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J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2011: For Preparing Your 2010 Tax Return | J.K. Lasser | 4.25 | null | First published November 8, 2010 | America's number one bestselling and most trusted tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability For over half a century, more than 39 million Americans have turned to J.K. Lasser for easy-to-follow, expert advice and guidance on planning and filing their taxes. Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2011 includes all the outstanding features that have made this book the nation's all-time top-selling tax guide.As an added value, you can gain direct access to dozens of bonuses through jklasser.com, including links to the latest tax forms from the IRS, up-to-the-minute tax law changes, small business help, and much more. The book of choice for today's serious taxpayer Your Income Tax 2011 contains Over 2,500 easy-to-use tax planning tips and strategies Easy-to-understand coverage of the year's tax law changes Filing tips and instructions to help you prepare your 2010 return Quick reference section that highlights what's new for 2010 Quick topic index to help pinpoint the biggest money-saving deductions Advice for customers whose use software or CPAs to file their taxes Filled with expert advice and guidance, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2011 will help you plan and file your 2010 tax return in the most efficient way possible. | 4 |
Suuri tulva | Timothy Findley | 3.98 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1984 | Published in 1984, Not Wanted on the Voyage is one of Timothy Findley's most imaginative and compelling literary fictions. Findley turns to one of our essential myths: the biblical story of the great Flood, but he doesn't so much retell it as take our common knowledge of the Old Testament tale and give it an extraordinary twist. Here we have Dr. Noah Noyes, diabolical conjuror and dictatorial leader of his helpless little boat-bound band, sure of his total superiority as man, husband, and father, imposing his view of the ways of God on his wife and family. The kind and generous Mrs. Noyes stands in direct contrast to her hard-hearted husband, and then there are the Noyes children: strongman Japeth, every inch his father's son, with his delicate wife, Emma; and the sensitive Ham, every inch his mother's, with his mysterious wife, Lucy (a.k.a. Lucifer, who, having escaped from Hell, has decided to align himself with mankind). Findley, a great lover of cats, also gives us the crotchety Mottyl, making her way through her ninth and final life. Not Wanted on the Voyage is poetic and passionate and bursting with a wide-eyed inventiveness, at once a stunningly contemporary attempt at mythmaking, a grand novel of the power of the imagination, and a thoroughly good read. --Jeffrey Canton | 7,115 |
Everything I Need to Know Before I'm Five | Valorie Fisher | 3.65 | Picture Books | First published July 26, 2011 | Do you know your letters? Can you count to twenty? Learn all that and more in this all-in-one concept picture book. Perfect for kids heading to kindergarten, this book covers the alphabet, counting, opposites, shapes, colors, and seasons. Award winning author-illustrator Valorie Fisher uses bright, gorgeous photos of retro toys to illustrate these topics in a completely fresh way. Parents will love this stylish and funny approach to basic concepts, while kids will learn, well, everything. | 303 |
El punyal del sarraí | Albert Salvadó | 3.84 | History | First published January 1, 2000 | Primera part de la trilogía de "JAUME I EL CONQUERIDOR", sense dubte una de les grans obres d'Albert Salvadó. Més de quatre mesos a la llista dels més venuts.Ser fill de rei no és sinònim de néixer predestinat, i LA HISTÒRIA DE JAUME I, dit EL CONQUERIDOR, n´és la prova més evident. A la tendra edat de tres anys ja era un presoner, però un home amb una voluntat de ferro és capaç de canviar el futur i esdevenir el rei més gran del seu temps. Pocs regnats han estat tan llargs com el seu. Més de seixanta anys assegut al tron! Tanmateix, per arribar-hi cal lluitar. I no només al camp de batalla. Jaume va haver d´escalar els graons que menen fins al tron, i per fer-ho, abans va haver de rebre l´ensenyament que s´adquireix a l´Escola dels Sons i que només li podia concedir un cavaller proscrit.Què ha dit la crítica?El novel·lista andorrà sap escriure llibres d´èxit... una obra que rescata un personatge clau de la història... Tres llibres indicats per a tot tipus de públics que, com és lògic, havien de ser ben acollits entre els lectors de totes les edats. (Enric Castelló, AVUI)Qualsevol lector ansiós per contemplar proves, angoixes i grandeses trobarà plaer en aquest llibre, que a més ha estat escrit con frescor i amb una prosa digna i correcta. (Antonio Losantos, DIARIO DE TERUEL) | 69 |
Дочь Каннибала | Rosa Montero | 3.69 | Spain | First published January 1, 1997 | Роман "Дочь Каннибала", отмеченный в 1997 году литературной премией "Примавера", был признан в Испании самой популярной книгой года. Режиссер Антонио Серрано экранизировал ее, сняв в главной роли знаменитую Сесилию Рот, звезду фильмов Педро Альмодовара.Роман построен на почти детективном сюжете: в аэропорту похищен муж героини; растерянная и испуганная сорокалетняя женщина, не доверяя полиции, начинает собственное расследование. Вместе с нею читатель втягивается в сложную и запутанную историю, участниками которой становятся бывший боевик-анархист, полицейские, судьи и наемные убийцы. Расследование становится все более драматичным и в конце концов погружает героев в мир международной организованной преступности...В круговерти событий героиня переосмысливает свою прежнюю жизнь, по-новому видит окружающий мир, своих близких и - наконец-то - понимает своего отца, по прозвищу Каннибал. | 2,614 |
Jenny | Adolfo Sagastume | 0 | null | First published June 9, 2012 | Novela Negro. Jenny é unha estudante de Mexicali e Calexico, do outro lado da fronteira. O día da formatura está desaparecido. Todos os organismos buscan investigacións secretas en ambos os lados da fronteira, pero non puido. A investigación estagna. Pero toma un rumbo inesperado coa aparición de Shinola e ofrecendo unha gran cantidade de diñeiro como recompensa. Terror comeza na fronteira e só remata despois dun día negro. | 0 |
المپیک خنده | Kambiz Derambakhsh | 3.57 | null | Published January 1, 2008 | سال نشر: 1387مجموعه ای از کاریکاتورها با موضوع ورزش | 7 |
Eu son Deus e outros contos | Pere Tobaruela | 3 | null | First published October 8, 2012 | Fitar a realidade con ollos de neno é a proposta desta escolma de contos. Cunha linguaxe sinxela e directa, por momentos divertida, ás veces sarcástica, Pere Tobaruela debulla cuestións coas que convivimos no noso día a dí as crenzas relixiosas, a homosexualidade, a perda dun ser querido, a inmigración, a violencia, o ensino, a intransixencia e o radicalismo, as novas que nos chegan do terceiro mundo, as relacións entre fillos e pais... Un percorrido áxil que, amais de entreter, nos axudará a recuperar a nosa inocente e pícara mirada infantil. ¿Serás quen de volver mirar o mundo con ollos de neno?Pere Tobaruela é escritor. Alterna a escrita en catalán, galego e castelán. Con corenta títulos publicados nalgunhas das editoriais máis importantes de Cataluña (Barcanova, Edicions 62, Bromera, La Magrana, Cadí), Galicia (Xerais, Everest Galicia, Sotelo Blanco), o resto do Estado (Ediciones B, Everest) e de ámbito internacional (National Geographic), transita por diversos xéneros libro ilustrado, banda deseñada, ensaio, biografía, escolma de entrevistas, conto e novela. "A simple vista haberá adultos que “como vou ler, cos meus anos, lecturas para nenos?” Non saben o que perden, os bos lectores saben que as lecturas non teñen idades. Os relatos de "Eu son Deus e outros contos", alén de realidades literarias notábeis, constitúen valiosas oportunidades de reflexión." (Xosé M. Eyré, crítico literario, en Galicia Confidencial). | 1 |
Jane and Her Friends Celebrate Christmas | Betty Palatin | 3.67 | null | First published December 11, 2012 | Jane and her friends prepare for Christmas by trimming the tree and waiting for Santa. What will he bring for Jane and her friends? Find out in Jane and Her Friends Celebrate Christmas, where even Santa gets his own surprise!This lively picture book is written in rhyme and will have your kids jumping for joy. Jane and her friends celebrate the holiday with gifts of their own and even one for your child. Check out Jane and Her Friends Celebrate Christmas, it is sure to become a must-read each holiday season.This is a new edition, enhanced for reading on tablets. | 12 |
Close To The Bone | Stuart MacBride | 4.15 | Crime | First published December 1, 2012 | Il primo corpo è incatenato a un palo: strangolato e pugnalato, con uno pneumatico che ancora brucia intorno a quel che resta del collo.Si tratta di un’esecuzione della malavita o di qualcosa di molto più complesso? Qualcuno sta lasciando piccoli frammenti di ossa fuori della roulotte dell’ispettore Logan McRae, ma lui pensa di avere cose più urgenti cui pensare. Bande di narcotrafficanti rivali sono in lotta per il controllo del territorio, una coppia di adolescenti è scomparsa, qualcuno sta mutilando immigrati asiatici con strani, orripilanti rituali stregoneschi e Logan deve pure fare i conti con una nuova e ambiziosa detective, con una montagna di scartoffie, e con la sgradita attenzione sia da parte dei superiori che dei boss della criminalità locale. Per non parlare del suo capo diretto, la sguaiata, offensiva, perennemente urlante, irresistibile commissario capo Steel. Quando un altro corpo viene ritrovato, le somiglianze tra i vari omicidi non possono più essere ignorate. E forse quei frammenti di ossa legati con un grazioso nastrino sono più importanti di quanto sembrino… | 5,676 |
Цар Плъх | James Clavell | 4.19 | Historical Fiction | First published January 1, 1962 | Третият роман от великолепната азиатска сага на Клавел. | 41,925 |
Datenbankentwurf und Qualitätssicherung | Gottfried Vossen | 3 | null | First published January 1, 2005 | null | 1 |
Le Festin De L'araignée | Maud Tabachnik | 3.52 | null | First published March 15, 2012 | 284pages. poche. broche. | 25 |
Viaje ártico del profesor A. E. Nordenskiold | Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1881 | null | 0 |
Hämärän laivue | Timothy Zahn | 4.18 | Star Wars | First published May 1, 1992 | Kuolevan Imperiumin ovelin ja häikäilemättömin sotalordi, Thrawn, on ottanut komentoonsa Imperiumin laivaston rippeet ja valmistautuu murskaamaan Uuden Tasavallan. Keisarin aikoinaan piilottamien tehoaseiden avulla Thrawn aikoo hallita koko galaksia rautaisin ottein.Sillä aikaa Han ja Lando Calrissian etsivät todisteita petturuudesta Tasavallan korkeimmassa neuvostossa - mutta löytävät salaperäisen sotalaivaston, joka saattaa syöstä heidän ystävänsä tuhoon ja viedä viholliset voittoon. Vaarallisin kaikista on silti uusi Musta Jedi, joka on noussut menneisyydestä katkeruutta uhkuen. Hän aikoo taivuttaa Luke Skywalkerin pimeiden voimien puolelle.Tähtien sodan alkuperäiset kolme kirjaa on julkaistu yhteisniteenä v. 1997. Hugo-palkinnon voittanut tieteiskirjailija Timothy Zahn on kirjoittanut niille kolmiosaisen jatkon. Ensimmäinen jatko-osa, Imperiumin perillinen, on jo ilmestynyt. Hämärän laivue on jatko-osista toinen. | 69,029 |
Belinda | Peggy Webb | 3.43 | Romance | First published September 25, 2013 | Love Sex in the City? You’ll adore the Dixie Virgins! Sweet, sassy and funny, this 7-book series follows 7 women who met at a summer camp for girls and remained friends through the years. Now in their 20s, they’ve set out to snare a man while staying true to the rule they made that long-ago summer: If the boys from Camp Geronimo come over, don’t let them near your Virginia. In book one, Belinda lands a job as nanny and falls in love with her boss. But getting him to fall in love with her requires a lot of scheming by the Dixie Virgins. | 207 |
Creatura del fuoco | Ian Watson | 2.75 | Horror | First published January 1, 1988 | John Cunningham is a psychiatrist specializing in past-life therapy. Jack Cannon is his alter ego, a horror novelist who has kept his identity a secret from both his patients and the public. John has been able to keep his identities separate until he discovers his most fascinating patient. Now, drawing on the past life of Tony Smith, John has written a story that creates the ultimate in terror, in which a little boy gives birth to a worm as the result of a sexual exploit. Peter Nicholls calls THE FIRE WORM a witty juggling act to delight the mind, multiple ideational balls spinning kaleidoscopically through the air and never threatening to drop and break the spell. | 51 |
Imperiumin perillinen | Timothy Zahn | 4.17 | Star Wars | First published May 1, 1991 | On kulunut viisi vuotta Jedin paluun tapahtumista: kapinalliset ovat tuhonneet Kuolemantähden, nujertaneet Darth Vaderin ja karkoittaneet keisarillisen tähtilaivaston jäännökset galaksin kaukaisimpaan kolkkaan. Prinsessa Leia ja Han Solo ovat naimisissa ja odottavat jedikaksosia. Luke Skywalkerista on tullut ensimmäinen jedi-ritari.Kaikki on siis hyvin.Mutta tuhansien valovuosien päässä keisarin sotalordeista viimeinen on koonnut tähtilaivaston rippeet ja valmentaa joukkojaan sotaa varten. Seurauksena on valtaviin mittoihin paisuva yhteenotto, joka ravisuttaa koko galaksia. Hugo-palkinnon voittanut tieteiskirjailija Timothy Zahn on kirjoittanut tarinan, joka ansaitsee tulla kerrotuksi Tähtien sota-nimen alla. | 96,235 |
The Horror Short Story Collection | P.J. Shann | 4 | null | First published November 27, 2013 | Seven brand new short stories and one novel excerpt make up this unconventional Halloween horror collection, where lustful vampires, jealous old friends, and haunted books rub shoulders with human evil, inhuman evil, the re-animated dead, and..... and supernatural rabbits. Read if you dare. Approx’ 38,000 words | 2 |
Istoria Bucurestilor | Constantin C. Giurescu | 4.56 | History | First published January 1, 1967 | null | 9 |
La Demeure éternelle | William Gay | 4.04 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1999 | Dans les années 1940, dans une région reculée du Tennessee, Dallas Hardin règne par la terreur sur Mormon Springs. Après s'être approprié le commerce d'alcool clandestin, Hardin apparaît comme intouchable, multipliant menaces, vengeances et meurtres en toute impunité. Jusqu'à ce que le jeune Nathan Winer croise sa route. Nathan ignore ce qu'est devenu son père, disparu dix ans plus tôt. Hardin, lui, le sait bien, puisqu'il l'a tué de ses propres mains. | 2,646 |
Historias Eróticas Fantasía Masturbatórias | Olaf Volling | 0 | null | First published December 14, 2012 | Esta historia é sobre fantasía masturbatórias. Concurso e erotismo sensual dunha primavera suave e sensual. | 0 |
ATLANTIS REVISITED | Robert D. Morritt | 0 | null | First published October 25, 2013 | The existence of Atlantis was discussed and often rejected. during classical antiquity. It is only recently that its existence(or non-existence) has been taken seriously.Atlantis appeared in utopian works such as Bacon's New Atlantis, Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ and Donnelly’s (1882) publication ‘Atlantis: the Antediluvian World’, which gained widespread interest. In contemporary times, it has been probed by numerous pseudo-scientists and has been a popular theme in science fiction featured in books, comic books and films.Its name has become synonymous advent of any theorized advanced ancient lost civilization.In academia,the Atlantis story is seen as one of the many myths Plato incorporated into his work for stylistic reasons.it might have been inspired by older traditions or mythology.A surprising new 'location' is now revealed within these pages of a quite plausible the genuine location of the ancient city of Atlantis. | 0 |
Fanfan | Alexandre Jardin | 3.68 | France | First published March 1, 1990 | O iubeste cu pasiune, dar nu i-o spune.O doreste, dar ii refuza incapatanat avansurile.O urmareste pas cu pas, dar ea nu stie.O crede unica in lume, dar traieste langa o alta.Nu vrea sa-si rateze marea dragoste a vietii.Nu vrea sa cada in rutina.Nu vrea sa fie ca parintii lui. Joaca un rol. E idealist.Ce poate sa iasa din viata unui tanar atat de contradictoriu?Observatia criticului: In fine, un roman care merge impotriva curentului. | 1,809 |
fuusenn ike ni pikunikku | Sabato | 3.5 | null | First published March 24, 2013 | ピクニックに出かけたぶたさん達はとなりむらに到着早々、大騒ぎするカエルさんに出会う。 なにやら事件の様子ですが...いったい何が?12ページ 全文ひらがな2013/06/04一部端末での表示不具合を修正2013/07/10価格改定 | 2 |
Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You | Nancy Tillman | 4.58 | Picture Books | First published January 1, 2010 | ." . . I wanted you more than you'll ever know, ""so I sent love to follow wherever you go. . . ."Love is the greatest gift we have to give our children. It's the one thing they can carry with them each and every day.If love could take shape it might look something like these heartfelt words and images from the inimitable Nancy Tillman. Here is a book to share with your loved ones, no matter how near or far, young or old, they are. | 4,022 |
Españistán: Este país se va a la mierda | Aleix Saló | 3.49 | Comics | First published January 1, 2011 | Esta es la historia de un cani (o un choni, o un poligonero, ya saben...) que, en su empeño por deshacerse de la hipoteca, deberá recorrer el Reino de Españistán para enfretarse con todos y cada uno de los malandrines, meapilas y soplagaitasque lo pueblan, dando lugar a un relato plagado de tópicos, tacos y faltas de ortografía, con bien de lobbies, parados, mileuristas, pensionistas, funcionarios, obispos, SGAE, telebasura, enchufes, sobornos y estilismos poligoneros. | 440 |
Hunter x Hunter, Vol. 32 | Yoshihiro Togashi | 4.41 | Manga | First published December 28, 2012 | Hunters are a special breed, dedicated to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other people. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass gain access to restricted areas, amazing stores of information, and the right to call themselves Hunters.CRUSHING DEFEATAs the Hunter elections reach the moment of decision, Killua closes in on the hospital where Gon lies in a coma. Can he and his terrifyingly powerful sister Alluka reach Gon in time? If they do, Gon will have a chance to fulfill the dream that drove him to become a Hunter in the first place: reuniting with his father, Ging! | 1,978 |
Dejitaru ichigan satsuei tekunikku jiten hyakuichi : shashin ga motto umaku naru shashin hyoÌ„gen ni kiku satsuei gijutsu no subete ga wakaru | 上田 晃司 | 0 | null | First published March 9, 2012 | ※この電子書籍は固定型レイアウトです。リフロー型と異なりビューア機能が制限されます。購入前にお使いの端末にて無料サンプルをお試しください。ステップアップしたい初・中級者を対象に、写真表現に役立つ実践テクニックをたっぷり収録したポケットサイズの撮影事典。写真の見栄えを決める「絞り・ボケ」「シャッタースピード」「光」「色温度・色調」「レンズ」「構図」の6つの視点で、トータルで101のテクニックを解説。誌面は、事典形式で撮りたい写真や知りたいテーマからすぐに引くことができ、上達の鍵となるキーワードや設定のコツ、具体的な撮影手順なども豊富に掲載。写真の仕上がりを左右するポイントがすぐに学べます。写真のレベルアップに役立つ1冊です。 | 0 |
La electricidad Sabadell. Frêne | Anonymous | 0 | null | First published January 1, 1923 | null | 0 |
世界一わかりやすいデジタル一眼レフカメラと写真の教科書 | 中井 精也 | 0 | null | First published April 23, 2010 | ※この電子書籍は固定型レイアウトです。リフロー型と異なりビューア機能が制限されます。購入前にお使いの端末にて無料サンプルをお試しください。ついに出ました! 本書は、ニコンカレッジの超人気講師・中井精也氏の人の心をつかんでやまない写真の撮り方を確認できるぜいたくな1冊です。本書は、デジタル一眼レフをこれからさわるという超初心者の方がゼロからひとつひとつ勉強していく基礎本ではありません。「なんだかパリッとしない」「もっとイメージどおりに撮りたい」という方や、ありきたりではない風景写真や家族写真を撮りたいと迷っている方が、突破口を見つけるためのステップアップ本です。本書の締めくくりは、旅情あふれる中井氏の写真ギャラリー。なんだか懐かしく、心がぐっと熱くなる写真とメッセージを見終えた頃には、きっとカメラを持って旅に出たくなることでしょう。★本電子版には、書籍で付属していたDVDは付属しません | 0 |
Crystal Kingdom Adventures | Emily Sollinger | 3.99 | Childrens | First published July 14, 2009 | A greedy King has stolen all the color crystals in Crystal Kingdom but Dora is there to help! This Ready-to-Read Level 1 with rebus icons retells the tentpole episode in language that's perfect for Dora fans who want to read about the Crystal Kingdom all by themselves! | 200 |
Mass Effect: Redemption #1 | John Jackson Miller | 3.69 | Comics | First published October 8, 2012 | La galassia è in pericolo perché c’è un’antica razza aliena che vuole distruggere ogni forma di vita. Un uomo si è però opposto ed è riuscito a fermare il primo il comandante Shepard! Poco tempo dopo è caduto però vittima di un attacco nemico e ora si pensa che sia morto. Ma non tutti credono a questa storia e c’è chi invece sta seguendo una traccia a è Liara T’Soni, l’asari che faceva parte dell’equipaggio di Shepard. La ragazza arriva sulla stazione spaziale Omega dove spera di trovare maggiori notizie, ma qui cominciano i suoi problemi! MASS REDEMPTION si colloca tra il primo e il secondo videogioco della saga creata da Bioware, e racconta alcuni importanti retroscena inediti che contribuiscono a rendere ancora più vivo e reale l’universo di Mass Effect. Una storia imperdibile per tutti i fan che qui potranno rivedere quei posti e quei personaggi (una su Miranda!) che hanno conosciuto nel videogioco ! | 68 |
Simiocracia: Crónica de la gran resaca económica | Aleix Saló | 3.96 | Comics | First published April 1, 2012 | La nueva obra de Aleix Saló tras el imparable éxito de Españistán.Formato especial KF8 para tabletas Kindle.Las causas de la crisis. Los antecedentes de la crisis. Los efectos de la crisis.La corrupción irracional. La involución social. El gobierno disfuncional.Ha llegado la simiocracia.Aleix Saló vuelve a la carga tras Españistán. En su esperado nuevo libro te cuenta toda la verdad a calzón quitado y sin irse por las ramas. No podrás parar de sacudir el árbol. | 791 |
Llama Llama Red Pajama | Anna Dewdney | 4.3 | Picture Books | First published January 1, 2005 | Llama, Llama red pajama waiting, waiting for his mama. Mama isn’t coming yet. Baby Llama starts to fret. In this infectious rhyming read-aloud, Baby Llama turns bedtime into an all-out llama drama! Tucked into bed by his mama, Baby Llama immediately starts worrying when she goes downstairs, and his soft whimpers turn to hollers when she doesn’t come right back. But just in time, Mama returns to set things right. Children will relate to Baby Llama’s need for comfort, as much as parents will appreciate Mama Llama’s reassuring message. | 50,938 |
Claire and the Unicorn Happy Ever After | B.G. Hennessy | 3.89 | Unicorns | First published December 20, 2005 | Once Upon A Time, a little girl called Claire and her stuffed unicorn, Capricorn, were very fond of fairy tales. Every night Claire's father read them stories of frog princes and fairy princesses, and every night every character lived happily ever after. Then one evening, just as a story came to its close, Claire suddenly wondered: What, exactly, makes someone happy forever? It was a question to answer as she slept. So Claire hugged Capricorn, and together they drifted into a dreamland adventure.... | 178 |
Liquidations à la grecque | Petros Markaris | 3.69 | Crime | First published January 1, 2011 | Mort aux banquiers ! À Athènes, on retrouve plusieurs personnalités du monde de la finance décapitées, tandis que des tracts inondent la ville, appelant les clients des banques à ne plus rembourser leurs emprunts. Le commissaire Charitos mène l’enquête, affrontant ses collègues, les éternels embouteillages d’Athènes et la crise qui ravage le pays. La patience et l’humanité de ce Maigret hellène le mèneront jusqu’à un bien étrange assassin… | 983 |
Better Off Without Him | Dee Ernst | 4.05 | Romance | First published September 10, 2010 | Mona Berman has it all—a twenty-year marriage, a successful career as a romance novelist, and three teenage daughters. But when her husband, Brian, leaves her for someone younger, thinner, blonde, and French, she has to step back and take a good, long look at her life.First, her career. She can’t continue to write about “Happily Ever After,” so she changes the heroine of her new book from a hot young thing to a forty-something woman who manages to find happiness without a man. Her agent isn’t too happy—the heroine is how old? She doesn’t get the guy in the end? How is that even possible?But Mona is tough, and she’s got Anthony, her personal assistant, and a few good friends to cheer her on and keep the stiff martinis flowing. And Ben. Ben is her plumber, but not your average plumber. He’s smart enough to know that Brian was never good enough for her, and sexy enough to be cast as the romantic lead in quite a few of her books. The sound of his voice alone can send her imagination into full romantic overdrive.Then she meets Mitch, who might be just the guy for her. And there’s still Ben, who’s managed to come to her rescue more than once. But—there’s a book to publish, a soon-to-be-ex-husband to deal with, and what has Aunt Lily done this time? Can Mona work this all out? Can life imitate art, and can Mona write her own happy ending? | 5,984 |
Funny Faces Chirpy Chick | Roger Priddy | 3.45 | null | First published February 5, 2008 | Features rhyming text which if fun to listen to and readNoisy surprise at the end of the bookTouch and FeelFlashing Lights | 20 |
Despicable Me: The World's Greatest Villain | Kirsten Mayer | 3.85 | null | First published January 1, 2010 | Based on the animated film, Despicable Me , from Universal Studios, this vibrant storybook pits aspiring villain Gru against his nemesis, who loves to steal Gru's thunder. Who will claim the title of "Top Villain" in this showdown? | 47 |
Transformers Dark of the Moon: Bumblebee's Best Friend | Katharine Turner | 3.75 | null | First published May 17, 2011 | In this action-packed storybook based on Dark of The Moon, S am Witwicky discovers top secret information about a new threat to Earth! Can Sam deliver the information to the Autobots in time to save his best friend? | 24 |
Let's Count Goats! | Mem Fox | 3.52 | Picture Books | First published October 5, 2010 | I can see the airport goats and I can see their cases.But can you count the pilot goats with goggles on their faces?This hilarious count-to-ten book features goats of all shapes, sizes, hobbies, and professions—and each spread gives readers a delightful opportunity to count the funny four-legged creatures. Acclaimed author Mem Fox’s renowned humor and infectious rhyme merge with celebrated illustrator Jan Thomas’s bold and brilliant illustrations to make this an instant goat-by-numbers classic. | 802 |
Shopping | Rosemary Wells | 3.37 | Childrens | First published May 28, 2009 | The popular bunny siblings now appear in a brand-new board book series?but as their baby selves. Baby Max is mischievous as ever while he helps Baby Ruby fill the shopping cart with good things to eat. With lift-the-flaps novelty elements as well as eye-catching accents of foil or glitter, this irresistible board book will introduce the very youngest readers to the beloved bunny pair, who star in their own show on Nick Jr. and Noggin. | 63 |
What Will I Be? Dora's Book About Jobs | Phoebe Beinstein | 4.13 | Childrens | First published May 25, 2004 | Young readers can join Dora the Explorer and Boots as they explore different jobs including soccer player, astronomer, musician, and teacher. Full color. | 108 |
Thermæ Romæ I | Mari Yamazaki | 3.96 | Manga | First published November 26, 2009 | Lucius Modestus, un architecte romain de l’Antiquité boudé par la profession décide d’aller se détendre aux thermes. Alors qu’il s’immerge dans l’eau, il se retrouve aussitôt transporté dans le temps et l’espace, atterrissant dans un bain public du Japon contemporain. Ces étranges voyages lui permettent de s’inspirer des inventions japonaises et des techniques modernes pour briller à Rome et s’attirer les faveurs de l’empereur Hadrien. | 492 |
進撃の巨人 1 [Shingeki no Kyojin 1] | Hajime Isayama | 4.48 | Fantasy | First published March 17, 2010 | 手足をもがれ、餌と成り果てようと、人類は巨人に挑む!! 巨人がすべてを支配する世界。巨人の餌と化した人類は巨大な壁を築き、壁外への自由と引き換えに侵略を防いでいた。だが名ばかりの平和は壁を越える大巨人の出現により崩れ、絶望の戦いが始まってしまう。――震える手で、それでもあなたはページを捲る。超大作アクション誕生! これが21世紀の王道少年漫画だ!! | 260,110 |
It is a pocket know immediately!?? tech 1-2-3 scale (pocket can be seen immediately!) "To take you?" Handbook eye from digital photos (2012) ISBN: 404886226X [Japanese Import] | 藤木 裕之 | 3 | null | First published February 14, 2012 | 本書には、他人に見せて 「いいね!」 といわれるような写真を撮るためのヒントが詰まっています。いまのデジタル一眼なら、シャッターを押すだけで誰でもきれいな写真を撮ることができます。コンデジやケータイ、スマホのカメラでもきれいな写真は簡単に撮れます。ただ、他人に見せたとき、「おっ!」 「すごいね! これ」 といった驚きを生む写真はなかなか難しいもの。偶然のシャッターチャンスを待つよりも、狙って 「いいね!」 写真を撮りましょう。本書はカメラといっしょに持ち歩いて気軽に読める撮影ハンドブックです。 | 3 |
Highschool of the Dead, Band 1 | Daisuke Sato | 3.89 | Manga | First published March 1, 2007 | Achtung: Infektionsgefahr!Überall auf der Welt ist ein unbekannter und tödlicher Virus ausgebrochen, der die Infizierten in torkelnde und sabbernde Zombies verwandelt. Die Notrufnummer ist dauerhaft besetzt, Handynetze lahmgelegt, Brücken und Zufahrtsstrassen militärisch abgeriegelt. Die menschliche Zivilisation steht vor einem Kollaps und noch gibt es keine Erklärung für den blitzartigen Ausbruch der vermeintlichen Seuche.Während des Ausbruchs der unheimlichen Epidemie, befindet sich Takashi in seiner Schule und bemerkt schnell, dass nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Kurzerhand verbarrikadiert er sich mit seiner Jugendliebe Rei auf dem Dach der Schule, um sich vor der wandelnden Leichenflut zu schützen.Ehe die beiden sich versehen, gehören sie einer kleinen Gruppe Überlebender an: Eine im Schwertkampf ausgebildete Mitschülerin, eine mit weiblichen Reizen im Übermaß ausgestatte Schulärztin, die Tochter eines einflussreichen Politikers und ein Waffenliebender Otaku und Außenseiter komplettieren die bunt zusammengewürfelte Gruppe. Gemeinsam sagen sie den untoten Invasoren den Kampf an, in der Hoffnung eine zombiefreie Zone zu finden und der drohenden Apokalypse zu entfliehen. Dabei müssen sie jeden ihrer Schritte genau planen, denn es könnten ihre letzten sein - zumindest als Lebende! | 4,264 |
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns | Frank Miller | 4.26 | Comics | First published January 28, 1986 | This masterpiece of modern comics storytelling brings to vivid life a dark world and an even darker man. Together with inker Klaus Janson and colorist Lynn Varley, writer/artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, ten years after the Dark Knight's retirement. Crime runs rampant in the streets, and the man who was Batman is still tortured by the memories of his parents' murders. As civil society crumbles around him, Bruce Wayne's long-suppressed vigilante side finally breaks free of its self-imposed shackles. The Dark Knight returns in a blaze of fury, taking on a whole new generation of criminals and matching their level of violence. He is soon joined by this generation's Robin—a girl named Carrie Kelley, who proves to be just as invaluable as her predecessors.But can Batman and Robin deal with the threat posed by their deadliest enemies, after years of incarceration have made them into perfect psychopaths? And more important, can anyone survive the coming fallout of an undeclared war between the superpowers—or a clash of what were once the world's greatest superheroes?Over fifteen years after its debut, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns remains an undisputed classic and one of the most influential stories ever told in the comics medium.Collecting Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-4 | 190,957 |
One Piece, Volume 1: Romance Dawn | Eiichiro Oda | 4.49 | Manga | First published December 24, 1997 | A new shonen sensation in Japan, this series features Monkey D. Luffy, whose main ambition is to become a pirate. Eating the Gum-Gum Fruit gives him strange powers but also invokes the fruit's curse: anybody who consumes it can never learn to swim. Nevertheless, Monkey and his crewmate Roronoa Zoro, master of the three-sword fighting style, sail the Seven Seas of swashbuckling adventure in search of the elusive treasure "One Piece." | 156,467 |
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 | Hiromu Arakawa | 4.53 | Manga | First published January 22, 2002 | Breaking the laws of nature is a serious crime!In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical “auto-mail” limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his and his brother’s bodies...the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. the mystical power to alter the natural world; something between magic, art and science. When two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, dabbled in this power to grant their dearest wish, one of them lost an arm and a leg…and the other became nothing but a soul locked into a body of living steel. Now Edward is an agent of the government, a slave of the military-alchemical complex, using his unique powers to obey orders…even to kill. Except his powers aren't unique. The world has been ravaged by the abuse of alchemy. And in pursuit of the ultimate alchemical treasure, the Philosopher's Stone, their enemies are even more ruthless than they are… | 174,948 |
Persiani - Sette Contro Tebe - Supplici | Aeschylus | 3.95 | Classics | First published February 12, 1987 | Librarian's Note: this is an alternate cover edition - ISBN 10: 8817166065 | 110 |
Miracle on the Clyde | A.D. Evans | 3.8 | null | First published January 26, 2012 | This is a tale of the rise and fall of a Glasgow gangster. It fallows the progression from being small time criminals to major players in the Glasgow underworld. There is of course violence, loyalty, jealousy, treachery, greed and how circumstances can change a persons lifestyle. The 'No Mean City' image of Glasgow with the other seldom seen side of this great city. | 15 |
Microeconomics and Behaviour | Robert H. Frank | 3.74 | Economics | First published September 1, 1990 | Robert Frank's Microeconomics and Behavior covers the essential topics of microeconomics while exploring the relationship between economics analysis and human behavior. The book's clear narrative appeals to students, and its numerous examples help students develop economic intuition. This book introduces modern topics not often found in intermediate textbooks. Its focus throughout is to develop a student's capacity to "think like an economist." | 156 |
Obitchuary | Stephanie Hayes | 3.72 | Chick Lit | First published September 26, 2013 | Penny Perkins, journalist, upstanding citizen, dutiful bridesmaid, just killed her date. Smashed him on the head with a bottle of Misty Mangoberry Merlot. She is tipsy and panicked. She is wearing a heinous pink bridesmaid dress that makes her irrational. Penny knows she should call the cops and explain her date's grabby hands, his crazy eyes. She should cry self-defense. She should do a lot of things she doesn't do. Things are about to get real complicated for Penny, as her dead date's life unravels into a mystery the deeper she investigates. Death just happens to be her job. She's the newspaper's obituary writer | 327 |
Raylan | Elmore Leonard | 3.72 | Fiction | First published January 17, 2012 | El agente judicial Raylan Givens es un hombre de pocas palabras, conocido por su sombrero vaquero y su facilidad para desenfundar. Su debilidad son las mujeres a las que dedica sus mejores modales, pero en los ambientes en los que se mueve no se encuentra precisamente a lo mejor del género femenino. Siguiendo la pista de un narcotraficante, víctima de una red que extorsiona y trafica con órganos, Raylan se topará con Layla, una enfermera cuya ética profesional deja mucho que desear; o Carol Conlan, una abogada al servicio de una compañía minera cuya falta de escrúpulos le lleva mucho más allá de la ley en su negociación con los trabajadores; o Jackie Nevada, una estudiante que frecuenta las partidas ilegales de póquer; o tres atracadoras de banco que trabajan para Delroy Lewis, el dueño de un garito que ha jurado matar a Raylan después de que lo enviara a prisión. Plantaciones de marihuana, traficantes de órganos, mineros afectados por la contaminación, timbas ilegales, corredores de apuestas, criadores de caballos, delincuentes sin el menor rasgo de humanidad y mujeres fatales se entrecruzan esta nueva obra de Elmore Leonard, el gran maestro de la novela negra norteamericana. | 11,896 |
Janet | Peggy Webb | 3.83 | null | First published September 24, 2013 | While Carrie Bradshaw was in Manhattan looking for Sex in the City, the Dixie Virgins were looking for love, marriage, and a baby carriage. Clever, sassy, and laugh aloud funny, this 7-book series follows seven women from the Deep South who met at a summer camp for girls when they were in pigtails and remained best friends through the years.Now in their early twenties - some of them in college, some in new jobs - they're on the hunt for Mr. Right and breaking all the rules - except the nearly impossible Rule Four! In book two, Janet has her life mapped out: finish her medical degree, hang out her shingle, then find a suitable man and have a family that includes two kids and a dog with a pedigree. When a stray named Harvey and a sexy Mr. Wrong upset her plans, it takes the Dixie Virgins to make everything right. | 30 |
Rules of Summer | Shaun Tan | 4.12 | Picture Books | First published October 8, 2013 | RULES OF SUMMER, is a deceptively simple story about two boys, one older and one younger, and the kind of ‘rules’ that might govern any relationship between close friends or siblings. Rules that are often so strange or arbitrary, they seem impossible to understand from the outside. Yet through each exquisite illustration of this nearly wordless narrative, we can enjoy wandering around an emotional landscape that is oddly familiar to us all. | 4,103 |
La progenie | Guillermo del Toro | 3.8 | Horror | First published June 2, 2009 | Un Boeing 777 atterra all’aeroporto di New York e rimane immobile sulla pista. Si sospetta un attentato terroristico, ma quando le forze speciali salgono a bordo si trovano invece di fronte a una scena agghiacciante: sembra che tutti gli occupanti dell’aereo siano morti senza una ragione comprensibile. Eph Good weather, dell’Ente prevenzione malattie infettive, e la sua collega Nora Martinez esaminano i cadaveri; qualunque ne sia stata la causa, la morte deve averli colti di sorpresa. La notizia dell’accaduto arriva fino ad Abraham Setrakian, un anziano ex professore, l’unico in grado di capire la situazione. L’uomo riconosce in quel fatto inspiegabile l’evento a cui si è preparato per tutta la vita… Si tratta di un morbo dagli effetti letali, la cui diffusione nelle strade di Manhattan dà inizio a uno scontro in cui gli umani diventano il cibo di misteriosi esseri soprannaturali. Con l’aiuto di Setrakian, Eph dovrà cercare di fermare il contagio e salvare la città prima che sia troppo tardi…Copertina di Franco Brambilla | 88,278 |
Veuve noire | Michel Quint | 3.43 | null | First published October 16, 2013 | Le 11 novembre 1918, Léonie Rivière, jeune veuve de guerre qui espère subsister en devenant reporter, rencontre Edgar Prouville, soldat démobilisé après une blessure. Très vite, ils entament une liaison passionnée et Prouville, qui débute une carrière de courtier en peintures, entrepose chez Léonie, à Montparnasse, un stock de toiles d'artistes dont il espère voir monter la côte : Modigliani, Picasso... Mais il disparaît en laissant ses toiles. Aidée par Norbert Rameau, un photographe qui a été gazé au front, Léonie, résolue aussi à conquérir sa liberté de femme, va mener l'enquête à travers le Montparnasse de l'après-guerre. Une enquête qui la mènera à un quadruple meurtre commis au printemps 1917 sur le Chemin des Dames. | 7 |
Waarom zijn wij anders?: Praktische inzichten om andere culturen beter te begrijpen | Sarah Lanier | 4.14 | Nonfiction | First published January 1, 2000 | Van de achterkant:Kom je in je werk, op straat of op reis in contact met andere culturen?Ken je dat gevoel dat je een ander niet goed begrijpt omdat hij/zij uit een ander land komt? Omdat ze daar dingen anders doen en beleven dan jij?Wil je beter leren omgaan met cultuurverschillen?Dit boek biedt praktische hulp en antwoorden op alle bovenstaande vragen. De inhoud is toegankelijk opgeschreven. Sarah Lanier is ervaringsdeskundige, dat merk je. Dit boekje heeft al vele duizenden mensen geholpen! | 2,584 |
假面飯店 | Keigo Higashino | 3.91 | Fiction | First published September 9, 2011 | 熱血刑警‧新田浩介vs冷靜飯店人‧山岸尚美 他,為了懷疑而帶上假面 她,為了相信而帶上假面 信念是彼此唯一的驕傲、也是招來殺機的關鍵…… 原來,飯店裡披著假面具的不只有客人…… 絕不能被看透,隱藏在面具下的謎底!! 案發現場的謎樣數字,是都內連續殺人事件的唯一線索…… 毫無關係的被害者、多變的殺人手法,讓警方始終無法釐清真相。 只知道,下一次的犯罪現場是都內高級飯店! 為了找出兇手,警方臥底成飯店人員潛入搜查。 最華麗的飯店竟是殺人舞台, 驚愕的真相請務必用自己的眼睛確認!! | 1,204 |
HISTORIA CAMBRENSIS | Robert D. Morritt | 0 | null | First published September 5, 2013 | Prehistoric Wales in terms of human settlements covers a vast period.Historians believed that waves of immigrants brought different cultures into the area,replacing the previous inhabitants,with the last wave of European Celts. Studies of population genetics now suggest that that immigration was on a smaller scale than previously envisaged.Celtic culture expanded over wide regions,to the British Isles,the Iberian Peninsula and much of Central Europe.The origin of the "Welsh as a people," can be traced to the late 4th and early 5th centuries, following the Roman departure from Britain.Within these pages we trace the history and growth of the Welsh people, from early battles,growth of their culture and the establishment of the Nation. | 0 |
Iedere stap is vrede | Thich Nhat Hanh | 4.31 | Nonfiction | First published January 1, 1992 | IEDERE STAP IS VREDEMet een voorwoord van de Dalai LamaElke ochtend als we wakker worden hebben we weer 24 splinternieuwe uren om te leven. Wat een kostbaar geschenk! Het ligt in ons vermogen zo te leven dat deze 24 uur onszelf en anderen vrede, vreugde en geluk brengen. Vrede is hier en nu te vinden, in alles wat we zien en doen. De vraag is alleen: zijn we er mee in contact? Verlichting, vrede en vreugde kunnen ons niet door een ander geschonken worden. De bron zit in onszelf. Als we diep in het heden graven, kunnen we water vinden. Om werkelijk te leven, moeten we terugkeren naar het nu. Het voertuig dat ons naar het beden terugbrengt is onze bewuste ademhaling. | 43,948 |
Unknown Pilgrim | John Sutcliffe | 4 | null | First published January 1, 1981 | This unusual book tells the remarkable story of a young man who, after a strange experience, decides to walk barefoot from Tangier to Northern Ireland dressed only in a simple Arab robe and begging bread and water on his way. He does this as an act of atonement for the evil done there, by both sides, each professing to be Christian. On his journey during which he suceeds in remaining unknown he performs eight wholly believable miracles. | 1 |
...ja sinä päivänä jumalat kuolivat | Walter Ernsting | 2.77 | Science Fiction | First published January 1, 1975 | Vintage paperback | 39 |
The 12 Days of Christmas:Picture Book of Classic Song for Kids | Melissa Hayes | 2 | null | First published December 11, 2012 | The twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting Christmas Day. This book helps your kids to learn counting with beautiful pictures based on the classic song.Contain 12 pages of beautiful pictures | 2 |
8kR26ik4QF | AO9FqkkNkU | 0 | null | null | null | 0 |
Algún día escribiré sobre África | Binyavanga Wainaina | 3.76 | Africa | First published July 19, 2011 | En 2005, el escritor keniano Binyavanga Wainaina escribió furioso al editor de Granta. La razón de su rabia era el número que la revista había publicado sobre África: «No me molestaba lo sombrío, sino lo estúpido. No había nada nuevo, nada profundo, sino mucho “reportaje” […] como si África y los africanos no fueran parte del discurso, como si no vivieran al otro lado de la calle de la oficina de Granta. No, nosotros estábamos “allí”, donde gente valiente vestida de color caqui podía acudir para atestiguarlo». El editor le propuso publicar una versión editada de su correo, ahora como texto titulado «How to Write About Africa». Se convirtió en el artículo más reenviado en la historia de la revista. Posteriormente, Wainaina escribió Algún día escribiré sobre África, una magistral crónica de su vida en Kenia, su fallido intento por estudiar en la universidad en Sudáfrica, y en particular su tortuoso viaje iniciático hasta convertirse en un escritor premiado y reconocido a nivel internacional. Wainaina retrata su vida en África como un mosaico en ebullición, bailando en su adolescencia con la música de Michael Jackson, contemplando con ironía un desfile de dictadores despóticos, trenzándose a golpes con un mafioso abusivo, siempre narrando con un lenguaje de una gran plasticidad y belleza, y sobre todo sin juzgar a los demás, para ceñirse a una de las principales reglas de la sociedad de Kenia: «Si hay una cortesía que todos los kenianos practican consiste en no cuestionar las contradicciones de los demás; todos tenemos contradicciones, y destruir la cara de otro es un sacrilegio». | 2,320 |
A Ditadura Envergonhada | Elio Gaspari | 4.31 | History | First published January 1, 2002 | Em 1984, o jornalista Hélio Gaspari ganhou uma bolsa de três meses do Wilson Center for International Scholars. Sua intenção era escrever um ensaio cujo título já estava definido: "Geisel e Golbery, o Sacerdote e Feiticeiro". Em cerca de cem páginas, Gaspari pretendia explicar por que entre 1974 e 1979 o ex-presidente e o chefe do seu gabinete Civil desmontaram a ditadura militar, quando na década anterior, entre 1964 e 1967, haviam ajudado a construí-la. A convicção de que bastariam cem páginas foi abandonada; dezoito anos depois, o que era um ensaio se transformou em cinco livros. Em A Ditadura Envergonhada, o leitor vai encontrar um minucioso relato do golpe de 1964, com seus lances de acaso e improvisos, a luta pelo poder nos primeiros anos do governo militar, a criação do SNI e os bastidores da elaboração dos primeiros atos institucionais, até a edição do Ato Institucional nº5 , em dezembro de 1968, e a famosa aula de tortura de outubro de 679, dada por um tenente no quartel da Vila Militar no Rio de Janeiro, quando a ditadura deixa de se envergonhar de si própria.Esta obra trata-se do primeiro livro da coleção e primeiro volume da série As Ilusões Armadas | 653 |
L'équitation et le cheval | E. Molier | 3.67 | null | First published January 1, 1913 | null | 3 |
Шогун | James Clavell | 4.41 | Historical Fiction | First published January 1, 1975 | „Шогун“ е изчерпателно въведение в историята и народопсихологията на Япония. Действието на романа се развива в началото на XVII век - интересен период в историята на тази страна, наситен с подмолни борби на холандци, испанци, португалци и англичани да завладеят японския пазар. През същия този период се формират социалните и културни предпоставки за по-късни коренни историко-политически промени. Книгата е написана изключително увлекателно, в духа на приключенския роман и същевременно притежава голяма познавателна стойност, потапяйки читателя в една неповторима атмосфера. | 195,238 |
The Scheme of Angels | John R. Burns | 3.68 | null | First published September 18, 2011 | Richard Hill, a sixteen year old boy is found murdered with a hood over his half severed head and hands tied behind his back. His body is discovered in an empty Edinburgh Council housing scheme that is ready to be demolished. Detective Inspector Corbett is in charge of the inquiry. Thomas, Richard’s grandfather is obsessed with finding his grandson’s killers. His need for revenge leads him into a situation where several more murders are committed as somebody else seeks his own, bloody vengeance. Finding at last who killed his grandson is the last thing Thomas Hill ever does. | 22 |
ANCIENT VISITORS TO NORTH AMERICA | Robert D. Morritt | 0 | null | First published July 10, 2013 | Way back in the shadows and mists of time. Ancient visitors regularly visited North America. The coastlines and terrain was very different then and after an interstadial era the Glaciers had melted and North America was just another route taken often accidentally by archaic travelers who moved onwards in search of the food-chain.It appears that indigenous North Americans and Europeans possibly co-existed in isolated pockets as far back as 2000 to 1200BC (or even earlier) except for periods when they competed for the same ‘hunting grounds or a new territory to settle.This book ‘Ancient Visitors to North America’ whilst full of conjecture allows the reader to witness the trace of people who arrived in North America centuries before Columbus who himself had never set foot on North American soil. | 0 |
Il partito preso delle cose | Francis Ponge | 3.4 | Poetry | First published June 15, 1942 | Il progetto, quindi, è di scrivere un nuovo De natura rerum, o piuttosto un nuovo De varietate rerum il cui metodo viene così enunciato: «Il miglior partito è di considerare ogni cosa del tutto sconosciuta, e di passeggiare o di sdraiarsi nel sottobosco o sull'erba, e di riprendere tutto dall'inizio». Una fenomenologia poetica, certo, ma una fenomenologia materialista, non esistenzialista, per la disperazione di Sartre. L'opera di Ponge produce ciò che si può chiamare: «allegria materialista» - contatto rinnovato, rinnovante, con l'esterno, con le «choses» della «natura» e del mondo. Jacqueline Risset | 1,426 |
聖女貞德. 2 Jeanne. 2 | 大谷暢順 | 3 | null | First published September 1, 1996 | 法國洛林公爵之女艾美莉,幼時因為家變之故,而為公爵下屬波多里古努加以藏匿庇護。波多里古努之子艾米兒身份被養大的艾美莉,小時候曾在父親的病榻前見過貞德一面,並且在波多里古努的城堡見過貞德的幻影,對於貞德有股特殊的感情。(波多里古努即是當年帶貞德去見當時尚未登基的查理斯七世的人。另外,在這部作品中,除了在眾人的回憶中之外,貞德這個角色的出現都是以魂魄般地幻影形式登場。其時貞德業已被處火刑燒死。)貞德被燒死九年之後的法國仍不平靜,不但對英的戰爭尚未結束,且查理斯七世的軟弱還使得王太子路易趁機要興兵反叛,並且獲得了貞德生前的眾多盟友的支持。當艾美莉知道波多里古努接到大元帥利士文公爵的徵召命令時,乃自告奮勇地要代替波多里古努前去勤王。在造訪貞德出身的村莊多尼密時,艾美莉再次見到了貞德的幻影,並且接受了貞德的指引:「保護國王」。前去勤王的途中,艾美莉在奧爾良為先前所收服的盜賊出賣,因而遭到了王太子路易的逮捕。而與充滿霸氣與野心的路易接觸,亦使得艾美莉一時之間對貞德的指引出現了迷惑。然而在貞德幻影的協助下,艾美莉逃出了奧爾良,並且在圖爾見著了查理斯七世,正式開始了勤王的工作。眼見勤王軍的軍備簡陋,艾美莉自告奮勇地前去會見富有的薛多?尼男爵,期使這位貞德生前的盟友能夠出資協助勤王。然而此時的薛多-尼男爵早已為異常的慾望所支配。就在艾美莉本身陷入即將被殺害的危機之時,貞德的幻影出現在艾美莉與薛?多尼男爵的眼前,而喚回了薛?多尼的理智。薛?多尼之後也終於答應出資幫助了勤王軍。在大元帥利士文公爵的領導下,勤王軍接連打敗了王太子路易的叛軍。艾美莉在不願造成更多死傷的考量下,乃自願擔任使者前去會見仍在繼續反抗的雅倫遜公爵。然而雅倫遜公爵卻將艾美莉抓住並送給了王太子路易。使得艾美莉開始了被監禁的生涯。在監禁的過程中,艾美莉接連地與王太子路易發生衝突,路易最後乃決定讓艾美莉選擇是否要順從抑或步上和貞德一般的被燒死之路。選擇反抗的艾美莉在處刑前倍感害怕,然而就在危機的一刻,天降神雷擊毀了處刑台,並且也終於讓狂妄的王太子路易與艾美莉一同前去面見國王。之後,法國終於打敗了英國,而貞德也終於被重審而宣告無罪。由大谷暢順原著、安彥良和作畫的這部《聖女貞德》,雖然可能會讓部分讀者因為故事背景的陌生而感到一時無法弄清楚內容,但其故事本體事實上是不至於稱得上是複雜的。只要能夠就第一冊書末結尾所附的背景解說加以理解,那麼要弄清楚這部作品的內容,其實並不是一件困難的事。(在第一冊書末結尾附有背景解說的作法,其實可說是值得稱許的地方。比起一些歷史題材的作品經常讓讀者們弄不清狀況的情形,附上這樣一個的背景解說,其實是比較體恤讀者們的作法。)也許會有讀者在看完且暸解這本《聖女貞德》的故事之後,仍會就時代背景與貞德的事蹟提出種種的疑問,但是這部作品正如前述的故事簡介所示,其重心並不在於描繪史實上的貞德事蹟,而是藉由虛構出的人物──少女艾美莉的行動,去追尋與帶出貞德出現的意義。當然,安彥良和與大谷暢順所呈現出來的這部《聖女貞德》並不是真正的歷史。但是這部作品所呈現出來的歷史感,卻表現出了一股相當強大的說服力。對於此點,兩位作者的表現無疑是令人讚賞的。作品中確實存在於歷史中的幾位重要角色:國王查理斯七世、薛多?尼男爵、雅倫遜公爵……等,作者在其內心戲上的表現都出色的讓人動容。儘管角色們真正關於貞德的內心戲場景只佔了少量的篇幅,但是所呈現出來的畫龍點睛效果卻是出奇的好。把每一個角色之所以有如此作為的原因,都作了個相當漂亮的解釋,可說是《聖女貞德》這部作品相當值得稱贊的地方。(當然,真實的史實並不是像這部作品裡所呈現的那麼「浪漫」。而貞德是否真有神的指引,其實也大有問題。這部作品的本質始終還是個文學創作,而不是真正的歷史,這是在觀察這部作品前所必須要加以認識的前提。)安彥良和的作品風格向來都不會太活潑,對於一些讀者來說,他的作品甚至是令人感到有些「悶」。之所以如此,是因為安彥良和的表現方式與題材向來都比較注重內涵,對於角色的內心戲的鋪陳做的相當用心,所以他的作品經常都表現得頗為正經與嚴肅,即使故事處於較為詼諧的場景時,也很難讓讀者的心情跟著輕鬆下來。在這一點上,這部《聖女貞德》自然也是不會例外的。安彥良和的高作畫水準向來都有定評,不過這部《聖女貞德》特殊的是它是一部水彩漫畫。其所呈現出來的色彩風格,其實與他以前為電視版《機動戰士 GUNDAM》所繪製的海報用色風格頗為類似,只是偏好在同一格畫框中大量使用同色系色彩的表現方式變得更明顯,經常畫框中呈現著整片藍、整片紅或者是整片綠。其實在故事氣氛的營造上,也可以說是頗有助力的。基本上,大谷暢順與安彥良和的這部《聖女貞德》,其立場是站在相信貞德、承認神蹟的這一點上。並且由這樣的設定出發,來鋪陳這部作品的故事發展。對於這點,也許會有些讀者因為不信教或者是其他的原因而感到相當不以為然。但是,只要考慮到這部作品是部文藝作品而非真實的歷史,相信也不至於會那麼地難以接受。整體來說,安彥良和與大谷暢順合作的這部《聖女貞德》,可說是一部值得一看的作品。 | 1 |
Vastberaden | Nora Roberts | 4.15 | Romance | First published July 2, 2009 | De liefde tussen Cooper en Lil is jaren geleden door onbegrip verbroken. Als Cooper terugkomt naar de opvang voor wilde dieren die Lil heeft opgericht, wijst Lil alle contact af. Een onbekende vermoordt enkele dieren uit de opvang; hij blijkt het op Lil voorzien te hebben. Cooper en zij moeten samenwerken om de dader te pakken te krijgen. Deze liefdesroman beschrijft de geweldige natuur in Zuid-Dakota en de zorg voor wilde dieren. De relatie tussen Lil en Cooper is de hoofdzaak met enerzijds veel misverstanden en anderzijds hartstochtelijke liefde | 43,334 |
Poor Jeffrey | Paul Flewitt | 4.06 | Horror | First published October 14, 2013 | Grief drives people to extreme behaviour, and when Poor Jeffrey Kinsey is killed his friends go to some extreme lengths to bring him back… sometimes the magic works. When Cal Denver comes to town and girls start to disappear, only to be found half eaten by an unidentifiable creature; some townsfolk will panic and flee… others will get angry or go insane. For Tommy, Jade and Chloe the next few weeks will make them or break them… and a story begins… Poor Jeffrey; he never wanted death to be this way… | 32 |
MATLB: An Introduction with Applications | Amos Gilat | 3.72 | Mathematics | First published January 1, 2003 | MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications 4th Edition walks readers through the ins and outs of this powerful software for technical computing. The first chapter describes basic features of the program and shows how to use it in simple arithmetic operations with scalars. The next two chapters focus on the topic of arrays (the basis of MATLAB), while the remaining text covers a wide range of other applications. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications 4th Edition is presented gradually and in great detail, generously illustrated through computer screen shots and step-by-step tutorials, and applied in problems in mathematics, science, and engineering. | 110 |
The Long, Steep Path | Catherine Ryan Hyde | 4.15 | Nonfiction | First published January 13, 2013 | "Ryan Hyde’s latest offering is true to her style — honest, insightful, and shared from a place that is earthy and sometimes gritty, but quite beautiful in its simplicity and scope." –Blogcritics Books By the bestselling author of DON'T LET ME GO and PAY IT FORWARD, this entertaining and life-affirming collection of autobiographical stories explores the rewards and challenges of building a happy life of self-knowledge and creative inspiration, from a writer who has been through it all. "What inspired you to write the novel Pay It Forward?" Years after the publication of Pay It Forward, this is still the most common question asked of Catherine Ryan Hyde, bestselling and critically acclaimed author of 20 published and forthcoming books, including Don't Let Me Go, When You Were Older, and Pay It Forward, the incredible bestselling novel that led to a movie, a foundation, and an entire social movement. Everything Pay It Forward became is rooted in a small, but extraordinary act of kindness, which Catherine received as a young adult. It was one moment that caused her to look at life in a different way. It was a moment of pure, human inspiration. In THE LONG STEEP PATH: EVERYDAY INSPIRATION FROM THE AUTHOR OF PAY IT FORWARD, Catherine shares her story, as well as what inspires her, in a series of funny and totally engaging autobiographical stories that are at once personal and universal. | 509 |
Učitelj in čarovnice | Alejandro Jodorowsky | 4.25 | Biography | First published January 1, 2005 | Jodorowsky’s memoirs of his experiences with Master Takata and the group of wisewomen--magiciennes--who influenced his spiritual growth • Reveals Jodorowsky turning the same unsparing spiritual vision seen in El Topo to his own spiritual quest • Shows how the author’s spiritual insight and progress was catalyzed repeatedly by wisewoman shamans and healers In 1970, John Lennon introduced to the world Alejandro Jodorowsky and the movie, El Topo, that he wrote, starred in, and directed. The movie and its author instantly became a counterculture icon. The New York Times said the film “demands to be seen,” and Newsweek called it “An Extraordinary Movie!” But that was only the beginning of the story and the controversy of El Topo, and the journey of its brilliant creator. His spiritual quest began with the Japanese master Ejo Takata, the man who introduced him to the practice of meditation, Zen Buddhism, and the wisdom of the koans. Yet in this autobiographical account of his spiritual journey, Jodorowsky reveals that it was a small group of wisewomen, far removed from the world of Buddhism, who initiated him and taught him how to put the wisdom he had learned from his master into practice.At the direction of Takata, Jodorowsky became a student of the surrealist painter Leonora Carrington, thus beginning a journey in which vital spiritual lessons were transmitted to him by various women who were masters of their particular crafts. These women included Doña Magdalena, who taught him “initiatic” or spiritual massage; the powerful Mexican actress known as La Tigresa (the “tigress”); and Reyna D’Assia, daughter of the famed spiritual teacher G. I. Gurdjieff. Other important wisewomen on Jodorowsky’s spiritual path include María Sabina, the priestess of the sacred mushrooms; the healer Pachita; and the Chilean singer Violeta Parra. The teachings of these women enabled him to discard the emotional armor that was hindering his advancement on the path of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. | 967 |
The Wanderer | David Anderson | 3.82 | null | First published January 20, 2013 | What would you do if you were all alone with everywhere to go?If you were the only apparent survivor of a ravenous global pandemic, what would you do to get through each day and preserve your sanity? A single survivor wanders a godforsaken landscape. It has been five long years since his life was turned on its head, but against all odds he continues to cling to life.Every day since the plague has been a battle for survival. With no family and no companion he wanders the empty streets of his desolate home town as a way to pass the lonely days, his familiar surroundings his only reminder of a more normal time. By sticking with little deviation to a daily routine he attempts to retard the erosion of his sanity. Growing used to his new existence, and never expecting change, how would he react if he knew that, just around the corner, another life-shattering change awaits him? | 128 |
101 Ways to Love Your Grandkids: Sharing Your Life and God's Love | Bob Barnes | 3.43 | Christian Living | First published June 1, 2004 | Bob and Emilie Barnes, beloved authors and grandparents, encourage other grandparents to embrace the blessing of this important role. The 101 ideas, prayers, and stories inspire grandmothers and grandfathers to share their legacies of faith, life, memories, and love as theypray for the needs, future, and faith of a grandchild live out an example of compassion by caring and listening participate in each child's life through activities and communication show God's unconditional love by accepting a child's uniqueness A blend of inspirational meditations and practical ideas, this is an ideal resource for the countless baby boomers who are now grandparents and anyone ready to share their heart with a child. | 7 |
Epigenetics | Iyathurai Aingaratheepan | 0 | null | First published October 24, 2013 | An Article On - Epigenetics,a look into the science of epigenetics, its effect on organisms and more so a look at its effect on humans.A theoretical look at the evolutionary effect of this science on man since the last ice age. | 0 |
Tausche Glückskeks gegen Weihnachtswunder | Annette Langen | 3.86 | null | First published October 14, 2013 | Zwei beste Freundinnen auf weihnachtlicher MissionGrete und Sina sind allerbeste Freundinnen – und haben sogar zu Weihnachten denselben Herzenswunsch: eine »richtige« Familie. Jetzt müssen sie nur noch Gretes Mutter und Sinas Vater davon überzeugen, dass sie füreinander bestimmt sind. Das ist allerdings leichter gesagt als getan, denn schon bei ihrem ersten Treffen fliegen die Fetzen! Doch zwischen Weihnachtsmarkt und Winterwald überlassen die Mädchen nichts dem Zufall, um das Weihnachtswunder doch noch wahr zu machen ... | 7 |
Mercy | Jodi Picoult | 3.6 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1996 | Police chief of a small Massachusetts town, Cameron McDonald makes the toughest arrest of his life when his own cousin Jamie comes to him and confesses outright that he has killed his terminally ill wife out of mercy.Now, a heated murder trial plunges the town into upheaval, and drives a wedge into a contented marriage: Cameron, aiding the prosecution in their case against Jamie, is suddenly at odds with his devoted wife, Allie -- seduced by the idea of a man so in love with his wife that he'd grant all her wishes, even her wish to end her life. And when an inexplicable attraction leads to a shocking betrayal, Allie faces the hardest questions of the heart: when does love cross the line of moral obligation? And what does it mean to truly love another?Praised for her "personal, detail-rich style" (Glamour), Jodi Picoult infuses this page-turning novel with heart, warmth, and startling candor, taking readers on an unforgettable emotional journey. | 60,984 |
His indecent Lesson | Sky Corgan | 3.19 | Erotica | null | Cheyenne Grear was looking forward to college. High school boys were lame and immature. College would provide a smorgasbord of sexy educated men who would be dying to vie for her attention. At least, that's what she hoped. What actually happened was far from her imagined reality. She never expected to fall for someone much older and totally inaccessible. Damien Reed is confident, sexy, and everything a man should be. The only problem is, he doesn't even seem to know that Cheyenne exists. When an attempt at thievery goes bad, Cheyenne ends up face to face with the man of her dreams, but is there more to him than meets the eye? Content Warning: This story contains lots of steamy bits too explicit for this blurb. For readers 18+ only! This is part 1 of a 4 part series. Approximate length: 13,200+ words or 45 pages. | 721 |
My Sister’s Keeper | Jodi Picoult | 4.1 | Fiction | First published April 6, 2004 | New York Times best-selling author Jodi Picoult is widely acclaimed for her keen insights into the hearts and minds of real people. Now she tells the emotionally riveting story of a family torn apart by conflicting needs and a passionate love that triumphs over human weakness. Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age 13 she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. The product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate—a life and a role that she has never challenged ... until now. Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. But unlike most teenagers, she has always been defined in terms of her sister—and so Anna makes a decision that for most would be unthinkable, a decision that will tear her family apart and have perhaps fatal consequences for the sister she loves. My Sister's Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, a good person. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life, even if that means infringing upon the rights of another? Is it worth trying to discover who you really are if that quest makes you like yourself less? Should you follow your own heart or let others lead you? Once again, in My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult tackles a controversial real-life subject with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity. | 1,243,022 |
第十層地獄 | Jodi Picoult | 3.53 | Fiction | Published July 1, 2008 | 如果在所有的罪行裡,最重的罪是背叛別人,那麼欺騙自己的人該當何罪?十四歲的翠克西瘋狂的自殘,被強暴的痛楚她無力承受,蕩婦、淫娃、賤貨的罵名令她崩潰,唯有使力劃開手腕,她才能為自己殘餘的生命 找到出口。那強暴翠克西的男孩該死,但他的死卻為翠克西帶來另一場災難,她成了各地警察追捕的嫌疑犯,翠克西知道只有不斷地逃亡,她才有可能 開始新的人生。 | 133,353 |
Literatura Rusa: acerca de Biéli, Blok, Gorki, Bábel, Shklovski, Tsvietáieva, Jlébnikov, Platónov Dovlátov. | Laura Estrin | 4.14 | null | First published January 1, 2013 | null | 7 |
تاريخ الحركة الأشتراكية فى مصر | رفعت السعيد | 3.29 | null | First published January 1, 1975 | تاريخ الحركة الأشتراكية فى مصر 1900 - 1925 | 7 |
The Missing Link | J.M. Sevilla | 4.17 | Romance | First published October 26, 2013 | Warning: This book contains violence, excessive language, and strong sexual content. It's intended to be read by mature audiences. Part one of a two part series. There are three things Lily Evans immediately notices about her new neighbor, Jay Lincoln. The first is his monstrous size, the second is the malicious way he glares at her, and thirdly, but most importantly, the three scars that mark his right eye. She knows the smart thing to do is stay away, but she has never met or seen anyone like him. The more time she spends with this frightening yet captivating man, the harder it becomes. He can make her hairs stand on end but he also has a sweetness to him that tugs at her heart. Soon she finds herself merged into his world full of murder, revenge, and deceit.New Adult Romance | 9,498 |
Changing of the Glads | Joy Spraycar | 3.43 | Romance | First published January 1, 2013 | Kill or be killed... that's Zalphia world. Armed with unique mental abilities and superior kills, this Glad slave never loses. But she is no match for the tall, dark, and handsome warrior that literally invades her thoughts and frequents her dreams. The captivating stranger promises a life of unconditional love and no more fighting. But can she trust him?Max may have found his soul-mate, but she has no memory of their former life or their plan to save this world from destruction. Forced to abandon her to save her life, he risks his sanity and Zalphia's love in order force her to fulfill the prophecy.But their son has other plans... | 21 |
UR & CARCHEMISH REVISITED | Bob Morritt | 0 | null | null | This book describes the advent and history of music in the United States.It describes the varied styles of music..The performers and their recorded repertoire and the variety of genres of American music such as the Blues, Rock and Roll and Country.From the arrival of early colonists who brought choirs, musical notation, and later, broadsides.The arrival of West Africans who gave new impetus to the music, with their variety of instruments, drums, and string instruments as well as call-and-response’vocals.Later the mix of Cajun and Creole music from Louisiana.Early American popular music , such as the advent of Ragtime and the Minstrel era, early Jazz music.Rural blues and urban jazz ,which all gave impetus to the creation of American popular music. Appalachian roots of Country music and Post-War Rock and Roll are also described until recent times. | 0 |
Alien Earth | Megan Lindholm | 4.11 | Science Fiction | First published January 1, 1992 | Over successive generations the Conservancy has re-adjusted man to make him so environmentally-friendly that he no longer breeds or leaves any trace of his existence. However a depleted gene-pool now means that a dying Earth has to be repopulated, quickly. | 568 |
محمد بن جرير الطبري ومنهجه في تفسير القرآن الكريم وكتابة التاريخ | عباس توفيق | 0 | null | First published October 25, 2013 | يتناول الكتاب الإمام الطبري من خلال ثلاثة محاور هي: 1- حياته الشخصية وصفاته وملكاته ومؤلفاته.2- منهجه في تفسير القرآن الكريم. ويستجلي في هذا المحور القضايا التي تناولها في كتابه عن التفسير وتحديد المصطلح في التفسير والتأويل ثم طريقته في تقسير الآيات وتأويلها. 3- منهجه في كتابة التاريخ، وقد بيّن هو بعض معالم هذا المنهج وتم استخلاص معالم أخرى من خلال سرده للحوادث وتعليقه عليها.التدقيق اللغوي: سعيد الدوسريتصميم الغلاف: إدريس يحيىالاخراج الفني: عبد الجبار محمد تاقييمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 0 |
誰搬走了我的乳酪? | Spencer Johnson | 3.86 | Nonfiction | First published January 1, 1999 | 從前從前,有兩隻小老鼠「嗅嗅」、「快快」和兩個小小人「哼哼」、「哈哈」,他們每天都在一座迷宮裡跑來跑去,努力尋找自己心愛的乳酪,有一天,終於在C號乳酪站找到了。他們每天都固定來這裡,開心地大飽口福。不同的是,嗅嗅和快快仍隨時警覺著四周環境的轉變,哼哼跟哈哈卻因為太安逸了,根本沒察覺到情況早已悄悄起了變化。這天,哼哼和哈哈照舊來到C號乳酪站,發現乳酪竟然不見了!「這是怎麼回事?到底是誰搬走了我們的乳酪?」面對這場相同的變局,小小人和小老鼠的反應卻大不相同…… | 487,086 |
Вера и нација | Vladeta Jerotić | 4.33 | null | First published January 1, 1995 | Да ли постоји зрелост народа, О верском фундаментализму данас, Сложена и противречна личност Николаја Велимировића, Православље и Запад, Вера и нација некада, сада и овде, на Западу и Истоку данас, Зрелост народа, Укорењивање и искорењивање српског народа, Сеобе, Свети Сава, Света Гора...само су поједина од питања на која Јеротић одговара у овој књизи | 3 |
The da Vinci Code | Dan Brown | 3.92 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2003 | Alternate covers for 9780307277671 can be found:The da Vinci Code, The da Vinci Code, The da Vinci Code, and The da Vinci CodeWhile in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum. Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher. While working to solve the enigmatic riddle, Langdon is stunned to discover it leads to a trail of clues hidden in the works of Da Vinci -- clues visible for all to see -- yet ingeniously disguised by the painter.Langdon joins forces with a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, and learns the late curator was involved in the Priory of Sion -- an actual secret society whose members included Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Da Vinci, among others. In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who seems to anticipate their every move. Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine puzzle in time, the Priory's ancient secret -- and an explosive historical truth -- will be lost forever.The Da Vinci Code heralds the arrival of a new breed of lightning-paced, intelligent thriller utterly unpredictable right up to its stunning conclusion. | 2,413,785 |
SkySerpents | Jash Sen | 4.04 | null | First published October 10, 2013 | 'One day they were here and the next day they were gone'.The world is in great danger. The powerful god Kali, ruler of Kali yug, has a new weapon - the deadly Skyserpents. The avatar, Bilal and his twin, Anya, are the only ones who can save Earth from complete destruction. However, hope exists; and if they succeed, more than one world can be saved.In the second book of The Wordkeepers Trilogy, the twins' journey takes them from the prison tower of Vishasha to Victorian London to the idyllic world of Alkapuri, where Anya learns a staggering secret. | 70 |