Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London
BEIRUT: A statement attributed Islamic State group claimed American female hostage killed Jordanian airstrike Friday outskirts northern Syrian city Raqqa, extremist group's main stronghold. The statement identified woman Kayla Jean Mueller said killed Muslim prayers - usually take place around midday Fridays - airstrikes targeted "the location hour." No Islamic State militants killed airstrikes, statement claimed. It published photos allegedly bombed site, showing severely damaged brown colored three-story building - images woman. American officials said looking report, White House said immediate comment. There also immediate comment Jordanian government. The IS statement could independently verified. It appeared militant website commonly used IS also distributed IS-affiliated Twitter users. Mueller, Prescott, Arizona, working Turkey assisting Syrian refugees, according 2013 article The Daily Courier, hometown newspaper. The 26-year-old told paper drawn help situation Syria. "For long I live, I let suffering normal," said. "It's important stop realize have, privileged are. And place, start caring get lot done." According local paper, Mueller working humanitarian aid agency Support Life, well local NGO helped female Syrian refugees develop skills. A 2007 article Mueller local newspaper said student Northern Arizona University active Save Darfur Coalition. On Sunday, President Barack Obama said U.S. "deploying assets can" find Mueller. "We close contact family trying keep updated," said interview NBC's Today Show. "Obviously something heart-breaking family want make sure anything make sure American citizen rescued situation." Her identity disclosed fears safety. If death confirmed, would fourth American die captivity Islamic State militants. Three Americans, journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff aid worker Peter Kassig beheaded group. Jordan, part U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State group targets Syria, stepped attacks IS announced killed captive Jordanian pilot. The Syrian government said Thursday dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed Islamic State training centers weapons storage sites. It say attacks occurred. There word Jordanian government whether planes struck Raqqa Friday. But activists monitor Syrian conflict inside country said U.S.-led coalition planes hit several targets edges outskirts Raqqa, quick succession Friday.
Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking
In North Korea, one name supreme leader Kim Jong Un. According reports, North Korea previously banned anyone sharing name Jong Un. Newborns cannot given name, citizens bore ban required assume new names. South Korean media outlets including KBS Yonhap News Agency said name ban contained directive 2011 issued months Kim Jong Un came power recently leaked outside North Korea. The leaked document said “all party organs public security authorities” identify residents shared supreme leader's name "train voluntarily change [it],” per The Guardian. People named Jong Un -- said common Korean name men women -- apparently directed change names official documents birth certificates, social security cards school diplomas. According BBC, likely “little forewarning” name ban, since Kim Jong Un -- youngest son predecessor Kim Jong Il -- relatively unknown general public prior ascension head state. A South Korean government official week confirmed authenticity directive, reports The New York Times. “It’s true North Korea, allow one [Jong Un],” official, unnamed, told paper. According Yonhap News Agency, Pyongyang regime issued similar name ban Kim Jong Il power father, North Korea's founding leader Kim Il Sung, well.
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse
Social media awash news Islamic State using chemical weapons Eastern neighbourhood Kobane. Asya Abdullah, co-chair Democratic Union Party (PYD), Kobane told Kurdish Question gas attack taken place Eastern neighbourhood city tonight (21 Oct). Abdullah said know gas come hadn' explosions. She said: "It could silent missile missile placed neighbourhood beforehand. Many people lost consciousness struggling breathe see. We investigating situation necessary technical equipment tests." Dr. Welat, one four doctors Kobane told Guney Yildiz, journalist BBC World suspected chemical attack either chlorine gas phosphorous shells. Dr Welat said: "We can't confirm chemical attack without proper tests ask medical equipment airdropped this." This second incident occurred Islamic State may used chemical weapons Kobane.
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas'
WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., says least ten fighters Islamic State Iraq Syria apprehended attempting enter southern U.S. border. The California Republican claims “at least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas,” conversation Fox News Tuesday. Hunter says Islamic terrorists slipping U.S. porous southern border several already captured. “There’s nobody talking it,” Rep. Hunter told Fox. “If really want protect Americans ISIS, secure southern border. It’s simple…They caught border, therefore know ISIS coming across border. If catch five ten know there’s going dozens get caught border patrol.” In August, Chairman Joint Chiefs Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, warned open border posed “immediate threat” terrorist activity infiltrating country. The government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, said ISIS terrorists “planning attack United States car bombs vehicle born [sic] improvised explosive devices.” Hunter, member House Armed Services Committee, said 1,933-mile southern border Mexico obvious entry point Islamic State terrorists. He says information regarding capture Islamic State terrorists crossing border comes directly U.S. Customs Border Protection. “ISIS doesn’t navy, don’t air force, don’t nuclear weapons. The way ISIS going harm Americans coming southern border – already have,” added. “They aren’t flying B-1 bombers, bombing American cities,” said Hunter. “But going bombing American cities coming across Mexico…All ask border patrol.” The Department Homeland Security released statement Wednesday claims alleging Islamic State militants apprehended Mexican border “categorically false.” “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” DHS spokesman said statement today. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” After Hunter’s comments Fox, one sources nuanced claims, saying apprehended border might ISIS-affiliated possibly Americans fought Syrian Free Army – one many ISIS enemies. In statement ABC News, spokesperson Hunter said backing claims. “The Congressman conveying knows — told,” spokesperson told ABC. “It makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand — it’s way long time don’t expect change.” – Benjamin Fearnow
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away
One five Taliban members swapped Obama administration exchange Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl reportedly tried return terrorist activity, trying reconnect Islamic extremists near Qatar, according CNN. The five men kept high security detention camp Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, set free exchange Sgt. Bergdahl spring 2014. Ads Adblade Start resolution early & start losing pounds New Year. See here. Unique Method Regrows Lost Hair (Do This Daily) How I learned 9 languages learning even more, could too. Taliban members Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mohammad Fazl, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi freed Obama administration May secure Sgt. Bergdahl’s release. SEE ALSO: Army denies final decision Bowe Bergdahl made Ever since exchange made, 28-year-old Sgt. Bergdahl poster child national security debate whether five-for-one trade qualified negotiating terrorists. Obama administration officials maintain executed successful rescue operation lawmakers remained skeptical, based part suspicions among soldiers Sgt. Bergdahl actually deserter. Now, tensions resurfacing amid accusations U.S. intelligence program designed intercept monitor five Taliban’s communications turned evidence one penchant terrorist activity, CNN reported. Military officials declined specify former detainees allegedly making overtures toward militants near Qatar. “We comment specific cases,” Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren said statement Thursday. Col. Warren told The Washington Times U.S. military leverages intelligence, law enforcement diplomatic connections mitigate attempt former detainee return terrorist activity. Follow-on action taken necessary, said. “We work host nation – whatever nation they’re in. We work host nation take legal actions, take law enforcement actions,” said. Lawmakers Thursday bristled reports one high-level militants administration officials exchanged Sgt. Bergdahl might soon become threat Americans abroad. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire Republican member Senate Armed Services committee, said disturbed news, served highlight “the danger administration’s irresponsible decision” free terrorists. She used report highlight legislative battle keep detainees pose serious threat United States interests locked detention camp. “With nearly 30 percent former Guantanamo detainees suspected confirmed reengaging terrorism, administration’s continued policy releasing dangerous terrorists endangers Americans allies,” said. “Consistent legislation I introduced, I renew call suspending transfers detainees assessed high medium risk. I look forward Senate Armed Services Committee considering legislation soon possible.” CNN reported Congress notified former detainee’s activity. The news one men rekindled interest terrorist activity comes Sgt. Bergdahl facing potential charges desertion.
The Arrest of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son
The Lebanese army says detained second wife Islamic State (Isis) leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, eight-year-old son near Syrian border. The arrest reportedly took place past week followed information provided western intelligence agencies past fortnight. Lebanese security officials described woman “high-value catch” said identity boy confirmed DNA testing. If so, revelation would support claim international involvement. The US states samples Baghdadi’s DNA nine months spent US custody Iraq 2004. The British Foreign Office said nothing add reports. Analysts Iraq said that, true, arrest would necessarily yield useful intelligence. The self-styled leader new Islamic caliphate, covers part eastern Syria Iraq, operates exclusively male world women rarely empowered. Baghdadi believed three wives, two Iraqi one Syrian. “It close impossible would operational details,” said Iraqi intelligence officer. “But could still useful things like locations.” Baghdadi known move frequently across Iraq’s north-west, target intensive technical effort track US National Security Agency Britain’s GCHQ. He uses trusted couriers pass vital information, often written letters, repeated orally. The FBI put $10m (£6.4m) bounty Baghdadi’s head. Al-Safir, Lebanese news magazine, first reported arrest, said woman son arrested near restive border town Arsal detained Lebanon’s military headquarters hills overlooking Beirut. The woman identified Saja al-Dulaimi, Iraqi, Lebanese security official senior political source. Dulaimi one 150 women released Syrian government jail March part prisoner swap led release 13 nuns taken captive al-Qaida-linked militants Syria, according media reports time. The arrest could used bargaining chip Isis, captured many foreign, Iraqi Syrian prisoners. There immediate reaction Isis websites, possible Isis reprisal least six Lebanese soldiers killed Tuesday gunmen Syria attacked army patrol near border. Isis continues pose mortal threat Iraq’s central government opposition regime Syria devastating civil war nearing fourth year. The Iraqi Syrian militaries tried mount counteroffensives group past weeks, mixed success. However, neither US-led air strikes wound back spectacular gains group enjoyed June August rampaged northern Iraq Iraqi army withdrew. Meanwhile, Isis supporters released video claiming responsibility shooting wounded Danish citizen Saudi capital Riyadh last month. The video posted online Al-Battar Media Foundation shows gunman pulling beside vehicle firing five times man car, identified Thomas Hoepner. The video’s authenticity could confirmed posted website commonly used militants. Saudi security officials say Danish man shot driving November 22, treated shoulder wounds. They release name. If confirmed, shooting would first attack foreigners kingdom carried IS supporters. About decade ago, al-Qaida militants seeking topple Western-allied monarchy launched wave attacks killed scores security forces Westerners Saudi Arabia. The video also includes audio clips IS group leaders calling supporters launch attacks inside kingdom. In Brussels, Danish Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard told reporters Tuesday “the Dane better.” Denmark Saudi Arabia part US-led coalition conducting airstrikes IS militants Iraq Syria.
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report
Could newly released audio provide clues led Michael Brown’s shooting death? The FBI questioned man says recorded audio gunfire time Brown shot Ferguson police August 9, man’s attorney told CNN. In recording, quick series shots heard, followed pause another quick succession shots. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots — cluster six, followed four. “I concerned pause … it’s number gunshots, it’s they’re fired,” man’s attorney, Lopa Blumenthal, told CNN’s Don Lemon. “And huge relevance case might finally end up.” The man, asked identity revealed, lives near site shooting close enough heard gunshots, attorney said. He speaking friend video chat service happened recording conversation time Brown shot, Blumenthal said. The attorney said learned man’s recording late last week mutual friend. “I get consent I could reach FBI,” Blumenthal said. CNN cannot independently verify authenticity tape asked FBI confirmation interview man made recording. The meaning pause It’s difficult prove audio pause took place whose narrative supports. Attorney Chris Chestnut said surprised gap shots. “It’s pause gives concern police shooting, especially unarmed victim, point Mr. Brown defenseless — weapon,” said Chestnut, represented family Jonathan Ferrell. Like Brown, Ferrell unarmed African-American man shot killed white police officer. But gunfire heard audio indeed Brown incident, pause doesn’t automatically suggest wrongful intent officer. “To fair, could explanations pause,” said attorney Van Jones, co-host CNN’s Crossfire. “Maybe officer say, ‘Well I fired, kept advancing, I fired again. '” Witnesses friend Officer Darren Wilson given conflicting accounts led Brown’s death. Dorian Johnson, friend Brown’s walking time shooting, said officer shot Brown police car ran away. According Johnson, Brown struck back turned around put arms officer kept shooting. But friend Wilson said Brown mocked officer charged shooting began. An autopsy showed entry wounds front Brown’s body. Key witness speaks Ferguson police said Brown allegedly robbed convenience store shortly shooting. And reports friend Johnson criminal record including lying police put Johnson’s credibility question. In 2011, Johnson arrested accused theft lying police first name, age address. Johnson said Monday night doesn’t understand questioning credibility. “I see bring past, history, it’s like it’s long rap sheet,” Johnson told Lemon/ “This one incident shouldn’t make bad person.”
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?
An animal charity attempting trace owner dog abandoned railway station belongings suitcase. The male Shar-Pei crossbreed discovered tied railing outside Ayr station 2 January. The suitcase included dog's pillow, toy, food bowl food. The Scottish SPCA traced previous owner dog's microchip told sold 2013 someone details for. Inspector Stewart Taylor said: "The dog micro-chipped able find name Kai. "We contacted owner registered microchip, stated sold Kai Gumtree 2013. 'Cruel incident' "Unfortunately could tell us address person bought him." Insp Taylor said case highlighted potential consequences selling animal online. He said buyers often included people acting impulse knew little animals. He added: "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible. "If anyone help would ask get touch soon possible. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature. We look find permanent loving home." The charity reminded pet owners abandoning animal offence Animal Health Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants
But official says would "irresponsible" identify bodies missing students A mass grave unconfirmed number bodies discovered part Mexico near 43 college students abducted, authorities announced Saturday night. Guerrero State Attorney General Iñaky Blanco said connection burial site students’ disappearance teachers’ college previous weekend, Wall Street Journal reports. However, Blanco said would “irresponsible” without DNA tests confirm bodies missing students. Mexico’s Proceso, citing anonymous sources, reported 20 bodies discovered. The Associated Press reports six pits discovered report body count. The students disappeared clashing police protest turned violent. Officials detained 30 people, including 22 police officers, case. Blanco said local criminal organization, Los Guerreros Unidos, connected violence disappearances. Close 100,000 Mexicans killed gone missing drug-related violence since 2006, former President Felipe Calderon ordered country’s military reclaim parts country influence drug cartels. [WSJ]
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist
A DESPERATE mother tricked feasting cooked meat body son Islamic State militants, claimed. The famished Kurdish mother gone plead jihadists release son. Cruel militants delayed talks elderly mum – feeding meal made corpse offspring waited. The depraved story relayed brave Briton fighting front line Kurdish forces Islamic State, also referred IS, ISIS ISIL. Yasir Abdulla left behind wife children Yorkshire home six months battle Kurdish homeland. The 36-year-old said disturbing story cause hatred IS – one reasons vowed return war-ravaged native county "finish job". The father-of-four told The Sun: "I hate IS happened old Kurdish woman nearby tribe. "Her son captured IS fighters taken prisoner Mosul. She determined find son went IS headquarters asked see him. "The IS men told sit travelled long way said food took meet son. "They brought cups tea fed meal cooked meat, rice soup. She thought kind. But security guard Mr Abdulla adds: "They killed chopped finished meal asked see son laughed said, 'You've EATEN him'." "They burn people alive, chop people's heads, limit depravity. "They Muslims, hijacked Islam. All hate." The shocking account latest string disturbing executions punishments administered immoral group. In February, IS released highly-choreographed propaganda film showing Jordanian fighter pilot Lieutenant Mouath al-Kasaesbeh soaked fuel burned alive inside cage. Another video organisation showed man believed gay thrown seven-storey building. The 50-year-old man, blindfolded throughout sickening fall, seen still alive hitting ground below. He later stoned death waiting mob. Some interpreted perceived increase brutality Islamic State sign weakness. The terror organisation suffered number defeats recently, including loss two strongholds Iraq. Last week, Kurdish gunmen stormed town Tel Hamis fought back control Islamic State rebels. The group, aided US-led coalition airstrikes, previously back seized border town Kobani. Infamous Islamic State militant Jihadi John, believed orchestrated beheadings dozens hostages, last week unmasked hypocritical cannabis smoker west London. Fearless Mr Abdulla, speaking temporarily returning family home Keighley, West Yorkshire, said: "IS good making people scared. "If make one person scared person make another person scared soon everyone scared IS. "But Kurds scared them. Someone stand fight. We got thousands people many villages towns behind us. "If fall places fall, can't happen. The Peshmerga [Military forces Iraqi Kurdistan] can't wait take fight IS. "We know win."
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen
Tonight — finally! — ESPN going in-depth discussion NFL's domestic violence problem. The discussion feature opinions 11 men zero women, remarkable showing exact flavor dumb meathead ESPN adept trademark. The panel ostensibly conceived approved several people get paid money jobs. Their jobs creating television programs good informative. They bad jobs. A domestic violence panel involving 11 men 0 women women constitute vast majority domestic violence victims neither good informative. Understandably, upset many people brains use think rather promote ESPN programming, including Esquire's Ben Collins. Collins enough ESPN's blatant NFL defense. He argues ESPN's pre-Monday Night Football man domestic violence discussion even insidious consider pathetically cowardly craven network is. [...] hear words: "Roger Goodell liar." You hear words ESPN $15.2 billion broadcasting agreement NFL. You hear words would interfere amount money ESPN NFL make. You hear words ESPN company business journalism. It entertainment outlet sometimes reports convenient, timely information drive interest future programming. You hear words ESPN intimidated on-air staff standing domestic violence. What excellent way ESPN NFL lead October Domestic Violence Awareness Month. [UPDATE: ESPN publicist Josh Krulewitz tells sister site Deadspin despite Esquire's report 26th, tonight's programming "was never going be" panel domestic violence. Krulewitz says "regular episode Countdown, hosted Suzy Kolber."]
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake
Islamic State group fighters seized least one cache weapons airdropped U.S.-led coalition forces meant supply Kurdish militiamen battling extremist group border town, activists said today. The cache weapons included hand grenades, ammunition rocket-propelled grenade launchers, according video uploaded media group loyal Islamic State (ISIS) group. The video appeared authentic corresponded The Associated Press' reporting event. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights, bases information network activists ground, said militants seized least one cache. Scroll video A still Islamic State (ISIS) video, purportedly shows IS militant displaying content crate carrying grenades near town Ain al-Arab, known Kurds Kobane, Syria-Turkey border A U.S. military airdrop weapons meant Kurdish fighters fell hands jihadist foes near Syrian battleground town Kobane, Syrian Observatory Human Rights said The caches airdropped early Monday Kurds embattled Syrian town Kobane lies near Turkish border. The militant group trying seize town month now, causing exodus 200,000 people area Turkey. While Kurds battling ground, U.S.-led coalition also targeting militants air. On Tuesday, ISIS loyalists social media posted sarcastic thank notes United States, including one image said 'Team USA.' The caches airdropped early Monday Kurds embattled Syrian town Kobani lies near Turkish border A container filled meals ready eat fresh water dropped C-130 Hercules operational resupply airdrop near area Bayji, Iraq But lost weapons drop embarrassment great strategic loss. The Islamic State militants already possess millions dollars-worth U.S. weaponry captured fleeing Iraqi soldiers group seized swaths Iraq sudden sweep June. On Tuesday, U.S. Central Command said U.S. military forces conducted four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed IS fighting positions, IS building large IS unit. Also Tuesday, Syrian government airstrikes hit rebel-held town along country's southern border Jordan, killing least eight people. Militant: Particular blackspots ISIS checkpoints roads around militants' strongholds Raqqa Deir ez-Zor, well number major highways eastern Syria. Checkpoints: ISIS militants forcing vehicles carrying food medical supplies Syria Iraq pay continue journey unhindered Activists Local Coordination Committees Observatory said number killed likely rise victims rubble. The LCC said Syrian government planes dropped crude explosives-laden canisters town Nasib Syria-Jordan border. The airstrikes part battles Syrian government forces Islamic rebel groups control area. Syrian government forces heavily bombing rebel areas recent weeks, U.S-led coalition conducting airstrikes Islamic State militants elsewhere Syria. An American journalist killed car crash Turkey days claiming claimed Turkish intelligence services threatened reporting siege Kobane. Serena Shim, worked Iran's state-owned Press TV Turkey correspondent, died city Suruc car travelling reportedly collided 'heavy vehicle'. Shim's death came days spoke camera fears arrested, claiming Turkish intelligence agents accused spying one reports suggested ISIS militants smuggled back forth Syrian border back aid vehicles. Tragic: Serena Shim, worked Iran's state-owned Press TV Turkey correspondent, died city Suruc car travelling reportedly collided 'heavy vehicle' Shim, American citizen Lebanese origin, working Turkey Press TV - Iranian state-owned television network. In report published company's website, claimed rental car way back hotel town Suruc Urfa Province 'suspicious' accident took place. Neither 'heavy vehicle' driver involved crash located incident, Press TV claimed, adding parents 'refused believe' crash accident planning pursue matter legally. Press TV's account crash somewhat disputed Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News, however, said vehicle involved cement mixer as-yet-unidentified driver arrested scene. Death: Serena Shim's death came days spoke camera fears arrested, claiming Turkish intelligence agents accused spying Only last Friday Shim interviewed camera Press TV fears arrested Turkish intelligence agencies. In short interview alleged approached accused spying report said claimed received images Islamic State terrorists smuggled Turkey-Syria vehicles belonging World Food Organization aid groups. Shim described 'surprised' accusation, 'because I nothing hide I never done anything aside job.'
No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing
A rogue bird let loose Vladimir Putin weekend Russian president delivered speech opening World War I monument, according multiple tittering reports. If tale feathered vigilante justice sounds farfetched though, that's is: The video purporting show airborne assault appears sneaky editing job. Here's clip got Reddit's attention: Yet another Redditor points out, footage event shows Putin sans poop. (The snippet previous video comes around ninth minute below.) Pictures speech similarly show tell-tale white stain, according The Independent. So sorry, President Obama, birthday present good true was, fact, good true. At least we'll always (admittedly phony) memories. --Jon Terbush (Reddit)
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Terrorists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border
Big Bank Hank, member early hip-hop group Sugarhill Gang died complications cancer age 57. The group responsible one popular rap songs time, Rapper’s Delight. The musician died Tuesday hospital Englewood, New Jersey, according David Mallie, business manager two former members group, Aree Booker, funeral director Eternity Funeral Services. Big Bank Hank, whose real name Henry Jackson, born Bronx borough New York. He part Sugarhill Gang 1979 hip-hop’s first hit Rapper’s Delight. The song released hip-hop began emerge genre, landed top 40 Billboard charts. It also peaked No 4 Hot Soul singles chart, called Hot R&B/Hip-Hop songs chart. The Sugarhill Gang, formed Englewood, also included Guy O’Brien (Master Gee) Michael Wright (Wonder Mike). “So sad hear brother’s passing,” O’Brien Wright said statement issued Mallie. “The three us created musical history together release Rapper’s Delight. We always remember traveling world together rocking house. Rest peace Big Bank.” Rapper’s Delight became success thanks part late record label owner Sylvia Robinson, released song Sugar Hill Records. Robinson, known “mother hip-hop”, died 2011. After Rapper’s Delight, trio minor successes songs Apache 8th Wonder, faded away. Their last album 1999 children’s rap album, Jump On It! O’Brien Wright currently perform name Rapper’s Delight Experience Featuring Wonder Mike Master Gee, Mallie said. Robinson’s son owns Sugarhill Gang trademark, O’Brien Wright haven’t able perform name since 2010, said. The pair good terms Big Bank Hank died, Mallie said.
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact
Ryan Roche, 32, Levi, coaxed participating competition office's holiday party. Though shattered contest record, infection started lungs spent three days hospital. His competitive Christmas spirit nearly killed him. After pressured eggnog-chugging contest office party, Utah man nearly died infection started lungs. A YouTube video shows triumphant Ryan Roche carton eggnog record 12 seconds, shattering previous record 22 seconds. For victory, received gift card local steak house - trip hospital. Roche told Daily News actually leave Dec. 10 holiday soiree family organizers broke eggnog. A colleague called out, competitive Roche refused walk away. Without even sparing time taste it, sales manager finished quart eggnog record time -- Roche said immediately knew problem. The Lehi resident done chugging competitions past without incident, soon one ended, breathe. In video, he's seen bending finishing drink. Afterward, coughed lot trouble breathing thick holiday drink blocked airways. A hours later decided go hospital. "Initially I felt nauseous pretty sick," said. "After I put antibiotics IV I longer nauseous." But Roche spent three full days hospital. Because he'd breathed eggnog, liquid caused infection lungs. "The next days body would change fever shivering nonstop," said. "It like every hour hour would change." About week discharged hospital, Roche said back full strength feeling good. His unusual illness also made celebrity inside hospital. "I can't tell many doctors nurses would walk room say, 'Eggnog, huh?' Then they'd say, 'Well, least won,'" said. And experience completely soured eggnog. "I never big fan begin with," said. "I could drink again, drink choice." And though proud record, Roche said defending title future parties. "No chance," said. "Even someone challenged it, wife allow it." USING A MOBILE DEVICE? CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO. jlandau@nydailynews.com
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria
Armies always vulnerable epidemic disease. And Middle East, history may repeating itself. There reports: … Islamic State militants Mosul contracted Ebola And: World Health Organization officials said confirmed cases, organization reached offer assistance. If disease, spreading epidemic fashion Mosul may necessarily Ebola since: … Ebola symptoms — nausea vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding bruising — also similar associated number diseases, including malaria, Lassa fever, yellow fever viruses Marburg virus. Also, confirmed Ebola cases recent outbreak originated West Africa. Whatever situation, ISIS pressed deal since: Over past weeks, militants affiliated ISIS executed dozen doctors Mosul, according Benjamin T. Decker, intelligence analyst Levantine Group, Middle East-based geopolitical risk research consultancy.
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A man caught allegedly attempting rape teenage girl set upon vigilante group hacked genitals meat cleaver. These horrifying pictures show Suresh Kumar, 40, beaten sticks hour castrated city Ganganagar India. He left bleeding road next penis testicles. He later taken hospital "critical" condition. Story continues slideshow... The girl treated shock given counselling. Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: "No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime. "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, it’s time stopped. "This sends strong message anyone like - punished." India plagued recently string brutal sex attacks women public anger swelled considerably following number high-profile cases. Despite this, police called responsible castration come forward. A police spokesman said: "People cannot take law hands. "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice. We ask men carried attack hand find them.
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013
We took look photo said show body Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) found really ethnic Albanian militant killed 2013 (left) -- Al-Baghdadi's head watch added. See news report death Sami Hafez Al-Abdullah here: http://hournews.net/news.php?id=21302.
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control
Nigeria's military says agreed ceasefire Islamist militants Boko Haram - schoolgirls group abducted released. Nigeria's chief defence staff, Alex Badeh, announced truce. Boko Haram made public statement. The group fighting insurgency since 2009, 2,000 civilians reportedly killed year. Boko Haram sparked global outrage six months ago abducting 200 schoolgirls. The girls seized north-eastern town Chibok Borno state, continued captivity led criticism Nigerian government's efforts secure release. Members Bring Back Our Girls campaign said tweet Friday: "We monitoring news huge expectations." 'Cautiously optimistic' Air Chief Marshal Badeh revealed truce close three-day security meeting Nigeria Cameroon. He said Nigerian soldiers would comply agreement. Nigerian presidential aide Hassan Tukur told BBC Focus Africa agreement sealed month negotiations, mediated Chad. As part talks, government delegation twice met representatives Islamist group. Mr Tukur said Boko Haram announced unilateral ceasefire Thursday government responded. "They've assured us girls release them," said. "I cautiously optimistic." He said arrangements release would finalised another meeting next week Chad's capital, Ndjamena. The negotiations said blessing Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, reports BBC's Chris Ewokor Abuja. Speaking BBC, Nigerian government spokesman Mike Omeri said Boko Haram would given territory ceasefire agreement - government would reveal concessions would make. "We inching closer release groups captivity, including Chibok girls," said. Analysis: Will Ross, BBC News, Lagos Nigerian officials given indication negotiations Boko Haram taking place. Even though rumours talks neighbouring Chad, surprising development. Many Nigerians extremely sceptical announcement especially definitive word jihadists. The military past released statements conflict north-east Nigeria turned completely odds situation ground. So many celebrate violence stops hostages free. In May 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan imposed state emergency northern states Borno, Yobe Adamawa, vowing crush Islamist insurgency. But Boko Haram increased attacks year. The group promotes version Islam makes "haram", forbidden, Muslims take part political social activity associated Western society. It frequently attacks schools colleges, sees symbol Western culture. Who Boko Haram? Who Boko Haram? Profile: Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau Human Rights Watch reported 2,053 civilian killed first half year, Amnesty International estimated 4,000 people killed violence - including Nigerian military operations - first seven months 2014. Boko Haram seeking establish Islamist state Nigeria, fighters often cross long porous border Cameroon. Eight Cameroon soldiers 100 Boko Haram militants killed fighting far north Cameroon Friday, Reuters quoted country's defence ministry saying. In July, Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad Niger agreed form 2,800-strong regional force tackle Boko Haram militants.
Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking
Google bought half Pacific Shores office park.
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract
A rumor Robert Plant ripped $800 million contract offer reunite Led Zeppelin called "rubbish" Plant's publicist. As reported Daily Mirror, Plant, well former bandmates Jimmy Page John Paul Jones, Jason Bonham, son late drummer John Bonham, offered $800 million Virgin mogul Sir Richard Branson perform 35-date, three-city reunion tour. The story went Page, Jones Bonham reportedly signed immediately, Plant ripped papers right front colleagues. Plant's publicist later debunked report The Guardian. If news real, would treat Zeppelin fans. Each three original members scheduled make $200 million performing, another $100 million merchandise split all. Scheduled perform London, Berlin New Jersey, Branson preparing rename one jumbo jets "The Starship," order fly band destinations. He also wanted rebrand jet's staircase "Stairway Heaven," optional 45-date tour extension band agree. HuffPost Entertainment contacted representatives Plant Branson see comment story. This post updated provide response. For more, head The Guardian.
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim
Move over, Netflix Hulu. Word Amazon looking launch ad-supported streaming video service, could give rivals run money. The online retail giant planning roll new service early next year, New York Post reported Friday. It would separate Amazon's $99 yearly Prime membership, offers unlimited movie streaming Instant Video library. In statement, Amazon spokeswoman neither confirmed denied rumor. "We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers," spokeswoman said. "We're often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." This first time we've heard rumor. The Wall Street Journal March reported Amazon planning launch advertising-filled TV streaming service — free users, course. Amazon, however, quickly shot rumor. "We're often experimenting new things, plans offer free streaming-media service," Amazon spokesperson said time. Smile Charity Go With Flow Make Amazon Your Android App Store Prime Whole Family Prime-ary Gift Get Prime Free (For A While) Don't Get Trapped Prime VIEW ALL PHOTOS IN GALLERY But Post's sources say ad-supported version definitely happening. But oddly, report suggests might free. One source speculated Amazon may undercut Netflix's current monthly price $7.99, though. "The main point bring users eventually up-sell Prime, get broader audience want pay Prime, order increase video share," source told news outlet. Meanwhile, Amazon already gaining ground streaming rivals. A recent Sandvine study found Amazon Instant Video established second largest paid streaming video service North America, though Netflix still dominates. Netflix accounted 34.9 percent downstream North American traffic peak evening hours year. Amazon 2.6 percent downstream traffic, share doubled past 18 months, Sandvine said. On news, Amazon also mulling travel service, would let book stays independent hotels resorts, according report travel news site Skift. The so-called Amazon Travel site, set launch around Jan. 1, would reportedly "feature curated selection hotels within hours' drive New York, Los Angeles, Seattle." Amazon declined comment travel site rumor. For more, check 16 Tips Every Amazon Addict Should Know slideshow above, well 60 Geeky Movies, TV Shows Amazon You Should Stream Now. Amazon users, meanwhile, new way access content: Amazon Fire TV Stick $39.00 Amazon shipping. Be sure check PCMag's review video below.
Ebola Outbreak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus
It's national security organizations feared since day one-the World Health Organization (WHO) announced last week evaluating jihadist militants associated ISIS, may contracted virus responsible Ebola. While WHO yet confirm whether fighters exhibiting symptoms, current evaluations Mosul hospital 250 miles north Baghdad prompting concerns fringe extremist group ISIS may fact able obtain biological weapon unlike anything world seen before. Like Us Facebook Though Mosul ISIS control since late last June, Iraqi health ministry issued press release denying reports Iraqi news outlets claim soldier definitively infected seeking treatment Mosul. "The Ebola virus could area world, including Mosul, measures techniques diagnose virus" spokesperson health ministry Ahmed Rudaini says. "They incapable detect it." Over past several months, world watched threats extremist group ISIS come true, beheadings captured prisoners war mass murder children's schools. And possibility global pandemic looming heads, many demanding action taken isolate potential vectors worst case scenario. Yet, conflicting reports abound, international health organizations WHO unable assess health concern site, treat patients own. WHO director Christy Feig told reporters early weekend " We [the WHO] official notification Iraqi government Ebola." While may true, possibility militants may contracted virus causes problematic situation WHO, ISIS believe modern medicine outbreak ISIS-controlled area like Mosul could breeding ground ever-mutating virus. But worst all, aside possibility possible infection Iraq, ISIS isolate virus themselves, entire western world may find soon enough Ebola virus could worst weapon known man. "U.N. workers thus far prohibited entering ISIS-controlled territory Iraq Syria," intelligence analyst Levantine Group, Benjamin T. Decker says. "In context, lack medical infrastructure, supplies practitioners city suggests outbreak could quickly lead infection ISIS fighters residents Mosul."
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid
This post widely shared internet yesterday work graffiti artist Banksy. View Instagram However, it’s illustrator Lucille Clerc. You see work here. BuzzFeed also one several media outlets mistakenly credit image Banksy. A correction issued.
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known
Islamic State insurgents released video Tuesday purportedly showing beheading U.S. journalist James Foley, gone missing Syria nearly two years ago, images another American journalist whose life said depended U.S. action Iraq. The video, titled “A Message To America,” posted social-media websites. It immediately possible verify authenticity. Mr. Foley, reported Middle East five years, kidnapped Nov. 22, 2012, unidentified gunmen. Steven Sotloff, appeared end video, went missing northern Syria reporting July, 2013. A Twitter account set Mr. Foley’s family help find said early Wednesday: “We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” The White House said U.S. intelligence agents working verify authenticity video. Islamic State, al-Qaeda offshoot, previously executed American citizens publicly. The Sunni militant group declared caliphate parts Iraq Syria areas controls. The video, posted United States resumed air strikes Iraq first time since end U.S. occupation 2011, opened clip U.S. President Barack Obama saying authorized strikes Iraq. “Obama authorizes military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope toward new war front Muslims,” words appear English Arabic screen. It showed black-and-white aerial footage air strikes text saying “American aggression Islamic State” A person identified James Foley wearing orange outfit seen kneeling desert man black dress black mask stands beside him, holding knife. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacency criminality,” kneeling man says. The man mask speaks British accent says: “This James Wright Foley, American citizen, country. As government, forefront aggression toward Islamic State. “Today military air force attacking us daily Iraq. Your strikes caused casualties amongst Muslims. You longer fighting insurgency. We Islamic army, state accepted large number Muslims worldwide.” Following statement, beheads kneeling man. At end video, words side screen say “Steven Joel Sotloff” another prisoner orange jumpsuit shown screen. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” masked man says. Mr. Foley, freelance reporter, covering Syria’s civil war GlobalPost. In 2011, held 45 days forces loyal former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Mr. Sotloff also freelancer journalist published stories Time Magazine Foreign Policy. He worked Syria, Libya Yemen. Islamic State executed hundreds people Syria Iraq advance. Its members follow hard-line interpretation Sunni Islam target oppose it, including Sunni Muslims. The Syrian Observatory Human Rights, monitoring group, said Islamic State militants executed 700 members Sunni tribe eastern Syria two weeks, majority civilians. “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL,” White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said, referring militant group earlier name, Islamic State Iraq Levant. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist, express deepest condolences family friends.” Islamic State also released another video Tuesday gave strongest indication yet might attempt strike American targets. The video theme “breaking American cross” boasts Islamic State emerge victorious “crusader” America. It follows video posted Monday, warning attacks American targets Washington struck fighters Iraq Syria. The latest footage spoke holy war Islamic State United States, occupied Iraq nearly decade faced stiff resistance al-Qaeda. Unlike al-Qaeda, Islamic State far focused territorial gains designed eventually establish full-blown Islamist empire.
Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus
A South American nun suddenly started experiencing sharp pains, long rushed hospital, gave birth baby boy. Now, nun claiming idea pregnant. Reports say Catholic sister, originally South America, belonged order Macerata, Italy arrived convent June. Recently, experiencing sudden sharp stomach pains, sister rushed hospital fellow nuns told pregnant. Soon after, gave birth baby boy. The baby reportedly still hospital undergoing testing make sure totally healthy. Reports say nun’s convent considering taking care child.
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of terror attacks on 9/11
Poverty-stricken parents took streets auction son highest bidder. The reason? They need money pay cancer treatment save life twin sister. The little girl acute leukemia parents told would die without urgent medical treatment. Horrifying sad photos show 29-year-old Meng Xiangyan, mom twins, streets Eastern China. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives." The family sold apartment everything live tiny flat near medical center treating thier daughter. “It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son."
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs
Robots increasingly replacing humans variety mundane tasks, like bolting car together making lollipops, moving security business. Microsoft recently installed fleet 5-feet-tall, 300-pound robots protect Silicon Valley campus. The robots packed HD security cameras sensors take organic, protein-based surroundings. There’s also artificial intelligence board sound alarms robot notices something awry. It also read license plates cross-reference see they’re stolen. The K5 robots come California company called Knightscope, calls robots “autonomous data machines” provide “commanding friendly presence.” Sounds like something robot manufacturer would say. Let’s honest though, robots look pretty damn cool. They’re like modern versions R2-D2. Thankfully—or sadly, depending look it—the K5 robots don’t weapons them. All assess situation, sound alarm defuse it, call human security officer scene. There are, however, plans equip robots tasers sometime future. Microsoft’s new protectors fairly autonomous. A single charge last 24 hours, robot notices battery getting low, return charging port plug in. It fully recharge 20 minutes, pretty insane. There plans one day expand use Knightscope’s robots patrol streets part human police units. We can’t even imagine would happen Elon Musk heard this. H/T Extreme Tech | Videos/Photos: © Knightscope, Inc. 2014 (www.knightscope.com) This article originally appeared The Daily Dot. Copyright 2014. Follow The Daily Dot Twitter. SEE ALSO: This Terrifying Robot Was Developed By Google
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains
A DESPERATE mother tricked feasting cooked meat body son Islamic State militants, claimed. The famished Kurdish mother gone plead jihadists release son. Cruel militants delayed talks elderly mum – feeding meal made corpse offspring waited. The depraved story relayed brave Briton fighting front line Kurdish forces Islamic State, also referred IS, ISIS ISIL. Yasir Abdulla left behind wife children Yorkshire home six months battle Kurdish homeland. The 36-year-old said disturbing story cause hatred IS – one reasons vowed return war-ravaged native county "finish job". The father-of-four told The Sun: "I hate IS happened old Kurdish woman nearby tribe. "Her son captured IS fighters taken prisoner Mosul. She determined find son went IS headquarters asked see him. "The IS men told sit travelled long way said food took meet son. "They brought cups tea fed meal cooked meat, rice soup. She thought kind. But security guard Mr Abdulla adds: "They killed chopped finished meal asked see son laughed said, 'You've EATEN him'." "They burn people alive, chop people's heads, limit depravity. "They Muslims, hijacked Islam. All hate." The shocking account latest string disturbing executions punishments administered immoral group. In February, IS released highly-choreographed propaganda film showing Jordanian fighter pilot Lieutenant Mouath al-Kasaesbeh soaked fuel burned alive inside cage. Another video organisation showed man believed gay thrown seven-storey building. The 50-year-old man, blindfolded throughout sickening fall, seen still alive hitting ground below. He later stoned death waiting mob. Some interpreted perceived increase brutality Islamic State sign weakness. The terror organisation suffered number defeats recently, including loss two strongholds Iraq. Last week, Kurdish gunmen stormed town Tel Hamis fought back control Islamic State rebels. The group, aided US-led coalition airstrikes, previously back seized border town Kobani. Infamous Islamic State militant Jihadi John, believed orchestrated beheadings dozens hostages, last week unmasked hypocritical cannabis smoker west London. Fearless Mr Abdulla, speaking temporarily returning family home Keighley, West Yorkshire, said: "IS good making people scared. "If make one person scared person make another person scared soon everyone scared IS. "But Kurds scared them. Someone stand fight. We got thousands people many villages towns behind us. "If fall places fall, can't happen. The Peshmerga [Military forces Iraqi Kurdistan] can't wait take fight IS. "We know win."
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air
Be sure 'like' Hockeybuzz Facebook! The Jets Evander Kane appear crossroads. It sounds like bidding may hand...hearing Florida (e3), Toronto (e4), Montreal (e2) Buffalo (e3) interest. More come... By way, fighting stomach flu...(thanks kids) podcast today.
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles'
You may seen story going around Facebook promises able float air January 4th result planetary alignment "decrease gravity" 5 minutes. Unfortunately, total bullshit. The story originates DailyBuzzLive, fake news site admits occasionally publishes "works complete fiction," widely shared includes tweet NASA boosts apparent credibility. But NASA denies tweet bogus claim planetary alignment somehow let float 3 seconds time: "These rumors false image NASA tweet circulating doctored image," agency said statement AL.com, "Microgravity exists Earth. The crews aboard International Space Station live work microgravity, conduct science experiments take advantage unique environment aboard orbiting laboratory. Temporary microgravity created using aircraft flying parabolic arcs." Bad Astronomer Phil Plait also took hoax Slate column, pointing debunk exact rumor last year, passed around different fake news site. Not that, actually based hoax that's around 40 years. Patrick Moore, cited DailyBuzzLive's article, actually notable British astronomer, actually make Zero G Day claim 1976. What piece leaves April Fools' Day joke. For record, Pluto Jupiter aligning January 4th, matter did, they're much, much far away exert kind gravitational force fake article describes. Here's Plait: In fact, math, I find Earth pulls 200 trillion times harder Pluto does. That's ratio number cells body single cell ... claim float like saying shed single cell fly away flapping arms. Please let circa-1997 R. Kellys Facebook feed know that, although wish success future endeavors, sadly remain every bit earthbound usual Jan 4. [h/t seemingly every single person Facebook]
CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Celebrities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral
A hoax story alleging British graffiti artist Banksy arrested identity revealed duped thousands people online. According highly refutable website National Report, 'news' website consisting entirely fake stories, artist arrested Metropolitan Police studio identity revealed 35-year-old Paul Horner, originally Liverpool. The article contains elements would expect see news story covering arrest, including details police quotes close Banksy. However, takes bare minimum fact-checking research spot story hoax. The article claims story confirmed BBC (it hasn't) City London Police Chief Lyndon Edwards held press conference answer questions Banksy's arrest (he never Edwards even exist). US news site CNN also conduct interview Banksy's "project manager" John Hawes following arrest (also exist). The 'revealed identity' Banksy also suspicious. Paul Horner name given Facebook spokesperson said site soon charging users $2.99 month – another hoax story comes around every – well name hoax story 15-year-old Louisiana teen sentenced 25 years life called SWAT team another teenager's house beat playing Battlefield 4. The article also said written Dr Darius Rubics, fake name writer claims Pulitzer-prize winning reporter who, unsurprisingly since previous stories include 'Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month' 'Dennis Rodman Leaves US To Talk With Leaders Of Isis', never awarded prizes excellence journalism. One final, major clue story hoax exact thing happened before. Last February, fake press release claimed Banksy arrested claimed name Paul Horner rounds, Jezebel one high-profile websites publish hoax later taking down. Despite this, latest 'Banksy arrested' story shared 200,000 times Facebook Twitter, proving still people believe anything read internet. RelatedClacton-on-Sea Scrubs 'Racist' £400,000 Banksy Mural WallKing Robbo: Graffiti Artist Banksy Rival DiesBanksy Condemns 'Disgusting' Exhibition Featuring His Stolen ArtworkBansky Pokes Fun GCHQ With Cheltenham MuralAlternative Miss World 2014: Drag Queens, Robots PVC Octopus Compete Shakespeare's Globe
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie
Sources say actor came conclusion right part decided withdraw Christian Bale Steve Jobs all. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter actor fallen Jobs biopic directed Danny Boyle. The Sony project, script Aaron Sorkin produced Scott Rudin, Guymon Casady Mark Gordon, track begin shooting winter quick turnaround. Boyle due town week meet actors actresses movie. Seth Rogen discussions play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, official offer made. It unclear Bale’s departure affect casting. Read 5 Unforgettable Steve Jobs Moments Sources say Bale, much deliberation conflicting feelings, came conclusion right part decided withdraw. The script said divided three acts detail Jobs preparing three presentations came define life life company co-founded, lost came back to. On Oct. 23, Sorkin told Bloomberg TV Bale playing Jobs. "We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale," writer said time. "He didn’t audition. Well, meeting." Bale marks second high-profile actor receive offer Sony Jobs role eventually pass. Leonardo DiCaprio also line late tech icon moving shoot The Revenant. Neither begun negotiations. Email: Borys.Kit@THR.com Twitter: @Borys_Kit Email: Tatiana.Siegel@THR.com Twitter: @TatianaSiegel27
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas
Sometimes quitting job isn’t enough, sometimes make lasting statement way out. That’s exactly one iPhone game developer game ‘Electric Boogie’ dumping boss Apple. In iPhone game ‘Electric Boogie’ one developer managed sneak hidden animations characters banging other, something would strictly forbidden Apple, well message deemed shitty boss. It’s basically single greatest letter resignation ever…only it’s letter all, it’s hilarious game animation that’s likely get pulled Apple soon find out: via @JukinVideo
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line
With huge, gaping mouth, looks big enough swallow person whole. This giant catfish, weighed 20 stone (127kg) caught twin brothers Dino Dario Ferrari Po River northern Italy. Dino Ferrari caught 127 kg catfish Po delta Italy (Sportex Italia) Believed one largest kind ever caught, creature pulled river Feb 19 rod line battle lasting 40 minutes. The nine foot-long creature, wels catfish, dubbed “the monster Po” Italian media. The fish released trophy photos (Sportex Italia) After catching, weighing photographing it, brothers released back river, flows across northern Italy Adriatic. “It’s silurus glanis [the Latin name species],” Dino Ferrari said. “The American catfish doesn’t grow large dimensions – weigh 50kg.” He estimated fish 30 years old, based size, adding species live 50 years. “They don’t range large distances, tend live stretch river, moving kilometres either way. They eat types fish. "To catch need lot patience also physical strength. We fought 40 minutes reel in. We tired lifted water.” The wels catfish, also known sheatfish, lives fresh brackish water. It native eastern Europe parts Asia introduced western Europe. The fish prey fish, well worms, crustaceans, frogs water fowl. “Who knows, maybe manage catch year’s time, even gigantic,” said Mr Ferrari.
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy
Apple hosting ‘Spring Forward’ event tonight, finally answering many questions surrounding Watch. The Cupertino-based giant however resting laurels, reportedly already working next-generation Watch. According Wall Street Journal, Apple “studied platinum watch casings,” could material choice luxury edition next-generation Watch. For current Watch, expensive variant boast 18-Karat gold plating. While Apple hasn’t revealed details pricing, reports claim could go $20,000 mark. Considering luxury watch makers like Rolex Omega use platinum high-end watches, seems like logical step Apple well. But publication mentions Apple “studying” materials, means confirmation platinum Watch variant. RELATED: Apple ‘Spring Forward’ Event: Here’s expect In meantime, Apple unveiling first-generation Watch tonight, boasts many 34 variants. Prices start $349, per rumors, likely go $20,000 Watch Edition. Apple’s Spring Forward event kicks 10:30PM IST tonight here’s watch live.
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked
The man jumped White House fence month sprinted front door made much farther building previously known, overpowering one Secret Service officer running much main floor, according three people familiar incident. An alarm box near front entrance White House designed alert guards intruder muted officers believed request usher’s office, said Secret Service official spoke condition anonymity. The officer posted inside front door appeared delayed learning intruder, Omar Gonzalez, burst through. Officers trained that, upon learning intruder grounds, often alarm boxes posted around property, must immediately lock front door. After barreling past guard immediately inside door, Gonzalez, carrying knife, dashed past stairway leading half-flight first family’s living quarters. He ran 80-foot-long East Room, ornate space often used receptions presidential addresses. Gonzalez tackled counter-assault agent far southern end East Room. The intruder reached doorway Green Room, parlor overlooking South Lawn artwork antique furniture, according three people familiar incident. Secret Service officials earlier said quickly detained main entry. Agency spokesman Edwin Donovan said office commenting due ongoing investigation incident. People jumping White House fence become common occurrence, individuals tackled Secret Services officers guarding complex getting even third way across lawn. Gonzalez first person known jumped fence made inside executive mansion. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said breach “unacceptable” her, Friday briefed President Obama plans shore security. Pierson expected face tough questions Gonzalez incident Tuesday hearing House Oversight Government Reform Committee. The hearing likely cover number security lapses agency, including new revelations published weekend The Washington Post failure identify properly investigate 2011 shooting attack White House. The detailed account month’s security breach comes people provided information incident The Washington Post whistleblowers contacted Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah), chairman House Oversight subcommittee Homeland Security. Chaffetz said plans ask Pierson alarm meant alert officers intruders could silenced turned down. The congressman said two people inside agency told boxes silenced White House usher staff, whose office near front door, complained noisy. A Secret Service official told The Post usher’s office concerned boxes frequently malfunctioning unnecessarily sounding off. The alarm boxes, officers call “crash boxes,” key pieces agency’s first-alert system, according former agents officials. If spot intruder, officers trained hit large red button nearest box — sending alert every post complex location incursion, piping sound location boxes around property. “If true, fact crash boxes muted avoid ‘disruptive’ due lack resources insufficient number checkpoints barriers,” Chaffetz said. He called incident “failure leadership” Secret Service. “The agency needs solution goes deeper fences people,” Chaffetz said. “It must examine message sent men women protect president leader sacrifices security appease superficial concerns White House ushers.” The new revelations follow accounts provided The Post last week detailing Gonzalez’s ability enter White House reflected failure multiple levels security around compound. The agency relies successive layers fail-safe protecting president White House complex. In incident, plainclothes surveillance team duty night outside fence, meant spot jumpers give early warning made over. When team didn’t notice Gonzalez, officer guard booth North Lawn. When officer couldn’t reach Gonzales, supposed attack dog, specialized SWAT team guard front door — ready. The dog released, decision review. Some people familiar incident say handler likely felt could release dog many officers pursuit Gonzalez, dog may attacked instead. Since incident, Secret Service added additional layer temporary fencing agency reviews procedures. Alice Crites contributed report. Related: Secret Service fumbled response gunman hit White House 2011 Graphic: The night bullets hit White House Fence-jumper reveals security failures White House
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors died drug overdose. Rumors swirled Twitter "Breakfast Club" actor found dead apartment apparent drug overdose. His agent Gregg Klein tweeted photo Nelson holding today's paper
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim
In video released late Friday night, leader Islamist militant group Boko Haram claimed Nigeria's kidnapped schoolgirls converted Islam married off. In video, obtained Agence France-Presse, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau also denied agreed ceasefire Nigerian government. "Don't know 200 Chibok schoolgirls converted Islam? They memorized two chapters Koran," said. Laughing, dashed hope deal might reached exchange girls' release, saying, "The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off." [image via AP]
UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified
Seven girls, ages 13 15, pregnant five-day school trip country’s capital city parents blamed. The schoolgirls, city Banja Luka, went Bosnia Herzegovina capital, Sarajevo. Nenad Babici, national coordinator reproductive health republic, told Inserbia.info discovered seven schoolgirls got pregnant school trip. The school Banja Luka taken 28 girls nation’s capital city five-day trip visit museums historic sights city, ranked among finest world. Furious parents demanding know lack teacher supervision, reported Daily Mail. However, Babici blamed parents educating children properly. He said early sexual relations later lead adverse consequences infertility, various diseases, miscarriages premature births. Senad Mehmedbasic, Sarajevo gynecologist, said growing trend underage pregnancies Bosnia Herzegovina worrying. “That trend today. But cannot continue allow children educated sex street school,” told Inserbia.info. Educational institutes parents, said, play stronger role providing effective sex education. “It obvious children enough knowledge health education, engage activities, knowing consequences. “We direct educational system, must allowed street teaches children intimate matters, later slapped life.” This article originally appeared News.com.au.
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings
Apple remained mum pricing strategy three versions Apple Watch made available next year, saying price start $350 entry-level version, likely Apple Watch Sport, features light aluminum sweat-resistant band made rubbery material. But jewelry industry experts believe Apple Watch Edition, comes 18-karat yellow gold rose gold, sapphire crystal display Venetian leather bands, cost around $1,200, jewelers estimating Apple's fanciest smartwatch could priced much $10,000. Watch expert Chad Rickicki Pittsburgh, Penn. told TechCrunch 18-karat gold case size shape Apple Watch could rack much $600 raw material. That even include smartwatch's electronic components profit margin Apple plans tack device. All all, consumers expect pay $1,200 gold smartwatch, says Rickicki. However, jewelers optimistic, saying need understand materials Apple used smartwatch able peg accurate price. Ariel Adams, founder editor watch blog aBlogtoWatch, says Apple adopted watch industry terminology Apple Watch. The term "18-karat gold," says, likely means watch made solid gold, gold-plated. Otherwise, Apple would used term "gold-plated." The current market price gold $1,200 per ounce. If, example, Apple Watch weighs two ounces, already $2,400 gold. That even considering special process Apple's metallurgists invented create gold "twice hard standard gold." Adams says Apple cheaper manufacturing centers China facilities used Swiss-based watchmakers, gold gold expensive wherever crafted. Adams also points also cost sapphire glass contend with, estimating Apple pay around $30 $40 sapphire crystal case Edition smart watch. Sapphire manufacturing, Adams says, long expensive process crystals synthetically grown large chambers cut rectangles laminated. Adams thinks high-end Apple Watch cost anything less $5,000 could go much $10,000. "The Edition going far, far less mass-produced steel version," says. "I think going much different type distribution. It'll much exclusive product."
Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” one highly anticipated movies 2015 scheduled released winter. The latest reports, however, claim J.J. Abrams, director seventh episode epic space opera, wants early release date movie. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” currently scheduled released Dec. 18, 2015. Based YouTuber Votesaxon 07’s video, Movie Pilot reports J.J. Abrams wants release “Episode 7” summer 2015. The report aforementioned entertainment news publication claims 48-year-old director made announcement Visual Effects Society Awards 2015. The publication claims reason J.J. Abrams wants release “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” almost six months scheduled date alleged plot images leaks sets script. The moviemaker worried plot leaks make film “predictable worth watching” audience. According website, moving release date forward would “an extremely brave move,” putting fan-favourite releases “Avengers: Age Ultron,” “Jurassic World” “Ant-Man.” However, shifting release date means lot work moviemakers studio. Meanwhile, Ikwiz reports Disney “seriously” considering J.J. Abrams' demand summer release “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Fans must note reports lack official comments associated parties; thus, information must taken pinch salt. However, fans know Disney seriously dealing issue image leak. Recently, studio issued subpoena leak images “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” In additional news, J.J. Abrams finally broke silence controversy new lightsaber debuted “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer. Speaking Collider Hollywood event, director admitted receiving tons emails arguing new lightsaber functionality. "It's funniest thing see arguments developed thing,” J.J Abrams said. "This done without lot conversation. It's fun see people conversation had, reverse,” director explained. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” features John Boyega Finn, Daisy Ridley Rey, Oscar Isaac Poe Dameron, Harrison For Han Solo, Carrie Fisher Leia, Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow Adam Driver, unspecified roles. Stay tuned updates. To report problems leave feedback article, email: j.kaur@IBTimes.com.au. Read “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” below: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Possible Plot Details On Main Cast Revealed, Luke Skywalker Guarding ‘Ancient Sith Tomb,’ Plus More Spoilers
Cold Turkey
This video epitome close shave. This US marine along two comrades arms conducting raid turbulent Helmand province Afghanistan 2013. While leaving cover, Taliban sniper shot head. Lady luck side visible damage kevlar helmet tear camouflage cover. Needless say, chap charmed existence day… Definitely laid accumulator bets soon returned base. MORE: Man lucky alive falling cliff chasing goat MORE: Driver lucky alive shocking ‘GTA-style’ crash MORE: ‘I could electrocuted death': Woman’s lucky escape lightning fries bedroom
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie
A rumor Tuesday claims Apple's upcoming Apple Watch priced $500 mid-tier steel model $5,000 top-end gold "Edition" versions, number much higher previous estimates. Citing unnamed source, French website iGen reports Apple looking field Apple Watch proposed retail cost $500 versions stainless steel cases $4,000 $5,000 Apple Watch Edition models. This leaves Apple Watch Sport version Apple's lowest-priced option, company said would come $350. While website accurate predicting recent Apple product launches, claims unverifiable taken grain salt. Previous estimates jewelers industry analysts pegged high-end Apple Watch Edition models $1,200. Edition versions crafted 18-karat gold, feature sapphire crystal come variety luxurious strap options. Apple commented whether entire chassis solid gold, merely gold plated, company apparently developed variant metal twice strong standard. Additionally, source claims Apple still shooting launch Valentine's Day. Prior Apple Watch announcement, noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo accurately predicted device would come two sizes multiple models spread across wide range price points. At time, speculated wearable could cost "thousands dollars." Apple announced anticipated first foray wearables market September, saying pricing would start $350. Given Apple Watch Sport made relatively low-cost materials — aluminum, elastomer band non-sapphire window — many believe entry-level model.
Evander Kane "On Way Out" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?
OTTAWA - The man reported shot assailant Parliament Hill today former police officer background providing security services dignitaries, including members Royal Family. Kevin Vickers became sergeant-at-arms House Commons eight years ago varied career security. He spent 29 years RCMP rose rank chief superintendent, often serving face national police force New Brunswick. The 58-year-old appointed director security operations House Commons June 2005. He previously worked aide-de-camp New Brunswick's lieutenant-governor. The sergeant-at-arms responsible safeguarding authority House Commons, well safety security Parliament buildings. As RCMP officer, Vickers responsible security services provided Queen Prince Andrew. On Twitter, MPs credited Vickers saving lives. "MPs Hill staff owe safety, even lives, Sergeant Arms Kevin Vickers shot attacker outside MPs' caucus rooms," tweeted New Democrat Craig Scott. Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino tweeted: "I safe & profoundly grateful Sgt Arms Kevin Vickers & security forces selfless act keeping us safe."
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy
British intelligence agencies MI5 MI6 identified man suspected horrific beheading American journalist James Foley, according British media reports. The hooded man English accent believed 23-year-old Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, known fellow Islamic State militants Jihadi John. Key suspect: Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary raps name Lyricist Jinn. Photo: YouTube The former rapper left family home affluent west London suburb last year fight civil war Syria. In early August tweeted photo wearing military camouflage black hood, holding severed head left hand. British SAS forces hunting Foley's killer, using range high-tech equipment track potentially free hostages. Murdered: American journalist James Foley. Photo: AP The Mail Sunday reporting "significant force" SAS personnel deployed northern Iraq past two days, joining local units fighting Islamic State. They fanned four-man teams, accompanying Iraqi Kurdish troops effort find British jihadists. The Sunday Times reports Bary key focus manhunt. He one British jihadists referred former hostages Beatles British accents. The two others called "George" "Ringo". The two Britons suspected involvement crime Aine Davis, former drug dealer converted Islam, Razul Islam, believed joined terrorist group murdered Foley. A still video James Foley's execution. Photo: AP Bary son Egyptian-born militant awaiting trial terrorism charges Manhattan, due alleged involvement bombing US embassies Kenya Tanzania 1998. Before leaving family home fight Syria, Bary aspiring rapper known L Jinny whose music played one Britain's popular radio stations, BBC Radio 1.   Recordings songs prove vital investigating team, experts using voice recognition technology match voice man brutally decapitated Mr Foley. Bary made number music videos songs, titles Flying High, Dreamer Overdose. It believed indoctrinated Islamic preacher named Anjem Choudary persuaded join fight Syria.
Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof
The leader Catholic Church assured pet lovers across world dogs go heaven. Speaking weekly address Vatican's St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis confirmed place heaven furry friends, along 'all God's creatures.' The head Catholic Church attempting console distraught young boy mourning death dog, according Time magazine. Pope Francis confirmed place heaven dogs 'all God's creatures' weekly address Vatican's St. Peter's Square The statement odds conservative Roman Catholic theology states animals cannot go heaven souls. Francis quoted Italian news media saying: 'One day, see animals eternity Christ. Paradise open God's creatures.' The remarks warmly welcomed animal rights groups PETA Humane Society. The issue whether animals chance afterlife debated centuries. Pet owners welcome Pope's remarks beloved dogs, cats, horses furry friends place heaven Pope Francis refused meet Dalai Lama fears could impact Catholic Church's relationship China. The exiled Tibetan leader requested meeting visit Rome declined 'for obvious reasons concerning delicate situation' China. The Catholic Church China divided two; official Church overseen Chinese Communist Party, underground community swears allegiance Pope. But main bone contention side final say appointment bishops. A Vatican official said Pope's decision 'not taken fear avoid suffering already suffered'. The longest serving Pope - Pius IX - leader church 1846 1878 believed animals consciousness therefore could afterlife. Pope Francis's predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, also denied idea pets entering heaven said death simply meant end existence Earth But perhaps unsurprising Pope Francis, aged 77, supports idea pets animals place paradise took papal name St. Francis Assisi, patron saint animals. It's first time Francis, Argentine Jesuit took Pope Benedict XVI last year, courted controversy. The leader seen liberal predecessors lenient positions homosexuality unwed couples caused stir conservative members church.
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl
Matt Taibbi, star magazine writer hired earlier year start satirical website billionaire Pierre Omidyar's First Look Media, leave absence company disagreements higher-ups inside Omidyar's organization, source close First Look confirmed today. Taibbi's abrupt disappearance company's Fifth Avenue headquarters cast doubt fate highly anticipated digital publication, reportedly called Racket, First Look executives previously said would launch sometime autumn. When hired, amid much fanfare, Taibbi's website meant second envisioned fleet titles published First Look, ambitious digital journalism company funded Omidyar, founder eBay one richest tech moguls America. Like counterpart Intercept, launched earlier year Glenn Greenwald others pursue investigations NSA surveillance intelligence world, venture centered around brand-name polemicist without much management experience. Prior joining First Look, Taibbi made name gleefully skewering fat targets Rolling Stone — famously, described Goldman Sachs "a great vampire squid wrapped around face humanity" — said time departure lured away chance lampoon financial industry "simultaneously funny satirical voice" associated legendary magazine Spy. Over succeeding months, mission publication broadened encompass political satire well, brought number high-profile names New York digital scene, including deputy editor Alex Pareene, formerly Salon; Laura Dawn, digital video producer formerly worked Moveon.org; Edith Zimmerman, founding editor Hairpin. "Journalists dark, funny, mean people," Taibbi told New York interview March. "It's appropriate antagonistic, adversarial role." Omidyar originally conceived First Look network interlinking sites run "independent" journalists, many took similarly adversarial approach journalism. Over last year, however, center gravity organization shifted, Omidyar Silicon Valley braintrust exerted control budgets vacillated journalistic mission. Over summer, Omidyar appointed longtime confidante, John Temple — former newspaper editor previously led Omidyar-financed civic journalism venture Hawaii — president audience products, putting position Eric Bates, former Rolling Stone editor brought First Look editorial director, close Taibbi. The confrontational approach made Taibbi's name Rolling Stone — that, founding editor gonzo Moscow expatriate magazine The eXile — appears contributed internal trouble First Look. Sources confirmed Taibbi absent office several weeks, returning one brief occasion address staff. Although hired reassured project would continue unspecified term Taibbi's absence, launch date Racket — Taibbi indicated September would coming "in month" — appears pushed off. "We target date I wouldn’t make launch date public," said Temple, based San Francisco, reached phone morning. "I don’t comment internal matters I don’t comment personnel matters. ... I mean we’re private company, would ... no." Taibbi's absence latest series shifts inside First Look, Omidyar founded last year, originally response disclosures NSA surveillance leaked Edward Snowden Greenwald Intercept colleague Laura Poitras. Omidyar initially committed $250 million project began laying plans large general interest website number narrowly focused "digital magazines." In July, billionaire announced scaling back plan time being, choosing instead focus Racket Intercept prototypes new technological model journalism. The Intercept lately publishing vigorously, breaking several major stories — federal investigators reportedly pursuing alleged leaker responsible story site government's voluminous terrorist watch list. But Racket much slower materialize, leading rumors staff anxiety. In August, Temple told Taibbi's site experimenting variety journalistic approaches — satire humor also investigative journalism. For instance, Ellen Miller, head campaign finance watchdog Sunlight Foundation — nonprofit also heavily financed Omidyar — met staff summer discuss might dig issues money politics. "We're supporting Matt creating something unique — Matt's," Temple told me. "He's building team there's great esprit Matt's team." Taibbi's clashes top likely drive speculation fate long-incubating project journalist's continued involvement. Nonetheless, site apparently still hiring.
Tropical spider burrows under man's skin through scar
There Christmas miracles all. For Joe Riquelme's parents, miracle came form plain white envelope containing handwritten note son telling paid mortgage. Riquelme, successful app developer New York goes YouTube user name joeytrombone, Thursday shared video showing parents’ heartwarming reaction incredibly generous Christmas gift. Scroll video One final gift: Joe Riquelme, app developer New York (center) surprised parents Christmas giving life-changing present Priceless reaction: Riquelme's mother shocked find note written son inside plain envelope telling paid mortgage Best gift ever? Riquelme placed bank documents inside folded envelope along brief note Tears joy: The app developer's parents burst tears reaction son's generosity The touching video, viewed nearly 130,000 times last 24 hours, counting, begins Joe Riquelme sitting couch parents pet dog. Looking visibly nervous struggling keep emotions check, Riquelme tells mom dad one Christmas gift them: slightly dog-eared envelope folded half. Inside, documents Bank America accompanied handwritten note reads: 'Your house paid off. Merry Xmas. - Joe.' In corner, Riquelme drew box list three things parents done family check marks next one: raising kids, college loans, mortgage. Confronted note, Riguelme's mother covers mouth shock bursts tears joy mingled laughter son labors keep composure. The overwhelmed woman passes envelope husband, also begins weep. ‘I love you. Thank you, Papi,' Riquelme's mom exclaims sobs showering hugs kisses. Group hug: The emotional video concludes Riquelme's mom dad embracing showering young man kisses 'Sometimes best gifts come lamest packages. Merry Christmas everyone! — feeling happy,' Riguelme later wrote Facebook along collage video The emotional minute-long video concludes group hug. 'Sometimes best gifts come lamest packages. Merry Christmas everyone! — feeling happy,' Riguelme later wrote Facebook page. A graduate University California Davis years experience working semiconductor industry, last year Riquelme founded New York-based startup Videoshop - video-editing app available iPhone. Techie: Riquelme graduate University California Davis spent years working semiconductor industry Taking flight: Last year, Riquelme founded New York-based startup Videoshop - video-editing app available iPhone
Cheese addiction breaks Kim Jong-un's ankles
Seattle/ San Francisco: Google Inc. bought six office buildings northwest Silicon Valley headquarters Starwood Capital Group Llc Blackstone Group Lp $585 million deal, two people knowledge matter said. The properties part Pacific Shores Centre office park Redwood City, California, 18 kilometres Google’s main office Mountain View, said people, asked named transaction private. The company said quarterly report filed Thursday bought land buildings $585 million, without details. The acquisition extends real estate deal spree Google, owner world’s largest search engine, expands hiring makes acquisitions. This month, company signed office-lease agreements total commitment $1 billion 2028, according filing. “We expect continue hire aggressively remainder 2014,” Google said filing. “Acquisitions also remain important component strategy.” The company 55,030 full-time employees 30 September, almost 19% year earlier, filing shows. Meghan Casserly, spokeswoman Google, declined comment beyond filing. Tom Johnson, spokesman Barry Sternlicht’s Starwood Capital Greenwich, Connecticut, Peter Rose, spokesman New York-based Blackstone, declined comment. The Silicon Valley Business Journal reported month Google close completing deal site. Fitness centre The properties Google purchased comprise 9,34,200 square feet Class A office space, well 38,000-square-foot fitness centre includes gym, pool spa, according people knowledge matter. That’s half 1.7 million square feet office space complex. The office building addresses 1200, 1300, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900 Seaport Blvd., people said. Pacific Shores Centre 106-acre waterfront campus developed San Francisco-based Jay Paul Co. early 2000s. It lies halfway San Francisco San Jose. The campus, includes sports fields park, next restored wetlands part San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge. Starwood Capital bought Pacific Shores Centre December 2006, near height commercial-property market, developer Walton Street Capital Llc, immediately resold two buildings. Starwood Capital paid $833 million deal, first office acquisition San Francisco Bay area. Blackstone 2011 bought $80 million junior loan office complex discount effort gain ownership Starwood Capital defaulted, two people knowledge purchase said time. Blackstone gained equity stake properties sold Google loan restructuring. Blackstone, Equity Office unit, major office holdings Northern California second-largest US office landlord, Brookfield Property Partners Lp. Bloomberg
Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged
There's story currently making rounds Australian man who, upon returning trip Bali, discovered spider burrowed skin traveled chest. Freaky? Yes, also plausible. Rest easy, arachnophobes. You worry Charlotte weaving web beneath flesh. The supposed story goes like this: Dylan Thomas (a 21-year-old man, dead poet) vacation Bali woke one morning discover red "trail" irritation running navel chest, trail continued grow longer throughout day. Thomas says that, initially sent home antihistamines, returned medical center doctors discovered tiny tropical spider beneath skin. Supposedly, removed creature incision placed specimen jar. According Thomas, doctors speculated entered skin appendectomy scar kept moving body. Thomas told various news outlets believes spider three days. It's kind story lot people saying, "NOPE," lot arachnologists saying simply, "No, happen." Thomas may told spider invaded flesh, arachnologists spoke story sincerely doubt one actually did. "I think extremely suspect, unusual, likely possible," Christopher Buddle, associate professor McGill University's Department Natural Resource Sciences, told us email. "Simply put: plausible I think valid reason spider might 'crawl beneath skin scar'. The claim 'feeding moving scar tissue' defies logic defies know biology spiders. I also sceptical 'evidence' (the spider itself) presented." Dr. Charles E. Griswold, Schlinger Curator Arachnology (Emeritus) California Academy Sciences, said comment particular incident, similarly skeptical. "[I]n general impossible reason spider would that," wrote. Could doctors pulled something spider Thomas' body? Maybe, wait hear information comes specimen. Buddle told us, "Other arthropods (e.g., ticks/mites/perhaps insects) could 'possibly' 'associated' something like this… perhaps... But certainly spider." Marie Herberstein, Head Department Biological Sciences Macquarie University New South Wales, fully exclude possibility could spider, though writes, "I never heard spider crawl exist skin integument creature (there parasites amongst spiders)." But also suspects may different animal. She told us, "My initial reaction mite (also 8-legged) rather spider, mites renown[ed] type behaviour, scabies. Let's see identification brings." Top photo: An actual spider Bali, taken Lip Kee. CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.
Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus
Militants Islamic State jihadi group released video appears show beheading British hostage, David Haines, aid worker captured days arrived Syria last year. British government officials seeking authenticate video purported show final moments Haines, 44. In video, entitled A Message Allies America, masked man shown carrying beheading Haines, whose life earlier threatened film showing murder American journalist Steven Sotloff. The video, runs two minutes 28 seconds, ends warning second British hostage would next die. He named international media social media Alan Henning, British aid worker. Haines third western hostage first Briton killed fashion Isis – first, US journalist James Foley, murdered video released 19 August. The British prime minister, David Cameron, issued statement denouncing killing. “This despicable appalling murder innocent aid worker. It act pure evil. My heart goes family David Haines shown extraordinary courage fortitude throughout ordeal. “We everything power hunt murderers ensure face justice, however long takes.” Cameron gather senior representatives military security services Foreign Office Home Office Whitehall discuss situation. The US president, Barack Obama, also condemned killing. “The United States strongly condemns barbaric murder UK citizen David Haines terrorist group Isil,” said, using administration’s preferred acronym Isis. “Our hearts go family Mr Haines people United Kingdom. “The United States stands shoulder shoulder tonight close friend ally grief resolve. We work UK broad coalition nations region around world bring perpetrators outrageous act justice, degrade destroy threat people countries, region world.” The recording features voiceover delivered Isis militant, whose voice accent closely resembles killer Sotloff Foley videos. The killer directly addresses Cameron, saying Haines “has pay price promise” arm Kurdish peshmerga fighters Isis. Speaking camera, hostage, composed clearly duress, wearing orange jumpsuit, reads statement says Cameron “entirely responsible execution” entering coalition US. Haines, Royal Air Force 12 years moving aid work, addresses Cameron, saying: “You entered voluntarily coalition United States Islamic State, predecessor, Tony Blair, did, following trend amongst British prime ministers can’t find courage say Americans. “Unfortunately, we, British public, end pay price parliament’s selfish decisions.” The killer, swathed black, makes statement makes direct reference British government’s aid Kurdish fighters. He says: “This British man pay price promise, Cameron, arm peshmerga Islamic State. Ironically, spent decade life serving Royal Air Force responsible delivering arms. “Your evil alliance America continues strike Muslims Iraq recently bombed Haditha dam accelerate destruction. And playing role obedient lapdog, Cameron, drag people another bloody unwinnable war.” At end latest video, another hostage, Henning, paraded. The US carried least nine air strikes last week Isis militants threatening Haditha dam. The bombing cited Haines’s killer video. A spokeswoman Foreign Office London said: “We aware video working urgently verify contents.” Isis threatened kill Haines, father two, video emerged 11 days ago Sotloff murdered. Less 24 hours latest video emerged, Haines family made plea jihadis respond efforts make contact. The family statement, released Foreign Office addressed militants directly, said: “We family David Haines. We sent messages received reply. We asking holding David make contact us.” Haines born East Yorkshire raised Perthshire, capture living Croatia second wife Dragana. He 17-year-old daughter first wife Louise, four-year-old daughter Dragana, described “fantastic man father”. He kidnapped working aid organisation Acted, previously worked Libya South Sudan. A meeting British government’s emergency committee, Cobra, expected called imminently prime minister’s attentions diverted referendum Scottish independence, due take place Thursday. Haines worked aid agencies world’s worst trouble spots, including Libya South Sudan. He Libya civil war 2011, working head mission Handicap International, helps disabled people poverty conflict zones around world.
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital'
Predator drones started fly Raqqa, Syria.
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic
Bale, longtime favorite role, back mix talks Leonardo Dicaprio fell Christian Bale may play Steve Jobs Sony's Aaron Sorkin-scripted biopic all. The actor talks role director Danny Boyle, individual knowledge project told TheWrap. As TheWrap first report, Bale top choice part late Apple founder ever since project announced, David Fincher especially keen actor talks direct. Also read: Christian Bale Is David Fincher's Choice Play Steve Jobs Sony Movie (Exclusive) Boyle previously held talks “The Beach” star Leonardo Dicaprio take role, fell Bale back conversation, pending scheduling. Sony comment. See video: Christian Bale Is Chosen One New ‘Exodus: Gods Kings’ Trailer Scott Rudin Mark Gordon producing Film 360's Guymon Casady. Sorkin's script based Walter Isaacson's book, authorized Jobs himself. Bale, Oscar David O. Russell's “The Fighter,” next seen Ridley Scott's “Exodus: Gods Kings” voice jaguar Bagheera Warner Bros’ “Jungle Book: Origins.” He represented WME.
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani
Macaulay Culkin NOT dead. A “breaking news” story claiming, “Macaulay Culkin Found Dead Age 34″ 100 percent fake hoax that’s gone viral Facebook Twitter. It NOT true. The rumor fueled looks like screenshot cable news broadcast graphic, “Breaking: Macaulay Culkin Found Dead At Age 34″ (see below), shared 700,000 times Facebook. Additionally, least one version “dead” story appears MSNBC.website URL meant trick people thinking they’re reading real MSNBC. According FAKE story, “Sources reporting Macaulay Culkin, best known role Kevin McCallister Home Alone sequel Home Alone 2: Lost New York, found dead age 34. Multiple unconfirmed reports say Culkin found dead Friday afternoon Manhattan apartment police responded wellness check requested family member.” Most people read headline immediately spread “news” Culkin allegedly dead, panicking fans social media compounding problem. Culkin alive well. He’s latest celebrity victimized death hoax.
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet
NEW YORK — Pope Francis given hope gays, unmarried couples advocates Big Bang theory. Now, endeared dog lovers, animal-rights activists vegans. Trying console little boy whose dog died, Pope Francis told recent public appearance St Peter’s Square “paradise open God’s creatures”. While unclear whether Pope’s remarks helped soothe child, welcomed groups Humane Society People Ethical Treatment Animals (PETA). In relatively short tenure leader world’s one billion Roman Catholics since taking Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, 77, repeatedly caused stir among conservatives church. He suggested lenient positions predecessor issues homosexuality, single motherhood unwed couples. Theologians cautioned Pope Francis spoken casually, made doctrinal statement. Reverend James Martin, Jesuit priest editor-at-large America, Catholic magazine, said believed Pope Francis least asserting “God loves Christ redeems creation”, even though conservative theologians said paradise animals. “He said paradise open creatures,” Rev Martin said. The question whether animals go heaven debated much church’s history. Pope Benedict said 2008 sermon animal dies, “just means end existence earth”. Ms Christine Gutleben, senior director Humane Society, said Pope Francis’ apparent reversal predecessor’s view could enormous. “If Pope mean animals go heaven, implication animals soul. And true, ought seriously consider treat mean something God,” said. Ms Sarah Withrow King, director Christian outreach engagement PETA, one activist anti-slaughterhouse groups, said Pope’s remarks could move Catholics away consuming meat. But differing views. Mr Dave Warner, spokesman National Pork Producers Council, said email “certainly mean slaughtering eating animals sin”. THE NEW YORK TIMES
Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say
"Multiple unconfirmed sources" report Haines beheaded ISIS.
Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy
Boston - So lately, tongues wagging due recent story elderly priest died conversation God, female God that. The story dancing around Facebook, Twitter, Reddit. It's also sallied across seas made African media Indian media. The story even made way holy land obnoxious religious redneckery known Texas. The story goes something like this: An old fart, er, I mean Catholic priest, Massachusetts officially dead 48 minutes medical staff "miraculously" re-started heart, World News Daily Report says. All while, Father John Micheal O'Neal says went heaven met God, motherly feminine happened woman. Father O'Neal, 71, rushed hospital late January hit major heart attack, declared dead shortly arrival. He brought back life via sort newfangled mechanical gadgetry doctors Massachusetts General Hospital, used newfangled mechanical gadgetry unclog vital arteries brain. Soon returned heart normal rhythm. Father O'Neal woke less 48 hours later recovered perfectly, World News Daily Report says. Well, course. I mean, all, going story elderly dude talking God, can't really die, you? That come wash. There much wringing hands, Catholic Blogger Bridget Mary Meehan wrote: "The declarations cleric caused quite stir catholic clergy archdiocese last days, causing Archbishop summon press conference try calm rumors. Despite disapproval superiors, Father O'Neal says continue dedicating life God spread word 'Holy Mother.'" Then wonders: "Why Cardinal O'Malley Boston Archdiocese upset? You would think he'd inspired. Perhaps, afraid God woman, then, could put big crack church's stained glass ceiling open door women priests!" Sure, employ delusional people? They're certainly entertaining. But good Archbishop bothered? Perhaps Father John Micheal O'Neal exist. You see, he's really nice old man Shutterstock, probably wishes somewhere else hospital. Terrence Donilon, spokesman Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley says story hoax. "We priest name," told Metro.co.uk. "I believe could hoax story." And despite whatever Meehan thinks, never verified O'Malley ever issued public disavowal priest's alleged statements. It's public records, About.com reports. Perhaps, story runs course, media realize asleep awake. You see, World News Daily, makes bones fact satire site. Here's site's disclaimer: "WNDR assumes however responsibility satirical nature articles fictional nature content. All characters appearing articles website – even based real people – entirely fictional resemblance persons, living, dead, undead purely miracle." When Meehan apprised fact story hoax, offered fantasyland reply: "According recent media update, story false, I believe yet happened, truly will! Someone said: 'All stories true actually happened.'" I'm making up. Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/religion/op-ed-hoax-priest-who-never-existed-claims-he-died-saw-female-god/article/426745#ixzz3SaIR8Hlq
Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London
Check photo shows Chinese workers used manipulate App Store rankings. The photo apparently gone viral China. Huxiu reports photo shared micro-blog today heading, "It's Hard Being Top App Worker." The image shows worker siting front hundreds iPhones laid rack appears specially designed purpose. The exposé, shown picture, displays 'Top App list worker' work place, features simple shelf containing hundreds iPhone 5Cs. In room filled workstations one side other, mobile phone labour takes place industrial level. Simply put, worker downloads (and deletes downloads, etc.) app boost rank App Store, calculated many times app downloaded. One worker operate 100 unique users. Accompany photo sites alleged price list boosting app ranking. Getting top 10 free apps costs RMB 70,000 (US$11,200), keeping cost another RMB 405,000 (US$65,000) per week. The third column said monthly fee. Negotiations take place QQ messaging service. While Apple taken steps counter manipulation App Store rankings, quite difficult identify manual downloads fake. Take look photo below...
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel
The following one unusual media stories last year. On Friday, Esquire Magazine posted blistering piece bashing ESPN written publication’s news editor Ben Collins. It entitled “ESPN problem women.” While column centered suspensions Bill Simmons Stephen A. Smith, lead produced exclusive details coverage plans Monday Night Football. Namely, network would domestic violence panel featuring 11 different voices. All men. Our bold emphasis added. On Monday night, panel two-hour pregame show Monday Night Football will, among things, address domestic abuse. This panel discuss, again, appropriate penalty hitting woman. The panel discussion include following people: Chris Berman, Cris Carter, Mike Ditka, Adam Schefter, Tom Jackson, Keyshawn Johnson, Jon Gruden, Mike Tirico, Stuart Scott, Steve Young Ray Lewis. Up 11 men, ages 39 74 sit table domestic violence discussion ESPN. Zero women. Victims domestic violence America likely women aged 20-24. When show updates field—brief reports injuries upcoming game—they’ll cut female sideline reporters, Lisa Salters and, weeks, Suzy Kolber. These people allowed table. How Collins got information, whether sources ESPN itself, never shared Esquire readers. Nevertheless, “11 men” theme kept coming back throughout piece tentpole outrage. The existence ESPN’s 11 men domestic violence panel, anger towards it, spread slowly throughout weekend. Deadspin nice recap far story reached noticed Twitter reblogged across internet, one feminist organization even putting network blast based Esquire article press release. Of course, ESPN 11 man domestic violence panel tonight. The network explicitly publicly called Esquire story false documented below. But examining story outset, plenty skeptical Esquire’s story. First all, ESPN covered domestic violence NFL length involving women discussion. Jane McManus consistent presence ESPN airwaves ESPN deep bench female commentators talked issue air. You criticize sports networks involving women prominent ways, ESPN least appears trying make effort here. McManus defended network Twitter: Second, light tweets, there’s mention Suzy Kolber – one hosts Monday Night Countdown tonight. If there’s panel discussion happening tonight, wouldn’t involved? Third, it’s easy make fun ESPN gratuitously absurd amount NFL analysts network employs. But right mind would conduct 11 person panel topic like domestic violence? That’s something even Nancy Grace cable news networks would silly enough do. If we’re believe Esquire story, Chris Berman would moderating 11 person panel discussion domestic violence including everyone game announcers reporters. It’s nonsensical. Not even ESPN would dense. Bristol began counter-offensive today. The network released coverage plans Monday Night Countdown tonight. And move straight ESPN PR Playbook, also highlighted women’s contributions coverage NFL domestic violence crisis. A rare public statement John Wildhack, one highest ESPN Executive Food Chain, also disputed Esquire report/column/rant/guesswork… Contrary published reports Esquire, panel domestic violence ever planned tonight’s Monday Night Countdown. We present normal Monday Night Football pre-game show, Suzy Kolber hosting. ESPN proud work done covering issue domestic violence, committed continued coverage. Much work informed several talented female colleagues television espnW platforms, including Hannah Storm, Jemele Hill, Jane McManus, Kate Fagan, Sarah Spain more. So happen? It’s simple. Haphazard reckless writing Esquire gradually began taken fact. There never plans 11 men panel discuss domestic violence Monday Night Countdown. Collins merely listed talent would working show assumed topic would come point evening unbelievable failure communication written word. Collins explained position greater detail Twitter page: That’s pretty far cry Collins actually wrote article made abundantly clear would special domestic violence panel enough men field entire football team. “Up 11 men, ages 39 74 sit table domestic violence discussion ESPN.” There’s ambiguity statement. 100 100 people would read sentence think ESPN would televising large all-male panel discussion specifically focused domestic violence tonight. How someone news editor major publication blur lines truth fiction badly? Had Collins stuck last tweet would basis decent column valid criticism worth raising. But overall sloppiness Esquire piece, point missed entirely. Instead, lot people wasted lot time talking 11 men domestic violence panel never existed.
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it
Oliver Ilic mutilated girlfriend threw abilities lover. A Macedonian man hacked manhood dumped bad bedroom skills. Jilted lover Oliver Ilic reportedly tossed member trash slicing single swipe razor blade. The 22-year-old lay bleeding floor Kocani home several minutes calling emergency services. Cops arrived found severed organ waste paper bin. A bloodstained Ilic reportedly told officers small penis blame ruined relationship. And so, feeling useless, decided cut off. He rushed local medical center, doctors struggled re-attach phallus. Ilic transferred hospital capital city Skopje, sewed back delicate five-hour operation. Medics said would "some time" know surgery success penis ever function properly again. It's second time Macedonian man carried masochistic act recent years, The Austrian Times reports. A 40-year-old reportedly cut member, could attached flushed toilet.
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram
Militant group Boko Haram reportedly holding German hostage kidnapped July. The group's leader also claimed report ceasefire Nigerian government "lie." Nigeria Boko Haram Abubakar Shekau Archiv Nigerian militant group Boko Haram claims holding German hostage kidnapped state Adamawa northeastern Nigeria earlier summer. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau made announcement video obtained news agency Agence France Presse. Shekau reportedly claims video group "holding German hostage." The kidnapping occurred July 16 town Gombi northeastern Nigeria, German national reportedly teacher government training center. The German Foreign Ministry thus far refused comment video. The news comes two Germans working Nigeria construction company Julius Berger came attack gunmen October 24. One shot dead taken hostage later released. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier Nigeria past week conduct talks government business leaders. Nigeria Boko Haram soll offenbar entführte Mädchen freilassen Violence additional kidnappings repeatedly overshadowed negotiations release 200 abducted Nigerian schoolgirls Shekau claims ceasefire The new video emerges violence continues cast doubt ceasefire negotiations Nigerian government Boko Haram, leading violent uprising northern Nigeria since 2009. The Nigerian government says negotiations taking place secure release 200 schoolgirls whose abduction last spring town Chibok sparked international outrage. But Shekau reportedly claims video earlier claims ceasefire Boko Haram government false, schoolgirls converted Islam married off. "We negotiate anyone... It's lie. It's lie. We negotiate. What business negotiation? Allah said not," AFP reported Shekau saying. "We married [the girls] off. They marital homes," Shekau reportedly says video laughing. Nigeria part maintains conducting ceasefire negotiations discussions release kidnapped girls neighboring Chad supposed Boko Haram envoy, Danladi Ahmadu. Shekau allegedly says video know Danladi. Violence continues Meanwhile, triple bombing bus station city Gombe Friday killed least eight people wounded 41. It yet clear attacks carried Boko Haram, though group targeted commuters past. Angriff von Boko Haram im nordöstlichen Stadt Konduga nahe Maiduguri / Nigeria Thousands Nigerians killed result Boko Haram uprising Boko Haram's insurgency characterized brutal campaign bombings shootings targeting Christian churches, Muslim mosques, schools, markets, bars, villages, police stations UN building. An estimated 5,000 Nigerians killed 300,000 displaced violence. In 2013, Nigerian government declared state emergency northeastern states Borno, Yobe Adamawa. Amnesty International accused Nigerian military war crimes, including extrajudicial killings, fight Boko Haram. The United Nations Human Rights Watch also alleged Nigeria's security forces committed human rights abuses. Nigeria's population 177 million 50 percent Muslim 40 percent Christian. Muslims concentrated north Christians south. bw/jm (AFP, dpa)
Elderly Woman Arrested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats
The news gone around world, including fishing enthusiasts more: Dino Ferrari twin brother Dario, scored record-fishing along river Po. On February 19, province Mantua, fact captured huge torpedo weight 127 kg length 267 centimeters. shadow carouselCatfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Prev Next Giant River "It fight lasted 40 minutes," says Dino. Before one ever managed capture prey great technique spinning, type fishing artificial bait. When felt appropriate time, pulled towards boat then, great difficulty torpedo, hooked towed shore. Although destroyed fatigue happy company: brothers win mention Guinness Book Records. "To fish giants river, must patience also lot physical strength," says fisherman. In truth, two quite well-known catfish fishing making exceptional catches past: "In 20 years caught 1,800." The joy sensational blow great Dino wanted embrace mighty fish usual photos. It thought torpedo achieve even four feet long, although far evidence. And prey, happened? The giant still Po. After shots thrown back water. "Who I take life?" Says Dino Ferrari. Maybe year able catch again. However, point even gigantic
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display
Islamic State released video showing beheading British hostage David Haines. It comes hours family issued public plea captors contact them. The Foreign Office said "working urgently verify" video offering Mr Haines's family support. David Cameron, Prime Minister, said: "The murder David Haines act pure evil. My heart goes family shown extraordinary courage fortitude." He added: "We everything power hunt murderers ensure face justice, however long takes." Mr Haines, 44, kidnapped last year delivered humanitarian aid Syria. His whereabouts revealed month shown kneeling sand, wearing orange jumpsuit, video produced jihadists Islamic State Iraq Levant (Isil) also showed murder Steven Sotloff, American journalist. A masked man, become known “Jihadi John”, said Mr Haines would next West halt operations Isil. In latest video, also wearing orange jumpsuit kneeling sand. It begins clip David Cameron. A man believed Mr Haines looks camera says: "My name David Cawthorne Haines. I would like delcare I hold David Cameron entirely responsible execution. "You entered voluntarily coalition United States Islamic State predecessor Tony Blair did, following trend British prime ministers can't find courage say Americans. "Unfortunately British public end pay price Parliament's selfish decisions." Twitter: David Cameron - The murder David Haines act pure evil. My heart goes family shown extraordinary courage fortitude. Twitter: David Cameron - We everything power hunt murderers ensure face justice, however long takes. In statement, Foreign Commonwealth said: "We aware video. "We working urgently verify content. If true, another disgusting murder. We offering family every support possible. "They asked left alone time." Mr Cameron rushed back Downing Street crisis talks advisers, officials intelligence chiefs Saturday night. He arrived No 10 midnight. He chaired COBRA meeting Sunday morning. In Haines family’s short statement - released earlier Saturday Foreign Commonwealth Office - British captive’s relatives said: “We family David Haines. “We sent messages received reply.We asking holding David make contact us.” No details messages released. Mr Haines worked aid agencies world’s worst trouble spots, including Libya South Sudan. He travelling car northern Syria March last year abducted along Italian colleague, later released. He working French aid organisation, Agency Technical Co-operation Development (Acted). Mr Haines believed kidnapped gang later sold Isil. His identity remained closely guarded secret 19 months bid increase chances negotiated release. But situation changed dramatically execution first James Foley, another American journalist, Mr Sotloff subsequent appearance Mr Haines second murder video. MPs reacted horror anger reports Saturday night. Ed Vaizey, government minister Conservative MP, said “so sad angry” hear reports Mr Haines’s murder. Stella Creasy, Labour MP shadow minister, said “shocked horrified” see reports Mr Haines killed. “Hoping mistaken fear not,” said. Dan Jarvis, another senior Labour MP, said “sickened”. Tim Farron, President Liberal Democrats, said: “My thoughts prayers David Haines' family friends tonight.” Ed Miliband, Labour leader, said: “I sickened disgusting, barbaric killing David Haines. “He somebody whose purpose help innocent people, victims conflict. “That ISIL would choose kill says everything warped logic murderous ways. “Acts like weaken strengthen resolve Britain international community defeat ISIL ideology. “My deepest condolences thoughts family cope terrible crime. And hearts British people go them.” Lord Dannatt, former head Army, said UK respond playing role assault IS promised US president Barack Obama. "What absolutely need cowed way yet another foul murder hostage," told Sky News. "But develop strategy sensible military campaign coalition regional players Saudi Arabia, Jordan countries area. "We support confront, attack defeat Islamic State jihadi fighters ... make sure cancer removed region spreads widely." The United States also "strongly condemned" killing. In statement, White House said: "Our hearts go family Mr Haines people United Kingdom. The United States stands shoulder shoulder tonight close friend ally grief resolve. "We work United Kingdom broad coalition nations region around world bring perpetrators outrageous act justice, degrade destroy threat people countries, region world."
Sorry, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms
(Reuters) - A mysterious late-night blast Nicaraguan capital Managua left crater 12 meters (40 feet) wide likely caused meteorite, government scientists said Sunday. The loud explosion occurred around 11 p.m. Saturday outskirts Managua near airport, said Wilfried Strauch Nicaraguan Institute Earth Studies (Ineter) interview government TV channel. No one injured. Strauch said Nicaragua asking United States expert help investigate event, picked seismic sensors. "All evidence we've confirmed on-site corresponds exactly meteorite type event," said Jose Millan, also Ineter. "Firstly, seismic register coincides time impact, typical characteristic produces cone place impact." Strauch said able determine composition supposed meteorite sure whether disintegrated hitting ground remained buried. "We need celebrate fact fell area where, thank God, cause danger population," Millan said. Nicaragua 20 volcanoes regularly shaken earthquakes, many locals initially thought quake caused loud bang. (Reporting Ivan Castro; Writing Gabriel Stargardter; Editing Eric Walsh)
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced
The sound 10 11 shots gun Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson fired Michael Brown recorded man apartment near Aug. 9 shooting, according man’s attorney shared audio CNN. The network aired recording Monday verified authenticity. The 12-second audio begins man seemingly leaving message someone adult video service. Six shots fired rapid succession heard background. After two second pause, another four five shots ring out. Lopa Blumenthal, unnamed man’s attorney, told CNN client interviewed FBI. “At time didn’t even realize import hearing afterwards,” Blumenthal said. “It happened captured twelve seconds transpired outside building.” While difficult clearly make whether 10 11 shots fired, Blumenthal told CNN believes heard 11. Details surrounding recording unclear, including emerging two weeks shooting. It also unclear point man began recording message captured gun shots. Witnesses well law enforcement officials said Wilson fired one perhaps two isolated shots police cruiser numerous shots fired outside car. The new audio seemingly capture one two shots fired inside Wilson’s cruiser. Wilson reportedly claimed gun went cruiser altercation Brown 18-year-old shoved car, assaulted him, struggled grab weapon. After altercation car, witnesses say Brown fled. From there, Brown’s movements Wilson’s response also unclear. Wilson reportedly claims pursuing Brown, man turned around face him, taunted began charging Wilson fired fatal shots. Some witnesses say Wilson began shooting Brown fled. At point Brown turned around order surrender Wilson continued firing fatal shots anyway, witnesses said. In press conference shortly shooting, St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said Wilson fired “more couple [of shots]” provided detail. According CNN report filed days shooting, witnesses claimed heard 10 shots. Dorian Johnson, friend Brown’s shooting, told few. A medical examiner performed private autopsy Brown determined shot least six times. He eight wounds body, two may re-entry wounds. It initially reported altercation shooting followed argument Wilson ordered Brown Johnson get middle road. But later emerged Brown stolen cigars shoved store clerk minutes encountered Wilson. Wilson reportedly says seconds first encounter, received police dispatch call reporting strong-arm robbery doubled-back confront two. WATCH: Follow Chuck Twitter
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times
It sure looks like Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel relieving Lester Holt threw coverage storms North Carolina. What else could doing?
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display
This Today websherfif Retraction Boston.com Earlier tonight, Boston.com published piece suggesting Harvard Business School Professor Ben Edelman sent email racist overtones Sichuan Garden. We cannot verify Edelman, fact, sent email. We taken story down. The Web Sheriff hot right now. The Web Sheriff. We don’t even know what’s true anymore. Is sending racist emails Boston.com making stuff up? I hope it’s real. To quote Kevin Malone I need believe something.
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids
Islamic State fighters match Ebola. The World Health Organization investigating whether ill jihadists contracted killer disease, two sources agency told The Post. Agency officials checking Ebola patients Mosul hospital 250 miles north Baghdad, sources said. Al-Sabah, Iraqi pro-government newspaper, reported week fighters treated Ebola, comrades come HIV brought foreign extremists “coming many countries, particularly Africa.” “The Ebola virus could area world, including Mosul, don’t measures techniques diagnose virus,” ministry spokesman Ahmed Rudaini told Iraqi media Thursday. “They incapable detect it.”
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’
The Pentagon confirmed Ahmed Abdi Godane, leader Islamist militant group al-Shabaab, killed US air strike earlier week. The United States previously said strike inside Somalia targeted Godane, know whether killed. “We confirmed Ahmed Godane, co-founder al-Shabaab, killed,” said rear admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, describing “major symbolic operational loss” militant group, aligned al-Qaida. Al-Shabaab fighting topple Somalia’s western-backed government regularly launches bombings gun attacks state targets civilians. Godane’s death could lead internal power struggle. On Wednesday US officials said still investigating see whether strike al-Shabaab encampment killed Godane, 37, reportedly trained Taliban Afghanistan. At least three strikes hit convoy al-Shabaab vehicles southern Somalia Monday night, according witnesses spokesman group spoke later Associated Press. The al-Shabaab representative said six al-Shabaab fighters killed strikes. The air raid came days African Union (AU) troops Somali government forces launched “Operation Indian Ocean”, major offensive aimed seizing key ports al-Shabaab cutting one key sources revenue: multi-million dollar exports charcoal. AU forces targeting Shabaab several fronts, Ugandan troops leading offensives main port Barawe, south capital, Mogadishu. The commander AU Somalia said death Godane would “proud happy moment Africa”. Godane, passion poetry, seized world attention year ago Westgate mall attack Nairobi, left least 67 dead. He warned Kenya would suffer atrocities unless withdrew troops AU force Somalia. “You cannot withstand war attrition inside country,” said audio message posted website linked al-Shabaab. “So withdraw forces, prepared abundance blood spilt country.” Washington carried series drone missile strikes past, including attacks reportedly targeting Godane, rarely confirms officially. Godane took leadership al-Shabaab 2008 chief Adan Hashi Ayro killed US missile strike. Also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, Godane al-Shabaab’s spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al-Qaida. In 2012 US offered reward $7m (£4.2m) information leading arrest.
Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom
A message Jim's mom, Diane Foley: We never prouder son Jim. He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world. We thank Jim joy gave us. He extraordinary son, brother, journalist person. Please respect privacy days ahead mourn cherish Jim.
No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin
Journalist Matt Taibbi leave absence First Look Media disagreements executives, New York Magazine's Andrew Rice reports. Taibbi supposed launch publication fall called Racket, focused financial political corruption. According Rice, Taibbi absent several weeks New York headquarters e-Bay founder Pierre Omidyar's media company, also hosts Glenn Greenwald's The Intercept. Omidyar hired Taibbi away Rolling Stone February. "Taibbi's absence, term unknown, latest series shifts inside First Look," Rice reports. "Omidyar initially committed $250 million project began laying plans large general interest website number narrowly focused 'digital magazines.' In July, billionaire announced scaling back plan time being, choosing instead focus Racket Intercept prototypes new technological model journalism." While Intercept publishing regularly, Racket "slower materialize, leading rumors staff anxiety," Rice reports. John Temple, president audience product First Look Media, told Rice comment personnel matters. Read Rice's report here.
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million
Sugarhill Gang founder Henry 'Big Bank Hank' Jackson died age 57 kidney complications due cancer. The rapper founding member Sugarhill Gang, produced first mainstream rap hit Rapper's Delight 1979. The manager group David Mallie confirmed musician's untimely passing Fox News. Untimely: Sugarhill Gang founder Henry 'Big Bank Hank' Jackson died age 57 kidney complications due cancer. pictured Master Gee (L) Wonder Mike (far right) New York City 2005 '[Wonder Mike Master Gee] contact past year,' Sugarhill's rep told FOX411. 'They great times created history.' Wonder Mike Master Gee released statement, communicating condolences: 'So sad hear brother's passing. Rest peace Big Bank.' History: The rapper founding member Sugarhill Gang, produced first mainstream rap hit Rapper's Delight 1979 Henry born Bronx later graduated local community college associates degree oceanography. Unable find job chosen field oceanography, began working pizza restaurant. Soon discovered music manager Sylvia Robinson heard rapping. Stars: Sugarhill's hit US Rapper's Delight, manage score chart toppers Europe His turn: Big Bank Hank known competition Superman love Lois Lane Sylvia soon formed Sugarhill Gang Henry member group moniker Big Bank Hank. Sugarhill's hit US Rapper's Delight, manage score chart toppers Europe.
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike
A video supposedly proves TBS speeds Seinfeld reruns 7.5 percent order squeeze two extra minutes commercials online months, weekend recirculated Reddit, gathering lot attention. YouTube user "ltclassics" explains episode upper right hand corner recent TBS syndicated Seinfeld rerun. The episode lower right hand corner supposedly decade-old digitally recorded Seinfeld rerun. So. Let's talk efficiency. In last two decades, American productivity improved striking levels, little benefit American worker. Some automation, lot spread personal computers. As workplace measured, re-measured, examined point indecency—look conditions Amazon warehouse employees work under—efficiency slowly chipping away lives. Even Seinfeld thing turns hoax—I hedging bets here, I stopwatch rent cable television—it's great symbol America 21st century. You picture stuffed suit middle-management watching Seinfeld episode sped various percentages—3.5, 10, 12.5—to see jokes land. They probably focus-tested specific jokes midwestern malls order find razor's edge comedy, exact line Jerry Seinfeld turns Alvin Chipmunks timing jokes ruined. Quantifiably show, reality stretched breaking point, analyzed efficiency-tested order cram salable real estate lot refuses change size. The life sucked it, one decimal point time.
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police
Apple originally planned Apple Watch whole range exciting health-tracking features, company cut many anticipated release April, The Wall Street Journal reports. The Apple Watch meant feature system track stressed measuring conductivity skin. You sweat nervous, makes skin conductive. The Watch also included electrocardiogram feature measures user's heart rate (that's in-depth simply measuring pulse). But Apple get health-tracking features work way wanted. It found people hairy arms dry skin trouble using health monitors. And watch work properly people wore loosely around wrist. Other features make final Apple Watch blood-pressure blood-oxygen-level tracking, according The Journal. Those would tricky Apple include providing medical advice guidance data comes regulation FDA (Food Drug Administration) US. We know, however, Apple secretly met FDA 2013 find features would come agency's regulation. Apple forced cut advanced health-tracking features Apple Watch simply get work. That mean going add back future versions device, though. Elsewhere article, The Journal says Apple Watch known Apple name "black hole" kept drawing resources. Development device reportedly took four years.
Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says Islamic State militants entering U.S. southern border. Johnson responding claim made Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., least 10 Islamic State operatives detained trying come Mexico. “We credible, specific intelligence effect,” Johnson said CNN Wednesday evening militants also known ISIS. “And I look intelligence reports overseas southern border intelligence community virtually every day, numerous times day, lookout something nature. So, I’d say American public we’re vigilant looking individuals suspicion may crossing border.” Johnson never mentioned Hunter name, called lawmakers act responsibly frighten Americans. “Let’s unduly create fear anxiety American public passing speculation rumor,” Johnson said. The group Judicial Watch reported late Wednesday four “Islamic terrorists” seized along southern border within 36 hours. Hunter said interview Fox News Tuesday "at least 10 ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas."
Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says
A homeless man given hundred dollars, make cry. YouTube channel owner Josh Paler Lin decided see capture camera. Normally think homeless, probably picture drug alcohol addict taking money passerby support next fix. Some even make money average full-time employee working legally they’re good actors bad clothes homeless all. Instead assuming worst, Josh put money finding truth. He started video asking audience question explaining idea. “When give homeless people money, ever wonder spent it? Today I’m going give homeless guy hundred dollars, I’m going follow see spent it.” Josh approached homeless man intersection holding one usual cardboard signs asking help, begins conversation man. As Josh hands man hundred dollars, tears generosity, telling plainly nobody’s ever given much. Josh left intersection camera remained trained man. As expected, first place went liquor store, watch happens, it’s you’re probably thinking. Coming things bags, made way park started handing food items homeless people there. Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It http://t.co/fQvAFwWBEI pic.twitter.com/caFgcaCaNo — David Jones (@_dpaj) December 23, 2014 After witnessing twice, Josh approached homeless man told saw really touched him. He confessed man followed see would do, doubts initially. The man told Josh homeless people fell hard luck, told story. To reward man generosity paid forward, Josh gave another hundred dollars. Does change think homeless? [Image via YouTube]
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test
A spokesman Iraqi health ministry denied reports local newspaper militants Mosul Ebola Reports Isis fighters Iraq contracted Ebola refuted “incorrect” “unfounded” country’s health ministry. Despite reports Wednesday Iraqi paper, al-Sabah, two cases Ebola reported Mosul north country, Ahmed Rudaini, health ministry’s spokesman dismissed speculation. He said disease could registered, Central Laboratory Public Health Baghdad “diagnostic capabilities” confirm cases Ebola reported al-Maalomah news website International Business Times. The World Health Organisation also confirmed received confirmation Ebola cases Iraq. Tarik Jasarevic organisation told The Independent: "WHO aware reports working closely Iraqi MoH get information. "It unlikely case confirmed Ebola case laboratory facility Mosul could Ebola test." WHO’s director communications, Christy Feig earlier told Mashable: “We official notification [the Iraqi government] Ebola.” The organisation reached Iraqi government investigate claims, require assistance, however. Al-Sabah initially reported “terrorists” several unnamed African countries brought virus country claimed two cases Ebola 26 cases HIV/AIDS registered authorities. Although Isis recruited foreign fighters past, believed majority came Tunisia, according Washington Post report. Very few, any, militants thought travelled at-risk areas West Africa, including Liberia, Sierra Leone Guinea. The northern city Mosul fell Isis six months ago residents suffered brutal repression. People restricted leaving city without first nominating guarantor, water food supplies limited hospitals closed due lack electricity.
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt
A man mid-to-late 50s reportedly slapping people Cumbria, England, sneezing public. One recent victims 82-year-old woman sneezed Tuesday. On Monday, reportedly smacked another woman sneezing. "We treating two reported incidents linked, appealing local community help trace man responsible. It unusual behavior, left victims feeling confused upset," Cumbria Sgt. Gill Cherry told Daily Mirror. Local residents frightened, also amused reports man. “I come shopping day actually cold," Nicola Dawson said. “If anyone smacked sneezing I would smack back." Police could hard time catching man town may let go 50 civilians answer phones cops. According News & Star, cuts part money saving plan city. However, police department hopes cops answer phones respond person much.
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs
British actor poised take lead Jobs, directed Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio pulled Christian Bale back line play Steve Jobs new biopic Apple co-founder Leonardo DiCaprio backed order take break acting. The film industry magazine Variety reports Bale take lead film Jobs, directed Danny Boyle written Aaron Sorkin, scriptwriter The Social Network The West Wing. Based Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs: Exclusive Biography, film divided three long scenes taking place real time, set eve product launch. Sorkin revealed products Mac 1984; NeXT computer Jobs launched 1990 leaving Apple; iPod, launched 2001. David Fincher originally announced film’s director, left project argument Sony salary marketing film. Bale Fincher’s first choice play Jobs. Bale Boyle set shoot film spring 2015. Sorkin said writing film Jobs “is little like writing Beatles. There many people know revere him.”
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?
Video messaging app Glide Thursday said verified authenticity timestamp recording Ferguson, Missouri resident captured police officer shot 18-year-old Michael Brown death residential street. While anonymous Glide user chatting friend, sounds appear gunshots heard background (CNN video below). The user turned video FBI evidence. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg told CNN detected six shots, followed four brief pause. An autopsy report commissioned Brown's family said unarmed man shot least six times. A Glide representative told Washington Post video "absolutely" authentic. "While tragedy never good news, hearts go family Michael Brown, incident underscores technology changing landscape journalism, also criminology," Glide said blog post. "Because Glide messaging application using streaming video technology, message simultaneously recorded transmitted, exact time verified second. In case, video question created 12:02:14 PM CDT Saturday, August 9th."
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley
The Islamic State released video jihadists beheading American journalist James Wright Foley Syria. The video almost five minutes long includes threats President Barack Obama United States. In video, temporarily available YouTube since removed, terrorists remind audience Obama authorized military action IS replayed Obama’s press conference announced airstrikes. To declaration “slippery slope towards new war front Muslims.” Foley appears knees orange jumpsuit. He relays message US government true killer. He addresses family well. The message choppy, gives appearance reading cards placed front camera. His executioner speaks appears British accent, saying many Muslims worldwide accepted IS war IS is, essence, war Muslims. The UK one Islamic State's active targets recruitment. After beheads Foley, presents camera another journalist, Steven Joel Soltoff, worked Time The National Interest. Soltoff reported missing middle last year. The executioner said America’s next move determine IS’s next move appears threat second journalist. Foley independent journalist Middle East. In 2011, one four journalists kidnapped Qaddafi’s forces Libya, said interview Boston Globe, “You don’t want defined guy got captured 2011... believe front-line journalism important.” He spoke Northwestern University experience Libya. His family set website help find Foley since disappearance Syria Thanksgiving 2012.
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram
(CNN) -- Despite government claims ceasefire, gunmen believed Boko Haram fighters attacked two villages town near border Niger, killing least 8 kidnapping others, residents told CNN Saturday. Boko Haram yet responded government's announcement Thursday ceasefire, official said heralded peace country five years conflict Islamic extremist group. In one attack, militants ambushed travelers Borno state village Shaffa, residents area said, killing eight people abducting others. Boko Haram gunmen also stormed village Waga Adamawa state, abducting number residents, including women, residents told CNN. Insurgents also occupied town Abadam, near Niger, killing unknown number residents attack, residents said. Nigerian officials said Friday government reached ceasefire agreement Boko Haram, waging insurgency country's north since 2009. The deal, government said, includes release 200 kidnapped girls whose abduction boarding school shocked world April. The deal, first reported Agence France-Presse, came Thursday night month negotiations representatives group, said Hassan Tukur, principal secretary President Goodluck Jonathan. Nigerian officials met Boko Haram Chad twice talks mediated Chadian President Idriss Deby, according Tukur. "We agreed release Chibok schoolgirls, expect conclude next meeting group's representative next week Chad," Tukur said. Doyin Okupe, government spokesman, said ceasefire deal meant free girls also end insurgency. "On war front, say peace now," said Friday. What Boko Haram? A source involved talks militants told CNN last month Nigerian government officials International Committee Red Cross discussions Boko Haram swapping imprisoned members group 200 schoolgirls. It unclear, however, whether deal includes prisoner swap. The name "Boko Haram" translates "Western education sin" local Hausa language. The militant group trying impose strict Sharia law across Nigeria, split majority Muslim north mostly Christian south. As part insurgency, militant group bombed schools, churches mosques; kidnapped women children; assassinated politicians religious leaders alike. Where missing girls? CNN's Ray Sanchez contributed report.
Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening
Amazon set launch free, ad-supported video service separate $99 Prime Instant Video offering, according New York Post. In case deja vu, WSJ reported exactly thing back March Amazon firmly denied it. However, Post confidently said offering definite "go." One sources rumor potential advertiser, said Amazon would unveil service order increase video share arch-rival Netflix -- ultimately tempt users Prime memberships. Amazon (sort of) offers limited ad-supported streaming now, letting non-Prime users watch limited selection Prime shows commercial breaks. If Post's report proves accurate, launch larger ad-supported streaming service may mean current version successfully enticed Amazon customers buy Prime. Amazon recently scored deal stream classic HBO programs like The Sopranos Six Feet Under minor coup Netflix. But still less tenth competitor's size -- imagine "free" looks pretty good lot users, ads not. So far Amazon commented matter, we've reached information. Update: Amazon told us "not announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." That mean won't, though, let us translate non-PR-speak you: "No comment." Its full statement below. We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers. We're often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service. Via: TechCrunch Source: New York Post
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war
Over weekend, NBC anchor Lester Holt cut satellite feed Sugar Mountain, NC, report weatherman Mike Seidel. Except Seidel apparently wasn’t ready go air appeared urinating woods. After finishes whatever he’s doing, appears zip fly put gloves back on. NBC claims Seidel merely “checking phone,” clumsily dropped snow. But lot unanswered questions: Why didn’t one PAs film crew grab phone him? Why reluctant talk issue Twitter? Is even Sugar Mountain? It sounds like cover-up vast, troubling media conspiracy. h/t Corey Lambrecht | Daily News
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul
A Chinese woman spent entire week KFC eating fried chicken wings dumped boyfriend ‘needed time think’. Lovesick Tan Shen, 26, Chengdu, China’s southwest Sichuan Province, went fast food chain search comfort food get break-up. But seven days later Tan still ordering chicken wings side extra large fries KFC near train station home. Lovesick Tan Shen, 26, went fast food chain search comfort food get break-up She even phoned sick work stay restaurant. Tan said: ‘I walking around feeling miserable decided stop KFC train station. 'I hadn’t planned staying long, I wanted chicken wings. 'But I got started eating I decided I needed time think. 'I didn’t want go back apartment full memories him. So I stayed.' After days employees chicken shop began worry Tan. For seven days Tan ordered chicken wings extra large fries KFC near train station home Tan said stayed fast food restaurant long 'needed time think' Worker Jiang Li Lung, 22, said: 'We work shifts restaurant open 24 hours day, get lot people coming through. 'At first one really noticed her. 'But days I began thinking looked really familiar. 'Then I realised serving past three days hadn’t actually left. 'When asked ok, said needed time think. 'And asked another box chicken wings extra large fries.' Tan even called sick work could spent time KFC recovering break-up He said Tan harm eating way boxes chicken let stay. He added: 'She paying customer, even bit odd one.' Tan decided enough local media turned week KFC. And, unsurprisingly, starting get sick taste chicken. 'I decided best thing would leave city go back parents. It week Tan decided 'sick taste chicken' went home 'I already told work I sick, phoned said I leaving. 'And I getting sick taste chicken point staying anymore.' She boarded next train parents' home Quingdao city east China’s Shandong Province left. Waitress Jiang Li Lung said: 'I guess kind miss her. It certainly made work interesting.' Tan walks around streets spending entire week KFC eating chicken wings fries Tan said planned staying long - wanted eat chicken wings
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video
President Obama declared entire world “appalled” beheading American journalist militants Syria, vowed America would change course Iraq, United States conducting airstrikes terrorists, despite threats group kill another reporter days ahead. “The United States America continue must protect people,” Mr. Obama said brief statement Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing. “We vigilant relentless.” Before speaking reporters, Mr. Obama said placed phone call parents James Foley, slain reporter, telling Americans “are heartbroken loss.” He described Mr. Foley “journalist, son, brother friend “taken us act violence shocked conscience entire world.” But president’s harshest emotional words reserved Islamic State Iraq Syria, militants released video killing Mr. Foley Tuesday. American intelligence agencies Wednesday verified authenticity video, shows masked man decapitating James Foley, American journalist kidnapped Syria nearly two years ago. It also shows another American captive, journalist Steven Sotloff, warns would next die. The president called ISIS “cancer” region accused “rampaged across cities villages, killing unarmed civilians cowardly acts violence.” He said committed torture rape innocent women children continued enslave kill. “No faith teaches people massacre innocents,” Mr. Obama said. “No God would stand yesterday every single day. People like ultimately fail. They fail future people build destroy.” The killing Mr. Foley triggered fierce response. The New York Daily News The New York Post used banner headline front pages: “Savages.” Prime Minister David Cameron Britain released statement saying “the brutal murder James Foley shocking depraved.” At United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued statement condemning ISIS “the horrific murder journalist James Foley, abominable crime.” Mr. Ban said “the perpetrators horrific crimes must brought justice.” The four-minute, 40-second video posted YouTube website later took down. Titled “A Message America,” shows Mr. Foley kneeling desert landscape, clad orange jumpsuit apparent reference uniforms worn prisoners American military detention camp Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Standing left masked ISIS fighter begins speaking English, sounds like East London accent. Pulling knife, says Mr. Foley’s execution retaliation recent American airstrikes ordered Mr. Obama extremist group Iraq.
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase
THE hunt find owner dog abandoned railway station belongings suitcase. Kai, male Shar-Pei crossbreed found tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland Friday. Now animal welfare charity Scottish SPCA trying find left there. The charity managed trace previous owner microchip, told sold two years ago someone details for. Scottish SPCA inspector Stewart Taylor said Kai sold classified website Gumtree. He said: "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible. "If anyone help would ask get touch soon possible. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature. We look find permanent loving home." The charity also said abandoning animal criminal offence. Anyone information asked contact Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline 03000 999 999.
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report
It’s eyeball-grabbing headline: “God woman, priest died 48 minutes claims.” But it’s almost certainly true. A screengrab likely untrue story priest supposedly died saw female God. The picture “priest” appears stock photo, picture actual priest. (Image via monitor.co.ug) The story Catholic priest supposedly died briefly saw female God gained massive traction online, sparking debates Reddit getting picked everyone Dallas/Ft. Worth radio station KVIL-FM viral news sites Inquisitr. Yet story appear spring news outlets close Boston, Massachusetts, priest reportedly working. Instead, “story” first reported Daily Monitor, newspaper based African nation Uganda. Why would remote African nation first American faith story? Because pulled tale World News Daily Report, “satirical” website. To add insult injury, images “Father O’Neal” accompany stories appear stock photos (as Reddit user NewdAccount pointed out), pictures actual priest. It seems story another bogus tale need debunking, like Sandy Hook conspiracy theory fake report military coup Obama administration revelation alleged Colin Powell affair. Spokespersons archdiocese Boston immediately available comment Sunday morning. — Follow Zach Noble (@thezachnoble) Twitter
Islamic State, in video titled "A Message to America," beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012
The Islamic State militant group claimed Tuesday beheaded American photojournalist retaliation U.S. airstrikes Iraq. A video posted YouTube, later removed, purported show execution James Foley recited statement called U.S. government “my real killers.” A second prisoner, said Steven Joel Sotloff, like Foley American journalist disappeared covering Syria’s civil war, appears video. The masked executioner, speaking English sounds like British accent, identifies Sotloff says “the life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision.” U.S. intelligence officials said still evaluating video could immediately authenticate it. A White House statement said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL,” one several acronyms associated militants. “The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity,” said statement National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” President Obama briefed video aboard Air Force One returned Martha’s Vineyard vacation updated developments, White House said. “If true, murder James Foley shocking depraved,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said Twitter. His office said Wednesday cutting short family vacation returning London chair emergency meetings Iraq Syria. In interview BBC, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged apparent executioner spoke British accent said video seemed genuine. Hundreds Britons believed traveled Syria fight country’s civil war, including many joined Islamic State. “We’re absolutely aware significant numbers British nationals involved terrible crimes, probably commission atrocities,” Hammond said. “Many people may seek point return U.K., would pose direct threat domestic security.” A European intelligence official said British government examining video, speech purported executioner, compare former Guantanamo Bay prisoners British residents believed joined Islamic State. Both prisoners video wearing orange shirts pants, similar orange jumpsuits worn detainees U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A similar outfit, believed jihadist symbol prison, worn Nicholas Berg, American businessman kidnapped Iraq 2004 whose execution Islamic State precursor organization recorded video posted online. Foley, 40, working Syria Boston-based news Web site Global­Post disappeared Thanksgiving 2012. Philip Balboni, GlobalPost’s chief executive co-founder, said statement: “On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic. Until determination, position make statement. We ask prayers Jim family.” In statement Tuesday night Facebook page dedicated freedom, Foley’s mother appeared accept video authentic. “We never prouder son Jim,” Diane Foley wrote. “He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. “We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world.” Praising James Foley “an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person,” asked family’s privacy respected. Sotloff, freelancer worked several news organizations, disappeared Syria August 2013. In addition Foley Sotloff, least three Americans believed captives Syria, including Austin Tice, freelance journalist whose articles appeared McClatchy publications The Washington Post disappearance August 2012, according 2013 GlobalPost article. No one claimed holding them. According Committee Protect Journalists, least 66 journalists, 10 Syrian, killed covering Syrian war. If video authenticated, Foley would first American journalist known executed since conflict began early 2011. The video evoked 2002 taped execution Pakistan Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl al-Qaeda. The Islamic State, offshoot al-Qaeda, powerful among number extremist organizations emerged Syrian civil war, began popular uprising President Bashar al-Assad. Fighting Assad U.S.-backed rebels, militants control much eastern Syria claim established Islamic caliphate spanning Syria neighboring Iraq. As group grown, merged group formerly known al-Qaeda Iraq, leadership Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According U.S. intelligence, numbers thousands, including foreign fighters Europe United States. In April, Islamic State fighters swept across border northern Iraq, taking city Mosul moving southward within 60 miles Baghdad. Extensive reports executions, including beheadings crucifixions, emerged areas group’s control. This month, amid reports stranded besieged Iraqi minorities threatened execution, militants advanced eastward toward Irbil, capital semiautonomous Kurdish region Iraq. On Aug. 7, Obama authorized U.S. airstrikes rescue stranded minorities protect U.S. personnel facilities Irbil Baghdad. On Monday, total 68 strikes jets, bombers drones, Obama announced Iraqi Kurdish forces, U.S. air support, retaken strategic dam north Mosul militants pushed back Irbil. Within hours announcement, Islamic State posted online message warning would attack Americans “in place” response airstrikes. “We drown blood,” said. The title video posted Tuesday “A Message America” produced Islamic State’s media arm, according Site Intelligence Group, monitors extremist Web sites. A masked man dressed black shown standing unidentified desert location beside prisoner kneeling beside hands behind back. “Obama authorized military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war Muslims,” masked man says. The video shows clip Obama’s Aug. 7 announcement, followed statement prisoner. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality,” says. He asks parents accept “any meager compensation people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq.” The prisoner also appeals “my brother John, member U.S. Air Force,” “think doing.” “I wish I time,” says. “I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The masked man identifies prisoner “James Wright Foley, American citizen country.” He reaches large knife begins apparent beheading prisoner; screen fades black next image body head placed upon chest. The masked man appears another prisoner, identified Sotloff, similar kneeling position. Foley reported dangerous recent crises imprisoned 44 days Libya 2011 forces loyal deposed leader Moammar Gaddafi. According Global­Post, two eyewitnesses saw interception group armed men silver-colored van road near town Taftanaz northern Syria Nov. 22, 2012. Since then, Global­Post “has mounted extensive international investigation . . . determine kidnapped Foley held,” Global­Post said article Web site late Tuesday. Julie Tate, Greg Miller Dan Lamothe Washington, Griff Witte London Souad Mekhennet Frankfurt, Germany, contributed report.
See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]
YouTuber Josh Paler Lin normally prankster, recently decided try social experiment. He gave homeless man $100 followed see spent it. Expecting guy buy booze, Lin shocked see subject walk liquor store bags full food shared homeless people area. The man told Lin: "There's things money can't buy I get happiness I'm doing." His actions touched YouTube prankster much, Lin handed another $100.
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official
The Pentagon confirmed Ahmed Abdi Godane, leader Islamist militant group al-Shabaab, killed US air strike earlier week. The United States previously said strike inside Somalia targeted Godane, know whether killed. “We confirmed Ahmed Godane, co-founder al-Shabaab, killed,” said rear admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, describing “major symbolic operational loss” militant group, aligned al-Qaida. Al-Shabaab fighting topple Somalia’s western-backed government regularly launches bombings gun attacks state targets civilians. Godane’s death could lead internal power struggle. On Wednesday US officials said still investigating see whether strike al-Shabaab encampment killed Godane, 37, reportedly trained Taliban Afghanistan. At least three strikes hit convoy al-Shabaab vehicles southern Somalia Monday night, according witnesses spokesman group spoke later Associated Press. The al-Shabaab representative said six al-Shabaab fighters killed strikes. The air raid came days African Union (AU) troops Somali government forces launched “Operation Indian Ocean”, major offensive aimed seizing key ports al-Shabaab cutting one key sources revenue: multi-million dollar exports charcoal. AU forces targeting Shabaab several fronts, Ugandan troops leading offensives main port Barawe, south capital, Mogadishu. The commander AU Somalia said death Godane would “proud happy moment Africa”. Godane, passion poetry, seized world attention year ago Westgate mall attack Nairobi, left least 67 dead. He warned Kenya would suffer atrocities unless withdrew troops AU force Somalia. “You cannot withstand war attrition inside country,” said audio message posted website linked al-Shabaab. “So withdraw forces, prepared abundance blood spilt country.” Washington carried series drone missile strikes past, including attacks reportedly targeting Godane, rarely confirms officially. Godane took leadership al-Shabaab 2008 chief Adan Hashi Ayro killed US missile strike. Also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, Godane al-Shabaab’s spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al-Qaida. In 2012 US offered reward $7m (£4.2m) information leading arrest.
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley
Islamic State group fighters seized least one cache weapons airdropped U.S.-led coalition forces meant supply Kurdish militiamen battling extremist group border town, activists said today. The cache weapons included hand grenades, ammunition rocket-propelled grenade launchers, according video uploaded media group loyal Islamic State (ISIS) group. The video appeared authentic corresponded The Associated Press' reporting event. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights, bases information network activists ground, said militants seized least one cache. Scroll video A still Islamic State (ISIS) video, purportedly shows IS militant displaying content crate carrying grenades near town Ain al-Arab, known Kurds Kobane, Syria-Turkey border A U.S. military airdrop weapons meant Kurdish fighters fell hands jihadist foes near Syrian battleground town Kobane, Syrian Observatory Human Rights said The caches airdropped early Monday Kurds embattled Syrian town Kobane lies near Turkish border. The militant group trying seize town month now, causing exodus 200,000 people area Turkey. While Kurds battling ground, U.S.-led coalition also targeting militants air. On Tuesday, ISIS loyalists social media posted sarcastic thank notes United States, including one image said 'Team USA.' The caches airdropped early Monday Kurds embattled Syrian town Kobani lies near Turkish border A container filled meals ready eat fresh water dropped C-130 Hercules operational resupply airdrop near area Bayji, Iraq But lost weapons drop embarrassment great strategic loss. The Islamic State militants already possess millions dollars-worth U.S. weaponry captured fleeing Iraqi soldiers group seized swaths Iraq sudden sweep June. On Tuesday, U.S. Central Command said U.S. military forces conducted four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed IS fighting positions, IS building large IS unit. Also Tuesday, Syrian government airstrikes hit rebel-held town along country's southern border Jordan, killing least eight people. Militant: Particular blackspots ISIS checkpoints roads around militants' strongholds Raqqa Deir ez-Zor, well number major highways eastern Syria. Checkpoints: ISIS militants forcing vehicles carrying food medical supplies Syria Iraq pay continue journey unhindered Activists Local Coordination Committees Observatory said number killed likely rise victims rubble. The LCC said Syrian government planes dropped crude explosives-laden canisters town Nasib Syria-Jordan border. The airstrikes part battles Syrian government forces Islamic rebel groups control area. Syrian government forces heavily bombing rebel areas recent weeks, U.S-led coalition conducting airstrikes Islamic State militants elsewhere Syria. An American journalist killed car crash Turkey days claiming claimed Turkish intelligence services threatened reporting siege Kobane. Serena Shim, worked Iran's state-owned Press TV Turkey correspondent, died city Suruc car travelling reportedly collided 'heavy vehicle'. Shim's death came days spoke camera fears arrested, claiming Turkish intelligence agents accused spying one reports suggested ISIS militants smuggled back forth Syrian border back aid vehicles. Tragic: Serena Shim, worked Iran's state-owned Press TV Turkey correspondent, died city Suruc car travelling reportedly collided 'heavy vehicle' Shim, American citizen Lebanese origin, working Turkey Press TV - Iranian state-owned television network. In report published company's website, claimed rental car way back hotel town Suruc Urfa Province 'suspicious' accident took place. Neither 'heavy vehicle' driver involved crash located incident, Press TV claimed, adding parents 'refused believe' crash accident planning pursue matter legally. Press TV's account crash somewhat disputed Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News, however, said vehicle involved cement mixer as-yet-unidentified driver arrested scene. Death: Serena Shim's death came days spoke camera fears arrested, claiming Turkish intelligence agents accused spying Only last Friday Shim interviewed camera Press TV fears arrested Turkish intelligence agencies. In short interview alleged approached accused spying report said claimed received images Islamic State terrorists smuggled Turkey-Syria vehicles belonging World Food Organization aid groups. Shim described 'surprised' accusation, 'because I nothing hide I never done anything aside job.'
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of terror attacks on 9/11
Reports 11 commercial jetliners missing main airport Libya's capital Tripoli raising fears militants could use terrorist attacks mark 13th anniversary 9/11 next week. The Washington Free Beacon, conservative news website, cited anonymous sources said intelligence agencies warned jets could used attacks North Africa elsewhere Sept. 11. The date also marks second anniversary Libyan terrorist attack U.S. diplomatic compound Benghazi killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said, "We nothing confirm reports missing airliners." A spokeswoman White House National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, also said there's confirmation aircraft stolen. Images surfaced online showing militants posing jetliners taken militants overran Tripoli's airport last month fierce battle left much airport aircraft damaged. In past four months, renegade general battled Islamic militants eastern city Benghazi — cradle 2011 uprising toppled Moammar Gadhafi — powerful regional militias fought control Tripoli airport. Islamist-allied militias seized virtually capital. Moroccan military expert Abderrahmane Mekkaoui said "credible intelligence" one Libyan militia "is plotting use planes attacks (region) 9/11 anniversary," The Huffington Post reported, citing Al Jazeera television. An aviation security expert said planes, actually seized terrorists, would pose threat countries near Libya U.S. homeland. Any stolen aircraft Libya would unlikely penetrate post-9/11 U.S. air defense security measures, could pose threat targets much closer, said Jeffrey Price, author Practical Aviation Security professor Metropolitan State University Denver. Airliners required file flight plans entering U.S. airspace, air-traffic monitors would looking aircraft matching description stolen planes, Price said. An airliner could try fly radar avoid detection, U.S. military developed systems detect stop low flying threats, said. Price said countries near Libya, including Europe, air-defense capabilities would risk. The reports missing planes, first surfaced mid-August, likely sparked international search planes intelligence agencies, Price said. "It's hard hide big jet," said. The latest report surfaced Islamist militia seized U.S. Embassy residence Tripoli last weekend, posting video online men playing pool compound. In late July, U.S. diplomats evacuated compound capital traveled neighboring Tunisia U.S. military escort fighting rival militias intensified thousands fled. About 150,000 people fled Libya fighting another 100,000 internally displaced, according United Nations report released Thursday. Contributing: The Associated Press
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola
The two biggest news stories 2014 collided Wednesday Iraqi media outlets reported members Islamic State group -- also known ISIS -- contracted deadly virus Ebola. But later updates World Health Organization Iraq's Ministry Health indicate stories may rumors. "We official notification ... Ebola," Christy Feig, director communications WHO, told Mashable, though WHO contacted Iraqi officials offer help. Iraq's Ministry Health also denied anyone Mosul contracted Ebola virus, broke March West Africa. Spokesman Ahmed Rudaini told news site Al-Maalomah Mosul even technological capability diagnose Ebola cases -- Baghdad does. Therefore, said, reports Ebola infected anyone Mosul "incorrect" "unfounded." The discussion started article Iraq's official newspaper, Al-Sabah, said "terrorists" brought Ebola Mosul. "Many diseases epidemics spread among residents city Mosul," read. "Two Ebola 26 HIV/AIDS cases registered." Ebola primarily threat West Africa, latest outbreak killed nearly 8,000 people. Mashable reported ISIS recruited fighters countries severely affected disease. Its African members primarily Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan Tunisia. In event ISIS Ebola, militants could use biological terror technique, Forbes reported October. Members could contract virus purpose go foreign countries infect others. “The individual exposed Ebola virus would carrier,” national security professor Al Shimkus told Forbes. “In context terrorist activity, doesn’t take much sophistication go next step use human carrier.” ISIS, body militants labeled terrorist group United States European Union (among others), controlled Mosul since June. Iraq's second-largest city also ISIS' largest stronghold. The group began spreading across Middle East last summer, taking large swaths Iraq Syria brutal tactics.
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated]
Multiple users anonymous web browser Tor reported Comcast threatened cut internet service unless stop using legal software. According report Deepdotweb, Comcast customer representatives branded Tor "illegal" told customers using company's policies. Tor type web browser that, theory, makes internet activity private. The software routes traffic series connected internet users, making difficult governments private companies monitor internet usage. Up 1.2 million people use browser, became especially popular Edward Snowden leaked information showing NSA eavesdropping ordinary citizens. Prior that, Tor popular among people transacting business Silk Road, online market drugs hitmen. The problem downloading using Tor illegal. Plenty people might legitimate reasons want surf web private, without letting others know looking at. But Tor pretty popular criminals. Comcast reportedly begun telling users "illegal service." One Comcast representative, identified Kelly, warned customer use Tor software, DeepDotWeb reports: Users try use anonymity, cover internet, usually things aren’t so-to-speak legal. We right terminate, fine, suspend account anytime due violating rules. Do questions? Thank contacting Comcast, great day. Comcast customers, speaking Deepdotweb, claimed Comcast repeatedly asked sites accessing using Tor. In statement Deepdotweb, Comcast defended actions, seemingly asserting needs able monitor internet traffic case receive court order: We respect customer privacy security would investigate specifics customer’s account valid court order. And we’re asked court provide customer information, ask reasonable amount time notify customer decide would like hire lawyer do, turn case proceed judge directly step away. SEE ALSO: A Comcast Customer Tried To Cancel His Account But Was Put On Hold Until Comcast Closed For The Day
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity
A rogue bird let loose Vladimir Putin weekend Russian president delivered speech opening World War I monument, according multiple tittering reports. If tale feathered vigilante justice sounds farfetched though, that's is: The video purporting show airborne assault appears sneaky editing job. Here's clip got Reddit's attention: Yet another Redditor points out, footage event shows Putin sans poop. (The snippet previous video comes around ninth minute below.) Pictures speech similarly show tell-tale white stain, according The Independent. So sorry, President Obama, birthday present good true was, fact, good true. At least we'll always (admittedly phony) memories. --Jon Terbush (Reddit)
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament
A small meteorite crashed wooded area Nicaragua's capital Managua overnight, government said Sunday. Residents reported hearing mysterious boom left 16-foot deep crater near city's airport, Associated Press reports. Government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo said committee formed government study event determined "relatively small" meteorite "appears come asteroid passing close Earth." House-sized asteroid 2014 RC, measured 60 feet diameter, skimmed Earth weekend, ABC News reports. Murillo said Nicaragua ask international experts help local scientists understanding happened. The crater left meteorite radius 39 feet depth 16 feet, said Humberto Saballos, volcanologist Nicaraguan Institute Territorial Studies committee. He said still clear meteorite disintegrated buried. Humberto Garcia, Astronomy Center National Autonomous University Nicaragua, said meteorite could related asteroid forecast pass planet Saturday night. "We study could ice rock," said. Wilfried Strauch, adviser Institute Territorial Studies, said "very strange one reported streak light. We ask anyone photo something." Local residents reported hearing loud boom Saturday night, said see anything strange sky. "I sitting porch I saw nothing, sudden I heard large blast. We thought bomb felt expansive wave," Jorge Santamaria told The Associated Press. The site crater near Managua's international airport air force base. Only journalists state media allowed visit it.
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley
It sure looks like Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Seidel relieving Lester Holt threw coverage storms North Carolina. What else could doing?
Amazon's first brick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan
A short video clip circulating online Tuesday purports show Saudi Arabia’s state television station blurring image First Lady Michelle Obama President Barack Obama met new Saudi King visit country week. But according reporters ground well information director Saudi Embassy Washington, case. “Saudi TV showing total arrival ceremony airport Palace nowhere anything blurred,” Nail al-Jubeir told Bloomberg View’s Josh Rogin emailed statement. Additionally, CNN’s Hala Gorani said colleague Nic Robertson saw first lady’s non-blurred image Saudi TV himself: Our Nic Robertson Riyadh telling footage saw Saudi TV show blurred Michelle Obama. On note, Good night Twitter! — Hala Gorani (@HalaGorani) January 27, 2015 The Wall Street Journal’s Ahmed Al Omran confirmed same: Michelle Obama’s blurry video real. The arrival broadcast full state television without blurring. @Max_Fisher — Ahmed Al Omran (@ahmed) January 27, 2015 As see un-blurred photo below, Michelle Obama declined wear traditional Muslim head scarf mandatory Saudi women required visiting foreigners. However, permitted shake new King Salman’s hand: Michelle Obama forgoes headscarf sparks backlash Saudi Arabia http://t.co/uycgVygf7V pic.twitter.com/6ICNigFaPT — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 27, 2015 Watch video below, via YouTube: [Photo via screengrab] – – >> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) Twitter