You're beyond our reasoning!
Takes one to know one.
Dad, how could you make my son miss an entire semester of school? I mean, it's not like he's a hot girl. He can't just bail on his life and set up shop in someone else's.
What what are you guys doing with my stuff?
We're moving you to a nursing home.
A nursing home? What are what are you, nuts? I'm a genius. I build robots for fun.
Well, now you can build baskets and watch Paul Newman movies on VHS and mentally scar the Boy Scouts every Christmas.
What does that mean?
It's personal.
Dad, mom, come on. Rick just needed my help is all.
Morty, stay out of this. You are obviously not capable of judging these situations on your own.
What are you trying to say about Morty? That he's stupid or something?
Oh, don't high-road us, dad. You know fully well that Morty is the last child that needs to be missing classes.
I-I-I don't know what you mean by that. Can can can you be a little bit more specific?
Oh, for crying out—he's got some kind of disability or something. Is that what you want us to say?
I do?
Well, duh doy, son. Look, I love you, Morty, but we both know you're not as fast as the other kids, and if you want to compete in this world, you got to work twice as hard.
Aw, geez, dad. Y-you know, that's a lot to drop on a kid all at once.
Morty, t-tell your parents the square root of pi.
Oh, come on, Rick. You know I can't.
The square root of Pi, Morty. Go!
1.77245385... Whoa!
What the hell?
Holy crap. He's right.
Morty, tell your parents the first law of Thermodynamics.
"The increment in the internal energy of a system is equal to the increment of heat supplied to the system." Wow! I'm so smart!
I told the both of you school is stupid. It's not how you learn things. Morty's a gifted child. He has a special mind. That's why he's my little helper. He's like me. He's gonna be doing great science stuff later in his life. He's too smart for school. He needs to keep hanging out and helping me.
Jerry, I don't want whatever's happening here to stop.
No, I-I understand. Uh, maybe we overreacted. But he has to keep going to school.
Okay, Jerry. You drive a hard bargain, but what am I supposed to do? Say no? You-you really wear the pants around here. I just want you to know, between us, from now on, it's gonna be clear communication.
Frank Palicky was frozen to death today!
No idea what you're talking about.
Okay. Well, uh, Morty, it's your bedtime in an hour. Don't stay up all night again. This is good, though. This can work. I think we can be a family and now, Beth, if you'll have me, I would love to have you.
You know what? Okay.
Holy cow, Rick. I didn't know hanging out with you was making me smarter.
Full disclosure, Morty it's not. Temporary superintelligence is just a side effect of the mega seeds dissolving in your rectal cavity.
Aw, man.
Yeah, and once those seeds wear off, you're gonna lose most of your motor skills, and you're also gonna lose a significant amount of brain functionality for 72 hours, Morty.
Ohh, man. Oh, geez! Ohh.
I'm sorry, Morty. It's a bummer. In reality, you're as dumb as they come and I needed those seeds real bad, and I had to give them up just to get your parents off my back, so now we're gonna have to go get more adventures. And then we're gonna go on even more adventures after that, Morty and you're gonna keep your mouth shut about it, Morty, because the world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important, and they'll tear us apart, Morty but if you stick with me, I'm gonna accomplish great things, Morty, and you're gonna be part of them, and together, we're gonna run around, Morty. We're gonna do all kinds of wonderful things, Morty. Just you and me, Morty. The outside world is our enemy, Morty. We're the only friends we've got, Morty. It's just Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty and their adventures, Morty. Rick and Morty forever and forever. Morty's things. Me and Rick and Morty running around, and Rick and Morty time. All day long, forever. All a hundred days. Rick and Morty forever 100 times. Over and over, rickandmortyadventures.com. All 100 years. Every minute, rickandmorty.com.
What? Why are you looking at me? You want to go outside? Outside?
Are you kidding me?! Come on!
Oh, my God.
What's wrong?
Your idiot dog!
Oh, he he didn't mean it, dad. Did you, snuffles? You're a good boy.
Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet! Bad dog! Bad!
Morty, come on. I need your help tonight.
Hey, wait, hold on a second, Rick. You wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could whip up that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?
I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread. Come on, Morty.
Listen, Rick, if you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my son for your stupid science, the least you could do is put a little bit of it to use for the family. You make that dog smart or Morty's grounded!
Aw, man!
Boy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry.
All right, Ruffles What's his name?
Snuffles, shake.
Roll over.
Go to the bathroom.
Holy crap!
No way.
Yeah, you're at the top of your game now, Jerry. Have fun. Come on, Morty.
That was fantastic, Rick!
Yeah, Morty, if you like that, boy, you're you're really going to flip your lid over this one.
W-w-w-what is it?
It's a device, Morty, that when you put it in your ear, you can enter people's dreams, Morty. It's just like that movie that you keep crowing about.
You talking about "Inception"?
That's right, Morty. This is gonna be a lot like that, except, you know, it's gonna may--be make sense.
"Inception" made sense.
You don't have to try to impress me, Morty. Listen, tonight we're gonna go into the home of your math teacher, Mr. Goldenfold, and we're gonna incept the idea in his brain to give you A's in math, Morty. That way you can, you know, y-you're gonna help me with my science, Morty, all the time.
Geez, Rick, in the time it took you to make this thing, couldn't you have just, you know, helped me with my homework?
Are you listening to me, Morty? Homework is stupid. The whole point is to get less of it.
Come on, let's just get over there and deal with this thing. W-we're gonna incept your teacher. You're frustrating me.
You don't know me!
' Nice, Mrs. Pancakes real nice.
You don't know me!
Uh-oh! Spoilers!
I'm a full season behind.
Wow, Rick, I can't believe we're sitting around, standing around in Mr. Goldenfold's house. It's really weird.
It's about to get a whole lot weirder, Morty.
Wheat thins. Wheat thins.
I'll take two.
Oh, I think you've had enough, sir.
All right, Morty, time to make our move.
Make it bounce.
No, you didn't.
Oh, jiggle it now.
You better stop with that.
Allahu akbar! We're gonna take control of this plane! We're gonna 9/11 it unless Morty Smith gets better grades in math!
Hey! I said nobody move, buddy!
The name's not buddy. It's Goldenfold. Nice to wheat you!
Take cover, Morty!
Goldenfold's got more control here than I anticipated. I mean, the guy teaches high-school math. I didn't take him for an active dreamer. We've got to take him out so he wakes up, Morty but we can't get killed. If you get killed in someone else's dream, you die for real, Morty.
What?! Are you kidding me?! Ohhhhhh!
Don't be a baby! You avoid getting shot in real life all the time, Morty. Just do the same thing here, and we'll be fine!
Now bring me my slippers.