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A lot of people in this neighborhood know me. | - Mange vet hvem jeg er. |
- I don't remember. I have a brain tumour. | Jeg har en hjernesvulst. |
Yeah. You're right. Thanks. | Ja, du har rett. |
Thank you, sir. Do I hear 30? | Hører jeg 30? |
I bought a real elephant. What do you mean? You mean like a toy. | - Jeg har kjøpt en elefant. |
While you had a bomb strapped to you? | Med bomben? |
Not because you slept with Lisa, because you lied about it! | -Fordi du løy om at du lå med Lisa! |
But Gloria here thought it was, so "ironic" that she was like "Hey, you should open this back up". | Men Gloria syntes den var ironisk, så hun sa: |
Who the hell are they? | - Hvem er de? |
Keep your fucking mouth shut. | Hold kjeft. |
Praise be to God! | Hyll Gud! |
It's a combination of things. I was watching when the cards came out. | Jeg iakttok dem da kortene ble gitt. |
-right in malibu. I'm tellin' ya... -I got 120 yards of sand as my front yard. | Jeg har 120 meter sand som gårdsplass. |
Yeah, get in there. | Ja, inn. |
Prove it? How the hell are we supposed to do that? | - Hvordan skal vi greie det? |
Playing 9-ball or straight? I'll set it up for you. | Spiller du 9-ball? |
Thank you. I appreciate it. | Takk skal du ha. |
- Oh, my gosh! | - Jøss! |
No doubt about it, no sirree. | Ingen tvil. |
- Thank you. | Takk. |
I get a bit nervous once we get out of town, you know? | Jeg blir nervøs utenfor byen. |
Are you sure? Because if you are... | - Er du sikker? |
I'm all right. I'm in a- | Jeg er ok. |
Merry Christmas. | God jul. |
Okay, now, don't forget, your father is gonna pick you up after-- | Pappa henter deg etter... |
- To be honest, it was... You know, I didn't realize how weird it would be for me. Weird? | Jeg innså nok ikke hvor rart det skulle bli for meg. |
Come here. Come here, come here. | Kom hit. |
Real well. | Bra. |
I just... I know that (WHISPERS) Joy Lin (IN NORMAL VOICE) got hired after interning, | Jeg vet at Joy Lin ble ansatt, så jeg tenkte... |
Oh, uh, just some guys who have an opium connection. Well, you guys had fun... | Bare med noen fyrer som har en opiumkontakt. |
How many of the others did you give the codes to this door? | -Hvor mange gav du kodene til? |
Well, if Schneider got fired... I'm just saying. | Om Schneider fikk sparken... |
When the lightning flashed... There was a shadow... thrown over those pillars over there. Someone... | Da det lynte, ble en skygge kastet fra de søylene. |
- And he is rich? - Yes, he is rich. | - Og han er rik? |
- Well, that sounds annoying. - No, it won't be so bad as long as we... | - Det blir ikke så ille så lenge vi... |
You're going to be all right. We revived you because one of our... | Vi gjenopplivet deg fordi... |
Hold that up. Hold that up. | Hold den opp! |
Okay, fine. | Greit. |
Anything else? | Noe mer? |
You did? | -Å? |
Now, Texas is receiving six points in this game. | Texas vinner med seks. |
Stop it! Stop it! | Hold opp! |
Are we not sitting here right now? Dad, seriously? | -Sitter vi ikke her nå? |
For what it's worth, he's Muslim. | Han er muslim. |
- Methadone, right? | -Metadon? |
You know how it is. As soon as you plan a trip, the Railways conjure a crisis. Teddy is, of course, indispensable. | Planlegger jeg en reise blir det jernbanekrise og Teddy må løse den. |
What time did you get home? | Når kom du hjem? |
Oh, Hicks, come on, I was gonna say that next. | Det skulle jeg si, Hicks. |
Oh, he's looking this way. Turn around. | Han ser denne veien. |
There was an opening, a sudden opening in the mountain. And all the children headed toward this opening. | Plutselig åpnet fjellet seg, og alle barna gikk mot åpningen. |
Law office of Annalise Keating. - Where's Annalise? | - Annalise Keatings kontor. |
- All right, come here. | Kom hit. |
Melanie. Melanie. Yeah. | - Melanie. |
I fear traveling from city to city, seeking a new position, living a hand-to-mouth existence is... well, it's not the future that Mary has envisioned for herself. You have to think what's best for Mary. | Å reise fra by til by mens du søker arbeid og lever for dagen, er ikke en framtiden Mary har tenkt seg. |
- Morning, darling. - Good morning. | - God morgen, kjære. |
Thank you. | Takk |