A lot of people in this neighborhood know me.
- Mange vet hvem jeg er.
- I don't remember. I have a brain tumour.
Jeg har en hjernesvulst.
Yeah. You're right. Thanks.
Ja, du har rett.
Thank you, sir. Do I hear 30?
Hører jeg 30?
I bought a real elephant. What do you mean? You mean like a toy.
- Jeg har kjøpt en elefant.
While you had a bomb strapped to you?
Med bomben?
Not because you slept with Lisa, because you lied about it!
-Fordi du løy om at du lå med Lisa!
But Gloria here thought it was, so "ironic" that she was like "Hey, you should open this back up".
Men Gloria syntes den var ironisk, så hun sa:
Who the hell are they?
- Hvem er de?
Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Hold kjeft.
Praise be to God!
Hyll Gud!
It's a combination of things. I was watching when the cards came out.
Jeg iakttok dem da kortene ble gitt.
-right in malibu. I'm tellin' ya... -I got 120 yards of sand as my front yard.
Jeg har 120 meter sand som gårdsplass.
Yeah, get in there.
Ja, inn.
Prove it? How the hell are we supposed to do that?
- Hvordan skal vi greie det?
Playing 9-ball or straight? I'll set it up for you.
Spiller du 9-ball?
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Takk skal du ha.
- Oh, my gosh!
- Jøss!
No doubt about it, no sirree.
Ingen tvil.
- Thank you.
I get a bit nervous once we get out of town, you know?
Jeg blir nervøs utenfor byen.
Are you sure? Because if you are...
- Er du sikker?
I'm all right. I'm in a-
Jeg er ok.
Merry Christmas.
God jul.
Okay, now, don't forget, your father is gonna pick you up after--
Pappa henter deg etter...
- To be honest, it was... You know, I didn't realize how weird it would be for me. Weird?
Jeg innså nok ikke hvor rart det skulle bli for meg.
Come here. Come here, come here.
Kom hit.
Real well.
I just... I know that (WHISPERS) Joy Lin (IN NORMAL VOICE) got hired after interning,
Jeg vet at Joy Lin ble ansatt, så jeg tenkte...
Oh, uh, just some guys who have an opium connection. Well, you guys had fun...
Bare med noen fyrer som har en opiumkontakt.
How many of the others did you give the codes to this door?
-Hvor mange gav du kodene til?
Well, if Schneider got fired... I'm just saying.
Om Schneider fikk sparken...
When the lightning flashed... There was a shadow... thrown over those pillars over there. Someone...
Da det lynte, ble en skygge kastet fra de søylene.
- And he is rich? - Yes, he is rich.
- Og han er rik?
- Well, that sounds annoying. - No, it won't be so bad as long as we...
- Det blir ikke så ille så lenge vi...
You're going to be all right. We revived you because one of our...
Vi gjenopplivet deg fordi...
Hold that up. Hold that up.
Hold den opp!
Okay, fine.
Anything else?
Noe mer?
You did?
Now, Texas is receiving six points in this game.
Texas vinner med seks.
Stop it! Stop it!
Hold opp!
Are we not sitting here right now? Dad, seriously?
-Sitter vi ikke her nå?
For what it's worth, he's Muslim.
Han er muslim.
- Methadone, right?
You know how it is. As soon as you plan a trip, the Railways conjure a crisis. Teddy is, of course, indispensable.
Planlegger jeg en reise blir det jernbanekrise og Teddy må løse den.
What time did you get home?
Når kom du hjem?
Oh, Hicks, come on, I was gonna say that next.
Det skulle jeg si, Hicks.
Oh, he's looking this way. Turn around.
Han ser denne veien.
There was an opening, a sudden opening in the mountain. And all the children headed toward this opening.
Plutselig åpnet fjellet seg, og alle barna gikk mot åpningen.
Law office of Annalise Keating. - Where's Annalise?
- Annalise Keatings kontor.
- All right, come here.
Kom hit.
Melanie. Melanie. Yeah.
- Melanie.
I fear traveling from city to city, seeking a new position, living a hand-to-mouth existence is... well, it's not the future that Mary has envisioned for herself. You have to think what's best for Mary.
Å reise fra by til by mens du søker arbeid og lever for dagen, er ikke en framtiden Mary har tenkt seg.
- Morning, darling. - Good morning.
- God morgen, kjære.
Thank you.