Vince doesn't want to make a big deal about it. We'll lay low.
Vince vil at vi skal ligge lavt.
Wake up. Wake up.
The boat, not the movie, the boat!
-Båten, ikke filmen.
You... you.
- How much heat? - Blowtorch heat.
- Hvor mye varme?
You think this is them? The Guatemalans.
De fra Guatemala?
(clears throat) Is there something you want to say to me?
Er det noe du vil si til meg?
So if you're going to go, take your kid with you.
Ta med deg ungen din.
Why is that, though?
Thank you.
You are witnessing what may be the advent of a global contagion.
- Dette kan være en global epidemi.
- You sure that's your son, man?
- Din sønn?
How about this? We get some trees, bend them down, make some snares.
Vi bøyer trær og lager snarer.
Hold still! Hold still!
Ligg stille!
Come with me quick.
Kom, fort.
Easier to track. - He just filed an application for tax-exempt status with the IRS.
Han søkte nettopp om skattefritak hos IRS.
And why haven't you released a statement saying that Todd was never a member of the Alaska Independence Party?
Og hvorfor sier dere ikke at Todd aldri var med i AIP?
I want the perfect wedding, and I want my father to give me away.
- Jeg vil at pappa gir meg bort.
Get them! Now!
Ta dem!
Let's take five.
Ta fem.
I'm gonna take this back to the kitchen, all right, and we're going to make you, like, a brand-spanking new one.
Jeg tar denne med på kjøkkenet, så lager vi en ny porsjon.
Yeah, hello?
What's up, Ana?
Hei, Ana
- Yeah, I'll go and say hi to Ronnie. - We'll see you in a bit.
-Jeg går og hilser på Ronnie.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Takk.
Oh, yeah?
And I'm panicking. I'm completely and totally panicking.
Og jeg er helt panikkslagen.
- What? The Brazilian martial-art of dance-fighting.
Den brasilianske kampdansen.
I just don't understand the thing between William and Noora. Are they together?
-Er William og Noora sammen?
Come on, man.
Kom an.
So tell me, what is it with women and ballerinas?
- Hva er det med ballerinaer?
You know everything.
Du vet alt.
Hold on. You've been having tests for months. The doctor told me on the phone.
Du har tatt prøver i månedsvis, sa legen.
Thank you.
No! - Wait, wait, wait!
Vent, vent!
Oh, yeah!
You might want to let him know he's got arsenic poisoning.
- Da er han arsenikkforgiftet.
Birgitte, you weren't here. You were absent 24 hours a day.
Du var borte 24 timer i døgnet.
Don't you smile like that oh you'll be sorry when I'm dead I'm only joking, dear, I only said that for a laugh, although, of course it's true
Ikke smil slik. Å, du vil angre det når jeg er død. Jeg bare tuller, kjære.
What... What are you doing here?
Hva gjør du her?
- Not at all.
- Nei.
You seem to have many names, George.
Du har mange navn.
See this guy? You see this guy?
Ser du han der?
- I'm fine, Greg. Thank you.
- Fint, takk.
Come on, tell 'em about the kids. What?
Fortell om ungene
In the physical sense.
Fysisk sett.
Did I tell you or did I tell you?
Hva var det jeg sa?
Straighten up, man. - We're here for Bella.
Jeg er her for Bella.
She'll be much safer. She should, you know that.
Hun ville være tryggere da.
- No, sir.
Even the announcer was laughing.
- Oppleseren lo!
You imprisoned every witch who practiced magic and repressed the ones who didn't.
Du sperret inne eller kuet alle hekser.
You guys really don't have a problem with him, with what he did?
- Har dere ingen problemer med ham?
"You never have no fucking money. Fuck this shit.
"Du har aldri penger.
- Thanks for the beers, Kev. -Yeah, you're welcome.
-Takk for ølene, Kev.
The search traced Mr. Reddington's burner to a location in West Virginia.
Vi har sporet Reddington til West Virginia.
- How'd he do that? - Maybe it was a really small camera.
- Kanskje det var et lite kamera.
No! No!
What the fuck? What money?
-Hvilke penger?
- Thank you.
- Takk.
Thank you.
- Come on. Listen to me.
Hør på meg.
Swaffer, he's a Russian!
Han er russer!
Hello, Constance?
- All right.
- Yeah.
That's wonderful.
Så flott!
My God. Are you really working all over the holiday?
Jøye meg, jobber du i ferien?
You're with Mommy. Mommy's here.
Du er hos mamma.
- Yeah.
And there's a picture of Bob as a young boy.
Dette er Bob som gutt.
So, uh, you know, you two can, uh, kiss each other if you want, you know.
Dere to kan kysse hverandre om dere vil.
Just have to go downstairs.
Jeg må bare ned
- Hey there, Jess and Casey. - Hey.
Hei, Jess og Casey.
- What?
Now you can accommodate someone after all.
Nå kan du ta inn noen.
What, you fitting' to play one-on-one with me?
Vil du spille mot meg?
Well, what do you want me to say?
Hva skal jeg si?
- He could've had a bad dream. - No. Parents said he was conscious during and didn't remember anything afterwards.
Foreldrene sier at han er våken, men ikke husker noe etterpå.
-And she's out. -And she's out.
Og hun er borte.
Now, you're my kind of guy.
Du er min type.
I think you should have stopped.
Du burde stoppet.
-Is that such a good idea?
- Er det lurt?
- What? The golf pro.
Now follows that you know young Fortinbras holding a weak supposal of our worth or thinking by our late dear brother's death our state to be disjoint and out of frame colleagued with the dream of his advantage he hath not failed to pester us with message importing the surrender of those lands lost by his father, with all bonds of law to our most valiant brother.
Som dere vet: Den unge Fortinbras har uten tvil små tanker om vår styrke. Han tror vel at vår kjære brors død har ført til at vårt rike er blitt svekket.
What floor is Cofell Enterprises on?
- Cofell Enterprises?
If going to the trailer helps bring back her memories, then there's a chance that she's gonna remember everything.
Hvis campingvognen gjør at hun husker, vil hun kanskje huske alt.
You remember? Now you're gonna tell me everything you know.
Nå skal du fortelle meg alt du vet.
This is so good! It's so good!
- Thank you.
Actually, I'm busy this weekend. Oh, really?
- Jeg er opptatt i helga.
What now? Yeah, I can't explain how the victim had neurotoxins in his system.
Jeg kan ikke forklare nervegiften.
Leon, come here, come here.
Leon, kom hit.
Please don't cry.
Ikke gråt.
- You have a cross around your neck.
Du går med kors.
We're ready to begin.
Vi er klare.
- Wait, hey!
What are you drawing there, sweetie?
Hva tegner du?