Maybe eventually everything's gonna be all right.
Om at alt kan bli bra en dag
- You're doing a good job of it yourself.
-Du klarer det bra selv.
Thank you.
Change of plans, Dom.
Ny plan, Dom
You, on the other hand you have a destiny much greater than anything I could afford you.
Du har en skjebne større enn noe jeg har råd til.
Mind if we chat about that for a few moments?
Kan vi prate om det?
That could manifest with tachycardia.
Det kan gi takykardi.
We're leaving in the same car.
Vi er i samme bil
Listen, do you think you could loosen these a little?
Kunne du løsnet knutene litt?
No, no.
Chewie. Chewie?
Thank you.
Why are you...?
Wait here. I'll go get something to drink.
Jeg henter drikke.
Well, how long till the interview? Oh, we have a little time.
- Hvor lenge er det til intervjuet?
Tell me we're gonna win.
Si vi vinner.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Kom igjen.
The fire drove hundreds of Infected out of Manchester. The surrounding area's teeming with them.
Brannen fordrev hundrevis av infiserte ut av Manchester.
LUCKY: Please don't stop the fucking car!
- Ikke stopp bilen!
Oh, my God, that's so good.
Det er så godt.
I like her. - Like a sister that I like. - Shut up.
- Som en søster jeg liker.
Tony, Tony...
The process of powering the thrusters has left us with minimal shields and no functional weapons.
Vi har minimale skjold og ingen våpen som fungerer.
What could you possibly need these things for?
Hva kan du trenge dem til?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Mr Darcy can please what he chooses, if he thinks it worth his while.
Hr Darcy kan sjarmere hvem han vil.
- Go to Barry. - And to Barry.
Over til Barry.
-Alright, man.
- Ok.
I won't be a party to this sort of thing. I don't believe in fighting.
-Jeg tror ikke på å slåss.
The grocery store on the corner is a now a supermarket.
Landhandelen er et supermarked.
Yeah. Ha-ha.
- Where are we? - When are we?
Hvor er vi?
- What? Tell me what?
- Si hva?
It doesn't make sense, it's not logical.
Det er ikke logisk.
- Good luck. - Thank you.
-Lykke til.
- Of course. - Excuse me.
-Unnskyld meg.
Well, I don't really have anything on underneath, so...
Jeg har ikke noe på under, så...
- Get him down. - Yeah. All right.
Få ham ned.
Frank plays the psychopath, Seth is a psychopath. A fucking difference.
Frank spiller psykopat, Seth er psykopat.
Sweetie, do you really have to do this?
Må du dette?
You do.
Best schools. And then I want her to go to college.
Hun skal få gå på college.
But nothing. But nothing.
Men ingenting.
Get him out of the car, Raymond!
Få ham ut av bilen!
♪ With a hard worked, hard worked day ♪
Med en hard arbeidsdag
Did she mention any other appointments that day or anything like that?
Nevnte hun andre avtaler den dagen?
Be off with you now.
Men dra nå.
Go, run, go!
- Løp!
She doesn't wish to be known publicly. So it's not an option.
Hun vil ikke gi seg til kjenne.
Where to, Maria? - No, never mind.
- Hvor da, Maria?
I suppose you gave us a bit of a scare.
Du skremte oss.
- Yeah.
It was sort of what I wanted.
Jeg ville det.
Francis or someone close to him. They'd have found a way.
Francis eller én nær ham.
Oh, what?
Roll them up. Roll up the windows.
Ta opp vinduene.
Bren, your Dad's gonna be there.
Din far er der...
Something new needs to happen soon.
Noe må skje snart.
Listen. Did you say that you can get welding equipment?
- Kunne du skaffe sveiseutstyr?
Did your dad take you for ice cream on the way home?
Fikk du is av far på vei hjem?
You see, Mr. Reese, until that day, I had spent the better part of my life making myself very rich.
Frem til den dagen hadde jeg brukt livet på å bli rik.
-What are you having them do?
-Hva gjør de?
Bran, we're all going to die!
Vi dør!
Enjoy your present!
Nyt gaven!
Well, no, no.
Do you know... What was that thing?
Hva var den tingen?
I know, it seems really weird, but I freaking love it. Oh, okay.
Det er rart, men jeg elsker det.
I want you to focus, Ryan.
Fokuser, Ryan.
He told me he felt like Pinocchio. - Do you know who Pinocchio is? - No.
Han sa at han følte seg som Pinocchio.
Please, Joe! - Stop him.
-Stopp ham!
Uh, Bill?
And how much of it do we actually use?
Og hvor mye brukte vi?
Oh, my God!
- Gud!
And here to discuss recycled water is UCLA hydrologist Dr. Larry Simon. Dr. Simon, welcome to Blunt Talk.
Vi skal diskutere gjenvunnet vann med hydrolog dr Larry Simon.
Dad, where are you?
Hvor er du?
You have no idea. You don't understand.
Du begriper ingenting.
I don't know. Maybe this boyfriend isn't the man you thought he was.
Kjæresten er kanskje ikke den du trodde.
All right. Bring him in.
Hent ham, da.
Just tell me if you're ready. Yeah, I'm ready, man, I'm ready.
Greit, jeg er klar.
Yeah, I do.
- Ja.
Can you give me a hand over here?
Kan du hjelpe meg?
- Make the call.
- Can our listeners be assured that you will not rest until those responsible are found and punished?
Du vil vel ikke hvile før de skyldige er funnet og straffet?
And so... wait, wait, where did that capital come from?
-Hvor kom pengene fra?
We don't know. - We just saw him lying here.
Vi fant ham liggende her.
- But... But right now, I have to save your ass.
Men nå må jeg redde deg.
I've already said everything I have to say on the subject.
- Jeg har sagt alt jeg har å si.
Think about it, Caesar! Think about it!
Overvei det, Cæsar!
No, I don't think I'm gonna tell you any more.
Nei, jeg vil ikke si mer.
Uh, hi. Hi.
-Bring the Mercedes. Thank you.
- Hent Mercedesen.
Rick Santoro. Hello. Richard Santoro.
Rick Santoro.
You know what? They're right, Todd.
De har rett, Todd.
Well, what time?
You know what I mean? I know you've been thinking about it.
- Jeg vet du har tenkt på det.
Okay, we have to go through the back door.
Vi må gå inn på baksiden.