What was life like as a slave in early America?
What I'm looking for is less so "how were they treated" and more of an explanation of what the culture that developed among themselves was, and how they responded to their living conditions. EDIT: Thank you all for being so awesome. I'm in an early american history class at the moment and most of the stuff we cover never seems to go any deeper than "conditions for african slaves were harsh and cruel." That does about as much justice to their situation and lifestyle as it would describing the second world war in its entirety with "Axis and Allied powers fought viciously." Should have more than enough to look through over the week, thanks again everybody :D
[ { "body": "You are asking for one gigantic mouthful, and it's not really feasible for someone in a forum like this to describe an entire society and American subculture, spread out over hundreds of years. Unless you get waaaayyy more specific about time, place, and what exactly you're looking for, the best I can do is recommend you a couple interesting works.\n\nPhilip Morgan, *Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry* is right up your alley on this one. It's long but you could probably use the index to find exactly the things your looking for, hunt and peck your way through.\n\nWalter Johnson, *Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market*. This is probably later than you're looking for, focusing on the 1850s. But it really gets into the dynamics and negotiations of the master and slave relationship. You'll get less about the types of clothes they wore and how families formed and more into the mindset of an individual slave dealing with his status and his master. You may have said you're not as interested in the specific treatment of slaves, but you're going to need to dabble in it for the sake of your question and this is a great middle ground.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I would highly recommend Ira Berlin's *Many Thousands Gone*. He does a FANTASTIC job of fleshing out nearly every conceivable detail about Slave Society, and Society with Slaves since colonization, and separates very succinctly by region.\n\nHis bit about Atlantic Creoles was incredibly interesting, and how their adaptive society grew and expanded throughout the centuries during colonization. Certainly highly recommended. \n\nCertainly a wonderful compliment to Borimi's suggestion of Philip Morgan. They have many similar ideas, but I personally think Berlin goes into a little more detail of how the conditions effected the culture.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "A watershed work when it comes to the construction of religion is Raboteau's *Slave Religion*. Raboteau is a bit outdated and misses how Islam informed the experience. To address this issue, see Austin's *African Muslims in Antebellum America.*\n\nIt is also important to note that slavery was not monolithic. Many slaves had different experiences under the hegemony of slavery. You might be interested in Dew's *Bound of Iron.* In 2002, to assess where the scholarship on slavery was and to point to the future of the field, *William and Mary Quarterly* dedicated an issue to slave scholarship (59.3 [2002]). The whole issue is fascinating, but there is a great article on a couple of african princes and their interactions under slavery. I think this article points to the often overlooked issue of class and slavery.", "score": 4 } ]
What are the effects of doing many no-weights squats?
Unfortunately, I have no access to weights, or a gym and because I haven't had access for a while (not to mention ive been eating like a slob), i've packed on a few (see: many) pounds and definitely noticed a loss in muscle. That isn't really my point though, I would just like to know, if I push out weightless squats until muscle failure. (In my current state would not be much.) What kind of benefits am I likely to see? Less risk of injury? Will my thighs bulk up? Any muscle building at all? Related to the muscle question, how will this affect fat-loss? (hams is a large muscle, will it increase my bmr by a significant amount?) Thanks in advanced guys
[ { "body": "As someone who is just starting to work out, no-weight squats absolutely are beneficial. Seriously, people underestimate how hard it is to do 50 no-weight squats, especially if you've never done them before. \n\nIt really keeps your heart rate up, so if you include no-weight squats in a cardio circuit, you will improve your cardio endurance which will absolutely help burn fat. And as others have pointed out, if you have no experience doing squats, or have let your legs atrophy (I am guilty of this,) you will definitely gain muscle mass in the process.\nSo please, DO NO-WEIGHT SQUATS! I absolutely recommend them.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "You are overthinking things.\n\n>Related to the muscle question, how will this affect fat-loss? (hams is a large muscle, will it increase my bmr by a significant amount?)\n\nNope. If you want to lose fat, you need to eat less and stop worrying about minute increases in BMR. It really doesn't matter one fucking bit.\n\nTo build muscle, you need three things: \n\n* a growth stimulus\n* food for growth\n* rest\n\nIf you do bodyweight squats and they are a growth stimulus to you, you will experience muscle growth. After a certain point once your muscles have grown, it will cease to be an effective growth stimulus.\n\nAt this point, you can change to a harder growth stimulus, such as un-even squats or one-legged squats.\n\n", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I do all my workouts in my room with the exception of my daily swims. Squats 50 25 one leg each leg then another 50 while increasing speed, deepness, and overall intensity as the weeks go on(and the number, that is just what I was at for awhile because I wasn't really pushing myself like I should have been). Getting fit is as simple as doing push-ups, planks, squats, and a few other exercises from your home. You wont get huge but you can get incredibly tone. You need to do them though. Most people just trying to get in shape like the gym because one your there you sorta have to do something. At home its far easier to procrastinate hence not do anything. Thus ends my rant on squats and the simplicity of working out at home.", "score": 3 } ]
This is on the front page of /r/politics right now: "At the age of 16, Ryan began receiving Social Security benefits and saved them to help him pay for college"
http://www.alternet.org/hot-news-views/paul-ryan-social-security-teenager Alternet only cites a blog. In my opinion, this would be another big blow to the Romney campaign if the mainstream media caught wind.
[ { "body": "Here is the first souce, a magazine for a free-market think tank who did a feature on Ryan in 2010:\n\n> With his father’s passing, young Paul collected Social Security benefits until age 18, which he put away for college.\n\n[http://www.wpri.org/WIInterest/Vol19No2/Schneider19.2.html](http://www.wpri.org/WIInterest/Vol19No2/Schneider19.2.html)\n\nThis claim is TRUE.\n", "score": 19 }, { "body": "http://www.wpri.org/WIInterest/Vol19No2/Schneider19.2.html\n\nhttp://www.rollcall.com/news/rep_paul_ryan_politics_in_america_profile-216813-1.html\n\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/13/us/politics/family-faith-and-politics-describe-life-of-paul-ryan.html?pagewanted=all&_moc.semityn.www\n\n\nI would rate this as true.\n\n", "score": 8 } ]
Do the S&S style guns of the last game still exist in 2?
In borderlands 1 my favorite guns were pretty much all S&S, high clip, high accuracy guns that usually slanted toward damage or fire rate but not both. The spiniguns just don't satisfy my taste and I haven't been able to find any other rifles similar to what I've been searching for. Do they still exist in some form in BL2?
[ { "body": "No, they were replaced by the bandit guns, which have larger clips and can sometimes be more accurate.", "score": 3 } ]
19th Century German Newspaper Archives?
Hi all! I'm a British A level student and I'm currently tasked with a historical enquiry. I have chosen to write about European wars in the 19th Century, particularly the German wars of Unification. Do any of you know of any online archives of German newspapers from this era? I searched the subreddit but all I could find was an post about a much more recent time period. So any guidance would be helpful! Vielen Dank!
[ { "body": "[Here](http://zefys.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/) you can find some digitalized historic newspapers. You can also try [this site](http://stabikat.de//) and [this one](http://dispatch.opac.d-nb.de/DB=1.1/). [Here](http://anno.onb.ac.at/zeitungen.htm) you can research Austrian newspapers, if you need to. Hope that helps. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "this site lets you find the archive for almost every magazine or newspaper ever published in Germany and Austria: http://www.zeitschriftendatenbank.de they list archives with digital access as well.", "score": 3 } ]
Thanks asshole for ruining my day due to your laziness. Reddit, how has someone gone out of their way to ruin your day?
Picture: http://imgur.com/51lpY Backstory: Parked at UCSFs garage last night. Parked within my lines bit a bit closer to the left hand side due to the person on the right parking directly on the line and almost into my spot. I noticed the left hand side was a little tight but manageable. Next morning, my gfs car has paint or something on the windshield with a note that says "9–20–12 ASSHOLE YOU BLOCKED ME IN! NO ROOM FOR ME TO GET IN MY CAR!" needless to say cops have been called and they'll review the cameras and use the note as evidence if they get the person so here's hoping to that. What I don't get was I was able to get out of my car and they could have just gone through the passenger side if they really couldn't manage yet they felt the need to write a note and vandalize my gfs car.
[ { "body": "Here's a tip that you should follow from now on- whenever you end up parking next to someone who did a shitty job parking their car: take a picture of what they did (and one of their license plate if you can't get that in frame). Because it's much easier to get that dealt with when you have that info, and the odds are good your cellphone had a camera.", "score": 3 } ]
new minecraft player here
i'm looking for a nice friendly minecraft server to join that lets new people build just to learn the ropes of the pc version
[ { "body": "p.nerd.nu, if you like building with others.\nc.nerd.nu, if you like doing way out and weird stuff\ns.nerd.nu, if you like being killed ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "If you're looking to learn some basics, try our creative server at c.nerd.nu. It's in creative mode, though. But the people are friendly and there's always some sort of building project - lots of towns - going on. Or you are welcome to claim an area as your own - as long as it's not claimed by someone else - and build your own thing.\n\nIf you're looking to jump right into a player versus environment, we've got p.nerd.nu. The people are friendly and it's fairly easy to survive and build, either on your own or ask in chat to join a town.\n\nWe do also have a player versus player server at s.nerd.nu, but as many have pointed out, people will kill you even if you're not wearing anything and seem to have nothing on you. It's also on hard mode, so you can starve to death.\n\nOh yea, and there's no whitelist and no need to have a certain texture pack. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in chat or contact a moderator in-game. Welcome to Minecraft and I hope this helps. :)", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Single player is a good place to learn the game, survival single player is about being self sufficient which is entirely avoidable in p and s. You should start the game with a blank world, make your own tools, home, farm and enjoy it all. ", "score": 4 } ]
I can't afford a book I need for a class.
So I'm taking Spanish this semester and all my professor said we had to get was the textbook Yo Soy Asi, the second edition. I was able to get that fine, as well as seven other books I needed for this semester. Unfortunately she didn't mention the workbook in the syllabus that apparently comes with the book. Even though I paid $60 on Amazon for the book I'm without a stupid workbook that of course costs upwards of $100 itself. A new copy of the pair is $120 on campus. Between car payments, insurance, phone bill, food, rent, gas, and other necessities I can't afford another book. Instead of working 40+ hours I can only work about 30 during my semesters so I really can't afford to put money into a workbook, or rebuy a textbook, if it's going to be so much. I was hoping someone could help me find a cheap option, possibly scan their own copy (it's 50 pages), sell me their copy for cheap, or somewhere find me a .pdf file of the book. The ISBN is 0757555616. I know this will probably get downvoted and ignored. Just another college kid that needs help. Trust me though, my situation is really messed up right now and even a little help like finding this book for me would basically be the best thing that happened to me this week. Oh and this one kid in my class let me take pictures of the book but my professor said we need to hand her copies of the pages, not just the answers. So I can't really look to my classmates, plus he seemed to get upset that I asked a second time. If anyone responds, thank you.
[ { "body": "Can you check if your schools library has it? When I had to take a math class and couldn't afford the workbook I went to the library borrowed their copy and made copys as I needed them saved me 155.00 by doing that and most school libraries have copys of the books to let students borrow.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I feel your pain, my Spanish course this year cost ~$180. \n\nI know you said you took pictures but did you try photocopying the pages and then writing on them?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Wow according to isbnlib.com, the list price for this work book is only $31.45 but you seriously can't find it anywhere for under $100. I saw it as much as $344. \n\nSorry I can't find it anywhere for free. No torrents or anything. I'll keep an eye out though", "score": 3 } ]
Why did the Doctor let people die when he can....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Doctor once say that he could see, everything that is, was, and ever will be? That it is the burden of the timelords? Doesn't that basically mean he can see the future?
[ { "body": "I think I remember him saying that he can see all that ever *could* be(all possible futures), not all that ever will be. That means that he doesn't have the ability to see the future, but he can imagine all the possibilities(In his own mindset. He can't perceive things he doesn't know about). That is at least my understanding of it.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "They all could, in Gallifrey, where they have access to the time vortex. Pretty much what gave the Time lords their edge. But I think what you mean is that they've become so entwined with the time element by being exposed to the vortex, that they've evolved a sort of 6th sense which allows them to perceive and understand the casuality of a time stream or any abnormalities in it.\n\nSorry if I made it sound more complicated than it actually is. ....just my \"understanding\" on the topic.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "It's slightly more broad than that.\n\nTime Lords have time-related senses, but this doesn't give them omniscience. They can be aware of disturbances in time, how time should be progressing, but they don't know every detail about the past, present and future.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think it's intended as more of a sub-conscious thing. As in, he can tell when time is \"off\". It doesn't mean he has a vivid image in his head of all of time. It's his 6th sense.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Well there wouldn't be much of a show if that were the case.\n\nBut I think he frequently speaks metaphorically for dramatic effect.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Both Davies and Moffat have enjoyed giving the Doctor a lot of dialogue that sounds all poetic and mystical and metaphorical. But if you watch pretty much any episode of classic or current *Doctor Who* the Doctor is basically just a person from an alien race who developed time travel devices. He isn't godlike, he isn't omniscient, he can't see all eternity and the past and the future all at once. There's mystical stuff he says in poetic flights of fancy...but going by what he actually *does,* it's clear he can't see the future.", "score": 3 } ]
Possible orbs, need some opinions to debunk
I went with my brother and girlfriend to a supposedly haunted trail off an old road near home. On the way back I was snapping random pictures in the dark, and I came up with a few photos of interest. Now as far as orbs go, I'm never really impressed since there are so many things they could be and people are so quick to shout ORB ORB OMG ORB. That being said, I'm not sure if I have one or not. In 3 or 4 pictures, we have a green illuminated light somewhere in them. Zooming in on them shows a very brilliant green and perfect sphere shape. I wouldn't be surprised if they were absolutely nothing. But we also have dust/bugs in other photos, and it's a nice camera. The first two pics are of particles in the air, and a bug in flight that we got, for reference. Feel free to zoom in on anything and let me know what your opinion is. http://imgur.com/a/bRhKl edit: it really helps to look at them full sized and zoom in. I can email the originals to anyone who may want them here's the same pictures zoomed in on what I see. The first is the bug obviously. http://imgur.com/a/2trNc
[ { "body": "None of these are orbs. \n\nYou are using a flash on your camera and picking up the light that is bouncing off of bugs, dust, and other tiny objects flying/floating about in the air. \n\nEver notice that you NEVER see a picture of an orb that was taken WITHOUT flash? That's because the flash is what 'creates' the orb - as in, the flash bounces off a bug, or spec of dirt that is airborne, and the camera picks up on this since the light coming off this object is brighter than it anticipated. \n\nLearn how a camera takes pictures, and how flash photography works, and you'll never see another 'orb' in your life.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "The green orbs are very interesting. I'm not sure what they are, but the fuzzy edges take them out of the category of typical orbs. Very cool colors and designs in them, whatever they are.\n\nMy first guess would be some kind of floating pollen or seeds, like milkweed (except green).\n\nIn the other series of photos, the orb over the young man and woman is just irregular enough to make me think it's pollen or an insect, but it would take closer examination to be sure. \n\nFor six years, I tried to create convincing orbs with dust, dirt, moisture, reflections, and so on. After nearly 20 years of saying that most orbs are dust, etc., I have to admit that's not the logical answer I thought it was. \n\nUntil you've run similar tests, to see exactly what dust, dirt, pollen, moisture (fog, rain, snow), and reflections look like in your own camera's photos, it's almost impossible to accurately analyze orb photos.\n\nCertain characteristics are easy to spot -- like a yellow dot near the center of the orb, if it's pollen -- but others aren't.\n\nI hope that's helpful.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You are outside. There a million things that can show up as orbs like bugs, moisture in the air, dust, dirt, pollen, flying seeds, and rain. Digital cameras exacerbate the problem as they can and do pick up the smallest things.\n\nI don't deal with \"orbs\" anymore because 99.9% of the time they have a natural explanation. The only ones I give any thought to are the ones visible to the naked eye, taken on a film camera or are on video and have an \"intelligent\" flight pattern or respond to voice command.", "score": 3 } ]
Does anyone remember the greatest toast ever?
A few months back a redditor posted an AMAZING toast he gave at his brother's wedding. I think he was a writer and he also posted images for the toast, the bride was beautiful and she was laughing out loud and the redditor was a handsome guy... I've been trying to find the link and I can't. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
[ { "body": "The best toast I ever had was when I was eight years old. I had it with some hot chocolate; I don't even think it was cold outside.", "score": 6 } ]
VLOOKUP with duplicates in the first column?
Hello, I have a spreadsheet where often there are duplicate items in a row, and I'd like a function to pull out EVERY corresponding value from the adjacent column and place it into a range. Any ideas on how to best do this?
[ { "body": "Array formula:\n \n \n {=INDEX([lookup range], SMALL(IF([value to find]=[range1 to find it in], ROW([range1 to find it in])-MIN(ROW([range1 to find it in]))+1, \"\"), ROW(A1)),COLUMN('A1))}\n", "score": 5 } ]
AG: "No cover-up" in Fast & Furious
**From The Most Transparent Administration Ever Dept.:** After months of stonewalling that culminated in Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, the summary firing of several mid-level Justice officials, and the invocation of executive privilege by the White House over 74,000 pages of Justice Department documents, the Inspector General's office (the internal investigative arm of the Justice Department) has found that there was "no cover-up" of Operation Fast & Furious, the Justice/ATF operation that deliberately sent hundreds of automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, one of which killed border agent Brian Terry in December 2010 in a gunfight with cartel gangsters in Arizona. Have no fear, America. The Justice Department has decided that the Justice Department did nothing wrong. Family members of Brian Terry, as well as House Republicans, have pledged to push forward with civil suits against Holder and the Justice Department.
[ { "body": "They can claim its not a \"cover-up\" because there is no legal definition for that specific term. It might be \"negligence\" or \"obstruction of justice,\" but not a \"cover-up.\"", "score": 5 } ]
I was watching My Lunch today and when the second patient, Mr Dennison, dies the camera moves up to a woman. Is this Eliza Coupe, who plays Denise Mahoney in season 8? Image and clip inside.
Here is a screenshot: http://imgur.com/6U8hC She appears at 0:29 of this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzDoqGGs1IM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
[ { "body": "Nope. Facial features are different. There is a hint of similarity, but not much. At least to my eyes", "score": 3 } ]
[Feral dps Guide] Mists of Pandaria 5.0
### Table of Contents Forgive any formatting oddities in child posts. I will try to fix. 1. Introduction 2. Gear and Stats - Stats - Stat Values - Gear lists 3. Gems, Enchants, Glyphs, Professions - Gems - Enchants - Glyphs - Professions 4. Talents and Abilities - Talents - Abilities - Priority Lists (Rotation) - Note on clipping. 5. User Interface 6. End of Line. ~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ###Introduction This reference guide is intended to help both beginners, new to the Feral spec, and veteran Feral druids looking for an update. Inside you will find a listing of all the stats that are important to you, and how important and, by extension, which gems, gear, professions, and enchants are best for you. I will also go into both talents and the feral “rotation” to help you learn what you need to know to do competitive Feral dps in a raid environment. ~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ###**Gear and Stats** ##Leather Specialization: Leather Specialization grants you 5% bonus agility when you are wearing all leather items. There is no reason to ever not have this bonus. At no point will cloth ever be better in any slot than leather. Even if you have a level 20 leather item and a level 90 cloth item and want the stamina, it’s not worth it from a dps standpoint. Find a leather green. ##**Stats:** **Agility:** This is your primary stat. It makes you hit harder and crit more often. There is essentially no situation in which this is a bad thing to have more of. The higher ilvl the gear you get, the more Agility it will generally have on it. Given that secondary stats are fairly comparable in power both to each-other; this makes higher ilvl gear generally better regardless of itemization. **Hit:** Surprisingly enough, this stat helps you hit things. More specifically, it helps you to not miss them. Hit, like expertise, is a cap-able stat, in that once you reach a specific amount; you gain absolutely no benefit from having more. You gain 1% of hit chance, or lower your chance to miss by 1%, for each 340 hit you gain. You have an 7.5% miss chance against raid bosses, thus in order to get hit capped, and you will need 2,550 hit rating to be hit capped. In general, try to avoid going over this, as you are wasting stat potential. Note that, while bleed applications can miss or be dodged/parried, your bleed ticks cannot be avoided. Once you have them applied, they will always tick, and can still crit. **Expertise:** As previously mentioned, Expertise is also cap-able. Unlike Hit, however, expertise has two caps. One is the dodge cap, which is 6.5% while the other is the parry cap, which is 14%. Bosses, unlike players, are able to dodge attacks from behind. They remain unable to parry attacks from behind. As a melee dps, you will generally be attacking the boss from behind, thus negating the need to worry about the boss parrying you. You gain 1% of dodge reduction per 340 Expertise rating, thus requiring 2,550 Expertise rating to hit the dodge cap. Beyond this, unless there is a fight where the mechanics force you to attack the boss from the front, stacking Expertise beyond this is generally a waste and not advised in most circumstances. **Mastery:** As a feral druid, your mastery is Razor Claws. This increases your bleed damage by 25%, plus 1% per XXX mastery rating. This effects your Rake, Rip, and Thrash. In general, this stat will see an increased value in situations where you will be bleed cleaving, but maintains a significant value on single target engagements. **Crit:** Critical strike is useful, not just for the increased damage on critical hits, but because you gain two combo points on a critical hit as opposed to one. This allows for higher bleed and Savage Roar uptime, resulting in higher DPS. While crit will initially be very low at the beginning of the expansion, until better gear is attained, once it gets above 50%, there is a negligible waste of crit on ravage, as it goes over the 100% crit cap on high health targets. Bleeds can crit, as can the direct application damage of Rake. **Haste:** Haste not only increases how fast you hit with your auto attacks, but it also increases your energy regeneration. Thus if you have 50% haste, you would generate 15 energy per second instead of 10. This results in having more combo points available, thus resulting in more uptime on bleeds and savage roar. Your bleeds, unlike some other DoTs, do NOT scale with haste, thus haste shifts more focus on direct damage abilities. **Weapon DPS:** The higher the ilvl the weapon, the more weapon dps it has. This is always normalized to a 1 second swing timer in cat form, so weapon speed is irrelevant to you. It goes without saying, the higher ilvl the weapon, the better it is for you, assuming it’s a two-handed agility weapon. ~~------------------------------------------~~ ##Stat Values: Stat values are not static. While some stats, like Agility, have such a commanding lead in value that they will never be surpassed, other stats, such as Mastery or Crit, change in value based on the amount of stats you currently have. For example, if you have 0 Hit rating, but 1,500 Crit and Mastery rating, the value of Hit is higher than if you had 0 hit rating and 0 Crit and Mastery. For values specific to your gear, I recommend using simcraft for your specific gear level and playing around with the priority list until you find the highest (or near the highest) priority list for yourself, then simulate the stat values with at least 10,000 iterations. This should be a fairly accurate approximation. **[SIMCRAFT - USE IT](http://simulationcraft.org/)** ##Approximate stat values in T14 Heroic gear W/ 4pc: (ilvl 509) |Stat |Value |Scaled Value | |:------------:|:-------:|:-------:| |Agility | 5.11 | 1.00 | Weapon Dps | 4.88 | 0.96 | Mastery | 1.98 | 0.39 | Crit | 1.65 | 0.32 | Hit | 1.55 | 0.30 | Expertise | 1.55 | 0.30 | Haste | 1.44 | 0.28 | ##Approximate stat values in T14 Normal gear W/ 4pc: (ilvl 496) |Stat |Value |Scaled Value | |:------------:|:-------:|:-------:| Agility | 4.70 | 1.00 | Weapon Dps | 4.75 | 1.01 | Mastery | 1.65 | 0.35 Crit | 1.42 | 0.30 | Hit | 1.27 | 0.27 | Expertise | 1.40 | 0.30 | Haste | 1.23 | 0.26 | ##Approximate stat values in 5-man blue quality gear (ilvl 463) |Stat |Value |Scaled Value | |:------------:|:-------:|:-------:| Agility | 4.65 | 1.00 | Weapon Dps | 4.52 | 0.97 | Mastery | 1.36 | 0.34 | Crit | 1.39 | 0.30 | Hit | 1.28 | 0.27 | Expertise | 1.42 | 0.31 | Haste | 1.23 | 0.27 | ###Gear ##Pre-Raid Dungeon gear: (Obviously, the heroic version of each is better and more desirable.) - Helm: - [\[Agile Retinal Armor\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=77534) - Engineering - [\[Windblast Helm\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81283) - Wing Leader Ner'onok - [\[Soulburner Crown\]](http://wowhead.com/item=82853) - Lilian Voss - ~~----~~ - Neck: - [\[Delicate Necklace of the Golden Lotus\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90593) - Vale of Eternal Blossoms Quest, Zhao Jin - [\[Scorched Scarlet Key\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81564) - Flameweaver Koegler - [\[Engraved Amber Pendant\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81271) - Vizier Jin'bak - [\[Golembreaker Amulet\]](http://wowhead.com/item=83803) - Jewelcrafting - ~~----~~ - Shoulders: - [\[Fizzy Spaulders\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81068) - Yan-Zhu the Uncasked - [\[Doubtridden Shoulderguards\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81071) - Sha of Doubt - ~~----~~ - Cloak: - [\[Aerial Bombardment Cloak\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81282) - General Pa'valak - [\[Wind-Soaked Drape\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81123) - Wise Mari - ~~----~~ - Chest: - [\[Nimbletoe Chestguard\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81080) - Ook-Ook - [\[Korloff's Raiment\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81573) - Brother Korloff - ~~----~~ - Wrist: - [\[Saboteur's Stabilizing Bracers\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81090) - Saboteur Kip'tilak - ~~----~~ - Hands: - [\[Hound Trainer's Gloves\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81695) - Houndmaster Braun - [\[Tombstone Gauntlets\]](http://wowhead.com/item=82858) - Darkmaster Gandling - ~~----~~ - Belt: - [\[Belt of Brazen Inebriation\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81135) - Hoptallus - [\[Icewrath Belt\]](http://wowhead.com/item=82823) - Instructor Chillheart - ~~----~~ - Legs: - [\[Wall-Breaker Legguards\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81091) - Raigonn - [\[Ghostwoven Legguards\]](http://wowhead.com/item=82851) - Jandice Barov - ~~----~~ - Boots: - [\[Dashing Strike Treads\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81688) - High-Inquisitor Whitemane - [\[Boots of Plummeting Death\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81249) - Xin the Weaponmaster - ~~----~~ - Ring: - [\[Seal of Ghoulish Glee\]](http://wowhead.com/item=88168) - Headless Horseman Event - [\[Pulled Grenade Pin\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81191) - Saboteur Kip'tilak - [\[Seal of Hateful Meditation\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81186) - Taran Zhu - [\[Signet of Dancing Jade\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81128) - Liu Flameheart - ~~----~~ - Trinket: - [\[Flashing Steel Talisman\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81265) - High-Inquisitor Whitemane - [\[Windswept Pages\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81125) - Lorewalker Stonestep - [\[Searing Words\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81267) - Darkmaster Gandling - ~~----~~ - Weapon: - [\[Snowdrift's Bladed Staff\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81108) - Master Snowdrift - [\[Firestorm Greatstaff\]](http://wowhead.com/item=81576) - Brother Korloff - [\[Amber Spear of Klaxxi'vess\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89394) - Klaxxi, Exalted ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ##Epic Gear: - Helm: - [\[Crown of Opportunistic Strikes\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87070) - Zone Drop, Mogushan Vaults - [\[Facemask of Unrepentant Banditry\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90411) - Salyis’s Warband - [\[Red Smoke Bandana\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89300) - Shadowpan, Revered + 2,250 Valor Points - ~~----~~ - Neck: - [\[Choker of the Unleashed Storm\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86953) - Blade Lord Ta’yak - [\[Amulet of the Hidden Kings\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87045) - Spirit Kings - [\[Pheromone-Coated Choker\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89827) - Imperial Vizier Zor’lok - [\[Hellrider's Choker\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90432) - Salyis’s Warband - ~~----~~ - Shoulders - [\[Netherrealm Shoulderpads\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87033) - Gara'jal the Spiritbinder - [\[Shadow Heart Spaulders\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89836) - Grand Empress Shek'zeer - [\[Imperion Spaulders\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89341) - The Golden Lotus, Revered + 1,750 Valor Points - ~~----~~ - Cloak: - [\[Dory's Pageantry\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90586) - TBA - [\[Legbreaker Greatcloak\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=86963) - Garalon - [\[Blackguard Cape\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=89076) - TBA _ [\[Arrow Breaking Windcloak\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=87044) - Feng the Accursed - ~~----~~ - Chest: - [\[Chestguard of Total Annihilation\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87058) - Elegon - [\[Chestguard of Nemeses\]](http://wowhead.com/item=85788) - Leatherworking - [\[Flameshot Wrap\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90420) - Salyis’s Warband - [\[Softfoot Silentwrap\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89431) - The Golden Lotus, Revered - [\[Greyshadow Chestguard\]](http://wowhead.com/item=85823) - Leatherworking - [\[Vulajin's Vicious Breastplate\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90585) - World BoE - ~~----~~ - Wrist: - [\[Bracers of Unseen Strikes\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86954) - Blade Lord Ta'yak - [\[Smooth Beetle Wristbands\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86995) - TBA - [\[Quillpaw Family Bracers\]](http://wowhead.com/item=88884) - The August Celestials, Revered, +1,250 Valor Points - [\[Bracers of Violent Meditation\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89818) - The Spirit Kings - ~~----~~ - Hands: - [\[Bonebreaker Gauntlets\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86964) - Geralon - [\[Murderer's Gloves\]](http://wowhead.com/item=85828) - Leatherworking - [\[Fingers of the Loneliest Monk\]](http://wowhead.com/item=88744) - The August Celestials, Revered + 1,750 Valor Points - [\[Greyshadow Gloves\]](http://wowhead.com/item=85824) - Leatherworking - ~~----~~ - Belt: - [\[Stalker's Cord of Eternal Autumn\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87180) - Terrace of Endless Spring - [\[Tomb Raider's Girdle\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87022) - Feng the Accursed - [\[Cannoneer's Gunpowder Carrier\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90451) - Salyis's Warband - [\[Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89060) - The Klaxxi, Revered + 1,750 Valor Points - ~~----~~ - Legs: - [\[Stoneflesh Leggings\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87013) - The Stone Guard - [\[Dreadsworn Slayer Legs\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89090) - The Klaxxi, Revered + 2,250 Valor Points - [\[Silent Leggings of the Ghostpaw\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90720) - Ruun Ghostpaw? - [\[Legguards of Failing Purification\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90504) - Protectors of the Endless - ~~----~~ - Boots: - [\[Boots of the Still Breath\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86943) - Imperial Vizier Zor'lok - [\[Treads of Deadly Secretions\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86984) - Zone Drop - [\[Flamefoot Tabi\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90442) - Salyis's Warband - [\[Tukka-Tuk's Hairy Boots\]](http://wowhead.com/item=88868) - The August Celestials, Revered - [\[Boots of Raging Haze\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90914) - Quest Reward, Remnants of Anger - ~~----~~ - Ring: - [\[Perculia's Peculiar Signet\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90584) - TBA - [\[Regail's Band of the Endless\]](http://wowhead.com/item=90503) - Protectors of the Endless - [\[Painful Thorned Ring\]](http://wowhead.com/item=86974) - Wind Lord Mel’jarak - ~~----~~ - Trinket: - [\[Terror in the Mists\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87167) - Lei Shi - [\[Jade Bandit Figurine\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87079) - TBA - [\[Hawkmaster's Talon\]](http://wowhead.com/item=89082) - TBA - [\[Darkmoon Tiger Deck\]](http://wowhead.com/item=79328) - Darkmoon Tiger Deck - [\[Bottle of Infinite Stars\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87057) - Elegon - [\[Coren's Cold Chromium Coaster\]](http://wowhead.com/item=87574) - Brewfest Event - ~~----~~ - Weapon: - [Gao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector](http://www.wowhead.com/item=87156) - Tsulong - [\[Screaming Tiger, Qiang's Unbreakable Polearm\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=87046) - Meng the Demented - [\[Inscribed Tiger Staff\]](http://www.wowhead.com/quest=31690) - Inscription - [\[Pathwalker Greatstaff\]](http://www.wowhead.com/item=87651) - Urobi the Walker Continued in [Part 2/3](http://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1092jv/feral_dps_guide_mists_of_pandaria_50/c6bf0ev)
[ { "body": "[Continued from Part 1/3](http://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1092jv/feral_dps_guide_mists_of_pandaria_50/)\n\n###Gems, Enchants, and Glyphs\n\nIn this section I will go over the optimal options for your gems, enchants, and glyphs. While some options, such as enchants, will be extremely straightforward and unlikely to change others, such as Glyphs, may change significantly with patches or encounter mechanics. \n\n##Gems:\n\nIf you have the appropriate weapons and quest completion, an obvious choice would be \n[Crystallized Dread] for the +500 agility which is truly, truly, outrageous.\n\nAgility is still the clear winner in terms of stat value in a one-for-one comparison, however, because secondary stats now receive double the stats for the same amount of ilvl budget, it’s now a very good idea in many cases to gem for socket bonuses with Agility/Secondary Stat gems.\n\nHere is a good list of gems appropriate to socket color. In the first column is the gem color. In general, you will only use a purple gem in a blue socket or an orange gem in a yellow socket. Never use, for example, an orange gem in a red socket. \nThe second column houses the name of the gem, for easy lookup, and the two following columns contain the stats the gem provides.\n\nThe normalized value tells you how much raw agility, on average, a gem is worth; while the final column shows you how much agility a socket bonus will need to provide before socketing that gem will be worthwhile.\nNote that if you were to place an [Adept Sardonyx] and a [Glinting Zyanite] into a piece of gear, you would need the combined agility bonus from the socket bonus to make it worthwhile over two flat Agility gems. Thus you would need 23 + 40 = 66 Agility socket bonus. Thus if there was a piece of gear with 1 yellow socket and one blue socket, with a socket bonus of 80 Agility, it would be optimal to socket for the bonus. However, if it only had a 40 agility socket bonus, it would not be. This is based on heroic level T14 gear. At lower gear levels, the amount needed will vary slightly. See the stat values section.\nAdditionally, as Blizzard makes tuning changes to the game, stat weights can vary slightly, which in turn can slightly change the amount of socket bonus Agility needed to make a bonus gem worthwhile.\n\n\n|Gem Color | Name | Stat 1 | Stat 2 | Normalized Value | Need Agi Bonus: |\n|:-------:|:-----------------------------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:--------------------:|\nSha | [Crystallized Dread] | 500 Agi | N/A | 500 | N/A |\nMeta | [Agile Primal Diamond] | 216 Agi | 3% crit dmg | >216 | N/A |\nRed | [Delicate Pandarian Garnet] | 200 Agi | N/A | 200 | N/A |\nRed | [Delicate Primordial Ruby] | 160 Agi | N/A | 160 | N/A |\nPurple | [Glinting Zyanite] | 100 Agi | 200 Hit | 160 | 40 |\nPurple | [Accurate Zyanite] | 200 Exp | 200 Hit | 120 | 80 |\nPurple | [Glinting Imperial Amethyst | 80 Agi | 200 Hit | 128 | 32 |\nPurple | [Accurate Imperial Amethyst] | 160 Exp | 160 Hit | 96 | 64 |\nOrange | [Keen Sardonyx] | 200 Exp | 200 Mastery | 138 | 63 |\nOrange | [Adept Sardonyx] | 100 Agi | 200 Mastery | 178 | 23 |\nOrange | [Deft Sardonyx] | 100 Agi | 200 Haste | 156 | 44 |\nOrange | [Crafty Sardonyx] | 200 Exp | 200 Crit | 124 | 76 |\nOrange | [Deadly Sardonyx] | 100 Agi | 200 Crit | 164 | 36 |\nOrange | [Keen Vermilion Onyx] | 160 Exp | 160 Mastery | 110 | 50 |\nOrange | [Adept Vermilion Onyx] | 80 Agi | 160 Mastery | 142 | 18 |\nOrange | [Deft Vermilion Onyx] | 80 Agi | 160 Haste | 125 | 35 |\nOrange | [Crafty Vermilion Onyx] | 160 Exp | 160 Crit | 99 | 61 |\nOrange | [Deadly Vermilion Onyx] | 80 Agi | 160 Crit | 131 | 29 |\n\n\n\n\n\n##Enchants:\n\nHead: Head Enchants no longer exist.\n\nShoulders: Greater Tiger Claw Inscription (200 Agility, 100 crit rating)\n\nBack: Superior Critical Strike (180 Crit Rating) OR (+80 Hit)\n\nChest: Glorious Stats (+80 all stats)\n\nWrists: Greater Agility (170 Agility)\n\nHands: Super Agility (+170 Agility)\n\nLegs: Primal Leg Reinforcements (+285 Agility, +165 Crit)\n\nFeet: Blurred Speed (140 Agility, 8% Movespeed)\n\nWeapon: Dancing Steel (+1,650 Agi on hit)\n\n##Glyphs\n\nGlyphs have taken a large step down in importance with the launch of Mists of Panderia. While before they could make a huge impact in gameplay, now they tend to cause somewhat smaller changes. Certain glyphs may be more or less useful by encounter, so here are some of the glyphs that have a potential impact in a raid environment:\n\n**BiS Glyphs:**\n\n- [\\[Glyph of Savagery\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=40923): This is the only glyph that is crucial; Helps uptime tremendously in tight situations\n- [\\[Glyph of Cat Form\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=67487): Amazing for fights with lots of raid damage. Help your healers!\n\n\n**Situational Glyphs:**\n\n- [\\[Glyph of Survival Instincts\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=45601) - Excellent for high bursts of incoming damage.\n- [\\[Glyph of Dash\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=43674): This can be very useful. Dash can help avoid fire. More dash is less burning. \n- [\\[Glyph of Stampeding Roar\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=45604): Less burning for the whole family!\n- [\\[Glyph of Might of Ursoc\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=45603): Guardian glyph, this can still be useful for surviving burst damage.\n- [\\[Glyph of Shred\\]](http://wowhead.com/item=40901): If you have to be in front of the boss, this is crucial. If you don’t, it’s useless.\n\n\n##Professions\n**Alchemy:**\nGrants 320 bonus agility, flat and constant, with your flask.\n\n**Engineering:**\n1920 agility for 10 seconds, 60 seconds cooldown. = 320 avg agility, more effective damage.\n\n**Enchanting:**\n320 bonus agility via ring enchants.\n\n**Jewelcrafting:**\n320 bonus Agility, flat and constant with JC gems.\n\n**Blacksmithing:**\n320 bonus agility, flat and constant, with bonus sockets.\n\n**Leatherworking:**\n330 agility flat and constant, with wrist fur lining.\n\n**Inscription:**\n320 agility via shoulder inscription.\n\n**Tailoring:**\n4000 AP for 15 seconds, 60 seconds cooldown = 1000 avg AP is roughly equivalent to ~350 - 400 Agility\n\n\n**Herbalism, Mining, & Skinning:** The ~480 haste, crit, and stamina are not worth it. If you have another way to get money and want to maximize your dps, you shouldn’t have a gathering profession on a raiding character.\n\n\n###Talents and Abilities\n\n##Talents:\nTalents have been simplified greatly which counter-intuitively leads to much greater diversity of options. No longer is there a short list of one or more, cookie-cutter, builds that are essential to raiding. Now you get to choose one talent from three per tier, in six talent tiers. Each tier has a theme such as utility or healing and all talents from that tier will have a specific implementation of that theme.\n\n\nThere is no “best” talent setup, so instead I will list the talents as well as their potential applications in a raid environment.\n\n\n| Tier | Name | Viability | Description |\n|:-------:|:--------------------:|:-------------:|--------------------------------------------------:|\n1 | Feline Swiftness | Situational | Good for high mobility fights, not terribly useful otherwise as you are already the fastest class. |\n1 | Displacer Beast | Low | Blink on 30 second cooldown. Stealth component has no effect in raid environment. |\n1 | Wild Charge | Recommended | Versatile escape mechanism and gap closer. High utility in raid setting. |\n2 | Nature’s Swiftness | Recommended | Synergizes very well with Dream of Cenarius allowing for an in-form proc. |\n2 | Renewal | Low | Long cooldown, inferior to NS+Healing Touch. |\n2 | Cenarion Ward | Low | Short cooldown, reasonable healing, does not proc Dream of Cenarius. |\n3 | Faerie Swarm | Situational | Long range slow with 6s cooldown. Could have use for kiting deadly mobs. |\n3 | Mass Entanglement | Situational | Super roots root multiple targets, can be very handy for mass cc. |\n3 | Typhoon | Situational | Knocks back dangerous adds, pushes opposing faction off Naxxramus. |\n4 | Soul of the Forest | Situational | 10% - 15% haste worth of energy regen on average, but must be using finishers |\n4 | Incarnation | Situational | Massive burst potential when lined up with other cooldowns, longer cooldown |\n4 | Force of Nature | Situational | Short cooldown, small burst cooldown. Good for frequent, small, burns. |\n5 | Disorienting Roar | Situational | Use this if you have need to hard CC mobs in place. |\n5 | Ursol’s Vortex | Situational | Use this if you have need to contain multiple slowable mobs. |\n5 | Mighty Bash | Situational | Use this if you need to stun a single mob. |\n6 | Heart of the Wild | Situational | 6% Agility is nothing to sneer at, added utility can be key on some encounters |\n6 | Dream of Cenarius | Situational | Technically optimal dps, weaving in HTs at low energy, harder to pull off in actual raid |\n6 | Nature’s Vigil | Situational | Massive burst potential when lined up with other cooldowns, helps healers. |\n\n\nContinued in [Part 3/3](http://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1092jv/feral_dps_guide_mists_of_pandaria_50/c6bf0i4)", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I'm not a feral druid but this is a very good guide that I'm sure someone will find useful.\n\nUpboats for you :)", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I am not sure how much I like \"guides\" being posted on reddit, unless it gets sidebar'd no one past a few days is going to see it. =/", "score": 3 } ]
what's the practical difference between these Windows versions?
this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116716 vs. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116986 edit : thanks everyone, you guys (and gals) are great
[ { "body": "OEM is tied to your motherboard, and you can't call MSFT and ask for help. It's the one you want.\n\nIf you dig around a bit you can find it for less, I got my copy for $75 a couple weeks ago.", "score": 12 } ]
Blind(ness) as a Bat
The Blindness effect is already in the game (Void Fog), yet there's no way of creating it yet. So, to save Mojang having to add more effects I say utilise any yet implemented Bat drop (wings, guano, etc.) as an ingredient for the Potion of Blindness! It could be a straight potion, or maybe even a corruption of a Night Vision potion. It's effect on the player (and others) is obvious. However, not so much on in game mobs. I reckon it should work by decreasing their aggro radius by X blocks.
[ { "body": "blindness potion effect is already in the game, was obtainable with commands before, but there is no potion nor a potion ingredient, so this may actually be quite cool. i still don't understand why they made the opposite of the night vision potion the invisibility potion instead of blindness though.", "score": 7 } ]
Being trans is like...
Describe your experience of being trans using analogy, metaphor, or simile. It can be holistic or specific. This thread could also be helpful in explaining our experiences to others :) (( Please be respectful of other's posts, not everyone has the same take but everyone's experience is valid. )) I'll start by paraphrasing an example from another redditor: *Being trans is like being an American born in Soviet Russia. You're raised as Russian but your values and interests are irrepressibly American and you'll do anything to get there.*
[ { "body": "It's like you've got a mask bolted to your face, and the bolts hurt, but the mask feels like it protects you, so you leave it on. When you finally try to take it off, half the people you know try to stop you, and the other half are happy to finally see who you really are.\n\nOr\n\nIt's like living vicariously through a puppet. You control everything that it does and says, but interactions with the puppet aren't interactions with you, and thus every relationship feels empty.", "score": 21 }, { "body": "Being trans* is like making microwave popcorn late at night - you might wake some people up by doing it, and those people might be angry. Some might be confused. Others might be overjoyed because, hey!, popcorn! And sometimes you want to share; others, not so much.\n\n...That made more sense in my head.\nAnd now I want popcorn. :(", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Its like being a book with the wrong cover. No one knows the real story because they just make assumptions based on the cover and the blurb.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "For me,it feels like I'm a prisoner in a cell,but there's a window where I can see glimpses of life,but I can't be part or control it.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "I'll use a guitar analogy.\n\nBasically, you start with a cheap, shitty made-in-China Squier or something. It's a terrible guitar, nothing near what you wanted, which is a grade-A made in America Fender. So, you start making some changes- swap out the pickups with the same ones in Fender USA guitars, replace the hardware, get the guitar refinished, paint over the headstock and add a Fender logo. Sure, now it plays like a Fender, sounds like a Fender- but it never will be a real Fender USA guitar. It'll always have the same shitty wood as a Squier and that damned serial number burned in that says: *it's not a real guitar.* \n\nBut some people are okay with that. Some people love whatever they get- who cares if it's not real? It's prettier than a lot of real ones, and sounds and plays just as well or better. Some people aren't, though, and they end up hating themselves and cursing the fact that they couldn't have gotten that kickass Fender from the start.\n\nMaybe you aren't a \"real\" fender, but to most people you talk and walk like one- so you're a fender. \n\n(also lol gender-Fender)", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Being trans is like being a songless bird in a cage. Everything that defines you is stolen from you and people are seemingly okay with it.\n\nTransition is breaking through the cage and flying away, singing cheerfully all the while :) Yeah, the outside world can be tough, especially for one who has been in a cage all their life, but the feeling of freedom carries you through.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I think of it as me having some kind of extreme deformity where I'm female, but I was born with a penis. \"Yes. It's sad. I'm a girl, but I was born with a penis. Crazy, isn't it?\"\n\nIf you think of it that way, it doesn't even seem strange.\n\nMy analogy:\n\nYou're born wearing a costume. You don't know you're wearing this costume, but you know something doesn't seem right. Eventually, you find the zipper to that costume, and everyone around you sees you taking the costume off, but to them it looks like you're putting another costume on.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Hamlet's soliloquy.\n\nWhether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer \nThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune \nOr to take arms against a sea of troubles \nAnd by opposing end them.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "It's like being cast in the wrong role, in a play that is going on nonstop all day every day for your entire life. Eventually you start breaking character out of stress and the only cure is to switch roles.\n\nI read that in an article recently. Someone please link it so they get proper credit. It may have been Null Hypothecis.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Sorry for being cliche, but for me discovering my gender identity really was like taking the red pill. It's the scariest thing in the world, and my entire world view shifted dramatically. I was so deep in denial I'd never even considered the possibility of being trans, and it was like I'd taken the red pill because I was suddenly allowed to look closely at a part of myself which had been hidden from me, which I had hidden from myself. Little things that never made sense are now crystal clear to me. I understand things about the nature of gender identity and how complex it is that the majority of cis people just ignore(that sounded more pretentious than I intended, sorry).\n\nAnd on a personal level, the world has changed into color. Not that I'm necessarily happy right now(I'm not), but I can see how I might be. I have an actual identity which I am doing my best to nourish. I can see myself being in a relationship for the first time.\n\nSo it's incredibly scary, and frankly potentially hazardous, to open my eyes to all this, but it's also incredibly rewarding.\n\n(Ok, I rambled towards the end, but give me a break!)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Being trans is like a vitamin deficiency. Your body rebels, you feel sick, you may or may not know whats wrong and either because you don't have the money or you don't like the solutions you live on with the deficiency until one day you don't. And once you stop, you feel so much better you can't imagine why you ever tortured yourself that way.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I don't have a metaphor for being transgender per say. It's more for the dysphoria that trans people feel. \n\nYou know that feeling when you type or write a word and, even though your friend says you spelled it wrong you know it is right but you just can't explain it? Even when you look it up in the dictionary you still feel like your way is right. Then you have to imagine that feeling never going away, just resurfacing whenever gender comes up. (Which is more often than people are usually aware of so you have to remind them of that.)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Being trans is like playing the game of life in 3rd person. Your perception of the world is different because, unbeknownst to the world, you are different. And neither you, nor the world, can reconcile the difference. You want to see the world in 1st person view - seeing colors, feeling raw emotions, living without fear of how you are perceived. But, no. You see none of who you are and all of the environment that is watching and judging you. Nothing is authentic. But fuck it, you're still playing life right? Be happy.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Its an itch in the back of your head that keeps telling you something is very wrong, but you don't know what. A scream in your mind.\n\nThe pieces then fall into place as you search your soul for answers and finally realize the horrifying reality of what the hell is going on...", "score": 3 }, { "body": "It's like having one of those voice changer things permanently affixed to your face or someone interrupting you everytime you try to talk. You speak and scream but can never get your real voice out. Eventually you stop talking, just to quit hearing that damn voice.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'm going to modify the template a bit from just \"being trans\": (for some people) Figuring out your identity is like going down the stairs in the dark. You're feeling each step with your toes, inching forward slowly because even though you are pretty sure you know where the edges are, you're terrified of misjudging and falling. Even when you reach the floor, you're still cautious and shuffling your feet, worried that you miscounted the steps. It's not until you're a few meters from the staircase that you feel confident enough to stride forward more normally.", "score": 3 } ]
Petition in order to bring Joe Miller to Season 2 Finals as a Caster
I know there's a topic about this but I think the petition is not getting enough attention because its in one of the responses to this topic: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/108n7j/for_all_interested_joe_joe_miller_miller_is_not/ So lets get people to sign this and get Joe Miller at the finals. Petition link: http://www.change.org/petitions/riot-games-bring-joe-joe-miller-miller-to-season-2-finals-as-a-caster#share Also league west official forums topic: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=8810351#post8810351
[ { "body": "I find it ridiculous that Riot would have Jaws/Rivington cast the Grand Finals instead of him. This event deserves better, the fans deserve better and Joe definitely deserves better.", "score": 127 }, { "body": "Thank you for posting this, I agree Phreak, Jatt, Deman and Joe Miller are the best casters. If Riot wants to deliver the best possible English* casting they will have these four. Have big love and respect for Rivington but he doesn't seem to be up to date. And Jaws seems like a nice guy,but makes too many mistakes. In my opinion, having Jaws or Rivington would show favoritism over quality.\n\nI just want to see the best possible S2 championships.\n\nEDIT: English* casters, To be honest since the post was in English, I though that would self-explanatory. ;)\n", "score": 62 }, { "body": "Don't want to be disheartening, but why start a petition when there was no clear statement on why he won't cast at Finals? Just because he is a great shoutcaster and fan-favourite won't make a petition come true.\n\nThat said, Deman + Jatt are far better casting duo I hope to hear at Finals.\n\n", "score": 34 }, { "body": "I want a best possible expirience for world finals and Joe Miller is included in that scenario.\n\n/signed", "score": 22 }, { "body": "I've been following him since CS 1.6, I can't imagine a big tournament without him casting\n\n/SINGED!", "score": 13 }, { "body": "...wants my full address?\n\nDamn, I love Joe Miller, but now I'm just annoyed because this petition didn't like the answer I gave.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Jaws and rivington too basic. We have been watching the pro scene long enough that we want detailed analysis, not handholding.\n\nJOE AND DEMAN! (and Jatt can come too, and I guess Phreak...)\n ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "There are some great casters but i think that joe is the one that the fans/watchers like the most and riot deciding not to have him there is just stupid.\n\nSigned !", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Joe Miller isn't going because he's going away for the weekend to make decisions on what he wants to do for his life. Why can't you respect that?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "This is the biggest LoL tournament EVER. This is what all the fans have been waiting for. It'd be a shame for the best LoL tournament of all time to not have one of the best casters of all time.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Nobody thought that maybe joe is asking way too much money?\n\nor something else , btw downvotes are welcome , obviusly there is no intention by riot to not bring him im 100% sure of that , maybe he already singed a caster contrat whit blizzard?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I really don't care for Joe Miller. D-man is wayyyy better. inb4 flamed cuz this is a Joe Miller topic", "score": 3 } ]
gangnam costa rica style
Por que costa rica no necesita un arias, ni un berrocal y menos un johnny... necesita GANGNAM STYLE! Oppaa Oppaa [gangnam costa rica style] (https://www.facebook.com/events/474980155869490/474980172536155/?comment_id=474989649201874&notif_t=event_mall_comment)
[ { "body": "Maes, ya adapté la pieza por si alguien quiere cantarla en español (es la primera adaptación de la lista): http://www.fandubmx.net/t7292-adaptaciones-de-arkblitz#107631", "score": 3 } ]
Space Shuttle is supposed to do a 'fly over' of the Disneyland area today at around 10am, FYI
I have heard from a reliable source that the shuttle is going to fly over D'Land area today at around 10 am. Just thought I would mention it.
[ { "body": "Here is a new [link](http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2012/09/21/cbs2kcal9-obtain-endeavours-secret-flight-plan/)...don't know if I trust this 100%...but it's the first time I've seen a detailed map.\n\nScheduled to be in the area around 11:30 now.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I'm in Costa Mesa. Anyone have an idea of when I might see it, and what direction I should be looking? (Besides \"up\")", "score": 3 } ]
I defeat stereotypes on a daily basis.
I smoke daily and I'm in my 5th semester of college. Last semester I scored a 4.0 GPA and have a cumulative GPA of 3.82. I've been to class high probably more than I have sober. Anyone who says trees make you dumb needs to have a talk with me.
[ { "body": "I think the fact that you smoke everyday is the reason you are able to do well. You have gotten so used to it that it is entirely under your control. Gratz on the GPA though.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Sorry to inform you, but GPA means practically nothing. Grades are an imaginary number. Becoming competent in your field is the true measurement of education. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Omg so impressive! You're shattering the mold on a daily basis!\n\nThis has got to be the most pompous, self important post I've ever seen.\n\nYou probably go to a shit school anyway.", "score": 3 } ]
18[m] never been in any sort of relationship. first girl i asked out rejected me. need opinions.
http://imgur.com/a/Zl5ld#5 grown up throughout high school with people calling me ugly. grew to 6'1" and started to gain some muscle. finally gather the courage to ask a girl out --->get rejected. so what's the verdict? (pictures dont show it but i get dimples when i smile really wide.) well this is probably the biggest outlook change that i've ever had about my appearance. thanks for all the comments . time to get out there and pull.
[ { "body": "Well, unless your camera automatically photoshops your pictures, all those people are LYING!!!! Nothing wrong with your looks at all, very attractive I'd say. Just not the right kind of girls around you then. The chances are the people saying horrible things are jealous, and they need to level the playing field somehow. Never worry about your looks again ;)", "score": 33 }, { "body": "Girls will reject you throughout your entire life for a billion different reasons - most of them their own, and have nothing to do with you. It doesn't mean you're ugly. It means you only asked ONE girl out your entire life. You're 18 now, man up and get out there. Don't take rejections too personally. ", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Maybe just gain a little confidence, because girls can see right through that. Of course it was brave to ask that girl out, and you know that, but if it came across too shy it may have made her think otherwise. You're definitely cute though, you'll find someone awesome no problem.\np.s. keep the eyebrows as is ", "score": 18 }, { "body": "You are definitely cute. \n\nAs a side note - the overwhelming number of people you ask out are going to say no, whether you are cute, rich, or well-connected. Don't worry too much about right now. Do things that are going to get an older version of you in a relationship (develop friendships, get hobbies, volunteer, etc)", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Try asking out 50 girls and see if you get rejected by them all. It's a numbers game.\n\nApart from slightly upturned nose, you do not suffer from any facial faults.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Ha, you look like me except you have lighter hair. It's almost creepy. Wear grey/ light blue and notice when the women point out your eyes. Also, you're 6'1''. You will have no trouble. If you want to look better/ get confidence, just work out.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Children are awful. Same thing happened to me growing up.\nTry again with another chick.\n\nMany times desperation is horribly unattractive. Sorry bro.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You, are gorgeous. As you get older, you'll be very pleased and so will the adult women around you. If only I were younger :P", "score": 3 }, { "body": ">\"grown up throughout high school with people calling me ugly.\"\n\ndid you go to high school on Mt. Olympus?\n\nSure, if you're comparing yourself to the most beautiful Greek Gods I'd say 9/10.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Holy shit. I'm a straight college guy and even I can see you're motherfucking gorgeous. Get the fuck out of here you fucker. \nCheers!\nNJC", "score": 3 } ]
Question: There's a roof beam less than a foot away from the wall, right in line with the top of a window. I need to put a curtain pole up, but I can't drill because the beam is blocking the way. What should I do?
[It's like this.](http://www.tufshield.com/blogs/uploaded_images/HardWood-Ceiling-Beam1---Satin-793789.jpg) Only one window is being blocked.
[ { "body": "$10 make ya holla! http://compare.ebay.com/like/160877186317?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar", "score": 9 }, { "body": "get a custom blind that you screw in from the bottom and sits inside the window frame instead of a curtain pole that has to go above the window. \n\nWithout a picture of the actual window I can't say if this will work.", "score": 3 } ]
I got my dream job - web developer. But it isn't what I was hoping?
So, I've been working for a very trendy web development company for 3 months now and I love the work we do and the people here, but there is something that has disappointed me. In the interview, I said I wanted my coding skills to be expanded, I wanted to learn Zend and new technologies, and they where all over me and hired me on the spot! I am on a team with 3 other developers, but so far haven't even touched a line of PHP. This is because all the websites are made in Drupal or Wordpress, which I am now a pro at despite having never used them before. Honestly, I am amazed by how powerful it is for creating dynamic websites easily. Yet, I feel dissatisfied that I haven't actually done any coding! It seems that anytime we reach a problem that might require a custom module, we find a workaround using existing modules instead - doh! I want to be logical and honest, I can build a website in Drupal in 10% of the time it would take me to develop it using a framework, so why the heck should I be coding PHP? I've started to question the very basis of learning PHP in the first place. What is the job of a PHP web developer nowadays? Is this what I should have expected? I don't want to sound ungrateful as I know many people would do anything for a job, but I am just curious to learn more about the industry and what our job roles imply in terms of actual PHP development.
[ { "body": "Work for yourself on the side, take on interesting projects. Grow yourself. Never turn into what one client wants you to be. There are thounsands of others nearby.", "score": 81 }, { "body": "> I want to be logical and honest, I can build a website in Drupal in 10% of the time it would take me to develop it using a framework, so why the heck should I be coding PHP?\n\nIf you're making *websites*, then you probably should stick with using a CMS, and limit writing new code to modules.\n\nIf you were making *web applications*, then you would be coding, coding, coding.\n\nIt doesn't make sense to code everything from the ground up if the purpose of a site is just to display content. CMSs have optimized the workflow for making those kind of sites.", "score": 60 }, { "body": "Start looking into writing custom Drupal modules and contributing them. If you have a nice feature that you want to implement, but Drupal can't do out of the box, write a custom module in PHP to expand your skills while still keeping in line with your company's interest of delivering Drupal.", "score": 54 }, { "body": "No matter where you are, or what you're doing (student, junior dev, senior dev, etc). The ONLY way to truly expand your skills is going to be writing code on the side. College has to teach you from a lesson plan that is (usually) years old and on a very tight time budget. Work has to make money so they need you to implement things that are fast and easy and can be replicated over and over. Neither one of these places have time for you to use THEIR time learning new technology so you can implement it. (there are, of course, exceptions as I'm sure 50 folks will reply and point out, but that's not the point here :) )\n\nYOU have to learn that on your own time. I spent most of my college days doing schoolwork, work-work, and learning python & objective-c on the side. It was a shitton of work, and I was never NOT learning, but that's how it is, if you want to learn the stuff you NEED to know. Wanna talk about being exhausted? Add being a single parent to three children every other weekend on top of that and you have my life for the past 4 years. I'm now out of school and have a kick ass job that allows me to use those skills that i learned--not at school--not at my previous jobs--yep, all those skills I learned outside of work and school.\n\nIf you want to learn certain aspects of PHP, you'll probably just have to go do that at home, and on the weekends. THEN, when a problem crops up at work you can say \"I got this! I did something similar once!\" and then handle it.\n\nIf you feel you don't have time to take on freelance work (which I totally respect), then join programming meetups so that you can learn from others who are exploring and doing freelance work. Go join a PHP Programmers' meetup and attend the meetings. When you see something interesting, go home and play with it. That's what I do with Python...even though I write python at work, we're working on a certain product, so we're not trying bleeding edge stuff (we can't! it's business!). Also, when you play with things, there are no hard and fast deadlines, so you can learn at your own pace, and you get to learn that which interests you.\n\nReally, it's all about motivating yourself to go learn that which you want to learn.\n\nGood luck!", "score": 22 }, { "body": ">I can build a website in Drupal in 10% of the time it would take me to develop it using a framework, so why the heck should I be coding PHP?\n\nThis tells me that you are not a \"Drupal Pro\" :P I don't mean that in a bad way, but I've been working with Drupal for a few years now, and while its often faster to create a basic site, its not perfect. If Drupal does what you need, yes its great. If it doesn't, prepare for a bumpy ride.\n\nYou start getting into all of these edge issues that you just don't have to deal with if you go from scratch or a framework. I'm learning symfony 2 right now and I'm just amazed at how some things work and how much easier it would be to do something in it over Drupal.\n\nI don't have to deal with a hook and a sql rewrite and the quirks that views has - I can just write a query. Templating is straight forward, and you can inherit templates. Defining which template is in use is also easy. You're not dealing with the mud that is template suggestions / creating your own template suggestions.\n\nDrupal can also get *very* module heavy. There is the \"I'll just add another module\" philosophy because its so cheap (theoretically) to do so. Too often people don't consider usability or ROI because they get used to just slapping stuff up.\n\nYou start getting into modules like Panels which attempt to provide additional functionality for \"non-coders\", which complicate things even further because learning about panels doesn't teach you anything, other than how to use panels (for the most part). Its not transferable information.\n\nYou find yourself troubleshooting odd interactions between modules and trying dev versions etc. The structure of the modules can make it very difficult to troubleshoot something, and changing the behavior of a module that gets you 90% of the way is not always obvious or possible.\n\nDon't get me wrong, I love Drupal for what it is, but I think that a framework provides a better balance. Write it from scratch yourself and the lack of code reuse is going to kick you in the balls. Use Drupal and gui configure everything and find out your skills are lacking down the road and don't translate into much, and you are confined by the available modules.\n\nUsing a framework of some kind gets the obvious parts out of the way that someone else has probably done better than you ever could (and iterated on it for years) example: Symfony 2 and HttpFoundation getting added to Drupal 8. What you're left with is a system designed to manage complexity, but you get to actually *build* what you need and no more, no less.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Wait you haven't touched a single line of PHP to make a wordpress site? Are you guys using shitty stock themes? Wow.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "There's a subtle, extremely fuzzy, and pervasive division in the types of things that web developers make, which actually took me a while to notice; people don't really talk about it much.\n\nOn one side, there are web *applications*, which are built with productivity or a certain purpose in mind. Google Maps, Gmail, jsFiddle, Basecamp, and the backends of Drupal and Wordpress are some examples. They are engineered (following a [software lifecycle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process)), generally very user-oriented, and designed for usability. Users go to them to *do* something, and the producers make money typically through service subscriptions, fees, and/or small advertisements.\n\nOn the other side, there are web*sites* (or \"content-driven websites\", if you prefer), which are meant for the distribution and presentation of content. Gizmodo, CNN.com, the Python documentation, and stanford.edu are examples of content-driven sites. They tend to be designed with emphases on information architecture and visual design, with the only code written being for the implementation of those things and the delivery of those things. Users go to these sites to *get information*, and producers make money largely through advertising or subscriptions with \"premium access\".\n\nIt sounds like you're stuck on the content side of things, and you'd rather be building web applications. There's plenty of money to be made on both sides (though finding a freelance client who wants a website is way easier than finding one who wants an application), so if you really enjoy your job and just want to learn the application side, my advice is to have an idea and give a try at building it with whatever you want to learn. Also make a GitHub account and contribute to some open source projects. If you decide you like making applications better than content sites, look for a job where you can do that, specifically ones with titles like \"web application developer\".", "score": 7 }, { "body": "You do realize that WordPress and Drupal are built using PHP... so you have worked with PHP (obviously not to the degree you want)...\n\nAlso, if you're finding workarounds using custom modules/plugins - you've never had to dive into the source code and edit it for the workarounds?\n\nIf you learn PHP, you'll be able to do a lot more with WordPress and Drupal. It's true that modules/plugins exist that can do usually do what you want, but you gain more freedom if you can code your own, or modify the ones you find - as I rarely find a plugin that does exactly what I want - the way I want - and in a way that the client can use/learn easily.\n\nI would recommend just pushing to make a custom module the next time the opportunity appears as a way to get started and so you don't have to take on extra projects at home.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "> I've been working for a very trendy web development company \n\nI've spotted your problem. This is what \"web development\" companies do; they churn out CMS-based websites all day because it's cheap, easy, and in-demand. If you want to be writing code, you need to seek employment at a *software development* company.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I've worked on Drupal projects, there is at least some coding involved in the process. Really, you haven't \"touched a line of PHP\"? ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "How do you make a Wordpress site without writing any PHP? Even if it's just WP core function calls (template tags and the like). Do you guys just use stock themes / frameworks and play with widgets and plugins until the client is satisfied?\n\nMy webdev job is 90% Wordpress theme development and I write PHP all the time. A lot of it is really simple (template tags and whatnot) but I also spent quite a lot of time modifying plugin code or writing custom PHP to do stuff that Wordpress or existing plugins can't do the way we need them to. We build custom themes from scratch though (many of which have a ton of custom functionality that we have to implement ourselves on top of WP) so I write a lot of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP in that process.\n\nI'm a little baffled that you have a team of 4 developers yet you don't write any custom code. I know there are a lot of powerful theme frameworks and plugins out there but damn.\n\nIf you want to write some PHP though there's plenty of stuff you can do! Find some open source PHP project you like and contribute to it, or start writing your own PHP application (a simple CMS or forum or something) for the fun of it. You could also write Wordpress plugins or themes for fun or profit.\n\nAnyway as others have said, the real meat of PHP coding is developing web applications, not normal websites for small businesses and whatnot.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "> why the heck should I be coding PHP? I've started to question the very basis of learning PHP in the first place.\n\nFacebook and wikipedia weren't slapped together in drupal. Building real web applications in PHP is far more interesting than that.\n\n> What is the job of a PHP web developer nowadays? Is this what I should have expected?\n\nNo. As a developer, I don't do any of the sort of work you describe. I write code and manage infrastructure that serves millions of pages per day. \nWe have a single (very low traffic) wordpress site which advertises our actual web application product -- that wordpress site is managed entirely by someone on the (graphic) design team. The engineers have nothing to do with it.\n\nKeep putting your resume out there, and try to find a better job. You're not going to grow as a programmer where you are.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I got a web development job straight out of high school first year of college. I was so excited.\n\nThe company instead of being a creative website maker and designing nice stuff, he took templates off of themeforest and had me stripe them of their example content and the code that might suggest it was a template site.\n\nThen I have to Add all the stuff into the website that client wants.\n\nI had to pump out a finished website every day or two. Basically strip a website, fill a website, polish it and submit a website.\n\nIt was grinding and a full time job.\n\nThe guy was a complete dick too. Young guy, like 24.\n\nHe's never been employed, he or his dad has always owned a company to manage. Being in the same room as him was so intimidating. He was so nit picky about everything I did, I sat there for 8 hours every day sweating from having to show him things I'm done.\n\nStuff happens things get changed wrong or deleted. He never saved a backup of anything. He's not tech illiterate either, but no database back ups, no client files back ups, not even a backup of his company's website.\n\nWhen the database got fucked up by him changing something every client on that database lost their content to their website. no Back up. Made our back end dev, who I was friends with, re add it all. Took a week to do.\n\nThe company's website homepage got over written. No back up or previous versions. so he deleted the index and took another page from the site and made that the homepage.\n\nI had a different type of wage every 2 weeks. One two weeks I was working hourly. The next I was working a flat rate, the next I was working by how many tasks I completed. And every time it changed the amount I earned was less and less.\n\nHe fucked up my pay schedule too. I would go a whole week with no food except a ramen noodles pack every 2 nights. I needed the money for gas to go to school and work and I couldn't even afford taco bell for a bite.\n\nThis was caused by me going 3 or 4 weeks with out pay. He'd be like \"Oh we're fixing it, just give us time.\"\n\nThe last week there he \"fired\" me because I couldn't keep up with the demand of websites and missed things to wipe from the bought templates. I was really distraught because even though it sucked I needed the money. He says you get one more chance. The next day I was suppose to come in early to do something. I wait there for a couple of hours for a boss who never showed up. I waited in the place and I talked about what he did with my Co-Workers and as I talk I decided I hate this place more than anything. He treats me like shit, I go hungry, I can't keep the full time work with school. I'm still broke even though I have a job and my expenses are the same?\n\nI got up and started to write a message to my boss about me quitting. It wasn't angry but I mentioned how I can no longer work here because it's not working out. I left and came back a week later to sign my release and I was gone.\n\nI'm in a different place now, no job still. And I wonder if I made the right decision. I keep asking my self that but I think it is a yes.", "score": 3 } ]
How do disposable diapers work? (We cloth diaper, but need disposables for conference daycare!)
We've exclusively used cloth diapers since our little monkey was born. And though I'd love to keep using them for our upcoming road trip (the whole family is driving to a conference!), the conference daycare doesn't allow cloth. So I've got to figure out disposables in a hurry. The thing is, I have no idea how they work! **How do I know what size to get?** Our girl weighed in at just about 20 lbs, and she's 28.5 inches tall. **Is there a good brand to get that should work well for day and night?** I won't have the time to experiment, nor is it really all that worth the money to do so. Right now we are able to have one diaper on all night by using a hemp insert with a bamboo fitted diaper. Almost always just pee overnight. **How often does a pee-only diaper need to be changed?** We can go 2-3 hours between changes because pee diapers don't bother her at all. **How do I prevent leaks/blowouts?** Our cloth diapers rarely have issues, but I hear disposables can. Any tips appreciated. Thanks so much in advance for any advice you can give! :)
[ { "body": "1. There are weight and size ranges on the packages. Try to aim for mid-range. I would say if you are at the high end of a range, then go for the next size up where you would be closer to the middle of the range (the ranges overlap).\n\n2. We use pampers Baby Dry. I've tried the \"Active Fit\" ones too and they've been fine, but I have read that for girls they can leak (they haven't for our daughter though). At night, we go the whole night (up to 12 hours) in the diaper. Note: in the USA the diapers are scented, whereas here in Switzerland they are not. I don't know what the baby powder scent does to delicate tushes if they are on that long, but we did keep them for 6-7 hours at a time over night when we were visiting family there.\n\n3. I change them every 3-4 hours. The Baby Dry diapers are rated for 12 hours, but I never do that except on an exceptionally long over night. You can tell they are full because they kind of get inflated in the pee zone. Here you can also smell it a bit, but the scented ones in the States mask the odor a bit so it's easier to forget if you get busy.\n\n4. Keep the diaper tight. There is usually some icon in the middle (an animal or sesame street character) and you should try to get the velcro as close to that as possible. The Pampers have two layers of little elastics around the legs. Pull them both out around the but cheeks. I assume that your daughter has started solids and that yellow blow-out stuff from early babyhood is gone. We've had a \"solids\" poop blow out once. I guess you just pack extra clothes and move on :-/\n\nWell, as I types this, she just pooped. Strain, strain, strain, smile, smell. Yay. Time to go for a change. \n\nGood luck and have a good conference!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I'll keep it simple, I love pamper and despise huggies. Also, be sure and strap that little one in nice and tight. ", "score": 3 } ]
Question on lag and disconnects in multiplayer...
To keep our hype up and get into the PA mood my friends and I have been playing supcom FA the last few days. For whatever stupid reason two of us have internet issues sometimes where it will randomly lag bad or disconnect us for a few seconds. HOWEVER, I have to applaud the original supcom for handling this gracefully. All of players go on hold and have the option to kick the player who is lagged out. This lets us not lose our progress and continue playing even through lag spikes and straight up disconnects. Supcom 2 however will just instantly boot out the player who lags, so you have to start the entire game over if you want to play together again. So my question is, will PA handle laggy/disconnecting players gracefully? I think they said somewhere that players could even 'hot-drop' into games, but what about if you d/c? Would you join back in as a new player or be able to pick up where you left off on your base? If so, what happens to your base while you are d/ced? ---- **TLDR: How will PA handle laggy/disconnecting players? If a player joins in, drops out, then joins BACK in, do the retain their progress? What happens to the other players while this is going on?**
[ { "body": "This is one of the key advantages to client/server. Since all of the game state lives on the server players can disconnect/reconnect without any issues.\n\nIn addition you won't care how crap their computer is because it won't degrade your experience. What matters is the server.\n", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Maybe the game should have some options available to the team:\n\n**On player disconnect**:\n\n- Do nothing\n- Any spectator may takeover, with team permission\n- AI takeover\n\n**After N minutes**:\n\n- Do nothing\n- Any spectator may takeover, with team permission\n- Team Player may takeover (share units)\n- AI takeover\n- Commander death", "score": 3 } ]
I just tried the double-nova on the default human vanguard and my eyes are opened!
I have never seen anyone use this version of nova in pugs so if you havent tried it then listen up! Why people dont usually use this version of nova: it does less damage per nova, its strange and unusual, I dont like things that Im not familiar with! Why people should use it: Its extremely posable in combat! AND it does MORE damage! Heres how: After a successful biotic charge (assuming that youre using power synergy) you gain a 40% power damage bonus for a few seconds. The double-nova has 60% of the normal nova's damage. Lets do some math! Single nove: 40% + 100%= 140% damage Double-nova: 2(40% + 60%)= 200% damage! Wait! I keep getting my ass shot up after I use my first nova! Thats ok, with double nova, half your shield is still available so you can fire back and then biotic charge before your shields are even gone! Lastly, use the stronghold package if you have it, and use a lightweight weapon (preferably the talon w/ ulm IMO) and with 200% recharge speed your biotic charge will be available to refill your shields at the end of your second nova! I hope this helps someone out there, if I am the only person on this subreddit who secretly used the single nova for all this time then i will be thoroughly embarrassed!
[ { "body": "I've never used the single-nova build and I didn't know other people actually did. Getting off that first nova for the damage and having the option of using a second nova is just better. After you use the first nova, you have some time to shoot up nearby enemies and get a feel for if you're okay to use up the second nova or if you need the leftover shields to escape. If you need to escape, just use nova-cancels with their magnificent damage reduction to move away some until BC is back off cooldown. And the Nova -> Dodge Roll -> Nova -> Dodge Roll -> Biotic Charge combo is usually really good for survivability.\n\nThe only time I remember seeing a single-nova build used to any decent affect was a gimmick build by Jumpin that required 2 or 3 Geth Engineers to keep his shields up.", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Half Bast Novaguard is the recommended Multiplayer build is it not? It offers more durability and utility than Full Blast.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "I have one of my default vanguards specced into half blast. It's good, but I prefer the full blast build and play that one a lot more instead. I think that the second nova's damage is weaker than the first. I believe that a nova's damage is calculated on what % of your shields you have left. I haven't tested it, but my second nova always seems to do less damage. If you're using nova as your main damage dealer then I'd recommend a gear that gives biotic power boost (I think it's adaptive war amp) over stronghold package. After two novas your charge will be ready to go again to replenish instantly, so you shouldn't need regen speed/extra shields that much. Do you know about nova-cancelling?", "score": 5 } ]
The Red-Tape Recorder. Is it overpowered?
Hey y'all, just wanted to get your input on something. I main engineer, and there's been a plague round my parts lately. Suicidal spies armed with some ancient-looking hardware. It seems to me that this infernal device is almost a direct upgrade from the stock sapper. Let me explain.. *Situation 1*: A spy, disguised, comes up to my nest and saps my sentry and dispenser with the default sapper before trying to kill me. Normally, I'd hit both my sentry and dispenser once to reduce the sap speed, then go after the spy as best I can. If he breaks disguise in our fight, I'll go ahead and knock off my sentry's sapper, probably killing the spy. Get rid of the other one, repair everything back up and I'm good to go. All in all, I probably have a good **10-12 seconds** to fight the spy after I hit that sapper the first time to react accordingly. *Situation 2*: A spy, disguised, comes up to my nest and saps my sentry and dispenser with the RTR before trying to kill me. The thing about the RTR is it only takes **1.6 seconds** before it downgrades my level 3 to a level 2. The melee swing speed is **0.8 seconds**. So even if I hit it as soon as it's put down, which is nigh impossible, I'm going to be stuck with a level 2 at least. But I don't like to just knock off the sappers, because those pesky frenchies can just put them right back on again, which is why I leave a normal sapper on. So, 1.6 seconds and I'm at level 2, then another 1.6 and I'm at a level 1. Now, even if I do knock off my sapper to help fight the spy, my sentry is significantly less powerful than before. The old sapper would take a good **10-12 seconds** to completely destroy a level 3. The RTR takes **3.2 seconds** to take a level 3 down to a level 1, basically destroying it for all intents and purposes. Is it just me, or does this seem a might bit overpowered?
[ { "body": ">Normally, I'd hit both my sentry and dispenser once to reduce the sap speed\n\nI've played since the 2007, is this actually true?! I assumed you needed 2 hits, but I have never once heard that it slows the sap speed.", "score": 43 }, { "body": "Yes, a bit. Lower the speed on it and/or set up a cooldown (as i've seen some request), a lá the Flying Guilliotone.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "It's the spies version of a Gunslinger.\n\nWhen you fight a Gunslinger engineer, you have to choose to kill him or his sentry first. If you kill the engineer first, there's a good chance the sentry will kill you if you aren't a soldier or heavy. If you kill the sentry first (if you even can before it is up and kills you depending on the class you're playing) the engineer will just put another down and finish you off. Every hates Gunslinger engineers.\n\nWhen you are an engineer fighting a Tape-Recorder spy, you have to choose to kill him, or remove his sapper first. If you kill him first, your nest is now level one. If you remove his sapper first, he can put one right back down, and either kill you while you scramble to get it off, or keep on trolling. All engineers hate Tape-Recorder spies.\n\nI personally think it's just deserts.", "score": 21 }, { "body": "The thing about this sapper is that it makes suicide spy a viable strategy. Used to be they would just attach the sapper, I'd kill 'em, knock it off, repair my sentry and be exactly where I was, with them accomplishing nothing. Now, they can just attach, and if I fight them, they'll have disassembled my sentry down to level 1 by the time the fight is over, forcing me to rebuild everything they've sapped.", "score": 20 }, { "body": "Engie, you got the Pomsom. This is revenge.\n(Or Valve will continue releasing OP weapons for every class, so that people buy the new things, continually screwing the metagame.)", "score": 16 }, { "body": "No, I think it's more or less a side grade. You're complaining that \"Using this sapper causes sentries to be downgrades in 3 seconds!\", which is like complaining that \"Using the kritzkrieg allows the patient to get full kritz!\" or \"using the knife allows spies to backstab!\"\n\n*That is the point.*\n\nYour ENTIRE argument, ALL of it, hinges on this last sentence:\n\n> The RTR takes 3.2 seconds to take a level 3 down to a level 1, basically destroying it for all intents and purposes.\n\nWhich is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.\n\nNO. The RTR does NOT take 3.2 seconds to 'destroy a sentry'. It takes about 15 seconds to destroy a sentry, and if the sapper is removed, the sentry is at **full health**. It takes 3.2 seconds to *downgrade fully*, NOT kill, so don't claim that.\n\nThe only sentry that is 'as good as dead' if downgraded to level 1 is one that is either \n\na. Poorly placed\n\nor \n\nb. under heavy fire\n\nSo the RTR punishes bad engineers and rewards spies who co-ordinate with their team.\n\nThe downside of the RTR is that sentries actually have MORE survivability, not less. They NEVER lose health while sapped and have a greater chance of being recovered before destruction.\n\nClaiming the RTR \"basically destroys a sentry for all intents and purposes' in 3.2 seconds is a blatant lie and shows a lack of deep consideration and insight into weapon balance. Sure, your OP has lots of numbers, but because they all hinge upon that one very wrong statement, they're worth nothing.\n\nI think the RTR is a pretty good sidegrade. One indicator of that is the fact that I have an all-but-identical spy loadout to my main specifically so I can change back to the default sapper quickly, because sometimes the default is better that the RTR and sometimes visa versa. It's *fine* as it is.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Spy finally gets something worthwhile, everyone cries for nerfs.\n\nIt's already been nerfed once, too, but *nooo that's not enough.*", "score": 11 }, { "body": "It's really the only effective way a spy can do anything against a team that has anyone at all near a sentry. Let's take the second point dustbowl on the second part -- as a blue spy I can't do anything really except kill stragglers that run away from the group -- there is usually at least one sentry and a few people guarding the second point. If I do go in, what are my options?\n\nA) Run in and sap, getting flamed and being an annoyance for 2 seconds as I die\nB) Run in and RTR, taking down a bit of their defenses and actually doing something.\n\nI'd be glad to nerf the RTR to turn down the downgrade time, but I want something so that it gives it any sort of a purpose in situations where the normal sapper is useless -- or buffing the sapper to compensate for those situations.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "What if it dropped metal as it downgraded so the Engie has a chance to rebuild it but the Spy also has a chance to get away.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I haven't read every comment in this thread, but I thought I would bring up that this sapper is really only effective against sentries. The original sapper is effective against all buildings. \n\nLeveling a dispenser and teleporter down is not all all very crippling. With those buildings it's all or nothing, you want them completely destroyed, ASAP. This is where the original sapper shines, and the recorder falls short.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Honestly I think the downgrade speed should be spread out a bit more across the time it takes to destroy. The weapon is a good concept as it promotes teamwork and helps deal with mass sentry spam but it was very poorly executed.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Eh. It's not overpowered. I prefer using the normal sapper. \n\nIt makes it more necessary to have a homewrecker pyro, which is the main counter to the red-tape recorder.\n\n\nI'm a pretty good spy, so if I lose to an engineer it's because of other teammates (if you're alone, it's easy to get a headshot or a backstab on you while you're doing those first whacks) \n\nA red-tape recorder just makes it take longer to destroy your sentry after you're dead, when a teammate usually has arrived by then to help. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "The main weapon against a RTR is probably a mini sentry since it doesn't do damage and takes a little longer than a level 1 to a toolbox. There's no real way to combat it on a normal sentry other than precaution tactics.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I think it's just a dumb weapon. Sure, it downgrades a building to level 1 in 4 seconds flat, but then it takes another 10 seconds (for sentries) to destroy it. And 24 seconds for a level 3 dispenser/teleporter? No way.\n\nThe normal sapper destroys a level 3 in a little less than 9 seconds. The sapper allows you to be much more aggressive. Sap some shit, kill the engie, and get out of there.\n\nBeing able to take out a teleporter/dispenser is extremely important. A level 1 dispenser can still keep the enemy team alive without going to the resupply locker. Getting rid the teleporter from their spawn is more effective than giving the engineer 24 seconds on the other side to rebuild his teleporter. With the sapper, you keep the enemy team away. With the red tape, you still let them get to wherever they need to be.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I though It was 3 seconds per delevel. But yeah I find it a bit annoying due to many things.\n\n-Such as Melee hit detection of teammates standing by the building they get hit instead of the sapper. \n\n-3 seconds with 0.8 seconds to swing leaves very little room to fuck up. \n\n-It doesn't come up with the warning on the hud or engie saying \"Spy sapping my ____\"\n\nFrankly I don't find it really overpowered, maybe I just haven't found the way to deal with it.\n\nedit: Its also making me want to go back to my ninja level 1sg shenanigans but I don't always know if a spy is going to be using it.\n", "score": 3 } ]
The ACL student sale. What a fiasco.
I'm too pissed off and tired to go on an extended rant (maybe later) but the ACL wristband sale was a complete fuck up with 300+ people being told to go home empty handed after waiting in line 9+ hours and after being given a ticket and told that they are assured a wristband. No crowd control or organization whatsoever so cutting was rampant. What the fuck.
[ { "body": "I'm not sure where you were in line, but when we asked we were specifically told having a number did not guarantee a wristband. That's the way it's always been. Sucks, though. Sorry you didn't get a wristband. When did you get in line?", "score": 3 } ]
problem with the head of a league?
I want to rejoin my local league, but the head of the league is not easy to deal with, to put it mildly. She is the reason I left in the first place. Only now I'm desperate for derby. Any ideas on how to approach her to let me back in but not kiss up?
[ { "body": "Does she have to approve every new/returning skater? \n\nIf you weren't kicked off the league, then you should be able to return as if you were a new skater. If your league has good policies in place just make sure you follow them. My league has a pretty good grievance/mediation program in place for stuff like this, perhaps something like that would help you and her get along better?", "score": 3 } ]
Resources on making in game tutorials for your game
So I recently released a beta/demo or whatever of a game I've been working on and although its relatively simple once explained players are unsure of what to do. Anyone have suggesting or guidelines or resources to point to for making effective tutorials in your game?
[ { "body": "This is highly entertaining, but it also covers what was so great about the in-game tutorial level of Mega Man X: [Sequelitis: Mega Man Classic vs Mega Man X](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FpigqfcvlM) (by egoraptor, the Flash animator)", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Take a look at this from Extra Credits:\n\n\n[http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/tutorials-101](http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/tutorials-101)\n\nEdit: New episode also relevant, http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/starting-off-right", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Here's a good read, tips from George Fan, of Plants vs. Zombies:\n\nhttp://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/165359/GDC_2012_10_tutorial_tips_from_Plants_vs_Zombies_creator_George_Fan.php\n\nI didn't even realize I was playing through a tutorial when I went through PvZ, which seems like the way to go.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "That's going to be highly dependent on the game itself, I think. In general, you should use art techniques to guide their eyes, and simplistic versions of any puzzles to get them learn the rules. Provide 'safe' situations for them to try out different techniques, and sometimes even force them to do it 'accidentally'.\n\nSee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FpigqfcvlM&feature=player_embedded for more information.", "score": 3 } ]
Preggo couple ideas??
Hello all Was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for my pregnant wife and I to dress up as for Halloween. Trying to go for funny but all ideas would be appreciated! Not trying t go go for the usual ones like bun in the oven or humpty dumpty either. Thanks.
[ { "body": "You can do something gross and scary, if you're looking for that. One thought would be zombie dad and mom, with a zombie baby coming out of mom's belly. Would be fairly easy, I think, by getting a baby doll and cutting the arms and legs off, then getting some sort of wound kit to put it together and make it look like limbs are busting out of her stomach.\n\nFor funny, you could do \"shotgun wedding\". Dress up as redneck bride and groom.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Preggo skeleton with baby \n\nhttp://www.makeit-loveit.com/2010/10/our-last-minute-adult-costumes.html", "score": 3 } ]
I'm 20, female, in a 3 year relationship, living together. For those of you who have been in my position what do you wish you knew?
So this is a throwaway so no one I know wi know its me obviously. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We moved in together straight from our parents house. Everything we own is shared. Including money. We basically spend 24/7 together. We have very different opinions about religion, gay rights etc which often results in arguments. I am very strong willed about the way I am treated. I have always wanted to travel. I considered myself very easy going, I get along with most people and I just like to have fun. I have lost contact with many of my close friends. I feel like I'm stuck in this situation where I'm in debt and not able to lie the life I want. My boyfriend is very jealous and likes to feel in control of every situation. I want to know what things you wish you knew/had been told if you've been in a similar situation. Or just generally what your thoughts are about my comments. Edit: I just wanted to add I am very happy and condiment and not afraid of being single, I don't know what it is! In terms of traveling I feel like I should just do it while I'm young with less commitments an furniture and I'm not stuck in a job. Ps. I always see the glass half full, my boyfriend sees it empty.
[ { "body": "Sounds like you already know that you need to break up or at least move your life in a different direction.", "score": 6 } ]
breadth requirement 1 and 4 courses
Recommend some courses for BR 1 and 4 preferably a course with no essays. Originally I took intro to film, but ended up dropping the course wasn't that interested after the 2nd lecture. So, now i need to find a course with space in fall and winter. Also I just signed up for a first year seminar(Our Vampires, Ourselves: Of Mirrors, Shadows and (Missing) Reflections).
[ { "body": "BR 1: This category is pretty much all essays, the only way you're getting out of it here is if you do an introductory language course (Latin, German, etc.)\n\nBR 4: Mostly life sciences stuff, check out the calendar for the 2012-2013 year... a lot of subjects have introductory courses for those not in the program... generally pretty laid back courses", "score": 4 }, { "body": "\nFirst year courses I've found with no essays.\n1) Intro to Sociology\n2) Medieval Studies\n3) Intro to Classical History \n\nHope that helps!", "score": 3 } ]
Subletting advice (legal)
Hey r/Waterloo I'm a student who is subletting a room in a 5 person apartment. I NEVER signed a leasing agreement- only post dated cheques for the girl on the agreement. Situations arose where I need to get out of this agreement, but I'm unsure how to proceed. I haven't notified the girl on the agreement, as I'm still not sure if I'm going to leave.
[ { "body": "I guess technically you could back out of the agreement but it's a huge douchebag move. The best thing to do is probably find someone else to take your place in the sublet. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Always always always track things you do. Even receipts can come in handy as they have date and time in case your under investigation for murder or something. \nYou may know that you are responsible and mature, but that does not mean who ever else you are dealing with is. Even if you are sharing a double bedroom apartment with a friend, living with someone is WAY different then seeing them every so often. write up a simple contract of how bills are split and who gets what when you leave. (couches, tables ect...) \nIt doesn't have to be like printed out or anything, just write shit down together and sign it like a \"handshake\"\n\nAnyways that advice was for anyone and everyone. \n\nregarding your situation, if there is no lease, there is no binding agreement of how long you have to stay, BUT it also means you have no grounds of first/last months rent. \n\nIf you have been a good tenant, tenants CAN write letters of recommendations if you are having trouble finding places to live. So try and go out with class. Give at least 1 months notice of departure (try for 2), and while talking about that, you two should discuss about last months rent. if you payed first and lasts when you first moved in, just don't pay her the last month of living there. if there was no first and last month agreement, you will have to pay her. But that means if you need to play first and last on moving into your next place, your going to be behind in money, so figure that out. \n\nTL;DR\n> No lease = no agreement on when you HAVE to leave! BUT also means no record of you paying your rent! (Always get written receipts. and ask for a receipt before you leave of all the rent you have payed > taxes!!)\n> Leave with class. Give at least 1 months notice of departure. Discuss about last months payment, if you payed first and last, do not pay last month you are living there.\n\n", "score": 3 } ]
Can you play podcasts in background?
I just got the podcasts app and thought it was really awesome, until I tried to open another app that is. I tried press the home key twice and the app icon appears next to the iPod controls, but it won't play in the background. Is this how the app was designed or a glitch? If its a glitch is there any way to fix it?
[ { "body": "I've never used the podcast app, but I do this all the time with the music app and have never had a problem.", "score": 3 } ]
Workaholics S02E01 - Interesting commentary on taxes
I've been watching the show Workaholics. It's hilarious. In the first episode of season 2 they do an episode in which taxes are a major theme. I don't know how intentional the political commentary was or what the writers intended to say, but I drew some interesting commentary from it. If you aren't familiar, Workaholics is a show about three slacker/stoner guys who work for the weekend. It's comedy, just to be clear. The episode 'Heist School' (S02E01) begins with one of the characters, Adam, I guess you could say the most naive and "stupid" one of the group, looks at his paycheck and notices he's only getting half of his money. Anders, the oldest and smartest of the group explains to him that they are taxes. A concept Adam and the other character, Blake, are unfamiliar with. They are in a park so Anders tells them their taxes paid for the park. Adam says "so I'm an owner, that's cool" and Blake says "so I own this sand?" and then they notice a dragon statue in the park and say "so we own that as well" and decide to take it since they paid for it. Off the bat exposing, perhaps unintentionally, a problem with the commons and the concept we are sold on that because we pay for stuff with our taxes, it belongs to us, the public. Then the dragon statue is stolen by some school kids who are playing against the Dragons in the upcoming football game. They go to the school to find who took it and use the "I paid for this school" and "I paid your salary" argument to demand to speak to the principal. They also try to take a door because, hey, they own it. They then try to go undercover as students, and when it's found out that 3 adults are snooping around a school, the principal tells them he can throw them in prison for doing so. Which prompts the kicker. "Yeah, a prison I paid for with my taxes" or something along those lines. Unintentionally or not I feel that comment gets at the heart of the big problem with the concept of taxes, commons, public ownership. If you take the arguments for taxes and what it means to be a taxpayer to their logical conclusions, the police work for us and we own the prisons. Yet the police have authority over us and can throw us, their employers, in prisons we supposedly own. Just thought I'd share, see if anyone else has seen the episode and drew similar conclusions from it. Also, I recommend it (and the show) to all. Very funny.
[ { "body": "Note that these guys are portrayed as idiots in almost every episode. I take from that the message that the writers think libertarian positions are idiotic.", "score": 7 } ]
Mandarin speakers in Vietnam?
I'll most likely be spending a week or so in Vietnam this coming winter (pre-Tet) and I'm concerned about getting around with only a few words of Vietnamese. However, I do speak decent Mandarin. How prevalent is Mandarin in Vietnam? Would I be better off using English than Mandarin at say, a train station? Of course I will be trying to pick up a little more Vietnamese in the mean time, but it would be nice to fall back on Mandarin if needed.
[ { "body": "with all the sino-phobia going on, don't you dare speak Chinese or Mandarin to the Vietnamese people. They would assume you are generalizing them with Chinese people. \n\n\nBetter use English.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "For your own sake. Just use English. If you really have to speak chinese, use a dialect; cantonese.\n\n", "score": 3 } ]
[MOD POST] On the Occasion of Reaching 20,000 Subscribers
It has finally happened. /r/hugeboobs now has over 20,000 subscribers. This is cause for celebration. First, I'd like to thank /u/altroo for adding me as a moderator to this fine community. Since April, I have tried to build on the foundation she laid out, posting quality pics of our favorite huge-boobed women. As we now stand at over 20K readers, I'd say it's been a success. I'd like to thank the readers for all their posts, upvotes, comments, and suggestions. This community would be nothing without the readers, both casual and loyal. What does the future hold for /r/hugeboobs? I'd like to see more variety in content. I know women like Leanne, Jana, Chloe, and September are favorites, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other deserving professionals and amateurs who could be gracing our community. I'd like to see more women of all shapes and sizes, from skinny to BBW and everything in between. I've said recently that this is /r/hugeboobs and not /r/skinnygirlswithhugenaturalboobs. Women who have huge boobs often get downvoted because they don't have mass appeal, which is a shame, because they deserve to be here. I'm thinking of models like Beshine and Amy Anderssen, and Samantha38G and Gya Roberts, among many others. Everyone has different tastes, has their favorite model, and has those that don't appeal to them at all. Fans of Page 3 girls might not be fans of Beshine. Fans of Arianna Sinn might not like Jennique Adams. But we should all be fans of huge boobs. It's why we're here. As in the past, I welcome the community's feedback. Use this post to celebrate our success, to offer criticism, and to suggest models who deserve to be here. How do you think this subreddit could be better? Thanks again to all of you. Now, on to 25K! -TechnicolorMerkin, Huge Boob Connoisseur Edit: 8 hours later and no one has offered any ideas on how this subreddit could be better? That's deplorable.
[ { "body": "Suggestions:\n\n-Links to lists of popular and lesser known models in the side bar. Perhaps accompany each name with a picture of the model.\n\n-Perhaps state that women of all shapes and sizes are welcome in the side bar, so long as they meet the requirements of the subreddit. This may encourage people to post more of what they have without fear of it not fitting in.\n\n-More Anorei. Just sayin'.\n\n-Offer incentives for regular posters? Shit, I dunno.\n\nMy two cents have been thrown in. Not a great pair of pennies, but a pair none the less.\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Thank you so much to Techy for making this place what it is today! It's amazing and still true to my original idea, that any and all huge boobs should be welcomed here.\n\n20,000 is an incredible goal, I still hardly believe it myself!\n\nSomething I've always wanted to try was to hold a theme week like some other places have done. Maybe even turn it into a contest! What do you guys think? Something like 'enhanced breasts week', or 'boobs against glass week', and of course holiday weeks too!", "score": 3 } ]
What class are you leveling first come MoP /wow
Hey guys and gals MoP is just 4 days away! Have you decided what you are going to level to 90 first? I myself am torn between mage or hunter. Leave a comment and let everyone know!
[ { "body": "I convinced my boyfriend to start playing so we are going to level Monk Pandas Horde side me healing and him tanking. Sooooooo excited.", "score": 10 } ]
Reddit. I need some help urgently.
I recently met the guy who sexually abused/raped me when I was young on a wedding. This is the first time I'm seeing him in ten years after he abused me on multiple occasions when I was around 10 to 13 years old. Since this guy is an extended family member, its been real tough for me to avoid him. Ever since that meeting, I've been disturbed by the past and have been having sleepless nights. I think I need some professional help but am afraid my family might find out about it. They don't need to know what i went/am going through. What should I do? I'm a man by the way.
[ { "body": "You should report him to the police... just because he's in your extended family doesn't defend what he did", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Make an appointment with a therapist and tell your family you're \"going out to see a friend\" or \"going shopping\" or something. No one needs to know, but if you need help you need to get it.", "score": 3 } ]
Penny Arcade on Borderlands 2
You might not like it: http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/09/21 Be sure to check out the news section where he clarifies his stance a little bit.
[ { "body": "I think I would likely feel the same way if I found the combat to be not so good. \n\nBut I find the combat really good, so the loot just enhances the combat and everything is awesome.", "score": 29 }, { "body": "Congratulations, you've described every loot-centric RPG. Except this one actually tells you whether or not the specific stats are better than your previous weapon.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I'm starting to look at manufacturer and weapon-type before I look at the stats. The weapon types and manufactures tend to function differently, and people are bound to have a preference. Sure, that Jakobs assault rifle might be a few hundred more damage than my Torque, but my Torque is a min-gun and I have to click for each Jakobs shot.\n\nSo the \"except you're not looking for a certain stat\" isn't quite totally correct. Everything else seems totally valid, though, but that's actiony-looty-RPGs, isn't it?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "i find the appeal in this game is playing with your friends. if i was playing solo i would probably go back to guild wars or torchlight. but man fighting dudes with your friends. so much fun.\n\nplus LOOOOT, cant get enough loot.. now if only some smgs would drop", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Unfortunately I agree.\n\nA more vague problem **for me** is that I don't get the same feel playing this game. I just don't feel...satisfied. Wish I could explain this better.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Not surprising. Tycho has a penchant for going against a lot of the top selling or popular games. Madden, TF2 and now Borderlands 2. Hell, he named the comic *iconoclast*.\n\nI don't know how much of it is genuine and how much of it is actually just shock journalism to generate *righteous indignation* to generate pageviews. At least in my opinion they have 1 or 2 decent comics out of 25-30. \n\nAnd I felt this way about PA long before they were snarky about how shallow and pedantic they think Borderlands 2 is.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Sadly, the argument about 'too much loot' isn't a good one. (from the blog).\n\nWell, at the very least, it is a concept that causes people to often divide into two camps. You see, making it difficult on the player to determine which weapon to use, is often considered a GOOD thing. It means that there are a lot of interesting decisions to be made, and that it isn't just either better or worse.\n\nGames like Diablo3, which often have clearly better and clearly worse items also feel overly simplistic.\n\nIt is easy for one to think that those who want simple choices are just simple people, adn those who want complex choices are complex people. But I will not make that assertion here.", "score": 3 } ]
Cheated, a mess, keeping it a secret.
I was out of town for work, ended up getting too close with someone over the course of several days. Got drunk, made out, and a little more. I haven't told my husband. I am afraid of how much it will hurt him and how difficult it will make our relationship. I know I did it because I was drunk, I wouldn't normally otherwise. I have been a hypocrite because I recently told him I was hurt that he had been keeping a secret for several months, but now I'm keeping this a secret. I don't think that I can or should keep this from him but I am too scared to tell him. Also, what would be gained by it? I am a terrible wife. I don't feel that attracted to him anymore. I am afraid I might be an alcoholic. I am afraid I am codependent. I am afraid to lose the best guy that I've ever had in my life. I am a mess on the inside but keep it together on the outside.
[ { "body": "\" I know I did it because I was drunk, I wouldn't normally otherwise.\"\n\nScrew that argument. Drunk does Not make you do things you did not have in you. I don't go out stealing cars when drunk, nor do I as sober. \nYou did it for some reson, but the alcohol was not the reason, it was a way of allowing yourself to do it or a catalyst. \n\nYou did this to get back at him with the secret or becasuse you felt left out, I am guessing. \n\nYou have all these fears, you Need to talk to him about it. To do stuff like cheating is a way of wanting him to break up with you instead of facing it. \n\nAnd to be frank, if he was the best guy you have had in your life and he is not even worth being honest with or faithful, you or him needs to higher the standard. ", "score": 27 }, { "body": "I might get downvoted, but Ill say it. Everyone here acts like they are perfect. The pedestal is pretty high around here. Im not here to feel superior to everyone else. Im here because it entertains me, and to perhaps be one of the rare voices of forgiveness in a world that wants to punish and condemn.\n\nWe all make mistakes. You made one. A big one.\n\nSo what are you gonna do about it? You mentioned many areas you think you are a failure in. Could it be you do not feel adequate for your husband? That you need to fix. If you arent attracted to him figure out why, if it can be fixed, if not what to do about it.\n\nIm not gonna be the guy that says \"tell him you cheating skank, honesty is paramount and he deserves to know!!!\". The truth may hurt worse than not saying anything. Most admissions of truth are to alleviate feelings of guilt as opposed to anything to do with trust.\n\nDont do it again. Learn from your mistake. Fix it. Make it up to him.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "If you aren't attracted to him and you care about him just set him free. Its pretty damn clear you won't confess. Just do the right thing and let him find someone who respects him and wants him. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "As a recovering alcoholic I'd like to say, if you feel like you *might* have a drinking problem, and are making choices in your life that cause you pain, or risk hurting the ones you love, or worse, don't just blame the alcohol, but realize that it is almost certainly a factor. You don't have a drinking problem, you have a solution problem. Alcohol has become the solution to your issues. The problem lies in the fact that it can cause you to feel like you are -as you said- \"a mess on the inside\" or inadequate, leading to the need to be validated by someone else's attention (this person you cheated with). You also end up making strings of poor decisions because you feel like \"what the hell, my life is already going down the shitter, who cares if I ruin another relationship\". You may be pleasantly surprised at how much you are still in love with your husband if you can put the bottle down long enough to let yourself get back on track, and spend some quality time with that person. You may realize how great they are simply for sticking by you during those years that you have been stuck inside a slowly growing addiction. You may sober up and realize the relationship was long gone before that- that's up to you to figure out- but either way, you will be in a better place for it. [Give it a shot](http://www.aa.org/lang/en/subpage.cfm?page=28) I promise it's been the best experience in my life. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk to someone who's been there, and come out on the other end to realize how wonderful life really is. ", "score": 4 } ]
The theme for today being "suave pick up lines"...what's your best way of getting a boy's/girl's number?
Right now, telling them I have a car and full permit is pretty effective for me, but I know that's purely a fad. I'm the only one in my grade with a car & full permit, so people think it's really cool. If I tell a girl she'll ask me for a lift some place or something, so it's pretty good...for now. But I also think that in general my heart condition would make a pretty decent line...I've thought of "Hey, I've got a hole in my heart" (girl's reaction), "yeah..I know it's a bitch...but I reckon you could fill it". Never got the confidence to try it though. **And I'm not looking for "just ask her", or "Hey, what's your number?" etc.**. No - and this isn't an advice thread either. Just genuine pick up lines you use or have heard work.
[ { "body": "Outright asking generally works for me.\n\nChat to them for a bit, realise I have to go. Make the general offer to continue the conversation, swap numbers, continue conversation.\n\nI don't really have some kind of pick up line to get a girl's number. Am I weird?", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Me: \"Nice weather outisde.\"\n\nGirl: \"Yeah, I love this kind of weather!\"\n\nMe: \"...we like the same kind of weather?\"\n\nGirl: \"...yeah?\"\n\nMe: **\"WE SHOULD PROBABLY HAVE SEX.\"**", "score": 14 }, { "body": "My self-esteem/confidence is too low for me to actually use it, but when I *imagine* using this line, it always works out well: \nI'll be sine squared theta, you'll be cosine squared theta, and together, we will be 1. \n\nSome more: \nYou must be one of those new neon compounds with fluorine and iodine, because you are FINe! \nHey baby, you’re as sweet as sweet as C6H12O6 \nAre you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you're CuTe!", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Usually I go up and talk to them and say, \"hey you are really cute, I'd like to get to know you more, let's hang out\" it has worked almost every time.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I was just asked for my number last week in the cutest way ever. He gave me his phone and said \" there is this random person new contact in my phone and I don't know who they are. Could you tell me?\"\nYeah, it was awesome :)", "score": 3 } ]
Coffee shops in the area?
I'm trying to find a nice coffee shop in the area that is a nice place to study. Hopefully not too crowded either. Any ideas?
[ { "body": "Your choices are limited and they'll all probably be crowded especially during exams. As a person that spends a lot of the work day using the high speed internet of coffee shops for work (I live too far out of town to have decent internet) I prefer Sweet Eugene's until finals time at which point it gets packed wall to wall.\n\nAnother decent option is the Village Cafe in Downtown Bryan, but it's more a cafe than coffee shop. It's great if you plan on studying through lunch/dinner.\n\nThere are Starbucks at TX and Holleman, TX and Villa Maria and on Univ @ Northgate.\n\nSweet Eugene's is at Harvey and E. George Bush.\n\nMuldoon's in the Khol's Shopping center on TX between Harvery and Dominic.\n\nMugWalls is off Harvey in the same center as the Tap.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I go to Sweet Eugene's almost every night and I can't recommend it enough. The atmosphere is perfect for getting some work done, lots of activity and bustle but everyone's respectful about keeping noise to a minimum. Their coffee is hit or miss depending on the day (Their Southern Almond is amazing) It's generally pretty crowded but as long as you show up before 8, you'll get a table no problem. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "If you are a true coffee geek, like me, Sweet Eugene's is great. They roast their own coffee and use quality beans. ", "score": 3 } ]
Safest top lane champions?
I play top a lot and sometimes find myself picking before the opposing top. Unfortunately, the champions I play tend to be very situational (Cho'Gath, Akali, Renekton) and I usually get dominated by Riven/Jayce/Darius. I have some IP, and I'm looking to invest in some champs that are safe picks for top lane (or *safer* anyway). Aside from Jayce, what are some other good ones? Maybe Vlad? Thanks guys.
[ { "body": "Nunu is incredibly safe. Can't be counterpicked. He's like Yorick except he counters Yorick. Sustain all day, snowball all day (both senses of the word), can't be ganked, can't tower dive him post 6. You can also build him however you want (tanky AP for crazy ults and snowballs, destroyer of attack speed, or just a tanky support lategame), plus he can help your jungler take baron really early really fast. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Teemo :3 you have shrooms so you can see the enemy if you are getting ganked and you can trade effectively .", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Malphite, Olaf, Vlad, Swain, Yorick are all pretty safe picks.\n\nEDIT: Cho'Gath is generally a safe pick also, not sure why you'd be having trouble with him.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "If you want a good AP champ, pick Kennen, he is REALLY safe. Get AD runes on Kennen against melee/brusiers and shut them down early with his W. Max W -> Q -> E (R when you can). If you need the sustained get one doran's blade. Generally Kennen beats Jax/Riven/Darius if you play him aggressive early on. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Vlad is a really bad top laner, because he needs to reach level 9 to win most match-ups and gets down right destroyed by Riven, Irelia and Jayce.\n\nIrelia, Jayce, Olaf and Shen are likely to be the safest combined with \"best\" top laners.", "score": 3 } ]
A feminist claims feminism supports men's rights - yet cites sources which have opposed men's rights!
Expect to see more of this - feminists attempting to hijack MR issues in order to fraudulently claim feminism really *is* all about equality. She cites misandrist feminists such as Michael Kimmel, and the National Organisation of Women (NOW), to make her "points" - in complete ignorance of how, for example, Kimmel argues that males are inherently violent and cites false domestic violence statistics that demonise masculinity, and the NOW has actively opposed equal parenting rights for fathers. http://brutereason.net/2012/09/20/in-brief-do-feminists-care-about-mens-issues-a-handy-list/#comment-4292http://brutereason.net/2012/09/20/in-brief-do-feminists-care-about-mens-issues-a-handy-list/#comment-4292 Edit: in case anyone is fooled by this duplicitous bullshit, here is an excellent list complied by Celda detailing the many ways in which feminist groups *in the real world* have opposed men's rights issues, exacerbating gender inequalities against males. [Link](http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/g2eme/feminists_tell_you_that_the_solution_to_mens/)
[ { "body": "Oh, cool. Maybe they can weigh in on how these Feminist teachings help men:\n\n-We live in a society that subjugates women, despite mounds of evidence that men are worse off than women in many ways.\n\n-We live in a \"rape culture\" where we have to \"teach all men not to rape\" despite that both sexes can be victims, and perpetrators, of rape.\n\n-False rape accusations are rare, and should not be punished, despite how horribly a man's life is ruined.\n\n-Women are the victims of domestic violence, and men are the perpetrators, despite that numerous studies show DV is reciprocal and male victims are profoundly discriminated against.\n\n-Men should have no reproductive rights.\n\n-Only women should be entitled to billions of dollars worth of social services, despite that men are statistically worse off than women in a variety of ways.\n\n-The \"wage gap\" which has been debunked 5 zillion times by respected economists.\n\n-Feminists fight shared parenting laws yet whine about women being percieved as default caregivers.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Post text automatically copied [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/MRSelfPostCopies/comments/10929e/copy_a_feminist_claims_feminism_supports_mens/). ([Why?](http://www.reddit.com/r/MRSelfPostCopies/comments/q8y0u/meta_faq/)) ([Report a problem.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMRSelfPostCopies))\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Oh dear, this same article has been posted to r/feminisms, where they are upvoting it as proof that men's rights are unnecessary.\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/feminisms/comments/107e16/in_brief_do_feminists_care_about_mens_issues_a/c6bc15h?context=3", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Here is my response: posted, currently in moderation http://i.imgur.com/phu8L.jpg\n\nHey, some of the articles you link to in your list, are just what you say, concern for, and support of rights for men and women coming from feminists.\n\nThe way these lists are canonically used, and is used here by you http://brutereason.net/2012/09/20/in-brief-do-feminists-care-about-mens-issues-a-handy-list/#comment-4306 is not to support men but to undermine MRA groups.\n\nSo the whole thing rings hollow.\n\nIf you look back to the civil rights movements forward you should be able to see the difference between:\n\n1960:\n\nA1. Blacks: we want civil rights. We support the Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.\n\nA2. Concerned Whites: We are the best friends of negroes but we don't understand why they support violence, and why they all can't be like that nice Mr. King, Jr. We ask negroes to stop marching and picketing, we are busy working for the rights of all men in Congress.\n\nA3. Freedom Riders, SPLC: Support our friends and listen to them. We stand beside them and will lay down our lives in ditches to help them.\n\n1970:\n\nB1. Women: we want civil rights. We support Susan B. Anthony, Betty Friedan, Valerie Solanas, Simone de Beauvoir, Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Reddy, Shulamith Firestone, Germaine Greer, Mary Daly\n\nB2. Concerned men: We are the best friends of women but we don't understand why they support violence, and why they all can't be like that nice Ms. Reddy. We ask women to stop marching and picketing, we are busy working for the rights of all people in Congress.\n\nB3. ACLU: Support our friends and listen to them. We stand beside them and will lay down our lives in ditches to help them.\n\n1980: \n\nC1: The disabled: we want civil rights. We want equal employment and services. Pass the ADA\n\nC2: Concerned businessmen and concerned religions: We are the best friends of the disabled but we don't understand why they support violence, and why they all can't be like that nice Mr. Ironside or Christopher Reeves. We ask the disabled to stop marching and picketing, we are busy working for the rights of all people in Congress.\n\nC3: ACLU, 2nd Wave Feminists: Support our friends and listen to them. We stand beside them and will lay down our lives in ditches to help them.\n\n1990:\n\nD1: Gays: we want civil rights. We want to end discrimination. We want to marry. We want to come out. We want to join the military. We want to stop bullying. We want an end to sodomy laws. We want an end to AIDS.\n\nD2: Concerned heterosexuals: We are the best friends of the gays, but we don't understand why they support violence, why they ACT UP, and why they all can't be like that nice Mr. Mercury or Mr. Milk (such a tragedy!). We ask gays to stop marching and picketing, we are busy working for the rights of all people in Congress.\n\nD3: ACLU, 3rd Wave Feminists: Support our friends and listen to them. We stand beside them and will lay down our lives in ditches to help them.\n\nD4: 2nd Wave Feminists: Woah! Not so fast there. Gays are trying to appropriate our culture. Transmen are a danger.\n\n2000: \n\nE1: Mens rights: we want civil rights, we want fairness in family court, we want a rebuttable presumption of joint shared custody, we want visitation enforced, we want false accusations of rape taken seriously and reduced in number, we want mandatory dna testing of all newborns, we want child services to respect and search out the fathers of babies put up for adoption, we want paternity fraud take seriously, we want boys to have equal chances at school, and not to be drugged when they act like boys, we want domestic violence to end but we also want it recognized that women are often as violent as men and initiate that violence, we want an end to circumcision, we want misandry recognized and discussed and stopped.\n\nE2: Concerned 2nd wave and 3rd wave gender feminists: We are the best friends of the men, really, we are, here's a list of all the things we do for women in the name of men, but patriarchy is really really bad, false rapes do not occur, the courts are biased in favor of men, women live longer than men showing how society oppresses us even longer because men get to die young and avoid that oppression, women and children are the chief victims of war, fathers rights activists don't want to see their kids they just want to end alimony and support, mandatory dna testing is not in the best interest of the child and neither is ending paternity fraud, BUT REALLY, there is no such thing as misandry, and we are the best friends of men, not those asshole pro-rape pedophile wife abusing MRAs.\n\nE3: Equity Feminists: Support our friends and listen to them. We stand beside them and will lay down our lives in ditches to help them.\n\nMiriam, thank you for your list, which group are you in?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Valeriekeefe is a ***bad*** mother-\n\n>Shut yo' mouth!\n\nSeriously though:\n\n> You know what? No. On that list, we have Amanda Marcotte, who I think you’ll agree, is not inconsiderable in terms of feminist credibility, claiming that it’s way more likely that sleeping boyfriend is faking a rape to abuse his girlfriend.\n\n>You do not get to pretend that we’ve gotten over this shit, especially when so many of us will totes agree that someone being forced to penetrate is rape, but then dispute the numbers when, including those rapes, men (or CAMAB people, I don’t trust the CDC to not be cissexist here) make up 50% of American rape victims and women (or more likely, CAFAB people) make up 40% of perpetrators. Then they rely on the greater propensity of men to not report their rapes AS RAPES (sexism can be internalized, last time I checked) and pretend it’s closer to a 10-1 ratio than a 1-1 ratio.\n\n>Then in your list we have policing of masculinity, which is just as superficial and sexist as policing of femininity. Oh! And also no mention of the Workplace-Related Death Gap, and the 43,000 American men lost every year to that. No mention of the sentencing discount, of course. No mention of the death gap generally, and how when you look at societies that don’t differentiate in terms of resources, like cloistered orders, that gap nearly disappears.\n\n>Basically, unidirectional, overwhelmingly cis, feminists, only want to talk about ‘mens issues’ when it lets them talk about the issues they already wanted to talk about, but in a condescending, patronizing, way that goes: “See? Now shouldn’t you stop being a potential rapist/upholding patriarchy/whatever I’ve decided to blame less than half the electorate for?”\n\n>I’m a feminist and seeing patronizing lists like this makes me ashamed to say it.", "score": 3 } ]
Is it uncommon to ask an artist if they have any designs/sketches already drawn up they'd like to tattoo on someone?
I am dying to get my first tattoo but have no concrete ideas yet. There are a couple of artists in my area whose work I really admire and who I'd love to have something done by. Often times on their facebook page they post pictures of sketches that I assume they randomly drew for fun. Would it be weird/unconventional to ask them if they have anything they've been wanting to do but had no one to do it on, and to consider me as a potential tattooee?
[ { "body": "I think some artists would absolutely love for a client to ask them that, and for some it probably just isn't how they work. I can't imagine anyone being offended or weirded out though, so go for it!", "score": 4 } ]
VIRUS/MALWARE WARNING: Do not visit www.allthebestfights.com
Though I have successfully viewed fights at this website before, I went there to access Jones vs. Machida today and contracted the FBI MoneyPak virus/malware onto my laptop even with my virus security activated. It's more of a frustrating problem than a dangerous one, but it took more than an hour to get rid of.
[ { "body": "Friends don't let friends use Norton :P\n\n**Free Anti-Virus software:**\n\n* [Microsoft Security Essentials](http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/products/security-essentials)\n* [Avast Anti-Virus](http://www.avast.com)\n* [Avira Anti-Virus](http://www.avira.com)\n* [AVG Anti-Virus](http://www.avg.com)\n* [Comodo Anti-Virus](http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/antivirus.php)\n* [Immunet \\(ClamAV)](http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/about/win32/)\n\n**Free Anti-Spyware software:**\n\n* [Spybot: Search & Destroy](http://www.safer-networking.org/personal/)\n* [Malwarebytes Anti-Malware](http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/)\n* [SuperAntiSpyware](http://www.superantispyware.com/)\n\nIf you would prefer to pay for protection, here are a few suggestions to research before going with Norton:\n\n* [Kaspersky](http://usa.kaspersky.com/)\n* [ESET NOD32](http://www.eset.com/us/home/products/antivirus/)\n* [F-secure](http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_us/anti-virus)\n\nA free application (Open Source) I highly recommend is [Peer Block](http://www.peerblock.com/). When active it blocks communication with known malicious sites entirely preventing infection from even happening. As soon as one person who uses Peer Block finds something bad it is added to a global database and when you launch your client you are updated immediately.\n", "score": 26 }, { "body": "How did this virus get onto your computer if your security recognized it? Sorry, I'm fairly ignorant about computers", "score": 10 }, { "body": "The UFC has put out a lot of free fights, including [Jones vs Machida](http://www.ufc.com/media/ufc-140-jones-machida). I only wish the UFC had all the free fight videos in one archive, preferably on Youtube, but eh.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "script blocker mother fucker... \n\nyou allow only the scripts that you want for each web site you go to. I haven't gotten a virus in 2 years.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Thanks for the heads up, I'm just going to remove the site from my favorites. I have enough fight video sites, I don't need to fuck around with an infected one. You should consider MSE, though. It's free with Windows and far more reliable than Norton.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Pretty sure this uses a java exploit to infect you. So you should update your [java](http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp) to patch the vulnerability from a few weeks ago, or disable java altogether", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I've been stuck using a Chromebook for the past few months. I go where I want. Come at me, virus bros.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Did anyone else click the \"79 comments\" button instead of just the link for the thread, just in case? I'm paranoid haha. ", "score": 3 } ]
Is it possible to make objects attach to two other objects at the same time in the SPH/VAB?
Say I want to strap a column of cylindrical fuel tanks to the side of my rocket. At the top, I make a radial decoupler, attach a cylinder to it. Now, what if I want to make the cylinder attached under that attach to another decoupler for extra stability? In short: Is it possible to have a part use two connecting points instead of one?
[ { "body": "There seems to be an inherent limitation of the game engine KSP uses that each object is only allowed a single \"parent\" object.\n\nThe only way to work around this is by using struts to strengthen areas that need reinforcement.", "score": 5 } ]
Outdoor wedding reception is tomorrow and now it's going to be 99 degrees instead of 89. What's the best course of action?
The benefit of the outdoor space is that it has a large gazebo where the gift table and cake will be. And the space belongs to an art gallery which is next door and will be open for my guests. Dinner tables are set right in the grass with no coverage until about 5:30pm. The ideas so far are to: *put out a couple small tents over a few tables *put out farmers market style tents to the sides during 4 o'clock cocktail hour *Have misters set up *rent a giant tent. My fears would be that people would crowd the tables with small tents, the farmers market tents would require them to stand, misters alone don't take away the sun, Giant tent is 1,400+ and requires layout changes. Eep. Any other ideas?
[ { "body": "If you have a lot of readings in your ceremony, consider having those moved to a dedicated time during the reception so your guest aren't in the direct sun for as long.\n\nHaving people crowd around the small tables with umbrellas isn't that bad. People usually group together in little cliques at the reception anyways.\n\nMake sure there's lots of water available. Perhaps there's a party supply store that sells individual paper umbrellas for people to have during the ceremony. That could even add some charm to event.\n\nBest of luck!", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Ice cold water everywhere. Get extra water and ice. \n\nI went to a wedding that was overwhelmingly hott; one can't control the weather, no one will blame/resent you but it was nice that the bride & groom provided refreshments. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I attended a wedding where they used paper fans as favors, which were really nice during the unshaded beach ceremony. It might be a stop-gap measure but maybe you could pick some up at a party store!", "score": 3 } ]
Thinking about making the jump into SAP (mobile app dev). 2 questions.Taking advice.
Greetings all! Though a smaller company, we do very large enterprise mobile application development. The B2B market is our niche - so we are thinking about joining the Sap Mobile Partner Program. Though leery of all the competition including internal SAP apps and their new Mobility Design Center. 2 Questions: - Are there any SAP products you would recommending researching first, due to their gaps of mobility? - We are thinking of approaching consultants, as they have the clients with the needs and can up sell our services - does that make sense? (or way off) Lastly, cant thank this subreddit enough for all the great SAP knowledge, for a SAP-newbie like myself.
[ { "body": "Did your gap analysis the include the vies \"Android v IoS ?\"\nLooking into\nhttps://store.sap.com/sap/cpa/repository/store/Page.html?app.inport=Dept&param.type=2&param.country=US&sap-language=EN&page=account\n\nI see a huge gap between the amount of apps available to IoS or Android.\n\nI would think that a good warehousemanagement app could replace expensive handheld scanners with cheap smartphones - for low turnover warehouses. \nAlso I think the strength of android / tablets could be im connecting remote locations with household everyday transactions / dumbed down versions. Order entry / VA01 on tablet.. As for your own marketing I guess youd should research the top SAP system integrators via LinkedIn and indetify buying centers within their professional services - I would aim at Pricncipal Consultants - as they tend to know what comes up in the accounts that will have to get farmed out. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Checkout Sencha Touch. Platform independent mobile app development. Works great with Sap!\nThank me later when ur a millionaire", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You could look at their Sybase Unwired Platform, but it's one of the most painful, cobbled together, feature-lacking offerings that they have.", "score": 3 } ]
What do you do to deal with frustration when you've been hunting vigorously for a bug that exists in a system with absolutely no progress?
I can tell that my level of frustration is affecting ... or is it effecting... (?) my ability to troubleshoot as a whole- anyone got suggestions for [woosawing](http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=woosaw) down to a state a mind better set for actually finding a bug Ive been hunting all week... I'm not looking forward to the realization that it's been staring me in the face the whole time... it's embarrassing.
[ { "body": "Try a heavy weight lifting routine or strenuous outdoor activity such as kayaking, biking, running, etc. \n\nMy best ideas always come to me after a good workout.", "score": 3 } ]
Week 3 Upset Predictions
Week 2 we saw Arizona go to New England and pull off the win. I think Seattle at home against the Packers will be this week's upset. What do you predict for this week?
[ { "body": "Raiders over Stealers. People under estimate the Raiders. God I hate that I said that...I feel dirty, I need a shower.", "score": 78 }, { "body": "Bye Week over Bills, Ravens over Patriots and Dolphins over Jets\n\n**Edit: OKAY OKAY I'M SORRY PEOPLE THE PATRIOTS AREN'T FAVOURITES IT WAS MY MISTAKE**", "score": 74 }, { "body": "How can people not hope the Seahawks win this? nothing against Packers but like the Seahawks are so damn likable! ", "score": 51 }, { "body": "Arizona over Philadelphia. Is that still an upset? The line is at PHL by 4. \n\nVick throws 3 INTs, one is returned for a touchdown. Cardinals win 20-17.", "score": 38 }, { "body": "Patriots over the Ravens. This is the first time in recent memory I've seen Pats listed as 3pt underdogs so it counts.", "score": 25 }, { "body": "Jake Locker and the Titans will beat the Lions by two scores in a big upset. \n\nThen I'll wake up, realize it was all a dream, watch the Titans get butt-plunged, and drink until I forget the details. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "**Rams @ Bears:** MEDIUM CHANCE: The Bears have a lot of pressure to win, and the Rams aren't even supposed to be 1-1 right now. Bradford is playing well again, and their D did a good job on Stafford and Griffin.\n\n**Chiefs @ Saints:** LOW CHANCE: Don't bet much on the Saints this year: if they make the playoffs, it will be because Drew Brees performed perfectly in every game. But NO is playing for pride this week, and they're better than their competition. I still don't like the Saints in this spot because Kansas City is better than their record too.\n\n**Packers @ Seahawks:** HIGH CHANCE: Seattle has the best secondary and one of the best homefields in the league. I don't like GB on the road this week.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "(From the Reddit Pick 'Em League)\n\nMy upsets are:\n\n* **Kansas City** at New Orleans\n\n* **San Diego** against Atlanta", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I could see us losing to the Raiders. This feels like one of those years where we'll have senseless, out of character losses.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I can see Panthers upsetting the Giants this week. A lot of people are considering it a coming out game for Cam, he won't want to lay an egg on primetime television, by say, throwing 3 interceptions. \n\nPlus, just look at our offensive starters. Andre Brown? Ramses Barden?", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I still find it weird that Vegas had the Panthers as favorites. \n\nAnd I like the Rams over the Bears.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Kansas City over New Orleans\n\nCincinnati over Washington (does this count as an upset? The 'Skins are favored)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Vikings over 49ers. I don't know why I like how both teams are looking, but I could def see the 49ers losings. It's one of those games to me.", "score": 3 } ]
[Spoilers] Eureka 7 AO ep 21
Well now that Elina's past is clear up i'm now interested in the next ep to see what truth will do in his new form.
[ { "body": "[Elena's](/s \"facial expression transition near the end was pretty hilarious, insta-friendzoned\").\n\nIf only there was a gif of that.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "For the first time in a long time with Eureka Seven AO, I'm definetely excited to watch the next episode\n\nEDIT - I'm hoping that by the end of the anime, we'll be able to understand every single confusing thing that happened from episodes 1-now, and I'll be able to consider it a true sequel to Eureka Seven", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Am I the only one who's hoping that they're purposely making a lot of the animation crap in order to save their budget for a mind blowingly epic looking finale, even better looking than Pocket Full of Rainbows?", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Elena has a bit of an [Evangelion past](/s \"washing up on the shore of a red ocean after a reality altering event\")", "score": 5 } ]
R/KSU, impromptu meet-up today!
For those of you not on the Facebook group, a handful of us are meeting at the commons at 5 to hangout and stuff. There will be delicious Sushi.
[ { "body": "shit, i was IN the commons at 5.\n\nno facebook; and no iphone to check it if i had one. if only i could get /r/ksu texts like i get useless texts at all hours from ksu alerts.", "score": 3 } ]
I'm new to freelance and have a couple questions...
I'm an Interior Designer looking to gain some experience to be able to compete out in the job market. Ultimately I would love to own my own business, thus Purple Chair Designs was born. Having said that, I am nervous about finding clients and how to go about doing that. How do you deal with someone who wants references that you don't have? How do you deal with a portfolio that is half from school and the other half wasn't fully your design? (ex I picked the paint colors for a home but had nothing to do with the furniture selection or placement) How do I decide how much my time is worth without gouging the client or selling myself short? Thanks for any help you all can give. ~PCD
[ { "body": "I hate to say this, because I don't want to poop on your parade, but right now might not be the best time to start freelancing.\n\nThe best scenario for a freelancer is one in which they have a \"critical mass\" of connections and clients that result in a passive stream of people who come to you based solely on word-of-mouth. This is really hard to do as a freelancer, because you're starting from square one. This is why people are asking for references - they don't have any reason to trust you, you're just some random person.\n\nI'm speaking from experience! The first time I went freelance, it was just as you described - it was an uphill battle to find clients, to convince them to work with me, and then convince them to pay me the rate I needed to survive. It was brutal. I think in the course of 1 year, I had two clients. And of course they pay was peanuts.\n\nSo I went back to employed work, built up my skills and portfolio, got really good at working with clients, and got to the point where people just started coming out of the woodwork to give me side projects. At first they were little, cheap jobs, fairly seldomly. But eventually, those people told other people about me, I started getting more calls and offers, and it eventually it came to a natural point where it was clear I had to choose freelancing or employment. \n\nIt's been 2.5 years and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I never have to work to find clients - instead, I'm at the point where I have to consider raising my rates because I have so much work! Nobody asks me for references, and nobody dickers with me about my rates. It's such a totally different angle from the first time around, and it's all because I spent a little more time in the employed world, allowing my reputation to build up organically.\n\nThat said, jobs aren't necessarily easy to get. If you're freelancing because you can't find employed work, there are other options. You could take a boring part-time job that pays the bills while you do pro-bono work for non-profits to build up your portfolio and reputation. You could start staging rooms for your friends, too. You could build up your reputation by blogging about a specific niche in interior design, basically giving away a little bit of information in exchange for the possibility that someone might want to hire you from it.\n\nThere's a lot of ways to go - good luck!", "score": 5 } ]
Tactics & formations for lower leagues
I am playing through a save right now with a team in nPower Football League 2. I started in the 8th tier of English football, so I have been using fairly simple tactics. For me that means 4-4-2.. but I'm not so sure about the details. Sure, they've worked for me so far, but I wonder what aspects of what I'm doing could be improved. I am also not 100% sure about my striker roles as well as any other player role, really. And I know that roles often depend on what sort of players you have, but I wonder how you guys organize your teams when playing in a lower league where players are just not that great. My best player is a 2 metre tall 19 yo striker.. he is probably good enough to be playing in the championship, but I've managed to hold onto him. He's tall, strong, and good at jumping and headers, so I make him a target man. My 2nd best striker is somewhat speedy, so I make him into an advanced forward or a poacher, so that he can pick up loose balls. Is that a viable strategy? Should I be directing my wide midfielders to send in crosses? How do I do that, anyway? (I have been playing this game on and off for about a year and a half but I feel like some aspects of it I still haven't gotten to) When my giant isn't playing is where I get a bit lost.. What are some good striker role combinations in a 4-4-2 formation? Do they depend on anything else, such as who I have playing in midfield? I will often play a striker deep and make sure that his passing and creativity are good, and one in an advanced position - and make sure that he is rather speedy. Good? Bad? Every once in a while I'll set a striker to "Complete stirker"... I haven't really noticed any benefits to either of my strategies in terms of striker roles, which is why I'm asking. My other positions are a lot more clear cut in that I have them set to the same thing and never really change them. I have my wide midfielders set to "support", my 2 central midfielders are set to adapt to the situation (I forget what the exact setting is as I'm not home atm, but it's neither support nor attack), my centrebacks are just centrebacks (with no special roles set), and my fullbacks are also told to do whatever, based on the situation at hand. Any tips on my approach to the 4-4-2? There must be things I can improve. My philosophy has basically been: the simpler, the better.. My plan is to adopt a bit more creative formation (4-1-2-3 or 4-2-1-3 maybe) once I get promoted to the Championship. I want to have a central midfielder who's role is defensive, one who is a playmaker, an attacking midfielder who sits behind the CF, speedy wingers, and so on. Am I right to assume that such formations wouldn't work very well with a team in the 4th tier in English football? What formations have you guys been successful with in the lower leagues? I would love to hear about some success stories, but I am less interested in "exploits", such as formations or tactics that wouldn't work in real life but work in the game. edit: I should have mentioned that I play FM2012
[ { "body": "I use the simple 4-4-2 right up until I'm playing in continental competition, unless I'm forced to change drastically due to injury crisis/clear threat that needs countering.\n\nMy back four are two full backs, both set to defend, two centre backs set to defend. My defensive line is deep and formation just one \"click\" into narrow. You do not want these guys bombing around the field unchecked, for obvious reasons. It's easier to pick up a very good goalkeeper than it is to keep upgrading four separate defenders so invest in a keeper and keep your defence conservative and in position.\n\nMy midfield is two Wide Midfielders set to support. This is to ensure I keep a coherant shape in both attack and defence and to cut down on quick counters down the flank, while providing crossing opportunities for my strikers.\n\nI then have a ball winning mid set to defend and a CM set to attack. A \"creator/destroyer\" setup. The attacking CM adds a deeper attacking option to support my two strikers without compromising my ability to win the ball back in midfield too much. He needs good passing and ideally good long shots just in case he picks up a clearance/laid off ball and has a pop. Against vastly superior opponents I'll drop both of these into the DM positions and use a defensive midfielder (support) and Anchor man, park the bus and \"do a McLeish\". Shameless anti-football but I'll take 0-0 or a narrow loss over a 7-0 drubbing from Man City or Chelsea any day.\n\nMy strikers are a poacher and a trequartista. I usually have my trequartista as a taller guy with decent passing, turn his long shots right down so he can play the Teddy Sheringham/Heskey role by collecting long balls and crosses and holding them or knocking on for my poacher, as well as fashioning chances for himself. Comes deep to get ball, plays with back to goal and \"looks for pass rather than shot\" are all useful but you want an all-rounder for this position because a LOT of balls are going to come his way and if he's in the right place you want him to be able to finish the move himself. I use trequartista rather than DLF because the DLF, even with the sliders adjusted, seems to take wild long shots, come far too deep, or find himself way out on the flank when I want him central. Even with the same player and strategies, the trequartista seems to stay where I want him, in the middle of the park in front of the opposition defence, moving to gain space or collect a ball but generally in the right area.\n\nAnd my poacher is of course your typical poacher, fast as you can get. Set his attack/defense slider all the way to attack and ideally get him trying to beat the offside trap so he's always ready to chase the ball through defense.\n\nPretty much everything else is standard. I run with the counter and rigid philosophy against opponents that outmatch me or if I'm playing an away match against a team in good form. You can keep the same shape but retain possession easily enough too, and against slower teams push the defence up a little and pile the pressure on.\n\nThis basic layout usually gets me from lower leagues to mid-table prem safety without having to rely on star performances by individuals or having to spend heavily. By that point you can afford to start investing more in your squad and tinkering your formation to suit your preferences and improving quality of player.\n\nRemember that the Championship is highly competitive; not only is it a very long season (24 teams, plus playoffs), but all the teams are pretty equal in ability and spending capability bar any big fish that come down from the Prem. Your key is consistancy, not flair. I've never blown the Championship away with Arsenal/Barca style tactics but I regularly slog my way through and slowly change my team into a possession football team later on.\n\n\n\nThis is all speaking as someone who plays the game in a footballing sense, and doesn't knowingly use any game engine exploits.", "score": 4 } ]
Where should "Install Programs" so to speak
I download a tar.gz file, and extract the contents. It tells me to extract the included binary to any location where I have write permissions, and it will download the rest of the components required and install itself into a folder with the programs name. In what folder should I run the binary?
[ { "body": "[Here is my post on installing programs on Linux](http://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/10048o/i_clearly_need_help/c69ezj7). Hopefully it will clarify for you. \n\nSoftware installation works very differently on Linux. Read that post, then have a look in your distro's repositories, there's likely a package for it. That would be much better, because it will be a version of Desura tested for your distro and also will be in your package databse, so you can then use your package manager to keep it up-to-date.\n\nIf there isn't a package, you can fall back to using the \"installer\" binary. I would say it doesn't matter where you run it: It is presumably analogous to the \"Setup.exe\" files you get when you install Windows programs in that you can delete it after installation is finished.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "/opt is a nice place to put source-compiled applications, but it requires root permission to write there. If you only want one user to be able to use it or don't have root privledges, extracting and installing in your home directory isn't a bad idea. Just remember when you're done to create a symlink to the application's binary in a directory already in your $PATH so you can run it anywhere.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Linux has a very decentralized view of what should be where.\n\nEvery person will answer with a different version of what should be where.\n\nSome people will say /opt. Some people will say /var/opt. Some will say /usr/, some will say /usr/local/.\n\nIf you're just messing with it, just make a dir in your user folder, muck around with it there. When it's time to install, just put it wherever you feel is best. Coming from FreeBSD, I would say /usr/local, but anything that doesn't clash with the base system should be fine.", "score": 3 } ]
A question about Wolverine's aging in recent Uncanny X-force issue (spoilers)
Can't remember the issue but in the recent book where they were zipped to the future where Psylocke and Logan were together, they were both noticeably aged, almost equally. Yet wouldn't Logan's healing factor have resulted in him barely having aged at all??
[ { "body": "I think it's more become now about an artist's interpretation of an aging Logan. The look of older Logan/ Wolverine has always changed depending on which future timeline it pertains to. Days of Future Past: Logan has white stripes on the side of his hair, Old Man Logan: He is seen with short gray hair and wrinkles when the future is probably about what 40 years when the villans take over. You see Hawkeye is blind, skinny with lots of gray hair along with Red Skull who shows signs of aging and Banner is aged a lot as well. Here Comes Tomorrow: The time is set 150 years into the future and Logan doesnt look like he has aged a bit. So again I think it's how an artist interprets an older Logan and possibly the writers themselves may have a concieved notion of how Logan will look when he's older and how much time has passed. Which really based of the Origins series he should be already around 200 something years old and looks like he's 40. So in short, I have no idea. ", "score": 7 } ]
PSA: You are not as good as you think you are
There have been an influx of "I am at XXXX elo, but I feel like I belong at XXXX elo" posts. This might be true in a few cases, but generally this is probably not true. Here are a few examples on the front page right now: http://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/108f6j/i_would_like_some_criticism_from_a_highelo_2000/ http://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/107lga/any_high_elo_player_interested_in_a_skill/ What baffles me is that *inexperienced* players (note: not "new") are complaining about shitty elo. In my experience, those with less than ~300 wins are pretty unskilled. I'm generalizing, and there are exceptions to the case (smurfs, experienced MOBA players, prodigies, Koreans (wat?)), but it is likely that you are not an exception. Before you ask for help from 2k elo players or inflate your ego by glancing at your normal elo, you should ask for critique from those slightly better than you. Chances are, you've got a lot to learn before you ask the 2k players for help (who will be pissed off because you asked them for help when you didn't even know something that you should have picked up earlier). Either that or go do a hundred ranked matches so your elo bears some statistical truth. Once your elo is at your actual level you give up the excuse of "I'm better but blah blah blah teammates blah blah." ELO Hell only exists in statistical anomalies. Once you play enough games, you should be where you're meant to be. "That's stupid, I've played against 1800 elo players and beat or went even in lane." If you can play at that level consistently against people who aren't fucking around or trying out new champs, I take all of this back. However, not feeding at 1800 does not make you an 1800 player. Normals exists for a reason and ranked is a different mindset. People play to win in ranked and will generally throw out their best picks. Just because you are tryharding in normals does not mean that the other person is doing the same. /rantover Since some people are misunderstanding, here it is in once sentence: Low elo players can give good advice as well, so don't just discard it out of hand.
[ { "body": "I realize I'm a little late to the thread, but the phenomenon this thread describes is a perfect example of the [Dunning-Kruger Effect](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyOHJa5Vj5Y).\n\nI suggest you watch the video (which is interesting and very relevant to this game, and it goes through studies demonstrating the principle), but the gist of it is this:\n\n- People who are unskilled at a task (whether it's LoL, some other game, a sport, or something like logic) also lack the necessary skills to see that they are unskilled. In other words, they will tend to overestimate themselves.\n- People who are highly skilled at a task realize how complex the task is, and are hesitant to consider themselves skilled. In other words, they tend to underestimate themselves instead.\n- When unskilled people are shown the work of skilled people, they don't recognize it as skill, and will continue to overestimate themselves. (Hint: Have you ever watched a professional player's stream and thought \"Pfft, he's not even good, how is he at this Elo, I could beat him!\")\n- When skilled people are shown the work of unskilled people, they *do* recognize it as poor, and will feel more confident about rating themselves higher than they did before.\n\nI'll let you make the ties to LoL for yourself.", "score": 18 }, { "body": "This lies in the problem of 1200 being the \"base\" elo people think about. around 1250-1399 is where the top 25% of all players is supposed to be (based on the current statistic). People think that since they started at 1200, they deserve to be at a higher ELO. This is not true, as 50% of the people at 1200 will drop below 1200. \n\nI used to think that I was 1200 ELO but belonged in 1400 ELO. I was winning my lane in ranked, doing well, and carrying in more games than feeding, and thought I belonged up. It wasn't until I started playing with friend who were 1800 ELO that I noticed the incredible skill gap I still had. I am at 1200 ELO because I belong at 1200 ELO. It's a shame people don't recognize this.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I agree with pretty much everything Panzer has said, but what my problem is my inexperience with solo queue. Out of my 400 and some normal games, at least 90% of those are played with a group of 5 with 3 other 1600 players. So I'm just used to a team setting where we have almost perfect communication. (We have also played as a group for close to 2 years in games not just LoL but SC2, CSS, ect) I just can't seem to grasp the idea of solo queue and end up not carrying hard enough most of the time, it's probably another reason I play mainly support in ranked while I jungle for any actual group. I just can't seem to break or switch my style, I think I just focus on the team to much in solo queue -.- But still because of this I'm pretty sure I belong at my elo range zzz", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Thanks for referencing my post but it seems you completely misunderstood my point. I said that like myself, many others feel like they should be at a higher elo BUT there is no way for them to know that because they have no access to that elo. I want to give people that access through a test account so that if 1400 ELO player \"bobby\" thinks he can play at 1800 ELO he can try it. Maybe he does amazing and carries every game confirming his thoughts and it gives him the motivation to keep grinding the elo ladder. Maybe he fails miserably and is able to really see the difference of play at 1800 and it inspires him to improve at whatever it is he is lacking. The point of my post is that, and that alone. Also, I can tell you from personal experience ELO ranges from 900 -1400 are NOT MUCH DIFFERENT. I have a test account where I try crazy shit out on the ladder to see how it plays against people who are \"trying\" and I have been all the way down to 900 elo on it all the way up to 1400+ on it and I can tell you that honestly, there is VERY little difference in skill/teamwork. Like someone else posted here, this game is ALL about teamwork and if you are not at an elo where people actually think/work as a team, you are dependent on either playing a champ that can hard carry bads, or winning / losing based on your team having a troll or not.", "score": 3 } ]
28 years old, need help getting on track
Hey Everyone, First time poster. I'm 28 and trying to take a more active approach to investing. I make a decent salary (~82k) and I'm fairly cheap. As a result, I've been able to pay off 31k in student loans, a $20k car, put about $50k in two 401k accounts, toss $30k into my Roth IRA, and save up 27k in cash in my 5 years in the workforce. I don't think I have any problems saving. However, I've failed at investing every step of the way due to poor research (read: laziness) and acting on "hot tips". I got started as the recession was hitting so that is part of the problem. As a result, I've kind of checked out and don't really take an active approach. Even though I save a lot, I'm fairly certain that my current rate of growth (near zero) isn't going to cut it. Anyways, I have a few questions for the community and would appreciate any tips that might help me begin to actually make my money work for me as they say. 1) I recently changed jobs and have about 40k in a previous company's 401k account through fidelity. I foolishly have 100% in the company's stock. They're in the defense industry and I'm looking to bail before the fiscal cliff situation boils over. Any recommendations for the best company to set up an IRA (for rolloever) with and/or tips for good funds to buy? I have my other accounts with Scottrade and was thinking about that but if there's something better, I'm all ears. 2) I have about $27k in cash. I'm not in any hurry to get a home, but the goal is that this money would eventually go towards a down payment and for now acts as a Rainy Day fund. I generally can save at least 1k a month so I will keep adding to this going forwad. For now, I've got it all in an ING account (0.80% APR). This seems like a joke. I will be lucky to get $200 a year in interest and will pay taxes on that as income. Does anyone have any better ideas for investing this that are shorter term so I will have access (within a month or so) to it if needed? 3) My Roth account has seen zero growth in the 5 years I've had it. I believe I've made 29k in contributions and it's at 30k. I have tried to pick stocks and time the market. I also keep a big chunk in cash, since they say "cash is king". Should I be looking at mutual funds for this account and take a much less active approach? Is this the best route for all my accounts in general? 4) I have read many users suggest the book "The Intelligent Investor". I plan on picking that up ASAP. Any other tips to get started? I'd appreciate any help you guys might have. Thanks in advance!
[ { "body": "Read Ben Graham's \"The Intelligent Investor,\" follow his advice, and keep doing whatever it is you're doing to earn $82k a year.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I'd argue one of the best investments in the current economy considering house prices and mortgage rates is real estate. If you plan to stay in your current location for a while, buying a house could be a really good investment (See Buffett quote). Also, index funds. \n\nhttp://capropertyfinder.com/what-would-warren-buffett-do-buy-single-family-homes/", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Don't try to pick stocks. Pick funds. Don't try to time the market. Buy and hold. You can rollover your 401k to a fidelity IRA. It's easy and they are a good company.\n\nTake a portion of your 27k cash savings and buy gold and silver coins with it. 10% is a safe amount, head towards 25% if you want to get more risky. Remember there is risk in holding cash too!.", "score": 3 } ]
Anyone find any interesting Siren class mods?
I found a class mod for Maya that is +2 Kinetic Reflection and +3 Flicker. I really like it. Just curious what else you vault hunters found. Cheers.
[ { "body": "Currently a +health regen mod, every time I try and switch it out - I miss having the regen and quickly put it back.", "score": 4 } ]
What's the most awesome picture you have that makes you feel proud of yourself?
So it's image fest friday and I think we could do with a bit of positivity (at least I know I could)! What image do you have that makes you feel awesome about yourself and what you've achieved? It could be a comparison pic after you've gotten in shape, a picture of an amazing dress/piece of furniture/car ect that you've made or restored, a wedding pic, a kick ass outfit you finally found despite no where ever carrying your size or anything! Don't forget to include why it's so awesome and important to you! Ok, so [this](http://imgur.com/a/jDuUW) is mine, and I guess they might just look like boring mirror shots, but the one of top was taken yesterday and the one on bottom was taken around a year and a half ago, which is when I started my transition from female to male. I've been on hormones for 4 months and I'm really proud that despite all the beurocracy(..buorocracy...beuroecracy... =/ You know what I mean) and the set backs I'm continuing to make positive steps and I'm so proud at how positive my mental health has been over this past year and a half, I haven't had any little meltdowns or had to have a special room set up for me to have panic attacks in(which I had in my final year of school D:).... So that's what those pictures represent to me :) tl;dr I'm a man now! RAWR! Show me how proud y'all are of yourselves through the medium of pictures!
[ { "body": "[Probably this one](http://i.imgur.com/9R3sQ.jpg) , I'm a dancer and I absolutely love what I do . :)\n", "score": 43 }, { "body": "http://www.flickr.com/photos/15543694@N06/3894150199/lightbox/\n\nThat's me in the middle with my hands over my face.\n\nIn 2007-2008, I composed a piece, [the Gonzales Cantata](http://gonzalescantata.com/). In 2009, I staged a live performance of it. I financed it out of my credit cards, I did my own publicity, I fixed the venue so it was up to code, I was the director, and I conducted. It went really well. Like, really really well. [I got on Rachel Maddow](http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/32683512#32683512). I made my money back, and enough extra to cut all my performers three-figure checks. I got to correspond with people who were actually involved in the real-life events I depicted. It was crazy. I hope I can top it one day, but I'm still so grateful it happened.\n\nThis picture was taken at the end of one of those performances. I still remember how surreal it was to be standing there like that.", "score": 42 }, { "body": "You look awesome!! Good on you :)\n\nAlthough this was done a few months ago, I am still really proud of myself for all the courage it took me to cut all my hair off (that all my friends claimed to be jealous of) to donate to Pantene beautiful lengths to which I donated 11 inches of pure virgin hair. My hair hasn't been this short since I was probably about 2 years old :) \n\nhttp://imgur.com/a/W15Op", "score": 39 }, { "body": "[This is mine]( http://i.imgur.com/7IxdB.jpeg)\n\nIt isn't much, but it was taken during a very big part of my life. I was 20, and finally seeking help after three suicide attempts over the previous year. The thing that is so profound is that the smile shown was the first genuine smile in 3 years.\n\n17-20 was the darkest period in my life in this picture is me coming out of it. This picture is me after I stopped snorting several Xanax a day. This picture is me deciding I was worth loving. This picture is me deciding I wasn't a waste of oxygen. This picture is me falling in love with the man I would marry. \n\nThis picture is special to me because it just reminds me of everything I almost didn't have.", "score": 38 }, { "body": "[This one](http://i.imgur.com/NQaGq.jpg) makes me super proud. The first picture is from February of '09, and the second picture is from the end of August, my little boy's last Stroller Strides class with me before starting kindergarten. I'm proud, obviously, of my own progress and journey, in going from overweight and unhealthy all the way to being a fitness instructor myself and helping other moms. More than that, though, this picture makes me SO proud because it reminds me that my little boy has seen me learning to live a healthy lifestyle. This one also makes me feel pretty good: [on our eighth anniversary, I tried on my wedding dress](http://i.imgur.com/KELzG.jpg).", "score": 36 }, { "body": "Congratulations! It's always so nice to see happy people :).\n\n[This](http://imgur.com/a/UCNLE) is my transformation from kind of chunky and unhealthy to fiter and happier. The first picture was taken last year at the Phoenix Warrior Dash. I barely made it, couldn't run any of the circuit, and was beat by the end of it. I came in about 5 from the bottom. The second picture is from the Dirty 6 Mud Run this year. I did some good training for it this time and I kicked that course's ass! I was one of the top 10 finishers in the women's division, I more than cut my previous time in HALF and I also didn't have mud on my teeth (ha!). I was lucky enough to get in the pool you had to swim across before most other people so the water was still clean and I got to wash off :). Even though I haven't worked out much since (trying to find something I can really stick with) I've managed to keep up my good habits and haven't really gained that much weight back. I still fit into the new jeans I bought when I lost about 12lbs :). So I'm a happy girl.\n\nI'm going to order Diamond Dallas Page's yoga workout in the next few days. Shits going to get real. I'm so excited!", "score": 27 }, { "body": "I grew up without a lot of money. Big vacations were out of the question -- my family didn't even have a car! I always felt left out when people would talk about their travels, especially being an Art History major, when most people spend semesters abroad.\n \n This all changed when I was 27, and my friend (who hadn't traveled either) and I realized that we were adults, and didn't have to let our \"poor girl\" mentalities keep us back. We saved, got passports, and went to Japan. [Here I am in my mom's hometown of Kamakura](http://i.imgur.com/wS3ox.jpg), blocking the entrance to the Daibutsu (Great Buddha statue) for a photo op! I was so proud of my friend and myself for doing something that we never thought we'd get to do: travel. ", "score": 25 }, { "body": "I always look at [this](http://i.imgur.com/dpvXh.jpg) picture, and feel proud of myself. I've come a long way in the past year.. 90lbs lost, my autoimmune disease is finally under control, and I just haven't felt this good in a long time. ", "score": 23 }, { "body": "It's a weight loss one, and we've gained some back, but [this before and after](http://i.imgur.com/WMFF0.gif) picture reminds me that what was done once before, can (and will!) be done again. :)", "score": 22 }, { "body": "[This is my favorite picture of myself.](http://imgur.com/i1Hkx)\n\nIt is awesome to me because one, I'm terrified of heights/have severe anxiety and went up on this mountain and stood on the edge of the rocks. Two, the weather was beautiful this day and I enjoyed it with my SO and friends and lastly, this was taken in 2010 when I was having addiction problems with anxiety medication. I have since been able to stop all medications and put on weight. This picture reminds me how far I have came from this day :)", "score": 18 }, { "body": "A [self portrait](http://imgur.com/BGn97) I did of myself. I've been getting back into drawing and painting after years of being too depressed/ unmotivated to do so. I make it a point to spend at least an hour a day doing something artistic and it has really changed how I look at myself! ", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Well, I recently broke up with my boyfriend of three years. Just the other night, I finally got to go out with my friends (first time in a long time). I told myself, I was going to go out looking 100% (I never look this way), and I was happy with the result!\n\nhttp://i.imgur.com/NWRqc.jpg\n(took out my roommate for privacy reasons!)\n\nFor the past three years, I haven't dressed up, gone out, or really done anything it seems like. In fact, this is second picture I've taken of myself in 2012. So... go me!", "score": 17 }, { "body": "http://imgur.com/5VxXq\n\nNot nearly as good as everyone elses', but a candid from one of my competition solos. It was the best one I've done so far in my 6 years of competing. It was a solo that made me realize how much I can grow as a dancer. (So sorry it's cropped, I could only find this one.)", "score": 16 }, { "body": "[This](http://i.imgur.com/pxwJb.jpg) was taken on a field trip (I'm on the far right). It might not be my most awesome photo (or the best when it comes to features) but it makes me (/us) feel like I'm superwoman or something, ready to take on the world (it's also my desktop pic). Plus it was an awesome day - running around a field and ancient Roman wall.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Only picture I have that I like was taken in 2003 (yikes!). It's my high school prom picture (blah, I know), and while it may look rather plain, to me it symbolizes something really important. As a kid I grew up with very abusive dad and stepmom; I had zero self esteem, teased constantly at school, weighed almost 300lbs (I'd turned to comfort-eating, hardcore) hated pretty much everything about myself and my life and was planning to commit suicide. When I was 14 I eventually ended up in the hospital after having a severe anxiety attack (I passed out when my father started closing in to choke me and when I fell I met the wall with my face. I still have a scar that splits my left eyebrow in half), and decided that I didn't want to be this way anymore and moved in with my mother.\n\n[This picture](http://fc09.deviantart.net/images3/i/2004/110/9/7/DRESS.jpg) was taken just 3 short years later. I was happy, healthy, positive about my life, I had lots of friends and a boyfriend, I was nurturing my artistic talent and actually liked who I was. I can't say that since then everything has remained so positive (26 now and had a tough couple of years, I still struggle with lingering Depression and PTSD, I could stand to lose about 50lbs) but generally I like my life and who I've grown into. Whenever I get lost in a funk or feel like things are getting insurmountable, I think about that picture and remind myself, \"You did it once, you can do it again!\"", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Probably these two: http://i.imgur.com/9NZqp.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/ka5Pa.jpg\n\nI went to Ireland and visited the Cliffs of Moher, and nearly gave my mother a heart attack by getting as close as I could to the edge XD It was just an all around amazing experience.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "[This is mine, I'm the girl front and center.](http://imgur.com/UHL2P) This was taken March 2011 (my grad year) during a rehearsal of my highschool's production of hairspray. Some background:\n\nI wasn't a popular girl. I had my friends, but I never fit in with the \"in\" crowd. I hadn't taken drama for four years (but was active in a community theater). My grad year, I decided to take drama again. Landed the lead female role in the senior play. Landed the lead in the musical. I was doing what I loved, being on the stage and singing. I had a blast and am still proud of myself for getting that role. :)", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Finishing my first half marathon with my sister, after just one year of running. Time was 2:13. I'm on the left.\n\nhttp://i.imgur.com/N3MXv.jpg", "score": 11 }, { "body": "I have a few. [This](http://i.imgur.com/zkHiK.jpg) is my manic gardening face with one of my first harvests from my urban backyard garden (not including baby greens that I was culling to let others grow bigger). \n\n[This](http://i.imgur.com/FlvHR.jpg) is one of my favourite shots from my travels in Europe. I traveled extensively all on my own when I was twenty, and it was a life-changing experience in many ways. Chancing upon a statue of my bud Oscar was just parfait.\n\n[This](http://i.imgur.com/YlNtc.jpg) is still of my favourite special effects makeup applications I've done, though in a perfect world I'd have whited out my hair as well, not just my eyebrows. But while orange peels made the perfect puffy blackened frostbitten skin, I didn't think about the fact that, while mild, citric acid is still an *acid*, and found myself wondering, about an hour into the application, why my face was burning. My teacher wanted me to stop when I mentioned it, but I toughed it out, finished the application, got the pictures, and then peeled them off immediately instead of spending the whole day as a frostbite zombie like I'd planned.\n\nAnd [this](http://i.imgur.com/RQhhG.jpg) is just an awesome reminder that I started my own theatre company and staged an amazing black light piece that was a raging success, even though I had to put off doing another one this year.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "[This](http://i.imgur.com/PEPLX.jpg) is one of my favorite pictures of myself. I was 18, and planted a bunch of wheat in the backyard just for fun. My best friend came over when it was time to harvest, and we threshed and winnowed it by hand, ground it, and made bread. It's not my biggest achievement in life, but this picture brings back good memories. It also makes me feel like a harvest goddess. :) ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "You look great! Congrats. \n\nThis is from when I climbed this weird graffitied wall in Austin, TX. It was well over 100 degrees, I was in some janky sandals, and I'm afraid of heights. I'm also not very spontaneous! But my friend was with me and I pushed through it. Glad I did because I wouldn't have done so otherwise, and I wouldn't have seen such a weird hidden neighborhood. \n\nhttp://imgur.com/JGIMw", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Congratulations for you!\n\nJust last week I went on a field trip to the very north of Sweden, did some environmental projects and climbed a mountain. \n\n\nNot the most awesome picture I have, perhaps, but I certainly do feel proud! [Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/q35Y0.jpg)", "score": 9 }, { "body": "[This one.](http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/2661_1092999251262_4579148_n.jpg) It's from a few years ago, and not that awesome, but it was after one of my first climbing experiences, and I was also pretty proud of myself for making it into the tree.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "http://imgur.com/G34zG\n\nThis is me when I had something of mine featured in a magazine! Although looking at it hurts a BIT (I was engaged then, am not now) I still remember how happy and proud I was that day.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "[Climbing all through the night to reach the summit of Mt. Fuji as the sun was rising](http://imgur.com/a/0AfRh). I never considered myself an athletic person, and this was the most challenging physical thing I've every done! ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Not sure if you'll take this as a compliment, but I looked at the pictures first, then read your post. I honestly thought you were transitioning M-to-F... Congrats!", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Yay! You look great and I wish you more happiness to come. [Here's mine.](http://i.imgur.com/9VXto.jpg) I realized I'm a damn good rower that day, and because when I saw it, I realized how far I had come in my weight loss journey. Its the first picture in a few years where I didn't crop out my legs. :)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "[I made this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/93314915/beaded-plumeria-lei-hawaiian-plumeria)... it took me over 100 hours and over 35,000 beads. It was for a competition for a team I'm a part of, the theme being Destinations. (my fave destination is Hawaii, if it's not obvious!) I won both the internal vote and the public vote. I think I had good karma with it, because the deadline was on my birthday.\n\nI'm starting to pick out colors and am making samples for my next one, for a new competition. \n\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "[this one!](http://imgur.com/Ti6ic) I look hilarious and I've got on a dopey helmet, but that's us ascending the first portion of the Grand Teton summit at the first ice sheet. It took us 8 hours to get up to the base, where we only got maybe 6 hours of rest, until we had to wake up at 3, where it took 7 hours to get to the summit, then 4 to get back down to base, and another 6 to get back down to ground level. Insanity, but I'm so glad I did it.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I love [this picture](http://i.imgur.com/nszIl.jpg) of myself going canyoning. I am rappelling down a pretty aggressive waterfall and I was having the time of my life!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "[This](http://imgur.com/a/BtlHd) is mine. \n\nIn the first picture I was in an abusive relationship and incredibly depressed. I have always been rather over weight, but I was at my highest weight in that picture (190-200 pounds). I managed to get out of that terrible relationship, relized that I needed to love my self, found my self a wonderful boyfriend, and decided to eat better and lose weight. Not to become pretty, but to be strong, and able to achieve anything I wanted to physically and mentally.\n\nIn the second photo, I'm at around 135 pounds, and completing the last obstacle in an 11 mile obstacle race up the highest mountain in new jersey. It was the first race/competitive event I ever completed, and the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life, and I did it, and did it well. ", "score": 3 } ]
Reddit takes everything and turns it into an excuse to bitch about people.
Remember when Advice Animals were a single dog giving questionable-but-hilarious advice? Now it's nothing but complaining about the supposed logical inconsistencies of stereotypes - hipsters, liberals, old people, anyone you can imagine. Remember when AskReddit was a place to ask questions and talk, even if it wasn't particularly insightful? Now a significant portion of it is "let's share stories about how shitty everyone is" Remember when Atheism was a movement to advance the human race by leaving behind outdated spiritualism? Now it's an excuse to complain about how dumb everyone is except you. Remember when ExplainLikeImFive was a subreddit about getting things explained to you in layman's terms? Behold, ExplainLikeImJive, a thinly-veiled bitchfest about (god forbid) how some people speak. Remember when rage comics were about common little annoyances like stubbing your toe? Now it's all about how morons ruined your incredibly boring day. I'm so tired of seeing people whine about other people. So, so tired. Blame a system, blame an idea, blame Reddit, whatever, but I wish you'd stop turning everything - surrealist comedy, satire, knowledge - into an excuse to bitch about everyone who isn't you. You're ruining everything because you can't stop fucking whining.
[ { "body": "[*Reddit is so stupid! All they do is whine about everything! Why can't they be like us enlightened Circlebrokers!?*](//#whine)\n\nI get your point brotha/sistah, but the irony is palpable.", "score": 32 }, { "body": "This title is pretty ironic in this subreddit.\n\nBut I don't think anyone here would begin to disagree that advice animals have always sucked, yet somehow continue to get worse and stray even from their shitty roots.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "I remember when people complained *two years ago* about the the state of decline that reddit was in. Compared to now, that seems like a fucking golden age.\n\nFor many people, Reddit has always been (for some reason) a way to set themselves apart, and there's no easier way to do that than to bitch about other people that aren't the site's demographic. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Back to the roots? I say let's militia up and flood the new queue with the original Bad Advice Dog and maybe some Insanity Wolves.", "score": 3 } ]
Red Sox fans, I have a question about Boston's acceptance. (repost from /r/Braves)
I'm going to Boston in a couple weeks to see some friends of mine. I've never been to Boston before and have a question about the baseball culture. Down where I live the town is diverse enough, and far enough away from major ball clubs, that you can pridefully display your colors to a sea of people that could give a crap. At least when it's baseball. Football is a different story. If it's not Saints or LSU then in certain parts you will be jeered at openly on the street. I know that Red Sox fans tend to be a lot more passionate so I'm asking if I should leave the Braves shirts at home. It's not like walking down the street in a Yankees jersey (like an asshole), but I'm just wondering if I go to Boston with a tomahawk on my chest if I'm going to get a bottle pitched at my head. I would imagine since we're in different leagues with no chance of a face off, pretty much ever, you would look at me and just not give a crap, which would make me feel right at home. I'm really looking forward to visiting your city and want to make it as smooth as possible. I don't mind doing what the Romans do for a few days.
[ { "body": "Not a problem. This is a big college town so there's folks from all over who bring their fan affiliation with them.\n\nAs long as you're not rocking Yankee wear around Fenway on a game day no one will even notice.", "score": 27 }, { "body": "Boston doesn't have a lot of history with the Braves, gameplay-wise, so you'll be fine.\n\nAnd besides, Boston is the Braves' hometown, so it's not like you're going to be spat on or anything.", "score": 23 }, { "body": "The only teams people would heckle you for supporting are the Yankees, the Lakers, and the Giants. Maybe the Orioles and Rays. ", "score": 19 }, { "body": "You'll be fine. People over exaggerate the risks of wearing opposing team colors (we're not Oakland). Even if you wore a Yankees jersey, the worst you'd hear is \"Yankees Suck\" from the occasional bro. \n\nEnjoy your trip to Boston!", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Nah, Braves gear is fine. As long as it's not pinstripes or manta rays, we don't really give a damn. \n\nSo come on up, and watch Red Sox Nation wallow in it's misery. \n\nAlso, the Braves were born and bred here, so actually, you guys are like our long-lost cousins. LOL. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I lived near Fenway the last four years. Absolutely nothing will happen. People walk around with Yankees shirts/hats on all the time, especially since many students in the area come from NY.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "At this point right now, wear whatever you'd like(within reason). Update yourself on The Great Purge of August 25th, 2012, the most recent acts of Bobby Valentine making himself look like an asshole, and find yourself an article about Theo Epstein leaving the BoSox with his mess. If you get a basic education on those three subjects, you will have all the conversation you need for your trip. Right now the city is collectively shitting on the Sox, with good reason.\nRemember; \"I'm glad we freed up all the payroll with The Trade. Bobby Valentine needs to jump off a cliff. Theo Epstein fucked up. But God damn, I love Dustin Pedroia.\" Your Braves jersey won't matter; you'll have a bar full of friends", "score": 5 }, { "body": "There's actually a lot of Braves fans in the area based on what I've seen and people I've talked to. Braves are my favorite NL team because TBS used to carry their games here so I got to watch them pretty often.", "score": 3 } ]
Cheap, DIY/home made facial cleanser
I have pretty bad skin.I am 27 also but my face still breaks out like a teen. My skin breaks out due to stress, hormones, touching my face while at the computer. I am on a tight budget so I cannot afford anything expensive. I would prefer some sort of DIY type of cleanser. I saw some where about using witch hazel and olive oil? Just unsure on how that would work or what the ratios are for that. Any help or links? Thanks!
[ { "body": "I'm not a huge fan of Kandee Johnson (spelling?) but I do recall her doing a video on witch hazel and olive oil. Though, I do believe she used it as a makeup remover.\n\nThe OCM is another commonly used (and self made) facial cleansing method, and I find it doubly awesome because it's great at removing makeup too.\n\nIt has a higher start up cost since oils are bought it quite large containers (and often times online), but once purchased you'll have the ingredients for quite a long time and save huge in the long run. You would need castor oil and olive oil (or another carrier oil). I think the standard ratio is 25% castor and 75% carrier though it can be adjusted to skin type. Full instructions can be found here. http://www.theoilcleansingmethod.com/\n\nAnother great option is to use oatmeal as a cleanser. I think Bubzbeauty has a video on the subject. That's MEGA cheap.\n", "score": 5 } ]
Conflicted about when to have sex with a new partner
For me, sex makes me feel like it's more than dating. I don't have sex with many men at the same time but I would date many at the same time. I've been dating a guy for 3 weeks, seen each other 7 times and it's great. It's also quite hot and he's been a real gentleman and not pushed for sex. I want it. But I also don't want to have sex if it means tomorrow he/we could be out seeing other people. I don't think he is (neither am I) but it's more for lack of meeting people than for not wanting to. Am I insane here? And 3 weeks is far too early for the exclusivity talk but 7 dates seems about right for the sex. Help?
[ { "body": "IF sex to you feels like it's more than dating (I'm assuming that means a serious and exclusive relationship bf/gf not just dating) wait until your relationship IS more than just dating before you have sex.\n\nTalk to him. Ask him \"Where do you see this relationship going? I really like you and would like to be dating you seriously and exclusively. I would like for you to be my boyfriend. I would like to talk to you every night on the phone and see you 2-3 time per week. I would like to get to know your family and friends and be introduced as your girlfriend. I would like to explore the possibilities of this relationship going the distance (whatever that distance means to you)\" And listen to his answer.\n\nIt's okay for him to not want what you want. If you have sex without it being serious and exclusive, you might get hurt and feel used. So keep that under consideration. \n\nCommunication is key!\n\n(((hugs))))", "score": 11 }, { "body": "My first response is \"when you feel like it, durr\", but apparently you've got mental thresholds for when it's 'appropriate' or when you'd feel safe, so....communication!\n\n\nHave the \"where do you see this going\" talk. It's not too early for that. Don't use sex as a bargaining chip. Tell him you just want to check that you're both on the same page. If he asks(or implies), maybe say something like \"assume there would be sex _eventually_,\" and warn him that you're a fan of the take-it-slow, relationship-only approach to sex (use your own words, they're bound to be more accurate). Tell him you'd like to get there with him, if that's accurate.\n\nAsk for what you need, which in this case sounds like some kind of reassurance that what you have with this guy isn't one-sided, is a real connection with more staying power than a fling, and is monogamous. Questions like \"so, hey-are you seeing anyone else these days?\" can be asked casually (not accusatory!) and are totally okay at three weeks.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "It depends on the individual people involved-sounds like you need to talk to him and ask to be exclusive, if he is okay with that then you can talk about if he is ready for sex, i assume he will say yes so then you can have celebratory sex in your exclusive relationship. yay!", "score": 3 } ]
Things I'm doing as a result of re-read...
I've found myself using WoT curses and also wishing I had a bow whenever I see a crow... it's taking over my life!!! In a good way... anyone else?
[ { "body": "Well, my attempts to remove my wife's clothing with the power and apply compulsion to make her have sex with me have met with less than pleasing results. ", "score": 28 }, { "body": "\"What did you just say?\"\n\n\"Umm, fuck?\"\n\n\"No, it sounded like 'blood and bloody ashes'\"\n\n\"Meh, same thing\"", "score": 22 }, { "body": "I accidentally said \"Mother's milk in a cup!\" out loud in front of a group of people once and got some weird looks. And when I do archery now, I try to find the Void and achieve Oneness. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "This isn't that odd really, but everytime i curse it's always \"bloody\" or \"bleeding\" for everything. \"Bloody buss is late again\" \"I forgot the bleeding birthday\". And I don't even talk english normaly.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I've found that every fantasy book I read I try to think about it in terms of WoT. For example all the female mages are Aes Sedai, the crazy imperial people are the Seanchan etc. I've only been able to successfully do this in the Night Angel Trilogy (which I would not recommend btw), but I'm still holding out hope that I'll eventually find a good series for this.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I drink my tea with honey instead of sugar, so much tastier. Also say \"Blood and bloody ashes,\" a lot.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I was on mushrooms and connected the feeling to that of the void. Also I connect random things to WoT everyday. ", "score": 3 } ]
Music Makers, I am a graphic designer/photographer and I would be delighted to design your album covers.
I have recently begun delving into album design so my prices are pretty cheap. I will work with you to create a cover that reflects the mood of your album/EP/whatever. PM me or comment below if you are interested and we can get working on a deal. For examples of my photography / my work: Cover designed for Dále Muela! (he's leaning toward cover 2): http://imgur.com/a/NL741 Other designs I whipped up: http://imgur.com/a/IlJgt My flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seanburke2012/ P.S. here's Dále Muela!'s work if you are interested: http://soundcloud.com/dalemuela
[ { "body": "I'm confused ... one is just a clouds filter in photoshop, the other one is 'add noise'. There's also a red circle at half opacity on top of a landscape ... wtf am I missing? Where's the design?", "score": 11 } ]
New 60 fps fix out, works with GFWL and latest DS fix
Works with the latest DS fix, and GFWL. I highly recommend reading the Readme first. [Link](http://www.dsogaming.com/news/new-dark-souls-60fps-unlocker-released-compatible-now-with-gfwl-and-the-latest-dsfix-versions/) It works great, but I should note that in this stage, it is very poorly optimized. This is completely understandable because its a mod, and in its early stages. IF you don't have atleast a quad core, its not recommended. I would keep watching this page, because more updates are likely.
[ { "body": "I've discovered something strange with this mod, *it may be affecting your jumping distance*.\n\n[Screenshots of the jump I was testing this on and my characters stats](http://imgur.com/a/hpbbg)\n\nI tested this multiple times with both the 60 fps mod enabled and disabled. Each time with the mod **enabled**, I landed closer to the edge of the walkway, or missed the jump entirely.\n\nJust for clarification, I'm using the latest version of DSFix. (1920x1080, SMAA/SSAO disabled, 540 DoF, Intro skipping + Backups disabled).\n\n[Update] A friend just tested the jump with the mod installed and reported the same thing.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "This is really nice but for now I'd rather have intro skipping and save backups. When the mod is more stable I'll definitely be going for it.", "score": 3 } ]
New Doctor Who! Movie! Saturday 4 PM ET
Oh my giddy aunt! Saturday will be a busy one for me! [](/cadance "About 8 things to do, and an awards gala to attend in the evening")[](/sp) But I should be back home just long enough to help you catch the new Doctor Who episode [](/spikenervous "operative word being 'should'") Also, in honor of IonicTaco's return to the internet, we will be running a movie too. Since Taco has chosen Action - you, My Little Ploungers, must choose one of the following movies * Demolition Man * Equilibrium * Hudson Hawk * Starship Troopers * The Italian Job (1969 with Michael Caine, no Marky Mark BS) The stream will start with "James May's 'Things You Need to Know About...' Chemistry" 4 PM ET / 1 PM PT / 8 PM GMT http://www.livestream.com/spartie [](/facehoof "Yes I know it's really early to post this, but I won't have a chance to be on Reddit again until around the time the stream starts")
[ { "body": "ooo finally a stream I can attend because I have the day off! Umm, I've never seen any of those movies, so I vote everything!", "score": 3 } ]
IWTL how to ask girls out.
I am not what you call a social butterfly. I'm a senior in high school and I have a close group of primarily male friends. This isn't something I'm planning to use tomorrow, but for general life. I'm not asking specifically how to walk up to a random girl, or specifically how to ask someone you've known. Just general helpful tip, confidence, whatever.
[ { "body": "This is a thing that I've struggled with too, for a long time. And the more that I thought about it, the harder it was to do. All of the suggestions of \"Just do it\", \"Get over your fear of rejection and you're good to go\", or \"Show confidence and they'll come to you\" are great in theory, but really really tough in reality.\n\nThis being said, the way to be able to ask girls out is to not ask girls out... In the traditional sense that is. What I've found that works the best, at least for me, is to do what I love to do. I'm a huge fan of shooting, running, playing volleyball, dancing, reading, hiking, enjoying micro-brews, going to concerts, etc., and do those things as much as possible. \n\nAs you are enjoying those things, you end up meeting a lot of people, guys and girls, that enjoy those same interests. And, since they enjoy those same interests, you immediately have that in common to talk about and share with each other. When you are comfortable with what you are doing, you are more of yourself, and are automatically more confident, which leads to exchanging of numbers with said girls.\n\nNow that you have those numbers, find other events that fill the interests that you share with this girl, and let her know about them. It's not asking a girl out on a date in the traditional sense of dinner and a movie, but this is a lot more fun for the both of you. If you are both into rock bands, let her know that Rise Against is playing, and buy her a ticket to the show. There, you just successfully asked a girl out, and it's a girl you know you'll enjoy spending time with :)\n\nEventually doing more and more things together will inevitably lead to a relationship, marriage, kids, a dog, house, life full of happiness, and all that fun stuff, and since that is the end goal (I'm assuming), you can take your time finding that right girl. Or, if you meant this in the context of a one night stand, well, go to a college party, get drunk, find a drunk freshman girl and the rest is history.\n\nTL;DR: Be yourself, and you don't have to learn how to ask girls out, as it will happen naturally.", "score": 78 }, { "body": "I'm not a social butterfly either bro, so take this with a grain of salt because talking to girls I like is still a pretty scary prospect for me. But to be honest \"Hey, are you anything at X time, would you like to go do Y shared interest with me?\" really is not a bad place to start. The worst thing that could happen is no, she does not want to do Y shared interest with you. This is a far worse prospect in your head than in real life. I promise. Good luck man!", "score": 44 }, { "body": "once you can get over the word NO, life opens up, the stress goes away and you will build confidence... confidence is inspiring and people like to say yes to it... \n\nlife is short, live it and don't be afraid... especially of words with two letters...", "score": 34 }, { "body": "I used to be pretty anxious about this too when I was in high school and college, and actually spoke to my therapist about it. It was tied into some other pretty big things for me, primarily which was the fear of rejection. While it's normal to not like rejection, I was allowing myself to be paralyzed by it, thereby reducing my quality of life. So, what I had to do was get used to the feeling of being rejected; in a way \"face my fear\". Now, I'm a grad student in clinical psych at the moment, so I recognize what my therapist was doing as modified [exposure therapy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_therapy). \n\nHere was how it went down with my therapist. Make a list of rejection type situations that you fear. Number them from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intense and 1 being the least. Pick a number around 3 or 4. For example: 1) asking a close friend to hang out and having him say he can't; 3) answering a question in class and being wrong; 8) asking a girl I really like out and having her reject me. \n\nThe goal here is to get rejected and to experience the feeling of rejection in a situation where you expect it. So, I started by deliberately answering questions incorrectly in class. I found that it wasn't such a big deal. I found that now that item moved down to a 1 or 2. Then I moved up to the next item, and so on and so forth until I got to getting rejected by women I liked. A good way to practice this is by getting rejected by strangers. I did it by going to the mall and asking random women if they'd like to have a cup of coffee with me. It felt SUPER awkward the first time, but remember, the goal is to get rejected. Shoot for like 10 rejections in a row. On my 7th rejection, a woman said yes, so I had to start over. But that yes gave me a lot of confidence, while the 6 previous no's made me less afraid of the rejection. \n\nAs a result, I experience very little anxiety speaking with women, which is what people talk about when they say \"Be confident\". When you aren't afraid of the worst possible outcome in your head (for me, being rejected), you are able to come across as yourself, which decreases the likelihood that you will get rejected.\n\nTL;DR: Practice being rejected and acclimate to that feeling. Once you are used to that feeling, you'll feel more comfortable and natural (confident) and you'll be more successful at interpersonal interactions.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Dude, we're just people. Talk to girls like you would talk to anyone else. (If you're going to have to edit out misogynistic jokes, then take a good hard look at yourself and your group of friends and ask yourself why there aren't more awesome girls around.) You don't have to be a social butterfly, you just have to be friendly. Once you've established a decent rapport, asking a girl out should be just as easy as asking a friend if he wants to go see a movie or whatever with you.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Don't ask. Tell them. They will say no if they don't want to go. \"What are you doing tonight? Let's go to the mall.\"", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Honestly, the only way to get better at talking to girls is to do it. The more time you spend thinking about HOW to, the worse off you'll be in the long run. (See [analysis paralysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis_paralysis).) This is the same in all situations, not just talking to women ... it just so happens that a huge number of guys have hangups about that subject specifically. So, stop thinking about the best line to use, don't rehearse it, just DO.\n\nThe other thing that's really important is to take rejection in stride, as someone else has already mentioned. Think of it this way: an attractive girl in a bar probably gets hit on by about 6 or 7 guys in an evening. If you're the 8th, she's not going to think you're a creep or a fool or an idiot for asking for her number. Best case scenario, you get a date. Worst case scenario, she declines. In fact, she'll probably feel flattered that you asked, even if she doesn't want a date. (You're clearly not of drinking age yet, but that's the way it goes. Girls get attention from lots of men, universally.)\n\nRemember, the more time you spend thinking about how to interact with people socially, the less easy it'll be. Just do it. When I was a senior in high school, I had exactly the same problems as you. It took me all of university to figure out what I just wrote. Hope it helps.\n\nEDIT: bkoch4 mentioned that the \"just do it\" advice is more difficult in reality than it is in theory, which is totally the truth ... it's important to just do what feels natural and not be afraid of fucking it up. Even if you're not great at asking girls out right now, or flirting, or whatever, it only gets easier each time you do. Think about it ... if you were to practice shooting hoops, how would you do it? By shooting hoops. Maybe you miss the first time, and the second time, and the third time ... but eventually you get the hang of it.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Craft her a light up flower pot with some sort of poem attached to it. I've had much success with this. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "There is a very good chance that there are girls interested in you right now. It is entirely possible there is a girl trying to get your attention and you have not noticed. \n\nIf not, try these steps and you might be surprised at what you find. 1) Be out there socially and at school in places where girls or girls and guys congregate. Where do you hang out at school? If there are all guys there, move to a different place. What do you do after school? If you are spending every evening in a room with only guys there, then find something else to do one or two nights a week. 2) Be nice and polite to everyone. Listen to what people are saying. Smile. Just don't be creepy about it. 3) Pay special attention to any girl that happens to end up near you more than once. If you run across the same girl more than twice in a social setting make sure that you say \"Hi.\" If she is not interested you may get a \"Hi\" in return and then she will make it clear that she is moving on to something else. If she picks up the conversation from there, run with it. If she doesn't pick up the conversation but stays she may be as bashful as you are. Try a compliment, or remark about the environment. At this point it doesn't matter if you are a bit awkward or clumsy; she probably feels the same way and sympathizes. If she is interested in you at that point she will probably try to help you out of the awkward situation. You are on your own from there.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "/r/socialskills or [Improve Your Social Skills](http://www.improveyoursocialskills.com) are exactly what you're looking for. Good luck! :)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Im a nervous wreck before I ask any girl out. I've found the simplest way for me to do it is short and sweet.\n\n\"I think you're really pretty. What's your phone number and when can I take you out?\"\n\nFor me, its been both effective and also makes any rejections you may get pretty simple and quick in turn. Like a band aid. Id say its got about a 75% success rate for me. And its much easier than trying to think of a pick up line. If she says no, just say \"Alrighty, have a nice night.\" And move on. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Let me say this confidence is key. Have actual confidence not fake confidence. If you sound like you know what your doing it, there is a better chance of them saying yes. Don't be a moron unless she likes you to be a moron even then don't always be a moron. on your way to asking her don't ever look at ground it makes you seem scared. Stand up straight don't stick out your chest but keep your head up and high. Look happy not sad and be confident.\n\nSo there you go, just smile, stand up straight and confidence. Practice a bit. Don't ever seem scared. Don't ever look at the ground either while asking or talking.", "score": 3 } ]
Its there something in between boots and casual shoes?
I was looking for a pair of boots, and wondered if there was a stage between the boots and a more casual shoe. I've never been I've for big clunky boots. Is there a really casual boot for me? Also, I like a flatter sole.
[ { "body": "[Clark's Desert Boots](http://www.amazon.com/Clarks-Originals-Mens-Desert-Beeswax/dp/B000WUAP9E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348241112&sr=8-1&keywords=clark+desert+boots) are a casual low profile boot. They're kind of popular here.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Look for boots/shoes like Clark's Desert Boots that are \"Chukkas\"\n\nThat type of boot/shoe extends from Redwing chukka boots to desert boots, to dressier shoes, to casual skate shoes (van's chukkas, for instance, made of canvas)", "score": 7 } ]
[Discussion] 1.0.5 Resplendent Chest!
Okay so getting one NV stack from them is good and all but what I'm inquiring is weather anyone knows what this means: "When players open a Resplendent Chest, they will receive a reward based on how many Nephalem Valor stacks they have active at the time" Does anyone have any evidence or blue posts as to what they're going to be giving and for what amount of stacks? If not, let's hear your hopes and speculation!
[ { "body": "Resplendent Chests will now operate similarly to Elite packs in Inferno difficulty\n\nSo i guess at 5 stacks u get 1 rare? ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "unless it means they also are affected by magic find they are still bad, the nv rare is 4 property 95% of the time", "score": 3 } ]
Runic Games can have my first born...
I was severely disappointed with Diablo 3, I really tried to like it, I came back after they added Paragon levels....still it was just blah. Torchlight 2 on the other hand, has been awesome so far, I just can't express in words how much I am enjoying this game. There are so many things in TL2 that Diablo 3 should have that it's just plain scary. I know that basically every 3d isometric action rpg game is a clone of the original Diablo game at this point. But Runic has taken that clone and crammed in a lot of genetic modifications... I mean what other game lets you send your pet to town to buy you more healing potions and identify scrolls, while selling the junk you don't want? Anyways if they want it, I'll go out get married and make them a baby they can name themselves...
[ { "body": "There are more people from the Diablo 2 team on the Torchlight 2 team than there were on Diablo 3. The game s pretty great. I think it might be because they spent their development time focused on making a fun game instead of developing more and more ways to extract cash from their players.", "score": 5 } ]
24/F/210 - looking for penpal or exercise buddy
So I've been doing WW for about 10 weeks now and have lost net about 5lbs - I keep fluctuating and can't break through 200. Getting frustrated and losing motivation. I'm looking for a buddy (near or far) to help me stay motivated and keep each other in line. My boyfriend and I are both too lazy to keep each other accountable so I'm branching out. I'm located in central NH, but an Internet buddy would be just as good! Who wants to help a girl out (who maybe can't get their own ass in gear either) TL;DR - need a friend to help me!
[ { "body": "I would be down to help you! I'm a girl, 21, and currently at 216.6. I'm doing keto, but I'm familiar with weight loss, and even though we're losing weight differently, our struggle is the same :]", "score": 6 }, { "body": "20/F/NC. My boyfriend and I are both very lazy. I just started exercising. I'm 5'6 and weigh 197 lbs. I would love some extra motivation because I have none from surrounding friends and family. My mom never does dinner and I suck at cooking so fast food was a big part of my diet. I also snack a lot which i've found is an extremely hard habit to break. ", "score": 3 } ]
[Daily Goal] Day 35 - Sept 21, 2012
Good morning, everyone! How did yesterday go? Did you hit your goals? What do you have planned for today? What about the weekend? This past week has been utterly exhausting for me. Between the workouts and the stress from work, I've been sore and tired every day this week. I'm glad it's the weekend and I can rest and recover. What do you do for recoveries? How much sleep do you get a night? Do you do active recoveries between workouts? Do you like to stretch or meditate? What sorts of activities do you find relaxing? _________________________________________________________ Connect with your 90dg fellows on [IRC](http://redd.it/g14gc), [fitocracy](http://www.fitocracy.com/group/17/), plus [chat, MFP, RunKeeper, and everywhere else](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsOUFG-d9pcodG1LVnc2dHlfelVvQjMwd3pDRG9wS1E#gid=0). If you feel overwhelmed, want some help, or have a question that isn't answered in the dailygoal posts, start a [post](http://www.reddit.com/r/90daysgoal/submit) or send us a [modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2390daysgoal). Don't forget to [check in](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHRXak9wSjFfd2xiaHVYNnlRTW5UU2c6MA).
[ { "body": "I can't tell you how many times I accidentally get caught in the daily Women Losing Weight thread. \n\nAnywho...\n\n**Yesterday**: I am going to stop doing yesterday. It's boring. \n\n**Today**: 50 minute run at 6.5 mph with relative ease. Really looking forward to the run two Fridays from now, which will be 50 min at 6.7 mph and will allow me to increase my MFP setting from 10 min miles to 9 minute miles which adds 62 cals to the burn for the entire run. Sushi for lunch and steak/salad for dinner. \n\n**Tomorrow**: Hit some golf balls during the morning sometime. Rest of the day hanging out and eating well. Dinner and a movie out with the wifey. ", "score": 3 } ]
[Discussion] HAPPY FRIDAY! I just hope you all have an amazing day!
Good morning/afternoon! You are all amazing! I expected my week to be much worse but I was able to get through it with the help of this community. It seems when it rains it truly pours, because if EVERY SINGLE damn thing didn't go wrong this week, then I guess it wouldn't have been my birthday week. I don't even want to go to work today to see what can possibly happen, but I will and I will try to stay positive. Thank you for being here, you offer more support then ANY IRL friends I have. And remember even when you feel horrible, try to SMILE. :)
[ { "body": "If my uterus decides to SIMMER DOWNAH then my friday will be marvellous! Maybe... I have a ton of cake balls to finish for my niece's 1st birthday party tomorrow. Wish me luck!", "score": 3 } ]
What would you guys think of a comedy series set in the star trek universe.
I was just watching "Carbon Creek" where it shows that Vulcans are on earth during the 1950s, and I was wondering if they could do something like that for an entire series. What would you guys think.
[ { "body": "Would not mind it so much. There has always been a bit of humor in the trek series. A full blown comedy series could be interesting..only in a fan made sort of way I guess.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "If it's all the same to you, I'd rather have cerebral science fiction set in the Star Trek universe.", "score": 3 } ]
Ronnie Wood is an extremely underrated guitarist
I've been listening to a lot of the Faces and damn can he play. He's not flashy like the high profile guys but he does just enough to make you move. He knows exactly which notes to play and he's just so fluid like.
[ { "body": "I do not disagree.\n\nAccording to Keef, Ron is the better player as he says Ronnie can play like him no problem. However he cannot play like Ronnie. \n\nThe two of them together are magic.", "score": 4 } ]
Introducing r/soccerbetting. Please upvote this self post for visibility
Fellow degenerates, rejoice! r/soccerbetting is here to help you make some money out of the beautiful game. We have such a diverse community in r/soccer it would be against nature not to pool our expertise and reap the rewards. For example, I created a thread yesterday on r/soccer that focused on the Europa League fixtures. Within an hour there were Atletico Madrid fans, Tottenham fans, Inter Milan fans, Liverpool fans, etc, posting information on their possible starting line ups, form of their teams and their predictions for their games. We have an abundance of first hand sources reporting on clubs all around the world, we should be putting this to use as it presents a glorious chance to lose money together as a community. If you fancy yourself as budding tipster or just want to visit the subreddit of a Friday and lazily copy the most upvoted predictions, you should definitely subscribe to http://www.reddit.com/r/soccerbetting. [This time next year, we will all be millionaires.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paw_2EJBzFs) P.S. I'm not sure if it's possible but if we could get r/soccerbetting linked in the 'Elsewhere:' portion of r/soccer it would be tremendous. Also, if any subreddit designer type folk out there want to help with the CSS part of the subreddit, I'd really appreciate the help. At this moment I'm like a computer illiterate pensioner trying to figure this out.
[ { "body": "Just subscribed, I won £35 on Wednesday by doing a spread bet on Chelsea drawing and Barcelona, Shaktar Donetsk, Man Utd and Bayern Munich winning so I'm feeling lucky at the moment.\n\nInb4 imminent bankruptcy.\n\n**Edit:** Forgot to mention this is an awesome idea which could lead to a lot of fun, maybe we could have a weekly sweepstake thread where an OP volunteers to put a £5 bet on an accumulator on all PL or Bundesliga or La Liga games and everyone in the comments section puts in predictions of who they think will win each fixture.\n\nThe OP would then use the most upvoted comment to place his bet, and see if he wins the jackpot. Just had a quick look on williamhill.com, and if you bet a fiver on the favourites from eight games this weekend then you can stand to win £3,470.00...\n\n\n\n", "score": 31 }, { "body": "the same reason i love soccer is the same reason i will never bet on it. one lucky goal can change everything. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "While we're at it. Blackburn are playing Middlesbrough in 30 minutes time. Blackburn have won all their home games so far this season and are undefeated. Middlesbrough have lost all their away games this season.", "score": 4 } ]
Wife wants to join a MLM company. I think it's a bad idea. Advice on the subject?
My wife is unemployed and we could use some extra money. She recently attended a "jewelry party" for a friend and was asked by the seller at the event if she was interested in joining. Personally, I disagree with MLM business models for a variety of reasons. I dislike that you will end up selling to you're friends and families. I feel the model promotes a saturated market. Also, from my research, it seems like very few people make a profit from joining these companies. I tried my best to express my concerns but my wife seems fixated on this opportunity. While I don't want to hold her back I almost feel I would prefer to continually financially struggle and have her keep looking for a more traditional job (particularly one in the field she got her masters in). She feels this job matches her goals of work flexibility and that's that it's a non pressures sales environment. "the product sells itself". I'm extremely skeptical. ***TLDR Should one avoid MLM jobs? Advice on what to tell my wife?*** Job Specifics The job involves selling jewelry at "jewelry parties" and sellers earn 50% of the total sales. The company requires some ~$400 startup for license/catalogs and they suggest you purchase display jewelry costing from ~$400- $1000. She would make 10% commission off of sales made by people who she recruits to become sellers. They state typical sales at a "jewelry party" is around $500. Google results have mixed reviews on the specific company.
[ { "body": "She will most likely lose money on this. ANY sales job that requires you to purchase your own inventory and pay for your own marketing events is a scam.\n\nReal sales people don't have to buy their own inventory. Only suckers do.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "You should never have to PAY to work a job. Of course there are costs for each job but you don't pay for your position. Also, if you have to \"invest\" about $400 then you have to make that $400 back before you even start making an actual profit. Another problem is that this company can screw her over easily, it can strain relationships with family and friends if she sells them bad jewelry, she might not make sales for months, and given the job crisis I think most people aren't looking to spend tons of money on jewelry. It isn't a revolutionary product that people NEED, this is just a luxury that right now less and less people can afford.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Terrible. These companies prey on people's willingness to exploit friend and family contacts to make a few bucks on a cheap product. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "essentially sounds like a pyramid scheme, which is only good to those who started on top. I say no way.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "This is a very, very bad idea. Have her watch Penn and Teller Bullshit S08E05 Easy Money. It's all about MLM/Pyramid Schemes. But, there might be some nudity in this episode. I don't remember specifically, but there is usually nudity on their show. ", "score": 3 } ]
Does stubhub further discount tickets on the day of the game?
Going to see the Astros play on Sunday. As of now, stubhub is selling tickets with a face value of $62 for $22. Are these tickets going to be further discounted if they are still available on Sunday morning (1pm game)? Edit: It's going to be the only live ballgame I get to see this season so I went ahead and bought them. Splurged for the $24 seats 14 rows up right on first base. Four seats, plus $5 for electronic delivery and $10 for stubhub's fee came to $111. Ticketmaster wants $255 for the same seats to see two of the worst teams in baseball play (Astros vs. Pirates). Thanks for the responses, everyone!
[ { "body": "Stubhub does not control pricing (individual sellers do), per se, though I believe there is an option for sellers to accept an average market value as gametime nears. Keep in mind that you can't buy from StubHub within two hours of gametime.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "The sellers drop prices as the game approaches.\n\nI recently got Legends Club row 1 tickets for Target Field for $9 a couple hours before the game. They were ~$40 when I first checked in the morning.", "score": 4 } ]
Release of digital version of third Artbook?
HI /r/katawashoujo, if memory serves me right, I recall reading somewhere that the devs planned to release a digital/pdf version of the third artbook. The artbook in question is the one made available via kickstarter as well as AnimeExpo(Did I get that right?) I recall someone linking to a page where the devs mentioned that they were planning on releasing the artbook around September. I don't mean to rush them or anything, but does anyone know anything about it?
[ { "body": "I'm surprised how well behaved the KS community have been about this third artbook. Despite so many people having physical copies, I have yet to see anyone post a photocopy of the book. But I am even more impressed that the people who haven't gotten the book have been waiting for it to be released digitally. It seems that the devs said \"We'll get it out eventually\" and *everyone* is waiting patiently for them to do just that. It's really nice.", "score": 3 } ]
Calling all botanists. What is this plant?
My wife was given seeds by someone who had no idea what the plant is. [album](http://imgur.com/a/PwD5E) Ant help would be appreciated.
[ { "body": "If you don't find any answer here (or just want a 2nd opinion) there is a /r/whatsthisplant subreddit just for this type of thing.", "score": 13 } ]
I'm a "Surface Honeybadger"! How do I because a full one?
* Surface Honey Badger - A person who to the external world looks like they don't give a fuck, whilst in their own internal world actually do give a fuck... Hi all, Long time listener, first time caller! I have a little problem and need some help with it. I consider myself to be a very laid-back guy. I don't really worry about anything that I can't fix. I have a very "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" attitude to problems. I'll do what I want, when I want, where I want, with who I want and I don't let other peoples expectations or opinions stop me doing it. But at the end of the day and when all is said and done... Peoples opinions and/or feelings still linger in my head... E.g. Recently I've stopped responding to small talk, only asking and answering questions I want to. Them: "Hi, How you doing? You have a good weekend" Me: "Yeah" Them: *Awkward fake smile...* Me: *Walks away* No I don't see anything wrong with me doing this. After all, small talk is to make the other person feel less awkward, so why should I cave to their insecurities? Yet I still feel guilty about not engaging with them. I just can't seem to shake the guilt that comes with doing what you want. What I can do to turn off the guilt and become a real honeybadger?? (*Title edit... How do I become a full one. Don't know where my mind was when I wrote that.*)
[ { "body": "> After all, small talk is to make the other person feel less awkward\n\nThat's incredibly cynical. It may surprise you to learn that some people are genuinely interested in you. This may be difficult for you to understand if you are not genuinely interested in others. \n\nJust remember -\n\n\"Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum \n\nWhat might be right for you, may not be right for some \"", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Dude, not gonna lie, you sound like a dick. That's not what not giving a fuck is about. If anything, not giving a fuck and becoming enlightened should make you more accommodating of other people's insecurities because you're enlightened and recognize they need a little help and that's okay.\nSmall talk isn't an insecurity anyways, it's a social convention. You might wish to eschew social conventions because they can often be meaningless, but often the fact that they help lubricate social interaction is itself meaning enough.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Prioritise your fucks sir. What does refusing to engage with other people achieve in the fuck-give-o-sphere? \n\nTake an action for what it is, not what you think it is. Small talk is small talk. If someone is using it to mask their insecurities, that is for them and them only. But chances are you are projecting your own feelings onto a neutral action. The act of talking doesn't cause you to be dragged into their insecurities, in fact it makes you an ass to ignore it.\n\nIf being an ass makes you feel like and ass, then you should stop being an ass.\n\nIf someone judges your neutral actions harshly and unfairly, then give no fucks. If you ignore someone and make them feel bad, then perhaps you ought to give a fuck. \nWe must examine the fucks we give neutrally. Step back and observe them in the wild, see what triggers them, how they make us feel and why they make us feel that way. Then when we have discovered the fucks that only drag us down, we can cease to give a fuck.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "To be honest, the \"not giving a fuck\" you're presenting sounds more like self jerking your ego pretending others are 'less' than you.\n\nIf you seriously belive that small talk is for easing insecurities, well, that's an big insecurity on your behalf, because you're closing yourself to other people.\n\nNot giving a fuck does not mean that you do whatever the fuck you want. This is confusing liberty with libertine.\n\nNot giving a fuck means being yourself at all times. They want to give me small talk? *fuck it*, bring it on, I'll do it, and in my way. Give them the best small talk, and elevate it to something abstact and far more interesting, razzle dazzle them with my mental gymnastics. \n\nWhen you don't give a fuck, it's not that you *don't care how people judge you*, but you **don't judge** what people are.\n\n\n\"Not responding\" to life, whatever life is giving you to experience, be it small talk, is a bad sign.", "score": 5 } ]
Some thoughts on strategy and gameplay
With the new season starting, I thought of some things that I think would be good strategy. Let me know what I missed or if you disagree with anything. **Before the show starts** Get in the best shape you can before going on the show. Learn how to hold your breath for a long time. It’s not that hard to learn and might give you an advantage in a challenge. Practice swimming. Practice doing puzzles. Learn about knots and practice untying knots. This is common in challenges and you could have an edge if you practiced. **Gameplay** In the beginning of the game, to avoid being the first voted out, try to be personable and agreeable. Don’t argue over work/shelter etc. Don’t be dominating. Hang out with large groups so you’re there for strategy conversations. Be ready to adapt your strategy to the current situation. Don’t trust someone because they swear on their family. They’re no less likely to go back on their promise, and if they’re swearing on their family, it’s only because they really, really need you to believe them. If you find a hidden immunity idol, don’t tell anyone. Once one person knows, news will spread fast. Telling someone can only hurt you. It’s better to use a hidden immunity idol when you don’t need it, than to need it when you don’t use it. Personal attacks are a great way to lose jury votes and embarrass yourself on TV. Assume that people will lie to you and break promises if they think it’s in their best interest. Be ready to do the same. Don’t tell someone something just because they ask nicely. Never offer more information than necessary. It could be used against you later. Knowledge is power. Be careful how you answer Jeff’s questions at Tribal Council. He tries to dig up dirt and get you to say something that will cause drama and conflict (making the show ‘better’, but potentially screwing up your game). Try to get people to think you don’t have friends on the jury. They might be more likely to take you to the finals. Lose gracefully. Don't go out like a sore loser and don't be a bitter juror. More great ways to embarrass yourself on TV.
[ { "body": "Fire, you forgot fire! Learn basic survival skills before you go on a game show called, \"Survivor\"\n\nFire, purifying water, what plants are safe to eat, what insects/animals are safe to eat, shelter building (lashing, knots, etc), reading the land to figure out the best place to build a shelter, how to fish, how to hunt, how to cook...\n\nAll these things are as important, if not more so than strategy for the social game. Why? Because if you're worried about eating, or you are cold, tired, and wet, you won't be at your best mentally.\n\nI'd say the rest of the things you said to learn pre-game are great too. Why be the one who is \"bad at puzzles\" when it is something you can practice? Why be the one who \"can't swim\" when it is something you can learn?\n\nStrategy wise - there's no one strategy to win the game but there are commonalities. Being a genuinely nice person helps, being smart helps, being able to adapt helps, NOT being too trusting would be good too.\n\nIf I was going to be on the show this season, I'd immediately find one person to trust fully and make a solid true final-2/3 alliance with them. We'd then each find one other person who would be as trustworthy as possible and make final deals with each (deal =/= alliance) so there are 4 people voting together but no one but 2 of us know that. \n\nThis season, all you need are 4 people for the pre-merge game. That will get you at least a few weeks assuming there isn't an early merge to two teams that splits up the 4. If that happens, repeat on new tribe keeping the new numbers in mind.\n\nPost-merge, assuming you still have 4 or more I'd begin assessing the people not in my group. I would make a few more deals and figure out who other people want gone. With as much knowledge as possible I would be able to determine where I stand in the pecking order and then eliminate the players that are immediately in my way. Goal is to be in the top of the alliance but the bottom of the target list. \n\nI'd try to make deals each day to get rid of someone above me in the alliance but below me in the target list. In the final 3 I'd want to be sitting there with someone who did almost nothing in the way of strategy and someone who did a little too much and has blood on their hands. The rest is up to the jury and saying the right things.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Yul said something interesting about Penner's strategy of actually intentionally gaining weight for the season on Robhasapodcast.\n\nI definitely think it would be beneficial to bulk up a significant amount while still maintaining an above average level of fitness. If you're all muscle your body has nothing else to break down when you have to live on >500 calories a day.\n\nWhile many do it for cosmetic reasons, I would also make sure I had one hell of a base layer tan. I'd also never wear shoes to toughen my feet and get used to barefoot running.\n\nThere would also be an oiled up slip and slide at my house... just for fun ;) and probably a ring/bean bag toss too.\n\nAlso I think you overlooked the benefit of learning how to fish/trap/hunt as well as knowing how to cook what you catch. \n\nYou know relatively close to what ingredients you'll have to work with, but knowing how to scale and filet a fish or pluck and disassemble a chicken carcass while extracting the most meat possible would be worth keeping you around for a week or two. ", "score": 3 } ]
I'd like to find shoes similar to this for under $100. Any suggestions?
I really love http://i.imgur.com/S4NMV.jpg these shoes. Does anyone know of a pair similar? I'm in the US and would love to stay under $100. Also, would they go well with a darker grey suit? I also really like the look of http://www.zappos.com/product/7734275/color/325. Would they work well with a charcoal grey suit?
[ { "body": "You're going to be hard pressed to find a good captoe under $100. Spend the extra $80 and get [these](http://www.florsheim.com/shop/style/12065-200.html). Take care of them and they'll be a great investment at $180 and will work with a grey suit.", "score": 3 } ]
What jailbreaks tweaks/apps do YOU use on you iPad?
The title says it all, what jailbreak tweaks/apps do you use? What's the best thing about jail breaking your iPad? I'm asking this questions because I think i'm missing a lot of the potential my jailbroken iPad has :O
[ { "body": "I like RetinaPad for my iPad 2. It makes iPhone apps use the Retina rendering since 960x640 fits within 1024x768. So no more 2x pixelation.\n\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "* Activator\n* Browser Changer: changes the default browser from Safari to one of your choosing\n* F.lux: gives your screen a reddish tint in the evenings\n* FolderCloser: automatically closes folders after launching apps. Seems like a tiny tweak, but this used to bother me a lot. \n* Genesis: iPad theme\n* IconRenamer: tap an app icon while in toggle mode to rename it to something else. For example, I renamed alien blue to Reddit. \n* MusicBanners: shows a banner with song name & artwork when there's a track change. Works with 3rd-party apps like Songza or 8tracks too!\n* NoLockScreen: pressing the home button skips the \"slide to unlock\" screen and launches you directly into whatever you were doing before. If your iPad is password-protected, it'll skip the \"slide to unlock\" but still ask for a pass code. \n* SBSettings\n* SwipeSelection: slide fingers along the on-screen keyboard to easily move the blinky typing indicator thing. \n\nEdit: Snes9X EX: SNES emulator. \n\nIIRC, these are all free and available in the default repos. ", "score": 4 } ]
What do you listen to?
What do you listen to while tokin? Personally i looove Mumford and Sons. Edit: holy crap. I never expected Anyone to notice this thread honestly. You my fellow Ents, are the greatest.
[ { "body": "Lately a lot of Slightly Stoopid, Bob Marley, Tribal Seeds, Dispatch, Rebelution, 311, Ziggy Marley, Monte Negro, Simplified.\n\nPandora ftw.", "score": 35 }, { "body": "i record farts and mix them together like dubstep. some people say it is more house music, but i say nah", "score": 32 }, { "body": "I love Pretty Lights, Bassnectar, Radiohead, Rusko, Beatles, Zeds Dead, Cream, Allman Bros, Hendrix, Zeppelin or some dope old school rap.\n\nEdit: almost forgot Thievery Corp!", "score": 30 }, { "body": "Depends on if I'm inside or out...\nOutside I'd just like to hear the birds.\nInside though...DDUUBBSSTTEEPP", "score": 25 }, { "body": "Ska! Reel big fish! Streetlight manifesto! Less than Jake!\n\nEdit: If anyone thats interested in old folk punk. Id recommend Johnny Hobo and the Freight trains. Wingnut Dishwashers union, and Ramshackle glory. I find him very talented, and i scream his lyrics when im out on a high ride.", "score": 25 }, { "body": "Risky thing to say, but recently I've been listening to and I actually like the new Dave Matthews Band album Away From The World. I also like listening to Miles Davis on vinyl. Jazz is amazing; there's so much soul and emotion and feels that come from such talented people. ", "score": 21 }, { "body": "The xx, neon Indian, oberhofer, mgmt, animal collective has a be fucking amazing album centipede hz, the dodos, the black keys, sphongle... ", "score": 20 }, { "body": "Mumford and Sons are amazing, their new cd came out today in the U.S. I also love Tool, Sublime, Coheed and Cambria, Dave Matthews Band (haters gonna hate).", "score": 18 }, { "body": "Turisas. Epic shit. One More is probably my favorite song.\n\nAlso, if you feel like getting tripped out, listen to Neurosis. Their newer stuff is better in my opinion. The older songs are more hardcore punk while the recent songs have taken a doom/sludge route.\n\nPink Floyd is obvious but specific songs that are amazing stoned are Time, Dogs, and Echoes.\n\nI love going onto Pandora and listening to the Frank Sinatra station. Excellent easy listening. Makes me feel like I'm in the fallout universe.\n\nIf you enjoy some Stoner rock, Clutch is fantastic. Notable examples include Spacegrass (which is in fact about driving high) and Escape from the Prison Planet.\n\nI love the minecraft music. C418 has some pretty chill music.\n\nI have to mention it: fan made pony music. There's some great stuff out there; Rainbow Factory has to be at the top of my list. Not even mentioning it's pony-related, you wouldn't guess it it's even remotely associated with the show. Plenty of stuff on YouTube. Users like Bronydanceparty, Woodentoaster, others which I can't quite remember.\n\nShpongle. I love Shpongle\n\n2112 by Rush. I know the entire 20min song by heart. It is an epic. Literally a story about the future where culture is controlled by the government.\n\nTwo Steps From Hell are basically a sound track band, they have some badass instrumentals that aren't entirely unlike music you would hear in Halo.\n\nI have a large spectrum of music tastes that does include dubstep and a bit of rap. I don't hardly listen to it on my own so I apologize I can't mention any specific bands or composers.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Majority of the time it's atmosphere, otherwise it's a pretty wide variety. The black keys, moe., matisyahus older stuff, sublime, pretty lights, excision, downlink, datsik, aqueous, tool, a perfecr circle, puscifer, rage against the machine, jack johnson, bon iver, the list goes on", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Wiz, Snoop, Kid Cudi (man on the moon), Shwayze for your rap/hip hop fix. \nGlitch Mob, Deadmau5, anything from Tron, bassnectar for your elctronica fix.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Tool. \n\nSomething kinda sad about\nthe way that things have come to be\nDesensitized to everything\nWhat became of subtlety?", "score": 9 }, { "body": "**Reggae:** Tribal Seeds, Pepper, Slightly Stoopid, Rebelution, SOJA, The Movement, Echo Movement, Sublime, Dirty Heads, Matisyahu, Buju Banton, Toots and the Maytals, Three Legged Fox,\n\n**Hip-Hop:** Eyedea & Abilities, Brother Ali, Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, Hail Mary Mallon, Jay Electronica, The Transplants, Childish Gambino, Del The Funky Homosapien, Deltron 3030, Felt, Odd Future (Wolf Gang Kill Them All Don't Give A Fuck),\n\n**Alternative/Rock/Indie:** Local Natives, Good Old War, Bright Eyes, The Dear Hunter, Dr. Dog, Pinback, Right Away Great Captain, The Weakerthans, Zox, Face Candy, Carbon Leaf, Death Cab for Cutie, Bayside, Alkaline Trio,\n\n**Experimental/Jam:** My Morning Jacket, Modest Mouse, Animal Liberation Orchestra, Umphrey's McGee, The Heavy Pets, Coheed & Cambria,\n\n**Electronic:** Postal Service, Eskmo/Welder, MartyParty, Big Gigantic, Nero, Skrillex, Beats Antique, Kill The Noise, Krafty Kuts, Major Lazer,\n\n**Southern Rock/Country/Blues/Folk:** G. Love & Special Sauce, Lucero, Gary Clark Jr., The Sheepdogs, Drive-By Truckers, Gov't Mule, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals,\n", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Kanye West, sublime, pepper, 311, slightly stupid, kid cudi, circa survive, and a lot more stuff. A really diverse catalog.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I try to switch things up, but my go to would have to be early-mid '90s rap and hip hop. \n\nBiggie, Nas, Gang Starr, Jay-Z, Beastie Boys, Ice Cube, etc.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "M83. Pretty much any song on the album Hurry Up, We're Dreaming makes me extremely relaxed. Also 311 and Walk The Moon.\nEdit: how could I forget about The Cars!", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Fucked Up, the greatest punk band to ever live. \n[Fuck the Police] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNDE6G6pIz8)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "There's this whole not widely known genre of metal called Stoner Metal. I highly suggest any ent check these bands out. Here's a few samples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj9IAvv32wE\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWHplp10kQM\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Ske2eKX2g", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Gotta go with Muse and Enter Shikari. Both bands use such subtle intricacies in their music, things you start to notice after having listened to them a few times over. Muse's progressive style and use of harmonic vocals, synthetic sounds, and excellent guitar work makes for an incredible listening experience. Enter Shikari does much the same with their mix of many of the same elements of synthetic meets actual instruments. They are however, much more aggressive and utilize some screaming techniques, but its not all screaming, which I like.\n\nWorth an honorable mention: Queens of the Stone Age, Maroon 5 (only songs from songs about jane) Eminem, Hopsin, Immortal Technique, and Rise Against. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Sleep, Electric Wizard, Om, Ufomammut, Earth, more psy doom/stoner rock, dance music, religious music like tibetan chanting. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Minus the Bear\nEl Ten Eleven\nThe pillows\nMaps & Atlases\nTrinitron Meets the Mars People\nPiglet\nAuto?Automatic!\nDakota/Dakota\n\nI'm pretty mathy", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Washed Out, Teen Daze, XXYYXX, Shlohmo, Gold Panda, Mount Kimbie, Star Slinger etc. All that trill shit.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "fun. is probably my favorite to toke to. The lyrics and melodies are beautiful and their songs are complex to a degree where I can just stare at my speakers and take it in.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "A bunch of post rock and Lotus.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4IgObGEXrI\n\nBest jam tune I've heard in a while", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Kendrick Lamar(Section 80) - Recommend this to even non-hip hop listeners. It's amazing.\nThe Roots\nMac Miller - Only when I'm high\nKanye\nLupe Fiasco", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Slowcoaster, arcade fire, bob dylan, grateful dead, david bowie, led zeppelin, donovan, modest mouse, pink floyd(obscured by clouds is fucking amazing) April wine, and so much more but too much too list. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Depends on my mood. Usually something kind of heavy but not quite metal, like Tool or Deftones, or sometimes dubstep like NOISIA or Kill The Noise", "score": 3 } ]
Classic Army CA90? Good gun?
How reliable is it? Are there any necessary internal upgrades to do before skirmishing? How is the red dot version? Do TM parts work with it?
[ { "body": "I have the rail instead of red dot version, works pretty well after 2 years without upgrading, if your playing CQB games I think mine shoots 300-330 fps. I believe it TM parts work but I haven't tried any yet. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Yes.\n\n - Incredibly reliable\n\n - No upgrades needed, stock hop up system is very good when tuned\n\n - Red dot is ok, can get damaged in cqb games. Mine was shot out and I had to switch to a tri-rail receiver\n\n - I do believe it is TM compatible", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I have the CA90 red dot, and have a few thoughts:\n\n* The red dot is purely cosmetic, don't expect precision.\n* It's very picky about hop up buckings, really easy to end up double feeding if you're trying to upgrade.\n* The return spring for the trigger sled on the gearbox is mounted to a small, fragile plastic bit. \n* High cap mags need to be pre-wound (a lot), and occasionally completely unwind during loading. The winding wheel is not accessible when loaded. \n* I had a very strange gearbox issue. While trying to shim, I discovered that there is a point in the cycle where the gears stick. This causes reduced ROF and battery life. I might have gotten a lemon. \n\nIn general, it's a neat little gun, but it's not the greatest design. Also, the size of the magazines makes it kind of a pain. It is a TM compatible version 6. ", "score": 3 } ]
Is Lee Sin jungle dying out?
I'm only asking this because I haven't seen a Lee Sin jungle in any of my games in over a month, and I also have never seen one in professional play. Any reason he isn't used a lot in the pros? I'm looking to buy a new jungle champion. I commonly use Maokai, Nunu, Udyr, but I want to get someone new. According to [Reign of Gaming](http://www.reignofgaming.net/tier-lists/jungle-tier-list) he has always been a top tier jungler, but I've been seeing a lot less of him lately. Do you think there is any specific reason for this or is it just coincidence? Should I buy him, or are there better jungle champs I should try? Just looking for some other opinions. Thanks.
[ { "body": "I think there may be some reasons.\n\nLee Sin has incredible ganking potential, but his ganks require a difficult-hit-skillshot to land to work, otherwise they will fail. This means he needs to risk his jungle clear to gank, which can fail just by not landing his Q.\n\nHe falls off pretty hard lategame. He either builds damage and dies very quickly, or builds tanky and only has mild disruption potential. His ultimate is strong crowd control but not as powerful as some other junglers late game. If he gets fed he can carry a game, but people know how strong a ganker he is and try to play safe.\n\nAlso his AoE clear is nothing special. He has his E, and can deal exceptional single target damage with good sustain, but the smaller camps can take him longer than a mundo/shyvana which means he will potential get less gold from the jungle.\n\nThese all seem like small downsides to an incredible character, but combined, they synergise with each other. His ganks are incredible, but he needs them otherwise he will fall off hard, because he clears slowly; and his ganking is somewhat unpredictable.\n\nThe final reason is that people seem to like choosing junglers that don't get the kills for themselves, but rather give the laners the kills. When you play Lee Sin, you should be trying to some extent to get the kill when you gank a lane, unless your laner is struggling. In the current meta people like to play junglers to disrupt the entire game (such as maokai and nunu) rather than try to carry.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "I think people are just getting bored of him a bit. He's been top dog in the jungle it feels like FOREVER now. It happens, people get bored and move on. He's still a very good champion and arguably the best jungler, best he has everything I jungler needs. Sustain, mobility, kiting, ganking and more.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "He's a great solo queue pick and my go-to jungle at ~1900 rating but it's hard to justify picking him when other junglers can actually snowball into late game and farm up much faster. He's not picked in competitive play that much because of how hard it is to pull off early ganks versus competent players.\n\nHe's by far one of the best designed/most fun champions in the game though and the amount of things you can do are insane. A good lee sin can carry early game but a great lee sin does his role properly throughout the entire game - ganking early, controlling objectives in the mid/late and peeling for his carry once his damage falls off. I personally think one of the biggest misconceptions is that lee sin with a tank/bruiser build is supposed to jump the enemy carry no matter what.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Very weak lategame... His early game is godlike - no one else puts out his level of damage in ganks. Problem is, Lee Sin ganks tend to snowball Lee Sin, rather than whoever he's ganking for. In comparison, Alistar and Maokai do an equivalently good job ganking early, but snowball the lanes. They also still remain viable late game, due to the support they provide by way of initiation, CC, damage reduction, tankiness etc. Junglers like Nocturne and Shyvana who have comparable early game jungle power tend to do better late game as they have better ways of getting onto a carry and isolating them from the fight. That's my opinion at least.\n\nNot to say he isn't viable... With correct play, he can make bigger plays than any other champion in the game, and completely dominate early-mid game in a way that most junglers cannot. If I had to compare him to another jungler, I'd say he's more similar to (old) Shaco: big early plays lead to snowbally games, but unreliable late game.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "lee is a very high skillcap champ; he has extremely strong ganks but they rely on the skill of the player and his judgement to execute them successfully. he also has a weak lategame if he did not have a very good early game, which makes him as a safe and reliable pick as, lets say nunu. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "He's not dying out, he's just more of a niche pick because easier and more accessible junglers have been becoming fotm. \n\nLee is high skill cap, you need to land skill shots and know how to juke in and out of fights well to use him to his full potential, and a lot of people I've seen don't do that. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "After a few slight nerfs the meta started to shift towards CC/aura junglers. Lee is still good and very strong, but he doesn't have a lategame like Naut does.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "He is completely awesome on all elos if you play it right, but thats the hard part. If you like him you should totally buy him and train him a lot because its worth it and fun. I got to 1500 elo on a smurf with only 10 games just by playing lee sin just so you know", "score": 3 } ]
I am here with my cousin that is about to give up breastfeeding in the 3rd day trying! HELP!
My cousin just gave birth and I am here helping her!! Please help me give her the best advise to keep her doing this! She wants to but her nipples and areola area are really swollen. Calostrum IS coming out! She did had a breast augmentation in the past. Could that be why she is in so much pain? Edit Response: She is doing so much better thanks to the shields! Thank you so much for all the advise and support! She may not have a nursing consultant but she has the entire reddit mom's community!!
[ { "body": "As soon as my nipple started to get sore and tender I started using a nipple shield to give them a break. When things started to hurt I couldn't relax and I'd get mad or frustrated. Using the shield for a few days gave my nipples a rest then when I felt better I would ditch the shield and hope for the best. I had to use it for a few cycles before breastfeeding was comfortable enough not to hurt.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I had breast augmentation and I'm still breast feeding my 4 month old. For me the start did hurt a lot. A lot. I got motherlove nipple cream and first did a little extra colostrum + cream after each feed (there were a ton early on). I do this it hurts worse because I found out that the ducts sometimes get diverted/twisted bc of the implants so baby has to work harder at first to get things started. Dont be surprised if it takes over 4 days for her milk to come in. Also maybe start her on fenugreek pills now so she isn't discouraged. My experience hurt for about 3 weeks and now it's nothing. Tell her to persevere,she cando it and it should get much much easier", "score": 3 } ]
[BARB] Need suggestions on replacing Leap post 1.0.5
Now that we officially know that Leap is being changed to 100% Armor * Enemies landed for 3 seconds, I believe that I plan on changing this skill with another. The reason is because when facing elites, the most I would typically land on is 3 which probably won't cut it. I was thinking of switching to ignore pain because the cool down would be fine in between elite packs. Are there any other suggestions? Here is my [profile](http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Stylez09-1232/hero/2050045).
[ { "body": "Well, if you land on three enemies, it will be nearly unchanged from the current leap. Also, ignore pain only lasts 5 seconds.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "My build was similar to yours, except I used Ground Stomp with Wrenching Smash and Leap with Call of Arreat to just get loads of pull effects and then Rend the enemies up. It worked really well, especially if you used Gathering Storm on your Cleave", "score": 3 } ]
Best Compliment EVER!
I got a compliment from my 15 year old stepson last night! Let me start by reminding those of you without teens in your life what it's like living with one. Ours is generally sulky. Adults don't know anything, and anyone who holds a different opinion is "stupid". He has no concept that a question like "Why do you eat all the time?" and "Aren't pregnant women supposed to throw up more?" are unwelcome and inappropriate. On top of that, this is my stepson. Half the time, I feel like either the chauffeur that he is embarrassed to be seen with, or some annoying lady that makes bad dinners. On top of that, I'm in the "is she fat or is she pregnant" stage of bump. My pre-pregnancy clothes fit, but most of them fit poorly. Maternity wear just looks silly on me. I just look like I've been on the milkshake diet for about a month. So last night, we were talking about my parents upcoming anniversary party. It's their 40th, and they are so excited about having the whole family there. We were talking about my BIL being in charge of the sound system, my dad being in charge of the music, mom's in charge of the food, my brother is in charge of the drinks, etc. Everyone has a job. I said that I'm just in charge of looking pregnant, but I'm not doing a great job at it yet. And my stepson says: "No, most pregnant ladies look fat. But you don't look fat, it's obvious that you're pregnant." Cue fireworks and confetti! My stepson, who has no problem telling anyone when they look fat, old, stupid, dorky, lame, etc. says that I don't look fat, I just look pregnant! It must be true! This is going to put a smile on my face for a week!
[ { "body": "That's the thing about people that have no tact - you can trust them. \n\nThere was this girl I worked with that I was not terribly kind. Rather a snotty, condescending bitch, really. But when I broke the news that I was having a boy, she said, \"Well, they say girls steal your beauty, so *obviously* it's a boy,\" in her normal, condescending tone. Took a second to process that I'd been complimented, but that one sunk through more than most.\n\nCongrats on looking pregnant :)", "score": 28 }, { "body": "Hahaha, your last paragraph is awesome. I imagine you gleefully throwing confetti over a dinner table and shouting \"It must be true!\"", "score": 11 }, { "body": "YAY! (I have Teenagers my self. And even with my Bio kids, I often felt like \"some annoying lady that makes bad dinners.\" :P\n\nI agree. When you hear a compliment from your teen, you KNOW it's true!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "That's awesome. You should ask him why he eats all the time. I would imagine between a pregnant woman and a teenage boy, the kitchen gets picked pretty clean. :)", "score": 3 } ]
SCCM 2007 - Difference between remote features?
Hey guys, I'm a Desktop Support Tech who does some things with SCCM (reimaging, queries, etc.). I'm interested in knowing the difference between the remote services. For example, if you right click on a PC and go to Start you have Remote Tools, Remote Assistance, and Remote Desktop. The third one is quite obvious, but what are the differences in the other two? At some point in the past I was messing around with a PC and I was able to remotely control the PC while the user was still logged in. I haven't been able to replicate it since. I believe I used the Remote Tools feature, but I'm not sure. What needs to be enabled/allowed on the target PC for these features to work? I'm hoping to bring this to the higher ups and get whatever changes implemented because this would greatly improve my ability to troubleshoot without walking to the desk.
[ { "body": "Remote Tools allows you to connect to the computer while a user is logged in. There is a setting in SCCM that will either allow an automatic connection or if the user mush acknowledge before the connection is made.\n\nRemote Assistance is the same as what XP had by the same name, I believe. I've never used it before since Remote Tools or Remote Desktop get me to what I need.\n\nThe local firewall on the remote computer should be configured to allow RC.exe. Also, the user making the connection needs to be a local admin.", "score": 3 } ]
Riot can you please make Leonas Eclipse have second activation like jax's Counter strike?
So, I play Leona A LOT and I love playing her, her kit is really good but i hate that the Eclipse is so unreliable. For most engages I activate Eclipse before I use Zenith Blade and its really frustrating when you miss it and the shield goes to waste. It's also unreliable since you cant controll when it explodes (yes I know its always 3 seconds and that you can time it). But the worst thing is when it explodes and steals an sure kill from the ad carry. I think that it would be a much better ability if you could activate it a second time to make it explode early like jax's Couner strike. It would be so much easier to land those combos and it would be so much more reliable. edit,1: Iv'e gotten some good suggestions for making it more balanced. One idea is that the buff will only last as long after the explosion as time time you waited to explode it. For example: If I activate it again after one second the buff after the activation will only last one second aswell. Come with suggestions. edit,2: I now realise postin it here won't change anything so i made an thread in GD so if you want to contribute on making this come true check out: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=855413
[ { "body": "Leona is fine the way she is. Eclipse is way more reliable than you think because of the amount of CC leona has. Honestly if you take kills with eclipse all the time there is something wrong with you. If you ever played leona and the wave his pushing to you.. you know how hard it is to clear wave with Leona because of how weak of damage her abilities are when she is alone.", "score": 129 }, { "body": "I actually really don't like this. It makes it much easier to do more guaranteed damage. It's possible to get away from Leona before the shield pops (which is her main nuke in lane) if she uses the shield on hit-confirm of zenith blade, given the snare + stun length.\n\nIf she uses the shield, then holds for 1-1.5 seconds, then uses zenith blade, it's guaranteed damage... but at the risk you don't hit the zenith blade.\n\nIt removes counter-play from Leona.", "score": 62 }, { "body": "Don't think it needs a change at all honestly. I don't want to be a dick but it's really not hard to use properly whatsoever. I play Leona a lot, and I rarely mess it up. I don't want a hero with as much utility as Leona to also be given more ease of use than she already has. Also, wtf? It doesn't slow. Her only slow is her ult.", "score": 27 }, { "body": "I like this idea, as long as there is a tradeoff to detonating it earlier. In this case, if you detonated it a second earlier, you have the buff for a second less. It would certaintly provide the player with more control and make them think about the timing of it more strategically. \n", "score": 17 }, { "body": "What do you mean unreliable? It's completely reliable. The time it takes to explode never changes. You need to plan to either have it explode on a group of minions (Ok, I'm 2 seconds from the minion pack, better use it) or plan on it to hit a champion. \"I'm going to cast my shield, then cast xenith blade which will pop the shield.\" There's no RNG involved which would make it \"unreliable\".", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Not needed, small buffs like that in the past have often end up getting the champion nerfed, leaving him in a weaker state than before the buff.\n\nShe is fine as it is, don't want to see her become FOTM and get nerfed.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "the only change leona really needs is to self proc the passive for neutral minions, so she can do the jungle like a bawss.", "score": 7 } ]
My biggest annoyance thus far. [Firehawk Spoilers I guess?]
Well, only annoyance I suppose. Lilith came to Pandora to seek out another siren and learn more about sirens. Maya came to Pandora to learn more about Sirens. So why, when they meet up and are clearly both Sirens, is there not even the smallest amount of dialogue about it? I think that'd be pretty much the first thing you'd mention. Every time I (playing as Maya) talk to Lilith I just feel like there's a huge chunk of character development for both characters that we're missing out on.
[ { "body": "Along similar lines, aren't we utilizing Hyperion's NewU stations? how does that make sense? \n\nNow excuse me while I go play some more.", "score": 48 }, { "body": "[It gets worse, when jack needs a siren you don't even get regarded as a possible candidate](/spoiler)\n", "score": 21 }, { "body": "You think that's annoying?\n\nMAJOR SPOILERS FOR STORY. DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU'RE DONE THE GAME.\n\n[Why is it that Jack's plan requires a Siren to succeed, which is why Lilith is asked to stay out of it? But low and behold, here I am as Maya and it's like \"Shit if only I had a Siren I could finish my plan.\" And I'm like \"Oh ok, I must be one of those fake Sirens. Well Angel is dead and he doesn't realize I'm a Siren. All's good.\" Of course at this time Lilith shows up and I'm like \"Really? REALLY!? You had ONE job!\"](/spoiler)", "score": 10 }, { "body": "They always refer to you as the singular. Even when there are 4 of you, I love the writing, but some versatility would be nice.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "It's Borderlands. Given the fact that you can be one of 4 characters, the characters don't have an impact on the narrative.\n\nIt sucks, but there it is, and honestly I don't blame them; enlarging the story to respond dynamically to play character choice would be extremely difficult.\n\nWe'll find out more about the BL2 cast in BL3. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "And (having just gotten past this part) can't I (as Maya) use the eridium too? If Lillith can become awesome using it, why can't I?", "score": 5 } ]