Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase
A statement attributed Islamic State group claimed American female hostage killed Jordanian airstrike Friday outskirts northern Syrian city Raqqa, extremist group’s main stronghold. Jordan launches new airstrikes vowing harsh war ISIS Dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed ISIS training centers weapons storage sites Thursday, intensifying attacks militants burned death captured Jordanian pilot. As part new campaign, Jordan also attacking targets Iraq, said Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh. Up now, Jordan struck ISIS targets Syria, Iraq, part U.S.-led military coalition. The statement identified woman Kayla Jean Mueller said killed Muslim prayers — usually take place around midday Fridays — airstrikes targeted “the location hour.” No Islamic State militants killed airstrikes, statement claimed. It published photos allegedly bombed site, showing severely damaged brown colored three-story building — images Mueller. American officials said looking report. Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman President Barack Obama’s National Security Council, said White House “not time seen evidence corroborates” claim. “We obviously deeply concerned reports,” added. White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters travelling president Indiana Friday U.S. co-ordinate Jordanian air force fly airstrikes. He wouldn’t say whether U.S. aware hostage’s location. Related ISIS held public screening video shot Jordanian pilot burned alive cheering crowd Syria ISIS releases guide women’s rights: ‘Stay houses,’ girls marry nine, education age 15 The Islamic State statement could independently verified. It appeared militant website commonly used Islamic State also distributed Islamic State-affiliated Twitter users. Jordanian government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani said Jordan looking claim. “But first reaction, think it’s illogical highly skeptical it,” said. “How could identify Jordanian warplane … sky? What American lady weapons warehouse?” “It’s part criminal propaganda. They lied pilot alive tried negotiate, claiming alive killed weeks before,” al-Momani added. AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt Hinshaw AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Matt HinshawIn May 30, 2013, photo, Kayla Mueller shown speaking group Prescott, Ariz. Mueller, Prescott, Arizona, working Turkey assisting Syrian refugees, according 2013 article The Daily Courier, hometown newspaper. The 26-year-old told paper drawn help situation Syria. “For long I live, I let suffering normal,” said. “It’s important stop realize have, privileged are. And place, start caring get lot done.” According local paper, Mueller working humanitarian aid agency Support Life, well local NGO helped female Syrian refugees develop skills. A 2007 article Mueller local newspaper said student Northern Arizona University active Save Darfur Coalition. On Sunday, Obama said U.S. “deploying assets can” find Mueller. “We close contact family trying keep updated,” said interview NBC’s Today Show. “Obviously something heart-breaking family want make sure anything make sure American citizen rescued situation.” Mueller’s identity disclosed fears safety. If death confirmed, would fourth American die captivity Islamic State militants. Three Americans, journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff aid worker Peter Kassig beheaded group. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TVAn image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows flames erupting building hit airstrike Islamic State group warplanes Jordanian Air forces eagles undisclosed location. Jordan, part U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State group targets Syria, stepped attacks Islamic State announced killed captive Jordanian pilot. The Syrian government said Thursday dozens Jordanian fighter jets bombed Islamic State training centres weapons storage sites. It say attacks occurred. The Jordanian military said Jordanian jetfighters carried “a series attacks today destroyed targets returned safely.” It elaborate give location airstrikes. But activists monitor Syrian conflict inside country said U.S.-led coalition planes hit several targets edges outskirts Raqqa, quick succession Friday. AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV AFP PHOTO/JORDANIAN TV An image grab taken Jordanian TV Feb. 5 shows warplane Jordanian Air forces eagles taking Amman launching airstrikes Islamic State group. A collective known “Raqqa Being Slaughtered Silently” said planes targeted multiple Islamic State positions headquarters western eastern countryside Raqqa, sending columns smoke sky. Explosions could heard city. The collective said recorded civilian casualties, mention Islamic State casualties. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights said dozens Islamic State members killed coalition airstrikes targeted tanks-and-vehicles depot area al-Madajen least six Islamic State positions, including training camp prison. Associated Press writer Julie Pace contributed report Washington.
11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns
Prosecutors say FBI trying validate audio recording allegedly captured police shooting Michael Brown — including sounds like volley six shots, brief pause, another four five shots. The unidentified man made recording says using phone app create video text message time unarmed 18-year-old killed midday confrontation cop Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 9, according lawyer, Lopa Blumenthal. "He didn’t know necessarily going outside later, that’s put two two together realized may recorded going time," Blumenthal said. Blumenthal said FBI interviewed client listened recording, first reported CNN. NBC News obtained recording cannot independently verify sounds linked Brown shooting, FBI comment. Autopsy reports say Brown shot least six times, 11 shots heard recording. It's clear pause middle, recording contains 12 seconds audio. "We side we're representing fact here's piece evidence want get investigators may lead complete story," Blumenthal said.
Tropical spider 'burrowed under man's skin through scar' - video report
British US intelligence identified British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary prime suspect James Foley's murder.
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico
An image gold Bugatti Veyron graffitied drawing penis may upset car lovers - turns vehicle included YouTube hoax. Photos multiple Instagram accounts revealed luxury vehicle permanently damaged. Instagram user @andreysmygov uploaded photo last Friday Veyron caption suggested painted stunt TwinzTV, Car Crushing noted. Scroll video Graffitied: A photo 'vandalised' Bugatti Veyron reportedly taken Seattle, according Reddit post Busted: This Instagram photo @andreysmygov included caption suggesting car spray-painted stunt TwinzTV 'How often u get spray paint Bugatti lol shoutout homie @vgtorious letting us @twinztv1 @twinztv2 @twinz_tv @nigxl @alexwood66,' wrote online. Brothers Jeremy Jason Holden run YouTube pranks channel TwinzTV. A Saturday photo @andreysmygov shows user @vgtorious standing next Veyron, time different graffiti. Instead drawing male genitalia, graffiti initials 'VG' A Sunday photo account shows @andreysmygov @vgotorious leaning scrubbed-clean Veyron, suggesting luxury vehicle longer features markings. 'Filming new vid @vgtorious one going sick! #vgproductions #bugatti' @andreysmygov captioned photograph. A photo car waxed - graffitti visible - posted @vgtorious Instagram Saturday, though clear took place. Different drawing: A second photo @andreysmygov's account shows different graffitti hood Veyron He also re-grammed photograph showing next letters 'VG' hood, confirming hoax. 'Oops I think pranked WORLD video aired...yet �� #bugatti #veyron #vw #youtube #global #news #pranks #funny #bugattifamilyimsorry', captioned snap. Jeremy Holden also uploaded snap penis drawing Veyron Saturday. He wrote, 'I got spray paint @vgtorious #buggati today haha #prank #twinztv #youtube #funny #seattle @_twinztv_ @twinztv2 @andreysmygov.' TwinzTV already featured Bugatti Veyron August YouTube video, Car Crushing pointed out. In clip, man leans Veyron picking women, much less expensive silver car parked behind him. When convinces women get food him, one leave realize Veyron's actual owner - actually owns silver car.
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit
A Guantanamo Bay prisoner released last year part exchange captured US serviceman Bowe Bergdahl resumed contact Taliban, according reports. The former detainee - one five men released controversial deal saw return US PoW Afghanistan - said touch members al-Qaeda linked Haqqani network. This first suggestion detainees involved swap may trying engage militant activity. The five, mostly held mid- high-level positions within Taliban capture early days US-led war Afghanistan, detained association terror group. Since release living Qatar, promised monitor men behalf US. The Pentagon said Thursday working Qatar confident threat posed former detainees mitigated. US Sen Lindsey Graham, recently visited Qatar, said afraid one detainees left country, said assured visit five remain small Gulf nation. Qatar gained public praise President Barack Obama brokering controversial deal May 2014 freed Army Sgt. Bergdahl Taliban captivity exchange release five senior Taliban officials imprisoned years US-run Guantanamo Bay prison Cuba. Qatar promised Mr Obama would keep five watch one year, although would free leave. "It's year deal," Mr Graham told The Associated Press Wednesday. "Just sure we're sitting here, they're going back fight." "They've Haqqani people come meet them. ... They're reaching out. The Taliban five communicating people inside Afghanistan." However, Mr Graham, member Senate Armed Services Committee leading Capitol Hill voice foreign policy, said five still Qatar. "I afraid one left, told they're still there," said. The Pentagon said statement would comment specific cases involving detainees. "However, take incidence re-engagement seriously, work close coordination military, intelligence, law enforcement diplomatic channels mitigate re-engagement take follow-on action necessary," statement said. "The Defense Department close security partnership government Qatar. We're confident ability continue mitigate threat may posed former Guantanamo detainees." Haqqani operates Afghanistan-Pakistan border region one deadliest threats US troops war. The network, State Department designated foreign terrorist organisation 2012, claims allegiance Afghan Taliban, yet operates degree autonomy.
In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning
The fashion bible’s got decidedly unglamorous rat problem, reports The New York Post. The new 1 World Trade Center offices Vogue magazine infested rodents editor-in-chief Anna Wintour happy, according report. The 25th- 26th-floor digs Condé Nast publication overrun vermin, Wintour ­issued edict staffers clear glass-walled office long-tailed pests steps stiletto heel premises. Luckily, Wintour expected take full-time residence America’s tallest building New Year. A Vogue employee wrote Gawker Friday afternoon say many creatures scuttling around 1 WTC editorial department may postponing move old Times Square offices. “A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through,” staffer said.
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq
President Obama said Wednesday United States “will vigilant relentless” Islamic State militants would “do what’s necessary see justice done” following videotaped execution American journalist. “Today entire world appalled brutal murder James Foley terrorist group ISIL,” Obama said, using one several acronyms group. The militants, posted video YouTube Tuesday, said Foley’s killing retaliation U.S. airstrikes Iraq. Obama, spoke Wednesday morning Foley’s parents, offered new policy measures confront Islamic State. Referring neighboring countries U.S. allies, said “there common effort extract cancer spread.” Asked whether United States might consider suspending airstrikes, one U.S. official said “only question more.” Officials said attacks Islamic State would continue Iraq authorization Obama signed early month. Obama could face pressure escalate air campaign Iraq increase support U.S.-backed rebels Syria fighting Islamic Front, well Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Obama resisted pleas Syrian rebels U.S. heavy weapons, including portable surface-to-air missiles, well American air support. In statement issued president’s remarks, Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), chairman House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, “We must get serious confronting force, including aggressively arming battling it.” The White House confirmed early Wednesday U.S. intelligence deemed video authentic. Obama spoke Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing family. Foley, 40-year-old New Hampshire native photojournalist working Boston-based Web site Global­Post, kidnapped northern Syria nearly two years ago covering civil war Syria. In Britain Wednesday, Prime Minister David Cameron cut short family vacation returned London chair emergency meetings Iraq Syria, amid indications British citizen involved Foley’s killing. In video, masked executioner speaks English sounds like British accent. After beheading Foley, executioner pictured second captive, identified U.S. freelance journalist Steven Joel Sotloff, disappeared last year Syria. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” executioner says. In interview BBC, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged executioner spoke British accent said video seemed genuine. Hundreds Britons believed traveled Syria fight country’s civil war, including many joined Islamic State. “We’re absolutely aware significant numbers British nationals involved terrible crimes, probably commission atrocities,” Hammond said. “Many people may seek point return U.K., would pose direct threat domestic security.” A European intelligence official said British government examining video, speech purported executioner, compare speech former Guantanamo Bay prisoners British residents believed joined Islamic State. Both prisoners video wearing orange shirts pants, similar orange jumpsuits worn detainees U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A similar outfit, believed jihadist symbol prison, worn Nicholas Berg, American businessman kidnapped Iraq 2004 whose execution Islamic State precursor organization recorded video posted online. Foley, 40, working Syria Boston-based news Web site Global­Post disappeared Thanksgiving 2012. In statement Tuesday night Facebook page dedicated freedom, Foley’s mother wrote: “We never prouder son Jim,” Diane Foley wrote. “He gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people. “We implore kidnappers spare lives remaining hostages. Like Jim, innocents. They control American government policy Iraq, Syria anywhere world.” Praising James Foley “an extraordinary son, brother, journalist person,” asked family’s privacy respected. In addition Foley Sotloff, least three Americans believed captives Syria, according 2013 Global­Post article, including Austin Tice, freelance journalist whose articles appeared McClatchy publications The Washington Post disappearance August 2012. No one claimed holding them. According Committee Protect Journalists, least 66 journalists, 10 Syrian, killed covering Syrian war. If video authenticated, Foley would first American journalist known executed since conflict began early 2011. The video evoked 2002 taped execution Pakistan Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl al-Qaeda. The Islamic State, offshoot al-Qaeda, powerful among number extremist organizations emerged Syrian civil war, began popular uprising President Bashar al-Assad. Fighting Assad U.S.-backed rebels, militants control much eastern Syria claim established Islamic caliphate spanning Syria neighboring Iraq. As group grown, merged group formerly known al-Qaeda Iraq, leadership Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According U.S. intelligence, numbers thousands, including foreign fighters Europe United States. In April, Islamic State fighters swept across border northern Iraq, taking city Mosul moving southward within 60 miles Baghdad. Extensive reports executions, including beheadings crucifixions, emerged areas group’s control. This month, amid reports stranded besieged Iraqi minorities threatened execution, militants advanced eastward toward Irbil, capital semiautonomous Kurdish region Iraq. On Aug. 7, Obama authorized U.S. airstrikes rescue stranded minorities protect U.S. personnel facilities Irbil Baghdad. On Monday, total 68 strikes jets, bombers drones, Obama announced Iraqi Kurdish forces, U.S. air support, retaken strategic dam north Mosul militants pushed back Irbil. Within hours announcement, Islamic State posted online message warning would attack Americans “in place” response airstrikes. “We drown blood,” said. The title video posted Tuesday “A Message America” produced Islamic State’s media arm, according Site Intelligence Group, monitors extremist Web sites. A masked man dressed black shown standing unidentified desert location beside prisoner kneeling beside hands behind back. “Obama authorized military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war Muslims,” masked man says. The video shows clip Obama’s Aug. 7 announcement, followed statement prisoner. “I call friends, family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government, happen result complacent criminality,” says. He asks parents accept “any meager compensation people effectively hit last nail coffin recent aerial campaign Iraq.” The prisoner also appeals “my brother John, member U.S. Air Force,” “think doing.” “I wish I time,” says. “I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” The masked man identifies prisoner “James Wright Foley, American citizen country.” He reaches large knife begins apparent beheading prisoner; screen fades black next image body head placed upon back. The masked man appears another prisoner, identified Sotloff, similar kneeling position. Foley reported dangerous recent crises imprisoned 44 days Libya 2011 forces loyal deposed leader Moammar Gaddafi. According Global­Post, two eyewitnesses saw interception group armed men silver-colored van road near town Taftanaz northern Syria Nov. 22, 2012. Since then, Global­Post “has mounted extensive international investigation . . . determine kidnapped Foley held,” Global­Post said article Web site late Tuesday. Julie Tate Dan Lamothe Washington, Griff Witte London Souad Mekhennet Frankfurt, Germany, contributed report.
ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim
Iraqi pilots joined Islamic State training members Syria fly three captured fighter jets, according UK-based activist group monitors conflict. The Syrian Observatory Human Rights (SOHR) said witnesses seen planes flown around military airport Aleppo. Meanwhile, Iraqi forces launched attack IS militants near Tikrit. The city among areas Syria Iraq seized IS year. Rami Abdul Rahman, head SOHR, said IS using Iraqi officers pilots ex-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein train fighters Syria. "People saw flights, went many times airport flying skies outside airport coming back," said. It known many Iraqi pilots defected. Witnesses told SOHR planes appeared MiG-21 MiG-23 models. The BBC's Sally Nabil Baghdad says IS three planes captured earlier Syrian military Aleppo Raqqa. US Central Command spokesman Col Patrick Ryder told Reuters Pentagon "not aware" IS conducting flight operations Syria elsewhere. Aleppo became key battleground fight Syrian rebels, include IS, government forces uprising President Bashar al-Assad 2011. New coordination Separately, Iraqi government said troops gained ground north west Tikrit cut important IS supply route. Correspondents say past efforts government regain territory area ended failure. Meanwhile Kurdish forces, backed US-led air strikes, continuing fight militants northern Syrian town Kobane. US-led warplanes struck IS positions Friday, taking advantage new coordination town's Kurdish defenders. The BBC's Kasra Naji, Turkish-Syria border, said day began quietly since around six strikes. On Thursday, Kurdish commander Baharin Kandal told BBC militants driven Kobane. Our correspondent says refugees watching town hilltop nearby agree two three neighbourhoods still scene fighting. The battle Kobane, also known Ayn al-Arab, regarded major test whether US-led coalition's air campaign push back IS. Activists say 600 people killed since jihadist group launched assault mainly Kurdish town month ago. More 160,000 people fled face IS advance. Capturing town would give group unbroken control long stretch Syrian-Turkish border. IS fighters gained reputation brutal tactics, including mass killings beheadings soldiers journalists.
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years
SANA, Yemen — An American journalist held year Al Qaeda’s affiliate Yemen killed rescue attempt United States commandos late Friday, senior United States official said. Early reports overnight raid sketchy. The official said journalist, Luke Somers, 33, apparently shot captors raid unfolded badly wounded commandos reached him. By time Mr. Somers flown United States naval ship region, died injuries, official said Saturday. There immediate comment Obama administration raid, took place southern Yemeni province Shabwa. When asked operation security conference Bahrain, Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, head United States Central Command, declined comment. Continue reading main story RELATED COVERAGE A video posted YouTube purports show Luke Somers, 33, kidnapped American journalist.Qaeda Group Yemen Threatens Kill American Journalist End This WeekDEC. 4, 2014 Mr. Somers’ sister, Lucy Somers, told The Associated Press Saturday notified FBI brother’s death. “We ask Luke’s family members allowed mourn peace,” said. Mr. Somers, freelance journalist, abducted Yemeni capital, Sana, September 2013. Last month, United States commandos Yemeni counterterrorism troops made unsuccessful attempt rescue remote Yemeni province. On Wednesday, Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula, Yemeni extremist group holding Mr. Somers, threatened kill end week demands met. In video, leader group spoke November raid warned United States carry similar operations. There immediate word fate hostages believed held Mr. Somers, including citizens Britain, Turkey South Africa.
ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands
Gill Rosenberg reported captured several women fighting Kurds There “no hard evidence” Isis captured Canadian-Israeli woman fighting Kurds Syria, expert said, officials struggle discover truth militants’ claims woman one group female fighters kidnapped near Kobani. Gill Rosenberg, 31, Canadian-born woman resident Tel Aviv volunteered fight alongside Kurdish fighters Syria. According blog linked Isis (also known Islamic State), quoted Israeli media reports, Ms Rosenberg captured alongside several female fighters near Kobani. These reports yet confirmed Israeli officials, Canadian foreign ministry said “pursuing appropriate channels” confirm Ms Rosenberg’s whereabouts. “I cannot confirm I hope isn’t true,” Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon told Israeli television channel asked reports. Charlie Winter, researcher counter-extremism think tank Quilliam, said rumours swirl around state Ms Rosenberg’s capture, “no hard evidence” show taken Isis. “No photos circulated Isis,” Mr Winter said, “which means hard evidence actually captured. At time, YPG denied rumours, Free Syrian Army’s representatives Kobani said rumours haven’t confirmed either.” Mr Winter said despite lack physical evidence, YPG Free Syrian Army “not deliberate obfuscation make Isis look weaker,” impossible know truth without official pictures statements. Others refuted rumours Ms Rosenberg’s kidnap however, claiming simply internet access updating status Facebook soon connection. Oliver Brimo, appears friend Ms Rosenberg, posted Facebook profile Monday: “To concerned Gill Rosenberg’s safety. Gill safe active Facebook cause internet access. Once internet access updating status [sic].” He added: “Isis’s supporters launched rumour social media captured #Kobani true, simply Gill least 300km Kobani [sic].” Mr Brimo told The Independent Monday source claims seen Ms Rosenberg "in person hours ago". On 20 November, Ms Rosenberg posted Facebook page friend requests managed someone else access again, expected happen approximately two weeks later, around second week December. Messages concern flooded Facebook page since claims emerged kidnapping. Ms Rosenberg former member Israel Defence Force. A source linked YPG, Kurds’ dominant fighting force northern Syria, told Reuters News Agency November Ms Rosenberg first female foreign recruit crossed Syria fight Isis. Additional reporting Reuters
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease
Mounted cannon leaving trail shells wake, black pickup truck hands jihadists Syria brought woe family Texas City plumbers way insignia driver-side door: “Mark-1 Plumbing”. On Monday Chechen-led group linked extremist group Ansar al-Deen, sometime ally Islamic State (Isis) al-Nusra fighters, tweeted photo black Ford F-250 action near Aleppo. Since then, Mark Olberholtzer family near Houston received hundreds phone calls questions threats. Attempts call Olberholtzer family, Mark-1 Plumbing, reached recorded message disconnected line. On Tuesday Mark Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News mystified: “How ended Syria, I’ll never know.” His son Jeff similarly expressed bafflement KHOU local news: “We intentions idea would happen.” “To think something would use pull trailers, used terror – it’s crazy. Never life would I think something like that,” younger Olberholtzer told KHOU. The Olberholtzers sold truck October 2013 nearby Houston dealership run AutoNation, confirmed Marc Cannon, senior vice-president AutoNation’s corporate communications. Cannon told Guardian AutoNation sent truck Adesa auction house Houston. The car sold auction block local used car dealer, though Adesa yet responded requests identify dealer. An operator auction house told Guardian company bombarded calls, surprised neither plumbers jihadis simply removed logo. From port Houston Olberholtzers’ old F-250 likely made dealership eastern Europe, Africa Middle East, within months changed hands several times finally reached jihadist sympathizer. The truck likely passed Turkey’s porous border, lies hours’ drive Aleppo chaotic battles far removed south-eastern Texas. About erasing logo, elder Olberholtzer told Galveston Daily News AutoNation one middlemen “were supposed done looks like didn’t it”. The plumber 32 years said family received death threats callers “are really ugly”. “We secretary here, she’s scared death. We families,” son told KHOU. “We nothing terror all.” His father message broader world: “I want go away, tell truth.” A representative Mark-1 Plumbing told CBS News plan pursue legal action force Twitter remove photo. The person said sold vehicles would “most definitely” logo removed henceforth. Auction houses, make profit faster turn products, usually sell used cars quickly, exporters often keen pick unwanted vehicles lots. Those exporters ship used cars sizeable market developing nations, battered Ford find long second life, scavengers resurrect lemon dismantle parts.
Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un fat eating cheese broken ankles. The tubby tyrant recovering surgery weight gain caused fracture joints. Metro reports daily binges Emmental believed responsible rapid weight gain. An unnamed source told South Korea's largest newspaper Chosun Ilbo: "I heard Kim Jong-un injured right ankle June pushing ahead on-site visits ended fracturing ankles left injury unattended." The source added 31-year-old dictator undergone operation Bonghwa Clinic, exclusive hospital high-ranking party members.
Doctors confirmed the first case of death from ingesting GMOs
Canadian national former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier Gill Rosenberg, 31, revealed Israeli media earlier month traveled Iraq help Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fight ISIS. "They brothers," told Israel Radio Kurds. "They good people. They love life, lot like us, really." Now, three weeks later, rumors may ISIS custody. Posts ISIS-affiliated web forums, including Al Platform Media, claim "Zionist soldier" captured fighting Kurds ISIS Kobane, small majority-Kurdish town along Syria's northern border Turkey. There indeed intense fighting Kobane ISIS YPG past 24 hours. However, YPG sources strongly denied Journal outlets Rosenberg captured. So far, neither group provided evidence either way, ISIS yet release official statement. A spokesperson IDF news desk told Journal IDF keeping track Rosenberg, "does way knowing" captured ISIS. Minister Defense Moshe Ya'alon, too, told Channel 2 information Rosenberg's whereabouts. Rosenberg, formerly resident Tel Aviv, post Facebook Nov. 20 would taking short leave social media. "My Facebook account friend requests managed someone else I access apx 2 weeks time around week 12/8," wrote. "Please message me. Thank you." A couple weeks that, right around 31st birthday, Rosenberg posted photos Iraqi-Syrian border, wrote: "In IDF, say אחריי - After Me. Let's show ISIS means." A friend IDF told Journal remembered Rosenberg "a cute lady strong ideology." On Twitter, tagline is: "On spiritual journey quest authenticity." Her attraction foreign battlgrounds aside, IDF-turned-YPG warrior pretty bizarre backstory. She reportedly served years U.S. prison phone scam ran Israel, elderly Americans "bilked millions dollars, collectively," according FBI. Since news possible capture broke, friends supporters filled Facebook wall respects, prayers side-by-side photos Israeli Kurdish flags. ISIS members writing Al Platform Media forum urged leaders use Rosenberg bargaining chip prisoner exchange Israel. In phone interview Journal, Emmanuel Nachshon, spokesman Israel Ministry Foreign Affairs, distanced government Rosenberg. "She’s person," said. "As individual, she’s free whatever wants. We're position tell do. ... Remember, didn’t go Israeli. She never said, 'I’m representing Israel.'" Nachshon said foreign ministry aware Rosenberg fighting Kurds, able confirm kidnapping rumors. "Our researchers looking it," said. (CBC News Canada reports Canadian foreign ministry likewise "pursuing appropriate channels" locate Rosenberg.) Asked Israel expecting ISIS try negotiate, Nachshon said: "I hear business cutting heads." Updates come story develops.
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death
14.3K 3077reddit70 32 (RNS) When Pope Francis recently sought comfort distraught boy whose dog died, pontiff took sort pastoral approach famous — telling youngster worry, would one day see pet heaven. “Paradise open God’s creatures,” Francis said reassuringly. Pope Francis greets crowd way meeting cardinals Vatican Feb. 21, 2014. RNS photo David Gibson Show caption Pope Francis greets crowd way meeting cardinals Vatican Feb. 21, 2014. RNS photo David Gibson This image available Web print publication. For questions, contact Sally Morrow. It sparkling moment rainy November day, setting St. Peter’s Square burnished Francis’ reputation kindly “people’s pope.” The story naturally lit social media, became instant promotional material vegetarians animal rights groups, Friday even made front page The New York Times. There’s one problem: apparently none ever happened. Yes, version quotation uttered pope, said decades ago Paul VI, died 1978. There evidence Francis repeated words public audience Nov. 26, widely reported, boy mourning dead dog. So could fable quickly become taken fact? Part answer may topic pope’s talk crowd day, centered End Times transformation creation “new heaven” “new earth.” Citing St. Paul New Testament, Francis said “the annihilation cosmos everything around us, bringing things fullness being.” The trail digital bread crumbs appears lead Italian news report extended Francis’ discussion renewed creation question whether animals go heaven. “One day see pets eternity Christ,” report quoted Paul VI telling disconsolate boy years ago. The story titled, somewhat misleadingly: “Paradise animals? The Pope doesn’t rule out.” It wasn’t clear pope writer meant, however. The next day, Nov. 27, story Italian daily Corriere della Sera veteran Vaticanista Gian Guido Vecchi pushed headline further: “The Pope pets: “Paradise open creatures.” Vecchi faithfully recounted pope’s talk new creation, also cited Paul VI’s remark. But headline put words Francis’ mouth, became story. The Italian version Huffington Post picked next ran article quoting Francis saying “We go heaven animals” contending pope quoting St. Paul – Pope Paul – making statement console boy lost dog. (That story, way, nowhere Bible.) The urban legend became unstoppable week later translated English picked British press, cited St. Paul saying “One day see animals (the) eternity Christ,” Francis adding phrase: “Paradise open God’s creatures.” Fueling meme fact Francis photographed accepting gift two donkeys company promoting use donkey milk infants allergic cow’s milk – Francis said mother gave donkey’s milk baby. Social media media outlets picked story, conflating statements chronology. It became hot mess story also sparking another theological debate pope known prompting controversy. The New York Times biggest several outlets relating apparently apocryphal tale pets, paradise, Pope Francis. Show caption The New York Times biggest several outlets relating apparently apocryphal tale pets, paradise, Pope Francis. When The New York Times went story, along input ethicists theologians, became gospel truth. Television programs discussed pope’s theological breakthrough, news outlets created photo galleries popes cute animals, others used jumping point discuss religions think animals afterlife. At America magazine, Rev. James Martin wrote essay discussing theological implications Francis’ statements level authority may have. It interesting illuminating, based misunderstanding. A number factors probably contributed journalistic train wreck: The story much going it: Francis took papal name St. Francis Assisi, patron saint environmentalism famously greeted animals brothers sisters. Pope Francis also preparing major teaching document environment, almost since day elected 2013 stressed Christian duty care creation. Francis also blessed blind man’s guide dog shortly elected, affecting image often used connection latest reports concern animals. Moreover, media public primed Francis say novel things disregard staid customs story good check out; fit pattern. In accounts, Francis’ comments also set statements predecessor, Benedict XVI, insisted animals souls. That apparent contrast fit common narrative pitting conservative Benedict ostensibly liberal Francis. That may true areas, probably comes animals. Adding insult injury, Times article cited St. John Paul II saying 1990 animals souls “as near God men are.” But that, too, misquote, media critic Dawn Eden explained website GetReligion. On hand, warnings signs: Francis frowned modern tendency favor pets people, criticized vast amounts money spent wealthy societies animals even children go hungry. In addition, pope’s huge popularity led least one instance myth-making: news reports last year said Francis sneaking Vatican night feed homeless around Rome. The pope personally debunked rumor interview last March, saying idea “has never crossed mind” “depicting pope sort superman, type star, seems offensive me.” Maybe he’ll give another interview deflate latest story, offer real thoughts pets paradise. KRE END GIBSON
Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model
HBO talks Apple partnership would see upcoming standalone web-only subscription television package available Apple TV, reports Michael Learmonth, writing International Business Times. CNBC also confirmed Apple HBO talks video tweet posted below. BREAKING: Sources tell @JBoorstin Apple & HBO talks Apple TV launch partner 'HBO Now'. https://t.co/hQd9AzA3Xr— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) March 4, 2015 Apple could potentially one HBO's launch partners web-only service, may called "HBO Now." News HBO's web-based subscription service first surfaced October 2014, HBO CEO Richard Plepler shared company's plans investor presentation. The service, aimed cable cutters, allow users access HBO content without cable subscription set monthly fee. With launch cable-free subscription service, HBO become first major premium content provider cease limiting television movie offerings cable subscribers. According Learmonth, HBO's web-only subscription launch April alongside premiere fifth season Game Thrones, takes place April 12. The service said cost $15 per month, roughly much costs subscribe HBO cable company. A partnership Apple would allow service watched Apple TV, much like existing version HBO's service, HBO Go. HBO Go available existing HBO subscribers variety devices like iPad Apple TV, requires HBO subscription cable satellite provider. Cable companies like Time Warner Comcast long reluctant offer piecemeal pricing companies like HBO previously avoided moving away traditional cable models order preserve status quo avoid upsetting existing revenue streams. The introduction HBO's service major victory cord cutters, could encourage content providers introduce similar offerings. Content providers' reluctance shift away traditional cable pricing models one major factors that's prevented Apple establishing deals service past. Related roundup: Apple TV , Tags: cnbc.com, ibtimes.com, HBO
US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley
British Intelligence officials zeroed suspect on-camera ISIS murder American journalist Jim Foley, widely believed slim, light-skinned rapper London. Though MI5 MI6 agencies releasing man's name, reports say Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary — also known “Lyricist Jinn” “L Jinny” — main suspect. According USA Today, identified via voice comparisons, Abdel Bary's music career left plenty samples consider. USA Today reports U.S. intelligence yet able confirm results. Abdel Bary's father, Adel Abdel Bari, believed associate Osama bin Laden's allegedly involved 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. He extradited U.S. 2012. The younger Bary's music seems chart path radicalization: In early songs put online 2012, Bary makes apparent reference drug use, violence life council estate talks threat family deported Egypt. “It’s hard progress future damaged past still I try count blessings I thank Allah,” rapped 2012. “I’m trying change ways there’s blood hands I can’t change ways there's funds bank. “I can’t differentiate angels demons, heart’s disintegrating. I ain't got normal feelings. “Even life’s blessed, still I find rest.” In later songs, apparent references cannabis (“roll watch leaves ignite”) stop replaced tirades people choose spend money clubbing, drinking drugs rather feeding families. About 500 Britons believed fighting Syria flag ISIS, well several hundred individuals U.S. Canada.
BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews
According multiple reports, ISIS claims executed American freelance journalist James Foley. Politico’s Blake Hounshell one first report news Twitter, saying militant Islamic group threatening kill another reporter retaliation U.S. strikes forces Iraq: Foley missing since November 22, 2012 disappeared Syria.
The Guy Who Said a Spider Burrowed Under His Skin? Experts Say…
The frightening story spider reportedly burrowed Australian man’s surgery scar left disturbing red trail stomach, might completely accurate account, according arachnid experts. The stomach selfie 21-year-old Dylan Thomas gone viral around globe doctors Bali International Medical Center apparently figured “mystery condition” caused spider living skin three days. “Well running tests putting things inside stomach finally found tropical spider that’s living inside last 3 days, managed get luckily,” wrote Facebook. “Haven’t felt violated life before! Just glad it’s over.” But whole thing could caused different organism complete fake, according some. “I think extremely suspect, unusual likely possible,” Christopher Buddle, associate professor McGill University’s Department Natural Resource Sciences, told io9. “Simply put: plausible I think valid reason spider might ‘crawl beneath skin scar’. The claim ‘feeding moving scar tissue’ defies logic defies know biology spiders. I also sceptical ‘evidence’ (the spider itself) presented.” Another scientist expressed skepticism situation well. [I]n general impossible reason spider would that,” Dr. Charles Griswold, Schlinger Curator Arachnology (Emeritus) California Academy Sciences, told io9. While another organism — perhaps tick mite — could “‘possibly’ ‘associated’ something like this,” Buddle said, according io9, least “certainly spider.” Thomas immediately respond request comment TheBlaze.
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now'
HBO talks Apple make Apple TV one launch partners highly anticipated streaming service debuts next month. HBO streaming partner Major League Baseball Advanced Media working standalone service, called “HBO Now,” ready launch April conjunction premiere fifth season “Game Thrones,” according sources familiar plans. When launches, consumers able subscribe “HBO Now” directly HBO first time, rather cable, satellite telco TV distributor Comcast Verizon. The retail price expected $15 month purchased directly HBO, consumers pay order HBO cable, satellite telco provider. With “HBO Now,” HBO’s corporate parent, Time Warner Inc., looking whole new generation distributors HBO Apple TV, Roku, Xbox, PlayStation, Amazon others help market service estimated 10 million U.S. broadband subscribers pay cable TV bundle. CEO Jeff Bewkes said offering could also help reach 70 million cable TV subscribers subscribe HBO might given opportunity subscribe online. HBO’s over-the-top service cast biggest chink yet so-called cable bundle, consumers required buy packages channels, may never watch. One study claimed service would lead 7 percent drop pay TV subscribers users opt cable opt-in HBO Now. But cable providers, Cablevision Cox Communications, expressed interest bundling “HBO Now” broadband subscribers don’t get cable TV. Apple aggressive courting HBO bid add service Apple TV, sources say. Apple TV already carries HBO Go current HBO subscribers, may add second app HBO Now. Apple spent last several years negotiating rights offer linear TV package; meantime, HBO Now seen added service drive adoption Apple TV. While HBO confirmed launch date HBO Now, internally target April launch, time April 12 debut “Game Thrones.” That’s aggressive timeframe Major League Baseball Advanced Media, building back-end along new front-end separate HBO Go. HBO taking care launch HBO Now guarantee service work without technical glitches plagued HBO Go last fall's debut "Game Thrones." The launch “HBO Now” milestone Time Warner’s premium TV channel, 42-year history distributed add-on package cable channels. The web service allow HBO sign new group distribution partners, sees different added satellite TV and, later, telcos like Verizon AT&T. Each distributors pays wholesale price HBO resells consumers anywhere $13 $18 month. Most see HBO retention device; subscribe less likely drop service switch providers. HBO Time Warner declined comment. At $15 month, HBO Now significantly expensive Netflix, ranges $8 $12 month various levels service, cheaper predicting. HBO makes case original programming Netflix better, current film library. “It’s premium product priced accordingly,” HBO CEO Richard Plepler said Time Warner earnings call February. HBO’s push launch HBO Now comes years talking launching over-the-top service bypasses traditional cable TV. It met resistance current distributors, Time Warner Cable Comcast, two companies midst $46 billion merger, according sources. But HBO heard misgivings cable first added satellite TV providers telcos distributors. HBO’s strategy give early partners pricing advantage newer ones; it’s unclear go Apple, track record squeezing advantageous deals media, including 99 cent single, decade ago. Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes said December saw “cord-cutting” accelerate pay-TV providers dropped subscribers. U.S. pay TV providers lost 125,000 subscribers 2014, according Leichtman Research Group. At time, HBO Cinemax highest number new subscribers -- 2.8 million -- 30 years. Among challenges HBO faces get HBO Now launched avoid confusion HBO Go, service allows HBO’s TV subscribers access web, smartphones tablets. The two services separate log-in pages separate apps, cable execs concerned customer confusion. The explanation might challenge even best call center employee: HBO Go TV subscribers watch content devices; HBO Now don’t subscribe via TV. This article originally appeared International Business Times. Copyright 2015. Follow International Business Times Twitter.
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored
(IraqiNews.com) Thousands social media users distributing unverified photo claims show body ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi purportedly killed US air strikes three senior members ISIS, including aide al-Baghdadi also killed US air strikes. The death three senior members aide al-Baghdadi confirmed senior Iraqi security official interviewed NBC News Thursday. The strike ISIS stronghold Mosul killed Abu Hajar Al-Sufi, aide Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, well explosives operative military leader nearby Tal Afar, source said condition anonymity. Al Arabiya cited Iraqi Defense Ministry saying Baghdadi’s aide killed. Pentagon Spokesman Col. Steve Warren could confirm deaths said ISIS leaders targeted. But added ISIS leaders embedded “inside troop formations likely killed.” The U.S. carrying airstrikes across north Iraq brutal terrorists ISIS gained ground murderous sweep June. A number news outlets websites published unverified photo news death al-Baghdadi US airstrikes. IraqiNews.com unable verify photo claim al-Baghdadi killed.
This Is a Truly Horrifying Story About a Spider
Twitter abuzz rumours Cuba's former communist leader Fidel Castro died, although timing suspiciously close death another high-profile person shares name. While reports death Cuba's 88-year-old former leader could true, official confirmation death mistakenly claimed social media many times past. Also casting doubt today's rumours possibility confused recent death son Nairobi's opposition leader, named Fidel Castro Odinga, 41, died days ago. Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, pictured speech 2003. Twitter abuzz rumours died, remains seen correct However, speculation rife former leader Cuba died Venezuelan media reports Cuban Government called press conference international media today. Venezuela Cuba fostered close relationship decades. The report Diario de Cuba, specify time subject press conference, saying Cuban government's press office give information.. It also claimed Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro rushed Havana, adding substance rumours Castro's death could announced. Castro, passed Cuba's leadership brother Raul 2008, announced Prime Minister Cuba overthrowing government 1959 rule turned one-party state. Fidel Castro, dressed famous green military uniform, pictured public meeting Havana 1990 Fidel Castro smokes cigar news conference Havana 1961 - two years overthrew Batista government Cuba's Fidel Castro (pictured left 1976 right 1978) ushered long period communism tiny island developed highly antagonistic relationship U.S. He lived increasing seclusion outside world ever since retired leadership amid speculation health suffering. It understood recently cared wife team nurses. Once enthusiastic food connoisseur, long since stopped visiting Havana restaurants. Today former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Perez Silva told various outlets: 'Fidel waiting right moment, great prophet knows right moment say needs said.'
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof
Talk amazing Christmas surprise – Joe Riquelme, entrepreneur created iPhone app Videoshop, paid parents’ mortgage ultimate holiday gift. Joe caught moment gave parents gift video clip shows parents cuddled around couch gives envelope containing special note. “Your house paid off. Merry Xmas. – Joe,” note reads along check list featured “raising kids,” “college loans,” “mortgage” checked off. WHAT DID YOU GET parents holidays?
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A hoax story alleging British graffiti artist Banksy arrested identity revealed duped thousands people online. According highly refutable website National Report, 'news' website consisting entirely fake stories, artist arrested Metropolitan Police studio identity revealed 35-year-old Paul Horner, originally Liverpool. The article contains elements would expect see news story covering arrest, including details police quotes close Banksy. However, takes bare minimum fact-checking research spot story hoax. The article claims story confirmed BBC (it hasn't) City London Police Chief Lyndon Edwards held press conference answer questions Banksy's arrest (he never Edwards even exist). US news site CNN also conduct interview Banksy's "project manager" John Hawes following arrest (also exist). The 'revealed identity' Banksy also suspicious. Paul Horner name given Facebook spokesperson said site soon charging users $2.99 month – another hoax story comes around every – well name hoax story 15-year-old Louisiana teen sentenced 25 years life called SWAT team another teenager's house beat playing Battlefield 4. The article also said written Dr Darius Rubics, fake name writer claims Pulitzer-prize winning reporter who, unsurprisingly since previous stories include 'Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month' 'Dennis Rodman Leaves US To Talk With Leaders Of Isis', never awarded prizes excellence journalism. One final, major clue story hoax exact thing happened before. Last February, fake press release claimed Banksy arrested claimed name Paul Horner rounds, Jezebel one high-profile websites publish hoax later taking down. Despite this, latest 'Banksy arrested' story shared 200,000 times Facebook Twitter, proving still people believe anything read internet. RelatedClacton-on-Sea Scrubs 'Racist' £400,000 Banksy Mural WallKing Robbo: Graffiti Artist Banksy Rival DiesBanksy Condemns 'Disgusting' Exhibition Featuring His Stolen ArtworkBansky Pokes Fun GCHQ With Cheltenham MuralAlternative Miss World 2014: Drag Queens, Robots PVC Octopus Compete Shakespeare's Globe
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley
There may yet another bug iOS 8, Apple's latest version mobile operating system iPhone iPad. This time, users reporting anybody trying reset settings iPhone could accidentally delete documents saved iCloud, Apple's online backup service. MacRumors reports multiple users forums reported issue attempting reset settings iPhone. Apple informs reset phone settings "no data media deleted," people claiming reset wipes iCloud Drive documents. The existence bug yet confirmed. We asked Apple comment yet heard back. iCloud Drive Apple's online file storage solution documents. According official Apple site, iCloud Drive used "safely store presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, images kind document iCloud." It competes DropBox cloud storage apps. Forum posts claim complained settings reset deleted files well, Apple told company waiting engineers fix issue. Another reported account placed troubleshooting mode Apple investigated. One poster MacRumors forums say problem: " Because iOS 8 sluggish iPad 3 I reset settings (No data media deleted) sped BUT deleted iWork data! Then promptly synced deleted iCloud. I public beta Yosemite can't roll back via time machine. I pre iOS 8 backups iTunes iCloud revert (well iCloud device backups contain cloud documents I iOS 7 backups iTunes can't find any. iCloud trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever." The launch iOS 8 PR nightmare Apple. One update managed stop iPhone 6 users making calls, Apple forced pull update quickly work fix.
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’
On Friday, Gawker reported Vogue’s brand-new offices 1 World Trade Center predicament old New York City itself: rat infestation. It’s already gotten bad editor-in-chief Anna Wintour wary entering personal office. Over next three days, two outlets reported even grosser details. You might want sit down. Radar, example, said rats actively shitting staffers’ desks belongings: According insiders, pesky rodents invaded infamous accessories closet made presence known leaving droppings desks, computers, pricey couture! ... “The famed accessories closet, put together designer wares old office, taking shape rats got it,” source revealed. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into.” People, meanwhile, suggested magazine’s employees literally surrounded rat droppings: “It’s true,” insider confirms PEOPLE. “The girls work see droppings everywhere. It’s nasty.” How rodents penetrate fashion bible’s new office? Radar confirmed we’ve heard least one source: The rats let via 1WTC’s ventilation system: “The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in,” source explained. “Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes Anna Condé Nast, it’s assumed rats got in.” What currently lack, however, photos damage. So: Vogue staffer affected current rat crisis? Send us email. Anonymity guaranteed. Photo credit: Vogue
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS
FEARS raised Islamic State could target Britain EBOLA attack two terror group's fighters reportedly contracted deadly virus. Sources hospital northern Iraqi city Mosul say seen suspected cases involving two IS fighters. They believed unknowingly travelled African homelands Ebola. The news spark fears jihadists could use killer virus hit Britain so-called "human-bug bombs". Intelligence experts already urged authorities ready members extremist outfit deliberately trying spread Ebola West. Even calculated plot emerge, experts fear Ebola could accidentally spread IS — also known ISIS ISIL — tear group's ranks. The World Health Organisation (WHO) last night scrambling uncover information Iraqi infection claims. WHO officials offered assist Iraqi government investigating potential outbreak. However, experts concerned lack resources doctors — caused IS's bloody campaign Syria Iraq — could make cases impossible probe treat. IS fighters reportedly killed dozen doctors, may able confirm diagnoses, Mosul. Meanwhile Western medics, would normally travel Middle East help, face terrifying risks kidnap beheading IS. Ebola's potential appearance Mosul reported three separate media outlets yesterday. Mosul 250 miles north Baghdad controlled IS since June, 2014. Al-Sabaah, Iraqi newspaper, said two cases Ebola 26 AIDS reported city. Citing medical sources, claimed virus transported "terrorists" came "from several countries" Africa. WHO director communications Christy Feig said "no official notification" Iraqi government Ebola confirmed. The organisation trying contact Iraqi officials see help provided investigate suspected cases rebel-controlled areas country. Meanwhile Kurdish official told media outlet Xendan fighters’ symptoms similar experienced Ebola sufferers. However, effects Ebola resemble caused number illnesses, including malaria Lassa Yellow Fever. They include nausea vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding bruising. Middle East-based intelligence analyst Benjamin Decker said IS's killing medics decision ban Westerners territory could allow Ebola spread rapidly. He said: "United Nations workers thus far prohibited entering ISIS-controlled territory Iraq Syria. "In context lack medical infrastructure, supplies practitioners city suggests outbreak could quickly lead infection ISIS fighters residents Mosul." Hundreds Britons believed travelled join IS forces, already heading home. Security intelligence services monitor come back see renounced terror network’s barbaric regime whether remain suspected terrorists plotting UK atrocities. However, current system may equip security services motoring symptoms Ebola, according WHO, killed around 8,000 people West Africa affected areas far. IS hardline jihadist group, formerly ties al-Qaeda. It seized vest swathes Iraq Syria August bid create so-called caliphate. brightcove.createExperiences();
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs
A man Carlisle slaps locals caught sneezing hunted police. The man, described middle-aged, first assaulted woman Monday, smacking around back head sneezed, police described ‘very strange behaviour’. And Tuesday, detectives believe man launched unprovoked attack frail 82-year-old woman Scotch Street, roughly 11.30 am. Cumbria Police described prime suspect wearing tweed jacket mid-to-late 50s. They yet trace first victim, female, said believe two crimes linked. Sgt Gill Cherry said: ‘We treating two reported incidents linked, appealing local community help trace man responsible. ‘It unusual behaviour left victims feeling confused upset.’ MORE: This supermarket South Africa deals shoplifters MORE: Man stole £20,000 KitKat wrappers Gemma Prosser, 19, witnessed attack, said: ‘we heard happened town centre first thought bit weird. ‘When think it, really awful anyone sneeze time it’s fault’. But Nicola Dawson, 48, dental receptionist, nearby Kendal, said would frightened retaliate. ‘I come shopping day actually cold’, said. ‘If anyone smacked sneezing I would smack back’. Anyone information regarding bizarre crime anonymously contact Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.
Canterbury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, starred as Teletubbies' sun
At least I know direct sun rage at: 19-year-old Jess Smith, first-year college student Canterbury Christ Church University claims played monster sky (not God). She filmed part nine months old didn’t tell anyone outside family “a game university friends – say something one else would guess.” Finally, freshman orientation isn’t pointless. Read whole story Uproxx
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist
Two U.S. officials say believe American journalist James Foley victim executed ISIS militants shown grisly video released Tuesday. Separately, Foley’s family confirmed death statement posted webpage created rally support release. In statement, Foley’s mother, Diane Foley, said journalist, quote, “gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people.” One U.S. officials said President Barack Obama expected make statement killing Wednesday. The U.S. officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss video name. Foley, 40-year-old freelance journalist Rochester, New Hampshire, went missing nearly two years ago northern Syria assignment Agence France-Press Boston-based media company GlobalPost. The car riding stopped four militants contested battle zone Sunni rebel fighters government forces trying control. He heard since. Several senior U.S. officials direct knowledge situation said Islamic State recently threatened kill Foley avenge crushing airstrikes last two weeks militants advancing Mount Sinjar, Mosul dam Kurdish capital Irbil. Both areas northern Iraq, become key front Islamic State fighters travel Syria. The officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss hostage situation name. Since Aug. 8, U.S. military struck 70 Islamic State targets – including security checkpoints, vehicles weapons caches. It’s clear many militants killed strikes, although it’s likely were. The Internet video begins scenes President Barack Obama explaining decision order airstrikes Iraq. Then switches balding man orange jumpsuit kneeling desert, black-clad Islamic State fighter side. Foley’s name appears English Arabic graphics screen. The video appears shot arid area; vegetation sight horizon distance sand meets gray-blue sky. The New York-based Committee Protect Journalists estimated Tuesday 20 journalists missing Syria, released nationalities. In annual report last November, CPJ concluded missing journalists either held threatened death extremists, taken captive gangs seeking ransom. The group’s report described widespread seizure journalists unprecedented largely unreported news organizations hope keeping kidnappings public view may help captives’ release. The Islamic State militant group ruthless attacks people consider heretics infidels disowned al-Qaida’s leaders. In seeking impose harsh interpretation Islamic law lands trying control, extremists killed soldiers civilians alike horrifying executions – including mounting decapitated heads victims spikes. The group heir apparent militancy known al-Qaida Iraq, beheaded many victims, including Americans businessman Nicholas Berg 2004.
Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part
British man suspected appearing videos hostages beheaded The British Isis militant suspected appearing videos showing beheading US UK hostages named reports Mohammed Emwazi London. The Washington Post published lengthy article naming masked man known Jihadi John, spoke videos British accent. Emwazi, believed aged 27, known MI5 "person interest" 2011, according BBC. It reports name revealed earlier stage "operational reasons". One Emwazi's friends quoted The Post saying: “I doubt Mohammed Jihadi John." The Post claims Emwazi affluent family west London graduated University Westminster degree computer programming. It says believed travelled Syria 2012 later joined Isis. An international manhunt led FBI launched August 2014 thought appeared video footage showing beheading American photojournalist James Foley. Asim Qureshi, research director rights group, CAGE, said "extremely strong resemblance", militant videos Emwazi. Mr Qureshi says contact Emwazi left Syria. Foley's death followed brutal killing four UK US aid workers journalists, shown footage next balaclava clad militant dressed black, believed Jihadi John. He thought featured videos threatening lives Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa Kenji Goto, later killed extremist group. The name 'Jihadi John' came reported hostages referred militant 'John' time captive. Emwazi reported started become radicalised trip planned Tanzania. He two friends detained police overnight landing Dar es Salaam eventually deported. It claimed Emwazi told friends flown Amsterdam officer MI5 accused trying reach Somalia, militant group al-Shabaab operates. Mr Qureshi says met Emwazi autumn returned trip discuss taken place. “Mohammed quite incensed treatment, unfairly treated,” Mr Qureshi told The Post. The Post reports Emwazi moved Kuwait, birthplace, returned London twice detained counterterrorism officials Britain, took fingerprints searched belongings. He allegedly prevented returning Kuwait, telling Mr Qureshi email: “I job waiting marriage get started, I feel like prisoner, cage, London." Mr Qureshi last spoke Emwazi 2012 contacted advice. He felt “actions taken criminalize way something actions", according Mr Qureshi. One friend said believed Emwazi wanted teach English Saudi Arabia unsuccessful shortly disappeared. “He stage reached point really trying find another way get out," friend quoted saying. The Metropolitan Police said statement: "We going confirm identity anyone stage give update progress live counter-terrorism investigation." The Home Office said would neither confirm deny reports stage.
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.
A recent report Cosmic Book News stated recently revealed Batmobile stolen Detroit set "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Justice." Not suprisingly, story turned completely fake. This also site posted fake news story earlier year "Breaking Bad" actor Bryan Cranston confirmed role Lex Luthor. In response fake article seeing opporunity another crossover image film J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars" movie, director Zack Snyder posted following mash-up new Batmobile Stormtrooper "Star Wars" arrested Gotham City cops stealing vehicle:
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’
A hoax story alleging British graffiti artist Banksy arrested identity revealed duped thousands people online. According highly refutable website National Report, 'news' website consisting entirely fake stories, artist arrested Metropolitan Police studio identity revealed 35-year-old Paul Horner, originally Liverpool. The article contains elements would expect see news story covering arrest, including details police quotes close Banksy. However, takes bare minimum fact-checking research spot story hoax. The article claims story confirmed BBC (it hasn't) City London Police Chief Lyndon Edwards held press conference answer questions Banksy's arrest (he never Edwards even exist). US news site CNN also conduct interview Banksy's "project manager" John Hawes following arrest (also exist). The 'revealed identity' Banksy also suspicious. Paul Horner name given Facebook spokesperson said site soon charging users $2.99 month – another hoax story comes around every – well name hoax story 15-year-old Louisiana teen sentenced 25 years life called SWAT team another teenager's house beat playing Battlefield 4. The article also said written Dr Darius Rubics, fake name writer claims Pulitzer-prize winning reporter who, unsurprisingly since previous stories include 'Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month' 'Dennis Rodman Leaves US To Talk With Leaders Of Isis', never awarded prizes excellence journalism. One final, major clue story hoax exact thing happened before. Last February, fake press release claimed Banksy arrested claimed name Paul Horner rounds, Jezebel one high-profile websites publish hoax later taking down. Despite this, latest 'Banksy arrested' story shared 200,000 times Facebook Twitter, proving still people believe anything read internet. RelatedClacton-on-Sea Scrubs 'Racist' £400,000 Banksy Mural WallKing Robbo: Graffiti Artist Banksy Rival DiesBanksy Condemns 'Disgusting' Exhibition Featuring His Stolen ArtworkBansky Pokes Fun GCHQ With Cheltenham MuralAlternative Miss World 2014: Drag Queens, Robots PVC Octopus Compete Shakespeare's Globe
Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Married
Christian Bale star late Apple CEO Steve Jobs upcoming biopic director Danny Boyle. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin confirmed decision upcoming interview Bloomberg Television today, adding Oscar-winning actor even audition role. "We needed best actor board certain age range that’s Chris Bale," Sorkin said. "He didn’t audition. Well, meeting." Bale among actors reported contention lead role, along Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Leonardo DiCaprio. The still-unnamed film based Walter Isaacson's 2011 biography Jobs, shooting begin within next couple months. Sorkin, best known writing The West Wing The Social Network, says Bale lot work set, though he's confident abilities. "He words say movie people three movies combined," told Bloomberg. "There isn’t scene frame he’s in. So it’s extremely difficult part gonna crush it."
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced
TEXAS CITY — A local plumber flooded phone calls — threats — picture one old company vehicles used Islamist militants Syria posted Twitter. The picture posted online Islamic extremist brigade Ansar al-Deen Front, according CBS News report. It shows black pick-up truck Mark-1 Plumbing decal door anti-aircraft gun bed. Mark Oberholtzer, owned operated Mark-1 Plumbing Texas City past 32 years, confirmed pickup truck picture. He said longer owned vehicle idea ended Syria. Oberholtzer said traded truck AutoNation dealership three years ago. He usually takes decals vehicles sells left truck expectation AutoNation would remove it. “They supposed done looks like didn’t it,” Oberholtzer said. “How ended Syria, I’ll never know.” He began receiving calls truck picture Monday afternoon, Oberholtzer said. By Tuesday said business received thousand calls faxes image. “A people really ugly,” said. Derek Duckett, emergency management coordinator Texas City, said unaware threats checking local police reach Mark 1 see whether needed assistance. Oberholtzer said didn’t know attention getting picture. He wanted public know vehicle longer his. “I want go away, tell truth,” said.
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase
After officially dead 48 minutes heart restarted, 71 year-old Massachusetts Catholic Priest woke shared went heaven met God. Who claimed warm Motherly figure. Father John Micheal O’neal rushed hospital suffering massive heart attack: declared clinically dead revived. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, The Archbishop Boston, said Father O’neal suffered hallucinations linked near-death experience…and God clearly isn’t female. The full story here. It might sound odd, I don’t problem picturing God female. And, no, nothing fact wife United Methodist Pastor. But I one picturing Alanis Morissette la Dogma? Follow Facebook, Twitter, check blog here!
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming
A new survey UBS suggests Apple Watch could get strong start, leading investment firm predict sales 24 million units gross profit $3.4 billion wearable device first months alone. In poll 4,000 consumers, UBS found 10 percent consumers said "very likely" buy smartwatch next 12 months. Applying percentage total number eligible iPhone owners, UBS believes Apple sell 24 million Apple Watches first nine months availability. Detailing results note investors Monday, analyst Steven Milunovich noted first version Apple Watch number limitations, notably dependence connected iPhone functionality. But believes first-generation device set Apple long-term success wearables market. Still, first months, Milunovich believes Apple sell 24 million Watch average price $420 $430. That would result sales $10.3 billion, assumed 33 percent level gross margin, would add $3.4 billion profit company's bottom line fiscal 2015. Apple's fiscal 2015 concludes end September, Milunovich's estimates include 2015 holiday shopping season. Looking fiscal 2016, Milunovich's estimates increase 40 million units, resulting $17 billion sales $6.2 billion profit. And 2018, projections call Apple selling 67.6 million Apple Watch units single fiscal year. The analyst said likely iPhone Apple Watch prove complementary products, much like Mac iPad. But said also possible Apple Watch could eventually become successor iPhone. "Given two-thirds Apple's profit generated iPhone, company concerned longer-term threat replacement technology, whether leap handset technology loss key functions wearables," Mulinovich said. "With sophisticated user interface third-party apps coming on, Apple may readying time Apple Watch encroaches smartphone market." The UBS survey also delved specific brands, found consumers interested currently available Samsung Gear. Among respondents plan buy smartwatch, 37 percent said would purchase SamsungGear, 25 percent said waiting Apple Watch. Milunovich expects tables quickly turn early 2015, Apple Watch becomes available shakes existing wearables market. "Just Apple first MP3 smartphone vendor redefined categories, expect Apple Watch become first mind smartwatches," said. UBS maintained "buy" rating AAPL stock 12-month price target $125.
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan
Newly released audio allegedly records moment Officer Darren Wilson opened fire unarmed Michael Brown At least ten shots heard - two separate volleys gunfire Experts said indicated 'moment contemplation' Wilson FBI confirmed interviewed man recorded audio Is another tantalizing piece evidence collected ongoing case Officer Wilson claims felt life threatened August 9 Witnesses friend Brown, 18, claim surrendered Brown buried Monday ceremony attended thousands The FBI handed potentially crucial recording allegedly contains audio moment Officer Darren Wilson opened fire killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown Ferguson, Missouri, earlier month. Revealed CNN's Don Lemon Monday, least ten shots heard ring background recording, brief significant pause first seven shots last volley four. The unidentified man given unverified tape authorities claims coincidentally recorded fatal shots killed Brown broad daylight August 9, experts listened audio said could prove damning Officer Wilson. Scroll Down Audio Attorney: Lopa Blumenthal legally representing man claims coincidentally recorded shooting Michael Brown Officer Darren Wilson August 9 'There sounds like pause (the audio). And hear pause brings concern,' said retired Chief Deputy US Marshall Matthew Fog listening CNN. 'It significant, pause means somebody time think fire again.' In audio, unidentified man heard telling someone, 'You’re pretty' 11 gunshots heard cackle background — seven one volley, followed pause final burst four. Lopa Blumenthal, attorney unidentified man recorded alleged gunfire nearby said believed audio shows, authentic, Officer Wilson clear 'point contemplation' pulling trigger aiming Brown. 'He apartment, talking friend video chat,' said Blumenthal. 'He heard loud noises, time even realize import hearing afterwards, happened captured 12 seconds transpired outside building.' Lemon cautioned 'CNN cannot independent verify authenticity tape' say FBI interviewed Blumenthal client. 'We told least six shots fired Michael Brown. In tape have, alleged shooting—we can't independently authorize it, CNN, shoot it, six shots,' Lemon said. Nightly scenes unrest erupted Ferguson since Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown, unarmed black 18-year-old, two weeks ago Officer Darren Wilson (right, collecting commendation) claimed confrontation sparked scuffle Michael Brown led Ferguson teens fatal shooting August 9 (left, Wilson paces around body Brown aftermath shooting) witnesses claim officer continued shoot unarmed man hands surrendered Funeral: The casket containing remains Michael Brown awaiting start funeral inside Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, St Louis, Missouri, USA, 25 August 2014 Grief: Dorian Johnson, one key witnesses fatal police shooting Michael Brown, leaves Brown's funeral Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Monday, 25, August If indeed audio genuine calls question version events Officer Wilson Ferguson police force claimed occurred Saturday afternoon. At least two autopsies performed Michael Brown concluded died shot six times Wilson pulled officer, including fatal 'kill shot' top head. Numerous witnesses, including Brown's friend Dorian Johnson, claim Wilson opened fire bungling opening squad car door, causing teen run turning back face officer hands raised saying 'don't shoot'. Johnson alleges Wilson continued fire. Ferguson police friends Officer Wilson contend Brown engaged scuffle Wilson officer pulled Johnson over, tried grab weapon run towards him, leaving choice fire. Anguish: Michael Brown Sr., yells casket carrying son lowered funeral service Michael Brown Normandy, Missouri Monday, August 25, 2014 Too much: Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown's mother, cries son's funeral Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, St Louis Overcome: Lesley McSpadden appears overwhelmed grief service Laid rest: A horse-drawn hearse carries Michael Brown gravesite St. Peters Cemetery Normandy, Missouri Monday Indeed recent days reports emerged stating Wilson, 28, badly beaten left serious facial injuries following fatal shooting St Louis suburb, including eye socket fracture. On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported officer suffered 'orbital blowout fracture'. But CNN reported Thursday although officer taken hospital badly swollen face following shooting August 9, x-rays came back negative serious injury. Earlier reports claimed officer almost knocked unconscious Brown's blows, according source. A police source told Fox: 'The Assistant (Police) Chief took hospital, face swollen one side. He beaten severely.' Demonstrators protest shooting death Michael Brown Ferguson, Missouri, last Thursday night The source continued: 'They ignored [Wilson] officer started get car tell move. They shoved right back in, that’s Michael Brown leans starts beating Officer Wilson head face.' A police source confirmed MailOnline Wilson taken hospital treated facial injuries sustained Brown incident would elaborate severity nature injuries. Last week, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson suffered swelling side face gave details injuries. Wilson, six-year veteran Ferguson force clean record, arrested charged crime. He paid leave pending outcome investigation 24-hour guard death threats aimed him. Wilson 'traumatized, scared life family' along deeply concerned grand jury, met first time Wednesday, make example him, source told Fox. Earlier reports claimed Officer Wilson almost knocked unconscious Brown's blows Missouri Governor Jay Nixon come fire calling 'vigorous prosecution' Wilson despite fact officer yet charged crime. His deputy, Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder said: 'It's really heartbreaking see man elected office high state government... come statement like that, prejudge case.' St Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch said Wednesday estimated would middle October grand jury reached decision whether Officer Wilson face charges Michael Brown's death. Gov. Jay Nixon Thursday ordered Missouri National Guard begin withdrawing Ferguson. Since guard's arrival Monday, flare-ups small section town center nightly unrest begun subside. About 100 people gathered Thursday evening, walking laps near spot Michael Brown shot. Some organized groups, clergy members. More signs reflected calls protesters remove prosecutor case.
Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All
A dog found abandoned Scottish train station next suitcase filled belongings local animal welfare charity looking tips neglectful owner. The dog, male shar-pei named Kai, found sitting leash attached banister Ayr railway station Jan. 2, according Scottish Society Prevention Cruelty Animals. "Kai around two three years old lovely dog nice nature," Scottish SPCA Inspector Stewart Taylor said group's release. Amazing Animals From Around World The group reported suitcase contained dog bowl, food, pillow toy -- although clear owner wrongdoing. Abandoning animal offense Scotland and, able determine left dog station, person persons could banned owning animals life. "Regardless fact Kai left belongings, still cruel incident keen identify person responsible," Taylor said. Officials able determine dog's name animal microchipped previous owner. When contacted individual, reported sold dog 2013 information new owner. Taylor said group care dog find owner Kai.
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse
Macaulay Culkin NOT dead. A “breaking news” story claiming, “Macaulay Culkin Found Dead Age 34″ 100 percent fake hoax that’s gone viral Facebook Twitter. It NOT true. The rumor fueled looks like screenshot cable news broadcast graphic, “Breaking: Macaulay Culkin Found Dead At Age 34″ (see below), shared 700,000 times Facebook. Additionally, least one version “dead” story appears MSNBC.website URL meant trick people thinking they’re reading real MSNBC. According FAKE story, “Sources reporting Macaulay Culkin, best known role Kevin McCallister Home Alone sequel Home Alone 2: Lost New York, found dead age 34. Multiple unconfirmed reports say Culkin found dead Friday afternoon Manhattan apartment police responded wellness check requested family member.” Most people read headline immediately spread “news” Culkin allegedly dead, panicking fans social media compounding problem. Culkin alive well. He’s latest celebrity victimized death hoax.
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom
TEXAS CITY, Texas (AP) — A Texas plumber getting unwanted attention one old company vehicles appeared photo posted Islamic militant group's social media account. Mark-1 Plumbing Texas City flooded calls picture appeared Twitter, The Galveston County Daily News reported. The picture posted online Islamic extremist group Ansar al-Deen Front, according CBS News report. The photo shows black pickup truck Mark-1 Plumbing decal door anti-aircraft gun bed. Mark Oberholtzer, owned company 32 years, said traded truck AutoNation dealership three years ago idea ended Syria. He usually takes decals vehicles sells left vehicle, believing AutoNation would remove it. "They supposed done looks like it," Oberholtzer said. "How ended Syria, I'll never know." Oberholtzer said business received thousand calls faxes week photo. "A people really ugly," said. Oberholtzer said wanted people know vehicle longer his. "I want go away, tell truth," said. ___ Information from: The Galveston County Daily News, http://www.galvnews.com Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may published, broadcast, rewritten redistributed.
Spider burrowed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body
Keen golfers putting paradise snap luxury island previously owned Tiger Woods. The island Lake Mälaren, Sweden, one homes shared 14-time major winner ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, six-year marriage fell apart 2010. The 62-acre island features secluded villa, hunting lodge, landing strip propeller planes well as, course, six tee-off areas custom-made golf hole. Very private: The 62-acre island previously home Tiger Woods ex-wife Elin Nordegren Riches: The island Lake Mälaren, Sweden, one homes shared golfer ex-wife Secluded: The island's villa, built wood cut island itself, according estate agents Serene: The residence island apparently home many miles around Rustic: Yet wooden construction also includes modern conveniences like hot tub gas barbecue Kitted out: The kitchen, including breakfast bar, wood-burning stove disguised extractor fan Welcoming: The bedroom. Tiger Woods wife split infidelity became public Room live: The kitchen living room share open plan space wood ceiling rising high It also includes protected quay, private ferry boat, historic hill fort, pasture land horses, stables two small Skinnpälsarna islands water area around 500 acres. But potential buyers bring clubs main building comes unfurnished. Sabine Rollinger Vladi Private Islands, listing island, told Mercury Press Agency: 'This island owned Tiger Woods divorce need island Sweden more. 'This unique, exclusive private island total privacy. 'It includes private harbour, untouched woods, beautiful lush parks, open fields, striking lake views tastefully designed main residence, mini-mansion. 'Also island landing strip six tee-off areas golf practice. 'The secluded villa, hunting lodge stables located main island surrounded large lawn. Log cabin: The hunting lodge offers another space away main house times want alone Fore! The island includes six teeing areas single custom golf hole Neigh: These stables island which, along private pasture, would great horses Well lit: As darkness falls, see house tastefully illuminated number external lights Is outside swimming pool? If so, ambitious choice Sweden, long, chilly winters... A luxury yacht island: The protected quay catches evening sun hour's boat ride island Stockholm archipelago sights sounds Swedish capital Happy times: Tiger bought place married Swede Elin 'Here land private prop airplane, play soccer, riding enjoy unstructured golfing. 'A hundred metres villa private, protected bay, 50-metre long quay provides plenty space own, friends' boats. 'This place begin great fishing trips private fishing waters, take boat ride Mälaren's 1000 islands beautiful archipelago Stockholm. 'This island also unique due central location Swedish capital hour away boat car, swift access Stockholm archipelago. 'The property even historical 11th century Viking stronghold, dramatic landscape approximately 30 metres high rocks rising lake. 'The island boasts variety wildlife, deer, hares beavers - even elks seen occasion. 'The protected location, combined quay's generous dimensions, make ideal place private parties outdoor dining. 'You go swim Lake Mälaren, water reaches temperatures 26C summer. 'Apart island, property also includes two small Skinnpälsarna islands water area around two million square metres.' For information listing, visit vladi-private-islands.de. The price available application. Tile floors throughout? Really? A log cabin entirel...
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students
None 28 bodies found mass grave restive southwestern Mexico belongs group 43 missing students, Mexico's attorney general said Tuesday. The students, feared massacred police league gang members, went missing southwestern state Guerrero Sept. 26. The discovery series mass graves near town Iguala, students went missing, sent shockwaves throughout Mexico, around 100,000 people died drug-related violence since 2007. Speaking press conference Tuesday, Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo said none charred remains found first mass grave matched genetically missing students. "What I say first mass grave found, first ones already results, I say (remains) match DNA families young people," said. But authorities found another mass grave near site, Murillo said, checking remains. He also said 14 police officers arrested following earlier arrests least 22. Protesters Mexico Demand Answers Missing Students Mass Graves Found Near Mexico Town Where Students Went Missing Mexico Massacre Victims Feared Be Missing Students
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats
A 10-year-old member ISIS terror group reportedly killed fighting Middle East. Going name Abu Obadya al-Abassi, ISIS posted video YouTube Wednesday announcing death. The YouTube video garnered 75,000 hits Friday morning depicts photos boy, tangible confirmation demise, according The Jerusalem Post. "It noted independent confirmation regarding authenticity clip posted YouTube showing boy dressed military fatigues carrying weapons," Post reported. Those who've watched clip expressed "disgust use children warfare," continued. ISIS formed last year group al-Qaida Iraq led Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. They garnered international attention atrocities Northern Iraq civil war torn Syria. Known "Cub Baghdadi," 10-year-old al-Abassi native Kingdom Saudi Arabia. For part, Saudi Arabia's top religious official denounced ISIS, calling recent statements enemies Islam civilization. Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh issued statement August via Saudi Press Agency. "Extremist militant ideas terrorism spread decay earth, destroying human civilization," said al-Sheikh, "are way part Islam, enemy number one Islam, Muslims first victims." It believed, though unconfirmed, al-Abassi father killed airstrike United States fighting continues. News death Cub Baghdadi comes U.S. forces launched airstrikes city Kobani, located Syrian-Turkish border. "The fight town situated near Turkish frontier become major early test co-ordinated campaign aimed degrading destroying terror group," reported Fox News. "U.S. officials hope could pull Turkey battle Islamic State means opening new front, also fear country might stand aside let two enemies, Kurdish fighters Islamic State group, fight town."
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast
Anna Wintour reportedly major rat infestation Vogue office New York City. According Radar Online, dirtiest rats decided move Anna’s new office Vogue staffers Freedom Tower. Insiders claim rodents invaded beloved accessories closet, leaving abundance rat droppings pricey couture, computers, desks. Further reports claim decision put Kanye West Kim Kardashian cover Vogue magazine may something infestation. “The office over-run Vogue staff secretly whispering rats could cosmic payback Anna’s decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover. There much backlash, this!” As previously reported Inquisitr, critics happy Anna Wintour Vogue staff making “disgusting” decision place reality starlet husband cover. The couple photographed April 2014 cover Anne Leibovitz. Vogue Condé Nast relocated Times Square One World Trade Center. However, rat infestation made Vogue relocation smooth would liked – especially since reports claim rats located Vogue floors building. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into… The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in. Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes…and it’s assumed rats got in.” Even though Anna Wintour usually allows employees eat drink inside office, reports claim strict policy restricting food drinks issued enforced infestation problem resolved. Gawker, media outlet initially broke story, reports Anna Wintour refuses even enter office pristine condition completely freed rat infestation. Anna Wintour made headlines recently expressing felt Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover shoot experience. Huffington Post reports Wintour even hopes “another Kim Kardashian comes along year.” In words, Anna Wintour feel cover photo “disgusting” all. On contrary, believes touching charming.
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus'
No suspected cases Ebola found Iraq, despite reports contrary Iraqi media past week, World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday. Describing reports suspect cases deadly viral infection Mosul "rumor", Geneva-based United Nations health agency said Iraqi health ministry conducted full investigation. "All sources contacted negated existence suspected cases Ebola," WHO said statement. "The [Iraqi] Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola virus." Reports suspected Ebola cases appeared December 31 Iraq's Al-Sabah newspaper, Rudaw online newspaper Shafaq news agency relayed media outside Iraq, prompting WHO Iraqi authorities investigate.
Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30
Leading somber anniversary Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, fresh fears possible 9/11-style attacks taking place across North Africa radical Islamist groups Libya reportedly seized nearly dozen commercial airliners last month. While counterterrorism officials reportedly concerned missing jetliners could used terrorists carry deadly attacks, timing theft also setting alarms. The concern radical Islamist groups use planes mark anniversary deadly 9/11 attacks, according alleged intelligence reports disseminated within U.S. government. Reports Islamist militias seized jetliners come weeks 13th anniversary 9/11 attacks. “There number commercial airliners Libya missing. … We found September 11 happen hijacked planes,” one official reportedly told Washington Free Beacon. The aircraft reportedly stolen August Islamists took control Tripoli International Airport. It later reported 11 commercial jetliners missing. On Sept. 11, 2012, four Americans killed terrorist attack U.S. compound Benghazi, Libya. At first, Obama administration blamed attack spontaneous protest anti-Muslim YouTube video. When pressed Free Beacon, “senior State Department counterterrorism official” refused comment reports stolen jetliners Libya. Another State Department told online publication, “We can’t confirm that.” It also reported Tuesday Islamic State militants beheaded second American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Just murdered photojournalist James Foley, terrorists reportedly uploaded video showing gruesome execution. More Fox News: Read full report here.
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi
THE ISLAMIC State murderer dubbed 'Jihadi John' named Mohammed Emwazi west London, according reports. It understood known British security services chose disclose name earlier operational reasons. A close friend Emwazi told Washington Post: “I doubt Mohammed Jihadi John. "He like brother me. . . . I sure him." Downing Street declined confirm deny reported name known intelligence security services. Asked David Cameron concerned Emwazi's name reported, No 10 spokeswoman said: "The Prime Minister would concerned information put public domain time might jeopardise ongoing police security investigations safety British citizens. "There ongoing investigation. It absolutely right allow police security agencies bring responsible justice help keep British people safe." Kuwaiti-born Emwazi believed raised middle-class area west London, times attending mosque Greenwich. He understood graduated degree computer science University Westminster, started become radicalised. The Post claims Emwazi started radicalise planned safari Tanzania following graduation University Westminster brought abrupt end detained arrival Dar es Salaam deported following day. It claimed Emwazi told friends flown Amsterdam officer MI5 accused trying reach Somalia, militant group al-Shabab operates. He thought travelled Syria 2012, joining IS (also known Isis Isil), according Post. According BBC's Dominic Casciani, Emwazi "person interest" British security services least 2011. He apparently featured "semi-secret court cases relating extremism overseas back UK". He thought responsible brutal executions US journalists James Foley Steven Sotloff, American aid worker Peter Kassig, British aid workers Alan Henning David Haines Japanese hostages Kenji Goto Haruna Yukawa. Each killing publicised series highly-produced video clips. The masked executioner appeared speak British accent, prompting speculation identity. The killer gained moniker nicknamed 'John' group hostages. He apparently part terrorist cell described 'the Beatles', members known 'George', 'Paul' 'Ringo'. Commander Richard Walton Met’s Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) said: "We previously asked media outlets speculate details investigation basis life risk. "We going confirm identity anyone stage give update progress live counter-terrorism investigation." A spokeswoman British Embassy Washington said: "(The) Prime Minister clear want committed murder behalf ISIL (Islamic State) face justice appalling acts carried out. "There ongoing police investigation murder hostages ISIL Syria. "It appropriate Government comment part continues.”
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release'
Two U.S. officials say believe American journalist James Foley victim executed Islamic State militants shown grisly video released Tuesday. Separately, Foley's family confirmed death statement posted webpage created rally support release. In statement, Foley's mother, Diane Foley, said journalist, quote, "gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people." One U.S. officials said President Barack Obama expected make statement killing Wednesday. The U.S. officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss video name.
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there'
(CNN) -- A member Sugarhill Gang, whose pioneering hit "Rapper's Delight" brought hip hop mainstream audiences 35 years ago, died Tuesday complications cancer. "Big Bank Hank," whose real name Henry Jackson, died early Tuesday Englewood, New Jersey, according David Mallie, manages two surviving Sugarhill Gang members. The New York native 57. A beefy, boisterous presence onstage, Hank handled vocals early middle portion "Rapper's Delight," despite extended length -- one version 14 minutes long -- became first rap song reach Top 40 U.S. Billboard charts. Jackson traded rhymes bandmates "Wonder Mike" Wright Guy "Master Gee" O'Brien spoke song's catchiest lines, including "Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn/If girl starts acting up, take friend." Wonder Mike Master Gee issued statement Tuesday: "So sad hear brother's passing. The 3 us created musical history together release Rapper's Delight. We always remember traveling world together rocking house. Rest peace Big Bank." The three friends unknown MCs producer Sylvia Robinson recruited record song rap label, Sugar Hill Records. Released fall 1979, "Rapper's Delight" became novelty hit staple dance clubs well 1980. It born emerging New York hip-hop scene late '70s, young rappers gathered clubs exchanged rhymes instrumental breaks popular songs, notably Chic's hit "Good Times." "Rapper's Delight" also borrowed bass line flourishes "Good Times," prompting threats legal action Chic co-founders Nile Rodgers Bernard Edwards. After settlement, Rodgers Edwards listed co-writers song. "It felt like new art form," Rodgers said later "Rapper's Delight." In 2011, Rolling Stone ranked "Rapper's Delight" No. 248 list 500 Greatest Songs All Time. People we've lost 2014
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking
Islamic State brutes fed distraught woman searching kidnapped son meat rice – told eaten son, according British man joined fight ISIS. Yasir Abdulla, 36, Yorkshire left wife four kids battle maniacal extremists Kurdish homeland, The Sun reported. “I hate IS happened old Kurdish woman nearby tribe,” said. “Her son captured IS fighters taken prisoner Mosul. She determined find son went IS headquarters asked see him.” He said thugs told rest long journey offered food taking son. “They brought cups tea fed meal cooked meat, rice soup. She thought kind,” said.“But killed chopped finished meal asked see son laughed said, ‘You’ve eaten him,’” Abdulla told The Sun. Abdulla decided take murderous group came within six miles home Kurdistan. He said bought combat fatigues online assault rifle Kurdish hometown – joined volunteers front lines. “We want attack IS drive forever can’t unless Peshmerga Americans say can,” said, referring military forces Iraqi Kurdistan. Abdulla described jihadists’ terror tactics, including slaughtering prisoners bonfires. “They dig trench, put dry tree branches leaves there, set alight throw prisoners burn alive,” said. “IS good making people scared. If make one person scared person make another person scared soon everyone scared IS.” “But Kurds scared them. Someone stand fight. We got thousands people many villages towns behind us. If fall places fall, can’t happen.” Yasir, returned UK last week, remains confident vows return Iraq help rebels defeat fanatics.
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters
When report went viral NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel got caught camera peeing woods live weekend appearance Lester Holt, NBC News decided Brian Williams needed discuss NBC Nightly News tonight. Yes, it’s come this.
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns
Reports 11 commercial jetliners missing main airport Libya's capital Tripoli raising fears militants could use terrorist attacks mark 13th anniversary 9/11 next week. The Washington Free Beacon, conservative news website, cited anonymous sources said intelligence agencies warned jets could used attacks North Africa elsewhere Sept. 11. The date also marks second anniversary Libyan terrorist attack U.S. diplomatic compound Benghazi killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said, "We nothing confirm reports missing airliners." A spokeswoman White House National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, also said there's confirmation aircraft stolen. Images surfaced online showing militants posing jetliners taken militants overran Tripoli's airport last month fierce battle left much airport aircraft damaged. In past four months, renegade general battled Islamic militants eastern city Benghazi — cradle 2011 uprising toppled Moammar Gadhafi — powerful regional militias fought control Tripoli airport. Islamist-allied militias seized virtually capital. Moroccan military expert Abderrahmane Mekkaoui said "credible intelligence" one Libyan militia "is plotting use planes attacks (region) 9/11 anniversary," The Huffington Post reported, citing Al Jazeera television. An aviation security expert said planes, actually seized terrorists, would pose threat countries near Libya U.S. homeland. Any stolen aircraft Libya would unlikely penetrate post-9/11 U.S. air defense security measures, could pose threat targets much closer, said Jeffrey Price, author Practical Aviation Security professor Metropolitan State University Denver. Airliners required file flight plans entering U.S. airspace, air-traffic monitors would looking aircraft matching description stolen planes, Price said. An airliner could try fly radar avoid detection, U.S. military developed systems detect stop low flying threats, said. Price said countries near Libya, including Europe, air-defense capabilities would risk. The reports missing planes, first surfaced mid-August, likely sparked international search planes intelligence agencies, Price said. "It's hard hide big jet," said. The latest report surfaced Islamist militia seized U.S. Embassy residence Tripoli last weekend, posting video online men playing pool compound. In late July, U.S. diplomats evacuated compound capital traveled neighboring Tunisia U.S. military escort fighting rival militias intensified thousands fled. About 150,000 people fled Libya fighting another 100,000 internally displaced, according United Nations report released Thursday. Contributing: The Associated Press
CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Celebrities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral
SEVEN girls, aged 13 15, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country’s capital city parents blamed. The schoolgirls, city Banja Luka, went Bosnia Herzegovina capital, Sarajevo. Nenad Babici, National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika, told Inserbia.info discovered seven schoolgirls fell pregnant school trip. The school Banja Luka taken 28 girls nation’s capital city five-day trip visit museums historic sights city, ranked among finest world. Furious parents demanding know lack teacher supervision, reported Daily Mail. However, Babici blamed parents educating children properly.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two broken ankles, newspaper says
Congressional Republicans pushing “ISIS At Border” line hard may hearing things. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) told Fox News’ Greta van Susteren Tuesday “at least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas,” saying received information border patrol source. According Department Homeland Security, rebutting similar claims weeks, that’s bogus. RELATED: Geraldo Fox & Friends: Don’t Mix Up War Terror Immigration Debate “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” DHS spokesman said statement today. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” One Hunter’s sources modified claim congressman’s comments, saying apprehended might ISIS-affiliated even American fought Syrian Free Army, one ISIS’ many enemies. Hunter didn’t back down. “The Congressman conveying knows — told,” spokesperson told ABC News. “It makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand — it’s way long time don’t expect change.” [h/t ABC News] [Image via screengrab] —— >> Follow Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) Twitter
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax)
This picture penis spraypainted £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron shared like crazy week. LOOK – it’s penis really expensive car!!! According Reddit post four days ago, image taken downtown Seattle. [Insert outrage/uncontrollable glee here] The thing is, graffiti appears work YouTube pranksters TwinzTV. Here’s Instagram user andreysmygov revealing spraypaint upcoming video. And here’s car different graffiti it. The TwinzTV Instagram account also trailing upcoming video using supercar. These kind “pranks” YouTube channel uses Bugatti Veyron for. On Wednesday, Andrey seemed enjoying attention picture received. He included caption: “A little joke goes long way haha.” The video including penis graffiti yet surface TwinzTV channel.
Every superhero origin story, one Russian boy’s unbelievable tale isn’t comic book — it’s much real-life. Twelve-year-old Nikolai Kryaglyachenko walking home school one day stopped lean lamppost. Unfortunately Nikolai, lamppost faulty wire schoolboy blasted across street jolt electricity. “When I came round, I felt groggy, managed get home told mum happened. When I woke next day got bed, I found coins lying mattress stuck body. Then I breakfast dropped spoon, stuck chest,” Nikolai revealed. Being comic book fan, Nikolai immediately set testing new power, eerily similar power wielded Marvel character Magneto. “I things I couldn’t before, I don’t lot control it. Even I want it, I still attract things. Once I even attracted glass — moved towards me,” said. Naturally, Nikolai’s schoolmates fascinated new power, didn’t know could pass ability others, turning human magnets, too. “I could even hang ladle nose,” said classmate Vika Balandina. Nikolai first real-life Magneto. In fact, entire Russian family got magnetism superpower 1987. A year 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Leonid Tenkaev, wife, Galina, daughter Tanya grandson Kolya able stick metal objects bodies, according The Guardian. When discovered powers, Russian Japanese scientists examined family verified seeming magnetism real. “There absolutely doubt objects stick bodies magnetic,” said Dr. Atusi Kono 1991. Another famous real-life Magneto revealed Superfields conference 300 “human magnets” 1990. Extending arms out, Marinela Brankova able support 15-pound weight vertically turned palm, according book “Far Out: 101 Strange Tales From Science’s Outer Edge” Mark Pilkington.
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS
A guru ordered 400 followers undergo castrations said would bring closer God investigation police India. The country's top crime fighting agency registered case Gurmeet Ram Rahim - known 'guru bling' penchant garish clothes jewellery - operations ashram. The Central Bureau Investigation (CBI) said Rahim investigated criminal intimidation causing grievous bodily hurt alleged 400 castrations carried out. Scroll video 'Guru bling': Gurmeet Ram Rahim probed India's Central Bureau Investigation former follower alleged ordered 400 men submit castrations said would bring closer god The guru, heads Dera Sacha Sauda organisation based Haryana state, already facing trial conspiracy murder journalist 2002, well claims sexually exploiting female followers. The latest case filed one devotees, Hansraj Chauhan, lodged complaint court alleging manipulated 'painful' operation ashram. 'They told get castrated able meet god,' Mr Chauhan's lawyer, Navkiran Singh, told AFP. 'We put facts case court seek compensation victims.' Mr Singh said doctors carried castrations period 2000, years client scared come forward. The court asked CBI carry investigation alleged castrations. The Times India reports Mr Chauhan said castrated Rahim's ashram doctors acting guru's orders. A court-mandated medical examination determined Mr Chauhan indeed surgically castrated. Rahim, 47, yesterday hit back accusations, telling press conference convened plug new movie considering legal action accusers. 'Such allegations disturb me, I good humanity. Therefore legal advisor going move court challenging allegations,' said Rahim. Colourful: The guru, heads Dera Sacha Sauda organisation Haryana state, already facing trial conspiracy 2002 murder journalist, well claims sexually exploiting female followers The Dera Sacha Sauda says social welfare spiritual organisation millions followers India broad. On website, group describes Rahim saint well author, inventor, scientist, philosopher, philanthropist, peace activist 'the ultimate humanitarian'. Rahim stars action movie released later month called 'MSG: Messenger God' guru fights criminals, sings songs shown dousing water slow motion rugby game. India rocked numerous scandals involving popular godmen mostly Hindu ascetics claiming possess mystical powers. In November, police arrested Baba Rampal Maharaj long violent siege ashram Haryana refused comply court orders murder case. In bizarre case, devotees dead guru fighting court battle Punjab state preserve body freezer, insisting meditating. For many Indians, gurus play integral role daily life. They say offer pathway enlightenment return spiritual devotion often give donations ashrams, temples charity projects.
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market
It’s tough month factchecking. After Rolling Stone campus rape story unraveled, readers publications forgiven questioning process Americans get news. And turns another blockbuster story —to quote subject exclusive Observer interview—”not true.” Monday’s edition New York magazine includes irresistible story Stuyvesant High senior named Mohammed Islam made fortune investing stock market. Reporter Jessica Pressler wrote regarding precise number, “Though shy $72 million number, confirmed net worth “’high eight figures.’” The New York Post followed story own, fat figure playing key role headline: “High school student scores $72M playing stock market.” And turns out, real number … zero. In exclusive interview Mr. Islam friend Damir Tulemaganbetov, baby faced boys dress suits tie clips came clean. Swept tide media adulation, made whole thing up. Speaking offices newly hired crisis pr firm, 5WPR handled phalanx four including lawyer Ed Mermelstein RheemBell&Mermelsein, Mr. Islam told story familiar 12th grader—a fib turns lie turns rumor turns bunch mainstream media stories invitations appear CNBC. Here’s happened. Observer: What first contact New York magazine reporter? Mohammed Islam: “My friend’s father worked New York magazine reporter contact me. Then [Jessica Pressler] called me.” You seem quoted saying “eight figures.” That’s true, it? No, true. The Post trumpeted boys' investment success, New York magazine. (screencap) The Post trumpeted boys’ investment success, New York magazine. (screencap) Is ANY figure? Have invested made returns all? No. So it’s total fiction? Yes. Are interested investing? How get reputation? I run investment club Stuy High simulated trades.” If playing real money, would done really well? The simulated trades percentage extremely high relative S&P. Where Jessica Pressler come $72 million figure? I honestly don’t know. The number’s rumor. She said ‘have made $72 million’? [I led believe] I made even $72 million simulated trades. At point PR reps jumped Law & Order style objections. A conference outside room ensued. Back room came Mr. Islam. All I say simulated trades, I successful. The returns incredible outperformed S&P. Damir, tell fit this. Damir Tulemaganbetov: Well, I got excited whole trading thing I said hey, let get board. I heard article coming Mohammed invited I met Jessica. But guys pals outside this? We go social gatherings friends’ places. Are stockpicking well? I haven’t I’m interested. Mohammed, you’re Queens go elite public high school. Is hobby parents well would first person family pursue high finance? Mohammed Islam: In immediate family, me. So parents think they’re reading you’ve got $72 million? Mohammed Islam: Honestly, dad wanted disown me. My mom basically said she’d never talk me. Their morals I lie don’t longer trust me. … They knew false basically wanted kill I haven’t spoken since. You haven’t? Where sleep last night? Mohammed Islam: At friend’s house. But didn’t sleep. Damir Tulemaganbetov: We stayed awake night. We’ve checking news world. Are friends blowing phones? Damir Tulemaganbetov: He 297 unread messages 190 LinkedIn. All friends shared it. Mohammed Islam: It hyped beyond belief. Damir Tulemaganbetov: We CNBC. That’s we’re dressed up. But literally building stressing out. We 20 minutes. Then three times asked could 20 seconds talk? [The boys ended cancelling CNBC appearance.] Where go here? Damir Tulemaganbetov: Socially, people mad it. But we’re sorry. Especially ot parents. Like dad would read like ‘Oh My God’ he’s humble man I portrayed like bad father. Mohammed Islam: At school, first things first. I incredibly sorry misjudgment hurt I caused. The people I’m sorry parents. I something I longer gain trust. I one sister, two years younger, don’t really talk. So that’s that. There $72 million, “eight figures,” even one figure. The story already coming unglued commenters New York’s site hammer reporter even thinking possible. New York altered headline back away $72 million figure story remains. Even working-class kid somehow started $100,000 high school freshman day one Stuy High, he’d needed average compounded annualized return something like 796% three years since. C’mon, man. It’s hard see story tough resist New York, placed Mr. Islam’s alleged acumen No. 12 10th annual “Reasons Love New York” issue. Ms. Pressler quoted saying, “It’s money. We want create brotherhood. Like, us connected, something together, influence, like Koch brothers …” Yep, nothing says success—or search engine optimization—quite like “Koch brothers.” No one asked opinion, I’m going provide anyway, sat kids good bit tough day. They got carried away. They’re children. But they’re quite adults, either, least Mr. Islam literally quaking spoke. So yeah, probably known better. But New York New York Post probably have, well. This story smelled fishy instant appeared quick dance calculator probably would saved young men—and couple reporters—some embarrassment. The Stuyvesant High School classmates stayed night crisis grew. (5WPR) The Stuyvesant High School classmates stayed night crisis grew. (5WPR)
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles'
Sons Anarchy won’t get made movie. A hoax article saying creator Kurt Sutter launch film Charlie Hunnam Brad Pitt gone viral. The bogus piece published Empire News, satirical news website. Here’s disclaimer site: “Empire News satirical entertainment website. We use invented names stories, except cases public figures satirized. Any use real names accidental coincidental.” It 80,000 shares Wednesday. A number people apparently believed fake article. “And Brad Pitt bad choice play John Teller anyway , I’d Choose Sam Elliot,” one person wrote comments section. Added another: “Hope fake. Not sure I like Brad Pitt John Teller. I don’t want look screen feel it’s another Hollywood movie. Should get lost story like TV may happen seeing Brad Pitt. Should get little known actor role create character rather buy one.” Here’s original article said: Kurt Sutter, creator hit FX drama Sons Anarchy, announced plans turn popular television series major motion picture. Sutter, also writer, producer, director series, said interview Hollywood Today magazine long contemplated taking S.O.A. big screen following run television. “People absolutely loved show, I, I put lot thought matter, going forward turning feature film” Sutter said. Sons Anarchy ran seven seasons FX, 2008-2014, process built huge following. Sutter said film star Charlie Hunnam, played lead character Jax Teller, well Ryan Hurst played Opie Winston, Katey Sagal Gemma Teller. The film, prequel storyline Sons also introduce fans Jax’s father, John, played Brad Pitt.
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets
While Apple announced base model forthcoming smartwatch would cost $350, remained tight-lipped pricing rest range. Now, new report suggests stainless steel version start $500, gold somewhere $4,000 $5,000. The report comes sources Apple via French website iGen.fr. As MacRumors points out, site reliable past, accurately reporting dimensions iPhone 6 6 Plus. It's thought $350 price applies aluminum model watch. Certainly, $500 stainless steel version feels right comparison. The cost gold model, though; well, quite simply depends much gold is. We'll wait find out, high pricing would indeed make much luxury item. The iGen.fr sources also claim Apple hoping release watch soon possible—though rumors claim may wait Spring 2015. Either way, longer wait find we'd like. [iGen.fr via MacRumors]
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist
A picture letter parents box Lego 1970s going viral uploaded Reddit. To Parents. The urge create equally strong children. Boys girls. It’s imagination counts. Not skill. You build whatever comes head, way want it. A bed truck. A dolls house spaceship. A lot boys like dolls houses. They’re human spaceships. A lot girls prefer spaceships. They’re exciting dolls houses. The important thing put right material hands let create whatever appeals them. The image uploaded Reddit user fryd_ Saturday morning. He spoke BuzzFeed News it: I came across pamphlet whilst playing Lego niece & nephew Grandma’s house struck particularly modern message something written 40 years ago. I thought toy-makers today could learn thing two! Lego famously egalitarian advertising 1970s 1980s, poster 1981. Sounds like familiar message… BuzzFeed reached Lego comment letter.
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus'
Iraq many problems. Ebola isn’t one them. The World Health Organization Ministry Health Iraq made clear statement late Monday, saying suspected infections deadly virus country. That came rumors spread online several media outlets Dec. 31. Most cited anonymous medical sources city Mosul, control Islamic State militants since June. The virus spreading Iraq would raised concerns local population American troops recently began training Iraqi military. According discredited reports, virus said brought Iraq militants migrants coming country Africa. Health officials said simply isn’t true. The Ministry Health World Health Organization investigated reports surveillance networks contacts medical sources Mosul, found cases virus. “The Ministry Health World Health Organization confirmed laboratory facilities Mosul necessary capabilities diagnose confirm Ebola Virus,” according joint statement–a question raised skeptics rumors spread last week. Here’s sampling tweets rumors announcement: Iraqi News: “Two case Ebola reported Mosul”. If true, disastrous! #Iraq #ISIS pic.twitter.com/ei2XVqh95v — Seloom (@M_Seloom) December 31, 2014 #Iraq: Two Ebola cases confirmed #ISIS controlled Mosul http://t.co/gqUkYTMy0t cc: @alimhaider — Patrick Poole (@pspoole) December 31, 2014 Whoa true RT @arabthomness: #Iraq BREAKING: according Iraqi media 2 confirmed cases #Ebola #IS controlled #Mosul — Kelsey D. Atherton (@AthertonKD) December 31, 2014 #ISIS cracks five confirmed cases #Ebola among fighters: official http://t.co/c4rlvzoGwg — Rudaw English (@RudawEnglish) January 4, 2015
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel
To victor go spoils, Tiger Woods, winner 14 major golf championships one richest athletes planet, spoils include, among things, private island Sweden. Woods, expected make 2015 debut Phoenix Open later month, put 62-acre island near Stockholm market $7.1 million. Hot Property: Tiger Woods CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de CAPTION Hot Property: Tiger Woods Vladi Private Islands/www.vladi-private-islands.de Situated Lake Mälaren, private island features villa, hunting lodge, guest quarters, horse stables, dock landing strip propeller planes, well structure historical significance: 11th century Viking stronghold. The main villa, fashioned log cabin style, spans 2,475 square feet chef’s kitchen, dining area living room fireplace. Adjacent villa spa pool built around rock outcrop. Elsewhere grounds six golf tee boxes. lRelated PGA golfer Jim Furyk asks $6 million Maui estate HOT PROPERTY PGA golfer Jim Furyk asks $6 million Maui estate SEE ALL RELATED 8 Two smaller islands 494-acre water area hunting fishing included sale. What’s included furniture; property marketed unfurnished, according Vladi Private Islands, real estate agency holds listing. Woods, whose career earnings eclipsed $1.3-billion mark last year, announced would take part Waste Management Phoenix Open starting Jan. 29, followed Torrey Pines La Jolla February. He limited seven PGA Tour events last year due injury.
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants
ISIS terrorists released video purportedly showing beheading American freelance photojournalist James Wright Foley went missing Thanksgiving Day 2012. Foley, 40-year-old New Hampshire native, kidnapped gunpoint Internet café Syria. ISIS threatened Steven Sotloff—another freelance reporter missing since August 2013 written numerous publications Time, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy—will also executed depending "on Obama’s next decision" regarding U.S. military strikes ISIS Iraq. In graphic video, Foley forced read letter encouraging Americans rise “real killer”—“the U.S. government,” adding U.S. airstrikes ISIS “hammered final nail [his] coffin.” Apparently, executor heard video speaking English British accent.
Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected
Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected. A Texas turkey farm employee quarantine tested positive Ebola virus. Texas Prime Turkey Farm, largest supplier turkeys United States, ordered CDC quarantine 250,000 holiday turkeys. The CDC confirmed 3,000 turkeys tested positive virus since Friday’s incident. Hurricane Floyd aftermath According investigators, long time employee Philip Canseco seen vomiting facilities restroom three days prior incident Friday. “I passing restroom, I heard somebody throwing inside,” said one Texas Prime Turkey Farm employee. “I opened door looked inside saw Canseco throwing one urinals. I asked okay, said yes, I left. I didn’t want get close get sick.” Management confirmed Canseco worked three full work days facility flu-like symptoms, passing unconscious fever 106°. Due symptoms, rushed local hazmat tent tested positive Ebola virus. The CDC reports additional 7 coworkers quarantined tested. However, released results yet. The facility ordered CDC burn entire flock turkeys, 250,000. Texas Prime Turkey Farm requesting permission state Texas send shipment incinerated turkey ashes Veolia’s Port Arthur environmental waste facility. This facility already accepted one shipment Ebola waste household goods Thomas Eric Duncan stayed. Duncan first man die Ebola US soil. Activists protesting shipments contaminated Ebola waste community. “We feel every precaution taken protect community, children elderly. We dumping ground nations, world’s bio waste.” Plant manager Mitch Osborne said Saturday even though contract yet signed, plant likely receive second shipment contaminated Ebola waste. “It safe sound process,” Osborne said. “I going place employees harms way, community. The company improve environment I believe pretty darn good job that. I believe right safe thing.” A spokesperson Texas Prime Turkey Farm said good chance Ebola turkeys may already shipped major suppliers distribution. Each retailer perform recalls individually feel received contaminated shipment
Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say
A Canadian-Israeli woman feared kidnapped Islamic State weekend appears posted message Facebook debunking reports capture. Gill Rosenberg wrote Facebook page Monday "safe secure." Canada's Globe Mail newspaper also reported earlier Monday Kurdish media carried unverified statements Rosenberg, stated fine. A former IDF soldier joined Kurdish militias fight Islamic State, Rosenberg subject Canadian government inquiry rumors circulated jihadist forums weekend taken prisoner Syrian town Kobani. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported 31-year-old White Rock, suburb Vancouver, served two years Israeli army. While Israel 2009 arrested part international fraud ring brought United States serve time jail. Haaretz reports years since, Rosenberg began contacting Kurdish militias via internet, traveling Iraq Syria fight alongside extremist militants.
Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria
Mexican hitmen allegedly killed dozen students went missing last month clash corrupt local police, buried recently-discovered mass grave. State prosecutors country said man arrested told 17 missing youths rounded killed, thrown pits, badly charred remains unearthed. Authorities said man told students, went missing violent clash September 26, marched site outskirts Iguala, Guerrero state deaths. Scroll video Hunt: A forensic investigator works site mass graves, near Iguala Mexico The bodies found authorities damaged could identified. All left bones small pieces flesh. Investigators found 28 bodies there, though local officials say many 34 buried across six separate pits. It could days identities dead known sure. Security officials said earlier believed victims driven end track, walked hillside, executed buried six graves. As investigators worked site, 2,000 protesters blocked main highway Guerrero state capital Chilpancingo demanding justice. 'You took alive, want returned alive,' read huge banner hung across road linking Mexico City Acapulco. Victims: The poster shows 43 missing students offers reward recovery Remote spot: Officers stand watch near site mass grave outskirts Iguala Mexico Mass grave: The roughly 30 bodies grave believed belong group 43 missing students Jesus Lopez, Acapulco street vendor whose 19-year-old son Giovani among missing, said hoped remains students. Other relatives 'told us (the remains) burned, kids,' Lopez said. 'But we're really nervous.' Mexico's National Human Rights Commission opened investigation case possible 'serious human rights abuses,' extrajudicial executions forced disappearances Iguala city police. Police infiltrated local drug cartels suspected abducting students, local security official said, speaking condition anonymity. One security official said: 'You really can't call police'. He added suspected gang members told investigators police handed students people killed them, belonged gang. Suspicion: Masked police officers stand guard atop vehicle outside morgue Iguala Forensic workers arrive morgue: Relatives missing given DNA samples identification Grim work: The remains nine people brought hillside far, another 25 follow Heartbroken: Relatives colleagues blockade toll road near site disappearance Demonstration: Fellow students protested earlier week dissapearance The suspected gang members also helped authorities identify site, security official said. Soldiers police cordoned dirt track ended far graves, lay 40-minute walk across rocky terrain inaccessible vehicle. The fatal clashes took place Iguala night September 26. Thirty people, including 22 police, arrested connection violence, claimed lives least six people left 25 injured. Information leading discovery graves part come interrogation local police arrested clashes Iguala, security official said. Guerrero state, home Iguala resort Acapulco, one lawless country years. Officials said remains nine people taken hillside far, another 25 due follow.
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire
Well, here’s creepiest thing you’ll read day. Australian Dylan Thomas found tropical spider burrowed UNDER skin returning trip Bali. Thomas said noticed strange mark stomach vacationing Indonesian island. The mark started grow, literally crawling across body, spider explored area underneath Thomas’ skin. Thomas went hospital Bali told probably bitten insect. The doctors gave medicine sent way. Well, didn’t exactly solve problem. Over next three days strange mark continued grow. He eventually returned hospital dermatology specialist discovered spider living skin. Thomas wrote Facebook: “Well running tests putting things inside stomach finally found tropical spider that’s living inside last 3 days, managed get luckily.” Dylan Thomas’ story started local Australian newspaper spread internet. Of course, question veracity behind Thomas’ claim. Snopes.com writes: “Thomas’ claims widely reported recorded cases spider burrowing live human tissue ever confirmed. Urban legends spiders living human skin laying eggs circulated century, evidence emerged indicate likely possible spider live human skin … It also worth pointing spider never known harm human manner described, also likely could live three days inside scar would probably suffocate short order.” Do think true story? photo credit: e_monk via photopin cc
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS
Every superhero origin story, one Russian boy’s unbelievable tale isn’t comic book — it’s much real-life. Twelve-year-old Nikolai Kryaglyachenko walking home school one day stopped lean lamppost. Unfortunately Nikolai, lamppost faulty wire schoolboy blasted across street jolt electricity. “When I came round, I felt groggy, managed get home told mum happened. When I woke next day got bed, I found coins lying mattress stuck body. Then I breakfast dropped spoon, stuck chest,” Nikolai revealed. Being comic book fan, Nikolai immediately set testing new power, eerily similar power wielded Marvel character Magneto. “I things I couldn’t before, I don’t lot control it. Even I want it, I still attract things. Once I even attracted glass — moved towards me,” said. Naturally, Nikolai’s schoolmates fascinated new power, didn’t know could pass ability others, turning human magnets, too. “I could even hang ladle nose,” said classmate Vika Balandina. Nikolai first real-life Magneto. In fact, entire Russian family got magnetism superpower 1987. A year 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Leonid Tenkaev, wife, Galina, daughter Tanya grandson Kolya able stick metal objects bodies, according The Guardian. When discovered powers, Russian Japanese scientists examined family verified seeming magnetism real. “There absolutely doubt objects stick bodies magnetic,” said Dr. Atusi Kono 1991. Another famous real-life Magneto revealed Superfields conference 300 “human magnets” 1990. Extending arms out, Marinela Brankova able support 15-pound weight vertically turned palm, according book “Far Out: 101 Strange Tales From Science’s Outer Edge” Mark Pilkington.
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video
The copper box entombed state capitol 1795 Someone call Nicholas Cage Bostonians may discovered new real-life national treasure. A time capsule 1795 form small copper box unearthed Massachusetts statehouse Boston Thursday. The container first placed cornerstone building Beacon Hill revolutionary war hero Paul Revere then-governor Massachusetts, Samuel Adams. The cigar-box sized capsule x-rayed weekend contents revealed next week. The artifact believed one oldest time capsules Massachusetts, making default one oldest items United States. During excavation, coins fell plaster held box place, good luck tokens tossed box unearthed reburied 1855, last time time capsule uncovered, The Boston Globe reports. [The Boston Globe] Read next: Here’s What Really Killed Dinosaurs
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?
British Intelligence officials zeroed suspect on-camera ISIS murder American journalist Jim Foley, widely believed slim, light-skinned rapper London. Though MI5 MI6 agencies releasing man's name, reports say Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary — also known “Lyricist Jinn” “L Jinny” — main suspect. According USA Today, identified via voice comparisons, Abdel Bary's music career left plenty samples consider. USA Today reports U.S. intelligence yet able confirm results. Abdel Bary's father, Adel Abdel Bari, believed associate Osama bin Laden's allegedly involved 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. He extradited U.S. 2012. The younger Bary's music seems chart path radicalization: In early songs put online 2012, Bary makes apparent reference drug use, violence life council estate talks threat family deported Egypt. “It’s hard progress future damaged past still I try count blessings I thank Allah,” rapped 2012. “I’m trying change ways there’s blood hands I can’t change ways there's funds bank. “I can’t differentiate angels demons, heart’s disintegrating. I ain't got normal feelings. “Even life’s blessed, still I find rest.” In later songs, apparent references cannabis (“roll watch leaves ignite”) stop replaced tirades people choose spend money clubbing, drinking drugs rather feeding families. About 500 Britons believed fighting Syria flag ISIS, well several hundred individuals U.S. Canada.
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley
A man accused attempting rape girl India left critical condition locals cut genitals punishment. The group took law hands found 40-year old man pinning young girl wall north-eastern city Ganganagar. After community meeting, vigilantes dragged man nearby butchery used meat cleaver cut penis. The remains discarded street beside man, suffering severe blood loss. One local said: "No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime," Daily Mirror reports. "We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, time stopped." She said would "send strong message" possible offenders, warning punishment face. Police quick condemn attack, warning locals take law hands calling responsible hand in. "As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice." The young girl treated shock receiving counselling, man remains critical condition hospital. Incidents rape India gone tenfold last 40 years, The Guardian reports, spate recent attacks shocking nation world. Last year 23-year old woman died gang raped bus Indian capital. ·
Small Meteorite Hits Managua
UTAH COUNTY — Over years, holiday office Christmas parties gained reputation crazy antics. Often, there's lot heavy drinking. One overly zealous drinker Utah County nearly killed couple weeks ago, winding hospital three days. Even though drinks party contained alcohol, heavy drink nearly put Ryan Roche commission holidays. "I think one spur moment kind things," Roche said. As holiday office party wound earlier month, Roche headed door wife kids. "They busted eggnog." An eggnog-chugging contest getting started, one Roche's colleagues called compete. Roche said he's competitive guy walk away. "I've already decided, I'm going it, I'm going win," said. The record point 22 seconds. There Ruth's Chris Steak House gift card line, Roche faced two co-workers. "I opened throat, even swallow," said. "I pretty much poured down." I pretty much shaking uncontrollably. I shaking badly, I nauseous, breathing became pant. –Ryan Roche As video shows, drank quart eggnog 12 seconds, without taking breath. "I got done, I gasping, I breathe." Roche said coughing lot headed home, thought would OK. A couple hours later, sure. "I pretty much shaking uncontrollably," said. "I shaking badly, I nauseous, breathing became pant." He asked friend medical school come house check him. The friend took hospital. Roche aspirated eggnog lungs essentially "dry drowning," doctors told him. "They pretty much wheelchair in, double IV, oxygen, hooked call nuclear weapon antibiotics," said. The liquid lungs starting infection. He spent 24 hours intensive care fever, sweats chills. "It rough," said. "Eggnog: ideal lungs." On day three hospital, doctors took oxygen, went home. After week, back full strength. It holiday mishap he'll never forget, also probably never live down. Roche win, quite price. "Not I get Ruth's Chris gift card, I got three night's stay hospital."
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave'
Mexican hitmen allegedly killed dozen students went missing last month clash corrupt local police, buried recently-discovered mass grave. State prosecutors country said man arrested told 17 missing youths rounded killed, thrown pits, badly charred remains unearthed. Authorities said man told students, went missing violent clash September 26, marched site outskirts Iguala, Guerrero state deaths. Scroll video Hunt: A forensic investigator works site mass graves, near Iguala Mexico The bodies found authorities damaged could identified. All left bones small pieces flesh. Investigators found 28 bodies there, though local officials say many 34 buried across six separate pits. It could days identities dead known sure. Security officials said earlier believed victims driven end track, walked hillside, executed buried six graves. As investigators worked site, 2,000 protesters blocked main highway Guerrero state capital Chilpancingo demanding justice. 'You took alive, want returned alive,' read huge banner hung across road linking Mexico City Acapulco. Victims: The poster shows 43 missing students offers reward recovery Remote spot: Officers stand watch near site mass grave outskirts Iguala Mexico Mass grave: The roughly 30 bodies grave believed belong group 43 missing students Jesus Lopez, Acapulco street vendor whose 19-year-old son Giovani among missing, said hoped remains students. Other relatives 'told us (the remains) burned, kids,' Lopez said. 'But we're really nervous.' Mexico's National Human Rights Commission opened investigation case possible 'serious human rights abuses,' extrajudicial executions forced disappearances Iguala city police. Police infiltrated local drug cartels suspected abducting students, local security official said, speaking condition anonymity. One security official said: 'You really can't call police'. He added suspected gang members told investigators police handed students people killed them, belonged gang. Suspicion: Masked police officers stand guard atop vehicle outside morgue Iguala Forensic workers arrive morgue: Relatives missing given DNA samples identification Grim work: The remains nine people brought hillside far, another 25 follow Heartbroken: Relatives colleagues blockade toll road near site disappearance Demonstration: Fellow students protested earlier week dissapearance The suspected gang members also helped authorities identify site, security official said. Soldiers police cordoned dirt track ended far graves, lay 40-minute walk across rocky terrain inaccessible vehicle. The fatal clashes took place Iguala night September 26. Thirty people, including 22 police, arrested connection violence, claimed lives least six people left 25 injured. Information leading discovery graves part come interrogation local police arrested clashes Iguala, security official said. Guerrero state, home Iguala resort Acapulco, one lawless country years. Officials said remains nine people taken hillside far, another 25 due follow.
No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing
Social media awash news Islamic State using chemical weapons Eastern neighbourhood Kobane. Asya Abdullah, co-chair Democratic Union Party (PYD), Kobane told Kurdish Question gas attack taken place Eastern neighbourhood city tonight (21 Oct). Abdullah said know gas come hadn' explosions. She said: "It could silent missile missile placed neighbourhood beforehand. Many people lost consciousness struggling breathe see. We investigating situation necessary technical equipment tests." Dr. Welat, one four doctors Kobane told Guney Yildiz, journalist BBC World suspected chemical attack either chlorine gas phosphorous shells. Dr Welat said: "We can't confirm chemical attack without proper tests ask medical equipment airdropped this." This second incident occurred Islamic State may used chemical weapons Kobane.
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa
A new rumor making rounds today claims recent trip Germany Apple CEO Tim Cook overheard telling retail employee waterproofing Apple Watch improved since unveiled last year, apparently even worn shower, device shown first time company didn’t say waterproof enough worn swimming taking shower. The rumor iGen.fr claims Cook speaking employees retail store Berlin told wears Apple Watch everywhere, “even shower.” It kept mind though Apple Watch unveiled last year company said device good wearing rain, getting sweaty workout washing hands. There mention showers swimming pools. While possible Apple tweaked watch enough good tasks well, one can’t discount possibility Cook might simply misheard, we’ll really wait device arrives find resistant water. The Apple Watch start shipping customers April. Filed Apple >Gadgets. Read Apple Watch tim cook.
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents
Danny Boyle directing untitled film Seth Rogen eyed play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak Sony’s Steve Jobs biopic. Danny Boyle directing untitled film, based Walter Isaacson's book adapted Aaron Sorkin, one anticipated biopics recent years. Negotiations yet begun, it’s even clear Rogen official offer, producers — Scott Rudin, Guymon Casady Mark Gordon — set sights talent talks. Of course, may naught Christian Bale, actor play Jobs, still midst closing deal. Sources say dealmaking process sensitive stage. Insiders say Boyle flying Los Angeles meet actress play one female leads, assistant Jobs. Insiders say Jessica Chastain one actresses meeting list. Wozniak, known "Woz," co-founded Apple Jobs Ronald Wayne. He first met Jobs worked Atari later responsible creating early Apple computers.
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading
Two U.S. officials say believe American journalist James Foley victim executed ISIS militants shown grisly video released Tuesday. Separately, Foley’s family confirmed death statement posted webpage created rally support release. In statement, Foley’s mother, Diane Foley, said journalist, quote, “gave life trying expose world suffering Syrian people.” One U.S. officials said President Barack Obama expected make statement killing Wednesday. The U.S. officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss video name. Foley, 40-year-old freelance journalist Rochester, New Hampshire, went missing nearly two years ago northern Syria assignment Agence France-Press Boston-based media company GlobalPost. The car riding stopped four militants contested battle zone Sunni rebel fighters government forces trying control. He heard since. Several senior U.S. officials direct knowledge situation said Islamic State recently threatened kill Foley avenge crushing airstrikes last two weeks militants advancing Mount Sinjar, Mosul dam Kurdish capital Irbil. Both areas northern Iraq, become key front Islamic State fighters travel Syria. The officials spoke condition anonymity authorized discuss hostage situation name. Since Aug. 8, U.S. military struck 70 Islamic State targets – including security checkpoints, vehicles weapons caches. It’s clear many militants killed strikes, although it’s likely were. The Internet video begins scenes President Barack Obama explaining decision order airstrikes Iraq. Then switches balding man orange jumpsuit kneeling desert, black-clad Islamic State fighter side. Foley’s name appears English Arabic graphics screen. The video appears shot arid area; vegetation sight horizon distance sand meets gray-blue sky. The New York-based Committee Protect Journalists estimated Tuesday 20 journalists missing Syria, released nationalities. In annual report last November, CPJ concluded missing journalists either held threatened death extremists, taken captive gangs seeking ransom. The group’s report described widespread seizure journalists unprecedented largely unreported news organizations hope keeping kidnappings public view may help captives’ release. The Islamic State militant group ruthless attacks people consider heretics infidels disowned al-Qaida’s leaders. In seeking impose harsh interpretation Islamic law lands trying control, extremists killed soldiers civilians alike horrifying executions – including mounting decapitated heads victims spikes. The group heir apparent militancy known al-Qaida Iraq, beheaded many victims, including Americans businessman Nicholas Berg 2004.
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas City health officials said man held isolation local hospital weekend infected Ebola virus. Officials hope sooth nerves fears deadly virus spread across country, even though virus not. “We ruled Ebola case Kansas City,” Kansas City Health Department Director Dr. Rex Archer told reporters Monday. He said man, recently traveled Nigeria, possess symptom profile deadly virus beyond high fever direct contact anyone disease travels. No Ebola blood test done, Dr. Archer said, feared symptoms never materialized. The case marked second known Ebola scare Kansas City area , fears virus built American fights life Dallas. At White House Monday, President Barack Obama urged calm outlined several steps administration taking contain virus Africa fight there. “The CDC familiar dealing infectious diseases viruses like this,” president said. “We know done, medical infrastructure it.” Monday morning, Kansas Senator Jerry Moran sent letter CDC director , urging greater screening U.S. ports entry, including airports. This afternoon, President Obama said steps consideration. “We're also going looking protocols additional passenger screening source United States,” Obama said. “All things make confident United States, chances outbreak-of epidemic here- extraordinarily low.”
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls
A trip Bali turned Dylan Thomas real-life Spiderman. The 21-year-old holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach. Doctors told Mr Thomas bitten small insect fronted Bali International Medical Centre Sunday morning red mark started grow length, NT News reports. Scroll video Dylan Thomas, 21, holidaying friends last weekend woke find strange red trail stretching stomach Doctors Bali International Medical Centre initially thought bitten small insect gave antihistamine. When started blister next day, knew wrong So imagine surprise doctors discovered tropical spider burrowing skin day later. Mr Thomas, recently returned Bunbury home Western Australia, initially given antihistamine cream treat mark. But next morning found started blister, Mr Thomas went see dermatologist. Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed The 21-year-old since returned Bunbury home WA yet find kind spider Doctors retrieved spider abdomen, burrowed way small scar previous operation appendix removed. 'It bit bigger size match head,' Mr Thomas told newspaper. 'It takes lot deter me, I feel violated. It bizarre experience know something like body couple days.' The tropical spider taken away testing Mr Thomas soon told exactly kind spider was.
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax)
Mediaite writes CNN’s morning show questioning reporting one CNN’s evening shows. Monday night, “CNN Tonight” aired audiotape purported capture shooting Michael Brown. The tape brought CNN St. Louis attorney Lopa Blumenthal, (at right anchor Don Lemon) says former client gave her. Lemon repeatedly said CNN could verify authenticity tape. TVNewser learned CBS News received audio earlier week Blumenthal, chose run could verified. This morning “New Day,” two guests CNN doubted veracity it. “I’ve told producers I know something one Howard Stern’s punk people doing. I look first inclination someone trying punk CNN,” said former LAPD officer David Klinger. CNN analyst Tom Fuentes also doubted authenticity: “When I heard yesterday, I thought exact thing: it’s hoax.” WaPo’s Erik Wemple reported yesterday CNN got hands audiotape. When asked authenticity, CNN spokesperson told Wemple, “[W]e interviewed caller’s attorney camera answered key questions gave us confidence put air live Don. And confirm caller lived close enough shooting heard shots.” Now appears, doubts inside CNN.
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings
Fox & Friends got excited Thursday morning rumors, credited Jordanian TV, King Abdullah Jordan potentially participated retaliatory airstrikes ISIS immolation death Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh. “What statement would make,” Steve Doocy said. “He stepping strong leadership clarity,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck said. “What president doing? Fox aired photos King Abdullah flight gear, making rounds Twitter since Wednesday evening: Reports Jordanian King Abdullah, pilot, fly sorties ISIS targets. pic.twitter.com/mZetDARLOI — Joseph Braude (@josephbraude) February 4, 2015 عاجل ⭕️| ضربة جوية اردنية على معاقل #داعش الآن يشارك فيها ملك #الاردن "عبدالله الثاني" pic.twitter.com/7Z1hDUKunp — عاجل المملكة (@KsaBrk) February 4, 2015 This got conservative Twitter riled up: Looking forward Brian Williams sharing memories flying today's combat mission ISIL King Abdullah. — Drew McCoy (@DrewMTips) February 4, 2015 The photos eventually revealed video last year Abdullah took several young cancer patients flight. Doocy acknowledged photos old adding, “But pilot.” Alas, hero warrior head state today: Photos Jord King RT'ed @KsaBrk appear old misleading. Arabic reports planned attack numerous unverifiable. — Joseph Braude (@josephbraude) February 5, 2015 From @RenaNetjes, Arabic press reports Jordanian king's flight sortie denied official spokesperson. @deborahamos — Joseph Braude (@josephbraude) February 5, 2015 Al Arabiya confirmed Abdullah take part air strikes, contradicted Doocy’s statement pilot: Meanwhile, Jordanian government official Thursday told Al Arabiya News King Abdullah flying missions ISIS himself, local media reports – also taken international outlets – indicated set so. The official also noted observers refrain calling King Abdullah fighter pilot officially hold title. He is, however, commander-in-chief Jordanian Air Force. The king trained combatant, part parachute brigade flies civilian planes helicopters, official added. Doocy quietly corrected record end next segment. “By way, I point understand far king taken part raids,” Doocy said. “But may going forward.” What statement would make. Watch video below, via Fox News: OO.ready(function() { OO.Player.create('ooyalaplayer-Z3dGc2czrQVCoEqaakHjo4uzs7nqtSWv', 'Z3dGc2czrQVCoEqaakHjo4uzs7nqtSWv'); }); Please enable Javascript watch. [Image via screengrab] —— >> Follow Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) Twitter
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola
ISLAMIC State group jihadists trained Saddam Hussein’s former pilots fly three fighter jets captured Syrian military, monitoring group says. The planes, believed MiG-21 MiG-23 jets, capable flying although unclear equipped missiles, according Syrian Observatory Human Rights. The jets seized Syrian military airports IS control northern provinces Aleppo Raqa, according Britain-based group, wide network sources inside war-torn country. It said former Iraqi army officers served Saddam supervising training military airport Jarrah, east city Aleppo. Witnesses reported seeing planes flying low altitude avoid detection radar taking Jarrah. It comes US allies carry wave air strikes IS positions Syria Iraq. The jihadists also control two airports Syria — Albu Kamal near Iraqi border Tabqa Raqa province. IS captured large parts Syria Iraq, committing atrocities declaring Islamic “caliphate”. After US-led invasion Iraq 2003, Sunni former officers Saddam’s army joined ranks Islamic State Iraq, branch al-Qaeda later became IS. Meanwhile, sniper mortar fire jihadists preventing authorities evacuating civilians caught battle Syrian border town Kobane, local official says. At time, Kobane district chief Anwar Muslim, said US-led air strikes destroyed many Islamic State group vehicles artillery pieces, town’s defenders reinforcing positions. “There civilians trapped centre south town, cannot evacuate snipers mortar fire,” Mr Muslim told AFP Friday. “Their situation difficult.” There precise figures many non-combatants remain Kobane, also known Ain al-Arab. Last week, United Nations spoke many 700, mostly elderly, civilians trapped centre town. Another 10,000-13,000 said gathered near Turkish border. For part, Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights says hundreds civilians centre west town many refuse leave, preferring die go exile. The IS jihadists, seized swathes Syria neighbouring Iraq declared “caliphate,” first attacked Kobane September 16 bid seal control long stretch Syrian side border. They succeeded taking nearly half town defenders, aided US-led air strikes, began pushing back. Describing situation Friday, Muslim said “you see bodies (IS jihadists) streets ... Our forces reinforcing defensive positions.” The IS fighters “mostly east south, hidden Hummers, artillery tanks among houses targeted air strikes.” He saluted called “incredible resistance” Kobane’s defenders, adding situation still dangerous “no choice resist.”
Star Wars 7: JJ Abrams want to move release to summer 2015
BREAKING: Islamic State, video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley kidnapped 2012 -@BNONews
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment
WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon says U.S. officials confirmed death leader al-Shabaab terror group U.S. airstrike Monday. The Pentagon's press secretary confirmed death Ahmed Abdi Godane brief written statement Friday. "Godane's removal major symbolic operational loss largest al Qaeda affiliate Africa reflects years painstaking work intelligence, military law enforcement professionals," White House said statement. U.S. officials said strike Monday U.S. special operations forces using manned drone aircraft destroyed encampment vehicle using several Hellfire missiles laser-guided munitions. But confirm Godane killed Friday. Godane, also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, group's spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al Qaeda. The U.S. carried several airstrikes Somalia recent years. A U.S. missile strike January killed high-ranking intelligence officer al-Shabaab, last October vehicle carrying senior members group hit U.S. strike killed al-Shabaab's top explosives expert. Al-Shabaab gained international notoriety year ago month attacked upscale Westgate Mall Nairobi, Kenya, killing least 67 people. The U.S. strike Monday targeted Godane planners bloody assault mall, officials said.
Isis claims to behead US journalist
A South American nun suddenly started experiencing sharp pains, long rushed hospital, gave birth baby boy. Now, nun claiming idea pregnant. Reports say Catholic sister, originally South America, belonged order Macerata, Italy arrived convent June. Recently, experiencing sudden sharp stomach pains, sister rushed hospital fellow nuns told pregnant. Soon after, gave birth baby boy. The baby reportedly still hospital undergoing testing make sure totally healthy. Reports say nun’s convent considering taking care child.
Ebola Outbreak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus
Several Iraqi news sources, including Al Sabah website al-Maalomah, reported Wednesday several ISIS fighters sought help hospital Mosul, 250 miles north city Baghdad, developing symptoms Ebola virus infection. Citing anonymous sources hospital Mosul, Al-Sabah reported two cases Ebola 26 cases HIV/AIDS confirmed health authorities Mosul. The newspaper also claimed ISIS recruits African countries brought virus Iraq. The International Business Times UK also carried similar report, quoting Iraqi news sources. But spokesperson Iraqi health ministry, Ahmed Rudaini, denied reports two cases Ebola virus infection diagnosed among ISIS militants Mosul. The Iraqi health ministry spokesperson said infection confirmed Mosul none hospitals city diagnostic facilities. He said Central Laboratory Public Health Baghdad ability confirm cases Ebola virus infection. Responding inquiries Mashable, WHO spokesperson, Christy Feigh, said, "We official notification Ebola." Feigh said WHO investigating reports would give assistance needed. But UN workers banned entering ISIS-held areas Iraq Syria, unclear organization would able confirm report render assistance suspected cases. Mashable, however, reports Kurdish official appeared convinced reports accurate told Kurdish news outlet Xendan militants reported hospital Mosul symptoms Ebola virus infection. While Iraqi health officials probably taking reports seriously, outbreak Ebola among ISIS militants could serious consequences due lack access ISIS-held areas. It also feared ISIS militants could use presence virus among militants terror weapon opponents, complicating prosecution war extremist group. However, symptoms Ebola virus, including vomiting, diarrhea bleeding late stages disease similar several diseases, including malaria, yellow fever typhoid fever. Thus, possible militants reported hospital Mosul suffering diseases symptoms similar Ebola. Given fact reports carried exclusively pro-government newspapers, possible rule designed cause confusion among ISIS fighters discourage new recruits joining group. It known ISIS significant number recruits West African countries epidemic reported. Thousands foreign recruits ISIS arrived mostly North African countries Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria Somalia reports Ebola outbreak. The Ebola virus epidemic claimed thousands lives West African countries Sierra Leone, Liberia Guinea. Recently, Nigerian news sources reported ISIS making efforts recruit fighters country. The report led Nigerian government issue statement urging Middle Eastern countries carry thorough background checks Nigerians applying visas. The report ISIS militants might contracted Ebola comes weeks Benjamin T. Decker, intelligence analyst Iraq specialist Middle East research firm Levantine Group, said ISIS executed 11 doctors Mosul refusing treat wounded militants. Mosul among several cities ISIS fighters captured earlier year 2014. The militants declared Islamic caliphate areas captured. Mosul, particular, ISIS control since June 2014. The city reportedly suffered food, water power shortages since extremist militants took over. Residents suffered brutal treatment reports executions enslavement minorities women children. On Wednesday, US allies carried 17 airstrikes Syria 12 Iraq. The airstrikes Syria targeted ISIS facilities Al Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr Kobani, strikes Iraq hit ISIS buildings positions around Mosul, Fallujah Sinja.
Kim Jong-un guzzling litres rare snake wine perk love life wife, reported. The cases pricey plonk body deadly cobra inside bottle delivered supreme leader's palace North Korea, Daily Star reported. Locals believe snake wine helps men get partners pregnant improve size manhood. The 31-year-old despot, wife Ri Jol-su, said problems adding family weight. The ruler's waistline expanded love imported French cheese Johnnie Walker whisky. Sources revealed elite country joke Jong-un big please wife that's children.
Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past
As series ex-soldiers come forward criticize Brian Williams ‘stolen valor’ Iraq war story, reported top level executives NBC News known tale fake begging newscaster years stop repeating it. Williams center media firestorm found embellishing old war story helicopter hit grenade Iraq war 2003. The newscaster acted swiftly Wednesday night attempt diffuse situation apologizing Nightly News show, since series ex-soldiers come forward criticize Williams ‘half-hearted’ apology. Brian Williams center media firestorm embellished war story transpires NBC News executives - Tom Brokaw - known years story false To make matters worse also reports senior executives NBC News, including legendary anchor Tom Brokaw Williams replaced 2004, knew story false. ‘Tom Brokaw [former NBC News President] Steve Capus knew false story long time extremely uncomfortable it,’ insider told New York Post. Now Brokaw, 74, wants Williams fired, Post claims. Senior executives past asked Williams stop telling story public, reports Variety. Despite credibility called question, Williams still took anchor’s seat Nightly News broadcast Thursday evening unlike Wednesday address issue broadcast. 'Brokaw wants Williams’ head platter. He making lot noise NBC lesser journalist producer would immediately fired suspended false report,' said source. Retraction: NBC anchor Brian Williams forced admit aboard helicopter hit forced enemy fire 2003 invasion Iraq, claimed broadcast Friday, pictured However separate source says going happen. 'He going suspended reprimanded way. He full support NBC News,' said source. On Thursday pilot army chinook attacked rocket-propelled grenades told Omaha World-Herald contacted NBC News long initial broadcast. Don Helus said saw Williams’ initial report long original broadcast someone emailed clip. NBC’s Tom Brokaw introduced report words: 'Our colleague Brian Williams back Kuwait City tonight close call skies Iraq.' Helus said contacted Williams’ producer asked retraction, get reply. 'My crew little upset - somebody trying make claim inflate career,' Helus said. Williams forced apologize air Facebook Wednesday admit aboard helicopter hit, traveling separate aircraft half hour behind landed without incident. 'He actually aircraft came behind [the helicopter] 30-45 minutes later,' Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Miller, flight engineer helicopter carried journalists, wrote Facebook NBC shared link Williams' story. Williams pictured Iraq 2003 Command Sgt. Major Tim Terpack: In lengthy Facebook post Wednesday, Williams admitted mistake blamed 'fog memory 12 years' error 'He audacity tell whole thing like 'Saving Private Ryan' whole army would looking him. I called idiot front camera crew come back bird next three days.' Pate Butler, another soldier, confirmed Facebook: 'He flew Savannah birds totally different flight. Never shot at. That aircraft Germany flight.' Lance Reynolds, another soldier actually 159th Aviation Regiment's Chinook hit, also lashed Williams Facebook. 'Sorry dude, I remember aircraft,' wrote. 'I remember walking hour landed ask happened. 'Then I remember guys taking back different flight Chinooks another unit heading Kuwait report 'war story' Nightly News. 'The whole time still stuck Iraq trying repair aircraft pulling Security.' Speaking Stars Stripes, Reynolds recalled aboard helicopter hit two rocket-propelled grenades small arms fire. The damaged Chinook made rolling landing Iraqi airfield, skidded runway came stop desert. Reynolds crew members unhurt. Called out: Lance Reynolds, left, Pate Butler, right, part crews flying day, said Williams aboard damaged helicopter expressed anger lies Anger: The day Williams' report, Reynolds responded story NBC NIghtly News' Facebook said remembered things rather differently Another man, Joseph Miller, claimed Williams' aircraft time said 'calling long time response' 'It something personal us kind life-changing me,' told Stars Stripes. 'I know lucky I survive it. It felt like personal experience someone else wanted participate deserve participate in.' When Williams approached took photos damaged aircraft, Reynolds said dismissed level danger want wife see news report it. 'I wanted tell everything right got news happening,' said. Another man downed aircraft, Mike O'Keeffe, said long bothered Williams' false claims. 'Over years faded,' said, 'and see last week - I can't believe still telling false narrative.' O'Keeffe added satisfied Williams' apology want push issue 'kick guy down'. Other soldiers accused Williams misleading apology continuing imply details false. Denial: Williams denied 'trying steal anyone's valor' message posted Wednesday Since 2003 incident, Williams' Chinook story recounted countless times gradually reporter's role seems grown. NBC reported incident March 26, 2003, headline, 'Target Iraq: Helicopter NBC's Brian Williams Was Riding In Comes Under Fire.' However incident reported next day New York Daily News stated 'chopper hit forced land. Then one carrying Williams landed.' Three days later USA Today carried similar report stated: 'NBC's Brian Williams stranded Iraqi desert three days Chinook helicopter ahead attacked man fired rocket-propelled grenade. 'The grenade missed, forced group make emergency landing. Luckily, U.S. tank platoon surrounded helicopters, killing four Iraqis.' In 2007 entry blog Williams recounts part 'flotilla four twin-rotor Chinook helicopters'. 'Some men ground fired RPG tail rotor chopper flying front ours. 'There small arms fire. … All four choppers dropped heavy loads landed quickly hard desert floor,' recalled. By next year Williams claiming blog 'all four low-flying Chinooks took fire.' 'The Chinook helicopter flying front (from 101st Airborne) took RPG rear rotor, four low-flying Chinooks took fire,' wrote. 'We forced stayed -- better (or worse) part 3 days 2 nights.' The tale takes dramatic twist 2013 appearance The Late Show With David Letterman. By Williams recalling two helicopter hit - including his. 'Two four helicopters hit ground fire including one I in,' told Letterman. Then report January 30, Williams told inaccurate version events 'the helicopter travelling forced hit RPG.' For example, army flight crews told Stars Stripes Williams implied flying company downed helicopter belonged - actually flying different company different direction, linked unit radio. He also suggested aircraft forced land attack, soldiers said landed due deteriorating weather conditions. After Williams' apology, cries terminated. 'Brian Williams go,' Brent Bozell, founder president Media Research Center, wrote Twitter. 'NBC's credibility completely shot.' The Nightly News anchor often repeated war story past 12 years aircraft forced enemy fire. He repeated old war story Friday presented segment public tribute hockey game New York Command Sgt. Major Tim Terpack, retired soldier provided security grounded helicopters. During report, Williams went said aircraft actually hit - soldiers expressed anger Facebook afterwards. 'I would chosen make mistake,' Williams told Stars Stripes. 'I know screwed mind caused conflate one aircraft another.' On Nightly News broadcast Wednesday evening, Williams told viewers mistake 'bungled attempt' honor soldier helped protect him. 'I made mistake recalling events 12 years ago. I want apologize,' said. In lengthy Facebook post Wednesday Williams admitted mistake blamed 'fog memory 12 years' error. 'I feel terrible making mistake, especially since I found OWN WRITING incident back '08, I indeed Chinook behind bird took RPG tail housing ramp,' wrote. 'Because I desire fictionalize experience (we saw happened first time) need dramatize events actually happened, I think constant viewing video showing us inspecting impact area - fog memory 12 years - made conflate two, I apologize.' Williams went strenuously deny 'trying steal anyone's valor'. 'I remain civilian journalist covering stories volunteered duty. This simply attempt thank Tim, military Veterans everywhere -- served I not.' All credit: After apology, Twitter users joked Williams inserting historic events One top trending topics Twitter Wednesday night #BrianWilliamsMisremembers. '#BrianWilliamsMisremembers I said look Woodward Bernstein way head,time follow real man..lets this,' tweeted one person. 'And I knew could make better portable music player. Called iPod.' #BrianWilliamsMisremembers,' wrote another. Since 2003 incident, Williams' Chinook story recounted countless times gradually reporter's role seems grown. NBC reported incident March 26, 2003, headline, 'Target Iraq: Helicopter NBC's Brian Williams Was Riding In Comes Under Fire.' However incident reported next day New York Daily News stated 'chopper hit forced land. Then one carrying Williams landed.' Original report: In 2003, Williams reported another helicopter shot - one Damage: The original report shows damage suffered Chinook shot 2003 Three days later USA Today carried similar report stated: 'NBC's Brian Williams stranded Iraqi desert three days Chinook helicopter ahead attacked man fired rocket-propelled grenade. 'The grenade missed, forced group make emergency landing. Luckily, U.S. tank platoon surrounded helicopters, killing four Iraqis.' In 2007 entry blog Williams recounts part 'flotilla four twin-rotor Chinook helicopters'. 'Some men ground fired RPG tail rotor chopper flying front ours. 'There small arms fire. … All four choppers dropped heavy loads landed quickly hard desert floor,' recalled. By next year Williams claiming blog 'all four low-flying Chinooks took fire.' 'The Chinook helicopter flying front (from 101st Airborne) took RPG rear rotor, four low-flying Chinooks took fire,' wrote. Williams appeared nonplussed scandal Wednesday evening enjoyed New York Rangers game good friend Tom Hanks Actor Tom Hanks Brian Williams pictured together Boston Bruins game Madison Square Garden The two shared plenty laughs thrills game hours Williams apologized 'mistake' 'We forced stayed -- better (or worse) part 3 days 2 nights.' The tale takes dramatic twist 2013 appearance The Late Show With David Letterman. By Williams recalling two helicopter hit - including his. 'Two four helicopters hit ground fire including one I in,' told Letterman. Then report January 30, Williams told inaccurate version events 'the helicopter travelling forced hit RPG.' Williams anchored NBC Nightly News - nation's highest rated news program - since December 2004 replaced Tom Brokaw. His reporting inside New Orleans Superdome immediate aftermath Hurricane Katrina next year helped earn NBC Peabody Award. DailyMail.com reached NBC News comment.
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims
AUSTRALIA — A man Australia dubbed “Spider Man” bizarre turn events trip Bali. A mark Dylan Maxwell’s belly may look like gruesome scar, says it’s actually trail left spider burrowed skin. The tiny tropical spider burrowed small appendix scar traveled torso, leaving red, scar-like trail naval chest. It survived three days. Maxwell visiting Indonesia says noticed thought scratch inch-long. He went doctor told small insect bite, trail kept growing toward chest. Maxwell described “a searing, hot searing burning sensation. It like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” When started blister, says got worried. That’s realized spider crawled scar. He says doctors able pull spider out. The spider placed container shipped testing. Still, many unconvinced Dylan produced records account. And experts say aren’t really accounts spiders burrowing inside people skins. Snopes.com discussion Dylan’s claim. I think extremely suspect, unusual, likely possible. Simply put: plausible I think valid reason spider might ‘crawl beneath skin scar’. The claim ‘feeding moving scar tissue’ defies logic defies know biology spiders. I also skeptical ‘evidence’ (the spider itself) presented.
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax)
A secret government document leaked revealing "administrative order", telling authorities ensure one else named "Kim Jong-un". And people agree, "train them" change it. It believed anyone name would forced official documents, identity cards even school certificates altered. And officials told reject birth certificates name. The internal policy obtained South Korean news station KBS TV highlights leader's craziest rules. His name game said set directive shortly cheese-loving Kim made Supreme Leader. And find you...UH-OH: And find you... [AP] “We'll train voluntarily change names.” The document reads The document reads: "All party organs public security authorities make list residents named Kim Jong-Un... train voluntarily change names. “Authorities make sure one making unnecessary complaints spreading gossip … regarding project." It unsure whether directive authentic officials said names North Korean leader past - Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il - banned. Yet North Korean defector Park Jin-hee, obtained document, said sure 2011 directive real. “There one North named Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il, doubt rule applies Jong-un." The news comes accusations emerged North Korean officials hacked Sony Pictures leaked number future productions. The North Korean refused comment cyber attack.
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air'
Apple planning release slimmest MacBook yet, boasting single USB port 12-inch display, according new report. Rumours site 9to5Mac created artist renditions revamped model based information sources within company, says first major shakeup Mac line since introduction Retina MacBook Pro 2012. The 12-inch model would slot neatly current range, comprised 11-inch 13-inch model. The new version slimmer predecessors, sports 'tapered' design top bottom. But slimline frame comes price; Apple appears done away standard USB ports SD card slot. A single USB Type-C port remains, gaps keyboard keys narrowed order minimise space. Four speaker grills positioned screen keyboard double ventilation, model fan. The trackpad taller 11-inch model, keyboard designed sit edge-to-edge across width laptop, notably slimmer margin. UK pricing release date potential new model remain unknown. The first MacBook Air introduced former chief executive Steve Jobs 2008 Macworld Conference Expo, claimed company built world's thinnest notebook. The MacBook Air replacing white MacBook standard entry model discontinuation 2011. The news comes reports circulate Apple preparing Apple Watch go sale end March. The 12-inch MacBook Air (L) much slimmer 11-inch counterpart (R) The new, thinner keys compared previous models'
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border
JJ Abrams considering releasing heavily anticipated Star Wars: The Force Awakens summer, according unconfirmed reports Ikwiz Movie Pilot. The film current release date December 18 2015. According Movie Pilot, director losing patience constant stream plot image leaks Star Wars set, believes shifting earlier release date mean film "ruined" fans see it. The Ikwiz article states: "Disney reportedly taking Abrams’ request seriously, looking possible summer release." While neither website official source rumour, Abrams reported made comments 2015 Visual Effects Society Awards February 4. The director received VES Visionary Award ceremony. Last week, Disney appeared cracking anyone illegally leaking content Star Wars VII, requesting judge issue subpoena website named ImageShack, hosting blurred image Sith Lord clutching red lightsaber – said leaked still film. In declaration support issuance subpoena, Disney employee confirmed image related Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Keep Star Wars VII latest news, rumours spoilers
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea
The Apple Watch Sport may start mere $349, product line’s price point could well soar there! According Daring Fireball‘s John Gruber, Apple’s 18-karat gold Apple Watch Edition may sell much $4,999. “Most people think I’m joking I say gold ones going start $5,000,” Gruber writes new blog post. “I couldn’t serious.” Gruber notes device might cost $1,999 bare minimum, unlikely since components alone would cost this. While $4,999 would give Apple Watch Edition dubious distinction one company’s expensive products smallest, Gruber points device gold-plated, actually manufactured using 18-karat gold. With said, anyone going want regularly upgrade solid gold watch costs Swiss watch could conceivably stay person’s family lifetime? For record, Gruber thinks stainless steel/sapphire Apple Watch set customers back $999. Guess we’ll find sure early 2015, Apple Watch finally ships. Hey, least gold Apple Watch Edition comes snazzy charging case.
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles'
The sound 10 11 shots gun Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson fired Michael Brown recorded man apartment near Aug. 9 shooting, according man’s attorney shared audio CNN. The network aired recording Monday verified authenticity. The 12-second audio begins man seemingly leaving message someone adult video service. Six shots fired rapid succession heard background. After two second pause, another four five shots ring out. Lopa Blumenthal, unnamed man’s attorney, told CNN client interviewed FBI. “At time didn’t even realize import hearing afterwards,” Blumenthal said. “It happened captured twelve seconds transpired outside building.” While difficult clearly make whether 10 11 shots fired, Blumenthal told CNN believes heard 11. Details surrounding recording unclear, including emerging two weeks shooting. It also unclear point man began recording message captured gun shots. Witnesses well law enforcement officials said Wilson fired one perhaps two isolated shots police cruiser numerous shots fired outside car. The new audio seemingly capture one two shots fired inside Wilson’s cruiser. Wilson reportedly claimed gun went cruiser altercation Brown 18-year-old shoved car, assaulted him, struggled grab weapon. After altercation car, witnesses say Brown fled. From there, Brown’s movements Wilson’s response also unclear. Wilson reportedly claims pursuing Brown, man turned around face him, taunted began charging Wilson fired fatal shots. Some witnesses say Wilson began shooting Brown fled. At point Brown turned around order surrender Wilson continued firing fatal shots anyway, witnesses said. In press conference shortly shooting, St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said Wilson fired “more couple [of shots]” provided detail. According CNN report filed days shooting, witnesses claimed heard 10 shots. Dorian Johnson, friend Brown’s shooting, told few. A medical examiner performed private autopsy Brown determined shot least six times. He eight wounds body, two may re-entry wounds. It initially reported altercation shooting followed argument Wilson ordered Brown Johnson get middle road. But later emerged Brown stolen cigars shoved store clerk minutes encountered Wilson. Wilson reportedly says seconds first encounter, received police dispatch call reporting strong-arm robbery doubled-back confront two. WATCH: Follow Chuck Twitter
Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports
A gunman fired multiple shots National War Memorial Ottawa Wednesday shot Canadian soldier, Reuters reports. The gunman ran towards Parliament Hill, located across street National War Memorial. According Member Parliament Bob Zimmer, intruder shot inside Parliament building. The incident comes day police killed Muslim convert Quebec hit two soldiers car. From Associated Press: OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) -- Police say soldier standing guard National War Memorial unknown gunman. Ottawa police confirmed call 9:52 a.m. Wednesday report shots fired, witnesses reported seeing gunman running toward Parliament Hill, lockdown. Others Hill told Canadian Press heard shots fired several different corridors. The top spokesman Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Harper safe left Parliament Hill. Emergency responders still scene paramedics took wounded soldier away ambulance. The incident comes two days two Canadian soldiers run - one killed - Quebec man jihadist sympathies.
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will bring missing girls home
More 200 missing schoolgirls kidnapped Islamic extremist group Boko Haram may released part immediate cease-fire agreement announced Friday Nigerian government, according multiple media reports. Nigerian presidential aide Hassan Tukur told BBC Focus Africa cease-fire agreement came months negotiations mediated Chad. The girls kidnapped Boko Haram — group's nickname means "education sinful" — April 15 school northeastern town Chibok. "They've assured us girls release them," Tukur told BBC. "I cautiously optimistic." Talking CNN, Tukur said: "We agreed release Chibok schoolgirls, expect conclude next meeting group's representative next week Chad." Voice America reported Tukur Danladi Ahmadu, calls secretary-general militant group, also said girls would released. The release set happen Monday Chad, according VOA's Hausa-language service. However, Nigerian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade told Associated Press girls' release still negotiated. Boko Haram negotiators "assured schoolgirls people captivity alive well," Mike Omeri, government spokesman insurgency, told news conference truce announced. Contributing: The Associated Press
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletubbies' Sun Baby
A video appears show bird pooping Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suit speech last week fake. The video–uploaded YouTube–is going viral. A media outlets appear tricked it. The video titled: “Bird pooped Putin opening WWI monument.” The Washington Post TIME magazine posted video, apparently believing it. The Post issued correction, saying “a bird defecate Russian President Vladimir Putin speech Friday. The video appears hoax.” TIME wrote: “A video shared online made seem Vladimir Putin got unwelcome love feathered friend Sunday speech unveiling monument Russians served World War I.” It later updated post, saying “The Independent reveals video falsely doctored show bird defecating Putin.” The Associated Press update: Obama, Putin discuss Ukraine, missile treaty WASHINGTON (AP) — Capping week aggressive action Russia, President Barack Obama pressed Russian President Vladimir Putin Friday diplomatic path Ukraine’s struggle Moscow-backed pro-Russian separatists. Putin countered calling U.S. European economic sanctions Russia counterproductive. Obama later conceded pressure recently imposed U.S. European measures squeeze Russian economy “hasn’t resolved problem yet.” In Obama-initiated phone call Friday, U.S. president also raised concerns Russia violated key Cold War era nuclear weapons treaty, White House said. In letter week Obama Putin administration report released week, United States said Russia violated 1987 treaty bans U.S. Russian missiles intermediate range, meaning travel 300 miles 3,400 miles. Putin call said sanctions seriously damage bilateral cooperation general global stability, according Kremlin report call. It first conversation leaders since U.S. Europe slapped new round economic sanctions Russia since Obama’s letter claiming breach missile treaty. “I indicated him, say terms sanctions, we’ll also say terms wanting resolve issue diplomatically takes different position,” Obama told reporters later. The Kremlin said Obama Putin underscored urgency bringing end fighting eastern Ukraine spoke positively meeting took place day Minsk, Belarus, among members diplomatic “contact group” pursuing end hostilities. That group includes representatives Russia, Ukraine Organization Security Cooperation Europe.
Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day
After Stan Beaton's wife, Ruby, passed away 2003, saved "leave message beep" recording shared. The recording lost Virgin Mobile conducted technical work, help BBC Radio Leeds, company able retrieve deleted message Stan — captured reaction hearing again. Stan, 68, incredulous hears good news. In video, reporter tells Stan took 10 people total three days retrieve message. "That must cost fortune!" Stan exclaims. "It's wonderful, wonderful sound I thought lost forever," Stan says. I suppose going bit PR job now, thank Virgin Media." Matt Damon Ben Affleck confess Deflategate Steve Buscemi natural Jan Brady Snickers’ Super Bowl ad NFL's Marshawn Lynch Rob Gronkowski play 'Mortal Kombat' Conan Here's TED Talk sounding smart TED Talk
'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in horrific video, as a warning to Obama
Eran Cicurel, editor Voice Israel, quoted YPG fighters familiar situation Kobani, saying Gill Rosenberg captured IS. Cicurel's claims contradict IS claims, made announcements IS-affiliated websites Samoach al-Islam, al-Platform Media, Twitter Rosenberg captured. Earlier day, IS media sources even alleged video coming soon. Considering scale yesterday's IS advance, story appeared plausible. Close friends, comrades, supporters also voiced credible concern Rosenberg's Facebook page. The YPG fighters noted, Cicurel, Rosenberg city Hoban time IS claims abducted. They also called story "mere propaganda". While confirmation per se, Cicurel's claims, addition circumstantial evidence, made story Rosenberg's capture implausible. Established Israeli sources exclusively ran story purporting primary sources reporting Rosenberg's capture. The Haaretz Israeli News, Times Israel, Jerusalem Post, Ynet News almost immediately published similar reports, media outside Israel either reported story quoted Israeli media. It illegal Israeli citizen travel Israeli-declared hostile state, including Iraq Syria, reason including business media reporting. Rosenberg, age 31, become infamous recent months joining YPG fighters Kobani despite illegality endeavor. In past 24 hours, IS advance pushed YPG back four fronts, including northern side borders Turkey. However, YPG mitigated many IS gains, due US airstrikes arrival Turkish forces sealing border north. Despite new information, little still publicly known Rosenberg's status time. Pro-IS sources still claiming captured, sources staying quiet. A link added comments story officially confirmed denied. Pictures Rosenberg (Not repost! The article completely original content. These images merely appended informational purposes) Kobani map November 28 (credits @deSyracuse) Kobani map late November 29 (credits @macroarch). Note: Some IS gains pushed back, claims total reversal untrue.