - rated programs on U.S. syndicated television . It was the highest - rated show in all of syndication before it was dethroned by Two and a Half Men in the 28th season ( 2010 -- 11 ) . The syndicated Wheel shared the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game / Audience Participation Show with Jeopardy ! in 2011 , and Sajak won three Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show Host -- in 1993 , 1997 , and 1998 . In a 2001 issue , TV Guide ranked Wheel number 25 among the 50 Greatest Game Shows of All Time , and in 2013 , the magazine ranked it number 2 in its list of the 60 greatest game shows ever , second only to Jeopardy ! In August 2006 , the show was ranked number 6 on GSN 's list of the 50 Greatest Game Shows . Wheel was the subject of many nominations in GSN 's Game Show Awards special , which aired on June 6 , 2009 . The show was nominated for Best Game Show , but lost to Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader ? ; Sajak and White were nominated for Best Game Show Host , but lost to Deal or No Deal 's Howie Mandel ; and O'Donnell was considered for Best Announcer but lost to Rich Fields from The Price Is Right . One of the catchphrases uttered by contestants , `` I 'd like to buy a vowel '' , was considered for Favorite Game Show Catch Phrase , but lost to `` Come on down ! '' , the announcer 's catchphrase welcoming new contestants to Price . The sound effect heard at the start of a new regular gameplay round won the award for Favorite Game Show Sound Effect ; the sound heard when the wheel lands on Bankrupt was also nominated . Despite having been retired from the show for nearly a decade by that point , `` Changing Keys '' was nominated for Best Game Show Theme Song ; however , it lost to its fellow Griffin composition , `` Think ! '' from Jeopardy ! A hall of fame honoring Wheel of Fortune is part of the Sony Pictures Studios tour , and was introduced on the episode aired May 10 , 2010 . Located in the same stage as the show 's taping facility , this hall of fame features memorabilia related to Wheel 's syndicated history , including retired props , classic merchandise , photographs , videos , and a special case dedicated to White 's wardrobe . Two years later , in 2012 , the show was honored with a Ride of Fame on a double decker tour bus in New York City . Merchandise ( edit ) Numerous board games based on Wheel of Fortune have been released by different toy companies . The games are all similar , incorporating a wheel , puzzle display board , play money and various accessories like Free Spin tokens . Milton Bradley released the first board game in 1975 . In addition to all the supplies mentioned above , the game included 20 prize cards ( to simulate the `` shopping '' prizes of the show ; the prizes ranged in value from $100 to $3,000 ) . Two editions were released , with the only differences being the box art and the included books of puzzles . Other home versions were released by Pressman Toy Corporation , Tyco / Mattel , Parker Brothers , Endless Games , and Irwin Toys . Additionally , several video games based on the show have been released for personal computers , the Internet , and various gaming consoles spanning multiple hardware generations . Most games released in the 20th century were published by GameTek , which produced a dozen Wheel games on various platforms , starting with a Nintendo Entertainment System game released in 1987 and continuing until the company closed in 1998 after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection . Subsequent games were published by Hasbro Interactive and its acquirer Infogrames / Atari , Sony Online Entertainment , and THQ . Wheel has also been licensed to International Game Technology for use in its slot machines . The games are all loosely based on the show , with contestants given the chance to spin the wheel to win a jackpot prize . Since 1996 , over 200 slot games based on the show have been created , both for real - world casinos and those on the Internet . With over 1,000 wins awarded in excess of $1,000,000 and over $3 billion in jackpots delivered , Wheel has been regarded as the most successful slots brand of all time . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The simplified title is often used by host Pat Sajak on - air and has been used instead of the full title in numerous promotional materials for the show . Jump up ^ If a contestant can not spin the wheel due to a physical limitation or disability , he / she is accompanied by a `` designated spinner , '' a friend or family member who spins for him / her but is otherwise not involved in the game . Jump up ^ Sajak : `` I 'll give the wheel a final spin , and ask you to give me a letter . If it 's in the puzzle , you have three seconds to solve it . Vowels are worth nothing , consonants are worth ... ( wedge amount ) , we 'll add $1,000 to that , ( dollar amount ) apiece . '' Jump up ^ The jackpot wedge was originally in round 3 , was moved to round 2 at the start of the 18th syndicated season in 2000 , and after that moved to round 1 from 2009 to 2013 . References ( edit ) Footnotes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Production credits '' . Wheel of Fortune . Archived from the original on June 25 , 2014 . Retrieved February 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` College Week , Episode 5 '' . Wheel of Fortune . Season 31 . Episode 6000 . April 11 , 2014 . Syndicated . Sajak : `` By the way , I 'm not looking for any cheap applause , but I do wan na say that this is the 6,000 th nighttime Wheel of Fortune show . '' ^ Jump up to : `` Harry Friedman Named Producer of ' Wheel of Fortune ' '' ( Press release ) . PR Newswire . June 14 , 1995 -- via HighBeam Research . Jump up ^ `` ' Wheel of Fortune ' Ups Bonus Round Jackpot to $1 M '' . TV Guide . Retrieved August 12 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Fretts , Bruce ( June 17 , 2013 ) . `` Eyes on the Prize '' . TV Guide . pp. 14 -- 15 . Jump up ^ `` WHEEL OF FORTUNE BEGINS 35TH SEASON CELEBRATION '' . Wheel of Fortune . Retrieved 11 September 2017 . Text `` News & Events '' ignored ( help ) Jump up ^ Griffin & Bender 2007 , p. 100 ^ Jump up to : Schwartz , Ryan & Wostbrock 1999 , pp. 250 -- 252 ^ Jump up to : `` History & Fun Facts '' . Wheel of Fortune . Archived from the original on February 9 , 2014 . Retrieved March 16 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Wheel of Fortune . Season 33 . 31 May 2016 . Syndication . ^ Jump up to : Newcomb 2004 , p. 2527 Jump up ^ `` ' Wheel of Fortune ' : About the Show '' . CBS Press Express . Retrieved July 22 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Wheel of Fortune . Season 33 . 25 May 2016 . Syndication . Jump up ^ `` Watch Now : Wheel 's 1st Million Dollar Winner '' . Philadelphia : WPVI - TV . October 15 , 2008 . Retrieved July 16 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` California woman becomes 2nd million dollar winner on Wheel of Fortune '' . Tuscaloosa , AL : WCFT - TV . May 30 , 2013 . Retrieved May 31 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Silver Spring math teacher , Sarah Manchester , wins $1 million on ' Wheel Of Fortune ' '' . Washington , DC : WJLA - TV . September 17 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Celebrating 30 , Episode 4 '' . Wheel of Fortune . Season 30 . Episode 5834 . May 30 , 2013 . Syndicated . Closing credits : `` Contestants are advised prior to taping that they may elect to receive the million dollar prize paid over 20 years or as a present value lump sum payment . 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Jump up ^ Schwartz , Ryan & Wostbrock 1999 , p. 252 Jump up ^ `` U.S. television ratings : top 10 syndicated programs in season 2009 / 10 : Statistic '' . Statista.com . Retrieved April 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 2010 -- 11 Report : ' Two and a Half Men ' Still Strong ; Network Ratings Still Sliding '' . The Wrap TV . Retrieved April 22 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` ' TV Guide ' Names the 50 Greatest Game Shows of All Time '' . Hall of Game Show Fame . Jump up ^ The 50 Greatest Game Shows of All Time . GSN . Retrieved on August 31 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Catlin , Roger . `` On Tonight : First Game Show Awards '' . TV Eye . Archived from the original on June 23 , 2009 . Retrieved June 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Title Unknown '' . Archived from the original on June 23 , 2009 . Retrieved June 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` State Fair Week , Episode 1 '' . Wheel of Fortune . Season 27 . May 10 , 2010 . Syndicated . Jump up ^ Glaus , Heidi ( November 10 , 2011 ) . `` Tour the ' Wheel of Fortune ' Hall of Fame '' . St. Louis , MO : KSDK - TV . Retrieved October 2 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Wheel Of Fortune Honored By Gray Line New York 's Ride Of Fame Getty Images . May 23 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Wheel of Fortune board games '' . Board Game Geek . Retrieved June 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` GameTek Games '' . IGN . Retrieved October 2 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Wheel of Fortune ' Licensees '' . MobyGames . Retrieved October 2 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Wheel of Fortune at IGT Games '' . International Game Technology . Retrieved August 19 , 2015 . Works cited ( edit ) Graham , Jefferson ( 1988 ) . Come on Down ! ! ! : The Game Show Book . New York : Abbeville Press . ISBN 0 - 89659 - 794 - 6 . Griffin , Merv & Bender , David ( 2007 ) . Merv : Making the Good Life Last . New York : Simon and Schuster . ISBN 0 - 7434 - 5696 - 3 . Newcomb , Horace ( 2004 ) . Encyclopedia of Television ( 2nd ed . ) . New York : Fitzroy Dearborn . ISBN 1 - 57958 - 411 - X -- via Google Books . Sams , David R. & Shook , Robert L. ( 1987 ) . Wheel of Fortune . New York : St. Martins Press . ISBN 0 - 312 - 90833 - 4 . Schwartz , David ; Ryan , Steve & Wostbrock , Fred ( 1999 ) . The Encyclopedia of TV Game Shows ( 3rd ed . ) . New York : Facts on File . ISBN 0 - 8160 - 3846 - 5 . Stafford , Susan ( 2011 ) . Stop the Wheel , I Want to Get Off ! ( eBook ) . Xlibris . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4568 - 7438 - 4 -- via Google Books . Trebek , Alex & Barsocchini , Peter ( 1990 ) . The ' Jeopardy ! ' Book : The Answers , the Questions , the Facts , and the Stories of the Greatest Game Show in History . Introduction by Merv Griffin . New York : Harper Perennial . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 096511 - 2 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wheel of Fortune ( U.S. game show ) . 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which country experienced fighting between catholic and protestants for nearly 40 years
European wars of religion
european wars of religion
This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Battle of White Mountain ( 1620 ) in Bohemia was one of the decisive battles of the Thirty Years ' War that ultimately led to the forced conversion of the Bohemian population back to Roman Catholicism The European wars of religion were a series of religious wars waged in 16th and 17th century Europe , devastating the continent and killing over 10 million people . The wars were fought in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation ( 1517 ) , which disrupted the religious order in the Catholic countries of Europe . However , religion was not the only cause of the wars , which also included revolts , territorial ambitions , and Great Power conflicts . By the end of the Thirty Years ' War ( 1618 -- 1648 ) , Catholic France was allied with the Protestant countries against the Catholic Habsburg monarchy . The wars were largely ended by the Peace of Westphalia ( 1648 ) , establishing a new political order that is now known as Westphalian sovereignty . The conflicts began with the Knights ' Revolt ( 1522 ) , a minor war in the Holy Roman Empire . Warfare intensified after the Catholic Church began the Counter-Reformation in 1545 to counter the growth of Protestantism . The conflicts culminated in the Thirty Years ' War ( 1618 -- 1648 ) , which devastated Germany and killed one - third of its population . The Peace of Westphalia ( 1648 ) put an end to the war by recognising three separate Christian traditions in the Holy Roman Empire : Roman Catholicism , Lutheranism , and Calvinism . Although many European leaders were ' sickened ' by the religious bloodshed by 1648 , religious wars continued to be waged in the post-Westphalian period until the 1710s . Contents 1 Definitions and discussions 2 Overview of wars 3 Holy Roman Empire 3.1 Rebellions of Anabaptists and other radicals 3.2 Swiss Confederacy 3.3 The Schmalkaldic Wars and other early conflicts 3.4 The Thirty Years ' War 4 Low Countries 4.1 Division 5 France 5.1 The 1560s 5.2 Henry III 5.3 Henry IV 6 Denmark - Norway 7 Great Britain and Ireland 7.1 Scottish Reformation 7.2 English Civil War 7.3 Ireland 7.4 Scotland 7.5 Other 8 Death toll 9 Religious situation pre and post European wars 10 See also 11 References Definitions and discussions ( edit ) The European wars of religion are also known as the Wars of the Reformation ( and Counter-Reformation ) . The wars were closely connected to the theological disputes within Western Christendom , which erupted after the publication of Martin Luther 's Ninety - five Theses in 1517 . The Protestant Reformation led to a schism within the Catholic Church , as Protestant churches and rulers no longer recognised the authority of the papacy . Although most of the wars ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 , religious conflicts continued to be fought in Europe until at least the 1710s . These included the Savoyard - Waldensian Wars ( 1655 -- 1690 ) the Nine Years ' War ( 1688 -- 1697 , including the Glorious Revolution and the Williamite War in Ireland ) and the War of the Spanish Succession ( 1701 -- 1714 ) . Whether these should be included in the European wars of religion depends on how one defines a ' war of religion ' , and whether these wars can be considered ' European ' ( i.e. international rather than domestic ) . The religious nature of the wars has also been debated , and contrasted with other factors at play , such as national , dynastic ( e.g. they could often simultaneously be characterised as wars of succession ) , and financial interests . Scholars have pointed out that some European wars of this period had no religious elements at all , such as the Italian Wars ( 1494 -- 1559 , only involving Catholics ) and the Northern Seven Years ' War ( 1563 -- 1570 , only involving Lutherans ) . Others emphasise the fact that cross-religious alliances existed , such as the Lutheran duke Maurice of Saxony assisting the Catholic emperor Charles V in the first Schmalkaldic War in 1547 in order to become the Saxon elector instead of John Frederick , his Lutheran cousin , while the Catholic king Henry II of France supported the Lutheran cause in the Second Schmalkaldic War in 1552 to secure French bases in modern - day Lorraine . The Encyclopædia Britannica maintains that `` ( the ) wars of religion of this period ( were ) fought mainly for confessional security and political gain '' . Overview of wars ( edit ) Individual conflicts that may be distinguished within this topic include : Pre-Reformation wars : The Hussite Wars ( 1419 -- 1434 ) in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown Conflicts immediately connected with the Reformation of the 1520s to 1540s : The Knights ' Revolt ( 1522 -- 1523 ) in the Holy Roman Empire The German Peasants ' War ( 1524 -- 1526 ) in the Holy Roman Empire The Wars of Kappel ( 1529 -- 1531 ) in the Old Swiss Confederacy The Tudor conquest of Ireland ( 1529 -- 1603 ) on the Catholic population of Ireland by the Tudor kings of England and their Protestant allies The Kildare Rebellion ( 1534 -- 1535 ) The First Desmond Rebellion ( 1569 -- 1573 ) The Second Desmond Rebellion ( 1579 -- 1583 ) The Nine Years ' War ( 1593 -- 1603 ) The Münster rebellion ( 1534 -- 1535 ) in the Prince - Bishopric of Münster The Count 's Feud ( 1534 -- 1536 ) in the Kalmar Union ( Denmark and Norway ) The Anabaptist riot ( 1535 ) in Amsterdam Bigod 's rebellion ( 1537 ) in the Kingdom of England The Schmalkaldic War ( 1546 -- 1547 ) in the Holy Roman Empire The Prayer Book Rebellion ( 1549 ) in the Kingdom of England The Second Schmalkaldic War or Princes ' Revolt ( 1552 -- 1555 ) The French Wars of Religion ( 1562 -- 1598 ) in the Kingdom of France The Eighty Years ' War ( 1566 / 8 -- 1648 ) in the Low Countries The Cologne War ( 1583 -- 1588 ) in the Electorate of Cologne The Strasbourg Bishops ' War ( 1592 -- 1604 ) in the Prince - Bishopric of Strasbourg The War against Sigismund ( 1598 -- 1599 ) in the Polish -- Swedish union The War of the Jülich Succession ( 1609 -- 10 , 1614 ) in the United Duchies of Jülich - Cleves - Berg The Thirty Years ' War ( 1618 -- 1648 ) , affecting the Holy Roman Empire including Habsburg Austria and Bohemia and Moravia , France , Denmark and Sweden Bohemian Revolt ( 1618 -- 1620 ) between the Protestant nobility of the Bohemian Crown and their Catholic Habsburg king . This revolt started the Thirty Years ' War , causing additional conflicts elsewhere in Europe , and subsuming other already ongoing conflicts . Hessian War ( 1567 -- 1648 ) between the Lutheran Landgraviate of Hesse - Darmstadt ( member of the Catholic League ) and the Calvinist Landgraviate of Hesse - Kassel ( member of the Protestant Union ) The Huguenot rebellions ( 1621 -- 1629 ) in France The Wars of the Three Kingdoms ( 1639 -- 1651 ) , affecting England , Scotland and Ireland Bishops ' Wars ( 1639 -- 1640 ) English Civil War ( 1642 -- 1651 ) Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms ( 1644 -- 1651 ) Irish Confederate Wars ( 1641 -- 1653 ) and the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland ( 1649 -- 1653 ) The post-Westphalian wars : The Savoyard - Waldensian Wars ( 1655 -- 1690 ) beginning with the Piedmontese Easter ( Pasque piemontesi ) of April 1655 in the Duchy of Savoy The First War of Villmergen ( 1656 ) in the Old Swiss Confederacy The Second Anglo - Dutch War ( 1665 -- 1667 ) between England and the Dutch Republic The Great Turkish War ( 1683 -- 1699 ) was fought between the Islamic Ottoman Empire and the Christian Holy League . The Nine Years ' War ( 1688 -- 1697 ) The Glorious Revolution ( 1688 -- 1689 ) The Williamite War in Ireland ( 1688 -- 1691 ) The Jacobite rising of 1689 in Scotland saw Roman Catholics and Anglican Tories supporting the deposed Catholic king James Stuart take up arms against the newly enthroned Calvinist William of Orange and his Presbyterian Covenanter allies ; the religious component may be regarded as secondary to the dynastic factor , however . The War of the Spanish Succession ( 1701 -- 1714 ) across Europe had a strong religious component The War in the Cevennes ( 1702 -- 1710 ) in France The Second War of Villmergen or Toggenburg War ( 1712 ) in the Old Swiss Confederacy Holy Roman Empire ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Religious situation in the Holy Roman Empire at the outbreak of the Thirty Years ' War in 1618 The Holy Roman Empire , encompassing present - day Germany and surrounding territory , was the area most devastated by the wars of religion . The Empire was a fragmented collection of practically independent states with an elected Holy Roman Emperor as their titular ruler ; after the 14th century , this position was usually held by a Habsburg . The Austrian House of Habsburg , who remained Catholic , was a major European power in its own right , ruling over some eight million subjects in present - day Germany , Austria , Bohemia and Hungary . The Empire also contained regional powers , such as Bavaria , the Electorate of Saxony , the Margraviate of Brandenburg , the Electorate of the Palatinate , the Landgraviate of Hesse , the Archbishopric of Trier , and Württemberg . A vast number of minor independent duchies , free imperial cities , abbeys , bishoprics , and small lordships of sovereign families rounded out the Empire . Lutheranism , from its inception at Wittenberg in 1517 , found a ready reception in Germany , as well as German - speaking parts of Hussite Bohemia ( where the Hussite Wars took place from 1419 to 1434 , and Hussites remained a majority of the population until the 1620 Battle of White Mountain ) . The preaching of Martin Luther and his many followers raised tensions across Europe . In Northern Germany , Luther adopted the tactic of gaining the support of the local princes and city elites in his struggle to take over and re-establish the church along Lutheran lines . The Elector of Saxony , the Landgrave of Hesse and other North German princes not only protected Luther from retaliation from the edict of outlawry issued by the Holy Roman Emperor , Charles V , but also used state power to enforce the establishment of Lutheran worship in their lands , in what is called the Magisterial Reformation . Church property was seized , and Catholic worship was forbidden in most territories that adopted the Lutheran Reformation . The political conflicts thus engendered within the Empire led almost inevitably to war . The Knights ' Revolt of 1522 was a revolt by a number of Protestant and religious humanist German knights led by Franz von Sickingen , against the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Emperor . It has also been called the `` Poor Barons ' Rebellion . '' The revolt was short - lived but would inspire the bloody German Peasants ' War of 1524 -- 1526 . Rebellions of anabaptists and other radicals ( edit ) Further information : Radical Reformation , German Peasants ' War , and Münster Rebellion Rebellious peasants surrounding a knight . The first large - scale violence was engendered by the more radical element of the Reformation movement , who wished to extend wholesale reform of the Church to a similar wholesale reform of society in general . This was a step that the princes supporting Luther were not willing to countenance . The German Peasants ' War of 1524 / 1525 was a popular revolt inspired by the teachings of the radical reformers . It consisted of a series of economic as well as religious revolts by Anabaptist peasants , townsfolk and nobles . The conflict took place mostly in southern , western and central areas of modern Germany but also affected areas in neighboring modern Switzerland , Austria and the Netherlands ( for example , the 1535 Anabaptist riot in Amsterdam ) . At its height , in the spring and summer of 1525 , it involved an estimated 300,000 peasant insurgents . Contemporary estimates put the dead at 100,000 . It was Europe 's largest and most widespread popular uprising before the 1789 French Revolution . Because of their revolutionary political ideas , radical reformers like Thomas Müntzer were compelled to leave the Lutheran cities of North Germany in the early 1520s . They spread their revolutionary religious and political doctrines into the countryside of Bohemia , Southern Germany , and Switzerland . Starting as a revolt against feudal oppression , the peasants ' uprising became a war against all constituted authorities , and an attempt to establish by force an ideal Christian commonwealth . The total defeat of the insurgents at Frankenhausen on May 15 , 1525 was followed by the execution of Müntzer and thousands of his peasant followers . Martin Luther rejected the demands of the insurgents and upheld the right of Germany 's rulers to suppress the uprisings , setting out his views in his polemic Against the Murderous , Thieving Hordes of Peasants . This played a major part in the rejection of his teachings by many German peasants , particularly in the south . After the Peasants ' War , a second and more determined attempt to establish a theocracy was made at Münster , in Westphalia ( 1532 -- 1535 ) . Here a group of prominent citizens , including the Lutheran pastor turned Anabaptist Bernhard Rothmann , Jan Matthys , and Jan Bockelson ( `` John of Leiden '' ) had little difficulty in obtaining possession of the town on January 5 , 1534 . Matthys identified Münster as the `` New Jerusalem '' , and preparations were made to not only hold what had been gained , but to proceed from Münster toward the conquest of the world . Claiming to be the successor of David , John of Leiden was installed as king . He legalized polygamy and took sixteen wives , one of whom he personally beheaded in the marketplace . Community of goods was also established . After obstinate resistance , the town was taken by the besiegers on June 24 , 1535 , and then Leiden and some of his more prominent followers were executed in the marketplace . Swiss confederacy ( edit ) Further information : Reformation in Switzerland , Wars of Kappel , First War of Villmergen , and Second War of Villmergen In 1529 under the lead of Huldrych Zwingli , the Protestant canton and city of Zürich had concluded with other Protestant cantons a defence alliance , the Christliches Burgrecht , which also included the cities of Konstanz and Strasbourg . The Catholic cantons in response had formed an alliance with Ferdinand of Austria . At the Second Battle of Kappel , Zwingli 's supporters were defeated and Zwingli himself was killed . After numerous minor incidents and provocations from both sides , a Catholic priest was executed in the Thurgau in May 1528 , and the Protestant pastor J. Keyser was burned at the stake in Schwyz in 1529 . The last straw was the installation of a Catholic reeve at Baden , and Zürich declared war on 8 June ( First War of Kappel ) , occupied the Thurgau and the territories of the Abbey of St. Gall , and marched to Kappel at the border to Zug . Open war was avoided by means of a peace agreement ( Erster Landfriede ) that was not exactly favourable to the Catholic side , which had to dissolve its alliance with the Austrian Habsburgs . Tensions remained essentially unresolved . On October 11 , 1531 , the Catholic cantons decisively defeated the forces of Zürich in the Second War of Kappel . The Zürich troops had little support from allied Protestant cantons , and Huldrych Zwingli was killed on the battlefield , along with twenty - four other pastors . After the defeat , the forces of Zürich regrouped and attempted to occupy the Zugerberg , and some of them camped on the Gubel hill near Menzingen . A small force of Aegeri succeeded in routing the camp , and the demoralized Zürich force had to retreat , forcing the Protestants to agree to a peace treaty to their disadvantage . Switzerland was to be divided into a patchwork of Protestant and Catholic cantons , with the Protestants tending to dominate the larger cities , and the Catholics the more rural areas . In 1656 , tensions between Protestants and Catholics re-emerged and led to the outbreak of the First War of Villmergen . The Catholics were victorious and able to maintain their political dominance . The Toggenburg War in 1712 was a conflict between Catholic and Protestant cantons . According to the Peace of Aarau of 11 August 1712 and the Peace of Baden of 16 June 1718 , the war ended with the end of Catholic hegemony . The Sonderbund War of 1847 was also based on religion . The Schmalkaldic wars and other early conflicts ( edit ) Main articles : Schmalkaldic War and Second Schmalkaldic War Destruction of the fortress above the village of Godesberg during the Cologne War , 1583 ; the walls were breached by mines , and most of the defenders were put to death . Engraved by Frans Hogenberg , a Dutch engraver and artist of the 16th century . Following the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 , the Emperor demanded that all religious innovations not authorized by the Diet be abandoned by 15 April 1531 . Failure to comply would result in prosecution by the Imperial Court . In response , the Lutheran princes who had set up Protestant churches in their own realms met in the town of Schmalkalden in December 1530 . Here they banded together to form the Schmalkaldic League ( German : Schmalkaldischer Bund ) , an alliance designed to protect themselves from the Imperial action . Its members eventually intended the League to replace the Holy Roman Empire itself , and each state was to provide 10,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalries for mutual defense . In 1532 the Emperor , pressed by external troubles , stepped back from confrontation , offering the `` Peace of Nuremberg '' , which suspended all action against the Protestant states pending a General Council of the Church . The moratorium kept peace in the German lands for over a decade , yet Protestantism became further entrenched , and spread , during its term . The peace finally ended in the Schmalkaldic War ( German : Schmalkaldischer Krieg ) , a brief conflict between 1546 and 1547 between the forces of Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League . The conflict ended with the advantage of the Catholics , and the Emperor was able to impose the Augsburg Interim , a compromise allowing slightly modified worship , and supposed to remain in force until the conclusion of a General Council of the Church . However various Protestant elements rejected the Interim , and the Second Schmalkaldic War broke out in 1552 , which would last until 1555 . The Peace of Augsburg ( 1555 ) , signed by Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , confirmed the result of the 1526 Diet of Speyer and ended the violence between the Lutherans and the Catholics in Germany . It stated that : German princes could choose the religion ( Lutheranism or Catholicism ) of their realms according to their conscience . The citizens of each state were forced to adopt the religion of their rulers ( the principle of cuius regio , eius religio ) . Lutherans living in an ecclesiastical state ( under the control of a bishop ) could continue to practice their faith . Lutherans could keep the territory that they had captured from the Catholic Church since the Peace of Passau in 1552 . The ecclesiastical leaders of the Catholic Church ( bishops ) that had converted to Lutheranism were required to give up their territories . Religious tensions remained strong throughout the second half of the 16th century . The Peace of Augsburg began to unravel as some bishops converting to Protestantism refused to give up their bishoprics . This was evident from the Cologne War ( 1582 -- 83 ) , a conflict initiated when the prince - archbishop of the city converted to Calvinism . Religious tensions also broke into violence in the German free city of Donauwörth in 1606 , when the Lutheran majority barred the Catholic residents from holding a procession , provoking a riot . This prompted intervention by Duke Maximilian of Bavaria on behalf of the Catholics . By the end of the 16th century the Rhine lands and those of southern Germany remained largely Catholic , while Lutherans predominated in the north , and Calvinists dominated in west - central Germany , Switzerland , and the Netherlands . The latter formed the League of Evangelical Union in 1608 . The Thirty Years ' War ( edit ) Main article : Thirty Years ' War The Great Miseries of War by Jacques Callot , 1632 By 1617 Germany was bitterly divided , and it was clear that Matthias , Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia , would die without an heir . His lands would therefore fall to his nearest male relative , his cousin Ferdinand of Styria . Ferdinand , having been educated by the Jesuits , was a staunch Catholic . The rejection of Ferdinand as Crown Prince by the mostly Hussite Bohemia triggered the Thirty Years ' War in 1618 , when his representatives were defenestrated in Prague . The Thirty Years ' War was fought between 1618 and 1648 , principally on the territory of today 's Germany , and involved most of the major European powers . Beginning as a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire , it gradually developed into a general war involving much of Europe , for reasons not necessarily related to religion . The war marked a continuation of the France - Habsburg rivalry for pre-eminence in Europe , which led later to direct war between France and Spain . Military intervention by external powers such as Denmark and Sweden on the Protestant side increased the duration of the war and the extent of its devastation . In the latter stages of the war , Catholic France , fearful of an increase in Habsburg power , also intervened on the Protestant side . The sack of Magdeburg in 1631 . The Imperialist troops , particularly the Croat and Walloon regiments , went on a rampage of murder and mayhem that left only 10,000 survivors out of the city 's 30,000 citizens and defenders . It was the war 's worst massacre . The major impact of the Thirty Years ' War , in which mercenary armies were extensively used , was the devastation of entire regions scavenged bare by the foraging armies . Episodes of widespread famine and disease devastated the population of the German states and , to a lesser extent , the Low Countries and Italy , while bankrupting many of the powers involved . The war ended with the Treaty of Münster , a part of the wider Peace of Westphalia . During the war , Germany 's population was reduced by 30 % on average . In the territory of Brandenburg , the losses had amounted to half , while in some areas an estimated two thirds of the population died . The population of the Czech lands declined by a third . The Swedish army alone , which was no greater a ravager than the other armies of the Thirty Years ' War , destroyed 2,000 castles , 18,000 villages and 1,500 towns during its tenure of 17 years in Germany . For decades armies and armed bands had roamed Germany like packs of wolves , slaughtering the populace like sheep . One band of marauders even styled themselves as `` Werewolves . '' Huge damage was done to monasteries , churches and other religious institutions . The war had proved disastrous for the German - speaking parts of the Holy Roman Empire . Germany lost population and territory , and was henceforth further divided into hundreds of largely impotent semi-independent states . The Imperial power retreated to Austria and the Habsburg lands . The Netherlands and Switzerland were confirmed independent . The peace institutionalised the Catholic , Lutheran , Calvinist religious divide in Germany , with populations either converting , or moving to areas controlled by rulers of their own faith . One authority puts France 's losses against Austria at 80,000 killed or wounded and against Spain ( including the years 1648 -- 59 , after Westphalia ) at 300,000 dead or disabled . Sweden and Finland lost , by one calculation , 110,000 dead from all causes . Another 400,000 Germans , British , and other nationalities died in Swedish service . Low Countries ( edit ) Main article : Eighty Years ' War Further information : Seventeen Provinces , Southern Netherlands , Dutch Republic , and Fall of Antwerp This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The neutrality of this article is disputed . Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page . Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met . ( May 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Low Countries have a particular history of religious conflict with roots in the Calvinist reformation movement of the 1530s . These conflicts became known as the Dutch Revolt or the Eighty Years ' War . By dynastic inheritance the whole of the Netherlands ( the modern day Netherlands and Belgium ) had come to be ruled by the kings of Spain . Following aggressive Calvinist preaching in and around the rich merchant cities of the southern Netherlands , organized anti-catholic religious protests grew in violence and frequency . In 1566 , a league of about 400 members of the high nobility , themselves disgruntled at Spanish rule , presented a petition to the governor Margaret of Parma to suspend punitive actions against the Calvinists . Iconoclasm , the organised destruction of Catholic images , swept through Dutch churches in 1566 . In early August 1566 , a mob stormed the church of Hondschoote in Flanders ( now in Northern France ) . News of this relatively small incident spread north and led to the Beeldenstorm , a massive iconoclastic movement by Calvinists , who stormed churches and other religious buildings to desecrate and destroy statues and images of Catholic saints all over the Netherlands . According to the Calvinists , these statues represented worship of idols . The number of actual image - breakers appears to have been relatively small . Limm ( 1989 ) notes that `` there were few cases of more than 200 people being involved at any one time '' even in the northern provinces , where large crowds often attended these iconoclastic events . In the case of the southern provinces , he speaks of a relatively small , orderly group moving along the country . Spaans ( 1999 ) argues that iconoclasm was actually organized by local elites for political reasons . In general , local authorities did not step in to rein in the vandalism . The actions of the iconoclasts drove the nobility into two camps , with William of Orange and other grandees supporting the iconoclasts , and others , notably Henry of Brederode , opposing them . In 1568 , William returned to try to drive the highly unpopular Duke of Alba from Brussels . A co-ordinated Protestant attempt was made to take over the Netherlands from four different directions , with armies led by William 's brothers invading from Germany and French Huguenots invading from the south . The Battle of Rheindalen near Roermond on 23 April 1568 was won by the Spanish , but the Battle of Heiligerlee , fought on 23 May 1568 , resulted in victory for the rebel army . The rebel campaign ended in failure , however , as William ran out of money to pay his army , and his allies were destroyed by Alba . In its battle to maintain Catholic control of the Low Countries , Spain was severely hampered because it was also fighting a war against the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean . Even so , by 1570 the Spanish had mostly suppressed the rebellion throughout the Netherlands . However , on April 1 , 1572 , Dutch Calvinist raiders , known as Sea Beggars , forced from sanctuary in England , unexpectedly captured the almost undefended northern Netherlands town of Brielle . Most of the important cities in the provinces of Holland and Zeeland immediately declared loyalty to the rebels . Notable exceptions were Amsterdam and Middelburg , which remained loyal to the Catholic cause until capture in 1578 . William of Orange was put at the head of the revolt , entering the Netherlands with an army 20,000 strong , and with forces of French Huguenots in support . Division ( edit ) The Spanish Fury at Zutphen in 1572 Spanish Catholics invaded Oudewater and brutally massacred every single man , woman , and child that did not have the good fortune to flee from the town . The new revolt led to increasing discord amongst the Dutch . On one side was a militant Calvinist minority that wanted to continue fighting the Catholic King Philip II , and convert all Dutch citizens to Calvinism . On the other was a minority of Catholics that wanted to remain loyal to the Landholder ( Dutch : landvoogd ) and the Spanish - backed government below him . In between was the majority of historically Catholic citizens who had no particular allegiance , but shared a desire to restore Dutch privileges and to get rid of the Spanish mercenary armies . The Spanish committed appalling atrocities in the Low Countries , with perhaps the most infamous being those at Naarden in 1572 and Antwerp in 1576 . Naarden had not resisted the Spanish army , but was nevertheless the victim of `` the third massacre of civilians by Spanish troops in seven months '' ; and the `` Spanish Fury '' at Antwerp was , as even scholars sympathetic to the Spanish concede , `` one of the worst atrocities of the age . '' Engraving illustrating the devastation of the religious wars in the Dutch provinces Battle scene in Antwerp The sack of Antwerp strengthened the resolve of the rebels in the seventeen provinces . William of Orange took advantage of the anarchy to establish wider control of virtually the whole Netherlands in alliance with the States - General , entering Brussels in September 1577 . On January 6 , 1579 , upset by Calvinist outrages in Oudenarde , Kortrijk , Bruges and Ieper , and the continued aggressive Calvinism of the Northern States , some of the Southern States signed the Union of Arras ( Atrecht ) , declaring their loyalty to the Spanish king . In response , William united the northern states of Holland , Zeeland , Utrecht , Guelders and the province of Groningen in the Union of Utrecht on January 23 , 1579 . Some southern cities like Bruges , Ghent , Brussels and Antwerp joined the Union of Utrecht , and effectively , the 17 provinces were now divided into two warring states . Over the following years , the new Spanish governor Alexander Farnese ( Duke of Parma ) reconquered the major part of Flanders and Brabant , as well as large parts of the northeastern provinces . The Roman Catholic religion was restored in much of this area . In 1585 , Antwerp -- the largest city in the Low Countries at the time -- fell into his hands , which caused over half its population to flee to the north ( see also Siege of Antwerp ) . The Netherlands were split into an independent northern part and a southern part still under Spanish control . Due to the almost uninterrupted rule of the Calvinist - dominated separatists , most of the population of the northern provinces became converted to Protestantism over the next decades . The south , under Spanish rule , remained a Catholic stronghold ; most of its Protestants fled to the north . Spain retained a large military presence in the south , where it could also be used against France . After a period of peace , war took up again in 1621 . This period never experienced the fury of the early sieges ; however , the struggle for independence went on . Attacks on Dutch border towns were made by Spinola , an Italian banker who pledged allegiance to Spain . Spain made progress in trying to suppress the Dutch but the Dutch recovered . They were financially supported by France and the money was poured into ships since Spain 's control of the seas had been broken by England . Deeply involved in the Thirty Years ' War , Spain decided to yield everything to the Dutch in order to be free to fight the French . The Treaty of Münster was signed on January 30 , 1648 , ending the War of Liberation . France ( edit ) Main article : French Wars of Religion This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In 1532 , King Francis I intervened politically and militarily in support of Protestant German princes against the Habsburgs , as did King Henry II in 1551 . However , both kings firmly repressed attempts to spread Lutheran ideas within France . An organised influx of Calvinist preachers from Geneva and elsewhere during the 1550s succeeded in setting up hundreds of underground Calvinist congregations in France . The 1560s ( edit ) The fortified harbour of La Rochelle in western France became a Protestant stronghold that was fought over in two lengthy sieges . In a pattern soon to become familiar in the Netherlands and Scotland , underground Calvinist preaching and the formation of covert alliances with members of the nobility quickly led to more direct action to gain political and religious control . The prospect of taking over rich church properties and monastic lands had led nobles in many parts of Europe to support a `` princely '' Reformation . Added to this was the Calvinist teaching that leading citizens had the duty to overthrow an `` ungodly '' ruler ( i.e. one who was not supportive of Calvinism ) . In March 1560 , the `` Amboise conspiracy '' , or `` Tumult of Amboise '' , was an attempt on the part of a group of disaffected nobles to abduct the young king Francis II and eliminate the Catholic House of Guise . It was foiled when their plans were discovered . The first major instances of systematic Protestant destruction of images and statues in Catholic churches occurred in Rouen and La Rochelle in 1560 . The following year , the attacks extended to over 20 cities and towns , and would , in turn , incite Catholic urban groups to massacres and riots in Sens , Cahors , Carcassonne , Tours and other cities . In December 1560 , Francis II died , and Catherine de ' Medici became regent for her young son Charles IX . Although a Roman Catholic , she was prepared to deal favourably with the Huguenot House of Bourbon . She therefore supported religious toleration in the shape of the Edict of Saint - Germain ( January 1562 ) , which allowed the Huguenots to worship publicly outside of towns and privately inside of them . On March 1 , however , a faction of the Guise family 's retainers attacked an illegal Calvinist service in Wassy - sur - Blaise in Champagne . As hostilities broke out , the Edict was revoked . This provoked the First War . The Bourbons , with English support , and led by Louis I de Bourbon , Prince de Condé , and Admiral Coligny began to seize and garrison strategic towns along the Loire . The Battle of Dreux and the battle of Orléans were the first major engagements of the conflict . In February 1563 , at Orléans , Francis , Duke of Guise was assassinated , and Catherine 's fears that the war might drag on led her to mediate a truce and the Edict of Amboise ( 1563 ) , which again provided for a controlled religious toleration of Protestant worship . However , this was generally regarded as unsatisfactory by both Catholics and Protestants . The political temperature of the surrounding lands was rising , as religious unrest grew in the Netherlands . The Huguenots tried to gain French government support for intervention against the Spanish forces arriving in the Netherlands . Failing this , Protestant troops then made an unsuccessful attempt to capture and take control of King Charles IX at Meaux in 1567 . This provoked a further outbreak of hostilities ( the Second War ) , which ended in another unsatisfactory truce , the Peace of Longjumeau ( March 1568 ) . In September of that year , war again broke out ( the Third War ) . Catherine and Charles decided this time to ally themselves with the House of Guise . The Huguenot army was under the command of Louis I de Bourbon , prince de Condé , and aided by forces from south - eastern France and a contingent of Protestant militias from Germany -- including 14,000 mercenary reiters led by the Calvinist Duke of Zweibrücken . After the Duke was killed in action , he was succeeded by the Count of Mansfeld and the Dutch William of Orange and his brothers Louis and Henry . Much of the Huguenots ' financing came from Queen Elizabeth I of England . The Catholics were commanded by the Duke d'Anjou ( later King Henry III ) and assisted by troops from Spain , the Papal States and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany . St. Bartholomew 's Day massacre in 1572 The Protestant army laid siege to several cities in the Poitou and Saintonge regions ( to protect La Rochelle ) , and then Angoulême and Cognac . At the Battle of Jarnac ( 16 March 1569 ) , the Prince de Condé was killed , forcing Admiral de Coligny to take command of the Protestant forces . Coligny and his troops retreated to the south - west and regrouped with Gabriel , comte de Montgomery , and in spring of 1570 they pillaged Toulouse , cut a path through the south of France and went up the Rhone valley to La Charité - sur - Loire . The staggering royal debt and Charles IX 's desire to seek a peaceful solution led to the Peace of Saint - Germain - en - Laye ( 8 August 1570 ) , which once more allowed some concessions to the Huguenots . In 1572 , rising tensions between local Catholics and Protestant forces attending the wedding of the Protestant Henry of Navarre , and the King 's sister , Marguerite de Valois , culminated in the Saint Bartholomew 's Day Massacre . This led to the Fourth and Fifth Civil wars in 1572 and 1573 -- 1576 . Henry III ( edit ) Further information : Henry III of France Henry of Anjou was crowned King Henry III of France in 1575 , at Reims , but hostilities -- the Fifth War -- had already flared up again . Henry soon found himself in the difficult position of trying to maintain royal authority in the face of feuding warlords who refused to compromise . In 1576 , the King signed the Edict of Beaulieu , granting minor concessions to the Calvinists , but a brief Sixth Civil War took place in 1577 . Henry I , Duke of Guise , formed the Catholic League to protect the Catholic cause in France . Further hostilities -- the Seventh War ( 1579 -- 1580 ) -- ended in the stalemate of the Treaty of Fleix . The fragile compromise came to an end in 1584 , when the King 's youngest brother and heir presumptive , François , Duke of Anjou , died . As Henry III had no son , under Salic Law , the next heir to the throne was the Calvinist Prince Henry of Navarre . Under pressure from the Duke of Guise , Henry III reluctantly issued an edict suppressing Protestantism and annulling Henry of Navarre 's right to the throne . In December 1584 , the Duke of Guise signed the Treaty of Joinville on behalf of the Catholic League with Philip II of Spain , who supplied a considerable annual grant to the League . The situation degenerated into the Eighth War ( 1585 -- 1589 ) . Henry of Navarre again sought foreign aid from the German princes and Elizabeth I of England . Meanwhile , the solidly Catholic people of Paris , under the influence of the Committee of Sixteen , were becoming dissatisfied with Henry III and his failure to defeat the Calvinists . On 12 May 1588 , a popular uprising raised barricades on the streets of Paris , and Henry III fled the city . The Committee of Sixteen took complete control of the government and welcomed the Duke of Guise to Paris . The Guises then proposed a settlement with a cipher as heir and demanded a meeting of the Estates - General , which was to be held in Blois . King Henry decided to strike first . On December 23 , 1588 , at the Château de Blois , Henry of Guise and his brother , the Cardinal de Guise , were lured into a trap and were murdered . The Duke of Guise had been highly popular in France , and the league declared open war against King Henry . The Parlement of Paris instituted criminal charges against the King , who now joined forces with his cousin , Henry of Navarre , to war against the League . Charles of Lorraine , Duke of Mayenne , then became the leader of the Catholic League . League presses began printing anti-royalist tracts under a variety of pseudonyms , while the Sorbonne proclaimed that it was just and necessary to depose Henry III . In July 1589 , in the royal camp at Saint - Cloud , a monk named Jacques Clément gained an audience with the King and drove a long knife into his spleen . Clément was executed on the spot , taking with him the information of who , if anyone , had hired him . On his deathbed , Henry III called for Henry of Navarre and begged him , in the name of Statecraft , to become a Catholic , citing the brutal warfare that would ensue if he refused . In keeping with Salic Law , he named Henry as his heir . Henry IV ( edit ) Further information : Henry IV of France The situation on the ground in 1589 was that King Henry IV of France , as Navarre had become , held the south and west , and the Catholic League the north and east . The leadership of the Catholic League had devolved to the Duke de Mayenne , who was appointed Lieutenant - General of the kingdom . He and his troops controlled most of rural Normandy . However , in September 1589 , Henry inflicted a severe defeat on the Duke at the Battle of Arques . Henry 's army swept through Normandy , taking town after town throughout the winter . The King knew that he had to take Paris if he stood any chance of ruling all of France . This , however , was no easy task . The Catholic League 's presses and supporters continued to spread stories about atrocities committed against Catholic priests and the laity in Protestant England ( see Forty Martyrs of England and Wales ) . The city prepared to fight to the death rather than accept a Calvinist king . The Battle of Ivry , fought on March 14 , 1590 , was another victory for the king , and Henry 's forces went on to lay siege to Paris , but the siege was broken by Spanish support . Realising that his predecessor had been right and that there was no prospect of a Protestant king succeeding in Catholic Paris , Henry reputedly uttered the famous phrase Paris vaut bien une messe ( Paris is well worth a mass ) . He was formally received into the Roman Catholic Church in 1593 and was crowned at Chartres in 1594 . Some members of the League fought on , but enough Catholics were won over by the King 's conversion to increasingly isolate the diehards . The Spanish withdrew from France under the terms of the Peace of Vervins . Henry was faced with the task of rebuilding a shattered and impoverished Kingdom and reuniting France under a single authority . The wars concluded in 1598 when Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes , which granted a degree of religious toleration to Protestants . France , although always ruled by a Catholic monarch , had played a major part in supporting the Protestants in Germany and the Netherlands against their dynastic rivals , the Habsburgs . The period of the French Wars of Religion effectively removed France 's influence as a major European power , allowing the Catholic forces in the Holy Roman Empire to regroup and recover . Denmark - Norway ( edit ) In 1524 , King Christian II converted to Lutheranism and encouraged Lutheran preachers to enter Denmark despite the opposition of the Danish diet of 1524 . Following the death of King Frederick I in 1533 , war broke out between Catholic followers of Count Christoph of Oldenburg and the firmly Lutheran Count Christian of Holstein . After losing his main support in Lübeck , Christoph quickly fell to defeat , finally losing his last stronghold of Copenhagen in 1536 . Lutheranism was immediately established , the Catholic bishops were imprisoned , and monastic and church lands were soon confiscated to pay for the armies that had brought Christian to power . In Denmark this increased royal revenues by 300 % . Christian III did also establish Lutheranism by force in Norway in 1537 , Faroe Island in 1540 , and Iceland in 1550 . In 1536 / 1537 he also made Norway a puppet state under the danish crown . and it would be a puppet state until 1814 , when Frederick VI gave away the crown of Norway to the king of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Kiel . Count 's Feud , from 1534 to 1536 , was a civil war over the Reformation of Denmark . In 1625 , as part of the Thirty Years ' War , Christian IV , who was also the Duke of Holstein , agreed to help the Lutheran rulers of neighbouring Lower Saxony against the forces of the Holy Roman Empire by intervening militarily . Denmark 's cause was aided by France , which , together with England , had agreed to help subsidize the war . Christian had himself appointed war leader of the Lower Saxon Alliance and raised an army of 20,000 -- 35,000 mercenaries . Christian , however , was forced to retire before the combined forces of Imperial generals Albrecht von Wallenstein and Tilly . Wallenstein 's army marched north , occupying Mecklenburg , Pomerania , and ultimately Jutland . However , lacking a fleet , he was unable to take the Danish capital on the island of Zealand . Peace negotiations were concluded in the Treaty of Lübeck in 1629 , which stated that Christian IV could keep his control over Denmark if he would abandon his support for the Protestant German states . Great Britain and Ireland ( edit ) Main article : English Reformation This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Reformation came to Britain and Ireland with King Henry VIII of England 's breach with the Catholic Church in 1533 . At this time there were only a limited number of Protestants among the general population , and these were mostly living in the towns of the South and the East of England . With the state - ordered break with the Pope in Rome , the Church in England , Wales and Ireland was placed under the rule of the King and Parliament . The first major changes to doctrine and practice took place under Vicar - General Thomas Cromwell , and the newly appointed Protestant - leaning Archbishop of Canterbury , Thomas Cranmer . The first challenge to the institution of these reforms came from Ireland , where ' Silken ' Thomas Fitzgerald cited the controversy to justify his armed uprising of 1534 . The young Fitzgerald failed to gain much local support , however , and in October a 1,600 strong army of English and Welshmen arrived in Ireland , along with four modern siege - guns . The following year Fitzgerald was blasted into submission , and in August he was induced to surrender . Shortly after this episode , local resistance to the reforms emerged in England . The Dissolution of the Monasteries , which began in 1536 , provoked a violent northern Catholic rebellion in the Pilgrimage of Grace , which was eventually put down with much bloodshed . The reformation continued to be imposed on an often unwilling population with the aid of stern laws that made it treason , punishable by death , to oppose the King 's actions with respect to religion . The next major armed resistance took place in the Prayer Book Rebellion of 1549 , which was an unsuccessful rising in western England against the enforced substitution of Cranmer 's English language service for the Latin Catholic Mass . In 1549 it came to the Prayer Book Rebellion . Following the restoration of Catholicism under Queen Mary I of England in 1553 , there was a brief unsuccessful Protestant rising in the south - east of England . Scottish Reformation ( edit ) Main article : Scottish Reformation The Reformation in Scotland began in conflict . Fiery Calvinist preacher John Knox returned to Scotland in 1560 , having been exiled for his part in the assassination of Cardinal Beaton . He proceeded to Dundee where a large number of Protestant sympathisers and noblemen had gathered . Knox was declared an outlaw by the Queen Regent , Mary of Guise , but the Protestants went at once to Perth , a walled town that could be defended in case of a siege . At the church of St John the Baptist , Knox preached a fiery sermon that provoked an iconoclastic riot . A mob poured into the church and it was entirely gutted . In the pattern of Calvinist riots in France and the Netherlands , the mob then attacked two friaries in the town , looting their gold and silver and smashing images . Mary of Guise gathered those nobles loyal to her and a small French army . However , with Protestant reinforcements arriving from neighbouring counties , the queen regent retreated to Dunbar . By now Calvinist mobs had overrun much of central Scotland , destroying monasteries and catholic churches as they went . On 30 June , the Protestants occupied Edinburgh , though they were only able to hold it for a month . But even before their arrival , the mob had already sacked the churches and the friaries . On 1 July , Knox preached from the pulpit of St Giles ' , the most influential in the capital . Knox negotiated by letter with William Cecil , 1st Baron Burghley , Elizabeth 's chief advisor , for English support . When additional French troops arrived in Leith , Edinburgh 's seaport , the Protestants responded by retaking Edinburgh . This time , on 24 October 1559 , the Scottish nobility formally deposed Mary of Guise from the regency . Her secretary , William Maitland of Lethington , defected to the Protestant side , bringing his administrative skills . For the final stage of the revolution , Maitland appealed to Scottish patriotism to fight French domination . Support from England finally arrived and by the end of March , a significant English army joined the Scottish Protestant forces . The sudden death of Mary of Guise in Edinburgh Castle on 10 June 1560 paved the way for the signing of the Treaty of Edinburgh , and the withdrawal of French and English troops from Scotland , leaving the Scottish Calvinists in control on the ground . Catholicism was forcibly suppressed . The return of Mary , Queen of Scots , to Scotland in 1560 , led to further tension between her and the Protestant Lords of the Congregation . Mary claimed to favour religious toleration on the French model , however the Protestant establishment feared a reestablishment of Catholicism , and sought with English help to neutralise or depose Mary . Mary 's marriage to a leading Catholic precipitated Mary 's half - brother , the Earl of Moray , to join with other Protestant Lords in open rebellion . Mary set out for Stirling on 26 August 1565 to confront them . Moray and the rebellious lords were routed and fled into exile ; the decisive military action becoming known as the Chaseabout Raid . In 1567 , Mary was captured by another rebellious force at the Battle of Carberry Hill and imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle , where she was forced to abdicate the Scottish throne in favour of her one - year - old son James . Mary escaped from Loch Leven the following year , and once again managed to raise a small army . After her army 's defeat at the Battle of Langside on May 13 , she fled to England , where she was imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth . Her son James VI was raised as a Protestant , later becoming King of England as well as Scotland . The Rising of the North , 1569 to 1570 , was an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic nobles from Northern England to depose Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary , Queen of Scots . English Civil War ( edit ) Main article : English Civil War England , Scotland and Ireland , in personal union under the Stuart king , James I & VI , continued Elizabeth I 's policy of providing military support to European Protestants in the Netherlands and France . King Charles I decided to send an expeditionary force to relieve the French Huguenots whom Royal French forces held besieged in La Rochelle . However tax - raising authority for these wars was getting harder and harder to raise from parliament . In 1638 the Scottish National Covenant was signed by aggrieved presbyterian lords and commoners . A Scottish rebellion , known as the Bishops War , soon followed , leading to the defeat of a weak royalist counter-force in 1640 . The rebels went on to capture Newcastle upon Tyne , further weakening King Charles ' authority . In October 1641 , a major rebellion broke out in Ireland . Charles soon needed to raise more money to suppress this Irish Rebellion . Meanwhile , English Puritans and Scottish Calvinists intensely opposed the king 's main religious policy of unifying the Church of England and the Church of Scotland under a form of High Church Anglicanism . This , its opponents believed , was far too catholic in form , and based on the authority of bishops . The English parliament refused to vote enough money for Charles to defeat the Scots without the King giving up much of his authority and reforming the English church along more Calvinist lines . This the king refused , and deteriorating relations led to the out break of war in 1642 . The first pitched battle of the war , fought at Edgehill on 23 October 1642 , proved inconclusive , and both the Royalists and Parliamentarians claimed it as a victory . The second field action of the war was a stand - off at Turnham Green , and Charles was forced to withdraw to Oxford , which would serve as his base for the remainder of the war . In general , the early part of the war went well for the Royalists . The turning - point came in the late summer and early autumn of 1643 , when the Earl of Essex 's army forced the king to raise the siege of Gloucester and then brushed the Royalist army aside at the First Battle of Newbury on 20 September 1643 . In an attempt to gain an advantage in numbers Charles negotiated a ceasefire with the Catholic rebels in Ireland , freeing up English troops to fight on the Royalist side in England . Simultaneously Parliament offered concessions to the Scots in return for their aid and assistance . With the help of the Scots , Parliament won at Marston Moor ( 2 July 1644 ) , gaining York and much of the north of England . Oliver Cromwell 's conduct in this battle proved decisive , and demonstrated his leadership potential . In 1645 Parliament passed the Self - denying Ordinance , by which all members of either House of Parliament laid down their commands , allowing the re-organization of its main forces into the New Model Army . By 1646 Charles had been forced to surrender himself to the Scots , and the parliamentary forces were in control of England . Charles was executed in 1649 , and the monarchy was not restored until 1660 . Even then , religious strife continued through the Glorious Revolution and even thereafter . Ireland ( edit ) See also : Cromwellian conquest of Ireland The Silken Thomas Rebellion was an Irish rebellion in 1534 . The Séan Ó Néill 's Rebellion occurred from 1558 to 1567 , and the Desmond Rebellions occurred in 1569 -- 1573 and 1579 -- 1583 in the Irish province of Munster . Ireland entered into a continuous state of war with the rebellion of 1641 , with most of the island controlled by the Irish Confederates . Increasingly threatened by the armies of the English Parliament after Charles I 's arrest in 1648 , the Confederates signed a treaty of alliance with the English Royalists . The joint Royalist and Confederate forces under the Duke of Ormonde attempted to eliminate the Parliamentary army holding Dublin , but their opponents routed them at the Battle of Rathmines ( 2 August 1649 ) . As the former Member of Parliament Admiral Robert Blake blockaded Prince Rupert 's fleet in Kinsale , Oliver Cromwell could land at Dublin on 15 August 1649 with an army to quell the Royalist alliance in Ireland . Cromwell 's suppression of the Royalists in Ireland during 1649 still has a strong resonance for many Irish people . The siege of Drogheda and massacre of nearly 3,500 people -- comprising around 2,700 Royalist soldiers and all the men in the town carrying arms , including civilians , prisoners , and Catholic priests -- became one of the historical memories that has driven Irish - English and Catholic - Protestant strife during the last three centuries . However , the massacre has significance mainly as a symbol of the Irish perception of Cromwellian cruelty , as far more people died in the subsequent guerrilla warfare and scorched - earth fighting in the country than at infamous massacres such as Drogheda and Wexford . The Parliamentarian conquest of Ireland ground on for another four years until 1653 , when the last Irish Confederate and Royalist troops surrendered . Historians have estimated that up to 30 % of Ireland 's population either died or had gone into exile by the end of the wars . The victors confiscated almost all Irish Catholic - owned land in the wake of the conquest and distributed it to the Parliament 's creditors , to the Parliamentary soldiers who served in Ireland , and to English people who had settled there before the war . Scotland ( edit ) See also : Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms § Montrose 's defeat and death , and Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms § Third Civil War The execution of Charles I altered the dynamics of the Civil War in Scotland , which had raged between Royalists and Covenanters since 1644 . By 1649 , the struggle had left the Royalists there in disarray , and their erstwhile leader , the Marquess of Montrose , had gone into exile . However , Montrose , who had raised a mercenary force in Norway , later returned but did not succeed in raising many Highland clans , and the Covenanters defeated his army at the Battle of Carbisdale in Ross - shire on 27 April 1650 . The victors captured Montrose shortly afterwards and took him to Edinburgh . On 20 May the Scottish Parliament sentenced him to death and had him hanged the next day . `` Cromwell at Dunbar '' , by Andrew Carrick Gow Charles II landed in Scotland at Garmouth in Moray on 23 June 1650 and signed the 1638 National Covenant and the 1643 Solemn League and Covenant immediately after coming ashore . With his original Scottish Royalist followers and his new Covenanter allies , King Charles II became the greatest threat facing the new English republic . In response to the threat , Cromwell left some of his lieutenants in Ireland to continue the suppression of the Irish Royalists and returned to England . Cromwell arrived in Scotland on 22 July 1650 and proceeded to lay siege to Edinburgh . By the end of August disease and a shortage of supplies had reduced his army , and he had to order a retreat towards his base at Dunbar . A Scottish army , assembled under the command of David Leslie , tried to block the retreat , but Cromwell defeated them at the Battle of Dunbar on September 3 . Cromwell 's army then took Edinburgh , and by the end of the year his army had occupied much of southern Scotland . In July 1651 , Cromwell 's forces crossed the Firth of Forth into Fife and defeated the Scots at the Battle of Inverkeithing ( 20 July 1651 ) . The New Model Army advanced towards Perth , which allowed Charles , at the head of the Scottish army , to move south into England . Cromwell followed Charles into England , leaving George Monck to finish the campaign in Scotland . Monck took Stirling on 14 August and Dundee on 1 September . In 1652 , the army finished off the remnants of Royalist resistance , under the terms of the `` Tender of Union '' . In late 1688 , William of Orange successfully invaded England . After the Convention of Estates deposed the Catholic king James VII on 11 April 1689 , they offered the royal title to William and his wife Mary ( the Protestant daughter of James ) , which they accepted on 11 May 1689 . During the subsequent Jacobite rising of 1689 , instigated by James ' Roman Catholic and Anglican Tory supporters , the Calvinist forces in the south and lowlands of Scotland truimphed . Despite this defeat , many Scottish Highland clans remained either Catholic or Episcopalian in sympathy . The Catholic Clan MacDonald was subject to the 1691 Glencoe Massacre for being late in pledging loyalty to the new Protestant king William II . Highland clans also rallied to the support of Catholic claimants to the British throne in later failed Jacobite risings of the erstwhile Stuart King James III in 1715 and Charles Edward Stuart in 1745 . Other ( edit ) The Pilgrimage of Grace was a popular rising in Yorkshire in 1536 -- 37 against Henry VIII 's break with the Roman Catholic Church . Bigod 's rebellion was an armed rebellion by English Roman Catholics in Cumberland and Westmorland against King Henry VIII of England and the English Parliament . Death toll ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) These figures include the deaths of civilians from diseases , famine , etc. , as well as deaths of soldiers in battle and possible massacres and genocide . Lowest estimate Highest estimate Event Location From To Duration Main opponents * Character 7006300000000000000 ♠ 3,000,000 7007115000000000000 ♠ 11,500,000 Thirty Years ' War Holy Roman Empire 1618 1648 30 years Protestants ( mainly Lutherans , Reformed and Hussites ) against Catholics began as a religious war ; quickly became a French - Habsburg political clash 7006200000000000000 ♠ 2,000,000 7006400000000000000 ♠ 4,000,000 French Wars of Religion France 1562 1598 36 years Protestants ( mainly Reformed ) against Catholics began as a religious war , and largely remained such 7005315000000000000 ♠ 315,000 7005868000000000000 ♠ 868,000 ( 616,000 in Ireland ) War of the Three Kingdoms Great Britain and Ireland 1639 1651 12 years Protestants ( Anglicans , Reformed , various other nonconformists ) , Catholics distributed in various fractions of the war civil , religion - state relation and religious freedom issues , with a national element 7005600000000000000 ♠ 600,000 7005700000000000000 ♠ 700,000 Eighty Years ' War Low Countries in the Holy Roman Empire 1568 1648 80 years Protestants ( mainly Reformed ) against Catholics conflicts over religion ( and taxes and privileges ) evolved into a war of independence 7005100000000000000 ♠ 100,000 7005200000000000000 ♠ 200,000 German Peasants ' War Holy Roman Empire 1524 1525 1 year Protestants ( mainly Anabaptists ) , Catholics against Protestants ( mainly Lutherans ) , Catholics mixed economic and religious reasons , war between peasants and Protestant / Catholic landowners The wars listed were the most severe in casualties ; the remaining religious conflicts in Europe lasted for only a few years , a year , or less and / or were much less violent . Huguenot rebellions were possibly the most damaging conflict after the German Peasants ' War and may have taken up to 100,000 lives . Religious situation pre and post European wars ( edit ) At the Reformation 's zenith around 1590 , Protestant governments and / or cultures controlled about half of the European territory ; however , as a result of Catholic reconquests , only about one fifth was left in 1690 . Peak of the Reformation & beginning of the Counter-Reformation ( 1545 -- 1620 ) End of the Reformation & Counter-Reformation ( 1648 ) Religious situation in Europe , late 16th & early to mid 17th century See also ( edit ) Concordat of Worms English Reformation References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Nolan , Cathal J. ( 2006 ) . The Age of Wars of Religion , 1000 - 1650 : An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization , Volume 2 . London : Greenwood Publishing Group . p. 708 -- 710 . ISBN 9780313337345 . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Onnekink , David ( 2013 ) . War and Religion after Westphalia , 1648 -- 1713 . Ashgate Publishing . p. 1 -- 8 . Retrieved 13 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Treaty of Münster 1648 Jump up ^ Barro , R.J. & McCleary , R.M. `` Which Countries have State Religions ? '' ( PDF ) . University of Chicago . p. 5 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 30 August 2006 . Retrieved 7 November 2006 . ^ Jump up to : MacCulloch , Diarmaid ( 2004 ) . Reformation : Europe 's House Divided 1490 - 1700 . Penguin UK . p. 670 . ISBN 9780141926605 . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Shaw , Jeffrey M. ; Demy , Timothy J. ( 2017 ) . War and Religion : An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict . Santa Barbara , California : ABC - CLIO . p. 845 . ISBN 9781610695176 . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Cowell - Meyers , Kimberly ( 2002 ) . Religion and Politics in the Nineteenth Century : The Party Faithful in Ireland and Germany . Greenwood Publishing Group . p. 1 . ISBN 9780275971854 . Retrieved 9 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Ishay , Micheline ( 2008 ) . The History of Human Rights : From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era . Oakland : University of California Press . p. 99 . ISBN 9780520256415 . Retrieved 9 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Onnekink , p. 9 -- 10 . ^ Jump up to : John Hearsey McMillan Salmon . `` The Wars of Religion '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica , Inc . Retrieved 14 June 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Onnekink , p. 2 . ^ Jump up to : Onnekink , p. 3 . ^ Jump up to : Coen , Pepplinkhuizen . `` De aanslager der wederdopers in Amsterdam '' . Het aanzien van een millennium ( in Dutch ) . Utrecht : Het Spectrum . p. 43 -- 45 . ISBN 9027468443 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Beidler , James ( 2014 ) . The Family Tree German Genealogy Guide . Cincinnati : Family Tree Books . p. 66 . ISBN 9781440330674 . Retrieved 9 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Onnekink , p. 7 . Jump up ^ H.H. Bolhuis ( 1 November 1986 ) . `` De geschiedenis der Waldenzen . Uit de diepte naar de hoogte '' . Protestants Nederland ( in Dutch ) . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Church , Clive H. ; Head , Randolph C. ( 2013 ) . A Concise History of Switzerland . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . p. 95 -- 97 . ISBN 9781107244191 . Retrieved 9 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : John S. Morrill ( 7 February 2018 ) . `` Jacobite '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica , Inc . Retrieved 14 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Tom Scott ( 1989 ) . Thomas Müntzer : Theology and Revolution in the German Reformation , p. 24 , London . ISBN 0 - 33346 - 498 - 2 . Jump up ^ Michael A. Mullett ( 2004 ) , Martin Luther , p. 166 , London , Routledge . ISBN 9780415261685 Jump up ^ Merriman , John ( 1996 ) . A History of Modern Europe , Volume One : From the Renaissance to the Age of Napoleon ( First ed . ) , p. 110 , New York : W.W. Norton . ISBN 0 - 393 - 96888 - X . ^ Jump up to : Clodfelter , Micheal ( 2017 ) . Warfare and Armed Conflicts : A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures , 1492 - 2015 . McFarland . p. 40 . ISBN 978 - 0786474707 . Jump up ^ Van der Horst , Han ( 2000 ) . Nederland , de vaderlandse geschiedenis van de prehistorie tot nu ( in Dutch ) ( 3rd ed . ) . Bert Bakker . p. 133 . ISBN 90 - 351 - 2722 - 6 . Jump up ^ Spaans , J. `` Catholicism and Resistance to the Reformation in the Northern Netherlands '' . In : Benedict , Ph. , and others ( eds ) , Reformation , Revolt and Civil War in France and the Netherlands , 1555 -- 1585 ( Amsterdam 1999 ) , 149 -- 163 ) . Jump up ^ The Founding of the Dutch Republic : War , Finance , and Politics in Holland , 1572 - 1588 . p. 92 . Jump up ^ Salmon , pp. 136 - 7 . Jump up ^ Jouanna , p. 181 . Jump up ^ Jouanna , p. 182 . Jump up ^ Jouanna , pp. 184 - 5 . Jump up ^ https://www.norgeshistorie.no/senmiddelalder/makt-og-politikk/1011-norge-blir-et-lydrike.html Jump up ^ Ellis , S . `` The Tudors and the origins of the modern Irish states : A standing army '' . In : Bartlett , Thomas , A Military History of Ireland ( Cambridge 1996 ) , 125 - 131 ) . Jump up ^ MacGregor 1957 , p. 127 ^ Jump up to : Matthew White ( January 2012 ) . `` The Thirty Years War ( 1618 -- 48 ) '' . Necrometrics . Retrieved 12 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Matthew White ( January 2012 ) . `` France , Religious Wars , Catholic vs. Huguenot ( 1562 - 1598 ) '' . Necrometrics . Retrieved 12 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Matthew White ( January 2012 ) . `` British Isles , 1641 - 52 '' . Necrometrics . Retrieved 12 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Victimario Histórico Militar '' . Greengrass , Mark . The European Reformation 1500 -- 1618 . Longman , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 582 - 06174 - 1 MacCulloch , Diarmaid . The Reformation : A History . New York : Penguin 2003 . 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grim adventures of billy and mandy season 1
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy ( season 1 )
the grim adventures of billy & mandy ( season 1 )
The first season of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy consisted of 23 episodes , including the 13 Grim & Evil episodes , the 9 exclusive episodes , and the half - hour Halloween special , in which Billy , Mandy and Grim face against Jack O'Lantern .
This season introduces the three title characters , boy - wizard Nigel Planter and supporting characters such as Dean Toadblatt , which constitutes a parody of the Harry Potter franchise . Other characters that make major appearances include Mandy 's nemesis , the popular and snobby Mindy ; Nergal Junior , the son of Nergal , and Billy 's aunt Sis ; and Jeff the Spider , who is hatched from an egg by Billy . Other characters that return are Hoss Delgado , who battles zombie brownies alongside Billy ; and Eris , who keeps scheming to create chaos . Episodes ( edit ) The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy season 1 episodes No. in series No. in season Title Directed by Written by Storyboarded by Original air date 1a 1a `` Meet the Reaper '' Maxwell Atoms Maxwell Atoms Maxwell Atoms June 9 , 2000 ( 2000 - 06 - 09 ) ( pilot on The Cartoon Cartoon Show ) August 24 , 2001 ( 2001 - 08 - 24 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy 's pet hamster , Mr. Snuggles , celebrates his 10th birthday , so the Grim Reaper comes for him . However , Mandy , Billy 's friend , is reluctant in allowing it , so she proposes a deal to the Grim Reaper : if he beats the kids in a game , he can take the hamster , but if he loses , he will spare the hamster 's life and become their `` best friend forever '' . The Grim Reaper transports the kids to limbo , where he challenges them to a game of limbo . Despite his best effort , Grim ends up losing because he is attacked by Mr. Snuggles at Mandy 's own command . Note : Originally aired as part of Cartoon Network 's `` Cartoon Cartoon Weekend Big Pick '' , this episode was released on CartoonNetwork.com on June 9 , 2000 , and later aired on the channel proper on August 25 , 2000 , later being named the pilot winner to be picked up by the network for its own series . This is also the only episode not produced by Cartoon Network Studios , having been produced in 1999 by Warner Bros. Animation 's subsidiary Hanna - Barbera . 1b 1b `` Skeletons in the Water Closet '' Dave Brain Greg Miller Greg Miller August 24 , 2001 ( 2001 - 08 - 24 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy 's mother , Gladys , first notices Grim in Billy 's bed , then in the shower and subsequently starts to get panic surges thinking that Billy is in danger . Meanwhile , Harold , Billy 's dad , just thinks that Gladys is imagining things . In the end , Gladys ends up going living with Billy 's aunt , Sis to try and calm herself down . 2a 2a `` Opposite Day '' Dave Brain Maxwell Atoms Mike Stern August 31 , 2001 ( 2001 - 08 - 31 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy and Mandy tell Grim it is `` Opposite Day '' and that , when they say something , they really mean the opposite . Due to his difficulty understanding the concept of Opposite Day , Grim has to do Mandy 's chores . Finally , Grim thinks he understands when Billy and Mandy say they `` want '' pie , meaning they `` do not want '' pie . However , Mandy then says that when she said it was Opposite Day , it really was not . Note : This is the first appearance of Mandy 's house and Mandy 's pet dog , Saliva . 2b 2b `` Look Alive ! '' Brian Hogan Maxwell Atoms Paul McEvoy August 31 , 2001 ( 2001 - 08 - 31 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Grim is bored of being left alone while Billy and Mandy are not with him . Grim decides to fulfill his dream by working as a swimsuit model , but , as he is a corpse , he is not hired . Subsequently , Billy and Mandy give him a makeover to look more human . In the end , Grim gets the job in a TV ad , but he is only in the commercial for a few seconds and is portrayed as an ugly person . 3a 3a `` Mortal Dilemma '' Brian Hogan Amy Rogers Michael Diederich September 7 , 2001 ( 2001 - 09 - 07 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Grim misses his life as the reaper of souls and , due to his bet , he can not return to the Underworld , much to the hilarity of his Underworld co-workers . Having a sudden epiphany , Grim decides to be good and help people rather than try to take their souls . However , Grim 's attempts at being good are faced with resistance from people , who are scared off by his appearance . 3b 3b `` Get Out of My Head ! '' Dave Brain Maxwell Atoms Maxwell Atoms September 7 , 2001 ( 2001 - 09 - 07 ) ( Grim & Evil ) After watching a movie , Grim teaches Billy to possess people by jumping into their heads . Billy possesses Mandy and makes her do assorted things like flirting with Irwin , kissing Mandy 's mother , going into both men 's and women 's restrooms and eating earthworms . In the end , Billy leaves Mandy 's head , but later that night , Mandy possesses Billy 's cat , Milkshakes , to maul him as a form of revenge . Note : This is the first appearance of Mandy 's parents , Claire and Phillip , as well as Irwin and Milkshakes , Billy 's pet cat . `` Fiend is Like Friend without the `` R '' '' Brian Hogan Craig Lewis Paul McEvoy October 5 , 2001 ( 2001 - 10 - 05 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy wanders into a junkyard , where a massive hole in the earth opens up and pulls him down in . Later , Mandy and Grim get pulled in as well . They land at the center of the Earth , which is home of Nergal , a devilish creature . The lonely Nergal , who has been watching Billy and Mandy for some time , wants Grim to hand over the kids to him so they can be his friends forever . Grim happily leaves the kids behind as he returns to the surface ; however , he later goes back for them because he ca n't handle the guilt of abandoning his friends . In the end , Grim is defeated by Nergal 's electrified tentacles , but Mandy defeats Nergal merely by kicking him in the shin . Note : This is the first appearance of Nergal . 5 5 `` Recipe for Disaster '' Dave Brain Maxwell Atoms Mike Diederich October 12 , 2001 ( 2001 - 10 - 12 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy , Mandy , Grim and Pud'n are part of the `` Person Scouts '' ( a Boy Scouts-esque organization ) and need to sell cookies in order to win a badge . However , as Billy eats all of the cookies , Grim proposes to bake their own cookies using his aunt Kali 's secret recipe . The cookies are a success and the troupe wins the contest . In the end , at the Person Scouts awards ceremony , aunt Kali reveals that the secret recipe contains insects , but everyone continues eating the cookies anyway . Note : This is the first appearance of Pud'n and Aunt Kali . 6 6 `` A Dumb Wish '' Brian Hogan Paul McEvoy Paul McEvoy October 19 , 2001 ( 2001 - 10 - 19 ) ( Grim & Evil ) While Spring cleaning in the middle of November , Billy takes an old , cursed lamp from Grim 's trunk . When he gives it a rub , he releases the curse Grim had warned them about : his own mother . Having three wishes to make , Billy wastes his wish by wishing to know what to wish for . Mandy wishes Billy and Grim would `` shut up '' , which causes both of them to zip their lips , so Grim never gets to make his wish . Then , Mandy decides to make the last wish to whoever makes her the happiest . In the end , Mandy wishes everyone in the world would go away , causing them , except Mandy , to disappear , which she is glad about . 7a 7a `` Grim vs. Mom '' Brian Hogan Gord Zajac Alex Almaguer July 19 , 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 19 ) ( Grim & Evil ) After having a nervous breakdown and leaving the house in the first episode , Billy 's mother , Gladys , returns . She meets Grim again and , this time , she plans to destroy him once and for all . When Grim goes to the kitchen for a glass of water , Gladys attacks him and shatters his skeleton . In the end , Grim assures the kids that Gladys has won the battle but not the war . 7b 7b `` Tastes Like Chicken '' Brian Hogan and John McIntyre Gord Zajac Mike Diederich July 19 , 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 19 ) ( Grim & Evil ) With Irwin not answering the phone , Billy 's parents missing and Mandy saying she wants `` Billy for dinner '' , Billy and Grim assume Mandy is a cannibal who ate Billy 's parents and friends . Looking for proof , Billy and Grim find tiki figures and arrangements for a celebration in Mandy 's backyard . Ultimately , it is revealed that they are just celebrating Billy 's birthday . Still , Mandy burps out Irwin 's glasses , revealing that Mandy ate Irwin as Billy screams in terror . 8a 8a `` Grim or Gregory ? '' Brian Hogan Gord Zajac Shellie Kvilvang July 26 , 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 26 ) ( Grim & Evil ) It 's Halloween , Billy , Mandy and Grim go trick - or - treating . Grim mistakes a woman for Atrocia , the host of the all - night Halloween marathon on TV and goes to talk to her . Upon looking at her face , Grim realizes his mistake ; however , the woman mistakes Grim for her son , Gregory , and takes him home Gregory is now Grim , and does not have a stomach . At the same time , Billy mistakes Gregory for Grim and he and Mandy take him with them . In the end , Billy and Mandy take Gregory back to his mother and Grim goes back with them . 8b 8b `` Something Stupid This Way Comes '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis Maxwell Atoms July 26 , 2002 ( 2002 - 07 - 26 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Nergal , the fiend from the center of the Earth , returns to the surface , emerging a carnival with him , trying once more to make friends with the surface dwellers . In the following , Billy tries to help Nergal make friends by being considerate , but Nergal fails to apply correctly his advice . When Nergal is told that Grim was forced to be Billy and Mandy 's friend - slave , Nergal then decides to force the world to be his friends by turning them into dark beings similar to him . In the end , Nergal turns Billy , Mandy , Grim and even the viewer ( thus breaking the fourth wall ) into one before the episode ends . 9a 9a `` A Grim Surprise '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Rob DeSales John McIntyre August 2 , 2002 ( 2002 - 08 - 02 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy tells Grim to help him throw a surprise birthday party for Mandy . Then , a reluctant Grim helps Billy prepare a cake while keeping it a secret from Mandy . In the end , a somewhat surprised Mandy reveals that her birthday is n't here for the next five months , something that Billy already knew about , stating that makes it `` a real surprise party . '' 9b 9b `` Beasts & Barbarians '' Dave Brain Gord Zajac Michael Diederich August 2 , 2002 ( 2002 - 08 - 02 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy and Irwin have been playing their favorite video game , Beasts and Barbarians , for three days non-stop . In an attempt to stop their video game addiction , Grim transports them all to a real - life version of the game . Seeing as Billy and Irwin are still doing good in their quest , Grim increases the difficulty by manipulating the traps himself . In the end , Billy , Mandy , and Grim return home escaping from a giant cyclops , while Irwin remains trapped . 10a 10a `` Hoss Delgado : Spectral Exterminator '' Brian Hogan Gord Zajac Brian Kindregan August 9 , 2002 ( 2002 - 08 - 09 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy , Mandy , and Grim go to the museum on a school trip . There , they meet Hoss Delgado , self - appointed hunter of the paranormal , who upon spotting Grim , tries to eliminate him . Subsequently , Grim and Delgado engage in a fight . Finally , Delgado quits hunting Grim when he realizes Billy and Mandy control him . In the end , Delgado continues his own adventures and is seen fighting a werewolf . Note : This is the first appearance of Hoss Delgado . 10b 10b `` To Eris Human '' Dave Brain Gord Zajac Chris Savino August 9 , 2002 ( 2002 - 08 - 09 ) ( Grim & Evil ) While going to the shopping mall with Billy and Mandy , Grim spots the seductive Eris , the cunning Goddess of Chaos and Discord , and tries to ask her out . However , Eris is not interested in the skinless Grim , but in the muscular Adonis . Then , Eris invites Mandy to join her in creating chaos using the Apple of Discord . Although initially they get along , Eris pulls a prank on Mandy , who subsequently tries to get revenge . In the end , Mandy fools Eris into thinking that Adonis is in the movie theater and Eris accidentally kisses Grim , who says that he will never wash his left cheek again . Note : This is the very first appearance of Eris . 11a 11a `` Billy 's Growth Spurt '' Brian Hogan Gord Zajac Michael Diederich October 4 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 04 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy eats too much junk food that makes him feel sick . Grim prepares him a remedy using his granny 's recipe , but this medicine makes a parasite to start growing in Billy 's back , which Billy names Yap - yap . In the following , Billy and Yap - yap continue eating junk food , so Mandy suggest to use the antidote to the original remedy . Eventually , Yap - yap , now looking like a smaller version of Billy , detaches himself from Billy ( which would have technically cured Billy without the need of him drinking the anitdote ) , and tries to escape from the antidote . In the end , Yap - yap drinks the antidote and is destroyed . 11b 11b `` Billy & the Bully '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Brett Varon October 4 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 04 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy is constantly provoked by a bully named Sperg and runs over to Grim for help . Note : This is the first appearance of Sperg . 12a 12a `` Big Trouble in Billy 's Basement '' Robert Alvarez and John McIntyre Gord Zajac Chris McCulloch October 11 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 11 ) ( Grim & Evil ) After taking the Underworld 's `` Bad Book '' from Grim , Billy becomes possessed by an evil presence . Then , Billy steals Grim 's scythe , and uses it to open a portal to summon Yog - Sothoth . In consequence , Mandy calls for Hoss Delgado to battle Billy . It is revealed that the portal can only be sealed by throwing the book into it . As Billy eats the book , Mandy throws Billy himself into the portal , restoring everything to normal . Instants later , a portal opens up and Billy comes out and says they did n't want him there . 12b 12b `` Tickle Me Mandy '' Brian Hogan Gord Zajac Mucci Fassett October 11 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 11 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Mandy and her parents leave the city for a day , which makes Billy feel lonely . Then , Grim uses his supernatural powers to create a fake Mandy with pieces of dolls and toys for Billy to play with . However , the `` new '' Mandy is too aggressive with Billy , and he starts fearing her . The next day , the real Mandy returns home , and promptly destroys the new Mandy while in the see - saw . 13a 13a `` Little Rock of Horrors '' Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Maxwell Atoms October 18 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 18 ) ( Grim & Evil ) In this musical episode , which pays homage to Little Shop of Horrors , Billy befriends a singing brain - eating meteor ( voiced by Voltaire ) that falls from the sky after when everyone does n't want to play with him because they are busy . With Billy 's help , the creature grows bigger and eventually eats the brains of all people in Endsville ( turning them into zombies with glowing green eyes ) . The last brain he eats is Mandy 's , which results in the creature transforming into a pink , brain - eating Mandy meteor . Note : The song featured is `` BRAINS ! '' , composed by goth artist Voltaire specifically for this episode . 13b 13b `` Dream a Little Dream '' Dave Brain Gord Zajac Michael Diederich October 18 , 2002 ( 2002 - 10 - 18 ) ( Grim & Evil ) Billy , Mandy and Grim eat moldy pizza leftovers and after falling asleep , they have nightmares . Billy dreams of cute bunnies which turn into horrific and deadly monsters ; Grim dreams of an endless number of bossy Mandys ; Mandy dreams of being pulled into a volcano and then commanding demons at the rhythm of music , in a scene that reminisces the Night on Bald Mountain segment of Fantasia . In the end , Mandy reveals that her dream was actually very pleasant and she eats the last slice of the rotten pizza . 14a 14a `` Toadblatt 's School of Sorcery '' Robert Alvarez Ben Spergel Mike Diederich and Maxwell Atoms June 13 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 13 ) In a parody of the Harry Potter series , Grim sends Billy and Mandy to a sorcery school so the latter duo could avoid boring summer camps they were supposed to go to . The sorcery school is owned by Dean Toadblatt , an anthropomorphic frog . Billy and Mandy are sent to the most hated house on the school , Weaselthorpe , while Grim becomes a prefect for a more loved house , Gunderstank . Billy and Mandy team up with boy wizard Nigel Planter to sabotage Gunderstank 's hopes of winning the house championship . Planter takes all the credit for the sabotage ( which was Mandy 's idea ) , but he is punished once he is found out by Toadblatt . 14b 14b `` Educating Grim '' Juli Hashiguchi Rachael MacFarlane Brett Varon June 13 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 13 ) Billy and Mandy take a reluctant Grim to school with them . Mandy 's nemesis , Mindy , befriends Grim to annoy Mandy and Billy calls for their other friend , who is Abraham Lincoln . Mandy devises a plan in which Mindy ditches Grim , and keeps Abraham as her friend instead . 14c 14c `` It 's Hokey Mon ! '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Mike Diederich June 13 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 13 ) After watching Billy and Irwin play with their `` Hokey Monsters '' cards ( parodying the Pokémon Trading Card Game ) , Grim makes the monsters come to life . Soon , all the other kids want their own cards to be real too , and the city is soon under attack by a multitude of Hokey Monsters . To put an end to the mayhem , Mandy draws her own card , Mandy 's Monster , which defeats all the other monsters by turning them into toast . 15a 15a `` Night of the Living Grim '' Juli Hashiguchi Gord Zajac Spencer Laudiero June 20 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 20 ) Grim is lying sick in bed with `` Encroaching Doom Syndrome '' . The Underworld doctors are not able to help Grim , and he becomes a human being . Back in Endsville , Grim seems attractive to women , but he ends up being punched by jealous boyfriends , especially Billy 's dad Harold . Grim covers himself in the mucus that he produced when he was sick and becomes a skeleton again , and Billy tries it too . 15b / c 15b / c `` Brown Evil '' ( Part 1 & 2 ) Robert Alvarez ( Part 1 ) Pat Shinagawa ( Part 2 ) Gord Zajac Paul McEvoy June 20 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 20 ) Part 1 : Taking inspiration from his Pat the Baker video game , Billy decides to bake chocolate brownies . Billy uses `` Evil Powder '' from Grim 's old trunk instead of salt , and the resultant brownies stink . Mandy tells Grim to get rid of the brownies , and he reluctantly does , but he also stores some of them in his skull . Soon , the stench of the brownies spreads through the world and starts resurrecting dead people , animals , and even food , as zombies . Part 2 : Billy and Hoss Delgado , spectral exterminator , team up to destroy all the zombies that congregate outside the house , but the zombies reassemble into a bigger zombie . Delgado realizes that the zombie is after the brownies that Grim has in his skull , so Delgado and Grim battle furiously for them . The zombie eats the remaining brownies and falls apart . 16a 16a `` Mandy , the Merciless '' Pat Shinagawa Gord Zajac Alex Almaguer June 27 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 27 ) On a hot day when Billy , Mandy , and Irwin are bored , Grim uses a crystal ball to show them the future . In the distant future , Mandy has turned herself into a giant worm - like creature to be immortal , and now rules the whole world . Mandy gives false information to a clone of Billy to capture the members of a resistance that try to defeat her . The episode parodies the science fiction novel God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert . 16b 16b `` Creating Chaos '' Pat Shinagawa Gord Zajac Brett Varon June 27 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 27 ) When Billy , Mandy , and Grim go fishing , Eris , the goddess of chaos , gets Billy to help her use the Apple of Discord to create chaos ( after her father grounded her ) . Instead of using the apple , Billy becomes distracted with his own idiotic errands , leading Eris to go insane . Billy finally decides to start creating chaos , but Eris is already too altered that she runs away . 16c 16c `` The Really Odd Couple '' John McIntyre and Randy Myers Gord Zajac Mucci Fassett June 27 , 2003 ( 2003 - 06 - 27 ) Billy accidentally sets off a powerful stink bomb in Mandy 's house and , while the house is being disinfected and fumigated , Mandy 's family goes to live with Billy 's . Billy and Mandy have a dispute over how to split Billy 's room , prompting Grim to intervene . Mandy takes over the entire room , and imprisons Billy inside a brick wall with his mouth gagged by a dark red handkerchief ... 17a 17a `` Who Killed Who ? '' Pat Shinagawa , John McIntyre , and Randy Myers Gord Zajac Paul McEvoy July 4 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 04 ) After excluding Mandy from their board game Who Killed Who ? for being a girl , Billy and Irwin mistakenly throw their dice into the backyard of a haunted house . Grim warns them about the ghost of Mrs. Doolin , a lady that lived there . Mandy dares to go inside to retrieve the dice , and she befriends Mrs. Doolin , who is alive and well , and who says that all the stories told about her ( that anything that went beyond her fence into her garden never came back ) are inventions from Grim , whom she beat long time ago at a staring contest . Fearing for Mandy 's life , Billy also ventures into the house , but Mrs. Doolin and Mandy scare him away by posing as ghosts . It appears that Mrs. Doolin is in fact a ghost , and when she meant `` beating Grim '' , it meant that she `` beaten death '' . 17b 17b `` Tween Wolf '' Pat Shinagawa Gord Zajac Mucci Fassett July 4 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 04 ) After when Grim fails to pull a werewolf out of his hat , Irwin is bitten by said werewolf . Billy takes Irwin as his new pet dog , naming him Sprinkles , and enters him in the Endsville Dog Show to compete against Mandy 's dog , Saliva . At the contest , Sprinkles is about to win , so Grim releases a `` were - flea '' whose bite causes the werewolf to revert to a naked Irwin . It appears that Irwin won the contest anyway . 18a 18a `` Grim in Love '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Brett Varon July 11 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 11 ) When Billy , Mandy and Grim go to the beach , Grim falls in love with a goth woman named Malaria . Grim is having a good time with his girlfriend , but Mandy assures him that will change when he tells her that he is not human . In the following date , Grim demonstrates his supernatural powers while dancing and , as predicted , Malaria leaves in panic . 18b 18b `` Crushed '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Brett Varon July 11 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 11 ) At school , Mandy rejects Irwin 's invitation to go to the school dance with him . Billy introduces his foreign and mysterious , new friend , `` Piff '' , and Mandy becomes desperate when she realizes that she has developed a crush on him . Mandy asks Grim to cut her heart out to stop being in love , but Grim has a better idea and gives Mandy a makeover , turning her into a really seductive figure . Piff gets a crush on Mandy ( the same way Irwin had gotten before ) , who takes the opportunity to brutally turn him down . 18c 18c `` Love is `` Evol '' Spelled Backwards '' Juli Hashiguchi Craig Lewis Paul McEvoy July 11 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 11 ) It 's Valentine 's Day and Nergal , the fiend living in Earth 's core , appears in Billy 's house to court Billy 's spinster aunt Sis . Billy tries ruining Nergal 's date , to avoid becoming his nephew . Although initially Sis does not show interest in Nergal , she changes her mind when Nergal is stung by bees and she sees his `` dance moves '' . Aunt Sis accepts Nergal 's marriage proposal and accompanies him back to the center of the Earth . 19a 19a `` The Crawling Niceness '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Maxwell Atoms Maxwell Atoms July 18 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 18 ) Billy takes a big egg found in Grim 's trunk and hatches it expecting a duck . Instead , Jeff the Spider is born , who considers Billy his father . Despite Jeff trying to please Billy in any possible way , Billy is terrified of Jeff and wants him squished . The exterminator chose not to squish Jeff because he is a nice bug . 19b 19b `` Smarten Up ! '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac David Feiss July 18 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 18 ) Billy is worried about failing an upcoming Math test , so Grim gives him a `` bookworm '' , which will make him much smarter . Milkshakes , Billy 's cat , eats the worm instead , and is forced to tutor Billy . Billy is still an idiot in the end . 19c 19c `` The Grim Show '' John McIntyre and Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis Trevor Wall July 18 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 18 ) Grim is upset after his favorite show , Atrocia 's Late Night Atrocities , is cancelled . He goes to the TV station and using his powers , turns the studio into a creepier place and becomes the host of the Grim Show . Grim 's success on TV is interrupted when Mandy tells him he has neglected to do her chores . Billy and Mandy go to the TV station and show embarrassing footage of Grim at home . 20a 20a `` Son of Nergal '' Robert Alvarez Gord Zajac Paul McEvoy July 25 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 25 ) Billy and Mandy are sent to `` Winter Camp '' , where they meet Nergal 's son , Nergal Jr . Just like his father , Junior tries making friends , although not in the best way possible . Junior attacks the campers , freezes them and , using his shape - shifting abilities , takes over their appearances . Billy decides to be Junior 's friend , but he is scared away at the moment Junior shows him his true form . 20b 20b `` Sister Grim '' John McIntyre and Juli Hashiguchi Gord Zajac Brett Varon July 25 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 25 ) After being accidentally hit by Billy , Grim lands in a can of white paint in a remote convent . Due to his appearance , still with the can in his head , Grim is mistaken for `` Sister Big Mamma '' by little cherubic nuns . Grim has a great time with the friendly nuns , until Billy and Mandy come looking for him . When the nuns realize the truth about Grim they get angry at him , but also help him go back home by sending him flying away with another punch . 20c 20c `` Go - Kart 3000 ! '' John McIntyre and Randy Myers Gord Zajac Michael Diederich July 25 , 2003 ( 2003 - 07 - 25 ) When Billy and Irwin exclude Mandy and Grim from helping them build a go - kart to enter the Annual Endsville Go - Kart Competition , the latter two decide to build their own . Billy - Irwin , and Mandy - Grim compete against Mindy , Sperg , and a mystery racer ( Pud'n ) . Mindy gets stuck in highway traffic , Billy - Irwin 's car is destroyed , Sperg and Grim mutually prevent each other from winning , and Pud'n wins in his little red wagon . 21a 21a `` Terror of the Black Knight '' Juli Hashiguchi Craig Lewis Alex Almaguer August 1 , 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 01 ) After being impressed by Irwin 's realistic armor at the medieval fair , Billy wishes for a fancy armor too . Grim gives him the `` Cursed Suit of the Black Knight '' . When Billy needs to go to the bathroom , the curse is revealed to be that the armor can not be taken off until the person wearing it beats someone in a competition . Billy desperately tries to defeat other people at various contests , he but fails to come out victorious . He defeats Mandy at a breakdance contest in which Mandy decided not to participate , but he does not need to go to the bathroom anymore . 21b 21b `` Battle of the Bands '' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis Brett Varon August 1 , 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 01 ) Billy wants to join Sperg 's garage band , `` Purple Filth '' , and take part in the upcoming battle of the bands . After witnessing Grim 's prowess with the electric guitar , Sperg invites Grim instead . Billy 's dad , adopting the rock and roll persona of `` Mogar '' , decides he and Billy should go to the contest to make a surprise appearance . Billy impresses the audience with his armpit sounds . 21c 21c `` The Halls of Time '' John McIntyre and Randy Myers Gord Zajac Mike Diederich August 1 , 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 01 ) After missing on a school trip , Grim takes Billy , Mandy and Irwin to the `` Halls of Time '' for a tour . There , Billy and Irwin mess the hourglasses that symbolize each person 's lifespan . When they leave , they accidentally leave their own hourglasses , including Grim 's , upside down , resulting in the group getting younger as time passes . Grim allows the kids to disappear by going before birth , but he can not restore his own hourglass to its correct position and he disappears too . 22a 22a `` Grim for a Day '' Robert Alvarez Craig Lewis Paul McEvoy August 15 , 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 15 ) After a lousy night for Grim , Billy and Grim argue about who has the hardest time , the kid or the Reaper of the Souls . Mandy told and shouted at Grim and Billy to `` SHUT UP ! '' first , and then she proposes they switch places for the day to find out . Grim seems to be having a good time , acting like a silly kid , while Billy is bored waiting for his old victim , Mr. Voorhees , to open the door . Billy transforms into a short skeleton , while Grim transforms into a taller version of Billy . 22b 22b `` Chicken Ball Z '' Juli Hashiguchi Ben Spergel Matt Sullivan August 15 , 2003 ( 2003 - 08 - 15 ) Grim 's refusal to help Mandy win a karate tournament , and the $50,000 prize it promises to the winner , leads her to a curio shop , where the shopkeeper , Kuan Ti , gives her an ancient `` Chicken Ball '' which , when eaten , allows her to become a great fighter . Mandy easily wins the tournament and does not care about the money anymore , only about fighting . It turns out Kuan Ti is actually Eris in disguise , and this was just another of her schemes to create chaos . Seeing how he has a chance to get rid of the kids and finally be free , he tries to take advantage over this by making Billy a superb fighter too , so he and Mandy can fight ferociously to the death until the entire arena is destroyed . With both still alive , Mandy still demands the prize money , which she uses to buy Hector Con Carne 's Bunny Island . 23 23 `` Billy & Mandy 's Jacked - Up Halloween '' Juli Hashiguchi and Robert Alvarez Maxwell Atoms , Brett Varon , and Paul McEvoy Brett Varon and Maxwell Atoms October 31 , 2003 ( 2003 - 10 - 31 ) Billy , Mandy and Grim go trick - or - treating for Halloween , and Irwin is left behind because he needs a scarier costume . After pulling a trick on an old lady , and getting some candies , Grim tells the story of why people pull pranks , which he was partially responsible for . He tells about Jack ( voiced by Wayne Knight ) , a prankster of the old Endsville who just never knew when to stop . One day , the citizens decided to punish him for his constant pranks , and they pulled a prank on the queen , but signed it `` From : Jack '' ; in consequence , the angry queen sent a knight to kill Jack . When Grim went for Jack 's soul , Jack stole his scythe . In return for his scythe , Grim promised Jack eternal life , but after closing the deal , Grim takes his scythe and cuts Jack 's head off , showing that no one will `` EVER '' see his face again . Afterwards , Jack decided to use a pumpkin for a head , becoming Jack O'Lantern , and , suffering from the loss of his real head and learning his lesson about pulling pranks too far and whom he does them to , every Halloween he goes out to pull pranks on the citizens of Endsville , and waits 364 more days a year until next Halloween in solitary mode in his own house . After hearing the story , Billy splits from the group and finds Jack 's house downtown . Jack realizes Billy is carrying the actual Reaper 's scythe , so he takes it from him and uses it to open the gates of the Underworld and bring forth ghosts , which cause havoc in the city . Jack then plans to get revenge on Grim by cutting his head off which , being cut with the Reaper 's scythe , will stay off `` forever '' . To stop Jack from carrying on with his vengeance , Mandy sets up a series of pranks for him . The pranks affect Irwin instead , causing major laughter from Jack and his ghouls , which explode and return to the Underworld . Grim recovers his scythe and sends Jack to the Underworld too . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ DeMott , Rick ( May 10 , 2000 ) . `` Cartoon Network Navigates 10 New Pilots '' . Animation World Network . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 06 . The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Characters Films Billy & Mandy 's Big Boogey Adventure ( 2007 ) Billy & Mandy : Wrath of the Spider Queen ( 2007 ) Underfist : Halloween Bash ( 2008 ) Seasons 5 6 Related shows Grim & Evil Evil Con Carne Characters Video games The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Grim_Adventures_of_Billy_%26_Mandy_(season_1)&oldid=828783608 '' Categories : The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy seasons 2001 American television seasons 2002 American television seasons 2003 American television seasons Hidden categories : Articles lacking sources from August 2016 All articles lacking sources Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 4 March 2018 , at 18 : 58 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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how many marvel agents of shield episodes are there
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Title card for the first two seasons Genre Action Adventure Science fiction Superhero Drama Created by Joss Whedon Jed Whedon Maurissa Tancharoen Based on S.H.I.E.L.D. by Stan Lee Jack Kirby Starring Clark Gregg Ming - Na Wen Brett Dalton Chloe Bennet Iain De Caestecker Elizabeth Henstridge Nick Blood Adrianne Palicki Henry Simmons Luke Mitchell John Hannah Natalia Cordova - Buckley Composer ( s ) Bear McCreary Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 5 No. of episodes 110 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Joss Whedon Jed Whedon Maurissa Tancharoen Stan Lee Alan Fine Joe Quesada Jeffrey Bell Jeph Loeb Paul Zbyszewski Jim Chory Brent Fletcher Producer ( s ) Garry A. Brown Chris Cheramie Location ( s ) Los Angeles Cinematography David Boyd Feliks Parnell Jeff Mygatt Allan Westbrook Editor ( s ) Joshua Charson Paul Trejo Debby Germimo Eric Litman David Crabtree Kelly Stuyvesant Running time 41 -- 44 minutes Production company ( s ) ABC Studios Marvel Television Mutant Enemy Productions Distributor Disney -- ABC Domestic Television Release Original network ABC Picture format 720p ( HDTV ) Audio format 5.1 surround sound Original release September 24 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 24 ) -- present ( present ) Chronology Related shows Marvel 's Agent Carter Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot Marvel Cinematic Universe television series External links Official website
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
agents of s. h. i. e. l. d.
Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , or simply Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , is an American television series created for ABC by Joss Whedon , Jed Whedon , and Maurissa Tancharoen , based on the Marvel Comics organization S.H.I.E.L.D. ( Strategic Homeland Intervention , Enforcement , and Logistics Division ) , a fictional peacekeeping and spy agency in a world of superheroes . It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) , sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise . The series is produced by ABC Studios , Marvel Television , and Mutant Enemy Productions , with Jed Whedon , Tancharoen , and Jeffrey Bell serving as showrunners .
The series revolves around the character of Phil Coulson , with Clark Gregg reprising his role from the film series , and his team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents , who must deal with various unusual cases and enemies , including Hydra , the Inhumans , and alien species such as the Kree . Joss Whedon began developing a S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot following the success of his film Marvel 's The Avengers , and Gregg was confirmed to reprise his role in October 2012 . The series was officially picked up by ABC in May 2013 , and also stars Ming - Na Wen , Brett Dalton , Chloe Bennet , Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge , with Nick Blood , Adrianne Palicki , Henry Simmons , Luke Mitchell , John Hannah , and Natalia Cordova - Buckley joining in later seasons . Prosthetic makeup is created with Glenn Hetrick 's Optic Nerve Studios , while Legacy Effects contributes other practical effects . The visual effects for the series are created by FuseFX , and have been nominated for multiple awards . Several episodes directly crossover with films or other television series set in the MCU , while other characters from MCU films and Marvel One - Shots also appear throughout the series . The first season originally aired from September 24 , 2013 , to May 13 , 2014 , while the second season aired from September 23 , 2014 , to May 12 , 2015 . A third season premiered on September 29 , 2015 , concluding on May 17 , 2016 , and the fourth season premiered on September 20 , 2016 , and concluded on May 16 , 2017 . A fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiered on December 1 , 2017 and concluded on May 18 , 2018 . In May 2018 , the series was renewed for a sixth season , intended to air in mid-2019 . After starting the first season with high ratings but mixed reviews , the ratings began to drop while reviews improved . This led to much lower but more consistent ratings , as well as more consistently positive reviews in the subsequent seasons . Several characters created for the series have since been introduced to the comic universe and other media . A spin - off series , centered on Blood and Palicki 's characters Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse and titled Marvel 's Most Wanted , received a pilot order in August 2015 , but it was ultimately passed on in May 2016 . An online digital series , Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot , centered on Elena `` Yo - Yo '' Rodriguez , was launched in December 2016 on ABC.com . Contents ( hide ) 1 Premise 2 Cast and characters 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Writing 3.3 Casting 3.4 Design 3.4. 1 Costumes 3.4. 2 Practical effects 3.4. 3 Title sequence 3.5 Filming 3.6 Visual effects 3.7 Music 3.8 Marvel Cinematic Universe tie - ins 4 Release 4.1 Broadcast 4.2 Marketing 4.3 Home media 5 Reception 5.1 Ratings 5.2 Critical response 5.3 Analysis 5.4 Accolades 6 Spin - offs 6.1 Marvel 's Most Wanted 6.2 Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot 7 Other media 8 References 9 External links Premise ( edit ) Further information : List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes The first season sees S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson putting together a small team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to handle strange new cases . They investigate Project Centipede and its leader , `` The Clairvoyant '' , eventually uncovering that the organization is backed by Hydra , which has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. In the second season , following the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. , now - Director Coulson and his team look to restore trust from the government and public while dealing with Hydra , a faction of anti-superhuman S.H.I.E.L.D. agents , and the newly revealed Inhumans ( who possess special abilities ) . During the third season , Coulson begins a secret mission to assemble the Secret Warriors , a team of Inhumans , as Hydra restores its ancient Inhuman leader Hive to power . After the defeat of Hive and with Hydra destroyed , S.H.I.E.L.D. is made a legitimate organization once again with the signing of the Sokovia Accords . In the fourth season , Coulson returns to being a field agent , due to the world believing he is dead , and is tasked with tracking down more enhanced people including Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider . In addition , Agent Leo Fitz and Holden Radcliffe complete their work on the Life Model Decoy project as well as the development of the Framework . The fifth season sees Coulson and members of his team mysteriously abducted to a space station run by the Kree in the year 2091 , where they must try and save the remnants of humanity while figuring out how to get home . After returning home , where they are labeled fugitives , Coulson and his team work to ensure the future they saw does not come to pass . Cast and characters ( edit ) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. cast members ( L-R : Gregg , Wen , Dalton , Bennet , De Caestecker , and Henstridge ) at PaleyFest 2014 Main article : List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson : A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who oversees many of the division 's field operations . In April 2013 , Gregg agreed to join the series after hearing Whedon 's explanation for Coulson 's resurrection , following the character 's death in The Avengers , which he called `` fascinating '' and `` true to the world of the comics and mythology '' . On whether the resurrected Coulson would be the same as before he died , Gregg said the character had to have changed in some way , but he may not understand how much he has changed . Gregg said he approached Coulson 's promotion to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. as being his dream job , which at the same time forced the character to adopt a more level - headed attitude , like that of Nick Fury . Ming - Na Wen as Melinda May : A S.H.I.E.L.D. ace pilot and weapons expert , nicknamed `` the Cavalry '' . Joss Whedon had the character , who was originally listed with the name Agent Althea Rice on casting sheets , `` rolling around in his head '' for a long time . Wen was given some backstory for the character to prepare , but was not told how she gained her reputation ; with May 's past revealed in `` Melinda '' , Wen called it `` devastating ... To have learned what she had to do , for the good of the many ... I can understand why it would traumatize her so much and cause her to retreat . '' Wen called May `` unconventionally maternal '' , and found that it is her relationship with Coulson rather than any feelings about S.H.I.E.L.D. that make her stay in the organization . Brett Dalton as Grant Ward and Hive : Ward is a Hydra agent who poses as a S.H.I.E.L.D. black ops specialist . From the conception of the series it was decided that he would be a traitor , with Jed Whedon explaining that they wanted to have `` infiltration based on betrayal '' on a small scale to represent the same thing happening on a massive scale , and to make the Hydra reveal more personal for the characters . Following the death of his Hydra superior , John Garrett , Dalton explained that he felt that Ward was always loyal to Garrett rather than Hydra , and so without Garrett would become more of a wildcard , eventually accepting his position as an antagonist to S.H.I.E.L.D. He is killed by Coulson in season three and his body is possessed by the ancient Inhuman Hive . Dalton returned to the series in its fourth season to portray Ward in the Framework , the virtual reality world created by Holden Radcliffe , where he is Johnson 's boyfriend . Austin Lyon portrays a young Ward . Chloe Bennet as Daisy `` Skye '' Johnson / Quake : An Inhuman hacktivist and S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit who eventually becomes an agent with the ability to sense vibrations and create earthquakes . The character of Skye was always intended to be the MCU version of Johnson , with Tancharoen noting that the reveal would have consequences for the character 's relationships , especially with Coulson . Bennet felt that the character was someone who would wear her heart on her sleeve , but she also has some control over her emotions . Wen noted that the character evolves from being `` anti-establishment into suddenly being someone who wants to create an establishment that would help '' the Inhumans . During the third season , the character no longer goes by `` Skye '' , and by the end is known as `` Quake '' to the public . Iain De Caestecker as Leo Fitz : An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who specializes in engineering , especially weapons technology . De Caestecker , in describing the character , said that `` He 's quite passionate about what he does ... ( but ) he does n't really understand emotions as much '' . Fitz has a lot of interaction with Simmons in the series , with De Caestecker explaining that `` they 've got this kind of weird chemistry together , and they just kind of fit each other in a very weird way . '' The character receives brain injuries at the end of the first season , with the writers researching brain trauma with doctors and experts before approaching it in the series . De Caestecker did his own research as well , feeling it is `` something that should never be trivialized . It 's a real and serious thing to a lot of people , brain trauma , so we just have to constantly be respectful towards it . '' Elizabeth Henstridge as Jemma Simmons : A S.H.I.E.L.D. biochemist who specializes in life sciences ( both human and alien ) . Henstridge described her character as `` intelligent and focused and curious ... she 's got a wonderful relationship with Fitz . They kind of bounce off each other . '' As Fitz and Simmons begin to spend time apart during the series , Henstridge noted that it `` brings a whole new dynamic just to them as characters in discovering what it 's like to have to be independent '' since they have been near inseparable since first meeting . On the harsher side of Simmons seen later in the second season , Henstridge noted that the character has `` always been very mathematical in a way '' . After Simmons is trapped on the planet Maveth for six months , she becomes `` profoundly different '' , with Henstridge saying , `` she does n't just completely change . But she 's been through so much . She 's hardened . She 's had to face things that she never would 've imagined ( by ) herself without Fitz , so she 's ... stronger and kind of damaged . '' Nick Blood as Lance Hunter : A mercenary before agreeing to join S.H.I.E.L.D. On his character joining the cast in the second season , Blood explained `` Lance does n't really care that much of what people think of him ... He does n't bow down to the etiquette of the S.H.I.E.L.D. hierarchy . '' He later elaborated that the character feels very independent , so would probably not want to admit no longer feeling like an outsider . Also , `` he does n't have too much respect for authority and titles ... if Coulson does something he respects , that 's all good . If he does n't , he 's going to say something . '' On Hunter 's on - again , off - again relationship with Bobbi Morse , Blood said , `` there is a lot of truth in it of those relationships you have where it 's kind of , ' ca n't live with each other , ca n't kill each other ' '' . Adrianne Palicki as Bobbi Morse : Hunter 's ex-wife and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who spent time undercover within Hydra . Palicki was approached by the showrunners specifically for the part during season two , and at first hesitated to take the role given that she likely could not play another MCU character if she did . Palicki already had martial arts and gun training , but had to learn to use the character 's signature arnis sticks ; she noted similarities between Morse 's fighting style and that of Scarlett Johansson 's Black Widow from the MCU films . Bell said of the character , `` she and Hunter have been keeping secrets from one another , evidently for years '' and something about her is that she seems to be more loyal to an idea than anything else , so what may seem in the short term as a betrayal by her is usually for what she sees as the greater good . Henry Simmons as Alphonso `` Mack '' MacKenzie : A S.H.I.E.L.D. mechanic with a distrust of the alien and superhuman . On the different dynamic that a mechanic brings to the S.H.I.E.L.D. team , Simmons felt that his character would not have to deal with the same stress as the other agents , and that Mack is more worried about contributing in his own way and getting his job done away from the field . About Mack 's stance on violence , Simmons confirmed that Mack does not like violence , but will do `` what he has to do . '' Mack reveals in the third season , `` It 's not something I talk about but ... I rely on my faith '' , implying that he is a Christian . This was seen by Dee Hogan of The Mary Sue as `` a refreshingly positive portrayal of people of faith , as Mack demonstrates the quiet confidence and love rather than the aggression and bigotry that 's so often associated with it . '' Luke Mitchell as Lincoln Campbell : An Inhuman with the ability to manipulate electrical charges . The character was introduced because the series already featured `` a guy with no eyes '' and `` a woman who now is covered in thorns '' but , like the X-Men , there are also Inhumans who are `` just attractive people with powers '' , and so Campbell represents them in the series . On casting Mitchell , Bell said `` Luke just really impressed us ... ( he ) had a nice quality , and we felt he might be a good person to sort of usher Skye into this other world . '' Campbell dies in the third season finale , making him the `` Fallen Agent '' that the series had been teasing for the entire second half of that season . The decision was made because the producers did not want `` a body count show , but it is a real world with real stakes . '' John Hannah as Holden Radcliffe : A transhumanist who believes in the improvement of humanity through enhancement . Radcliffe originally worked with Hive upon his abduction before joining S.H.I.E.L.D. where he begins work on transferring his artificial intelligence AIDA to a Life Model Decoy , an old S.H.I.E.L.D. project . Natalia Cordova - Buckley as Elena `` Yo - Yo '' Rodriguez : A Colombian Inhuman who can move at a super speed for a beat of her heart , before returning to the point she started moving from . She reluctantly joins S.H.I.E.L.D. and becomes a part of the Secret Warriors , eventually growing close to Mack who gives her the nickname `` Yo - Yo '' . When first portraying the character , Cordova - Buckley smiled whenever Rodriguez was about to use her abilities , to show an adrenaline rush and the feeling of having such power . After positive fan responses to this , the actress morphed this trait into a more mischievous personality for the character . Production ( edit ) See also : Production of season 1 , season 2 , season 3 , season 4 , and season 5 Development ( edit ) After The Walt Disney Company purchased Marvel Entertainment in 2009 , they announced that a Marvel Television division was being formed under Jeph Loeb . In the following months , various pilots based on comics from Marvel 's catalog went into development . In July 2012 , Marvel Television entered into discussions with ABC to make a new series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , though at that point it was undecided what it would be . The series was described as `` ' a kernel of an idea ' with a number of scenarios being explored , including a high - concept cop show . '' The next month , it was announced that Marvel 's The Avengers director Joss Whedon , creator of other television shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly , would be involved in the series ' development . In August 2012 , ABC ordered a pilot for a series called S.H.I.E.L.D. to be written and directed by Joss Whedon , with Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen also writing . Disney CEO Bob Iger greenlit the series after watching the Marvel One - Shot short film Item 47 . In April 2013 , ABC announced that the series would be titled Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , and it was officially picked up for a full season of 22 episodes in May 2013 . Jed Whedon , Tancharoen , and Jeffrey Bell act as the series ' showrunners , with Bell joining the show to help the inexperienced former pair with hiring crew members and `` navigating the politics of studios and networks '' , saying , `` My job is to help them learn how to do that , to steer the ship while they learn . '' Joss Whedon assisted them before he started work on Avengers : Age of Ultron . The series was renewed for a second season in May 2014 , a third in May 2015 , a fourth in March 2016 , a fifth in May 2017 , and a sixth in May 2018 . In September 2016 , discussing the eventual end of the series , Tancharoen said , `` You always just forge ahead . Until someone tells us to stop , we will continue to move forward . '' Jed Whedon added , `` There are always ideas in the back of your mind for how you 'd wrap it up when they say , ' That 's it guys , ' but we 're not there just yet . '' By May 2017 , Bell noted they had `` a sense of how we 'd like the show to end when it ends . We just need to know when that time is coming so we can build to it properly . '' Jed Whedon continued , `` Our goal is to know ahead of time , because we would love to land the story in a way that 's satisfying '' . ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey said the sixth season was not planned to serve as the series ' final season , adding that by moving the season to air in mid-2019 would allow ABC to `` super-serve the show 's audience and possibly have it on the air longer . '' Writing ( edit ) The idea of ( Coulson ) as the long - suffering bureaucrat who deals with Tony Stark 's insufferability is delightful and hits the core of something I 'm also writing about all the time -- the little guy versus the big faceless organization ... and that 's what Clark Gregg embodies : the Everyman . -- Creator Joss Whedon on the underlying themes of the series . Bell explained that he , Jed Whedon , and Tancharoen supervise all of the series ' creative decisions , often consulting with Loeb . When the showrunners are writing the series , one person can write a script while the other two break stories , so that a story can be broken every few weeks . If the executive producers sign off on a story , a member of the series ' writers room then produces an outline , gets notes on it from the showrunners , writes a full script , gets notes on it from ABC and the production crew , and then goes to set to produce the episode . In January 2013 , Joss Whedon deflected any direct influences from other series , such as the efforts of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in The X-Files , and explained that while the show would involve people with powers and the spectacle of science - fiction storytelling , it would focus on `` the peripheral people ... the people on the edges of the grand adventures . '' As the series began to introduce more powered individuals , Bell noted that audiences `` seem to respond to powered people on the show and while it 's not going to take over and become what the show 's about , as a texture and flavor of the stories , we really enjoy that . '' Jed Whedon stated that the series would continue to emphasize the general public 's response to powered people , saying , `` The dynamic in the world has changed . There was one person with powers , and then by The Avengers there were maybe six total ... now they 're much more prevalent , so there 's reaction from the public based on that . '' On the balance between creating new material and drawing from existing mythology , Bell noted that telling stories that can entertain both Marvel fans and non-Marvel fans is challenging , and that for the series they try to add nods to the MCU films or the comics in a way that works well on its own for all viewers , but could also mean more for a fan . On where the series can draw from the comics , Jed Whedon explained that there are areas of the comics that the series is not allowed to go to , and that ultimately they only use the comics for inspiration in generating their own story . Tancharoen elaborated that , `` We 're always going to be inspired and influenced by the comics , but of course on the show , we 'll always be doing our spin to it . '' About comparisons between the scope of the series and that of the films , Bell said that ABC and Marvel had been very generous with the series ' budget , and that the production could not complain for a network series , but that it was nothing compared to the films or even series like Game of Thrones . He explained that the series does attempt to create `` Marvel moments '' as best it can , but pointed out that some of the more memorable moments from the films are smaller , character moments -- something that works really well on television -- so the series strives for those when it can not afford more scope and scale . Jed Whedon elaborated that they look at a sequence and try to keep only what is required to tell the story , so `` If a monster is landing on a car , instead of showing the whole monster leaping through the skyline , we want to be in the car with the character having that experience . '' ( L to R ) Jed Whedon , Maurissa Tancharoen , and Jeffrey Bell , the showrunners of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In September 2015 , Bell looked back on the first two seasons and talked about the challenges of and changes in the series . He noted the negative reception from fans concerning the low number of recognizable characters like Coulson , but pointed out that fans seemed to have grown to like the series ' original characters as they had been developed over time . He explained that with the increasing number of characters and complex relationships in the series , having different pairings and building new emotional relationships was important , and stated that `` whether it 's a quiet moment or in action , we ( hope to ) deepen the audience 's love and concern , and hopes for these characters . '' A year later he reiterated the producer 's intention to create a tradition moving forward of `` finding new combinations and new conflicts '' between different sets of characters , given `` a lot of procedurals ( see ) the same people doing the same thing for five years and the character do n't evolve or change at all . '' The producers and writers initially formed a general plan for the show through the end of a third season , after reading the screenplays for upcoming MCU films . In May 2016 , Chloe Bennet likened the end of the third season to `` the end of the first book of S.H.I.E.L.D. ... the end of something bigger and the beginning of a whole new tone for the show . '' She elaborated that `` the storylines that we started at the beginning of season 1 really wrapped up at the end of season 3 . We 've had some major losses of people who have been with us on the show since season 1 . From the table read to the first day on set , there 's definitely a new energy of the show '' moving forward . The series was moved to the later timeslot of 10 pm for the fourth season . Jed Whedon said the writers hoped to `` skew a little darker because of '' this change , with Loeb adding that `` It absolutely offers opportunities . I do n't know that it changes things all that dramatically ( though ) . I mean , at the end of the day , Marvel is always going to make shows that run somewhere between PG - 13 and PG - 16 . We 're not going to be making Deadpool anytime soon on ( ABC ) . '' Marvel `` had a long talk with ABC about what can we get away with , so to speak '' in the new timeslot , which led to the inclusion of Ghost Rider in the season over one of Marvel 's Netflix series , because Marvel felt `` that this character was right to tell ( darker and more violent ) stories right now '' and having him on S.H.I.E.L.D. aided that because `` it was so unexpected '' . Loeb hoped that the combination of the later timeslot and the introduction of Ghost Rider would lead to some viewers who had stopped watching the series over the previous seasons giving it another chance . In May 2017 , ahead of the fifth season renewal , Jed Whedon said the writers were not sure what would happen in the season , and that it would be `` by the seat of our pants . '' While beginning to write the final episode of season 5 at the end of February 2018 , the writers were planning for it to be able to serve as both a season and series finale , with some elements that could be adjusted based on whether the series was renewed for a sixth season or not . Whedon added , `` we 're ready for if this is the end . We 're definitely going to make it rewarding either way . '' Casting ( edit ) In October 2012 , a casting sheet for five lead roles was sent out . At the New York Comic Con , Joss Whedon , Kevin Feige , and Clark Gregg announced that Gregg would be reprising his role as agent Phil Coulson from Iron Man , Iron Man 2 , Thor , The Avengers , and the Marvel One - Shots in the pilot , and would `` headline '' the series . Actress Ming - Na Wen was cast as Melinda May . The next month , Elizabeth Henstridge and Iain De Caestecker were cast as Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz , respectively , while newcomer Brett Dalton was cast as Grant Ward . In December , Chloe Bennet was chosen out of more than 400 actresses to play Skye , the sixth and final regular for the first season ; the character is revealed in the second season to be Daisy Johnson , and no longer goes by `` Skye '' starting with the third . At San Diego Comic - Con 2014 , Nick Blood was announced as cast in the role of Lance Hunter for the second season , while the character of Bobbi Morse was revealed to be appearing . That August , Henry Simmons joined the cast as Alphonso `` Mack '' MacKenzie , a recurring role , and Adrianne Palicki was cast as Morse in a guest role , to first appear in the episode `` A Hen in the Wolf House '' . The next month , the entire first season principal cast were confirmed to be regulars for the second season , along with Blood . Palicki joined them with the episode `` Aftershocks '' . In February 2015 , Luke Mitchell was cast as Lincoln Campbell , a recurring role for the second half of the season . All season two principal cast members returned for the third season , with Simmons and Mitchell joining them , promoted from their recurring roles . In October 2015 , the Inhuman Hive was introduced ; for the second part of season three , he possesses the corpse of Grant Ward , again portrayed by Brett Dalton . Also introduced were Natalia Cordova - Buckley and John Hannah , recurring as Elena `` Yo - Yo '' Rodriguez and Holden Radcliffe , respectively . Blood and Palicki left the main cast following the season three episode `` Parting Shot '' , to star in the then - planned spin - off show Marvel 's Most Wanted . Dalton and Mitchell also left following the deaths of their characters in the third - season finale . Gregg , Wen , Bennet , De Caestecker , Henstridge , and Simmons returned for the fourth and fifth seasons . They were joined by Hannah in the fourth , with Cordova - Buckley once again recurring as Rodriguez in the season , before being promoted to a series regular for the fifth season . Dalton returned as a guest during the third pod of the fourth season , while Blood made his return to the series during the fifth season . Design ( edit ) Costumes ( edit ) Betsy Heimann was the costume designer for the pilot , but left the series due to film commitments . Assistant costume designer Ann Foley took over for subsequent episodes , and worked closely with Tancharoen to create `` very strong , different characters '' whose `` looks evolve along with the show . '' Foley also brought on concept artists Phillip Boutte Jr. and Josh Shaw to assist with the design process . Foley watched every MCU film , paying special attention to The Avengers , and was also inspired by such films as Skyfall and Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol . In October 2016 , Foley said that she was specifically following the aesthetic of Captain America : The Winter Soldier , `` So any costume has to fit inside that world we 've established and has to fit that tactical look . '' On the variety of costumes created for each character , Foley preferred to have set pieces in the characters ' `` closets '' , as `` it 's not a fashion show ... a guy like Ward is n't going to have twenty jackets in his closet . He is going to have one that he uses all of the time . '' After reading each script , Foley would do her own research , before discussing the look of the episode with the writers . She then studies the comics , general fashion , and history to get a look that is recognizable to fans , but fits into the more realistic world of the series . Costumes are either custom made or bought , and the actors are brought in for fittings before filming . This process was often challenging due to the series ' eight - day - per - episode schedule . Foley stated that all costumes take a similar amount of time to create , whether they are based on the comics or not . Marvel CCO Joe Quesada is involved in the approval process when costuming preexisting characters , including Daisy Johnson 's Quake costume that is introduced in the third season . The Quake costume incorporates elements from the comic version of the character , and was intended to show that Quake `` could easily be part of the Avengers '' . Foley took steps to differentiate the Quake costume from Scarlett Johansson 's Black Widow costumes from the films , but was `` flattered '' by comparisons made between them . Foley was also adamant about not sexualising characters such as Quake to show that `` these characters do n't have to be sexualised , that they 're powerful , strong women '' , and so avoided `` a lot of cleavage , you do n't see high heels . It 's about practicality . '' The costumes go through a natural evolution in the series . There is a shift at the end of the first season to a darker look , and all the characters have `` definitely grown up '' during the second season . In the third season there is another shift , `` from the ragtag group of soldiers and scientists to ( a ) more precise militaristic outfit '' . This change is also reflected in the series ' color palette , going from `` a much lighter tone , much more patterns '' in the first season to having `` stripped away a bit of color '' by the third . Despite this increasing darkness in the costumes , Foley intended to define each character as they are introduced and to have them always be recognizable and identifiable . With the start of the fourth season , Foley said that `` each season definitely has its own feel and this season will be no different . I think that you 're going to see some subtle differences in the costumes of the characters '' ; she felt like Fitz and Simmons , in particular , had become `` more adult looking '' , while all the cast had `` a pretty specific ... civilian look '' that would become more prominent as S.H.I.E.L.D. is re-legitimized and becomes more public . Foley left the series after the thirteenth episode of the fourth season , to work on a television adaptation of Altered Carbon , and was replaced with Amanda Riley . Riley used her previous experience recreating costumes to `` blend in '' with Foley 's established look . Foley returned for the first two episodes of the fifth season , before handing over to Whitney Galitz , who had assisted Foley on the previous few seasons , and Christann Chanell . Practical effects ( edit ) The series ' props department is led by Scott Bauer . The pilot introduces the Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railgun or ICER tranquilizer weapons often used by the agents , with Joss Whedon having Bauer design `` sci - fi '' looking guns including a large rifle - like weapon . The series further portrayal of the ICERs was more subtle , with Bauer using airsoft guns that are safe to shoot others with over a small distance . ICER - specific muzzle flashes are then added by the visual effects department . Bauer reused the ICER rifle prop when making Mack 's `` Shotgun Ax '' , which appears in later seasons . The terrigen crystals that unlock Inhuman abilities in the series are 3D - printed from solid resin and then altered with extra details . Additional practical effects and props are created by Legacy Effects , who also work on the MCU films , notably creating Daisy Johnson 's gauntlets for the third season . Prosthetic makeup for the series is designed in conjunction with Glenn Hetrick of Optic Nerve Studios . Hetrick began work on the series with the second season , to create Raina 's Inhuman look , and returned for the third season to design and create the more `` unique '' - looking Inhumans such as Lash . Title sequence ( edit ) The title sequence for the series ' 100th episode , `` The Real Deal '' , featuring a montage of all title cards used throughout the series The third season introduces a new title sequence for the series , replacing the one that appeared in the first two seasons . The title sequence in `` 4,722 Hours '' is drastically different from the design introduced for the third season , with the series ' title in the episode 's typeface silently fading onto the screen over the back drop of the planet Simmons is stranded on . The fourth season sees new series title cards for the Ghost Rider and LMD pods , and an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. title card for the Agents of Hydra pod that changes to say Agents of Hydra for episodes primarily set in the Framework . The Ghost Rider graphic is used again for the fourth - season finale . For the fifth season , the opening of `` Orientation '' is reminiscent of the sequence for `` 4,722 Hours '' , forgoing the title card and having the typeface silently fading onto the screen . The subsequent episodes of season five feature a title card with the series name in a new typeface against a backdrop of various depictions of Earth : episodes through `` Past Life '' feature a destroyed future Earth ; episodes from `` Principa '' through `` The Devil Complex '' feature a present Earth ; while episodes from `` Rise and Shine '' through `` All Roads Lead ... '' feature the Earth beginning to crack . Filming ( edit ) Production for the pilot took place almost entirely in Los Angeles to accommodate Joss Whedon 's schedule , while the rest of the series is primarily filmed in Culver City , California . Additional filming has also taken place around the world , including in Paris , France , Stockholm , Sweden , and Old San Juan , Puerto Rico . The series is filmed on Arri Alexa cameras , with David Boyd serving as director of photography on the pilot , and Feliks Parnell , Jeff Mygatt , and Allan Westbrook doing so throughout the rest of the series . Garry Brown is the second unit director for the series , with stunts coordinated by Tanner Gill . The series is filmed in 2K resolution . Visual effects ( edit ) FuseFX serves as the lead visual effects vendor for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , with additional work by Pixomondo , Cosa , Greenhaus GFX , Lion VFX , and Synaptic . The series sees an average of 80 to 150 visual effects shots per episode , with 10 to 12 days to work on the effects for one episode once background plates have been received from filming . This equates to approximately 2000 visual effects shots per season . Mark Kolpack serves as visual effects supervisor for the series . David Altenau was the in - house supervisor at FuseFX for `` Pilot '' through episode eight , with Kevin Lingenfelser taking over for subsequent episodes . VFX producer Andrea D'Amico joined the team at FuseFX to work on the series in December 2015 . Two separate production management and creative teams were established to work on the show , and producers , compositors and various artists were able to alternate episodes . This was important because most of the episodes had to be worked on concurrently , either two or three at a time . Typical effects for the series include the creation of character - driving effects animation , photo - realistic vehicles , CG set extensions , pyrotechnics , and atmospheric effects . Some assets , such as a Quinjet and Helicarrier , are shared from Industrial Light & Magic , though `` those models are generally super heavy and dense with data '' and need to be made `` HD friendly or simply manageable to work in ( a ) TV schedule . '' Music ( edit ) Bear McCreary confirmed that he would compose music for the series in July 2013 . Unlike on some of his previous scores , ABC and Marvel allowed McCreary to work with a full symphonic orchestra , typically featuring 50 or 70 players , with over 90 for `` important '' episodes . Complex synthesizer programming was also used , to give the score `` a modern edge '' . Since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the first MCU television series , McCreary felt there was `` a sense that it had to connect '' to the consistent orchestra sound of the films , but viewed through a television lens . McCreary composes on average 30 minutes of music per episode . Creating the main theme for the series , which McCreary also saw as Coulson 's theme , was a process which took a lot of collaboration with the executive producers , who wanted a specific sound -- `` something big , that ... belonged in the Marvel Cinematic Universe '' but also `` intimate because these are n't superheroes , these are regular people . '' McCreary had to work harder to make the theme heard , given that the show does not have a traditional title sequence . By the third and fourth seasons , McCreary noted `` the score became a little more intense and more electronically driven ... ( E ) lectronics really moved to the forefront as we got into more stories about Inhumans and the digital world our characters inhabit . But the orchestra is always our foundation . '' In September 2014 , McCreary announced that there were plans for an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. soundtrack , which was released digitally a year later by Marvel Music on September 4 , 2015 , and on CD on October 9 . Featuring music from the first two seasons , the soundtrack was written and produced by McCreary and Steven Kaplan , with the album produced by Joe Augustine with McCreary . All music composed by Bear McCreary . Notes next to each track indicate which episode ( s ) it was featured in . ( show ) Track listing No . Title Length 1 . `` Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Overture '' 2 : 51 2 . `` Showdown at Union Station '' ( `` Pilot '' and `` The Bridge '' ) 6 : 58 3 . `` 0 -- 8 -- 4 '' ( `` 0 - 8 - 4 '' ) 9 : 02 4 . `` Rocket Launch '' ( `` 0 - 8 - 4 '' ) 3 : 03 5 . `` The Obelisk '' ( `` Shadows '' ) 3 : 56 6 . `` Aftermath of the Uprising '' ( `` Turn , Turn , Turn '' ) 4 : 37 7 . `` Gravitonium '' ( `` The Asset '' ) 4 : 20 8 . `` Cal '' ( `` One of Us '' ) 2 : 42 9 . `` Cello Concerto '' ( `` The Only Light in the Darkness '' ) 4 : 49 10 . `` Willing to Sacrifice '' ( `` Shadows '' ) 4 : 32 11 . `` Alien DNA '' ( `` The Well '' , `` Beginning of the End '' and `` Shadows '' ) 5 : 58 12 . `` FZZT '' ( `` FZZT '' ) 3 : 51 13 . `` Garrett '' ( `` T.A.H.I.T.I. '' ) 2 : 09 14 . `` Hail Hydra '' ( `` Turn , Turn , Turn '' ) 1 : 47 15 . `` Helicopter Rescue '' ( `` Beginning of the End '' ) 2 : 05 16 . `` Terrigen Crystals '' ( `` Scars '' ) 4 : 21 17 . `` The Big Bang '' ( `` Beginning of the End '' ) 7 : 05 18 . `` The Rising Tide '' ( `` Pilot '' ) 3 : 46 Total length : 1 : 17 : 52 Marvel Cinematic Universe tie - ins ( edit ) We 're part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and so ... we pitch our stuff to Kevin Feige and his movie group to see if there 's something we can tie into , to see if they 're okay about us using a character , or a weapon ( , etc . ) -- Executive producer Jeffrey Bell in September 2014 , explaining the process of working in with the MCU . In July 2013 , Jed Whedon said the series would work in tandem with the Marvel films , both past and upcoming , to weave in between the films , and to `` try to make them more rewarding on both ends . '' He explained that each Marvel project is intended to stand alone first before there is any interweaving , and noted that the series has to work with the film division and be aware of their plans so as not to interfere when introducing someone or something to the universe . Bell elaborated that this was preferable so that people who do not watch the films can still follow the series , and vice versa . He stated that `` ABC and Marvel both want the series to be able to make sense on its own '' , but that it was beneficial for the films to have the series fill in any `` gaps '' for them , due to having to be `` big '' and moving `` quickly through a lot of huge pieces '' , unlike television which has time to deal with more nuances . In January 2016 , Joss Whedon noted that this process `` unfortunately just means the TV show gets , you know , leftovers . '' He stated that , for example , the series ' creative team initially wanted to use Loki 's scepter from The Avengers but were unable due to Whedon 's plans for it in Age of Ultron . On how their ability to connect with the films changed over the life of the series , Jed Whedon said , `` The rule when we started was we could n't say anything about spies , we could n't say anything about Hydra , we could n't have any A.I. or robots or anything like that , because all of that was coming in movies that year or the year after . Since then , they 've blown those doors wide open . '' He added , `` We have relatively free rein ( in what the series can introduce and connect to ) ; we just ca n't go anywhere that ( the films are ) going . They know their stories so much further out than we do , which is good for us to tee up things that we know are coming to them or avoid things that they want to be special on the big screen . As long as we are not covering bases that they 're going to cover , we have n't been told `` no '' that much `` . As an example , Whedon noted the fourth season 's Framework storyline as `` something that 's pretty significant in our world , but is also a little eddy in the river that does n't affect anything else because it 's an alternate universe . So those kinds of stories help us go big without sending ripples through the whole MCU . '' The series mimics the films ' post credits scenes with ' end tags ' , starting with the episode `` 0 - 8 - 4 '' which features a Samuel L. Jackson cameo . Bell explained , `` Sometimes it 'll be funny , sometimes it 'll be a mythology thing ... or an extra little reveal about '' the episode . The end tag for `` End of the Beginning '' is a `` directly lifted '' scene from Captain America : The Winter Soldier . The series ' first major tie - in episode with the wider MCU was `` The Well '' , which begins immediately after Thor : The Dark World . The episodes `` End of the Beginning '' and `` Turn , Turn , Turn '' revolve around the events of Captain America : The Winter Soldier , which led to a retooling of the series . Flashback sequences in `` Shadows '' and `` The Things We Bury '' featuring Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter served as marketing and set - up for the Agent Carter television series . The events of `` The Frenemy of My Enemy '' and `` The Dirty Half Dozen '' led up to the opening sequence of Avengers : Age of Ultron , while `` Scars '' deals with the aftermath of that film . The third season follows similar themes to the film Captain America : Civil War , focusing on powered people and the different responses to them , leading up to the episode `` Emancipation '' , which takes place after the film and shows how its events affect the series ' powered characters . The episode `` T.A.H.I.T.I. '' introduces the Kree alien race to the MCU , members of which play a significant role in Guardians of the Galaxy . This begins a storyline that recurs throughout the series , and introduces Inhumans to the MCU , with Jed Whedon saying that it was something `` in the works '' for a long time , as Marvel Studios had plans for an Inhumans film , and this would be `` one of the first instances where we get to start planting the seeds on the show before the film . '' The third season introduces the concept of the Secret Warriors , with new Inhuman characters inspired by the comic of the same name , while also retconning the history of Hydra in the MCU , tying it into the Inhumans storyline . Gregg noted in January 2016 that the `` writer and director ( of the Inhumans film ) will have free rein to do what they want to do with the Inhumans , but hopefully there 'll be some way that our Inhumans connect to that . '' When the film was removed from Marvel Studios ' release schedule , Whedon noted that the series had `` a little more freedom '' and were `` able to do a little bit more '' with the species going into the fourth season , including the potential of introducing some of the `` classic '' Inhumans . Marvel 's Inhumans , a television series centered on Black Bolt and other members of the Inhuman Royal Family , was announced in November 2016 to air on ABC in September 2017 . It is not intended to be a spin - off of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The fourth season explores the concept of Life Model Decoys ( LMDs ) , which were first referenced in The Avengers , and introduces the character Ghost Rider to the MCU . On why the series waited to begin exploring LMDs , Jed Whedon said that the series previously did not want to explore the concept before the release of Avengers : Age of Ultron , which sees the introductions of Ultron and Vision in a similar manner to LMDs . On introducing Ghost Rider , Whedon said that `` with Doctor Strange coming out this year , the Marvel ( Cinematic ) Universe is moving into new waters , '' referring to the exploration of magic . `` We felt that this was obviously a great character that we 'd love to have on our show that we feel fits with that shift . '' The season also continues storylines from the second season of Agent Carter , with the reveal that the Momentum Energy Labs group is a successor to the Isodyne Energy company , with both companies connected by the parent company Roxxon , a mainstay of the MCU . The last four episodes of season five take place over a single day , and coincide with the events of Avengers : Infinity War . In August 2017 , Emily VanCamp said that discussions had taken place for her to reprise her role of Sharon Carter for the series , but there were conflicts with her starring role on the series Revenge . Release ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired DVD and Blu - ray release dates Netflix release dates ( U.S. ) First aired Last aired Timeslot ( EST ) Region 1 Region 2 Region 4 22 September 24 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 24 ) May 13 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 13 ) Tuesday 8 : 00 pm 000000002014 - 09 - 09 - 0000 September 9 , 2014 000000002014 - 10 - 20 - 0000 October 20 , 2014 000000002014 - 11 - 12 - 0000 November 12 , 2014 000000002014 - 11 - 20 - 0000 November 20 , 2014 22 September 23 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 23 ) May 12 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 12 ) Tuesday 9 : 00 pm 000000002015 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 2015 000000002015 - 10 - 19 - 0000 October 19 , 2015 000000002015 - 11 - 11 - 0000 November 11 , 2015 000000002015 - 06 - 11 - 0000 June 11 , 2015 22 September 29 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 29 ) May 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 17 ) TBA 000000002017 - 01 - 30 - 0000 January 30 , 2017 000000002017 - 03 - 01 - 0000 March 1 , 2017 000000002016 - 06 - 16 - 0000 June 16 , 2016 22 September 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 20 ) May 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 16 ) Tuesday 10 : 00 pm TBA 000000002018 - 07 - 02 - 0000 July 2 , 2018 TBA 000000002017 - 06 - 15 - 0000 June 15 , 2017 5 22 December 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 01 ) May 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 18 ) Friday 9 : 00 pm TBA TBA TBA 000000002018 - 06 - 17 - 0000 June 17 , 2018 Broadcast ( edit ) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs in the United States on ABC , in 720p high definition and 5.1 surround sound , despite delivering the episodes to ABC in 1080p . The first season aired on Tuesdays at 8 pm EST for the first season , and starting with the second season , the series aired on Tuesdays at 9 pm EST , before moving to the 10 pm time slot on Tuesdays for the fourth season . For its fifth season , the series aired on Fridays at 9 pm EST . Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been licensed in 155 countries and territories : CTV holds the broadcast rights for Canada ; Channel 4 aired the series in the United Kingdom for the first two seasons , before it moved to E4 for the third ; in Australia , the series aired on Seven Network for the first two seasons , before moving to Fox8 starting with the third ; and in New Zealand , the show airs on TV2 . MyNetworkTV was awarded the series ' syndication rights , and began broadcasting it in September 2016 . The second and third seasons of the series were broadcast in two blocks each , with a season of Agent Carter airing in between . Bell explained that this decision was made following the challenge of producing 22 episodes for the first season to be aired over 36 -- 40 weeks , which meant having repeats and `` losing momentum '' . Instead , Agent Carter took up much of that gap in a row , leaving the back half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 's season to run uninterrupted . This format allowed the producers and writers to approach each season in two parts , each with distinct stories connected by carried - over elements . Ahead of the fourth season , Tancharoen explained , `` For the past two seasons , we 've been able to break our season down into two little mini-seasons because of the airdate schedule . This upcoming season , our airdate schedule is a little different , so we 're breaking it into three pods . Story wise , the development of that has made our lives easier , to break it down in that way . '' The pod format was described as `` 7 - 10 episodes ( that feature ) little ' enclosed plotlines ' that formed a larger whole . '' Regarding if they would break the fifth season into pods again as with season four , Bell said , `` A 22 - episode arc is a lot for people to hold onto . By breaking it up into either smaller arcs or different pods , by introducing a set of antagonists and putting them down , or moving from space to space , our experience has been that it 's something the viewers enjoy , and it makes it a little easier to digest when you 're telling some of these stories . '' Whedon also noted it would depend on how the season would be `` broken up in terms of airing . If everything is running back - to - back , it feels weird to start calling it different things ... We will try to have it in bite - sized chunks . '' The season began airing its episodes on December 1 , 2017 , once Inhumans has aired its eight episodes , with the intent for all 22 episodes to air mostly uninterrupted ; a short hiatus was taken for the airing of the 2018 Winter Olympics . The season ultimately was formed by two pod story arcs . The sixth season will feature 13 episodes . Marketing ( edit ) Social media accounts for the series were set up in January 2013 , months before ABC officially ordered it , `` a rarity for a pilot . '' By May 17 , 2013 , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the top new show of the television season in terms of social media activity , with the series ' official Twitter account having over 46,000 followers and its official Facebook page having close to half a million likes . Many cast and crew members `` live tweet '' each episode , with J. August Richards noting that this brings instant feedback from viewers , and allows the crew to `` watch the audience take that journey '' in real time . For the final six episodes of the first season , Marvel began the `` Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : The Art of Level Seven '' initiative , in which a different image was released each Thursday before a new episode , depicting a first look at a key event from the upcoming episode . Bell stated that the initiative was a way to tie the series back to its comics roots , and was thought of at the beginning of the first season . The production team tried to pair specific artists to the teaser posters based on their previous work and how it connected to the themes and emotion of the intended episode . For the second season , the series returned as `` The Art of Evolution '' , with an image for each of the final twelve episodes of the season . For season five , Marvel revived their marketing art program , with `` Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : The Road to 100 '' , with five posters , one for each season of the series , representing `` key pivotal moments of each season '' to commemorate the series reaching 100 episodes . At San Diego Comic - Con 2014 , Marvel Custom Solutions and Lexus released a limited single - issue comic tie - in titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : The Chase , set between the Season 1 episodes `` Seeds '' and `` T.R.A.C.K.S. '' The comic was written by George Kitson , with art by Mirko Colak , Neil Edwards , and Mirco Pierfederici . A five - part web series titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Double Agent , also sponsored by Lexus , was released from March 4 to May 6 , 2015 on ABC.com . The web series follows a newly hired Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. production assistant , who acts as a double agent for the `` Mastermind '' , portrayed by Stan Lee . Cast and crew members from the series , such as Gregg , also appear , with viewers having the ability to vote in an online poll after each episode to guess where the double agent would go in the next episode ; votes entered viewers in a drawing to win prizes from the set of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Double Agent was nominated for Outstanding Digital Series at the 27th Producers Guild Awards . Another Lexus - sponsored five - part web series , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Academy , released from March 9 to May 4 , 2016 . In Academy , three Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans compete to play an agent in that series . Members of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. cast also appear . All three fans ultimately made cameo appearances in the third - season finale . The series has been promoted with various subtitles at different times , including : Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Uprising in season one , leading up to the Winter Soldier crossover ; Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Fallen Agent for the end of the third season ; Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Ghost Rider for the first `` pod '' of season four ; and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : LMD for the second `` pod '' of season four . The third `` pod '' of season four was known as Agents of Hydra . Home media ( edit ) The complete first season was first released on Blu - ray and DVD on September 9 , 2014 , with the complete second season released on September 18 , 2015 , as an Amazon.com exclusive . On Netflix in the United States , the first season became available for streaming on November 20 , 2014 , the second season on June 11 , 2015 , the third season on June 16 , 2016 , the fourth season on June 15 , 2017 , and the fifth season on June 17 , 2018 . Reception ( edit ) Season Nielsen ratings Critical response Premiere total viewers ( in millions ) Finale total viewers ( in millions ) Season average total viewers , inc . DVR ( in millions ) Rank 18 -- 49 rating ( rank ) Rotten Tomatoes Metacritic 12.12 5.45 8.31 43 3.0 ( 20 ) 86 % ( 50 reviews ) 74 ( 33 reviews ) 5.98 3.88 7.09 76 2.7 ( 32 ) 97 % ( 29 reviews ) N / A 4.90 3.03 5.52 85 2.0 ( 47 ) 100 % ( 15 reviews ) N / A 3.44 2.08 4.22 110 1.5 ( 70 ) 94 % ( 18 reviews ) N / A 5 2.54 1.88 3.57 133 1.1 ( 97 ) 100 % ( 11 reviews ) N / A Ratings ( edit ) In the United States , the premiere episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. earned a 4.7 / 14 rating in the 18 - to 49 - year - old demographic , with 12.12 million total viewers , making it the biggest network drama debut in four years . Though the series debuted to strong ratings against its competition , NCIS , its ratings declined considerably over the following two months , though it remained Tuesday 's top show among men 18 -- 49 , and overall was the No. 3 show among upscale young adults behind Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory . It also enjoyed DVR recordings that , according to TV Guide , were `` through the roof '' . In March 2016 , Alisha Grauso of Forbes discussed the series and its ratings , describing the show as having `` never quite been the ratings hit for ABC that the network had hoped it would be ... It 's hard enough to write a film script that fits within the continuity of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe , even harder to do it with a full - length TV season that must act as connective tissue to the larger world while still being its own thing . '' Grauso opined that the series ' ratings may improve if it either focused on trying to be the best series it could be ( with fewer connections to the films , like the Marvel - Netflix shows ) or on just being `` support and tie - in to the world of the Avengers '' . Grauso concluded , `` The end result for either scenario is that , hopefully , ratings move up and stay up . In the first case , fans might be lost by the disconnect from the MCU , but a stronger storyline and more consistent writing would bring them and new fans back . In the second scenario , fans would tune in every week for fear of missing out on a bit of story that 's important to the larger world . '' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw the season five episode `` All Roads Lead ... '' earn a series low rating of 0.4 / 2 in the 18 - to 49 - year - old demographic , as well as the lowest initial viewers with 1.67 million . Critical response ( edit ) For the first season , the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported an 86 % approval rating , with an average rating of 7.87 / 10 based on 50 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is sure to please comic book fans , but the strong ensemble and brisk pacing help to make this better - than - average superhero show accessible to non-fanboys as well . '' Metacritic , which uses a weighted average , assigned a `` generally favorable '' score of 74 based on 33 reviews . The second season has a 97 % approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes , with an average score of 7.66 / 10 based on 29 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. relaxes into itself during its sophomore season , mitigating the show 's growing pains by focusing on characters while amping up narrative thrills . '' The third season has a 100 % approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes , with an average score of 8.31 / 10 based on 15 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` Still evolving in its third season , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. further hits its stride with a blend of thrills , humor , and heart . '' The fourth season has a 94 % approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes , with an average score of 7.61 / 10 based on 18 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. explores darker territory in its fourth season with the thrilling introduction of Ghost Rider , setting up an action - packed new chapter of Marvel 's edgier mythologies . '' Analysis ( edit ) The way that the series is affected by the events of Captain America : The Winter Soldier has been called `` miraculous '' , with Terri Schwartz at Zap2it writing `` the fact that the movie so influenced the show is game - changing in terms of how the mediums of film and television can be interwoven '' , while Mary McNamara of the Los Angeles Times stated that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. `` faces a future of perpetual re-invention , and that puts it in the exhilarating first car of television 's roller - coaster ride toward possible world domination . '' The fact that the series also depicts the rebuilding of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the MCU has also been highlighted , with Merrill Barr , reviewing `` Beginning of the End '' for Forbes , saying `` what Marvel 's daring to say with this season finale is ' everything we do matters , and you need to pay attention to all of it . ' '' The series ' introduction of the Inhumans was seen by Oliver Sava of The A.V. Club as making Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. an essential part of the MCU and Marvel Studios ' plans , with the connections between the series and the films previously having always been reactive on the series ' behalf , with `` stuff '' happening in the films , and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. dealing with the fallout of it . However , the series would now be `` making things happen , and these events will clearly impact the future of the MCU '' . Barr wrote that the series `` does a most excellent job of standing on its own two feet in a way we 've never seen it do before . Come the final frame ( of the second season finale ) , all anyone -- Marvel fan or otherwise -- will be asking is when season three begins . '' The third season 's paralleling of themes from Captain America : Civil War was called `` topical and relevant '' and `` downright eerie '' by The A.V. Club 's Alex McCown and Screen Crush 's Kevin Fitzpatrick . McCown compared the series ' approach to setting up `` a world distrustful of superpowers '' to the real life events surrounding Cliven Bundy and Donald Trump 's 2016 presidential campaign , and said that `` S.H.I.E.L.D. is taking full advantage of its medium in order to tell the story the upcoming Captain America film ca n't : A full and fraught exploration of the need to protect freedom and privacy , even for those with extraordinary abilities . '' Fitzpatrick added that this `` topical bent ... made for a great angle to build up that world mentality without feeling particularly subservient to the movies . '' Ahead of the fourth season , Collider 's Kayti Burt opined that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is `` the X-Men TV show you should be watching '' . Burt noted that the X-Men film franchise was expanding to television with the series Legion , but that S.H.I.E.L.D. already served that purpose well , highlighting the similarities between the X-Men and the Inhumans , both creations of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby during the 1960s consisting of a large group of super-powered people who `` are our neighbors and our friends ... both heroes and villains '' , and face `` the same fears and prejudices '' from the wider community . Burt felt that the similarities between S.H.I.E.L.D. 's Inhumans and the X-Men became `` particularly pointed '' in the third season with the Hive storyline , which had a lot in common with the film X-Men : Apocalypse that was released around the same time ; Burt was of the opinion that S.H.I.E.L.D. executed the storyline `` much better '' than the film did . Other similarities Burt discussed were the series ' diverse and ensemble cast , its take on the mutant cure storyline , the parallels between Daisy Johnson 's second season arc and the introduction of Rogue in the first X-Men film , and its social and political commentary . With the latter , Burt also discussed the similarities between the Watchdogs and Donald Trump , calling it `` not very subtle , but social commentary does n't have to be . I appreciate that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is attempting to comment on the current socio - political state of the country in a way that many of the other superhero TV shows do n't even attempt to do . It 's perhaps the show 's most X-Men - like quality . '' Concluding , Burt said that though the X-Men characters can not appear in the MCU due to 20th Century Fox holding the rights , `` we still get to enjoy many of the themes prominent in the X-Men universe through S.H.I.E.L.D. '' Additionally , Marc N. Kleinheinz at Screen Rant discussed how the series `` continues to resist a status quo '' , from the destruction and rebuilding of S.H.I.E.L.D. , to the fallout from the Sokovia Accords . He noted that a major driving force behind the changes was the MCU films , with the series being forced `` to constantly adapt to a changing narrative landscape that it has absolutely no control over . '' He also believed that the series was obligated to adapt various Marvel characters to screen which would not be appearing in films , such as Daisy Johnson , Mockingbird , and Ghost Rider . However , Kleinheinz felt that this mindset also came from within the series crew rather than just from Marvel , saying , `` there 's also the storytelling modus operandi that showrunners Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen have very obviously demonstrated during their four - year tenure . It seems that constantly staking out new ground from season to season is just as much a personal predilection as it is , possibly , a corporate mandate . '' During the Agents of Hydra pod in the fourth season , Collider. com 's Evan Valentine noted how `` ( o ) ne of the prevalent themes of this latter half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 's fourth season has been its jabs at the current Trump administration ... When all 's said and done , whether you support or disavow the current administration and what it 's done with its time in office , does this commentary work here ? Sure it does ... We need to be able to laugh at what 's going on in the world , regardless of whether we agree or disagree , but S.H.I.E.L.D. has managed to throw in some biting commentary this season . '' Accolades ( edit ) The Atlantic named `` 4,722 Hours '' one of the best television episodes of 2015 . Year Award Category Recipient Result Ref . 2013 Critics ' Choice Television Awards Most Exciting New Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Won Television Critics Association Most Promising New Fall Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Won 2014 People 's Choice Awards Favorite Actress in a New TV Series Ming - Na Wen Nominated Favorite New TV Drama Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program `` Pilot '' Nominated Golden Reel Awards Best Sound Editing -- Short Form : Music `` Pilot '' Nominated Satellite Awards Best Television Series or Miniseries Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Saturn Awards Best Network Television Series Release Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Online Film & Television Association Awards Best Sound in a Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Best Visual Effects in a Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Teen Choice Awards Male Breakout Star Brett Dalton Won Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Special and Visual Effects `` T.A.H.I.T.I. '' Nominated 2015 People 's Choice Awards Favorite Network Sci - Fi / Fantasy TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` Melinda '' Ming - Na Wen Won Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Family TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Favorite TV Actress Chloe Bennet Nominated Saturn Award Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated PRISM Awards Television Drama Multi-Episode Storyline -- Mental Health Fitz 's storyline from `` Shadows '' to `` The Things We Bury '' Nominated Teen Choice Awards Choice Fantasy / Sci - Fi Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Special and Visual Effects `` The Dirty Half Dozen '' Nominated Online Film & Television Association Awards Best Visual Effects in a Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` Laws of Nature '' Iain De Caestecker Won Performance in `` 4,722 Hours '' Elizabeth Henstridge Won 2016 Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Family TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Favorite TV Actress -- Family Show Chloe Bennet Nominated Ming - Na Wen Nominated Irish Film & Television Awards Best Actress in a Supporting Role in Drama Television Ruth Negga Nominated TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` Parting Shot '' Adrianne Palicki Nominated Saturn Awards Best Superhero Adaptation Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Teen Choice Awards Choice TV Villain Brett Dalton Nominated California on Location Awards Location Manager of the Year -- One Hour Television Justin Hill Won 2017 TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` Broken Promises '' Henry Simmons and Natalia Cordova - Buckley Nominated Performance in `` Hot Potato Soup '' Patton Oswalt Nominated Golden Reel Awards TV -- Short Form -- Dialogue / ADR `` Deals with Our Devils '' Nominated TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` Self Control '' Elizabeth Henstridge and Iain De Caestecker Nominated Kids ' Choice Awards Favorite Family TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` The Return '' Mallory Jansen Nominated Saturn Awards Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Teen Choice Awards Choice Action TV Show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated Choice Action TV Actor Gabriel Luna Nominated Dragon Awards Best Science Fiction or Fantasy TV Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nominated 2018 TVLine 's Performer of the Week Performance in `` The Last Day '' Ming - Na Wen Nominated Visual Effects Society Awards Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Mark Kolpack , Sabrina Arnold , David Rey , Kevin Yuille , Gary D'Amico for `` Orientation , Part 1 '' Nominated Saturn Awards Best Superhero Television Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Pending Spin - offs ( edit ) Marvel 's Most Wanted ( edit ) Main article : Most Wanted ( TV pilot ) By April 2015 , Marvel was developing a spin - off series of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The series , which was being developed by Bell and writer Paul Zbyszewski , would be based on storylines occurring at the end of the second season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , and would receive its own pilot rather than a backdoor pilot . Though Palicki and Blood were reportedly in final discussions to headline the potential new series , ABC passed on the project by May 7 , 2015 , when they announced their series renewals and cancellations , and new series pickups . In August 2015 , the spin - off series received new life as a reworked series , titled Marvel 's Most Wanted , with a pilot order . Bell and Zbyszewski once again developed the series , while also serving as co-writers of the pilot , executive producers , and showrunners , with Jeph Loeb also attached as executive producer . The series would still focus on Morse and Hunter , with Palicki and Blood both attached , and was described as `` a new take focusing on the same duo and their continuing adventures . '' Bell and Zbyszewski worked together on the characters ' storyline for the third season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , preparing them to move over to the spin - off , with Bell explaining that it would set up Most Wanted by defining exactly who the characters are , such as Hunter and his lack of loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D. and to ideologies -- `` nothing specific about the show , it 's just who Hunter is . '' In March 2016 , Bell stated that while Hunter and Morse are `` on S.H.I.E.L.D. , we want to take advantage of who they are , and give the audience as much of their relationship with one another , and with other people , as possible . We are aware that there is a potential imminent end , and so they wo n't be neglected . '' Hunter and Morse are written off the series in the episode `` Parting Shot '' , both leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. , as Palicki and Blood `` physically had to go leave to shoot the pilot ... they had to stop being on S.H.I.E.L.D. and get ready for the pilot and then shoot the pilot and all of that , so it did n't make sense for us to have all these episodes with them and then not have them in two or three episodes , and then go , ' Oh , we were just over here , ' and then come back and go away again . '' On whether they could return to the series at some point , Bell said , `` I ca n't answer that , but I can say it would be kind of cheating to make Mack cry like that ( in the episode ) only to buy it back -- not that we have n't brought characters back from the dead . We want to earn stuff . '' In May 2016 , the spin - off series was passed on by ABC once again . Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot ( edit ) Main article : Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot A six - part web series , Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot , was revealed on December 6 , 2016 , to debut on ABC.com on December 13 , 2016 . It follows Elena `` Yo - Yo '' Rodriguez on a secret mission , shortly before the start of season four , with Cordova - Buckley reprising her role . Gregg , Jason O'Mara , Simmons , Bennet , Wen , De Caestecker and Henstridge all reprise their roles in the series as Coulson , Jeffrey Mace , Mack , Johnson , May , Fitz and Simmons , respectively . Other media ( edit ) At the 2014 San Diego Comic Con International , Marvel Comics announced an ongoing series titled S.H.I.E.L.D. , to be set in the mainstream Marvel Universe and written by Mark Waid , beginning December 2014 . Featuring art by a rotating group of artists including Carlos Pacheco , Alan Davis , and Chris Sprouse , the series is led by Agent Phil Coulson , and sees the canonical introduction of the characters Melinda May , Jemma Simmons , and Leo Fitz -- who originated from the television series -- to the Marvel comics universe , who Waid noted would be given `` the Marvel Universe spin . '' Waid described the series as `` done - in - one . Coulson and his team have a mission , and if we need someone for a mission , everyone in the Marvel Universe is available as a potential Agent . '' Waid added that though the comic does not share events with the television series , it will maintain the characters ' relationships and personalities . Marc Guggenheim relaunched the comic as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for Marvel Comics ' All - New , All - Different Marvel line , and introduced the television series ' character Grant Ward to the Marvel comic universe in May 2016 . In September 2015 , it was announced that Phil Coulson , Daisy Johnson / Quake , Deathlok , Melinda May , Bobbi Morse , Lincoln Campbell , Sif , Raina and Gordon would appear in the Marvel : Future Fight mobile role - playing video game . Their inclusion in the game was done to promote the start of the third season , as well as to allow Marvel to `` extend storylines and build on backstories to engage fans in a brand - new experience , '' according to Marvel Games creative director Bill Rosemann . In March 2016 , de Caestecker and Henstridge reprised their roles as Fitz and Simmons , respectively , in the episode `` Lizards '' , of the animated series Ultimate Spider - Man vs the Sinister 6 . Also in the month , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. downloadable content was revealed for Lego Marvel 's Avengers . The content consisted of a mission based `` on the events leading up to the season two finale '' , which involved facing Jiaying and Daisy in Afterlife while rescuing agents , as well as going up against Gordon and Cal Johnson who have occupied the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier . The content includes the playable characters Daisy Johnson , Leo Fitz , Agent Koenig , Melinda May , Bobbi Morse , Jemma Simmons , Cal Johnson / Mr. Hyde , Deathlok , Gordon , Grant Ward , Jiaying , Lincoln , and Raina , as well as the airplane ' The Bus ' . Ming - Na Wen reprised her role as Melinda May to provide new dialogue for the content . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Lowry , Brian ( August 4 , 2013 ) . `` Review : `` Marvel 's Agents of SHIELD '' `` . Variety . Archived from the original on September 13 , 2014 . Retrieved August 5 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. '' ABC Studios . April 6 , 2013 . Archived from the original on April 6 , 2013 . Retrieved April 6 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Han , Angie ( September 3 , 2014 ) . `` ' Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ' Season 2 Trailer Hints at Dark Times Ahead '' . / Film . Archived from the original on September 3 , 2014 . Retrieved September 3 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Couch , Aaron ( December 9 , 2014 ) . `` ' Agents of SHIELD ' Bosses on Skye Bombshell and Marvel Movie Future '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on December 25 , 2014 . Retrieved December 9 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Lovett , Jaimie ( May 12 , 2015 ) . `` Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 Synopsis Revealed '' . Comicbook.com . Archived from the original on May 12 , 2015 . Retrieved May 13 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Coulson Will Encounter the Secret Warriors on ' Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ' on ABC '' . Marvel.com . June 26 , 2015 . Archived from the original on June 27 , 2015 . Retrieved June 27 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Burlingame , Russ ( February 21 , 2016 ) . `` Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 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Jump up ^ Lovett , Jamie ( May 5 , 2016 ) . `` EXCLUSIVE Preview : Grant Ward Makes His Marvel Comics Debut In Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. # 5 '' . Comicbook.com . Archived from the original on May 6 , 2016 . Retrieved May 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Spangler , Todd ( September 29 , 2015 ) . `` ABC ' Marvel 's Agents of SHIELD ' Characters to Join ' Marvel Future Fight ' Mobile Game '' . Variety . Archived from the original on September 30 , 2015 . Retrieved September 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Cavanaugh , Patrick ( February 25 , 2016 ) . `` Iain de Caestecker & Elizabeth Henstridge Teach at S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy '' . Marvel.com . Archived from the original on March 20 , 2016 . Retrieved March 19 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Lovitt , Jamie ( March 17 , 2016 ) . `` LEGO Marvel 's Avengers Season Pass DLC Revealed '' . Comicbook.com . Archived from the original on March 21 , 2016 . Retrieved March 20 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Snyder , Justin ( May 19 , 2016 ) . `` ' Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ' Deploy to ' LEGO Marvel 's Avengers ' '' . Marvel.com . Archived from the original on May 24 , 2016 . Retrieved May 23 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Official website at ABC Official website at Marvel.com Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on IMDb Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at TV.com Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. Creators : Stan Lee Jack Kirby Characters Executive Directors George W. Bridge Sharon Carter Timothy Dugan Nick Fury Maria Hill Daisy Johnson Norman Osborn Steve Rogers Tony Stark Field Agents Clay Quartermain Victoria Hand Jasper Sitwell Al MacKenzie Mitch Carson Valentina Allegra de Fontaine Jessica Drew Clint Barton Natasha Romanova Barbara Morse Jimmy Woo Alexander Goodwin Pierce John Garrett Nick Fury Jr . Sam Wilson Antagonists A.I.M. H.A.M.M.E.R. Hand Hydra Leviathan Maggia Masters of Evil Mys - Tech Purifiers Secret Empire Squadron Supreme Thunderbolts Taskmaster Zodiac Affiliations Avengers Dark Mighty Secret Howling Commandos Project Livewire Team White ( Secret Warriors ) S.T.R.I.K.E. S.T.A.K.E. S.W.O.R.D. Bases and facilities Camp Hammond Helicarrier Stark Tower The Vault Triskelion Technology and units Life Model Decoy Mandroid SJ3RX ( Red Ronin ) Superhuman Restraint Unit SPIN Tech Iron Patriot Publications Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1965 feature Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Kitty Pryde , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. 2010 series 2014 series Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Carter : S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary Fury : S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In other media Marvel Cinematic Universe Phil Coulson Item 47 Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters episodes season 1 5 Slingshot Nick Fury : Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Empyre Related S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Car Ultimate Nick Fury Peggy Carter Category Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` 0 - 8 - 4 '' `` The Asset '' `` Eye Spy '' `` Girl in the Flower Dress '' `` FZZT '' `` The Hub '' `` The Well '' `` Repairs '' `` The Bridge '' `` The Magical Place '' `` Seeds '' `` T.R.A.C.K.S. '' `` T.A.H.I.T.I. '' `` Yes Men '' `` End of the Beginning '' `` Turn , Turn , Turn '' `` Providence '' `` The Only Light in the Darkness '' `` Nothing Personal '' `` Ragtag '' `` Beginning of the End '' Season 2 `` Shadows '' `` Heavy Is the Head '' `` Making Friends and Influencing People '' `` Face My Enemy '' `` A Hen in the Wolf House '' `` A Fractured House '' `` The Writing on the Wall '' `` The Things We Bury '' `` ... Ye Who Enter Here '' `` What They Become '' `` Aftershocks '' `` Who You Really Are '' `` One of Us '' `` Love in the Time of Hydra '' `` One Door Closes '' `` Afterlife '' `` Melinda '' `` The Frenemy of My Enemy '' `` The Dirty Half Dozen '' `` Scars '' `` S.O.S. '' Season 3 `` Laws of Nature '' `` Purpose in the Machine '' `` A Wanted ( Inhu ) man '' `` Devils You Know '' `` 4,722 Hours '' `` Among Us Hide ... '' `` Chaos Theory '' `` Many Heads , One Tale '' `` Closure '' `` Maveth '' `` Bouncing Back '' `` The Inside Man '' `` Parting Shot '' `` Watchdogs '' `` Spacetime '' `` Paradise Lost '' `` The Team '' `` The Singularity '' `` Failed Experiments '' `` Emancipation '' `` Absolution '' `` Ascension '' Season 4 `` The Ghost '' `` Meet the New Boss '' `` Uprising '' `` Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire '' `` Lockup '' `` The Good Samaritan '' `` Deals with Our Devils '' `` The Laws of Inferno Dynamics '' `` Broken Promises '' `` Self Control '' Season 5 See also Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot Marvel Cinematic Universe Feature films Phase One Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America : The First Avenger The Avengers accolades Phase Two Iron Man 3 Thor : The Dark World Captain America : The Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers : Age of Ultron Ant - Man Phase Three Captain America : Civil War Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor : Ragnarok Black Panther Avengers : Infinity War production Ant - Man and the Wasp Captain Marvel Untitled Avengers film production Television series ABC Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes season 1 5 characters Agent Carter season 1 characters Inhumans `` Behold ... The Inhumans '' `` Those Who Would Destroy Us '' Netflix Daredevil season 1 characters Jessica Jones season 1 characters Luke Cage season 1 characters Iron Fist season 1 characters The Defenders The Punisher season 1 Hulu Runaways `` Reunion '' Freeform Cloak & Dagger Other Most Wanted New Warriors Other media Short films Item 47 Agent Carter All Hail the King Digital series WHIH Newsfront Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot Tie - in comics Fury 's Big Week Cast and characters Film cast Television series cast Phil Coulson Erik Selvig Trevor Slattery Tony Stark Claire Temple Music Soundtracks Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America : The First Avenger The Avengers Iron Man 3 Thor : The Dark World Captain America : The Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers : Age of Ultron Ant - Man Captain America : Civil War Luke Cage Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor : Ragnarok Black Panther Avengers : Infinity War Singles `` Live to Rise '' `` All the Stars '' `` King 's Dead '' `` Pray for Me '' MCU - inspired media Video games Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor : God of Thunder Captain America : Super Soldier Iron Man 3 Lego Marvel 's Avengers Disney Parks Iron Man Experience Marvel - themed areas Guardians of the Galaxy -- Mission : Breakout ! Other Team Thor Book Category Portal Joss Whedon Television Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Firefly Dollhouse Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Films Written Buffy the Vampire Slayer Toy Story Alien Resurrection Titan A.E. The Cabin in the Woods In Your Eyes Justice League Directed Serenity The Avengers Much Ado About Nothing Avengers : Age of Ultron Comics written Fray Tales of the Slayers Tales of the Vampires Serenity Those Left Behind Better Days Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 Angel After the Fall Astonishing X-Men Runaways Sugarshock ! Web Dr. Horrible 's Sing - Along Blog Family John Whedon Tom Whedon Jed Whedon Zack Whedon Maurissa Tancharoen Related articles Bellwether Pictures Mutant Enemy Productions Whedonesque.com Unrealized projects Live - action television programs based on Marvel Comics TV series Current Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ( since 2013 ) Daredevil ( since 2015 ) Jessica Jones ( since 2015 ) Luke Cage ( since 2016 ) Legion ( since 2017 ) Iron Fist ( since 2017 ) The Gifted ( since 2017 ) The Punisher ( since 2017 ) Runaways ( since 2017 ) Former Spidey Super Stories ( 1974 -- 77 ) The Amazing Spider - Man ( 1977 -- 79 ) The Incredible Hulk ( 1978 -- 82 ) Spider - Man ( Toei ) ( 1978 -- 79 ) Night Man ( 1997 -- 99 ) Mutant X ( 2001 -- 04 ) Blade : The Series ( 2006 ) Agent Carter ( 2015 -- 16 ) Powers ( 2015 -- 16 ) The Defenders ( 2017 ) Inhumans ( 2017 ) Upcoming Cloak & Dagger ( 2018 ) New Warriors ( 2018 ) Unaired pilot Most Wanted TV films Spider - Man The Incredible Hulk The Return of the Incredible Hulk Dr. Strange Captain America Captain America II : Death Too Soon The Incredible Hulk Returns The Trial of the Incredible Hulk The Death of the Incredible Hulk Power Pack Generation X Nick Fury : Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Man - Thing See also Marvel Television List of Marvel Cinematic Universe television series ABC programming ( current and upcoming ) Primetime 20 / 20 ( since 1978 ) 20 / 20 : In an Instant ( since 2015 ) The $100,000 Pyramid ( since 2016 ) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ( since 2013 ) The Alec Baldwin Show ( since 2018 ) America 's Funniest Home Videos ( since 1989 ) American Housewife ( since 2016 ) American Idol ( since 2018 ) The Bachelor ( since 2002 ) The Bachelor Winter Games ( since 2018 ) The Bachelorette ( 2003 -- 2005 ; since 2008 ) Bachelor in Paradise ( since 2014 ) Bachelor in Paradise : After Paradise ( since 2015 ) Battle of the Network Stars ( since 2017 ) Black - ish ( since 2014 ) Boy Band ( since 2017 ) Celebrity Family Feud ( since 2015 ) Child Support ( since 2018 ) The Crossing ( since 2018 ) Dancing with the Stars ( since 2005 ) For the People ( since 2018 ) Fresh Off the Boat ( since 2015 ) The Goldbergs ( since 2013 ) The Gong Show ( since 2017 ) The Good Doctor ( since 2017 ) The Great American Baking Show ( since 2015 ) The Great Christmas Light Fight ( since 2013 ) Grey 's Anatomy ( since 2005 ) How to Get Away with Murder ( since 2014 ) Match Game ( since 2016 ) Modern Family ( since 2009 ) Quantico ( since 2015 ) Shark Tank ( since 2009 ) Speechless ( since 2016 ) Splitting Up Together ( since 2018 ) Station 19 ( since 2018 ) The Toy Box ( since 2017 ) To Tell the Truth ( since 2016 ) Daytime General Hospital ( since 1963 ) The Chew ( since 2011 ; ending September 2018 ) The View ( since 1997 ) Late night Jimmy Kimmel Live ! ( since 2003 ) Nightline ( since 1980 ) News 20 / 20 ( since 1978 ) ABC World News Tonight ( since 1953 ) America This Morning ( since 1982 ) Good Morning America ( since 1975 ) Nightline ( since 1980 ) This Week ( since 1981 ) What Would You Do ? ( since 2008 ) World News Now ( since 1992 ) Sports ESPN College Football on ABC Indianapolis 500 IndyCar Series on ABC NBA on ABC ESPN Saturday Night Football WNBA on ESPN Formula One Saturday morning Born to Explore with Richard Wiese Jack Hanna 's Wild Countdown Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin Sea Rescue Upcoming Dancing with the Stars : Juniors ( 2018 ) A Million Little Things ( 2018 ) The Kids Are Alright ( 2018 ) The Rookie ( 2018 ) Single Parents ( 2018 ) Take Two ( 2018 ) Grand Hotel ( 2019 ) The Fix ( 2019 ) Schooled ( 2019 ) Whiskey Cavalier ( 2019 ) Marvel Cinematic Universe portal Television in the United States portal Superhero fiction portal Comics portal 2010s portal Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Agents_of_S.H.I.E.L.D.&oldid=843667437 '' Categories : 2010s American drama television series 2010s American science fiction television series 2013 American television series debuts Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. American action television series English - language television programs Espionage television series Serial drama television series Television programs based on works by Stan Lee Television programs based on works by Jack Kirby Television series set in the 1940s Television series set in the 2010s Television shows filmed in Los Angeles Terrorism in television Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from December 2014 Good articles Pages using infobox television with editor parameter Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Български Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latviešu Magyar მარგალური Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Slovenčina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 24 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 17 : 06 . 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real name of characters of mariam khan reporting live
Mariam Khan - Reporting Live
mariam khan - reporting live
Mariam Khan - Reporting Live is an Indian television series which airs on StarPlus and is available to stream on Hotstar . The series premiered on 21 May 2018 . It is produced by Majid Azam and Afaque Azam . It stars child artist Deshna Dugad , Priyanka Kandwal , Sheena Bajaj , Paras Kalnawat and Avinash Mishra .
Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Main 2.2 Recurring 3 References 4 External links Plot ( edit ) Young Mariam Khan is a very imaginative and curious child who does not take things at face value . She is the youngest member of a large family , where her grandfather is the patriarch . Mariam idolizes her dad Majaaz Khan ( Khalid Siddiqui ) , who is an idealistic journalist . The show is based in Bhopal , a city that has a mix of modernity and tradition . Her mother Madeeha ( Rukhsar Rehman ) is only concerned with their daughters getting married while Mariam plans to become a reporter . Her father owns a press . Mariam shares an emotional bond with her father . He is very loyal and he never accepts a bribe . However , there is a secret the Khan family are hiding from the world , unknown to the younger generation . Cast ( edit ) Main ( edit ) Deshna Dugad as Mariam Khan Priyanka Kandwal as Mahira Khan Sheena Bajaj as Meher Khan Paras Kalnawat as Rehaan Avinash Mishra as Zain Ashraf Recurring ( edit ) Khalid Siddiqui as Majaaz Khan , Mariam 's father Rukhsar Rehman as Madeeha Khan , Mariam 's mother Mansi Sharma as Aayat , Mariam 's biological mother . Heena Rajput as Mariam 's paternal grandmother SM Zaheer as Nawab Aijaaz Khan , Mariam 's paternal grandfather Sagar Saini as Wasim Ashraf , Zain 's father Lubna Salim as Rifat , Zain 's mother Atharva Phadnis as Lallu , Mariam 's friend Aarna Bhadoriya as Lakshmi , Mariam 's friend Gauransh Sharma as Akshay Mariam 's friend Ashar Khan as Fawad , Zain 's brother Shefali Rana as Asha , Aijaaz Khan 's love interest Lavina Tandon as Aarshifa , Zain 's ex-girlfriend Surveen Chawla as Meher 's friend Tisca Chopra as Mariyam 's Art teacher . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Mariam Khan - Reporting Live streaming on Hotstar '' . Hotstar. 21 May 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Newly floated Somersault Productions bags its first project from Star Plus '' . TelevisionPost Team . 28 April 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Replacing Ye Hai Mohabbatein is an added advantage , says Sheena Bajaj of Mariam Chutiya - Reporting Live '' . Times of India . 14 May 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Rukhsar Rehman roped in for Star Plus ' show , Mariam Khan -- Reporting Live '' . Orissa Diray. 4 May 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Surveen Chawla to do a cameo in TV Show Mariam Khan - Reporting Live '' . Times of India . 17 May 2018 . External links ( edit ) Mariam Khan - Reporting Live streaming on Hotstar Current broadcasts on StarPlus Currently broadcast Primetime soap opera Har Shaakh Pe Ullu Baithaa Hai Ishqbaaaz Krishna Chali London Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala Mariam Khan - Reporting Live Ye Hai Mohabbatein Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Weekend Qayamat Ki Raat Children 's television series in India List of series The Adventures of Tenali Raman Akkad Bakkad Bambey Bo Aladdin Andy Pirki Arslaan Aryamaan -- Brahmaand Ka Yodha Baal Veer Balaganapathy Bandbudh Aur Budbak Bhootu Break Time Masti Time Cambala Investigation Agency Chhoti Anandi Chhota Bheem Chi and Me DD National Kidz Island Dhoom Machaao Dhoom Galli Galli Sim Sim Gattu Battu Gaju Bhai Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Golu Ke Goggles Hatim Howzzattt Indradhanush Inspector Chingum J Bole Toh Jadoo Janbaaz Sindbad Jungle Tales Junior G Karishma Kaa Karishma Karma ( TV series ) Kartika Keymon Ache Little Singham M.A.D The Magic Make - Up Box Mariam Khan - Reporting Live Mighty Raju Motu Patlu Mystery Hunters India Potli Baba Ki Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag Robin Hood : Mischief in Sherwood Roll No 21 Ruby Duby Hub Dub Sanya Shaka Laka Boom Boom Shaktimaan Shararat Son Pari The Stone Boy Suraj : The Rising Star Vartmaan Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mariam_Khan_-_Reporting_Live&oldid=849837228 '' Categories : 2018 Indian television series debuts Hindi - language television programs Indian drama television series Star Plus television series Indian children 's television series Television shows set in Madhya Pradesh Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 11 July 2018 , at 18 : 11 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who created the terms for the rhetorical appeals
Rhetoric is the art of discourse , wherein a writer or speaker strives to inform , persuade , or motivate particular audiences in specific situations . It can also be in a visual form . As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice , rhetoric has played a central role in the European tradition . Its best known definition comes from Aristotle , who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics , and calls it `` the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion . '' Rhetoric typically provides heuristics for understanding , discovering , and developing arguments for particular situations , such as Aristotle 's three persuasive audience appeals , logos , pathos , and ethos . The five canons of rhetoric , which trace the traditional tasks in designing a persuasive speech , were first codified in classical Rome : invention , arrangement , style , memory , and delivery . Along with grammar and logic ( or dialectic -- see Martianus Capella ) , rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse .
Rhetoric is the art of discourse , wherein a writer or speaker strives to inform , persuade , or motivate particular audiences in specific situations . It can also be in a visual form . As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice , rhetoric has played a central role in the European tradition . Its best known definition comes from Aristotle , who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics , and calls it `` the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion . '' Rhetoric typically provides heuristics for understanding , discovering , and developing arguments for particular situations , such as Aristotle 's three persuasive audience appeals , logos , pathos , and ethos . The five canons of rhetoric , which trace the traditional tasks in designing a persuasive speech , were first codified in classical Rome : invention , arrangement , style , memory , and delivery . Along with grammar and logic ( or dialectic -- see Martianus Capella ) , rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse .
From Ancient Greece to the late 19th century , it was a central part of Western education , filling the need to train public speakers and writers to move audiences to action with arguments . The word is derived from the Greek ῥητορικός rhētorikós , `` oratorical '' , from ῥήτωρ rhḗtōr , `` public speaker '' , related to ῥῆμα rhêma , `` that which is said or spoken , word , saying '' , and ultimately derived from the verb ἐρῶ erō , `` I say , I speak '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Uses 1.1 Scope 1.2 As a civic art 1.3 As a course of study 1.4 Knowledge 1.4. 1 Eloquentia Perfecta 2 History 2.1 Sophists 2.2 Isocrates 2.3 Plato 2.4 Aristotle 3 Canons 3.1 Cicero 3.2 Quintilian 3.3 Medieval to Enlightenment 3.4 Sixteenth century 3.5 Seventeenth century 3.6 Eighteenth century 4 Modern 4.1 Notable modern theorists 4.2 Methods of analysis 4.2. 1 Criticism seen as a method 4.2. 2 Observation on analytic method 4.3 Strategies 4.4 Criticism 4.4. 1 Additional theoretical approaches 4.4. 2 Purpose of criticism 5 French 6 Animal rhetoric 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links Uses ( edit ) Scope ( edit ) Scholars have debated the scope of rhetoric since ancient times . Although some have limited rhetoric to the specific realm of political discourse , many modern scholars liberate it to encompass every aspect of culture . Contemporary studies of rhetoric address a much more diverse range of domains than was the case in ancient times . While classical rhetoric trained speakers to be effective persuaders in public forums and institutions such as courtrooms and assemblies , contemporary rhetoric investigates human discourse writ large . Rhetoricians have studied the discourses of a wide variety of domains , including the natural and social sciences , fine art , religion , journalism , digital media , fiction , history , cartography , and architecture , along with the more traditional domains of politics and the law . Many contemporary approaches treat rhetoric as human communication that includes purposeful and strategic manipulation of symbols . Public relations , lobbying , law , marketing , professional and technical writing , and advertising are modern professions that employ rhetorical practitioners . Because the ancient Greeks highly valued public political participation , rhetoric emerged as a crucial tool to influence politics . Consequently , rhetoric remains associated with its political origins . However , even the original instructors of Western speech -- the Sophists -- disputed this limited view of rhetoric . According to the Sophists , such as Gorgias , a successful rhetorician could speak convincingly on any topic , regardless of his experience in that field . This method suggested rhetoric could be a means of communicating any expertise , not just politics . In his Encomium to Helen , Gorgias even applied rhetoric to fiction by seeking for his own pleasure to prove the blamelessness of the mythical Helen of Troy in starting the Trojan War . Looking to another key rhetorical theorist , Plato defined the scope of rhetoric according to his negative opinions of the art . He criticized the Sophists for using rhetoric as a means of deceit instead of discovering truth . In `` Gorgias , '' one of his Socratic Dialogues , Plato defines rhetoric as the persuasion of ignorant masses within the courts and assemblies . Rhetoric , in Plato 's opinion , is merely a form of flattery and functions similarly to cookery , which masks the undesirability of unhealthy food by making it taste good . Thus , Plato considered any speech of lengthy prose aimed at flattery as within the scope of rhetoric . Aristotle both redeemed rhetoric from his teacher and narrowed its focus by defining three genres of rhetoric -- deliberative , forensic or judicial , and epideictic . Yet , even as he provided order to existing rhetorical theories , Aristotle extended the definition of rhetoric , calling it the ability to identify the appropriate means of persuasion in a given situation , thereby making rhetoric applicable to all fields , not just politics . When one considers that rhetoric included torture ( in the sense that the practice of torture is a form of persuasion or coercion ) , it is clear that rhetoric can not be viewed only in academic terms . However , the enthymeme based upon logic ( especially , based upon the syllogism ) was viewed as the basis of rhetoric . However , since the time of Aristotle , logic has changed . For example , Modal logic has undergone a major development that also modifies rhetoric . Yet , Aristotle also outlined generic constraints that focused the rhetorical art squarely within the domain of public political practice . He restricted rhetoric to the domain of the contingent or probable : those matters that admit multiple legitimate opinions or arguments . The contemporary neo-Aristotelian and neo-Sophistic positions on rhetoric mirror the division between the Sophists and Aristotle . Neo-Aristotelians generally study rhetoric as political discourse , while the neo-Sophistic view contends that rhetoric can not be so limited . Rhetorical scholar Michael Leff characterizes the conflict between these positions as viewing rhetoric as a `` thing contained '' versus a `` container . '' The neo-Aristotelian view threatens the study of rhetoric by restraining it to such a limited field , ignoring many critical applications of rhetorical theory , criticism , and practice . Simultaneously , the neo-Sophists threaten to expand rhetoric beyond a point of coherent theoretical value . Over the past century , people studying rhetoric have tended to enlarge its object domain beyond speech texts . Kenneth Burke asserted humans use rhetoric to resolve conflicts by identifying shared characteristics and interests in symbols . By nature , humans engage in identification , either to identify themselves or another individual with a group . This definition of rhetoric as identification broadened the scope from strategic and overt political persuasion to the more implicit tactics of identification found in an immense range of sources . Among the many scholars who have since pursued Burke 's line of thought , James Boyd White sees rhetoric as a broader domain of social experience in his notion of constitutive rhetoric . Influenced by theories of social construction , White argues that culture is `` reconstituted '' through language . Just as language influences people , people influence language . Language is socially constructed , and depends on the meanings people attach to it . Because language is not rigid and changes depending on the situation , the very usage of language is rhetorical . An author , White would say , is always trying to construct a new world and persuading his or her readers to share that world within the text . Individuals engage in the rhetorical process anytime they speak or produce meaning . Even in the field of science , the practices of which were once viewed as being merely the objective testing and reporting of knowledge , scientists must persuade their audience to accept their findings by sufficiently demonstrating that their study or experiment was conducted reliably and resulted in sufficient evidence to support their conclusions . The vast scope of rhetoric is difficult to define ; however , political discourse remains , in many ways , the paradigmatic example for studying and theorizing specific techniques and conceptions of persuasion , considered by many a synonym for `` rhetoric . '' As a civic art ( edit ) Throughout European History , rhetoric has concerned itself with persuasion in public and political settings such as assemblies and courts . Because of its associations with democratic institutions , rhetoric is commonly said to flourish in open and democratic societies with rights of free speech , free assembly , and political enfranchisement for some portion of the population . Those who classify rhetoric as a civic art believe that rhetoric has the power to shape communities , form the character of citizens and greatly effect civic life . Rhetoric was viewed as a civic art by several of the ancient philosophers . Aristotle and Isocrates were two of the first to see rhetoric in this light . In his work , Antidosis , Isocrates states , `` We have come together and founded cities and made laws and invented arts ; and , generally speaking , there is no institution devised by man which the power of speech has not helped us to establish . '' With this statement he argues that rhetoric is a fundamental part of civic life in every society and that it has been necessary in the foundation of all aspects of society . He further argues in his piece Against the Sophists that rhetoric , although it can not be taught to just anyone , is capable of shaping the character of man . He writes , `` I do think that the study of political discourse can help more than any other thing to stimulate and form such qualities of character . '' Aristotle , writing several years after Isocrates , supported many of his arguments and continued to make arguments for rhetoric as a civic art . In the words of Aristotle , in the Rhetoric , rhetoric is `` ... the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion . '' According to Aristotle , this art of persuasion could be used in public settings in three different ways . He writes in Book I , Chapter III , `` A member of the assembly decides about future events , a juryman about past events : while those who merely decide on the orator 's skill are observers . From this it follows that there are three divisions of oratory -- ( 1 ) political , ( 2 ) forensic , and ( 3 ) the ceremonial oratory of display '' . Eugene Garver , in his critique of `` Aristotle 's Rhetoric '' , confirms that Aristotle viewed rhetoric as a civic art . Garver writes , `` Rhetoric articulates a civic art of rhetoric , combining the almost incompatible properties of techne and appropriateness to citizens . '' Each of Aristotle 's divisions plays a role in civic life and can be used in a different way to affect cities . Because rhetoric is a public art capable of shaping opinion , some of the ancients including Plato found fault in it . They claimed that while it could be used to improve civic life , it could be used equally easily to deceive or manipulate with negative effects on the city . The masses were incapable of analyzing or deciding anything on their own and would therefore be swayed by the most persuasive speeches . Thus , civic life could be controlled by the one who could deliver the best speech . Plato explores the problematic moral status of rhetoric twice : in Gorgias , a dialogue named for the famed Sophist , and in The Phaedrus , a dialogue best known for its commentary on love . This concern is still maintained to nowadays . More trusting in the power of rhetoric to support a republic , the Roman orator Cicero argued that art required something more than eloquence . A good orator needed also to be a good man , a person enlightened on a variety of civic topics . He describes the proper training of the orator in his major text on rhetoric , De Oratore , modeled on Plato 's dialogues . Modern day works continue to support the claims of the ancients that rhetoric is an art capable of influencing civic life . In his work Political Style , Robert Hariman claims , `` Furthermore , questions of freedom , equality , and justice often are raised and addressed through performances ranging from debates to demonstrations without loss of moral content '' . James Boyd White argues further that rhetoric is capable not only of addressing issues of political interest but that it can influence culture as a whole . In his book , When Words Lose Their Meaning , he argues that words of persuasion and identification define community and civic life . He states that words produce `` ... the methods by which culture is maintained , criticized , and transformed . '' Both White and Hariman agree that words and rhetoric have the power to shape culture and civic life . In modern times , rhetoric has consistently remained relevant as a civic art . In speeches , as well as in non-verbal forms , rhetoric continues to be used as a tool to influence communities from local to national levels . As a course of study ( edit ) Rhetoric as a course of study has evolved significantly since its ancient beginnings . Through the ages , the study and teaching of rhetoric has adapted to the particular exigencies of the time and venue . The study of rhetoric has conformed to a multitude of different applications , ranging from architecture to literature . Although the curriculum has transformed in a number of ways , it has generally emphasized the study of principles and rules of composition as a means for moving audiences . Generally speaking , the study of rhetoric trains students to speak and / or write effectively , as well as critically understand and analyze discourse . Rhetoric began as a civic art in Ancient Greece where students were trained to develop tactics of oratorical persuasion , especially in legal disputes . Rhetoric originated in a school of pre-Socratic philosophers known as the Sophists circa 600 BC . Demosthenes and Lysias emerged as major orators during this period , and Isocrates and Gorgias as prominent teachers . Rhetorical education focused on five particular canons : inventio ( invention ) , dispositio ( arrangement ) , elocutio ( style ) , memoria ( memory ) , and actio ( delivery ) . Modern teachings continue to reference these rhetorical leaders and their work in discussions of classical rhetoric and persuasion . Rhetoric was later taught in universities during the Middle Ages as one of the three original liberal arts or trivium ( along with logic and grammar ) . During the medieval period , political rhetoric declined as republican oratory died out and the emperors of Rome garnered increasing authority . With the rise of European monarchs in following centuries , rhetoric shifted into the courtly and religious applications . Augustine exerted strong influence on Christian rhetoric in the Middle Ages , advocating the use of rhetoric to lead audiences to truth and understanding , especially in the church . The study of liberal arts , he believed , contributed to rhetorical study : `` In the case of a keen and ardent nature , fine words will come more readily through reading and hearing the eloquent than by pursuing the rules of rhetoric . '' Poetry and letter writing , for instance , became a central component of rhetorical study during the Middle Ages . After the fall of the Republic in Rome , poetry became a tool for rhetorical training since there were fewer opportunities for political speech . Letter writing was the primary form through which business was conducted both in state and church , so it became an important aspect of rhetorical education . Rhetorical education became more restrained as style and substance separated in 16th - century France with Peter Ramus , and attention turned to the scientific method . That is , influential scholars like Ramus argued that the processes of invention and arrangement should be elevated to the domain of philosophy , while rhetorical instruction should be chiefly concerned with the use of figures and other forms of the ornamentation of language . Scholars such as Francis Bacon developed the study of `` scientific rhetoric . '' This concentration rejected the elaborate style characteristic of the classical oration . This plain language carried over to John Locke 's teaching , which emphasized concrete knowledge and steered away from ornamentation in speech , further alienating rhetorical instruction , which was identified wholly with this ornamentation , from the pursuit of knowledge . In the 18th century , rhetoric assumed a more social role , initiating the creation of new education systems . `` Elocution schools '' arose ( predominantly in England ) in which females analyzed classic literature , most notably the works of William Shakespeare , and discussed pronunciation tactics . The study of rhetoric underwent a revival with the rise of democratic institutions during the late 18th and early 19th centuries . Scotland 's author and theorist Hugh Blair served as a key leader of this movement during the late 18th century . In his most famous work `` Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres '' , he advocates rhetorical study for common citizens as a resource for social success . Many American colleges and secondary schools used Blair 's text throughout the 19th century to train students of rhetoric . Political rhetoric also underwent renewal in the wake of the US and French revolutions . The rhetorical studies of ancient Greece and Rome were resurrected in the studies of the era as speakers and teachers looked to Cicero and others to inspire defense of the new republic . Leading rhetorical theorists included John Quincy Adams of Harvard who advocated the democratic advancement of rhetorical art . Harvard 's founding of the Boylston Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory sparked the growth of rhetorical study in colleges across the United States . Harvard 's rhetoric program drew inspiration from literary sources to guide organization and style . Recently , there have been studies conducted examining the rhetoric used in political speech acts to illustrate how political figures will persuade audiences for their own purposes . Debate clubs and lyceums also developed as forums in which common citizens could hear speakers and sharpen debate skills . The American lyceum in particular was seen as both an educational and social institution , featuring group discussions and guest lecturers . These programs cultivated democratic values and promoted active participation in political analysis . Throughout the 20th century , rhetoric developed as a concentrated field of study with the establishment of rhetorical courses in high schools and universities . Courses such as public speaking and speech analysis apply fundamental Greek theories ( such as the modes of persuasion : ethos , pathos , and logos ) as well as trace rhetorical development throughout the course of history . Rhetoric has earned a more esteemed reputation as a field of study with the emergence of Communication Studies departments as well as Rhetoric and Composition programs within English departments in universities and in conjunction with the linguistic turn . Rhetorical study has broadened in scope , and is especially utilized by the fields of marketing , politics , and literature . Rhetoric , as an area of study , is concerned with how humans use symbols , especially language , to reach agreement that permits coordinated effort of some sort . Harvard University , the first university in the United States , based on the European model , taught a basic curriculum , including rhetoric . Rhetoric , in this sense , how to properly give speeches , played an important role in their training . Rhetoric was soon taught in departments of English as well . Knowledge ( edit ) The relationship between rhetoric and knowledge is an old and interesting philosophical problem , partly because of our different assumptions on the nature of knowledge . But it is fairly clear that while knowledge is primarily concerned with what is commonly known as `` truth '' , rhetoric is primarily concerned with statements and their effects on the audience . The word `` rhetoric '' may also refer to `` empty speak '' , which reflects an indifference to truth , and in this sense rhetoric is adversarial to knowledge . Plato famously criticized the Sophists for their rhetoric which had persuaded people to sentence his friend Socrates to death regardless of what was true . However , rhetoric is also used in the construction of true arguments , or in identifying what is relevant , the crux of the matter , in a selection of true but otherwise trivial statements . Hence , rhetoric is also closely related to knowledge . Eloquentia Perfecta ( edit ) Eloquentia Perfecta is a Jesuit rhetoric that revolves around cultivating a person as a whole , as one learns to speak and write for the common good . History ( edit ) Rhetoric has its origins in Mesopotamia . Some of the earliest examples of rhetoric can be found in the Akkadian writings of the princess and priestess Enheduanna ( c. 2285 -- 2250 BC , while later examples can be found in the Neo-Assyrian Empire during the time of Sennacherib ( 704 -- 681 BC ) . In ancient Egypt , rhetoric had existed since at least the Middle Kingdom period ( c. 2080 -- 1640 BC ) . The Egyptians held eloquent speaking in high esteem , and it was a skill that had a very high value in their society . The `` Egyptian rules of rhetoric '' also clearly specified that `` knowing when not to speak is essential , and very respected , rhetorical knowledge . '' Their `` approach to rhetoric '' was thus a `` balance between eloquence and wise silence . '' Their rules of speech also strongly emphasized `` adherence to social behaviors that support a conservative status quo '' and they held that `` skilled speech should support , not question , society . '' In ancient China , rhetoric dates back to the Chinese philosopher , Confucius ( 551 -- 479 BC ) , and continued with later followers . The tradition of Confucianism emphasized the use of eloquence in speaking . The use of rhetoric can also be found in the ancient Biblical tradition . In ancient Greece , the earliest mention of oratorical skill occurs in Homer 's Iliad , where heroes like Achilles , Hector , and Odysseus were honored for their ability to advise and exhort their peers and followers ( the Laos or army ) in wise and appropriate action . With the rise of the democratic polis , speaking skill was adapted to the needs of the public and political life of cities in ancient Greece , much of which revolved around the use of oratory as the medium through which political and judicial decisions were made , and through which philosophical ideas were developed and disseminated . For modern students today , it can be difficult to remember that the wide use and availability of written texts is a phenomenon that was just coming into vogue in Classical Greece . In Classical times , many of the great thinkers and political leaders performed their works before an audience , usually in the context of a competition or contest for fame , political influence , and cultural capital ; in fact , many of them are known only through the texts that their students , followers , or detractors wrote down . As has already been noted , rhetor was the Greek term for orator : A rhetor was a citizen who regularly addressed juries and political assemblies and who was thus understood to have gained some knowledge about public speaking in the process , though in general facility with language was often referred to as logôn techne , `` skill with arguments '' or `` verbal artistry . '' Rhetoric thus evolved as an important art , one that provided the orator with the forms , means , and strategies for persuading an audience of the correctness of the orator 's arguments . Today the term rhetoric can be used at times to refer only to the form of argumentation , often with the pejorative connotation that rhetoric is a means of obscuring the truth . Classical philosophers believed quite the contrary : the skilled use of rhetoric was essential to the discovery of truths , because it provided the means of ordering and clarifying arguments . Sophists ( edit ) Main article : Sophists In Europe , organized thought about public speaking began in ancient Greece . Possibly , the first study about the power of language may be attributed to the philosopher Empedocles ( d.c. 444 BC ) , whose theories on human knowledge would provide a basis for many future rhetoricians . The first written manual is attributed to Corax and his pupil Tisias . Their work , as well as that of many of the early rhetoricians , grew out of the courts of law ; Tisias , for example , is believed to have written judicial speeches that others delivered in the courts . Teaching in oratory was popularized in the 5th century BC by itinerant teachers known as sophists , the best known of whom were Protagoras ( c. 481 -- 420 BC ) , Gorgias ( c. 483 -- 376 BC ) , and Isocrates ( 436 -- 338 BC ) . The Sophists were a disparate group who travelled from city to city , teaching in public places to attract students and offer them an education . Their central focus was on logos or what we might broadly refer to as discourse , its functions and powers . They defined parts of speech , analyzed poetry , parsed close synonyms , invented argumentation strategies , and debated the nature of reality . They claimed to make their students `` better , '' or , in other words , to teach virtue . They thus claimed that human `` excellence '' was not an accident of fate or a prerogative of noble birth , but an art or `` techne '' that could be taught and learned . They were thus among the first humanists . Several sophists also questioned received wisdom about the gods and the Greek culture , which they believed was taken for granted by Greeks of their time , making them among the first agnostics . For example , they argued that cultural practices were a function of convention or nomos rather than blood or birth or phusis . They argued even further that morality or immorality of any action could not be judged outside of the cultural context within which it occurred . The well - known phrase , `` Man is the measure of all things '' arises from this belief . One of their most famous , and infamous , doctrines has to do with probability and counter arguments . They taught that every argument could be countered with an opposing argument , that an argument 's effectiveness derived from how `` likely '' it appeared to the audience ( its probability of seeming true ) , and that any probability argument could be countered with an inverted probability argument . Thus , if it seemed likely that a strong , poor man were guilty of robbing a rich , weak man , the strong poor man could argue , on the contrary , that this very likelihood ( that he would be a suspect ) makes it unlikely that he committed the crime , since he would most likely be apprehended for the crime . They also taught and were known for their ability to make the weaker ( or worse ) argument the stronger ( or better ) . Aristophanes famously parodies the clever inversions that sophists were known for in his play The Clouds . The word `` sophistry '' developed strong negative connotations in ancient Greece that continue today , but in ancient Greece sophists were nevertheless popular and well - paid professionals , widely respected for their abilities but also widely criticized for their excesses . Isocrates ( edit ) Main article : Isocrates Isocrates ( 436 -- 338 BC ) , like the sophists , taught public speaking as a means of human improvement , but he worked to distinguish himself from the Sophists , whom he saw as claiming far more than they could deliver . He suggested that while an art of virtue or excellence did exist , it was only one piece , and the least , in a process of self - improvement that relied much more heavily on native talent and desire , constant practice , and the imitation of good models . Isocrates believed that practice in speaking publicly about noble themes and important questions would function to improve the character of both speaker and audience while also offering the best service to a city . In fact , Isocrates was an outspoken champion of rhetoric as a mode of civic engagement . He thus wrote his speeches as `` models '' for his students to imitate in the same way that poets might imitate Homer or Hesiod , seeking to inspire in them a desire to attain fame through civic leadership . His was the first permanent school in Athens and it is likely that Plato 's Academy and Aristotle 's Lyceum were founded in part as a response to Isocrates . Though he left no handbooks , his speeches ( `` Antidosis '' and `` Against the Sophists '' are most relevant to students of rhetoric ) became models of oratory ( he was one of the canonical `` Ten Attic Orators '' ) and keys to his entire educational program . He had a marked influence on Cicero and Quintilian , and through them , on the entire educational system of the west . Plato ( edit ) Main articles : Plato and Platonism Plato ( 427 -- 347 BC ) famously outlined the differences between true and false rhetoric in a number of dialogues ; particularly the Gorgias and Phaedrus dialogues wherein Plato disputes the sophistic notion that the art of persuasion ( the sophists ' art , which he calls `` rhetoric '' ) , can exist independent of the art of dialectic . Plato claims that since sophists appeal only to what seems probable , they are not advancing their students and audiences , but simply flattering them with what they want to hear . While Plato 's condemnation of rhetoric is clear in the Gorgias , in the Phaedrus he suggests the possibility of a true art wherein rhetoric is based upon the knowledge produced by dialectic , and relies on a dialectically informed rhetoric to appeal to the main character , Phaedrus , to take up philosophy . Thus Plato 's rhetoric is actually dialectic ( or philosophy ) `` turned '' toward those who are not yet philosophers and are thus unready to pursue dialectic directly . Plato 's animosity against rhetoric , and against the sophists , derives not only from their inflated claims to teach virtue and their reliance on appearances , but from the fact that his teacher , Socrates , was sentenced to death after sophists ' efforts . Aristotle ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main article : Rhetoric ( Aristotle ) A marble bust of Aristotle Aristotle ( 384 -- 322 BC ) was a student of Plato who famously set forth an extended treatise on rhetoric that still repays careful study today . In the first sentence of The Art of Rhetoric , Aristotle says that `` rhetoric is the counterpart ( literally , the antistrophe ) of dialectic . '' As the `` antistrophe '' of a Greek ode responds to and is patterned after the structure of the `` strophe '' ( they form two sections of the whole and are sung by two parts of the chorus ) , so the art of rhetoric follows and is structurally patterned after the art of dialectic because both are arts of discourse production . Thus , while dialectical methods are necessary to find truth in theoretical matters , rhetorical methods are required in practical matters such as adjudicating somebody 's guilt or innocence when charged in a court of law , or adjudicating a prudent course of action to be taken in a deliberative assembly . The core features of dialectic include the absence of determined subject matter , its elaboration on earlier empirical practice , the explication of its aims , the type of utility and the definition of the proper function . For Plato and Aristotle , dialectic involves persuasion , so when Aristotle says that rhetoric is the antistrophe of dialectic , he means that rhetoric as he uses the term has a domain or scope of application that is parallel to , but different from , the domain or scope of application of dialectic . In Nietzsche Humanist ( 1998 : 129 ) , Claude Pavur explains that `` ( t ) he Greek prefix ' anti ' does not merely designate opposition , but it can also mean ' in place of . ' '' When Aristotle characterizes rhetoric as the antistrophe of dialectic , he no doubt means that rhetoric is used in place of dialectic when we are discussing civic issues in a court of law or in a legislative assembly . The domain of rhetoric is civic affairs and practical decision making in civic affairs , not theoretical considerations of operational definitions of terms and clarification of thought . These , for him , are in the domain of dialectic . Aristotle 's treatise on rhetoric systematically describes civic rhetoric as a human art or skill ( techne ) . It is more of an objective theory than it is an interpretive theory with a rhetorical tradition . Aristotle 's art of rhetoric emphasizes persuasion as the purpose of rhetoric . His definition of rhetoric as `` the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion , '' essentially a mode of discovery , limits the art to the inventional process , and Aristotle heavily emphasizes the logical aspect of this process . In his account , rhetoric is the art of discovering all available means of persuasion . A speaker supports the probability of a message by logical , ethical , and emotional proofs . Some form of logos , ethos , and pathos is present in every possible public presentation that exists . But the treatise in fact also discusses not only elements of style and ( briefly ) delivery , but also emotional appeals ( pathos ) and characterological appeals ( ethos ) . Aristotle identifies three steps or `` offices '' of rhetoric -- invention , arrangement , and style -- and three different types of rhetorical proof : ethos ( Aristotle 's theory of character and how the character and credibility of a speaker can influence an audience to consider him / her to be believable -- there being three qualities that contribute to a credible ethos : perceived intelligence , virtuous character , and goodwill ) ; pathos ( the use of emotional appeals to alter the audience 's judgment through metaphor , amplification , storytelling , or presenting the topic in a way that evokes strong emotions in the audience . ) ; and , logos ( the use of reasoning , either inductive or deductive , to construct an argument ) . Aristotle emphasized enthymematic reasoning as central to the process of rhetorical invention , though later rhetorical theorists placed much less emphasis on it . An `` enthymeme '' would follow today 's form of a syllogism ; however it would exclude either the major or minor premise . An enthymeme is persuasive because the audience is providing the missing premise . Because the audience is able to provide the missing premise , they are more likely to be persuaded by the message . Aristotle identified three different types or genres of civic rhetoric . Forensic ( also known as judicial ) , was concerned with determining the truth or falseness of events that took place in the past and issues of guilt . An example of forensic rhetoric would be in a courtroom . Deliberative ( also known as political ) , was concerned with determining whether or not particular actions should or should not be taken in the future . Making laws would be an example of deliberative rhetoric . Epideictic ( also known as ceremonial ) , was concerned with praise and blame , values , right and wrong , demonstrating beauty and skill in the present . Examples of epideictic rhetoric would include a eulogy or a wedding toast . Canons ( edit ) The Five Canons of Rhetoric serve as a guide to creating persuasive messages and arguments . These are invention ( the process of developing arguments ) ; arrangement ( organizing the arguments for extreme effect ) ; style ( determining how to present the arguments ) ; delivery ( the gestures , pronunciation , tone and pace used when presenting the persuasive arguments ) ; and memory ( the process of learning and memorizing the speech and persuasive messages . ) In the rhetoric field , there is an intellectual debate about Aristotle 's definition of rhetoric . Some believe that Aristotle defines rhetoric in On Rhetoric as the art of persuasion , while others think he defines it as the art of judgment . Rhetoric as the art of judgment would mean the rhetor discerns the available means of persuasion with a choice . Aristotle also says rhetoric is concerned with judgment because the audience judges the rhetor 's ethos . One of the most famous of Aristotelian doctrines was the idea of topics ( also referred to as common topics or commonplaces ) . Though the term had a wide range of application ( as a memory technique or compositional exercise , for example ) it most often referred to the `` seats of argument '' -- the list of categories of thought or modes of reasoning -- that a speaker could use to generate arguments or proofs . The topics were thus a heuristic or inventional tool designed to help speakers categorize and thus better retain and apply frequently used types of argument . For example , since we often see effects as `` like '' their causes , one way to invent an argument ( about a future effect ) is by discussing the cause ( which it will be `` like '' ) . This and other rhetorical topics derive from Aristotle 's belief that there are certain predictable ways in which humans ( particularly non-specialists ) draw conclusions from premises . Based upon and adapted from his dialectical Topics , the rhetorical topics became a central feature of later rhetorical theorizing , most famously in Cicero 's work of that name . Cicero ( edit ) Main articles : Cicero , Asiatic style , De Inventione , De Oratore , Brutus ( Cicero ) , De Optimo Genere Oratorum , and De Partitionibus Oratoriae Bust of Marcus Tullius Cicero For the Romans , oration became an important part of public life . Cicero ( 106 -- 43 BC ) was chief among Roman rhetoricians and remains the best known ancient orator and the only orator who both spoke in public and produced treatises on the subject . Rhetorica ad Herennium , formerly attributed to Cicero but now considered to be of unknown authorship , is one of the most significant works on rhetoric and is still widely used as a reference today . It is an extensive reference on the use of rhetoric , and in the Middle Ages and Renaissance , it achieved wide publication as an advanced school text on rhetoric . Cicero is considered one of the most significant rhetoricians of all time , charting a middle path between the competing Attic and Asiatic styles to become considered second only to Demosthenes among history 's orators . His works include the early and very influential De Inventione ( On Invention , often read alongside the Ad Herennium as the two basic texts of rhetorical theory throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance ) , De Oratore ( a fuller statement of rhetorical principles in dialogue form ) , Topics ( a rhetorical treatment of common topics , highly influential through the Renaissance ) , Brutus ( Cicero ) ( a discussion of famous orators ) and Orator ( a defense of Cicero 's style ) . Cicero also left a large body of speeches and letters which would establish the outlines of Latin eloquence and style for generations to come . It was the rediscovery of Cicero 's speeches ( such as the defense of Archias ) and letters ( to Atticus ) by Italians like Petrarch that , in part , ignited the cultural innovations that we know as the Renaissance . He championed the learning of Greek ( and Greek rhetoric ) , contributed to Roman ethics , linguistics , philosophy , and politics , and emphasized the importance of all forms of appeal ( emotion , humor , stylistic range , irony and digression in addition to pure reasoning ) in oratory . But perhaps his most significant contribution to subsequent rhetoric , and education in general , was his argument that orators learn not only about the specifics of their case ( the hypothesis ) but also about the general questions from which they derived ( the theses ) . Thus , in giving a speech in defense of a poet whose Roman citizenship had been questioned , the orator should examine not only the specifics of that poet 's civic status , he should also examine the role and value of poetry and of literature more generally in Roman culture and political life . The orator , said Cicero , needed to be knowledgeable about all areas of human life and culture , including law , politics , history , literature , ethics , warfare , medicine , even arithmetic and geometry . Cicero gave rise to the idea that the `` ideal orator '' be well - versed in all branches of learning : an idea that was rendered as `` liberal humanism , '' and that lives on today in liberal arts or general education requirements in colleges and universities around the world . Quintilian ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main articles : Quintilian and Byzantine rhetoric Quintilian ( 35 -- 100 AD ) began his career as a pleader in the courts of law ; his reputation grew so great that Vespasian created a chair of rhetoric for him in Rome . The culmination of his life 's work was the Institutio Oratoria ( Institutes of Oratory , or alternatively , The Orator 's Education ) , a lengthy treatise on the training of the orator , in which he discusses the training of the `` perfect '' orator from birth to old age and , in the process , reviews the doctrines and opinions of many influential rhetoricians who preceded him . In the Institutes , Quintilian organizes rhetorical study through the stages of education that an aspiring orator would undergo , beginning with the selection of a nurse . Aspects of elementary education ( training in reading and writing , grammar , and literary criticism ) are followed by preliminary rhetorical exercises in composition ( the progymnasmata ) that include maxims and fables , narratives and comparisons , and finally full legal or political speeches . The delivery of speeches within the context of education or for entertainment purposes became widespread and popular under the term `` declamation . '' Rhetorical training proper was categorized under five canons that would persist for centuries in academic circles : Inventio ( invention ) is the process that leads to the development and refinement of an argument . Once arguments are developed , dispositio ( disposition , or arrangement ) is used to determine how it should be organized for greatest effect , usually beginning with the exordium . Once the speech content is known and the structure is determined , the next steps involve elocutio ( style ) and pronuntiatio ( presentation ) . Memoria ( memory ) comes to play as the speaker recalls each of these elements during the speech . Actio ( delivery ) is the final step as the speech is presented in a gracious and pleasing way to the audience -- the Grand Style . This work was available only in fragments in medieval times , but the discovery of a complete copy at the Abbey of St. Gall in 1416 led to its emergence as one of the most influential works on rhetoric during the Renaissance . Quintilian 's work describes not just the art of rhetoric , but the formation of the perfect orator as a politically active , virtuous , publicly minded citizen . His emphasis was on the ethical application of rhetorical training , in part a reaction against the growing tendency in Roman schools toward standardization of themes and techniques . At the same time that rhetoric was becoming divorced from political decision making , rhetoric rose as a culturally vibrant and important mode of entertainment and cultural criticism in a movement known as the `` second sophistic , '' a development that gave rise to the charge ( made by Quintilian and others ) that teachers were emphasizing style over substance in rhetoric . Medieval to enlightenment ( edit ) After the breakup of the western Roman Empire , the study of rhetoric continued to be central to the study of the verbal arts ; but the study of the verbal arts went into decline for several centuries , followed eventually by a gradual rise in formal education , culminating in the rise of medieval universities . But rhetoric transmuted during this period into the arts of letter writing ( ars dictaminis ) and sermon writing ( ars praedicandi ) . As part of the trivium , rhetoric was secondary to the study of logic , and its study was highly scholastic : students were given repetitive exercises in the creation of discourses on historical subjects ( suasoriae ) or on classic legal questions ( controversiae ) . Although he is not commonly regarded as a rhetorician , St. Augustine ( 354 -- 430 ) was trained in rhetoric and was at one time a professor of Latin rhetoric in Milan . After his conversion to Christianity , he became interested in using these `` pagan '' arts for spreading his religion . This new use of rhetoric is explored in the Fourth Book of his De Doctrina Christiana , which laid the foundation of what would become homiletics , the rhetoric of the sermon . Augustine begins the book by asking why `` the power of eloquence , which is so efficacious in pleading either for the erroneous cause or the right '' , should not be used for righteous purposes ( IV . 3 ) . One early concern of the medieval Christian church was its attitude to classical rhetoric itself . Jerome ( d . 420 ) complained , `` What has Horace to do with the Psalms , Virgil with the Gospels , Cicero with the Apostles ? '' Augustine is also remembered for arguing for the preservation of pagan works and fostering a church tradition that led to conservation of numerous pre-Christian rhetorical writings . Rhetoric would not regain its classical heights until the Renaissance , but new writings did advance rhetorical thought . Boethius ( 480 ? -- 524 ) , in his brief Overview of the Structure of Rhetoric , continues Aristotle 's taxonomy by placing rhetoric in subordination to philosophical argument or dialectic . The introduction of Arab scholarship from European relations with the Muslim empire ( in particular Al - Andalus ) renewed interest in Aristotle and Classical thought in general , leading to what some historians call the 12th century Renaissance . A number of medieval grammars and studies of poetry and rhetoric appeared . Late medieval rhetorical writings include those of St. Thomas Aquinas ( 1225 ? -- 1274 ) , Matthew of Vendome ( Ars Versificatoria , 1175 ? ) , and Geoffrey of Vinsauf ( Poetria Nova , 1200 -- 1216 ) . Pre-modern female rhetoricians , outside of Socrates ' friend Aspasia , are rare ; but medieval rhetoric produced by women either in religious orders , such as Julian of Norwich ( d . 1415 ) , or the very well - connected Christine de Pizan ( 1364 ? -- 1430 ? ) , did occur if not always recorded in writing . In his 1943 Cambridge University doctoral dissertation in English , Canadian Marshall McLuhan ( 1911 -- 1980 ) surveys the verbal arts from approximately the time of Cicero down to the time of Thomas Nashe ( 1567 -- 1600 ? ) . His dissertation is still noteworthy for undertaking to study the history of the verbal arts together as the trivium , even though the developments that he surveys have been studied in greater detail since he undertook his study . As noted below , McLuhan became one of the most widely publicized thinkers in the 20th century , so it is important to note his scholarly roots in the study of the history of rhetoric and dialectic . Another interesting record of medieval rhetorical thought can be seen in the many animal debate poems popular in England and the continent during the Middle Ages , such as The Owl and the Nightingale ( 13th century ) and Geoffrey Chaucer 's Parliament of Fowls ( 1382 ? ) . Sixteenth century ( edit ) Walter J. Ong 's article `` Humanism '' in the 1967 New Catholic Encyclopedia surveys Renaissance humanism , which defined itself broadly as disfavoring medieval scholastic logic and dialectic and as favoring instead the study of classical Latin style and grammar and philology and rhetoric . ( Reprinted in Ong 's Faith and Contexts ( Scholars Press , 1999 ; 4 : 69 -- 91 . ) ) Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam One influential figure in the rebirth of interest in classical rhetoric was Erasmus ( c. 1466 -- 1536 ) . His 1512 work , De Duplici Copia Verborum et Rerum ( also known as Copia : Foundations of the Abundant Style ) , was widely published ( it went through more than 150 editions throughout Europe ) and became one of the basic school texts on the subject . Its treatment of rhetoric is less comprehensive than the classic works of antiquity , but provides a traditional treatment of res - verba ( matter and form ) : its first book treats the subject of elocutio , showing the student how to use schemes and tropes ; the second book covers inventio . Much of the emphasis is on abundance of variation ( copia means `` plenty '' or `` abundance '' , as in copious or cornucopia ) , so both books focus on ways to introduce the maximum amount of variety into discourse . For instance , in one section of the De Copia , Erasmus presents two hundred variations of the sentence `` Semper , dum vivam , tui meminero . '' Another of his works , the extremely popular The Praise of Folly , also had considerable influence on the teaching of rhetoric in the later 16th century . Its orations in favour of qualities such as madness spawned a type of exercise popular in Elizabethan grammar schools , later called adoxography , which required pupils to compose passages in praise of useless things . Juan Luis Vives ( 1492 -- 1540 ) also helped shape the study of rhetoric in England . A Spaniard , he was appointed in 1523 to the Lectureship of Rhetoric at Oxford by Cardinal Wolsey , and was entrusted by Henry VIII to be one of the tutors of Mary . Vives fell into disfavor when Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon and left England in 1528 . His best - known work was a book on education , De Disciplinis , published in 1531 , and his writings on rhetoric included Rhetoricae , sive De Ratione Dicendi , Libri Tres ( 1533 ) , De Consultatione ( 1533 ) , and a rhetoric on letter writing , De Conscribendis Epistolas ( 1536 ) . It is likely that many well - known English writers were exposed to the works of Erasmus and Vives ( as well as those of the Classical rhetoricians ) in their schooling , which was conducted in Latin ( not English ) and often included some study of Greek and placed considerable emphasis on rhetoric . See , for example , T.W. Baldwin 's William Shakspere 's Small Latine and Lesse Greeke , 2 vols . ( University of Illinois Press , 1944 ) . The mid-16th century saw the rise of vernacular rhetorics -- those written in English rather than in the Classical languages ; adoption of works in English was slow , however , due to the strong orientation toward Latin and Greek . Leonard Cox 's The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke ( c. 1524 -- 1530 ; second edition published in 1532 ) is considered to be the earliest text on rhetorics in English ; it was , for the most part , a translation of the work of Philipp Melanchthon . A successful early text was Thomas Wilson 's The Arte of Rhetorique ( 1553 ) , which presents a traditional treatment of rhetoric . For instance , Wilson presents the five canons of rhetoric ( Invention , Disposition , Elocutio , Memoria , and Utterance or Actio ) . Other notable works included Angel Day 's The English Secretorie ( 1586 , 1592 ) , George Puttenham 's The Arte of English Poesie ( 1589 ) , and Richard Rainholde 's Foundacion of Rhetorike ( 1563 ) . During this same period , a movement began that would change the organization of the school curriculum in Protestant and especially Puritan circles and led to rhetoric losing its central place . A French scholar , Pierre de la Ramée , in Latin Petrus Ramus ( 1515 -- 1572 ) , dissatisfied with what he saw as the overly broad and redundant organization of the trivium , proposed a new curriculum . In his scheme of things , the five components of rhetoric no longer lived under the common heading of rhetoric . Instead , invention and disposition were determined to fall exclusively under the heading of dialectic , while style , delivery , and memory were all that remained for rhetoric . See Walter J. Ong , Ramus , Method , and the Decay of Dialogue : From the Art of Discourse to the Art of Reason ( Harvard University Press , 1958 ; reissued by the University of Chicago Press , 2004 , with a new foreword by Adrian Johns ) . Ramus was martyred during the French Wars of Religion . His teachings , seen as inimical to Catholicism , were short - lived in France but found a fertile ground in the Netherlands , Germany and England . One of Ramus ' French followers , Audomarus Talaeus ( Omer Talon ) published his rhetoric , Institutiones Oratoriae , in 1544 . This work provided a simple presentation of rhetoric that emphasized the treatment of style , and became so popular that it was mentioned in John Brinsley 's ( 1612 ) Ludus literarius ; or The Grammar Schoole as being the `` most used in the best schooles . '' Many other Ramist rhetorics followed in the next half - century , and by the 17th century , their approach became the primary method of teaching rhetoric in Protestant and especially Puritan circles . John Milton ( 1608 -- 1674 ) wrote a textbook in logic or dialectic in Latin based on Ramus ' work . Ramism could not exert any influence on the established Catholic schools and universities , which remained loyal to Scholasticism , or on the new Catholic schools and universities founded by members of the religious orders known as the Society of Jesus or the Oratorians , as can be seen in the Jesuit curriculum ( in use right up to the 19th century , across the Christian world ) known as the Ratio Studiorum ( that Claude Pavur , S.J. , has recently translated into English , with the Latin text in the parallel column on each page ( St. Louis : Institute of Jesuit Sources , 2005 ) ) . If the influence of Cicero and Quintilian permeates the Ratio Studiorum , it is through the lenses of devotion and the militancy of the Counter-Reformation . The Ratio was indeed imbued with a sense of the divine , of the incarnate logos , that is of rhetoric as an eloquent and humane means to reach further devotion and further action in the Christian city , which was absent from Ramist formalism . The Ratio is , in rhetoric , the answer to St Ignatius Loyola 's practice , in devotion , of `` spiritual exercises . '' This complex oratorical - prayer system is absent from Ramism . Seventeenth century ( edit ) In New England and at Harvard College ( founded 1636 ) , Ramus and his followers dominated , as Perry Miller shows in The New England Mind : The Seventeenth Century ( Harvard University Press , 1939 ) . However , in England , several writers influenced the course of rhetoric during the 17th century , many of them carrying forward the dichotomy that had been set forth by Ramus and his followers during the preceding decades . Of greater importance is that this century saw the development of a modern , vernacular style that looked to English , rather than to Greek , Latin , or French models . Francis Bacon ( 1561 -- 1626 ) , although not a rhetorician , contributed to the field in his writings . One of the concerns of the age was to find a suitable style for the discussion of scientific topics , which needed above all a clear exposition of facts and arguments , rather than the ornate style favored at the time . Bacon in his The Advancement of Learning criticized those who are preoccupied with style rather than `` the weight of matter , worth of subject , soundness of argument , life of invention , or depth of judgment . '' On matters of style , he proposed that the style conform to the subject matter and to the audience , that simple words be employed whenever possible , and that the style should be agreeable . Thomas Hobbes ( 1588 -- 1679 ) also wrote on rhetoric . Along with a shortened translation of Aristotle 's Rhetoric , Hobbes also produced a number of other works on the subject . Sharply contrarian on many subjects , Hobbes , like Bacon , also promoted a simpler and more natural style that used figures of speech sparingly . Perhaps the most influential development in English style came out of the work of the Royal Society ( founded in 1660 ) , which in 1664 set up a committee to improve the English language . Among the committee 's members were John Evelyn ( 1620 -- 1706 ) , Thomas Sprat ( 1635 -- 1713 ) , and John Dryden ( 1631 -- 1700 ) . Sprat regarded `` fine speaking '' as a disease , and thought that a proper style should `` reject all amplifications , digressions , and swellings of style '' and instead `` return back to a primitive purity and shortness '' ( History of the Royal Society , 1667 ) . While the work of this committee never went beyond planning , John Dryden is often credited with creating and exemplifying a new and modern English style . His central tenet was that the style should be proper `` to the occasion , the subject , and the persons . '' As such , he advocated the use of English words whenever possible instead of foreign ones , as well as vernacular , rather than Latinate , syntax . His own prose ( and his poetry ) became exemplars of this new style . Eighteenth century ( edit ) Arguably one of the most influential schools of rhetoric during this time was Scottish Belletristic rhetoric , exemplified by such professors of rhetoric as Hugh Blair whose Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres saw international success in various editions and translations . Modern ( edit ) At the turn of the 20th century , there was a revival of rhetorical study manifested in the establishment of departments of rhetoric and speech at academic institutions , as well as the formation of national and international professional organizations . Jim A. Kuypers and Andrew King suggest that the early interest in rhetorical studies was a movement away from elocution as taught in departments of English in the United States , and was an attempt to refocus rhetorical studies away from delivery only to civic engagement . Collectively , they write , twentieth century rhetorical studies offered an understanding of rhetoric that demonstrated a `` rich complexity '' of how rhetorical scholars understood the nature of rhetoric . Theorists generally agree that by the 1930s a significant reason for the revival of the study of rhetoric was the renewed importance of language and persuasion in the increasingly mediated environment of the 20th century ( see Linguistic turn ) and through the 21st century , with the media focus on the wide variations and analyses of political rhetoric and its consequences . The rise of advertising and of mass media such as photography , telegraphy , radio , and film brought rhetoric more prominently into people 's lives . More recently the term rhetoric has been applied to media forms other than verbal language , e.g. Visual rhetoric . Notable modern theorists ( edit ) Chaïm Perelman was a philosopher of law , who studied , taught , and lived most of his life in Brussels . He was among the most important argumentation theorists of the 20th century . His chief work is the Traité de l'argumentation -- la nouvelle rhétorique ( 1958 ) , with Lucie Olbrechts - Tyteca , which was translated into English as The New Rhetoric : A Treatise on Argumentation , by John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver ( 1969 ) . Perelman and Olbrechts - Tyteca move rhetoric from the periphery to the center of argumentation theory . Among their most influential concepts are `` dissociation , '' `` the universal audience , '' `` quasi-logical argument , '' and `` presence . '' Kenneth Burke was a rhetorical theorist , philosopher , and poet . Many of his works are central to modern rhetorical theory : A Rhetoric of Motives ( 1950 ) , A Grammar of Motives ( 1945 ) , Language as Symbolic Action ( 1966 ) , and Counterstatement ( 1931 ) . Among his influential concepts are `` identification , '' `` consubstantiality , '' and the `` dramatistic pentad . '' He described rhetoric as `` the use of language as a symbolic means of inducing cooperation in beings that by nature respond to symbols . '' In relation to Aristotle 's theory , Aristotle was more interested in constructing rhetoric , while Burke was interested in `` debunking '' it . Edwin Black was a rhetorical critic best known for his book Rhetorical Criticism : A Study in Method ( 1965 ) in which he criticized the dominant `` neo-Aristotelian '' tradition in American rhetorical criticism as having little in common with Aristotle `` besides some recurrent topics of discussion and a vaguely derivative view of rhetorical discourse . '' Furthermore , he contended , because rhetorical scholars had been focusing primarily on Aristotelian logical forms they often overlooked important , alternative types of discourse . He also published several highly influential essays including : `` Secrecy and Disclosure as Rhetorical Forms '' , `` The Second Persona , '' and `` A Note on Theory and Practice in Rhetorical Criticism '' . Marshall McLuhan was a media theorist whose theories and whose choice of objects of study are important to the study of rhetoric . McLuhan 's famous dictum `` the medium is the message '' highlights the significance of the medium itself . No other scholar of the history and theory of rhetoric was as widely publicized in the 20th century as McLuhan . I.A. Richards was a literary critic and rhetorician . His The Philosophy of Rhetoric is an important text in modern rhetorical theory . In this work , he defined rhetoric as `` a study of misunderstandings and its remedies , '' and introduced the influential concepts tenor and vehicle to describe the components of a metaphor -- the main idea and the concept to which it is compared . The Groupe μ . This interdisciplinary team has contributed to the renovation of the elocutio in the context of poetics and modern linguistics , significantly with Rhétorique générale ( 1970 ; translated into English as A General Rhetoric , by Paul B. Burrell et Edgar M. Slotkin , Johns Hopkins University Press , 1981 ) and Rhétorique de la poésie ( 1977 ) . Stephen Toulmin was a philosopher whose models of argumentation have had great influence on modern rhetorical theory . His Uses of Argument is an important text in modern rhetorical theory and argumentation theory . Richard Vatz is a rhetorician responsible for the salience - agenda / meaning - spin conceptualization of rhetoric , later revised ( 2014 ) to an `` agenda - spin '' model , a conceptualization which emphasizes persuader responsibility for the agenda and spin he / she creates . His theory is notable for its agent - focused perspective , articulated in / The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion / ( Kendall Hunt ) , derived from the Summer , 1973 / Philosophy and Rhetoric / article , `` The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation . '' Richard M. Weaver was a rhetorical and cultural critic well known for his contributions to the new conservatism . He focused on the ethical implications of rhetoric and his ideas can be seen in `` Language is Sermonic '' and `` The Ethics of Rhetoric . '' According to Weaver there are four types of argument , and through the argument a person habitually uses the critic can see the rhetorician 's worldview . Those who prefer the argument from genus or definition are idealists . Those who argue from similitude see the connectedness between things and are used by poets and religious individuals . The argument from consequence sees a cause and effect relationship . Finally the argument from circumstance considers the particulars of a situation and is an argument preferred by liberals . Gloria Anzaldua was a `` Mestiza '' and `` Borderland '' rhetorician , as well as a Mexican - American poet and pioneer in the field of Chicana lesbian feminism . Mestiza and Borderland rhetoric focused on ones ' formation of identity , disregarding societal and discourse labels . With `` Mestiza '' rhetoric , one viewed the world as discovering one 's `` self '' in others and others ' `` self '' in you . Through this process , one accepted living in a world of contradictions and ambiguity . Anzaldua learned to balance cultures , being Mexican in the eyes of the Anglo - majority and Indian in a Mexican culture . Her other notable works include : Sinister Wisdom , Borderlands / La Fronters : The New Mestiza , and La Prieta . Gertrude Buck was one of the prominent female rhetorical theorists who was also a composition educator . Her scholastic contributions such as `` The present status of Rhetorical Theory '' to inspire the egalitarian status of hearers - speakers to achieve the goal of communication . Another piece that she edited with Newton Scott is `` Brief English Grammar '' which troubled the common prescriptive grammar . This book received a lot of praise and critiques for descriptive nature of social responsibility from non-mainstream beliefs . Krista Ratcliffe is one of the prominent female rhetorical theorists . She wrote one of her influential models of `` Rhetorical Listening : Identification , Gender , Whiteness . '' In it , she theorizes many ways in which effect has to navigate the pitfalls of biases , ideological and cultural conditioning , and appropriation . She points out and recommends relentless engagement . In her Book , Ratcliffe seems to recommend when she said that I would suggest that teachers should keep themselves open to hearing diverse layers in their students ' texts that both challenge their biases and point to new textual possibilities . Methods of analysis ( edit ) Criticism seen as a method ( edit ) Rhetoric can be analyzed by a variety of methods and theories . One such method is criticism . When those using criticism analyze instances of rhetoric what they do is called rhetorical criticism ( see section below ) . According to rhetorical critic Jim A. Kuypers , `` The use of rhetoric is an art ; as such , it does not lend itself well to scientific methods of analysis . Criticism is an art as well ; as such , it is particularly well suited for examining rhetorical creations . '' He asserts that criticism is a method of generating knowledge just as the scientific method is a method for generating knowledge : `` The way the Sciences and the Humanities study the phenomena that surround us differ greatly in the amount of researcher personality allowed to influence the results of the study . For example , in the Sciences researchers purposefully adhere to a strict method ( the scientific method ) . All scientific researchers are to use this same basic method , and successful experiments must be 100 percent replicable by others . The application of the scientific method may take numerous forms , but the overall method remains the same -- and the personality of the researcher is excised from the actual study . In sharp contrast , criticism ( one of many Humanistic methods of generating knowledge ) actively involves the personality of the researcher . The very choices of what to study , and how and why to study a rhetorical artifact are heavily influenced by the personal qualities of the researcher . In criticism this is especially important since the personality of the critic considered an integral component of the study . Further personalizing criticism , we find that rhetorical critics use a variety of means when examining a particular rhetorical artifact , with some critics even developing their own unique perspective to better examine a rhetorical artifact . '' Edwin Black ( rhetorician ) wrote on this point that , `` Methods , then , admit of varying degrees of personality . And criticism , on the whole , is near the indeterminate , contingent , personal end of the methodological scale . In consequence of this placement , it is neither possible nor desirable for criticism to be fixed into a system , for critical techniques to be objectified , for critics to be interchangeable for purposes of ( scientific ) replication , or for rhetorical criticism to serve as the handmaiden of quasi-scientific theory . ( The ) idea is that critical method is too personally expressive to be systematized . Jim A. Kuypers sums this idea of criticism as art in the following manner : `` In short , criticism is an art , not a science . It is not a scientific method ; it uses subjective methods of argument ; it exists on its own , not in conjunction with other methods of generating knowledge ( i.e. , social scientific or scientific ) . ( I ) nsight and imagination top statistical applications when studying rhetorical action . '' Observation on analytic method ( edit ) There does not exist an analytic method that is widely recognized as `` the '' rhetorical method , partly because many in rhetorical study see rhetoric as merely produced by reality ( see dissent from that view below ) . It is important to note that the object of rhetorical analysis is typically discourse , and therefore the principles of `` rhetorical analysis '' would be difficult to distinguish from those of `` discourse analysis . '' However , rhetorical analytic methods can also be applied to almost anything , including objects -- a car , a castle , a computer , a comportment . Generally speaking , rhetorical analysis makes use of rhetorical concepts ( ethos , logos , kairos , mediation , etc . ) to describe the social or epistemological functions of the object of study . When the object of study happens to be some type of discourse ( a speech , a poem , a joke , a newspaper article ) , the aim of rhetorical analysis is not simply to describe the claims and arguments advanced within the discourse , but ( more important ) to identify the specific semiotic strategies employed by the speaker to accomplish specific persuasive goals . Therefore , after a rhetorical analyst discovers a use of language that is particularly important in achieving persuasion , she typically moves onto the question of `` How does it work ? '' That is , what effects does this particular use of rhetoric have on an audience , and how does that effect provide more clues as to the speaker 's ( or writer 's ) objectives ? There are some scholars who do partial rhetorical analysis and defer judgments about rhetorical success . In other words , some analysts attempt to avoid the question of `` Was this use of rhetoric successful ( in accomplishing the aims of the speaker ) ? '' To others , however , that is the preeminent point : is the rhetoric strategically effective and what did the rhetoric accomplish ? This question allows a shift in focus from the speaker 's objectives to the effects and functions of the rhetoric itself . Strategies ( edit ) Rhetorical strategies are the efforts made by authors to persuade or inform their readers . Rhetorical strategies are employed by writers and refer to the different ways they can persuade the reader . According to Gray , there are various argument strategies used in writing . He describes four of these as argument from analogy , argument from absurdity , thought experiments , and inference to the best explanation . Criticism ( edit ) Modern rhetorical criticism explores the relationship between text and context ; that is , how an instance of rhetoric relates to circumstances . Since the aim of rhetoric is to be persuasive , the level to which the rhetoric in question persuades its audience is what must be analyzed , and later criticized . In determining the extent to which a text is persuasive , one may explore the text 's relationship with its audience , purpose , ethics , argument , evidence , arrangement , delivery , and style . In his Rhetorical Criticism : A Study in Method , scholar Edwin Black states , `` It is the task of criticism not to measure ... discourses dogmatically against some parochial standard of rationality but , allowing for the immeasurable wide range of human experience , to see them as they really are . '' While the language `` as they really are '' is debatable , rhetorical critics explain texts and speeches by investigating their rhetorical situation , typically placing them in a framework of speaker / audience exchange . The antithetical view places the rhetor at the center of creating that which is considered the extant situation ; i.e. , the agenda and spin . Additional theoretical approaches ( edit ) Following the neo-Aristotelian approaches to criticism , scholars began to derive methods from other disciplines , such as history , philosophy , and the social sciences . The importance of critics ' personal judgment decreased in explicit coverage while the analytical dimension of criticism began to gain momentum . Throughout the 1960s and 1970s , methodological pluralism replaced the singular neo-Aristotelian method . Methodological rhetorical criticism is typically done by deduction , where a broad method is used to examine a specific case of rhetoric . These types include : Ideological criticism -- critics engage rhetoric as it suggests the beliefs , values , assumptions , and interpretations held by the rhetor or the larger culture . Ideological criticism also treats ideology as an artifact of discourse , one that is embedded in key terms ( called `` ideographs '' ) as well as material resources and discursive embodiment . Cluster criticism -- a method developed by Kenneth Burke that seeks to help the critic understand the rhetor 's worldview . This means identifying terms that are ' clustered ' around key symbols in the rhetorical artifact and the patterns in which they appear . Frame analysis -- when used as rhetorical criticism , this theoretical perspective allows critics to look for how rhetors construct an interpretive lens in their discourse . In short , how they make certain facts more noticeable than others . It is particularly useful for analyzing products of the news media . Generic criticism -- a method that assumes certain situations call for similar needs and expectations within the audience , therefore calling for certain types of rhetoric . It studies rhetoric in different times and locations , looking at similarities in the rhetorical situation and the rhetoric that responds to them . Examples include eulogies , inaugural addresses , and declarations of war . Narrative criticism -- narratives help organize experiences in order to endow meaning to historical events and transformations . Narrative criticism focuses on the story itself and how the construction of the narrative directs the interpretation of the situation . By the mid-1980s , however , the study of rhetorical criticism began to move away from precise methodology towards conceptual issues . Conceptually driven criticism operates more through abduction , according to scholar James Jasinski , who argues that this emerging type of criticism can be thought of as a back - and - forth between the text and the concepts , which are being explored at the same time . The concepts remain `` works in progress , '' and understanding those terms develops through the analysis of a text . Criticism is considered rhetorical when it focuses on the way some types of discourse react to situational exigencies -- problems or demands -- and constraints . This means that modern rhetorical criticism is based in how the rhetorical case or object persuades , defines , or constructs the audience . In modern terms , what can be considered rhetoric includes , but it is not limited to , speeches , scientific discourse , pamphlets , literary work , works of art , and pictures . Contemporary rhetorical criticism has maintained aspects of early neo-Aristotelian thinking through close reading , which attempts to explore the organization and stylistic structure of a rhetorical object . Using close textual analysis means rhetorical critics use the tools of classical rhetoric and literary analysis to evaluate the style and strategy used to communicate the argument . Purpose of criticism ( edit ) Rhetorical criticism serves several purposes or functions . First , rhetorical criticism hopes to help form or improve public taste . It helps educate audiences and develops them into better judges of rhetorical situations by reinforcing ideas of value , morality , and suitability . Rhetorical criticism can thus contribute to the audience 's understanding of themselves and society . According to Jim A. Kuypers , a dual purpose for performing criticism should be primarily to enhance our appreciation and understanding . ' ( W ) e wish to enhance both our own and others ' understanding of the rhetorical act ; we wish to share our insights with others , and to enhance their appreciation of the rhetorical act . These are not hollow goals , but quality of life issues . By improving understanding and appreciation , the critic can offer new and potentially exciting ways for others to see the world . Through understanding we also produce knowledge about human communication ; in theory this should help us to better govern our interactions with others . ' Criticism is a humanizing activity in that it explores and highlights qualities that make us human . '' French ( edit ) Rhetoric was part of the curriculum in Jesuit and , to a lesser extent , Oratorian colleges until the French Revolution . For Jesuits , right from the foundation of the Society in France , rhetoric was an integral part of the training of young men toward taking up leadership positions in the Church and in State institutions , as Marc Fumaroli has shown it in his foundational Âge de l'éloquence ( 1980 ) . The Oratorians , by contrast , reserved it a lesser place , in part due to the stress they placed on modern language acquisition and a more sensualist philosophy ( like Bernard Lamy 's La Rhétorique ou l'Art de parler ( 1675 ) , which is an excellent example of their approach ) . Nonetheless , in the 18th Century , rhetoric was the structure and crown of secondary education , with works such as Rollin 's Treatise of Studies achieving a wide and enduring fame across the Continent . Later , with Nicolas Boileau and François de Malherbe , rhetoric is the instrument of the clarity of the comment and speech ; the literature that ensues from it is named `` Sublime '' . The main representative remains Rivarol . The French Revolution , however , turned this around . Philosophers such as Condorcet , who drafted the French revolutionary chart for a people 's education under the rule of reason , dismissed rhetoric as an instrument of oppression in the hands of clerics in particular . The Revolution went as far as to suppress the Bar , arguing that forensic rhetoric did disservice to a rational system of justice , by allowing fallacies and emotions to come into play . Nonetheless , as later historians of the 19th century were keen to explain , the Revolution was a high moment of eloquence and rhetorical prowess , although set against a background of rejecting rhetoric . Under the First Empire and its wide - ranging educational reforms , imposed on or imitated across the Continent , rhetoric regained little ground . In fact , instructions to the newly founded Polytechnic School , tasked with training the scientific and technical elites , made it clear that written reporting was to supersede oral reporting . Rhetoric reentered secondary curriculum in fits and starts , but never regained the prominence it had enjoyed under the ancien régime , although the penultimate year of secondary education was known as the Class of Rhetoric . When manuals were redrafted in the mid-century , in particular after the 1848 Revolution to formulate a national curriculum , care was taken to distance their approach to rhetoric from that of the Church , which was seen as an agent of conservatism and reactionary politics . By the end of the 1870s , a major change had taken place : philosophy of the rationalist or eclectic kind , generally Kantian , had taken over rhetoric as the true end stage of secondary education ( the so - called Class of Philosophy bridged secondary and university education ) . Rhetoric was then relegated to the study of literary figures of speech , a discipline later on taught as Stylistics within the French literature curriculum . More decisively , in 1890 , a new standard written exercise superseded the rhetorical exercises of speech writing , letter writing and narration . The new genre , called dissertation , had been invented in 1866 , for the purpose of rational argument in the philosophy class . Typically , in a dissertation , a question is asked , such as : `` Is history a sign of humanity 's freedom ? '' The structure of a dissertation consists in an introduction that elucidates the basic definitions involved in the question as set , followed by an argument or thesis , a counter-argument or antithesis , and a resolving argument or synthesis that is not a compromise between the former but the production of a new argument , ending with a conclusion that does not sum up the points but opens onto a new problem . Hegelianism influenced the dissertation design . It remains today the standard of writing in French humanities . By the beginning of the 20th century , rhetoric was fast losing the remains of its former importance , and eventually was taken out of the school curriculum altogether at the time of the Separation of State and Churches ( 1905 ) . Part of the argument was that rhetoric remained the last element of irrationality , driven by religious arguments , in what was perceived as inimical to Republican education . The move , initiated in 1789 , found its resolution in 1902 when rhetoric was expunged from all curricula . At the same time , Aristotelian rhetoric , owing to a revival of Thomistic philosophy initiated by Rome , regained ground in what was left of Catholic education in France , in particular at the prestigious Faculty of Theology of Paris , now a private entity . Yet , rhetoric vanished substantially from the French scene , educational or intellectual , for some 60 years ... In the early 1960s a change began to take place , as the word rhetoric and the body of knowledge it covers began to be used again , in a modest and almost secret manner . The new linguistic turn , through the rise of semiotics as well as of structural linguistics , brought to the fore a new interest in figures of speech as signs , the metaphor in particular ( in the works of Roman Jakobson , Groupe μ , Michel Charles , Gérard Genette ) while famed Structuralist Roland Barthes , a classicist by training , perceived how some basic elements of rhetoric could be of use in the study of narratives , fashion and ideology . Knowledge of rhetoric was so dim in the early 1970s that his short memoir on rhetoric was seen as highly innovative . Basic as it was , it did help rhetoric regain some currency in avant - garde circles . Psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan , his contemporary , makes references to rhetoric , in particular to the Pre-Socratics . Philosopher Jacques Derrida wrote on Voice . At the same time , more profound work was taking place that eventually gave rise to the French school of rhetoric as it exists today . This rhetorical revival took place on two fronts . First , in 17th - century French studies , the mainstay of French literary education , awareness grew that rhetoric was necessary to push the limits of knowledge further , and also to provide an antidote to Structuralism and its denial of historicism in culture . This was the pioneering work of Marc Fumaroli who , building on the work of classicist and Neo-Latinist Alain Michel and French scholars such as Roger Zuber , published his famed Age de l'Eloquence ( 1980 ) , was one of the founders of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric and was eventually elevated to a chair in rhetoric at the prestigious College de France . He is the editor in chief of a monumental History of Rhetoric in Modern Europe . His disciples form the second generation , with rhetoricians such as Françoise Waquet and Delphine Denis , both of the Sorbonne , or Philippe - Joseph Salazar ( fr : Philippe - Joseph Salazar on the French Wikipedia ) , until recently at Derrida 's College international de philosophie , laureate of the Harry Oppenheimer prize and whose recent book on Hyperpolitique has attracted the French media 's attention on a `` re-appropriation of the means of production of persuasion '' . Second , in the area of Classical studies , in the wake of Alain Michel , Latin scholars fostered a renewal in Cicero studies . They broke away from a pure literary reading of his orations , in an attempt to embed Cicero in European ethics . Meanwhile , among Greek scholars , the literary historian and philologist Jacques Bompaire , the philologist and philosopher E. Dupréel , and later the literature historian Jacqueline de Romilly pioneered new studies in the Sophists and the Second Sophistic . The second generation of Classicists , often trained in philosophy as well ( following Heidegger and Derrida , mainly ) , built on their work , with authors such as Marcel Detienne ( now at Johns Hopkins ) , Nicole Loraux , Medievalist and logician Alain De Libera ( Geneva ) , Ciceronian scholar Carlos Lévy ( Sorbonne , Paris ) and Barbara Cassin ( Collége international de philosophie , Paris ) . Sociologist of science Bruno Latour and economist Romain Laufer may also be considered part of , or close to this group . Also French philosophers specialized in Arabic commentaries on Aristotle 's Rhetoric . Links between the two strands -- literary and philosophical -- of the French school of rhetoric are strong and collaborative , and bear witness to the revival of rhetoric in France . A recent issue of Philosophy & Rhetoric presents current writing in the field . Animal rhetoric ( edit ) Rhetoric is practiced by social animals in a variety of ways . For example , birds use song , various animals warn members of their species of danger , chimpanzees have the capacity to deceive through communicative keyboard systems , and deer stags compete for the attention of mates . While these might be understood as rhetorical actions ( attempts at persuading through meaningful actions and utterances ) , they can also be seen as rhetorical fundamentals shared by humans and animals . The study of animal rhetoric has been described as biorhetorics . The self - awareness required to practice rhetoric might be difficult to notice and acknowledge in some animals . However , some animals are capable of acknowledging themselves in a mirror , and therefore , they might be understood to be self - aware and engaged in rhetoric when practicing some form of language , and therefore , rhetoric . Anthropocentrism plays a significant role in human - animal relationships , reflecting and perpetuating binaries in which humans are assumed to be beings that `` have '' extraordinary qualities while animals are regarded as beings that `` lack '' those qualities . This dualism is manifested through other forms as well , such as reason and sense , mind and body , ideal and phenomenon in which the first category of each pair ( reason , mind , and ideal ) represents and belongs to only humans . By becoming aware of and overcoming these dualistic conceptions including the one between humans and animals , human knowledge of themselves and the world is expected to become more complete and holistic . The relationship between humans and animals ( as well as the rest of the natural world ) is often defined by the human rhetorical act of naming and categorizing animals through scientific and folk labeling . The act of naming partially defines the rhetorical relationships between humans and animals , though both may be understood to engage in rhetoric beyond human naming and categorizing . Contrary to the binary assumptions deriving from anthropocentrism , which regarded animals as creatures without extraordinarily qualities , it does exist some specific animals with a sort of phrónēsis which confers them capabilities to `` learn and receive instruction '' with rudimentary understanding of some significant signs . Those animals do practice deliberative , judicial , and epideictic rhetoric deploying ethos , logos , and pathos with gesture and preen , sing and growl . Since animals offer models of rhetorical behavior and interaction that are physical , even instinctual , but perhaps no less artful , getting rid of our accustomed focus on verbal language and consciousness concepts will help people interested in rhetoric and communication matters promote human - animals ' rhetoric . See also ( edit ) Artes liberales Casuistry Civic humanism Chironomia Composition studies Conversation theory Critical thinking Demagogy Digital rhetoric Discourse analysis Formal fallacy Figure of thought Glossary of rhetorical terms Grammarian ( Greco - Roman world ) Language and thought Multimodality New rhetoric Pedagogy Persuasion technology Phenomenology Psychological manipulation Propaganda Rhetoric of science Rhetoric of health and medicine Rhetorical operations Rhetorical reason Rogerian argument Rule of three Semiology Speechwriter Technical communication Miscellaneous terms Ad captandum Allusion Antimetabole Aphesis Apologue Aposiopesis Archaism Atticism Brachyology Cacophony Catachresis Chiasmus Circumlocution Climax Conceit Dynamic and formal equivalence Eloquence Enthymeme Euphemism Figure of speech Hendiadys Hysteron proteron Idiom Innuendo Ipse dixit Kenning Literary topos Mediation Merism Metanoia Negation Parable Paraphrase Paraprosdokian Pericope Period Perissologia Praeteritio Proverb Representation Rhetorical device Rhetorical stance Rhetorical velocity Soundbite Synchysis Synesis Synonymia Tautology Tertium comparationis Truism Word play Rhetoric portal Philosophy portal Psychology portal Political speech resources List of political slogans List of speeches Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ See , e.g. , Thomas Conley , Rhetoric in the European Tradition ( University of Chicago , 1991 ) . Jump up ^ Aristotle 's Rhetoric , Book I , Chapter 2 , Section 1359 ( trans . W. Rhys Roberts ) ( `` rhetoric is a combination of the science of logic and of the ethical branch of politics '' ) . ( https://web.archive.org/web/20080916083515/http://www.public.iastate.edu/~honeyl/Rhetoric/rhet1-4.html Archived 16 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine. ; Aristotle , Rhetoric 1.2. 1 , `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 15 April 2012 . Retrieved 19 October 2011 . Jump up ^ The definition of rhetoric is a controversial subject within the field and has given rise to philological battles over its meaning in Ancient Greece . See , for instance , Johnstone , Henry W. Jr. ( 1995 ) . `` On Schiappa versus Poulakos . '' Rhetoric Review . 14 : 2 . ( Spring ) , 438 -- 40 . Jump up ^ Perseus.Tufts.edu , Rhetorikos , Henry George Liddell , Robert Scott , A Greek - English Lexicon , at Perseus Jump up ^ Perseus.Tufts.edu , Rhetor , Henry George Liddell , Robert Scott , A Greek - English Lexicon , at Perseus Jump up ^ Perseus.Tufts.edu , Rhema , Henry George Liddell , Robert Scott , A Greek - English Lexicon , at Perseus Jump up ^ Perseus.Tufts.edu , Ero , Henry George Liddell , Robert Scott , A Greek - English Lexicon , at Perseus Jump up ^ John S. Nelson , Allan Megill , and Donald N. McCloskey The Rhetoric of Human Sciences : Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public Affairs , London : University of Wisconsin Press , 1987 . ; `` In the last ten years , many scholars have investigated exactly how rhetoric works within a particular field . '' Theodora Polito , `` Educational Theory as Theory of Culture : A Vichian perspective on the educational theories of John Dewey and Kieran Egan '' Educational Philosophy and Theory , Vol. 37 , No. 4 , 2005 , doi : 10.1111 / j. 1469 - 5812.2005. 00136. x ; Deirdre N. McCloskey ( 1985 ) `` The Rhetoric of Economics '' ; JSTOR 2724987 ( Madison , University of Wisconsin Press ) ; Nelson , J.S. ( 1998 ) Tropes of Politics ( Madison , University of Wisconsin Press ) ; Brown , R.H. ( 1987 ) Society as Text ( Chicago , University of Chicago Press ) . Jump up ^ Rosamond Kent Sprague , ed. , `` The Older Sophists : A Complete Translations by Several Hands of the Fragments '' in Die Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker , Edited by Diels - Kranz ( Columbia , South Carolina : University of South Carolina Press , 1972 ) , 50 -- 54 Jump up ^ Plato , `` Gorgias , '' The Classical Library Jump up ^ Rapp , Christof . `` Aristotle 's Rhetoric -- The Agenda of the Rhetoric '' , Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Jump up ^ George A. Kennedy , Aristotle , On Rhetoric : A Theory of Civic Discourse ( New York : Oxford University Press , 1991 ) . Jump up ^ Kenneth Burke , A Rhetoric of Motives , ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 1969 ) . Jump up ^ James Boyd White , When Words Lose Their Meaning ( Chicago : The University of Chicago Press , 1984 ) . Jump up ^ Michael Leff , `` The Habitation of Rhetoric '' in Contemporary Rhetorical Theory : A Reader , ed . John Louis Lucaites , et al. ( New York : Guilford Press , 1993 ) . Jump up ^ Garver , Eugene . Aristotle 's Rhetoric . Chicago : The University of Chicago Press , 1994 . Print . Jump up ^ Hariman , Robert . Political Style : The Artistry of Power . Chicago : The University of Chicago Press , 1995 . Print . Jump up ^ White , James B. When Words Lose Their Meaning . Chicago : The University of Chicago Press , 1984 . Print . Jump up ^ Kennedy , George A. Classical Rhetoric & Its Christian and Secular Tradition . Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press , 1999 . Jump up ^ Vickers , Brian . `` Deconstruction 's Designs on Rhetoric . '' Rhetoric and Pedagogy : Its History , Philosophy , and Practice . Ed . Winifred Bryan Horner and Michael Leff. 295 -- 315 . Jump up ^ cf . Conley , T.M. ( 1990 ) Rhetoric in the European Tradition . ( University of Chicago Press. ; Kennedy , G.A. , 1994 ) . A New History of Classical Rhetoric . Princeton University Press . Jump up ^ `` Rhetoric . '' Augnet . n.p. , 2010 . Web . 12 April 2010 . Augnet.org Archived 12 September 2009 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Prill , Paul E. `` Rhetoric and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages . '' Rhetorica 5.2 ( 1987 ) : 129 -- 47 . doi : 10.1525 / rh. 1987.5. 2.129 . JSTOR 10.1525 / rh. 1987.5. 2.129 . Jump up ^ Prill , Paul E. `` Rhetoric and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages . '' Rhetorica 5.2 ( 1987 ) : 131 . doi : 10.1525 / rh. 1987.5. 2.129 . JSTOR 10.1525 / rh. 1987.5. 2.129 . ^ Jump up to : `` A Brief History of Rhetoric and Composition . '' The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing . Bedford / St. Martin 's , n.d. Web . 12 April 2010 . Bedfordstmartins.com Archived 16 May 2010 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Zappen , James P. `` Francis Bacon and the Historiography of Scientific Rhetoric . '' Rhetoric Review 8.1 ( 1989 ) : 74 -- 88 . JSTOR 465682 . Jump up ^ Edwards , Paul C. `` Elocution and Shakespeare : An Episode in the History of Literary Taste . '' Shakespeare Quarterly 35.3 ( 1984 ) : 305 -- 14 . doi : 10.2307 / 2870367 . JSTOR 2870367 . Jump up ^ `` A Brief History of Rhetoric and Composition . '' The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing . Bedford / St. Martin 's , n.d. Web . 12 April 2010 . Bedfordstmartins.com Archived 16 May 2010 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Roffee , J.A. ( 2016 ) . `` Rhetoric , Aboriginal Australians and the Northern Territory intervention : A socio ‐ legal investigation into pre ‐ legislative argumentation '' ( PDF ) . International Journal for Crime , Justice and Social Democracy . 5 ( 1 ) : 131 -- 47 . doi : 10.5204 / ijcjsd. v5i1. 285 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 5 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Roffee , J.A. ( 2014 ) . `` Synthetic Necessary Truth Behind New Labour 's Criminalisation of Incest '' . Social & Legal Studies . 23 : 113 -- 30 . doi : 10.1177 / 0964663913502068 . Jump up ^ Ray , Angela G . The Lyceum and Public Culture in the Nineteenth - Century United States . ( East Lansing : Michigan State University Press , 2005 ) , 14 -- 15 . Jump up ^ Hauser , Gerard ( 2002 ) . Introduction to Rhetorical Theory . Illinois : Waveland Press . p. 2 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 57766 - 221 - 1 . Jump up ^ Borchers , Timothy A. ( 2006 ) . Rhetorical Theory : An Introduction ( with InfoTrac ) . Canada : Wadsworth Publishing . p. 21 . ISBN 0 - 534 - 63918 - 6 . Jump up ^ William W. Hallo ( 2004 ) , `` The Birth of Rhetoric '' , in Carol S. Lipson & Roberta A. Binkley , Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks , State University of New York Press , pp. 25 -- 46 , ISBN 0 - 7914 - 6099 - 1 Jump up ^ Roberta Binkley ( 2004 ) , `` The Rhetoric of Origins and the Other : Reading the Ancient Figure of Enheduanna '' , in Carol S. Lipson & Roberta A. Binkley , Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks , State University of New York Press , pp. 47 -- 64 , ISBN 0 - 7914 - 6099 - 1 Jump up ^ Paul Y . Hoskisson & Grant M. Boswell ( 2004 ) , `` Neo-Assyrian Rhetoric : The Example of the Third Campaign of Sennacherib ( 704 -- 681 BC ) '' , in Carol S. Lipson & Roberta A. Binkley , Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks , State University of New York Press , pp. 65 -- 78 , ISBN 0 - 7914 - 6099 - 1 Jump up ^ David Hutto‌ ( Summer 2002 ) , `` Ancient Egyptian Rhetoric in the Old and Middle Kingdoms '' , Rhetorica , University of California Press , 20 ( 3 ) : 213 -- 33 , doi : 10.1525 / rh. 2002.20. 3.213 Jump up ^ George Q. Xu ( 2004 ) , `` The Use of Eloquence : The Confucian Perspective '' , in Carol S. Lipson & Roberta A. Binkley , Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks , State University of New York Press , pp. 115 -- 30 , ISBN 0 - 7914 - 6099 - 1 Jump up ^ David Metzger ( 2004 ) , `` Pentateuchal Rhetoric and the Voice of the Aaronides '' , in Carol S. Lipson & Roberta A. Binkley , Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks , State University of New York Press , pp. 165 -- 82 , ISBN 0 - 7914 - 6099 - 1 Jump up ^ cf . Mogens Herman Hansen The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes ( Blackwell , 1991 ) ; Josiah Ober Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens ( Princeton UP , 1989 ) ; Jeffrey Walker , `` Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity ; '' ( Oxford UP , 2000 ) . Jump up ^ cf . Kennedy , G.A. ( 1994 ) . A New History of Classical Rhetoric . Princeton University Press . p. 3 . Jump up ^ Isocrates . `` Against the Sophists . '' In Isocrates with an English Translation in three volumes , by George Norlin , PhD , LL. D. Cambridge , MA , Harvard University Press ; London , William Heinemann Ltd. 1980. ; Isocrates . `` Antidosis . '' In Isocrates with an English Translation in three volumes , by George Norlin , PhD , LL. D. Cambridge , MA , Harvard University Press ; London , William Heinemann Ltd. 1980 . Jump up ^ Aristotle 's Rhetoric Book I Chapter 1 ( 1354a ) `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 8 October 2014 . Retrieved 28 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Note : This could be any position in which the speaker -- whether an acknowledged expert on the subject , or an acquaintance of a person who experienced the matter in question -- knows about the topic . For instance , when a magazine claims that An MIT professor predicts that the robotic era is coming in 2050 , the use of big - name `` MIT '' ( a world - renowned American university for the advanced research in mathematics , science , and technology ) establishes the `` strong '' credibility . Jump up ^ Note : Memory was added much later to the original four canons . Jump up ^ Gesine Manuwald , Cicero : Philippics 3 -- 9 , vol. 2 , Berlin : Walter de Gruyter , 2007 , pp. 129ff Jump up ^ Patricia Bizzell and Bruce Herzberg The Rhetorical Tradition : Readings from Classical Times to the Present , Boston : Bedford / St. Martins , 2nd ed. , 2001 , p. 486 . Jump up ^ McLuhan 's dissertation was scheduled to be published in a critical edition by Gingko Press in April 2006 with the title The Classical Trivium : The Place of Thomas Nashe in the Learning of His Time . Jump up ^ Frederic Ives Carpenter , `` Leonard Cox and the First English Rhetoric , '' Modern Language Notes , Vol. 13 , No. 5 ( May 1898 ) , pp. 146 -- 47 . doi : 10.2307 / 2917751 . JSTOR 2917751 -- subscription required ) . Jump up ^ See Marc Fumaroli , Age de l'Éloquence , 1980 , for an extensive presentation of the intricate political and religious debates concerning rhetoric in France and Italy at the time Jump up ^ See Walter J. Ong , Ramus and Talon Inventory ( Harvard University Press , 1958 ) ; Joseph S. Freedman , Philosophy and the Art Europe , 1500 -- 1700 : Teaching and Texts at Schools and Universities ( Ashgate , 1999 ) . Jump up ^ Which has now been translated into English by Walter J. Ong and Charles J. Ermatinger in The Complete Prose Works of John Milton ( Yale University Press , 1982 ; 8 : 206 -- 407 ) , with a lengthy introduction by Ong ( pp. 144 -- 205 ) . The introduction is reprinted in Ong 's Faith and Contexts ( Scholars Press , 1999 ; 4 : 111 -- 141 ) . Jump up ^ See Lisa Jardine , Francis Bacon : Discovery and the Art of Discourse ( Cambridge University Press , 1975 ) . Jump up ^ Histories of the emergence of rhetorical studies in 20th - century America can be found in Cohen , H. ( 1994 ) . The history of speech communication : The emergence of a discipline , 1914 -- 1945 . Annandale , VA : Speech Communication Association ; and Gehrke , P.J. ( 2009 ) . The ethics and politics of speech : Communication and rhetoric in the twentieth century . Carbondale , IL : Southern Illinois University Press . Jump up ^ Jim A. Kuypers and Andrew King , Twentieth - Century Roots of Rhetorical Studies ( Westpost , CT : Praeger , 2001 ) . Jump up ^ Borchers , Timothy A. ( 2006 ) . Rhetorical theory : an introduction . Belmont , CA : Thomson / Wadsworth . ISBN 0 - 534 - 63918 - 6 . Jump up ^ Black , Edwin . ( 1965 ) Rhetorical Criticism a Study in Method . Madison , WI : University of Wisconsin Press . Jump up ^ Black , Edwin ( 1988 ) . `` Secrecy and Disclosure as Rhetorical Forms '' . Quarterly Journal of Speech. 74 ( 2 ) : 133 . doi : 10.1080 / 00335638809383833 . Jump up ^ Black , Edwin ( 1970 ) . `` The Second Persona '' . Quarterly Journal of Speech. 56 ( 2 ) : 109 . doi : 10.1080 / 00335637009382992 . Jump up ^ Black , Edwin ( 1980 ) . `` A Note on Theory and Practice in Rhetorical Criticism '' . Western Journal of Speech Communication : WJSC. 44 ( 4 ) : 331 -- 36 . doi : 10.1080 / 10570318009374018 . Jump up ^ When McLuhan was working on his 1943 Cambridge University doctoral dissertation on the verbal arts and Nashe , he was also preparing the materials for his book The Mechanical Bride : The Folklore of Industrial Man ( Vanguard Press , 1951 ) . This was a compilation of exhibits of ads and other materials from popular culture with short essays involving rhetorical analyses of the ways in which the material in an item aims to persuade and comment on the persuasive strategies in each item . McLuhan later shifted the focus of his rhetorical analysis and began to consider how communication media themselves affect us as persuasive devices . McLuhan expresses this insight when he says `` The medium is the message '' . This shift in focus from his 1951 book led to his two most widely known books , The Gutenberg Galaxy : The Making of Typographic Man ( University of Toronto Press , 1962 ) and Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man ( McGraw - Hill , 1964 ) ' ; these books represent an inward turn to attending to one 's consciousness in contrast to the more outward orientation of other rhetoricians toward sociological considerations and symbolic interaction . Jump up ^ Richards , I.A. ( 1965 ) The Philosophy of Rhetoric New York : Oxford . Jump up ^ Richards , I.A. ( 1965 ) The Philosophy of Rhetoric New York : Oxford . p. 97 Jump up ^ Toulmin , Stephen ( 2003 ) . The Uses of Argument . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 53483 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Lunsford , Andrea A. ( 1998 ) . `` Toward a Mestiza rhetoric : Gloria Anzaldua on composition and postcoloniality '' . JAC. 18 : 1 -- 27 . JSTOR 20866168 . Jump up ^ Bizzell , Patricia ; Herzberg , Bruce ( 2000 ) . The rhetorical tradition : Readings from classical times to the present . Boston , MA : Bedford / St. Martin 's . pp. 1585 -- 88 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 14839 - 3 . Jump up ^ Bizzell , Patricia ; Herzberg , Bruce ( 2000 ) . The rhetorical tradition : Readings from classical times to the present . Boston , MA : Bedford / St. Martin 's . pp. 1584 -- 85 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 14839 - 3 . Jump up ^ Camp , Jessica Rae ( 2010 ) . Radical rhetoric : Excavating Gloria Anzaldua 's `` La Prieta '' . Ann Harbor , MI : Dissertation . p. 45 . Jump up ^ Getrude , Buck ( 1900 ) . `` The Present Status of Rhetorical Theory '' . Modern Language Notes . 15 : 84 -- 87 . JSTOR 2917917 . Jump up ^ Campbell , Joann ( 1996 ) . Toward a feminist rhetoric : The writing of Gertrude Buck . Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press . Jump up ^ `` Krista Ratcliffe '' . ^ Jump up to : Jim A. Kuypers , `` Rhetorical Criticism as Art , '' in Rhetorical Criticism : Perspectives in Action , Jim A. Kuypers , ed . ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Books , 2009 ) . Jump up ^ Edwin Black , Rhetorical Criticism : A Study in Method ( Madison , Wi : University of Wisconsin Press , 1978 ) , x -- xi . Jump up ^ Jim A. Kuypers , `` Rhetorical Criticism as Art , '' in Rhetorical Criticism : Perspectives in Action , Jim A. Kuypers , ed . ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Books , 2009 ) . See also , Jim A. Kuypers , `` Artistry , Purpose , and Academic Constraints in Rhetorical Criticism , '' in Purpose , Practice , and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism , Jim A. Kuypers , ed . ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Press , 2014 ) . Jump up ^ Gray , J.W. `` Four Argument Strategies '' . Retrieved 19 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Ryan , David ( 2007 ) . The Speaking / Writing Connection . Berkeley , CA : Parthenon West Books . p. 236 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9765684 - 9 - 0 . Jump up ^ Black , Edwin . Rhetorical Criticism : A Study in Method . ( Madison : University of Wisconsin Press , 1978 ) , 131 . Jump up ^ Bitzer , Lloyd F. `` The Rhetorical Situation . '' Philosophy & Rhetoric , Winter ( 1968 ) . 1 -- 14 . JSTOR 40236733 . cf . Vatz , Richard E. `` The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation . '' Philosophy & Rhetoric , Summer ( 1973 ) JSTOR 40236848 and The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion , ( Kendall Hunt , 2012 , 2013 ) Jump up ^ Jansinski , James . `` The Status of Theory and Method in Rhetorical Criticism . '' Western Journal of Communication 65 , No. 3 ( Summer 2001 ) : 249 . doi : 10.1080 / 1057031010937470 . Jump up ^ Foss , Sonja. 1989 . Rhetorical Criticism : Exploration and Practice . Prospect Heights : Waveland Press , Inc . Jump up ^ Stephanie Houston Grey , `` Conceptually - Oriented Criticism , '' in Rhetorical Criticism : Perspectives in Action , Jim A. Kuypers , ed . ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Books , 2009 ) . Jump up ^ Jasinski , `` Status , '' 256 . Jump up ^ Leff Michael ( 2001 ) . `` Lincoln at Cooper Union : Neo-Classical Criticism Revisited '' . Western Journal of Communication . 65 ( 3 ) : 232 -- 48 . doi : 10.1080 / 10570310109374704 . Jump up ^ Jim A. Kuypers , `` Artistry , Purpose , and Academic Constraints in Rhetorical Criticism , '' in Purpose , Practice , and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism , Jim A. Kuypers , ed . ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Press , 2014 ) . Jump up ^ See Thomas M. Conley , Rhetoric in the European Tradition , University of Chicago Press , 1990 for insights on French pre-1789 rhetoricians ; for a fuller historical review with excerpts , Philippe - Joseph Salazar , L'art de parler , Paris , Klincksieck , 2003 . Jump up ^ See also article on Rhétorique in the French Wikipedia Jump up ^ See Philippe - Joseph Salazar 's overview , `` Rhetoric Achieves Nature . A View from Old Europe '' , Philosophy & Rhetoric 40 ( 1 ) , 2007 , 71 -- 88 Jump up ^ Histoire de la rhétorique dans l'Europe moderne 1450 -- 1950 , Marc Fumaroli ed. , Paris , Presses Universitaires de France , 1999 . ISBN 2 - 13 - 049526 - 5 Jump up ^ Refer to `` De l'éloquence à la rhétoricité , trente années fastes `` , Dix - Septième Siècle 236 , LIX ( 3 ) , 2007 , 421 -- 26 ISBN 978 - 2 - 13 - 056096 - 8 Jump up ^ idee-jour.fr Archived 11 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ L'art des Généralités , Paris , 1999 . Jump up ^ Barbara Cassin , L'effet sophistique , Paris , Gallimard , 1995 Jump up ^ Maroun Aouad , Le Livre De la Rhétorique d'Ibn Tumlus . Paris : Vrin. 2006 . Le Commentaire Moyen d'Averroes à la Rhétorique d'Aristote . Paris : Vrin. 3 Vol. 2002 . Jump up ^ Alongside the French school , the work of Belgians Chaim Perelman and his disciple Michel Meyer is noteworthy , although Perelman 's foundational work remained generally unknown in France until the 1990s . Jump up ^ `` Project MUSE -- Philosophy and Rhetoric - Volume 42 , Number 4 , 2009 '' . Jump up ^ Kennedy , George A. ( 1998 ) . Comparative Rhetoric : An Historical and Cross-Cultural Introduction . New York : Oxford University Press . pp. 11 -- 28 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 510932 - 5 . Jump up ^ Kull , Kalevi 2001 . A note on biorhetorics . Sign Systems Studies 29 ( 2 ) : 693 -- 704 . Jump up ^ Davis , Diane ( 2011 ) . `` Creaturely Rhetorics '' . Philosophy and Rhetoric. 44 ( 1 ) : 88 -- 94 . doi : 10.5325 / philrhet. 44.1. 0088 . JSTOR 10.5325 / philrhet. 44.1. 0088 . Jump up ^ Segeerdahl , Pär ( 2015 ) . `` The rhetoric and prose of the human / animal contrast '' . Language & Communication . 42 : 36 -- 49 . doi : 10.1016 / j. langcom. 2015.03. 001 . Jump up ^ Melzow , Candice Chovanec ( Spring 2012 ) . `` Identification , Naming , and Rhetoric in The Sky , the Stars , the Wilderness and The Maine Woods '' . Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 19.2 ( 2 ) : 356 -- 74 . doi : 10.1093 / isle / iss084 . Jump up ^ Kennedy , George ( 1992 ) . `` A Hoot in the Dark The evolution of general rhetoric '' . Philosophy & Rhetoric. 25 ( 1 ) : 1 -- 21 . JSTOR i40009015 . Jump up ^ Hawhee , D. ( 2011 ) . `` Toward a Bestial Rhetoric '' . Philosophy and rhetoric . 44 ( 1 ) : 81 -- 87 . doi : 10.5325 / philrhet. 44.1. 0081 . JSTOR 10.5325 / philrhet. 44.1. 0081 . References ( edit ) Primary sources The locus classicus for Greek and Latin primary texts on rhetoric is the Loeb Classical Library of the Harvard University Press , published with an English translation on the facing page . Aristotle . Rhetoric . Cicero . De Inventione . Latin only . -- . De Oratore . Latin only . Demosthenes . Orations . Greek . English . Cornificius . De Ratione Dicendi . Latin only . Isocrates . Against the Sophists . Henry Peacham . The Garden of Eloquence . George Puttenham . The Arte of Poesie . at Representative Poetry Online Quintilian . Institutio oratoria . Johannes Susenbrotus . Epitome troporum . Thomas Wilson . The Arte of Rhetorique . Secondary sources Ralf van Bühren : Die Werke der Barmherzigkeit in der Kunst des 12. -- 18 . Jahrhunderts . Zum Wandel eines Bildmotivs vor dem Hintergrund neuzeitlicher Rhetorikrezeption ( Studien zur Kunstgeschichte , vol. 115 ) , Hildesheim / Zürich / New York : Verlag Georg Olms 1998 . ISBN 3 - 487 - 10319 - 2 Bernard K. Duffy and Martin Jacobi : The Politics of Rhetoric : Richard Weaver and the Conservative Tradition ( Westport , CT : Greenwood Press , 1993 ) . ISBN 0 - 313 - 25713 - 2 Eugene Garver , Aristotle 's Rhetoric : An Art of Character ( University of Chicago Press , 1994 ) ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 28425 - 5 . Lisa Jardine , Francis Bacon : Discovery and the Art of Discourse ( Cambridge University Press , 1975 ) Charles U. Larson , Persuasion Reception and Responsibility Twelfth Edition , Wadsworth Cengage Learning ( 2012 ) Jacqueline de Romilly , The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens ( French orig. 1988 ; English trans . Clarendon Press / Oxford University Press , 1992 ) . William Safire , Lend Me Your Ears : Great Speeches in History ( 2004 ) ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 05931 - 1 . Amelie Oksenberg Rorty , Aristotle 's Rhetoric Los Angeles , United States of America ( 1996 ) Further reading ( edit ) Andresen , Volker . Speak Well in Public -- 10 Steps to Succeed . ISBN 1 - 4563 - 1026 - 7 . Duffy , Bernard K. and Richard Leeman . eds . American Voices : An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Orators ( Westport , CT : Greenwood , 2005 ) . ISBN 0 - 313 - 32790 - 4 Cox , Leonard . The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke at Project Gutenberg . Garver , Eugene . Aristotle 's Rhetoric : On Art of Character . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1995 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 28425 - 5 Jansinski , James . Sourcebook on Rhetoric . Sage Publications , Inc. 2001 . Kennedy , George A. Aristotle , On Rhetoric . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1991 . Kuypers , Jim A. ed . Purpose , Practice , and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism ( Lanham , MD : Lexington Press , 2014 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7391 - 8018 - 1 Kuypers , Jim A. and Andrew King . Twentieth - Century Roots of Rhetorical Studies ( Westport , CT : Praeger , 2001 ) . ISBN 0 - 275 - 96420 - 5 Mateus , Samuel . Introdução à Retórica no Séc . XXI . Covilhã , Livros Labcom , 2018 ISBN 978 - 989 - 654 - 438 - 6 Rainolde ( or Rainholde ) , Richard . A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike at Project Gutenberg . Rorty , Amélie Oksenberg ( ed . ) . Essays on Aristotle 's Rhetoric . Berkeley ( CA ) : University of California Press , 1996 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 520 - 20228 - 3 External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Rhetoric Look up rhetoric or wordcraft in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . American Rhetoric : The Power of Oratory in the United States . Brian Vickers on Rhetoric in the Cambridge Companion to English Poetry Wikibooks : Rhetoric and Composition Mitchell , Anthony . A Primer for Business Rhetoric . Discusses how messages are dumbed down to make them acceptable to wide audiences . Newall , Paul . An introduction to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Figures . Aimed at beginners . Técnica Retórica - um blog para oradores Rhetoric , BBC Radio 4 discussion with Angie Hobbs , Thomas Healy & Ceri Sullivan ( In Our Time , Oct. 28 , 2004 ) Philosophy of language Philosophers Plato ( Cratylus ) Gorgias Confucius Xunzi Aristotle Stoics Pyrrhonists Scholasticism Ibn Rushd Ibn Khaldun Thomas Hobbes Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Johann Herder Ludwig Noiré Wilhelm von Humboldt Fritz Mauthner Paul Ricœur Ferdinand de Saussure Gottlob Frege Franz Boas Paul Tillich Edward Sapir Leonard Bloomfield Zhuangzi Henri Bergson Lev Vygotsky Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations Tractatus Logico - Philosophicus Bertrand Russell Rudolf Carnap Jacques Derrida Of Grammatology Limited Inc Benjamin Lee Whorf Gustav Bergmann J.L. Austin Noam Chomsky Hans - Georg Gadamer Saul Kripke A.J. Ayer G.E.M. Anscombe Jaakko Hintikka Michael Dummett Donald Davidson Roger Gibson Paul Grice Gilbert Ryle P.F. Strawson Willard Van Orman Quine Hilary Putnam David Lewis John Searle Joxe Azurmendi Scott Soames Stephen Yablo John Hawthorne Stephen Neale Paul Watzlawick Theories Causal theory of reference Contrast theory of meaning Contrastivism Conventionalism Cratylism Deconstruction Descriptivist theory of names Direct reference theory Dramatism Expressivism Linguistic determinism Logical atomism Logical positivism Mediated reference theory Nominalism Non-cognitivism Phallogocentrism Quietism Relevance theory Semantic externalism Semantic holism Structuralism Supposition theory Symbiosism Theological noncognitivism Theory of descriptions Verification theory Concepts Ambiguity Linguistic relativity Meaning Language Truth - bearer Proposition Use -- mention distinction Concept Categories Set Class Intension Logical form Metalanguage Mental representation Principle of compositionality Property Sign Sense and reference Speech act Symbol Entity Sentence Statement more ... 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what is the topic sentence of an essay
In expository writing , a topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph . It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph .
sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph
Topic sentence
topic sentence
In expository writing , a topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph . It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph .
Also known as a focus sentence , it encapsulates or organizes an entire paragraph . Although topic sentences may appear anywhere in a paragraph , in academic essays they often appear at the beginning . The topic sentence acts as a kind of summary , and offers the reader an insightful view of the writer 's main ideas for the following paragraph . More than just being a mere summary , however , a topic sentence often provides a claim or an insight directly or indirectly related to the thesis . It adds cohesion to a paper and helps organize ideas both within the paragraph and the whole body of work at large . As the topic sentence encapsulates the idea of the paragraph , serving as a sub-thesis , it remains general enough to cover the support given in the body paragraph while being more direct than the thesis of the paper . Contents ( hide ) 1 Forms 1.1 Complex sentences 1.2 Questions 1.3 Bridge sentences 1.4 Pivots 2 See also 3 References Forms ( edit ) Complex sentences ( edit ) By definition a complex sentence is one that has a main clause which could stand alone and a dependent clause which can not by itself be a sentence . Using a complex sentence is a great way to refer to the content of the paragraph above ( dependent clause ) and then bring in the content of the new paragraph ( the independent clause ) . Here is a typical example : While the ant generally works for the benefit of the community , he also carries out duties for his own needs . The beginning , dependent , clause probably refers to the content of a preceding paragraph that presented the ant as a community - focused worker . As suggested by the main clause , which is the second within the sentence , the new paragraph will address how the ant works to benefit himself as well . Questions ( edit ) Questions at the beginning of new paragraphs can make topic sentences which both remind the reader of what was in the previous paragraph and signal the introduction of something new . Consider this example of a question for a topic sentence : But will the current budget cuts be enough to balance the school district 's budget ? This question refers to the content of the previous paragraph , but it introduces the content for the new one -- how the budget cuts may not in fact be enough to balance the budget . Bridge sentences ( edit ) A `` bridge sentence '' reminds the reader of what went before and does not signal what is to come . It merely hints that something new is about to be introduced . Example : But there may be more to this issue than first thought . Pivots ( edit ) Pivot topic sentences will come somewhere in the middle of a paragraph , and usually announce that the content will be changing in a different direction . These are often used when there are two differing opinions about something or when two `` experts '' are being quoted or referred to that may have a different opinion or approach to something . A paragraph may begin something like this : Kubler and Kessler have identified 5 stages of grief -- denial , anger , bargaining , depression and acceptance . And they have provided a detailed explanation of the symptoms and behaviors of each of these stages , so that those experiencing grief may identify which stage they are in at any given time and develop strategies with the help of their therapists , to move through those stages more effectively . Since their original work , however , a number of other psychologists have developed different models of the grieving process that call into question some of Kubler and Kessler 's contentions ... . ( rest of paragraph to follow ) . The first part of this paragraph addresses Kubler and Kessler ; the second part will obviously address another opinion . The topic sentence is underlined , to show the pivot point in the paragraph . Pivot topic sentences will always have some clue word , such as `` yet , '' `` sometimes , '' or `` however . '' See also ( edit ) Thesis statement Lead paragraph Essay References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` On Paragraphs '' , Purdue Online Writing Lab , Purdue University . Jump up ^ `` Writing Paragraphs '' , The Writing Centre , University of Ottawa . Jump up ^ William Strunk , Jr , `` Elementary principles of composition '' , The Elements of Style , 1918 . Jump up ^ `` Paragraphs and Topic Sentences '' , Writing Tutorial Services , Indiana University . Jump up ^ `` Lesson Plan : Writing a Good Topic Sentence '' ( `` written by : Trent Lorcher edited by : SForsyth '' ) , Bright Hub Education . Jump up ^ `` Techniques for writing topic sentences '' , Trust My Paper . Jump up ^ `` Paragraphs : Topic Sentences '' , Writing Center , Walden University . Jump up ^ Maureen Auman , `` The Heart of Your Paper : 11 Methods for Writing a Topic Sentence ( or a Thesis Statement ) '' , Step Up to Writing , Middle Link ( Middle School Literacy Support ) , Anchorage School District . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 22 . Jump up ^ Marsha Ford , `` Can Either the Topic Sentence or the Thesis Statement Be a Question ? '' , The Pen and the Pad , Leaf Group Ltd . Jump up ^ `` Bridge Sentences '' , Exploring US History , the University of Oklahoma . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 22 Jump up ^ Richard Feldstein , `` Paragraph Exercise # 4 : Placement of the Topic Sentence '' Rhode Island College . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 22 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Topic_sentence&oldid=815006762 '' Categories : Syntactic entities Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 12 December 2017 , at 05 : 10 . About Wikipedia
which version of fallout 4 do i have
Fallout 4
fallout 4
Fallout 4 is a post-apocalyptic action role - playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks . It is the fifth major installment in the Fallout series , and was released worldwide on November 10 , 2015 , for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . The game is set within an open world post-apocalyptic environment that encompasses the city of Boston and the surrounding Massachusetts region known as `` The Commonwealth '' . The main story takes place in the year 2287 , ten years after the events of Fallout 3 and 210 years after `` The Great War '' , which caused catastrophic nuclear devastation across the United States .
The player assumes control of a character referred to as the `` Sole Survivor '' , who emerges from a long - term cryogenic stasis in Vault 111 , an underground nuclear fallout shelter . After witnessing the murder of their spouse and kidnapping of their son , the Sole Survivor ventures out into the Commonwealth to search for their missing child . The player will subsequently explore the game 's dilapidated world , complete various quests , help out factions , and acquire experience points to level up and increase the abilities of their character . New features to the series include the ability to develop and manage settlements , and an extensive crafting system where materials scavenged from the environment can be used to craft drugs and explosives , upgrade weapons and armor , and construct , furnish and improve settlements . Fallout 4 also marks the first game in the series to feature full voice acting for the protagonist . Fallout 4 received positive reviews from critics with many praising the world depth , player freedom , overall amount of content , crafting , and soundtrack , while criticism was mainly directed at the game 's visuals and technical issues . The game was a commercial and critical success , generating US $750 million within the first 24 hours of its launch , and received numerous accolades from various gaming publications and award events , including the respective awards for Game of the Year and Best Game at the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and British Academy Games Awards . Bethesda has released six downloadable content add - ons , including the expansions Far Harbor and Nuka - World . Contents ( hide ) 1 Gameplay 2 Plot 2.1 Setting 2.2 Story 3 Development 3.1 Design 3.2 Engine 4 Marketing and release 5 Post-release 5.1 Updates 5.2 Downloadable content 5.3 Creation Club 6 Reception 6.1 Sales 6.2 Awards 7 References 8 External links Gameplay Fallout 4 is an action role - playing game set in an open world environment , gameplay is similar to that of Fallout 3 and Fallout : New Vegas , the two previous primary iterations in the series . Returning features include a camera that can switch between a first - person and third - person perspective . Fallout 4 introduces features including a layered armor system , base - building , a dialogue system featuring 111,000 lines of dialogue , a crafting system which implements every lootable object in the game . Enemies such as Mole Rats , Raiders , Super Mutants , Deathclaws , and Feral Ghouls return in Fallout 4 , along with the companion Dogmeat . The player has the ability to freely roam in the game 's world and leave a conversation at any time . If the player has discovered a certain location they may fast - travel to it . They have the ability to customize weapons ; the game includes over 50 base guns , which can be crafted with a variety of modifications , such as barrel types and laser focus , with over 700 modifications available . Power Armor has been redesigned to be more like a vehicle than an equipable suit of armor , requiring fuel and being essentially dead weight without it and can be modified , allowing the player to add items such as a jetpack or selecting separate types of armor for each part of the suit . A new feature to the series is the ability to craft and deconstruct settlements and buildings . The player can select some in - game objects and structures , and use them to freely build their own structures . In addition , the towns can be powered with working electricity , using a power line system . Merchants and non-player characters can inhabit the player 's settlements , for which the player must provide sustenance by growing food in makeshift patches and building water spouts . The player can build various defences around their settlements , such as turrets and traps , to defend against random attacks . When using V.A.T.S. , real - time action is slowed down , and players can see the probability of hitting each body part of the enemies through a percentage ratio displayed here on the PlayStation 4 version The Pip - Boy , a personal computing device strapped to the player character 's wrist , allows the player to access a menu with statistics , maps , data , and items the player has acquired . The player can find game cartridges , which can be played on the Pip - Boy or a terminal . A new feature for the Pip - Boy interface is a downloadable application for iOS , Android , and Windows smartphones and tablets . This optional app allows players to access the Pip - Boy interface on a separate screen , and play the collected game cartridges even when not playing the main game . Another returning gameplay feature is the Vault - Tec Assisted Targeting System ( V.A.T.S. ) . While using V.A.T.S. , real - time combat is slowed down ( instead of stopped entirely as in previous entries ) , and action is played out from varying camera angles in a computer graphics version of `` bullet time '' . Various actions cost points , limiting the actions of each combatant during a period of time , and the player can target specific body parts for attacks to inflict specific injuries ; headshots can be used for quick kills or blinding , legs can be targeted to slow enemy movement , and opponents can be disarmed by shooting at their weapons . Unlike previous games , in which the player had a random chance to inflict a critical hit , they are now performed manually through V.A.T.S. At the beginning of the game , players are given points to spend on a character progression system called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. . The system represents seven statistics , namely strength , perception , endurance , charisma , intelligence , agility and luck . When the player earns enough experience points to gain a new level , they unlock an ability . When the player allocates more points to a statistic , more abilities can be unlocked . These perks can also be upgraded to improve the protagonist 's efficiency and to further unlock abilities . There are about 275 perks available for the player to unlock . There is no level cap and the game does not end once the main story is complete . The game allows for the player to have a companion follow and assist them . If the player commits actions that their companion does not like , they can refuse to travel with the player or attack them . There are thirteen possible companions , seven of which ( Dogmeat , Codsworth , Preston Garvey , Piper Wright , Nick Valentine , John Hancock , and Deacon ) must be encountered during the main quests , although only Dogmeat is required to join . The remaining companions are Paladin Danse , a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin ; Cait , an Irish - accented cage fighter ; MacCready , a mercenary ; Strong , a human - sympathetic Super Mutant ; Curie , a robot scientist turned Synth ; and X6 - 88 , an Institute Courser . For the first time in the series , these companions can interact with the environment on the player character 's behalf . For example , if the player character does not have required skills to hack a terminal or pick a lock , they can order the companion to do it for them . The player may only travel with one companion at a time , although the player is accompanied by other characters in certain quests . A few companions are able to be romanced by the player regardless of gender ; namely Preston , Piper , Cait , Hancock , MacCready , Paladin Danse and Curie . Some recruitable companions also provide additional perks for the player , such as Codsworth , who provides bonus Energy Resistance . Plot Setting Fallout 4 takes place in the year 2287 , ten years after the events of Fallout 3 and 210 years after the Great War , a war between the United States and China over natural resources that ended in a nuclear holocaust in 2077 . The setting is a post-apocalyptic retro - future , covering a region that includes Boston , Massachusetts and other parts of New England known as `` The Commonwealth '' . Unlike the previous titles , Fallout 4 's story begins on the day the bombs dropped : October 23 , 2077 . The player 's character ( voiced by either Courtenay Taylor or Brian T. Delaney ) takes shelter in Vault 111 , emerging exactly 210 years later , on October 23 , 2287 . The game takes place in an alternate version of history that sees 1940s and 1950s aesthetics such as diners and a drive - in theater . The design and technology advance in the directions imagined at the time . The resulting universe is thus a retro - futuristic one , where the technology has evolved enough to produce laser weapons , manipulate genes and create nearly - autonomous artificial intelligence , but all within the confines of 1950s solutions like the widespread use of atomic power and vacuum tubes , as well as having the integrated circuitry of the digital age . The architecture , advertisements and general living styles are also depicted to be largely unchanged since the 1950s , while including contemporary products , such as a robotic rocking horse for children in one advertisement , or posters for the underground vaults that play a central role in the storyline of the game . Story The story begins in 2077 in Sanctuary Hills , located near Concord , Massachusetts . The player character is at home with their spouse ( Nate or Nora depending on the player character 's gender ) , their son Shaun , and their robotic butler , Codsworth . A representative from Vault - Tec admits the family into Vault 111 , the local fallout shelter . Moments later , a news bulletin warns of an incoming nuclear attack , prompting the family to evacuate to the Vault . The family is tricked into entering cryogenic tubes and frozen alive . After an unknown period of time , they are re-awakened by two strangers . The player 's spouse is murdered and Shaun is kidnapped . The player is put back into cryogenic sleep but awakens again when the life support system malfunctions . The player discovers that they are the sole survivor of Vault 111 , and vows to avenge their spouse 's death and find Shaun . The player character , known as the Sole Survivor , heads home to find Sanctuary Hills in ruins . They reunite with Codsworth , revealing that 210 years have passed since the war . Codsworth suggests that the Survivor go to Concord for help . The Survivor finding and befriends a German Shepherd named Dogmeat , and rescues Preston Garvey , one of the last members of the Commonwealth Minutemen , a faction driving out raiders in the Commonwealth . From then on , the Sole Survivor travels to Diamond City , a fortified settlement based in the ruins of Fenway Park , where they meet Piper , an intrepid reporter . There , they learn about a secretive organization called the Institute that has been terrifying the Commonwealth by kidnapping people and often replacing them with `` synths '' , synthetic humans indistinguishable from real humans . The Sole Survivor seeks out Nick Valentine , a detective based in Diamond City , to locate their son . With his help , they uncover the identity of their spouse 's killer : Conrad Kellogg . After learning from Kellogg that Shaun is being held in the Institute , the Sole Survivor kills him and retrieves a cybernetic implant from his brain for further access into his memories . During this time , the Brotherhood of Steel , an anti-synth faction , arrives in the Commonwealth on the Prydwen , an airship , hoping to preserve technology in the Commonwealth . The Sole Survivor learns from Brian Virgil , an ex-Institute scientist , that the only way into the Institute is by using a teleportation chip . After retrieving the chip , the Survivor decodes it with the help of the Railroad , a secretive organization dedicated to rescuing synths . Virgil provides the blueprints for the teleportation device , which the Sole Survivor constructs by allying with the Brotherhood , Minutemen , or Railroad . The Sole Survivor successfully enters the Institute and finally discovers that Shaun is the Institute 's director . Shaun , now an old man calling himself Father , reveals that he was kidnapped by Kellogg to become a specimen for synth experiments due to his pure pre-war DNA , and that the Sole Survivor remained in stasis for a further sixty years before being awoken again . Shaun later reveals that he is dying of cancer and wishes for the Survivor to become his successor . The Sole Survivor can now side with the Institute ; if they do so , they initiate a purge in the Commonwealth , wiping out the Brotherhood and Railroad , and assume control of the Institute after Shaun 's death . Otherwise , the Sole Survivor devises a plan with their faction to fight the Institute . Siding with the Brotherhood or Railroad will force the Sole Survivor to destroy the other faction . The Sole Survivor detonates a nuclear reactor , destroying the Institute . After this feat , the Survivor must lastly wipe out any remaining hostile faction . Otherwise , they will remain neutral . Development Todd Howard , game director of both Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 Design Unlike the previous two titles -- Fallout 3 and Fallout : New Vegas -- which used the Gamebryo engine , Fallout 4 uses the Creation Engine , which was previously used in The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim . Modified for Fallout 4 , the Creation Engine includes a revamped character editor system that allows freeform creation of faces without the use of sliders seen in previous games . Instead , the player can click and drag each feature of the face to accurately customize their character , which can either be a man or woman as the previous Fallout titles have featured . Bethesda announced that the game would run at 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . Bethesda revealed that mobile devices would be integrated into the game as a form of second screen , acting as a secondary display for the Pip - Boy . For the first time in the Fallout series , the player 's character , the Sole Survivor , is fully voice acted , including all decision - based dialogue options . Brian T. Delaney and Courtenay Taylor are the two player character voice actors . Todd Howard revealed that mods for the PC versions of the game would be usable on the Xbox One version , and that the team hoped to bring them to the PlayStation 4 version eventually . When asked about the failed effort to add a paid mod system to The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim , Howard stated there were no plans for a similar effort with Fallout 4 . The mods created by PC players through The Creation Kit , which contains the official modding tools , will be released for Xbox One players and PlayStation 4 in May 2016 and June 2016 respectively . Fallout 4 mods were released to Xbox One in May 2016 . PlayStation 4 mods were shot down by Sony in September 2016 , but Bethesda announced a month later that mod support would still happen . As of November , 2016 , mod support for the PlayStation 4 version is present with the introduction of the 1.8 update . Engine Main article : Creation Engine This section may contain content that is repetitive or redundant of text elsewhere in the article . Please help improve it by merging similar text or removing repeated statements . ( December 2017 ) This article contains weasel words : vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information . Such statements should be clarified or removed . ( December 2017 ) Fallout 4 uses Bethesda 's Creation Engine , which was created for The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim . Just after Fallout 3 's release , the team devised numerous design objectives to meet for Skyrim -- which were updated for Fallout 4 's hardware requirements . The updated Creation Engine allows for numerous improvements in graphical fidelity over Bethesda 's previous efforts . For instance , the draw distance renders much farther than previous Fallout games ; in an interview on the engine for Skyrim , Howard provided an example where the player can stare at a small object such as a fork in detail , and then look up at a mountain and run to the top of it . Dynamic lighting allows shadows to be created by any structure or item in the game world . Howard revealed in the E3 Press Conference that the updated Creation Engine allows for next - generation god rays and advanced volumetric lighting . The updated engine features a variety of visual effects not present in previous Bethesda games such as motion blur , temporal anti-aliasing , height fog , dynamic dismemberment , screen space reflections , filmic tone mapping , an updated material system -- for wet textures -- among numerous others . The updated engine allows the Bethesda team to add more dynamic lighting to every scene as well as `` paint surfaces with realistic materials '' . Bethesda released an example on how the updated engine works : `` When a rain storm rolls in , our new material system allows the surfaces of the world to get wet , and a new cloth simulation system makes cloth , hair , and vegetation blow in the wind . '' The updated Creation Engine allows for a more advanced character creation system , which utilizes sculpting -- forgoing the series of sliders present in previous games . In detail , the new character creation system introduces a new , freeform , entirely slider - free facial editor controlled via dynamic , real - time modelling interface . The updated engine allows for more fluid animations designed for next - generation hardware . With regards to the aforementioned fluid animations , the updated engine also allows a much more open approach to conversations with NPCs -- wherein the camera views can change depending on the player 's preference from a first person view to a cinematic third person view -- compared to Fallout 3 's rigid and instanced conversation system . The protagonist features dynamic dialog , which is context sensitive , and allows players to back out of a conversation . In Howard 's words , `` you are free to walk away anytime if you want , or you can even shoot him in the face . '' Marketing and release A Volkswagen Type 2 customized to promote Fallout 4 at Gamescom 2015 On June 2 , 2015 , Bethesda published a countdown timer scheduled to expire on June 3 , 2015 , at 14 : 00 UTC . The game 's official website went live slightly ahead of schedule , revealing the game along with its box art and platforms . The site was taken down later but was put back up again at the scheduled time . The official trailer was released when the countdown timer expired , and the game was confirmed to take place in Boston and its surrounding Massachusetts countryside , as suggested by earlier rumors . More details were given during Bethesda 's E3 2015 press conference on June 14 , 2015 . Fallout 4 became available for pre-order immediately following the product announcement . In addition to the standard edition of the game , there is a collector 's edition which includes a wearable replica of the Pip - Boy . This is able to house a smart phone device , which can then run the second screen functionality of the game . As a pre-order bonus for the Windows version of the game , an announcer pack featuring the voice of Mister Handy was released for the multiplayer online battle arena game , Dota 2 , developed by Valve Corporation . Bethesda announced that Fallout 4 had gone gold on October 23 , 2015 . The game was released for Windows , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 10 , 2015 . Post-release Updates After Fallout 4 's release , Bethesda has released several patches to address some of the issues that were present at the game 's launch along with presenting features that improve general gameplay . The first patch -- coded as patch 1.2 -- fine - tuned the game by improving the frame rate . Patch 1.2 fixed a few bugs and errors present at the launch of the game but interfered with unofficial mod support . Patch 1.3 improved the game 's graphics on all platforms , along with presenting the game with new features such as an added status menu for settlers in settlements . With regard to the graphical updates introduced in this patch , the PC platform was given a new weapon debris effect and a new ambient occlusion setting . The patch fixed several bugs and glitches present in the game . Patch 1.4 was designed to ready the game for the upcoming Creation Kit and downloadable content . Patch 1.4 brought a variety of additions to the settlement building mechanic of the game by adding symbol to new content placed in by the modding community along with adding a variety of items , such as Raider and Super Mutant decors . The patch also brought general improvements to the game 's stability . The 1.5 patch added a revamped survival mode along with support for the downloadable and included bug fixes . Similar to the previous Bethesda games , Fallout 4 's fan community created unofficial patches to address issues and bugs unaddressed by the official patches . Announced during E3 2016 , a virtual reality mode for the game is set to launch in 2017 . Fallout 4 VR was released as a stand - alone game on December 4 , 2017 , for PC on the HTC Vive platform . Downloadable content Main article : Fallout 4 downloadable content On February 16 , 2016 , Bethesda announced details , prices , and release dates for the first three add - ons for Fallout 4 . The first add - on , Automatron , which allows the player to build their custom robot companion by using robot parts while adding additional quests , was released to the European and North American markets on March 22 , 2016 . This was followed by Wasteland Workshop on April 12 , 2016 , which introduces new build options for settlements and the ability for the player to put captured creatures or humans in a cage , and adds new decorations like neon lights and lettering . The third add - on , titled Far Harbor , is a story expansion set in the post-war city of Far Harbor , Maine , and was released on May 19 , 2016 . On June 12 , 2016 , at E3 2016 , Bethesda revealed three new add - on packages for the game ; the first two , Contraptions Workshop , released on June 21 , 2016 , and Vault - Tec Workshop , released on July 26 , 2016 , are structured similarly to the Wasteland Workshop add - on , offering the player more build options and decorations ; the Vault - Tec Workshop also adds a brief narrative . Fallout 4 's third add - on , Nuka - World , which was released on August 30 , 2016 , adds an amusement park - based area for the player to explore , in which the player can either side with or put an end to various raider groups residing in the park . If the player decides to do the former , they can help one of the raider groups take control of various settlements in the Commonwealth from the base game . Creation Club Main article : Creation Club At E3 2017 , Bethesda announced that Fallout 4 would support Creation Club , an in - game support system to purchase and download custom content . Creation Club went live on August 2017 . Reception This section contains too many or too - lengthy quotations for an encyclopedic entry . Please help improve the article by presenting facts as a neutrally - worded summary with appropriate citations . Consider transferring direct quotations to Wikiquote . ( December 2017 ) Reception Aggregate score Aggregator Score Metacritic PC : 84 / 100 PS4 : 87 / 100 XONE : 88 / 100 Review scores Publication Score Destructoid 7.5 / 10 EGM 9 / 10 Game Informer 9 / 10 Game Revolution GameSpot 9 / 10 GamesRadar+ GameTrailers 9 / 10 Giant Bomb ( PC ) ( Consoles ) IGN 9.5 / 10 PC Gamer ( US ) 88 / 100 Polygon 9.5 / 10 VideoGamer.com 9 / 10 Edit on wikidata Fallout 4 received `` generally favorable '' reviews on all three platforms according to review aggregator Metacritic . GameSpot 's Peter Brown awarded it a score of 9 out of 10 , saying `` Fallout 4 is an argument for substance over style , and an excellent addition to the revered open - world series . '' Brown praised the `` thought - provoking '' narrative , `` intuitive '' creation tools , the large amount of content , the overall combat , and the overall freedom the player is given . Game Informer 's Andrew Reiner scored the game a 9 out of 10 and said : `` Bethesda has created another game you can lose your life in . New experiences just keep coming , and you always have another perk to unlock . '' Reiner praised the `` vastly improved '' combat , the `` denser '' world , and the `` brilliant '' score , but had mixed feelings about the visuals . Dan Stapleton of IGN scored the game a 9.5 out of 10 and wrote : `` The world , exploration , crafting , atmosphere , and story of Fallout 4 are all key parts of this hugely successful sandbox role - playing game . Great new reasons to obsessively gather and hoard relics of happier times , strong companions , and sympathetic villains driving tough decisions make it an adventure I 'll definitely replay and revisit . Even the technical shakiness that crops up here and there ca n't even begin to slow down its momentum . '' Phil Savage of PC Gamer mentioned that Fallout 4 is `` a loving production . It 's filled with care and attention to detail ... '' and that it was `` a pleasure to pick through the world ... '' . He concluded his review stating `` ... many of Fallout 4 's problems , like every Bethesda RPG before it , are a consequence of what makes them unforgettable . '' Polygon awarded it a score of 9.5 out of 10 , saying `` Fallout 4 brings great gameplay to match its world and ambiance '' . Destructoid gave the game a 7.5 out of 10 , writing `` a lot of the franchise 's signature problems have carried over directly into Fallout 4 . '' Sales Fallout 4 sold 1.2 million copies on Steam in its first 24 hours of release . The game also sold more digital than physical copies on day one of launch . With almost 470,000 concurrent Steam players on launch day , Fallout 4 broke Grand Theft Auto V 's record for having the most concurrent online players in a Steam game not developed by Valve Corporation . Bethesda shipped 12 million units to retailers within the first 24 hours . Awards Fallout 4 received numerous awards and nominations from gaming publications such as GameSpot , GamesRadar , EGM , Game Revolution , IGN , and many more . The game received a game of the year award from the 19th ceremony of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences -- also known as D.I.C.E. -- among numerous nominations for the award from The Game Awards , The Daily Telegraph , PC Gamer , IGN and more . It was also placed on various lists of the best games of 2015 in which GameSpot put it at sixth , GamesRadar at fourth , among others top lists . The game also received awards and nominations for Role - playing game of the year with it winning the award from Game Critics and D.I.C.E. with nominations from various other gaming publications . ( show ) List of awards and nominations for Fallout 4 Year Award Category Recipient ( s ) Result Ref . 2015 Game Critic Awards 2015 Best of Show Fallout 4 Won Best PC Game Fallout 4 Won Best Role Playing Game Fallout 4 Won 33rd Golden Joystick Awards Most Wanted Game Fallout 4 Won The Game Awards 2015 Game of the Year Fallout 4 Nominated Best Score / Soundtrack Inon Zur Nominated Best Role Playing Game Fallout 4 Nominated 2016 19th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards Game of the Year Fallout 4 Won Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction Fallout 4 Won Outstanding Achievement in Story Fallout 4 Nominated Role - playing / Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year Fallout 4 Won Outstanding Achievement in Game Design Fallout 4 Nominated 16th Game Developers Choice Awards Game of the Year Fallout 4 Nominated Best Design Fallout 4 Nominated Best Technology Fallout 4 Nominated 2016 SXSW Gaming Awards Game of the Year Fallout 4 Nominated Excellence in Technical Achievement Fallout 4 Nominated Excellence in Design Fallout 4 Nominated 15th National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers ( NAVGTR ) awards Game of the Year Fallout 4 Nominated Animation , Artistic Fallout 4 Nominated Art Direction , Period Influence Fallout 4 Nominated Art Direction , Contemporary Fallout 4 Nominated Camera Direction in a Game Engine Fallout 4 Nominated Character Design Fallout 4 Nominated Costume Design Fallout 4 Nominated Direction in a Game Cinema Fallout 4 Nominated Game Design , Franchise Fallout 4 Nominated Game Engineering Fallout 4 Nominated Graphics , Technical Fallout 4 Nominated Performance in a Drama , Lead Brian T. Delaney as `` Male Player Character '' Nominated Performance in a Drama , Supporting Stephen Russell as `` Codsworth / Nick Valentine '' Nominated Song , Original or Adapted `` Good Neighbor '' Nominated Song Collection Fallout 4 Nominated Sound Editing in a Game Cinema Fallout 4 Nominated Sound Effects Fallout 4 Nominated Use of Sound , Franchise Fallout 4 Nominated Writing in a Drama Fallout 4 Nominated Game , Franchise Role Playing Fallout 4 Nominated 12th British Academy Games Awards Best Game Fallout 4 Won Music Fallout 4 Nominated 2017 Game Critics Awards 2017 Best VR Game Fallout 4 VR Nominated Gamescom 2017 Best Virtual Reality Game Fallout 4 VR Won 2018 17th National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers ( NAVGTR ) awards Control Design , VR Fallout 4 VR Nominated Direction in Virtual Reality Fallout 4 VR Nominated Sound Mixing in Virtual Reality Fallout 4 VR Nominated References Jump up ^ Hilliard , Kyle ( September 5 , 2015 ) . `` Bethesda Completes Recording Of Fallout 4 's 111,000 Lines Of Dialogue '' . 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Jump up ^ Miller , Simon ( November 9 , 2015 ) . `` Fallout 4 Review '' . VideoGamer.com . Retrieved November 9 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Fallout 4 for PC Reviews '' . Metacritic . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2016 . Retrieved July 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Fallout 4 for PlayStation 4 Reviews '' . Metacritic . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2016 . Retrieved July 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Fallout 4 for Xbox One Reviews '' . Metacritic . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2016 . Retrieved July 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Review : Fallout 4 '' . Destructoid . Jump up ^ Davidson , Joey ( November 11 , 2015 ) . `` Fallout 4 sells 1.2 million copies on Steam during first day '' . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 14 . Jump up ^ Coone , Sharon ( February 22 , 2016 ) . `` Fallout 4 Sold More Digital Than Retail Copies Day One '' . Twinfinite . Retrieved February 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Nofuente , Kyle ( November 11 , 2015 ) . `` ' Fallout 4 ' Breaks ' Grand Theft Auto V ' Steam Concurrent User Records On Day One '' . Tech Times . Jump up ^ Makuch , Eddie . `` Fallout 4 ships 12 million copies in one Day '' . GameSpot . GameSpot . Retrieved November 13 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Best Games of 2015 '' . GameSpot . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Blain , Louise ( December 25 , 2015 ) . `` Reader voted GOTY 2015 -- The Weekly Wrap Up '' . GamesRadar+ . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ EGM staff ( December 31 , 2015 ) . `` EGM 's Best of 2015 : Part Five : # 05 ~ # 01 '' . Electronic Gaming Monthly . EGM Media . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Game Revolution staff ( January 1 , 2016 ) . `` Best of 2015 Awards '' . Game Revolution . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` IGN 's Best of 2015 '' . IGN . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` IGN 's Gamescom People 's Choice Award '' . IGN 's People 's Choice Award . Retrieved February 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Telegraph Video Game Awards 2015 '' . The Daily Telegraph . London : Telegraph Media Group . December 16 , 2015 . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ PC Gamer staff ( December 24 , 2015 ) . `` Best Setting 2015 -- Fallout 4 '' . PC Gamer . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Game Critics Awards : Best of E3 2015 ( 2015 Winners ) '' . Game Critics Awards . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ GamesRadar staff ( December 31 , 2015 ) . `` Game of the Year 2015 '' . GamesRadar+ . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Hurley , Leon ( October 30 , 2015 ) . `` The Golden Joystick Awards : all the winners this year '' . GamesRadar+ . Retrieved December 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Nominees The Game Awards 2015 '' . The Game Awards . Ola Balola . November 12 , 2015 . Archived from the original on November 14 , 2015 . Retrieved November 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Makuch , Eddie ( January 13 , 2016 ) . `` Rise of the Tomb Raider Leads D.I.C.E. Awards With 9 Nominations '' . GameSpot . Retrieved January 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 16th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards '' . Game Developers Choice Awards . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Khan , Zarmena ( March 20 , 2016 ) . `` The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne Shine in SXSW 2016 Gaming Awards '' . PlayStation LifeStyle . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2015 Winners '' . National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers . March 21 , 2016 . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Skrebels , Joe ( March 10 , 2016 ) . `` BAFTA Games Awards 2016 Nominees Revealed '' . IGN . Retrieved March 11 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Game Critics Awards : Best of E3 2017 ( 2017 Nominees ) '' . Game Critics Awards . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Super Mario Odyssey sweeps Best Of Gamescom awards '' . Metro . DMG Media . August 24 , 2017 . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Nominee List for 2017 '' . National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers . February 9 , 2018 . Retrieved February 15 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Horizon wins 7 ; Mario GOTY '' . National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers . March 13 , 2018 . Retrieved March 14 , 2018 . External links Official website Fallout 4 on IMDb 2010s portal Boston portal Massachusetts portal Nuclear technology portal Role - playing games portal Speculative fiction portal Video games portal Fallout series Main series Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout 3 downloadable content Fallout : New Vegas Fallout 4 downloadable content Far Harbor Nuka - World Fallout 76 ( upcoming ) Spin - offs Tactics : Brotherhood of Steel Brotherhood of Steel Fallout Shelter Cancelled games Van Buren Brotherhood of Steel 2 Fallout Online Unofficial media Nuka Break Fallout : New California Resurrection Related articles Creation Club Dogmeat Master The Vault Wasteland Exodus Book Category Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences D.I.C.E. 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when did the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon come out
When little - known Playmates Toys , Inc. was approached about producing a TMNTs action figure line , they were cautious of the risk and requested that a television deal be acquired first . On December 28 , 1987 , the TMNT 's first cartoon series began , starting as a five - part miniseries and becoming a regular Saturday - morning syndicated series on October 1 , 1988 , with 13 more episodes . The series was produced by Murakami - Wolf - Swenson Film Productions , Inc. ( later Fred Wolf Films ) . Mirage Studios does not own the rights to this cartoon series . The show places a much stronger emphasis on humor than the comics do . Here , the Ninja Turtles are portrayed as four wise - cracking , pizza - obsessed superheroes that fight the forces of evil from their sewer hideout , and they make their first appearance in masks color - coded to each turtle , where previously they had all worn red .
December 28 , 1987
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
teenage mutant ninja turtles
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( often shortened to TMNT or Ninja Turtles ) are four fictional teenaged anthropomorphic turtles named after Renaissance Italian artists . They were trained by their anthropomorphic rat sensei in the art of ninjutsu . From their home in sewers of New York City , they battle petty criminals , evil overlords , mutated creatures , and alien invaders while attempting to remain hidden from society . They were created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird .
The characters originated in comic books published by Mirage Studios and expanded into cartoon series , films , video games , toys , and other merchandise . During the peak of the franchise 's popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s , it gained worldwide success and fame . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Main characters 3 Comics 3.1 Mirage 3.2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures 3.3 Dreamwave 3.4 IDW 3.5 Manga 3.6 Comic strip 4 Television series 4.1 First animated series ( 1987 -- 1996 ) 4.2 Original video animation 4.3 Live - action series ( 1997 -- 1998 ) 4.4 Second animated series ( 2003 -- 2009 ) 4.5 Third animated series ( 2012 -- 2017 ) 4.6 Fourth animated series ( 2018 ) 5 Feature films 6 Merchandise 6.1 Toys 7 Video games 8 In other media 8.1 Tabletop role playing game 8.2 Food tie - ins 8.3 Concert tour 8.4 At the Disney - MGM Studios theme park 9 Parodies 10 Controversies 10.1 Departure from origins 10.2 Teenage Mutant `` Hero '' Turtles 11 Ownership rights 11.1 Television 11.2 Films 11.3 Comic books 12 See also 13 References 14 Bibliography 15 External links History ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Cover of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles # 1 ( May 1984 ) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first appeared in an American comic book published by Mirage Studios in 1984 in Dover , New Hampshire . The concept arose from a humorous drawing sketched out by Eastman during a casual evening of brainstorming and bad television with Laird . Using money from a tax refund , together with a loan from Eastman 's uncle , the young artists self - published a single - issue comic intended to parody four of the most popular comics of the early 1980s : Marvel Comics ' Daredevil and New Mutants , Dave Sim 's Cerebus , and Frank Miller 's Ronin . The TMNT comic book series has been published in various incarnations by various comic book companies since 1984 . The Turtles started their rise to mainstream success when a licensing agent , Mark Freedman , sought out Eastman and Laird to propose wider merchandising opportunities for the franchise . In 1986 , Dark Horse Miniatures produced a set of 15 - mm ( approximately 0.6 inch ) lead figurines . In January 1987 , Eastman and Laird visited the offices of Playmates Toys , a small California toy company that wanted to expand into the action - figure market . Development was undertaken by a creative team of companies and individuals : Jerry Sachs , advertising agent of Sachs - Finley Agency , brought together the animators at Murakami - Wolf - Swenson headed by Fred Wolf . Wolf and his team combined concepts and ideas with the Playmates marketing crew , headed by Karl Aaronian , vice president ( VP ) of sales Richard Sallis , and VP of Playmates Bill Carlson . Aaronian brought on several designers and concepteur and writer John C. Schulte , and worked out the simple backstory that would live on toy packaging for the entire run of the product and show . Sachs called the high concept pitch `` Green Against Brick '' . The sense of humor was honed with the collaboration of the Murakami - Wolf - Swenson animation firm 's writers . Playmates and their team essentially served as associate producers and contributing writers to the miniseries that was first launched to sell - in the toy action figures . Phrases like `` Heroes in a half shell '' and many of the comical catch phrases and battle cries ( `` Turtle power ! '' ) came from the writing and conceptualization of this creative team . As the series developed , veteran writer Jack Mendelsohn came on board as both a story editor and scriptwriter . David Wise , Michael Charles Hill , and Michael Reaves wrote most of the scripts . The miniseries was repeated three times before it found an audience . Once the product started selling , the show got syndicated and picked up and backed by Group W , which funded the next round of animation . The show then went network , on CBS . Accompanied by the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 TV series , and the subsequent action figure line , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles became a mainstream success . At the height of the frenzy , in the late 1980s and early 1990s , the Turtles ' likenesses could be found on a wide range of children 's merchandise , from Pez dispensers to skateboards , breakfast cereal , video games , school supplies , linens , towels , cameras , and toy shaving kits . While the animated TV series , which lasted for 10 seasons until 1996 , was more light - hearted , the comic - book series continued in a much darker and grittier tone . In 1990 , a live - action feature film was released , with the Turtles and Splinter being portrayed by actors in partially animatronic suits created by Jim Henson 's Creature Shop . The film became one of the most successful independent films and spawned two sequels , as well as inspiring a three - dimensional animated film set in the same continuity , which was released in 2007 under the title TMNT . After the end of the cartoon series , a live - action series in the vein of the films was created in 1997 in conjunction with Saban Entertainment . The series was called Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation and introduced a fifth , female turtle called Venus de Milo . However , the series was largely unsuccessful and was canceled after one season . The property lay dormant until 2003 , when a new animated TV series also entitled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began to air on Fox Box ( 4Kids TV ) . The series storyline stuck much closer to the original Mirage comic book series , but was still less violent . It lasted for seven seasons and 156 episodes , ending in February 2009 . On October 21 , 2009 , it was announced that cable channel Nickelodeon ( a subsidiary of Viacom ) had purchased all of Mirage 's rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles property . Mirage retains the rights to publish 18 issues a year , though the future involvement of Mirage with the Turtles and the future of Mirage Studios itself is unknown . Nickelodeon has developed a new CGI - animated TMNT television series and partnered with fellow Viacom company Paramount Pictures to bring a new TMNT movie to theaters . The TV show premiered on Nickelodeon on September 29 , 2012 . The live - action film , produced by Platinum Dunes , Nickelodeon Movies , and Paramount Pictures , directed by Jonathan Liebesman , and produced by Michael Bay , was released on August 8 , 2014 . Main characters ( edit ) Main article : List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters Leonardo ( Leo ) -- The tactical , courageous leader and devoted student of his sensei , Leonardo wears a blue mask and wields two katana . As the most conscientious of the four , he often bears the burden of responsibility for his brothers , which commonly leads to conflict with Raphael . Leonardo was named after the Italian polymath , painter , engineer , inventor , writer , anatomist , and sculptor , Leonardo da Vinci . Michelangelo ( Mikey ) -- The most stereotypical teenager of the team , Michelangelo is a free - spirited , relaxed , and often goofy jokester , and known for his love of pizza . Michelangelo wears an orange mask and wields a pair of nunchucks . He provides the comic relief , though he still has an adventurous side . The least mature of the four Turtles , he shows characteristics of a `` surfer '' type and is often depicted with a Southern Californian accent . He is named after the Italian Renaissance painter , sculptor , architect , poet , and engineer , Michelangelo . His name was originally misspelled `` Michaelangelo '' by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman . Donatello ( Donnie or Don ) -- The scientist , inventor , engineer , and technological genius , Donatello wears a purple mask and wields a bo staff . Donatello is perhaps the least violent turtle , preferring to use his knowledge to solve conflicts , but never hesitates to defend his brothers . He is named after the early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence , Donatello . Raphael ( Raph ) -- The team 's bad boy , Raphael wears a red mask and wields a pair of sai . He has an aggressive nature , and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch . He is often depicted with a very pronounced New York accent . His personality can be fierce and sarcastic , and oftentimes delivers deadpan humor . He is intensely loyal to his brothers and sensei . He is named after the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance , Raphael . Splinter -- The Turtles ' sensei and adoptive father , Splinter is a Japanese mutant rat that learned the ways of ninjutsu from his owner and master , Hamato Yoshi . In the 1987 TV series , Archie Comics series , and the 2012 TV series , Splinter was Hamato Yoshi mutated into a humanoid rat . In the 2003 TV series , he was Hamato Yoshi 's pet rat . He was mutated from a mysterious ooze from the TCRI building . In the IDW comics , he is Hamato Yoshi reincarnated as a mutated rat . April O'Neil -- A former lab assistant to the mad scientist Baxter Stockman , April is the plucky human companion of the Turtles. April first met the Turtles when they saved her from Baxter 's Mouser robots . She embarks on many of the Turtles ' adventures and aids them by doing the work in public that the Turtles can not . In the 1987 TV series , Archie Comics series , the subsequent three films , and the 2014 film reboot , April was a television news reporter . In the 2007 CGI film ( following the continuity from the original three films ) , Casey Jones and she work for a shipping firm . In the 2012 series , April is a teenager who is rescued by the TMNTs and later given some `` crash courses '' in being a ninja by Splinter . Casey Jones -- A vigilante who wears a hockey mask to protect his identity , Casey Jones has become one of the Turtles ' closest allies , as well as a love interest to April . Casey first encountered the Turtles after having a fight with Raphael . He fights crime with an assortment of sporting goods he carries in a golf bag , such as baseball bats , golf clubs , and hockey sticks . The Shredder -- A villainous ninjutsu master called Oroku Saki , he is the leader of the Foot Clan , an evil ninja clan . In every incarnation of the TMNT franchise , he has been the archenemy of Splinter and the Turtles . The Shredder prefers to use his armor instead of weapons in some versions . Foot Soldiers / Ninjas -- The ninjas of the Foot Clan , working for the Shredder . Karai -- A female high - rank member of the Foot Clan , she has appeared in several different TMNT comics , cartoons , and films , as well as in multiple video games . In some incarnations of the character , she is closely related to Shredder as his adopted daughter or biological granddaughter . In most works , she shares an ambiguous rivalry with Leonardo , which occasionally even borders on romantic interest . Comics ( edit ) Mirage ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( Mirage Studios ) Eastman and Laird 's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premiered in May 1984 , at a comic book convention held at a local Sheraton Hotel in Portsmouth , New Hampshire . It was published by Mirage Studios in an oversized magazine - style format using black and white artwork on cheap newsprint , limited to a print run of only 3,250 copies . Through a clever media kit that included a press release in Comic Buyer 's Guide # 542 and a full - page ad placed in Comic Buyer 's Guide # 547 , the public 's interest was piqued and thus began the Turtle phenomenon . The small print runs made these early comics and trade magazines instant collector items , and within months , they were trading for over 50 times their cover price . The name `` Mirage Studios '' was chosen because of Eastman and Laird 's lack of a professional art studio at the start of their career , before their creation made them both multimillionaires . Mirage also published a bimonthly companion book entitled Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , featuring art by Ryan Brown and Jim Lawson , which was designed to fill in the gaps of continuity in the TMNT universe . This put the original series and Tales in the same mainstream continuity , and the two are thus canon to each other . The title 's first volume was from 1987 -- 1989 , released in alternating months with the regular Eastman and Laird book . All seven issues of volume one have been collected in trade paperback form twice , and 25 issues of volume two have been collected in trades of five issues each . As the TMNT phenomenon proliferated to other media , Eastman and Laird found themselves administrating an international merchandising juggernaut . However , this prevented the two creators from participating in the day - to - day work of writing and illustrating a monthly comic book . So , many guest artists were invited to showcase their unique talents in the TMNT universe . The breadth of diversity found in the various short stories gave the series a disjointed , anthology - like feel . Fans stuck with the series , and what was originally intended as a one - shot became a continuing series that lasted for 129 issues , spanning four separate volumes ( having 62 , 13 , 23 , and 32 issues in the four distinct volumes ) . In June 1996 , Image Comics took over publishing the title in what is considered `` volume 3 '' of the series . It was a slightly more action - oriented TMNT series and although notable for inflicting major physical changes on the main characters , Peter Laird , co-creator of the TMNT , has said this volume is no longer in canon as he began publishing volume 4 at Mirage Publishing . As an explanation , he offered in the pages of the volume 4 ( issue # 8 ) letter column : `` It just did n't feel right . '' After taking back the series from Image Comics , Mirage Studios resumed publication of a fourth volume in December 2001 , under the simple title TMNT . After the publication of issue number 28 , writer Peter Laird placed the series on an eight - month hiatus to devote himself to production of the 2007 TMNT movie . However , after that eight months had passed , Mirage 's official website went on to list the series as in `` indefinite hiatus '' . In January 2008 , Mirage had finally confirmed that the series would return in May 2008 . Issues 29 and 30 had a limited printing of 1,000 copies each , and were available through the official TMNT website . Although the purchase agreement with Nickelodeon allows Laird to produce up to 18 comics a year set in the original Mirage continuity , no new material was released in the next few years . The latest issue of TMNT volume 4 was issue # 32 which came out in print May 4 , 2014 , and online on May 9 , 2014 , almost 4 years after issue # 31 was last released . Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventures ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures was a comic - book series published from August 1988 to October 1995 by Archie Comics . The initial storylines were close adaptations of the 1987 TV series , but with the fifth issue , Eastman and Laird decided to hand the series over to Mirage Studios employees Ryan Brown and Stephen Murphy , who immediately abandoned the animated series adaptations and took the title in a decidedly different direction with all - new original adventures , including the uniting of several of the series ' recurring characters as a separate team , the Mighty Mutanimals . Dreamwave ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( Dreamwave Productions ) A monthly comic inspired by the 2003 TV series was published by Dreamwave Productions from June to December 2003 . It was written by Peter David and illustrated by LeSean Thomas . In the first four issues , which were the only ones directly adapted from the TV series , the story was told from the perspectives of April , Baxter , Casey , and a pair of New York City police officers . IDW ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( IDW Publishing ) In April 2011 , IDW Publishing announced that they had acquired the license to publish new collections of Mirage storylines and a new ongoing series . The first issue of the new series was released on August 24 , 2011 . Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman and Tom Waltz write , with Eastman and Dan Duncan handling art chores . Manga ( edit ) The Turtles have appeared in several manga series . Mutant Turtles ( ミュータント ・ タートルズ , Myūtanto Tātoruzu ) is a 15 - issue series by Tsutomu Oyamada , Zuki mora , and Yoshimi Hamada that simply adapted episodes of the original American animated series . Super Turtles ( スーパー タートルズ Sūpā Tātoruzu ) is a three - issue miniseries by Hidemasa Idemitsu , Tetsurō Kawade , and Toshio Kudō that featured the `` TMNT Supermutants '' Turtle toys that were on sale at the time . The first volume of the anime miniseries followed this storyline . Mutant Turtles Gaiden ( ミュータント ・ タートルズ 外伝 , Myūtanto Tātoruzu Gaiden ) by Hiroshi Kanno is a reinterpretation of the Turtles story with no connection to the previous manga . Mutant Turtles III ( ミュータント ・ タートルズ 3 , Myūtanto Tātoruzu Tsuri ) is Yasuhiko Hachino 's adaptation of the third feature film . Mutant Turtles ' 95 ( ミュータント ・ タートルズ 95 , Myūtanto Tātoruzu Kyūjūgo ) is a 1995 series by Ogata Nobu which ran in Comic BomBom . Mutant Turtles ' 96 ( ミュータント ・ タートルズ 96 , Myūtanto Tātoruzu Kyūjūroku ) is a continuation of the 1995 series when it continued to run through 1996 . Comic strip ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( comic strip ) A daily comic strip written and illustrated by Dan Berger began in 1990 . It featured an adventure story Monday through Friday and activity puzzles on weekends ( with fan art appearing later ) . The comic strip was published in syndication until its cancellation in December 1996 . At its highest point in popularity , it was published in over 250 newspapers . Television series ( edit ) First animated series ( 1987 -- 1996 ) ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 1987 TV series ) Logo of the 1987 cartoon When little - known Playmates Toys , Inc. was approached about producing a TMNTs action figure line , they were cautious of the risk and requested that a television deal be acquired first . On December 28 , 1987 , the TMNT 's first cartoon series began , starting as a five - part miniseries and becoming a regular Saturday - morning syndicated series on October 1 , 1988 , with 13 more episodes . The series was produced by Murakami - Wolf - Swenson Film Productions , Inc. ( later Fred Wolf Films ) . Mirage Studios does not own the rights to this cartoon series . The show places a much stronger emphasis on humor than the comics do . Here , the Ninja Turtles are portrayed as four wise - cracking , pizza - obsessed superheroes that fight the forces of evil from their sewer hideout , and they make their first appearance in masks color - coded to each turtle , where previously they had all worn red . The cast included new and different characters , such as Bebop and Rocksteady and the Neutrinos . Original characters such as Splinter , Shredder , and the Foot Soldiers stayed true to the comics in appearance and alignment only . Instead of being Hamato Yoshi 's mutated pet rat , Splinter was a mutated Hamato himself . The Foot Soldiers changed from human ninjas to an endless supply of robotic grunts , allowing large numbers of them to be destroyed without anyone dying ( this was a very important decision in terms of the show 's child audience ; excessive violence would have alienated parents of children , the show 's target demographic ) . Krang , one of the series ' most memorable villains , was inspired by the design of the Utrom , a benign alien race from the Mirage comics . The animated Krang , however , was instead an evil warlord from Dimension X . Baxter Stockman , whose race was changed from black to white either due to apprehension toward depicting a villainous African American character in a children 's cartoon or that for Shredder to boss around a black Stockman would be perceived as racist . Either way , Stockman was rewritten as a shy and meek lackey to Shredder , later mutating into an anthropomorphic housefly . During the final two seasons of the show , to combat the rising popularity of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers , the lead villain switched to Lord Dregg , an evil alien overlord bent on world conquest by trying to distract the public into believing that the Turtles were the enemy instead of himself . Starting on September 25 , 1989 , the series was expanded to weekdays and it had 47 more episodes for the new season . There were 28 new syndicated episodes for season 4 and only 13 of those episodes aired in 1990 . The `` European Vacation '' episodes were not seen in the United States until USA Network started showing reruns in late 1993 and the `` Awesome Easter '' episodes were not seen until 1991 . These episodes were delayed because of animation or scheduling problems . The turtles are also well known for their use of idiomatic expressions characteristic of the surfer lingo of the time , especially by Michelangelo . Words and phrases included `` bummer '' , `` dude '' , `` bogus '' , `` radical '' , `` far - out '' , `` tubuloso '' , `` bodacious '' , and possibly the most recognized , `` cowabunga '' . On April 21 , 1990 , a drug - prevention television special was broadcast on ABC , NBC , and CBS named Cartoon All - Stars to the Rescue that featured some of the most popular cartoons at the time ; representing TMNT was Michelangelo , voiced by Townsend Coleman . Starting on September 8 , 1990 ( with a different opening sequence ) , the show began its run on CBS . The CBS weekend edition ran for a full hour until 1994 , initially airing a few Saturday - exclusive episodes back - to - back . Also , a brief `` Turtle Tips '' segment aired between the two episodes , which served as public - service announcement about the environment or other issues . After 1994 , the show was reduced to just a half - hour and only eight episodes per season were produced , grouped into a `` CBS Action Zone '' block that also featured WildC. A.T.s. and Skeleton Warriors , both of which were canceled after one season ; though TMNTs retained their `` Action Zone '' introduction . The two shows in the block were also produced by Fred Wolf Films . The series ran until November 2 , 1996 , when it aired its final episode . Its enormous popularity gave rise to its numerous imitators , including the Battletoads , Cheetahmen , Wild West C.O.W. - Boys of Moo Mesa , Road Rovers , Street Sharks , Extreme Dinosaurs , and Biker Mice from Mars . Currently , all 193 episodes are available on DVD and VHS . Original video animation ( edit ) Main article : Mutant Turtles : Choujin Densetsu - hen In addition to the American series , a Japan - exclusive two - episode anime original video animation ( OVA ) series was made in 1996 , titled Mutant Turtles : Choujin Densetsu - hen . The OVA is similar in tone to the 1987 TV series and uses the same voices from TV Tokyo 's Japanese dub of the 1987 TV series . The first episode was made to advertise the TMNT Supermutants toys . It featured the Turtles as superheroes , that gained costumes and superpowers with the use of Mutastones , while Shredder , Bebop and Rocksteady gained supervillain powers with the use of a Dark Mutastone . As with the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises , the four Turtles could combine to form the giant Turtle Saint . The second episode was created to advertise the Metal Mutants toys in which the characters gain Saint Seiya-esque mystical metal armor that can transform into beasts . Live - action series ( 1997 -- 1998 ) ( edit ) Logo of the live - action series Main article : Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation In 1997 -- 1998 , the Turtles starred in a live - action television series called Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation that directly follows the events of the first three movies . A fifth turtle was introduced , a female named Venus de Milo , who was skilled in the mystical arts of the shinobi . The series was intended as a loose continuation of the movie franchise , as Shredder had been defeated and the Ninja Turtles encountered new villains . Other connections to the feature films include the fact that Splinter 's ear was cut , the Foot Soldiers were humans , and the Turtles lived in the abandoned subway station seen in the second and third movies . The Next Mutation Turtles made a guest appearance on Power Rangers in Space . It was canceled after one season of 26 episodes . Second animated series ( 2003 -- 2009 ) ( edit ) Logo of the 2003 cartoon Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2003 TV series ) In 2003 , a new TMNT series produced by 4Kids Entertainment began airing on the `` FoxBox '' ( later renamed `` 4Kids TV '' ) programming block . It later moved to `` The CW4Kids '' block . The series was co-produced by Mirage Studios , and Mirage owned one - third of the rights to the series . Mirage 's significant stake in creative control resulted in a cartoon that hews more closely to the original comics , creating a darker and edgier feel than the 1987 cartoon , but still remains lighthearted enough to be considered appropriate for children . This series lasted until 2009 , ending with a feature - length television movie titled Turtles Forever , which was produced in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the TMNTs franchise and featured the Turtles of the 2003 series teaming up with their counterparts from the 1987 series . 4Kidstv.com featured all the episodes of the series , until September 2010 , when Nickelodeon brought the series and air the series occasionally on Nicktoons and Nickelodeon normally during TMNTs marathons . Third animated series ( 2012 -- 2017 ) ( edit ) Logo of the 2012 cartoon Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2012 TV series ) Nickelodeon acquired the global rights to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from the Mirage Group and 4Kids Entertainment , Inc. and announced a new CGI - animated TMNT television series . The series is currently in its fifth and final season . The 2012 version is characterized by anime - like iconography and emphasis on mutagen continuing to wreak havoc on the everyday lives of the Turtles and their enemies . Fourth animated series ( 2018 ) ( edit ) Nickelodeon announced a new 2D animated series based on the franchise titled Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , which will debut in Fall 2018 . Feature films ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( film series ) The Turtles have appeared in six feature films . The first three are live - action features produced in the early 1990s : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 1990 ) , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : The Secret of the Ooze ( 1991 ) , and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III ( 1993 ) . The Turtles were played by various actors in costumes featuring animatronic heads , initially produced by Jim Henson 's Creature Shop . The fourth film is a CGI - animated film titled simply TMNT and released in 2007 . A reboot , titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles produced by Platinum Dunes , Nickelodeon Movies , and Paramount Pictures , directed by Jonathan Liebesman , and produced by Michael Bay , was released on August 8 , 2014 . A sequel , Out of the Shadows was released on June 3 , 2016 . Merchandise ( edit ) Among the first licensed products to feature the TMNT was a tabletop role - playing game titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness , published by Palladium Books in 1985 , and featuring original comics and illustrations by Eastman and Laird . The game features a large list of animals , including elephants and sparrows , that are available as mutant player characters . Several more titles were in this genre , including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures , Truckin ' Turtles , Turtles Go Hollywood , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Guide to the Universe , and Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . In 1986 , Dark Horse Miniatures in Boise , Idaho , produced an attendant set of lead figurines ; unlike later incarnations , the bandannas on the store 's display set were painted all black before the multicolored versions were released to help younger readers distinguish between the four characters other than their weaponry . Palladium allowed the license to lapse in 2000 , in part due to declining sales stemming from the `` kiddification '' of the animated and live - action incarnations to that point . However , Palladium 's publisher , Kevin Siembieda , has indicated a potential willingness to revisit the license given the franchise 's recent moves closer to its roots . Toys ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures During the run of the 1987 TV series , Playmates Toys produced hundreds of TMNT action figures , along with vehicles , playsets , and accessories , becoming one of the top collectibles for children . Staff artists at Northampton , Massachusetts - based Mirage Studios provided conceptual designs for many of the figures , vehicles , and playsets and creator credit can be found in the legal text printed on the back of the toy packaging . In addition , Playmates produced a series of TMNTs / Star Trek crossover figures , due to Playmates holding the Star Trek action - figure license at the time . Playmates employed many design groups to develop looks and styles for the toy line , including Bloom Design , White Design , Pangea , Robinson - Clarke , and McHale Design . The marketing vice president of Playmates , Karl Aaronian , was largely responsible for assembling the talented team of designers and writers , which in turn , helped germinate continued interest in the toy line . Never before in toy history did an action - figure line have such an impact for over two decades , generating billions of dollars in licensing revenue . The series was highly popular in the UK , where in the run - up to Christmas , the Army & Navy Store in London 's Lewisham devoted its entire basement to everything Turtle , including games , videos , costumes , and other items . Playmates continue to produce TMNT action figures based on the 2003 animated series . The 2007 film TMNT also gave Playmates a new source from which to make figures , while National Entertainment Collectibles Association produced a series of high - quality action figures based on character designs from the original Mirage comics . In 2012 , a new toy line and a new classic toy line from Playmates were announced to be released . Video games ( edit ) Main article : List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games The first console video game based on the franchise , titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System ( NES ) by Konami under their `` Ultra Games '' label in 1989 and later ported to home computers and eventually for the Wii on the Virtual Console . Also released by Konami in 1989 was an arcade game , also titled simply Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , later ported to the NES as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : The Arcade Game , leading to an NES - only sequel , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III : The Manhattan Project , which used the look of the arcade game , as opposed to the first NES game . The next Turtles game , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Turtles in Time , was released in 1991 as an arcade game , and was later ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System ( Super NES ) in 1992 . Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : The Hyperstone Heist was also created for the Sega Genesis in the same year , and used many of the art assets from TMNT IV . There was also a trilogy of TMNT video games for the original Game Boy system made by Konami , consisting of : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Fall of the Foot Clan , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : Back from the Sewers , and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III : Radical Rescue . As the video game series progressed , and the Ninja Turtles ' popularity began to decline in the mid-1990s , the video games changed direction . Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament Fighters was released as a set of one - on - one fighting game similar to the Street Fighter series ; versions were released for the NES , SNES , and Genesis , each a distinct game . Konami also acquired the license to adapt the 2003 TV series into a video game franchise , resulting in a new series of games with 3D gameplay inspired by the old TMNT beat ' em up games , consisting of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2003 video game ) , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 : Battle Nexus , and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 : Mutant Nightmare . In 2006 , Ubisoft acquired the rights for TMNT games , beginning with a game based on the 2007 animated feature film , along with a distinct game for the Game Boy Advance similar in style to the Konami arcade games . A beat ' em up game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Arcade Attack was released for the Nintendo DS in 2009 , to coincide with the series ' 25th anniversary . In 2013 , Activision released the downloadable game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows , based on the 2012 TV series and developed by Red Fly Studio for the Xbox Live Arcade , PlayStation Network and Steam . On January 25 , 2016 , Activision and PlatinumGames announced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutants in Manhattan for the PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , and PC . The game is described as a third - person , team - based brawler . The campaign will be playable either single - player or co-op and will have an original story written by Tom Waltz , IDW comic writer and editor . The art style is based on long time TMNT comic artist Mateus Santolouco . Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends , a Free to play Role - playing video game has been released by Ludia in summer 2016 for iPhone , iPad , Android , and Kindle Fire . It is based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2012 TV series ) . In other media ( edit ) Tabletop role playing game ( edit ) In 1985 Palladium published Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness ISBN 0 - 916211 - 14 - 2 . This was a stand - alone game , as well as acting as an expansion for their Rifts Megaverse . Within the game players rolled percentile dice or chose an animal , its physical attributes , the cause for mutation and education . The process involved spending Bio-Energy ( Bio-E ) to customise the animal to indicate how it had changed . The cost varied by animal depending on how developed the trait already was . e.g. Apes could pay 5 Bio-E for fully human hands , whereas Birds would have to pay 20 . The game used many key mechanics from the Palladium system . Character alignment is broadly covered by 3 groups , Good , Selfish and Evil . Education splits into Groups of Scholastic Skills and those Secondary skills the character has picked up in life . The combat system , including Hit Points ( HP ) and Structural Damage Capacity ( SDC ) are in there . The game itself is limited to which Martial Arts are available , but a separate book , Ninjas and Superspies ISBN 0 - 916211 - 31 - 2 increased the amount available from the generic Hand to Hand : Basic / Expert / Martial Arts or Ninjitsu to a choice of 41 Martial Arts styles . Examples of animals created are included in the Appendices as potential Antagonists ; the Terror Bears ; Caesers Weasels ; Sparrow Eagles , as well as including stats for the Turtles and other characters . Food tie - ins ( edit ) Main article : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles food tie - ins During the height of their popularity , the Turtles had a number of food tie - ins . Among the most notable of these products was Ninja Turtles Cereal , produced by Ralston - Purina as a kind of `` Chex with TMNT - themed marshmallows '' which also came with a small pouch of Pizza Crunchabungas , pizza - flavored corn snacks in the shape of pizzas ( the commercial starred the Ninja Turtles as Will Vinton - created claymations ) ; Hostess Ninja Turtles Pudding Pies , featuring a green sugar crust and vanilla pudding inside ; and Royal OOZE Gelatin Desserts , distributed by Nabisco under `` Royal Gelatin '' in three different flavors : orange , strawberry , and lime . Shreddies used to give out TMNT toys in their boxes when the cereal advertising was still geared toward children . One example of a TMNT prize was rings featuring a character on the cartoon ( 1992 ) . There was also green Ninja Turtle ice cream with different toppings according to which turtle flavor one ordered . Chef Boyardee also released a canned pasta with the pasta in the shapes of the four turtles . Concert tour ( edit ) To capitalize on the Turtles ' popularity , a concert tour was held in 1990 , premiering at Radio City Music Hall on August 17 . The `` Coming Out of Their Shells '' tour featured live - action turtles playing music as a band ( Donatello , keyboards ; Leonardo , bass guitar ; Raphael , drums and sax ; Michelangelo , guitar ) on stage around a familiar plotline : April O'Neil is kidnapped by the Shredder , and the turtles have to rescue her . The story had a very Bill - n ' - Ted-esque feel , with its theme of the power of rock n ' roll literally defeating the enemy , in the form of the Shredder ( who only rapped about how he hates music ) trying to eliminate all music . A pay - per - view special highlighting the concert was shown , and a studio album was also released . The track listing is as follows : Concert tour track list ( show ) `` Coming Out of Our Shells ! '' `` Sing About It '' `` Tubin ' '' `` Skipping Stones '' `` Pizza Power '' `` Walk Straight '' `` No Treaties '' `` Cowabunga '' `` April Ballad '' `` Count on Us '' Since the tour was sponsored by Pizza Hut in real life , many references are made to their pizza . Empty Pizza Hut boxes are seen onscreen in the `` Behind the Shells '' VHS . As part of a cross-marketing strategy , Pizza Hut restaurants gave away posters , audio cassettes of `` Coming Out of Their Shells '' , and `` Official Tour Guides '' as premiums . The original show of the tour was released on video with a making of video also released . The song `` Pizza Power '' was later used by Konami for the second arcade game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Turtles in Time . At the Disney - MGM Studios theme park ( edit ) On June 30 , 1990 , the TMNT appeared in the `` New York Street '' section of Disney - MGM Studios theme park in Orlando . Emerging from their Turtle Party Wagon , they would `` ninja dance '' across the stage while April performed the theme song to the show . After the main show was done , they posed for pictures and signed autographs . The Turtles also made appearances in Disney 's Very Merry Christmas Parade to sing their own rendition of `` Santa Claus is Coming to Town '' . They also appeared during the Easter parade dancing to their single `` Pizza Power ! '' The Turtles ' live shows and appearances ceased production in 1996 . Parodies ( edit ) Cover of Cracked # 255 , August 1990 Although the TMNT had originated as something of a parody , the comic 's explosive success led to a wave of small - press , black and white comic parodies of TMNT itself , including Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters , Pre-Teen Dirty - Gene Kung Fu Kangaroos , and a host of others . Dark Horse Comics ' Boris the Bear was launched in response to these TMNT clones ; its first issue was titled `` Boris the Bear Slaughters the Teenage Radioactive Black Belt Mutant Ninja Critters '' . Once the Turtles broke into the mainstream , parodies also proliferated in other media , such as in satire magazines Cracked and Mad magazine and numerous TV series of the period . The satirical British television series Spitting Image featured a recurring sketch `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turds '' . Controversies ( edit ) Departure from origins ( edit ) The Turtles engaged in a greater amount of overt violence in the pages of the early Mirage comic book series by Eastman and Laird . As the TMNT were introduced into the mainstream , they were radically redesigned . In issue # 19 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , the creators published an editorial addressing any possible concerns of readers as a result of this . It stated , in part : `` We 've allowed the wacky side to happen , and enjoy it very much . All the while , though , we 've kept the originals very much ours -- forty pages of what we enjoy and want to see in our books , whether it comes from our own hands or from those of the talented people we work with . '' In the film Turtles Forever , the original Mirage Turtles refer to their descendants as `` sell - outs '' , in reference to their colorful accessories ( the originals are conveyed in black and white ) . Teenage Mutant `` Hero '' Turtles ( edit ) The title screen from the TMHT version , altered due to censorship . Upon TMNT 's first arrival in the United Kingdom and Ireland the name was changed to `` Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles '' ( or TMHT , for short ) , since local censorship policies deemed the word ninja to have excessively violent connotations for a children 's program ( in Ireland , however , the first season aired as `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '' before the change to `` Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles '' ) . Consequently , everything related to the Turtles ( comic books , video games , toys , etc . ) had to be renamed before being released in these nations , as well as in the German - speaking countries . The lyrics were also changed , such as changing `` Splinter taught them to be ninja teens '' to `` Splinter taught them to be fighting teens '' . The policies also had other effects , such as editing out use of Michelangelo 's nunchaku ( which were at the time banned from appearing in 18 - rated films and generally toning down the usage of all the turtles ' weapons . To head this problem off , the showrunners elected to remove Michelangelo 's nunchaku entirely during season three , replacing them with a grappling hook called the `` Turtle Line '' that served as Mikey 's signature weapon for the rest of the show 's run . In Italy , Spain and Portugal , they kept Michelangelo 's nunchaku but the `` TMHT '' logo could be seen in the intro , as it was not edited to reflect the title in each of those translations . In Spain the cartoon was originally aired in regional TV channels and thus had different dubs in addition to Castillian : Galician and Catalan ; in the Galician version , the title As Tartarugas Mutantes ( `` The Mutant Turtles '' ) was used . The Italian and European Portuguese dubs also had few edits . However , when the live - action movie came out in 1990 , the Ninja of the title was kept even in the UK . In time , nunchaku scenes were retained in previously - censored movies such as those of Bruce Lee . The same went for the PAL releases of the early video games , which had Michelangelo 's weapon of choice fully visible and usable . By the time of the 2003 TV series , these censorship policies had been abolished , and no changes have occurred in the content of the show . The name `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '' remained unchanged for the 2003 TV series . As a result , in the UK , the 1987 TV series is still called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and the 2003 TV series is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . In 2009 , Lionsgate Home Entertainment released the 25th Anniversary Collectors Edition on Region 2 DVD in the UK . This 3 - Disc set contains all the episodes of Seasons 1 and 2 and 4 episodes from the final season , as well as a 1 - Disc DVD with the first few episodes of Season 1 . This release features the original , unedited episodes under the `` Ninja Turtles '' title , and also marks the first time the show has been released and left uncensored in the UK . Ownership rights ( edit ) Due to various movie and television deals , the various TMNT films and television series have split between various companies , with Mirage Studios having retained copyright and trademark until October 19 , 2009 , at which point the rights for the entire TMNT franchise were sold by co-creator Peter Laird to Nickelodeon . Television ( edit ) The original animated series ( 1987 -- 1996 ) was produced by Fred Wolf Films Dublin ( as Murakami Wolf Swenson ( MWS ) and Murakami Wolf Dublin ( MWD ) during earlier seasons ) , and syndicated by Group W . The series itself is owned by Wolf Films , with home entertainment rights residing with Lions Gate Entertainment , and until recently , syndication rights belonged to Nickelodeon 's former corporate sibling CBS Television Distribution . The initial five - part miniseries ( retroactively considered the first season ) was copyrighted by Playmates Toys , although their rights to those episodes were bought out by Fred Wolf Films . Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation was produced by Saban Entertainment , and as of September 2011 , is owned and distributed by Saban Brands . The second animated series ( 2003 -- 2009 ) was a co-production between Mirage Studios and 4Kids Entertainment . Nickelodeon 's October 19 , 2009 buyout of the TMNT franchise included an approximate $9.75 million payment to 4Kids to terminate its right to serve as the merchandise licensing agent prior to the scheduled expiration of the representation agreement in 2012 . Due to the buyout , all future TMNT film and television series rights are owned by Nickelodeon . Nickelodeon also gained the rights to the 2003 series after terminating 4Kids ' contract . Films ( edit ) The first three TMNT live - action films were produced by Golden Harvest , with New Line Cinema ( now a sister company of Warner Bros. Entertainment ) distributing the films in the United States , with 20th Century Fox distributing the second and third films in most other territories . The first two films were copyrighted by the UK - based Northshore Investments . The third film was copyrighted by Clearwater Holdings . The fourth film was produced by Imagi Animation Studios , and released by Warner Bros. Entertainment in association with the Weinstein Company . Michael Bay produced a feature film directed by Jonathan Liebesman simply titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , and was released on August 8 , 2014 . A sequel , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows , was released on June 3 , 2016 , with Megan Fox and Will Arnett reprising their roles and debuting Stephen Amell as Casey Jones . Dave Green replaced Liebesman as the director . Comic books ( edit ) Initially , Mirage allowed employees and freelancers to retain the rights to characters they created for the TMNT Universe but had never licensed for media and merchandise outside comic books . Eventually , due to the difficulty of keeping track of everyone 's rights , Mirage made TMNT character creators sign retroactive work - for - hire contracts . One creator who did not sign over the rights to his TMNT work was Swamp Thing veteran Rick Veitch . See also ( edit ) Comics portal 1980s portal Table of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character appearances List of anthropomorphic animal superheroes Ninja in popular culture References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Heroes in a Half Shell Turn the Big 2 -- 5 '' . The New York Times . April 20 , 2009 . Retrieved November 9 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Greenberg , Harvey R. ( April 15 , 1990 ) . `` Just How Powerful Are Those Turtles ? '' . The New York Times . Retrieved August 7 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` TMNT : The Rennaissance ( sic& ) Reptiles Return '' . Kung Fu Magazine . Retrieved December 27 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` I Was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle '' . January 26 , 2007 . Archived from the original on January 3 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Wiater , Stanley ( 1991 ) . The Official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasury . Villard Books . ISBN 0679734848 . Jump up ^ Laird , Peter ( October 21 , 2009 ) . `` palblog : Musings about the sale '' . Archived from the original on October 26 , 2009 . Retrieved October 24 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Mirage Group Sells Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Nickelodeon '' . Reuters . October 21 , 2009 . Archived from the original on February 1 , 2011 . Retrieved August 28 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 ) '' . IMDb . Retrieved July 22 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : TMNT Origin Story , official site . Retrieved November 16 , 2007 . Archived June 1 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ McGill , Douglas C. ( December 25 , 1988 ) . `` DYNAMIC DUO : Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird ; Turning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Into a Monster '' . The New York Times . Retrieved August 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` History of the Ninja Turtles '' . TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles.com . TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles.com . Retrieved June 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ IDW Announces New Comic Series Based on the Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Archived April 7 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . IDW Publishing April 1 , 2011 Accessed April 7 , 2011 Jump up ^ About the Creators TMNT25.com ( January 2009 ) . Retrieved on 1 -- 31 -- 09 . Archived April 20 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Simpson , Janice C. ( April 2 , 1990 ) . `` Show Business : Lean , Green and on the Screen '' . Time . Retrieved March 3 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles On TV '' . IGN . Retrieved August 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '' ( 1987 / I ) -- Trivia IMDB.com ( February 2019 ) . Retrieved on 2 -- 21 -- 09 . Jump up ^ `` The Official TMNT Web Site ! '' . Tmnt25.com . Archived from the original on April 14 , 2009 . Retrieved August 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles On TV '' . IGN . Retrieved August 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` TMNT Celebrates 25 Years , III -- Peter Laird '' . Newsarama . Retrieved August 22 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Cruz , Eileen ( April 4 , 2011 ) . `` WonderCon 2011 -- PR : IDW to Publish New Ninja Turtles Series Based on Original Comics '' . toonzone news . Archived from the original on December 8 , 2012 . Retrieved April 5 , 2011 . Jump up ^ David McCutcheon ( March 9 , 2011 ) . `` TMNT Gets a Makeover '' . IGN TV . Retrieved April 5 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Eric Goldman ( October 21 , 2009 ) . `` New Ninja Turtles TV Series and Film Coming '' . IGN TV . Retrieved April 5 , 2011 . 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Jump up ^ `` Playmates Reveals 2012 ' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ' Action Figures -- ComicsAlliance Comic book culture , news , humor , commentary , and reviews '' . ComicsAlliance . Archived from the original on June 18 , 2013 . Retrieved April 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Ubisoft to create video game based on 2007 TMNT movie '' . Starpulse.com . January 11 , 2006 . Retrieved August 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 4Kids Entertainment And The Mirage Group Sign Worldwide Video Game Agreement With Ubisoft '' ( PDF ) . 4kidsentertainment.com . January 11 , 2006 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on June 14 , 2006 . Retrieved August 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Arcade Attack hands - on ign.com Jump up ^ `` Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows announced -- trailer '' . Digitalspy.co.uk . March 4 , 2013 . Retrieved August 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` TMNT - Mutants in Manhattan '' . www.tmntmutantsinmanhattan.com . Retrieved January 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Hunt , Dennis ( April 13 , 1990 ) . `` ' Turtles ' Tapes Being Served at Burger King '' . The Los Angeles Times . Retrieved November 9 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Mutant Merchandise '' . Entertainment Weekly . March 30 , 1990 . Retrieved December 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Givens , Ron ( August 17 , 1990 ) . `` Music news for August 17 , 1990 -- Prince and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made news this week '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved December 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Pareles , Jon ( September 28 , 1990 ) . `` Review / Music ; After the Hype , an Elaborate High - Tech Show for the Ninja Turtles Set '' . The New York Times . Retrieved November 9 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Granberry , Ted ; Churnin , Nancy ( November 30 , 1990 ) . `` Turtles Shell Out Ninja Concert Fun '' . The Los Angeles Times . Retrieved August 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Shell Schlocked '' . Entertainment Weekly . October 12 , 1990 . Retrieved December 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX924HL3pV0&feature=youtu.be&t=18m59s Jump up ^ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vol. 1 # 19 , March 1989 . Jump up ^ Cohen , Susan ( April 7 , 1991 ) . `` Teenage Mutant Ninja Television : Who 's winning the battle over kids ' TV ? '' . Washington Post Magazine . Jump up ^ `` FAQ '' . Ninjaturtles.com . Archived from the original on May 4 , 2012 . Retrieved August 10 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Hall , Peter . `` So Much for a Dark and Twisted ' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ' Movie '' . amazon.imdb.com . Retrieved October 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Programming Catalog : Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation '' . MarVista Entertainment . Archived from the original on March 25 , 2012 . Retrieved September 16 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Cynopsis : Kids ! 09 / 19 / 11 '' . Cynopsis . September 19 , 2011 . Archived from the original on July 24 , 2012 . Retrieved September 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Pickard , Michael ( September 16 , 2011 ) . `` MarVista picks up live Turtles '' . C21Media . Archived from the original on October 12 , 2011 . Retrieved September 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` The Mirage Group Sells Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Nickelodeon - 4Kids Entertainment to End Long - Standing Relationship as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Licensing Agent and Production Partner '' ( PDF ) . 4kidsentertainment.com . October 21 , 2009 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on December 29 , 2009 . Retrieved August 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Kevin Eastman Interview Part I The Comics Journal '' . Tcj.com . January 3 , 2012 . Retrieved August 10 , 2013 . Bibliography ( edit ) Eastman , Kevin ( 2002 ) . Kevin Eastman 's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Artobiography . Los Angeles : Heavy Metal . ISBN 1 - 882931 - 85 - 8 . Wiater , Stanley ( 1991 ) . The Official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasury . New York : Villard . ISBN 0 - 679 - 73484 - 8 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Official website Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Don Markstein 's Toonopedia ( hide ) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Created by Kevin Eastman Peter Laird Characters ( appearances ) Turtles Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Supporting Splinter Hamato Yoshi April O'Neil Casey Jones Leatherhead Metalhead Miyamoto Usagi Mighty Mutanimals Venus Antagonists Shredder Foot Clan Karai Baxter Stockman Bebop and Rocksteady Krang Purple Dragons Rat King Slash Tokka and Rahzar Comics Mirage comic series Tales Adventures Mighty Mutanimals Daily comic strip Dreamwave comics series IDW comic series Television 1987 series Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Mutant Turtles : Superman Legend Next Mutation Episodes Villains 2003 series Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Turtles Forever Home video 2012 series Characters Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Films Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 1990 ) soundtrack II : The Secret of the Ooze ( 1991 ) soundtrack III ( 1993 ) soundtrack TMNT ( 2007 ) soundtrack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 ) soundtrack Out of the Shadows ( 2016 ) Games Role - playing games Video games Other Action figures Lego Alien races Casey Jones ( fan film ) Food tie - ins Cartoon All - Stars to the Rescue `` Turtle Power ! '' `` Spin That Wheel '' Dimension X Technodrome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock Turtle Power : The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles&oldid=807855575 '' Categories : Superhero teams Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1984 comics debuts Animal superheroes Anthropomorphic martial artists Child superheroes American comics adapted into films Comics adapted into animated films Comics adapted into television series Comics adapted into plays Comics adapted into animated series Comics adapted into video games Comics characters introduced in 1984 Corporate mascots Fictional mutants Fictional ninja Fictional turtles Fictional comedians Image Comics teams Mirage Studios titles Viacom Media Networks Nickelodeon Ninja parody Robots in television Teens in fiction Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use American English from February 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in American English Use mdy dates from May 2016 Articles needing additional references from May 2016 All articles needing additional references Groups pop Articles needing additional references from April 2015 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2015 Articles containing Japanese - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2009 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Føroyskt Français 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Kernowek Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Piemontèis Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 30 October 2017 , at 14 : 06 . 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what marvel movies has tom holland been in
Year Title Role Notes Arrietty Shō Voice ; English dub ( UK , AU , NZL ) 2012 The Impossible Lucas Bennett 2013 How I Live Now Isaac Moments Boy Short film 2014 Locke Eddie Voice Billy Elliot the Musical Live Former Billy Encore ; cameo 2015 In the Heart of the Sea Thomas Nickerson Tweet Himself Short film ; also director 2016 Captain America : Civil War Peter Parker / Spider - Man Edge of Winter Bradley Baker A Monster Calls The Monster Stand - in The Lost City of Z Jack Fawcett 2017 Pilgrimage The Novice / Brother Diarmuid Spider - Man : Homecoming Peter Parker / Spider - Man The Current War Samuel Insull 2018 Avengers : Infinity War Peter Parker / Spider - Man 2019 Chaos Walking Todd Hewitt Post-production The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle Jip Voice ; Filming Untitled Avengers film Peter Parker / Spider - Man Post-production Spider - Man : Far From Home Filming Spies in Disguise Walter Beckett Voice ; In production
Tom Holland ( actor )
tom holland ( actor )
Tom Holland Holland at the 2016 San Diego Comic - Con promoting Spider - Man : Homecoming Thomas Stanley Holland ( 1996 - 06 - 01 ) 1 June 1996 ( age 22 ) Kingston upon Thames , London , England Education BRIT School Occupation Actor dancer Years active 2008 -- present Parent ( s ) Dominic Holland ( father ) Thomas Stanley Holland ( born 1 June 1996 ) is an English actor and dancer . He is best known for playing Spider - Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) films Captain America : Civil War ( 2016 ) , Spider - Man : Homecoming ( 2017 ) , and Avengers : Infinity War ( 2018 ) . Holland previously appeared on stage in the title role of Billy Elliot the Musical in London 's West End . His other major films include The Impossible ( 2012 ) , In the Heart of the Sea ( 2015 ) , and The Lost City of Z ( 2016 ) . Holland received the BAFTA Rising Star Award in 2017 . Contents 1 Early life and education 2 Career 2.1 Theatre 2.2 Television 2.3 Cinema 2.3. 1 Spider - Man 2.4 Upcoming works 3 Personal life 4 Filmography 4.1 Film 4.2 Television 4.3 Video games 5 Stage 6 Awards and nominations 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Early life and education Holland was born in Kingston upon Thames , London , to Nicola Elizabeth ( née Frost ) , a photographer , and Dominic Holland , a comedian and author . He has three brothers . His paternal grandparents were born on the Isle of Man and Tipperary , Ireland . Holland was educated at Donhead , a Roman Catholic preparatory school in Wimbledon in South West London , followed by Wimbledon College , a voluntary aided Jesuit Roman Catholic comprehensive school ( also in Wimbledon ) , up until December 2012 . Holland has said he was bullied in school for being a dancer . After Wimbledon College he attended The BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology . Career Theatre Holland ( centre ) performing at the fifth anniversary of Billy Elliot the Musical , 31 March 2010 Holland began dancing at a hip hop class at Nifty Feet Dance School in Wimbledon . His potential was spotted by choreographer Lynne Page ( who was an associate to Peter Darling , choreographer of Billy Elliot and Billy Elliot the Musical ) when he performed with his dance school as part of the 2006 Richmond Dance Festival . After eight auditions and two subsequent years of training , on 28 June 2008 , Holland made his West End debut in Billy Elliot the Musical as Michael , Billy 's best friend . He gave his first performance in the title role on 8 September 2008 , receiving positive notices . In September 2008 , Holland ( together with co-star Tanner Pflueger ) appeared on the news programme on channel FIVE and gave his first TV interview . The following year , he was featured on ITV1 show The Feel Good Factor . At the premiere on 31 January , Holland and two actors also playing the title role , Pflueger and Layton Williams , performed a version of `` Angry Dance '' from Billy Elliot the Musical , after which Holland was interviewed by host Myleene Klass . He trained five British schoolboys for a dance routine he fronted for the final The Feel Good Factor show on 28 March 2009 . On 8 March 2010 , to mark the fifth anniversary of Billy Elliot the Musical , four current Billy Elliots , including Holland , were invited to 10 Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister , Gordon Brown . Holland was chosen to be a lead at the fifth - anniversary show on 31 March 2010 . Holland had been appearing on a regular basis as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical , rotating with three other performers , until 29 May 2010 , when he finished his running . Television In 2015 , Holland appeared in four episodes of BBC Two 's TV series Wolf Hall , as Gregory Cromwell , son of the protagonist Thomas Cromwell played by Mark Rylance . He later appeared on an episode of Lip Sync Battle , in which he defeated Zendaya . Holland presented the award for Best Visual Effects at the 90th Annual Academy Awards , in which the Oscar was won by Blade Runner 2049 . Cinema In 2011 , Holland was cast in the British version of the animated film Arrietty , produced by Japan 's Studio Ghibli . He provided a voice for the principal character Sho . Holland made his feature film debut in The Impossible , directed by Juan Antonio Bayona , alongside Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor . Holland was praised so highly , that there were even rumours he was a contender for a Academy Award nomination . The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 9 September 2012 and was a critical and commercial success , earning $180.3 million worldwide and Holland won universal praise from critics and several awards such as the National Board of Review Award for Breakthrough Performance and London Film Critics Circle Award for Young British Performer of the Year . He was also shortlisted for an Academy Award for his performance in the film . Holland starred as Isaac in the drama film How I Live Now , which was released in the UK on 4 October 2013 , co-starring Saoirse Ronan and co-starred as Thomas Nickerson in the film In the Heart of the Sea ( 2015 ) , directed by Ron Howard - in which he was shortlisted for the second time in his career for an Academy Award for his performance . In 2016 , he played Bradley Baker in the film Edge of Winter , where he co-stars with Joel Kinnaman and Percy Hynes White . In 2017 , Holland co-starred alongside Charlie Hunnam in the drama film The Lost City of Z , directed by James Gray , and released in April , to positive critical reception . In 2017 , he co-starred alongside Richard Armitage and Jon Bernthal in the film Pilgrimage . The film premiered on 23 April 2017 at the Tribeca Film Festival , in its `` Viewpoint '' sections . Also that year , Holland played Samuel Insull in Alfonso Gomez - Rejon 's The Current War , which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival . Spider - Man On 23 June 2015 , it was announced that Holland was cast as a teenage Peter Parker / Spider - Man , and his `` life was flipped upside down '' , as he later tweeted . As part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe , he first appeared as Spider - Man in Captain America : Civil War ( 2016 ) . The film was a massive critical and commercial success , grossing over $1.1 billion worldwide , making it the highest - grossing film of 2016 , with Holland receiving critical praise . In July 2017 , Spider - Man : Homecoming was released , in which Holland reprised his role from Captain America : Civil War . Earning $117,027,503 in box office receipts in its first weekend , Homecoming received positive reviews and Holland considerable praise , with his appearance being called `` a star performance given by a born actor . '' Holland reprised Spider - Man in Avengers : Infinity War , which was released on 27 April 2018 . He has a six - picture deal with Marvel Studios , not including his Captain America : Civil War appearance . Upcoming works Holland was cast in the film adaptation of Patrick Ness 's best - selling YA series Chaos Walking as Todd Hewitt , alongside with Star Wars star Daisy Ridley , which will be directed by Doug Liman Holland revealed after filming that a sequel was in the works . In May 2017 , it was announced that he had been cast as a young Nathan Drake in the film adaptation of Naughty Dog 's Uncharted video game series . He is also now cast as the lead role in the film adaptation of Beneath the Scarlet Sky with Pascal Pictures . He is set to star in 20th Century Fox Animation 's Spies in Disguise in 2019 alongside Will Smith . Holland was later cast in a voice role in The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle , alongside Avengers co-star Robert Downey Jr . He is set to play Spider - Man again in the Untitled Avengers film , scheduled for release on 3 May 2019 , and the sequel to Homecoming , Spider - Man : Far From Home , which is scheduled for release on 5 July , 2019 . Holland has said that his long - term career plans are to `` do some more franchises , '' play `` some meatier indie roles and eventually ... transition to the other side of the camera and branch into directing . '' Personal life Holland resides in the London neighbourhood of Kingston upon Thames , near the house of his parents and younger brothers . He has a dog named Tessa . When he was seven years old , Holland was diagnosed with dyslexia . Holland is a supporter of English football club Arsenal and also practises gymnastics . Along with his three siblings , Holland sponsors The Brothers Trust , a UK Registered Charity that raises money for various charitable causes . Holland publicly credits his father , comedian and writer Dominic Holland , for keeping his Spider - Man fame from `` getting to his head '' . Filmography Film Year Title Role Notes Arrietty Shō Voice ; English dub ( UK , AU , NZL ) 2012 The Impossible Lucas Bennett 2013 How I Live Now Isaac Moments Boy Short film 2014 Locke Eddie Voice Billy Elliot the Musical Live Former Billy Encore ; cameo 2015 In the Heart of the Sea Thomas Nickerson Tweet Himself Short film ; also director 2016 Captain America : Civil War Peter Parker / Spider - Man Edge of Winter Bradley Baker A Monster Calls The Monster Stand - in The Lost City of Z Jack Fawcett 2017 Pilgrimage The Novice / Brother Diarmuid Spider - Man : Homecoming Peter Parker / Spider - Man The Current War Samuel Insull 2018 Avengers : Infinity War Peter Parker / Spider - Man 2019 Chaos Walking Todd Hewitt Post-production The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle Jip Voice ; Filming Untitled Avengers film Peter Parker / Spider - Man Post-production Spider - Man : Far From Home Filming Spies in Disguise Walter Beckett Voice ; In production Television Year Title Role Notes 2015 Wolf Hall Gregory Cromwell Recurring role ; 4 episodes 2017 Lip Sync Battle Himself Episode : `` Tom Holland vs. Zendaya '' 2019 Beneath a Scarlet Sky Pino Lella Main , pre-production Video games Year Title Role Notes 2016 Lego Marvel Avengers Peter Parker / Spider - Man Downloadable Content 2017 Spider - Man : Homecoming - Virtual Reality Experience 2017 Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Likenesses Only 2018 Marvel Strike Force IOS , Android , Tablet , Mobile Game 2018 Spider - Man Iron Spider Likeness Only Stage Year Title Role Venue Notes 2008 -- 2010 Billy Elliot the Musical Billy Elliot / Michael Victoria Palace Theatre 8 September 2008 -- 29 May 2010 Awards and nominations Year Award Nominated work Result 2012 Hollywood Film Awards Spotlight Award The Impossible Won Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Awards Best Youth Performance Nominated St. Louis Film Critics Association Special Merit ( shared with Naomi Watts , Ewan McGregor , Samuel Joslin , Oaklee Pendergast ) Won Chicago Film Critics Association Awards Most Promising Performer Nominated Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards Best Youth Performance in a Lead or Supporting Role - Male Won Nevada Film Critics Society Best Youth Performance Won 2013 Central Ohio Film Critics Association Breakthrough Film Artist Nominated National Board of Review Breakthrough Performance - Male Won Critics ' Choice Awards Best Young Actor / Actress Nominated London Film Critics ' Circle Awards Young British Performer of the Year Won Online Film & Television Association Best Youth Performance Won Best Breakthrough Performance - Male Nominated Most Cinematic Moment ( shared with Naomi Watts , Ewan McGregor , Samuel Joslin , Oaklee Pendergast ) Nominated Cinema Writers Circle Awards Best New Actor Nominated Goya Awards Best New Actor Nominated Gold Derby Awards Best Breakthrough Performer Nominated Empire Awards Best Male Newcomer Won Young Artist Awards Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actor Won Saturn Awards Best Performance by a Younger Actor Nominated 2014 CinEuphoria Awards Best Actor - International Competition Nominated 2016 Young Artist Awards Best Performance in a Feature Film - Supporting Young Actor ( 14 - 21 ) In the Heart of the Sea Nominated Golden Schmoes Awards Breakthrough Performance of the Year Captain America : Civil War Won Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie : Scene Stealer Nominated 2017 Empire Awards Best Male Newcomer Nominated Saturn Awards Best Performance by a Younger Actor Won British Academy Film Awards Rising Star Award Himself Won London Film Critics ' Circle Awards Young British / Irish Performer of the Year The Lost City of Z / Spider - Man : Homecoming Nominated Teen Choice Awards Choice Breakout Movie Star Spider - Man : Homecoming Nominated Choice Summer Movie Actor Won 2018 Saturn Awards Best Performance by a Younger Actor Won Teen Choice Awards Choice Action Movie Actor Avengers : Infinity War Nominated See also Billy Elliot the Musical casts References ^ Jump up to : Profile , tribute.ca ; accessed 24 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Person Details for Thomas Stanley Holland , `` England and Wales Birth Registration Index , 1837 - 2008 '' -- FamilySearch.org `` . familysearch.org . ^ Jump up to : `` Meet Tom Holland ... the 16 - year - old star of The Impossible '' , standard.co.uk , 20 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Schoolboy actor Tom Holland finds himself in Oscar contention for role in tsunami drama '' , The Scotsman , 21 December 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Holland and Pflueger Are West End 's Two New ' Billy Elliots ' '' , BroadwayWorld.com , 28 August 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Richard and Margaret Povey of Jersey , Channel Islands , UK : Information about Thomas Stanley Holland '' . Familytreemaker.genealogy.com . Retrieved 18 December 2012 . Jump up ^ Byrne , John ( 28 June 2017 ) . `` Spider - Man star Tom Holland is proud of his Irish roots '' . Jump up ^ `` Tom Holland to play Billy Elliot '' Archived 23 July 2010 at the Wayback Machine. , donhead.org.uk ; accessed 22 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Spider - Man Homecoming Tom Holland Talks Being Bullied '' . Retrieved 19 July 2017 . Jump up ^ `` New Billy Elliot leaving the garage '' , ichmondandtwickenhamtimes.co.uk , 31 August 2008 . Jump up ^ Billy Elliot the Musical - Tom Holland - Billy . YouTube . 27 August 2009 . Jump up ^ `` A Tale of four Billys : Tom Holland '' , valchess.livejournal.com , 28 August 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The Feel Good Factor '' , tvthrong.co.uk ; accessed 22 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Thames Christian College schoolboys join Myleene Klass for The Feelgood Factor '' , www.wandsworthguardian.co.uk , 5 March 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Government launches £ 600,000 arts bursaries pilot '' , thestage.co.uk , 8 March 2010 . Jump up ^ `` BILLY 's Chapman , Holland , Gardner & Jackson - Keen Visit Prime Minister '' , BroadwayWorld.com , 8 March 2010 Jump up ^ `` Elton John ' blown away ' by Billy Elliot fifth birthday '' ( video with John 's interview and fragments of Holland 's performance ) , BBC News , 1 April 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Being Billy Elliot '' Archived 9 September 2012 at Archive.is , NewsOnStage.co.uk , 29 March 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Wolf Hall '' . Retrieved 20 July 2017 . Jump up ^ `` First News interviews Arrietty 's Tom Holland '' Archived 20 April 2013 at Archive.is First News , 5 August 2011 ^ Jump up to : `` 33rd Critics ' Circle Film Awards winners '' . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . Jump up ^ `` National Board of Review Current Awards '' . Archived from the original on 12 June 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Ron Howard Whaling Tale ' In The Heart Of The Sea ' Casts Tom Holland '' , Deadline.com , 10 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The Lost City of Z reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved 20 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Hipes , Patrick ( 17 March 2017 ) . `` ' Mary Magdalene ' , ' Current War ' & ' Wind River ' Get 2017 Release Dates From Weinstein '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved 17 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their ' Spider - Man ' Star and Director '' . Marvel.com. 23 June 2015 . Retrieved 23 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Holland Reflects On Being Cast As Spider - Man '' . Marvel . Retrieved 14 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ; Siegel , Tatiana ( 23 June 2015 ) . `` ' Spider - Man ' Finds Tom Holland to Star as New Web - Slinger '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on 24 June 2015 . Retrieved 23 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Captain America : Civil War ( 2016 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved 4 September 2016 . Jump up ^ Chang , Justin ( 13 April 2016 ) . `` Film Review : ' Captain America : Civil War ' '' . Variety . Archived from the original on 14 April 2016 . Retrieved 14 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Roeper , Richard ( 2 May 2016 ) . `` ' Captain America : Civil War ' review : Choose your own avenger '' . Chicago Sun - Times . Archived from the original on 4 May 2016 . Retrieved 4 May 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Box Office History for Spider - Man Movies '' . Retrieved 19 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Travers , Peter ( 29 June 2017 ) . `` ' Spider - Man : Homecoming ' Review : New Reboot of Marvel Webslinger Really Is Amazing '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 17 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Siegel , Tatiana ( 9 November 2016 ) . `` Tom Holland Learned He Got His ' Spider - Man : Homecoming ' Role From a Marvel Instagram Post '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on 9 November 2016 . Retrieved 9 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Lodderhose , Diana ( 11 May 2017 ) . `` Lionsgate Unleashing Daisy Ridley & Tom Holland Starrer ' Chaos Walking ' In Cannes '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved 13 May 2017 . Jump up ^ Jr , Mike Fleming ( 22 May 2017 ) . `` ' Uncharted ' Reconfigured : ' Spider - Man Homecoming 's Tom Holland To Play Young Nathan Drake For Shawn Levy '' . Jump up ^ `` Tom Holland to Star in WWII Spy Movie Beneath a Scarlet Sky '' . Den of Geek . Retrieved 10 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Will Smith , Tom Holland to Star in Fox Animation 's ' Spies in Disguise ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 10 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Couch , Aaron ( 10 February 2017 ) . `` ' Avengers : Infinity War ' Featurette Shows Off First Footage From Set '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on 11 February 2017 . Retrieved 10 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ; Couch , Aaron ( 18 April 2017 ) . `` Marvel 's Kevin Feige on Why the Studio Wo n't Make R - Rated Movies , ' Guardians 2 ' and Joss Whedon 's DC Move '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on 18 April 2017 . Retrieved 18 April 2017 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( 9 December 2016 ) . `` ' Spider - Man : Homecoming 2 ' Shoots Web Around Independence Day 2019 Frame ; ' Bad Boys 4 ' Moves To Memorial Day '' . Deadline Hollywood . Archived from the original on 10 December 2016 . Retrieved 9 December 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Mandle , Chris ( 26 June 2017 ) . `` ' Tom Holland might just be the most chipper superhero of all time ' '' . shortlist.com . Retrieved 21 July 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Holland 's Mom Tricks Him Into Staying Close to Home '' . E ! . Jump up ^ Desta , Yohana. `` 5 things to know about your new Spider - Man : Tom Holland '' . Mashable . Jump up ^ `` Dyslexia is in the news ... '' . DominicHolland.co.uk . Jump up ^ `` Meet new Spider - Man Tom Holland : Arsenal - loving , free - running teenager who lives at home - and is set to become a household name '' . Daily Mirror . Jump up ^ `` The Brothers Trust '' . www.thebrotherstrust.org . Retrieved 18 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Hanna , Beth ( 17 December 2012 ) . `` PTA 's ' Master ' Leads Chicago Film Critics Nominations , UPDATED : Houston and Indiana Critics Nominations '' . IndieWire . Retrieved 2 August 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Nominaciones Goya 2013 Telecinco Cinema -- ENG '' ( PDF ) . Mediaset.es. 8 January 2013 . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Blackall , Luke ( 24 March 2013 ) . `` Jameson Empire Film Awards : Martin Freeman wins best actor for performance in The Hobbit '' . The Independent . Retrieved 24 March 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 34th Annual Young Artist Awards '' . YoungArtistAwards.org . Archived from the original on 2 April 2013 . Retrieved 5 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Teen Choice Awards 2016 -- Captain America : Civil War Leads Second Wave of Nominations '' . E ! Online . 9 June 2016 . Jump up ^ McNary , Dave ( 2 March 2017 ) . `` Saturn Awards Nominations 2017 : ' Rogue One , ' ' Walking Dead ' Lead '' . Variety . Retrieved 2 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` BAFTA Film Award Nominations : ' La La Land ' Leads Race '' . Variety . 10 January 2017 . Retrieved 10 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Cline , Rich ( 9 December 2017 ) . `` Three Billboards Leads Nominees for Critics ' Circle Film Awards '' . The Critics ' Circle . Retrieved 15 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Vulpo , Mike ( 12 July 2017 ) . `` Teen Choice Awards 2017 Reveal `` Second Wave '' of Nominations `` . E ! Online . Archived from the original on 12 July 2017 . Retrieved 12 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Hammond , Pete ( 27 June 2018 ) . `` ' Black Panther ' Tops 44th Saturn Awards With Five ; ' Blade Runner 2049 ' , ' Shape Of Water ' , ' Get Out ' Also Score '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved 28 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Cohen , Jess ( 13 June 2018 ) . `` Teen Choice Awards 2018 : Avengers : Infinity War , Black Panther and Riverdale Among Top Nominees '' . E ! Online . Retrieved 15 June 2018 . Further reading Holland , Dominic ( 2017 ) . Eclipsed : How Tom Holland Eclipsed His ' Celebrity ' Dad . ( 1 ) External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tom Holland . Tom Holland at Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency Tom Holland at AllMovie Tom Holland on IMDb Tom Holland at Rotten Tomatoes Tom Holland on Twitter The Brothers Trust Works by or about Tom Holland in libraries ( WorldCat catalogue ) Awards for Tom Holland BAFTA Rising Star Award James McAvoy ( 2006 ) Eva Green ( 2007 ) Shia LaBeouf ( 2008 ) Noel Clarke ( 2009 ) Kristen Stewart ( 2010 ) Tom Hardy ( 2011 ) Adam Deacon ( 2012 ) Juno Temple ( 2013 ) Will Poulter ( 2014 ) Jack O'Connell ( 2015 ) John Boyega ( 2016 ) Tom Holland ( 2017 ) Daniel Kaluuya ( 2018 ) Empire Award for Best Male Newcomer Tom Hiddleston ( 2012 ) Tom Holland ( 2013 ) Aidan Turner ( 2014 ) Taron Egerton ( 2015 ) John Boyega ( 2016 ) Dave Johns ( 2017 ) Josh O'Connor ( 2018 ) National Board of Review Award for Breakthrough Performance Alicia Silverstone ( 1995 ) Renée Zellweger ( 1996 ) Bai Ling ( 1997 ) Billy Crudup / Angelina Jolie ( 1998 ) Hilary Swank / Wes Bentley ( 1999 ) Jamie Bell / Michelle Rodriguez ( 2000 ) Hayden Christensen / Naomi Watts ( 2001 ) Maggie Gyllenhaal / Derek Luke ( 2002 ) Charlize Theron / Paul Giamatti ( 2003 ) Emmy Rossum / Topher Grace ( 2004 ) Q'orianka Kilcher / Terrence Howard ( 2005 ) Jennifer Hudson / Rinko Kikuchi / Ryan Gosling ( 2006 ) Ellen Page / Emile Hirsch ( 2007 ) Viola Davis / Dev Patel ( 2008 ) Gabourey Sidibe / Jeremy Renner ( 2009 ) Jennifer Lawrence ( 2010 ) Rooney Mara / Felicity Jones ( 2011 ) Quvenzhané Wallis / Tom Holland ( 2012 ) Adèle Exarchopoulos / Michael B. Jordan ( 2013 ) Jack O'Connell ( 2014 ) Abraham Attah / Jacob Tremblay ( 2015 ) Lucas Hedges / Royalty Hightower ( 2016 ) Timothée Chalamet ( 2017 ) Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor Noah Hathaway ( 1984 ) Barret Oliver ( 1985 ) Carrie Henn ( 1986 ) Kirk Cameron ( 1987 ) Fred Savage ( 1988 ) Adan Jodorowsky ( 1989 / 90 ) Edward Furlong ( 1991 ) Scott Weinger ( 1992 ) Elijah Wood ( 1993 ) Kirsten Dunst ( 1994 ) Christina Ricci ( 1995 ) Lucas Black ( 1996 ) Jena Malone ( 1997 ) Tobey Maguire ( 1998 ) Haley Joel Osment ( 1999 ) Devon Sawa ( 2000 ) Haley Joel Osment ( 2001 ) Tyler Hoechlin ( 2002 ) Jeremy Sumpter ( 2003 ) Emmy Rossum ( 2004 ) Dakota Fanning ( 2005 ) Ivana Baquero ( 2006 ) Freddie Highmore ( 2007 ) Jaden Smith ( 2008 ) Saoirse Ronan ( 2009 ) Chloë Grace Moretz ( 2010 ) Joel Courtney ( 2011 ) Suraj Sharma ( 2012 ) Chloë Grace Moretz ( 2013 ) Mackenzie Foy ( 2014 ) Ty Simpkins ( 2015 ) Tom Holland ( 2016 ) Tom Holland ( 2017 ) Young Artist Award for Best Leading Young Actor in a Feature Film 1979 -- 1990 Dennis Christopher ( 1979 ) Justin Henry ( 1980 ) Ricky Schroder ( 1981 ) Henry Thomas ( 1982 ) C. Thomas Howell ( 1983 ) Anthony Michael Hall ( 1984 ) Sean Astin ( 1985 ) Peter Billingsley ( 1986 ) River Phoenix ( 1987 ) Fred Savage ( 1987 ) Patrick Dempsey ( 1987 ) Corey Feldman ( 1987 ) Christian Bale ( 1988 ) Corey Feldman ( 1988 ) Corey Haim ( 1988 ) Lukas Haas ( 1988 ) Sean Astin ( 1989 ) Macaulay Culkin ( 1990 ) 1991 -- 2010 Ethan Embry ( 1991 ) Elijah Wood ( 1993 ) Edward Furlong ( 1994 ) Jason James Richter ( 1994 ) Mason Gamble ( 1994 ) Brad Renfro ( 1995 ) Wil Horneff ( 1996 ) Lucas Black ( 1997 ) Blake Heron ( 1998 ) Kevin Zegers ( 1998 ) Miko Hughes ( 1999 ) Haley Joel Osment ( 2000 ) Rob Brown ( 2001 ) Anton Yelchin ( 2002 ) Tyler Hoechlin ( 2003 ) Jeremy Sumpter ( 2004 ) Jamie Bell ( 2005 ) Josh Hutcherson ( 2006 ) Logan Lerman ( 2007 ) Josh Hutcherson ( 2008 ) Nate Hartley ( 2009 ) Max Records ( 2010 ) 2011 -- present Jaden Smith ( 2011 ) Dakota Goyo ( 2012 ) Tom Holland ( 2013 ) Miles Elliot ( 2014 ) Reese Hartwig ( 2015 ) Michael Grant ( 2016 ) Julian Feder ( 2017 ) BNF : cb16706349t ( data ) ISNI : 0000 0004 0355 4279 LCCN : no2013044290 SUDOC : 170004732 VIAF : 300279794 Retrieved from `` https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tom_Holland_(actor)&oldid=854716324 '' Categories : 1996 births 21st - century English male actors BAFTA winners ( people ) Best Male Newcomer Empire Award winners English male child actors English male film actors English male stage actors English male musical theatre actors English male voice actors English people of Irish descent English people of Manx descent Living people Male actors from London People from Kingston upon Thames People educated at the BRIT School People educated at Wimbledon College Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template archiveis links Articles with short description Wikipedia semi-protected pages Use dmy dates from July 2018 Use British English from June 2018 Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Български Čeština Cymraeg Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Қазақша Magyar მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Русский संस्कृतम् Simple English کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 31 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 August 2018 , at 08 : 48 ( UTC ) . 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