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[chuckling] Whoa. Is this from one of your cosplay skits? | Er dette fra en cosplay-sketsj? |
About a week back. | En uke. |
Oh, we have a contract? We have a fucking contract, Richard? | Har vi en jævla kontrakt, Richard? |
- Colonel Trautman. - Yeah? | Oberst Trautman? |
- Have a good trip. | - God tur. |
- What is your opinion of people who have sex outside of marriage? | Hva mener du om sex utenfor ekteskapet? |
Yeah. I bet you he's going to like us, too. | Han vil like oss også. |
Oh, really? Compared to Debbie's, these are long. Listen to your mother. | Sammenlignet med Debbies, er denne lang. |
The energy in this cylinder is formulated to break down that enzyme. | Energien er lagd for å ødelegge enzymet. |
The hexenbiest that Nick destroyed with our help, by the way, just, you know, for the record. | Som Nick tilintetgjorde med vår hjelp, forresten. |
That's quite a lot of money, isn't it? | Det er vel mye penger? |
- That's right. That's what we do, right? | Det er det vi gjør! |
Fine, I'll get the clearance. | - Jeg ordner det. |
- Yeah. | -Ja. |
- Okay. | Ok? |
Thank you. | Takk. |
- All right. - Nurse Elkins. | -Søster Elkins. |
- OK, Wynonna's on her way. - Splendid! | -Ok, Wynonna er på vei. |
Can you see anything? | Ser du noe? |
Children are a gift, are they not? | Barn er vel en gave? |
I tried, but she doesn't believe me. | - Hun tror meg ikke. |
Two gentlemen. | To menn. |
Please be seated. We're not very formal here. | Vi er ikke så formelle. |
Louise is gonna lob him a softball and then throw him on defense. | -Louise lobber med en softball. |
- Yes, sir. | -Ja. |
You want to check on the boys for me? Make sure they're dressed, please. | Kan du sjekke at guttene er påkledd? |
- Yeah. | -Ja. |
Is this supposed to make us take him more seriously? | - Skal vi ta ham alvorlig? |
- Oh, you're laughing. Okay. | - Jaså, du ler. |
Okay, all right, so... So, believe me then. | Så tro meg. |
They come back around, we're gonna need more than a shotgun. | Vi trenger mer enn ei hagle! |
- Then Melo freaks out... - ...and calls me a crazy skank. | - Melo kalte meg et sprøtt ludder. |
I understand you have offices in Dallas, Chicago, and Boston. | -Du har kontorer i Dallas og Boston. |
Oh, you mean for just in case, right? | Du mener i tilfelle? |
- You know what? Forget it. | -Glem det. |
- Excuse me? | - Hva? |
And we should, too. | Vi også. |
What about that? We could send a radio... | Si kan sende et radio... |
Now come on. Sing your dirty prison song. Now! | Syng din skitne fangesang. |
Stop, stop, stop, stop. | Stopp... |
Aw! Merry Christmas, John. | God jul, John |
If he pulls up a cobra, its bite could kill him. | 534)}En kobra kan drepe ham. |
My matchmaking services. It's a win-win for everyone. | -Alle vinner på dette. |
Sometimes politics is all about finding the best compromise. | -Politikk er iblant å kompromisse. |
Good guess, but what I'm saying is summer's a time you just want to have fun. | Jeg mener at du skal ha det moro om sommeren. |
No, of course not, I'm just... I'm trying to make sense out of what the hell she did. | Jeg prøver bare... å forstå hva hun gjorde. |
What about that car? | - Og bilen? |
The prosecution has got to have a case. | Aktor ma ha en sak. |
- What? - This is not fucking Trevor! | - Det er ikke Trevor! |
- Is it? - Yeah. | - Er det? |
I think Mouse is one of the best when it comes to preparing. | Mouse er en av de best forberedte. |
- So what? | - Så? |
...eighty. | Åtti. |
First tell the president that we've got the evidence he needs. | Si til presidenten at vi har beviset. |
~ We just thought it would be useful to air some thoughts. Hmm? ~ Hmm. | Det kan være nyttig å lufte noen tanker. |
- It's a party. It's a party. | -Det er fest. |
-Kelly Robinson. TKO. -TKO. | Kelly Robinson. |
Uh-huh. And then what? | - Og så hva? |
Hey, what are you doing? | Hva gjør du? |
- But I have to go. | -Jeg må gå. |
No, no. | Nei. |
- Clear as daylight, it was him. No doubt about it. | Det var ham, uten tvil. |
I just, I just got back from Hawaii, and I've, I've been in treatment and stuff, it's been so awesome, and I feel amazing, and I just wanted to like, clear the air, | Jeg kom nettopp tilbake fra Hawaii. Jeg har gått i terapi, og det var fantastisk! |
- Zooey! - What? | - Zooey! |
Why would I know something like that? | Hvordan vet jeg det? |
What am I supposed to do? Introduce him to my ex-boyfriend? | Skal jeg introdusere ham for eksen? |
What would you like me to tell the Chairman? Tell I'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder! | Si at jeg lider av posttraumatisk stressyndrom. |
Stu, Stu, Stu. lt really pains me to see you this way. Ha-ha-ha! | Stu, det gjør meg vondt a se deg slik. |
Um... Troy, right? | Troy, hva? |
Where the hell do you think you're going? | Hvor tror du at du skal? |
- Digger. - Digger! | - Digger! |
We need to see your ID. | Vis oss ID. |
I think you should let Melissa handle this. | La Melissa håndtere det. |
Find the ambulance? | Ambulansen? |
Maybe you should try to forget about it for a while. | Prøv å glemme det en stund. |
Is that what you expect of me? I would do the same thing for you. | Jeg ville gjort det samme for deg. |
First, this isn't new. This is a '98. | Det er en 98-modell. |
Her hair, maybe. - What about it? | -Håret hennes. |
The people behind the scenes were determined to make it a brand. | Folkene bak ville lage en merkevare. |
It's about Proteus. The solvent they were producing turned out to be carcinogenic. | Proteus' løsningsmiddel forårsaket kreft. |
- See ya. - See ya. | Sees. |
- Say, did Ben do this to you? | - Gjorde Ben det? |
Is that right? | Jaså? |
I want to live. I want to live! | - Jeg vil leve. |
- so that's important, but I think... - Right. | Det er viktig, men... |
However, we are plowing through... every possible three-letter combination of the code. | Vi pløyer nå gjennom tre-bokstaver-kombinasjoner. |
Now we haven't got much time, so you're gonna have to do as I say. | Vi har liten tid, så gjør som jeg sier. |
It's a 15. | 15! |
Right. Is there any way that he can reschedule the appointment for another time? | Kan han flytte avtalen til en annen tid? |
Anyway, I'll see you later, man. | Ser deg senere. |
Yeah, um... [stutters] You come here often? | - Ja... Er du ofte her? |
All I do is try to please her, man, and make her proud. | Jeg vil gjøre henne stolt. |
- No. - No. | -Nei. |
Hell, no. | Nei. |
Yet we are left with very little in the way of hard evidence. | Men vi har svært få konkrete bevis. |
Deep breath. Try to think of something or... or... someone you... Love. | Prøv å tenke på noe eller noen du elsker. |
You honestly derive no sense of purpose... from what we're doing? | Finner du ingen mening i det vi gjør? |
How does he do that? How do you do that? | Hvordan klarer han det? |
- Why the fuck would Chow come down here? | - Hvorfor kom Chow hit? |
I'll make it up to you. I swear. Hey, I'm just glad he wants to meet me. | Jeg er bare glad for at han vil treffe meg. |