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Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green | Expert Book Reviews | 4.22 | Literature | First published October 24, 2013 | Expert Book Reviews presents a comprehensive review, analysis and plot summary of John Green's novel The Fault in Our Stars. Green explores the relationship between 16-year-old Hazel, who trails an oxygen cart, and Augustus, a charismatic boy who lost a leg to bone cancer. The review helps readers place the couple's story in context and explore the nature of transcendent experiences. A great choice for book club discussions, John Green's novel explores classic themes regarding the value of youth and friendship and getting the most out of life. The Fault in Our Stars tells a bittersweet tale of love, and its renowned status and plans for movie adaptation foretell that the book is destined to become a classic for young adults. The comprehensive review & analysis gives buyers and potential buyers a complete synopsis (with spoiler alerts!), analysis of literary themes, information about the author, and an easy-to-read discussion of the questions and issues that the novel raises. AN INSTANT BOOK CLUB PARTY! As the book states, you can find the infinite within a finite period. John Green tells a story of relationships and the things that matter most. Read the review to decide whether to buy the book for yourself, your kids or as a gift. Don't worry about spoiling the surprise. Each Review & Analysis has a spoiler-alert section that you can skip if you prefer. If you liked John Green's Looking for Alaska or Paper Towns, you'll love The Fault in Our Stars. This Book Review & Story Analysis conveniently lays out the hidden gems: plot points you might miss, symbols that only become obvious on a second or third read-through, and themes that affect your understanding of the story. Table of Contents • Book Review • Section about author John Green • Character Reference List • Chapter-by-Chapter Plot Summary & Story Analysis • Major Themes & Symbols • Analysis of Key Characters • Book Club Discussion Questions & Responses It's like discussing the novel with your friends or going to a book club meeting. But you don't need to drive anywhere! Packaged together in a fun and entertaining format, the entire discussion is delivered instantly to your device. If you haven't read The Fault in Our Stars yet, we'll let you know what to expect with savvy analysis and an honest review. If you're already reading the novel, then we'll be your tour guide through every chapter, heightening your enjoyment at every moment of intrigue, suspense, and humor. Regardless, this is your map when you're deep in the intricate sub-plots and fascinating imagery of John Green's novel. You'll see the book in a whole new way. | 358 |
قصص مترجمة للناشئين 2 | أمل الرفاعي | 3 | null | First published September 29, 2013 | مجموعة قصصية جديدة تُعبر عن مقولات وعن أفكار سامية. قد يجد فيها القارئ الفائدة والمتعةالإخراج الفني:فوزية الألمعيتصميم الغلاف:إدريس يحيىيمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 2 |
Midnight Son | Taz Roux | 2.5 | null | First published October 12, 2013 | Caoimhe is trying to rebuild her life after her husband of seven years walks out on her. On the first weekend she has to face alone, she hopes to escape from the thoughts she doesn’t want to face by reading a damaged book she bought cheaply at a second hand book shop.Right from the start, she notices parallels between her life and that of Duane, the luckless main character in the book. As her empathy with the storybook character grows, she starts fantasizing about Duane.By chance, Caoimhe’s sister finds her an expensive apartment which is renting out cheaply, but it is surrounded by mystery. The owner of the apartment had vanished on Halloween, eleven years earlier, and the only indication that he may still be alive is his indirect contact, every year on the day of his disappearance.Caoimhe moves to the apartment, but she can no longer ignore the strange coincidences between her life and the book, which now seem to involve her mysterious missing landlord as well. As she tries to unravel the puzzles, reality starts blurring into fantasy.Meanwhile, the next Halloween is approaching. | 2 |
Digital Fortress | Dan Brown | 3.7 | Fiction | First published February 1, 1998 | This an alternate cover for 9780552151696 When the NSA's invincible code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, the agency calls its head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher, a brilliant and beautiful mathematician. What she uncovers sends shock waves through the corridors of power. The NSA is being held hostage...not by guns or bombs, but by a code so ingeniously complex that if released it would cripple U.S. intelligence.Caught in an accelerating tempest of secrecy and lies, Susan Fletcher battles to save the agency she believes in. Betrayed on all sides, she finds herself fighting not only for her country but for her life, and in the end, for the life of the man she loves.From the underground hallways of power to the skyscrapers of Tokyo to the towering cathedrals of Spain, a desperate race unfolds. It is a battle for survival--a crucial bid to destroy a creation of inconceivable genius...an impregnable code-writing formula that threatens to obliterate the post-cold war balance of power. Forever. | 647,178 |
Disparitia | D.A. Mishani | 3.51 | Mystery | First published January 1, 2011 | Un roman politist israelian de exceptie, nominalizat la CWA International Dagger Award.Inspectorul israelian Avraham Avraham trebuie sa dea de urma unui adolescent care a disparut din suburbiile Tel Avivului.In cartierul lui Avraham infractiunile nu sunt foarte grave. Asa ca, atunci cand adolescentul de saisprezece ani dispare si un profesor al baiatului se implica in mod inexplicabil in ancheta, Avraham se vede nevoit sa reconsidere tot ce stia despre viata.Povestit din perspective diferite, romanul lui Dror A. Mishani abunda in rasturnari de situatii si, totodata, pune sub semnul intrebarii notiunile legate de inocenta si vina, precum si natura incerta a adevarului.„O imagine i-a inghetat in minte. Nu stia cum arata baiatul, dar il vedea pe Ofer Sharabi intr-un parc pustiu, slab luminat, punandu-si rucsacul negru pe o banca si intinzandu-se pe spate. Isi acopera corpul cu un hanorac gri, la fel ca al fetei din statia de autobuz. Se pregateste sa se culce. Nu mai e nici tipenie de om acolo in afara de Ofer. Si asta e bine. Inseamna ca nu e in pericol.“ - Disparitia | 2,003 |
Łaska tworzenia | Mariusz Szczygieł | 3.33 | Nonfiction | Published January 1, 2013 | Autor bestsellerowego "Gottlandu" tym razem w kilku reportażach o współczesnej Polsce, a w nich m.in. o sile konsumpcyjnej lojalności, języku polskim na miarę XXI wieku i o tym, czy każdy pisać może.Jak nam transformacja wykręciła język, jak onanizm wyszedł spod kołdry, lojalność stała się sprawą handlu i usług, jak trudno jest sprzedać dzieło, któremu poświęciliśmy życie - o tym wszystkim przeczytacie w autorskim minibooku Mariusza Szczygła, jednego z najwybitniejszych dziś polskich reporterów. Jego "Gottland" – prawdziwa opowieść o Czechach i ich zakręconej XX-wiecznej historii, przetłumaczona na kilkanaście języków, stała się w 2009 r. europejską książką roku. Ale zanim Mariusz zainteresował się Czechami – a także w przerwach między podróżami do Pragi – był wnikliwym i arcybłyskotliwym obserwatorem polskiej transformacji. I mistrzem wydobywania z bohaterów nieoczywistych odpowiedzi na proste pytania.W zestawie również portret idola Mariusza Szczygła z czasów młodości – przedwcześnie zmarłego lidera Republiki Grzegorza Ciechowskiego. | 18 |
The Knicker-knocker | George Donald | 4.34 | null | First published July 17, 2013 | Frederick Evans is not a man people generally notice and almost friendless, keeps himself to himself. However, Frederick has one rather peculiar hobby. In the dead of night, he enjoys creeping around the neighbourhood and beyond, stealing women's lingerie from washing lines and later using the stolen lingerie to indulge in his sexual fantasies. However, during one dark, cloudy night while out knicker-knocking, Frederick sees something that presents him with an unparalleled opportunity.Frederick sees a man murder his wife. | 41 |
Pyhän Venäjän palveluksessa | Vladimir Sorokin | 3.74 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2006 | Satiiria, komediaa ja seikkailuhenkeä yhdistelevä dystopia tulevaisuuden Venäjästä vuonna 2027.Venäjä on kirjaimellisesti eristynyt Euroopasta, joka on maailmanpoliittinen pikkutekijä Kiinan hallitsemassa maailmassa. Venäjällä vallitsee ääriortodoksinen uskonto, yltiömäinen kansallismieli ja machokulttuuri, minkä myötä kaikki liberaali, demokraattinen ja maallinen on pannassa. Valtaistuimella istuu mies, joka muistuttaa vahvasti eräitä nykyisiä vallanpitäjiä. Hänen rajatonta valtaansa puolustavat ja mielensä oikkuja toteuttavat tsaarin ajoilta periytyvät valiojoukot, opritshnikit. Heille toisinajattelijoiden henki on korkeintaan ivallisen naurun arvoinen.Kaiken kurin, järjestyksen ja autoritaarisuuden taustalla rehottavat kuitenkin tutulla tavalla korruptio, huumeet, mässäily ja irstailu. Valiokaartin rankka työ vaatii normaalia rankemmat huvit. Paikoin kirja yltyykin groteskiksi kuvaukseksi venäläisen sielun tummimmista sävyistä. Ei ole ihme, että Sorokinin kirjat ovat päätyneet Putinia palvovan Nashi-nuorisojärjestön rovioille. Sorokinin "pyhässä Venäjässä" näkyy näet piirteitä niin keskiajalta, stalinismista kuin tieteiskirjallisuudestakin.Pyhän Venäjän palveluksessa on käännetty lukuisille eurooppalaisille kielille, mm. ruotsiksi. Vladimir Sorokinilta on ilmestynyt aiemmin suomeksi kirjat Jono (1990) ja Marinan kolmaskymmenes rakkaus (1992). | 8,639 |
De glömda kvinnornas röst | Birger Thureson | 3.88 | null | First published June 1, 2010 | De glömda kvinnornas röst : Doktor Denis Mukwege och kampen för människovärde i krigets KongoBirger Thureson Tusentals kvinnor utsätts varje år för brutala och tortyrliknande våldtäkter som en del av kriget i Kongo-Kinshasa. För många av dem blir straffet dubbelt när de efter våldtäkten blir utfrysta av sin släkt och betraktade som förorenade av fienden.Här är berättelsen om hur läkaren Denis Mukwege, grundare och chef för Panzisjukhuset i Bukavu, har blivit de våldtagna kvinnornas röst i världen. Han har vigt sitt liv åt att upprätta dessa kvinnors värdighet, fysiskt och psykiskt. För detta han belönats med FN:s människorättspris och Olof Palmepriset. | 17 |
Olah Teks Fantastik Dengan Adobe Photoshop | IT.WORKS! | 4 | null | First published January 1, 2011 | null | 1 |
Pe ape si mai tulburi | Tim Powers | 3.82 | Fantasy | First published November 1, 1987 | Jack Shandy si vestitul pirat Barba-Neagra, calatoresc impreuna spre teritorii de vis, la capatul carora ii asteapta Fantana Tineretii.1718, arhipelagul Caraibelor. O lume inca noua, tainica, cumplita, un paradis al piratilor si al vrajilor.Barba-Neagra, al carui suflet este stapanit de forte oculte, a construit un regat al piratilor, guvernat de credinte vodoo si bantuit de zombi si de fantome.In acest univers al piratilor si al vrajitorilor ajunge din intamplare John Chandagnac. Nascut in Europa, porneste spre Jamaica pentru a recupera o mostenire furata. Capturat de pirati, va avea de ales: sa se alature echipajului sau sa fie ucis si, binenteles, e de parere ca o viata de pirat este mai buna decat o moarte de om cinstit.John Chandagnac, acum cunoscut sub numele de Jack Shandy, va invata sa manuiasca velele, sabia, pistolul si tunul, devenind unul din piratii asociati ai lui Barba-Neagra.Intre piraterie si vrajitorie, intre tradare si acte de eroism, Pe ape si mai tulburi este povestea lui Jack Shandy si a lui Barba-Neagra, a capitanilor-pirati si a echipajelor de marinari-zombi, ajunsi dupa nenumarate aventuri la Fantana Tineretii.Pentru a se elibera, Jack este obligat sa se foloseasca de sabie, de magie neagra si de Insotitorii Veghetori, spirite malefice din Jamaica.Pe ape si mai tulburi este un roman construit cu atata maiestrie incat si un istoric sau un vrajitor-shaman il poate savura.Tim Powers este considerat un mare maestru al "istoriilor secrete" si al miturilor repovestite fiind recompensat de doua ori cu premiul World Fantasy Award si nominalizat, de nenumarate ori, la premiile Hugo, Locus si Nebula.Pe ape si mai tulburi este cartea care a stat la baza filmului Piratii din Caraibe 4. | 10,363 |
Adrienne's Ghost | Leah St. James | 3.93 | Paranormal | First published October 28, 2011 | FBI Agent Jackson Yates has never believed in ghosts...until now. Called to the deepest, darkest basement at FBI Headquarters to investigate the discovery of the body of agent recruit Adrienne Garza, Jack is forced to look beyond the earthly to the spirit world for answers. Shaken by what he finds, he turns to beautiful paranormal psychologist Rachael Sullivan for help. As he draws her into the investigation, finding himself drawn closer to her with each step, can he protect her from the killer’s wrath? Rachael has spent her adult years seeking knowledge of life after death. She has focused those years on helping those stricken with grief, but when she receives messages from beyond the grave, messages that seem to have come from Adrienne herself, she is compelled to follow the trail. As the slain woman’s spirit reveals more and more of her killer, and of her past with investigating agent Jackson Yates, Rachael wonders if the clues are leading her to love, or death. Brought together by forces beyond their control, beyond their understanding, together Jack and Rachael seek the killer. Together they encounter Adrienne’s Ghost. | 59 |
Faster Harder | Colleen Masters | 3.82 | Romance | First published December 13, 2013 | How does a responsible, intelligent, career-driven girl find herself half-naked and hooking up with a bad boy Formula One driver in a Barcelona night club bathroom?Siena Lazio is a lot of things...but reckless isn't one of them.She's only in her mid-twenties and already Team Ferrelli's Director of Public Relations and heiress to the top Formula One racing team. The esteemed daughter of Alfonso Lazio, the greatest driver F1 has ever seen, Siena seems to have it all figured out. All she has to do is uphold her family's honor and ensure her brother Enzo's public image is pristine while he rises to fame and clenches the title as Formula One's new champion.Everything is perfect......Until she's swept mercilessly off her feet by the one man she can never be with. The one man who can fuck it all up.Harrison Davies is Team McClain's secret weapon and he's the only driver who threatens to steal the championship from Enzo. The tattooed British bad boy knows how to get what he wants. And always gets what he wants.Harrison and Siena fall deeper and deeper with each secret tryst. Passion flares, reality fades, and the lines between right and wrong begin to blur. Driven by lust and ambition the couple delves into a world of treachery, deceit, lies, and ultimate betrayal. Is Siena ready to place her fragile heart into the hands of a speed demon and will the thrill of falling for him be worth it when they wreck?Full length New Adult Contemporary Romance novel. Readers 18+ only. Contains adult themes and explicit sexual content. | 2,294 |
The Kite Runner | Khaled Hosseini | 4.35 | Fiction | First published May 29, 2003 | 1970s Afghanistan: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what would happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to an Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption. | 3,266,085 |
Miskolctól Oxfordig | Peter Rona | 4 | null | null | null | 2 |
ROCKIN' UP NORTH | Bob Morritt | 0 | null | null | This book describes the advent and history of music in the United States.It describes the varied styles of music..The performers and their recorded repertoire and the variety of genres of American music such as the Blues, Rock and Roll and Country.From the arrival of early colonists who brought choirs, musical notation, and later, broadsides.The arrival of West Africans who gave new impetus to the music, with their variety of instruments, drums, and string instruments as well as call-and-response’vocals.Later the mix of Cajun and Creole music from Louisiana.Early American popular music , such as the advent of Ragtime and the Minstrel era, early Jazz music.Rural blues and urban jazz ,which all gave impetus to the creation of American popular music. Appalachian roots of Country music and Post-War Rock and Roll are also described until recent times. | 0 |
Pimeyden lapset | Wolfgang Hohlbein | 3.21 | Fantasy | Published January 1, 1994 | Fantasiaromaani hyvän ja pahan taistelusta Ollessaan luokkaretkellä tuomiokirkon katakobeissa Michael törmää siellä kirjailija Henry Wolfiin. Yhdessä he lähtevät tutkimaan kiellettyä aluetta, vanhaa ruttokuoppaa. Mutta suojakaide on hauras, se pettää, ja kaksikko putoaa sokkeloiseen labyrinttiin, joka on täynnä outoja paholaispatsaita, vielä oudompia otuksia, suljettuja ovia ja salaperäisiä taikamerkkejä. Maan alta he löytävät ihmeellisen kaupungin, jonka asukkaat vähä vähältä paljastavat kaupungin monipuolisen syntytarinan. Tarina ei totisesti ole mikään iltasatu, sillä kaupunkia varjostaa synkkä kirous. Pian Wolf ja Michael havaitsevat olevansa keskellä hyvän ja pahan taistelua, josta kukaan ei selviä ilman raskasta veroa. Wolfgang ja Heike Hohlbeinin kaksiosainen Pimeyden lapset on kihelmöivä fantasiaromaani, jonka jännitys säilyy viimeiselle sivulle saakka. Komeina kuvina paljastuu ikuinen totuus, ettei hyvää voi olla ilman pahaa. | 14 |
A Forgotten Murder | George Donald | 4.55 | null | First published December 3, 2012 | One dark and rain swept night a surveillance operation conducted against a ruthless armed robber goes wrong and ends in the death of a young police woman. Stunned and dismayed, her police colleagues seek a scapegoat and centre their anger on her partner, DC Tom McEwan who finds himself not only unjustly blamed for her death, but revelations about his personal relationship with the dead officer result in both his dismissal from the Force and the break-up of his marriage.Some time later, the man wanted for her murder is himself reportedly killed in an automobile accident in Spain and the case is closed.Three years later McEwan by chance catches sight of a figure within a vehicle and is shocked, because either he is seeing a ghost or the man who committed the murder is very much alive.But how does a disgraced, former cop with few friends and no resources prove his suspicion?The author invites the reader to accompany Tom McEwan - in real time - as he attempts to prove that Robbie ‘Poet’ Burns, wanted for the murder of DC Alice Foley, is very much alive and in doing so, becomes embroiled in even more violent death. | 29 |
The Aviators: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight | Winston Groom | 4.38 | History | First published January 1, 2013 | Written by gifted storyteller Winston Groom (author of Forrest Gump ), The Aviators tells the saga of three extraordinary aviators--Charles Lindbergh, Eddie Rickenbacker, and Jimmy Doolittle--and how they redefine heroism through their genius, daring, and uncommon courage. This is the fascinating story of three extraordinary heroes who defined aviation during the great age of flight. These cleverly interwoven tales of their heart-stopping adventures take us from the feats of World War I through the heroism of World War II and beyond, including daring military raids and survival-at-sea, and will appeal to fans of Unbroken , The Greatest Generation , and Flyboys . With the world in peril in World War II, each man set aside great success and comfort to return to the skies for his most daring mission yet. Doolittle, a brilliant aviation innovator, would lead the daring Tokyo Raid to retaliate for Pearl Harbor; Lindbergh, hero of the first solo flight across the Atlantic, would fly combat missions in the South Pacific; and Rickenbacker, World War I flying ace, would bravely hold his crew together while facing near-starvation and circling sharks after his plane went down in a remote part of the Pacific. Groom's rich narrative tells their intertwined stories--from broken homes to Medals of Honor (all three would receive it); barnstorming to the greatest raid of World War II; front-page triumph to anguished tragedy; and near-death to ultimate survival--as all took to the sky, time and again, to become exemplars of the spirit of the "greatest generation." | 4,433 |
Anna Fárová, A pásly by se tam ovce... | Anna Fárová | 4.71 | null | First published January 1, 2010 | Autobiografický text historičky fotografie Anny Fárové (* 1928 ) vznikal původně jako rozhovor, který s autorkou vedl Viktor Stoilov v letech 2004-2005. Dokončen byl v roce 2008. Text je doplněn desítkami unikátních fotografií, mimo jiné od Henriho Cartier-Bressona, Josefa Koudelky, Inge Morathové, Irvinga Penna, Marca Ribouda a André Villerse.Text byl poprvé publikován v knize Anny Fárové Dvě tváře (Torst 2009) spolu s jejími texty o fotografii a úplnou bibliografiií jejího díla. V témže roce byl čten na pokračování v Českém rozhlasu. Zájem posluchačů Českého rozhlasu dal podnět k tomuto samostatnému vydání. | 7 |
大設計 | Stephen Hawking | 4.06 | Science | First published September 7, 2010 | 根據量子理論,兩位作者在《大設計》中指出,宇宙並非只有單一的存在或單一歷史,而是每個可能的歷史都同時存在。將這種想法運用在宇宙整體上,對於傳統的因果觀念就產生了懷疑。而霍金和曼羅迪諾依「由上而下」的宇宙學研究法指出,從過去沒有確切的形式這點看來,說明了人們經由觀察創造歷史,而並非歷史創造我們的觀點。他們進一步解釋,我們本身是宇宙初生之際量子起伏的產物,並且提出量子理論如何預測了「眾宇宙」的存在,亦即這個宇宙只是眾多的宇宙之一;所有的宇宙都是從無中自然生出,各自擁有不同的自然法則。在本書中,霍金與曼羅迪諾挑戰了傳統對真實的概念,也只有「與模型相關」的理論能夠找到最真的真實。最後,他們對於M理論進行徹底與生動的分析;M理論是解釋支配人類與宇宙法則的理論,也是目前唯一有望成為完整的「萬物理論」之理論。 | 75,076 |
Kristallitähti | Vonda N. McIntyre | 3.09 | Star Wars | First published December 8, 1994 | Hugo and Nebula award-winning author Vonda N. McIntyre continues the bestselling Star Wars saga as the ultimate space adventure unfolds in The Crystal Star.Princess Leia's children have been kidnapped. Along with Chewbacca and Artoo-Detoo, she follows the kidnappers' trail to a disabled refugee ship, from which children are also missing. Here she learns of a powerful Imperial officer with a twisted plan to restore the Empire. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are cut off from Leia by the death of a nearby star, which has caused a disruption in the Force. They have gone to the planet Crseih to investigate a report of a lost group of Jedi. Instead they find a charismatic alien named Waru whose miraculous healing powers have attracted a fanatic following. As Leia follows the path of her children across space, Luke and Han draw closer to the truth behind Waru's sinister cult. Together they will face an explosive showdown that will decide the survival of the New Republic . . . and the universe itself! | 8,568 |
Remembrance of Things Past: Swann's Way, Part 2 | Marcel Proust | 4.15 | Fiction | First published November 14, 1913 | A beautiful novel in itself Swann's Way is also the introduction to the seven-part work Remembrance of Things Past?one of the greatest works of fiction of the 20th century. | 63,450 |
In Service To The Billionaire | Heather Chase | 3.13 | Contemporary Romance | First published October 24, 2013 | Sophia’s new boss, billionaire Gerald Sand, is demanding, exacting, and eccentric. And, quite accidentally, Sophia discovers that he’s also a true dominant male. This news awakens Sophia’s long-dormant submissive side, which she had long ago pushed under a mountain of sexual frustration created by her tumultuous love life.Fresh out of college, Sophia is desperate to find something that makes her feel alive. And so, she plunges headfirst into an elaborate plan to show Mr. Sand the full, hot extent of her needy service to him. Day by day, Sophia lets her outfits get hotter and hotter, entering a dark, twisted game of seduction with her boss that she’s desperate to win.But Sand is as kinky as he is wealthy. More than that, his tightly-wound emotional core is hidden behind a maze of cold, distant control; his soul is damaged almost beyond repair after a lifetime of heartbreak. Even if she’s able to convince him to want her, will she be strong enough to become exactly the kind of submissive that he needs? | 120 |
事發的19分鐘 | Jodi Picoult | 4.17 | Fiction | First published March 5, 2007 | 每個人都說我毀了他們的人生,可是當我的人生被毀的時候好像沒有人關心。「希特勒的母親是個可怕的人嗎?」一個心碎母親最絕望的疑問。誰都希望自己的小孩進哈佛,任何一對父母都盼望自己的小孩完美無瑕,沒有人會希望自己的小孩有天拿槍在校園裡對人群瘋狂掃射,更沒有人盼望只能隔著監獄圍欄含淚問小孩過得好不好,但所有不願面對的一切,都在短短的十九分鐘裡一一湧現。斯特靈是新罕布夏州的一個平凡小鎮,從未發生過什麼大事,直到有一天,一項驚人的暴力行為粉碎了小鎮的平靜自滿,一場十九分鐘的槍擊案,改變這個樸實小鎮所有人的人生。長年在學校飽受同學欺凌的高中生彼得,選擇在二〇〇七年三月六日這天讓全世界都知道他的名字,他在校園中射殺他所遇見的所有老師、同學,他要用自己的雙手將多年來的仇恨一次解決:十九分鐘,你可以復仇。究竟是有多深沉的怨懟,讓一個平凡無比的年輕人血洗校園,殘暴的雙手不僅砸毀自己的人生,也粉碎所有人的未來藍圖?究竟是什麼樣的父母,將天使般的嬰孩養成如此冷血殘酷的殺人兇手? | 386,921 |
قوة الإيمان | أمل الرفاعي | 2.91 | null | null | الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة من المقالات والقصص القصيرة التي صوّر فيها كتّاب من العصر الماضي نظرتهم إلى ضرورة الإيمان وإلى أثره في حياة البشرترجمة: أمل الرفاعيتصميم الغلاف و الإخراج الفني: هالة الغامدييمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 11 |
سمک عیار: جلد اول | Faramaz ibn Khodadad | 4.07 | Classics | First published January 1, 1037 | سَمَک عَیّار رمانی است مشهور و قدیمی به زبان فارسی، در سده ششم هجری نوشته شده، داستانها در سه جلد به دست «فرامرز بن خداداد بن عبدالله» کاتب ارجانی جمعآوری شده، وی داستانها را از زبان یک راوی به نام «صدقه ابوالقاسم» فراهم آورده، داستان در ایران و سرزمینهای نزدیک به آن اتفاق میافتند. بیشتر شخصیتها و قهرمانان کتاب نامهای ایرانی دارند. شخصیت اصلی پهلوانی نامآور به نام «سمک عیار» است که در طی ماجراهایی با «خورشیدشاه» سوگند برادری میخواند. با آنکه «صدقه ابوالقاسم» منسوب به شیراز، و «فرامرز خداداد» نیز منسوب به ارجان فارس است، اما شیوه نگارش متن، و نکات دیگر داستان، احتمال تدوین آن در خراسان را بسیار زیاد میکند. کاربرد نامهای ایرانی کهن چون «خردسب شیدو»، «هرمزکیل»، «شاهک»، «گیلسوار»، «سرخورد»، «مهرویه»، «زرند» و همانند این نامها، گمان را قویتر میکند که این افسانه کهن بوده، بعدها یعنی در سده ششم، به فراخور زمان نو شدهاست. نوشته اند: موردی که در کتاب سمک عیار در پیوند با وجه تسمیه خورشیدشاه، قهرمان اصلی داستان ذکر شده، درست همانند همان است که در کتاب «پارسی میانه»، «بندهش» در مورد «منوش خورشید» از نوادگان منوچهر، پادشاه کیانی آمدهاست. این میتواند گویای پیوند داستان کتاب با داستانهای پارسایان پیش از اسلام باشد. قهرمان داستان، پسر شاه حلب است، که دلباخته دختر فغفور شاه چین شده، و سپس به جنگ پادشاه «ماچین» رفتهاست. بیشتر رویدادهای جلدهای یک و دو، در «چین و ماچین» میگذرد. متن کامل سمک عیار، به تصحیح دکتر پرویز ناتل خانلری، در پنج جلد طی سالهای ۱۳۳۷ تا ۱۳۵۳ در انتشارات بنیاد فرهنگ ایران منتشر شده است. ا. ش | 151 |
Murder of Crows | Heather Hamel | 4.37 | null | First published October 24, 2013 | Liam did not want to move – especially into an old, dilapidated farm house. But when Sarah, a fourteen-year-old ghost, asks him to help her solve her family’s murders, he is glad he did. Solving a 150-year-old murder is harder than he thought, especially when all the evidence points to Sarah, who swears she didn’t do it. Will he solve the murder, allowing Sarah to finally rest in peace or will he find out that he’s being haunted by a mentally unstable ax murderer? | 19 |
Introducción a la sabiduría | Juan Luis Vives | 3.63 | null | First published January 1, 1524 | La verdadera Sabiduría es juzgar bien de las cosas con juicio entero, y no estragado, de tal manera, que estimemos a cada cual en aquello que ella es; y no nos vayamos tras las cosas viles; como si fuesen preciosas; ni desechemos las viles por preciosas; ni vituperemos las que merecen loor, ni loemos las que de suyo merecen ser vituperadas. Ésta obra fue escrita en latín por Juan Luis Vives en 1524 y traducida al castellano por Diego de Astudillo en 1779. | 8 |
انسكابات الربيع العربي | أحمد فراج العجمي | 5 | null | null | ديواني ( انسكابات الربيع العربي) فقد جمع قصائدي التي نشرت أو لم تنشر منذ قيام الثورة المصرية حتى انتخاب رئيس لها، وجاءت معظم أبيات الديوان مرتجلة بنت لحظتها، أو متدفقة في حدث ما دون كثرة تنقيح، كما أن كثيرا من هذه القصائد ابتدأتها في مساجلات مرتجلة في بعض المواقع الأدبية، وأرجو أن تكون على قدر قطرة دم أريقت لشاب خرج كي يصنع لنا حريتنا.يمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 1 |
獨角人 | James Lasdun | 3.39 | Fiction | First published January 1, 2002 | 一切都要從那個尋常的冬日午後說起:旅居紐約的英國教授勞倫斯,從研究室架上信手拿下前幾日翻閱過的書,竟發現書籤的位置跳了幾十頁。怪事不斷發生:電話帳單顯示有人半夜從他的研究室打長途電話到鄉間;在街上巧遇心理醫師,醫生卻表示自己未曾離開過診所。他開始懷疑有人闖入辦公室。值此同時,教授性別研究的他參加了學校的性騷擾防制委員會,對同樣來自英國、與學生過從甚密的年輕教授布魯諾展開調查。詭異的巧合接連出現,周遭的一切彷若有所關連:他那被亂棒打死的前任同事芭芭拉、莫名離去的妻子卡蘿、謠傳對女同事性騷擾以致癲狂失蹤的保加利亞籍教授、還有女扮男裝的演員……這究竟是一場精心設計的殺人嫁禍,還是喪心病狂的異常想像? | 774 |
Notte di Racconti #1 | Marta Sanz | 3 | null | null | Contiene: Regali / Marta Sanz ; Le sorgenti del Nilo / Alfonso Fernández Burgos ; Piante da interno / Francisco Hidalgo ; Vicini / Carlos Martínez Montesinos. - Nella | 7 |
Mary | p | 0 | null | First published January 1, 2013 | Arabic novel about Egypt future | 0 |
HOGEITA HAMAR AGINDU - IRAKASLE BATEK EGIN BEHAR EZ DUENA | Bárbara Pastor | 0 | null | First published June 13, 2012 | ZERGATIK ORAIN LIBURU HAUZeren inoiz orain bezala gelak horren gaizki egon dira.Zeren inoiz orain bezala gurasoak semeak ez diren gauzetan horren lanpeturik egon dira.Zeren inoiz orain bezala irakasleak beraien irakasle lanetan horren bakarrik egon dira.Zeren inoiz orain bezala zuzendari eta ikasketa-buruak klarion eta gelatik ihes egiteko helburu bakarraz kargu batean jarduteko desioa izan dute.Zeren inoiz orain bezala ez da egon horrenbeste ikuskatzaile lotsagabe.Eta zeren inoiz Administraritzak lehenago ez zuen agertu gazteen hezkuntzagatik halako mesprezua.Inoiz. Inoiz orain bezainbeste.Hezkuntza buruz, guztia jadanik idatzirik dago. Praktika jartzea besterik ez da behar.Horretarako potroak eta adimen zer edo zer behar da. | 0 |
Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson | 3.9 | Thriller | First published October 1, 2011 | Memories define us.So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep?Your name, your identity, your past, even the people you love - all forgotten overnight.And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story.Welcome to Christine's life. | 348,628 |
The Millionaire's Wish | Abigail Storm | 4 | null | null | null | 2 |
untitled | Sam Nith | 3 | null | First published November 1, 2014 | null | 1 |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle | 4.3 | Mystery | First published October 14, 1892 | Three short stories: The Red-Headed League, The adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Copper Beeches | 310,981 |
De kinderen van de terreur | Yves Swolfs | 2.5 | Bande Dessinée | First published January 1, 1998 | Het republikeinse leger wil de Vendee platbranden. Na de nederlaag bij Nantes wordt ridder de Charette door de blauwen opgejaagd terwijl Dampierre en zijn geliefde vluchten. Ze zijn eindelijk vrij, maar al hun hoop is de bodem ingeslagen.Ze ontmoeten een stervende officier die hun vertelt dat hij op een kerkhof een kistje heeft verborgen. Ze beloven de schat op te sporen en naar zijn kinderen te brengen. Er is nog een gegadigde voor deze buit: een bloeddorstige kapitein zonder leger en zonder scrupules. De zuivering van de Vendee door de helse colonnes begint. Een tragedie van twee eeuwen geleden. Ariane en Julien Dampierre proberen zich in deze gevaarlijke tijd staande te houden en ondertussen een groep kinderen te redden, die net als zij verdwaald zijn in het krijgsgewoel. | 4 |
深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底 | Dan Millman | 4.13 | Spirituality | First published January 1, 1980 | 寂靜的冬夜,凌晨三點二十分青春無敵、內心卻茫然空虛的大學生遇見了滿頭白髮、自在睿智的神秘怪老頭一場身心靈轉化的奇遇之旅,就此展開… | 54,593 |
Der Mann, der die Welt anzündete - Ivar Kreuger | Michael Esser | 5 | null | First published February 1, 2010 | Ist es vorstellbar, dass die krummen Geschäfte eines einzigen Mannes eine Weltwirtschaftskrise auslösen können?Dieser Fall ist tatsächlich einmal eingetreten – am Ende der 1920er Jahre. Der Mann hieß Ivar Kreuger, sein Geschäft waren Streichhölzer, sein Gehirn schneller und brillanter als das der gesamten Wallstreet, sein Charme hinreißend, seine Erfindung teuflisch; zumindest in finanzpolitischer Hinsicht: Ivar Kreuger gilt als der Erfinder des finanziellen Schneeballsystems im weltweiten Stil. | 1 |
Grenzüberschreitungen. Erzählungen | Joyce Carol Oates | 3.44 | Short Stories | First published July 1, 1976 | Men and women approach, contemplate, and sometimes cross borders between themselves, between countries, and between stages of life | 59 |
Harkett's Haven | Ally Forbes | 4.5 | null | First published June 1, 2013 | Librarian's note: This is an alternate cover edition for ASIN: B00DLKHCNE.Rachel Christensen meets the handsome Doctor Eric Harkett after a dramatic rescue on a remote beach in Scotland. Their attraction to each other is instant but they are both hiding in this remote and beautiful land to escape their past. Can they outrun the past that threatens to destroy their happiness?WARNING - this book contains sexual content that some may find offensive and is meant for adults age 18 years and over. | 2 |
Kettu ullakolla | Richard Hughes | 3.5 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1961 | This, the first volume in Hughes's trilogy "The Human Predicament", takes rich young Augustine to Bavaria on the eve of Hitler's ill-fated 1923 Munich putsch and ends with the departure into a convent of Augustine's romantic first love, the blind Mitzi. | 465 |
Echo | Alyson Noel | 3.88 | Fantasy | First published November 1, 2012 | La magie se meurt : le monde souterrain s'assèche, les animaux totems redeviennent sauvages. Seule Daire, la dernière chasseuse d'âmes, peut rétablir l'équilibre. Mais elle n'est encore qu'une apprentie, et ses pouvoirs sont faibles face à ceux des sorciers démoniaques du clan Richter.Pourtant, l'un d'entre eux donnerait sa vie pour elle. Dace, son seul amour. Contrairement aux autres Richter, il est prêt à tout pour préserver l'harmonie. Malheureusement un lien profond et maudit l'enchaîne à son clan. Un lien qui pourrait le détruire à jamais... et entraîner Daire dans sa chute. | 7,343 |
لغز القرية - الجزء الثاني | طارق البكري | 3.17 | null | null | يمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 6 |
沉默的串謀者 | Eviatar Zerubavel | 3.62 | Sociology | First published January 1, 2006 | 什麼也沒做,什麼也沒說,你,真的確定自己,是個好人嗎?惡人的劣言壞行固然可憎,好人視若無睹的緘默更可怕。世上許多不幸,源自沒有說出口的事。我們雖然自認只是不贊一辭的旁觀者,卻在不知不覺中,成了沉默的共犯……當我們眼見真理卻不發一語,就是我們開始死去的時候。日常生活社會學領域中,本書是關於集體沉默的第一本完整研究著作。 | 177 |
Розмови з Богданом Осадчуком | Базиль Керський | 4 | null | First published January 1, 2009 | Богдан Осадчук - історик, політолог, кореспондент європейських газет. Народився в Західній Україні, проживав спочатку у Польщі, але більшу частину життя - у Берліні. Українець, який долею випадку отримав посвідчення італійця, що врятувало йому життя під час війни.Книга цікаво описує життєвий шлях людини, яка багато бачила, знала та спілкувалася із багатьма відомими особистостями. | 2 |
Sweet Carolina Girls | R.E. Bradshaw | 4.07 | Lesbian | First published August 1, 2010 | PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SECOND EDITIONSweet Carolina Girls was one of the first three novels published together on a daring weekend in 2010. Thinking no one would ever read them, R. E. Bradshaw threw caution to the wind. Luckily, someone did and encouraged the author to find an editor and keep writing. Sweet Carolina Girls has now been copy edited, but the story is substantially the same. If you waded through the first error filled edition, then you’ll not find anything new here. Bradshaw says of Sweet Carolina Girls, "I simply felt I owed it to the readers that made it possible for me to become a full-time author. Harper and Lauren are the youngest characters I have written about to date, and my ode to falling into the fire of a first passionate adult love affair."Harper Lee Lynch, only 23 years old and a doctoral candidate, finds herself in North Carolina with only her Golden Retriever, Jasper, to keep her company. Shortly after moving into her new home, Harper stops at the Tarr Bar, a local eatery. That moment changes her life forever. Follow Harper Lee Lynch’s journey, making new friends and finding the happiness for which she has yearned, since the tragedy that launched her on this path. Fall in love with this group of ten women, as they laugh, cry and fight their way through emotional roller-coasters, set in motion by Harper's arrival.This mixture of gay and straight women in a variety of sizes, shapes. and colors, makes for an interesting dynamic and an endless supply of storylines. The characters range, in ages, from 23 to 69 and are the kind of friends you hope you have when push comes to shove. Harper finds out just what kind of friends she's found, when she gets pushed into a relationship by the forces of nature, neither she nor the beautiful Lauren can stop. | 334 |
Stillewe | Stef Bos | 4.2 | null | First published January 1, 2009 | null | 10 |
Deep Within Her | K.L. Silver | 4.03 | BDSM | First published September 29, 2013 | When Missy Weaver is abruptly thrown into the realm of Dominance and submission, she is shocked and confused when, for the first time, she feels whole. And home... She always knew that, fundamentally - she was different. While the other girls dreamed of making sweet love under moonlit skies, Missy's fantasies were of a decidedly 'other' stripe. Alone and afraid, she suppressed her true nature to fashion an 'acceptable' half-life from the inflexible steel that is society. A half-life beginning to take it's inevitable emotional toll. Will Missy have the gumption to defy societal expectations and come to terms with her submissive nature? The dam is breached, and she hasn't enough fingers to hold back the inevitable deluge! At long last, Missy comes face to face with the truth she's buried DEEP WITHIN HER... | 35 |
Ikon | Andrew Chapman | 3.67 | null | First published May 1, 2012 | It is early in the 15th Century. A strange procession, wending its way up a mountainside on a small Greek island, is witnessed by a young goat herd, Ioánnis. He does not know that what he has stumbled upon is to have a profound effect on his life, taking him on a lifetime's journey through the turbulent world of the Near East at a time when cultures and empires collide and collapse. | 3 |
Harry Potter şi Piatra Filozofală | J.K. Rowling | 4.47 | Fantasy | First published June 26, 1997 | Librarian note: an alternate cover for this edition can be found here.Volumele Harry Potter reprezinta o serie foarte populara in intreaga lume; ele apartin genului fantastic si au fost scrise de catre autoarea britanica J. K. Rowling. Cartile trateaza o lume a vrajitorilor, protagonist fiind tanarul vrajitor numit Harry Potter, alaturi de prietenii lui Ron Weasley si Hermione Granger. Povestea se desfasoara in cea mai mare parte la Hogwarts, Scoala de Magie si Vrajitorie, o scoala pentru tinerii vrajitori si magicieni.Prima carte din celebra serie care il are ca personaj central pe Harry Potter, un baietel obisnuit (cel putin asa credea el!) pana la unsprezece ani, cand a primit o invitatie la... Hogwarts, Scoala de Magie, Farmece si Vrajitorii. Acolo trimite si primeste scrisori cu... bufnita, se lupta intr-un duel aproape mortal si invata sa joace vajhat. | 10,537,931 |
Verdade de Ser | Fernando Jorge | 2 | null | First published June 1, 2012 | null | 1 |
لغز القرية - الجزء الأول | طارق البكري | 2.67 | null | null | تصميم الغلاف: إدريس يحيىالإخراج الفني: فوزية الألمعييمكن تنزيل الكتاب مجانا من دار ناشري للنشر الالكتروني:http://nashiri.net/ebooks/doc_downloa... | 3 |
Parade Hantu Galau | Maulana Faris | 4.05 | null | First published January 1, 2012 | null | 20 |
J'aime pas l'amour | Mr. Tan | 4.28 | Bande Dessinée | First published September 20, 2012 | Que ce soit pour faire enrager mes parents ou torturer mon stupide chat... j'ai toujours une idée intéressante ! Mais cette fois les choses se compliquent... Quand il s'agit de déclarer ma flamme à Ludovic, le nouveau de la classe, je perds tous mes moyens ! Grr... Vraiment, j'aime pas l'amour !Y a un nouveau à l’école, il s’appelle Ludovic.Il me rend chamallow et je suis bien décidé à en faire mon amoureux. Il est allergique aux chats, c’est bien la preuve qu’on est fait l’un pour l’autre, non ? | 334 |
旅行的力量 | Kōtarō Sawaki | 3.47 | null | First published January 1, 2008 | 2012 272 in Marco Polo travel to one of the most simple dream! Through many countries. and have seen many things. only to find away from home requires courage. The power of travel. so we saw the height of the world. but also to see our own height! Do not be afraid. but all the way to be careful. World Grand Tour dedicated to starting travel all ... 26-year-old. $ 1900 for travel from Delhi. India to London. no travel plans and there is no timetable for a total distance of more than 20.000 km ...... late-night Express series describes the writer Ze wood farming Taro alone one expand the lonely waves swim the most clarity of the eyes. most lucid thoughts. softest heart in this world collide. to complete the period of both shocking. and full of surprise the body mind and strong brigade . Soon became a bestseller when published in Ja... | 17 |
Love in the Time of Taksim | Gabriela Sosa | 4.63 | null | First published September 1, 2013 | Love in the Time of Taksim is the a story of a jaded idealist who sets off on a quest to get a ring and sound the alarm about Earth's destruction, only to tumble into a budding civil war, lose her man and find another. Join her, and all the characters, risking their lives for what's worth fighting for: love, love for freedom, democracy, love for life as we know it, and love between two people. | 8 |
瞎忙:忙碌偷走了生活,我們該怎麼辦? | Edward M. Hallowell | 3.4 | Nonfiction | First published March 28, 2006 | 是否忙得團團轉,一停下來就有罪惡感?注意力不集中,老是捅婁子,還以為自己生了病?忙碌可以是產生創意與靈感的機會嗎?要如何忙得好、忙得有效率?忙碌就像抽菸一樣讓人上癮,是一種慢性自殺;大腦超載的現象已是現代社會每個人都會面臨的問題,也可說是文化誘導的注意力缺失症。但你也可以把「忙瘋了」當成機會。只要適當運作時間,就能成為獨創性與靈感的來源。因此,當你深入了解內心所需,主導時間的分配,忙碌的動力就可以轉化為優點。本書作者是注意力缺失症(ADD)專家,幫助過無數人脫離注意力缺失症的分心和強迫作用。他在書中提出可靠、明智與易讀的指導,如果你千頭萬緒,本書就是停止忙碌、開始快樂生活、把重要事情做對的最好機會! | 616 |
Remembrance of Things Past Swann's Way Part 1 | Marcel Proust | 4.15 | Fiction | First published November 14, 1913 | Kadonnuta aikaa etsimässä sarjan suomennoksen ensimmäinen nide. | 63,450 |
Curious George Cleans Up | Stephen Krensky | 3.84 | Childrens | First published April 23, 2007 | George is excited about his new rug, but happiness gives way to dread when he accidentally spills grape juice on it. George tries everything he can think of to clean the stain, with hilarious results! | 182 |
Ilias Awoke | Stoo Goff | 4 | null | First published October 5, 2013 | Ilias Brand is the youngest Knight Commander of the Holy Order of Atar, a rising star in the military and spiritual order which protects the Republic of Elevar. When Ilias is stranded in Ostor, the furthest city East in the whole Republic, he hears word of a girl imprisoned by a despotic tyrant. Now, with nothing but his sword, courage and will he sets out to rescue her, but at what cost? | 3 |
Everlasting Love | Tammy Lynne | 2.75 | null | First published September 30, 2013 | Six years after divorcing Amy Cooper, D.J. Cooper, although he was never completely out of her life because of their daughter, Kimber, comes racing back into her life, wanting another chance. Amy is scared to try again, certain another heartbreak will follow. Her life suddenly spirals out of control and she must trust her feeling for D.J. to get her through. Will D.J. convince her that their love is and always has been everlasting? | 4 |
Swann's Way | Marcel Proust | 4.15 | Fiction | null | Swann's Way tells two related stories, the first of which revolves around Marcel, a younger version of the narrator, and his experiences in, and memories of, the French town Combray. Inspired by the "gusts of memory" that rise up within him as he dips a Madeleine into hot tea, the narrator discusses his fear of going to bed at night. He is a creature of habit and dislikes waking up in the middle of the night not knowing where he is.He claims that people are defined by the objects that surround them and must piece together their identities bit by bit each time they wake up. The young Marcel is so nervous about sleeping alone that he looks forward to his mother's goodnight kisses, but also dreads them as a sign of an impending sleepless night. One night, when Charles Swann, a friend of his grandparents, is visiting, his mother cannot come kiss him goodnight. He stays up until Swann leaves and looks so sad and pitiful that even his disciplinarian father encourages "Mamma" to spend the night in Marcel's room. | 63,450 |
Geluk is ook niet alles | Paul Watzlawick | 3.68 | Nonfiction | First published January 1, 1983 | Een handleiding voor gelukzoekersWaarom toch dat krampachtig reiken naar het complete geluk? Het rimpelloos welbehagen. Het allesomvattend welzijn.Kijk naar de dierentuin, zegt de auteur. Die beschermt de tijger tegen alle gevaar, honger en ziekte. Gevolg: het dier gaat alle kenmerken vertonen van de menselijke neuroticus en psychoticus. De les: haal het ongeluk uit dat kleine hoekje, geef het de ruimte en doe er wat mee.Wat? Lees dan deze handleiding en leer het volle profijt te trekken van uw – tot dusver verwaarloosd – talent het leven van anderen en uzelf ondraaglijk te maken en trivialiteiten enorm op te blazen.Want geluk is ook niet alles, zoals Watzlawick weet na tientallen jaren psychotherapeutische praktijkuitoefening. Het kan dus met u nog best goed komen allemaal. | 6,644 |
Don Quixote: James H. Montgomery Translation | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra | 3.9 | Fiction | First published January 1, 1605 | A brilliant new translation of Cervantes' masterpiece paired with a remarkably comprehensive Introduction. | 283,916 |
Healer | Stoo Goff | 3 | null | First published October 19, 2013 | Olubayo Azikiwé, Azi to his friends, is Adept Healer and Counsellor of the Holy Order of Atar, the military and spiritual order which protects the Republic of Elevar. When news arrives of a traitor in their midst Azi must stop the Order from tearing itself apart as its members search far and wide for the errant knight. Now, with the civil war in full swing and a traitor on the loose, Azi must decide how many of the traditions of the Republic can be sacrificed in order to bring peace to Elevar. | 1 |
Adrienne's Ghost | Leah St. James | 3.93 | Paranormal | First published October 28, 2011 | FBI Agent Jackson Yates has never believed in ghosts...until now. Called to the deepest, darkest basement at FBI Headquarters to investigate the discovery of the body of agent recruit Adrienne Garza, Jack is forced to look beyond the earthly to the spirit world for answers. Shaken by what he finds, he turns to beautiful paranormal psychologist Rachael Sullivan for help. As he draws her into the investigation, finding himself drawn closer to her with each step, can he protect her from the killer’s wrath?Rachael has spent her adult years seeking knowledge of life after death. She has focused those years on helping those stricken with grief, but when she receives messages from beyond the grave, messages that seem to have come from Adrienne herself, she is compelled to follow the trail. As the slain woman’s spirit reveals more and more of her killer, and of her past with investigating agent Jackson Yates, Rachael wonders if the clues are leading her to love, or death.Brought together by forces beyond their control, beyond their understanding, together Jack and Rachael seek the killer. Together they encounter Adrienne’s Ghost. | 59 |
Geschiedenis onder de guillotine: twee eeuwen geschiedschrijving van de Franse Revolutie | Bart Verheijen | 3.55 | null | First published September 1, 2013 | De terreur en de guillotine zijn onlosmakelijk verbonden met de geschiedenis van de Franse Revolutie. De rol van de terreur is zelfs zo groot dat de geschiedschrijving ervan politieke standpunten legitimeert. Al twee eeuwen lang kleurt de terreur de interpretatie van de revolutie en de beschouwing van de Franse samenleving. Bart Verheijen beschrijft in Geschiedenis onder de guillotine hoe de revolutionaire terreur het nadenken over Franse politiek en maatschappij zo lang in haar greep heeft kunnen houden. Zijn verhaal voert dwars door de negentiende en de twintigste eeuw, waarin liberalen, republikeinen, marxisten en revisionisten met elkaar streden om de erfenis van de Franse Revolutie. Maar hoe verhouden vrijheid, gelijkheid, democratie en terreur zich tot elkaar? En in hoeverre is de huidige Franse samenleving schatplichtig aan die terreur? Dit voert uiteindelijk tot de vraag hoe belangrijk de Franse Revolutie vandaag de dag nog is. Kunnen we haar inmiddels afsluiten, of dwingt de eenentwintigste-eeuwse terreur ons ertoe er toch over na te denken? | 11 |