Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Terrorism
Talk amazing Christmas surprise – Joe Riquelme, entrepreneur created iPhone app Videoshop, paid parents’ mortgage ultimate holiday gift. Joe caught moment gave parents gift video clip shows parents cuddled around couch gives envelope containing special note. “Your house paid off. Merry Xmas. – Joe,” note reads along check list featured “raising kids,” “college loans,” “mortgage” checked off. WHAT DID YOU GET parents holidays?
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas City health officials said man held isolation local hospital weekend infected Ebola virus. Officials hope sooth nerves fears deadly virus spread across country, even though virus not. “We ruled Ebola case Kansas City,” Kansas City Health Department Director Dr. Rex Archer told reporters Monday. He said man, recently traveled Nigeria, possess symptom profile deadly virus beyond high fever direct contact anyone disease travels. No Ebola blood test done, Dr. Archer said, feared symptoms never materialized. The case marked second known Ebola scare Kansas City area , fears virus built American fights life Dallas. At White House Monday, President Barack Obama urged calm outlined several steps administration taking contain virus Africa fight there. “The CDC familiar dealing infectious diseases viruses like this,” president said. “We know done, medical infrastructure it.” Monday morning, Kansas Senator Jerry Moran sent letter CDC director , urging greater screening U.S. ports entry, including airports. This afternoon, President Obama said steps consideration. “We're also going looking protocols additional passenger screening source United States,” Obama said. “All things make confident United States, chances outbreak-of epidemic here- extraordinarily low.”
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students
The first group mass graves excavated outskirts town Mexico’s Guerrero state contain bodies 43 students went missing last month, Mexico’s attorney general said. The whereabouts students, disappeared confrontation police late September, subject mass protests state. Authorities conducting DNA tests 28 badly burned bodies found graves since discovering earlier month. Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said tests continuing four additional graves uncovered last week. State governor Angel Aguirre said bodies could earlier victims criminal gangs, seemed buried “months ago.” Murillo Karam, speaking news conference Tuesday, added 14 additional police officers arrested disappearances. So far, 50 people, mostly police, arrested roles incident, prosecutors accuse police colluding local gang known Guerreros Unidos. The police chief mayor Iguala, town confrontation police students occurred, also accused ties gang. Both currently hiding. On Tuesday, leader Guerreros Unidos, Benjamin Mondragon, committed suicide shooting confronted security forces neighboring state Morelos. Federal authorities said wasn’t clear whether Mondragon involved student disappearances. Hundreds protesters, many teachers’ college missing students attended, took streets Guerrero’s capital Chilpancingo week disappearances. The protests turned chaotic Tuesday demonstrators overtook state government buildings, ransacked offices burned parts complex. On Tuesday, took bank branches local radio station vowed keep pressure Guerrero’s government missing students found.
Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say
Pentagon investigating claims admits one load missing would embarrassing ended terror group’s hands A US airdrop arms besieged Kurds Kobani appears missed target ended hands Islamic State (Isis) militants. Video footage released Isis shows appears one fighters desert scrubland stack boxes attached parachute. The boxes opened show array weapons, rusty, new. A canister broken reveal hand grenade. The Pentagon said investigating claim admitted one airdrops gone missing. If confirmed, would embarrassment US, given advanced precision technology available air force. The seemingly bungled airdrop comes steady stream US-supplied weapons lost Isis forces, mainly dysfunctional Iraqi army. Isis reported stolen seven American M1 Abrams tanks three Iraqi army bases Anbar province last week. The Pentagon spokesman, Rear Admiral John Kirby, told reporters analysts Centcom headquarters Tampa, Florida, examining video. “We’re still taking look assessing validity it,” said. “So I honestly don’t know one one dropped.” The US began dropping munitions, supplied Kurdish authorities semi-autonomous region northern Iraq, compatriots Kobani, sits close Iraqi-Turkish border; Isis fighters encircled much town. Kirby confirmed weapons shown video kind dropped. “So it’s realm possibility regard,” said. “I want add, though, confident vast majority bundles end right hands. In fact, we’re aware one bundle not.” The airdrops carried three C-130 planes. The video shows man camouflage clothes balaclava looking boxes munitions. He says dropped US forces intended Kurds. He described spoils war. As well grenades, boxes appeared contain parts rocket-propelled grenades. Some equipment appears east European origin, might seem odd given weapons dropped Americans, munitions supplied Kurdish authorities stocking up. Kirby said situation Kobani remained tense, Kurdish forces control city. The US-led coalition mounted 130 air strikes round town effort stop Isis taking complete control. While US carried air strikes Kobani, cloud cover last week prevented hitting much rest Iraq, particularly around contested Mosul dam. If dam fall I, would provide huge leverage group, strategic loss potentially catastrophic consequences. Britain supplying Kurdish semi-autonomous region weapons far supplies limited. The Kurds report receiving 40 heavy machine guns say badly need heavier equipment, particular armoured vehicles.
Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model
Apple apparently wanted smartwatches focus heavily health-related features, company forced changed direction mid-development. According The Wall Street Journal, company originally envisioned device monitor heart rate, blood pressure stress levels (based conductivity skin). Unfortunately, sensors tested pass muster, entirely surprising, since we've reviewed plenty wearables patchy heart rate monitors past. The company's engineers found hairy arms, dry skin even tightly watch worn affect results, find solution time. Apple Watch became known black hole within company, WSJ's sources said, continued sucking resources four years despite failures testing. Its development slowed company realized health-focused watch meets standards hard build time. The lineup watches due April lot different original one Apple envisioned iPhone companion much simpler pulse monitor pedometer. Still, company's expecting sell ton, reportedly ordering around 6 million units Asian suppliers first quarter. Half entry-level Apple Watch Sports, mid-tier stainless steel model makes third number. As Cupertino's original vision, well, there's always chance we'll see come life coming years. The company good track record substantially improving devices debut model appears -- first iPhone 3G. Via: 9to5mac Source: The Wall Street Journal <a href="http://www.engadget.com/products/apple/watch/"> Apple Watch </a> Get better reviews people actually product! Talk Apple Watch people too!
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!
EXTREMISTS fighting Islamic State (IS) started launching bombs packed live SCORPIONS. Bomb canisters – packed venemous arachnids – blasted towns villages scatter scorpions incite panic, British military expert revealed. Former head chemical biological weapons NATO British army Hamish de Bretton-Gordon described arachnid attacks "madness". He told The Daily Mirror: "It’s madness. "IS improvised devices launch them. "They promote fact creates panic. "Scorpions robust – even launched couple miles, canister breaks thousands flung start crawling around." The 24in scorpion bombs used mass casualties instead designed maximise terrorist group's "psychological impact" villagers. Mr Bretton-Gordon, returned Baghdad last week advising security forces, added: "The main thing creating fear." Senior officials Iraq reported scorpions used civilian targets northern parts country. There 25 known species scorpion venom capable killing human being. References 'scorpion bombs' found dating back 198 AD. The bizarre biological weapon created Iraqis began pouring scorpions ceramic pots hurl Roman armies storming fortress city Hatra. The scorpion-filled weapons even credited ending 20 day siege desert city. brightcove.createExperiences();
'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in horrific video, as a warning to Obama
Following deadly shootings Charlie Hebdo, French satirical magazine history lampooning religious extremism, cartoonists came droves support killed Wednesday best way knew how: set tribute cartoons. Artists The Independent, The Washington Post, published visual depictions reaction news attack, took lives 12 people, death toll included four prominent cartoonists. (Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier perhaps high-profile killed Wednesday.) And — flocked Facebook, Instagram, forms social media Wednesday — appeared Banksy dedicated cartoon tragedy. But, come Wednesday night, fans elusive street artist would disappointed learn that, no, Banksy likely draw stunning pencil image. Though first appeared though artist responsible cartoon surfaced Banksy Instagram account, it’s believed account belong Banksy himself. Not Banksy’s official website insists artist keeps social media — specifically referencing lack Facebook Twitter account (this short-lived Instagram account ever linked Banksy) — also, Business Insider notes, cartoon image far low-res artist Banksy’s notoriety. Writes site: Another clue points image fake file size. The image uploaded fake Banksy social media posts pixelated low-resolution. Banksy artist makes living exhibiting work, wouldn’t want work displayed way makes look bad. That said, image striking, fitting tribute passed following shootings Paris. So, though it’s possible Banksy design cartoon (and leaves wondering kind tribute Banksy would publish), it’s worth digesting, appreciating, using remember violence never quell freedom speech.
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy
The improbable story making rounds today 17-year old whiz kid Wall Street rumored made $72 million trading markets, still high school, widely disputed. Mohammed Islam, alleged teenaged prodigy, said idea dollar figure came accurate. Instead figure believed million dollars, Mr. Islam declined specific. "The attention expected – never wanted hype. This friends trying make something exciting together, " Mr. Islam said exclusive CNBC interview. Mr. Islam one colleagues scheduled appear CNBC's "Halftime Report" following publication New York Magazine profile. The ensuing publicity however, pre-interview CNBC, prompted reconsider. "We expected regular article hope do" career, said. "The way portrayed are."
Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report
Amazon set launch free, ad-supported video service separate $99 Prime Instant Video offering, according New York Post. In case deja vu, WSJ reported exactly thing back March Amazon firmly denied it. However, Post confidently said offering definite "go." One sources rumor potential advertiser, said Amazon would unveil service order increase video share arch-rival Netflix -- ultimately tempt users Prime memberships. Amazon (sort of) offers limited ad-supported streaming now, letting non-Prime users watch limited selection Prime shows commercial breaks. If Post's report proves accurate, launch larger ad-supported streaming service may mean current version successfully enticed Amazon customers buy Prime. Amazon recently scored deal stream classic HBO programs like The Sopranos Six Feet Under minor coup Netflix. But still less tenth competitor's size -- imagine "free" looks pretty good lot users, ads not. So far Amazon commented matter, we've reached information. Update: Amazon told us "not announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service." That mean won't, though, let us translate non-PR-speak you: "No comment." Its full statement below. We currently offer first episode television shows free ads First Episode Free feature Amazon Instant Video, display ads short videos movie game trailers. We're often experimenting new offers experiences customers, announced plans offer ad-supported video streaming service. Via: TechCrunch Source: New York Post
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?
This moment sleazy truth husband’s cheating ways exposed world scorned wife. Ting Su, 29, caught husband Cheng naked underground carpark China along twin sister tracking pair using mobile tracking system. When Su arrived scene confront them, surprised pair reacted bust jumped car. Su seized moment taking happy snaps driving off, leaving cheaters red-faced carpark. “It funny. Loads people grabbing phones I well. He banging fist window shouting her, wasn’t playing ball,” one witness said. The Mirror reports Cheng affair since Ting, filed divorce, gave birth twins. This article originally appeared News.com.au.
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria
The United States appears flying unarmed surveillance drones IS stronghold Raqqa, Syria. The pictures thus far suggest drone used Predator. The two photos show distinct downward facing V-shaped tail used Predator drones, aircraft appear carrying missiles. As such, available evidence indicates drone used surveillance purposes, rather hunter-killer type mission. According local activists, drone circling city three hours. If reports true, would suggest air environment Raqqa permissive. Drones visible radar easy shoot air defense systems. The evidence thus far suggests drone acquiring imagery – possibly signals intelligence (SIGINT) – Islamic State positions group’s important stronghold. There little doubt mission intended give US policymakers information IS positions Raqqa. However, necessarily signal imminent use force IS positions Syria. As now, information drones based. However, open-source information allows informed guesses. The United States currently bases Predator drones Turkey Incirlik Air Force Base. The three drones routinely flown Northern Iraq data shared real time Turkish military. A second option could drones flown Kuwait. Satellite imagery captured deployment US drones Ali Salem Air Base. A third option United States flying drones airbase Iraqi Kurdistan. Update A regional security expert reports Predator drones seen operating civilian airport near Erbil.
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken
In 2015, there’s quality-fake news crappy-fake news. Examples? Of course. The quality: Fake news source The Onion quoted fake people real, unbelievable, subject March 3, 2015: As Utah Senate weighed legal medical marijuana last week, DEA agent testified came across “rabbits cultivated taste marijuana” eradicating illegal pot farms wild back-country. It’s hard believe, drug enforcement agent’s encounter stoned rabbits, part’s real. The fake part: The Onion quoted fake people’s reactions all-too-real news. “Rabbits going getting high anyway,” one hilariously fake person said. “Better safe, legal, regulated.” The crappy: Fake news site The Daily Currant wrote story headline “Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 Colorado On First Day Legalization” Jan. 2, 2014. It began ridiculously: “Colorado reconsidering decision legalize recreational pot following deaths dozens due marijuana overdoses.” How anyone could believe story, outlet, still dumbfounding. And fake news loose — falls crappy, lowest-common-denominator side. The Racket Report already hundreds thousands shares recent piece, “KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants.” Nevermind story preposterous hypothetical one moment — scrolling “News Ticker” headline pitching “news” including “Exclusive Photos Of Miley Cyrus And Justin Bieber’s Wedding!” “69 People Die After Drinking Bad Coors Lite At A Funeral.” Neither headlines threw 200,000-plus people sharing story social media? The Racket Report’s piece said KFC “decided incorporate marijuana dispensary Colorado franchise restaurants. Franchisees opportunity expand business additional $35,000 setup fee. The KFC Corporation approved February 3, 2015 Marijuana Retail Recreational Pot / Medical Marijuana Occupational Business License. Currently, 42 nearly 100 KFC franchises state Colorado added ‘option’ menu.” Sounds believable, right? Wrong. As I wrote year ago “Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37″ story going viral: We’re discerning believe everything read online. But read didn’t check (the site’s) About page proven, local-to-Colorado news sources Facebooking it. Next time see major piece news reported unrecognized entity, might think question content spreading fact. The Racket Report’s About page says “some stories website fictitious.” Gee, really? The beauty weed-at-KFC ridiculousness comes news KFC selling marijuana California — though it’s Kind For Cures medical dispensary Kentucky Fried Chicken fast-food restaurant, Inquisitr reported. The shop’s website even notes, “This ain’t chicken joint!”
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul
The man jumped White House fence month sprinted front door made much farther building previously known, overpowering one Secret Service officer running much main floor, according three people familiar incident. An alarm box near front entrance White House designed alert guards intruder muted officers believed request usher’s office, said Secret Service official spoke condition anonymity. The officer posted inside front door appeared delayed learning intruder, Omar Gonzalez, burst through. Officers trained that, upon learning intruder grounds, often alarm boxes posted around property, must immediately lock front door. After barreling past guard immediately inside door, Gonzalez, carrying knife, dashed past stairway leading half-flight first family’s living quarters. He ran 80-foot-long East Room, ornate space often used receptions presidential addresses. Gonzalez tackled counter-assault agent far southern end East Room. The intruder reached doorway Green Room, parlor overlooking South Lawn artwork antique furniture, according three people familiar incident. Secret Service officials earlier said quickly detained main entry. Agency spokesman Edwin Donovan said office commenting due ongoing investigation incident. People jumping White House fence become common occurrence, individuals tackled Secret Services officers guarding complex getting even third way across lawn. Gonzalez first person known jumped fence made inside executive mansion. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said breach “unacceptable” her, Friday briefed President Obama plans shore security. Pierson expected face tough questions Gonzalez incident Tuesday hearing House Oversight Government Reform Committee. The hearing likely cover number security lapses agency, including new revelations published weekend The Washington Post failure identify properly investigate 2011 shooting attack White House. The detailed account month’s security breach comes people provided information incident The Washington Post whistleblowers contacted Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah), chairman House Oversight subcommittee Homeland Security. Chaffetz said plans ask Pierson alarm meant alert officers intruders could silenced turned down. The congressman said two people inside agency told boxes silenced White House usher staff, whose office near front door, complained noisy. A Secret Service official told The Post usher’s office concerned boxes frequently malfunctioning unnecessarily sounding off. The alarm boxes, officers call “crash boxes,” key pieces agency’s first-alert system, according former agents officials. If spot intruder, officers trained hit large red button nearest box — sending alert every post complex location incursion, piping sound location boxes around property. “If true, fact crash boxes muted avoid ‘disruptive’ due lack resources insufficient number checkpoints barriers,” Chaffetz said. He called incident “failure leadership” Secret Service. “The agency needs solution goes deeper fences people,” Chaffetz said. “It must examine message sent men women protect president leader sacrifices security appease superficial concerns White House ushers.” The new revelations follow accounts provided The Post last week detailing Gonzalez’s ability enter White House reflected failure multiple levels security around compound. The agency relies successive layers fail-safe protecting president White House complex. In incident, plainclothes surveillance team duty night outside fence, meant spot jumpers give early warning made over. When team didn’t notice Gonzalez, officer guard booth North Lawn. When officer couldn’t reach Gonzales, supposed attack dog, specialized SWAT team guard front door — ready. The dog released, decision review. Some people familiar incident say handler likely felt could release dog many officers pursuit Gonzalez, dog may attacked instead. Since incident, Secret Service added additional layer temporary fencing agency reviews procedures. Alice Crites contributed report. Related: Secret Service fumbled response gunman hit White House 2011 Graphic: The night bullets hit White House Fence-jumper reveals security failures White House
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London
The news gone around world, including fishing enthusiasts more: Dino Ferrari twin brother Dario, scored record-fishing along river Po. On February 19, province Mantua, fact captured huge torpedo weight 127 kg length 267 centimeters. shadow carouselCatfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Catfish Guinness book Prev Next Giant River "It fight lasted 40 minutes," says Dino. Before one ever managed capture prey great technique spinning, type fishing artificial bait. When felt appropriate time, pulled towards boat then, great difficulty torpedo, hooked towed shore. Although destroyed fatigue happy company: brothers win mention Guinness Book Records. "To fish giants river, must patience also lot physical strength," says fisherman. In truth, two quite well-known catfish fishing making exceptional catches past: "In 20 years caught 1,800." The joy sensational blow great Dino wanted embrace mighty fish usual photos. It thought torpedo achieve even four feet long, although far evidence. And prey, happened? The giant still Po. After shots thrown back water. "Who I take life?" Says Dino Ferrari. Maybe year able catch again. However, point even gigantic
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up carrying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?
Mark Oberholtzer Islamic fighter Syria. He's never Syria. And plumber Texas City, Texas, says certainly would never willingly aid fundamentalist rebels. So hard understand Ford F-250 pickup truck - including logo Mark-1 Plumbing phone number - wound photo posted Twitter extremist Ansar al-Deen Front front lines war Syria. Mr Oberholtzer says he's getting hundreds phone calls faxes since Ansar al-Deen Front tweeted picture appeared old truck anti-aircraft gun back, according Galveston County Daily News. However, remains seen photo entirely authentic, new video surfacing suggests photo could digitally altered. Scroll video This truck, owned Mark-1 Plumbing Texas City, Texas, seen Islamist propaganda photo. It's unclear gone way Syria whether photo digitally altered This photo, taken propaganda video, shows near identical scene featuring different truck, raising questions authenticity photo featuring Mr Oberholtzer's truck The Islamist forces fighting across region known advanced technical digital propaganda campaigns. The video, featuring different vehicle firing exactly position, raises possibility Mr Oberholtzer's vehicle may photoshopped video frame. Superimposing better vehicle gun still frame original video would significantly easier trying alter video itself. This could video features older model car weapon, photo features Mr Oberholtzer's later-model Toyota. Despite this, people making hateful phone calls Mr Oberholtzer's company mistaken belief supporting fundamentalists. 'A people really ugly,' told newspaper. Some threatened life. Mr Oberholtzer says hired lawyer wants make Twitter remove posting, CBS News reports. He says sold truck AutoNation dealership three years ago. In past sold work trucks, always removed logo first. The last time got rid vehicle didn't. Mark Oberholtzer says idea Islamists Syria could got hold truck Mr Oberholtzer, worked plumber past 32-years, assumed AutoNation would remove decal selling truck. Apparently didn't. It's still unknown truck could made way possession Islamist fighters Syria. A spokesman AutoNation told KHOU 11 News truck went auction, probably different owners over, may ended hands Islamic terrorists. Oberholtzer wants death threats phone stop ringing. 'We secretary here, scared death. We families. We want problems,' said Oberholtzer. CBS News reports band Ansar al-Deen seen photo mostly hail Chechnya Russia. While fighters Islamic extremists, group reportedly allied ISIS Syria. ISIS: The terror group expanded recruits new members specifically targeting sympathizers abroad And known fighters ISIS could come Texan plumber's truck, terror group trying expand recruits fighters ranks. The extremist organization also targeting sophisticated propaganda entice potential wives professionals doctors, accountants engineers efforts build new society. Among lured three teenage girls Colorado, set Syria fall swapping Twitter messages marriage religion IS recruiters, young woman sought fight - failing that, use nursing skills. It's diverse pool recruits whose motives perplex Western governments seeking combat flow. The group 'is issuing bit siren song social media, trying attract people so-called caliphate,' FBI Director James Comey told reporters. 'And among people they're trying attract young women brides jihadis.' The group conscripts children battle, recruits Westerners acts jihad releases videotapes beheadings. But also uses propaganda humanitarian appeal, photos bombed-out Syrian villages coupled pleas help. Video images smiling children given treats enjoying stuffed animals paint family-friendly portrait suggests roles within proto-state wives mothers. Justice Department officials say people aiding Islamic State understand they're getting risk prosecution, whether venture Syria even plan take arms themselves. Prosecutors criminally charged 15 people connection supporting Islamic militant groups. Advance: Militant Islamist fighters wave flags take part military parade along streets Syria's northern Raqqa province June A Rochester, New York, food store owner stands accused trying arrange others travel Syria plotting kill members U.S. military. An Illinois man, allegedly determined join militants, left behind letter saying disgusted Western society. And prosecutors say North Carolina man asked Allah online martyrdom. Most charges brought statute makes illegal provide 'material support' - including money, training false identity - designated terrorist group. Defense lawyers argued law overly broad ensnares misguided often sweeps dangerous. Courts, however, accepted expansive interpretation law. 'We need make clear want go join terrorist group, likely end instead jail,' Carlin said. Justice Department officials say they're also trying strategies prosecution, including trying identify potential recruits go. FBI agents Colorado met repeatedly Shannon Conley, 19-year-old nurse's aide converted Islam, hoping dissuade traveling Syria marry militant suitor met online. Agents suggested try humanitarian work instead jihad, told fight, would use skills nurse's aide help militant fighters, according court documents. Conley pleaded guilty September faces sentencing next month. Her lawyer, Robert Pepin, said 'led terribly astray' pursuing religion 'saved' arrest. Perhaps case better shows penetration recruitment campaign three Colorado girls, East African immigrant families, radicalized online headed Syria October. The self-styled 'caliphate' declared Islamic State group bridging Iraq Syria starting show signs strain A review girls' social media use, included thousands Twitter messages postings sites, SITE Intelligence Group shows contact online jihadists around world deeply interested marriage role women. As recruiters interacted girls, typical teenage banter friends school became replaced discussions religion, paradise death, review showed. Six months went overseas, one girl wrote wanted get married soon possible friends wished well, telling hoped got 'amazing husband deserve anything else!' One female recruiter told prospects expect marry quickly expect live domestic life, 'completely impossible women participate battle,' according SITE. Women expected marry fighters bear children, explained. Another recruiter told 16-year-old girl inquired joining 'everyone welcome,' according report. U.S. officials say even comparatively benign motives supporting Islamic State troubling. 'I'm sure we've seen someone who's gone who's attracted jihadi cause,' Carlin said.
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him
Warning: graphic image A 22-year-old man Macedonia chopped penis girlfriend ended relationship criticised performance bed. Oliver Ilic, Kocani, told doctors girlfriend complained size penis, led mutilating razor blade. Mr Ilic way hospital (Photo: Europics) After unable stem bleeding, Mr Ilic contacted emergency services taken local hospital. Police found severed penis bin. Mr Ilic transferred hospital Macedonian capital, Skopje, underwent five-hour operation reattach penis. Doctors said early tell whether operation successful whether Mr Ilic would regain full use penis.
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital
The Islamic State (Isis) operating Iraq Ebola, World Health Organization confirmed. Last week number reports emerged suggesting members terrorist organisation contracted disease. The Daily Mail reported three media outlets said number militants shown signs deadly virus city Mosul. Speaking Mashable, WHO spokesperson said investigating reports. "We official notification [the Iraqi government] Ebola," Christy Feig, WHO's director communications, told website. The organisation confirmed suspected cases Ebola Iraq 5 January. "On 31 December, 2014, Al-Sabah newspaper, Shafaq news agency Rudaw online newspaper reported rumour EVD cases Mosul, Ninewa governorate," WHO said statement. "The news also relayed media agencies outside Iraq. "Following rumour, Ministry Health World Health Organization investigated allegations existing surveillance networks, well contacts health authorities medical sources Ibn Sina Hospital Mosul. "All sources contacted negated existence suspected cases Ebola. The Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola Virus." It said Ministry Health WHO scaled surveillance efforts ensure early detection suspected Ebola cases, precautionary measures taken prevent disease entering Iraq. "The surveillance efforts scaled health facilities ensure imported suspected cases promptly detected. "A contingency response plan currently development." RelatedHas Ebola infected Isis militants Mosul?An Ebola survivor's story: How Sierra Leone orphan pulled Christmas miracle cheating deathLiberia Ebola victims buried cremation decree relaxedEbola drug BCX4430 shows promising results rhesus macaquesEbola recap: A year first case many lessons later, virus plods
Bali spider burrows under Aussie’s chest
It story everyone paralysed fear. However, group spider specialists claim tale 'Bunbury Spiderman' belongs nightmares, rather real life. Scroll video Dylan Thomas, 21, holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach Dr Volker Framenau, Archaeologist, says: 'If look spider, fangs, mouth parts have, able burrow. They can't get skin' Dylan Thomas travelling Bali earlier month suffered 'a really burning sensation like searing feeling' stomach. He claimed sought medical attention, point dermatologist removed 'tropical spider' stomach tweezers. The Age spoken number local scientists claim debunked 'Bunbury Spiderman' story went viral Thursday, shared thousands time around world. Dr Volker Framenau, Archaeologist Department Terrestrial Zoology Western Australia, said: 'If look spider, fangs, mouth parts have, able burrow. They can't get skin.' Dr Framenau said much likely animal mite, resemble spider. He said creature collected, would less confusion actually was, would prevent spread possible virus. Dr Mark Harvey, Senior Curator Arachnology West Australian Museum, said never heard spiders able survive beneath skin mammal Dr Harvey said spiders would suffocate burrowed inside human skin: 'Spiders need air breathe. Being skin somebody, I would thought enough air survive' Dr Mark Harvey says fear spiders fuels urban myths people hoping instil fear Dr Mark Harvey, Senior Curator Arachnology West Australian Museum, said never heard spiders able survive beneath skin mammal. 'Spiders need air breathe, spiracles sides bodies air comes system series call book lungs. Being skin somebody, I would thought enough air survive,' told The Age. Harvey said fear people spiders fuels urban myths hoping instil fear. It's first time spider fallacies debunked science. Last month, Charles Griswold, spider expert California Academy Sciences San Francisco, said popular myth 'humans unwittingly swallow 8 spiders year' highly unlikely unsupported scientific evidence.
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing
British US intelligence identified British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary prime suspect James Foley's murder.
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive)
British actor poised take lead Jobs, directed Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio pulled Christian Bale back line play Steve Jobs new biopic Apple co-founder Leonardo DiCaprio backed order take break acting. The film industry magazine Variety reports Bale take lead film Jobs, directed Danny Boyle written Aaron Sorkin, scriptwriter The Social Network The West Wing. Based Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs: Exclusive Biography, film divided three long scenes taking place real time, set eve product launch. Sorkin revealed products Mac 1984; NeXT computer Jobs launched 1990 leaving Apple; iPod, launched 2001. David Fincher originally announced film’s director, left project argument Sony salary marketing film. Bale Fincher’s first choice play Jobs. Bale Boyle set shoot film spring 2015. Sorkin said writing film Jobs “is little like writing Beatles. There many people know revere him.”
ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands
Big Bank Hank, New York rapper who, part Sugarhill Gang, released generally regarded first rap record, died age 57. The performer, real name Henry Jackson, died kidney complications due cancer, according reports. Jackson formed Sugarhill Gang Master Gee Wonder Mic, big hit 1979 Rapper's Delight. The record sold several million copies worldwide helped establish rap genre today. The full version Rapper's Delight ran nearly 16 minutes long recorded single take. The song - famous "hip, hip, hop" refrain - featured 'Big Bank' introducing "six foot one tons fun". The trio continued perform together spent three weeks UK singles chart 1982 The Lover In You. Jackson's death reported website TMZ confirmed Fox News David Mallie, manages two remaining band members. "So sad hear brother's passing," said Wonder Mike Master Gee statement. "Rest peace Big Bank."
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants
A statement attributed Islamic State group claimed American female hostage killed Jordanian airstrike Friday outskirts northern Syrian city Raqqa, extremist group’s main stronghold. Jordan launches new airstrikes vowing harsh war ISIS Dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed ISIS training centers weapons storage sites Thursday, intensifying attacks militants burned death captured Jordanian pilot. As part new campaign, Jordan also attacking targets Iraq, said Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh. Up now, Jordan struck ISIS targets Syria, Iraq, part U.S.-led military coalition. The statement identified woman Kayla Jean Mueller said killed Muslim prayers — usually take place around midday Fridays — airstrikes targeted “the location hour.” No Islamic State militants killed airstrikes, statement claimed. It published photos allegedly bombed site, showing severely damaged brown colored three-story building — images Mueller. American officials said looking report. Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman President Barack Obama’s National Security Council, said White House “not time seen evidence corroborates” claim. “We obviously deeply concerned reports,” added. White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters travelling president Indiana Friday U.S. co-ordinate Jordanian air force fly airstrikes. He wouldn’t say whether U.S. aware hostage’s location. Related ISIS held public screening video shot Jordanian pilot burned alive cheering crowd Syria ISIS releases guide women’s rights: ‘Stay houses,’ girls marry nine, education age 15 The Islamic State statement could independently verified. It appeared militant website commonly used Islamic State also distributed Islamic State-affiliated Twitter users. Jordanian government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani said Jordan looking claim. “But first reaction, think it’s illogical highly skeptical it,” said. “How could identify Jordanian warplane … sky? What American lady weapons warehouse?” “It’s part criminal propaganda. They lied pilot alive tried negotiate, claiming alive killed weeks before,” al-Momani added. AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt Hinshaw AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt HinshawIn May 30, 2013, photo, Kayla Mueller shown speaking group Prescott, Ariz. Mueller, Prescott, Arizona, working Turkey assisting Syrian refugees, according 2013 article The Daily Courier, hometown newspaper. The 26-year-old told paper drawn help situation Syria. “For long I live, I let suffering normal,” said. “It’s important stop realize have, privileged are. And place, start caring get lot done.” According local paper, Mueller working humanitarian aid agency Support Life, well local NGO helped female Syrian refugees develop skills. A 2007 article Mueller local newspaper said student Northern Arizona University active Save Darfur Coalition. On Sunday, Obama said U.S. “deploying assets can” find Mueller. “We close contact family trying keep updated,” said interview NBC’s Today Show. “Obviously something heart-breaking family want make sure anything make sure American citizen rescued situation.” Mueller’s identity disclosed fears safety. If death confirmed, would fourth American die captivity Islamic State militants. Three Americans, journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff aid worker Peter Kassig beheaded group. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TVAn image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows flames erupting building hit airstrike Islamic State group warplanes Jordanian Air forces eagles undisclosed location. Jordan, part U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State group targets Syria, stepped attacks Islamic State announced killed captive Jordanian pilot. The Syrian government said Thursday dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed Islamic State training centres weapons storage sites. It say attacks occurred. The Jordanian military said Jordanian jetfighters carried “a series attacks today destroyed targets returned safely.” It elaborate give location airstrikes. But activists monitor Syrian conflict inside country said U.S.-led coalition planes hit several targets edges outskirts Raqqa, quick succession Friday. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV An image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows warplane Jordanian Air forces eagles taking Amman launching airstrikes Islamic State group. A collective known “Raqqa Being Slaughtered Silently” said planes targeted multiple Islamic State positions headquarters western eastern countryside Raqqa, sending columns smoke sky. Explosions could heard city. The collective said recorded civilian casualties, mention Islamic State casualties. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights said dozens Islamic State members killed coalition airstrikes targeted tanks-and-vehicles depot area al-Madajen least six Islamic State positions, including training camp prison. Associated Press writer Julie Pace contributed report Washington.
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble
Computing giant Microsoft one Silicon Valley companies hired robot security guards protect serve streets around northern California's technology hub. The Knightscope K5 robot security guards fitted lasers, GPS heat-detecting technology, predict criminals strike next likelihood future crimes. Unlike human security guards, egg-like Knightscopes armed(Knightscope) The 5ft tall robots designed operate without human control equipped surveillance cameras sensors, thermal imaging system, scanners read 300 car registration plates minute, odour detectors. It patrols streets using lasers gauge distance GPS system. The robots analyse information government, businesses social media sources predict likelihood crime committed given area, decide whether alert authorities comes across anything suspicious. Four robot security guards deployed guard Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus, system's first real mission. It appears going well, although robots come unstuck face seemingly innocent adversary: steps. Rachel Metz, reporter MIT Technology Review, said: "I noticed K5 distance somehow toppled edge sidewalk onto parking-lot asphalt several inches below. A couple Knightscope folks needed pull upright." Well, Doctor Who's mortal enemies can't handle stairs, chance youngsters have? RelatedUnderwater Robot Dolphins Used Study How Shrinking Antarctic Glaciers Are MeltingCBI Ricoh: New World Order Robots Will Help, Not Steal, British JobsRobots Steal 10 Million Low Paid UK Jobs 2034People Not Robots Campaign Aiming Shut Electronics Industry Death-traps
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment
A dog found abandoned Scottish train station next suitcase filled belongings local animal welfare charity looking tips neglectful owner. The dog, male shar-pei named Kai, found sitting leash attached banister Ayr railway station Jan. 2, according Scottish Society Prevention Cruelty Animals. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature," Scottish SPCA Inspector Stewart Taylor said group's release. Amazing Animals From Around World The group reported suitcase contained dog bowl, food, pillow toy -- although clear owner wrongdoing. Abandoning animal offense Scotland and, able determine left dog station, person persons could banned owning animals life. "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible," Taylor said. Officials able determine dog's name animal microchipped previous owner. When contacted individual, reported sold dog 2013 information new owner. Taylor said group care dog find owner Kai.
A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner
NEW YORK — Pope Francis given hope gays, unmarried couples advocates Big Bang theory. Now, endeared dog lovers, animal-rights activists vegans. Trying console little boy whose dog died, Pope Francis told recent public appearance St Peter’s Square “paradise open God’s creatures”. While unclear whether Pope’s remarks helped soothe child, welcomed groups Humane Society People Ethical Treatment Animals (PETA). In relatively short tenure leader world’s one billion Roman Catholics since taking Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, 77, repeatedly caused stir among conservatives church. He suggested lenient positions predecessor issues homosexuality, single motherhood unwed couples. Theologians cautioned Pope Francis spoken casually, made doctrinal statement. Reverend James Martin, Jesuit priest editor-at-large America, Catholic magazine, said believed Pope Francis least asserting “God loves Christ redeems creation”, even though conservative theologians said paradise animals. “He said paradise open creatures,” Rev Martin said. The question whether animals go heaven debated much church’s history. Pope Benedict said 2008 sermon animal dies, “just means end existence earth”. Ms Christine Gutleben, senior director Humane Society, said Pope Francis’ apparent reversal predecessor’s view could enormous. “If Pope mean animals go heaven, implication animals soul. And true, ought seriously consider treat mean something God,” said. Ms Sarah Withrow King, director Christian outreach engagement PETA, one activist anti-slaughterhouse groups, said Pope’s remarks could move Catholics away consuming meat. But differing views. Mr Dave Warner, spokesman National Pork Producers Council, said email “certainly mean slaughtering eating animals sin”. THE NEW YORK TIMES
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau identified suspect shooting Parliament Hill Ottawa, Canada Wednesday. Zehaf-Bibeau shot soldier national War Memorial entering Centre Block firing shots. Epoch Times reporter Matthew Little says shooter got far library Sergeant-At-Arms shot dead. The soldier rushed hospital later died. There least three shooting victims survived. U.S. officials revealed Zehaf-Bibeau’s identity CBS News. The officials say Zehaf-Bibeau Canadian born 1982. There least one suspect large, Little reported. Ottawa police spokesman Chuck Benoit told CBS said two three gunmen may involved. No motive identified attacks, although linking incident Monday. Story developing … MORE: At Least 2 Dead After Parliament Hill Shooting (+Photos, Video) Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots Shooting Suspect Ottawa; Called ‘Hero’ (+Pictures) See Associated Press update below. 2 dead shooting attack Canada’s Parliament OTTAWA, Ontario—A Canadian soldier standing guard war memorial country’s capital shot death Wednesday, heavy gunfire erupted inside Parliament. One gunman killed, police said hunting many two others. The bloodshed immediately raised specter coordinated terrorist attack, Canada already alert deadly hit-and-run earlier week two Canadian soldiers man police say fired radical Muslim fervor. Witnesses said soldier gunned point-blank range man carrying rifle dressed black, scarf face. They said gunman ran entered Parliament, hundred yards away, dozens shots soon rang out. People fled complex scrambling scaffolding erected renovations, others took cover inside police rifles body armor took positions outside cordoned normally bustling streets around Parliament. Police gave details gunman died. But Twitter, Member Parliament Craig Scott credited Parliament sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers shooting attacker outside MPs’ caucus rooms. Ottawa police spokesman Chuck Benoit said two three gunmen believed involved attacks. Gilles Michaud, assistant commissioner Royal Canadian Mounted Police, called “dynamic, unfolding situation.” Ottawa Hospital said received two patients, listed stable condition, addition soldier. “Today sad tragic day city country,” Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said. He said tragedy “origins yet fully known, causes yet fully understood.” In Washington, President Barack Obama condemned shootings “outrageous,” telephone call prime minister, offered U.S. help reassurance American people’s solidarity Canada. The U.S. Embassy Ottawa locked precaution, security tightened Tomb Unknown Soldier Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington. Tony Zobl said witnessed soldier gunned fourth-floor window directly National War Memorial, 70-foot, arched granite cenotaph, tomb, bronze sculptures commemorating World War I. “I looked window saw shooter, man dressed black kerchief nose mouth something head well, holding rifle shooting honor guard front cenotaph point-blank, twice,” Zobl told Canadian Press news agency. “The honor guard dropped ground, shooter kind raised arms triumph holding rifle.” Zobl said gunman ran street toward Parliament Hill. Cabinet minister Tony Clement tweeted least 30 shots heard inside Parliament, Conservative Liberal MPs holding weekly caucus meetings. “I’m safe locked office awaiting security,” Kyle Seeback, another member Parliament, tweeted. The top spokesman Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Harper safe left Parliament Hill.
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant
Tiger Woods' agent responded Monday inflammatory allegations made little-known pro Dan Olsen, said Mad Dog Morning radio show last week Woods serving suspension failed drug test. "These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false," agent Mark Steinberg said. "They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous." On Monday morning, PGA Tour responded claims. "There truth whatsoever claims. We categorically deny allegations," said Ty Votaw, executive vice president PGA Tour. Woods leave PGA Tour tries sort issues game, especially chipping. Woods, said would return Tour compete best game, missed cut Waste Management Phoenix Open first tournament season – shooting career-high 82 process – withdrew stiff back 11 holes following week Farmers Insurance Open. Woods said back problems reason hiatus game, related injuries forced back surgery last March 31. "I've heard he's suspended. I heard he's month's suspension. And not, kind strong witness. It's credible person that's telling this," Olsen said Friday radio show. "Well, testosterone, something else." Olsen also said Woods using untested equipment.
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria
Wanted: Islamic State group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, $US10 million price head, delivers sermon mosque Iraq July. Photo: AP Beirut: The second wife Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi interrogation military detention Lebanon arrested north Lebanon 10 days ago, security officials revealed Tuesday. It unclear whether fleeing self-proclaimed caliph extremist Sunni group, remains loyal Baghdadi simply hiding, experts said. Working Western intelligence services, Lebanese army tracked Saja Hamid al-Dulaimi, Iraqi citizen, son undisclosed location north strife-ridden city Tripoli, one official spoke condition anonymity said. Another source said captured northern border town Arsal. A young Syrian refugee walks past tents al-Nihaya camp eastern Lebanese town Arsal, reports say Saja Hamid al-Dulaimi son arrested. Photo: AFP Her capture detention could prove significant setback Baghdadi may used leverage negotiate release many prisoners – foreign, Iraqi Syrian – Islamic State holding. Lebanese security officials also hope capture could breakthrough needed secure release least 26 Lebanese soldiers kidnapped IS Nusra Front militants August. A DNA test confirmed child, believed nine years old, Baghdadi's son, Lebanese al-Safir newspaper said, citing security officials. It believed Baghdadi's DNA may taken US officials nine months held American-run prison Iraq 2004 capture Fallujah However sign confusion surrounding arrests, media sources reported child custody girl. Dulaimi one 140 women released Syrian government jail March year part prisoner swap led release 13 Greek Orthodox nuns held al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front Syrian town Maaloula. Since release believed moved around border area Lebanon Syria, sticking mostly mountainous territory held Nusra Front, said Mario Abou Zeid, research analyst Carnegie Middle East Centre Beirut. "She infiltrating Lebanese borders, moving inside outside Lebanon fake IDs … area controlled Nusra Front," Mr Abou Zeid said. "She maintained low profile, protecting son." He warned Dulaimi's capture, important step, may limited value intelligence services given Islamic State renowned ensuring operational matters never discussed outside tight inner circle. "The main pillar success minimise amount information anyone access to. "Some may think secrets Baghdadi, even though captured Syrian regime since release almost completely cut Baghdadi, run along Lebanese-Syrian border." It possible Dulaimi away Baghdadi long information may little worth decision relocate Lebanon "could defection Baghdadi, could fleeing", Mr Abou Zeid told Fairfax Media. She questioned investigators headquarters Lebanese defence ministry Yarze district, north Beirut, unnamed official said. There doubt counter-terrorism operation, involved Lebanese, US European intelligence agencies, prove useful, said retired Lebanese general security analyst, Elias Farhat. "She one wives so-called caliph Islamic State … useful negotiations Lebanese authorities IS Jabhat al-Nusra relation kidnapped soldiers," General Farhat said. "Her capture one successful outcomes cooperation Lebanese Western intelligence agencies." But even news Dulaimi's capture broke Lebanon, local media reported late Tuesday militants attacked Lebanese army patrol Ras Baalbek, four-man unit feared harmed kidnapped. It believed Baghdadi became head Islamic State Iraq, predecessor IS, 2010. It expanded Syria 2013 June Islamic State militants took control Iraq's second city Mosul moving south towards capital. There reports last month killed US-led airstrikes Iraq, although soon Islamic State released recording November 13 – purportedly Baghdadi – called "volcanos jihad" unleashed world. The US Government offered $US10 million ($11.84 million) reward capture.
Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests
We reported Monday meteor, thought possibly chunk Earth-passing asteroid, cause 40-foot crater outside international airport Nicaraguan capital. But astronomers NASA scientists casting doubt possibility. The biggest mystery one far reported seeing flash light sky would expected accompany meteor strike. "While meteoritic origin crater cannot ruled absolute certainty, information available time suggests cause responsible creation," NASA's blog concludes. Space.com reports: It's sentiment echoed Wilfried Strauch, adviser Nicaragua's Institute Territorial Studies, Ineter, concluded "very strange one reported streak light. "We ask anyone photo something," said. It also appears meteor landing Nicaragua could come asteroid 2014 RC, also nicknamed "Pitbull," first thought. National Geographic writes: JPL's Asteroid Watch concurs:
Homeland Security says terrorists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border
Variety reporting Seth Rogen's got part Woz Jobs, upcoming Aaron Sorkin-penned take Apple icon. Christian Bale already cast title role, new addition... surprising, kinda great. Danny Boyle Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later, Trainspotting fame direct drama—which one point going David Fincher affair—and sounds like whole film offer somewhat unconventional approach life tech icon. Sorkin told Business Insider earlier year: "It's biopic." Okay! So, already sets apart Ashton Kutcher joint. But also: "It's story Steve Jobs—it's something much different that." It's rumored whole film three looong backstage scenes set right big product launches, maybe means epic walk-and-talk sequence spans full feature-length? I know folks heart set Jonah Hill, I'm Rogen. Woz, know there: What say you? [Variety]
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes
THE hunt find owner dog abandoned railway station belongings suitcase. Kai, male Shar-Pei crossbreed found tied railing outside Ayr station Scotland Friday. Now animal welfare charity Scottish SPCA trying find left there. The charity managed trace previous owner microchip, told sold two years ago someone details for. Scottish SPCA inspector Stewart Taylor said Kai sold classified website Gumtree. He said: "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible. "If anyone help would ask get touch soon possible. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature. We look find permanent loving home." The charity also said abandoning animal criminal offence. Anyone information asked contact Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline 03000 999 999.
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Burrowing Into His Skin Through A Scar
British US intelligence identified British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary prime suspect James Foley's murder.
Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage
A small meteorite landed near international airport Nicaraguan capital, Managua, Saturday night, government officials say. Residents reported hearing loud bang feeling impact, left crater 12m (40ft) wide 5m deep. Government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo said meteorite seemed broken asteroid passing close Earth. She said international experts called investigate further. No-one hurt hit wooded area near international airport air force base. 'Like bomb' An adviser Nicaragua's Institute Earth Studies (Ineter), Wilfried Strauch, said "convinced meteorite" caused impact. Experts studying crater said clear whether meteorite disintegrated upon impact blasted soil. Locals said heard large blast midnight local time reported burning smell. "We thought bomb felt expansive wave," Jorge Santamaria told Associated Press news agency. Asteroid link? Ineter scientist Jose Millan said "we need celebrate fact fell area where, thank God, cause danger population". Managua, million inhabitants densely populated. "All evidence we've confirmed site corresponds exactly meteorite type event," said. "We seismic register coincides time impact, typical characteristic produces cone place impact," added. Astronomer Humberto Saballos said meteorite could broken 2014RC asteroid passed Earth time. 2014RC, size house, came closest earth 18:18 GMT Sunday, passed New Zealand distance 40,000km (25,000 miles). The asteroid first discovered 31 August and, closest approach, one-tenth distance centre Earth Moon, Nasa said statement. It expected orbit near Earth future. In February 2013, meteorite exploded Chelyabinsk Central Russia, injuring 1,000 people. Nasa currently tracks 11,000 asteroids orbits pass relatively close Earth.
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents
Journeyman golfer Dan Olsen retracted claims Tiger Woods suspended PGA Tour using performance-enhancing drugs PGA Tour Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, vehemently denied claims. Olsen told ESPN.com's Michael Collins "it opinon," courtesy ESPN.com's Bob Harig. "Everything I said radio interview opinion based firsthand knowledge facts," Olsen told ESPN.com. "I want make full retraction everything I said entire radio interview, I apologize Tiger, Nike, Phil [Mickelson], [commissioner] Tim Finchem PGA Tour." Olsen certainly made several major allegations. Per Harig, Olsen claimed 730AM The Game Lansing, Michigan, Woods suspended month due use PEDs exempt player name revealed information. He also claimed Woods used "cheater ball." "It's testosterone, something else," Olsen told station, per Harig. "I think said done, he's gonna surpass Lance Armstrong infamy." "These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false,'' said Steinberg statement earlier, courtesy Harig. "They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous. The PGA Tour confirmed truth claims." Ty Votaw, executive vice president PGA Tour, added that, "There truth whatsoever claims. We categorically deny allegations." However, PGA Tour told Harig player tested positive PEDs, required announce suspension, punishments recreational drugs remain undisclosed. Olsen's original claims, opinions, certainly inflammatory remains seen reprimanded Until now, Woods character called question critics past transgressions, professional achievements still held esteem.
Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls married
(NEWSER) – Wonder long Quarter Pounder cheese last? Two Australians say bought McDonald's burgers friends back 1995, teens, one friends never showed up. So kid's burger went uneaten—and stayed way, Australia's News Network reports. "We’re pretty sure it’s oldest burger world," says one men, Casey Dean. Holding onto burger friend "started joke," adds, "the months became years now, 20 years later, looks day bought it, perfectly preserved original wrapping." Dean burger-buying mate, Eduard Nitz, even took burger Australian TV show The Project last night "showed mold-free specimen," News 9 reports. The pair offered take bite charity dissuaded show's hosts. They've also started Facebook page burger called "Can This 20 Year Old Burger Get More Likes Than Kanye West?" 4,044 likes writing. And they're selling iTunes song, "Free Burger," $1.69, giving proceeds charity Beyond Blue, helps Australians battle anxiety depression. (A years ago, man sold 20-year-old bottle McDonald's McJordan sauce $10,000. Here's Mickey D's food seemingly never decays.)
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting
Editors' note: There images post readers may find distressing. Islamic State militants Tuesday released video purported show beheading James Foley, American freelance journalist missing since kidnapped Syria November 2012. The authenticity video could immediately verified. When contacted Mashable, NSC spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL. The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity. If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” James Foley Aleppo, Syria, November 2012. Image: Nicole Tung The video opens clip President Barack Obama's remarks announcing launch airstrikes Islamic State positions near Erbil northern Iraq. A black screen shows text, "A message America," Foley appears kneeling desert landscape, wearing orange jumpsuit microphone attached. A hooded man wearing all-black clothes tan military boots standing behind gun leather holster. "I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality," Foley says, among things, remarks seemingly prepared captors. The video switches man black, holding serrated knife. "This James Wright Foley — American citizen country," man says British-accented English. "As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State.... Effectively, aggression towards Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic Caliphate leadership. So attempt you, Obama, deny safety Muslims living safety Islamic Caliphate result bloodshed people." The man beheads Foley, using knife video fades black. After shot Foley's lifeless body decapitated head, video switches executioner standing behind another man orange jumpsuit, identified text screen Steven Joel Sotloff. "The life American prisoner, Obama, depends next decision." Sotloff, American freelance journalist working Time magazine among publications, kidnapped near Syrian-Turkish border Aug. 4, 2013. The video goes black. The video first reported Zaid Benjamin, reporter Arabic-language Radio Sawa, said came Furqan Media, official outlet Islamic State. (Twitter suspended — reinstated — account.) The video appeared surface first Twitter account @mujahid4life, belonging someone described Twitter bio 19 years old, "anti-democracy. Loyal Caliphate. Harsh kuffar. #Revert" It take long people worked Foley began reacting Twitter. I w/ James Foley Aleppo, August 2012 day #Selahaddin. Syrian opposition members adoring him. He kind, brave man — ilhan tanir (@WashingtonPoint) August 19, 2014 My thoughts James Foley’s family. No matter faced, unfailingly kind, generous, warm. A wonderful soul. — Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) August 19, 2014 There also anger Twitter YouTube immediately take video. It's lucky video unlicensed Katy Perry song soundtrack would've deleted YouTube seconds. — Tom Gara (@tomgara) August 19, 2014 However, within hour first report beheading, video taken down. Images video below, showing Foley execution Sotloff threatened: Shortly clip appeared web, journalists observers watch region began tweeting hashtag — #ISISmediaBlackout — pledging stop sharing Islamic State propaganda. "You know I think? And I know crazy sounds, need #ISISmediaBlackout. Amputate reach. Pour water flame," said Tumblr blogger known LibyaLiberty Twitter appeared first mention hashtag. "From out, I share photo video violence intentionally recorded & released ISIS propaganda," tweeted. Many others, promptly, joined pledge. A statement group called Free James Foley said: "We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers." Post Free James Foley. Foley's parents appeared Today show last year, pleading release. UPDATED 8:28 p.m. ET: GlobalPost CEO Philip Balboni released statement Tuesday video purportedly shows beheading journalist James Foley. "On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic," Balboni said. “Although GlobalPost’s investigation one point led us believe James held Syrian government, later given strong reason believe held Islamic rebels Syria," added. "We withheld information request family advice authorities cooperating effort protect Jim. GlobalPost, working private security company, amassed enormous amount information made public.” Foley reported Syria GlobalPost freelancer. Have something add story? Share comments.
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up
The fashion bible’s got decidedly unglamorous rat problem, reports The New York Post. The new 1 World Trade Center offices Vogue magazine infested rodents editor-in-chief Anna Wintour happy, according report. The 25th- 26th-floor digs Condé Nast publication overrun vermin, Wintour ­issued edict staffers clear glass-walled office long-tailed pests steps stiletto heel premises. Luckily, Wintour expected take full-time residence America’s tallest building New Year. A Vogue employee wrote Gawker Friday afternoon say many creatures scuttling around 1 WTC editorial department may postponing move old Times Square offices. “A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through,” staffer said.
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border
North Korean despot Kim Jong-un guzzling pint pint ‘snake wine’, body dead cobra bottle – vain attempt restore life genitals may seen years due vast bulk. Locals believe meaty brew increases size man’s manhood – improves chances pregnancy. Kim piled enormous amounts weight bingeing Emmenthal cheese Johnnie Walker whisky, 31-year-old struggling father child lucky young wife, Ri Joi-Su, 22. Kim believes glugging litres wine, mixed rotting flesh venom could ticket restore virility father sibling daughter Ju-ae, two. MORE: Kim Jong-un: North Korean leader walking unaided following lengthy absence One South Korean ex-pat said, ‘The elite country joke big please wife that’s children.’ ‘One senior official said Kim drinking many bottles snake wine help bedroom department.’ Jong-un first exposed Emmenthal studying Switzerland young man, fondness cheese said rapidly escalated dependence. His ballooning weight thought result daily binges cheese, used fondues, gratins, raclettes sandwiches. MORE: Something photo Kim Jong-un isn’t quite right MORE: Kim Jong-un hiding due Emmental cheese addiction
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi
American British intelligence officials eyeing British-born rapper militant beheaded journalist James Foley. A senior Western intelligence official told Fox News 23-year-old London rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary suspect believed Foley's executioner. U.S. intelligence officials commenting publicly reports, well-placed source told Fox News Bary's Egyptian-born father extradited London United States 2012 alleged connection Usama bin Laden 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings Africa. Bary traveled Syria last year fight ISIS, source said. The Sunday Times Sunday People identified Bary member group least three British-born ISIS fighters known among former hostages "The Beatles." The Sunday Times reported MI5 MI6, Britain's two major intelligence agencies, identified man brutal deed, though publicly identified.
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit
Over weekend rumor flying around someone actually stole Batmobile set Batman V Superman: Dawn Justice. How cold something big bulky get stolen secure set, stay hidden away major city like Detroit? While I may know insurance coverage this, seems stolen Batmobile nothing publicity stunt. And add fun this, director Zack Snyder tweeted photo culprit. Hint: Snyder currently twitter war movie. Hit jump check out. So it, nothing publicity stunt created social media. It also great way market films, importantly get see Batmobile. Now it’s Bad Robot Disney’s move. The rivalry started back last July Snyder tweeted shot Superman (Henry Cavill) donning Sith robe wielding red lightsaber. The director added #superjedi rub salt wound. Of course Bad Robot responded following tweet. They even called Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice director “The C3Ped Crusader“:
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon
Leading somber anniversary Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, fresh fears possible 9/11-style attacks taking place across North Africa radical Islamist groups Libya reportedly seized nearly dozen commercial airliners last month. While counterterrorism officials reportedly concerned missing jetliners could used terrorists carry deadly attacks, timing theft also setting alarms. The concern radical Islamist groups use planes mark anniversary deadly 9/11 attacks, according alleged intelligence reports disseminated within U.S. government. Reports Islamist militias seized jetliners come weeks 13th anniversary 9/11 attacks. “There number commercial airliners Libya missing. … We found September 11 happen hijacked planes,” one official reportedly told Washington Free Beacon. The aircraft reportedly stolen August Islamists took control Tripoli International Airport. It later reported 11 commercial jetliners missing. On Sept. 11, 2012, four Americans killed terrorist attack U.S. compound Benghazi, Libya. At first, Obama administration blamed attack spontaneous protest anti-Muslim YouTube video. When pressed Free Beacon, “senior State Department counterterrorism official” refused comment reports stolen jetliners Libya. Another State Department told online publication, “We can’t confirm that.” It also reported Tuesday Islamic State militants beheaded second American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Just murdered photojournalist James Foley, terrorists reportedly uploaded video showing gruesome execution. More Fox News: Read full report here.
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley
Israel rejected allegations government officials Gaza strip authorities responsible released storm waters flooding parts besieged area. "The claim entirely false, southern Israel dams," said statement Coordinator Government Activites Territorities (COGAT). "Due recent rain, streams flooded throughout region connection actions taken State Israel." At least 80 Palestinian families evacuated water levels Gaza Valley (Wadi Gaza) rose almost three meters, . The Gaza Ministry Interior said statement Sunday civil defence services worked alongside teams Minsitry Public Works evacuate families shelters al-Bureij refugee camp al-Zahra neighbourhood sponsored UNRWA, UN Relief Works Agency. Brigadier Gerneral Said Al-Saudi, chief civil defence agency Gaza, told Al Jazeera: "More 40 homes flooded 80 families currently shelters result." He added flooding would adversely affect local agriculture area included Gazan poultry animal farms. A major storm region brought freezing rain Gaza snow across parts Occupied Territories Israel.
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Al-Shabaab’s top leader traveling one two vehicles hit Monday night US military strike, member Somali Islamic extremist group said Tuesday. The spokesman would say whether al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane among six militants killed. The two vehicles heading toward coastal town Barawe, al-Shabaab’s main base, hit, Abu Mohammed told Associated Press. A witness Somalia described ground-shaking explosions strike. Al-Shabaab attacked upscale Westgate Mall Nairobi, Kenya, killing least 67 people, year ago month, US targeted planners bloody assault. US commanders waiting determine attack’s outcome. “US military forces conducted operation Somalia today al-Shabaab network. We assessing results operation provide additional information appropriate,” said Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby. After US strike forest south Mogadishu, masked Islamic militants area arrested dozens residents suspected spying US searched nearby homes, resident said. “Mass arrests started, everyone detained,” said Mohamed Ali, lives Sablale district. “They even searched nearby jungles stopped nomads transporting milk grass towns questioning.” A senior Somali intelligence official said US drone targeted Godane left meeting group’s top leaders. Godane, also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, group’s spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al Qaeda. In 2012, US offered reward $7 million information leading arrest. The Somali official, speaking condition anonymity since authorized speak media, said intelligence indicated Godane “might killed along militants.” The official said attack took place 105 miles (170 kilometers) south Mogadishu, al-Shabaab trains fighters. As government African Union forces heading town district, heard sounded like “earthquake” al-Shabaab bases hit, governor Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region, Abdiqadir Mohamed Nor, told Associated Press. “There airstrike near Sablale. We saw something,” Nor said. The US carried several airstrikes Somalia recent years. A US missile strike January killed high-ranking intelligence officer al-Shabaab, last October vehicle carrying senior members group hit US strike killed al-Shabaab’s top explosives expert. The latest US action comes Somalia’s government forces regained control high-security prison capital attacked Sunday. Seven heavily armed suspected al-Shabaab members attempted free extremists held there. Somali officials said seven attackers, three government soldiers two civilians killed. Mogadishu’s Godka Jilacow prison interrogation center Somalia’s intelligence agency, many suspected militants believed held underground cells there. The attack started suicide car bomber detonated explosives-laden vehicle gate prison gunmen fought way prison. Al-Shabaab attacked mall Nairobi last year retaliation Kenya sending troops Somalia extremists. Godane said time attack carried retaliation West’s support Kenya’s Somalia intervention “interest oil companies.” Al-Shabaab mostly active Somalia’s rural regions ousted capital African Union forces 2011. Somali military officials last week launched military operation oust al-Shabaab last remaining bases southern parts Somalia. On Saturday militants withdrew town Bulomarer, 70 miles (110 kilometers) south Mogadishu, hours fighting.
Sorry, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms
In North Korea, one name supreme leader Kim Jong Un. According reports, North Korea previously banned anyone sharing name Jong Un. Newborns cannot given name, citizens bore ban required assume new names. South Korean media outlets including KBS Yonhap News Agency said name ban contained directive 2011 issued months Kim Jong Un came power recently leaked outside North Korea. The leaked document said “all party organs public security authorities” identify residents shared supreme leader's name "train voluntarily change [it],” per The Guardian. People named Jong Un -- said common Korean name men women -- apparently directed change names official documents birth certificates, social security cards school diplomas. According BBC, likely “little forewarning” name ban, since Kim Jong Un -- youngest son predecessor Kim Jong Il -- relatively unknown general public prior ascension head state. A South Korean government official week confirmed authenticity directive, reports The New York Times. “It’s true North Korea, allow one [Jong Un],” official, unnamed, told paper. According Yonhap News Agency, Pyongyang regime issued similar name ban Kim Jong Il power father, North Korea's founding leader Kim Il Sung, well.
(CNN) -- A company whose video chat service apparently captured audio Michael Brown's shooting said Thursday recording created time Missouri teenager killed month. The revelation Glide appears bolster man's claim inadvertently recorded audio gunfire time police officer shot killed 18-year-old Brown St. Louis suburb Ferguson August 9. The video created 12:02:14 p.m. day, Glide said. Brown, unarmed, shot Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shortly noon. "A Glide user living nearby simply using Glide app smartphone exactly designed -- instantly communicate friend real-time video texting service. Simultaneously, also captured audio background gunshots allegedly fired Michael Brown," company said. The sounds could piece larger puzzle happened shooting, spurred days protests city 21,000. Police said Brown trying grab officer's gun. Witnesses say teen holding hands air fatally shot. Investigators determining whether accuse officer wrongdoing; charges filed. The FBI obtained audio interviewed man made recording, said Lopa Blumenthal, lawyer individual. The man, asked identity revealed, lives near site Brown shooting happened using application time Brown shot, Blumenthal said. In recording, quick series shots heard, followed pause another quick succession shots. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots -- cluster six, followed four. The significance pause Witnesses friend Wilson given conflicting accounts led Brown's death, pause could key investigation. But difficult prove audio pause took place whose narrative supports. Ferguson police alleged Brown robbed convenience store shortly shooting, friend, Dorian Johnson, walking street Wilson approached police car. Police say Wilson stopped Brown theft, Brown friend blocking traffic. Wilson tried exit vehicle Brown pushed back car, according preliminary investigation, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said. Read police reports Brown assaulted officer Wilson car, shot fired inside police car struggle officer's gun, Belmar said. Johnson disputes that, saying Wilson -- sitting car -- started scuffle grabbing Brown neck, Brown tried pull away. Johnson also said struggle gun, rather Wilson drew weapon shot Brown car. Johnson said Wilson shot Brown teen ran away. According Johnson, Brown struck back turned around put arms officer kept shooting. But woman identified friend Wilson called St. Louis radio show said officer's version events. The caller, identified "Josie," said Brown -- going away vehicle following first shot -- turned around, taunted officer charged him. Her account matches Wilson told investigators, source detailed knowledge investigation told CNN. An autopsy showed Brown six gunshot wounds. Attorney Chris Chestnut told CNN week surprised gap shots. "It's pause gives concern police shooting, especially unarmed victim, point Mr. Brown defenseless -- weapon," said Chestnut, represented family Jonathan Ferrell. Like Brown, Ferrell unarmed African-American man shot killed white police officer. That incident occurred North Carolina. But gunfire heard audio Brown incident, pause automatically suggest wrongful intent officer. "To fair, could explanations pause," said attorney Van Jones, co-host CNN's "Crossfire." "Maybe officer say, 'Well, I fired kept advancing, I fired again.' " Complete coverage CNN's Holly Yan Catherine E. Shoichet contributed report.
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola
A Canadian-Israeli woman feared kidnapped Islamic State weekend appears posted message Facebook debunking reports capture. Gill Rosenberg wrote Facebook page Monday "safe secure." Canada's Globe Mail newspaper also reported earlier Monday Kurdish media carried unverified statements Rosenberg, stated fine. A former IDF soldier joined Kurdish militias fight Islamic State, Rosenberg subject Canadian government inquiry rumors circulated jihadist forums weekend taken prisoner Syrian town Kobani. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported 31-year-old White Rock, suburb Vancouver, served two years Israeli army. While Israel 2009 arrested part international fraud ring brought United States serve time jail. Haaretz reports years since, Rosenberg began contacting Kurdish militias via internet, traveling Iraq Syria fight alongside extremist militants.
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state
Detectives hunting tweed jacket-wearing man slapping High Street shoppers town sneeze. In Cumbria Police admit "very unusual behaviour", middle-aged man first smacked woman around head sneezed Carlisle town centre Monday. Then Tuesday, officers believe man launched second attack frail pensioner also bout sniffles. In incident, 82 year-old woman sneezed slapped head 11.30am Carlisle. • MP scolded loud sneeze Commons • Video: Kangaroo sneezing fit Cumbrian Police described suspect mid late-50s wearing tweed jacket. The force asked anyone information about, witnessed, two related incidents contact them. They informed first attack witnesses, yet trace first female victim. Police linking two incidents man hit women sneezing (Library image) Sgt Gill Cherry said: "We treating two reported incidents linked, appealing local community help trace man responsible. "It unusual behaviour, left victims feeling confused upset." Shoppers Carlisle said bemused, frightened man's behaviour. Trainee shop assistant Gemma Prosser, 19, said: "We heard happened town centre first thought bit weird. When think it, really awful anyone sneeze time fault." • What purpose sneezing? • Hay fever tips sneezed Dental receptionist Nicola Dawson, 48, visiting nearby Kendal, said: "I come shopping day actually cold. "If anyone smacked sneezing I would smack back. If anyone saw someone something like I would surprised something stand witnessed it."
Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Terror Attack Fears
Eleven commercial jets reportedly stolen recent weeks Libya, Western intelligence agencies begun warning could used terror attacks Sept. 11, anniversary devastating Osama bin Laden-orchestrated attacks New York Washington left nearly 3,000 dead. According report Free Beacon, jets taken Islamist militias Libya, reports distributed within U.S. government “included warning one aircraft could used attack … date marking anniversary Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks …” One official report assembled highly respected Bill Gertz said, “There number commercial airliners Libya missing. We found September 11 happen hijacked planes.” Gertz senior editor Free Beacon, built career 27 years reporter, editor columnist Washington Times. He’s also authored six books online biography reveals state-run Xinhua news agency 2006 identified No. 1 “anti-China expert” world. His report missing jetliners notes authorities high level concern convergence cases missing airplanes 13th anniversary Sept. 11 terror attacks. It also two years Sept. 11 terror attacks U.S. facilities Benghazi, Libya, scandal still reverberating Obama administration threatening become game-changer 2014 elections. Ambassador Christopher Stevens three Americans killed attack. What YOU think? Do fear America’s safety? Sound today’s WND poll. A State Department official declined comment, Gertz reported. The officials quoted Gertz said U.S. intelligence agencies trying locate airplanes belonging two Libyan airline companies, confirmed aircraft theft, reportedly happened takeover terrorists Tripoli International Airport August. “The state-owned Libyan Airlines fleet summer included 14 passenger cargo jetliners, including seven Airbus 320s, one Airbus 330, two French ATR-42 turboprop aircraft, four Bombardier CJR-900s,” report said. “Libyan state-owned Afriqiyah Airways fleet made 13 aircraft, including three Airbus 319s, seven Airbus 320s, two Airbus 330s, one Airbus 340.” The report blames Libyan Dawn, one terror organizations operating there, alleged thefts late August. Following warnings Western intelligence agencies, Tunisia halted flights Tripoli, Sirte Misrata potential jets would appear suicide missions, report said. And Egypt halted flights Libya. Gertz said military components Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia Egypt put higher level alert. Libya uncontrolled disaster area since Obama administration engineered removal 2011 strongman Muammar Gadhafi office. His departure left terror factions struggling control nation plunged chaos. Both Libyan Dawn another group called Ansar al-Shariah declared Libya’s parliament terror groups. The report said Ansar al-Shariah reportedly surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft guns rocket-propelled grenades, among weapons. Abderrahmane Mekkaoui, Moroccan military expert, explained Al Jazeera broadcasting “credible intelligence” reports say jets intended use group called Masked Men Brigade attacks 9/11 date. Gertz reported counterterrorism expert, Sebastian Gorka, explained events could develop stolen jets. “The first would commercial airliners used Sept. 11, 2001, literally turning innocent mode mass transit super-high precision guided missile immense potency,” said. “The second tactic could use airframe civilian markings tool deception insert full payload armed terrorists locale otherwise always open commercial carriers,” said. Gertz’s report noted planes become agent destruction. “Who needs ballistic missiles passenger planes?” asked Michael Rubin, American Enterprise Institute. “Even empty, loaded fuel, devastating.”
Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'
In new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons says intended Kurds actually air dropped territory control. At least one bundle U.S. weapons airdropped Syria appears fallen hands ISIS, dangerous misfire American mission speed aid Kurdish forces making stand Kobani. Source: The Daily Beast. Read full article. (link)
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire
While child entrepreneurs become increasingly common last decade, many hit lofty heights 17-year-old “teen wolf” Mohammed Islam reached trading earnings reached “high eight figures.” As New York Post reports, Islam, teenager Queens, still lives home parents, trading stock exchange lunch breaks Stuyvesant High School. The Teen Wolf son immigrants Bengal South Asia. Mohammed trades two friends, hope start hedge fund Teen Wolf turns 18 graduates high school. Islam started penny stocks unbelievable age 9. When kids fourth grade, they’re learning play sports, figuring fractions. Mohammed putting tutoring earnings work. As often happens stock exchange, Islam lost initial investment. He describes event “paralyzing,” swore market thinking didn’t required nerves steel. Bengal region Asia Perhaps better understand losses crippled him, Islam turned studying modern finance, became enthralled Paul Tudor Jones. Jones billionaire Connecticut manages hedge funds private assets. As often case, much Jones’ success came heels failure. Thousands thousands dollars lost, over, Jones kept coming back more, ultimately captured overwhelming success. That fortitude, paired positive outlook, inspired Mohammed give game another try. And like man inspired him, Mohammed Islam become resounding success right. The Teen Wolf moniker reference Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal Jordan Belfort — called “wolf Wall Street,” another young trader uncanny ability make money stock exchanges. Islam trading buddies intend become billionaires next year. “What makes world go round? Money. If money flowing, businesses don’t keep going there’s innovation, products, investments, growth, jobs.” But according Mohammed Islam friends, it’s money. “We want create brotherhood. Like, us connected, something together, influence.” The Post reported despite resounding success, Islam shy modest, gave rough estimate earnings. While bright future, grand dreams journey it, content expensive meals Morimoto (an upscale Japanese restaurant), high end BMW license drive, swanky Manhattan apartment he’s old enough move into. The real “Wolf Wall Street” wasn’t exactly role model material, Inquisitr pointed out, even movie beleaguered controversy monetary fraud. Hopefully catchy nickname “Teen Wolf” re-imaged smart tenacious teen New York City.
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater
Experts know whether meteorite disintegrated impact shot ground Kashmira Gander writes Independent Independent Sunday Monday 08 September 2014 Experts across world attempting understand whether mysterious bang heard Nicaraguan capital Managua Saturday night caused meteorite broke passing asteroid. Baffled residents Central American city told reporters heard loud boom around 11pm, see anything shoot across sky. Meanwhile, scientists uncertain whether missing rock disintegrated shot deep ground. "I sitting porch I saw nothing, sudden I heard large blast. We thought bomb felt expansive wave," Jorge Santamaria told reporters. Jose Millan, Nicaraguan Institute Earth Studies (Ineter), said residents capital made lucky escape one injured. "We need celebrate fact fell area where, thank God, cause danger population," said. A committee formed investigate incident confirmed noise caused “relatively small” meteorite fell asteroid passing close Earth, said Government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo. She added international experts called upon help local scientists understand situation possible links "Pitbull" asteroid. Meanwhile, Wilfried Strauch, adviser institute territorial studies, said "very strange one reported streak light." "We ask anyone photo something," said. A Nicaraguan soldier checking crater The meteorite left crater radius 39 feet depth 16 feet near Managua's international airport air force base, said Humberto Saballos, volcanologist Nicaraguan institute territorial studies took part investigation. It yet unclear whether meteorite disintegrated impact became buried, added. Humberto Garcia, astronomy centre National Autonomous University Nicaragua, said meteorite could related Pitbull. "We study could ice rock," said. Two Nicaraguan soldiers guard crater Meanwhile, British scientist Dr Dan Brown said agreed crater may linked Pitbull, 2014 RC, asteroid, said solution. The astronomy expert Nottingham Trent University, said: “Although impact occurred roughly 12 hours asteroid passed Earth, part planet facing right direction fragment associated it. "If unrelated object, however, demonstrates really monitor potentially dangerous rocks there," suggested. Echoing confusion Nicaraguan residents experts, continued: "It certainly makes absolute sense people surrounding impact site heard loud boom - flash light bright object also observed that. "Further analysis hopefully help establish possibly give better indication object's trajectory. It still seen material meteorite recovered. "Both pieces evidence would make possible link 2014 RC help us understand asteroids," said. Additional reporting AP Reuters Exclusive extract Janis Winehouse's poignant new memoir
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times
CNN released new audio tonight Michael Brown case, reportedly confirms Darren Wilson shot Brown 11 times—five behind six face-to-face. You even hear significant pause two strings fire. This new audio also matches statements made Piaget Crenshaw Tiffany Mitchell. And necessarily confirm everything they've said, certainly adds credibility. Both women say saw Brown Wilson wrestling doorway police car Brown ran away shot back. Then, say, Brown turned around arms shot again. How much information like come see charges pressed?
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants
'It's nonsense', says official North Korea moved deny reports leader Kim Jong-un planning open restaurant Scotland. The dictator presides chain restaurants known “Pyongyang”, international branches already including Amsterdam, number North Korea experts speculated Scotland would natural target expansion. Kim reported taken keen interest Scottish affairs referendum debate September, officials claimed felt vote independence “would positive thing”. It also noted Scotch whisky favourite tipple among North Korean elite, tourists asked make gifts drink tour guides hosts instead cash. Michael Madden, editor North Korea Leadership Watch blog, told Scotsman “would surprise opted open restaurant Scotland”, UK-Korea Institute’s Jenny Town told Mirror Kim would support “any country struggling independence legitimacy”. But speaking The Independent, official North Korean embassy said reports: “It’s nonsense.” He declined comment further. Mr Madden said Pyongyang restaurants around 10 years, significant proportion takings funnelled back government coffers. He said one ways majority people experience North Korean culture without making trip secretive state. “But tailor menus suit,” added. “Customers Western Europe won’t get plateful dog!”
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq
A South American nun suddenly started experiencing sharp pains, long rushed hospital, gave birth baby boy. Now, nun claiming idea pregnant. Reports say Catholic sister, originally South America, belonged order Macerata, Italy arrived convent June. Recently, experiencing sudden sharp stomach pains, sister rushed hospital fellow nuns told pregnant. Soon after, gave birth baby boy. The baby reportedly still hospital undergoing testing make sure totally healthy. Reports say nun’s convent considering taking care child.
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong
An image gold Bugatti Veyron graffitied drawing penis may upset car lovers - turns vehicle included YouTube hoax. Photos multiple Instagram accounts revealed luxury vehicle permanently damaged. Instagram user @andreysmygov uploaded photo last Friday Veyron caption suggested painted stunt TwinzTV, Car Crushing noted. Scroll video Graffitied: A photo 'vandalised' Bugatti Veyron reportedly taken Seattle, according Reddit post Busted: This Instagram photo @andreysmygov included caption suggesting car spray-painted stunt TwinzTV 'How often u get spray paint Bugatti lol shoutout homie @vgtorious letting us @twinztv1 @twinztv2 @twinz_tv @nigxl @alexwood66,' wrote online. Brothers Jeremy Jason Holden run YouTube pranks channel TwinzTV. A Saturday photo @andreysmygov shows user @vgtorious standing next Veyron, time different graffiti. Instead drawing male genitalia, graffiti initials 'VG' A Sunday photo account shows @andreysmygov @vgotorious leaning scrubbed-clean Veyron, suggesting luxury vehicle longer features markings. 'Filming new vid @vgtorious one going sick! #vgproductions #bugatti' @andreysmygov captioned photograph. A photo car waxed - graffitti visible - posted @vgtorious Instagram Saturday, though clear took place. Different drawing: A second photo @andreysmygov's account shows different graffitti hood Veyron He also re-grammed photograph showing next letters 'VG' hood, confirming hoax. 'Oops I think pranked WORLD video aired...yet �� #bugatti #veyron #vw #youtube #global #news #pranks #funny #bugattifamilyimsorry', captioned snap. Jeremy Holden also uploaded snap penis drawing Veyron Saturday. He wrote, 'I got spray paint @vgtorious #buggati today haha #prank #twinztv #youtube #funny #seattle @_twinztv_ @twinztv2 @andreysmygov.' TwinzTV already featured Bugatti Veyron August YouTube video, Car Crushing pointed out. In clip, man leans Veyron picking women, much less expensive silver car parked behind him. When convinces women get food him, one leave realize Veyron's actual owner - actually owns silver car.
Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking
If already using iOS 8's iCloud Drive feature, might want avoid iPhone's "Reset" menu. MacRumors reports newly discovered bug causes iCloud Drive documents permanently erased cloud whenever user picks "Reset All Settings." Ordinarily option would simply says; iPhone's settings preferences immediately reset original factory defaults. No media (music, photos, etc.) documents supposed erased otherwise affected performing action — happen choose "Erase All Content Settings" wipe phone entirely. But something's clearly right, MacRumors reporting documents stored iCloud Drive disappearing Apple's iWork apps upon reset. They're also vanishing OS X Yosemite, bring iCloud Drive Mac users later fall. Right now, iOS users along Yosemite developers beta testers reporting problem. iCloud Drive also available Windows, unclear issue popped there. It's also yet obvious widespread bug whether affects everyone transitioned iCloud Drive. In testing, using "Reset All Settings" deleted iWork documents stored iCloud Drive iPhone iCloud.com. After allowing time syncing Mac running OS X Yosemite, documents disappeared machine well. Preview TextEdit documents, cannot accessed iPhone, remained untouched Mac. There's easy way recovering documents deleted iCloud. Apple added "recently deleted" folder Photos iOS 8, yet implemented similar option iCloud. MacRumors notes issue "may limited Apple's iWork apps like Pages, Keynote, Numbers" iCloud Drive files third-party apps could safe bug. But now, best option avoiding "Reset All Settings" entirely fix place. We've reached Apple clarification what's going on.
Seth Rogen Is Woz
Canadian media reports say shots fired National War Memorial Ottawa. The national broadcaster CBC reports soldier shot.
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) claimed Tuesday "at least" 10 Islamic State fighters apprehended attempting enter U.S. southern border. The San Diego Republican said U.S. Border Patrol "sources" told "at least 10 ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas." "If really want protect Americans ISIS, secure southern border -- it’s simple," said. "They caught border, therefore know ISIS coming across border. If catch five 10 know there’s going dozens get caught border patrol," said Fox News’ "On Record Greta Van Susteren." "ISIS doesn’t navy, don’t air force, don’t nuclear weapons," added. "The way ISIS going harm Americans coming southern border -- already have." Two country's top intelligence officials said last month credible evidence support theory militants operating next door, plotting sneak across border. A spokesperson Department Homeland Security said Wednesday Hunter's claim otherwise "categorically false." "The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground," DHS spokeswoman Marsha Catron told The Huffington Post. "DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border." Hunter, sits House Armed Services Committee, first member Congress raise alarm prospect extremists crossing border. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) suggested last month infiltration possible, Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) said already happening. Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) also sounded similar notes terrorists crossing state's border Mexico. GOP Rep. Tom Cotton, running U.S. Senate Arkansas, claimed Tuesday extremists actively collaborating Mexican drug cartels infiltrate U.S. border attack Arkansans. Asked comment Wednesday, spokesman Hunter said information came "high level source" DHS "actively discouraging talk IS border." "The congressman conveying knows -- told," Hunter spokesman Joe Kasper told The Huffington Post. "And DHS’ statement, makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand -- it’s way long time don’t expect change. No surprise there."
Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead
SANAA, Dec 6 (Reuters) - U.S. journalist Luke Somers killed rescue operation Shabwa southern Yemen Saturday, senior official president's office told Reuters. He said government initially believed Somers freed later learnt died. Yemen's Defence Ministry said earlier Saturday American hostage freed operation killed 10 Islamist militants. (Reporting By Peter Salisbury Sanaa; Writing Angus McDowall Riyadh; Editing Janet Lawrence) Sorry currently accepting comments article.
Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Married Off”
(CNN) -- Boko Haram laughed Nigeria's announcement ceasefire agreement, saying deal schoolgirls abducted spring converted Islam married off. Nigerian officials announced two weeks ago struck deal Islamist terror group. The deal, government said, included release 200 girls whose kidnapping April boarding school nation's north stunned world. In video released Saturday, Islamist group's notorious leader fired series denials. "Don't know 200 Chibok schoolgirls converted Islam?" Abubakar Shekau said. "They memorized two chapters Quran." Shekau slammed reports planned release. "We married off. They marital homes," said, chuckling. The group's leader also denied knowing negotiator government claimed worked deal, saying represent Boko Haram. "We spare slaughter get him," said negotiator. It clear video made. Mike Omeri, coordinator Nigeria's National Information Centre, told CNN Saturday claims contradict made conversations Nigerian government involved. Omeri said Nigeria's government everything possible verify claims made video. Nigerian officials met Boko Haram Chad twice talks mediated Chadian President Idriss Deby, according aide. The ceasefire deal announced October 17 followed month negotiations representatives group, said Hassan Tukur, aide Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. After deal announced, aide said final negotiations girls' release would completed meeting week later Chad. That day passed without signs girls. Boko Haram growing challenge In video, Shekau talked peace violence -- promising "war, striking killing gun." This strategy appears playing parts Nigeria, Boko Haram fighters continued deadly attacks villages despite government claims ceasefire. More people abducted scores killed recent weeks, including one attack day ceasefire left eight dead. Days later, members Islamist terror group abducted least 60 young women girls Christian villages northeast Nigeria, residents said Thursday. Heavily armed fighters left 1,500 naira, $9, kola nuts bride price women abducted, residents said. For part, Nigerian government backing down. Rather, stepping military campaign militants criminals parts West African nation, Nigeria's defense ministry said Saturday. The military claimed airstrikes ground operations repelled attacks civilians Adamawa Borno, two states northeastern Nigeria strongholds frequent targets Boko Haram. Officials "studying" latest video, even military continues recognize talks aimed assuring release kidnapped schoolgirls, ministry said. Boko Haram, whose name translates "Western education sin" Hausa language, trying impose strict Sharia law across Nigeria, split majority Muslim north mostly Christian south. Like ISIS, ambitions caliphate, religious state. The group's attacks intensified recent years apparent show defiance nation's military onslaught. Its ambitions appear expanded destruction government. As part insurgency, bombed schools, churches mosques, kidnapped women children assassinated politicians religious leaders alike. CNN's Isha Sesay, Lillian Leposo, Christabelle Fombu, Greg Botelho Nana Karikari-apau contributed report.
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real
Comcast, cable company widely applauded outstanding customer service, unfairly come fire totally reasonable reaction customer's complaint. According Consumerist, customer identified "Conal" claims fired accounting firm worked Comcast rep called boss told trying report terrible customer service experience Comcast higher-ups. The story starts Comcast stories start: cable company charging Conal services equipment neither requested used. When Conal tried cancel subscription October 2013, Comcast reportedly sent $1,820 worth equipment request — stuff like modems, DVRs, etc. — charged it. When Conal created itemized spreadsheet took Comcast customer-service reps show overcharges, refused acknowledge mistake. So Conal decided escalate issue company's controller, spoke someone office there, equally unhelpful. No one ever sorted Conal's customer-service request. This, Conal claims, gets messy. The accounting firm worked reportedly fired someone Comcast contacted employer say Conal called express displeasure Comcast. The call kicked ethics investigation led Conal's firing. According Consumerist: Comcast maintained Conal used name employer attempt get leverage. Conal insists never mentioned employer name, believes someone Comcast Controller’s office looked online figured worked. When fired, Conal’s employer explained reason dismissal e-mail Comcast summarized conversations Conal Comcast employees. Plus, though company consulted Comcast, Conal argues bringing name helped situation first place. Comcast: still worst.
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation
A trip Bali turned Dylan Thomas real-life Spiderman. The 21-year-old holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach. Doctors told Mr Thomas bitten small insect fronted Bali International Medical Centre Sunday morning red mark started grow length, NT News reports. Scroll video Dylan Thomas, 21, holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach Doctors Bali International Medical Centre initially thought bitten small insect gave antihistamine. When started blister next day, knew wrong So imagine surprise doctors discovered tropical spider burrowing skin day later. Mr Thomas, recently returned Bunbury home Western Australia, initially given antihistamine cream treat mark. But next morning found started blister, Mr Thomas went see dermatologist. Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed The 21-year-old since returned Bunbury home WA yet find kind spider Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed. 'It bit bigger size match head,' Mr Thomas told newspaper. 'It takes lot deter me, I feel violated. It bizarre experience know something like body couple days.' The tropical spider taken away testing Mr Thomas soon told exactly kind spider was.
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) told Greta Van Susteren tonight ten ISIS fighters crossed border Mexico America. Greta Van Susteren: You say they’re coming southern border changes dynamics. Do information evidence actually coming southern border now? Rep. Hunter: Yes. Greta: Tell know? Rep. Hunter: I know least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across southern border Texas. Via On Record: In September Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) also said four known terrorists apprehended US border Texas still held.
Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-corruption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing
None 28 bodies found mass grave restive southwestern Mexico belongs group 43 missing students, Mexico's attorney general said Tuesday. The students, feared massacred police league gang members, went missing southwestern state Guerrero Sept. 26. The discovery series mass graves near town Iguala, students went missing, sent shockwaves throughout Mexico, around 100,000 people died drug-related violence since 2007. Speaking press conference Tuesday, Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo said none charred remains found first mass grave matched genetically missing students. "What I say first mass grave found, first ones already results, I say (remains) match DNA families young people," said. But authorities found another mass grave near site, Murillo said, checking remains. He also said 14 police officers arrested following earlier arrests least 22. Protesters Mexico Demand Answers Missing Students Mass Graves Found Near Mexico Town Where Students Went Missing Mexico Massacre Victims Feared Be Missing Students
Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say
From Batman technology pioneer, Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale reportedly “late talks” play Steve Jobs Sony Pictures’ upcoming biopic Apple co-founder’s life, Variety reports. If Variety correct, film Bale, played Moses Ridley Scott’s biblical film Batman “Dark Knight” trilogy, also director screenwriter Academy Award belt. Aaron Sorkin Oscar 2011 writing “The Social Network,” 2010 film Mark Zuckerberg Facebook’s humble start 2003. (RELATED: First Full Trailer For ‘Exodus’ Is Intense) Sorkin said plans film divided three scenes, mainly. “The first one Mac. The second one NeXT, left Apple. And third one iPod.” Variety’s sources said Bale would likely shoot film spring 2015.
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
Update: Since publication article, several people reported may hoax. A 'feminist' blog US caused outrage author apparently admitted aborting male fetus based negative past experiences men. In article astounding difficult believe actually true, 'Lana' even expresses surprise "many friends, several family members completely cut communication me". The author purports fallen pregnant 2012 overjoyed thought discovered boy point decided abortion. Read full blog post Abortion based gender illegal UK week religious groups wrote MPs support amendment 1967 Abortion Act clarify point. The amendment reads: "Nothing section 1 Abortion Act 1967 interpreted allowing pregnancy terminated grounds sex unborn child." The practise said still happen UK particularly ethnic communities boys valued girls. In blog, Lana details one negative experiences terrible felt could "bring another monster world". The story begins aboard plane way Occupy Wall Street rally San Francisco. A man sat next upon discovering going says: "B****** like need learn place." Lana screams "assault" male attendant rushes refuses anything physical contact made. She admits considering lying move one two spare seats "both back Economy". She adds: "I flabbergasted, betrayed recommended I move one empty seats. This left tears. "I knew way get away move seats I tearfully felt though I verbally emotionally raped." Lana goes pregnancy made feel body betrayed much experienced "crying, sobbing, uncontrollable weeping, mental anguish likes may experienced lives destroyed war". Her decision abort fetus prompted furious comments. "I almost threw reading this." "The disturbing part say yes finding babies gender baby realize boy, would done then?" Fact people abort kids western world gender thoroughly sick. "after learning fetus male" http://t.co/YZCR0UDfBu — Caleb Bond (@TheCalebBond) February 10, 2015 Misandry means hatred men. Feminism means equality genders. "Feminist Has Abortion Because Child Was Boy" NO. She misandrist — Jenni (@lifeofjennibeck) February 9, 2015 Since backlash, Lana appears written another blog defend position claims received death threats result original post. Unfortunately misses point people would angry instead reiterates right choose happens body. I find hard hate anybody, faults own, usually rather product environment social circle exposed to. I beg you, good, take look decide right want spend rest life angry internet, want fight woman’s right wants body.
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager
A man genitals chopped thrown street angry mob India allegedly sexually assaulting young woman. It happened Ganganagar north-western state Rajasthan, graphic scenes captured video. According local authorities, extreme action response high-profile incidences sexual attacks India. World-wide condemnation greeted gang-rape student bus two years ago, shook image country. Alleged attacker Suresh Kumar, 40, molested teenager street, screams help alerted crowd came aid. Kumar dragged nearby butcher's shop beaten heavily sticks nearly hour, according reports. Vigilantes hacked genitals meat cleaver, throwing street. The incident left Kumar critical condition. A reported witness said action intended send message sexual assault tolerated. Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, time stopped. "This sends strong message anyone like - punished." A police spokesman, called attackers hand in, said: "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice." Related2015 UN Millennium Development Goals: Brazil Hits Target But Others Failing Poverty EducationIndia: Girl Burned Alive For Refusing Stop Using Mobile PhoneIndia: Consider Husband Son Under Sharia, Clerics Tell Woman Raped Father-in-LawIndia: Girl Raped Killed Defending Father BeatingIndia Independence Day Speech: PM Narendra Modi Says 'Our Heads Hang Shame' Over RapesOver Half Indian Children Have Faced Sexual AbuseIndia: Fashion Shoot Depicting 2012 Delhi Gang Rape Murder Sparks Global Outrage
How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?
Anna Wintour reportedly major rat infestation Vogue office New York City. According Radar Online, dirtiest rats decided move Anna’s new office Vogue staffers Freedom Tower. Insiders claim rodents invaded beloved accessories closet, leaving abundance rat droppings pricey couture, computers, desks. Further reports claim decision put Kanye West Kim Kardashian cover Vogue magazine may something infestation. “The office over-run Vogue staff secretly whispering rats could cosmic payback Anna’s decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover. There much backlash, this!” As previously reported Inquisitr, critics happy Anna Wintour Vogue staff making “disgusting” decision place reality starlet husband cover. The couple photographed April 2014 cover Anne Leibovitz. Vogue Condé Nast relocated Times Square One World Trade Center. However, rat infestation made Vogue relocation smooth would liked – especially since reports claim rats located Vogue floors building. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into… The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in. Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes…and it’s assumed rats got in.” Even though Anna Wintour usually allows employees eat drink inside office, reports claim strict policy restricting food drinks issued enforced infestation problem resolved. Gawker, media outlet initially broke story, reports Anna Wintour refuses even enter office pristine condition completely freed rat infestation. Anna Wintour made headlines recently expressing felt Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover shoot experience. Huffington Post reports Wintour even hopes “another Kim Kardashian comes along year.” In words, Anna Wintour feel cover photo “disgusting” all. On contrary, believes touching charming.
Ebola Scare in Kansas City
At 9:30 Saturday night, Kansas City apartment building sealed seriously ill person taken Research Medical Center treatment. A source close situation said "all part medical facility quarantined." According KCTV-5, Kansas City Health Department monitoring patient may contracted contagious virus. At point, health officials saying Ebola unlikely,. Spokesman Jeff Hershberger said extremely unlikely person Ebola travel history lack symptoms. It unknown time patient suffering anyone else sick. Gateway Pundit reporting patient Nigerian woman became ill Ebola-like symptoms. UPDATE: Via KSHB -41, Dr. Rex Archer, director Health Kansas City Health Department said, "this person supposedly Nigeria come evidence actually cases were." The patient 102-degree fever Saturday night. Nigeria 20 cases Ebola current outbreak according CDC.
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released
Editors' note: There images post readers may find distressing. Islamic State militants Tuesday released video purported show beheading James Foley, American freelance journalist missing since kidnapped Syria November 2012. The authenticity video could immediately verified. When contacted Mashable, NSC spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL. The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity. If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” James Foley Aleppo, Syria, November 2012. Image: Nicole Tung The video opens clip President Barack Obama's remarks announcing launch airstrikes Islamic State positions near Erbil northern Iraq. A black screen shows text, "A message America," Foley appears kneeling desert landscape, wearing orange jumpsuit microphone attached. A hooded man wearing all-black clothes tan military boots standing behind gun leather holster. "I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality," Foley says, among things, remarks seemingly prepared captors. The video switches man black, holding serrated knife. "This James Wright Foley — American citizen country," man says British-accented English. "As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State.... Effectively, aggression towards Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic Caliphate leadership. So attempt you, Obama, deny safety Muslims living safety Islamic Caliphate result bloodshed people." The man beheads Foley, using knife video fades black. After shot Foley's lifeless body decapitated head, video switches executioner standing behind another man orange jumpsuit, identified text screen Steven Joel Sotloff. "The life American prisoner, Obama, depends next decision." Sotloff, American freelance journalist working Time magazine among publications, kidnapped near Syrian-Turkish border Aug. 4, 2013. The video goes black. The video first reported Zaid Benjamin, reporter Arabic-language Radio Sawa, said came Furqan Media, official outlet Islamic State. (Twitter suspended — reinstated — account.) The video appeared surface first Twitter account @mujahid4life, belonging someone described Twitter bio 19 years old, "anti-democracy. Loyal Caliphate. Harsh kuffar. #Revert" It take long people worked Foley began reacting Twitter. I w/ James Foley Aleppo, August 2012 day #Selahaddin. Syrian opposition members adoring him. He kind, brave man — ilhan tanir (@WashingtonPoint) August 19, 2014 My thoughts James Foley’s family. No matter faced, unfailingly kind, generous, warm. A wonderful soul. — Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) August 19, 2014 There also anger Twitter YouTube immediately take video. It's lucky video unlicensed Katy Perry song soundtrack would've deleted YouTube seconds. — Tom Gara (@tomgara) August 19, 2014 However, within hour first report beheading, video taken down. Images video below, showing Foley execution Sotloff threatened: Shortly clip appeared web, journalists observers watch region began tweeting hashtag — #ISISmediaBlackout — pledging stop sharing Islamic State propaganda. "You know I think? And I know crazy sounds, need #ISISmediaBlackout. Amputate reach. Pour water flame," said Tumblr blogger known LibyaLiberty Twitter appeared first mention hashtag. "From out, I share photo video violence intentionally recorded & released ISIS propaganda," tweeted. Many others, promptly, joined pledge. A statement group called Free James Foley said: "We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers." Post Free James Foley. Foley's parents appeared Today show last year, pleading release. UPDATED 8:28 p.m. ET: GlobalPost CEO Philip Balboni released statement Tuesday video purportedly shows beheading journalist James Foley. "On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic," Balboni said. “Although GlobalPost’s investigation one point led us believe James held Syrian government, later given strong reason believe held Islamic rebels Syria," added. "We withheld information request family advice authorities cooperating effort protect Jim. GlobalPost, working private security company, amassed enormous amount information made public.” Foley reported Syria GlobalPost freelancer. Have something add story? Share comments.
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire
A soldier shot Ottawa's War Memorial Canada, near parliament, gunman opened fire. The soldier treated paramedics police rushed scene. Witnesses told CBC News suspected shooter carrying rifle. The Canadian parliament building reported lockdown following shooting. Police cordoned area blocked access Parliament Hill. Other reports said shots fired inside parliament. RT @storyfulpro: CANADA: @josh_wingrove A body outside ground library parliament pic.twitter.com/LcUfNzKSdj— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) October 22, 2014 Police say located car belonging suspect advised people stay away Parliament HIll due ongoing incident. Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper said safe evacuated building shooting. At least 20 shots shots Canada parliament, according witnesses. A Globe Mail journalist said "dozens shots" fired inside Canadian parliament. Other reports said man wearing long dark coat "Middle Eastern scarf covering face". Witness said man long rifle, dark coat, wearing described Middle Eastern scarf covering face. #cdnpoli #ottnews— Jordan Press (@jpress) October 22, 2014 A Canadian member parliament tweeting inside building, Malcom Allen, said shots heard inside caucus room centre block: We're lock hill shots heard outside caucus room centre block— Malcolm Allen (@Malcolm_AllenMP) October 22, 2014 Justin Ling, Ottawa bureau chief Hyperpartisans Weekly, inside parliament building, tweeted could one shooter: Obviously, reports active gunman killed. But saw reports second gunman.— Justin Ling (@Justin_Ling) October 22, 2014 The report seems confirmed CBS, quoted Ottawa Police saying multiple suspects large shooting. Two MPs tweeted gunman killed police. The attack came day 25-year-old Muslim convert shot dead police killed Canadian solider injured second near Montreal. Police said man, Martin Couture Rouleau recently become influenced radical Islam, friends suggesting acted response appeal Isis (Islamic State) group jihadi sympathisers across world launch 'lone wolf' attacks westerners "wherever found". Canada raised terror threat level country low medium following attack. RelatedCanada Raises Terror Threat Level Because Isis 'Lone Wolf' Attack Two SoldiersCanada: Isis 'Lone Wolf' Killer Martin Couture Rouleau Mows Down Soldiers Car MORE TO FOLLOW...
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola
Several Iraqi news sources, including Al Sabah website al-Maalomah, reported Wednesday several ISIS fighters sought help hospital Mosul, 250 miles north city Baghdad, developing symptoms Ebola virus infection. Citing anonymous sources hospital Mosul, Al-Sabah reported two cases Ebola 26 cases HIV/AIDS confirmed health authorities Mosul. The newspaper also claimed ISIS recruits African countries brought virus Iraq. The International Business Times UK also carried similar report, quoting Iraqi news sources. But spokesperson Iraqi health ministry, Ahmed Rudaini, denied reports two cases Ebola virus infection diagnosed among ISIS militants Mosul. The Iraqi health ministry spokesperson said infection confirmed Mosul none hospitals city diagnostic facilities. He said Central Laboratory Public Health Baghdad ability confirm cases Ebola virus infection. Responding inquiries Mashable, WHO spokesperson, Christy Feigh, said, "We official notification Ebola." Feigh said WHO investigating reports would give assistance needed. But UN workers banned entering ISIS-held areas Iraq Syria, unclear organization would able confirm report render assistance suspected cases. Mashable, however, reports Kurdish official appeared convinced reports accurate told Kurdish news outlet Xendan militants reported hospital Mosul symptoms Ebola virus infection. While Iraqi health officials probably taking reports seriously, outbreak Ebola among ISIS militants could serious consequences due lack access ISIS-held areas. It also feared ISIS militants could use presence virus among militants terror weapon opponents, complicating prosecution war extremist group. However, symptoms Ebola virus, including vomiting, diarrhea bleeding late stages disease similar several diseases, including malaria, yellow fever typhoid fever. Thus, possible militants reported hospital Mosul suffering diseases symptoms similar Ebola. Given fact reports carried exclusively pro-government newspapers, possible rule designed cause confusion among ISIS fighters discourage new recruits joining group. It known ISIS significant number recruits West African countries epidemic reported. Thousands foreign recruits ISIS arrived mostly North African countries Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria Somalia reports Ebola outbreak. The Ebola virus epidemic claimed thousands lives West African countries Sierra Leone, Liberia Guinea. Recently, Nigerian news sources reported ISIS making efforts recruit fighters country. The report led Nigerian government issue statement urging Middle Eastern countries carry thorough background checks Nigerians applying visas. The report ISIS militants might contracted Ebola comes weeks Benjamin T. Decker, intelligence analyst Iraq specialist Middle East research firm Levantine Group, said ISIS executed 11 doctors Mosul refusing treat wounded militants. Mosul among several cities ISIS fighters captured earlier year 2014. The militants declared Islamic caliphate areas captured. Mosul, particular, ISIS control since June 2014. The city reportedly suffered food, water power shortages since extremist militants took over. Residents suffered brutal treatment reports executions enslavement minorities women children. On Wednesday, US allies carried 17 airstrikes Syria 12 Iraq. The airstrikes Syria targeted ISIS facilities Al Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr Kobani, strikes Iraq hit ISIS buildings positions around Mosul, Fallujah Sinja.
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax
In case missed it, Vogue Magazine, one glamorous institutions country dealing least glamorous issue ever: rat infestation. The rodents literally living Vogue’s new luxurious digs 1 World Trade Center New York City. Reportedly, rats took residence Anna Wintour’s office moved magazine’s world famous accessories closet. Gawker reported critters made Vogue’s infamous editor-in-chief scared enter office without taking precautions first. “The infestation acute, one source said, fashion title’s editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, recently issued standing order: Staffers must ensure personal office rat-free enters it…” A source told People that: “the girls work see droppings everywhere. It’s nasty.” The rats also reportedly eaten holes shoe boxes left droppings floor accessories closet. It’s believed Vogue’s newest office mates made way office ventilation system. Anna Wintours New Office One WTC via Hamish Bowles Instagram (Photo via Instagram) Anna Wintour’s new office. Call petty, headline made gag, also made laugh hysterically. I know vermin infestations laughing matter many hilarious visuals headline conjures up. I keep picturing rats happily nibbling Michael Kors dresses they’re camembert cheese. I also can’t get image Anna Wintour frantically directing Vogue staffers hands knees verify office rat-free. It seems like something episode Ugly Betty scene sequel The Devil Wears Prada (which I would totally watch way). Vogue Staffers Packing Up Via Vogue Instagram (Photo via Instagram) If you’re worried Anna deal crisis, never fear. Apparently Ms. Wintour calling Olivia Pope rat exterminators. A source allegedly told Radar.com following: “Anna isn’t amused top pest control experts hired get problem dealt quickly.” I guess situation getting handled. In meantime, I’ll keep picturing rats chasing models around halls Vogue’s new offices. You reach post's author, J. Assita Camara, twitter.
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’
Journeyman golfer Dan Olsen retracted claims Tiger Woods suspended PGA Tour using performance-enhancing drugs PGA Tour Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, vehemently denied claims. Olsen told ESPN.com's Michael Collins "it opinon," courtesy ESPN.com's Bob Harig. "Everything I said radio interview opinion based firsthand knowledge facts," Olsen told ESPN.com. "I want make full retraction everything I said entire radio interview, I apologize Tiger, Nike, Phil [Mickelson], [commissioner] Tim Finchem PGA Tour." Olsen certainly made several major allegations. Per Harig, Olsen claimed 730AM The Game Lansing, Michigan, Woods suspended month due use PEDs exempt player name revealed information. He also claimed Woods used "cheater ball." "It's testosterone, something else," Olsen told station, per Harig. "I think said done, he's gonna surpass Lance Armstrong infamy." "These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false,'' said Steinberg statement earlier, courtesy Harig. "They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous. The PGA Tour confirmed truth claims." Ty Votaw, executive vice president PGA Tour, added that, "There truth whatsoever claims. We categorically deny allegations." However, PGA Tour told Harig player tested positive PEDs, required announce suspension, punishments recreational drugs remain undisclosed. Olsen's original claims, opinions, certainly inflammatory remains seen reprimanded Until now, Woods character called question critics past transgressions, professional achievements still held esteem.
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war
What happened Texas City plumbers put black pickup truck auction year ago? This week, Mark Oberholtzer among trying piece together story. An Islamic extremist group Syria photographed opening fire back F-250 truck — company’s name phone number printed side — image circulating around Internet. A representative Mr. Oberholtzer’s company, Mark-1 Plumbing Company, tells CBS News company lost track truck selling AutoNation dealership Houston last year. Were members Ansar al-Deen Front – reps – operating Texas buying used trucks? Or indirect path? Some observers speculated must taken many, many trades get American South Middle East. But Andrew Collins, oversees Jalopnik.com’s “Truck Yeah!” vertical, says path Texas Syria may shorter may think. “If traded in, would idea it’s going,” Mr. Collins says. “The highest bidder takes it, whatever want.” The truck could put cargo ship bound Middle East car dealer within days. Car auctions, held several times week, attract used car dealers exporters, says. Exporters comprise small minority auction attendees purchase cars that, generally, worse condition ones American used car dealers buy, Collins says, also written auto industry The Christian Science Monitor. Exporters ship cars overseas, fixed resold. “The next person buy could exporter sold militants,” says Collins, bid auto auctions car dealership year. “I don’t know ISIS representatives car buying world — I don’t know anything them. But [exporters] could shipped Syria sold people mounted weapons it. It still would steps removed original seller, I don’t think complex.” An AutoNation manager would comment vehicle’s sale history CBS News. Oberholtzer tells Galveston County Daily News received thousand calls faxes Monday afternoon Tuesday evening photo pickup truck. Oberholtzer’s son, Jeff, tells ABC News received threatening phone calls around country. Call Mark-1 Plumbing anti-aircraft needs: https://t.co/jVqhxvnij3 — Shahed Amanullah (@shahed) December 17, 2014 "To think something would use pull trailers used terror, crazy," Jeff Oberholtzer says. "Never lifetime would think something like that."
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report
Fans "Star Wars" may wait December watch "The Force Awakens", new report states director JJ Abrams wants release movie summer. 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' might hit theaters summer along 'Jurassic World' 'The Avengers: Age Ultron'.Facebook/Star Wars An article appeared ikwiz claims film-maker approached Disney early release movie, currently scheduled hit theatres 18 December. As per report, Abrams made announcement 2015 Visual Effects Society Awards held 4 February. The website also stated Disney taken request seriously looking possible release date "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" summer. If reports true seventh instalment "Star Wars" film series released June along "Jurassic World" box office clash three anticipated movies year. The main reason early release film said alleged leaks plots images sets scripts Abrams believes make movie predictable worthy watching, according Movie Pilot.? However, makers "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" released official statement early release date movie.
Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV
Police stop arresting people low-level possession marijuana instead simply issue summons, sources said. The NYPD Mayor de Blasio prepared initiate change policy would drastically reduce number arrests possession pot, according law-enforcement sources. The department already halting pot “buy bust” operations, crime-fighting staple often led gun seizures arrests outstanding warrants, The Post earlier reported. Sources said “powers be,” including City Hall, wanted see decrease arrests pot “disastrous consequences’’ police relations minorities. Blacks Hispanics accounted 86 percent low-level pot busts year, according Marijuana Research Project. At press conference scheduled Monday, de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton expected announce key aspects policy change. They also likely spell details much marijuana considered low-level. De Blasio plans meet city’s five district attorneys week, according The New York Times, Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson already expressed disapproval policy change. Thompson curbed prosecution low-level possession marijuana borough, office already dismissed many misdemeanor marijuana cases. Earlier month, head borough’s narcotics unit summoned 1 Police Plaza told shift attention potent drugs.
'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ Abrams Pushing for Summer Release?
J.J. Abrams' heavily anticipated "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" currently slated open theaters Dec. 18, 2015. But there's truth recent release date rumors, sequel could hitting cinemas earlier schedule. An article The Telegraph cited two separate "unconfirmed reports" Ikwiz Movie Pilot indicating instead winter, Star Wars VII might arrive theaters "this summer." "J J's biggest reason reported Star Wars plot leaks pictures characters sent little scare would leaked therefore making film predictable worth watching," Movie Pilot wrote. Ikwiz meanwhile stated "Disney reportedly taking Abrams' request seriously, looking possible summer release." This conclusion apparently drawn statement "Star Trek" helmer gave Visual Effects Society Awards (2015) event Feb. 4 Abrams received VES Visionary Award. John Boyega, set appear "Star Wars" sequel, recently shared appreciation brilliance Abrams put gigantic film project. "It brilliant," Boyega told BBC. "J.J. Abrams obviously passionate guy well movie I can't wait come out." As movie itself, 22-year-old quipped fans really brace arrives. "I think excited," added. "We're going back originals, we're staying true practical effects original cast back, going great time."
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES. A masked militant claims murder retaliation American airstrikes Islamic State militants Iraq. Missing since Nov. 22, 2012, Foley appears forced read anti-American statement beheaded gruesome five-minute clip. An American freelance photojournalist missing since abducted Syria 22 months ago apparently beheaded Islamic State militant graphic video released Tuesday. Titled “A Message America,” gruesome clip shows masked militant saw away neck James Wright Foley, 40-year-old New Hampshire native captured Binesh, Syria Thanksgiving Day 2012. The family, "Free James Foley" Facebook page, yet confirm death. "Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers," statement reads. Foley, dressed orange kneeling desert, reads appears coerced statement alludes recent American airstrikes Islamic State Iraq. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government. For happen result complacency criminality,” Foley reads kneels beside armed militant, masked dressed black. “My message beloved parents: Save dignity, don’t accept minor compensation death people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq. I call brother John, member U.S. Air Force: Think doing. Think lives destroy, including family … I wish I could hope freedom seeing family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The militant, speaking English appears British accent, threatens America President Obama, directly Foley finishes speaking. “So attempt you, Obama, deny Muslims rights living safety Islamic caliphate result bloodshed people,” man says, gesturing knife uses behead Foley. The clip begins video President Obama announcing Aug. 7. American intervention Iraq militants. “Today I authorized two operations Iraq: targeted airstrikes protect American personnel, humanitarian effort help save thousands Iraqi civilians trapped mountain without food water, facing almost certain death,” Obama said clip. The 40-year-old New Hampshire native missing since 2012. James Foley reporting Middle East abducted. Foley, 40, New Hampshire native. He reporting Middle East abducted. Toward end video, terror group threatens kill another hostage, Steven Joel Soltoff, journalist contributed TIME missing since middle last year. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” man says holds Soltoff neck. The nearly five-minute clip since removed YouTube. It’s unclear where, exactly, murder filmed. The White House, statement National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden, confirmed "have seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley." "The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity," statement reads. "If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deppest condolences family friends." In 2002, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, 38, beheaded video Pakistan days abducted Al-Qaeda militants. sgoldstein@nydailynews.com On mobile device? Click watch video.
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager
Glenn Beck Wednesday expressed fear 11 jets reportedly seized radical Islamist groups Libya past month could used cause extraordinary damage United States, even jets never leave Middle East. How? Extremists could crash planes oil fields oil-rich countries U.S. dependent. Beck speaking Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) jets Bachmann remarked: “There’s really two concerns. One, planes could used similar way used 9/11 United States. They could used as, essentially, flying bombs — oil fields, buildings strategic targets. Number two, [a] plane could loaded terrorists, could land commercial aircraft American city somewhere, European city. [They could] deplane, go about, carry maybe Mumbai-type disaster. So there’s multiple ways planes could used.” “Oil fields,” Beck repeated. “The thing said feels true oil fields. … We’ll know airplane — that’s one missing airplanes — could take Libya skies Saudi Arabia lightning speed, crash it.” Bachmann said routes, flight Saudi Arabia deviates course, Saudis 90 seconds neutralize threat could cause tremendous harm. “It’s little time have,” said. Watch complete interview, below:
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Research Medical Center waiting test results concern patient might contagious disease. The hospital says local reports patient Ebola false. Research Medical Center says patient came Brookside campus emergency department Saturday treatment. “Somebody went ER high fever history recently Nigeria,” said Jeff Hershberger, spokesman KCMO Health Department. He says Ebola high-profile right now, don’t want rule quite yet. “The patient isolated, however, point, there’s development new symptoms, it’s highly unlike Ebola diagnosis,” added Hershberger. According statement Research Medical Center, like hospitals across United States, standard infectious disease precautions well-equipped well-prepared implement necessary. “There’s wide umbrella things could be,” Hershberger said, “We want make sure, looking entire umbrella, ignoring something.” The hospital believe patient Ebola, says patient treated another illness. Hershberger says regardless, Ebola big concern. “It’s unlikely even exposed it, let alone contract it,” Hershberger said, “You cannot catch Ebola unless touch bodily fluids somebody Ebola.” The health department says know patient’s diagnosis Monday. It also says Research Medical Center taking appropriate steps comes dealing infectious diseases.
In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.
Twitter hopping right Saudi TV allegedly blurred Michelle Obama's face, thanks YouTube video: Saudi TV blurred Michelle Obama's face Barack met King Salman! https://t.co/MQ6f2cgyHG — Jack Moore (@JFXM) January 27, 2015 Our producer referred blurring Michelle Obama "blurka" https://t.co/MhCzTvzdfD — Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) January 27, 2015 Only bullshit. The YouTube uploader appears added blur, Saudi TV network. (Here another video YouTuber uploaded that's blurred.) This version shows blur: Nothing real internet.
NYPD to stop arrests for small amounts of marijuana
It would pretty embarrassing Batman, ultimate crime fighter. But thankfully rumors Caped Crusader's wheels stolen beneath nose proved untrue. The famous Batmobile spotted cruising Detroit filming continues Batman vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Scroll video Spotted: The Batmobile seen cruising set Batman vs Superman: Dawn Justice last week Reports began surface online iconic vehicle gone missing, presumed pinched Warner Brother's set two weeks ago. But according Detroit Free Press, crime. Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody said force spoken producers movie confirm well. 'The Batmobile safe Batcave belongs,' Sgt Woody told newspaper. Mean machine: Batman Robin's flashy transportation evolved considerably years No crime here: Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody said: 'The Batmobile safe Batcave belongs' Earlier month, director Jack Snyder released shot Batmobile look movie. He tweeted picture response publication fake images claiming comic book hero's transportation. 'Here's real picture Batmobile,' wrote alongside publicity shot. Transformation: This car look made big screen The film - starring Ben Afleck Batman Henry Cavill Superman - due release March 2016. It first time two giants superhero world meet te big screen. The blockbuster also stars Gal Gadot Wonder Woman, Amy Adams Lois Lane, Jason Momoa Aquaman, Jesse Eisenberg Lex Luther, Jeremy Irons Alfred. The ultimate clash: Fans comic book heroes clamoring see new movie March 2016 despite promo poster says Aging: Ben Affleck cast older Bruce Wayne fifties Young pretender: British born actor Henry Cavill takes Superman role
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex
Before checked rehab September, Michael Phelps steamy affair much older blonde, Taylor Lianne Chandler. But shocking aspect relationship wasn’t 12-year age difference. RadarOnline.com exclusively reveal Chandler, 41, actually born man! Chandler, born David Roy Fitch, tells Radar exclusive interview intersex baby. PHOTOS: Opposites Clearly Attract! 10 Really Odd Celebrity Couples “I born male genitalia testicles, I also uterus ovaries,” explains. As teen, Chandler decided change name Paige Victoria Whitney, later underwent surgery become woman always dreamed being. However, busty stunner admits Radar never told gold-medal Olympian lover, 29, gender-bending past— even hot hookup sessions. PHOTOS: When I’m 64! Bruce Jenner’s TRANSformation — Here’s How He’s Drastically Changed Throughout The Years Chandler says couple met Tinder August, later met ladies man Phelps’ Baltimore home watch Ravens football game September 21. “One thing led next, made love halftime,” says. “Later, sex again. The intimacy amazing! It first time life someone made feel like true woman.” After party boy Phelps arrested drunk driving entered treatment October, Chandler says spilled complicated past email. Phelps yet respond. PHOTOS: Michael Phelps Flipping In Fells Point “I never lied him,” Chandler insists. “We together short period time, I never chance tell life.” Though Phelps expected complete treatment week, Chandler isn’t sure relationship continue. “Michael brand, dating someone like may best thing,” says. “I hope follows heart people tell him.”
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air
Police stop arresting people low-level possession marijuana instead simply issue summons, sources said. The NYPD Mayor de Blasio prepared initiate change policy would drastically reduce number arrests possession pot, according law-enforcement sources. The department already halting pot “buy bust” operations, crime-fighting staple often led gun seizures arrests outstanding warrants, The Post earlier reported. Sources said “powers be,” including City Hall, wanted see decrease arrests pot “disastrous consequences’’ police relations minorities. Blacks Hispanics accounted 86 percent low-level pot busts year, according Marijuana Research Project. At press conference scheduled Monday, de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton expected announce key aspects policy change. They also likely spell details much marijuana considered low-level. De Blasio plans meet city’s five district attorneys week, according The New York Times, Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson already expressed disapproval policy change. Thompson curbed prosecution low-level possession marijuana borough, office already dismissed many misdemeanor marijuana cases. Earlier month, head borough’s narcotics unit summoned 1 Police Plaza told shift attention potent drugs.
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria
While child entrepreneurs become increasingly common last decade, many hit lofty heights 17-year-old “teen wolf” Mohammed Islam reached trading earnings reached “high eight figures.” As New York Post reports, Islam, teenager Queens, still lives home parents, trading stock exchange lunch breaks Stuyvesant High School. The Teen Wolf son immigrants Bengal South Asia. Mohammed trades two friends, hope start hedge fund Teen Wolf turns 18 graduates high school. Islam started penny stocks unbelievable age 9. When kids fourth grade, they’re learning play sports, figuring fractions. Mohammed putting tutoring earnings work. As often happens stock exchange, Islam lost initial investment. He describes event “paralyzing,” swore market thinking didn’t required nerves steel. Bengal region Asia Perhaps better understand losses crippled him, Islam turned studying modern finance, became enthralled Paul Tudor Jones. Jones billionaire Connecticut manages hedge funds private assets. As often case, much Jones’ success came heels failure. Thousands thousands dollars lost, over, Jones kept coming back more, ultimately captured overwhelming success. That fortitude, paired positive outlook, inspired Mohammed give game another try. And like man inspired him, Mohammed Islam become resounding success right. The Teen Wolf moniker reference Leonardo DiCaprio’s portrayal Jordan Belfort — called “wolf Wall Street,” another young trader uncanny ability make money stock exchanges. Islam trading buddies intend become billionaires next year. “What makes world go round? Money. If money flowing, businesses don’t keep going there’s innovation, products, investments, growth, jobs.” But according Mohammed Islam friends, it’s money. “We want create brotherhood. Like, us connected, something together, influence.” The Post reported despite resounding success, Islam shy modest, gave rough estimate earnings. While bright future, grand dreams journey it, content expensive meals Morimoto (an upscale Japanese restaurant), high end BMW license drive, swanky Manhattan apartment he’s old enough move into. The real “Wolf Wall Street” wasn’t exactly role model material, Inquisitr pointed out, even movie beleaguered controversy monetary fraud. Hopefully catchy nickname “Teen Wolf” re-imaged smart tenacious teen New York City.
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired
Brian Williams took moment Monday’s edition NBC Nightly News address important issue. As anchor said, social media, well news websites, owes meteorologist Mike Seidel “apology” “wild misinformation” circulated live appearance Lester Holt weekend. Williams explained Seidel lost communication NBC station couldn’t hear Holt earpiece turned back camera, took gloves redialed phone connect segment. “That’s rumors hit web perhaps writing name snow,” Williams said. “It Mike working make right, love working Mike Seidel.” But, course, explanation far less hilarious would likely generate almost zero clicks. Watch video below, via NBC: [Photo via screengrab] – – >> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) Twitter
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm
HBO's subscription streaming service called HBO Now expected cost $15 per month, according International Business Times. The report says HBO targeting launch Now early April, ahead start date Game Thrones. While Game Thrones would great way HBO drive subscriptions new service, it'll careful plans that: last year, HBO's online streaming option cable subscribers, HBO Go, work many trying watch premiere. That would bad look new service, Times says HBO plan launching satisfied without issue. $15/MONTH WOULD MAKE HBO'S SERVICE NEARLY TWICE THE COST OF NETFLIX Apple reportedly one partners HBO could launch new service with. According Times, Apple aggressive attempts secure place one HBO's launch partners. If deal made, Apple TV users would able access stream HBO Now, potentially standalone app. Apple adding channels Apple TV last couple years, addition HBO's subscription streaming service would make device appealing. The Times notes HBO's parent company wants see service accessible platforms like Roku, Xbox, PlayStation well, clear discussions ongoing. Nonetheless, seems likely HBO would want work multiple major partners get service there. It's still known HBO's subscription streaming service actually offer. Though many hope access HBO Go receives — is, HBO's original content movies currently playing — possible case. HBO may want position service something distinctly different cable service way prevent subscribers moving online. On hand, $15 per month fee may mean HBO earning much regardless subscribe. That price would make tougher compete Netflix, HBO exactly trouble finding people willing pay subscription fees high past. With even wider audience service open to, HBO may worried.
Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?
More 200 girls kidnapped Nigeria released country’s government agreed immediate cease-fire captors Boko Haram. Air Marshal Alex Badeh, chief defence staff, ordered troops immediately comply agreement. ‘A ceasefire agreement concluded Federal Government Nigeria Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal Jihad (Boko Haram),’ said. MORE: Brave shameless PR stunt? Nigerian singer offers virginity Boko Haram exchange kidnapped schoolgirls The news comes another official confirmed direct negotiations week neighboring Chad release 219 girls taken April. An initial 300 students kidnapped boarding school northeast Chibok town number already managed escape. Boko Haram demanding release detained extremists exchange girls. MORE: Military force ‘an option’ rescue girls kidnapped Boko Haram Nigeria
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak
Christian Bale talks play Steve Jobs Aaron Sorkin's forthcoming biopic, according Variety's Justin Kroll, citing sources. Leonardo DiCaprio consideration lead role "Jobs," actor declined roll two weeks ago. "Jobs" based Walter Isaacson's wildly successful biography late Apple cofounder, "Steve Jobs." Bale short list play Jobs since last March, David Fincher reportedly directing film. Fincher since backed directing "Jobs." The film directed Danny Boyle instead.
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company
OTTAWA, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Canada trying confirm reports Canadian citizen captured Syria, foreign ministry spokesman said Sunday. "Canada pursuing appropriate channels" seek information touch local authorities, spokesman said statement. Israeli media reports, including Haaretz newspaper quoting website associated Islamic State, said Canadian-Israeli woman, Gil Rosenberg, captured. The reports cited jihadist websites confirmed Israeli officials. "I cannot confirm I hope true," Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon told Israeli television channel asked reports. Rosenberg, 31, told Reuters Syria November. A source linked YPG, Kurds' dominant fighting force northern Syria, said earlier month first female foreign recruit crossed Syria fight Islamic State militants. (Reporting Randall Palmer; Additional reporting Allyn Fisher-Ilan Jerusalem; Writing Amran Abocar; Editing Kevin Liffey Eric Walsh)
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof
The man jumped White House fence month sprinted front door made much farther building previously known, overpowering one Secret Service officer running much main floor, according three people familiar incident. An alarm box near front entrance White House designed alert guards intruder muted officers believed request usher’s office, said Secret Service official spoke condition anonymity. The officer posted inside front door appeared delayed learning intruder, Omar Gonzalez, burst through. Officers trained that, upon learning intruder grounds, often alarm boxes posted around property, must immediately lock front door. After barreling past guard immediately inside door, Gonzalez, carrying knife, dashed past stairway leading half-flight first family’s living quarters. He ran 80-foot-long East Room, ornate space often used receptions presidential addresses. Gonzalez tackled counter-assault agent far southern end East Room. The intruder reached doorway Green Room, parlor overlooking South Lawn artwork antique furniture, according three people familiar incident. Secret Service officials earlier said quickly detained main entry. Agency spokesman Edwin Donovan said office commenting due ongoing investigation incident. People jumping White House fence become common occurrence, individuals tackled Secret Services officers guarding complex getting even third way across lawn. Gonzalez first person known jumped fence made inside executive mansion. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson said breach “unacceptable” her, Friday briefed President Obama plans shore security. Pierson expected face tough questions Gonzalez incident Tuesday hearing House Oversight Government Reform Committee. The hearing likely cover number security lapses agency, including new revelations published weekend The Washington Post failure identify properly investigate 2011 shooting attack White House. The detailed account month’s security breach comes people provided information incident The Washington Post whistleblowers contacted Rep. Jason Chaffetz, (R-Utah), chairman House Oversight subcommittee Homeland Security. Chaffetz said plans ask Pierson alarm meant alert officers intruders could silenced turned down. The congressman said two people inside agency told boxes silenced White House usher staff, whose office near front door, complained noisy. A Secret Service official told The Post usher’s office concerned boxes frequently malfunctioning unnecessarily sounding off. The alarm boxes, officers call “crash boxes,” key pieces agency’s first-alert system, according former agents officials. If spot intruder, officers trained hit large red button nearest box — sending alert every post complex location incursion, piping sound location boxes around property. “If true, fact crash boxes muted avoid ‘disruptive’ due lack resources insufficient number checkpoints barriers,” Chaffetz said. He called incident “failure leadership” Secret Service. “The agency needs solution goes deeper fences people,” Chaffetz said. “It must examine message sent men women protect president leader sacrifices security appease superficial concerns White House ushers.” The new revelations follow accounts provided The Post last week detailing Gonzalez’s ability enter White House reflected failure multiple levels security around compound. The agency relies successive layers fail-safe protecting president White House complex. In incident, plainclothes surveillance team duty night outside fence, meant spot jumpers give early warning made over. When team didn’t notice Gonzalez, officer guard booth North Lawn. When officer couldn’t reach Gonzales, supposed attack dog, specialized SWAT team guard front door — ready. The dog released, decision review. Some people familiar incident say handler likely felt could release dog many officers pursuit Gonzalez, dog may attacked instead. Since incident, Secret Service added additional layer temporary fencing agency reviews procedures. Alice Crites contributed report. Related: Secret Service fumbled response gunman hit White House 2011 Graphic: The night bullets hit White House Fence-jumper reveals security failures White House
No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman
Less two weeks Aaron Sorkin said Christian Bale would play Steve Jobs screenwriter's forthcoming biopic late Apple co-founder, Bale dropped project. According The Hollywood Reporter, Bale "came conclusion right part decided withdraw" negotiations began. Sony, studio releasing film, comment THR report contacted HuffPost Entertainment. Bale becomes second high-profile star bail Sorkin's film within last month. Back October, Leonardo DiCaprio, talks play Jobs, pulled consideration well. "We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale," Sorkin said Bloomberg Television recent interview asked Jobs role. "He really phenomenal actor." It's unclear replace Bale lead film, actors rumored included Bradley Cooper, Ben Affleck Matt Damon. Last week, also reported Seth Rogen talks play Steve Wozniak, casting confirmed time. Danny Boyle, meanwhile, still set direct film. He replaced David Fincher, initially attached project. When Fincher departed back April, THR noted wanted Bale play lead role well. For more, head THR.
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London
The fashion bible’s got decidedly unglamorous rat problem. The new 1 World Trade Center offices Vogue magazine infested rodents editor-in-chief Anna Wintour happy, according report. The 25th- 26th-floor digs Condé Nast publication overrun vermin, Wintour ­issued edict staffers clear glass-walled office long-tailed pests steps stiletto heel premises. Luckily, Wintour expected take full-time residence America’s tallest building New Year. A Vogue employee wrote Gawker Friday afternoon say many creatures scuttling around 1 WTC editorial department may postponing move old Times Square offices. “A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through,” staffer said. Vogue tracked downtown relocation special online story declaring, “Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we’re coming you.” The mag’s Instagram account photos models singer Will.i.am hauling boxes. The article describes moving scene “living Lego set natty Hermès-colored Rent-a-crates” 4 Times Square. Busybodies chatroom Web site SkyscraperCity.com delighted vermin problem brought highbrow publication new low. “Security couldn’t even stop BASE jumpers ­entering building leaping top. You think could stop rats?” commenter named “4npower” wrote. Another commenter, “Lady­Amanita,” speculated scourge overblown. “Rats probably wouldn’t want live 25th 26th floors high-rise,” wrote, adding, “It’s possible mice freaked-out Condé Nasties confusing rodents.”
Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report
A man wanted Royal Newfoundland Constabulary outstanding warrants turned police. Rodney Constantine, 29, told police via Facebook post Sunday would attend headquarters Monday morning. The RNC posted item force's Facebook page stating seeking Constantine. Underneath post, wanted man commented would "See Monday morn." 'See Monday,' wanted man writes police Facebook While make police station noon Monday, police confirmed shortly 5 p.m. Constantine custody. "Rodney Constantine kept word us Facebook turned police outstanding arrest warrants could executed. He seen provincial court judge morning," RNC posted. Constantine wanted charges assault, breach probation, breach recognizance failure appear court. According police, Constantine also facing outstanding Highway Traffic Act matters. Constantine followed initial Facebook post adding joking taunting police. "Look letting everyone know ain't joke intended !!!! I honest turning Monday morn that's !!!! !," said Facebook comment. On RNC's Facebook page, police said hope "see success" apprehending wanted individuals using social media.
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.
An animal charity attempting trace owner dog abandoned railway station belongings suitcase. The male Shar-Pei crossbreed discovered tied railing outside Ayr station 2 January. The suitcase included dog's pillow, toy, food bowl food. The Scottish SPCA traced previous owner dog's microchip told sold 2013 someone details for. Inspector Stewart Taylor said: "The dog micro-chipped able find name Kai. "We contacted owner registered microchip, stated sold Kai Gumtree 2013. 'Cruel incident' "Unfortunately could tell us address person bought him." Insp Taylor said case highlighted potential consequences selling animal online. He said buyers often included people acting impulse knew little animals. He added: "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible. "If anyone help would ask get touch soon possible. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature. We look find permanent loving home." The charity reminded pet owners abandoning animal offence Animal Health Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour
The NBC News anchor clears record behalf victimized Weather Channel meteorologist There urinating Brian Williams‘ airwaves, “Nightly News” anchor asked apology social media critics Monday night. See video: Brian Williams Daughter's Peter Pan Role: ‘I've Listened Those Damn Songs Since She Was 3' Williams explained segment weekend showed “Weather Channel” meteorologist Mike Seidel back camera position led rumors urinating unaware on-camera. Also read: Nielsen's Colossal Screw-Up Strips ABC's David Muir Ratings Win Over NBC's Brian Williams “Social media owes friend Mike Seidel apology,” Williams said. “The intrepid fearless Weather Channel meteorologist victim wild misinformation,” continued. Apparently viewers social media thought Seidel “writing name snow.” In reality, Williams explained, Seidel lost contact NBC control room. He hunched dialing NBC–not relieving himself. See video: Brian Williams Reveals Hilarious ‘Bachelorette’ Obsession Vindicated, feels good.
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official
On Monday morning, report surfaced claiming Comcast discouraging customers using Tor Browser, browsing program designed allow users surf Internet greater anonymity browsers. Monday’s report repackaged number sites, stating Comcast "declared war Tor Browser." The report goes suggest Comcast contacted users telling risk disconnection continue using Tor. The report may generated lot clicks totally inaccurate. Comcast asking customers stop using Tor, browser matter. We policy Tor, browser software. Customers free use Xfinity Internet service visit website, use app, forth. Here facts: Comcast doesn’t monitor customer’s browser software, web surfing online history. The anecdotal chat room evidence described reports accurate. We respect customer privacy security investigate disclose certain information customer's account valid court order appropriate legal process, like ISPs. More information policies found Transparency Report here. We terminate customers violating Copyright Alert System (aka "six strikes"), non-punitive, educational voluntary copyright program. Read here. Our customers use Tor time, I myself. I’m sure many using right now.
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with terror at all'
President Obama said Wednesday United States “will vigilant relentless” Islamic State militants would “do what’s necessary see justice done” following videotaped execution American journalist. “Today entire world appalled brutal murder James Foley terrorist group ISIL,” Obama said, using one several acronyms group. The militants, posted video YouTube Tuesday, said Foley’s killing retaliation U.S. airstrikes Iraq. Obama, spoke Wednesday morning Foley’s parents, offered new policy measures confront Islamic State. Referring neighboring countries U.S. allies, said “there common effort extract cancer spread.” Asked whether United States might consider suspending airstrikes, one U.S. official said “only question more.” Officials said attacks Islamic State would continue Iraq authorization Obama signed early month. Obama could face pressure escalate air campaign Iraq increase support U.S.-backed rebels Syria fighting Islamic Front, well Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Obama resisted pleas Syrian rebels U.S. heavy weapons, including portable surface-to-air missiles, well American air support. In statement issued president’s remarks, Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), chairman House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, “We must get serious confronting force, including aggressively arming battling it.” The White House confirmed early Wednesday U.S. intelligence deemed video authentic. Obama spoke Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing family. Foley, 40-year-old New Hampshire native photojournalist working Boston-based Web site Global­Post, kidnapped northern Syria nearly two years ago covering civil war Syria. In Britain Wednesday, Prime Minister David Cameron cut short family vacation returned London chair emergency meetings Iraq Syria, amid indications British citizen involved Foley’s killing. In video, masked executioner speaks English sounds like British accent. After beheading Foley, executioner pictured second captive, identified U.S. freelance journalist Steven Joel Sotloff, disappeared last year Syria. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” executioner says. In interview BBC, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged executioner spoke British accent said video seemed genuine. Hundreds Britons believed traveled Syria fight country’s civil war, including many joined Islamic State. “We’re absolutely aware significant numbers British nationals involved terrible crimes, probably commission atrocities,” Hammond said. “Many people may seek point return U.K., would pose direct threat domestic security.” A European intelligence official said British government examining video, speech purported executioner, compare speech former Guantanamo Bay prisoners British residents believed joined Islamic State. Both prisoners video wearing orange shirts pants, similar orange jumpsuits worn detainees U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A similar outfit, believed jihadist symbol prison, worn Nicholas Berg, American businessman kidnapped Iraq 2004 whose execution Islamic State precursor organization recorded video posted online. Foley, 40, working Syria Boston-based news Web site Global­Post disappeared Thanksgiving 2012. In statement Tuesday night Facebook page dedicated freedom, Foley’s mother wrote: “We never prouder son Jim,” Diane Foley wrote. “He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. “We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world.” Praising James Foley “an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person,” asked family’s privacy respected. In addition Foley Sotloff, least three Americans believed captives Syria, according 2013 Global­Post article, including Austin Tice, freelance journalist whose articles appeared McClatchy publications The Washington Post disappearance August 2012. No one claimed holding them. According Committee Protect Journalists, least 66 journalists, 10 Syrian, killed covering Syrian war. If video authenticated, Foley would first American journalist known executed since conflict began early 2011. The video evoked 2002 taped execution Pakistan Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl al-Qaeda. The Islamic State, offshoot al-Qaeda, powerful among number extremist organizations emerged Syrian civil war, began popular uprising President Bashar al-Assad. Fighting Assad U.S.-backed rebels, militants control much eastern Syria claim established Islamic caliphate spanning Syria neighboring Iraq. As group grown, merged group formerly known al-Qaeda Iraq, leadership Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According U.S. intelligence, numbers thousands, including foreign fighters Europe United States. In April, Islamic State fighters swept across border northern Iraq, taking city Mosul moving southward within 60 miles Baghdad. Extensive reports executions, including beheadings crucifixions, emerged areas group’s control. This month, amid reports stranded besieged Iraqi minorities threatened execution, militants advanced eastward toward Irbil, capital semiautonomous Kurdish region Iraq. On Aug. 7, Obama authorized U.S. airstrikes rescue stranded minorities protect U.S. personnel facilities Irbil Baghdad. On Monday, total 68 strikes jets, bombers drones, Obama announced Iraqi Kurdish forces, U.S. air support, retaken strategic dam north Mosul militants pushed back Irbil. Within hours announcement, Islamic State posted online message warning would attack Americans “in place” response airstrikes. “We drown blood,” said. The title video posted Tuesday “A Message America” produced Islamic State’s media arm, according Site Intelligence Group, monitors extremist Web sites. A masked man dressed black shown standing unidentified desert location beside prisoner kneeling beside hands behind back. “Obama authorized military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war Muslims,” masked man says. The video shows clip Obama’s Aug. 7 announcement, followed statement prisoner. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality,” says. He asks parents accept “any meager compensation people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq.” The prisoner also appeals “my brother John, member U.S. Air Force,” “think doing.” “I wish I time,” says. “I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The masked man identifies prisoner “James Wright Foley, American citizen country.” He reaches large knife begins apparent beheading prisoner; screen fades black next image body head placed upon back. The masked man appears another prisoner, identified Sotloff, similar kneeling position. Foley reported dangerous recent crises imprisoned 44 days Libya 2011 forces loyal deposed leader Moammar Gaddafi. According Global­Post, two eyewitnesses saw interception group armed men silver-colored van road near town Taftanaz northern Syria Nov. 22, 2012. Since then, Global­Post “has mounted extensive international investigation . . . determine kidnapped Foley held,” Global­Post said article Web site late Tuesday. Julie Tate Dan Lamothe Washington, Griff Witte London Souad Mekhennet Frankfurt, Germany, contributed report.
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States
Poverty-stricken parents took streets auction son highest bidder. The reason? They need money pay cancer treatment save life twin sister. The little girl acute leukemia parents told would die without urgent medical treatment. Horrifying sad photos show 29-year-old Meng Xiangyan, mom twins, streets Eastern China. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives." The family sold apartment everything live tiny flat near medical center treating thier daughter. “It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son."