Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?
It heartwarming story legions pet owners animal lovers around world. Pope Francis, talking distraught boy whose pet died, declared place heaven creatures share lives with. His comment reported week many news media outside Italy, dozens articles United States. It veritable catnip social media. ANALYSIS | Pope Francis turns heat church's future — behind closed doors Vatican sparks controversy saying gay couples 'gifts qualities' ANALYSIS | Has 'rock star' Pope Francis really launched revolution? However, turned pope made comment. Misreading remarks The news stories apparently based misreading remarks Pope Francis made weekly general audience Vatican Nov. 26 comment past pope make several decades ago. Pope Paul VI, died 1978, said, reportedly comforting child whose dog died, "one day see animals eternity Christ." 'There fundamental rule journalism. That double-checking, case done.' - Vatican's deputy spokesman, Father Ciro Benedettini "There fundamental rule journalism. That double-checking, case done," Vatican's deputy spokesman, Father Ciro Benedettini, said Saturday, asked media ran story. The spokesman said received number calls story outside Italy Friday taken surprise recall pope saying anything like that. Religion News Service among first media put record straight. It said article published late Friday error appeared stemmed piece Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera Nov. 27, whose headline misleading. The article recounted pope's words general audience Nov. 26, topic transformation creation new heaven new earth. It cited remark animals attributed Paul VI, headline said "The pope animals. 'paradise open creatures.'" The New York Times, ran story Thursday purported comment Francis, acknowledged mistake, saying correction Friday misattributed remark Paul VI current pope. A spokeswoman New York Times immediately comment. On website, CNN also corrected story, noting misattribution saying unclear Francis believes pets going heaven. A spokeswoman CNN immediate comment. Reuters publish story remarks erroneously attributed Francis. What Pope Francis think pets? As Francis think animals, spoken much public, Benedettini said general tone speeches gestures "it clear spiritual harmony creation." The spokesman said pope preparing encyclical deal part environment recalled group looks stray dogs brought animals general audience pope pleased. When made Christmas season visit Rome parish last year, Francis willingly let young girl place lamb shoulders shepherd would carry it. The pope told priests good pastor know names parishioners also names dogs, Benedettini said. Recent popes said different things possible spiritual side animals. In 1990, Pope John Paul implied animals souls created breath God. In 2008, former Pope Benedict upset animal lovers said humans "called eternity."
Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Terror Attack Fears
Iraqi forces reported head Islamic State Iraq Levant (ISIL) 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' killed U.S airstrikes. "Despite Iraqi U.S sources confirmed killing Abu Bajr al-Baghdadi, White House confirmed yet", AFP reported. Three senior members Islamic State Iraq al-Sham (ISIS) - including aide leader - killed U.S. airstrike Iraq, senior Iraqi security official told NBC News Thursday. The strike ISIS stronghold Mosul killed Abu Hajar Al-Sufi, aide Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, well explosives operative military leader nearby Tel Afar, source said condition anonymity. Al Arabiya cited Iraqi Defense Ministry saying Baghdadi's aide killed. Pentagon Spokesman Col. Steve Warren could confirm deaths said ISIS leaders targeted. But added ISIS leaders embedded "inside troop formations likely killed." The U.S. carrying airstrikes across country's north brutal terror group gained ground murderous sweep June.
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND'
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary, 23-year-old London hip-hop artist, emerged one main suspects investigation beheading journalist James Foley, London's Sunday Times quoted counterterrorism officials. Counterterrorism police MI5 believe Bary person appears video posted ISIS, also known Islamic State, shows beheading Foley last week. "The MI5 investigation man behind James Foley's murder ongoing managed identify masked British jihadist seen video holding knife throat," Sunday Times quoted police source saying. Fox News reported "senior Western intelligence official" also confirmed Bary believed Foley's murderer, U.S. intelligence officials declining comment. Fox News said Bary's father extradited Great Britain U.S. 2012 connection Osama bin Laden bombing U.S. Embassy bombings Africa 1998. A source told Fox younger Bary went Syria 2013 fight side ISIS. The Mirror reported Bary performing hip-hop music name L Jinny leaving parent's home fight Syria. Friends Bary told Mirror performer radicalized teachings preacher Anjem Choudary. "He talent," one friends told Mirror. "He could big Dizzee Rascal. He music huge names underground scene. People got head. It's transformed talented young guy vengeful extremist." The Mirror reported Abu Hussain Al-Britani, 20, computer hacker Birmingham, Abu Abdullah al-Britani, 23, Portsmouth, also investigated. A source told Mirror team soldiers ground Iraq Syria looking catch Foley's killer within next days. The source also said British intelligence services believe good beat identity British-born "Jihadi John" manhunt efforts turn up.
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua
Militants Islamic State (Isis) claimed killed American journalist long held captive Syria retaliation ongoing US airstrikes forces Iraq. A propaganda video circulated Tuesday showed masked Isis fighter beheading kneeling man dressed orange jumpsuit purported James Wright Foley, photojournalist went missing Syria 2012. The masked executioner spoke English, sounded like British accent, said slaying came response airstrikes ordered President Barack Obama Isis 12 days ago. Isis, whose chief spokesman came State Department sanctions Monday, warned revenge – including another man purported captured US journalist, Steven Sotloff – video, victim made read statement blaming US murder. Foley missing Syria since November 2012, went report bloody struggle overthrow dictator Bashar al-Assad. He initially thought captured forces loyal Assad regime. A Facebook message support group, Free James Foley, urged patience “until information,” asked readers “keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” YouTube took gruesome video, sparked debate social media ethics sharing it, adding metatextual debate depiction man’s violent death. Foley, 40, former Stars Stripes reporter, captured November 2012 near Syrian town Taftanaz. It first detention reporting: 2011, taken reporting uprising Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s forces ultimately released six weeks captivity. A friend Foley’s fellow captive Libya, journalist Clare Morgana Gillis, wrote 2013 essay captivity “the state violently opposite nature.” Gillis described Foley gentle, friendly, courageous impatient “anything slows forward momentum.” In January 2013 interview local television news near Rochester, New Hampshire home, Foley’s mother Diane said son “passionate covering story Syria, passionate people there.” Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman National Security Council, said US intelligence working determine authenticity video. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends,” Hayden said statement. Messages left Foley family returned. A day Obama declared Iraqi Kurdish forces backed US warplanes broken Isis’ hold critical Mosul Dam, US Central Command announced two strikes near Monday, “further expand control area.” One strike said destroyed Isis checkpoint “not successful.” Obama offered timeframe length campaign Isis. The US military bombed 90 targets attributed Isis, including vehicle convoys, mobile artillery fixed positions, since 8 August. Most strikes come past days, near dam. The strikes occurred either blunt Isis advance Kurdish regional capital Irbil lift Isis siege Mount Sinjar, chased thousands Iraqi Yazidis threatened kill unless converted Islam. The US considers siege broken.
Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve
I aborted baby boy
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa
Doctor besieged Syrian town reports arrival patients blisters, burning eyes breathing difficulties explosion Kurds battling Islamic State militants control Kobani fear extremist group may used unidentified chemical weapon, according officials one doctors still working besieged Syrian town. Patients blisters, burning eyes breathing difficulties turned clinic blast heard Tuesday evening, Dr Walat Omar said. He described symptoms abnormal said could identify cause, suspected chemical weapon. “After loud explosion [on Tuesday night], received patients abnormal symptoms. They reported bad smell produced kind allergic reaction,” Omar said telephone interview periodically disrupted heavy explosions. “Some red patches blisters skins, others difficulties breathing others vomiting, painful throats, others burning eyes noses. There one patient, body covered red patches blisters.” Islamic State (Isis) thought obtained stocks ageing still potent chemical weapons seized Iraqi army bases stored, New York Times reported earlier month. In June, group took control sprawling complex heart Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons programme, Al-Muthanna State Establishment. There may also chemical weapons buried abandoned elsewhere, destroyed US forces Iraqi military. Stocks manufactured 1991 dirty, corroded always easy identify use, still cause serious injury. Iraqi officials said 11 police officers poisoned chlorine gas last month, Isis fighters used attack Iraqi town Duluiya. All officers survived. That attack hundreds miles Kobani, near Syrian border, Omar said feared eight civilians injured kind chemical attack. Intense fighting made impossible get doctors equipment need definitive tests use chemical weapons, Omar said displayed symptoms distinct anything else treated weeks heavy battles. He said ruled chlorine gas biological weapons, based medical training, thought injuries caused chemical. Trained Ukraine, originally Kobani returned work seven years medical school. “This first time seen kind condition,” Omar said. “I seen strange conditions nothing like before.” The opinions chemical weapons experts consulted Guardian divided seening series pictures provided Omar young man large skin blisters severely swollen lip. The pictures metadata confirm time place taken, published internet Omar provided Kurdish journalist. One expert personal experience treating mustard gas victims said that, although blisters typical, symptoms overall consistent possible sulphur mustard poisoning. That could confirmed urine blood test. Other experts said symptoms could consistent exposure chemical agent, somewhat unusual medical conditions, severe allergic reaction, would need ruled out. Senior Kurdish politicians said feared chemical attack, asked testing kits seek confirmation. “Many people injured … showed symptoms chemical weapons use: choking, breathing difficulties, bleeding eyes, burning skin etc,” said Idris Nassan, deputy foreign minister Kobani administration. “Some doctors say might phosphorus poison gas kind, investigation ongoing, don’t know sure.” It possible Isis fighters could mistake chemical munitions ordinary weapons use without aware handling. It could also harder evaluate impact attacks using partially degraded weapons, one expert said. “Various factors might contribute far milder symptoms normally associated mustard agent exposure combat conditions. These could include impure degraded agent, short-term exposure, exposure limited volume agent,” said Jean-Pascal Zanders, former analyst chemical biological warfare project Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The bomb believed caused injuries treated Omar exploded 10pm west Kobani, near hospital. Omar said thought Isis may targeted medical centre try undermine morale, although used none forces defending city area. “Some fighters away, complained eyes watering burning, pain nose,” said, estimating around 20 affected needed basic first aid. Regarding civilians closer blast, Omar said treating affected patients oxygen, steroid cortisone drugs 2.30am, well fielding calls people want leave homes. The three seriously injured patients, ranged age 17 40, stayed clinic overnight observation Omar trying arrange evacuation Turkey treatment. One Kurdish activist said Kobani may hit teargas first time, perhaps drifting across Turkish border village police using weeks break crowds demonstrators. It deployed intense battles Kobani would recognised residents, although demonstrations nearest border almost daylight hours, Omar reported victims arriving well nightfall. Additional reporting Constanze Letsch
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax
A group, allegedly named RIP Macaulay Culkin, gained thousands 'likes' online removed Macaulay Culkin victim death hoax - again. For second time year actor false reports circulate online regarding sudden death. But turns Home Alone star actually alive well. “@AnchovyWarhol: New Orleans love you, @cheesedayz buying band house. pic.twitter.com/z4KqgKPPAN”— pizza underground (@cheesedayz) November 8, 2014 The rumour seems originated online mock tribute page making rounds Facebook people show respect. Mourners going fake report, read: “At 11 a.m. ET Thursday (November 06, 2014), beloved actor Macaulay Culkin passed away. "Macaulay Culkin born August 26, 1980 New York. He missed forgotten. Please show sympathy condolences commenting liking page.” Delaware. Just like Hawaii, grape. @cheesedayz #delawarepunch pic.twitter.com/tdK9EbffRY— Anchovy Warhol (@AnchovyWarhol) November 7, 2014 The social media page, believed named 'RIP Macaulay Culkin', since removed one point allegedly garnered hundreds thousands 'likes'. However picture uploaded 34-year-old's band, Pizza Underground, showed still living. The photo, uploaded Friday, showed former child actor surrounded bandmates looking laptop . FameFlynet The truth Users since reacted angrily duped hit started hoax. One person tweeted: "So turns Macaulay Culkin dead. Why people think hilarious spread type rumours? Silly potatoes." Whereas another joked: "I'm hearing rumours Macaulay Culkin dead. Has anyone round house? He's probably there. Alone." We reached Macaulay's reps comment. Video loading
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder
"We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale." Christian Bale didn’t audition win role late Apple CEO Steve Jobs upcoming biopic, says screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. “Well, meeting,” Sorkin told Bloomberg Television interview confirming Dark Knight star play Jobs. “We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale.” Sorkin, writer behind television shows like The West Wing The Newsroom, adapting Walter Isaacson’s 2011 biography big screen, four years rendering Mark Zuckerberg, founder Facebook, film The Social Network. The Academy Award winning Bale rumored role possible contenders, including Matt Damon, Ben Affleck Leonardo Dicaprio, according The Verge. But Sorkin confirmed interview posted Thursday Bale fill challenging role. “He words say movie people three movies combined,” Sorkin said. “There isn’t scene frame he’s in. So it’s extremely difficult part gonna crush it.”
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display
Islamic State militants released video purportedly shows beheading British citizen David Haines, multiple unconfirmed reports said. The 44-year-old aid worker kidnapped March 2013. IS Beheads Briton David Haines, Threatens Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning http://t.co/GOgalAc1mA — SITE Intel Group (@siteintelgroup) September 13, 2014 Islamic State releases video showing beheading British aid worker David Haines — SITE Intel Group (@siteintelgroup) September 13, 2014 Stills purported Haines execution video released Internet Saturday, al-Jazeera reported. In footage, masked man claims Haines killed United Kingdom said would arm Kurdish fighters combat ISIS Iraq. “This British man pay price promise, Cameron, arm peshmerga Islamic State,” masked men reportedly said, addressing U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron. The video also contains threat second British hostage. This time around, message Islamic State much aimed @David_Cameron, 2nd British hostage threatened. — Brown Moses (@Brown_Moses) September 13, 2014 The UK Foreign Office "working urgently" verify authenticity alleged Haines beheading video, Sky News reports. If verified, execution would constitute "another disgusting murder," government organization said. Haines’ relatives pleaded Saturday ISIS “make contact” respond messages, NBC News reported. “We family David Haines,” relatives said statement. “We sent messages received reply. We asking holding David make contact us.” The British aid worker identified ISIS’ next target beheading video showed execution American journalist Steven Sotloff. Militants vowed kill Haines United States military end military operations Islamic State Syria Iraq. A father two, Haines kidnapped Syria working organization assists refugees country’s civil war, New York Daily News reported. He taken captive near Turkish border.
'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/see-you-monday-n-l-man-keeps-facebook-promise-to-police-turns-himself-in-1.2206960#ixzz3QEDaSGxU
President Obama said Wednesday United States “will vigilant relentless” Islamic State militants would “do what’s necessary see justice done” following videotaped execution American journalist. “Today entire world appalled brutal murder James Foley terrorist group ISIL,” Obama said, using one several acronyms group. The militants, posted video YouTube Tuesday, said Foley’s killing retaliation U.S. airstrikes Iraq. Obama, spoke Wednesday morning Foley’s parents, offered new policy measures confront Islamic State. Referring neighboring countries U.S. allies, said “there common effort extract cancer spread.” Asked whether United States might consider suspending airstrikes, one U.S. official said “only question more.” Officials said attacks Islamic State would continue Iraq authorization Obama signed early month. Obama could face pressure escalate air campaign Iraq increase support U.S.-backed rebels Syria fighting Islamic Front, well Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Obama resisted pleas Syrian rebels U.S. heavy weapons, including portable surface-to-air missiles, well American air support. In statement issued president’s remarks, Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), chairman House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, “We must get serious confronting force, including aggressively arming battling it.” The White House confirmed early Wednesday U.S. intelligence deemed video authentic. Obama spoke Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing family. Foley, 40-year-old New Hampshire native photojournalist working Boston-based Web site Global­Post, kidnapped northern Syria nearly two years ago covering civil war Syria. In Britain Wednesday, Prime Minister David Cameron cut short family vacation returned London chair emergency meetings Iraq Syria, amid indications British citizen involved Foley’s killing. In video, masked executioner speaks English sounds like British accent. After beheading Foley, executioner pictured second captive, identified U.S. freelance journalist Steven Joel Sotloff, disappeared last year Syria. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” executioner says. In interview BBC, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged executioner spoke British accent said video seemed genuine. Hundreds Britons believed traveled Syria fight country’s civil war, including many joined Islamic State. “We’re absolutely aware significant numbers British nationals involved terrible crimes, probably commission atrocities,” Hammond said. “Many people may seek point return U.K., would pose direct threat domestic security.” A European intelligence official said British government examining video, speech purported executioner, compare speech former Guantanamo Bay prisoners British residents believed joined Islamic State. Both prisoners video wearing orange shirts pants, similar orange jumpsuits worn detainees U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A similar outfit, believed jihadist symbol prison, worn Nicholas Berg, American businessman kidnapped Iraq 2004 whose execution Islamic State precursor organization recorded video posted online. Foley, 40, working Syria Boston-based news Web site Global­Post disappeared Thanksgiving 2012. In statement Tuesday night Facebook page dedicated freedom, Foley’s mother wrote: “We never prouder son Jim,” Diane Foley wrote. “He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. “We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world.” Praising James Foley “an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person,” asked family’s privacy respected. In addition Foley Sotloff, least three Americans believed captives Syria, according 2013 Global­Post article, including Austin Tice, freelance journalist whose articles appeared McClatchy publications The Washington Post disappearance August 2012. No one claimed holding them. According Committee Protect Journalists, least 66 journalists, 10 Syrian, killed covering Syrian war. If video authenticated, Foley would first American journalist known executed since conflict began early 2011. The video evoked 2002 taped execution Pakistan Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl al-Qaeda. The Islamic State, offshoot al-Qaeda, powerful among number extremist organizations emerged Syrian civil war, began popular uprising President Bashar al-Assad. Fighting Assad U.S.-backed rebels, militants control much eastern Syria claim established Islamic caliphate spanning Syria neighboring Iraq. As group grown, merged group formerly known al-Qaeda Iraq, leadership Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According U.S. intelligence, numbers thousands, including foreign fighters Europe United States. In April, Islamic State fighters swept across border northern Iraq, taking city Mosul moving southward within 60 miles Baghdad. Extensive reports executions, including beheadings crucifixions, emerged areas group’s control. This month, amid reports stranded besieged Iraqi minorities threatened execution, militants advanced eastward toward Irbil, capital semiautonomous Kurdish region Iraq. On Aug. 7, Obama authorized U.S. airstrikes rescue stranded minorities protect U.S. personnel facilities Irbil Baghdad. On Monday, total 68 strikes jets, bombers drones, Obama announced Iraqi Kurdish forces, U.S. air support, retaken strategic dam north Mosul militants pushed back Irbil. Within hours announcement, Islamic State posted online message warning would attack Americans “in place” response airstrikes. “We drown blood,” said. The title video posted Tuesday “A Message America” produced Islamic State’s media arm, according Site Intelligence Group, monitors extremist Web sites. A masked man dressed black shown standing unidentified desert location beside prisoner kneeling beside hands behind back. “Obama authorized military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war Muslims,” masked man says. The video shows clip Obama’s Aug. 7 announcement, followed statement prisoner. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality,” says. He asks parents accept “any meager compensation people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq.” The prisoner also appeals “my brother John, member U.S. Air Force,” “think doing.” “I wish I time,” says. “I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The masked man identifies prisoner “James Wright Foley, American citizen country.” He reaches large knife begins apparent beheading prisoner; screen fades black next image body head placed upon back. The masked man appears another prisoner, identified Sotloff, similar kneeling position. Foley reported dangerous recent crises imprisoned 44 days Libya 2011 forces loyal deposed leader Moammar Gaddafi. According Global­Post, two eyewitnesses saw interception group armed men silver-colored van road near town Taftanaz northern Syria Nov. 22, 2012. Since then, Global­Post “has mounted extensive international investigation . . . determine kidnapped Foley held,” Global­Post said article Web site late Tuesday. Julie Tate Dan Lamothe Washington, Griff Witte London Souad Mekhennet Frankfurt, Germany, contributed report.
James Foley remembered as 'brave and tireless' journalist
A trip Bali turned Dylan Thomas real-life Spiderman. The 21-year-old holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach. Doctors told Mr Thomas bitten small insect fronted Bali International Medical Centre Sunday morning red mark started grow length, NT News reports. Scroll video Dylan Thomas, 21, holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach Doctors Bali International Medical Centre initially thought bitten small insect gave antihistamine. When started blister next day, knew wrong So imagine surprise doctors discovered tropical spider burrowing skin day later. Mr Thomas, recently returned Bunbury home Western Australia, initially given antihistamine cream treat mark. But next morning found started blister, Mr Thomas went see dermatologist. Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed The 21-year-old since returned Bunbury home WA yet find kind spider Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed. 'It bit bigger size match head,' Mr Thomas told newspaper. 'It takes lot deter me, I feel violated. It bizarre experience know something like body couple days.' The tropical spider taken away testing Mr Thomas soon told exactly kind spider was.
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain gunman Wednesday’s shooting Ottawa War Memorial Parliament Buildings, criminal record Quebec British Columbia. Court documents obtained CBC News show Zehaf-Bibeau pleaded guilty charges including drug possession robbery. Zehaf-Bibeau, Canadian born 1982, charged drug possession 2004. A police officer secures scene shooting Parliament Hill Ottawa Oct. 22, 2014. Nearby, police vehicles surround National War Memorial Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, reservist duty Wednesday, fatally wounded brazen attack. 1 21 He pleaded guilty sentenced 60 days jail. Zehaf-Bibeau trouble law 2011, time British Columbia. Following bank robbery Vancouver, Zehaf-Bibeau charged robbery uttering threats. He found guilty lesser charge uttering threats sentenced one day jail, credit 66 days already served, according court documents. Quebec court documents 2004 show Zehaf-Bibeau lived Montreal time, north-end neighbourhood Villeray. CBC News Montreal went address listed court documents. Neighbours said Zehaf-Bibeau lived years. Ottawa shooting: MPs, eyewitnesses describe shootings Dramatic events caught video Ottawa According Radio-Canada, Zehaf-Bibeau's mother, Susan Bibeau, still lives Montreal works federal government. Zehaf-Bibeau raised Laval, north Montreal. Neighbours told CBC remember Zehaf-Bibeau sweet boy, shock news.
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination
AUSTRALIA — A man Australia dubbed “Spider Man” bizarre turn events trip Bali. A mark Dylan Maxwell’s belly may look like gruesome scar, says it’s actually trail left spider burrowed skin. The tiny tropical spider burrowed small appendix scar traveled torso, leaving red, scar-like trail naval chest. It survived three days. Maxwell visiting Indonesia says noticed thought scratch inch-long. He went doctor told small insect bite, trail kept growing toward chest. Maxwell described “a searing, hot searing burning sensation. It like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” When started blister, says got worried. That’s realized spider crawled scar. He says doctors able pull spider out. The spider placed container shipped testing. Still, many unconvinced Dylan produced records account. And experts say aren’t really accounts spiders burrowing inside people skins. Snopes.com discussion Dylan’s claim. I think extremely suspect, unusual, likely possible. Simply put: plausible I think valid reason spider might ‘crawl beneath skin scar’. The claim ‘feeding moving scar tissue’ defies logic defies know biology spiders. I also skeptical ‘evidence’ (the spider itself) presented.
Terrorism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners
Poverty-stricken parents took streets auction son highest bidder. The reason? They need money pay cancer treatment save life twin sister. The little girl acute leukemia parents told would die without urgent medical treatment. Horrifying sad photos show 29-year-old Meng Xiangyan, mom twins, streets Eastern China. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives." The family sold apartment everything live tiny flat near medical center treating thier daughter. “It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son."
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death
The sister British-born American photojournalist Luke Somers said killed failed rescue attempt Yemen. Lucy Somers told The Associated Press Saturday learned 33-year-old brother's death FBI agents. There immediate comment Washington. Lucy Somers said: "We ask Luke's family members allowed mourn peace." However, Yemen's defence ministry released statement claiming armed forces early Saturday freed "an American hostage" held al-Qaeda killed 10 members militant group holding him, Reuters reported. Luke Somers abducted September 2013 Yemen's capital, Sanaa. This week, Pentagon confirmed launched earlier failed raid rescue him. Somers' reported death comes Yemeni security official said suspected US drone strike dawn Saturday killed nine alleged al-Qaeda militants country's southern Shabwa province. Tribal leaders said saw helicopters flying nearby strike. More follow.
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas'
Congressional Republicans pushing “ISIS At Border” line hard may hearing things. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) told Fox News’ Greta van Susteren Tuesday “at least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas,” saying received information border patrol source. According Department Homeland Security, rebutting similar claims weeks, that’s bogus. RELATED: Geraldo Fox & Friends: Don’t Mix Up War Terror Immigration Debate “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” DHS spokesman said statement today. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” One Hunter’s sources modified claim congressman’s comments, saying apprehended might ISIS-affiliated even American fought Syrian Free Army, one ISIS’ many enemies. Hunter didn’t back down. “The Congressman conveying knows — told,” spokesperson told ABC News. “It makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand — it’s way long time don’t expect change.” [h/t ABC News] [Image via screengrab] —— >> Follow Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) Twitter
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post
American fears may realized. One five Taliban members released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl believed returned militant activity Qatar. CNN’s Barbara Starr reported Thursday one Taliban Five may reverted back terrorism. Over last months, one men released reached militants. The administration suspects may threat. The White House already facing renewed criticism deal made summer. Many experts criticized plan, saying set precedent negotiate exchange prisoners terrorist groups. The government Jordan indicated willing trade attempted suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi Jordanian fighter pilot Lt. Muath al-Kasaesbeh. This week, NBC reported Pentagon charge Bergdahl desertion although charges made yet. Obama brought Bergdahl mother June 1, 2014, Rose Garden promote deal brought soldier home. The slew news surrounding transfer vindicates skeptical deal White House made without notifying Congress, required law. At every turn, decision proven bad deal America’s security.
Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis
A MAN dumped girlfriend told good bed chopped penis threw bin. The man told medics felt small penis blame fact dumped girlfriend, useless, decided cut off. Oliver Ilic, 22, called medics couldn’t stop bleeding taken stretcher bloodstained jeans hospital eastern Macedonian town Kocani. Police searched house discovered severed organ bin cut single swipe razor blade also bin. Although delivered local hospital, doctors realised didn’t competence reattach member. Instead Ilic transferred hospital capital Skopje surgeons managed reattach complicated five-hour operation. It’s still early know operation would success worked, whether man’s organ would ever function properly again. This second recent example Macedonian man cutting penis. Another 40-year-old man short ago, case penis reattached thrown toilet flushed away.
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?
So… Rebecca Schoenkopf Wonkette pretty certain actor Paul Rudd one many bystanders tackled violent, homophobic maniac ground attacked man pink shirt Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport last week. And reviewing video, pretty sure she’s right. Check guy blazer plaid shirt runs frame around 1:20 mark: A lot white guys look like Paul Rudd, guy really looks like Paul Rudd. And top that, thanks expert sleuth work comedian Sara Benincasa, know Rudd spotted flight left Dallas last Thursday. Mediaite reached Rudd’s reps confirmation video. This story incredible is, presence one Hollywood’s charming, ageless stars put top. Watch video below, via YouTube (WARNING: NSFW language): [Photo via screengrab] – – >> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) Twitter
Spider burrowed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body
Glenn Beck Wednesday expressed fear 11 jets reportedly seized radical Islamist groups Libya past month could used cause extraordinary damage United States, even jets never leave Middle East. How? Extremists could crash planes oil fields oil-rich countries U.S. dependent. Beck speaking Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) jets Bachmann remarked: “There’s really two concerns. One, planes could used similar way used 9/11 United States. They could used as, essentially, flying bombs — oil fields, buildings strategic targets. Number two, [a] plane could loaded terrorists, could land commercial aircraft American city somewhere, European city. [They could] deplane, go about, carry maybe Mumbai-type disaster. So there’s multiple ways planes could used.” “Oil fields,” Beck repeated. “The thing said feels true oil fields. … We’ll know airplane — that’s one missing airplanes — could take Libya skies Saudi Arabia lightning speed, crash it.” Bachmann said routes, flight Saudi Arabia deviates course, Saudis 90 seconds neutralize threat could cause tremendous harm. “It’s little time have,” said. Watch complete interview, below:
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT A man blamed small penis girlfriend breaking decided chop razor. But cutting organ throwing bin, 22-year-old Oliver Ilic, unable stop bleeding. He called emergency services taken hospital Kocani, Macedonia, told medics decided cut use. He explained girlfriend ended relationship telling good bed. Oliver Ilic, 22, Macedonia, called help unable stop bleeding cut penis Police searched house found severed penis bin along razor blade used. Local doctors unable reattach organ Mr Ilac taken another hospital capital Skopje - surgeons successfully reattached five-hour operation. But early know Mr Ilac's penis function properly again. Another Macedonian man recently chopped penis. But unlike Mr Ilic, man flushed away toilet able reattached. The 22-year-old, blamed small penis dumped, taken hospital bloodstained jeans
Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date
British intelligence agencies MI5 MI6 identified man suspected horrific beheading American journalist James Foley, according British media reports. The hooded man English accent believed 23-year-old Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, known fellow Islamic State militants Jihadi John. Key suspect: Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary raps name Lyricist Jinn. Photo: YouTube The former rapper left family home affluent west London suburb last year fight civil war Syria. In early August tweeted photo wearing military camouflage black hood, holding severed head left hand. British SAS forces hunting Foley's killer, using range high-tech equipment track potentially free hostages. Murdered: American journalist James Foley. Photo: AP The Mail Sunday reporting "significant force" SAS personnel deployed northern Iraq past two days, joining local units fighting Islamic State. They fanned four-man teams, accompanying Iraqi Kurdish troops effort find British jihadists. The Sunday Times reports Bary key focus manhunt. He one British jihadists referred former hostages Beatles British accents. The two others called "George" "Ringo". The two Britons suspected involvement crime Aine Davis, former drug dealer converted Islam, Razul Islam, believed joined terrorist group murdered Foley. A still video James Foley's execution. Photo: AP Bary son Egyptian-born militant awaiting trial terrorism charges Manhattan, due alleged involvement bombing US embassies Kenya Tanzania 1998. Before leaving family home fight Syria, Bary aspiring rapper known L Jinny whose music played one Britain's popular radio stations, BBC Radio 1.   Recordings songs prove vital investigating team, experts using voice recognition technology match voice man brutally decapitated Mr Foley. Bary made number music videos songs, titles Flying High, Dreamer Overdose. It believed indoctrinated Islamic preacher named Anjem Choudary persuaded join fight Syria.
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq
From midweek edition Morning Jolt: Say What? ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across Border’ Rep. Duncan Hunter, Republican California, seem like nut job prone wild exaggerations. But last night said something make jaws drop: Van Susteren: Hold on. Stop one second. Hunter: They going bombing American cities coming across Mexico. Van Susteren: Let ask question. You say coming southern border, changes dynamics Do information coming southern border now? Hunter: Yes. Van Susteren: Tell know. Hunter: At least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across border Texas. Van Susteren: How know that? Hunter: Because I’ve asked border patrol, Greta. Van Susteren: And border patrol let’s ISIS members come across border? Hunter: No. They caught border. Therefore, know ISIS coming across border. If catch five ten them, know going dozens get caught border patrol. That’s know. That’s risk here, ISIS radical Islamists coming across border. Once again, don’t navy, air force, nuclear weapons. The way Americans going harmed radical Islam — Chairman Dempsey said thing. He said that’s major threat here, that’s guys going infiltrate America harm Americans. Then add comment House Democrat: Rep. Tim Bishop (D., N.Y.) warned recent speech 40 radicalized U.S. citizens fought alongside Islamic State Iraq Levant (ISIL ISIS) already returned United States, could pose terrorist threat. Bishop claims 100 Americans traveled Middle East join ISIL’s ranks, 40 returned currently surveilled FBI, according remarks, filmed uploaded YouTube last week. “One concerns number U.S. citizens left country go join ISIS,” Bishop said speech. “It believed number 100 done that.” “It also believed 40 left country join ISIS returned country,” Bishop said, eliciting shocked responses crowd. Is threat ISIS terrorists crossing southern border longer theoretical? Could administration really successfully cover something big this?
Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say
Chinese people given state advice adoption English sounding names – urged avoid make sound like “stripper” instead opt ones imply bearer “a fancy conservative family”. A report published website CCTV, state broadcaster, offered readers practical advice selection Western-style name, rite passage young Chinese. “Take heed,” article said. “English names come different connotations…A name come 'feeling’ idea sort person are.” Names “with distinct feeling Britishness” Elizabeth, William Catherine considered “safe” article, illustrated picture Royal family. But other, less desirable name types also listed, derived “suggestive” foods Candy, Lolly Sugar “typically thought 'non-smart girl’ names, 'stripper’ names.” Picking distinctive name world leader celebrity Obama Madonna, religious figure (“Satan”), advised. In discussion article Observer, news portal, one user suggested tradition could short-lived. “Why get English name?” Xiao Weixia wrote. “Just wait, everyone get Chinese name future.”
Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say
BEIRUT — Lebanon’s military detained wife child leader Islamic State, security officials said Tuesday. The spouse another senior Islamic State commander also detained army, officials said. The women child might able offer insights activities Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi inner circle. Or could become bargaining chips release hostages held militant group. A Lebanese intelligence official identified Baghdadi’s wife Sagia Dulaimi said detained last week 9-year-old daughter Madfoun checkpoint northern Lebanon. Other media reports, including Associated Press, identified child boy. The reason discrepancy immediately clear. Baghdadi’s wife child carrying false identity papers crossing Syria, said official, involved interrogating detainees. He said Syrian nationals, security officials said could Iraqi. The pair held Defense Ministry compound outskirts Beirut, said official, spoke condition anonymity, citing lack authority discuss issue record. The second woman Chechen origin, said Lebanese military official. The official, also spoke condition anonymity, declined give identity name husband. It immediately clear whether woman detained time wife child Baghdadi, Iraqi whose real name Ibrahim al-Samarrai. It also remains uncertain detainees came Lebanon, Islamic State, radical al-Qaeda offshoot also known ISIS ISIL, opposed country’s Western-allied military powerful Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia. The military official said number family members Islamic State militants taken refuge northern Lebanon, pockets support groups Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s affiliate Syria. The three detainees could used bargain release hostages held Islamic State, kidnapped thousands people — including Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Europeans Americans — extract ransoms punish considers guilty religious transgressions. The militants also beheaded captives, including two American journalists well American British aid workers — response airstrikes U.S.-led coalition, Islamic State said. The intelligence official said Dulaimi part prisoner swap year Syrian government rebels Maaloula, city Syria. The government Bashar al-Assad agreed release 150 prisoners exchange Greek Orthodox nuns believed held militants links groups al-Qaeda. In August, militants sympathetic Islamic State attacked northern Lebanese town Arsal captured 20 soldiers withdrawing. They since beheaded two soldiers, demanding Lebanon release number jihadists jailed. The Lebanese daily As-Safir first report detentions Baghdadi’s wife child, identified son. The paper added arrests made “coordination foreign intelligence agencies.” After lightning advances Iraq year Islamic State, Baghdadi declared caliphate land group’s control, extends deep inside Iraq northern Syria. It unclear many wives Baghdadi has, although Islamic law generally allows four. Meanwhile, least six Lebanese soldiers killed gunmen ambush border area Tuesday, AP reported, citing security official. Details assailants immediately known, previous clashes near Syrian border involving security forces militant groups including Jabhat al-Nusra. Brian Murphy Washington contributed report.
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state
We’ve seen traditional depictions God cloud-dwelling figure flowing mane white beard. But now, Catholic priest America apparently claimed God female, officially died 48 minutes following massive heart attack. According unverified report, Father John Micheal O’Neal, 71, briefly went heaven met ‘warm comforting’ motherly figure doctors battled save life Massachusetts General Hospital. Although doctors feared religious cleric would suffered brain damage, woke 48 hours later recovered heart attack. Recalling experience, priest apparently said engulfed feeling unconditional love met God, described mother-like ‘being light’. He said: ‘Her presence overwhelming comforting. MORE: Would let baby nap outside sub-zero temperatures? MORE: Honeymooner survives fall 4,000ft cliff front bride ‘She soft soothing voice presence reassuring mother’s embrace. ‘The fact God Holy Mother instead Holy Father doesn’t disturb me, everything I hoped would even more.’ O’Neal reportedly said continue spread word God, despite Archbishop Boston moving rubbish claims ‘Holy Mother’. He added: ‘I wish continue preaching. I would like share new knowledge Mother, Son Holy Ghost Catholics even Christians. God great almighty despite woman.’
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley
(CNN) -- Scratch Christian Bale list actors supposed play Steve Jobs. Bale rumored finalist play Apple co-founder Aaron Sorkin-written film biography decided right part, said The Hollywood Reporter. The Jobs biopic works since least 2012, Sony announced Sorkin would write film based Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography. Bale second notable performer turn Jobs role. Leonardo DiCaprio also pegged film. The Hollywood Reporter noted neither Bale DiCaprio begun negotiations. According Variety, Seth Rogen talked part Steve Wozniak, Jobs' Apple co-founder. The film directed Danny Boyle, Oscar "Slumdog Millionaire." Filming scheduled begin winter.
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Rubbish'
Led Zeppelin fans disappointed learn there’s reunion tour story appeared Daily Mirror suggesting Robert Plant ripped $800 contract gig false, according Guardian. The reported tour supposedly financed Virgin founder Richard Branson, wanted turn one Virgin planes new iteration “The Starship,” jet​ band used tour 1970s. The group play 35 dates three locales-- London, Berlin New Jersey. Guitarist Jimmy Page bassist John Paul Jones signed on. And late drummer John Bonham’s son Jason play drums band. “It no-brainer Robert asked 48 hours think it,” source told Daily Mirror. “When said ripped paperwork given, enormous sense shock. There way go ahead without him.” Turns out, entire tale “rubbish,” said Plant’s publicist Guardian, backing Page said publication September - Zeppelin reunion “[not] likely.”
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals
Google leased 1.9 million square feet Moffett Place, Sunnyvale office complex development Jay Paul Co. Google Inc. cemented pair massive real estate deals Sunnyvale Redwood City boost company's Silicon Valley footprint 2.8 million square feet – size Empire State Building enough room 10,000 workers. Even Google standards, latest transactions blockbusters: In one deal, Google agreed lease Jay Paul Co.'s Moffett Place, 1.9 million square foot office campus currently construction Sunnyvale. It's contender largest office lease ever signed Silicon Valley perhaps state California. In separate less notable deal, Mountain View-based Google completed purchase six buildings Blackstone Group Starwood Capital totaling 934,000 square feet Redwood City's Pacific Shores office park. It's Google's first entry city potential game changer commercial real estate market. "Google obviously strong company hyper growth mode," said Amber Schiada, director research real estate services firm JLL. The deals — I previously reported works — confirmed sources close transactions. Google declined comment story. Blackstone return inquiries. Jay Paul's longtime broker Phil Mahoney Newmark Cornish & Carey, would say Moffett Place market. Google's expansion Peninsula biggest real estate story since 2008 Great Recession world's biggest Web-search advertising company bought leased building building, radiating Mountain View headquarters. Its real estate growth dwarfs even Cisco Systems Inc.'s expansion 1990s. Terms latest deals disclosed, sources estimated Redwood City sale around $625 per square foot, $583.75 million. That would make perhaps Google's single largest real estate acquisition footprint dollar amount ever Silicon Valley. "I welcome city I look forward working them," said Redwood City Mayor Jeffrey Gee interview afternoon. "For long time I would go around say, 'Redwood City one best kept secrets Bay Area. With Google everything going on, we're secret anymore.'" Aside sheer size, deals notable several reasons. First, showcase Google's incredibly ambitious growth plans company enters new business sectors wearable computing, self-driving cars robotics — could huge space users own. Google even moved much space leased bought last several years. Yet company continues bank elbow room future expansion, suggesting thinking far line terms space needs. Google counted 55,030 employees globally Sept. 30, according recent quarterly report, 18 percent — 8,600 Googlers — year ago. The transactions also alter marketplace dynamics two cities taking available space table. Schiada noted Moffett Place largest speculatively built project construction Silicon Valley. In Redwood City's Pacific Shores, 90 percent leased, I'm told Google honor current tenants' leases now, evaluate moving spaces become available years ahead. "A big question leave tenants," Schiada said, speaking specifically Moffett Place deal. "It also increases rates, supply becomes limited." Still, could actually good thing tenants line pushing developers build product, added. "This deal essentially eliminates significant portion new development, could prompt developers move forward," said. Jim Beeger, veteran broker Colliers International, said short term, Sunnyvale deal could also push tenants back market. The transaction could "cause tenants sizes realize sense urgency search new site," said. "Moffett Place difficult replicate, lingered longer option." Sethena Leiker, senior analyst Cushman & Wakefield's Silicon Valley office, agreed. "There's lot spec development coming," said. "If want take new space, going take something that's proposed." One result, Beeger said, could "trickle-down effect" growing tenants moving areas Santa Clara County available sites. Score Sunnyvale Google's lease Moffett Place huge win San Francisco-based Jay Paul Co., one that's entirely unexpected. Jay Paul already leased 949,000 square feet Google Sunnyvale nearby campus called Technology Corners, making Google natural prospect new development. And Google yet started moving Technology Corners, company also growing elsewhere Sunnyvale year, snapping old Juniper Networks headquarters (424,000 square feet) former head office Palm Computing Inc. (285,000 square feet). And rumored fund, CBRE Global Investors, that's buying land around Sunnyvale's Moffett Park business district actually acting behalf Google. Yet landing Google guaranteed Jay Paul started building Moffett Place earlier year spec. Other major tech tenants also making offers property, according sources. The rent Google paying known, Jay Paul asking $3.75 per square foot triple-net basis, including utilities, taxes fees. Redwood City action In Redwood City, Google picks major chunk one Silicon Valley's marquee office campuses. The 10-building, 1.7-million-square-foot project built Jay Paul Co. early 2000s gained notice sleek design swanky amenities including pools, rock-climbing wall, day spa baseball diamonds. Starwood bought campus 2006 $833 million, immediately sold two buildings Shorenstein, San Francisco-based landlord. Blackstone came picture acquiring junior debt property couple years ago. Informatica also acquired two buildings 10 2012 $525 per square foot. Google's acquisition week six Blackstone/Starwood buildings. As I reported earlier month, new owner could build even office space Pacific Shores. New zoning approved year ago could allow total build-out 3 million square feet. Google — like many expanding tech companies focused reducing car shuttle trips traffic worsens current boom — may attracted project partly water transit possibilities beyond freeways. Pacific Shores half mile Port Redwood City, Google pilot project earlier year tested running ferries San Francisco Alameda port. Mayor Gee said city would happy work Google plan, search company decide go direction. "One things that's always challenge new forms transportation is, enough there," said. "With Google, potentially brings there." Check back later story.
No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe
On Saturday, entire Internet watched horror cautious joy drunk and/or high man Dallas-Forth Worth airport assaulted random bystander believed gay. The attacker quickly subdued crowd people. The video, first posted Raw Story, viewed nearly two million times. But one person, comedian friend Jezebel Sarah Benincasa, noticed one guys tackling said gay-basher looks lot like actor decent-seeming human Paul Rudd. Here's video again, via Raw Story: As see, glassy-eyed gentleman attacks guy pink shirt suspects "a queer" then, asked that, screams "Because America!" (It's great crowd people worked subdue him; slightly less great airport security guard seen meandering past moments attacks pink-shirted man, ignoring screams threats takes sweatshirt off.) In viewing video, Benincasa noticed around 1:30, one people dog-piling man really, really looks like Paul Rudd. Like, lot: As Wonkette reported, another Twitter user, @msigs, found girl who'd tweeted seeing Paul Rudd day, got confirm wearing video: checked shirt sport coat. However, Twitter user appears seen Rudd flight Savannah, Georgia, know sure stopped Dallas. (Do people Paul Rudd-level money really layovers?) So, jury still one, even glorious #PaulRuddSavesLives hashtag engulfing Twitter. But, confirmed, going almost great — and, let's frank, arousing — time Ryan Gosling broke street fight. Watch Ryan Gosling, Hero, Break Up A Random Street Fight Here's amateur footage, taken corner Astor Place New York City weekend,… Were Dallas airport day? Did see Paul Rudd tackle gay-basher? Email me: anna.merlan@jezebel.com.
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce' breached
No one died times Fidel Castro. But yesterday, rumors began flying anew Cuban-American community -- and, course, Twitter -- Cuban leader finally bitten dust possible news conference announce demise today. Could speculation finally true time? The reports began circulating late yesterday around Twitter: So far there's nothing substantiating buzz. Cuban media outlets denied news conference scheduled, hype also comes "suspiciously close" actual death Fidel Castro Odinga, 41-year-old son Kenya opposition leader, Daily Mail reports. There another reason rumors may swirling: According Fox News Latino, yesterday marked one year since 88-year-old revolutionary last seen public. Let's hope Fidel jumps Twitter soon deny -- confirm? -- rumors.
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs
TORONTO – A Canadian soldier shot War Memorial Ottawa Wednesday morning, multiple shots fired inside Parliament Hill. According witness, shooter black hair, wearing grey jacket scarf. Witnesses reported gunfire inside halls Parliament, including dozen shots outside Parliament Hill library. Police ambulance scene, Parliament Hill lockdown. Ottawa police confirmed call 9:52 a.m. report shots fired. Raw video: Emergency workers perform CPR shots fired Parliament Hill Witnesses scene War Memorial said shock; number performed CPR victim. “I’m trying grasp now,” said male witness, said soldiers “normal drill.” “They march rifle hand [the suspect] came right hand side fired shot right one soldiers. [The soldier] went went aid. The suspect took across street vehicle,” said. Ottawa shooting The scene Ottawa man believed soldier shot near War Memorial. Vassy Kapelos/Global News Ottawa shooting The scene Ottawa man believed soldier shot near War Memorial. Vassy Kapelos/Global News 12345678 The incident comes two days two Canadian soldiers run over–and one killed–in Quebec man terrorist-linked ideology. More come. With files The Canadian Press Follow live blog latest updates below:
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?
Arrived convent Macerata June last year, religious South American origin. But abbess denied: "No sister gave birth child." A young cloistered nun, Bolivian origin 35 years, gave birth baby hospital Bartolomeo Eustachio San Severino Marche (Macerata). When arrived hospital, brought sisters worried health, complained strong stomach ache. Performed ultrasound, truth immediately clear nun, Sunday, transferred obstetrics, hours gave birth child. Great secrecy maintained other. The nun would however confided doctors decision hold child probably entrusted host community. For moment, baby conducted investigations Neonatology Hospital Macerata. It would good health, born pregnancy held without health checks, preferred subject accurate analyzes. No comment bishop Camerino Francesco Brugnaro. In San Severino cloistered convents two, Santa Rita Santa Caterina, area many religious structures. The Mother Abbess monastery St. Clare San Severino explained nun gave birth "cloistered" one convents area. "The story - said - Poor Clare Sister community, sisters monasteries area." "Let say - added - categorically dispel doubt refute inaccurate information circulating moment led many journalists contact address." Sister Rosella takes defend "the meaning life choice," ensure "no cloistered nun eight monasteries Diocese Camerino-San Severino gave birth son." VERSION OF THE CONVENT - From convent Missionary Sisters Love Heart Christ San Severino Marche ensure young woman given birth "is nun, girl helping." But certainly know Bolivia age. Several sources ensure religious, sisters want add anything else, without explaining even woman taken vows. Meanwhile, learned discharged hospital.
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley
In horrifying act revenge U.S. airstrikes northern Iraq, militants Islamic State extremist group beheaded American journalist James Foley — threatening kill another hostage, U.S. officials say. The White House must weigh risks adopting aggressive policy destroy Islamic State resisting action could result death another American. It also confront potentially necessary step pursuing Islamic State Syria, President Barack Obama resisted launching airstrikes deploying significant American firepower. Obama expected make statement Wednesday Foley's killing. U.S. officials confirmed grisly video released Tuesday showing Islamic State militants beheading Foley. Separately, Foley's family confirmed death statement posted Facebook page created rally support release, saying "have never prouder him." "He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people," said statement, attributed Foley's mother, Diane Foley. She implored militants spare lives hostages. "Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world." Foley, 40, Rochester, New Hampshire, went missing northern Syria November 2012 freelancing Agence France-Presse Boston-based media company GlobalPost. The car riding stopped four militants contested battle zone Sunni rebel fighters government forces trying control. He heard since. The beheading marks first time Islamic State killed American citizen since Syrian conflict broke March 2011, upping stakes increasingly chaotic multilayered war. The killing likely complicate U.S. involvement Iraq Obama administration's efforts contain group expands Iraq Syria. The group heir apparent militancy known al-Qaida Iraq, beheaded many victims, including American businessman Nicholas Berg 2004. The video released websites Tuesday appears show increasing sophistication Islamic State group's media unit begins scenes Obama explaining decision order airstrikes. It cuts balding man orange jumpsuit kneeling desert, next black-clad militant knife throat. Foley's name appears English Arabic graphics screen. After captive speaks, masked man shown apparently beginning cut neck; video fades black beheading completed. The next shot appears show captive lying dead ground, head body. The video appears shot arid area; vegetation seen horizon distance sand meets gray-blue sky. At end video, militant shows second man, identified another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, warns could next captive killed. Sotloff kidnapped near Syrian-Turkish border August 2013; freelanced Time, National Interest MediaLine. One U.S. official said video appeared authentic, two U.S. officials said victim Foley. All three officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss killing name. Several senior U.S. officials direct knowledge situation said Islamic State recently threatened kill Foley avenge crushing airstrikes past two weeks militants advancing Mount Sinjar, Mosul dam Kurdish capital Irbil. Both areas northern Iraq, become key front Islamic State fighters travel Syria. Since Aug. 8, U.S. military struck least 70 Islamic State targets — including security checkpoints, vehicles weapons caches. It's clear many militants killed strikes, although likely were. The Islamic State militant group ruthless attacks people consider heretics infidels disowned al-Qaida's leaders. In seeking impose harsh interpretation Islamic law lands trying control, extremists slain soldiers civilians alike horrifying ways — including mounting decapitated heads victims spikes. The New York-based Committee Protect Journalists estimated Tuesday 20 journalists missing Syria, released nationalities. In annual report November, committee concluded missing journalists either held threatened death extremists, taken captive gangs seeking ransom. The group's report described widespread seizure journalists unprecedented largely unreported news organizations hope keeping kidnappings public view may help captives' release. ___ Associated Press writers Bradley Klapper Julie Pace Washington, Rik Stevens Rochester, New Hampshire, Zeina Karam Beirut contributed report.
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?
A rogue bird let loose Vladimir Putin weekend Russian president delivered speech opening World War I monument, according multiple tittering reports. If tale feathered vigilante justice sounds farfetched though, that's is: The video purporting show airborne assault appears sneaky editing job. Here's clip got Reddit's attention: Yet another Redditor points out, footage event shows Putin sans poop. (The snippet previous video comes around ninth minute below.) Pictures speech similarly show tell-tale white stain, according The Independent. So sorry, President Obama, birthday present good true was, fact, good true. At least we'll always (admittedly phony) memories. --Jon Terbush (Reddit)
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting
A previously unverified audio recording allegedly captures final moments Michael Brown’s life verified authentic, according video streaming application recorded on. A resident living apartment complex Brown killed using video messaging app called Glide time shooting unwittingly captured sound gunfire, according lawyer representing resident, whose identity released. The recording suggests nearly dozen shots fired altercation Brown, unarmed time, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. According Glide recording created 12:02 p.m. CT Saturday Aug. 9, precisely time police say Brown shot. “A Glide user living nearby (whose identity protected) simply using Glide app smartphone exactly designed – instantly communicate friend real-time video texting service. Simultaneously, also captured audio background gunshots allegedly fired Michael Brown,” Glide said statement released Thursday. “Because Glide messaging application using streaming video technology, message simultaneously recorded transmitted, exact time verified second.” The lawyer, Lopa Blumenthal, said shared recording FBI. Federal officials won’t confirm specific recording, confirm collecting audio video incident. The audio could prove critical piece evidence ongoing investigation Brown’s death. It also seems confirm witnesses shooting say happened incident. They said Brown, black, Wilson, white, seen struggling driver’s side window Wilson’s police car. They said Wilson fired single shot inside car fired several Brown attempted flee. Some witnesses, viewing incident different vantage points, said Wilson fired several shots Brown point boy turned around hands up, point Wilson fired several gunshots. The audio capture happened moments shooting. And law enforcement officials say stage it’s impossible know significance tape may be. Days release audio earlier week, Tommy Chatman-Bey, lives Canefield Green Apartment complex near Brown killed, told msnbc outside time shooting ear-witness. “I right I heard it,” Chatman-Bey said. “I heard Boom, Boom, Boom, pause, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom more.” The police provided many details shooting released detailed police incident report. What Ferguson police released report little date, time location incident. But curious time stamps document. Typically incident report following homicide would give detailed account. The report, released American Civil Liberties Union Missouri sued open records law, suggests supervisor reviewed Aug. 19, 10 days fatal shooting. Final sign-off wasn’t given Aug. 20, report appears indicate. Glide statement said, “While tragedy never good news, hearts go family Michael Brown, incident underscores technology changing landscape journalism, also criminology. We commend Glide user turning Glide video message FBI investigators possible evidence ongoing investigation.” A key question could Wilson paused midst barrage. Brown struck least six bullets including two hit skull, according autopsy performed behest Brown’s family. Lawyers Brown’s family critical forensic examiners identified two head shots actually killed Brown. At least one shots struck Brown top head. Witnesses claim Brown fell knees attempted surrender Wilson officer continued walk toward him, firing several shots. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch began presenting evidence case grand jury last week said decision whether Wilson charged may come October.
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect
Mounted cannon leaving trail shells wake, black pickup truck hands jihadists Syria brought woe family Texas City plumbers way insignia driver-side door: “Mark-1 Plumbing”. On Monday Chechen-led group linked extremist group Ansar al-Deen, sometime ally Islamic State (Isis) al-Nusra fighters, tweeted photo black Ford F-250 action near Aleppo. Since then, Mark Olberholtzer family near Houston received hundreds phone calls questions threats. Attempts call Olberholtzer family, Mark-1 Plumbing, reached recorded message disconnected line. On Tuesday Mark Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News mystified: “How ended Syria, I’ll never know.” His son Jeff similarly expressed bafflement KHOU local news: “We intentions idea would happen.” “To think something would use pull trailers, used terror – it’s crazy. Never life would I think something like that,” younger Olberholtzer told KHOU. The Olberholtzers sold truck October 2013 nearby Houston dealership run AutoNation, confirmed Marc Cannon, senior vice-president AutoNation’s corporate communications. Cannon told Guardian AutoNation sent truck Adesa auction house Houston. The car sold auction block local used car dealer, though Adesa yet responded requests identify dealer. An operator auction house told Guardian company bombarded calls, surprised neither plumbers jihadis simply removed logo. From port Houston Olberholtzers’ old F-250 likely made dealership eastern Europe, Africa Middle East, within months changed hands several times finally reached jihadist sympathizer. The truck likely passed Turkey’s porous border, lies hours’ drive Aleppo chaotic battles far removed south-eastern Texas. About erasing logo, elder Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News AutoNation one middlemen “were supposed done looks like didn’t it”. The plumber 32 years said family received death threats callers “are really ugly”. “We secretary here, she’s scared death. We families,” son told KHOU. “We nothing terror all.” His father message broader world: “I want go away, tell truth.” A representative Mark-1 Plumbing told CBS News plan pursue legal action force Twitter remove photo. The person said sold vehicles would “most definitely” logo removed henceforth. Auction houses, make profit faster turn products, usually sell used cars quickly, exporters often keen pick unwanted vehicles lots. Those exporters ship used cars sizeable market developing nations, battered Ford find long second life, scavengers resurrect lemon dismantle parts.
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes
(Reuters) - Iraqi pilots joined Islamic State Syria training members group fly three captured fighter jets, group monitoring war said Friday, saying first time militant group taken air. The group, seized swathes land Syria Iraq, flying planes captured al-Jarrah military airport east Aleppo, said Rami Abdulrahman, runs Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights. Reuters immediately able verify report U.S. Central Command said aware Islamic State flying jets Syria. U.S-led forces bombing Islamic State bases Syria Iraq. The group regularly used weaponry captured Syrian Iraqi armies overrun several military bases but, report confirmed, would first time able pilot warplanes. "They trainers, Iraqi officers pilots (former Iraqi president) Saddam Hussein," Abdulrahman said. "People saw flights, went many times airport flying skies outside airport coming back," said, citing witnesses northern Aleppo province near base, 70 km (45 miles) south Turkish border. Witnesses reported flights low altitude lasted five 10 minutes landing, Observatory said. It possible reach Syrian government comment state media mention report. It clear whether jets equipped weaponry whether pilots could fly longer distances planes, witnesses said appeared MiG 21 MiG 23 models captured Syrian military. U.S. MILITARY KEEPING "CLOSE EYE" "We're aware ISIL conducting flight operations Syria elsewhere," U.S. Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder said, using former name Islamic State. "We continue keep close eye (Islamic State) activity Syria Iraq continue conduct strikes equipment, facilities, fighters centres gravity, wherever may be." General Lloyd Austin, head U.S. military’s Central Command, said could confirm Iraqi pilots joined Islamic State. "We don’t operational reporting ISIL flying jets support ISIL activity ground I cannot confirm that. And degree pilots may defected joined ranks ISIL, I don’t information either," told Pentagon news briefing. Pro-Islamic State Twitter accounts previously posted pictures captured jets parts Syria aircraft appeared unusable, according political analysts diplomats. The countryside east Aleppo city one main bases Islamic State Syria. The al Qaeda offshoot controls third territory Syria, whose civil war pitting various rebel groups regime President Bashar al-Assad raged three years. (Additional reporting Oliver Holmes Beirut Phil Stewart David Alexander Washington; Editing Gareth Jones)
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants
The man known Jihadi John. Photo: Reuters The world knows "Jihadi John," masked man British accent beheaded several hostages held Islamic State taunts audiences videos circulated widely online. But real name, according friends others familiar case, Mohammed Emwazi, Briton well-to-do family grew West London graduated college degree computer programming. He believed travelled Syria around 2012 later joined Islamic State, group whose barbarity come symbolise. "I doubt Mohammed Jihadi John," said one Emwazi's close friends identified interview The Washington Post. American journalist James Foley Syria July, 2012. Photo: AP "He like brother me. . . . I sure him." A representative British human rights group contact Emwazi left Syria also said believed Emwazi Jihadi John, moniker given hostages held. "There extremely strong resemblance," Asim Qureshi, research director rights group, CAGE, said watching one videos. "This making feel fairly certain person." Authorities used variety investigative techniques, including voice analysis interviews former hostages, try identify Jihadi John. James Comey, director FBI, said September — month Briton seen video killing American journalist James Foley — officials believed succeeded. Nevertheless, identity Jihadi John remained shrouded secrecy. Since Foley's killing, appeared series videos documenting gruesome killings hostages, including four Westerners, personally beheaded. In each, dressed black, balaclava covering eyes ridge nose. He wears holster left arm. A spokeswoman British Embassy Washington said: "Our prime minister clear want committed murder behalf ISIL face justice appalling acts carried out. There ongoing police investigation murder hostages ISIL Syria. It appropriate government comment part continues." ISIL another name Islamic State. US officials declined comment report. Emwazi's family declined request interview, citing legal advice. The Kuwaiti-born Emwazi, mid-20s, appears left little trail social media elsewhere online. Those knew say polite penchant wearing stylish clothes adhering tenets Islamic faith. He beard mindful making eye contact women, friends said. He raised middle-class neighbourhood London occasion prayed mosque Greenwich. The friends, spoke condition anonymity sensitivity investigation, believe Emwazi started radicalise planned safari Tanzania following graduation University Westminster. Emwazi two friends — German convert Islam named Omar another man, Abu Talib — never made trip. Once landed Dar es Salaam, May 2009, detained police held overnight. It's unclear whether reason detention made clear three, eventually deported. Emwazi flew Amsterdam, claimed officer MI5, Britain's domestic security agency, accused trying reach Somalia, militant group al-Shabab operates southern part country, according e-mails sent Qureshi provided The Post. Emwazi denied accusation claimed MI5 representatives tried recruit him. But former hostage said Jihadi John obsessed Somalia made captives watch videos al-Shabab, allied al-Qaeda. The episode described Independent, British newspaper, identified Emwazi Muhammad ibn Muazzam. Emwazi friends allowed return Britain, met Qureshi fall 2009 discuss happened. "Mohammed quite incensed treatment, unfairly treated," Qureshi said. Shortly afterward, Emwazi decided move birthplace, Kuwait, landed job working computer company, according e-mails wrote Qureshi. He came back London twice, second time finalise wedding plans woman Kuwait. In June 2010, however, counterterrorism officials Britain detained — time fingerprinting searching belongings. When tried fly back Kuwait next day, prevented so. "I job waiting marriage get started," wrote June 2010 e-mail Qureshi. But "I feel like prisoner, cage, London. A person imprisoned & controlled security service men, stopping living new life birthplace & country, Kuwait." Nearly four months later, court New York sentenced Aafia Siddiqui, al-Qaeda operative convicted attempted murder US personnel Afghanistan, Emwazi expressed sympathy her, saying "heard upsetting news regarding sister. . . . This keep us firmer towards fighting freedom justice!!!" In interview, Qureshi said last heard Emwazi January 2012, Emwazi sent e-mail seeking advice. "This young man ready exhaust every single kind avenue within machinery state bring change personal situation," Qureshi said. In end, felt "actions taken criminalise way something actions." Close friends Emwazi's also said situation London made desperate leave country. It's unclear exactly reached Syria how. One friend said believed Emwazi wanted travel Saudi Arabia teach English 2012 unsuccessful. Soon afterward, friend said, gone. "He upset wanted start life elsewhere," one friends said. "He stage reached point really trying find another way get out." Once Syria, Emwazi contacted family least one friends. It's unclear told activities there. A former hostage debriefed officials upon release said Jihadi John part team guarding Western captives prison Idlib, Syria, 2013. The hostages nicknamed facility "the box." Emwazi joined two men British accents, including one dubbed "George." A former hostage said Emwazi participated waterboarding four Western hostages. Former hostages described George leader trio. Jihadi John, said, quiet intelligent. "He deliberate," former hostage said. Beginning early 2014, hostages moved prison Syrian city Raqqa, Islamic State's de facto capital, visited often trio. They appeared taken powerful roles within Islamic State. About time, Qureshi said, sent e-mail Emwazi. "I wondering could send number," wrote. "Inshallah [God willing] good catch up." There response. The Washington Post
New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch breaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud
CRAIG WARGA/NY DAILY NEWS/GETTY IMAGES So much idle millennials: 17-year-old Stuyvesant High School student known around campus spending lunch breaks flipping stocks reportedly amassed $72 million fortune. The student, Mohammed Islam, profiled year’s edition New York magazine’s annual treat, “Reasons Love New York.” Islam son Bengali immigrants, pint-size, hobbyist traders poker players appear created cool nerd gang ages—dining Morimoto Mari Vanna, toss back apple juice caviar. They want make billion dollars next year (stay tuned). “But it’s money,” Islam said. “We want create brotherhood. Like, us connected, something together, influence, like Koch brothers.” One Islam’s friends, magazine describes “the son Kazakh oligarch,” peppers profile references The Wolf Wall Street Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Islam seems decent head shoulders, Koch brothers identification notwithstanding. He’s also somewhat comeback kid: losing money trading penny stocks age nine, swore trading felt well versed principles game. Now look him.
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim
(CNN) -- Boko Haram laughed Nigeria's announcement ceasefire agreement, saying deal schoolgirls abducted spring converted Islam married off. Nigerian officials announced two weeks ago struck deal Islamist terror group. The deal, government said, included release 200 girls whose kidnapping April boarding school nation's north stunned world. In video released Saturday, Islamist group's notorious leader fired series denials. "Don't know 200 Chibok schoolgirls converted Islam?" Abubakar Shekau said. "They memorized two chapters Quran." Shekau slammed reports planned release. "We married off. They marital homes," said, chuckling. The group's leader also denied knowing negotiator government claimed worked deal, saying represent Boko Haram. "We spare slaughter get him," said negotiator. It clear video made. Mike Omeri, coordinator Nigeria's National Information Centre, told CNN Saturday claims contradict made conversations Nigerian government involved. Omeri said Nigeria's government everything possible verify claims made video. Nigerian officials met Boko Haram Chad twice talks mediated Chadian President Idriss Deby, according aide. The ceasefire deal announced October 17 followed month negotiations representatives group, said Hassan Tukur, aide Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. After deal announced, aide said final negotiations girls' release would completed meeting week later Chad. That day passed without signs girls. Boko Haram growing challenge In video, Shekau talked peace violence -- promising "war, striking killing gun." This strategy appears playing parts Nigeria, Boko Haram fighters continued deadly attacks villages despite government claims ceasefire. More people abducted scores killed recent weeks, including one attack day ceasefire left eight dead. Days later, members Islamist terror group abducted least 60 young women girls Christian villages northeast Nigeria, residents said Thursday. Heavily armed fighters left 1,500 naira, $9, kola nuts bride price women abducted, residents said. For part, Nigerian government backing down. Rather, stepping military campaign militants criminals parts West African nation, Nigeria's defense ministry said Saturday. The military claimed airstrikes ground operations repelled attacks civilians Adamawa Borno, two states northeastern Nigeria strongholds frequent targets Boko Haram. Officials "studying" latest video, even military continues recognize talks aimed assuring release kidnapped schoolgirls, ministry said. Boko Haram, whose name translates "Western education sin" Hausa language, trying impose strict Sharia law across Nigeria, split majority Muslim north mostly Christian south. Like ISIS, ambitions caliphate, religious state. The group's attacks intensified recent years apparent show defiance nation's military onslaught. Its ambitions appear expanded destruction government. As part insurgency, bombed schools, churches mosques, kidnapped women children assassinated politicians religious leaders alike. CNN's Isha Sesay, Lillian Leposo, Christabelle Fombu, Greg Botelho Nana Karikari-apau contributed report.
Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe
Those caught moniker dictator would apparently "trained" change North Korean citizens hoping name Kim Jong-Un near future luck, leader banned use moniker, ordered already “trained” change it. According Daily Mail, South Korean television obtained leaked internal document state included “administrative order” army, police government officials establish new legislation. “All party organs public security authorities make list residents named Kim Jong-Un... train voluntarily change names,” reportedly reads. Those caught name Kim Jong-Un, continued, would identity cards, school diplomas official documents briskly adjusted. Birth certificates baring dictator’s name would also rejected. “Authorities make sure one making unnecessary complaints spreading gossip... regarding project,” Mail quotes document reading. A spokesperson North Korean Embassy London declined comment authenticity report. However, South Korean official claimed two previous presidents secret state, Kim Il-Sung Kim Jong-Il, similarly banned sharing names. “There possibility would continue now,” added. The document first obtained Park Jin-Hee, North Korean defector working KBS, left state 2008. “There one North named Kim Il-Sung Kim Jong-Il, doubt rule applies Jong-Un,” said. The report comes amid speculation Kim Jong-Un banned aides officials smoking foreign cigarettes unpatriotic.
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes
Mexican hitmen allegedly killed dozen students went missing last month clash corrupt local police, buried recently-discovered mass grave. State prosecutors country said man arrested told 17 missing youths rounded killed, thrown pits, badly charred remains unearthed. Authorities said man told students, went missing violent clash September 26, marched site outskirts Iguala, Guerrero state deaths. Scroll video Hunt: A forensic investigator works site mass graves, near Iguala Mexico The bodies found authorities damaged could identified. All left bones small pieces flesh. Investigators found 28 bodies there, though local officials say many 34 buried across six separate pits. It could days identities dead known sure. Security officials said earlier believed victims driven end track, walked hillside, executed buried six graves. As investigators worked site, 2,000 protesters blocked main highway Guerrero state capital Chilpancingo demanding justice. 'You took alive, want returned alive,' read huge banner hung across road linking Mexico City Acapulco. Victims: The poster shows 43 missing students offers reward recovery Remote spot: Officers stand watch near site mass grave outskirts Iguala Mexico Mass grave: The roughly 30 bodies grave believed belong group 43 missing students Jesus Lopez, Acapulco street vendor whose 19-year-old son Giovani among missing, said hoped remains students. Other relatives 'told us (the remains) burned, kids,' Lopez said. 'But we're really nervous.' Mexico's National Human Rights Commission opened investigation case possible 'serious human rights abuses,' extrajudicial executions forced disappearances Iguala city police. Police infiltrated local drug cartels suspected abducting students, local security official said, speaking condition anonymity. One security official said: 'You really can't call police'. He added suspected gang members told investigators police handed students people killed them, belonged gang. Suspicion: Masked police officers stand guard atop vehicle outside morgue Iguala Forensic workers arrive morgue: Relatives missing given DNA samples identification Grim work: The remains nine people brought hillside far, another 25 follow Heartbroken: Relatives colleagues blockade toll road near site disappearance Demonstration: Fellow students protested earlier week dissapearance The suspected gang members also helped authorities identify site, security official said. Soldiers police cordoned dirt track ended far graves, lay 40-minute walk across rocky terrain inaccessible vehicle. The fatal clashes took place Iguala night September 26. Thirty people, including 22 police, arrested connection violence, claimed lives least six people left 25 injured. Information leading discovery graves part come interrogation local police arrested clashes Iguala, security official said. Guerrero state, home Iguala resort Acapulco, one lawless country years. Officials said remains nine people taken hillside far, another 25 due follow.
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater
He’s called hero shooting rampaging gunman dead Parliament Hill — may mark first time Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers ever fired gun line duty. “This first time career he’s shot anyone,” said Erin, Vickers’ niece. A retired RCMP officer served Calgary, 58-year-old Vickers known Canadians symbol order House Commons: grey-haired man black hat robes, often carrying ceremonial sceptre Canada shoulder. On Tuesday, Vickers reportedly showed serious role really is, head security Canada’s government killing gunman charged Centre Block Parliament Hill. “To Ottawa, stay safe & strong. Thank God Sgt Arms Kevin Vickers & Cdn security forces. True heroes…” Tweeted Minister Peter MacKay. Julian Fantino, Canada’s Minister Veterans Affairs, added Tweet gratitude. “I safe & profoundly grateful Sgt Arms Kevin Vickers & security forces selfless act keeping us safe.” After shooting, Vickers immediately contacted family New Brunswick tell safe — “I’m okay,” said — hasn’t stopped worrying emotional trauma follow, forced pull trigger first time. “We’re always proud Kevin, moment concerned — make serious decision today,” said Mary, Vicker’s older sister. “He’s always natural leader — would taken decision lightly, I can’t stress enough — would always expect would expect men women him.” Raw footage Centre Block attack show officers guards moving cautiously hall, gunfire suddenly erupts, dozens shots echoing distance. Various witnesses credited Vickers leading security response killing infiltrator, man may cold-blooded murderer gunned unarmed solider outside national cenotaph moments before. Anyone thought Canada’s Sergeant-At-Arms role archaic novelty understands man holding sceptre deadly serious job. “It’s ceremonial all, tremendous responsibility — wears well,” said Mary. In RCMP career spanning 29 years, Vickers rose ranks constable Northwest Territories serving ten years Alberta, chief superintendent Ottawa. After retiring force, took Sergeant-At-Arms job Parliament Hill, famously photographed escorting protestor masquerading page House Commons. His niece Erin says uncle calm, gentle man — someone handles pressure utmost calm. “He’s thoughtful considerate person — he’s halfway saint opinion,” said. “He’s capable human being.” michael.platt@sunmedia.ca​
Web Portal publishes death of "Dog Whisperer"
A report claiming popular 'dog whisperer' Cesar Millan died heart attack Tuesday morning, nothing, lie. A hoax report claimed 'dog whisperer' Cesar Millan died heart attack. A hoax report claimed 'dog whisperer' Cesar Millan died heart attack. Twitter The death hoax report started website claimed popular Spanish news agency - ProcesoMX. The report fake website soon picked many social media thousands fans shared Facebook Twitter. The Cesar Millan death hoax gone viral. The fake death report stated: The 45 year old Mexican/American, born De la Cruz, Sinaloa, made name incredible rehabilitation training technics wit dogs, duty professionally wrote three books topic "Cesar's way" "Be pack leader" "Member family", reach worldwide popularity TV series "The dog Whisperer", name would new way people knew him, died morning Santa Clarita hospital California. Millan hospitalize yesterday afternoon, medical reports indicate suffered fulminate heart attack, paralyze heart unavailable blood reach brain, vital organs, situation witch cause death humanitarian man, years open foundation "Cesar Millan Foundation", Jada Pinkett Smith, wife Will Smith, Vice-president. ? The hoax circulated death notice issued grieving family stated "the sad news Millan's death given wife Jahira Dar news conference, couple hours ago, said media, 'I hope understand loss, I would appreciate give us space mourning.'" The report, however, soon rubbished many. A Mexican news source, Monitor National, stated "misinformation caused great impact controversy social networks" thousands fans started grieving favourite dog trainer. The worried admirers Cesar Millan rest assured 'dog whisperer' safe seen active, Facebook Twitter accounts. A self-taught dog trainer, Mexican American TV show host, widely known television series, Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan, televised 80 countries worldwide 2004 2012. Social Media Reactions Cesar Millan Death Hoax: An admirer, Susanne Nilsson, commenting recent post Cesar Millan, said:" I hope u safe well Cesar. Please comfirm News fake..I one idol thats you..Big hugs Sweden" Meanwhile, Invisible Man ‏@CHADinAMSTERDAM posted: "RIP Cesar Millan. Dude always came across good folks." Kerem Soyyilmaz ‏@keremsoyyilmaz said: "Rest peace beautiful man, sooo early. With love, dog friend @cesarmillan " Another fan, Aimee ‏@AmyL618, said: It's hoax right? Someone please tell @cesarmillan okay dead. I love changed life. I need truth.
12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?
This Today websherfif Retraction Boston.com Earlier tonight, Boston.com published piece suggesting Harvard Business School Professor Ben Edelman sent email racist overtones Sichuan Garden. We cannot verify Edelman, fact, sent email. We taken story down. The Web Sheriff hot right now. The Web Sheriff. We don’t even know what’s true anymore. Is sending racist emails Boston.com making stuff up? I hope it’s real. To quote Kevin Malone I need believe something.
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles
It seems like robots everywhere days, they’re rolling around Microsofts Silicon Valley campus R2-D2-style fight crime keep everyone safe. At least that’s idea behind pilot program company ran last week test fleet five K5 security guard robots. Designed manufactured robotics company Knightscope, K5s weigh 300 pounds 5 feet tall. They use cameras sensors keep track surroundings look suspcious activity. They “see” license plate numbers even analyze faces. While K5s aren’t equipped weapons (and can’t run get someone’s face anyway), onboard alarms sirens alert people something bad going on. And spot something person handle, call human security guard over. The K5s also use laser scanning GPS navigating, weather sensors, and, course, Wi-Fi connectivity. Stacy Stephens, Knightscope’s co-founder vice president sales marketing, told MIT Tech Review, “This takes away monotonous sometimes dangerous work, leaves strategic work law enforcement private security, depending application.” K5s mostly meant spotting strange unusual behavior, you’re trouble also use call help. They battery life 24 hours automatically bring back charging stations they’re low juice. And it’s true there’s artificial intelligence coordinating A5’s actions making decisions go next. But reaction robots seems kind alarmist. ExtremeTech writes testing robots, Microsoft “[s]howing rather shocking disregard long-term safety human civilization.” That comments might meant tongue-in-cheek, A5s don’t seem different robot guards South Korea piloted prisons 2012 even Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot, designed used dangerous situations like natural disaster relief fire rescues. If armed, A5s might seem scarier, eyes ears never get tired endlessly putter around big campus, A5s seem like reasonable solution.
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years
Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness. Strange natural occurrences happening world today. But nothing magnificent one experience January 4, 2015. According British astronomer Patrick Moore, exactly 9:47 PST AM January 4th, Pluto pass directly behind Jupiter, relation Earth. This rare alignment mean combined gravitational force two planets would exert stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting Earth’s gravity making people virtually weightless. Moore calls Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect. Moore told scientists could experience phenomenon jumping air precise moment alignment occurred. If so, promised, would experience strange floating sensation. Astronomers long aware would alignment planets date, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto would side sun, within arc 95° wide. But guaranteeing occurrence gravitational effect planets Earth’s crust maximum even closest approach. But don’t get excited. If think you’ll able float around house, you’re wrong. But, jump air 9:47 AM PST, January 4, 2015, take 3 seconds land back feet instead usual 0.2 seconds. So, mark date calendar share friends! Zero gravity day around corner!
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue
THERE unconfirmed reports jihadists fighting Islamic State contracted Ebola. Local media outlets reported cases Ebola showed hospital IS-controlled city Mosul, Iraq, Mashable reported. Iraq’s official pro-government newspaper, al Sabaah, claimed disease arrived Mosul jihadists “from several countries” including Africa. An official told Kurdish media outlet Xendan militants’ symptoms similar Ebola virus. Although symptoms Ebola, include nausea, vomiting diarrhoea, easily mistaken many illnesses malaria. The World Health Organisation (WHO) unable confirm cases. Christy Feig, WHO’s director communications told Mashable process reaching government officials Iraq see help needed investigating cases. IS counts fighters number African countries among ranks though few, any, known come areas hit Ebola.
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner
ISIS video screenshot What We Know So Far Updates The Guardian posted enhanced audio Emwazi’s voice January 2015 video: w.soundcloud.com Cage UK, counter-terrorism activist group discussions Emwazi left Syria, issued statement blaming British foreign policy radicalisation: “Like Michael Adebolajo, suffocating domestic policies aimed turning person informant prevent person fulfilling basic life needs would left lasting impression Emwazi. He desperately wanted use system change situation, system ultimately rejected him.” “We evidence several young Britons whose lives ruined security agencies, became disenfranchised turned violence British counter-terrorism policies coupled long standing grievances Western foreign policy. “This case trigger thinking British domestic foreign policy. What risk assessments, any, made British counter-terrorism policy key part plays radicalising individuals? How security services allowed get away abusing British citizens without redress? Why long-standing grievances Western interventions Muslim world ignored? One Emwazi’s neighbours Queen’s Park, identified Abdullah, told reporters family seemed normal. He added lived block three years, little interaction Emwazis. Carl Court / Getty Images “Jihadi John” appeared multiple ISIS videos, threatening hostages would later killed. ISIS Peter Kassig, US aid worker, killed December 2014. David Cawthorne Haines, Scottish aid worker, killed September 2014. Alan Henning, British aid worker, killed October 2014. The naming Emwazi appears discredit earlier reports naming “Jihadi John” Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, London rapper. Telegraph The jihadist fighter previously named likely three suspects investigated British security services. Abdel Bary is, however, believed ISIS fighter, pictured holding severed head prisoner Syria. British officials pleased decision identify “Jihadi John”. David Cameron’s spokesman declined confirm identity. No 10 confirm deny Jihadi John Mohammed Emwazi, cautions work security services jeopardised Reporters also told MI5’s work could affected decision Emwazi. Reporters gathering outside flat Queen’s Park Emwazi’s family believed live. Reporters outside block flats jihadi john said live. Not confirmed. Emwazi previously named UK court documents connections network Islamist extremists based Somalia. Jihadi John: Here's one court documents includes Emwazi, man known ISIS militant: AFP “Jihadi John”, masked ISIS militant featured videos threatening beheading multiple hostages, identified west Londoner named Mohammed Emwazi BBC Washington Post, cited Emwazi’s friends individuals security services. “Jihadi John” appeared multiple videos wielding knife threatening ISIS hostages including journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff, British aid workers David Haines Alan Henning, US national Peter Kassig, Japanese nationals Haruna Yukawa Kenji Goto Jogo. Emwazi described Washington Post computer science graduate University Westminster. The newspaper said Emwazi born Kuwait, mid-twenties, depicted knew someone “polite penchant wearing stylish clothes adhering tenets Islamic faith”. He described well-off family, spent several years working Kuwait heading Syria around 2012. The newspaper said Emwazi also operated name Muhammad ibn Muazzam, British security services questioned 2010. An individual named Muhammad ibn Muazzam identified The Independent May 2010 questioned security services friend coming home safari Tanzania. “The men allege harassed MI5, warned terror watch list prevented travelling Muslim country,” The Independent reported time. In piece, two men claimed “held ‘days’ inhumane detention orders MI5”. The Guardian obtained emails Emwazi said MI5 attempted recruit him. The newspaper wrote: In emails seen Guardian, Emwazi said British agent knew “everything me; I lived, I did, people I hanged around with”. He claimed attempted “turn” Emwazi, asking: “Why don’t work us?”. When refused MI5 said “life would harder you”. Commander Richard Walton Metropolitan police’s Counter Terrorism Command unit declined confirm identity jihadi, saying: We previously asked media outlets speculate details investigation basis life risk. We going confirm identity anyone stage give update progress live counter-terrorism investigation.
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in February
Barack Michelle Obama Riyadh today meet Saudi Arabia's new ruler, King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. Footage king receiving U.S. delegation aired Saudi TV, several western commentators noticed something strange footage made YouTube: There's big ol' ovoid blur Michelle Obama be. MSNBC's Chris Hayes one first spread story Saudi TV blurred Michelle picture, borrowing coinage "blurka" describe apparent censorship First Lady's exposed hair. He take back shortly afterward, though, (as Ben Dreyfuss Mother Jones several Saudi TV viewers Twitter pointed out) story complete bullshit. As much people like wacky British conservative former member parliament Louise Mensch (no fan Saudi Arabia) loved #blurka story, based false assumption TV station added blur. Saudi pigs, enslavers women, blur face @MichelleObama @BarackObama fawns them, https://t.co/EiNbOn4aaH — Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) January 27, 2015 Actually, footage Michelle Obama aired uncensored Saudi Arabia: The blur added fact person uploaded YouTube. Previous videos posted account censored fashion. R.I.P. Blurghazi, 2015-2015. Here Chris Hayes short, poignant, remembrance: [h/t Mother Jones]
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani
Longtime "NBC Nightly News" anchor Tom Brokaw reportedly wants successor, Brian Williams, thrown big chair admitted fabricating key portions story repeatedly told reporting experience Iraq War 2003. The New York Post, citing sources network, reported Brokaw, 74, "making lot noise NBC lesser journalist producer would immediately fired suspended false report." Brokaw anchor NBC's flagship evening newscast Williams filed initial report March 2003. In it, Williams described traveling group helicopters forced Iraq desert. On ground, Williams said, learned Chinook front "had almost blown sky"; showed photo aircraft gash rocket-propelled grenade. Williams succeeded Brokaw "Nightly News" anchor following 2004 presidential election, story evolved time. In 2008 blog post, Williams said helicopter come fire appeared Iraqi farmers rocket-propelled grenade. He said helicopter front hit. Then, 2013 appearance David Letterman's "Late Show" CBS, Williams said two four helicopters traveling hit ground fire, "including one I in." On Wednesday, Williams recanted story, claiming flying Chinook helicopter behind formation took fire. However, Thursday, military newspaper Stars Stripes, broke story, reported Williams actually flying different helicopter company altogether, different direction, linked attacked unit radio. Adding intrigue, Post reported Brokaw former NBC News president Steve Capus, left network 2013, knew Williams' updated version tale true anchor's admission Wednesday evening. The paper also says NBC News executives counseled Williams stop telling story. Despite Brokaw's campaign, paper says NBC take action Williams, believing on-air apology Wednesday suffice. "He going suspended reprimanded way," one source told paper. "He full support NBC News." The Associated Press contributed report. Click New York Post.
Cheese addiction breaks Kim Jong-un's ankles
Apple would never lower rubbing elbows unwashed masses CES, like throw announcements show get everyone’s skin. Cupertino quiet thus far, rumors swirling 12-inch MacBook Air refresh, isn’t spec bump. Apple reportedly redesigning iconic laptop even thinner higher resolution screen. Sources inside company used prototype notebook (code named MacBook Stealth) say eschew many conventional laptop features name advancing design. The current MacBook Air’s taper toward front edge, gives slim profile, there’s still space near back power connector full-sized USBs. The new Air, however, won’t thick enough USB port. Instead, Apple start using new type-c reversible connectors. There also won’t SD card slot MagSafe power connector–even Apple’s beloved Thunderbolt taking hike. USB all. MBA The 12-inch laptop would substantially smaller lighter 13-inch model, even slightly smaller 11-inch version. This thanks slimmer bezels slightly compact keyboard less separate keys. 9to5Mac doesn’t details exactly high resolution be, current Airs sitting 1366 x 768 (11-inch) 1440 x 900 (13-inch). Stepping Retina Display resolution 2560 x 1600 (like 13-inch Pro) would amazing Air’s form factor. profilel-r-copy To clear, images supposed notebook renders created 9to5Mac. This still thoroughly rumor category, it’s redesign we’ve expecting long time. The updated MacBook Air could announced mid-2015. Now read: Which better: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Apple MacBook Air?
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war
A 31-year-old Canadian-Israeli woman traveled Iraq join Kurdish fight Islamic State group reportedly abducted ISIS. Gill Rosenberg, 31, former Israeli soldier, captured three suicide bombings near Kobani, Times Israel reported. The SITE Intelligence Group said jihadists discussing ideas executing using prisoner exchange. The capture reported Sunday Islamic State-associated blog Samoach al-Islam Islamist websites. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said investigating claim, backed evidence, Jerusalem Post said. The Israeli security service Shin Bet told Post “no details” reported abduction. Israeli Jill Rosenberg joined Kurdish forces Iraq @NyMets_ fan! Via @isin669 pic.twitter.com/vpGmXKlB1o — Yaron Melman (@NrouteHQ) November 25, 2014 The Canadian government said looking report, according CTV News. The Department Foreign Affairs told media outlet email “pursuing appropriate channels” seeking determine Rosenberg's whereabouts, declined release information. Quoting two Kurdish fighters, Israel Radio reported Rosenberg near Kobani. The Post noted claim true, would make Rosenberg, born Vancouver, British Columbia, moved Israel 2006, first Western female fall Islamic State group’s hands Israeli citizenship could complicate situation even further. Steven Sotloff, executed ISIS August, dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship.
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook
Boston - So lately, tongues wagging due recent story elderly priest died conversation God, female God that. The story dancing around Facebook, Twitter, Reddit. It's also sallied across seas made African media Indian media. The story even made way holy land obnoxious religious redneckery known Texas. The story goes something like this: An old fart, er, I mean Catholic priest, Massachusetts officially dead 48 minutes medical staff "miraculously" re-started heart, World News Daily Report says. All while, Father John Micheal O'Neal says went heaven met God, motherly feminine happened woman. Father O'Neal, 71, rushed hospital late January hit major heart attack, declared dead shortly arrival. He brought back life via sort newfangled mechanical gadgetry doctors Massachusetts General Hospital, used newfangled mechanical gadgetry unclog vital arteries brain. Soon returned heart normal rhythm. Father O'Neal woke less 48 hours later recovered perfectly, World News Daily Report says. Well, course. I mean, all, going story elderly dude talking God, can't really die, you? That come wash. There much wringing hands, Catholic Blogger Bridget Mary Meehan wrote: "The declarations cleric caused quite stir catholic clergy archdiocese last days, causing Archbishop summon press conference try calm rumors. Despite disapproval superiors, Father O'Neal says continue dedicating life God spread word 'Holy Mother.'" Then wonders: "Why Cardinal O'Malley Boston Archdiocese upset? You would think he'd inspired. Perhaps, afraid God woman, then, could put big crack church's stained glass ceiling open door women priests!" Sure, employ delusional people? They're certainly entertaining. But good Archbishop bothered? Perhaps Father John Micheal O'Neal exist. You see, he's really nice old man Shutterstock, probably wishes somewhere else hospital. Terrence Donilon, spokesman Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley says story hoax. "We priest name," told Metro.co.uk. "I believe could hoax story." And despite whatever Meehan thinks, never verified O'Malley ever issued public disavowal priest's alleged statements. It's public records, About.com reports. Perhaps, story runs course, media realize asleep awake. You see, World News Daily, makes bones fact satire site. Here's site's disclaimer: "WNDR assumes however responsibility satirical nature articles fictional nature content. All characters appearing articles website – even based real people – entirely fictional resemblance persons, living, dead, undead purely miracle." When Meehan apprised fact story hoax, offered fantasyland reply: "According recent media update, story false, I believe yet happened, truly will! Someone said: 'All stories true actually happened.'" I'm making up. Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/religion/op-ed-hoax-priest-who-never-existed-claims-he-died-saw-female-god/article/426745#ixzz3SaIR8Hlq
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom
Multiple users anonymous web browser Tor reported Comcast threatened cut internet service unless stop using legal software. According report Deepdotweb, Comcast customer representatives branded Tor "illegal" told customers using company's policies. Tor type web browser that, theory, makes internet activity private. The software routes traffic series connected internet users, making difficult governments private companies monitor internet usage. Up 1.2 million people use browser, became especially popular Edward Snowden leaked information showing NSA eavesdropping ordinary citizens. Prior that, Tor popular among people transacting business Silk Road, online market drugs hitmen. The problem downloading using Tor illegal. Plenty people might legitimate reasons want surf web private, without letting others know looking at. But Tor pretty popular criminals. Comcast reportedly begun telling users "illegal service." One Comcast representative, identified Kelly, warned customer use Tor software, DeepDotWeb reports: Users try use anonymity, cover internet, usually things aren’t so-to-speak legal. We right terminate, fine, suspend account anytime due violating rules. Do questions? Thank contacting Comcast, great day. Comcast customers, speaking Deepdotweb, claimed Comcast repeatedly asked sites accessing using Tor. In statement Deepdotweb, Comcast defended actions, seemingly asserting needs able monitor internet traffic case receive court order: We respect customer privacy security would investigate specifics customer’s account valid court order. And we’re asked court provide customer information, ask reasonable amount time notify customer decide would like hire lawyer do, turn case proceed judge directly step away. SEE ALSO: A Comcast Customer Tried To Cancel His Account But Was Put On Hold Until Comcast Closed For The Day
Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle
Late last month, Apple fans joyously spending first days brand new iPhone 6 Plus, rumours began swirl putting phone pocket could irreversibly bend it. Twitter called "#bendgate," ensuing panic-storm got millions people talking perils skinny jeans, phablets, buying Apple products. As turns out, however, #bendgate bust. According Apple, instances phones bending users' pockets "extremely rare," nine customers actually contacting company curved iPhone 6 Plus within first six days sale. So, naturally, little bit skeptical reports seam iPhone 6's body camera lens pulling people's hair (and beards) began surface. #Hairgate #beardgate everywhere week, mainstream news outlets social media users alike fanning fire Apple's latest perceived blunder. Many are, fact, referring #hairgate new #bendgate — we'd agree, based simple fact appear equally legit. "Having reviewed iPhone 6 currently possession iPhone 6 Plus... I report gap front glass aluminium exist," writes Gordon Kelley Forbes. "There bevel, glass front panel actually fused aluminium tiny gap see significantly narrower human hair." Mashable conducted experiment conclude "hairgate bust" article called "The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not Thing." At least 10 people rubbed iPhone 6 hair beards vigorously Mashable's video piece, none getting much snag. "After exhaustive amounts research — we've gone beards, curly hair, long hair, short hair, hair, hair — hairgate thing," concluded Mashable's Christina Warren. "Sorry guys, maybe next time." #Hairgate Not Thing | Mashable MASHABLE·A DAY AGO Many backing website's claims experiences Twitter. While others simply making fun panicked masses trolling jokes #hairgate photos own. And also pointing important flaw argument #hairgate's legitimacy: Who actually uses smartphone make take calls anymore?
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan
This video epitome close shave. This US marine along two comrades arms conducting raid turbulent Helmand province Afghanistan 2013. While leaving cover, Taliban sniper shot head. Lady luck side visible damage kevlar helmet tear camouflage cover. Needless say, chap charmed existence day… Definitely laid accumulator bets soon returned base. MORE: Man lucky alive falling cliff chasing goat MORE: Driver lucky alive shocking ‘GTA-style’ crash MORE: ‘I could electrocuted death': Woman’s lucky escape lightning fries bedroom
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’
Militants Islamic State (Isis) claimed killed American journalist long held captive Syria retaliation ongoing US airstrikes forces Iraq. A propaganda video circulated Tuesday showed masked Isis fighter beheading kneeling man dressed orange jumpsuit purported James Wright Foley, photojournalist went missing Syria 2012. The masked executioner spoke English, sounded like British accent, said slaying came response airstrikes ordered President Barack Obama Isis 12 days ago. Isis, whose chief spokesman came State Department sanctions Monday, warned revenge – including another man purported captured US journalist, Steven Sotloff – video, victim made read statement blaming US murder. Foley missing Syria since November 2012, went report bloody struggle overthrow dictator Bashar al-Assad. He initially thought captured forces loyal Assad regime. A Facebook message support group, Free James Foley, urged patience “until information,” asked readers “keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” YouTube took gruesome video, sparked debate social media ethics sharing it, adding metatextual debate depiction man’s violent death. Foley, 40, former Stars Stripes reporter, captured November 2012 near Syrian town Taftanaz. It first detention reporting: 2011, taken reporting uprising Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s forces ultimately released six weeks captivity. A friend Foley’s fellow captive Libya, journalist Clare Morgana Gillis, wrote 2013 essay captivity “the state violently opposite nature.” Gillis described Foley gentle, friendly, courageous impatient “anything slows forward momentum.” In January 2013 interview local television news near Rochester, New Hampshire home, Foley’s mother Diane said son “passionate covering story Syria, passionate people there.” Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman National Security Council, said US intelligence working determine authenticity video. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends,” Hayden said statement. Messages left Foley family returned. A day Obama declared Iraqi Kurdish forces backed US warplanes broken Isis’ hold critical Mosul Dam, US Central Command announced two strikes near Monday, “further expand control area.” One strike said destroyed Isis checkpoint “not successful.” Obama offered timeframe length campaign Isis. The US military bombed 90 targets attributed Isis, including vehicle convoys, mobile artillery fixed positions, since 8 August. Most strikes come past days, near dam. The strikes occurred either blunt Isis advance Kurdish regional capital Irbil lift Isis siege Mount Sinjar, chased thousands Iraqi Yazidis threatened kill unless converted Islam. The US considers siege broken.
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie
The Islamic State released video jihadists beheading American journalist James Wright Foley Syria. The video almost five minutes long includes threats President Barack Obama United States. In video, temporarily available YouTube since removed, terrorists remind audience Obama authorized military action IS replayed Obama’s press conference announced airstrikes. To declaration “slippery slope towards new war front Muslims.” Foley appears knees orange jumpsuit. He relays message US government true killer. He addresses family well. The message choppy, gives appearance reading cards placed front camera. His executioner speaks appears British accent, saying many Muslims worldwide accepted IS war IS is, essence, war Muslims. The UK one Islamic State's active targets recruitment. After beheads Foley, presents camera another journalist, Steven Joel Soltoff, worked Time The National Interest. Soltoff reported missing middle last year. The executioner said America’s next move determine IS’s next move appears threat second journalist. Foley independent journalist Middle East. In 2011, one four journalists kidnapped Qaddafi’s forces Libya, said interview Boston Globe, “You don’t want defined guy got captured 2011... believe front-line journalism important.” He spoke Northwestern University experience Libya. His family set website help find Foley since disappearance Syria Thanksgiving 2012.
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON
Everyone's waiting years years meaningful update MacBook line. According report 9to5 Mac, year new design arrive. The blog published renderings based details unnamed Apple employees. And they're correct, new MacBook looks awesome. The report comes 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman, tends reliable source things Apple. The details also match many rumors MacBook upgrades recent years. Chief among Apple ditch ports almost altogether achieve slimmer, sleeker profile. Sources say prototypes new 12-inch MacBook Air quarter inch narrower current 11-inch model. They also fewer ports Apple computer: headphone jack single USB Type-C port. Another less dramatic detail slimmer keyboard. Apple's designers channeling old 12-inch PowerBook pushing keys way edge. They're also evidently narrowing amount space keys squeeze together little bit more. Meanwhile, trackpad longer click order make body thinner. It almost sounds like sort feature liquidation, designed make machine sleek possible. It looks pretty amazing, though! If Apple actually does, course. Click 9to5Mac new laptop design. [9to5Mac] Images via 9to5Mac
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock
Variety reporting Seth Rogen's got part Woz Jobs, upcoming Aaron Sorkin-penned take Apple icon. Christian Bale already cast title role, new addition... surprising, kinda great. Danny Boyle Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later, Trainspotting fame direct drama—which one point going David Fincher affair—and sounds like whole film offer somewhat unconventional approach life tech icon. Sorkin told Business Insider earlier year: "It's biopic." Okay! So, already sets apart Ashton Kutcher joint. But also: "It's story Steve Jobs—it's something much different that." It's rumored whole film three looong backstage scenes set right big product launches, maybe means epic walk-and-talk sequence spans full feature-length? I know folks heart set Jonah Hill, I'm Rogen. Woz, know there: What say you? [Variety]
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming
The Indian government sacked civil servant went leave 1990 never came back work. Urban development minister M Venkaiah Naidu said case "wilful absence" proved electrical engineer AK Verma. Mr Verma investigation since 1992, refused co-operate, minister said. Correspondents say absenteeism pervasive problem government-run offices India. Mr Naidu said statement Mr Verma joined Central Public Works Department 1980. He risen rank executive engineer 1990, went leave. An inquiry set 1992, formal proceedings dismiss begun 2007. It took seven years department reach decision dismiss him. It clear whether paid time off. Falling absenteeism India's bureaucracy become notorious high levels absenteeism. A report 2012 labelled India's government machinery worst Asia. Schools also faced problems, teachers failing turn work huge numbers. Last August, state school Madhya Pradesh sacked teacher absent 23 years 24-year career. Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised curb slack working practices took office last year. The AFP news agency reports makes unannounced visits government offices, absenteeism since plummeted.
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL
A guru ordered 400 followers undergo castrations said would bring closer God investigation police India. The country's top crime fighting agency registered case Gurmeet Ram Rahim - known 'guru bling' penchant garish clothes jewellery - operations ashram. The Central Bureau Investigation (CBI) said Rahim investigated criminal intimidation causing grievous bodily hurt alleged 400 castrations carried out. Scroll video 'Guru bling': Gurmeet Ram Rahim probed India's Central Bureau Investigation former follower alleged ordered 400 men submit castrations said would bring closer god The guru, heads Dera Sacha Sauda organisation based Haryana state, already facing trial conspiracy murder journalist 2002, well claims sexually exploiting female followers. The latest case filed one devotees, Hansraj Chauhan, lodged complaint court alleging manipulated 'painful' operation ashram. 'They told get castrated able meet god,' Mr Chauhan's lawyer, Navkiran Singh, told AFP. 'We put facts case court seek compensation victims.' Mr Singh said doctors carried castrations period 2000, years client scared come forward. The court asked CBI carry investigation alleged castrations. The Times India reports Mr Chauhan said castrated Rahim's ashram doctors acting guru's orders. A court-mandated medical examination determined Mr Chauhan indeed surgically castrated. Rahim, 47, yesterday hit back accusations, telling press conference convened plug new movie considering legal action accusers. 'Such allegations disturb me, I good humanity. Therefore legal advisor going move court challenging allegations,' said Rahim. Colourful: The guru, heads Dera Sacha Sauda organisation Haryana state, already facing trial conspiracy 2002 murder journalist, well claims sexually exploiting female followers The Dera Sacha Sauda says social welfare spiritual organisation millions followers India broad. On website, group describes Rahim saint well author, inventor, scientist, philosopher, philanthropist, peace activist 'the ultimate humanitarian'. Rahim stars action movie released later month called 'MSG: Messenger God' guru fights criminals, sings songs shown dousing water slow motion rugby game. India rocked numerous scandals involving popular godmen mostly Hindu ascetics claiming possess mystical powers. In November, police arrested Baba Rampal Maharaj long violent siege ashram Haryana refused comply court orders murder case. In bizarre case, devotees dead guru fighting court battle Punjab state preserve body freezer, insisting meditating. For many Indians, gurus play integral role daily life. They say offer pathway enlightenment return spiritual devotion often give donations ashrams, temples charity projects.
Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-corruption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing
There may yet another bug iOS 8, Apple's latest version mobile operating system iPhone iPad. This time, users reporting anybody trying reset settings iPhone could accidentally delete documents saved iCloud, Apple's online backup service. MacRumors reports multiple users forums reported issue attempting reset settings iPhone. Apple informs reset phone settings "no data media deleted," people claiming reset wipes iCloud Drive documents. The existence bug yet confirmed. We asked Apple comment yet heard back. iCloud Drive Apple's online file storage solution documents. According official Apple site, iCloud Drive used "safely store presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, images kind document iCloud." It competes DropBox cloud storage apps. Forum posts claim complained settings reset deleted files well, Apple told company waiting engineers fix issue. Another reported account placed troubleshooting mode Apple investigated. One poster MacRumors forums say problem: " Because iOS 8 sluggish iPad 3 I reset settings (No data media deleted) sped BUT deleted iWork data! Then promptly synced deleted iCloud. I public beta Yosemite can't roll back via time machine. I pre iOS 8 backups iTunes iCloud revert (well iCloud device backups contain cloud documents I iOS 7 backups iTunes can't find any. iCloud trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever." The launch iOS 8 PR nightmare Apple. One update managed stop iPhone 6 users making calls, Apple forced pull update quickly work fix.
Over weekend, Reddit user fryd_ posted letter Lego included boxes toy building bricks 1970s. Addressed parents, note message gender equality gendered children's products many toy companies today still seem understand. The letter reads: To Parents. The urge create equally strong children. Boys girls. It’s imagination counts. Not skill. You build whatever comes head, way want it. A bed truck. A dolls house spaceship. A lot boys like dolls houses. They’re human spaceships. A lot girls prefer spaceships. They’re exciting dolls houses. The important thing put right material hands let create whatever appeals them. The Reddit user told Buzzfeed found note playing Legos niece nephew grandmother's house. "It struck particularly modern message something written 40 years ago," said, adding, "I thought toy-makers today could learn thing two!" This letter's message consistent gender-neutral Lego ad 1981 made Internet rounds back February. The creator ad, Judy Lotas, told The Huffington Post, "Boys girls different, exclusion wanting create build. That’s gender issue." Hear, hear! H/T Buzzfeed @media screen (min-width : 500px) {.ethanmobile { display: none; }} Like Us On Facebook | Follow Us On Twitter | Contact HuffPost Parents
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport
On day Michael Brown buried, Ferguson man released claims new evidence case. CNN reporting audio unnamed man says video chat woman shots rang August 9. In recording, man speaks woman, quick series shots heard background, followed 4-second pause another quick succession shots. CNN reports forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg analyzed recording said detected least 10 gunshots—a cluster six, followed four. Twelve shell casings—all police weapons—were recovered scene. Lopa Blumenthal attorney man made recording. “At time, didn’t really realize importance hearing afterwards,” says. CNN says unable independently verify authenticity tape, turned investigators.
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon
The Pentagon confirmed weapons indeed seized ISIS.
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants
The recording, allegedly made near shooting scene, seems indicate officer shot Brown paused briefly middle shooting least 10 times. CNN aired tape cautioned could independently verify whether authentic. A new audio recording surfaced Monday night allegedly indicates police officer shot Michael Brown paused briefly middle unleashing barrage least 10 bullets. CNN aired tape cautioned could independently verify whether authentic. It allegedly filmed near shooting scene Ferguson, Mo., suburb St. Louis, Aug. 9. It reportedly recorded Ferguson resident could heard talking woman gunfire suddenly erupted background. About six shots rapid fire could heard, followed two seconds quiet four additional shots. “That caught attention initially,” said Lopa Blumenthal, lawyer unnamed man claims made recording. “It shows point contemplation.” CNN said could corroborate tape’s authenticity, reached FBI confirmation. Six months shot killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown, police Officer Darren Wilson (pictured) earned commendation “extraordinary effort line duty.” Wilson’s father posted photos Facebook page. Michael Brown (left) shot Ferguson, Mo., Police Officer Darren Wilson (right). Brown, 18, unarmed Officer Darren Wilson shot stopping teen jaywalking. Witnesses said initial confrontation cop, least one round fired, Brown walking away hands fired again. If audio verified investigators, pause could bolster witness accounts. A preliminary autopsy showed teenager struck least six times, two bullets hitting head. oyaniv@nydailynews.com ON A MOBILE DEVICE? CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO.
Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations
Sugarhill Gang founder Henry 'Big Bank Hank' Jackson died age 57 kidney complications due cancer. The rapper founding member Sugarhill Gang, produced first mainstream rap hit Rapper's Delight 1979. The manager group David Mallie confirmed musician's untimely passing Fox News. Untimely: Sugarhill Gang founder Henry 'Big Bank Hank' Jackson died age 57 kidney complications due cancer. pictured Master Gee (L) Wonder Mike (far right) New York City 2005 '[Wonder Mike Master Gee] contact past year,' Sugarhill's rep told FOX411. 'They great times created history.' Wonder Mike Master Gee released statement, communicating condolences: 'So sad hear brother's passing. Rest peace Big Bank.' History: The rapper founding member Sugarhill Gang, produced first mainstream rap hit Rapper's Delight 1979 Henry born Bronx later graduated local community college associates degree oceanography. Unable find job chosen field oceanography, began working pizza restaurant. Soon discovered music manager Sylvia Robinson heard rapping. Stars: Sugarhill's hit US Rapper's Delight, manage score chart toppers Europe His turn: Big Bank Hank known competition Superman love Lois Lane Sylvia soon formed Sugarhill Gang Henry member group moniker Big Bank Hank. Sugarhill's hit US Rapper's Delight, manage score chart toppers Europe.
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out
Just thought iPhone 6 saga—think "Bendgate" fake Apple ads led microwave fires—couldn't possibly get worse, users saying phone causing lose hair, literally. Some iPhone 6 owners reported getting hair snagged holding phone face, claim seam aluminium glass screen catching hairs tearing out, Daily Mail reported earlier week. Twitter users posting tearouts hashtags beardgate, seamgate hairgate. Last month Apple reported record sales iPhone 6 6 Plus, users took social media discuss "BendGate," term used describe claims iPhones may bend become warped carried trouser pockets. Apple responded reports saying received nine complaints bending phones tested 15,000 them. Separately, fake advertisement claiming Apple iOS8 users could wirelessly charge iPhones placing microwave went viral users fell scam ruined devices.
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...
Some real estate agents really know tip. A Michigan pizza delivery driver got shock life Thursday receiving $2,000 tip delivering pizza group realtors, Detroit Free Press reported. Pizza House delivery manager Brian LeFevre told paper received call Thursday morning man requested one pizza delivered Sheraton Hotel Ann Arbor "at 2:20 p.m. dot." The driver escorted conference room filled 200 real estate agents. A video posted YouTube shows driver, identifies Rob video whose last name released, stopped handed pizza. He's presented $2,084, Visa gift card lottery tickets. For mobile users, click watch video LeFevre said Rob worked restaurant six years. Stacey McVey, team leader Keller Williams Greater Cleveland West, told Free Press company's annual conference, agents agreed pitch show someone service industry appreciation. "People service industry, I think they're pretty under-appreciated. It's lot fun something like this," said.
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus
(NEWSER) – Wonder long Quarter Pounder cheese last? Two Australians say bought McDonald's burgers friends back 1995, teens, one friends never showed up. So kid's burger went uneaten—and stayed way, Australia's News Network reports. "We’re pretty sure it’s oldest burger world," says one men, Casey Dean. Holding onto burger friend "started joke," adds, "the months became years now, 20 years later, looks day bought it, perfectly preserved original wrapping." Dean burger-buying mate, Eduard Nitz, even took burger Australian TV show The Project last night "showed mold-free specimen," News 9 reports. The pair offered take bite charity dissuaded show's hosts. They've also started Facebook page burger called "Can This 20 Year Old Burger Get More Likes Than Kanye West?" 4,044 likes writing. And they're selling iTunes song, "Free Burger," $1.69, giving proceeds charity Beyond Blue, helps Australians battle anxiety depression. (A years ago, man sold 20-year-old bottle McDonald's McJordan sauce $10,000. Here's Mickey D's food seemingly never decays.)
Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola
While laptop sales continue drop, Apple's MacBook Air managed remain popular perform well. This year, Apple set launch 12-inch MacBook Air, could Apple's biggest product 2015. After rumored quite time, new laptop Apple confirmed latest report Mark Gurman 9to5Mac. Apple made number changes MacBook Air, removing redesigning users know love machine. "Apple preparing all-new MacBook Air 2015 radically new design jettisons standards full-sized USB ports, MagSafe connectors, SD card slots," said Gurman. The new 12-inch MacBook Air said smaller 13-inch sibling bit thinner 11-inch version. It also quarter-of-an-inch taller latter, allows keep slightly bigger display. The bezels around display also reduced, giving front part machine brand new look. Much larger proportion machine's usable area occupied display panel keyboard. Apple noticeably deviated standard keyboard MacBook Air cramming keys order decrease spaces between. Other key changes include transferring power button upper left-hand corner left side escape key removal travel track pad way keep laptop's slim build. The new MacBook Air also minimalist comes ports sporting two, namely headphone jack USB Type-C port. This means fans machine away Thunderbolt connection MagSafe charger. However, specs new USB indicate Type-C support driving displays device charging. "The new USB Type-C connector smaller, faster, capable standard USB 2.0 3.0 ports existing computers," added Gurman. Apple yet make official announcement new MacBook Air. The laptop speculated ship mid-2015 expected use one new dual-core Broadwell chips Intel.
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border
Batman Steve Jobs? Sure. How guy Superbad Woz, too? Seth Rogen reportedly signed star Steve Wozniak upcoming Steve Jobs film Sony. You know, as-yet-untitled biopic written Aaron Sorkin, creator "The Newsroom" "The West Wing." The comic actor would join Christian Bale, tipped play Jobs, according Variety. Sony's flick would fourth feature film that's either works already made Jobs, sharing marquee 2013's "Jobs" (the one Ashton Kutcher), "iSteve" year (the one made Funny Die), 1999's "Pirates Silicon Valley" (the one iPhone invented yet). One might argue world bit Jobs'd out, suppose depends strength Sorkin's script Danny Boyle's directing. On plus side, film based Walter Isaacson's biography late Apple CEO—titled simply, "Steve Jobs"—which Amazon's best-selling book 2011. If ask Sorkin, though, movie entirely biographical per se. "It's biopic; story Steve Jobs—it's something much different that. He's fascinating guy—part hero, part antihero," Sorkin said earlier year, reported Mashable. "I want make news make anyone feel like I approached movie different way. I'm going make movie speak itself. But he's fascinating guy surrounded fascinating people, interesting relationships people life," Sorkin said separate interview. Rogen officially board yet, per The Hollywood Reporter, unknown whether official offer made even kind negotiations taken place. Bale supposed midst negotiations appear Jobs. Leonardo DiCaprio first tapped role Jobs, dropped earlier month take role "The Revenant." After that, DiCaprio plans take long break acting, according The Hollywood Reporter.
Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged
Islamic State fighters match Ebola. The World Health Organization investigating whether ill jihadists contracted killer disease, two sources agency told The Post. Agency officials checking Ebola patients Mosul hospital 250 miles north Baghdad, sources said. Al-Sabah, Iraqi pro-government newspaper, reported week fighters treated Ebola, comrades come HIV brought foreign extremists “coming many countries, particularly Africa.” “The Ebola virus could area world, including Mosul, don’t measures techniques diagnose virus,” ministry spokesman Ahmed Rudaini told Iraqi media Thursday. “They incapable detect it.”
NYPD to issue tickets instead of arrest for weed possession, report says
Mayor de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton expected announce change Monday, reaction new policy mixed ahead press conference. The NYPD’s old strategy combating pot possession going smoke. In historic change, city cops stop arresting people low-level marijuana charges issue tickets instead, various police sources said Monday. Persons caught smoking street would still wind pokey, said. But someone caught small amount reefer would slapped summons. The new policy expected formally announced later Monday Mayor de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton afternoon press conference, already law enforcement reformers weighing — new rule. “This free police manpower pursue cases greater magnitude relieving congestion courts,” Richmond County District Attorney Daniel Donovan said support. The Drug Policy Alliance said “cautiously optimistic” new NYPD policy. “Most arrested young men color, even though young white men use marijuana higher rates,” group said statement. Richard Aborn Citizens Crime Commission said new rule long-lasting effect making easier young people find legitimate employment. “There’s criminal record,” said. “You don’t stigma criminal record.” “I think it’s sad,” countered Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins. “I think beginning avalanche. Basically, he's equating illegal substance parking ticket.” Pat Lynch, president Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said want clarity top membership. “Anything less result members held responsible failed policy discipline obsessed police department multiple levels police oversight has,” Lynch said statement. “We want police officers left holding bag crime rises poor policy.” Sam Pirozzolo, vice-president NYC Parents Union, said new NYPD rule “sends mixed message children.” “It’s saying OK smoke marijuana less crime, overall know drugs harmful," said Pirozzolo, whose daughter ninth-grader Susan Wagner High School Staten Island. As is, misdemeanor marijuana arrests citywide first 10 months year — 24,000 compared 29,000 last year. There growing pressure law enforcement curb arrests small amounts pot disproportionately made black Hispanic communities. According Marijuana Arrest Research Project, blacks Hispanics represented 86% arrested marijuana possession city first eight months year. The new NYPD policy embraced Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson 2013 campaign office. He promised fine arrested small amounts marijuana rather put cuffs charge them. "Too many young people arrested low-level drug charges leave permanent stain records violation," Thompson said. The de Blasio administration slow embrace strategy, Bratton spoken recently handling minor criminal offenses without making arrests. Bratton NYPD’s policy aggressively targeting low-level crime come criticism wake Eric Garner’s death police chokehold arrested selling untaxed cigarettes. Critics say it’s main flaw pits police minorities, wind chief targets strategy. With Oren Yaniv Ben Chapman tmoore@nydailynews.com
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False
A homeless man received surprise meal hotel stay spending $100 donation food friends insisted part experience hoax - despite fact one witness claiming whole thing set-up. The man - named Thomas - filmed living streets California, taken sushi restaurant, given hotel room hot tub treated new suit haircut . But resulting video posted online 'serial prankster' Josh Paler Lin met varying degrees skepticism, number viewers dismissing hoax. One witness, particular, insisted way Thomas know filmed original video arrived liquor store car Paler Lin. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOS Smartened up: In Josh Paler Lin's newsest video, homeless Thomas, became internet hit spending $100 donation food friends, given new suit makeover Nursing student Taugan Tan Kadalim, 26, told Vocativ outside liquor store day question saw Paler Lin - recognized previous videos - driver's seat. In passenger seat, claims, Thomas. Kadalim told site: 'While I think guy homeless, clear I saw every part scene staged.' However, Thomas spoken Fox LA, insisting 'all surprise' never met Josh handed $100. He told news channel: 'I appreciate it, definitely. It's surprise me. I thought project video, I idea going went. Thomas added: 'Normally people give dollar, maybe five big tip, hundred, wow that's week's worth. Crazy.' Paler Lin initially set 'expose homeless people' Los Angeles giving cash expectation spend alcohol. However, Thomas proved exception. Instead, spent money food share friends, prompting Paler Lin return surprise Thomas Christmas meal, makeover night hotel. Gesture... agenda? Skeptics picked holes viral video showing homeless man spending $100 donation food beggar friends, deeming 'fake' creation focused making money The feel-good videos, gained 26million views, part campaign raise $120,000, via Indiegogo page Thomas get life back track. But critics pointed number apparent flaws footage, well hefty profit Paler Lin reportedly made success - huge $52,000 YouTube users skeptical Paler Lin's motivation, suggesting 'set-up' gain traffic profit. One YouTube user, handle ClemtheRanter, said: 'A large number YouTube prank videos staged,' said. 'I involved bloody eyeball scare prank Josh Paler Lin. My part video staged... getting scared Josh. Using chopsticks: Lin captioned photo Thomas: 'Taking Thomas eat Shabu Shabu Xmas eve' Twist: The short film sees 'serial prankster' Josh Paler Lin give $100 beggar named Thomas Los Angeles, California - walk Liquor Mart (left) buy food struggling friends (right) 'I asked could give shout-out put name description I get traffic YouTube channel, never happened. 'So i'm addressing issue due number YouTube pranksters getting exposed making stage pranks.' Other users claimed homeless feel-good films sure-fire way boosting traffic - consequently, money, via advertisements - social networking site. 'They go homeless person make feel-good video know that's going get views,' said one YouTube user, referring site's personalities, Paler Lin. Skepticism: Now, viewers questioned video's authenticity, citing number 'flaws' footage. Above, Lin pictured Facebook photo. He well-known producing 'prank' videos YouTube Indeed, November 2013, Paler Lin gave another homeless man $100 told actor playing beggar approach ask money food. Again, real beggar handed cash. The user, handle '24/7 rants', claimed start Paler Lin's recent homeless video - sees director hand Thomas $100, secretly following camera - immediately suggests may hoax. Speaking video, said Paler Lin could possibly guaranteed man going pick things spend money immediately, instead remaining roadside. 'How know going spend money immediately? He idea,' said. He also picked holes claim Thomas notice camera - Paler Lin (who distinctive haircut) - following throughout duration trip nearby Liquor Mart. After shopping Mart, Thomas filmed emerging bags filled food, going straight park, handed goods number homeless people. Wit new look wardrobe, Thomas treated buffet meal end day Paler Lin However, user questioned beggar's choice Liquor Mart 34-minute walk away food shop - instead nearer, cheaper supermarket - saying: 'It seems like odd coincidence'. 'Why would guy, places, go liquor store buy chips pie whatever think tons places go to... convenient, probably cheaper. However, Paler Lin argued Thomas chose liqour store closest begging spot, saying: 'When people see getting traffic want bring down.' When questioned DailyMail.com, explain Thomas chose drag several bags food 34 minutes park, instead shopping least two stores closer park. But strongly denied staging films met Thomas $100 exchange. 'I little expectation, maybe would buy alcohol maybe wouldn't,' said video. 'I wanted see homeless person would spend on. No one ever done before.' Giving: The camera following Thomas hands food family park initially filmed However, YouTube user claimed number hits received Paler Lin's previous YouTube videos - 600,000 800,000, according socialblade.com, site tracks YouTube channel statistics - could prompted construct knew would viral hit. Indeed, Paler Lin - earns money based many users view videos, 'pranks' - scooped $52,000 film, also gained 13,000 new subscribers. After video went viral, Paler Lin said YouTube: 'I expecting get kind footage. To honest, I thought video would exposing homeless people video first.' He added: 'I'm glad I could witness capture beautiful moment. This one amazing experience far channel. In footage, Thomas told Paler Lin quit job look parents, died, afford pay condo found street. 'The I talk him, I sense genuine is…. I gave number told call needs help. Never judge book cover. One love!' Paler Lin said. Another video: In November 2013, Lin (pictured, left) gave another homeless man (right) $100 told actor playing beggar approach ask money food. The video gained far fewer views Thomas's
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair
A new rumor making rounds today claims recent trip Germany Apple CEO Tim Cook overheard telling retail employee waterproofing Apple Watch improved since unveiled last year, apparently even worn shower, device shown first time company didn’t say waterproof enough worn swimming taking shower. The rumor iGen.fr claims Cook speaking employees retail store Berlin told wears Apple Watch everywhere, “even shower.” It kept mind though Apple Watch unveiled last year company said device good wearing rain, getting sweaty workout washing hands. There mention showers swimming pools. While possible Apple tweaked watch enough good tasks well, one can’t discount possibility Cook might simply misheard, we’ll really wait device arrives find resistant water. The Apple Watch start shipping customers April. Filed Apple >Gadgets. Read Apple Watch tim cook.
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy
An image gold Bugatti Veyron graffitied drawing penis may upset car lovers - turns vehicle included YouTube hoax. Photos multiple Instagram accounts revealed luxury vehicle permanently damaged. Instagram user @andreysmygov uploaded photo last Friday Veyron caption suggested painted stunt TwinzTV, Car Crushing noted. Scroll video Graffitied: A photo 'vandalised' Bugatti Veyron reportedly taken Seattle, according Reddit post Busted: This Instagram photo @andreysmygov included caption suggesting car spray-painted stunt TwinzTV 'How often u get spray paint Bugatti lol shoutout homie @vgtorious letting us @twinztv1 @twinztv2 @twinz_tv @nigxl @alexwood66,' wrote online. Brothers Jeremy Jason Holden run YouTube pranks channel TwinzTV. A Saturday photo @andreysmygov shows user @vgtorious standing next Veyron, time different graffiti. Instead drawing male genitalia, graffiti initials 'VG' A Sunday photo account shows @andreysmygov @vgotorious leaning scrubbed-clean Veyron, suggesting luxury vehicle longer features markings. 'Filming new vid @vgtorious one going sick! #vgproductions #bugatti' @andreysmygov captioned photograph. A photo car waxed - graffitti visible - posted @vgtorious Instagram Saturday, though clear took place. Different drawing: A second photo @andreysmygov's account shows different graffitti hood Veyron He also re-grammed photograph showing next letters 'VG' hood, confirming hoax. 'Oops I think pranked WORLD video aired...yet �� #bugatti #veyron #vw #youtube #global #news #pranks #funny #bugattifamilyimsorry', captioned snap. Jeremy Holden also uploaded snap penis drawing Veyron Saturday. He wrote, 'I got spray paint @vgtorious #buggati today haha #prank #twinztv #youtube #funny #seattle @_twinztv_ @twinztv2 @andreysmygov.' TwinzTV already featured Bugatti Veyron August YouTube video, Car Crushing pointed out. In clip, man leans Veyron picking women, much less expensive silver car parked behind him. When convinces women get food him, one leave realize Veyron's actual owner - actually owns silver car.
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen
LONDON — "Shrooms queen's garden" may sound like trippy 1960s song title, actually fact. Hallucinogenic mushrooms discovered grounds Buckingham Palace London — home Britain's Queen Elizabeth. Celebrity gardener Alan Titchmarsh spotted red-and-white fly agaric — also known Amanita muscaria — filming program U.K. broadcaster ITV aired Christmas Day. A spokesman Buckingham Palace confirmed find. "There several hundred fungi species palace garden, including small number naturally occurring fly agaric mushrooms," said. The fungi beneficial trees help take nutrients, added. Speaking The Sun newspaper, Titchmarsh described discovery "a surprise," adding: "I eating any." Neither, seems, members royal family. Officials made clear fungi garden used palace kitchens. A fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) mushroom.
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57
(CNN) -- A member Sugarhill Gang, whose pioneering hit "Rapper's Delight" brought hip hop mainstream audiences 35 years ago, died Tuesday complications cancer. "Big Bank Hank," whose real name Henry Jackson, died early Tuesday Englewood, New Jersey, according David Mallie, manages two surviving Sugarhill Gang members. The New York native 57. A beefy, boisterous presence onstage, Hank handled vocals early middle portion "Rapper's Delight," despite extended length -- one version 14 minutes long -- became first rap song reach Top 40 U.S. Billboard charts. Jackson traded rhymes bandmates "Wonder Mike" Wright Guy "Master Gee" O'Brien spoke song's catchiest lines, including "Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn/If girl starts acting up, take friend." Wonder Mike Master Gee issued statement Tuesday: "So sad hear brother's passing. The 3 us created musical history together release Rapper's Delight. We always remember traveling world together rocking house. Rest peace Big Bank." The three friends unknown MCs producer Sylvia Robinson recruited record song rap label, Sugar Hill Records. Released fall 1979, "Rapper's Delight" became novelty hit staple dance clubs well 1980. It born emerging New York hip-hop scene late '70s, young rappers gathered clubs exchanged rhymes instrumental breaks popular songs, notably Chic's hit "Good Times." "Rapper's Delight" also borrowed bass line flourishes "Good Times," prompting threats legal action Chic co-founders Nile Rodgers Bernard Edwards. After settlement, Rodgers Edwards listed co-writers song. "It felt like new art form," Rodgers said later "Rapper's Delight." In 2011, Rolling Stone ranked "Rapper's Delight" No. 248 list 500 Greatest Songs All Time. People we've lost 2014
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials
The artist posted poignant image wake shooting killed 12 offices French satirical magazine Paris yesterday Thousands Banksy fans shared strong pictorial response terror attack offices French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Masked gunmen stormed offices Paris, claiming lives 12 leaving five seriously injured, yesterday. Among dead four France’s celebrated political cartoonists, Jean Cabu, Stephane “Charb” Charbonnier, Bernard “Tignous” Verlhac Bernard Maris. The following image posted via Instagram yesterday, since shared 100,000 people: However, spokesperson Banksy told The Independent: "We confirm Banksy." The account actually one many fakes (Twitter handles @Banksyofficial @therealbanksy also fake) set street artist's name. The drawing appears instead work illustrator Lucille Clerc: Break one, thousand rise #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie #raiseyourpencilforfreedom pic.twitter.com/3n5fOEmrwJ His reaction follows Private Eye editor Ian Hislop, released statement. “Very little seems funny today,” concluded. Gerard Biard, Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, London time attack, said: “I don’t understand people attack newspaper heavy weapons. A newspaper weapon war.” Barack Obama, David Cameron Angela Merkel condemned “barbaric” killings vowed stand freedom expression. Seven gunmen suspected involved attack since arrested. An 18-year-old accomplice also handed themself police station. Charlie Hebdo firebombed 2011 published spoof issue “guest edited” Prophet Mohamed. The magazine threatened numerous occasions publishing religious cartoon caricatures.
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now'
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary, 23-year-old London hip-hop artist, emerged one main suspects investigation beheading journalist James Foley, London's Sunday Times quoted counterterrorism officials. Counterterrorism police MI5 believe Bary person appears video posted ISIS, also known Islamic State, shows beheading Foley last week. "The MI5 investigation man behind James Foley's murder ongoing managed identify masked British jihadist seen video holding knife throat," Sunday Times quoted police source saying. Fox News reported "senior Western intelligence official" also confirmed Bary believed Foley's murderer, U.S. intelligence officials declining comment. Fox News said Bary's father extradited Great Britain U.S. 2012 connection Osama bin Laden bombing U.S. Embassy bombings Africa 1998. A source told Fox younger Bary went Syria 2013 fight side ISIS. The Mirror reported Bary performing hip-hop music name L Jinny leaving parent's home fight Syria. Friends Bary told Mirror performer radicalized teachings preacher Anjem Choudary. "He talent," one friends told Mirror. "He could big Dizzee Rascal. He music huge names underground scene. People got head. It's transformed talented young guy vengeful extremist." The Mirror reported Abu Hussain Al-Britani, 20, computer hacker Birmingham, Abu Abdullah al-Britani, 23, Portsmouth, also investigated. A source told Mirror team soldiers ground Iraq Syria looking catch Foley's killer within next days. The source also said British intelligence services believe good beat identity British-born "Jihadi John" manhunt efforts turn up.
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate]
INNOVATIVE might first word comes mind describing US telephone cable company Comcast. But giving company credit credit due? Let’s face it, harrowing 18-minute customer service call went viral July, looked like Comcast nothing strive — reached peak horrible. Yet, reports week accurate, Comcast continued shine innovator competitive field corporate terribleness: It got customer’s employer fire complaining shoddy customer service. The full story sadistic glory Consumerist, here’s SparkNotes version. A customer named “Conal” started subscribing Comcast service early 2013. There issues: erroneous charges, bills never arrived, discounts weren’t applied. Conal considered cancelling service, decided stick Comcast rep promised issues would resolved threw free perks. As another friendly gesture, company also allegedly sent billed Conal $1,820 equipment he’d never ordered. This gets crazy. Conal, understandably frustrated, decided bypass customer service department take complaints straight Comcast controller. During call, claims, suggested private-sector oversight group look Comcast’s billing accounting issues. Shortly call, Comcast contacted Conal’s employer — large accounting firm Consumerist reports happened business Comcast. The rep claimed Conal name-dropped employer leverage call; according story, firm opened investigation Conal fired job. It’s hard know who’s telling truth here. Conal tells Consumerist never mentioned employer someone Comcast must looked figure worked. Comcast, part, allegedly refused release tapes phone calls made matter. That’s little strange: If Conal invoke company’s name threatening way, Comcast could easily prove much excerpting relevant portion call. So much monitoring “for quality assurance purposes.” If want done right, record call yourself. This article originally appeared Slate republished permission.
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — The leader Boko Haram denied agreeing cease-fire Nigerian government, said married 200 schoolgirls Islamic extremist group kidnapped. In new video released late Friday night, Abubakar Shekau dashed hopes prisoner exchange get girls released. "The issue girls long forgotten I long ago married off," said, laughing. "In war, going back." Nigeria's chief defense staff, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh, Oct. 17 announced Boko Haram agreed immediate cease-fire end 5-year-old insurgency killed thousands people, driven hundreds thousands homes northeast Nigeria. But attacks abductions continued, extremists week seizing Mubi, town 200,000 people. Fighting also continued Friday Vimtin, nearby village Badeh born. Shekau August announced Boko Haram wanted establish Islamic caliphate, along lines Islamic State group Syria Iraq. Fleeing residents reported hundreds people detained infractions extremists' version strict Shariah law several towns villages control. Boko Haram's kidnapping 276 schoolgirls taking exams boarding school remote northeastern town Chibok April prompted international campaign release criticism Nigeria's government acting quickly free them. Dozens girls escaped first days, 219 remain missing. The hashtag #BringBackOurGirls used social media sites, including Facebook Twitter, effort spark conversation kidnappings. Nobel Peace Prize laureate international education activist Malala Yousafzai visited Nigeria July, urged Boko Haram free kidnapped girls, calling "sisters." Unconfirmed reports indicated girls broken several groups, may carried across borders Cameroon Chad. The government said negotiated two Boko Haram leaders Chad, talks hosted President Idriss Deby, confident girls would freed soon. But Boko Haram many factions. Shekau's announcement discredits government Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, Thursday formally announced candidacy elections Feb. 14, 2015, Africa's populous nation. Nigeria, 160 million people, divided almost equally Muslims dominate north Christians south. The West African nation biggest oil producer continent biggest economy. Jonathan's failure curtail insurgency many corruption scandals expected dim chances success. The election, though, expected hotly contested since People's Democratic Party took power decades military dictatorship ended 1994. Dozens ruling party legislators defected coalition All Progressives Congress, losing PDP majority lower house Parliament. But coalition weakened inability choose presidential candidate, primaries December contested three powerful northerners Muslim. Jonathan, Christian minority southern tribe, criticized ignoring unwritten party rule alternate power Christian Muslim leaders, adding religious ethnic dimension election. Additional reporting Mashable Have something add story? Share comments.
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled'
The recording, allegedly made near shooting scene, seems indicate officer shot Brown paused briefly middle shooting least 10 times. CNN aired tape cautioned could independently verify whether authentic. A new audio recording surfaced Monday night allegedly indicates police officer shot Michael Brown paused briefly middle unleashing barrage least 10 bullets. CNN aired tape cautioned could independently verify whether authentic. It allegedly filmed near shooting scene Ferguson, Mo., suburb St. Louis, Aug. 9. It reportedly recorded Ferguson resident could heard talking woman gunfire suddenly erupted background. About six shots rapid fire could heard, followed two seconds quiet four additional shots. “That caught attention initially,” said Lopa Blumenthal, lawyer unnamed man claims made recording. “It shows point contemplation.” CNN said could corroborate tape’s authenticity, reached FBI confirmation. Six months shot killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown, police Officer Darren Wilson (pictured) earned commendation “extraordinary effort line duty.” Wilson’s father posted photos Facebook page. Michael Brown (left) shot Ferguson, Mo., Police Officer Darren Wilson (right). Brown, 18, unarmed Officer Darren Wilson shot stopping teen jaywalking. Witnesses said initial confrontation cop, least one round fired, Brown walking away hands fired again. If audio verified investigators, pause could bolster witness accounts. A preliminary autopsy showed teenager struck least six times, two bullets hitting head. oyaniv@nydailynews.com ON A MOBILE DEVICE? CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO.
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq
Editors' note: There images post readers may find distressing. Islamic State militants Tuesday released video purported show beheading James Foley, American freelance journalist missing since kidnapped Syria November 2012. The authenticity video could immediately verified. When contacted Mashable, NSC spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said, “We seen video purports murder U.S. citizen James Foley ISIL. The intelligence community working quickly possible determine authenticity. If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends. We provide information available.” James Foley Aleppo, Syria, November 2012. Image: Nicole Tung The video opens clip President Barack Obama's remarks announcing launch airstrikes Islamic State positions near Erbil northern Iraq. A black screen shows text, "A message America," Foley appears kneeling desert landscape, wearing orange jumpsuit microphone attached. A hooded man wearing all-black clothes tan military boots standing behind gun leather holster. "I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality," Foley says, among things, remarks seemingly prepared captors. The video switches man black, holding serrated knife. "This James Wright Foley — American citizen country," man says British-accented English. "As government, forefront aggression towards Islamic State.... Effectively, aggression towards Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic Caliphate leadership. So attempt you, Obama, deny safety Muslims living safety Islamic Caliphate result bloodshed people." The man beheads Foley, using knife video fades black. After shot Foley's lifeless body decapitated head, video switches executioner standing behind another man orange jumpsuit, identified text screen Steven Joel Sotloff. "The life American prisoner, Obama, depends next decision." Sotloff, American freelance journalist working Time magazine among publications, kidnapped near Syrian-Turkish border Aug. 4, 2013. The video goes black. The video first reported Zaid Benjamin, reporter Arabic-language Radio Sawa, said came Furqan Media, official outlet Islamic State. (Twitter suspended — reinstated — account.) The video appeared surface first Twitter account @mujahid4life, belonging someone described Twitter bio 19 years old, "anti-democracy. Loyal Caliphate. Harsh kuffar. #Revert" It take long people worked Foley began reacting Twitter. I w/ James Foley Aleppo, August 2012 day #Selahaddin. Syrian opposition members adoring him. He kind, brave man — ilhan tanir (@WashingtonPoint) August 19, 2014 My thoughts James Foley’s family. No matter faced, unfailingly kind, generous, warm. A wonderful soul. — Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) August 19, 2014 There also anger Twitter YouTube immediately take video. It's lucky video unlicensed Katy Perry song soundtrack would've deleted YouTube seconds. — Tom Gara (@tomgara) August 19, 2014 However, within hour first report beheading, video taken down. Images video below, showing Foley execution Sotloff threatened: Shortly clip appeared web, journalists observers watch region began tweeting hashtag — #ISISmediaBlackout — pledging stop sharing Islamic State propaganda. "You know I think? And I know crazy sounds, need #ISISmediaBlackout. Amputate reach. Pour water flame," said Tumblr blogger known LibyaLiberty Twitter appeared first mention hashtag. "From out, I share photo video violence intentionally recorded & released ISIS propaganda," tweeted. Many others, promptly, joined pledge. A statement group called Free James Foley said: "We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers." Post Free James Foley. Foley's parents appeared Today show last year, pleading release. UPDATED 8:28 p.m. ET: GlobalPost CEO Philip Balboni released statement Tuesday video purportedly shows beheading journalist James Foley. "On behalf John Diane Foley, also GlobalPost, deeply appreciate messages sympathy support poured since news Jim’s possible execution first broke. We informed FBI process evaluating video posted Islamic State determine authentic," Balboni said. “Although GlobalPost’s investigation one point led us believe James held Syrian government, later given strong reason believe held Islamic rebels Syria," added. "We withheld information request family advice authorities cooperating effort protect Jim. GlobalPost, working private security company, amassed enormous amount information made public.” Foley reported Syria GlobalPost freelancer. Have something add story? Share comments.
UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say
A loud boom heard Saturday night residents Nicaragua's capital Managua caused impact small meteorite, government officials confirmed Sunday. The piece rock, possibly asteroid passed close Earth Saturday, landed near city airport cause injuries, AFP reported. However, create 16-foot-deep crater, Associated Press said, citing volcanologist Humberto Saballos Nicaraguan Institute Territorial Studies. "I sitting porch I saw nothing, sudden I heard large blast," Jorge Santamaria told Associated Press. "We thought bomb felt expansive wave." The Nicaraguan government asked help international experts, including U.S. Geological Service, analyze event. SEE ALSO: Stunning New Details From The Largest Asteroid Impact In A Century
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’
No suspected cases Ebola found Iraq, despite reports contrary Iraqi media past week, World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday. Describing reports suspect cases deadly viral infection Mosul "rumor", Geneva-based United Nations health agency said Iraqi health ministry conducted full investigation. "All sources contacted negated existence suspected cases Ebola," WHO said statement. "The [Iraqi] Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola virus." Reports suspected Ebola cases appeared December 31 Iraq's Al-Sabah newspaper, Rudaw online newspaper Shafaq news agency relayed media outside Iraq, prompting WHO Iraqi authorities investigate.
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???
Chinese people given state advice adoption English sounding names – urged avoid make sound like “stripper” instead opt ones imply bearer “a fancy conservative family”. A report published website CCTV, state broadcaster, offered readers practical advice selection Western-style name, rite passage young Chinese. “Take heed,” article said. “English names come different connotations…A name come 'feeling’ idea sort person are.” Names “with distinct feeling Britishness” Elizabeth, William Catherine considered “safe” article, illustrated picture Royal family. But other, less desirable name types also listed, derived “suggestive” foods Candy, Lolly Sugar “typically thought 'non-smart girl’ names, 'stripper’ names.” Picking distinctive name world leader celebrity Obama Madonna, religious figure (“Satan”), advised. In discussion article Observer, news portal, one user suggested tradition could short-lived. “Why get English name?” Xiao Weixia wrote. “Just wait, everyone get Chinese name future.”
Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Married Off”
The rat infestation Vogue's new 1 World Trade Center office getting worse. Pests 'taking over' newly-developed New York City premises Anna Wintour longer wants step foot inside all, reports claim. This week, rat droppings allegedly found editor's computer keyboard, staff Conde Nast's titles issued new rule: eating desk. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon 'A bunch ate ceiling sports editor's office crawled desk left poops keyboard,' source told New York Daily News. 'They ate rug fit door.' After numerous failed extermination attempts, city's health authority notified. The setback means staff unlikely see eponymous magazine editor building well new year. That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process According Gawker, Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed sets foot new home. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them.
Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!
In week's And Finally, bodies might Barcelona MWC we've kept one eye upcoming Apple Watch launch San Francisco. Not fussed? Elsewhere, there's real life Wrong Trousers developed crowdfunded augmented reality helmet get excited about. Read this: MWC 2015 wearable tech preview And Finally weekly synopsis rumours rumblings wearable world. Make sure come back Wareable latest big wearable tech news, reviews analysis. Apple Watch launch set 9 March The invites out. Apple inviting tech press Apple Watch event Yuerba Buena Center San Francisco 9 March hear details smartwatch that's set define category. Read this: Apple Watch specs, price, release date The invite reads 'Spring forward' simply says event take place 10am San Francisco time 5pm UK. With release date set April, get info pricing luxury models, availability different countries perhaps also new retail experience Apple planning around Watch. The main focus, though, apps... ... With 100,000 Watch apps 21 amazing Apple Watch apps Reports coming Apple hurrying key app developers order there's impressive selection 9 March. No wonder aiming whopping 100,000 Apple Watch apps launch. After attending six Apple WatchKit hackathons, analyst Trip Chowdhry Global Equities Research made eye-widening estimate 100,000 available apps download get hands Apple Watch. He estimates users download average 100 apps total, versus 65 apps iPhone. Read this: Developers reveal upcoming Apple Watch apps
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to carry out terrorist attack on 9/11 anniversary
Check photo shows Chinese workers used manipulate App Store rankings. The photo apparently gone viral China. Huxiu reports photo shared micro-blog today heading, "It's Hard Being Top App Worker." The image shows worker siting front hundreds iPhones laid rack appears specially designed purpose. The exposé, shown picture, displays 'Top App list worker' work place, features simple shelf containing hundreds iPhone 5Cs. In room filled workstations one side other, mobile phone labour takes place industrial level. Simply put, worker downloads (and deletes downloads, etc.) app boost rank App Store, calculated many times app downloaded. One worker operate 100 unique users. Accompany photo sites alleged price list boosting app ranking. Getting top 10 free apps costs RMB 70,000 (US$11,200), keeping cost another RMB 405,000 (US$65,000) per week. The third column said monthly fee. Negotiations take place QQ messaging service. While Apple taken steps counter manipulation App Store rankings, quite difficult identify manual downloads fake. Take look photo below...
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems
BEIRUT — Islamic State group jihadists trained Saddam Hussein’s former pilots fly three fighter jets captured Syrian military, monitoring group said Friday Read more: Islamic State fighters training fly captured jets -- watchdog | The Times Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/islamic-state-fighters-training-to-fly-captured-jets-watchdog/#ixzz3GQYEsEbc Follow us: @timesofisrael Twitter | timesofisrael Facebook The planes, believed MiG-21 MiG-23 jets, capable flying although unclear equipped missiles, according Syrian Observatory Human Rights. The jets seized Syrian military airports IS control northern provinces Aleppo Raqqa, according Britain-based group, wide network sources inside war-torn country. It said former Iraqi army officers served Saddam supervising training military airport Jarrah, east city Aleppo. Witnesses reported seeing planes flying low altitude avoid detection radar taking Jarrah. It comes United States allies carry wave air strikes IS positions Syria Iraq. The jihadists also control two airports Syria — Albu Kamal near Iraqi border Tabqa Raqa province. IS captured large parts Syria Iraq, committing atrocities declaring Islamic “caliphate”. After US-led invasion Iraq 2003, Sunni former officers Saddam’s army joined ranks Islamic State Iraq, branch Al-Qaeda later became IS.
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Terrorists Not Entering US Through Mexico
mboxCreate('FoxNews-Politics-Autoplay-Videos-In-Articles'); A Republican congressman claimed Tuesday "at least 10" Islamic State "fighters" caught trying cross U.S.-Mexico border Texas, though administration official denied it. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., said learned information Border Patrol, warning alleged attempts cross U.S. raise serious security concerns. "ISIS coming across southern border," told Fox News. "They flying B1 bombers bombing American cities, going bombing American cities coming across Mexico." Hunter continued: "I know least 10 ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas." He claimed Border Patrol "caught them," "you know there's going dozens get caught Border Patrol." The Department Homeland Security Wednesday denied Hunter's claim. "The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground," senior DHS spokesman said. "DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border." But Hunter spokesman Joe Kasper said information -- 10 individuals "known ISIS affiliations" -- came "high-level source within Border Patrol." "The congressman conveying knows -- told," Kasper said. "It makes sense left hand DHS know right hand -- way long time expect change." Obama administration officials previously downplayed threat Islamic State militants infiltrating U.S. southern border, warnings possibility circulated. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, interview Fox News last week, acknowledged reports four men suspected terror ties apprehended southern border Texas questioned. But Johnson said "scrutinized very, carefully" officials found "no evidence individuals tied terrorism." Border Patrol Homeland Security sources also told Fox News able substantiate Hunter's claim. They said Sept. 23 Oct. 6, five illegal immigrants "special interest" countries arrested Texas border -- Bangladesh. The four men Johnson referred actually Kurds, Fox News told. Johnson, hearing last month, stressed government "no specific intelligence evidence suggest present ISIL attempting infiltrate country though southern border." At hearing, National Counterterrorism Center head Matthew Olsen also said: "There small number sympathizers ISIL posted messages social media this, we've seen nothing indicate sort operational effort plot infiltrate move operatives ISIL" U.S. southern border. Still, Johnson said U.S. needs "vigilant" aware possibility "potential infiltration ISIL terrorist group." The union representing America's immigration caseworkers also sounded urgent warning last month threat. Kenneth Palinkas, president National Citizenship Immigration Services Council, alleged administration made easier terrorists "exploit" country's visa policies enter homeland. He complained administration "widened loophole" could use asylum system, restricted agents going many overstay visas. Further, warned executive orders contemplated President Obama would "legalize visa overstays" raise "the threat level America even higher." He said "no doubt" many already "targeted radicalization." FoxNews.com's Judson Berger Fox News' Jennifer Griffin William La Jeunesse contributed report.
Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds
Gill Rosenberg, 31,said last week Facebook longer updating page headed area without internet. Uncertainty abounds concerning fate Israeli-Canadian Gill Rosenberg, apparently captured ISIS. Islamist websites – known close, even serving front ISIS – reported Sunday 31-year-old captured warriors fierce battles Kurdish fighters unspecified areas. According websites, Rosenberg taken hostage following three suicide attacks sites Kurdish fighters barricaded themselves. The websites gave details regarding circumstances capture, provide proof it. The ISIS claims make clear whether Rosenberg captured Iraq Syria. The main lines battle Kurds ISIS Syrian-Turkish border town Kobani – Kurdish sources approached Israel Radio reporter Eran Cicorel expressed doubt ISIS report. They said Rosenberg Kobani. In assessment Kurdish sources, reports Rosenberg's capture probably ISIS propaganda. The Shin Bet, Israel's general security service, told The Jerusalem Post "there details stage." Rosenberg wrote Facebook page November 20 handing management account "someone else" would without internet access least two weeks, December 8, wrote. It clear went time. If websites' reports true, Rosenberg would likely first Western female fall ISIS captivity. Holding Israeli citizenship would complicate situation even further. Unlike United States United Kingdom, refused negotiate ISIS captured nationals, thus giving impression laissez faire interest, Israel invests intense concern fate citizens captured terrorists. This mean Israel would negotiate ISIS Rosenberg, indeed captured – ISIS would agree talk Israel, chalking nationality Canadian alone. It worth mentioning Rosenberg captured, would second Israeli – dual nationality – position. Steven Sotloff, freelance American journalist also held Israeli citizenship filed The Jerusalem Report Syrian Civil War, captured ISIS last year shortly crossing Syrian border beheaded Islamist group past August. It also worth noting Rosenberg breached Israeli law flying Iraq, enemy country Israeli citizens forbidden enter. No matter happened since joining Kurdish forces – whether safe ISIS captivity – doubt upon return Israel, arrested prosecuted, case several Israeli Arab joined ISIS returned. This Rosenberg's first tryst adventurism – 2009 arrested American con scandal sentenced four years jail. This however, first serious choice encounter death. Rosenberg born Vancouver, Canada, experienced family crisis parents divorced. In interview Ma’ariv 2009, said already age 22 pursuing promising career pilot Boeing passenger planes, decided leave everything behind make aliya 2006. In Israel, joined IDF, serving instructor Kenyan soldiers came Israel home front search rescue training. Rosenberg said ambitions join Mossad, hurt military training afterward money problems. She met American friend ulpan (Hebrew language school) led crime, claimed. She joined group Israelis accused setting ring cheat elderly Americans steal money fake lottery scheme. According indictments filed them, stole hundreds thousands dollars, perhaps even millions, unknowing pensioners. After number complaints filed, joint Israel Police FBI investigation launched. The probe led arrest several suspects extradition US, tried. Rosenberg served four years jail.
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached
Claim: Eleven passenger planes missing airport Libya. PROBABLY FALSE Example: [Collected via email, September 2014] Seeking truth stir 11 missing / stolen commercial airliners Libyan airport fall Tripoli. Origins: In early August 2014, North African bloggers began spread stories several commercial airliners missing Tripoli International Airport shortly facility taken Zintan militia forces earlier summer. Later month translations blog posts began picked news outlets Western Europe passed fact rather gossip; early September tales translations blogs spread United States guise real news. The use airplanes terrorist weapons 2001 makes easy us anticipate used way again. And despite denials sides — airlines missing planes, Libyan transport ministry, anti-government forces control airport — tales found ready audience among populace already edge anticipation anniversary 9/11 attacks. However, statements State Department, Department Defense, Homeland Security, authority warning stolen airliners. The national threat level raised. Algerian Moroccan military air defense, already high alert due unrest across borders Libya, would undoubtedly noticed multiple flights unidentified passenger aircraft. <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6608306193529351"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = "0054321535"; google_color_border = "000000"; //-->
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor
Chinese parents money pay treatment critically ill daughter gone onto street try raise money selling son girl's twin. Mum Meng Xiangyan, 29, said husband loved children, certain death awaiting daughter unless could get medical treatment, prepared sell son good home would chance life. Pictures published local media show standing Weihai Road Qingdao, major city eastern Shandong Province, Eastern China, placard offering sell highest bidder. He eating appeared candied fruit standing alongside mother appealed someone come forward buy boy. She said: "Up year ago wonderful family thought everything could need wonderful little boy wonderful little girl twins. "But changed daughter diagnosed suffering leukaemia August last year spent savings borrowed everything could friends relatives. It still enough, hoping raise cash sale son." Medics say child suffering acute lymphoblastic leukemia needs urgent medical treatment includes chemotherapy every 10 days Rizhao Municipal Hospital. The family sold apartment everything living tiny 10 square metre flat close therapies carried out. The parents also struggling heat tiny apartment vital prevent child, weakened chemotherapy, suffering cold could fatal. Their attempt sell son follows similar story recently woman spotted trying sell baby daughter streets China order pay husband's £10,000 medical bill. Ni Qiong photographed roadside Fuzhou, southeastern China, written sign imploring pedestrians purchase one-year-old daughter. She husband, Zhou Xinggui, migrant workers, currently hospital needing surgery falling scaffolding. Despite remaining street four hours, pedestrians offered purchase daughter. His wife's sign read: 'Please buy daughter. My husband waiting surgery fees hospital boss ran away. I would like sell daughter save husband.' According That's Magazines, also possession another poster stated: 'Boss fled industrial accident money treatment. I'm willing sell child save father.' Many locals witnessed distress sympathetic plight. Although gave money, no-one offered purchase daughter four hours sat street sign, magazine reported.
Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness
Eran Cicurel, editor Voice Israel, quoted YPG fighters familiar situation Kobani, saying Gill Rosenberg captured IS. Cicurel's claims contradict IS claims, made announcements IS-affiliated websites Samoach al-Islam, al-Platform Media, Twitter Rosenberg captured. Earlier day, IS media sources even alleged video coming soon. Considering scale yesterday's IS advance, story appeared plausible. Close friends, comrades, supporters also voiced credible concern Rosenberg's Facebook page. The YPG fighters noted, Cicurel, Rosenberg city Hoban time IS claims abducted. They also called story "mere propaganda". While confirmation per se, Cicurel's claims, addition circumstantial evidence, made story Rosenberg's capture implausible. Established Israeli sources exclusively ran story purporting primary sources reporting Rosenberg's capture. The Haaretz Israeli News, Times Israel, Jerusalem Post, Ynet News almost immediately published similar reports, media outside Israel either reported story quoted Israeli media. It illegal Israeli citizen travel Israeli-declared hostile state, including Iraq Syria, reason including business media reporting. Rosenberg, age 31, become infamous recent months joining YPG fighters Kobani despite illegality endeavor. In past 24 hours, IS advance pushed YPG back four fronts, including northern side borders Turkey. However, YPG mitigated many IS gains, due US airstrikes arrival Turkish forces sealing border north. Despite new information, little still publicly known Rosenberg's status time. Pro-IS sources still claiming captured, sources staying quiet. A link added comments story officially confirmed denied. Pictures Rosenberg (Not repost! The article completely original content. These images merely appended informational purposes) Kobani map November 28 (credits @deSyracuse) Kobani map late November 29 (credits @macroarch). Note: Some IS gains pushed back, claims total reversal untrue.