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Alla ricerca del tempo perduto. IV: Sodoma e Gomorra | Marcel Proust | 4.32 | Classics | First published January 1, 1922 | Ultimo volume della Recherche pubblicato da Proust in vita, tra maggio 1921 e aprile 1922, Sodoma e Gomorra è il libro più costruito e al tempo stesso libero, arioso e inventivo dell'opera, "il più ricco in fatti psicologici e romanzeschi" secondo lo stesso autore. A primeggiare è la figura di Charlus, una delle più grandi creazioni dell'universo proustiano, insieme al personaggio di Albertine, entrambi protagonisti di episodi erotici a sfondo omosessuale. Ma Sodoma contiene anche uno dei momenti più alti, vibranti e commoventi della Recherche: la scoperta, da parte del Narratore, delle celebri "intermittenze del cuore". | 8,961 |
Dragon Revealed | Nulli Para Ora | 4.27 | Dragons | First published September 25, 2013 | What do you do when you can't stop yourself from becoming something you hate?Tarial is changing. She knows what she'll become and she despises it. Half human, half dragon, duty demands she make use of the magic of her heritage.But when an unexpected guest enters her life, everything she knows will be challenged.Will his unique view alter her perspective? Can she hide the evidence of her ancestry, find love, and live a normal life? After a lifetime of denial, can she truly cage her dragon? Find out in Dragon Revealed. | 15 |
Водолечение | Louis Kuhne | 4.75 | null | First published January 1, 2007 | Идеята за издаване на “Водолечение” е личният ми опит с прилагане метода на Луи Куне. Това е лечение без антибиотици, без скъпи лекарства, с чиста вода загрята или охладена до необходимата температура. Това е новата лечебна наука на Луи Куне - науката за единната причина за болестите. Откритието е направено в края на XIX век след години упорит труд, опити и хиляди излекувани болни.Самият автор е бил отписан от официалната медицина и така в отчаянието си, сред Природата, той открива, че всички болести произтичат от отлагането в нашите тела на отпадъчни, ненужни, отровни вещества. Различно е само мястото на тяхното отлагане. Учителят Беинса Дуно е препоръчвал водолечението на Луи Куне.Махатма Ганди е лекувал и себе си и цялото си семейство с метода на Луи Куне. И в нашия технократски свят простите неща остават най-ефективни. “Водолечението” съдържа двата най-нашумели труда на Луи Куне - “Новата лечебна наука” и “Наука за лицеизраза”. | 4 |
Samoilla silmillä | Peter Franzén | 3.39 | Finnish Literature | First published January 1, 2013 | Peter Franzénin esikoisromaani Tumman veden päällä oli huikea arvostelu- ja myyntimenestys. Peten valloittava tarina jatkuu nyt romaanissa Samoilla silmillä, jossa Pete on kasvanut teini-ikäiseksi.Pete ei ole enää lapsi, hän harrastaa nyrkkeilyä ja alkaa viettää iltoja kavereiden kanssa. Kumpikaan ei suju kolhuitta.Peten äiti elää uutta nuoruutta erottuaan väkivaltaisesta poliisimiehestään, ja Peten kasvatti-isä kamppailee oman elämänsä suunnan kanssa. Lasten tukena ja turvana ovat myös rakkaat isovanhemmat vaikka on papallakin sokea pisteensä. Pikkusisko Suvikin kasvaa ja alkaa meikata, ja yhteisessä huoneessa soivat vuorotellen Dingo ja Iron Maiden.Kun maailma avartuu ja reviiri kasvaa, on totuttava käymään omat kamppailunsa jotka voi voittaa tai hävitä. Mieluummin tyylikkäällä hiusmallilla. Matka aikuisuuteen on alkanut. | 205 |
How the Special Needs Brain Learns | David A. Sousa | 3.95 | Education | First published April 13, 2001 | In addition to real classroom footage demonstrating brain-based classroom strategies for special needs students, this video also features six distinct "stop tape for work activity" segments to enhance use for professional development training. 60 minutes | 81 |
Longing to Love: A Memoir of Desire, Relationships, and Spiritual Transformation | Tim Muldoon | 4 | null | First published January 1, 2010 | In Longing to Love , a beautifully written and refreshingly honest love memoir, best-selling author Tim Muldoon reveals how true love grows through the unexpected twists and turns in a relationship. From sex to self-giving love, from the desire to be loved to the desire to serve God in the person of his spouse, from resisting adoption to loving his two adopted daughters unconditionally, Muldoon's love memoir shows how love rarely, if ever, follows the script we wish it would--and yet how the altered script can lead us on our greatest adventure with God! | 3 |
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Volume 7 | Shungiku Nakamura | 4.36 | Manga | null | Onodera Ritsu, a literary editor, resigns from his father's publishing company, due to his coworkers' jealousy of his success, claiming that he is simply riding his father's coattails. He applies for a position at Marukawa Publishing, but instead of his preferred department of literature he is placed in the infamous shōjo manga department, Emerald. He initially considers resigning, especially because he finds his new boss, Masamune Takano, intolerable and unnerving from the very beginning; however, Takano inadvertently convinces Onodera to stick with the job by calling him "useless," his pride forcing him to stay in order to prove his worth. Later, Onodera learns that Takano's old family name was Saga, an older schoolmate from high school that Ritsu fell in love with and confessed to. | 898 |
The Product | Mike Walker | 3.5 | null | First published September 9, 2012 | Mike Walker's play is set in Vietnam shortly before Nixon's election in 1968. After their helicopter is shot down, a soldier and a journalist must battle their way through the jungle to safety. As they do so, they realise they were at the heart of opposing campaigns during the historic 1960 US presidential election which saw Kennedy defeat Nixon.The 1960 Presidential race was the 'Mad Men' election when, for the first time, the politicians and their party machines sold themselves to a public delighting in the new medium of television. It was also the last of the old style elections, where millions of dollars was spread around to buy votes; where the dirty tricks reached their dubious height.'Dear Jack, don't buy another vote - I'll be damned if I pay for a landslide!"Joe Kennedy to JFK during the West Virginia Primary | 2 |
Tumman veden päällä | Peter Franzén | 3.54 | Finnish Literature | First published March 1, 2010 | Aseista riisuvan herkkä ja riemastuttava kasvukuvausJokainen päivä sisältää jotain uutta ja ihmeellistä. Se voi olla leikki pikkusiskon ja naapurin poikien kanssa, hassutteleva isoisä tai narskuva lumi. Petelle se on myös edessä oleva ensimmäinen kouluvuosi.Ja sitten on isä joka muuttuu. Keittiöstä alkaa öisin kuulua ääniä, riitaa ja itkua. Lähdetään yön selkään.Lapsi luottaa vanhempiinsa vailla ehtoja, ihailee heitä, on täynnä toivoa ja uskoa tulevaan. Mitä tapahtuu kun tämä kaikki hajoaa?Peter Franzén tavoittaa pienen lapsen tavan kokea maailma läikehtivien yksityiskohtien avulla. Hän kuljettaa tarinaa pienten huomioiden kautta kohti suurta draamaa, hetkeä jolloin lapsuuden idylli särkyy. | 477 |
Body to Barter | Miranda Stowe | 3.78 | Shapeshifters | First published September 19, 2013 | Brynn Griffin has always known the Muhlikari pack of absolute pure-blooded wolves has no tolerance for her kind. They kill half-breed shifters without mercy. So, when she’s captured by one of them, she's willing to do anything to stay alive, even grant her captor sexual favors. But she never counted on being enthralled so completely.Gannon recognized Brynn as his mate the moment he smelled her. After she's injured, he secretes her back to his den to heal her. But to keep her safe within his pack, he must pretend she's his pet and lock her in a cage. If anyone found out she was his life partner, they'd kill him and her both without a moment's pause.Love and passion collide with danger and savagery the moment these two meet. But to stay together, they're willing to risk bringing down the wrath of both of their worlds and fight for a new way of life. | 125 |
Moj poslednji uzdah | Luis Buñuel | 4.32 | Film | First published January 1, 1982 | Prilozi za istoriju filma 2Edicija "Sećanja""Institut za film" Beograd 1983.broširano izdanjeilustrovana, latinica | 3,548 |
Kwaaie schapen | Katja Lange-Müller | 3.41 | German Literature | First published January 1, 2007 | Berlijn, 1987. Soja is een paar jaar voor de val van de muur naar West-Berlijn gevlucht en leert daar de jonge en mooie Harry kennen. Harry is een junkie die net is vrijgekomen uit de gevangenis, maar alweer door de politie gezocht wordt. Soja valt als een blok voor hem en ze zet alles op alles om Harry bij zich te kunnen houden, zelfs wanneer blijkt dat hij voor haar verzwegen heeft dat hij aan aids lijdt. Als Harry sterft laat hij Soja een schriftje na met aantekeningen over zijn leven. Soja is verbijsterd als ze merkt dat hij in zijn notities geen woord aan haar heeft gespendeerd en ze vraagt zich af welke rol ze eigenlijk in zijn leven gespeeld heeft. Uit het intieme verhaal van Soja’s herinneringen ontstaat een spannend, opwindenden realistisch portret van een liefdesrelatie. Met een onweerstaanbare mengeling van lichte melancholie en humor vertelt de meermaals bekroonde Katja Lange-Müller hoe een liefde die ongelukkig maakt, het grootste geluk in een leven kan betekenen | 191 |
Le origini del feudalesimo | Aron Gurevich | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1990 | null | 0 |
Trust in Sanctuary | Corinne Davies | 3.94 | Menage | First published October 1, 2013 | As a forensic genealogist, Jocelyn Richards spends all her time delving into other family’s histories as a way to avoid dealing with her own. She’s quietly hired to find the information needed to put an end to a centuries-old feud between the Baldwins and McLeans but never expected to find her future while investigating the past.Eric and Matt Baldwin are cousins who have grown up like brothers. Life in the fire department hasn't been risk free. After an accident that almost claimed Eric’s life, they both moved back to their home town to build a future and train a new generation of firefighters.Matt grew up with the firm belief in love at first sight. When they meet a woman in town to do research on a book, Eric is tempted to believe it too. But there are more secrets to Jocelyn Richards than he first believes, and when the feud flares to life again she is caught in the middle. Will the history behind a centuries-old feud drive them apart before they can create a future?Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys | 32 |
Kiakatuia y otras vidas | Margarita Martínez | 1 | null | First published January 1, 2013 | KIAKATUIA: Es un personaje de ficción. Podemos considerarla Semidiosa, pues es hija de un dios y una reina oriental.Le son concedidas cien vidas, gracias a sucesivas reencarnaciones, y una memoria privilegiada. Ello le permite vivir en distintos tiempos y lugares, para darnos una visión algo diferente de ciertos personajes y situaciones históricas. Aquí se citan unas cuantas de esas cien vidas. LAS VIDAS DE CADA DÍA: Son historias que han sucedido, o que podrían suceder, o, mejor, sucedernos:Felicidad, pequeñas tragedias ( grandes en la vivencia personal), ilusiones, desilusiones, esperanza, desesperanza, amistad y traición...: la vida misma.¡LA VIDA!, que nunca es sencilla y que puede sorprendernos y ofrecernos distintas facetas. Observar la vida, con mirada en arco iris, es lo que intenta simbolizar la portada: Mirada plural de quien escribió y mirada plural del lector. | 1 |
Curso Básico de Astrologia, Princípios Fundamentais #1 | Marion D. March | 4.14 | Astrology | First published January 1, 1976 | Este curso Básico mostra como o leitor deve proceder, passo a passo, para aprender os conceitos fundamentais da Astrologia. As lições são cuidadosamente elaboradas e terminam com um questionário organizado para testar o progresso do leitor. O segredo do sucesso deste curso está no modo como o seu envolve o leitor no processo de aprendizagem, através de exercícios fáceis e de testes bem elaborados. | 300 |
Čerstvě deflorovaná dívka a jiné příběhy | Edward Gorey | 3.78 | Comics | Published October 22, 2013 | Jádrem našeho třetího výběru z rozmanité tvorby Edwarda Goreye je jedinečný a pro autora poněkud nezvykle „mnohomluvný“ soubor mravokárných ponaučení Čerstvě deflorovaná dívka, aneb co říci vhodného v prekérních situacích. Je doplněn dvěma klasickými „mikropříběhy“ – Nebohé dítě a Velkolepé krvácení z nosu. Ve všech těchto delikátních dílech autor dovedl k dokonalosti složku obrazovou i jazykovou, přičemž u obou tkví základní napětí mezi artistní, vysoce estetizovanou formou a obskurním, dryáčnickým obsahem s všudypřítomnou ironií a sebeironií. Lahůdka pro milovníky dekadentní zábavy i pro decentní čtenáře s vybraným vkusem.Obsah:• Čerstvě deflorovaná dívka, aneb Co říci vhodného v prekérních situacích (The Recently Deflowered Girl: The Right Thing to Say on Every Dubious Occasion, 1965; by Hyacinthe Phypps) – přeložil Jiří (Pilous) Pilucha• Nebohé dítě (The Hapless Child, 1961) – přeložila Tereza Ješátková• Velkolepé krvácení z nosu (The Glorious Nosebleed, 1974) – přeložila Tereza JešátkováObálka, grafická úprava a sazba Michaela Procházková. | 46 |
Neil Young - Greatest Hits Songbook: Easy Guitar with Notes and Tab | Neil Young | 4.26 | Music | First published January 1, 2005 | (Easy Guitar). Now even beginning guitarists can play 16 Neil Young classics! Includes easy guitar arrangements in notes & tab for: After the Gold Rush * Cinnamon Girl * Comes a Time * Cowgirl in the Sand * Down by the River * Harvest Moon * Heart of Gold * Helpless * Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) * Like a Hurricane * The Needle and the Damage Done * Ohio * Old Man * Only Love Can Break Your Heart * Rockin' in the Free World * Southern Man. Also includes photos and lyric sheets! | 46 |
Wolfsangel | Liza Perrat | 4.3 | Historical Fiction | First published October 1, 2013 | Seven decades after German troops march into her village, Céleste Roussel is still unable to assuage her guilt.1943. German soldiers occupy provincial Lucie-sur-Vionne, and as the villagers pursue treacherous schemes to deceive and swindle the enemy, Céleste embarks on her own perilous mission as her passion for a Reich officer flourishes.When her loved ones are deported to concentration camps, Céleste is drawn into the vortex of this monumental conflict, and the adventure and danger of French Resistance collaboration.As she confronts the harrowing truths of the Second World War’s darkest years, Céleste is forced to choose: pursue her love for the German officer, or answer General de Gaulle’s call to fight for France.Her fate suspended on the fraying thread of her will, Celeste gains strength from the angel talisman bequeathed to her through her lineage of healer kinswomen. But the decision she makes will shadow the remainder of her days.A woman’s unforgettable journey to help liberate Occupied France, Wolfsangel is a stirring portrayal of the courage and resilience of the human mind, body and spirit. | 253 |
Fortnight South of Skye | L.A.G. Strong | 3 | null | First published January 1, 1934 | Two schoolboys on holiday in the west Highlands get up to some high jinks. | 1 |
Reizen tussen de lijnen. Dwars door Indonesië met Alfred Russel Wallace | Alexander Reeuwijk | 3.88 | Nonfiction | First published October 4, 2013 | In het midden van de negentiende eeuw reisde Alfred Russel Wallace acht jaar over de eilanden van Indonesië op zoek naar nieuwe diersoorten. Het viel hem op dat de dierenwereld in het westen van de archipel er heel anders uitzag dan in het oosten. Deze observaties vormden de basis voor zijn biogeografie, een leer die bestudeert hoe dieren en planten zich verspreiden over de wereld, begrensd door denkbeeldige lijnen, zoals de Wallacelijn tussen Bali en Lombok, en Borneo en Sulawesi. Want hoe verklaar je dat paradijsvogels alleen in het oosten van Indonesië in de bomen dansen? Dat orang-oetans alleen op Sumatra en Borneo voorkomen? En wat is de mogelijke relatie tussen de Floresmens en de Komodovaraan? Om op deze en vele andere vragen antwoord te krijgen reisde Alexander Reeuwijk anderhalve eeuw na Wallace met een tas vol boeken, een verrekijker en de laatste wetenschappelijke inzichten dwars door Indonesië. Samen met onderzoekers, natuurbeschermers, jagers en stropers bezocht hij verschillende jungles, wouden en andere natuurlocaties. Het resultaat is een persoonlijk verhaal over de schoonheid en kwetsbaarheid van de natuur in Indonesië in de eenentwintigste eeuw. | 16 |
Fall In Love | Kate Woodsen | 3.34 | Romance | First published September 13, 2013 | Amanda Sparks, a waitress by the day and a hooker at night, witnesses a car accident and meets Damon Rhodes―the man that will change her life forever.Damon Rhodes, a blue-eyed billionaire, paid her for her companionship and not what she usually was paid for to do as a prostitute. Damon is the collection of every girl’s fantasy rolled into one fine looking man. It felt like she is Cinderella and Prince Charming comes to slip the glass slipper on her foot.But Amanda is not welcome into his world of money and fame. So when their relationship changes from “professional” to “personal”, Amanda’s status changes as well. From being the girl waiting on the streets for a guy to pick her up, she becomes high society’s most disgusted person.Can two people from two different worlds make a fairytale turn into reality, or are they not likely to be in love at all? | 32 |
Lengua Francesa. Segundo Curso | Eliane López Mosnier | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1970 | null | 0 |
Una lezione alla scuola di Barbiana | Lorenzo Milani | 3.67 | null | First published June 1, 2004 | null | 3 |
Per l'educazione al patrimonio culturale. 22 tesi | Adriana Bortolotti | 2 | null | First published January 1, 2008 | Il volume sintetizza le varie riflessioni in materia di educazione al patrimonio e propone elaborazioni di riferimento per ripensare il patrimonio e l’operatività: la prospettiva processuale del patrimonio che si alimenta e si modifica grazie alla continua concettualizzazione e interpretazione; l’esperire il patrimonio come procedere complesso; il patrimonio culturale quale elemento generativo, che mette in moto saperi e relazioni… | 1 |
Der Schrei des toten Kämpfers | Michael Molsner | 2 | null | First published January 1, 1990 | Ungarn 1956: Brutal werden Imre Nagy und seine Mitstreiter nach ihrem gescheiterten Aufstand hingerichtet – und mehr als dreißig Jahre später exhumiert und ehrenvoll beigesetzt.Damals war er ein junger Geheimpolizist, der Beamte, der im Mittelpunkt von Michael Molsners Roman steht und dem eine große Karriere bevorsteht. Bei einem Besuch in Bonn wird ihm eine Tonbandkassette gestohlen, die ein düsteres Licht auf seine Aktivitäten während des Aufstandes von 1956 wirft. Das Bundeskriminalamt wird eingeschaltet. Tilmann Kleiber muß einem Kollegen helfen, der seine Laufbahn offensichtlich als Folterknecht begann ... | 1 |
Curso Básico de Astrologia, Técnicas de Cálculo e Interpretação #2 | Marion D. March | 4.12 | Astrology | First published January 1, 1977 | Este curso básico mostra como o leitor deve proceder, passo a passo, para aprender os conceitos fundamentais da Astrologia. As lições são cuidadosamente elaboradas e terminam com um questionário organizado para testar o progresso do leitor.Os livros da coleção são autônomos, podendo ser adquiridos e estudados separadamente. Neste segundo volume destacam-se, principalmente, as lições sobre os cálculos para montagem dos mapas de nascimento. Como nos outros títulos da série, este é ilustrado com o horóscopo de conhecidas personalidades do mundo das letras, das artes, dos esportes e da política. | 135 |
În sălbăticie | Jon Krakauer | 4.01 | Nonfiction | First published January 13, 1996 | În sălbăticie s-a menţinut peste doi ani pe lista bestsellerurilor New York Times; a primit YALSA Best Books for Young Adults Award în 1997; este nominalizat la YALSA Popular Paperbacks în 2012. Filmul omonim, regizat în 2007 de Sean Penn, cu Emile Hirsch, Vince Vaughn şi Kristen Stewart, a fost recompensat cu două Globuri de Aur şi nominalizat la două premii Oscar. | 1,125,411 |
Bữa sáng ở Tiffany's | Truman Capote | 3.85 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1958 | Tập Breakfast at Tiffany's: A Short Novel and Three Stories xuất bản năm 1958 gồm truyện vừa cùng tên và 3 truyện ngắn Nhà hoa, Cây đàn guitar kim cương và Ký ức Giáng sinh. Nhân vật chính của Bữa sáng ở Tiffany’s, Holly Nhẹ Dạ, đã trở thành một trong những sáng tạo nổi tiếng nhất của Truman Capote và của văn học hiện đại Mỹ thế kỷ 20. Lối văn của cuốn sách đã khiến nhà văn Norman Mailer gọi Capote là “nhà văn hoàn hảo nhất của thế hệ tôi. Ông viết nên những câu văn hay nhất, đẹp đến từng con chữ, từng nhịp điệu.” Trong tuyệt tác đầy cám dỗ và nuối tiếc này, Truman Capote đã sáng tạo nên một cô gái mà tên cô đã đi vào thành ngữ Mỹ và phong cách cô là một phần của diện mạo văn học. Holly Nhẹ Dạ biết rằng vĩnh viễn không điều gì xấu có thể xảy ra với mình ở tiệm Tiffany’s; sự cay đắng, hài hước, ngây thơ của cô vẫn cứ mê hoặc lòng người. Tuyển tập này có thêm 3 trong số những truyện ngắn nổi tiếng nhất của Capote, Nhà hoa, Cây đàn guitar kim cương và Ký ức Giáng sinh mà tờ Satuday Review gọi là “một trong những truyện ngắn cảm động nhất bằng tiếng Anh.” Đấy là câu chuyện về hai kẻ ngây thơ – một cậu bé và một bà già, bạn thân thiết nhất của cậu – trong ngọt ngào có cái lõi sắc cạnh và nghiệt ngã của hiện thực. Bộ phim Bữa sáng ở Tiffany’s đã được Hollywood tạo thành một biểu tưởng phù hoa, không chỉ thời trang mà còn một phong cách sống nổi bật nhất của truyền thông thế kỷ 20. Kẻ nào đủ tỉnh táo trước sự cám dỗ và đủ sức mạnh chống lại những va đập không thương tiếc của đời sống thị thành? Câu chuyện hài hước và sâu cay đã được dựng thành phim năm 1961 với ngôi sao Audrey Hepburn. Sự khác biệt giữa truyện và phim cũng phản ánh quan điểm về những cái kết tốt đẹp (happy-ending) rất đặc trưng của màn bạc Mỹ. Phim và truyện cho đến nay, trở thành một cặp biểu tượng thời trang và văn hóa kinh điển. | 247,176 |
Aik Din Ki Baat / ایک دن کی بات | Uxi Mufti | 4.07 | null | First published March 1, 2013 | عکسی مفتی کی یاداشتیں۔ ہلکے پھلکے انداز میں۔ ایک دن کی بات سنا کر ایک سے زیادہ نکتے سمجھانے کی ایک کوشش۔ | 14 |
Glut | Murat Uyurkulak | 4.09 | Turkish Literature | First published January 1, 2006 | In Ominösien, einem Land irgendwo im Osten, herrscht Bürgerkrieg. „Muster“ ist als schräger Vogel und Taugenichts verschrien, doch als sein allseits beliebter kleiner Bruder fällt, stellt er sich dem Ernst des Lebens und lässt sich zum Wehrdienst einziehen. Dass die höheren Sphären den Bruder als Prophetenkandidat ausersehen hatten und in arge Bedrängnis kommen, als dieser fällt, dass nun er als Ersatz herhalten muss, um den Engeln nicht den Job zu rauben, ahnt er nicht. Mit Kumpel „Dreizehn“ desertiert er bald mitten im Gefecht, fällt aber den Rebellen in die Hände, die beide monatelang arretieren. Kurz bevor das Dahinvegetieren ihnen den letzten Lebensmut raubt, kommt der „Jünger“ um, der Kandidat aber endlich frei, allerdings stark traumatisiert. Wieder sorgen die Engel für Ersatz.Alles scheint ein gutes Ende zu nehmen, als Muster, der neue Dreizehn und der gescheiterte Filmemacher Fünfunddreißig im Großen Kino eine schräge Gesellschaft versammeln, um die Druckerei im Haus wieder in Gang zu setzen. Als sie sich auf Raubdrucke und Falschgeld verlegen, brummt das Geschäft. Das erste eigene Werk erschüttert das Land: Die Schrägen erzählen ihre eigenen Geschichten – ein Panorama der Traumata der Gesellschaft. Die Ereignisse überstürzen sich, die Dimensionen geraten ins Wanken und im Kino wird es höllenheiß… | 1,064 |
Guía práctica de la cocinera | Marie Alice Lamberty, Isabel Moore, Veronica Sperling | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1978 | null | 0 |
Stranizza | Valerio la Martire | 4.27 | LGBT | First published October 5, 2013 | 'su quel muretto, seduti l’uno accanto all’altro, si trovarono davanti a un bivio. da una parte la morte, dall’altra la vita. presero una decisione, ma non sapevano dove li avrebbe portati. dopotutto se anche lo avessero saputo non avrebbero preso un’altra strada. forse ci sono momenti in cui la possibilità di scegliere è solo un’illusione, perché non seguire i propri sentimenti è impossibile.'un libro sull’odio che parla d’amoreun libro sulla paura che parla di coraggioun libro su due ragazzi che parlano come adultiun libro per chi ha il coraggio di amare | 214 |
Curso Básico de Astrologia, Análise do Horóscopo #3 | Marion D. March | 4.18 | Astrology | First published April 1, 1984 | Dividido em três volumes, a série de livros visa proporcionar um ensino completo dos conceitos fundamentais da Astrologia. Com lições cuidadosamente elaboradas, incluem no final de cada ensimento um questionário organizado para testar o progresso do leitor.O diferencial deste curso em relação aos demais existentes é o modo como o seu método envolve o leitor no processo de aprendizagem, usando desde exercícios fáceis a testes bem elaborados.Como os volumes da série são autônomos, podem também ser adquiridos e estudados separadamente. Este volume se aprofunda na análise e interpretação de horóscopos e mapas astrológicos. As lições versam sobre as diferentes técnicas de interpretação dos mapas e sobre como descobrir neles áreas específicas de interesse. Contém a análise dos horóscopos de 36 pessoas famosas. | 114 |
نتخلص مما نحب | عماد غزالي | 0 | null | First published January 1, 2013 | null | 0 |
Carrie | Stephen King | 3.99 | Horror | First published April 5, 1974 | Acum într-o nouă ecranizare de excepție, avându-le în distribuție pe Chloë Grace Moretz și Julianne Moore.Carrie este o adolescentă timidă și retrasă, care, din copilărie, îndură persecuțiile și ironiile colegilor de clasă. Umilințele la care o supun devin o tortură din care simte ca nu mai poate ieși. Mai mult, este și victima fanatismului religios al mamei sale, o ființă violentă, brutală.Când disperarea ajunge la apogeu, Carrie își descoperă o putere înspăimântătoare - telekinezia -, ce-i oferă darul răzbunarii: poate să miște, să arunce, să zdrobească și să incendieze orice de la distanță."Sângeroasă și înspăimântătoare ... nu o poți lăsa din mână!"Chicago Tribune"Garantat să te îngrozească!"The New York Times | 770,156 |
中国人的修养 | 蔡元培 | 3.5 | China | First published September 1, 2012 | 内容介绍:
《中国人的修养》是蔡元培先生在公民道德修养方面的杰出作品,主要收录了他最为重要的道德思想建设代表作:《华工学校讲义》和《中学修身教科书》。《中国人的修养》完美结合了中华传统文化中的修身齐家治国平天下与现代公民道德教育理念,通过细微事件,具体、详尽地阐述了建设道德社会的方法,是一部值得所有国人阅读的道德范本。中国人或许是最保守、最固执,亦最利己的族群,他们有着发自内心的真诚和善良,却从未试图将这种真诚和善良,变成社会的公共精神。但蔡元培先生显然并不这么认为。在他的眼中,中国人是“可改造的”,如果能摒弃过去的束缚,并注入崭新的思想,中国人就一定能从“独善其身”,转而“兼济天下”。这部几近百年前的教科书,如今的国人也许刚刚翻开第一页。但翻开便好,便是试图革新,便是大勇气。 | 2 |
Insegnare Storia con il cinema muto | Maria Vassallo | 3 | null | First published January 1, 2006 | "Torino: Cinema, Moda e Costume nel primo Novecento" è il titolo di un progetto didattico pensato e realizzato da insegnanti e operatori museali, nell'ambito di una convenzione triennale che il Museo Nazionale del Cinema, l'Associazione Clio '92 e l'Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Albert Einstein" di Torino hanno stipulato per promuovere un'iniziativa comune di formazione dei docenti su temi storiografici e metodologici. | 1 |
ハヤテのごとく! 36 [Hayate no Gotoku! 36] | Kenjirō Hata | 3.57 | Manga | First published March 18, 2013 | 前進同人誌販售會,熱血的夏天正在加速!! 小凪擁有琉加沒有的東西。而琉加也有著小凪欠缺的特質。決定兩人命運的同人誌販售會即將到來,這個夏天將會火花四射!! 因為感冒而病倒的學生會長,想做作業卻智商不足的三人組,再度決心要減重的西澤…管家與輸不得的戰鬥毫無關係,卻因此忙得焦頭爛額,炎熱的季節將會漸漸加速……應該吧!! | 21 |
Wie Atemnot entsteht und vergeht: Sechs schnelle Übungen gegen Stress | Maxi Zöllner | 0 | null | First published October 1, 2004 | null | 0 |
Main Aur Mera Pakistan / میں اور میرا پاکستان | Imran Khan | 4.13 | Pakistan | First published October 17, 2011 | The fascinating story of Pakistan, seen through the eyes of its most famous son, Imran Khan.Born only five years after Pakistan was created in 1947, Imran Khan has lived his country's history. Undermined by a ruling elite hungry for money and power, Pakistan now stands alone as the only Islamic country with a nuclear bomb, yet unable to protect its people from the carnage of regular bombings at home. How did it reach this flashpoint of instability and injustice with such potentially catastrophic results for the whole world?Recounting his country's history through the prism of his own memories, Imran Khan starts from its foundation, ripped out of the dying British Raj. He guides us through and comments on subsequent historical developments which shook the Muslim world -- the wars with India in 1965 and 1971, the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Societ invasion of Afghanistan, the 9/11 terrorist attacks -- to the current controversial and intractable war in Afghanistan. Throughout we see these events viewed not only through the eyes of Westerners, but through those of ordinary Pakistanis.Drawing on the experiences of his own family and his wide travels within his homeland, Pakistan: A Personal History provides a unique insider's view of a country unfamiliar to a western audience. Woven into this history we see how Imran Khan's personal life -- his happy childhood in Lahore, his Oxford education, his extraordinary cricketing career, his playboy years and marriage to Jemima Goldsmith, his mother's influence and that of his Islamic faith -- inform both the historical narrative and his current philanthropic and political activities. It is at once absorbing and insightful, casting fresh light upon a country whose culture he believes is largely misunderstood by the West.From the Trade Paperback edition. | 1,988 |
Московская сага. Тюрьма и мир | Vasily Aksyonov | 4.13 | Russian Literature | First published January 1, 1994 | "Поколение зимы", "Война и тюрьма", "Тюрьма и мир" - эти три романа составляют трилогию Василия Аксенова "Московская сага". Их действие охватывает едва ли не самые страшные в нашей истории годы: с начала двадцатых до начала пятидесятых - борьба с троцкизмом, коллективизация, лагеря, война с фашизмом, послевоенные репрессии.Вместе со страной семья Градовых, три поколения российских интеллигентов, проходит все круги этого ада сталинской эпохи. | 195 |
Lungo le piste d'Africa. Commerci locali e strategie imperiali in Tanzania | Karin Pallaver | 5 | null | First published January 1, 2008 | null | 1 |
La phonétique | Jacqueline Vaissière | 3.12 | Linguistics | First published January 1, 1954 | La faculté d'acquérir une langue est le propre de l'homme : à travers le liquide amniotique, le fœtus s'imprègne des sonorités verbales et du rythme de la langue maternelle. La phonétique concerne tous les scientifiques dont le domaine d'intérêt est la communication parlée, sa nature et son fonctionnement. Cet ouvrage présente cette discipline et propose une synthèse des résultats des recherches menées ces dernières années.Jacqueline Vaissière est professeur à l'Université de Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle. | 17 |
Mám tvoje číslo | Sophie Kinsella | 3.94 | Chick Lit | First published November 2, 2011 | Stačilo niekoľko pohárov šampanského s kamarátkami a Poppy sa život otočil hore nohami. Stratila svoj zásnubný prsteň. Jedinú vec na svete, na ktorú mala dať pozor. V Magnusovej rodine ho dedí už tretia generácia. A stratila ho práve v deň, keď sa jeho rodičia vracajú zo Spojených štátov. To však nie je všetko, v panike stratila aj mobil. Keď v odpadkovom koši zbadala opustený telefón, zdalo sa jej to ako zásah osudu... Čo našla, patrí predsa jej! No majiteľ mobilu, obchodník Sam Roxton, má iný názor. Chce, aby mu Poppy mobil vrátila a nie je nadšený, že mu číta správy a vŕta sa mu v súkromí. Môže to byť ešte komplikovanejšie? | 232,029 |
El francotirador paciente | Arturo Pérez-Reverte | 3.28 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2008 | «El Destino es un cazador paciente. Ciertas casualidades están escritas de antemano, como francotiradores agazapados con un ojo en el visor y un dedo en el gatillo, esperando el momento idóneo. Y aquél, sin duda, lo era. Uno de tantos falsos azares planeados por ese Destino retorcido, irónico, aficionado a las bromas pesadas.»Un encargo editorial pone a Alejandra Varela, especialista en arte urbano, tras la pista de Sniper, un reconocido artista del grafiti, promotor de acciones callejeras al límite de la legalidad —algunas de ellas con resultados fatales— del que casi nadie ha visto jamás el rostro ni conoce el paradero. La búsqueda conducirá a la protagonista de Madrid a Lisboa, y de ahí a Verona y Nápoles en su intento por descifrar cuál es el objetivo al que apunta la mira mortal del cazador solitario.El francotirador paciente es un thriller que apasiona, un formidable duelo de inteligencias, un juego al límite entre perseguidor y presa. Porque el tiempo no es lo más importante cuando quedan cuentas pendientes. | 2,260 |
Tiden det tar | Hanne Ørstavik | 3.48 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2000 | Signe er 30 år og har nettopp flyttet ut av byen med mann og barn. Julen nærmer seg, og de tre har planlagt å feire den for seg selv. Men så kommer Signes foreldre på besøk. Signe blir konfrontert med deres forventninger, og må forholde seg til sin egen historie. | 180 |
Tecniche di propaganda politica. Vichy e la Légion Française des Combattants | Irene Di Jorio | 0 | null | First published January 1, 2006 | Propaganda e controllo dei mass-media sono oggi al centro di accesi dibattiti e di aggiornate ricerche storiche. Indispensabile in ogni società massificata, la creazione del consenso è riconosciuta come centrale per comprendere il successo dei fascismi nell'Europa fra le due guerre. Il regime di Vichy, nato nella drammatica situazione del luglio 1940, offre in tal senso un punto d'osservazione privilegiato. Come lanciare l'immagine di un nuovo Stato, in un paese sconfitto e in buona parte occupato' Come far aderire i cittadini ad un sistema politico liberticida che chiede, per giunta, di collaborare con l'eterno nemico' Attraverso lo studio di fonti inedite e di documenti a diffusione militante, il libro conduce nel retroscena di questo regime controverso ed esamina le competenze mobilitate per allestire una 'fabbrica del consenso' efficace. Concentrandosi sul caso limite della Légion Française des Combattants, esso getta nuova luce su un sistema che, lungi dall'accontentarsi di ricette tradizionali, riservò un'attenzione 'scientifica' alle tecniche di propaganda e alla formazione dei propagandisti. | 0 |
The Aleph | Jorge Luis Borges | 4.33 | Short Stories | First published January 1, 1945 | Although full of philosophical puzzles and supernatural surprises, the stories which make up The Aleph also contain some of Borges's most fully realised human characters. With uncanny insight he takes us inside the minds of an unrepentant Nazi, an imprisoned Mayan priest, fanatical Christian theologians, a woman plotting vengeance on her father’s 'killer', and a man awaiting his assassin in a Buenos Aires guest house. This volume also contains the hauntingly brief vignettes about literary imagination and personal identity collected in The Maker, which Borges created as failing eyesight and public fame began to undermine his sense of self. | 44,083 |
Economix: Wie unsere Wirtschaft funktioniert | Michael Goodwin | 4.32 | Economics | First published September 1, 2012 | Stimulus plans: good or bad? Free markets: How free are they? Jobs: Can we afford them? Occupy Wall Street . . . worldwideEverybody's talking about the economy, but how can we, the people, understand what Wall Street or Washington knows--or say they know? Read "Economix."With clear, witty writing and quirky, accessible art, this important and timely graphic novel transforms "the dismal science" of economics into a fun, fact-filled story about human nature and our attempts to make the most of what we've got . . . and sometimes what our neighbors have got. "Economix "explains it all, from the beginning of Western economic thought, to markets free and otherwise, to economic failures, successes, limitations, and future possibilities. It's the essential, accessible guide to understanding the economy and economic practices. A must-read for every citizen and every voter.PRAISE FOR "ECONOMIX""It's simply phenomenal. You could read ten books on the subject and not glean as much information."-- David Bach founder of FinishRich Media; author of nine "New York Times" bestsellers, including "Debt Free for Life" and "The Automatic Millionaire" "Goodwin has done the seemingly impossible--he has made economics comprehensible "and" funny."-- Joel Bakan, author of "The Corporation" "The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power" "An amazing lesson in true-world economics Delightfully presented, powerful, insightful, and important information What a fun way to fathom a deep and often dark subject "-- John Perkins, author of "Hoodwinked" and the "New York Times" bestseller "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" "Smart, insightful, clear, and as close to the truth as economics can get. The bonus: Who would have guessed that economics could be fun, and--here's the joy--really accessible? Goodwin roots us in history and fills us with common sense understanding. As he puts it early on, economics seems horribly complicated mostly because we're looking at it all at once. Broken down into its component pieces, it's relatively easy to understand. And a good understanding of economics is critical to maneuvering in the world today. If I were compiling a list of the 100 most important books you can read in a lifetime, this would be on it."--Stephen Petranek, editor-in-chief, Weider History magazines, former editor-in-chief of "Discover" magazine "Through a potent mix of comics and punchy, concise, accessible prose, Goodwin takes us on a provocative, exhaustively researched, and exceedingly engaging trip through our history and present day, creating an alternately hilarious and scary picture of where we are today as an economy-- and what it all means. More than that, Goodwin makes the arcane, understandable. If your mind either spins or slumbers at the thought of economics, read Goodwin's "Economix" and all will become clear. --Nomi Prins, author of "It Takes a Pillage: An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit, and Untold Trillions" ""Economix" is a lively, cheerfully opinionated romp through the historical and intellectual foundations of our current economy and our current economic problems. Goodwin has a knack for distilling complex ideas and events in ways that invite the reader to follow the big picture without losing track of what actually happened. Any reader wondering how our economy got to where it is today will find this a refreshing overview."--Timothy W. Guinnane, Philip Golden Bartlett Professor of Economic History, Yale University | 4,513 |
La cocina completa. Enciclopedia culinaria | María Mestayer de Echagüe (Marquesa de Parabere) | 3.75 | Cooking | First published January 1, 1955 | Madrid. 24 cm. 902 p., 18 lam. Encuadernación en tapa dura de editorial ilustrada. Colección 'Enciclopedia culinaria'. Mestayer de Echagüe, María 1887-1949. La cocina completa. Por María Mestayer de Echagüe (Marquesa de Parabere) seud. Laminas en negro y en color. Grab. intercal .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. | 4 |
Teoria dell'agire comunicativo. Volume I | Jürgen Habermas | 3.92 | Philosophy | First published January 1, 1981 | A major contribution to contemporary social theory. Not only does it provide a compelling critique of some of the main perspectives in 20th century philosophy and social science, but it also presents a systematic synthesis of the many themse which have preoccupied Habermas for thirty years. --Times Literary Supplement | 833 |
Lokal kann sozial sein! | Petra Leuschner | 3 | null | First published March 1, 2013 | Sozialpolitik ist ein klassisches Kompetenzthema linker Politiker_innen, vor allem in den Kommunen. Da die Rahmenbedingungen in hohem Maße bundesgesetzlich vorgegeben sind, ist es hier besonders wichtig, die Möglichkeiten der konkreten Ausgestaltung der Sozialpolitik in den Städten und Gemeinden und die dabei gewonnenen Erfahrungen zu kennen und zu verbreiten.Die Autor_innen dieses Buches konzentrieren sich auf die Diskussion der Erfahrungen in den wichtigsten Feldern der Sozialpolitik: Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende, Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie Sozialhilfe. Abschließend werden linke Alternativen vorgestellt und gezeigt, dass soziales Handeln, die Organisation von Teilhabe aller überall möglich ist. Die Autor_innen unterbreiten Vorschläge, hoffen auf Diskussion und sind für Anregungen dankbar. | 1 |
Misbehaving | Tiffany Reisz | 3.93 | Erotica | First published February 11, 2014 | Librarian's note: Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781460326404.Wanted: Adventurous, open-minded man willing to try anything…As a popular sex blogger, Beatriz gets paid to have orgasms. So being on deadline the week of her sister’s wedding isn’t as rough as it sounds. There’s just one hitch: Bea’s assignment is to write a review of a sex position manual, but she doesn’t have a plus one to play with.The good news: Ben, the one who got away back in college, is also attending stag--and he's as temptingly gorgeous as ever.The bad news: Ben turned down Bea’s offer of graduation night sex five years ago.The best news: He’s not planning on making the same mistake twice. *A red-hot retelling of Much Ado About Nothing for people who love Shakespeare but thought his plays could use a few more sex scenes. A Cosmo Red-Hot Read | 2,882 |
velichathin niram karuppu | mukilan | 3.95 | null | First published February 16, 2012 | all over world true story thrilling ,mystry, miracles,miths etc..... very intersting to read | 37 |
Evening's Empires | Paul McAuley | 3.66 | Science Fiction | First published July 18, 2013 | The True Empire has fallen. While Earth endures a centuries-long winter, the rest of the Solar System is divided in thousand city states and petty commonwealths and kingdoms.Scientific enquiry has dwindled. Superstition drives out reason. When a mysterious signal stamps the same brief vision in the minds of everyone alive, rival cultists claim that it foreshadows a holy Utopia, or the intrusion of something inhuman, and a final war between good and evil.Gajananvihari Pilot, youngest son of a family of junk peddlers, escapes the hijack of his father’s ship with vital secrets locked inside the severed head of a philosopher. Sworn to find the bandits who murdered his family, he quickly discovers that his search is linked to the key to understanding the Bright Moment.Accompanied by a flamboyant exile and the daughter of a mad scientist, pursued by cultists and renegades, he sets out on a quest across an asteroid belt crammed with the wonders and ruins of a more ambitious age. From encounters with ancient intelligences both human and artificial to a reckoning with the deep rivalries within his family and a secret rooted in the first days of the colonisation of the Solar System, Pilot’s journey may decide the answer to the most pressing question facing humanity.Something new has flowered in the ruins of history.Who will decide how it grows? | 352 |
Teoria dell'agire comunicativo. Volume II | Jürgen Habermas | 3.94 | Philosophy | First published January 1, 1981 | Juergen Habermas opens Volume 2 with a brilliant reinterpretation of Mead and Durkheim and then develops his own approach to society, combining two hitherto competing paradigms, "system" and "lifeworld." The strength of this combination is then demonstrated in a detailed critique of Parsons's theory of social systems. Concluding with a critical reconstruction of the Weberan and Marxian treatment of modernity and its discontents, Habermas sets a new agenda for the critical theory of contemporary society. The combination of historical and theoretical sweep, analytical acumen and synthetic power, imagination and engagement mark this as one of the great works of twentieth-century social theory. | 447 |
Diabolik R. 629: Perduti! | Giorgio Corbetta | 4 | null | First published July 1, 1999 | Da anni Eva e Diabolik superano insormontabili ostacoli, sfuggono alle più sofisticate insidie dei più astuti avversari. Chi avrebbe mai pensato che a farli cadere nelle grinfie di Ginko sarebbe stato un anonimo giornalaio? | 1 |
The Witch Sisters | Alma Katsu | 3.52 | Fantasy | First published January 13, 2013 | In the magical fens wood, Adair meets a pair of sister witches who turn out to be more—much more—than he bargained for in this short story, a prequel to the third book in The Taker Trilogy, THE DESCENT. | 561 |
Go vegan!: Warum wir ohne tierische Produkte glücklicher und besser leben | Attila Hildmann | 3.94 | Nonfiction | First published October 8, 2013 | Vegan zu leben liegt im Trend. Tatsächlich gibt es viele gute Gründe, auf Fleisch und andere tierische Produkte zu verzichten, vor allem, aber nicht nur, um die Rechte der Tiere zu wahren.Die bekannte China Study hat bereits vor rund zehn Jahren einen engen Zusammenhang zwischen tierischen Lebensmitteln und zahlreichen Krankheiten aufgezeigt und heute sind die gesundheitlichen Vorteile einer rein pflanzlichen Ernährung nicht länger von der Hand zu weisen. | 33 |
En France. Comme si vous y étiez. 2 book set | Pierre Amado | 0 | null | null | null | 0 |
Diabolik Swiisss n. 234: Terrore nella palude | Angela Giussani | 3.8 | null | First published November 20, 2013 | Il piano studiato per rubare i favolosi gioielli di Turbèn sembra proprio perfetto. Peccato che a rovinare tutto irrompa sulla scena Consuelo Esteban. Un tipino abituato a sostenere le sue ragioni a suon di mitra. | 5 |
سكران المجانين | عدنان العودة | 4.75 | null | First published January 1, 2012 | شعر محكي | 4 |
Epistolario | Baruch Spinoza | 4.01 | Philosophy | First published January 1, 1995 | È questa la prima traduzione integrale dell'epistolario spinoziano: vi sono comprese anche le lettere che trattano di fisica, di ottica e in genere del progresso dell'indagine scientifica del XVII secolo. Si tratta quindi di un documento significativo della connessione intima che regnò in quell'epoca tra filosofia e scienza, ed in realtà la scienza della natura era la trama sulla quale Spinoza intesseva la filosofia della sostanza infinita. Sotto questo aspetto l'epistolario spinoziano assume nella storia della scienza un interesse non minore di quello che presenta specificamente per lo storico della filosofia. | 90 |
The Big Short: De geheime winnaars van de kredietcrisis | Michael Lewis | 4.3 | Nonfiction | First published March 15, 2010 | Terwijl alle banken feestvierden zagen een paar slimme buitenstaanders op Wall Street wat de grote banken, de media en overheid niet zagen: de wereldeconomie stond op instorten. Zij bedachten een plan om ervan te profiteren. Hun riskante investering bracht hen naar de duistere kant van het moderne bankwezen. | 164,192 |
Luba's comics and stories #8 | Gilbert Hernández | 4.67 | null | First published June 1, 2006 | Luba's Comics and Stories #8 by Gilbert Hernandez. | 3 |
Diabolik anno LII n. 12: Ricatto senza fine | Mario Gomboli | 3.67 | Graphic Novels | First published December 1, 2013 | Mentre Marco Burns è ricoverato in ospedale a seguito di un grave incidente, Diabolik ne approfitta per andare a svaligiare la sua cassaforte. È sicuro di avere tutte le informazioni utili, sembra un colpo facile. Ma lo aspetta una sorpresa... una doppia sorpresa. | 3 |
Scenariu pentru happy-end | Matthew Quick | 3.98 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2008 | Romanul Scenariu pentru happy-end a fost adaptat pentru cinematografie intr-o celebra pelicula nominalizata la Premiul Oscar, avindu-i in distributie pe Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence si Robert De Niro. Pat e obsedat de o teorie: viata lui e un film ce-l are drept producator pe Dumnezeu. Iar Dumnezeu i-a dat o misiune: sa alerge in fiecare zi, sa-si recapete trupul de altadata (de pe vremea cind inca nu statuse patru ani intr-un spital de nebuni), dar si linistea emotionala. O va recistiga astfel pe Nikki, fosta lui sotie. Nenorocirea e ca, stiindu-l fost pacient al spitalului de boli mintale, nimeni nu-l mai ia in serios si toti il agreseaza sau ii intorc spatele: Philadelphia Eagles, echipa care-l tine legat de realitate, pierde meci dupa meci, fara speranta; el e urmarit de o tinara de o frumusete rapitoare, dar nebuna; psihoterapeutul, departe de a se alia cu Dumnezeu, ii recomanda sa se culce cu orice femeie care-i iese-n cale, in scop terapeutic, si, colac peste pupaza, Kenny G il tot piseaza la cap. „Matthew Quick umple paginile romanului sau cu o rara inteligenta a absurdului si e imposibil sa nu-l aplauzi pentru un erou atit de improbabil.” (People) „Scenariu pentru happy-end e un debut frumos. Si e greu sa nu te emotioneze soarta unui om care, in ciuda experientelor ingrozitoare prin care trece, incearca din rasputeri sa creada in speranta, in fidelitatea pentru o iubire pierduta, in ideea ca trebuie sa mai supravietuiasca o zi cu mintea intreaga.” (The Wall Street Journal) | 160,625 |
Diabolik R n. 630: Colpo alla cieca | Patricia Martinelli | 3.8 | null | First published August 1, 1999 | Buio! Il futuro è ormai un abisso di tenebre, un vortice che li trascina verso la più cupa disperazione. E verso un'atrocità più crudele di quanto gli stessi Eva e Diabolik siano mai riusciti a immaginare. | 5 |
How to Make a Living from Crafts | Margo Price | 3.6 | null | First published September 24, 2013 | How to Make a Living from Crafts provides a fundamental blueprint for anyone running, or thinking of running, their own craft business. It tackles the major dilemma faced by crafts how to convert infrequent craft sales into a regular income. By creating multiple income streams and passing on your skills and knowledge to others, it explains how to make a hobby into a paying job.In this book, Margo Price shares her tried-and-tested techniques, perfected from over ten-year’s experience of running her own sewing business - Time4me Workshops. While sewing is used as the example, the original and practical ideas presented in this book will provide essential reading for anyone who wants to know to make a living from any type of craft.Find out how to turn your hobby into a businessConverting your hobby into a money-making operation isn't always a smooth transition. You will need to change your attitude, get serious and act professional. To make a living in a craft business you must adopt a business-like attitude, become more focused on money and profits, and take a objective look at what it is you produce, and why.Learn how to make crafts that will make you moneyIt's easy to get attached to your work and think everyone will have the same warm fuzzy feelings about your creations as you do. Think again. The biggest mistake is to make what you want rather than making what people want to buy. As with any new product or service, testing the market is key to your success.Discover how to make a fair profit for your creationsHow much should you charge? Many people can't tell you the cost, overhead, or the time put into a making a craft item. When making your crafts be sure you include your time and expenses and ask for a price that will make you a profit. This is crucial to your success.Learn how to advertise your craft and your businessWhile craft fairs are a good place to test and sell your wares, you must also have a presence the internet. It's tempting to think that once you are on the internet, people (and sales) will find you. They won't. You need to advertise yourself. There are numerous ways to do this and many are free.Find out whether you really need your own websiteHaving your own website can be expensive unless you (or a friend) have the skills and time to do it. There are ways to become part of an already established website, set-up your own online shop - and all for free. But don't think you won't have to promote it. Constant promotion, both online, using social media, and offline, is key.Discover how to get your own online shop - FOR FREETurning a seasonal craft business into a year-round stable income can be a difficult transition to make unless you get creative about how you are going to sell yourself and how you are going to get repeat business from your customers. A common mistake amongst crafters is failing to look after the needs of their existing customers.Learn how to keep your customers coming back for moreKeep trying new indulge your creative spirit. This will keep things interesting for you and keep them fresh for your customers, giving them a reason keep coming back. Apply your crafty creativity to your business.Learn how to create multiple income streamsDon't get locked into the thought that the only way you can make money in crafting is to sell the products you've made. Some of the most successful crafters also write, teach, sell their designs or publish their own books. Teaching is a great way to make money in the crafting field. | 10 |
ett svart streck | Jesper Waldersten | 4 | null | null | Ett svart streck är Jesper Walderstens första större utställning. Samtliga teckningar är nya och gjorda för detta sammanhang. I samband med utställningen publicerar Färgfabriken också boken ”Ett svart streck”, om 136 sidor med 60 teckningar av Waldersten, och en text av Färgfabrikens Jan Åman, som avslutas med följande ord: ”Jesper har givit sig ut igen på sin vandring, men med lite andra förtecken. Han vandrar i ensamhet och på kalas. Han vandrar bland isolerade individer, bland par och bland grupper av figurer. Så som han brukar. Det är närhet och desperat isolation om vartannat. Det är mänskligt omänskligt. Det är tristess, sex, fylla, kort glädje, misslyckanden och drömmar om något annat. Klassiska konstnärliga temata. Och det är väl det som är Jesper Waldersten. Han zappar genom vår tid. Han tecknar fortare än en dator minns. Och han gör det på jakt efter konstens klassiska domäner.” | 3 |
Alfabetatzen 1 | Juan Luis Goikoetxea, Xabier Zubizarreta | 0 | null | null | null | 0 |
Poems in Two Volumes, Volume 1 | William Wordsworth | 3.89 | Poetry | Published May 12, 2012 | This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery. | 266 |
L'Assommoir | Émile Zola | 4.08 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1876 | Published in 1877, the seventh novel in the Les Rougon-Macquart series by Emile Zola, L'Assommoir is about the suffering of the Parisian working-class. It revolves around the character of Gervaise Macquart, a laundress who yearns to have a happy family. Zola depicts the most dreadful scenes of poverty, hardship, and alcoholism faced by the working poor in Paris. | 17,833 |
Bombshell | Mike Faricy | 3.73 | Mystery | First published August 1, 2012 | THE JOB: PROTECT A RAGTAG CREW OF GORGEOUS ROLLER DERBY GIRLS FROM A STALKER. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?"Dev is at it again. Put the coffee on, and plan to stay up late, this is a real page turner." -The Irish GazetteDysfunctional, bumbling, crazy babe-magnet Dev Haskell, Private Investigator, has just landed the job of a lifetime. He'll be the envy of every guy with a heartbeat: Dev is hired to provide security for a team of beautiful English roller derby stars (with stage names like Harlotte Davidson and Helen Killer). Though he'd rather be standing guard in the shower room, he finds himself in a world of trouble when he's mistaken for the stalker-turned-killer he's been tracking.With an attorney who drinks too much and a team of females ready to kill him, Dev must prove his innocence, all the while finding the real killer and protecting himself against the wiles of yet another irresistible and dangerous woman. | 894 |
Tu as toujours aimé Bob Marley | Agnès de Lestrade | 4 | null | First published January 1, 2013 | Blanche a 15 ans, les joues encore rebondies du bébé-à-sa-maman qu’elle était encore il y a peu. Sauf qu’à présent, elle marche sur une route, un monstre de colère rentrée dans la poitrine. Bien décidée à quitter pour toujours cette mère « présence absente » à qui elle adresse une cohorte de puissants griefs. Des reproches où l’amour blessé et incompris ne tarde pas à pousser ses pointes vives. | 1 |
Mujeres que corren con los lobos | Clarissa Pinkola Estés | 4.12 | Nonfiction | First published January 1, 1992 | Dentro de toda mujer alienta una vida secreta, una fuerza poderosa llena de buenos instintos, creatividad y sabiduría. Es la Mujer Salvaje, una especie en peligro de extinción debido a los constantes esfuerzos de la sociedad por «civilizar» a las mujeres y constreñirlas a rígidos papeles que anulan su esencia instintiva. Clarissa Pinkola Estés revela ricos mitos interculturales, cuentos de hadas e historias para contribuir a que las mujeres recuperen su fuerza y su salud, atributos visionarios de esa esencia instintiva. Mediante los relatos y los comentarios de la autora, examinamos el amor y comprendemos a la Mujer Salvaje. Estés ha creado una psicología femenina que conduce al conocimiento del alma. | 82,850 |
The Power Of Flower Colors | Rebecca Yaacov | 5 | null | First published November 25, 2012 | The Power of Flower Colors will walk you through the mysterious world of flowers and colors. It will teach you the basic knowledge you need, so that you could apply this simple, yet powerful tool of flower colors, to increase happiness and bring harmony into your life anytime you want.In the book you will learn what are colors and how they influence you. You will find out what color do you need to enhance your life right now. And learn how to use flower colors to overcome life challenges, create a desired mood around the house and control seasonal effects. | 1 |
Diabolik Swiisss n. 235: Le ultime ore | Angela Giussani | 4 | null | First published December 20, 2013 | Beatrice Fantèn è una giovane vedova ricca, festaiola e un po' svampita. Mai più Eva poteva immaginare che, attratta da un ricco bottino, quella ragazza ingenua potesse sfoderare un ingegno e una ferocia degni di Diabolik. | 2 |
Dudes, Dames & Debauchery | Ali Kay | 4 | null | First published October 25, 2013 | Columnist Ali Kay considers herself a hopeful romantic in regards to love. She's not sappy in her writings, but rather honest, hilarious, and entertaining. In her first book Dudes, Dames & Debauchery she has extracted stories from her dating column The Dating Confessions. Her stories are cheeky columns that are juicy with nuances of sensuality. Single and independent, Ali shares her dating and love experiences, and invites readers to hear the opinions of her family, best friends, and former flames. Never shying away from taboo or intense subjects, Ali covers everything from sexual experiences with younger men and dating emotionally unavailable men to breakups and dating the same guy again. Somehow through all her epiphanies, revelations, and advice from friends, Ali's remained open to the possibility of finding love after heartbreak, while indulging in her sexual desires. Ali is a crusader of love and wants to share her stories with those who have loved and lost. Dudes, Dames & Debauchery is an interesting and witty read for those who struggle with relationships and for those who want to feel sexually empowered. | 3 |
Yläilmoissa | Terry Pratchett | 4 | Fantasy | First published January 1, 1990 | Jälleen kerran reipas Onttujoukko lähtee matkantekoon, kun kotia ei löytynyt edes hylätystä louhoksesta. Onttujen matkassa kulkeva, nasevia elämänohjeita jakeleva Kapine näet tiedottaa, että heidän on määrä lähteä sinne mistä he ovat aikoinaan tulleetkin: avaruuteen! Ja avaruuteen pääsee jostakin Floridasta, jonne mennään jollain uudella menopelillä, Concordella...Muitakin menopelejä pienet ilmojen sankarit joutuvat käyttämään, ennen kuin koti kajastaa näköpiirissä. Lentokone vaihtuu hanhien kyytiin ja lopulta suihkitaan ulkoavaruudessa.Yläilmoissa on nuorille lukijoille suunnatun onttutrilogian hieno päätösosa, täynnä vauhtia, viihdettä ja salakavalan syväluotaavaa viisautta. Sarjan edelliset osat olivat Suuri ajomatka ja Louhoksen valtiaat. | 11,087 |
Facing the Other Way: The Story of 4AD | Martin Aston | 4.06 | Music | First published September 1, 2013 | The first official account of the iconic record label.This Mortal Coil, Birthday Party, Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, Pixies, Throwing Muses, Breeders, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Germano, Kristin Hersh, Belly, Red House Painters.Just a handful of the bands and artists who started out recording for 4AD, a record label founded by Ivo Watts-Russell and Peter Kent in 1979, a label which went on to be one of the most influential of the modern era.Combining the unique tastes of Watts-Russell and the striking design aesthetic of Vaughan Oliver, 4AD records were recognisable by their look as much their sound. In this comprehensive account concentrating on the label’s first two decades (up to the point that Watts-Russell left), music journalist Martin Aston explores the fascinating story with unique access to all the key players and pretty much every artist who released a record on 4AD during that time, and to its notoriously reclusive founder.With a cover designed by Vaughan Oliver this is an essential book for all 4AD fans and anyone who loved the music of that time. | 635 |
De gevangene | Yves Swolfs | 2.75 | null | First published January 1, 1996 | Het Vendeese epos krijgt een tragisch vervolg. Eind december 1793 wordt de stad Nantes getroffen door het onheil van de burgeroorlog. De 'verdrinkingen van Nantes' blijven een wrede episode in de veelbewogen Franse geschiedenis.Julien Dampierre is de gevangene van de Republikeinen en hem wacht het droeve lot van de overwonnenen. Robin de Beul zaait dood en verderf. Blijft over Ariane, die vastbesloten is haar vriend te redden. Desnoods ten koste van haar eigen ondergang. | 4 |
Euskalduntzen 2 | Various | 0 | null | null | null | 0 |
Mémoires d'un Minéralogiste sans Frontières | Pierre Bariand | 3 | null | First published June 1, 2008 | null | 1 |
Surviving Meemaw | Roberta Brosius | 3.89 | null | First published October 23, 2013 | High school senior Laney Odell thinks her life is messed up enough. She's had to leave her boyfriend, her best friend, and Arkansas to move in with Meemaw, her Pennsylvania grandmother. Meemaw wears garishly colored clothing, drives like a maniac in her yellow PT Cruiser, and directs a team of puppeteers, making her a minor celebrity in town and a major embarrassment to Laney. To make matters worse, Meemaw enrolls Laney in tiny Millburgh Christian Academy and agrees to teach Puppetry in exchange for Laney's tuition. Though uncomfortable with the strict, religious atmosphere, she's excited by the attention cute, artistic, funny Calvin Berger gives her. Calvin is nothing like bland, boring, brotherly Joshua Gold, one of Meemaw's puppeteers, who hangs out in Laney's kitchen after puppet shows. Will Laney adapt to a new life with her quirky grandmother and finally process the tragic event that sent her there? | 64 |
Hyvä maa | Pearl S. Buck | 4.01 | Fiction | First published March 2, 1931 | Mahtava sukuromaani, jonka ansiosta Pearl S. Buck sai Nobel-palkinnon 1938. Wang Lung on rutiköyhä kiinalainen talonpoika, joka koko nuoruutensa raataa pellolla. Hän ostaa halvalla vaimokseen nöyrän orjatytön. O-lan tekee nurkumatta työtä ja synnyttää joka vuosi lapsen yksin huoneessaan. Wang Lungilla on onni myötä, hän vaurastuu - mutta kumpi lopultakin on parempi, köyhyyden vaivat vai rikkauden mukanaan tuomat huolet ja ristiriidat? | 253,898 |
The Feature of the Expert, Glorious King: “Three Lines That Hit the Key Points.” Root text and commentary by Patrul Rinpoche | Garab Dorje | 4.2 | null | First published January 1, 2007 | The first Patrul Rinpoche is one of the important lineage holders of the Longchen Nyingthig transmission of innermost Great Completion (Dzogpa Chenpo). He wrote many texts on Great Completion practices. One of them has become particularly famous as a manual for the practice of Thorough Cut (Thregcho) The actual title of this text is "The Feature of the Expert, Glorious King". The Expert, Glorious King is Patrul's description of himself as someone who has the lineage and means to provide this explanation of one of the most profound practices of dharma. The lineage of innermost Dzogchen has several root teachings on Thorough Cut practice and all of them can be used as a basis for a manual of how to practice Thorough Cut. One of the most popular ones is a teaching that came from Garab Dorje after he had passed away. This teaching was given as a set of three lines of instructions to his disciple Manjushrimitra and is generally known as the "Three Lines". Patrul's text is actually an explanation of the Three Lines teaching from Garab Dorje. Patrul used the three lines as a basis and then expanded on them so that their meaning could be more easily understood. For that reason, the text has become known as The Three Lines that Strike the Key Points. It is so commonly called by this name that many people do not know the actual name of the text. Patrul Rinpoche not only wrote this text but wrote his own, short commentary to it as well. The commentary certainly will help anyone to understand the very terse words of the original text. Therefore this book contains translations both of the root text and Patrul's own commentary to it. The book also includes an introduction that tells more about the text, notes and a glossary that provide significant help with the unique terminology involved, and an explanation of what the title actually says! | 5 |
Andromeda uhkaa | Michael Crichton | 3.91 | Science Fiction | First published September 1, 1969 | Karmiva tieteisromaani, joka voi vaikka huomispäivänä olla todellisuutta.Kaikki alkaa siitä, kun miehittämätön tutkimussatelliitti poikkeaa radaltaan ja putoaa pieneen amerikkalaiseen erämaakylään. Pian tehdään kauhistava havainto: kylän kaikki asukkaat ovat – kahta lukuunottamatta – kuolleet. Tuntematon avaruuden bakteeri on liikkeellä. Tieteen kaikki keinot keskitetään tuhon pysäyttämiseksi.Huippuluokan tutkijaryhmä työskentelee kuumeisesti salaisessa laboratoriossa, viisi kerrosta Nevadan erämaan alapuolella. Uusimmat tietokoneet, herkimmät mittausvälineet ja laitteet ovat heidän apunaan taistelussa koko maailmaa uhkaavaa tuhoa vastaan. Vähäisen johtolangan heille antaa se, että tuholta on säästynyt pieni sylilapsi sekä muuan sairaalloinen aspiriinin ja alkoholin kyllästämä vanhus. Lopulta on kysymys vain sekunnin murto-osista tässä karmivassa kamppailussa. Ja lukijan on pakko uskoa miltei uskomattomatkin asiat – niin vakuuttava on kerrontaa tukeva tieteellinen asiantuntemus. | 261,760 |
Damages in Russian Law | O.N. Sadikov | 3 | null | First published January 1, 2009 | null | 1 |
La mode illustrée | Various | 4 | null | null | null | 1 |
Krótka piłka | Harlan Coben | 3.98 | Mystery | First published February 5, 1996 | Od kuli ginie była gwiazdka tenisa, dwudziestoczteroletnia Valerie Simpson. Przed śmiercią próbowała bezskutecznie umówić się z Myronem Bolitarem. Głównym podejrzanym jest klient Myrona, utalentowany czarnoskóry tenisista, Duane Richwood, który prawdopodobnie rozmawiał z Valerie dzień przed morderstwem. Prowadząc prywatne dochodzenie, Myron i jego przyjaciel, zblazowany psychopata Win Lockwood, wpadają na ślad zabójstwa popełnionego sześć lat wcześniej w ekskluzywnym klubie tenisowym. | 43,731 |
Døtrene | Sara Lidman | 3.96 | null | First published January 1, 1958 | En ung synsk pige bliver misforstået og frygtet af sine omgivelser for sin magt over dem. Som voksen bliver hun et viljeløst offer for sin hengivenhed over for en homoseksuel mand. | 74 |
Los enamoramientos | Javier Marías | 3.55 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2011 | Cada mañana María Dolz contempla en una cafetería a una pareja a la que no conoce de nada, cuya felicidad intuye y acaso envidia. Este ritual la ayuda a empezar la jornada, hasta que un día se entera de la muerte del hombre a manos de un enajenado. Más tarde, una relación imprevista, quizá imprudente, acerca a María a los pormenores del suceso. El embriagador estado de enamoramiento y las acciones que desencadena, positivas o viles, generosas o egoístas, la impunidad, la presencia casi permanente de los muertos en nuestras vidas, la memoria, la imposibilidad de conocer cabalmente la verdad son algunos de los temas por los que discurre, firme y sinuosa, una de las mejores novelas de su autor."De Marías se aprende tanto porque nadie conoce al ser humano como él." Ijoma Mangold, Die Zeit | 13,177 |
Euskera. Aditz laguntzaile batua | Various | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1973 | null | 0 |
Peripețiile lui Alfanhui | Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio | 3.93 | Fantasy | First published August 1, 1951 | Roman picaresc – pentru ca Alfanhuí, un baiat dat afara din scoala ca sa nu dea exemplu rau celorlalti, calatoreste prin medii diferite din Castilla, strabatand campia Guadalajarei pana la Madrid, si cunoaste oameni de tot soiul.Roman de formare – pentru ca, ucenic la un mester care cunoaste arta imbalsamarii, copilul isi face, curand, o ucenicie mult mai importanta: cea in greutatile vietii.Roman poetic – pentru ca lumea fantastica, pe-alocuri suprarealista si totusi nu lipsita de tragicul realitatii, se remodeleaza continuu in ochii de artist ai eroului.Observatia criticului: Desi titlul pare al unei carti pentru copii, povestea este mai degraba pentru adultii care n-au uitat cu totul cat de uimitor si de greu e sa fii copil.Observatia traducatoarei: Alfanhuí se pronunta al-fa-nu-i. | 719 |
Computer Graphics & Animations | Trivedi Jani Lakhtaria Dave | 4 | null | null | null | 1 |
Mistelten i hjertet | Sara Lidman | 3.52 | Classics | First published January 1, 1960 | En ung synsk pige bliver misforstået og frygtet af sine omgivelser for sin magt over dem. Som voksen bliver hun et viljeløst offer for sin hengivenhed over for en homoseksuel mand. | 238 |
Golfer's Night Before Christmas | Jody Feldman | 4 | null | First published September 1, 1995 | Santa decides on Christmas Eve to play nine holes on a nice public course, and meets three helpful golfers that instruct him how to perfect his golf swing. | 9 |
Essential Silverlight 2 Up-to-Date | Christian Wenz | 3.33 | null | First published January 1, 2008 | Design rich Internet applications (RIAs) for the Web using Silverlight 2, Microsoft's hot runtime application. Available only as an ebook, this concise, easy-to-understand introduction provides complete step-by-step instructions for using everything Silverlight 2 has to offer, including tools for animation, vector graphics, video playback, .NET support for web services and networking, as well as LINQ, Microsoft's native data querying tool. Essential Silverlight 2 helps you take advantage of Microsoft's cross-browser plug-in Clever ways to create interactive UIs that are more robust and easier to debug and test than what you can achieve on other platformsScores of tested JavaScript and C# code examples that you can reuse in your own applicationsExpert guidance from an author who understands RIA technologies, including ASP.NET, Flash, PHP, and JavaScriptReady to deliver a more complete Web experience? Essential Silverlight 2 offers a world of possibilities. | 3 |