35 values
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So we cut that down as I say. therapist: Hmm. client: But the problem goes that coffee, we're up to 8 or so, 10 cups of coffee a day now. therapist: You're drinking more coffee. So what I've heard you say so far is, if I can just start right back from the beginning and you used to come in and sais, "I went to the doctor." You went for-- it sounds like you went for just a checkup. client: No, you know, there's a friend of mine, one of the guys down the rugby club, he said- he said, "I'm going for my annual, you know-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: But the problem goes that coffee, we're up to 8 or so, 10 cups of coffee a day now. therapist: You're drinking more coffee. So what I've heard you say so far is, if I can just start right back from the beginning and you used to come in and sais, "I went to the doctor." You went for-- it sounds like you went for just a checkup. client: No, you know, there's a friend of mine, one of the guys down the rugby club, he said- he said, "I'm going for my annual, you know- therapist: MIT. client: -warranty of fitness, sort of thing, you know. And I thought, now that's an idea, not been to one of those.
Got to check out, why not?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So I'm 55, and you read in the papers, you know, it's that at 55 you will-- you know, heart disease is more prevalent therapist: Hmm. client: -and all these sorts of things that you get around this middle-age time. So I thought, "Well, I'll go and have one." And frankly, when I went along, I was very confident. I thought, you know, the doctor is going to saying, "Hmm, I wish I was as healthy as you," sort of thing. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think-
So everything else looked pretty good?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -and all these sorts of things that you get around this middle-age time. So I thought, "Well, I'll go and have one." And frankly, when I went along, I was very confident. I thought, you know, the doctor is going to saying, "Hmm, I wish I was as healthy as you," sort of thing. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think- therapist: So everything else looked pretty good? client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad.
Cholesterol good, your weight is good.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Um, but unfortunately, uh, he-he came up with this. And it's the only thing I think he really came up with. I think- therapist: So everything else looked pretty good? client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad. therapist: Cholesterol good, your weight is good. client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad.
Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: My cholesterol is quite good, not too bad. therapist: Cholesterol good, your weight is good. client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad. therapist: Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that. client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind.
And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah-yeah. Not too bad. therapist: Um, you are smoking, but you've managed to reduce that. client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind. therapist: And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good. client: Absolutely.
So we're looking good.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Well, yeah, I've cut it down, yeah. I mean, that's been three years, mind. therapist: And anything else, you know, you go ticking down the list. The tire is good, oil good. client: Absolutely. therapist: So we're looking good. client: And then we come to this-
And ah, hang on.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Absolutely. therapist: So we're looking good. client: And then we come to this- therapist: And ah, hang on. client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know.
Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And then we come to this- therapist: And ah, hang on. client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know. therapist: Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit. client: So, yeah.
And it doesn't quite fit with how you see your own lifestyle.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -too much sugar in the tank, or something. I don't know. therapist: Yeah, there's something wrong with the, uh, with this bit. client: So, yeah. therapist: And it doesn't quite fit with how you see your own lifestyle. client: No.
Because you've-- it sounds like what you've been doing, you've made some conscious effort to be aware of some of those things you might think are important.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I mean, yeah. I mean, you know, the thing is, you see, the thing is, and I mean, and probably you've-- I think you've heard this before, but people, they turn around, oh, uh, you know, doom and gloom prophets, you shouldn't drink. therapist: Mm. client: You shouldn't smoke. therapist: Yeah. client: And then I think to myself, "Well, maybe I shouldn't socialize." And then after that, "Well, maybe I shouldn't be alive."
So like a domino effect, and they'll all be just sitting-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And then I think to myself, "Well, maybe I shouldn't socialize." And then after that, "Well, maybe I shouldn't be alive." therapist: So like a domino effect, and they'll all be just sitting- client: You know. I mean, what-what-what's going on here? This is- this is- this is so many people's lives. therapist: Mm-hm. client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, "Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems," Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle.
A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: You know. I mean, what-what-what's going on here? This is- this is- this is so many people's lives. therapist: Mm-hm. client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, "Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems," Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle. therapist: A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything. client: Yeah. It was um, and I-I said, well, no. I'm sorry. [coughs] I'm not going to change my lifestyle. I've got to where I am. I'm reasonably happy. Okay, I wish I wasn't separated. Okay, I wish my kids were-were still around, um, you know. One of them is off now in, um, in-- back in Europe playing rugby in France.
Yeah. And your thought was, yeah, right, I hear that, but actually, I don't want to make all these big changes in my life.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And um, I suppose, you know, if it came down to it, then, and somebody said, "Well, you can solve this problem by taking a pill once a day, um, you know, it will keep it down, and there will be no problems," Then I-I could go with that. But what I don't want to do, um, the doctor was saying, or insinuating, that I'd have to change my lifestyle. therapist: A bit broad kind of like you've gotta change everything. client: Yeah. It was um, and I-I said, well, no. I'm sorry. [coughs] I'm not going to change my lifestyle. I've got to where I am. I'm reasonably happy. Okay, I wish I wasn't separated. Okay, I wish my kids were-were still around, um, you know. One of them is off now in, um, in-- back in Europe playing rugby in France. therapist: Yeah. And your thought was, yeah, right, I hear that, but actually, I don't want to make all these big changes in my life. client: No, I don't want to, because I don't feel that I need to.
Feel like you need to. Yeah.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I mean, it's you know, why? therapist: Mm. client: Um, I can't argue with a medical professional, Mark, because I know nothing, you know. therapist: The test, is the test, and experience, yeah. client: So, I mean, what-what-what-what suggestions would you have? I mean, what-what sort of-
I don't know. I think it's up to you where we start, and that's the question I've got in my mind. You've mentioned a couple of things that you've already made some effort, or been conscious of. You've mentioned the diet, you've mentioned your smoking, those are two quite important aspects that we often talk about here in how people work.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Where would I start? Well, I-- What if about if I cut down on sugar in the coffee? If we could have long blacks, no milk, and no sugar. therapist: Yeah. Hmm, that might be a start. client: I think I could- I think I could probably handle that. therapist: Hm. What we also find is that people make these little changes, small changes, and that starts to kind of well, it makes them- client: Something of a rollover effect.
-rollover, the domino effect starts to happen, and they start looking at other aspects.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I think I could- I think I could probably handle that. therapist: Hm. What we also find is that people make these little changes, small changes, and that starts to kind of well, it makes them- client: Something of a rollover effect. therapist: -rollover, the domino effect starts to happen, and they start looking at other aspects. client: Domino effect, yeah.
So rather than thinking, "oh, my God, I have to change all these things. I've gotta stop smoking, I've gotta exercise more, I've gotta, you know, start eating more fruit and vegetables," you might start with these small changes, and then-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Domino effect, yeah. therapist: So rather than thinking, "oh, my God, I have to change all these things. I've gotta stop smoking, I've gotta exercise more, I've gotta, you know, start eating more fruit and vegetables," you might start with these small changes, and then- client: I mean, how much exercise should I do a week? therapist: Um, I-I'm reluctant to give a prescription for that because I think it's really up to you. And I think it depends on how things go, as to how much you need to do. client: Right.
You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I mean, how much exercise should I do a week? therapist: Um, I-I'm reluctant to give a prescription for that because I think it's really up to you. And I think it depends on how things go, as to how much you need to do. client: Right. therapist: You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar. client: Yeah.
So on how-- It depends on how-how that goes. Let's say, if you started doing that and you do some more exercise, you start to have longer blacks, rather than short blacks with lots of sugar. And you get down the sugar and you find your blood sugar starts to come down, then we're heading in the right direction.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Right. therapist: You mentioned earlier on, the doctors talking about you monitoring your blood sugar. client: Yeah. therapist: So on how-- It depends on how-how that goes. Let's say, if you started doing that and you do some more exercise, you start to have longer blacks, rather than short blacks with lots of sugar. And you get down the sugar and you find your blood sugar starts to come down, then we're heading in the right direction. client: Okay, so—
So it's really, I suppose, up to how things go for you, and you get that feedback. And if that's going in the right direction, you carry on doing and do some more of that.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So, a-are we saying then that-that, really all I need to do, for this moment, is I can forget about everything, but cut out the sugar, uh, in the coffee and the milk-- I don't know, but you might as well, you know, milk without sugar is silly. But, um, if we do that, is that where we start? therapist: I think where we start is where you feel comfortable starting. client: Well, I mean that's something that's not difficult to do. therapist: Apples for breakfast. client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um—
So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Well, I mean that's something that's not difficult to do. therapist: Apples for breakfast. client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um— therapist: So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points. client: Maybe.
Not huge changes, but some little things you could do.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: You start off at breakfast and get yourself an apple, a bit-a bit of apple and-and so on. Um— therapist: So what I'm hearing you're kind of saying is, that there's-- You're now starting to think of some very useful little starting points. client: Maybe. therapist: Not huge changes, but some little things you could do. client: Yeah.
And it's kind of dawning on you there may be some possibilities here for making some changes. Let me ask you this. Um, let's say you put some of these things in place and you start to make some of these small changes.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. therapist: Um, where do you see that taking you in the next set of three, four, five years? You know, where do you want to be in three to four years' time? What would be your ideal picture? client: Well, you know, and this is difficult because I don't feel unhealthy now. therapist: No. client: So, I suppose it would be fun to-- Maybe I should join a club or two, that's what I'm thinking because I'll be with mates.
Yeah? You like the social aspect?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So, I suppose it would be fun to-- Maybe I should join a club or two, that's what I'm thinking because I'll be with mates. therapist: Yeah? You like the social aspect? client: I love the social aspect of it, and, um, there's-there's-- I know there's a bar in this club as well. I-- Don't-don't misunderstand me, I don't drink- therapist: No, no, I get that. I get that. client: -till-- You know, I'm not an alcoholic or anything like that, I—
So part of that whole keeping fit and exercise stuff is actually the social side of it, isn't it?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So yeah, so to get that balance, and maybe that's what I'm actually missing in life, and maybe this is, um-- I mean yes I do get up in the morning sometimes, and I suppose I do feel a bit— therapist: Yeah. client: You know? Even after a decent night's sleep, you know? therapist: Haven't quite that- client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm—
And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: You know? Even after a decent night's sleep, you know? therapist: Haven't quite that- client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm— therapist: And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up? client: And that gets me going. Yeah.
And the sugar in it helps too.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And you need-- I'm getting this cup of coffee and maybe I'm— therapist: And the coffee helps a little bit because it perks you up? client: And that gets me going. Yeah. therapist: And the sugar in it helps too. client: Yeah, the sugar gives me the boost, I suppose. I-it's fantastic.
So what I'm hearing is that your life, your work, your routines are-- Sometimes you're driving or you've got to keep awake, get up in the morning sometimes and you haven't quite got that buzz or the energy. You need a shot, and then throughout the day you might need just more shots to keep that energy up.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Hmm. If I give up sugar in my coffee, give up the milk, black coffees, right? therapist: Yeah. client: if I find some social form of exercise, like squash. therapist: And an activity which has got a starting to finish and it's something you do for a slot. client: Yeah.
And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: if I find some social form of exercise, like squash. therapist: And an activity which has got a starting to finish and it's something you do for a slot. client: Yeah. therapist: And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well. client: Yeah, and then—
You can see some benefits and some enjoyment that.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. therapist: And then there's maybe some social aspects to it as well. client: Yeah, and then— therapist: You can see some benefits and some enjoyment that. client: And then, you know, give this, say, six months, I don't know what period it would be, then go back to the GP and say, "Test me again."
That sounds like a great plan.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And then, you know, give this, say, six months, I don't know what period it would be, then go back to the GP and say, "Test me again." therapist: That sounds like a great plan. client: And so maybe that would, uh— therapist: Yeah, sounds like a good idea. client: Maybe it's an idea. I mean—
I think anything you do, it has to be something you've decided. You know, just start where you want to start. You've mentioned some really good ideas about possibly getting a little bit more exercise into your life, doing something like squash or something of that nature. You've mentioned some really good ideas about reducing the amount of sugar you-you-you're-you're intaking during the day, and coffee is a good place to start. Having an apple for breakfast, I think you mentioned that, a bit of fruit.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Well, you see, I mean, I'm thinking, "Actually it might not be a bad idea this," because [chuckles] it would mean I could socialize harder, couldn't I? No, no I'm just joking. Uh, but, um, yeah, I mean, why not? Why not? Why not? It might be fun, it's a new path. therapist: What's to lose? What's to gain? client: Well, it would appear that there is something to gain, and-- I mean, I-- What do I lose? I don't know until I do it. But I'm thinking that if I do it and I do what I'm enjoying doing, I won't miss what I'm not doing. Does that make sense? therapist: It does make sense, yeah. client: Um, yeah I don't mind. I-- It's not a—
So when you look at it, there's probably more to gain from making these changes than there is to lose.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I'll talk to Billy about, um-- Billy is, um, he's the gym bloke. therapist: Right. client: I'll have a word with him because I'm due down the club tonight. therapist: Yeah. client: Really.
So you've got to work these things on your mind. You know, the-- And workout where's the place to start.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Really. therapist: So you've got to work these things on your mind. You know, the-- And workout where's the place to start. client: Yeah, I think that you say where-where you're at now, where you're going, where— therapist: Yeah. client: -and-and-and this is what I've got to do. I think I'm in a rut. I think that's where I've—
You've been stuck?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -which he says can be managed, and you seem to be insinuating that it can be managed. therapist: Indeed, yeah. client: Uh, maybe this is a blessing, actually- therapist: So rather than-- client: -because I think to myself, "Well, if someday, I am diagnosed with diabetes, I'd just carry on and-"
Carrying on.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Uh, maybe this is a blessing, actually- therapist: So rather than-- client: -because I think to myself, "Well, if someday, I am diagnosed with diabetes, I'd just carry on and-" therapist: Carrying on. client: "-sitting in the corner of the bar, and chat, and talk and probably get fat." I don't know, and make it worse. And, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.
So it's been a bit of a-a bit of a shock, but now you kinda reflect on it.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: "-sitting in the corner of the bar, and chat, and talk and probably get fat." I don't know, and make it worse. And, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. therapist: So it's been a bit of a-a bit of a shock, but now you kinda reflect on it. client: Yeah, that's cool. therapist: Maybe this is the- client: That's really cool.
-bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, "Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine."
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah, that's cool. therapist: Maybe this is the- client: That's really cool. therapist: -bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, "Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine." client: Mm.
But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, "Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were."
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: That's really cool. therapist: -bit of a shake that I needed, you know, just sort of remind me. I might feel okay. I might-- From my perspective, your perspective, you're thinking, "Well, what's the problem? Everything's fine." client: Mm. therapist: But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, "Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were." client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just—
Things could be better?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm. therapist: But now you seem to be thinking looking and thinking, "Maybe things weren't, or aren't, as good as I thought they were." client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just— therapist: Things could be better? client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28]
Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're--
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah, I mean, I think you're quite right. I think you just— therapist: Things could be better? client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28] therapist: Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're-- client: I think to myself, I think, "Oh," I think go—
Quite invigorated with the idea of--
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I don't know, you become sedentary, don't you? No, it seems that-- No, actually, this is quite exciting. It quite [unintelligible 00:31:28] therapist: Yeah, I sense that. I sense that in you that you're-- client: I think to myself, I think, "Oh," I think go— therapist: Quite invigorated with the idea of-- client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again.
Making some of these changes. Yeah.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I think to myself, I think, "Oh," I think go— therapist: Quite invigorated with the idea of-- client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again. therapist: Making some of these changes. Yeah. client: This is good. And, um—
You're up for the challenge?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. I mean, this is- this is- this is cool, it's like an old challenge again. therapist: Making some of these changes. Yeah. client: This is good. And, um— therapist: You're up for the challenge? client: I think I am. I mean, I never thought about it, but when I think about it now it's, "What am I doing here?" Why am I like this? Why am I just happy contented to drift?
So think about when you were-- This-this is an interesting question to see what you think. You were- you were a coach. You-- Maybe you'll be a coach again.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. therapist: Modified and looked at, to get the best out of ourselves, to get the best out of the opportunities we have. client: I think you're- I think you're right. I think, um-- And again, you put them together and it's-it's-it's becoming-- It's-it's a sort of a-an individual team job, isn't it really? therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that.
Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, "Well--"
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I think you're- I think you're right. I think, um-- And again, you put them together and it's-it's-it's becoming-- It's-it's a sort of a-an individual team job, isn't it really? therapist: Yeah, yeah. client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that. therapist: Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, "Well--" client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I?
It's not about giving up your personality or-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: That, okay, do a bit of this and do a bit of that. therapist: Some good things I'm- some things I'm good at and there are some other aspects we think, "Well--" client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I? therapist: It's not about giving up your personality or- client: No.
-changing who you are fundamentally.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah, but I don't have to give up anything really, do I? therapist: It's not about giving up your personality or- client: No. therapist: -changing who you are fundamentally. client: No it's not. It's not.
It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: No. therapist: -changing who you are fundamentally. client: No it's not. It's not. therapist: It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem. client: Mm-hmm.
It comes along to me and talk today a bit about how you felt about that. Initially, it can be quite a bit of a-bit of a shock. It didn't quite fit with how you saw things.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: No it's not. It's not. therapist: It's just tweaking things. Just fine-tuning a few areas and being a bit more aw-aware of one aspect of your life a bit more, like the food choices or whatever. Well, Mike, I-I've really enjoyed listening to your perspective, and your story a little bit, and it's helped me a lot to get an idea about where you're coming from, and a little bit about who you are, and what's happened in your past. And-and we've also talked a bit about what's going to happen next. And you've come up with some great ideas. What I hear you saying is that, you know, before all this, before you met the GP, things are going fine.Well, as you would of-- As, you know, as you'd seen it, you were just doing your thing, and getting on working, and being busy, and being successful, and then suddenly this diagnosis, this doctor tells you that you've got a problem. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: It comes along to me and talk today a bit about how you felt about that. Initially, it can be quite a bit of a-bit of a shock. It didn't quite fit with how you saw things. client: True, true.
And as we've been talking, I'm hearing you're saying that maybe if you look back to where you were before you went to the doctor, things weren't quite that right, maybe. Things weren't as good as you thought they were.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: True, true. therapist: And as we've been talking, I'm hearing you're saying that maybe if you look back to where you were before you went to the doctor, things weren't quite that right, maybe. Things weren't as good as you thought they were. client: Now that I think about it- now that I think about it, maybe. therapist: Yeah. client: Maybe they were.
And what I also hear you saying, it's possibly the-- It's now possibly more possible, in your mind, that you could make some of these changes, rather than bring broad-brush, you know, huge changes to your lifestyles. It's not about changing who you are, it's not changing huge facets of your life, but maybe small steps that need to be taken.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Now that I think about it- now that I think about it, maybe. therapist: Yeah. client: Maybe they were. therapist: And what I also hear you saying, it's possibly the-- It's now possibly more possible, in your mind, that you could make some of these changes, rather than bring broad-brush, you know, huge changes to your lifestyles. It's not about changing who you are, it's not changing huge facets of your life, but maybe small steps that need to be taken. client: Yeah, you see—
What you're kind of thinking about what those might.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm. When your life comes to a halt- therapist: Mm. client: -your family splits up, or whatever, and you don't have anymore, I-I think you stop caring really. Uh, y-you know, you stop caring about yourself therapist: Yeah. client: Because everything is just f-
Nobody there too.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Nobody there, [crosstalk] it's true and so,- therapist: Yeah. client: -you know,- therapist: Mhm. client: -you don't care.
So now it's time-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -you know,- therapist: Mhm. client: -you don't care. therapist: So now it's time- client: So that's maybe [crosstalk]
-to think about looking after yourself a bit more.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -you don't care. therapist: So now it's time- client: So that's maybe [crosstalk] therapist: -to think about looking after yourself a bit more. client: Maybe, a bit selfish but maybe why not?
Why not?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Maybe, a bit selfish but maybe why not? therapist: Why not? client: Why not? Yeah, that's a good idea. therapist: Yeah. So, we've run out of time but I also want to ask you a final question, where to from here, what's next? client: Oh right, well, wha-what we talked about. Now, you know, uh, okay, uh, coffee. Right? No sugar.
You'll start with that?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Oh right, well, wha-what we talked about. Now, you know, uh, okay, uh, coffee. Right? No sugar. therapist: You'll start with that? client: I'll start with that. therapist: Yeah. client: Um, I'm gonna, um, I'll be talking to Bill, uh-
The gym.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -and I'm gonna go down to the rugby club and I'll- I know that will be accepted. I'll offer my services again because- therapist: Yeah. client: -it was reasonably successful. therapist: Yeah. client: And, uh—
And you also mentioned you'll perhaps go and- back and see the doctor and just give him a bit of an update as to-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: But this is what I'm gonna do. All right? And like I said, I'm gonna make the inquiries, I will start there- therapist: Sure. client: -I will give up, uh, I'll give up the V drinks,- therapist: Mhm. client: -I think, um, look for some better wine. [laughter] Um, and-and I-I'd take an interest really.
You are gonna make a start?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Oh, yeah, and what it is- therapist: [unintelligible 00:36:53] some of that. client: -because I don't really know. Yeah, yeah. therapist: Um, and I'd like to us- for us to meet again, so to catch up with you and make an appointment before you leave. Just to see how things are going and- client: Okay.
-see what sort of little changes you've managed to make. I'd be really [unintelligible 00:37:07]-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: -and she freaked out, and she's going crazy over it. Um, I don't why she was going through stuff in the first place, but whatever, so, now I'm here. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Um, I've been hanging out with a new cool crowd of people that I really like. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it.
Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Um, I've been hanging out with a new cool crowd of people that I really like. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it. therapist: Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this. client: Yeah.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Uh, a-and-and that's-that's basically it. therapist: Yeah. So-so you've got this new group of friends and-and, um, you-you actually kind of like where you're at with things right now. And your mom was going through your stuff and found your stash, and it's just turned into a, you know, all of this. client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, basically.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. therapist: Yeah. client: Yeah, basically. therapist: Yeah. client: Mm-hmm.
And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah, basically. therapist: Yeah. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that? client: I am.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: And, uh, sounds like you're-you're pretty upset with your mom for-for doing that? client: I am. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, it's my stuff, I don't know why she's—
Right. It's like your private place and, you know, it's-- that's-- it's your stuff.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I am. therapist: Yeah. client: I mean, it's my stuff, I don't know why she's— therapist: Right. It's like your private place and, you know, it's-- that's-- it's your stuff. client: I-I don't go- I don't go through her s- I don't go through her stuff. I don't go through her purse. I don't—
Yeah. So why should she go through yours?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Right. therapist: Yeah. Yeah therapist: Okay. So what ideas do you have, Natalie for, um, getting started in adding more physical activity? client: Well, I think, um, like when I was really active in the past, I enjoy going to the gym and I like that regardless of what's happening with the weather outside, that-that's always an option. Um, so I've kind of already started to look and see, like, how much gym memberships cost in the area. Um, I really like one that's like month to month and doesn't require me to pay out for like a year because, in the summertime, I just don't use that when the weather is nice, I like to be outside. client: So, um, I do think that that would be an option. Um, I did enjoy doing yoga in the past. I, um, I don't care for swimming, uh, because it requires a lot of extra prep time, and like, I don't- chlorine in my hair just doesn't really go very well usually. Um, but I really like walking, um, weightlifting, running is okay. Um, that was more at my, like, peak activity level, so I don't think I could start out running now, but I'd like to work up to it.
Great. It sounds like there are a lot of activities that you do like-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
therapist: Okay. So what ideas do you have, Natalie for, um, getting started in adding more physical activity? client: Well, I think, um, like when I was really active in the past, I enjoy going to the gym and I like that regardless of what's happening with the weather outside, that-that's always an option. Um, so I've kind of already started to look and see, like, how much gym memberships cost in the area. Um, I really like one that's like month to month and doesn't require me to pay out for like a year because, in the summertime, I just don't use that when the weather is nice, I like to be outside. client: So, um, I do think that that would be an option. Um, I did enjoy doing yoga in the past. I, um, I don't care for swimming, uh, because it requires a lot of extra prep time, and like, I don't- chlorine in my hair just doesn't really go very well usually. Um, but I really like walking, um, weightlifting, running is okay. Um, that was more at my, like, peak activity level, so I don't think I could start out running now, but I'd like to work up to it. therapist: Great. It sounds like there are a lot of activities that you do like- client: Mm-hmm.
-and I'm hearing a theme of climate control, [chuckles] being important to you and you've already been researching gyms.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and I'm hearing a theme of climate control, [chuckles] being important to you and you've already been researching gyms. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like "Gyms in the area" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out.
Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: Tell me more about that. client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like "Gyms in the area" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out. therapist: Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced- client: Mm-hmm.
-and that you don't have to sign a contract and you're right. It's hard to tell what the cost is just from looking on the website.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. So I just- on my phone, if I'm like in the grocery store, I'm kind of just looking through, and on Google, I'll type in like "Gyms in the area" and I'll look and see what's there. And, um, I don't ever want to sign up to learn more 'cause I feel like then they just keep emailing you forever. So at this point, I'm just trying to kind of figure out what I can, based on their website as far as cost goes, but that, um, month to month is kind of really important for me. Just like I mentioned, I don't want to be paying for six months or a year out. therapist: Right. Okay. So you're looking for some-something that's reasonably priced- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and that you don't have to sign a contract and you're right. It's hard to tell what the cost is just from looking on the website. client: Yeah.
And I completely agree [laughs]about wanting to avoid the sales pitch-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. therapist: And I completely agree [laughs]about wanting to avoid the sales pitch- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -um, element of it. What seems like a logical next step based on-- You've kind of already gotten the ball rolling. What feels like a logical next step? client: Yeah, I think, um, you know, I've kind of looked around and seen what I- what's available to me. Um, I think the next step would be to maybe go visit one place and just see, like, what equipment they have. Um, I also think too, I'd like to be outside when the weather permits. I like to walk. I just- I don't like rain or snow or cold, like, um, I don't like doing things when I'm just not in a climate that's enjoyable. So if there is, uh, decent weather, I think going outside and, you know, getting some steps in or just walking would be a good first start for me.
Okay. So maybe visiting a gym and then also choosing a non-gym activity to sort of get started when the weather's permitting.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Sure. Yeah. therapist: I'm wondering about the price of the YMCA compared to other gyms. Uh, is that one that you have an interest in or have looked at already? client: I don't know that I've looked closely at that. I don't know much about their pricing or anything like that. therapist: Yes. And honestly, I don't either. [chuckles] I just suspect that it might be slightly cheaper than some of the more private gyms. client: I agree.
So something to look into if you're interested.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I agree. therapist: So something to look into if you're interested. client: Yeah, definitely. therapist: And they-- I would suspect they'd be less sales pitch-oriented than a private gym. So it might be a safe place to explore first- client: Mm-hmm.
-and to build some confidence in that conversation.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and to build some confidence in that conversation. client: Yeah, no, yeah. That's a good-good recommendation. I'll definitely check it out. therapist: Okay. Great. So, um, in addition to exploring the gym possibility, what sounds like a logical next step for a non-gym activity to get started, some small goal that feels doable, um, and you have control over because it doesn't require the perfect weather- client: Mm-hmm.
-or the perfect gym?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -or the perfect gym? client: Yeah. I think, you know, finding ways to walk more would be good, um, even if that is inside somewhere. Uh, I've done the like trick of parking in the back of the parking lot and walking up to the store. Um, and like I've also been in Target and taken an extra lap, which is kind of dangerous too 'cause you might spend more money. Um, but I- I think if the weather's nice too, I would like to get outside and try to find a place to walk. Um, and two, I really did enjoy yoga, it's- it was good for my, like, flexibility and posture, and so I would be interested in maybe seeing too what classes are available in the area. I haven't looked at that at all. therapist: Okay. So exploring some yoga classes. Is-is doing yoga in your living room appealing to you at all? client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it.
That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. I think, you know, finding ways to walk more would be good, um, even if that is inside somewhere. Uh, I've done the like trick of parking in the back of the parking lot and walking up to the store. Um, and like I've also been in Target and taken an extra lap, which is kind of dangerous too 'cause you might spend more money. Um, but I- I think if the weather's nice too, I would like to get outside and try to find a place to walk. Um, and two, I really did enjoy yoga, it's- it was good for my, like, flexibility and posture, and so I would be interested in maybe seeing too what classes are available in the area. I haven't looked at that at all. therapist: Okay. So exploring some yoga classes. Is-is doing yoga in your living room appealing to you at all? client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it. therapist: That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs- client: Mm-hmm.
-and the other goal being maybe just a walk, um, one time between now and the next time I see you. Um, and I say one time, you can, of course, go more than that, but just with snow in the forecast, it might be reasonable to start with a small goal like that and go for one nice day between now and a few weeks from now when I get to see you again. How do those two goals sound?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Home workouts have never really worked for me in the past just because there's so many distractions, and I can, like, set the mat out there and everything and get everything ready, like bottled water, everything's good to go. And then it just sits there and I don't actually do it, whereas if I go somewhere else, I'm already there. And so I'm doing it. therapist: That's great. It's important to know this about yourself, what works, and what doesn't work, and what you feel motivated to do. So, it sounds like we sort of have two small goals right now. One is to maybe visit the YMCA and-and find out how much that costs- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and the other goal being maybe just a walk, um, one time between now and the next time I see you. Um, and I say one time, you can, of course, go more than that, but just with snow in the forecast, it might be reasonable to start with a small goal like that and go for one nice day between now and a few weeks from now when I get to see you again. How do those two goals sound? client: No, that sounds good. I-I definitely think, um, I'll walk probably more than one time in the next couple of weeks, but, um, I also have this app on my phone that tracks my steps, uh, and it was like built into the phone. It's nothing I downloaded or anything. So I can also use that to kind of see if I'm getting more active 'cause right now I think I'm averaging like 2,000 steps a day, so it's like a lot of sitting.
Okay. So you'd like to kind of get motivated with- with the use of an app and that might help you get started.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: I think I'm at a 10. therapist: Okay. client: Yeah. I think that, like I said, I think I'll find ways to walk. Um, and I'm at a point now where I've done as much research, I've found out as much information, I think, as I can on the gyms that are local here. Um, but I will check out the- the Y to see if it maybe is a bit cheaper and also a bit more, like, welcoming and doesn't require a- like, a six-month contract or anything like that. So I feel like those would both be good starts. Yeah. therapist: Wonderful. Are there any other barriers that would be helpful to sort of talk through? client: Um, well, if I'm trying to walk outside, the weather's always going to be one, but I, again, like I said, if I'm checking, uh, using the app on my phone to see my step count, I can maybe make more of a priority to walk indoors, um, and just find places inside that I could walk, even if it's just around the hallway or whatever that looks like-
Okay. So being creative with your indoor space is a-is a solution you've come up with yourself for - f there just aren't any good days, nice days outside.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yeah. I think that, like I said, I think I'll find ways to walk. Um, and I'm at a point now where I've done as much research, I've found out as much information, I think, as I can on the gyms that are local here. Um, but I will check out the- the Y to see if it maybe is a bit cheaper and also a bit more, like, welcoming and doesn't require a- like, a six-month contract or anything like that. So I feel like those would both be good starts. Yeah. therapist: Wonderful. Are there any other barriers that would be helpful to sort of talk through? client: Um, well, if I'm trying to walk outside, the weather's always going to be one, but I, again, like I said, if I'm checking, uh, using the app on my phone to see my step count, I can maybe make more of a priority to walk indoors, um, and just find places inside that I could walk, even if it's just around the hallway or whatever that looks like- therapist: Okay. So being creative with your indoor space is a-is a solution you've come up with yourself for - f there just aren't any good days, nice days outside. client: Yeah, but hopefully there's one. So, yeah.
Great. Well, you came in today feeling pretty discouraged about your energy levels and your mood and, um, feeling lousy about your body in general. And, uh, today we've talked about a small-small step to get started and you're hoping to experience some mood boost and some energy as you get rolling here. Um, how are you feeling about today's session?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
therapist: Great. Well, you came in today feeling pretty discouraged about your energy levels and your mood and, um, feeling lousy about your body in general. And, uh, today we've talked about a small-small step to get started and you're hoping to experience some mood boost and some energy as you get rolling here. Um, how are you feeling about today's session? client: No, I feel really good. I think even coming in, I didn't have a like step-by-step idea of what I wanted to do next, but no, this has been helpful to know what those small steps are, and like you said, hopefully, I do start feeling better. Yeah. therapist: Great. Well, I look forward to checking in with you, and thanks so much for coming in. client: Thanks for having me. All right. client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted.
So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
therapist: Great. Well, I look forward to checking in with you, and thanks so much for coming in. client: Thanks for having me. All right. client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted. therapist: So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night? client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it.
So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: The baby was up all night and I'm exhausted. therapist: So, what you're saying is you've had a rough night? client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it. therapist: So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you? client: Yes. My mom told me that I started sleeping through the night when I was a month old, Lilly is six weeks.
Hmm. So, based on what your mom told you, you were expecting Lilly at this point to be sleeping through the night?
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Yes. She was up every three hours to eat, I don't understand it. therapist: So, she needed to eat every three hours last night and that was really frustrating for you? client: Yes. My mom told me that I started sleeping through the night when I was a month old, Lilly is six weeks. therapist: Hmm. So, based on what your mom told you, you were expecting Lilly at this point to be sleeping through the night? client: Well, what is normal for a baby this age?
So, where you said you'd like to start, Sal, is talking about your asthma and specifically about your dog and how one is affecting the other.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: The drinking, the smoking and the dust that I got, the, um, the scratch test for. therapist: Right. client: And-and-and that's what I know, and that I take the medicine for it. therapist: Okay. And that your pet has never been mentioned as a concern? client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand.
Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: And-and-and that's what I know, and that I take the medicine for it. therapist: Okay. And that your pet has never been mentioned as a concern? client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking. client: Mm-hmm.
You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: No, I've had it for-for 12 years and now it's a concern. I don't understand. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And I-I can see that you've already worked hard to make some changes. You've almost quit smoking. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes- client: Mm-hmm.
-and you're not even smoking those in the house.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: You're just down to your last couple of cigarettes- client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and you're not even smoking those in the house. client: Mm-hmm.
So, your house is totally smoke-free.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and you're not even smoking those in the house. client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So, your house is totally smoke-free. client: Yes, just that work with the [unintelligible 00:01:24].
Yeah, okay. And you have also thought about cutting back on alcohol.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: So, your house is totally smoke-free. client: Yes, just that work with the [unintelligible 00:01:24]. therapist: Yeah, okay. And you have also thought about cutting back on alcohol. client: Mm-hmm.
-and-and I think you mentioned done-done a little bit towards that.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a simple reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -and-and I think you mentioned done-done a little bit towards that. client: Mm-hmm. I'm a little I'm a couple of down. I used to drink four at night, now I'm down to three at least. therapist: Okay, okay. client: Uh-huh.
So now almost like that's not good enough, like now you have to, now it's the dog and now-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. therapist: -but I wonder what are your experiences with Oscar, you know, when he's in the house or-or maybe sleeping near you or you're around him, what happens with your asthma symptoms? client: Well, we keep them clean, like he's cleaned. So, all the dander doesn't really make sense, but I have been noticing that sometimes when he comes on the bed or just beside, I wheeze a little bit, but I think it has to do with, um, the hair, the, in my lungs cleaning itself up from the smoking. therapist: Okay. client: So, I don't know if it's that-that's where I'm confused. I don't know how this could be happening.
Hmm. So, it doesn't make total sense to you that-that it's all Oscar's fault and that-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: So, I don't know if it's that-that's where I'm confused. I don't know how this could be happening. therapist: Hmm. So, it doesn't make total sense to you that-that it's all Oscar's fault and that- client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. therapist: That's that the only solution. client: But-but the wheezing is something that I've definitely noticed a little bit.
I guess I also wonder whether, regardless of-of if your asthma symptoms are connected to Oscar, that may be part of you feels like it's worth it because he's been-
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. therapist: That's that the only solution. client: But-but the wheezing is something that I've definitely noticed a little bit. therapist: I guess I also wonder whether, regardless of-of if your asthma symptoms are connected to Oscar, that may be part of you feels like it's worth it because he's been- client: Mm-hmm.
-such a big part of your life for so long.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm. I just want some medicine and I want to keep Oscar and I wanna feel better about myself because I'm making all these changes in my life and it honestly feels like my-my nose is just above the water. therapist: Hmm. Yeah. And-and in the end, you know, whatever you- whatever you do, about Oscar, about your asthma, about all the other things that we talked about on that agenda-setting worksheet, I mean, you are in the driver's seat solid. It really is your choice. client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, no, that feels good. That I, you know, at least it is my choice. I just feel like just about, I'm not feeling happy about just all these different things that are coming up. Um, and I'm kind of sad about things. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I don't know, I don't know what to do.
There's a lot of decisions and a lot of change with your wife, with the new baby.
Pretend you are a therapist and provide a complex reflection for what the client is experiencing.
client: Mm-hmm. Yeah, no, that feels good. That I, you know, at least it is my choice. I just feel like just about, I'm not feeling happy about just all these different things that are coming up. Um, and I'm kind of sad about things. therapist: Mm-hmm. client: And I don't know, I don't know what to do. therapist: There's a lot of decisions and a lot of change with your wife, with the new baby. client: Mm-hmm.
And now thinking about, looking after your health and wanting to be healthy for your wife and your baby.