677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function anim_initialize!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, options... ) if canvas.state !== nothing return anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; callback=callback, overlay=overlay, options...) end options = merge(renderer.anim_options, options) # Render state with caption if provided captions = get(options, :captions, nothing) caption = isnothing(captions) ? nothing : get(captions, 1, nothing) render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; caption=caption, options...) # Add trail tracks if trail length is non-zero trail_length = get(options, :trail_length, 0) if trail_length > 0 trail = Observable([state]) trail_options = merge(renderer.trajectory_options, options) agent_color = get(trail_options, :agent_color, :black) |> to_color trail_options[:agent_start_color] = set_alpha(agent_color, 0.0) object_colors = get(trail_options, :object_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color trail_options[:object_start_colors] = [set_alpha(c, 0.0) for c in object_colors] type_colors = get(trail_options, :type_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color trail_options[:type_start_colors] = [set_alpha(c, 0.0) for c in type_colors] render_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trail; trail_options...) canvas.observables[:trail] = trail end # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end function anim_transition!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::State, action::Term = PDDL.no_op, t::Int = 1; callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, options... ) options = merge(renderer.anim_options, options) # Update canvas with new state canvas.state[] = state # Update captions if provided captions = get(options, :captions, nothing) if !isnothing(captions) caption = get(captions, t, nothing) if !isnothing(caption) canvas.observables[:caption][] = caption end end # Update trail tracks if trail length is non-zero trail_length = get(options, :trail_length, 0) if trail_length > 0 && haskey(canvas.observables, :trail) trail = canvas.observables[:trail] push!(trail[], state) if length(trail[]) > trail_length popfirst!(trail[]) end notify(trail) end # Run callbacks overlay !== nothing && overlay(canvas) callback !== nothing && callback(canvas) return canvas end """ - `captions = nothing`: Captions to display for each timestep, e.g., `["t=1", "t=2", ...]`. Can be provided as a vector of strings, or a dictionary mapping timesteps to strings. If `nothing`, no captions are displayed. - `trail_length = 0`: Length of trail tracks to display for each agent or tracked object. If `0`, no trail tracks are displayed. """ default_anim_options(R::Type{GridworldRenderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}( :captions => nothing, :trail_length => 0, )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export GridworldRenderer """ GridworldRenderer(; options...) Customizable renderer for 2D gridworld domains. # General options $(TYPEDFIELDS) """ @kwdef mutable struct GridworldRenderer <: Renderer "Default figure resolution, in pixels." resolution::Tuple{Int, Int} = (800, 800) "PDDL fluents that represent the grid layers (walls, etc)." grid_fluents::Vector{Term} = [pddl"(walls)"] "Colors for each grid layer." grid_colors::Vector = [:black] "Whether the domain has an agent not associated with a PDDL object." has_agent::Bool = true "Function that returns the PDDL fluent for the agent's x position." get_agent_x::Function = () -> pddl"(xpos)" "Function that returns the PDDL fluent for the agent's y position." get_agent_y::Function = () -> pddl"(ypos)" "Takes an object constant and returns the PDDL fluent for its x position." get_obj_x::Function = obj -> Compound(:xloc, [obj]) "Takes an object constant and returns the PDDL fluent for its y position." get_obj_y::Function = obj -> Compound(:yloc, [obj]) "Agent renderer, of the form `(domain, state) -> Graphic`." agent_renderer::Function = (d, s) -> CircleShape(0, 0, 0.3, color=:black) "Per-type object renderers, of the form `(domain, state, obj) -> Graphic`." obj_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function} = Dict{Symbol, Function}( :object => (d, s, o) -> SquareShape(0, 0, 0.2, color=:gray) ) "Z-order for object types, from bottom to top." obj_type_z_order::Vector{Symbol} = collect(keys(obj_renderers)) "List of `(x, y, label, color)` tuples to label locations on the grid." locations::Vector{Tuple} = Tuple[] "Whether to show an object inventory for each function in `inventory_fns`." show_inventory::Bool = false "Inventory indicator functions of the form `(domain, state, obj) -> Bool`." inventory_fns::Vector{Function} = Function[] "Types of objects that can be each inventory." inventory_types::Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[] "Axis titles / labels for each inventory." inventory_labels::Vector{String} = String[] "Inventory label font size." inventory_labelsize::Real = 20 "Default options for state rendering." state_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = default_state_options(GridworldRenderer) "Default options for trajectory rendering." trajectory_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = default_trajectory_options(GridworldRenderer) "Default options for animation rendering." anim_options::Dict{Symbol, Any} = default_anim_options(GridworldRenderer) end function new_canvas(renderer::GridworldRenderer) figure = Figure() resize!(figure.scene, renderer.resolution) layout = GridLayout(figure[1,1]) return Canvas(figure, layout) end new_canvas(renderer::GridworldRenderer, figure::Figure) = Canvas(figure, GridLayout(figure[1,1])) new_canvas(renderer::GridworldRenderer, gridpos::GridPosition) = Canvas(Makie.get_top_parent(gridpos), GridLayout(gridpos)) function gw_agent_loc( renderer::GridworldRenderer, state::State, height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) ) x = state[renderer.get_agent_x()] y = height - state[renderer.get_agent_y()] + 1 return (x, y) end function gw_obj_loc( renderer::GridworldRenderer, state::State, obj::Const, height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) ) x = state[renderer.get_obj_x(obj)] y = height - state[renderer.get_obj_y(obj)] + 1 return (x, y) end # State and trajectory rendering / animation include("state.jl") include("trajectory.jl") include("animate.jl") # Solution rendering include("path_search.jl") include("policy.jl") # Animated solving / planning include("anim_forward.jl") include("anim_rtdp.jl") include("anim_rths.jl") # Add documentation for auxiliary options Base.with_logger(Base.NullLogger()) do @doc """ $(@doc GridworldRenderer) # State options These options can be passed as keyword arguments to [`render_state`](@ref): $(Base.doc(default_state_options, Tuple{Type{GridworldRenderer}})) # Trajectory options These options can be passed as keyword arguments to [`render_trajectory`](@ref): $(Base.doc(default_trajectory_options, Tuple{Type{GridworldRenderer}})) # Animation options These options can be passed as keyword arguments to animation functions: $(Base.doc(default_anim_options, Tuple{Type{GridworldRenderer}})) """ GridworldRenderer end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using SymbolicPlanners: PathNode function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:PathSearchSolution}; options... ) # Render initial state if not already on canvas if canvas.state === nothing render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...) end # Extract main axis ax = canvas.blocks[1] # Update options options = merge(renderer.trajectory_options, options) # Render search tree if get(options, :show_search, true) && !isnothing(sol[].search_tree) # Set up observables for agent if renderer.has_agent agent_locs = Observable(Point2f[]) agent_dirs = Observable(Point2f[]) else agent_locs = nothing agent_dirs = nothing end # Set up observables for tracked objects objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) for ty in types objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) end obj_locs = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] obj_dirs = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] # Update observables on(sol; update = true) do sol # Rebuild observables for search tree node_id = isempty(sol.trajectory) ? nothing : hash(sol.trajectory[end]) _build_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol, node_id) # Trigger updates if renderer.has_agent notify(agent_locs); notify(agent_dirs) end for (ls, ds) in zip(obj_locs, obj_dirs) notify(ls); notify(ds) end end # Create arrow plots for agent and tracked objects node_marker = get(options, :search_marker, '⦿') node_size = get(options, :search_size, 0.3) edge_arrow = get(options, :search_arrow, '▷') cmap = get(options, :search_colormap, cgrad([:blue, :red])) if renderer.has_agent colors = @lift 1:length($agent_locs) canvas.plots[:agent_search_nodes] = arrows!( ax, agent_locs, agent_dirs, colormap=cmap, color=colors, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, markerspace=:data, align=:head ) edge_locs = @lift $agent_locs .- ($agent_dirs .* 0.5) edge_rotations = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $agent_dirs] edge_markers = @lift map($agent_dirs) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[:agent_search_arrows] = scatter!( ax, edge_locs, rotation=edge_rotations, marker=edge_markers, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, colormap=cmap, color=colors ) end for (obj, ls, ds) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs) colors = @lift 1:length($ls) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_search_nodes")] = arrows!( ax, ls, ds, colormap=cmap, color=colors, markerspace=:data, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, align=:head ) e_ls = @lift $ls .- ($ds .* 0.5) e_rs = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $ds] e_ms = @lift map($ds) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_search_arrows")] = scatter!( ax, e_ls, rotation=e_rs, marker=e_ms, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, colormap=cmap, color=colors ) end end # Render trajectory if get(options, :show_trajectory, true) && !isnothing(sol[].trajectory) trajectory = @lift($sol.trajectory) render_trajectory!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory; options...) end return canvas end @inline function _build_tree!( agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer::Renderer, sol::PathSearchSolution, node_id::Union{Nothing, UInt} = nothing; ) # Determine node expansion order if !isnothing(sol.search_order) node_ids = sol.status == :in_progress ? sol.search_order : copy(sol.search_order) elseif keytype(sol.search_tree) == keytype(sol.search_frontier) node_ids = keys(sol.search_frontier) setdiff!(node_ids, keys(sol.search_frontier)) node_ids = collect(node_ids) elseif keytype(sol.search_tree) == eltype(sol.search_frontier) node_ids = keys(sol.search_tree) setdiff!(node_ids, sol.search_frontier) node_ids = collect(node_ids) end if sol.status != :in_progress && !isnothing(node_id) push!(node_ids, node_id) end # Add nodes to tree in order _build_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol.search_tree, node_ids) return nothing end @inline function _build_tree!( agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer::Renderer, search_tree::Dict{UInt,<:PathNode}, node_ids::Vector{UInt} ) # Empty existing observables if renderer.has_agent empty!(agent_locs[]) empty!(agent_dirs[]) end for i in eachindex(objects) empty!(obj_locs[i][]) empty!(obj_dirs[i][]) end # Iterate over nodes in search tree (in order if available) for id in node_ids _add_node_to_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, search_tree, id) end return nothing end @inline function _add_node_to_tree!( agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer::Renderer, sol::PathSearchSolution, node_id::UInt ) _add_node_to_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol.search_tree, node_id) return nothing end @inline function _add_node_to_tree!( agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer::Renderer, search_tree::Dict{UInt,<:PathNode}, node_id::UInt ) # Extract current and previous states node = search_tree[node_id] state = node.state prev_state = isnothing(node.parent) ? state : search_tree[].state # Update agent observables with current node _add_node_to_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, state, prev_state) return nothing end @inline function _add_node_to_tree!( agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer::Renderer, state::State, prev_state::State = state ) height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) # Update agent observables with current node if renderer.has_agent loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, state, height) prev_loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, prev_state, height) push!(agent_locs[], loc) push!(agent_dirs[], loc .- prev_loc) end # Update object observables with current node for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, state, obj, height) prev_loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, prev_state, obj, height) push!(obj_locs[i][], loc) push!(obj_dirs[i][], loc .- prev_loc) end return nothing end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using SymbolicPlanners: get_value, has_cached_value, get_action, best_action function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:PolicySolution}; options... ) render_policy_heatmap!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, sol; options...) return canvas end function render_sol!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:ReusableTreePolicy}; options... ) # Render heatmap render_policy_heatmap!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, sol; options...) # Render search tree if get(options, :show_search, true) search_sol = @lift($sol.search_sol) render_sol!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, search_sol; show_search=true, options...) end # Render reusable tree of paths to the goal if get(options, :show_goal_tree, false) render_goal_tree!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, sol; options...) end return canvas end function render_policy_heatmap!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:PolicySolution}; options... ) # Render initial state if not already on canvas if canvas.state === nothing render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...) end # Extract main axis ax = canvas.blocks[1] # Update options options = merge(renderer.trajectory_options, options) max_states = get(options, :max_policy_states, 200) arrowmarker = get(options, :track_arrowmarker, '▶') stopmarker = get(options, :track_stopmarker, '⦿') # Set up observables for agent if renderer.has_agent agent_locs = Observable(Point2f[]) agent_values = Observable(Float64[]) agent_markers = Observable(Char[]) agent_rotations = Observable(Float64[]) end # Set up observables for tracked objects objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) for ty in types objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) end obj_locs = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] obj_values = [Observable(Float64[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] # Update observables for reachable states show_cached_only = get(options, :show_cached_only, false) onany(sol, state) do sol, init_state # Update agent observables if renderer.has_agent # Clear previous values empty!(agent_locs[]) empty!(agent_markers[]) empty!(agent_rotations[]) empty!(agent_values[]) # Iterate over reachable agent locations up to limit queue = [init_state] visited = Set{UInt}() while !isempty(queue) && length(visited) < max_states state = popfirst!(queue) state_id = hash(state) state_id in visited && continue push!(visited, state_id) # Get agent location height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) loc = Point2f(gw_agent_loc(renderer, state, height)) loc_exists = loc in agent_locs[] if show_cached_only && state != init_state # Terminate if state has no cached value !has_cached_value(sol, state) && continue else # Terminate if location has already been encountered loc_exists && continue end # Get state value and best action val = get_value(sol, state) best_act = best_action(sol, state) # Append agent location and value, etc. next_state = transition(domain, state, best_act) if !loc_exists # Skip if location already exists push!(agent_locs[], loc) next_loc = Point2f(gw_agent_loc(renderer, next_state, height)) marker = loc == next_loc ? stopmarker : arrowmarker push!(agent_markers[], marker) rotation = atan(next_loc[2] - loc[2], next_loc[1] - loc[1]) push!(agent_rotations[], rotation) push!(agent_values[], val) end # Add next states to queue push!(queue, next_state) for act in available(domain, state) next_state = transition(domain, state, act) push!(queue, next_state) end end # Trigger updates notify(agent_locs) notify(agent_markers) notify(agent_rotations) notify(agent_values) end # Update observables for tracked objects for (obj, locs, vals) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_values) # Clear previous values empty!(locs[]) empty!(vals[]) # Add initial location and value if show_cached_only && has_cached_value(sol, init_state) push!(locs[], Point2f(gw_obj_loc(renderer, init_state, obj))) push!(vals[], get_value(sol, init_state)) end # Add locations and values of neighboring states for act in available(domain, init_state) next_state = transition(domain, init_state, act) show_cached_only && !has_cached_value(sol, next_state) && continue next_loc = Point2f(gw_obj_loc(renderer, next_state, obj)) next_loc in locs[] && continue push!(locs[], next_loc) push!(vals[], get_value(sol, next_state)) end # Trigger updates notify(locs) notify(vals) end end notify(sol) # Render state value heatmap if get(options, :show_value_heatmap, true) cmap = get(options, :value_colormap) do cgrad(Makie.ColorSchemes.viridis, alpha=0.5) end if renderer.has_agent marker = _policy_heatmap_marker() plt = scatter!(ax, agent_locs, color=agent_values, colormap=cmap, marker=marker, markerspace=:data, markersize=1.0) Makie.translate!(plt, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5) canvas.plots[:agent_policy_values] = plt end for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) marker = _policy_heatmap_marker(length(objects), i) locs, vals = obj_locs[i], obj_values[i] plt = scatter!(ax, locs, color=vals, colormap=cmap, marker=marker, markerspace=:data, markersize=1.0) Makie.translate!(plt, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_policy_values")] = plt end end # Render best agent actions at each location if get(options, :show_actions, true) && renderer.has_agent markersize = get(options, :track_markersize, 0.3) color = get(options, :agent_color, :black) plt = scatter!(ax, agent_locs, marker=agent_markers, rotations=agent_rotations, markersize=markersize, color=color, markerspace=:data) canvas.plots[:agent_policy_actions] = plt end # Render state value labels at each location if get(options, :show_value_labels, true) if renderer.has_agent offset = _policy_label_offset() label_locs = @lift $agent_locs .+ offset labels = @lift map($agent_values) do val @sprintf("%.1f", val) end plt = text!(ax, label_locs; text=labels, color=:black, fontsize=0.2, markerspace=:data, align=(:center, :center)) canvas.plots[:agent_policy_labels] = plt end for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) locs, vals = obj_locs[i], obj_values[i] label_locs = @lift $locs .+ _policy_label_offset(length(objects), i) labels = @lift map($vals) do val @sprintf("%.1f", val) end fontsize = length(objects) > 2 ? 0.15 : 0.2 plt = text!(ax, label_locs; text=labels, color=:black, fontsize=fontsize, markerspace=:data, align=(:center, :center)) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_policy_labels")] = plt end end return canvas end @inline function _policy_heatmap_marker(n::Int = 1, i::Int = 1) if n <= 1 # Square marker for single agent return Polygon(Point2f.([(-.5, -.5), (-.5, .5), (.5, .5), (.5, -.5)])) elseif n <= 2 # Bottom left and top right triangles for 2 agents if i == 1 return Polygon(Point2f.([(-.5, -.5), (-.5, .5), (.5, -.5)])) elseif i == 2 return Polygon(Point2f.([(.5, .5), (.5, -.5), (-.5, .5)])) end elseif n <= 4 # Four triangles for 4 or less agents if i == 1 return Polygon(Point2f.([(-.5, -.5), (-.5, .5), (0.0, 0.0)])) elseif i == 2 return Polygon(Point2f.([(-.5, .5), (.5, .5), (0.0, 0.0)])) elseif i == 3 return Polygon(Point2f.([(.5, .5), (.5, -.5), (0.0, 0.0)])) elseif i == 4 return Polygon(Point2f.([(.5, -.5), (-.5, -.5), (0.0, 0.0)])) end else # Circle marker for more than 4 agents angle = 2*pi*i/n x, y = 2/n*cos(angle), 2/n*sin(angle) points = decompose(Point2f, Circle(Point2f(x, y), 1/n)) return Polygon(points) end end @inline function _policy_label_offset(n::Int=1, i::Int=1) if n <= 1 return Point2f(0.0, 0.25) elseif n <= 2 if i == 1 return Point2f(-0.2, -0.2) elseif i == 2 return Point2f(0.2, 0.2) end elseif n <= 4 if i == 1 return Point2f(-0.3, 0.0) elseif i == 2 return Point2f(0.0, 0.3) elseif i == 3 return Point2f(0.3, 0.0) elseif i == 4 return Point2f(0.0, -0.3) end else angle = 2*pi*i/n x, y = 2/n*cos(angle), 2/n*sin(angle) return Point2f(x, y) end end function render_goal_tree!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable, sol::Observable{<:ReusableTreePolicy}; options... ) # Extract main axis ax = canvas.blocks[1] # Set up observables for agent if renderer.has_agent agent_locs = Observable(Point2f[]) agent_dirs = Observable(Point2f[]) else agent_locs = nothing agent_dirs = nothing end # Set up observables for tracked objects objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) for ty in types objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) end obj_locs = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] obj_dirs = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] # Update observables on(sol; update = true) do sol # Rebuild observables for reusable tree node_ids = collect(keys(sol.goal_tree)) _build_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, sol.goal_tree, node_ids) # Add current state to tree only if goal tree is empty if isempty(node_ids) _add_node_to_tree!(agent_locs, agent_dirs, objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs, renderer, state[]) end # Trigger updates if renderer.has_agent notify(agent_locs); notify(agent_dirs) end for (ls, ds) in zip(obj_locs, obj_dirs) notify(ls); notify(ds) end end # Create arrow plots for agent and tracked objects node_marker = get(options, :goal_tree_marker, '⦿') node_size = get(options, :goal_tree_size, 0.3) edge_arrow = get(options, :goal_tree_arrow, '◁') color = get(options, :goal_tree_color, to_color_obs(:black)) if renderer.has_agent canvas.plots[:agent_goal_tree_nodes] = arrows!( ax, agent_locs, agent_dirs, color=color, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, markerspace=:data, align=:head ) edge_locs = @lift $agent_locs .- ($agent_dirs .* 0.5) edge_rotations = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $agent_dirs] edge_markers = @lift map($agent_dirs) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[:agent_goal_tree_arrows] = scatter!( ax, edge_locs, rotation=edge_rotations, color=color, marker=edge_markers, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, ) end for (obj, ls, ds) in zip(objects, obj_locs, obj_dirs) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_goal_tree_nodes")] = arrows!( ax, ls, ds, color=color, markerspace=:data, arrowsize=node_size, arrowhead=node_marker, align=:head ) e_ls = @lift $ls .- ($ds .* 0.5) e_rs = @lift [atan(d[2], d[1]) for d in $ds] e_ms = @lift map($ds) do d d == Point2f(0, 0) ? node_marker : edge_arrow end canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_goal_tree_arrows")] = scatter!( ax, e_ls, rotation=e_rs, marker=e_ms, markersize=node_size, markerspace=:data, color=color ) end return canvas end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function render_state!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, state::Observable; replace::Bool=true, options... ) # Update options options = merge(renderer.state_options, options) # Set canvas state observable (replacing any previous state) if replace || canvas.state === nothing canvas.state = state end # Extract or construct main axis ax = get(canvas.blocks, 1) do _ax = Axis(canvas.layout[1,1], aspect=DataAspect(), xzoomlock=true, xpanlock=true, xrectzoom=false, yzoomlock=true, ypanlock=true, yrectzoom=false, xgridstyle=:dash, ygridstyle=:dash, xgridcolor=:black, ygridcolor=:black) hidedecorations!(_ax, grid=false) push!(canvas.blocks, _ax) return _ax end # Get grid dimensions from PDDL state base_grid = @lift $state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]] height = @lift size($base_grid, 1) width = @lift size($base_grid, 2) # Render grid variables as heatmaps if get(options, :show_grid, true) for (i, grid_fluent) in enumerate(renderer.grid_fluents) grid = @lift reverse(transpose(float($state[grid_fluent])), dims=2) cmap = cgrad([:transparent, renderer.grid_colors[i]]) crange = @lift (min(minimum($grid), 0), max(maximum($grid), 1)) plt = heatmap!(ax, grid, colormap=cmap, colorrange=crange) canvas.plots[Symbol("grid_$(grid_fluent)")] = plt end end # Set ticks to show grid map!(w -> (1:w-1) .+ 0.5, ax.xticks, width) map!(h -> (1:h-1) .+ 0.5, ax.yticks, height) xlims!(ax, 0.5, width[] + 0.5) ylims!(ax, 0.5, height[] + 0.5) # Render locations if get(options, :show_locations, true) for (x, y, label, color) in renderer.locations _y = @lift $height - y + 1 fontsize = 1 / (1.5*length(label)^0.5) text!(ax, x, _y; text=label, color=color, align=(:center, :center), markerspace=:data, fontsize=fontsize) end end # Render objects default_obj_renderer(d, s, o) = SquareShape(0, 0, 0.2, color=:gray) if get(options, :show_objects, true) # Render objects with type-specific graphics for type in renderer.obj_type_z_order for obj in PDDL.get_objects(domain, state[], type) r = get(renderer.obj_renderers, type, default_obj_renderer) graphic = @lift begin x, y = gw_obj_loc(renderer, $state, obj, $height) translate(r(domain, $state, obj), x, y) end plt = graphicplot!(ax, graphic) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(obj)_graphic")] = plt end end end # Render agent if renderer.has_agent && get(options, :show_agent, true) graphic = @lift begin x, y = gw_agent_loc(renderer, $state, $height) translate(renderer.agent_renderer(domain, $state), x, y) end plt = graphicplot!(ax, graphic) canvas.plots[:agent_graphic] = plt end # Render inventories if renderer.show_inventory && get(options, :show_inventory, true) inventory_labelsize = renderer.inventory_labelsize colsize!(canvas.layout, 1, Auto(1)) rowsize!(canvas.layout, 1, Auto(1)) for (i, inventory_fn) in enumerate(renderer.inventory_fns) # Extract objects ty = get(renderer.inventory_types, i, :object) sorted_objs = sort(PDDL.get_objects(domain, state[], ty), by=string) # Extract or construct axis for each inventory ax_i = get(canvas.blocks, i+1) do title = get(renderer.inventory_labels, i, "Inventory") _ax = Axis(canvas.layout[i+1, 1], aspect=DataAspect(), title=title, titlealign=:left, titlefont=:regular, titlesize=inventory_labelsize, xzoomlock=true, xpanlock=true, xrectzoom=false, yzoomlock=true, ypanlock=true, yrectzoom=false, xgridstyle=:solid, ygridstyle=:solid, xgridcolor=:black, ygridcolor=:black) hidedecorations!(_ax, grid=false) push!(canvas.blocks, _ax) return _ax end # Render inventory as heatmap inventory_size = @lift max(length(sorted_objs), $width) cmap = cgrad([:transparent, :black]) heatmap!(ax_i, @lift(zeros($inventory_size, 1)), colormap=cmap, colorrange=(0, 1)) map!(w -> (1:w-1) .+ 0.5, ax_i.xticks, inventory_size) map!(ax_i.limits, inventory_size) do w return ((0.5, w + 0.5), nothing) end ax_i.yticks = [0.5, 1.5] # Compute object locations obj_locs = @lift begin locs = Int[] n = 0 for obj in sorted_objs if inventory_fn(domain, $state, obj) push!(locs, n += 1) else push!(locs, -1) end end return locs end # Render objects in inventory for (j, obj) in enumerate(sorted_objs) type = PDDL.get_objtype(state[], obj) r = get(renderer.obj_renderers, type, default_obj_renderer) graphic = @lift begin x = $obj_locs[j] g = translate(r(domain, $state, obj), x, 1) g.attributes[:visible] = x > 0 g end graphicplot!(ax_i, graphic) end # Resize row row_height = 1/height[] * width[]/inventory_size[] rowsize!(canvas.layout, i+1, Auto(row_height)) end rowgap!(canvas.layout, 10) resize_to_layout!(canvas.figure) end # Render caption if get(options, :caption, nothing) !== nothing caption = options[:caption] _ax = canvas.blocks[end] _ax.xlabel = caption _ax.xlabelvisible = true _ax.xlabelfont = get(options, :caption_font, :regular) _ax.xlabelsize = get(options, :caption_size, 24) _ax.xlabelcolor = get(options, :caption_color, :black) _ax.xlabelpadding = get(options, :caption_padding, 12) _ax.xlabelrotation = get(options, :caption_rotation, 0) # Store observable for caption in canvas canvas.observables[:caption] = _ax.xlabel end # Return the canvas return canvas end """ - `show_grid::Bool = true`: Whether to show grid variables (walls, etc). - `show_agent::Bool = true`: Whether to show the agent. - `show_objects::Bool = true`: Whether to show objects. - `show_locations::Bool = true`: Whether to show locations. - `show_inventory::Bool = true`: Whether to show inventories. - `caption = nothing`: Caption to display below the figure. - `caption_font = :regular`: Font for the caption. - `caption_size = 24`: Font size for the caption. - `caption_color = :black`: Font color for the caption. - `caption_padding = 12`: Padding for the caption. - `caption_rotation = 0`: Rotation for the caption. """ default_state_options(R::Type{GridworldRenderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}( :show_grid => true, :show_agent => true, :show_objects => true, :show_locations => true, :show_inventory => true, :caption => nothing, :caption_font => :regular, :caption_size => 24, :caption_color => :black, :caption_padding => 12, :caption_rotation => 0 )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
function render_trajectory!( canvas::Canvas, renderer::GridworldRenderer, domain::Domain, trajectory::Observable; options... ) # Render initial state if not already on canvas if canvas.state === nothing render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, trajectory[][1]; options...) end # Update options options = merge(renderer.trajectory_options, options) # Extract main axis and grid height ax = canvas.blocks[1] # Determine set of objects to track state = trajectory[][1] objects = get(options, :tracked_objects, Const[]) obj_colors = get(options, :object_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color_obs obj_s_colors = get(options, :object_start_colors, obj_colors) .|> to_color_obs types = get(options, :tracked_types, Symbol[]) type_colors = get(options, :type_colors, Symbol[]) .|> to_color_obs type_s_colors = get(options, :type_start_colors, type_colors) .|> to_color_obs for (ty, col, s_col) in zip(types, type_colors, type_s_colors) objs = PDDL.get_objects(domain, state, ty) append!(objects, objs) append!(obj_colors, fill(col, length(objs))) append!(obj_start_colors, fill(s_col, length(objs))) end # Construct observables for object locations and markers obj_locations = [Observable(Point2f[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] obj_markers = [Observable(Char[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] obj_rotations = [Observable(Float64[]) for _ in 1:length(objects)] # Construct observables for agent locations and markers locations = Observable(Point2f[]) markers = Observable(Char[]) rotations = Observable(Float64[]) # Fill observables arrowmarker = get(options, :track_arrowmarker, '▶') stopmarker = get(options, :track_stopmarker, '⦿') on(trajectory; update = true) do trajectory # Clear previous locations and markers for (ls, ms, rs) in zip(obj_locations, obj_markers, obj_rotations) empty!(ls[]); empty!(ms[]); empty!(rs[]) end if renderer.has_agent empty!(locations[]); empty!(markers[]); empty!(rotations[]) end # Add locations and markers for each timestep for (t, state) in enumerate(trajectory) next_state = trajectory[min(t+1, length(trajectory))] height = size(state[renderer.grid_fluents[1]], 1) # Add markers for tracked objects for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects) loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, state, obj, height) next_loc = gw_obj_loc(renderer, next_state, obj, height) push!(obj_locations[i][], loc) marker = loc == next_loc ? stopmarker : arrowmarker push!(obj_markers[i][], marker) rotation = atan(next_loc[2] - loc[2], next_loc[1] - loc[1]) push!(obj_rotations[i][], rotation) end # Add markers for agent if renderer.has_agent loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, state, height) next_loc = gw_agent_loc(renderer, next_state, height) push!(locations[], loc) marker = loc == next_loc ? stopmarker : arrowmarker push!(markers[], marker) rotation = atan(next_loc[2] - loc[2], next_loc[1] - loc[1]) push!(rotations[], rotation) end end # Trigger updates for (ls, ms, rs) in zip(obj_locations, obj_markers, obj_rotations) notify(ls); notify(ms); notify(rs) end if renderer.has_agent notify(locations); notify(markers); notify(rotations) end end markersize = get(options, :track_markersize, 0.3) # Plot agent locations over time if renderer.has_agent stop_color = get(options, :agent_color, :black) |> to_color_obs start_color = get(options, :agent_start_color, stop_color) |> to_color_obs if start_color != stop_color color = @lift if length($trajectory) > 1 cmap = cgrad([$start_color, $stop_color]) cmap[range(0, 1; length=length($trajectory))] else [$stop_color] end else color = stop_color end plt= scatter!(ax, locations, marker=markers, rotations=rotations, markersize=markersize, color=color, markerspace=:data) canvas.plots[:agent_trajectory] = plt end # Plot tracked object locations over time for (i, (col1, col2)) in enumerate(zip(obj_s_colors, obj_colors)) if col1 != col2 color = @lift if length($trajectory) > 1 cmap = cgrad([$col1, $col2]) cmap[range(0, 1; length=length($trajectory))] else [$col2] end else color = col2 end plt = scatter!(ax, obj_locations[i], marker=obj_markers[i], rotations=obj_rotations[i], markersize=markersize, color=color, markerspace=:data) canvas.plots[Symbol("$(objects[i])_trajectory")] = plt end # Return the canvas return canvas end """ - `:agent_color = black`: Marker color of agent tracks. - `:agent_start_color = agent_color`: Marker color of agent tracks at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color. - `:tracked_objects = Const[]`: Moving objects to plot marker tracks for. - `:object_colors = Symbol[]`: Marker colors to use for tracked objects. - `:object_start_colors = object_colors`: Marker colors to use for tracked objects at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color. - `:tracked_types = Symbol[]`: Types of objects to track. - `:type_colors = Symbol[]`: Marker colors to use for tracked object types. - `:type_start_colors = type_colors`: Marker colors to use for tracked object types at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color. - `:track_arrowmarker = '▶'`: Marker to use for directed tracks. - `:track_stopmarker = '⦿'`: Marker to use for stationary tracks. - `:track_markersize = 0.3`: Size of track markers. """ default_trajectory_options(R::Type{GridworldRenderer}) = Dict{Symbol,Any}( :agent_color => :black, :tracked_objects => Const[], :object_colors => Symbol[], :tracked_types => Symbol[], :type_colors => Symbol[], :track_arrowmarker => '▶', :track_stopmarker => '⦿', :track_markersize => 0.3, )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using Test @testset "GridworldRenderer" begin include("gridworld/test.jl") end @testset "GraphworldRenderer" begin include("graphworld/test.jl") end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using PDDLViz, GLMakie, GraphMakie using PDDL, SymbolicPlanners, PlanningDomains # Load blocksworld domain and problem domain = load_domain(:blocksworld) problem = load_problem(:blocksworld, 5) # Construct initial state from domain and problem state = initstate(domain, problem) # Construct blocksworld renderer renderer = BlocksworldRenderer() # Render initial state canvas = renderer(domain, state) # Render animation plan = @pddl( "(unstack f e)", "(put-down f)", "(unstack e b)", "(put-down e)", "(unstack d a)", "(stack d e)", "(unstack a c)", "(stack a f)", "(pick-up c)", "(stack c d)", "(pick-up b)", "(stack b c)", "(unstack a f)", "(stack a b)" ) anim = anim_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, plan, move_speed=0.4, framerate=24, showrate=Inf) save("blocksworld.mp4", anim)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
@testset "blocksworld" begin include("blocksworld.jl") end @testset "zeno-travel" begin include("zeno_travel.jl") end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
using PDDLViz, GLMakie, GraphMakie using PDDL, SymbolicPlanners, PlanningDomains # Load example graph-based domain and problem domain = load_domain(:zeno_travel) problem = load_problem(:zeno_travel, 3) # Construct initial state from domain and problem state = initstate(domain, problem) # Construct graphworld renderer cmap = PDDLViz.colorschemes[:vibrant] renderer = GraphworldRenderer( has_mov_edges = true, location_types = [:city], movable_types = [:movable], loc_edge_fn = (d, s, a, b) -> a != b, loc_edge_label_fn = (d, s, a, b) -> string(s[Compound(:distance, [a, b])]), mov_loc_edge_fn = (d, s, x, loc) -> s[Compound(:at, [x, loc])], mov_edge_fn = (d, s, x, y) -> begin terms = [Compound(:person, Term[x]), Compound(:aircraft, Term[y]), Compound(:in, Term[x, y])] return satisfy(d, s, terms) end, loc_type_renderers = Dict{Symbol, Function}( :city => (d, s, loc) -> CityGraphic( 0, 0, 0.25, color=cmap[parse(Int, string([end])+1] ) ), mov_type_renderers = Dict{Symbol, Function}( :person => (d, s, o) -> HumanGraphic( 0, 0, 0.15, color=cmap[parse(Int, string([end])] ), :aircraft => (d, s, o) -> MarkerGraphic( '✈', 0, 0, 0.2, color=cmap[parse(Int, string([end])] ) ), state_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :show_location_labels => true, :show_movable_labels => true, :show_edge_labels => true, :show_location_graphics => true, :show_movable_graphics => true, :label_offset => 0.15, :movable_node_color => (:black, 0.0), ), axis_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :aspect => 1, :autolimitaspect => 1, :xautolimitmargin => (0.2, 0.2), :yautolimitmargin => (0.2, 0.2), :hidedecorations => true ), graph_options = Dict{Symbol, Any}( :node_size => 0.03, :node_attr => (markerspace=:data,), :nlabels_fontsize => 20, :nlabels_align => (:center, :center), :elabels_fontsize => 16, ) ) # Render initial state canvas = renderer(domain, state) # Render animation plan = @pddl("(refuel plane1)", "(fly plane1 city0 city2)", "(board person1 plane1 city2)", "(fly plane1 city2 city1)", "(debark person1 plane1 city1)", "(fly plane1 city1 city2)") renderer.state_options[:show_edge_labels] = false anim = anim_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, plan, framerate=1) save("zeno_travel.mp4", anim) # Convert animation frames to storyboard storyboard = render_storyboard( anim, [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], figscale=0.65, n_rows=2, xlabels=["t=1", "t=3", "t=4", "t=5", "t=6", "t=7"], subtitles=["(i) Initial state", "(ii) Plane flies to city 2", "(iii) Person 1 boards plane", "(iv) Plane flies to city 1", "(v) Person 1 debarks plane", "(vi) Plane flies back to city 2"], xlabelsize=18, subtitlesize=22 ) # Render animation with linearly interpolated transitions canvas = renderer(domain, state) anim = anim_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, plan, transition=PDDLViz.LinearTransition(), frames_per_step=12, framerate=12, showrate=Inf) save("zeno_travel_smooth.mp4", anim)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Test gridworld rendering using PDDLViz, GLMakie using PDDL, SymbolicPlanners, PlanningDomains # Load example gridworld domain and problem domain = load_domain(:doors_keys_gems) problem = load_problem(:doors_keys_gems, 3) # Load array extension to PDDL PDDL.Arrays.register!() # Construct initial state from domain and problem state = initstate(domain, problem) # Construct gridworld renderer gem_colors = PDDLViz.colorschemes[:vibrant] renderer = GridworldRenderer( resolution = (600, 700), agent_renderer = (d, s) -> HumanGraphic(color=:black), obj_renderers = Dict( :key => (d, s, o) -> KeyGraphic( visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])] ), :door => (d, s, o) -> LockedDoorGraphic( visible=s[Compound(:locked, [o])] ), :gem => (d, s, o) -> GemGraphic( visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])], color=gem_colors[parse(Int, string([end])] ) ), show_inventory = true, inventory_fns = [(d, s, o) -> s[Compound(:has, [o])]], inventory_types = [:item] ) # Render initial state canvas = renderer(domain, state) # Render plan plan = @pddl("(right)", "(right)", "(right)", "(up)", "(up)") renderer(canvas, domain, state, plan) # Render trajectory trajectory = PDDL.simulate(domain, state, plan) canvas = renderer(domain, trajectory) # Render path search solution astar = AStarPlanner(GoalCountHeuristic(), save_search=true, save_search_order=true, max_nodes=100) sol = astar(domain, state, pddl"(has gem2)") canvas = renderer(domain, state, sol, show_search=true) # Render policy solution heuristic = PlannerHeuristic(AStarPlanner(GoalCountHeuristic(), max_nodes=20)) rtdp = RTDP(heuristic=heuristic, n_rollouts=5, max_depth=20) policy = rtdp(domain, state, pddl"(has gem1)") canvas = renderer(domain, state, policy) # Render reusable tree policy heuristic = GoalCountHeuristic() rths = RTHS(heuristic=heuristic, n_iters=1, max_nodes=20) policy = rths(domain, state, pddl"(has gem1)") canvas = renderer(domain, state, policy, show_goal_tree=false) new_state = copy(state) new_state[pddl"(xpos)"] = 4 new_state[pddl"(ypos)"] = 4 policy = refine!(policy, rths, domain, new_state, pddl"(has gem1)") canvas = renderer(domain, new_state, policy, show_goal_tree=true) # Render multi-solution rths_bfs = RTHS(GoalCountHeuristic(), h_mult=0.0, max_nodes=10) rths_astar = RTHS(GoalCountHeuristic(), h_mult=1.0, max_nodes=20) arths = AlternatingRTHS(rths_bfs, rths_astar) new_state = copy(state) new_state[pddl"(xpos)"] = 4 new_state[pddl"(ypos)"] = 4 policy = arths(domain, new_state, pddl"(has gem1)") canvas = renderer(domain, new_state, policy, show_goal_tree=false) # Animate plan plan = collect(sol) anim = anim_plan(renderer, domain, state, plan; trail_length=10) save("doors_keys_gems.mp4", anim) # Animate path search planning canvas = renderer(domain, state) sol_anim, sol = anim_solve!(canvas, renderer, astar, domain, state, pddl"(has gem1)") save("doors_keys_gems_astar.mp4", sol_anim) # Animate RTDP planning canvas = renderer(domain, state) sol_anim, sol = anim_solve!(canvas, renderer, rtdp, domain, state, pddl"(has gem2)") save("doors_keys_gems_rtdp.mp4", sol_anim) # Animate RTHS planning rths = RTHS(GoalCountHeuristic(), n_iters=5, max_nodes=15, reuse_paths=false) canvas = renderer(domain, state) sol_anim, sol = anim_solve!(canvas, renderer, rths, domain, state, pddl"(has gem1)") save("doors_keys_gems_rths.mp4", sol_anim) # Convert animation frames to storyboard storyboard = render_storyboard( anim, [1, 14, 17, 24], figscale=0.75, xlabels=["t=1", "t=14", "t=17", "t=24"], subtitles=["(i) Initial state", "(ii) Agent picks up key", "(iii) Agent unlocks door", "(iv) Agent picks up gem"], xlabelsize=18, subtitlesize=22 ) # Construct multiple canvases on the same figure figure = Figure() resize!(figure, 1200, 700) canvas1 = new_canvas(renderer, figure[1, 1]) canvas2 = new_canvas(renderer, figure[1, 2]) renderer(canvas1, domain, state) renderer(canvas2, domain, state, plan) # Add controller canvas = renderer(domain, state) recorder = ControlRecorder() controller = KeyboardController( Keyboard.up => pddl"(up)", Keyboard.down => pddl"(down)", Keyboard.left => pddl"(left)", Keyboard.right => pddl"(right)", Keyboard.z, Keyboard.x, Keyboard.c, Keyboard.v; callback = recorder ) add_controller!(canvas, controller, domain, state; show_controls=true) remove_controller!(canvas, controller)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
@testset "doors-keys-gems" begin include("doors_keys_gems.jl") end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# PDDLViz.jl A library for visualizing, animating, and interacting with PDDL domains, built on top of [Makie.jl]( | Doors, Keys & Gems | Blocksworld | Zeno Travel | | --- | --- | --- | | ![Example gridworld animation](assets/gridworld.gif) | ![Example blocksworld animation](assets/blocksworld.gif) | ![Example zeno-travel animation](assets/zeno_travel.gif) | ## Installation Press `]` at the Julia REPL to enter the package manager, then install this package along with `PDDL` and a `Makie` backend of your choice (e.g. `GLMakie`): ``` add PDDLViz add PDDL GLMakie ``` To install the development version, replace `PDDLViz` above with ``. ## Usage `PDDLViz.jl` provides a number of built-in renderer types for certain classes of domains, such as [`GridworldRenderer`](test/gridworld/doors_keys_gems.jl), [`GraphworldRenderer`](test/graphworld/zeno_travel.jl) or [`BlocksworldRenderer`](test/graphworld/blocksworld.jl). Each renderer can be customized for a specific domain by passing in options to its constructor: ```julia using PDDLViz, GLMakie # Construct gridworld renderer gem_colors = PDDLViz.colorschemes[:vibrant] renderer = GridworldRenderer( resolution = (600, 700), agent_renderer = (d, s) -> HumanGraphic(color=:black), obj_renderers = Dict( :key => (d, s, o) -> KeyGraphic( visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])] ), :door => (d, s, o) -> LockedDoorGraphic( visible=s[Compound(:locked, [o])] ), :gem => (d, s, o) -> GemGraphic( visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])], color=gem_colors[parse(Int, string([end])] ) ), show_inventory = true, inventory_fns = [(d, s, o) -> s[Compound(:has, [o])]], inventory_types = [:item] ) ``` A renderer can then be used to render PDDL states: ```julia using PDDL, PlanningDomains # Load example gridworld domain and problem domain = load_domain(:doors_keys_gems) problem = load_problem(:doors_keys_gems, 3) # Load array extension to PDDL PDDL.Arrays.register!() # Construct initial state from domain and problem state = initstate(domain, problem) # Render initial state canvas = renderer(domain, state) # Save rendered canvas to file save("gridworld.png", canvas) ``` The rendered image is below: ![Example gridworld rendered by PDDLViz.jl](assets/gridworld.png) Renderers can also be used to create animations as well: ![Example gridworld trajectory animated by PDDLViz.jl](assets/gridworld.gif) See the [`test`](test/) folder for examples of how to render plans, trajectories and planner solutions, how to animate trajectories, and how to enable interactive controls.
[ "MIT" ]
module VersionCheck using Pkg, Logging, Dates, Random using JSON3, UrlDownload using Scratch const version_info_bounds = r"start-versions-->(.*)<!--end-versions"s const usersettings_filename = "usersettings.json" # changelog_url = "" usersettings = Dict() """ Extracts the list of dependencies for the given `pkgname`. """ function dependencyinfo(pkgname::String) :: Union{Pkg.Types.PackageInfo,Nothing} try Pkg.dependencies()[Pkg.project().dependencies[pkgname]] catch ex nothing end end """ Extracts the information about the latest version of `pkgname` using a special CHANGELOG.html file """ function versioninfo(pkgname::String; url::String) :: Union{JSON3.Object,Nothing} try changelog(url)[:packages][pkgname][:releases][1] catch ex nothing end end """ Checks if a new version is available for `pkgname` """ function newversion(pkgname::String; show_message = true, url::String) :: Bool usersettings["enabled"] || return vinfo = versioninfo(pkgname; url = url) pinfo = dependencyinfo(pkgname) if pinfo.version < VersionNumber(vinfo[:version]) if show_message && ((time() - usersettings["last_check"]) > usersettings["warn_frequency"] * 60 * 60) @info "A new version ($(vinfo.version)) of $pkgname is available. You use version $(pinfo.version)." end save_usersettings("last_check" => time()) true else false end end """ Custom CHANGELOG.html parser for UrlDownload """ function textparser(content::Vector{UInt8}) :: JSON3.Object try match(version_info_bounds, String(content))[1] |> catch error("Invalid CHANGELOG.html document") end end """ Downloads the CHANGELOG.html file from `url` """ function changelog(url::String) :: JSON3.Object url = (occursin("?", url) ? url * "&" : url * "?") * "id=$(usersettings["id"])" urldownload(url, parser = textparser) end function default_usersettings() Dict( "enabled" => true, "warn_frequency" => 24, # hours "last_check" => 0.0, # time() "id" => (randstring(24) |> uppercase) ) end function valid_usersettings(d::T) where {T<:AbstractDict} issubset(collect(keys(default_usersettings())), string.(collect(keys(d)))) end """ Retrieves user settings from scratch """ function get_usersettings() settings_file = joinpath(@get_scratch!("downloaded_files"), usersettings_filename) defaults = default_usersettings() if ! isfile(settings_file) defaults |> save_usersettings else try us = read(settings_file, String) |> valid_usersettings(us) || error("Invalid usersettings file") us catch ex # @error ex defaults |> save_usersettings end end end """ Persists user settings to scratch """ function save_usersettings(us::T) where {T<:AbstractDict} settings_file = joinpath(@get_scratch!("downloaded_files"), usersettings_filename) open(settings_file, "w") do io JSON3.write(io, us) end global usersettings = us end function save_usersettings(p::Pair) usersettings[p[1]] = p[2] save_usersettings(usersettings) end function __init__() global usersettings = get_usersettings() end module Changelog function generate() @warn "TODO: implement" end function exportmd() @warn "TODO: implement" end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using VersionCheck using Test @testset "VersionCheck.jl" begin # Write your tests here. end
[ "MIT" ]
# VersionCheck Utility package for checking if a new version of a Julia package is available. It uses the current `Project.toml` file and a special `CHANGELOG.html` file to determine the latest versions. ## Usage Create a `CHANGELOG.html` file similar to the `CHANGELOG_sample.html` file included in this package. Host the `CHANGELOG.html` file on a publicly accessible web server. In your package, add a check like the following: ```julia module MyPackage import VersionCheck function __init__() try @async VersionCheck.newversion("MyPackage", url = "<URL to CHANGELOG.html>") catch end end end ```
[ "MIT" ]
using VisualStringDistances using Documenter makedocs(; modules=[VisualStringDistances], authors="Eric P. Hanson", repo="{commit}{path}#L{line}", sitename="VisualStringDistances.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical="", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", "Visualizations" => "", "Package names" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo="", )
[ "MIT" ]
@info "Loading packages..." @time begin using VisualStringDistances, UnbalancedOptimalTransport using AbstractPlotting: px using UnbalancedOptimalTransport: KL, Balanced using Makie, MakieLayout using GeometryBasics: Point2f0 using PlotUtils: RGBA, RGB end function hide_decorations!(ax) ax.xticksvisible=false ax.yticksvisible=false ax.xticklabelsvisible=false ax.yticklabelsvisible=false ax.bottomspinevisible = false ax.leftspinevisible = false ax.topspinevisible = false ax.rightspinevisible = false ax.xgridvisible=false ax.ygridvisible=false end function imgrot(v) Point2f0(v[2], 1-v[1]) end # transparent to black for 0 to 1, then becomes redder from 1 to 2 const CMAP = cgrad([RGBA{Float64}(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), RGBA{Float64}(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), RGBA{Float64}(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)], [0,1,1.5]) density_to_color(d) = get(CMAP, d/2) function animate_words(string1, string2; normalize_density = false, D = KL(1.0), random_colors = false, kwargs... ) w1 = word_measure(string1) w2 = word_measure(string2) if normalize_density w1 = DiscreteMeasure(w1.density / sum(w1.density), w1.set) w2 = DiscreteMeasure(w2.density / sum(w2.density), w2.set) end if random_colors # doesn't matter how we chose `π` π = ones(length(w1.set), length(w2.set)) else π = optimal_coupling!(D, w1, w2) end scene, layout = layoutscene() layout[1,1] = ax = LAxis(scene) display(scene) animate_coupling!(scene, ax, π, w1.set, w2.set; random_colors = random_colors, kwargs...) return end function animate_coupling!(scene, ax, π, coords1, coords2; duration = 2, total_frames = 50*duration, pause_frames = total_frames ÷ 4, move_frames = total_frames - 2*pause_frames, markersize = 20px, random_colors = false, save_path = nothing, α = 0.7, compression = 20 ) x_min = min(minimum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), minimum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) x_max = max(maximum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), maximum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) y_min = min(minimum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), minimum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) y_max = max(maximum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), maximum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) hide_decorations!(ax) s1, s2 = size(π) if random_colors cvals = collect(Iterators.Flatten(Iterators.repeated([ RGBA(rand(RGB), α) for _ = 1:s1], s2))) else scale = sqrt(prod(size(π))) cvals = density_to_color.(scale * vec(π) ./ sum(π)) end t = 0 locations = Node([ imgrot( (1-t)*coords1[i] + t*coords2[j]) for j = 1:size(π,2) for i = 1:size(π,1)]) anim_plt = scatter!(ax, locations, color = cvals, markersize=markersize, transparency=true) x_pad = (x_max - x_min)*.05 y_pad = (y_max - y_min)*.05 limits!(ax, x_min - x_pad, x_max + x_pad, y_min - y_pad, y_max + y_pad) move_ts = range(0, 1; length=move_frames) do_frame = function(j) if (j <= pause_frames) || (j > total_frames - pause_frames) save_path === nothing && sleep(duration/total_frames) else t = move_ts[j - pause_frames] locations[] = [ imgrot((1-t)*coords1[i] + t*coords2[j]) for j = 1:size(π,2) for i = 1:size(π,1)] save_path === nothing && sleep(duration/total_frames) end end if save_path === nothing map(do_frame, 1:total_frames) else record(do_frame, scene, save_path, 1:total_frames, framerate = round(Int, total_frames / duration), compression=compression) end return end @eval AbstractPlotting begin function save(path::String, io::VideoStream; framerate::Int = 24, compression = 20) close(io.process) wait(io.process) p, typ = splitext(path) if typ == ".mkv" cp(io.path, path, force=true) elseif typ == ".mp4" ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -crf $compression -c:v libx264 -preset slow -r $framerate -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k -y $path`) elseif typ == ".webm" ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -crf $compression -c:v libvpx-vp9 -threads 16 -b:v 2000k -c:a libvorbis -threads 16 -r $framerate -vf scale=iw:ih -y $path`) elseif typ == ".gif" filters = "fps=$framerate,scale=iw:ih:flags=lanczos" palette_path = dirname(io.path) pname = joinpath(palette_path, "palette.bmp") isfile(pname) && rm(pname, force = true) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $pname`) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -r $framerate -f image2 $(palette_path)/image_%06d.png`) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -framerate $framerate -i $(palette_path)/image_%06d.png -i $pname -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y $path`) rm(pname, force = true) else rm(io.path) error("Video type $typ not known") end rm(io.path) return path end end @info "Generating animations..." @time begin animate_words("hello", "heIIo"; D = KL(1.0), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "docs", "assets", "hello_heIIo.gif"))) animate_words("hello", "heIIo"; D = Balanced(), normalize_density=true, save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "docs", "assets", "hello_heIIo_balanced.gif"))) end @info "Done!"
[ "MIT" ]
using Pkg, VisualStringDistances using VisualStringDistances: KL, sinkhorn_divergence! using StringDistances using DataFrames using Transducers const DL = DamerauLevenshtein() function get_all_package_names(registry_dir::AbstractString) packages = [x["name"] for x in values(Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(registry_dir, "Registry.toml"))["packages"])] sort!(packages) unique!(packages) return packages end names = get_all_package_names(expanduser("~/.julia/registries/General")) filter!(x -> !endswith(x, "_jll"), names) @info "Loaded list of non-JLL package names ($(length(names)) names)" normalized_dl_cutoff = .2 dl_cutoff = 1 @info "Computing list of pairs of package names within $(dl_cutoff) in DL distance or $(normalized_dl_cutoff) in normalized DL distance" @time df = DataFrame(tcollect( (name1=names[i],name2=names[j]) for i = 1:length(names) for j = 1:(i-1) if (normalize(DL)(names[i], names[j]) <= normalized_dl_cutoff) || DL(names[i], names[j]) <= dl_cutoff)) df.longest_length = max.(length.(df.name1), length.(df.name2)) function compute_sd(df, penalty, ϵ) tcollect( sinkhorn_divergence!(penalty, word_measure(df.name1[i]), word_measure(df.name2[i]), ϵ) for i = 1:size(df,1)) end @info "Computing DL distances for pairs..." col_dict = Dict{Any, String}() col = "DL unnormalized" col_dict[(name = :DL, normalization = :unnormalized, params=tuple())] = col df[!, col] = DL.(df.name1, df.name2) i = 0 for ϵ in (0.1, 0.5, 1.0), ρ in (1.0, 5.0, 10.0) global i += 1 @info "($(i)/9) Computing sinkhorn divergences with ϵ=$ϵ, ρ=$ρ..." col = "SD ϵ=$(ϵ) ρ=$(ρ) unnormalized" col_dict[(name = :SD, normalization = :unnormalized, params=(ϵ=ϵ, ρ=ρ))] = col @time df[!, col] = compute_sd(df, KL(ρ), ϵ) end @info "Computing normalized distances..." @time begin for ϵ in (0.1, 0.5, 1.0), ρ in (1.0, 5.0, 10.0) col = "SD ϵ=$(ϵ) ρ=$(ρ) normalized" col_dict[(name = :SD, normalization = :normalized, params=(ϵ=ϵ, ρ=ρ))] = col df[!, col] = df[!, col_dict[(name = :SD, normalization = :unnormalized, params=(ϵ=ϵ, ρ=ρ))]] ./ df[!, :longest_length] col = "SD ϵ=$(ϵ) ρ=$(ρ) sqrt normalized" col_dict[(name = :SD, normalization = :sqrt_normalized, params=(ϵ=ϵ, ρ=ρ))] = col df[!, col] = df[!, col_dict[(name = :SD, normalization = :unnormalized, params=(ϵ=ϵ, ρ=ρ))]] ./ sqrt.(df[!, :longest_length]) end end col = "DL sqrt normalized" col_dict[(name = :DL, normalization = :sqrt_normalized, params=tuple())] = col df[!, col] = df[!, col_dict[(name = :DL, normalization = :unnormalized, params=tuple())]] ./ sqrt.(df[!, :longest_length]) col = "DL normalized" col_dict[(name = :DL, normalization = :normalized, params=tuple())] = col df[!, col] = df[!, col_dict[(name = :DL, normalization = :unnormalized, params=tuple())]] ./ df[!, :longest_length] using Serialization @info "Serializing..." serialize(joinpath(@__DIR__, "names_df.jls"), Dict{Any, Any}(:df => df, :col_dict => col_dict)) @info "Done!"
[ "MIT" ]
using DataFrames, UnicodePlots, Test, Random, StatsBase input = deserialize(joinpath(@__DIR__, "names_df.jls")) df = input[:df] col_dict = input[:col_dict] # naive O(n^2) algorithm function kendall_tau_distance(σ1, σ2) n = length(σ1) n == length(σ2) || throw(DimensionMismatch()) D = 0 for j = 1:n for i = 1:(j-1) D += ( (σ1[i] < σ1[j]) & (σ2[i] > σ2[j]) ) | ( (σ1[i] > σ1[j]) & (σ2[i] < σ2[j]) ) end end return D end # Example borrowed from @test kendall_tau_distance([2, 4, 1, 3], [4, 1, 3, 2]) == 5 π = randperm(4) @test kendall_tau_distance([2, 4, 1, 3][π], [4, 1, 3, 2][π]) == 5 function normalized_kendall_tau_distance(σ1, σ2) n = length(σ1) 2*kendall_tau_distance(σ1, σ2) / (n * (n-1)) end kendall_tau_coeff(x,y) = 1 - normalized_kendall_tau_distance(x,y) function corrs(coeff, suffix) cols = [v for (k, v) in pairs(col_dict) if k[2] == suffix ] [ coeff(df[!, c1] , df[!, c2]) for c1 in cols, c2 in cols] end all_cols = collect(values(col_dict)) sort!(all_cols) corrs(coeff) = [ coeff(df[!, s1] , df[!, s2]) for s1 in all_cols, s2 in all_cols ] suffix = :sqrt_normalized for coeff in (corkendall, corspearman, kendall_tau_coeff) cols = [v for (k, v) in pairs(col_dict) if k.normalization == suffix ] @info cols @info "$coeff with $suffix" corrs(coeff, suffix) heatmap(corrs(coeff, suffix)) end for coeff in (corkendall, corspearman, kendall_tau_coeff) @info all_cols @info "$coeff" corrs(coeff) heatmap(corrs(coeff)) end for (k, v) in pairs(col_dict) k.normalization == :sqrt_normalized || continue if !isempty(k.params) k.params.ϵ > .5 && continue k.params.ρ > 5 && continue end n = size(df, 1) # Shuffle dataframe p = randperm(n) for c in propertynames(df) permute!(df[!, c], p) end top5 = sort!(df, v)[1:5, ["name1", "name2", v]] num = count(x -> x <= df[5, v], df[!, v]) @info "$k; showing random top 5 with $(num) candidates to show" top5 end
[ "MIT" ]
using Random, Pkg, VisualStringDistances # Define our distance measure d(s1, s2) = visual_distance(s1, s2; normalize=x -> 2 + sqrt(x)) d((s1,s2)) = d(s1, s2) confusable_names = [ ("DifferentialEquations", "DifferentIalEquations"), ("jellyfish", "jeIlyfish"), # example from python ("ANOVA", "AN0VA"), ("ODEInterfaceDiffEq", "0DEInterfaceDiffEq"), ("ValueOrientedRiskManagementInsurance", "ValueOrientedRiskManagementlnsurance"), ("IsoPkg", "lsoPkg"), ("DiffEqNoiseProcess", "DiffEgNoiseProcess"), ("Graph500", "Graph5O0") ] @show d.(confusable_names) function get_all_package_names(registry_dir::AbstractString) packages = [x["name"] for x in values(Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(registry_dir, "Registry.toml"))["packages"])] sort!(packages) unique!(packages) return packages end names = get_all_package_names(expanduser("~/.julia/registries/General")) filter!(x -> !endswith(x, "_jll"), names) confusable = ["O" => "0", "I" => "l", "I" => "1", "g" => "q"] append!(confusable, reverse.(confusable)) function gen_list(names; N = 10) list = Tuple{String, String}[] while length(list) < N name = rand(names) swap = rand(confusable) if occursin(first(swap), name) new_name = replace(name, swap; count=1) push!(list, (name, new_name)) end end return list end list = gen_list(names) dists = d.(list) dist, idx = findmax(dists) @show dist, list[idx]
[ "MIT" ]
using Remark, FileWatching while true Remark.slideshow(@__DIR__; options = Dict("ratio" => "16:9"), credit=false, title = "How similar do two strings look? Visual distances in Julia") @info "Rebuilt" FileWatching.watch_folder(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src")) end
[ "MIT" ]
# # How similar do two strings look? # ## VisualStringDistances.jl # <img src="assets/julia_visual.gif" style="width: 65%" class="center" /> # --- # ## Let's compare strings # <br /> using StringDistances # How many single-character edits are needed to turn "Julia" into "JuIia"? StringDistances.Levenshtein()("Julia", "JuIia") # What about "Julia" into "JuQia"? StringDistances.Levenshtein()("Julia", "JuQia") # We can also compare based on how many times consecutive pairs of letters appear in each string... StringDistances.QGram(2)("Julia", "JuIia"), StringDistances.QGram(2)("Julia", "JuQia") # --- # ## Visual distances # <br /> # But none of these take into account that "Julia" and "JuIia" look pretty similar, while "Julia" and "JuQia" look pretty different. using VisualStringDistances: VisualStringDistances const VSD = VisualStringDistances VSD.visual_distance("Julia", "JuIia"), VSD.visual_distance("Julia", "JuQia") # <br /> # That seems better! But how do we know it does something reasonable in other cases too? And how does it work? # <br /> # Just need two tools: # 1. <p> A way to translate strings into images </p> # 2. <p> A way to compare images </p> # --- # ## 1. A way to translate strings into images: GNU Unifont VSD.printglyph("GNU Unifont"; symbols=("#", "-")) # A bitmap font! # --- # Unifont stores characters as bitmaps, making things quite easy for us: VSD.Glyph("Julia") # <br /> # (see also FreeTypeAbstraction.jl to render bitmaps from many fonts!) # --- # It is low resolution, but simple and comprehensive, with 57086 supported characters, including... chars = [VSD.get_char(k) for k in rand(collect(keys(VSD.UNIFONT_LOOKUP)), 5)]; permutedims(chars) # Which render as: VSD.printglyph(join(chars, " ")) # --- VSD.printglyph("Julia vs JuIia"); VSD.printglyph("Julia vs JuQia") # hide # --- # ## 2. A way to compare images: Optimal transport # <br /> # * <p> you have $a(x_1)$ amount of stuff at site $x_1$, $a(x_2)$ amount of stuff at $x_2$, ..., $a(x_n)$ stuff at $x_n$. </p> # * <p> you want to move it around until you have $b(y_1)$ stuff at site $y_1$, $b(y_2)$ stuff at $y_2$, ..., $b(y_m)$ stuff at $y_m$ </p> # * <p> it costs $c(x_i, y_j)$ to move one unit of mass from $x_i$ to $y_j$ </p> # ```math # \begin{aligned} # \operatorname{OT}(a,b) := \text{minimize} \quad & \sum\_{x,y} π(x,y)\, c(x,y)\\\\ # \text{such that} \quad & a(x) = \sum\_{y} \pi(x,y)\\\\ # & b(y) = \sum\_{x} \pi(x,y) \\\\ # & \pi(x,y) \geq 0 # \end{aligned} # ``` # * <p> We optimize to find the variables $\pi(x,y)$ (how much stuff to move from $x$ to $y$) </p> # --- # ## How does optimal transport relate to our problem? # <br /> # - <p> If we have a black pixel in the 3rd column and 2nd row of the bitmap, we can see that as $a(1) = 1$ unit of mass at site $x_1 = (2,3)$. </p> # - <p> In this way, we can translate the bitmap representation of the string into the language of optimal transport. </p> # - <p> $c(x,y)$ is just the distance between those points </p> # - <p> Note: we do two modifications to this </p> # - <p> we solve an approximate version for speed ("entropic regularization") </p> # - <p> add penalties for creating/destroying stuff for the case $\sum_x a(x) \neq \sum_y b(y)$ &nbsp; [1]. </p> # <br /> # <br /> # <br /> # [1]: Séjourné, T., Feydy, J., Vialard, F.-X., Trouvé, A., Peyré, G., 2019. *Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport*. # --- # ## What use does this have? # Making gifs! # --- # ## What use does this have? # Adding a check for new packages being added to the General registry to try to prevent the malicious impersonation another package. # Two main concerns: # 1. Possibly, one will make a typo, and end up at the wrong package ("typosquatting") $\leadsto$ edit distance check # 2. Possibly, one will copy a malicious tutorial that has mimicked the appearance of the name of a popular package $\leadsto$ visual distance # <img src="assets/FIux.gif" style="width: 45%" class="center" /> # --- # ## Is this the right visual distance for an automated registry check? # I'm not sure. # * <p> Human perception is actually a bit different </p> # * e.g. we mix up "p" vs "q" more than "a" vs "e" [2], but `visual_distance` says "p" and "q" are further apart than "a" and "e" # * <p> optimal transport is a bit slow (though not prohibitively so, with entropic regularization and the low resolution font) </p> # * <p> there are several parameters and cutoffs to tune </p> # # # Possibly a perceptually-weighted edit distance is more sensible. # <br /> # <br /> # [2]: Courrieu, Pierre, Fernand Farioli, and Jonathan Grainger. *Inverse Discrimination Time as a Perceptual Distance for Alphabetic Characters*. Visual Cognition 11, no. 7 (October 2004): 901–19. # --- # ## References & Notes # * Package for `visual_distance`, `printglyph`, etc: VisualStringDistances.jl # * <p> Package with the underlying algorithm optimal transport algorithm: UnbalancedOptimalTransport.jl </p> # <br /> # <br /> # References: # <br /> # [1]: Séjourné, T., Feydy, J., Vialard, F.-X., Trouvé, A., Peyré, G., 2019. *Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport*. # # [2]: Courrieu, Pierre, Fernand Farioli, and Jonathan Grainger. *Inverse Discrimination Time as a Perceptual Distance for Alphabetic Characters*. Visual Cognition 11, no. 7 (October 2004): 901–19. # <br /> # Slides made with the help of Remark.jl, Literate.jl, and Documenter.jl; gifs made with Makie.jl. # Thanks to Stefan Karpinski for suggesting GNU Unifont.
[ "MIT" ]
include("plotting.jl") # animate_words("hello", "heIIo"; D = KL(1.0), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "hello_heIIo.gif"))) # animate_words("Julia", "Strings"; D = Balanced(), normalize_density=true, save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "julia_strings.gif")), duration=4) # animate_words("Julia", "distances"; D = Balanced(), normalize_density=true, save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "Julia_distances.gif"))) # animate_words("DifferentialEquations", "DifferentiaIEquations"; D = KL(1.0), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "DifferentiaIEquations.gif")), duration=4) # animate_words("FIux", "Flux"; D = KL(5.0), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "FIux.gif")), duration=4) # animate_words("Julia", "Visual"; D = KL(1.0), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "FIux.gif")), duration=4) animate_words("Julia", "visual"; D = Balanced(), normalize_density=true, save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "julia_visual.gif")), duration=4, total_frames = 50*4, pause_frames = 50*4 ÷ 3) # animate_words("Julia", "visual"; D = KL(5), save_path=abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "julia_visual_unbalanced.gif")), duration=4) # julia> calculate_contributions(KL(5.0), word_measure("Flux"), word_measure("FIux"), 0.1) # (transport_cost = 4.074841771685898, regularization = 496.6252591146831, marginal_1_penalty = 0.1502096716498963, marginal_2_penalty = 1.2417285590962812)
[ "MIT" ]
using VisualStringDistances, UnbalancedOptimalTransport using AbstractPlotting using AbstractPlotting: px using UnbalancedOptimalTransport: KL, Balanced, cost_matrix using MakieLayout using GLMakie using GeometryBasics: Point2f0 using PlotUtils: RGBA, RGB function hide_decorations!(ax) ax.xticksvisible=false ax.yticksvisible=false ax.xticklabelsvisible=false ax.yticklabelsvisible=false ax.bottomspinevisible = false ax.leftspinevisible = false ax.topspinevisible = false ax.rightspinevisible = false ax.xgridvisible=false ax.ygridvisible=false end function imgrot(v) Point2f0(v[2], 1-v[1]) end # transparent to black for 0 to 1, then becomes redder from 1 to 2 const CMAP = cgrad([RGBA{Float64}(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), RGBA{Float64}(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), RGBA{Float64}(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)], [0,1,1.5]) density_to_color(d) = get(CMAP, d/2) function animate_words(string1, string2; normalize_density = false, D = KL(1.0), random_colors = false, display_plot=true, ϵ=0.1, kwargs... ) w1 = word_measure(string1) w2 = word_measure(string2) if normalize_density w1 = DiscreteMeasure(w1.density / sum(w1.density), w1.set) w2 = DiscreteMeasure(w2.density / sum(w2.density), w2.set) end if random_colors # doesn't matter how we chose `π` π = ones(length(w1.set), length(w2.set)) else π = optimal_coupling!(D, w1, w2, ϵ) end scene, layout = layoutscene() layout[1,1] = ax = LAxis(scene) if display_plot display(scene) end animate_coupling!(scene, ax, π, w1.set, w2.set; random_colors = random_colors, kwargs...) return end function animate_coupling!(scene, ax, π, coords1, coords2; duration = 2, total_frames = 50*duration, pause_frames = total_frames ÷ 4, move_frames = total_frames - 2*pause_frames, markersize = 20px, random_colors = false, save_path = nothing, α = 0.7, compression = 20 ) x_min = min(minimum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), minimum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) x_max = max(maximum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), maximum([x[1] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) y_min = min(minimum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), minimum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) y_max = max(maximum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords1)]), maximum([x[2] for x in imgrot.(coords2)])) x_min, x_max = minmax(x_min, x_max) y_min, y_max = minmax(y_min, y_max) hide_decorations!(ax) s1, s2 = size(π) if random_colors cvals = collect(Iterators.Flatten(Iterators.repeated([ RGBA(rand(RGB), α) for _ = 1:s1], s2))) else scale = sqrt(prod(size(π))) cvals = density_to_color.(scale * vec(π) ./ sum(π)) end t = 0 locations = Node([ imgrot( (1-t)*coords1[i] + t*coords2[j]) for j = 1:size(π,2) for i = 1:size(π,1)]) anim_plt = scatter!(ax, locations, color = cvals, markersize=markersize, transparency=true) x_pad = (x_max - x_min)*.05 y_pad = (y_max - y_min)*.05 limits!(ax, x_min - x_pad, x_max + x_pad, y_min - y_pad, y_max + y_pad) move_ts = range(0, 1; length=move_frames) do_frame = function(j) if (j <= pause_frames) || (j > total_frames - pause_frames) save_path === nothing && sleep(duration/total_frames) else t = move_ts[j - pause_frames] locations[] = [ imgrot((1-t)*coords1[i] + t*coords2[j]) for j = 1:size(π,2) for i = 1:size(π,1)] save_path === nothing && sleep(duration/total_frames) end end if save_path === nothing map(do_frame, 1:total_frames) else record(do_frame, scene, save_path, 1:total_frames, framerate = round(Int, total_frames / duration), compression=compression) end return end @eval AbstractPlotting begin function save(path::String, io::VideoStream; framerate::Int = 24, compression = 20) close(io.process) wait(io.process) p, typ = splitext(path) if typ == ".mkv" cp(io.path, path, force=true) elseif typ == ".mp4" ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -crf $compression -c:v libx264 -preset slow -r $framerate -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k -y $path`) elseif typ == ".webm" ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -crf $compression -c:v libvpx-vp9 -threads 16 -b:v 2000k -c:a libvorbis -threads 16 -r $framerate -vf scale=iw:ih -y $path`) elseif typ == ".gif" filters = "fps=$framerate,scale=iw:ih:flags=lanczos" palette_path = dirname(io.path) pname = joinpath(palette_path, "palette.bmp") isfile(pname) && rm(pname, force = true) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -vf "$filters,palettegen" -y $pname`) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -i $(io.path) -r $framerate -f image2 $(palette_path)/image_%06d.png`) ffmpeg_exe(`-loglevel quiet -framerate $framerate -i $(palette_path)/image_%06d.png -i $pname -lavfi "$filters [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse" -y $path`) rm(pname, force = true) else rm(io.path) error("Video type $typ not known") end rm(io.path) return path end end using LinearAlgebra lg(x) = x <= 0 ? zero(x) : log(x) entropy(a::AbstractArray) = sum(x -> -x * lg(x), a) function divergence(::KL{ρ}, a, b) where {ρ} ρ * (-entropy(a) - dot(a, lg.(b)) + sum(b - a)) end function calculate_contributions(D, a, b, ϵ) π = optimal_coupling!(D, a, b, ϵ) π_1 = sum(π, dims = 2) π_2 = vec(sum(π, dims = 1)) return (transport_cost=dot(cost_matrix(a, b), π), regularization=ϵ * divergence(KL(), vec(π), kron(b.density, a.density)), marginal_1_penalty=divergence(D, π_1, a.density), marginal_2_penalty=divergence(D, π_2, b.density)) end
[ "MIT" ]
module VisualStringDistances using LinearAlgebra using UnbalancedOptimalTransport: UnbalancedOptimalTransport, DiscreteMeasure, KL, sinkhorn_divergence! using DelimitedFiles using StaticArrays export printglyph, word_measure, visual_distance include("compat.jl") include("glyphs.jl") include("glyphcoordinates.jl") include("glue.jl") """ visual_distance(::Type{T}, s::Union{Char,AbstractString}, t::Union{Char,AbstractString}; D=KL(one(T)), ϵ=T(0.1), normalize=nothing) where {T} Computes a measure of distance between the strings `s` and `t` in terms of their visual representation as rendered by GNU Unifont and quantified by an unbalanced Sinkhorn divergence from UnbalancedOptimalTransport.jl. * The keyword argument `D` chooses the `UnbalancedOptimalTransport.AbstractDivergence` used to penalize the creation or destruction of "mass" (black pixels). For `D = VisualStringDistances.KL(ρ)` for some number `ρ ≥ 0`, the distance is non-negative and zero if and only if the two visual representations of the strings are the same, as is generally desired. * The keyword argument `ϵ` sets the "entropic regularization" in the Sinkhorn divergence; see the [documentation]( there for more information. In short, smaller `ϵ` computes a quantity more directly related to the cost of moving mass, but takes longer to compute. * The keyword argument `normalize` can be chosen to be a function which returns a normalizing constant given the maximum length of the two strings. The choice `normalize=identity` thus divides the result by the maximum length of the two strings. The choice `normalize=sqrt` has been found to give a good balance in some settings. One may use [`printglyph`](@ref) to see the visual representation of the strings as rendered by GNU Unifont. !!! note At the time of this writing, GNU Unifont is capable of rendering 57086 different unicode characters. However, it renders some unicode characters with the same graphical representation; specifically, 689 distinct unicode characters have duplicate representations. Here's a set of six duplicates, for example: * 'Ꮋ': Unicode U+13BB (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) * 'Н': Unicode U+041D (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) * 'ꓧ': Unicode U+A4E7 (category Lo: Letter, other) * 'Ⲏ': Unicode U+2C8E (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) * 'Η': Unicode U+0397 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) * 'H': ASCII/Unicode U+0048 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) The visual distance between these, therefore, is returned as zero (up to numerical error). ## Example ```julia julia> using VisualStringDistances julia> printglyph("abc") ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- --####---#-###----####-- -#----#--##---#--#----#- ------#--#----#--#------ --#####--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#---##--##---#--#----#- --###-#--#-###----####-- ------------------------ ------------------------ julia> printglyph("def") ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------#-------------##-- ------#------------#---- ------#------------#---- --###-#---####-----#---- -#---##--#----#--#####-- -#----#--#----#----#---- -#----#--######----#---- -#----#--#---------#---- -#----#--#---------#---- -#---##--#----#----#---- --###-#---####-----#---- ------------------------ ------------------------ julia> visual_distance("abc", "def") 31.57060117541754 julia> visual_distance("abc", "abe") 4.979840716647487 ``` """ function visual_distance(::Type{T}, s::Union{Char,AbstractString}, t::Union{Char,AbstractString}; D=KL(one(T)), ϵ=T(0.1), normalize=nothing) where {T} d = sinkhorn_divergence!(D, word_measure(T, s), word_measure(T, t), ϵ) if normalize !== nothing d = d / normalize(max(length(s), length(t))) end return d end # `Float64` default. function visual_distance(s::Union{Char,AbstractString}, t::Union{Char,AbstractString}; D=KL(1.0), ϵ=0.1, normalize=nothing) visual_distance(Float64, s, t; D=D, ϵ=ϵ, normalize=normalize) end end
[ "MIT" ]
@static if v"0.7" <= VERSION < v"1.1.0-DEV.792" eachrow(A::AbstractVecOrMat) = (view(A, i, :) for i in axes(A, 1)) end
[ "MIT" ]
struct ConstantVector{c,T} <: AbstractVector{T} len::Int end Base.size(v::ConstantVector) = (v.len,) Base.getindex(::ConstantVector{c,T}, i::Int) where {c,T} = T(c) Base.sum(v::ConstantVector{c}) where {c} = c * length(v){c}, v::AbstractVector) where {c} = conj(c) * sum(v), ::ConstantVector{c}) where {c} = c * conj(sum(v)) function UnbalancedOptimalTransport.fdot(f, ::ConstantVector{c}, v::AbstractVector) where {c} conj(c) * sum(f, v) end function UnbalancedOptimalTransport.fdot(f, v::AbstractVector, ::ConstantVector{c}) where {c} conj(sum(v)) * f(c) end function word_measure(::Type{T}, s::Union{Char,AbstractString}) where {T} gc = GlyphCoordinates{T}(s) n = length(gc) DiscreteMeasure(ConstantVector{one(T),T}(n), ConstantVector{zero(T),T}(n), gc) end word_measure(s::Union{Char,AbstractString}) = word_measure(Float64, s)
[ "MIT" ]
""" GlyphCoordinates{T} <: AbstractVector{T} A sparse representation of a [`Glyph`](@ref). """ struct GlyphCoordinates{T} <: AbstractVector{T} v::Vector{SVector{2,T}} sz::Tuple{Int,Int} end Base.size(g::GlyphCoordinates) = size(g.v) Base.getindex(g::GlyphCoordinates, i::Int) = getindex(g.v, i) Base.getindex(g::GlyphCoordinates, I...) = getindex(g.v, I...) Base.IndexStyle(g::GlyphCoordinates) = IndexLinear() GlyphCoordinates(args...) = GlyphCoordinates{Float64}(args...) function GlyphCoordinates{T}(g::Glyph) where {T} GlyphCoordinates([SVector{2,T}(Tuple(ci)) for ci in CartesianIndices(g) if !iszero(g[ci])], size(g)) end const COORDS_CACHE = Dict{Char,GlyphCoordinates{Float64}}() function GlyphCoordinates{Float64}(c::Char) get!(COORDS_CACHE, c) do GlyphCoordinates{Float64}(Glyph(c)) end end # fallback for generic types GlyphCoordinates{T}(c::Char) where {T} = GlyphCoordinates{T}(Glyph(c)) # Use the character cache `COORDS_CACHE` function GlyphCoordinates{T}(s::AbstractString) where {T} gcs = [GlyphCoordinates{T}(c) for c in s] L = sum(length, gcs) v = Vector{SVector{2,T}}(undef, L) shift = SVector{2,Int}(0, 0) j = 1 for gc in gcs l = length(gc.v) v[j:j+l-1] .= gc.v .+ Ref(shift) j += l shift += SVector{2,Int}(0,[2]) end GlyphCoordinates{T}(v, Tuple(shift + SVector(16, 0))) end function printglyph(io, g::GlyphCoordinates{T}; symbols=("#", " ")) where {T} for r =[1] for c =[2] if SVector{2,T}(r, c) ∈ g.v print(io, symbols[1]) else print(io, symbols[2]) end end println(io) end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" Glyph <: AbstractArray{Bool,2} Holds the bitmap associated to a Unifont glyph in a packed format. """ struct Glyph <: AbstractArray{Bool,2} data::Matrix{UInt8} end Base.size(A::Glyph) = (size(, 1), size(, 2) * 8) function Base.getindex(A::Glyph, i::Int, j::Int) block =[i, cld(j, 8)] k = (j - 1) % 8 Bool((block >> k) & 1) end Base.hcat(a::Glyph, b::Glyph) = Glyph(hcat(, # function revbits(z::UInt8) z = (((z & 0xaa) >> 1) | ((z & 0x55) << 1)) z = (((z & 0xcc) >> 2) | ((z & 0x33) << 2)) z = (((z & 0xf0) >> 4) | ((z & 0x0f) << 4)) return z end """ glyph!(v::Vector{UInt8}) -> Glyph Creates a [`Glyph`](@ref) for a vector of bytes, assuming the vector represents a single Unifont character. Modifies `v` and may share its memory. """ function glyph!(v::Vector{UInt8}) v .= revbits.(v) if length(v) == 16 Glyph(reshape(v, 16, 1)) elseif length(v) == 32 Glyph(transpose(reshape(v, 2, 16))) else throw(ArgumentError("Input vector must have length 16 or 32, corresponding to a single character.")) end end const UNIFONT_LOOKUP = let file = readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "unifont-12.1.04.hex"), ':', String) Dict{String,String}(r[1] => r[2] for r in eachrow(file)) end const GLYPH_CHAR_CACHE = Dict{Char,Glyph}() function key(c::Char) u = codepoint(c) return uppercase(string(u, base=16, pad=u ≤ 0xffff ? 4 : 6)) end function get_char(k::AbstractString) Char(parse(UInt16, "0x$k")) end function Glyph(c::Char) get!(GLYPH_CHAR_CACHE, c) do k = key(c) haskey(UNIFONT_LOOKUP, k) || error("UNIFONT doesn't know how to render `c`.") return glyph!(hex2bytes(UNIFONT_LOOKUP[k])) end end """ Glyph(s::AbstractString) --> Glyph Construct a `Glyph` from a string. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> Glyph("abc") ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- --####---#-###----####-- -#----#--##---#--#----#- ------#--#----#--#------ --#####--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#---##--##---#--#----#- --###-#--#-###----####-- ------------------------ ------------------------ ``` """ function Glyph(s::AbstractString) foldl(hcat, (Glyph(c) for c in s)) end """ printglyph([io=stdout], g::Union{Char, AbstractString, Glyph}) Prints a visual representation of `g` to `io`. """ function printglyph end function printglyph(io::IO, g::Glyph; symbols=("#", " ")) rep = s -> s ? symbols[1] : symbols[2] for r in eachrow(g) println(io, mapreduce(rep, *, r)) end end printglyph(g; kwargs...) = printglyph(stdout, g; kwargs...) printglyph(io::IO, s::Union{Char, AbstractString}; kwargs...) = printglyph(io, Glyph(s); kwargs...) printglyph(s::Union{Char, AbstractString}; kwargs...) = printglyph(stdout, s; kwargs...) #, ::MIME"text/plain", g::Glyph) = printglyph(io, g) #, g::Glyph) = printglyph(io, g)
[ "MIT" ]
using VisualStringDistances using Test using VisualStringDistances: glyph!, Glyph, GlyphCoordinates, ConstantVector using UnbalancedOptimalTransport: fdot, KL, sinkhorn_divergence! using LinearAlgebra: dot printglyph_dashes = (io, g) -> printglyph(io, g; symbols=("#", "-")) @testset "VisualStringDistances.jl" begin @testset "Glyphs" begin g = glyph!(hex2bytes("0000000018242442427E424242420000")) @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, g) == """ -------- -------- -------- -------- ---##--- --#--#-- --#--#-- -#----#- -#----#- -######- -#----#- -#----#- -#----#- -#----#- -------- -------- """ @test_throws ArgumentError glyph!(hex2bytes("0000000018242442427E424242420")) @test_throws ErrorException Glyph(Char(0x12480)) g = glyph!(hex2bytes("00000000000003C0042004200840095008E01040100010002000200000000000")) @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, g) == """ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------####------ -----#----#----- -----#----#----- ----#----#------ ----#--#-#-#---- ----#---###----- ---#-----#------ ---#------------ ---#------------ --#------------- --#------------- ---------------- ---------------- """ end @testset "Printing abc many ways" begin abc_printed_rep = """ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- ---------#-------------- --####---#-###----####-- -#----#--##---#--#----#- ------#--#----#--#------ --#####--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#----#--#----#--#------ -#---##--##---#--#----#- --###-#--#-###----####-- ------------------------ ------------------------ """ @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, Glyph("abc")) == abc_printed_rep @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, "abc") == abc_printed_rep @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, hcat(Glyph("a"), Glyph("bc"))) == abc_printed_rep @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, GlyphCoordinates("abc")) == abc_printed_rep abc_substring = Glyph(SubString("abcd", 1:3)) @test sprint(printglyph_dashes, abc_substring) == abc_printed_rep end @testset "More GlyphCoordinates" begin @test GlyphCoordinates('a') == GlyphCoordinates("a") == GlyphCoordinates{Float64}("a") @test length(GlyphCoordinates('a')) ≈ sum(!iszero, Glyph("a")) # test indexing @test GlyphCoordinates('a')[1] == collect(Tuple(findfirst(!iszero, Glyph("a")))) gc = GlyphCoordinates('a') @test gc[1:length(gc)] == gc[:] == gc.v gcF32 = GlyphCoordinates{Float32}('a') @test gcF32[:] ≈ gc[:] end @testset "ConstantVector" begin for constant in (5.0, 2.2 + im * 3.2, 1f0) T = typeof(constant) c = ConstantVector{constant,T}(10) @test collect(c) isa Vector{T} @test length(c) == 10 @test c == fill(constant, 10) == collect(c) @test sum(c) ≈ sum(collect(c)) f(x) = sin(x) + 10.0 d = randn(10) @test fdot(f, c, d) ≈ fdot(f, collect(c), d) @test fdot(f, d, c) ≈ fdot(f, d, collect(c)) @test dot(c, d) ≈ dot(collect(c), d) @test dot(d, c) ≈ dot(d, collect(c)) end end @testset "`visual_distance`" begin for T in (Float32, Float64), ϵ in (T(0.1), T(0.2)), ρ in (T(1.0), T(5.0)) v1 = visual_distance(T, "abc", "def"; D=KL(ρ), ϵ=ϵ) v2 = visual_distance(T, "def", "ghi"; D=KL(ρ), ϵ=ϵ) v3 = visual_distance(T, "abc", "ghi"; D=KL(ρ), ϵ=ϵ) @test v1 >= 0 @test v1 ≈ visual_distance(T, "def", "abc"; D=KL(ρ), ϵ=ϵ) rtol = 1e-3 # Note: triangle inequality doesn't necessary hold in general # (it's not proven, as far as I know) # However, it does in this case! @test v3 <= v1 + v2 v4 = visual_distance(T, "abc", "abd"; D=KL(ρ), ϵ=ϵ) @test v4 <= v1 end # Defaults v1 = visual_distance("abc", "def") v2 = visual_distance("def", "ghi") v3 = visual_distance("abc", "ghi") @test v1 >= 0 @test v1 ≈ visual_distance("def", "abc") rtol = 1e-3 @test v3 <= v1 + v2 v4 = visual_distance("abc", "abd") @test v4 <= v1 abc_measure = word_measure("abc") def_measure = word_measure("def") @test v1 ≈ sinkhorn_divergence!(KL(1.0), abc_measure, def_measure, 0.1) # Make sure we can use non-String types abc_substring = SubString("abcd", 1:3) def_substring = SubString("defh", 1:3) @test v1 ≈ visual_distance(abc_substring, def_substring) # Test normalization @test visual_distance("abc", "def", normalize=sqrt) ≈ v1 / sqrt(3) @test visual_distance("abc", "def", normalize=identity) ≈ v1 / 3 end end
[ "MIT" ]
# VisualStringDistances [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![Stable](]( [![Dev](]( Provides a notion of "visual distance" between two strings, via the exported function `visual_distance`. This package was the subject of the 2020 JuliaCon talk [How similar do two strings look? Visual distances in Julia](, so check that out if you like video explanations and animated gifs. For a text explanation, keep reading. There are lots of ways to calculate distances between strings; [StringDistances.jl]( includes many of them, including edit distances which count how many "edits" of various kinds are needed to turn one string into another. This package provides a distance measure via a very different mechanism. It tries to quantify how visually different two strings *look*. It does this by rendering both strings with a font (GNU Unifont, in this case) to get a pixel bitmap, i.e. a matrix of 0s and 1s indicating which pixels should be colored white or black in order to display a representation of the string. Then these bitmaps are compared by a technique called *optimal transport*. In this technique, we see the 1s as units of mass setting at various locations (corresponding to their indices in the matrix). We ask: how much mass do we need to move, and how far, to turn the first bitmap into the second? We can formulate this as an optimization problem and solve it to give a notion of distance. One subtlety we need to address is that if two strings have different amounts of black pixels in their bitmap, we cannot simply move mass around to turn one bitmap into the other. We in fact need to create or destroy mass. We do this by adding a penalty term in our optimization problem corresponding to creation or destruction of mass. The actual optimization is performed by [UnbalancedOptimalTransport.jl](, and the [docs]( for that package go into a lot more detail about optimal transport. In particular, we are actually computing the Sinkhorn divergence corresponding to an entropically-regularized unbalanced optimal transport problem, following the algorithm of [SFVTP19]. [SFVTP19] Séjourné, T., Feydy, J., Vialard, F.-X., Trouvé, A., Peyré, G., 2019. Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport. [arXiv:1910.12958]( *Note*: While this package's source code is MIT licensed, it relies on GNU Unifont, which is GPL-licensed. ## Quick demo ```julia julia> using VisualStringDistances julia> printglyph("aaa") #### #### #### # # # # # # # # # ##### ##### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ## # ## ### # ### # ### # julia> printglyph("ZZZ") ###### ###### ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### ###### ###### julia> visual_distance("aaa", "ZZZ") 51.169602195312166 julia> printglyph("III") ##### ##### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ##### ##### julia> printglyph("lll") ## ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ##### ##### julia> visual_distance("III", "lll") 9.7349485622592 ```
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = VisualStringDistances ``` # VisualStringDistances ```@index ``` ```@autodocs Modules = [VisualStringDistances] ```
[ "MIT" ]
# Package names One of the motivations for this package was to investigate using visual distances to look out for issues similar to [typosquatting]( in the Julia General package registry. The problem of interest is the following: say a user is following a Julia tutorial online, but a malicious person has substituted a popular package name for a similiar-looking one in the tutorial. When the unsuspecting user copy-pastes the commands to install the package, they don't realize they are installing the malicious one. To prevent this kind of abuse, it could be useful to add an automated check to the registry process to check that new package registrations' names aren't very close visually to existing packages, and to perhaps issue a warning when they are. [`visual_distance`](@ref) provides a means of evaluating how close two strings look. Let's investigate it in the context of package names. Let us consider some visually-confusable names, and compute their visual distances, as well as a simple edit distance (the Damerau-Levenshtein distance). ```@repl pkgnames using VisualStringDistances, DataFrames, StringDistances const DL = DamerauLevenshtein(); # Define our distance measure d(s1, s2) = visual_distance(s1, s2; normalize=x -> 5 + sqrt(x)) d((s1,s2)) = d(s1, s2) df_subs = DataFrame([ ("jellyfish", "jeIlyfish"), # ("DifferentialEquations", "DifferentIalEquations"), ("ANOVA", "AN0VA"), ("ODEInterfaceDiffEq", "0DEInterfaceDiffEq"), ("ValueOrientedRiskManagementInsurance", "ValueOrientedRiskManagementlnsurance"), ("IsoPkg", "lsoPkg"), ("DiffEqNoiseProcess", "DiffEgNoiseProcess"), ("Graph500", "Graph5O0") ]); rename!(df_subs, [:name1, :name2]); df_subs.DL = DL.(df_subs.name1, df_subs.name2); df_subs.sqrt_normalized_DL = df_subs.DL ./ ( 5 .+ sqrt.(max.(length.(df_subs.name1), length.(df_subs.name2))) ); df_subs.sqrt_normalized_visual_dist = d.(df_subs.name1, df_subs.name2); sort!(df_subs, :sqrt_normalized_visual_dist); ``` ```@example pkgnames df_subs ``` We can see all the pairs have DL distance of 1, since they are 1 edit apart. Their normalized DL-distances thus just depend on their length. However, they have various visual distances, depending on what subsitution was made. Note that GNU Unifont renders zeros with a slash through the middle, and hence VisualStringDistances.jl sees "O" and "0" as fairly different. Let us compare to some real package names from the registry. We will in fact consider all package names, but then filter them down to a manageable list via the edit distance. ```@repl pkgnames using Pkg function get_all_package_names(registry_dir::AbstractString) packages = [x["name"] for x in values(Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(registry_dir, "Registry.toml"))["packages"])] sort!(packages) unique!(packages) return packages end names = get_all_package_names(expanduser("~/.julia/registries/General")); filter!(x -> !endswith(x, "_jll"), names); @info "Loaded list of non-JLL package names ($(length(names)) names)" normalized_dl_cutoff = .2; dl_cutoff = 1; @info "Computing list of pairs of package names within $(dl_cutoff) in DL distance or $(normalized_dl_cutoff) in normalized DL distance..." @time df = DataFrame(collect( (name1=names[i],name2=names[j]) for i = 1:length(names) for j = 1:(i-1) if (normalize(DL)(names[i], names[j]) <= normalized_dl_cutoff) || DL(names[i], names[j]) <= dl_cutoff)); @info "Found $(size(df,1)) pairs of packages meeting the criteria."; df.DL = DL.(df.name1, df.name2); df.sqrt_normalized_DL = df.DL ./ ( 5 .+ sqrt.(max.(length.(df.name1), length.(df.name2))) ); @time df.sqrt_normalized_visual_dist = d.(df.name1, df.name2); ``` Let's look at the 5 closest pairs according to the normalized visual distance. ```@example pkgnames sort!(df, :sqrt_normalized_visual_dist); df[1:5, :] ``` Here, we see that by this measurement, the closest pair of packages is "Modia" and "Media". Indeed they look fairly similar, although they are not as easy to mistake for each other as many of the earlier examples. Let's compare to the 5 closest pairs according to the normalized edit distance. ```@example pkgnames sort!(df, :sqrt_normalized_DL); df[1:5, :] ``` These are just the longest package names that are 1 edit away from each other.
[ "MIT" ]
# Visualizations The script [`scripts/anim/plotting.jl`](../../scripts/anim/plotting.jl) can be used to generate pictures showing the transport from one string to another. First, we can use a balanced optimal transport to visualize the difference between "hello" (spelled the usual way), and "heIIo" (with uppercase eye's instead of lowercase ell's). ```julia using VisualStringDistances using UnbalancedOptimalTransport: KL, Balanced include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "plotting.jl")) animate_words("hello", "heIIo"; D = Balanced(), normalize_density=true, save_path="hello_heIIo_balanced.gif") ``` ![](../assets/hello_heIIo_balanced.gif) We see that mass has to move from all the letters in order to create part of the I's. In contrast, let us try an unbalanced method that instead allows creation or destruction of mass with a penalty. ```julia animate_words("hello", "heIIo"; D = KL(1.0), save_path="hello_heIIo.gif") ``` ![](../assets/hello_heIIo.gif)
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: module Grisu export print_shortest export DIGITS, DIGITSs, grisu const SHORTEST = 1 const FIXED = 2 const PRECISION = 3 include("float.jl") include("fastshortest.jl") include("fastprecision.jl") include("fastfixed.jl") include("bignums.jl") include("bignum.jl") const DIGITS = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 309+17) const BIGNUMS = [Bignums.Bignum(),Bignums.Bignum(),Bignums.Bignum(),Bignums.Bignum()] # NOTE: DIGITS[s] is deprecated; you should use getbuf() instead. const DIGITSs = [DIGITS] const BIGNUMSs = [BIGNUMS] function __init__() Threads.resize_nthreads!(DIGITSs) Threads.resize_nthreads!(BIGNUMSs) end function getbuf() tls = task_local_storage() d = get(tls, :DIGITS, nothing) if d === nothing d = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 309+17) tls[:DIGITS] = d end return d::Vector{UInt8} end """ (len, point, neg) = Grisu.grisu(v::AbstractFloat, mode, requested_digits, [buffer], [bignums]) Convert the number `v` to decimal using the Grisu algorithm. `mode` can be one of: - `Grisu.SHORTEST`: convert to the shortest decimal representation which can be "round-tripped" back to `v`. - `Grisu.FIXED`: round to `requested_digits` digits. - `Grisu.PRECISION`: round to `requested_digits` significant digits. The characters are written as bytes to `buffer`, with a terminating NUL byte, and `bignums` are used internally as part of the correction step. You can call `Grisu.getbuf()` to obtain a suitable task-local buffer. The returned tuple contains: - `len`: the number of digits written to `buffer` (excluding NUL) - `point`: the location of the radix point relative to the start of the array (e.g. if `point == 3`, then the radix point should be inserted between the 3rd and 4th digit). Note that this can be negative (for very small values), or greater than `len` (for very large values). - `neg`: the signbit of `v` (see [`signbit`](@ref)). """ function grisu(v::AbstractFloat,mode,requested_digits,buffer=DIGITSs[Threads.threadid()],bignums=BIGNUMSs[Threads.threadid()]) if signbit(v) neg = true v = -v else neg = false end if mode == PRECISION && requested_digits == 0 buffer[1] = 0x00 len = 0 return 0, 0, neg end if v == 0.0 buffer[1] = 0x30 buffer[2] = 0x00 len = point = 1 return len, point, neg end if mode == SHORTEST status,len,point = fastshortest(v,buffer) elseif mode == FIXED status,len,point = fastfixedtoa(v,0,requested_digits,buffer) elseif mode == PRECISION status,len,point = fastprecision(v,requested_digits,buffer) end status && return len-1, point, neg status, len, point = bignumdtoa(v,mode,requested_digits,buffer,bignums) return len-1, point, neg end nanstr(x::AbstractFloat) = "NaN" nanstr(x::Float32) = "NaN32" nanstr(x::Float16) = "NaN16" infstr(x::AbstractFloat) = "Inf" infstr(x::Float32) = "Inf32" infstr(x::Float16) = "Inf16" function _show(io::IO, x::AbstractFloat, mode, n::Int, typed, compact) isnan(x) && return print(io, typed ? nanstr(x) : "NaN") if isinf(x) signbit(x) && print(io,'-') print(io, typed ? infstr(x) : "Inf") return end typed && isa(x,Float16) && print(io, "Float16(") buffer = getbuf() len, pt, neg = grisu(x,mode,n,buffer) pdigits = pointer(buffer) if mode == PRECISION while len > 1 && buffer[len] == 0x30 len -= 1 end end neg && print(io,'-') exp_form = pt <= -4 || pt > 6 exp_form = exp_form || (pt >= len && abs(mod(x + 0.05, 10^(pt - len)) - 0.05) > 0.05) # see issue #6608 if exp_form # .00001 to 100000. # => #.#######e### # assumes ASCII/UTF8 encoding of digits is okay for out: unsafe_write(io, pdigits, 1) print(io, '.') if len > 1 unsafe_write(io, pdigits+1, len-1) else print(io, '0') end print(io, (typed && isa(x,Float32)) ? 'f' : 'e') print(io, string(pt - 1)) typed && isa(x,Float16) && print(io, ")") return elseif pt <= 0 # => 0.00######## print(io, "0.") while pt < 0 print(io, '0') pt += 1 end unsafe_write(io, pdigits, len) elseif pt >= len # => ########00.0 unsafe_write(io, pdigits, len) while pt > len print(io, '0') len += 1 end print(io, ".0") else # => ####.#### unsafe_write(io, pdigits, pt) print(io, '.') unsafe_write(io, pdigits+pt, len-pt) end typed && !compact && isa(x,Float32) && print(io, "f0") typed && isa(x,Float16) && print(io, ")") nothing end # normal: # 0 < pt < len ####.#### len+1 # pt <= 0 0.000######## len-pt+1 # len <= pt (dot) ########000. pt+1 # len <= pt (no dot) ########000 pt # exponential: # pt <= 0 ########e-### len+k+2 # 0 < pt ########e### len+k+1 function _print_shortest(io::IO, x::AbstractFloat, dot::Bool, mode, n::Int) isnan(x) && return print(io, "NaN") x < 0 && print(io,'-') isinf(x) && return print(io, "Inf") buffer = getbuf() len, pt, neg = grisu(x,mode,n,buffer) pdigits = pointer(buffer) e = pt-len k = -9<=e<=9 ? 1 : 2 if -pt > k+1 || e+dot > k+1 # => ########e### unsafe_write(io, pdigits+0, len) print(io, 'e') print(io, string(e)) return elseif pt <= 0 # => 0.000######## print(io, "0.") while pt < 0 print(io, '0') pt += 1 end unsafe_write(io, pdigits+0, len) elseif e >= dot # => ########000. unsafe_write(io, pdigits+0, len) while e > 0 print(io, '0') e -= 1 end if dot print(io, '.') end else # => ####.#### unsafe_write(io, pdigits+0, pt) print(io, '.') unsafe_write(io, pdigits+pt, len-pt) end nothing end """ print_shortest(io::IO, x) Print the shortest possible representation, with the minimum number of consecutive non-zero digits, of number `x`, ensuring that it would parse to the exact same number. """ print_shortest(io::IO, x::AbstractFloat, dot::Bool) = _print_shortest(io, x, dot, SHORTEST, 0) print_shortest(io::IO, x::Union{AbstractFloat,Integer}) = print_shortest(io, float(x), false) end # module
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. function normalizedexponent(significand, exponent::Int32) significand = UInt64(significand) while (significand & HiddenBit(Float64)) == 0 significand <<= UInt64(1) exponent -= Int32(1) end return exponent end function bignumdtoa(v,mode,requested_digits::Int,buffer,bignums) significand = _significand(v) exponent = _exponent(v) lower_boundary_is_closer = lowerboundaryiscloser(v) need_boundary_deltas = mode == SHORTEST is_even = (significand & 1) == 0 normalized_exponent = normalizedexponent(significand, exponent) estimated_power = estimatepower(Int(normalized_exponent)) if mode == FIXED && -estimated_power - 1 > requested_digits buffer[1] = 0 len = 1 decimal_point = -requested_digits return true, len, decimal_point end num, den, minus, plus = bignums[1], bignums[2], bignums[3], bignums[4] initialscaledstartvalues!(significand,exponent,lower_boundary_is_closer, estimated_power,need_boundary_deltas, num,den,minus,plus) decimal_point = fixupmultiply10!(estimated_power,is_even,num,den,minus,plus) if mode == SHORTEST len = generateshortestdigits!(num,den,minus,plus,is_even,buffer) elseif mode == FIXED len, decimal_point = bignumtofixed!(requested_digits,num,den,buffer,decimal_point) elseif mode == PRECISION len, decimal_point = generatecounteddigits!(requested_digits,num,den,buffer,decimal_point) end buffer[len] = 0 return true, len, decimal_point end function generateshortestdigits!(num,den,minus,plus,is_even,buffer) minus == plus && (plus = minus) len = 1 while true digit = Bignums.dividemodulointbignum!(num,den) buffer[len] = 0x30 + (digit % UInt8) len += 1 in_delta_room_minus = is_even ? Bignums.lessequal(num,minus) : Bignums.less(num,minus) in_delta_room_plus = is_even ? Bignums.pluscompare(num,plus,den) >= 0 : Bignums.pluscompare(num,plus,den) > 0 if !in_delta_room_minus && !in_delta_room_plus Bignums.times10!(num) Bignums.times10!(minus) minus != plus && Bignums.times10!(plus) elseif in_delta_room_minus && in_delta_room_plus compare = Bignums.pluscompare(num,num,den) if compare < 0 elseif compare > 0 buffer[len - 1] += 1 else if (buffer[len - 1] - 0x30) % 2 == 0 else buffer[len - 1] += 1 end end return len elseif in_delta_room_minus return len else buffer[len - 1] += 1 return len end end end function generatecounteddigits!(count,num,den,buffer,decimal_point) for i = 1:(count-1) digit = Bignums.dividemodulointbignum!(num,den) buffer[i] = 0x30 + (digit % UInt8) Bignums.times10!(num) end digit = Bignums.dividemodulointbignum!(num,den) if Bignums.pluscompare(num,num,den) >= 0 digit += 1 end buffer[count] = 0x30 + (digit % UInt8) for i = count:-1:2 buffer[i] != 0x30 + 10 && break buffer[i] = 0x30 buffer[i - 1] += 1 end if buffer[1] == 0x30 + 10 buffer[1] = 0x31 decimal_point += 1 end len = count+1 return len, decimal_point end function bignumtofixed!(requested_digits,num,den,buffer,decimal_point) if -decimal_point > requested_digits decimal_point = -requested_digits len = 1 return len, decimal_point elseif -decimal_point == requested_digits Bignums.times10!(den) if Bignums.pluscompare(num,num,den) >= 0 buffer[1] = 0x31 len = 2 decimal_point += 1 else len = 1 end return len, decimal_point else needed_digits = decimal_point + requested_digits len, decimal_point = generatecounteddigits!( needed_digits,num,den,buffer,decimal_point) end return len, decimal_point end const k1Log10 = 0.30102999566398114 const kSignificandSize = SignificandSize(Float64) estimatepower(exponent::Int) = ceil(Int,(exponent + kSignificandSize - 1) * k1Log10 - 1e-10) function init3!( significand,exponent,estimated_power,need_boundary_deltas, num,den,minus,plus) Bignums.assignuint64!(num,UInt64(significand)) Bignums.shiftleft!(num,exponent) Bignums.assignpoweruint16!(den,UInt16(10),estimated_power) if need_boundary_deltas Bignums.shiftleft!(den,1) Bignums.shiftleft!(num,1) Bignums.assignuint16!(plus,UInt16(1)) Bignums.shiftleft!(plus,exponent) Bignums.assignuint16!(minus,UInt16(1)) Bignums.shiftleft!(minus,exponent) else!(plus)!(minus) end return end function init1!( significand,exponent,estimated_power,need_boundary_deltas, num,den,minus,plus) Bignums.assignuint64!(num,UInt64(significand)) Bignums.assignpoweruint16!(den,UInt16(10),estimated_power) Bignums.shiftleft!(den,-exponent) if need_boundary_deltas Bignums.shiftleft!(den,1) Bignums.shiftleft!(num,1) Bignums.assignuint16!(plus,UInt16(1)) Bignums.assignuint16!(minus,UInt16(1)) else!(plus)!(minus) end return end function init2!( significand,exponent,estimated_power,need_boundary_deltas, num,den,minus,plus) power_ten = num Bignums.assignpoweruint16!(power_ten,UInt16(10),-estimated_power) if need_boundary_deltas Bignums.assignbignum!(plus,power_ten) Bignums.assignbignum!(minus,power_ten) else!(plus)!(minus) end Bignums.multiplybyuint64!(num,UInt64(significand)) Bignums.assignuint16!(den,UInt16(1)) Bignums.shiftleft!(den,-exponent) if need_boundary_deltas Bignums.shiftleft!(num,1) Bignums.shiftleft!(den,1) end return end function initialscaledstartvalues!(significand, exponent,lower_boundary_is_closer,estimated_power, need_boundary_deltas,num,den,minus,plus) if exponent >= 0 init3!(significand, exponent, estimated_power, need_boundary_deltas,num,den,minus,plus) elseif estimated_power >= 0 init1!(significand, exponent, estimated_power, need_boundary_deltas,num,den,minus,plus) else init2!(significand, exponent, estimated_power, need_boundary_deltas,num,den,minus,plus) end if need_boundary_deltas && lower_boundary_is_closer Bignums.shiftleft!(den,1) Bignums.shiftleft!(num,1) Bignums.shiftleft!(plus,1) end return end function fixupmultiply10!(estimated_power,is_even,num,den,minus,plus) in_range = is_even ? Bignums.pluscompare(num,plus,den) >= 0 : Bignums.pluscompare(num,plus,den) > 0 if in_range decimal_point = estimated_power + 1 else decimal_point = estimated_power Bignums.times10!(num) if minus == plus Bignums.times10!(minus) Bignums.assignbignum!(plus,minus) else Bignums.times10!(minus) Bignums.times10!(plus) end end return decimal_point end
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# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module Bignums import Base: ==, < export Bignum const kMaxSignificantBits = 3584 const Chunk = UInt32 const DoubleChunk = UInt64 const kChunkSize = sizeof(Chunk) * 8 const kDoubleChunkSize = sizeof(DoubleChunk) * 8 # With bigit size of 28 we loose some bits, but a double still fits easily # into two chunks, and more importantly we can use the Comba multiplication. const kBigitSize = 28 const kBigitMask = Chunk((1 << kBigitSize) - 1) # Every instance allocates kBigitLength chunks on the stack. Bignums cannot # grow. There are no checks if the stack-allocated space is sufficient. const kBigitCapacity = div(kMaxSignificantBits, kBigitSize) mutable struct Bignum bigits::Vector{UInt32} used_digits::Int32 exponent::Int32 function Bignum() bigits = Vector{UInt32}(undef, kBigitCapacity) @inbounds for i = 1:kBigitCapacity bigits[i] = 0 end new(bigits,0,0) end end ==(a::Bignum,b::Bignum) = compare(a,b) == 0 <(a::Bignum,b::Bignum) = compare(a,b) < 0 times10!(x::Bignum) = multiplybyuint32!(x,UInt32(10)) plusequal(a,b,c) = pluscompare(a,b,c) == 0 pluslessequal(a,b,c) = pluscompare(a,b,c) <= 0 plusless(a,b,c) = pluscompare(a,b,c) < 0 lessequal(a::Bignum,b::Bignum) = compare(a,b) <= 0 less(a::Bignum,b::Bignum) = compare(a,b) < 0 bigitlength(x::Bignum) = x.used_digits + x.exponent bitsize(value) = 8 * sizeof(value) function zero!(x::Bignum) for i = 1:x.used_digits @inbounds x.bigits[i] = 0 end x.used_digits = 0 x.exponent = 0 return end function clamp!(x::Bignum) @inbounds while (x.used_digits > 0 && x.bigits[x.used_digits] == 0) x.used_digits -= 1 end x.used_digits == 0 && (x.exponent = 0) return end isclamped(x::Bignum) = x.used_digits == 0 || x.bigits[x.used_digits] != 0 function align!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum) @inbounds if x.exponent > other.exponent zero_digits = x.exponent - other.exponent for i = x.used_digits:-1:1 x.bigits[i + zero_digits] = x.bigits[i] end for i = 1:zero_digits x.bigits[i] = 0 end x.used_digits += zero_digits x.exponent -= zero_digits end return end function bigitshiftleft!(x::Bignum,shift_amount) carry::UInt32 = 0 @inbounds begin for i = 1:x.used_digits new_carry::Chunk = x.bigits[i] >> (kBigitSize - shift_amount) x.bigits[i] = ((x.bigits[i] << shift_amount) + carry) & kBigitMask carry = new_carry end if carry != 0 x.bigits[x.used_digits+1] = carry x.used_digits += 1 end end return end function subtracttimes!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum,factor) if factor < 3 for i = 1:factor subtractbignum!(x,other) end return end borrow::Chunk = 0 exponent_diff = other.exponent - x.exponent @inbounds begin for i = 1:other.used_digits product::DoubleChunk = DoubleChunk(factor) * other.bigits[i] remove::DoubleChunk = borrow + product difference::Chunk = (x.bigits[i+exponent_diff] - (remove & kBigitMask)) % Chunk x.bigits[i+exponent_diff] = difference & kBigitMask borrow = ((difference >> (kChunkSize - 1)) + (remove >> kBigitSize)) % Chunk end for i = (other.used_digits + exponent_diff + 1):x.used_digits borrow == 0 && return difference::Chunk = x.bigits[i] - borrow x.bigits[i] = difference & kBigitMask borrow = difference >> (kChunkSize - 1) end end clamp!(x) end function assignuint16!(x::Bignum,value::UInt16) zero!(x) value == 0 && return x.bigits[1] = value x.used_digits = 1 return end const kUInt64Size = 64 function assignuint64!(x::Bignum,value::UInt64) zero!(x) value == 0 && return needed_bigits = div(kUInt64Size,kBigitSize) + 1 @inbounds for i = 1:needed_bigits x.bigits[i] = value & kBigitMask value >>= kBigitSize end x.used_digits = needed_bigits clamp!(x) end function assignbignum!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum) x.exponent = other.exponent @inbounds begin for i = 1:other.used_digits x.bigits[i] = other.bigits[i] end for i = (other.used_digits+1):x.used_digits x.bigits[i] = 0 end end x.used_digits = other.used_digits return end function adduint64!(x::Bignum,operand::UInt64) operand == 0 && return other = Bignum() assignuint64!(other,operand) addbignum!(x,other) end function addbignum!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum) align!(x,other) carry::Chunk = 0 bigit_pos = other.exponent - x.exponent @inbounds for i = 1:other.used_digits sum::Chunk = x.bigits[bigit_pos+1] + other.bigits[i] + carry x.bigits[bigit_pos+1] = sum & kBigitMask carry = sum >> kBigitSize bigit_pos += 1 end @inbounds while carry != 0 sum = x.bigits[bigit_pos+1] + carry x.bigits[bigit_pos+1] = sum & kBigitMask carry = sum >> kBigitSize bigit_pos += 1 end x.used_digits = max(bigit_pos,x.used_digits) return end function subtractbignum!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum) align!(x,other) offset = other.exponent - x.exponent borrow = Chunk(0) @inbounds begin for i = 1:other.used_digits difference = x.bigits[i+offset] - other.bigits[i] - borrow x.bigits[i+offset] = difference & kBigitMask borrow = difference >> (kChunkSize - 1) end i = other.used_digits+1 while borrow != 0 difference = x.bigits[i+offset] - borrow x.bigits[i+offset] = difference & kBigitMask borrow = difference >> (kChunkSize - 1) i += 1 end end clamp!(x) end function shiftleft!(x::Bignum,shift_amount) x.used_digits == 0 && return x.exponent += div(shift_amount,kBigitSize) local_shift = shift_amount % kBigitSize bigitshiftleft!(x,local_shift) end function multiplybyuint32!(x::Bignum,factor::UInt32) factor == 1 && return if factor == 0 zero!(x) return end x.used_digits == 0 && return carry::DoubleChunk = 0 @inbounds begin for i = 1:x.used_digits product::DoubleChunk = (factor % DoubleChunk) * x.bigits[i] + carry x.bigits[i] = (product & kBigitMask) % Chunk carry = product >> kBigitSize end while carry != 0 x.bigits[x.used_digits+1] = carry & kBigitMask x.used_digits += 1 carry >>= kBigitSize end end return end function multiplybyuint64!(x::Bignum,factor::UInt64) factor == 1 && return if factor == 0 zero!(x) return end carry::UInt64 = 0 low::UInt64 = factor & 0xFFFFFFFF high::UInt64 = factor >> 32 @inbounds begin for i = 1:x.used_digits product_low::UInt64 = low * x.bigits[i] product_high::UInt64 = high * x.bigits[i] tmp::UInt64 = (carry & kBigitMask) + product_low x.bigits[i] = tmp & kBigitMask carry = (carry >> kBigitSize) + (tmp >> kBigitSize) + (product_high << (32 - kBigitSize)) end while carry != 0 x.bigits[x.used_digits+1] = carry & kBigitMask x.used_digits += 1 carry >>= kBigitSize end end return end const kFive27 = UInt64(0x6765c793fa10079d) const kFive1 = UInt16(5) const kFive2 = UInt16(kFive1 * 5) const kFive3 = UInt16(kFive2 * 5) const kFive4 = UInt16(kFive3 * 5) const kFive5 = UInt16(kFive4 * 5) const kFive6 = UInt16(kFive5 * 5) const kFive7 = UInt32(kFive6 * 5) const kFive8 = UInt32(kFive7 * 5) const kFive9 = UInt32(kFive8 * 5) const kFive10 = UInt32(kFive9 * 5) const kFive11 = UInt32(kFive10 * 5) const kFive12 = UInt32(kFive11 * 5) const kFive13 = UInt32(kFive12 * 5) const kFive1_to_12 = UInt32[kFive1, kFive2, kFive3, kFive4, kFive5, kFive6, kFive7, kFive8, kFive9, kFive10, kFive11, kFive12] function multiplybypoweroften!(x::Bignum,exponent) exponent == 0 && return x.used_digits == 0 && return remaining_exponent = exponent while remaining_exponent >= 27 multiplybyuint64!(x,kFive27) remaining_exponent -= 27 end while remaining_exponent >= 13 multiplybyuint32!(x,kFive13) remaining_exponent -= 13 end remaining_exponent > 0 && multiplybyuint32!(x, kFive1_to_12[remaining_exponent]) shiftleft!(x,exponent) end function square!(x::Bignum) product_length = 2 * x.used_digits (1 << (2 * (kChunkSize - kBigitSize))) <= x.used_digits && error("unimplemented") accumulator::DoubleChunk = 0 copy_offset = x.used_digits @inbounds begin for i = 1:x.used_digits x.bigits[copy_offset + i] = x.bigits[i] end for i = 1:x.used_digits bigit_index1 = i-1 bigit_index2 = 0 while bigit_index1 >= 0 chunk1::Chunk = x.bigits[copy_offset + bigit_index1 + 1] chunk2::Chunk = x.bigits[copy_offset + bigit_index2 + 1] accumulator += (chunk1 % DoubleChunk) * chunk2 bigit_index1 -= 1 bigit_index2 += 1 end x.bigits[i] = (accumulator % Chunk) & kBigitMask accumulator >>= kBigitSize end for i = x.used_digits+1:product_length bigit_index1 = x.used_digits - 1 bigit_index2 = i - bigit_index1 - 1 while bigit_index2 < x.used_digits chunk1::Chunk = x.bigits[copy_offset + bigit_index1 + 1] chunk2::Chunk = x.bigits[copy_offset + bigit_index2 + 1] accumulator += (chunk1 % DoubleChunk) * chunk2 bigit_index1 -= 1 bigit_index2 += 1 end x.bigits[i] = (accumulator % Chunk) & kBigitMask accumulator >>= kBigitSize end end x.used_digits = product_length x.exponent *= 2 clamp!(x) end function assignpoweruint16!(x::Bignum,base::UInt16,power_exponent::Int) if power_exponent == 0 assignuint16!(x,UInt16(1)) return end zero!(x) shifts::Int = 0 while base & UInt16(1) == UInt16(0) base >>= UInt16(1) shifts += 1 end bit_size::Int = 0 tmp_base::Int= base while tmp_base != 0 tmp_base >>= 1 bit_size += 1 end final_size = bit_size * power_exponent mask::Int = 1 while power_exponent >= mask mask <<= 1 end mask >>= 2 this_value::UInt64 = base delayed_multiplication = false max_32bits::UInt64 = 0xFFFFFFFF while mask != 0 && this_value <= max_32bits this_value *= this_value if (power_exponent & mask) != 0 base_bits_mask::UInt64 = ~(UInt64(1) << (64 - bit_size) - 1) high_bits_zero = (this_value & base_bits_mask) == 0 if high_bits_zero this_value *= base else delayed_multiplication = true end end mask >>= 1 end assignuint64!(x,this_value) delayed_multiplication && multiplybyuint32!(x,UInt32(base)) while mask != 0 square!(x) (power_exponent & mask) != 0 && multiplybyuint32!(x,UInt32(base)) mask >>= 1 end shiftleft!(x,shifts * power_exponent) end function dividemodulointbignum!(x::Bignum,other::Bignum) bigitlength(x) < bigitlength(other) && return UInt16(0) align!(x,other) result::UInt16 = 0 @inbounds begin while bigitlength(x) > bigitlength(other) result += x.bigits[x.used_digits] % UInt16 subtracttimes!(x,other,x.bigits[x.used_digits]) end this_bigit::Chunk = x.bigits[x.used_digits] other_bigit::Chunk = other.bigits[other.used_digits] if other.used_digits == 1 quotient = reinterpret(Int32,div(this_bigit,other_bigit)) x.bigits[x.used_digits] = this_bigit - other_bigit * reinterpret(UInt32,quotient) result += quotient % UInt16 clamp!(x) return result end end division_estimate = reinterpret(Int32,div(this_bigit,other_bigit+Chunk(1))) result += division_estimate % UInt16 subtracttimes!(x,other,division_estimate) other_bigit * (division_estimate+1) > this_bigit && return result while lessequal(other, x) subtractbignum!(x,other) result += UInt16(1) end return result end function pluscompare(a::Bignum,b::Bignum,c::Bignum) bigitlength(a) < bigitlength(b) && return pluscompare(b,a,c) bigitlength(a) + 1 < bigitlength(c) && return -1 bigitlength(a) > bigitlength(c) && return 1 a.exponent >= bigitlength(b) && bigitlength(a) < bigitlength(c) && return -1 borrow::Chunk = 0 min_exponent = min(a.exponent,b.exponent,c.exponent) for i = (bigitlength(c)-1):-1:min_exponent chunk_a::Chunk = bigitat(a,i) chunk_b::Chunk = bigitat(b,i) chunk_c::Chunk = bigitat(c,i) sum::Chunk = chunk_a + chunk_b if sum > chunk_c + borrow return 1 else borrow = chunk_c + borrow - sum borrow > 1 && return -1 borrow <<= kBigitSize end end borrow == 0 && return 0 return -1 end function compare(a::Bignum,b::Bignum) bigit_length_a = bigitlength(a) bigit_length_b = bigitlength(b) bigit_length_a < bigit_length_b && return -1 bigit_length_a > bigit_length_b && return 1 for i = (bigit_length_a-1):-1:min(a.exponent,b.exponent) bigit_a::Chunk = bigitat(a,i) bigit_b::Chunk = bigitat(b,i) bigit_a < bigit_b && return -1 bigit_a > bigit_b && return 1 end return 0 end function bigitat(x::Bignum,index) index >= bigitlength(x) && return Chunk(0) index < x.exponent && return Chunk(0) @inbounds ret = x.bigits[index - x.exponent+1]::Chunk return ret end end # module
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. const kDoubleSignificandSize = 53 function filldigits32fixedlength(n1,requested_len,buffer,len) for i = (requested_len-1):-1:0 buffer[len+i] = 0x30 + n1 % 10 n1 = div(n1,10) end return len + requested_len end function filldigits32(n,buffer,len) n_len = 0 while n != 0 digit = n % 10 n = div(n,10) buffer[len+n_len] = 0x30 + digit n_len += 1 end i,j = len, len + n_len - 1 while i < j buffer[i], buffer[j] = buffer[j], buffer[i] i += 1 j -= 1 end return len + n_len end function filldigits64fixedlength(n2,buffer,len) kTen7 = 10000000 part2 = n2 % kTen7 n2 = div(n2,kTen7) part0, part1 = divrem(n2,kTen7) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part0, 3, buffer, len) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part1, 7, buffer, len) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part2, 7, buffer, len) return len end function filldigits64(n3,buffer,len) kTen7 = 10000000 part2 = n3 % kTen7 n3 = div(n3,kTen7) part0, part1 = divrem(n3,kTen7) if part0 != 0 len = filldigits32(part0, buffer, len) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part1, 7, buffer, len) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part2, 7, buffer, len) elseif part1 != 0 len = filldigits32(part1, buffer, len) len = filldigits32fixedlength(part2, 7, buffer, len) else len = filldigits32(part2, buffer, len) end return len end function roundup(buffer, len, decimal_point) if len == 1 buffer[1] = 0x31 decimal_point = 1 len = 2 return len, decimal_point end buffer[len - 1] += 1 for i = (len-1):-1:2 buffer[i] != 0x30 + 10 && return len, decimal_point buffer[i] = 0x30 buffer[i - 1] += 1 end if buffer[1] == 0x30 + 10 buffer[1] = 0x31 decimal_point += 1 end return len, decimal_point end function fillfractionals(fractionals, exponent, fractional_count, buffer, len, decimal_point) if -exponent <= 64 point = -exponent for i = 1:fractional_count fractionals == 0 && break fractionals *= 5 point -= 1 digit = fractionals >> point buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 fractionals -= UInt64(digit) << point end if ((fractionals >> (point - 1)) & 1) == 1 len, decimal_point = roundup(buffer, len, decimal_point) end else fract128 = UInt128(fractionals) << 64 fract128 = shift(fract128,-exponent - 64) point = 128 for i = 1:fractional_count fract128 == 0 && break fract128 *= 5 point -= 1 digit, fract128 = divrem2(fract128,point) buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 end if bitat(fract128,point - 1) == 1 len, decimal_point = roundup(buffer, len, decimal_point) end end return len, decimal_point end low(x) = UInt64(x&0xffffffffffffffff) high(x) = UInt64(x >>> 64) bitat(x::UInt128,y) = y >= 64 ? (Int32(high(x) >> (y-64)) & 1) : (Int32(low(x) >> y) & 1) function divrem2(x,power) h = high(x) l = low(x) if power >= 64 result = Int32(h >> (power - 64)) h -= UInt64(result) << (power - 64) return result, (UInt128(h) << 64) + l else part_low::UInt64 = l >> power part_high::UInt64 = h << (64 - power) result = Int32(part_low + part_high) return result, UInt128(l - (part_low << power)) end end function shift(x::UInt128,amt) if amt == 0 return x elseif amt == -64 return x << 64 elseif amt == 64 return x >> 64 elseif amt <= 0 h = high(x); l = low(x) h <<= -amt h += l >> (64 + amt) l <<= -amt return (UInt128(h) << 64) + l else h = high(x); l = low(x) l >>= amt l += h << (64 - amt) h >>= amt return (UInt128(h) << 64) + l end end function trimzeros(buffer, len, decimal_point) while len > 1 && buffer[len - 1] == 0x30 len -= 1 end first_non_zero::Int32 = 1 while first_non_zero < len && buffer[first_non_zero] == 0x30 first_non_zero += 1 end if first_non_zero != 1 for i = first_non_zero:(len-1) buffer[i - first_non_zero + 1] = buffer[i] end len -= first_non_zero-1 decimal_point -= first_non_zero-1 end return len, decimal_point end function fastfixedtoa(v,mode,fractional_count,buffer) v = Float64(v) significand::UInt64 = _significand(v) exponent = _exponent(v) exponent > 20 && return false, 0, 0 fractional_count > 20 && return false, 0, 0 len = 1 if exponent + kDoubleSignificandSize > 64 kFive17 = divisor = Int64(5)^17 divisor_power = 17 dividend = significand if exponent > divisor_power dividend <<= exponent - divisor_power quotient = div(dividend,divisor) remainder = (dividend % divisor) << divisor_power else divisor <<= divisor_power - exponent quotient = div(dividend,divisor) remainder = (dividend % divisor) << exponent end len = filldigits32(quotient, buffer, len) len = filldigits64fixedlength(remainder, buffer, len) decimal_point = len-1 elseif exponent >= 0 significand <<= exponent len = filldigits64(significand, buffer, len) decimal_point = len-1 elseif exponent > -kDoubleSignificandSize integrals = significand >> -exponent fractionals = significand - (integrals << -exponent) if integrals > 0xFFFFFFFF len = filldigits64(integrals,buffer,len) else len = filldigits32(integrals%UInt32,buffer,len) end decimal_point = len-1 len, decimal_point = fillfractionals(fractionals,exponent,fractional_count, buffer,len, decimal_point) elseif exponent < -128 len = 1 decimal_point = -fractional_count else decimal_point = 0 len, decimal_point = fillfractionals(significand,exponent,fractional_count, buffer,len, decimal_point) end len, decimal_point = trimzeros(buffer,len,decimal_point) buffer[len] = 0 if (len-1) == 0 decimal_point = -fractional_count end return true, len, decimal_point end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. function roundweed(buffer,len,rest,tk,unit,kappa) unit >= tk && return false, kappa tk - unit <= unit && return false, kappa tk - rest > rest && (tk - 2 * rest >= 2 * unit) && return true, kappa if rest > unit && (tk - (rest - unit) <= (rest - unit)) buffer[len-1] += 1 for i = (len-1):-1:2 buffer[i] != 0x30 + 10 && break buffer[i] = 0x30 buffer[i-1] += 1 end if buffer[1] == 0x30 + 10 buffer[1] = 0x31 kappa += 1 end return true, kappa end return false, kappa end function digitgen(w,buffer,requested_digits=1000) unit::UInt64 = 1 one = Float(unit << -w.e, w.e) integrals = w.s >> -one.e fractionals = w.s & (one.s-1) divisor, kappa = bigpowten(integrals, 64 + one.e) len = 1 rest = 0 while kappa > 0 digit = div(integrals,divisor) buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 requested_digits -= 1 integrals %= divisor kappa -= 1 if requested_digits == 0 rest = (UInt64(integrals) << -one.e) + fractionals r, kappa = roundweed(buffer, len, rest, UInt64(divisor) << -one.e, unit,kappa) return r, kappa, len end divisor = div(divisor,10) end while requested_digits > 0 && fractionals > unit fractionals *= 10 unit *= 10 digit = fractionals >> -one.e buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 requested_digits -= 1 fractionals &= one.s - 1 kappa -= 1 end requested_digits != 0 && return false, kappa, len r, kappa = roundweed(buffer,len,fractionals,one.s, unit,kappa) return r, kappa, len end function fastprecision(v, requested_digits, buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 100)) f = normalize(Float64(v)) ten_mk_min_exp = kMinExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize) ten_mk_max_exp = kMaxExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize) cp = binexp_cache(ten_mk_min_exp,ten_mk_max_exp) scaled_w = f * cp r, kappa, len = digitgen(scaled_w,buffer,requested_digits) decimal_exponent = + kappa return r, len, decimal_exponent+len-1 end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. const kMinExp = -60 const kMaxExp = -32 function roundweed(buffer,len,rest,tk,unit,kappa,too_high::UInt64,unsafe_interval::UInt64) small = too_high - unit big = too_high + unit while rest < small && unsafe_interval - rest >= tk && (rest + tk < small || small - rest >= rest + tk - small) buffer[len-1] -= 1 rest += tk end if rest < big && unsafe_interval - rest >= tk && (rest + tk < big || big - rest > rest + tk - big) return false, kappa end return (2 * unit <= rest) && (rest <= unsafe_interval - 4 * unit), kappa end const SmallPowersOfTen = [ 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000] function bigpowten(n,n_bits) guess = ((n_bits + 1) * 1233) >> 12 guess += 1 i = SmallPowersOfTen[guess+1] return n < i ? (SmallPowersOfTen[guess], guess-1) : (i,guess) end function digitgen(low,w,high,buffer) unit::UInt64 = 1 one = Float(unit << -w.e, w.e) too_high = Float(high.s+unit,high.e) unsafe_interval = too_high - Float(low.s-unit,low.e) integrals = too_high.s >> -one.e fractionals = too_high.s & (one.s-1) divisor, kappa = bigpowten(integrals, 64 + one.e) len = 1 rest = UInt64(0) while kappa > 0 digit = div(integrals,divisor) buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 integrals %= divisor kappa -= 1 rest = (UInt64(integrals) << -one.e) + fractionals if rest < unsafe_interval.s r, kappa = roundweed(buffer, len, rest, UInt64(divisor) << -one.e, unit,kappa,(too_high - w).s,unsafe_interval.s) return r, kappa, len end divisor = div(divisor,10) end while true fractionals *= 10 unit *= 10 unsafe_interval = Float(unsafe_interval.s*10,unsafe_interval.e) digit = fractionals >> -one.e buffer[len] = 0x30 + digit len += 1 fractionals &= one.s - 1 kappa -= 1 if fractionals < unsafe_interval.s r, kappa = roundweed(buffer,len,fractionals,one.s, unit,kappa,(too_high - w).s*unit,unsafe_interval.s) return r, kappa, len end end end function fastshortest(v, buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 17)) f = normalize(Float64(v)) bound_minus, bound_plus = normalizedbound(v) ten_mk_min_exp = kMinExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize) ten_mk_max_exp = kMaxExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize) cp = binexp_cache(ten_mk_min_exp,ten_mk_max_exp) scaled_w = f * cp scaled_bound_minus = bound_minus * cp scaled_bound_plus = bound_plus * cp r, kappa, len = digitgen(scaled_bound_minus,scaled_w, scaled_bound_plus,buffer) decimal_exponent = + kappa return r, len, decimal_exponent+len-1 end
[ "MIT" ]
# This file is a part of Julia, but is derived from # which has the following license # # Copyright 2006-2014, the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import Base: -, * struct Float s::UInt64 e::Int32 de::Int32 end Float() = Float(0,0,0) Float(x,y) = Float(x,y,Int32(0)) Float(d::AbstractFloat) = Float(_significand(d), _exponent(d)) # Consts const Float10MSBits = 0xFFC0000000000000 # used normalize(Float) const FloatSignMask = 0x8000000000000000 # used in normalize(Float) const FloatSignificandSize = Int32(64) function normalize(v::Float) f = v.s e::Int32 = v.e while (f & Float10MSBits) == 0 f <<= 10 e -= 10 end while (f & FloatSignMask) == 0 f <<= 1 e -= 1 end return Float(f,e) end function normalize(v::Float64) s = _significand(v); e = _exponent(v) while (s & HiddenBit(Float64)) == 0 s <<= UInt64(1) e -= Int32(1) end s <<= UInt64(FloatSignificandSize - SignificandSize(Float64)) e -= Int32( FloatSignificandSize - SignificandSize(Float64)) return Float(s, e) end # Float128 #DenormalExponent(::Type{Float128}) = Int32(-ExponentBias(Float128) + 1) #ExponentMask(::Type{Float128}) = 0x7fff0000000000000000000000000000 #PhysicalSignificandSize(::Type{Float128}) = Int32(112) #SignificandSize(::Type{Float128}) = Int32(113) #ExponentBias(::Type{Float128}) = Int32(0x00003fff + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float128)) #SignificandMask(::Type{Float128}) = 0x0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff #HiddenBit(::Type{Float128}) = 0x00010000000000000000000000000000 #uint_t(d::Float128) = reinterpret(UInt128,d) # Float64 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float64}) = Int32(-ExponentBias(Float64) + 1) ExponentMask(::Type{Float64}) = 0x7FF0000000000000 PhysicalSignificandSize(::Type{Float64}) = Int32(52) SignificandSize(::Type{Float64}) = Int32(53) ExponentBias(::Type{Float64}) = Int32(0x3FF + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float64)) SignificandMask(::Type{Float64}) = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF HiddenBit(::Type{Float64}) = 0x0010000000000000 uint_t(d::Float64) = reinterpret(UInt64,d) # Float32 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float32}) = Int32(-ExponentBias(Float32) + 1) ExponentMask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x7F800000 PhysicalSignificandSize(::Type{Float32}) = Int32(23) SignificandSize(::Type{Float32}) = Int32(24) ExponentBias(::Type{Float32}) = Int32(0x7F + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float32)) SignificandMask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x007FFFFF HiddenBit(::Type{Float32}) = 0x00800000 uint_t(d::Float32) = reinterpret(UInt32,d) # Float16 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float16}) = Int32(-ExponentBias(Float16) + 1) ExponentMask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x7c00 PhysicalSignificandSize(::Type{Float16}) = Int32(10) SignificandSize(::Type{Float16}) = Int32(11) ExponentBias(::Type{Float16}) = Int32(0x000f + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float16)) SignificandMask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x03ff HiddenBit(::Type{Float16}) = 0x0400 uint_t(d::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,d) function _exponent(d::T) where T<:AbstractFloat isdenormal(d) && return DenormalExponent(T) biased_e::Int32 = Int32((uint_t(d) & ExponentMask(T)) >> PhysicalSignificandSize(T)) return Int32(biased_e - ExponentBias(T)) end function _significand(d::T) where T<:AbstractFloat s = uint_t(d) & SignificandMask(T) return !isdenormal(d) ? s + HiddenBit(T) : s end isdenormal(d::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (uint_t(d) & ExponentMask(T)) == 0 function normalizedbound(f::AbstractFloat) v = Float(_significand(f),_exponent(f)) m_plus = normalize(Float((v.s << 1) + 1, v.e - 1)) if lowerboundaryiscloser(f) m_minus = Float((v.s << 2) - 1, v.e - 2) else m_minus = Float((v.s << 1) - 1, v.e - 1) end return Float(m_minus.s << (m_minus.e - m_plus.e), m_plus.e), m_plus end function lowerboundaryiscloser(f::T) where T<:AbstractFloat physical_significand_is_zero = (uint_t(f) & SignificandMask(T)) == 0 return physical_significand_is_zero && (_exponent(f) != DenormalExponent(T)) end (-)(a::Float,b::Float) = Float(a.s - b.s,a.e, const FloatM32 = 0xFFFFFFFF function (*)(this::Float,other::Float) a::UInt64 = this.s >> 32 b::UInt64 = this.s & FloatM32 c::UInt64 = other.s >> 32 d::UInt64 = other.s & FloatM32 ac::UInt64 = a * c bc::UInt64 = b * c ad::UInt64 = a * d bd::UInt64 = b * d tmp::UInt64 = (bd >> 32) + (ad & FloatM32) + (bc & FloatM32) # By adding 1U << 31 to tmp we round the final result. # Halfway cases will be round up. tmp += UInt64(1) << 31 result_f::UInt64 = ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32) return Float(result_f,this.e + other.e + 64, end const CachedPowers = Float[ Float(0xfa8fd5a0081c0288, -1220, -348), Float(0xbaaee17fa23ebf76, -1193, -340), Float(0x8b16fb203055ac76, -1166, -332), Float(0xcf42894a5dce35ea, -1140, -324), Float(0x9a6bb0aa55653b2d, -1113, -316), Float(0xe61acf033d1a45df, -1087, -308), Float(0xab70fe17c79ac6ca, -1060, -300), Float(0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, -1034, -292), Float(0xbe5691ef416bd60c, -1007, -284), Float(0x8dd01fad907ffc3c, -980, -276), Float(0xd3515c2831559a83, -954, -268), Float(0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, -927, -260), Float(0xea9c227723ee8bcb, -901, -252), Float(0xaecc49914078536d, -874, -244), Float(0x823c12795db6ce57, -847, -236), Float(0xc21094364dfb5637, -821, -228), Float(0x9096ea6f3848984f, -794, -220), Float(0xd77485cb25823ac7, -768, -212), Float(0xa086cfcd97bf97f4, -741, -204), Float(0xef340a98172aace5, -715, -196), Float(0xb23867fb2a35b28e, -688, -188), Float(0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, -661, -180), Float(0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, -635, -172), Float(0x936b9fcebb25c996, -608, -164), Float(0xdbac6c247d62a584, -582, -156), Float(0xa3ab66580d5fdaf6, -555, -148), Float(0xf3e2f893dec3f126, -529, -140), Float(0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, -502, -132), Float(0x87625f056c7c4a8b, -475, -124), Float(0xc9bcff6034c13053, -449, -116), Float(0x964e858c91ba2655, -422, -108), Float(0xdff9772470297ebd, -396, -100), Float(0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88f, -369, -92), Float(0xf8a95fcf88747d94, -343, -84), Float(0xb94470938fa89bcf, -316, -76), Float(0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, -289, -68), Float(0xcdb02555653131b6, -263, -60), Float(0x993fe2c6d07b7fac, -236, -52), Float(0xe45c10c42a2b3b06, -210, -44), Float(0xaa242499697392d3, -183, -36), Float(0xfd87b5f28300ca0e, -157, -28), Float(0xbce5086492111aeb, -130, -20), Float(0x8cbccc096f5088cc, -103, -12), Float(0xd1b71758e219652c, -77, -4), Float(0x9c40000000000000, -50, 4), Float(0xe8d4a51000000000, -24, 12), Float(0xad78ebc5ac620000, 3, 20), Float(0x813f3978f8940984, 30, 28), Float(0xc097ce7bc90715b3, 56, 36), Float(0x8f7e32ce7bea5c70, 83, 44), Float(0xd5d238a4abe98068, 109, 52), Float(0x9f4f2726179a2245, 136, 60), Float(0xed63a231d4c4fb27, 162, 68), Float(0xb0de65388cc8ada8, 189, 76), Float(0x83c7088e1aab65db, 216, 84), Float(0xc45d1df942711d9a, 242, 92), Float(0x924d692ca61be758, 269, 100), Float(0xda01ee641a708dea, 295, 108), Float(0xa26da3999aef774a, 322, 116), Float(0xf209787bb47d6b85, 348, 124), Float(0xb454e4a179dd1877, 375, 132), Float(0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 402, 140), Float(0xc83553c5c8965d3d, 428, 148), Float(0x952ab45cfa97a0b3, 455, 156), Float(0xde469fbd99a05fe3, 481, 164), Float(0xa59bc234db398c25, 508, 172), Float(0xf6c69a72a3989f5c, 534, 180), Float(0xb7dcbf5354e9bece, 561, 188), Float(0x88fcf317f22241e2, 588, 196), Float(0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5, 614, 204), Float(0x98165af37b2153df, 641, 212), Float(0xe2a0b5dc971f303a, 667, 220), Float(0xa8d9d1535ce3b396, 694, 228), Float(0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443c, 720, 236), Float(0xbb764c4ca7a44410, 747, 244), Float(0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 774, 252), Float(0xd01fef10a657842c, 800, 260), Float(0x9b10a4e5e9913129, 827, 268), Float(0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 853, 276), Float(0xac2820d9623bf429, 880, 284), Float(0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, 907, 292), Float(0xbf21e44003acdd2d, 933, 300), Float(0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 960, 308), Float(0xd433179d9c8cb841, 986, 316), Float(0x9e19db92b4e31ba9, 1013, 324), Float(0xeb96bf6ebadf77d9, 1039, 332), Float(0xaf87023b9bf0ee6b, 1066, 340)] const CachedPowersLength = length(CachedPowers) const CachedPowersOffset = 348 # -1 * the first decimal_exponent. const D_1_LOG2_10 = 0.30102999566398114 # 1 / lg(10) # Difference between the decimal exponents in the table above. const DecimalExponentDistance = 8 const MinDecimalExponent = -348 const MaxDecimalExponent = 340 function binexp_cache(min_exponent,max_exponent) k = ceil(Integer,(min_exponent+63)*D_1_LOG2_10) index = div(CachedPowersOffset+k-1,DecimalExponentDistance) + 1 cp = CachedPowers[index+1] return cp end
[ "MIT" ]
using Test using Grisu function trimrep(buffer) len = length(unsafe_string(pointer(buffer))) ind = len for i = len:-1:1 buffer[i] != 0x30 && break ind -= 1 end buffer[ind+1] = 0 return unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) end const bufsize = 500 buffer = Vector{UInt8}(undef, bufsize) fill!(buffer,0) bignums = [Grisu.Bignums.Bignum(),Grisu.Bignums.Bignum(),Grisu.Bignums.Bignum(),Grisu.Bignums.Bignum()] # Start by checking the byte-order. ordered = 0x0123456789ABCDEF @test 3512700564088504e-318 == reinterpret(Float64,ordered) min_double64 = 0x0000000000000001 @test 5e-324 == reinterpret(Float64,min_double64) max_double64 = 0x7fefffffffffffff @test 1.7976931348623157e308 == reinterpret(Float64,max_double64) # Start by checking the byte-order. ordered = 0x01234567 @test Float32(2.9988165487136453e-38) == reinterpret(Float32,ordered) min_float32 = 0x00000001 @test Float32(1.4e-45) == reinterpret(Float32,min_float32) max_float32 = 0x7f7fffff @test Float32(3.4028234e38) == reinterpret(Float32,max_float32) ordered = 0x0123456789ABCDEF diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,ordered)) @test UInt64(0x12) - UInt64(0x3FF) - 52 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 # The 52 mantissa bits, plus the implicit 1 in bit 52 as a UINT64. @test 0x0013456789ABCDEF== diy_fp.s min_double64 = 0x0000000000000001 diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,min_double64)) @test -UInt64(0x3FF) - Int64(52) + Int64(1) == diy_fp.e % UInt64 # This is a denormal so no hidden bit. @test 1 == diy_fp.s max_double64 = 0x7fefffffffffffff diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,max_double64)) @test 0x7FE - 0x3FF - 52 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 @test 0x001fffffffffffff== diy_fp.s ordered = 0x01234567 diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,ordered)) @test UInt64(0x2) - UInt64(0x7F) - 23 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 # The 23 mantissa bits, plus the implicit 1 in bit 24 as a uint32_t. @test 0xA34567 == UInt64(diy_fp.s) min_float32 = 0x00000001 diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,min_float32)) @test -UInt64(0x7F) - 23 + 1 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 # This is a denormal so no hidden bit. @test 1 == UInt64(diy_fp.s) max_float32 = 0x7f7fffff diy_fp = Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,max_float32)) @test 0xFE - 0x7F - 23 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 @test 0x00ffffff == UInt64(diy_fp.s) ordered = 0x0123456789ABCDEF diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,ordered))) @test UInt64(0x12) - UInt64(0x3FF) - 52 - 11 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 @test 0x0013456789ABCDEF<< 11 == diy_fp.s min_double64 = 0x0000000000000001 diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,min_double64))) @test -UInt64(0x3FF) - 52 + 1 - 63 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 # This is a denormal so no hidden bit. @test 0x8000000000000000== diy_fp.s max_double64 = 0x7fefffffffffffff diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,max_double64))) @test 0x7FE - 0x3FF - 52 - 11 == diy_fp.e % UInt64 @test (0x001fffffffffffff<< 11) == diy_fp.s min_double64 = 0x0000000000000001 @test Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float64,min_double64)) float_bits = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF @test Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float64,float_bits)) float_bits = 0x0010000000000000 @test !Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float64,float_bits)) min_float32 = 0x00000001 @test Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float32,min_float32)) float_bits = 0x007FFFFF @test Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float32,float_bits)) float_bits = 0x00800000 @test !Grisu.isdenormal(reinterpret(Float32,float_bits)) diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(1.5)) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(1.5) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # 1.5 does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (1 << 10) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(1.0)) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(1.0) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # 1.0 does have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its lower boundary is twice as close as the upper boundary. @test boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s > diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s @test (1 << 9) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s @test (1 << 10) == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s min_double64 = 0x0000000000000001 diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float64,min_double64))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float64,min_double64)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # min-value does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s # Denormals have their boundaries much closer. @test (UInt64(1) << 62) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s smallest_normal64 = 0x0010000000000000 diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(reinterpret(Float64,smallest_normal64)) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float64,smallest_normal64)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # Even though the significand is of the form 2^p (for some p), its boundaries # are at the same distance. (This is the only exception). @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (1 << 10) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s largest_denormal64 = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(reinterpret(Float64,largest_denormal64)) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float64,largest_denormal64)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (1 << 11) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s max_double64 = 0x7fefffffffffffff diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(reinterpret(Float64,max_double64)) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float64,max_double64)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # max-value does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (1 << 10) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s kOne64 = UInt64(1) diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(Float32(1.5))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(Float32(1.5)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # 1.5 does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s # Normalization shifts the significand by 8 bits. Add 32 bits for the bigger # data-type, and remove 1 because boundaries are at half a ULP. @test (kOne64 << 39) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(Float32(1.0))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(Float32(1.0)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # 1.0 does have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its lower boundary is twice as close as the upper boundary. @test boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s > diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s @test (kOne64 << 38) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s @test (kOne64 << 39) == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s min_float32 = 0x00000001 diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,min_float32))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float32,min_float32)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # min-value does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s # Denormals have their boundaries much closer. @test (kOne64 << 62) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s smallest_normal32 = 0x00800000 diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,smallest_normal32))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float32,smallest_normal32)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # Even though the significand is of the form 2^p (for some p), its boundaries # are at the same distance. (This is the only exception). @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (kOne64 << 39) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s largest_denormal32 = 0x007FFFFF diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,largest_denormal32))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float32,largest_denormal32)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (kOne64 << 40) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s max_float32 = 0x7f7fffff diy_fp = Grisu.normalize(Grisu.Float(reinterpret(Float32,max_float32))) boundary_minus, boundary_plus = Grisu.normalizedbound(reinterpret(Float32,max_float32)) @test diy_fp.e == boundary_minus.e @test diy_fp.e == boundary_plus.e # max-value does not have a significand of the form 2^p (for some p). # Therefore its boundaries are at the same distance. @test diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s == boundary_plus.s - diy_fp.s @test (kOne64 << 39) == diy_fp.s - boundary_minus.s #fastshortest min_double = 5e-324 status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(min_double, buffer) @test status @test "5" == trimrep(buffer) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308 status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(max_double, buffer) @test status @test "17976931348623157" == trimrep(buffer) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(4294967272.0, buffer) @test status @test "4294967272" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(4.1855804968213567e298, buffer) @test status @test "4185580496821357" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(5.5626846462680035e-309, buffer) @test status @test "5562684646268003" == trimrep(buffer) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(2147483648.0, buffer) @test status @test "2147483648" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(3.5844466002796428e+298, buffer) @test !status # Not all Grisu.fastshortest variants manage to compute this number. if status @test "35844466002796428" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) end smallest_normal64 = 0x0010000000000000 v = reinterpret(Float64,smallest_normal64) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(v, buffer) if status @test "22250738585072014" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) end largest_denormal64 = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF v = reinterpret(Float64,largest_denormal64) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(v, buffer) if status @test "2225073858507201" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) end min_float = Float32(1e-45) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(min_float, buffer) @test status @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test -44 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_float = 3.4028234f38 #Float32(3.4028234e38) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(max_float, buffer) @test status @test "34028235" == trimrep(buffer) @test 39 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(4294967272.0), buffer) @test status @test "42949673" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(3.32306998946228968226e+35), buffer) @test status @test "332307" == trimrep(buffer) @test 36 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(1.2341e-41), buffer) @test status @test "12341" == trimrep(buffer) @test -40 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(3.3554432e7), buffer) @test status @test "33554432" == trimrep(buffer) @test 8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(3.26494756798464e14), buffer) @test status @test "32649476" == trimrep(buffer) @test 15 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(Float32(3.91132223637771935344e37), buffer) if status # Not all Grisu.fastshortest variants manage to compute this number. @test "39113222" == trimrep(buffer) @test 38 == point fill!(buffer,0) end smallest_normal32 = 0x00800000 v = reinterpret(Float32,smallest_normal32) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(v, buffer) if status @test "11754944" == trimrep(buffer) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) end largest_denormal32 = 0x007FFFFF v = reinterpret(Float32,largest_denormal32) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(v, buffer) @test status @test "11754942" == trimrep(buffer) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(1.0, 3, buffer) @test status @test 3 >= len-1 @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(1.5, 10, buffer) if status @test 10 >= len-1 @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) end min_double = 5e-324 status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(min_double, 5,buffer) @test status @test "49407" == trimrep(buffer) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308 status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(max_double, 7,buffer) @test status @test "1797693" == trimrep(buffer) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(4294967272.0, 14,buffer) if status @test 14 >= len-1 @test "4294967272" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) end status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(4.1855804968213567e298, 17,buffer) @test status @test "41855804968213567" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(5.5626846462680035e-309, 1,buffer) @test status @test "6" == trimrep(buffer) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(2147483648.0, 5,buffer) @test status @test "21475" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(3.5844466002796428e+298, 10,buffer) @test status @test 10 >= len-1 @test "35844466" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) smallest_normal64 = 0x0010000000000000 v = reinterpret(Float64,smallest_normal64) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(v, 17, buffer) @test status @test "22250738585072014" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) largest_denormal64 = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF v = reinterpret(Float64,largest_denormal64) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(v, 17, buffer) @test status @test 20 >= len-1 @test "22250738585072009" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) v = 3.3161339052167390562200598e-237 status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(v, 18, buffer) @test status @test "331613390521673906" == trimrep(buffer) @test -236 == point fill!(buffer,0) v = 7.9885183916008099497815232e+191 status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(v, 4, buffer) @test status @test "7989" == trimrep(buffer) @test 192 == point fill!(buffer,0) #fastfixedtoa status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.0, 0,1, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.0, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.0, 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0xFFFFFFFF, 0,5, buffer) @test "4294967295" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(4294967296.0, 0,5, buffer) @test "4294967296" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) #todo @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e21, 0,5, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) #todo extra '0's @test 22 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(999999999999999868928.00, 0,2, buffer) @test "999999999999999868928" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) #todo extra '0' @test 21 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(6.9999999999999989514240000e+21, 0,5, buffer) @test "6999999999999998951424" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) #todo short several '9's @test 22 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.5, 0,5, buffer) @test "15" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.55, 0,5, buffer) @test "155" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.55, 0,1, buffer) @test "16" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.00000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "100000001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.1, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 0 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.01, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.001, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0001, 0,10, buffer) #todo @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00001, 0,10, buffer) #todo @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000001, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000001, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -6 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000001, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -7 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000001, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -9 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -11 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -12 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000000001, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -13 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -14 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -15 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -16 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -17 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -18 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000000000000001, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -19 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.10000000004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 0 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.01000000004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00100000004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00010000004, 0,10, buffer) #todo @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00001000004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000100004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000010004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -6 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000001004, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -7 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000104, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000001000004, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -9 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000100004, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000010004, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -11 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000001004, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -12 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000000104, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -13 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000001000004, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -14 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000100004, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -15 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000010004, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -16 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000001004, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -17 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000000104, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -18 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000000014, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -19 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.10000000006, 0,10, buffer) @test "1000000001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 0 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.01000000006, 0,10, buffer) @test "100000001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00100000006, 0,10, buffer) @test "10000001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00010000006, 0,10, buffer) @test "1000001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00001000006, 0,10, buffer) @test "100001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000100006, 0,10, buffer) @test "10001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000010006, 0,10, buffer) @test "1001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -6 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000001006, 0,10, buffer) @test "101" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -7 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000000106, 0,10, buffer) @test "11" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000001000006, 0,15, buffer) @test "100001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -9 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000100006, 0,15, buffer) @test "10001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000010006, 0,15, buffer) @test "1001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -11 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000001006, 0,15, buffer) @test "101" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -12 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000000000000106, 0,15, buffer) @test "11" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -13 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000001000006, 0,20, buffer) @test "100001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -14 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000100006, 0,20, buffer) @test "10001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -15 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000010006, 0,20, buffer) @test "1001" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -16 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000001006, 0,20, buffer) @test "101" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -17 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000000106, 0,20, buffer) @test "11" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -18 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000000000000000016, 0,20, buffer) @test "2" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -19 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.6, 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.96, 0,1, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.996, 0,2, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.9996, 0,3, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.99996, 0,4, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.999996, 0,5, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.9999996, 0,6, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.99999996, 0,7, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.999999996, 0,8, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.9999999996, 0,9, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.99999999996, 0,10, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.999999999996, 0,11, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.9999999999996, 0,12, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.99999999999996, 0,13, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.999999999999996, 0,14, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.9999999999999996, 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00999999999999996, 0,16, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000999999999999996, 0,17, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.0000999999999999996, 0,18, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.00000999999999999996, 0,19, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.000000999999999999996, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(323423.234234, 0,10, buffer) @test "323423234234" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 6 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(12345678.901234, 0,4, buffer) @test "123456789012" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(98765.432109, 0,5, buffer) @test "9876543211" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(42, 0,20, buffer) @test "42" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(0.5, 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-23, 0,10, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -10 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-123, 0,2, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-123, 0,0, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 0 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-23, 0,20, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -20 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-21, 0,20, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -20 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1e-22, 0,20, buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -20 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(6e-21, 0,20, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -19 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(9.1193616301674545152000000e+19, 0,0,buffer) @test "91193616301674545152" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 20 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(4.8184662102767651659096515e-04, 0,19,buffer) @test "4818466210276765" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1.9023164229540652612705182e-23, 0,8,buffer) @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(1000000000000000128.0, 0,0,buffer) @test "1000000000000000128" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 19 == point fill!(buffer,0) #bignumdtoa status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.0, Grisu.FIXED, 3, buffer,bignums) @test 3 >= len - 1 - point @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 3, buffer,bignums) @test 3 >= len - 1 @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.5, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.5, Grisu.FIXED, 10, buffer,bignums) @test 10 >= len - 1 - point @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(1.5, Grisu.PRECISION, 10, buffer,bignums) @test 10 >= len - 1 @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) min_double = 5e-324 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(min_double, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "5" == trimrep(buffer) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(min_double, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer,bignums) @test 5 >= len - 1 - point @test "" == trimrep(buffer) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(min_double, Grisu.PRECISION, 5, buffer,bignums) @test 5 >= len - 1 @test "49407" == trimrep(buffer) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(max_double, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "17976931348623157" == trimrep(buffer) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(max_double, Grisu.PRECISION, 7, buffer,bignums) @test 7 >= len - 1 @test "1797693" == trimrep(buffer) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4294967272.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "4294967272" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4294967272.0, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer,bignums) @test "429496727200000" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4294967272.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 14, buffer,bignums) @test 14 >= len - 1 @test "4294967272" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4.1855804968213567e298, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0,buffer,bignums) @test "4185580496821357" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4.1855804968213567e298, Grisu.PRECISION, 20,buffer,bignums) @test 20 >= len - 1 @test "41855804968213567225" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(5.5626846462680035e-309, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "5562684646268003" == trimrep(buffer) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(5.5626846462680035e-309, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer,bignums) @test 1 >= len - 1 @test "6" == trimrep(buffer) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(2147483648.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "2147483648" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(2147483648.0, Grisu.FIXED, 2, buffer,bignums) @test 2 >= len - 1 - point @test "2147483648" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(2147483648.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 5, buffer,bignums) @test 5 >= len - 1 @test "21475" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(3.5844466002796428e+298, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "35844466002796428" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(3.5844466002796428e+298, Grisu.PRECISION, 10, buffer,bignums) @test 10 >= len - 1 @test "35844466" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = reinterpret(Float64,0x0010000000000000) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "22250738585072014" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 20, buffer,bignums) @test 20 >= len - 1 @test "22250738585072013831" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = reinterpret(Float64,0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "2225073858507201" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 20, buffer,bignums) @test 20 >= len - 1 @test "2225073858507200889" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(4128420500802942e-24, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "4128420500802942" == trimrep(buffer) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = 3.9292015898194142585311918e-10 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "39292015898194143" == trimrep(buffer) v = 4194304.0 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer,bignums) @test 5 >= len - 1 - point @test "4194304" == trimrep(buffer) v = 3.3161339052167390562200598e-237 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 19, buffer,bignums) @test 19 >= len - 1 @test "3316133905216739056" == trimrep(buffer) @test -236 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = 7.9885183916008099497815232e+191 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 4, buffer,bignums) @test 4 >= len - 1 @test "7989" == trimrep(buffer) @test 192 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = 1.0000000000000012800000000e+17 status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.FIXED, 1, buffer,bignums) @test 1 >= len - 1 - point @test "100000000000000128" == trimrep(buffer) @test 18 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) min_float = Float32(1e-45) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(min_float, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test -44 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) max_float = Float32(3.4028234e38) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(max_float, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "34028235" == trimrep(buffer) @test 39 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(4294967272.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "42949673" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(3.32306998946228968226e+35), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "332307" == trimrep(buffer) @test 36 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(1.2341e-41), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "12341" == trimrep(buffer) @test -40 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(3.3554432e7), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "33554432" == trimrep(buffer) @test 8 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(3.26494756798464e14), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "32649476" == trimrep(buffer) @test 15 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(Float32(3.91132223637771935344e37), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "39113222" == trimrep(buffer) @test 38 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = reinterpret(Float32,0x00800000) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "11754944" == trimrep(buffer) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) v = reinterpret(Float32,0x007FFFFF) status,len,point = Grisu.bignumdtoa(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer,bignums) @test "11754942" == trimrep(buffer) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) map(x->!(x),bignums) #Float16 min_double = floatmin(Float16) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(min_double,buffer) @test status @test "6104" == trimrep(buffer) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_double = floatmax(Float16) status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(max_double,buffer) @test status @test "655" == trimrep(buffer) @test 5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(Float16(1.0), 3, buffer) @test status @test 3 >= len-1 @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastprecision(Float16(1.5), 10, buffer) if status @test 10 >= len-1 @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) end status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.0), 0,1, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.0), 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.0), 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.5), 0,5, buffer) @test "15" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.55), 0,5, buffer) @test "15498" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) #todo @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.55), 0,1, buffer) @test "15" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(1.00000001), 0,15, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.1), 0,10, buffer) @test "999755859" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.01), 0,10, buffer) @test "100021362" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.001), 0,10, buffer) @test "10004044" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.0001), 0,10, buffer) #todo @test "1000166" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -3 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.00001), 0,10, buffer) #todo @test "100136" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -4 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.000001), 0,10, buffer) @test "10133" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.0000001), 0,10, buffer) @test "1192" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -6 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.6), 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.96), 0,1, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.996), 0,2, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.9996), 0,3, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.99996), 0,4, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.999996), 0,5, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.9999996), 0,6, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.99999996), 0,7, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(42), 0,20, buffer) @test "42" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 2 == point fill!(buffer,0) status,len,point = Grisu.fastfixedtoa(Float16(0.5), 0,0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) #dtoa len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "0" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(0.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "0" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.FIXED, 2, buffer) @test 1 >= len-1 @test "0" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 3, buffer) @test 1 >= len-1 @test "0" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(1.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.FIXED, 3, buffer) @test 3 >= len-1-point @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 3, buffer) @test 3 >= len-1 @test "1" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.5, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "15" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(1.5), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "15" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.5, Grisu.FIXED, 10, buffer) @test 10 >= len-1-point @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.5, Grisu.PRECISION, 10, buffer) @test 10 >= len-1 @test "15" == trimrep(buffer) @test 1 == point fill!(buffer,0) min_double = 5e-324 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(min_double, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "5" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) min_float = 1e-45 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(min_float), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -44 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(min_double, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer) @test 5 >= len-1-point @test "" == trimrep(buffer) @test -5 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(min_double, Grisu.PRECISION, 5, buffer) @test 5 >= len-1 @test "49407" == trimrep(buffer) @test -323 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(max_double, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "17976931348623157" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) max_float = 3.4028234e38 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(max_float), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "34028235" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 39 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(max_double, Grisu.PRECISION, 7, buffer) @test 7 >= len-1 @test "1797693" == trimrep(buffer) @test 309 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4294967272.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "4294967272" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(4294967272.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "42949673" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4294967272.0, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer) @test 5 >= len-1-point @test "4294967272" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4294967272.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 14, buffer) @test 14 >= len-1 @test "4294967272" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4.1855804968213567e298, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "4185580496821357" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4.1855804968213567e298, Grisu.PRECISION, 20, buffer) @test 20 >= len-1 @test "41855804968213567225" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(5.5626846462680035e-309, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "5562684646268003" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(5.5626846462680035e-309, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer) @test 1 >= len-1 @test "6" == trimrep(buffer) @test -308 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-2147483648.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test 1 == neg @test "2147483648" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(-2147483648.), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test 1 == neg @test "21474836" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-2147483648.0, Grisu.FIXED, 2, buffer) @test 2 >= len-1-point @test "2147483648" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-2147483648.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 5, buffer) @test 5 >= len-1 @test "21475" == trimrep(buffer) @test 10 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-3.5844466002796428e+298, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test 1 == neg @test "35844466002796428" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-3.5844466002796428e+298, Grisu.PRECISION, 10, buffer) @test 1 == neg @test 10 >= len-1 @test "35844466" == trimrep(buffer) @test 299 == point fill!(buffer,0) v = reinterpret(Float64,0x0010000000000000) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "22250738585072014" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) f = reinterpret(Float32,0x00800000) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(f, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "11754944" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 20, buffer) @test 20 >= len-1 @test "22250738585072013831" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) v = reinterpret(Float64,0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "2225073858507201" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) f = reinterpret(Float32,0x007FFFFF) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(f, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "11754942" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -37 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 20, buffer) @test 20 >= len-1 @test "2225073858507200889" == trimrep(buffer) @test -307 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(4128420500802942e-24, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test 0 == neg @test "4128420500802942" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test -8 == point fill!(buffer,0) v = -3.9292015898194142585311918e-10 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "39292015898194143" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) fill!(buffer,0) f = Float32(-3.9292015898194142585311918e-10) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(f, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test "39292017" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) fill!(buffer,0) v = 4194304.0 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.FIXED, 5, buffer) @test 5 >= len-1-point @test "4194304" == trimrep(buffer) fill!(buffer,0) v = 3.3161339052167390562200598e-237 len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(v, Grisu.PRECISION, 19, buffer) @test 19 >= len-1 @test "3316133905216739056" == trimrep(buffer) @test -236 == point fill!(buffer,0) len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-0.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-1.0, Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(0.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-Float32(0.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(Float32(1.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-Float32(1.0), Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-0.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-1.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 1, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.FIXED, 1, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-0.0, Grisu.FIXED, 1, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.FIXED, 1, buffer) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(-1.0, Grisu.FIXED, 1, buffer) @test neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 0, buffer) @test 0 >= len-1 @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.PRECISION, 0, buffer) @test 0 >= len-1 @test "" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(0.0, Grisu.FIXED, 0, buffer) @test 1 >= len-1 @test "0" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test !neg len,point,neg = Grisu.grisu(1.0, Grisu.FIXED, 0, buffer) @test 1 >= len-1 @test "1" == unsafe_string(pointer(buffer)) @test !neg # issue #29885 @sync let p = Pipe(), q = Pipe() Base.link_pipe!(p, reader_supports_async=true, writer_supports_async=true) Base.link_pipe!(q, reader_supports_async=true, writer_supports_async=true) @async write(p, zeros(UInt8, 2^18)) @async (print(p, 12.345); close( @async print(q, 9.8) read(p, 2^18) @test read(p, String) == "12.345" end
[ "MIT" ]
# Grisu [![Build Status](]( The (internal) Grisu module was removed in Julia 1.6. However, some packages relies on this module. To keep this working, the Grisu module was filtered out as a normal package that can be depended on. Use it as follows, add a dependency on Grisu and use this instead of normally loading it: ```julia if isdefined(Base, :Grisu) import Base.Grisu else import Grisu end ```
[ "MIT" ]
using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Images, FFTW, Noise, ImageView using Plots function norm_fft(x) x = fftshift(abs.(fft(x))) n = div(size(x)[1], 2) x ./= maximum(x) end function ideal_freq() img = zeros((512, 512)) for i = 1:1 img[rand((1:512)), rand((1:512))] = 1 end img = fftshift(img) N_phot = 376 img ./= maximum(img) img = convert(Array{Float32}, img .* N_phot) dist = [sqrt((-1 + i - size(img)[1] / 2)^2 + (-1 + j - size(img)[2] / 2)^2) for i = 1:size(img)[1], j = 1:size(img)[2]] psf = ifftshift(exp.(-dist .^2 ./ 5.0 .^2)) psf ./= sum(psf) psf = convert(Array{Float32}, psf) #img_b = center_extract(conv(center_set!(copy(z1), img), ifftshift(center_set!(z, fftshift(psf))), [1, 2]), size(img)) img_b = conv(img, psf, [1, 2]) img_n = poisson(img_b, N_phot) reg = DeconvOptim.TV(num_dims=2, sum_dims=[1, 2]) @time res, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, iterations=10, λ=0.001f0, loss=Poisson(), regularizer=reg, padding=0.00, plan_fft=true) img_ft = norm_fft(img)[:, 257] img_n_ft = norm_fft(img_n)[:, 257] res_ft = norm_fft(res)[:, 257] freq = fftshift(fftfreq(512, 1)) mtf = norm_fft(psf)[:, 257] plot(freq, mtf, xlabel="Frequency in 1/pixel", ylabel = "Normalized intensity in Frequency space", label="OTF", dpi=300) plot!(freq, img_ft,label="Image with Constant Frequency content") plot!(freq, img_n_ft, label="Blurry image with noise", linestyle = :dot) plot!(freq, res_ft, label="Deconvolved image") savefig("src/assets/ideal_frequencies.png") end ideal_freq()
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter, DocumenterCitations, DeconvOptim cite_bib = CitationBibliography(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../paper/ref.bib")) DocMeta.setdocmeta!(DeconvOptim, :DocTestSetup, :(using DeconvOptim); recursive=true) makedocs(modules=[DeconvOptim], plugins=[cite_bib], sitename="DeconvOptim.jl", doctest = false, warnonly=true, pages = Any[ "DeconvOptim.jl" => "", "Workflow" => Any[ "workflow/", "workflow/", "workflow/", "workflow/", "workflow/", "workflow/", "workflow/", ], "Background" => Any[ "background/", "background/", "background/", "background/", ], "Function references" => Any[ "function_references/", "function_references/", "function_references/", "function_references/", "function_references/", "function_references/", ], "References" => "" ], ) deploydocs(repo = "")
[ "MIT" ]
# here we compare various deconvolution options in terms of image quality using IndexFunArrays, LinearAlgebra, Random, Noise, TestImages, FourierTools using DeconvOptim, FFTW, Optim, LineSearches using View5D, Plots obj = 100f0 .* Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")) # simulate a simple PSF sz = size(obj); R_max = sz[1] ./ 12.0; psf = generate_psf(sz, R_max); # simulate a perfect image conv_img = DeconvOptim.conv(obj, psf); # set a fixed point for the measured data quality max_photons = 1000 Random.seed!(42) measured = poisson(conv_img, max_photons); opt_options = nothing iterations = 100 function get_data(summary) return (summary["best_ncc_img"], summary["best_nvar_img"]) end function show_ncc!(summary, title="", dpi=300) nccs = summary["nccs"] plt = plot!(nccs, label=title*" NCC") col = plt[1][end].plotattributes[:markercolor] vline!([summary["best_ncc_idx"]], line=:dash, color=col, label=title*"_best NCC", dpi=dpi) println("best ncc index is $(summary["best_ncc_idx"])") println("best ncc is $(summary["best_ncc"])") println("best ncc loss is $(summary["losses"][summary["best_ncc_idx"]])") println("final ncc is $(summary["nccs"][end])") println("final loss is $(summary["losses"][end])") xlabel!("iteration") ylabel!("normalized cross correlation") end function show_nvar!(summary, title="") nvars = summary["nvars"] nvars_norm = nvars ./ nvars[1] plt = plot!(nvars_norm, label=title*" NVAR") col = plt[1][end].plotattributes[:markercolor] vline!([summary["best_nvar_idx"]], line=:dash, color=col, label=title*"_best NVAR") println("best nvar index is $(summary["best_nvar_idx"])") println("best nvar is $(summary["best_nvar"])") println("best nvar loss is $(summary["losses"][summary["best_nvar_idx"]])") println("final nvar is $(summary["nvars"][end])") println("final loss is $(summary["losses"][end])") xlabel!("iteration") ylabel!("normalized variance") end function show_loss!(summary, addCurves="", lowest_loss=minimum(summary["losses"])) losses = summary["losses"] log_losses = log.(losses .- lowest_loss .+ 1) rel_losses = log_losses # .- maximum(log_losses) plot!(rel_losses[1:end-1], label=addCurves) xlabel!("iteration") ylabel!("log loss") end opt_options, noreg_summary = DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()); res_noreg = deconvolution(measured, psf; regularizer=nothing, mapping=Non_negative(), opt_options=opt_options, debug_f=nothing) opt_grad, grad_summary = DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative(), ); res_grad = deconvolution(measured, psf; regularizer=nothing, mapping=Non_negative(), opt=GradientDescent(), opt_options=opt_grad, debug_f=nothing) opt_gr, gr_summary = DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()); res_gr = deconvolution(measured, psf; regularizer=DeconvOptim.GR(), λ=1e-3, mapping=Non_negative(), opt_options=opt_gr, debug_f=nothing) opt_tv, tv_summary = DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()) res_tv = deconvolution(measured, psf; regularizer=DeconvOptim.TV(), λ=1e-3, mapping=Non_negative(), opt_options=opt_tv, debug_f=nothing) plot() title!("Regularization") do_display=false show_ncc!(noreg_summary, "NoReg") show_nvar!(noreg_summary, "NoReg") show_ncc!(gr_summary, "GR") show_nvar!(gr_summary, "GR") show_ncc!(tv_summary, "TV") show_nvar!(tv_summary, "TV") plot() title!("Optimization") show_loss!(noreg_summary, "LBFGS", minimum(noreg_summary["losses"])) show_loss!(grad_summary, "SteepestDecent", minimum(noreg_summary["losses"])) show_loss!(tv_summary, "TV", minimum(noreg_summary["losses"])) show_loss!(gr_summary, "GR", minimum(noreg_summary["losses"])) best_ncc_img, best_nvar_img = get_data(tv_summary) @vt obj @vt measured @vt best_ncc_img @vt best_nvar_img @vt res_noreg
[ "MIT" ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.14.5 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing el end end # ╔═╡ 0507f8ed-8b64-48af-a6c4-ff7c4211b9e9 begin using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") end # ╔═╡ 3310d2f7-450a-4cd1-9c3a-46d02d23a7c6 using Revise # ╔═╡ d27b2d72-d264-11eb-0be5-13dcacfd2adc using DeconvOptim, TestImages, ImageShow, Plots, LinearAlgebra, IndexFunArrays, Noise, FourierTools, SpecialFunctions, FFTW, LaTeXStrings, PlutoUI, Images, Tullio # ╔═╡ 952b251c-207b-4412-b6e1-268fce1647d9 begin img = Float32.(testimage("fabio_gray")); img_1D = img[:, 200] end; # ╔═╡ fa8cd9c9-a2fd-495c-8d22-ada7bb9c39f6 otf(x, Δx=1) = begin x = abs(x) if x <= Δx SpecialFunctions.jinc(x * Δx *(1-x/Δx)) .* 2 / π * (acos(x/Δx) - x/Δx * sqrt(1-(x/Δx)^2)) else zero(x) end end # ╔═╡ 9a07bc88-be76-4531-bc91-df0d20c3221c begin x = range(-1.5, 1.5, length=size(img, 1)) freqs = fftshift(fftfreq(size(img_1D, 1), 1)) psf = Float32.(DeconvOptim.generate_psf(size(img), 20)) psf_1D = psf[1, :] psf_1D ./= sum(psf_1D) otf_1D = abs.(ffts(psf_1D)) end; # ╔═╡ 24fc86da-0b7c-493c-8977-2a19ef6dc133 img_n = Float32.(poisson(DeconvOptim.conv(img, psf), 1000)); # ╔═╡ 3bda922d-552b-42ec-9055-33a141b5841a blur(x, otf=otf_1D) = iffts(ffts(x) .* otf) # ╔═╡ 308e2562-5a20-4082-8a6d-9fb135738c49 md" Mathematically: $(S * \text{PSF})(\mathbf r) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} S(\mathbf r - \mathbf x) \cdot \text{PSF}(\mathbf x) \, \mathrm d \mathbf x$ " # ╔═╡ b542187a-3ae7-4430-a81d-f968d9000427 img_blurry = DeconvOptim.conv(img, psf); # ╔═╡ 88d83629-f1b2-4d69-928f-d4acfbc76b70 reg_1D = TV(num_dims=1); # ╔═╡ d6d0f436-48fd-4e8a-863c-3e9d3850cc91 begin reg_tik = Tikhonov() reg_TV = TV() reg_GR = DeconvOptim.GR() end # ╔═╡ 061faf49-662c-4508-83b4-ddcf0970ed0d md"### DeconvOptim.jl: Microscopy Image Deconvolution " # ╔═╡ 23829201-9756-4ef8-90c9-3917b761fe4b load("../docs/src/assets/logo.png") # ╔═╡ 30f21bb8-6d09-4fce-9d2a-568bfaf3ff7a md" * **Felix Wechsler:** Master Student at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, Germany * * `]add DeconvOptim` " # ╔═╡ 7a0a44c9-fb07-44e6-9a8b-8f720b84e6f6 md"""### Image Convolution * Typical description of isotropic blur of an image * The blurring kernel describes blur * In optics/microscopy a finite sized dot called Point Spread Function (**PSF**) * often a Gaussian function used in image processing * cigarre shaped object for motion blur Discrete version: $(S * \text{PSF})[i] = \sum_{m} S[i-m] \cdot \text{PSF}[m]$ """ # ╔═╡ 49686d9a-1683-428f-83ba-a9131c2ad432 [Gray.(img) Gray.(DeconvOptim.conv(img, psf))] # ╔═╡ 491ec7cb-1663-4acf-b81f-9acafba2b63d md"## Convolution Theorem $(S * \text{PSF})(\mathbf r) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\bigg[ \mathcal{F}[S] \cdot \mathcal{F}[\text{PSF}] \bigg]$ * we can express the convolution with a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) which only takes $\mathcal O(N \log(N))$ operations * For large kernels (especially in 3D), sliding kernels are slower * $\mathcal{F}[\text{PSF}]$ is called the $\text{OTF}$ " # ╔═╡ b6f9e42e-5a23-40ad-9e73-8f02da48f69c md"### Optical System act as low pass filter * $\text{OTF}$ shows the frequency throughput " # ╔═╡ e31f4704-5bce-4c8d-b3a7-873a3460d9f8 plot(x, otf.(x), xlabel="frequency / maximum frequency", ylabel="contrast") # ╔═╡ dc8cf4e2-a87c-47ea-8247-3ae772852241 md"## Frequency spectrum of blurred sample $Y(\mathbf r)$ Blurred sample: $Y(\mathbf r) = (S * \text{PSF})(\mathbf r)$ " # ╔═╡ f8033d13-faee-41f5-bdd6-ae8721e8b8a8 begin plot(freqs, abs.(ffts(img_blurry)[:, 128]), yaxis=:log, ylabel="real part of FFT output in AU", xlabel="frequency in 1/px", ylims=(1e-4, 1e2), label="blurred") plot!(freqs, abs.(ffts(img)[:, 128]), ylabel="abs of FFT output in AU", xlabel="frequency in 1/px", yaxis=:log, ylims=(1e-4, 1e4), label="ground truth") #plot!(freqs, abs.(ffts(DeconvOptim.conv(img_1D, psf_1D)))) end # ╔═╡ fe7e0292-31f6-43b5-83a5-a38698a87563 md"## Deconvolution Pipeline * based on: * Zygote.jl * Optim.jl * Tullio.jl * CUDA.jl " # ╔═╡ e9ef5ba4-56c0-4595-bc28-e04882f44a9a load("../docs/src/assets/tex/pipeline.png") # ╔═╡ 90e5708c-05a4-46e4-b1e4-9a61c96dae32 TV_by_hand(x) = @tullio r = sqrt(1f-8 + abs2(x[i, j] - x[i+1, j]) + abs2(x[i, j] - x[i, j+1])) # ╔═╡ 03139ac5-3525-4fad-abf1-84421492b763 DeconvOptim.generate_TV(4, [1,2, 3], [1,1, 1], 1, 0)[1] # ╔═╡ 4e84e739-9c59-4939-8b04-aec7dc069d67 md" ### Deconvolve with DeconvOptim.jl " # ╔═╡ 9d9a5da2-14df-46e6-b7e6-5a33aade1754 @bind reg_list2 Select(["1" => ("Tikhonov"), "2" => ("Total Variation TV"), "3" => ("Good's Roughness GR")]) # ╔═╡ 5ae1a6a3-4505-4123-9f1e-8a1d4ac0b4e1 reg = [reg_tik, reg_TV, reg_GR][parse(Int, reg_list2)] # ╔═╡ 15d54e5e-64f4-4a1d-8cc8-9334b2e3784f md" iterations = $(@bind iter Slider(0:50, show_value=true)) λ = $(@bind λ Slider(0:0.001:0.3, show_value=true)) regularizer = $(@bind reg_bool CheckBox())" # ╔═╡ 803368e6-53fd-4413-b3f5-ffe46ee8983e img_deconv, res_img = deconvolution(img_blurry, psf, regularizer=reg_bool ? reg : nothing, iterations=iter, λ=λ); # ╔═╡ e58e1f63-2c81-48fb-866a-4bb70bd428a6 Gray.(img_deconv) # ╔═╡ 438a6639-bd35-464f-a81d-d98eb65e006e res_1D, o = deconvolution(real(blur(img_1D)), psf_1D, iterations=iter, regularizer=reg_1D, λ=0.01); # ╔═╡ 7a16df73-95ad-47f5-907c-6fd23c6000cf [Gray.(img) Gray.(img_blurry) Gray.(img_deconv)] # ╔═╡ 5c8030b7-8805-4771-9329-23abb2744544 begin plot(freqs, abs.(ffts(img_blurry)[:, 128]), yaxis=:log, ylabel="abs of FFT output in AU", xlabel="frequency in 1/px", ylims=(1e-4, 1e2), label="blurred") plot!(freqs, abs.(ffts(img)[:, 128]), yaxis=:log, ylims=(1e-4, 1e4), label="ground truth") plot!(freqs, abs.(ffts(img_deconv)[:, 128]), label="deconvolved image") end # ╔═╡ ff9af79c-f06c-42ac-9c8d-6f09d2ff4056 [Gray.(img_1D); Gray.(res_1D)]; # ╔═╡ d8aee845-e922-41da-a17e-37ffa3e692f0 md"### Real Microscopy Data" # ╔═╡ fc93fa3d-8599-463b-b9e6-8043b90e9d63 load("figures/real_data_large.png") # ╔═╡ 97c45bfd-d1ef-49ad-908d-7360c03b0170 md"Image taken from [DeconvolutionLab2](" # ╔═╡ bf37664a-f726-46b6-9592-da419165af91 md"## Conclusion - DeconvOptim.jl " # ╔═╡ f8117250-bac8-43a1-aae4-5c8bab3a522d [Gray.(ones(130, 012)) load("../docs/src/assets/logo.png")] # ╔═╡ b5a70276-e9b9-46e8-8c67-0cad2cfa19da md"* Flexible Image Deconvolution Software * N-dimensional signal deconvolution * Works both on CPU and GPUs * GPUs usually 5-15x speed improvement " # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═3310d2f7-450a-4cd1-9c3a-46d02d23a7c6 # ╠═0507f8ed-8b64-48af-a6c4-ff7c4211b9e9 # ╠═d27b2d72-d264-11eb-0be5-13dcacfd2adc # ╠═952b251c-207b-4412-b6e1-268fce1647d9 # ╠═24fc86da-0b7c-493c-8977-2a19ef6dc133 # ╠═3bda922d-552b-42ec-9055-33a141b5841a # ╟─fa8cd9c9-a2fd-495c-8d22-ada7bb9c39f6 # ╠═9a07bc88-be76-4531-bc91-df0d20c3221c # ╟─308e2562-5a20-4082-8a6d-9fb135738c49 # ╠═b542187a-3ae7-4430-a81d-f968d9000427 # ╠═88d83629-f1b2-4d69-928f-d4acfbc76b70 # ╠═e58e1f63-2c81-48fb-866a-4bb70bd428a6 # ╠═d6d0f436-48fd-4e8a-863c-3e9d3850cc91 # ╠═803368e6-53fd-4413-b3f5-ffe46ee8983e # ╠═5ae1a6a3-4505-4123-9f1e-8a1d4ac0b4e1 # ╠═438a6639-bd35-464f-a81d-d98eb65e006e # ╟─061faf49-662c-4508-83b4-ddcf0970ed0d # ╟─23829201-9756-4ef8-90c9-3917b761fe4b # ╟─30f21bb8-6d09-4fce-9d2a-568bfaf3ff7a # ╟─7a0a44c9-fb07-44e6-9a8b-8f720b84e6f6 # ╟─49686d9a-1683-428f-83ba-a9131c2ad432 # ╟─491ec7cb-1663-4acf-b81f-9acafba2b63d # ╟─b6f9e42e-5a23-40ad-9e73-8f02da48f69c # ╟─e31f4704-5bce-4c8d-b3a7-873a3460d9f8 # ╟─dc8cf4e2-a87c-47ea-8247-3ae772852241 # ╟─f8033d13-faee-41f5-bdd6-ae8721e8b8a8 # ╟─fe7e0292-31f6-43b5-83a5-a38698a87563 # ╟─e9ef5ba4-56c0-4595-bc28-e04882f44a9a # ╠═90e5708c-05a4-46e4-b1e4-9a61c96dae32 # ╠═03139ac5-3525-4fad-abf1-84421492b763 # ╟─4e84e739-9c59-4939-8b04-aec7dc069d67 # ╟─9d9a5da2-14df-46e6-b7e6-5a33aade1754 # ╟─15d54e5e-64f4-4a1d-8cc8-9334b2e3784f # ╟─7a16df73-95ad-47f5-907c-6fd23c6000cf # ╟─5c8030b7-8805-4771-9329-23abb2744544 # ╟─ff9af79c-f06c-42ac-9c8d-6f09d2ff4056 # ╟─d8aee845-e922-41da-a17e-37ffa3e692f0 # ╟─fc93fa3d-8599-463b-b9e6-8043b90e9d63 # ╟─97c45bfd-d1ef-49ad-908d-7360c03b0170 # ╟─bf37664a-f726-46b6-9592-da419165af91 # ╟─f8117250-bac8-43a1-aae4-5c8bab3a522d # ╟─b5a70276-e9b9-46e8-8c67-0cad2cfa19da
[ "MIT" ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.14.8 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 0552a944-cdbe-11eb-2e63-49f12bee1624 using FourierTools, TestImages, Colors, ImageShow, ImageCore, Statistics # ╔═╡ 9a73fe7d-d298-4791-8f29-5a962d1242d1 gauss(y, x, σ=1) = 1 / σ / √(2π) * exp(-0.5 * (x^2 + y^2) / σ^2) # ╔═╡ b8b2b314-4fed-420e-9061-6c2716c134c8 begin y = fftpos(512, 512) x = y' end; # ╔═╡ 97dc4b9d-0b32-4057-8a22-85cb40ae1ebf begin kernel = ifftshift_view(gauss.(y, x, Ref(3))) kernel ./= sum(kernel) end; # ╔═╡ 7500e8d2-16a7-4ea3-9192-78b4acfa327e function conv_pad(A, B, value=zero(eltype(A)), pad=10) A_1 = value .+ FourierTools.select_region(A .- value, new_size=size(A) .+ pad) B_1 = ifftshift_view(FourierTools.select_region(fftshift_view(B), new_size=size(A) .+ pad)) return FourierTools.select_region(conv(A_1, B_1), new_size=size(A)) end # ╔═╡ 44370313-62d3-4774-aed6-72a51410503d img = Float64.(Gray.(testimage("house"))); # ╔═╡ d190772c-885f-405b-b0c9-bd11b6ac992c img_blurry = Gray.(conv(kernel, img)) # ╔═╡ 0e57683e-7af8-4940-8494-032d6190f2cf img_blurry[end-100:end-51, 1:50] # ╔═╡ b8a8adfb-af4a-4ff9-b739-a040f05e2896 img_blurry2 = Gray.(conv_pad(img, kernel, 0.7, 10)) # ╔═╡ 94816b91-0ff3-41ef-9146-b71f150be161 img_blurry2[end-100:end-51, 1:50] # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╠═0552a944-cdbe-11eb-2e63-49f12bee1624 # ╠═9a73fe7d-d298-4791-8f29-5a962d1242d1 # ╠═b8b2b314-4fed-420e-9061-6c2716c134c8 # ╠═97dc4b9d-0b32-4057-8a22-85cb40ae1ebf # ╠═7500e8d2-16a7-4ea3-9192-78b4acfa327e # ╠═44370313-62d3-4774-aed6-72a51410503d # ╠═d190772c-885f-405b-b0c9-bd11b6ac992c # ╠═0e57683e-7af8-4940-8494-032d6190f2cf # ╠═b8a8adfb-af4a-4ff9-b739-a040f05e2896 # ╠═94816b91-0ff3-41ef-9146-b71f150be161
[ "MIT" ]
module DeconvOptim export gpu_or_cpu # to check whether CUDA is enabled using Requires # for fast array regularizers using Tullio # optional CUDA dependency include("requires.jl") # for optimization using Optim #mean using Statistics using StatsBase using FFTW FFTW.set_num_threads(12) using LineSearches # possible up_sampling using Interpolations # for defining custom derivatives using ChainRulesCore using LinearAlgebra using FillArrays using PrecompileTools include("forward_models.jl") include("lossfunctions.jl") include("mappings.jl") # special CUDA regularizers include("regularizer_cuda.jl") include("regularizer.jl") include("utils.jl") include("conv.jl") include("generic_invert.jl") include("lucy_richardson.jl") include("deconvolution.jl") include("analysis_tools.jl") # refresh Zygote to load the custom rrules defined with ChainRulesCore using Zygote: gradient # doesn't save too much but a little @setup_workload begin img = abs.(randn((4,4,2))) psf = abs.(randn((4,4,2))) @compile_workload begin deconvolution(Float32.(img), Float32.(psf), regularizer=TV(num_dims=3), iterations=2) deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=TV(num_dims=3), iterations=2) end end # end module end
[ "MIT" ]
""" relative_energy_regain(ground_truth, rec) Calculates the relative energy regain between the `ground_truth` and the reconstruction. Assumes that both arrays are 2 dimensional # Reference * [Rainer Heintzmann, \"Estimating missing information by maximum likelihood deconvolution\"]( """ function relative_energy_regain(ground_truth, rec) T = eltype(ground_truth) # go to fourier space ground_truth_fft = fft(ground_truth) rec_fft = fft(rec) # a dict to store the values for certain frequencies # we store a list since some (rounded) frequencies occur more than once ΔE_R_dict = Dict{T,Vector{T}}() E_R_dict = Dict{T,Vector{T}}() # round the frequencies to 4 digits, alternative would be to bin round4(x) = T(round(x, digits=3)) # iterate over the frequencies and calculate the relative energy regain for (i₂, f₂) in enumerate(fftfreq(size(rec_fft, 2))) for (i₁, f₁) in enumerate(fftfreq(size(rec_fft, 1))) f_res = round4(√(f₁^2 + f₂^2)) Δ_E_R = abs2(ground_truth_fft[i₁, i₂] - rec_fft[i₁, i₂]) E_R = abs2(ground_truth_fft[i₁, i₂]) update_dict_list!(ΔE_R_dict, f_res, Δ_E_R) update_dict_list!(E_R_dict, f_res, E_R) end end # finally transform everything into a list of frequencies and # a list of relative energy regains freqs = T[] G_R_list = T[] for f in sort(T.(keys(ΔE_R_dict))) push!(freqs, f) mean_ΔE_r = mean(ΔE_R_dict[f]) mean_E_r = mean(E_R_dict[f]) push!(G_R_list, (mean_E_r - mean_ΔE_r) / mean_E_r) end return freqs, G_R_list end """ update_dict_list!(d, k, v) Updates the dict `d` which stores a list. If `k` is in the keys of `d` we simply push `v` to the list otherwise create a new list `[v]` """ function update_dict_list!(d, k, v) if haskey(d, k) push!(d[k], v) else d[k] = [v] end return d end """ normalized_cross_correlation(ground_truth, measured) Calculates the normalized cross correlation. External links: * [Wikipedia]( * [StatsBase.jl]( """ function normalized_cross_correlation(ground_truth, measured) fl(x) = collect(Iterators.flatten(x)) ground_truth = fl(ground_truth) measured = fl(measured) ncc = crosscor(ground_truth, measured, [0], demean=true)[begin] return ncc end """ normalized_variance(a, b) Calculates the mean variance between two array, but normalizing arra a to the same mean as array b. """ function normalized_variance(a, b) factor = sum(b) / sum(a) sum(abs2.(a .* factor .- b)) ./ prod(size(a)) end function reset_summary!(summary) summary["losses"] = [] summary["best_ncc"] = -Inf summary["best_ncc_idx"] = 0 summary["best_ncc_img"] = [] summary["nccs"] = [] summary["best_nvar"] = Inf summary["best_nvar_idx"] = 0 summary["best_nvar_img"] = [] summary["times"] = [] summary["step_sizes"] = [] summary["nvars"] = [] end """ options_trace_deconv(ground_truth, iterations, mapping, every=1; more_options...) A useful routine to simplify performance checks of deconvolution on simulated data. Returns an Options structure to be used with the deconvolution routine as an argument to `opt_options` and a summary dictionary with all the performance metrics calculated, which is reset and updated during deconvolution. This can then be plotted or visualized. The summary dictionary has the following content: "best_nvar" => the lowest normalized variance compared to the `ground_truth` that was achieved. "best_nvar_img" => the reconstruction result corresponding to this lowest normalized variance "best_nvar_idx" => the corresponding index where this was achieved. `(best_nvar_idx-1)*every+1` approximated the iteration number. "best_ncc" => the highest normalized crosscorrelation compared to the `ground_truth` that was achieved. "best_ncc_img" => the reconstruction result corresponding to this highest normalized crosscorrelation "losses" => the vector of losses evaluated at each of `every` iterations. "nccs" => the vector of normalized cross correlations calculated at each of `every` iterations. "best_ncc_idx" => the corresponding index where this was achieved. `(best_ncc_idx-1)*every+1` approximated the iteration number. "nvars" => the vector of normalized variances calculated at each of `every` iterations. For an example of how to plot the results, see the file `` in the `examples` folder. # Arguments - `ground_truth`: The underlying ground truth data. Note that this scaling is unimportant due to the normalized norms used for comparison, whereas the relative offset matters. - `iterations`: The maximal number of iterations to performance. If convergence is reached, the result may have less iterations - `mapping`: If mappings such as the positivity constraints (e.g. `NonNegative()`) are used in the deconvolution routing, they also need to be provided here. Otherwises select `nothing`. - `every`: This option allows to select every how many iterations the evaluation is performed. Note that the results will not keep track of this iteration number. the argument list can be followed by a semicolon and any number of named arguments which will be passed to the option structure. E.g. `opt_noreg, show_noreg = options_trace_deconv(ground_truth, iterations, mapping; x_tol=0.001, f_tol=0.001, f_calls_limit=100);` # Example ```julia-repl julia> using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Noise, Plots; julia> obj = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")); julia> psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(obj), 30)); julia> img_b = conv(obj, psf); julia> img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); julia> iterations = 100; julia> opt_noreg, show_noreg = options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()); julia> res_noreg, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer = nothing, opt_options=opt_noreg); julia> opt_GR, show_GR = options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()); julia> res_GR, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=1e-2, regularizer=DeconvOptim.GR(), opt_options=opt_GR); julia> opt_TV, show_TV = options_trace_deconv(obj, iterations, Non_negative()); julia> res_TV, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=1e-3, regularizer=DeconvOptim.TV(), opt_options=opt_TV); julia> plot() julia> show_noreg(false,"NoReg") julia> show_GR(false,"GR") julia> show_TV(false,"TV") julia> using View5D julia> @vt (ground_truth, best_ncc_img, best_nvar_img) = show_noreg(true) ``` """ function options_trace_deconv(ground_truth, iterations, mapping, every=1; more_options...) @show more_options summary = Dict() reset_summary!(summary) summary["ground_truth"] = ground_truth # needs to be accessible idx = 1 cb = tr -> begin img = (mapping === nothing) ? tr[end].metadata["x"] : mapping[1](tr[end].metadata["x"]) img *= mean(summary["ground_truth"]) record_progress!(summary, img, idx, tr[end].value, tr[end].metadata["time"], tr[end].metadata["Current step size"]) idx += 1 false end opt_options = Optim.Options(callback=cb, iterations=iterations, show_every=every, store_trace=true, extended_trace=true; more_options...) return (opt_options, summary) end """ record_progress!(summary, img, idx, loss, mytime, stepsize) helper function for recording the iteration progress in a summary dictionary. """ function record_progress!(summary, img, idx, loss, mytime, stepsize) # iteration always starts with index 0 (before 1st iteration) if idx == 0 reset_summary!(summary) end push!(summary["losses"], loss) push!(summary["times"], mytime) push!(summary["step_sizes"], stepsize) # current image: # the line below is needed, since in the iterations, the measurement is rescaled to a mean of one. # see deconvolution.jl. This rescaling is only an estimate and does not affect the norms. ground_truth = summary["ground_truth"] ncc = DeconvOptim.normalized_cross_correlation(ground_truth, img) push!(summary["nccs"], ncc) summary["best_ncc"], summary["best_ncc_img"], summary["best_ncc_idx"] = let if ncc > summary["best_ncc"] (ncc, img, idx) else (summary["best_ncc"], summary["best_ncc_img"], summary["best_ncc_idx"]) end end nvar = normalized_variance(img, ground_truth) push!(summary["nvars"], nvar) summary["best_nvar"], summary["best_nvar_img"], summary["best_nvar_idx"] = let if nvar < summary["best_nvar"] (nvar, img, idx) else (summary["best_nvar"], summary["best_nvar_img"], summary["best_nvar_idx"]) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
export conv, plan_conv, conv_psf, plan_conv_psf """ conv(u, v[, dims]) Convolve `u` with `v` over `dims` dimensions with an FFT based method. Note, that this method introduces wrap-around artifacts without proper padding/windowing. # Arguments * `u` is an array in real space. * `v` is the array to be convolved in real space as well. * Per default `ntuple(+, min(N, M)))` means that we perform the convolution over all dimensions of that array which has less dimensions. If `dims` is an array with integers, we perform convolution only over these dimensions. Eg. `dims=[1,3]` would perform the convolution over the first and third dimension. Second dimension is not convolved. If `u` and `v` are both a real valued array we use `rfft` and hence the output is real as well. If either `u` or `v` is complex we use `fft` and output is hence complex. # Examples 1D with FFT over all dimensions. We choose `v` to be a delta peak. Therefore convolution should act as identity. ```jldoctest julia> u = [1 2 3 4 5] 1×5 Array{Int64,2}: 1 2 3 4 5 julia> v = [0 0 1 0 0] 1×5 Array{Int64,2}: 0 0 1 0 0 julia> conv(u, v) 1×5 Matrix{Float64}: 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 ``` 2D with FFT with different `dims` arguments. ```jldoctest julia> u = 1im .* [1 2 3; 4 5 6] 2×3 Matrix{Complex{Int64}}: 0+1im 0+2im 0+3im 0+4im 0+5im 0+6im julia> v = [1im 0 0; 1im 0 0] 2×3 Matrix{Complex{Int64}}: 0+1im 0+0im 0+0im 0+1im 0+0im 0+0im julia> conv(u, v) 2×3 Matrix{ComplexF64}: -5.0+0.0im -7.0+0.0im -9.0+0.0im -5.0+0.0im -7.0+0.0im -9.0+0.0im ``` """ function conv(u::AbstractArray{T, N}, v::AbstractArray{D, M}, dims=ntuple(+, min(N, M))) where {T, D, N, M} return ifft(fft(u, dims) .* fft(v, dims), dims) end function conv(u::AbstractArray{<:Real, N}, v::AbstractArray{<:Real, M}, dims=ntuple(+, min(N, M))) where {N, M} return irfft(rfft(u, dims) .* rfft(v, dims), size(u, dims[1]), dims) end """ conv_psf(u, psf[, dims]) `conv_psf` is a shorthand for `conv(u,ifftshift(psf))`. For examples see `conv`. """ function conv_psf(u::AbstractArray{T, N}, psf::AbstractArray{D, M}, dims=ntuple(+, min(N, M))) where {T, D, N, M} return conv(u, ifftshift(psf, dims), dims) end # define custom adjoint for conv # so far only defined for the derivative regarding the first component function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(conv), u::AbstractArray{T, N}, v::AbstractArray{D, M}, dims=ntuple(+, min(N, M))) where {T, D, N, M} Y = conv(u, v, dims) function conv_pullback(barx) return NoTangent(), conv(barx, conj(v), dims), NoTangent(), NoTangent() end return Y, conv_pullback end """ plan_conv(u, v [, dims]) Pre-plan an optimized convolution for arrays shaped like `u` and `v` (based on pre-plan FFT) along the given dimensions `dims`. `dims = 1:ndims(u)` per default. The 0 frequency of `u` must be located at the first entry. We return two arguments: The first one is `v_ft` (obtained by `fft(v)` or `rfft(v)`). The second return is the convolution function `pconv`. `pconv` itself has two arguments. `pconv(u, v_ft=v_ft)` where `u` is the object and `v_ft` the v_ft. This function achieves faster convolution than `conv(u, u)`. Depending whether `u` is real or complex we do `fft`s or `rfft`s # Warning The resulting output of the `pconv` function is a reference to an internal, allocated array. If you use the `pconv` function for different tasks, a new call to `pconv` will change the previous result (since the previous result was only a reference, not a new array). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> u = [1 2 3 4 5] 1×5 Matrix{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 julia> v = [1 0 0 0 0] 1×5 Matrix{Int64}: 1 0 0 0 0 julia> v_ft, pconv = plan_conv(u, v); julia> pconv(u, v_ft) 1×5 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 julia> pconv(u) 1×5 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 ``` """ function plan_conv(u::AbstractArray{T, N}, v::AbstractArray{T, M}, dims=ntuple(+, N)) where {T, N, M} plan = get_plan(T) # do the preplanning step P = plan(u, dims) u_ft_stor = P * u P_inv = inv(P) v_ft = fft_or_rfft(T)(v, dims) out = similar(u) # construct the efficient conv function # P and P_inv can be understood like matrices # but their computation is fast conv(u, v_ft=v_ft) = p_conv_aux!(P, P_inv, u, v_ft, u_ft_stor, out) return v_ft, conv end """ plan_conv_psf(u, psf [, dims]) where {T, N} `plan_conv_psf` is a shorthand for `plan_conv(u, ifftshift(psf))`. For examples see `plan_conv`. """ function plan_conv_psf(u::AbstractArray{T, N}, psf::AbstractArray{T, M}, dims=ntuple(+, N)) where {T, N, M} return plan_conv(u, ifftshift(psf, dims), dims) end function p_conv_aux!(P, P_inv, u, v_ft, u_ft_stor, out) #return P_inv.scale .* (P_inv.p * ((P * u) .* v_ft)) mul!(u_ft_stor, P, u) u_ft_stor .*= v_ft mul!(out, P_inv.p, u_ft_stor) #out2 = out .* P_inv.scale out .*= P_inv.scale return out end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(p_conv_aux!), P, P_inv, u, v, u_ft_stor, out) Y = p_conv_aux!(P, P_inv, u, v, u_ft_stor, out) function conv_pullback(barx) conj_v = let if eltype(v) <: Real v else conj(v) end end barx = let if typeof(barx) <: FillArrays.Fill collect(eltype(u).(barx)) else barx end end ∇ = p_conv_aux!(P, P_inv, barx, conj_v, u_ft_stor, copy(out)) return NoTangent(), NoTangent(), NoTangent(), ∇, NoTangent(), NoTangent(), NoTangent() end return Y, conv_pullback end """ fft_or_rfft(T) Small helper function to decide whether a real or a complex valued FFT is appropriate. """ function fft_or_rfft(::Type{<:Real}) return rfft end function fft_or_rfft(::Type{T}) where T return fft end """ get_plan(T) Small helper function to decide whether a real or a complex valued FFT plan is appropriate. """ function get_plan(::Type{<:Real}) return plan_rfft end function get_plan(::Type{T}) where T return plan_fft end
[ "MIT" ]
export deconvolution """ deconvolution(measured, psf; <keyword arguments>) Computes the deconvolution of `measured` and `psf`. Return parameter is a tuple with two elements. The first entry is the deconvolved image. The second return parameter is the output of the optimization of Optim.jl Multiple keyword arguments can be specified for different loss functions, regularizers and mappings. # Arguments - `loss=Poisson()`: the loss function taking a vector the same shape as measured. - `regularizer=nothing`: A regularizer function, same form as `loss`. See `GR`, `TV`, `Tikhonov` and the help page for different regularizers. - `λ=0.05`: A float indicating the total weighting of the regularizer with respect to the global loss function - `background=0`: A float indicating a background intensity level. - `mapping=Non_negative()`: Applies a mapping of the optimizer weight. Default is a parabola which achieves a non-negativity constraint. - `iterations=nothing`: Specifies a number of iterations after the optimization. definitely should stop. By default 20 iterations will be selected by generic_invert.jl, if `nothing` is provided. - `conv_dims`: A tuple indicating over which dimensions the convolution should happen. per default `conv_dims=1:ndims(psf)` - `plan_fft=true`: Boolean whether plan_fft is used. Gives a slight speed improvement. - `padding=0`: an float indicating the amount (fraction of the size in that dimension) of padded regions around the reconstruction. Prevents wrap around effects of the FFT. A array with `size(arr)=(400, 400)` with `padding=0.05` would result in reconstruction size of `(440, 440)`. However, if padding is >= 0.0, we only return the reconstruction cropped to the original size. For negative paddings, the absolute value is used, but the result maintains the padded size. `padding=0` disables any padding. - `opt_package=Opt_Optim`: decides which backend for the optimizer is used. - `opt=LBFGS()`: The chosen optimizer which must fit to `opt_package` - `opt_options=nothing`: Can be a options file required by Optim.jl. Will overwrite iterations. - `initial=mean(measured)`: defines a value (or array) with the initial guess. This will be pulled through the inverse mapping function and extended with a mean value (if border regions are used). - `debug_f=nothing`: A debug function which must take a single argument, the current reconstruction. !!! note If you want to provide your PSF model, ensure that centered around the first entry of the array (`psf[1]`). You may need to use `ifftshift` for a PSF model or a measured PSF. # Example ```julia-repl julia> using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Colors, Noise; julia> img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")); julia> psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(img), 30)); julia> img_b = conv(img, psf); julia> img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); julia> res, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf); ``` """ function deconvolution(measured::AbstractArray{T, N}, psf; loss=Poisson(), regularizer=GR(), λ=T(0.05), background=zero(T), mapping=Non_negative(), iterations=nothing, conv_dims = ntuple(+, ndims(psf)), padding=0.00, opt_options=nothing, opt=LBFGS(linesearch=BackTracking()), initial=mean(measured), debug_f=nothing, opt_package=Opt_Optim) where {T, N} # rec0 will be an array storing the final reconstruction # we choose it larger than the measured array to reduce # wrap around artifacts of the Fourier Transform # we create a array size_padded which stores a new array size # our reconstruction array will be larger than measured # to prevent wrap around artifacts size_padded = [] for i = 1:ndims(measured) # if the size of the i-th dimension is 1 # don't do any padding because there won't be no # convolution in that dimension if size(measured)[i] == 1 push!(size_padded, 1) else # only pad, if padding is true if ~iszero(padding) # 2 * ensures symmetric padding # minimum padding is 2 (4 in total) on each side x = next_fast_fft_size(max(4, 2 * round(Int, size(measured)[i] * abs(padding)))) else x = 0 end push!(size_padded, size(measured)[i] + x) end end # we divide by the mean to normalize rescaling = mean(measured) measured = measured ./ rescaling initial = initial ./ rescaling # create rec0 which will be the initial guess for the reconstruction rec0 = similar(measured, (size_padded)...) fill!(rec0, one(eltype(measured))) # alternative rec0_center, unused at the moment #rec0_center = m_invf(abs.(conv(measured, psf, conv_dims))) # # take the mean as the initial guess # therefore has the same total energy at the initial guess as # measured csize = isa(initial, AbstractArray) ? size(initial) : size(measured) one_arr = similar(measured, size(measured)) fill!(one_arr, mean(measured)) center_set!(rec0, one_arr .* initial) mf, mf_inv = get_mapping(mapping) rec0 = mf_inv(rec0) # psf_n is the psf with the same size as rec0 but only in that dimensions # that were supported by the initial psf. Broadcasting of psf with less # dimensions is still supported # we put the small psf into the new one # it is important to pad the PSF instead of the OTF psf_new_size = Array{Int}(undef, 0) for i = 1:ndims(psf) push!(psf_new_size, size(rec0)[i]) end psf_new_size = tuple(psf_new_size...) psf_n = similar(rec0, psf_new_size) fill!(psf_n, zero(eltype(rec0))) psf_n = center_set!(psf_n, fftshift(psf)) psf = ifftshift(psf_n) # the psf should be normalized to 1 psf ./= sum(psf) otf, conv_temp = plan_conv(rec0, psf, conv_dims) # forward model is a convolution # due to numerics, we need to clip at 0 # analytically it's a convolution psf ≥ 0 and image ≥ 0 # so it must be conv(psf, image) ≥ 0 forward(x) = let if iszero(background) center_extract((conv_aux(conv_temp, x, otf)), size(measured)) else center_extract((conv_aux(conv_temp, x, otf) .+ background), size(measured)) end end # pass to more general optimization res_out, res = invert(measured, rec0, forward; iterations=iterations, λ=λ, regularizer=regularizer, opt=opt, opt_options=opt_options, mapping=mapping, loss=loss, debug_f=debug_f, opt_package=opt_package) res_out .*= rescaling # since we do some padding we need to extract the center part # for negative paddings, keep the large size. if padding > 0.0 res_out = center_extract(res_out, size(measured)) end return res_out, res end
[ "MIT" ]
""" conv_aux(conv_otf, rec, otf) Calculate the convolution between `rec` and `otf`. The used convolution function is `conv_otf`. `conv_otf` can be exchanged to be a rfft, fft or plan_fft based routine. This function is just defined to speed up automatic differentiation and it's custom defined adjoint. """ function conv_aux(conv_otf, rec, otf) return conv_otf(rec, otf) end # define custom adjoint for conv_aux function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(conv_aux), conv, rec, otf) Y = conv_aux(conv, rec, otf) function conv_aux_pullback(barx) return zero(eltype(rec)), zero(eltype(rec)), conv(barx, conj(otf)), zero(eltype(rec)) end return Y, conv_aux_pullback end
[ "MIT" ]
export invert, OptInterface, Opt_Optim, Opt_OptimPackNextGen abstract type OptInterface end # To accommodate multiple optimizers which are incompatible struct Opt_Optim <: OptInterface end # struct Opt_OptimPackNextGen <: OptInterface end # """ invert(measured, rec0, forward; <keyword arguments>) Tries to invert the `forward` model. `forward` is a function taking an input with the shape of `rec0` and returns an object which has the same shape as `measured` Multiple keyword arguments can be specified for different loss functions, regularizers and mappings. # Arguments - `loss=Poisson()`: the loss function being compatible to compare with `measured`. - `regularizer=nothing`: A regularizer function, same form as `loss`. - `λ=0.05`: A float indicating the total weighting of the regularizer with respect to the global loss function - `mapping=Non_negative()`: Applies a mapping of the optimizer weight. Default is a parabola which achieves a non-negativity constraint. - `iterations=nothing`: Specifies a number of iterations after the optimization. definitely should stop. Will be overwritten if `opt_options` is provided. Default: 20 - `opt_package=Opt_Optim`: decides which backend for the optimizer is used. - `opt=LBFGS()`: The chosen optimizer which must fit to `opt_package`. - `opt_options=nothing`: Can be a options file required by Optim.jl. Will overwrite iterations. - `debug_f=nothing`: A debug function which must take a single argument, the current reconstruction. """ function invert(measured, rec0, forward; iterations=nothing, λ=eltype(rec0)(0.05), regularizer=nothing, opt=LBFGS(linesearch=LineSearches.BackTracking()), opt_options=nothing, mapping=Non_negative(), loss=Poisson(), debug_f=nothing, opt_package=Opt_Optim) # if not special options are given, just restrict iterations if opt_package <: Opt_Optim && opt_options !== nothing && iterations !== nothing error("If `opt_options` are provided you need to include the iterations as part of these instead of providing the `iterations` argument.") end iterations = (iterations === nothing) ? 20 : iterations if opt_package <: Opt_Optim if opt_options === nothing opt_options = Optim.Options(iterations=iterations) end end # Get the mapping functions to achieve constraints # like non negativity mf, m_invf = get_mapping(mapping) regularizer = get_regularizer(regularizer, eltype(rec0)) debug_f_n(x) = let if isnothing(debug_f) identity(x) else debug_f(mf(x)) end end storage_μ = deepcopy(measured) function total_loss(rec) # handle if there is a provided mapping function mf_rec = mf(rec) forward_v = forward(mf_rec) loss_v = sum(loss(forward_v, measured, storage_μ)) loss_v += λ .* regularizer(mf_rec) return loss_v end # nice precompilation before calling Zygote etc. Base.invokelatest(total_loss, rec0) # this is the function which will be provided to Optimize # check Optim's documentation for the purpose of F and Get # but simply speaking F is the loss value and G it's gradient # depending whether one of them is nothing, we skip some computations # we need to call Base.invokelatest because the regularizer is a function # generated at runtime with eval. # This leads to the common "world age problem" in Julia # for more details on that check: # function fg!(F, G, rec) # Zygote calculates both derivative and loss, therefore do everything in one step if G !== nothing # apply debug function debug_f_n(rec) y, back = Base.invokelatest(Zygote._pullback, total_loss, rec) # calculate gradient G .= Base.invokelatest(back, 1)[2] if F !== nothing return y end end if F !== nothing return Base.invokelatest(total_loss, rec) end end if isa(opt_package, Type{Opt_Optim}) if opt_options === nothing opt_options = Optim.Options(iterations=iterations) end # do the optimization with LBGFS res = Optim.optimize(Optim.only_fg!(fg!), rec0, opt, opt_options) res_out = mf(Optim.minimizer(res)) # supports a different interface as for example used in OptimPackNextGen for the function 'vmlmb!' elseif isa(opt_package, Type{Opt_OptimPackNextGen}) res = copy(rec0) if isnothing(opt_options) opt((x, g) -> fg!(true, g, x), res; maxiter=iterations) else opt((x, g) -> fg!(true, g, x), res; maxiter=iterations, opt_options...) end res_out = mf(res) else error("Unknown optimizer interface $(typeof(opt_package))") end return res_out, res end
[ "MIT" ]
export HS # References: # * Lefkimmiatis, Stamatios, John Paul Ward, and Michael Unser. "Hessian Schatten-norm regularization for linear inverse problems." IEEE transactions on image processing 22.5 (2013): 1873-1888. # * Lefkimmiatis, Stamatios, and Michael Unser. "Poisson image reconstruction with Hessian Schatten-norm regularization." IEEE transactions on image processing 22.11 (2013): 4314-4327. function Δr1r1(x) return @tullio res[i, j] := x[i+2, j+0] - 2 * x[i+1, j] + x[i, j] (i in 1:size(x)[1]-2, j in 1:size(x)[2]-2) end function Δr2r2(x) return @tullio res[i, j] := x[i+0, j+2] - 2 * x[i, j+1] + x[i, j] (i in 1:size(x)[1]-2, j in 1:size(x)[2]-2) end function Δr1r2(x) return @tullio res[i, j] := x[i+1, j+1] - x[i+1, j] - x[i, j+1] + x[i, j] (i in 1:size(x)[1]-2, j in 1:size(x)[2]-2) end """ HS(; p=1) Hessian Schatten norm. `p` determines which Schatten norm is used. This regularizer only works with 2D arrays at the moment. """ function HS(;p=1) if isone(p) return HS1 end f(x) = HSp(x, p=p) return f end """ Hessian schatten norm for p=1 efficiently with Tullio. """ function HS1(arr) H11 = Δr1r1(arr) H22 = Δr2r2(arr) return schatten_norm_1(H11, H22) end function schatten_norm_1(a, d) @tullio A[i, j] := a[i, j] + d[i, j] @tullio res = abs(1f-8 + A[i, j]) end """ Hessian schatten norm for p. But not as fast as p=1 """ function HSp(arr; p=1) H11 = Δr1r1(arr) H22 = Δr2r2(arr) H12 = Δr1r2(arr) res = schatten_norm_tullio(H11, H12, H22, p) return sum(res) end function schatten_norm(H11, H12, H22, p) λ₁, λ₂ = eigvals_symmetric(H11, H12, H22) return (λ₁^p + λ₂^p )^(1/p) end function schatten_norm_tullio(H11, H12, H22, p) λ₁, λ₂ = eigvals_symmetric_tullio(H11, H12, H22) return @tullio res = abs((1f-8 + λ₁[i, j]^p + λ₂[i, j]^p))^(1/p) end """ eigvals_symmetric(a,b,c) Calculate the eigenvalues of the matrix [a b; b d] analytically. """ function eigvals_symmetric(a, b, d) A = a+d B = sqrt((a-d)^2+4*b^2) λ₁ = 0.5 * (A + B) λ₂ = 0.5 * (A - B) return λ₁, λ₂ end function eigvals_symmetric_tullio(a, b, d) @tullio A[i, j] := a[i, j] + d[i, j] @tullio B[i, j] := sqrt(1f-8 + (a[i, j]-d[i, j])^2+4*b[i, j]^2) @tullio λ₁[i, j] := 0.5 * (A[i, j] + B[i, j]) @tullio λ₂[i, j] := 0.5 * (A[i, j] - B[i, j]) return λ₁, λ₂ end
[ "MIT" ]
export Poisson, poisson_aux export Gauss, gauss_aux export ScaledGauss, scaled_gauss_aux export Anscombe, anscombe_aux """ poisson_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ)) Calculates the Poisson loss for `μ` and `meas`. `μ` can be of larger size than `meas`. In that case we extract a centered region from `μ` of the same size as `meas`. """ function poisson_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ)) # due to numerical errors, μ can be negative or 0 if minimum(μ) <= 0 μ .= μ .+ eps(maximum(μ)) .+ abs.(minimum(μ)) end storage .= μ .- meas .* log.(μ) return sum(storage) end # define custom gradient for speed-up # ChainRulesCore offers the possibility to define a backward AD rule # which can be used by several different AD systems function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(poisson_aux), μ, meas, storage) Y = poisson_aux(μ, meas, storage) function poisson_aux_pullback(xbar) storage .= xbar .* (one(eltype(μ)) .- meas ./ μ) return NoTangent(), storage, (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation") end return Y, poisson_aux_pullback end """ Poisson() Returns a function to calculate Poisson loss Check the help of `poisson_aux`. """ function Poisson() return poisson_aux end """ gauss_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ)) Calculates the Gauss loss for `μ` and `meas`. `μ` can be of larger size than `meas`. In that case we extract a centered region from `μ` of the same size as `meas`. """ function gauss_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ)) storage .= abs2.(μ - meas) return sum(storage) end # define custom gradient for speed-up function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(gauss_aux), μ, meas, storage) Y = gauss_aux(μ, meas) function gauss_aux_pullback(xbar) return NoTangent(), 2 .* xbar .* (μ - meas), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation") end return Y, gauss_aux_pullback end """ Gauss() Returns a function to calculate Gauss loss. Check the help of `gauss_aux`. """ function Gauss() return gauss_aux end """ scaled_gauss_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ); read_var=0) Calculates the scaled Gauss loss for `μ` and `meas`. `read_var=0` is the readout noise variance of the sensor. `μ` can be of larger size than `meas`. In that case we extract a centered region from `μ` of the same size as `meas`. """ function scaled_gauss_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ); read_var=0) μ[μ .<= 1f-8] .= 1f-8 storage .= log.(μ .+ read_var) .+ (meas .- μ).^2 ./ ((μ .+ read_var)) return sum(storage) end # define custom gradient for speed-up function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(scaled_gauss_aux), μ, meas, storage; read_var=0) Y = scaled_gauss_aux(μ, meas) function scaled_gauss_aux_pullback(xbar) ∇ = xbar .* (μ.^2 .- meas.^2 .+ μ .+ read_var.*(1 .- 2 .* (meas .- µ)))./((μ .+read_var).^2) ∇[μ .<= 1f-8] .= 0 return NoTangent(), ∇, (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation") end return Y, scaled_gauss_aux_pullback end """ ScaledGauss() Returns a function to calculate scaled Gauss loss. Check the help of `scaled_gauss_aux`. """ function ScaledGauss(read_var=0) return (µ, meas, storage=similar(µ)) -> scaled_gauss_aux(µ, meas, storage, read_var=read_var) end """ anscombe_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ); b=0) Calculates the Poisson loss using the Anscombe-based norm for `μ` and `meas`. `μ` can be of larger size than `meas`. In that case we extract a centered region from `μ` of the same size as `meas`. `b=0` is the optional parameter under the `√`. Note that the data will be normalized to the mean of the data, which means that you have to divide this parameter also by the mean of the data, i.e. b=3.0/8.0/mean(measured). """ function anscombe_aux(μ, meas, storage=similar(μ); b=0) # we cannot divide b here by meas, since meas is already normalized # due to numerical errors, μ can be negative or 0 mm = minimum(μ) if mm <= 0 μ .= μ .+ eps(maximum(μ)) .+ abs.(mm) end storage .= abs2.(sqrt.(meas .+ b) .- sqrt.(μ .+ b)) return sum(storage) end # define custom gradient for speed-up # ChainRulesCore offers the possibility to define a backward AD rule # which can be used by several different AD systems function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(anscombe_aux), μ, meas, storage; b=1) Y = anscombe_aux(μ, meas, storage, b=b) function anscombe_aux_pullback(xbar) storage .= xbar .* (one(eltype(μ)) .- sqrt.((meas .+ b) ./ (μ.+b))) return NoTangent(), storage, (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation"), (ChainRulesCore.@not_implemented "Save computation") end return Y, anscombe_aux_pullback end """ Anscombe(b=0) Returns a function to calculate Poisson loss using the Anscombe transform Check the help of `anscombe_aux`. """ function Anscombe(b=0) (μ, meas, storage=similar(μ)) -> anscombe_aux(μ, meas, storage, b=b) end
[ "MIT" ]
export richardson_lucy_iterative """ richardson_lucy_iterative(measured, psf; <keyword arguments>) Classical iterative Richardson-Lucy iteration scheme for deconvolution. `measured` is the measured array and `psf` the point spread function. Converges slower than the optimization approach of `deconvolution` # Keyword Arguments - `regularizer=GR()`: A regularizer function. Can be exchanged - `λ=0.05`: A float indicating the total weighting of the regularizer with respect to the global loss function - `iterations=100`: Specifies number of iterations. - `progress`: if not `nothing`, the progress will be monitored in a summary dictionary as obtained by DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv() # Example ```julia-repl julia> using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Colors, Noise; julia> img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")); julia> psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(img), 30)); julia> img_b = conv(img, psf); julia> img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); julia> @time res = richardson_lucy_iterative(img_n, psf); ``` """ function richardson_lucy_iterative(measured, psf; regularizer=GR(), λ=0.05, iterations=100, conv_dims=1:ndims(psf), progress = nothing) otf, conv_temp = plan_conv(measured, psf, conv_dims) otf_conj = conj.(otf) # initializer rec = abs.(conv_temp(measured, otf))#ones(eltype(measured), size(measured)) # buffer for gradient # we need Base.invokelatest because of world age issues with generated # regularizers buffer_grad = let if !isnothing(regularizer) Base.invokelatest(gradient, regularizer, rec)[1] else nothing end end ∇reg(x) = buffer_grad .= Base.invokelatest(gradient, regularizer, x)[1] buffer = copy(measured) iter_without_reg(rec) = begin buffer .= measured ./ (conv_temp(rec, otf)) conv_temp(buffer, otf_conj) end iter_with_reg(rec) = buffer .= (iter_without_reg(rec) .- λ .* ∇reg(rec)) iter = isnothing(regularizer) ? iter_without_reg : iter_with_reg # the loss function is only needed for logging, not for LR itself loss(myrec) = begin fwd = conv_temp(myrec, otf) return sum(fwd .- measured .* log.(fwd)) end # logging part tmp_time = 0.0 if progress !== nothing record_progress!(progress, rec, 0, loss(rec), 0.0, 1.0) tmp_time=time() end code_time = 0.0 # do actual optimization for i in 1:iterations rec .*= iter(rec) if progress !== nothing # do not count the time for evaluating the loss here. code_time += time() .- tmp_time record_progress!(progress, copy(rec), i, loss(rec), code_time, 1.0) tmp_time=time() end end return rec end
[ "MIT" ]
export Non_negative export Map_0_1 export Piecewise_positive export Pow4_positive export Abs_positive # All these functions return a mapping function and # the inverse of it # they are used to map the real numbers to non-negative real numbers """ Non_negative() Returns a function and an inverse function inverse function to map numbers to non-negative numbers. We use a parabola. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> p, p_inv = Non_negative() (DeconvOptim.var"#5#7"(), DeconvOptim.var"#6#8"()) julia> x = [-1, 2, -3] 3-element Array{Int64,1}: -1 2 -3 julia> p(x) 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 4 9 julia> p_inv(p(x)) 3-element Array{Float64,1}: 1.0 2.0 3.0 ``` """ function Non_negative() #return x -> map(abs2, x), parab_inv return parab, parab_inv end parab(x) = abs2.(x) parab_inv(x) = sqrt.(x) # define custom adjoint for parab because of # slow broadcasting function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(parab), x) Y = parab(x) function aux_pullback(barx) return zero(eltype(Y)), (2 .* barx) .* x end return Y, aux_pullback end """ Map_0_1() Returns a function and an inverse function to map numbers to an interval between 0 and 1. via an exponential function. """ function Map_0_1() return f01, f01_inv end f01(x) = 1 .- exp.(.- x.^2) f01_inv(y) = sqrt.(.- log.(1 .- y)) """ Piecewise_positive() Returns a function and an inverse function to map numbers to larger than 0 via two function stitched together. """ function Piecewise_positive() return f_pw_pos, f_pw_pos_inv end f_pw_pos(x) = ifelse.(x .> 0, one(eltype(x)) .+ x,one(eltype(x))./(one(eltype(x)).-x)) f_pw_pos_grad(x) = ifelse.(x .> 0, one(eltype(x)) , one(eltype(x))./abs2.(one(eltype(x)).-x)) f_pw_pos_inv(y) = ifelse.(y .> 1, y .- one(eltype(y)), one(eltype(y)) .- one(eltype(y))./y) function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(f_pw_pos), x) Y = f_pw_pos(x) function aux_pullback(barx) return zero(eltype(Y)), barx .* f_pw_pos_grad(x) end return Y, aux_pullback end """ Pow4_positive() Returns a function and an inverse function to map numbers to larger than 0 with `abs2.(abs2.(x))` """ function Pow4_positive() return f_pow4, f_pow4_inv end f_pow4(x) = abs2.(abs2.(x)) f_pow4_inv(y) = sqrt.(sqrt.(y)) """ Abs_positive() Returns a function and an inverse function to map numbers to larger than 0. """ function Abs_positive() return f_abs, f_abs_inv end f_abs(x) = abs.(x) f_abs_inv(y) = abs.(y)
[ "MIT" ]
using Zygote using Tullio export Tikhonov, GR, TV, TH export generate_spatial_grad_square, generate_GR, generate_TV include("hessian_schatten_norm.jl") # General hint # for the creation of the regularizers we are using meta programming # because the fastest way for automatic differentiation and Zygote # is Tullio.jl at the moment. # Our metaprogramming code was initially based on # # """ generate_indices(num_dims, d, ind1, ind2) Generates a list of symbols which can be used to generate Tullio expressions via metaprogramming. `num_dims` is the total number of dimensions. `d` is the dimension where there is a offset in the index. `ind1` and `ind2` are the offsets each. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> a, b = generate_indices(5, 2, 1, 1) (Any[:i1, :(i2 + 1), :i3, :i4, :i5], Any[:i1, :(i2 + 1), :i3, :i4, :i5]) ``` """ function generate_indices(num_dims, d, ind1, ind2) # create initial symbol ind = :i # create the array of symbols for each dimension inds1 = map(1:num_dims) do di # map over numbers and append the number of the position to symbol i i = Symbol(ind, di) # at the dimension where we want to do the step, add $ind1 di == d ? :($i + $ind1) : i end inds2 = map(1:num_dims) do di i = Symbol(ind, di) # here we do the step but in the other dimension. ind2 should be # (-1) * ind1 or negative di == d ? :($i + $ind2) : i end return inds1, inds2 end """ generate_laplace(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights) Generate the Tullio statement for computing the abs2 of Laplacian. `num_dims` is the dimension of the array. `sum_dims_arr` is a array indicating over which dimensions we must sum over. `weights` is a array of a weight for the different dimension. """ function generate_laplace(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights; debug=false) # create out list for the final expression # add accumulates the different add expressions out, add = [], [] # loop over all dimensions which we want to sum. for each dimension must # be a weight provided for (d, w) in zip(sum_dims_arr, weights) # get the two lists of indices inds1, inds2 = generate_indices(num_dims, d, 1, -1) # critical part where we actually add the two expressions for # the steps in the dimension to the add array push!(add, :($w * arr[$(inds1...)] + $w * arr[$(inds2...)])) end # for laplace we need one final negative term at the position itself inds = map(1:num_dims) do di i = Symbol(:i, di) end # subtract this final term pre_factor = 2 .* sum(weights) push!(add, :(-$:($pre_factor * arr[$(inds...)]))) # create final expressions by adding all elements of the add list if debug push!(out, :(res = abs2(+$(add...)))) else push!(out, :(@tullio res = abs2(+$(add...)))) end return out end """ create_Ndim_regularizer(expr, num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2) A helper function to create a N-dimensional regularizer. In principle the same as `generate_laplace` but more general `expr` needs to be a function which takes `inds1`, `inds2` and a weight `w`- `num_dims` is the total amount of dimensions `sum_dims_arr` is a array indicating over which dimensions we must sum over. `weights` is a array of a weight for the different dimension. `` """ function create_Ndim_regularizer(expr, num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2) out, add = [], [] for (d, w) in zip(sum_dims_arr, weights) inds1, inds2 = generate_indices(num_dims, d, ind1, ind2) push!(add, expr(inds1, inds2, w)) end push!(out, :(@tullio res = +($(add...)))) return out end """ generate_spatial_grad_square(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights) Generate the Tullio statement for calculating the squared spatial gradient over n dimensions. `num_dims` is the dimension of the array. `sum_dims_arr` is a array indicating over which dimensions we must sum over. `weights` is a array of a weight for the different dimension. `ind1` and `ind2` are the offsets for the difference. """ function generate_spatial_grad_square(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights) expr(inds1, inds2, w) = :($w * abs2(arr[$(inds1...)] - arr[$(inds2...)])) @eval x = arr -> ($(create_Ndim_regularizer(expr, num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, 1, -1)...)) return x end """ Tikhonov(; <keyword arguments>) This function returns a function to calculate the Tikhonov regularizer of a n-dimensional array. # Arguments - `num_dims=2`: - `sum_dims=[1, 2]`: A array containing the dimensions we want to sum over - `weights=nothing`: A array containing weights to weight the contribution of different dimensions. If `weights=nothing` all dimensions are weighted equally. - `step=1`: A integer indicating the step width for the array indexing - `mode="laplace"`: Either `"laplace"`, `"spatial_grad_square"`, `"identity"` accounting for different modes of the Tikhonov regularizer. Default is `"laplace"`. # Examples To create a regularizer for a 3D dataset where the third dimension has different contribution. ```julia-repl julia> reg = Tikhonov(num_dims=2, sum_dims=[1, 2], weights=[1, 1], mode="identity"); julia> reg([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]) 285 ``` """ function Tikhonov(;num_dims=2, sum_dims=1:num_dims, weights=[1, 1], step=1, mode="laplace") if weights == nothing weights = ones(Int, num_dims) end if mode == "laplace" Γ = @eval arr -> ($(generate_laplace(num_dims, sum_dims, weights)...)) elseif mode == "spatial_grad_square" expr(inds1, inds2, w) = :($w * abs2(arr[$(inds1...)] - arr[$(inds2...)])) Γ = @eval arr -> ($(create_Ndim_regularizer(expr, num_dims, sum_dims, weights, step, (-1) * step)...)) elseif mode == "identity" Γ = arr -> sum(abs2.(arr)) else throw(ArgumentError("The provided mode is not valid.")) end return Γ end """ generate_GR(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2) Generate the Tullio statement for computing the Good's roughness. `num_dims` is the dimension of the array. `sum_dims_arr` is a array indicating over which dimensions we must sum over. `weights` is a array of a weight for the different dimension. `ind1` and `ind2` are the offsets for the difference. """ function generate_GR(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2; debug=false) out, add = [], [] inds = map(1:num_dims) do di i = Symbol(:i, di) end for (d, w) in zip(sum_dims_arr, weights) inds1, inds2 = generate_indices(num_dims, d, ind1, ind2) push!(add, :($w * (arr[$(inds1...)] + arr[$(inds2...)]))) end prefactor = - 4 / (abs(ind1) + abs(ind2)) diff_factor = -sum(weights) * 2 push!(add, :($diff_factor *arr[$(inds...)])) if debug push!(out, :(res = $prefactor * arr[$(inds...)] * +($(add...)))) else push!(out, :(@tullio res = $prefactor * arr[$(inds...)] * +($(add...)))) end return out end """ GR(; <keyword arguments>) This function returns a function to calculate the Good's roughness regularizer of a n-dimensional array. # Arguments - `num_dims=2`: Dimension of the array that should be regularized - `sum_dims=[1, 2]`: A array containing the dimensions we want to sum over - `weights=nothing`: A array containing weights to weight the contribution of different dimensions. If `weights=nothing` all dimensions are weighted equally. - `step=1`: A integer indicating the step width for the array indexing - `mode="forward"`: Either `"central"` or `"forward"` accounting for different modes of the spatial gradient. Default is "forward". - `ϵ=1f-8` is a smoothness variable, to make it differentiable # Examples To create a regularizer for a 3D dataset where the third dimension has different contribution. For the derivative we use forward mode. ```julia-repl julia> reg = GR(num_dims=2, sum_dims=[1, 2], weights=[1, 1], mode="forward"); julia> reg([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]) -26.36561871738898 ``` """ function GR(; num_dims=2, sum_dims=1:num_dims, weights=[1, 1], step=1, mode="forward", ϵ=1f-8) if weights == nothing weights = ones(Int, num_dims) end if mode == "central" GRf = @eval arr2 -> begin arr = sqrt.(arr2 .+ $ϵ) $(generate_GR(num_dims, sum_dims, weights, step, (-1) * step)...) end elseif mode == "forward" GRf = @eval arr2 -> begin arr = sqrt.(arr2 .+ $ϵ) ($(generate_GR(num_dims, sum_dims, weights, step, 0)...)) end else throw(ArgumentError("The provided mode is not valid.")) end # we need to add a ϵ to prevent NaN in the derivative of it return GRf#arr -> begin end """ generate_TV(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2, ϵ) Generate the Tullio statement for computing the Good's roughness. `num_dims` is the dimension of the array. `sum_dims_arr` is a array indicating over which dimensions we must sum over. `weights` is a array of a weight for the different dimension. `ind1` and `ind2` are the offsets for the difference. `ϵ` is a numerical constant to prevent division by zero. this is important for the gradient """ function generate_TV(num_dims, sum_dims_arr, weights, ind1, ind2, ϵ=1f-8; debug=false) out, add = [], [] for (d, w) in zip(sum_dims_arr, weights) inds1, inds2 = generate_indices(num_dims, d, ind1, ind2) push!(add, :($w * abs2(arr[$(inds1...)] - arr[$(inds2...)]))) end push!(add, ϵ) if debug push!(out, :(res = sqrt(+($(add...))))) else push!(out, :(@tullio res = sqrt(+($(add...))))) end return out end """ TV(; <keyword arguments>) This function returns a function to calculate the Total Variation regularizer of a n-dimensional array. # Arguments - `num_dims=2`: - `sum_dims=1:num_dims`: A array containing the dimensions we want to sum over - `weights=nothing`: A array containing weights to weight the contribution of different dimensions. If `weights=nothing` all dimensions are weighted equally. - `step=1`: A integer indicating the step width for the array indexing - `mode="forward"`: Either `"central"` or `"forward"` accounting for different modes of the spatial gradient. Default is "forward". - `ϵ=1f-8` is a smoothness variable, to make it differentiable # Examples To create a regularizer for a 3D dataset where the third dimension has different contribution. For the derivative we use forward mode. ```julia-repl julia> reg = TV(num_dims=2, sum_dims=[1, 2], weights=[1, 1], mode="forward"); julia> reg([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]) 12.649111f0 ``` """ function TV(; num_dims=2, sum_dims=1:num_dims, weights=nothing, step=1, mode="forward", ϵ=1f-8) if weights == nothing weights = ones(Int, num_dims) end if mode == "central" total_var = @eval arr -> ($(generate_TV(num_dims, sum_dims, weights, step, (-1) * step, ϵ)...)) elseif mode == "forward" total_var = @eval arr -> ($(generate_TV(num_dims, sum_dims, weights, step, 0, ϵ)...)) else throw(ArgumentError("The provided mode is not valid.")) end return total_var end """ TH(; <keyword arguments>) This function returns a function to calculate the Total Hessian norm of a n-dimensional array. # Arguments - `num_dims=2` - `ϵ=1f-8` is a smoothness variable, to make it differentiable """ function TH(; num_dims=2, ϵ=1f-8) if num_dims == 3 reg_HES = x -> @tullio res = sqrt(ϵ + abs2(x[i+1,j,k] + x[i-1,j,k] - 2* x[i,j,k]) + abs2(x[i,j+1,k] + x[i,j-1,k] - 2* x[i,j,k]) + abs2(x[i,j,k+1] + x[i,j,k-1] - 2* x[i,j,k]) + 2 * abs2(x[i+1,j+1,k] - x[i+1,j,k] - x[i,j+1,k] + x[i, j,k]) + 2 * abs2(x[i+1,j,k+1] - x[i+1,j,k] - x[i,j,k+1] + x[i, j,k]) + 2 * abs2(x[i,j+1,k+1] - x[i,j,k+1] - x[i,j,k+1] + x[i, j,k])) return reg_HES elseif num_dims == 2 reg_HES = x -> @tullio res = sqrt(ϵ + abs2(x[i+1, j] + x[i-1, j] - 2* x[i, j]) + abs2(x[i,j+1] + x[i, j-1] - 2* x[i, j]) + 2 * abs2(x[i+1, j+1] - x[i+1, j] - x[i, j+1] + x[i, j])) return reg_HES else throw(ArgumentError("num_dims must be 2 or 3")) end end
[ "MIT" ]
export TV_cuda f_inds(rs, b) = ntuple(i -> i == b ? rs[i] .+ 1 : rs[i], length(rs)) """ TV_cuda(; num_dims=2) This function returns a function to calculate the Total Variation regularizer of a 2 or 3 dimensional array. `num_dims` can be either `2` or `3`. ```julia-repl julia> using CUDA julia> reg = TV_cuda(num_dims=2); julia> reg(CuArray([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9])) 12.649111f0 ``` """ function TV_cuda(; num_dims=2, weights=ones(Float32, num_dims), ϵ=1f-8) if num_dims == 3 return arr -> TV_3D_view(arr, weights, ϵ) elseif num_dims == 2 return arr -> TV_2D_view(arr, weights, ϵ) else throw(ArgumentError("num_dims must be 2 or 3")) end return reg_TV end function TV_2D_view(arr::AbstractArray{T, N}, weights, ϵ=1f-8) where {T, N} as = ntuple(i -> axes(arr, i), Val(N)) rs = map(x -> first(x):last(x)-1, as) arr0 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 0)...) arr1 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 1)...) arr2 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 2)...) return @fastmath sum(sqrt.(ϵ .+ weights[1] .* (arr1 .- arr0).^2 .+ weights[2] .* (arr0 .- arr2).^2)) end function TV_3D_view(arr::AbstractArray{T, N}, weights, ϵ=1f-8) where {T, N} as = ntuple(i -> axes(arr, i), Val(N)) rs = map(x -> first(x):last(x)-1, as) arr0 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 0)...) arr1 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 1)...) arr2 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 2)...) arr3 = view(arr, f_inds(rs, 3)...) return @fastmath sum(sqrt.(ϵ .+ weights[1] .* (arr1 .- arr0).^2 .+ weights[2] .* (arr2 .- arr0).^2 .+ weights[3] .* (arr3 .- arr0).^2 )) end
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isgpu(x) = false function __init__() @require CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba" begin @info "DeconvOptim.jl: CUDA.jl is loaded, so include GPU functionality" gpu_or_cpu(x) = CUDA.CuArray isgpu(x::CUDA.CuArray) = true # prevent slow scalar indexing on GPU CUDA.allowscalar(false); # we need to fix some operations so that they are fast o GPUs # # Reference: # LinearAlgebra.norm1(x::CUDA.CuArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = sum(abs, x); # specializes the one-norm # LinearAlgebra.normInf(x::CUDA.CuArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = maximum(abs, x); # specializes the one-norm # Optim.maxdiff(x::CUDA.CuArray{T,N},y::CUDA.CuArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = maximum(abs.(x-y)); end end
[ "MIT" ]
export generate_psf export generate_downsample, my_interpolate export center_extract, center_set!, get_indices_around_center, center_pos """ generate_downsample(num_dim, downsample_dims, factor) Generate a function (based on Tullio.jl) which can be used to downsample arrays. `num_dim` (Integer) are the dimensions of the array. `downsample_dims` is a list of which dimensions should be downsampled. `factor` is a downsampling factor. It needs to be an integer number. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> ds = generate_downsample(2, [1, 2], 2) [...] julia> ds([1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8]) 2×1 Array{Float64,2}: 2.5 6.5 julia> ds = generate_downsample(2, [1], 2) [...] julia> ds([1 2; 3 5; 5 6; 7 8]) 2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 2.0 3.5 6.0 7.0 ``` """ function generate_downsample(num_dim, downsample_dims, factor) @assert num_dim ≥ length(downsample_dims) # create unit cell with Cartesian Index # dims_units contains every where a 1 where the downsampling should happen dims_units = zeros(Int, num_dim) # here we set which dimensions should be downsamples dims_units[downsample_dims] .= 1 # the unit cell expressed in CartesianIndex one = CartesianIndex(dims_units...) # create a list of symbols # these list represents the symbols to access the arrays ind = :i inds_out = map(1:num_dim) do di i = Symbol(ind, di) end # output list for the add commands add = [] # via CartesianIndex we can loop over all rectangular neighbours # we loop only over the neighbours in the downsample_dims for n = one:one*factor # for each index calculate the offset to the neighbour inds = map(1:num_dim) do di i = Symbol(ind, di) if n[di] == 0 di = i else expr = :($factor * $i) diff = -factor + n[di] di = :($expr + $diff) end end # push this single neighbour to add list push!(add, :(arr[$(inds...)])) end # combine the different parts and divide for averaging expr = [:(@tullio res[$(inds_out...)] := (+($(add...))) / $factor^$(length(downsample_dims)))] #= return expr =# # evaluate to function @eval f = arr -> ($(expr...)) return f end """ my_interpolate(arr, size_n, [interp_type]) Interpolates `arr` to the sizes provided in `size_n`. Therefore it holds `ndims(arr) == length(size_n)`. `interp_type` specifies the interpolation type. See Interpolations.jl for all options """ function my_interpolate(arr, size_n, interp_type=BSpline(Linear())) # we construct a arr which includes the interpolation # type for each dimension interp = [] for s in size_n # if the outpute size is of the s-th dimension=1, # do NoInterp if s == 1 push!(interp, NoInterp()) else push!(interp, interp_type) end end # prepare the interpolation arr_n = interpolate(arr, Tuple(interp)) # interpolate introduces fractional indices # via LinRange we access these fractional indices inds = [] for d = 1:ndims(arr) push!(inds, LinRange(1, size(arr)[d], size_n[d])) end # return the new array sampled at the positions of inds # this accessing actually interpolates the data return arr_n(inds...) end """ get_indices_around_center(i_in, i_out) A function which provides two output indices `i1` and `i2` where `i2 - i1 = i_out` The indices are chosen in a way that the set `i1:i2` cuts the interval `1:i_in` in a way that the center frequency stays at the center position. Works for both odd and even indices """ function get_indices_around_center(i_in, i_out) if (mod(i_in, 2) == 0 && mod(i_out, 2) == 0 || mod(i_in, 2) == 1 && mod(i_out, 2) == 1) x = (i_in - i_out) ÷ 2 return 1 + x, i_in - x elseif mod(i_in, 2) == 1 && mod(i_out, 2) == 0 x = (i_in - 1 - i_out) ÷ 2 return 1 + x, i_in - x - 1 elseif mod(i_in, 2) == 0 && mod(i_out, 2) == 1 x = (i_in - (i_out - 1)) ÷ 2 return 1 + x, i_in - (x - 1) end end """ center_extract(arr, new_size_array) Extracts a center of an array. `new_size_array` must be list of sizes indicating the output size of each dimension. Centered means that a center frequency stays at the center position. Works for even and uneven. If `length(new_size_array) < length(ndims(arr))` the remaining dimensions are untouched and copied. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> DeconvOptim.center_extract([1 2; 3 4], [1]) 1×2 Array{Int64,2}: 3 4 julia> DeconvOptim.center_extract([1 2; 3 4], [1, 1]) 1×1 Array{Int64,2}: 4 julia> DeconvOptim.center_extract([1 2 3; 3 4 5; 6 7 8], [2 2]) 2×2 Array{Int64,2}: 1 2 3 4 ``` """ function center_extract(arr::AbstractArray, new_size_array) if size(arr) == new_size_array return arr end new_size_array = collect(new_size_array) # we construct two lists # the reason is, that we don't change higher dimensions which are not # specified in new_size_array out_indices1 = [get_indices_around_center(size(arr)[x], new_size_array[x]) for x = 1:length(new_size_array)] out_indices1 = [x[1]:x[2] for x = out_indices1] # out_indices2 contains just ranges covering the full size of each dimension out_indices2 = [1:size(arr)[i] for i = (1+length(new_size_array)):ndims(arr)] return view(arr, out_indices1..., out_indices2...) end function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(center_extract), arr, new_size_array) new_arr = center_extract(arr, new_size_array) function aux_pullback(xbar) if size(arr) == new_size_array return zero(eltype(arr)), xbar, zero(eltype(arr)) else ∇ = similar(arr, size(arr)) fill!(∇, zero(eltype(arr))) o = similar(arr, new_size_array) fill!(o, one(eltype(arr))) o .*= xbar center_set!(∇, o) return zero(eltype(arr)), ∇, zero(eltype(arr)) end end return new_arr, aux_pullback end """ center_set!(arr_large, arr_small) Puts the `arr_small` central into `arr_large`. The convention, where the center is, is the same as the definition as for FFT based centered. Function works both for even and uneven arrays. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> DeconvOptim.center_set!([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [5, 5, 5]) 6-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 1 5 5 5 1 ``` """ function center_set!(arr_large, arr_small) out_is = [] for i = 1:ndims(arr_large) a, b = get_indices_around_center(size(arr_large)[i], size(arr_small)[i]) push!(out_is, a:b) end #rest = ones(Int, ndims(arr_large) - 3) arr_large[out_is...] .= arr_small return arr_large end """ center_pos(x) Calculate the position of the center frequency. Size of the array is `x` # Examples ```jldoctest julia> DeconvOptim.center_pos(3) 2 julia> DeconvOptim.center_pos(4) 3 ``` """ function center_pos(x::Integer) # integer division return div(x, 2) + 1 end """ generate_psf(psf_size, radius) Generation of an approximate 2D PSF. `psf_size` is the output size of the PSF. The PSF will be centered around the point [1, 1], `radius` indicates the pupil diameter in pixel from which the PSF is generated. !!! note Returned 2D PSF is `fftshift`ed in contrast to models, you can find in literature. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> generate_psf([5, 5], 2) 5×5 Array{Float64,2}: 0.36 0.104721 0.0152786 0.0152786 0.104721 0.104721 0.0304627 0.00444444 0.00444444 0.0304627 0.0152786 0.00444444 0.000648436 0.000648436 0.00444444 0.0152786 0.00444444 0.000648436 0.000648436 0.00444444 0.104721 0.0304627 0.00444444 0.00444444 0.0304627 ``` """ function generate_psf(psf_size, radius) mask = rr_2D(psf_size) .<= radius mask_ft = fft(mask) psf = abs2.(mask_ft) return psf ./ sum(psf) end function rr_3D(s) rarr = zeros((s...)) for k = 1:s[3] for j = 1:s[2] for i = 1:s[1] rarr[i, j, k] = sqrt((i - center_pos(s[1]))^2 + (j - center_pos(s[2]))^2 + (k - center_pos(s[3]))^2) end end end return rarr end """ rr_2D(s) Generate a image with values being the distance to the center pixel. `s` specifies the output size of the 2D array. # Examples ```julia-repl julia> DeconvOptim.rr_2D((6, 6)) 6×6 Array{Float64,2}: 4.24264 3.60555 3.16228 3.0 3.16228 3.60555 3.60555 2.82843 2.23607 2.0 2.23607 2.82843 3.16228 2.23607 1.41421 1.0 1.41421 2.23607 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.16228 2.23607 1.41421 1.0 1.41421 2.23607 3.60555 2.82843 2.23607 2.0 2.23607 2.82843 ``` """ function rr_2D(s) rarr = zeros((s...)) for j = 1:s[2] for i = 1:s[1] rarr[i, j] = sqrt((i - center_pos(s[1]))^2 + (j - center_pos(s[2]))^2) end end return rarr end function get_mapping(mapping) return mapping[1], mapping[2] end function get_mapping(mapping::Nothing) return identity, identity end function get_regularizer(reg, etype) return reg end function get_regularizer(reg::Nothing, etype) x -> zero(etype) end """ next_fast_fft_size(x) `x` is a tuple of sizes. It rounds to the next fast FFT size. FFT is especially fast on small prime factors. """ function next_fast_fft_size(x) nextprod([2, 3, 5, 7], x) end function next_fast_fft_size(x::Tuple) next_fast_fft_size.(x) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Analysis tools" begin # minimalistic test @testset "Relative Energy regain" begin x = [1f0 -2; 4 5; 7 8 ] @test DeconvOptim.relative_energy_regain(x, x .* 1) == (Float32[0.0, 0.333, 0.5, 0.601], Float32[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) @test DeconvOptim.relative_energy_regain(x, x .* 0.5) == (Float32[0.0, 0.333, 0.5, 0.601], Float32[0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75]) end # minimalistic test @testset "Normalized Cross Correlation" begin x = [1f0 -2; 4 5; 7 8 ] @test DeconvOptim.normalized_cross_correlation(x, x) == 1.0f0 end @testset "Trace Deconvolution" begin sz = (10,10) x = rand(sz...) psf = rand(10,10) psf /= sum(psf) y = DeconvOptim.conv(x,psf) # test whether starting with the ground truth really yield the perfect reconstruction after 0 iterations opt_options, summary = DeconvOptim.options_trace_deconv(x, 0, nothing) res = deconvolution(y,psf; initial=x, mapping=nothing, padding=0.0, opt_options=opt_options) @test summary["nccs"][1] > 0.999 @test summary["nvars"][1] < 0.001 @test (summary["best_nvar_img"] ≈ x) end end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Convolution methods" begin conv_gen(u, v, dims) = real(ifft(fft(u, dims) .* fft(v, dims), dims)) function conv_test(psf, img, img_out, dims, s) otf = fft(psf, dims) otf_r = rfft(psf, dims) otf_p, conv_p = plan_conv(img, psf, dims) otf_p2, conv_p2 = plan_conv(img .+ 0.0im, 0.0im .+ psf, dims) otf_p3, conv_p3 = plan_conv_psf(img, fftshift(psf,dims), dims) @testset "$s" begin @test img_out ≈ conv(0.0im .+ img, psf, dims) @test img_out ≈ conv(img, psf, dims) @test img_out ≈ conv_p(img, otf_p) @test img_out ≈ conv_p(img) @test img_out ≈ conv_p2(img .+ 0.0im, otf_p2) @test img_out ≈ conv_p2(img .+ 0.0im) @test img_out ≈ conv_psf(img, fftshift(psf, dims), dims) @test img_out ≈ conv_p3(img) end end N = 5 psf = zeros((N, N)) psf[1, 1] = 1 img = randn((N, N)) conv_test(psf, img, img, [1,2], "Convolution random image with delta peak") N = 5 psf = zeros((N, N)) psf[1, 1] = 1 img = randn((N, N, N)) conv_test(psf, img, img, [1,2], "Convolution with different dimensions psf, img delta") N = 5 psf = abs.(randn((N, N, 2))) img = randn((N, N, 2)) dims = [1, 2] img_out = conv_gen(img, psf, dims) conv_test(psf, img, img_out, dims, "Convolution with random 3D PSF and random 3D image over 2D dimensions") N = 5 psf = abs.(randn((N, N, N, N, N))) img = randn((N, N, N, N, N)) dims = [1, 2, 3, 4] img_out = conv_gen(img, psf, dims) conv_test(psf, img, img_out, dims, "Convolution with random 5D PSF and random 5D image over 4 Dimensions") N = 5 psf = abs.(zeros((N, N, N, N, N))) for i = 1:N psf[1,1,1,1, i] = 1 end img = randn((N, N, N, N, N)) dims = [1, 2, 3, 4] img_out = conv_gen(img, psf, dims) conv_test(psf, img, img, dims, "Convolution with 5D delta peak and random 5D image over 4 Dimensions") @testset "Check types" begin N = 10 img = randn(Float32, (N, N)) psf = abs.(randn(Float32, (N, N))) dims = [1, 2] @test typeof(conv_gen(img, psf, dims)) == typeof(conv(img, psf)) @test typeof(conv_gen(img, psf, dims)) != typeof(conv(img .+ 0f0im, psf)) @test conv_gen(img, psf, dims) .+ 1f0im ≈ 1f0im .+ conv(img .+ 0f0im, psf) end @testset "Check type get_plan" begin @test plan_rfft === DeconvOptim.get_plan(typeof(1f0)) @test plan_fft === DeconvOptim.get_plan(typeof(1im)) end @testset "dims argument nothing" begin N = 5 psf = abs.(randn((N, N, N, N, N))) img = randn((N, N, N, N, N)) dims = [1,2,3,4,5] @test conv(psf, img) ≈ conv(img, psf, dims) @test conv(psf, img) ≈ conv(psf, img, dims) @test conv(img, psf) ≈ conv(img, psf, dims) end @testset "adjoint convolution" begin x = randn(ComplexF32, (5,6)) y = randn(ComplexF32, (5,6)) y_ft, p = plan_conv(x, y) @test ≈(exp(1im * 1.23) .+ conv(ones(eltype(y), size(x)), conj.(y)), exp(1im * 1.23) .+ Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(real(conv(x, y))), x)[1], rtol=1e-4) @test ≈(exp(1im * 1.23) .+ conv(ones(ComplexF32, size(x)), conj.(y)), exp(1im * 1.23) .+ Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(real(p(x))), x)[1], rtol=1e-4) end end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Forward Models: Convolution" begin N = 5 psf = zeros((N, N)) psf[1, 1] = 1 img = randn((N, N)) c(img, psf) = conv(img, psf, [1, 2]) conv_temp = c @test conv_temp(img, psf) ≈ img s(img, psf) = sum(conv_temp(img, psf)) @test all(1 .≈ Zygote.gradient(s, img, psf)[1]) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Test eigvals" begin function f(a1::T,b1,c1) where T a = Array{T, 2}(undef, 1, 1) a[1,1] = a1 b = Array{T, 2}(undef, 1, 1) b[1,1] = b1 c = Array{T, 2}(undef, 1, 1) c[1,1] = c1 @test all(.≈(DeconvOptim.eigvals_symmetric_tullio(a,b,c), DeconvOptim.eigvals_symmetric(a,b,c))) end f(10.0, 20.0, -10.0) f(0f0, -12f0, 13f0) end @testset "Schatten norm consistent" begin x = [1 2 3; 1 1 1; 0 0 -1f0] @test DeconvOptim.HSp(x, p = 1) ≈ 0.9999999900000001 @test DeconvOptim.HSp(x, p = 2) ≈ 1.732050831647567 @test abs.(DeconvOptim.HSp(x, p = 1)) ≈ DeconvOptim.HS1(x) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Poisson loss" begin N = 6 img = abs.(randn((N, N))) @test 0.22741127776021886 ≈ poisson_aux([1.,2.], [3.,4.]) @test all(0 .≈ Zygote.gradient(poisson_aux, img, img)[1]) @test all( -1 .≈ Zygote.gradient(poisson_aux, [1.], [2.])[1]) end @testset "Gaussian Loss" begin N = 6 img = abs.(randn((N, N))) gauss = Gauss() @test 0 ≈ gauss(img, img) @test 0 ≈ gauss_aux(img, img) @test all(0 .≈ Zygote.gradient(gauss_aux, img, img)[1]) end @testset "Scaled Gauss" begin N = 6 img = abs.(randn((N, N))) scaled_gauss = ScaledGauss(0) @test 3.4094379124341003 ≈ scaled_gauss([5.], [2.]) @test 3.4094379124341003 ≈ scaled_gauss_aux([5.], [2.], read_var=0) @test all( -0.75 .≈ Zygote.gradient((a, b) -> scaled_gauss_aux(a, b, read_var=1), [1.], [2.])[1]) end @testset "Anscombe Loss" begin N = 6 img = abs.(randn((N, N))) anscombe = Anscombe(1.0) @test 0 ≈ anscombe(img, img) @test 0 ≈ anscombe_aux(img, img,b=1) @test all(0 .≈ Zygote.gradient(im1 -> anscombe_aux(im1,img, b=1), img)[1]) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Testing Main deconvolution code" begin Random.seed!(42) img = [0.5560268761463861 0.29948409035891055 0.46860588216767457; 0.444383357109696 1.7778610980573246 0.15614346264074028; 0.027155338009193845 1.14490153172882 2.641991008076796] psf = [1.0033099014594844 0.5181487878771377 0.8862052960481365; 1.0823812056084292 1.4913791170403063 0.6845647041648603; 0.18702790710363 0.3675627461748204 1.590579974922555] res = [2.4393835034275493 0.013696697097634842 0.0002833052222499294; 0.07541628019133978 1.0066536888249171 0.02222160874466724; 0.0004945773667781262 0.008547708184955495 3.717245734531717] #@show deconvolution(img, psf, λ=0.01)[1] @test all(≈(res, deconvolution(img, psf, λ=0.01)[1], rtol=0.1)) @test all(≈(res, deconvolution(img, psf, λ=0.01)[1], rtol=0.1)) @test all(≈(res, deconvolution(img, psf, λ=0.01, iterations=20)[1], rtol=0.1)) # testing regularizer res2 = [4.188270526990536 5.999388400251461e-10 2.8299849680327642e-8; 1.725273124171714e-7 2.54195544512864 2.0216187854619135e-9; 9.594324085846738e-10 1.2000166997002865e-8 0.7863126081711094] @test all(≈(res2, deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=nothing, padding=0.0)[1], rtol=0.1)) # testing padding img = [8.21306764808666 10.041589152470781 86.74936458947307; 17.126996611046078 4.324960146596254 11.39657297820361; 21.019754207225656 14.128485444028698 28.441178191470662] psf = [0.37240087577993225 0.562668812321259 0.6810849274435286; 0.36901028455183293 0.10686911035365092 1.3391251213773154; 0.007612980079313577 0.5694584949295476 0.23828371819888622] #@show deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=nothing, padding=0.1)[1] res3 = [3.700346192004195 16.163004402781457 0.0005317269571170434; 0.3852386808335988 14.378882057906575 0.04691706650167405; 1.5059695704739982 16.94303953714345 22.72731111751148] @test all(≈(res3, deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=nothing, padding=0.1)[1], rtol=1e-2)) # test without mapping res4 = [-13.085096066984729 34.39174935297922 -11.353417020874208; -13.01079706662783 43.76596781851713 -7.565144283495296; 16.740081837985805 -7.488374542587605 37.666978022259336] #= @show deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=nothing, padding=0.1, mapping=nothing)[1] =# @test all(≈(res4, deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=nothing, padding=0.1, mapping=nothing)[1], rtol=0.1)) # test OptimPackNextGen optimizers (which is currently not officially released yet) # TODO: temporarily excluded #res5 = [0.49633 16.4936 0.00862045; 0.0139499 15.8587 2.31716; 0.000227487 9.263 19.5289] #@test all(≈(res5, deconvolution(img, psf, opt=vmlmb!, opt_options=(mem=20, lower=0, lnsrch=OptimPackNextGen.LineSearches.MoreThuenteLineSearch()), #regularizer=nothing, padding=0.1, mapping=nothing, opt_package=Opt_OptimPackNextGen)[1], rtol=0.1)) # test broadcasting with image having more dimensions img = zeros((3, 3, 2)) imgc = abs.(randn((3, 3, 1))) img[:, :, 1] = imgc img[:, :, 2] = imgc psf = zeros((3, 3)) psf[1,1] = 1 res = deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=GR(num_dims=3, sum_dims=[1,2]))[1] @test all(res[:, :, 1] .≈ res[:, :, 2]) img = zeros((3, 3, 2, 1)) imgc = abs.(randn((3, 3, 1, 1))) img[:, :, 1, 1] = imgc img[:, :, 2, 1] = imgc psf = zeros((3, 3)) psf[1,1] = 1 res = deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=GR(num_dims=4, sum_dims=[1,2]))[1] @test all(≈(res[:, :, 1, :], res[:, :, 2, :], rtol=0.1)) end @testset "Compare optimization with iterative lucy richardson scheme" begin img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")); psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(img), 30)); img_b = conv(img, psf); img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); reg = GR() # don't provide argument to test for world age bugs res = richardson_lucy_iterative(img_n, psf, iterations=200); res2, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=reg, iterations=30); @test ≈(res .+ 1, res2 .+ 1, rtol=0.003) reg = TV() res = richardson_lucy_iterative(img_n, psf, iterations=500, λ=0.005, regularizer=reg); res2, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, iterations=35, regularizer=reg, λ=0.005); @test ≈(res2 .+1, res .+ 1, rtol=0.02) reg = nothing res = richardson_lucy_iterative(img_n, psf, regularizer=reg, iterations=400); res2, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=reg, iterations=40); @test ≈(res2 .+1, res .+ 1, rtol=0.02) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "Non_negative" begin p, p_inv = Non_negative() x = abs.(randn((10, 10))) x2 = 100 .*randn((10, 10)) @test x ≈ p(p_inv(x)) @test x ≈ p_inv(p(x)) @test all(p(x2) .>= 0) end @testset "Map_0_1" begin p, p_inv = Map_0_1() x = abs.(randn((10, 10))) x2 = 100 .*randn((10, 10)) @test x ≈ p_inv(p(x)) @test all(p(x2) .>= 0) @test all(p(x2) .<= 1) end @testset "Pow4_positive" begin p, p_inv = Pow4_positive() x = abs.(randn((10, 10))) x2 = 100 .*randn((10, 10)) @test x ≈ p(p_inv(x)) @test x ≈ p_inv(p(x)) @test all(p(x2) .>= 0) end @testset "Piecewise_positive" begin p, p_inv = Piecewise_positive() x = abs.(randn((10, 10))) x2 = 100 .*randn((10, 10)) @test x ≈ p(p_inv(x)) @test x ≈ p_inv(p(x)) @test all(p(x2) .>= 0) function f(x) @test all(.≈(Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(p(x)), x)[1], (p(x .+ 1e-8) .- p(x))./1e-8, rtol=1e-4)) @test Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(p(x)), x)[1] ≈ DeconvOptim.f_pw_pos_grad(x) end f([1.1, 12312.2, -10.123, 22.2, -123.23, 0]) end @testset "Abs_positive" begin p, p_inv = Abs_positive() x = abs.(randn((10, 10))) x2 = 100 .*randn((10, 10)) @test x ≈ p(p_inv(x)) @test x ≈ p_inv(p(x)) @test all(p(x2) .>= 0) end
[ "MIT" ]
@testset "generate indices" begin @test DeconvOptim.generate_indices(5, 2, 1, 5) == (Any[:i1, :(i2 + 1), :i3, :i4, :i5], Any[:i1, :(i2 + 5), :i3, :i4, :i5]) end @testset "generate_laplace" begin x = DeconvOptim.generate_laplace(2, [1, 2], [4 , 5], debug=true) @test x==Any[:(res = abs2((4 * arr[i1 + 1, i2] + 4 * arr[i1 + -1, i2]) + (5 * arr[i1, i2 + 1] + 5 * arr[i1, i2 + -1]) + -(18* arr[i1, i2])))] x = DeconvOptim.generate_laplace(2, [1, 2], [1 , 1], debug=true) @test x==Any[:(res = abs2((1 * arr[i1 + 1, i2] + 1 * arr[i1 + -1, i2]) + (1 * arr[i1, i2 + 1] + 1 * arr[i1, i2 + -1]) + -(4 * arr[i1, i2])))] end @testset "Tikhonov" begin x = [1,2,3,1,3,1,12.0,2,2,3,2.0] reg = Tikhonov(num_dims=1, sum_dims=[1], weights=[1]) @test 756 ≈ reg(x) reg = Tikhonov(num_dims=1, mode="spatial_grad_square") @test 188 ≈ reg(x) reg = Tikhonov(num_dims=1, mode="identity") @test 190 ≈ reg(x) end @testset "Good's roughness" begin x = generate_GR(5, [1,2], [4, 5], 1, -1, debug=true) @test x == Any[:(res = -2.0 * arr[i1, i2, i3, i4, i5] * (4 * (arr[i1 + 1, i2, i3, i4, i5] + arr[i1 + -1, i2, i3, i4, i5]) + 5 * (arr[i1, i2 + 1, i3, i4, i5] + arr[i1, i2 + -1, i3, i4, i5]) + -18 * arr[i1, i2, i3, i4, i5]))] x = [1,2,3,1,3,1,12.0,2,2,3,2.0] reg = GR(num_dims=1, sum_dims=[1], weights=[1]) @test 22.71233466779126 ≈ reg(x) end @testset "TV" begin x = [1,2,3,1,3,1,12.0,2,2,3,2.0] reg = TV(num_dims=1, sum_dims=[1], weights=[1]) @test 31.00010002845424 ≈ reg(x) @test TV_cuda(num_dims=2)(x) ≈ reg(x) @test TV_cuda(num_dims=3)(x) ≈ reg(x) x = generate_TV(4, [1,2], [5, 7], 1, -1, debug=true) @test x == Any[:(res = sqrt(5 * abs2(arr[i1 + 1, i2, i3, i4] - arr[i1 + -1, i2, i3, i4]) + 7 * abs2(arr[i1, i2 + 1, i3, i4] - arr[i1, i2 + -1, i3, i4]) + 1.0f-8))] end
[ "MIT" ]
using DeconvOptim using Test using FFTW, Noise, Statistics, Zygote using Random using TestImages, Noise using Pkg #Pkg.add(url="") #using OptimPackNextGen # fix seed for reproducibility Random.seed!(42) @testset "Utils" begin include("utils.jl") end include("analysis_tools.jl") include("hessian_schatten_norm.jl") include("conv.jl") include("mappings.jl") include("forward_models.jl") include("lossfunctions.jl") # testing is rather hard, but include at least some basic testing include("regularizer.jl") include("main.jl")
[ "MIT" ]
function center_test(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3) arr1 = randn((x1, x2, x3)) arr2 = zeros((y1, y2, y3)) center_set!(arr2, arr1) arr3 = center_extract(arr2, (x1, x2, x3)) @test arr1 ≈ arr3 end # test center set and center extract methods @testset "center methods" begin center_test(4, 4, 4, 6,7,4) center_test(5, 4, 4, 7, 8, 4) center_test(5, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8) center_test(6, 4, 4, 7, 8, 8) @test 1 == center_pos(1) @test 2 == center_pos(2) @test 2 == center_pos(3) @test 3 == center_pos(4) @test 3 == center_pos(5) @test 513 == center_pos(1024) end @testset "interpolate methods" begin x = [12,2,2,1,2,4,3,1] y = [12, 7, 2, 2, 2, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 3.5, 3, 2, 1] @test y ≈ my_interpolate(x, (15)) x = collect(0:0.05:3) y = my_interpolate(x, (2 * size(x)[1])) @test mean(exp.(x)) ≈ mean(exp.(x)) x = sin.(collect(0:0.001:3)) y = my_interpolate(x, size(x)[1] * 3 + 2) y2 = my_interpolate(y, size(x)[1]) @test isapprox(y2, x, rtol=1e-6) x = [12,2,2,1,2,4,3,1] y = [12, 7, 2, 2, 2, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 3.5, 3, 2, 1] y_2d = reshape(y, 1, :) x_2d = my_interpolate(reshape(x, 1, :), size(y_2d)) @test isapprox(x_2d, y_2d, rtol=1e-6) end @testset "Generate downsample" begin ds = generate_downsample(2, [1,2], 2) @test [2.5] ≈ ds([1 2; 3 4]) ds = generate_downsample(2, [2], 2) @test [1.5; 3.5; 5.5; 7.5] ≈ ds([1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8]) ds = generate_downsample(2, [1], 2) @test [2.0 3.0; 6.0 7.0] ≈ ds([1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8]) end @testset "Generate PSF method" begin # large aperture is delta peak out = zeros((5, 5)) out[1,1] = 1 @test out ≈ generate_psf((5, 5), 100) # pinhole aperture out = ones((10, 10)) out ./= sum(out) @test out ≈ generate_psf((10, 10), 0.01) # normalized @test 1 ≈ sum(generate_psf((100, 100), 10)) end @testset "rr methods" begin out = [1.4142135623730951 1.0 1.4142135623730951; 1.0 0.0 1.0; 1.4142135623730951 1.0 1.4142135623730951] out ≈ DeconvOptim.rr_2D((3,3)) @test [0] ≈ DeconvOptim.rr_2D((1, 1)) @test [2,1,0,1,2] ≈ DeconvOptim.rr_2D((5, 1)) @test [3,2,1,0,1,2] ≈ DeconvOptim.rr_2D((6, 1)) out = [1.7320508075688772 1.4142135623730951; 1.4142135623730951 1.0; 1.4142135623730951 1.0; 1.0 0.0] out = reshape(out, (2,2,2)) @test out ≈ DeconvOptim.rr_3D((2,2,2)) end @testset "next fast fft size" begin @test DeconvOptim.next_fast_fft_size(23) == 24 @test DeconvOptim.next_fast_fft_size((23, 46)) == (24, 48) end
[ "MIT" ]
# DeconvOptim.jl <br> <a name="logo"/> <div align="left"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="docs/src/assets/logo.svg" alt="DeconvOptim Logo" width="150"></img> </a> </div> <br> A package for microscopy image based deconvolution via Optim.jl. This package works with N dimensional <a href="">Point Spread Functions</a> and images. The package was created with microscopy in mind but since the code base is quite general it is possible to deconvolve different kernels as well. <br> | **Documentation** | **Build Status** | **Code Coverage** | **Publication** | |:---------------------------------------:|:-----------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------:|:-----------------------:| | [![][docs-stable-img]][docs-stable-url] [![][docs-dev-img]][docs-dev-url] | [![][CI-img]][CI-url] | [![][codecov-img]][codecov-url] |[![DOI](](| ## Installation Type `]`in the REPL to get to the package manager: ```julia julia> ] add DeconvOptim ``` ## Documentation The documentation of the latest release is [here](docs-stable-url). The documentation of current master is [here](docs-dev-url). For a quick introduction you can also watch the presentation at the JuliaCon 2021. <a href=""><img src="docs/src/assets/julia_con.jpg" width="300"></a> ## Usage A quick example is shown below. ```julia using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Colors, ImageIO, Noise, ImageShow # load test image img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")) # generate simple Point Spread Function of aperture radius 30 psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(img), 30)) # create a blurred, noisy version of that image img_b = conv(img, psf) img_n = poisson(img_b, 300) # deconvolve 2D with default options @time res, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf) # deconvolve 2D with no regularizer @time res_no_reg, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=nothing) # show final results next to original and blurred version Gray.([img img_n res]) ``` ![Results Quick Example](docs/src/assets/quick_example_results.png) ## Examples Have a quick look into the [examples folder](examples). We demonstrate the effect of different regularizers. There is also a [CUDA example](examples/cuda_2D.ipynb). Using regularizers together with a CUDA GPU is faster but unfortunately only a factor of ~5-10. For [3D](examples/cuda_3D.ipynb) the speed-up is larger. ## CUDA For CUDA we only provide a Total variation regularizer via `TV_cuda`. The reason is that Tullio.jl is currently not very fast with `CuArray`s and especially the derivative of such functions. ## Performance Tips ### Regularizers The regularizers are generated with metaprogramming when `TV()` (or any other regularizer) is called. To prevent that the code compile every time again, define the regularizer once and use it multiple times without newly defining it: ```julia reg = TV() ``` And in the new cell then use: ```julia res, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=reg) ``` ## Development Feel free to file an issue regarding problems, suggestions or improvement ideas for this package! We would be happy to deconvolve *real* data! File an issue if we can help deconvolving an image/stack. We would be also excited to adapt DeconvOptim.jl to your special needs! ## Citation If you use this paper, please cite it: ```bibtex @article{Wechsler2023, doi = {10.21105/jcon.00099}, url = {}, year = {2023}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {99}, author = {Felix Wechsler and Rainer Heintzmann}, title = {DeconvOptim.jl - Signal Deconvolution with Julia}, journal = {Proceedings of the JuliaCon Conferences} } ``` ## Contributions I would like to thank [Rainer Heintzmann]( for the great support and discussions during development. Furthermore without [Tullio.jl]( and [@mcabbott]( this package wouldn't be as fast as it is. His package and ideas are the basis for the implementations of the regularizers. ## Related Packages * [ThreeDeconv]( works great, CPU performance is much slower, GPU performance is slower * [Deconvolution.jl]( rather simple package with Wiener and Lucy Richardson deconvolution. * [PointSpreadFunctions.jl]( generates point spread functions for microscopy applications [docs-dev-img]: [docs-dev-url]: [docs-stable-img]: [docs-stable-url]: [codecov-img]: [codecov-url]: [CI-img]: [CI-url]:
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# DeconvOptim.jl A framework for deconvolution of images convolved with a Point Spread Function (PSF). ## Overview In optics, especially in microscopy, measurements are done with lenses. These lenses support only certain frequencies and weaken the contrast of high frequency content. Furthermore, in many cases Poisson or Gaussian noise is introduced by the quantum nature of light (Poisson shot noise) or sensors (readout noise). [DeconvOptim.jl]( is a Julia solution to deconvolution reducing the blur of lenses and denoising the image. Our framework relies on several other tools: The deconvolution problem is stated as a convex optimization problem via a loss function. Hence we make use of [Optim.jl]( and especially fast solvers like [L-BFGS]( Since such solvers require gradients (of the loss function) we use automatic differentiation (AD) offered by [Zygote.jl]( for that. Of course, one could derive the gradient by hand, however that's error-prone and for some regularizers hard to do by hand. Furthermore, fast AD of the regularizers is hard to achieve if the gradients are written with for loops. Fortunately [Tullio.jl]( provides an extensive and fast framework to get expressions which can derived by the AD in acceptable speed. ## Installation To get the latest stable release of DeconvOptim.jl type `]` in the Julia REPL: ``` ] add DeconvOptim ``` ## Quick Example Below is a quick example how to deconvolve a image which is blurred with a Gaussian Kernel. ```@jldoctest using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Colors, ImageIO, Noise, ImageShow # load test image img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512")) # generate simple Point Spread Function of aperture radius 30 psf = Float32.(generate_psf(size(img), 30)) # create a blurred, noisy version of that image img_b = conv(img, psf) img_n = poisson(img_b, 300) # deconvolve 2D with default options @time res, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf) # deconvolve 2D with no regularizer @time res_no_reg, o = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=nothing) # show final results next to original and blurred version Gray.([img img_n res]) ``` Left image is the sample. In the middle we display the the noisy and blurred version captured with an optical system. The right image is the deconvolved image with default options. ![](assets/quick_example_results.png)
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# References See here for a list of references ```@bibliography ```
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# Loss functions Loss functions are generally introduced in mathematical optimization theory. The purpose is to map a certain optimization problem onto a real number. By minimizing this real number, one hopes that the obtained parameters provide a useful result for the problem. One common loss function (especially in deep learning) is simply the $L^2$ norm between measurement and prediction. So far we provide three adapted loss functions with our package. However, it is relatively easy to incorporate custom defined loss functions or import them from packages like [Flux.jl]( The interface from Flux.jl is the same as for our loss functions. ## Poisson Loss As mentioned in [Noise Model](@ref), Poisson shot noise is usually the dominant source of noise. Therefore one achieves good results by choosing a loss function which considers both the difference between measurement and reconstruction but also the noise process. See [Verveer:98](@cite) and [Mertz:2019](@cite) for more details on that. As key idea we interpret the measurement as a stochastic process. Our aim is to find a deconvolved image which describes as accurate as possible the measured image. Mathematically the probability for a certain measurement $Y$ is $$p(Y(r)|\mu(r)) = \prod_r \frac{\mu(r)^{Y(r)}}{\Gamma(Y(r) + 1)} \exp(- \mu(r))$$ where $Y$ is the measurement, $\mu$ is the expected measurement (ideal measurement without noise) and $\Gamma$ is the generalized factorial function. In the deconvolution process we get $Y$ as input and want to find the ideal specimen $S$ which results in a measurement $\mu(r) = (S * \text{PSF})(r))$. Since we want to find the best reconstruction, we want to find a $\mu(r)$ so that $p(Y(r) | \mu(r))$ gets as large as possible. Because that means that we find the specimen which describes the measurement with the highest probability. Instead of maximizing $p(Y(r) | \mu(r))$ a common trick is to minimize $- \log(p(Y(r)|\mu(r)))$. Mathematically, the optimization of both functions provides same results but the latter is numerically more stable. $$\underset{S(r)}{\arg \min} (- \log(p(Y(r)|\mu(r)))) = \underset{S(r)}{\arg \min} \sum_r (\mu(r) + \log(\Gamma(Y(r) + 1)) - Y(r) \log(\mu(r))$$ which is equivalent to $$\underset{S(r)}{\arg \min}\, L = \underset{S(r)}{\arg \min} \sum_r (\mu(r) - Y(r) \log(\mu(r))$$ since the second term only depends on $Y(r)$ but not on $\mu(r)$. The gradient of $L$ with respect to $\mu(r)$ is simply $$\nabla L = 1 - \frac{Y(r)}{\mu(r)}.$$ The function $L$ and the gradient $\nabla L$ are needed for any gradient descent optimization algorithm. The numerical evaluation of the Poisson loss can lead to issues. Since $\mu(r)=0$ can happen for a measurement with zero intensity background. However, the loss is not defined for $\mu \leq 0$. In our source code we set all intensity values below a certain threshold $\epsilon$ to $\epsilon$ itself. This prevents the evaluation of the logarithm at undefined values. ## Scaled Gaussian Loss It is well known that the Poisson density function behaves similar as a Gaussian density function for $\mu\gg 1$. This approximation is almost for all use cases in microscopy valid since regions of interest in an image usually consists of multiple photons and not to a single measured photon. Mathematically the Poisson probability can be approximately (using [Stirling's formula]('s_approximation) in the derivation) expressed as: $$p(Y(r)|\mu(r)) \approx \prod_r \frac{\exp \left(-\frac{(x-\mu(r) )^2}{2 \mu(r) }\right)}{\sqrt{2 \pi \mu(r) }}$$ Applying the negative logarithm we get for the loss function: $$\underset{S(r)}{\arg \min}\, L = \underset{S(r)}{\arg \min} \sum_r \frac12 \log(\mu(r)) + \frac{(Y(r)-\mu(r))^2}{2 \mu(r)}$$ The gradient is given by: $\nabla L = \frac{\mu(r) + \mu(r)^2 - Y(r)^2}{2 \mu^2}$ ## Gaussian Loss A very common loss in optimization (and Deep Learning) is a simple Gaussian loss. However, this loss is not recommended for low intensity microscopy since it doesn't consider Poisson noise. However, still combined with suitable regularizer reasonable results can be achieved. The probability is defined as $$p(Y(r)|\mu(r)) = \prod_r \frac1{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp\left(- \frac{(Y(r) - \mu(r))^2}{2 \sigma ^2} \right)$$ where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the Gaussian. Applying the negative logarithm we can simplify the loss to be minimized: $$\underset{S(r)}{\arg \min}\, L = \underset{S(r)}{\arg \min} \sum_r (Y(r) - \mu(r))^2$$ Since we are looking for $\mu(r)$ minimizing this expression, $\sigma$ is just a constant offset being irrelevant for the solution. This expression is also called *L2 loss*.
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# Mathematical Optimization Deconvolution was already described as an optimization problem in the 1970s by [lucy:74](@cite), [Richardson:72](@cite). Since then, many variants and different kinds of deconvolution algorithms were presented, but mainly based on the concept of Lucy-Richardson. We try to formulate convolution as an inverse physical problem and solve it using a convex optimization loss function so that we can use fast optimizers to find the optimum. The variables we want to optimize for, are the pixels of the reconstruction $S(r)$. Therefore our reconstruction problem consists of several thousands to billion variables. Mathematically the optimization can be written as: $\underset{S(r)}{\arg \min}\, L(\text{Fwd}(S(r))) + \text{Reg}(S(r))$ where $\text{Fwd}$ represents the forward model (in our case convolution of $S(r)$ with the $\text{PSF}$), $S(r)$ is ideal reconstruction, $L$ the loss function and $\text{Reg}$ is a regularizer. The regularizer puts in some prior information about the structure of the object. See the following sections for more details about each part. ## Map Functions In some cases we want to restrict the optimizer to solutions with $S(r) \geq 0$. Usually one uses boxed optimizer or penalties to prevent negativity. However, in some cases, a $S(r) < 0$ can lead to issues during the optimization process. For that purpose we can introduce a mapping function. Instead of optimizing for $S(r)$ we can optimize for some $\hat S(r)$ where $M$ is the mapping function connection $S(r)= M(\hat S(r)).$ A simple mapping function leading to $S(r) \geq 0$ is $M(\hat S(r)) = \hat S(r)^2$ The optimization problem is then given by $\underset{\hat S(r)}{\arg \min}\, L(\text{Fwd}(M(\hat S(r)))) + \text{Reg}(M(\hat S(r)))$ After the optimization we need to apply $M$ on $\hat S$ to get the reconstructed sample $S(r) = M(\hat S(r))$ One could also choose different functions $M$ to obtain reconstruction in certain intensity intervals.
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# Physical Background We want to provide some physical background to the process of (de)convolution in optics. Optical systems like brightfield microscopes can only collect a certain amount of light emitted by a specimen. This effect (diffraction) leads to a blurred image of that specimen. Mathematically the lens has a certain frequency support. Within that frequency range, transmission of light is supported. Information (light) outside of this frequency support (equivalent to high frequency information) is lost. In the following picture we can see several curves in the frequency domain. The orange line is a artificial object with a constant frequency spectrum (delta peak in real space). If such a delta peak is transferred through an optical lens, in real space the object is convolved with the point spread function (PSF). In frequency space such a convolution is a multiplication of the OTF (OTF is the Fourier transform of the PSF) and the frequency spectrum of the object. The green dotted curve is the captured image after transmission through the system. Additionally some noise was introduced which can be recognized through some bumps outside of the OTF support. ![Frequency spectrum](../assets/ideal_frequencies.png) ## Forward Model Mathematically an ideal imaging process of specimen emitting incoherent light by a lens (or any optical system in general) can be described as: $Y(r) = (S * \text{PSF})(r)$ where $*$ being a convolution operation, $r$ being the position, $S$ being the sample and $\text{PSF}$ being the point spread function of the system. One can also introduce a background term $b$ independent of the position, which models a constant signal offset of the imaging sensor: $Y(r) = (S * \text{PSF})(r) + b$ In frequency space (Fourier transforming the above equation) the equation with $b=0$ is: $\tilde Y(k) = (\tilde S \cdot \tilde{\text{PSF}})(k),$ where $k$ is the spatial frequency and $\cdot$ represents term-wise multiplication (this is due to the [convolution theorem of the Fourier transform]( From that equation it is clear why the green and blue line in the plot look very similar. The reason is, that the orange line is constant and we basically multiply the OTF with the orange line. ## Noise Model However, the physical description (forward model) should also contain a noise term to reflect the measurement process in reality more accurately. $Y(r) = (S * \text{PSF})(r) + N(r) = \mu(r) + N(r)$ where $N$ being a noise term. In fluorescence microscopy the dominant noise is usually *Poisson shot noise* (see [Mertz:2019](@cite)). The origin of that noise is the quantum nature of photons. Since the measurement process spans over a time T only a discrete number of photons is detected (in real experiment the amount of photons per pixel is usually in the order of $10^1 - 10^3$). Note that this noise is not introduced by the sensor and is just a effect due to quantum nature of light. We can interpret every sensor pixel as a discrete random variable $X$. The expected value of that pixel would be $\mu(r)$ (true specimen convolved with the $\text{PSF})$. Due to noise, the systems measures randomly a signal for $X$ according to the Poisson distribution: $f(y, \mu) = \frac{\mu^y \exp(-\mu)}{\Gamma(y + 1)}$ where $f$ is the probability density distribution, $y$ the measured value of the sensor, $\mu$ the expected value and $\Gamma$ the generalized factorial function ([Gamma function](
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# Regularizer Regularizer are commonly used in inverse problems and especially in deconvolution to obtain solutions which are optimal with respect to some prior. So far we have included three common regularizer. The regularizer take the current reconstruction $S(r)$ as argument and return a scalar value. This value should be also minimized and is also added to the loss function. Each regularizer produces some characteristic image styles. # Good's Roughness (GR) The Good's roughness definition was taken from [Good:71](@cite) and [Verveer:98](@cite). For Good's roughness several identical expressions can be derived. We implemented the following one: $\text{Reg}(S(r)) = \sum_r \sqrt{S(r)} (\Delta_N \sqrt{S})(r)$ where $N$ is the dimension of $S(r)$. $\sqrt S$ is applied elementwise. $\Delta_n \sqrt{S(r)}$ is the n-dimensional discrete Laplace operator. As 2D example where $r = (x,y)$: $(\Delta_n \sqrt{S})(r) = \frac{\sqrt{S(x + s_x, y)} + \sqrt{S(x - s_x, y)} + \sqrt{S(x, y+s_y)} + \sqrt{S(x, y-s_y)} - 4 \cdot \sqrt{S(x, y)}}{s_x \cdot s_y}$ where $s_x$ and $s_y$ are the stencil width in the respective dimension. The Laplace operator can be straightforwardly generalized to $n$ dimensions. # Total Variation (TV) As the name suggests, Total variation tries to penalize variation in the image intensity. Therefore it sums up the gradient strength at each point of the image. In 2D this is: $\text{Reg}(S(r)) = \sum_r |(\nabla S)(r)|$ Since we look at the magnitude of the gradient strength, this regularizer is anisotropic. In 2D this is: $\text{Reg}(S(r)) = \sum_{x,y} \sqrt{|S(x + 1, y) - S(x, y)|^2 + |S(x, y + 1) - S(x, y)|^2}$ # Tikhonov Regularization The Tikhonov regularizer is not as specific defined as Good's Roughness or Total Variation. In general Tikhonov regularization is defined by: $\text{Reg}(S(r)) = \| (\Gamma S)(r) \|_2^2$ where $\Gamma$ is an operator which can be chosen freely. Common options are the identity operator which penalizes therefore just high intensity values. Another option would be the spatial gradient which would result in a similar operator to TV. And the last option we implemented is the spatial Laplace.
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# Analysis functions ## Quantitative Criteria ```@docs DeconvOptim.relative_energy_regain DeconvOptim.normalized_cross_correlation ```
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# Deconvolution ```@docs deconvolution DeconvOptim.richardson_lucy_iterative ``` ## More generic alternative ```@docs invert ```
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# Loss Functions ```@docs Poisson poisson_aux Gauss gauss_aux ScaledGauss scaled_gauss_aux ```
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# Mapping Functions ```@docs Non_negative Map_0_1 Piecewise_positive Pow4_positive Abs_positive ```
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# Regularizers ## CPU ```@docs TV Tikhonov GR TH HS ``` ## CUDA ```@docs TV_cuda ```
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# Util functions ## Convolution Functions ```@docs conv conv_psf plan_conv plan_conv_psf DeconvOptim.next_fast_fft_size ``` ## Point Spread Function ```@docs generate_psf ``` ## Interpolation and downsampling ```@docs generate_downsample my_interpolate ``` ## Center Methods ```@docs center_extract center_set! center_pos ```
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# 3D Dataset We can also deconvolve a 3D dataset with a 3D PSF. The workflow, especially for the regularizers, must be adapted slightly for 3D. ## Code Example This example is also hosted in a notebook on [GitHub]( First, load the 3D PSF and image. ```@jldoctest using Revise, DeconvOptim, TestImages, Images, FFTW, Noise, ImageView img = convert(Array{Float32}, channelview(load("obj.tif"))) psf = ifftshift(convert(Array{Float32}, channelview(load("psf.tif")))) psf ./= sum(psf) # create a blurred, noisy version of that image img_b = conv(img, psf, [1, 2, 3]) img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); ``` As the next step we need to create the regularizers. With `num_dims` we define how many dimensions our reconstruction image has. With `sum_dims` we specify which dimensions of those should be included in the regularizing process. ```@jldoctest reg1 = TV(num_dims=3, sum_dims=[1, 2, 3]) reg2 = Tikhonov(num_dims=3, sum_dims=[1, 2, 3], mode="identity") ``` We can then invoke the deconvolution. For `Tikhonov` using `identity` mode a smaller $\lambda$ produces better results. In the first reconstruction we also specified the `padding`. This parameters adds some spacing around the reconstruction image to prevent wrap around effects of the FFT based deconvolution. However, since we don't have bright objects at the boundary of the image we don't see an impact of that parameter. ```@jldoctest @time res, ores = deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=reg1, loss=Poisson(), λ=0.05, padding=0.2, iterations=10); @time res2, ores = deconvolution(img, psf, regularizer=reg2, loss=Poisson(), λ=0.001, padding=0.0, iterations=10); ``` Finally we can inspect the results: ```@jldoctest img_comb1 = [img[:, : ,32] res2[:, :, 32] res[:, :, 32] img_n[:, :, 32]] img_comb2 = [img[:, : ,38] res2[:, :, 38] res[:, :, 38] img_n[:, :, 38]] img_comb = cat(img_comb1, img_comb2, dims=1) img_comb ./= maximum(img_comb) imshow([img[:, :, 20:end] res2[:, :, 20:end] res[:, :, 20:end] img_n[:, :, 20:end]]) colorview(Gray, img_comb) ``` ![](../assets/3D_comparison.png)
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# Basic Workflow In this section we show the workflow for deconvolution of 2D and 3D images using different regularizers. From these examples one can also understand the different effects of the regularizers. The picture below shows the general principle of DeconvOptim.jl. Since we interpret deconvolution as an optimization we initialize the reconstruction variables *rec*. *rec* is a array of pixels which are the variables we are optimizing for. Then we can apply some mapping eg. to reconstruct only pixels having non-negative intensity values. Afterwards we compose the *total loss* functions. It consists of a regularizing part (weighted with $\lambda$) and a *loss* part. The latter one compares the current reconstruction with the measured image. *Total loss* adds both values to a single scalar value. Using Zygote.jl we calculate the gradient with respect to all pixel values of *rec*. Note, Zygote.jl calculates the gradient with a reverse mode. From performance point of view, that is necessary since the loss function is a mapping from many pixels to a single value ($\text{total loss}: \mathbb{R}^N \mapsto \mathbb{R}$). We can plug this gradient and the *loss* function into Optim.jl. Optim.jl then minimizes this loss function. The different parts of the pipeline (mapping, forward, regularizer) can be exchanged and adapted to the users needs. In most cases changing the regularizer or the number of iterations is enough. ![](../assets/tex/pipeline.svg) For all options, see the function references. Via the help of Julia (typing `?` in the REPL) we can also access extensive help.
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# Changing Loss Function: 2D Example We can also change the loss function. However, the loss is the most important part guaranteeing good results. Therefore choosing different loss functions than the provided ones, will most likely lead to worse results. We now compare all implemented loss functions of DeconvOptim.jl. However, we could also include loss functions of Flux.jl since they have the same interface as our loss functions. `Poisson()` will most likely produce the best results in presence of Poisson Noise. For Gaussian Noise, `Gauss()` is a suitable option. `ScaledGaussian()` is an mathematical approximation of `Poisson()`. At the moment `ScaledGaussian()` is not recommended because of artifacts in certain images. ## Code Example This example is also hosted in a notebook on [GitHub]( ```@jldoctest using Revise, DeconvOptim, TestImages, Images, FFTW, Noise, ImageView # custom image views imshow_m(args...) = imshow(cat(args..., dims=3)) h_view(args...) = begin img = cat(args..., dims=2) img ./= maximum(img) colorview(Gray, img) end # load test images img = convert(Array{Float32}, channelview(testimage("resolution_test_512"))) psf = generate_psf(size(img), 30) # create a blurred, noisy version of that image img_b = conv(img, psf, [1, 2]) img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); @time resP, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, loss=Poisson(), iterations=10) @show optim_res @time resG, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, loss=Gauss(), iterations=10) @show optim_res @time resSG, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, loss=ScaledGauss(), iterations=10) @show optim_res h_view(resP, resG, resSG) ``` The left image is `Poisson()`, in the middle `Gauss()`. The right image is `ScaledGauss()`. ![](../assets/loss_comparison.png)
[ "MIT" ]
# Changing Regularizers: 2D Example In this section we show how to change the regularizer and what are the different effects of it. The arguments of `deconvolution` we consider here are `regularizer` and $\lambda$. `regularizer` specifies which regularizer is used. $\lambda$ specifies how strong the regularizer is weighted. The larger $\lambda$ the more you see the typical styles introduced by the regularizers. ## Initializing This example is also hosted in a notebook on [GitHub]( Load the required modules for these examples: ```@jldoctest using DeconvOptim, TestImages, Images, FFTW, Noise, ImageView # custom image views imshow_m(args...) = imshow(cat(args..., dims=3)) h_view(args...) = begin img = cat(args..., dims=2) img ./= maximum(img) colorview(Gray, img) end ``` As the next step we can prepare a noisy, blurred image. ```@jldoctest # load test images img = convert(Array{Float32}, channelview(testimage("resolution_test_512"))) psf = generate_psf(size(img), 30) # create a blurred, noisy version of that image img_b = conv(img, psf, [1, 2]) img_n = poisson(img_b, 300); h_view(img, img_b, img_n) ``` ![](../assets/input_comparison.png) ## Let's test Good's roughness (GR) In this part we can look at the results produced with a GR regularizer. After inspecting the results, it becomes clear, that the benefit of 100 iterations is not really visible. In most cases $\approx 15$ iterations produce good results. By executing `GR()` we in fact create a function which takes a array and returns a single value. ```jldoctest @time resGR100, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=GR(), iterations=100) @show optim_res @time resGR15, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=GR(), iterations=15) @show optim_res @time resGR15_2, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=0.05, regularizer=GR(), iterations=15) @show optim_res h_view(img_n, resGR100, resGR15, resGR15_2) ``` ![](../assets/GR_comparison.png) ## Let's test Total Variation (TV) TV produces characteristic staircase artifacts. However, the results it produces are usually noise free and clear. ```@jldoctest @time resTV50, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=TV(), iterations=50) @show optim_res @time resTV15, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=TV(), iterations=15) @show optim_res @time resTV15_2, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=0.005, regularizer=TV(), iterations=15) @show optim_res h_view(img_n, resTV50, resTV15, resTV15_2) ``` ![](../assets/TV_comparison.png) ## Let's test Tikhonov Tikhonov is not defined as precisely as the other two regularizers. Therefore we offer three different modes which differ quite a lot from each other. However, the results look all very similar ```@jldoctest @time resTik1, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=0.001, regularizer=Tikhonov(), iterations=15) @show optim_res @time resTik2, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=0.0001, regularizer=Tikhonov(mode="spatial_grad_square"), iterations=15) @show optim_res @time resTik3, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, λ=0.0001, regularizer=Tikhonov(mode="identity"), iterations=15) @show optim_res h_view(img_n, resTik1, resTik2, resTik3) ``` ![](../assets/Tik_comparison.png) ## Let's test without regularizers Usually optimizing without a regularizer is does not produce good results. The reason is, that the deconvolution tries to enhance high frequencies more and more with increasing iteration number. However, high frequencies have low contrast and therefore the algorithm mostly enhances noise content (which is present in all frequency regions). ``` @jldoctest @time res100, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=nothing, iterations=50) @show optim_res @time res15, optim_res = deconvolution(img_n, psf, regularizer=nothing, iterations=15) @show optim_res h_view(img_n, 0.7 .* res100, res15) ``` ![](../assets/no_reg_comparison.png)
[ "MIT" ]
# CUDA We also support [CUDA.jl]( ## Load Before using a `CuArray` simply invoke. ```julia using CUDA ``` Our routines need as input array either only `Array`s or `CuArray`s. To get the deconvolution running, both the PSF and the measured array needs to be a `CuArray`. See also [our 3D example here]( ## Issues with Regularizers However, our approach to express the regularizers with [Tullio.jl]( is currently not performant with GPUs. Therefore, to use `CuArray`s with regularizers, you need to choose [`TV_cuda`](@ref). Other regularizers are not yet supported since we hope that Tullio.jl will be one day mature enough to produce reasonable fast gradients for CUDA kernels as well.
[ "MIT" ]
# More complex Invert We also provide functionality to invert problems which are not a straightforward deconvolution like multi view deconvolution or a problem where several measurements with different properties and forward models are available. The idea is that a `forward` model, a initial guess and the according measurements are in principle enough to invert the problem. ## Example Look into the [examples folder]( to see how it can work.
[ "MIT" ]
# Performance Tips ## Regularizer The regularizers are built during calling with metaprogramming. Every time you call `TV()` it creates a new version which is evaluated with `eval`. In the first `deconvolution` routine it has to compile this piece of code. To prevent the compilation every time, define ```julia reg = TV() ``` which is then later used as a variable. In a notebook or REPL environment just define it in a different cell. ## No Regularizer Often the results are good without regularizer but then need to be early stopped (e.g. like `iterations=20`). This increases the performance drastically, but might lead to more artifacts in certain regions. ## Optimizer ### L-BFGS You can also try to adjust the settings of the [L-BFGS algorithm]( of Optim.jl Try to change `m` in `opt=LBFGS(linesearch=BackTracking(), m=10)`. `m` is the history value of the L-BFGS algorithm. Smaller is usually faster, but might lead to worse results. See also [Wikipedia]( ### Line Search L-BFGS uses [LineSearches.jl]( In our examples `BackTracking` turned out to be the fastest, but it might be worth to try different ones. ### Iterations Try to set the keyword `iterations=20` to a lower number if you want to early stop the deconvolution. Of course, the results might be worse then.
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using Documenter, SuiteSparseMatrixCollection makedocs( modules = [SuiteSparseMatrixCollection], doctest = true, linkcheck = true, format = Documenter.HTML( assets = ["assets/style.css"], prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true", ansicolor = true, ), sitename = "SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.jl", pages = ["Home" => "", "Reference" => ""], ) deploydocs( repo = "", push_preview = true, devbranch = "main", )
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using SuiteSparseMatrixCollection # real rectangular matrices rect = ssmc[ (100 .≤ ssmc.nrows .≤ 1000) .& (100 .≤ ssmc.ncols .≤ 1000) .& (ssmc.nrows .!= ssmc.ncols) .& (ssmc.real .== true), :, ] # all symmetric positive definite matrices posdef = ssmc[ (ssmc.numerical_symmetry .== 1) .& (ssmc.positive_definite .== true) .& (ssmc.real .== true), :, ] # small symmetric positive definite matrices posdef_small = ssmc[ (ssmc.numerical_symmetry .== 1) .& (ssmc.positive_definite .== true) .& (ssmc.real .== true) .& (ssmc.nrows .≤ 200), :, ] fetch_ssmc(posdef_small, format = "MM")
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
module SuiteSparseMatrixCollection using Pkg.Artifacts using DataFrames using JLD2 import REPL.TerminalMenus import Base.format_bytes, Base.SHA1 import Printf.@sprintf export ssmc_db, fetch_ssmc, ssmc_matrices, ssmc_formats, installed_ssmc export delete_ssmc, delete_all_ssmc, manage_ssmc const ssmc_jld2 = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src", "ssmc.jld2") |> normpath const ssmc_artifacts = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Artifacts.toml") |> normpath "Formats in which matrices are available." const ssmc_formats = ("MM", "RB") include("ssmc_database.jl") include("ssmc_manager.jl") end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
""" ssmc_db(; verbose::Bool=false) Load the database of the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection. A summary of the statistics available for each matrix can be found at """ function ssmc_db(; verbose::Bool = false) file = jldopen(ssmc_jld2, "r") ssmc = file["df"] last_rev_date = file["last_rev_date"] close(file) verbose && println("loaded database with revision date $last_rev_date") return ssmc end """ fetch_ssmc(group::AbstractString, name::AbstractString; format="MM") Download the matrix with name `name` in group `group`. Return the path where the matrix is stored. """ function fetch_ssmc(group::AbstractString, name::AbstractString; format = "MM") group_and_name = group * "/" * name * "." * format # download lazy artifact if not already done and obtain path loc = ensure_artifact_installed(group_and_name, ssmc_artifacts) return joinpath(loc, name) end """ fetch_ssmc(matrices; format="MM") Download matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection. The argument `matrices` should be a `DataFrame` or `DataFrameRow`. An array of strings is returned with the paths where the matrices are stored. """ function fetch_ssmc(matrices; format = "MM") format ∈ ssmc_formats || error("unknown format $format") paths = String[] for (group, name) ∈ zip(, push!(paths, fetch_ssmc(group, name, format = format)) end return paths end """ ssmc_matrices(ssmc, group, name) Return a `DataFrame` of matrices whose group contains the string `group` and whose name contains the string `name`. ssmc_matrices(ssmc, name) ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "", name) Return a `DataFrame` of matrices whose name contains the string `name`. ssmc_matrices(ssmc, group, "") Return a `DataFrame` of matrices whose group contains the string `group`. Example: `ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "HB", "bcsstk")`. """ function ssmc_matrices(ssmc::DataFrame, group::AbstractString, name::AbstractString) ssmc[occursin.(group, .& occursin.(name,, :] end ssmc_matrices(ssmc::DataFrame, name::AbstractString) = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "", name)
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
""" installed_ssmc() Return a vector of tuples `(group, name, format)` of all installed matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection. """ function installed_ssmc() database = Artifacts.select_downloadable_artifacts(ssmc_artifacts, include_lazy = true) installed_matrices = Tuple{String, String, String}[] for artifact_name in keys(database) hash = Base.SHA1(database[artifact_name]["git-tree-sha1"]) if artifact_exists(hash) matrix = tuple(split(artifact_name, ['/', '.'])...) push!(installed_matrices, matrix) end end return installed_matrices end """ delete_ssmc(name::AbstractString, group::AbstractString, format = "MM") Remove the matrix with name `name` in group `group` and format `format`. """ function delete_ssmc(group::AbstractString, name::AbstractString, format = "MM") artifact_name = group * "/" * name * "." * format meta = artifact_meta(artifact_name, ssmc_artifacts) (meta == nothing) && error("Cannot locate artifact $(artifact_name) in Artifacts.toml.") hash = Base.SHA1(meta["git-tree-sha1"]) if !artifact_exists(hash) println("The artifact $(artifact_name) was not found on the disk.") else ssmc_nbytes = artifact_path(hash) |> totalsize remove_artifact(hash) println("The artifact $(artifact_name) has been deleted, freeing up $(ssmc_nbytes |> format_bytes).") end end """ delete_all_ssmc() Remove all matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection. """ function delete_all_ssmc() hashes = Artifacts.extract_all_hashes(ssmc_artifacts, include_lazy = true) ssmc_nbytes = 0 for hash in hashes if artifact_exists(hash) ssmc_nbytes += artifact_path(hash) |> totalsize remove_artifact(hash) end end if ssmc_nbytes == 0 println("No matrices to remove. All SSMC matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection have already been cleared.") else println("All matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection have been deleted for a total of $(ssmc_nbytes |> format_bytes).") end end """ manage_ssmc(; sort_by::Symbol=:name, rev::Bool=false) Opens a prompt allowing the user to selectively remove matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection. By default, the matrices are sorted by name. Alternatively, you can sort them by file size on disk by specifying `sort_by=:size`. Use `rev=true` to reverse the sort order. """ function manage_ssmc(; sort_by::Symbol = :name, rev::Bool = false) # Get all installed ssmc matrices ssmc_hashes = SHA1[] ssmc_matrices = String[] ssmc_sizes = Int[] database = Artifacts.select_downloadable_artifacts(ssmc_artifacts, include_lazy = true) for ssmc_matrix in keys(database) ssmc_hash = SHA1(database[ssmc_matrix]["git-tree-sha1"]) if artifact_exists(ssmc_hash) push!(ssmc_hashes, ssmc_hash) push!(ssmc_matrices, ssmc_matrix) ssmc_nbytes = artifact_path(ssmc_hash) |> totalsize push!(ssmc_sizes, ssmc_nbytes) end end if isempty(ssmc_matrices) println("No matrices to remove. All SSMC matrices from the SuiteSparseMatrixCollection have already been cleared.") else # Sort ssmc_problems and ssmc_sizes if sort_by === :name perm = sortperm(ssmc_matrices; rev) elseif sort_by == :size perm = sortperm(ssmc_sizes; rev) else error("unsupported sort value: :$sort_by (allowed: :name, :size)") end ssmc_hashes = ssmc_hashes[perm] ssmc_matrices = ssmc_matrices[perm] ssmc_sizes = ssmc_sizes[perm] # Build menu items menu_items = similar(ssmc_matrices) for i in eachindex(ssmc_matrices, ssmc_sizes) menu_items[i] = @sprintf("%-30s (%s)", ssmc_matrices[i], ssmc_sizes[i] |> Base.format_bytes) end # Prompt user ts = @sprintf("%s", sum(ssmc_sizes) |> Base.format_bytes) manage_ssmc_menu = TerminalMenus.request( "Which problems should be removed (total size on disk: $ts)?", TerminalMenus.MultiSelectMenu(menu_items; pagesize = 10, charset = :ascii), ) # Handle no selection if isempty(manage_ssmc_menu) println("No matrices have been removed.") else # Otherwise prompt for confirmation println("\nThe following matrices have been marked for removal:\n") index_items = Int.(manage_ssmc_menu) for item in menu_items[sort(index_items)] println(" ", item) end print("\nAre you sure that these should be removed? [Y/n]: ") answer = strip(readline()) |> lowercase # If removal is confirmed, deleting the relevant files if isempty(answer) || answer == "yes" || answer == "y" for index_item in index_items ssmc_hash = ssmc_hashes[index_item] remove_artifact(ssmc_hash) end println("Removed ", length(manage_ssmc_menu), " matrices.") else println("Removed 0 matrices.") end end end end # Return total size on a disk of a file or directory function totalsize(path::String) if !isdir(path) return filesize(path) end total = 0 for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(path) total += root |> filesize for file in files total += joinpath(root, file) |> filesize end end return total end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using SuiteSparseMatrixCollection using Test @testset "fetch test" begin ssmc = ssmc_db() matrices = ssmc[ (ssmc.numerical_symmetry .== 1) .& (ssmc.positive_definite .== false) .& (ssmc.real .== true) .& (ssmc.nrows .≤ 10), :, ] @test size(matrices, 1) == 3 for (group, name) ∈ zip(, for format ∈ SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.ssmc_formats path = fetch_ssmc(group, name, format = format) @test isdir(path) ext = format == "MM" ? "mtx" : "rb" @test isfile(joinpath(path, "$(name).$(ext)")) end end end @testset "select test" begin ssmc = ssmc_db() bcsstk = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "bcsstk") @test size(bcsstk, 1) == 40 bcsstk_small = bcsstk[bcsstk.nrows .≤ 100, :] @test size(bcsstk_small, 1) == 2 hb_bcsstk = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "HB", "bcsstk") @test size(hb_bcsstk, 1) == 33 hb_matrices = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "HB", "") @test size(hb_matrices, 1) == 292 end @testset "fetch by name test" begin ssmc = ssmc_db() subset = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "Belcastro", "") @test size(subset, 1) == 3 matrices = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, "Belcastro", "") for (group, name) ∈ zip(, for format ∈ SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.ssmc_formats path = fetch_ssmc(group, name, format = format) @test isdir(path) ext = format == "MM" ? "mtx" : "rb" @test isfile(joinpath(path, "$(name).$(ext)")) end end end @testset "installed test" begin downloaded_matrices = installed_ssmc() for matrix ∈ [ ("Pajek", "Stranke94", "RB"), ("Belcastro", "human_gene2", "MM"), ("Mycielski", "mycielskian2", "RB"), ("Mycielski", "mycielskian2", "MM"), ("Pajek", "Stranke94", "MM"), ("Mycielski", "mycielskian3", "MM"), ("Mycielski", "mycielskian3", "RB"), ("Belcastro", "human_gene2", "RB"), ("Belcastro", "mouse_gene", "RB"), ("Belcastro", "mouse_gene", "MM"), ("Belcastro", "human_gene1", "MM"), ("Belcastro", "human_gene1", "RB"), ] @test matrix ∈ downloaded_matrices end end @testset "delete test" begin path = fetch_ssmc("HB", "1138_bus", format = "MM") delete_ssmc("HB", "1138_bus", "MM") @test !isdir(path) path = fetch_ssmc("HB", "illc1033", format = "RB") delete_ssmc("HB", "illc1033", "RB") @test !isdir(path) delete_all_ssmc() @test installed_ssmc() == Tuple{String, String, String}[] end
[ "MPL-2.0" ]
using Pkg.Artifacts using ArtifactUtils using DataFrames using JLD2 const ssmc_url = "" const ssmc_jld2 = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src", "ssmc.jld2") db = jldopen(ssmc_jld2, "r") matrices = db["df"] # mat files are not recognized as artifacts formats = ("MM", "RB") nmatrices = size(matrices, 1) * length(formats) const artifacts_toml = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "Artifacts.toml") global k = 0 fails = String[] for format ∈ formats global k for matrix ∈ eachrow(matrices) k += 1 url = "$ssmc_url/$format/$($(" println("$k/$nmatrices: ", url) try add_artifact!( artifacts_toml, "$($($(format)", url, lazy = true, force = true, ) catch push!(fails, end end end length(fails) > 0 && @warn "the following matrices could not be downloaded" fails