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Lights. | Lys! |
Maybe eventually everything's gonna be all right. | Om at alt kan bli bra en dag |
- You're doing a good job of it yourself. | -Du klarer det bra selv. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Change of plans, Dom. | Ny plan, Dom |
You, on the other hand you have a destiny much greater than anything I could afford you. | Du har en skjebne større enn noe jeg har råd til. |
Mind if we chat about that for a few moments? | Kan vi prate om det? |
That could manifest with tachycardia. | Det kan gi takykardi. |
We're leaving in the same car. | Vi er i samme bil |
Listen, do you think you could loosen these a little? | Kunne du løsnet knutene litt? |
No, no. | Nei. |
Chewie. Chewie? | Chewie! |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Why are you...? | Hvorfor? |
Wait here. I'll go get something to drink. | Jeg henter drikke. |
Well, how long till the interview? Oh, we have a little time. | - Hvor lenge er det til intervjuet? |
Tell me we're gonna win. | Si vi vinner. |
Come on, come on, come on, come on. | Kom igjen. |
The fire drove hundreds of Infected out of Manchester. The surrounding area's teeming with them. | Brannen fordrev hundrevis av infiserte ut av Manchester. |
LUCKY: Please don't stop the fucking car! | - Ikke stopp bilen! |
Oh, my God, that's so good. | Det er så godt. |
I like her. - Like a sister that I like. - Shut up. | - Som en søster jeg liker. |
Tony, Tony... | Tony. |
The process of powering the thrusters has left us with minimal shields and no functional weapons. | Vi har minimale skjold og ingen våpen som fungerer. |
What could you possibly need these things for? | Hva kan du trenge dem til? |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
Mr Darcy can please what he chooses, if he thinks it worth his while. | Hr Darcy kan sjarmere hvem han vil. |
- Go to Barry. - And to Barry. | Over til Barry. |
-Alright, man. | - Ok. |
I won't be a party to this sort of thing. I don't believe in fighting. | -Jeg tror ikke på å slåss. |
The grocery store on the corner is a now a supermarket. | Landhandelen er et supermarked. |
Yeah. Ha-ha. | Ja. |
- Where are we? - When are we? | Hvor er vi? |
- What? Tell me what? | - Si hva? |
It doesn't make sense, it's not logical. | Det er ikke logisk. |
- Good luck. - Thank you. | -Lykke til. |
- Of course. - Excuse me. | -Unnskyld meg. |
Well, I don't really have anything on underneath, so... | Jeg har ikke noe på under, så... |
- Get him down. - Yeah. All right. | Få ham ned. |
Frank plays the psychopath, Seth is a psychopath. A fucking difference. | Frank spiller psykopat, Seth er psykopat. |
Sweetie, do you really have to do this? | Må du dette? |
You do. | Du. |
Best schools. And then I want her to go to college. | Hun skal få gå på college. |
But nothing. But nothing. | Men ingenting. |
Get him out of the car, Raymond! | Få ham ut av bilen! |
♪ With a hard worked, hard worked day ♪ | Med en hard arbeidsdag |
Did she mention any other appointments that day or anything like that? | Nevnte hun andre avtaler den dagen? |
Be off with you now. | Men dra nå. |
Go, run, go! | - Løp! |
She doesn't wish to be known publicly. So it's not an option. | Hun vil ikke gi seg til kjenne. |
Where to, Maria? - No, never mind. | - Hvor da, Maria? |
I suppose you gave us a bit of a scare. | Du skremte oss. |
- Yeah. | -Ja. |
It was sort of what I wanted. | Jeg ville det. |
Francis or someone close to him. They'd have found a way. | Francis eller én nær ham. |
Oh, what? | Hva? |
Roll them up. Roll up the windows. | Ta opp vinduene. |
Bren, your Dad's gonna be there. | Din far er der... |
Something new needs to happen soon. | Noe må skje snart. |
Listen. Did you say that you can get welding equipment? | - Kunne du skaffe sveiseutstyr? |
Did your dad take you for ice cream on the way home? | Fikk du is av far på vei hjem? |
You see, Mr. Reese, until that day, I had spent the better part of my life making myself very rich. | Frem til den dagen hadde jeg brukt livet på å bli rik. |
-What are you having them do? | -Hva gjør de? |
Bran, we're all going to die! | Vi dør! |
Enjoy your present! | Nyt gaven! |
Well, no, no. | Nei. |
Do you know... What was that thing? | Hva var den tingen? |
I know, it seems really weird, but I freaking love it. Oh, okay. | Det er rart, men jeg elsker det. |
I want you to focus, Ryan. | Fokuser, Ryan. |
He told me he felt like Pinocchio. - Do you know who Pinocchio is? - No. | Han sa at han følte seg som Pinocchio. |
Please, Joe! - Stop him. | -Stopp ham! |
Uh, Bill? | Bill? |
And how much of it do we actually use? | Og hvor mye brukte vi? |
Oh, my God! | - Gud! |
And here to discuss recycled water is UCLA hydrologist Dr. Larry Simon. Dr. Simon, welcome to Blunt Talk. | Vi skal diskutere gjenvunnet vann med hydrolog dr Larry Simon. |
Dad, where are you? | Hvor er du? |
You have no idea. You don't understand. | Du begriper ingenting. |
I don't know. Maybe this boyfriend isn't the man you thought he was. | Kjæresten er kanskje ikke den du trodde. |
All right. Bring him in. | Hent ham, da. |
Just tell me if you're ready. Yeah, I'm ready, man, I'm ready. | Greit, jeg er klar. |
Yeah, I do. | - Ja. |
Can you give me a hand over here? | Kan du hjelpe meg? |
- Make the call. | -Ring. |
- Can our listeners be assured that you will not rest until those responsible are found and punished? | Du vil vel ikke hvile før de skyldige er funnet og straffet? |
And so... wait, wait, where did that capital come from? | -Hvor kom pengene fra? |
We don't know. - We just saw him lying here. | Vi fant ham liggende her. |
- But... But right now, I have to save your ass. | Men nå må jeg redde deg. |
I've already said everything I have to say on the subject. | - Jeg har sagt alt jeg har å si. |
Think about it, Caesar! Think about it! | Overvei det, Cæsar! |
No, I don't think I'm gonna tell you any more. | Nei, jeg vil ikke si mer. |
Uh, hi. Hi. | -Hei. |
-Bring the Mercedes. Thank you. | - Hent Mercedesen. |
Rick Santoro. Hello. Richard Santoro. | Rick Santoro. |
Ooh. | Å. |
You know what? They're right, Todd. | De har rett, Todd. |
Well, what time? | Når? |
You know what I mean? I know you've been thinking about it. | - Jeg vet du har tenkt på det. |
Okay, we have to go through the back door. | Vi må gå inn på baksiden. |