common traits among Q.W.E.R abilities?
I was wondering if each button's ability shares something similar among all characters. For example, in general, are all Q's projectiles? I was curious how QWER is setup.
[ { "body": "Q is your poke. Your main damage source. Most often a skill shot or an auto attack reseter. \n\nW is your utility. Shields, heals, armor buffs, debuffs for enemies. \n\nE is a bit of anything else. Usually the CC ability. Or your dash ability. E abilities are a bit hard to categorize. \n\nR is your ultimate!", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Q's are usually skill shots, such as Morgana's,Lux's, Ez's,Janna's,,Graves', Caitlyn's, Amumu's etc.\nW's are usually skills with passives\nE's are usually utility spells like shields,heals and escapes such as Ez's, Janna's, Soraka's,, Graves', Caitlyn's\nR's are just ults lol\n\nWell that's what I think or maybe I'm just retarded, who knows", "score": 3 } ]
LPT: Cold season is here. You know how to avoid them. Here's how to give 'em a whooping after you get them.
1-most important thing is to start as soon as you feel the burn in your sinus. 2-Mouthwash or saltwater gargle to beat down the community in your throat. Several times per day. 3-Sinus wash with a mixture of 0.9% non-iodized sodium chloride, (salt) and R.O. water warmed to a comfortable temp. Twice a day. This beats down the community in your sinus. 4-Lots of rose hips or Vitamin C. As much as you can tolerate. I unconditionally money back guarantee this battle plan to reduce the severity and duration of any cold to 25% or less.
[ { "body": "Playing the devil's advocate here, \n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#Therapeutic_uses\n\n> Though vitamin C has been promoted as useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions, most of these uses are poorly supported by the evidence and sometimes contraindicated.\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold#Alternative_treatments\n\n>As of 2010 there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against either honey or nasal irrigation.\n\nAnd as far as the mouthwash/saline rinse goes, I'm no doctor, but I thought the common cold was a virus, and I don't think viruses are localized like a bacterial infection, so someone else can comment on that, but it is probably about as efficacious as the nasal irrigation.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "What are rose hips?\n\nAnd I'm guessing R.O. water is reverse osmosis? (hooray water science major)\n\nDistilled and purified drinking water works as well. **NEVER USE STRAIGHT TAP WATER THAT HASN'T BEEN BOILED** There is a chance, albeit very small, that you could infect yourself with an amoeba that infects your brain. In hospital death rate is 97% of the \"Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis\" that the amoeba causes.", "score": 3 } ]
I just had the craziest experience with laughing gas
I just had a two hour root canal. Asked for laughing gas (even though i'm probably not supposed to as a recovering alcoholic). Anyway, for whatever reason I wasn't really feeling the nitrous much, but the doc told me he had it up all the way. As it kicked in, I was completely paranoid. I thought everything the doctor and assistance were saying was code for either 'opposite talk is high' or 'turn down the gas'. i kept trying to tell them i understood their code words. eventually, i think they changed the gas mixture and i was suddenly on cloud effing nine. sound turned to shapes, the background music in the office was just the same note over and over again. i had been on nitrous before and recognized from the last time a certain high pitch noise which clearly was an indication of how messed up i was. eventually, i got to the point where i guess the gas was too much. i was trying to somehow motion the doctor to turn it down. in my mind, he was saying 'say a if you are in pain and b if you need the gas turned down'. in my mind, he wasn't understanding that i was losing my sanity. so, the more i strugged the more he (in my mind) was turning up the nitrous. it was absolute hell. feeling like you are drowning with a life preserver there but someone kicking it just more and more out of your reach. anyway, i wish i could adequately describe this experience. i'm not sure if i made sense but i'd love to hear some other laughing gas stories. and i'd love to know what the hell just happened. doctors, help explain!
[ { "body": "Nitrous functions as an dissociative anesthetic. I assume a combination of your anxieties and your grasp of reality was changing thus you went into a panic. You were probably fighting it a bit too. Doc must have thought you were coming out of it and needed a stronger dosage. \n\nTLDR; you were tripping balls", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I've had a similar experience but it was just for fillings. It was a 5-8 years ago. The dentist's drill turned into a song. He was a master of the drill, playing the same 5 second beat over and over again. I can still remember that shit vividly. Drrr Drrr Drrrrrrrrr Drrr Drrr Drrrrrr Drrr Drrr Drrrrrr.\n\nLike you, I felt like it wasn't working for ages then BOOM haha.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "My friend apparently saw the several female dental assistants working with the male dentist and said to him, \"You're a pimp!\" ", "score": 3 } ]
Visiting MSU in Nov to watch some football. Looking for some local advice on bars/food/entertainment etc.
Hi MSU redditors, Me and 3 good friends are heading down in early November to watch the Spartans play the Nebraska Cornhuskers. I'm wondering what you can recommend for bars, food and entertainment in the area. None of us have ever been here before, we have no idea what to expect, but are super excited for it! edit: our current plan is tailgating prior to the game, and then head out to the bars afterwards. edit2: Don't worry, we're not Nebraska fans. We're heading down from Toronto and will be cheering for MSU.
[ { "body": "Definitely check out the MSU Dairy Store on campus for some ice cream or a grilled cheese sandwich. They have tons of flavors, and one for each B1G team. Nebraska's is sweet corn flavored I believe. It's supposedly pretty good!", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Second the recommendation for cruchy's. It's awesome buckets of beer and buckets of food. \nAlso if your tailgating, the student tailgate is at the tennis courts to the south of the stadium.\n\nNot sure how old you guys are but if your students I'd recommend these bars to go to at night; Harpers, Dublin, or PTs. I wouldn't go to Rick's unless your super drunk. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "It would probably help to know your age and/or what kind of vibe you're looking for. I am 29 and have pretty much experienced each phase of the MSU scene. I shall dispense this wisdom.. now:\n\nClub Rush, Ricks: Loud, dancing, drunk 21-25 yr olds, girls not dressed appropriate for the outside temperature. (Ricks a little more of a \"dive\", Rush slightly more upscale)\n\nCrunchy's, Harper's: Best beer. Crunchy's has a great micro brew selection on draft, Harper's brews their own (nothing exceptional, but if you're a beer connoisseur you have to give them credit for trying)\n\nPeanut Barrel: if the day in November you come is unseasonably warm, sit on their patio for the best people watching maybe anywhere in Michigan, and very middle of the road quality food and drink.\n\nPersonally, I like to eat my post game dinner at Pizza House, a very ordinary sounding (and looking) restaurant in a strip mall that has an awesome menu. I've never had anything there that wasn't excellent.\n\nIt's too bad you'll miss the opening of the new Broad Art Museum by just a week, or I'd recommend seeing that as well.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Based on personal experience, this is my ranking of the bars around Grand River (just north of campus), in order of how much your feet will stick to the floor, starting with the worst.\n\nRicks\n\nLandshark\n\nPT O'Malley's\n\nThe Riv\n\nDublin (back dance room)\n\nHarpers\n\nBeggar's Banquet\n\nDublin (front bar area)\n\nPeanut Barrel and Crunchy's are a little smaller and more relaxed, where you'll probably be sitting at tables most of the time. \n\nReno's East is a mile or so north up Abbot, and is a little nicer/more expensive, but it never has a cover. They might not have much of the college crowd (or any crowd, depending on the night). It's an awesome place to watch the game if you don't get tickets (lots of big screen TVs and good beer/food). \n\nYou can drink anywhere on campus within 5 or 6 hours of kickoff, so if you do tailgate, just look for some other Nebraska fans, or make friends with some MSU folks -- the grown ups are usually pretty friendly, especially if you've already got your own beer, but the undergrads might give you the cold drunk shoulder. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "a lot of bars are great.... Peanut Barrell is my personal fav... they have old school employees who have been there for years (u get retirement plans working there) harpers is pretty sweet for night life... live music usually... PT O'Mallys and Ricks are a lil bad... sticky floors etc.. especially ricks, Dublin is pretty cool... The Riv is real cool place fo sure. ", "score": 3 } ]
Hay guize. Your U-lock-wielding moderator has decided that it is time for a BiCi jersey design contest. This community is now ***1 year old and is nearly 700 members strong.*** Statistically, at least a few of us should have some mad photoshop skills. I propose an annual jersey design contest that's just for us, by us. As always, /r/bicycling members are encouraged to participate and represent. I'm not sure that any actual jerseys will ever be produced, but the winner of the contest(s) will have everlasting karma and a spot on the sidebar. I will exclude myself from the contest as far as voting and submissions, but will still moderate the subreddit when I'm not taking pictures of my steeds. If anybody has any awesome ideas on how to make this happen, you can reply to this thread or send a modmail to me. Let's take the lane on this thang.
[ { "body": "I think the BCJ jersey should just be [the rainbow World Champions jersey.](http://procyclegear.com/images/Product%20Images/2012_tour_jerseys/2012_world_champion_rainbow_hz_jersey_co_250.gif)\n\nThe reason is that riding a bike saves the world from anthropogenic climate change, oil conflicts, obesity/diabetes, and the many, many diseases that are cured by large participation group rides or solo long distance rides. This makes everyone who rides a bike a world champion.\n\nEdit: [Here's a concept.](http://i.imgur.com/Lcfmv.png) It incorporates the yellow, pink, polka dot, and green jerseys to make it more effectively say \"I'm much, much better than you\"", "score": 11 }, { "body": "I would like to see some safety features included, like this one:\n\nhttp://www.3feetplease.com/images/3-feet-please.png", "score": 8 }, { "body": "WHY ARE ALL THE BEST DESIGNS BEING PRODUCED BY THE COMPANY? WE MUST HAVE SOME GENIUS ARTISANS IN THIS SUBREDDIT", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Can we have reddit cycling gloves too? Can they have a reinforced middle finger? It always gets tired giving them to motorists.", "score": 6 } ]
Could someone explain to me what a paradox is?
I just don't know :'( I've looked it up several times in several places and it just doesn't click for me!
[ { "body": "A paradox is something that logically impossible. Look at the following sentence, an example of a paradox.\n\nThis sentence is false. \n\nIf the sentence is truly false, then logically, the sentence must be true. But if the sentence is true, then it is false. This sentence makes no sense, but not due to using words that have no relevance to each other nor due to bad grammar, but rather due to the logic behind the statement. ", "score": 20 }, { "body": "Mmm, a simple example...the **Must have Experience Paradox**\n\nA young kid, first time worker, is looking for a job. Everyone says he can have a job *if he has at least 2 years experience*. Ok, so he starts looking for a job \"to get the 2 years experience\"...But no one hires him - because he doesn't have 2 years experience! \n\nThe poor kid doesn't know what to do! He is in a \"catch-22\", a paradoxical situation!\n\n\n--------------------------\n\nAnother simple one...the **Grandfather Paradox**: \n\nYou travel back in time and kill your Grandfather when he was a kid.\n\nBecause you killed him, he never met Grandma, and never gave birth to Dad, who never gave birth to you!\n\nThen how could you have gone back in time to kill your Grandfather?\n\n-------------------- \n\nA much tougher one based on the **Barbershop Paradox**...\n\n\nA hairdresser in a village has a rule: \"**I only give haircuts to all the people in this village who DON'T cut their own hair**\". \n\nNow divide the village population into two groups.\n\n \nThe **first group** are this hairdresser's customers - these people DON'T cut their own hair. \n\nThe **second group** are not customers, because they DO cut their own hair. \n\nQuestion: *which group is the hairdresser in?* Try to work it out yourself, to see why he can't be in *either* group! (Remember that he has to follow his own rule).\n\nBut hang on, the hairdresser is one of the villagers, right? And you separated all the village people into 2 groups! So where the hell is he?", "score": 16 }, { "body": "When I was younger, I read [this book (Aha! Gotcha: Paradoxes to Puzzle and Delight)](http://www.amazon.com/Aha-Gotcha-Paradoxes-Puzzle-Delight/dp/0716713616), and it easily explained various examples of paradoxes while being very entertaining. If anything, I'd say it helped me become a better problem solver.", "score": 3 } ]
Your Top 5 Favorite Bars in Omaha
I don't know if this has been done on r/Omaha. There are a lot of bars, and I'm sure we haven't all been to each others' favorites. Maybe this could end up being a good sidebar post, especially for the many, "New to Omaha/Visiting Omaha" posts we get? **Update** I made a spreadsheet of the votes (Counting comments showing support for others' picks as additional votes). I'll see about exporting it to Google Drive so it can be shared, but so far these are easily the five, top ranking bars based on the picks submitted up until 3:35pm CT, 9/21/2012: 1. Crescent Moon 2. Jake's 3. Krug Park 4. Beercade 5. The Sydney/Homy Inn/Havana Garage (Tie) I don't know if it's sidebar worthy or not, but based on what we've seen, it seems r/Omaha's favorite bar is the Crescent Moon.
[ { "body": "* Crescent Moon - I love everything about that place. Great beer, friendly staff and good food!\n\n* Krug Park - No TVs make this place so much nicer. I love the selection on tap, but it makes it take forever to decide \n\n* The Lauter Tun - My place of work. Rotating tap selection (frequently). Live jazz music for those it appeals to. Very clean\n\n* Jake's - I really enjoy the feel of this place, not sure why. I realized that I like the cigar side more, because it is much quieter\n\n* Beercade - I really enjoy the concept of this bar. It does attract an odd crowd, so just be prepared. I wish the beer would rotate more frequently, but its not a big deal. One of the few places I would actually feel comfortable shitting in the bathroom (as far as bar bathrooms go)", "score": 11 }, { "body": "* Brass Monkey (small South O bar, great place)\n* Krug Park (beer selection heaven)\n* Jake's (for when KP gets too crowded)\n* Crescent Moon (many beers, good grub)\n* Dundee Dell (best Scotch selection by far, great food)\n\n", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like crescent. Anywho, my favs are as follows:\n\n1. Sydney (Can't beat dollar pbr mondays)\n2. Brother's\n3. O'leavers (Wanna get shitfaced without anyone caring if you break stuff and fall down? Come here.)\n4. Louis\n5. The Getaway Lounge\n\nSo...basically I like shitty dive bars with no hope for positivity and happiness. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Barrett's Barleycorn Bar & Grill \n\nHomy Inn\n\nThe Dubliner Pub\n\nCrescent Moon Ale House (and adjoining bars)\n\nJosephine's Cozy Corner Lounge\n\n\n\n", "score": 8 }, { "body": "* Sullivans - I've had more interesting conversations and met more fascinating people here than at all the other bars I've listed combined. I can't explain it. \n* Crescent Moon - Its like an Omaha Central reunion every night...whether or not that's something you enjoy is another story. \n* Jake's - An experience like nothing else in the midwest, though you need to bring a machette if you intend to get through to the bar on a weekend night. \n* The Homey Inn - Champagne on tap.\n* The Library Pub - The bartenders know their stuff, all the tables are attended with swivel office chairs, and there is an open collection of books to read and borrow. As for the Hemingway Daiquiri.\n\nHonorable Mention: The Hideout - An odd haven for people who have no go-to bars, it's like drinking in a fraternity basement that's never been cleaned, but the drinks are STRONG. Some days the cast of characters is is reminiscent of drinking in a personification of one of Hunter S. Thompson's nightmarish binges. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Side door lounge - as a musician it's one of my favorite places to play. They generally have good beers available and a great variety of custom drinks you won't find anywhere else in Omaha. The staff are great people as well.\n\nMICS - best karaoke in Omaha\n\nJake's - you know why\n\nMojo smokehouse and ales - It's just down the street from my place so i guess I like it because it's convenient. The food is pretty rad too.\n\nBrothers, I guess - Haha, I've only been there once, but i really liked it.\n\n\n\n*edited for formatting (oops) and descriptions", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Old Dundee Bar and Grill - They serve food til 1am everyday, the booze is cheap, and the people are cool. (I might be biased because I live down the street).\n\nMusette - My brother and I go there fairly regularly to play shuffleboard although we suck AND the Pizza Shoppe delivers pizza there.\n\nBurkes - Apple pie shots, cheap booze, free popcorn.\n\nBeercade - Great beer selection and the games of course.\n\nDubliner - Has a good vibe although it's packed on the weekends.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "* Havana Garage\n\n* Barry O's\n\n* The Sydney\n\n* Crescent Moon (and all bars within that wonderful building)\n\n* Jakes \n\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My favorites.\n\n* Crescent Moon - I haven't been there many times, but I have some very good memories associated with the place. Plus every time I go to Beertopia next door, I find a surprise I just have to take home.\n\n* Office West Lounge - it's not very special or even the nicest looking place, but it's an \"end-up\" spot where my friends and I liked to meet up, back when we were still living in Midtown.\n\n* Jake's - they serve Moscow Mules and do them right. Also there's always a new beer to try. Being in the heart of Benson also makes for great people-watching.\n\n* Caddyshack's - another place that's a little low-key, but I like their tots and it's a great place to catch the Vikings game.\n\n* Mister Toad's - I think they have the best patio, and its moldy old look is very charming. Lots of good memories there.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "- The Moon (mostly because of the boot)\n- Anything on Leavenworth\n- Beercade\n- Havana Garage\n- Homy Inn (love me some champagne on tap) ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "* The Elbow Room - My go-to cheap crappy dive, it's close to my house and the drinks are strong.\n* Houston's - Haven't been back to in a while since I'm not out west anymore, but their wall 'o booze is a sight to behold.\n* The Sydney - As much as I love Jake's, sometimes it gets a bit crowded for my tastes and The Sydney has live music, so I went that way.\n* Barrett's - Great patio, good crowd, and my favorite reuben in town.\n* O'Leavers - Super dirty hipster filth, but I can't stay away on $1 PBR bottle night. Plus, their jukebox is excellent.", "score": 3 } ]
[NEW TEAM] Costume QA ( Manager(s) needed )
Hey guys. Following up on [this post](http://www.reddit.com/r/hawkthorne/comments/zh3f9/wanted_costume_qa_reviewers/) about starting a Costume QA team, here is the list of volunteers that have signed up: * [sillyboots](http://www.reddit.com/user/sillyboots) * [mysterymagicbox](http://www.reddit.com/user/mysterymagicbox) * [kickpuncher08](http://www.reddit.com/user/kickpuncher08) * [KidCuDiWINS](http://www.reddit.com/user/KidCuDiWINS) * [Suspicious_37](http://www.reddit.com/user/Suspicious_37) * [bluecanaryflood](http://www.reddit.com/user/bluecanaryflood) * [errol333](http://www.reddit.com/user/errol333) * [notaredfox](http://www.reddit.com/user/notaredfox) * [BuckyBrewer](http://www.reddit.com/user/BuckyBrewer) * [FindTheNumberCocanut](http://www.reddit.com/user/FindTheNumberCocanut) If you're not on the list and would like to be, please let me know. Now, of the people listed here, we need to get one or two people that will be responsible for managing the team, ensuring QA reviews are being done on costumes prior to submission, making sure that costumes aren't falling through the cracks and keeping the [new costume spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmWu3Lwx1gaMdHZieml1OFBwalFwLU5tc2xZb0Njc2c#gid=0) up to date. (Thanks to [edisonout](http://www.reddit.com/user/edisonout) for making the new spreadsheet, btw) Ideally, the managers should know they will have the time and dedication required to keep things up to date. Volunteer today!
[ { "body": "I'm happy to keep working on the spreadsheet, keeping it up to date and checking which costumes have been submitted or have been added to the game. \n\nI'd be useless at actually checking the costume sheets themselves though - I don't have an eye for detail but am willing to manage other volunteers.", "score": 6 } ]
Hackintosh Budget build
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6zM) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6zM/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6zM/benchmarks/) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i5-2300 2.8GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80623i52300) | $176.49 @ SuperBiiz **Motherboard** | [Intel DP67DEB3 Micro ATX LGA1155 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-motherboard-boxdp67deb3) | $103.12 @ Amazon **Memory** | [Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmx8gx3m2a1333c9) | $26.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Crucial M4 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/crucial-internal-hard-drive-ct128m4ssd2) | $94.99 @ Microcenter **Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100355l) | $195.98 @ Newegg **Case** | [XClio Touch 320 ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xclio-case-touch320) | $40.99 @ Newegg **Power Supply** | [Cooler Master Elite Power 400W ATX12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-power-supply-rs400psari3us) | $28.99 @ SuperBiiz **Optical Drive** | [Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/lite-on-optical-drive-ihas124-04) | $15.99 @ SuperBiiz | | **Total** | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $683.54 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-09-21 11:56 EDT-0400 | Getting ready to purchase and build for a designated hackintosh. Not planning to OC.
[ { "body": "I thought AMD 7xxx series cards aren't supported. \n\nAlso the motherboard might be troublesome. You're better off using a Intel (z77, b75) Gigabyteboard.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I'm not sure why you chose that motherboard, but I don't think anybody has ever installed Mac OS X on it before. You'd be better off choosing a motherboard from tonymacx86's [CustoMac recommendations](http://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/search/label/CustoMac).\n\nAlso, the AMD Radeon 6900 and 7000 series of graphics cards are incompatible. Consider getting a GTX 660 Ti instead.", "score": 3 } ]
How to tell my therapist what I really think?
Back in August, I was hospitalized for having suicidal thoughts. After I for out I was required to continue going to the place that sent me there, CSB, for therapy. However, my therapist is a moron. Of the things she has done, here are the ones that bother me the most. The first one is pretty stupid. She asked me how old my dad was when he died, and I told her he was 48. She said he might have been lying about his age. Um... What? What does that have to do with anything? He was born in 1960, yesterday would have been his 52nd birthday, and I can count just fine. Second, she started saying my ex, who I'm still friends with, was probably looking for a way out of the relationship with me, because I told her he had become distant at one point. Thank you so much, I obviously didn't have low enough self-esteem in the first place, and then you tell me that he's only friends with me to use me? The last was when I told her my other friend, who was once a very good friend, admitted to abandoning me when I needed her most. My therapist said that was in the past and to forget it. Why couldn't she have said that about my relationship, too? That's what she's like. But the people at CSB aren't very kind, and I'm afraid that if I tell my therapist she sucks and needs to go back to college until she has a PhD, that she'll send me back to the hospital. And the hospital traumatized me. Badly. What can I possibly say to her to let her know she's making me feel worse, and like I should kill myself do I don't have to be forced to see her every week for the next six months? (They had me sign a form that said that. Seriously.) TL;DR: My therapist is a nutcase that makes me want to kill myself. What's the best way to tell her she sucks so she won't over react?
[ { "body": "If I were in your position, I would tell her that the treatment isn't going as well as either of us expected and that I would like to try something new. \nAs I'm saying this, she might interject as to why the treatment isn't going well, likely placing the brunt of the blame on me; if she does this, my suspicions of her unsympathetic nature are confirmed. At that point, the relationship would be irreparably broken in my eyes, and I'd begin my search for a new therapist. \nIf she chooses instead to listen, I'd conclude that she deserves a second chance. To make that second chance more worthwhile for the both of us, I'd tell her exactly what she did that made me feel worse and subsequently explain why these things aggravated my condition. I'd gauge her once again; if she offers excuses but refuses to acknowledge even the possibility any wrongdoing on her part, I'd treat it as the same as her not listening and promptly begin my search for a new therapist.\n\nWell, that's just what I would do. I hope it gives you an idea about what your course of action could possibly be.", "score": 3 } ]
I think... I don't like anal...
I was with my "manfriend" last night and I just plain hated it. Maybe it was to big? I was just uncomfortable. Bros, what do I do? Do I tell him I do not want to fuck anymore, or do I move on... Please help. UPDATE: OMG GUYS SO MANY MESSAGES. I went to sleep cause I had a headache from the sex,(not. even. kidding.) and thank you guys for the info. Some back ground story, We arent in a relationship and see each other ever so often. I dont know if he wants one. I was tense and I used a lot of lube. There was one guy when we fucked in was magical. It slide right in an felt amazing. I think I just need to call it off with this one. Update 2: Thanks you guys. I will try it a few more time. I will take control and let him know what I want. Also, The magical sex was done with spit as lube, maybe my ass doesnt like the water-based lubes. Will test. :) You guys are great. Thank you for being the community I can love and learn how to make love with. Stay up bros.
[ { "body": "Tell him you didn't enjoy it, but of course make it clear that it isn't about his performance (since that doesn't sound like the issue right now). Being open and honest about sex is best. And you should not feel compelled to do things you don't enjoy. If that ultimately means that you and he aren't \"compatible\" in bed, then you'll have to decide how or whether to continue being together.\n\nIt's OK not to like buttsecks. It doesn't mean you're a bad homo, although from another guy who isn't interested in anal, I'll just say that some things you read online make it seem that way.", "score": 25 }, { "body": "If you want good advice you have to provide more info. Was this your first time? How big *was* he? How thick? How did he do it? Did you have any control? Did he go slow? These are all important factors\n\nFor some people, bottom takes a lot of practice. Getting some toys (A butt plug, dildo, etc), a lot of lube and taking an evening or two to practice with yourself (or with an understanding, patient manfriend) can do wonders. At the very least, plan an evening with a dude that will just be a practice run (i.e., he shouldn't plan to be slamfucking you that evening). Use tons of lube, go really slow and have him give you the control. Don't try to rush anything, or start moving to fast, just get used to the feeling of having a cock inside you. You're young. The dick isn't going anywhere. Take your time.\n\nIf after some kind of trial period like this, you find you still don't like bottoming, well, that's okay. Some people don't. Some people don't like topping either. Which is to say, some people just don't like anal sex. I personally don't love it. IT's not the be-all/end-all of sex acts for me. It's just another thing in the repertoire that I'll pull out when the time is right.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "You don't say whether it was the 1st time or 50th time?\n \nMost guys don't like it the first couple times. Its a very 'unique' feeling but trust me, it gets better with practice... ;-)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "You are not the only one who doesn't like it. Anal is not a requirements of being gay or liking sex with guys. It's why some are tops and some bottoms. Relax. Just speak to your friend and tell him its not your thing. For the record I tried it a few times and I can also say it's really just not for me. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "The answer to nearly all sex questions is \"Talk to your partner about it.\" I mean, if you want to have sex like a grown-up, you have to be able to talk about it like a grown-up. If you don't talk to him, he's just going to get hurt and confused as to why you're pulling away, sexually.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "First, not all gay men have anal sex, about 30% dislike it, and only about 33% of those surveyed said they had it in their last sexual encounter.\n\nSecond, if it was your first time you were probably both tense and nervous, like I was, which will make it painful. Size is also a factor, but less than you think. Unless he has a fucking monster cock if you've had experience and he's a good partner you'll be fine (if he does have a monster cock... Call me maybe?).\n\nBest way to find out if you will like anal is not by having anal sex. It's by pleasuring yourself and using it as a masturbation tool, fingering and such before moving up to dildos and the like. You can take it at your own pace and use as much lube as you need to without worrying about performance or anything else. After you feel comfortable with it, you'll either like it or not like it, but don't discount it on your first encounter.\n\nAnyways, if you want to tell him you didn't Ike it, just say that it was painful and you're not sure if you're ready to bottom for him. If he gets pissy then he's an asshole and probably not good in bed (something I've noticed is that the best people in bed are the ones that care about their PARTNERS pleasure, and not their own). ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Okay, no guarantees this will work, but as a bottom, here is my standard practice to make sure I'm loosened up before we go at it:\n\nThe top lies on his back and doesn't move. I sit on his dick. If it's been a while since I've had a good dicking, I go VERY SLOWLY. By being on top (as the bottom), you're in control of how fast and how deep his dick goes in. You very well may want to sit on it, and then not move it for minutes. Just let it sit in there. Do something else while you take your time to adjust. Lean forward and make out with him (this may depend on relative height, and some flexibility, but I've never had a problem with it) or something else.\n\nOh, and one more thing: take the time to finger yourself regularly in the shower. For the first time, start out with one finger. Eventually after a while (days, weeks, whatever pace feels comfortable) move up to two, then three, and so on (well, you can stop before you're fisting yourself).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Just keep blowing him. Don't worry. Many guys don't do anal, oral is easier and cleaner... and tastier ;)", "score": 3 } ]
Why do you like self post Friday?
I am not a fan, but I'd like to hear reasons why you like it and think it should continue. Maybe I'll develop an appreciation for it, knock on wood.
[ { "body": "I don't know if I love it, but one thing I like is that it's sort of a weekly \"reboot\" of the subreddit. I feel like Saturday is a fresh start with new stuff, the old stuff having been mostly out of sight for 24-ish hours. \n\n", "score": 16 }, { "body": "I don't know. It's cool cause it engages you in a different way than regular r/trees. I like hearing the stories of fellow ents. It makes me feel like I'm around a big internet bonfire and everyone is telling stories and sharing good vibes. Man I love self post friday.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I like reading about other peoples lives and learning how other people live the ENT lifestyle. Definitely an insight into how intelligent and accepting this community really is.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't really like it ... but I don't really hate it either .. I just find myself spending a fraction of the time I normally do on trees durin self post friday", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I enjoy it because it is a Karma-less day. No chance to Karma whore, so things appear a bit more genuine. ", "score": 3 } ]
What foods won't be around in 50 years?
I just pulled salmon out of my freezer, and imagined my future grandchildren asking me to tell them how salmon tasted.
[ { "body": "Probably bananas. The bananas we eat today are not the same species as the bananas that \"we\" ate 30-40 years ago. Those were wiped out by disease. If the current species is wiped out, there's really nothing the same as current bananas to take their place. And, there is a disease that is known to affect these bananas. If it ever spreads widely, which is likely, we won't have bananas anymore.\n\nhttp://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2995/are-bananas-about-to-become-extinct", "score": 16 }, { "body": "In 50 years you will be able to choose between grey flavorless food cubes and brown flavorless food cubes.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "We'll probably lose a few candy bars I think Babe Ruths or Pay Days may disappear at some point in the future. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Corn Syrup will likely be replaced with something else lower calorie and cheaper to make. Heinz has already started to genetically engineer their tomatoes so that they can use less corn syrup.", "score": 3 } ]
ELI5: Can someone explain why so many are for the death penalty in America?
Looking at all the actual facts, the typical death penalty process ends up costing a lot more then just sentencing someone to life in prison. Also there's no support at all to the notion that it would work as a deterrent to people committing crimes, and last but not least there's tons of cases where it turns out that people were innocent *after* they were executed or while they were on death row. The only possible argument is that it's better justice to the families of the victims and a more fit punishment, but it just doesn't weigh up all the other stuff and in a way spending the rest of your days locked up is more of a punishment than just being executed right away, I just don't get why anyone would be for it.
[ { "body": "I've noticed that questions with the same basic structure have been coming up pretty frequently. Since the question's already got at least one very good answer, let me say something about that instead.\n\nAny question of the form \"Why do so many people support the status quo\" really needs to be rethought from the get-go. Whether we're talking about capital punishment (as here) or free-market health care (which came up yesterday) or whatever, the fact is that wondering why the status quo has a broad base of support is inherently specious.\n\nThings *are how they are.* We can all agree on that, because it's obvious. The way things are now is the way things are now. For pretty much any specific thing you can name, a *minority* of the population strongly wants a change in the status quo. Why always a minority? Because if were a *majority* then there already *would have been a change,* and there'd be a *different status quo.*\n\nBut you can't really flip that around. Since only a minority strongly want a change, then the majority must strongly want to maintain the status quo … right? Wrong. It's not necessarily true that most people strongly support — or even weakly support — the status quo. All you can count on (because it's true far more often than it's not) is that a minority want a change, and a majority *don't want a change.*\n\nSo the question really ought not be \"Why are so many Americans in favor of the death penalty.\" The question really ought to be either \"*Are* many Americans in favor of the death penalty\" or \"Why are *some* Americans in favor of the death penalty\" or whatever.\n\nIn this case, the data paint a more complex picture than you might guess. According to Gallup (a respected research company that conducts opinion polls) 35% of Americans oppose capital punishment in all cases. That's about one in three Americans who suggest that they would support an outright ban on the practice, no exceptions.\n\nOn the other side we have 61% of Americans who say that they would support the use of the death penalty *in at least some* cases … but of those people, one in four (25%) says the death penalty is used *too frequently.* That is, we're looking at about 47 million Americans who think the death penalty should not be abolished, but that it should be used less than it currently is.\n\nSo the opinion of America collectively is a lot more nuanced than you might think.\n\nGeneralizing about opinions is really difficult. I don't mean the \"why\" of it — generalizing about *why* people have certain opinions borders on impossible a lot of the time. I just mean it's tricky to generalize about *what people think.* It's hard to say that \"so many Americans are for the death penalty\" when such a huge number of Americans think it's used too much.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "It's a question of justice for most, and most would probably want to streamline the process so it costs less. You're basically dealing with a set of people who have very different views on what justice is and how it's enacted, with a much stronger emphasis on punishment than rehabilitation. Criminals have committed a crime and must face the consequences of their actions. \n\nTo get more in depth, advocates for the death penalty typically follow a much more rigid, rule based view of morality. Break the rules and you ought to be punished - get their just deserts as it were. It's an \"eye for an eye\" kind of thing. And you must admit, there is a certain elegant symmetry to it. The harmony of society has been disrupted and in order to restore it there must be an equal reaction. Think Rorschach in \"The Watchmen\". Evil must be punished, and for this there can be no compromise. \n\nAnd this is why certain arguments against the death penalty will always fail to sway certain people. Too expensive? Doesn't matter, justice has to be served. Innocent victims? Tragic, but acceptable because there's a bigger picture to consider. Criminals who remain alive after they've murdered someone haven't repaid their debt to society for disrupting the natural order of things. They view them being alive as an *injustice*.\n\nIn short, you have to realize that the very basis of their moral outlook *requires* that the death penalty be instituted, that there can be no justice without it. We liberals tend to view things in much more ambiguous terms. Is it good for society? Does the cost outweigh the benefit? Should we consider the hardships of the criminal as a mitigating factor? None of these things matter to them. We are the Jean Valjean to their Javer.", "score": 4 } ]
What are some of your all-time favorite guitar distortion tones? I'll start...
[Bugman by Blur](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySMNgYoajEw) and [Blue Orchid by the White Stripes](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9SatFGAenU). Bugman just has the most full, unbelievable tone I can think of. Blue Orchid, on the other hand, has this amazing overblown/gated, almost synth-like quality to it (find better quality versions and listen with headphones to get the full effect). What do you guys have?
[ { "body": "John Mayer's tone.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhxBaqpfFCE\n\nDave Gilmour's tone\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nzIKAhNTW0&t=4m29s\n\nBig fan of the dirty strat neck pickup tone", "score": 12 }, { "body": "The whole album \"Slaughter of the Soul\" by At The Gates has a seriously unique tone.\n\nAlso anything on \"From Mars to Sirius\" by Gojira, especially \"Flying Whales\"\n\nFinally, the Smashing Pumpkins song \"Rocket\" off \"Siamese Dream\"", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I guess I just like distortions that sound like tube overdrives but heavier.\n\nEDIT - Now that I think about it I also like the \"wall-of-sound\" distortion/fuzz style. Lots of gain with some reverb or delay to make it sound like you're playing with a thousand-foot-tall amp. Like [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDMiDCp6y5U). 2:44 is the sound I'm talking about.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "The tone J Mascis gets on this solo is the greatest thing ever.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJGLp33KsFE", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Playing through 2 sunn model T's helps alot on the tone [but mike is just a bad ass](http://youtu.be/2hyVW9z18To?t=1m54s)", "score": 5 }, { "body": "The guitar tone from the Havok album Time Is Up. Tight and clear, the way metal distortion should be.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Man! Bugman! Blur! People don't talk about this enough.\n\nI'm actually not a big Blur guy, but I love love love \"Bugman\" and the record it's from, *13*.\n\nCoxon got that distortion by pairing a Rat with a DOD Punkifier, which is a completely insane shit/awesome distortion/fuzz pedal from the 90s. On its own it can produce weird, unnatural sounding distortion and skronky keyboard noises. Paired with the Rat, you can release total sonic armageddon. Another song from *13*, \"[Trimm Trabb](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf0VntRIg1o)\", does this to excellent effect as well. I love how the song projects this air of...detached coolness in the face of heartache (\"I sleep alone/That's just the way it is\") as the mounting intensity of the guitars and the eventual noise blowout at the end reveal the true feelings underlying it. Killer songwriting.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "[1970](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0396_bsM5eY) by Boris, [AM 180](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01tL_YOsrCo) by Grandaddy, and [Snow Brigade](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivoYMJq2kiI&feature=player_detailpage#t=42s) by Mew. Bonus: [Cusack Sub Fuzz](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqj0F1D2I_U)\n\nI'm a huge fan of really blown out, velcro-like, and garagey sounding fuzz. I also just really love fuzzes and distortion sounds that you pretty much have to struggle to have any control over.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Matt Pike's tone on Sleep's \"DopeSmoker\"\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dZFH2M_9VY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dZFH2M_9VY)\n\nJoe Walsh's tone in this live performance of \"Walk Away\" by The James Gang\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EdWQ8hX4Ik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EdWQ8hX4Ik)\n\nAnything by Sunn O)))\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VDGDsvEnDs&feature=related](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VDGDsvEnDs&feature=related)\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Can't believe it hasn't been said yet. [Working Man](http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=iIGKlicb8n0) by Rush. Lifeson recorded over his first track to get that thick, heavy tone. \n\nEdit: Or [China Grove](http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=jQLjMfUQnmk) by the Doobie Brothers. ", "score": 3 } ]
What is the easiest way to clean a DAVIDsTea steeper?
Hi everyone! I just bought David'sTea's version of the ingenuitea. However, last night when I tried to clean out the leaves, I found it to be a difficult and messy process. This probably means I'm doing something wrong. Has anyone found an easy way to remove the leaves from these magical leaf-juice makers?
[ { "body": "Fill 1/3 of way with water, dump out leaves. Rinse pot again. Anything stuck in the stainer, pop it out and rinse. Press valve to rinse that out and empty pot. Shake dry, place on countertop. Run garbage disposal.", "score": 5 } ]
Give us one song in your original language that will transcend the language boundaries and is awesome for everyone around the world!
I'll start! This would be my [Musical ambassador for The Netherlands](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjER3EX948w) it's in slang though, so not proper dutch, but this song appeals to people from all over the world I think!!! GIVE ME YOUR BEST, INTERNATIONAL REDDITERS!
[ { "body": "Forgive me speeling, english is not native speak to me.\n\n[గూచీ మనే - వంటగది లో](http://youtu.be/KCil-kLGkvc?t=1m4s)\n\nThis is old music for motivation while doing chores of the field and homestead. \n\nThe first verse:\n\"Dirteh dowsa dowa fuh da so aaysheh skwah. (DAMN!) Dowsa pun deo por da sho ayshe bois. (YEAH) Guchie on queerry isha show isha shark. (UUGGHH) Shelleh white chock tryn duk dees darts.\"\n\nTranslated into English:\n\"The people of my country are work hard, we don't stop until there is equality in the mother nation. Don't let the evil government take what is yours and tell you what to do. Now everybody, lets dance on the ceiling. Bart Simpson is King.\"\n\nIt is what we sing when we work in farmland. It helps us get through the day so we can bring our hard-earned money home to feed children.", "score": 18 }, { "body": "Falco, a Austrian Legend \n\n[Junge Römer](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu8lSKaqM_0)\n\n[Vienna Calling](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyRPH0cfMeg)", "score": 16 }, { "body": "Portuguese Carlos Paredes.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj35QkOVm-E\n\nYou don't actually need lyrics. Just listen to the song", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Irish (Gaeilge)\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zCRh78StwY\n\nSeamus Ennis - An poc ar buile (the mad puck goat) There's folk music, folk hero and folk legend, Ennis is all three.\n\n\nAfrikaans & Xhosa\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbW9JqM7vho\n\nDie Antwoord - Evil Boy", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Serge Gainsbourg And Jane Birkin : Je t'aime, moi non plus.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Fa4lOQfbA", "score": 5 }, { "body": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p00Pt2KzHI\n\nFrom Belgium, wit lof.\n\nLyrics in english:\n\nTwo girls on the beach\n\nthey read fashion magazines\n\nthey look around\n\nthey dream of a Prince\n\n°\n\ntwo girls on the beach\n\nthey read fashion magazines\n\nthey look around\n\nthey dream of a Prince\n\n°\n\nthey look in their bag\n\nThey point to the pictures\n\nthey shake their hair\n\nthey talk with a friend\n\n°\n\ntwo girls on a shelf\n\ncarried by the waves\n\nthe burning of the Sun\n\nthe clock arrows cease\n\n°\n\nthe day brings old age\n\nthe night brings strange hours\n\nthe blanket is so heavy\n\na page is turned", "score": 5 }, { "body": "(NSFW) Arabic song -Ntaha el keteb with great music, it is against Racism and abuse of domestic workers. I can not stop listning to it, in my car and at home, it is so powerful in every way that on many occasions , I have not realised that I am playing it in the presence of my kids. It is NSFW for Arabic people only, as it starts with a nasty Arabic expletive.\nThe original is better quality than that on youtube:\nhttp://www.ramymaalouf.com\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifs1cPBbhIE\nthe Music of Ramy Maalouf is awesome and gives the best of Arabic music in a contemporary style.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "[Tom Jobim - Garota de Ipanema, with a bit of Sinatra.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--fJVdKoocs)\n\nyep.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "An Dreoilin (The Wren) An Irish song about a man's wren that was eaten by his cat. This is the club mix:\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dJ5zcNUROk\n\nWe would dance to this at Irish Language School discos. So tacky...", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Higher State of Consciousness by Josh Wink.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcSuM_G1AZw\n\nIt's a love song in robotese about the TB303 going on a date with a drum loop. Very romantic.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAIVE8_gy6Y\n\nOne of the most famous croatian singers and one of his most known songs.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Not mine, but I love this band. They are Norwegian. (There are tons of Finnish bands that I love too, but too lazy to put them up.)\n\n[Kaizer's Orchestra - Bak Et Hallelujah](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrel37KKd0). \n\nAlso, bonus! [Maestro](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOiQOjz_HSY).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I am not Icelandic, but I am big fan of [Sigur Ros](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmXMA34CeoQ&feature=related)", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The Pillows - Ride On Shooting Star\n\n(Japanese)\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9rrVZIlpJA\n\nI Think I Can\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtcxlZP4fo&feature=related\n\nBran New Love Song\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hH7IqTuUM4&feature=related\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The language is Catalan. [Hansel i Gretel by Joan Miquel Oliver](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcT2lH6LWDw)", "score": 3 }, { "body": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZP-4B7kHqA Beautiful song! An Irish woman singing of her love heading off to war. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Wa6R9Z576Yg&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DWa6R9Z576Yg\n\nMi swing es tropical. \nPuerto Rico! ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOYN9qNXmAw \n- India\n\nThis is also used in opening and ending credits of the movie Inside Man.", "score": 3 } ]
Staying in Gatineau (Aylmer) for the weekend. Does anyone know where I can rent a sailboat dinghy for use on the Ottawa river ?
I think the title says it all. I am an albacore owner however I didn't bring my boat with me. Looking to rent a cl16, albacore or equivalent for a day. Thanks !
[ { "body": "There's actually a sailboat rental place at the marina in Aylmer. I know you can rent lasers and lasers II, and I wouldn't be suprised if you could get something better. It's at the marina of course wich is straight down pincipale road.\n\nhttp://cvgr.qc.ca/", "score": 3 } ]
Educate me: Acid Jazz/Nu Jazz
Hello r/Music. I have 9+ hours a day at work to listen to whatever music I want and lately I've been wanting to expand my musical knowledge and appreciation. I want to make this a weekly post with a new genre every week. With each genre I would love suggestions of artists that will increase or develop my interest. I'm going to start with genres that I already have some knowledge and interest in, but would like to eventually move to ones I know nothing about. I have a big academic interest in ethnomusicology, so I know quite a lot about traditional music in many different cultures. Other than that I enjoy mainly classical, folk, and some electronic music. I would like to start with acid and nu jazz. Right now, I have a very basic knowledge of these genres, but I like it. Any history or recommendations you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks **EDIT** Thanks to all the suggestions so far and to those yet to come. I need to get some work done now, but thanks to you all I have some good music to help me out.
[ { "body": "I have all of these albums and can recommend them as good starting places (by the way, one person's \"acid jazz\" is another one's \"downtempo\", but these are all cut from the same cloth, in my opinion):\n\nErik Truffaz - Mantis\n\nFunki Porcini - Hed Phone Sex \n\nJazzanova - The Remixes 1997-2000\n\nNicholas Payton - Sonic Trance\n\nNils Petter Molvaer - Solid Ether\n\nBugge Westhoff - Moving\n\nThievery Corporation - Mirror Conspiracy\n\nZero 7 - The Simple Things\n\nSt. Germain - Boulevard\n\nMarc Moulin - Top Secret\n\nCinematic Orchestra - Motion\n\nJaga Jazzist - A Livingroom Hush", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Dont know if this is within the realm, but Check out these songs by Jaga Jazzist\n\nJaga Jazzist - Airborne, The Stix, Lithuania, Touch of Evil, Low Battery.\n\nIf you have Spotify, they have all of their music up there.\n\nHope you enjoy them as much as I do!\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Can't believe no one mentioned this:\n\n[St. Germain - So Flute](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7YZqD7dZcQ)", "score": 3 } ]
Help me out guys! I seriously can't decide between UMF or EDCLV.
Seriously, Help me out. Convince me. I have missed both events for the past two years and this time I WILL be going to one of them. But i seriously cant decide. Pros and Cons of both?
[ { "body": "I've never been to UMF so I'm sure I'm slightly bias but I chose EDC Vegas because it's at night. Plain and simple. The sun setting starts the party and there's nothing better than the sunrising with your favorite music playing. The production in Vegas is also more festival atmosphere like because it's at night where as in Miami it appears to be more like a concert until the sun goes down when lights can be used better.\n\nVegas is tougher to get to so people put more into it to have a great time. Miami seems simpler so it's not as maybe appreciated?\n\nThe biggest downside to Vegas is the getting to and from the festival but as long as you leave when the shuttles first start you'll get there without any issues. If you stay until the end it's not that bad and just fall asleep on the shuttle back. If you have a late start expect for a longer travel time.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "EDC hands down\n\nI've been to both, and EDC is the more fun, life changing experience.\n\nUltra is like going to a crazy club, EDC is like going to a circus on Mars", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Went to both this year. UMF wins in my opinion.\n\n**EDC**\n\n**Pros:** At night, pretty magical adult playground once you're inside, free water, good music, and if you're from Cali it's a short drive. \n\n**Cons:** 3 hours to get to the party on night 1, 3 hours to get back because we stayed until the end. You pretty much have to show up early and leave early if you want to get there and back at a reasonable time. This was a deal breaker for me. It completely stressed me out to the point where I almost couldn't enjoy myself at the party. Night 3 was great, but seriously, fuck the traffic. Every hotel checkin line was about 2hours long for some reason. The reason it's at night is because it's hot as fuck during the day. And at night it was still super hot, which isn't a problem until you're stuck in a traffic line while the sun is coming up and it starts to roast you.\n\n**Summary:** Although quite magical on the inside, everything outside of the venue was terrible and enough to make it not fun and not worth it. If I had to do it differently, i'd drive my own car, get a better hotel room, and show up early and leave early each day.\n\n**UMF**\n\n**Pros:** You can get a hotel literally across the street from the venue. There are a shitton of other parties going on because of WMC. The main stage is the biggest stage i've ever seen, it was crazy. It's Miami, it was beautiful. Ultra has embraced gloving as an art form. Miss your favorite DJ? You can prolly see him at an after party somewhere in town. The sets in general were pretty badass, everyone was on their A-game.\n\n**Cons:** Cab drivers to south beach try to over charge. If you're westcoast the plane ticket will cost you more, I was living in Austin at the time so it wasn't as much as if I were to go now, (living in CA). If you're into the whole art installation stuff that insomniac sets up, you won't find much of that at ultra. I can't say anything bad about the actual party, it was amazing. Water is $4.\n\n**Summary:** Ultra won this year in my opinion. The disaster that was the EDC parking lot combined with night 2 shutting down early made it difficult to enjoy EDC. At Ultra, it was a vacation. We got to go to southbeach, see deadmau5 play at a club after party, we walked across the street to party at ultra all three days, it was a great time.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "best things about UMF: better dj's than EDC, but honestly WMC is miles better than UMF. the actual festival isn't that awesome.\n\nbest things about EDC: production like you have never seen. this party is more about the sensory overload than the music. it goes all night which makes it a ton of fun. also the parties during the week got better last year so if you want to keep it going you can.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "EDC is from dusk till dawn, I believe UMF ends at 11pm at night. \n\nSecond, EDC doesn't have down time between sets. They had smooth transitions last year and the music never stopped! ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "If you're in college this may apply to you: This past year EDC was during finals week for many colleges. EDC 2013 will be push back further to accommodate for that.\nA big factor for me came down to wanting my festival experience during the day or at night:\n\nUMF is during the day into the early night and the rest of the night is usually spent at local miami clubs/smaller venues. The plus side of the Miami venue is that you don't have to sit in a car for a couple hours like trying to get from the vegas strip to the EDC raceway venue, you can just walk if you stay close enough. But standing in a massive crowd with the sun... no bueno. Fun! but Hot! \n\nEDC is the opposite where you do the day clubs at casino pools/clubs and the festival is at night. One thing I dreaded was the traffic going there is horrible unless your go early enough or take a helicopter (yes its an option but will cost you about a few grand lol). I think EDC does a better job at crowd interaction and experience. They have their own in house as well as contracted performers that intermingle with the general population. And the LIGHTS & FIREWORKS AT NIGHT! Breathtaking.\n\nMY OPINION: If you can only choose one, i'd have to go ahead and say I think you'll have a better time at EDC (as long as there arent anymore Sandstorms lol). The lights at night are a big plus for me as well as all of the carnival rides. and general festival experience. [Tell me this doesn't make you want to rage at night with all the pretty lights instead](http://youtu.be/ty_3egPmXZE?hd=1). And its Vegas baby... Vegas...", "score": 3 }, { "body": "A little late but here is my completely biased opinion.\n\nI have only gone to EDCLV and it was this last year. It was my first rave and my first massive obviously and it was absolutely fucking amazing. Obviously that is easy to say but let me put it this way. It was completely last second and all of our plans were botched and ridiculous and my friend got us stuck in some stupid motel far away from the strip and was too stubborn to go somewhere else or crash at other peoples rooms. He brought his ex girlfriend for some stupid reason and it stressed me the hell out. We got separated the last day and he was the one holding the smuggled goods into the place and I didn't find him until like midnight. The phones didn't work and we lost each other a few times. We got there late every single fucking night and missed a number of acts that I was dying to see because of him and his stupid ex. His ex took some pill and started flipping out and refused to throw it up and was being dramatic as shit all the time. The wind picked up RIGHT after we got there the second night and fucked everything up..I was so pumped to see Tiesto among others. \n\nALL THAT BEING SAID. I had the most fucking amazing time ever and all of those problems (and more I didn't even bother to mention) didn't even matter because it was an absolutely amazing experience. I got there in time for Above and Beyond to start and it was my first stop! I was having the time of my life and talking to everyone I met and everyone was great. They asked me if I had ever been and I said no and everyone went out of their way to hook me up. A group of guys were chilling with me for a while and gave me their 3D firework glasses which were incredible and served as ice breakers for everyone else I met that night. I actually was going to hang out with them but we got lost in the shuffle of the set ending. However I met a new group of people from LA and chilled with them the rest of the night and just met tons of amazing people and had an awesome time. I was really down at that period of my life and at the risk of sounding dramatic EDC totally turned my life around and I came back and got my shit together and now I'm doing great (obviously not the case with everyone, but it showed me how amazing life had the potential to be). \n\nThe other nights were great too :) I'll sum it up so it's not too much to read. I got there the second night and Markus Schulz was about to start and he told us he had to stop because of the wind..I thought he was fucking with us but it turned out to be true. I then wandered the place for ages looking for anyone I knew because my phone didn't work and I had no idea what to do..I ended up staying til the very end by myself and got to listen to Armin van Buuren and Markus Schulz all night, in addition to seeing Steve Aoki going crazy for the small crowd that was still there :) an unforgettable night to say the least! (whereas my friend and his ex just gave up when the wind started and slept in the car..lame) \n\nThe third night had our issues with getting split up but I ended up finding my friend and then met up with my new friends from LA and had an amazing rest of the night..ending with Dada Life and just feeling great..\n\nAlso! The fact that it is at night is just amazing..the lights and as people have mentioned the sensory overload and just how much of an insane production everything is and how well it is put together is a huge bonus in itself. The lights and shows and just everything makes it an experience more than just some event or show...I am buying my tickets for next year the second they come on sale :).\n\nTLDR: Tons of shit went wrong for me and I still had the best time of my life this year :).", "score": 3 } ]
Question about Paul Heyman...
If you follow Paul Heyman on Twitter you will notice that often times, SUPER HOT chicks tweet him and he seems to be involved in something called Hustle Booty Temp Tats. I can't really figure out what this is all about. Does Heyman run a temporary tattoo company and why is he friends with all these models?
[ { "body": "They are \"Heyman Hustle\" temporary tattoos. He tries to get them to place them on their behinds and then tweet him pics. \n \nHe does this because he is a dirtbag. It's not an act on TV.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "He has (had?) a thing, [Heyman Hustle](http://www.heymanhustle.com) where he interviewed various \"celebrities\". Those women are usually involved in that.", "score": 7 } ]
Women of OKC, how would you take an apology?
So, early this month, I went on the 4th date with a woman. We had already kissed on a previous date. During the date we kissed quite a few more times. We went back to her place and sat watching TV. After the shows were over we started making out. I don't remember who started it, might have been me, but I didn't get any indications that she wasn't ~~was~~ into it as well. I didn't have sex on the mind, because I purposely didn't come prepared and it would remain that way for awhile longer. She didn't tell me to stop, no, or anything. There was a bit of heavy petting involved (on my part). After awhile she stopped it. We kissed some more and I left. She waved at bye out her window. I felt things were going well. This is the best match I've ever dated. Well, she tried calling Tues, but I missed the call. I tried calling her back about an hour later. Thurs comes around and I leave her a message to see about dinner. She calls me back immediately and says, "that's she's not feeling it." She tells me that I'm a nice guy, but it's clear she doesn't want to see me again. Damn...that sucked. Anyway, after a lot of self-analyzing, I figured I went too far that night. Then again, maybe I didn't do anything wrong and she just didn't feel it. Either way, I'm moving on. BUT I still feel incredible guilty and would like to at least text her an apology for possibly crossing a line. Would this sort of thing freak you out? I really have no hopes that this would fix things, it's more of guilt driven thing. I don't want to creep her out.
[ { "body": "There's nothing to apologize for here. This is just a standard phase in the extended 'sniff test' between potential partners. Plus, as a woman (and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of guys) I can be really into something in the moment, but will realize later on that I don't want to go back there for whatever reason. We all change a bit when we're sexually aroused, and are open to different things in that state. However, when all the hormones and whatnot fade, that openness can disperse. Sounds like that's what happened here. Feeling bad about this is like feeling guilty that the leaves are all about to die and fall. It's all just nature, and a part of life. ", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Somehow, as a 36 year old female, this story makes me no longer want to date online. Seriously you went to an adult person's home, presumably, you were on a 4th date and suddenly she isn't feeling it to the point you feel a need to apologize for *going too far* which didn't involve sex.\n\nIn a nutshell: people online are really damaged and fucked up.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "I have noticed this myself. Ive had girls tell me they didnt want to see me because im too nice, too mean, too good, too kind, to sexy, to bland, too sexual, too prude and everything in between. \n\nbasically... they arent for you. Either they need to work things out themselves or they just dont want to mesh well. \n\n\"You can bring a horse to water, but you cant make him drink\"\n\nYou dodged a bullet. Just move on and treat the next one well. Be yourself and eventually you'll find a good one. Dont let this one ruin others for you. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Maybe she realized she was just going through the motions and wasn't really feeling it. Sometimes we don't realize how we really feel about something till we're in the middle of it. Or maybe she found someone she likes more. There are dozens of reasons she could not be into you and very few of them actually have to do with you. I would just leave it be.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Do not apologize. You have no idea what she's thinking. She said to stop and you respected her wishes. \n\nIn fact, put it out of your mind entirely. Erase your recently called list. We all make mistakes when dating and pinning about it won't help (I should know!). I understand the guilt you feel...but give it time and occupy your thoughts on something productive or fun. Best of luck!", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I'd say don't apologize. You could have been more clear it seems asking if she was ok with everything, she should have been more clear if she was not ok with something. And ultimately, she decided that it wouldn't have worked out for her for some reason or another.\n\nThis happens. It sucks at times, but it happens. Onwards to finding a better suited match. :)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "There really isn't anything in your story to suggest exactly what you did wrong; it's going to be hard for you to apologize if you don't know what she's mad at you about. \n\nThat being said, there are a lot of fish in the sea and if she doesn't like you, it's probabyl better for you both to move on. \n\n", "score": 3 } ]
Best medieval joke you know. Go.
"In days of old where men were bold and rubbers weren't invented, men wore socks around their cocks and babies were prevented."
[ { "body": "In days of old when knights were bold and toilets weren't invented, they left their load upon the road and walked away contented! ", "score": 3 } ]
This gave me chills. Well said. Very well said.
"I have a nose for roses. I can also smell marijuana a mile away and tell you who lit it. This was always convenient at DMB concerts when I wasn’t holding but wanted a drag or two during my favorite song. My technique is a humble one. First, I dance my jig alongside whichever group is tokin’ up. Then I offer a smile and/or a polite bow without ever saying too much and I simply step into the rotation. I then express my gratitude with eye contact and usually mouth the words thank you while I exhale a plume of smoke, so as to delight and not bother the group with my cheap antics anymore than I already did during the music. I always liked that about pot. It brings people together in a special unspoken way. Rarely does a stranger come up to you and ask, may I have a sip of your beer. A doobie doesn’t have backwash." -Jason Mraz
[ { "body": "Im sorry but who actually does this? This sounds like you go up dance rip their weed blow smoke in their face and walk away. If your trying to smoke at a concert id rather have you come chill with me and my friends and talk to us rather than awkwardly dancin then bowing and tryin to butt into the roto sit down and talk we usually dont bite and inadvertently unless im super low this puts you in the roto", "score": 10 }, { "body": "DMB shows are the best place to be an ent. I remember i had a couple joints for alpine valley (2007 i think) and was attending solo but didnt want to smoke alone. there was a couple of dudes and a chick sitting down so i offered to share. the girl called me her 'guardian angel'. it was cute.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "If you're gonna join for a hit, stay for the whole blunt. I much prefer smoking people down when they actually hang out, it's fun meeting new people. I do love that last sentence though, \"A doobie doesn't have backwash.\"", "score": 3 }, { "body": ">A doobie doesn’t have backwash.\" \n\nNo, it just has a dirty brown asshole damp with X number of other people's saliva. Yet I will still share any time. ", "score": 3 } ]
Let's talk interplanetary aerobraking.
So ladies and gents, as many of you have probably found out by now, it takes A LOT of fuel to circularize a trajectory when entering an SOI of an interplanetary target. This severely impedes any type of return capability for the craft, so I propose a challenge: What is an effective way to set your interplanetary trajectory so that you pass *right through* your target's atmosphere, effectively killing your speed and bringing you to a landing with the fuel to make it back home? If anyone knows a way to accomplish this consistently, let us know!
[ { "body": "Aerocapture into orbit is what I'm especially interested in... aerobraking enough to get into an elliptical orbit, then burning a little to raise the periapsis back up out of the goo.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Aerobraking is fairly easy. Once you are in the planet's sphere of influence, WAY out, adjust your trajectory. Burn into the direction that you want to go to, and you can fairly easily make it pass through the atmosphere. Don't burn prograde, but 90 degrees from prograde. Make sure you do it just as you enter the sphere of influence; you will be going the slowest, and your engines will be most effective. If you wait, it simply doesn't work as well. I have only tried it once on Duma, but on Kerbin, I usually aim for a periapsis of about 20,000 meters. That is low enough to usually slow you down. If you are cruising quickly, you can aim at about 15,000. \n\nMy only landing on Duma was via aerobraking exclusively. I severely miscalculated how much cruise phase I would need, so I burned all of my descent fuel. Popped the chute, and viola, landed nicely. The same principal applies.\n\nI'm sure someone can come up with some math that states speed v. periapsis to aim for. Generally, the atmosphere is a pretty good speed limiter though, and since there is no heating (YET!), you can pretty much just aim into the atmosphere and it will do it for you. Aerocapture, however, is something I haven't tried yet. That ought to be interesting. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "When I'm 10 days out from the target planet (still in interplanetary space) I modify my trajectory at that point to bring down my periapsis to wherever I want. It's not as efficient as changing it early on, but it's still pretty efficient and you can see your changes easier on the map screen. Plus I think there's less chance that Space Cthulhu will mess with your Pe at that point.", "score": 3 } ]
Manny Steward seriously ill?
Has been in hospital for surgery due to an unnamed illness. Rumours that's it's cancer. Boxing.com have [this article](http://www.boxing.com/say_a_prayer_for_manny_steward.html) on the subject.
[ { "body": "[Diverticulosis, according to his sister.](http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1341831-boxing-legendary-trainer-emanuel-steward-battling-cancer)", "score": 4 } ]
How many of the frugalites out there are on a budget? Why or why not?
Do you feel that it is essential to be on a budget in order to achieve financial freedom? Do you feel that a budget is financially constricting or liberating? If you are on a budget, what do you use?
[ { "body": "I have a budget, but I use it mostly as a guideline. It's in Excel. I add our expenses as we go during the month, which allows me to see how each category is doing. For instance \"We spent a lot on eating out so far this month, no more for the rest of the month\" (a lot for us being twice), or \"I've already spent $150 on groceries this month, there must be enough food in the house, to sustain us to the end\".\n\nI also enjoy seeing how low I can get each category from month to month, and it helps to see where our money is going.\n\nOne thing that helped both my marraige and our budget is having a separate checking account with an \"allowance\" for both me and my husband. He can go buy as many action figures and computer parts as he wants with his money, and I can go out to drink and dance with the girls, and there's no judgement or arguing.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "If you don't budget and don't **clearly** spend less than 50% of your take-home income, it's a total disaster waiting to happen. \n\nI believe a budget is liberating. I know exactly how much I can spend. I play with my budget every single night almost, putting in the expenditures of the day, adjusting expenses for the next four months to make it work better or to make room for, say, replacing the carpets in a month. I feel so much at ease knowing my financial situation like the back of my hand.\n\nI work with Excel on a daily basis for my job and (slightly less so) my schooling, so I'm pretty much an excel master. Because of this, I created a very nice budget in Excel. I track my daily spending, plan months in advance and can wrap it all up with pretty graphs if I want (Though the only graph I have constantly updating is a cash flow graph).", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Pseudo budget on mint.com. Try to stay under the lines. The \"overall\" line at the top is more important to me. If I can consistently stay under throughout the month, I try to lower the budget a little more. It's been working good so far!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Like the other replies, I have a quasi-budget. At least 25% to savings every month right when I get my paycheck. That's essentially all I budget for. I try to keep food around $200 a month, and gas under $300. I plan 2 paychecks ahead for rent and car payment and student loans.\n\n\nAt the end of the month I end up with about 20% left over that goes towards paying down debt quicker.", "score": 3 } ]
Building six-headed beast PC for 360-degree projection surface - need motherboard ideas
Requirements: as much PCIe bandwidth as possible, room for six head ATI Eyefinity 7970, plus room for as many HD (Black Magic Intensity) capture cards as possible. We're looking at the EVGA Classified SR-X, but wondering if anyone had any other recommendations. Software will be Dataton Watchout, but we'd liek to be able to use it with anything. Will post screen cap of 360 degree Minecraft if we get any awesome suggestions.
[ { "body": "[ASRock X79 Extreme11](http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/X79%20Extreme11/) would suit you nice. If you're doing data stuff, a FirePro card may be better (or an Nvidia equivalent).\n\nThis board does support Xeons although I don't believe it supports ECC RAM.\n\nIf you want/need ECC RAM, I would look at a C606 chipset board, although I don't think a dual socket 2011 board will be necessary unless you're 3d editing or crunching HUGE amounts of data.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "If I'm interpreting this correctly, the Asrock may be ideal for us! the dual PLX PEX 8747 bridges should provide the multiplexing we need to provide the big frame transfers from the capture cards go off without a hitch. The 7970 is all I could justify for the moment (thankfully it has 6 active heads) I'd love to step up to the FirePro or Powercolor, but from what I saw they were $$$. Basically we're building an even more ambitious version of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8Bh5iI2WY (but not necessarily for just gaming sims)\n\nThere's basically two computers in the graphics side of the system , one generating the visuals (in the sample case running a triple headed Battlefield machine) and another that ingests the 3 signals and spreads them across the projectors with edge and color correction and geometric warping.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "If your not as concered w/ bandwidth as you are with just getting as much hardware connected as possible. Have you considered possibly a dell poweredge chassis?\nhttp://www.dell.com/us/business/p/poweredge-c410x/pd\n\nedit: i should note, your mobo will still have a maximum bandwidth it can support pushing bits back and forth, adding more slots either with a bigger mobo or an expansion case doesn't fix that problem. Some boards do some exotic indepedant lane stuff but that's up to the motherboard designers.", "score": 4 } ]
A Dance with Dragons stands above all other ASOIAF books (not done with the book yet!)
I just started reading ADWD this past weekend, i'm about 10 chapters in and so far this book is much more thrilling and curious than any of the other books. GRRM just flat out did a better job on this book than any of the other ones, any opinions? Personal Opinion: You can tell when Jon went from being just a tactical mind to being a certified fucking bad ass when he said [Spoiler](/b "...and hang him")
[ { "body": "[ADWD](/b \"\"Hang him\"\") was badass, but [ADWD](/b \"\"No. Fetch me a block.\"\") was just fucking epic. Hands down, THE best/most satisfying death in a series with a whole lot of death.", "score": 20 }, { "body": "ADWD is great because it brings us back to some storylines that were absent in Feast, as well as just in general being more fast-paced than Feast was.\n\nHowever, ASoS is just unbeatable in my eyes. So much crazy shit happens.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "reznak reznok ghiscarz hurrbarr herp.. that book made a mess of names in my mind, but damn it was good\n\nand yeah, Jon just becomes the most interesting character ever", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I'm going to warn you now. Just leave here and don't come back until you're done. Don't want to accidentally spoil the whole book for yourself, now do you?", "score": 7 }, { "body": "ASoS had the most action and the most that happened. I thought GRRM's writing style was better in ADWD. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Have not gotten to it yet in my re-read, but Dance didn't really blow my mind. I also didn't hate Feast as much as others seem to. They both fill the same role as Clash does, seemingly setup for the big showdowns. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I agree that ADWD was pretty damn good but Dany's chapters makes me have to put it lower than ASOS. Adventures in [](/b \"Mereenese politics is incredibly boring and it just goes on and on and on. I absolutely hated her chapters up until her last two.\")", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I prefered aSoS for a couple reasons. \n[aSoS and a bit of miniscule aDwD spoilers](/b \"1. Almost all of Dany's chapters in book 5 were ridiculously boring. I was just waiting for her to decide to go back to Westeros. \n2. There were lots many awesome/sad plot twists in a SoS\n3. Joffrey's death.\n4. The death at the end of aDwd D:\")", "score": 3 } ]
22 Days Until The Premiere Of The Walking Dead Season 3
**INACCURATE** [☺_☺](http://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=m&iso=20121014T10&year=2012&month=10&day=14&hour=10&min=0&sec=0&p0=%3a&fg1=222&fg2=000&msg=Premiere%20Of%20The%20Walking%20Dead%20Season%203)
[ { "body": "20 Days, 2 Weeks (14 days), 10 Days, One Week (7 days), 3 days, Tomorrow, Tonight.\n\nFollow that scheme or I'll find where you live and wait until you are asleep, sedate you, and leave a pack of ravenous pregnant hamsters in your underwear. Anything more than that is unnecessary and will be detrimental to your fertility.", "score": 4 } ]
Sluggy Freelance: I thought I'd share it with you guys.
[Sluggy Freelance](http://sluggy.com/) **Warning!** It updates daily, with of course the occasional break on the weekends. This comic has been running since 1997, meaning they have somewhere in the range of 4500 comics. I've followed it for 14 years now (I started when I was 12 years old) and, well, thought it might make a few of you happy. Oh- And I'll share one of my [favorites.](http://www.sluggy.com/comics/archives/daily/19990131)
[ { "body": "Pete hasn't been doing daily updates for a while now. He does Monday, Wednesday and Friday updates and filler material on weekends.\n\n*edit* Although he's got a banner on the site that says he's going back to 5 days a week on Oct 1'st... YAY!", "score": 3 } ]
Fierce Deity/Dark Link theory
I have this interesting theory about Fierce Deity and Dark Link. It goes like this: The Sheikah tribe worshipped the Fierce Deity, a very real, very live figure of great strength. The Sheikah were having problems (I don't know what) and created Majora's Mask to deal with those problems. Like the Happy Mask Salesman said, the mask started going out of control. It was too strong for any Sheikah except for the Deity himself. So the Deity pursued the mask, he pursued it for many years. In that process, the Mask gained an identity: "Majora's Wrath" it was called. Eventually, the Fierce Deity caught up with this evil figure. They fought hard and long, eventually they were both imprisoned in masks. But because the Fierce Deity was so strong, not all of his soul fit into the mask. The remainder of the Deity, however, was corrupted by the evil that didn't fit into the mask, thus creating the Dark Link. There's a lot more I have of this, if you have any questions, please ask.
[ { "body": "Very interesting theory but personally I believe it was the Twili who did all of that instead of the Shiekah.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Interesting theory, but it's already kinda explained [here](http://www.zeldadungeon.net/gallery/displayimage.php?album=134&pid=3180#top_display_media).", "score": 3 } ]
Free Interactive Programmable Stickers (US Only)
We are giving away over 100 sets of Qramel stickers – really cool interactive programmable stickers. http://info.qramel.com/free-stickers/ ------------------------------ This offer is no longer available.
[ { "body": "I have a Windows Phone. [Pretty much how I feel right now](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxWkfJ4uvV0 \"You are TEARING ME APART, LACK OF DEVELOPER SUPPORT!\").", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Those stickers are not \"programmable\"... Still kind of cool, but they are just stickers with QR codes", "score": 5 } ]
Gymnastics online stores
I'm shopping for men gymnastics apparel and grips but can't really find a trusted online store. Anyone could share their favorites? That would be much appreciated. Thanks!
[ { "body": "http://www.gibsongymnastics.com\n\nhttp://www.ten-o.com\n\nUsed these websites a lot in the past and have never had a problem.", "score": 3 } ]
so this is like a stoner biographical thing that we can all do and learn from! i'll start.
first time I smoked was in 8th grade. I'm not sure I really got high. Kept at it and now I've been smoking regularly for the past 3 years (from 8th grade onwards, I would try to smoke like once a month, I had no clue where to buy that stuff.) I play musics and work out. I start every day with weed. When I'm dry or forget to smoke, I feel so weird. I definitely self medicate with buddha. I feel like I don't do it to get high. I need to smoke a lot more than what I typically burn on a daily basis to get that "I'm so stoned" feel. I do other drugs too, but that's not what r/trees is about. Weed's like instant relaxation. I don't fucking have time to do yoga and I don't have sex three times a day, so I live with stress. I have anxiety. I get hella depressed. And I hate life, like many great minds do at times ;D I smoke pot because that shit makes me so fucking happy! SO WHAAT ABOUT YOU GUYS AND GALS! WHAT'S YOUR STONER BIO?!
[ { "body": "I am sorry to rain on your parade dude but you seem to have emotional and possibly even mental issues that you are attempting to diminish or even cure with marijuana. Bud should not be used as an escape from stress all the time (AKA LIFE) because when it is used like that it is when physcological dependences form. If you don't do it to get high, then why do you do it? Life makes me unhappy, but it also makes me happy. What is weed without life?", "score": 7 } ]
So... Glass top cohibas....
It appears as though a friend of mine has been duped, looking for confirmation before I break the bad news to him. The cigars themselves are actually quality, the bands seem right (embossed raised lettering, proper number of rows of dots), and I smoked one before seeing the box, and it was a pretty nice, medium bodied cigar. But, two things, the glass (actually plastic) top, and that the price of the sticks came to about 8$ a piece. They are supposed to be Esplendidos and the box is labeled as such. Cursory googling says that those are a much more expensive cigar. I've had this sinking feeling all morning that I'm going to have to break some bad news to him. What's your take on it, r/cigars?
[ { "body": "An article in Cigar Aficionado a while back covered this. According to them Cubans don't come in glass tops *period*. I had a friend whose wife bought a glass top of another brand and the top row wasn't bad but the bottom row was the worst ever.", "score": 3 } ]
No California applicants in Spring?
I'm a recent alumnus of SJSU and was shocked when my boyfriend came home last night with news that SJSU will not be accepting applicants from California in Spring 2013. The explanation he had heard was that California requires SJSU to accept a certain quota of students per Academic Year, in order to receive funding and remain a State school. SJSU has accepted the full year's quota in just the Fall '12 semester, and therefore has no requirements for Spring '13. Since the school is not *required* to take more students, SJSU will be accepting out-of-state applicants (because the school profits from the higher tuition costs for non-residents) but will NOT be accepting California applicants. I feel very distraught to hear this. I commonly encourage my teacher friends to recommend SJSU to their high school students. He heard this news from a professor, but we all know that they're not the most informed sometimes. I haven't found any whisper of this on Spartan Daily or Mercury News. Has anyone else heard anything about this? Any better explanations?
[ { "body": "This of course comes down to money. Each student costs money to have enrolled in classes as tuition only covers about half the bill. It does seem a bit short sighted but the alternative would have been to accept fewer students in the fall to make room for spring which doesn't seem like a good idea either.\n\nSadly with the system the way it is everyone is getting pissed off. I know for a fact this decision was not made lightly or with any sort of joy. Vote and support the CSU! SJSU wants more student but we just cannot afford it at this point.\n\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Well, Fall is a more typical time to start anyways. I don't see what the big deal is. If you want to go to SJSU, just wait six months. Many schools don't even have a Spring application/start date.", "score": 3 } ]
Martavious Odoms here, I played football at Michigan and also graduated but now my focus is giving back to community.AMA
I'm trying to use technology tools as well to help my community and my supporters on Mgoblog recommended that I reached out to other communities so reddit "You can ask me anything" Proof: http://imgur.com/g2rLA
[ { "body": "Hey Martavious,\n\nI'm a graduating senior from UofM and just wanted to say that I loved watching you play at Michigan, you were (and are) a true credit to the university.\n\nForever Go Blue!\n\nP.S. everyone else, [here is the kickstarter program he's working on](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1021358459/hope-eating-from-garden-to-table-season-one?ref=search)", "score": 56 }, { "body": "First off, I just wanted to say it's wonderful that you are dedicating your efforts to help your hometown. I really applaud your attitude and your recognition that you don't just have to acquire money and fame to change the world. \n\nAs for AMA: Do kids in Pahokee & Belle Glade still chase rabbits? I didn't know if ESPN exaggerated that old story or not.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Can you explain how you are helping your community? I know you started hope for pahokee, but a lot of people may not know what it is.", "score": 18 }, { "body": "How often are you in Ann Arbor? I'd love to buy you a burger or beer, just to be able to say \"yeah, had a burger with ODOMS.\" \n\nLove your work both on and off the field; you make me proud to be a Wolverine, and give UMich a damn good name. ", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Martavious,\nYou say MGoBlog was a factor in your AMA here. I was wondering if you had anything to say about your experience on that site, and what you enjoy over there. Also, I've always been curious how often you or your teammates take a look at sites like MGoBlog or forums about M football, if at all.\nGo Blue!", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Current Michigan student, so I'm curious what was your favorite thing about your college experience at Michigan, outside of playing football?", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Have you read the John Bacon book, Three and Out? Would you comment on it's accuracy? Do you feel Brady Hoke and his staff are working to keep the \"Pahokee Pipeline\" alive by placing a similar emphasis on recruiting there? Have you ever chased rabbits like in the ESPN Magazine story from many years back?", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Can you elaborate more on your community outreach efforts now? Is there a charity or something you're working with? What else are you doing these days?\n\nWhat was it like transitioning from the RichRod administration to the Brady Hoke era? \n\nDo you still work with the Wolverines in any capacity? How do you see them finishing this year?", "score": 10 }, { "body": "How difficult was it to juggle athletics and your academic workload? I'm assuming every collegiate athlete is appointed tutors; how much did they help you along with the process? And be completely honest - and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer - which was more important to you at the time, football or academics? Thanks MO!", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Just so you know, click \"reply\" below someones comment to reply to them directly.\n\nQuestions:\n\n1) How did the coaching under Rich Rod and Hoke differ? \n2) What issues did you see first hand that you can talk about? (Forcier being grumpy after Robinson took over, Rich Rod breaking down from all the pressure, etc)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "What was your perception of big ten football before going to Michigan? Did you're perception of big ten football change at all after playing in the conference four years? As someone who lives in Florida I only hear how inferior it is. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "How did it feel to score that TD against OSU? It felt pretty darn good to watch you do it. Go Blue!", "score": 6 }, { "body": "What was the recruiting process like, did any of the schools recruiting you or boosters offer you something \"extra\"?", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Describe being a part of \"The Game.\" I'm always curious about what it means to the players as opposed to the fans.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "How did you get involved in wanting to plant urban gardens? Have you always had a passion for growing food/gardening?\n\n-Two time UM alum, go blue!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Hey there Tae, really glad to have you here on reddit. I've recently started dating a Notre Dame fan - what kind of bet should we make on tomorrow's game? I'd like to continue the Michigan tradition of creatively embarrassing the Irish.\n\nBut more seriously, how do you think the Michigan-Pahokee connection is coming along? I'm thankful that we have had such outstanding & passionate student athletes join us way up here, & I hope the experience continues to be as rewarding for you & your communities as as it is for ours. Go Blue always.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Go Blue, (Gopher fan) take down the Irish.\n\nCan you better describe your long term plan for your community?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "What was your favourite play/moment (involving you) and favourite off-the-field moment we may not have heard off. Good luck with your kickstarter project, maybe you should post a link to it in the opening post. \n\nGo Blue & Beat Notre Dame! ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Michigan fan and grad here, Martavious. Thank your for all your hard work and dedication to the University of Michigan and the football team. \n\nWhat was the transition like going from a small town in Florida to cold-weathered Michigan? Also, Do you have a favorite play you were a part of? \n\nEdit: Already bought the Florida -> Michigan Eating shirt on your kickstarter. I'm also from Florida so I'm looking forward to it. Go Blue!\n\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Thanks for doing this AMA, Tae. I went to Michigan for 2 of the 4 years you were there, and I must say you became one of my favorite players. \n\nWhat was your favorite game you played in during your career at Michigan? Congrats on getting that degree and I salute you for working so hard to give back to your community. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hi Martavious, what are your plans for Hope for Pahokee after you complete the community garden?\nGo Blue!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "What is your favorite NFL team? Are there any college teams other than Michigan that you root for?\n\nGo Blue!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "It's well known that Pahokee is a football hot bed, a lot of NFL players have come out from such a small town. The previous coaching staff brought in 4 of you (V. Smith is my favorite player, that kid can block!), has the current coaching staff described interest in recruiting from the area still? It would be ashame to stop having kids from Pahokee end up at Michigan.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "What was it like playing in the big house also was there ever any point shaving or other illegal things that you witnessed during your playing time? ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You'll want to add another 't' in that link up top (just hit edit under the text box, then save when you're done).\n\nTell some stories? Preferably funny ones, thanks.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "What's the sketchiest thing you ever saw go down from an NCAA/Team rules perspective? How common was steroid use?\n\nI had a brief run with college football myself at a small market, major conference school and I was surprised how clean it was. Wondering if your experience was similar. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Michigan student, here. Thanks for doing this AMA\n\n1. What are you trying to do in Florida?\n\n2. Sadly, I know nothing about football, but every time I get an interview with a Michigan alum, they want to talk about football. What are the three things I should say to sound reasonably in the know?\n\nGood luck with your projects!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hey Tae, I've met you through Brandin and had a class with ya, not to mention ran into you after the graduation ceremony at the Big House. You are def one of the nicest people I've met! I just wanted to say that I think #EATING is great! I wish you the best of luck! Go Blue!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Y'all (the football players) actually have beef with Ohio State? I know that the fans and students are really into the rivalry but I've always imagined the football players just being pretty apathetic to the rivalry and just trying to play another game of football.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "what was the recruitment process like? what were the other schools in the running and what made you choose Michigan? is college football recruiting as dirty as the media makes it out to be?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hey Martavious,\n\nThanks for being a Michigan man and sticking through tough times. Can you explain the \"we eatin\" celebration and how it started? I've never gotten the \"full scoop\" on it.\n\nP.S. Congrats on fully funding your Kickstarter. I'll contribute as soon as I replenish my bank account after last weekend at Rick's.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Which game, besides the Sugar Bowl, was your favorite to be a part of?\n\nThanks for the memories! Go Blue!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Born and raised in Ann Arbor, loved watching you play. I used to live on Brown and Hoover until a few years back. Tailgating every Saturday rain or shine.\n\nGo Blue for life.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "A little late to this.. and I have no question, just wanted to say how much I appreciate the work you've been doing. You truly are a Michigan man!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't know anything about Michigan or football, so my question: how did your parents pick such a great first name?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Questions|Answers\n:--|:--\n[How difficult was it to juggle athletics and your academic workload? I'm assuming every collegiate athlete is appointed tutors; how much did they help you along with the process? And be completely honest - and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer - which was more important to you at the time, football or academics? Thanks MO!](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1093o0/martavious_odoms_here_i_played_football_at/c6bfnfm?context=5)|The hardest thing to me as a College student&Football player was managing time yo have to be a certain type of person to be a full time student and full time football player at the same time. As a student or football player you always had a schedule but the answer is was you on time and prepared to do your task. You can have all the tutors in the world if you don't apply yourself you will never make it all they can do is guide you and try to prepare you the best way they can just like football coaches but they can't do the test for you just like the coach cant play for you on Saturday. Not going to lie Academics and football are equal to me NOW but when i first got to Michigan it was all about football, football was more important to me but growing up my mom always told me without education i cant play football and that always been in my head so i kept my grades up at all times.\n[Hey Martavious, I'm a graduating senior from UofM and just wanted to say that I loved watching you play at Michigan, you were (and are\\) a true credit to the university. Forever Go Blue! P.S. everyone else, here is the kickstarter program he's working on.](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1093o0/martavious_odoms_here_i_played_football_at/c6bfzsh?context=5)|Thanks for watching and I enjoyed making the fans proud. \n[How often are you in Ann Arbor? I'd love to buy you a burger or beer, just to be able to say \"yeah, had a burger with ODOMS.\" Love your work both on and off the field; you make me proud to be a Wolverine, and give UMich a damn good name. ](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1093o0/martavious_odoms_here_i_played_football_at/c6bg5km?context=5)|I love burgers but how about i buy you a burger or beer because i don't drink. I do what i do for the people like you that support people like me on and off the field. ill be in Ann Arbor for the next home game hopefully. \n[Whats your favorite Michigan memory?](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1093o0/martavious_odoms_here_i_played_football_at/c6bg35n?context=5)|I have so many great memories but the one that standout the most to me beating ohio my senior year and scoring in that game.\n\n**[View the full table](http://www.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/10a8yf/)** on [/r/tabled](/r/tabled)! | *Last updated: 2012-09-26 03:55 UTC*\n\n*This comment was generated by a robot! Send all complaints to [epsy](/message/compose/?to=epsy).*\n\n", "score": 3 } ]
What are some personality traits that are an instant turn off?
Let's say a guy is relatively attractive physically, dresses well, etc., but when he comes to talk to you, you are instantly turned off. What are some things that could cause this reaction? On the flip side, what are some personality traits that would be an instant turn-on?
[ { "body": "General negativity is always a turn off in a first encounter. If you complain about a lot of things or make rude comments to servers or about things in general then that doesn't reflect well on you.\n\nAny sort of misogyny or comments that show you reinforce gendered double-standards will turn me off as well.", "score": 64 }, { "body": "Being rude to servers, being negative about himself, being critical of strangers, being crude about women he doesn't know, being condescending. Instant turn *ons* are harder, I think it's different for everyone. A guy who can make me laugh right away is a pretty sure thing.", "score": 52 }, { "body": "Condescending attitude. Or a sexually-degrading attitude--Italians are totally my type, but their society supports really disgusting harassment of tourist women and I was a blatant tourist (can't hide red hair well), and the way I was harassed was scary and disgusting and uuugghhh. Or a sexually-entitled attitude--if he pushes too far against my boundaries, even just in little ways, I'll be turned off because it makes me think he might not listen to me if I try to say no to something later.\n\nStupidity, too. If he seems like an idiot, especially if he bashes education, ugh.\n\nTurn ons? Liking Doctor Who or any of my favourite things helps, but that's a multiplier--if there's nothing there at all, it can't overcome it.", "score": 34 }, { "body": "Arrogance, treating others poorly, extreme negativity, narcissism, selfishness, condescending attitude, racism, misogyny, classist remarks, etc. All turn-offs.\n\nTurn-ons: Creative mind, good humor, quick wit, kindness, compassion, selflessness, love for family, outgoing, social, adventurous, considerate, thoughtful.", "score": 32 }, { "body": "bro-ness, negging, immediate comments about other girls (positive and negative), obvious insecurity, obvious shallow idiocy", "score": 23 }, { "body": "* closed-mindedness\n* no compassion for animals\n* dislike of books\n* willful ignorance\n* any type of dislike to anyone who isn't inside the whitebread heteronormative\n* discounting my sexuality as anything other than what I believe it is\n* rudeness to blue-collar workers and older people\n* a dislike of fangirling\n* I don't feel comfortable at all with men who move quickly from partner to partner", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Racism/bigotry - instant turnoff.\n\nBeing clever, funny, confident, and complimentary are instant turn-ons!", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Insecurity. If he needs to constantly be validated and coddled, I can't stand it. Although I suppose an insecure man wouldn't typically approach a woman anyway. :P", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Instant turn offs: \n\nUse of \"chicks\", \"broads\", \"bitches\" etc... general misogyny. \n\nInability to converse, as in only talking about yourself and never asking questions. \n\nBeing overly touchy. Small amounts of physical contact to indicate interest are good, but constant attempts to put hands on me are not. \n\nIf you're chatting me up and I'm out with friends, attempting to turn my friend night into an impromptu date is not a good thing. This means attempting to remove my attention from the group and monopolizing my conversations. Be cool, say hi, intrigue me. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "someone who is hostile or passive aggressive - or especially if they're vulgar or patronizing. I literally had a guy try to pick me up once by saying \"bitch, get over here and keep me warm!\" That was a no. On the nicer side, I like men who are funny, down to earth, kind, and intelligent. I pay a lot of attention to how a guy treats the people around him, and the way he speaks about others.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Anyone who can't stop talking about their ex(es). If you can only talk about them, just go ahead and date them.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "[Everything about this guy.](http://www.moviefancentral.com/images/pictures/review58985/jean-ralphio.gif?1330202823)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Not being open minded is a huge turn off. \n\nSometimes it's because they simply *don't know* which can be okay, but it's when they refuse to even try to understand which is the big problem.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Cockiness, bigotry, generally being overly negative and nasty.\n\nThe only thing I can think of that *instantly* makes me like someone more is making me laugh", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Trying way too hard. Trust me, it can be spotted from a mile away. If that person doesn't like themselves enough to *be* themselves, it makes it hard for me to like them.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Instant turn off? Being clingy in any way whatsoever. I want to date you not be your mother. Long (unclean) hair, any kind of not good smell coming from any part of your body or too much Walgreens cologne lol. Trust me we can smell the difference in quality. \n\nInstant turn on is easy. Eye contact and a smirk. It shouts confidence and makes my knees weak. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "* Arrogance or pretension\n* Displaying any signs of being misogynistic/sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.\n* Being rude or grumpy, treating others around us poorly\n* Being stupid\n\nI can sometimes give people the benefit of the doubt if they give a bad first impression and I can chalk it up to them being a little shy - because I definitely am like that - but certain things (like being nasty or misogynistic, for example) can't really be excused as being frazzled during a first meeting. \n\nI mean, I'm okay if a guy is nervous. I'm okay if a guy talks about some subjects that don't interest me. I'm okay if he stumbles over his words a bit. I am not that critical and I can understand being shy and I'm not one of those people who lives and dies by giving out advice about asserting your confidence at every turn. However, I have a harder time writing off general nastiness as just \"first impression jitters.\"", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Guys who can't take a joke or lack any type of sense of humor. I love guys who don't take themselves so seriously.\n\nOn the flip-side... Of course - guys with a sense of humor are awesome. I love it if he can make me laugh.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "A temper, and getting angry/frustrated by things you could just shrug off (getting lost, waiting at a restaurant, traffic, etc).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Talking too much. Conversations should involve give and take. It's irritating when someone starts talking and goes on for several minutes or more, without pausing to let me respond. If it's a monologue instead of a dialogue, you risk alienating and/or boring the other person. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Confidence is attractive but overconfidence/cockiness is an instant turn-off. I want to figure out on my own that you're a catch, not have you tell me yourself.\n\nBiggest turn-on ever is being able to make me laugh.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "If a guy is overly cocky or uses cheesy pick up lines and one liners. It doesn't seem like he's too serious so I wouldn't be into him no matter how good looking he is.", "score": 3 } ]
[Wizard] [1.0.5] Will Magic Missile - Penetrating Blast the end-all-be-all replacement for Piercing Orb?
From the PTR patch notes: >Magic Missile Base weapon damage increased from 110% to 125% >Skill Rune – Penetrating Blast Pierce chance increased from 70% to 100% Some things to think about: * Penetrating Blast is already at the same LoH/Proc chance as Piercing Orb, but is much more controllable, faster projectile speed and now 20% higher damage. * Temporal Flux won't be completely worthless now (around 22.5% snare in Inferno post 1.0.5) So I'm thinking something like [this mostly glass-cannon build](https://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#acQiSO!YTU!baYaZZ) come 1.0.5. Tons of AoE, Arcane Dynamo for huge Arcane Orb hits, lots of things slowing everything (a bit). Anyone have any thoughts about this?
[ { "body": "I play a variation of this build now and I'm very excited for the patch.\n\nhttps://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Xyldarran-1944/hero/3318392\n\nyou don't really need arcane dynamo for huge AO hits, and with CM it just feels more safe for faster teleports. I wish I could use magic weapon but I just don't feel safe without diamond skin for the second defensive skill. If I could however I would drop DS for magic weapon like you have in the build.\n\nI've never been a piercing orb fan to be honest. I much much prefer seeker missiles. There is nothing in this game that can compare to being able to sit outside a door way and shoot around the corner completely safe. Arcane orb/hydra takes more than care of your AoE needs. That and Seeker is great for a single target.\n\nMy biggest decision comes from follower now. I was using Scoundrel with a cold bow and multishot to help with the snares. With the new improved snare strength now I'm probably switching back to enchantress for more dps.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "One advantage Piercing Orb will still have is how it oscillates, which makes it hit a much larger area. Also, people with shitty gear (me) depend on both astral presence and glass cannon/cold-blooded for a decent, while illusionist is mandatory for my survival, which means no temporal flux. My build will probably stay the same until I get some new gear (though I will be experimenting).", "score": 3 } ]
GAH! Must tell SOMEONE!!
Okies so...such a shame that a username this awesome is a throw-away :( Baby rainbow kittens will cry this evening. Ok...so this is prolly going to come across as a rant, but I *need* to tell someone about this. warning...will be like a frigging novel. I've been a PC gamer since my first partner broke up with my 4 years ago. I started playing MMOs to gain more friends because the city I live in is very dry for a true friendship. Don't get me wrong, I have real life friends, I just love my online friends too. So I play one MMO for about a year and I pick up a new girl in real life. Around this time I had to have emergency surgery on my mouth that nearly killed me. My partner at the time completely over reacted. So when I get home from the hospital, what's the first thing I do? I get on the game. I was the co-Leader of a fairly successful guild and one night we decided to raid with another guild in a big massive group. So I log onto the voice chat client and I hear this voice... A sweet southern accent that's rough around the edges. That is the very best I can describe it. I have no idea what this girl even looks like, but I already think she's cute...just by the sound of her voice. Considering I had just had surgery on my mouth, I should've thought twice before speaking. "Who brought in the dying elephant?" was the response one of the other guild's members giggled. So that raid went well...anyhow... I started hanging out with this girl in game and another dude...whom I didn't know was her boyfriend. She had met him online as well and they had never met each other in person. So I'm hanging out with Dude one day and she pops into the channel and a very jelious tone says to Dude; "You're hanging out with "Rawr" a lot lately..." "Relax! She's gay!" "Oh..." And so I was outed to save their relationship :P Anyways...lets fast forward a bit to after Dude left her. She was crushed. I was also crushed because my girl, whom I had been with for 2.5 years, left me for a guy. there had been a period of 4 months where I didn't speak to the girl online, simply because I was so angry with how my current relationship was going. Eventually we started talking on a video call program. I saw her face. Damn! If that accent wasn't enough, oh god she's beautiful! One night I logged onto the video call and was in tears. I had an advance on a girl go very wrong. She looked at me with this caring comforting look that I had never seen anyone give me before. She asked me if I was ok. Then she asked a question I wasn't expecting... "Do you have a crush on me?" I said no at first. Several months back she had said gay people were strange. That she didn't understand. She asked me again. "Do you have a crush on me?" I remained silent. My look said it all. "I am your friend. I want to stay your friend. True friends won't push away the other if they find out there are feelings. You're not going to lose me." Then she had this look on her face I couldn't read at the time. She then typed; I'm 98% sure that I'm straight Anyways...fast forward again. I decided to make the trip to her state to visit her. I drove...the whole...way... She had told me originally that she wouldn't hug me at first because she was nervous around mew people. To my shock, she pulled me right in and gave me one of the warmest hugs I had every received. I was that day that I first felt her skin and smelled her sweet scent. Dayum that cologne. We spent two awesome weeks together. We barely logged onto our laptops. We are always outside doing something. During my time there, we go very cuddly. One day, we went out in my car. We had the windows open and the tunes blaring. She looked slightly upset. "Whats wrong?" She instructed me to shut the windows and turn down the music. "I've been thinking lately...that I might be bi...but don't get your hopes up." She had me so convinced she was straight....since she talked about being so a lot...that I didn't get my hopes up. A few mornings later she had the same look again. "What's wrong?" "I need to know something, but I don't want to get your hopes up." My best friend of 2 years...the one who had helped me through so much...gave me a kick in the pants when I didn't want to go to school in the morning...kissed me. She admitted a few days later...by playing a certain Katy Perry song...that she liked it. After I left, things became stressful for her and I. Her parents caught wind of what went down and weren't happy. They took it out on me. That's fine, but it hurt her bad. So I decided to go back down to patch things with her parents. I was told I lived too far away and it wasn't fair to her. I agreed with them. I saw the look on her face. I could tell what they were saying was bothering her. She pulled me aside after and said; "Only I know what is fair and what isn't for me. I'm in love with you." Anyways...we are still not together. I spent 2 more weeks with her. Again...we really didn't log onto our MMO. We've decided to hold off on being in a commited relationship...although we already act like we are...to appease the people around us. As she so put it; "We're in a relationship...we're just not admitting it to anyone. Including ourselves." So yeh...sorry for the rant...but I *had* to let it out. This has been nearly 3 years in the making. I couldn't be happier right now. Well I could...if I could hold her right now...but I understand that we live far apart. Hopefully our love will survive through this. Hehe...anyhow... **TL;DR I'm in love with my best friend who I met online.**
[ { "body": "As someone who has lived in the internet since I was 10.\n\nGoddammit I love the internet. More power to you brah. Hope everything works out. \n", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Awww that's cute! I hope everything works out for you and your new girl...well best friend..whatever it is that you want to call her in regards to being yours/with you. ", "score": 3 } ]
Board games with Deck Building as a mechanic rather than the focus?
Heynow... So I've decided that I really don't like Deck Building games. Eminent Domain is really the only one I've played that I honestly enjoy and I think it's not really that I don't like those other games, its just the deck building as a core mechanic isn't for me. That being said, I do like the IDEA of deck building but I'd rather see it as a part of a game rather than the core focus. Are there any games out there that do this? I've only heard rumblings about some games that do this but I haven't checked them out yet... Mage Knight and Few Acres of Snow are two example. Any others?
[ { "body": "Blood Bowl team manager, you unlock star players to add to your deck. But it is not the only path to victory.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "[This query on BGG](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamemechanic/2664/deck-pool-building) lists all the games which have the deck/pool building mechanic. So it may be a good place to start. Sort by rank (or whatever) and knock yourself out. \n\nA few I've played that may fit the bill: A Few Acres of Snow, Briefcase, Rune Age, Thunderstone, Friday, Puzzle Strike (which may be too Dominion-y for you). ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "You've picked out the two games that embody the spirit of your question: games that have deck building as a mechanism, but have other stuff, too.\n\nMage Knight is great. The deck building is very light, but there is a bunch more going on. Be forewarned: it can be a bit of a brain burner, but it is fantastic.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Where [Thunderstone](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/53953/thunderstone) is a deck building game with some RPG elements, [Mage Knight](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/96848/mage-knight-board-game) is an RPG game with some deck building elements.\n\nYou walk through this world D&D style moving and interacting with locals and killing monsters, but all that happens through playing cards. You have a deck of cards which are used for moving, influencing, attacking, and blocking (amongst a few other things). You have a hand of 5 each time (though this goes up as you level) and you spend your cards to do stuff.\n\nAs you buff yourself up by leveling or recruiting units to help you out, you basically add to your deck more powerful cards, spells, and equipment. The one thing that's not quite present in this game is a way to trash your cards and thus thin down your deck (and have a higher chance of drawing your powerful set of cards together). This isn't a huge problems since units are not actually part of your deck and can be used whenever (though only once a round). There definitely comes times where you draw a very useless hand, but I think that comes with the territory for any deck building game. One plus is you don't discard your unused cards and thus if you're gearing to fight, you can keep your fighting cards in hand and get rid of the non-fighting ones and hope to draw more fight cards the next turn.", "score": 3 } ]
How often do you receive oral?
I am an absotlue fan of giving my gf oral. I was actually shocked that she hadn't gotten it as often if ever from all her prior partners. In return she sometimes feel uncomfortable getting it. Sometimes she's embarassed that she might smell/etc, but I don't care. There are times out of the blue I just go up to her throw her on the couch and go to down, and then clean up and act as if nothing happened after. Is this weird, normal? I just love giving the gift of pleasure.
[ { "body": "I've been with my husband almost 4 years and he has literally never done it. I love it, but it's just something I have to deal with. ", "score": 101 }, { "body": "Every time I have sex, which is almost every day I see my bf (~2-4 x/week). He always makes sure I get off before we start having sex and he loves to go down and finger, simultaneously at times. :3 So fun.", "score": 55 }, { "body": "Plenty of guys love giving oral, and that's the way I like it since I love giving as well and it's always nice for there to be a good level of reciprocation.\n\nThere have been certain partners where I ask for it less often or sort of shy away from it cause they're not that good and I don't always feel like playing teacher when we're in the middle of things... but I just met a new guy who's a pro and he *always* goes down on me.", "score": 42 }, { "body": "It's the only way my boyfriend can make me orgasm, and bless him, he does it every time we see each other. About 2-3 times a week, because we only see each other on the weekends.", "score": 29 }, { "body": "Sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes I go weeks without - it just depends on the mood with my boyfriend. He is amazing and very talented.\n\nOther men I have been with don't do oral or are horrible at it, which is a shame. Needless to say when my boyfriend went down on me the first time and I had to tell him to stop so I could curl up in a little ball I knew he was a keeper :)", "score": 24 }, { "body": "Unless it is shark week, every time I am having sexy times and sometimes just for fun. \n\nWhen I have an SO 2-4 times a week. When I don't, it varies based on time between partners. ", "score": 21 }, { "body": "My husband loves to give it to me as well and I'm not a huge fan. Mostly because I get uncomfortable being so wet. And I don't like the feeling of his beard. I love that he wants to give it to me, so sweet, but I'd much rather give it to him. Sometimes I'm in the mood though. ", "score": 18 }, { "body": "Pretty much never. I don't love it and my girlfriend doesn't seem keen on going down there. When my partner really enjoys giving me head, I'm fine with receiving, but it's not something I crave unless I'm in serious domme mode.\n\nI enjoy giving oral, so I'll go down on her for a little bit every now and then, just to change things up. It's not her favourite though so I don't spend forever with my face down there.", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Basically never. I just have no interest. It's not that fun, it feels messy, and there's so much else I'd rather be doing.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "With previous partners I would regularly. My boyfriend now doesn't care for it at all/makes comments about how he thinks it's gross/weird (which kind of bothers me.) But he's been drunk a couple times and went for it, lol which I've enjoyed.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "With every partner, save the last, I always had as much as I wanted. This guy just is not confident in his abilities and got me off other ways anyway. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Not really that often, actually, because (so far) it isn't as pleasurable as getting fingered or fucked.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "You're totally normal, and awesome! Sounds like my guy who loves going down on me... as much as I love going down on him. Yay, oral! :D", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Maybe once or twice a year if I'm lucky. He says he doesn't know why he doesn't like doing it, makes me sad because it's my favourite :(", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Very very very rarely. I give him oral juuuuuust about every time we have sex. It's a discussion that needs to be had. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "My husband usually goes down on me every time we have sex. Once in a while he'll use his fingers or a toy, but he always makes sure I get off before we have sex.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "At first my boyfriend was a bit timid about doing it -- said he didn't know what the hell to do down there. I gave him some gentle encouragement, suggest research (incl watching porn) and reminded him it was okay if he did want to. He ended up liking it :D we end up 69'ing every time as long as its not shark week and I'm shaved.\n\nEdit: oh and he's the only one whose given me oral on a regular basis.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Pretty much every time we have sex. He enjoys doing it, and he's quite good at it. Sometimes I just want to be fucked though, so I have to interrupt him and tell him to get at it.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "With my ex-husband, never. With my boyfriend, whenever I want. It's not my favorite but sometimes it's really nice!", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I think that's pretty normal, I've never gotten surprise! oral before. But that's kinda difficult to surprise a girl with when she is always on your dick lol. My boyfriend likes giving and so do I. :)\n\nGood for you!\n [](/c01) ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Almost every time my fiance and I get to bow-chica-wow-wow mode, he goes down on me first. Some times that's the only way I can get off (due to previous medical issues). Unfortunately, the sexy times are few and far between. \nIf she doesn't feel comfortable about you chowing the beev, try making her feel more relaxed. Give her a full body message. Bring her flowers. Put some nice, calm music on. Make things seem comfortable so that she can get everything out of her head & focus on the moment. Once you're down there, hold her hand. You'd be surprised how comfortable that can make a girl. I used to have the same issue as your gf. Mine was caused by trauma. If you find the underlying cause first (if there is one), she may be able to \"open up\" a bit more. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I love it! in fact, I kinda consider that a sex without me giving oral isn't having \"full sex\". I consider it an integral part of the act. Plus, it turns me on A LOT.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "the last guy I was with would go down on me everyday, sometimes twice a day. You're doing a good thing :)", "score": 5 }, { "body": "As a guy who's absolutely terrifying of even trying this, can I ask other guys what's the appeal of this?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I get it whenever I want it, which is pretty much every day, especially as I don't get periods.\n\nI realise that I'm lucky, in that my boyfriend is so willing to give, and that he's also amazing at it (ever since day one). Admittedly not everyone is as compatible - some guys are simply not as willing, some girls don't get much from it and you need at least one party to be really into it before anything happens.\n\nI'm glad you're so willing to give, enthusiasm counts for a lot :)", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I really don't like it. I have trust issues, trauma, and I am massively insecure. It's the holy trinity for not wanting oral.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I've been with 17 men, 5 of which have explicitly stated that they hate going down and never gave me oral, and 4 of which loved doing so and did it every single time we had sex. \n\nSo is it weird? Maybe, if by that you mean out of the ordinary. But it is NOT a bad thing to be into giving pleasure. Many women can't achieve orgasm without serious clitoral stimulation. But in almost every case, it will be greatly appreciated and make your sex life that much more awesome!\n\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Whenever my boyfriend is horny. Which is a lot.\n\nNo, really. He's awesome at it, too. I love oral and he is definitely at the top of his game. He just does it for the hell of it, no expectations of a BJ or HJ (though I love to please him, no question about taht). He just really enjoys doing it, even if sex is not the end-game.\n\nLove him.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My husband does almost every single time we get frisky, lmao. He's a real giver, for sure.\n\nMy ex however, thought I needed to go down on him constantly, but never return the favor. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Whenever I want it!! My man loves to dine on my tasty delight! I usually never have to ask for it! He is very, very good at it and he know it! I got lucky!!!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I am honestly not a huge fan of receiving... It's not bad, but it just generally makes me uncomfortable. I feel more exposed & vulnerable, I guess.\n\nI'd never cum from oral before I met my SO. He was able to make me, once, but he very rarely does, even still.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't like it, so never. He is good at it, but I just find the whole thing very weird. It isn't a hang up about my body - I'm clean down there, everything is fine, I love my vulva - but I am not a fan. I love giving head, and do it often and happily, and he has offered to reciprocate, but I just... Nope. I appreciate that he offers, but I'm good. It helps that he makes sure I get off every time, and our sex life is great, despite my shit libido. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My husband and I perfer oral. Me giving and him giving. And he is the first guy to offer it to me and im hooked. So I get it whenever I ask.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Pretty much never, mostly by choice. I don't really mind it, but I prefer fingering/sex. I'm definitely more enthusiastic about giving blowjobs than I am about receiving oral. Much more. :)", "score": 3 } ]
Simple Question: Would you compare yourself to a drug addict?
I've felt like this so many times. I see it as if I'm not so much addicted to a) a substance that I would inject into my body', but more as b) a drug that is produced by my body and injected into my bloodstream. I feel the rush often when I sit in front of my computer and feel the almost absolute need to get a quick fix! It's so strong, like a powerful magnet pulling me towards porn. It's so hard to handle...
[ { "body": "Drugs like pot, coke/crack and meth all either cause a release or prevent reuptake of dopamine in your brain. That's what makes those substances feel so good/rewarding. PMO also releases dopamine; So yes, on a biochemical level I do think I'm similar to a drug addict.\n\nI had to struggle to overcome self-rewarding to quit smoking cigarettes and weed every day, and now here I am overcoming self-rewarding through PMO.", "score": 4 } ]
15d Bounty on Lunar_Downpour
This is where Zane clearly admits that Lunar_Downpour is a LEGIT BOUGHT ALT. Not his girlfriends, not his nephews, not his uncles neighbor's dog's cousins roommate's account. Myself and others are holding the pearls to several of his alts as it is. I have a zillion screenshots that I still need to go thru. It took me about an hour to even get to the ones where I was talking to Lunar_Downpour. I have my finger on F2 most of the time I'm playing. So instead of keeping Zane from griefing because of Masterful, RonPaul, Hobbes and Nimajeb, I'll be going through screenshots and posting them for the next week or so. Please don't forget to give thanks to those 4 for all the griefing you'll be dealing with. [http://imgur.com/Q2GZn](http://imgur.com/Q2GZn)
[ { "body": "Lunar_Downpour as an account has already been associated with ZazeTNT's main account. If it gets pearled, it counts towards the alt-script.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "[In your defense of pearling dudderzdude, it's yet another hacked account.](http://pastebin.com/KDagPXuu/)\n\nThis shit with people using hacked accounts as alts to grief is getting really out of hand.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "> So instead of keeping Zane from griefing because of Masterful, RonPaul, Hobbes and Nimajeb\n\nThat's funny... I'm sure masterful and Ron\\_Paul would being doing a great job of preventing griefers, and Zane, if you weren't involved in this anyway. After all, they've both got great track-records.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You fail at reading comprehension. That was him saying that the account was purchased and not using hacked passwords. \n\nNowhere does he say it isn't his nephew's. \n\nYour desperation is making you make assumptions and mistakes. ", "score": 3 } ]
Please help with getting to other planets
I need some help intercepting the SOI of other planets. I can get into their orbital path etc. But I can’t seem to ever have conics show an intercept. (I switched my conics to 3 tggo see if that helps). I have tried the calculator that has been posted on here a bunch of times without success. I always end up in front or behind the planet. How are you able to align the orbit precise enough to get in the SOI? Example: I am thrusting from Kerbin to Duna. I am at a PE in an orbit around the sun with my AP close to Duna’s path. There are no bodies close to my AP at that time, so positioning the camera to try and get the orbits close is next to impossible. Anyway any advice on that would be great. I have landed on IKE but it was more luck than anything getting there. I had to circularize my orbit with Duna’s and raise and lower it to catch up (orbital rendezvous style). Finally I got tired of doing yearly orbits and made a gut guess and floored it.
[ { "body": "So you use the olex calculator at http://ksp.olex.biz/?\n\nHow are you making use of the info? How are you measuring the angles? \n\nI tried using Engineer Redux mod to measure my angles, but it was horribly off. So last night I was measuring angles with a protractor.\n\nSo i sit on the pad and fast forward until the target is at the correct angle to the nearest full degree. Then I launch into my parking orbit and get the inclination the best I can. Then wait until I hit the correct ejection angle.\nYou measure this with 0 degrees at the point Kerbin is moving forward along its orbit.\n\nThen I burn. I've found I hit intercept before I hit the target d/v from the calculator.\n\nEdit: Your burn should be to the prograde marker. The ejection angle is a position in your orbit, not a place on the navball. Please don't confuse them.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My methodology requires a lot less math:\n\nCircularize orbit around the sun-->quicksave-->thrust-->miss-->quickload-->adjust point of thrust-->miss... and keep repeating.\n\nTrial and error baby!", "score": 3 } ]
Whats the most fucked up thing your "best friend" has done to you?
My friend, who I usually talked to the most, I told him how I felt about this girl that I was dating. He knew I loved her and I had to move towns, about 30-an hour away. I couldn't go visit too often every once in a while because I had school. One day, my girlfriend called me crying and told me she couldn't help not seeing me anymore so she called it off. Leaving me devastated. About a week later, I talked to her again and she said she regrets it and wants to get back together. Then when i finally am going to visit i find out my "friend" started dating her the day before i was going to visit.
[ { "body": "I had a best friend do the stealing the girl of my dreams thing... it's ok now, he is still my best friend, she sort of destroyed her life with drugs so i guess it worked out for me. In fact, he did this twice... ", "score": 4 } ]
Last 2 days of my T- Break. Any pointers on how to push through them?
I took a month off of smoking the magical plant, and it has been hell. Being a regular smoker, I usually fall asleep thanks to the ganja. Over the break I had trouble sleeping and not smoking bud. Anyway, in celebration of the end of my break, I got a new bowl. It's pretty sweet. I promise pics of my first bowl in the new piece! Anyway, any pointers on how to power through these last couple of days?
[ { "body": "I like lists. Make a list of things you want to eat, drink, watch, hear, touch when the time comes. Maybe that's just a me thing.\n\nGood luck.", "score": 3 } ]
Some questions for the fine people of this subreddit. Also, my backstory. (brief)
Hello. I have been a long time lurker, and coming to you with a bit of a problem. I am married to a JW with strong ties to their JW family. My mother is a JW but my father is a little open minded. I was raised a witness. My husband and I along with his family attend an ASL Congregation. I have been an agnostic for about a year now, leaning towards atheism. I still go to KH with them 5 times a week, although its killing me. I love my husband, but am attracted to same sex, not opposite sex, and only married him because he was my best friend and I was trying to do the right thing by Jehovah (what an idiot I was). I can't work because I'm disabled, so I can't really support myself. I hate breaking my family, his family, and especially my husbands heart by leaving, but all this bullshit about how god supports their religion and helps those in need is really getting on my nerves. I'm a big subscriber to morbid reality, and seeing real shit every day proves to me there is no way in hell a god could ever exist. If he does, he has to be the meanest person I have ever "met" in my lifetime. If I come out, I will be disassociated from my family and friends. I will have essentially no one. My family will be crushed, and worried about my "spiritual relationship with Jehovah" aka their reputation. My husbands mother always puts a lot of focus on the who's who of ASL Bethel and taking pictures with them, bragging about her other family if they are in Bethel or whatever. Meanwhile she married out of the truth and her husband only came in 10 years ago. If I stay in, I don't know how much longer I can handle hearing all the bullshit without saying anything. I think my husband suspects, so I am treading dangerous waters. How long did it take some of you to come out? Are you happy now? How did you find a support group, or find the ability to stand on your own? Are you atheist, agnostic, or did you join another religion all together? My biggest fear is my disability. I have a feeling if I come out my access to the Internet, car, and privacy may be stripped away from me for a while, along with the shunning. I could get pretty harsh. Appreciating any advice. Also, any further encouragement as to how stupid the notion of one true religion or the notion of there being a god in existence would really be a boost to my spirit. Thanks for your time. Love, The raddest association that could spoil your useful habits.
[ { "body": "Your biggest fear is that you will have no one to turn to if/when you choose to leave the religion and (ultimately) your husband. It may be difficult with your disability, but you need to make friends outside of the religion. You need to connect with other people and build a support network around yourself. \n\nYou also need to explore options vis-a-vis money (whether public assistance is enough or if you need a job). In the US, you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which states that no one can discriminate against you in the workplace due to a disability if you can perform the essential functions of the job with reasonable accommodation.\n\nAlso bear in mind that leaving the religion and leaving your husband are events that do not have to happen at the same time. It will be strenuous (obviously), but you need not become homeless just because you're not a believer anymore. That will give you time to separate yourself from psychological toxicity of the cult and become a bit more integrated into the world before you jump out of your relationship, too. \n\nThat said, you owe your husband a bit of honesty. I don't know you and I don't know him, but I like to presume that a *Faithful Christian^TM* is not the kind of person who throws vulnerable people to the street.\n\nAs always, my free internet advice is worth little more than you paid for it.", "score": 5 } ]
After losing many games..
What do you like to do to cool off/relax, I just had 6 L's in a row pretty fast and now my spirits are crushed :'(
[ { "body": "I do one of two things, if I am in a decent mood when I start playing. I tend to alt tab between games and load up TL or reddit or something and cool down for like 2 or 3 minutes. Or maybe just go through the replay. This is generally what I do. It's a nice way to seperate the games and kinda makes things feel like you are starting fresh. \n\nBut there are times when that losing streak just happens and I refuse to stop till I win. I don't reccomend this. Usually doesn't end well. You will get the win eventually. You won't be happy afterword.\n\nEdit: As pointed out below, food is probably a bad idea.", "score": 24 }, { "body": "First - talk smack to the most recent person who beat me.\n\nSecond - scream into a pillow\n\nThird - GET BACK IN THE TRENCHES", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Sometimes if I rage too hard after a loss or many losses, I'll put that rage into pushups, usually 10 per loss. For me it's kind of a like a reset button where you just release your anger/frustration in order to clear your mind. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Close the game and listen to some music on Pandora while browsing reddit. That or I play an easier game for a bit. Starcraft has made my being good at first person shooters feel like a pretty hollow achievement, but they are relaxing to me. \n\nI also suggest listening to music while playing Starcraft just to keep your spirits up and to keep you in a bit of a gaming trance. Someone turned me on to listening to songs with no lyrics while playing Starcraft and I have been enjoying that ever since. Specifically, I made a \"Ratatat\" Pandora station. I love it.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Drink a glass of juice, and take a ten minute break.\n\nStress and aggravation caused by losing deplete your brains supply of glucose, and severely damages your judgment and decision making. Also called being 'tilted'.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "it depends, some times I just play other games because I feel I'm not in the right mental condition to play, especially if I made some huge mistakes, but other times I just cool off a bit, drink a bit of water, rest on the bed for a few minutes thinking about what went wrong and then I play some more", "score": 3 }, { "body": "fuck you damn fucking protoss how can such a race lose shit , lategame TvP imba fucking game \n\nthat's what i like to do!", "score": 3 } ]
/r/magictcg, if you could create a new format, what would it entail?
My idea was always one called 'Mythic', which goes from Shards of Alara (when Mythic rares were first created) and up. What ideas have you had?
[ { "body": "Can use: Expensive cards I own.\nCan't use: Expensive cards I don't own.\n\nI'll call it: GINBJ - God I Need a Better Job. Also, who doesn't like a Gin BJ?", "score": 24 }, { "body": "Choose Your Own Standard is an unofficial format but it'd be neat to see sanctioned:\n\nYour deck is legal as long as it was, at some point, legal in Standard. The only exception to this is that all Standard bans are in effect, so even though your Skullclamp deck was legal for a short time, it's still out.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "Four turns in Magic, three minutes in the boxing ring. Loss by getting knocked out at the table or in the ring. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Until October 5th, your idea is what's called [extended](http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrextended).", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I know its not inventing one, but I'd love to see pauper as a sanctioned format for paper magic. Almost all the mtgo pauper staples are dirt cheap in paper so it could really open the door to those wanting to play constructed magic for cheap. \n\nFor inventing one I'd probably say some sort of legacy tribal format. Where all creatures must be the same creature type. Maybe with a general type legendary creature of that type required. But 60 cards not Singleton and no command zone for the general. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "50 Dollar Brew, where you pick a date, and the Magictcg player mid price for that date is the valid price, and you must construct a deck under a certain dollar amount(in this case, 50).", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Invested Format:\n\nAttach some electrodes to each players body. Everytime you lose life, it delivers a painful shock. Makes deciding whether to block or not a whole new sacrifice.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I would make land of war. The only way to win the game is either by a card condition, killing all your opponent's lands or bring your opponent's life to zero. \n\nUp to four lands come into play for each player before any other actions are made. \n\nLands in the format can be attacked like planes walker but only when they are tapped. A player can choose to block an attacking creature that is attacking one of their lands with their own creature or creatures. \n\nIf a land would be damaged by a creature it is destroyed, same would go for spells or abilities that destroy lands. Once a player has all of their lands destroyed they loss the game.\n\nBasic lands can be played on any players turn and non basic lands only on the players turn.\n\nNon land cards must exceed lands cards with at least a 3 to 1 ratio.\n\nI don't know if this game mode would be fun or even playable but that came of the top of my head.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "You choose two blocks and one core set anywhere from present day to urza's legacy. So you could make an artifact deck with cards from mirrodin an scars of mirrodin. Or maybe a tribal elf deck using onslaught and lorwyn", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Something I have tried with my friends that we call Planeswalker format. You Choose three spells (instants or sorceries only) from your deck and set them aside in the commander zone. You then play the game as normal except that you can cast a copy of one of the spells in your command zone by paying it's mana cost in life. You may play the spell at any time that you normally could but only on your turn. (a.k.a. no holding a counter spell for your opponents turn. However you could play an undying evil in response to a murder cast on one of your creatures if it is your turn.) So far we have found the format to be mostly fair and don't have any banned spells however we have only played this in standard format.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I want to create an EDH-like format except instead of generals you use planeswalkers, and the goal is to defeat your opponents planeswalker. This would probably require a new type of planeswalker though (similar to the wow tcg's hero cards) in order for it to be fair/ balanced. Current planeswalkers just would not work for this format without some changes.\n\nAlso what is the name of the format that's sort of like pauper except you're allowed one rare card? And how many uncommons can you use? Is that unlimited?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'd love a sanctioned tribal format. Either all or all but X creatures in the deck must belong to a particular type. There'd be further requirements on the number of creatures that needed to be in the deck. The card base would roughly be Legacy with bans tweaked (and probably added to) according to the meta. \n \nI could see the meta supporting a healthy number of tribes.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'd like to see a format like EDH, but with enchantments instead of generals. I feel like very often a general is just a nice static effect with a body attached, so I'd like to see what would happen with the extreme of that. \n\nThe biggest problem with it would of course be the enchantments that would be banned as 'generals.' For example, Necropotence would be fairly OP, as would Luminarch Ascension.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Avatar!\n\nEach player has access to one mana-free shock, force spike, lay of the land, or flying men. But you only get to use one per turn and each spell only once.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "60 card deck. 2 color identity. Lands are 24 basics split 12 and 12. At least half of other spells are creatures. Trade decks and try to win with the other guy's terrible deck.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I've played \"Bring your own sealed\" before. everyone goes to their LGS/Internet before you all meet up & buys 7 packs: 6 for your deck, one for prize pool.\n\nWhatever sets you can find, no restrictions.\n\ncompletely warps the meta when each set is kinda tuned only to deal with its own block, and some douche decides to blow his wallet on urza block packs... (he lost. all hail gulidpact!)", "score": 3 } ]
What song makes you dance instantly.
Getting married in 2 weeks. Using spotify for a 'DJ'. Making a playlist. Before dinner / dinner = mostly soul music. Afterwards anything but techno really. Just a few songs that I'm most excited for. We Are Golden by Mika Freedom - George Michael Clampdown - The Clash Fancy Footwork - Chromeo
[ { "body": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7B2mtn1sis\n\nOn a more serious note... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq1w0syylZI", "score": 3 } ]
Skin food for oily skin?
I tried the extract of limes by Trumper and found it oily enough that I started getting acne. What would you all suggest as an alternative? I really enjoyed the extract of limes smell.
[ { "body": "If you like the fragrance, try Trumper's [West Indian Extract of Limes aftershave](http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/geoftrexofli1.html)---that's a splash and would be better for oily skin. It is, however, expensive. A less costly alternative would be some other splash---e.g., [Speick's aftershave splash](http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/spaflos34oz.html) is not expensive and quite pleasant, or [Alt-Innsbruck](http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/altincoandaf.html), which I'm using now on my trip.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Perhaps a witch hazel or [make your own balm](http://leisureguy.wordpress.com/2011/07/08/making-your-own-aftershave-balm/).\n \n[Castle Forbes ASB](http://www.shaving101.com/index.php/product-reviews/aftershaves/41-castle-forbes-lime-after-shave.html) isn't very greasy", "score": 3 } ]
"Title problem" -- is it really a title problem, or just an FHA requirement problem?
Buying a house with an interesting financing situation. $15k from a government down payment assistance program and the rest from an FHA loan. The property I'm purchasing is bank-owned (foreclosure). It was originally built as a condo, but some years ago the HOA was dissolved. It's not managed by somebody out of TX (I'm in GA). This has caused problems because the loan got snagged in underwriting because of the lack of HOA rules. Currently a letter is being sent from the property manager in TX that should get the property out of underwriting. My contract expires today, but my broker says she will get an extension from the listing agent. tl;dr: My question is: if this deal tanks because FHA won't approve the property without proper HOA docs, does this qualify as failure to provide clean title at closing, such that I could sue the seller for failing to provide title?
[ { "body": "Let me break this down a little bit.\n\nIf the underwriting won't approve your mortgage, there is no funding and no conveyance of title, clean or otherwise. You can't sue him for not providing something you are not yet entitled to. He might be able to keep your deposit for failing to nail down the financing before now.\n\nNext stop, do what your Realtor should have done before writing the contract: [look for that community on this site](https://entp.hud.gov/idapp/html/condlook.cfm). If it's not there, you're not getting an FHA loan, period, the end. \n\nPlease read your contracts very very carefully. You may be able to punch out of this awful deal using the financing contingency and or your state's requirements to provide HOA docs to you if they exist. \n\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "This is very complex and also state-specific. For sure only an attorney can give you a useful answer, and even then there may not be enough statutory or case law to make the answer clear-cut.\n\nI am currently buying the majority of the units in a failed condo conversion. The association was administratively dissolved by the state some years ago for failing to file returns. The condo declaration is binding on the units because it's in the chain of title but the bylaws and rules are of dubious legal status.\n\nI was only able to get a loan because the lender views it as a commercial project, not a condo project, and because as the majority owner I will be able to revive and control the condo association (equivalent of HOA) Even then I had to call about 20 lenders to find 2 that would work with me.\n\nFor one thing I think you will have trouble getting this written as any kind of consumer loan. For another, even if it is, you have to assume that the association will be legally or effectively defunct. That means anything that is a responsibility of the HOA to maintain (roofs, landscaping, parking, utilities) will most likely not get done.\n\nIf you love this property I would ask your atty whether you can legally and practically remove it from the HOA. Or as a plan B whether you can revive and lead the HOA. If neither of these is possible you should forget the whole thing.\n\nWhat would you plan to sue the seller for? I don't think you could argue that a defunct HOA constitutes a stain on the title (again your atty could confirm). They already want to sell to you so specific performance has no value. More likely your seller will try to keep your earnest money unless you provide a plausible break due to a contingency failure.\n", "score": 3 } ]
What's up with HardHustle?
I ordered some 25i from him about 3 weeks ago, and I know he's been having shipping issues recently but I think he might have figured everything out due to the recent reviews on his page.This worries me though because I haven't receieved mine and everybody else has. Has he possibly forgot to ship mine out because it auto-finalized? I don't really want to message him because many other people may be and all I'd be doing is flooding his message box. What do?
[ { "body": "His supplier screwed him and he was giving too many extras for delayed shipments. As of 9-18 he had his supplies back in and should be back up to full speed. My two orders of 50 tabs of 25c and 25i went into transit this morning after about a week. ", "score": 4 } ]
A question for you .22 pros out there.
I am looking to set up a decent .22 rifle. I already have a nylon 66 which I love and .22 conversion for my ar, but I would like to set up something a little different. I was hoping to add a silencer to whatever I get so that I can shoot without bothering neighbors. I figured that I would be able to make the rifle quieter and more accurate by going with a bolt action. Currently, I am fond of the savage mark ii tr. I would probably add a nikon buckmaster and harris bipod to it. My biggest concern is how to go about adding a silencer. Would it be easiest to just have the barrel machined? What kind of silencer would you recommend? Also, I am not that familiar with any .22 other than .22lr. Would I be better off with a different round? What are your opinions of this set up? Would I be better off with something different? I don't mind spending a little money but I don't want to get anything too crazy. The stuff I listed is a good example of my price range. Thanks!
[ { "body": "Savage Mark II with an accutrigger is a great .22 rifle. Get some CCI Quiet-22 ammo in a bolt gun and no one will ever know you're even shooting, its quieter than a pellet gun. Heck, subsonics are pretty darn quiet as it is, and if you can find a gun with a faster twist rate the auila SSS ammo can be fun too. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Whatever suppressor you get, make sure it's user-serviceable. .22 creates a lot of leading. I like the Silencerco 22 Sparrow. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Savage makes a MKII model with a threaded barrel, ready for a can. I would know because I have one and it's fantastic.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "been lusting after one of [these](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZ_452) myself. One of their models comes threaded. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "If you are in the U.S. and you're going to purchase a silencer keep this in mind:\n\nI was at the range the other day and a guy had .30 silencer. He had the same threads for his .22 ar15 upper. All you could hear was the action cycle. That way you could use it on more than just your .22", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Your question about the round being good. Well what do you want the 22lr for? If you want to hit small game, have cheap plinking fun etc. then it's great. If you want a tack driver at 100yards go for a .17hmr or .22mag but shooting it will be much much more expensive. \n\nSavage makes great rifles. I bought a mark II this summer and have absolutely love it. \n\nGo to their website and look at models because they have a threaded barrel version already if I'm not mistaken. \n\nIt's illegal or me to say silence-e.. In my country so that is the limit of my suppres-s-o advice. \n\nThere is a little aftermarket for savage but not obviously as much as ruger 10/22. \n\n", "score": 3 } ]
Are GW2 skillsets customizable for niche PVE builds? (Examples inside)
As a huge fan of GW1, I'm worried that there will be far fewer creative builds you can make in GW2. For example, some of my favorite things to do in vanilla GW1 was to farm UW with a two-man trapper team, or to try running people various places with a runner build, or farming ettins or charr in that one mission north of the wall... You get the idea. There were so many interesting builds given the flexibility of 8 unrestricted skill slots. Does GW2 compare? Is there even a need for these types of builds? Thanks.
[ { "body": "No it doesn't. Basically only one reason for not living up to it's potential though: trait refunds are costly and require you to visit a certain npc. If they remove that, then you would be able to create just as diverse builds as you could in GW1.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Honestly, part of me wants to say there is actually the potential for more variance in builds with skills + traits. Hear me out on this,\n\nSo I play and engineer, and depending on how I spec out I can build in a varity of ways. I can go bomber spec and spec out with crazy grenade damage, or I can swap a trait around and now I am healing people with my grenades instead. I can go for range on my weapons, or I can go for a faster recharge, depending on what matter to me most. I can build glass cannon or I can go tanky elixer heal build with a visit to respec vendor.\n\nObviously, right now, yes there are less skills then in the endgame of GW, but if you really start digging into the trait systems, you can see where the varity in the skill system starts to shine.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "As an example of a sort of 'creative' PVE build, I fucking love teleporting around as a Mesmer, so I have my utility skills filled up with that sort of thing, use a staff for the #2 skill (which is a teleport) and have my traits set up to increase the range of my Manipulation skills, decrease their cooldowns, reduce my fall damage, and additionally decrease the cooldown of my staff skills. I adore the mobility, and feel along with my clones like I can be everywhere at once.\n\nThere is no need for this type of build - it doesn't help me out in combat at all - but I love it nevertheless. :)", "score": 3 } ]
It's Amazing the Tricks My Brain Will Play
So I'm about three weeks in to my quit. Yesterday I found ten bucks in the pocket of my jeans and my brain got all excited and thought, "Yes! Money for cigarettes!" Then I reminded myself that I'm quitting. It was almost as if my brain was confused. "But what are we going to do with this money? Just leave it? Not spend it? Save it? That's ridiculous!" For the past fifteen years, any extra money that came my way was exciting because it meant I wasn't going to run out of smokes and I suppose it will take some time for that little thrill to go away. I have no desire to smoke right now. I'm sick as a dog at the moment and the last thing I want is a cigarette. It's just years and years of habit playing tricks on me.
[ { "body": "I was the same, there was once after about a month without smoking I was about to go to bed and thought \"I'l go to bed after I have a fag\" I actually said WTF. It was so odd, really funny some of the things your brain throws at you, I have the occasional dream too. \n\nSpend your money on something worthwhile, for a few weeks I put spare money and the money I would usually spend on fags in a jar then I brought some stuff for my room and some new clothes. \n\nOh and it's even funnier when people ask you for a lighter and you actually search your pockets to try and find one ha. \n\nGood luck and congrats on 20 days. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "If you need to trick your brain... You can mail that cash to me and I will take it off your hands. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "It's strange. Some mornings I still wake up and sort of look around as if I'm looking for my cigs... then I'm like \"hah, oh yeah. I quit.\"", "score": 3 } ]
What are some good albums to listen to all the way through?
I'm trying to do this more and more instead of just pulling out singes. Great success so far with Radiohead, RHCP's Stadium Arcadium, Bon Iver's Bon Iver, Dark Side of the Moon (of course)....What other suggestions? EDIT: AWESOME responses. I love thinking I know all of the good bands and then getting proved wrong time and time again. Upvotes! UPVOTES FOR ALL!! EDIT 2: What an amazing list of suggestions. I feel like I never have to ask for a suggestion for a record ever again. This is like a life time (or realistically 20 years) of listening goodness. Learned a lot today. Rock on young saviour. Don't give up your hopes!
[ { "body": "Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am...\n\nIf you haven't heard this, do yourself a favour and go ahead. It's incredible.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf\n\nNine Inch Nails - The Fragile (left)\n\nAgalloch - The Mantle\n\nTricky - Maxinquaye\n\nTool - Lateralus\n\nTom Waits - Rain Dogs\n\nMassive Attack - Mezzenine\n\nthe xx - xx\n\nPropellerheads - decksanddrumsandrockandroll\n\nThe Avalanches - Since I Left You\n\nMastodon - Leviathan", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Beastie Boys - License To Ill \n\nThe Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (Of course) \n\nBright Eyes - Fevers and Mirrors \n\nCage The Elephant - Thank You Happy Birthday \n\nCAKE - Fashion Nugget \n\nChildish Gambino - Camp \n\nDeath Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs \n\nFun. - Aim and Ignite (Some Nights ruined Fun. for me. AUTO TUNE??? SERIOUSLY???) \n\nKayne West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy \n\nKid Cudi - Man On The Moon: The End of the Day \n\nThe Kooks - Inside In Inside Out \n\nMatt & Kim - Grand \n\nPanic! At the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out \n\nPassion Pit - Manners The Postelles - Self Titled \n\nPunch Brothers- Who's Feeling Young Now? \n\nRa Ra Riot - Orchard \n\nRHCP - Californication \n\nShabazz Palaces - Black Up \n\nThe Strokes - Is This It? \n\nTalking Heads - 77 \n\nTom Waits - Rain Dogs \n\nViolent Femmes - Self Titled \n\nWALK THE MOON - Self Titled \n\nWhite Rabbits - It's Frightening \n\nYoung The Giant - Self Titled (Their Remix EP is pretty wicked as well) \n\nAny 60's Bob Dylan \n\nAny 90's Weezer \n\nAny Modest Mouse Album \n\nAny Muse Album \n\nAny Radiohead album (After Pablo Honey) \n\nAny Gorillaz album (If you're in the mood)\n\nThose are some of my favorites. Enjoy", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Animals - Pink Floyd\n\nLateralus - Tool\n\nGraduation - Kanye West\n\nRumors - Fleetwood Mac\n\nUnplugged in New York - Nirvana\n\nOld World Underground & Live It Out - Metric\n\n\nI'll try to come back and post more when I'm at home and looking at the archives.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "score": 11 }, { "body": "The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me- Brand New\n\nIs a Real Boy- Say Anything\n\nEchoes of Silence- The Weeknd\n\nTell All Your Friends- Taking Back Sunday\n\nHot Fuss- The Killers\n\nSection .80- Kendrick Lamar", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Every Beatles album from *Rubber Soul* onward (except *Let It Be*)\n\nPink Floyd - *The Wall*\n\nSoundgarden - *Superunknown*\n\nNirvana - *In Utero*\n\nAlice in Chains - *Dirt*\n\nPearl Jam - *Vs.*\n\nTool - *Ænima* and *Lateralus*\n\nMuse - *Black Holes and Revelations*\n\nNine Inch Nails - *The Downward Spiral* and *Year Zero*\n\nLed Zeppelin - *Led Zeppelin II*, *Led Zeppelin IV*, *Houses of the Holy*", "score": 11 }, { "body": "For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver\n\nFuneral by Arcade Fire\n\nHospice by The Antlers\n\nMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West\n\nchannel Orange by Frank Ocean\n\nIllmatic by Nas\n\nreally any radiohead album. Any concept album. I mean really any good album will be great to listen to straight through.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Some of my favorites right now:\n\nAnimal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion\n\nFrank Zappa - Hot Rats\n\nTalking Heads - Remain in Light\n\nOpeth - Blackwater Park\n\nModest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica", "score": 9 }, { "body": "RCHP's Blood Sugar Sex Magik\n\nAny Led Zeppelin album up to and including Physical Graffiti\n\nSublime - self titled album, and 40 oz. to Freedom\n\nPink Floyd - The Wall\n\nThe Beatles - Abbey Road\n\nBand of Skulls - both albums (Baby Darling Doll Face Honey, and Sweet Sour)\n\nThe Dead Weather - both albums (Horehound, and Sea of Cowards)\n\nDr. Dre - 2001\n\nGorillaz - Demon Days\n\nIncubus - Make Yourself\n\nMuse - Absolution, Origin of Symmetry, Black Holes & Revelations, and The Resistance\n\nMutemath - Armistice\n\nPearl Jam - Ten, and Vs.\n\nThe Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers, and Consolers of the Lonely\n\nThem Crooked Vultures - self titled album\n\n", "score": 8 }, { "body": "It really depends on the style you like, so I'm just going to list a bunch of albums from different styles.\n\n[Modest Mouse -We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tRKtijjwDc)\n\n[Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DPZK_I2MC0&feature=related)\n\n[Alphaville - Forever Young](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO6Y14Y-MKk)\n\n[Muse - Origin of Symmetry](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97eZM2iVdNU)\n\n[The Kinks - Misfits](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwVw6x7lzGY)\n\n[Mr. Bungle - California](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITEDFYdLHFA)\n\n[Mr. Oizo - Lambs Anger](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7T31PbAY34)\n\n[Foxy Shazam - Introducing](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tagtaasJtEA)\n\n[Beach House - Teen Dream](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-rYQRxzaJM)\n\n[The Mint Chicks - Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISkvWP4hDf4)\n\n[Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow & Blue](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rq5JJnPWjg)\n\n[Bear Hands - Burning Bush Supper Club](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZVcxt_-r28)\n\n[Three Mile Pilot - The Inevitable Past is the Future Forgotten](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UPnCrT80iI)\n\nI posted links for full albums when I could find them.\n\nEdit: Added a few more that I dig. Couldn't find full album videos of them.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "channel orange by frank ocean\n\nyoung the giant self titled\n\nall day by girl talk\n\nscurrilous, fortress, and kezia by protest the hero\n\nthe great misdirect by between the buried and me\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Pink Floyd - Animals, Wish You Were Here, Dark Side of the Moon\n\nRush - Moving Pictures, Signals, A Farewell to Kings, Clockwork Angels\n\nFleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes\n\nBeatles - Revolver, Sgt Peppers, Abbey Road,\n\nMother Mother - The Sticks\n\nBen Folds - Rockin' the Suburbs\n\nPorcupine Tree - In Abenstia\n\nKishi Bashi - 151a\n\nRa Ra Riot - The Orchard\n\nRadiohead - Kid A, In Rainbows, OK Computer, Amnesiac (weird album)\n\nDream Theater - Metropolis 2: Scenes from a Memory, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence\n\nELP - Brain Salad Surgery\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "A little off the beaten path, but try Septembre et ses dernieres pensees by French post-rock band Les Discrets. Quite possibly one of the best and most overlooked albums of 2010!\n\nThis is one of my favorite songs off the album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHdnqo3PTtM", "score": 3 }, { "body": "\"...and the battle begun\" by the rx bandits.\n\npretty much everything you could ask for out of modern rock music.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)\nDoggystyle\nIs This It?\nMadvillainy \nKid A\nBizarre Ride II (The Pharcyde)\nThe Low End Theory", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Cursive -The Ugly Organ. You will not be disappointed. One of the best and most complete albums I've ever heard.\n\nedit: accidentally a word. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "* Siamese Dream -Smashing Pumpkins\n* Downward Spiral -Nine Inch Nails\n* Fantasma -Cornelius\n* Agaetis Byrjun -Sigur Ros", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Censored Colors - Portugal. The Man\n\nIn the Mountain in the Cloud - Portugal. The Man\n\nEl Camino - The Black Keys\n\nAny Modest Mouse, Radiohead, or Pink Floyd album.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The Strokes-Is This it\nThe Vaccines- What did you expect...\nThe Arctic Monkeys-Whatever People Say I am...\nThe Last Shadow Puppets-The Age of the Understatement\nThe Beach Boys-Pet Sounds\n\n\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Bright Eyes - Lifted or the Story is in the Soil\n\nBrand New - The Devil and God are Raging inside of me.\n\nWeezer - The Blue Album\n\nPink Floyd - Dark side of the Moon\n\nThe Antlers - Hospice\n\nThe Strokes - Is This It\n\nArctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I am not\n\nManchester Orchestra - I'm like a virgin losing a child.\n\nModest Mouse - The Moon and Antartica\n\n(I'm sure all of these are down in the comments. haha)", "score": 3 } ]
So is this place is completely dead now?
I've come here for three days in a row and no one seems to be here. Let's inject some life back into this place!
[ { "body": "It's not exactly dead. It's just... abandoned. We need to get some traffic from the forums back here.", "score": 4 } ]
Best short-term training to be able to touch my toes
Hey /r/fitness, I've been lurking here for a while, and now I need your help. In around 10-20 days, I will need to be able to touch the tip of my toes (let's call it a challenge). This is very important. I can currently only bring my fingers to around 11 cm from the tip of my toes. How can I train to be able to do so for around 5 seconds? Thanks in advance. Note: If this is not possible in such a short term, I'd like to get as close to that goal as possible.
[ { "body": ">This is very important. \n\nWhy is this important? Is this some kind of bet? \n\nDo back and hamstring stretches, 10 reps each. Repeat twice daily. Eventually, you will be able to touch your toes. It takes as long as it takes and rushing it is profoundly idiotic. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "This is LITERALLY the quickest fix you can get for increasing your toe-touching flexibility in a matter of seconds. I picked this trick up back at a leadership camp and have put it to good use ever since.\n\nTouch your toes as you normally would. Stand up.\n\nTouch your toes again. Now, as you're down and reaching for your toes, have someone apply their body weight to your upper back, forcing you down. As they're applying this weight, you're going to slowly try to stand back up. Its OK if your pal is applying lots of weight and you're barely making any progress in terms of standing up. That's the whole point.\n\nYou and your friend should be battling it out for maybe about 10 seconds. Then have him get off of you. Stand up again. And then try touching your toes. You will literally gain inches. You might even be able to touch the ground.\n\nIf you don't have a friend to help you out, touch your toes, grab your ankles, and again, apply that same resistance by trying to stand up. \n\nIf you feel like you wanna go lower, do another resistence set.\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Weighted pike stretch: stand on a chair or stool, hold a weight in your hands (25-45lbs), brace your abs, and bend forward at the hips. Your back is going to round, but try to minimize that by attempting to rotate your pelvis as much as possible. Let the weight pull you down.\n\nHold for 60s. Do this 3-5 times a day", "score": 6 }, { "body": "It might not be tight hamstrings, It may be that you have a slight-moderate anterior pelvic tilt and your hamstrings are under more tension than normal because your glutes are extremely weak and inactive. In this case stretching your hamstrings is a really bad idea.", "score": 3 } ]
Why do women hate Chrissy Russo?
Seriously, what don't they like about her. She dresses well, she gives us our weather. She is not a bimbo. In a somewhat scientific study of my last three girlfriends and a mixture of other friends, I find that most women do not appreciate her. Some even resort to calling her names, names i should not mention. On a side note, my mate told me he saw topless pictures of her. Please tell me this is true, and where can I find them
[ { "body": "I used to work with Chrissy for years. Women (and men who had to work with her) don't like her because it is obvious she is the kind of person who thinks she can get whatever she wants. Believe me it's true. She is a very manipulative person and I think that attitude is more apparent to other women. Also, I don't think the nudes are real otherwise I would've heard about it.", "score": 24 }, { "body": "Possibly because her official page that she puts out herself looks like the official page for a stripper.\n\n[NSFW] http://chrissyrusso.com/", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I actually like her, I mean she's just a weather girl, I don't care. As a person, she does seem like she'd be really annoying and self-centered haha", "score": 4 } ]
Why don't people EMP infestors in late game TvZ?
Title says it all- I was watching the EG cast last night and it was late TvZ (heart versus somebody, can't remember). The zerg got up to 42 infestors. Terran was playing mech, but all I could think of was "You've got 17 orbitals, infinite resources, just get some goddamn ghosts and emp those bastards and you win!"
[ { "body": "1. Infestors are too fat to emp, with a perfect emp you might get 3 of them.\n2. If I'm playing mech, I'm using tanks to take out infestors. Tanks are more useful vs other units, while ghosts will only counter infestors.\n3. Ghosts are the most expensive unit per supply. I don't care how huge the Terran's bank is, getting 20 of those guys will put a huge dent into it. If you are going for a spellcaster late game, raven is a better choice for numerous reasons.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "MacroJackson said it best, I'll just elaborate a little further on his points.\n\nInfestors, especially given the nerf to EMP, are damned hard to EMP well. Plus infestors are rarely clumped up enough for them to be -effectively- EMP'd. \n\nGhosts, were the snipe not nerfed, -would- be the best answer. That being said, snipe is now effectively worth nothing except against psionic units. It would take two snipes, per infestor, to kill them. \n\nLet's compare that to siege tanks; they can damage any ground unit, they have an insane range, do high *splash* damage and are built for attacking armored units (which infestors are). Tanks are a smarter choice here for these reasons alone, especially after you factor in their upgrades.", "score": 3 } ]
Webpages keeps on redirecting on Firefox, chromium and Opera when i use linux at my College plz help!
Hey guys i need help. Iv installed Linux mint on a flashdrive so i can carry it around with me. (very convienient) So i go to a University and when i plug my USB in and boot it up and attempt to go onto MOST internet sights it wont let me, it keeps on redirecting me to a site like this http://swa2/ntlm_auth.php?p=3600&u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jcmFja2VkLmNvbS8=&a=MzM=. It is getting really annoying. can anyone help me fix this. It also won't let me do anything on chromium.
[ { "body": "You will need to check the proxy settings on the local computer and input that information into the web browser on your usb thumbdrive.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "We can't view that website you listed since it's not a fully qualified domain name (like www.reddit.com or www.yahoo.com).\n\nIt's a local intranet site, probably some form of web management gateway.\n\nBest course of action: Go talk to your school's IT department. ", "score": 3 } ]
Dishwasher wiring guide/Technical Guide - UK
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a technical guide or a wiring guide for my dishwasher, NewWorld DW60? Let me explain my situation. My doorlock had broken and whilst i was opening up the front panel, my girlfriend let the door slip and two wires came off a connector at the rinse aid circuit. The connector that they came off has two pins and i have two wires but i cant be certain which way round they go. Any advice at all will be appreciated. Thanks
[ { "body": "Can you just match up wire colors on the other side of that connector?\n\nIf not, is \"rinse aid\" a switch? If it is, then it shouldn't matter which way you wire it up. Either way you attach them, one wire is hot and the switch will only pass that hot signal to the other wire when the switch is turned on.", "score": 3 } ]
Dual monitors. Dynamic workspace on left, static workspace on right. Is this possible?
I'm currently running Ubuntu 12.04 with a dual external monitor setup. The setup I'm trying to achieve is a web browser in the right monitor and three vertical workspaces on my left monitor for code, terminal, and communication software. I want to be able to ctrl+alt+arrow key to switch the workspace on the left monitor while the workspace on the right monitor remains on the web browser. Does anyone know if this is achievable?. Side question: Mouse gestures for chrome do not work well. Ubuntu brings up the context menu on mouse down instead of mouse up which interferes with gestures. I'm so used to mouse gestures for web browsing and it's very hard to ween myself off of them. Is there any way to override Ubuntu to bring up context menus on mouse up instead of mouse down? Or any other fixes that would make gestures work better?
[ { "body": "Right click on the (not maximized) top bar of the browser window (next to the close and maximize buttons), then select \"Always on Visible Workspace\".", "score": 7 } ]
Entire Swim Team had Personal Records
I coach a high school swim team in an area of the city where swimming is not a high priority. We have traditionally been a losing team, and his year has been no different. Of my 16 swimmers, all but two are brand new and we have gotten killed every meet so far this year and I could see the demoralization on their faces and in their walk. I kept telling them to fight, that we will get better. Last night, we had a another meet against two very large schools. The final score did nothing to prove that we are improving, but we knew we are. Every single one of my swimmers PRed in one or multiple events, and the best part was, they were happy and proud. They didn't care about the final results, they were proud of their improvements. It was a great feeling. Now, I am consious about it going to their head. I will acknowledge their improvements, but will surely remind them we still have work to do to get our first win this year.
[ { "body": "As a swimmer, I can tell you beating any of my previous times makes me feel like a champion. Keep up the good coaching and reminding the kids they can only get better.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "This is the first one I've seen in this subreddit that's not a negative post about a relationship.\n\n:)", "score": 3 } ]
[Suggestions wanted!] Going to run a Stitch and Bitch at a con next year, looking for easy but interesting patterns to teach new people.
I'm on a team of people who run security at conventions, and lately we've noticed that our security room has become a knitting haven (there are usually at least two people working on something at any given time), and I was inspired to make it more than a joke, so I'm going to submit a proposal for a Stitch and Bitch with Security workshop at the next con we're working. The current plan is to have people bring their own stuff to work on in a social setting but also try to get craft stores to donate or discount some hideous acrylic yarn and cheap needles or hooks, and have the security knitters teach the new people how to make i-cord lanyards for their badges. But we also want to have a slightly more interesting pattern for people to take home or start working on there if they want to do something other than just i-cord for an hour. Any suggestions? The con in question is an anime convention, but we're also looking at doing this again next summer at Bronycon. Mostly we're looking for something small and adorable, probably knit flat. I've been poking around Ravelry, but if people have suggestions (for patterns or about getting donations for an intro-knitting workshop) they would be most welcome!
[ { "body": "I am just knitting a [Sheldon](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sheldon) and thought he would be great for the number of outfits he has, so there was a lot of mileage in him for better knitters. But he isn't a beginner's knit. Is there a toy like him with lots of outfits, but easier to make?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Yes, I do have suggestions! My friend runs the crafting track at GenCon Indy. She gets lots of yarn, needles, and supplies at thrift stores and estate sales. Especially estate sales since if Grandma didn't have any knitters in the family, whoever's in charge of liquidating the stuff has no idea what it's worth. :-) She's gotten giant lots of stuff for ultra cheap.", "score": 3 } ]
So I was standing in a rather large line at my local Burger King today...
[Atheist veteran Charity McMan helps poor, pitiful homeless man while Rethuglican Christofascists scarf down Whoppers faster than they scarf down lies.](http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/108a46/so_i_was_at_burger_king_tonight/) ---- I live in a right wing pro-Mormon city. I go to BK to grab a quick bite. As I'm pulling in I see 3 vehicles all sporting the usual Jesus/anti-Obama/militant pro-life/anti-everything bumper stickers. All have 3-4 people. A homeless guy holds the door open for ALL of them. They didn't as much as look at him. I could tell the dude was hungry. If you have ever had to live on the street, you know that look. So I ask him " Hey, brother, you need some help?" He looked at me like I was the only person to talk to him in months. Well fuck me if that's not the case. "No one even knows I'm here. I'm hungry, man" he says. I get him a couple value meals and I empty out my old army field bag. New tooth brush, Chapstick, etc. He says thank you, we hug, and he walks off with a full belly. I walk back in to eat and everyone there is looking at me like a hugged a walking piece of shit. I just shook my head, got in my car, and went home. I'm not looking for karma. I'm upset. I'm 30 years old. I've seen humanity do horrible things to itself after 10 years in the army. And this. THIS. THESE PEOPLE. These people can't even help a grey haired old man who can barely walk because his feet are bleeding. A man who couldn't even ask out of fear of rejection. WELL THIS GUY DID HELP. AND NOT BECAUSE OF A GOD. BUT BECAUSE I'M A HUMAN BEING WHO LOVES HIS FELLOW MAN. thanks for reading
[ { "body": ">As I'm pulling in I see 3 vehicles all sporting the usual Jesus/anti-Obama/militant pro-life/anti-everything bumper stickers\n\nBullshit detector: Mild activity.\n\n>I'm not looking for karma.\n\nBullshit detector: IT'S OFF THE CHARTS, BUGGER! \n\n>WELL THIS GUY DID HELP. AND NOT BECAUSE OF A GOD. BUT BECAUSE I'M A HUMAN BEING WHO LOVES HIS FELLOW MAN.\n\n*bullshit detector begins to violently hiss and throw sparks*\n\n\"HIT THE FLOOR!\"\n\n*tosses the bullshit detector. Explodes on contact with the ground.*", "score": 23 }, { "body": "This is the Mormon cousin to the Mountain Dew/Walmart story. We have Burger King instead of the Dew, a restaurant instead of a retail store, a poor homeless man instead of a poor old woman, hypocritical Mormons instead of hypocritical Christians, and a small town in Mormon territory instead of a small town in the Bible belt. The thread that ties these two stories together? A smug, self-righteous atheist and a bunch of hypocritical religious folk. My goodness, if he turned this in as an assignment in Bravery 101, he would fail due to plagiarism. This might seriously be the same guy. \n\nMoral of the story? Make your story *slightly* less outlandish and ridiculous and be prepared to be showered in praise and jerked vigorously by the /r/atheism crowd. I know these brave soldiers of logic don’t need a book to be good but I really, really wish they would maybe borrow the whole “humility” thing from a religion. \n\n\nRegardless, 9/10. Would jerk again. ", "score": 18 } ]
Showcase matches for each hero.
I think that someone should make something like this for a website, or maybe even on this subreddit. It would be a really good idea for people that are not fully satisfied by guides on several sites and would like to see a replay of a pro (preferably) playing a specific hero. Also, people could freely contribute some links and a person would judge if they're appropriate to be listed as "Showcase matches". If I had the knowledge, I'd have done it by myself, but my programming skills aren't adequate enough.
[ { "body": "Purge already does this.\n\nhttp://www.purgegamers.com/learn-dota\n\nClick on a hero to watch a game played by him.", "score": 9 } ]
Is it just me or do mobs spawn way too fast?
I was playing last night and found a small cave with maybe 3 polar bears in it along with 2 iron/silver ores and a rich silver mining ore and I couldn't mine them at all without the polars spawn twice. This is really annoying for when I'm soloing and I just wanted to know what you guys think about the spawn rate?
[ { "body": "As a dps spec Guardian, no it's fine. \n\nAs a generally supportive Mesmer, fucking hell it's annoying.", "score": 62 }, { "body": "The also have that annoying \"invulnerability\" that the mobs get at random times. I had to completely restart an event because the boss became \"determined\" so we couldn't damage it.", "score": 50 }, { "body": "I ran into this problem the other day. Fighting into a cave-type area, kill things at the entrance, they respawn almost as soon as they die. \n\n\"Well, maybe I just killed them RIGHT at the respawn time. Unlucky.\"\n\nEnd up having like solid 8-minute fight as I kill one, another respawns right behind me. \n\nFinally kill them all and progress into the cave. I get mobbed by like 4 things and am downed. Escape via Mist form to recover near entrance of cave.\n\nOh look, they all respawned -_-", "score": 30 }, { "body": "It's even worse when those mobs are wolves.\n\nOne time, I was all alone in an area with an \"escort a Dolyak to location X\" event going on. Before the damn Dolyak got to where the first ambush usually would be, a group of 3 wolves that were just naturally there attacked. By the time I'd killed the 3 of them, they had all howled to summon 3 more wolves, AND the original 3 had started to respawn.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "The spawn rates are ridiculous.\n\nI keep reporting every case of insta-respawn I encounter (meaning, I kill something, and it immediately respawns, happened more than just few times, even while I was writing a report on that - killed the same mob about 11 times before I finished typing), but even normal respawn timers are insane.\n\n3 mobs deep in a cave, and the mob at the entrance has already respawned...\n\nTotally takes away my desire to explore.\n\nReally annoying at times.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "It seems to not scale down well when you are the only person in the immediate area. I suspect they scale the spawn rate based on people in the vicinity but the radius might be too wide and may not account for vertical distance (ie, people on top of the mountain may increase spawn rate of people in the caves below). My recommendation is to further throttle the respawn rate based not only on PCs in the area but also number of mobs from that spawn spot killed in the last few minutes.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Some areas absolutely spawn waaaaaaay too fast. Even for somewhat DPS specced classes that kill quickly it can sometimes get a bit nuts. I find the prime offender for these situations is typically the Risen. They move freakin fast for undead and they really respawn quickly in most areas they appear in. In some ways, I like it... it really makes the undead feel like a swarm (which is how they should feel according to the NPCs!). But on the other hand it can make fighting through a Risen infested area feel amazingly frustrating.\n\nIt happens with other areas / mob types, I just feel like I run in to it the most with Risen. And I don't just mean in Orr, it feels like it's an issue almost anywhere Risen are found.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "This is one thing I dislike about GW2. Nothing seems permanent enough. Granted I know it would never be permanent but come on. When I save a town's ass it should stay saved for at least 30 seconds.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "This is done, becouse there are probably a lot of players in the same zones. They will probably slow down the respawn rate after some time. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Not to be a language nazi, but I think you mean \"too often\", not \"too fast\". The thought of a mob slowly materialising is quite humorous.", "score": 3 } ]
Perhaps not the bro-est topic ever, but anyone a fan of the Wheel of Time books? Currently re-evaluating my opinion of the series...
So, yeah, like the title says, this is perhaps not the bro-est of interests, but I've always been a big fan of the aforementioned book series. Started reading it when I was about 10 and I've been keeping up with it ever since. I'm posting about this here because I thoroughly enjoy this subreddit and the content of this post is at least gay-related. Sorry in advance if it's too off-topic. Anyway, with the last book set to come out pretty soon, I was having a look around r/wot last night, and ended up reading something that has been bugging me a lot. I know the series has received a lot of criticism for being extremely drawn-out (which it is) and also for being very male-centric, with a lot of poorly-written female characters, but I had never really thought about that too much until last night. I read a comment disagreeing with said criticism because of the frequent depiction (or mention, at least) of lesbian relationships in the books, but total absence of any male homosexuality from the series. And then someone replied that this was a perfect example of how it is very male-centric because the whole male homosexuality angle is excluded because it's essentially not something (straight) men want to read about, whereas lesbian relationships are... Which I guess is probably true, but I can't say I particularly like the idea. At all. So now I'm honestly feeling kind of bitter about having been a fan of the series for so long. Plus, it probably would have done me a lot of good growing up to have been reading books that had gay characters. I could have used some gay role models, fictional or not. Bleh. **TL;DR:** I'm a longstanding fan of a series of books that I have just now realized completely avoids any depictions of male, but not female, homosexuality, and it's making me re-think how I feel about the series. Thoughts, anyone?
[ { "body": "(a) I read a chunk of the wheel of time, back in the 90s. i eventually stopped because new books would come out and i'd read them and it would be like, shit, this story <em>isn't getting anywhere</em>. i can't be bothered to get excited about the next book if it's just going to go nowhere like the last one did.\n\n(b) a few years ago, tor.com was giving away free ebooks to people who signed up as site members before they launched. the first book they gave away was _mistborn_. _mistborn_, if you haven't read it, is fucking fantastic. i devoured everything brandon sanderson has written, and he's now on top of my buy-as-soon-as-it-comes-out list\n\n(c) so i really wanted to read his WoT books. but for that to make any sense, I had to read all of Jordan's books. which was going to take a while. so last summer - 2011 - after I finished law school and took the CA bar, while my husband and I were moving across country, i read them. all of them. although i got to tell you, round about books 8/9 i wanted to give up. i enjoyed them, mostly; i find the stories interesting and the characters compelling, although HOLY HELL DID IT TAKE ROBERT JORDAN FOREVER TO COME TO THE POINT.\n\n*ahem*\n\ni've already ordered my copy of _a memory of light_.\n\n(d) yeah, there's no mention of male homosexuality. but there's no mention of male homosexuality *in epic fantasy*, full stop. it's not a this-story problem it's a genre problem.\n\nwhile it would be *nice* if someone were to take on the absence of homosexuality in the genre, i don't think it's necessarily fair to a particular story or a particular author to condemn it (or them) for not doing something that nobody in the genre is doing. unless you're going to condemn the genre as a whole and say, i'm not reading or liking *any* of it, singling out WoT for its lack of homosexuality just seems ... wrong, somehow. \n\n", "score": 4 } ]
[INTRODUCTION] In May 2012, Japanese reporter Takahiro Fukada was given a document by one of his sources in the Osaka District Public Prosecutor's Office and asked to investigate its contents. According to the source, the document was obtained during the course of a long-term investigation into one of the so-called 'ultra-elite' families in Japanese society, a family with great wealth and political influence. Investigators managed to connect the powerful family to a small business which they suspected to be a "shell company" because it listed no assets other than a single room in a small office building outside Tokyo. When investigators visited the room, they found it empty except for a desk, a chair and a computer. There was no phone or internet connection. The contents of the computer's hard drive were encrypted and totally inaccessible. However, a USB stick was found in one of the computer's ports. Data recovery techniques managed to find a single document on the stick. Shortly after obtaining the document, the investigation was shut down on orders from the Ministry of Justice. Unable to pursue it in an official capacity, Fukada's source gave him a copy of the document and tasked him with uncovering its author and the meaning of its contents. Unfortunately, Fukada made little headway. Basic research found that the document was written in a mixture of modern Japanese and an extinct dialect from the Kanto region once used by local underworld figures. Beyond that, its contents are difficult to decipher. At great personal risk, Fukada has decided to make the document public in Japan and around the world with the hopes that somebody can shed some light on its meaning and its implications. Thus, it is being posted on this internet forum. Below you will find an English translation done by a volunteer. Please read it slowly and carefully. Despite its unusual content, every effort has been made to be faithful to the original document. If you have any information or insight concerning this document, please leave it in the forum's comment section. Note: Items written in ALL CAPS were underlined in the original document. [END INTRODUCTION] [BEGIN DOCUMENT] REPORT FOR THE ONLOOKER: IDOL 34 IDOL 34 acquired at Yoyogi Park. No police/bystander interference. No major injury. Fully clean acquisition. IDOL transported to site and placed in viewing chamber. IDOL is approximately 16 to 20 years of age. IDOL body has no injury or marking. Perfect condition. IDOL undergoing normal agitated emotional response. Appears healthy and alert. SEDATIVE GAS MIXTURE 2 released. Agitation response slightly diminished. IDOL does not appear prone to self-harm. Viewing link to DEVOTEES established. 110 of 111 DEVOTEES online and viewing. DEVOTEE 28389237498 not online. Not responding. Text chatting enabled. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "Very good. Very young. Too young." DEVOTEE: "She looks like a stuck-up bitch. Get ready for it, bitch. You won't be stuck up for long." DEVOTEE: "The Onlooker has chosen another good one." PREPARATION BEGINS. Performer RED DOCTOR enters chamber. IDOL undergoes strong fear response. SEDATIVE GAS MIXTURE 4 released. SEDATIVE GAS MIXTURE 6 released. IDOL appears soporific. RED DOCTOR fastens IDOL onto display table. STIMULANT GAS MIXTURE 9 (PARANOIAC VARIANT) released. IDOL undergoes extreme fear response. RED DOCTOR performs INTRODUCTION MONOLOGUE and exits viewing chamber. PREPARATION ENDS. DEVOTEE arousal polling at 64%. Moderate text chatting activity. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "Oh, she's ready. She's ready to get what she came for." DEVOTEE: "Hahaha. She thinks it can't get worse." DEVOTEE: "Now you our are food, you whore." MARKING BEGINS. Performer GRANDFATHER enters viewing chamber. IDOL asks GRANDFATHER for assistance. GRANDFATHER performs MONOLOGUE 2. IDOL becomes extremely agitated. GRANDFATHER performs PROCEDURE A. IDOL remains conscious throughout PROCEDURE A. Negligible blood loss. GRANDFATHER exits the viewing chamber. MARKING ENDS. DEVOTEE arousal polling at 75%. Heavy text chatting activity. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "She's brave. I'm surprised. I thought she was a worthless little bitch." DEVOTEE: "I can't wait to see inside her. Please show us." DEVOTEE: "Onlooker, thank you. I'm in tears right now." REQUEST PERIOD BEGINS. RED DOCTOR enters the viewing chamber. RED DOCTOR administers local anesthetic to abdomen. RED DOCTOR exits the viewing chamber. Music begins to play. Performer THE HORSE enters viewing chamber. THE HORSE performs Procedure B. IDOL remains conscious and extremely agitated. Repeatedly asks THE HORSE to reverse the effects of Procedure B. Blood pressure low but within acceptable limits. Organs appear healthy: good color and shape. THE HORSE takes requests from DEVOTEES and performs them on IDOL. Sample of Positions Requested: Glistening Butterfly, Three Ropes, Red Flowers IDOL loses consciousness 4 times throughout the request period. Each time, THE HORSE administers STIMULANT INJECTION 2. IDOL blood pressure drops below acceptable limit. Transfusion administered. THE HORSE exits the viewing chamber. REQUEST PERIOD ENDS. DEVOTEE arousal polling at 84%. Heavy DEVOTEE text chatting activity. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "Look at them! Look at how fresh they are! So fresh and alive!" DEVOTEE: "She's so much better inside. So much better. So red and wet!" DEVOTEE: "Like beautiful red flowers. I wish I could smell them." FREE PLAY BEGINS. STIMULANT GAS MIXTURE 17 released. NARCOTIC GAS MIXTURE 4 released. PSYCHOTROPIC GAS MIXTURE 1 released. Viewing chamber loudspeaker performs INSTRUCTION MONOLOGUE. IDOL displays maximal agitation. Viewing table restraints released. IDOL performs extremely vigorous free play. After 34 minutes IDOL retires. FREE PLAY ENDS. DEVOTEE arousal polling at 91%. Minimal DEVOTEE text chatting activity. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "Unbelievable. Completely unbelievable. The Onlooker is number one." DEVOTEE: "She is so beautiful. She is a really special one. I feel proud of her. Thank you, Onlooker." DEVOTEE: "Look at her smear the walls with it! I can't believe she's still alive! She's painting the walls red!" EXTRA PERIOD BEGINS. DEVOTEE 28389237498 enters the viewing chamber. DEVOTEE's face is injured. Upon seeing the viewing chamber, DEVOTEE undergoes strong fear response. STIMULANT GAS MIXTURE 17 (PARANOAIC VARIANT) released. PSYCHOTROPIC GAS MIXTURE 1 (JERUSALEM VARIANT) released. DEVOTEE 28389237498 undergoes extreme fear response. THE HORSE enters the chamber. TO CONTINUE, REFER TO REPORT FOR THE ONLOOKER: IDOL 35 DEVOTEE arousal polling at 12%. Heavy text chatting activity. SAMPLE DEVOTEE CHAT: DEVOTEE: "Why is there a guy in there?" DEVOTEE: "Haha. Who is this skinny idiot? He looks lost." DEVOTEE: "I KNOW HIM. HE'S A DEVOTEE. EVERYBODY DISCONNECT NOW." [END DOCUMENT]
[ { "body": "So wait, what happened at the end?\n\nIDOL reminds me of what they call all the pop stars over in S. Korea. ;_;", "score": 3 }, { "body": "This sounds like they are testing chemicals on a human in a chamber and the humans test name is :IDOL 34 ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think they are either testing chemicals on a girl, or they are torturing her. I got that vibe from the \"She looks like a stuck up bitch.\" and the \"Now you are our food, you whore.\" \n\n\nThere is definitely something suspicious going on over there.... Damn, I love America.", "score": 3 } ]
Winter Storage in Michigan
I have never really 'properly' winterized my bike in the 4 years i've owned it. This winter I may be splitting the cost of a storage garage with a friend. Do I need to get one with wall chargers for a trickle charge? Do I need to use up ALL the gas? 1996 Yamaha Virago 535cc ~2.5 gallon tank.
[ { "body": "Charger depends. If you are able to, go once a month and fire it up and let it run for a few minutes you really won't need it. If you cannot and the temperature is controlled you can just disconnect the negative terminal and again not need the charger. If it is not temp controlled you will want the battery tender.\n\nIf you cannot start it monthly you will also want to \"fog\" the engine. This will put a layer of oil in the cylinder to prevent rust. Seafoam makes a spray oil product. Bring your RPM's up about 1k above idle and spray it directly behind the butterfly of your intake. If you have two intakes you will need two cans. The exhaust will start to smoke, don't stop spraying. The engine will start to bog, don't stop spraying. Stop only when the engine dies. Don't start it again until you intend to bring it out for the season.\n\nWhether you can start it or not you do not need to drain the gas, but you will need to treat it. If you live in an area that offers non-ethanol gas start using it now to get rid of the ethanol. When you are ready to park it, completely fill your tank and treat it with a standard fuel stabilizer. If you can only get E-10 then you have to use the ethanol stabilizer, but still fill the tank. If you have carbs you will need to cut fuel to them and drain them.\n\nIt's also a good idea to get the tires up off the ground with a jack and to also cover the bike with a cotton sheet. Just don't let it touch the ground to allow it to wick up water. I, also, put a plastic bag over the intake to keep critters out. I give the leather one last treatment and let it sit in the garage for a few months.\n\nHope this helps.\n\nTL;DR - Just read it.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Don't spend extra on a wall charger -- just pull the battery and trickle charge it at home.\n\nRun the carbs to empty. Fogging the engine is a good idea, but might not be totally necessary.\n\nI'd suggest leaving your fuel tank mostly empty and bringing a gallon or two of gas with you for your first ride.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Starting the bike up once in a while will help a lot, esp with today's gas(the stuff that contains ethanol) after 30 days it starts to turn to water. So add some gas every once and a while also after you burn some out. I used to live in the mit(detroit, grand rapids, and hillsdale), now i live in southern Ga all year riding now.", "score": 3 } ]
Game 151: St. Louis Cardinals (80-70) @ Chicago Cubs (58-92) [Froday, September 21st, 2012; 1:20 CST]
* Carpenter making his 2012 debut! **Cardinals Lineup** 1) Jay, CF 2) Beltran, RF 3) Holliday, LF 4) Craig, 1B 5) Molina, C 6) M. Carpenter, **3B** 7) Kozma, SS 8) Descalso, 2B 9) C. Carpenter, P
[ { "body": "\"I just want to make sure Carpenter doesn't scream at somebody for putting a ball in play.\" \n\nI laughed pretty hard at that. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "i fucking hate wrigley field\n\ni fucking hate wrigley field\n\nI FUCKING HATE YOUR SHITTY FUCKING FIELD FUCK WRIGLEY FIELD", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Question I might as well ask here: With the cards hopefully helping the cubs along to their own 100-loss season, has there ever been 2 teams in the same division to pull off that embarrassing achievement? \n \nEdit: Nvm, I found it. 2002, AL Central.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Anybody else watching the pre-game? Where Chris Carpenter admitted to keeping the rib he had removed during surgery? In his bathroom cabinet? WTF, Carp?!?!?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "So had a surprise sick cat last night. Thought it was going to have to be put down today. Just got back from the vet (only took about an hour) and still have a cat. Waiting on blood work. \n\n\nIf that cat can see the end of this day, maybe Carp can see his first W of 2012!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "FUCK. FUCK WRIGLEY. FUCK THIS.\n\nWorst part of about it is Carp won't get a win\n\nEdit: Scratch that, worst part about is this fucking painful loss", "score": 3 }, { "body": "NEW RULE\n\nWHEN LEADING BY AT LEAST TWO RUNS\n\nNO ONE WHO COULD TIE THE GAME WITH ONE HIT GETS ANYTHING THEY CAN HIT YARD\n\nEVERY FUCKING TIME. I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. FUCK WRIGLEY FIELD, FUCK THE CUBS", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I look on the bright side.\n\nI'm a fan of a team that has one of the nicest parks in baseball, not the shittiest, and one that is still leading the second Wild Card, not 34 games under .500 and will consider **not losing 100 times an** ***achievement***, and one that has won the World Series twice in the previous 6 seasons, not one which literally no one alive can remember winning. \n\nFuck the Cubs, and their shitty park and pathetic fans. This is nothing. ", "score": 3 } ]
(Spoilers All) Azor Ahai Reborn... Again..
At this point the main contenders for AA seem to be Dany and Jon. Dany seems to have been set up this way from the beginning of the series, where Jon is only starting to go down this path. So I came up with this tinfoil theory... The signs for Dany as AA are pretty clear in the beginning and without the clues for Jon in ADWD, I doubt many would dispute that she is AA. My theory is that the "gods," the magic of the world, or fate (I'll just call them the gods FNO), did in fact choose Dany. Then however, they/it chose again. After Dany's rebirth the gods expected her to head to Westeros, where upon her arrival, she would deal with the threat of the Others (The purpose of AA). Dany did not do this and instead began her Slavers Bay campaign. The gods waited for a time, determined to see if their champion would rise to her destiny, but she did not. With the threat of the Others rising, the gods were running out of time. So they looked for the another AA, someone with Targaryen blood(assuming this is necessary) that was close to the threat and who wouldn't shy away from their destiny, Jon. Which brings us to now, where Jon will soon rise as AA and vanquish the Others. Granted I don't actually believe this, but it could be interesting... What do you think?
[ { "body": "What if nobody is AA and the Others take over Westeros. Sorry for spoiling TWOW and TDOS for all you guys :\\", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Interesting theory, but we will have to see who GRRM chooses. \n\nI've been pretty good with finding the pattern in a story and deciding what will happen. But reading through all 5 books, every prediction of mine ended up incorrect. I no longer try to guess what he's going to do next. But that unpredictability is what I enjoy most about his writing. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I have to agree with this. To me, being Azor Ahai isn't something that is \"chosen,\" as it were. Azor Ahai was willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good, and I think that out of the three Targaryens still out there (Dany, Aegon, and Jon [assuming R+L is true]), Jon is the only one who'd be willing to risk his life and much more for the greater good of Westeros. \n\nDany hasn't really had to make sacrifices like that before, at least not sacrifices of her own. Aegon hasn't either, in what little we've seen of him. Jon, meanwhile, had the possibility of Winterfell and the Stark family name yet chose to remain faithful to the Night's Watch, showing an integrity that we haven't seen from the other two yet. \n\nThe theory about Jaime is interesting, but highly unlikely. I don't think Jaime has the integrity to sacrifice what's most important to him (Cersei, Tommen, Brienne) in order for the best of the realm. I'll admit, he's a very changed man from the beginning of the series, but he isn't to the Stark level of honor by any means.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Jon is AA. He is dead, they will try to burn his corpse and Mel.\nMel will see him reborn while she is burned to death.", "score": 3 } ]
[OFFER] Give me an interesting fact
Title says it all, I will choose winner at 3:00 pm CST. **After reading every submission, I have come to the conclusion that Ollivuh is the winner today. Congratulations on winning, please message me. As to everyone else, thank you for the facts. Some I knew but other than that definitely learned some new things.**
[ { "body": "If two pieces of metal touch in space (or any vacuum), they get stuck together forever. It's called \"cold welding\".", "score": 13 }, { "body": "The number of possible ways to arrange a 52 card deck is about the number of atoms in the galaxy. A good shuffle will result in a deck configuration that has never ever existed before.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "If you stretched a whale from one side of a basketball court to the other, you would have to delay the game. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Cleopatra was alive closer to the Moon landing than she was to the construction of the great pyramids. Similarly, the time gap between t-rex and stegosaurus was greater than the time gap between us and t-rex. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The record of most pizza deliveries in one night was the night O. J. Simpson ran from the police in his car chase.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "In Super Mario, the bushes and clouds were the same, just [recolored](http://imageshack.us/a/img803/4841/sameh.png)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Contraceptive Fun Facts: Roughly 2600 years ago, the Greek city of Cyrene's economy was based almost exclusively around the rare silphium plant, a type of fennel that only grew on the northern tip of Africa. The herb was praised for it's flavor in food, the perfumes from it's yellow blossoms, and the resin in the stems for medicinal purposes. However, it was most sought after for it's seeds, which were both an aphrodisiac and a potent birth control method. The herb was even depicted on their coins, and the seeds were worth their weight in silver. It wasn't a folk remedy, doctors and scholars of the time praised the usefulness of the silphium plant, and discovered it could even be used for first trimester abortions. Unfortunately, the herb was very finicky and try as they might they couldn't get it to sprout anywhere but the small swath of land it was discovered in. Over the next 600 years the plant dwindled away, and the very last known stalk of it was cut and given to Emperor Nero as a 'curiosity'.\n\n\nBonus Fun Fact: This coin depicts a seed from the silphium. Notice anything?\n\n\nhttp://bleedingespresso.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/silphium.jpg\n\n\nThat's right, the seeds were 'heart' shaped. It is thought by many historians that this ancient icon of unfettered lovemaking is the origin of today’s ubiquitous “I love you” heart symbol.\n\nThink about that next Valentine's Day. Suddenly it all makes sense.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Marilyn Monroe had used three different shades of red lipstick and a dark red lip liner in order to get her lips that perfectly red. :) ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I'm not kidding when I say this but..[Turtles can breath through their butts]( http://www.tortoisereserve.org/sundry/Hibernate_Body2.html)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "The flashing warning light on the top of the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles spells out Hollywood in morse code", "score": 4 }, { "body": "In the United States, white people and black people have a different form of American Sign Language (ASL) that they use, similar to the way they have different slang when they talk. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "In the Ottoman empire you could take a case to court to be heard by up to four different judges from different legal schools of thought, all at the same time. If any one of the judges was willing to give you the verdict you wanted, you simply indicated you wanted that particular judge to decide the case, and you would get your divorce, settlement money, &c. even if 3 of the 4 wouldn't give it to you.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "[Benford's law](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford%27s_law) states that the leading digit of most real-world data sets is distributed in a specific way. A 1 as a leading digit will typically occur about 30% of the time while a 2 is closer to 16%. This seemingly odd law has been permitted for use in U.S. courts as evidence of accounting fraud.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Modern gene therapists use the Herpes Simplex virus for genetic manipulation for two reasons:\n\n1. Once it enters the nervous system, it never leaves.\n2. Herpes Simplex has the inherent ability to carry new genes into existing neurons and genetically re-engineer them.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Until the 1970s, it was still legal to kill Mormons in the state of Missouri as a result of the conflicts in the early 1800s.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The Royal Mail used to have its own tube network in London, for moving post between sorting offices.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Parisian men suddenly lose their ability to understand English when you tell them that you're a virgin, and saving yourself for marriage.", "score": 3 } ]
Ok, bitter aspie here, I don't know if I'm still a shitlord, but another post here made me worry about myself.
I have Aspergers syndrome, as is plain to see in the title of this post, and frankly I used to feel a lot like [this](http://www.reddit.com/r/SRSRecovery/comments/y3ioq/evolution_of_a_shitlord_tw_for_some_possibly/) fellow thanks to the bullying, the feeling of being an outsider no matter where I went, and all that stuff. I think however that my problem is that I'm not bitter anymore, but I have internalized it. I can't help but feel as if nobody wants me around, and so I leave people alone, I just don't interact with people because I'm afraid I'll say something stupid, or wrong, or what have you and start to become ostracized again, and on top of that I leave people alone because I legitimately do feel as if they're better off without me there, like all I'd do is get in their way of bettering themselves, or annoy them, or otherwise make their day worse. I suppose I'm still bitter, but not at the world, just at myself. I despise myself, every single waking moment of my life I grow to hate myself just a little more, to be honest I'm surprised I haven't hung myself yet. But I want to not hate myself, I want to be able to be happy, I just don't see why I deserve to, or even how I can. I guess I just feel that the world deserves better than me. Edit: Sorry for the somewhat rushed, stream of consciousness style wordvomit, I'm mildly sleep deprived thanks to being at university.
[ { "body": "Ok. That has nothing to do with being an understanding person or not towards other people. I, personally, don't know all that much about ASD, so I tend to refer people to crazyboards.org for such questions (where, full-disclosure, I am also at).\n\nIt seems to me as though you are struggling with depression or low-self esteem. Is that something that you can bring up with your care providers if you have any? Or even the counseling service at your school?\n\nThe truth is that *everyone* deserves to be here whether they are ASD, have some other reason to not have privilege, or even *are* privileged in every capacity. Just so long as they don't put others down and ultimately that includes yourself.\n\nI'm not sure how much you know about self-care, but if you do, now is the time to use it. Generally speaking people will only value you if you can find a reason to value yourself. That's also why self-care is important - if you don't practice it, who will do it for you?", "score": 21 }, { "body": "I have very similar problems. I'm not an aspie, but I have social anxiety and I've struggled with social awkwardness my whole life. \n\nAt some point, you just have to accept yourself for who you are, and if people don't like it, you have to find a way to not care. It's hard for people like us to do because we want approval from others--it's something we don't feel we get very often, and it makes us feel worthless.\n\nThe way I handled it is that I decided that I'd do whatever I could to improve my social skills, and I've made a lot of progress, but if I ended up being awkward anyway, then you know what that's just who I am.\n\nI got sick of beating myself up all the time for things that ultimately are more the fault of other people being overly judgmental. It's not like I'm going around telling people horrible things. I'm just a little more awkward and shy than most people. And like you said, if you focus too much on the negative reactions people give you, it makes you bitter, depressed, maybe even angry, and that can scare people off. You don't want to feel that way. I bet if you pay attention to the positive reactions you get from people, you'll start noticing there's a lot more of them than you thought before. \n\nRemember, it's not like we're going around telling people horrible things. You probably aren't even as awkward as you think you are. And you know what it, if you are, then you might as well be confident about it. There are much worse things you can be than socially awkward. It does NOT make you a bad person. Believe it or not, most people really aren't social geniuses anyway. You aren't as abnormal as you think.\n\nI feel like I have a lot to offer to other people and society, and I bet you do too. No one is worthless. It sounds like you really care about other people's feelings... you have no idea how valuable just doing that makes you.", "score": 7 } ]
Is Unity and Source Engine the future of game development?
I'm pretty fascinated by it and with the news of Linux support, I'm just whoa o.o I feel like there's finally a tool out there which allows you to code on a single platform for ALL major platforms. With Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS support, what else do we need? The Source Engine will soon work 100% on Linux so that's pretty amazing. I'm just so happy to live in an era that doesn't restrict PC gaming for Windows but extends support for all gamers. I was wondering. * What do you developers see as limitations of these two tools? * Will this be an incentive for any of you to switch and play on a different platform? (ie. Linux for full time use) * Are there or will there be tools to develop regular applications (for example...Photoshop or something) for these five platforms? Also, how cool would it be if Unity added support for Xbox dev. Better yet, I'd love to see the console makers open the market for app developers and add the ability for people to easily port their Windows/Mac/Linux games to consoles :)
[ { "body": "As awesome as Unity is (especially for indie devs), I don't think we'll ever see it as the be-all-end-all for game development. Games are so diverse that trying to roll an engine that provides support for every type means you end up shipping extraneous code with every game. On top of that, having a standard tool to make games greatly constrains the creative space and stifles innovation - you want people pushing the limits of the current generation of hardware instead of using whatever tool everyone else is using. There are also some cases Unity just wasn't designed for, such as handling a very large number of objects at a time. I was working on a project with a hex-voxel based map, and we tried to make a map editor in Unity. The performance was terrible, and we ended up having to roll an external application.", "score": 23 }, { "body": "You're vastly overestimating the importance of this news. Unity's customers wanted Linux support (because they're mostly indie devs), so Unity added Linux support. If Unreal (or whoever)'s customers start wanting Linux support, then Unreal will add Linux support, but that probably won't be soon. Very, very few people will switch engines or OSes because of this, and almost nobody uses Source.\n\n>Are there or will there be tools to develop regular applications (for example...Photoshop or something) for these five platforms?\n\nAre you asking if there are compilers that work on every platform? Yes, gcc does, I think.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "The way I see it is that if enough people use engines like UDK or Unity, then those who make their own engine will have an even better chance at releasing something unique and interesting since they won't have the same limitations as other games. We'll see if I'm right though.", "score": 3 } ]
I Need Some Help, Advice, a Hug, or Just to Rant...
I've been tryin' to be positive, but I've hit a real low recently. I was originally so happy when I discovered who I really am and really unlocked those suppressed memories, but that faded. I've tried to look at this from the perspective of: No matter what my family thinks, I don't need them for this, I can fund it on my own, but their support would be nice. I haven't told them yet, I want to wait til after their anniversary in a few weeks. I'd feel so selfish if they couldn't enjoy themselves because they were worried about me (assumin' supportive of my goin' through with it) or if they hated me (assumin' the direct opposite to how I feel they will react). I keep tellin' myself "Just two more weekends, you'll be fine." But I'm so anxious to just get started and tell them and be done with that whole ordeal, but I can't yet. I don't want to make this long, but I have more issues. I've seen it time and time again in post after post. I need to see a therapist, but it eats me up that the closest gender specialist is forty-five minutes away. I know that's not a great distance, but my eye sight is poor so I am waitin' til we update our insurance before I go visit the optometrist. I don't feel comfortable drivin' that far when I can't read the signs on the road. But that just makes it worse. I'm havin' those fears "What if I find out I'm not trans? What if I really am a man and just bein' silly?" I don't even know why! I keep closin' my eyes and imagin' long hair and strokin' it. I see myself in a pretty, cute jean skirt. I see boobs when I look straight down! But for some reason I still have this fear, what if it isn't me? What if this is all I lie I'm tellin' myself? I've gone twenty-one years coverin' emotions pretendin' to be this empty shell of testosterone, but its not me, its disgustin'! I like cryin' and laughin' and bein' happy, but society wants men to be tough and emotionless! I can't do it, I refuse to! I have a fear though that twenty-one years of bottlin' my emotions has caused me to be cold, despite the fact that I was just in tears before I got the strength to type this! I don't even know I'm so confused! My head has begun to spin again, tryin' to figure out who I am, AGAIN! I know I am a female, I know it. But this fear, oh god this fear...its eatin' away at me! I painted my toe nails the other day, a subtle thing I can do just to see how it feels on me! They are so pretty, it was so calmin' to do. I look down and it feels so natural, so feminine. I look at my body and don't like what I see, but I look at my painted toes, its so beautiful. I found one of the skirts I used to wear before I realized my real self! I wore it all last night when everyone was asleep. I didn't want to take it off! I even slept with it on, just so I could have a few more hours with it! I honestly don't know why I wrote this. I guess I'm so flustered and losin' it that I just want some advice! I've found other women to talk to that have similar experiences to mine, but I don't always have the same emotional depth they do. I don't have the same strong hatred of bein' male they do. It doesn't mean I don't hate bein' male, I just can't explain it! I don't want to live as a male, I want to be a female, I see myself a female, but I just feel so different then most stories you read! I'm not depressed to escape masculinity, I'm depressed because I'm anxious too, that its goin' too slowly and at the same time, I feel like I'm pushin' myself too hard and makin' it go too fast! I hope this isn't too long, I have no intentions of it bein' so. I just needed to get this off my chest. I don't know, I'm so confused, I haven't slept well at all. I've been an emotional train wreck all mornin'. I skipped class cause I just couldn't pull myself together. Its just awful...
[ { "body": ">\"What if I find out I'm not trans? What if I really am a man and just bein' silly?\" I don't even know why! I keep closin' my eyes and imagin' long hair and strokin' it. I see myself in a pretty, cute jean skirt. I see boobs when I look straight down! But for some reason I still have this fear, what if it isn't me? What if this is all I lie I'm tellin' myself?\n\nThese fears mean you're just being normal. Frankly I'd be a little concerned if someone didn't go through these fears at some point. It's a gigantic decision which will change your life, of course you're afraid that you'll be wrong. But that doesn't mean you **are** wrong. Not at all.\n\n>It doesn't mean I don't hate bein' male, I just can't explain it! \n\n\nYou said yourself you've been trying to live as an \"empty shell of testosterone.\" That sounds pretty damn unpleasant, and like a damn good reason to transition. My hatred of being male has increased significantly since last November. When I started seeing a therapist, I expressed a similar concern:\n\nI wasn't suicidal or self-harming or anything(at the time) over being male. Maybe that invalidated me as being trans, everyone else seems to have so much more passion behind their motivation. I could live as a guy without killing myself, maybe I should just forget about this?\n\nAt that point my therapist cocked her head, looked at me like I was nuts, and she asked \"Is that your standard for life? 'I won't kill myself'? That's kind of a low bar, don't you think? Don't you want to be happy? Could you be happy as a guy, because I'm not seeing that here?\"\n\nIt sounds like you're in a similar position, so I'll ask you the same question: could you be happy as a guy? Happier than as a girl? With no jealousy or bitterness? I'm guessing the answer is a big fat NO.\n\nYou deserve better than hiding from your life as an \"empty shell of testosterone.\"", "score": 4 } ]
So I came out to my mother last night finally, and..... My brother decided to change sex. I need advice/help, and a hug.
(I apologize in advance for spelling and/or grammatical errors; I only learned English a few years ago.) So, the other night I came home and finally decided to admit to my mother I was gay(keep in mind I've been keeping it a secret from her since I found out myself). When I found her in the kitchen I approached her, at first we just starting talking how our days were, and things like that. So in the middle of our conversation I finally admitted I was gay, but she wasn't very supportive. She is one of those down to the bible kind of people, and believe being gay is wrong, and immoral. This is almost exactly what our conversation went like: My ma :"It's bad enough God put you into a time of questioning, in not believing in him (note; I told her the idea of God never appealed to me, and was quite dense a month or two before), but now.... Now he doing this? You must have done something wrong for God to make you believe you like men. You better repent before he sends you to hell, you don't want to be lying in your death bed and not believing in God, nor having a non female wife to have children with." Me: "I'm gay! God has nothing to do with it, I just like men more then women, and you should accept that. Because I'm doing nothing to change, and if your logic is correct: 'God' would be giving me a second chance because he does that, doesn't he?" Ma: "Maybe that's why God made you look so girly, maybe you were meant to be a woman, that's why you look like one." I kid you not, she just blocked me out and continued to ramble on how when I was an angel in heaven I sinned that's why "God", put a curse on me to like men, but not be a female. After that I didn't come home for a few days. I actually stayed at my grandparents place for a while. Lucky for me, they don't give a f*ck what I am, as long as I'm happy. So I returned home after a week, and a few weeks after my "brother" returns. He was in the military, and was let out just a year ago, not coming back, because he wanted some self discovery time.(Note: I already knew he had a sex change) I thought it was actually really awesome that he finally decided to do it, but.... My family thought different. When he came home, no one except me was there since everyone was getting things ready at my aunts house for the; "welcome home", party they decided to throw. When we got there, everyone was silent thinking it was some kind of joke, and didn't actually recognize my brother. To save you guys time from reading pointless commentary, lets just say people were everything but nice, and my "brother" didn't end up coming home that night... Now to my real problem. My "brother"(sister now really) came home, and everything's been really awkward. My mother is blaming him for me being gay, and saying; "oh satin must have been given you this as a punishment." It's been like this for days, and just a few hours ago my "sister", locked herself in her room, and won't come out. I mean, I can hear her crying through the walls, and I know she is emotional because of the hormonal injections she's taking, but I feel really bad about the whole thing. And I'm a 5'0" scrawny gay boy, versus a 6'2" women, who would easily be able to throw me out a window, so really, trying to drag her out wouldn't be the best option. Any advice on how to help her out of her room? Or how to help this situation....?
[ { "body": "Knock softly on the door and slip a letter underneath it saying, \"I love you. Let's get out of here and go get some coffee.\" ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I am so sorry that your family cannot accept you and your sister as you are. I believe that what your sister, as well as yourself need support at this time and can hopefully find it with each other. I would suggest continuing to try and get through to her, and offer a supportive discussion outside of your house. (Go for coffee, a walk, fresh air) Anything to get her out and away from your family. I hope you two can find happiness in yourselves even if your family does not approve. [Edit]: Be sure to let her know that you support her, it will mean a lot!\n\nAnd for you, you are beautiful, you are not a sin. Enjoy your life, live it in a way that you can be happy and proud. You may find that your happiness overrides any and all of your families approval.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Okay this sounds a really bad situation, and I know how bad parents can be, and you are doing brilliatnly with pronouns, but one thing that can help is to not \"\" sister when writing about her, she is your sister, pretty much full stop, it sounds like your the only one in the immidiate familly who supports her.\n\nAs other posters have said, may need some time allone, BUT make sure you are there for her if she needs. let her know that she has familly who care for her, if those grandparents are supportive / not minding of trans, get them involved.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Hug your sister.\n\nAlso, she's your sister now. Maybe referring to her in the past tense as your brother makes sense, but keep in mind at the time, she likely was already feeling like she should have been a girl.\n\nWhat you need right now is eachother. You also need to cut your insano religious parents out of your life entirely.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "It almost sounds like the both of you could use some hugs, for starters. Have an internet hug: /hug\n\nNow. Let her have her bit of Alone Time, but don't be afraid to keep an ear out for movement. Check up on her quietly until you think it's past 'send my brother through the window' time and offer to go on a walk/car trip with her, to a destination of her choosing. Being in that house right now isn't entirely helpful to your situation or hers, and your mother also needs time to process what she's just been saddled with.\n\nNEITHER OF YOU ARE BROKEN. You're gorgeous people, and there are plenty of us who love you however your bits are arranged or how they respond.", "score": 3 } ]
Unfair advantage with Elective Succession?
Background: I started a game with the Duke of Flanders in 1067 as a vassal of France. First I expanded within France until Paris and Dijon. When the French King started plotting against me to usurp a county, I made the radical decision to become a vassal of the HRE (which happened very easily, without any fights). France only had Aquitaine left, which they lost in a Sunni Holy War. I expanded within the HRE to the north and won Aquitaine back in a crusade. This is my current situation: http://imgur.com/a/1ODhu Now, my kingdom has elective succession and only my de jure vassal dukes can vote. Those dukes are: the Duke of Flanders, of Brabant, of Gerle and of Holland. I have all those four titles, so I'm the only one who can vote. This causes a penalty in opinion of -45 with all the de jure vassals of the Kingdom of Frisia. *But not with my other vassals!* They are happy that the Kingdom is elective (+20 in opinion) and don't seem to care that it's actually a stalinistic election, and even if it wasn't stalinistic, they still wouldn't have a vote. Now I have a pretty stable elective kingdom and I can choose whatever heir I want within my dynasty. The biggest chunk of my vassals in the de jure Kingdom of France and the de jure Kingdom of Aquitaine can't vote but still like me because the succession in my kingdom is "elective". I can use Elective Succession with all its advantages, but without its disadvantages. Only a few counts in the de jure Kingdom of Frisia don't like me, but those aren't really a threat.
[ { "body": "I know the too many elector titles only pisses off people within your de jure territory, but I thought the \"too many duchies\" opinion hit was for all vassals? \n\nAlso as your other dukes de jure drift into Frisia they'll start being able to vote too, no?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Interesting loophole in avoiding the opinion hit. I also prefer using elective until I can use primogeniture, but that usually takes a while. And I usually dish out a couple duchies but never enough to lose the majority vote unless I'm confident in my vassals liking of me.", "score": 3 } ]
I know r/Islam is supposed to be talking about Islam, but considering Muslims come from various cultures and lifestyles, can you share your food recipes?
Salam. I'm a Malaysian , and I'm quite accustomed to Malaysian and Indonesian food, but living overseas has truly exposed me to many types of cuisine that various cultures have. Baklava, Fatima's fingers ( I tried doing it last week and it just went err, okay, compared to what the Somalian family gave to our house a few months ago) and Turkish pizza are delicious. The kebab I used to have back in Malaysia was also crazy different from what I can get here , and I can only imagine how they would taste at their countries of origin. So, mind sharing a recipe from your culture, one that I could find the ingredients at any Western / Asian supermarket easily enough here? Desserts, preferably.Traditional or modern it doesn't matter also. Any further tips on how to cook them would be appreciated too. It doesn't really matter which country and culture you're from even, as long as your recipe is halal suitable. I don't mind but I'm going to feed my Muslim housemates so.... Cheers.
[ { "body": "Well, I'm not sure you'll know how to make this as the technique is pretty difficult, but [here's](http://www.simple-easy-recipes.com/indian-recipes/gulab-jamun-mithai-recipe/) a delicacy in the Indo-Pakistani area.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'm a grad student in West Virginia. Noodles, noodles and more noodles. Sometimes I like to get adventurous and toss in kosher hot dogs to add some protein into my diet. \n\nBut there is a Greek festival next week so lots and lots of lamb! Lahme yum! ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'm from Arkansas, so... Deep fried EVERYTHING. I've had a deep fried oreo before. It was freaking amazing.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Tamil Muslim here. This is our Ramzan special. http://anjaraipetti-thahira.blogspot.in/2011/08/nombu-kanji.html\n", "score": 3 } ]
How many of you are undecided? What factors do you think will end up swaying you?
I can honestly say I have yet to knowingly meet an undecided voter in this election, and the news polarizes the issues so much that I never really hear about them in general. Personally, I've been decided since the primaries. There *are* still undecideds, right (sarcasm but only kinda)? So, to those of you who are undecided: * Why are you undecided (why has no side convinced you)? * What primary issues will (may) make up your mind one way or another? * What kind of faux pas, if any, by a candidate would push you away from them (I'm curious how the mistakes that candidates make actually affect undecided voters)? I tried to include those of you considering third parties in my language, e.g., "why has no side" vs "why has neither side". Generally, the rationale for third party voters is pretty clear, but I'm curious to hear from those of you who are undecided between the major parties *as well as* third parties, those of you who are trying to choose between different third party candidates, etc.
[ { "body": "I don't think you're going to find undecided voters in /r/PoliticalDiscussion. These people are all interested in politics, undecided tends to equal uninterested. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I am undecided in the sense that I haven't yet decided whether to vote ideally or strategically, because it'll depend on the numbers when it gets closer to the election. If my district (heavily blue island in an ocean of a usually red state) goes solidly to Obama, I'll vote Jill Stein. If polls are indicating it looks even remotely like Obama won't carry my district, I'll vote strategically for Obama. I have never even remotely considered any of the Republicans and they'd have to pretty much change their entire way of thinking for me to do so, though I at least did not completely hate Jon Huntsman. My state isn't generally considered swing, but we pretty much always seem to have a Dem. governor and Republicans in national office for some reason. \n\nEDIT - Expanded comment", "score": 12 }, { "body": "For anyone who is undecided, I always recommend they visit: [I Side With](http://www.isidewith.com/)\n\nThis generally makes the process easier. I'd really love to see them get the congressional poll up as well.\n", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I know which major party candidate who won't get my vote. But Other than that, I'm undecided. Not sure if the other major party guy gets it, or some other candidate.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "If the election was between Johnson or Stein and Obama I would be undecided. Then it would be a decision as to which plan I think would work better. As it is, my vote is for Obama.", "score": 3 } ]
I have a question for you all.
Whilst at work today, I got a little bored and decided to think of a question so incredibly stupid for you all to think about. So my question is this; Does water float?
[ { "body": "While you're at it, consider this:\n\n You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.", "score": 5 } ]
Hey Microgrowery - have not been around for a while, hope all is good. anyway - been growing for a couple of years, good results etc. Word of caution...never let your guard down. My system was automated...it was a perpetual grow, new crop done every 30 days. I had the feeding schedule down, I had figured out good rations for refilling the res continuously...basically, after a year of tweaking, everything was running perfect. And then I got lazy...I started assuming shit was going fine, was doing minimal garden checks (check pH and water level then done) and I missed a spidermite infestation! It was only after I accidentally ripped a leaf off that I saw some movement...then I went in for a closer look, holy shit they are everywhere...and because it's a perpetual system, everything is sort of together - all grow chambers are connected - it even shares the same vent as the veg/mom room! Thankfully, the infestation is limited to just the flowering chambers, so I opened up the neem oil I never use (silly me), mixed in some dish soap (I am not sure it's the ideal one, but whatever - needed to do shit asap) and sprayed them to shit. One of the flowering chambers is only 3 weeks in, so the neem oil/water combo shouldn't be too damaging, but the other flowering chamber is a few weeks from being done - so I'll look out for some mold. What's amazing is that from the time I noticed it, it only took a couple of days for the plants to wilt a lot...the leaves look like they have not been watered in days...not really sure I can save it, so I might end up making some hash with it. But just wanted to tell my story and caution people...don't get complacent. When you are starting out, shit is exciting and new and you pay attention to everything. As you learn and develop your skills, the tendency is to start cutting corners. Don't do it. The other thing I wanted to ask: what are my options besides neem misting? Again - the buds are well into flowering...my laziness also resulted in not keeping accurate schedules (I judge by trichs) and despite them being much smaller than they should be, I don't want to ruin them completely by spraying some pesticides. Need all natural, yet effective. thanks for all input.
[ { "body": "use [mighty wash.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv6cKnPwVzI) Its fucking awesome. neemoil smells and leaves more of a taste on flowers if not rinsed off. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I had a devastating spider mite attack earlier this year. I killed off everything (!) cut my losses and started over. \n\nThis might catch me some hate from the organic/veganic crowd, but since then I've been using these [Hot Shot No Pest Strips](http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Shot-5580-Unscented-Repellent/dp/B0019BK8AG) and haven't seen a single bug of any kind. It's The Hot Zone down there. No bug stands a chance. I go in there in fresh tightie-whities and an apron like Hal from the first season of Breaking Bad.\n\nThat said, they contain [Dichlorvos](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichlorvos), which is a pretty strong chemical that you don't want to spend a long time around. The package says no more than four hours of exposure.\n\nI have two friends who also use them successfully. \n\nYour mileage may vary.", "score": 3 } ]
True/False: Senate Republicans Really Using the Filibuster More Often Than Ever
This came up in another thread, but it's worth checking out here. The assumption is that the number of cloture motions proves the use of the filibuster, but there's reason to believe otherwise. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304707604577424491399594250.html > So Republicans are to blame for all those cloture petitions to end filibusters, right? Wrong. The fact that the majority has filed so many cloture petitions is as much a symptom of its own efforts to block the Senate from working its will as anything the minority has done. Consider this example. > On March 19, Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) introduced legislation (S. 2204) to promote renewable energy with the cost offset by a tax hike on large oil producers. The normal process would have been for this legislation to be referred to committee for action. > Majority Leader Harry Reid bypassed the committee process, however, and using something called Rule 14 had the bill placed directly on the Senate calendar. Two days later, he started the process to call up the bill by moving to "proceed to it" and immediately filed a cloture petition to end debate on that motion. > The following Monday, the Senate then voted 92-4 to curtail debate on the motion to proceed to the bill. The next day, as soon as the bill was before the Senate, Mr. Reid offered five consecutive amendments and one motion in order to effectively block the consideration of any competing amendments or motions. > He then filed a cloture motion to close out debate on the bill. Two days later, the Senate rejected cloture on a party-line vote and moved on to other business, leaving the Menendez bill adrift. > Now go back to the Politico story and ask yourself how exactly Republicans filibustered this bill? They didn't have time to filibuster anything, it was over so quickly. Moreover, their ability to take meaningful action was effectively nullified by four specific parliamentary maneuvers taken by Mr. Reid. This photo is often used to claim that the filibuster is being used often: http://www.balloon-juice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/cloture.jpg If the Senate leadership is filing for cloture immediately upon the introduction of a bill, is it really a filibuster?
[ { "body": "OP presents some good information.\n\nNow, if I'm reading this correctly, the contention made by the points presented by the OP is that Senate Dems used cloture to end debate on legislation prior to filibusters being enacted.\n\nSo while one can point to Senate Republicans as filibustering a record number of times, one can also interpret the data to say that Republicans never had a chance to filibuster, as Senate Democrats ended debate before filibustering could occur.\n\nSo now what we need, if I understand this correctly, is to drill down further. We need data for each bill that was debated and whether a filibuster occurred prior to cloture or not. We'd also need similar data for prior years to decide whether Republicans did indeed filibuster more often or not.\n\nFurther, cloture was not enacted every time it was voted on. Therefore we need to look at what happened after cloture was voted on and turned down. Did a filibuster occur? \n\nIt's a lot of data but that seems to be the best way to go about it. OP, is my understanding of this accurate?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "But here is this from CNN fact check on the history of Cloture votes in the Senate, checking the ask: \"You had to cast more votes to break filibusters last year than in the entire 1950s and '60s combined.\"\n\nIf we are using cloture votes as a key metric and assuming this research is correct, doesn't this answer the question?\n\n--------------------\n\n– A vote to end filibuster debate is called a cloture vote. From the 81st Congress (1949-1950) through the 91st Congress (1969-1970), there were a total of 30 votes on cloture. There were no more than seven cloture votes in any single session during those years.\n\n– Starting with the 92nd Congress (1971-72), cloture votes became more frequent. Part of that can be explained by the fact that the Senate changed the required majority in 1975, making it easier to induce cloture.\n\n– The 110th Congress (2007-2008) is the record-holder so far: There were 112 votes on cloture during that two-year period.\n\n– So far, the 11th Congress (2009-2010) has held 41 cloture votes, 39 of them last year, two more this year.\n\nBottom Line: President Obama is correct. There were 39 cloture votes last year, nine more than the combined total for 1949-1970.\n\nhttp://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/02/03/cnn-fact-check-senate-cloture-votes/", "score": 6 }, { "body": "This is true:\nhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/the-history-of-the-filibuster-in-one-graph/2012/05/15/gIQAVHf0RU_blog.html\n\nThe current culture in the Senate, since the Democrats have come into the Majority, has for the minority to require 60 votes for any thing to proceed. The question could also be asked: \"Are Republicans causing an unprecedented level of obstruction in the US Senate\" \n\nAnd the answer is yes. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "How exactly are we defining \"using the fillibuster?\" Does a threat to use one count? Here is where more specific terms would help us fact check more precisely.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "The problem with this graph is we have no way to know how many times a filibuster is actually used because bills now come with an automatic filibuster filter. The senate wont bring a bill to the floor if they don't think they have 60 votes. Also, there is never any official filibuster but a senator simply has to say \"I would invoke the filibuster\" and the bill gets scrapped. This is unverifiable at best simply because in a backroom meeting someone can say \"this will get filibustered\" and then it gets reworked until it meets the \"super majority\".", "score": 3 } ]
Today, I'm grateful.
I hit two meetings back to back yesterday after work. 1st was my first book study. 2nd was a topic discussion. I broke down reading the promises as it hit me right between the eyes. I felt myself shaking and thinking holy shit I want to leave the meeting and grab a Guinness or two to calm my nerves. Amazing how meetings are steps away from a nearby bar. After I was invited to coffee with a few other guys. We talked for about 3 hours and I appreciate that. We exchange phone numbers. I think my family probably thought I was out drinking. Everyone was asleep when I did make it home. Today I was able to get up and get my kids off to school. Sitting here with a cup of coffee and appreciating them and thought I'd share. 10 days so far. one day, hour, minute and sometimes, second at a time...
[ { "body": "Woo! No one said it would be easy, but we all know it's necessary. Stay strong and focused, you've got this =)", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Only 7 days for me....I have kids too. You can do this, not just for them but for yourself too. Hope your day is going ok so far.\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I love how kids are a reminder, everyday, of what we are doing, and why. It is because they love us unconditionally that we are willing to be better for them. We are better than our urges and more important than our excuses. You have made it pretty far, good job.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You are on your way and have had a taste of what life really is: being able to *live in the moment.* Life really is beautiful, once you stop drinking.", "score": 3 } ]
I went on a date with an otherwise outstanding girl who told me that she hallucinates men who want to hurt her. Is she safe to date?
I went on a first date with a beautiful, intelligent, fun girl. The date went very well, we were both very comfortable with each other and discussed some things that are generally frowned upon first date talk (the death of my mother, politics, previous relationships). It was a fantastic date. During the course of this date she mentioned that she hallucinates men who want to hurt her (like a sniper or rapist in her closet). I asked some follow up questions and found out : These hallucinations are always either right before she falls asleep or right as she wakes up. They are very scary, however she has become somewhat accustomed to being terrified. This has been happening for 12 years. She asked her family doctor it about once many years ago and without any real discussion was handed a prescription. She filled the prescription and it made her feel funny, so she looked into what it was. It was an anti-psychotic medication and she stopped taking it. She hasn’t seen anyone about it since, she’s just learned to live with it. She has covered the window in her bedroom in an effort to reduce the stimuli during those falling asleep and waking moments to minimize her hallucinations. She works in HR and has had her current job for 13 years, so even if she is all the way crazy she is at a minimum functional. I’m ballparking a guess here, but based on what she has said I would guess that this happens roughly 5-10 times per month. So what do you think reddit, is this otherwise wonderful girl dateable? Does anybody have experience with sleep based hallucinations and have insight to offer?
[ { "body": "I think she should find a doctor that doesn't just throw some anti-psychotics at her perhaps therapy would help. ", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Sounds like she is having [hypnogogic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogic_hallucination) and [hypnopompic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnopompia) dreams/hallucinations.\n\n\nThey are actually not that bad of a thing.\n\nEdit: up to 37% of the population experiences Hypnogogic hallucinations in one form or another. Hers seems severe, but it isn't a big deal necessarily. She might have some brain stem abnormalities.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "She's not crazy. \n\nShe is experiencing sleep paralysis which is absolutely normal, though it can be very frightening. I am amazed her doctor is so bad that he didn't recognize this. I would recommend that you read up on it, because it doesn't mean she's crazy or psycho at all. I'm a very well adjusted happy person in my life, and I have had episodes of sleep paralysis, and every single one of them has been violent. Also, her doctor is an idiot if he didn't recognize that she didn't need sleeping pills but was experiencing something that has nothing to do with being crazy or having trouble sleeping.\n\nAlso, just fyi...some studies suggest that people who sleep on their backs may experience sleep paralysis episodes more than those who sleep on their side or stomach. Have her try changing the position she sleeps in and see if that helps any.\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis", "score": 6 }, { "body": "If those are the only times she experiences the hallucinations, it sounds like it could be some kind of sleep disorder - something like a 'night-terror'. She should ask to be referred to a sleep-clinic.\n\nI certainly wouldn't describe that kind of sleep disorder as 'crazy'.\n^edit ^typos\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "This sounds like sleep paralysis, ive suffered from this for years on and off.\n\nIve had all the hallucinations you can think of during these paralysis phases, some terrifying, and some purely comical, ive had old women straddling and strangling me, ive been surrounded by spiders (of which im phobic) untill one drops on me and i flip out, and ive also had my nan burst into my room while im paralysed, dressed in full punk gear with a nose ring, it can get purely fucking mental some of the SP hallucinations ive had.\n\nNow that i understand them, i can avoid them.\n\nIf it is sleep paralysis she is having, do not worry one bit, its quite normal if not common, and, other than interesting stories, should have 0 reflection upon her life. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "everyone has their flaws, some more terrifying than others. honestly, i think you need to come to your own decision on this, but yes she probably is \"safe to date\", i mean if she's managed to hold down a job for 13 years then i'd say she's of a stable mind.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I wouldn't worry about it. Lots of people have fears like that. \n\nI'm guessing the \"hallucinations\" wording isn't really what she means. What she's meaning to say is that she has irrational fears of these things, rather than that she actually sees people who aren't really there.\n\nGive her a shot. Sounds like you had a really good time with her, which is hard to find. \n\nBest of luck.", "score": 3 } ]
Between the ages of 13 and 15 I used to hook up with grown men I met on the internet before "to catch a predator" was even a thing. AMA!
I've been on Reddit for about a year now and have been wanting to do this AMA for a long time but unfortunately I apparently don't qualify for the main AMA subreddit so this will have to do. I will be on until about 2:30pm est so hopefully this throw away account does not land me in the spamfilter! Summary: Like the title says I used to be like the girls in the chris hanson "to catch a predator" shows except I was a real girl who actually showed up and met these men from the internet. I'm 30 years old now. AMA! **edit 10pm est** Hey! The little one is asleep and hubby is busy with his videogames so I'm going to try and answer all the questions I missed earlier. Thanks for so many great questions!!! Feel free to ask more but I'm not sure how long I'll be on this time. :)
[ { "body": "Other than sexual contact with these men, did any of them ever get violent? Or where you ever afraid of them becoming violent?", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Looking back, do you have any regrets? Do you feel that you were in complete control and knew what you were doing? Furthermore, what are your thoughts on legal age of consent vs. being mature enough to know exactly what you are getting into.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Do you find it hard to settle down now because you've known the joy of an endless amount of sexual partners?", "score": 3 } ]
I just bought a Bodum Eileen.
It's coming in the mail today and I'll be borrowing my friend's grinder for the time being. I'd like to invest in a Zassenhaus Turkish Mill 175 (the one with the adjustable grind) mainly because as a broke college student, I'd like something that can last me quite a long time and look awesome as well. Does anyone have any experience with this specific grinder? And if so, what are your thoughts on it? I'd also like to know what brand of beans you guys would recommend. Sadly, I'm still using some light roast from Starbucks, but I'd like to know what brands you guys would highly recommend or swear by!
[ { "body": "\"Bodum Eileen, I oh I swear (what he means) At this moment, you mean everything.\"\n\nApologies to /r/coffee and Dexy's Midnight Runners.", "score": 3 } ]
Skill slapfight in /r/roguelikes: "you are a crawl clown man who learned crawl at crawl clown college"
Start of the drama: http://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/100yfq/dcss_week_62_end/c69fjcs Highlights 1. ["If s/he was sufficiently autistic to win the easiest race/class combo a dozen times over, as you apparently are, s/he would no doubt put up a much better winrate in doing so than you have."](http://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/100yfq/dcss_week_62_end/c69siri) 2. ["you are a clown, you are a crawl clown man who learned crawl at crawl clown college. put away your red nose and oversized shoes for a few minutes and i will try my best to help you."](http://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/100yfq/dcss_week_62_end/c6abhiu) 3. [It's obvious that you've never actually done any experimentation for yourself and you're just parroting the opinions of others.](http://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/100yfq/dcss_week_62_end/c6aorku) 4. "Wow, you really have some ego" ["Yeah, I've been told. I usually just write it off as a consequence of being brilliant."](http://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/100yfq/dcss_week_62_end/c69s9tu)
[ { "body": "Dude, this is awesome, /u/tomefan is hilarious.\n\n> the answer to this is immediately apparent to anyone who has played crawl at all, or even to those who have merely heard about crawl in passing while they were drunk. i imagine you could pose this question to a monkey of subpar intelligence and it would still convey the correct answer to you through gestures and primate screeching, but im guessing, sadly, that you will struggle with it.\n\nI guess I can confirm (though I'm sober right now).", "score": 16 }, { "body": "I love the commitment on the clown college joke, really hangs in there with that. Several variations too, professional work.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I'm not going to pretend to understand what they are saying, but something about the *way* they argue instilled a rage inside me. Halfway through the bit about \"crawl clown college\" I noticed my left hand was clinched in such a way that my nails were digging into my palm.", "score": 3 } ]
Just add Water Soup Mix for Gifts
In my neighborhood, we "Boo" people which is leaving a cute little anonymous gift for friends/neighbors at Halloween. I want to do a soup mix that is just add water. I found [Senate Soup](http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-make-senate-bean-soup-mix.html) which seems good because it's vegetarian. I was wondering if you could slowcook this & if so how. Also wondering if anyone had more recipes. TL:DR How to slowcook dried bean soup? Any dry just add water soup mix recipes? ETA: Link for free vistaprint stickers for making cute labels: http://www.vistaprint.com/stickers-labels.aspx?GP=9%2f21%2f2012+3%3a17%3a01+PM&GPS=2565284713&GNF=1
[ { "body": "Hi, I just wanted to make sure you knew it isn't actually vegetarian as written (jambon is dry-cured ham).\n\nThat idea of 'Boo'ing people is fucking adorable though. Best of luck!", "score": 6 } ]
Google has NOT yet submitted a Maps Application to the AppStore. Could we find some way to show Google that we need them badly?
Edit: I of course mean the Mac AppStore. I own products on both sides of the barrier. Just because Android is great doesn't mean that we have to hate iOS or not use it.
[ { "body": "Yes. Stop buying Apple's inferior product. I solved this problem in January and haven't looked back.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Apple wanted to be all lame and ended up creating a big rift of butt-hurtedness between themselves and Google. At least they have $1B from the Samsung lawsuit to try and make their Maps suck less.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "You obviously don't need them badly. You chose form over function remember? If you really need google, you can buy yourself a google phone, or one with a google os on it. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I heard that Google did submit a Maps app to Apple, did you hear otherwise (seems you did with the \"NOT\")?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Could we all please stop being assholes to the OP? I love Android too, and would never go back to using an iPhone. That doesn't mean everyone has to feel the exact same way, and it especially doesn't make OP a dumbass just for using a competing product. \n\nTo OP; I think Google already knows, but I don't think a time line is yet available. You can still use Google Maps in the browser, but that's not terribly convenient. ", "score": 4 } ]
I left my Google account open on a computer at campus, then someone text me that they wanted a "reward" for closing it. I said no and 5 minutes later they were changing my Bank account password. What do?
He also tried changing my Facebook password. So I'm freaking out right now, I made google log out every open session right after I saw the email "confirmation" and I changed my passwords on everything, as well as enabling 2 step verification on google, which I should have done a long time ago but I never thought something like this would happen. But now that I know that they wanted to go that far, they probably got my full address and pretty much any kind of personal information they wanted. I have their phone number and tried various reverse phone searches to find out who he is but it seems like none of them work. I'm also going to campus security to talk to them about this as well as call the police. Anything else I can do? **UPDATE**: I called the bank and had them deactivate my card. I also went to campus security and they had me file a police report and a report for college itself. They're going to find out who was at the same computer I was through the security cameras so they can ID him and then get his login info from the IT department. Other than that I still want to know any tips so I can keep myself safe, I'm planning on just deleting my whole gmail account and start over from scratch, but I'm not sure if that's gunna make a difference. P.S Just to clarify something, I'm not stupid enough to store all my personal information on emails. Him having access to my email allowed him to reset any of my online accounts because that's the way it works. And yes, I was planning on calling the cops. I just wanted more info on what else I can do to further protect myself other than the obvious "just log out!", because that was clearly a mistake on my part.
[ { "body": "Oh that guy is SO fucked... You have a text from his number trying to extort you. That's a slam dunk conviction right there, especially when you throw in possible security footage. Messing with your bank account info may be a crime in and of itself, I don't know. ", "score": 1092 }, { "body": "In the future, in the lower right hand corner it says \n\n\"Last account activity: x minutes ago\n\nDetails\"\n\n\nWhen you select details there is a button right at the top that says\n\n\"Sign out all other sessions\"\n\nDo that.", "score": 214 }, { "body": "My roommate had something similar happen to him. He lost his phone at a bar and he got contacted that someone had it, but they wanted 200 bucks for it. He said he would be willing to pay, met the guy and pretended to rummage his pocket for money. As the guy got closer, he swiped the phone, punched the guy, and ran away, zig zagging blocks as he ran. \n\nI would probably either offer to pay the guy half first or pay him after he's changed the pw back. Then jump him to take your money back. ", "score": 140 }, { "body": "* Call your bank and have them try and temporarily freeze your account.\n* Call the police to report what has happened\n* Contact your campus help desk/security to report what happened\n\nExtortion isn't cool, and neither is identity theft. They've committed a crime and they need to be reported, especially if this all went down on a college campus. Most schools have a policy against this sort of behavior between students and it could be enough to have them kicked out.", "score": 120 }, { "body": "> Other than that I still want to know any tips so I can keep myself safe,\n\n**Always log out of a public computer after you use it!!** I don't just mean logging out of your Google account, but also close the web browser or any other programs you use and log out of the computer itself. Even if it's one of those kiosk computers that was logged in when you walked up to it, usually it'll let you log out and then that resets the computer for the next person to use it.\n\nAlways logging out is an _essential_ component of keeping your account secure. You should get to the point where you instinctively do this before walking away. **Google's two-factor authentication is useless if you leave your account logged in.**\n\n> I'm planning on just deleting my whole gmail account and start over from scratch, but I'm not sure if that's gunna make a difference. \n\nThat isn't really necessary, and it's probably not going to help either. Once you do the following things, you should be the only one who has access to your Google account:\n\n1. Click the \"Sign out of all other sessions\" link\n2. Enable 2-factor authentication\n3. Check the list of mobile devices which can be used for two-factor authentication to make sure that only your phone/tablet is on it\n4. Change your Google password (and invalidate all application passwords, backup passwords, etc. associated with that account)\n\nAfter you've done these things, you don't have to worry about the person getting back into your email. The thing you do have to worry about is what information he got while he did have access. Any bank account number, password, or other sensitive information that you have ever sent or received in an email, or that was accessible through your Google account in some other way, is compromised and should be changed.\n\nIn particular, you should probably visit your bank in person, make sure that there were no fraudulent transactions executed on your accounts, and have them manually reset your password for you while you were there. Longer-term, consider closing your existing accounts (because the person who changed your online banking password could have recorded the account numbers). In fact, I would think twice about banking with a company that lets you reset a password just by receiving an email, so switching banks might not be out of the question.\n\n> But now that I know that they wanted to go that far they probably got my full address and pretty much any kind of personal information they wanted.\n\nNot necessarily - I know Google collects a lot of information on people, but it's not like your Google account is a magic portal to any kind of personal data you want :-P e.g. the person who accessed your account wouldn't necessarily have found your Social Security number. Unless it was in an email or a Drive document, or in something that could be indirectly accessed through your email, like your Facebook account or online banking account. (It shouldn't be; none of these sites have a good reason to display SSNs.) So think about what was actually recorded in your email and what the person had access to.\n\n---\n\nBy the way, my first thought upon reading this was that you should have clicked \"Sign out of all sessions\" _before_ responding to the text message. Something for other people to keep in mind, I suppose.\n", "score": 77 }, { "body": "Offer a large reward to stop what he is doing, tell him you will meet him with it and when he shows up beat the shit out of the little crook until he gives you back your stuff. Best done in a secluded location of your choosing.", "score": 49 }, { "body": "A practice maintained in the security community that you should consider implementing with friends is if somebody walks away from their machine, change their background or open up notepad (or other) and leave a message. Make it into a competition. \n\nAt first it's gonna suck, but after so many times of coming back to a screensaver filled with porn, or nicholas cage as your background, or a facebook status about how much you like watching beastiality porn, you learn pretty quickly to lock your shit and log out of stuff you're not using.\n\nGood luck", "score": 44 }, { "body": "Why do people have to be like that? When I am in a lab and see someone has left their computer and not just for a little bit, but as in have left I will just lock their account (all they have to do is enter their password to get back in) and that's only to save them from people who fuck with people. \n\nBy their computer I mean a university computer in a computer lab. ", "score": 16 }, { "body": "The fact you left a screen open at college, logged in, in a public environment your lucky hes just going after you. Not putting illicit things on your drives at college which could get you dismissed or expelled. \n\nMost colleges or work places they don't care if you make up some story about how you logged in and left it there and some material got on there; Its your responsibility. \n\nYou need to learn that everyone is after information and the only person who is going to protect that is you. \n\n/netadmin rant.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "If you were only 5 minutes away, why didn't you just run back to the computer lab, back to the computer you were using and catch the guy in the act?", "score": 14 }, { "body": "It really warms the cockles of my heart to know how beyond fucked this kid is for this douchebag move. He will remember this day for the rest of his life for if nothing else he will at least get the boot from college. He will however get at least a few misdemeanor and possible a felony out of the deal. The minute he changed you bank password he irrevocable changed his life for the worse. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Change all passwords, check android devices for changes, check all settings in google apps and such.\n\n**Make sure there are no other sessions attached to google apps or gmail, they can be used to change settings back after you change them.**\n\nContact lawyer. Save all communications for lawyer and see if police can verify/save any communications with the perp for you.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "What crappy bank system just sends a fresh password without needing other information first? My bank requires some extra information, like mothers maiden name or something before it will send the password. \n\nHow did this individual know what bank OP uses? How did they get his bank login name? How about his cellphone #?\n\nForgive me for being skeptical, if its a true story, I hope it all gets worked out. (Should be easy enough wit security cams and a cell phone number). But I'm just highly skeptical.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "You have all of this info available on your account, and you log into it on public computers / leave it open? Even if accidental, you needed this to learn a lesson.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Everyone else has pretty much covered everything important, but I have a few more thing for you to check. Make sure that you change your security questions on the email account, and make sure that he didn't add any \"secondary email addresses\" or recovery phone numbers. These are essentially back-doors into your account in case your forget your password. You can do that in the same place that you enabled Two-Step Verification.\n\n Also, make sure that he didn't set up your account to forward incoming emails to another address. You can check this by clicking the gear icon on the top right, and clicking Settings, then click \"Forwarding and POP/IMAP\".\n\nFinally, make sure that he didn't give any other gmail accounts permission to read your emails. Gear icon -> Settings -> Accounts.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "> Other than that I still want to know any tips so I can keep myself safe\n\nNever, ever, never type anything into a public computer that you wouldn't want written on a bathroom wall.\n\nIf you don't care about your facebook account, then log in from a public PC. Don't care about your reddit account? Then log in from a public PC. Don't care about your gmail account or if someone does a little one-click shopping at amazon on your dime? Then you know what to do.\n\nOtherwise, don't use a public PC for **ANYTHING** you care about.\n\n> I'm planning on just deleting my whole gmail account and start over from scratch, but I'm not sure if that's gunna make a difference\n\nIf you keep logging in from strange PCs, it won't. Next time you might find a keylogger, someone shoulder surfing you, who knows? You're talking about *when*, not *if* you get compromised again.\n\nOh, and get different passwords for different online accounts. Yes, it's a pain. If that's too much, then just append the domain name your account is with to a standard password you use everywhere. So if you pick 'f5ivet3hree' as your standard password, then your amazon account's password is 'f5ivet3hre-eamazon', and gmail is 'f5ivet3hree-gmail', and so on. Not 100% secure, but better than using 'f5ivet3hree' everywhere. If you don't like the domain name, then shorten it to 'f5ivet3hree-AMZN' or whatever...", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Since the guy who tried to extort you is pretty much fucked now, I have only one thing to say:\n\nhttp://i.imgur.com/fnIEP.gif", "score": 4 }, { "body": "contact campus IT. Chances are after he logged you out of your account, he may have logged into his. IT monitors everything on there networks. Further to this, contact campus security, there may be cameras near by.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Just be lucky you were on a college campus. A place where something like this will actually be taken seriously.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "This guy has been watching wayyy too many movies, what kind of half baked extortion scheme is this? ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I had an acquaintance that did this to me. He got bored so he decided to try to figure out my facebook password and in the process he reset my gmail password because the questions were too easy. I saw that it was being accessed by someone else, got the IP address from Google's awesome tracking thing, did a trace route, saw it went to a familiar college, then called their campus security and told them that someone on their campus had broken into my online accounts (a felony) from their network and gave them the IP address. Then I emailed my acquaintance that I knew went there and told him all of that. He responded with profuse apologies and whatnot. I let him shit bricks for a few minutes thinking he was going to get kicked out or arrested then called security and told them it was just a friend playing a prank. No harm, no foul and they agreed to drop it. As far as I know he hasn't done anything like that since but I wouldn't know as I never spoke to him again (this was like 2 years ago).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "well i was going to say \"bend over and grease you ^$$hole\", but you seem to have taken corrective action and hopefully learned from this ", "score": 3 } ]
AT&T has scammed all iPhone 5 pre-order customers.
*Firstly lets define a [pre-order](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-order) : "Pre-orders allow consumers to guarantee immediate delivery on release..." I ordered two iPhone 5 cellular devices on september 14th from AT&T - I have the unlimited data plan and (according to an AT&T sales associate) the "ONLY" way to maintain this was to purchase the phones through AT&T. Now come today - my local AT&T store has plenty of iPhones in stock, yet it has barred all stores from canceling pre-orders and customer service will take 3 business days to "process" a cancelled order. What in fuck is the point of this? Well, in the words of an AT&T sales rep, "it was a giant scam from the beginning, the phones available today in the store should belong to the customers who pre-order their phones a week ago." In short, AT&T is looking to piss off its customers and its working.
[ { "body": "Preorder was a complete scam. Many stores are still not sold out, but because I preordered I have no choice but to wait it out. I won't fall for the hype again, no need to preorder. They supply plenty to stores and delay preorders to build the hype. My confirmation email came 45 mins after preorders started and still won't ship till October. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I have unlimited data and ordered through the Apple Store app. Kept my unlimited data.\n\nI don't understand why everybody doesn't order directly through Apple. You know that Apple will always take good care of their customers.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "So I pre-ordered mine on the 14th pretty early, and didn't get my confirmation until a full 24 hours. Realizing yesterday they screwed up my preorder I called to cancel it because I wanted to just try my luck in the stores. People I know that had preordered before me had gotten shipping confirmations. I was pissed. Well they told me they couldn't cancel my preorder and I had to wait until it shipped and then return it. I was pissed, I asked to speak with a supervisor, he was also helpless. \n\nTwenty minutes later I called another AT&T number and explained it to him. He was able to cancel it for me and reverse my upgrade. I went into the apple store at 11am today and waited in a 20 minute line and got my iphone 5 with my upgrade. AT&T screwed me over so bad on this and fucked up the preorders so bad. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "so wait. you pre ordered but now you want to cancel? or you pre ordered and they didnt ship you a phone yet?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I pre-ordered online with AT&T and got confirmation that it would arrive today (launch day). Got an email from them the next day saying that there were problems with the order and I should call them.\n\nCalled AT&T, and the CSR said that they had erroneously sent that to almost everybody who preordered. My order was fine, and I could disregard the email. She also knocked my $36 upgrade fee off of my order.\n\nFast forward to yesterday, and I still haven't seen any shipping info from AT&T. Going to the \"order status\" screen would just get me to an error. I called AT&T again to find that my order didn't go through, and that the phone was back-ordered. I could give them my credit card info again and take a spot in line at the time of *that* call, or cancel the order outright. \n\nI said \"what would happen if the order gets cancelled? I'm already not getting a phone, that doesn't make sense\". The guy responded by teling me that I'd once again be upgrade-eligible, and that's it. All my pre-order accomplished was nuking my subsidized price and putting me in a false sense of security for the order.\n\nI pissed and moaned on twitter, and one of their damage-control guys got in contact with me today. Came to find that when my false-order was canceled, I also lost the $36 credit. Classy. In the end, I waited overnight at an Apple Store and bought the phone that I thought I had pre-ordered. \n\nLesson learned. I've never had a problem with customer service for my AT&T wireless service, but these guys are incompetent when it comes to hardware sales. Never again.", "score": 3 } ]
Petition to lynch RiotJaws!
9000sins, sunshine-x, and their secret agenda.
I have proof that these 2 characters will do anything to try and make me look like a fool. I have evidence that proves these 2 individuals have been "moding" certain intel, user claims, and spamming websites that hold a certain truth. Before becoming a mod, I made a chatroom which angered 9000sins because he no longer had control over the information. I was offered a mod position trying to make it clear that we needed no mods. So now I leave you with this. Private Message me for the evidence, because if I post it here, 9000sins and sunshine-x will ridicule it, ban me and the post.
[ { "body": "Unless you have evidence that these guys are selling black baby fetuses to nazi alien vampires, nobody cares.\n\nThe world is about to end and this is what you've decided to spring up on this subreddit?\n\n", "score": 8 }, { "body": "It is so weird how even the smallest amount of power can go right to the head. None of this matters...you know that right? We got mods bickering back and forth making posts about it ....9000 fuckin sins god damn sunshine x home grown fuckin terran all making this a huge deal of bullshit when in the grandness of the universe it is litterally nothing... I can assume were all adults...so let us let the silly shit go.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I recently got removed an article and when I told sunshine in the other similar thread like this, he just ignored it and started arguing with me about his bot, completely ignoring the real issue.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Do people like you treat everything in life like a conspiracy? \"I haven't been getting my flyers in the mail for the past two months. Something fishy is going on and I have PROOF!\"", "score": 3 }, { "body": "[This sub could not get any more meta.](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Rc8k_D3yYoE/Tw4IyOKMysI/AAAAAAAAAls/awgasVzJMfA/s320/Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn.gif)", "score": 3 } ]
I think I might have just made a huge mistake dusting my pc... Any advice?
I dusted the inside using a microfiber cloth and ran it over my graphics card (gtx 570). The computer still boots and runs fine, I can hear the windows start up noise, but now my Asus monitor isn't recognizing the hdmi input from my build. Is it possible this shorted the graphics card? Is there a way to check this?
[ { "body": "You shouldn't be cleaning your computer like that. Use a can of compressed air next time.\n\nChecking the connection is your best bet.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I assume you've checked all the connections? Made sure the card is still seated in the mobo correctly, the power connections, etc?", "score": 3 } ]
iphone 5 case suggestions
i ordered one on amazon that looks durable to hold me over for the first couple weeks, but I'm looking for suggestions for cases that look great and will protect my phone (without adding too much bulk)
[ { "body": "I bought a Speck case. I loved the one on my 4s, so when I saw they already had them in stock for the 5 I picked one up and it's great.", "score": 3 } ]